HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-05-10 - Newport Harbor Ensign''Comes now BEN REDDICK" ... to smite with hea"'Y and eBJter hand at the Newport Harbor En- sign's petition to be declared a le- gal newiiP8per. Guess It s.hou]d say "Comes now HAAPA" ... beca~ it develops that Ben ball fouled out again in hls efforts to ''admit, deny, al· )ege ...•• It's been a long. hard. cruel grind against bitter odds. against some low blows ---to test wheth<'r this superb community should fa JJ under the sway of a swag~ring overlord of the press. And came the moment when the Ensign had met all the quali£ica- tions of becoming a legsl newspa- per • --thus opening up a brand new source of n~ re,·cnue to help continue building th<' Ensign as a community newspaper ---a consummation d e v o u 1 1 y to be feal't!'d by some, seemingly. • 'I1lotlc qualification w<'re. first 3 list of paying subscribers. then one y<>ar or publication wholly v.-ithin th<' city of Newport Beach. And to that end was set up our own printing plant. the issue of April 6. "1950. being the first printed in our shop, and now the year has passed. and the paid list of subscribers ha~ s teadily grown. thanks to you. gentle readers. Com~ now Reddick and says false. 'tain't $0 . • • or In plainer words, I'm a liar, lo that e\'en the ~V-"'m word in court l5 to~ taken lightly. even to committing per- jury and fra1ld ..,._ the pubUc. S1:rGnK WOI'da. In typbl R@ddldc IUhiGn -- -~t of tM put outburlta of wrath, peto- )&JlC{', ft'ar and frustration So th<' matter went to court last Friday to detenrune the facts. And. Reddick not being present. his counsel was granted continu· ance, so again this momln~ the case ~ up, and a gain in the ab- sence of the objector th<' case was argued, and tht' court found in fa- vor or ·~ Ensign. So now. good people. who have made this possible. you can do more good deeds by continuing to send those $2.50 checks to keep our paid subscriber Us t growinct ---and there Is a barb for Ben In e\'t>ry dollar of it ---liS the Newport Harbor Ensign ~ains in stature and cst('Cm. That is all ... for now Except , thanks again. Newport Har bor. and the court, a nd a t- torney. • • • And apologies aLc;o to the Judge. because with lht> ex- trem e crisis of deadlines, this was writt<'n in his court while the rounsel for the complain1nt was preparing his case. • • • Monday evt>nJng's City Council meeting will be worth a look-in. . . . It will be new Counci.lman Dale Ramsey's first full-fledged S('SSion .... Appointment of the m<'mbc:'rs of tht' P arks and Recl"('a- tion Commis ion may be an- nounced .... 'TheT'(>'s a rumor that th<> China Covc-Nl'WJ)Ort matchinq land probl('h\ may come up for dill· cuaion. . . . The Public Ubrary plans for eXJ)Ilnslon of Us main buf1dine, Ob bland Ave. in Balboa. &lao may come up. The Ubrary (Ointlnued on Page 2) D~MAGED PAGE ~ ....... ....__ ___ IB¥CBoat Is Winner A" lwhPftufmt Nnv•PG~Jn COftl'ina the eatire dry of ~wport Beach. '· , Aftl'r u<ual c:Wwn pa~m<'nt CDM Croap Plus 'Ladies Night' May II Pollillg Places tilted There W'IU be two polbnt: plaet-~ in the cit y F riday of nE'X1 w('('k for the «>l('('tion or memb<'rs for Newport Elementary. Kl''''port Hlf!h School ~Orang«> C'oa~t __________ .._ ___ _ C'oll<'s:te boarru ?r('('inct :-.o. 1 \\i ll be a t the ~('\\'port School and Wl ll consist •II TLece Feat• res I of t~ rt>srular cit~ prN'inC'ts 1. 2." R ~ 3. 4. 5. 8. 9. 11 , 1:>. li. 1~. 19. Plans for a "l.adi<>S Night" din-an~ CUff Ha,·en . ubdiviston lrs ftea]ton Will Spcx110r n<'r m<'<'tin~ of thl' Corona del Mar J uha Mae Eggert will be lnspec-Qu Busin<'S Association Wt're out-tor, and Mrs. Nma K. Holtby and Carol ThOIDCIB as een lined yc>. tt'rday at a mi.'(' tin~ of Mrs. Aur<'ha XiPmJ('(' \\ill be ~ Ne\\ port Harbor Board of the Association Board of DirE.'<'· ju<f$tes. Realtors vott'd at th<'ir brt>ak- tors a\ RaA'an's P.PStaurant. Prt'cin<'t ~o 2 "'ill be at the fut rnt'1.'tinF lao;t n .ursday to The <'n'nt '''ll" $('t ror l\fonchly Corona del Mar St'hool and "',n c;ponsor l\hs s Carol T h 0 01 8 a, enmina. ,June 4, a r Ragan·~. Tur· ronstst of T'('fnJiar <'JIY precin<'ts dausthter of Mr and Mrs. Carl kt>v dinrK'r "'ill ll<' sen cd at ; 6. i . 10. 12. 13. H . 16 21. ~and 23. Tho.'l.r..s o! ~qa M~ for Ouc-en p. · m .. followed b) entertainment Mrc: Annt> Crav. 1 '' tll b<' in .... pl'C· of the ann•Ja fi. t, fry at C'.osta and award of dooa pritC'S. accord-I tor. and )frs Jan<' .F Morj:a':l and )ft'$d Mt ~ ThomM \s HonoN'd fng to Pr('Sident C'IHf Lionbar~er. 1\lN-. :Martha C'unntn!,!ham wtll he Qu f'n of .Job Dau_,hters and ln Chlrg'e of li<'k• I alt's IU'C H. L. juda<'~ PolJ~ v.1Jl be.' OP<'n from 11111'lx1t HiR;h ~tudent Hetrick and 0 \\'. Broomh<'ad. 7 a m. to 7 p. m. TheN' ON' thru • t'andidat<'S in BOY FOR THE • O"TOS the Ekmf'ntATY ~ chool boord An 8 pound. 2 nunC<' boy was cl<'ctton . ln l•um&·n t () Z Rntx-rt· born to Mr. and 1\trs. Wilham S<'x-st'n of CoroM d<'l Mu Jam(.;; D. ton. ~ HeliotroP<' A\'C. Corona Ra\' of CoN'n~ del tar 11nrl R~rt del Mat•. st St. Jm<'ph Hospital L. • ALirn or Balboo IncumiX'nt Saturday. "\tny 5 William Jr. was J. A. ~k or Ballll."\11 Island i the nam<' chosen for thl.' n<'W ar-unconte-;tro in thf' Hic'h ~.,o.,l rival. WilliAm Sr. is assistant board d('('tion. a. 1 D D. lAY.- cuhier at the Newport "Harbor hNd of ~at Beacll m th<-OCC Bank. ~l«tloa. ~ ........ .. ~~!~-?6~E~Y.;!:~;;~~l :ttfi!!JJ!tl [~~::!~~~ .. ~~ :;~-:~~::=J h~JI4 ...,. ~ L <Continued from P3ge 1) rrom bclnll a skin d1ver whc'D an AT THE INSTALLATION of 11.-1.-n Stoc-kton (rf'nlf'r) ll<~ prt>Sidfllt of Ut,. N-port IIArbor Zonta Club. Mlldrf'd ~tanlt>~ (rl('ht), tbf' rf'Urin~ pr~ldl'nt. at'tfil a" ln'lt.ullln.: ofri('f'r. 7.onta 01 trlt't (;o\·- ,.raur RO'aUI'Iond Hl\rriMo '(lt>ft), wus 11lso p~·nt for Ut•· t't•N>m ony. T h<>} :.tartt>d our f1~hfin~ hkt• caL"-and dogs and ended up tak· lnJt care of th m . That's the hu- morous "''8'' fl<'l<'n S ockton d ·- SCT'Ib<-d 1n ~nrl'' nw<'tim; with Dr Albt>rt ~tockton. no' \(>l<'rma n an at the C.orona del :\'tar Small Ani- mal Hospital. She went ofl to cxplaln that she- lni:M:Iuc:!l! a new wa 11 color-perhaps by painting it on just one wall. Another is the re- arntngement of your furniture. This single (actor often docs ror a room what a new hair·do does for a woman ... givl's it a new, vl- brMl personality. Then, ~he addttlon of-just one? new piece of furniture can work wonders towards changing the tone &nd style of the entire room -(l)hnt o h~ 8 t'('k:nf'r ) and · Doc" hod kno" n NtCh otht'r t>\ er l'i nt•t· childhc>v I whk h both or ttwm ~11\'nt il' A tlanl ic Ci ly, "''" Jt ,,,., \\.fl('ll 1 hco~ \\ t're kids they '' 1 ,. trictl) ;lnta1:onis tic. but b~ th(.' 11m<' thC'~ r('acht'd coi- II'~P iti!l•, tht•y start('d datinst. The f rank way in which 1 Jelen mal<<'s•IJ~h t of her experiences and JIOk<'s fun al nerselr Is l)robably one or tht> reasons she has just b&>n ei<'CtM pN'Sidl•nt of the Har- bor Chnptt'r of Zonta lntema· t lonal. She has a traiJtht-for- "·ard munl'l('r but soften its 'bru""'u~'ne by a gOod deal of .hu- and the a bility to see when ~ joke's on her. , Of her early lite, Helen talks AU thrN' or thes<> facton. were us<'d to ~ivt> a n<'w J)('rsonality to the room sk('tched a bov('. One room wall has bet>n painted deep chocolate bt'OWT'I lht' samt' color carril'd into ndjoinin~ haJJ- way. The sofa hac: be<>n plneed in the window llrt'a to mak~ room for the nt>w, Modern storage chest. Suddenly, this new pit'Ce' becomes the room's "added attraction" ... and th<-balance of the room keys in with it. Wh<'n it's furniture you ne<'d ... you can be SUJ'e to find it In our complete selections. We make it a point to keep complete stocks on hal"'d. . . . tn a Wide PJ1~ ran~~. Yes ... "Quality and reasonable prices" is our motto. Come in to see us soon. ' llt-~'1'-·l /f£,...oer .............. • 112 eoa.t ltewpod leach SSZ£5522 2 0 a sass us sOJsssss ass ss2s5 ~' -Y " ~...,. Board &Jld staff ha"e done a good abalon<' wa s tuff<>d 1n a conven-~a~A::k. ,w._ 111_. job or explaining the criocaJ n~ it>tll ~pot und<-r her ba~ 11ult; -for more space and have obtaint'd has httle daughter scarmg JlWQ' Adverlisinc • • • • COl\WlN ROOT a wide ran~e of Indorsements. a fls.h and cam man by offcrinl TflE ENSIGN 1.1 publhbt'd eftrY Th re still are many who feel that him a wiggly octopus found in the ~=~~rng'~,~~l'l":et"'~ the Balboa location is not the spot Back Bay ... · to 6 p.m. ~y thro~h l'r1c1Q. for permanent location or the main • • • • •vaacaJ:PTlOII llA'I'D library Cor this wicte.pread New-N~·u too la~ to ctn _... 8:: ~e;_rtlor "'Area. __ _:: 1: port Harbor AJ:ee. but lt is also wwre c:rMJt a. clue lw a .... -..... clear that building an addition to o1 lwa\'t"l'l'· ••• a.r a 1 ._ Oae Year__ .10 t.hls library is the only raslble -.rr ._.. ~.,. ..._ 11iit o ut o«~zsca solution now, s ince ooet of .a new ,..., ......... ea ... , Ia • ...,. ~ I'L&IIT libnlr~ at another lte would be tYe off 11th , L • llle ·~ ~ ::.-r..~ • prohlbHlve. ~ ftollt! U•r M -• \'Cry fittle. She IA'&.S a \"ery fraU child and missed many of the joys or childhood that a~ known to ro- hu t young fol~. not so closely watr-hcd over by concerned par- t>nf.s. She went to Quaker school in New JN·sey. Whc.>n she was well c.>nough, she and her two sis- tl't-s were taken on the many trips with their father and mother --- &>rmuda, Mexico and Canada \\'l'l"e some of their destinations and a go,·eme s usually aocompan- i d them. Strangely enough, Helen has al- "'a.YS lived on the coast. but sel- dom goes near the ocean. Evton In the ~ when Atlantic Oty was a fairly aOO&te resol't town. ahe never frequented the beech and did aU her swimming in the back bay area . . . (and you1l ne\·er see her here lolling on the Corona deJ Mar beach or plunging into Icy breakers 1. AC.ter Albert survived the stJrf vc.>terinary course at the Univer- ity or Pennsylvania they were married and he tarted practiet> in Atlantic City - . -t>ven took care (If some or the wild animals on ex- hibit at t.he r('S()l't. The armY chanJt<'d this normal routine and Albert closed his practice. while Hl'lcn bf-cam<' an army wife, do- Ins: ht'r hare of nurs<'S aid &nd hospital work w~re,·er he was station('(}. It wa after ht>r husband had tx-en !ihipped out to China to .do his tour in the CBI theater or war that Relen decided to come t.o Caliromia. She dh;ded her time bc:'tween friends and cousins in the Los Angeles and San Francisco areas. 'Th n she stepped into one of the most lnterestin~t jobs in ~r lire. She was sc*cted as a motor ~ driver for the Salt Ftandb Con- rerence where the United Nations was born. M her first assignment. Helen was sent to the airport to pJck up ~th Africa's General Jan Chrls- Uan Smuts and his dele~ation. From then on until the cloS<> of 1 h<' Conr erE'net> 8('\•eral mon t..hs 1a- tf'r, h('r life was a whirl or motor .l'rvicc for interesting people. Not- llbles she met included delegates from nearly c\·cry country repre-- sented, and one of the most out- o;tondinJ: to her was Formt>r Gov- t'mor Harold Stassen of Minne- sota M<'mbers of the Chines(' delega- tion wanted to arrange for h<-r to .t:o to China and take a po~Hlon. Thus tht>y hoped to kt'Cp Dr. S tockton on their side of the Pa- t'ific to help with their science and medication program. But AI· bet·t rl'fused to be dissuadE"d from coming home ---and advisrd Ht'len against th<' wartime h&ru- shlps or Chinese living. When he anived home, just be- rot'(' Christmas In 1945, they de- cidE"d to make Southern Califor- ma their new home . . . partly bc:'cause the climate a~d with Hf:'lcn. San Dif'go was a strong contender as theil' chOSf:'n site, but in 1948 they dedd('d on the Dog a nd Cat Hospital in Corona dt-J Mar. Helen and Albert hav(' made many friends in the three yea.nJ they have lived and worked here. In addHion to her work as presi- dc.>nt of the Zonta Club <Jast year she shouldered the program as 'let--president), Helt-n is corre- spond in~ presick-nt or the newly or~anized local chapter or the DAR and is a mc.>mber of the Am- l'rican Legion Auxiliary. Most of the lime. however. she may be • • • tllf\ .~ .. of tfaal IIMII•& _. TIJI~re.. stOI '-laC loi8C oa ,·alor "''UU tiN! .. orll _. ..._ aMelt tt.at ...... ,,.. or tM ~t MOtU"plart of tiN! .,._. .,... .. __......~ ,..... at ear..u. .-r~t. -lllo ....-.. ... life Co,·.-Ia Cerolla *' Mar, .,_ to dh,. from tllfl llutler o.,.rt- •plt~ u.e ....ara~ dlat s ~"' mf'nt'• boat tnto tM ~ ... na.mp -10 INI eo.utructH at tltt> urr 311 .. uon a• bfl ... ~ a Coa•t GuarCI sf~ Df'ar dtt" Bal· body onc1t'l' wa~r. II& ........... . boa Bay Club. Thf' complalat up tht" body, whiC'Il wu takea Ia •tUI heard: Why was tbt" Into tht> botlt, a ad life •willa' f!l- ramp t&kt'll a w.y bl"fort> -"" rorlt~ "-".... ~ liiUDf!4lately fadliUH "'t"~ prG\idt>d~ Wh) &ad ~atlnut>d for aa.o.t •• aot pat that Cau-aatloa ramp houn. That lon.-~trort. llow- badc oatU the Df'W ~~~~ I f>\"er, raiiMt to r.-vh·e tiNI 14- rea.dyf (~ CoaJJt Guard pro-)'ear~old •'oata.na boy. lib tltree jec:t may take .....,,. moaUu.) t'Mnpalllont had~~~ .,.ahoocl oat Tille ....U ~t <pMple'a focieal of the 11urf to Mlt>ty. .. , ... t .. U..t lite ......., .... • • • t~ at (laraatloa Con before tiNI ._,.lllap were IMdlt. aa4 ~~~ ......... dabD- for tiMMie property otr~~erS •-ere "'~I a......e of tile ....., w~ IIIey dl4l MIN, eo tlley do aot llaa\·e a \'&lid objeetloa to force Ita ft'MO\'&.l • • • Finally managed to gel in on onE' of those mf:'morable occas- ions when Judge Bob Gardner ~t$ to talking about his hobby of "skin" divinst. ThtS was at the rneetinR of the Costa Mesa Ki- wanf!:> Club at the Italian Cot· tage Jast Friday. where the judge was thC' luncheon peaker. He has been doing underwater spear fi hlng in these wat('rs for a number or years. and during the war he used to do a lot of diving during the dull days beN--een mis- sions in the South Paclfic. He debunk<'d the Jooa that there are grave dan~ers in the ,sport lunless It might be the underwater t:rarflc jam brought about by the inereasing popularity of diving). Only thlng down there in these parts that is not afraid of man is a certain apecles of eel, who might be inclined to take a nip at you If yoU're stubborn. Some ot Judge Gardner's tales weft about the local i'U' who used to bite octopuses, evt'n ~ them with a atrategic bite: the lo- cal girl who was scared away Circle Groups Hold Meetings Sections of the Capilla Orcle of the Corona del Mar Community Church are holding their indivi· dual mt'Ctings this Wt'Ck and next. The Jtl'OUps gather for a sack luncheon. The book ''Ncar East Panorama" is under discussion by most .l'<'tions. The meetings are: Group 1, a t the home oC Mrs. E. C. Hagen, 109 Larkspur Ave .. nE'xt Wt'dnesday, .,..;th Mrs. C. G. Waldeck ghing a book review. Group 2, met Tut> day at the home of Mrs. Walter Mertz, 220 Larkspur A\"e. Mrs. K. V. Dilts gave the study re\iew. Group 3 will m t>et Wednesday at the home of Mrs. We-ndell Hoyt, 314 HE'llotrope Ave, with Mrs. Frances Cox revie";ng the study book. Group 4 met yesterday (Wednes- day) at the home of Mrs. John Lamar. 325 Buena Vista Blvd., Balboa. This group is making small quilts for ho pitals IN SANTA BARBARA Sneaking off t.o visit rc.>latives in Santa Barbara, before the sum- mer rush keeps her home-in Co- rona <k>l Mar, is Mrs. Gordon Thom as, 220 Goldenrod Ave. While both Mrs. Thomas and h<'r smaiJ dau~hter take a rest and con- valesce from the flu, Mr. Thomas and son Don are "batching" it. Clearing up an unfortunate • matter of wrong i~tJIJcatioll: 11\at boat beached on the rocks below Corona del Mar, object ol the sah'age attempt that led to the drowning or an Anaheim maa. was not a Sta>lcrafl, a.s meationecl In the stories. E . W. a.rtee, president of Southern cal1fomla Stl'E'IcraCt or Ne.,..rport. addl that his boat has established an lmprea~ l'h-e saf('ty N'<'Ord. • • • The efforts of the Central New- port Communi t) A.ssocia tion to bring about 1M removal of the pa tanks ncar 18th St . and Balboa Bl\'d. came to mind on the rftd-in~: or a r{'C('nt news article that "30 coeds were injured in a gu tank blast." This happened in Missouri wh('n a natural gu tank blew uo near a college donnit.ory. DIRECTORY 11111110 Margaret L. Scharle Teacher of PlaDo ~t-AONti4*~ ~·· 307 GOLDENROD AVE. Corona del liar Lawrence K. Gundrum, M.D. 1741 Superior Ave .• Costa Mea Practice Umlted to Diseases of the Ear, Noee and Throat and AlleTO Office Hours: by Appolntma~t BEacon 6508 or HArbor 1038 Day or Night Phone HArborU38 Baltz M ortuary 0\apel by the Sea HARBOR42 Corona del Mar, Califonda AmpJe Otr .. Street PartttaK INSURANCE F or EVery Need ISLAND REALTY CO. Harvey D. Pease HARBOR 377-W Park at Agate, Ba1boa 1aJaDd found at the animal hospital, feed-MAJUi.A HER ELF SCARCE lng a baby kitten with a miniature Neighbors near the John La- milk bottle, stroking some furry mar residence, 324 Buena Vista h~l red PUPPY. gettin~ Its tail in Balboa. have seen very little clapped or trymg to fmd a home of Mrs. Lamar Jbis apr~ A t (or JIODle...Jost. atrayed or home-Tin she was gone on a trip which less anfmal. extended from San Francisco to "BE SURE -INSURE" wttb HONOR MOTIIERS Mothen were guests last night (Wednesday) when Fortnlghter'a Toastmistress Club met for dinner at Ragan's R8taurant. Corona del Mar. Miss Velma O'Brien, Co- rona del Mar. and Mila Vt'!r'M Kunze. Santa Ana, we-e hosteaea. Lake Tahoe, Grand Canyon, AI· buquerque, and various spots in the 80Uthweat. WMn she arrived horne she became nuralng aid to relattvea from Rlvenlde who had been overconte with the Ou. PW:D...IKOB&'iii& Mrs. Georce EubJberg, wife of the rnan&lft' of Sanely's Motel In Corona del Mar, Ia borne thia week foUowtnc a ~t operation. AJ. tllouilh sUU a UttJe weak she clalmt she'• "almoat good u new.'' Maurie Stanley lJwuruce OcuweUor IIAJtBOR l'TN 225 Ka.rtne Aw .. Balboa 1-.. IILYa I'IAftllfG Silver Platena ADd llloaaaltt. ~= .. ,· Gold. Slhw. ow--..... 111~= =.~=~.a n ••IUJ - .. ...... ,.May 10. 1151 (jt-een-Meyer Wedding Sat. .... Doris c~n. daughte>r of 11n. D. s. Gree1, au Diamond Aw ., and Manin Frank ~~~~~r. eon of Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Me-yer, 210 Gamet A.\·eo.. Balboa laland. were married on Saturct.y aft.emoon ln SL James Epbcopal Olurdl, Newport. Rev. Paul ~leor ~d the single ring ser-vtor. 1'be bride, who was given away by her mother. v.-ore navy blue llhantunc wtlh navy aooeuories, and aa orcbld conage. She was attend!cl by her slater, Mn. Ro- bet-t Orr Crawford or Riwra. drea.d in grey satin and v.-euing a corsage or apring flov.."l''''. ligger Statz ot North Hollywood was best man. 11tl! bride at tended Newport Harbor ffigh. and the bri~ was a att*nt at California Poly- teclmJc School. FoUowing t.Mir wedding, Mr. and Mrs. Meyer left immediat~ly for their honeymoon trip to Eaoondido, where thc.>y wiU make their rutlll"t' home. Tan~t l'or CD' Meet LettEn-- EDITOR OF THE ENSIGN, W e are en joying the Ensign 10 much while we're 10 far from our former home. We are terribly homesick for CDM and only to ~ beck 1000. We hope to be beck befol'C fall but we are not sure yeL ln the meantime we read the Ensign and feel lots bet- tf.'r. Most Sinct'rely, MRS. THOMAS E. VlCK Jamaica . L. 1.. N.Y. Ill THE ANGLAKLANG A Lovely 9ift A l'erfec:t centerpiece WI-r ·~~ b•~ \ Argt~ ct..,.,. Qu.,ir• b" \ o1 Swed•\~ r: •• f"'',.... t ,. "'.-ida, ,. ...... 2.95 •nd -4.95 KAREN MARGRETA Imports -Nordic Gifts I 307 Coest Blvd. Coro,.,a del Mar Harbor 1)73 Hoon 9·30 te i-.30. Q~ Sw~ ~~~~~~ ~~~s~~!~!l:~~.l 1716 Wate-rfront lJr C".orona del Huntm on Beach. She recently I .Mar, announc-• the 11 '31:Mnent or joume) ed to Santa B a r b a r a, h Donna . Mae Clark, daughter \\hen• she passed th<> trad.Jtional of Mrs. Put.-teor and tllf' latP L.t>steor I chocolates to twr ist~ of Alpha A rtark. to R.obt rt C'hatlt'S Pol· Phi sorority. lard. son of ~Jr. and Mrs. Waltc>r Bob gracluatf'd from Tuatln J. Pollard, 2025 ~ Bl'Oact.'&\. .lil.-:h chool and attenaed caJilor- Sunta Ana . re id<'nt for man) 1 !lJa Polytechnlc CoU~ at San years of OranJ;c.> County 1 Luis Obispo. He has spent thn'e Donna graduated from Santa )e&l"5 m the Navy. Tentative Ana Hl&b School and the Unher-plans are for a "eddJng on slty of California at Santa Bar· August 4. ... _ CARPf.TING COOIIIG SCHOOL Gowmor Earl \Varrrn i!,<ourd lu!- fir t major \(to of thE.' l!nl IP~l-­ la tn·e ron. Thr measuu• AB 63. McColh leT. \\Ould h.aH• bet'r sold at post exchanges <'Xl'Q'lptt'd from tate exdse taxt'S Th<' gov-j ernor expl&lneod that smcc post exchanges hold no state Ucenses. ttK> measure might ha\·e pn?\'ented deUvery to them. The Governor dld sigrt a bm. AB 45, w hih entitlH KME'an war veterans from OW!omia tbe right to purctlau propc.>rty unde-r the sta.tt> rann-h()flle loan plan. The assembly has lE.'t it be kno"n that legislature rat¥r than tht> count)' board of sul)<'t'\ rs-- ors \\111 haH• the final sa~ on ho'' the municipal courts shall be-op- rra 1 Ni undr r the lO\\ er cout·t rt>· or~anization plan \Oh'fl intn Ia\\ b\' 1 h<' people la t .:-\m rmber S~m rathe-r s-trant:.E> attttud ron<:idertn&t it tl'o th(• rr'-f!On.,ththt::- of the count~ tn provid•· the "h rP\\ithal to pa~ for 1h1· rost of thr t'Ourtc: PStahh"hNi h~ th~t law. t>h "hot : Ode to Yachting A \8Chtin~ race tlo> wonderful \Vith thrill!' it t!' rt>plE.'tt', W hf"n sloop5 and yawl!" deh th(' squalls And sail th<' briny d(>{'p I know not starboard. larhoard, ah I T hP S('award !into drh ·cs m~' daft 1 r"n't tt>ll which bMt'~ firc:t or last - ()r "·ho's on fin:t or which wrnt past l t'c: pictllri"SQUI', ll !'tt h1 tfl SN' nut a\\\nys quite R mystrr~ --Hartford. Inc - SOLID CITIZENS VOTE Register NOW at Ci-t-y Ha 11 DIE Parr.l RADIO -ADem GAMES • FUN • AWABDS EVERY WEDNESDAY I :lilfl p. m . 111orwghly W.shes, ... , ... No Ot~er A1tomatlc Has All These Feat1res I • ACMTA!Oa AcnoN -the pro.ed and preferred wuhiog method .... ~" clothes tully dan. • WOND-a-MAL giH~• you full coo: uol olaatomatk. You can Mt it to ~·ash your fa't'orite way. light dirt, soapy 6lm-pt'effou,.... drculatioo through clothes. • IP\IlU8&.I PILL taTel wawr • .aap. money! You Can Do Better at THE • OVIIIR.OW --curies away • lnUD to match pcrfKt.ly tiM oew ._ Hotpoint O othes Dryer. A Few AtJailable for Immediate Delit'ery OOMPLE'I'E ROME Ft1RN18111N08 IIEaeoa 5656 1112 Newpod lmL 82 Coat lhd.. Appliartces • NOW THE SMITHS -?T ARE f1VE B.-re l-ou 8ef' tile Saltltha Ia 1110. Tbf'y have tllree clill- cll'ell now, two boy• aac1 a ..._, d rl, aad wttat•s more. u.~y-, . ., Ju!lt boacht a home. 'IIIey made the dowa payme~~t wtU. Uarir Sa\111~ aad we're cola« to help "'"" flaa.ace Ut.-N11t \\':lth oar home loan. \\'oe't you lf't us ~ Ute llla.utC'Ia l tutor.-or vot·a famUy! Dri•e Carefully ... Alert Today AtiYe Tomorrow! Frank D. P.foore Jr ., com· mandcr or the Newport-Balboa Veterans of Foreign Wars Post , was appointed last Thursday as rvlce officer for the Count) Council at its annual ele<:Uon meeting. 11le local po t held its election laM month. Mr. Moore. a Marine Corps veteran who saw acUon in the Philippines, was re--clect(>d commander. Other officen; ~ L<'Stt'r S. Wilken, senior vice-com - ma nder: William W. Metcalf, jun- ior vice-commander: Monte R . Grimes, quartermaster; William H . Seeley, chaplain; Ver~il Oak- den. Robert A. Weber and Thco McElroy, tt·ustet's; R o b e rt V. Faust. judge ad,·ocate; EU~<'ne C. Quarry, a djutant ; Dale I. JohnSOI\ officer or the day. and Dr. L. A Becker. surgeon. Comman<k'r 1oore, Junlor Vice- Commander MetcaU a nd Quarter- master Grimes are the County Council delegnt<'s. MetC'alf and Griml'S are the district ~ll'gate.s. An ''a.llC")' tour'' l.s a I'K"W dvic projc'('t being studit.'d by the Co- rona del Mar G.a~n Club. it wu reYealed at the rf'C'('f)t monthlY meeting held at thP Community Church. With the Idea of promoting a cleaoor city, the aroup will m&b a secret ot.en-a Uon and report on the condi Uon or the alleys aDd give publicity to •uaestecl car- bage and trash d.lsposal improve. ment:L Plans for an open meetfn& ill May with movies on the prdeD theme were dlscussed. Reporta were gi\·en of the rMteflt ~ County Garden Club meeting. The past chiefs or Pythian Sis.- tt>rs. Tustin. and their families hl'ld a picnic breakfast in Orange Count~ Park Sunday Mrs. Frank H. Batefl, past chief: her hUibend and ht-r mother. Mrs. Ouiatlna He{ner. 324 Orclud Ave.. Oorona I del Mar, wt-re among ~ pre- sent. The local VFW post meets on the first and thlrd Tuesday e\'e· nings at the Am<'rlcan l.Rgion Hut. 15th St. and Balboa Blvd., New- port. TURSIS<• TilE ~POTLI(oiiT ott th~ l'oun.: Rf'l*lllka• da~ to TROIIPSOS BA\'E 0.... IW ht>ld tomMrow (.~r1day) f'W'ahtl' at tJko Nt"wport ll.arlter l'adlt Mr. a nd Mrs. Robert 'Jbcw...,.., Club a rt> 8rf'f'lt \\'~thlbforc of ~•ta Au (k-It), a.wt1 I!Uark~y ef 312 Santa Ana Ave, Newport Nc-"-port Uf'll{ttts • .lean 'Pf'rt"III-MIJif'ttJ of Udo lltlf' aM Nennaa M.U-Heights. have a little girl. Pamela IPr o( BaJboa bllllld. Drf"M •ill bf. sport. dnpftf' &841 ~.. 28 ID Tic•k f't!l c-un be• ohtalnf'ld fron1 u y Young ftf"pubUcaa or at tht' door. I Ann, born Saturday, Apdl • I St Joseph Hospital. weighing 7 la nd Ad d pounds, 11 ounces.. Palettt'S are lx>ing dusted orr. p n to Exte option Ai ,~ii_.,.~coiiiiiiiM~ .. FL.mM~SEi.~I~~ •• ONRiiiii;ii berets and smocks brought out or I ' -..... _.. ~ mothballs because this week came , A plan tu extenrl th<' st"rvices E. Brown a nd Mrs. W H Hitch-~ FI..DSIIE& the a n n ~ u n c e m en t that the ' or the Childreu·, llomr Society man. * y A R N S * Brandt -Dike Summer School of 1 ,,a. mt roduC'rd to t h<• :":('wport This pro.)I'Ct "i ll J;T'(>all) t-xtend 1 Fi ... H 0 5 Art "'I'll a"'aJ·n hold forth at "Blu" Jlarhor AIL'\Jhar.\ at th!• mrt'lint.; h nstNctio'lt--tnimn<J. "-I to Sky WPst:7 the Brandt studJo hom; l'f'<'t'nt I) a 1 tht' homP ol ~1 rs. Ro-~ Ju~.,;·~~~~~~ ~~~~ b ~~.,d ~~~~I Biz-Mart Knit Sbappe at 405 GoldE.'nrod A\·e.,. Corona I land \\'right. :":\'\\1)01'1 Ht>tghts . 1-:1\f.'ll rounsE.'IIing s<'tvlce to na-.!'!..E. a.~ •-.t .. a.fbo.. HA ern~ dl'l Mar. The idl'tJ tor financial nssistan<X' tural parrnt~ \\hO are consJderin~ Tht' taff will again include Rex to nntural p.'lrPnts wa!l originated th(• llt'\.-esslty ol pJacanst their cluld and J011n Bt·andt, P hll and Betty .,, t he• prC\'iOII'> m, 1 1 in~ and s tud-lor adopuon. They now hope to Dlkt', who winter \vith comm<'rcial 11'fl mt'anwhJit' h) a ronunittee l."lh' fmllnCJal a i tance also. art in Los Ang<'lt>R and summer I'OmposPd ot ~Ir-s. Ch:.~llen Lan-\\IWn? nl'f'd('(), to natural par<>ntB I here: Norman Chamberlain, Co-d<·rs, Mrs. J . H. Hig~s. ,'\1N. H. E. in O•·angt' County who may o•· rona del Mar painter, and Betty Christll'r, Ml'~>. Wend('IJ Calkins. may not \\l'!h to place tlwir child I Winckler, who Is the r{'{'()rd keeper Mn;. Don F. CalC'S. Mrs. Lawrence for adoption. as wcU as artist. The Harbor Auxiliary pioneered The school wiU be held for sjx and spon.sort'd the use of psychi- weeks. lx>ginning J une 25, and chil-a trlc services in the San Diego d.ren's class<'." will again be sche-district-before the opening of the ~~~~~piij!_ii~iip~~iiiiii duled Orange County office in Santa M A T T Ana-and this service proved so widely suoceuful that It is now a regular service or the Children's Local Lawn Bowler Wma rUBt at Laguna Retail ceilin~t prlces for aU stan- dard cuts of beef will go into ef- Harborites helped Laguna Lawn feet Monday, the Office of Price Bowllng Club ceJebrate its 20th tabll.iz.atlon announces. Home Society. Further busineu or the meeti.Qg included naming to the nominating conunlttec-Mra. H. E. Christler, r:ii~~~~~~~ii;ii~ Mrs. Roland Wright and Mrs.' 0. c. Sue s . New by-laws were read m • 'iG ·N~~ and approved by the group ~ ~ r· birthday annh·ersary recently by The ceilings will specify the carrying off the tropb,y In the price per pound of standardized birthday competition. The first cuts ranging from Porterhouse place trophy was won by BiU steaks to shan k!. and oth<'r beef JonE"S of the Newport Beach Lawn pr'Oducts. Th(>}' tll'C a part or the 1=~~~~~~~~~~~~~Bo~\\~·Jl~n~~~Cl~u~b~t ~w~bi~ch~~ha.s~~bee~~n OPS beef control program that organized oozy for 10 years). is t'XJX'('Iro trJ rt'duce the retail I r1ric:e or b<'er nn avt>rar<> or 10 p<•r tt'nt by early autumn. Mrs. E. C. Martin, vice·p1'61- d<'nt. prt'Sided in the absence of l Your FamJ.Jsr Rertaururt M I'S A. V. Andrews, president. (0... r...ia~) Co-ho tt?S<'s were Mrs. R. E . CampbC'JI, Mrs. John Bt'Ougbton lUI Gout ...._ I Tht'"<' cellinc: price rt.'gula Uons 2.'1 and 26 rC'QUII'(> butch('rs and and Mro;. J. J (IU'Oid Cald~U. ......... .... c.-tel other stores S<'lllng l><'t'f to post Einht Perfect Gr des I th<· OPS ceillnJ: prices by June 4 ., a !war thP ~unli'r ":h.t•rt' th(' meat b:iJ,:ht wom••n had a n.'COrd of tOM Cnut Bhd. BA 4U-B-Nlb!e BE en&-M-cJorona del Mar 1'5 sold RJld 10 a posrtaon whE'~e the I'X'I'r{x-t att!'ndance, classwork. ex-t~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=E~1 !'hopP,Crs can rC'ad ~hem wHhout an1inations, ~kJils and final grade dtfflcult:-Th<' rPtrulers arc also m the• ~>tandard first aJd class just r•'QUtn-d to list tht'ir s<'lling pn<'t's rompl<'lt'd undrr the dirretlon of " alont.:sidP the OPS C<'iling Charts . :\1rc; Rob<'rt L. KcpJ)E'n of BaJboa. ()ATIO FURNITU RE AND ACCES SO RIES SEE THE LARGEST DISPLAY IN CALIFORNIA RAITAN • REDWOOD • ALUMINUM • WROUGHT ffiON SW1NGS • UMBRELI...AS • • RE-COVERS • BARBECUES 611 Coast Highway Newport Beada Ope" Nlthts ---Suftdey, 10 e.m. to 4 p.m. 1 l\Jeat products not coveN'd by Th<'S(' cight ore Mmc·s. J. Y. Bell, thr•-.c• r«':Nlations rl'maln under the .1 R. E\·ans. Hugh Hal<>y. RotX'rt cr illng pri<'<' rN'1llntion that fro.t:e Hrck. W A. 1\fcBndl', W. H. thl'm a t thc> hn:hest price level ="•chols. Arthur R.t-mi<'Y and Peter IX'I\\'N>n ON'. l!J. 1950. a nd Jan. S tPin. 26. 19:)1 This class was the.> first in ----Soullwrn Orunge County to have RO\' l•'(lK THt: MATIC the national a tomic first aid in A son, GrofRP Alan. has just ar-addition to the regular course. riv<'d at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Assisting in gjving Instructions Donald F . Matics. 500 S. Bay were Dr. John Osburn. head of the Front. Balboa Island, by way or local medical civil de fense. and St. Joo;cph Hospital. George was Carl Hanna, deputy cl\il defense born on Wednt'Sday, May 2. and dJr«'Ctor. weighed 7 pounds. 8 ounces. A YOUNG YOL'NGBLOOD lead the Ealiga lor News of Newport llldlor! Jon Ell<'n is the name chosen ror the littl<' daught<'r or Mr. and Mrs. Lindsey S. Youngblood, 248 Driftwood Rd., Shore Cllrrs, born Thursday, April 19. at St. Joseph Ho pltaJ, weighjng 7 pounds 12 ounces at birth. Jan has a brother, Michael. three and a half years of age. Send in This Coupon and Join the List of Ensign Readen 1104 eo.n .....,, Corot~e d•l Mer, C.lif. Please count me in as one of your subscribers. I am enclosing: r.J.photle: HA..bof I 114 [ [ ] $2.50 for one-ye ar subscription. 1 $1.00 fo r four-month subscription. NAME (please print) ........... ~ ............................................................................................ . ADDRESS ........ -... ··---......... --...................................................... -.................... ___ _ CrrY ............. ·-····-.. -......... :. ...... ·····-· .. ----·-··--............... _. ___ .. ..State __ ,_ ... ._ .. _ .. ___ ~-· PLUMBS HAVE DAUGHTER A little daughter, Diane, has joined the fantily of Dr. and Mrs. Hugh Plwnb. 610 Jasmine Ave., Corona del Mar. Diane was bom Friday, April 27, a t SL .toseph Ho.plta.l, and weighed 8 pounds 2 ounces. She has a brothft', Da- vid C.rl. 21 months old. omL roa TilE roed&l!l · Mr. and Mrs. James Foeter, 521 Poppy Ave., Corona del Mar, are tM parents of a Uttle daughter, Janet Marte, born Saturday, April 28, at St. Jeeeph Ha.pttal, weigh- Ing 8 pounds, 12 ounc:8. A 80ft, E~ WlJUam, completes the Foetcr Fourwme. l;mtgn 0.-med ada •ve been • proven means of NaCHnc ....,_. for aU IIOI'tll of madwndlee U.. them I Phone Harbor 1114. ·~ .... ..... ... -....... .......... •-~u.s.a. ......................... -... a....-..... ......_ ............. .Ofiiil&"8 DAY 8DUIOlf Rev. Paul Edward Babllltt of lM eon-•t Mar Oommanlty Onach will prMch Sunday, Moth- er's Day, at both the 9:~ and the 11 a . m. Rl'Vi~. em ''Who&e World Ia 'I1Us An~!" The 0\apel a.oir wiD sing Cokey'a ''God Ia My Shepherd" and t.be Chan<lel Oloir will sing "My God and I" by Sergei. D •• llila pt'DIIe'lloa. We wiD be ~ad to I 1 • i1ii11e l»y ...._, yoer wwteh FI\EE Wallace Calderhead JEWELER AM:PIIELL ro P&\Jl I Jlal(~ II.ABRf1T IS H MTAL Men to Serlll ~ Tr.e• Caldorrua L utheran HOIP-v~ I tal I'-th tt•mpnrar~ ~~d~nN> of h Mrs. Paul 1: BabtM ,nr~ of the For t e Gals lmml!-hr I tl • Ct• tma d I Mar C mmur 11~ C11un! ~1 1"' Rabbitt Th w;ual ord ·r ot thtn~ \\111 und<rv.<·n t '-'UI J."•·~~ > l • I t•' day be A'\ <"rscd ror a "h1lfl ~aturda~ 'Wt'C.lr.t "d"~ • El~ Paul Campbell of the Glendal~ San.it.arium Church will bt' the peakeT at 7 :45p.m. tomor- row (.Friday) at the Seventh Day Adventist Church of Newport Heights. He will also $peak at the Sabbeth morning S(>rvice. at l 1 o'clock Sa1Jtrday. as th<> mf"n or Jhf' c-hurch pr parr UTTLE •aJCL HO"t•ITALJZED and rve t ht" me I a 1 t.he ll.nllua I ' Mother &nd Dau~:hwr Banquet at 11.1 t'<'-~ Pal ..old Llnd.'l KIOE'Ck- t.he Nl"wport Harbor L u t h f' ran ner , dau!!hlf'l of M r and Mrs WU.- Church at 6.30 p m. j liam KlfK-'<'knl'r, ;15 Bqr<'lrua Av ., • • • • • II'OntT.a'8 DAY T1:1EME A program de\'Oted to Mother's Day will be presented Sunday at Otrist Church by the Sea in New- port. Rf!v. Tilomas Roy Pendc.-JI's nnon will be "Behold. Your Mother." Ant hem will be "Mo- then;' l>a) Hymn" and Mrs Willis F1t>lds will s.i ng the <.olo ''Son1!'S My Mottwr Taut:ht .Me " • • • 'MORE 'l'llAN A MOTHER' ~,. Tom Gibson ha. chosen th(• topic "R<'1nc ~fore Than a M o- th<'r," for h1 " Sunda~ "t•rmon at St Andr <'WI> Presbywr 1an Churt'h m NP\\ port H<'ighL 1'h<' IPXI is rrom ll Timothy 1 .5 "Wh<'n I rt>mPmber thf' t<'ars you !>h<'d I lonp: ni~ht and day to St'l! )OU a~ain, and ha\<' the per- r~t happinc ol bein g rt-mindt'd of your S.:Pnujn<' faith, a faith that was SC'~·n far"it in your grand· mothrr l....ois and in ~·our mother Eunl<'f' md l am c;urE' it 18 in you 1 also." Th<' C"hoir \\ IU sm c 1 hl anthem ·•&m of Mnth<"r" A t a. m . • ·at urda' mrmtx>r~ (I( t h c·hurch "ill Jtathl"r t o d< somt' wf>(ldJng.l C'lt·amnc up and \' tn<kM wash.inp: to prt p:lr<' thr church f(lr MNh('r'!- Ua) PIASO OR OK •• -\~ ~EEDED ~~1nnin~ _ unda'. Rt>\'. Ronald E \'nllrt WJII bt gm a o,('nt'-S of l'ol'rmuno; rmm tlw "Epast l(' to thC' \olrn,,ian<; a 1 1 h( Fir-.t Baptist C"hurC'h of C"oroM d"l ;\J:.tr Thr topic fm this 'unda) will be th<' rirst chaptf'r. and th message 1!1 t>ntitlC'd ··n, F ullne. of Chr1st " Rl"sf'nauon~ can bt> made b) Corona dt>l Mar wa .. l!tkf'n to ~ callin~ offlcer"i of tht> WomE>n's ?t J vsPph Hospital ~fonday !,'"<>""" M 15 1 0 n a r ~ S<X'i<>IY BEacon lOIZ Lmda had a bad fell Satw . 50R4-R or sE8con 6056-W. Price Ida) &.nd IJrukt:· hl't l\?1! of 1hP dlnne>r will bf' Sl for adults 1 and 50 Cf'Qt. for chtldl"('n und r 12 Ensign Ousifled ads bav~ been The m('n will alM> pro\lde a pro-• prO\'ell means of reaching bu)l'ft"' m-am of (>1\\c:>rtainmf·nt for all sorts of nwrchandiae-Uw A fr~-" til offtmnc 11> pr<'wnt cd 1 t.hem ! Phone Harbor ll14. a1 ti\Js dmner each ,>f'ar Th1s i<~ ~;;;;;·----------. .<'n1 to th<' worn n of India for m-I duslna! 1 n11nin~ f'SJX·<'iall) for the rna km5t nf tht> ftnP Ia ('("' for ''hkh 1h1 ' haH bt-Nlm(' famou.• and "hie-h. \'a" tau.•hl l o lh<·m an 1 h nw ..... wn "<'hool< Rraltors of tht> Harbor section ~et n ulr throuch u.~ of the En· si'tl'l r<"al t>statt' cctlon. ' ( WllliiPEI All New 1951 Patterna Covriet)' to '•'"+•" & O.Core+on Htuta & Gardel Ill I Co.st H g .. w•y Ne .. !='ort a.ac:lt o~~~ N:9""~ -• Sv" to .,... .• • p-. t y --n c:-·-~ ..... -.. -· -u-.. •• ~· -··- --.~r :--~=--.\,J. esp-€ _.~c J~r~ .s : ;_ .. ~. St>r. I CPS 8.1"(' held at 10 and n a. m. Sunda) at the former C1.'r-I amtM building at :'.tarigold Aw and C'oato.t Bh·d The church Is in nC'f'd of an up-I right p lano or port::bte rotdJ.n~t 0 1· I s:an. nccordln~ to RC'v. Va Uet ""YLON TR COT '"''~'~ ~yo'\ ,., f o .. .,,. er.d •po .c .. ed "'I' on • ..,b•cide•ecl n~ qe~. Siu~ 31~0 '7 c:s. • FE!'Tl\' ;\I. Ot" PF.!I."TEOOST Tht' Fl'.sthnl of Pc'ntPCOSt \\ II bt.' Ob .. C'r\'l'd a I I ht' 11 ~ m WM· ,;hip • • r u,. :.-;tmrl:l~ a t t h<" ~"" • P<'l t IJ,u bn I I If I , • r Church 1 :-.;C'\\'Pf•l l ll•" h ... p ,. ... to r IIC'rb. 1 r Rl)th " .... l"'lltoll '' II ,,., ... r PPn'•'- co ... t 1l P t1\\ • 1 I Tht• Cllt•rllh \he• I rump n .. C'd r.( C'h1ldr• n frnm ,, ., i tnruucll th• <..('l."f•nd t:T td• "Ill -.me "Hoi~ ~pu'JI I I• 'tr 1 • T hl' 1~''' trill ~ 1n c I 'lpll'l' n' tlo• 1; ''-llf'l no r'to' d m tt ...,J \1:>1 · II •·\\ '' h ·h 1 J 1 nf t'hr adul• "40T SriCWN· Hend l<eYf' s•ed pu•l• o., del•u'• eonbf'oidered •11p.•qt1e pl •• ,. ~d roJHie $9!15 . 1\Jhlt "llld\ Cl~"" at 9:\(1 ..am• ••rS Coa•• B•d =:::=:::=::::::=::::::=:::=::=::::::::::::::::::::::::~l tlmC' J '-th• ~unda' School for~==~==~~~========~~~==~============~==~==~~ ,. \hihh , n F-tel \\'Nlne:>Sda) en ·· i FlOWERS TELEGRAPHED ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD MOTHER'S DAY Suggestions from NORMAN'S We f or Her --- Corsages of Orch1ds Roses. Gardenias etc. f or Her House --- Long Stem Roses and Carnations . Spnng F1owers f or Her Ga rde n --- Bush. Climbing, and Tree Roses --- Pelargoniums ---Gardenias --- Fuchsias ---Camellias --- All Gift-Wrapped and Dehvered Ill) ~ Hftltwey nan!! t1 t hP 1 •~t ..,r conductc: m- forma I dt"( II'"'''"" on tht• IC'ach-rn~: .... t lho I Ulhc•ran C"hurc·h 1 cnR ~t:n~TO~£. ct:REMO~"l Tlw C'1 l'!'mom of placing ttw I C'Oml'r"tonl' \\'Jfl hr obser.·ed a t 3:30 p m ~unday u t !"('mod ll<"d Baloou I~lnnd M<'thndJc;t Churc-h bUJidm~ on Agatr A\'f'., RE'' Harry White announces. A hox rarryin,:: th£' nam<'s of chart<'r mt'mt'K'rs and others who ha' <' ht>l pt'd \\It h t h• church. plans will t'K' . <'alrd m th+ wall by the romC'rS I OOC' Dist racl Supr llaydt>n Sears w1ll prC"Sid<' a t 1 he cer<'mony. He \\ dl a lso pr<'<H'h t hC' Motht'r's Day sermon in t hl' morning sr n ;N>. Grat'f' Poirwr "1U <:JOg a solo. "To Mv ~1otht>r · \\'arrt'n Whitc of Burbank. son pf nr Whitf". w 1U nl o l'H' a "n'•' .. , Pohc<' "111 •·!" • ·ff a poruon of thl' ~l r<'<'l in lwnt pf the church for the nf~t-rno.m cc>rt>mon~ so that 1 hf' chUJ rt • :.!tl('r s can watch I thC' rom rrston1 placing . W a nt ads mnkP t'Vef)·day livin~ 1 t'asicr. Many a want is filled through u.c;c or a line or two. r FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST 3303 v;. lido, Newport ... c:h I I\ bre rch of Th .. Mother Church, Tl,e F'irsl Church of C~· ••. Sc e•list. in 8os· ton, M u ochuse'''· Su,doy Schoo 0 .1 5 o.., Sund av Service _ t I :00 a.m. Wednt"tdav Eve .. irg Meetino . 8:00 P·"'· R~adi,.q Roo"' loco+od o• I I I PalM St.. Ba•lx>a. u ope" doily f i"'I'I 12 ,oon to 5 P·"'· otce p' S~<"days Md holidays nation '( obse,.,.ed. The p ... bl'c is cord •lly invited to et· tend th. churct. services end use the Reading Room • \"!her. you are looking for banking services, come directly to NEW- PORT HARBOR BANK .... You~ find modem facilities, trained per- sonnel. along with the desire to be helpful. -('" Beeutif\al 3-bdmL pi• maWs room. 2 ba thl. OWf''ookine jetty, very claw to best bMdL • • • !-Bedroom. bay front. new, prl vale beach. • • • Udo .._LArge 4-bedroom. 2~ baths, play yard. • • • U 41o IJII&--2-bedroom and den. a ruce au.mmer home • • • For anlonnaUon ~rding these rentals caJl - -- J I I 2 H.-port 11¥4. HArt-1552 N.wport ... c.~~ Here's a 2-bt-droom home, large Jot, lawn, small ~ This ls ,·ery neaL Located in ni<'t' nt'lghborbood of Cos\3 ~~ at ... $1.750 T e-rms .._ GI"MMf7 -l eeepltiM \\'~ ...... eAdoo ,.. 1!. ..... 111\•.. BaDioa ~IU Mar .... ll.ll'tJli[lccnt ",ew hills and ()C(>M. 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, lart.{e livin~ room, 2 p&tios. Reaaonablc pncx-. E Z terms. BOTH REl\'TALS A~"D FOR , AI.E EsJ)f'CJalJ)· need listings of a 1 1 racUve hom s priced at $10.000 to $13,000 Tile ........ a.. a&&L~ en o.ut ....._ o.o.a IIAitler 11M .. , Ulliler <JGMtnletlolt. Beau- lltul 4-bdnn. & maid's quar- ters, 3 baths. Outstanding location. VIew of entire bay. Priced $59,500 For Informa tion call )I 11 N.wporl lt¥4. HArt-2552 N.wport ... ch a.-III:Daoo• BOllE nle in kitchen & bath, hdwd. floon, landacaped. redwood fenctne. dbL earage, 70'x120' lot. n&J8t.,_ .... Cllff RaYea $1~750 • • • aDd •·e Cl!'r'talnly DO ._,~ tile IUCIIT ..._, rn.D •1lidt to IMire ,..._. ~ We ~ you to aook 0\"f!r a wleded I"'OIP ol ....._ btdloom home&. ,.._ ...._. are att:ndiw. are ~ eound ~ and at.o.e an. 'IUEY ARE PR.Jcm BELOW 11IE PIU!:SENT OA Y MARKET. A (e"ff' oC llwm are Gl ~, •·hich mee.ns tht-y b5r a low rate of interftt a.od low 1102tbly pa)-ml!II1L &ED 110'1' L ... COJIE ~ will ..... full price Sll-eame. a G I LaiiUl ol $10. payal* at SS2 IDOI'Ith, .,......,.. 4~ iDtl!l'est. Oonsist.s ol 2 units c. a comer lot. .outh ol bou)rvard.. 2 blodl:s from oceea. CDII. Dae to speeiaJ 001111truct:ioll, units may be made lDto a lo\ ely ~ •;th 3 bedrooms. dell ad 2 tad~&. II · NEWPORT HEIGHTS a.-clown and $150 a IDDIIth ...,_ a1moat new ~ room and elM \it>W bome aa outft' drive oc-owaer \\ill leue with opUoo to pt.lJ"Ch.aR. l.nwnediate ~··ton! HWTY on this. HArbor 145 CORONA DEL MAR .. ~-down and S65 a month MD bQy this fW"Disbed .._ l~bdn:n. borne on oot'aD side or hh!itwa.Y. Room to build Oil car ol lot with Wl0b8tructed vif'W ol harbor --_.... f"'"tee HArbor 1741 £\~~·HArbor 393-M BALBOA t.ltra! l'lt:ra: ntra: Ne" P~ninsUla home ,qth large lh·· ~~ room 1 ftreplaoel. wall to "1lU carpe~. custom made draperies. 3 ~. 1 ~ bath with lots and lots or pastel colored tUe! Owr the garage is an 18Jc24 rumpus room with butlt-in bar and a ~alb-taking ~ \iew Hurry on this! HArbor 145. E \'enln28: HArbor l~J BALBOA ISLAND An au~tic Cape Cod home. This is an unmaculat~. spa· dous 2-story, 3-bedroom f plus guest quarters) home roc-tbe most discriminating W)·er. Lovely "...0 to wall ~ walk-ln clcllleu. urut beat.. mutft' bedroom 24ld8 with fire. place. On t•'O beautifully land-raped and ._ RaA fenced lots. Far below reproduc:tJoft ~t a ~ ....,..,.., HArbor 444... Evenings: BEacon ~ or BEaoon 531.5-J LIDO ISLE Attractiu• bnck and t\.K"'O enor with natural rect-'OOd trlm. 3 bedrooms, 1'-baths. ~ :500 Just t'Om plete<l. F'ulJ price ~ HArbor 2476 C!O. e FOUl OFFict:S TO Sat~ YOU • COlONA DEl MAJ 1)01 Co.at •vd-comer Fendeef HMor 1'14 1 Of' HAtt..er ••n IALIOA ISLAND 201 W.tiM ...... H...,._ 444 NEWPORT lEACH 4M 32MI St. H~ 2476 IALIOA 100 .... ill St.-At .... Oc..ll P'...- HArMr 141 - ~ .... " .... " ... " .......... "':__ ............................ _ .... ~ ... _ ~ ....... _ ...... ' ...... " ...... ~ ............. ' .............................. " ExceDent Duplex - - -Prime Location - -• superb view • - -fine lx>a£'h. Each unit has spacious liv- ing room, flreplace, two bedrooms, 2 baths. Private garage plus many unusual features. Well constnleted. TotAl area nearly 3,000 sq. ft. CArchHect's plans and specifications available for inspection.) ~ AAft Exceptionally good value . .. ·-· ... Pri<X' ~ Tenn~' P ARK AVE. a \ JIAIIINE BALBOA 18LA...11f0 .... B.Arhr ,... MESA. RADIO AND TELEYIIION ''Senrlce l\et Sethflet" TB..IVISION -SALIS -saviCE INSfAU..AnON, lADtO UPAIU '" ...... , c..e. ...... Celf. .._......, STAMPS FOl OOl.U!ICTOIS u. s. • """ c........ • .... ,.., ,..,... St--.. s ..... . ,_ ........ ... (W.. W.. I T•etit•l 109 lree4w.y •• ....,, c..t.ll1... Schwinn Bicycles Ray Stedman 1574 Newpolt lhd.. COila M11m. IEacaa 5111-J .... th 5o says NP A this week, 10, look at this BAY .-.oNT home, with ita beautiful bath- inc beach, large brick ter• race, S bedrooms. Prime loca· tloD in .El Bayo Tnct. ~y-- -AL S O- PR.IME Bay Front Jot. a rt.. f r o n t a 1 e, El Be.yo Tract ''Comer''. WHICH f All Oftl'l!ai.NO FOil ONt.Y SJZSP TERMS: 5 YEARS S2iso per Mo. -·-r nobstruc\4-d ~ v 1 e w. -•· All lmpron•.tnf'a t49, lacladlq se.-4-n. &l't'l lo ~ paid. o A!III'M'8..'11neet& I. L CASEY 4ft 8ER.RA DR.. C'ORONA m Gm ANDl'l Courtesy to Brokers llAJ1Mw !IM--W Can you beat this Balboa Is- la nd value? 4 income units, fumiabed and newly decor- ated:-gOOd'toca---Uon for only .... .. One-bedroom cotta~. 80-fL 1'ront.aee~ cl<>R to ocean. EA-. cw•--· Al1l _eMil .... ··----....... c.Nile .. IEDWOOD COftAGE Tbe "hard to fi*l'' ~. s-.. four.-pant'lled interior ~ thennolttat con- trolled furnace heat t trac- tlve lands<:aping-1 block to ocean. See Thla One 0.1)' $1.710 Earf W. STANLEY Realtor CLI c-at 111"'-O.D.a FOR SALE -R.etec benches. 2 cbalra, dbl. bed wi tb oo(l ~mat. 11 Balboa bland. REFINED white i8d)i by the day. wm d inc. hRWtL. or lleb 6917-W or BE Q3li YEARLY RENTAL- niahed apt. 700 Hell HA~. YEARLY RE.VI'AL - ·~~===~~~~~ fum. small sttdo at ~t. 710 MaricoW ~tnt P A I If T I If_ G £ad lbellin !'71 ........ st. -o.ta ..... --...,_. H. H. HotBBOOI: DepeDClable PhnnhP19 A Prompt Repair Service Ma.lbtained ...._ ....,.._ ltli-W _ ........ .._N:rt ._... SERVEL Bic trade-in for your old rftricera· tor on a Brand Nt>W Servel Gu Refrigerator. Eigh t models to cbooR from. Gnmt•a Fam. & AppL liU ... .,.n..... Oe* ... Gardener's Helper --at Orange Coast Col- lege. Starting salary $205 month General Mainte nance with pra ctical knowl- edge of heating and plumbing ... Starting salary $21 5 mo nth. Apply Ia perttOD. at II~ Of. flee. OraaC'f' Oout OoDece· Applications close May 14, 1951 3025-W. FOR SALE-9xl.2 Do tal Guliatan nag wl maple breekfut cbai.n. 512~ Narc RA 1937-W eventna EXPERIENCED SAL r8cly to wear & Apply in perJOD Dept. Store. Coronl APT. SIZE gas l'llftl lain enamel fiDilb. • GILUfT"8 malf liU Newpwt Netllkel Deter~ - • WE IUY SCIAI I Rear lee &a.. ...... MM.,.., ... • ONN~ ftJUII'ftJ&E aan Chair bottoms rstorei rush, reed. etc-Fn BAR VEri ~al !OGe Saata Aaa A~·e.. BI'Aocotl CIJt FOR REN' BUNGALOW AP~ Beautifully turn., 1art with fireplace, bdn ette. Low winter 1 week or month. FARM HOUSE J :oc Cout Blvd.. CDJ RUG~ • oa ~ecau.. *Wen G ..... MOODY~ 01111 IIA..rtlw j -~· Ill o..& Blvd. eoa.truction 1 5-51/1 % (14 W e buy and sell TMl 8EE 1108 SA'r' R£'p~ntina Crippled UmtJ. pro\'ed no bar-H~lplnc with 1M ~--rier Jo fun at ttM-beach ~re Jut llll"r"P Harbor Area Bora ~ Friday w~n approxunately 120 Hrlnz ICa1ser and Fralr S.w)el. handicapped children or Orance dt5tributor for the White 'l'rirll* County wlth mo~ and att4!0<1-Co .• ..,ho f~ a ..._.- ants Wert' t'ntertalned for lunch-bua. eon and tesUvlties by the New-~i;i;;iiii;;;;iiii;;;.-~iiiiii~~---;;iiiii port Harbar Lady Anglt'!'S. ~ Many ot the chlldren We'e able to use the slides and IWinp. oth- ers enjoyed the buckets and ahov- ela, bookl, balloons and hats, given as favon. and played ln the san~ A hlch spot was the boat ride arranced by Jrv. Croosk;y of the Pavilion. The Lady Anglers committee in- cluded PresJdent OU"-e McKeonzie, Erma Lacht!nmyer, Julia Sa•yer, EVa Graham. Myra S p r a cue, Stt'Ua Caines, Betty otrera.. I>ick Cret>lt>y, Clara K~ler, Lem Doner. Dorothy tle' <', Ida Naylor, Dor- othea Kinsfath<'r and Marie Kal- ~r. t:BELL OAADES ECTION EbelJ Carden section ia in,;ted to a pot luck luncheon at the homt> or Mrs. Jack Boylan, 1662 La Lorna Dr.. Santa Ana. on Wl'dnMday noon. 'l"tansportation wiJJ lE>aw• from tht" clubh()US(> a t 11 a m w. d. jolmeno !18 ~"E &Ya. BALBOA 181.A..,-o, o&LII'. JINtl,w ... The bill to restrict purse sein· •~•·•••••···.--.HH ing off the Orange Coun~,y coast, ••••••••••• sponsored by Assemblyman Earl R be M h Stanley of NewpoM Harbor. has emem r ot er been approved by the State As- sembly and has survived a plea h for reconsideration wtt a real treat --- A-;semblyman Stanlev·s biU is * A MOTHER'S DAY DINNER .:.&..... designed to pr erve bOth spoM· Jll( in:c=t~~~~~~u~~ ~~ff',;~~~:~ffi}~~!~~~ sMoroo.,~.~/'.b~,:.~o~;?-,. .• ,A. t • • • ~osftSS there \lo1l.!l nothing llle~al about range County roa.o;t from May ,., .. '£1~ the use of state equipment on a throu~h Sept<'mbt-r. ~ US£ FURN. APTS. for rent. ~ Lou-~ _,til. first. Dbls. &: ai.ncJes, overkx>klng Bay. 3M Carna- tion COM. real estate subdh-ision owned by lt•s•rv•ti011s Adviwbl• ~ Senate Secretar) J . A . &>t>k or Why hold on to that us<"I<'SS·to-HArbor 2365 V NOTICE to mothers: Let ua iii your baby sitter oo Saturday af- ternoons from 2 to 5 p. m. Spe- cial &bow ror aU ldcldia. Port The uwestlgators I arne<! that BaJ~ ~an~ f~~u~ard~~cl~e~-~TTy~~t~h~<'~'~'~~t~a~~~-==~~~l~0~7~M~~~-~-~k~l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mr. Seek had paid 19.000 ••• "a reasonable fl"l'' • • -for sotl C'On· Thee~. Corona del Mar. COMPLETE HOUSECLEANiNG Fumit~ &: Rug 5hampooinc, etc. servation equipment to tmprove his Hidden V.UE>y tract. The work was done for the pu~ of soil and water consen·atlon ~o~oith the recommendation or th<-5'l'deral Soil Conservation o!Cice. Work cuaranteed. Beacon 6111. Al's &u.e and Window ae.n-Plloae Paywt Apncy Inc Service. r. "'-=-' iD CDM BRAND NEW Hollywood bed -.-u-u l--· ..... or t-'--•---A teleophone pe.YMf"Jlt a~tency ·~ roa;' ~~ has beer! opened at Crown Hard- ... Jlf~ -.,.: ~ ._ ware. 821 Cout BMI .• Corona del FOR SAt:t=Mali•a ~~ Mar, f~r the coovent~nce of the • approximately 2,000 subscribers cond J. M. Leoaard. 1 var-in the ~a. it was announced this ado Pla~. Balboa. HA 832. week by T. M. Hambrook, man- MALL alze deep free&e, OK 69.50 a~r of the Pacific Telephone and OIIAN"r8 JI'UitN. a A.PPL. Telegraph Co. Hours are from 8 1115 N~ 111ft. Ooeta Ilea a. m. to 6 p. m. Monday throu~th MODERN •'alnut bdrm. set, fWl Saturday. s.ize bed, roomy clO!Iet &: V11.Dity Mr. Hambrook saJd tiM> new w1tb large circle mirror. Com· agency ~o~oill be operati.'d bv Cliff plNt>, $67 ~"ii. Uonbarger, owner of Crown Hard- G&AJIIT F'U&~. & APPL ware and formerly operator of th<' JIU Newport Bh.._ O.ta •-. telephont> company's a~ency at LOST Jn COM about 2 weeks TeWinkle's Hardwnr<' Stort' an I ago: hom-rimmed gltlSSeS ln Costa Mesa. case. BE 5434-R. KEYS -Made while you wait. Realtor Has Attack Tommy's Shop, Post Office Block. I I Corona del Ma r. ----- SOLID CITIZENS VOTE Register NOW at City Hall SERVING . YOU REAL VALUES The WANT AD WAY is the qukk. euy way to IMill t.hoee articles that you don't need any more! . • • For reru.lta, use ~ --• ....... , ...... IU8'I' CA.U IIADOR lilt ~---o.e Rolx>rt Lynn. Corona d{'l )far realtor. has been S<'l'iously ill at ~~. Josrph Ho pJtal followm~ a heart attack last W<'<'k. Mrs. L) nn. 1 who is het-self com•alC'SCtng from n rroent illness, is O!)<'ra tine 1 ht• business h<'tw('('n t rtps to the hos· pital. P .o\ TIEST LE.c\ \"F$ HO!'IPITA 1. Hom<'. at last, from the hospi- tal is Mrs . .J. 1..<-s lil' St4.'ffen<:en. Corona d\'1 l\tar. Although not yet able to be up and about .. Mrs. SteffensE'n has a phon" a t her bed· side. PREACHING MJ , ION tfERE Roundin£ out the wt:'ek or Bible conferences at the First Baptist Church of :'\ewport B<'ach, Dr. V. C. Kelford of Los Angeles, wUI speal< tonight «Thursday) and to- morrow night as well a Sunday morning and eveni~. Dr. ·Kel- 1 ford has had preaching missions all OH'r the L'nHed States and Canada. ------FOR RESULTS Use Enst~ Want Ada Harbor 1114 LOUIS F. GATES COY1. A .... ..._-0~ a- Borne Loant to buy, buUd. J"e!tnance o r for aJter1Uon11 OENilftAL Df8UltA.NCK IIA.rtMw ·-t(t ()eut ~ "--...... . ifhE Newport HalbOI- • • • • • • • • • is proud to present • The Latest Addition to ita Commercial Printing Facilities • • The lmpnn.~ v~ ~IEHLE VER.H£.4L The outstanding preas in the p rinting trades The Ensiqn Publiahing Co. is now eqUipped to meet all of your printing needs expertly, promptly, and wtth superi or quality. LmEitHEADS . . . . ENVELOPES . . . BUSINESS CAllOS ANNOUNCEMENTS . . , MENUS . • . STATEMENTS PAMPHLETS . . : TICKETS l'lOGitAMS • • • tUUmNS For the IDT in Printing. Call fliil ..... 1114 1104 Coa8t Bml.. Cc.oaa del Mar ..... .... !llanclay. Mat 10. 1151 BeU Officer-s A:re Installed l:*trict offieen u weD u the 59 ..,. members t.ht. )1M!' we~ ~~ guests oC the N8'pa'rt n.ll Club • t the last n-gula.r -a.& on '111unday. Mrs. Ca.tey Bonetlrake, district presidellt, wu ~ by Mrs. A.. H. Hal-~ district perUamentarlan, a nd Nn. H. E . Smith, county lecisla- tive cbairman U arriving from Orangto for the met>ting. wer-e pt"eSented by music and drama students from Orange Cout College. New Jnf'mbers welcomed at this meeting \\"ere 1\f.rs. Walter Hen- nings, M rs. J . M . :McKay Jr., Nn. Luett.a Splece and Mrt. Patrida White. Ha.teases and Ways and Means Committee lnclucW Mrs. Harry Welsh, Mrs. J. L Stamp, Mrs. J. W. Thomton, Mrs. Clayton Thompson, Mrs. Theodore RObina and Mrt. I. G. Gordon. Candidates for the oominc ele-~nt award present&.-mentary achool board eJection for tiona took up a large part of tM the Newport Beech district have recular CUb Scout meeting of hem invited to be prewnt at the Pa~ 180 a t the Corona del Mar next meeting of the Women's Ovlc SchoOl Jut Friday evening. League, Corona *I Mar ---Bat- Superior Juclge Kenneth Moni· boa laland Branch, which wU1 eon wu apeak<'r of the e vt"nlng be held at White's Park Ave. and told of the big plans for the Cafe, Balboa la1and, Mooday. ~t Cln:ua to be held in the O..rles Priest. dlY clerk, wUJ Santa ADa Bowl on Saturday, May be the main~ lor the morn- 26, 1ft wbicb all the Cub Scouta ing with. tailt&iiOUt tM dty and tor While's may be made ttarough Mn. Arthur GatH. HA 1649-11. Gene's Pldce ~ roar PIZZA ..... COOM B!TR......u&Aft 8EJa •o..a•·-· ... o.-........... M.N. Halleck aerwd u l.natalllng officer and ~ted eacb n~ of- fleer with friendship book and a coraa~. Scenes from sev er a I J1Q1 u well as voeal numbers An invitation was extended by the presJ~nt, Mrs. C. M. Deakins, to all members to attend the Exe- cutive Board party next Thurs- day at 12:30 p. m a t the Ameri- can Legion HaJJ. Board members ";ll re<X·ive aCCE'ptanC('S. and Boy Scout& of tbe covnty wUJ ita tremendoua growth. c~· ~~:the~= hu~~\~oru!O is..:S Roundboule in the railroads .)'rda rrom Rapn'a Rstaurut for this of LOll Angeles, which will be meeting to make It euler for the taken by members of the pack Island memben, approximately next Saturday. one-third of the rnern~p. to ~ ~ ~-... w ith slips hose bras gtrdles along with our beautiful dresses and a ccessones. MOTHER will love her prese:1t ~rom ., r~"'l) \ \' -Tl E~O \ St'..::A:" H AYWARD VA:'\ DAILEY GF.:nRI.F: SANDERS ''I Ca1 let it r. YtuWhtleule" "'n of ParHi•" JEFF CHAi'.;'OLER DEBRA PAGET "QUEBEC" C"'ORTh'NE CALu"ET J BARRYMORE Jr , t"NDA V -TU&~DA Y 1YRONE POWEP. ''U-E" UNOA DAR~ELL CHARLES BOYER omcers installed: Mrs. De&· kins. president: M.r'"!;. R. L. Allen. first vice-p resident: Mrs. Byron E. Wells, s<'COnd \Ice-president : l\trs. E. C Twich<'U, recordin~: se- rrt'lary; ~~. Ha rry H . Casey. cor- rl'spondin~: ~('("n:>tary; Mrs Basil H. Pe tt'rt-on. treasu.r<'r: M rs. Paul M . Rog<'l·s. auditor : Mrs. H. 0 . R oy,. to' y, parliamentarian ; Mrs. Clart>nt'e> Dodd and M~. Colin Brown, drrectors. Cubmast er Ha rvey Pease led an attend A motor pool to help Co- ind uction <X'-remony for BiU Crider rona del Mar residents reach the and Richard Butterfield into Bob-Island i being established through cats. Awards _fot' the best ~r-Mrs. Da.,.id Thomas, HArbor a ted bicycles 1n the . pre-camJ\81 0655-J. Luncheon reservations parade were: first prtU, Eric Von ------------- Ehrenberg ; second. Tad Tobitt; THE c.rtala 8 -A""'-'--" t•-third, John Vao Dyk e: and hon-ENSIGN :-. --• _._ orable mention to Tom Ebberts. Now offers oomplete PHONE: LAGUNA 4 -... t:nder close competition Den 2 Job Print:lng FaclUtiea Reacrvatlons hf>ld to 8:1S won the honor den fla 't for th<> iij--iij-iiii,;-iii:iii;-:iiii-:iiii-:iiii-:iiii-;._~~;;;;;;==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We have one or the most up-to- date and efficient job printing plant& in the Harbor Area. Try us. month a nd Den 5 won the star na~ for attt-ndancc and appea r- an<"<'. 'I'hE' followinJ: boys were . prt'~ sen t<'d a chievt>m<'nl awards for the month: Den 2 Bruce Douglass, Tilll Driskel. Tom Ebberts, Grant Hornbeak. Charle McDonneU, Dean P<'ase a nd PNer Stodda.rd. Mrs. J ay S toddard and Mrs. Dan Ebberts art' den mothers. Den 3-Bob Ballinger, Roy Ma.-- th('r, Robby W interbotham. Jim Wtnterbotbam. Charles W i I I e y. !\f rs. Duncan S t wart and Mrs Art Wint<>rbotham an:> den moth-By ANN I e~. Th<'y·r<• so n<'w you may no t ])(>n 4 Tad Tobbitt, S tani<'Y I hav(' <'\'en hrard of th<'m , but tht>Y Howard, Wade OPal, St uart Fox, a rC' oound to capture your fanc) Strphr n Blancha rd. D<'n Mothers I and th<'Y arc· a ve ry t1mely ~us:-arC' M n;. &tty Dea l and Mr .. S!C' lion for Mot hf'r on HER day, Vaughn rllanchard. for yourself ao; a picker-upper. or D<>n :l S tt·phe n ButtC'rwo rth. for an adora bl<' hower ~·rt We're -Eric \'on Ehrenbe1 J::, Douglas Hall, t:tlkinl! about th<' F rench "lettue<· J1mm) Johnson. Da\id Kampart, I hac;ket" - - -ronvt>rtf'd to a sum-Jack \1c:-\l'\'n<'), Douglas Reddick, mPr h u n c1 b a I! ror fsl'.hionahlC' John Vun Dyk(•. D<'n moth<'~ arC' f<·mmes. It will a<'('('nt )CIUr ro~-!\lr!! J~tml'S Van D) ke and M n;. tum<' with thr ~aily rolnN'd ~ra rf E. II F:hnmberl!. linm~. I t'~> ju't Hrri\ 101: 1h1~ \H'<'k I Lk.'n 5 -D a\ i d Ha rsh~er, I a t O'BRIE:-.i'~ and - - -oh th<' Rtck~ \ri,.ficld. Jat·k ~t erren•t-n. pnCE' is so tin) 1 Lnrr~ &h"art7. !\Irs J ack Ster- fpn..,rn and M rlil Ra) Schwartz ar<' Tber e are Jots of othrr r.um-d<'n mot ht:'rs. mPr bap, Ju"t rtght for Uttlf' . Dcn 7 Donald Swanc:on, Oavid Motbff•s Da)' ~rtsatO•RRI'EN'S Drury, Da,;d Me~<"r Joey Up- . • • pu~l• Ia lmportH IDIIaa pitt, ~1Jchael Lcnn<>\. Mrs. Philip a8cl ~liM !Jtra.,., ......,r 1\tt.'\(~rs and Mrs John Drury art' IJia«t~ Ill buteht>r lbtea. .-leke:r den motllt?n. IMl!tkf't llbd th~ "Smoley ...... ta ln'• b:l~ Ill wa~Jhable liVIIJ~ ('Ottml. , , , P\"f'ft. !l.hllnfllDg!!. faiUt> nn d w hltf' ptnt~tll' gow- llt'rul'l. a nd tho'U' Jo\ Ply lm- t>Ortf>d Bt•a tl'lll'i. \oupl<' thr brii: \~th a pn1r Clf Island Girl W ed in L.A. lh(' bt>a.Uitful rr!·:..{'f'ndOI'• ~IO\'~~ I AI hnrnf' at 619 Whitsell Avf> .. 1 --.~ th!• worl~ ~ flnN•t. fabriC :"m th JTnllywood. ar<' tht:' nf"--w Mr r lo\ • . t :lllOr<'d hkl' dOl'sktn. ~~~ 1 and ~1r" Arnold S tatz jr. Mrs., f'lct ltl") look Ilk<' d(l('skln nftf'r a Stitt/ i~ th<' lonnt>r Lori J ean I f, \\ ' 1'htn't" l ~l«')'Pr, dauc;ht<'r of !\1r and Mrs ~t .. rh<>r mirht not btu hl'rsrlf Frank H. 1-l<')t"r of 210 GarnN pre11~ t'OS tUm<' j<'welry. and tha1's ~\l'.. Ralboa Isla.nd Sht> Is a I wh\ you l'hould please hrr with Nl'\qlOrt Harbor school gradua '"· s uch f-K'rsonnl luxuries. S hf' ntight . The n~wlyw~ds. who w<'re mat·- want a sw eN replica or thr old n ed Apnl 18 m Lm: Angeles. _ar(' I fashioned j('wel studd<'d pins, both <'mployro by th<' same f1rm n('("kla<X's or bracelets. t hP new In Los Ang<'les. hanc!-cro~ftcd porcelain originals from Santa Barbara . or th<' fash- ionable pearl necklaces. so oma- m('ntal this year. ,.f'lma says If yoo·v~ bfoof!ll ''10Jidow ... opplq" tltO!K' .... t'IOU!I ~rl~ ads rr.... tiM' dty -- -u w• your ps IUt4 aome JM¥ Utem a t O'BRIEN''S .•. ewn thf' "liPfi "'1tb UH> )M"&rl.ll and ftOM'jt'&~1'1! P .S. 1..<-t's not forg<'t Mother's hose, flowers. scarfs and handker- chief ---gifts you'll be proud to present from O'BRIEN'S. And tor a tuck -in "Nctra'' see th<' table of inexpensive (one dollar, that isJ itt'ms at O'BRTEN'S. -.,. . . 'l '~ :_' ~ 101 O.OAll'l' BOVLEV ABD OORONA DEL IIAit HArbor !818 Dennie A ndrews In Laguna Play Dennit' Andrt'ws or Corona del Mar is among the players cast in tht' coming production or th<' •·My Sister Eileen," which will open at 1 he LaJZUOil Playhouse on WcdM day, May 2S. for 11 per- formances. Maryannt' O'Nit'l and VIrginia Jones "i ll play the roll's of Ruth a nd Eileen. the Ohio sistt:'rs who took . up rPside nce In a BohemJan bas<>mc>nt apartment in New York's Greenwich Villa~t' - - -and dis- C'O\'t'red tha t Columbus was never lik~> this O ther roles are taken by P wid Paul. Bud O'Niel, Art Smith. Russ Davidson, Sonny Budd. Mary H enry. Stuart Stcv- ~>ns. Bill Hubler. Susie Scott, J ohn RPsnk k. Pt'ter Cookson jr., and Bill Gwinn jr. Hap Graham Is director. ~ORT_~"-:~ ,. • I . ~ 1. • • ~ ,_. • / • I. - liDS FlEE! WITH PARENTS FRIDAY N1TE-MAY lith l oba l 'a aacl ~tAo NATIONAL FAMILY W1ZK, llay I-ll e SEE t'HESE .t OUTSTANDING. 00l!IIEDIJ:8 e BiD Maulclin·s ''THE GROOM "UP FRON'r' -plus-WORE SPURS" e ALSO PECIAL ADDED A 'ITRACTION e Gen. MacArthur In Our News -COMI~O SUNDAY -* !->t•ECt AL IUDDIE IIA'I"lNJ::!l MTUilDAY, I :46 P.Jl. * "BOMBA ON PANTHER ISLAND" P111!11 s Bit' ~noo- SPEtlll •• , .. -Piu~ Gen. MacArthur In Our News * * * Plum.binq Repair Parts * * Plumbinq -Supplies * Tools Real Mexican Foods e Enchiladas e Ta cos e Tamales e Chili Re llenos. etc. e Steaks Open S to 9:30 p. '"· -Clc»M Mond•Y' La llo~la • DON KIRKPATRICK T-V SEBVICE 400 Coast lovleverd COlONA DE}-t.4Al-4iA uo..J nNI: ft'AI~AN DIMMERS Allo ~-b~-Prt.e- Cocktails Low '1mDUCING'* Interest Rates Low Monthly Parmenta * We offer y ou the facilities of the Largest Federal Savings Association in Orange County Y ..... .., .............. ....... ,.. ...... , LMUNA IMCt4 "-._, '" -m o..... ,.,._ Circle Names At Harbor Hiqb 1 At Ensign School Mrs. Freitag The Mother-Dau,.ht r T~>"' ""'d Bv BILL TEJG-\\'ALT F hton Show was "'one.> of thl' 'big ()pC'n Hou was ~d at th MPmbers of the Balboa Island t>\ nt~ held in observanct" of Pub-Hora<'"' Ensi~ School Wedoesda) c',rd.-or Chri 1 Church by thr! lie ~<'hool<; Wet>k at l':t>wpor Har-eYenin~. and the highlight of the ~!8 ='''"" T.oul t mN ~fonday of last bor Ill.:h School. event ,.as the opening-for-lnspec-'~f'('k at tht hc..n1,. of Irs Mamle ll os t esseo; w en• thl' Clrl's lion or th cafeteria which Y.'&S Foote, 2QO SapphJrc· A\c, Durini League Cabinet and Mrs. Fay Har-started last summer.' All rooms I lunchron a birlhda} cake was pre- bison. dean of girlB. Home eco-were open to the public, includin~ ''·nt<'d to ~frs Della D. Williams norrucs instructon. Mw J oyce the gymnasium, workshops and of Corona del Mar. Ande~n. Mrs. Hazel Owc>ns and sewing room. BUJ>mi'SS of the-day lncludt'd Mrs. Dorothy Ring, were respon-Despite the wet weather, a !'14>(-tion of offict>n. for the ent"U· slbl£' for the year's preparation ln large crowd arrived for Inspection tnK tf'Tm. Mr Boad Frelta~ was • ~>win~ and foods instruction and of the school. This was onJy the 1"{>-rlt>Cted president; M.rs. Rachel coordination of the show. One of second open hou.~ for Horace En· Wiley 1s the """"' '1ce prt>SJdent, the parents, Mrs. Virginia Castle, siJ.tll School . which was named \fr A J Ruttrr. SP'Cl"etary· Ml'l coached the models. after the superintendent of the IJQ~d FolJ m. treasurer , and )trs. Fifty hl~h school girls of all three schools in this district. Walter M. Bli\'en. ways and m<'ans ~rad(' displayed clothes thf'y had Bt>cause or a request by Prin-chairman. made-in their ewing classes. with clpal Roy Andersen. few stu-------- Joan Parisen natTatiOJ: a script dents attend<'d the Opt>n house. T l b J written by Susie Pleg('r. Ten oth· HOW<'\'Pr, tht' following day stu-I ratJe y eep Prs assisted as hostesses with Sally dent.; W<'re gin•n a 30-mlnute J)f'r· · 1\fcMillan, Carla MerC<'r, Eleanor iod to mspect othpr rooms. Up Firebreaks Racan and Donna PriCC> heading Coronu del 1\far School had its · lh£' tea tables. Music and literary open hoUH' last Thursdav evP-It r:lm t· UIJ llr.•br .. aks on .san- ent<'rtainment were furnl<;hed by ning and .:'\'ewport School the fol-ttaco PE' k an th('Jr jeep was en- Don Ungle, Donna Pnet>, 1\fjkel lowing e\f'ning. J'lYf'd b) thf• Doc ' YarnPJI (am· Bums and Carla ::0.1PrCf>r tly or RaJboa J.land and the Ray-• • • Ch -.I 'If. mond Ha1 ··~ of Corona dt>l ~tar A CDM d N oru uroaps \\h n th('y week-ended at :drs t an ewport Harn~ s patc·n s' ranch at \.\1\ite-- Open house • • -a time ,hen ~ Give PI wood rt'Ct'nth. children can how their parents 0 IWW.._ T • 11 aU about what they've been doing ~·..... c ·n&J.'l'r ~u ' Stewart of Bal· durinJ;: those six hours away from boa Island and Jimmy, son of Mr. I home •• -was held during Public The combined choral groups or and 1\tr' Arthur Win er~tharn or Schools Week in 'all the Newport ='ewport H a r b o r G n ion fDgh CoronR dPI Mar .. also enJOyed thP Beach schools. School wtll PN.'St>nt their annual rid<' and swlmmmg pool . It was a family night for those sprin~ program at the high school j The Yarnells wer£' in ~ form taking part on Thursday night at auditorium at 8 p m. Frida y, ~oinst over the rough trails as they . ~fay 25. WE're mf'mbl'rs of the Jet>p Ca\<tl· ~new~~ El~'ren~~na~~l =I Thi year the theme or the con-cad that took a trip April 7 and 8 Each ._.d. k dis layed ct"rt et>nters around an old-rash· from Hem£'t to Borrt'-.o alon in . the t.z.J~U:'O~ was A P pedal 1•oned smgin' s:ntherin'. Many un-,,, h Sllfl oth ~ in 1R.5 jE-eps attraction wer/ th~~·lre :ecord· usual and a.rtl lie ar:ran~ments of Whi.ll: on that trip the Yamells ings taken by music teacher Clara t~e bc-st-lo\(>d Amencan folk songs ai<:O l>med an the drive up to Ellen Spt>lman or tht> \ a r' o u s "111 1>1> sunr:t b~ t~e rc-$t1Jlar Chorus Fawns P oint ~hat ~a,·e a View I groups she teaches a nd th n I and .LarkE'lte ch~ars. ~ we-ll as b~ of the whole P&Jnted Desert. Th y played back for the chlldrl•n and ~J)N'aally formed 1ndl\1duaJ .~m>ups then dro'> on to Ocotlllo. where their parents N'\'£'ral local Harbor tudents \\11l l thC'~ \L,If•d l»'Ct•'r lone and • 1 be ft•a t ur~ in <..olo parts. 1 Larn Franklin lormf'r ='ewport-1 The enure cast ol ovPr a hun· ers. d.rf'd tudents will be authenti-- call~. <'OStumed in th<' dre .of ~hE' Bruin Club Observes ., 1860 s. and colorful dratnat17&tion I . and dancinJt ha been sl~t to some 1 Second .Anniversary of the numbers -all carrying out the theme of a Colk.sv singin' ~a th·l The Oran&:e Count~· Bruin Club erin'. · 'IA.tJI observe its second annlve.r- Our own Paul Lee is now widely known for his dynamic victories in Sout.Mm Calilomla in the 1951 Uons' Club Speech Contest. Paul will now compete In the final con-test held at StocktM June 2. U he wina, be will be awarded a Sl,OOO acbolarshlp to any college ln the United States. Coneratula-ttons _, far, Paul, and good luck In Stocktoo!!! For good r-Merved seats, tickets san t the annual dinn r danct> may be obtained now from mem-at tht> WtUo'",ck Goli Oub at 7 hers of the vocal department. or P m toda) tThursda.y). Mem- they may bE> purchased at the box bl'rs of the club, aJumni and offi<-e. friends of UCLA are invited to 1 • • • The Board or Control or Harbo-r Enrollrnfont must bE' romplett>d High bas finally approved a mo-by ThW'S<by. ~tay 25. for a Uon for the organization' of a county-wide trainin~: ronferenCf' Boys' L~ague to function in 1951· fnr new home nursm~ in. tructors. 1952 As tated in the Beacon. !>()On-.ored by th<' four Rro Cro s "Undt>r the sponsorship of 1he rhaptet-s in Oran1:e Count~ Bo)t-' LA'ague, it would be po ~•hie Cla.s t>R \\i ll be he-ld on Wednes- ror many more activit ies to IX' or-rld~. Thursdny and F rid14) of tht> gani£t•d in whJch boys would be rm.t two wPCks in Jw1e • on June intc.'rested and the I..cal( iL•u•lf 6 7, R 13. 14. 151 from 9 a . m. to will provide an oppol'"tunaty fur i P m m thf' clns!lroom of thl' I widf'r s tudent participation.'' :O:mnhE>rn Oran~f' County Chapter. All tYPE'S or vocataonal ~uadam't' 110.1 \V. th St .• antn Ana S!X'ak<•rs mar be obtainC'd 1u h<•lp The on I~ p('rc;om; eh ~•hll to en- tht' }OUnh mron dPCide Jh(•u f,J. nil lor th' contc-rc>ncr 1n• nW""'I"". aun>S. _ te'ttve and anncllv•' and r.on- - _ ____ 1 u-.el> t • a r her., and colle~e MAKt: BEAS RAG~ v1llP~t' tramC'd \\Omf n \\ilh tt'ach- attend . A abort business meetin~J will follow the din.ner, after whleb there will be IIIII I Ttn LAI.IST DISPLA T OM 1MI PACINC COAST • ......,~ ..... 0...... s..As-..... .-o • .......... ~ ......... s.- )461 1246 ....... Aato e BarrtarJ e nr. Liability • Glu!t • 1ea•1 Worll:men'a C~Uoa. _. Courteous Informa t1oe DEPE.,-oA.BU: EllVlal LABGE OR MALL MJII .. GIVEN SAME CAD '"We MOTe Wlta. ae w...- AGE.'"'TS FOil LYOn 1966 Harb« BmL o.e.-- Animal shaped be-an ba~, vi C'IJI· '" • f'XJX'rt<'nc•• or t:'QIIt\·alc>nt. In- leo tor the ChildrE-n' llospttal an I u n.•taon ran be obtained at the Los Angelt'c; ha\'e JUSt t>N>n rom-Santa Ana nfht'C. Kfmbl>rly 2-1137 piPtt'd by Troop 12 of Third Grad£' HOUSE ' GARDEN ... c:........, .. M-.-t Brown I,.~. Thf' troop m c e t s • Did you read the Want Ad W~ar·~yatthf'ir iMde~~~.jpa~R~~~t~~~a~y~?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O~~~n~N~~~~~~-~-!-~~~d~·~~~I O~·~~~.~~~·~~~m~.~~~~~~ Mrs. F:. J. Doyle. 223 Crysta l Ave .. Balbost Island. EE TlfEIR GR AXDOAl'G JITER Kll t herine Louise Uonbarger. age :.1x wet>ks, was onC' of the bis: reasons for the \'8e&tion m Seattle from which Mr and Mrs Cliff Lionbar~• r of Corona de l Mar have just rt'turnf'd. She Ls the new dnughtt'r of Ma and Mrc;. Lee l.lonbar"cr. son and dau~ht«'r-in- 13W of the local C'rown J ls rdware owners. VISITORS FROM BUFFALO Rf'Cl'n t visitors at the Lyell But tcrmore home. 711 Narcissus Ave., Corona del MBr, were Mr. and Mrs. W. F . Rector of Butralo, N.Y. Mrs. Rector is Mrs. Butter· more's aunt. EE lbcARTIIUR PA.&ADit Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Finnecy of Buena Park spent Thursday eve- ning with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Nlel· sen, 1720 Waterfront Dr., Corona del Mar. 'The visitors had just retur'ned from a month'• vacation ln New York, w~ they aw the MacArthur welcoming pande. VISITOIU!I FLY FltO. IOWA H~ts of Mr. • and 111'1. You Made This Improvement Possible .•• DO COME IN AND SEE IT! Optometry continues to make gTeat adYances in the preserYation of your eyesiqht and we con· tinue to keep abreast of new procedures to CJi•e you the clear, comfortable. and adequate 'riaion you deeerYe: Dr. Horace Cadet\ OPTOMETRIST O...,CE IIOVllS: t:Jia.-.-5:te p.a. . ... , ................ , IDm ... rty !· 1 tlU fl'aata A-. c.Hf. John V. Baker and their family, 433~ Iril Ave., Corona del Mar, were Mrs. Ewlyn MacDonaJd and Mrs. Howard GftlOI')' ot Del Moines. Iowa, who flew out tn a plane ptloted by Mrs. Mac:Doftald. During the .-eek the Bakers and their gu<'Su spent 8 few days at LaaVe~. ~--~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-. .. ii.iiiiill .. ·' .. Pr•• Ito a Da 7 Vp To OUr Customers -·-DwinC the ftnt Wftk ol J11a.7 Vineeet Area. Wat 1.-Aa.o txlllllPI..Jft'IC Uae of-ttw buiJding ,nmlt 10taJ bid ~-9-room. 2-Ctory, I -unit~-~ed;itfor~ .. ~ .S: :=::e ~~~-::.= ~ ~-=. ~~ aa.ooo.::ll•• thr liquor J.icomw r~ earnlftl:a tor for J.ut month. Die ~ ElneTaJd 8a)' t~ six monthl from Sept. 1. m10. ~ total for the )'ear Ia expect· mom, 1-stery ' t -CIIIIt ~ to Feb. 28. 1961. tbr State Boe.n1 ell to rMch 54,000,080 by tbe-120 Via YeUa. $13,000. RaJpb ot EQuaUatlon ~-ot this month. eornp&I'M wtth only F~ bul1dlor ~ six-month Nminp tor tbe 12,121.(8) by the flMt 01 May Jut ,.· state totalled $5,420,890. 11w U )'ftr. Ted Oli · ~--a..-~ for ~Uable Painters ~ Paperhangers oties and 1M unincorparated Following permits w~ l5sued ~oer, 7206 ~ Dr_ area or Onnge County wW ,._ during lhto lut W'H'It: r~~;~~=~~~ 111111 PIIIT I WIUIIPEIOI. <"ei\'e $66,588.14. Newport ae.ch l.w. Jtle · • ' · was serond highest among the Cieorge SUwor, aJtt'ratlons at 539 K~ buildPr. dtit"5, exceeded only by Santa Via Udo Soud. St.SOO. Dean KephArt, 510 lbt SL. 8- Ana. whkh wiU reot'h·e $14,8'78.13. Ralph Hoyle, 1..5(1§ Cout Blvd.. room, 2-«tDI')'. 2.-unit ct.~llinl at cOil , >room. t -story, t-uni\ 3913 St'as.hore Dr. $8.000. ~'I:M'r I It c...t ._.... COlON HMor 2QZO..l Dl&. WAI 6ENElAL CONTlACTOl.S HAt'-I.S6 Mystery Ua.olftd A mJ l""-n..u.c elt)ed "'~" n'port.food elf Mill 8t. Ia S... .-.on--.,. 'hNIIay. May •• t,y Mark W~A of 1811 8f'a· "'-~'" Dr. It ,. ... ~~ U feet. toac auad !00 :r..,... oft...,.._ lA lC"r I• tJHo f'\ ..-lAc pellft dtf'Ckt'd from Mtll L to Nf'W- port Pl.-r but MH&ld IMab> ·~­~ •11"-NI alllatH'f'. . . • FINE • CUSTOM BUILT FURNITURE CORONA CRAFT ••• t READY -MIXED ~ON CRETE BEacon 6547 '' "1'"'' Uhd .. ('o .. t_;~ M.-..:' Oran~otl• I Kit~ -kl JIS~ IU"fLDI~O CON"l"'lACTOR • '• r. in.r Entin> Harbor An>a for Owr 30 Y<.'ars • X E\\' 1: R •:MOOEl.LI =' (, ~l ( o. ~t IU«<t_,.r .,."port Bead~ JSEat·oa taW • JIArbor HD-M PECIAI.IZE8 IN lli!PAIII8 • Day a N1pt Water &a._. ....,.m Powtr Toole ,_,r ......, 8Dd 8tDk a. ;s .. ~ostaMesa LUMBER -BUILDING MATERIALS e.r....eo. GOJ6 ------- ---~ ---------- IEPEIIIIILE PLUIIIII Jn the Ha rbor Ar<>a SIOCP 1930 :-.lew Constructinn R<'rnc><k-lUng Water Heaters Floot· F'Umaet>S Jn,tallf'd • • • rl't'C Estimate-; I. I. MI. llA 1418-\\'. "": IIA 18!-11 !MI W . ..._ BluL N--~ FIRST GRADE CALIWOOL 100~~ ALL ctv.~lling at 101 Via Cordova. Sl3,· buiJder 000. Owner builder EUiott ~. 6601 SeuhMe Dr .. 6-room. l~tor)•. 2-unit chl~lling at fOOl-03 Seashore Dr. $11,000 . 0Y.'tll'r buildrr. R.a)• Darby,lngle~'OOCI. add lhing room at 28>4 w. Oct-an Front. f;2,000. CUrtis Pete niOJI. Alhambra. 3- robert h. 1ngram "Luxury" housing, big apart-room. ]•story, ]-unit dw<>lllng at REALTOR Jll(>nts, industrial plants and pub-6607 St>ashon' Dr., ST.OOU Owner he psojt>cts ha\'e comt' under f.tO\'·· buildt>r. 1711 coast bigtrway emm<'nt control as set up by the L D. Tv.et'dy. altt>rataon a t .,..,.... *' ...,., calif.,.... NaUonal Productaon Authonty in 27~1 Oct>an Front. S500 I il program of oo~._.·rvinJ! stl'<.'l Cor Lawrenet> KcUy, Gl«•ndale, 4o ~~;;;;;,..._.;;~;;bl'tler;;;;;:I~C~,.~=~ d('fc•n"' nf.'t'd.,. room. 1-tory, 1-umt d¥-~llin~ at 1 An NPA Pl'rm.it v.ill be> n«'dE'd 131 43rd S1.. 14.000 Ro> Grt'('fl- lor a n) <.tns:tlt--famal) home ro:.t-Jt>af jr bwlckor mJt more than $3.'>,000; &n)' apart-1 Coroaa drl Mar m nt hoU51? an c>Xt't"SS of lhl"('(' e>tor () A. Mak".S, Santa Ana 1· tory, t<' ancJ basemf'nt: any fa ctory, J-unH d\\t>llln~; at 505 Mar~ritf' chool, .ho,p118J .. chUI"Ch. wart>-S9.0CJO ~llPt bUJI(J(>r houw I~JZhWa) bn~t>. water &)'8-F E 81.1(>11 ~12 Ocean 6-morn !1,~ ~~~~~~~~no~~~ thailn~ 1~~~ 2-stor). 1-u~t dwetJin~· at 212 ,1, t•l "'..,.,1.,1,..,.. plant" and radJt.l Ja'mlant•. $2(1,000. Own<'J buu<ktr . und 1< k ,,inn .. tHttun.!o n •J!urdJN.,, I Jt•hn Thompson. add ~orc-room ,., '' • I tour •• ,. JO\nhc-d I tfl ~ara~<' at 3(1] l rl<.. $500. I Fl . .t"'"''' outdow adu·1 t1 inc Mar~ T>t nt•J...On roof O\f.'r ~ard •lb tJI '·" \\ • 11 pla<'NJ in tht niP l11.·hmd I.Jt'nnif''l' Call", $200 I'Hihlllllt-d f·a~o·~ur~ a!' amu" m••nt John Trclll r, rf.'mod I lhsn~ I pl..c"'' :wd 111 atn>S, but th ... tand-room. katcht>n, sollltium and po- '"1' •·x••mpt1nn of $5.{100 "'II takl' uo at 1HJ8 Ray\it>W Dr , ~0.000. t tfl• ul n IJ\l outdovr as:n ' R [)(maid HaJJ, bulld<>r uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Til<' o•d<>r \\Ill not halt con tru<'· Balboa ltlalld __, 1100 alr'Mid~ undt•r \\il\ :-;pA C'-<nd n Hullini;Sh~d. alt('T'8- \' 111 <'On\ldc.>r lha t v. ork hat. bt'gun hons at 119 E. Bay Front, $1.500. 11 ""l~tantUtl v.ork has bE><'n dorw R. s. Pridham. enlarge gara~:e on clf'~ran~ th<> stlt-or d<'mohshing a t 2Q4 Coral. $l50. old bwldin a t lhc> sHt> Richard Handel, Lodi. 4-room. 1- &"tory, 1-unit dwelling at 206 Grand Canal. ST.OOO Robert lb- gnm, builck>r. Robert Ingram. 121 E. S.y Front, p_raRt', $1,000. J. S. Underman. alteratiorw at 109 Diamond.. St.OOO. GU Cansey, altt'rati<m.s at 1510 Abelone Pl., $1.500. Orrin Wright . altl>ratJons at 112 Topaz, $400. GlAD KiDda FLAGSTONE PATIOS BLOCK WALLS --·-- IIANSON"S D•~ussion or oil, el~tion or of- fil't'rs and N'freshmenta are on the pro~'Tam when !he West Newport Impm\f.'m nt Association m~tA at R p m. F rida). fa) 18. in 1M Cit) Council Ouunbers, Pre ident F'rancas Horvath announ<X'S Charl<>s Dlg~s. chainnan Clf th<' Count)' Planning Commi aon, "ill I ~ one or the sl)('ak<>rs and wiJJ an- ""' er QU<'Stions about the proposc:'d 7(10in~ nrdinan<'<' am<'ndment (1<'- .,j~ned to restrict oil drillin~ on HADE a UNou.:tJJI Ll.nol um F1oors -Alpba)t nJe Wmoow Sha<k-1 -Vmetian Bllndl Formica Drainboards roa~tal sJOJX' or Oran~(' County . .-llllllili I Also on the program will be W r. Perrow. chairman of th~ oil comm1ttee or the Corona <k'l Mar Ch if Association, who will tt'll or the action taken by the l"t'C(>nUy organized Coastal Co m m i 1 t e <' Agai~ Oil Well . -Since 1939 - I" £.. !S .... c.ta ~~~ BE ....... Including 1'ht-quarterly membership meet- Ing or the Orange County Coast Association ,..,;u be ~ld Tlx>sday .._ ~ 5. o.ar. evenln~ 8t Jlotl'l lAguna, Prest-~·~~~l!l~llll~·~;lllli•l:lll•llll.-••••liil~ dent Herb Kenn} of Balboa an- n<JunCC~>. 1 J«oport "ill 1X' giveon by com- mittN>S on harbors and emslon. I parkb and be-aches, hiahv. a}S and transportation. )~glslatJon and nn- 8D(X>, m<>mlk'rshJp and water and c;an1tntlon. Jn charge or J"C'Ception art' Vice Prf.'Sident Elmer Curry or Ralboa 1 for the C'.oast As.'iOC:'iatlon and Mayor Wharton and Chamber St-- Crt'tAJ'Y Frank Kn.IR}lt for Laguna. DraftmiCID Celebrating Hia Sixth AnniYenary I'A&E VA AftON Mr. and Mra. Jack Rein rt. W ctay St., N wport II ights. look tim• off ror a \&C'a.tion at the f'nd ol last month. 'tllcy traveUt'd to Su Fn.netl><'O and then to see tbe nllldt of th Rod Sa.mw.-'5. Mr aarro... once ~-ned tM store wtUch is now Rftnerl's Fitzpat- rick'a in Costa MeA. a& .. aft BOUDAY Aaothfor of the reeen t visitor 110 Su Franc:isoo .... Mrs. A. B. IDa& 112T W. Bay Ave., New- part. lll"rL Kine ·~ her ~ to a ~ gat.bmng. 11ley atayed at the FalrmouDt. Bruns & Marsac PLIIIIII -- o •• sa-· a a- ,T~ • Plan Queen Contest I Kiwcmia Breakfast Set for Saturday 'nw! Costa Mesa Kiv..-.ni.s Club ts sponsorin~ a breakfast to be A county -wide Queen contest I have been regularly enrolled in en·C'd r rom 7:30 to 11·30 a . m. will be held to select the fairest an OrangE.' County High School Saturday at the Costa Ml'sa Park. hJgh school l;irl to reign over th durln~: tht' 1950-51 term and who All proct-'eds \\ill ~o to youth bene-I~M:=-..-:=·~~~=:-1 1951 0ran1-"te C.ounty Fair. Man-havE.' ~n bona fide restdPnts or fit. a g r R. M C. FullenwidPr an· I the dJl>trict for 30 da) s prior to C'.4>nc>ral Chairman Paul Dunla.p nou.nces. local judging. annou.net-s that the mE.'nu will in· Ens1gn Cla.sst.ned a.da have t.. Entry will be restricted to s tu· Entrants must be unmarried. clud<.> pancakes and sau.sas;es. Mu-a proven means or reaching.....,. dents of the county's 12 high mu t not hav<.> b<.'cn divor«-d and s.ic ftom Orange Coast Colleo~e will for all aoru of me.rcba.ndi.w-U~~e school districts. Preliminary con· must agre<' no t to marTy prior to pro\'ide lh E.'ntet tainment. them! Phone Harbor 111~ tes~. sponsored by a civic orgaru-Au~. 20. 1951. Prof tonal mod· hpiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ zation. will be conducted in each elhn~t eXJ)t'nencE" wtU disquaUfy a district on o r before J une 4. candidate. Awards, prizes a nd re- Judqing ~m be based on per· ~o:al honors wlll ~o to th<.> girl Sf:'· sooality poiae beauty and char· lected as queen. The other final- after. ~ 12 dutrict winners will t.sts will be m mbers of her court. oompete in ~ ftnala. to be staged The contest Is under the super- at the Fair Grounds on the op-vision or Joe Wallace, manager of enlng da.y, August 15. special events for the 1951 affair. 1'be ccntat la open to &iris who (Continued from pap 1 ) Charles H Schimprr. Los Angel~. 54-ft. yawl, 43.8. 2:27:45. Class A IORRL I '7. L'AINlCbe <58). 22:52::>i . Phyl- lis E Rrun.<,On, Catalina Island. 56- lt. sloop, 56.3, 1·03:12. Class A. •ORR I g, Alornaat .. IC-6>. 22::>3 :08. la n Murray, NHYC. Calif -32 sloop, 37.6, 3 23:!)0, Class B I ORR!. 9. Mlckf•y IPCC 4l, 22:53:17, L8\\Tt'nC\• Barr, Sa.n Dit>s.to. PCC ., !>loop, 31\ f<. :.! .32 ·06, Class B. I O RR I FOR YOU! 08teral Oolltrac't.M "Distinctive H o m es" 10. :Sam l'"'nnl! IF-71. 22 :53 371 J,>hn S Gr1fftth NHYC', !';2-ft.l kt.'tcl1. 'l:?:.! 1 2~:21, C'lass A •ORR I. Pf'rJ)f•tual TrotlbJeA P O!iik>d ft.-e .,. ,.,...,,.r Semc:e Stations Subdi.Wons til W. let St. First ()(-Pa n R.acm~ Ra.lln~.t yacht on corr<'ch•d tim!' PrE.'sldl'nt or M'-'xico trophy won by Mara 1 I~ 1. Rarn<'y Hubt·r·, BYC. doubiE.'·t'nd sloop, 24 7 rntrn~. 6·22·17 timt> al· lo\\ an('('. First arhnrar·:-Handicap yacht on COIT('Cl('d llmt' Prl'sid<'nl or United States troph) \von b) OaJe (88). Gali.' A Ford. C'abrillo &-nch. 30-ft. sloop. 7 ·39:20 tim<' allow- ance, Cia~ C' First yacht~> to fmbh over-aii- NE.'wport Oct'nn Sathn~ Associa- tion troph) won by ~kylark. F irst dh id<'d rh.: yacht -Nl'W York Yacht Club trophy, kylark. Fir'lt hf'a\'y di~pla('('ment yacht N O.S.A 1 roph), ~k)·lark. F'frNt N (')S A :-ncht -N.O.S.A t roph). ~k~·lark. lk'st Cor·r('CINl T iml' or Class A and 13 I ORR 1 ya<'hto; Go\~rnor of Calif. 1 rophy, J\ntl~.,ru:\, Class B. ( &ost Corn'<'lM Tim<' Arbitrary J land1 cap of C'las~ B and A yachts Go v E.' r n or of Baja C'allrornia trophy, KoiPm na\ id Commons. Cabrtllo Beach YC'. Time alJow- ance 5 .:>3 :10. Clas B Be t Correct<!d Tim<' of remain· lng Cla.ss, ORR yacht Mayor of Newport t r o p h y, 8t.fllla Marts (Q-12). Class A, Robert L. F olk· ner. St. Francis YC. San Fran- ci8co, 37.9 rating. 3:20:48 time al-lowance. ~t Corrected nme of remaln-t~ class, Arbitrary Handica p yacht-Mayor of Ensenada trophy, ~Clu A. f\rst Pacit.lc Coast Class to rt.n- lsh-AatlpL stt l O(MQMSlllt\OM tODl't \ l~ liOUl US'f UIMS - Fri9HI•Ir••• live -Woter Actio I\ geh dothes really dean ... ond the Select· O ·Oiol lets you pre·select the wa.t~ine time yfN wont ••• then everyltline Ia ciON auto1110ticofty. H.re ore o few t.otur.. you lhollld t'OIM Ill oi\CI - ........ P..-cetein finish iMide Oftd -'· Prot.cts 09oinst n.111, soop, t reo-. New Conveniettcel Fits '" ltitdtell Of lo\11\dry ot toble-heieht. NMds M boftint down. h~·Spinl Oothet ~ ._ • flry 101M or-e ~dy for ~ P•IMtM Actiettl ICeeps dothee '- water otl ttle ti!M, 110t hoff 4ft. Milt ..... Flnt llland Clipper to finish- PIT ' tm (IC-4). Challton F. Lan- clf!n, NHYC. M.7 rating, 3 :55:05 u~u~. ._._.__..__..__.._._._._._._~~----~~ hjlll Flowers Showered on Officers A ~ ol. now.. WU fM· tur'ed at the new ol.tleen IMtalla· ..... of the ......... and Prolft· llaaal Women'• CUb at the Bal- .._ Yedlt Oub lut 'l1nlndll.y ~ lllq. Mildr'H Stanlley m.talllng Clftlaet. praented adl of the new oftloen with a noeepy rep eeen- tative ln cob' ot the duties ot her ol.f.i,cr, To the lnoomiQe prea.ident. Ruth Wilmet. a bouquet was given combining all the colon. Tbe new officers iDc:lude Ev~lyn Vamer. Mazic Blrd. Ml1dred Oulp- man, Jeeaie H111. Helen Norton and :lrftte Morris. Retiring pl"t""lldent. Mabel Fit%· monia, opened the meeting and P"t"Rnted each of her outgoin,. or- ftcler8 with a gift ---thanking her ec>-worket-s a nd her committee cbaarmf'n fot 1 he work during the put year With the exception of BoSM·s Night and the Christmas Pre\i(>w chairmen. Cto be announced Ia· ter> Mrs. Wilmes anno11nccd her ~~ew committe«> chainnen as fol-~· l>ducatlon and vocation. ~irgania Escobar: finance. CaN•· ~ \\'etx-r: international relatioru.. B elen Wol!Ol'd: legislation. Janl't 1.: rnt>mber hip. Ma7le Bird: IM'\\"S ser'\·ice. . UM) Ea. tman. pro,:mim. Evelyn Varner: pubUc affairs; Margaret Ege: and healt h and safety, Gretha Tubbs. Special committees are: COD\'<'n- now blankets draperies slip covers curtains rugs dependable pick up It delivery serv1ce 21111ARtNE .A. VI:. tion. June ~; COUI'teiJ', S. Horvath: decoratlonl, Robe r ta Shell and Lena May wm.y: ...._ torian, 1..)-dia SMnn&n; t.pltal- ity. Rub•• Milzko: Ilardi of na-. Maaie Grider; mume. Oari Ellen Spelman; radio and teleYlaioe. Fredah Bates: rat~. I 1 a b e 1'1 e Bowles: report coonlinator, Ruth Genish; re&er'\-atlons. D o rothy Reddick: welfare, E 1 i z abet h Ha ndy: year book and emblem. Myrtle Spangler and youth activi- ties, Vera Franke. New members installed at the meeting were Haul Decker, PhYl- lis Williamson. Joy P90re. Judy Woodward, H~len Wolford. Un- able to be pr<'Sellt we~ Margo Kc~·es, Ro&e Fenton, and 0\ar- lotte Hollingsh ad. Vina Mae Harmer. accordion artist, gave a musical prognun. Guests from other Business and Professional Women's Clubs in the county were pl'(>sent. Past prPsid nt in ch&TJre of the installation arrangement.'! v.-c~ J s"f'nc' Morri . 84.>tty Handy, Gre- Jiia TubbL A~nes Blomquist and :'o1rs. ~tanley Can cer Fund Drive Goes On With four-fifths of the goal ac- complished. M r . Donald McCal- lum and Walter Spicer. campaign chairm<'n for the Harbor area. ha\·e announced that they wiU continue the Cancer Crusade through ~fay. So far $805.97 has been raised. less than $200 short of the 1,000 goal. This lS a far better sho,ving than the county as a whole. which has so rar col- lected just short of half of the $18.500 t;oal. The BaJboa Lion • -. in charge of the cancer fund coin cans dis- trJbut~d throughout the area • -• will l<'a'e them in public places until l\lay 31. announced Dtmcan McAlpine. chairman. The money so far contribut<'d has been raised through campaign letters mailed out b) the ~ewport Beach Assist- ance Utll~rue and through t he sale of corsa~res and boutonnieres do- nated by Morrl of Balboa and other Onnge County florists. Unsung Commercicds BALBOA ISLAND ()apt. S. 8 • ..,._ la Jeevt.ng PHO these paru for a wtrlle. and the ;===::NE:::::If.A.JtBOit===::l!::O== Wing Sang yacht and strlp broker"· age business on the Miracle MtJe will be under the management of Mrs. Betty Chattock, wbo hu been at Wing Sang for the put four )rears. Associated with her is Polly Merrill or Balboa bland. whose knowledge of boats has come from having owned boats and participating in boating ac- ti\.ities for the past &event yean. Make her proud of JGLtlft * Coltl.IIM Jewelry by Napier and Phyllis. * Speidel Watch Bands. * Rooson Ughters. --. F&mo\a makes of Watches. . and there is still time to moclemize ber diamond! IIArtMH' Uti Natural finish. In 9 foot 'Willl"'•·• Slightly higher to room size. SANTA ANA TENT & AWNING tal So. Mala ft. ID :r;.,...,.. 8uta Alia LAGUNA AWNING & MAPLE SHOP "'()eMit ........... .......... Mrs. Barden and famlJy will re- main at their home in Costa Mesa during the absence of the captain, who is schedul<!d t o go to Manila to be technical adviser in the building of a ship yard. • • • 'l1te Two-Pace center spread or las t Sunday's Home Magazine of the Los Angeles Times was de- \'Oted to photography by HowaN.IL: Folsom of Corona del Mar. con- struction by Robert H. Ingram of Balboe Island and Commentary by Muy <M rs. V. E.) Ellsworth of Balboa Island. "Chann on a Budg- et" was the theme or the stOJ'Y and photographs. • • • Leadlll~ R~ or the Call· fomla Roadster Association have assured owner-promoter Tom Tal- bert and CRA Prexy Walt James of an entry in the races this Sun- day at Talbert Stadium in Runt-tneton Beach. Qualifying trials open at 12:30 p. m .. with the first race. a trophy dash. tabbed for 2:15. A 30-lap main event will headline the show. • • • Boo~ Motor~~~&" Olob has been chosen as the name of the groUp of o'IVI'lers of the British Rootes cars in this area. at the meeting Wednesday of last week at the Dt>~klinder Co. in Costa Mesa. The following officers were named: Ray Fox of Laguna. president ; Dr. Oliver Howell of Balboa Is- land. vice-president; Mrs. David Firth or Costa Mesa, secretary: A. C. Boucher of Newport, bulle- tin editor; David Firth of Costa Mesa and Mrs. Ray Fox of La- ~na. program chaJrmen. ~ pt"k!e , ... .,.. ... t-Wra cottace: ......, pr- IIP _. .. utra ......... -.a. 1M ,.. ..... 0..... c-.1. ..... ...... 0111---- C&H Powdered o~ ltown ... ~rion 10C Sweeth .. rt Who'- CM' H.H ~~ . ·.., ... "tt I THU .. I DAV BOYSENBERRY PIE FfUDAV CINNAMON ROIJ.S . . PECAN FUDGE .LOAF CAKES I ATU .. DAV ,INEA"LE FILLED DANISH COFFEE CAKES APRICOT or PEACH PIE * Reme~t~~ Mottler witt\ one of -- c.,...~ ........... . AU THAT wt AU -. -AU THAT Wl HOfl£ TO IE •• -IN THE FOOD IUstNESS Wl Owt TO THE MOTHERS OF OUl COMMUNITY • • • thow lo•ely leclies whow steecly peffONt• hes nuriuf'ecl ttle 9«1wth of ow merlet. FM tllow ot you ..t-o ~re to clo y-s),oppin9 this S.tvnfey M Suncley we hne • little somethin9 to h.tp us '•Y "then~ you" fM me~in9 ou~ m•rlet pou ible. Pint If w, r .. r-Ak-'-r IE TEl 41 -'h 5tc ... .. • • • • • each Sic 6 lor 22c eacb49c 3 lor 2&c: each Sic • MOTHEl'S DAY CAKES • • f .. turin9 e live ,.cf ,_ on top.