HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-06-07 - Newport Harbor Ensign~ Years · A:go (Geoftrey • ......, !Atorebe ......... A--. .... I!Nellt. WI'Otle ... letter ... Alke Stelle. 'iee- prellld ... t of tale Ooroea del Mar ()hie .&.odatioa, to ~ th Newport-... Netn-TIIBN la- ~the ... , .... ·orpa·· ..,eedt lwftl dNJt • Wow u. OldJla Co\•f' Ata tf' bf..cil piau.) • / • • We wiU ~ your val\ablll tor THREE yean at a coat o6 anly •CJ' ~ value. PolleY aood an~ in the world. InQuiries are sollelted fnlm reputable Harbor Area real- deata. •• per Natural rinish. In 9 toot widths. SU~thtly higher to room &be. SANTA ANA TENT & AWNING CO lt!t 8o. llata I'll. ID ~Mil• IIUtaA.u LAGUNA AWNING & MAPLE SHOP 11toeut ...... ~ a.__ .... Bdlbomt Entertains Mrs. Wuren BradCord of Bat- boa and Placentia entertained Harbor area friends for luncheon and ityle show at Buffums' Santa Ana on Tuesday, May 22. Later in the afternoon the guests drove with her to Placcn tin to spend the afternoon 'with Mrs . Rr-adford and her mother Mrs. Rost' Russell. In- vited gul'Sts wert' .Mr· . Harold Ahrendt, Mrs. Bruct' McBridc.>, Mrs. Frank Moss. Mrs. A . A . Ham- ilton and Mrs. T. Hord Sc.>eley. GlltL FOR Til£ TEEL.." Mr. &nd M.rs. Rus elJ S T<'<'l. 512 Clifr Dr.. Newport Heights. are th{' part'nts of a little dau~hter. Christine NicolE'. born Tuesday. May 29. in St. Jo E'ph Hospital. wel,:!hing 6 pounds. 15t., ounces. Christlne has a brotht-r. Gregory Van<X'. 5 years old. Want ads make e\·eryday livine euler. Many a want is flUed through uae of a line oc-two. IEIUTY Cll IE PIICTICAL, T08 Are }OU one of those home plan- nen; who puts orr from year to year doinJ: over and refurnishing your rooms becaus!' you have ex- pensive taste and feel that you can't afford what you'd Ukc? H you ue ht>rc's good news for you. Taste is not a matter or price. Not ~ more. Style can be found ln abundance in aH cost ranges. Rich background and upholstery colors plus simple, ~<X'fUI lines ol restful. w.eruJ furnishings make tel the formula Cor an ~xpensi\T· looking and livable room. Cost is olten a minor coosidcra lion. The \11.'8Y you combine colors and urange the furnishings stamps your individuality on the room ... gives to it the atyle that Ia yours alone. Simplicity is the keynote or the expensive-looking room sketched above ... yet not onl' single piece in It was chosen from a high-cost group. Soft green walls are hi~hlightcd by topaz-yelJow rayon shantung draperies Deep green 80fa has hard-finish upholstery fabric to in- sure long wear. Lounge chairs are CO\•pN'<f with sort, mooth gold- color plastic which is facte., stain- and scuff-resistant. Modem desk and tables are topaz-finish mahog-any. A big, roomy sora that invites relaxation l.s a "must" in every home. We have a large &e.lectlon of styles. snes and colors. Prlces start at $99.50. Dorothy Foote Is on Vacation ~fi Dorothy Foote, who is a mE'dical social worker and in charge of the clinic at Oilifomla Hospital in Los Angeles. is on a two weeks vacation. She anived on ~unday, May 77, at the home of ht>r mother. Mrs. Mamie Foote. 200~ Sapphire Ave .. Balboa Is- land. Last Thursday the two women. accompanil:'d by Mrs. R a c b e I WHey, 212 Coral Ave .. Balboa Is- land, started out on a motor trip to Northern California. 'Ibeir itinerary wiU include Yosemite. Sequoia, San Francisco, Morro Bay, &nd other spots of interest along tht> way. Party Held for Diane BeaU, 8 Diane &>aU. daughter of Mrs. U>ona &>aU . 701 1~ Heliotrope. Co- rona del Mar, held the family spot- li~ht on Friday. a It was her <'is.:hth birthday anniversary, which or course meant a party with aiJ 1 h<' tl'immings. Sister Shjrley An- d<'rson was on hand to help. the Mra. Renner Ia Speaker At Meetinq in Tustin DIRECTORY Silver Platers And snver.nftlw Repe.irln~ -hftn ...... Repiatinc Gold -SUver -Copper ~ en. Near Community OJurdt 1914 Harbor Blvd. ao.ta Ktwa a-,. 5111 1111810 Mrs. Alexander RenneT 4 3 6 Serra Dr .. Corona HighiUici., was M L S h l guest &JK'&ker at tbe meetillg or argaret c are the Oran~e County SHuty Coun-of Plano selors Or1t*ni~tloo Friday eve-Tache' ning. May 25. at the borne or Mn. Orp..ni5t • Accompanllt Frank Wa.s sr.. in Tustin. She Ewnin« a.- spoke about the cuatom. or the foc-Adults Chinese women. u observed by 1m GOLDENROD AVE. personal expmence during hft' Corona del Mar tra vets an Chin&. 1be meetinc L--===:=-:~=---=-===~=-...J was also a homeooming party for IDCIANS-8vaoi!IO Mrs. Fran)t Was jr .. just returned lr-...:..;::.:.=:=::.::;:::::;,;;;;;;:;:.::.::;:=::.:;::.::..-. from a month's trip east. Local Lawrence K. Gundrum. beauty ooru;ultanll are Miss Tt'e M D Aaron. 210 Femle&f Ave.. and . . Mrs. Jean Thompson. 311 Mar-17U Superlor Ave .• eo.ta )( ... guerite Ave .. Corona dE-l Mar. Mia PractJce Llmlted to Aaron attended the homecoming Dlseates of the Ear, Noee party-m('eting. and Throat and AlJet"D Honored lor Progress As Military Student James L. Stefrensen, 110n of Mr. and Mrs. J . LesUe S teffensen of 209 Marigold Ave., Corona del Mar, wu one of 14 cadets of Po- mona College ROTC who were honored as "Disttnguis.t)ed mlll· a.ry students." Balia of the honor is diq>lay or outstanding quaUtJes of military leadenhip, academic st.andin~ and camlM.as participation. 00\-'INA. ABCADIA \-"ISIT0&8 Recent guests of Mrs. Etta Mae Coffman. 210 Orchid Ave .• Corona del Mar. were Mn. Theresa Sprotte and her daughter Anna, down from Covina for four days, and Miss lone Copel&nd from Ar- cadia. who spent a week following Mother's Day here. Office Hours: by Appointment BEacon 6508 or HArbor 1036 Day or Night Baltz Mortuary Olepel by tbe Sea HARBOR 42 eoren. del MAr. Cal1fornla Ample Off~Strftt PaJ1dftl wh('('ls run s moothly, and brother, ATTitl~D STAR KltETING "Sonny" Beall. put In his two-bits Several cars of Harborites jour-wor·th now and then. Guests were Jan and J UJ Th.rel-neyed Saturday evening, May 26, to San Clemente for a barbecued keld. Judy and Florence Havens, dinner and an evening or cards. Lennie Jones, Bill and Don Crider, the project or San Clemente Chap- Lynne Henderson, Pa~ Roger ter, Order of the Eastern Star. Whitman, JacJde and ~ane S~f-Members of Harbor Star Chapter fensen, Jani<X' Schwe •tzer and met at the home of the Ray Niei- John Gruell. ~veraJ. games were sens 1720 Waterfront Drive Co-played, with prtzeJI gomg to Lynne • d 1 M t h d' · Hendenon Jan Threlkeld. Jackie rona e ar, or ors oeuvre11 Steffensen. and John Gruell ~d punch, before starling the ~ · JOUrney south. GUlL FOR THE l!IIOREAU8 Mr. and Mrs Robert Moreau, 2261 St. James Rd.. Nev.rport Heights. are t~ parents or a little girl, bom Monday, May 28. in S t. Joseph HMJ)ltal, weigh i o g 6 pounds, 6 ounces. ------YOUNG PEOPLE DINE Fi(ty young people o f t h e Church of the Nazarene in Pua- dent had a dinner party '1\lesday <lay 29 at Ho.tea HOU8e on Bal- 00.. Island.. A D\lmber of the ycMmC men are •tucb'ln& for the mimatry. INSURANCE For Every Need ISLAND REALTY CO. Harvey D.~ HARBOR m-w Park at Agate, Balboa Ialand "BE SURE -INSURE" wltb M aurie Stanley lnsuraDce eoun.enor HARBOR 1m 225 llarlne Ave., Balboa l.llmd J ----- ' ---.. ~~ ' ' ,. .... ~~eft Wltlt .......... AOENTS FOR LY'ON'8 1966 Harbcx BIYd. - On Monday, May 28, the Na- tional Transcrlbera Society for tbe bUnd presented their annual "Blind Aleembly" to the Harbor Student body. Jack Crow &Del IUdw.rd Sa» th, two blind cra~tes tram Poly- t«hnk InCh School In Lot An· celH. ~the organ. plano and acmrdion with mai"'Velous ability. StUdents Honored At &mce Banquet 117 MJlUE PLI!lOD Service point awards were next Awards were pteMnted to Har-in order for bono'/'. ~iving the bor High stuclents at ~ 21st highest points in the freshman annual Service Banquet of New-clus were Shirley Ingram and port Harbor UnJon High School William Ke lter. Mona llc.'l'ag- lut Friday. · gart and Gene Crain receiwd the Such numbers as 'ibe Indian Love CaU," "American Patrol.'' "Granada," "Mocking Bird Hill" "Aba Daba Hont>ymoon·· were Tbe theme for ttw> banq\K't was awards for earning the moAt poin "America's fa~c." Floyd Harry-for th(' school years 1950 and 1951. ·llillllii•IIIJifliiJ-IIJ~~~ man m .c.'d the entire program. Jack Ehlt>n and P rdita Horn. For entertainment, Shirley Frank-two aJumni r(>turnc:'d t<l the ban· lyn played two pi.~ on twT ,;o-qu t as the farst stud nt." N>Cn\ing lan. and Dawn PicN'on san1-• two th hlghf'st pr•uirs for nU fO"Ur numbt-rs. ~ t>ars. Tht> nrw "lnnel"'l or th<> I pla~l"d I have nc·\ t'r wltnt> ht-d uch wit and humor shown by handicapped Jlf'I'SODS Hadd R Rm~ preS<'ntPd his I fOUT·}car honol"'l "' te LuBt>llf' ~tmt:'> from the Board of Trus-. , tt•f's. Iri~ Jfi~ba<> and Gent> CTain &ne< and Ball \\a!tmu.n Alt4"r tbf" "Biln.d M!if'mbl)•" "<'1'<.' th,. o;;tud• nt spt>a kc.-rs at t he ThP annual ~nact Banq\.11:'1 wa" tht> *"nlor Wf'rf' r~t4"d to b&nqut>t Inc; ... pokl' of the "Ma-f'Odl'd by tht> a.n~m~ of Harbor·~ rrrnala for & tthort IIIW'tlaC· ~tic of ="''"1>nrt Harbor" and Cri.-n<> tater by all ()rest'nt \'l<'t•·l"'rlac•pal .JO!M'ph Hamble t tuld of the ''Ma~c of Am<>rica." "'trt• lbe lml)()r\.anN> of a t.. All "<'rf' applaud<>d trt>mPndm.t'>l~ Why hold on to that u.ele.a--to- )0\J articl~. Try the want ada. t.·n•HaJr M'hool rrom no~ oo. nod Prin<'apal "idn· ·) [J<widsnn th n ~,.,., l•O .-~· an Sf'ttlur blll-ltiOk rhnN:P nr lht' Plf" <>ntahon of COM"-m SELECTION ''"JM't'lnlly cap a nd ..:own fmard-. Th,.~ \\f'lt' a~ follows · FLEI. HER • • • A"'l!'hOt'f' l.~·A ~ ~ctloiar.,.haJl!!- * Y ARNS * A \\(-<'k as:o T\J••<;day ni~ht , "Pnt to !\tooa ;\lc'Taggart and l.Jttn I Ford had a ~mall slumbt>r G<'ne \ram C'oll<'l'n McOt>rmott lnstr11dlons--Finishinq. Hr~. 10 to 5 I p'lrt·, at her home.-on BaHlOa J~-\\On thf" Rusinl"i.S and Prot . ional 1iz..Mart Knit Shoppe lan& Th followin" Jnrb wert' Woman'. <:<'holarship. Tht' Crutch· I pr<> nt · Iris Htgbac.-, ~all ~1c· t>r a"< rd to OCC wac; prest'nt¢ IIJ L ..... •w4~ lelbo., HA 071 .Millf"n, Nom.a Mar~;haiL and Daryl. to Paul L(>(> l\\ho indd('ntally loct I ~inc th<'Y WE're too 11n·d to sta~· the Lion-. Club final contc.-st in up all night. th('y wc>nt to tx-d at Stocktnn t. Bob &ck.!trom was ~~ 3 a. rn. Dar} I sen·~ the garls a a\\-ardt"d thE.' Class of '50 $Cholar- l lar)!<' brpakfast in thf' mnrnin~! .;hip. Rail Sehmidl "'as tht'n prt!· • • • '>Pntc:'d \\lth tht> hu.:he t scholar- ThE' aaaul ~or 8re2k.fa11t 1-hip honors of thc.> S<'nior cia . w!ll bl' ~ld ~t t a. m. Toes· Scholarship. that hnvp alrl'lldY .. ,, at tht> Balboa Bay Clab. ~n a" ardt'd ar<>· to Pomona Ttlts """ .,. thf' naaJ Kthity lB I Bill W ittman and Bill ~hm1dt : to "hlcl\ t.M ~I on. will partlci-t"CLA :\fona McTa~~rt : and th~ pa~ bf-f~ ta..-rndoat1oa n· :-Jn,·aJ ROTC !'cholaf'hip \Hnt to f'N'i.IM'!II Wedef'..cla~·. ltmf' IS Ob. \\'a It Douc-ett happ~· day!!! • Jlonoraf) holarship pm!'. were I • • • I then prt'seht~ to tht:> nt>w mem- At the last dan~ of thP school bt>rs of the nattonal honor societ~ year. '"The Tltr Final.'' sponsored Tho P ri'Ceh .. ing them were ?a· I by the sophomore class last week. tricia Brook~. Helf'n Kl'atan~ June Keen e was cho. f'n qu('('n by ~usi<' PIP~c.>r John Woodhull 'il~~~==~=~~~~~~~ the captatn~ or all ports. OUTing F reida York Arlc.>n Hayward the prt'\10US WN'k, all tb<> class FranN'" Kirm·" Sandra ~nrel1 . presid n ts chosc.> two girls from Gf-or~t· Franet> .... Tom R.o<:-. :\far· their respective classes. F rom the tin Grf"('n Wilham Kc>lter Rich· lor Winners eYMY Saturday lYlE (1480) at ~:M a.m. when on ~DIY CIU.S" • • • Send your name. address & telephone number to Mike Day. c l o KVOE, Santa Ana eaght contestant . J ~ n e w ~ s 1 or d u•";" and Hal ~le~ crowned by Bob Burdlck. Seruor I ~porb award" \\f"''\' l!i' en to I class pre~. S he was also pre-Dtck Lane . Bob Burdick Gent' sen ted wttl'l a dou-n Amt?rican <"'rain. GIPn Gnfftth Di<'k Jon . Beaut) ~ _ l l.loyd S,,;nt:IP. Roh \·an Ort'mlin, Waynf' Bt>t·r~. GeorJ!<' Chambt>rs, I B bb'-gum s,··· -s I :\1el malley LuB.>II«> &l<'t' and U I.e ' Ke Eleanor F E"n:uson. Ue • 1'ru> Ttm(' m!ll:3Ztn<' award wa~ .. -and A 'Y Pamng presl'ntt'd to Rill P~n('(' ror r('C(>I\· an'! thP hacht>l-1 crad(>c; on th(' na· tiona I 1 P<;t Th«> S t r a t h m o r e award wn'> pl'l'!:f'nt t'd to C'harlC?S Kc>pp.•r for ha' (>UI!'tandm't abiliT) 'Bubblt'~um alit>~ · held tht> a~­ tl'ntion nf Councalm~n and audi- t•nce fnt Hlmost an hour wht>n th~ mattea or a ppro\ing a Nt'WfJ?rt in art I alle)! p;ning job and authorlzmg payment of the bill came up at Pat Welsh Appointed last wt!'f'k's Council mN'ting Th~ project ln q\K'Staon was im· To College Committee pro\'l.'mPnt of the alJe~ between Pat \\'Plsh dau~<htl'r of Mr 11th and 19th stre<>t b) the John Mrs lfarn M \\'el~h 171'\ Wa- J. Swi~art Co. t\'rfront Di C(\rC\na dl.'l Mar. has There were two writtt'n protests l lw<>n appo1ntN1 c-haarman of the and seY~ral vc.>rbal protrsts as to studPnt ... ~w.'<'au l l'\('Ot!' committ('(' th<' quahty of the job . at thr .Sa• ta Rarbara Collc.>ge of C'ity Manager Bt>rt Wt-bb scud th1• t'nt\t'r:.tl' of C alafornia. that patching had. bt-t'n done to Chos«>n for thr po. t by thc.> stu- pt'O\'Ide proper drama,~?P. but that dc.>nt lt>dslaturP :\U :. Wt'l h ~;u the job would hold up take offict' m th<-fAll Etlw&rd Heal~. PN> adent of the :'\o" in hPr jun•or year. Miss Central Nt'wport Communit~ As-Welsh as majormg an art. and I a sociation. said that th(' black top memtwr of tht' o:rudt>nt as~mbly was so sort in plAces that bubble-and pubhcal\ rommitt<'t'!" ~m picked up from th«> alley _ · broug ht up some.-of tht' black top You may find a profitabl~ ex- W edg'NOOC Chma SHE'U TREASURE A GIIT fROM 7HE !S:..ANDERS De\·oa Spray, C1t.nawood. CrlnLIIOD BrambtP, 1'r&dlUoa&l. C.r f¥D l A"af •••• 5.9lS lA\ tS.lS4l ~r p1ilw'lr •ttla«· Carbone Table ware 'l'll:lt dfoll(lltfoJ di.U~f'W'arf" In J , B. Ta~lor &ad CoalY) ... ,,. •.. tft tMm """' lov~J~ rompllmt>•tca~' l tall- rt1•-• (from a.nn pttr dounl. Pu n t'ln Pewter li't....dt> \\'AN', r-aC't rf,prodiJC'tJoe.~ of on~l Amt"rfco.~to df"iiiltllA. bf>aaU.. fulh· P~N'utf'd In flnt> mc>tal ..• ud ta eo.b'allt. Dut<>h lmportH Pt'• tf'r pi~ ladhid-'lr dMII.'l\Pd In N>fttMDporu~ UnK QulmpPT \1./ OfP Orl~ Fre-nch t"nrt hf'o"'"" la cbarm.lq ~lf'l. lt~:hfJu•.ar~ colon> for lnforma.l U\·f.a«, N)mplc-tr _,., or -.fnlrtP df'C'Ora thf' plf'('f'lfo. The Islanders 214 MariiH> '"· ·,J-=====---:-::====~:\ "ith it, and a bicyclc.> lc.>aning on Its change for that real estate in the pa~~~dw~ld~llo~ar~~t~~tl~~~~~~~~~~~~iiiiiiiii~~iiiiiiiiii~~~ a whHe becai,.IS(' tht' ~tiU'16 sank m to tht> black top. at:y Engin r Wt'bb saad that II ~ GRIEI1NGS A GIFtS ..... 0 .... to JOU &c. Pit•• Lily N..,.,_. A <hlo A Social Welhre Leeclen ..... 1iBLQ0MB WA.OON o,. til• occuio" •I: 0... of residence Arrmlla of Newoomen tD aty ~NEWPORT BEACH PfaeM: H-"or 7S8 ,,...,w ........ , hc.> "'Ould havt> to .('(' ._H-~""UJ -:>4JM Mr wigart. a Balboa resident. saJd he had oomph~ "'1th all specifications, and ug~csted that a sample 1M-analyzed. Ht' said he would be willinJt to r{'('lify any de-rects. Council dela~ed ac11on untal th<> n<'xt mct'ling. Jn tht' m antim_P C'ity EnginPer \Vpbb and Mr SWJ· gart would ch('Ck the alley~ a~m and an anal)MS "r thP pavan~: ma- l rial \\ill be mndC'. Steve Sailors Enlists For Air Corps Duty F ollowing tn his broth<>r's foot- steps, as welJ as his dad's, Steve 110n of City Manager and Mr~. John lo&'Q, took his physjcaJ exami- nation two weeks ago and has en- listed In tbe a1r corps. Johnny Sai tors. 21. has recently been ransferred to General Stratmey- er's starr in Tokyo. The city manager hJmlelf was stationed with the air COllJ8 in England dur- ing World War n. ·-· . ~ .................. e+ Wa,elt A•''"'' fJif w-. Ccdlllaatw 1171-J .. ._..,....ear~ I M II ... lit ...... ·----· .......... t:JMe..la ...... ·~ A* ..,.... .. .., .... •" 'W -la•en _.. .... ,...... .. 'It tww that .. ....... Ia dellalte!y ... _,_ ... -., I'N1..ry ..... .,.., Alit ~r tllll -.., I ~ ...,..tee Ia l..,. ..... , He Oall me ... II& •=>IIIIa ..., fw • .,......_. (..._. el eoene) or Drtft .. !'1•1r1vw. I.._ -tlw ~ .. t A.M. oa1 at 5 P.M. lAKED ENAMa PAINT lOI • Tflilor • .,. FULL PRICI Plastic Seat Cown NOT f'IBU NOT SLIP OM ()()~ ..... . 'IJ~ CllECI\ THE E POINTS 1l' AU CAIS COMPUTILY ~ 1l' ftfTTIN 1 YIM OUAIANftl 1t ANY CAl -UfY COI.OI 1t IN AT t A.M. -OUT AT S P.M. 1t All LAmT 1fl0 COI.Qa * 20,000 SA nsHM1 CUSTOMaS 1l' HQUtiiS NO WA.XIItO '1\ 15 YIAIS IN auwftSS 'l'bla older Balboa laland. 2- Rory beech t.ou.e on anall p&ot la two ~ and a llt:retch from South Bay. Sleepe 16 (tf you have to}. Fuml.ahed. Low down payment. Immediate poe.seaion. .... $12.100 ~ * eo.ta Metla-Back Bay Now completing, three-bedroom borne, oak noon. diaposal, Dlab- muter. fire:pl&oe, in one of Back Bay's finer subdivisions. $11,700 es.-..... * New 2 B. R. Home * Business Office * Office Rental AD l ta 1 $23,500 TEIUI -wm take ...aD ltome lD tract~ for part. • • • UDO 18U: aa4l WATEB- I"&&NT ~ for IDOIIdlly 01' eeuoaal RENTAL. Ft•cls .J. lllnlll BeAoe Blvd. at Utla St., NEWPORT RAriMw IUS IIA.rttor IMI SEE iBIS FAMILY HOME Larg~ 1 -bedroom m odc r 1 Jn 60-ft lot Hardv. nod floors, fully car- peted li\·m~: room. close to abops. Multiple Ltsli ng No. 1814. IIELII 1106 liARISF. Balboa r,tAnd HArb4•r :'\0! INCOME PROPER11ES 10 Urut.s on 5 lots, 1,.\ block to Bay Front. heart of Balboa rental area. Each urut has liv- ing room. b<'droom, bath and kHchen. All fenced and cement walks. zoned R-4. $27,500 Terms aiT9ngcd .......... .._ Onelef-l11epldlte Weltlt Lllllaa ·e.A~ ,..E. .............. IIAitlorlll '" llltert.t 3-bdnn., newty &>oor. horne, t.y owner. nle ldtch .. pullman ._th, hdwd. firs., fenced in yd. .Dbl. pr. Short walking dlat. to IIC!hools tl: ahop. «U.t. l dee.l Jocat. for famil7 wttb chil· 41ree. ta • ......_ New-,_. ........ -..... Owner Jeavlllc Ita~. ~ L IIE4IA1E iD CORONA DEL MAR TWO U~ • a CO&Nr.& LOT, 8Mtll Cll llllltway, wltll .._. .... pa,..._t ... .._. .,.y ~ U.t. oWM~r .. , U\.., Ia o.e ... taae reat of tile otiiH wtll t'JU'r7 ._ ,.JW~Mta. ROlli: PU1II OA&AOIC APA.aftiENY D You ~ow Property Vcdues You WOD•t Wcmt to Mi. it! In good neicbborftood. Priced to eeU. nus is below mar- ket price. See this today. 1 ~OUSE Jtehtcer-ator- Till EAJU. au_.r.u x _OIMl .... llls.GD 1 NORGB ktlpaat.. Allto- -tle ~-ltNI I'DOdel· 8~ cubic ~·ONLY ' 1171.15 , liMen .. l4lla ... -~ L. ..,... ......... 2 BENDIX Autoaatlc: W"...._ era; reiMJt anc.t puutftd.-411 COCIIt loulnard CORONA DEL MAR F__,__• Motel ILUUIOil lin ..... ... 115..00 * * * CORONA DEL MAR Cute 2-bedroom home, fi replace, dual furnace, large bed- rooms-lots of tile. coverC!'d paUo, fen~ y~ land-~.= ::;~c-~·--~-2 ~;~: b~~ ............... -. J12.500 Large 2-bedroom horne. Uving room 14x21, door to patio, H. W. Ooors, fireplace, furnace, 10x11 dining room. 13-foot tile sink. Iota of cupboards and cloeets. Venetian blinds throughout, large front porch, waUed yard, coven-d barbecue, 4.5x118 1ot, shower in 2 car garage. clos<' to s tores, fruit trees. A roal home. Prioed to aeU. Nl'w attracti\'(• 3 bed-room home. Brick fireplace. lorc<'d air hf'at. ll. W. Cloors, llvin~ room 15,:21. Pic- tuN.' window. Ill£' 111 kitchen and bath. Outsid entrance to. bedmorn No 3 Pick your C'Oiors $1 ~500 Prt<X' .,. TERMS Lookin~ Cor a valu£' in a fumishro duplrx'! If y(IU are, call HArbor 1711 or HArbor 14TI. EveninKS HArbor 393-M-let 11s tell you about this good buy. OUR LISTINGS A&E O OKPL ETE 1he JONN VOGEL. C:O. e FOUl OFftctS TO SEitVE YOU • COlONA DEl MAl IJOI Coest llvd.-c-« Feml.ef H.An.or 1741 w HA~t»of 14n ~ IALIOA ISlAND 201 Mtrl~te AYfl. HA~t»of 444 NEWPORT lEACH 4W J2!MI St. HA~hf 2476 IALIOA 100 M.ill "St.-At the OCNII ,.., HAtbot 141 ISLIII Good th.lngs sometimes come in s mall paclalges! No need for a gardener o:r high overhead to enjoy this ideal vacation horne. Completely furnished with atl racth·e living room-sleeping ac- commodations for 10 -2 tile baths -patio --barbecue -pri- vate garage -aU on a small lot. C'onvE'niently locat<"d just one block from the shopping centet and a block from South Bay Priced $12.500 ($5.000 Down) PARK AVE. at IIA.Jl.INE BALBOA 181AND PltOIHl~Ue! 2 Bedroom. comer location, 1 block from bE'st ocean front. Unbelievable values, as lt'a brand new. 56i950 amuAF .......... l 112 N•Wport lfwt. HArbor 2552 N-port hech 1"0& uu: IY 1-IIIIJaOOK ROllE Tile in kitchen t1: ba tb, bdw4. noon, landscaped, redwood fendng, dbl garage, 70'xl20' Jot. IMI M. ,_ .... v.rra. .. $13.750 ...._ ~ Afllllltn •& o.l1 ..,.,_ ..... I block fr0111 AJpM J1eta. Costa ......... ~~ home, 4 Y, ,._... old, ,.... locatloa. lib feeee.d ,..... .-a.ntea aad ~verallnllt treee. $!.4!" dowa. $6.-......... ., •• ""ewpo"' Ill"-, c..ta ·-BFM!oa 5Tli-R ---._....---- LMIS Fll Ccmatnac:ticm Locrna 5 • Slfa% (14 yn..) 4 BEDROOII HOllE Wltll ,J-~~-1~ I& ''e•; I \lodm to oeMa; ldeU fer ,_.. ,....._.,or......,. u~. Attncthe ca.-.. 11M-..- ~ hi.J prk!e oaly- Earl W. STANLEY Realtor tl.l OGut 81\"d. 0 .0.11. HArbor uu MUST SELL OUR !-bedroom home Ia N ••" JIOrt llt>lt:hta. Good lo- cation, Wit JMl. $8.950 tot ADeo. BE 5187-& or IM'J-& 't9 FORD StaUon Wagul; R; im- maeulatt.'; only ........ -... -..$1.515 '47 MERCURY Sedan; H; perfec:t in every way: WSW t:irel .ad immaculate; only _ ..... ..$1015 '47 PONTIAC Sedan; R&H: per-- fect in evt.'r}' way ._ .... ....$1.225 '49 FO of them pn~ to M'll today. ·so FORD 3 of them: here i5 a chance to get a nearly new car at a big savings. '48 CHEV. Sedan; R&H: immacu- late; new paint: only ..... ~$1.125 '47 HUDSON Com . Sedan; im- maculate. only . ·-· ...... $875 '50 FORD 8 Custom Tudor-per- fect in e,·er)• way, R&H and automatic overdrive. See this car. drh-e it and you'U bl.lY It ...... ·-_ ...... ·-· ...... -.$1675 EX"TRA ALLOWANCES allowed if your trade-in is a cl~an '4.1.·1 '4.2. '46, or '47 model MANY MORE I TO CHOOSE FROM :'1:0 REASO~ ABLE OFFER REFUSED ON ANY CAR ON Ot'R LOT 1 GENEitAL ElBC"nUC Ala-tomatle Wa.sh«; reiNDt aDd guarant~~ aew-NSOJIO 1 A.BC-OIIATIC Wuhet; Yf!I'Y ervlceab~ 169.95 J MAYTAG Ironer; ~uxe model: perfeet ocmdition-ISS.OO 1 APARTME..'IT RA NG E. Electro Mast.er- $20.00 1 SERVEL ReC~tor; 8 cu- bic feet: a stt>al- 180.00 1 ~ &-foot vtcroR Freez- l'r: sbould be $386.00. SPE- Cl.AL-- $316.00 1 EASY Washer ; cood for many happy wuhda.ys- $24.15 Lido E~~ Co. . .......... . TIMMMiore ...... YOUR FORD DEALER IIEIEIAl ElECTIIC 534 Coast Highway 516 Coast lfivhway &aeon 6604 N('W))Ort Beach ~<'wport Beach BEacon 5505 Hours: WCX'k Days 8 'til 7 1 Sunc:bys & Holida>-s. 10 ·ut 4 1 FOR R.E.''T-Carage. Suitable tor <~torage only. 620 Heliotrope, ~~~~ ~;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;~ j Corona Del .Mar. r li<"'ICE 4-bdrm. hom~. compiNely 6 cu. ft. M-.yco t lec.. refrig. Works D;a·r :~.-. NEW ~.oeau. ....... • 1174 ~ • OOS TA IIIC8A * *WE BUY FOR CASH GOOD USED FURNITURE e NEW LOCA110N e Newport Plumbinq Supply .. .. * o..rr,tllc Oellltplete l!ltloc* ct1T IIATE-()A.8B a O~T . . .. 117 22Dd SL NICtwVIn' IIEAOII REAL &ITATE LOANS HOliES • APAaTIIEND COliOII:aCIAL BUD...DINOI!I LOW INTEREST RATES Ieman Mo119a9e fto.e -Kimberly 1-TTnl ItT N .......... ,, S..ta ""- furn. South of hlJ:hway on 40 Cine. Why bu.v 1oe? Only 39.50 foot lot. EZ. terms. full price GilA_~ -· $12,500. Whitman, Greene & Furniture & Appliances Ho\.tPD. 400 & 1018 Coast Blvd., 161.5 Newport Bl\'d. _ o.g Mea Corona del Mar. FOR REr-.'T or sale, courte$)' to BABY SITTER wanted for new brokers Udo lslt-2 bedroom. 2 baby, 602 Orchid, CDM. bath,la~ge walled.patio, 1~ Iota. 7-PIECE rattan dlnimc set. 40x60 HA. 1485 for in!onnation ap.. inch table top. Chairs ha,·e l0011e pointment. ' cushion seats & back. Complete GOOD used fuJI size mattress· set only ······ · ··· ·· ·· ·-· .... 89.50 SlE'rili%00· as low u 7 95' GRA!\T • . ........... -. RP.IUJtifH F . ,._ A li GllA:\"MM urruture « pp ~ Fumiture & Applla.nces 1645 N~rt Bh'"d. Costa Mesa 1645 N ewport Bhd. Costa Mesa ROSE FRIEZE da,•enport. $75: FOR SALE _ UlCb Craftsman Westln~;housc elec. roaster wi th kill saw with ease and extra stand, $20; 50-lb. Icebox. $5. 6109 blades. Uke IK''', $65. 112 Crys-=;-:-:--=-i Seashore, Newport. HA 04.98-W. tal, B. I. HA 226. SMAI:L SIZE Mason & Hamlin 2-PIECE Montt.>T-Cy living room set ~hng~~ -~~~~:_.~k ~~-o~6~ only ..... ··OJU~t"S -· .. .29.50 GIIA.N'rS Fumlt & A U Furniture tl: Appliances ure PP .ances 1645 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa 1645 Newport BJ\•d. . Costa Mesa FOR . . YOU G<1M' A SEE IT cause you __;;=~ S~U&ed Flat tie ~Jboat. can't beer It! The new 1951 Ser· MS .377, ~t. nylon sails like ,·eJ gas refrigE'rator: 8 beautiful ne~. believe 1t or not. $100 full new models to choose ttom. See p.nce .. See on S. Bay between them all at your neighborhood Sapphire and Coral. Owt:M-r 122 SE'n-el Dealer Sapphire. B. I., w~k-ends. ~ GRA~ BOOKS WANTED FumJ tu.re & Appliances 1645 Newport Bl\d. Costa Mesa C wtU call and buy . . . WANTED -EA-p>rtenced dinner Your £'n1ire llbrary 1 cook. mall' or ft male for private B UNSTER CREELY I club. Start Jw1<' 15th, salary Phon HArbor 3215-W O()E'n. Perman<'nt. Write Box u H. HOLBROO• li.A. c o Th<" En 1gn. 1104 Coast n. A Blvd.. Corona del Ma.r. Dependable Plumbing F.A!':Y Whirldry portabi'eWasher. A Prompt Repair SerYlce hkf' nt•W, only . ·-. . ... 33.50 MaintAined GRAN"T'S PllotN> turbOt' tU8-W Furniture & Appliances LOUIS F. GATES 1801 Balboa 8hd. SrlTPOf't n.a J64.5 ~ewport Bh ·d. •. Costa Mesa ... _ ... _.___-o• •-,.,...... FOH SALE Mapl~' bedroom set ........ .......,._ .... -nft'' r 1'\)UU DUr rY WORK 1 b C Borne Loa.rw to buy. bu.Ud, DONE! romp etc. rNlk ast s<>t. t·adio, rdln•nc:e or for alterattona small rocker; baby chair. HAr- O.EN'ERA.L INStTRANCJ: . GO TO HAl. . . . bor 2260-R. J1A.rbor lest Complete ~nlng 8er'Vkle j BRANl) N5V 9ii2 Unolewn nags· 110 Cout BIW., Ooro.a *I .. , \l \h'in1 dow., floor w u."Ht: and pol~ factor~ ::!ods : only .... -·-·-···-·4..95 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ n~. ~~ ~. 0~~ j ___ ca.u Harbor l~W Furniture It Appliances 1645 Newport Blvd.. O.ta Mesa can a11o ... ,_ up .., - It JOU tab dellwry at tadorJ , -l):wfta5• .-.! PAINTING EarlSheflin m...._a-c.~a._ ··-..., .. * 0. I M51a * W..tr a.. ... el IIOODI' INI .._. 0111 IU..."'w ... ......... IUo..t...._c...a ....... LOCAL TEACHER Witb some bus· !ness experienet' would Hke posi-----i lion; o!Oce work. Ales or hostess for SUJJUI'ler. HArbor ll97-J. GAFFERS tl: SA'ITLER C.P . gas range: large griddle, automatic oven. ~lee. clock. auto. burners, Gra~-oven control, larp oven, very dei.n. perfect eaad ..... l49.SO ca.urft Furniture A~ 1M5 Newport Blvd. eo.ta Ilea W A.NTED-2 01' 3 riden to L01 ~. Leave daily 7 a . m. for 8tJt and Flgui!I'Oa. HA .-11 or HA 2909-J . • ... 'RIOR GLA.DIRON; perfect eoncli· YOU GOTTA SEE IT ca~ you WESTINGHOUSE electri~ oven tion ··---·-·-··~-· --44.50 can't hMr It! The MW 1951 Ser-roaster, complete with cabinet ~ w-1 p.s rehigentor; 8 beautiful bue, clock and oven control. Fumlt:\.lr'e It A.pp1i.a.nces new models to choolle from. See complete, only ·---.. -.39.50 1645 Newport Blvd. _O.ta Mesa tbern aU at your neighborhood O&AN'rS srrtJA'nON WANTED-Woman Serve! Dealer. Furniture It AppUanct'S with S...ye~u·-old daupter desires O&&NY"S 1645 Newport Blvd. Cof>ta Mesa po&ltioq, ho~r or chlld'a Furniture lc Appliances FOR SAI..E-'50 Chev. deluxe ~ • • • ofsodal note ..... GIFT care. Live i.n. Ref~noos. BE 1645 Newport Blvd. O.ta Mesa I dan, itntn&culate oond. Private 1 WESTINGHoUSE~ 53f9..R. NICE DUPLEX on com er lot, owner will sacrl!ioe. Can ar- ator-GREAT PIANO SALE! 37th year. close to shopping center. shows. I rans:e financing. HA 1347-J. A brok n hlp at 82 is provlng just another obstacle for Mrs. Anna 1.. Pember. mother of Mrs. A. A. Keml)t"r, Corona del Mill'. Mrs. Pember is a !ready horne from the hospital and well on the mend, according to her daughter. Ita. Reed thNe prices. Never before Good~. $15,500. Whitman, FOR RENT-Beautiful new 2-bed-ba",. we had sum barpi.nL ~-Greene A: Hougan, 400 and 1018 1 room unfum. apt., So. of Hwy., eta. 80IDe new, 101ne used. priced Coast Blvd., Corona del Mar. ocean v\ew, near ~ch. Year'a from 1295. $335, $387. Grands SERVEL gas refrig crator. 5 eublc lea~. Inquire 220 Ma.rguerite, from 1395. Almoat 100 pAanos ft. It's old but it's O.K ....... 47.50 I Corona del Mar . ' from which to ctaoc.. Speda1 OILA.NT"8 euy term~. DANZ-SCHiODT Furniture A: Applia.ncet SINGER round bobbin ~win& ma-Blc Plano Store, 520 No. Main. 1645 Newport Blvd. -"'~taM-· ohine. only ... ....... ··· . ..14.75 Cor 6th Sa '-Nit "'-GllA~TS · ' nta Ana. FOR RENT Fum. rm twin beds Furmture & AppUanoe-s • • • &fore the summer season got too busy O\'t"r at the Jones Realty Co. in Newport Beach, Mrs. Elsa Wagner slip~ off for a WMk'a visit with relativ!."S ln Bake~field. • • • '13'6 • Bank «-rms • Tnlde ·Ull Phone •••• 5 CU~IC ft. Ser.1!l gas refrig<>f!i·' priv. ent., neer be.cb, $4() 1645 Ne\\rport Bh"Cl. Costa Mesa tor, clt>an, ~~~ · ... 89.30 month. 318\S Marine, ~· I. NEW 2-bdrm. home, a hardv.'OO<l The new Mr and Mrs. :'Ileal SEWING ·wACHtNI!S Ho~Jl:an returned !rom La~ Ve~s Furnitu~ A Appliances FOR SALE R-2 60-Ct. vtew lot, Ooors. garbage dispoal, I'Umace 1645 Nl'WJ)Or1 Blvd. C'..osta M('sa good locat. Only $3,000. HArbor heat. etc. Sl 1,900 terms. Whit-and DMrby Boulder Dam after slip.. Repelrs -S.t. -....... plng away to get marrie-d on Sun-t12 e-st tt.4 C.... .. .._ 1 ABC-OllA TIC Washer; very erviceable- COME in and play the Wondt>rfuJ l736-J afl~6 p.m. man. Grt>ent> & llougan. 400 &: Nt>w Hammond Chord 011:an. ~tAGIC CIIEF gas rangt'; dou_ble 1018 Coo t Bhd., COM da). ~tay 20. !~:cal's brothf'r. Ru-llli!lii!li!I!J!!!J!I!Ii!iill!liill 169.95 1 M.AYTAG Iroaer; ~uxe model; perf~ cordtioo- 165.00 l APARTML'\'T RA NG E. Electro Master- $20..00 1 SERVEL Refrigerator: 8 cu- feet; a s~al- 180.00 1 :'~JEW &--foot VICI'OR ~z­ abould be 5386.00. SPir Even If you don't know " note or O\'t>n. 6-bumer top. wanrung \n LL SHARE my home with music )'OU can play bt>auHful ~ven. broai«:T· 2 0\ten controls: couple for month.5 of June and music in ten minutt'S. DANZ-hs;:ht. all wh.'te porcelaln enamt.-1 July. $i0 l)<'r mo . all fsciJitld. SCHMIDT Big Piano and 011:an Ideal for htlt home or rf·s~aur-HArbor ~4. Co 520 ~ Main '-'4 -ta Ana ant and only l9.50 FOR SALE.s""'·ix-pa--:1-rs. full len-" -~·=-· = . . · . ..::hU' --GRA:'\"T'S ~··u 4-BURNER apL st~ A B. ~s Furniture & Appliance tra,crse draperies. interlined, rani(E>: clean a a whistle 39.50 1645 NE"wport Blvd. Coo;ta Mf:'sa Kandt>U Acom. Exet>l cond. $75. GRANT' --- - ---Call HArbor 0824:.., . .,....,..,..._"="""'""'""-- mont Hou'!'an. rep~c;ented the famtly. Mr. and ~trs. C. H Hou- 't"&n of i04 PoinSt"ttaa A\e .. Co- rona del ~lar, b) ~tandan~r: up w1th tht> brid~> and groom l\·trs Hou-wm lo; ttw formf'r U..1roth" Bur- dett. Th<> young couple "'i.U Uve 1 at 507 Carnation A\e .. Corona del Mar. Furniture & Appliances SUMMER RENTA[.,. Only 1.! blk. YOV COT A RL'MPt:S ROO:'\t? 1645 Newport Bh'd. Costa Mesa to-main bt'ach. COM. Apar1mmt How about a JUkt> box? only 49 50 LEGAL NOTICE FOR SALE-Kitchen slnk and cab-";!h 2 bdrms. in good location, ORA~'T·s CE RTIFICATE OF BU ~"'ES inet unit, ready to ln$tall. $-15. S250 month, cheaper by thr sea-Fumlturt' & Appliances Fl('tltloua Firm :SUM Also semj-earcular breakfast bar, I &<>n. HArbor 1736-J aftC'r 6 ..e:_m. 1645 Nt>\\ port Bl\·d, Costa M<> ~ Tbf' t.·•.,,..._Pf'd do hereby oer- cupboards under. mahogan) top. FOR S~LE 12'~·inch TV .Mntor-WA:-.IED Y(•ar-'round I'E'ntal in l lify that they are conrl•Jcting a $4(). Inquire 1406 Seaview, CDM.j oJa With ant<>nna, $125. HArbor Harbor ttrc>a for chlldles couple: Sport in~:: Good.-. busin• !-. at 222 HA 231~J. ' 2865-J. 2-RR. rurn. hou e With fenced Marin£> A\·enu.-. Rslboa Island, $316.00 Is CUBIC ft. Amana df>ep freezer: 1 SMALL siz;-d~('P'fr~z<>r. 8 dandy yard. Wall l)ll)' $100 month Box I C-alifornia, tJnd r tt e rae itious EASY W r; &ood !or just likt> ne\' • It's a hont>y' for ~our ~M-ach hom£' Only 0~50 JA t::nsu:n. finn 'lamP of Balboa Island SJ)I'rt- haPP)' wa.ahckys-Only ... -... ... .... .. .. 169.50 GRANT' VESTA apartm~·nt izt> n range. in~ Goods and that ~ld finn i<~ S2 G.RA.'~T'R Furniture eft Appliance only .. . 16 75 composl'd of tht-[ollo\'''"Jt I~t'S('~.I 4.15 Furniture & Appliances 1645 Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa GRA.VT' whosP ns<mes in tuJl tnd pboes nf El ----.!. • _ 1645 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa FOR SALE-Recond. Ben<lix auto. Furmturl• & Appltnnces residf n<'" ::ar,. lib r .. now~ to-\\ h . K\-:wJ'H.: Co. H)-FOOT BOAT, could be used for washers. 90-day guarantee. $85. 1645 :-.:ewport Rhd. C"o ta Ml'SB I AAGE f~ RAS~1U"SE:'i. aat..wl Dill• ot~~Jnrrda;uttoraibl£'rra·k, <',exa(.'('lll.m~tandt, SUMBEaMroEnR ~R505E: •. :.,.A,.. Ll·do Isle \\'t!.\!~IJ ~'~"nt·~co~ t~leslady ~i~~~i:~f" A\·c Balboa I land ''""' ... -·" • ._..,., or In ant!' " op . u lml', pPr-RCt$A A p A.''Yl'"'EX ELECT.Ic brand nrw tlr<'S. $...?75 for both. Bay Front un1ts. 1-eft 2-hdrm.. • mancnt _H l<!:~-~ • 222 ~tRrinc A\f• R"lboa !~land. I I Orchard 16604 pri\. beach. SiO up. JIA 2:>52. fOR S AU ~-ft d· IU."<t' :-.er.·t'l Ca lifornia v-.-1.. LATE MODEL [)(>luxe Stewart Evec:. HA 2914-~1 n·frH:eratnr Jar~·· troz!:n food \\1ta.t"to~ our hand<. rhi~ 6th dav ~uway Wnm<-r l'l<'Ctric rt'frig.; perfect 7 1-l Ct 'BIC f t. ~C'n I' I t•a.; 1 t>fri~. compartrrlt'nt l .,c·d on I) 2 moo;; 1 ·''~"" l<l=;l · BEacon 5505 oondltion. ~aruntl'cd .. 129.50 It's a honl') Guar Onl} 129 r;o R"'t" 3 paar RntJqUP.. -.t'lu~t_en; AAGE H RAS~tl'SSEN 1------------GRA.,"T'. CiRAS"T'~ for ansH1f' \\ andow-., HA OEh.l·J I ROSA A. RA~Mt'SSE • Furniture & Appliances Furniture & Apphancc... FOR ~Al.f. :.!'.: h!'l l-:\anrude o•Jt-. TATE f1F CAL1FOR."-1A 1645Nc\\port Bh'd. Co ta :\tesa 1645 N£>wport Bl~d Cno;ta ~Jcosa hoard mutOt', 1:! boUts dut~. 219 C'Ol':'I.Ji' OF ORA. "GE o;~ NEW 3-bdrm. hom<> on comer lot. NOTICE to mothers: Let us be P_£arl. Bal~).'l r ... lllnd ~ Tbl-. fith day or June. A.D ExceL location. Sl4.900. Whit-your baby sitter on Saturday af-Rl:.'LlABLE COI.PLE, cmployeod, 195). bcfore m(', :'\tlldred Stanley. man, GJ'(>Cne & Hougan. 400 & t emoons from 2 to 5 p. m. Spe-' wants l·BR Ap~ or home. un-l ="ota:y Public In an~ ~,r the ~1d 1018 Coast Bh'd, COM. cial &how for all kiddles. Port turn in CDl\1 Yearly rental. Count) and S~ate. res1din~r: thereto. DONT FAIL to ee the new .~«>r-Theatre.. Corona del Mar. l, Good refer KI 3-7833 da~ or duly commisstOned and ~om. per- vel gas refrigcralO'I"S. 8 t>e.utl-~ . ECL HA 2879-WK attcr 6 p.m. sonally appeared Aage H. R.a.smus-1 ful new model'\, at your nt:lgh-CO. ~LETE HOUS ~ANING FllR:'IlTTURE FOR SALE Law-· rn and Rosa A. Rasmussen known I Fumature & Ru~ shampoomg, etc. · ~ to me to be the-....., ....... ns whose borhood Servcl Dea er. Work guaranteed ~aeon 6111 . on club chatr, hnen plaid with names ar b 'bed •"" h 1 hln I GRANT' Al's House and Window Clean~ mo s t~im : men'sk, loung; ~~ lnstMUn«':tsua:a.cknt~!J~~ to 1645 ~~~~ :v~PP~:~t.-sa ing Service. 1 ~~~1(. sc~:~ ~~0~~ plain m~ that they execute-d th<' same. FOR RENT KE~10RE e)(.'(' washer. Balloon brown !~t udlo couch, double v.ith 1=" \VITh~S \\"HER~OF. I ha\"e Phone --n ..... , .... 2076 (Toll Free) PAIIIT lte GaL In Your ContaiD• -·-FEliCE PIIIT S289a.a. White and Greeo -·-Complete U... of- • Dt;TCR BOY P.uJif'ft e PITTSB"CltG.B PAilftW e 1,3!! ColortRr OlllaN F'C\'"E WALLP~ to F1t Ally IJadp& BUNGALOW APARTMENTS wnngers, pump, all whitE>, good 2 pillows mo trim Also rose h~?reunto. et my hand· and affixed I Beautifully tum .. large Uv. room condition .. 29.50 bei5:P b~dloom rug.' 8x9. Priced my ~ffioal.~al th~ day and y~ I A II 81 PAII9 with fii'I!'Place, bdrm .. kitchen-. GR.'-'TS to !leU 315~ :\ta.rguerite, COM. In fhas Certtfacate first abo\'C wnt-'I ette. Summer rate by day, F'!rmture & Appliance HA 2879-WK after 6 p.m . ~SEALl ~ 1 w•• 1 1•APEI .. week or month. 1645 l';ewport Blvd., Costa ME-sa REUABLE roM LADY will baby M Co •IILDRED ~TANLEY ~ FARM HOUSE MOTEL REGlSTERED NURSE wants pO: ~t b,· hour or day References. 195-/ mmission ExpiJ'es JunE> 9• 219 C..st IIYd. HArhr JCRO.a 1304 Coast Blvd., COM HA 1063 sition ~rt or full time. 3171.., I HArbor t38S-W. Publish 7 14 21 28 CORONA DEL NAB SMALL slzc M.W. elec. refrlg. Mar£:Uerlte, Corona del Mar. w~-.;TEo Gardener. Appl)-at in~thieiil'\i"ei'"illOi'irt~H~airibo~riiEins~'iism~ji~=~=~~~=!~~=~~ Guaranteed. a real .valu<> ... 59.50 STEAL 2-bdnn home &. 1-bdrm., Sandy's :\lotcl. 1015 Coast Blvd., · OltA!\'T' apt., aU completely f!Jt·n South Corona dE-l Mar. Furniture & AppUa.nees of HJghway, \'el)· ~lrable. <?"I FOR SALE:..:.....;;...;..;,:J:;...o;,-h-nso-n--::0:-u-:-t:-boa-r-;-d 1645 Newport Blvd. Costa. Mesa cor':'<'r lot too. $14,500. See thl . oto 10 h P ~ cond. $85 Wh1tman. Green(' &: Hougan. 400 m r. . · .. fi"""' • BABY SrrrER-Rellable. HArbor &. 1018 Coast Blvd., COM. ~17'-:r Im, CDWM. 7 to 8 p.m. or ~=-=:::::f:~~=~:;;..;..;oa~use-=.;.;y;.:o~u 2925-J. I FOR SALE-New R.hcem water HArbor 2909-· t bear It! The new 1951 Sel'-NEW LOCATION! I softeners, 60 grain capacity. 10 FlllST CHUilCH OF CHiliST gas refrigNntor; 8 beautiful _., 1i I .... years warranty. HA 2230-J, SCIENTIST mpcaldllelsattoyochooleur _ _.~bo ... hoodSee ·--· r1 HI WESTINGHOUSE elec. range for I llOl Vi• L;do, Newport leech ...,...... ·• sale with deep well oooker, clock ,., bronch of The Mother Churc.h, The Dealer. OSED MARINE GEAR control oven. Good cond .. reas., Fo"• Church of Christ. Scientist, it~ Bos- O&A..~ Newt~l D.coretioM _ u..c1 N.t BEacon 6305: eves: BEacon 6589 lo.,. ~oss.w:husetts. Furnit~ & Appliances • wt IVY scaAP METALS • FOR SALE-Scr.·ct rt'frigerator. Sut~doy School -· ·-· ... -fHS a.m. '==-"'----,=-B_hd. Costa Mesa 11 cu. feet, A-1 condition, $150. s .... d, .. Serv ::e I I «l II"'· -Exprrtcmoed dinner Near Ice House on 30th HArbor 2687. 1 W todre1dor Eveninq neehno 8·00 p.m. male or !t male for private f'hotle HArbor 2410, Newpori leech BIG TRADE-I!'\ for your old gas • Re .. d:,o ~oo, loc.,•~ o• Ill Pol-. S tart JWll' lSth, salary • O,EN SUNDAYS • rant:t' on a nto>w Gaff<>rs & Sat-S · Bo boo ,, oper deli; fro.., 12 nooro Pcrma.ntnt. Write Box ____ ::::..:..:::..:....:;.;;.~.;...:..;...:;...... ___ 1 tier as ran e lo 5 p '"'· e•cept Su11doys e nd 1-:~' do)" c o Tht• En;.;ign. 1104 Coast GENERAL ELECliUC table top g G:A~TS ra· c"•'" obs•rved. Corona dd Mar. elec. rangt>. clock control, deep Furn'tur£' &. A ~ I' a Tl·• public is co.-dio ly invi•ed to o'- Whirldry portable washer, W('ll cooker, Cal~ hi-J>e!d 1&15 l'o<r\\;lOrf Rl\'d PPCo~':~tpsa 'e"d. the church services erod ... ,. the -" 33 50 bumE'rs. A real bar~:"atn .. 79.50 ' Reod.nq Room. nt"w; vo143' · ... • -· ..... • GBA~"T' LOT No. 29 for sale, Hazel Dr., 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiN~iiiiiiiiiw .... GRANT'S Furniture & Appllances I COM. 40~xl66'. ~an vi~, It ,, ____ ture __ , & AdppCUanoes 1645 NE>wport P.h·d. Costa Mesa $2,150 .. ~ dn .. ~0 mo.. m-Bh· ·-osta Mesa -eludes mterest. S1gn is on pro-! 1-=-.....,-,,:,--....,...,-, bedroom set WA.l"'TED-1-bdrm. partly fum. pt>rty. J . A. Carroll, 5847 La Mi- hrt-ak(ast sN, t'8diO, apt. or house, not over $55 mo., rada Ave., Hollywood 38, HI .,.,., .......... b.tby chair. HAr-by employe-d middlcasted woman. 1~. · IESI UPIILSTEIIIII tTpltohterlaC & Drapt'ry BEAMn ass ......... 81 .... eo.ta ·- Harbor area P'rt'f. BE 6333-J. ""'y"'=o;;.;;u:.;.:.,G:,.CI-=r-=='IT=""A--=s=-=E=E="""IT=--ca-use--y-o-u I LARGE 2-door Frigidaire electric can't hear it! The new 1951 Ser'- rcfrig.: Ideal for care. A daney vl'l £as rc>fri~terator: 8 bcautiful ~~ii~~~=~~~~~~ for only ... .. ............. 39.50 npw models to choose from. See ~ GRANTS them all at your nehthborhood Furniture & Appliances ~r\'c1 IX>aler. 1645 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa GRA:N'rS nJRNITURE llESTORAftON l645 ~=::r ~v~.p~~~~fesa Chair bottoms restored usln~ cane, FURN. GUEST SUITE for rent: rush, reed, etc.-F ree Estimate. Uving room. bedroom, bath, spa- JOlt IIA&VEY"S cious &. comfortable~ sle('ps 3, fiUR.NliftJ&Ii REPAIR all utlls., gar. 333 Poppy. COM. ~:::::::::;::::::; HArbor 2416--W. !081 8uta A-. A .e.. Ooe1a ·-......;:...;;.;:::.,;::,:~:..:::.;;.....;..:...:_.,....__,.....--- .._ llJU N~~~ ~~-.. ~~~~-r: . .:]O SINGER IeWing rnadtine: drop-OllANT'8 heed· complete with attach-Furniture A: Appliances men~. Only ... -.................. .29.50 1645 Newport Blvd. Colta Mesa O&&NT"8 'IWO NEW 2-<bdrm. IJames and Fumiture It App)iances garages on vtew lots priced 164.5 N"'PC>l't BJvd. O.t.a Mc.-u 19.950 each. Wldtman. Crt"t"ne NEW 2-bdrm. home and income. It HouJn'n , 400 It 1018 C0ut 1-bdrm. apt .. n!llta for $80 per Bh"Cl., Corona del Mar. mo. makes total payment. Full CHILD'S pre-fabricated pia~. of AD Kinde FLAGSTONE PATIOS BLOCK WALLS --·-- prtee 113,!100;-Whitman, Greene 6x8x6, 3 wtndows, glass door. A ~~oupa, toO A 1018 0out $35. Can be .ee.n at 109 Park, ....... ••1• a S. BMI.. Corona del Kar. B. 1. BE Sl ... ll. ... WANT TO 00101UTE from COM FOR RENT-Fum. nn .• prtv. bath to 1..oft1 8Mdl A retum dail)'. A ent. WCIIIdet'N view. 511 Ra· II.AI1»or 30Sl·W. zel Drive, Corona ~liar. .._.. lleo.J • HA~ IOIJ..J Dtl~ ..... C....._ OPEN NOW! ••• an 111 t/-s-e-1 Furniture Store ----··-· .L e t U s B a y Y o a r Used Faraitare & Appliaaces US£11 WE BUY -SELL OR TRADE * * See Ralph Hoyle Prop UWE HArbor IIM-W - HANSON15 8BADE a I.JNOLEUM Linoleum Floors -Asphalt Tile Window Shades -Venetian Blinck Formica Drainboards -Since 1~ t• E. .... o..ta Meea. Bit........, In the Harbor Area Since 1130 New Construction -Remocitlliftc Water Heaters -Floor F'unteoM Installed • • • Free Eltlmat• L V. 'leke' DV:EIBY "IllEST CIUITEIIS SEIYICE BUILDS OUR BUSINESS" HARBOR DRAFI"ING SERVICE IIArhr lM'l For C.ompl f'te PAINTING SATISFAOI'ION Fi D. OIID COIIOR PAINTS Good Lumber Priced Right! 11M 8e. .... a ,., ,__ I : ,' • aaoaTS TO ar.soaT Off for a s ummer of fun and ,... creation u well u wottdnc II Mlas Diane Wakefield, dat.llhter or Mn. Blanche Wakefield ol 1111 Popp)• Ave., Corona del liar. Oi&M lelt rt"Oently for Sun Val- ley, Idaho. Mrs. Wakefleld Ia the owner of lht-Petite Ville !>rea Sbop In Corona del Mar. rsrAFFORD ~ELECTRIC • ~co.zr-t~i~~ ~!f·i~~!J __ I•Tt~ • -BI'Ac:ea 11ft ~ • 810 Coast Hiqhway ~ .. Sewport BeM:II ............................... ~ <•ROU!'I.'D-BREAK.J~G ~rftn()nJH wUI be-ht>kl at H):SO a.m. SUD-I;:====::::::=;::::::::;::;:::::; day for tM addition tc> thf' Corou dt>l lbr Cununu,Dlty Cbttrch-4D-· H A •• y t'lud .. c-• tmda~· School rooms. briM's mom. klt.t'h-. d&M r~ and ..ot'hal hall. Th.-bolldlnK" t•rol(l"am will tM' t'tlrrt4'd out 011 a ~lf- hf'lt• bftsls. with mHnt'IC'I"8 of th.-t'httrt'h t'ontributlnr; fllllds. labor aad H d'A L I. m .at••rhl'l.. R Lido· Leads • 1n (lostaMesa LUMBER -BUILDING MA TEIIIALS • 100 CoM+ live!., Cof"OM d.. ..., HArbor 1447 I..: no Narct.w Av•. ~ IOII.J ~ C1 w 1 d.a a.u.tt.,. • ~D.DIC. MERWIN C. PECK HArbor 1270-W ts208 ..... M. • Let M aHitt yoa Ia y~ plaes. We wUI ctad!Y eaUIDate coet. of malerlalt, ~ a coa~tor or 1tetp yoa obtala a loaa for ~w coa~t:raetlon or rt!IIIOdellq. 518 00" 'I' HIGHWAY .._.., B:r...co. M7'7 SANDERS POLISHERS SKILSAWS DRILLS HOMER MELLOTT, Mgr.=== FLOOR EOG~ WHEElBARROWS POST HOLE DIGGERS PAINT SPRAY EXT'&fSION LAOOEftS DISC SANOMS Ensign Classified ads have bt>f'n a proven means of reaching buyers for all aorta of merc.han~Us them! Phone Harbor 1114. THE ENSIGN Job Printina Facilities at his crime-fighting besU ......... ~ RORSE RA ~ TUR~~ u BLUE BLOOD" -\\lth- nLLL WlLl.IA \l:' la bf-autlfuJ <'Oior .. 1 WAS AN AMERICAN spr· Mom. Dad ud All lh~ KNit Admitt~ for Oftly """'' • barcata-if xaer-caa do It WE ('&a lo It! /i':.._. • WHEN IN BALBOA, VISIT Til& !!~)-/ Fl Z ~ ~ IIW IPEI EIUOY ~ E ' E I Y OaNa Trip • aae •1 q.e~ 1 I_ II I "Boalld t~te ... , Enwn~oa ~-Etatmcainmmt for AU at tlw! FUN ZONE, BalboG --·-- Hiftted (Qwill rt ,.._ .... U 0111 t ' ~ .., the 11111 anted with -.JMtie uT a ta ated front 10 to 50 per cent of _. red a.pet caraata. far tt.e f/1 .... .....,..., _. wlllte 8tiDdL ......_. fthataa. .... ._..... _.. tile ~ In addition tiD the cu-.. (atfta She then l't'~'MW tllat ~ Qn6t INII!atlla dilllll!, bela at ~ the eietNatary .:boa~~ PI'A), OWDen ID l..:oac Bach._. ..0.. an ...... Dlillp lklloal IMt......., t.J.t aDd hllafl I ...... -* lw ~ aplaft oil drOBn& .. a.._..~~·~ lira. Res 11ru111t ..-e WOI'II "' enU.. aad reaehecl clam a 1e • '!tie _... the ·-~ Taylar, Dldl Slt<:per, I:DIJ froal tM ol1 eompuy f« poperty NCtlan ~ NanM Pa ldw. llenltetdlaJl. Bob C'oee, .... cleYallatiaD.. JIQecl tD a eettJnc ~ pa1mJ. ud Newlon, Leah Hannoa. Art.e Tbere 11 much IIIOI"e informatkwl tile ecbooi'I cafeteria wu 4lee-H u fl. llarta PIe 1 e r. Sandra to be obtained about the new well Schmktt .... .Jucb' Eu1maiL lite, ancl thPre action abouJcl be ~ Bob IOJum and .Joba Eaerl ~yecl for fUrther investigation. tp. .... (/l.•p• .. ahai'E'cl ~ honorJ aad l4le • Riel. Lionbaraer. singer with the baDcl. 11ft. Cooling asked that durinc enlivened t h e e\'ft\lnK. DaDae the two-week period. Shell should priJies wel't' won by Ar~ Huff be required to clean up the drill- and Caron E\'llN. GaU ColllnJ ancl ing mud in the ravine and Uttle Mike V¥~. Bob Ooene ancl Bob Corona Beach. CunnlnJdlam. Lorme BjerldD ancl C. K. Allbright, right-d·WIIY Marcia -Moorhead and Tom Web-agent for Shell, said hia company ater, who won the dance eoatst. would cleen it up, and c:.'OIIU'IWfttedl n.e w'i.Jp or camour that the lndudedl amolll the prizes weft that the violation wu not by Shell ~ o1 Windsor made popular tidu~tl to the Udo and Ilea but by tM clril~g contractor. a few wee1a1 ago Is no ~ an Theat1'8. Cbalrman Wil.ld Warner or the a.t '*-It~. ror a copy o1 this aupervDon pointed oot that Shell e)"e-((at.Wrlnc wil hu been Oown N M M . wu ~ ror the actlonJ or to O'BRIEN's u a bit of dainti· 4tne rs. 4rhft ita qmts and commented that ..-to stand in !or a bat. Wear --~ Shell should have pre,·eoted the it with flowers. or course. little Mrs. E. C. Martf' wu l'laiDCU violation, which was apparently In- ones big ones tucked president of the Newport Harbor tentional. rather than acdck-ntal. Pick up your new Dodge or Plymouth at n.,.....,,u and save up to $283.00 plus our special · ment to the teaching fraternity. R' ()()fJft NOftiiNG 1'0 IHVaftOA'I'E llater abow· t.be' ~ars or juSt 'W,ctcr the A~Uary of the 0\Uclren'a Rome Mr. Allbright answered that the ' ~vet ribbons in back • -~ come Society at the meeting held laat violation had been intentional. but , ~:;........;:::.::; ln and see• 111:~k on Tuesday at her Balboa not willful. · Island home. She SUC'Cleedll llrl. A. The supenisors th('n \'Otf.'d t hf' ._ pNea ellfiM.'II"•! GeN V. Andrews. who becomes parlia-two-week delay. •-* !ltMI Re e rn. ..ada .m menta.rla.n. -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;;;. .....,. ...... M ' aaelr tep -Other ofricers eJectedl Wt'l'e )(n. r •• rt ' n 1 at~ ~, ...e Wil!J"t"d Berls, vice presidmt; llrl . • ,.., -...e wttll a ,... ~ J . H . Riggs, l't'COrding lt"CI't'tarY: • ._. ...,., ... _., tLIL M.rs. Kenneth Starege. co1 reapond- ing ~tary. and Mrs. Fo!Tt'St 1beetge. treasUTt'r . • A PICTURE OF PROCRESS • ....................... ... -e6 4p1rt ·--are ....... _ ...... ~ .. ............. ,.,.,. 'l'lle ...... f ~ .... rt~t~t -t. ,.. .. . !Mil ewr .. fe....._ wttll tile ~ Beautiful • . <Continued from Page 1) D u M 0 N T T I II"NMl ..,... ~ --• 0 0 eM~ ' 1'17 ...., Ia brtlll.aate ........ ''Odenoo.. earrings. • --the ldnd that ornament both top and bottom or 1.he ear • -• are also fl'8h ln at O'BRIEN'S. Fash- laaable in either bright white or .ummer rhinet!tones. We can't begin to tell you about everythin~t. but you·u be pleased to givr a s:iJt from O'BRIEN'S. I -~ I_--- ~ enemy were wounded and taken ' :~:t~~ ~v~~n~r~v:r: :: e . e V I S I 0 n vine anc! continue the attack." Sgt. Oakden, who had gone through all combat with his unit. was the second in the outrlt to be returned to the states, in AprU or 1945. His train was in 0\Jcago when h(' heard the V-E nt>WB. On May 13. 1945, he 111'85 separated from the ~rvioe on llM> ~t cout. His wire Nt>\'a (known to play- goers here for her roles in Com· munit) Player productions) had come to Balboa durin,:c the war and wa~ in the dry cleaning busi· I'M'$8 with her brother-in-law and sister. After the war tM Otlkdens purchased ruu ownership. and that's their business now. the BaJ. bo8 Cleaners. In addition Vt!'J'It' is studying at Orange Coast CoJlegt'. taking up a building construction An _ Ideal Cih for FATHER'S DAY JUNE BRIDES -.CRADUA TES CHOOSE A DUMONT AND BE SATlSFIED Do Yourself Proud! PRESENTS MIIC...N. ) 9 Ir)ch -Hand Rubbed Mahogany Exclusively In This Area At SEOOND SECI'ION FOilMAL OPt:NI~G of .... 111M ...-ef • Bai~MM! Y.,..t Ch6 waa .....-n-M at a dlaa~r ~ at ...,_ d...,l CMIIW "'-hlrclay .. , . ....._., Meww ~ at tk IIHoa4l talll.-, frOM lf-ft. aN' Commodorf' lb v •~- ...,._._ of tW l.Uo I* Yadtt ct.la, Jln. I= .............. ('onmtCMiorf" Cliff CluLPIIfULB of tltto ~~ Caltf....aa Yad!U.C AIMC'IaU.,. Mra. Chrrn ... C011n.dOof' llany ~tt .t tile..._ Yedtt C'h ... Mra. Ed a"_.. ... C1 •••~ ~ of th.. Parifk-C't~aat VIM'htln~ A.ociatiOL Ia Ute fOI'f'Cr•-11 a"' Or .... Mn. Sah"at.rf> M-.eo. (Photo by Beckner.) The lhlrd annual oomm~t of Orange Coast Coli~ will be held at 8 p.m. nc>xt Thur8day, JUM 14. In the campus auditorium. and 142 studenta wtU ~iv~ tMir AA degrees. Twt"nty-two of this num- ber graduated In February but will ffi:leive tht>lr diplomas with tbe ,..._ ular claa. Graduation ll)e'ak~r will be Dr. William C. Jon8, president of Whittier Co~~. Baccala~te te"'VtcH wtU be bekt at S p. m. Sunday in the audftorhan. Rev. Tom PendeU of Christ Olureh by the Sea. Newport, wiU delh-eT the ~. Among tht-students receiving their ~ wiU be the foUowing from this area: 4 Camp Periods for YMCA YMCA camp periods arc ra t High school bo)-s' Ha-Y camp v.'lll fiUlng up, Sreretary Paul Delp of be June 19-26; Junior high boys tht> O...ngc:' Coest YMCA an-t ages 12-14 l from June 26 to July nounces. Th<' Y office is at Or- 1 3: Gra-Y camp (bo~ 9 to 12) from ange Coast College:' and a $5 de-August 23 to 30: Cirs' Tri-HI·Y poait will hold the re!K'rvation. camp August 9-16. 11te total fee is $16.75, which in· Activities Include fishing. hlkjng. cJudes meals, transportation and natur<.' lore:', ho"*'bac k. riding, ~~~~n~c Coast YMCA has se-campcraft. swimmin.g and other cul'<'d four pcrlod8 8 t Osceola. in sports . a n d evenang programs the San Bernardino Mountains. around the campfire. wonderful new versron of your favorite strapless V-ETTE A Aa I~ Nf'W,_I'ft' cowaial tile eadre dry of New pott Beach Vo1.3 NO..G Gifts for June ..... FOR THE GRADUATE BILLFOLDS CAMERAS & FILMS PLASTIC TRAVEL KITS OLD SPICE SPORTSMAN FOR THE BRIDE DOROTHY GRAY CIRO PARFUMS COTY COSMETICS COURTLEY NYLON SHAVE BRUSHES HUDNUT COMPACTS BUIILE BATH IMPORTED ATOMrzERS Cards a nd G i f t Wrapp i n9s- Caw's "The P res c ript !o n Pharma cy '' HArbor nn Father's Oay! (JTaduation! ~~ June Bride & Groom --.AD~ ft.· HAMILTON LORE'M'A .... IUJlBOR ... .., ........ -.. '" ltll\111 .. ,.,, ... U nder this yt>ar's sleek fashions. the LongUne Straplc>ss gi\'es you smooth- ing control in white>. A, B. C cups 8.95 R t>gular St raplt'ss an whit£' & black 32-38 A. B. C' cups 5.00 1209 Coast Blvd. e HArbor 1293-VJ • Coror.c del Mar , .., ........... roller ' Drin i•ua.o. ~ ... obieaio-blc CMior " Jlfoe.poco.u -rnim elm " Wuhu cleaa with .aap u4 waaer , .... -... fLAT ..... fot ...U.ANO WDD.wodt ,~ ... ,..... .. all -9'WO UK' A n ONS- Ill (lftut Hwy., ·r;wPmtT .,.~ ... Tel lley.td .. Dr .. RArtlor !IM a.adao·~ Nursery School S tate Uoenscd and Approved ,..... ! .... y _,. ~~ .. ~,.11:!. Oa~ ... o ... t» lltth ·e ,..., UAAONABLE llAY£8 ()peon 5 days ~I' -~~ to 5 Tla.DIIporta tion Furn.labed 1 .. E. lSdl lt. • 008'1'A lfaiA ..._...,._.., • 'DO YOU SAVE. GRANDPA?'' .......... , .. ._.. . ...,... ................... ......... ,.. .......... .......... ......,., .. ,... ... ,...... ~ ... ·-..-~ ...... .. -.., .... r.rt .. ... • tnt n fill ... , Ilk,... ... w.. .... -,.14,,... ,_,.. ... .,., ...... , ........... Nab YOURSa•iuta GoalaYeor'a IDcame! C.1oa-inc mt'f'lml for the Mar- ioet"'l ol SNp Naiad wW be hNI W~y at the Girl SCout I JIOUI(>. 'l'he m"t'tinJC wW open .,, h a 5:30 p m. ·~ honorin& the tenduating M-nlona, Lu Belle Boia-, Sban'y Van Com.,.mollf' and Jane Soderberf(. Skipper Mt'l. ~ Hambrook and hPr mat,.. wm be pr'HE'flt. Jan Dul- worth and Nancy Trtu Wt'n' ~- Ot't'1l de~ tes ol thl.& &rOUP to Orange County Girl P ) a n n I n g Bwrd for Scouts held In Oransw • • • N('wport Harbor delcgatc-10 tht> Area Ctrl ·c·oul C"{)l:lf~l'('nce ~ttl Jut mon h "'f"rf' Commls-oner Mra. f..\ rett r"\uruan and Mrs Elith r C'..hapman, ooundJ ad- \ 150f Tilf' ronJ rerJC(> was hf>ld Itt A tlomar. nt-ar Mont~N.>y, and waJ. attendf'd by T"P«' ('ftl8lJ'-"<'S fNim ttll \H 'lt·m .. tal · and Ha- waii. • • • A fll'Cial l(~l 8\ lht> "F1y.up" Cf'r<•mony for Browrur• Troop Z7 h('ld te<:t·nlly "'" M r!> W H pura-~n Jr. rommt•sione r of th,. . anta Ana Girl Scout Councd and •nt ndmothPr of Sandra SpurJ:eon of 1 two newly promoted troop. G1rlli Who perUdpetH m Ole candk-U~tht oeftmony and reeetwd their JntenTlf'diatP Glrl Scout...,_ w~ Carolyn Ca.wy, Donna Can- dry, CMrue ~pton, Carole H,y- df.n, Robin Rylett. Cornrlia Smith, Kathleen Raub, Janice Hays, Charlotte Mc:Ge.n.n, Barbara Nott and Sandra. !:%.27 pia~ hoeteu to Br ol Troop 30 at IIDOCIIer meettnc WhtM ooloJ' ...._ of ,..._ way ~ ahown b)' Mra. Dorothy Mc:K'"ftna of Nf'Wport. On a ,..._ CC>nt 1 np to Norway, Mrs. lle- K~>nna had taken 1ma.U gifts ..nt b>• liM' Brown! to No~an childr~>n. Garden Party For Group A '-Riad lun<·hMn nd gardf>n r.~~t.rt)-will tw thf> first ff'U: of thfo nrowly ar£antzcd CatholJc WonK'n of S t. J ohn Vtannf'y of Balboe Ia. land. Jt will bl-ht>ld a t 12·30 Tt da\ al lh(' home of Mrs. HarT)' W~>l~>h. 171:5 Wste-rlront Ur . C1-,rcma dPI Mar. A U. tng M rs Wel h as host· ... ~ are Mrs. J . M. Mulroy, Mn. T. J . Runkh.• and Mni. Georg 8 Park r Aftl>r tht> lunctw>on a 10- Ttlf !':t-·.vport IWIIch W orTK>n of rial aflr>l'JlO('In is plannMI I thf' M()QM> will f'lf'CI orrloei"R thi j R~>~llJar m<'t'tinga of the group evenrng I Thursday 1 m the M~ "ill be held the first 1\le1iday of Hom,. 2300 ()c.-an Fronl. !"""'· f'ach mon th it wu decided Jut port . 'week on T~y wht-n they met Tllun.riav Jun(' 14. Will tx· A So-at the hon .... or Mr ... Jal'nPS &r· «"tal nlrhl for lh~> ro-workPf"!!i and r('ll, !lay Shores. Co-hosw for lhr·tr J'UP'II a df''i'if'rl COUJ"SP were Mill M. C At thP rr·~ Pnt inti"' linn a nd BrPtln r. \irs. Elmer Porrier and vuf~t offtrrr-na~ht. lhr cl of Mn; fAI."ar {:tlrfJ('nler. cand1daV1 1mttatf'd \\t>r(' namPd 111 honor of Pa t CQvf>rnor HaH•n l lnlbrook or ~foo..,. Lo~'JJ(P 14J7 Mr Ifnlbrook \\tt\ prf·V·nted wilh Ia pa<, t l{O\'Pr'nor'~ p1 n bv 1 h~> lrM:illP m(•mbr-r'll ~tPI•ry Jal'k Vaur h;m rruJdt· tht• ptf'IV'nttttion Birthday Party For Gay Ann, 7 Gay Ann MacGIIIiVI'8y, daul(h· ter of Mr. and Mrs Ak>x MacGiiU- vray, 544 !*award Rd., Corona HJghlanda. · w aJ> seven )'t'llr'll old Saturday, May 26, and to hOnOr the occuloo, a group of her frlf'nds were on hand to play game-s and enjoy ltM! lc.>-cr81n and birthday cttk~> p!'O\IldPd by ~r mot tw>r I ~ young lady gue:~~ts spent mo~t or the tlmc mak.lor doll dn~"'S. while 1 ht> 1 v..'O young f{~n­ tlemPn prt> nt Gre!l$t MacGilU· vray and hlA cousin Jock foWlcS other forms of amusement for themaelvell. Cuet~ts were Kri11tin Borgeson, Karen Kenny. Carol ~r. Claudia and Marsha Ir- win, Suan Har~hbe~. SUAJl Hal('y and Sandy and Jock Ha~ I GUUvray, who, with ~r ~ts. Mr. ancS Mrs. Don MacGillivray, we.re down from Santa Barbara to apend the week-end with M.r and Mrs. Waltt'r Wood. 439 CarnstJon Av~, Corona del Mar. Kiwanis <hganize Wit~es Club ~for,. than 25 ~IW"i of mPmbt>rs ,,r lh•• :-.=ewpon Harbor Kiwanis Club met for a l'fual purpos" on TU('Cdny nj~ht. I t o;('tw>d as a fare- "' Pll .. hower of tumdkt-rchtefs ror Mn. Chad Twichell, who will leave next W"t'k for Adak. Alaska. whe~ she will Join her husband. the fonMr Klwarus proock>nt now ataUonPct at the Up of th<> AJf>U· Ua.ns. 11\t' party was also an organlza· tion meeting to fonn a women's club to auppor l.,_lr h._bandl in J(jwanJs activities. The ~ votPd to meet monthly on Tues- days and the first otna-rs wtU be Mrs. James Van Dyke, president; Mrs: Jan Brtscoe, RCretary, ancl Mrs. Don Klrkpatrldc. ~r. The meeting wu hekl at the home of Mrs Albert Stoektoo ln Corona del Mar. Co-hollt8lell were Mrs. Jan Brbcoe, Newport Heights, and Mrs. Harry Ashton. Cliff Ha- ven. VI~ITING nu; WV8TAilD8 Mrs. Goldie Rund of Roswell. N . M .. has been spending a e v e r a J WE'ekll wlth her brother-In-law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Ja.mes J. Mus-- ta.d .• 721 Heliotrope Ave., Corona ~ ... -.. L.......:ght Club del Mar. They have made trlPI to ~· (JT"' CataiJna, San Diego, njuana and Bemns D,_~*'S to HoUywood for television shows e.. ~fKJ K and gMleral al(htset-~ng. Sixty..fou.r lftl!mben and gueata Enslen Ousl.fted edl t.w bee of Hatbor Starbright Club were a JII'OW!II ,_.. o1 ~ .,..,_.. preeent lut Thunday for the !lnt ror an ..-t8 of rrvrtw4z t U• "World's .F't.rfit lllld ()Jck~t Makr•r of EIPCitll'!al JJ ,. rlo~t Aldr'' FILL DIY Her~ is a hearing aid built to Aoousticon'll exactinJ ~ of quality. lncJudes all tM latt>St electronic Mvelop~~Wt~tll tiD give you bf!tter heating! SPECIAL lmf RECEIVER On'ER .._ COME IN • . • SEE ft' . . . TRY IT or Phone b FRD: Home Try On WlliTE or PRONE • ol IMIA 1M -Nertll .... lt. 8ANTA ANA of a _,.... of benefit partJes to tbfoml Phoaa Harbor Ult.. nile f..,. to purcha~e an altarl _.iiiiiii __________ .._ ___ .... ____ ..... ____________ ... ~ for Harbor Chapter 568. Order of the Eaatem Star . The IIM-Oftiet>rs were hollt.elllltS for thl Orat perty. They are Ruth Detater, Worthy Matron: ~ Cottle. AModatf' Matron: Lela lldllllan, Concluc~. and Ellyn Nlelllftl. .u.octa te Conc~Uctrea. ea-ta and contract bridge ~re s*,..cl. and prizes proviaed for eeeh table. Door pri~f>S were won by Mc>S· dames Myrtle Merigold ol Santa Ana, and Evelyn Davis, DeU. Wil- Maml Helen M1rtcov1ch and Mil- dred 'llf't'Till of COIIta Mesa and the Hatbor area. 11M! next party wtlJ be Jiven on June 28 In Odd Yel~ Templa, COIIta Mesa, and ~ AltKI bf! a J ddock ~ y. • .. "The time has come," the children said, "To have piano lessons, "Where theory's fun and technique's done "Without the old obsessions!" "The time baa come," the teacher said. "And here's a piano lesson "Where keyboard sk.illa, (without the chills) "Become your prized poeaession." Ruth B. A. 2191f2 lARKSPUR AVE. •• HARIOR I ~81 P --- Bnms ll Marrc~e Plllllll ~ ... .., ......... ! •• C 8 10&-a J 5- HOME LOANS '•IEDUCIIIG .. & ....... -•. ;;.at ____ _ Low MoDthly Pataaaeala * We offer you the facilities of the Largest Federal Savings Association in Orange County Yo.'ll lae -ccw41el _.._, "'..,..., .. ,yow ...... LA&UNA IIACH ......_ 4-tln -mo... A.,. Sfo"'eo ~ kJ of Boy Soout ,.ad- Six drls from !'\ev.-)JOrt H.arbrJr er&hip tra.lninc has b-en c:lOI:npJe ~ Hi~ School have atrndy PO e'n'd by fou.r !':"''POM Harbor Optinust the oompetitJoo to sek-ct a finaJ-O ub mt>mbf-• ~ <.'OW"5e wu 1st rrom ttus district for the 1951 IP" n by Harold Case tn ni~ht Orange County Fair QuPeo Coo-e M>ld m Lat:UQa. The fmal test. 1be Joc:aJ oontt'St&nll are ~tin~ ·was an over-night camp- Madene Anderson, hirJey Frank-OUt lO tb hills bt>hlnd capi5t:raoo. lin. June ~. Jane Norton, "nlP Optlmln club members eom;. Mike Bums and Ann Morru. pJetlnr the course -re C. Lester Judging· for the Joca1 oontA!St Jones, HArold Hetr1dt, 0 I i v e r will be held at 2 p. m. Saturday, BroomhMd and Harold Mltehell Jtane 16, at Ken Ni.lel' VUia Ma-~ cou.rse ._., ... cl\'WI to better rina, aooordln« to Leon Williamlt equip the club to act as .1pC111i110itS chairman of the qUHD contest and oommitteftneft lor Boy Seoul committH for the N~ Har-Troop 81 011'1. BaJboa ls.land. wbicb bor Hlgb School Dlstrict. He is has not befll able to ~"neet lately a member of the Nf'WJ)OM Harbor for ~ of.a Scoutmaster. Own~ of ~. ponsors . 'The Optimists are ~eeki.ng a of the local event Sooutmut r to enable them to op- 0\airman Williams atat that I r.te .. s~uJ troop startm~ I aU girls now attenchnc the NPW-ln Septembf-r, uo~r tht>tr Friend 1 port Harbor HJgh School ~ m-• of 11M.> Bo)" program. vttPd to enter t1M> contPS . Entry blanka and ruJ and re~atJom -------------- may be~ at rtw Oran ~~~ koUb County Fa~ds or at thf> ~-!':~-port Harbor ChambPr of Com--------------mN~ tn Ba.Jboal T'he competJ-tJon is open to untnanif>d dru Wtllaam Tobn-~a nauned Cub-~rly enrolled m the high ma.st r of Cub Park 1 at a b 1• school. n mf't'tlng which followed thf' l " :Lf: YltO~ Xt:\\' YOR& A total of 12 finall.s will be -Pack picruc at ln"tlle Bowl last An u.ncJP, RP:I::Jnald R Coonor lected {rom the 12 hi~ Jehool dis-Saturday aJtemoon At tbe same t !'1: 1 ..... • trl._.~ of ,...__..,.,. .. Coi.D'Ity. On of tun. ,. J B. Stoddard wa ma..._ u.~ torn • <'W >.ocheJJP. ~ew York, -.w. ~.,."' _. .....-\J Hed ~irs Bett) Jan,,. and tam-a.&a.---r. • lheile gi.rla will l)f C1"'WDed Queen IJstant to Mr. Tobitt, Mrs S tod-ily a their Lido hie hom~ o\·er a lrTeculu' ..... of the 1951 Oran~e County F air, dard was. named coordinator with long week~nd la t week In three I•N•"DID •• and the others will be m!'mbers of Mrs. Toba~t u h r a istant. Dan da .... _ J . ----lM Oueen'a Court. All WIU be I Driskcol will conlUJue as t.reu~r. ya ..,,.... arvts famfl) tried to COSTA YBA t.IA~ co. given a royal round of entertaln-j a.J'!d the new oHICf' or leCI'et.ary j~~·~li1~oi~:r aiCoo~~pe~r~m~o~t~o~f~So~u~t~he~m~~iiiiii=••=·~"i_.i,.~"~·i:l.~iii.l ment cluriftt" the fh·e-d&y Fair will be filled by ~. Don Ebbert.s. BIJI Jon<'tl, chairman or the I a· Scout commJttee, pretided over the Fr •• L. F r 0 •• Df -•••a election mf'f'tlng, Which was 1)(>-D ro$SarY beca~ or the resignation I ~ · I ~ ~ Harbor young people of Cubmaster H.a.n ey Peue. Mrs. r. • • • r e All e prow>d to be powerful switnmt>rs Pee~ also reaJgl\('d as coordin&- at a meet held recently at Mj ion tor. ' &-ach in San Die-go Swimming At th PICTII<' the dads and sons- for the Hu.ntmgHm Beach • ~im pta)~od baseba ll and cub dens com- Club, Susan Bro"'-n of .Sew-port I peted tn raCY~ and .I!Cll'ru"S. lee Hei~hts won first place 1n w 50-cream 4!ld cold d.nnk.s topped off yard freestyle for gtrls 12 and un-the p1cnJc lunch~ whtch rach fam-~r. Mona Rae Barlow of BaJboa tly brouJtht 1J land placed third m th.-~ • • • eH•nt. . Cub -Soou Pack llO of Balboa Is- SPECIAL c •• Req. 7le lb. BJII Carroll of Corona del Mar land wtU hold tt final P\"em of came in fourth m the Boy · 100 1 ht> school selll(>S wr thLS Sat ui-day freestyle. A ~lav team anclud-u th•• Cut. and thear {!Gn'DlS go tn~ Bruce Baird of Balboa and to Sanuago Park m Santa Ana !or Don Preston of Bay Shores won a pacnic Cubmast{'r :\ e 11 o n 1.e00nd place --• ln thP wakt> of Pnnglr. Ray Bacon and Jack Lieb the Navy .swim team. ~ill tX' m chargt> On the previous Saturday VIckie TIK>rt' ~ill be pre entation of Friday -Saturday -SUDday Oaly Newberry or Newport rt'Ceived a award! _and f-rames and picnic sixth place award.. Linda Preston, lunch, wath the Scouts providing Bay Shores, a third place. susan the corr~. Brown a seoond and a fourth and Mona Ray Barlow a first at Long Beach. FlaST CHILD FOil l'OUNG8 Their first child. a boy, was t1om Tuesday, May 29. to Mr and Mrs. J{al W. Young, 203 8th St., New- port, in SL Joseph Hospital. WeJgh- ln~o: powtds. 13 ounces. Georg~> ing 1 pounds, 13 ounces. George Wynn is the name chOS('n ror the new arrival. Enagn Ouatned adl have been a proven meena of J"Nchlng buyeR tor all eorta or ~u .. them! Phone Harbor 1114. • ln a ndana Includes-· lf2 BROILED CHICKEN NEST of UP YOUR INFLATAII.E lEACH TOYS COMPLETE BROILED CHICKEN DINNER SHREDDED POTATOES Crisp Cabbage Salad I 2 Btscuits- Full of -IRING 'DI IN- • Honey and Butter See our YEAR 'ROUND Toy Dept. While You're Here -·-· CateriDq to Parties 212 Marine Ave. Balboa Island for FBEE deli•ery C~LL •• , •• , 1114 ..... 1 Kay ~nch Fam o us T ha t D elig ht for All Occasions Corona del Mar rP---~~~P.RACTICA 00-.:HCEIIE.~ HELD The Con:unenoement ex~ « t he claN of 19151 of Valmda Ac.admly a t F\.11\erton wu beld 'J'uHday evening at the Santa Ana Seventh-Day Adventist Ouarch. Kenneth B. ~rry of the local Ad· vent~t church pr'Onounoed the Benediction. The school serves the communities of Fullerton. Ana· h<>lm, Gerden Crow. Sant3. Ana.. Oran~e. Co ta 1csa and Newport Beach. Realtors of the J I arbor ecUon VN r•·sulto; throu~h use of the En· a~ real PSlate section. GIFJ SU .GGESIIONS IN TUNE WIIH STARTER SETS Sunilar to cut. Semt-porce lain ~~ china -V ery hne quahty ~~ Set Choice of several other patter ns in 16-Pc. sets. OPEN STOCK fully autcmat1-: -T::xJSts the a• way you want 1' cvn ry 1!C:if• . Buy th1s on our Easy-Payment La y-Away Plan! 4-0 t. Size ---One of the fa-liAS mous Rever e C opper Bottom ., cooking ute nsils Quantity Li mit~d Bett~r H urry' Westinghouse Electric •••r Cor'lplr-t, .vtth )1uccr A ttach-19'5 mrr • Sells ;eg1..larl•t a t 41.95 Close-Out Prl':c . Hamilt01 .. 1Ch Eleelric Ill• Complete w1th }Ulcer ment Reg ula r 42 00 Close-Out Pnce Attach-29'S BUY THESE AND OTHER ITEMS ON OUR EASY-PAYMENT LAY-AWAY PLAN! J.C.li~Ka liE 121 Coat Bhd. / CConUnued &om Pap 1) 1 he gra dua lion Xt>rc\sles &eheduled for 4 p. m. Wedne~>day in the Hlgh School stadium. Jt(•V. Pa ul Edwa.rd Babbitt ot th<' Corona &>I t ar Comm unity f'hur ch will give the in\'OC1Hton Graduatina Senior Paul Lee wtll gl\ e t h<' "t>lcomlns; a d· dn.· Th«> k.-radu 1 tion addl-t>s '"" b..• dPh\NH1 by l>r. Hu~th M. T int ·1 pat· htt·nt of Pr p)l('t dmt> Col- It> 'l' Anulh•·a· l'rnduatinv "''naor, Mon • \1,.T!I!;t'<!rt "111 l!l\ l' the fart "'II ll.tdcJ Rm,: "rod J l..t .... lu.: '\I• lit n-~ •n, n 1 11 t,.·t col \h(• '>C'ht~<JI bo:'trd. "Jll J)li "' rat t hr• d tfJiom.t . T h<' '('f\lr'f·' '' all ••n<t '' 11 h b4 nr·dJr lion b} Rr·\ 'fum P• ndell 01 C'hnst Chur('h b) thr• '-'••1', :'\(•\\'}JOrt. Jl(·n· U. tlw 11'>1 ol ).,rntd uatt.no; seniors· Lewll, Don l.INrk, Haney Uftp, Olorla J,.ohrnan, Doruucl Luall, Norme · Mar• shaU. WW1am Nartbbum, llett:r_ Jo McCarthy, Colleen McDrrmou. wou-rn McDonald. Danny McGrew, Gleocla McKanney. Cl'l&tles McKulnol\, IAIYJ' McMasters, James llld oiUlan. &aJI:r Ilk'· Mtlldi~;Mona McTu.art. J ack ~~.1 .M.;ar} M t!ll>lt'«l'r, Carla Mercer. AU~ Me rrell, Sh1rle~ Merrdl. Ball.>' MIJler. .f"1 ank lotllle r. \\•alter lllllcheH, Sh.lrle)' ~~~~~ffN~~~ltKe~n~1~\~~l ~ N•·u"'atln Kob(,r\ Norm n. Jan Nor-Inn Elu.abeth S o Connt'U. JCJ,mne 01- •Jn K•~·t..,rd Opp. Meh II Itt Orm NX!, ,.,11!•1 p,.,•t;~m o.,· ••• 0 Pa• url~1 Ro- l.ot·rt P;~11 n-•n £d .. ;~rd Puull WuJtam 1'~·uu U.ntd f>o ot~ .1, LaVo•·•·~ Pct ·r- I>Otl. Rol• r P u.t~r. su~.a• ne r•ttct r, T~·• t l'ol,.,..o R•onoAid Q ua1ry, Ju A roll<' Q o <·II. Jc..u Qutll.~. J ao k Ree<J. )hr)'klOIIUi Rlrlta rd,.m ,_ JaiJW .. Rea~I• Sus;oo Rt.I)H. R•·bl·rt :~alld,·l• "WIJ· lllam Sdt.mttll. AU;a.n SI."')U t lun:nc;e ~"t·fl ' p,.,n.ul Sh.af~r. M..;ry Shaw, G~<t) SlluJI. Jamt"S Slcmuna. U . Mel- VI/1 Sm.:Uie' Rob<'rt Smeth, Gary Smlth , Jad l Smith. llbrtlyn Snu". Jane SO· d~ctl)ctl I:NIIOV.u\ Sou\h~orth. Rober\ St.ao . Donald St lh:nl><•n, Lon-aJoe I Oaan• Abbott. Jame~~ s Aau . Robert ' S\.llltnc~. U>ts StraHna. Belly Stucky, Aldridre, J a•·k AJI:\J\Illh. Carol Lynn Wa rttn Sturtevant, Dt>nr la SuJJJ\Ian, And<>r ~~n. •MariC'Iw Andt:rwn. ftjchard LIO)d Sv. lnt le, J anet T homu ; ArdiS Paulin" Babball, PriKIJJa J . IJa· E rm:1 ThumploOn, Erne t Thomplf.lll, ker. · 8 <.'\1 •rly Dar ••C11, 'R(Jbert Baek· Raymond 1'raut11.em, Jr.. J .._ann Ie •ttvm, &-ymour ~lc. Clara ~nne\t. TnalY. Rt>bert V:m O nm!A!n. Donald Bllr\l:ITII Ber1eron. Wa) nt BerTY. Larry Wallci!r, O tane Wa llace. Ro&t•r Wa.rd. • S.rsch •Lu Be-ll Boll'f· William Buck-jr . Roo:~ld Weldon. Jamt•s W. Welt). f;()0 TUf; ('Itt. \TOft I ner, u i. Robert Bu.-IJ. Robert LIIC! Bur-Hechard WhiUHfk~ -Waltcor w mcut, The norrP<.•Iiun olnd etcmallty of I dick. Mikel Burrut, Joyce CaJdwt'll, 'Wilham W lttm.•n • ....,r,y Wuod1 Robert "" Nonna Ca!itl<', A~aiJn 0 Ch11mbers. U . Wr.odho~. Evd.)n Wvodwortn. Don all that God hu mad(' i !.lrt>~>SNI W afn.ll Ch;oJ\.{•r. Dt•lvl'f'J Chruotenacn, aid Wool.·ver. M.arshall Worley, Wtl-Ill t ht• sund~.' '"~"'n-Scrmun con I 1 Nartt'l Colt•, F. liN-n Cnh•man. Ronala IIBm \' a rwoud Madf'llr.C' Z4:1 bt bj Comer. Odroy CrliCIC. •r;me.lt G Crain. • Hu11or .tur1<>11b th e "tl f-t'l ·( "~.d t hP Only C,all.<;f j R C (.ra rw, Andn a <.:rlbben B.trbara and Crt•nlor n tht• Chrisllall !-'l·t- Cro ·bYbRulh Datuok•·. Juan OalebOut, t• "PTISM OF' I~'F"' ~'TS l''ll<'•• l'hw dt , • :"1•\.\'port Jla rlx•t Deane ant,.J, J ac'k O.;~ve . M.ar)• O.avls, •n .... "·" 'MarcaJ'\'1 Dt -hl . •W aitt r Oout1.'\l, )r : • . n•·ar Lido h l1 . Ronald Enale )-:le.mot f'ef'lf\l..on, SingJnJ: b) th~ Cherub C'hulr, a Thi<. <·t tdllllll from Rc.'\t>la tron Jam•-f'•kher. RIJIA rl Yh·t:m.r. Oar} I ~~~~b) <'l~h l·)<'ar-old J~mm) \Vat· J:i :~ 11> t& ,., ldfln Text : "Gn·at Ford .·tttrley r runkhn s .. th J o r~. son and the ba. pll m •• or tnfa.nts \\111 ttnd rn~ t'\et0 .. , ~··" thy \\Orks. Lord Con UIUt'f' Gammoll 0<11•11 GJibert. k C h ld 0 t th m . ..._ " G~• nnt· GI<K ae. John Gn ... nl~>af. •Dor-mar .1 u:n ~ <t~ 8 0 1 n-Cod Almi~ht~ JUSl and true •tr<' othy Grettenlkrc. Cl<'nn Gn.Jteth . 'C)'d-ang servtce Sunday a t Chri l th) wa)!i. \htJ'l Kmg of sainb ·• ewy A Grtsty. Mot' Gruru.ky, Carole C"hurch b) tht-&>a . Of pedal ln· Guy R1chard liambac!'e r. ~bt'rt Han· tt:rest to the parM>na gf' fa nuly will --- JamM .,. H.arvt .)', E\rel.)n Hatch. Bryan tx-tht> bapll.srn or theu thl son. ~ •• ... .... III.ItMU .o ~k. Ja~ H'arr1 . Caroll-n Harrt.on.l . . . rd c t PPI u PA"'.,O· .... _D,... Ha)H. Je:. S<llly Hendel'110n, Shirley Howard Thomas Pendell. by his Or. William Mjddlemass. :!~~an.HJr' rcil~~· lft'o'J~~· ~~~ fa ther. Rev Tom Pendell. Crand· Da.na Point , UflPIY pastor Cor Hux~. Palrlc1a HuJfm•n. it~eha.rd p:u •n ts on both sid{'S the fll.tniiY Andrev.~ P~b)Wrian Church at Hunt. Gtora.ldlnt> Hurtado. Ruth lbbot-trt.'t' arc planninv 10 tx_o pr ent for N(wport Ht'i)(h\S because Rev. IIQO, OunaJd Ja ckllon. Donald JacotMion. .., Thom~· Gt ..... ~n has .. ~n cau-.Edward John-on. Jr • G rac.o John!JQn, the e\ent. ..., '""' uo..-.: .._,_. Ro~rt Johnson. ftlchard Jon • June J•'mmy Watson 8 lhl'rd .....,...a...r mlo actin• <•rvkx', will preach K~l\f'. Chari • K'"pJ>t!r Oam!U R · o· -'lA' S wlda} o n "OnJJ a Dream." K lnc. Andrev. K nox. Joy Kun.k.e.l, AUee a t the Newport Beach school, will Chlldrt>n's Day Servfoe will be La&:lle, Rlctard Lane. M11u~at'e' Lllnl: ing "U.sten co the Lark." 1'he held Sunday o~ng the gradua-dale . Jonn t..anaenhelm . Robt'rt Laraen, ,_"'I"Ub Cho.·r made u p or boys Paul LA-to, JOBJlna Lrltnold. Alan """" • lion of Clll Junior High stu-and girls from grades one thro~h dC'nts wUJ pres('nl the calJ to wor-th~. is under the direction of ship and the pre7t>r as weU as as- Mrs. A . J . Rutter of Balboa Island. sl l with coli<>Ctitns and ushering. Mendelssohh 's "But thP Lord Is Each church ~d100l department Mindful of His Own" Will be .sung will present its nMl program . by ttl Sanctuary Choir. "No thing Tile ChUdN>n's Day Exercises Can Separate Us From Lhe Low will be held duritu; lhe single 9:30 of God" "'ill ~ thE' m or n ing's scr-a.. m. chur<'h service instead of at mon topic. 3.30 p. m . as pn•,iously announced. • IT CAMNIOOf .............. ;, WHilE, NAVY, PADID llUI Exclusi•e Distributor iD Newport • Balboa Area ITM ..-n. II.OIN 1••,.•'-•• the .,.,.,._., MIIIMprl"' ...... , ......... Wallace . Ccdderhe4d -JfWQ.Eit - 817 Coest IW. coaONA DEL WAa b Mea and WOIDMl • • 1-----• St•RISG f'OI.K ~DASCE t"E.ST0'.\1 .. ao annual "'"nt at both • I OOII.K'VNIOS 8ti!I~AY Communion service Will be held at the 11 a. m. Sunday service at the Firat Baptist Olurch of New-port, 1900 Court St. Topic or Pas- tor Don Lamberson'• commwl.ion J medl ta tlon will be "A sea rcluntt qu tion." Sunday School will be at 9 ,f5 a m. Th~> ,., Prum; Y•rviet> ... ,;u liP <tl 7 :3fJ JJ. m., end thl' ermon ... ub· )f'("t f t1r t II ttl <:f'l''\ tee \4 ill bf' "Char· UC0f:'rl"11 IJ! (",00 • r •'Op!P '\!td · \H• k ... n t•" \\1ll b• tt 7 Jf• ~~ m. \'•>~ln•.,.rl. We ha ... ~ one or the most up-to- d\tr and l'fftdl'r.t rb printin~ plants in thP Harbor Area. Try u . Buxton Billfolds His Own Mug German Beer Stems 'Str.p Tea se Mugs ---ar.d ASHTRAYS uy Do~c.:~y Klndell n n d ~ mJ tum a card • j> • JEA~'~ Gift Shop 12 11 Co••• B1~d ~one del Mer HArbor )14G-J St•\\por1 asnd Corotu& Ch-I :\l&r Grammar Sc'hool'4, ~tt1ruC'f<>(J bundrNll' 1 OB~ER\ t: l'Ot.TII ••WSD.-\\ uf p.:ul'oh la!!t '' M>k. fundt-rl(llrlf'D lTOUP" or ~r"" t-:.ll•Jn &m .. u aad .\ 'Ill'~' 1 II d 11 • n wm ... hlp f>n tre ~r .... c.ordun \\t•\IJI's HOOOlll of tbf' C'oronn df'l .\lalr ~hoolun• nnt· fnr C"hild1t n "'II lw h£'1d 11 •t m fn~o: tbt' rnu 'JlOI ... 11l J..rt, •nd tht-plctur•· at rll'llt ... f\n\\ .. flr .. t .:nadP~ ,..;und,t) at thr ="•"-'POri Jlarbor lmm '"'"" l.1•1lA May \VIIIYY ana 'lrl'l. \ lrl(tn;.t t;.,.•ohar· .. room" • Lutht·ran \hurrh ThP th m•· or cltuwln~ "Ttw t'armPr In tit .. o .. u .. at t h .. S t•\\toort '<h<K'II. J>ao;tor Ht t·t>f rt H.nth' ..,t•rmfln at • Phu•vs by \~ 1 h.trdtt this "Youth 'und:.~) ·· '-f'l'\ lfl \\til be ------------------'Jlw Lo\1' ol -, F at! ~>r R~,··la hon 1 Younc Pf'OPI•· nf thr <·I uq-h "'II 1o:r'·:·.cr .. ~rdal Church to B~eak ,'-tl\.11'1' a dl'iH'f/0 ... and nltJ f.:lf1tCI· .u ~· p•t tP 10 the -E'r\ ll • Th d•·a{Yms true nrC' tht ~unda~ are l 'l\,am C.attt•rctam saint .. And Jt·rry &'hull./ :'o1an J"an G d S d I Kt~C'I will tt>ad tht• Scrtpt.UI" II'· roun On n a ~ons T h4' Ch rub Chotr mad•· up U 'Y 1 of cl;uldrl'n from agPs 4 '" dj. rf"Ct t'd by <A·ne Ro t h. "ill Mn~ What Shall W<· Chitdr"n Bnn~?" The Comrnwtity Church or Co· rona d<'l :\1ar wiU break ground for Its nf'w addition a t 10 :30 a . m. Sunday, Rev. PauJ Edward Babbitt announces. The church wiJJ build a n('w Parish HaJJ, including Sun- day school rooms and a bride's room on first floor and a IOCial hall, kllchen and two class rooms on second floor. Diehl, pre!udent of the Church School GuUd; Mrs. Raymond K. Harvey Church School Supcrin· t.endcnt; Don .StefCenscn. Senior High Pilgrim FeUO\\-shi p presl· dent; GajJ Frahm, Junior Hi~h Pilgrim Fellow hlp president, M A. Harwood. president of th Co- rona del Mar Men's Club; Re\. GJenn A. Rowles, supt>rintendcnt of th Con~'l'P't&tlonal Confer nee and Robert S. Wood, Building CoordJ· nat or. A t the 9 :45 a m. and 11 a m s rviCE'S, Rto \. Glenn A Rowles will preach the sermon on the sub- je<:t, "BuiJdlng For Tomorro" · The service or groundbreaking will be held betwe<>n the two mornjng n ·ices, with Rev. Bab- btll prcsidin~. A poem of "Ground- breaking" wilJ be read by Sam A. Meye r, chairman or the Board of Deacons . A hts torical statement will bf' giv<'n by Mrs. Frances Cox, one or thE" women to help organize CHUR 'll HOOL SET tht• church six y a rs ago. RliSS<'U Oates for the DaiJy Vacation Hampton . chairman or the Board Church chool to be conductC'd at of Trust{'(' and chairtn3Jl of the Christ Church by the Sea this F111ancc Commit l<'C, wiU give a coming summer, htwe been Si't for tatcment concerning the method a tYo-o-week period from June 25 or butlding the parish ball. through July 6, according to Mrs. Mrs. L. A. Norman, chairman of Walter Corbin, Director Classt's the Board of Deaconesses, wUI wiU be held during the tnot)'\in~ read a poem, "We ShaU Build On." Monday through Friday, except Th<' .,'Towtd·breakin~ C<'remonies for the 4th o{ July, and will be wall be ~1\'Pn by 0. Z. Robertson. open to aU youn~stcrs from four chairman or the Building Commit· yeaN or age up through the 6th tee; Mrs Wt'nd<'ll Hoyt, presid<"nt grade. ClaSS<'s will be held in of Capilla Cir cle: Mrs. R. Stuart Good II Hall. ~·······················' ~ • • Make it a ~ ~~ t Sportsman ~ . ~ • FATHER'S DAY! ~ . ~ • GRADUATION! ~ • • : Fts i Ai'ia • 11 s 195 Up ~ • • : ;AETIWiTEi EELs 500 Up : . ~ • II"&&C88l WATE& -• • SPIIIIII IEELS ~--up • . . , . : ifi1"'iii1• 1.111 lfZS up ~ . ~ : ~ • • • • IIA"* •• .., ~ • "'' OeM& ....... OeNiia ... .. ~ .................... ~·~· A hort. illustrated rmon will I be prcacht'd c peciaUy for the children, and th n therE' will !;)(> a I condeOS('d S<'rmon for t hl' adults. The purpose of Youth Sunday·· L'l to stimulate church attendanw not onl) among young people, but to encoura gt• the wholt• famil) to at· tMd church togE>thPr. ISF,\S'T OS 8 .-\J>TI.,ED Th4' Sacrament of Hoi) Baptism \\ftS admJni tered las t S unday to 1 . 'tephcn \\'a) ne Wilson infant son of P re. and Mn~. Pt>ter S. Wilson f n('(> :'>1ary Jo Quarry •. at the NewtiOrt Ha rbor Luthe ran church e MOV ADO e HAt-..~llTO~ e LE COULTRE e ELGU e LONGINES-WITTNAUER Lea dmg makes of watches m solid gold. gold-!1lle d. s~mnless steel or set w1th diamonds. Other gift suggestions: Parker and Sheaffer pens, · HolJoware and Sterling Sth'E>r clocks. w. d. johnson, JEWELER !J8 Martae A\·e.---Ba.nto. I laad-JL'-rbor !140 H'ith Style, Co•fort ••• Color I• CAllfORIIIA liNflfW.fAI Superb summer weight RAYON LINEN -tailo~d in the casual Block manner JACKETS • • . • NA ) , GI\Ev o~.:l BEEC'-1WOOC 12.50 SLACKS • • • in NAVY, BEECHWOOD NATURAL . . . . . . . I 0.95 Fish 'n' Folks ''Lots of barracuda-wu t.be ~ port {nJm the._ __ this -.IL .. 81:8 ....... ... I t Sa~ .... ... ---~ .-t .,.._ loru • ....,. ~y. P'lnt place .._... • • • ear1h i& the easv ola boy whidl wmt to the Placeatia Ship. wtth Keith .Rbna ol the Newport PI« clirectftl c:u aceamplish pract.i-IIMTy Garder'a Newport Slllp a Fltlbiac ~ aid that filblllc cally aa)'t.hiac. Wat.oess t.bt> See daM 8eOOOd and J.A.cw_\a in third ... -pod TuNday that the -Scout Bur ~ the clirectioa ol placP . ._t c::anw ~dt by 1.30 iD the Bill Spurgron. extraordinary ne-0 a a • c pertmtMt)' fill 1M altemoon !"lth ~ aboard ha\'l.nc culi\'f' or Senior Scouting for the ....... ... Dldlle Qwl&, c:aaebt tht"ir limit. ~ nsbinc area. b9w' in a oouplf' of )ea.ra it ....,...........,. • ._,..., ..... -., alto was l"f'PC)r'led P'Od has ~~ from a shambles ...,._ de-._ Cftlc _, • • • into ~hly th(> be•t qualified a: 0 ~• fill~~· .... Bigg8t catch at Seuport L&.od-baM an tbe 'nited States and has ... lllfll' ....._. .......,. .. .--tic wu a U-potmd wilite ..,. bua become the mari.nt> outlct for 14 ...a, .-_..,... a... mt ~t in Saturday on the l..udQt w.-tJlroul:bou t Oran~ County, 0 I a • C _.,.., .... 1M OaiDe. Tbe lucky angJerwu t...lo)d and for Rivt>rside and Redla.ock -.. .. .....-Itt' ... ~ BeUisine of Los Angeles. CaBoo u well. __, b • ..,.. .,..,.... ...._ ... aod halibut .. well .. berra-...... -~ • wwk ~., t \a •• ., ......... ...... cuda an-keeping tM r~ a a tzt ..,.. ..... -.... .... ... ~ ... ~ ... ... Juawy. .... ........... ~ ....... ~ ........ ... • • • e1 r.t O.,.,h AMr ~ .r '0 rttr He ' 1"be lllgbt a.acJen at the dock -. wWrll .. ,....-we ..ar ... -S ' r Y ' I ~ • at llalbca Pa\-itioe are a1al"tiDc to II F 2 ...... ...,. -..... • .._. c P eW ..,. &w. C'atlclll -~ 1rv Gramky •C 2 .. ·r r. t:. .... r.. • c •· --.. ...__ --~ ........... .._. ... ~-catches ol ~a;;; .... ( .:S.:,. ~ ~ =.::.*: ~ = _..__tlw.yboata. .......~.. - • • • -i ... .-a 1cca ••• ... -'*•inc all the advanU18 tile)' _. .... ...._ ...., ntM ~ olJer ol iaclependence on the hich ••= Die It ._ .. at ~ seas aDd ideal family cruWD.g. You ...._ ..-..e C W ~ ~ may have watcbed ooe building a t xa.,-, a..e il8 .._ ~ .,. the Ray llitdlell boat yard at 15th ae ..,.. .c* ftiii'NM._ at and Irvine in C.O.ta Mesa. IMII& a ,_... • ..._ Ia r~ ._ fh •ua, tile __., IIIlA. UCIUIA..~ &ET1:JlN8 It _._..,.. u,._ b ......,..._ ~J', llra.. Thurmond Rldonan. 500 -Beau.-e they ~ alf plank -.e•, 1 M •utta tilDe at ~ NaJ'dssul Ave., Corona del Mar, Is holden, there is no \1l0dalistn. and llleadt ... • tile ..ater u ~ at horne again after a week'a because tht!>· have kno\ll:n the I tftk. Ia .... t.l• ,._..,. ~- vWt with relativt"S in La. A.llgeles. pride of accomplishml'llt, it is a\c r.u,., t::• klly W. 6-,-ea.r- Burba.nk and North Hol!Y"'"'Od. doubtful the>• will e"-er submit to ol4 ..... &e-Jlutl,... _.. t.-k H~ lint visit wu to the home of dependence oo •-eiiare. te tile water at • __ ._, .. ...._ her sister, .MI"'i. 0\arles 1... Howell, Last weekend the Base seethed .. eN talt. ...a hiltdJ' .... ..._, and her nepbew-lnalaw and ~. -i lh 1.JO eqoer Nnbumed faces fM tfae ..._. ..aer, 8# 'M Mr. and Mrs. Flo)'d CuppB and and wh.ite caJll. The occa.sion was Dee .. -., Ia~ ... ..-r daughter t"eggy Anne, in La ere-a nrst aemi-annuaJ Rt>gatta. tea-.. ,. -a ........ \'O)'&p to 80ellta. turing competition Saturday. en-' Kedoo ---a •·-*rl.S .. ,~-~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;==-;I t.e t.er paHAla keep pr_.. roa ~ .............. 'Af~ruyn's motor sailer will be lauocbecl an a couple of week&, and whel1 tbe Sandborm embark this is what they will have on and wbiJe it does not represent Roo'a ultimate idee of a boat it ia a J'!jii~·~ .. ~-~·~--ii~~Aft.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiijiiii•i•~· eoiiA~~~·~·i•i..,~i 10~ct;~t. beam 11 feet 3 inches, draft 4 feet, freeboard 2~ feet, groa tonnage 14, sail area 400 aqua~ f~t with all rigging in- ISLAND HARDWARE The Barge lfArll,or !let -IIArtler lllt-M · OFF NEWPORT PIER-. .......... ...;...._ -....atiLa. 1 LR'E B&JT ao.&n LEAR • a ' ..... ...-_, ., ..... L, t i ' ; ,-,. , -6. • • ,.. -•• SOUTHERN CAUFORNIA ST£El.C'RAFT, INC. ·~ -ooc::-~ 23018 COAST HWY., NEWPORT IEAOf . HARBOR 2561 , .' .. t. • t -~ II... • ; ; t. ~. • . ' board Planking 1 ~ 'inch fir 8Crew fastened, bent oak ribl with 10 inch oentera, vertical crain fir cJeck. water capad ty 120 gallonJ. CI"Udln& range 1.200 miles. A lleaellle. ..... ,.._ e.Ra ... te-..... wltlt IV, rtAIICU• par btb?hJf' ... __. .. ....... ......... wltlt lire-....... ,. ,......,.., SJeepin& accommocla tiona for aUt. lar~ hanging lockera, stainJesl steel galley wi::b stove ventilator. window Light& in t he cabin, poJara I !zed glass, mahoga.ny ll'im, built-- in lazy S uaan in the di.nette. I The Sandborn motor aaUer bU the substantial quality of your elm shaded fa mily residence back east. • • • --. ~ Catch YEU..OWF1N, CROAKER, HAUBUT, Etc. WHEN YOU SAVE REGULARLY, YOU BUDD A FUND TO TAKE CARE OF EMERGDf- CIES, AND YOU HAVE MONEY FOR THE LUXURIES OF UFE. SO PUT THE MONEY YOU WORK FOR TO WORK FOR YOU AT THIS BANK. IT HAIDDI !1111 etl MAt. CALifet•ta ··-· ....... """ ............ ~ IPOilT IIIIRTB Val_. to t.N HcmdFrauwd ARGYLE IOCIS • • * Dtlaer a?l.......a w -rl• a I .M ..S. ........ . II.ACD AD Wool 7&ep7arty 11.15 ··- DURAGAB (a DyloD blend) CORDUROY IPOIT COATS 114lt'*rt7 u.11 .. na . ·······-····-················· • ' IU..'IJDY wnB DIE MW! <>ranee Couatiuw wtao are handy •ith the c:roc:blrt needle ma.Y compt>te lor cash prUe& at the C<Kmt)' Fair in August aDd later participate in a nation 1Vicle con-t~t Crocheting in 16 Clusilica- lions will be Judged including blue r:bbons for the men. ....... .._ L.-nlle•• * ... Patio De I.Aaae ~ '*-en U-L~~ • ·-p. ~ s--a C ATERI NG SE RVI CE T O PRIVATE PARTI ES 1/ostt:ss ~ .. HArbor 2 3 6 5 lOS NAJLIN~ A V e Nu e IALBOA ISLAND ':ALI~O a.etl• IJrertMfat Serwd AU Do,. N.....,.t...,.... * ...... RAatw. 7 • 4 CUMY with CHUTNEY * e Enchiladas e Tacos Tamales e Chili Rellenos. etc. e Steaks La Steeb • Ctto1» • Short Orden • ()eeet Jlllcllwa)' -5~ ''ll.ariner'a Mile" Red Snapper Cafe -r.- * * * 206 P•lm St .. B.lboa • ennownce• ROOM and KITCHEN * Our Special: Charcoal 8roiled E..stem Clloiee Ful I 6-oL Complete Dinner * * For ReservetioM- Phone • . . HAtt>or 1224 nNE IT&UAN DINNERS AJ.o 8tab-....... - HEHt:•s A S( ESE from tiN> _....,._ .. U.rilh•r. "SI«<tt Mftt Fall." ln·•• .. t•ntf'd b~ lbf' ~~('Wp('rt llarbor C'ommODi f)' Pla~ .. , ••• u.~ or._.- ( ''a'l ('nllr l'" C'hs t,.-L Da..nn~·. J'la~·M~ by Orr .. n Brooks. 1!1 talk.lft.-to )frs. Rrnm010o (Gr rtrud.-ltorn ). ~hJlt> tbf' aurw-(:SalK') Aadrt~•) IH()k" on. T lw pin~ \\111 tw ~t.-d to t:h.-ptlbll«' Friday aad atur- d3y nll('bts. and tbt•r f' \o\1U ~ a ~ fM IDf'mbton U.l8 '"' t>aial{. ('ortnln tlnw '" 8:!t0 p. m. C'off.-e ~111 ~ """ f"d bfotw~• actA. Cocktails • • • Seafoods and steaks are a spe- ciaJty at the coa.-. ~t on the Mariner's Mile, and there's a special treat on S undays only-country fried chicken served aU day long. . . . Host A. H. Steg- mann's motto is a "family !'fttaU· rant. ~ith family prices .. • • • • • • People come in ctrov8 to ~'w ....,.. Aft. <lafe on Balboa lwland That exceUen t food . . . the I'MIIOI'l why 10 many important clubs and groups eat here . . . wm ~t you. too. Not only do the deUcio\.18 full coune ~ra offered at reuon- able price~ attract people to Whi~'s. but the frie'MIIy atmo8- phet'e or the bar and 1'8ta .. nt eomblned make for a f~ltnc ol ~good company. It IB a lane- Mit tor fwttel"'nftt and ylldlumen aftd ~r ta 11 tales add to the con- ~ ruaJ11~ ol tht plact' Dl"op in to a.11n Os 'flecl ... ba\o""e been \''i\tch tf'lf n,ICln trl'at }OUT"e)f to a proove aw.. ol rachinc....,.. a smoot h daqujne lor what have for all 80I1a ol JDKdw"• 1 U. you 1. and cat a <k'l<'l.:tabJc> meaJ. them! PlloDe HartMII" tn._ ~£-'"&~boo Room _, __ ~ALme• Now Open! DINE, DANCE, RELAX IN OUR NEW LANAI LOUNGE Superb Music by Baas Hutchinson and His Band Featuring Vocalist Helen Paige And for your added pleu\n -• -n.nctnc and Enterta.lnment ewry ~ ~. uMioo 110011 ~ O&a&IIDINE MIIE1I .... 595 18.15 1000/0 WoOl IPIIT-TI =-It'S .. .. v ..... Wa.te~proot JAC&EIS .... US-415 lCln T-SHIRTS ............ 1• to zcs MErn SWIM p-:z;r OUR FA croll IIUI'aiER LINEN II STEll Beg. ,. IUS ....1 .... moam .... 171 PEDAL PUSHERS IG SLACKS •••• ... SKIRt'S ••••• fll 8bee. toM PEDAL POSHEIIS SLACKS •••• • • • • • Manning,. Choice -..t--ae.t Ottt.lnable Stett ... h 9tt . h4k L.........._..l Q•tft;r fqllg. • • h6tc h55t wtaers, sllless . Ia. 5tc: ,,......, T...._. 11M aattM Tift cec..tQips. t.Bt • • • , ..... ... t.Wt • • • • • • • • • • THUnDAY Potato Dlllaer RoBs .......................... 6 fer l5e BGMy-FNit liar Cooklm ......... -.... .% do&. S9e FRIDAY Ow s MOll Rolls ................................ 6 for De ~ Pie ............................................ aell 51e IATURDAY C.........,_7.,fft0h--.2 u,..... llaltled .. ~e .......................................... B'Je ........ Apple Qoftee ~es .............. s for ne r , , • -.-J