HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-08-09 - Newport Harbor Ensign' .. .. -... • • •• 7 •• 10 II •• •• 1• •• 1e 17 ;o ••••1•a ~•K • .., •••• 1 ; 4 • ... Harbor 1114 and 1115 CORONA DEL MAIL CALIF. E\Pn l06mR a ~• in Monday'.: \\ind) racms: lvuJdn t kM'fl thr \~Ute n down. ln:•t r•ad I r M\m( bac:-k \\tlh tWO \i('tOnf'"\ ICI hold ~nd place!' in tht' L.ud.-~ 16 c:-la s aft<'r ~· 1erday's ibng in th<> combin.-d SC'YA-P<i'A Rt'L.-atta. \\hit·h has drnwn a r('('nrd Jell Pn- tri(\tt .Tnhn P JturndaU, allinc fnr 1 h" NJ-n"r. brnu~ht thl' Vix• n tn thr South Coast C:o.. whM't• hP l111d ~n bmlt in 19-16. tmd t h<> ma t was TY'plaef'd in timt• '>O that thl' Vix~'n did not lo~ a im:IP d:l~ of racine. L<'ad.ing in t hl' Lud!'l-s 16 clat> \\as }{f'lth Jll'rb<•rt '<~ Lalllr LuJu of LAYC O t hf"r tandmw; aflpr \\'t'dnr'· day's ra{'('s Wt>N': biJta d r uPI"'"·! K n Oa\'i ' Cont"jo, i\HYC. 10-mf'- t.-r. nr. Dun Rat b<-r' Rranta. Li\YC; Kh~f"S. Tomm) Lo\\t>' Nimbw.. :-.:HYC: PC<'. CrorJ::f> KE't· tenburg·s Eula ha, ·ovc: K-M. Paul KN U nbU111:'S Tombo~, ~DYC 1 SmaiJ boat racanst n<'ws on P£ Hit The Count)' Planning Com mls-~\'TTl~(; \'l~ITOKS (A) th" Oraatt-c·o unt) F &lr. "'hlrh OJM>n .. Ilion is studying tht> p~ "t-d_,ft-.d,.~. al"•• I P; -... """'"of '11nla \Ju f lt•fl) n.nd Mnrh·-.u - ltiD(>ndmenl of oU dnllinc ~ng dl•r"'4ftt ot CO!Oht M'....a:. l14t) ur th.., I! Oruttrf' (uunt~ hlt:il ~htMll ~~ In preparation for • IK'COI'ld pt.tb-' C'OmtWUn:• for tht• 19.)1 Q.u.-... un ... aad luac .. ,. '"'· Oftt> , •• th .. fftar Jic ht>aMng. No date ha.~ )'et hPen ra(·lna: ostrl~IH ...-rrnrmlnc In tiM' dall~ O!ltrlrh df'rhfp.,, Ttw FaJr M-l for the hearing. I will f'flft thu"' throuL."" ~mulay. AQI'. 19. W ettt Nt•\\ por1, C(•ntral :-.:ew· 1 port. Corona d<'l Mar and Laguna. I ~ ~ ~nted at the first pub- He hearing bt'fort' the commiaion, hl-Jd Jut Friday morning in thE' 15 Court House Annex, Santa Ana . M h Florence Coolin It secretary of ort> t a n 100,{1(1() ' I "I to rs l schedulc>d for t h<' OJX'nin'! nu;hl tlt<' LPa J.'U<' of Civ!'c Associations thro~.uzhuut f"nt&rt' Soulhl'rn Cali-Wedfll-..da.'. tarllntt at 7 3(l p. m. of Newport H~trbor, presented a forma arr <'X~trd to a~tf"nd the Tha~ hov.. wall also mclude top rl'solution nppro'€'d by the league lf-'1 nram:t_> ( mmt) Faar. \\hlch •Ct'ntmuNI on Pat:<'·~~ the <''·enjng tx-fore, opposing any "111 OP• 11 \\ Pdnt'Sda.' 111. the• fair---- action of t"'-..... mm•-·· t"'·t J::roun<b on th~> fomwt Ntntll Ana Dr S .... ~v """10 " JJU Aml\ Air &"" ama t1 ~nse ~'OUid n<'Ourue oU drillinJt OJ)E'ra-A~ri<'Ultural ~nd In d u ... I r i 0 I , ~ r tiOIU a l?ng the coastaJ !JuJX'. TIC'ht'' of tht• rounl\ v.all tak(' thl' I p z· L Tht' ( l\i~ l..l'alrut" thU~ ('~pressed spot lil:ht al11n • \\(it II t:Hia rra\ n . 0 lee og its oppos~taon .to l'Stabh h!O~ any of ''"'' rtam'Tl• nt mdudln_ tht ~. nc>\\ fll"'\Pn 011 fa<'l~ or <'Xtl'nd-trich n~:o .~nd th1• natumal horse in~ an~. proH'n oil fat-ldl an this .,ho" ar<-n \\llh JIAtllt"lllar rt'ft-re nc<' to ,,,,,..,r~ the• mo..t llnictll< rntH· ~~~/rn' .~ and \, C'Oil \\f'll'> n('ar '' '.,,, " bo · Jllfl\ lrl• d h,\ rae. ~~ I ~' \\J)Ort 1hl' f'rv~ "td 7.t'll .,II~ U'trll ho-. \\hn \\IJI pt l"lllrnl ms= amPndmN~t ,Pro\l~f'1 tha t no c11\1l~ in thl• ll'olrtrh df"rlw·<~ The JX'~It.for dnlltnl! \\O d tX' l e-ra.st r;ue \IIlli~ hP1d '" rtmtwc- quur d 1n a fli'0\'1'11 f1t'l-i \\,th 1hr lrf'l arrr !o.hO\\ ,\ brlf'f dram;• uf •tL"f'H'D'" and dantrt•r \\a<~ r•'C'nrdo>d ia thr IWllirr lo~ Tur"!tltr, nl~hL "u"t bl•lur,. midnhrht rttrnt• a C'JIII frum F:la ln,. ~ho.~m~l..,.r. l'!th and Oro•n n Froo t, 't'\'llnr1. rf'pt\rt · Ina: .1 .. u .. p!c u 11~ -.uHt•u.,.•. In '' hlrh n tlrklnc hufl j11 .. 1 .. tllrt.-cl •• 1\ hQmh, JH'rhnp". Thr tJo•no\OI'Itlo•ot \\a' \\ rltt••n In t h•• do.athli'"" 1\r,...,, ... r J'<•lk •' OHif't•r Rnh .\lkln .. on: "Ob.- :-.Ul"N ~ u! th( C':'hina. Co\ rompro.m.a.se, whi'l"("b~ a \\alt·r cl..r.r._.,. has t"' f'n IP\l•od h•r purrn:b( of 14 Con• Jot and !01 othr•r JX)rk pur- fi(N ~ v.a .. tmpPnJIPd th.i V.t'ek by J~nl action to obtam fl hwlclinc.-PI'' mn fn•m the C'll\ H111 dtnr In•po'<'t r Prt( ~ ll.on and aU ~mbrN t)f th< C'il" .,. c !I "' '' "''r;'-d v. all iln altfrnati fo writ of mandai• 1 .. u.'Cf b\ · tdN' 1-r11n~ltt \\ ,...,, ol tho "'u!)f'no • C'nUJ • 111 "·•nta Aa.a 1 h v.11t •orl t .. • n • blaanr!l b \ !\lr and ~lrl' r Jlltllf>) R f Ill"'• I'll I (o<; .\n~t>l . \\ lw• aro• '"'kin 1\ poa nul tn bwld rm 11•"11 PI tt[M r • ~ 111 •I • 1 to\' • LolS .i ana !• Hl<l(·k I' -:\.1 1 h• '~ru dln • ,, lhr rat\ to j..,. <II• 'lot lolldl!tn 1• m1 1 nr tr ~hnw (, II•• \\l \ lit l• 1111 .. l.ouJfi no• t. ~r o nl•ti C t!\ ,\llnrn•\ HHrn H. d. • l 11-;n, toa r • r • "''' ,.; '' t r•r•"n'•d a• _ l' m. Frtd8' 17. Ill .htdr · \\', t's court ••t;m '' '" IT •U ·ht b\ 'I. r :-u " v.h• 1 nn ;e••orn ' · Tilt F11·" prnpo•rl) 1 ·, ~>:wr f'r 1 • • and"'" I "'''. 1, , '"'' rh of F· rnl• A olld n ,.,,, Y.'lth 'fll< ·tiro I \\c I• ~ tc !I h"U'<" 10 1}\o• dJ~ptJ11"1i lar• • 'Th· 1r In!• Rr•• nmf"nL• •ht• 1 I ·n '" llt'fllllrt'4'! 11ntir r 1 ho• < tlm- l'l"r. 1 ... PlRn. 1-'a,...t !o.Wfl 10 rnrr~­ tOL • 1 tn•• A<'fllll•llion pro~nun • n• I• •·n rorr.ph 1•'<1 v. 11h thf' pur· . c.hn•• c • 1\\Co 1"'' flom Harbor- :n;, .. ,, and :\tr~ Ru .... n rraic. t lh• :0.1annt Lah lnne-ltion ¥oteASkecl Tl-,. f''CJ~<"Ctt.:d lu•·\o\'Otk" 0\'t'r thl' ht::h ~... •' n(")Catwn did no• ;n~~. •,.n h<tt 1 )Jonday ~ Bc.ar:i of Tna~t~ m('f''JOJ!, but '' wa .. Tf"- \foalt n 1hat a l'l'QU•" ·for a poo;t-c<~rd (J<'ll throu~.;i ~·ut uw htc-t.. ;;.eht .. I dis1ric:-t ",n tx> PT• 4'ntt'd o II I h-11\rd at I " nt XI mf'<'llr.t: r1; 1 p nt 1 his C'O"Tl.lll \ f ~ond a \ Tht' mn unc, to bo twHi .n tl " b"ard room. '1.\1ll ~ .n ttk• natut"' ul a public h(!aranc on thf' ti\Ntn1 ~ propoc:al :n ha,,~ tn• ,,, .. of • ,..~­ i" rt ll .. rbo•r ·mon Hal!t. :-::choo annl'M d 1 o 1 h • • ra 1\ Cl{ ~ ~ r 1(1 n BE'ech. • • Clt'fTl Knox, pr~ .... ad nt t•r •h C ta :\1~ Citizens CJ\'lC' '" ~o:~Y announced that w !'('(lUt'<ll fM u poll of all re~tered "'ote" m t I district v..'lll bt' offida.U~· pr ntf'd at thLs he~. Hf' Rid rus group Y.'Ould abjde b~ the majority de-- cision of such a poll. ~lim Fl-ank- lin. president or tht' Costa :\fH;l DI!K'0\1 r,· of 1\n O\t'rturnf'd l'ktff Ola.rnbt'r of Cornmt>rt~t. exp ed I"Ulrkrd a tnl$i<' tum an lh<' eaf"('h ronfldcn~ that his c;roup ·....oula for fwo La'!Una ml'n who had left drop its prot<> t to th ann Xll tl<'n :'\'rv.port Harbor ~uhdll ' fo1 a lha· if t\\'O·thirds approval v.ould br cur fi. h.lns:. · mrul<"i to tl1e trwtt> ~ The>~ had fail"d to r.-turn that Lal'1 :\tonday's board mP~>tam: I'\• nln~. turn('(! UJl 10 Aulnr and v.a< the budget ~Jon and th \\t•r•• last rt>porll-rl a. ... lf':tl n A,.3. trustt'('S appro,·l'd th, ~n:t~1 l•m At 8 m TuPsrla~ n,. mi .... bud~('t_ for OJ)('ratm~ ttw c;rhnnl 101: m('n ar<' f>ro\\'tll a1arktnrd for 19:~1·52 Thu. cnmpan-... '"'h and .lt•...-.ph L .John<;On, ~ ih~ 1 S33:i.~l~ for 1950-51 cna .. t r.uard I' coontanmn.; thr :\lr KnCI~ and Mr Franklin Ulr! q rt"' hr thtn f·•llco"in.: dic;rn,.1mhrr C.o ta .:\1esaru; \\P'P on Mnd £r,\ ~"''rrda' ,f 1twtr 12-fnnr tn a .. k Q\l suoru !lhout ttw budi:•'' ck.Hf t.' 8 fa<hans:: bo!lr the Dol-htJ~ t hr') dJd not n o1 t<• an~ ,r ... ph·n C'1hr m ntton of ht ·•mu '<all m J•I'OJ.tCKal tme qt ~"''ac•n bt'llr n:: Fina l y Summer Camp •·n ·h•" m:tt·• r om J ' ·~" .,. !urn.l'lvn •hat thE' .:t"''" ('(i \ ••• ,. Is Set for Aug . 23-30 ! 'I• r Cot ·h·· """'"'Ill rl' ,.. c..'\· T•r Y Ro~~ (',.-.,, ''''! t tkr ,,.._ 000 0 aho ,r th i'O 1nur h<. f t•tr·r lllln' th •1U 'l nr \' \\', ritto .... "~ rh , nat> r t,\ , rd '''" -'n 1r', rll' "' tht fi11al "amn, 1 c •'"P ,. •·: C''"l<t1 ~1t''l c ),('('t•h nlat ~ •• , r n r 1 ,1.... ~··· r.i lnl rr Tr1t ;.r~ .mt 0 1:-r~t.'l I In clut. d 1nr Am . ..!~-:~o f~•1o:t"'ri\t a •11'.,.,~" · of a'l'lC"X'ltion '" th~t• ' n• 1,\ IN nl1•l•·•''"' 11 t•' Ora• 'I' 1 \J.l' poa1 P'l.'"' thr hulk tho t ''·• , ,,. Y\1{ ., 1 r '"~~" ''n:"\ .. 1 , • •lh•c,.. "P''I"dtc-lh£> hu:h •wh•Xll {'oqn \lt'"fl Th ·p,, I' ~ll 7:-> I t \\'15 brou10rht out durt. · I ' r 1111 r\'r)' f'Pa!l(', C'ha II lll"lll Of 'l C'itil'• n's Pllnmiltr>e a.:unc;t 011 drilltn~. 811CI tlw fu1~tn• ilt•" II')•J- m l'nt of 11 ,,a.,tnl aa('a n'-'' t1n th(' d<'CISIOI 'II t•il drlllin·~ and 3S· rwrl"d that t • lot'lr.5: trend lx-nl'!ll• wr> .ld be> gt'<'Ud'l' as a rrsld\•ntiai Jm I t'lt!'d 8 r rlt·ko•t." --------mt·• 'inc 1hat the ~~tJm1t• •:1 t''l· 111 •. , t han as an oil firld. F aands Horw.th. prPsidrnt of n t·. F 1·ank Wilkinc:on Cnron:t dC'l Lagoon Gains Favor t hE' '" '1ll NewiJOI't lmprovc•mf'nt Mar dt•nt• 't. t-, .. n<'C't•P' ··d thr dl· As~o('t8 tlon. said that oil o\'I'Jlc II rtoa·shap or lh<' [)I"'"' Clinac haw bll~l'lt'd W c!tt Nt>wport dr·· "I on~>orc.d by lh<' A 's 150 t 11 ne r Th(' pros a nrl rnn!oo nr thr (lro-1 r('('l\llin~ the 1n1tl::al p1un pro.rnt1'rl 'lf>l 1pm<'nl a nd , :gcd th<' rommis-! ra~ur <"!f .:-.:""Port Rt-adl po-.c·d Balboa Lacoon ",.,.,. thor-h\ ·'""" Vo~l'l \\1th an t>ntr:tn<'•' slon to rctaln c-n trol over oil drill I . Th<' clmac. now und~r Nlnsta~ac-ou..;hl~ di cus •d at the m•'l.trnt: at thr 'Balboa Jt•tty: thPn anotl <'I tng by not establishin~ 3 pro\'rn tton n~ar the <'nl r:mC'\' tn J.acl<, of thl' 0<-.•an Front and B.•:trh Pro· prcopo al. \\ith 8!1 inlt't frcm 'h. fteld near that srea. Is.lr \\Ill be knov.·n ,, thl• Fr.u k h>cti\'~> Ass ciatlon a t th• Ehf"ll 0.' po ~ibly at n St Th<'~f' \\t'l . Fdward Heal)'. prf'sidcnt of thP R. Wal~lnson 1.' f)~ Ot·ntnl Clu <', ClubhOWi<' ':>unday 111()min~ ·u t th T'('jrctt'd ll!'l bc>lm: prt'h bill\ c rol .,, nt v. ill be 1.1 Oil tt nd • h£> rm: p.. pupil a• f>Stims•r d a• ~TiO Thh C'l)M(\!ll •.c; \\;th' l'3S 1° \."'::!7 lur Ja ... r ., ar Cc. p. P'ltlt1 h\'" • · • r " lov.est 1 l tht ,.,..n rt\ il \\:\5-p. tntt">d ca: · StaH Is Complete For lllgll School Ct nr··&l l'cwport Commw1ity As-and "all p i'0\1,..,. . • , .• rr ••~ rhll-fo mal a ction was tak<'n by t h "' ro 1 and thrn Con<-lltu· F'r. SOCtatioll, a nd .Mrs. T. B. Kenn<'dl drcn of famalh ~ in t'rC' lc'"''' l· &::1 1Up. but a Pt'E'P.1ndt>rant ma1or-':inrr~ R 1 P all•'"'''' oh··, up of La ~tuna. president of the I rome grour or :.;('\\1)\1 ' anti c. ;,.ta it\ <''<pre Nl tht'ntSt'I\'P•; in (a-lht pr('c('nt pll'ln. " ) ol lO I f ~("\I t~ llflpNniiTt ul"f' nlll\ Coo,ral Pro• 'C'tl\'1' 1: ·ocialion.l Mesa t'lem• nta: ~ -.chtlOI• H•t o tlolc <'• •an front w rtPI ·''H lmm th(' n<'Pan. lit .'.h·ancl·• :--• ('I ..,pkt~>d. 11na a 49-m• mhf'; ~laf! aL..o .;pr<' ed opposition to relax-1 Dr \\'alklnso• has p• actt<'t'r\ :?2 A 1'('\'IS('( map nJsplayNi th,. ;\t r W~ rt'mar k,-d th"lt ''•' 1.><~.' ;.. • ~M·· pon Hat bnr t ·" • n Hit 11 lng tt..!f rlctior'l1. l~"ars m Cle·lddle and St'l'Htl on propm.Ni on"' and a hal! mile lnn~ at lr ''ill n•'~'d ano thtr lnltt •·• :-.tllOll a!' pN'paatnz fnr hf' or •r.- P r<' ·cnt to J)('8k for t he (t il In-the faculty of •he t 'SC Srl~ool nr clnn C'l. ~xtendin~ from G St an I P<'<'l:lll,\' w tJI'l'l thr l'ppo r R•l\ I!' •r.~: C'f •he ~chool 1\'!'m' 'l "•'Pl lil dlL<stn v 8. an offi<'lnl n( ~~~naJ D<>nu. ln. Mr< W1 lkmson ~~ J'Q~f R~tll '" tn 13th ~t. in ~Pwpnrt dl'l"d~t'<i. a net ht" point!' .. out llRl Supl !--adn,,~ Oil' l•lo;on M· Oil. \\ ho a ho ~prest'nt<'d the prl'l'iaent <?f the Glendale Chltpto'r 1 nnd denotf'd a po< able eX1E"nc;ion •l)rr<' ~~ 8 1~ c;abihty o ronstruC'T-noun('('(! that r.m<' 114" , t'll ·~· W E"slt rn Oil and c ., A.s""C'Intion. of thf' A~tstAr c:-•• l.eal!"ll<' u• th•· ~~~M,, ~om(• be blocks to-' . ..: ;,, 1n ··t nf'ar lt.e '<( ''flOrl mto>mbt.>rs h.<i\C tx-f>n !td<if'•1 <' tLt> He rrqut'$l<'d som~ chan~ 111 th~> I'' :wd i':l'\\1'~~ • t plrr Lots wt'rt>l nl'r w ltlch et•ulrl b<-ronn('('l('d to staff and fa\, memb(' • of 1 c;t proJXl"E'd amPndmon t and sa Ia tbnt D F •d rnarkC'rl 1n ('rl th,• entire "idth th" R.1lhN\ I..IIC""•n anJ 1'\Pntual:~ I yt-ar's Nff at"'4' n'lt Tt'tumtn~ tto l'~l('OlJIOn of the \':{'Sf Ne\\ port a n ee '"' a\' I or th• P€>nillf'Ulfl. from G St. to !)(' \l~·'<f :1' :t """' hnnnl'l for ~C'ar. cit t 11•ld woul•l be juottifl<'d by thl' • .?~n! ·1. foa thP c;uctt'"INi A l'~ hont> ~"'"' rl:tns lor thr 1,1· The"< al'(' • 1<' nh~,. n \\· ,.,, m- pr<'!lt nt u .n~('. I T r1P ~ur fsldrrs ''i ll ron~ludl' 1111•11• dl<.t riC't ~ ~<'II. ht>\' l'' ,.. rh nn· p . nvarl1• fr~ ht -.. c-~ t h•' !'1.1 '{ • --· ,th<>lr bus~ 1'\lnlnl<'l',l-'llSOn With a John i\t(ln~c·l \\b \Iii~ ,..J,•r to•-1 ol!ot ll\ Inn:: ! ... ,,... ".f·mc-n \1ltn !'l"fm ll\1\'l('.. p k i 80 t S""'DIO d;mC'C' tomorrow C.· r!day) f'\.'<'nln~ \ ic•• pr • .<fdl'nt nt 1 h• ,\ ..... ,t~nll•·r 1-.• lw: ad lit• 1~ pt· ... 1\lt•tll • r •hr c~ li ,\1" nd.--i i n • . 1) n• 1' 11 ac 0 r""'' r ,. I I hl' Ralhotl Rn~ C~tlb. llos.l'4 II I I rlurh" thl' nll'('lllll. 'l'l'"' •• I ' l • ' \"\\I'' r (.. nrntltll \ \<;-:, rnan nni! t::rllclt• t• 11 fr. " ... ,~ Beach Prfrty Tuesday 11.(' I r f'-d:'lrl('(' corkta I hour Will he lht' ,lui~ 2 "; 1\wk. I '\Ch "' l ll.. '· tlll•ll \\ , ... ~kt•cl • 1' '"'II' •• \\ lh P.\ oH c! "I " .......... It C' I ;\1es!o• s and M il"'\ Robl'll Ros(' t'l'l'll inn ('nn mi!oo<:lnn ntt l'l '1} •• ,, ' 1 • •• r ''·tl'h•ll ' 1 n• .,. 1'' ''"l 1 .. ( m , '""'' \ir ,. ;-'rn 11 Cub Pack 180 will ~:pon~o<'r a l..arn• pfi.,t('r. V ~::.. l•ltSWt'l'th 1 ;hiC'h th<' t .. •t!oor JllRn "'ll' I''' 1··• ,. '.1 ''''': l''r•r• ·1cl •'ric·• <td 1•,·, \, \'11>oo\' beach part)' anct wl£'n •r l.nl<l' rna· John Br()U~htt•n H .. T. Col''"" \')('-'It ntNI Ht• 'lirl (I • ro•~r-"'' I ' 11 1t p .,,,,.(.,1\ ,, "'""ndR'I•lll ,,, }' ~·HM 'l \~r· r \ h .rn~ r. C (ll •OR d('l ~hr L")-'S (lr Cub SroUI tnr .\ppl l ;l"'U ('f"C'l Ll't!•r~ 1'"1 ' ''Tlf'd I I ,, ,,,. • .... I • l h ... :1·(1 t '(' I \I' I) : r BIZ" nnd thdr fllmilll'" Tut'<d '-'. btJt , Ptl '" k ,,,,., It,. 1• 1.;1 , r 1 • • 1 • •' ' 1.: • '' a>~<~•t : • \' In 'll'l ' ,, 111 • ·, ~- flartlm: at 1 p m. 'J j,PI(! will "\ C.lltJ. BOleS TO .F ll I'FH•· HCV't'J •ntWI' olnt·•l. tl (' !)f'\"P' ('(' t 1 I' \ I. ·r •d l Clf \\ ·h . F ''"· ft hot dol! and watermelon feast A h tt I<' 9 poul.d j;ll l \\llll boa n lht• \ t •inti) of 1'1(' (lJ'())l'l'l Tr' o!' ..\ n. ft~!"l I "'t' \\ rlrrd at 7 p m prcsldc'd ovt'r b r lo.r. T ue>sd3} •• lu1y 31 '' Mt . IJ'ld t rs.1 A 8 W " 1 • 1 1 1 •~· n r vtto d· .mat!~ lt' '•<'llt~ m and 1\1;.., Duncan Sti'Wft f't and 8S•t navid Fta~r. 216."; St Jttrl(' Rd . . . (!o. mun • 18 .' ~. ~. r:itants. Bill TobJtt \\iU k.>ad ~ ~rt H('i~hl$, tn "' J ph flr'"ld<'n M th(' A ~tc1~1 ' n rP-l•!h G:ime»r r<~ 1\c, campfire ll<'tlvitlt'S from 8 to 9 p m . HO;..pi::~!. 'lt\\t·ti • he hi tm) :1f tnr fli"\1J•"Ct, tCo!'lth UC'C M -) m " when people speak of th.ia as a &iendly bank. We try to keep it that way, too. as well as efficient. 72nd Anniwrsary ForMa Ruggles There ap~ars to txo IH ll\' qul'S· tion XCf."Pl In the minds of a ff'w Costa M ns about tht-wis- dom and advantagH a nd deslrabll- lly of annexing the NeWport Har- bor Union High School to the City of Nt>WpOrt Beach. Newport has been paying tht> bulk of the up- kl'el) anyway, and annt>xation ~'OUkt consJderably ~ the n~ insuranct' payments. ·t=Mtladde ........ -...... .. ., .... ....... ... ~ ................ .. Neowpor't llarMr aM o..ta M...a ftiPT Let Co.ta Mesa have that new campug lite across from 16th St .. plus a n additleal equJtable finan- cial settlement-perhaps out of the capital outlay reserve on hAnd ~otw tllat 'ol......, ... --bl-r Ia tills lJdUf' of tiM! .._.., \'ol. s. So..-6!. \\'la~lt --we lla\~ J!nt ruuiHifood eMit a r.u thr..., Y"•n of mu-" Mt pr&- lf"..-"lt ext.t"ll<lt". • • • A message from overseu brought a twinge or homesickness. .a.ece to say. It was a postcard from Dick lex-mayorl and lt.oweM Orakf' {rom SaldMq, Atlltrta, which inch~ a ~t U.t . they •'Ould of courae Ylllt Bereft- tesgaden, just across the .._.r in Gennany. Reuon for tht> homesicll:ne8l II t hat the fint borne for the Haapu after wedding bells In Eacland during World a.t.. n ... In &>rchtesgaden. among the maam- Cicently ooautiful Bavarian Alpe -14 months on OCCUJatlon clut)' there fM jJjtary Govel"'\m8'lt and Red Cross. r"spectivcJyl . DIRECTORY * FOB ANY BANK SERVICE. a nd It-t th4.>m start building their own school T'here \\;II be econo- miH bt'cause joint use can be made of some faclliti<"S the foot- ball field and bleachers, the bas· ketball floor and gym, and the pool. !The e facilitl~ art-ex- trt-me ly fortuna tely located on Nobody would suspect that Mrs. the convenient side of the p~t Herbert Ruggles, 504 Goldenrod school campus.! Presently exist· Ave .. Corona del Mar, whom we lng classrooms could also be ~ have aeen CO\'erlng territory with by the Costa M4.>sa High School. COME IN. IT HAKDOlt ~!IlK a mighty sprightly step for many I · J\ far-fetdtecl IIOI•Uoa! Pf'r-years. can have actua lly attained ... ,.. IMit a..t .. IIIOIM!rly fa~ tH the age of 72 years! ~~~~ that a. a11 ~ to enaw But she has. and is proud of It! I •• u.. ~tha or Soa...,.,.. On Tuesday, July 24 a group of Clallfonda .til ceattaw to ...... I"Platives joumeyed down to help f'OOift. By 1 ... ~ _..... ,.,.. honor the occasion t the actual a.ttoa ..til at leut -.Me--tlaat birth-date was July 261 . While ......... more thaa J,ete ec.dellt . ome or the dlnn<'r was pot-luck. 8omf-•_,.40 ato.c ~ 111ae the rto Mh~~l.. Ruggleds h.-hrself ~~parb'edthdafive t'Gftlf'S a poblt of •• 7 , D"''f rt"· t' •~t-ns an a am. • ""'0 tr Y ..,._, •·lteft tt.e fM'r..al ,.. ... oakes graced the table, one a u01111 of ldtool ataff ... ~~ tiered cake decorated e-laborately ...,_ to •'Mils IINocla~ of tate with yellow t ulips. . 80......,. 81u uf tile fldlool. Prest'nt we-re Mrs Rug~les That•11 \\'hat 1 bc-lll'\'e a t .MO- brother-ln-law and Sl tf:'r. Mr. and pupil hlp l!l('hool \\111 do. Baltz Mortuary 0.~1 by the Sea HARBOR G Corona de) Mar, Caltfonda Ample Ott ·Street Pa.rtdnl INSURANCE For Ewl')' Need ISLAND REALTY CO. Han•ey D.~ HARBOR 377-W Park at Agate, Balboa 1aland UK'AL aiNI SATIOSWtDt: ~rvi!IK the Newport Hart.or AN-a Mrs. Jam(' Caywood: Mr. and It is time now to face that prob- Mrs: E~ward Ruttman t Mrs. Ru~-lem, and thls annexation squabble ~les ruE'Ce and husband I: Mrs. t thou~:h it may be jW>t a tt>mpest Ruttman's daughter. Mrs. &>nja-In a t~pot 1 can give the cue min Cappiello and son F rank, all One of the major e,·entuai re- from Los A~gt-les: and Mr. and sul1~> o( a ,;plit wouJd be ln- Mrs. Jack Kitchell and daughtt>r creased school Sl)lrit, resulting from Duarte from a closer tie between t.hc com- "BE SURE -INst.JRE" with C. E. Mc.'lflel • G. C. Bennett Bl!'.aeoa till CDM Father. Dauqhter In Play at Laguna Ot-nnl<' Andl'ews and dau~hter Mary Catherine of Corona del Mar are cast in t he com<'dy-drama. "Gu<.'st In the Housl'," beinst given at thE> Laguna Summer 'nleatn> Aug. 7-11. Polly Apparel 1833 Newport Blvd. · COST A .MESA INVITE YOU TO AN OPEN HOUSE Friday Evening AUGUST lOth 6 30 to 9·30 p m + PLEASE NO SALES TONIGHT + COME SEE OUR UNES, AND G ET ACQUAINTED + GILBERT & LEAH BROWN NORA O'NEAL & PATSY DWYER munity and the school. And one of the great natut·al athletic rival- rlt' wouJd <k>\'E>lop-Newport \'S. Costa Mt>sa which could take out SOITK' Of t hP Stc>am Of the present Newport ,·s. Costa Mesa rivalry. Teacher Returns From Conference Mrs. &>tty Trine of Balboa Is· land has just rt-turncd home from the National Conference for Class- Maurie Stanley Insurance Cotmsellor HARBOR1776 ~ Marine Ave .. Balboa IalaDd W. Stuart Foote INSURANCE 2117 W . Balboa Blvd. NewPOrt Beach, C.ltf. Phone: HArbor 24 room Teachers, which was held L-----:lUL~-:y-:: .. ::-"'21~~=--....J on Mills CoUe~e Campus during U July. Over 300 teachers from 42 s tates and exchange teachers from Germany and J apan made It a most informative session, accord- ing of Mrs. Trine, who teaches se- OI)nd grade a t tht> Corona del Mar School. ~ conference took the fo rm of a workshop in cur-rent educa- tional issu{>S. The sessions were opened with greetings from Or. Lynn T. Whitt-, pr{>Sident of Mills , and the pro~am incllldMl st'\'Cral Slll'ukers of national int<'N>St. who had jw>t takt"n part in the Na- tional t:ducauon Association Con-j vention in San F rancisco. Aftt>r the conferenCE' Mrs T'rlne s(X'nt a f4.>w da)· in tht> San Fran- ci co art-a Local Talent on Fair Stage Show Judy Emt>~n of Newport Beach. dancer and baton twirler, will be one of the feature enter- tainment attractions bHied on the free stage show programs to be presented daily at the 1951 Orange Silver Platers And SU\I'f!f'Wnltla R~lrlna -lteftnlllbtna ReplaUn& Gold -SUver 7 Copper . 9ru1 N•r 'Community Cbureb 1914 HArbor Bl~.:t ao.ta M .. Beacon :)113 Margaret L Scharle Tt>arber of PlaDo Orgaru~ot -Aooompa.niat EvenlngO.... for AdultJ 307 GOLDENROD AVE. Corona del Mar PH1'81CL\Ns-8UROEON8 Lawrence K. G undrum M .D. . 1741 S~rior Ave., Coata MMA Practice Umited to Diaeelefl of the Ear, Noee and Throat and Allergy Otnce Hours: by Appolntmellt BEaoon ~ or HMbor 1036 County Fair, Aug. 15-19, a t t he :============~ fairwounds on former Santa Ana Arrny Air Base. Accordionist Pe- ter Welgan will accompany heT. The two will be on the stage Wednesday, Aug. 15. at 1:15 p.m. Erlslcn a...tfteocJ acll hav~ ~n • Pf'OWil ...... ot reachinc ~ for aU ...c. ot ~Uee them! Phone Harbor Ul4. Day or Night Phone HArbor lU8 FURNITURE AND ACCESSORIES liE TilE LAIIQEft 18LAY 1M CAUI'OBIU llATI'AN • REDWOOD • AU1111NU11 • W1t0U0RT ..aN SWINGS • l1MBRI:l..LAS • • RE-OOY'ERS • 8AIIBIICVD I...-....... • ........ , ............. o,-......... -...,. ......... ,... . Mary Alice Gurley Is Wed ':fo Elmer Edga~ Manley floDe)'mOOOing in Lapna, Phoe-by lhe bride. ~re white organdy nlx aDd Tucson ~fore IQing to Ft. over dusty pink, lavender and SW, Okla., are the new Mr. and aqua with matching colored aahes. lin. ~r Edgar Manley (the Hawalian orchids wet:e carried fanner Miss Mary Allee Gurley) and worn ln their balr. Maid of who ~re married July 29 at the honor was Miu Doona Kellar of ClorGna del Mar CommunitY Lacuna: bridesmaids Included the Olurch. bride's sister, Mrs. Hugh Dunlap lin. A. B. Manley ot Wahiawa, of San Antonio. &nd siaters-ln-law, Oabu ln Hawaii, was unable to be Mrs. John Gurlt>y jr. or San Luis here to witness the marriage of Obispo and Mrs. Robert Gurley or her 10n to the daughter of Mr. and Santa Ana. and Miss Jean Reed Mrs. John Addison Gurley, but she of Udo Ltlle. llellt her new daughter-In-law a Richard Rodby of Los Angeles. lldde'a bouquet as weU u 01"Chhd wu best m&n ; Robert Gurley, COrDI" for the wedding party. John Gurley, fraternity brother Mr. Gurlet; 118 Via Ithaca. Udo Robert KiUerer, Newport Beach. lale, pve his daughter in mar-and Andrew Simpson, Los An~les, rlagoe. The double rin~t ceremony w«>re ushers. wu read by Rev. Paul E. Babbitt. Others who assisted with wed- 11M! bride wore a white lace ding plans were Misses Ann FN'<'- over satin gown l'dged with pearls man. Lou Taylor a nd Barbara at the oollar. and a crown of F8rwell. RecPptlon was held at DMrla held her lace edged veil. the Balboa Bay Club. Mrs. Gur- lthich was borrowed from Mrs. ley wort' a pale grt'('n CTfPt> and E. D. Phillipt'l, sister of the groom. orC'hid colorrd hat The attendants' dresses. designed The younJ: couple met at the I Ell UPIILSTEIIII Uplloa.t.ertJIC a Draper)' BJ:aeoe 1118 -.............. ~ ... Lee Shipley ORIGINALS Custom and R.Mcty Made PlutlczA~ Inlant. eto.et, Kitchen. Batb u• Oout -.... 0011 Univ£'r ity of Colorado, wht>re sh<' wns a Chi OmeJro and h<' was af- filia tl'd with Delta Tau Delta. Th<' nrw Mrs. Mnnl('y ltl"8duat~>d from Newport Harbor H i~h and was a m<'mbl'r or Job' Dau~thtPrs. Hrr I hu,;band will tx-station<'d at Ft. Sill ~' ith I he> L'. S. Air F orC<'. Dr. I loracC' A. I Ia 11 of NC'\\'PQI I I l<'it:hts <-hCiw<'d colorrd pictur. taken in l:d diffrri.'nl countrit> . wh1ch h•• and :\1 n; Hall visited on inJ: of thl' M•sslonar) Volunt<'cr '"'htJietlk:r 1 • N'<'<'n l trip. al a combint"d m('('t-~ The SO<."ietir" or Oran~<' Count) last Sl I Frida\ <·,·enin't The m PCIJnjOt wns P • hrld at the Card<'n Gron~ SP\'<'nth· Day Ad\o<'ntl t Church HArbor 87 Dr. and Mrs. Hall t'O\'t'rt"d l R.- 000 mile ''ia plane on th('lr trip which took in Europe and the Holy L8nd. PicturC?s of tht> Holy Land showed wher<' Jesus wa. born. la- bored and whl're He diP<i. The picturt'S a l o showed an or- phanas;;e in Cairo maintaine-d by the kindnt>ss or a woman who finds the chlldrt>n. many dis('asro and blind, wandt>ring uncarrd for on the desert and brin~s them to '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ h,.r hom!>. 8<-<:aUS<' her funds are ': extrem!>ly limite-d the society took ·----Nursery School State UO!'Med ancS AlJI)I'Oftd ....... , ...... ..,.. 8•uvlael CJuoe.,.. Ouwllwawt~ I'IQ 8U80NAIILE &ATE8 Open 5 days per week-8 to 5 Transportation Fumlsbed 190 E. 15th St. OC'Mn'A IO:SA nc.e .._,.,..., a collection of O\'<'r $50 to help h{'r care for th<' homeless chil- drrn. Dr. C. C. Emm<'rson or Costa M~ wu in charge or the mf'<'UnJ.t. I Swansons Return I The Harold Swanson family. 606 8«-gonia A\'{'. Corona del ~1ar. ha,·e r('tumed from a month-long \'Bca tion to the mid·wf:.'St. where tht>y visit~ the1r form('r home In lndlana and Mrs Swanson at- t{'nded a S<'rorit~ con\"c.'ntiCin. ThC:'y <.'Am(' homr 'ia C.mada and drO\'(' about 9,000 miles m all. J•u•• WHiiJt SHOE SALE Reg. 9.95 Reg . 8.95 Reg. 7.95 ONLY S700 ONLY Sf»OO · ONLY$§00 Buy Now and SatJe 1\\'FNTORY '1UST BE Pf Ot'Crn REGARDLES S Of CO ST .. SAVE .. ., AND MORfl REFRIIEIIT- .\n~JR.\L U f'hL\t'. 9 cu. fL. Larl('f' ALL LIMPS IN STORE t I'N>?~'r l.nc'kt"r. Sbl'h H 1.11 door a ad 2~s 1\nttN C'ondi!Jon!'l". Rc$t. 299.95 Now .. "7 h EL\ I~ATOR IJI 1 I'U. ft. \rltb !S lb. • 1/2 PIIICI l"rflun Food ~tora~t' • p:tC'f' 1~ R• .. • 21 101 So" UVIIII -· Colonial Platform Rockers (2 ) Reg 69 95 .. MODERN CURVED 3-pc. SEcnONAL Red Wool Freize Cover Deluxe Reg 429 95 Now ·-MODERN 8-pc. DINING SET-Te1ble. 6 Chain Larqe BuHet. Reg 145 00 NowlftOO -MAPLE BEDROOM SET -Full size Bed with Chest on Chest -Salem brush. Reg 138 00 . _ ... ___ .. _ I llaHu Fmitare Greatly Reduced OCCASIONAL CHAIR Req. t495 44.95. NOW~ Nationally ~own NAnONALLY KNOWN BRANDS--Can't Possibly List 'em All I I I ~······························~ • DALY DOUBLE ~ • Simmons Innerspring -Twin or full size &.t)SO ~ • MA 'ITRESS & BOX SPRING. Reg 99 SO _ Now Only U • ~ ........................... ~ .. ~ CIRPEnll · SPIIIIS I IIIIIIESSES Waitrend Multicolor Colonial Broadloom Only Cotton Loop Carpet, 1 0 decorator colors . . only Sq. Vd. MAGEE-Hiqh-Low Textured Broadloom. Green. •Q95 Reg. 14 95 ... Now S. f'q. YcL ~atlooall~· .:\d,·t>rUwd Alrfoun ... I.DJHonprtn~ {'ombla&tloe --~a Ma.tdllnlt Box ~prlng. ee.~ IteR 119 ~ . Now ~t 07 Llm1tt'd Qt.L:lnttty -Twt• or Full Ir-e • lumtW'rrt"~t lnnPrapriD![ Ma~ k ~" . pnoc. 'tl\d(' Pf'('lally for m by lbP ''an I '"'' <'o. 69')5 F t>~ • !i(l .. X o" " t-1 Kru~thl',. R~l 1Jtnt'f'8Pt1DJt MattTf'SS I< MatC'hl.n.g Bo' priDtt. Darabtt' ~ ('{' CoHr. R('~ 69.50 Set . X~>w ~~ .. ..., Closillg Oa All Televisioa Sets Ill f1oor Samples . 17-tn. CftO LEY TABLE M001'1. 1f99S JC-fn. <••:~ER. I. F~Lf'CTRIC". T. Mf' 219'~ M&.,logany. R«>g. 309.95 . . Now ~~t--Demonstra•nr. Pc~ :!89.95 No~ 17-ln. OEL\ , "E MODEL ('OS~OI.E. 17-ln. ~01'01101 .. ~ Ctlmbin.atlon. 51Pf'NI ~"- Bic>ilCht"d Mu hOJ!"i'Dy, Twtn SIM"Akf'I'S. -S t"Ord 1'1:\~t'f". M -FM RAdio~ l':" 29f9~ Re~: 119.95 ... ow T \ Pk lnrt-. Rf'): 4~ "15 ~M'" I 5 Other Sets at Liquidatk n Prices -DON'T MISS nus NEWPORt FURNitURE CO. NEWPORT BEACH 822 COAST HIGHWAY BEacon 54 3 2 -~--, ------- n. •• ..,..,a • ..-&••• ; YOU ARE INVITED by the DAVIS-BROWN CO. in . Costa Mesa to See Television at Its Finest! SEE this Beautiful DuMont Television in Operation THURSDAY-FRIDAY-SATURDAY EtJening NOW ON DISPLAX! · .. . ~ . . BECICOil 6121 T ' ..-. YOU WON'T BEUEVE IT 'TIL YOU SEE IT I • • • ACTUALLY THE WORLD'S LARGEST DIRECT VfEW TELEVISION SET ! Finest T eletlision Sennce in Orange County -TRY US! ••• ~ to tbf. caU of ttw t~ and drums. SaUy Peyton'' HJn, Bill, was h.ippt'd out b~ t tl.. ~trmy to ~· last v.~k Bill t'fllitited a coup~ of v.:('('k' a~ aflf.>r eulJe«e' grad•.taUun from W1l· la.mette in Orel!on. J le rnA Jon~ m *·~. is an artln on the ~·de. Thtt ~ytons l.i' E' on Jlalbo.'l Is- land KOIH.·ymoomn~ at a A$0rt m a.nd her cot5&J.: "• of pink T£> &Tf' rn~lyv.eds Capt. and tmt('d gard ruas. M,-. Zrlln ~rtliOtl jr , wbo ·After the v.eddm• a breakfast v.t>rt" married Sunday momrng at was held at tbt> St. Anthony Ho- tlw chapel on Brooks Field near tel In San Antonao a nd tn t~ San Antoruo, Texa . when.> the earl altemoor1 th Tortorellas JrrOQm as £1 t.Joned. en 1 Prtaint'd " lt b a rt"Ct>phon at ~ bride ls Ole former Lelia tht>ir homt.>. wh<>re th v.~dln~ Lon~t or Long Bt>ac:-h. Principals cake \\': s C"lJ\ and punch, teo at lht> wf'ddmg V.(>J'(> 7..eJier's bro-<--akes anj j,.ondwichf>S W(.+e t>t'rVed • • • thE>r, Paul. v.ho "as bf>st man , The bndo croom ha" IK'f'n ft'l· Andrt>w Knu . J$1 0n)x A\·e., a_nd Lt and M r. William Tur-signed In an AJu.,kan po~t anti BaJboa l!;la.nd. und~>twt>nt a led-torc.>lla, fri<.>nds of the> ~room v.hilt• will )(-8,,. T"u" llf'll.t \H't"k v.ith 10us opn-aUon it week a go to put I h<' ~ st•t ont'd •~ la.n~aJw 30 da~' tra"•l tim1 allrml"d 111• hul llhoulder In JlapP so that it I ~chool m .M ont !'('}', • J.t rol \ol· and hJ' brid•· V.l ll !'.l(IJI l C'ornna woul*l't be jumpin~ out or the t>lla prt"Sent<.od thf' br1dt> m mar-del Mar and st:Jt>nd a rev. day socllf't ~on~ tn a wttiJe. After ria~(' and hls w if(' ws matron of I at Catalina tx-rort> Capt Robt>rl· bavin« his arm wrappt'd up for a hnnor son l<>aves for AJa.~ ka. Th<' Junior sprll, "Buzzit'" \\ill IX" ~ood Thf' ~m· mothf'r, Mrs. 0 Z.. 1 M rs. Robf'rtson will rf'maan In Cn· '*"'' -· -xex>pt tlw doc frowns Ro))(>rt.on. 4391,. H<-hotropP AH•, t rol1a d('l Mar unt1l ht· f1nd" quar· (In I'J'lOn> foolball Corona dt>l Mar. wn pre ent at tprs at hjo: n('v. po. 1 • • • lhf' ('(>rPmOn) Th<' bndP's mother Zf.>lll.'r i a Ha rbin H t~h 1:rodu· H1d )OU know that th(• famou." v.a-. unablf' to alt<-nd at£>, atl<'ndt'd coll~>rt• an lh(• t·ru-t a ctor . Wllllam Pow~ll. pent th t..,~•ha wao; drt--.:.f-d in a wh1t<> and srwnt S<'\PrDI )t>a~ m tht wt'('k-eftd. Including ru b.irlhday, 1 H·l t <-mhrcut:k'l"t'f! nn!and~ w1th A1r Cnr}J'-durntl• Wot lrl War ri m 1M Harbor AN'a• Mrs. p p1to li "mall v.hllf' hat Hnd hort \t>IJ v.hen h" wao; an Hfrll'i'r "~'~''ln.· Pe-rez baltt'd a cak£> for him. lD· ~h•· carrif'd a "h11 Btblt> w1th a mo!ll) m En~hmd MT~bing 11 "H a pp) Rtr lhdav 'Fa· rnl ~l.'~' nf v.hllf' v:ud nta,.. a nd Th•· bdd.-vrt•d uah·d frrm hu~h th<r' .. m rt'fi!'J't>OI"' to ht mosl tul.lf• rn.... adHml"d wtth satrn .chool m l..onl! 84'a<·h und ~ll~'ndl'd famffil<' n •lo•. l.tfP \\'at h You-Kno"· 'trNtmf•rs Jlf•t Mllf'ndant \\OrP I Lcmt: Bf>ach Crt) f'ull•·~.:r• 11.nd l1a1 · \\'ho niH' u~and.\ \\ alh "hllr• at't'l'~m. dJn-!'tmrnons C'nllf',tf• rn Tr•'Ca '' .. and • ro~l!f' 11f hab) or<'htds 1 !"hf' ~'as afriliatl'd "Ph ttv tf'lt·· .-orm.-r Ball.;u·• Io:land '"'' thf' :\tn. Robort'>fm \\a .. l{tiV.nC'd an phon(' C'nmp.'\n~ In J.,n• B ad1 Rob<>rt IIJll • \\Ct .. !!Um}J!*-d in d Da\) "h"• r nl)'..' lf•at hf'I'M hal and l-••rH'fl 1n tho• \., tr-ran" JJn,. wv.-n a whllf> back. as \\ere th<' rntal a' a Rrd C"1 """ t.ro•\ La d) <~n·nny ~...an,ck>u ... who u. .. cd lo lwe Cmdr Melrose on Udo l.l 1('. Tht') \\'(>rt> amon~~: I • Clayton Thompson Flies th( ~u~t1l at a vatio blrthda\ h • T H T R · ,.art) g:J \t•n for Grenn,.\ by his .In was a.ngton 0 orne own eumon follu. Mr and ~11·s. Crt'nviiiP I .. ·m'>dl'l' ... r ,;f \oron:~ d<•l Mar ('nmmAndPr a net :\1 n. Rk har·d C"lo~ lun Thcon1jl<;un Ol nalboa • • • A :>.1 lrn~. ,,h11,., hom<· 1 a t .'tandaa d <ltl dt~otllhUtor. lc•ft l "''t ,.. [ n-t•~ 1 f for Dalla" T • 'Ca" F'ttcl!t.' ,,, p;11 Cllrl and F'rarl Jf·•nnu ~r" back l .< l >vatra mal II ~~ uva (• I .. u .. .. 1 1 , .,. h. 1 (' "''tj'l:lt•· in a ,,,.,.k lttn • h(lm• tcm n ''lorn th It l rrp nasl to (')"vnJa.nd a;.t "'" ' • I "' " IO~ton ) . "' ' "" h (' d \1 ·11 a.. N'll'hrttHm ;,nrt I•• .)<Jtn tn t lw ro·· ·,0f to r """'k ill£' .,. ~·unJf' of fu l.~n \\ f't t• flffiOll\11 (I f'lrtl'l \\1 "' .. ~ ~ .,. "' ,. ""r . _... un1nn ,.f fnrnur ,,.huolntRII" und ... tart<~ anct finall~ •l£'1aying t hPir ~taiJon.""' an t h• I ltlwo ut Chil•f "' '-''1" tN>m"n uf tho• Jill'-.,,,., 'It"' ,·,'--tJI 'J. month nn 'lt~o""'l flf • .I (IJ,.·II11holl• '\ ,. "'' " ...... · d ct M \ .lr ThomJhltn \\hu •~ 1.1 • .,.,, (',.,; b; tn • und• 1 lht> \\f'i!l hf:'r. l m r oln t" loiJo .. t• \\o•a o ,, t<ran \\Ill m• Pt th1• J:~d.o;; v.P' l't.u --a.)~ "hf· \\<i' l•tC•kJn •: forward fl"f'•·nlh 1"11 '''';'11•\ tlo ctf':tlh "1 """m h•· v.•·nt In.,.,,.,,,'" '\I"•· ., tllrfUIIK httm• d1111't •to: o;;oon 3" thf·lr '' )•·il roo l rlt•JI!h 01 "iha1"'11 ndo l lu:h lif'h,.••l 11•'111 l ltllt• '125 ~....=.:-......... ILJS -.,.... a...illlt ••••• ~IUS EM:/! 0 ... o-.......... . {~t •• Jw .. .. L ,. 14.00 jar of ~"•"*'... ALE ~ lh-,.._ Lilfliletl Ti#M Only! Cave's 823 Coa1t Boulevard, Corona del Mar H Arbor 22n FURNITURE ANO ACCESSORIES 1'MI LAI.al •llftAY 011 -PA~ Co.IT • ..... ~~-..c...... ,...... ........ ~ .. ......... ~ ..... ... -...... s-- HOUS£ i GARDEN ••• c.... ..... ......_. o-., Nights .. -Slltlifay, 10 a.m. to 4 p.nt ~I•• ld t .10d nu '"md1 r "11 h 1 hat ll.Rt · wh(l c1tl'd Jul~ 12 from l'Om· It"' 1~ n• ., .,,,.,., .• , :-:tr 11 ,. < ·htr nh<a llon• lflllnv.ant• ;t • .,,,..:.:, .. r Th1' rf<t n'l tr H•'l nn II• -.:." m~"·•"''"' \tr.. \to•h tN ' moth•'r o t ·T -OF-TO\\ ~ (;t·•:"~T"' 'h"ll Prodtwt8--ll4"palrta,a'-~. T...._-1lnte Wor~ 11ry ~t. Ymk lhlo: lrit• nn ll't·nunt nf t h( ~,., f~ltl'nb•l h r. F lac·h, h\'f'S m \ft otnd :\1,.... Chari•' HnhiiN•n &a t hul J'}lan 10 makr· th• ~a~ <"n'-lft !\1•""" Th1 rour•lt· an• n'n t· of San f\o rmlNhnn "'''' •u• .. , ... "' '\\'p !ilr~Pd:ll~v la Enw~ ~· Mt\ l.o·o, "'" n ·n·· tht·tllf '-f't<..(ln tn • th• tr hnmr ~tnt.! hop.:• to make thP Ra' :"!to•J,t>n . 17:tl \\ tlt·rfroor.• '""", ,._,,.1 Rh·d. RA "I-R--!',tee BE~~~~--•a aa, 1~ ( 1 p ~~~~a~lboa~~t~h~f·l~r:§~~rn~~§n~t~·n~t~ri.'~S~J§de~n~ce~.~~~~~==t~·~c•~t•~•n~a~~~··~J =\~I~a==•~o~r~•~n~ll~)====~§§§§~~~~~~~~~§§~~~~~§§~~~§§§§~§§~~ . . . ="•w ;tnd .l••hn Rroul!hlon ltrl' I dornJ,." a lui of ntll\ tnL: aft f'r 18)'101! put nn Balboa Isla nd for a lonL' tirrw ru·st lhl'\ mO\t'd last month to Corona Hi~hl.mds and no". \\h il•· John ;._ r.n :~ hu.~inE'«'-trip If\ Ala. ka, Nan is mo\in~: th<> family I linC'Iuding th<> two littl<> girls and t l.r r'o;:l to r t;'f Hnv<'n Sah'l "'It' fuW1d lh<' r.ew ll1~hlaud tract M> lorwly whllt> Johnny was out or town BALBOA CHOSE~ I Visltin~-t Mr. and Mr l>. Donald Kvl\lbto al 1440 E. Oct-an F ront, Balboa. ha\'t> b<'~n Dr. and Mn.. William Hulhw h. here from San I Lw Ob,..po Th•· HuJbush are mo\ln~ tht" wN>k tn 1537 E . Oc<-an Bl\d . Blllhua Dr HuJbu h is a ~t'tf'rinar1an fumwrl~ Jocalf'd in C'oronn do I \hu Ht' has ~n a ~0''' rnm. nt m• ·<~ 1 tn .. J)4'('1or and ~til l'<tnriw 1 n ···II rno,po-<·•ron for UK Alpha B• ,,, r~<~<'ktnJ: hml"t" in H ut tuac t11n I'WaC'h The Welcome Wagon Hostess Will b ock Oft Your Door whla Gifta a Greeti_,. from Priendly Butiaete Neiabbon and Your Civio and Social Wel!aro Leadera 0. ,.~ .. .., ... ,, n. Birth of a Mr ~···~·-. .. etniWI;;'; A..ft'j~ of New III!Mft • City NEWPORT BEACH Phone: Harbor 758 •-•ztnr A ll A board for the Fashion Show - ' / ' . I O'BRIEN 'S TUESDAY, 2:30 p. m. ... . · .. . ..... · .. Be sure to be dn hand to see our College Special! A :ra.r 1 a-i o: s· ... r r. .ng ''JJ: ~ash1ons fc ~ smar q1rls m and out o! :'o,lege, lealunn1 s1 .. -n well known ltr.e5 -::s Caryle. Jeanne Durell, L'Aiqlon. Paula Brooks, Ge orgiana, Marjorie Montgomery dresse:: Sloat S-'.:-·s Premier, Kim- berly, Bermuda sweaters Rosewin Stroock coats Kickemicl. and Rhythm l.noP;lc -,....,,..rdma es and c ~essones Fashions fea• 1r€'d in Vog· ,e SPECIAL STOPS FOR ·THE COLLEGE TRAIN INCLUDE: SANTA BARBARA- STAN FORD-. "c .. .• WHITTIER-, .... .,. """'·''' UNIVERSI TY OF CALIFORNIA-:,.·, ,. • · ORANGE COAST COLLEGE-.£.6•. !),.,. OREGON UNIVERSITY-L" ·~tl t HARBOR HIGH At the Door- ( I C'o I I I Conductors ~nd Trainmen I Mocl.l\) NAN BPOUGH ON--C•'""' 9"0 TE.._ TA M"NTl-USC LO NITA "INCENT-()rt90" U" ,.r.,...,. MMU ORIE Al lXANt EII -Sa,.ta Pa•b••" ~HEILA ~OWE-U . .:. PEGGY DIH"-.-bt d• • .. ct sue E PLEGflt-s,., Diu~" PAl WRIG ... ~-A• It'll. u ..... n ., JEAN"'IE Gt'Vf:N~"'""' II . ---------- Th•\ i1 yoyr in ... ,• ... t•o.,·- to O'BR EN ..1 r u•l ,.., .~ _,., T uE'~ddy 2 13 p. m. 14 t Coc'tst Bovl~v.trd - s .. o ... I I I L Coronfl dt"l Mar _j -------- 1415 Coed ..... ..... '"TAG"" YOUB NEW ADDRESS BAIJK)A ISLAND -- Hen-s.a a F\sK>r Label' for the p~ c:a.Ued home in the )'eal"' to rome See our Special Samplt" b.sun.: 1oda}. ftl"re Ia a fnotlla. ~tea. ~ TllA!e ..,__ ............ ttn) ...... ~ .... 1114"&l .... Gall ........ : pr- ..... Aa ~ ... .... ldtdlell .-tttt f'koc'tltr .... . ~. l•llk of caMIIeta __, W fl. lloow ~ the time to 8\abl.ish the "Good Uf e" a t Balboa IJiland. Most reasonably priet-d at - ---and~u&s f~p Tbls may btt the bey you "E'J"f> hoping ror • • • .............. eny Harbor. CORONA DEL MAR HOME Cht.tC'I· 3 beodrooms Mod••rn orcrutl"ctun· Lar1..-c roorru. Arllitically dccora t Pd Bee uhf ull.Y.,. land! ca ped 1 bl<oek to ()('('an Largt> lot $19- Earl W. STANLEY Realtor I IG o..t ..... C.D.II. ~ .. ,, Must ~~ell 2-bedroom home on large lot near shopping cen- ter Garage, 'iVO eU! Full Prieto Onl;)$110 Down -·-D&.E IRAJUZ large ocean vit"' Jot. Excellent location and 70ned for 2 units. lJnly $750 Down ...... INCOME PROPERTY Four uniU!, fumlsh<'d. rwar bathlnl: bf>ach. IncomP in 1950: $4,000 plus. Owner's prPIK'nt busine s rt>- qulres full tim . Will - flee above $19 property at . 1 Consider lot or Iota in HarboT ••• t ... 'JOtE. .................. RA,._ am MOOHN efl4 ntortCAL FUINifUI£ e MAHS e WALL.. ,APaS e lAMf'S e R.OOI OOVtiiNGS. IIOU81': A OAJIDI:llf "' c.. .. Hwy ...... ,.... • an ---·· BEAUTIFUL VIEW LOT. comer Channel Road & 0 boa Peninsula Owner will sacn fLee for qu1ck sale DO NOT overlook tlus wonderful b uy . ---~ I"UIIIIMif ,...... Mrdw·oo4 ftoura, noor tur- Other OCEAN VIE'N loll an Co•"'tm.a dt>J Mar.!!~ 1 \'f'r)' flO(> cx~r lot tbow bard to fiftcl fS..foot d -.~ up 1n ChH Ha\·en ~---..., $9,ts0 Ttwm EAU. au.IIBDlLAL'Il .. ()eM~ .... ........ A F EW S '\OU:R RENT Ll) still a\-.ilablfo f flf' b&Utnt"t' of AUG ~"T and UVF.R 1-: R DAY 110111:8 • 1'&1 t.o -,.. co DEl.· 0.•11· ........ c.... ... Fw; iu•• Motel PL"lET PIANO. Pay out balance 1265. Another Spinet, bal. $387 ~===~=~~=~~~=====;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~:;:~IIAIIBOil~~~i ... ~~=-==--~ Kimbal made Spinet , M93. See our Jist of returned rentals and 'S :MM.ER RE.NT Bay Front. I 1 possessions. DANZ-SCHMIDT I Udo Is.... 1-bdrm. unit. prsv. BIG PIANO STORE, 100 bar- beach. $90. v.~k.. HArbor 2552: gains, 520 No. Main. Santa Ana, e\"eS. HA 2914-M. com r 6th. l VINTER RENTAL ONLY Oct =T~II~O,;:R~G~L;..,;A:.;,D;..,l-=R""'O=-=-N-=-:-pe-rr-=-ec-·_t_co_n.....,di~- 1 to Junt' 1. 2-.bdrm. fum. ~. uon 14.50 411 $75 mo pJ~ util St'f' owner, 110 GRANT'S l)pa.l, BaJboa Island. Furmtw-e & Appllanct"'S ·1~\fESE ma le kitten 3 months 16-15 ~pw·port Bh'd. Costa Mesa old for 841e. HA 12J8..W. FOR SALE Obi lK'd, box pring WOL'l.D like UlSuntnee agent to maltn> s. tuftNi h<'adboard. S25. hue n-al estate office. OR desk IIA 1:;~.J. part' ror rmt. HArbor 370. FOR R-.,:;E~NT==-~2-'""B""'R,....-l-m_,ft-lr_n._,..ho-use-. These Are I IIIII FOR THIS ~ ON USED APPUA 1 used BO'I'POIN'I S ink wtth dlsbwube posal- $125.00 1 EASY S(llndrier W Ma~ $29.95 1 G-E Portable 018 demonstrator~~ $139.95 1 7-cu.·f\. F'JUGIDAI bl4)'; eu&ranteed; onl] $89.95 1 GENERAL El...EC'n tomatlc Wa.stw, ~m dillon; rraua.nteed fol $239.95 1 r.o no PRACTICE PIA."\OS. $49. Carpeted and has st~' r . !"-'fng. S67 and up Lt>t the kiddies Gar. Adults. LA~ 604 :"\ r ct -~ le.am. Pay but S5 per mo , 2 yr su.o;;, COM., HA 0364-J. ~;;;~;;;;;;;;;;~~==~~ffiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij;iiiijiiii l eKchtln,~.te at full \'lllue DA.i~ 10~ MOTOR OL.A TV combmation r CHMIDT BIG PIANO SALE I lnelu<1ing new an'tenna. $135. 1 l 6·ft. KELVINATOR erator, 11'underful ec JttUI.I rant $79.95 Attractive~ ~bdrm. bt'ad'l home 1 bUt. from ~n aod ba>· Terms apprux ~ dolA-n. Home cmd Busineaa For Lecme . 8lJt NHMD!t, Jl t Mdw. ••· WfWI tlpOt fer oftk!fo • ,..... ft•l •I ....._ a.-for ~ Oil ...,. ,,. t. 0-TA !l.f'AA wm llctiJtOCitot to s.1 t See 387 17th St. HA,._ ,.,._. w B.AitMw lUI IlL • IIALTOI • IUIIHISS Of'fOITUNITtES • suwwa UNTAU .......,..,. IUl c...t IW .. C... 4.1 Mer Fcx Your Family $10 fir 2 , ... CN for 1Mh1._.) t21t C..tt .... LOUJB F. GATES Oeft. .......... -0.1. a- Dome Loan• to b\U', bu.dd, rU!nanca or for all.trat JotW OENEIIAL DlliUJtANC& IINtlor.., ... Ceu& ....... OaNaa .. ...,. • *WE BUY FOR CASH GOOD USED FURNITURE 181f ~~arbor Rivet.~ •~ er..e.. .,,~ NOW ON. Santa Ana. 520 :-.io H Arbor 2892-R. Mam, corm-r 6th. 1 FOR SALE Kelvinator refrl~ .. WA.'\'TED CJea.ninJ.: woman paN Good cond. s:iO. 703 Larkspur, Ill TilLS tiJll4.". ON>'., 1415 Coast Blvd.. COM. H Arbor 2919-=-W~. ,....,..--- rua&£.'"'1' IKFOIUI.Anox Corona d.-·1 Mar HArbor 2187. I GE 'ERAL ELECTRlC table top LARG elt>e ran~t'. clock control. dl't>P L'"DJ< A'I"ES ntAT O.SLI' E 8 .cubtc ft. ~IU.'te Sen.el l 'n'll cookeT Calrod hi· peed \!a& refriJt. Clt>an. perft'Ct : full) bum rs. A ~ bai'R8in 79.50 'I'll£ ,. M A L L t: T tTPE ~:Uarant~ . 11:(9.50 GRANT'S HOt.' "'ILL at: PEIUID'- 'I'D). SO"' I TilE ftME TO Bl'T J·ot· CAS GET • • • SEE THIS Lo\ely 1-stor). 2·bedroom home Built just as you would do it youn;eU. Spaetou.s rooms -- - 1t has o"-e-1.300 square ft. or li"ing area. A beauti- ful pat.Jo enclosed With con- crt'te fence Roses. lawn. &hrubs already m and thrh·-inJ:. Price Includes drapes and $13 per yard carpetin&. Prime C'Omer toea Uon and TODAY'S BEST BUY. GRANTS · Furniture &: Appl' noes I Furniture & Appliances 164.5 :'\c>wport Blvd. ~ta Mesa 1645 Newport Blvd. Costa MP58 WM'TED -Odd jobc, carpenter FOR JU?-'T bedroom Modern j repairs, pajntlng, etc. By hour, unfumt hed. house, oenr~y new, day or week. HA 0126-J . 2 baths. fireplatt'. $.!3rage. Year-\\'ANT TO RENT by Aug 20th 2 ~~ $110 month Harbor bdrm. house unfurn. N~ dbl. · gar. Yearly. CDM School DIS-BAY FRO;\'T MA~SIO:'\ at Sal-trlct. HA 171S.M. boa Pt>runsuht Poan t lor wintc>r FUR.~. APTS & rooms. Ideal har- rentat a fl«'r Sept. 10. Has acous· bor and ocean view. nose-to t t !>Ound-pi'Oofin~. e:ar baJ:w dis-beaches. S wnm r & \\i nter rE>nt- posal. dclux(• ran~. 150-$l00 als 14J4 St'aview, CD'.t. HA mo. HArbor 78i. l45S . F ~ LCO:" boat for -.al«' Call HA -=FO=R~R==E""='ft=---2=-=-bdrm-=---.-un__,fu,.......rn-.-n-e-w I 71~~ bt>fore 10 a m., or 6 to duplex, gor., close to schools. · I 2251 Clay St.. CliH Haven. HA FOR LEASE--Lo,·ely 2-BR fum . 1297-R. homt• &>autiful ysrd all f<'nced, 1 .......;=.;....;;..;;.;.__ _______ _ 2 bUc.s. to Post Offtet•, flntt nt'at;'h·l NEW LOCATION ! borhood. 100 mo. C.all HA :!313 ·--9. I -.........:. or HA 3090. -I tfl.-I rwt R El'-1 A PlANO, S5 PM' mo All USED ... ~ GEAR tenn n>nt allowed "hen you Ploft&ll&~ bu.). DANZ-SCinUDT Santa Natlticel D•-•f5•• -· U-' Net ANA. 520 N. Main. • wt 1UY sc:aA, METALS • PERSO~A L I'OTICE I WJII not be responsible for debts incur-Near lea HOU88 OD 30th red otht>r than m y o"n "'-HAIW MJO. .....,_. ..... ""-""",....,....,,......,,.----I..A::;.::.RR~;.::Y_.PFEIFER. • OfiiN SUNDAYS • WANT 2-or 3-bdrm. how.e, fum 4-BURNER apt. si~ A. B. gu ln COM with t>ncl. yd., good range: clean as a whistle .... 39.50 heaUm:. \'it'w and llt'flr bellch GRANT'S Yearly rentaJ. Not over $100 mo. Fl.lmiture & Appliances HArbor 0579-W. 1645 ~rt BJvd. Costa Mesa PIANO for &al<'. maple, Kimball FOR RENT COMOiette. $700. HArbor 1678. BUNGALOW APARTMENTS EASY Whirldry portable washer, BeauUfuDy tum .. Jarae Uv. room like new; only 33.50 with tlreplaee, bdrm., kitchen- FOR RENT-A ttrac. nn.. comfort-Furnitu~~1~uances ~ ors~ rate by day, a bly fum., prlv. erH. & bath. 1645 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa FARII HOUS~~' -.OTEL Coavenlent locat. 508~ Mari-c. -· gold, COM. HArbor 2853-R. FULLER BRUSHES 130C Caut BlvG., C>K HA 106.1 GOOD used full size mattres5 : DEALER COMPLETE HOUSECLEANING s1mUzt>d : as low as ... 7.95 .E. L Clark Fumit'Ure & Rug ahampooln&, etc. GRANT'S 4301~ A,·ocado. Corona del Mar. Work IU&J'&Dleed. Beacon 6111. Furniture & App.llanoes HA 1808-J after 7 p. m. Al'a Howe and W1ndow Clean· 1645 Newport Blvd. Costa Mes3 FURN. RM. with sep. ent. & priv. ~lnc~-:Se~rvtee==·--=----=---=-­ F'OR SALE-Girl's bike. $7: 2 tWin 1 bath. ).'rly o r summer. Inquire FURN. API'S. for rent. See Lou- iaed bedsteads ( 1 Jenny Und , 1 415 Pomse ttia, COM.. 1se Apta. flrlt. Dbla lc sift&lea. bk>ndl. Kenmore liquldiur. HA OFFICE or STORE space Cor rent. overlooldn« Bey. D Carnation, 2490. 700 Carnation, Corona del Mar. Corona Clef Mar. KEYS -Made whUe you wait. LELA CARRELL is again at Katey 7 ~ CUBIC ft. Serve! gas refrlg. Tommy's Shop, Post OWce Blk., Doane's Cleaners. 1201 Coast It's a hon~y. Guar. Only 129.50 Corona del Mar. Blvd., COM, and will accept alJ GRANT'S FOR RENT-Fum. studio apt. kinds of alterations and sewing. Furniture & A,ppliances WiU a ccom.. 2 adults. Close to HArbor 0441-J. 1645 Newport Blvd. Coeta MeM ~ & ocean. Pleas. IUI"f''UJ1d. GRA.l"'o'D PIANOS. Big Summer H. R. HOLBROOK S WJU"'er or yrly rental, 307 Gold-Sale now on. Steinway. Mason "--Ddabb. -._u_ enrol, CDM. liAftor 1046. & Hamlin, Knabe, Ch.ickc>rin~. ,.,.._. .-.~ Uur readen read tM Clullflec:l Chase. WurHtzer, Sohmer, Fish-A ~~=Service 1 11 lt. er and JM.nY others. Some nev.r, • SALES • SERVICf • PARTS ~me used. Prices start at $395. .,.._ ...,.._ 1118-W I DANZ-SCHMIDT PIANO C"O .. -~ ... ..._ ....._ Newpert BeMit 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. WANT YOUil DIRTY WORK I ELECriUCAL APPLIANCES --DONE! DeaJeT cost plus 10% regardless fa.lr trade prices-G-E. Hotpoint, 00 TO HAL ... Crosley, RCA. Write Bob Macy, ~ h<Meeeee""'c .ervtce. South Pasadena, for quotations. Window~, floor wullt& and pol- BRAND NEW 9x12 linole-um rugs; ~~~W faC'tory 2nds: onJy . . . . 4.9!5 __ ___;;.;.;.;;;;.....;;.;;;=.;:;;;;;..-=.:.::.=....:.;_ __ Furnltu~~I'~uanCt'S P A I N T I N G 1645 Newport Blvd. COfita Mesa Ecld SbelliD CLEANING WOMAN w a nte d n1 ...._., 8t. -c..ea ·- Wednetrday, 9 a. m. to 2 p. m. $5. ___ .-J•!!!!e!!!!•!!..!...._~~--~---HA.I"bor 2187. ~ FOR SALE Giri'SJ;,-20 .. blcy e. Good cond. $20. 5!587-R. RUG & UPIIOJ.STERY '<XEAIGNG • 0. ...... .... ~ • OOD'I' llft"'aaiOI8 0144 '""-' ... ........ IU c..t ...._ Ow •• ... lllii' THEI!MSION Job PrlnUfta FacObHII • Lido A-1 USED CAl A-1 '50 FORD V-8 dt>luxe Sedan, only ...... -.... . '47 PONTIAC' &-dan, R.A ped ect in t'Vt'!Y way . '41i DODGE Broan, R. &: extra niC'f' ··--···· . 'M CUSTOM Club Coupe. H &O.D., on}) ·- '46 FORD Sup. lX'Iu.x~ Coupe . . .... '41 CHEV. Sedan. "CU..& nice, only .. '49 FORD SEDAN, R. '50 STUOEBA.KER Olub Cpe .. 0 0 . low .,lll"as:e~ '49 LINCOLN Sport Seda R.&H. and 110 ., perle in every way . . .. MANY JrORE TO CHOOSE FRO) EXTRA A.LLOWA.~CESIJ your tra*-in ls a elf or '42 moc1el. NO REASONABLE OF REFUSED 0~ ANY C ON OUR Lar naallan YOUR FORD DEW 534 eoc.t Jli9law; Beacon 8804 Newport Hours: Week Days 8 't Sundays &: HoUda.ya, 10 3 SAIDMEN WANTED MEN or WOME There is high tncome t1 made by thrt'r smart a tlous people-. WE CAN 'T ltANOLE OF OUR BUSINES. OURSELVES We Have Openinp in Commerctal Sellit Specializec Applim General Applianc ASK FOR ~m NOWE~ U DO ELECTRIC C 516 COAST J.UGHW A NEWPORT BEACH BEacon 5505 FOR RENT-1-bdrm. apt. or from the ocean lldwd. nra ~ar. Adults onb. HArbor HELP WANTED Man to truck and "'-"'rk around ture store: al.o eX)X'.r. dr powe-r mach. o))('rator &: g1 off. work. Houst> & G.rdet Coast Hwy., Nt>WPOrt. BE COME IN, HEAR and PL.A'2 Hammond Chord Organ. Nc sic lessons nce<!~sary. AI can play this instrument. D. SCHMIDT P IANO & OR CO .. Santa Ana . 520 N. 1 corner 6th . !o"OR RENT -BR. 2 bath home wtth studio room and I .ep. ent. At.o 1-BR rum. home. Want permanenl l'f'l1 Rererenc:8 6Cha.nce4. AI only. HArbor Ot67~ll. Are Your IIIII WEEK Is ~ele\Zonta Gi"es Shou1er I Held For IDih .... Bathing Revue Ry HI Til IIIU. •••••• ,., .. lhin• hu• jr •• F~~ ~~~!!:. c:.,!~ .. tC".ontln~t'd from Pa"~ 1) -'fllllii:IU.nlllteh 100 ~\l•'''"· I"X•'-1 C1~.'' "'' rom•· b fk n J;t rh 1 1~ 1 th· ''"'" Ill•'" f•\•'r th•· bnot>-t< .. OO :\h p .. 1w. CatltJe be-C:allr.,,Atltndt•d Pasadena Cit)'l t:"'Jtl\' \\QOWn trom t!1l v\l'r sou-Wl•(k! Hill Bur<hrk, f)'J('f·ll~l rl'-hrush ltnc bl-lou.;·~ 11• ~11k.·· Bl · ''tllli,tTtll cii\\ "lt,t\aluncnec. C ollt :(. B. A . from UCI..A. First tht•m C'alifomi v.t·rx· enr,.nalned c·rral1ttn '"''f."T'&J'n rh (>(, v.ns Jl!i.k<"d ~ ln srroup J Cortnnr tr S~'· •• nd rm~. Uw• OJ), ... how1 r at u. t l'lwhm~ a: l~nm n~t Actlve In I Jul) 29 ftl th intcr~C1t)' met'tinL: !11 dozo•n Hm~>s last Frltb) durmv e<•nd 'hrNt 11nd four th m Uu. lmme> of \1rs \1.trl•w OrhmM-, l'leD joumuhsm ln t'OIIN• "I 1'...onta JntcmationaJ ponsored l th1• Pl..1~dny activitws at th1 llor-~oup "' •·fl• (Jr\rd Bht r . fV•bb}. E C.><-ean Front Balboa • ~f~rrgart>t Harper: duate of I by N4·y,rport Harbor 7.0~ta Club a<."'t' 1-:n ... i~'ll school The 450 chit· 1 Uro~-n '*"d Katw [)f-s nhrrtt r.ail 'cue ta lndudl"d lin v ll'g{Jda US(; tomwr a&signmen ts. Hemet at the Am(>rlcan l.t•Rrnn Hall ln drc·n amnn~ whom ttl(> G2 watf'r· Whltt' \H>O ((,r t:ruup II. ·•nd ~tP\'t' 1 ca .. tlt•. '"''' hon••rH "~ motht>r. M.n.. nd Palomar Col.lt>g\>. ~ wport. I nwlon nd 13 ea <"S or sort drinks Butt""'orth.. ~t<•phcn ~or.o.·ood Addle Hau~h, h r S-Tand.motW; Margaret Lewu. craduatt' of Amon't I he J.tue ts wu•t• Dr I had be\·n dlvtd{-d .... C'r'(> t'l'lucta.nt t and Dnnnrr (.at('!; tulk ..... ed Ill 'hat ' and Mesd.a.mfK-VU"J."Uli.a Hate~-., UC, Berk~ley; taught at Mt. Ver-EUZilb<>th 0 0 z i e r. lntemadonal • to bnnl: to a cJo t> the six·v. k ordf>r . Myrna Bouch("~ bf>at the LonnH~ \'tnc.•nt H B. Wl1llaD. non Jr. lligh. L.. A.; MOrt' recently pre ick>nt. who 11 member of lh<' ummer prrn.n-am of ~!'Vised ' g1rts tn group Ill,. wath Glorllt Victor Grace ("' M ~.H. E. at Honet> Ensagn School. New-San Fernando VaUt>y Clu.b; Ninth P.lay, ,ports, and hop work o! th C'h.apman. Etht'l Stonrback and Stahler, H~l Peete. F~ port. . . Dt trict Governor Rosamond Har-~ wport Bf>aC'h E l ~ m c n t a r} Susan Brown an SN.'O':'d third and Payne and. '-1~ Loruta Vrnceat. Andrew Ohwr: gradu.ate of U~. ric.'$ of San Bernardino, and Hazel ('hoots. . fourth plaet>.. Bob Mtlum won for ·rurle~ :-ltahlf'r .!Uld "-:orma Cutle Santa Barbllra -U. S. Army ~ Grant King of Pasade-na. sponsor Pla~d3Y. N had arnv<>d, at thr xr<>UP m boS• . beatin~ out Tod tSister ot Paula 1 all 01 Balboa; Force, two y~ars ln South ?aciftc .. of the local Zonta chapter. Presi· athlf'liC faPid. on foot. btkt' and I White, Don ~ally and E d d 1 e \t~ John Wild•, L 0,. and. from ~dv<in R.tet'. from Fallmore, d<'nt or the Yuma. Arizona. Zonta bu<~ by 9:30 Ill th~ mo:ning and P~PI' Bt'\l•rl} \tcCo) dllshPd to U.•\ rrly Hllhi. M..., Harold Knlgbt Calif. G:aduat<' of Cl&rt'mont Col· Club and lt\Jt>Sta from Montana 1 befoN" 10 a m. Dtck SwM"t. 6th va~rory O\f'l C":t~JI ~nf' Ill .,-oup ,.06 ~tn.. John M .... tu·w... . ... lc;.-:e. Sf'l'\"t'd rour years In Ma· and New Jci'Se)" a.lso were pr'eS(>llt. 1 ~rad t!-'aC'hf'.'. had shot off thf' I\. and Dt<'k Horktn tH-at ~b I Th wl!'ddlng will be held Satur- rli1H. C'um from Orange Coast Th pl'()~am conslstl"d of a ~ !'hJch su:nal('d th tart nf I Squlf~. ;\tar.1n t;u~k. and Dick da>' Au~ zc; at St JIUJ"IS f:pi.sco- Collcge. bathing ~\"U dil'e('tl"d by -Joann l lhf• 50-)Hrd da<~h. th<> first m e.> Booth '" ttw bo~" r·aN> J)lol Church _ Robert Wood. from Orange, P<"av7 C'hildrt'n and teena~f.'rs tu ht> ru.n 1n ~:r()IIP" I nnd f1 hf' ~o~.'innPrs -- ?'llf. Graduatr of SC; 2 y ars dad Sp('Ctalty numbero; and formed Th(• ~htldn'n wrrt> dJ\ id('d into m th .. 'llrk rl'lct' ""'•· Johnn~ I ,.....,.~....,....,....,_....._. ,.,..,....,......,..llllllllr,.'ll an armed S~'rvice, Koa-ea. a bathlnJt swt chorus, whil"' Zon ta fcmr dt~f~'~rnt >.':TOUJ't'. ~nd com-Crit"·"' r ·trrd I>• nnt~ Post ~f'C<tnd p AINBO II Charles E Zahl: hom s tate. mt>mbl>rs mod llt'fl l)l>nod bath· P< ,,..fl ..,.,,h~n !h~ dl,, tons H1~h r•Larf' ,,,.,, w Knrl'n Hrunmv and Missouri. Att~nde-d UnJvenlt y of ing 8uHs dlltin~ from J87fl. a col· 't"".'''" \\Jthtn-t>nch 1:'l'O~P N'• Bo~roc B•rrn \\ Jth P.(lb Ga.nnun MJ.sourr; r~l\'('d B_.S. and Mas-lr><·tinn loon('d by Ott8hna Bath· <'~"rd. "l)t'<'tlll pntf'<. l lom With ond \tl)nl\' r.•uld w nn1n l: tt\lrd t~rs from t ( LA. Sct"ved tn the tn~ Swt through the rourte Y of tht' nbt.on" tt···~ "'on fnr f ech pla<'t' Bnbb) Bf'O\\ n tnd Bev I N"vy. CostR ~~~..a Fitzpatnrk '., Jfuel f'\t'nl . Booth f'>il h lf>eJk " IC)Ilf'h plnt't' Membc:·rs ot lut )'ear's facully ' Dt-11 ll~mp.'tniPd the r('\'l.w Thf' "" !!:rolnd pr m• \\1nn .,.... Th•· btkf· ra<-.~" "'' r•• a hilth who al'f' not on the stlllf thl ~ear 1 Rlunch<> fl(onz was rh~trrman of w.-H· .Tohn C.rlf''>'>l'r Group 1 16 pnuH \\Il L onh onP cr1u•k up nnd arr· MISS .wuma Dor':'am, Mrs. thr tntcr-C'tl.)' pat·ty a.nd 7 ~ • .ar; old 1 "hn capt,urf>d that 'nut .... n .. '.l'-.lt•hnnv c;n<'S· M•ml' C'Urt"H', ~1rs. ;\lanon Harry-fn.._t llhl-. tn tht• !<ltrk fll<"' hmtl<i I ~er and H<>hh:\ l 'r"'"<>t•r both pr- nlllll, )1i<~~ JN~n Thompson and ....__1--:..llftl a:j a!"'d th,. blk•· raN' C.:tll )Vhlt4". dalrd an \ICtc;n '10 !!Toups 1 and Qttlnttn Wa tt ~. ... ~ VI ht\.'h_,Mrf>r In lrrfiUP Jl. "!nni~f:! U , lolln\\f'd b\ KllthlN'n Hobt>l, Rowers by Morri 50~ E. a.n:.o• ..... . a.n,o. HAtt-~070 Biz-Mart Knit Sboppe I I) E. ltlbo• ll....f~ k ii>M, HA 0'7,. • th•• .'ill-~'l rd d't b anti C'Omlm; .tn JuJh· IJIX•H rn ·~·-ruup I. and G:1il Co• I funeral Se_._ CDM Is DeaCI ~nd 10 ht> bll<t• nC'I'; Tod \\'h (' I·' ..... k d D k • .., • ...,,.... Whttf• \\hn ... corrd b<-l !'mons: thE' 111 :··ra urn• ·'"'C' ·an • IC For C DM Visitor bov" in l:.rntlfl Til 111 12. and 13• Tarn<,,\,kl 10 .::Nup II In rroup ..... Fum•ral' en ices wpn• eondU('I-F'un<.>ral $ervict>S ..,. t>re oonductf'd b} · c.•mml{ an H'<'Ond tn IPtherbatl 111 "?0 :'\lll~m "on ~or . thf> bo~ ·I VACAnON SPECIAL ~ .... '( .,,, . ln1ttvctiotu · FO~Mit •od h"t Thursday in Mauionville, for Ma>< Hann of S8n Clt>mcntc on amt the• d.a ... h . ~and thtrd in th(• 10,110"<'rl h~ Ron ="~'\'ton, To<l. ~·tl . f .. r \" B .. · .. ra•••"", who had htk<' 1'\Pnt· ~t~Tna BouC'hC'\' first \\hit. uno fliCk Cht>.rb~ Gall Col· "' " . .., ,. .. ~ Monday mormn~ in San CIE'mf'ntt> · · ~ · · JU1 won lor thE' j;:ul and J(>an ~tA•nt man) \'aration periods on lntf•rtnt•nt wa~ an !\fonrO\ia '\mom: ~hl' t"rrl in lfl'OUP 111. Mth s .... aru. l \hma Bouch<'\ and ·ue Pact fir Drav~ tn Corona del Mar. "fr. "ann W"· rorm"'rl> a re<~i· a ftl"'il an I hP da'-h, &M:Ond m tht> ~ m · d ·.._, d d • · ( '' "' ""' ,. ..erk ra('r• nnd third on hE'r b1· "rown \\I'T'f' c.·con lmr n .\lr !:ipra,;u<' wu the cousm o dent of the Jlarbor nrt'a. and had ..., 1 01 ·k no k (' 1 amon,. tuu.rth tur Gruup Ill. and Gl<'nn ::J .5-!anl•IO. 1611 Pacific Dr. HI:' llvPd in Corona d I Mar fur 10 1 eye I?· I\' cbn r _.anh. 'crs 1 . th: Thomas burned up tht' track for Wit' \l"u .1 h(f'lonJ: frt nd of the yran.. ln MK~. 1950. hE" wa.~ mar-:roup . ~ · \\It R Irs Ill , a ({ood wrn O\"C'r &b SqUtr~. Dick ht~· Mr· Ada K Pc.·tt1JOhn. 1604 rled to the.· rormt-r \"ir!::lnia R•·i· .~yarct fl!t.,h and 1~~' ~.ck .rat'"' Uorktn auti \lar\ln l.u~k an ~up Hov" 10 to 5 ...... ,,, .. , ... P 11'111c.' Dr bold. 11nd lht•\ moH>d tnto a new ·~nd lt'ltrd r'r• hi" bt~t' St>\ t'rl~ :\1<:· IV fur tx•', h ~ Cl . ..._ .d I C"O\. lh!' Wtnntnl.' ... rl sn ~up I\. . 611 c t u • h N __..... ......... LEGAL NOnr-' omf' '" an t-mPnt4•• o.·<;t es ·h r "·~d ·h and ·11('k In t• 'h+>r ball Tnmm' Olson and o•• ,.-.to ••r •-....... -1 """" hts widow hi' as ·un 1\ ro by a 1 ~ 11 11' IS In 1 ·~ as '"' Ope" "'CJM' • s., ... 10 a-.· 4 ,... NOTIC£ OF ALE OF TOCK 1 da h ·.:\I 'h 1 K r 1 MC'f' nnd c:f'rond in tf'thf'rball J•·rt' ;-..,.r k ttX)k ta ~t and c."<''nu I IN BUL& Ul: tcr. • rs. !S lr ey , <'m ~-I Thf' bo\ fmnh.,t' \\f'rf' awarded tn .;roup II Jl'an :'-'wanson anti To \\'11om It ••Y Coecerta: Till• I ~~~~:0'!• J anndn ~~op~';,~,'; A~: drvrnr mil'k'\, tht' ~irl~ "·Prl:' prf'· Bt-tty Qu<'t'n \\on llr~t and se<.'Ond NoUM of lat81Hoa to ~U a · '~l'ntf'd \\ith badminton rackPt~ Cor tht> (ttrls of group Ill. and the I Mto<-k or Oondll Ia ktk I Johnn) CrJI'S'it>r, you.nceo;t hi~h boy to \\:n Wt'~ f'Ptl'r ~'eh!an lnnP,...prl•c -Cottoll .$1465 \\1~th that noll~ is hereby H~ght w,·.~. C:('ON'r rP<'t. '1\M 8 'urf8N' Cloot tuld Tod Wtute. Jn ~oup .n Carol F oam Robber MATTRESS£ RAH gtv(>n that the undc>rsagnl"d RUTH ~· S v~~ 1\S hi'-prlu• l)Oane and &,,.rly MrCo~ "'<'!'"(' tn-e~)Ar ~hapes way ..... ··$10 15 ROBERTS lntt"ncb to sell all thal S p • M£>mbl'r<> or th .. ~('wport 84'ach ftrst and ,tO'eOnd an:on\.' th<• ~rls ~·Ew-Rt::Bl."l.LDISG R. & H ~rtain !!tOC'k o( merchand1se con· ee 1ctures Plrm• nt'\r) SC'hoolc; PTA and Otck md ":\tal"\m Lusk tnd Gll'nn COSTA 'AESA MATTli:SS 00~ "s 9-15 :SI lin~ gcncrall~ or stock. fixtures. . I RIChard nf RIC'hard''ll Mark('! C\1-Thom ... l'8mf' Jn on£'•l\\n (M the 2150 H.-port ll•d. l&cOit .. , $1535 s 795 l'QUipmeot.. lrood-wtJl, and name or 1 . Mrs. LeWl:s Ross. 51 q Aliso Ave. ho 11-d th(> Pla~da~ party Spnn· bbo~>~·jijijjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.,_iiiiiiiiiiiiijijijj~ij~~aji~iji;ii~~~iiij thar Ct>rtain Bt-auty Shop known ="ewporl Het£ht.s ..... as ho tcs.s.Cor l '\ON ur thl' .;ummer playt~Tnund i us Rt'TH'S BEAUTY S HOP be-lh HPichto: nt"ij!hbnrh~ Wl\t" wc>r't' rrprt':-t>ntMJ at Pla~da~ by lon~:1n~ to said RUTH ROBERTS dub on Thur«day £>v('rum:. Mrs \tr-. t. .1 (".;;,-nar. pr<'Sidf'nt ="'!"\\'· ~J:I~I'.D'JD1!r,i10N pu )~'~DU !l·~ and locatro at 338 Poi~ttia, eo. RotM•r:r S<'h<'P<"'. was co-host•''>S port Rrarh Elf'mentary ~hool £il~l\l£ 'I ·1 D.fti\.MI'l\,,':1 S 545 rona d('l Mar. Orangt> County, ;\t,un PntC'rl.':l..tnmt'nl for the e\l'-• PTA. Franci~ Hnrvath, chaarman PRE8CRIP110S AL\\'AY DOt:BLE C'RFAJU» ··:··$1270 Ollatorrua. and that a tra..nsf('r and nin~ \\8S th<' Prt'"-l'ntatton nf t hf' I or the Park. Bl:'ach and Recreation B-a·........a~ -a •-.A• DRWW't• as tl."(nm<>nt ol the &amt' wiU be ~lored slrdf>!i: Whit'~ lht• Rrno ... fa~· Commi ion. and Horac-e Enslstn.l ___... & Vft g ......V uwg $1575 1 mnd<>. and ahe purchase price tly took on therr l'N"'nt trlp db.tract 4\Upt'rantrndent or schools. Cit C...t .,.._ IIAJUIOa 1 Ill c-.r-~liar th~'rt."'I, will be paid, on Frida) l thrnu~h thE' north\~1. Games I ~('wport R<'ach. aJontt ...,.,th t he :=~=~=~==~ij=======~ii~~~~~~:i~i rfect thf' 24th dny of August. 1951, at artd t'"('fN• ... hmE'nb followed the numt'rnu trachPN :~nd fri<'nds of ---- . pe Sl66f 1141:> Coast His:hway, Corona dc·l plclur<> ft\(> pro.:Tlllll \\ ho t' combined ef- • •· :-> :\tar, Orange County. CaUfomJa. at Pr~nt 1\t thf' mC'l'1tnJ:. \Vel'(> I forts madt-11 such a !IUcet>SS HI.OO o'clock A. M. That the ad-Mm~ Donald h M Gtlbl'rt !:'imrth Tht> !iO-yard dash, w!llch1 was dress Clf sard vendor is 1951 Tus· Fo tPr Fr)man. Clydi' a. ... ~. ll'\" thP ftro;r of tht' competifl\'l' ~port tin Aw,nue. Costa Mesa, Orang an~-t Gron ~ · , Earl lA''"'· Elton had t't'COrder Dick Sw('(.'t and ·~If County, california . and the ad· BarnE'tf and \\. l-1. Charlton )r Xorm ~tilwell a. JittJe confused at 1 1s a clean 41. df'M;s of said vend\>t> is 1101 Bay-Cin;t. Just whlch 50 yard!l . tht' I VI('W, Corona dt>l Mar. Orange v nsung 112 contl'S.tants wel'C da s h In g OFFER County. Cahfomia. Di Da ce ANY CAR oated 6 Au.,'\IS\, 1951 Commer-! _, _ nner n LOT R l.lTH ROBERTS Vendor (..~ ld b M WILLIAM s GRAL' Vendee He y oose • R'!f". GRAU I TREV WO~'T U:T you bU.}' ~TA.T~ <}f CALIFORJ':IA anything •.• JUSt look around and An t>\"t'ning of dinner and danc- ('01.::'1:11 OF O RANGE-s. ~t-t a('Quamted \\ith rhctr newb in~ wa!o fo!\\'(•n Saturdar nitthl by On 6 August, 1951 befof(> mt', remodellro llfOrf' a nd SE'f' the th(' ~l:'wport Beach Moosl' Lo<bte 1 fh undc.>rl'ignvd. a Notal')' P ublic II quahl} nl<'rchandt~e at Polly P-"'':o 1451 at the Lodge Hall. The tn and ror said County and Stall', pa."'t o()t'n hous~ party Friday E'\"t'· i..oda.:e playt'd ho t to a similAr (l('rsonally nppt>ared Ruth RobeTts. 1 run~. OwnN'~> Gili'w'rt and uah affatr a pn.>\ious Saturday, and William ~. r.rau and Ruth Grau Brown ..,.111 bt.> on hand to potnt GU$~1<' Dror~t<'. \'tola Comt'<'l. kllc•\\ n ''' nw If• bt• th(' p('rsons out the lat••'it ra,.hinn'> in womt'n·., Clara L<>ach. Fl.! tC' Km~ 3rd \Vilma wh<Jt>l' namt'S 11r<' ub cribed 10 the 1 \\"('1\r and ch•ldrf'n':; clothes. ~ora Corbtn .er'<'<l a chi<'kC'n drnnt'r. 1 within mstrufl!t'nt and acknowl-O':O.:cal and Pttt~y 0\\y('r 3~0 will . Tho8e who csststf'd tn tht~ se~·· d._C'd , .... t lnr) rxr<'utf'd tht' be pr••:;t'nl ,1t tlw u!)('n hou.<~ from tn).! uf a barhr·cur <~paf(>rtb dlnnt r ,arn(' 6·30 to 9 30 fl m Polh Appal'"('! Ia. I Saturdll!-Wl:'rl' l\l~riPill' np- 1 Witn•.,." ~ hand and orficlal l18' 10<'3t('d ,11 1~13 ;-.:t'",)nrr Blvd . prn~. Elsl(" KinJit. Dott:> C'.art1t"r, • .c C"osta ~1f'~>."' I Ntckle Edc• t ton. Edna Phe~ ey .,..,.;.\! , \101.1 T T HOREN • • • lind \ia){>da Workman. Oott:> C~?r·l :\ut.•r~ Puhlic '" net for said 1 l"TVLE."l FRO~ thc• Vo£U" C"ol-I tC'r was i.n <'har~e of th(' socra~ · 'vunt.) nncJ ::,talc lf'j;t(' F~tshrotl j,.,~ur wtll be fMlturcd nr~h~. whtch was ht>ld ThursdA} 1 ! ... ' ... " .... li .... sl ... ' ... · .... A ... u.,..;gus_· .... t ... ~-'· .... 1_!.15_1._ ___ ttl O'ftrlf'tll'• Fashaon Show at 2 30 t"\'erung. • J 1 ~ 1 p. m. Tut>Sday lit Rattan'<; Re,uw-1 ThC' last :sunday tn u > mt'n I FUilNlrtJRE RESTORATION 1 rant, Corona dt>l ;\tar. ~pcrral l and women of tht' )1~ e char: Chair bottoms, benches and stools hoslt>"~<;M from flOpular wt>Stt>m tC'rl'd a fL him: boat sktppeN'd b~ l re tort'd usinSt caM, rush, ~. roliPJ:C':. Include> &rbara Jean Gerald Jont'"' of .the local lodlt~· I e tc. FREE ESTIMATE. I Bamhouse. U C: ~orma Ander-, Some ?f tht> locshtt'S .~ho partrca- IIA&VE1"8 son. ,anta Barbara; Marty Lewi" paled m thE' outtnJ: "'' ~ '-tr. and nJL'iiTURE llEPAIB I Stanford: Mary Hammond. Whit-M rs. Harold I lawley. ;\lr a nd Mrs ZMO Saata Aa A'-e.. e-ta MMa tiPr; C"atharin<' Andrews, tiC; LA I Archie Ostrand('r, Mr. and Mrs. BEaeae •t iU I N('tle Cay Or gon· J l:'an BartinP I.ronard LA·aC'h. ;\It and :'olt rs. Ro- R EPO SESSED! Beautiful Elec· and earoi Clark. 'occ. Donna b<>rt Ml~t'.. ;\it'S. ~c>lma Jones. tric or gan. Famous make. F or Pd<'l.~ will bt> ho_ tess to Ha.rbor I Mrs. Elstt' Km\':. Clar<>nCC' Young church or home. Pay out bel· Hh:h ~rls: Mary Barrett and and Roy Tou'tc~· . . . anre. Bi~ savfng. Uke nl:'w. Dorothy Linson door ho tesses. R~gular ml'ctmg and tnruatlon OANZ·SCHMIDT PIANO and Co-ed model 'will be Tenita or the Womt'n of th~ Moost' took ORGAN CO., santa Ana. 520 Ma ntz. Lon Ita Vincent. Ma rjorit> I place Thursda) · Au~. 2 Mrs \ ~lll I~ No. Main, com er 6th.. All'xander. Sheila Howe. Pt>ggy Porter and ~lr Anna B. ' ey FOR AL D. 7• & match· Di(>hl Susie Pleger. Pat Wright were inttaat<'<l: Clara. J..<>aC'h nn-tvan, • • 1 1s J · Gl ·e nounet'd she I!. or~unazin~ tht"*' ing 4' ottoman. Innerspring cUAh-• --also caN!'E'r g r eannt(' \ n bo II -Pro ""Cth·E' pla\. · """-1 d HA 2152 and ~an Broughton. A chic mo-w ng tcanh · ,~ • Jons. J:.ACC. con . . d("l ~,·ill be M . PolnSt't I"J t'IIY ers may cont1CI h<'r at HArhor YOU COTTA SEE IT cause you 1 &an"l ped.Jrrc~d tov French 2299-M. · can't hear it! The new 1951 ~er-poodle ·bt>longinJ: to ~1,:... Julif>ttt" Mr. and Mro;. Arch.1c trnnd!'r. "<'I gas rcfrigf>rator: 8 beautiJul Mlllikf>n C){ Udo lsk 1 Mr. and Mrs. Clar<'n('(' Youn~. Mr n("w mod('ls to choose from. See • • • 1 and Mrs. Haven Holbrook and Ray th m all at your nPighborhood a ., ELL RAMPTOS. OWll('r 1 Hofr:ma~ attcnd<'d 1h<' Moose ~<~n· 1 ~('fV('l Dea.ler. or Hampt.l'fl Hal"ttor ~nil Drug Vf>Otton lTI Santa Cruz la t .... N'k· GRANT'S Sto~ in CoronA. dl.'l :Mar. an-i~nidil.l!lll~~~~~~!l!lllll!!l!~ Furnit ure &: Appliances noun~ completlon of artange-164~ Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa ments for frt'c carPer training for E X C E L L E N C E O FFICE S PACE FOR RENT, sal~ persons. Throusth !1Hdc lilf!lS·t • UPHOLSTERY Suitable for bus. or pro(t'SSJon. accompanied by mu.<.;lc and \'01~ I 1 D beth ~ at 811 Coast Blvd., COM. Mund. the salH pel""80nnel at KIM. 0 R 8 ~ FOR RENT -~utifUJ 2-BR. \q)-Hampton's w111 receive inst ru<'tion c-t .... ~. ~ 1"f'ntenJ J)('r apt. Hdwd fln .. ~le ~r. In oori'\'C tK'lllng tt'Chniqut>s, per-~ AdultS Uu wonderful OCMn view Yrly sonallty impl'O\c•m nt and huma n 'IIJI4HtiiilliE.-119tliiiliStiii.•c:..+iiliii•._u11111•11, ••• 11•••14llill• lease' Call HA 2152. relallon5 SPECIAL ASPHALT liVE Sill .· The Finest in Food cmd ENTERTAINMENT Nightly Felix and Leo with Sue Stanley :-~m plete Dinners Until Midnight P"oet~ HArbor I I 1 t ~VAUX' IN BALBOA Udo Wlllrf Rest.rallt 0\-~c Beaattfal Newport Harbor LIDO VIIJAGE * Phone HArbor 7 8 4 • EAST INDIA SHRIMP CURRY with CHUTNEY • l tnr.; 1{-:' a t U't'S ·t~ t! F-:1.r "111 tX' thl' flowPr show; hobby ~>hO\\, juninr <'Xhibits. junior liv£'- stock show, t'xhibits or aarcraft _ _ __ and implt'mt'nt of warfare. ;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;_..;;;;=;;;;;:;;==;.,..-----....;;;;.,;;;;;;.,;=;;;...--. rlida~, A us;: 17, has ~n desi(:- nat•·rl ru. Childl'f'n's nay, with all yo,,nl{Sic rs undC'r 12 lx'lng admlt- tC'd fr('(' to thC' ground a well as to ! hn afternoon C hildrt'n's Hoi'S(' Sh(t\\ in thr mAin ar<'na. This S{X'· dal horst> shO\\ will a lso IX' PIX'· BI"MMdut ... ..,.. t a. a t. I p. a at ULIIOA PAVILION SPOit'rSMAN-s WHARF Charcoal Broiler S E:afcod -Steaks -Chops. etc. Restaurant Open Daily 10 a.m. to 10 p .. m.-saturdays till mJdnlr ht Cocktail_ Bar Open Till 2 (Home of Rotaryl Mexican Foods e Enchiladas e Tacos e Tcrnales e Ch1li Rellenos. e tc. e Steaks Open 5 to 9:10 p. m. -C lo.ed M-da~ La 'hstt Our Beautiful Cocktail Lounge SAl'S SEIFIID sen tro f~ to adults. 2511 Newport ""'~ c... ~ • ..._. s..tt. ef s-ta Afte c-11~ o.a. "~~~.,s:;rvr~~ liiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii: AT T~E SIGN OF THE SWOIDASH ~ SHOlT OlDRS -SALADS ~ I ~1~6218==Cocmt==~H~wy~··~S~urfsi~~·~de=~Lo=n~v-Bea~=ch=~·-~2~405=~ : t:~ Ou~ J!'!t. ~ SI:J\ rooos ----HiDidey'a Pbmmacy ""' J02 NariM Ave. HA 2661-W 4 ~ ·~ la.AND, CALini""IA .. Oftr IGO.OOO -....~a EJEOtic Settl119 e CABinVAL e )OMlOR FAIR • LIVES'I'OCK e ROllE ECONOIIICS e Fl1fE ARTS e AGIUCUL"'1"u•a• e POULTRY e RABBITS e BOBBIES tllld Many 0... Exlalbtt. ............ -....... .......... ·-· ... ,,,_._ ..... l'r.IIIIMA..-SIIow f:30 p.IIL OSRICH lACES 8Cap A~t. ~ RATIOifAL HORSE SHOW OSIIICH lACES Aftenaoon-1 p.m. (Fri. -Sat. -Sun.) ~-'7:30p.m. (n.r.. -Fri. -Sat. -Sv "-) .._..._: Ol.llctftn !.~ ~ 'Jie-lae. Tall ftiEE STAGE SBOWS D.AILT IIAPI Elft'llDCE _. N.,.,....~ <&en........, SA.~O.) • Aaw of hrtdllt ,..., ..... Ga .. 1951 ~ ........... .., nNE ITALIAN DINNf2IS Alllo ~ -Prime Rlb!ri Cocktails 1611 Coast Bh'Cl. lfart.or 11 ,_, CJeroM .w .... RAGA~'~ Your r 'lmllv n e!'t ,, 11•-.nt (("1-tt ,..,,.-.. .. ~-) lUI <lna•t fth·•· ltta Con:M~Jt dt!l II:. r Steala • Qw)pa • Short Orden At C-.& JllpwaJ -Newport "Martner'a MUe" Red Snapper Cafe .101!: KA111C11., ~ .._eea .. The Beautiful Bancrwt Room A "·ailahk £0LO~I4L Specializing in Deliciously Prepayed SEAFOOD and STEAK DINNERS Maay ~Uotu t o ehOO!M' from A FIUillJ.y Restaara•t -Family Prl<'l'8 SPI'JCJAL MDI~DREN' DIN~U ()pea dally J1 :00 •. m. -CI<MM'd Mond11y~ E..'IRLY FISRERM.E.V' B REAKFAST At 4 a. m. 1014 Coast Hiway Newport Beach n-.cw,. Aup.t I. 1.1 a..GAL NO'ftel£ LIIO.U. N~ a..IA.L ,..,.._ LIIDOAL NO'IICE ~~ OP INTENDED iiL1C title and intft'elt u a partJJer or NOft<Z 01" IIBAIIDfO California. Ot' to present the ame, N.-ee a. lkftllt)' Oh~ that the ot.herwi,le m and to aJJ fumitare, ~partnership cons is t 1 n g of fixtures, equipment. signa, ac- HARRY L. MARTIN and PEARL counts and stock-in-trade located 0 . COOK doing busm under the on the p~ at 407~ Coast name and style "Johnn1e's U-Boulevard. Corona del Mar, and quo:rs" at 407~ Coast Boule'-'&J"d. that sa.id salt>, transfer and aai&n· Corona del Mar, Callfom la , has mcnt will be mad!.' and the 001\-~n dissolved. s ldcration therefor will be paid at No~ is he~ given that the w;t.h the n~ry vouchers, to City O>undJ of the City of Ne'llr· the under&JJ!'Il("d at his or her place port Beach will hold a public of busmess. to." 1l b.eartnc on the recommendation of c 'o DONALD D. HARWOOD the Pla.nninc Com.mluioo of the 1415 Coast HJd'Jy.-ay, City of Newport Beach to amend Corooa d l ~tar, Cahlomla Section 9102 of the MunldpeJ Code \\'lthin We months aftt"r the first of the City of Newport Beach so j pubUcat.Jon e;! this notJCE" that the area (l()IJ]priseod by certain Dated June 2!' 1951 No~ a. ~r Gh ·,_ that 10:00 a. m. on the 13th day of Au- Harry L . Martin. whose! address b gust. 1951 at the office ot Donald 407% Cout Boule,-ard, Corona ~ 0 . Ha~'OOd.. 1415 Cout Highway, kar, CaU!ornla, intends to seU to Corona dt-1 )far, California. loU In 'Tr-.ct 323, Block H. more CAR..c'IE~ !"JEL.c;;EN tuUy described as Lots 3. f. and 5, Admlna ratrlx of the Estate be l"t'zoned from C-1 to C-1-H dis· of said deoede'nt. trlct. DONALD D. HARWOOD Notice is hereby further gh-en 1415 Co& t HJgbway Pearl D. Cook, whose a~ ll Dated July 25, 1951. 407'1. Coast-Boulevard. Corona del " HARRY L. MARTIN that the saJd hearing wiU be held Corona del ~tar. Calif of Intended Vendor .wt:JIUIDAY • • • Lad Da,J ANf!M6~1aM.-c: RUBENSTEIN. PEERCE HEIFETZ New York PHILHARMONIC "O f Men and Music .. Starta Frt. • • • 5 Blr na,. 19.11 AC'Sdm-~y Award Wla.D.-r F -1-&-S-T R -t:-S ! PEARL D. COOK Int«.>nded Vendee By DONALD D. HARWOOD Atto~y on the 13\b day of Au~t, 1951,1 Attornt"y for Admini tratrix at the hour of 7.30 P. M. in tbe Publish : July 26, AUR. 2-9-16,1 Council Ownbers or ~ Oty 1951 Ln thE' ~ewport Harbor En- Hall, Newport Beach Califon:Ua. ign. Publish: Aug. 9, 1951 in the Newport Harbor Ensign. I at whJch time and place any and ==---:-;;;::;;:::::==::::;;;z:-:::-:::---::- aU persons intf'n> tf'd may appear and be heard lhf>reon P-IIIU C K. PfUEST CD'I'IF1C ATE OF B1J81NE88 Cit} Clt>rk f\etltloM ,,.. N-...e I P\.lbltsh Aug 9. 1951 ..._ "'·*~ do hereby OU·I -----tify that they a:e conbusd~ting a SOftCE TO BIDDERS Wholesale Clothmg .tneSS at Tile Board of Trw.tt>eS of the Ne~ Beach. Cahfonua. under l !"ewport Harbor L'nton H 1 g h the ficuUous n:m name or KIM School requests bids on gal>Olme OF ~UFQR.'\;lA and that ~d for transponatlon purposl's for firm lS rompo_ed of the following lhe yl'ar beg:uuun~ Septemb4'r 15. persons, whoso names and ad-11951. Approximate n<'\>d "•II tx> dresses are as follow • t.o-wll: 5500 ~allon of pr<>maum fut•l and JOlL~ F. ~ttn.E 61: r;:allon.s ot re~tar grad" tuf'l 1744 Mlra.ma~ Orin~. Balboa, 1 A maximum pnce per ~alton Cahfomia must be included in bid beyond JAN'£ H. ~BL.E whJch the prict-cannot ad,-ance 1744 Marama~ Dr!'e. Balboa. I Bids wtll be recehl"d in the of- Cabforrua fiee of the IURh chool up to 12 LOUISE F . HOSTETLER o'clock noon ~ptember 17 1951. 111 Apolt>n!l A\:e .. Balboa Island, and \\ill bt> open<'d in the board California room at 1 p. m on thf' 'laml.' day. I LEONARD . HOSTETLER Tht" board res<'!'\~ th<' n~ht to 111 Apolena AH• .. Balboa Island. rf•J(-ct am and all b1ds Cahfomia . uLLIAl" BL.'TLER Clf'rk \\'lblf'M our hand., thts 6th day Publish: Aug. 9-16. 1~1 or August. 1951 JOHN F. KlMBLI:: JANE H. KIMBLE LO lSE F HUml::R LEO!'I:ARD ~-IJO=--TETLER tat~ nf CallJontla Couacy of f)r&AK---. < n Augu:.t 6th, 1951 before me, th1• undl.'rsit:n"'d, a Notary Pubbc In and for sa1d County and S tatt' personall} appeared John F Kim· ble, Jane H. Kimble. Lowse F . H~teUf'r and Lt-on:~rd Hostel· 1 r known to m i.' to be th • persons \\ ho...c;e names arc subscribed to t.be Wi thin UlStrument and acknowl- edged th3l tht'} (.•,.ecuted the same. Wl\11•-my hand and otrietal al. tSEAL• ~11 >~Tl:. R. GRI..MES ~otar}' P ublic ln and tor .sa1d CoW\t) and State. SOTIC'E OF HF.,\RIS4o ::"-uiiCY 1.., h€'rr b' ~l\ t'n 1 h'lt tht> Plannm~ C'onv m .. .' .. if>n of th1 C1t~ "' ="••wporl BE-ach will hold a pub- Lit• t'of'annl! on thr-appllca t111n d C F :'>1artm 11ti Apolt>n.J A\•· Balboa bland. !'-t-ct•nn 3. Blo< k 6 Lot 22. 101 a \"an.;.ne<' m lh• front and ... ld<' ) ard !>I'' bllrk .. ~uiiC'\• ,... h<'rt•L\ I urlher l-rl' rn I hat thE' 1:1\Jd hl'3 rill\! Will b;• held un 1ht-16th da) of Au~:ust. 19"l1 at lhP hour of 7 3U p m 111 tht' C'oun· c1l Chambt'rs l)l th~: Cit~ llall ~ewport Beach. Cahfomut at "htch UJn<' and pla<X' an) and aJI per .... nns mterPSINi ma~ a ppear and be ht"ard tlwrron R.a~ Y C't>J)('hn. St>cretar) :--ll:."V."'PPRT BEACH CITY PI..A:>J:--."l.:W; C0:'-1:'-tiS!--ICI:" P\JhiJ,kJ Aug 9 1~1 My comnussion expll'el. Novem-so. tOn4 ber l3, 1954. NOTICE TO CREDITOR EH•r • o nN> Ia a "hll.. thf'r~> <'00, .. , out o r llull;\"\\ u41d " mo-tl''" t•lc•t ur.-\\ urlh~ of .. !W'('I31 prM.I-from r rltk>< th•• \\nrld u\ t>r -• -II rnC"I U r.-\\ It h I ...,.tlPf' ... , lar~ .. lhat .. \, n tl1•• "'""' IMr-Uc-ular uf 'iihnw rrttt.-.. \\Ill pr• ,,, .. ~1.\t ', s:i.'"lnt T~hoJC"nlnr prn- dlK"tluft •• ..,.110\\ 80 \ T " i .... uC"h a t•lf'lur!'. \\ lth It' ;~rr.t\ nf tHJt .. t.a.ndjna: <ot.ar.., It 1.. p r- turo> that I ff'f'l \t·r~ C"onnd•·nt in r••Nw-nnu,ncJina: to ~ pa trun .. ..,.. WP.. in m htiOD pldurc> .. na.•r- lajttmf'Dl. I t l' \\ith J..~at 11rldf' tb.~t u .. offt-r ~ ou thJ, vh't urr 011 a mowu•y b:lc-k J:UUrant-. It yuo arf' not pl.-.a-.MJ ";u, Uti .. attrdC'tlOn ~our mon•·Y \\ill tH• r ht"O"rfllJJy N"fUDdNl. it. \', <•t-~"DlTr. ~1\Ma.t.-r Port T h4":lt:r4-. < orou d t>l M ." ' Ad\· ..... SPECIAL MA11hEES E•ery Sat & Sun. ' ta..rriiiJ * Edmond 0 Bnen * Dea:1 Jagge: * Harry Carey Jf *: Forres Tucker _.._ "FATHER TAKES THE AlB ... -COMING - SUIIlY The Greate~ ~ .... Sl':'.J. o r Earth AT PGPULll PRICES -Pt._ .\ \1 E=-' OLIVl..J\ Cl"RWOOD' "SNOW DOG" Publl.Sh Aug. 9-16-23-30. 1951 &ta~ of Dl~"'EST H. DE SE..'~·A SOTICE OF HEAJUN~ Sotklfl h ilerebJ Gin.~ .-.;o~ce is bereby gl\ef\ that the ' ~tors or and all pel"SSO.'' ha\i ng Planrung ComnussJon or the Clty claims against the said decedent I.S REPAIR Day I> ~,~:itt Wat~r Of'&tf'r- c>f Newport Beach """U h?ld a pub-or said estate to file them "1th the Mocl••" Pow•r Tools for s.-r I SiM Stopp•t" he heanng on the appUca~oo or necessary vouchers in the offiet> the Newport Bay Comp&_n). 1600 I of the O•rk or the Superior Court ~utlli~~ytMa~~ce~~lhhe~C~o~Wl~·~~~o~r~~~~p~.~S~t.a~t~~~o~ru~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ rehef from the setbacks LD Ordi- 1 _:.:. DOl'G FAIRBA:-.:Ks Jr. .. Great Man Hunt" 8{."~"DAY-TUESDAY • • • DANNY KAYE .. On the RiYiera .. Te c h•l c-o lnr JEFF CHANDLER "Smuqgler·a Island" nance =-:o. 635. Notice is hereby further given 1 that the said heanng \\ill be held I on the 16th da) of Au,;.rust. 1951 at the hou.r of 7 :30 p. m. m tht> Coun- cil Chambers ot the City HaJJ, Newport Booch. C41Jfomia, at which tame and place any and aU persons 1nt~n· tL'ii may appeer nnd be heard therron Ray Y. Copelin, Secretary :-.il:.WPURT Bl:.ACH CI'I'\.' . PLAX:'\I~G CO~OliSSIO=" Publish · Aug. 9. 1951 in the Nf'wpoll Harbor En:.agn NOTICE O t" DINSOU ITIOS Notice l.s lll'rc'by Oh·••• that the co-pertnersh1p L'On~h.tmg or MAR- GAR1:.1 S. <..iRlUER and NI.NA Rl:.MELIZ' wh1ch hl'retofore did business under the nctiuous firm name and st) le, "Maggie's" at 308 '-,e Marine A vt>nue, .Balboa Is- land. CaUfomta, was dissolved by mutual COO!>ent on July 31, 1951 . Sotiee h F urtbC"r Gh·e. t.hal Nina R.emeUn wUJ have no further lnteresl or responsibility in con· ncction with the operation of the a(fairs ot said busmt-ss, and that M argaret S. Grid('r will continue to op€'ra te said busmt-ss ln her own name and at her own risk and re- aponslbiUty. Dated: July 31. 1951. :>JIN A REMELIN . 9. 1951 I11 Kindell's Patio --· JE~~,~ Gift . ~hop 1\Anny new and exciting items have been added for your approval ! e Gift 1tems for that spec1al occas1on e Exqu1site Jewelry for your new costume e Imports in china - beauttf ul colors and designs 12!7 Coast Blvd., Corona del Mar HA 3140-J \\Ch 1te Linen Casua l Jacket 'J' ! tC41> •• -. L .... I. "OOil CBU8'I'IAN .. An'll' Pastor Het"berl C. Roth will u.e u the theme {or hll lleftDOn '"!bank God ror Our CbriaUan W'OPIC .18 '8PIIUT' Faith" at the 11 a. m . Sunday ''Spirit.." the aupreme power of service at the • Newport Harbor the UDiVft'W, will be the aubject Lutheran Church in N e w p o r t for CODiideratioo in the Sunday Hftghts. Leaon&~ at the Newport Suneky School meeta at 9:30 a. ~ First Chureh of Olriat., m. The Adult Bible Study Claa, Sdenti.St a the entrance to Lido taught by the putor, wUl diacua ... This declaration from Ze-the 22nd and 23rd chapten or the ct.riah (4:6) will be the Goklen ao.pet according to St. Matthew Text: "Not b.r .might, nor power, thiB SunCS.y. v a c a t 1 on B t b 1 e llut by my sptnt. alth the Lord School meets every Tueaday and A record number or ... u boata raced Friday and Saturday to start off the week-long Padtlc eout-Southern california Reptta In bay and ocean ClOW'IM!S bfte. Among the four repeatft"'l ot the l 950 champions wu Bob Well-be~r or balboa Yaeht Club In his P-14.. Pork Chapa. ol hosta:• Thunday from 9 :30 to noon dur- &ali:Ja'l' ~O~ ing August. • • • Here llJ'e the 1951 cham .. : tar (15 etttrle.l: North Star, Lo- MU North_, SDYC, 4., pointa. 8)t request, Dr. Harry Whlt.e i.s PAS'I'Oil FllOM NEBaA8KA Jllr'addng a ~ he preached lour years ago entitled ''Grass-Occupying the pulpit this Sun- Ld • (19): V I c I o u I, Fred Schenck, NHYC. 3 ~. -.a _ __. Gi " s da day at the First Baptist Church I>JPI !U .uu ants un Y at of N""wport. 19th ·and Court Su .• flrdJJ <91 : Yump'n, Herb Wor- cester. ABYC, 5~. ~ Balboa kland Community " J&thodist Church. Special music \\ill be Rev. A. C. Downing, who __.,. be .....~ b .,._ n B for 14 years was J>*stor of the •au arrans""" Y ... te e rown Olivet Baptist Church In Omaha, llilh. The new pews have bet>n Nebr. He wiU preach at the 11 P-14 (6): Pork Ctlope, Bob Wri.l· berger, BYC, 3~. tutalled in the church. a. m. service on "God's 'Man, God's S..tll c.at I t (5): Olantyman, R. J. Carrlng~. BYC, 2~. ....,..rd (16): Bos'n, Tom Froat, NHYC. 5~. RIST CHURCH Of CHRIST Book and God's Message." His SCIENT1ST topic at the 7 :30 p. m. service w:IU ~· 120): Janie, Reed Scott. ct. be "On the Alert." Sunday School lJOl vt. LWo. N_,_t ... will be at 9:45 a. m. The mJd- BYC,S%. 8klmm~r (lll : Little Miss, Dick Lineberger. ABYC. 5%. A. braneh of The Mother Church. The week ser\'ice of pra) er and Bible fird Chureh of Chnrl, Sciefllist, i11 8os· study will tx> at 7:30p.m. WMnt'S· ton, Monachuse~. Ra.lnbow 17): Miyot. S1evt> Mul- hullt>n. ABYC. 2~. Silndoy School __ _ -·-9:15 a.m. Sundey Servic.e ... I I :00 a.m. Wedresde,-Eve"i"q meetinq _ 8 00 p.m. Reading Room loeeted at I II Palm St., Balbo., is ope" deily froM 12 noon to 5 p.m. ercept Su11doys and holi netio11elly observed. The public is cordially invited to at· tend the d ourch l&-voces end use the tleoding Room day. • • • Thi"U" 14): 'Nroutt>, George Cot- PASTOR FROM S. DAKOTA U~~tn~~~~l ~~%Rclampo, ME'rrlll Occupying the pulpit unday at Eyestone, CDYC, 4 1-.. St. Andrews Presbyteri3n Church Int. 110 (9): Mischit>f TI, Morton in Newport Hcights will be Rt>\'. Carlile, SDYC. 4 1~. E. Paul Ho\'ey of Hot Springs, ~atlonn l C9): Glamour Girl. Sid S. D. His e1•mon at the 10 a. m. Exley, ABYC, 3a4 • ser\'iC't> will be "Wh) Isn't it F'un?" Jnt. 14 121): Exterminator, John ThP Scripture Is from John l!\:1-11. r ('rti('t , Win'\\ard Yacht Club, • • • I 5" -!!!!!!!!!!!!::=~!!:!:3=::::::!i'i:!-==---'\\'HE~ WI<.:LL 00&~ OR\'' f';nl~· {231 . Birdie Buckt>t, Da.n- Re\'. Pet·ry F. Schrock, minister 1 ny Elliott. NHYC, 12%. emeritu~ of the C.orona d<'l Mar l !':1bot 1271 . Tomahawk, .J l' r r Y Phone -·· 2076 (Toll Free) Community Church, will again 0<'-Thompson. ARYC. 2 1~. cupy the pulpit lhi Sunday. lie will preach on the topic "Whrn Se..&es Held the Wrll GO<'s Dry" at both the a ~a; 9:•1:1 und 11 a. m. servkC's RE, .. •sxER~T • T~ PREACH 1 For HarOld COx .1. Stu~rt Innel"!'lt, a rt'sident a nd I FunC'ra l 1\t'l'\'icc for Harold Eu- t.'Ommumty lradc;>r of Cos~a M~sa ..:<>nl' Cox. 1695 Pacific Or., Coro a !ind an. ordamf>d M<>thodist mtn· drl 1\i,tr. \\t't<' hc;>ld Tu da~ at ISt('r. \nil occup~ tht' pulpit Sun-·rus nt•t nnd SIC'\ Pns mortuary m day morning nt Christ Church _by Pa.,ad<'nn. "ilh Rl''. Pc.'rr) F. the Sea. Balboa 81\'d. al 14th ~I ., Scht·ock mtni~lf'l' £'meriiU.'I of NC',.,'J)Ort. ''The St~.rr:r .. H('a\·e~s Commu~I IY Church In Corona d I and the ~~~ral La'' \\Ill be h1s Mar, officiating. sermon top1c. Re\'. and Mrs. I.n-Mr. Cox, 8 nathc.> of Quakers· n~rst spent ma~y )'E'ars as m1s-town. Pa .. had hn•d In this com· stonary lea~en; '':' the Orient. munftv for 10 }ears. He is sur- , Ml"!'l. l.RsUt> Fr~1tag ''?.II ~ solo-\'ivPd 'by his widow. Mrs. Frances lSI on S unday,..srnglng Gods Ca· Cox · four sons Harold or Pasa· thedral" by McEwan. Serv!<X>s den~. AJvin of Santa Ana. Roder- .,. ••••••••• iiliii~~;:~a~t~l~l·a~-~m:.. •• .. •••I ick of Midway, City and Matthew II of Corona del M.ar; two brothers, • The Barge lt6ft.'-QW '& M Newton H. Cox or Corona del Mar --v &A and John S. Cox or Pomona, and IIArtler 1111-BAJ1Mw liN-II eight grandchll_dr_e_n_. __ 0 F F NEW P 0 R T PIER --;: '-:.~ :"!. .._ E':~'t,~rn1: ~o:!~~·pas- ! UVE BAft BOATs L&&VE 1 a 7 ...-. ,._ _. e1 .._ tor of Christ Church by the Sea ~~~~~~~~~~;~~~~~~=~~~~~~~ and president or the Orange • County Council of Protestant Churches. Is enrolled this week ln the Workshop in Marrlage Coun· seling offered by the American Institute of FamUy Relatloru for clergymen. physicians. social work- ers, youth and other leaders who are closely related to Camlly ooun- ,... .............. ISLAND HARDWARE ellng. Tht' rour e ls belng of- fered a 1 the Hollywood headquar- ters. JCAJUJn: AYE. TRt\ \'1<:1. R\ PROXJE At a family pot-luck suppt>r to be hehl '\t the Balboa Island Com· munlty lfethodlst Church on Agate A\e. Mr. and Mrs. 1..A.'C Bolin of the> Island will show col- ored movi(''4 of their trip through Europe two ) eat'S ago Limited Load ILIICIIE SP.ECIILS Daily at 5:00 a. m. from the 110 ONE, IUT 110 OIIE Cl111 loa fteR LeW, Lew FACTOIY -1'0· YOU PlieD! OUR FACTOR YILUEI! Reg 9 95 Short Sleeve Linen Suits • . . 3.95 Reg. 14 95 Lonq Sleeve Sbarbld.n Suits . 5.95 Reg. 17.95 to 19.95 Sheen Gabardine & ShcmtuDg Suits • . 8.15 Reg 15.00 100-;0 Woolllacb . . . • 1.15 Reg 10.95 and 12.95 UM»o;0 Wool Skh1a 8.15 Reg. 4.95 Full Circle Print Sldrta • • • 2.45 Reg. 8.95 Hcmd lc:reeaed FuD Circle SkiN 3.15 Reg. 7.98 Sheen Gabarclina Slacks . • • U5 Reg. 2.95 Cotton & Crepe ltou.e. . 1A9 & 1.81 . . . LAY-AWAY SALE-LadiH' Genuine Suede TOPPERS. % length and full length Suede Coats Reg. 45.00 OEm.'1NE MI~EDE TOPPF.M!" Reg. 75.00 OE:NlJI f; !IJL"EDE ~4-LEN(ITII COAT Reg. 100.00 OEN1JINE SUEDE FULL I .. ENGTII OATS ..... . 29" w .... • • ¥ ••• MEN'S WEAR SENSATIONALLY LOW PRICED .~-A-C-T·O·I<-V·T-0-V-0-t· "'~> Mak(' 'f'm ---\'oa lhJ)' '"" t~t Tf'rrtnc· Hs"1nr• MEn FilE SLICD i-erfccUy tailored 11lackl' with contlnuou• Y.a.lst band. pleats, zippers. In fine 100% sll wool sh~ gabardine. spray sheen gabardine, twtJJ gabardine. flannels. shark- skins. tweeds, rayon 11hcen srobardln~. rayon ahnrk- skins. All colors, slzes 28 to ~- R• g 8.00 to 25.00 Value• .., .. .. . ,., . . . .. . . ... F.~g 2.95 Hawaiian Print Shirts • • . 1.8t Reg. 4. 95 Hand Painted lhh1a . . • . • 2.95 Reg 6 00 and 7.00 Sport lhb1a • . • . 3.95 Reg. 1 0 95 Zipper Gaba:rcllne Jadcet. 5.95 Reg. 15.95 Gabardine Lelnre Coats • . 10.15 ·Reg. 4.95 Men'• Leiaure lhoee . • . . . 2.11 . . . . • ... ... 1111111111,..... .... . Mea's Ill% Wool lpelt Coats PERFIXiTLY TA.ILOI&ED, nN£ PA6 RIC8 • S1Zct 36 to .e Reg. 29 .95 FACTORY 1995 14ft to 39.95 Values TO YOU , ,., •• 44 •• ,.....,. ........ . ---~--- rrB ECOIIOMICAL JW)M A TO Z! W.. we ..,.. ,. .. •a nree a ...., ., pllr .... ,... e-. .. a& ....... ~,.... ...... .,.,. . ___ ,...., ...... ,.. .... __...,. ,.,.......~ ..... ~ .... ....-.. c-e • r.r e a t ,.,. 6ttalh. _..,._ --~tuMy! Looq Ol.tcmce Local LAIWE OB SIIAI..I. 101 .. OIVP 8AJIZ CAD "'A'f!' "O"f' \\'Ida tlte WMN• ,ua.:s~ FOil LYON8 1966 Harbor Bl•d.. (ostl LUMBER -BUILDING MATERIALS BEacoa Ml6 .,.,... ()owerillp ..,..boll .. n~ -Rubber n1~ .. _ _..._ UnoJeum 'nle l.f~Ot .£ell MIOf' c.u•-..... a.. ... O!Mtty I ' T J er / , flUI 'hasc>r U('h d' J:Uiid 1),1\ I "wmumn~t. h~> add..O • ThPre wPrP ,ul!' ···'-' nr-. to; ··hm· I rnalm~ th•• ~'llkwa\ altJu~ tht> ocean 11ont a~> a puhhc-walk¥ :t~ I and for t{'QUC''>tlnK Jtn!lnctal rud I from thP city and count). and Pf'r- ha alw the tall' through t h•· • ta~ Park 0omm1SMQil of AD Kind. FLAGSTONE PATIOS BLOCK WAlJ,..SJ . . --·--• I"KEE E8nJIA TE8 • ...,. ... IEee-.. 1110-J • HA~ 1012-J U IJ Newpeft ltw4. c.e. ..... SOfo --20-YEAR LOAN Ooutrac:Uoa l...oe u 15 • 5Y,~ (U yn.) w~ buy and ~u Trus ~& 8EE BOB SA TrLEil ~en tint lUI c.ut 81,.._, oo• I'll. IIA 1017-1--&J 1-11• Bruns & Mar sac Plllllll c-... ... liar Water Beaten 0.~--......... 700 CaruUoa A\·eeue llarbor tS 18 HOME LOANS Low "REDUCING'' lntel'est Rates Low Monthly Payment. * We offer y ou ~he facih 1e~ of the Largest Federal Savings Associoicn m 'Jrange County You'll li\• ou• corcfiol ~ i" aotvift9 yow ...._ IS-FEIEIIL IIYI- IHL-IIIICIIIIIa LAGUNA ltACH "--• ._I I 77 -lU Ocoe" A ... You Can Do Better at 11fE (o. COI'lPLETE IIOME Ft."R~""'lSHJSGS BEacon 5656 Blvd. ..,... c..w.-••7'" SOn WATD OW A MOWTJILY 8DnCI! BAlli Phone Kimbedy 2-7291 u .. E. nasT aTREJ:T IAJITA ANA Industrial -Commercial & Residential Wiriag LAMBADa BLBCTIUC Elet>trlt'lll ontnt'tor l~U B[ILO GG RaiGDEL--- • tAt t_. ••l"t ~1m In ~our pl:~ru. \\'I' will tlacU~ Hllm.tt.-t'flllt.. ''' m11trrlat . rN-.. mmr n.l '' ('Hfttrn••fnr or ti~IJt ~''" nht.•ltt :. luae fllr Of'W con"1 rnrllon nr rf'ml~•·llnt.:. Donna Mae Clark Is Marrled To Robert Charles Pollard Voon.a )iae Clark. daugh- ._. of llr. and lira. F . R. Put- 11ier', 1716 Waterfront Dr .. ean- de.l Mar, aod Robert 0\Alrle:s Pol- Jan~, .. ol llr. and N.rl. w. J . Pollard. 2025 N. Broadwa)', Santa Aaa. "'ere united in mam.age Sat- .-day t 5 o'clock. In SL James ..-oopal Church. V~ith Re\. Paul ~wr rc>adtn~; the double ring ~ony 1be bride wu a:owned in • wb.i lt' imported awiu ernbroiclen!d organdy O\'er bhab pink aatln. An illusion veil wu caught with juliet cap trimmed with wed pevls. She wu gi\·en aV~-.y b)• Mr. Putzier. Tile matron of honor V~ru llrs. Frt>«nnln A. Fowler Jr .. or West Los An~eles. Briclet;m&ida we"e' Jan Caraway of Santa Ana and Mrs. Jaml'S H . Clark, s1Bter-ln-1aw of the bride. from HE'nnOIUl Beach. Jadt L. Belford of Santa An& wu bPst roan. e.nd Paul Etzold and James H. Clark. brothM' of the bride. wei-to ushers. Mrs. Kenneth Akln of Santa Ana sang ''Ob Perft'Ct Lo\'e" and A number ot Harbor area artists ''The Lord's Prayer." A reception ~t'C rst~ proounently in t~e was held in thf.' church garden. Laguna Art Festhal whJch ended A s i s tIn .It V~"t'n> Mrs. Martha Sunday The centraJ art exhlbJl Crooks. Miss Margaret Ward. ltus ,~o•ar open to na\Jonal Mi Nancy Vann. and Mrs Ray aompPti\Jon and Lucilf.' Delano Nit>lsen and )lf.'r d3u~hter, Mrs. (Jirs Earl Chamberlain I and C'harles Ridnam. Norman ChambeJ lain \\et'e both Mrs. Putzit>r wo~ 8 bluf.' la~ acc:{'pte-d tor han~rin.g in the Urn-l!V'' n with pink accessorit>S. 'I'm' Jte-d ,.ho" j:!TO()m's mother -...'Ore a JroWn of ..;oan lnm · :\Jr ... Rex BranjtJ a'-ht>S or ~ with navy accet~­ ww. ~wardf'd first p11U' for the sories. For hPr tMl\'elin~ costume. bL-:-, • •' rt,>lul m 1 he ft-sth-al the bride \\'Ore' a kE>llY J!T'('("n ilk 4spl.iy booths and a Sf'<'Ond prize shantun~ su.it \\ith na,~· )>IUf> ac- was j1rt" ntcd tn the modt>rn mter-cessories. ior 61 play wh1ch c;howt>d lht> fur-Following their hont>ymoon trip nitw· • d~i.•m-d b) Maurice Mar-to Santa Barbara. San Francisco tuw Anltlnt: th!' uthf"r rxh.ib1tors a nd Lakt> Ta.hat>. t r. and Mrs. y,eu· TI1••lma Paddock Jlopt>. Burt Pollard will be a t homt.> at 5131-. Prct<'ttll )fr -.nd Mr. Phil Dikt>. C'rchid A\'E' .. Corona del Mar R•·'\ ·~r1•1<it ~. h t Ru<'. F rank I Donna Mae attl'nd d ~nnta Ann J lanulh·n •·••lr!;:l' 1-~inch. Dorothy H il:h School and groduat('d from KiJ • It ~: , P•>t •· !lt;"l'r. Dm'Othy t 'nt\'f.'rSity of 'California at Santn K 1 ,,,, .1. tul•u·a J.-arg. Ha7t~l Rarbara. where> sh<' wa n mf"ml><'r H ,Jtrhu "· 1 t.-1 J1 r.hmck<' and W1l-of Alpha Phi sor'Ority. Robert at- llam Fr J, •• r t£>nd<'d Tu.,un High School. was in thl :'\a \·y tor lhrt'<' years. and at-w J. p e Se5 t<'nd<'<l California Poly at • an Lu.is OTK rogr s _ob_is..:..po_. ______ _ On CDM Church~ T 'llun.: h~f"' ndjoini!'lt th<' Co-(/ltJ1110M't. ron:t rt •1 :'hr rommunaty Church i!': ttw 1:iditi 111 'hat Is lx'inc ron-/?I ~ ~truct.-d und<'r the> Sf'lf-hPip pay-• 'fU""'P'Sl a.01-\ nu-::o phn By A.VN Fooun.:s htHt> :1 I r <' n d ~ h <' <' n 1 poul"f'Ci Back·f1lhnll will be. donr .-t, and rac!lant heatin~: will ~ Get> it's excitin~· "ath all t h<' Installed. and by t~e end of thiS I college girls bustling 1.n and out m onth 'hE> lnb "111 be' poun>d. and tr)ing on the 0('\\ fall dolh<'s complt>tmtt tht> fil"'t phase or 1 h<> which are j u s t a r r .i v 1 n J: a t prf" .k'ct O'BRIEN'S. 1 And somt> of lh<' Full time on the job are !;~ l\'an matrons aren't missing out eilhf.'r, H~ of South GatC'. foN'man. and b' bein~ among the first to look BlU Turner of But>na Park. car-at the new 1951 fall styles.\ J)('nter prov\dPd by _G~ble an~ ta 11~ to tltfota chatter-AsSb<'iat~. rhul't'h buylding ~rdi-ln.,; Me* dd forth It _...._ nator . They nre as astro by work Ukt> every .ehool Is a IJttlf' cUI- crews from the church member-fe.reat Ia t.hdr CUAtonul of d.re.. ship. Big~t crt>w to ~ate was ~. partkala.rl~·. tlltould on band last Saturday, mcludlng be oaltand at O'IUUEr8 Vocue 0. M. Ctunpbell. Norman Frahm. Faehloa Show NEX'I' .._...y, Mike Healy WiiiJam HUJnMOn. wxt door at Raca•'• ae.ta• W!'ndPll Ho)'1 and son Hsrla n, rant, to ~~>t t~ low dOWII from Studrt DiPhl and son Bobby. Ha r-the other ctrls nn w1aat t.o take old Benedict and son Gene. Montf.' tG tlldr parUcalal' 8Ch04)ia. (Pre- Beaman. Lowell . Newlon .. Monta freshmen. too. ml~ht be ,·ery P erry. R F S mit h, Merlin Ver-t'CODom.lcal .. ct buy W .s year•• bunt. R F Bt>c.htold an~ F . M.l W"ardrob8 with u e)·e to ..,_ere Clark. 111 the way from Long Ute~-wtll KG nut year.) Beach F'r instan~: Marty Lewis !'aYS that emphasis is on sport HOLD BIRTHDAY PARTY clothes at Stanford ~10S1 dates ThP Roy Ke<>nes or Bal~ at-are C..'\Sual af1 tirs at the three> or tendr ti P fa.nUI:-bll:~day dinner t four much frt.>quentc-d placcs nt>ar rart\ a wrek a •o ~"en ln honor th(> camp'!!-, and •'I<' ~:iris wear of F 0 'BobJ Mayftdd and Dean casual dresses. cord" 'lnd ni~ ~mi•h of rosta Mesa. The hon· \\onlc; as ''f.'ll as their be-st !tweat- oreo .. : ''h~'' arra.n~ed the party. crs and skjrts. It's R big time which lnclud"<i 20 relatives. when the co-eds ~o to San Fran- ... ,11 1 , 1 1 1 , , , , , , ,,. • •• • teu ''~'"1 ci co and \'4'ry dN> sy for lhosc 1· • Jo,·el:r rar~ occash>ns · --AND :: ~ ; , bf> sUr-e to ha\'<' a white blow: • for BONNY : thf' stl dent !-"Ction at foC>lball BRAIDS ~ 1 Jrames, Marty WI'~:. ' : , ~heil:1 ROW4' ~<n~·s n nt to for· : Tha : :1dorable A ~ • Dick Tracy • ~~ .. .,.~"> ~ bab y doll ~ . - 1! - -• A ,of•, c~.oddly, .udy ·htwed ~ttw baby • 1 p-: !at•• body 14 •nchf'S long. Oro• eod tn christening G'\"''' boo•.as o/\d bttd IOC~at • • ,. 1 ny too•h bru•h 1\do ~ 1 to your fam1ly todty '6" Broolrinp VARIETY STORE • ~··t til a t Rerkt>l~>~· ls f'uldt>r tJuut • !'\··wrort and has morf' ralll lf ~!!-;_, ~ ,,u ul'e pla.nnln~ 011 a Unh·erslty , l}f Callfoml" t>tlae.'lUOD . 'l'wN"th arf' deflaltdy 111. \OifUP u .&re knlt.A, I'Wr ~ trrs, fllklrtl' and r.aa- ua1 woob for wcbool. Daw i dre.es are r ty elotlaee wltll -eo~ too extre~~~M~ for ttle c:ol- : ~~~d ;:;: ::~:y ~:: lou.bte (aad t1tet1e ~teW dutr4-r • gn &re •;terb). Doe't lakt> • 'R'b ,tf. c'nthH. ~·oo w••'t Wf'llr • 'ern. 8bt> ~mnmeeds a warna ~ coat. lf ,·oa -vu t to he cum- • fortahl·· a .d c,ft&rt. ... . . . . ~ ThN•e's a mystery surnwnd.ing • one of the moJels at the fash1on " show Tue~ 1 <don't forget to be : there at 2·30 p. n., YOU'RE in- • vitcd). Thls model is a curly- -h11ired hrun• tt" and is not offi· • cial!r enroll('(] ln an) Ct"lle~e al- • though h<' claims to ha' P hnd a • rourse in canme culturc at OCC. ll~rbor 850 • Tl•" name is M. Poh SI"t, but he b: • 6 17 c .,ast IIIYc! .• CoN'na del Mar ~ h rl't'r known as ".1<>11y Benn."j -.iiiil"'iiiiiiiiil•-•iiiiiiliiiiii.jl H• 's bound ~o steal th<> shCI\\. 1-0 • fo1n'1 miss hJm! GS CARPETING There•a more money for YOU 111 yew ~ ..._ )'OU buy all your food needs lit ftlcf\a,_...........,... MOney to aweeten the uvlnga in the augar bowl or • fatten the piggy bank. You uve more mcMMy beca..a yeu MV. more often. We make every ~loe a low price every day--4nd that meaM real aav~...-every time yeu ahop here. ~ino Is believlfttl. And you'll MUeve your eyee wtten you see how quickly your suear bowl bank fllla up wftll ~np-wittl extra money for YOU! • • S'LUtUI!IT--(ilr&IA~ f4ht Meet ./ 2-tJ.CAII • • • NO. 1·2 CAll I-ll. CAN Royal Gelatin OLSON BftOI. Small--Grade A Swift's Brookfield Grade A KftAF'rl Salad D,...na Desserts Fresh EftS Iutter Mir'cl Whip P ac.kage Donn Lb. carton P int 3k 3 for 17C 39c 74c qt.57c \ 1 t \ • • ~ ALEX'S--Made with Manning's 8.Mf 11z. LAftGE~ANCY--LEACH£0 • • ~for ~ • • • • • • • • • • FAftMEft IMITH'I-Long, Green . '. . . . . ftATH'I Black HaWk-fture Perk Lb. Spicecii.Nie• Melt 59c FULL OF JUICE-Thin Skinned Featuring Ma.nning'a V.I . GoV't. GriHied Chotce THUR&DAY BLUEBERRY MUFFINS .............. 6 for SSe FR'DAY I ~n Top STRA\VB ''~. PIE ...... each 58c j RYE BREAD--..~1 or Plaia loaf. . ..... 22e I SA TUft DAY LAftGE-7-INCH-2-LAYER I . B \NAN A CAD .............................. each 87e j POTA.ro BREAD ............................ loaf 2lc • • • • • • • • Ill. Ill. •• New -Different -Delicious TftOPI BftAND from Koeeela PapaJa_ f1oat ~pbtt tic Pineapple .Juice ~ plat25c Oooouwt Special ~pbttfte. Cabbqe latce ~ pint!Oc IPECIALS EFFECTIVE THUftl., Fftl., SAT. -AUG. 1-10-11