HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-07-12 - Newport Harbor Ensign. . ,.. ..... I ., ... Olfid al Nn41sPGf'e'r ·of th~ City of Newport a...dl A" In*~ Nrwspa~ conrioa the CDdn city ol Newport Beach. I 'nle propo5t'd ordinance e~atahlkhing a $1 monthly \\'8 tc• con.MCt.sort charge will come up for RCGnd reading and rma1 ~ at lht> out O ty Council nwetiD&. JICDIII.y evminc. July 23. lneomr from aaeument, which would be JeoYiecl for .. 10 months or lea," ~ I Sept. 1, would be u.d 60 per cent to purchase 14 Ol.ina CO\ lou and 40 ~ et.>nt for olht>r park pur 1~ol unammously paMed the 1&"-..-..IIJ Tr--d o~ to i S(>(.'Ond reading '18111 • Monday , evenm g following an ' ...... Ol'd hour and a half of &-bate. Com-- mt>n t rrom tb audJenct> was pri- marily in opposiUon to the water charc<' IUid fevorablf' to a tax in-An lSSU<' daung back to 1 cr~>a"t' to rals<' park funds wa· ttJed Monday f?\ nin "ht>n Th" di~cu«1on ol)ent'd ";th thP C"iry Counc11 voted to aprl'O'P Earl N'3dlnl! or a .. upplcm('nt to thf' ~tanley's rt'QUt'SI f<>r 1"('70 flln • UiP majont) rPport of the Park, 8(-ach Stante)' Tract ncar Balboa Cov and Rt>erPo tion \('lmml ion. i~tned from R--3 fmultipk> ~dt'fltiaH to b) LJoyd Wood, Norman \fiJler. C-1 -H 1oommercia.l roni11~ uir- AJ,-xandM' Hamilton, :\tarion Dodd in~ a WK' p..;nnit fOJ an) (lOfHnl("''- and nate Rarn."4'y. Th y charge-d c1al add.iuon ). F ran('('1; H orvat h. Commission 'J"tw tract, on wtuch art> located 1'hairman. with · aN"U.qtions and th" Mo-Bo-Tf'l and teclcnft rat<' tntrmt•nt11" and with "de-tn.tsm . had tx>t>n opr.rated on CE>pttv meanin::•· in tht" ~t a C-1 com.rn<>rcial bas' until tbt• cards mailed b) lht' Cl tlz ns Com-rt>wning to R-3 un~r the rt"'O!'rrU)' mitt~ opposing th<> Sl ('hargt> and re\Ued city zoning ordln&ne'(.>. urglnrt a tax incr(.'ftS(> Coocerted oppoaillOn Pl'f'· Tht>y critiozed tht> post card fit>nted b)' Ba}boa Co\ and ballot for not pro-.idl.nJt ror • 11~-Newport Island prope"t) owners nature, then ma&-th.la augges-wbo charged that the ~­ tlon: "H you are QiPil'ORd to ~ too narrow ror ~ ... 11 monlhl)' cbllr'ge u a te!fnpo~ Lan La~ MicJ 400 ......,. I mf'&DI of raMinl park ,.... \llllll..Jit'Otllll!.. f = ... .. .. mall your pro4-" t 111. a-rt. In and t1l!d to 0.. 'Priest, C\ty Ch-rtc. • • • Be ~ dl to &ign )OUJ' rwnt' and addrells. Mr. taaley, wbo wu In U. Pl~ reellr..e that fMrt' ia a ruk audi~. -~\hat~ would noc of loclnc Chlna Cove 1n 80 doing. a..0ow the ~leue o1 any acltl- 11le Sta te ~ach Idea lJ out.'' tional fr'Oirta~ to Steelcnrt for Tht' letter urged that tbe Com-CCoatiDued on Page 8l mission lK> aJiowt'd to work out thf' problt>m on a limited budget, and "when t ht> mas tt'r plan is complt>t<'d, we know _>tOU wilJ be more than pJC'as<'d with the resull3 -you wiU all ~nefll equally Md I Mayor Lcs IsbelJ s n i P P e d not be burden<'d with park toes." through the doubl<' red, white and Mr. Horvath replled that ~had a• __ ...... t blue ribbon ln>tched across Bal-ot •"k"'d fo "'i'""atur '---·---Aasmlblyman Earl Stanley ofl Mr S tanley. a Republican. boa Bhd . announced "It's open,' ~ :"an~l'd ~ 11~t oofto~·~ N<'wport Ha. rbor announced today caucus lea<k>r tn l~ As~mbly at and thus tht> official opening of w<>att"l'\ thin~t "~' h&\'t" in Am-that he will cam paign for election Sa~en to and chal~n of the tht> thoroughfaN' betw('l'n New-erica." He said he had rt'Celved a congressman rron:t tht> ne-w 28th comrrutt~ on m u n 1 c 1 P a 1 .and port and Balboa wa Cf'IE'bra ted 385 <'ard , 328 of tht"m ~ t o Congreadonal Dis rect o( Orange county go\em~nt. Thr<'<' lime y(.'S terday afternoon tht" watt"r charge. &nd of th(>s(> 328 Cot.mty and Northern Sat,l Diego t"Je<:t<'d. ~mblyman from . the Th(' festive Ct'r~ony began cards. 9f; "'l're slgned. (By this County This dJstrict mcludes I 74th OtStn ct, he won nominaltons \\i th & parade led by tht> El Toro mommg. 1.030 <'8J'ds tuld been rt'-mo~ ·than 325,000 pt>rsons and or both ma jor partiE'S each u_mt> Marint> band from the; City. Hall tumc:d. 925 agalru:t thf> water ext.-nds down to San Diego, in-and was electt>d in the pr iman<' · to McFadden Place. mclu.dJng a char~e.l H<' charged that taking dueling a rew precincts in that He thus set a record no ot~r can-C'arn,·an or auto representm~ th 'th easy way out'' by levying a 'Thomas E. He(feman, Coi"'OIe del Kar att\l~Y. wu ~lect.ed president of the Exc::han.ge Club of Newport Harbor last ThUJ"'da.J' at t~ Hurley Bell Inn in Corona dC'I Mar. Othf'r offi~rs aN.' Milton D Pilchard. N(>WJ)Ort realtor. vice-- prf'Sident; P aul T . ButJ('r . New- port ment contractor, secrt"- tary: Frederick Hodgdon. Balbo& Island architect, treasurt'r ; E. H Thit>le, Corona del Mar optician, se~t>ant-at-at1J\I\. d ty. dida te hao: ('(}ualJed rht> busin associations and the I watt" I charge was playing politics. -----Mr. ~tanlt"y, a former Newport Chamtx-r of Commerct>. MrJ\or Les Is'bell re\;f?\\·Nl the Tr ecli Be Beach cit) councilman. is " local Ha~ Ltms;enheim. Chamber se-history of water charg~· 20 cents aa es re realtor. ma intaining four OffiC('S C'rr'tar~. int rodUC'\'<I the pro~m ndd('d in Ft"bi'Uar)'. 1M3. to fi n- .., m th<' cih · Hi-: hom<' ts tn Ben-and prf''-l'n tcd Chamber Prestdcnt I an<'<' ('1\'il c:k>f<'ll!'l<'; r<'moved in r\o-'1 1\-r-.aL..-con Bay. · Tom Norton. who told of tht> for-\'t"mb<-r. 1945. brlncinl.! thE' watf'r 'I ~--Ot·IUl~C' Count~ now is part of muhti('ln of the plans to honor .the mninlmum back to Sl; 30 ~nts the 22nd Con~ssional District. City CouncJI and at _the S31Tl(> tu!'<' add<'d In t)ctob<'r. 1946. to rinanef! Four death!\ wert> caused· during rl'1}1'eS('nted by John Phmips of observt> the rompleuon of the wJd- 1 capital impro\t'm<'nts In the water the put w('('k by drownings and Banning. Hen('('for1h. tht> 22nd <'nin~ o~ B~boa Blvji. . system; $2 more added In 1947 to ae'ddenta in the :"llcwport Harbor will includE' Rlvt>rside snd Imper-Lonn1e VmC't'nt, prestden. t .or th(' 1 hf'lp rt"plac(' old wood stave water area . iaJ Counties a nd a part of San Balboa Improvement Assoctation. lin<><~ alter bond issul" was de- Charles W<:'Siey Turner. 39. of Diego C'ounty's <'astern portion. pre!$('nt d a plaque to Mayor Is-ft>a ted; $1 ~uction in 19t9, and Installation will be at a dJn- nPr m~ting for members and wi\C'S at tht>'Corona <k-1 Mar home or E:trl C'hamlK'rlaln nt>xt ThUJ"8· day. Jul) 19 Snowbird Entries U rged Arcadia was drownt'd in the ocean bell on behalf of the Balboa and I another 50-cent reduction in Jul.)•. off the west jetty Friday whBe ft.. ldag I'.• We t NE'wport Improvement Asso-1949: 40 ('('nts added at the AJTlt" llwimmfng with his 7-year-old son , IIIOW~ ..-De ctatlons. Balboo Island a.nd ~-time for S('Wttge t~tment , ~ Entry blanks and roui"St' chai"U Charles. Rescuers 'believed t~t rona del Mar Business Assooa-1 that now t he minimum Is $2..20 " ar<' now available for the cl~-tlc the man was tryin.g to bring hts ·~~~ '11-~m tlon~. Newport. Har bor Business-month. There ls a pos~lblllty that or small boat sa.illn~ e\ents ---frightened boy b8ck to s hore when ~--~ men s AssoCiation !-"d the Cham-th<> ~t sewage· t n-a tll'Wnt t Flight of the Snowbird<~, which thl• ~ tragedy OOCW"f'ed. The boy. ber <?r. Comrnei'Cf! in va.tef~ re-charge may be reduced. year will 'be Mld unday aft(.'r- saved by his fllther's Ooating body, 1llt> recent drownings in this cogm uo~ and. appreoatton . for Edward Heal}' of Centra l l'\r'W· 1 noon. July 29 was broa&t'lt to ~re by former area was a topic of concern at the the pubUc sen'Jct> rendered b~ tht> por t u kf'd if the Wllter charge All entri~ must be turned 1n at lif~J'CI )lm Har blson. UJeguard meeting of tM Centra] Newport Oty Counlsci!:._11 ck 1....~---' th would be legal. Mayor I.s'be11 said one of tht> cbstributlon points by 10 Captain Jack Jones and Lifeguard CommunitY Association last ntght ?.41\yor """ a now.~~ e It would be regal. and O ty Attor-a. m. on tM day of thf' raet'. L3t~ Don ~ ~~tdmlnhtt~f'f'C'I n11ncl.al a t tht> old Legion Hut in Newport. tribute, remar ked that tt wu nlct> ney Harry Blodgett said that hi entries "'i ll be l'eCf'lv<'d a t the r<>!!J'ir tion in a vain effort to re-Unfamiliarity with a ction of (Continued on Page 8 ) ~t'al'd\ had found no objection~ ChAmlx>r of Comrne~ offlce only vive the drowning victim. riptides was rnentioued u one of <Continued on Page 8 > up to 12 noon that day. No Bwa~ Set-a.rB A. Kirby, 21, of the the principal dangers of ocean will be gi\'~ If entry blanks Rl'f' Oeorala .AJr Foree Rue In VIe-I'Wimminc. and it was su~gested not filed prior to t he raet>. t«YYBe, wu drowned Saturday off that a program of lnfonnation and 'Jbeo ~try blanks atn 1x-o~ lith St. on the Newport oc:nn Instruction be inaugura ted tainf'd at tht' Newport Harbor front. He had been P'tmmlng 1be A.odation. presided 0\-et" Yacht Club, Balboa Yacht C ub, wtt.h two oompenlona from the by Olairman Edward Heely, went Lido Isle Yacht Club. J A. ~lt'a bue. Garry ~wHftp of 1726 W. on record as oppMing ~ 11 A good albacore run in Jocel wa-offtce on Balboa IsJand, Hal"bor ~_n Front, ~ brlntt the montht;::er char~ and Ul"ged ters soon is the hls:;h hope of ,Chlllrman Frand s H('lt"\.'Bth of Mu ter•s oftl<"e In Balboa. Mr~aUy body uhore. An inhalator was a tax te to fi~ a parte sportflshenTK'n foll~ng y~ter-tht" Pnrk, 84-ach s nd R~" on &nd Vellely Boat Re:ttels and ~ t-" for an hour aftd a halt but and .recnation program. "l' h e day's catc.-hes brought into local Commission last n1Jth1 &PI)('Intcd Cham'ber of Cc~ OffiCI' eould not f'e'1ve the victim. m·-.&on a1IG voted to support the l~tncllngs. membel'l Uoyd Wood nnd "Muton All Sno"•bl.rd t kippe-s from 1 to DoMM Murptroyd. 18. ol lnUUIIIO' 1m Balboa Pavilion rt"f''rtl'd thn-e Dodd on a committee> to ('n(}~•rntt> 101. both bo)s and g rla, •~ In-Santa Ana, who wu partially per-~tfdall ol the Wat ~W'POI't -albacore, Norm's Landing six and with tht> city on purchase ot the vited tn entf'r the race. Chatn'ber a~ 1ft a shal1ow dive at the pro+anttat .u.odatlon to dtanp Port Orange nine. Tuet!day Norm's 14 China O>ve lot" '\I t'('r..,mmm . -Secretary Ha~ Lan~nMim rf'-eor... 41Pl Mar bndl a week qo the dt)' Cli"C11M.noe to prohibit Landing had brought in nine. ed by the Commisskln a nd ap-quet~ts that en tr'les be turned m as Sunday,~ FrtcJay Ia Santa Ana slant clriiUng for otl ~ the Mn . R.$y Call of Balboa. fishln~ prov~ by City Council. ""~' ,,. as pM!tlb~ 80 that akipJM>r OornlnWdty Ho.pltal. He ha4 been city. wtth her hU!bal'ld 15 mill'S east At Its ~vulnr monthly mf'l'lln~ bad,.t"S c~11 bet C''1tllln<'rl ftlr :>U empl~ u c:Jfollk In the o.ta or Co tn'in:i, la nded @ 12-pound 8-In Clh Httll. the Commll!skm rc-entrent:<-. MeN SafewQ" Marbt. W. NEWPO&., OIIOUP '1'0 Jla'l' OW1(Ie albecore ftt 10 ·44 "· m. ~P • com~df'd provldtnct 5() P*k -r-·mt)' tl'Ophif's wtn be-pr. · lnjtJrta Mlffe1"t'cc tn a July 4 n.e Wret Newpart Jftlp"o..e tnday to bE> the first amon'! the bmcflr throu~hout the eft~· "nd __... to wlunas by KaJOt u a.to ac:eicJent at Dlld ..cl Balboa ment .A..oektion wUl ~Met at 8 N"'l*'t Lad." A.nylen to atta.~n aDocatm, tan for 111011 for Balboa h~ll on ~ H.arbor Maetf'r• d<'<lt ...,.,, Newpoe t, JII'O'ftd fatal San-Ito a ~. ~ 10. Ia Oalandl that -honor. She ~·~ thf' fish I Bh-d .• thus rMtehin« t\mdl ,..._. at •=-p. a. • r•ttl7 follow- -to ..... A~ ~. ~ at Oty Ral1. Pftldde'lt In at the Balboa AngJinl! Club a t by u.. Balboa l~"fftWftt Aa-lng the rat't'. ~ tNpN• wm 11. of Jt.henllt. Francia Horlath a~ ~. 1:10 p. m. Y"fe'day. JOdatJorl. fCoru~ on pe~ 7l ..... Persona I ity ot___... c• nter ~,. .......... ..... .,.. ... ~-.. .................. , ...... ........ a& ..... Orallp 211 t 1' ,...,_,. N • .... a_..._ a r a ..._ • • •• '7 • tt o1 .. , ,., o= a t ..................... ...-•• a _..... .. ,, ._... le .._ ... !9H•w.., *' • ..... ~~ ., na CIII:II:LY ~Harbor Ia. ~ ..... 'n.e more )'OU learn *boat it. UMI the more you aee wlow tile Mll'falce of thlnga. the more u -txMdnc it aU lleftl'\5. Tkke Por1 ~. for ua.mp&e. lla.t people liVIng ln Newport Harbor think that Port Oranp ia ~ a plaee wheff 110me people f.t.h. Which Ia true, only more 110 The ~ who pat:ronlzip Port Orange driw from aD over Callfomia and Arbona for OM *Y• fbhing, and then drl\~ home qain. ~le who llw in Bakt-"· field cons.ldf!r the drive dcM'n to ~ Orange in about the a&I'M Jllht u I conaicler driving back .. Pa..dena. One ol the principal 80Ur'CH ol pa t:ronage iJ the San Joaquilt Vallt-y &Del the ~~ dis-~ phone calli contlnuaU)' rinl- lQg in the office are from all over Southern California, and the W8t. Pl:"rE BAIUll:'ft' 1'be e.t&blillllnmt '-• b!ftUie at-after the P>'l'Ott>ehnlcs of Pearl traction to Newport Harbor. James Barrett owna Port Or-Harbor. and enlisted in th~ Navy. an~~~:e. which consisU of ~1 where he seTVed until he r-eceived .... ~ f of -.. .__ a diJabllity di.ttcbarge. He re--~ ~ ~ Ln~Dl JNopert)t tu.mcd to Newport and rna,rried hit tlaat extends from the wat« to the high IIChool classmate, Martha hAgtrway: three large boata. Ala-MlDer 1~. Missawit, and Gypay, which · ' ~ pennitted to carry a total of Pete entered UCLA and devel- 1.55 Oahermen, plus ~ build-oped a liking for scholarly pu.r- Jnp which ~ the aclminiJtra-suits. The bu.rdt"n of the many tion offices, a restaUrant. and ca-war-time constr\lcUon p ro J ec t s bins to aocommodate the fisher-that James Barrett sc>niot• was men To operate an undertaking cart"Ying • -• and these projecta o1 this si.u' calls for a large and '\\'E're prcad in nU dir t> c t ions varied crew .... and t.tK.-y cer1Ainly throughout tht> Southwest ---re- are varied quired PetE' to be recall<'d from The whole operation is conduct-COIIf'~e to tak~ over the operation ed un~r the administrative hand of Port Orange. Although ~ of Jam Barrett's elder 1100. Pt>ter. other port on the Pacllic Coast Pete graduated from N~rt wns lock<'d tic:rht and no boat s Harbor Hi School wet't' permlttl'd to leave other bays. Newport r('mained an open port to the day-fishing boats, and Port Orange was sending out her boats laden with fishermc.>n every day. Pete had studit-d the sea and 1ts hi tory of t~\·olvin~t ships. but he knew littlt' about the cience or cond ucting a sport fish landing. Many't>f the prople undt..•r his com- mand \\Cre l nr<.'e times P te's 23 years, and most of their years had been spent in tht" busin he was just ente ring. The best argument that P('te was sllcces rut is tht" fact that he is administering tht> busii'M" . a nd tha t the same crew ftladay, fUll' II. 1•1 An amulng meeting In CoundJ ,... _.. • .._. ... 'ClOiiliiil .. Cham~ MMday even1nl. ·: l=z:-Th .... N ......... . Uauatly wbea a whole bunch of Art.---. <fllllh I u Ia ....... el people are Oft hand at a eo..dl ... 11• , ... , aUeatl•a. meeting, all .oUdly ort the arne C••r'>l!ll. .. -.! 't C· side of an laue, the Oty Fatben • • • are apt to be eebllitiw to such Here'a a ~ to tllte a ~ and act eecoadlltcb'. look at Pape I and 7 of ... t. a.t M F • ~ at 9 a ._'t IUe of ,!M Enlilll. ....... r:· hael -. 'l'we Ma ..._. -~ new ro ... u ollkial DE a • tlwJ 1' IAII r II Sri .. 1M the dty of Newport BMdi. ..... ~ ......_ ..., ••• •• lilhlnc four new ordlnMcw,. ... a ""-...... ,. .... ...... ,..,.utJan of IDtm~z hr ..,... 0i1t1t1a 0.. .... ... atreet HlbtiDI project ... r.r...,. fiUil ..,,.... Cows. lt k for )'OUr No mlatake about the OWJ's meat &Del proteetton tllat ._. whelming majority opinloJl amana pubUcatJan Ia made, ud • II ,._ l h e a u d I e n c e -acsn-lwiY r8PQMibWty and dYie tD ...,_ botb of u.e. £II I II In ..... U... ._ .. IIi' .. IUibt from the start; Ill~--. ~ la tile It wu an .,.........t WtW-. tile iioD ot l&.f~ • Cound1 and U. aUII eiiCt. Oae ol from havtq ........... the .. rtldputa ln the ~ em then." '111at'1 1he Tract dispute, GeraJcl Spartaa of tile ~t Balboa Covea, .ort of hit t1te key-notices. ~~~~!!~~~~~~~~~note when he remarked wttb coa---------........a,r-----= ........ CDDStft'nation, ''Can't the weltd:lt of people'l opinion mea.n oC Port Oranp, and · two batt anything! Wby 11 It that people .--.!!!!!~~!!!!!!e.!!!!._.,. boata. Trapplna and delivering the who live here and have t.helr lay aupply of lh~ l..it to such an av-have no weight!" aridoul ClOnSUmer .. Port <>ran. ...... .. • .,..... ... is a terrific task In it.Jelf. 'n.la ...-. ta .... ....._ 9JJ -tMe hancUf!d by J~ Dixon, one ol the ol -...... ...., Ct « ...._. trul)' \"eDerable ald(IPet"' In t.bMe llr .... "'II h .. _.... .. waten. J~. akW 10' hla .. AI-~·;;a ...._ ., -m ' 5 bert. and tbe Maud I aad Maud U 1'rMt ..... f.t • tile .. ..._ keep the ~It recttven fUif!d . . . ....... Baltz Mortuary truly a feat or legerdemain. Now that It's all ~. t.Mre nae dretls . _. and I say thiJ iJ at a...t the feelln.g U.t a ~ ;::::::i!iii!j~-=~=~ Ia~ . . . that fish& men. ~r bot pot.atoel are ..._., .,. ~ t boti .atron. and professional, af-ol ---aad Cound1 -*• IIQM ~I'D a._~ feet, ~ches ita lowest ~ for ap..ln 1ft llharter, ... .ciwr... U'tiOJU~vC. beeuty ln adornment; it la tot.»y ..-vtDc matten can lit.....,.. at-For E\W7 N_. functional and utilltarian, and ..._ tentloa .... And In bettt eu. ..,._ guises many a hea rt of gold. and has-the desired ~ .. wwe ob-ISLAND REALTY 00 many a million dollar bank bat-tained: There'D be better ~ • ~and ia one of the facton lb lng of the ~I ne.r the llta.n-~D • ..._ cementing the democratic spirit of ley Tract, arid Owner Earl Stan-BAJtBOa m-W fishing. ley and Tenant New Newcou:ah After learning how many people have pledged t.he~'U be DO .cldl-~Park==·=t=&aa=te=, =·= .. == ...... =~ are drawn to this one lnstitution Uonal outboard motor renta.la or I" in Newport Harbor and from 10 launch!~ ramp. And as for CJUJ. many dlatant pla~~. I am inter-Cove and the .wateT cbarce: there'• est.ed in learning what other places been a blg rugh of relief that at are a like magnet. w e know tbat last a workable aoJutJCin hu bee large l't'gattas such as the SCYA \'Oted. · · ·.not the perfect 0«' com-exert a tremendous pull. a nd the plete solution (which would be to Newport-Ensenada race b r i 0 g s take over the enUre Cove water hundreds or people here, but I am rronta~el but a t least a great big Interested in learning about o ther step. establlsh.ments that. by thclr own GRIPE ~L~~: r.ot or virtues, drag in hundreds or people .... ........... , .. _........ ......_ -------·. IO Ne\\l)Orl. Ot course, 1 am only "' ... -...., r_._ curious, but tht'n, if I had not bec1 80t apJa.t ~ Mt '-* curious I would never ha\E' h~amed of ......, • • • ._,. folks wwe about Port Orange, and Petl'r Bar-IBlffel ~Moe&ta~e tM .-a craM rett. ~ at ....._ Pier WM ........_ ...... )'Mr • • • a-- OPEN~ BAKERY !CHOP A ncw bakery shop has been opened In Buena Park by Leslie Schmer of the F lorence Bakery, 305 Main St .. Balboa. USE SURE -INSU1tr wft.b Maurie Stanley Insu~ CounreDor HAJt.BOR 1T71 225 ll.utDC Ave., ..._ 1n11iM1 Silver Platen ADd SUva_. ... Repa.lJ1nc -Jt.ennleH•c a.platfal Gold , Sthw -Copper • ar.. Near Oommu.lt7 Olurdl 1914 Harbor Blvd., Corte .... 8eaCaD 5W () is. still aboard. workins;c well u.nd<'r ~o ft .,. 1 ~ BA• ........ hJs direction. 1"""" · '' .... ~., ..uva .,.... ., peeple 1n'l'e waltlalc' -tiN-blafb Ia Nt!WpOI"t Hetpb for tl•e tile'llt tut ae\·er eaa.e • • • aiHI N ~'l'Of't 1ta1'1tor loot ~ ,,....,... • • • Tlllere'• .. doebt. ta-at th flnwoMb .... pia)' ti'"*ld ~ 1'HtorH u .. aaaa&l f'Vf'•t~ a•d lf't the Oluult- IM'r of 0~ ha~ lt. ~ IMK'b a promoUoeal, Cood wUJ lt'Htu~ ... <:lMMber r.ru. • • • Aad uotlwor e ... ,, a.t: about. oltr ~kftl eo-di- Mt'll aad t tw! lack of allllhtaace from tiM\ mltTopltclees • • • The Margaret L. Scharle Iry •• O.lidou1 "Home 0..111 FIM at- Dennie's It ill 1\ L'Omplex busuwss. and a Ba<;k in Balboa for their usual physiroll) hard one. The first vacation at! the beach are Dr. and day-boat J~a,·N> for OC'('an Cishins.t ~~rs. Arthur Hurd from San Ma- at 5 a. m. and is foUow<'<l by oth-rmo. who have taken the house at ~rs a t 6. 7 and at noon. The boat. 1510 E. Ooean Front, Bal boa, for bait, dock and office cre\\o"'' report Julr. Jud~ and Rrthur t · are t'f.l· ror work at 4 t>ach morninst. and jorm~ tx>tng back w11h th tr P PII' is <'X-offiet' memtx>r of t'ach frtend.s. or 1 hc.sc crt'ws, );0 h~ nN'ds four ex- ruse. to concoc'l bcfol't' hE' can es· C8JX' 1 hi fl'it!hll•ning 1 isln~ hour. ~o on<''s irna,;:ana t11m u; at 1 ts best 1n the pre-da\\ n hours. S<\ ('\'ery morninr.: finds P<'lt• at his posts. A.o;ifk rn>m tlw day boat. there are 19 charter boats opct"8ting out LEGAL NOTICE ® 1111111111 ••• I'W:OIMtNCted .ode/ 105 NOTI CE INVJTING BID : No- tice is hereby gi\'en that the Board or Trustces of the Orange Coast Junjor College District ot Orange County, Calif., will receivP bids up to the hour of 11 :00 A . .M. on the 23rd day or July, 1951, at the office or said school district, located at 19951 S . Harbor Blvd .• Costa Mesa, Calif. at which time said bids will be publicly opcn<'d ror the furnish- ing of the following: One Electric Bake Ovl'n; Tubular Steel Chairs; Parts for Sound System. The said Board of Trustl'es shall 1x> the sole judge of the mcriUI and qualifica- tions or the equipment offered, and reserv('s the right to reject aU bids, and to waive any informaUty in any bid. Opening Date: July 23, 1951. 11:00 A.M . ... ............. ~ ... . ., ............ ........................ ;· e _...._POl-flal YUI eo.. 1ft today cmd 18Gb ,.,... ..,. '""" ow llallhct ..,.ty ol Hoo¥w $pedals. $1 85 ,_, .. ...,., ........ Signed: BASIL H. P E'I ERSON, Sec .. Board of Trustees. Adv.: J uly 5-12, 1951 ln ~Newport Harbor Ensign . LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE l NVJ'NNG BIDS The Board or TMlStees of the Newport Beach School District, Orange County will receivf' bids at the Buslncss OfCl cc. 1400 Cliff Drive up to 8:00 p.m . August 7, 1951 for 30 Cafeteria folding leg tables, 96 inches by 30 Inches, height 29 inches. Tabk>s to be equal to or bettcr than the Mltch- cll ''Fold..().Leg" table. SAmple~ of product to be submitted. Spec::ifi - ca tlons on file In But~iness Office, 1400 CUff Drive, Newport Beach. The Board of School Trustees of the Newport Beach SChool District reserves the right to reject any Of' a ll bids or waive any informality And Appliances in a ~RDON B. FINDLAY, Cleric of the Newport Beach J. C. UONIAI6ll School District HArt.or ZU COlONA DEL WAlt Publlah: July 12-19-~, 1~1 1••••••••llililll•••••••lilillilliliillllilil• In Ute NC!Wl)Ort Harbor Entlll(n, 121 COAST l l VO, LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE IN\'lTING BID!'4 The Board of Trustees of the Newport Beach School District, Ora.nge County will receivl' bids at the Bu.o;iness Office, 1400 Cliff Drive up to 8:00 p.m. August 7, 1951 ror eight t8) Premium line J)l'Cial mllea~ School bus t..ires, 12 ply. 1100 x 20, also nin et('('n 09) fir'S t line school bus recaps. 1100x20. The Soard of School Trustees of the Newport Beach School District resc.r\'C£ the right to rf>ject any or All birls or waiv<' any informality in a bid. GORDON B. FINDLAY. Clerk of thP New·port 8<-ach School Dist rict Publish : J uly 12-19-26, 1951 in the Newport Harbor Ensign. Teacher ot PliiDO ()rp.nWt • Aocau .. m.t EwnlniOurer for AcluJta 307 GOLDENROD AVE. Corcma del Mar Lawrence K. Gundrum, M.D. 1741 Superior ·Ave., eo.t.a Me.. Practice IJmlted to Di.se&t!CS of the Ear, Noee and Throat and Allergy Office Houra: by AppoJntmerlt BEacon 6508 or HArbor 1036 Day or Night Phone HArbor 1138 • ., kl ...... yow ........ ~.Ow • ,,.., hu been bWJt • a., Jin•l this Utra in· terHt aad atUntion co eMil iodividul patron. Yoa'll see what •e ..ean whea roa brioa la JOOI' pracripcioos t CAVFS del MAR. PHARMACY 121 e-st IW.-HA~Mr nn c--. ....... , ...... [r ,... lip HArbor 17 ......... cow PRICES THE SAME AS OUR SANTA ANA STORE Fr.. O.liv•ry -:-T .,_ llll••••••a ...... no eo.n aovt...,.Nt So."- u9-. h.c.. C.lifomle ..._. . 4Jtn of AU Kinds FLAGSTONE PATIOS BLOCK WAllS --·--• n.a: ES!'IIIA'ID • Local .wt.mmers have 1e0red in ~t Sou~m California meeta to brin~ hoeon to tM Bunting10l'l Beacb Swbn Club, their apoe.-oring organtzat.ioft. Kay Pridham of Bal- boa Island took third place In the !()()..meter brust stroke for women at North Park in San Di~o. and Undll Preston of Bay Shores took third place in the ~meter free style for girls 12 and under. Nool Barlow was awardc:>d third place medal in the 80-meter free- style (or boys 15 &nd undet . At the Examiner meet in Los Angeles, John Jurgenson. formerly of Bal- boa Island and now of Laguna. took a M'COI'Id place for the club. TRUSTEES NAME LAWHEAD Orange Coast College trustees have e lected Donovan D. Lllwhead of Seal Beach as president of the board for 1951-52 a nd Dr. Hora<X' ParkM" of Balboa lsland as clerk . HERE ONLY 0~ WEEK ENDS Mr. and M rs I.A'wi, A. B!!lh. 505 Narcissus Av~. Corona d<'l Mar. a re a t hol)'lf' only on w(>(lk·<'nd.s now Durin~ the WN'k lhP) nre occupying \Mir new deluxe trailer in Winter Carden Trailer Court. Inglewood. Mr. Bi h is in the telE'- vision and radio busines In Los Angel(''. ----GIRl. .. FOil 'I"'IE HOU TONS S/Sgt. and Mrs. Ro~rt Houston. 304 Poppy A\•e., Corona del Mar, are the parents of a tittle ~rl. Candace Loul&c, l)ot;D Saturday. June 30, in St. Joseplf H<JlPiW.- M>ighing 7 pounds, 4 ounces . VACAftONJNO HERE Mrs. Dorothy LaJnmedee and bcr three chUdren from South Pasa- dena are vacationing at 107 G st.. Balboa. FURNITURE AND ACCESSORIES ._ 1IIE LA8I]I8I DI8PI.A Y 1M CALIFORIU &A'M'AN • KEDWOOD • AU1IIINU1I • WROUORT IRON SW1NQ8 e UJIPPIM • • JtE.OOYERS • 8AJUmCUD .................. ,. - Christy Family Moves From Newport Heiqhts Mr. and Mrs H. Frank Christ) and their two chjldr<'n have mov d to Corona from their home at 400 Tustin A\f'•. ~ewport Heights. which \ht'y rt'Centl) sold. ln Sep-t<'m~r· thl') will ~o on to Llts Vet:a . Nevndn, when• Mr Christy will ~ in chant€' or t h renlm~ Bnd maint<>nance of an 1 -cdu~s" (..rroup of homr<~ Ensign Clusifled ads ha\.: '" r a proven means of reaching bu~ Pr• for all sorts of merehljndise t.; ... them! Phone Harbor UJ.t. cnM MARINE IN KOIIEA RESCUED IT ·coPTER with our T a \' l ' S F I It @ T ~ You Can Do Better at THE Daniger Fnitlre ~o. COMPI..ET2 HOME n1&Nl8111NG BEacon 5656 1812 Newpolt Blvd. COSTA llllJA ,. , • • • On Balboa laland: receatly re4ecaratecl, Inside aDd out. 3-BR. home, 2 batbl, plul llt1do apt~ both units fur- nll.hecl. l.n very good .loca tlon. lrr:unedlate ~. o.a, $15.710 FOUR NEW ROMEI ..... ___ ..... p I .... ............ u ..... Architecture and color b)' ol.atatandtng aut.boritlel. U JOU are lntersted in tee- ing the )lerY LA TEST ln de8ign and color, see theMt. Newpor-t Blwot. •' IOtll St. NEW I'O&'l' II.&·- 11400 DOWN BUYS - Small 2-bedroom homC near Alpha Beta's $1 JOO new stort' • Balance Monthly • ....,..,.... wa.IUII« ror low priced homes-In Coeta Mesa. Liflt your property with u1. NBC Realty 1JDIImitec:l Cia• liP Water ln!M't"S pmfttable ranch inveltmcnts Jn ....ar.u. v A.U.II:Y ..... MOl A VIII anD V ALU:I' t.iiNII•t-IIA IMI ... -....... ..... One of the BEST BUYS in Corona del Mar. sione's throw from Llttle Co- rona (which by the way is going to be quite beautiful when our Ctty Fathers finish their present plan). Better get this last level' lot whlle the price is still low. lllh & Tuatin A..e. ..... ..... co.ta MIICI O.L ~ .... .. , . ..,_., ODe I • 2 -BIL $ •••. 1315.00 115.15 Two . . 3 -BR. $10... · 1325.00 ... NOTE: Tlm8E &ale !fO-DOWlf·PAYIIE.N'I' 110(7811:18 '1'0 VE'I'8 1301 eoa.t lml. ~ 1471 • •• ec.oaa c~er"M. BArbe. 1741 SPECIAL SALE Six New 2 -Bedroom Homes Priced from $7450 to $7950 , $1950 Down Monthly Payments---$55 to $60 LOTS 15 x 100 -Spacious Bdrma. -Large living room -Big kitchen, nloe tilt-dra.lnboard -Plenty QIIJboarda It cloeet.l -Near Schoola. Churches and Sboppl.ng. See These Fine Values From 1 to 5 Daily ai 21st St. & Orange Ave . Costa Mesa COST A MESA REALTY Barney Franoque -Fred Croll~ w. C. Gabbard 400 E . 17th St.-Costa Mesa BEacon 6818 THREE • BEDROOM Newport Heights 1n excellent condition. We are proud to offer this beautiful J..bdrm. home with a large dinlng room. Recently decor- ated with excellent taste. Two-car garage, back yard 0001pJetely fenced ... patlo, Bar-8-Q. Stn-et asseument.l- are paid A large G. I. loan now on the property and pay- able at only t67 per mo. in· eluding the t.axe. and insur- ance. Thl.a La a t~ r. !':J~ .~rice $ 2, Phil SulliYGD C. Galen De!U.on G. T.E.enon tit Newportmvd. c..-....,_ ft. Bill-w BE Ma-l AJ.o • • • 3 tJ81ta 2 wt.. ..~ One of the finest properUel ln Newport &.ch. Sched- uled lnoorne over •1c.ooo. Conat~ part trade. CJAU IIY AOEJ!ft ~--.-.: IIArt.ilir ....... roa &E!ft' Ln Arcade, 400 block. Cout Blvd., Corona del Mar. See Mr. Lynn, 411 Cout Blvd, Corona del Mar. Real Estate Salesman at onoe. Must be familiar wt th Co- rona del Mar. Bo:~t I -ll e/o fte llilllp. C. D. M.. II L le.ellleler • lEALTOil • IUSINESS O~TUNITIES • SUMMEl UHTALS IIA.rtw .. IIU c...t 1!.4,. C... 4ef Wet We buy and .en 'I"NNt Deecll. 8IZ BOB IIA'I'ft.D ReprumtiQI J...BDM10011 BOllE wltb 2 .. tiol. Fenced yard. fireplace, pra~. · J•t &ood U.tnc. South aide ot highway, COil. Won't Lut loQc. See It! BUY It! $2.000 wUI ~. • • • sa vs roa GOOD .,..._ a&!ft'ALS • • • . . . DoD•t Read nu. Ad I - - .. St. J-pll .... eo--...tty He~pitels Bowen by Moni 50t E. ...... 1!.4. • ..... Your ITIIEIIIEI DeGUr • SALES • SERVICE • PARTS FOI' EAIIL (WA--I,AIIf _o...t ..... ··----..... CiMIII~ ~ ...... .,.. wt• lllce' •• hia , ._. .................. ,a ~ ....... $11•:::. ALSO • n. e1 w-::r:: perQ on 31st St., a Ja. \'Htment for idle D'IOIIeF· e. rt. pieces an!' scarce . RALPH P. MASD:Y 1411 Nf'WI*'t 81~ Jlf.....,t a.t.aiiOil .. FORD P1CKUP '~'rue*. _. motor. paint It clutch. ... 1425 '41 FORD HALF TON 111*- up. Recent new exch. ~. 1415 '46 CHEV. HALF -roN Pldlr- up. Exceptianally cleMt .. 1795 't9 FORD Model V-8, HAll- TON Pldrup. Very daa. .. 11095 TEIMS ..•. 24 ........ IHNIT am a•n 2604 Newport 11.4. He .......... flttone HAriHw 1407 FOR SALE· 2 steel ~ g~te 5'5" x 3'8''. Complete wtth hmges and fastenet1l, t;Z. 314 Goldenrod, COM. COME in and play the WODderful New Hammond Chord OrpD Ev~ if you don't know a note oi mus!c you can pJay beautttu1 mus1c in ten minutes. . DANZ- SCHMJDT Big Piano and Organ Co .• 520 N . Main, Santa ADa. RE~LE COM LADY wUJ a.by 11t by hour or day. Refereooea. HArbor 1385-W. H. H. HOLIROOJ: Dependable PlumNav A~"=Servbl .............. ~. -· ....._ ..._ Newp!!! ._. WANT YOUk DIRTY W01U[ DONE! OO'roRAL ... ~w::: Harbor 1 w Theee Are yOW' 11111111 FOR THIS WEfX ON USED APPUANCES 1 De ~ CXli.DSPOT IWitl- .. t«; beaut1tul CODd. IQU'&Il-tlled- 190.00 ..a.GE R.efticerator, co o d ... $49.95 YOU CAN WIN a New G-E Deluxe REFRI G ERATOR "'''Ie OlDen! Electric: CD. wGl .... tift DeW G-E clehare r. tar tbe ftw ~ --·In Orutp Oow\-t:J' tun detalll frcm uat Come in Today for Entry Blanks Co. &Pft.Ulf()IB 511 Coallt lllgbway lmaCDDM FOR SALE Modem pa range. All white. Table top Dl!lwred and ln•talled 69.50 Cold Spot Refrigerator Top unit only 5 yn. old 59.50 New Hotpoint Automatic Wuhers ror l.mm<'diate deliver}' Ge.lwrous t rad<--i na. ' 811 Coaet BJva. ~r II! Ooroaa del liar SAILING IN8'11tUCI10NS by the hour. HArbor 1481-R. FOR RENT 1-bdrm. fum ~ ln Cotlta Mf'M. with gar .. ~e yard. Yeerl)' leew. t65. Paul ' liE.'"~ CU 'B TO JDZT D..DU1 "'lhE.flla,G ro ~ Jont'S, Real \or, 2307 W. Balboa •fblo MHf Cl ....•. ~ .... ~ "'t. .. --E.t.dPr W W ,_.._ Blvd., N.B., HArbor 370. ""' ... UX' ~ ""' &r1'aJ It~ ...... FOR SALE-Portable E&ec. Sin_cer tJ~t :n T~~ 0!t ~ ~ ~ at~~~,:_n ~~~ ~~~~.;!: ::J:. IeWing mach. Excel. cond., 130. Presbyterian Olurch 1n N~ clay) ln IN cburdl louD~. H. 0 em C'.Otlfet'ebOe. •ill tw .- .U.O Bub~* mach. 115. CaU Heichu, Rev. Tom.cit.oo tendetecJ Koe~r of Pacific Tel~ wW ~ ~ morrt.tnc w O't HAtbor 2290-W. hit orfidal ""i~tion from the ta.lk on .Mia-o-'8\t" 'l"rans.nu.-hour th1a Sa.turda)' at he Sft_.. FOR SALE-'51 Ford convertible. putorate. sion. M o.y Advt!lltht Cbl.lf'd) lb N<wJIIOa't Fordamatk: drive. Sa~. See Rev. Gibson left the pulpit o1 • • • HeithU . at 141.5 Seaview, Corona del Mar the cbW"cb a r~ weela •co tore-SI:IUIO ON AII08 Elde-r WJttenbfto& bu *-..._ FOR s.AJ..E -4 • draWft' WUOCII!Ii tum to activ~ duty u a Navy Rev. Paul O.btM tt wUJ pnedl bHo conoected witb the • m- Ille; tJ ... wood No. 3 ataDdard chap&al.n. In prHentinc his fto-at the 9:4:5 and 11 a. m. eervioea Iempennoeo c. A Society ~ w a 7 a typewrit«; eor... partalaAe tdcnation the pator aald he feH Sunday at the Community Otu.rdt ~,.:_ t preeeet -II m ,.._ ta'; f..c)oJ ... a~ "At£· that the new dlui'c:h Meda t.be con-o( Corona del Mar on 'Atnc:. the uof ~~ to tbe ._. ....... 111 ~· HArtlor •tant INdrnhlp o1 an m.taJied U~ PrMehft ... Tbia ia one uautute ol SdentiGe S~ ~ .,.-putor. He aald that the Navy pve o1 a 8et'W of sermons on ·Bible for the Pre\"ft1tion of Aloe+ ' wa'*-~. *ill. u..t a.... him no apedfie time Umit il) ,._ ~cten." Vaca~ art" 1n-at l.«na Uncia. 6 o.dra' elec. butler ...s pi~~!~-calling b1m to duty. \ited to attend these ael"\'k:a, • • • ill&_ "'-8. IIArtiDr Dl. Re\•, Gibeon reported for cluty Rev. Bebbitt said. Sunday Scboo1 IIEIIBD .... 111M N~ MUST SELL biUfteC new 18 aD Monday of last week for two cl.ulles are ill l85lon from 9;45 to Cofttirulf'd IDcr ?! tD t .. Stytine, delux. ~. Heater, week.l training •ith tbe amphib-10:45 a. m. The Pri.rnar>: and atup for the X~ <> a • radio. driven only 10 mi.., St.IIJO. ious traininl' command in Sao J~ ~ta wtU \'Je'W a ~rn Califonda ?.Dd ~ WW take trade. BEMoe at-J Dieeo. n.e ship to whieb he la motion PICture on the-hf~ of St. was cited by X. Drie Ne•~ or •t-R: after 1 p.m. caD RA ualgned. the U.SS. lit. lllc:l<inWy, Paul. lay dejfpte, and ~· ,__. IJD..J. hu been recal~ from ~CorM end • • • Roy Pendell. putGr, c:.-.a.. • ...- be DIIOP DOUBLE 1:8\'1 ,..__._ ,.._ __ •. :·~-MAN WANTED _ Ught factory Will put in dry dock and await rung at '-nnat ._..,un;n by tt.e a.. work 1n woodworklng lhop. N'o further orders. It is t~ Ampbibl-St. Andr-ews Pr'Mbyterlan Olurch u they reported on the .-& exper. neo. 611 Coast Higt;way ous Force Flapbip of tM Padfle located in Newport Heighta baa oon!~l"ft)oe at the Ullivoenit:Jt fll N~ ' and the one from which GmeraJ c:ban&M baCk to a aingJe tei"VVoe Rt"dlanda Rl\•. Pftldell ......... MacArthur conducted the 1ncbon each Sunday. a 10 a. m. 1be avp-to tbe foUowiQc ~ ~t­LEJ;! C~ la aPf2o~t ~ landinp Rev. Oib&on eJtpecta to pJy putor, Dr. William MictcJie-tees for IN new ~r-~outll l!a- Blvdne ~M e~~ll __... U report to the ahlp the lut of July. ma.u, will talk on ''When Wonder ~ Commission. Owf&...., ·• · an •""""'~~"' a Before retumJng to the service Becomes Worship" this Sunday. Rt>lationa CommlttH aad ae _. ~ ~~tions and sewing. Rev. Cibflon and Mrs. Cit.on hav~ I S~y School ls at 10 a . m., a.n6 ft~ f!lll'elietltaUw to the ..._. · been working on their new bomP moVles are shown each Sunday. of Rebelon ~t Uw ~ty ol FOR RENT-Large 2-bdnn. apt., and pent ~veral days at Cata.llna • • • Southern catifomla. CDM, fum. Nice feoelf'd patio, aboard Ul~> Bob Campbells' boat .. t'NDAY l'OPIC "GOO•• • • • YNrly rental RA 2909-J. the R.ucal. n,e ~uncia)· Bible Leuon on PD'DDA. s.:aJIO CII08ICN FOR SALE-OutbOard Martin __ "God" In tht" Newport Harbor A sennon and 6emlOD tat pre- "40," 3% h,p. 185; boat $30. Ex-1 F nels 11 _ ~ I Christian Chureh at the entrance lt'Tited at Chrut Ctluroh by tbe S. oeUent cond. Carr HA 2669-R. 1 U ' COuet..""l,ed to Udo bJe, <>mphasizes tbat He this put Pring an IUt...t by ·~- alter 5 p.m. L" auprMne and f'Vl'r at hand to pit," a nat1onaJ Protestant~ FOR SALE -Knabe> l..c:MM XV 1 F CL • R L _ sa"e and to ht>al lbe Golden er ' m:l~, u ODe of the .... apl~t piano. Nearly new. wal-or nOlr Oues T P'Cl from 1 ~amuel 2:2 ~ru. most errective o! tbt> month 'r.e nut fin., beaut. tone. HA 0888-J. CoMJdered a financial su~' .• ''Tht>rf' ~~ "?"e holy u IN Lord: topic was ·noes Ricb'llllaoa-- FOR RENT-Furn. mt., prtv. !ftt .• 85 W{'ll as a sociaJ "ood time V.'&S !or fhPrf' 18 none bestde thee. :-~ tnd otbe tex1 ~ .,.. ... priv, bath. conven. local. 508" the canasta pany given Frlday. nei~~·r 1~ thf're any rock Ilk~ our S:lf be ~Peel ~-:'.tl 1 ~ ':; kartcold, COM HA 2853-R. June 29. by members of th4' Sane-God. • • • nrong for me. and hut ..," Rz1 FOR SALE--3-)'T'-old golden re-tuary Choir or Chl"ist Church by BI8JIOP REPLACEIIL~"T I hav~ become a JaacbiJIII...cock triever. ma&e, regiatered. Fir~ '~ ~a In Goodell Hall. Vacation bearan last week for aU day long. Evel")'OM modal ... - with children. HA 1721. The a-rty wu given to raise Re\·. Paul Moore Wheel r's Cam-.. Harps Hung Up lrl Balwlae- FOR SALE--14' rowboat, shaped mcllley for the purchase.> of new ily, and t~ pastor joined them \\dl be Re\. Tom PeadeD'a ....,ject hull, raelng oars. excel oond choir robes. Table prius were ·unday. While they are ~e un~)'. Music by the Saaetlar7 322 Coral, Balboa Ialand. mall potted plants, around Which "'-............ ...._ p ,..1 k Lo d B' hop O,OU' "ill IDclude ''B.utt. a-rk FOR R.ENT-A~t MW 2-bdnn. were wrapped brir;ht, shiny paper ~fK~tena,Y·s'" ~~··the r An;lican My ~ .. by Sbt~Je)r. ~ unfum. cottage. Water a: gar-ln the color of blue which the ChUI"Ch In British Columbia. '4ill !Oios ~,ll be by Mn.. -.m. l'leiAt dener fUm. lnq. 508~ Mari-new robes will be. be guea1 minlst~r at St. James and Mrs. ~,...., F'relta&. &Old. CDM. HArbor 2853-R Mrs. WUlis Fields of Newport Ep~l Oturch n«.>ar Udo The FIRST CHUtlCH Of Ct4IJST FURNinJRE FOR SALE-Com-Heights. a member of the choir, JOUIIC llllbop and hll famlly ~;u SC1ENT1ST plete for 2-bclrm. home. U!u made the banana nut .cakN which ~~ in the Wheelers' Bay horf'S uo:a Vie li4•. ~ ..._. than yr. old. Good price u were se!"·~ It ta ~Uopeted that • .......,.. A ~•"c:t\ of T • Motw Chllf'd\. n. unit. or will wU aep. RA 1137-ft., lhe cho1r wtll ha\'e 1ts new robes Rev. Wheeler's father. Fr?detick F rst C'lurcll of Chritt, Sc .. n dt, In ._ 4IJ7 30th St .. Newport llland. in Septt"O_lber. y,•hen it returru from H. WheeJer, motored ~"' from ton. Mus.c .... ~ FOR SAiE=OUtboerd motor, 3% its vacauon_:_ __ __ I Canada with !he. o:rta 1 SUfldey School -· __ t :IS • .-. b.p., f;ood cond. 427 Aliso, New-v • L l ~DUIO . FOR .,{~~'DAY Sundev S•"''c• --11 :00 •·"'· _port HeiJt;hts. BEacon 6937rJ. acatton Scnoo Sermon ror Sunday at the &I-w.c~~etdey M l'·l'9 r-wtinO-1:00 P""- FOR SALE--Rowboat, ldeaJ for I boa uland Community ~~~t.hodi!lt Reodi"q ROOM loco•.d at I I I , ..... .shol'eboat. 6 f t ., oars. ~:tood cond. At Chn.St Ch h Churdl will be "~tn>aky People." S•. Belboo ·~ ope" de·~· f·om 12 11001'1 $75. HArbor 704. UTC Rev. Harry White, pastor, &n· •o 5 P·"'· ••up~ Sund eys .,.d holideys LOST: B I u e cashmere aport Just concluded at Otrist Church nounces Last Sunda.>· th music re'o"• v ob,e-ved. weeter. ft(>ward Call Harbor by tht' ~a wu the first vacation \\85 furrushed b~ Rt'\ Whitv·~ son Th chb '= ., co•d:elly ""''.d to et· Hevm.f D.c«etl--u-4 H.t l13()-J. school ro be conducted r;ince tht> I \VarrE>n •.-.d '"• =~-·ch lei'VKet 8"d use "'• S UMXER RENTAL woo I le war. Cta.s e have bt>en held for a • • • R .. d,:~g Room. bay front units. Priv. beach. 1 two-wt¥k tx>riod. l\fond;ty through fl'lfLL GO. PEL HnlC"H ~~~~~~~~iiii~~~ & 2 bdnn.s by wk. or mo. From Friday. for chiJdrf>n from tour E\-angt>l Assembly, at -t_')() ~-iii $59.50. HArbor 2552; eves.· HA )t>ars of agt> up to thf' en•nth PTPSS ~r . Is th.-Full Gospel 2914-M. l{r de, according to MNJ. Walt£>r Church 111 Laguna Beach. R van 1 n OlllfDl NEW LOC•'TION 1 Corbin director. Oosbree Is pastor, a.nd ht> will taJk ~ yARNS * .n. • Therll~ Cor the three age ltf'OU~ at th 11 a m. s<'rvice Sunday on ~ · ... '-" il ..__.. were as follows : Kinde~arten. "Peace tn this world -what does I'Htrvction~ni,.hin9. Hn. 10 to S • 1r1 II rwl 'Our Friendly Church"; primary \..od's word pmmi!W!" unday Biz-Mart Kait Shoppe USED ... Dftft't ,.roaD I dcpartnwnt, "Bible Frit'nds and Sch~l is at 9:45a.m. and evt>ning IU E.. .. lboe .......... ll>oe, HA on ruuu.nc. U"Ln.n Fr1rnd<s Today": Junior Depart-~e~n~'l~C~e~a~t~9~:45~~p~m.~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~ men1. "W e Would See Je us." -.: COM'L.ET£ SEUCTlON NEW AND USED GUNS-.22 Colt • wt IVY SOlA, MfTAl.S • I Th<' staff incluc:k>d the follo"i nJ:: Kinder~tarten, MMi. Helen ~­ burg and Mrs. J ean McDonalt!; primary. Mrs. Ka therlne hielda "'I)N'Ialldq 1ft tropka1a .,. w.-0 .. revolver; .32 caliber auto. pistol; Near Ice Houae OD 30th .380 Colt autos.; .45 Colt aut.oe. "'-" ~ 2470, ~ .._. AJJ siz8 CUstom made high pow-• OI'EN SUNOA n • er rifles; new Rangemaater .30 pump rUle; new Belgian Brown-FOR RENT inc 12 gauge auto. shotgun; BUNGALOW APARTMENTS Uled Remington Modcl 11 12 Beautifully fum., large Uv. room gauge auto. shotgun: new 22-with ftr'?Plaoe, bdrm .. kitchen· power spotting 'scope. HA 324. ette. Summer rate by day, FURN BACHELOR. APT.-Priv. week or month. and Mrs. Marjori~ Neff: jun1or, ~1"'!1 V1ola l..Jndsa)' and Mrs. Ruth R..-m.le}; music dlrector. Mrs. Les· lie Freita~; re~lstrars. Mrs. Eva Farru;worth and Mrs. Mina Holt· by; a~ istahts, S haron ·herrill, Darrlth herrill. Mary AUce Ba- ker, Barbara Hughes. Taja TohHJ and Mrs Yat Hughes. bath. Priv. ent. yrly or summer. FARM HOUSE MOTEL Inquire flS Poinsettia. 1304 Cout Blvd, COM RA 1053 LEGAL N-OTI--C-E FOR. SALE -14' Johnson Gull, COMPLETE HOUSJ:.--cLEANINO NOTiet: OF REAAING round bottom, center board. Very Furniture & Ru~ ahampootnc, etc. Not iCC" Is hereby ~ven that the eood rondJtion. Motor attach-Work I\I&J'nteed. Beacon 6111· Planning Comml ton of the CHy ll'l<'llt with trailer. 916 Ocean AJ'a Hotae and Window ClHn-of Newport Beach will hold a pub- Blvd., CDM. HArbor 2631-J. lng ~rvfoe. Lie hearin,:t on the application of FOR RENT-Attrac. fum. room, BABY Sn7ER-Rellable. H.Arbor Meroodes Libby Schwllck Cor a priv. bath & ent. Prefer gent. ='2925-==='=~J~. ==--:-----..,..--=---=---50'1> Variance on the Sly 13' of 708 Acacia, CDM. HArbor 1544-J FURN. APTS. for renL See Lou-Lot 6 and all of Lot 7. Block S. WANTED for cash: USC!'d paddle 1ae ApU. first. Dbll It aingles, Tract 673, <712 Poppy Ave., Co-~ lD trOOd condition. Call overlooking Bay. 308 Carnation, rona <k>l Mar) to allow a tt>n root OAniUC .u. Corona del Mar. Crontyard etback instead or the RIN TIN TiN--Germa.n shepherd KEYS -Made while you walt. r~~~ t;e~~e~~tfurther ..nven PUP1 pure bred atock Reuon· Tommy's Shop, Post Ortioe Bl.k., " ,. ably 'priced. Klm~ly 3-3334. Corona del Mar. that said hearintt Will be held on -~~.::;,;;,;~~:.:..::,:;;...;__....,,........,,-----tbe 19th day or July. 1~1 at the FURNITURE for aale. SoU4 rna-FOR RENT-Fum. atudlo apt. hour of 7:30 p. m. ln the Council N!C'IIIar •a.rw.rT t«k Sub .. Tropical Landscape Nursery ------------------- U lC.\1. nd SAT10!'\.\\ If)·~ ~0. hog. walnut fln. monterey d1nlnl Will accom. 2 adult.a. Clole to Ol.amtx-rs of the City Hall, New .. aet: Hoover vacuum, 7-pc. bdtm. ~ It ocean. Pleu. aurround. port Beach. CaUfornia, at which C. E. McNit"l G. C. &Mf>tt aet. Sacrtnc..-make offer. For Surnrnet" or )'l'ly rental, 'Jt11 Gold. tJme and pia{'(' any and all per-• ......._ .. appointment call HArbor 122S-J. enrol, CDM. HAr))or 1046. 80t\a intert'sted may appt>ar and be :=iltt6iiiii...,.._.i::!iiiBI\!1iid..iiiC..iiitaiii.._i::!:;::::;!:i!! BALBOA DINGHY No. 104 for GREAT PIANO SALE! ffth year. h('atd thereon. ale. Ex~lent cond., fine rae-~d these pribet. Never before Ray Y. CCJpclin. SecN'tary ing record. 1175. ~at 117 Apo-have we had such barplna~JJ-NEWPORT BEACH CITY lft\a, B . L HA 288>. eta, 101M new. tome uaed, ced PLANNING COMMJS ION FOR SALt=fiattle, 18' all boeL from 1285, ~. 1381. --- AI\)' rea. o«e-r accepted. WID from *395. Alrno.~lOO RaJton of the Harbor Md1on oomlder exdw.n~ (or dlqhy, from wNett to chooee. ~t fft\llta through u. ot the En-~be lftft at 113 Oz!tal,lU. euy tenna. D lip real f'ltate aecUan. Rmf'AL -2-Bctrm MWir fiifti. Btl ~ .. ~~· 520 No. llalD,Ijiiiiiiiiiiiii~iililll•iiiiii. -----t the--Qdna ow . ......, .-nta Ana. -. ._ .. on .... ...., FOi SA.LE-'471>@1u:n rora ,._. Cow. Bectnnlnc Auc. w. o. _....., -rr..ctw.y, 507 s. Puilh P!., v~. RltH. OD. nylon wet eov· ......,., CbarleltGn o-2101. en. Dietl. oond. Abnolt aew I& SAI E-'Ci BUidt*c:onvert· left hand door Kenvtnator Mr\1. .. HArbor ue. A·l ~. HA n.. SUNDAYS -6:15 P. M. IVOE ·- • • ,.... UIQAI. JfOI'K8 , ...... NOBml of an ee\tiope •ith ~ -Ci Ofti* _. MliJko ~taln-: :,tdtlc!fo s:.:;; ~ be Notb Ia ~ pYftl that tbe PlanDinc OarnmiukJD ol ~ Qty ..... ....:d to audl OWIM!I' or part of Nt'WpOr't Beech WID bold a .,.. Ob' COt. of tbe at)' ol owner at his~ u......,. by nc hearlnc on tht' a..UC.tiGn o1 ,JJIII---pw.-tt a.dld08 ordain M fol~ 8UM-r t~ J't!OOidl ol U. flai1M)r G1" ~ Cft'Y 0P 5 'lllwft an &IIIII'OWd 1ft VIola~ (011' a-~arianoe CID .... : Jlaater, U\t' ~ of .._, oUiitr ........ MA(lB ....., .. tft'mlnifa U ~ Lot 3 Tl'act ~ Corona *J Jlar ~ 1: SectJG:a lOla of ~t ol the aty or .., ~ n. ~ C!DuDcU o1 ~ a~ o1 head outlet wtddt 18 ._. .! tD allOw a one f~t setback 00 car: -*ipal Code of the a.!. of ..._. ol any dirpartmeDt ol tM ~wport 8Ncl\ does orclalD u fol-lilY w.N at ....,. or .. tertrc.-: -_ge portion only. BNch il btPreby am._. 11 O..ty ol ()ranae or br the ft-Jo..: .,..._llwtalla&n. .._..~located No~ Ia hereby f'Urther pwn J. ~ tbe present llf!Ctlon oardll of tlw U!'fw.J State. c..t strnON 1: 'J'IM!ft a.. henby when~ •iU ~~ tbe mana that eald hearing wiU br fW'ICt OD .,.. .,_..·llall ~ ru.at• ._ ~l::\.!;,~~~ =~~~~.;':eJ::: ==,.=r:-::,aw.e~orur ~l=-h7~:.r!.~ =·~ -.., fJaD a t8Dk wai!OD or trwk *tive')' of a OlllpY of ~tiae to port IJeac:h. the followlnc aM-water ......,)' 11M the approwd Cbambeos of o.e City Hall New-ft at the Wharf or pier ._..... Mid 'Pft"eeO, ·n.t CivinK of aot1ce tJaaal IIIOtfded swimming area. · port BMc:h. CaUfCIII"'Iia, t · .tllc:b M ~ty Dodr" aDd e-. It)' . ...u » COIIIIIIete upa~~ tile s -.._.., ~ u : . I. When the premiw. an ~ time and place any and .ill per-u·~ ol aid ,..._ plraUon of 10 ciQa aftt>r aid *-"'P71 % Ana Ne. I • ..__ for • trailer park. intensted , br th! Qllef ot the Ji'1ft Depart-.,_tot aucb notice. Dllw at a JO(Dt l.ft the u. ·s. Biilll-l1IIIMIIr apeclal dft• 1UCII!I, beard~~) appear and or I* au~ . ..,m. 'n.e Proof ol Clvtnc .uch DOtloe heeil Une betweell U. S. Sta-When the CIONUIDH .. ..,. .. In ~ Y. CopeU.. Aern fer Ncb sUch fueling shall be t.. meet. by tta. Clf!l'tlftca~ a1 = 111 and U. 8. Statloa 117 .aid the ...,...,.. of ........ 117 ...._.,_ NEWPoRT BEAal ~ 1*00... ---ol ......_ .. _......_ ,__ po6Dt ot ~ ..... 50 lett OUI or ewroelw ..... ar ...... p• ..... ~NING co~o •:"10 1: Thil ~-nee ;;uuon tta. ~t':, ...__. ......... ~ o1 tta. ~y trtal or JII'GCliiW wa'-. ... aty LMU'I ~• ~ ...... ,.. ...._ at least -.ee In owrby18 )18ft of &e! ~= 1IDe of lOth Street· theDae aouu... IIIQ ~ tbe to aaoLUftOJf OP 11hWJftiOJf .. Jllawpoct nart.oT !0-'P a penon to wham such notice wu eut8V ..._. a~c~'u. s . .,....._, cllmlnate certain plun~ pap.. No ... ' • 2 I r ol lif'IWftl c.in:ulatiGa., ctwn and IP!dfylng the t:11M Une a 6ltaDCe oflOO feet· ~ .... ~ u an liallal -..:JftON or. ~ eft'~ lih, I and ·~ 1ft the a\Y Jllaae and maJUWr .or the livtnC N~ pal"a))ei to .... 10111 preca.~ -u a protection to CCMnfc:D. 01' I-. ai'W or 4111 tie aport hch., &Dthtball be In ~." Street to • lntersedioft with tbe the bac*flow fWYelltiW deYiceL W&WI'CAI' "YR.~ ....,. ..s .Uect 30 cta::za..n the u. s. l"'e'bead Line; t.heftee NortJt-Aa a protectJon to the eonaum-KIA. ~ an bftDf-~~ _......_~ ~. l!lfleae. ltl•: SkeM. PI 1 R't.-wsterty alone aald u. s. Plft'bead er'a plumbing aystmt, a Mtable DOH m OIIDD co• a.-a;. .,...,. ~and fot--Or-.-.,.: No v~l. ~· u-.e ol a UM a da.tanoe of 200 f~t: t.benoe ~ ~Def valw muat lie In-~If AJID Ufiii'AU.AaJJif ~ wu lntroclpoed at a ~ law enfon:enmt ~· lball be Southw8terly to the point of be-atalW and malbtaiDNI by him. at .., A 8ftiiZ'I' UGIIIING Bn--..edaK ol thP Oty CouociJ ol the equipped with nor &1\J' peniOft ginnlftc. hil ~. whtn check valws or ~ Dl ftACr 110. *1. Df Cty ol ~t 8elulh. Mkt on '*"upon a '~l. ~ tt.c.e ol s-1 ·a Af'8 s .. 1: ae,tn-ot!M!r protect.iw ct.vklec Aft~. MID <lift; DIIIVlAaDr8 '- U.. 3lda clay ot J~. 11151, and a law mfOI'Cftnent qmey. within Ding at a point in the Eut J~tty Tbe reUt'f valwo shaD be lrwtaJJed woaa '1'0 • or .._. -llnally Pll-.t and adopted oa the City Umits of the Ot.v or of the Newport Harbor, laid gplnt betwem OM! check \"alv and the !'RAN LOC.U. oa ~AaW' a. Ida da)' of July, 1951. by the Newport BNdl.. 8.1\)'liren. of beainn.ing being 450 r~ SOUth-wate-heater. ftJIILI() _,.Dii a..D .... ,...,_ \'Ote. to Wit : ~ ltlMA: -~: bwt&l-erly of the Mean High Tick-t...iJw or ~~ bacldJow prot«!ctton MW'WNO I"BK ._,..,.. '1'0 AYq. COUNCILMEN: Jatlon within 90 daya. Unl~ the the Padlic Ocean; tht>nee Eut-has beftl found necessary oa a wa--IIENErii'D M 8&1D l"iadl. Ramsey, GJ'('(>~y. Q)OOring for which • pemut hU erly. parallel to and 450 feet South-ter &\Q:IPlY lint> ~teri.ng a euatom-.._. AND W'O P&Y ma ~. bbeU beft1 lleC.'lln'd ls conatnlctM and erly of Aid Mean Hi~~ ~....AM era ~. then any and all <:lOIIft AND~ &liD N0£:5, C'Ol.'N~EN : !';OM installed y,;thin 90 days of the dat~ a cllltance or 8.'50 reet; thence~ •-ater supplY Li~H?s from the <;sty's nxl.NO A nJIIC .urD PlACE ABSENT. OOt;NCILMEN: None of t~ permit. the Aid .~t Is North to an intersection with laid main~ mtering SUCh ~. FOa III:&UNO OIIIBO'I'IO!If8 AI"IU1 : C. K. PRIEST O ty C1erk 1... L. ISBELL a.ut~Uc.alJy re\-oked wtthout no-Keen Hieh Tide UM: thence buildings or at~ abaU be TO MID WOIUL Ma,>"'r uoe. ts of no ~r foroe and ef·j W('Sterly along said Mean Hleh protected by an approved t.cldlow The City Council of the Oty of feet, and the (toe paid the-refor is Tide LiM to t~ Eut Jetty; thence devl~. regardleu of the U11e of Newport Beach pun nant to the forleited. Southe-rly along said East J etty to tM-additional water s~y lines. pro\islona of the "Ilnprovement 8ecttoa IelMA: 8&nw. r.e.: I th.-point of be~inning." TYo"' or more ser"\\'ices Mtpplying Act of 1911", being Divillan 1 of The owner of every v~l or baJt SEcrJON 2: Thl.s o~ is wateT from dlffETmt street maira tht' StJ"ffts and' Higbwa,... Code o1 a..x&Mct: NO: Ml reuoh"e:r having a mooring outl:lde h('N'by dt'cland to be an emer-to the same bulldinK stnacture or the State ot CaUfomla, does re- .&.R ~A~ cz ~0 of N~-port Harbor. but wit.bln the gency mee.IUI"e ~ for t.M premi&eS thrcMacb wb.lcb an intt>r-eoh-e u follows: • ,..,. ltU1 OP ~ lft1-City of Newport Beech, shall pay irnrne-diate ~1"'\·ation or the~ &tnot't main flow maY oc.'C'Ur, shaiJ SECnON 1. That the publieta-,.._..u. fJ0D1t. ~0 lUDO-to the Cit}' an lnltlal permit f~ or lie peeef'. hMJth and ufety and haw a 8tandard cheek val\'\" on terest and con,"ftlience ~. BID t•e&L ltta MIMA. $10.00, ~yable upon l.saua.nce of s hall take eftect lrnmediately. 'nle eech water aerviot' to be looatt-d and It l.a the intention ot the OtJ -. &Jf8 am IBiA&i'O the pemut. a nd ther8fter shall following 15 a s tatement of the adJacent to ancl on t~ property CouncU of the Oty of Newport a.. ~"DIXO -=nQ!f: • Pll> the City a yea.rly inspection facts shoviing its urgency. &ide o! the J'8Pt'C't,i\'e mrlft'S. &e.dl, Calltornl.,, to on1er the foJ~ -&1Im lt .. ~., ... r~ of $10.00, said IMpection f~ j With the approach of the r.um· , Sud\ check valws ahall aot be lowinc work to be dont>, to-wit: ~0 roa J'BE 1 u~ to ~~paid on or before J:>ecc>mber me r ~a5on and the greater UM' or cons.idered ackoquate if badd'low DDCRIP'I'ION OF WCJall &-. OF ~AftON • no-1st of eacn year. the waters or the harbor and the protection LA c~Homed nec8IUr)' to FIRST: Thft constnaction and BJrG ftiE tJU 0.. •-l!kdloa ltl%1: s.-e. ~-OCX'M by swimmers and vesa'ls. protect the City'a mainl from pol-ins tallaUon of a street Upting sys- -Ok vIa 881: L 8, ..,. tMa • N•..,.~t e1 ~: 11 thus <'ndan~ering thto the« of luUon o~ cont.aminatioD. but the tem. eonsist.mg ot oeme.t concrete --..o P 1: a Ml r 8 AMD the ~·8J'ly fee provided for In $(-c. '1m mel'S in non ·prott'Cted swim-inslallat•on or approved dual back-posts or standards (~te oe-._: ..a noc:aKJU IN Uon · 10126 or Se<:Uon lOl~A mjng areas, It Is ~ ne<X>Ssary flow devices at such meters shall sign No. 43-0.l , each equipped OA8 or OJI-PAI"'II:MT OF hereof • not paid by January 1. and e xpedit>nt that this ordiMnef' take the pla<X' of. and .. tidy the With one lwnlnaire. indudlftc ._, IWIIADO ~0 .. following the December 1 date PfiJ>S and ta ke ~ff~t irnmt'Cliately r"t'Quirt'ment for. ~>tandard check ~ lumen incan~t ........ 4JIIt IUDOtil...&nNG 111100&-rnenUoned in Section 10126 hereof, in order to prote<:t the lh'etl of \'alVc.-!1. U.'lng 5000 \'olt 'I1lermoplutlc IIIOA h~ 'I'IIE P A o 1 F 1 c the Harbor Matter shaU gjvt> a no-swimmers. 'Thto doub~ cMclt val\-e or other Cablf' fn~t&lled In nl~ iron oc.AJr Uce of aucb delinqumcy, in writ-SECTION 3 : Thl.s ordiMn«' approved backllow protection *-plpe conduit, ancl appurtenant n.e Oty c.ot.K:il of ~ Oty or i.ng, by l"egist~ ma.u aclclre.ed shall ~ published a t least once in \ices may be inspected and te$ted \\"'l"k rn COMec:tioft therewfth: In Nc•pua"t 88ch does ordain as rol-to the Jut ~'ft addreu ot the t he N~rt Harbor Ensign, a periodically for watt'r Ughtneu by that certain public .... : owner of the moorlnc u lt a~n newspaper of ~raJ drculation, the City. EASEMENT StrnON 1: Section 10127 of on the records ot the Harbor ,Mu-printed and published in tht> City 1be owner of any premhes on owned by the Cty ot Newport tt.. ~ CocSe of tbe City or tu. said notloe to state t.bat if of Nt'wport Beach. -.nd shall be in whlda or on account of which cbec:k ~ach, over, aJong and, aero. Lota Nt•JWWt BNch is hef'\"b)• ~led. said )'early r~ lJ not paid within force and effeet immediately upon valves or other protectivt' ~ A. 8 and C of Tract t-Jo. 1011. u SECTION 2 : ~lorw 10148A 15 da)"' from the date of said no-the final pa.ssagt> thereof. . are installed ahal.l inlpect tbeee per map reoorcleocl in~ 10180. 10124A, 10126A 'anc1 1012"i tioe, tht> u ld mooring will be rt"-Th~ abo'-e and foregoing 01"Cti· ~ for watu tight.neta and Map Book 35, Pa,gea 37 to 40 l.n-~ hereby added to th~ MunJdpal moved by the Harbor Master and nance was introduced at a regular reliability at ~Mat ewry three clusiv~. Records of~ County Code of the O ty of Newport the costs thel"t''f will be c:ha.ligt'd meeting of th~ Oty Council of tht-month~. 1be &!vices shall be 8ft'\'-California. ' U..eh, to read u roJiows, to wit: to and peld b}' the owner or aa.ld City of Newport Beach ~on t.be Iced. ovt>rhauled, or t e pIa c@ d SECOND: Th~ oonatn..:Uon and ~1!11•• ltlUA. Preeet•e r.r moonng. the said cost to be col-25th day of June, 1951 and wu whenever they an-found defective installation of a 5000 volt~ =a atataea. In any procedure lected In any Court or competent finally pa~Juland ,!dopbted hon ftht'l ~ all ~~l ~ boreopairb~ .. ~-P1~t!c C._I!Je installed ln p)YaD-n g a violatlon o.r Section jurlsdicllon. If the yearly fee pro-9th day o~ y, 1 .... 1, y t ~ o-,enanet' &r ... "" rne Y ~con-£<:\1 •ron ..,pe conduit, and appur- of the Code, or cha.r(d.ng a \ided for In ~tion 10126 or Sec-lowinlt \"'t~. to wit: sumel'. Certified reeo~ of. such te;nant work in connectJon theft.. wtolation of any other regulation tlon 10126A hereof is not paid A YES. COUNCILMEN : ~tions and operatJONI will be With; in the IOUtherly side of the lrt out in this Code go,·eming the after proper notice, as ~ for Finch. Ramsey, Greoelt'y, l'f'QUII"t'd by the City. STATE HIGHWAY mooring or anchoring of a vt>Mel, herein. the City shall havt> the Blue. Isbell Tt'le sel"'\1oe of wa tt-r to any ad,Jacent to said Lots A and B of proof by tM propiP or the State right to remove A..ld mooring and NOES COUNCILMEN · None pre:mi~ may be Immediately dis-s1ud Tract No. 1011. of Cttlliomia that the partjc\llar reco,·er the C05ts thel'eOf from the ' . eontin\M"d by the City if any de-PLANS. PROFILES. DRAWINGS '1188l') ~critwd ln the ComplaJnt ownE'T or said mooTing in any court ABSENT. COUNCILMEN: None feet is found 1n the cbeck \'alve AND SPECIFICA'nONS wu JJlOOt'ed or anchored in viola-ot competent jurisdiction. The L. L. 1SBELL inst;allatlons or othe-r protective S ECTION 2. All or the sald tion ol any provision of this Code, owner of any mooring may, at any Mayor dt'VIces. or If It Is found that ~-work and improvement to be don~. t~r •i th proof that the *-time prior to tht' actual removal A'M'EST : geJ'OIUll cross <'Onne<:Uonr; eJCist. hall be comtructed upon the fmdant named in the Complaint tbereof by the City, COIDt' in and C. K. PRIEST $('rv1ct> wHJ not be restored unfil wades. &long \he Hnes. bet'Neen -.a, at th<' til:nt' nr the orreru~e pay all delinquent yearly fees and City Clerk , uch defeets art' co~ed.''. the points. or the dlmenalons, at cha~ed. th<' owner or part owner thereafter continue in possession SfXlTION %: n us ordinanct> the places and in the ~ ol such·\'£'". 1. i'ha!J constitute In of said moorinJt. subjret to the pro-ORDINANCE NO. MS hall be published at least once in shown on the plans. profUes and evi&>nt'E' a priJTI3 facie prE'Sumpticm "istons of Section 10125 hereof." A..~ ORDINAXCE PltOVIDING the Newport HarboT Ensign, a drawim:s for the construction or that the said owner or part owner I'JCTION 1• Sections 10105 and FOil PllOTIXJ'IF..D 0 a 0 8 8 newspaper of geM'ral circulation. ttald improvemen ts in Mid n-act of ~uch \'PSSel was thr rx-rson who 10123 or the ~iunlctpal Code of the CONNECTION BETWEEN prlnt<'d and publi hcd in the City No. 1011. being P lan No. 435 con- moored or anchored or placed such City of Newport Beach are hereby THE Pt'BLIC WA'I'Dt IUJPPLY of Newport B<-ach. and s haJI be in lsting or one () 1 beet on file in V('SS('I at th<' point wh<'re. a nd ror am<'nd<'d to rt'a d as follows, to AND As~ UNAPPROVED f?n:e and effect 30 days after the thf' office or thr City E nginC<'r. the tlme duranlt which such \i ola-wit . OURC'E OF WATER fmal pass&~<' thereof. of llllfd City, a nd except as other- ...._, tion OCC\.IJ"red Th.-abo\"e pro,1s-.. • . . . . • The City Council of the City of The abo-.;e and foret;oin~ Ordi· wi. e PJ'O\'Ided on aid plans in fur- ton sha ll apply onl\ "hrn the fol-~t1oa HUO~. M 0 0 r 1 n g Newport Beach dot's ordain as fol-nanCt' wu tntroduced at a ~ar lht'r accordanct> with the Specifi-lowin~ condllions · al"(' romplit'd 0<'8 06 any wetgh t, 1~aln. = Jowa: m~tinJt of the O ty Council of the cations for the con tructlon of said with: oat . t~tructure. or 8PP l&nces fi'FATION 1: Thcl"(' il' hereby City of Newport Beach, held on impt·ovc:>m<'nts, said pcclflcatlons n) Durin~ the time of such u. by de '~~~ ~or anchor~~~~ added to the Municipal Code of the 25th da y of J une. 1951. and being on file in the om et' ot t.M 1~1 mooring Ol" anchorlnq, a no-an ". IC 1 no! ca . a the City of NPwpor t Beach Se<:t lon wa flnaiJy passed and adopted on City Clerk of said City. and to U~ thereof ahall be aeeurely at-SU<'h 'cssel or b:ut recetver as re-7242, to l"('ad as fOllOW$; the Dth day or J uJy, 1951. b~· the which plans. profiles. drawinRS and tached to s uch VCMel. settin g forth I(Uiar t'QUipment when under way. "An a pproved double -checked following vote, to wit: . pedficatlons hcl't'to(ore approwd the fact of 5uch 11Jcgat rnoorlnJt or ~tloa lOttS. Moortac f'IM'IBI._ valve or olheT approved back flow A YES. COUNCILMEN: by the O ty Council of the said anchortng. tnd uding ref~cm~ to No person ahall plaef', Prect, or prote<:tion devices shall be tnstaDed Finch. R.arru;ey. Gr('('ley, City. rt'fc l"('nce la h<'l"('by made (or the .ectlon of the~ 110 violated, construct moorings in tht> wa~n in aU existing water systems of aJJ Blue, llibell a further, full and more particu- the approximAte time thereof and of Newpor t Harbor or that portion consumers within 90 days of the NOES. COUNCILMEN: None lar description of the said wor<k. tbe looatlon wht-re such viola tion of the Paclftc Ocean within the passage of this ordinance and In ABSENT. COUNCILMEN: None a.nd by reft'rence the re to the same OCC\IJTed. and fix a time and place City of Newport Beach before a all systems Installed t.Mreafter, at L. L. ISBELL art' Incorporated herein and made for appearance by the owner or pennlt shall have ~ iMued by the expense of tM coosumer, be-Ma)'('IT a part hereof. part owner In answer to said no-the Harbor Muter. fot'e .ervice will be continued or ATI'EST: DESCRIPJ'ION OF tlce. ' r..cnoN t : Thill ordinance granted when any one of the Col-C. K . PRIEST ASSESS MENT DISTRICI' Sueh notice shall be attached to 6hall be published at leut once tn Jowinc conditions .,ppty. Qfty ClE'rk SECJ"'ON 3. That tbe Aid em- aid ve.el in a conspicuous place the Newport Harbor Enllgn, a 1. Where an unapproved fretJh tem.plated work and irnprovernent. upon the wueJ 110 tha t such noUce De"A'Spaper of gmera.l Circulation, watu supply is alreecly ava.Uable I...IWAL NO'I'ZC£ ln the opinion of the aald City can be obterved. by thto penon ln printed and publ.i8hed in the City f1'0m a wt'll, spring, rewrvotr or NOftCE OF BEAillHG Coundl. is of more than local or c:harge of such ve.sel upon h1s re-of Newport Be&cb, and shall be other IOUr'Oe. If the conll\lmer N ttce 1 hereb ...c that the ordinary public bmeflt, and \M tum thereto. in foroe and effect 30 clays after agree~ to abandon tbia o\Mor IUP-0 s Y &.Vt'n aald City Coundl hereby makes (2) Before any warrant of ar-the final paaage thereof. ply and a~ to removt> all pum,pa ~-rr~ ~:ill ~the ~1_)' t~ expenses of the Aid work and l'ftt lhalJ ~following the ClUng ThP above and ~ ordl· and p(ptog ~ry tor the utill-~~rvu . a,.....-l~t cha.rgeable upon a ot a Complaint cha~ng the of-nanoe was Introduced at a recuJar zatJon oC this supply the tnatalla-~ ~rt~ pte a~~ of district. which uld ctistrfct the feMe of mf>taJ mooring or anchor-meeting of the C\ty Council of the uon of backflow protectiv.e *-r · . or • a ....... ~ on •kl C\ty Oouncll hercl»y dfoclatea llba. a notiee of auch UJ~gal moor-O t y of Newport Beach held on the vices will not be required. ~ ~~~o~.,:a'I:!.nmon to be the dl11tl'ict ·benefited b)' llakl IDg or and!oring must be Jdwn to 25th day of June 1951. and .,... 2. Where lalt water, or water a 30 .. ~ on the • ~ work and ~t and to be tile penon 10 ~.Such notice finally puaed and adoptN on the otht>rwl.e polluted, 1s avallabl:e for aecordanoe ..,fi .....,._. al8f'lled to .-y the c:x.ta encl ~x- ... u contat.. the lnfonnat.Jon rt"-9th de,y of July. 1951, by tht> rot.-lnelult.rtal or nre protedbl pur-815 nee th Ordiniftce No. ~· and which cllstr1_!::t ..ar.d lll Pancraph (1) above and lowing \-ot., to wit: poees, or whef\" fl"dh water !\)'· Notl~ i.l hefttby further . deeCrlbed aa followa: lhall alto inform IIUCh owner or AYES, COUNCILMEN: cJranta are or rMY be tnat.a)}fld oa that •ld heal'lnR wtU I.e ~vm AlJ that certaJn b!nit~ of the part OWMr U.t Ulllal he appNn Finch ~ Gree~y p1en or clocb laY of ') on = N.wport BNth. O.ltfcll'llla, liD the ONrt detllnatect in laid no-BJ~ ·...,..u ' ' 3. Where tile 111 emt.N 8ft or :!:..1:"7~ ;'M ul~ ::~a:.= w of s~ and ane,.. In-tiel within nw (5) cia,_ after NOES CouNCILMEN· None may be enppd In lndultrlal pro. C'MmbtN.ot the 0 ..., HaD New-~ wttb&n the I'Jdllrlor ..._,_ llr'Yice ot nch notJe. and .....,ers • · ee.e. Ullnl or prMadM ~ v • clary line Bhown ..-that twtalft ... dwrp, a wan-ant of ahwt ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: None ...... or ...... ~ ....... = :ze"' CaH!Gnda, at whkfl Map or Plat No. G5, hentofore -= = ~ ':'w., eltller ~ISBELL = :--"';.'r''if• aft-=:-.: ~ QY=O =-= =0\IM ~ ~ ~~ ~ =..-··-~-=-=; tli.~ r~.ez: *f".:·---:.o-m .. !!!!-:=..~---~:r..:.:~ ..,.... ... UIIIted...._ ~a.n _.................... ~ ........... ,._.-.,; , (0..11 &I • i .... ') .. •wu . ..,... ._., •onca • (&rii i ,..., ..... , en& ~ ol lllll!llt Albtet. ..... wticf1 ...... or Newcrt ~ .... Ollllonlla. ~ .... plat • • me in tbe omce ot the • w-...w u u.e ••~=-=-•·1 Oty ~r. o1 the aid Ot7. Ill "'**a tNIJ Rmollltloft ol Retereece Is hereby llvtdP to aid tloft lhall I.e ...,.. bed by t:111e at)' ._., or plat for a further, full aDd Clerk, in the ......., .... .._ more particular ciNeript.ion of the proWled by law, &Del for _.._. aiel IM Wil&lt dl1trlct_ and the aU other .,......tionl 1n die 111'0- aalcl map or plat eo on rue abal1 ceea-. un*" this RelolutioD of IOYei'TI ror all 'det.Ill u to the latlatioa. extent of the aaJcl aaeamHJt ells-n.. Ot¥ Clerk II cllrected to trlet .... BOdcel ot the II6JpUoa ol *-·---D~ON OF BONDS ......_ ol lattonttaa to all ..... SICC'I10N t. n.t ...tal boncll -ow ... real propet t) ... lleadllc latleft.lt at the rate olllx ....,. "llle • I eel...,_.._ S~ Fishing ,.. cent ("') Pt"'' ann.an aha1l be aMI •Mr ......-• U. ... Local ..,..._ are aooptratlnc ...., llllued to npuent Mdl ._.... ••"'!!. •• __ at rall_,fw: ~ tbe Balboa AncliM ·OIIIIt In -.t o1 't'walty-tlve Do I I • r • ,.._, -Ill -_._ rv"""*'c the annual JCI.k• ra.tl- {Sa.OO) or IDOft, "'"""' ... • UJ111a1c1 =•1delll till' adlr lert' I 11110, -r.o Newport R&l1lor Yadlt me 'l'oarwy, wh.lch ha tiMe an-(Cobtinued t'f'Om ,._. I) t1or ~ (30) da,. after the a.te * 184 11• ol die _.. "llD-Cub lklppen Tom "'-t • tile ..... ,. alnee Tune 1 and wW con-be a~"arded to the li'OQQittll ... ot , ... r a u.e warruct. SeN IJI'M,_t Aa ot un•, of aal4 ~ dMi and Torn ~· ttn.-to 8fpt. 1. and the >'0Uill8l boy to ftabh ._ ..tal ..... IliaD exteD4 owr a S~ ..a ~ eo.. • tile lltlcl•• took !laP hcJIWIIM Ill The followiDa landi.np are offer-AIUna Jane ..W ..._ nine (I) )"aft from POS'fiNU OF NancE the 1DtteJ Ill!·~ HoUda,y ...... inc frw fttbinc tripa to tlce ~·gmers~ !...nittee .,_.... h eeclllllld day of Junaa.ry next 01' IIIP.ROV'EIIPJi diallljj\N8Fhlll of NHYC and~ ,...,,..._, • Frida~ it~ are tb1a year'a ~t. tlce lith ..... ~ the next October flf-SECIIOH 8. 1'lw .......... ten. .... Yacht Club during the .,.._ ~ by an adult: ......,. Flitttt. include Cbainnall ..... teentb followtnc thftr date. ~-dent ol Streeta of the Oty ol New-eDd. Pavilloft. K1mba.ll'1 19th St. Land-Scmers of the Olamber's Yw.t ea llllellts • the prindpal of unpaid port Beach, tlhaU cauae to be 001\· Frost, with his 1.2-!oot Snowbird i.ng, Newport Pier, Norm's Land-Committee, James )(. W__., eH!.,.IJ(IIIta and lntt!ftlt thefton l picuous)y ~ along the l1De Bo'aun, had R\."en firsts ln eilht lng, Port Udo.!o.. ~asport, Port Or-Coo~ Wurdemann, J. A.. Belir. ~ be made by property OMift'l of said contemplated work or lm~ 1tarta, defeating 2-4 rival&. Sbep-ange and the Harge Georgia. RUSRU Craig, 5ancb' lladta7. C. tiD the Oty ~. and the provement and a1on.c all open pard'• Argoay won with 6• polnts Application blan1a are allo ava.iJ-F. l..B.nden. Petff Ficker, Bil a.. aame .tall be disbu.nre4 by aid streets within the district to be u-oveT 10 RhodH rivals. Convene able at thete landinp. 'Ibere is t-6, Dr. 0 . G. Sue., Martt Reab'. Oty 'rreuurer, all u provided in seued for &a1d work, notices of Wurdernann'1 Midship was second no charge for entering, and tbe Urban L. Be.h Robet1 ~ L tbe "~t Act of 1911", the puaage of this Re.oJut.lon of with 10 points, and Whim, ..Ued youn~: fishermen do not ba\'e to s. Rowbeny. 'Ma)-or ..U _. bereiMtt« referred to. Intention, ift the time, form and by Hook BearosJee, was third with beJong to any club. The tOUJ"ney Mr. Lan~heim. TOlE AND PLACE OF manner pi"'\'idecl by said Code. 14~ polnts. . is for rod and ret>l filbing, but Commoc1ore Walter EDioct oidia HEARING SECTION 9 That the writt~ n.ere was a brisk 15-mile .outh-with no lpedOcations for ta~. Newport Harbor Yacht Cult ... SECTION 5. N011CE IS HERE-report of the Oey Engineer of the eorly wind for the 140 boats in 16 First and 1e00nd place trophies be juctce ~the .narts; O•a• kN BY GIVEN, that on the 13th •Y City ot Newport Beach, on the claues ~ailed on bay and ocean will be off~ for tuna, a.lbacore, Cay Campbell ol the v..,. of AQ~U&t, 1951, at the hour of p.ropoeed improvements ~in cle-courtcs. The claa wtnnt-ra were: y~'fin croaker, spotfin eroaker, Yacht Oub wUl be Judie ot• a. eewn-tblrty (7:30) o'clock P . Jl. scribed and prepared punuant to •Y ClaMee bamacuda, .ea bus. white ~e. bus, ishes; OornlDoclon! Ciff C>DJ in the Coulldl Chambe-r ol the Oty the proruiona of tM "Spedal M · P~ (9 ~tries) -Meenie, ~·eJiowtaU and halibut. 1bere will of the Southern Califomia 1'MM· 0ouooc11. In ..,. Oty Hall of-_...,, tn ... .,..tlon. Umlta..., Bob 'Woodwa..,, Voyo,..n Yacht aloo be a .,....t ,.. .. for Uoe in• Auodati.., .;u be 5 Oty o1 N<wport Beec:h, any and and Majority Act of 1931", betn« Club. younpU!r catching the ifritest judge. and Commoclore aD per-having any objections Divial«< <l ot aaid Streeta anCt ....._ D Ia 1 ItT (5)-Lollipop, variety or edible ft&h. Blodgett of the Balboa Yacht to the ptopwed work or imp!"'\oe-Highwa:rs Code is on file in the Mickey Smith, BYC. Art Johnson of Bay Shores and will be judge of the COllJW. meat. ar tiD the ext~t of the u-office of the City Clerk of aid tala....,.. 125)·-Bo'sun, Tom ~ of the Anglin~ Club ls ~Flight or the s~ WM =-ncut clatrlct, or to the pro-City and open to pubUc lnspection. Frotrt, NHYC. . chairman of the oomm.lttee ln inaugurated in 1936 b)' the 0.. poeecl p-ads, may appear 8Ml PASSED AND ADOPTED by P -It 17)-Sea SUme, Denny Ma-charge or the tourney. JUit before beT of C~. and ._ ..... .ttow ca.-e why aald work &hould the a Coancil f the at of son. BYC. the opening of school there wiU IPQNION'd by the Chambe-r for_. not be dtme Ot' caf"rieod out ln ac-N ~ Beach daJifornia it a LeiiiMa (13l-Bolero, Bart Hen-be the annual party, at '"bJch the annual ~-..t 'Jbe F1IPt ~ cordanoe With thla ReeolutJon of ewpor . • f beid tbla denon BYC. trophies will be awal'ded. Trophies acknowl~ u an important ~ IntentSon. Protests muat be in ~r ':;rJ:: ~r:o by the rot-....0.. ( 15) -Hurry On, P~te are being displaye-d durin~t t~ tributor toward dev~klpllat f1l writirlc and rmat be cleUvered to ~ .• Y vote to-~t. · Bradford. NHYC. ~rat various stores and land-ailing in ~ewport Harbor and • the Oty Clerk prior to the time set 'Ut., • • 8111.-e (12) -Confederate. Fred inp. resport~~ble for early ~ ol for the beutn.c. AYES, COUNCILMEN: Mll.ler, NHYC. The catche can be weighed in boJ'F ancl ctrk wbo latK lita.e IMPROVEMENT ACf Finch. Ramsey, G~ley, Uctlbllac (4l -G•x:y. Eric at a.n.y place With a ~tered turned out to be some of the.- SECl'ION S. That aU of the Blue.COUNllbellCILMEN N Weisberg, BYC'. • sca.Je, and the "eelght 1Ups are to capable and experit'IX'ed al""' • work heftfn JIII'OPORd aha.U be done NOES, ,..., ~~ .. , oNtne OcNrcau.H be sent to \MAngling Club office. ~Pacific Cout. and carried through in P\U'I\JAJ~ce ABSENT, COUN~~.c.n : one 'l'lahJtie (9 ) -'nroute, George -"iiiiiiiiiiiiil~;;~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiijii!~., of an Act ol the Legislature of the L. L. ISBELL . CoCOn, NHYC. State of Ca.Ulomla, designated tbe Mayor of the Oty o_t la~u..at 1t (9 ) -Elttermi- ''lmprovement Act of 1911", being Newport Beach, Cali!orniath nator. Paul Fcnier. NKYC.. Division 7 of the Streets and Hlgh-I HEREBY CERTIFY that e AA&tr... (51 Gitana, Bill Al- W&Y¥ Code or the State or Ptll· abow ancl foregoing Retolution len, NHYC. fomia was pe.aed and adopted by the latenattoaal lit 15l-Gremlin, . PUBLICATION Ocy Courldl of the City of New-Bud Edgar. NHYC. OF RESOLUTION OF port Beach. CaiUom ia. at the time ~ 161-Marle, Andy Gram, INTENTION and by tbe \'Ote above stated. BYC. SECI'ION 7. The "Newport C. K. PRIEST LaiiHs {9) -Uttle Lulu. Keith Harbor Enaign", a v.-eekly ne\ftpl-City Clerk of the Ci~y or. H~rbert, Los An~ les. ~ Sllop per, printed. published and of ceo-Newport Beach. Califom1a PC c8J Hus y, Joe Kaltenbach, UIXI.U. HO'I'd BYC. ADVEaftSEIII:.Ift' POll 11108 Dod~ ( 111 A r g o s Y , Tom Notice is hereby Biven that the Board of Trustees of the Orange ~hcppard. NHYC. Coast JUDior Co~ District of Orange County, het'('inafter referred _ -----• to u the "Owner'', wt11 receive up to, but not later tban 10:30 A.M., Yellowtail Are Brought m J uly 23. 1951 sealed bldl for the aw&J'd of eonttacts for gas burner B Loc l fj~-L!-Boats recoDYE'l"'ion for the Administration, Home Making and Science BUlld-y a IBII.UlCJ tngs at Orange Coast CoUege. Such bids ahall be iecetved ln the office Ye>llowtall~ which ha,·e b ee o of the 'IOwner" ln the Adm.lnlatratlon But.Jding, Orange Coast College. carcc for the pas't 10 years. are 19951 Harbor Blvd., ncar Santa Ana, Oranee County, California, and ... ~·In"' reportt'd al!ain at local land-jha)) be opened and pubUcly rNd aJoud at the above statro time In the .....-... office ot the ·~r" In such building. . . lngs h n. Each bid must conlorm and be responsive to thi5 lll\.1tation, the Ellis Boat Rentals, ncar t e vay- ·~·, ... Dt7~ .._._ Eq&....r !{ .... , ..... • .. ta-• specifications and aU ~ other documents comprlalnJt the per-shol'(' Bridge, reportt'd that J. H . ~nt contract ~ts. Copies of the contract documents are now Hoc~J.re of EJ Monte cnug bt an 8~- u u•.: • in the --'d tfi of the Ow-ner pound yellowtail from an Ellis I L L I S 8 0 A T R E N T ·& L S on file and open to public inspection -.. 0 ce · c'--rt"r boat nl"ar Dana Point Sat~ ~ Contract bids will be received covering gas burner N'COJ\\"Crslon. 'NI "' Completion time requestt'd to be set by bidders. A deposit of 10% of urday. Se bi .t, Newpor-t~ Pill~ I!IArht-!IU the total bid by certified check or bid bond is requir~ with t>ach bid: Balboa Pavilion's 8 sew HOKE -IDGE ~ "' brou~ht in rour yello\\-'lail a few labo ... a·nd materials bond and performance bond reqwred of contractor skippered by "Chili" WiJUams. f~~~~~~;~~~~=:~~~~=~~~~~; selected. b . ro h said days <'&rlit>r "1'\\-o of these, one a Each bid shall be made out on a form to ~ o ta.in at t e 11-pound<'r. W<'r<' caught by Paul office in which the contract documents are. on file. . • -t th Ensign Each bid shaU be accompanied by a oertifi~ or cash1er s check pay-Lund, shop foN·man a e . · 1 ., " v.-" f nl'\\ bnv 1 did pt'l't ty well too, ab,_ to th"' ""''D"r, or satisfactory Bid Bond. rn fa,-or of tht' Owner.. who <' youn~ ·on GC'ne I an Erun~ I executed by the bidder as Prindpal and a satiS actory surety compaThn) -tchln~ four harracuda and two The fto4 ud ""' ac. M SUJ'('ty tn an amount not Jess than ten per cent or the bid. e ""' • I 14 A R 0 W A R E check or bicl bond shall be gh'en as a guarant(.'(' that the bidder wUJ exe-• ea lxt!t~. Tht' Lunds tota was IS L A N 0 H CUte the Contract lf It be awarded to him in conformity with t he ~n-fish Tolal rat<'h for lhe day on ttl KAil.fWE An:. BALBOA JILAIID tract documt'nts and wiU provide the surety bond or bonds M spec.a!1ed 11w boal WA'> 197 barracuda . 51 ~~~~~~~~i5~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 therein within five days after notification of the award of the contract bas.·~. und four ) t•llo\\ tan. i to Ule bidder. . bids The Barge ~-~··G• ·• '' The Owner res<'rves the privilege. <?f ~jectrng ~Y a~d nll or to M A T T R E S S E -~..VD IUia waive any irregularities Ol' infonnabt1cs tn any b1d ot• m th<' b1ddlng: TniJen Pursua nt to the Labor Code of the State of Callf.ornla. the sa1d 'Roata -Home -. JLUbor 2~99 -HArbor 163.4-M Board of TrustN'S hu ascertained the general prevailrng rntl..' or per I~gula.r S506hapt'lll 0 F F NEW p 0 R T pIER Sh~t~-J.;.~ 7!, ~ diem wages for l..'ach c raft or type of workman needed to <'X'{'("Ut(' the Beacon .. __ contracts whjch will be awarded the succe ful bidder; and th<' eo pre-COSTA MESA MATTIESS CO. ~~~!~Ln~"E~-~B~AIT~~B~O~A~T8i~LEA~~\~'E~I~a~7~a.~~m.~fr~om~~t1t~cl~o~fl't~~~r:~ vallln$t rates arc contained in said specifications adopt<'d by thl' Board 2110 Newpol't ..... • _ 1 and art' as follows· APPRENTICES-May be employed in conformity with S<'Ctlon 1777.5 of tbt' California Lnbor Cod · fl 75 DON KJRXPATRICK Laborers. Gen<'ral or Construction .. --· ........ · ..... .... im Plumber Forcma.n .. ,_ ................. ·· ···· · · · ··· . 2_525 T v SEIVJ,.._ Plumber .... ... . .. ....... -................................. · ··· ·-· ......... · · 2 625 • " .. P lumber Ga or Une S prinkler ...... · .. -................. _..... 2·625 Plumber Lead or Cemcnt Caulker ...................................... · i s2S Steamfitter ......... -........................ _____ --· ___ ................. 2.875 Lead Burner ............................. _ ... _................... .......... ........... ... 3 00 Industrial Gene~ Foreman ........... :-........... .... . ...... _ ......... 2ms Industrial Plpef1tter Foreman ................... -.... •· · .............. · · 2 625 Industrial Pi.pefl.tter ....................... -... -................... -:.: ............... 1:775 Industrial Pipef1ttcr Helper ......... -............. -...................... · · 2.815 Pipcllne Foreman ................................. -.-.............. ................... 2 625 Journeyman Pipe tine ......... -.......... -··-<·-----.................. 1.775 Helper Pipe Line ........ -.............................. rmed·~-&oe5S"0'f"lh~ regu- lar ~~~~e ~~!. ~~ a~J! :r!0 ror overtime ot the crart in- .w~Uda:rs as herein ~~~Ybet!:r~.~~ ~:ti'ccy~~~ 400 Coest loul•••nll COlONA DEL t.4AR-tiA ~ THE FISHING DOCX 1t T THE Day, Dcooratlon Day, d Christmas It any of the abOve botida)"S fall ;lba~.f.!~g ~· an ·haD be considered a legal holiday. on Sl".d:fi' the ~~0=~· Contractor to whom a contract t" It :S 11 aub-eontractors tinder him. to pay not less than !::'~ =l~ng rates of per cllM\ waJ:(!S to all worlcnlen en:t· ~ lrt the exec«Jon of the contract. t the ....,N~ bidder may wtt.hctraw hls bid for a period of 30 days a tcr IS NOW OPEN &omS a.m. till Micfai9ht ·--Eftl'Y Day datt' Jet for the opening or ~~~ Ortmge Oout Junior CoUece Dlatrlct, Onnae County, Calif. • Slaneid: BASIL H. pft'ERSON PubUih: JUly 5 -July 12, 1951 ln the Newport Harbor Enalpt. -----~--~~ .. . . Catch YELLOWFIN, CROAKER, HALIBUT, Etc. FOI' lnfonnat:ion CaD IIArbOr 57 '"'""· ..... • • • WlSR 1 MAY, wiah 1 rrufht, be pu't blrd or part airplane or IKIIM- ddnc ancl take off with that ludat II'OUP 18vin~ Sunday to Hawaii to catch the end of the Honolulu ~. Among those-who will be cn.nina thelr necks to Re who's aomlng in first are Nat and GE'orge Jlicbauct of Lido Is Ito. • • • <Continued from ~ 1 ) to the method conteftll*tecl. Ralph Maskey of Newport aJ4 he beUe\IE'd the state mat.c:hlq formula was the belt way of aeoo qulring China Cove, eJL11f! •! II doubt u to legality of•t.k.water charge for anything other than water and maintenance of the wa- tE-r system, and cha~. that th<' water charge method wu dangerous and dlscrimlnatory. He recommended puttlng up to tiM! vote of the people the ~t:lon ot raising the park tax. now •3 cents, to lO, 12 or 15 cen~. And at the start of tbe race. )at a lot oC people wert> there ror a big teDCJ-off. ln fact some of them nee.rly got In the way of th<' ·~ yachts. We just couldn't ILfoep tab on cvt'ryone who wenl up, but or course )•ou W('re bound to ~ Porter Sinclair &nd Chuck U1llnul at IUCh an event. Nancy .nd Lron Willlams of Newport Heights \l<'t'l'e pre (!Ot at the start- Ing RUil and then drlJted over to Catallna for a few day on thr kMlt ~longing to Leon's brother. Dr. R. N Williams oC Onta rio. OF£1<'t:R~ \\··~Rt: ~~~TALLF.D llt tt ~tlllllf of Huo '-'''"1Kirt 84-ac-h \\oown ()f lhc• MtM~t, tm4!a.-. •hah I. at thf" ,,mr rlc-un ~-R:tll. ftj> ln .. tllllufluoa '•'lWl of ~nlla 1\nl\ {'h•Jlft>r ~~ c-..ndll('tM'! tbf' t•••n>mon~·· Abo\1• IUf' thr MW otnc-t-r'l, lf'fl to rl;:hl: '-'lt•kl Cffa:"f'rlon, .,.,aldt·: \lola C'ornC'('I, rt'- t·••rdN : :U~·ru .. lhanpbr.-y, ur"lfWI: Aile¥ VoU.ftll:, c-hu t l.tln: \\lnifrMI Rnndf'l, ""'alur r•'KI'III: R.•'@lf' J . LO\ IU. &: raduat .. l(rand r~f'llt : AIIC¥ Andfor:MM~, Juniur .:rudUIIt.. r"t."''"': lAra Lf'nA'h, juolur rf'Jrf'Dt: I l"iir Kin.:. '-l'nUnt>l: t;dna 1'111'C'If'~'· """'"t"nl L.'"lthll': .fn~ t'4' I ::dick . tn•:~..,urc•r, and Olh ·f' Mlllf'r , p&aa- l .. t. -{llhnf•• b~ <'nllc'o'.ll Mri10"kf'y) In a letter to Oouncll be 11\11- gcsted that If the acqulaftion of the 14 Cove lots Is UI'"R'ftlt. the funds should be drawn from the general accOunt and t't'plaoed by an overall aiSessmE>nt or an ln. crease in tax rates. Council members said they fa- vored the water charge becaU!Ie of th<t-need for speed and becaUR it could be taken off any tiftM', wht'rt'as a tax lncrt>Ue was Jllrely to remain for a long while. • • • Mrs J Arthur Taylor of Udo lwd a t I OJ)('ratlon a t St. Jo-IM.'Ph hospatal last v.'t'ek and is atilt in the hospital. weo hear. ~ J ohn Pooi('S are settUn~ l.Dto home s;:ai.n after an extend- ('(! visit to Europt> ---most or the t.imeo ln Italy and Trie leo They took tht> whoiP famlb' Stuley Tract Rezoning •K' d \Continued from Pa 1 • Unsung ·Commercials furlhC'r de\elopmf'nt of boat lt'nt- als. nor would h<> allow mstft llo- tlon nf a Jaunchin(! ramp. IStN •l- rtHft nnw hns Fl..""o-foot frontll~<' 1 I Cit~ ~tana~l:'r J<1lm S'ltlnt:-said -------------he h11d informro Harbor 1\fa~~t "r QUARTER DECK II is th<' n am <> Ru~o.sell Craig lu pollct' lht• r hnn- or the new tor<' to be o)X'ned by nl'l In flk mort• fl'('(]ur n t I~ ThC' C8ptaln and Mrs. t.. !:'. Rowberry Council then ,-nt<'d ttl in~l• urt thr al Pt. Lorna Grand of)('nin~ will ('ity atlnrn<y to draft an nml'nd- be Saturday tor thP C'COnd Quar-f!1<'~t to the cit~ ordi~ltnC'f f'!oolah- ter ON:k. w htch. Ilk(' th\C' original l lto;hm(! a C -1-H zontnJ,: r or t hf' st 630 CO&St Highwoy on Marin<>r's I ra~ . Milt' will fe-ture va cht fumi h-1 Cit ~ Coum·tl also pa~sC'd ordt-~. and reosort wear. nanC'i·~ l't'J::"Uiatin~ mourin!tl' anrt • • • 1 P!'O.''Idinc: for moonn,:: ff'N': Jlt ,,_ The rwo partn rs w ho art> open-ndm~ for tank wagon fu<'hnJ! n( ing lht' ub-Tropie&l Land.scaPt" \'esst>b: from thl' Count ~ 11o<'k Nu.rst"r1 '1 716 Coast Blvd in only. at a fee of SlOO: S<>t Au~ 1:\ Corona ck-1 Mar, 8rt> Ralph R. taearing dat<' for th(' Ughtin~ sy .... Baker and John F . Burnham. tern projet't at &lboa Co\(•s : ap- RaJph, who has been doing land-prov~ the dty ens:tineer's ISJX'CI· .cape design around town for four flcallons for live bait receivers: years, lives at 416 Lar~ Ave., delayed for 30 days an): consider- Corona ~I Mar. His partner atlon ot anne~ng the HiJ!h School comes from Santa Ana. site to the caty: r~~erred !O th<' city manager a petauon askmg an annual rental for city trailer court lenants~ filed for futurt> COMider- ation the indorsements by the Women's Civic LeaguE' and thP Corona del Mar Civic Association of the West N('wport Improvemf'nt Association r equt>St to outlaw slant drilling for oil undf>r the city. M•wiccd Ptogaam by Recorder Players Students of the Brandt-Dike School of Art a 1 405 Goldenrod ~~_:LCorona del Mar, and· towns- ~ wel't' treated S unday to a mtaical art moon or recorders and rir'e i.n&trument.s arranged through the schOOl directors, Rex Brandt and Phil Dike. . The program was given by the Sa.muel Pepys Recorder Players, who orrered also harpsichord. viola da ~ba and vocal music dating as tar back a~> thE' thir- teenth ntul"). A GlllL FOR THE FOOTES The seal w ere tipped in favor ol gt.rls yeslcrday f July Ill at the W S tuart Foote 'home, 423 lr\.ine Ave Newpor t H t> i g h t s, when Mrs Foote presented the family with a 6-pound. <k>unce baby girl named Katherine Ann at SL Joseph Hospital. The Footes alrt'ady hav~ ont> bo' Donald, age 3 . and one girl, Linda. age 2. AUTHOR TO AT!TOORAPR Stewart ·Roberlson, aulhor of the Pacific Coast section of ·'Yacthing in North America," will autograph his colJectlon of stones or Southern California yachting, "Short Splices." at Bunster a-ee- l)' 's Books hop on Balboa Island between 1 and 4 p. m. Saturday. FLVJNG EAST TONIGHT It's a New "york trip for Mrs. S tanley Smith and her thr~ daug- t<'rs of 518 A\'ocado Ave .. Corona del Mar. The family. all except for Mr. Smith. are leavlng by plane tonight rThursday 1 for a month's ,·!sit with Mrs. Smith's sister and brothf'r in N('w York City. * TIIILLS * IllES Fun tor lBalboa Blvd . Has Opening •C'rmtint'at>rlrrom .,age 1) h• .,., a pat 011 the bark nO\\ a nd lht n ... in<'l' t hC'r4 "c II' plent.) of hn~ l<hat:-. Rntl tn1d o! lu turt• plans tu t'Ornl'l<'t f' 1 h<' wld<>ntnl! c•f Bai- II{Hl J1hd. from 'lcFaddt>n Plac-<' to ~o.·oast I IWh\\ay. Thl'n ht· C'lJt thC' 11hhon~ II • formfllly uPf'n thl' hnulc>\ ard lt ""' l ll ~<'nrs a~-:o that t bt' thPn Ctt) En~int't>r R 1.. Pa tlerson wa.• .. in.<:truclcod to ~o nhea<J with '" rliminat )' court pi'OCC'edln~s to HCQIJIH' thf' n~ht·•lf-way nnd wid£>n \\hat \\8S th<'n Ct'ntral Av<' On Apnl 6. l !H2. SJ.!.(lOO was paid Jo th•• Patilt<' Fh'<·tn<' for tht> riJ::ht- of-" a~ T ht> war lnh'r.t-nrd and it was not until April. 194 • that an at- tempt wa made lo impro,·e the boul<>vard by asH•ssment of adja- ct"nt property O\\ nf'rs. This was \'01 ro down by protE'Sl$ totalling 57.06 per ~nt. The Cound l then mo\·ed lo im- prove theo boulevard with ~s tax money. Out or a total of $14.9.- 640 allocated &nd spent from gas tax since July, 1947. 181.260 bas been allocated to Balboa Blvd.. $36.230 ror Corona del Mar, $13.- 300 for N<>wport Heights, $18,850 for malnt{'!lanoe and lmproV<.'ment or streets In Newport and West Newport. On Balboa Blvd. lt.~H. city gen- ('rlll funds have provided about $13,000 for drainage and $7,000 ror lighting. Of the gas tax money about $20.550 of the money ex- pt>nded on Balboa Blvd. came rrom funds transferred to the dty by tht> county as the city's share of gas tax monies reoceivro by ~ county. CICITIILS ~iftd Drillh el'ld '"' mrtch ertd lteriert Food Gene's Place 705 Coed IJYd. HA 1102 co-.. SERVING YOU REAL VALUES The WANT AD WAY .. the quick. .., WQ to eeU tt1oee artldeil that you don't need any men! ..• For reeulta, 11M the • • - IDIIIp "-' & .... IVIft' ()&I.L IIAIIIOil lllC ilililitiiiil ........ Work Starts SOon On CDM Charch Work will lwlrtn n<'xt week on th<' additton to tlw Corona del Mar Community C'hurf'h, n u i 1 d l n g C'h11irmun C1. Z RotX"rtson r<>- port <'d at t ht' S<'cond proJ.n'(' ·s din- nt 'I h<'ld Tht>l'da~ ~'"'ntn~. On a motion by Councilm&n man Brack-n Finch, OolutcU voted unanimously to pass the water charge ordinan~ to the S«'CCnd readlnJt. Pi lgrun llall ot th<' Church was , Spark fr<?m an lnd nerator wu n£>arly fillt•d ftlr the' pol -luck dln-hst<'d by Fn'f' Marshal Phll Hay- ne> I' m('(•ttng. Mot'f' thon $.'500 wn~> de'! as thP possible cause of 11 fl~ t•at I'd durin~ tlw <'V<'ning I wh1ch swept .through the store-. room of Kindell's Ceramic factoey Mr. R~b<>rtson ~nnounN'd that In Corona del Mar S unday noon. th•• butldm~t JWr.mtt hud. bf'f"ln re-C:u·e taket· Harry Dickey dlscov- l'l'l\t d ,fmm tht• <"'tt y Budding ~-e rf'd th" blaze and tumed in the partmt nt Rtt.."-<:<•11 H ampton. c_hatr-alarm. He suff<'red 411 attack man of th<' Ftman<'t' Comrruttl'4'. while trying to remove a burning .. atr1 thRt lh<'rt' was not ~nly baJe o f packing paper and wu ed- rnouL!It mun<') to ~tan tht' rn-,;t ministered oxygen by firemen. <~h'P tn tht> butldm$:: program but Th<' Corona del Mar and Balboa abo abou1 S l.{)()(l ratsPd for lht> Island fire trucks answered the H'<'Cmd rhn.S(' call. Friends and neighbors ot Civic Group Opposes Slant Drilling for Oil Ac·Uon wa.<> taken on tv.'O civic i -u by thf> Woman's Civic Leagu<' at their m ee tIng at Whit('' Pa'rk Ave. Care on Balboa Island Monday, when Supervisor Heinz Kaiser was main spMker. They voted to support the West Newport resolution asking the the O ty Council to prohibit slant drilling ror oil in the city, and they also unanimously oppo.ed the water rreter tax and suggest- ('(! the rest(lration of property tax to pay Cor China Covf' and other p&rk and l't'Cr'eation tadUUes. the Klndells assisted in U\e fi~ fif!hling. Owner William KlndeU eati-- mated $5,000 damage to ceramic stock· &nd packing materiaJ and $5,000 damage to .the atoreroam building, which had hem com- pleted only two monltu! qo. Tbe fire did not spread to the •«Joon· ing apartment, but there wu smoke and water ............... • we tl'cs. f.etor y f'Jperleeee ,...._.. l'f'd. Apply ...-..,... HIY, Ma.rhte Ave.. B. L _.. ....... II IIIIILEY 'S I lUIS! FOUNTAIN ~ SPECIILIZIII II Quick Service S AN.PWIC HES S ALADS SOFT DRINKS <;;OFFEE & DOUGHNUTS -Etc • A ak for "Pat" • .. • ... SECOND SECTION . .. A"I~N,_,~ COftriaa the eedre dlr ol Newpotr Brnda. The Bay Shora .... el rl Mary Topper WM tbe locale fill July rne.etifta or thew~ et John Vlanney. Catholic~­Balboa lala.ocl. The tneetiDc wu a 12 ..... cte.ert heJcl Jut -.~& oe -·c. Plana for tbe dedication ol tM .. Our Lady of lit. ~· 0 •• and tbe ...,.... bUthda)' ..... ~ honor of their pa.rUh prtat "- part or the btMtnea ~ 111 the mwtiq. The next pth«tJw wlD ........ at the home of lin. N.C. Br = ol Bay Shoft.. oe A111t8t T • Brettner and lin. lldlar ~ ter were co-hoft818 at ._ ,.... FOUI"th meet~~~c- LOOAL -0: 'fte ... er... •u ••lllle wtll \'Wt. th Newport. Rarbf>r :trf'a ant 'nanlaJ', lwl7 lt. lftia .tt,.,.. ._at~ IM!W A--. t.ect-R .n. 15U. •114 Bay A~. Ia NP.•-port. rro. I te 1 .-. ¥ I kc: te ._ a...__ Oall R~ 1116. PNI. E. ICingakty Powtun1re ot S... 'l>iewo State College returns to the Newport Harbor area Sunday night for hla thlrd annual pro- gnun of dramatic interpretations of A.mel1cln folk literatul"f'. He is remembered ~pt'dally for his in- ter-pretation of "Gl"'een Past u.rt"''." He is belng pres~nte-d u p!lrt of Christ Church by the Sca's sum-mer Sunday t"vening series, which • opened last Sunday PVenint: with a 4 S ' VT81T8 TilE WJIJ'rES • ltUIIH IAU -. . . 0!1 • ~ ,AILS I SHOVR.S • • • Rev. and Mrs. Harry Whit~ of WATa ltiNGS ... · : 1104 S. Bay Front. Balboa Island. • c ~~ w ..... , toemn.: m~rtained a ho~ful of family ;_· I llh "Ce"'t Tip" Ori ..... and friends on the Fourth of July. • -• • 'U Among their guesta were th~ir i Holclerl. • son, Reginald, of Whittier with his • '•ft. C.'"""-lOO.M. Etc. . wife a nd two sons; their son War- "C.. &WI" Stey_.. • ren of Burbank with his wife and ... r._........ • two daughters. and Mr. and Mrs. H... -.rn. · · · · • Neal Bruce and daughter or Bur- • • bank . Mrs. Horace W. B. White of • Honolulu was al<10 p~nt for the i VABif.Tf STOllE : ~. She is the wife of anoth~! 11Aft1er -*Mt. who i v.:orldng In Hawau. • l .. '1 c-t ........ eor-. del Mer : I and she was he~ o~ the mainland L..:..:--·~~~• 81 "'" •·-···-1 beca\Ae or a death tn her family ,.._ •"" ...... ;, .-..., • olw • .. ew • ro'' ., •'• ...... Nu- el -... .., ., el .... • ilia. t"-... II ....... I,.'Rif A Associated Telephone Company, Ltd. A c.IJfonla C.pondaa Cumulatift Preferred Scrd .20ParV.t.e. 5" 19'7Swiel Price t20 pet Sh.ft LI:8TER & Ga. ,. Clfe !r=Nat=tirrw==try=n.i::.=;;llft=W=an=t =Ad~=';:;;. I :==:;;:(;:T;:oll=::Frae=::;:) ~=::ii ooncert by lftn Huolcl ~.~ l':egro tenor. Pror. Po~ will appear at 8:00. The pubUc ls cor-~ dially anvitcd. 1'he rNnalndcr of the Ju.l,y r-ics includes: July 22: Miss Magda Koerber or Nurenberg, who Y.ill speak on I "Germany Today." July 29 : ~v. K(.>nne th C.arlson or Santa Monlt'a The programs bt-gin at 8 p. m. and are open to the m tire com- munity, Rev. Tom Pendell an- nounces. F. -· WILKINSON, 0 . 0. S. ennounces tf,e opening of \is dentel office in the lirteher lui1cling I 415 Co.st lfvd ., Corona del M.w Phone: HA,.t,o, . 2 I 96.-J HMn ~ Aot»otntmet~t a...cf Wedn-'•Y' ertel S.tvnleyt Hand Fashioned Quality - J 4 .... Mocaain Comfort plus the buoyant eaae Of Real Plcmlation CrepeSot... HOME LOANS * We offer you the facilities of the Largest Federal Savings A..odation in Orange County Circle Names Committees Mrs. J. T. Cook llr. and Mn. l..aurt'.ft(le E. M fr CDM Harbor Star.~ broth-B1 and ·~ten ~urel and 0\feS 0nt en' nlcbt on ~. June 21. 113 Diamond Ave., Bdlaa fllling eiiPble statillm were a1W July 2 on U. s.s. Mrs. J . Todd Cook. an old-time "CUba" Morris u marthal; Artbur I..urUB. for a month'a atay iD reaident ol Corona del Mar ... f1t.zmorri.l, chaplain; Emt'St ·~ HcJDolaha. 10Jd her home at 1300 ()ciU ~llan, ~; Ray NlelleD. ~ wUI Ylslt Mr. Wricflt'a Blvd and moved to Santa Ana. warder; Harna Cottle Jr., flac *WI', lin. Douc Brown. a Nil· With Mr hal pne 11n. J1t1oeM bee.rer. deat ol the l:fawaUaD ..,.,.. n. Mulligan her com .. nion for lMftl' Six petitlonl (or lnltiaUon tram Wrlllbta wtU return to Ba.aoa Ja. yean • · mmtben of s.rartnc ~ * lanc1 Au«. 1, alone wttb younc - IMDp.m. ........ lcduaclats It Q. in 1935 that Kn. 011o1r Fl'f't' and Accepted Muona, Wfft ...,., wbo I'III1UJ:w witb .. ~ came to Corona clelllar tram Hoi-reed and refen"ed to the proper li...._Fr;;~-~-~~,.~~,...~~· g•'l~l~ll~«~· ~~~~~~~~~~;!~ lywood and bUilt .... bome. Ia it commit~ E8corted to the .. abe bad many beaudf1ll ~ W8't! Deputy OraDd Mat.ru. ... which abe bad eolleeted 4willll 11ft' .WI Jotm.oa and Grace Seott. all IDUlY travels. Her back )'U"iJ re-Worthy Mat:ron Franats lldr.el- sembled a jung~ .wno.t. .. lhe wy ol Se .... 0\aptft', ~- bad 50 many large and. •traJ~~e too 88dt. Arvin VOOI"beea ... kinds or trees and buaba br'OQCht coffee mabr and maltn of the from other cotmtries. ' ldtc:hen. Aftft' t.M cloee of ~ ter, the barbe-abop aextette-Culia ,.__.__... 1~ ...... _ llorris, Arthur ~tzmonis. ftay ~ ,_ .......-._... NieJRD, .Ernie MeCiellan, .Harrill At ROTC e ___ C Cot~ and Arvin Voorhees-added ~ :.amp ·~ cht-fa' capa and Jong black Cadet James L. SteffeMeD, .,.. nuatacbea to their original at- of ~-, -•~~ s·--tire).inbutcbered the "Man on the Mr. and ~. J. ~ \Cutll· F1 C Tra...,..•• ~ 209 Marigold A\~ .• Coroaa *I --Mar, a llftlior at Pomona..a..r-.-riiiiiii!~··ii JDDDt ~.is one of 1.210 ca*tl DMdal Society S.,~ a.igbed to the 1951 llO'J'C SUm-PuWic lenice led•• mer Camp at Fort Lewis, Wuh- ington, for the atx-week field train-'Jbe Orance Co\mty Daltal ~ Inc ClOUI'-. dety, in cooperation with .., ~ ~ fit ,_, ti-s yo. c. I.e cer- tein th.t hy _.. praparty .,...M for,... Cadet Steffensen will undl!rco Station KVOE, is ~ a O((loer'• training (or the infaDtry. publlc aervioe IK'riet of 15--mimlte OD ll'&duation from Panona-tranacriptiona on he&ltb .ubjecta. Oa.remoat ~. Cadet Steffen-given at 6 :15 p. m. each ~. ' ... lftl wW be eUc1ble (or a oommf.l· 1'hele dramati.cl procram~ .. DIIIAI_.. sloD in the Anny'l C>ftlaen' fte.. ~ by top radio nperU JB .................. AGIIN'I'B POll LYOlf8 1• Harbor BmL ....... N""sery SchoOl State UeeMed aad Appao;e4 ........ " ... •z::::.:--.: ......... &A~ 0,. 5 *"' ._. aeelt--1 to I Trulportatlaa ......... 1• E. 1561L I oo.'& lml& ........ _ .. ~Corp and for oonakleratWt Hollywood and ftnancwl t., tile .for a Regular Army CommiJmon. SoutMrrl California State Deldlll A..adaUOft, with wbidl the 01'- la... .,.__ c ange County Dental Sodety .. af--0"'¥ .. -• ~ filleted. At the ~of eem s-.. Week-eDd in 1}0 1DCida day night broadcut there wlll be a apedal mesaa,ge rn.n a weD- known peraonaHty,lncluding movie and radio atars. Plans for the big flower show to be staged in connection with the 1951 Orange County Fatr, Aug . 15·19, got tmder way at a dinner· meetlng held at Sam's Seafood In Surfside and attended by nearly 75 of the cotmty's Oorut:s, nunel')'- men. Ooriculturiats and membef"a or various garden and women's clut.. Harry Macres of Santa Ana la aupervisor of the r air's fJoricul- ture department. ...... DDilfO IN ILUIIOA w~ tn their ....-ner hGme at 1739lllramar Dr .• Balboa, Ia heine enjoyed now by Mr. Uld Mra. Arthur 11. KrueJI of t.o. An- pls. t.ct viMoft. v ... c. ... certein, too, ..... ,_, ....................... etwlfleHetiftt toyowfMtwes. Dr~ Gordon OPTOMETRIST 315 N. MAIN at FOURTH SANTA ANA Phone: Kl~ l-7113 JI"JIIM' VISIT IN I YEAilS On their first visit to Balboa in eight YMR. Rocky and Golia Har-rta ol Church Falla, Virginia, are DOW vtaiting .Mr. and Mrs. Roy lteene. 1576 Ocean Blvd. The Har- ris' who were here during the war. brolul;hl their children Gloria Anne and V icki along on their trip here. 0.,.. ~ .. •1: a.,,, of ......... Anhilkof~itit at, NI!WPOltT BEACH ~. -- ...... • • • IAnJaDAY# 1 P~ 10 4 P.M. t. -·•ce ..,._ . . . a I ,... . . . ....luwo wh~ tale, end alustrafiom hove aPpe.red in ' Sea," ' Yachting ond Rudder.' ' You ore invi ed to come and meet this f~mous outhor wf.to • ~ cop+es of h's oool:, . ..,..,_ .. o collection of salfy )&ms. BUNs-r~·E·R CREELY ' -' ' ' • • \ I . ~ the City of NeWport Beach 1ft Read it for fair and objecttve new s of Newpor1 Harbor * Read 1t for advertisements of the stores w here yo u shop .... * Read it for all the official notices of the C1ty of Ne'A'per1 Beach. now being published exclus1 vely m the Ensign ... * Read it because it is YOUR LOCAL NEWSPAPER. devoted to the advancement of Ne wpor1 Harbor . . . . . .. SEND THIS COUPON TO THE ENSIGN TODAY Or CaD HArbor 1114 and ask us to biD you. .. , ....,_: H~ 111'4 I IM COAST IOUI.fVAaD COlONA DEL MA.a, CAUFOINl A Please count me in as one of your subscribers. I am enclosing: . 0 $2.50 for one-year subscription. G $1.00 for four-month subscription. NAM~---------------------------------------- AOORBS---------------------------------------- a~------------------~------~~--------- • HArbor ISIS lit ••rlae Awe . IALIOA JILARD o.-,._ 11 .... ....,. ...-ooD SELECI'ION -• • MA.NY OTHER ENnUES • ru.t17 auta .. , at ......, PrtNe • ~ Room A\..U.ble _....,..., .... ,,. Real Mexican Foods e Enchiladas e Tacos e Tamales e Chili Rellenos. etc. e Steaks ~ 5 to t :JO p. 111. -a.-1 ...._.." StMb • Olopa • Short Orders at c.ut .._. •• , -Netf~~Wt ''JI.artns"l IIDe" _.. ...... ....._ ........ ~ The CCr,fe Reporter- ., ()AJIPY ClJtlllNE ~ 65c apedall are alJ the rap for the folks who eet BtU's aood home cooldDc at Dennie's Cafe, Corona del Mar. ~y Include aD entree, potatoe~, vegetable, .,..._. and what-aD. . . . and you cu watch ~levi&lon while you cllne. Ot coune. for eomething Iftlly extra ~· you will want to try that deUclous fried chicken! • • • Little SheD& .... Gruat ~ of Balboa lslancl beUeYe the7 lave a very unuaual cat-BoMI!r. a tall- lea Manx from the b1e cA lla. WMtl Queen and = .. their kitteN, Bailby tab care of them, wubed t.haB. lllpt ill the same box at ~aall pard to protect hll aDd lhaftcl m tralnlna the Four of the kittens have lleen £iven away, and now only little Jack is left. Mrs. Gertrude McCall IQII that Bobby is a friendly and patle cat and great friends with tbe c:bllcl· ren. Bobby's pretty much of a home bodY too. only ance •v~a& at~ away from the MeCall ret~idenoe at 120 Diamond Ave . ..... _ ....... For / Fine ~ COCKTAILS French and Italian Dinners Imported Beers & Wines Restaurant Open Daily 10 a.m.. to 10 p.m.-Satui"CJQQ tiD ~ , Cocktail Bar Open Till 2 Q,Mn,. lOS MAitrNC AVC NUC IALIOA ISUND C ,_ t. I'OaiUI Bretalcfac Serwd AD Day Visit Our Beautiful Cocktail Loun9e 11.'1 IEIFIII H IWDd!UI .... "" ...... ._..,_ I .... '--I fA l 0 ,~ f' .._ (llfet ............. ·::.: .............. .& ..................... el .. re•s .. 1 Me W. t'. lei-,__ elf a.e ..,._ el New- ~...,._ ... o.ta..._ ~Were ._ ....... -.......... .. ...... .. • ... <*lla •--llfsaput • ._,.... ......................... ................. IlL)· • • • Today and tomorrow (July 12 and 13) the women of the Santa ·Ana Country Club are befnc hoat-eues to the Worrlt!n'a Soutblm California Golf Auodation. 1'be limited entriea for the meet, UO. w~ tllJH last ~k. Cot*talla and dinner party this ewnlne aft a~ event of the ~t, In wvhich a number of weU known .&NN'DA'ftON AND OAJIIIUNQ lady golf~ra will participate. Do.-a.. In charge of making the ar-,. ..... n ., France. ran~ta for the lnvttatlanal To tM Editor ol the EMtp, toumt"y are Mrs. T. Westall Jey The emtMCe ol an unorpni2ed and Mrs. Everett Morria, botb of but wey dfedive Tammany IJ'O',q» Udo Isle, u oo-d\ainnen. lin. ln the Newport AJW Ia indicated R. C. Holies of Santa Ana aD4 lira. by the newspaper dlpplnp sent John Drury or Corona del Mar ~~~~~;.......;.;;.;..;;;;;;;;;;;_ _ _. to me heft in Paris. are in charge of the J)l'iRI, which ChW"Ch ministers' oomm.ltteee will be given daJiy u ~u u fOf ~-=~ City Hall otndaJa, banking inter~ ~ events. Mra. Tom Hen- esta and a few prominent dtiaena <Ienon, Udo Islt>, is In chlll'p of come out ln favor of the lntrocluc-publicity: Mra. Ray Couch. Santa tJon of slot madd.nes, which would Ana, ref~hmen~. and Mrs. )(ar. tNch the chUclren how to play shaU Niedecker. Harbor Ialand. games of chance, although 95 per finances. cent of the residents regard such a 1•11 move as no more acceptable than giving t he chil~n smallpox ge~ w;ng Started to pJay with. " It ls evtdent that through var- Ious channels, a local Tammany At St Ja Hall, without the knowledge of • mes ............... ..._....._ _ _.. _____ • prominc>nt dtiZ«;ns now serving Room for the little folks .,u OOJONO !IIOOH Tammany HaJJ. lS the real ~er started at 11 a. m. Sunday when ft.RI·I-be-hind 8 very lnnoc:x-nt lookang a cer<>mony was held to break ~I' I --throne. ground for the nf'w wing to ho~ P ,. What ls the ..myste-rious 110urce educational facilities at SL James .'L. ot Jar~ .amounta of capital In· Episcopal Church. 3209 Via Udo, 188 vested m Southern California pro-at the Pntranoe to Udo IsJe. '"THE SECBET OF CONVICT un:·· GLENN FORD, GENE TIERNEY E'nfEL BARRYMORE ......... ·~ruiN Ship'' .... Y.-&hrry~ I<J_.._._,,..I:M~ ALFltED IUTCHCOCK'S engrouing mystery "STilANGERS ON A 1'1l.Am-' . FARLEY GRANGER RUTii ROMAN _...._ MARGARET O'BRIEN ln •11er F"uwt Romcmc::e" fJT~ WED. , .. ,. tl JEAN CRAIN in ·-rAKE CARE OF MY um.E VAN JOHNSON in uGO FOR BROKE" -.~~ "Gcmoline Alley" ,..... eendc strip eoiMII to U fe 8TA&1'8 SUN. l.ty 11 I O•t ..... fr'GIII !:It S....'l nGREAT CARUSO'' Volor.,~ MARIO LANZA with ANN BLYTH, abo DOROniY KIRSTEN M'ftJIIDA'I' LAM' DAY LORETrA YOUNG JOSEPH COTTON In "IIAtF ANGEL" Y CC WWICOLOa -"'-""-...,... lullli'' with MEL FERRER 8VN. • K ON.-ftTJ:8 pertles that would make ideal Ground breaking took place at gambling sites and homes for slot l 1 a . m. with the Right Rev. Fred- machines? erick P . Clsrk. Lord Bishop or A number of equally hard ques-Kootf'nay, Canada, assisting the tlons to answer ahouJd be answered ~Jar pastor. Rev. Paul Moore before Costa Mt'sa is asked to an· Wfleeler. with the formal cere- nex to Nt'wport. U the local all-monit' . Rev Clark is substitute powerful Tammany group is deter-PtU tor for Re\'. Wh('f.'Jer this mined to bring gambling In to New-r:nonth whi!e the re~ular minister port and allow the destruction of as on \-acataon. the beautiful Upper Ba>• frontage, rJ'f.'Or,;tt> Holstt>in. mt'mber of the tributarY to Costa Mesa, a. lndl-congre~atlon, Is builder of the new cated by the City HaJJ cooperation addition, and Architect Philmer El- for the destruction of t~ beautiful lerbroek has drawn the plans. Ocean Blvd view in Corona del structure, which Is to Include 3400 Mar, local conditions rHponsible SQ\Jare feet of space. wiU house a for the Clty HaJJ "mistakes" children's chapel for t~ primary ahouJd be ~eel first. department, beginner's room with Newport should and must come altar. work and play area and an to Colsta Mesa with dean hands. au~o-visua1 room for show.lng edU- Costa Mesa won't stand for the cational rums. PIA!l also included type of government responsible for six classrooms, choar room, church IIUch "mistakes" ln the future that offices and rest rooms. . have 10 tn~ Newport In the Estimated cost of the building.l5 past. $27,000 with .much of the matt>nal I am in favor of annexation that and work bemg donated. wouJd benefit both clties. but not injure ftther one. The Editor The Ensip, Newport Beach. Ca.Uf. JEFF. To the Editor of the Ensign: As Corona del Mar resldelltA. my IOWANS VISIT HERE Visitors from Nellada. Iowa. have been spending part of the summer at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Stelge.nvalt. 432 Heliotrope Ave., Corona del Mar. ~Y are Mr. and Mrs. A. J . llc- CaUrey, paren~ of Mrs. Steige-- 11o'&lt. family and I have en~ the use iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii of the OUna Cove beech for a IE II IPIILSTEIIII u,.,....,_ a.,.,.., ........ .............. c.-... number of years. Having two amall children we are naturally anxious to continUt> to be able to ~ this sheltered water, and 10 wt> were plea!M!d to ace the Coun· ell's action in approving the Park Commis1rion•s amt>nded procedure for t~ aoquilition of Ollna Cove Jots-.And other park propt>rtles. The fact remains# however. that E X C E L L E N C E tht-arbitrary tevying of a water • UPHOLSTERY meter tax is definitely inequitable 1 D and. what ls much wone, paves I( Ill Jl 0 R 8 the way for future lf'vit'S, the pur-c-..-Fwrnitwe. o..,.,... pose of which may not be of such c.tH4oM a laudable natUI"e. Let us hope 4JS E. IM St. c.t. w... • (and make clear to all civic bodies ;==;;;;~===~~= concerned) that proposed future 8SIIeMillents will be treated In the I same manner as lmprovemt>nts un- dtor the 1911 Act. I.e.: ample notice by publication. and ample oppor- tlmH;y extended to the citizen.s to discuss and. it necessary, protest to the CouncU. Stncerely )'OUJ'S. R. W. HARDACRE· 311 Polt~~ettla Avt>.. ~~=::!:~~~~~~~~ Corona del Mar, Calif. . Editor of the Ensign: The JII'OPOIIIII!d J~ of a dollar a month on all water users for the purpoee of ~g for a shore- line rec:reetlon grounds w o u 1 d IUI'ely ~ lllepl. U a levy tor 11 purpose which ln no way Ia oonnected with the wa- ter Rr'Yfoe could be ''bulled ~ ... it would (!~left the door to turther ratd!! on the pocket- books ol the water users. After all, who Is coln& to tet the p-eatest benc:·fit from thla park! Not an of the water u.en by any --n.e way to rat. money for IUd1 a lone ru,.-project U.t f\ltuft ~t:klna wtO enjoy Ia by a lone 1Jlonn bond t.ue YOt~ Gil by the publk-. A. A. STAFFORD 514 Jl.at1ipld Ave., Clall'ona 4111 liar . ...... Oz .............. :ra-..-:-=:= :;a~ ..... , ......... UK. The Finest in Food and ENTERTAINMENT Nightly Felix m Leo with Sue Stanley l.fX) ROJO CompTete Dinners Until Midnight ~ IL\Jo'W Ill' v Au X' IN BALBOA Sensational Values! Reg 5.95 100o;o Nylon Slips . . • . . . 2.85 Reg l 0.95 Butcher Linen Suits . . . . 5.95 Reg 4. 95 FuD Circle Skirts • • . . . 2.45 Reg 15.00 Ladies' 100o;o Wool Slacb . 8.95 Reg 5.95 Ladies' Lastex Swim Suit. . . 2.95 To 2.95 Ladi ... Peaacmt Blouees 1.49 to 1.85 Reg. 7.95 Gabardine Toppers . . . . . (.65 Reg 22.50 100% Wool Toppen . . . . • 14.95 Reg 10.95 Checked Toppen . . . . . . US Reg 45.0G-GeauiDe S..de Toppers ••• a.- To 12.95 CottQD Dr•••• . . . . 2.65 to 7.75 Reg 2.50 Dcm Rmtr Plaid BloueB . . 1.15 Reg 8 95 Hcmd Screened Print FuO Circle Skim . . . . Reg 29.95 4 -Piece Suits • . • . 3.95 . 18.95 faa&: Saviags • lla's W..rl Reg. 22.50 100o;o Wool Slacb Reg. 10.95 Slaclm . Reg. 8.50 Slaclm • Reg. 19.95 Wool Slacb . . . Reg 2. 95 Rawaiicm Print Shirts . Reg 10.95 Zipper Gabardine Jackets Reg 4 95 Leisure Shoes, all colors . . Reg. 6.00 and 7.00 Sport Shirts . . • Reg. 1 5. 95 Gabardiae Leisure Coats . Reg To 40.00 100% Wool Sport Coa1s . Reg. 12.95 Zipper Jackets •..• Reg. 10.95 F.Denbowet Jackets . · ... Reo 5 00 Balboa Blue Denim -Slacb and Jackets . . OUR FAt1'0RY WHEM IN IALBOL VISIT THE ZO • 14..95 • 7.75 5.95 11.95 1.69 5.95 3.15 3.85 • 10..95 . 19.95 8.95 6.65 3.85 • he your lollars wh.,. ll.v work harder lor you. Invest them ......._. you know they ore .... Deposit them wheN yo. -withdraw "'-n at any -. llgordleas of your gooi- Nwel-educorlon-better llwlng-ru... *""'Y. start saving systerACJttcally lodtJr. Vou11 be e.ozed how fast your money grows wttf\ compounded .,.,,,.,.. .. , AI tittle as $5 opens on account I Call in person or mdil the coupon belcp. AS Of JUNE 30. 1951 AFTER. PAYMENT OF DIVIDENDS "&IIIII · LIA.ILIIIII ('WtMit ~ (What w. Owe Others and Our a ... rves) NST li!NS ON lEAl BTAll: .••••••••••••••••• SI.W.f~7.U n.· .,._,.,.TftiiiO..., .. kl;'•..._ill.._ SAVINGS ACCOUNTS . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~.165.011. .............. -a-. ... -...... ......,,........-........ .__ .......... _,.,,.w. lOANS ON SA VINOS ACCOUNTS ••••.•••••••••• ~ ............................... ~ .... ...... IKUIM ..,_I .-...... ~ ....... ..,_ .... .. , ...... _..... ............. --. I-IVfSTMENTS AND SECURITIES ..•••••••••••••• u.-1 5letft C I ..... 111 ..... Stod Ia ,..,.. ..... ................ ,. .. ,...,. .... _......,..,..... ...., .................... _.... ....... ·~--... ;._ ..... ~ .... _ .............. ,..,._ ..... ,..,.. ..... ·l-/ld. CASH ON HANO AND IN BANKS .•••••••••••••• fURNITUI£, FIXTUIH AND EQUIPMENT ....•••••• l1ilia..;..;. ~ _.. • _....to ollow fat ~~ 120.600.00 17~.6!1.31 13,063.16 D&En£0 CHARGES AND OTHER ASSETS .. . . • • • • • 1,920.58 toT A&. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • SS,M,.-.11 n... ~~-lk .......... lk ien•~ .-4 the •••-,..ell el ioW!vldwols, CCWpotefiOOOJ, CtH II ........ ,, lf\IUIOI>Ct COM.poflifl, frolt <IOOI ..,..,....,'*, olld lflltf f.-ft . ADVANCES FROM FEDERAl HOME LOAN BANK ..•• n ... Auoclor.on hot lftiJftediorelr o•o•loble 0 ..... of CIHII ...... this reserve bo".'"9 system lor in uun of ftormol requuementt. lOANS IN PROCESS ...............••......•. The Auoc•ohon hos modo loo"' 10 bv•ld. modernire refono"co or b v1 · hoi'Otl on wh•ch thOle fu,.d• e tt to be d•tbv•fed OTHER LIABILITIES ...............•.•.•..... h\OKtlfo,.eoul •lems thot w.ll IH !)O•d •he~ due. escrow occovMs • tlixou"l 011 •-~• I)UfChosed ol\d .,d•o~ce :>O'"''"'s br botro"'e" SPECIFIC RESUVfS . . . . . . . • . . . . .••..•...•.•• 1..,... for IHICollecred '""'"' o<uved -•hly, olld wllected ,.,; • ..,,. .. ..,.., -.o.ghl mof1~ '-'" GENERAL RESERVES ..•••••••••••••••••••••• ._, _.....;,.... ;, O«OtdoMt w4ltl lk lwl.t ond leg11lo!tOI'\t for ...._,oft« of -h olld .. ,..,,, ,_. • ., fat COfttinge~>e•ot. 61~.7-.01 551,4t8.13 45,119.~ .4,715.14 310,000 .. UNAllOCAll:O Rf'SEilVES •• 0 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 0 I . 0 •• 0 0 0 0 122,724AI TOTAL ••••••••••••• , • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . $5,910,101.11 ~~33 Yla· LIDO • IIIWIIOilw-IIIACH, CALIFOII TElEPHONE HARBOR 1500 IC'IOIIII .... -. .......... ....... l WM .. L :Ia .. z-L • ........ WMW. L 'IIAIIIL-VfCE·NfSIOfHT LA.MIW TRfASWR You can ope!' on Account by mo il. Fill in and send us the coupoft. Vou will receive your Pass Book immediately . .A.CCOl'NTS 11> • ) \10.000 INSUR ED BY .A.N JNSTR UMENT.A.LITY OF THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT . , 0 Le.-Ba.F...Dy Bed from Trip North Bade at their Nf'WPOI'1 Heights hclnW' altfl' a 19-da)• vacation -.p north i .tht' a...-11 N. Rou family of 519 An.o St. 'l'bev visited friend~ in Taooma. and Seattle Uln. Rou' birtbplact>) and their journey included an o~t c::ampout on Mt. R.an.ier, whft't> the children enjoyed the s)X'cia.l treat ol playing in the snow. llr. R.ou i1l O"ner of A-1 Plumbing aerV'Ict>. MPEN"Dl.'iG l ilLY IS aALBOA H~l'f! for the month or July are Dr. and M rs. E. H Stanton and 110M, Bruao and Lynn. or Giendora . sta)1nc at 1714 Ocean Blvd., Bal- boa. NEW JIE!Q1IIIRJI.A PAIIILY The Balboa PftWwuJa ~ • new faallbr wbeD Mr. and lira. Da.le Mcf'edllrn and c b l J d r ~ n IDO\I'ed into 1751 {)eun Blvd., Bal- boa. c--...., .•• 1. L. Se..kltw or Laguna. 5-room. 1-ltory. 1-unJt dweiUn.: at 441 Mominr Canyon Roed... $10.600. SoMth Coest Connntction Co .. bulldt-rs. F . C. Hubbard. 410 Orchid ln'f! CDM, 6-room. 1-and 1''¥-story, 1- unlt ct.~li.ng at 409 Columbus Circle, $13,000 Robert F. AllE'fl, buildeT. Row> Oiaclf'l 316 lri . 3--%-r: a tor) • 1-18\l t ~ "IJjf'\J!""M ""'mt ao ~ 18.CK!Ct Ja~ 11 Rll' builder. · M. A. C.ox addition" tro ~~ llir..,- at 516 AcaCia, $3.(100. ~Oift. . I Ruwo Boon>y, reni!Odt>IUn~~: at 332 Evt'nln~ Canyon Rd., IJ .000 JC-...,-t H .1 LarlSOI'l, TPmpl Ctt~ 4- room. 1-story, 1-unH d"f'IUru: a t 306 RlaJto, l9 fll(t Rn) Gr'N'niN jr .. bolldPr u.o .... WaJt .. r ~t>itx>rt. & d d 4 . ro om ap&rtlTM'flt OVf'r ga_ra~r. 14( Via Lido !'ord. 19.000 s-1*1 "~"t. H B ~~. 2714 ~an Front 6-room, l ·510r) 1-unlt d" E'lhn~ at 12 16 OtH I)r. ,16,000 Y .T An· dt--rs;on. butldt>r ow-*A Mar JJUD('J C tllllmn~. 23662 ~nuc Alan Craig, additton to dwt>llinJ! Harbor Rd. '-'8ntJ;;E' at 416 R tVN · at 603 OLrnatlon, 16.500. tltdE'. Jl.OOO. ·y~ M" E Cardj~r. Z\75 Wawrh Or. 4-room, 1-tory l ·untt dweli- in~ s t 2702 Circle Or S9.6flf• ~ • li...l bert lnJ,:Tam, buiJck>r IJ 'Ueld 1 Cl~d< Of>nh:!~t'mn<YlllnJ: at 1:"'7i Mil 1rruu, $1 ,CIOO. Tht> Oran~ee Count) Fair is look-Bal.._ ll!llaiM'I ing for talented amateurs wantin~ Dr. A N('al. r('modellina: Ill 121 to trut their aturf on t he sta~ at 1\•rqooa...-SJ.j()(l the rr('(', outdoor show to b4-pn>-jiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiii-!1111-lliiliiiiii .ent(Od throughout the da,y during the 1951 event acheduk>d for Aug. 15-19. 1llo&<> int~rested ahould contact Joe Wallace of Santa Ana. man- age-of apeclal evftlll, at the Or-~ County Fair Ground~ for au- dition and p!"'CTaan ~. Ad· ctreu or the fair grounds, Jocated on the formt>r Santa Ana Arm) Alr Sue, i1 20391 N"'-port Blvd.. Santa Ana, Calif. Phone is Kim- berly 3-8215. Dr. and Mn. Pea. Go on Annual Trip Dr. and Mrs. George Norman ------ 'IBEATMENT FOR A SICK BUDGET? 'tart • ,..,incw .,. ... _ .. e.\ ...... tl)' ....... --PO&T BA1.80A rW '' ... ~ .............. .._ ..... N'C1II&r ··--... ... ~u•ry ,.,__,._ ...._ ,... .-.Joya beatU.y.....-.aee. dttlea. l'ta• tlaat .. ,. .. ,. .... .......... ..,. ..... yf&f"1 ...,._ at aD tlnlta ~,-~ by ...u to .,~ ..... P<'ase. 1s1 1 Pacific onve. Corona ~~rtJaa~iiiC&t.c~llC"IDCr=:a~W~-Ir:illilii(A del 1tr. hll\'t' lt.>rt for their annual motor trip up the west coast. slop- ping in San F rancisco for a visit with tht>ir rson, then go on to Washington. OreJ;on and probably up in to Canada. They will return In eptemtx-r. During their ab- senct' the house will be occupied by Its owners, the Ed St'amon. rrom an 8<-rnarruno. LIMLE Flli'HEBMAN Mr. and M r,. Gerard Blower of SAnta Ana t>ntertaincd Mr. a nd Mrt1. ChAirles Blower of Santa Ana and Fay Blower and Patrld a Witt· man of BaJboa Sunday evt'nin~. July 1. S tephen Wittman, 5-year- old son or Mrs. Wittman, wt>nt '!Ill!! fU!hJng over the week~nd and J clalms he caught fh'e trout. • IA-t -...... ,. .... ~ ..... "'• wt.IJ ......, --te eo.lll ., .. tflrlall. reeOIMDeM n ~ or IMllp 70. ....._ a ._. .... ..., ................ ft!llll···· t-&r:T. 111 ceAft' -WAY ..... •-•n nlftlt~ HOlliER to:LLOTr , • • .. ...... Her nature da._..ter-lD-Iaw was DoN HarrliOr\ of Santa Ana wUl -.e ~ ol bonar at a lbdwet become the bride of WOllam R. llWD by lin. C. B . Heery ol'l09 Henry on Friday, July 20. OolclenrOd Aw .. Corona del Mar, Served with the aakee marked em Sat\ardl7 DICht-"Doria and BW" weft' ~ SpedaJ Dower ~ta Ill bc.>lla molcled ol ice cram. GuMo l*tk ... wldtle 'r ...._ J . E. War-at the ml8cellanecMa. .lbowft-18- _.. ol S..ta Ana decanted the eluded Mrs. L E. MorrW o1 Balboe 111!11117 bome. and illdlvldlal cabs bland, Mrs. C. R. lllart.lD ol Co- nm I 07 0 U. e-ta tllat llaa rona del Mar, Mra. Lewis FUrst. ~ ~ _ _ ~ _ ~ ~ Ml!a Bewrly HI&M~. Mrs. -.A..w.:c..w..:c.w . .:c.w..:~nw..:--.-John Haynes, Mrs. EuleDe Quirk. 111. •••• ~rs. P. W. James, lira_. B. 1t. llar-'f' tin, Mrs. M. M. Martin aDd Mrs. J a.iE'ph Pattei"IIOft, all of Santa Ana. Q'l OU. out-Cif-towa .-.a wwe IMIIf'l.. Mrs. William Tharp, lin. E . M. Henry. Mrs. Paul Neumayer and By AJIOf See, .,_•t you. ct-d you came to the lale! Oh yea, there are aWl-.e ........,_ Wt---ulonc .. tt.re • a a1e there wm be ~~~arpin~. em a~t of that'a the M rs. C. W. Richards. Business, Social Meet for WOTM ldDd ol l&lea O'BIUEN"S bu. But The Newport Beech WOI'I'lft\ or It ..a't 1M! em much longer, ao tJ'Ie M008e will hold a short btal-~tter burr)'! , ness meetinc at 8 o'clock this eve- 1.----I ... J n 1M.'11 ning !Thursday' followed by a 1 ........ 0.,1 . . . ...:_! .... .. c--.. Me AOCial naght program . .......... ae ..._ ""':; ... ;_ Refreshments wiU be served, and wt.t It --. ._. ., .._ holateaes wiU be Sen.lor Recent D:iM •n'ar 11111a tala*,_ Winif~ Randel, Junior Rege,t .... ~~~ laW. Clara Leach, Chaplain Allee YQW~C, Velma • tbat • waited ~r Vaola Corned, J\mlor •til she fiDd a rMUy aood Graduate ~t Allee AocleriOft .uap&Ha a!lp, beca.-e ~ and Tl'eu~r Joyce DkiL ._ 10 8\)o)led weartnc the Xem~ reeently transferred ltbytbm clulk. Flta 'epedelly nice into the Newport a.pter are ~ .. It hu ea elaatkized top Gussie DroMi, Bobbie Mueller, Ma- and tiny clratntr'tac tor added bel M~ and Joanne H.arria. comfort ••. and eo.ta .Iy 13.95. A dinner-dance will be held eecb "-•er ....... ._, Saturday eventnc bv the Newport ..._. .. ._y ._. ...... Ia Moose Lodge 1457 ln the Mooee _..... WJ'I"'e .,.. -..._ It, Kome for membera of the LocJce 111 tile altle ~ ;.... .. , .._, and chapter and their guesu. An llf!lt. ,_ ...-. .... ., a.e eot-orchestra will pJay for the dane- ._ ... liP If wttll a .... ing. ~ ..._ tt .... ,...lJ- ~ .... al'lflle. We micbt say that they Jook 111:00c1 enough to ee t. but then you would know we are talldng about that new m&CIU'Oili Jewelry, No kktcling, it looks just llke the edible sturr only twice u ~tty ln pur- ~. yellowa, blus. pinks, etc. in both necklaca and eaninp .... A lot of bri~telling up for your sum- mer caref1'ee oottorw tor 011ly $1.00. It's new .. toda.Y and, of course. you'll find it at O'BRIEN'S. 1ID:ET &EIA 'I'IVE8 IN L A. Dinner ln OUnatown wu en- joyed S unday, July 1. by Mr. and M.ra. G. T . Mc.Laugtilln, 1733 Ocean Blvd., Balboa, when they met 15 relatives in Lola An~Jea. Accom- pa"'yinl the Mc.Laugbli.ns were houleguesta Mr. and Mrs. Harold Turk, and son and daughter, Rich- ard and Susan, oC Clarion, Iowa. II&TU1tN PllOM TlliP Mr. and Mra. CI"CClville Lansdell. 224 HeUotrope Ave., Corona del Mar, have just returned from a 10- day jaunt UP In the Sa.n Frand.tlco ~a. While UP north they vialted their son Alan of San Carlos and called on Mr. LanscleU's brother, Harold Lansdell of San Mateo. They also s topped off at Santa Barb8ra for a visit with Mrs. WU- Jjam Harris. aunt of M.ra. La.ru~­ dell. Summer Time Is Outdoor Time The Largest Display in Southern California. GenuiDe CcdUomia R E D W 0 0 D ·ne.co·· Aluminum -Wrought Iron Garden Umbrellaa Officers• Chairs Lcnm S!riDP-lamboo Shades Braziers -Rattan & Peel Furniture Pcrda -Reclillen ClOME IN AND BROWSE AROUND Santa. Ana Tent & Awning Co. lnt 80. MAIN T. , ANTA ANA PI(. Ill ! -IIU LAGUNA AWNING & MAPLE SHOP • • • • • • • • • • • a.ic:bD of Sea Solid Pack Liqht Meat • • • • • • • LUEl'S QUALITY ldldea CIEAMY SHAR, QeMarQeese • - ,'\:.,. I ( I, ( r"' I . :' Fre••tooe . ; ••• • • • • THUII80AY LEMON m,m CUP CAlES ... 3 b 14c CHOCOLATE ECLAIRS ••• I ••• 2 tor l5c · P'IIIDAY I.,U""l ... llll!!fli• POUND LOAF CADS •. eadl 31c: IOYSEN1f21RY T All!l ........ 2 lex lie: · IATUWOAY CHOP SUEY COfYIE CAKES ••• 4 ior 23c: DATE NUT LAYER CAlli ...... ecldl 17c Lb. Ccm • • sa. .,1 Ccm • s.e.cw Stect .. "'•-"-Nece.-.-... lEACH TOWnS tEACH TOYS DtSHES &lASSES ICITCHEN EQUI"-'ENT COOICIN& UTfNSILS ....... it.,..... ...... _ WEZZANINl SHOfPl