HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-04-12 - Newport Harbor Ensign• ...... ,., ... ~ ---. ... 1 a a 4 • • 7 •.• 10 11 11 11 14 •• 1e 17 •••• 10 •• aa aa 14 n 1e 17 ze ... An Indrpc-ndmt ="'nt 'loaf>cr CO\'ttlog the ~tin ciH of Newport Beach . 5 Cents ----~ CDM Post Office to Get New Home I A n<"w building will ~ construc-t------....:....- ed for th<' Corona del ~tar Post ~"'-~ OHt('{' and "ill ~ ready for occu-1 ~&1/ ""* ): \•em<' Wa tt:On announ(.'(>d ~~ter-1 ~ 1 pane} by Aug. 1. Postrnastt>r ~-"' ' J -~ da~ . .:...i;? "' ThC' IOC'8 lion 1 fln Orchtd A 'e . .v t~:=3-~~~·~;;:=;;:J~::;;:=:;:=T:=:~~~~~i~~B~~~~~Ji::=~ nt th first a ll£>\ nurth or tht> • h 1 I! h " a > adjol nim; llubbanf !'. ~h .. JJ ~<'n ICP Station. The Po~t Offt('{' bwldinl! "ttl l'X' COil!< I ruc•tf'd h ' F C: H ubbard. 110 Orrhtd A \'(' \\ho \\8!>. tht• !\UCl·r•ssful biddt'r on 1 hr pr oposal to pro' Jd t• Ol '\\ quar- 1N<. ,\J•chttrct Fr·<'dt•r·il'k. l lod~dnn ol Balboa J)tJnnd '" nO\\ pr('patin~ plan<-lur 1 h l• 30xRtl t-ut ldllll! \lu111 l'ntran<'<' wtll ~fin 1 lrrldd A'• lltl!h\\a\ P o.t Olftl't' dt•ll\- r rrn. \\til lX' n1ftdf t hmu~h H ~tdl' c·utran!'t> on thl' a lit•\ Thl'H "ill h< !\IMl'(' for pttrktn~ on tlw a rea l)f'"\c·•·n th< butldms:: und tlu• c;cr- \H~' !>ol&tron Con'ltrut·taon '" t ,. J~t'<'H d tn tx-~:;in about Ma~ 1 .. 'it:\\ llfl :MY-T H -Bt. uf tlw C urun.• tl•l \l.tr p.,,t n r 1• •·· f PL•n t., r·r..-.d•·rk k llf>d!:t!"n. eoa.t, 10 Pro~te Sh. Off. Pl I D -d WeD lear CDII tp... tee an s roppe N£'\\ informatton on th Sh£'11 T h< l1mt: dm"n nut n ·uttttli••"' t,., • \\I''" 11 hu.i ~~ \\ • ·l'••··•rl In •• •· •\ ,., 1tnd h'<i< tul •ldt r .:sor. • ,,, c .. r:u-:-1• rl• •a tt 1i l I Ill I "'" ... , .rr.t" - "T' !(~ lu:l -Oil drtlhn~ OJl('ra unn bt•htnd Co-f111 t'fon\l•rtcn ,, turm • 1 nun•·· tona Jlitthlands was Jtl\l."n 10 th£> S\\t'f'J"~~'I mtu a ,htr>-<•11111 h•t r Count> Board of Supeni!IOn; TUes-bt't'n forma II\ nt,.mdorwcl tl\ I hi' .:u. <•t nnh n• ~ 1 ot:•t'k'tr"" P1 t uh c.· ~nrton 'u:rl n th• "rt \'-<~1!, At'••rn•' Ita n t"l<>dl<t''l ",, ... ,·n-..t 1 J( t• rl i ' C'Jt' • l:t.tuu·s. •o ranet I the ru;lf iact h. · '" n ht I'll\ .llld t h l't'.;tr t" r !11• 11 mpl( - 1111?' •ht• h•r .. ollac t 1 ~oj{'\'' And ttl Cit' ~llwa~.:t r .lnht "" m -. "a" -'"; n 1 h t• 'i'"l~ttll 11 • • dl'-JI""· da~ b~ W G Perrow, chairman Chambt't of Cnmmt'l"l'~' · of t he oil stud~ committt.>e for the ~tonda~ 1'\t>ninlit tht ('It~ \nun· Corona d I Mar Cl\ic Association. cil r<'Cf'iH•d a 11-th 1 'lt:n<'d b~ H t:' !;Aid hl' had 'i itPd the tl(' Cham~r P rtc' rdt•n t Tnm Norwn a.nd hod tx>cm infot-mf'd tha t thl' ~latins.: that tht> bid! 1111 thl' thrf'f' ft rst \\'('II had h<'<'n a bandon<'d and phaso.>s of t.'Omplt·llnt:: t ht' pro- a new one is being unk nearby. • post>d shit>-<>ffi('l' c M'l'C·d Nl thr H(' asked if such n cha nge re-I ~:!iooo l's t1ma w b~ S3 noo an d q w r C'd a n~" \8rtancl.' ~l<'rmtt from tht•rc•fon• lh<' Board o! D rrN'IIlt"" th<' Planntn): C'ommisston ond the l dl'<.'tdf'd to gh1• up thP JIIC'IJ~·<'I Su~n tsor._. and was told tha t a .. 111 time ot naiiC'Inal t•m••n!l'lll~ n<'" P<'~mJI . ~'out~ bt> r~qwred. • when th<' com:f'n a tic1n ,,f fund .... Pl_anntn~ Du E'Cl01 \ha.tles H. man)Xl\\ l'r and !'I rn ll•ltk nl!llt'l'llll" Dt~~s ":as told to lnvesu~ate. is r p ·mt-impo1 tanct• .. tho ll't· 'f!lts mformatlon "as. n·,_e~t<'d 1~1•0 st a~~d "tht• Cha ml~'r rlt·t·tdl'd dunnJt a d t <'W:<~ion of cu i dn lhng. 10 tak e th~s t 'Pas 1111 t''·'"'""' nt as r('preM•ntatiH' of thl." Coastal l CommattN' AJ:amst 011 \\'ell ex- phunrd tht•tr I'C'QUt'SI fnt banninl't oil drllhn~-: a lone thl• Orange <;.:ount~ Coa-.tal st np frC'Im :'\<'w - 1101'1 10 San Cll'ml'ntC' Cha11 man \\'tllis \\'am <'• ~td h<' \\ouh1 rail a m('rtmc or thl' SUJX'n t!\of"-nnd 1 h(' Plan nan,;: Cum- m i. tonl'l"" to o:tud~ thl' rount~ zonin~ ord ma nCl' fm )l()J>s1blt' r<'- ' i,;ion m ord<'r to J'<'~l ra·t t ht• 011 drilling. Public h<'a ring.., would tx- held on such rl•vision proposals. Wright Is Named Rotary President Rnh nd \\'right :'\P\\ pm 1 I I• t ·hi-. l'<''ldl nl und malliJL•tt'cll th "'"' p.wt Bra nch of t hP Jliw" \111- c-rka. "a!> C'lf'<'lt'd plf•std o•nt •I t lw ;-..:.-" pc11 1 -R<t lhoa R n 1 a 1 ' < 'luh Tuesda~ m.:;h t a t \\'htlt··, P 11 k A\l' C'af{' on Balhna J.._la nd ll'ttt•r t lt.l'lt "plan~ CDM Pilot Killed In Korea ActiOn ~eam' hi I<' m Nt>wpor t. Ctty Attorn<') II a rr·~· Blod~t'll rul('d at Monda y ('\'<'ning's C"'ounr tl me<.'ting tha t thl' cit,· ordinant't" limiting sla nt drlUinJt· to t he-a rea westerly of 53rd St. In Wt'sl N('wport is a \'a lid <'Xt'rclse Of City poJie<> pow- {'T'S. It is just as valid as a zoning ordinan('{' limlting cl."rtain kinds of buiJdlngs to cx>rta in areas. he Mid In reply to a request of the West Nt'wport Iropro,·ement Asso- ciation. which had charged that th(' oil drilling ord.lnance was dis- criminatory to areas easterly or 53rd St. and was tht"refore in\'aUd. OthN· dlr<'C IOrl'. all ,•tu·tt•d II' \'ict' prt'sid<.'nts o! tlw or~anlla­ tion. are R . ~ Lacl'rlnf 11t'an Bradford. l\ta urit' Stante~ nnd n·- tiring presid('nl Vin J orgensl'n. a ll of Newport H eig hts . and John Kt"eler and Bob Callis of Corona ~1aJor Scoll G. Gler has bt•u 1 de l MaT. The O('W offiC<'I'S "ill tx• k1lll'd 111 action in Korea, his "l· ins tall('d at a Rotary mePIIIll:!' in 1 dn\\ lh me •n Conona del ~tar ha<~ July. The president-t-il'<'! \qlt np-h<'l'n inlorm{'d b) the_ Oepartmt'nt point a £>Cretary. o! f\<l(('n <:l' Tht> ~tannc.> pilot "as shot do " n by l'nemy small arm" fi rl' "htle on a m1ssion o,·er Chnt - \\t•n ~tan•h 21. thE' 1)(-par tml'nt nt 'Ot•f••nsr tt•ll'cram reportt>d 0 • I R Jho: "idO\\ II\~ a t the famtl~ .,. aces ere l homr. 6fl9 Larkc:pur A\'t:' .. \\ith 4· M--.a.. '&' \I'Rr-<lld daudllt•t J ean a nd 3-Har -1~ cs-('re"' CourM' ('hart Pr;. 5) old -.on ~COli Olh('l' SUI.\1\0rs a rC' Thousands or specta tors on shor<' th<' major's moth£'r. ~t n; \' ~~ on both ides of the Lido Chnnn<'l G1rr of ~ant a Barbara . two stc;- Turk<'Y and trlmmin's "i ll bt> and along the bluff In :'\<'"pont-l<'rs. ~ta-o: \\"anda BaJ:b~ or Sant'l the fll.re f£>atured tonight CThurs-Heights and Cliff Ha,·l'n w tll Ra rbara and Mn; J£>rr~ L ~1 C'Col­ da) I "'he n the Balboa Ul~nd Busi-watch th(' Ina ujl\lrAI l ntC'rcolll."-lorn. nO\\ e n roUtt> to C'ht>rr~ Pomt. ness Association meets at White's ~iate Crew Re~a tta SaturdA~ af-:"orth Ca rohna. Park A,·e. Cafe. Included in. the 1 ternoon. :'>1~ ~IC'Collom'~> hu!'band ~1a­ program, beside 8 short busmess Anchor&J:e spat'(' hall I'X'I'n prn· l'llll' l.t M_<.'Cflllnm. h~td Sl'en ~lt\J<ll II<' slon. "'111 be movlt"s or crew re-vidc<J for spectator boat!'~ 111 lhr r lt 1 tn Konn an<! had rNm·nc:rl gatta races. firtish line but 110 mm·('ml'n t nf from dut~ on the Kor('a wa1 frn~t hoats wlll. be jX'rmitt<'d 10 th1• juq the d:1~ a fh't th< m:n•r " New Art Exhibit North Lido t'hannt'l bPh \t'l'n nonn d•arl . a nd 4 fl. m. and no boats'"" t,.-_Mnjor ,'·•rr "a~ a '~l l'n!n .~lf A'dl~~· of ~atMnpor&ry art allowed to follow th<' rRCl'~. \\nl ld \\a r 11. hA \IIll:. 1'£'1\t d -~ mL; Ill lht• n '••·~~· f'• J'lt r n htd; th~ ~t'~>ll'<l af'(' Be b Alh n of Raltln."l Clr.tmbo•t h:•rt J• · • 1 lt.,.,'fl !rorr. ·~c L~land. \\ho wa~ dt h•a tt'd fc r "" ,.,,t.nt)~ f01 " At ~htJCl~ \\nn'l t'l<'<''lon in 1 94~ afhl M~nml.' 1\ .. o ·' "'hll' It~ 0 . Z Robt rt~..t·n d ft'att-d High School Area Annexing Urged ="''" l· 'I . • • f t I I , ... I f I •• .~.... t:l t't.,l 'f :\1t'l'l ill• IO~iloHtl < r;.lt; .. v I ,.,,..., nlrl\ll'' IHl •• ctrltl nna! -.; •-• In rc 1 1\t ·\roil l" nNI Ht t"'-•·<1 !hat th• Cuwwll n .tk<' a po!-tll\ t ' ,. 111·n 1t 111 n: t I • l'l': ·.._ ""''"""" to .. """' 1 ;o hn call at llw !Itch ~chool "'"'''' th1~ a~~ur- ·llll'• "Ill m fluenn lrn rail'" ( 'ounr tlmnn Fin<'h th<'n !'Uf=· ,.;c• ... lo•d that Rnnrxat •on wCluld a - .. u rt• t h1 hu:h !'t'ht'IOI dlstnct of t•) Bradt n F tnt'h a ) t'er uJ.:o Tom :Xcrton "ho ran !ourth m lact .'•a(" t I <'t • ll n. R-.alt"r Ralph )1askt:') and Carl Hanna. n hl na" JW t et•t,dudl·d a .. n·o· .. lolul Rl'<l C'm<'" fur:d dr .. • ;;.nd l" ..... n tnt: 8" dt>pUI) ('1\ J! Ut '• n'-t dirM:tr~ Dtck ll!:tk1 H•l K (lff•l't n tt1<' ~· fo:-:n· • .~'ton •""~' L • .lttnL' h .1 ~ I• K B • r and P."'' Gro 1-.' !!• ha'-sr ""'"'•'<~ lnh' r " ~h<>II ·''tl• at·,· t1" d.-..: TJ .. nd 1~t•ld ·h,.t pl•!--1'10' U"l' I ,\( \' lll~l \•a \\l'tt !l ·,~. ... i·holl .,., 1 tt·d 'nr r l-t rtrd '\ r' bt r. I m:J\Or T n• Dntt:• ~ .. , d tho <'rutrh r.- •• , 111 ;:.·uJ r• .~ . ,.,, "i\ 1 k to l .1 Hn\ r• F r..ru·• 411d t • • n l!tt un 1t ~P<t n P • t u • • • h• P.l\ 11 ra l l.ih Au .. t t, 1 Gt rm'ln~ JIC'IIto nd 1 ad Dt r.murl, :'\(If\\ :a' •• nd ~"' 1- d• . ~C'\ltland Enf"~d bark to lht ronttnl."n' rondodin~ t h tr tnp w ith an C'\tf'rtdf'd ta~ tn Par~'-The~ plop to T tum to th<'tr homt.'l" m Corona Hts;hland." "C'Imt'· timr befC'IrE' C"hnstmas ln\lt'l rotC'~> and also wfluld man W -~~wJijllg Site "•"•n~:s rn o!hn "l'ntre~ ... ___ __ T lw hto• m~uranC'f' matt<'r "as ~~r,·;.r;~d ,., C•" \hmaJ,:rr ,lC'Ihn Js £1jajnatel · h II C'it ' Council \otl'd Monda.) t>\."t'-~1a'' Da'' Brune nm~ ·to elimmat(' the smau boat ~ -launchm~ ra mp 1n Carnation COH' Tl•t· annual \1a ' n.n hrunch to Corona del !\1ar a nd en. tructC'd bt. 1!1' ('n b\ 1 h(> i.tontamt rs Club C1t~ ~laruJ;:er .loh.n .~ lor~> to s k lor tht• tx-n.('fll of th<· Car l H an l.") another sit£ for launctunJ: Homt' ror C'rtppll'd ChaldN'n \\"'ll Tht> action "8-ta k('n on th<' mdud a ma~ polf' dan('('. a('('Ord· .::rounds that Carnatm n C<n€' ha me to \11"" Fd" Rrd Nitn,_:('r clubl ck>\'elo[l('d tnto a l"f'Sld nttll l a rea pn•o:1d;•nt "h1ch •~ be-me dJ turtx>d b~ lht" ~t n u1u1~ \\'rq hl'ati.! thr d<'-('arl) mormn)! nutsan('(' of no t ~ l'(lratton anrl t'tlk~o <'t'mm II<'<' boat launchmlo!'-The AO.fnot t' \l tth :\tr .. I • "" \\'t"~l :\1•, 0\m-mt nt at tht> ,,._,t elf <. rnattc'n CO\(' ,tid Pr tt•,....c>n ,md \11" Cia' ton w 111 ht• c it a n-d r,,l U'-• \~ a hath- ! Am, """i"llt .: t )the; , t-Hnn<'n tnj:. ~ach "' \lr-.. ('.,,' • rl<'kt n ••c. rnzc~: \Jr-.. \'t r 1 \\ 1 hRm" puhhnt) · \!1 ~ Lttlll" • \\'tq tlt't<t l " and \1 , l.tllll' ; ot 1• ~-r •• n.:tm("nts ' ......... nc ... atta Dir<'CIOI' Ha~ l .i~!li.!C'I1· mnntho; Ill l ht ~(\Ui h r rtclfll .,~ a -M"tnl-ah8tra<"tl01llst-"...-.na hl'·m"'has askC'd all boats in th<• i\lt\ltl :nl.ltot l k lnd J:l•m Ill T H 1 Bl d Dri pr~tH at tM tJutp Build-Jl~t·bor,IO "full dre.s hlp" (Cll' thr Knt.l'a Ja .. l ':l\t•ml!''' Ht• \\A'-•t I 0 e p 00 ve Park Co11111issioa r.n Be Fonaed ~~ ~=· ~!:.•:t!:~:':!;~ dav as Callfomla, Stanford. t'Cl.A nl\11\l' nl Ct('at f-alls '1•'111ana. p, put~ P11·N'tn1 C tl ltann8 ~~~-and u C row a~alnst C'ach Olhl't An i r .,tlt d JI'IW )\Illf' 111 . 1'1" ntflll'~'<" t h:1 1 n\ll dt•ll n"L \\:t m: ::=.~,~~~~ :!~~~~ l rorth('~hrsttlrne lnthC'SAml'r:H'f' hn:lw '''"11• IY·<":ntsl' h· .tad "~""'!''' tol •nlt .. • 1h1 11 l•ln.k l' pta\n"' play ~ ... prH!IIMs of IH'r Th<'l'i' w ill I><' a Jnnlm· \'arsit~ hts ho~ hl~t·d lhl't t• 1u f'h' 1111 h1{1(\d cltlnOr ~ lor tht• ~t """ tAt troallll~ IJa.ropt>. rat't" at 2 p. m and the> Varsl t~· Bl•"llldrtlt•hll"' '1!-tt at tht Amt r can 'I"'M-.. !diiMt wftl Int. fw ..., raC<.' at 3.30 ll· m. C"t\lifornla "Ill Tt'll '\ THE \\ \ T<'tlt "' .\111::.\0 J.•'l!lon Hall nl''\1 Thur~n ~ t-r-- W'f'tftra ... will 1M> ........ ly I)(-in Lan(' ], UCl to LAI1<' 2. Yf'u'tc l'ClUMd to he Ill' hnu t lrlh' 1\\t't'n ,\ ~ml '7 J' m Plf'd.:t c::3rd.' ,._ 1 .. 1 ._ -. ._. • ...._ 'SC In Lane 3 a nd Stanford ln • <.'Om' ~ •nd:ty, ltla da~ lt~ht n n.:: t•an bt> obtllltm-d 11t R~ ~ -• ... "-'*' fl't bp ttl l.An<' -1 for th ~ \'ar ltr raCE'. Lann ttrw \\•II th.w b..· an t'll~t t~nd llt•l\dquartt'r--2(ll b land A'' if • ......_ 1are num bt•r<'d from i 1n 4 begin-~ ou II h111' <' to »t. 1 ) ow u nwpiC<'t." • R lll.,, . ll r h.1r 1 ;, or at C"'J' -..,..,......., __ ..,........,...., .... ....,....,.....,__ ning on the Lido side. a hN\d ont.• hout I ·h n ~· headqua rtl'n> tn ()" J .. , 1 An ord m:\nc, t st tllh<.h,n a Ctt~ Park &-a~tl l\nd J'li'M' tiC'Il CC'Im· m1ss tnn i.... . cht·uukd til rt'('('t\' r.nal a pprO\ n l nt 111<' nt 1 mN t tnC! tll <:'1t~ Cvuncil Apn l Z.~ and ",II ht.'('<'lm~· ptf('('tJ\t 30 d ) !at r. Councl pas..'t\'d lt to t~ nd rt'adtn~ at Ia t Monda~ r\<'run~·s 1"0£'( tJn~ and als 'l'ltcd t o di tru tt h\c·mE>m~·r Park and R('('n'e- \i{•n ComrrultN". '11l1nday. Apil II. 1.1 [~~:~~~?.::~:8 I ifif~~~~~~J :ttf:!f!JJ#r!JJ [·:~~~:~~~~~i.?,~~~~~:~~:: : :: J A 1;;11 1 ch.,llt•n~_,. and 6 \\Orth· Y)IC"A mo\l•nwnt lud ht>t·n found-k~-'AL 9 jjf LAar Toward th t>nd or an t'\'t!'ntful o(fi('('. It'« an tmroortant decision w tuh• nu iun ftlt' 11IH'!\d for Paul Nil. A il r J •-Council nwelin& Monday ~vening, too. because tht> p..•rson who is ap- F Dt>lp. tht• nt'\\ 1.> nppoLntt'd L;l'n-On hu. n·turn to C"~tltfornla, he ~;::: ~.......... Councilman Dick Dt1lk t' reached fiOintcd "il1 ~\'l a h<>ad start In <'nll -: tNat.> ol th • l't'<'t'nt)) or-"~ 011 tlw :-IIlii at t'h. pman Col-O\t'r' and handed City Clerk tht• <'ampaiWI for tht> April, 1952 gantz<'d Ot"'ll\l:t!' Coa 1 YMCA. lt'1,!t> tor· nwh• than HI )'t:>a.rs. tladl-Ad~rt111n•--·-CORWIN ROOT Cha.t•llt' £'2·ic-st a lt>lt('r. CharUe Council l'lcction. H<' ('C('(ltt'd thb re ponstbility in~: . ociolo~n. later lx>eomtnJ: pi"\}-Tit!: ENSIGN II Pllblllh~ e~ry read the lett('t', and that was the from amon~ \l ntl O()l'nln~. bfo-r SOl' of ptulo ph) ~~~~·L:'a~n-i~L~rh~rs~e,.~r_:. tin;t anno~ncxoment of the t-c igna- cau....-h<'rt> 1.1 thl.' t'llRlll'n~l' of a In 19-14 lw w nt anto YMCA to 5 p.m Mond!l_throu&b Frl<tay. tion or Mr. Drak<'. JIIOO('t.'rV'!st job in o ('Ommunity \\Ork. rirst at th<' ~oJlywood Y as avasCJU:Pnulf BATES • .. whc.>l'(' Y on,"ttnitation is at its n•ry bo~ ,;('('l'<'tUIY for (1\t' ~CII.N. Our-&''e ~ear · --·-•-: Tlwlatb..a~ tlli'Hl4 !~,n1f ~nnin~ ins: thost> }t•ars h(' b«'am ac-ut 0 Harbo~..!,~!J. --· . ...$3. ''"'Y ...,..~,...._. aa •. _.....,._,. ·rht" scholar!~ Y official, a 43· quaintrd ''ith Itt-\'. Paul E. Bab-0 1\e Year .. . ... _ -SUO .,.X:fM'~, •• llr. Orale&~- y(•ar-old b.'\Cht>.lor. bt-J.ran his job h1~t. now pastor tlf th<' COI'Ona del Ollt Qf Harbor An: --$2.50 ll4"'f ex~ lt. h~ltac aed h<'IC' Alml 1. li1s fi'J11t mission Mat• Commumt~ ('tlw'Ch, tht'n a • AWD~~ coa.•tr.cthf', aiMI aMb-6\...,....1 has bf'1•n .~.tt>UinJ: acquaintro. \•is-sociat•• ministl.'l' ot th(' Hollywood ~ ... c...a-~---~.h. ,u.., ..r:*~Yia ~--:_ott ilin~: I hi' Oran~re Coast Y district C'onRJ't'~tllonal C'hur<:h. where Mr. -• ---r .... or par .... _ -&- 'whwh coincid{'il with the Oran~ l)(>lp was minlstl'r ot t-ducatlon. tropnlltaa water !or tlala dty- C'I»t'\1 C'ull<'J.r<' di.strit't I, lea.rnin~ l\Jr. 1.)(-Jp wl.'nt to San Ft•a ncl eo aacl ...... ' aMat .,.,....,._., la aow Mhout tht• n('(.'()s uf th(' rommuni-Ill l!H9 and S('l'\'ed IJ<; dJrt'(.'tor of Janet K,·ng C'Uft\lacfod tllat "1thoat llf!boo- llMi. the child dt•\'t•lopn'h•n t pi'Of.rl'!iln for· 1"-'1~• \\'At..r· lhr f'lty woald lit• tt. an Ilhnoi<: nath•t>, was tlw Y lor IJ yl'ar-:md 1.1 haiL \\'hl.'n rf'aJJ) ~ la • nx. II•• "•' a l80 ll(ll'll tht>h• in 1Cll17 He came to llud;:-t>t truubh.•s IOI't't'd abandon-Is Honored ··--tf'QM("atal ,. putllal[ Ut(lules ~ulh<'nt C'alrfomta m 1919 wit h ment ••r th:.ll llh•~.;r.lm. Mr. i.X'Ip ta~ 08 thfl hook... llA4 that ha• tw; par{'nts. \\ hn ,. tltblishf>d thrir I <.'OJt.,.idt•l't J M '\ t 1 ul ••t>t•nin~"' for Y ;ubJH tM dty to ~rry o•t a homt> 1n Holt~" nod Tlwre hr jt~l~ -· · 111 l'hot•lll:\ Bt•H·II~ lltU • :\U s Jan<'t Kini:. 611 Iris A\'(', umbt•r or mwh D~-dt'CI t.mpr.n-f'• mad,. tn Nul\ <"'JU:-trntance \\ith S3t·mnwntu ~tucktun ant.l ht'l'{' Cot'On:t d(•l ~1ar. who will be mar-mc>nt'-la aclclJtloe to makfft,_. lhf' lh1• Y jointttt lht' If o II) \\ o o d llt•n• IIW m"-d ~•'I'Jnt'<i t'll'Utt'l . c.llld l'it'd Sundt!~ lO !\1ark Mons('n of firAt r·NitK'IInta Ia lbt'l t'lt)• C't>"ft· YM\ A h•arning to ~'~' im tht'rt' so ht•n• ht• t-unw C'A>sta l\1('sa, \Hls honot•Pd ~(;'St at r ral tax Ia maay )'eara. nd pla)rn~": b:t.,kNb:tll ln ronltott'IH'<' ''"" lo•adth in 1\ kitch(.'n sh<\w(.'r gJ\t'f\ b) Patty "Tht>re is tremendous room for Afh 1 gradu.tllon from Holly-th(.' rommun11w' ht• 1 ... b..'<.'Omrn~o: 1-'r-ahm. 412 Fl'l'nl(.'af An· .. on imprcw<'m<'nt in our local itua- ''ot.ld lilt!h Sdtt'<ll. h<' attt>nded acquaintNi \\ilh tlw t'Ommunltws' Tu da~ t'\~ninE: ol last w<'ek. tion," hi' N'markl'd lat('r that t'\'t'- tlw l 'rll\ N"'>tt~ of Rl'<!lnnd. ... "ork-n<'<.'d.! and problt.·m~. and out uf Guest wt're M.i~ es ~uc Dodd. nin~ nll<'r h t> had mad<-his dra· 1n~ ht' \\'ll) throu~h collct:tt> by that und nstandin~: he ,,;u h('lp Carol Anderson. Mikel Bums. a nd matlc announ('{'mrnt of r('Signa· ''orkm,:: a s an a~u tant boys' \\Ork d•·H~Iop pro~m... Among the ac-GaU Fr'8hm, and Mmes. Harold tion. Ht-Is ''On\1nced that ('X· t'Cr<'I<U) t th(' Holl~wood Y. He th·ities .beint:t plannt'<l a1't'" urn· No\'ick, Eddie Anderson. M. J . pen <'S ,can. oo tl.trU'Ier gr-eatly re- "11 ~:~ duatt'd from Rrolands in mer swimminu pr'<>gram, ll supe,-. S hannon and Gardner King. Un-duet.'d m Cr t) Ha.ll operations a nd 1928. th(.>n allt>ndl'd California ,·ised play program tor chlldt-en In ablt' to attend but repJ'eS('ntt'd by ~lopes that when the new tax rate Christian Colle~<' 1\\ hich is now the citrc$ and towns, a summer gifts wert' Misses Diane Sc.'dinger IS e tabU hcd, tht're will be an- Chapman Coll"ge). majorinr; in re-camp a t Osct.'OIA l hi~h school stu-and Charl<'ne Chamberlain. and other rt:>d\Jctlon in taxes ror the hg-ious education and sociology. d nts June 19·26: junJor high Mm . Bud Young, Doris Ginger locsl folks. Next he £>am l.'d his Mastc1·'s IX--.::-roup, Junl' 26-July 3: grammar and Maxine Monsen. Prizes ror Now roml'S the que. lion of a gree at USC. school ~'1'0up Aug. 21-28). games ment to M.rs. Shannon a nd suctX'ssor to S('rVc out tfie remain· lt was about this tim<' that he Ht> realiw of t'OUJ'St' that a M.J'S. Anderson. in~t y('ar of Mr-. Drake's term of began thinking or the n~ for a YMCA Pl"'gr·am can only oo a Y training school in this area-l SU<'C'eSSJ\11 a thl· rommw1ity it ('lf th('l'(l was non«.' WI'St of C'hicago-is williJlg to makf' it 3.11d only to Ebell Renames Mrs. Deakt·ns and h(' d id .Om('t.hlns;t about it. H e lhi.' extent that th~· community i W('nt to Chapman C'ollcgt'. pro-\\'illing to assist tht> plans ot thl> po 0d to lhl' presidt...nt of that ntC'A olhcials. school that 8 pro~m ot Y edu· ---- caUon be ln.,tilutNi And thus was UTI~T HERE establrshl'd lhl' f1n;t we-;t coast Waltt•r Bohl, an nr11-.1 from trainan~: cour. 1', "ith ;\5 !ltUdl•nts Phot.'mx ,.i,lted l\11 . and ~Irs. F . W . that first ){.'ar tThP rourst' has I L3rson. 310 Ja mini' An•., Corona • uwc· l>N'n tmru.rt•rr(-d to Whittier del Mar. last w<'ek. ~lr. Bohl Colli'S:•' • \\as recenth honored as an out- Hf• had a.n idt'a that he wanted s ta.ndinEt etclwr by tht' Ari.tona to bt• a rollt'gc> tPaCh<"r. so ht' we-nt Highways ma~azin(•. Mr Bohl i to Scotland to attend tht> UnJ\'er-a broth<'r-in-law of ~1r. l..31wn Mrs C. M . IX-akins. Balboa, was l't'~('ll'<'l t'd a presidt'nt of 1 he NPw- l'l(trt Har·bor Ebf-11 Club a l 1 he t'<'S::Uitu April club mceung held last Thursday at the American Le~ion Hall in !\('~\-port. First ,·ice pN's1dt>nt wiiJ be Mrs. Robert Allen . Balboa: PCOnd vice pre !dent. Mrs. Byron Wells, Bal· baa; rcrordin,:: ecl'('tary. Mrs. E. C. '1'\\·ich<'ll. Balboa: corresponding secl'('tal·y. Mrs. Harry Ca y. Sal· boo: trea urer. M rs. John Lamar. &lbo&: auditor, M rs. Paul Rogers, L1do ls i(', and directors. Mrs. John Oanl('ll. Bay Island. and Mrs. Colin Sro\\n, Bay ~hor<'S. ern Probl('ms.'' Mak.ins;t a pl('a for racial toll'r·~tnet', Mrs. Waldeck showc.'d,how \\'Orld probl<'ms today 1 art> root<'d In the past. ~he dis· cus.<:t'd the or·igin of Eurof)('an n:t· tionalitit' and the ouiJm>wth into statt with problt'ms arising from U h J!I'OWih. Mrs. Jtobt'rt Grle r jr. pre-1 ai~y of Edlnbu.rgh for a year. l.n 1 ~0-31 . "ht>r<' h<' lt>unt'd most ot 11 t ho1 ou~hn in t udite>S. Duruu: 1 thr hohda). hi' Wt'nt down to Lon- don, m t th Y officials thc.>re lit was tn London. in 1844. that the FOR RESULTS Use Ens1gn Want Ada Harbor 1114 II GOOD CONNECTIONS "'' •I •n • 11 ·~ IIIII ~fl difrir11Jt .H'f't'llt N l h~ Wlrllt• tir:lfll'l"it•<; \\ ith In 1•1111 h '' tl 'tl•••·lll":l lr nno· <t ,.1 t'OJ111t'l'lllrtnl llu·l'altl111!" '"'nll-to- 1;1 · ,,., ltut "h••11 11 r••m·''" 111 \\,Ill ~oruiJllun·d hl.,'ldloom the h m· I• '''"'I ., hull><<·ful" nf ,n.,..,. :-.h.trl" '\~ tht' pamtrd wall<; l'll'•lll'i lh,,,·~ .1 dllft'll'lll m tllf'l'. ··,lt•nll ... "\•'1' thP flr)ors ol both l f'• r • \ tn t u• \U\11' 1'n•lrn' lo· rooms .,.q., 1 111 1 •·nntllliJtt\ nf r·olor tn•l I• I·· nf f•Jrnlllhin ·"s And. of ··our'l' it' •mfl(lrtant in a small hom,. hH 11 r It ndd~ to tht> ap- P,.'lrt•nt ,.II ll'lnll"n"'"" of 1 h,. room<.! And it flf tf'n pin\" up nt·chiiM'· tural fl'atur,., to a dr<.'Orati''" ad· vanlt\1:(' ThP "kt'tch aoot-(' Illust-rates a ('a!W 1n point A poorly placed door lX't\\-N'n dining a nd living rooms ha. l>N.-n rcmo,•ed, the cas- mg htls b<'<-n fac<'d ln with ine.x- remlil.<' wallboard. The n wall- pspcr slmulatln~ walnut paneling was uc;cd around lh<' casing and nn ont' UvlnJ.: room wall. Other walls In both rooms ha\'t' b<-t-n Pl\fnt<.>d a warm cocoa brown and 'J Chll \'t~lot !IC't't"lll is :c;upplii'<J hl'rt• h~ ol l-'rPnC'h bhtt> ~l.'<'tlonnl snf:. •tr:ainst tho• nl'll finish of blt•adwl'l m.thoqan) mod<'n1 fur- nishrnJ..-s. The> \\indO\~ box ••xtNJdinv along lhl' window in th(' dining room clt'ar across ont> wall of the living room conn<'cts tht' rooms and adds thai ~a rd<>n touch. U you n('('d new rugs and car- pets in your home rom(' in to see our wide s lcction. You'll rind fine waU-to-wall carpeting priced as Jow as M.15 Pf'r ... yd. And we'll be plea. t'd to help you to I choose the rit:tht colors and pat- terns for your home. Chairman of lh<' nominatin;:: oomm1t tl.'t' was ~"Irs. Marloe Oth- ln<.'l'. The orfiet>t'S were eleet('d unanimously from the slate pr('- S<.'ntt'd. 1\1!·11. C. C. \Valdl'ck spokt> on "lllsttwical nackgrounds of Mod- Plan Day Camp F\m for Girl Srouts of both La- <'ntcd musics! selections, accom- panlro by Mrs. w. L. Schuster ... including " lullaby \\Titten by PrPs.idt.>nl [)('akins and t>t to mu- Ric by h('r daw:htt'r-in-law. Mrs. DuanE> D<-llkins. Plans for the all-day EbeU Sprin t.: Ft•st i\ al on Apdl 26 \Vert' discw St'd. l\tt~ Wt'lls, ~<'neral chairman. introdu<.'<'d Mrs. Clar- t>n('{' Dodd, r€'St'r\'ation chairmM, who I'XplairlN1 that tht• tkkets for lh<' aftl.'f·noon of card.<; and tea will ))(' $1.00. :\frs. Carl J ranna wns lntr"Oduc<'d ns u n<'w nwmtwr. nnd Mr·s . Ro~:er Hannaford has a"o r e c P n t I y joilwd lht• club. Totnl m<'mlwrship is 3 10, L'Uf\<t and thl' Harbor at'Pa is pre-Lunchron hostf' sc for th<' day dktro this summl'l' at rhe annual \\t'rt' Mr~. C. W. Ritchic a nd dn~ camp, chE>dulcd for tht' latter Mrs. E. A. Ros:ers, assisted by Mrs. part of June at o·~eil Park in Thro Robins. Mrs 11. L. Roberds, Tmburo Cruuon. j Mrs. L . E. ~pra~ru<'. Mr~~. Clayton Troop lt'adc>rs and Scout cx!'CU· Thompson. Mrs. M . L. ShN.'Iy and ti\<'S ~~ho ha,·c pa,·ro the way for· Mrs. ~. W. Rit•hardson. " fuU and li\('ly pi'Ogram for the --- girl . a r <' soliciting impromptu h<>lp 1 from moth<'rs and inter<' ted a dults who will supcM"i.sc the ac- ti\ it if' . 1 !':mall children or moth· •'r:-"ho are h('lpini: ''ill be cal'<'d r or at th<' camp. I I Seoul ll.'ad<>r~ who arE' planning rhr pro~&.m nN' Mrs C'. Wa}'n<' C'ro\\ I. :'liP\\'fl()rt dit'('(.'IOI', Mr·s. H. W, l"tlt'k, in rhar~l' O( N]Ui(Jm<'nl; :\trs !':am Stafford, r('(.'Ord k('C'p· int:. Mrs. William Trill, publicity: M1•s Pl'tt>r· Jlill, promotion; Mrs. Arthur Gruell, p('rsonn('l and CO· I m"dina tor, nnd Mrs. E sther Chap- mull, busin€'ss manas::cr. ~luddtak ~alE .. For the Harbor Area }oeNickertz 1415 NewpOrt lhod., N.wpofi AcrcKa fro"' lido Th.atre Phone HArtHw 510 Paal Lee rms Again ill Oratory 1 The Balboa Ray Lions ora tor. li-yt>ar-old Paul l.<'t' of Costa !\l~sa. will romJif'l<' for Uistrict I·E·l champion.,hip In th<' Lions speak -off tn IX' hrld Tursday I'\ r- nin~ at th<' Fl'idav Mtt'rnoon Club· houst• il't Costa l\t€'sa. The 17-y<'ar-old Tfnwaiinn-bom KOt'<'an RtUd('nl will compete against th<' winnf'n; In th<' south citrus rt'nion. \\hich includ~s San DiC'I!O, nnd t hr north cit ru rt'~ion, which ('X t('nds to !':an Bt.'rnardlno. Paul, who is a srnl<lr at Harbor lligh School, won tht> Oran~ttc County titlf' Frid&) ('\'<'ning at the Mnsonic T<'mplc• in S:tnta Ana, comJ)(.'tin~ against spcakt.'rs from th<' Brea-OIInda and San Juan C a p i t r a n o HIJ:h Schools. His ac.hie\emt>nt won for him a gold cup award and n Y>ert>ctual trophy for Harbor Hi~:;h. Dis trict 4 cha mpion.s hip wm be decitk>d at Palm Springs April 28, and the Califom ia-Nc\1lda finals will be held in S tockton June 1 and 2. HELEN R. ROBERTSON, M. D. "NNOUNCES THE OPENING OF HER OFFICE AT 17'4 1 SUPERIOR "VENUE, COSTA MESA Formerly Newport Ave . •GYNECOLOGY AND END.OCRINOLOGY OF~ICE HOURS: By Appoint"'enl Office Phone BEacon 1-508 · Re\id~ce Phone HA~r 3064-W t 1r.t aanw we• h,..nl MHI- tao..ecl "•• Tum SortM. wllo raalalafllyMr'•.,.........aect ma•fl a Jt'oocl .. C*'IDJ wiUI I,.'J \'Ot...._ ( H f' traiiMI 0 . Z. ...... . 1011. "'boiw> l.!fl wu Hl ... ~ ettoacfl to c-atdl up ... ....... f'1Jtcb.) Tom haa .,.._ adlve Ia public affairs. aow e.oNa Ule of- fkle of p,...ad.,.at of tile 0..- IIM-r nf MDIIIt"rt'~ aa4l • .:..Jtecl Rut .. r of tht' local Ellul ~. ftt'l othrr IUUJMI llt8!u..ed With a ~c·.a~ de-al nf IW'riO_,.. Ia lta lph Ma•lwy. t~ rwa.ltor, and tbf' \\ ord I" t-hat bn woalcl be \\1lllnc to .... n.... "" now. m.ol"e about thl• «'UIIUII_.t)' uf OUJ"'I t.hAft probably U)' otltf'r rt•rooon La lht' "orld. II,. hM .. .._ dh'ltk-d a tOOdly por1Joa of tiHl ~lty, has \\MICht"d It I(NW &ad s tut-k It nut durilllt' tltfl roach yt>artt aad ha b .. JPf'd Wltllt Ket~ tlar; lmpro,·f!mf'at la tile d ty. 111M a.c-1«:-re ttOlat o•t ahlo tlaat he wnuld hfo r'f'9rt'IIINit.laa' aa an-a of t~ C'lty tlaat aow lau ao tf'P~tatlon. aact lau a ~ dluak nf t~ popalaU.. ---CHtnl a.ad \\'Ht N.....,.t .... Ucto 1*, with a potMIIaU• of ~•.eoo. Looks like.> tht.' dC"Cision will be made a t the next Council m~ting, Monday cvt'nin~. April 23. (U lt is not dont-within 30 days of the resiRnation a spec-ial ·e I ~ c tl o n would ha\·e to be called.) DIRECTORY CROOL Mrs. Britt's Nursery School Supenisro Play Pre-Kind rtm R('asona ble Ra Lcs Transport& lion F\trnished 701 1\largucrit<', COM HA 87()-J 111181() ~~aretL. Scharle Teecher of Plano Organist-Accompanist Evmlng Cluat'S for Adults 307 GOLDENROD AVE. Corona del Mar Lawrence K. Gundrum, M.D. 1741 Superior A\'(', Costa Mesa Practic..x-Limitt'd to DiS<'as<'s of tht-1-:ar. Nose and Throat and AIIC'rgy Office Hours: by Appointment BEacon 6508 or HArbor 1036 Day or Night Phone HArbor 1138 FUNERAL DIRECTOR Baltz Mortuary Chapel by the Sea HARBOR 42 Corona del Mar, Callfomla Ample Off-Street Parking IN URAN()E INSURANCE For E\•ery NC('d ISLAND REALTY CO. Harvey D. P"ase HARBOR 377-W Park at Agate,· Balboa bland ·'B~ SURE -INSURI:" With Maurie Stanley Irwuranoe CcM.a.eDor HARBOR 17'71 225 Marine Aft., Balboa laJaacl SILVIa PLAftllfO .. / .... Vlfter •tw.·· J£tHt "GambliD9 Roue·· WlLLIAM BENDIX and TERRY MOORE Spec:icd Kiddie MATINEE I :U ..... ATUKDAY AprU HtW.ea.idy ._ IIIE" TAilTING S l'S DAY, April y...,.·. IIIQHt Lalll(b IUot! ""--l~r thaa .. f'atiM'r of tht-Brid~" SPENCER TRACY F.l.lZABETJ I TAYLOR "FATHER·s um.E DIVIDEND" -,\I!IOo- DA\'10 BRYA~ B ARRY sn~LIVAX "Inside Ensign Classified ads ha\c beE-n a proven means of reaching buyers for aU sorts or mt-rchand.ise-U~ t hem• Phone Harbor l ll4. NO\\'! F·I·R-. ·T R·t'·N GLEN:-.: FORD RHONDA FI.EMl:":G "REDHEAD and the COWBOY" RE'ITE nA n s BARRY ~t:LLlVA~ "PAYMENT ON DEMAND" Addf'(l: A lilt Cartoon BlJRT LANCAST!lt ROBT. WALKER '-vENGEANCE VAU.Er' / - ..... r April Permits Already Half Millioll Tile> bwldin~: (W'rmtt total fnr Apr al a lrt'ad~ has I!Onf' O\t't th• half·milbon-dollar mark a.... the .,233.0011 tn twrmit' for . .H hornf'!. on Balboa Peninsula \\t•nt on th<' books in the BUJldtn.: L)('(lartmt•nt Thts month thus t!-"<'II on 1 b wa~ toward matl'hing th S\.n...'\·l,· 957 record<'d for th<' rorn.> pondan~ month in th<' rerord bwldlng yt>ar of 1948. Folio\\ ing J)<'rmh:. wen:> i, !.Ued during thl' past Wl't'k · Balboa I &>11\'t>au C'o .. Alhambra, 19 {1\'f'· room. 1-story. 1-unh dwPlllngs on Beh·u<' Walk. 5 six-room. 1-story, l·unit dwellings on Rt'lvue W £11k. I total \'alue $233.000. Own<'r build- t-r. ~. H . 1\lcKelleps. Phot:mx. b<'d· 1n)()m and bath abm e ~ftt'OI!<' at 171 3 E. Bay Ave .• ~.500. Mrs William ~ll>Cay, Pa!-ndN\3, t•erooftn& at 223-t C'hunnf'l Rd . S53{1. 0 l.. M oore. lnl!l ld l·r<ll'•m l·stor~. l·unil dw('lltn~ at :.!111 • .:\1inunar ... Jl( T<'d :'\l•·rnll & Son!' -butlck>rs. Udo :-.=onnan \\'a Lion. 2:)Q6 Ct , .... ,' '''" Ba~ Short~. :i-room, l ·,hll~. ,. untl th\l'lling al 1\7 \"In Yholl ~ 11 ooo. < .,.., n<'r bulldf't All oil ,.u l>t RIB'-1 \\'<'"'' CO\ ma ·l·ro .. n 1 -~tot' l·un•t rh,l'lhnc :11 l:?i \'tit l ndin·· ~ l:l ~-· [Jikt• & l..cmnt'' hutldtt' F L B"hr. l.at una ll·tO<'m :?·,tor~. :l-untt apartml'nt buHdtnt.: at 12i-42i Yta Ltd" ~nud S24 IN Ill (h, nt'r bUIId<'r E A. Curr). Balboa. S.room. 2· stor~. 1-umt d\\t>llint: at 112 \'Ia PaiPrmo. S12 0110 \\ D. Gr~ch· n<'r. bulld<'r. Cnrona dt'l !'lar C. E. MN'k , 511 Mareuent<'. 4· room. 2-story, l ·umt dweUtru:: at 716 l l'is, $7.500. Own<'r builder D. C. Laudt-rdal<'. garage at 714 Fernl<'af, ~1 .!')0(>. \\'. E Fi~hf'r. ~hun• Cliff!' 5· t·oom, !·story. l·llntt d\\elhng at 717 01Thid. ~ .non. U\\ ner bw ldPr Ctt) ol :-.ir\\Jl(lrt fit•ach H'~t ronm at matn Cm·,lna dd :\tar bt-;ou·h. ~.H \\' P .M P a 1 e '. build r · Ea r·l \ l "t .u l!-~>1' 221~ Channt Hd ri·n)Clm } .... ,, r~ 1-untt d\\dl- int.: .It l'at'JlUtlltll \'ot\t'. ~~II.C\11 1 "''" r nrt II•·IJ:ltt~ C R Ct!!-01 r t~ 1rd n Gr,.\f'. l· 11.onm 1-.. ton l·urll d\\l'lhn :11 ll:l old Cmu)t' Rd SHl CJCll own· ,.,. hutlcit ' · 11.tnald K H•llh \::II act J 1 ; 4 • \\'t• ... tmlll'lt 1 •• nd \.'ttll\o·rt pn·l-• nt 1.'11,,..,, ,, ht·d•·"•m <;J ,:il~• (n\nl' htnlcio•r Ra lh(l:\ hland R F B,ulo\\ c·n lar·c• d" ••ll•n • at :.!~:.! Acn1t' AH .A 2•1(' D;n td • \or ... on hUJidet Samuel Spewack'!' Br oa d w a~ R'!•lt'<'la \'ncht R~sin , UC<'eSS. "Two Blind !\tiel'." nJwrwd II 11th Hall'~. 331 ~rtfty, f\00. -· las t night at the l..n l!'una Bt•at·h I t "Hill. 1·:-tur.' hUJiciu;c fo1 n .... Pla\'house and will contlliUt' \:tllt •tnt at Balboa )acht Ba..-m through Sunday P\<'ning, "ith n'· · 1.97' Pon .FI,~<·her. huild<'r peat pcrformanC<'s on Frtda~ .tnd ·::'li P\\ JM•rt Saturday ewnin~. April 20 and :!I R.drh :'\~.1'-k•'~. n'al estatf' !-t~n The romedy tells th<' !'ton tlf a I :l ilt =".1'\\ 1~11 t Bh ~. ~. thl' OffiO<' or MNit<'tna I Ht'rh-.: in R~ ran 1-. \\ t•lls. 3l:l C'omnadn. Washington. which ha!; mnm1~:1'<.1 fttU!td~tHm at • 13 \\' Ba lboa't$llll~ to perstsl tx-cau5.<' no onP M:'<'"'" tn < l l.)a\ '-'· ..:a~ag<' at 933 :: \\ N'altze that it had l><'i'n aboh ... lll'd lln~htltt I:" d, '1.-00 for fnur ,·cars Thi« <'\l'ntn ·, T 1111 1-. lt•ll~. U'" An~<'lt..., ~­ }X.'rlonnanCt-Is spon.,orcd b~ t ht• t'OO':!l· ! -~ttl,~ 1-UI~It d\Hilin~ a.t Lat:Una \Voman'!' Club. and tlw l (lll. !:"t'n~~wn· ~, 00!.1 A \\ pr(l('('('{is "111 h<' . hn rt'd h\ t h•• R.u nt "· h111l I· r club and the Pia\ hou.•>t' . 1 hill~ K :'\IC'lii.H 11 36th ~~ • -1-J't)(lffi 1 ·~101 ~ l·UJllt dW(']ltni:: at Silver W edding Is Obserted Ob.~nins: thear ''ht'r anni" r· ~r~ tomorrow 1 Fl'idll~ t "til Ill.' Mr. and Mrs. Ed \Vht'llton. 136 S Bay F ront. Balboa Island. Sttlll bUS) "ith tht'ir nt'\\ ly op<'nl'd "Hostcs House". Balboa l!'land Smorgasbord r"' 1 a u r a n t. tht' Wheatons are not planninsr any special celc.>bratlon. 8LO\\' AS A TliRTLE! 116 36th "'' . .,10.('00. ,,·wr lnnlllt'r. OOIH ' 0 .\\' .. t.t" \\lth <·•·n• ~t>I!'>OD In tho· Tt•C'hnkolor mosl· <';ll, "Lulla tn nt nroad\\a~." ori- •·nlnl! Tlll'-.{1:\\ at tlw l.Jdu, fnl· '""to.: t ht• r1;rro•n 1 run (If "Tiw ".1 tiD~ "f':l -.flO." 'IOTIIt:R \ I"IT' 111.1\t ',.,.., ,, tt-. / l!•t)t, ..... ,n '' 1110 ,'llj • II• It 'I"P• .\ ' ,,. '' , do \lot • l ,, t .. • n \I• ~"· t .. ll•t l ~!Ill '• \h-l "'' \\:t . '' tu ... , ' • ....... 1 ... -.. 1 , ' ... Gene's Place \\'F.ODI~G CAKES nTRTHf\AY CAKES FRENCH PASTRIE~ '705 Coa.•t Boult'\'ard Corona dt'l M :u ll.\ I IU! ROSSI'S FINE IT ALlAN DINNERS 1\J!M) ... IMlks -Primt> Ri~ Cocktail ~ 161 1 Coast Rh·d. Ra.rborllM Coronll df>l Mar • prt~ nt .. !'u"' '(M .\ • 1. .. : ,,. ... 1... t.n,r'1!~ "TWO BUND MICE" AprlJ II. l !. 1!'1. H . 1:> and _Q a.nd ~ \ C'urialn M:SO .\4mlso,ion $1 .2~ plu.5 t:u. Pbon~ l-"l~ 4.-.6.\!9 319 ~-· AH•. "ORANGE EMPIRE REPORTER • 1480 -. :. . 5 r: n KVOE IN BALBOA. VISIT THE Turtle ract~ ls a new sport ac· qulred by Wa~ Randt-1 whJle re-- CE-ntly "\siting In tht' de&crt at Ja.hua. Wade a nd his mother, Mn . R. R. Rand<'!. 518 DahUa A.w .. Corona del Mar. ha\f' spent \\'et'k-ends and 1pring \'ac:allon al the ck!scrt this spring. ·Roue~ tt.t-Bay b~ ~ Trip on tht' ·~· Qaf'ftl Enterf4inment for AU at the FUN ZONE, Bcdbocl IIW IPEI E¥EI' WEEI·EII I , . ' V<>ry fine Hx-droom. 2 bath Coloni 1 Home n£'ar Nor\h Hay. Good tx>ac·h. Clos~ to !.h \l{lS. l>rit'C JUSt $26 500 l'('dUC('d hl I Only 10.000 do",'· bal. 5':o Realtor 216 .Z,tarlne Balboa llland ' HARBOR 20 South Bay Front View Prop erty Y~. it is trul) a distmc- tm~ Balboa Is land loc-4- tton Graced by an old- -t>r two-s tory homt', just vacated by th ownt'r who will St'll at a pric-e re- duction to pcm11t savings to buyer for N modelling and rt'd('C()ra lion. FuU 50 f~t of South Bay- front with loads of yard and garden spa~. and no crowd· lnlt of neighbors. Two ~n­ tral unit heating furnaces. flrepla~. l8rge rumpus room O\'C'r double' garattt'. The price of S.~.OOO pro\ides an additional diS<'Ount on re- dC'COration cost. . . . Your inspection invited. Call Hub Pow<'rs at I. A. leek OHice I &lbo:l labJld Ferry Harbor 6S B:dboa blaad 2 NICE HOMES On 001.' hie lot $9 500 1750 I Dowa • • • Why ·Beat? Nice 2-bcdroom home com- ple tl'ly $8 500 t l.'tOO furnished 1 Down . , . . A J:ood $4 000 1-Br home 1 C. N. Wells I '711 N~wport Bh'd. O.t& Met~a BFA~ 5181 SEE IT! IB.IEVE IT! Extr:r. Spt'dAI 5-bdrm home. furnished. Close to bay. A sw<>ll deal for larJ:C<' family. Owner says it cost ~.000 ln 1946. ~{'('d. ... a little t'Xtcr- lor paint. $14 900 S teal this at I South Coast Realty Near Pa\1llon ' sot Mala t. Balboa HArt-or tos.t IY GWIER C~urtR!ly t o B rnkrr UDO 181.E: CornN' lot. bay view, nC'ar Club Ilous<>. 3 hcdroom.s, 2'r, baths. cen- tral heat, firt>plnc(', la nai, 2 patios Com-$26 500 pletely rurn.. 1 LIDO I LE: 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, 1 ~ lo~. large walled patio. Furnished. Near ~~~ ........... $18.500 MIIORE CLIFFS: C ho i c ~ OCe!ln front lot $20,000 PhOft~! Owner-HArbor 1485 or Ri.erside 2854 l •r lalonnatJOD or •P\*Btmellt ONE OF 15, 1951 Hou,rs: 1 -4 p. m. Y O-U a r e WELC 0 MED a a-a____,G~U,....,E,_S T of the 0 NEB T ht:> proJX'tl} compt iSt>S a J..lkdroom. 2-Bath Home. exqui<Jtt'ly flnl5hfod a nd the "~' last "'OJ"d 10 mod m construction. Bunt on a lary;e lot, v.sthin ,;t'W of the oct"a.n Only 1 block from th~ Maln a..acl\. A hom~ to bfo pi"'Ud of. SHALL WE ~ YOU ON SUNDAY -APRIL 15? At 234 Iris AYe. (cor. SeaYiew) Corona del Mar f'O~ T.\<.'T no; for OTHER PROPER --~-- Robert B. J.7aa aad D «>IMI L Ly.a. Rnlt.en 411 Coast Boule•ard CORONA DEL MAl\ Farmllouae Motel 11.\B.BOR le3'7 RAWIM)& 1- Balboa Ialand On the Ut"tt~ t tdaad. A 3-bedroom. 2-bath inurutculate home -bcautifuUy furnished. Only 3 years old Large walk-ln closets. nl4ll.Y unusual features. Largto lot. completely fe'DC!d and attractively landscaped. 85' frontage. ~· 9SO An outstanding buy at ... .. ~,. P hont> HArbor 4-14 Eves · BEaron 5315!J Bay Shores '1\,·o-bedroom ranrb tYIX' hom<> rock rir<'placc-hea\'y shake roof attroctin• patio fencim: lowe3t priCt' $1]500 home of 1111 t.YlK' in this t'xclus. N'sid<'n1ial area 1 Ph11ne HArbor -4~ t E\ <'. f'Earon 6480-J Balboa Complete!} charmln~ ~b<>droom. 2-bath homto on the P nin- ula. Qua int shingle t>XI t>nor natural fl r1'plaCt'. Fenced lot. Compll"tely furnished and out of town ownt>r $14 000 aut horiLPs o;ah.' pri<."e of only 1 Phone HArbor 117i Costa Mesa • Ultr·a modt>m rt'd"ood home In beautiful woodland settin~ For~ air ht>at hardwood and flaestonc flooring-natural finish k1tcht>n $25 -Tiais IS truly outstandfn'! a t I HArbor Ut Lido Isle Lo\·t:>ly 2-H'ar-old home 12200 q. ft h\·in~ area) on large lot -55' frontaJtc. 3 bedrooms 1 ~~ baths 11\-im~ room and un room caJ'lX'ted wall-te-wall. Cw tom made dra perk>A- dishma t~r -disposal-all finl'St featUI'{'S. Ownt'r s•&. .,.,. has purcha ('(} ranch and will !'<'11 for ...,.VV Phone HArbor 2476 Newport Heiqhts LowE" t priced permant>nt \'icw hom<> on Chff Drive. Drl\'C by 616 Cliff Drh·e and phone HArbor 145 for $15 500 appointmt'nt to s~ the int<'rior F ull P ri<'fo 1 Laquna Beach 'l"h.rec-le\ el view home on 3 lots at exclusive Victoria Beach. Pre-war built with sparkling hardwood floors and three tiled baths \\-i th matching colorful fixtures. uwely large kitclu.>n and utility room. Separate dining ~ room. Large waJk-itl closets with windows. Thousands of dollars have been apent in rO<'k work , tt'rracing and landscaping alone. $33 500 Far b<'low appraise-d price at . . _ . 1 HArbor 17H -E ves: HArbor 143 Newport Outstandin)t older home on the O<x>an Front bedrooms 2 Uving rooms 3 ~ ba lhs. Stone tile and Hnest hardwood floors. Lar~e glassed-in consen"lltory with luxuriant plant- in~. 0 \\n<'r will take 2-bedroom. 2-hath OSE STORY home in trad<'. HArbor 2476. Shore Cliffs Attractiv<> 3-oodroom -1% bath. Oce-an view home. Lhing room l6x27. Fireplace. Comer view windows. Dining area. Entry hall and closet. Kitch<'n lar{(c double sink. 2 tile work spa<'(' . CO\'t:> linoleum. St'n·ice porch plumbed for auto- matic laundry. Lots of ti!c in baths electric heat. Forced Pir to all rooms. &><~rooms ar<' Ia~<' with lots or buHt-in ft>a iUr('S. Extra Jar~:c shower in ~. bath best or plumblng. Vl'nclinn blind! lhrouJ;houl. Rumpus room in basem ent. Larg<' ..,\\'N>ping cemt'nt dri\<'wRy. 2-car ~:ara(te. Plantt'r hoxt's Phone H AI'lxw 1741. E\(~ning11· HArbor 393-M. Ot n I.I S T I ~'-i~ AR F. {'()M.PLETE l ;rt""!l ~atlcJaal prcHJart I~ as t'Ompared \dth 2.36 bilhion in 1 9. Do you belh~\·e t.hb is inflation ~ We do! And that's v.h~· we think the rol· lowing is prime \-alue· Canal Front-Newport · A \-'t'ry n1oe 2~bedroom al*rt- ment O\'ff 3--car garage and "orkshop. t 9 foot lot <cor- ner •. pier and noa t bulkhead- ed. Ample space for adcti - Uonal building. $16.- HawhOI- ln~edllleld co., REO_ TOitS ~"'lM"t -.... at letll St. SEWPO&T IIA ·- w.-·,. Ha'1•~ ••41mrln . fow- tr you ha't' somNhin~ for rent ~in• u.s information. Etl •••••••l•r R .. l.~ IS2) Coed 11 .. 4 •. CcwOfle del Me r HA~ 27 ... Wcmted: LIITIIGS for KeaJ lAta~ ~ Rdtah • Ha\·e dlftlc. ",..uac • ·.JOE CILU ~Moe._.. R4'al I'Aia~ Broker !3H N~ Bl\·cL. Newpert PIIGee • -• -IIArtller tHa-.1 MESA RADIO AND TELEVISION "S...Viee Thet S.ti.fift" TELEVISION -SAlES • SERVIC E INSTALlATION, ltAOIO l Ef'AilS 109 •••4••Y Code Mew, C.lif. lf.eCOfl ~ ............ T' lot - --n•et· ~ uon. hardv.~ood flool'l'. tan.·pla~ • g;ara~. l..D\\ d •)\\ n r }'11\t.'t'IL One apartnlM1C a\":lJI hl" no\\. See thli -·}-today. EA.&L cn•MBD~ _o..a • .-.. IIA&IIO& ~ 0.1 "'t ....... c:.-e .. I 1-Bed.room res1dmCt' and 2- b..'<lroom tapartm nt -_.-plus b:ldwlor apartm. nt Hjgh n ·tum on lJlH'"'tm• nt Fm~ locatton. J>dre $1~500 Atlracth<' trtms. Call Schuster. HArbor 2474 · OPEN HOUSE Sat. Al\fonloea .... ...y -at- 324 Mariqold. CDM !-BEDROOM It DE~ Parll~· • ....,....~ Lo,·eJy 3-tx-droom. J3., baths home. com<'r location. forced air he-at. firepla~. lots or tile. ,:\;('\\' modem colors t hrou~h­ out &> t bu} on Ud(l hi€' We Ha\P tbt' Ke)· 1112 ~ 11.4 .. HArt-mt NEWPORT lEACH STAMPS fOil COLLECTORS U. S.-tntiah Colot~ieJ--&enorel For.itn Stamp S.,..io' The Po&boazk Shop (W... W io & To~) lot lroe4wey. IE AOI-.J. Coste MM41 e NEW LOCA'nON e Newport Plumbing Supply * * * Oal'f')"'ac <Jonlplete toek CUT RATE-CA R a CAJla Y • • • 117 22Dcl St. ~?OaT BEACH lihe JOHN ¥0GEL ClO. e FOUR OFFIC&S TO S~VE YOU e COl ONA DEL ~AR NEWPORT lEACH Lot 2 Blk. F. Corona del Mar 40x48.8, Alley, Graded tlOI Coe1t llvcf.-Comer Fernleef 4).4 32~ St. HArbor 1741 Of' HArbor 1477 HArlt~ 2476 IALIOA ISLAND 201 MtP(Ifte A"•· HM»>f 444 Ill CYCLE I Al iOA 100 Mein St-At th. Ocoen flier HArt-141 Schwinn Bicycles Ray· Stedman 1574 Ne'wport Bl.d., Coeta Meea. BEacon 5121-J Slt.B . Terms ---Cotlrtesy to Brokers • • CHAR!\fiNG com r lot m block frum months old hoppim! .-..... 1. condltinn 11. •H ~A I.J-. 1 artrhne m1whin ... 2 ,.h,,' ,.,,..,,., "·f'l'8i til'<pla~ ta· blo & rnrks. BaiiJOa Rt•alt' Co. j"t.ll t 1-•• P.-tlboa Bhd., s&lboa. I I At l.l<,r 1!\3 YilH Rt~'\T Fum. room . wtth I t-otplatr. bath. mcl ~r. 50 mo. ill Ins, C'DM. HA 2892-R. 1-"UR 5'A L.E Afracan \lo"le.;...t.;...s.-a .,.,.ll "<''' \'llri<'lil'l> and ~I.'Pdlin~s. BE f-323-M The b'ock IX'hH't·n .lB~min~> and Ir·1 north of 1-'uut 111 A' t• "ill be , l'hnuna ted from tht: prorJO·.e>d nil<>) pa'in'! asse11~m<ot dt.,tllll ('jt~ Council d<'<:idt'Cl ~1onda) ,,, l'nmc: a t tht• t:onclu ron ol thC' ILrbt pub- he heaung on the 31.UOO pro)t.OCL m Corona del Mllt' Propt?r1~ O\\nen; an that block pn:>sented a 100 v<>r et•nt proU'St ~ u of the gNat l'lCJWn t> of installing a torm drain. Counctl instructt'd Clty l:.nt:JON>r Bt'rt Webb ro elim ln te the block a nd 1'\'-('stlmat e the rl'mainder ot t he proje-ct for ronsidera tlc>n at t hf' next Council m<'t.>tin~ Va rianc<> in t'Osts of utht•r· lot, was ~xplaincd by the f <-t thttt A 84?5 cha r').:e "as !X'ing 11~"-f'b'l'd f{)r a \\dll'l' ('OOnt'<.'tlon and ,·25 tut a '"" ,.,. conncctwn on 'ac-1u1t loh Cit~ Councrl alo,o r 1• ln~truc-t t'<.l ('it) \tan:u.:\•r John Sat lor tn ron,ult "rth ~Hul­ dar·d <>r l and Galt Co Oflll"tal>. I n t..I:.CUS t ht> poi Ml.nht~ !I[ ll'nHI\~ti ol the ga;, tank!> nt ar· 1 t h '' <·•" ,.,, l '<• tw r j;."UI'"t" .arrl\'lo~: nt thl' H.ubt•r .\ .... ;... '"''' L ... ,._ru • Bu.ndt .. Tl'.t 1 ... tht· h• ... h •.... ~~-... t.aJI. and Balboa Bhd. lullO\\Int.: ., 1t·· 1••\ ( l.nrntwr-.. UcJu ht ... I f'f t t•l rlatht: \fr ... ll.tn ' \ ~ •• n .. r... nf ll:llt'Hot , \fr.... ( h.omh•·,..., tr-.. Paul port from th~ Hoard lll Fill:' l:n-H;JI:,t'l'" ur l.ldu, ~.,. .... ~lllrlut' Othmo'r .. r 8a lbH:t. \1 rl:.:h t ,, ... -IU{I:.O Of•....'> r't>('t'IJl iu:ti ... l In •vo.tw .. , .. plUDif det'\\rit('t that tht:> tank' 811' nut huncllo·-. un u trod• ror lht• \,..J ... tanc-t· L4· .. u:u•• Thrift 'bup, -t [lhlltu b) I 'UI!oOIII) lion CD;\t in confonnit) With saft>t~ rulr>o, .. PlllJ.C'O d<'f't' frl'('Z<', jlbt bke I •2• Took und r tud~ oJ N'QUl';,t B dle G • new. nl} -. $149.50 by t he City EmployN's' As-.oeta· un s lVe n T h (o&A~"'T" Fl"ltS. ~ APPL lion f~r a blanket 82:3 a month 1-l I e IM6 St'wport fth'41. Cot~ta Metta ary. ~ke to m<'<'t mcrca-.t.'d l'OSt I < lu. t idt> th•' Lrdo b le homl' ol FOR RE:"."T~Peninsula P oint, fur-of 131\'tngA.j..,..-... . .. 1 . d :\tn. Stanle~ Chamber-< la:-.t Tue~>· ni hed hoUS<', 2 bdnns .• patio. 1 I 15•~ to lntlla e ptOCN' · da) aftemoon a f!ower bedE'Cked • ' Y ar's leaS('. 100 mo. HA 1941., ~gs _for settmg _up ~n a sc mt'nt I trut•k ra~ndl~ ttlled with bundiP-. I ~OTICE 1 oth.-rs· Let us be di trtct ~or 8 St?\\t>r hne and pump-ol dothPs and hou!>Phold arucle~ • your bab~ shter on-Saturday af-ing statJon to St'rvc the Corona 1 a... nwmber, and I!'Ue b "I th\' WEEK I tt'm oons from 2 to 5 P m Spc· dt>l Mar bluff_lots from Poppr An' :'\l·\\ IIOtl 1'\('at·h Assrstant•e LNH!U•'J cial show for all kiddi~s. · Port I to Rocky Pomt, with the c~ty to art iH•d to all•'nd the annual Th<>atre Corona del Mar· 1 pay a part of thl' ,cost b4-cahuse t he bum.lh• Tea '>pono;or·<>d b\' th•• l>U'· ----;:::-' , · . facili ties could ul!>o sen·t> t estate taman~ mPmb<'rs of thl' LA>at'UI" I BABY .stiTI!'o:G WANTED -Lad,y beach. f h ..... r C 1 Th · ft ~h , ('XJ)('I'ient'('(i with children. HA '-1' Limited tank t ruck fuehn'C or t <' Ut: ne ~~ o t w '' • J Ol . 2415-:\f. of boats 10 thl" count4o: d<wk. on At tho• pauo ~atP. a p:·e·tt' ttP·, ~·pl~lo-. Hand) ~o C""l\fPLETE HO SECLE Al\'lNG issuanc~ of spt?cial ll('rmlt at a 1<'1:' IUn<''-'' CHI \\l"lrom,d eut: ... h and I In .pl<'ndtd ·" . . SlOO r fuE>bnf' tht•ll bundi€'S. \\ hwh \\Ould '"wk 1 Furniture&. Ru11 shampoomg, etc. ot " IX' ~ • tht> Thntt -.:hc•IJ 111 tl"·· month ... t • \\'~rk guaranteed. ,.Beacon 6111. «mw and b. a ,nun,. ot ln<'omt• AI s H~c and \\In dow Clean-:-."EED a finl' seam "'-IX'''' ftnhhrnr.: tor th1 l.t•a~u.•, \\ •·I• tr•• prcoJPct:. tnt: 'er...-rc-e. on ·ome Cinl" fnhn<''>" C'nno,ult and dt'ntal \ hnu· FOR RI:.~"T ~mal~ Bay _Front KatE'Y Doanr :-.'em t('('(•ptan~ a :\11-.. JcN•ph A l1•.,•k l'ha:r·man A pt., L2do_Tslc. A \'&JL Apnl_ 1 to lim1tf.d amount of <'11'-lom rlrt':-.,. 111 th•· :-.u ... tnrntn..: .:ruup ht'adf'd Jum• 1.1 ~~~~mo. lu:htly hrgher makmt: Cor sm~tll.,.z••o; ond ~nun>: lht• f'tll'l nllll•-+' on a·..-;1n..:t mtrtl!. b) )r._ Also_2-bdrm?.-~;~th_ t~ t:irls HArbor H4-H ·J As·i,tm.: h··r '"'1-.. :\lmt-:-. Phtlhp June lJ, .,11.,. HA .-:>.> ... E\es. EXPERT K'\ITTER wnntt'd b) Smllh \\'1l'1,tm P flut k•·•' P·IUI I J:!.A 2914·1\L :'\<'<.'dlepointt'r Yarn ::;hop. 12111-C Palr:wr H<~rnld Chrr ... tll't. \Lir· 1.2 ~ (14 yrs.l 1 BRA:'\1) :'\EW Hollywood bed Coao;t Bh·d . CDM JI A 561-W ~.11 ,.1 :'\ttm•')<>r John I ,,.tJ,Jrn. Metro loans fram '· full or t\\in siz<' S6.95 DUES YOt'R WAH.DRC..IBF.nt·t'<i 1 h\ r.~ht \.1bb' E' l.'rt'll :\h•r:-h tnd Trust ~-c;R ~T'S F'l'lCS. ~ APPL a sprm~ tome" Kate~ Donnt' "all !hP ho<.t""· :\1r .. Chamlx-1:. 'l'1"LLJR IS.;; S Pwport Bh·d. ('~ta Mt"M p E' r s 0 n a 11, a('(.'t'pt 11 hmttf'd MORTGAGE co. FOR SAt..r: Kt>nmore \V'&Sh. ma-amount of cu-.iom l'\\in)t Catf'l'· Swt·m weal· Sh o••t chtnt' wnn~('r t~lX'-Good cond. in~t to t hP mall fi~r,. and Jt•unt' ""' Bl\'d., COM ~2tl 2'l02 Kings Rd., CliH Ha· fillc. P h. HArbor 0441 -J for ap- -KI 3-5185 "'n. BEaron 5205-J. Q<lintment. llnurs 9 to;') Ro"C' ~lam~ Rt·rd rn lt'Nnn "'II R{)()).,t-• BREAKF AST to em· FC>R RE:-.'T Offl<'•' or twaut~ bt h{'rt· hom Ln'> .\n~t'les \\'f'drw-.-~ da' for a (ashton .;ho\\ inc nt hrr ploye<l Indy. Call morn HA shop n<'a•· Po\lll()n . up:o.!LI11'' 1 · '"am su11 C'I'Pai 1ons at tht' 1:-'l.\\. "-"" J-f('liotro""'. C'D~1. ·R ... as rt'nt Balhoa r.Ntll\ Co.' ·'11'~'1 • ~"''' r-' Bnllw •a Bu) C.. luh In addi11on II> TRAILER 3-Hl'H:'I:ER \\'~t'wood apar·t-1(1() E . flallxm R!• d .• fi<tlt)O:t tlw tul'hlon shO\\ \\hich 11 lltl\\ ... m••nt ran\it'. Unly . .. . 16.75 HArbor 1:13. -1:!·3tlluncht'on. t h,.re \\ill be-a dh· 011 G.L a- lo buy. buJld. ror alteraUona C\SURANCE Jest <'orou lid Xar GRi\.~T'S Ft"RS. lio, APPL. YEARLY RI:::-.'TAL ~o of. l h\~ · tnL: ,.,hrbitron b~ •h\' UrLont: 164:i S PWftOt1 Blvd. ('o ta MPM CD~t. furn. a pi . 2 bdrm:-. 1 "It h 1\\ in' of ~an Dll'.:o KEYS --Made while you wait. I\\ in IX'ds l..o\i'l~ '1\'" · AA:i Local .. tm·es partic-•pattn\! are Tommy's S hop. Post Office Block. Adultc;. Hi\~ -\\' aft,'J' 3 Jl. m. Rranrlt's of Cororn d PI ~lar Jn' Corona del Ma r. WA:-o;TED Hom(' rur<.:"Utl' k r~ of Rallooa Island. I~Uartcr DN:k ot W A.."'IT YUUR. OlRTY WORK six "'t'Ck old. part Pt'ro,ian. 31 1 :"<'\\ IX'• t and ~ho• Shop oi Balboa DONE! Grand Canal. B J. HA_!_I~ GO TO HAL . . . WA:'\TED -Part umc.. nurst'r~ W M Complete ~ lft'Vtce. school teacher. 20-30 ~1'8-Prac. occ it.'eS eet Wlndowa. noor wax1nc and pol-l'XJlE'r or 2 vrs. or collc~e nt'«. • tahln& ... ·an .. 'Uhina. sar~ Call ar"t('r 6 P m RE 61'l4-W CaU Harbor 1756-W FOR RE:"1 Sunn) Cum bache· lor apt Pri\ t'llt., pm bath. FOR RE~'T Fum . rm. with bath. Inq. -U5 Poin!t<'ttia, ~0~1 I ?riv <'nt. Jnq. 415 Poinsettia. HELP \v A."=TEO R out(' sal<'"· C"DM. aft<>r 3 p. m . mE'n. estab. laundry & dry clt'an- A rf'\,('W nt ~mile Ploo.ll;t>'' b~ \'1rcmra Ca.,tll' was th(' pmcran· for TuE>sda~ l'H'nang "hl"n t ht' h· cult' \\'1\(':. Cluh ot Oranct' Coa-• CoiJ'(.cp mN at rhe homf' o! :\lr .. car Ta~ lnr an Corona H1chland' :l l'SED SERVEL gas refrlgera-in~ routes. Pt'rm po<;illon Guar tors. Jll'l<.'t'd to sell As low salary. Sanitar~ Laundr~ & l~r~ C'Rt'T('IIER RO)IE FOR S.\Lt: as · · ·· · .. ___ $47.50 Cleaning Co . 2601 !'a \1am ~~ · Rrchard Cnuc-hE'r1 n O\\ en rout•· GltA~'T'S F1'1l.S. ~ APPL. Santa Ana 1 for an extf'ndf'd tnp abroad. r~ ... 184!'i Nf'wport Bh·d. C'Mta Mf'M LOT-FOR SALE S criftl'l' Rl\1· listt'd hr~ hOml' a t tht' top ol r ... CALLED 1'6 ~ERVICE -Must 003 Pt'ninsula. 40Xl00. , 2.350 rona Ht ~hland for :-.alt' a , 1•M•: s€'11 Jntl'rnnu onal 14 No. ~-C'a!l BE 6 1'l4-\\' attt'r 6 p m 000 l t '" und\~rstNlli th~t h', l nquiT't' HArbor 35-M. LOTFOR-S ALE Sacriftl'O Ral· plan:-tn rt'turn h\'r•' attN tht v<>' ·.:-.:c !'C'H OOL TEACH E R will ... __ p 1 1 ;0 100 s., :no Eumrwan tnp and buald n nt·" • "' '.llHI en nliu a .,. · · '-.-· · h II h) ds baby • it durin~ w~k ni~hts in Call BEac-on 61·:-) I-W aft<'r ~ p 111• hom<' on t c tg an -- HArbor nr<'n. HA 315-W. FOR RE!'lT Sin.:ll' npt . S40 mn. ----- T\\'1:-.' SlZI:: bunk !X'd ; good mat· Also dbl<'. apt., 10 mC' 'til .run!' tN':. <'' & roil springs: makt.'s ..,1 Balboa R<'altv C'o. 7011 F. into twrn lx-ds. Completl' ... -g_:;o ~lboo Blvd . Balboa. II 1:13 (;n,I\~T'S Ft'R~. ~ APl'L. :\lGTb Brand:ttt'\\' 19."ll. onl~ 1~111 1645 ~""1Hlrt Blvd. {'o!lta MPM miles. Priv. "J)3rt~ HA 231 I ·.T; :"ATIONAI. Ca.,h Hc~istcr S39.;10 :;at.. Sunday or P\'t'Amrd 11 1~~ (':R.,~T·~ Ft"RX. ~ A.PrL FOR • ALE 2-(X'. OH r tuft••rt <;N 1f04:; S t>nllOrt Uh·d. {'o"it:l Mt>!l!l and 9x15 fibn• ru~. l'hNlfl 11.\ Fc..i'R S ALE K<'nmorc auto. was h. ::?~4-J 607 :-."ards. .... us. CP\l I m nc-h . "ith wrin~t'r. Good cond f'llR SALE 9x12 lmportt'd nw. Rf'I\S. liA 1:!i9·J <''<Ct"l. rond -\l'>o \V('.,tt'm 11•'11'. WA:'\TEP R1d<-to Los An~:cles ran~c almo t new _ HA ~~1-\\ b\ lady II\ inc: an CDM. Mon. thru F0 R SAl~E 1. ~ Dodl:t' (i<;c'd Fri. !tours 9 to 5 p.m. HArbor lranspor·tatlun GO<\d ronct tnq :..JR);i.\\' RichfJt'ld ::-tntion . lith · <""''"' FOR ~ALl-: 11-Jtwh \\ht!t' Gaf· llwv, :'\t'\\()OTt. BEaron 6.~11 fE>rs & Sattlcr stO\'€', w ith auto. t'SE A:NY or all of our <'Xh'nSI\<' <'lock; \('ry l!ood cond. HA 1520-J drv clnnins:: sen i<X' to P<'P up LARGJo: 2:-door Ft·l~daire refrig· ~o·ur wardrobf'. dry clr1ninJ:. nl- erator. A rl'al buy ....... .S:39.50 I tt'ration a nd dy<> work Ask o~r GRAST'S F(."R~. & APPL. ad,•ice: we won't "Scll" ~ou rf C ALL HARBOR :l070 For Choi~e Yellow Daisies '!:K' Hnn<'h Dowers by Morri 509 E. Belbo" 31vd. • Balboa ··larnp. .luky lf.U Nf' .. -port fth·d. CMta Mf'sa Wt' c-an't h(')p you. K1lt('y noanc • GIRLS' CLOTHING, sizes 12 a nd Drr C'IE-anl'rs. cor. Goldr-nrod &. IIAa ~ 10; in CX('(.'I. cond. HA 2033-J . Coast BJ\·d .. COM. H A 0441-J, BOASTING lEIS ~~iijjiiAjiAii~ii FOR S ALE 12t,·• Zenith 'IV. • a nd 21i Marine A,·e .. Ralboa Is· P.! I $125. 508 San B<'t·nardlno, N~w-land. HA 2290-W . port Heic:hls. I YE ARLY REf'I"TAL 2-h<'droom UKE NEW Sct'\'t'l gas refri~t'ra-nicely rur·n. hou <'. \'2 h1k. fr\101 tot'. Guarttntt'cd . . ....... $149.50 shoppin~ et-nt<'r, l2 blk1·s . bft'?1~1 GRAS'r'S l!'tJRN. & APPL. 1 ocean. $100 m onth y. ~ r y. as • · 1 ROLLA WAY BED complete with Enalgn CJa!~sifled am ha''t." ~n 1 H.\r.ttO~ 08~t 701. Saturday & Sunday Dl¥15-C!O. INVITES YOU TO SEE NO DEFIOSTING .•. See the only refrifl'("rat or that coc:-..-n:;-\\'egtingbo\111(! FROST·FREE. I t counts door openin~, 'becaW!e door openings let in warm air which c~u._qes frost to form. At every 60th door opening, FROST-FRE E automati- cally def1"06ta ita>lf. automatically e\'aporat~ the water' We!rtingboW!IC FROST-FREE is the only home-p7"0V«J completely automatic refrigerator . . . the only one that defro8t.a e.ractly when and only when defrosting is needed. See it and other Westinghouse Refrigerators today. ""!node P.hrlt .,7 ~,bf''''"lulit.Y.: Y:;••tp•••,. GCA~-S1l1D NRU CHIST fOG IC£9'85 nd ~O.,thes-Tn- Thr-0 ,, r EASY.TC.IJ!E :t. \ Onor H lnrl' CONVINfiNT IUTTU KnPEil You CAN 8i SURf .. IF ITS'' ~ .. ,ti !' 111 '" ... l' • 8 Foot Mode s from 23995 ltu N~ 81\·d. Costa M""l 425 Ma rhtold. C'OM. HA 1!'l i1-R tnnersprmg matt~s ........ $24.50 a prown means of rf'nchin~ bii.Y"N I Clost'd Mondays ftRA.sT"S FlJil~. a APPL (or aU IOrts of mf'rchnndt!i l '~" r !12 'MarfiH", ll&lboa blarul lllilillll••llllillllililllillillilll•lli•••lliilllllliillllillll••••iil•• leal N...,ort -.... c..ea Me. them! Phone Harbor 1114 '-----------• ~~~~~~~~~~~~~w.e~~NE-~--~~·~~~~~-~~--~~~~~~~t~~~==~======~n~ma=~~~r~.~ILI.I Capilla Party on Wednesday )' L~• Bride-to-Be ~1'\'Btion takn"S are expect-To makto l'ftiUV&tlclns for the ------=:......--------J H d ing 10m(" tt"lepbont" calls this week 1 p. m. rett" at the murcb. (riendl ~~Patrol, honor patrol s ~~e for ~ annual Spring deslert<ard ol t~ Church aft asked to call of <:::onm& ~ Mar Troop 17 for VI"'-'' Funeralle"'oi<lft Wfl'e eanducted at FOI'8t Lawn at 2 p. m. Monday for Jt(rs. Laura Mildred Foster, mother of Solon R. F~ter of 114 Topaz A\·e., Balt.o. l.aland. PIU'tY to bt" gi\'en by t~ CaptlJa Mn. Newton Cox. HArbor 2198, the put four months, m.Jo)"t!d Sun-Orcle of the Corona ~l Mar or Mrs. M~ at HArbor 2909-J. dlly aft~ at the NU-Pikt" 1.o A tea and m1~Cellaneou& ahoWfl' Community Church next Wednes-Lona BNdt u a l't"WaJ"d ror thftr wu gi\"en Saturday afternoon at day, April 18. Da el outs~ rt'COr'Cl. ~ troop ft.ap.n's Cafto in <»rona *I Mar, lin. Foster was visiting her daughter, Mn. E. s. Wickersham. at .Andenon Dam, ldabo, at t;b(O time or her death. Survivors in- duck-the aon and daughttor, her hu.band. J . M. Foster, and six grandchUclrt!n. Mn. Paw :Mooh>. the ~ ncers H p ...,..,... w Rotary Club, made bOnorinc Mlss eomelia Loul8e cbainnan. says both tabie and this trip poaiblt". Smith, 312 Poppy Ave., CoraM del door prizes will ~ a•'VCiecl and C-11 ~ C'-' -L.......,,_te Attending •oere Wylit" Keot"lt"l', Mar. who wtn be mani~ on April decorations and dt-Ucacles aft be-aueT elel'1f"u. 8ftllor petrol leactt"r of ~ troop 28 to John Thomas Newton, of ing carefully ~-The ..,e-Amon& the -auare dancftos bt"lp-and the following"-toembers of ttte V~uYC-u Clal project of this annual t"Wftt tng Jim Williarrwon oelf!brate his Pioneer Patrol: Bobby Dieb1. bert eet:; o1· ~~ ~ .... ::; wlD be to ra1Je O)()ft(O)' for the new eeoond annh"t'I'II&J')I u a caUt'l' at Bobby Callis, Tommy Baume, Rod host The building fund Guests are uk~ the Pavalon ln Huntington Beach Ce.Jclerhead, Ronnie Ket"ler and were es6('S. · man.v IUf!iltl JIIOVI:D TO OITY ltlrs. Gray Livingston. fl04 Hello- trope Ave.. Corona ckl Mar, pecKed ba.g and baggage and the three children las t Thursday and moved to Los Angeles, where >Y· Uvingston has been working for 80fDe tl~. E\·eu moving in the middle or the school vear was better tha.n keeping Ule family apart. decided Bobby. 8 : Barbara. 5, and S usan, 31s. as w~ll as their dadc:ly and mother. Their new ad- dress ~ill be 437 W. 52nd Place in Los Angeles. to bring cards for whichever game last week, wel't" Mr. and M.rs. Tex Ronnito Newlon. M . A. (Woody) y;-ere from the Harbor aree, and they prefer. Tunnel of O.ta Mesa, Mr. and ~'OOCI. scoutmast~r provided ~ Lol Angeles, Pasadena. North Mrs. Elme-r Joe Pat•-, N--·-transportation and su~rvis:ion on HCho lyw~. In~~tlewood. ArcadJa, ~~--...... t~ outing. ula Vtsta and Santa Ana. GUlL FOR THE lULL~ Dance Plans Announced port, and J . T. Bishop, tOI"'IX"l" Bal-• • • boans, now of Rroonclo Beach. On Monday evening last ~~k. Spenda l..eaYe Here Jack Hobeisel \'ocaUonal di· Tommy Patte~ '-''&S Invested rector of public schools at Alham-as a Tenderloot Scout ln Troop 17 bra. and his wit~. who ha\'e jUst at the regular ~~kly meeting in ranished buildin.g a home on St"a-the Corona ck-1 Mar School Audi- shore Dr.. Newport, ·were also torium. Visiting at ~ ~ A full year o{ festive affairs was tht"re. Mr. Hoheisel took a tum lnC.'eting was Dick Redcliclc, who plantW'd last week on Wednetlday calling, too. will soon bt-come a member or the when the Board of Dirt"etors of the Also present v/as Dr. Uoyd troop. Lt. Comdr. Edgar L. Allen 11 visiting in the borne of tm parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar F. Allm, 2:16 Goldenrod A\-e., Corona del Mar, alter nine months service in the South PaciRc on an airplane car- rier . After a month's le.ve tw "ill return to duty, destination' un- known. Bib 'n' Tucker Club met at the Sh aw of Boulder, Colorado, who On Friday c.>veninJt, Bobby Cal- home or Mr. and M rs. Lynne has been gi\'eD credit for the re-I Us. acting as nior rtrol leader: Hughes in Corona del Mar. . \ival of interest in moc:lt"m square Jim Uncigren. patro lt"eder; and A ummer formal danet' has dandng. Hto came down from Darrell Goins. assistant patrol Enslen Oa.ss1tled ada haft .... N r and Mrs. Arthur D. Hill jr .. 5191.., 35th St.. Nt>wporL are the pe..rent or a Utll<' daughter. bom Sunday, April l , in Santa Ana Community Hospital, ''reich- in~; 9 pounds, 8 ounet>s. been scheduled for June 8 at the Hollywood. whel't" he was ,·isiting leader. or tht> S tag Patrol, and i ~ven means or reacbl-c bu:1*'l Newport Harbor Yacht Club. his brother. Ray Shaw. Scoutmaster Woody Ha.rwood at-~. ~-ot ~ Chairmen "ill be Mr . and Mrs. ten~ tbt> Cub Pack me-eting at ~. r...., Rubor W4. Fred Huber and Mr. and M rs. Schoolmates Join in the Corona del f\tar School and ~ Stuart Di<>hl of Corona d<>l Mar. Birthd Ce . congratulated OlHord Wessel on Laguna board mc:<mlx'rs \\ill be in ay lebration attaining his Wcbt>los and Invited charge.> for the fall formal to bt> ' him to join Troop l7 and the Stag QI.•OMJl Qlu.p•~ Ill Bride's Service OPEN DAILY AND SuNDAY 9 3:1 a .m. to 5 p m . Drop in soon s.lect your crys•• chine end sil .. er whic:.h you will cherish now and alway'" 11>.',. ·o~ ,.,.., r ., •• , ,. • r t jf' KAREN MARGRETA Imports -Nordic Gifts 1)07 Coast Blvd. Corona del Mar Harbor 1373 WALLPAPER All New 1951 Patterns Co.riesy io Painters & DecOf'aton H•••••••• " I Cout Highway Newport leedl Open Night• --Sun. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. WIG IIIWS WIT.ES Itt I El 11111 ,.n&.EI? PrieN~ ar<' often cheaJ)('r than In a J;encral merchandise stor<' lx-caw <' he specializes in t1mt>plcc~ and their N.'pair. RIIIWir.S A LAROE SEI..JI)C'I'ION OF ~TRAPS FROM .... A watch repa.ir man will not sell you a poor watch. held in mi(l.Septernlx>r. Mr. and Schoolmates from St. Anne's Patrol. Mrs. Jack RrUnl:'r, Mr. and M rs. ~chool he lped Sharon She e 1 e v Ronald Bal'low and Mr. and M rs. d~au~tht t'r of Mr. and Mrs. James Th Bat Hu~h<'S "ill nnnouncc plans for E. hN'I<'Y. 316 Smeltzer. Newport OIDOS es Dies tht• annual hollda\ dinn<'r danC't' lJ<'I~hts. cel<'brate her Pleventh Thomas Ed\o\'llrd Bates of 1842 _ · I birtbda'' a nnl\t>rsary Saturday af-Park St., Costa Me. a. passed ll'I'DOOn. A picnic lunch was st>rY<'d away Frida) in !'anta Ana. He is Revea ls Troth to in lh(' Patk at C'osta M.-sa SUJ'\ ived by his Wife> J une, a son. r8\'0f~ \\ t>r<' hankii.'S and ~tt It'S Edward of Nt>\\lJOrt Bt>ach. and 8 L K h of TK'rfumi'. Th{' balan<..~ of th<' son. Talbt>rt. (lf Chlca(.!'o. Private? ester ep art nftl"mOOn \\,as SJ'l('nt at tht> skatinSt runt'ral !'1'1"\i<'l' W<'r(' conducted rank Gul:'l't. \\l'r<' Man Wei Saturda~ c>\cnin~: at Baltz Mor· Chorolat<•!> \\<'r<' pa.<:t'<i b~ Pat K:.r<'n Hl:'ffrwr. Stt'phanie Peck: tuary In C'or'(lrul dd Mat. with Re\ 1 C11pouc-h of Lone R<•at•h at Mill!' K;~th) S<-h<h'll:'r. Sandra Godwin Paul J-:dward Babbitt of tht> eo. Coli<':.:<' Oakl11nd. Jao;t "('('k Th<' ~hruoon Johnwn and Man J~ rona dfl Mar C'ommunit\· C'hurch I r;ason \\'IS' hi I bl.'frothal to~ t r ~I>N"II'~. th(' hOSitc'S~· ~!St<'r. all of offal-i:Hin.:. lntf'rmt'nt WAS in Chi- 1 Kf'phart. son of \lr. tmd ~t,..; ll\~ttn th<' Horhor arra cago ~hart 1517 Oc.-<>an Hhd Hnl·,p==========================; Tells of Httngar~~ Ea.rb childhood in Hwl~ar') \\a!> told b~· !\trs All'xanMr R<'nJl<'f" at tl'u.• mN'tin~ of the C'hllrch SChool Guild of thP C'orona dt>l Msr Com· munity Church Monda~· at tht> home of !\frs. M<'rle V<"fburs:. 605 Poppy A \'t• Devot rons w<>rf' read by Mrs. l':orman Frahm Plans wert' made for tht> dess<'rt 1 card party to lx> ¢\'('n Sftturday 1 P\eninc. April 21. at Pilgrim Hall of the church. Rl:'sl'rYation!'. for the party lllliY \)(' made \\ith thl' ~l'neral chairman, Mrs. John KN'It'r, 1 LArbor 2R52·J Private Services Held For John Greenleaf PJi\atC' funt'ral f'l"\ t«·< \\.C'rt' conducte-d last Thun.da~ 11t Balt1 "\lortuary. Corona ckl :\tar. for John Thoma<l Gl'('('nh ar. 69. \\.hO pas!Wd awa~ m his hom<' 21 Col- lins A'"~' . Balboa Island on April 3. Re\'. Paul F: Babb111 of C'omna d<>l Mar Communit\ Churrh offi· Cl:tll'd ~fr GrN·nl;.af had r<'tll't'd Af1<'r s(>E'ndmJ:! mam \<'8~' m for· ei~m ch·il sc.-n i('('. i ti• i~> ~un'iv<'d b~ his "if<'. Gwc-ndol~ n. 8 daUJ:h·l I ter. Ellen E. Bo..~il<'\. Prhatc in· t<'rm<'nt wAs a 1 hicl<'wClOd Park 1 Ct>metl'ry. I UETl"R; TO ISI.i\~0 Just rrtnrnf'd to t~;Jnnd livln~ lllr'r' th<' ,lack Bidwells. ''hose nt'w address 1s 121 Apol<'na J\\'('. Mr. and Mrs. Bidwell and small daugh- 1 l<'r live-d in Costa Me a durin~ thl' int<'rim foiJowing tht>ir last SHEC YO P WEt'[.. NG ~. • <OU CEMENTS •.viT,A "IQt,S IHCEP ION b '.' ;.-HQMf [r-.;CLO~ 10 PfiUCT YCUI' ·\y'J G'Y'r T,.S.E ,\ • ;. ~ • -\.\ • H pr; ~ F .. 0 ; 1=('1111/lo l ~ESSM~ES .--...... s ·Hr '\ Etuign l>utilidti,. Co. r-' COAST BLVD CCROII.A DEl MAR ThfPHONES HARBOP 111 •. I IS By ANN S\.\'WW·isshhh: Thl're's nothing that makes mt> ft>cl so well drt'Ssed hcrc in O'BRlE~'S wmdow as a na _vy jacket w1th a whit<' plC'ated sk1rt. Rt>ally o nautic<tl and vet the type of a11 outf1t that looks l'iLth1 In so man~ pluN'l>.-whf'thcr it's the ~por-L-.man·s Sho\\ in t. A .• t h•· t roJlh~ dinn<>r u t 1 h<' > at'h 1 club or a frit'nd"s hoU"<' for t h1• ('\"t>· nins::. 'nter.-BN" man'' adorablf' 14d~1• to Wt>ar \\lth • tho1Ct' ~li­ C'U Wf' talkf'tl ahout ta .. t WH'k aad ll&:ht·wt'htht wool~ ~t10W'. Unf'n" and ra) on• t o "f'&r wtU. all thf' raap or sprlna-hlou._...--. t~lrh1, aa.d llttlt' ~JW...at•n~. I Som e or the prescrilx>d 1113 ter- ials for "-earinJ: now and from now on . . . are Ccl'('y's "KnotU· spun" • • -an extremely porous wool<'n fa bric in t ht> loveliest of past<>ls -• • J ulliard's "rahana" crepe. a U~ht weight wool which fashions into a wt>IJ p){'att'd sklrt; the summerw<'lgh1 worst<'d!l, the semi-sh{'('r flannC'Is and t h<' MI- ron ~abardincs. All of thesc• skirts ar<'. found In tht> li~ht and bri~ht pn n~· ummcr colors as W<'ll as basic whites, gr('ys, navy-.. and some 10\ ely pa~t<'l plaid: . ' But tht' smartNJt t.blftjt about thHot> ""-'rb '" th(' way tb<')' nt. Thf')' b.'tH n1•w "'~''" detaU• whlt'b makt• for I'll!'~ wl':trlatt" a.nd 8Upl'rb nc•w <'UL'I 'ltH'h &8 t.be> "fanta~>ll<' wrap" skirt "lth taJJ. orNI sut<'bln~or on waist band a.nd ''Tl\P owt orr \\lth n '""' !Jinarl button8 ll t thr rastC'nfng. . If ~ ou aN' In th" Pl'O('('!>~ or dret· Jnj:!. thll-i IIW l>kil"l ror \OU be· ~aUS<' 11 \\ill sland ~nmt• Ca~urc· ad· 1 JUSlmt'nt. Annthc>r thtSit' ~tYI<' is mad<> £'SPN'iall~ \\C'arablt· by the front troust'r tudts. No ~<'nsc in our t<'llinJ:: ~">U all nbnut th<•m. just comt> s('C thl'm • • · nt O'BRIEN'S, of rouf'S('. arE' the own~>rs of Bidwt'll'!i Shop IU~ COAST BOULE\'ARD I tC'sidencc:> on BAlboa Island. They for MPn. CORONA DEL MAR '":======~~~~======~~========================~~~~--~~!_~lA~~~~~~!~~~~~~ ffRot·r• THRF.Y. MF,.Jo~TS -~--..-.-..---.--.......___,. Group t hre<' or Cap11la Cird<' of C'orona d<'l ~tar C' n m m u n 1 t y Church will mN't Cnr a M<'k lunch· ron nt'xl Th11rsda\ at tht> hom<' or ~1rs. Arthur Kempt>r, 900 Oct"-an Boulevard. Memlx'rs art> rt'mind- rrl to bring wool yarn and <-l"()('hc>t n('('()]es for afJthan squarc>s. I ,\TTE~O {'L.\R~MO~"T MEET I CaplllB Circl<' memix>N: from the C'nrona d<'l Mar Commu nit y l Chur<'h who attc:>nd<'d the District mc:-e ting of the Womc>n'll Ft>llow· shlp of Congregational Church~ at Claremont were Mmes. A. A. Stafford, .C. D. Grupe, John Cam- eron, L. A. Norman, Ed Hagen. Wenck>U Hoyt,. Marguerite Fuller, Pau1 Babbitt, Herbert Kin~. D. E . Ha.nson, Perry Schrock, Newton Cox, M. D. Coop and Bakkela. \"18JT TO DDDT A ~t visit to the desert at Seen's bdicvin'-but it'll take more than a quick peek to a« for you.r- ldf ALL the EXTRAS you cet in a Bicelow labelled rue! We've studied them for ynn-that's why we 8dl Bicdowl -JEWELER -Palm Sprtngs wa• mMe by MJ\ and Mrs. Stuart Diehl ucJ eon 117 Coe•t IMI. Bob and Mr. and Mrs. Harold •llillii•C>IIiiOIONA•••Diliiii•M.4ililiMillllilll l Bftw!dict and 1011 ~. aU of Corona &-I Mar. - Brownies Hold Wiener Bake At their mt'Ctim~ Tuesda~ of last wHk, Bro,...'Tljc Troop 7 held a wit-- ner bake in thc Girl 'cout house. On Tuesday. March Z7. the fol- lowing members or thr troop took lln llftemoon trip to tht> San Juan Capistrano Mission: Taffy Adams, Donna Lee Burdsall, Kathy Bates, Sandra Brockman, Jolene Casala, Oehrl Ellis, Carol Kanold. Michele Hoyt, Chris Herndon. Nancy Nick- ('rtz, PamPia Rush, Vidsi Shields. U nda Stevf'ns, Donna Whit e, Terry WHIIamson and Lan ing Ro- wan. Flu kf'pt Mary l..ec Ward 1'\omf'. VIHIT THE ~XA\"ELl'S Several days were spent in Bal· boa by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mor- ris and ,heir daus;:htE.'r when they vi ited Mrs. Morris' sister and her husband. Mr. and Mrs. Quentin Snavely, 2100 M i r am a r. Mr. Snavely accompanied Bob Alley of Do'lo'TlCy to the r('(.'('nt road races or European cars at Palm S prtnga. soli/hit: ,.. with oll•portsfwnsl "WORLD of SPORTS .. Monday thru Friday' ...... -- entire hardware industry is coop- erating to enable us to offer values such as these. Buy with confidence that llanhrare SPEO LS ~I•ECt.\L S<-r.c~n Door CI~MW'r ... \\'ork!l 1111.-ntly --• kH'P8 door f'l•t<ii~•d lit a ll tlrnt> .. • • • 195 t+'n .. lon adju01t. !'l~f:CL\L at !'PfJ('I.\1!: ~oltlo•rlnat lroa • -- \f'fttlll\tf'd handlf; -· -('hromf' platMI btld~· • --1 9~ C'OpJW'r tip • • • • i~Wa tt !'PECIAL! PIPt: \\ ftt:S('H - - -~tlllooon P..1tt.-rn forct'd toot strf't ---dHp--ntlllf'd Jaw lffth. U~twf'lf,t'ht --• 111-lnf'h • -• R"t.:· %.SO SPECIAL! Dl~filTOX D -!S IW_; . ~ ~ HA~'D MA \\' -- -trUt> C'arpt'n-• ~ ~----t~r·,. •aallt~· • • -tt-tJKoh -8-Pt. --w.• of famom• Dti!WIIton "'""' .. tM>I -· · tftlt~ and truf' ta1wr SPEC'IAL! ~CREES DOOR f''T<'H • · · kt>t>ps door 25<' dowd •• -ln5M'~ out -- -Rf'f!'. 5.lc'. ~ow OXI. ,. . ~PECIAI.! U -ln. ALt.MlNl'M LE\'EL • • • Prf't'lt'li9ft 389 tnaft • • · 4 plumb and ! '"' •·I ~rlaiiM"!l ---Rt-J;. !l. 76 !~t. ~-U('f' Pam~ ~ •• ~ 111-pt. Dblf'. ~lt>r 6.00 ! .... t. Dbll' IJollt'r 9.00 8.!5 6-ln.-h !'klllf't 1()-lnC'h , klllf•t 12-lnch ~klll.>t 4.50 .. 7.00 8.95 ·" II (' 0\ I' rtd BRt:.\K.t·A~T l'~"lT R-tnc b Sklllrt •1U\ 4·t«K Po:•<"hf'r 8eO l.IIM't • ~PIX',IAL! EXTE.~SIOS FORK • -· ntf'n(l" from 19 • 2 39" to M-Ia . \l'.ond('rfol for outdoor ('ll(lklnar ---t:l'&r. 49<- SP ECIAL! Dt"ST PAS II Cot'~'TER BRl'"ll: h oodNI 7ft' paa • • • ~ft, llt-fflftK brO!ilh • • • thl!ll ('om h. UN:. 1.1.";. On I~ 8PfX'IAL! \'.ACtTt'M BOTTLE --• OnP t,lnt · • - Ena~lf'CI m f'tal <'aiM' a nd <'np • · · yon r11 for nnly SPECIAL ! IIIDE-A·BRt"SJf. Etuun.-t n oral tl'lm. Flhl Ia comc•r -•• ('Oft~l" bruM • • • {'otnph•tf'l. ottly lfEJlE f'RO.M ORU.O.S (Jnwn from lA!I k(>\'i " , ( lr (• fWn an rormN 8811'0ens. ~II\ and Walter Gf•ld rt "ho an ,·l"J'mc friends. FUR ITURE A ND AC C~SSORI ES SEE THE LARGEST DISPLAY IN CALIFORNIA RAITA~ • REDWOOD • A I ·.n:":·)~ • ~ RUl'GHT IRQ~ :--\\ l"'\G~ • l~tBRELLA.s. • • P.i.-1·1 •\"ERS • BARBEet•ES l..o\\ t'l>l Prk'"'1o • t"r~ ~lh f'r;!o llet~.JGnrl 611 Coast Highway the quality of the famous name-brand merchandise priced here will satisfy long after these big savings are forgotten. SPEOALS 'Pf':<''lAI~: '<I'RISkiXR - -• ,... .... htlllt ........ , • 40-rt. f'lrc'll' -• • bra_~ .. a rm"' .t: hl':trlnl('-R••c:. 1..'>9. 1 t9 't)f'(•la I 16"' 8 1\LL IJE.UUN(o L.o\" 'I M OWER ..• R ... a:. 18.1~ 1"" "'pN'bl I "Pf;( IAL: Rtt \S~ II.\ SO "'PRISKLE&!. l.l~ht "+'hrht t•llat"hml"nt • --fin•· ..er l:~n-.. haPf'd "Pr"~. R•'1!. SO.• • .., "'Pt:CI.\1.: I -qt. IU '10 "PRA \LR. PumJr- i n'! bandiP Jn'~ a steady, roet:IJIO<HK 118 'I'"'~ · - -R~. I-S5. JM'('lal at ·-·-·. "l't:('l I.: If OF: • • • ForirPd .. ,_, bladf' ---Hard•·ood handlt' -• -Top qua lit~ -. -Rf'1t. t .90 "Ptri.\L : R.un:---f"or~rt'd .. ,_,bead --. II a rft'ood hand If' -• -T.,._ tw-.. t ---R i"'C. 1 ':fi ~PtX'IAI.! CtRA. ~ ~II'F. RS • • · ~.,_7P af'tiot'l, 1\hl\rp IA'mJM'rMI blad,... • • · R.-~:. 1.!:; !--PECI.\1.! lfEDCoE !'IR:.o\R~ ..• T ool ,,_, hlad~ -•• R•·.r. 2.M - - -Q,.'<'lr•l B' AU. METAl. WHEEI~B'R~OW --. "t"'f'l .--"'-f-ml- pn('umatl<' firM --• w.-11 hnlan('f'd 169 ROUSEWABE SPECIALS 'PECI:\1.: ('LOTiff'A"" R>\QKE'T -• (n)porlt•tl ''hit I' "111m• hrnldf"d hnndlt• .. - -· nur.thlf" -•• ftf"jt. 2.60 ""PtXI.\L : l'l.Ol"R ~fFTER­ t''ull '17..1' • • ~-f'OP • • OnC' 75<' h11nd naw-n~ lion --R.-c:. 1.00 'PEf'l.\1.: t:K C'OI.I Xt~ KITCIU:' T OOL Qt :T • kltc'hf'n tll(lJ .. · -• ll1an~·up \\ltll ra<''----''lf'kt'1·pla t.-d ro•tl hllrd\\o~o(l hnndl,....---~PtX'I \I .at . • , .. n 1 ~ 'Pf'.CL\1.: t:Kco •·•:' t:\ .\ .'\-1l('. "' lt""E ..... .,. -• -349 Hnllu•• ·&:'rnund .. talnlf'"' hladf'1-••• r:.-~:. 4 . .".tl l'PECI "'I.: RROII.F:R • · · "" t-11 fnr h:-.mhurtro>~" .tnd "mnll ''" 1!-.• • • Ito·~:. ;;!\, ·'"" nnl~ '"PE('I I.: < I.ClTIU~l'l'.;; -· 18<' tM.•r 3 do7rn Sprln~t t~ fW G dot. or f~~r flnh ""P EC'IA1.: lt·fW'. F'OOO R \h 'ET · · -Pt ..... tic flfltt"rn' -· · lh9 -I!!' 1'.!. l'h 1 ~ .•. Zlppf'rt•tl o· •~n.<\n rn !'T ~na• -. -~" .. .,,, "1w ... tw ttt .. ,., .. du .. c n~ t'Ct <"'flon ~~rn SCULPTURED SWIMSUITS ~_, •• 11. .... tnd for every scene ... sun, swim, or psycholoey ... see tt.n at JAX, INC. 209 Marine Ave BALBOA ISLAND SHE SHOP 806 E. Balboa Blvd BALBOA QUARTER DECK 630 Coast Highway NEWPORT BEACH BRANDT'S DEPT. STORE 611 Coast Blvd. CORONA DEL MAR IN PERSON ; Pr esenti ng Her FASHION And SWIM SHOW at the Balboa Bay Club . . WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18th FOLLOWING 12:30 LUNCHEON Open to the Public fOR TABLE RESERVATIONS Call MRS. ATKINSON BALBOA BAY CLUB BEacon 6528 • -------~ -- THIS ROUTE FOB IIAPPINEBS! Beer_.. ··~ bu· 8a\"-Cs rtu. for~, ..... ,. ,....,e ... ..,.. ..... ,... ....... , ....... . .. ,.~,~ " .... ~ .... .,.,...., ......... ., ·~ .. ' ate aldf .... , ..... ... .....,. .............. ... ~ ceA\~ ., a llate •v- lac&.,~•F-... PIIIa. .... ,. ... •vlllp ........ ,...,. . ..._.., ... "" ......,. -~a&_. trtea-a ttl~. ...... y: ~ .................... . for ..... fiCJ .....,_ en4 etff~ 1461 VIe LWe, .... ,.,.. HA 1-''0.. ..... _._ .. "MUSIC for MILADY" Monday thru fnday 9:30 -9:45 a m. Party Honors Recent Bride Adult ~esoentatlvec oC the Glrl Scout Wlcils from Ne-wport Beach. Cocta Mesa. HWltincton Beaeh. Lacuna Beach. San CJe. men~ and San Juan CapiiJtrano ~t last ~k at the Scout HOWJt' in Co&ta Mea. 11181 Ruth Kinny, na tiona I (ield staJr memllet, and Mrs. P. M. Ker· ~. rep.aJ committee member, presiclerd over the ~tiftc wbidt di.lc:uued established camp _.,. ~ 8'ea ........... -.esen- tatn. a-om ...... t lllcluded a... I hMr ..... ~ Nu- nan and rMm~ or he-staff, Mr&. ~ c...r, lin .. Ted Ham- brook ud lin. l'.atMr 0\apman. • • • New «fkftt of the Elghth Grade Girts Club, led by Mra. Charles Lamb. are Ann St~rt. preai~t ; Judy Sleeper, eecre- tary; Barbara Uttle, treuYrer: JaM Stetson, sergeant-at·arml: ~~onn~e Younc. mrechment C!hair~ man. and Mary Gilby, telephone chairman. Contlnu.iq& their )'Mt'b' III"'RnJJI. ee.dl "" iD ~ d~ wnt toy bap and East~ greet· inp to her particular girl in tJir tuberculoma ward of the Oran~ County Hoapital. • • • Leis ol ~ paper are the lat· est handicraft ac:mmplishment of the 1blrd Grade Brownies or Troop 28 Wd by Mn. Robt>rt Gard- Jie'l'. 1'NI tJ'ooC» Uled the ~ from their Girl Scout caleldar salle to fill Eut~r Baskets (or the chll· dreft in <>ran~ County HMJ)ltal. New officers of the troOp are N..cy Gardner. presideftt, and Holly Ingram, secretary. • • • Nature study and fun were the main objectives of the Easter , ... cation OMI tJ1p taken by ttt. Sixth Grade Girl Scouts of Troop 17. 1'he outing at Crystal eo~ lnclud· ~ a wient'f' bake and preparation of "Somores" for deuert as well u a hunt for specimen~ for a na- ture study exhibit. Mrs. Sidney Sanden is troop leader. • • • Work with copper is the next handicraft program for Fourth Grade Brownies of Troop 26 I~ by M rs. Uoyd Rogers. Other pro- jects ~ a cook-out ln thto Laguna hills and maldng felt wrist purses. • • • Three new members were in· \'ested at the recent meeting of the Mariner Ship N&iad at the Girl lkout l:fc)we. They are Jan Dul· worth. Mary Harvey and Anne Boucher. After the ceremony Skipper Mrs. Ted Hambrook drilled the girls In points of the c:ompus and practicing .ema- phore. getting ready for the May ··Ga.m.·· • • • For their last meeting in March, f'ourth Grade Brownies of Troop a3 with their leader Mrs. W. E . Fisher, deli~red scrap.books made by the girls from Chri tmas C&rds to the Orange County H011· pi taL A picnic at Anaheim Park completed t.M day. FURNITURE ANt> ACCESSORIES Opet~ Ni9Ms • • • ~ey. 10 Uft. to 4 p.m. • • • Dick Veneman had a small pe.rty at his hot'M on Uttl~ Island, Fri- day nlr;l\t. The foi.Jowtnc couples attf!'Jided: Bill Gannon and Joe~ Olson. Stan AR&r and Sbil'ley Mer· rill, Gary Smith and Dona Sedin· ~r. and Dick Venema_n and Diant> Par80DS. As I got this ln(orma· tJon through B1U Gannon. all 1 could find out was that they watched television. fThat's as good excuse as an)•!! ~I We are ofleri.Dq thia Sale DON ,_, .... 11 .._ 1'C·OLOR KEY 'D" to MODERN SHADES * I PilL '4i1~17·11 in appreciation of your patronage during our first year of businees * * * I * Ready-Made CurtaiDa * Y ardaqe * Shower Curtains * led Spreads * Plastic Trims oe our TABLE of BARGAINS 1203 Coast Bml (Corner Goldenrod) Corona del Mllr ... ftc:)ft(::AL By troll m'ftJ'IIMA.~ DIANS The second annual race around PAllaS • tAMPS • week by the Balboa Yacht Club, OOVIIINGS. was a lot of fun. aceorcling to Pete IIOUD a OAaDaf Beall. skl~r of the Wand cult 611 c-.t Hwy .. Nee,_., • 1171 ~r, Breeka~art. Besides her • "'--............ s-. 10 4 lustrious skipper. the Breakaheart ~-~~~~~-~-~~~·~-~-== carried an liJustrlous crew: Derby • Metcalf, Ed Fraser, Daw Clark and Fr-ed ScMnck.. See Wla a ~~rty preva11111c 8a...._y morlllllc. U..y ..,..._. to ti~Mt ap to 8u PMro ud t1wta rMth for tlwo W..t .,, wtdda tlley dl4, arrhia« ...,.. Ia ...... preetodM _._y lty Ute Hilaria aed th~ AaUtrM. Commodore Harry B~~tt's ketch, recently renamed Susklnd, won the arbitrary ha.ncllcap clus. Her new and very unusual name belonged to a woman ln a James Branch Cabell rantasy who pre. served the dlssatlsfacliona or youth in men ---a fine disturbing qual- ity possessed by many boats but few women. • • • On~ by one our big auxiliaries. the real show pieces of our Hal'- bor, are leaving on temporary or permanent commissions, but we guess they wilJ all come sailing back some day. The GoodwUl is takJng charters in Acapulco. The Vega is at the Craig S hipyard In Witmjngton. She was recently purchased by t h<' Crane bathroom fixtures people. and H ls under-1301 Coast Hwy. Corofta .... Mar stood will 1M> l:K>rthed elsewhert>. ..................... AGENTS FOB LYONS 1966 Harbor BmL The next best move was any-one's gamble. and the Break:aheert rt>ached too far south and ran out of wind off the East End while the yachts who bad stayed clOM to the Island sailed merrily past. She was not alone. howe,·er, atnd '"'lls soon joined by the White Cloud and the Saluda, and the thre«> sat like ducks ln a pond half the night. NAYRU should permit the Installation of Hollywood \\ind machines. George Vanderbilt's Pioneer is 6 Et'4ElAL CONTRACTORS a ....,...ven means of rea..a..'--~ l:K>ing fn"'()med for an extended HArt.er 1~.. ....-...... ._ South Seas cruise to get under ~~iiiii;iiiiii-iiiiiiii~~f~oriia~ll~IOl'~U~o~f~rnerchandbe-~~~~iiUitei HOME LOANS Low "REDUCING" Interest Rates Low Monthly Payments It wa• a mOflt ltOC.'laltle ract". "ith the boats \18ltfa« back •ad forth aad «t\1ag laexaet poAI- Uoa• to f'ach other. u ~-oa latow lf ~·ou had )'Our radio oil. Thf' IUlarla, wblcll ftallllt~ n""t llltortly aftf'r 10 s ... day mont- lac· lay aatty at Ute Bl'C dock l'f'tlMGJ'lftlr: the other boatll wtth the lafo rm a tl oa that you couldn't ~ land oatil you W4'N' a mil.-orr the jetty. Bruns & Mar sac PLUIBIIIG ()eroeea ... liar Water Beaten Ooe~-........ 700 Caraatloa A venae Harbor lS18 way within a month. according to them! Phone Harbor lllt. her skipper, T. I . Vatland. No ne'Cd for you to worry about the guests recehing adequate scrviC<', as the PionN'r's company \\i ll Include six ~est~ and 27 crew, with two rooks. Thf' Glorla Daltoe ha• bHtt put't'ha~rd by tl'lt' 0 . L Dahls of LonK Bf-a('h and \\111 t'netually <'hartf'r out of Loac BN.t-h. Mt-aawhlJf' 8-l'lf' l8 eateN'd lll tht' Ellw-d.a ~ aad Is ha'iq a T'M'f' with tlmf' to 1M' r~y In Ma ;\'· Ht•r !'kipper is Captain Constan- tin Flink of Co. ta ~1.<'Sa, \\'ho dur- im: \\'orld War II commanded the· Sta•· of Scotlanrl a frv<>-masted jib headt'd schoOJH'r whlch was sunk und('r· him b~ a :"l:azi ub. to men· tion one small ancid<'nt in hL<: rol- cwlul hfc:-. C'C'Incidf'nt31l\', his f>On, Capt:un Ed\\'ard Flink.· who CtlllO po-.~<'!>St•s an unlimil<>d tick<'l. i thf" skapfl('r of t hP \'e~a . . . nunr:tn SIP\\~trt . o\\n<'r of th<' ,1~-foot A•·mw, \\hich tx-gins h('r noon nm~ out of Port Orang<> &\t urda~. took h1<: son's Cub ~rout IX>n on a Clshin~: trip the:> oth<.'r day. As the:> ArJ'Ow survh·c:-d that UNMATCHED and UNBEATABLE VALUES for you in this our first qreat anniversary sale! Buy direct from factory and save 35% to SO%. e e e Wherever you hve it will pay you to drive to Westminster and save many, many dollars. * 'N e offer you the facilities of the Largest federal Savings Associa1ion in Orange County ~iiiiiiiiiiiiii~~iiiiiii '0)'81.(<'. you ma~ now ronsid<'r hC'r j I trlc:>d. tested anrl tru('. Ladies' c:.pc. Suits. Reg. 29.95 All-Wool Toppers. Reg. 19.95 to 25.00 Sheen Cabardine Skirts. Reg. 4. 00 Full Circle Cotton Skirts. Reg. 4.95 . Sheen Gabardine Toppers. Reg 12.95 Cotton Dirndl Skirts. Reg. 1.98 ...... You'll lilo our eo~iol mott.ocl if' tenri119 y-f1H41L Aato e BarJ1ar7 e Jl1re LlaltOit7 e G.._ e h•*J W01. Ml'l Ooaql J tlea, ete. Courteous Wormatioe. DEPENDABLE 15ERV1CZ FEIEIIL SIYI- LAGUNA tEACH rho.. 4-1177 -222 Oc.ell ""· Let's Go DEEP SEA FISHING -HIE 41{1{0W Starts daily run Saturday, April 14th GY,SY · -5:00a.m. Faro $6.50 ALAL~~;~6~~00 a.m. PIIJ --FISIIftll ~ MAY I - -6:30a.m. faro 15.50 MISSAWIT -7:00a.m. Faro $6.50 NEWPORT BEACH AllOW • • • Noon P h o a ~ e B E a (' o a 6 6 ! 6 Faro $4.50 TO smtVE YOU*** DOUBLE Cliii)(}J(DJ IIAIUIOR DRUGS 8llell Pro41aeta Repalrtltc-M-IIr. TvliNc Nlte Wortt 11J &ppt. "We 8tMdalbe Ia IDIDefl.-..'7 8enb" leN Oout ....._ IIA 6&1-&-Nltw-tftl-•-o.r-... ._ F1oor Coveftllp-........,_,. Asphalt 1lle -Rubber nJe FormJca -Unoleum 111e •• UNa::.'=" 1.11 ~ l'fa 8t. ()..e. .... BEACON •• ._W 22 Yan In ~ Coun~ Mrs. Hilmer Now InHerNewHome MN:. Herman 11Hm<'r has now completed her home at 534 S. Bay Front. Balboa Island and is oc- cupyint it. On ~y. April 3. s~ was luncheon hostess to a group of fri<'nds from th<' Harbor area: l'\1rncs. Henry Eggert, Ar· thur Lowell. C. W. Jayred and Gra<'t' l'nderwood or Balboa Is- land Followln~ lunchron the gu('sts pr<'Sented Mrs. Hilm<>r with a hoUSC'·warming gift Mrs. J lilm<'r and her Ia l<' hus-j band wt>re r(' !dents of Balboa Island for many years. Mr. HU- rn('r "as at on<' tim<' mayor of Newport Beach. THIRD DAl'GHTER Mr. and Mrs. Richard S tewart, I 106 Abalone Ave .. Balboa. Island, 1 are th<' parents of a daughter. Merril.' Laurie. born Thursday, March 29. in St. Joseph Hospital, weighing 8 pounds 1 ounce. Mer- rie Lauric has two sist<'rs. Marcia Sue and Ann Marcia. McKISLEVS HA\·l: BABY A llttle dau~hter. Carol Lor- raine, joined the family or Mr. and Mrs. Earl McKink!y, 730R Ocean Front. Newport. on Sunday, April 1. Sh<' was born in Santa Ana Community Hospital and weighed 7 pounds 11, ounC<'s She has two broth£'rs. Stcnm and Mark. \'JRITING TlfF. \'OGEL~ Vi~itin~ :\1r. and Mrs. John Vo- gel of Balboa are Mrs. Vogel's sister. Mrs. George Janeehi of Min- neapolis. and ht>r mother. Mrs. G. W. Tollm of Stillwater. Minn. RET''RN FROM TRIP Mrs. Alen<' Baldwin Ehr<"Sman, 4061-. Clubhous<>. N<.>wport, ac- compani<.'d by her mother-in-law, Mrs Nellie Ehresman of Pomona, dro\'£' up th<' Inland route to nor- thern California. stoppinJ: for a visit with Mrs. Cora Powell of La· fayette, and in Kingsburg to visit relatives or lht' s<>nior Mrs. Ehres- man. They dro\'e as far as Rich-~d before l'<'tuming home. P. E. AGI';ST~ TO MEET Joe Anlista of Newport will be among ttl<> Pacific Electric Rail- way Co. agents from four Sou- them California counti('S who will attend tht' P. E. agents, 29th annual banqu<'t next Thursday evenjng at th<' Alexandria Hotel ln Lo Angeles. BACK FROM LA IOLLA Cotton Short and Bra Sets. Reg 2.98 Gabardine Bolero Suits, Reg. 14 .95 Eyelet ~e Blouses, Reg. 2.98 . Hawaiian Print Blouses, Reg. 2.50 Unlined Wool Toppers. Reg. I 0.95 100% Nylon Slips, Reg. 5.98 . . . 179 145 69S ·385 179 Ladies' Slacb. Reg. 5.98 to 9.95 ... 385 to 635 Men's 100% Wool Sheen ~dine Slaclcs Multifilament Crepe Slips. Reg. 2.98 Reg. 22.50 . . . . . . 1495 Men's Hawaiian Print Sbirta. Reg. 2.95 199 Men's Imported Gingham Shirts. Reg. 6.50 . 425 Men's 2-ply Gabardine Shirts. Reg. 7.95 . 495 Men's Gabardine Leisure Coats, Reg. 15.95 1095 Men's 100% Wool Tweed Leisure Coats. Reg. 19.95 . . . . . . Men's Gabardine Jackets, Reg. 12.95 Men's Suede Jackets. Reg. 30.00 Men's 100«y0 Wool Sport Coats. Reg. 30 00 & 35 .00 OUR FActOR\' 149S . ass 1965 1995 Mr . and Mrs. W. P . Custer, 212 Lt.rkapur Ave., Corona del Mar, are at home &Rain aftn a few dt.)'a vacation trip to La JoJJa. .lliiil.lil ...... The 1951 Prt'achin~ ~fj lon at Christ Church b~ 1 he.-Sl'a will open :un y nl~.:ht ''ith Rev. !-'ran k Butterwor th , IQSlor of White Tt•mple. Annhl'im, as the speeker. A nati\'e o( Califomia, he re· cx-lved hls Unln•rsity training at UCLA and his semlnary work at Northwest<'rn Unl\'er ity. He ~ came pastor of the Methodlst Church in San Gabrie l. la ter trans - ferring to the University Method· lst Church In R <.'d lands. He has been pastot· in Annh<'im s ince July 1949. The crvict's will be upported by lh<' choir of Christ Church by the Sea. tnc.-Temple Choir or Ana- helm nnd choirs from Huntington Beach and Gard<'n GroH'. The o;eal<' of addre ses will be as follO\\S. Sund.a> "Eiu i\·e, [sn't It!", Monda> "'fh<'r<' Were Two or U<~", '1"\J<'SdU) "Uk£> Sap Rises", W('dnt>~da> ''QuaN Zones of the Mmd", Thursda>--"Contest- ing the Will", Frida~ -"Calls W ithout EchCX' ". ATTt:SDS t.IBRARl' Mt:t:.'TI.XG Attending t he Southt'rn District meeting for South£>m California Ubrary AsSO<.'iation in San Diego S&turday was Dorothea Sheely, ~ E. Ocean Front, Balboa. li- brulan for N ewport Beach. Mrs. Sheely ht'ard a discussion or "State Aid for Ubraries" while at a bre&klast and lunchron. MATTRESSES ~~oa•-a---............ IrTecular Sbapea leaeoD 5081 COSTA WESA WATTlES$ CO. 21110 .....,..,. IW. ~rr Th~ Sip•• HArbor 87 427 Nercluus, CD~ temias '•"tailed & Sentced TIUE TV lO l l Ne.,..port llvd. HArbor 20e Newport leech ...... oiiJROIE~ I Nancy Farwell Is Wed at St. James 'PIIIo B6ijJIUII ~1iss Nancy Lenore Farw('IJ, :\f rs E A K. Hat kl'tt pla)f"d ft;.;:.._ PI eel ~~Nn·t:a ARY WEEK dau~-t_ht ('r of Mr. a nd ~1rs. L)m:'ln \wddan" mu u· nd.•hl' tmdllltonal UIIR IIIII Anni\"ers:try w('('k will be ob· H. htn\ e ll, 1J24 E . Bal~ Bl\ d .. rrutrt'h~"'' Thr• L9rd Prll)('r " ,, , S<'rved at S t Andr(•w p 1 byter· Balboa, a nd Rolx>rt Whalm~ Gur-'un~: dutlllt! 1 h · ,, f\ ,Cf• \\ 11 h a N'ltl tnc{lnth to work irul Church .I n Ne\\port Jlt'ightB ll'y. S<.ln nf Mr. and :\frs. J ohn Ad· Fullro\\tn..: tht• ,., rrm•m~ 11 r,... f•11 'h•• l'au .. •• ~trs <.A>vrJ..t> Dau-bel!innin~ this unday. Judge Ro-di-.on Gurlt•y, 11 ,Via lth!ica. l:•do <'f'lltlt•n \'a' hl•ld ut tb .. f'anH·II P.hrnl' . .?31 Dralt\\n~<l 4\\l , S hore tH'rt Gardner will peok at both , lsi<'. \\Ct'(> u~ited an marna~<> :,at-home• on O~lbou Bhd On 1hf' < 1.1r. h. ~1..vpt£"d tt.. r haannan- th<' 9:30a.m . a nd 11 a m. worshap u;dn) an. S l. J am(' Epa ropal wrddtn~ c,_kt• "''I c• L11d" ~nd ,Jup of rl~: ........ tf'l Krnny fund drave scn ,iccs on "Your Children and Church. :'\ "port. ~t>\'. Pa~J ~looll J:;oom fltruw11· twm 1 he Ka) tQ r·'l1."' :-r••n• ' f11r 1 m" ~ mg a t Mine." WhN'If'r rPad lh(' ~lnf(lc> rtng wn · f mch tudlo lht· ""' ·r K•·au,, ·Ruth Home" A SI)("Clal con gregational m~t-J('{>. \Irs Fan\1•11 wc.a,-. n flo"' rr <i rn f. I \1•m'• ing will be h ld at 10:30 a m.. T ht> brtd was gin•n 8\\ay by C'hafrun and .& t'<' r .. acf' of p:nn,, ~~~... uauphu11 ':. ~-~ u:it -old son, betwt'Cn th(> two ~en·iCl' to d . ht'r fa ther. She was d~~t'd in tuhps. ~1r · f.UJh·.' :.r "R' drc -w..cl \I<~.td \\'h 1)04• •.1f thP first pa- clde wh.cth r· or no t to eontlnue hc>r mothcr·'s wcddins: gown and In du"t) ros<· t'hdlnn unci h•t'f' "tth tien ts to be rC'l{'ased from tbe both Sunday morning scr,·lccs: '<'II and carried a show<'r bouquet 8 ('.or..a~e o r orchid.~. kuth humr II" ronhactl'd polio to e lect a n w eld(>r and to ron· of spring flowt>rs. H«.>r maid of ~f)r hPr l l¥wlm~ <'O·tum<•, the Ia t .... epr• mb<r, but now is re- sider church flnanct's. honor was ht>r s.ist er, Barb<Ara Far-hnde wore a na' ~ t~u<• :.ua t "'11 h storPd to lwult h), normal living. Th.e real annive rsal )' of tht' o r· w('JI. "ho . wor e ~ gown of pink ~~d ~cce<.sori<' ·rnd a ror!.a~e ,, T.ht> d• f\ <• !cor tlr<> pc,Jio ho ptta.l ga nizat1on of th~ chur·ch falls on o ru<4ndy 1\nd carrred a bask<>t of "~· tl~rn~llun~, , h , fu.nd .. \\Ill rn•.•rn rn ;\fa) Assisung Wednesda y and will be observro pastt•l sprin~t flowt>~ 0 0''~n~ 1 <II nnr~mOI'>n trip in rv~ll•'f'hun· \\tll t)(' ~fro; James by an Anni\'l'rsa rr J>a rt..v a nd Fam-Brid<'~maids W('n • ~1iss ~tary :f 1,1~~olulu. ~lr and \lr-. Robf·~t P.a\ ~tr, J!.,twar w.;,bt>n•, Mrs. iiY. Night. The Wom pn's F(>ltow-GuriC'}, Lido 1~>1<'. sister ol tht.> ~-==uti } '~11~ n.: a ~~h<~mC' a 1. 4232 • • l . J f'm hn~ and ~Jr . J&mPS Gray, ship is pt't'parin~.: a dinnPr a nd Col-qroom; Miss Allen J(>a n FarwPII, "T~~)·•batd~t . 11:.~<{dA~~tP hf'n 111 •>I r·,urmn d 1 ~tar )f ro; Cliff )('('n . To\\;ns<.'nd'~. reli~ious film, or f..o, AnJ:te.lc-.. d;t>s~ro in '-'1'('('0 ColiN•" Jnd thr:· t 'nn ,',,11~ or Sou·~ Fr.: Jl II ,, 'hfltf' ('ltfl<.. \fn. ~h,.r­"A~Illn. PtOOC'(.'rb \\Ill be shown . Otl{and); Mt!>!l <"ancy . Ello...trom lhr rn C'Ait(nrnra .rnd \\a., atrihated rnltn :-rncth .. r C'1t!l lha\('0 and IJ:on Ltnl{l.e. an e<•stum<', wall play and,~fp,, 11arbara Da~t~l'r both ,,·ath Al,ha PH ,uront\. Th,. ,\ft., c;c,,utlliO~Ir•ofH.altJOa _Any ht accordion throu~hout 1 hl' m<'al. or ::i<~nla Ana, dt·t.'sst-<1 en blu,• or· cnx,nr J1•·nri•'<l l'nt""' 11; of < Jrt • m1:arur-1'rnr... ·roup• <• tnd t\ id- Resl'n'a!tons ror tht' dimwr mu.'t J.:_llnd). ~tr.. RnbPrt C:. Luck<') nf &:(m 1.10,,,1,11 , 01 .._,,,1,h;rn Call· u:tb• \\ho \•ou!d ltk,.. '" v.ork on bt• in thas wet-k . . • !'Anla Ann nnd :'<tr." Ho\\land Llllt· turn ,-. 111d ".j., •!llhtttl'li \\,th PI rur i l1\l' 11• il'·k•-rl 'fl CYA'I taC't ~ew mt'mtx:r:. "ho Jouwd St. don uf Auburn. < ahf drf':-"·d rn Koflf>d A lpltrt fr 11,,11111\ \1" lJa•;pl u' Andl'<'w~ last Sunda~ arl'' :\lr and )<•llo\\ or~and~ on Fr ld~t\ 1 \I IIIII\!, l•~lt•\\rn~ th• ~Irs: Dtck Pll't:•'r and dau~ht<'r. Tht• b<'!.t man "ll~ rht> ..:roon; .. \H·ddtn. 11 ·,... • ,-.J ~~~ and ~lr t"EEUXf, Bt.M'ER ,::,wue of Corona ctrl )tar; ~Irs. brother: John A ddtSI)n Curl~·) Jr. John A Curio·' .. r. ""r•• ltu .. ts 10 R· ''J 1 n._ 10 h• nt•nnal c tt\1· Jac~ ChrtStC'ns<>n and daU~htc>r, from Son LUI fJbaspo. t <~ht•r lht:> bnd 1l pat t) 1111! flllto•l llit•nd' llf, -.Pot 1 Oo•UI \\Jth tht> Ou (J Tom L<'a, and ~1r. and ~ln. liar-\\'\'rt' Jt:'ff F al'\\£'11, broth<'r nf 1ht• ot a cJ1nn••r IJ.!I'\ •1,, n HI lh•• a.r. \It._ l:.d.:th \Iu'l ]'YYI E Ocf>aa old Kahn or Costa ~f<'sa and \liss brade; G<.'nt' Hale. Paradist>. C:alit : boa &' Club · 1 £.~ .... ,1 1 ELIOO: • · ·--• & rba ra Band) of Ba I bo~ Est <'S Col m• r. r rom \\'hi t U er. IJo n ;:::::::::·:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ • • • Edler, "Lido hie; Xils W tnth<-r. Lo" Ql"ESTIOS OS REAI.JT\' I Angele . and Richard Cr:i. !<.man The question . "Ar(> Sin, Dtsf'OSt' from West Los Angeles. Jail Kam- and DeUh Real?" I the topiC' to • bl<' wa flo'' <'t· girl and Tomm} be considered In the LA-sson· <>r· Webber was ring bearer. mon in the Newport Harbor Chris - tian Science Church. The Golden 1 S A Ch · T ext from Psalms 116 201 dl'Cia rf's, t. ndrews Otr "He that is our God nf sa lvation: I En · d B 1 and unto God the' Lord tx-lon't the tenmne on . . issue from dl'ath." I e • • 1 ~lr. end M r'l'. Ralph Dt>a\ <'r:. Balboa I land. <HI' t'flH•a ta intnl.! mt•mb(>r of thl.' St. Andl'('\\~ Pre'· I h} tr•rinn Church rhoir lhu; f'\ Pnin~ •Thur:.da\ 1 a t thr•ir homt· lo 1a JXll luck · up()('r Im ited to C'Omt' Art' \fr "lnd :\tr.; Otto :\l()(m . :\t rs. Janws Jonl' . :\tr-. :-:. II Hubt•r· d<'au, ~fr and :\Irs F rank \hM!.t~. :'<tr and :\lr!>. (' F. &:hindlPr :\l r and :\Irs Jam(>s Black and ~tr and :\Irs Joe Hamble1. all of :"t'\\ • port HPr~ht'; :'<tr and ~h~. Rotx>rt Campl>f'll. Lido Isle: Jamt'S Ftt7· J.:C'rlild , d.rrt"Ctor. Balboa; Re\· and ;\1rs. Thomas GibSon. ;\tis \'<'lma Pradham and ;\lr. and )frs. \\'eb· , tcr JOOl'S of C~ ta :\lt>Sa and :\lr and ~Ir· John Brf.'\\ <'r or Santa Ana. ISSTIT( 'Tl; . l'.:~DA \' "Does Chri lianlt~· Produet•?" wi!J be tht• subj<'Ct of Re\'. Paul Edward Babbitt's sermon S unday a t the 9:4.'5 nnd J 1 am. "t'rnccs in the Communcty Church of Corona dt>i )1.ar. The.-youth choir sin~ 1 at 9 :4:> and t ht• adult choar Slfl,':S at 11 o'clock. ~Irs :\ta ry &ttf'n Stt>ffenS(>n is the dlrl'<'tor of both choirs. Th(> Sprin~ Institute or Chur<'h· manship for L3~m('rt Wi ll be held in the eon._'T«'J::a liona l Church a t W hitti<>r at 2 p. m. unday. Sc-v- t'ral Lay men from th<' Community C hurch \\Ill attl'nd thl' a ft(>rnoon a nd the "'·enlng S<'J"\ICCS. A t th<' dmnl'r hour Dr. John A. Vlt'j:t. pro- f<'ssor a t Pomona CollcJ::c a t Clar<'- mont, will stx•ak on "Tht' Gr<'at- cst Busincs<~ in the \\'Mid .. • • • SER:MOS ~t:nn:s "\\'ht'r <' ( )n E.1t'th J.; (",.)d ~" ._, •• cond or four ..,<'rmnns b> R(•\' Tt'm Pend<'IJ n•lalin~:: lh(' n1t'S~;l~(' or tht> P roph<'l Jl•rnmiah to our own sit ua lions. will I'K' 1 hi' st•rmon 1 upk S unda\. mnrnim• t.tt Chri"t Churc-h bv th•~ Sea. ll.1lbua Rlvd. al 11111 s"t. The t('Xt, tllkl'n rrom Mttlrt•ah 2:17. is ''\Vhl'rl..' I<~ tht• \.od 01 Ju:-.- t iC\":.. A rl·C\"p lton r or nt'\\ ntl'm· tx-rs foliO\\, tht' mormn~ ""r' IN' ~A I •. \0 IX XCII£0!'\ A rl'<'l'nt F.bl>ll C'\'Cnl wa' t ht• monthh salad lunchf'On and ('lrd part) · Ho,t<' .,,.-.; \\CI't' ~lr~o I. A Rt~l.:<"l'~ nnd :\In:. Gf•rald Rtrhll' :\frs. l r 1 •. Robt'rd~ Crt'tl I ('(I t '"' \ dP<'matwn" nf :,\\N't P.'~t-. .tnl! .;rnck :'<1r:-.. ll<'nn :\ll'('.:n•..:• t ''' '\t•\\ JIOI I won th<' d~)(ll' Pl'lll' 't t'•'l· amu· ptt'<'P hom Johann:1 T rhh p rtL<'s were al'>n hi tl•· C:<'Himll" ' Religi-::>us Expenen-:e .:1 E·:~:-r:icy L:v1'1g a Stx -Ntght Pre-:1ch::-:g M!ss.cr. CHRIST CHURCH 31 THE SEA. I Jt h '' .~ R.1lbua Bhd REV. ..... . . I...O!!'JUCre:: O'f FRAI K BUTTER\VORTH ., ,. -'\ . ~ •••••• t:: :'\ :-.. :::-:e: i!". • • l. 5 .-\pr!. . . -·hrs ... g:-. ::-.::::y Ar:-:.: 20 Sund1) \tnndll~ Tuo•-.rt.·\~ \\'••dn1 "d.'l) rhw ,fl.,~ Fnth ~ * El.l':~f\'F. 1~.:-:"T IT" ' THF.P.E \\'ERF. T WO OF t·~ I IKP. ..;,\P P.l~L'I;G" \~l 'IET ZO:'\E!" OF THE :'\11.:-:D" t'• •'\Tf-"'71'\"G TilE \\'ILl • '.\1 I .., \\ :TH• l'T EC'Ht lf"~ · .., * -.·~=--:-.c . ·; .. •.ueo .,. ::-::i Rallcbo Mea E:'\"TERTAIS.,.; "EXIOn~ h l Rec~nt social ~·'I'll I~ ut th•• homt• Nursery Sc 00 of Mrs. Ethel lrt~h Coplr'n, til ~ Ba" F'ront. Balboa J,land, includl.'d Sta te u~nsed artd Approved ll iunchron Cl\'t'n b~ d a II c h ' (' r From ! to 8 Yea.ra Dian<' for hc•r chl-"matf'~ at \l:tri- R~n1~ Car~ a ad borough .. "ht>l"'' shr t<~ a "''ntt>r A Con"tTo('th·e Pl.a7 t'ruisc-arou nd tlw ba) "" 11.'11'1 o' RF. !'lOXAUL.E RATES ~hot-urtc,rnoon aL:ll.\i.l.) Open 5 da)~ J)l'r Wt'Ck---a to 5 \'INITIS<i Tl .. ; Kt:l-:~•;s 'l'ran.,portatlon Fumlshed 1 '!\frs. Ro~ 11 KI'C'n•• m\'1 ht•r 190 E. 15th St. 'aunt. :'\trs. A L William~. HI th•• ES I airport F rida\ afh•rnoon nnd CO~TA M A hrouJ!ht h.-r to hl'r Balhna home• em ~~~~P~b~o~ae~Bea~~c~OG~~MIT~~~~ I 0c<'an Bl\ d ~;\In;, Wallinrn.;, \~ ho i~ from L.a.s ( rul't'"· 'i•'" :\ll'"co will \lsi I (or M l"nUph• or \\ t•o•k<~. CABINETS I JOIS~ A<'COt'XT.\XTS F J'\"F. F t'R!\'lTrRF. !\f.\ DE LatrrPn<'r' ;\. Pr U'Nl of Cnrrornn, I:\' Ot'n O W . ~IIOP, C'ahf.. \\ rll join thr ar·c·nuntin~ FU RNITU RE REFINISHED lirm or t •·slit• E. •• nd F:rn••st \' lf<H'~t; ~~ (;.\ROE.N SodE'rlx'-r·..:. o r Ccwnna dc•i Mnr, on 611 Coest Hwy. Newport A(lril 1:1 ~rr. and Mr .... Pt·us;..o, BEecon S277 w ell mak~ then· home h<>rl' in N<'\\ · Open Nigl.ts • • Sun. 10 •·'"· • 4 p.m. port B<'aC'h Calcrete Work of All Kinds FLAGSTONE PATIOS BLOCK WALLS --·--• FRB£ ESTIMATES e til•. WilT• IS. aa-1110-J • HA"*' 1012,.1 221J ...,._. ...... ea.t. ..... FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST 3303 Vie Udo, N•wport leach A branch of The Molh•r Church, The Fir1t Church of Ch6st, Scie ntist, in Bos ton, Meu echuselh. Sundey School ... _ ....... _.... 9:30 e.m Sunday S.rviee • ... . ......... ,_II :00 e.m Wedn•sd.sy Ev.llinq 'TlH iinq . 8:00 p.m Readtng Room locef•d et Ill P•lm St~ Belbo., is open daily from 12 noon to 5 p.m. e•c•pt Sunde.,.. end holld•Y1 netionelly observed. The public i1 cordielly invlt.d to et· tend t he church services end UM the Reedi"9 ROom. Oft SAT.stos ·SU1f.9to I '" 1:. n .. a' \\·alk oa air In "fDOOSTER .. Hand so..,•' .. wi•h lit• deepe\1 cusL ~ .. , c ~-fcr1 a .... ., ..... .naw, Yet Booster is oo light it f oats o" ••'••· n,;d 1ol•, of crepe rubber on colorf,.l clue~ uppe'"l. S'-oclorool i~1cru sc 'e" tif.c foot lest wesheble. Blu• nalw•el "''" oa•w••l ,,,.,. .. A play art•a and youth et>nt<'r on Balboa Island i tht> goal of a 1 fund drin• tK>ing sponsor<'d by th£> Exd1an~£> Club of l'E'\\lX>rt Har·l bor, Pre id£>nt Tom Heff£>man an· nounC<' . . Location of th<> pi'Oposed pia~ I court i the parkin:.: area adjoin· lng the 1ww Balt)()3 island Com· munitv )lt'lhodil't Church. which ill <."'OI)I'ratin~ 111 thE' pro~tram.l 1bere will tK> a concrt>t t> pan>d I 42:xt5 a••ea fot· such S:.:a.Dl!!l> as bas· ke tball. shulflc.>board. paddle board. tl"nnts a nd badrmnton. l n addition the ChurC"h has agrC?<.'Sl In allo" . a.upet·\i•wd Y'•Uth o•·canizatioll5 .1.0 1 u.e their hall and k itch<'n racllj. lit'S. I T o asstst in the fund rai inf,!. John Vog<>l. a mt>mber of thE' Excha.nJ;:e Club board of controls. has cto.j natt>d an un<'ncumbcred buildin~ tdte 1n Yucca Va lley, dt'Sert com· munit' 25 mil .. s north or Palm ~prin~ . The fund ra.tsin~ campaign i<: in <'haJJ.:<' nf tl'<> Youth Cf'ntt"r Com· mit I N' h••>'\di'd hv Chairman F••('(]. rrick Hodcdon. 'as. istt>d by Paul Butler and ,r Vo~f'l Island Church Plan Progress A dvu 'lllancial rrcntd \\ac: p t•" 1 •· c1 •,, th•· BP'Itd !'ll••t•!tn•· of t h•· '1l'~)oa l,lanct c .. mmurur~ ~•l h•l 1 l'l~tn·h Tu•· .. da~ ,,, .. lllng. The first projects in T<'· mot,; 'hill tl• .\o..;ith' AH• btuldtJlt:::. ant" , ll'J 'l'h :-.11'\ICl urt• i.ll'l {'1101· JJh 11 i. J, .,, 11 n·. ;\1or<> lh'ill hall t ! t 'w !'1'1<''' of 1 h<' land ha.; !)('I'll p;lid 1'"' '\tth tht• balam··· to Lr W<H kt•d ••t I I ' 11'111 Th,· n•" prncr am C"alls !111 Sl'· rurrn~ t•l 1.11''" 101 1h<· :-.anrlu~n. and ftnrshm~: th1• sudal hall. Thf' pr'M ·11 llluldtm: commJ!h'f' \\a:-. 1<'-tit•Cit•d 'I I ('81TY Ull thiS \\Ork :-:unda' '<~ SPI'mon b\ Rc,·. llan~ Whrh• \\·t.l h·· "fwartlnc the Who!" ramih A ~pt·rtal ;.olo \\Ill \)(' sung h~ tb~<>l :\1<tnn ol LO!< An· l!"k". \\ ;.,, " bmucht 10 1 h• IJ-land b~ !-~"' •J;,. Brv\\ n !\l lll.o:;. ~PEAKFAl till• f'\'r.._ (ft-. tt. ~-) tl t t "" nwt>tlq; c.f tiM-Co- ron.:\ dt>l Ma.r Mf'll's Clo at tW Co.mntuelh Chu~h "111 be Jla· rlnt> ~~rr ·l"._-t • .Jamf's M. P..-rry (Ubll\f'), ont> of the· r~tJy ,.... t ltnwd hf'r nf•• flt lht• Kur.-. ('.n1· r-a I~:T~. 11 t' wa• pl:t t.ooa 11M' r • Jrt>ant In thf' lii.t>H•ath M.arln<' Rt>j!'lnwnt wh••n th•• ('ha•"Jha Rf•ownttlr \\nil c-nJ•turf'd and &lit· lt>rNJ .. hrnam•·l "ttUil~ and frn .. thitt• In tlw .. ub...-qut>nt \\ith-I dra\\al \\Jwn th•• ('hiDt'M' Cmn - munhh• alt<H'kNI in fur<'<'. II•• 1 .. nu\\ In lhl" intt•lll:.:enf'o• ._... •. tlt.n nf a M.a r int• Air Tra n .. pttrl l:'f tlllp at •:1 Toru. Thl" ,.., •·· n.ln,::·... dlnn••r mt>vUnu: nf l111• :\l•·n·... ( lu iJ '" "~htrin•· C '"1.., ~h:hl." J'r•·•.hl•·nt \\ uod~ liar· \\ cuul • "'· Red Cross Fund Drive Over Top Th· Rt•d Crpso: fund dtl\ •• wrnt f•\• 1 tht• '"P Fru1;~~. \\lth ~13};1111 1 urnt•d '" ur plt>dgNl. and tim. \\t'• k tlw t••tal had climlx•d f(• .. 16.·' ()011, ~N'I t'\al'~ lf'is J fi~bit• l'l'{lflrtS. Thl quntn "a" $1:J.60ll F und l>rh e Chairman Carl • THE E NSIGN Jlann~ UI'J.!l'd I ho:o;!' '' hu ha\ 1 tx'\ n :'-low offers complete mis<;(•d dw L1g 1 h~· rampai~'ll w J b Prin ... :-F cilltiea ma1l their rontributlonll to the Red I -;;;;;;;;;;;;;0 ;;;;;;;;;;;;. ..... ,;;;;;';;;;';;;;· ;;;;&>;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ lro.!.'> officf' on Island Aw . in Bal· '"' I hoa. Fundo; at'<' badl~· nN'd<'d tK>-1111111 MASTER PAINTER BR ·USRES l"rom lftc ll o a,· 1'p To Our Customers -·-('O~fl·LETE Line nf- ..... ..,Palnt~ Pllt .. lrP l 'alnt... 1·22 COWRIZEil . ;J COU)Rf' Hf'adquart .. ,.., for reliabh Paint(•r..-& Pat)('rhan,::<>rll lllRBGR PliiT I Wl~LPAPD Cl. 219 Co•st Blvd. H,.;rbor 2020·R, CORONA DEl MAll cauJo.e the dt>mand'! a r<' gr('al. es· • {X'Cially for l ht> blood program. 1 h<· !'aid. R~>8ldf'nthtl District• Out of Town Rf'sidenls Lido lslt> Balboa Island Ballx\a Corona dd ~fat· JWacon Bay NewJ)<'rl &>ach :"t•wport ll<>ights Cliff II a \'t'n Ra ~shore~> · l lta.rbor lslar\d Shor,. C'liff~ Da). hland Quuta 83.000 1.600 1,550 1,400 1,500 300 600 375 250 300 325 200 400 Kf'N'h'f'd S2.112.50 1 .643~<;0 1.774.85 2.132.90 :l.105.90 .. 325.50 451.75 309.95 237.00 3.'}2.50 427.00 320.00 364.:-,o RusiDf'S!I Dlstrktfl ::-.: 1'\\ JtC>rt R<'IH'h S ~00 S Ml .OO ~1.1 (1 673.52 229.00 329.5.'5 194.44 M iracle' Mill' 32.'1 RlliMa 275 Corona dt>l Mar 450 Balboa Island 450 Establishment.s ROO Or~anizations and Schools 600 533.00 Misct'llanrous 100 5.00 P A INTIN G~ Presented at THE E N SIGN BUILDI N G 11 00 Coast Boulevard Corona del Mar APRIL • • • • Sweet, Teader, Garden Fresh . ENJOY SHOPPING EASE • • ll. AT ORANGE COUNTY'S FINEST ONE·STOP SHOPPING CENTER ••• ll. • • • • • • RATH'I KORNLANO s~~~ • • • • • FOR SOUPS OR aALAOI BOTTLE 6AiliC CROUTONS ZJc • • • • LUER'I QUALITY LB. FRESH LIVER SAUSAGE • • 44c LB. • 55c THURaDAY SPICY APPLE DONUTS .......... -..... 6 for %4c RONEY FRUIT BARS ................. ~doz. 22c DOZEN 42c FRIDAY AMERJCAN FRENCH DINNER BOLLS ..................... _ ........ 6 for 17c ORANGE COCOANUT LAYER CAKES ............................... each 87c SATURDAY DANJIH APPLE OOWEE CAKES ............................ 3 for 28c CHOCOLATE CREA.II PIE ...................................... each 58c Certlf,..... • Froan Scallops 10·0z. .. 7-0z. 6Sc De C I~' f. " ~ • • • aen-Mur Coffee • • • A • Gold Crest-Yellow MarC)GI'IH • Sea Rich-Solid Pack Light Meat Size ~ T..a .... • • • Cal Fame---Fronn Or • .=.lee l -Oa. oen 2..,Dc I~ECIALI EFFECTIV~ TMURa., FRI., lAT. -AP'UL. 12-1S·14