HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-05-31 - Newport Harbor Ensign.May Sl. 1151 Two ~tions to curb sex offmses agaJnst dultin:'o we~ presented to Fourth District PTA at the condwllon of an OJ)('n forum cliscuaion ~ Tuesday evening by the EJE'mentary SChool PTA at the Corona del Mar School. Foi.Jowln,g a auggesUon from the audience, It was rt'COmm<>nded that names or known aex offenders ahould be made avallable to tht> public. -------------•such information Is now avaUabl<' ~~~;~r~~ff~ cases similar to the kidnap-murder A clown who ne~r sm,clled the of little Patrlda Jean Hull. Pres- a wdult of a circus-that • Pepita, ent a t the met-ling to J"K'el\·e tht> the Harbor Area's gift to televi.l:-J'e<X)mmendatlons was Mrs. Claude lon and movi~ and local entertain-I ero by. Fourth Of trlct prcsJdent ment. · Mrs. Louis Csenar, Elementary Robert Ripley, u a matter of PTA prealdent, wu in charge of fact, featured him In "Believe It the m«'tlng. and Rev .. Paul Bah- or Not" for that unfamiliarity bitt of thE' Corona dt>l M ill Com- with the cii'C'US. munily Church was moderator. For ~to clownlng, in the Eu-Porter Sinclair or Bay Shores ln· ropean at;y~. Ia .n art, not Ju-t a troduced the speakers. bullnea ~ painting on a wide City Judge Frank U nneU, first mouth and puttlng on batQD' pants. speaker of the panel or four, said That art~ downing will be pre-ne beUe\'ed the la""'S art' adequate ~e~~ted to Newport Harbor au-if property enforced, and he dienc:ft tornouow (Friday) eve-blamed parent:l for reluct~Cf' to ning at Newport Harbor High prosecute for fear or publicity and School ~to. who iS a Corona hannful effect on the chiJd. Ht' del Mar l'ftldeet. II ~ttnc his said there should be a statt> lnsti-vartety &how • a -.ettt for the tution for aex offet"'ders. and a eoror. del Mar Comm un ity provision In the law to allow a Chureh b\.alldlaK procnm. pen10n to be haJJed into cowt on 1bere wtU lie the clown and the accusation of a ci~cn wiM> be- puatcmdme ut mlmlddnc aad lieves h1m to be a .ex pei"YH't. sinKing acts that ~to has...... Mrs. Harry Fellinge ol PTA famous. And acrobatJc dandng pointed out that ID 94 ptor C!ftlt of b y bill wife J--. aftd a INDl-cases in t..o. A.npiJts in 1JI50 the tier of other llC~ ~, sludfon~ et ~t lt~ tn thto MJDe block U t.bek Acade:ny of OanC't' in Santa the \>ictim and was known to the . Ala. I child. and in mo~t dtses the chlld PJaytna the clO\\'Tl Is just one wt·nt willln~ly. Accordingly, she of many accornplishmenu or this said the children must be taught remarkable entertainer and Jocal never to go anywhere at any t~ citizen. He is an artist, an Inter-without rlrst asking parental per- lor decorator and color designer, mission. woodcarver, carpenfer, sportsflsh-Mrs. FeUinge also suggest("d erman. llngulat, ector, comedian t.hat the C'hild be taught to scream and rneuenger of good will for the for help whE'n necessary and sald Harbor ArM. that the Jlllrent should always Right now two of his primary know wher<' the child is Interests arc sportfishing (in hJs Mrs. Grayce S{'vier . prin('ipal of specially made Chris Craft cruls-the Corona del Mar School 1old of er) and television as both actor tilt-precautions taken a1 the and program planner. ~ has just school: no loitering aUowed in the signed a contract for a ~kly schoolgrounds, no strangers al- tele"islon show. starring Ludlle lowed on the playground, no ex- Ball and her busband Oezi Arne%. ceptions to the rule that chUdren which will be produced for Phillip can't changP their bus stop ache- Morris and will go on in the fall. dule without a written note from Pepjto will have a part in the tht'lr parents. (Continued on Page 2 ) Lynn Crawford. superintendent Kids Win Out; NurseryOK'd n,e khk won out, aft~r all ... and so it wu that Oty Council Monday ~~ appnwed the re- quest of Ann Boyer for a UceMe to ~tea nursery school at 701 Ma.rguaite Ave., Corona del Mar, fonnerly owned by Mrs. Margaret Britt. of Santa Ana schoolS. said there seems to be a drift of perverts into the school fa('u)tit'S. possibly with the idea that it is ll wide open field. He said that if the PTA "''Ould prepare a good law it v.--ould have a good chance of being &pproved by the legislatllrt' BYC w-111 Obeerve Formal Openinq Saturday night will mark the formal 8t'UOt"' o p e n i n g dinner dance of the Balboa Yacht Club, with commodores of other yacht clubs as special guests. . .... ~ A" I~ New.po#J« cow:ri.Dc the eati.re dtv ol Newport Beach. CORONA DEL MAIL CALIF. 5 Cents VoL 3-No. G RF.\'. THOliA ,QIJil'OS, pu~ t or nf ~t. "-*"'' P"""ytf'riaa C'hurC'h, Xt-wport Rf'l~u. ha• rt'<'f'hf"d nnU"' ttu.t bh. 4•rdt·r~ a rf" "" rout.. r~callln( hlm to IU '· tin• duty ... a aa,·y chatJl.rtln. It 1 .. an .. m.-rerrnc-~ oall and hf' .. ,. p!'C'b to bt-liMl t lnurtf'di a tf'l) to KttrNIIl ......... r ... Whfl'rf' .... IA1ll .,.. .,. .. IIC'Ilt"d to t hf' n•~s ~u. M<'IU•· 1.-y. f'or tlw prt'1W'nt !'!Ira. Gn~ tMin will rf'fftlllll lA thrir IH'WI~· puN'haiiHI <'CM~ta M~ belmf'. Thf' ronlra<'f to imprmt' th.-n>· maining thn•(' blocks of Balboa Bini bt>l\\4•ton Kinth and 12th strt"\''' ""~'-H~'.trdf'd b~ C'lty Coun- cil )fonda~ "' eninR I<' t h<' Sulh Miller Contracllnt: C'o on it~ lo\\ bid nf S 11.956 30 Thi!' will rom- ~lyford ln lne outlined ~trictJons placed on coa~tal oil dralling m a conference '1\Jesday "ith Mrs. Amy Kmned) of Laguna and Vemt> Watson and W. G. Perrow or Corona del Mar. H.l~h11ghtmg the information gi\·en by Mr lr'\'IT•P was the state-- ment that the lc.-ase with SheU OU Co. designat a liM that sets a coastal stnp "off limJts" for d.rUl-- In~. • e This is a straJJ.:ht llil< about a m1le and a halt lrom the roast and t:;t>nt'raU~ follo\\ing the ~fetropoli­ tall wat('r lint' lx't~n Corotlll del Mar and Laguna. Th Corona Hl~hlands \\('II of S he U Oil Co., about a half-m1le north of th city linuts. I'-just about on that line. ~frs. Kenned~, who i..s chairman Shell Oil Co wa sharply rt"- of the Cu.utal Committet-Against buked at the County Plannf.ng Oil Wells: Mr. Pt>rrow, "i~-Commis.s:Jon hearin~ Friday for vi- man of the comrruttet-. and Verne olating its agret'mt'nt. and the ac- Watson. "ho •~ Corona del Mar tion on the ~uest to drill a new postmaster and president or the "'<'II nt>ar Corona del Mar •u de-- Corona del Mar Chic A5sodation, la)C'd until SheU hu written a Jet- explained they were interested ln ter agl'('cing to abide by all regu- preservatJon o! the coastal area u lations and restrictions, a residential district They sald The i ue that brought about they were particularly con<'Prned ths1 surpri$ing tum of t>Vmts wu about the conseqUE'net"S if oil IS th overfloY-of oil drill.in« mud sotruck. fl'om the SbeU Oil weU near ~ Mr. Irnm rt-phro that tilt-Jr-rona Highlands all OW way clown \ine Co had more st stake than to Uttl Corona beach below anyone t'l m pr~rvinJZ w hare Cliffs. Thts had been bi'ougbt coastal ar<>a for residenti.&l pur-to the a ttention ol the PlaftiWIC poses. becauH• of the ~at value Conunisslon ~ Mrs. T. I>uncan or the land for subdlvitrion. St~-art of hore cllf(s the Friday U Shell strikes oil the area before, whm the request to drill must tx-beautified, Mr. lrviM the new weU flnt c.ame ap. said. All e\idenct> or oiJ drUJinc And qa.iD t.t Friday it .. must be ~ned from sf«h~ by lin. Stewart who .,. a. .._. plantings or even by bad!l a alan that ~ iD tiii;:Mc 8e- du.mmy buUding ·to . oonca1 t.M UaD ., Sllel1 OO"a a; a 10 (>Qulpment. Jr n~·. Fridll,y'a hMriac ~ lwltll .. Tuesday's ronfE'rence was at the rMding ola let.M ft'C8 lfn. .._, Jr.ine ranch Representing lh<' Kt-DMCty of LacuDa. dw"'-n tJI minE' Co. al~ng IAiit.h Mr. Irvine ~ W~ho ~W:t ~ w1ts ~tar) C M Plum. 11n'll t t'9..0 miles NSt~ ot eon..-: pll't<' tht· "ld<'nm~ or th houl«'· y.a.-.1 L 1'&..-......d varct from McFaddt n Pl. to Balbo/\ I UICU UJ \IVIUIQI C'oun<'ll .. ut horizNI C11' Enuin· ef'r B('rt \\'1 bb 10 l'urcha~ piJ't.• t<' ' prm;d(• und••r·ba~ wa t<'T' hn ('l"((.s-The. n~" Park and .RE'O'E'atlon Mar and two rnilt!s inland from Crystal Con•• wu WJthln ~ ~ quiremen t.! of her com:mitt~. ~ vided tht" rHtrictions would ~ rompUed v.;th W . G. Perrow, v1oe-premclellt of the committ~. told of the vtstt to th propOsed dnUim.; site, which wouJd not tx• vu;ible from Coast Highway, and said ''W offer no objection to the ~~ provided t ht> provisions 1 n your pnlp08ed amendment ar mcorporated in t he permit." ings to l'L1m1natE' dead-end water Comnusswn rtffl'~ ~t}. Councll S)''stems on the P<>ninsula. Balboa appro' al Monda) E'' erung for Island a nd Lido Isle. ~ n w funds for a ummt>r n!'C1"t'ation lines "iJI tie the Peninsula to Sal-program at the el<>mentary schools. boa Island and Lido lslt' to Ba) The request as approved asked Shores. provide an a dd i t i o n a I for a 50-50 partiCipation with the crossing to Balboa Island at the Elementary School Board, in an Marihe Ave. brld~e. and complete amount no t to exceed $2.500 the lint> from tht> Arches to Irvine, with two crossings of the high"'&~·. A six-foot walk along the f'dlitE' of the Corona del Mar bluff be-tween P oppy A,·e. and J asmine Ave. ~Aill tx-constructed at the cost of $900. City Council '-'Oted Monday evenlng. n,e walk will wind along the edge of the bluff, within the boulevard right of way. Dinner M eetinq Monday For CDM Merehcmta Corona del Mar bt.lsi.n8a people and their husbands will ~t to- gE'ther at 7 p. m . KOIMk)' for a "Ladies' Night" din~ meeting at Ragan· s resta\JTI\n t. There will tx-dirtrK'r. door prizes and entertainment. 1be meeting is open to all merchants. whether they art.' memlx'rs of the Corona del Mar Busin<-Association or not. PN-sldent Oiff Lionbaf1lE'r announC't's. He also )lf'()I)05ed cha.ngs In t:M proposed li'JOiling amendment to provide for ab.ipping of oil t.y pap. Une. to t.ncreue the ft'QUift!d bond and to provide for a public bMrtJ1c on ~ request for a .-e ftl'· ~ pennit to ctrW an oil well. such hNring to ~ ciWft oftldaJ public ~ ln a DEW illlllft' clr- c:ala ted m t.he area aftec:W by the Pf'OIIIM e~ oil well Jlrs. Stewart ~ ..-. tbe ~~to ci!IQ M> t1on m SheU OU'1 requMt. ~ reported t.ha t lbe had eonfa tM with the County Buildi.Qg Depart- ment and with the Health Df9ut- ment about the oU dril1blc ...a and had bet>.n told that ~ Md made their anvestigation . tllat tbey <Conlin~ on page 7 ) There bad been COMidftoable verbal prot8t a t the PftviOUS Coundl meeting on the grounds that the nursery was a nuisance. Oty Manager John Sailora aald Monday that he bad 8ent po~~t­ c.ards to 23 adjoining property OWMrS. Four replied saying they opposed the appUcation. three re- plied they favored the req!J8t. and failure to answer was taken as a favorable vote. 'Need Public Beaches' -Morgan~ 11 ()c(lan beaches are. the grMtest persons enjoy it at the same t~. revenue produdn5!. He added that -...ed ill •• Councilman Braden .Finch $Aid there was no evidence of a nuis-a.nc::e and made the motion to ap- prove the N!Q\te&t. lec;aell Delayed Proposed ~ation of bait re- ceivers and sale of bait In the bay came up for attet"'tion at Monday ~ng·s CoundJ meeting wht>n a Uct!Me for a bait receiver was ~ quested by Dewy Jm<'1' Locker, 817 Coast Hi~y. Newport. City Manager Jolm SaUors said a compi'OITllee OI'Cil.na.nce on hand-line belt ~ may eom.-ur at the MKt nwoet1ng, and Ooun- d l *la)'ed aetton on the ~t • recreation area in aU the v.-orJd. "ith room to spare. public beacM$ s hould have a~ and for that reason thP tx-aches He caiJed th<' shoreline the roads. parking areas. rest rooms. Despor'l(k>ncy was blamed ror the should lx'lonf{ to tht> prop!(>, for greatest single financial asset of dressing rooms and living accom-death of Or. Charles L Andrews that is the only way aU of the pub-th<' state, attracting millions of modations, ancluding dining and Coeta Mesa dentist , ho was found lie can t'njoy the surf and sun and visitors. who bring hun~ of dancing facllitlt>s, lifeguards and 1 tn a mott-1 cabin on MarinE'r's Mi~ sand. million of dollars to the state. He maintenance <'rl'ws. Monda\' That m<'ssagc was gi\·en by cited as an t'xamplc. thf' state-Ch;c Association \'!~President Or. ·An<lr<'\\ · body had beu) Geoffrey Morgan. president of the owned Jones &>ach in ;.o.;ew York, AUen Stt'll !who back in 1909 found on tht> noor m>ar lbt> bed. ~tate Short'line Plannin~ Associa-\isited by abou1 5.000.000 durin~ had been on tht> Stanford debatln~ a•d in tht' caban were fl).md cap- tion, at the pot-lucK met-ting of a 13-wet-k season ana bringinf;:' ln t<'am "ith Mr Mor~n) presJdt'<l ~ulM of pentobarbital. The body tht> Corona del Mar Civic Associa-1 S900,000,000 ln ren>nue. at the m~tin'T an the a~nce of was taken to the Graut>l C'ha(M"l ti<'n last T hunday. · l <ThE' potential of thi.i Southl'rn Presid<'nt VemP Watson. Com-m Costa ME'Sa, and an a-utops.' OC the 1.131 miles or California , California hort'llne was brou{:ht munity sin¢n~ W8S led b~ l.c-<~ ''a" perfonned MondAy. · s hort'llne, about 350 miles al"t' now out by Harry Bcrtth of Corona del Steffen~C'n, and t'ntt'rtainmE'nt "\1.8« Sunivon inetud his <'~tra.n~ in public ownel'lhlp, he said. The 1 ~t:uo. count)-land planner, '"ho re-pro\ided by A('{'Ordll,nist Pt't('r wif<', who had filrd o:wt for dl· goal of his aqodation is to make mark<'d that tht' lx'ach area be-Wels.ran and sin 't'r Ru1h Huffman. \O~. and " son. Dr Robt-rt An· at least half, or about 600 miles, tw~n tht• Santa Ana Rher and students of lht' \!(>'-~ ~<'f'ool or drt'\\ w1th "hom he had lk-m publicly owned. Seal Beach was vi ited b) two and Dance and A('('Ordlt'n a~iat("d m lh., CCKtA M~ dl'n- He pointed out that tht-rc i not a half million prople annually <'''<'n Memh<ont of th<' C'it) Park t8l office. E'DOUgb bMch to go around under tx-fort> th<' 1mpmven:M'nt of tht' Bt'aeh and R('("''t'a t!on C'omrru 1on John H . Jo~ of ("osta M('Sft, privatE' <~'''nel'lhlp. and he cited prc.cnt Huntington Bt>ach Stat<' had bN>n im 11<'<! to tht' mt'<•tin~. "ho was found in tlM' ~tni' motel this example: 10 mile of privately 1 park.) and pre ent to h<'ar Mr. ior~n <'llbin, plt'a~ f:'llllt) to a cb8r~ owned bMch would take CArt' of I Mr. Mors:an said that; the fi rst Wf'rt' Commi !;icml'~ F"mnm: Hor~ or into.xtcat1011 and wa E:t ntenct"d !Orne 5.000 ~noN~: 10 miles of problem IS to a<'Quh·c th • beach . vnth, Lloyd Wood. ="onnan MU-in eity court Tue•scby to fiv days pubUc IM>ach would lf't 1,000.000 ttwn den•lop them to makt> them wr and AJ£-~andPr HRnulton I fn o\y jail . (Continued 1 rom Pace 1) thow. and ~bio Ll produclng w comed,)l ma tt'rial for L.ud.LLfo, ~ he calls t.M best r~~ c:omedlUl ot the prest"n t day. H~ mrt her 110mt" 15 )'M.R ~ wiM!D br had a part in .. Annabelle Takes a Tour." m which LudUe ata.r'ftd Ullt yeer he rebeareed Lud.Jle and JX>zi hfft at tbr Lido 'lbeetn for their penon.! appea.l'- aace tour and wrote .ame ol thr acta. Lot ot }'OU Colka ha\oe eeen ~ Jltlo OD the eert!ft\. lfe WU in ·'Stnnd!'d" with Alan ~: ''Cali- Comla" with RQ Jfilland and Barbara St.anwycJC; ''Goldea Ear- rings" with ~ MU1ancl and Mar- lene Dietridl (he wu the to'PIY who san~ t.M song, "Golden Ea.r- nnga"); ''Lady In the Dark" •with Ginger Rogers (be produced t.M Ol"CU$ dn-am sequence and himsel! pb)ed nine characters). He counts among his personal Crlends many ol the mo\·ie person- alities, and many of them ()()l1)le down heN' for a fishing trip on his 01ril C!'aft • Clark Cal>lt-. \V"Jlliam Po9.'ell. Ray Milbnd. ~rt Thy- lor, Alan Ladd. and o\Mrs. One ol tJwJR fiahing trts-wu feat~ by Look magal1ne. ln the Dec. 20, 19ot9 ~ • .,ttidt •potUd CJatk Gable on the front C:O\"er and ga\"l" a t~'O-Pil&'e spread irulide to Clark &tUnc with ~to out oC New-PEPfTO In Madrid he pla)ed often at the Roya l Th<'lltr<> and on many oc- ca ions wa_s ln\'llro to make per- onal appeananet'S at the Palace In <'ntt>rtaln for the children of K1ng Alfonso, and the king and fJU ~n often attended those pro- it'r& ms. One of his moat prized possessions now Is the ltoyal port Harbor. Pe-pito dJ'OpPt'(J his art tudy CraYo-n. a platinum brooch set with 22 diamonds. with a reproduction or the royal crown, which was (ti\·en to hJm by the king. Tb1l ftbuloul character wu when hi fatht.'a dit•d. nnd he went bom in Barcelona. Spain -he into commt>rcial art postrrs and won't say exactly how lorlg ago murall . This bn>uJ!ht him in con- but admits it miU' be a pproaching tact \\ith an 11ctin~ 11-oupe, which the haU century mark. JoaJUM.? he accompanll·d m its tran•ls and eJQ>lained _about that name Pepito. started him on de. ij.,"ning props J011e is hts rea.l name, and that -and costumes That was the be~in­ means J ph, and Pepito . ls the nin~ ol his idt>a of a clown. Just Spanish nick-name for Joseph. aftl'r World \\'at I. h•• d<-~ii:Jl{'(f Profes5Jonally he has gone just as hi& ori~inal CX":tunw which he Pepito, •!ld it is by that one name COP)nghted l:.ttt r and that is thr that he 1 known the world O\'er ro .. tumt' ht> "ill lot> \\l'arin..: tomor- u the worl.d's ~'a test clown. ro\\ ''H'nin~ \\lth enot mClu.~ hls:h While a.tall tn &t"Ce'lona · u a collar and hu~<' ~unnt,,wr on his boy he took up palntm~ and sculp-coat larwl and J.'lat\l 17•' wrlst ture, then allenc:kod the Madrid \\atch. He dt·\t>lOJX>d hi O\\ n act SChool ol Art. wh<'rt> he studied of impersonat io~ and pantonuffif' with the well known European He> disco,·ered h(' could do iOund.! painter, ~~ ~11 (who mar-,·ery weiJ -• -l'\ er~ thing from a ried ~to • stster I. clUck to a roarin~ lion. And mo t In 1922 be y..·as imported for the old Hippodrome in New York, wbe~ he en tertained with his clo"'-n act for thr·ce years. Soon he came to the west coast, enter- tained at Grauman's Chinese thea-' roe in Hollywood and played the Orpheum circuit tht'Oughout the Matt'S and in C8nada. He diSCO\'· 1•rt'd Nt>\\ port H3rbor early · -- long bi:'foN.' it had tart£-d its tre- mendous den~lopmt•nt. HC' liked 11 h re bt>cau~ it 1 minds htm ao much or the J\t<'diten-anean coast "ht.'rt> h grew up In 1 he early twl'ntlcs he bou~ht his first boat in Balboa Bay. a ketch, spent • ummt.'r vacations here on the boat. Corona del Mar LOW~~S Have you checked your home lately to dPtermine where you oould "add a room" without bull~ ing on! A den or recrea Uoo spot Cor family fun gatherings! A plaoe ~the teen-agers can bold get- ~then Without taking over the whole house! Ttlat W"K>CCUP.ied ma.id's room Just off the lti tchen tJ a likely bet. So Is that basement room tbat'a crammed with ca.st~ffs that ,ou11 never ute Fresh pelnt, a little imagl.nlt.ion, elbow-~ase and a few ca.refull) chosen pieces ol furnltw'e are all that you need to t:ra.Mfonn either of thele ne- glected apots into one of your home's most attractive and popu- lar I"'OO''lS. .AJ& this room will 1M-one ln whleh precious leisure hours a~ remarkable or aU is his amaz.in~ly It wu wtule pl.aying at Grau~ man's Chin that he met Joanne, the acrobatic "rubber doiJ." tChi- cago-bom Joanne had started out u a pumist as a chUd, because ht'T father was a musician. She was trained as a concert pianist. also In baJlet, and that started her on accurate imitation or a baby cry- in~. still one of the fa\'orite acts in his repertoire. He travelled throul{hout the European coun- tries. flicked up se\ era I ntra languages (he can speak Spanlsh. Frt>nch. Italian. Portugu('St>. and be admits k:no\\ leds:<' also or a smattering of English 1. h<'r dandng career and later on her acrobatic and contortionist acts.) spent, much consideration should be given to eye-appeal and com- fort. Provision should be made for lounging, reading, games mu- sic-hobbies of family tnet:Oben should be taken into oooslderation. You'd never s \Dl)eet t hat t.be den sketched a bove was once a ba~e­ ment coal bin. would you! Brick wall palnted a rich c.hooolate bro-wn plays up slmula ted pine wallpeper on the other walls.~ deep crimSon sectional sora nu. one comer; unit book ahelv.es cover an entire wall. A radio ~nd a game table (not visible) occupy other end of the room. Sofas add livability to any room In your house. We have a fine se- lf'CUon or smartly styled sofas in a wide variety of fabrics. And they're priced reasonably too. Pepito and Joann<> were married Wh(>n sh<' wu 17-between acta ~me l'\'i.'ning. whJJe thl'y were play- In~ a t the Orphcum in St'attle .... They had to hurcy back in the rain from the judste's office to the thea- tre to be In time for their act. PC')'lito dtsoo\'t>N'd he had a fine \'Oire as he ":orked with singing aa tlsts. "ho g&\'e him some vocal l<'SSOM He has a powerful bari- tone \'olce. And 100n he added slnJrtnJt to his act, hls fayorite naturally being the famous selec- 1 tlons from the opera "Pagliacd " ince that ls the story of a clown. P pito and Joanne "retired" when vaude\'iUe folded about 10 years a~. They aune down t o Balboa L~land to live, stayed the-re I about six years. then came to ~ rona ck>l Mar. Peplto built hall a dozen hou s, Including the one th«>y live in now. at 722 Goldenrod Ave. ---which they caJJ their ranch home, bt>cause It is on a lot at the t'xtreme northerly border of Corona del Mar , and it Ia turned to face the I rvine ranch la nd. so they have cows. hones and sheep In their "fron t yal'd." That home of theirs shows evi- dence of Pepito's talents as wood· carver, color designer a nd crarta- man ---and p&jnter, for on the walls a~ a number of his own paintings ---especially marines and hunting. H~ l.a one of the most avid ot Newport's deep sea fishermen. (He is one ol the pioneer directors ot tbe &tboa An~Jng Club.} Great- est moment or that fishing llfe was the catch of an uno!ftdal woTid record broadblll swordfish- 803 pounds back In 1935 between San Clemente a nd C a t a 1 1 n a. J oanne wu with hlm on tha t trip, and ~lped In the 14-hour fight. Peplto was a lsq world record holder for albaco.rt> on three- th~ad line for a few days last year. ... .,.. Mil At h<'art he remain!! the trouper that he has been for so many years. He could not rema ln tn "r<'ti rement" for long. F irst he started cntPrtaJning for clubs here. begnn making costumes, a nd 11000 ht> had an enUre wa rdrobe agaJn. Wh<'n television came. aU hlJ friends said that was a natuntl for him, and he Is launched on a new cal'('('r .... What a hit he's going to makt> will be appreciated by thoee who will be watChing to- morrow eve.,fn~a ~ormance at tM tngb School. . I MY, Mr. Editor, your s>ff.Ju· dice l.a llhowing. . . . thla ~ in the top s tory ln Tuesday'a News- Tlmea, baaed on Gooffl"l"Y Mor-gan'• ~ oration a t the Co- rona del Mar Civic Auociation J'lleetlng. Amazing ~tonal Ueen~e tn news reporting l . . . 'TI.a report~ that Irate dtluna bavt! been burning the wil't'l a bJt Ia protest agalnat the anlplng a t tbe long effort to pt'elt"rVe China Cove u a •wtmrn~Da beach. 'lltat Newa-'1'\mea atot7 reecht'd bottom an d pulled out an lnt~re­ tation that Jeff Morp.n, who ls president of the ShoreUn~ Plan- ning Auoc.iatlon, gave forth facts to dlscourage hopes that 0\lna Co,·e might be made a 1tate beach. Its objective T't'porting ln- rluded this prlet>leu paragraph : "Many persons who attended the pot-luck dinner a.re now "'Ooder- inJr just how the tiny beach will look aftt>r these racilllles (enum- erated by Mr. Morgan as being de· sired at s tate beaches) ha\e been Installed at China Co\'e," It doc not appear that dining racilitll'tl, lh lng accommodations and dressing roonu {among the needs cited by Mr. Morgan) are a "must" for China Co'·e Just to clear up the air a bit. we got in touch with Geoffrey Morgan, and he stated verbally that the In terpretation u concoct- ed by t he News-nmes doH not cojn clde with t he impression he intended to l~ave. . . . and he would be glad to verify his verbal statements in writing .... ln next week's EnsiiP\. U time permlta. • • • ftieBPIQ. MliYIL 1 .. thE-Ir Interest and stake lD the matter. One &>finite st p forward, ift ad- dition to dt'la)ing for rw-t.her study the Shell request to drill for another well, was the a~t by the Planning ~ that public hearings should be held on all futu.re reqUl'Sts for ~ in this coastal strip, aucb hear-Ings to be properly adveru.d. That suggestion wa.s made lD la.tt week'• Log and presented to the Planning Commluionera by G. W. PeJTOW. Excuse a pun . • but Shell sort o( took a shellacking at Frida.y'a me-eting, getting rather severe chasti emmt for failing to live uP to it agreement in k~ Ita drUllng site near Corona m&ta-land.!: in order ... It really was a perosnal \·lctor) for lH Ue Mrs. T. Duncan tewar t, whose presenta- tion of tht> case against ShcU for allo\\1n~ the drilling mud to seep do\\n to Little Corona Beach chans:ed tile cuurse_ of that hear- in~ and rt'Sulted ln the delay ... and th<' dmst iS<'Ol{'n t ED Jeff Morgan gave a ~b that e\·ery resident ot the 1tate of Cali- fornia t:hould ht'ar, for he told or th«.' tl'f'mendoua pot nUal ot our ~rrt.'&t<'"t a ·st>t, the PacUic shof't'-' lint'. . . of priceless \1l1ue 1n the way of mromt' to ow· slate. 1t only "e weren't too blind to take ad· ,·a nlage of it. The all-important polnt made by Mr. Morgan was the neoesa1ty or preserving a substantial port)on of our shoreline for public use, and he gave these fi~ to ahow wt\y: 10 miles of public beach can ac- commodate 1,000,000 people, whUe 10 miles or prh-ate beach can take can or only 1,000 pei"50N in resi- deooos. OiJa ppeara.nce or our beaches into pri"ate O\\-nel"l.hlp will deplete this great resource or our state. • • • Last FridaY's oil tl<'arlng be· Core the County P la nning Commls· sion is e\idence of what a group or intef't' led citizens and their rornmunlty newspaper can accom- plish in a campaign to preserve thl' beaut~ or thls Orange County coastal strip. . . . No concluslve victory was won, but the wi hes or th~ people were et>rtalnly made clt>ar; they want to partidpate in the decisions concerning passable oil drUllng along the coast, and the Planning Conunl ion, and Shell Oil, have new-found 1'8 t for Bruns & Marsac PLIIIIII ~ ..... Water ReMer~ o-erw· a-•• ,- Reg. 1.95 No otlier ... teA .... tile DuRAPowa M«UupriAI. ... p e rwnceea I& tiJill!!!!! b,_.kl ""'"-.... ,_.._ Tao Wallace Calder head -JEWELER - 817 Coert Blvd COlONA DEL lMa 139 ~all" AU Wool Gaberdine ~-Reg. 16.95 !pedal ~-._ OTHER SLACKS . Sltet 28 to 50 ..,._ Va lues to 4.95 .. . ' ., ltetmeth B. Perry. who hu been fU11nc the pulpit of tN> Seventh-A wet>k a co yestet'day the Har-n.,y Aa~Yeatiat Olu:rcb of Newport bor tudent body was preaentt'd Hftlbta fer tbe .-n year. bu been with an award usembJy. Paul Lee JI'Ut.ed a year's leave of at.enee gave his \ictorious peed) on the by the GetK-n.l Confermce. Be ''Responsibility of the Voter.'' wiD leewe for tbe ~..-ntb-O.y Ad-which held the audieooe'a attt'D- ventlst 'nKoological Sernl.nary at tion like liOmethlng I have M\er Takoma Park. Wu.hingtoo D. C .• wi tne sed bef~. Dr. Ed M:Uum. to .tudY for his mas ter's degree f'(>prt>sentlng the Balboa Bay l,.lons and aiM> work toward bls doc-ClYb. g&\'l' Paul a bf>autirul l!old torate. troph) from thf' Orang£> County llr. ~· had a large part ln Lion's Association. the ~tion of ~ church, AchJevement awards w re pre· wbkh was recently dedicated. I ented to Gene Crain. Bill Witt· 11ft. Perry and liOn Step_hen will man. Eleanor F £>rgu..o;on, Bill P('n()(', aoconwpany him &nd r ('matn the~ Don Lln~le. and Walt Dou<'f'tt b) untU hill return. tht> Bank or Amt.>rica. FOR RESULTS U• Enllicll Want Ada DIRECTORY Silver Platers ADd Sllvenmltt. Repalring -RefinlahJ.na Replatlng Gold -SU'-er -~r -ara.. Near Community Church 1914 Harbor Blvd.. C:O.ta Meea 8eecoa 5113 IIUBIO Prindpal SidnE-y Davidson then prebented awards to Joan Kunes. Jam• Soderberg and IW\' Bro~dan, gi\ n by tht> Nt>wpor1 Balboa Fed- t.>ral Sa\·ings and Loan A.,.:octauon fo1 thf' most origmal 'School Dan··· booklet A dtumalic 8''ard was l!h t-n to Nanc1 Cnh• for h 1 (X'rform anC'(' in t h{' pia~ "S( \\'lln· dC'rflll In \\'hiH•. I Paul l )unlap nnd 1-.lr annt Fr•r- I!U'I•n \\I'll' 3\\Qrdf'd fll'l7i'' tnt t,.,. 1 tn~ til• uUt<;tandtnl' bc1~ and trll drl\11.., 10 t ht' ()r.>nl!t Count~ Rnad-da) ·O l.RIIf'r '' o•s • p t PM"nt- Ni tn tht' band m~mht l' fur thf'tr out.,tandlnl! JX'I Iorman''''' t hi 'I ~ «>ar (JTeat-(JTandmothers Feted It "-ill not bE> jw t a Grand-I honor ~~-t horn. mother's Night but • C11'11l· ~ill f:nun. Wf'atlh!rford twor- J(randmotht>r 's :'l:il!ht n£-Jrt Wednes-If a I':J'Y:'at-J;J1lDdrntlt.hft' .,,, 2f day wh n a ~pedal f'\JC a t J t-~ltJr • is Chr ist Church b} he ~a -.i U RP\· T um P~ U in amma::utc ~ uniq uP albur All Cf81~ mothf'!') m tJv l•ommurut) a.rt" m- \.ited Th f"\~>:l ~lU oprn ., .. nh a po • fudt dmr-• r a t 6 JIJ p m.. '"lh t • p nx.Tam JuHrl~'lllr at 7 ·30 p rr. Every One Wma Prize ., ., , , rl ., ., .., .......... rc6r onu .... ..._ Noobt~~ No.poc oet -rc:suu .we 11'a~t.u clca• wula teap ...... tu Now -~ RAT t.iJialcwW.U..AND woodwork a.dy 10 ~ troe c:aa ri ... Margaret L. Scharle ..... cher' ol Plano ()rga.nUt-Aecompanlat On ~); ttltcht. Ma ) !!. .fuanaf' 0'-on had l hf' TMrr~· Plf'<'tioe ~tint at ht>r hllfn" In ('oo.ttt M....a. .lanl' Allf'D i& tht> Df'\\ hoeurMI prt'!Mdret: Ootlu Prkt-i• \'lcc--p.retoldellt. rutlat Sail~· Me)ll)lf'n'rt plii.C't>: I t> Ita Gaaaoa i8 «'orrHpOtHllac lif~''~"­ tar)', t&Jdac Mar~ Mf'l~nl(t>r'll pl~: ('a rol Th~MR»"' \\ •• ehU!If'n rf'Cordlac IM"C'l't't.ar~. rf'plaC'lal' Doluu. l 'ri(l(>: lud~ Gannon il'i trf'allurf'r, IIUIDtt ~tli"'DDI Mar· !'ha ll's I)Q'itloe; Uld Obit> Tluot· dC'a Wll!!l d•ow-a -r~•t·1'lt· a rms. rf1)1Aeln.: Ma rlt•nf' ..\ndf'r · lOlL FE..\Tl RED !1\0U.U'T Ia lbf" Onuu:.. Ctmnt) "'~'1111thon~ Or· t•h,...lr.t ( c•nc-t>rt ta ... t Tu~~ I t>\l'ttl.n~ w,. Ed"1n F:lllntt • I ~ .\mi. nr t trurn~ ... , pb~Pr. ..\t .~T. 1:--. IIO~OHED -n\n lfte.\no~­ '' I C • •"'' thl~-'£\\PO Y 8t~· ~d~ 307 GOLDENROD AVE. Corona ~l Mar ra• ~~uaQIX)NB Lawrence K. Gundrum , M.D. 17U Superior Ave .• Coata Meu Practice Umlted to Dlseues of the EaAii Noee and Throat and ergy Office Hours: by Appolntmmt BEaean ~ or HArbor 1038 ID!iilaJialiOil of Lht' nf'\\ offl· <'t'n. \\Ill tw ht>ld lu.nt> ~ a t u~ Pk-a'er'a honK" Ia orona dt-1 Mar. St-" mf'mtwrlii ""' aiM! 1M> \\·.-~d. Tbl" \\IU 1M> lh•• la t mHtlntr; of th4' TafT~ dub until fti'Xt y.-sr. • • • .Jouung tn honortn~ h• r 1> >Jlll .. ,ll!'hl '1"'1 t •a.tl .. • -• \'t)lll'tJ '''' Hulda 1-.rtrk'''" " ~tnna ,.. ..,,,.,~ II ~nu mJ It: ,.,. Or• ..:,•n P<ttrtt'ld \\·111 n c•l Bal· ;, 14 ad U 1111 or~~~.a,;,. {Oibt C 1- l..IUIJ '' u' a .:u•~t ol anttthPs aunt. ·~~lr.;a:~.-lliiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillli~:i=;;:::;::;:::;::;:=;:::::;;: ~J p, h.abo•llt> Ku .tn ,,, Lu An· gt.>l{'.... Jt t lunch.-.m <f 1 Buli<K.·.k' ":Ill 8a)~ D T-n '-"or ! I tiS W1l<~ht11' F'nday. :\Ia) 11 ~1u I \\•rttm 11 ':-mothu !'lh ' t-. lJ l'·tr1!tll h~·· aun• \I r:-,I Rtnd r. und ... ,..,,,,. \Jr .. ,1 f-ruk..-..•n ot \\·, .... I ••:-\nLt It .. "" ,., ,., ... , at 1 ht h.m• lll·on .t• '' "'' M t F.\ • Fl''"' 111 'outh \.a tt 1\0l' t OH T ilt: "'Pltl~f.EK!'I ~It tntl ~tt... \\'nlt<'r H ~pnn· '-' • '-"' ~1h ~ ~··"lJllrt an I Jw pat 1 llh Ill a ""'' bot n V•••dnt>~­ W) ~1a~ 23, 1n :-.anra Ana Cum· Yot' Can BEacon· 5656 Do Better at ~0. 1812 Newport Bl-.d. Th«> KTN had a tx arh part~ Hospsta l \H. 1 1: hi n ~ 9 last Saturday nigh t at Victon a l ;~~~t(~o·w~~H~'t>~"~•••iiiilliillllll~========= Day or Night OOSTA IIEBA . Phone HArbor 1138 I I Co' t' in Laguna Beach The party II laMt'd 'til a bou t 1 on a m and tht'\ all met In Corona dt"l Mar tx-rort> attendln~ Amon~! tho r p n>.l'nt wt're. Lnis StraltnJ: and nTNEaAL DJallO'I'Oa Bob Aldri<!Jte, M.arlt'ne Andcrson --.::...:~===--===;=..:::..=;.:::;.._...., and \\'a rrt-n St urtt'\IJ.O r. Joanne Baltz Mortuary Olapel by the Sa HARBOR42 Corona del Mar, California Ample Off-Street Parking I S KA..NCE INSURANCE For Every Need lSLAND REALTY CO. Harvey D. Pease HARBOR 3TI-W Park at Agate. Balboa Ialand "BE SURE -INSURE" w1tb Maurie Stanley Inaurance CounleDor HARBOR l'MI ~Marine Ave., Balboa lalaDd I Ol<.(ln a nd Bill Wtttman. Jane• ="or-• ton and han Hafford Audrt'y &rc and RonniP I nd• f:\1·1~-n riatC'h a nd D1ck .l••n•·... Shirh·~ 1 M··trlll And ::-:t111 /\.:· r '\"nrrna \·t'-1 o 11011 T'-.nt \loot• Church \\'omen To Meet on B. I. n' r·,H'Ui h t l<ontd ul tht• II:\1· h ,, 1 \ •ttnctl nt t hUll II \\ nmo P \\,11 ""'" rtn rll-rla) m•>< t" ~1 .. nda~ at tht· H.dhoo~ l"la nd ('" m n unit :, t 'htll d1 Tht" !xu ret 1 llll'-ll-t-. tof t ht• ol fll'1'1'"· chatnn,•n ul ''ulnmllll'l'' I I and ''"' k1•) '' < m• n I r nm l'al·h ~>~•­ CH'\\ T ill rt• \\ tl I~ k 1\\')(ltl ... al'k lum:h. At 1 3(1 p m tht tr 'nil b<> an Oll('n m•·t•ttng. to \\lm·h all church ; women a rc invil£'d. An opt·n forum will be conduct{'() b~ Mrs. Robert L. J\1 ool'(>, Los An~t'lt>s. president of thl' Southt'rn California Coun· cit. and Mrs. L<''"' G111l<'S. past prestdl:'nl of tht• SCC. \.\-ho ha\C just n •tumc.-d fr·om tt .,, f'ttn~ of th<' ~altona! Board nf \duch both ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij j arf' din•C'IOM'. hf'ld a I RtiC'k I ltll ii Fall!-.. Pa IIOVING ••• Long Distcmce Local lARGE OR MALL 10 GIVEN SAME ()AU ""We llo\"e WIU. tlae w.....- AGENT8 FOR LYONS 1966 Harbor BmL o.ta--....,...., . ..,... I T:.~:n~~,~~aon~.~~~.?,1,.,, offl<'f'rs o nd mt•mht "' ot tlw San Dit'~O Dt.,tnct Womnn .. ~lCic.-t~ j of Christ tan Sc.-n k• \\'3.'-hc.-!d at th <' Fir~t MPthodJo;t Chun·h Or· amw. on Tucsdo~. ~1a~ :.!:.' T host> a l1t'ndin~ Jr<1m Bulbon Island M t hodi~t l'hUtl h " r.- Mrs Harold F ink . M r-Pl'r<'} 1 Bain~c• . M rs. Ted Huu•-.•• nnd ~tr;. ~tt''<' Srruth. From \'~''·' \1r Communi t~ ~1Nhodtst \\l'll' :Mrs .Jcu•ph Thompson. M r:-. 11. B. Me-l 1\turtr~ ond Mrs. Harold I nman. I Rcpre~cnling Chris t Church br th€' S<>a wN'C M rs. Emma Wcath- t.>rford. Mrs. Mlna h cs, Mrs. John I Pfischncr, Mrs. Ray Bak t'r, Mrs. May U'ren. Mrs.. May S. Delozier. Mrs. A. F MJiler lind )tis Elsae Newland. OUT Fifth Hardware Specials--J•ne 1-16, ind. FOR TIE IUUER Me~~~ ~~t~~.!! mJ~ $f{95 ~t.lnJf',,. toft't'l bladlDI{. Cabinet Hinges Doz.. Pairs $f95 s oltJ b\ dnt.Pn Oal). '• ~ offtwt. a•rinw l'olut. . t.auutard Ml\kf'. . c~~~~~~ ~!':'~~1~Us Doz. 5200 '"lunda rtJ .. IPA•. modt>m "'~ lr Loc·~,~=~, .. f'ntrnnc"' toc~ch $)75 Bra .... or dull <'hrom (• flni"'h FOR THE HOUSEKEEPER Folding Clothes Dryer Rt•lfUiar ~·!.9:>. .:. ... ~ lo rut "" 11;\'· Rubber Mats fl.t\'\ 'nlut•.14",!t··. noD~"'kld t~-p.·. ltlt-l\l fur hfv.L<'b t1mr. Sf95 Sf19 Fll TilE GAIIDEI Gr~.e~!~~O:t~~~~ •. ':~ $§95 roapllacw I; ra«'l. to ha.,. It oa. Green Plastic Hose $8. val ~95 JO r f'f' c . ..... 'll' f.tur:utt-d Gr~ <~~e~ S2.00 Value Sf39 pn•f• "'""·" I. ontl. FOR THE PAINTER Marine House or Fence Pcint ... 4.· ~ "141 \\ hlto• unh • ""t C I .ult Ga l S FOR DAD "Stanley or ''Ph rnb" H::nnm ers ' Ill "Stanle y " Folding Rule 'I f1 I "'' ,., 'lith AY,IEW Bui~DERS su~PLY 81 8 Coast Hiqhway On the 'Mar iner's Mlle · Newport lka ch Phone BEacon 6 0 2 5 .. ' ... NO~AL~n.;-:uu. c .. ~'l.~ ~ U ftiJ'Ift'I!Z N-ftl W••• ..,.._ Jfa.e oa ...., or ravn lfte 11•• ,..._. do8 hereby ...;;;;.. __ _:. _______ _ WHEREAS • .JOHN B. llETZ-~lft_.'!-t .... ~..'!.._ ~t -a GER and LOUISE METZGER. nc'WI CA .. te--=-at • New- llembPrs of the> MM'I Club of huab&nd and Mfe, by Deed of port Blvd... Ooata Mf'tla.. Californla1 Quiat CbUJ.'Ch by the Sea met in Trust dated June 20. 1~. re-undM' t1w lletltlou. ttnn name Cll' ~ Hall '1'\Jes.day of lut week corded June 29 t!l§O In Book 2034 ae.c.. -liMit)< and that aid for wJr monthly dinner meetift&. 1SO or 6cndal R«or41 Oi firm II OCII'ftpOIIed of the toUowtnc David Rebert 1uffered the inck-~e C.O...t}•, Califom1a., did periOI\S, wboee nama ~ act-•Uiea of an tnvestiptlon ot his crant and conwy the reel 111operty dreaes are as fonow.. to-wtt: A pot-tudt supper fw Boy Scout» ot Troop 5 and their fami-Ue~ ls belft« arranged for Monday night., in Goodell Hall. 1420 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport. 1be boys and their famllle. will ail by plltrob and ........ tratiom or 1tC..'OUtinc will maa up the pro- gram. Les Nott. cbal.nnu of the Troop committee-, l.s eervtnc as chalrman for the affair. pdt aetivitlea lD Texu and Ari-therein and hereinafter cte.cribed ELTON D. BARNETT mna. Community &inalnc, under to Bay Ellcrow eo., Inc., a Call-515 Au.o Aw .• the lacJel'lhlp of Fred WooctwO&"tb. romla corporation. as Trust~ to Newport &.ch, Calif. and .acne of Rev. Tom Pendell'• ~ among other' obllpuOOt .,.._ m.y hand th1s 24th day Memben of the Troop Oommit-t~ for the new year have just been appointed by a.riat Oturch b)' the Sea. the JIPOMOf'la& orpni- zaliOIL. 'lbe)' l.ndude Lee Nott. Earl Stoneback. Fred Woodwolth. Bob Reed. Robert WUJon and Rev. Tom ~dell. picturea of England, Holland aDcl ~t of a note dated June 20: of May, 1951. tM Rhine River 00\artr)' completed 1950, PlYab~ to 0\arles E. Daw-ELTON D. BAR.NE'M'. h ewnlng. Hal Laey of New-eon and DuVeme A. DaW801l hut-STATE OF CALIFORNlA port Island is the group'a proesl· band and "ife at jolnt tenan'ta, or COUNTY OF ORANGE-.. dent. order, ror the prindpal aum of On May 24. 1951 before me, the o£A11Klnda FLAGSTONE PATIOS BLOCK WALLS -·- See Low .. REDUCING" Interest Ratn Low Monthly Payments * We offer you the facilities of the Largest Federal Savings Association in Orange County You'll I~• ow cor4i•l _..., 1ft _...., yo. ..... lACMINA IMCH ...._ ~••n-mo..,.._ $610.00 "ith interest from J une 29, undersigned, • Notal')• Public lD 1950 at the rate of alx percent per and for aaid County and State, annum principal and lntel'f!lt due ~J appeared ELTON D. and ~yable in installmenu o( known to me to be the $20 00 or mol'E' on the Orst day of penon ~ name Ia sut.cribed · d . th be...a-ntn to the within instrument and ac-each an . l'H~l'Y mon "'"' g knowledged that he executed the on the (trsl day or August, 1950 sam~ and ~ntinulng until said .Principal WltlteM my hand and official and mterest have been patd: and seal. WHEREAS. default has occur· <SEAL) LEORA S. COFFEY red in that the installment of Notary PubUc ln and Cor said $20.00, l)elng the J?rincipal and in-county and stale. My Commiss.ion tf'rest due on s~ud note on De-Expires Feb. 12, 1952. crotber 1, 1900, has not been paid; Pub. May 31, 'Jun~ 7, 1•. 21, 1951, and In the Newport Harbor Ensign. WHEREAS. said note and deed ot trust secured thereby having YOftCE OF INTEl~ftON' ~ duly asslgned to Delmar B. TO ENOAOB IN ftiE ~ OP Mangels and Catherine E. Man-ALCXMIOLIC III:\'ZilAOE8 gels, husband and wife as ~int T. ....._ It Jlay ~= tenants, by an asai~nt dated N....,. Ia ~ ch'a tbat Of-December 27, 1950, and recorded teen ckY'I after the date posted, on December 29, t!liO in Book the ~nlaned propoees to ~u 2122, page 403. of Offldal Records alcohoUc bewrages at tbetle prem- or the aid Orange County, Call-iaes. delcrlbed u followa: fornia; and ._t '"llellllwnl Oeadort Ir WHEREAS. Delmar B. Mangels tel .... Street. and Catherine E. Mangels, owners llallleai'Newport lle&dl. 8CROOL Dllt.ECTOil NAMED Mrs. Walter Corbin. 10Cll Balboa Blvd., Newport, has been named dire<:tor of the 1951 V a e a tl o D School by the Board of Educa don of Otriat Church by the Sea. 'Ibe school will be open to all )'OWIC- sten wishing to enroll and wU1 be held momlnga for a twO-week per- Iod. Dates >Aill be announced later. and holders of said note, hereto· Oraap c-ty. fore demanded that said Trustee Pursuant to such intention, the SON FOB MeDIVITI'S sell sald property, and on February undersigned is applying to the Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Mc- '1:1, 1951 duly recorded in the or-State Board of Equalization for il-Divitt, 6()0 Bea<XIIl. Newport fice of the County Recorder of uance on original application of Heights. have another lit~ 101\, 01·ange County ln Book 2150, page an alcoholic be,·eraJ:e license for Jay Neal. bom Saturday, May 19, 385, Official Records thert'Of, a these pN"11\ises as follows: in St. JQRPb Hospital, weighing noti<X' of satCf default and or their ON SALE BEER LICENSE. 6 pounds. 13l.!t ounces. Jay bas -·-·-IJIIcw. White cmd GreeD -·-o. pll!te ... .,._ e DUTCIIIIOY P~ e Pli~B P~ e t.m Oele..._ OIIIR nNE WALLPA.- to ftt Aa7 ...... elcetlon to cause said property to Anyone desiring 10 protest the a sister. BonnJe Ann, aged 4 yee.rs, be sold. and more than thl't'C issuance of such licenst' may file a ~an~d~~a~bro:t:he~r~, ~0ean:~~Ra~y~,~two~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ months ha\·e now elapsed since re-verified protest "ilh the State years old. cordatioo or said notice. The sum Board of Equalization at Sacra- of $542.15 principal. together with mento. California. stating grounds interest thereon from No,•ember for denJaJ as proviOOd by law. The 1, 1950, is now due, owing and un-premises are not now licensed for paid. and there is also secured by the sale of alcohoiJc beverages. said deed of trust the Trustee's FIELDING G. JOHNSON fees and expense!~ of ule esti-EUG~NE C. NYE. I '"We Ill 1 rt e. .. Dn iWil llerftee" matt'd at $100.00. together with Pub"-.. ~-y 31, 1951, m' the N"w-l any sums paid and ad,·anced by ~· -"' 1 .. c..&-... II& 1&1-a-mt. • --~ ... ._ the~~~~~~~~~po~r~t~H~~~~~~~~~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~§~~~~~~~~~~~~ anee with the provis.ions of said deed or trust, with interest on said lut-mentloned aums. NOW. THEREFORE. !'<JOTICE IS HEREBY GNEN that the aald Bay Escrow Co., Inc., a Callfomia corporation, by virtue of the au· thority vested in it as Trustee un- der sald Deed of Trust. will sell at public auction to the highest bid- der for cash, lawf~ money of the United States of America, on June 26. 1951, at the hour of eleven o'clock a . m. of said day, at the South Front door of the Orange County Court House~ the City of Santa Ana, California, all of the Interest conveyed to it by said Deed of Trust ln and to all that certa~ real property situated ln the County of Orange. State of California, described as follows: The North 60 feet of the South 505 feet of the West 150 feet or the East 290 feet of Lot 33, of Fairview Farms. as per map thereof recorded in Book 8, page 71 or Misc. Maps, records or said Orange County. or so much or said property as aball be necessary to be sold to provide a sum sufficient to pay the total amount secured by said Deed or Trust. Dated May '1:1. 1951. BAY ERCROW CO., INC. a California corporalion By DEAN C. BRADFORD Prcsid nt ll" ED JORDAN Treasurer Publish May 31, June 7-14, 1951 in the Nt'wport Harbor Ensign. We take great pleasure in announcing that MRS. RUTH STONE formerly with the Chintz Shop of Laguna, has joined our staff as decorator. Mrs. Stone attended Chouinard's and the Hollywood Art Center, and has had years of practical experience as- home decorator. Her services are yours for the asking -just phone BEacon 5277 ---there is no charge or obligation. * * * ln addition to one of the largest stocks of modem, tropical and patio furniture in the area, House & Garden maintains fully equipped dra- pery, upholstery and slip cover w orkrooms---a cabinet shop mak- ing custom designed modem and period furniture and a rattan fac- tory staffed by native Philippine craftsmen. IMPORTERS • MANUFACI"URERS • RETAILERS of FINE HOME F1JRNISHIKGS ' 111 COAST HIGHWAY • ~'\VPOBT BIIAal a~:acoa csn1 Ope. N\Pta aad 24aaday 10 tm 4 ft•ndqr. Nay 31.1151 WHERE TO DINE \ Visit our fine SoUth Coast ...... ..:. RESTAURANTS ~tea• The Cafe Reporter- * * * <hf'rleol+... .....w.1 Xewport ....,._, LIDO VIIJ.AGE * Phone HArbor 7 8 4 • EAST L'\'DlA SHRIMP CURRY with c:mrrNEY • Dllllac Boom .,.. Patio ()pea 11 :10 a.m. to t :M p . m. * De IAixt-l By CAPP'F (TI~I!I.'E Vaux Wbtte ts p:n>paring for a ';;~~~;;;~~~;;;~~~;;;~~~~;:;;~~~~~~ big Sl'W.On at hib B..t.Jboa spa . . ~ Tomorrow tFnda~ 1 (•\cning v.i ll DIIIaHs .. Sueb C ATERI!'\G SE RVI CE TO PRIVATE PARTIE S 1/osttss 1/0IJS£ Hkbor 2365 be orlt'rung rught at \ au.x' !or the Latm Trao. fa,·orit l•f past 5e&- sons -- -Dnunmu Fehx. Pla.n- lSti t 1 ... -o and \'ocalat Sue Stan- It>), JUM back rrom cJ winter at Palm Sprin~, Th··~ II be ent<>r-t ' t.unin~ m~htl~ at \'au.' • • • If )uu huvt>n't tdt• n re-d ~onap­ per ) ou h.tnm't 1J, ('(I . . • It's a pmki ... h u .. h from ""'rm 1exiam \\'liter!-, ~ot•ned at about SIX tnehcs ~;;;~~~;;;~;;;~;;;~~~~;;;~~~;;;~~;;;~~ in size. a t the llt'd Snapper Caf «-fr in Manner's M ilE' . The Red /1 Bam&oo Room DINE, DANCE. RELAX IN OUR NEW LANAI LOUNGE \ Superb M ustc by Bass Hutdunson and His Band Featuring Vocalist Helen Pruge And for your addt'd plea UN ---Dancln~ a nd Entertainml'nt ev<'n' Sunday Afternoon BAMBOO ROOM ·~~o~AJU) BALBOA --~--------~--~--~--•'''''''''''''''''''~'''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Fountain Service -:-Complete Menu and Chinese Dinners l!} ~ :~=~~!!JI=!I~~s ~~] Steaks • Chops • S hort Orde~ Snappt·r Cafe sen~·' all type:. of seafood, also Chml-M food and i..s Op('O fOI'('\'(>f, 14 hours. • • • Hark>~ Bt'U •-· cal<> v.ith Eng-li h tradJli->n in Curona del Mar. has a J;'rench l'h 1 • • • f.'nul Foust (>njoyed a l&n:;(' patronage of )8Chtsmt'n and tht.>lf ladies at tht' Udo \\'lulrf Cal.-aad B:tr 0\ <>r lh·m1lrtal Da) . . . Sunda) aftl'moon • :tfX"l'tall) for th · ll~t.'ttl folk '"" be ll"atured v.ith ~>mooth dam:in~ and lhl'l~ l nwrt.-mmc.>nt at th a.-boa IIELES P.U GE At tht> Bamboo Room Make Your Ruervatiqru T oda)' tor FRIDAY, JUNE 1 For he ope:.:na of Fel ix Leo WJ1h Sue Stanley Complete Dmners Until M1drught ~ HAr1Mr 1S14 VAUX ' IN BALBOA REIDEZYIUS IF TIE IIIIIEII Charcoal Broiler Seafcod -Steaks -Chops, etc Res~aurant Open Daily tc a m to 10 p.m Sat~ till madnhzht Cccktml Bar Open Till 2 Oiomt-of Rotary' WitHe's P1rl It~~• Clfl • E.vl~ f'~llEU~tA~ BRE.\KF.\ T \1isit the Beautiful COLONIAL O.,eD from 11 L m. O..U~· COl'"''TRY FRfi.:D C'HJCKE~ SEAFOOD SELEcnON 132 Coast IO~hway -Nt-"-port "Mariner's l\llle" ~on1. \\ h11'h 1 ... 11; • 111ns: tomor Many Ottwr Entrees • F nd:n • I'M,, llutchmsoo and his nt>"l~ re-ort:an1zed band v.tll -Pleat) of Parkac-;;;- tunu!>h TIH' ··t •-t·t-tt'-dum'" - - -1014 OOAST BJGHWAY n.e lllddle of ..,.,.,.. 5206 and \\<' hNlr h<' ha a D<'W man SEWPORT BEACH --...... ~ from llollywood tX'ady to chat-~~~~~~-;;;;;;;;~~~~----~~~·~llll:le~~ar..co.~~~;;~~ lengt' the &>nny Goodman IJtl<'.l Captt\attn~ H<'l«'n Palt e \(('ally Mrs Hutchinson 1 1:. ttl<> featurt'd SOlOISt In annuuncinJ,: the opt>ning of the Bamboo Room. Bob and Jay Mur· Braldaet _,., .en-ed t a. 1a. tG I p. m. at phy 1m ite > ou o rome and rela:'C BALBOA PAVIUON in tht:> n«'w lanai loun~e v.ith ats SPORTSMAtrS WHARF soothlnl! ~uth S<>a Island atrnos- phef(' They "•ll be open nightly Newpcwt lleacll ... !110 W. Newport Bl\'d. except ~tonda~ a" v.e ll al' Sunday I!Juta Au ... UO N. 8~ 8tn!et 8fternoon. ;~~~----~·~---roo·oBa~~~ SAl'S SEIFIID AT THE SIGN OF THE SWORDFISH 16218 Coast Hwy .• Surfside Real Mexican e Enchiladas e Tacos e Tamales e Chili Rellenos, etc. e Ste aks Open 5 to 9:)0 p. m. -Cfot..f ~..,. Dodds Move to CDM From Balboa laland Althnugh C\•nfirmed Balboa Is-1 land<>r-.. th<> ~larlon Dodd family ha'" mo\l·d to 4391'!1 Golcienrod I A' l' .. Cnrnnn dt•l 'far ThE' Dodds ar<> h'rm<·r 0\\111'1' of nodd's Malt ~h•'P nn 1 ht' ts.hnd Ju-.t "'"''' t lh' Rfl' tnttrtllnint:: th. n· -..m·in·l3~\ "Bo.:tc" llo~·d HorrC'Il. hw•b:tnd ot d:lu~hl<'r I Joan. J!C' ht\8 just romplett"d h1<: I 1 ba.k tr:uninc at Ft. Om Rnd Is E''-t>t"<'t mi.! Ol'd <'"' t hn t ";11 oon I hlp him to Japan For 0111~ l , ~ "~IJ;'bt MolJt FaU" next WM"k-'!:l'd• I.e 1, 8 and t . w IK-~\·f'.r'al OOC' {li\B- 1'4"1 by N'M'lHtrt Harbor c (lm- manJty Pta~·~>~ Gene's Place Ordt'r yonr PIZZA llere ('()()R BEER~ BED ,.. 0.... ..... .,.. C.... .a liar IIA 11• Meet You at 11THE INN" f Food Is Breakinq Customer Records at "The Inn" • It Brings N eu ' Orlean$ to Balboa ,/ . Fmes• SC'c F c~s * BC'st S ·eak~ .:-·1 th~. Coast ~l'n<'d "t nt• p m to 1C' C'-p n Ccr:.!or a.ole A!m .Jc:;phere • • • PIANO BAR -wtlh- JACK RUSSELL and hts "Easy' Ptanc Orgc:no ~4L00.4 IN~ £4FE 4 80' TAIL ~--··.-·- BALBoA Clo~ ARCADE • OCEAN FIWNT T DIE PlEa BALBOA YOUR HO ~ • • * DICK and ItA TE DENT ..... .... Ill llaJ'Inp .... bland BARBCJR JO LINWOOD VlCK W . A. TOBIAS ff'eturio~ Properly Pnced Properties BAR GAI N Ttw; w perhaps t.M ~t low pn~ Balboa IsJ~tnd Income lkQt or the )-'l'llr. A clean. moclero. funushMl duplex ...• Room for shop and apart-IIM"D~ m front. $15.900 with ~lenD& WE HAVE MOST OF THE BETI'ER BUYS USTED UNWOOD VlCK R('altor 312 Marine Ave .. Balboa Island H.A 2042 • Look for t I)(' gr'e('O grass" Smart, mWJ. redwood borne ol modl!m dcsJgn, sturdy con- rtructJon. insula ted wa.lls, ar- tistically decorated. ~place, tuny e:nclosed paved patio, Wlth barbecue. Only 1 ~ blks. to ocean tn h4:bly des.i.rabJt- neighbortlood. ..• Complett"ly fu.m1sbtod ~ $9,450 . Earl W. STANLEY Realtor .11 c...t lllri. C.D.M. ~ '-dt llltonte. F'umi.sbed, cumplett-. Reacly to enJoy Cor .ummer seuon. 125 rt. from oeean, between Seashore Dr. and ocean. N"'l)Ort. • • • Have several good Udo Iale and Oet"an Front summer rentals. • • • U.Stings ror sale or rent welcomed. ..,._ lllv._ at Htll St., NEWPO&T IIAr1ter tut IIArhr usa EXCELLENT .INV'ES'I'MENT OOilONA DEL MAR Duplex, partially furnished. Very attractive; good loca- tion Almost new. $13.500 • • • AnnoWldng 0 . B. REED, 444 Begonia , COM. as an a..ociate or ---....... .......... las uu (-.& ...... (lD.JI. ......... LIDO ISLE nuee bdam., 1"-beth borne. a few at~ from best beech. Comer street to street loca- tion. Deluxe CONitructlon and features thf'OUibout. -- Income property ..• 2 unit ••• on corner lot •.• at pi'l!lent bCIII -income ol 5150 per month dt"..; laad ~ ~::UrUon, <'an ~~~~ ~~~m. ·-··· -·---··-• $1,. ss.Me "''" u..ae. ........_. at 5,;! ~T ... ua at t -Jr, .. teri.lllt R.Mert B. L,_ ... Bt!letl L. Lya. Ileal._. 411 Coast BouleYard CORONA DEL MAR Farmhoa.e Motel IIABBO& ltn * * * LIDO ISLE ()y.n('r buildJnl! tan: ho~ will 114'11 charming 2-bedroom. only 1 year old. lots late ~:lass, painted brick firelace and tinted walls Wall d $17 MA lanclicaped patio . _ . . . _J'ull price tVVV and low down payment handi('S • HA 444 or HA 2476 BALBOA Under construction. Choose your own colors and light f'l.x tures on t.hi~ $15 Mft 3-bedroom P£'runsula hom" a 1 onh• ... ... . .VVV St.>c? this today' • HArbor 145 BALBOA ISLAND Bay Front home with Vl"'"' far up the harbor, thrt'e bed- rooms, "iew wmdow acros. lhint; room. ~ ~ exccllent beach . . .. .. ·-··--. .. ~~ HArbor #1 or HArboT 2151 CORONA DEL MAR Uke to decorate! Here's a G-1 Resale a t a discount. $2,400 down and $66 per month, incl. 4% interest. buys tbia attractive 2-bedroom home, brick front terracedu. fi.n!pla~. bra.kfast nook. larce kitchen, $1 RJ"YYce porch, 2<ar gar., fenced yarcl, Nil ..... HArbor 1741 or HArbor 1477 • EYH: HArboT m-M O U R LISTINGS A&B ~OMPLETB e FOUl OFF1CES TO SEitVE YOU • COlONA DEL MAl IJOI Coe.t ... .......ccw-FerniMf HA~hr 1741 « HArt-14n IALIOA ISLAND a...-A.,.. HArt. .... NEWPOlT lfACH 4)4 Jlll4 St. HArt-2476 IALIOA 100 W.ift St,........,., ... 0... ... .. ~·· AVAILABLE, ---AN A TrR.ACI'IVE STYLED HOME WITH A PLAN 'IHAT REALLY APPEALS. A MOD- ERN KITCHEN WITH DISHW ~HER. LOADS OF CABlNETS AND TILE. TIIERE ARE THREE BED- ROOMS AND A DEN WITH 2 13A THS. FIREPLACE . . . GOOD HEAT AND OAK FLOORS. THERE IS A LOVELY ALPINE STYLED LIVING ROOM WITH OPEN BEAM CEIUNG AND UNPAINTED MAHOG- ANY P ANEL WAINSCOTING AND DINING ALCOVE. ~ a~~~~t ~~~ns~~-~~ ...... $19.500 A FINE BALBOA ISLAND LOCATION CaU for Appointment. J. A. BEEK OFFICE Value Plu•! Are you looking for a GOOD 3-bedroom. 1 %~th home in . choice location? Pmect oondiUon---tutefUDy decorated ---nicely furnished -• - well landscaped ---Deslcned tor eradoul ==,1·-......... P~ AVB. at JIA&ID BALBOA D11AND .... IIAitlw,.. FOI' LOCAnON For VIEW For VALUE LIDO NORTH BAY FRONT l..a.rg(' 4-bdrm.. 3-bath home on 52-ft. lot lovely garden and ten-a~pier 4: aUp for LARGE boat ---aU the nice things you have been looking for ---nicely fu.rnlshed. We have the lrey and the house is vacant ---eo you can Jook at it at your convenience. $57,500 Tenns • • • A Few •Ft. !?J!!ft LOTS,...... .... .._~...,.,_ BOllES $14! ... froel...... ....... DONI liE TOO LAm! 5-bedroom furnished home buUt in 1947. % block to bay. N ice section or Balboa. Phone for key • • Have a look and make offer ........... .._ ONeiQ-l11e,.._ WeMt ....... eA.,. '7tt E. ....... Jlhod. .... ~liS Fll LEISE Equipped Beauty Shop with eatabliahed cllen- tele • • • ,._ lovely apartment. Good Costa Mesa location. Oot--Bedroom boJTX". 2 )"e'tll'S old, large lh ·ing room. Well located. THIS WILL NOT LAST. See tock)•. EA&L CIIAII1IDI.AIN .. OeutBh"4. BA...,_ a. ........ c:..u .. ~ ......... , ... ... 15U CttaU Btnt.. ODII HArbor !7el FO& SALE IY IWit1 J..B.!Daoo• BO.MJC 'rue in kitchft\ &: bath, hdw4. floors, landscaped, ~wood fencing, dbl garage, 70'xl2>' lot. e NEW LOCA110N e Newpcwt Plumbing- ~ * * * ~~ rchte.._ cur llA'n:-(J.MIII a ~ • • • 117 22Dcl St. N&WEOKI' a&al *WE BUY FOR CASH GOOD USED FURNITURE 18'7& llartMw ...,._, OOIJta Meea Bllacoa .,..., We buy and aeD Trust Deed~. Delivery Now Can allo ... ,_ ap to .. If JOU take cJflfW'I')' at l'aetor)' up to * On These Ueed . IPPLIIICES 1 JIAI'TA ~~quare ... 1111111~ hilt w-rill~er ... aer. ... rollA. ouN IM'Il for ~00 ...... ! G-E ~GER Qtliet~.Very M!n1oealtJ.o. . .l!!adl 1 ....... &ELVINATO& ~. U.ecl W!lrJ A•t...J 1 at .. ·--· . . ... ·-·-· B&A.ND ~w l'oaptowa ..._ .. 5 Dlllhwashl"r ·-&WY Uollb&ref'r'• CIIWI HIDWI MEW LOCATION ! ..... ,, ....... USED MARINE GEAR Cba.ir bottoaw restored ....., ~Wh, reed. etc.-Free Dtiml1tl IIABVEnJ I"'UUlNJ''IUKE llD'A.Ia Mtle S..ta Aaa Ave., v.ta llllMioa 1111-6 WANT YOUR DIRTY WORK OONET GOTOHAL ... Oornp)ete~ Windows, floor WUing and lshlnc. wall wubiJw. - CaD Harbor 11'58-W PAINTING Earl SbelliD !'71 ....... l!lt. -c..la a.EIUaG • 0. ....... • ,..... o-s •• IIOODW' Dfl ... o.a~­...... ... ~ .... c.... ... up IPPLIIICES! 1 ROTPOIJ\'T 8-ft. ..,...... =N~~.1ftN 1 JIAUAG -..are .._..._ ........,.. \l"blte-Wl'iapr .......,_La._ ...... ~ect. oo.atu.. 11crs Sew~l l"-15 1 a.AFI'AO 1111-.rf!l .._.um tat. •Tt~u WJU~t«. llal- .._ roll hould 59'5 ~ for G.OO ..... ! G-£ Wll.L'iGER ...-ers Cl-iet raaiJac. Very J9'5 IM!nieeab)t-. .. ..Jl:aC!II I-FT. JD1a. VINA'I'Oil a& frtpnt.or. Ulled ""7 •tae. A.tMI ,,,. at ··--·-_ .... JUlAN1) :\"t."W Y~towa ~ Dl.,.wa!lhH .,...., HI DWIRE 11nnday,May 31,1151 ~R QmCK s~~~,~~~~~~----·--~----~~~====================~ Balboa Island 's most beautiful ~~~DIE&"' C"((m<'r Jot . HA 2923-W. ~ .. -.J~ .._, \\'ANT TO-COMMlrft rrOri, COM to Lone: BNtch & return dally. Th Bicqmbo I1Q) Club I. plan• HArbor 3031-W "'"" to vttrnd thp BalbcKI Island :·,,H HEI\T Fum. rm, twin beds, MNhodi t Church 10 a t)()(lv Sun· 1 11ri\ Pnt., near beach, $40 day, und Rcv. llurr~ Whtt~'s er-rTnnt.h~lR'-. ~tarinP, B. L 1 f0ontln·~ from .,._ l ) mon \\'Ill be-11bout the l3iblr story It . ~ -·-of ttn old w•rrltu \\ ho llrtnds ttl ., ' SALE -R-!? 60-fl. \lew lot. I hucl romDl<'t~ their report and 6word to a youth. ,.~ loan Only $3.000 HArbor hnd lound nothing wmng. Last Sunday a nag wa'i pr~ 1•36-J arter 6 f1· ffi:__ She had objeocted to t hem that nted to thf' chUJt'h by the Nf'W· ~t M.)tt-;R RE....,TA ir-nl) ~~ blk. the local resid nt<~ had no oppor· port Harbor Elks Lodge Trea • to n~;.~•n-bf' •·h. ClJM. Apartmt>nt I IW)it~ to present thl'lr ca:.e and W"Cr P. F . Bain<•'i reported that 15 wtth 2 bdnns. in good location. askt•d them to invC' ligate the of the 20 pew~ h&\'P al.N'ady ~ $250 month. cheaper by th ~a-drillln~ mud in person. A5 a re-~opt>kt'n for, and th<' 20 pc!\\l. h;nl' son. HArbor 1736-J aft('r 6 p.m. ~ult. that Friday morning, Plan-been ordered. FOR SALE-Breakf'st bar, knotty I nin~ ~mml_s~ioner Wa]tPr Wei· JoJnin~ churC'h Sunday wt'rc Mr. pine with fonnlca top. Large, m r, rNS F.n ter of lht> Health und Mrs. Barr,>-~!C'keE-1 , 116 Dla· oUd oak unJtn desk. Household Departm('~lt . and C. W. DonohUt> mond A\'\.'. furnishings. Fillmg stA&hon sup-of the Bwldin~ Department msde • • • I plies Nc 417 IJ<:'hotl'ope, COM. un inspe-ction tour. Mr. Ste.w!lfl A sudckon call to m1litary duly '29 F RD C01'PE r I~ ~ho\\<•d thf'm where the drtlhng makes thHI Sunda~ ." sennon the -ror small pickup ~~:bl~· trans-mud had flo"ed down frot;n the farewell mcssa~· flf Rev Thomas portation. good ·rubber. HArbor I WE'll, a_nd tht')' agrl'<'d that tt was Gibson, pastor <•f ::it. Andrews 114-M. mud from the well. 1 Prosbytf'rian Chureh in Newport I ---1\lrs. l(f"n nf'th Conlm~ of B<>ac~>niHI'i~htl' Rc,· C1hvln ha chosen FOR ~ALl: l2'~·inch TV Motor-~' a'kt·~ the ~lnnnmc CommJS· ., hiS topic. "A lRitrr to a ~pw ~~Jth an••·nna, Sl2:l HArbor s1on 11 ttu-. ''!l"(' not eruun_d!. ~or C"hutch" ba.t'<l 011 -.;1. Paul'll l<'ttr>r rt'vokm..: th<' .shell 011 r.>~.•rrrut .She.' to nt•w chw·ch,.,, Tc;>xt will tx• FOR SA-lE Jt,•rond. Bendix a uto. wus tol.d 1hat sue~ n mat:l•r could f'phl"<~am; r. 10 "Finall) m:- wa:shel' 90-d'ly guaranle1'. S85 ~· llk<>n ~up \\~th thl' C(tunt) hrNhrPn bf· .;tr"n~ m thco Lord BF~ron 5.'>05 Board o! ~upcrv1 or-. 'Iori In thf' pr1wPr of His ml~ht .. • :0.1.:\IER Re:'\"T AI-.<; l.ldo Isle ~lr: \\ <'irl)('r then told o~ thr m-I ~~ rVlet' I' at !'I<W s. m. and tht Bay F rmlt unks. 1-&. 2-bdrm .. s~t1on tnp that mornang 8!ld t·hnlr \\111 ..;in~. C'omp Chr1~tian prlv bt•ach, $70 up. H.\ 2552. -.aid h.l" felt that ShPII 011 hnd \'lo-Join and Smg" E\e~ H.\ 2911-:\1 lat<:i 11 asn-rri'TlCnt. Hc mAdt> th~ At a ronl!r•·~tttional ml't'tinst TilE NEEDLEPOTNTER y ar n ~Otlon that R<:tlon be drlay~ unttl last Sunriay. mt•mlX'rs dt>cidNi nn Shop has a wide ran.ge of colors I Sh ell agree~ In \\Tit in~ to tbld<'. by nnl' sen·i('(' at 9:30 a . m ro-r I'<'!.!'U· "nd yarn for dresses and sweat-a!J rc tr•cllons, a nd t~l. motion I Jr summt r Sund'l,l> worship. ··rs. In tructlons free. 1201-C j "as J»SS~ unanimow.l). • • • I Coast Oh•d .. Corona del Mar. W . L. Ba.ngharn,. chairman of the Rt>\. Paul E. B:tbbitt will preach 1 \\•ILL TRADE S.Ct. car-top skiff,' r~=~~~n!.asC~~~:~o~., t~~a~.~~~ I at t~h Cnroh na d<'hl :0.1arb~~"~-. d f • J' blk Must . . . II\ \. urc on 1 (' l\U ,_-..1 n (' ~\'~~ u.-.;ood· ocor gtdr sHA e ... NY> J fortunate" \\as puttmog· n mid lvldly. Lin• b' Mort> Than Rl"f'ad" at .~ u• ); n . .u~-he a ddf'dl that Shell 11 ha o-1 bo h 9·4· 5 d 11 •. .;ft~r6 pm _ .. h d.. 1 r· t .• a.m . an a.m . c:('n I t . . . lat'"" t e con 1110ns on \S 1rst I('(''! Sunda). FO~ SALE;, Thb!e. model RCA well In a .cont~sH-d "rea 1 The Jumor Choar will ing • ~le- I v 1ctor 10 tele\'ISIOn & antenna. Consulttnl! En10m·t'r A. A. Bt-~rd dita lion" by Brahm a 1 the first HArbor 3121-M cornmentNi thut . tht> su~gestJo~ 1 :.l"l ,1<'4.' ttnd thco s9nior C'holr at 11 1 FOR ~AJ.E-K<!E'I·tYPt' Snowbird.' for a publlt' hf'arml! on £'VE'ry Oil :1 m. \\ill ~ivr 'Ch<>r11him ~On!!" Room). safe ror COHd. HA 3265. wt>ll requ£>st o;houJd b€' follo\\('d up b' Rortn) ansk' FOP. SALE-New o;hip..to-shore ra-ChaJrman Bm •ham atd .th'lt wa~ · • · • d10 Radia phon mock> I No 25 8 ~ood su~~1''1 ton. ~>JOt••· '' r-h"' <' Pao;tm lf, rbnrt Roth will preach 6-\\:Utt with acri~l. $120. 'ca1P practicall) hnd a pubiH· •. !warmg on ".Jp~u .... t ht> ~innr·r'c: F'rl~>nd" nt HA 2219-:-.-t before 6 p.m . eves on 1·a~h requ<>c:t t~u" f1t1 . the 11 a m \\or-htp st>nt<'t' Sun-D 'H·"'I"'C. .\~ ORIGIS.\L GO\\'~ and trlnunlat a lbt wtttt now- HA 10.11-R J. ::"' Grl' •or). ~lwll I hi If PT'f'· cl:.t\ 3 t :"'N\ r)(•rl Harbor LuthPran f'h un• aJI l.n prepantUon for thf' Ll(ln hl#' \\'ompn· ... C'lub .......... - . . wntatl\e, who was prt•M•nt at thP Church. Th<' ti'Xt IS from ~fat· fat,.hlun nnd now .. r ff't~ to bf> h Pid ''""" 1\. I A'ft to rh:-bt : Model FOR Rf~I\"T-CDM. J unt> 18 to ht>arinJC, Will> 1\Skl'd by huth \1rs. ilhi'W 9.9-13 Tht· Senior Church )lr'l. D. \'. lla)e<&, dC>!IJgne r l oy r oor ... ~llll('stir t.rMf'r plana~ hat fuly 3~. ~~uxe 3-~.,k2= St£>\\:_art and Arthur Gat a~.ut Ch<llr will ..,inc 'Gnd .·n Lo\'ed th(> on tnlo(h•l \lro.. Ut<n Cri..,.IL. ~n . .;~om3ros.J oc llW COUl'Se or (fie .c?rnna H!~<th· World .. Thl' ~arramt nt of Hob L;do Fa sht·on Party Ju" 0 8 y. r · lan<h Wt'll • • ·."a 1\ <,trat~ht Communton W'lll hP CPI€'bratNi at " 1 K.. JIOlTSE FOR R ENT ummer. 2 down or slant dnUro to ... ,:ard he l 12 noon. bdnns., 2 baths. 420 Avoca&>. ocean':' l\lr. Gregor) reph<>d that Joinins: the church last Sunday The dat• of Friday Jun£> , ha:o. mrmtl'l r.., of th<-Lido Isle W men's COM. HArbor 1549-W. th<' Wt'll was to stay u~d<'r thl' Ir- 1 wt'l't' Franklyn Hruza, ~Irs. Gract' ~·n 'et for the annual rlo"~r ("luh ani'! lheLr .L.~t NOTICE to mothers: Let us ~ vi nt> ranch propt'rt) wh•ch il' under Pt>ttijohn and Mr. and Mrs. Dou~-and fa hton pert~ of the L•do Isle ~~"" :--lson ~lt'Ce wu elected your baby litter on Saturday af· leu<:' to Shell. Ia Trask. Bapti ed were John Wom<>n'" Club at which ('Wry p1 e id('nt t last \\~k' club meet- temoo. ns from 2 to 5 p. m . Spe-Wht'n askNi If the <'\'t'ntual pur-Oal<> ~111n<>r. infant son of Mr. and wom:tn \Jl'" v.1th th<' Cashion mo-ins:. alon with Mrs. Blanche B.o- cial show for all ldddies. Port pose of the '"<'ll was to ~ach tide-Mrs. Charles Ht-nry Milner. Mrs. ~1.5 by trirrumng her own hilt ",th ~t'rs \Ice presJckon • Mrs John Theatre, Corcna del Mar. lands otl, Mr. Gregory satd hp J?n'·l ~liJnrr is the former Mary ~ fresh out-of-lh~-~rden flowers. Boyd, ~t--cretary: Mrs. Allt'n Cria-- COMPLETE HOUSECLEANING f<>rrt'd not .to answer that Q\H'sllnn. Laurie of Costa Mesa. Sponsors Thi'\ year th(' fashion show will ell, trea.surer and Mrs. HA,y Lan· Furniture A Rua shampooing, etc. TriiMte Plid for t.he child Wl'l'(' Mi Lo Mae f?llO\\ the on~l line~ with ~ stt>nl"'eun. parliam('ntaria.D. Work guarant~ Beacon 6111. 1 Laune and Pfc:. Stanley McKir.· stgnt>r Joy Jenntct' creatt.ng an on- Al's Howre and Wmdow Clean· ney. • • • l l;)n>tl mod<'l dur1n~ thf' aft('rnoon. I in Sc lee t Preachcrs art' well known for and o~ of her originals beim: g tv · •• •u ft--..1 I '"VIting pc:.'Ople to rome to church, shown in evtll)t'ratmn wtth Fun KEYS -Made while you walt. I '' 'ft '~ but at Christ Church by the Sea F ashions, Ma$!~e·s Knit ~hop and Tommy's Shop, P ost Otnee BlodL . . ::iunday momm~. the table will tx• O'Brien' Spt.'<'1alt) ='hop. 1 Corona del·Mar. In th<' impr:esSI\'(' S€'1ttn~ or th<' turned when Rt:'\. Thomas Pendell ~1 I~ Ha~ t.ungenhcoun. pre ldt>nt FURN. API'S. for rent. See Lou· oct>an front tn Balboa .. :'Jewpor~ 10\ltes th.em to stay a·wa.y. The of tht> J.TOUP, 1s gent>ral cha1rman 1.se apts. fint. Dbls. A liniJes, Har~r paused . at. 11 :t est<'rda) morning message has ~ an· of t h,. annual now£>r party ~irs. overlooking Bay. 308 Cama· ~ommg . to ~) tnbut£> t~ th()S(' nouncro a "When It's Time to John Boyd and 1\1,.., Geonrt> ~fi-1 lion COM. "h? ha\e s:'J\Cn thcir h\t'S for I Lt'&V~ the ChuJ'Ch." , . .,.,.,d ~re in char~<' tlf lh· fa~h.ion YEARLY RENTAL-2-bdrm tur-their roun~. . , ~1~~ !)('levan Frettag \\iU s tng fesU,ittf'S .• IN DouL•Iao: Ward llnd nished a pt. 700 Heliotrope, CoM. ~ serv~ "er~n~~tNi -~ t'o~e L'nto )1<'" from Handel's ;\J.-.; ~el.son '\;tt•CE> "111 ha\e charg.- HA 2925-J can ,..on t • . ~'I J Me s1ah • • • o• the d~'"r' and ~fl"' G<-or~ · _ Comma.nder ~ey Bell P~tdtng. lnj~ious effe-cts resulting from Ward will "\ll~'nd to d ·orattOn;S. REG:t5TERED NURSE. wants po 1 ~vocation was gwen by Re\. Tom a I:K'Ltel in th<' power of wronR Th<' part) \\hich ''1U l'nd ...,,th sition ~rt or full time. 317'-~ 91bson of St; ~drew~ Presb)'ter-tt.uoong ~n be destroyed b) re-an afternoon ot cards, is npcn to Marguente, Corona del Mar. tan Chu':fh. tn h.ls uniform or Na-cognizing the omnJpotence of God, FOR SALE-New Jtbeem water val lieutenant. Tt\e main address !according to the S unday Bible Les-h l Gr sortent>rs, 60 gT8ln capacity. 10 '':R.S dclive.red by .Father Stt'phen son at the Newport Beach Chris-Pan e oup years warranty. HA 2230-J. Kile).: C?f Our Lady or Mt. Carn:'el tian Science Church near Udo. I WESTINGH OUSE cle-c. range for CathoUc C~urch, who ~ve pral e The subject is "Ancie-nt and Mo- ..-.af·· 10!'111 o-d fJl"'ito("tJIIO in our f1reproof stor:u~<> vault~ bottauw restorect Ullftr cane. reed, etc.-Free Eltimate. sale with deep weU cooker, clock Mto the ~lglDOn fo~ d'r;rmg ~d ~~~I dern Ne-cromancy, alias Mesmer-I Planned Here con trol ovt'n . Good cond .. reas .. cmona ay ra 1 on a . ism and ft)>pnotism. Denounced " BEaron 6305· eves: BEacon 6589 Its combat 3~1nst Com munasm. • • • Wo"""n ot aU nationa.l social ' Baritone solos wen' sun~ by Le~ J 1 Do .,. _ __, ·11 ..... I.oT No. 29 for sale, Hazel Dr .• !:ilonnairt> Howard Folsom of Co-Th<' ~ 0! rcas """'lety WI fr"\tt'mities of thl' Harbor art>a jtbt call IIA&VEnl Jl't1ltNIT(JQ a.ao.ua AINTING COM. 40'xl66'. Ocean view, rona d('l Mar accompanied by lllt>et at 1 :4a p. m. ~tonday,. !Unt' .wd La ~una an• In' lt<'d to b<• pr,•-1 $2.150. $500 dn., $20 mo.. in-Mrs Kennt'th ix-u r Balboa Is·, 4. a t tht> home of Mrs. ~llllfred ... ,.nt a' an M.'1lnJ7atJonal ml.ocling clud s interest. Sign l.s on pro-land at the pi 0 nediction HaU, 538 La Perle Dr., ~ewport tor a Harbor Br11nch of national perty. J . A. Carroll 5847 La 1\tJ-was given by Ch~pla n M. H. 1 ~f:'~~:hts. A n>port \\111 be ~d. Panhellemc. 81 i 30 p. m next rada Ave., Hollywood 38, m 1\.vitchell of El Toro. gJVJng detalls of the N"Ceelt ship-I Thursday, June i . at th<' Corona 1589. Reprt'St'ntativt>s of 1 org8.tli· ment,of c!othes: food and dru~ to dl'l Mar Commumt) Church. . FOR RENT This lovely 3-rm. I zations cast wreaths upon tht> wa-' th(' NavaJO Indians. Two PTe,·lous prc-or~mzatlon apt. Ot't'an view. Must lease to ters from the Balboa Pier. This m{'('lln~ have bet'n held-at the !11 Ma.rtne Balbfta t.- couplc only, $60. See Bob Jonc .1 was follow<'d by a salute to war NeW M .... L ... D h~m"" of M". M A. Anderso.n. rhnM : ff.Ar'bor tt 2307 Balboa Blvd .. N.B. HA 370. dead by a firin g squad from Camp ~~ Lido h ie. and ~trs Robert Callis. i;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ FURN Ct:EST SUITE for rt>nt ·1 Pendleton and blowin~ of t1\p& . . . . 2 . Coron'\ del :'\tar . . . ""'d A bath ~ b , b 1 Partictpatin~ ·n the OICictal \'lSitors of the 1st DIS· A letter stating the dl'Sil'l' to I h,,,ng room ....... room, · spa-) 3. ug er. , 1 -trkt or thl' Aml.'rican Lt>l:ion Aux-form a Harbor chapter wao; read caous & comfortable, slt>eps 3.1 selVICCS wprc Bo) Scouts .. sea I ilian wt:'rf' pre ent Monda\' nk ht h ~· t An p h 1 mf'('tinlt all utils .. gar. 333 Poppy, COM. Scouts and the Legion Auxiliary. ,,t the supper a nd initiation m('('t-~s: ;~k n ~n th~ ~nt Sante Ana IMPORTED HArbor 2416-W. , 1 in~ held at the Newport Le~on hao: oov<'~<'d 8 11 of Southf'rn Or-1-~0R SALE l's<'d Kelvinator t't'· FOR RENT-Furn. rm., priv. bath Hall. Dinner wu sen<'d b:o the 18 n\.!t' Count\' Oetlla •-Crig., ll cu. ft., 2 yrs. old. perf. & en t. Wonderful' view. 511 Ha· losi~ membership team captained Count) Pimhen~.mc mem!'w>r.; a.N' hii"Ci=~~.::~b~.---cond., only S225. HA 1124~J. z<'l Drive, Corona del Mar. by Mrs Henry Eg~tert. ~~rs. Her-spon~orin~ 8 tea on Saturday to Earl SbelliD RUSH SQUIRES • 0. ··-.... -... IIOOIIJY Dl I IJa8 0111 IUitw-........ 061111 .... c.... ..... CHTI.A)'5 pre-fabricated p18yhoust'. WILL SHARE my home with tx:rt }hompson was captaa.n of the I ret<' hl~h school and junior rolle~e 6x8x6. 3 windows, glass door. rouple for months of J une . and wsnn.ll',ll: tt'am_ . 't'l"aduates \\ho will attend . unt· $35. Can be set>n at 109 Park. July. $70 per mo., all facilities. lm hated as new members were versiti<>s whert' thrr<> are national B. I BE 6166-M. HArbor 0824. M~. Fann) Reed. Mrs. Carl SOCial soror&ties. Ttw th~ Sou- FOR S ALE-'50 Chev. deluxe sc-FOR RENT Cottage. entire tm'l-Hanna and Mrs. Robert Park~r. tht'm Oran"<> County Pa.nh€'1 edu- dan, immaculate cond. Private mt'r by week or mo. Attrac. and As SJ>('Cial~!t'Ut>sts. Mrs. Irvin cat ion award.-; w11l be' Pl'l'SI:'nted. owner will sacrifice. Can ar· comfortable. S leeps 6. $250 per Gror~t(' Go('UUn introduced Miss Thl' tea wm be held at tht> home rang<' financing. HA 1347...J. mo .• 605 Iris, COM. HA 2422. Eleanor Ragan and her mother. of Mrs. C. E. 'Thomas. 2434 Bon-=::;.::.;~:-:;.;~~.;.!..!;.-7tif;-;:-:ul;-:==::::-;2..-.:::bed:::o ~· HA 205.'5-J Eleanor has bPen chosen as New-nie Rrae in 5anta Ana Mn; John FOR REl'-"T -Beau neW -• __ es._. --. . ---port's c:-andidatf' for the annuol KP<•I<•r Cortm 1 Ml Mar. is J'{'tlr-room unfurn. apt., So. of Hwy., FOR SALE -SlX ~trs. r_ull length Clrl's !'tilt•. i • pr',..,.-d<' 1 01 the ~:tnta Ana ocean view. near beach. Y~r's traverse ~aper1cs, tnt<:'rUned. p~ h 1 · 1 n • lease. Inquire 220 Marguer~te, Kandt'U Acorn. Excel. cond. $75.\ FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST an l' Corona del Mar. Call HArbor lmt. SCifNTIST TRI-l''" HOLD ~rwt:R 3303 Vie Lido, N•wpott •••el• I ~llJ)(l('r at ~L An~ws PT'esb)'· 1\ br "tl-of The Moth•• Chu•.:h. The tenan 0\urch, Nl wport H t't hts, Fi"t Church of Christ, Sci•rtlist, in 8os-is btolnf" givt>n Saturday by tM So-l SANTA ANA TENT & AWNING ton, M11nec:husetts. phc:omo!'E'-Junlor Club of Tn-Y of Sund11v School -................... 9:15 a.m. NPwport Harbor l-li~:h to rai~ tat So. 11a111 ft. Ia ~--~ndov S.rv'ce II o()() e.m. mont-\' t.1 .<'nd Joan Kimes to the W.dnesdev Eveninq mMtinQ 8:00 p.ro. June 'International YMCA Conven-..... -'- Reodinq Rooro locet•d et Ill Polm Uon In Cle\·eland. J.:A~WWM• •~ St., Bolboe, is open daily from 12 noon -----UVnA n,..~ to 5 p.m. ••c•pt Sund.ys and holidtys c.-•ty ~n ~ & JIAill£ SHOP n•~ionelly ol»•~· •oCIJif>r I r.. .,.._ .oca• TJt011 JWblic ;, cordteny iiMted to et-••" • fM. ~ T. 8 _. t. at tend t~fl church M~Vic.s end 111e the ~ C..& C...,. 1~ leediru~ lt00111. 'l'ttle! "N'IIrM ............ . ..... * ~ err Newport will be the site of the 1951 Mt>rcury Championship Re- gatta, to be sailed June 25-29, it is announced by C. C. Wheeler or Altadena. fl(.'('t captain of the New- port Harbor Mercury Fleet and vice-president of the M er c u r y Clasa Yacht Racing Association. the apouoring groups. ~ racing wUl be on an outside course, tartlng off the Balboa Pier. En tri . must be Jn the hands ot the rae€' committee b.Y June 18. H06t club will be the Bslbon Yacht O ub. Mr. W "lt>r announced the fol- lowing schedul<': tune-up race Sunday, J une 24. followed by five races. starting at 1 p. m. on J une 25, 36, Z7, 28 and 29. Other events Wlll be the open poUSt' at 5 p. m. Sunday , J une 24; beach party at 7:30 p. m. Monday. June 25; busl- nea meetiDJ: at 7:30p.m. Wednes- day, June ZT; banquet at 8 p. m. Thurtda)', June 28; trophy presen- tation Friday, June 29. By 81JI) RJT()JI)IAN M.o.t of us &re important on t"''O occasions at least -- -when we are married and buried -- -and either ceremony may take place at .e. u ~u u on land, if you prefer, as demonstrated by local yachts. Lut Friday the U -foot eral•- f'r. ID\'ader, beeaiiM' tbe naar- rla~ ~ fnr tile OW"IIer, C'harlee Flah~k. &lid tllle for- .,...,, ~ee O'Ooalat"ll, ._tb of Pu.deaa. wttb l udce 0 . I . Docljre orftdatinr; as lustl~ of u..-hect-. Being a boat-minded couple who wanted a "'-edding devoid or aU os-tentation, they decided the cock- pit of the Invader would suit them nlet-ly. Dressc.'d in yachting clothes. lhc> entire wedding party appeared to be out for a casual boat ride when the Invader pulled away from her slip at Ken NUes' Villa Marina. The Fishback& were mar- rfed a t sea at 2 o'clock. of l nflatable Beach T <rys is Large W.4TOI Ten yean; ago another Invader, a 136-foot schooner in command of CaptaJn Constantin Flink. became 1 he scene for a burial In local wa- ters when the ashes or Carl Schill- ing. coffee and spice king. were "commUted to the d<-ep" from her deck. We're told that a special dispensa lion by the federal gov- t>mmt>nt ls necessary to this. how- ever, because of a law passed ln '39 which had been pressured through by the lobbying interests oC big cemeteries. But tlae oceaa .. a peer.,.. burial ~oua• ella~ •o ffle aad ~1JJ always pro\1de a laat re11Uac plaee whetbt-r you fall o\·erboa rd or are~ lowtored .. a copper ooatalaf'r that eatdaee r'f'fneted .... n y8 and lllal~ aa It lllowty lllab. AlthoUgh illegal, burials a t sea ar-e not mfrcquent 10 this mari- time community, for how a family carries out t he last wishes of one of lhc>lr members is not a good subject for regulation. • • • • kip Calkin this wt't'k hegan his nf'w job &s naval architect for the su])('rlntendent or shipbuilding at Long Rf'ach and in 1 his capadty will attt>nd school at Norfolk, Vir- .._rinia. ln July. • • • The Ed CaJ"P('nters are mostly rc ponsible for the attracti\•t> n<'w Hawaiian decorations at th<' Balboa Yacht Club "hlch \\Ill enhn n<'<' the Club See Us B~ore You Buy ,Fi;;:·~;:·polks 1 Jlait up, all )OU lntc>-siN'pin~ f1sht>rmc>n. . . . H ~ ou miss the boat out in the morning, just take I the pol<' down to &lboa Pa\1Uon wh<'rc you can ~N lots or th·e I bait, throw your line out and catch 711 East Balboa BJYd. Balboa, ,.._,!L.....nu·a halibut. CMakt>n;, sea trout, l'tc. VUJUU l.i\e bait boats sailing from the Phone HArbor 216 j Pa\ilion hB\"t' ~n doing well. Irv II!!!~!!!!!!!!~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!~!!~~ Gron.~ky W<'n l out with the Seabi -_ cuit Tu<'. day and tht> a nglers re- ' 1 • • 1~. ~ ~ . .,~ .. _,_ I . ~~·--------~----- ~ tum<'d with 78 barracuda . among otht'rs. Lhe bait conditions are good. . • • Knth R1m rc>port<; nact' catches from lh'l' halt boats I aving the I r·nd of ttw ~('\\'port PiC'r each e"-• fA, 6 m &'. 7 a.m morning, such as a 160-pound jew-s.,~~".'·o··.,r ';).;, Boot . r; h. UmU• of whit• '<'a b"" and ~~rv , 8 lot or barracuda. They're also • ~ '8aper .. busy out on ·the bar«f' "<h'orcta." Oorfeto S hop ~ ~ • Ex:preM an c· h or(' rl off Nc·wport. with . --~ z~ ~(). 3, '7 &.Ill. catches or halibut wci~hing. up to P'allt Cbartt"r • 40 pounds • • • ao.• Small Boat The Pattc•rsons are running one • Rcscn•ation Scn!·ice 4 a .m. to 12 p.m. ~tal. boat. lhf> big •• porttMn&B," orr u.e &It SEASPORT LANDING • their landing in the Mariner's ,_ AU , Inc. Oomple~ Boat MUe this year. This is the 90- ._._ 117 eo.t ....._,., MEWPOIIt RACII. c.IK. ~ 8enic8 footer that carries 60 fishennen ...._.: • ._ llll toM feet and was used for the Catalina run The Barge HArbor !519 -HA.-,r 1514-11 OFF NEWPORT PIER • ._ .......... .-.wy~ ......... UILa. I UVE IIAIT BOA'I'S LEAVE t & , ...._ ,.._ eed of Pier • r ~ I •. ' ~ H '\ -_ · , l: ..._ ~ ' '\ , SOUTHERN CAUFORNIA STEELCAAFT, INC. EMERSON •ooc• CHAIU.£S 23018 COAST HWY., NEWPORT BEACH-HARBOR 2561 last yt>ar. • • • The Sport King from Nol'lll'a Laadtac brougllt In 142 barracuda Monday .... All boats there had a fine week-end. lots of halibut and barracuda and white sea bass up to 25 pounds. • • • Skippers at Port Oraac"e say that the ocean's full of bamtcuda, plency o r catches. a ve ra g i n g around 9 pounds .... Jackpot fish on the Mlssawit during the week- end was a 20-pound white sea bau. and a charter boat brought ln a 30-pounder last week. Bay fish- log is good too. one row boat bringing In 11 yellowfln croaker. • • • Sf'& por1 l.andta« has 18 char- ter and day boats available. alAo small boat!l for rent for bay fish- ing. F rt>!lh bait Is available 24 hours a day from the barge Iwo Jima. Skippers report haUbut and calico bas. caught between here and Huntington }3(>ach and barra· , cuda down t hC' coast. .JS NOW OPEN &om S,.a. m. till MidDiCJht - --EYerY Day ......... Ca1ch YELLOW FIN, CROAKER, HALIBUT, Etc . • ¥ TlaunckaY. May 31. 1151 Unbeatable Low Prices We'•e Wonderful Gifts for DacL All at Sen.atiooal Low Price.! Jkc. 'U5 to HM §95 to f495 a~.-rrec-tJy tallorf'41 81adl• •• n.e 5hf'fll p....._.. ~ naueiA, twUJ ~l'dliH""-AU t'Oiors. lrA'tl !8 to 5!. SlA~It. ALSO MADF. TO ORDER Shell's Sladll in 100i'o Wool Elane at TERRIF1C SAVINGS! ~.t.t5 to 'U 5 1" to 4'~ ._,, SWII TIUIU ~.S.t5uad~.t6 r a .. 271 • GA&UI.DINE M.EIS ... ,. ... ... .... to tt.oo Val~ OUR FACTORY LIDia SOliS Jler. l t .95 S~PI~ PILl Rl. MIS Jle«. 1." 11.15 Jl BotC'IH>r Llnea BIT Willi SUITS Re~. §95 9.9l AIJ Woo& aad ~ Ga ... .-.e rOPPEIS Req. 6.95 to 25.00 465 to ts• Sl.es t to U RecJ. 3.95 to 10.95 z•s to '175 W 1 7 4z rtar A-... cmcl LOetlll lt. WiSIWIGfER. CAUF. IIOfJII8: 1:• .. 1:11 II I ~ II t. t:Je. ft. till Weal ITS FUN TO WATCH YOUR TOTAL GROW! ..._,_mak~r~aMI­-to,.._ 8a\1ap Procra-,-..111 -.e roar 8&\illp tetal IT"' ... CN"'· £\'1'8 -.u ....... .. tlae trtek ...,. ~~ reparly. llallle ..., ~n.lelat .. • ,_,.. ......... )'OW' ...... &.a . . . for reel eecw1t7. ..... YG'I .. ,.f) .eN all ··- .. U'fl l~..., ... tn.-. Current High 3% DiYidendl! Oifta & Greeting~ for you-through rtELOOMB WAGON &c.l Y oar Pri....DF a..iaenNei,._.. ucl Civio ... locial Wei(.,.. Leeder~ , fiN HHII .. •I I n. Binll of a ..,_ .....,tmen~ 0... of reeicleaoe AniYIII• of Newoomen • City • • • C"ub8 of Pack 181 took an all da)' trip to IrviM Park Sat., May 19 Now it can be told -- -the Pan>nts had plaMt"d and furni.sMd names or the Mariner Soouta who thrir rood. =;; ... N UTJerY Sdtool A high point ln the Scout year for seventh graders of Troop U was an ovemight carnploa trip to Rankin's Ranch earlier~ t.h& month. made possible the. thlt'd place Parmta who went aJoo' to help atandlng of N~rt a Sh.lp Nala. d 1 superviJle ~ hike, bueball game at the Mariner • Gam in ~t.a and food LDCJuded Mr. and Mrs. Monica May. 19 and 20 .. Taking ~wis Cock. M..r and r.trs .Robft't part competill\.'ely ln skills were I J . Mr. and Mra. Hutb Bolton. Nancy Tritt and Lu Belle Dolce Xr and Mrs. Raymond Days and ln semaphore_; compus, ~ 1 Mr. and Mrs. August Stand.age of Suess; bell time, Jan Dulworth, ~ewport knota, Leah Oark, and ~ of • At ~ last Pack meetm~t beJ.d Jiiiiiii;;;;;;~;;;;;;;.;;~ row ~t. Nancy Deaver. Coottnu-rriday, May 11. the resi~;oation of log tn ski~ were Barbara Star-Cubrnuter Willie Rude. w ho ege, competing in Identification of mo\'ed to Silverado C.m-on wu tYP" o( bc:Mlta; June Nunan •• parts announet'd. Hu(h G Bolt~ '.''&S of canoe; YvoMe Taylor. rtng buoy named as ~w CUbrnutt r throwing for accuracy; Jane So- Mrberg, parta of sailboat: AM Boucher, bandaging and S haron Sherrill, splicing. ln the ~wimmlng events Nancy Deav<>r participated in breast stroke for glide; Joan Nunan, 50- • • • yard dash and back s troke in med- Girl Scouts are askJJ1g for a loan ley: LRah Clark, crawl 11\ medley; or a house-trail r for the last two Lulk-U(' Boice, 30-yard dash back weeks in J une. The trailer will be troke; Doran Suess. brea t stroke used to hold camp supplies for the medley: Connle Mangold. side Girl Scout Camp-and the Scouts stroke for glide: ShaJTy Van Com- promise to take good care of it. J)(>moUe. Ufe saving: Jane N unan, For information contact the Girl novelty race: Ellen Owt>n. 30-yard Scout House HArbor 0568. I dash. a.nd Sharon Sht'TTill, paddle '• • • boardin". In boat competition. Last meeting or the First Grade S!'arry Van Compemo.Ue and Con- Brownie Mothers will take place nae Mangold, canoell\g; Doran at the Newport Girl Scout House Suess and Barbara Starege. row· on Friday from 9 a. m. to noon. lnq a.nd LuBe lie Boiet' a nd Nancy I Miss Ellis Loxley Girl Scout dl· Deaver, sail boats. l't'Ctor from La~a. wtll conduct Mrs. Ted Harnbrook. Skipper of the program. the Nal&d and president of Sou· • • • them Calirornie Mariner Leader A beach party at China Cove As..~atlon. waa the presldint; of- Monl\a,y was the finale for the sev-ficer at the banquet with 465 enth grade girls of Miss Wilma girls 11ttendlng. Dornan's Troop 12. • • • Sixth Accompanying the girls to Santa Grade Scouts of Troop 20 visited Monica lM-side the Skipper were Knott's Berry Farm and Anah4."1m First and Second Mlltes. Mrs. Ken· Park Saturday under the )('adt>r· nt'th Starege a nd Mrs. 0 . C. Suess. ship of Mrs. Edward Milum. • • • and Commi. siont>r Mrs. EveN>tt Second Grade Brownies of Troop :-Junttn 13 vi~ited Weber's Ba.king Plant in Santa Ana. Tht-ir leaders are Mrs. L. B. Broering and M~ Ar- thur Salisbury. • • • A party given W~esday, May 23. by Mrs. Joseph Carver of Bal- boa Island t'losed the year for third grade Brownies of Troop 25. The ~rt) was held at the home of their lt'a<k>r. Mrs. Edward Doyle of 223 Cryl;tal Ave .. BaJboa Island. A spe<"ia I treat was earned by the troop for their projl'ct of sev.ing beanba~ for the Childrt>n's Hospital in Los Angeles. • • • Mrs. Was Returns From Prize Trip \1 N~ Frank Was, 318 Orclud AH• Corona del Mar. arrived homl' last Thursday from a month's tnp cast. won for her salf"S.' pro- mntJon work u distri<'t mana'!er of &-auty Counselor!'. Inc .. a con· sultant service with .county head- quartt'rs in Tustin. Mrs Was "ras guest of the prt>si- dt-nt of the company and his wife. Mr and Mrs. :'liorton Walbridge Eleven Brownies or Troop 24 had m Crosst' Polntr , Mich. In Syra· their fly-up ceremony and became euse, N. Y .. Mrs. Was appeared on full-fledged Girl Scouts Thursday t('levision. and in fact prepared May 17. 1'le Initiation <Premony tht> script ror th..-show. In New was attended by troop members York sht" appeart'd also as ~t only. Punch, lex> cream and cakl' Jl('akc:-r on a radio show. In New wert> servro and new ·pins were Ynr k City she visited her brother· awarded to the girls who pused in·law a nd sister. Or. and Mrs. their requirements. They were: Martin McGreal. She was joined Helen Mahlew. Barba.ra Peck. thert> by her husband, now asso- Judy Baker. Nancy Prior. Pam datt"d with Amerlean Airline5. H unt, Steffy Daly, Linda Bowt-n, M rs. W&s drove to Chicago. ill., Wendy Desenberg. Judy Young, while h<'r husband flew to Tens Toni Benedict end Susan Huff-on business, but American Airlines mann, aU from Corona del Mar. 1 providt'd him with a pass so that Instead or a big initiation cere-he could rejoin his \\rife in Chicat;o mony the girls have planned to a nd drive back to Callfomia with I spend the~ troop money fOT a her. roller skating party. 1 • • • The Sutherlanda MoYe Pastel tinted s t r e a mer s &nd bowls of colorful flowers trans~ fonned the Girl Scout HOUS(' into a festive setting for a spring dance given by the Palladians. eighth grade girls' club of Horace Ensign School. Twenty-five cou- ples ~re present May 18 for tht- dancing and games. Prizes went to Barbllra Uttle and Clinton Hoose, winners of the broom dance; Mary Jane Arm· strong and David Stea.m s. leaden in the elimination dance, a nd Mary Kramer M d Bobby Martin, first prize winners in the birthday dance. Committee chairm<"n for the dance we re De-nys Niles. deco-rations. Joan Boo ey. refresh- ments· Jane Stetson, ~aml's : Joan Clark. musjc; Cerini Creocl.y and Ann \.ib.c;on, in·dtations 1-\pt>nsors of the rvt'nt. Mr. nnd Mrs Charles Lamb. wt:>rt> IL"!!Isted by Mr.;;. ~l"lda Gi~on. Mr. and Mrs. Moreland Leithold. Mr a nd Mrr;. Buru.tt>r CN'<'I~ and Nr Md Mr~. Richard S tewart Banquet June 15 The annual FathC'r-Son banquet <;poii~Cir\'<l b't C'hr•~t \hurch b> thc:- Sea has bc(.n annnunet.'<i for Fri- day, June 15. The program com- miltt'e. consisting of Hal LAcy. Willum An~old. Oa\'(' Jlolthy and Rev. T om P~ndell, is arranl,."lng the program. BACK TO NEW M&~CO From Newport to CDM Nt"WJ))rt's loss is Corona del Mar's gain. Mr. and Mrs. W . C. I Sutherla.nd sold their home at 212 34th St.. Newpor t. and mO\·ed to I 705 Heliotrope Ave., Corona del Mar The Sutherland$ a.re pro- prietors or the 5-10-15 cent store in Corona ck>l Mar. Mrs. Sutherland's sister. Mrs. B. T. Closs and her family from Philadelphia have also moved to the Harbor area. They are li\'· ing at 720 Larkspur Ave., Corona del Mar. Th«> part>nts of the two Jnrls. Mr. and Mrs. D. R . Rooke. Uve a t 715 Gold<'nrod Ave. Vl81T8 THE MdAUORLL~ Arter being tl't>ated to a dinner at Victor Hus:co's for Mother's Day. alum~ with ~~r~ Hulda Finn of \.ard..-nn, Mrs \\'•lham Mcl..auJ:h· hn nf JlunllnJ:I<'n Park rPmainPd th 11 )..'\lt"lll for :t wrek w1th hC'r <:C'n a nd hll'> w if<'. 'lr a nd Mrs. ,J_,rry l\tC'Lau~hhn and the1r so~ Tom· my. or 1731 ()(-(>a n Bl\'d., Balboa Oraax-«' c._ .. , (.'ol~,. C"eu.p.-1 wUJ h.-the ~..-ol "~ldlt M•t FaJJ,• Hlrt 1lN"k~Dd, .t..-1. 8 aad t . Doa't ndM It! page. at O'BRIEN'S s_.,,,,,.... Cottoa .__ ••=a Au ............. __.,., ... ........... .............. I .......... ..._ .... 1 .................. , .••. ,. tw..-4 en-II 2' AI WHEN IN BALBOA, VISIT THE zo IIW IPEII EYEIY ENJOY THESE .UISES: Of-eaa Tri(' OD th~ Bey Qufe 'Roulld tbt> Bay EictlrsioD A. L. Williams of Las Cruet's, New M.ex.ico. lett &lboa May 19 after a week's visit with hls niece and her husband Mr. Md Mn. Roy Keem-. 1576 Ocean Blvd .. Bal· boa. While here, Willlaroa waa feted by Mrs. Claudt' Knox of rN• .. ,, ., •bH-H"} Coata Mesa with a fami17 reunion ~===:.==;.;;"=~==;I dt~ Mld Wednedy night. \ 1 Ma)'16. NEWPORT BEACH P hOtll£: HarbM 7 58 Semc:e Stations SubdiYiaions 4M W. bt St. .\TTE.Sil BE.SDEZ\"Ol" Mr and M rs Rex Brandt nod Mr and M rs Gr orgf" AndJ{'\\-11 of Corona dl'l Mar nt tended the Po" cr Squadron Rende-zvous at Emerald Co'<' the other weclu.>nd on the Brandt's sloop, ttu> Andel<'. I One of the ft>alun.•s or the Ren- de:rvous wall tht> barbf>cue. Satur· day night. ~ualnrs l utall Mn>. Burr Wh1te jr. &nd her fle\\ oUlet>rs for thP Junior EbeU Club "l'rr in laJit>d Thurfida~ at 11 lunchron m<'<'ltn£ at the· 1\:t"''- port Harbor Yacht Club M rs John DanieU is rNirinJ: chatrman. In the Harbor Area Since l SieO !'\('\\ Construction -Remodelllng \\'ntr·r Jlt"att'l"l' -Floor Fuma~ lnstnll('d • • • F J'e(' Estimates H. H. HOI.II- l'b. IH IU8-\\'. ICes: UA %01!-M ZKOI W. Balboa Bl"d. Newport BY CONTRACTOR Costa Keea CorOllA dfil Jlar PaTldng u,,a Driveways IDaalkorly t-1111 HARBOR DRAFiiNG SERVICE fl ',rhor 14t7 CoroDA d~>l Mur, Oallf()ftl).a rtAN30N"S SHADE a Ll~'OLI!!UM • .. ~,.• .... urn Floors -A'-p~.aJt nle Wt. u ' ~hadP~t -Vctwtlan BUnda F • f'n\1 a Dralnbo'lrda -'I nee ) 9~:'1 JO! E. %Srd. CottA 'Mr'WL. 8IJ GOM...J --~ =~~;;==~~~~--~ -..__.. Floor &· ··rtap -Drai ~ A.IJ , • • 'Jlle -Rubbt.. nle For·,, a -LinoleUm ''lle 0111'~·~-· ux:~ 115 IC I ' .... lt. o.t'• 'lea III!AOON at .. W 22 Year~ ln Ora,... ~ Draftinq of NUI'Ses To Meet Quota Urqed Jn ur~~ th(> drnflln~-: or nurses, kad<>rR in !"outh rn California nurtun~ s tat(' that o rar there has l)(>('n onl~ on voluntN'r for eommis~lon In t h<' Atmy N urse ('l)rp In Ut'Clfl~C County. Wh re th<' qnuta IR ciAht. CaiHomla's quota or 497 nu~ will tw> hnttl to ml'<'t on a volun- t<>N· bal'liB, and th<> \'olunte<>r pro- ~-rn m •n World Wllr II f<>ll for •flort or 1111 n<'"d in thJs tat<', 1t wa., pointt'd out C'/.tlifornla Is r<><'ruit m~ nurses ror Civil De!l'nsc, with an e U· mated nc:>l'd or 6,000 nurs<'s, ac· cording to Information from MrS. Rose Hall. 219 Ruby Ave . Balboa Island. who 111 o mcml~r of tht' J[Wj~~l!l!ii~"~Mft .. MMI!i California Nur'<'' As.~iatlon. lpedal Kiddie Show SA'I'U&DAl', J :U P .M. 2 Big Cartoons _..__ ··under Mexicali Stare .. with REX ALLEN 400 Coat ....... r4 COlOMA DEL WAR -HA u..J We will IMure your valuables for TiiREE years a t a COil of only 4% of value. Polley good anywhere in the world. Inquiries are solicited from r eputable J I arbor Area resi-dents. . w. ltnrtfllll Gen•rel lnt~~r•nc• 2117 W, Balbo. Blvd. N•wport le•c:h ..... HArW 24 ''Nieht 11-.t FaD.'' a play that Cu.rtakl will eo up at S:JO.p m. UiPIWd BroaclwaJ audie:DcN for at Oraace Coa1t Colk> Chapel performance after perf~ u ncbta a.re oo ule at Richard's deep In re~M!.e.:ruh by rnembton of Udo Market. Earl Stank>~ Ofrace the Newport HarbM Commwaity on Ba lboe 1aland, H a m p 1 o n • s Pla)'M"S and b acheduled for pro.IOruJ:a and Tommy's Shup 1n Co- ductlon next wM.. on Thursday. rona del Mar. Blue Salls and Hal- Friday and Saturday, JW'Ie 7 , 8 boa 0t'8J'W"r'S in Ba1boe an4 Quis.. and 9. te:osm's Pharlnac)' and Cnnt'a 11M! relatively amall cut u ~c FumltUft in Co5ta MHa. •·hipped lnto shape by veteran ========================= din.octor Marjorie WUlla.msoo of LaJUM. 11le 18d role of Datiny Is bring huldled by Orren Broofo of Balboa laland, famlliar to Bar· u ••••• ., £011111N!W~ . An'BDAY 1-\ T DAY n tlDJ .-tor of BF.N HOGAN Gt.E!'-.: FOR A"' XE BAXTER ''flllwlllllll" ---·~ bor theatre pen for his \"U'ie\y _.;,o,o.__,;;,----------------------- rola in put ~ Mar- pret RouzaUif of <>raa&e plays the role of OJJvta. Harbor ffigh drama teacher Bob Weott adell humor to the part of Hubert Ger- trude Hom as Mrs. Bramson. Vir· ginia Royce u Mrs. Terence. Mar- jori~ Stafford as Dora. Nancy An-drews u Nurse Ubby and Benoy TUrner as Inspector Belslu.> aU ln- tcrlea"-e their lines and emotional a ctivit)• to create an O\er mount- ing s uspenSI'. "Lu-'-· Nick Cain" ~ 81aftiDAY a.nal"-er-~t.p \'~ty ton until they na.rt-owr. 7 a.ry Is brine oblerved by llefTlew ed to move. E\en "ilh the help ..... __ c_E_o_R._G .... E_RAFT ___ _ ~ ~ on Mariner's Mile or LyeU Bunermor . who assist- in Newport. A new paint job on 111& to arrange things arttsticall) ~ buildlnc !root. ~atlng at 617 Coast Bh·d .• Corona del a.nd remodellin• wi\,htn and an an-1Mar, they fand they ba\e a lot of OJ\:eraa.ry sale art." the bJg featun><~ 'merchandise to ml'l\'e ovE-r from of this birthday party their form r locatton JU t down Ql.wo~R Ql.•p•• Are )'OU the mother ot the bride! Well, don't WN..r ,ourself to a fl"'lZZle bdore ttw bi& day ar- rives. Pe-Nas-we can bt>Jp by .sfiOwing you a aeleellon or exquis- ite afternoon dresses which may be suitable for the important occas- Ion. Ont> which ml~ht be partlcula.rly be-coming ls a do\ E' uey 1m-mist by Carlyc. It has a supple sort skirt, little jacket with miniature roU collar and a !rost) white b iOU$l' of embroidered on; and)'. The toucht>S of purple may be changed to any o ther barmoruous aect'nt at your will. rr you are a spcclal guest. ,.·ou "ill want to look }'Our bt:-st. too. o come in and let us Cit you m summer prettll's. Anoth<>r big occuaon that comes this tlme or year Is high .cbool and college waduatlon. If you coo- idcr the girl )''OU v.ill probably <k>- cidE' on a lin~;"eriE' ~rMMMr gift -• -practlca I W"t' John Boyd chost> lh1s tht.> s~t. and put 8V."ll) m thE'ar pot for hts future bu iness "'hen n<>w tore. h<;.>" a captaJn v.i h the>\\' tern • • • FJ) m~t n-aaning Command Head-t'OkMEK MA 't"OR of ="t-wpon. quart.Prs In Santa Ana during the 0 . B Reed w1U bE' a OCl"tf'd v.lth \\V, and thf' 8o)d fanuly lik<><f the WN.Id Rll('hJt> 10 th io Ulan~ Harbor and th clunat.-and real r--ta1E' busine at l:l19 The taff at Ba"'-i"w Bu1Jders Coa t Bl\d . Corona del Mar J .. ~-• • • includes K.te Rcui. Wile' Ham· • ..on, Harold Cia! . Glll £nglish and REALTOR F . C. &'"DftE E!ll I 8os man Bo'd I 11M moved next door to himself • • • • and is now in the comer building • on the north d of :\farigold and ~"'£\\· 0 ''-Ell of the Balttoa Coa t Bh·d . In Corona dt>l Mar. In I~ Sporli~ Gooch tOft on the office v.ith Andy is Walter Bli-Manne A\~. IS A...H. RasmUS5e!'. \en. William ()pcll and Don Lebo. who ~by the ruckname or Bill :\tr. Lebo was a fonner Harbor l \\hJch ~ hsy to undersl:flnd when area realtor un&r the name or you C0051dcr that that fi.J"St name Ta\'ern Rnlty Co. A!t r doing is A.a~L He was born m Den-subdi\'u;ion work at La Mesa and mark. C8.I'1'IC to the t:. S. at the agt> ·prin~ .Valley, he and Mrs. Lebo, or 20 ~~ 30 )ears ,ar.o). served who IJ,e at 410 Iris Ave., ha\-e m our :.;a''Y ~urmg \\ orld War n. dE'cided there's no plact> like the on suppl.) ~hips and troop trans-c·ity or ="ewport Beach. port&, ending up as Ueu~t • comiTUUldt>r in chal'g(" or a tanker Sin('(> the war ht' had bc<>n In ~llli­tary Sea Transport ~ n·ict> for the ~a\'), partiCipat('(j 1n l'\'&cuatJon dll1) in Kon-ca dunn£' the dark da) in De-cembt r Ht• and his ,,ife Ro!.a ~ill make th,.ir ho:11t> on the Island. . Harold llii!.Pn . former owner of the . tnr,., "ilJ takt> a \'acation for a \\hll( • • • W. L (lULL) LA~"Dl , local 8 ¥t'Ot for lhe Sta~ Fa rm Jlataal Aalomollllfo ~ o,. has re- ~1\'ed notice of new .reduct'<~ rate etreeU\·e May 14 throu$out tht' stat<'. The local ofrief' tS at 507 E. Bay Av·e .. &lboa. • • • xa ...... Cil. F ~I[ B&OOil· L'IIG clldn't rralize how many 1tema tooy carric:-d in the ..,...._ lilt:£ ~.slcbt MWJt hU" a u t " .... "~ luaf' 1, 8. aad I a t Ora~f' Cout CnUe-p Cllapel. BOSSI'S as wcU as beautJ- rul, whether abe plana to go oo to school, get mar- ric:-d or a t art r---------- TECII.I COL OB LORE'TT A YOUNG JOSEPll COTTON ~t.- -a,Jtbger' -Piu- \'ERA RAl--;To~ JuH.' C ARROU.. "Belle Le Grande" FRAX K LOVEJOY "Bullfighter and the Lady" ROBFRT ~T ACPC GII..BE:RT ROLAND workinst. Of course there are I J)('rsooal gifts. such as the beautl· rul Renoir copper ~v.relry and trt>S gay Symphon) Scarfs~ B<> on the look-out for some brand n£'\v wearabllc'S at O'Briea'& . . . Fantasia Is he n811'1e of thr nt>w Cre. endoc gJon• which t:> tnmmcd with cxqwsite lmportl'<i Bcau\'ab e mbroider)•. Alld urn- mer is bringing brand 0("\\' cotton sUps und petticoats. ThPy af'E' pretty and u quaint as little Miss MuJfet. cool for summer and not expensivE', cltber. Come tn and Lock-Stock & Barfel look around. We'd love to have you! -;,~ • 1".-. l / _ __.. :1 - ~ lUI OOAft BOVLEVA&D OO&ONA DEL IIA& IIArtlor .. * * We Are NOUJ Located At 617 ' Corona del Mar (NEXT DOOR TO HAMPTON'S DRUGS) • Let • allllllblt yoa Ia your ,...._ We wtU «'-411 f'8Um.a~ 0011tB o1 -l.ertals, r t"C'omtnf'llid a eo~~traet.or or ltf'l~ you obtala • lout for ..., coutructaoa or ~Unr. SAME QUALITY MERCHANDISE! I tA OOA T HIGHWAY ~ BF..acoll M'M a t Tltfl ~ HOMER MELLO'M' - SAME FINE SERVICE! Open for Business as Usual as alterations go on CORONA DEL MAR ' In a unlnwr1W(I'('t W't'Ciding Pa- tricia Joan Frahm, daughter ol lllr. and Mrs. Norman Fnhm 4J.2 Fftonl<>af Ave., Corona del Mar, wu united in rnarriag~ to Ray- .unct Michae-l H~~Y or eo.ta 118&, son of Mr·. and Mn. W. J . Briltol or Huntington Beach. Rev. Paul Edward Babbitt officiated ln the double rimrt cert'mon)' at 8 p.m. Saturda.) tn t h~ Corona dt'l Mar Communaty hurch. Emb.roidt'l'f>d S w i s 8 organelle over taf!t'ta fashioned the bridal «<Wn. and ll fingertip n•il wu •Qgttt with a crown or 5<'ed f'l('arls ftldrcling her· short blonde coU-t.re. ~he carried a whitt> prayer llook 11'ith orchids and st<'phanotis. Tafft>ta and orStandle in ~reen and vNJow rormt'd the dres! ('S or Plt,t's att<'ndants, who wore Ouch-~ or Wincllor veils calljtht \\-ilh Dowers. Matron or honor. in applt> KJ'('('n tsrrcta, was Mrs. Marcus Monsen. the fonn<>r Janet King. Bndeimaad Gall Miriam Frahm, liner ot the bride, was dres ed in daffodil or~a.nd.ie O\ t>r tllf!eta and JlliiiS Mikel Bums "'as identically gownNi. All carrtPd la\endar .-eet peas and yellow da.isJes. The groom wore aummer formal attire. Ria attendants were 1M brother, Patrick J . Hea.k-y. u bHt man, and Marcus Morwen and Ted Clarke as ush<'rs. White tapen and baakets or white and ~bow flo"'-'t'rl adomed the church. IIIII Ma~t Farnham, COUAln of the bride, and Hugh S. McClymont sang solos Mrs. Wendell Hoyt wu at the organ. At the reception, held in PU- strim Hall, assistants were M1a .Ba..rbara Bird from WashJ.ngton, Ml M eh1l Rue. Mrs. 0 . Z. Ro- bertJiOn, Mrs. John Meador, Miss Sue Dodd and Miss Alvah Ann Denton. Recelvin~ the Jt\K'StS, M.ra. Frahm wor~ a dusty pink tlasue faille dress with white acceuorles and lht-groom's mother wore a dusty rose crepe with wh!te ac- cessorit>s. Both mothers had pink T"OS~'bud corsag<'s with stephano- tis. Aftt>r their honeymoon at Cata- lina. th(> ne\\·Jywcds will be at home at 30()1\ FernleaC Ave .• Co- rona del Mar. 'I"ht' new Mrs. HPa ley is a graduate of Newport Harbor High. Her husband at- tended Huntington Beach High . Capilla, Guild lnstaU Officers lltrs. w~u Hoy1 and Mrs. Stuart Diehl. presld nt of the Ca- pilla Circle and Sunday School GuiJd of the Corona d{'l Mar Com- munity Church. were re-dedicated to another >·ear or church work at the installation ceremonies last ~ Rev. Paul Babbitt wa in- na.lling officer. Ot.ht'r officers of Capilla Circle include Mrs. George Da\1es, vice- premdeot; Mrs. Dave Hsnson. se- ereta.ry; Mrs. Ed Hagen. treasur- er; Mrs. George Graerr. historian. and lfrs Clarence Dodd. t'OOrdina- tor with the Guild. Just a peek a1 the pattern of the new "Buck's County'' pottery .. summer la ble servi(l(' !11 llartae Ave. Ban.o.. llllaacl ' HA.rtlor ! Ill-W MOVADO LE COULTRE chool Guild offi(l('rs include 1\otrs Merle Verburg, \Ice-presi- dent; Mrs. T. F. Keily, ~tary; Mrs. Chester Purcell. treuurer. and Mrs. M. J. Shannon. historian. The two re-elected presJden ts named their commJttees for the enswng year. For the Guild Mrs. Norman ~hm will be friendship chairman; Mrs. M. J. ShannoO. publicity; Mrs. Richard Schweit- 7er. thank box chairman \Mn. SchwcJt7er was originally asked to be Guild prt.> ident. but declined because sh<' is mo\'ing out or tht> area); Mrs. R. K. Harvey, devo- tions; Ml'!l. K. A. Hunt, ways and means: Mrs. John Keelt-r, cradle roll; Mrs. William Hurnason, Mn. Frank Q\·erl('('S and Mrs. Dodd. hospitality. Committee chairmen for Capilla Circle will be Mesdames: Paul Moore, ways and means; K. V. OiJt.s, sunshine and courtesy; John SadJeir, m e m b e r a h I p; Nonna.n Frahm, publicity; S. W. Black- beard. social; 0 . M. Campbell, thank offering; L. A. Norman, kHcht>n: C. G. Waldeck, interna- tional relations: Luetta Splece. council of churches: John Me.do:r, devotlonl!; 0 . Z. Robertson. parlla· mentarian. . Hostesses for the annual meet- Ing were M.ra. Lew ~ttit. Mn. \"'aline<> C"a ld t•ht'ad, )frs. W . A. I McBride, Mrs. Jam('S McKee. Mrs. I Campbell and Mrs. ~tzt'r. ,Seudllor w, Search was being conttn~ to- day for a possible drowning victim. Augustine R.. Guerrero, 25, ~ Ana- heim, at 15th St. and Newport ooean front. He had been mm- ming with several compe.nlmll yes .• terday when they were c:aught in the riptidE-. 'I"ht' companions all reached safety, but Guerrero could not be located. o.rtala'• ... 1: ....... ,_ "Nlpt K..t trail." a llwF I play bet.c praMW at 0()() Olaapel .n ......... ,_ '· I ... t lly ()a a't) ....,._.. e HAMILTON e ELGI N • • • LONGINES-WITINAUER Leading makes of wa1ches in solid gold. gold-filled, stainless steel or set with diamonds . .. l\'e llaw• a l'ooc1 •'atda ln your pri~ raace liH'hadtng ~~r.RH-~ ... w'At4'rproof wat.dtfls for """' ... womea .. Other girt uggestion : Parker and Sheaffer pens, Holloware and Sterllng Silver clocks. w. d. johnson~ JEWELER Oll~r-u,p! .CbH r-up! U4'N' a.rn 8~r V.._. U.t wtiJ MW' , ... .....-.c a __.... 11-.r el &nUI{a! VN ---8prtq Is~ .... ---... atCHAitlrS h a..WOO. wttll a vut warletJ el t....pdq, u.ttul appP-&MiioPr'll to wak4' tip wla~ WNI')' palat.8, • • • ft8e .-atJ f .... at low, low priCH tlaat an a toaJ~ w ,.._ IMICIC'f't. l'M'II fbMI ~ a. eftr)' ..-re.e.t • • • 011 "''""Y lllw-lf aad tabl~ • • • M nn l'oar food ~ at oa:r 8twtiiC Fe.th'al ---AND !'lAVE! • • FIE II Ell I .,..,stt l'•twint ._.ANNIN6'S U. S. Gow't &re4.4 Cltotc. -"d Good leef e e FINEST IEEF OITAINAILE. -4· ·~ . • I • • THUitiDAY JE1J. Y ROLLS FRIDAY ........ ~ CAKE DONUTS FRENCH APPI.E PIE IATUWDAY Cbocolate Manbmcdlow RoD. PECAN ROU.S 7 to pcm • Del•.-e SLICED & HALVES PEIIIEI ••• ••• • • • 6 b 24c: each 58c each 41c: each 42c: • • lilliE Ill IE • •.lc