HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-08-16 - Newport Harbor Ensign... ••• ...... a a • • • 7 • • 10 11 •• , ••••• ,. 17 •• •••••• u u 28 •n • • ao •• Plllftlt ... 3 .. :u I#•• r·.•-""" u .. t. . POST GE PAID CORONA DEL MAll CALIF. S Centa SChMI lmtees' Hit lay Mesans Donna Mae Clark Is Married To Robert Charles POllard M1s.s Dvt1na 'tae Clark. da~h­ _. of Mr. ucl M.ra. F . R. Put- *r, 1 n6 Waterfront Dr., Corona del Mar, a.nd Robert Charles PoJ- Iard, .an of Kr. ancl Mrs. W. J. Pollard, 2025 N. Broadway, Santa Aaa. "er.;! united 10 marnage Sa\.- 8"CCay at S o'clock. in SL Jam~ Bplscopal Church, with Rev. PauJ Wbeder reo cb~ the double ring The bride wu gowned ln a "lute imported swla embroidered organdy O\'t'r bJuah plnk satin. An illusion v~l was ce~t with juliet C'llp trimmed with se<>d pearl . S he "li.S Jlh m away by Mr. PUtzier. The.> matron or honor wa.s Mrs. FrE-eman A. Fowler Jr., of West Los An~t>les. Bride,smaids were Jane Caraway or Santa Ana and Mrs. Jam<-s H . Clark, fliRter-in-law of the briCk>. from Hermosa Beach. Jadr L. Relford or Santa Ana wu lx>st man. and Paul Etzold and Jamf>S H. Clark . broth<>r of the bride, we~ ushers. Nl'f'mony M rs Kt'nneth Akin of Santa Ana a.ng "Ob Perfe-ct J .«)\'t>" and A number or Ha.tbor ~artists ''Tht-Lord's Pnlyt>r." A I"{'C{'p1ion were featured prorrunentJy in the wa.s held in tht> church garden. l,..aguna Art fo~c th1ll whjch ended A s 1 s t i n .~t Wt>rt> Mrs Martha Sunday The t..-entral art exrubJt Crooks, Miss Margaret Ward. was tru ""'ar UJX'n to national l\tis.s Nancy Vann. and M rs Ray oomp('tition nd Lucile Delano Nic:-lsE'n and .ht>r daulthter , Mrs. tKn. ~rl Cbambet Jain 1 and ~hRf'IN! Sidnam N orman Ch::unbcr'hlin \\<'H' both Mrs Putzit>r wore R blut> lace aC\•'Ph~ 101 h nl!'an~ in t he lim-'!'OWn with pink a~riK. Thf' •tf'd ... hn"' 1.'1'00m's motht>r wore a gown of Juan I.rHm' \lr". Rl.'x nn~n J > a"h~ of rosf's with navy a~s­ wa." .l\\ttrdl'd tu-st pnzt? for the S'>ril's For ht>r trnvt'lin~ eo5tumt>, 1 ~· \ t'• rt••lor n thf' h's li\al thl' brldf" wore a kf'lly J,!N>en silk dlspl:.ty bf'w)lh'\ and n ~('ond prize shantunsr suH with n:n~· bluf' 8<'· 1 wa.<i pll: ... , nte<l to th1 mod•·m intt'r-~ori<'S j ior dtsrlnv \\nich o;howf•d 'h" rur-~ Followln~ thf?'ir hom•)moon trip ni tun~ dl'!.h,'lll'<i b) Maurice Mar-to !'anta &rbant. San Frandsen t1n1 "m<)n" •h·· nthf't t'Xrubrtors and Lakf' Tahoe, Mr and Mr: I \\.t•r••lrl••lma PuddO<·k JICIJ)('. Burt !Pollard wiJl tx>·a t hnm(' a t 5131, P rvl'l"r )1 r -.nd l\1 r<. PJ11I Dik<'. c 'r"hrd A \if' .• Corona d<'l ~far R , -:. 1n•i• '\1Ph 1 R tJI F r 'lnk Donna :\fat' atl<>ndNI Santa Ana J{;m Jl•· n t~ tlt ~t' Fmrh. DorothY Jli::-h Srhool aJ1d '.'1'8dun trd from Klr '11 'tt l"'ollon~;er.l)(lrothy l'IHV('~ity nr C.a)ifomla at Sant'l K1 ,,,, .1. r of11ra K,rg Ha71'1 Barhar a wht're sh wa:-. a mf'mt'K.'r H Jtrnu, lh•l'fr hhrnckl' and W rl• nr Al pha Phi sorority RntK-rt nt- llam F r 1..,.,.., I• nrl<'d Tu ... tin Hi~h School wac; tn tlu :-.=a,~ f<lr thr<'<' )c-ars. a nd at· W f. Pr e5Se5 1t ndf>d Cali!Clmia Poly a t ~'~n Luis OTK ogr O bispo. On CDM Church ----~---~---..-.-----._,.___-_.-___ -,.,._. T tKrn '-hif)o adjoinj n~:: the Co-(//.,tJM-4 rnn 1 .-l •I '1 u CnmmunH y Churc:-h is l h·--1 \tlili •n •hat is hf>inc: ('('n-1 /'II stntC't"'d un<Wr thr o;rlf·h"IP flAY· ..,u.,.,f!4 a. -\'ntJ-zn phn -,--Footin-:sha~ra lr t>act~ b r<'n l pouf'Pd 'Rack·ftllimi will '1ft>. donP By ANN .xt,. ,.nd radiant hratln~ w11l l?" Gt r it'l> exC'itinr • '" lh all 1 ht installed. and b y th<' end of thiS I C011(1;c.> girls bw.tling m and out m onth •h~> <~lob ." ill hE-pouf'f'd. and tryln~ on t hr nPv. fall rlotht'S compl•''intt •h~> first pha <' or th~> which are j u t a r r i v in 1:: a t prr iN't I O'BRIEX'S. I And SOm(' or thP Full Hme on the job are Sylvan matrons art'n't missing out either, H MS of c;;outh Gatt' forPman and b~ bein~:: amom~ t he rim to look Blll Turner of Buf'na Park. C'ar·1a t the new 1951 fall styll's.l pentc:-r, pro,;dPd by G~mble and Ia lls tfttille" to thf'm chatter- AssociatM rhur<'h bu.lldin~ roo_rdl-lJtK back utd forth lt. I'IOadtl nalor&. They are as tBlf"d by work Ilk.-ever)' !K'hool 111 a llttlf" cllf- crew"ll from the church mt>mbt"r-ft"rf'}lt Ia thdr eu.tom.11 of •~ shlp. Bi~t CT't'W to d.ale was ~ ~)' 8llould nn hand last Saturday. including ~ 011 Jwtd at O'BIUEN:S Vope 0 .. M. Campbell .. Norman Frahm. Fa ... oa Sh~' SEX'I' ,._...,y, Mikt> Healy WtiJiam Humuon. ~xt door at Rap.a'a ae.taa- Wrndt>ll . Hoyt a n d son Harla n, raJit. to CPt th .. low ctmn from St w rt Dtl'hl and son Bobby. Har-the oUter ~rl11 on w'hat to take old Rt>nedict and ron Gen~. Mon te I to ttadr parUcular ~OOIA. (Pre- Beaman. l.Jiwe ll . Newlon .• M~~~a trf'SIImc>n, too. mlpt w \'N Y P em•. R F S msth. MPrlinF M-P('()Domlo l ud buy tills ,....., •• burt:. R F &>chtold a nd-· · w'llrdN>~ with lUI ey .. to where Clark. =til tbl' way from Long 1 tht"y w111 co n~xt ~·ear.) Beach F'r instance: Marty Lewis II'&:\ s that Pmphasis 1s on sport HOLD BIRTHDAY PARTY at C'l;Jihi."S a t S tanford . Most dates ThP Roy Kt't"nes or Balboa -ar(' Cl<;W\1 an tirs at thr thre(' or 1~>ndni '' faJTUI) birthday dmnt>r I four m uch I rt·quf"n tr d plaC<'s nt>ar p:tr.l a wC'ek a .:o given in honor I thf' ramp••-. and • te rirls Wt'ar or F. 0 Bob l ;1.1a)hdd and~!~ rnc:ual rlrt•"c;f'<;, mrdc; "\nd nJce ~m• h 1f rosta ~ttsa 1ile ,,,v,J~.; , ... \\PII as th<'ir tx-st -.weat· orP< \\1 , .... uran~ed _the party. l,.., a nd o;kirts It's a big timt! whkh inf'IIJd<>d 20 relative~ __ 1 ~' hrn tht' ro-eds go to San Fran-;.-;-, • • • • • • • • • •· '' • '' • ''" • • '"'.; I rro;co nnd \'f•ry dr,..ssy for 1 hose • • I0\('1\ sare O<'~"'.asi..ms ---A..'\;0 : ,t-. BONNY : llf• sur~> to haw· n .whiff' blrou .... for • • thf' "'' irnt ~rtrnr a t fon ball • BRAIDS • J.!llmf's. Mart) \\Pm >. • • ~hl'iln R O\\P <~nrs n ot to tnr- -T ~o · . "! - -- .. ---.. f\ .oft, c .dr'ly, ly 1-toi•cd ., ... b8by ... • pt.: fete• bOdy 4 o'IC ... t'S long. Or.,, ed in christening .. .., .. , boo!ees ~"d Md jodet .. ,. • to ny tooth br.1 I. 1\dd h,r to your fert~tly todey '6" Brooldnp J: t th 1t ~rkf'l,.~ Is c-o lt!Pr tha.ll '·'"Tfrrt and hl\'i morf' raJ11 11 ::_j ~ 111 ure plannln~ oa a t:nh'el'8ity ••f CaiJfomJ ~ educ:atlo•. Tw'N-:111 nr" ct.-n nltdy l.n ,·o~of' M .1re k nit ... ""'' tf>rs . 111k.lrl-. and ra!l- rc 1 \\on b. for IM:bool. &latl> 11~ aN' t' ty clothes w1tll eotltiltc tM ~~trMIJ('I for til~ col- lette Cirlt;., Dark color.. ra.ta, htowns nnd ~rys ar.-Vf!t'Y ~tdl­ hubfe (and th~ aew dartler fCI'e111 ~t rP IIU~). DGe't ta.kt" ~·Jl,w ctotht";l, ~·m• "''•'t wMt.r •,.m. filltf' r f'<•otnnlt"ftds a wa rm coat. If ~·oo ·vant to be wm- • rort:~hl ..... d "'•ftllrt. ~~I • • • : 1 Th«"N>'s 8 m)'-stery surro: nding ~ nn<· of the moj cls at the f8shlon • sno\\ Tuesd8 1 (don't forget to be : there at 2·30 p. n .. YOU'RE in- • vllt'd 1. This model Is 8 curly- • h.ured hrun• 1 tP and io; not offi- C'ial!/ tnr,lll'd In 11 n~ C<'lle):e ttl- • fhou~eh he clnim! to h~\1' had a -rv,•Jrl'r In can.nP culturr at OCC. : HArbor 850 ~ J{,., name is N: roi rsl't, hut hf' 1!: • 617 Co•st llvd .. CONtn• del M•r j t rr 'knrMn 31; ''.t£'11~· &-.n." V ARIEI'Y STORE ,,. • • • • • • '" ·• ·•' • ·• ~ ~' •: H• !': :~Jund ~o steal thP sho\\, '>0 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiil-jl c'o~n't miss hun! BUCScWETINc ... ~.,-, . ~--· .. ~-...__/~ _. -;· ... ·~~ , . t til OOAS'I' IIOCLICV AD CORONA DD. JL\& ...,.... .. There'• more money for YOU In :yeur budget wteen :yeu buy all your food needs at Rlchard'a more money to aweeten t.he aavings In the sugar bowl or tD fatten the piggy bank. You aave more money -.c.u. you uve more often. We make every prloe a low price every da~nd that means real UYtftila every time you ahop here. Seeing is bellevirtg. And you'll believe your eyee When you se.e how quickly your augw bow I bank fills up with uvt,.._wlth extra for YOU! Royal Gelatin Desserts Package 3 for 17c • • OLSON BROS. Small-Grade A Fresh ECJCJS Dozen 39c ALEX'$-Made w ith Manning's Beef 1·01. Large T Mlllles • • 2 for 39c FISHER's-Loaf Loaf Anterican Cheese 2-1». 89c .ORDEN'S Lb. Jed Cheese . . . . . S9c RATH'S •lack Hawk-Pure~ Lb. Spiced t..cheen Meat S9c • 2-LJ.CAN • NO. 1-2 CAN 3 -ll. CAN 79c Swift's Brookfield Grade A KRAFT"S Salad Or.-lng Mir'cl Whip Lb. CJ~rton Pint 33c: 74c qt.57c • • • • • • • VINE RIPENED-ROCKY FORO c.talolpes t e e 3 fM 2k FARMER IMITH'8-Long, Green Each ...... 3c FULL OF JUI<;E-Thln Skinned • • • • • • • • Futurlng Mannlng'a U.S. Gov't. Gnlded ChoiCe Beef Flneat Beef Obtainable THURSDAY BLUEBERRY MlJPnNS...... ...... .6 for SSe FR'DAY Open Top STRA \Vii ~R" PIE ...... each 58c RYE BREAD--Seef1 or Plaia loaf .......... 22e SATURDAY LARGE-7·1 I~CH-2·LAYER B \NAN A CAKE ............................ each 87e POTATO BREAD ............................. loaf 2le Ill. 6'9c Ill. 69c Ill. New • Different • Delicious TAOPI .RAND from K.._l• PapaJa Ploat ~ptnt!tc Pineapple Aulce % plat200 eoco...t Special * pllltfte. Clabllap luice ~ pillt!Oe SPECIALS EFFECTIVE THURI., FRI., SAT.-AUG. t -10-11 • ---.. MMit t•a ------.. , 1 a a 4 •• 7 •• 10 11 , ••• 14 ,. ,. 17 18 •• ao at a aa a4 zs .. .., • n ao at _- Qty Council Monday ~nin~ approved the r •601Ution of Inten- tion to ord 'r tJ,~: pavlng ot alleys north of the highway in Corona del f Mar and ~t Tueed&Y ewnlng. St'pt.. 11 , as ~he date for a public hearing on the project. Protests, ln wrlttng, mu.t be re- C't'ivt'd by the city clerk before 7:30 that ttvt'nlng. OM ~ ~rth of Fourth AYe., between -"1 Irta and Jemdhe awn•ll. baa .,.._n eUmirsted from the JII'Oj@et bec.UR of ~ata over ~Xl"leiiiiYe a.t or m.ta1111 a tttonn a.m. <Tftt or tJJe i801wtta~t on mtet. tklft ts prbttet on ,._ .. ) ,~_. Bid3 ~ re Called -lty CNU\cil voteJ l\toM~J~ f>\t'· 1 ~~~ to c;.ll fllr h1<is "" in.c;tallinst . n ornrunt>ntal q\J-N,'t li~h In~: sy~­ tt>m ln Balll'.a 'oH'S 'lnd Sttt 7\Jes- day. ~ept. l l. as t)\(' date for open- lost the bids. t ~otlce in"ith~J beds is publlt!)'e-d on Page 7 or tl'lis Is- of the Ensic l .. ll< • ,. ·-cS u l'. ·. POSTAG PAID 5 Cents VoL 4--No. l p ICE I! ••• e ALL OUA.&A.~ • o.l)' I• .~ ... -fW ~ ~· ...... ..-J75 Oaly f'11i111r -ODIM .. t 'rom 100 wam "" BACK RESTS EVr.&YnUNG FOil THE BEACII ~ ~ l iVE cur e OtJTftOARoe e TACJ.JJ!; • .·maU IM-t Lannl'lalo:: ftlunday. A...-a II. 1•1 "-~« ere.ty. o..t o.l--.& BouJe\"ard, after having cut t.M !'lls tu.re has been bountiful in be-one telephone line Jeadin« out ot slu. ing beauty upon Nl"wport. the city. · Harbor, and the muses have been Their Hrst ch8rge of dynamite gracious In allowing us th~ dft-disturbed nothing but the sleep ed hastoriana to record our cftY'• of the citizenry, whieh iDduded hialOI")•: J~ B«>k ol Balboa the two local bartenders, by name Island hu written an amuainc ac-of BUiy Hall and ChaJiey Gnu . count of the eerl.y days ol his Bal-who grabbed pants and IIIIDtcuaa boa-Balboa bland FetTy; HarTY and rushed to the benlt. By the Welch, ~tary ~tua ot our time the~ guard arrt_., the Chambt-r of Commerce\ !'-& a won-robbers had fired their -..ld derfuJ maau.cript of JUI account charge of dyna.mlte at tbe 4loor ot the growth of thJa ,.,.,UIIIty of the vault, and it wu u puny which aome angel, or J1611dt)'-as the ftnt dlutlt'· mlDded dtben with a hat tul1 of 'Q)e h~·o intftplds em tile outr nlOI'Il'Y a.hou.ld have pullllshed ln aldP beglln shootin« at • two or*r that •ucb a oomple .. "*-'Y c:rookll who ~ ~ tMtr be made ~bile propeny; and Jut, thlrd blut. At this inapportune because his book was printed first, timt' a wandering ~ cle--an~ that's the bQok that ~ are d~ that be &hould 10 home. AI. gomg to talk about --· H. Lancey his path to borne was right acroa Sherman's History of Newport the Une ol fire. and u he was publlBhed here in 1931. neither an accomplice nor ally of I...ancry was a fine citizen: be one we.rring faction or the other Jo, l"d this t:ommunHy and worked he drew the> enthuslutk n.r. of unstintingly Cor . its betterme.nt. both: but Je t it bt-said with pride He had many hne . construcU\·e that It wu t he Newport kan ideas for increasing the pleasure HaU. who bro~ht rum down wU.h and be-auty or N~"tport, and they a blast or blrd.sbot. exten~ from workin& nlght and The ye~a:-then fired t.beir third Winners for the aecond \\'t't'k in day WJt h Duke ~ardner to COD· load or "soup" and this time It August \C'ere announced Friday at struct a large rehef map of the was a charm· it not only destroyed the regular meetin g or the Balboa Har·bor which had sail ~ls rae-the door or ihe safe: it ~ lsland Yacht lub for boys and rng up the bay and heelm~ O\-eJ> the safe 1111 or it.~. ne~ouable aoo-prla or the Harbor Area. First qwte reati lically, aU moH>d by an tents ..;,d the \\hole bank ~d­ plaeea were "'on by the following unseen moto r built under the map: ing 'But 1 h.-robt:M>rs escaped 1n ~ people : to running for the City Council, or the. buggy to Santa Ana. Tbey Latllc -Mark Scudder Gall Board of Tru5tees, as that august are stiJJ at largt> ._ White, BJU Uoyd. Mo~ Rae body was called In the earlier Up unlit Ia" t month thia book Barlow. Mickey Smitb, PbyUJ.a da)•s. The map and the sa.JI boats was obtainabl from the Olam- and Ann Rawlins John Kenzie· were a sueot'ss. and the memory ber or Commrree but now the sup- ........,.. -Mark Scudder: of it caused Duke Ga~ner to ply is exhaustPd. and I end on Donna Hartman. Hank Kyle, wonder whert; the map 1.s, as he that sad note. Mona Rae Bulow Tod White has not een 11 for years. ============= Ann Rawlins, To~ Jones: ' Looking through his History of Dhilla' -Carol Williams Tod Newpor t Beach shows one that White GaiJ White Betty' BEclt Sherman put in y<'ars or exacting Bruce' Pittman, Sonny Coane: research. It is a tormal history Mona Rae Barlow· whose facts were dug out of old 8".........._.-Bobbie i t cKenzie Tod histories, coun1 y reoords. new · I While. Donna Hutman. Betty paper files. city cl<'rk's records. Bt;>ck. Hank K>le. Pa t Dyer, Bob and old tales extracted from peo· Ibbot.son· pie much older than hc:-rman. He B&lliloa ~~M ickey Smith, ha s organized lht> book in such a Roger Boy\'ey· manner as to make it an everlut· S...'lll,... -Tom Frost Benny in5: soUI"Cf' book. Then he went •Benjamin. • to the personal expelllH' or having Results for week before last: it published .. when. as he must l'a4Nkliloardtl _ MArk Scudder ha\·e lmown, 1t 'A'OUid be n xt to Donna Hartmann BiU Vandling' impossibl{' to sell any kind of book Pat D)'er Tod whlte Ann Raw~ in its year or publication, 1931. Uns. Bob .Ibbotson: • Besides hla ~lllH' or historical ao-1q -Carol Williams, ·Gail value, Shennan had an acute aoense WhJte. Bill Lloyd, Mona Rae of humor, and has p rHCrved for Bar low. Tod White. Carol Ey-(lOSit'rlt y the tale oC lh<' bank rob- man Noel Barlow· ber). 1912 two yegp tole a Dt"ill«. _ CaroJ Williams Randy horse a nd. buggy. hitched it o ut Wright. Tod White, &uy In-back, and entered the S tate Bank man. Judy Swim, Bruce Pitt-nf Nt>wport at 22nd and Newport {Toll Free) man. Eleanor Guthrie. Bob Ib- botson: I L " I S I 0 A T SwtJIIIIlla«-Bobby M c K e n z J e, H...,.ert --Donna Hartmann. Hank Kyle. i~~~~~~~~~~~lj~ Pat Dyer. Tod White, Judy Swim, Bob Ibbotson; Salllltc' -Tom Frost won both Snowbird races; Ann Rawlins ~'On both dinghy races. Results or the July series were aoo announced. with Mickey Smith. Ann Rawlins and Roger Boyvey taking flrat. second and third ln the dinghy races and Tom Frost, Commodore Benny ~ja­ min and Vice-Commodore Noel Barlow being hl~est three ln nowbirds. Current s tandings in the Mon- roe trophy competition. for all- around sportsman, place Miekey Smith u first. Judy Swim second. Mona Rae Barlow thiJ'd and Ann Rawlins and Noel Barlow tied for fourth.. • ------------------ Limltecl toad ILIICIIE IPEGII!.S Daily at YO a. m. from the I Showers and Pre-Wedding Parties Held for Peggy Diehl Committet> ppolntm~nu ~ an.notmced at t-he Aug. 3 meeting Showe~ a.nd pre-v."Cd<bng par- of the Ocean Front and Beach ties a.re making busy days for Protective Auoctation, and John Peggy I:Mhl of Corona <k>l Mar, lfanttel of U W. 0cean Front, who will bfocome the bride of Ma- BalbOa, was ~?leere-d as vice-presi-riM Sgt. Gene Lay t.h.l5 month. dent. Pt>cgy •-u honored early this \\'l.N li' TilE I A CII.PO"'' Mrs. Ullian Ht>nnPbcrn Sl!c !\arci.s us A\ Corona c~e·l Mar v.-u the luck~ v.innt.>r of t~ jaek- pot at the Pori ThPatN" ThUr'$· cl&y e\·eonlng, Aug. 2. Chairman of the Action Com· month with a ldtcben ahow~r at mlttee ia Mrs. Victor Nd . .aglen, the home of Mrs. Will'red Chaplin wit~ of the &ctor. and commlttft In Hollydale. Deooralions were mt>mben a~ Mrs. W. H. Coleman. kitchen utet\$ils tied to white MB . NeU Grundy, Mrs. H . P. streamers and refJ'Hhment.s In· Younglove. R S. Kt'l~. S. L I t'luded a dfoocol"llt<'d ca.ke and i~ Martin. Hans Warjon<> and R. B. t-re&m. Guests a t the party wert> Powell Mrs. tuart DiPhl, tht> honoree's moth r, M ...... James Wh)'14", Mrs. Harold &>De-diet. Mrs. Bernard Gier, Mrs. Michael K.rocha1k. Mrs. Bessit.> Bell<'dict and Miss Pat Hul- famn. Ot.Mrs who sent glfta Wf'ft M.W Eleanor Fe~uson, Mia Jo Anne Queen, Mrs. Laurence Bene-~ct a nd ~-J ohn H~ --------------------------------------------------~-- Pla~g Comnutti>t'' Stu art J'~L lllllli, If. Cundiff. chairman; Jobn Mangel. -A. B. W8t, HUJ(h McConnell, Mn. NeU Grundy, Mrs.£. J . WaU, £ ... at Avt."ry Crary a nd ~trs. Robert £. Roes, Wbo ll a oo the secretary of tht> Aaodation . Fin&DCI': H~h lf c Conn e J 1. chairman; A. L.. Doe burg and Mti. George Nt>v.~rl. A seoond party was ~ld Jut w~k on 'I\IKda.y at thfo horne of Mrs \Vt>ndell Ho\-"t, 314 H.-liotrope J A"e, Corona <k>l Mar. Co-botitea wa.s Mrs. Burt Procter. Refn.>Shm(>nts. mcludlng a rost"- bud decorate-d cake, we~ served I l.n the patio. Guests who attepded the party were Miss Ma"'*""' Scharle. Mesda~ W. 0 H uma-1 &On, Malcolm Shannon, Thomas Kelly, G. D. Grupe, Mert>d.ith H&r- ~~~:ood, Oart'nce Dodd. Norm.n Frahm, J . Leslie S tefft>nsen, Har- old Benedict. George IA.>wts. L A. J'l:orman, John L. Sadlt>tr Thomas Smith, A. A Ke-mper and 1ht» ~a.J: E. Avery Crary, chair· man; George Sarau. R B. Powell. Paul F~J.Uell and Shirley Mesetve. Funeral a.nies 1ftf"t held Sat- urday at lhe Gral.lt'l Chapel ln Costa Mesa for J ohn S. Allman. 64. of 539 Ali8o A\'P, Newport Hcis::hts. who dif'd Ia t Thursday at hio; home after a r.;udd<>n illn£' s. RC'v. Tom Pt'ndf'll of \hri~t Church by tht> s.>a . 1'\t>wport. of- ficiat<'d at tht> SN'\ i('('l-Jntermf"nl 1 \.\'88 in WP tmin_tt-t MC'moriAI Park honort'e and ht.>r motht>r o..-..,11+1 . -. s-et-.. 10 • .,.,. Publici ly · Bob Brown. chair· man Ttw m•w prel'lidf'nt of the Asso- ciatsun is Geort::t> Carroll, who was e!ettf'd at the July meEOtin~ to l UC<'t-t'd A 8 . W PSl. THIRD Ol&L BORS Mr Altman "ho wa.c; 8 N£'\\.'JX'Irl Beach rraltor. was 11 nativ or Pennsyl\'anla and had II\ f'd hf>rt> for four \ 1"8 rs. ~lU"\ 1\ 01 s 1 ncluc:k> Mr. and Mrs Ronald Backes. his wido"· Mr~oo Matt.>~ AJtman, I 511. Full rtoo A\·e · i'l t> w p o_r 1 · ont.> son, Or R ichard Altman nr Hetgh~. are ~ht> pan>nt of a third ~t.>WPOrt , " dau~hter, M r' Mi~tnot baby grrl, Di~u· Lynn, born Frl-1't.>desco of NP" York. r/ltBCfiOOL.I dsy, Aug. 3. m ·anta Ana Com-I munity Hospital. weighinst eight pounds. 'J'!'e oldest daughter 1..1 Alene Ehresman named Dons Lort'ne and thl' se- cond daughter, Dina Lee. Hosts Bridge Club .-DI.RECTQRY I Mrs Alt>n<· 1-.hr•'~man 4!11••. The Cloll-sia 1lrclle and pantie JIVNDlAL taJ)()'I'()Il 1 ClubhousE' :-\P\\ l'•,rt \\11, ho~t• ~' O tO ht'r bridl:(• t'IUb for It l o'C!Uc.:k Baltz Mortuary 0\apel by the Sea HARBOR 42 Corona del Mar, Ca.llfonda Ample Off-Street ParidDI INSURANCE For Every Need ISLAND REALTY CO. HaTfty D.~ HARBOR m -w Park at Ap te, Balboa t.laDd "BE SURE -INSURE" with Maurie Stanley Insure.nce Counsellor HARBOR 17'71 225 Marine Ave .. Balboa I8IMd W. Stuart Foote r~SURANCE 2117 W. Balboa Blvd. Newport Beach, CaUf. Phone: HArbor 24 81LVDl PLATlNO · S:.lver Platers AJ•d su~u. Repalriug -R.eftiUIIInc Replattnc Gold -f>llver -Copper -ar.. Nea• CommunH,y OnB'dl 1914 Harbor Blvd, C.O.ta .._ Beeooa 5113 IIUIIIO Margaret L. Scharle Teacher of Plano Orpnlat -A~t E\eniqO.... for Aclulta aa7 GOLDENROD AVE. lwtc-hron 8 nd ;t f 11 rnnon vf ra rd<. Tu<'sda~. Oct. 7. at tht· Ralooa &~ I Club. Gut'f't~ \\ c•rt• MmP~ Rn- b<>rl HP,dland. Glt>n F:hn: ... man, I Currier Thatcht.>r, J. K. PtN'Wl John Becker. Marson Morris. F rank Ford, LawrMH-t• Abbott 1 and Mar,_haU Moss. all from Po- , mona; and Mmcos Wins fr('(! llacon or ~('\.\port Bearh 8 J-.o f OrmPrl\ of PomonA Honolulu Trip Is Graduation Gift I t's been. a busy round of sum· mt'r entenaining for Mr. and Mrs A. J . Lohman, 2173 Ocean Bh•d .. l 8ojboa, who mo\'ed to the penin· sula from Corona dt>l Mar t'arlier in tht.> season. The Lohmans' daughter. Gloria. has been enjoying a graduation prt> nt of a tnp to Honolulu this summer. She will be home in tim<" to t>nter OranRe Coast Col- leJ::<' thls fall and will probably brin~t Shirlt.>y Merrill with hrr to attl'nd school. Gloria has bct'n "''is· iHng Shirley, "ho rormerl) lived 10 the Harbor arC'a CA8!'01DA!i' RA\"'E ~OS Mr. a nd Mrs. Stan C'asslda of 421 1\:as ''old A w .. C'nrona d<'l Mar, are the partnts of a httl«' son, \'-ei$!hlng 8 pounds. 1 ounCP. whom tlwy have nam(•d Richard ~tephen The bttle bo~ a• rl\'f'd b) way of 'L Joseph HO!>plt .. J, on Wednesday, Aug. 1. ........ tiniest Sensation •t It •wtetwa to fit oil ~~esl Rur· Nalllaut "Yion elos1ic., W0hes ..ay, dries qulddy. ~ ....... SMell, ~~tJm ln't'f' '395 1209 Coast Blvd • ... tneals every so often! with an elect• ic home Hl.rbc!' 1292 -\'' Corona ~~ Mar I 1 rn.•-~ Lawrence K. Gundrum, M.D. J741 Superior Ave,.. eo.ta 11- Pnctioe Lfnd~ to DleeuN ot \he Ear N-. and n•roat aDd~ Offtce Houn: bJ t BEacon 6508 « liar 1• Day or Night MO'f81"Cl &Lilli I VCR A BILP to :utrained food bu.t M I family meal at no COlt. ~ially when it'a a ta5t)' and delic~ mtel ~ .wryone enjoys. Oh yea. there are WQSit can ~ dOM-with an ~l~trlc fioloM food frftRr to help. Take the filhinc trip '"eatch'' or the hunt.anc trip ''b.c." &ond •w~ in your hOlM &wzer,lt will keep •f.&y for months. And ~-me tlalftl wtth &ar.ten produ~-you can kl p k ff'Mh and delieklul for • Joncas a year. H~'• •nod\er tip: Store up thoee leftover portlona of meat In JOUr (Neier. Sew tt.n unlil you have eno~ for al~. anctwxt.e. 01' ~meat ~ies. You can even •w era vies. ·l'ooctprtee._.incwhat they are. It rek~• a fl'M~~ no•• and thft, to make enck •""'· Or you can let th~ •vlnp pay for 10U' frftier. lt'a ae-., • tha~-110 why walt? See )'OW' dMJ( r now 1 A DOU MOUSI led • · N•••. lti.,. ~Itt tht. ...... r;.,:. ~oo ..... Cv: -~-::. Je1 Mar IOUTHIIN CALIPOIIUA IDIION COMMNY ~ - Attractlvt-2-tx-droom bomP OG full WU'd lot m a fine BALnOA ~ l~NO lc~Cataon. Stu«oo ('11:ft•l"1t1r frJr y malntenancx• •nd koouy pinf' In t ~ r i o r for mfort and charm. Pll-nt) of clo" I t•ot'. lat1;t> fe-net'd pa tJo and a Uaiable gara t' w1th hundr)' and '-t.ben' dlower . .... , ......... ,"" Stanley Hadfield ....... ... ......._._ ............. ........ nus wnx .. s SPECJAL e e e BALBOA ISLAND BAYFBONT Lk•-'>t "\orth Ba) front location. CIDM lt l'\t>r.) thin~. Two-unJt. rour-bt'droom homt> tVt<'O baths, plus bathing hower11. and l~plete on£'-b€>droom an- com<• &f•3rt.nwut o\et doubl<' q&ral:l' Ampl~> .a7l'd rustic br1C'k 1 llo wmpl<'mf'nts thf.' rant'! ,,)If.' mntif. :-.w ttus \\'l'IJ built homl' toda,· and note tht> many buih·an n•alurt'.s mcor- rJOra ltd b} J most rt'll- <~ b I ~ t 11d •'XJX'ri<'nocd L•JJ I~• • AND MO~T IMI~O&TANT Thl• anthnwtt<.' ,., Jtood, lhe UIC'OnJ<' f'(.'C()rd ll~"i.UJ"eS' }"OU Of ,j safe pta~ for )'Our money, 111 & • (IJl qua I"·' tnY('S tm<'n t. • • • J. A. leek Ol6te & ll~:a bland P~rr)' llubor 6S lb lbo:l lalaad $7250 Nt•W b!> dt rot la,:t<'. 1 block trom ()('<'an and b:ly. Priced $1 ,000 under the m3rket. Con'<tdPr lnt .!> ()1rl !1t1ym('nt ) IIJ N•wporl Blvd. HAtb« 2552 N.wporl k•dl Bl y , A I.ARCE OCEAN VJI::w LOT EXCELLENT LOCATION A:-.10 ZONED f'OP. 2 UNITS 1016 & 400 Cont llvd .. HA 2202 -HA 1162 ViEW ! LOCATION! See 218 Hcuel Dri.e Corona dj'l Ma r. A c.-harmin~ home 1 n<•at Qc.-,•~tn Bh'<i 1 offcN'd b) CO! CO:t'Jt BJvd. OWNER SAYS ~~-l l!Jibo<t nwdPt'll clupl~:x. fur- nisllf'd, r•t!J~•r~'nl II'\ N liY<.;. ('10"1' tn J;OPd l>.1thln~ bNI('h. J Ufll l BVRJi nbll' Sppl 1. Own- rr hll}S st>ll at $15,500 ........ ., 01. 700 r;. Balt.oa Blvd. ...._ nor au' .. BEAUTIFUL VIEW LOT, corner Channel Road & Ocean boa Pemnsula Owner w11l sacrdice for quick sale. on Bel- Cash or Terms DO NOT overl ook tlus wonderful buy lot ~ COIOIIA DEL MAl P a..ert B. L,._ aad R«*tt L Lpa. ~ 411 CoCIIIt louleYCJrd CORONA DEL MAli F~ Motel &A..,. 1111 IIAIIIIOa l- • U )OU can qualify for a G 1 fln.uH.'('d homf' we· suggest you make a ~ lint• to • • • IUUTIFUL CUFF llYEII v. ~ we can offer }OU the B!::ST In THREE-BEDROOM HOMES. bud on lllr'tt> lots. wide str-ts, in a highl~ restric.-tt'd area Don't confuse tht'St' offr-rinc w11 h •Ju> ordmar) tract type of homes because the)' are ltuated in refined, homf.'y atmosphc['(' on a high plate-au. where the genth~ bl'l'eU'S rrom thf> Pacific make this aJ"t"a idC'al for good living. 1 Remember the choi<.'t' is thtnruJlr. down; tPn hove been sold l'<'<lently and as th1s ad goes to p""--ss we haw-- • • • ., OIEE Tl .liSE Fill - --when they 3['(' gone there will be no more at these prices and low terms Call or see Fl'ed Barker, BE 5795 or BE 6~9-J Charming 2-bedroom home large paho and lanru Excellent locahon dose to hne beach and public pier .. $1~500 hrk ,,,.,.ue at MAnnt• flnlhmt blnnd IIArbur ~4ft $9.- NICE 2-BEDRUOM HOUS~. HARDWOOD FLRS., FrRE- PLACE. St.500 dowa, balanet' like rt>nt. ~ Etatate aad luuraa~ l!lt Oout Blvd., ().0.11. llArtMw 81 ~ LSe.eiMIIer • REALTOit • BUSINESS 0 "0lTUNITIES • SUMMER 'RENTALS IDrhr n• 1523 Co.st .,.,., Corona del M•r LOUIS F. GATES Co.t. AppnJeH -O.L '-- Home t.oan. to bu:r. blillcl. refinance or !or altuaUona GENERAL INSURANCE IIArbor lHt ... ()out Blvd., Ooroaa d_. 1lbl' $5,000 Polio Policy 'tor Your Family $10 fer 2 Y11rs (Sii for lndh1dtml) liniN ·w. Rlllllle ~,'.~t C«one del M•r, Ph. HA ll l lvd. Ill CYCLE Lee Shipley OIUQI~AL8 •••tum and Reed)t Made PI as ll<' A \."Cf UOI"'ea ,, t Clnosf'l KJtctwn, BatJ'I 1 10., c-... BhL, ('otl WIU.PIPEI All New 1951 Pattema Co11rfesy to Paint.s I O.C••t.rt ......... 61 I Coast HitJ,"'•Y N..,._. ..... O,.ll Nithta - -s-. 10 a.M. -4 ,_ DALn NEW Leeatlea 1174~ • OO!!ITA MESA • *WE BUY FOR CASH GOOD USED FURNITURE J 1474 ltarbor llh-d .. <Jo.ta lleoea Bl:acoa .. ,.., Try the it. Schwinn Bicyclez Ray Stedman 1574 Newport Blvd .• Coeta Meea. BEacon 5128-J S.......,....w!....,. .... .... ..._ ___ .....,_ PMilMala FliiM'UouJ . . • UYab&e Architecture and color by outstanding a uthoriUes .r you art' interested Ln 5ef'- lng the \'Cry l..A TEST in dl'si~ and color. Se<' theee * HaffiOI- n~stmo•l CO .• RE.d. TOitS Newport Bh.._ at lltla k NEwroa-:- RA ·- PAINTING Earl ShelliD !1S Pallaer St. -Ooeta Keea B&claa IU1-M BUG & UPHOLStERY CLEANING • Oil ....... • Werk o-naaee. MOODY l.NTE&IOI18 ()all~ tiM ,.. ~ ... '! "' ()out Bl•-d. Corm\& JIM f-V SETS~ nu TV lOt I N••peti ..,.,, ~ our STUDEIIIEI Dealer • SAlES • SERVICE • PARTS . --~ ·-·-...... ................... floor,.,._ _____ ....,. $9,9SO TMIM EA&L OII.UIIID.IAIN .c-.a ..... IIAUMMl--o,, .......... c..-..... These Are Your •••••••• FOR THIS WEEK ON USED APPUANCES 1 Dt>Juxf.' 8-ft. GENERAL ELECTRIC Refrigerator. 8 months old: like new. wu $32995. NOW $24995 ' SAVE $100.00 I VICTOR 9--fl. Freezer; 'fEW !!! Regular price $366 95 NOW $266.95 1 EASY Splndrier W a 1 h I n g Machlne- $29.95 1 G-E Portable Dishwasher; dt>monstrator, guaranteed- $1 39.95 J GENERAL ELECI'RIC Au- tomatic Wuher, excellent con- dition: gra\.B.Oteed for 1 YKr $239.95 1 6-Ct. KELVlNATOR Rt>Crlg- t>rator, wonderlul condition; ~ranteed- $79 95 Lido El«tric Co . APPI..lANCD 516 Coast Highway I Newport Beach BEacon 5:505 FOR SALE Corona POrtable t)'J)e'Wrl ter po•rf oood.. HA 32<1. Rio:PO ' .E:S'§EO• Beautiful Elec-j tric on:an Jo'amoua make. For , chUI'('h or hotT'e. Pay out bal- ance. B•t: o;ann g. U ke new. D A.'IJZ-. Hl\flDT PIANO at1d URCA."\ CO ~ta Ana, 520 I No. Main com~r 6th. t 'OR SALE IA'<'r rille, custom I mad.... Maw •·r .»-06 \\'ea\·er K-4 '5COJ~rl. oond. HA 324. FOR SALh 41 5" Coldspot ref rig ., I ----t , 15; Sin..-cr ... w. mach .. $15 : ls:e., ()t'lintt'd Cht~l or drav.ers. SJ: dbl. laundr~ trays. ~:alvaruzed, -; 401 5 Mascus Ave., Nt'\lo-port I ~ach GH~'It;D PlA '-: S. Big Summer · It' now ot. S teinway, Ma90n Hamlin, Knabe, Chlck(·rml.!. t.~. Wurlll.~r. Sohmer. fuh- f'r and m&n) others. Some n<•w, .liOtne ~ Ptttices start at $39.5. DANZ-SCHMIDT PIANO CO .. 520 No. Main. Santa Ana. goes F R SALE P11tols, S&W. K-.Z.f ~l re\·oh r, Jll·rf cond.; allo .32-20 Colt r voht'r HArbor 324. 1-'0 R S AU ; ~f, bicycle, t:ood condition, $15 HA 0629-J. Sl&_\lESE malt ldtten 3 months old lor aal HA 1238-W. SPINET PIA.."\U. Pay out hal&nce $265. AnoUW~r Sp~t.. bal. $387 Klmbal made . ·~t. $493. Sao PIC I '0 U I I ~u;,!~8~~r:~~~ BlC PlANO STORE, 100 bar- F.'on•te M ~L ' q'aJns, 520 ~o Main. Santa Ana, r ~ rosn~·r Gth. ,o I F ALCON bn!\t !or sale. Call KA 1 ha.'t> • • • ••d <'OMt' iJulpH't 1utd drh.-0197-J hl'fnr· 10 a . m. or 6 to ~d t.ht>lc' tborouchly ~kMI ,.a,.._ I i p. m. ~t all ID A-I C'OIIdtt.km throapout. PlANO for !;:tit•, nulple, Kimball I ca~ '50 Cadillac 61 , ~-dr. sMlan. _ conoolcu.-~~~. HArbor 1678. uv at \\W, rulh· e-qu1pped S34j() .. u J '50 Cadilluc·61. cpe., Dt>VIUc 110 MOTOR01~ 1V combtna on l . tYJ)4>. ww, fully eoquipped. lncludm~ "!·w antE-nna 135. also a '4R Cadillac 62. 4-<lr. sedan, HArbor 28'Y-·R. · I ~~j.~ ww. fully (•qutpped -- -a Real Estate bo.) ~ bf'auty . · $2395 owr 1 '4 Cadillac 62. Sedanet Itt. "'OR RE .. ""' 11 f 1 \\ """ ww. fully <'QWPJX'd. a real .-. ;-.. • 'Ina cottagc. urn . buy ~2465 pnv patiO. ·1r. humdry room. H~ ~>U '41 Cadillac· 60s. 4-dr sedan.'' N~ar li<'hool. •\dulls or o~ult & orig black fXlint S1080 c.-hlld. $6(1. 111 I utll. 614 , Be- '50 M(>rc~ry. Sport ~dan.~ ~ttonia, Cr>M HArbor 2766. Mr. hC'atf'r, radjo, OD and Campbcll. ww. \"ery low mHeaJ:t'. POR RE:'Io'1 .. -.~S6::::5-m-o-. -:::Se~p~,~--;-J-:-un::-:1" Don't miss this one .. $1875 15. Attrac fum. 2·bdnn. mod '49 M<'rcury oon\·ertible club housf' v.ilh JMIIO. ~ Ff'mledr coupe, ww. t'le<'. window COM. HArtour 1197-R. lifts, radJo. ht>ater. OD $1675 FOR RJ:;~T 1-bdrm. apt .. Ja r '50 ChevrolPt Club cpe .. fully livlng rm & ·ar. Yearly rental. equipped. with V('t')' Jow 7041,11 Jl.-lint• ope, COM. mllea.~te & pr!Ct'd below w AliffEo TO REN:-;.T~i;-n~co=M-:;-;b->· , the market ···-· $1595 Sept. 1 rurn 2-dbrm .. prefpr 2 47 Cht:\-Wiet club CJ?f:> .. fully b:l ths . 3 ndulta. no J)f'ts, prt>f<'r <'QUIPI)('d, new pamt $1085 yrly r ('ntal Rt>fs. HA 0060-M. '41 Cht'vrolet club roup<.'. 12 ~ ----new palnt ~ take your FO R RJo:NT R•10m with priv <>nt. choit"l' .. $ 595 & bath. 511 Hnzt>l Dl"l\'t>. CDM. '41 Buick. 4-dr . sedan, ww, l'NJo' 'RN. ('I ''1. r<'n . rt'nu..;ru;w SJ)('dal thla Wt'('k . _ .. S 388 1-& 2-bttrm •rts., uJtra rnod<'m.j ''J ~ ... 18 Me~et.lul. Bulk THm• 0c<'an \If'\\ IIA 1671. •.. ,... . ..... ,. 2604 Newport """· Newport ... dt Plto"e HArbor I 407 H. H. HOLBROOK Dependable Plumbin9 A Prompt Repstr Service Malnt11lned Ph~ ~r JUI-W 1801 BalhnJa Blvd. Newport BeMtt WANT YOUR DffiTY WORK DONE? COTOHAL .. Compl~t.-~caning IPrvlce. Wlndov.-,, n oor waXlnf: and pol- \shfns:. wall wuhlng. C.U Harbor 17S6--W ~ACRIFJ\fo. Corona HJ-;-'g7h7la .... n:-;ds.-l Fort R-2 'It'\\ h•• llOxlOO. Pri\'. lwach Gforald prh. C"311 nwn('r, Lon~ Reach 1 tn~r•••m,·r 6R5-564 1~17 Orangt> A\'f'. San Jo'OR RE!\"T 1-BR apt. ln Balboa, Santa '• blk. frl'm bay, S<>pt l~Jun<' best-ball 15, $4 mo Wourd coruudt'r yrly. putt b~ lf'asf'. H A Jl -J 1 ht> ma SUMMEH Rl 'TAL B8) Front. In t Lido I 1.-1-hdrm. unit, priv pla~t'd ~aeh. S1!1 -,., "C1'k. HA 2";:;2, lllack <'h'll. JIA 24l14-t . Paul II~ • " J llw hf'' t FOR R El\"T-F urn. studio apt. "h<•rift Will O('('Onl 2 adults. Clost' to I .... ·, nur""""'' bay & oc('an. Pl<-as. surround. fl<'ll Summ<'r or y•I..Y rental, 307 Gold-I nnd c:'Rrol, C'DM HArbor 1046. _ Santa A WINTER RF:'o. fAI. ONLY Oct. 1 to Jun(' 1 2 hdrm. rum. hous('. Final $75 mo. plu~ utll. S('(! owner, 110 Opal. HalhoH Island. I Tht' rt --OOU~(' WOULD 1\kt> lllllurance agent to Cro"~ ahal"C N'tll Mitnlc otrloe. OR d<>Sk ~ri apace ror r('nt, HA.rbor 370. linn is FOR RENT -3 bedroom Modem noon 1\t \B'Ifuml he'd h~. ~rly nt'W, Nt•wJlOrt 2 baths. (lreplnce, pra c. Year-North ly IMR $110 month. ftarbor from 289Z·R. CO\'t>. NEW LOCATION! Wll'a Tr1l 1 hll OSED MAB1NE GEAR ......... O...etieM -"-' .... • W£ IUY SClAP "4ET AlS • Near Ice Hou.e on 30th "-e HArt-1470, ....,._. ... ell oood. HA 324. • OPEN SUNDAYS • refrlg.,l----....;;;..;~;....;;..;;;..;..;.~..;_;;_---- . mach .• $15 : -t.,..j........._ -a_ "-1- of dra\\er&, $3; .~~-~r trays, gah"8Jl1Zed. A .. ·e, NM\-port ~ Plaa .Summer • Sleinway Mason t(c.mlsnuro from Page 1) Knabe, ou'ck nn~:. toa1d h ba<.'k<•d up Mr An<k>rson's tu>r Sohmer F ISh-st.atemt"nl. oth~. Som~ 0(>\\', 'TIII'r.-''vuJd bt> &n upn.sing or ~oes &"tart at 95. Co.ta M·-:.a 1 ud •nib and ple:nt}' or PIANO C'O. bJood) ~-s 1f tJu.s annexation Ana J.:DeS lhrou~th." he saJd. H{' added &.:::::;=::,=.,::;:.::;:.:...· ...,.......,...... that tht>re is already some hard .32 20 Jet>luu: amonr.: the students be--I cause of what he calk>d &nobbLSh-f.:::.:.-::::~::,.;:;::;...:32;::..::1.:.......---, nesa nf t udt•n 1" t rom !': ..-wport &>ac:h tv\\atd the t.o-<:alled "Goat HlU." Mr Opp submitted to the Trus- t a pt.>Ullon carTyi.OI 750 Costa a.t~ Sl .. <natu.rt> and oooosing an- nexation. Cl ·m Knox, president oi the Ovic Leaeue, asked tbat an "'"'',..,..., ... rentals and <'Xprt"SSJon of opinion ~ obt.a.sned DANZ-SCl{)fiDT 1 e1ther at a ma m t't'Ung or by STORE tOO bu-, po~tcurd poll. Main, Santa Ana, B(>.ird .Mem~r Lcs Stefl enS('n I of Coronu del Mar, "ho two sons HA M\t~ l'Onl' through H1~h ::>chool, said hl• was not aware of snob-tO a . m., or 6 to b1.8hnt: !'.. "JC there are to be any IJJood) nOS(.'1), st would be only be- maple, Kimball catUe "e parents would talk 1t HArbor 167R. I up at hwne." ht.> 1d J . .\. Ik>t•k of Balboa l5.1and, antenna. $135. also a Bo;u ·d member. Uld he had · ncH'I ht·ard of the tenn, ''Goat ~o--------1 H1U."' a nd ad~ that hi three 00)1> had had rm·ndl. from all 1.--------1 o'er lht> -'C'"])Ort-Costa Mesa area II cottage fum "h~o·n tlw) "~re m high schooL r •• Laundry · room: Ill• su;.:l{t'l>lNi po tponlng action. AduliJ! or adult & Brnu·d mt.·mbt.>r Had Ring of Lido i . uti I. 614 '-J Be-hie t,!Ud 1 ha 1 ll was deplorytble HArbor 2766. ~11 that the • 00.'\rd should be sub)l'Ct· t-d 10 th11 ats Jud~e Dodge. who hu.., bt·t-n mt•rntwr of the rd l>tnt't.' 1ts tx•~:mrung, said he couldn't bt•ht•,., that the people of Co ta Mt' a "ould do any1hin~ to harm thl" school. Brnd<'n Ftnt'h. formt•r member of tht' School Board and now a :\'t.'W}X)rt Councilman called the thr1.•a1s "df'!'pu:abll·· and said the (" la Mt•:-nrls "1"1 <' exprt'ssing a no JX'tS. prl'ft'r 'rul«" 11 w ru111 st' (lOiicy. He said Refs. HA 05GO-M.1 h~ would \'Oh .r.: ... nst annexation \\-i th priv t'nt. a t this tlmt• ,I 1 fl'('ling .e~lsts Hnzel Driv(>, COM. and ur~ed d<'lnymJ: the dt.'t'tSU)n. I -rca. rt nt.-.; nt'w -~~~~· .... m• cou :~pis .. ultra modt'm. HA 1671. Corona ~ighlands 1 For the ccond ron l't'Utiv(' year, MxlOO. Pn\'. bf>ach (;(oraltJ Ril<.'hll' of Corona del Mar • Lon~ Beach I tog~t her \\ ith Ferdmand LJOila or Orangt' Aw·. ~n Dlf'J.!O won tht~ third annual BR apt. in Balboa. Santa Ana JO\ 1lat1onal Partners bay. St>pt 15-JunP t>c-•t-ball golf tournament. A lang 'ould cons1der yrly.l putt In Ritehi(' nn tht' 19th \\On . the match. -,, ln the finals. thl' winnin~.: d~o -bdnn unit priv pla~Nl anotht'r Uarborit('. sd Wtx'k HA. 'l~')2 Rla('kh.'nrd. "ho \\a!> roupled with M. . .. . 'j Paul H all of Santa Ana. Jo;arlier th<' b~· .. t !4-'0nnst twowme took on apt. I ~h<'rifl .ltm ~1usi<'k and W. H. a dults. Close to Spun·C'()n or ~Anla Ana And \\'l'rE' · Ple:u. surround. nt'all~ down('d h) Dt'\\'itt Chl'n~'Y ly rental , 307 Gold-, and Hnrnt'r Hafl"nfeld of th<' HArbor 1~6-· ---Snntn Ana hub. y Oct. rum. houst'. Final Swim Classes owner, 110 ' Tht• ftnnl 1\\'0·Wt'<'k water safPt)' f-.......;..;.;.,____ coursC' will !ltart Monday, RC'd Mod('m nearly nt?W, garage. Year-month. Plarbor (~ Watc>t• Safety Chairman Earl Pt•ter on nnnounC'('S .Jpstruco- tion ls given from 9 a ./ m. to noon at l Oth t and Bay A,•e .• Nt'wport , Rnd Ruby Ave. and North Ba~· on Ralboa Island. and rrom 12:3o to 3 .30 p, m. at China I C"m.:c•, Cnronll ~~ Mar R~ .. ,.,. A PlAl\"0, ~ pot•r 1110 \II oJ . r • \="Z-. ·c HMJ uT :-.tt11 1 .;-::-::-:-_,.-~__,...__-' ____ -'---------'--------- 1 1· 1 n nt allo" ·-d "h n ,.,,u I ~\ ~ '~~ "~.; ~:. ;;,.:n:.._ ___ ~ I l It'll ' Ia. aa;;.~TOU ~Tl0:-.1 t 'h 1• :a~ '" r.ct1 ..,,J lt•ll 1 • • • • • •• n t: .r.. ru h, 1~od • c HU .. E LSTl'IATl U~\ E \ .. , l"t U '"Il l GL l.f:.t>,\11: '!ll.iU -...~nt.a AAs A' P~ {A, .. w M 0 t:.aevo c llSl-.1 cYI!\1L 1'1.;, HEAR and PL\Y nt·w lfammnnd hord Or·~an ~o mu- ·st· If ons n('C(• r\' /\n) "'"" t'!ln play this l.nj;trumf•lll DA:\"Z- :\C'H'UDT PlA.'W'l & ORG.\=" Want ads make e,·eryday 11\iri& ~asler Many u want ls !111t.>d throU&h us•· of a line or •" o ~nother Great Davis .. Brotvn Etent! This Is It! It bakes. roasts. hies. and grills. It's port- able: plcg it in any- \~h .,:e. Will keep food hot for hours. WESft HOUSE ROASJE *WITH THE PURCHASE OF nus NEW 1951 WESTINGHOUSE BIG. FAMILY SIZE REFRIGERATOR FOR ONLY --- 95 Yes. •ra the IEFBIGEBAIOB aH ROASTER • -• - --for only * No clock or timer to set. * No more water to empty. * No more fro.t to Scrape * No measv defrosting, it's aU automc:tic! * UBERAL TRADE-IN on your Old Refrigera tor -PLUS 78 LO NG WEEKS TO PAY ! Please Note! This Offe r Good for Limited Time O nly ! ---- ..... ft•..;hy. A..-. II. 1•1 ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ liiiOUJriO OF l:N'ftJn"'I scnbtocl cwt» iDe ol Seeond A\III!INe ana NCJI't.hwosterty prolonptioa or the or the temt Included wttidD .. •lt SECTION 5: This ~ of t_ht. Not'th'8terly III'OklaDtiCID of Southw<M!tt I)' ilsw Of the nnt al-the pr"'pp8ed ~t eli trtct. OF lfn'lali-1Dt8tion shall bt ~ at thto SoutJNwtetty fine of-the ftnt ley l)'ing Sout.hwMtf1'1y from and and whk:h ma,p Ol' plat i.e c! ~ ~·or 'I'IIE CI'I"Y nMJ iaL leut ~ in llw' ~'JIOI't Rartlor ~y b'inl Souttnloesterly frcle\ paraDd .,;th FUth Awnut', u In the oCOet-of the City f.:r\girwer •. ' .. an 01' NEtiHMT =u!, :t,.~ ~ :;ct =: ~l ~:;: ~~ ~ ~t 3 or uJd pans: of ,.id City. Rete~ is hereby E DeC'IA&ING ITS Dl· draalatfod lft tl'Mo Oty oC Newport and ln thto ftm 0 • " nn ,..de to sald map or plat for • o .,.~-.A~~ l': B8dl. and aaJd publbtJon llbalJ . AUEY brina South.!~~Yrrom and par-=;ti~~~ra~ ':id -== N'IIDY OF A POll-!he ~rio~ ':J~~ -:t~ I Jymg N~we.terly of Marguerite aBel wttb Fourth A"-eaue and ex-district. and tht-aaid map or plat ,W.Jr or 8TaEI:T Dlt810. esled In or ob~ ttw> Avftlue nteftldoM ol ald a1-~ Northwett~ from Hftlo.. 10 on tue shall govern ror au c»- h._, ft1E o cIt A. N J)OIIil!d \'&cation to ~ ~Y·f'i'7t'bl"' ~ =~wstftt)r a-trope AW!Ilut, .. ahown on S~t tails as to thfo extent ol tht' Aid ..OJIT ••wa:a:s tWEH-The abon• 'and r~ Rl>-t'J"lyt"\\l'tt ~~Fourth t~ 3 of aid plana; and ln the' tint aaeummt district. ii&IB t1idili' D Mc:FAD-solution of lntendoe No. 3910, ~\.,~ tlwSouthweiterly~IIDP w.~ .. -South Alp DESCIUPT'ION OF BONDS -PIA 15 2B1: CD'V OF was dub· paged at• ~ ~t-ol Fourth A and the ., .. ._ W8t..-c•y from and par-SECTION 4. '11\at aerial bonda. IWICWHJ&I' BBACl'll. OOUNTY i.ng ot tbe City CouDdJ o1 the Qty wn.ue N«-th-a~ witt\ 'I"Nt'd Awoue, anCl ex-bMring lnte~t at the rate of ax OW oa&XGE. fl 'I' ATE 0 r of Newport Beadl. MJcJ on \be =t~.::! ~ol ~~~ :::1 NortJw.oest...-ly f1'0m Ju-per cent 16%\ per annum, •ball ~ c.u.D'OIURA 13th ~ ot AQIUit. 1951, b~· t.tM> curb 11ne ot n.il'd A\'mue an:. the of said~~~ ~.!~-~~ ... ~t 4 iuued tfo ~~t each use~~-fono.in£ vote to-wit · Northe •·· . . .,....., -UJ Uft' ... ., lnft\t o ~ W'<"nty-fjve Do II a r • 'n.. City Counol of the O ty ol AYES. COUNCn MEN · uterv-curb liM of Secood , ALl.EY <125.001 or motto l"f'''Mlninc Wlllaid ~ Beach. pursuant to the Finch n..n-y Gl't"ek>y Avenue. and betWE"en the South-lyan~t Southwesterly from and par-for thirty <30) days after the a.w ON of the "Street VacatJon Blue ·kbeu · • ""' terly curb Une ol Seoond A~ aUel wlth Second Avenue and ex-of l"K''rding thl> warrant Saki ol 1911", and all amendments NOES COUNCll..MEN· NC)ft(> ~~-andtl ~ Northwes~y 1!1'0-tendina-Northwelaterly from Lark-~at bonds shall extend 'over a t ll ere to. being Sec:tioru; 8300 A.BSENr COUNCILMEN. None "!""...,.. on o.. the South~tetly ~ ~venue. al' shown oe Slwoet 5 period endi~ nine (9) trom tJnoouch 8331 of lhe Stn'E'ts and AI lEST· · line of the tint alley lylbg South-' of salcl plans: and in tht> fint the ~nd day or J= next IIJ«hways Code. does hereby or-C K PRiEsT "' terly from and paraUel with . Al..l.EY ~~n~ the n£>xt Octobel' fir-dalb. N>SOiv .. ''"d dechtn.> as foJ. · City Clerk ~ Awnue. u 5bown on Sheet 1yang South~e&terly from and par-teenth followiQ~: t.bdr date ~- lows: L. L. lSBELL 6 ot safd plans: and in thl> fin;t aJiel with Second A~ue. bttween mt"Ots on the principal or .Jd SE~O"l I That the public M 'Or ALLEY MarglK'rite AvtonlH' and Marigold IUik'Uments and interest thereon Interest and ('Ofl\"l'ni nOt" ...... ulre Publish 6 95 ll> b'lng NOl'thv.-esterly ot Marigold A""t'nue. and bfot\\'t'en Marigold ahaU be made bv ............_..Y --.~.. : Aug. l • 1 l A and the --" r d A nd N I A nd " .-~·' v-~· the closinK up and abanclcxunelt m tht> ='lewport Harbor Ensign. venue ext~n .... om o sai vt"DUt' a arc w Vt'ft\M', a to thto City ~tururer and the of a s-rt or a portion of a strt-et allt>y. betlil-~n the Southwestt>rly bet"'~" Nard wo AwnUt> and samt" shaU ·be di~bursed by aid ln the Oty of ~pwport Beach, and line of Fifth A~ue and the Orc~d AvMae. and betwt't'n Poln-Oty TreeruN>r, all as provi~ ln it i the mt<>ntion of the Cit,)• ILE~Lt'TJON OF ~~~"T'IO ' ~ort00a.ster1y ctab lane or Fourth ~""' A\'enu<', and Poppy AW1'1\K', ttl<> "lmprow-ment Avt> or 1911" Council of the Cit} of Newport No. •11 AwnlH'. and ~twt"en the South-a.S h_o"-'11 on Sh('('t~ 7 . 9 and 11 hef'4?inafter reterred to. Beach to ol'd r th follov;'in.; de-ltE80L("TTOS" OF nu; C'l'tT wt>stt>rb curb bne of Fout'th Ave-of sa1d plan . TIM£ AND PLACE OF scrib<'d porfion n sald street in C'Ol'"NCIL OF THE ('1ft OF '!U<' and tbt> NortheastPrly curb 'ndN: Thc gra_ding paving with HEARING aid Cll\ of :--:~\\"PQt·t Beach N£\\'POIIT BEACH. CA~ line> of 1'turd A\ertue. and between plant rrux mett>nal and appurtt"n-· County of Oran'W. State o! Cali~ ~'lA. DECLAJU.NG ft'S D'TEH-the Southw terh cul'b line o( ~nt work in <'Onnc><'tlon thc.>N'Y.ith : ~~YO~n· 5 .. N 0 1'1 C E II!! fomia. to ~ v'tcated, dosE'<! up nON TO OaDEit no: OON-11urd A\·enue and the Northeast· m the first da E.X that on thf' lLth and abandont"d to-·\\'lt . ftrcnox OF CERTAIN erly curb Une of Second A\·enue. . ALLE."Y Y or September •. 1951, at thf' &~inning at an ngle point in the SouthwP tt>rly Uo or Lot 7, Block 20. I t Addition 10 Newrnrt Br-arll as said tract is laid out lnd "hO\\ n upon 8 map n.>cord~ In Mi.;collaneous Maps. Recot ds •JI nr·•u1L{t' Couany, Cali· forma. said mgle poinl bei.ng tour 1 1• .t-N ~ort hwt-terlv of tlw m<~· 1 ~. JthPrlv cornf'r of 5ald lo1 ; 'ht'net' Southt-aMerh• 11lonJ! '..... ;:"u' hea!lt('rly pre- lonJ:atiun Jl 'ht? mo t South· WPSt('r)y hnt> of said Lot 7. to an mter-.t't'th.>n With a linE' tt>n t 101 ft>t.>' measured at right 1 an~l,••. ~ulh\\f"Stt>rh· or and parallel o :he ~u.thwt>l>tE'rlv bnPS of u,,., fl. ; 4. 3, 2 and i, of ~d RlllCk -"'· then('(' South-ebt('r)~ alon~ !>aid roaraUel line to an lllll'r'f'Ction '' ith the Southwesterly prolon~ation o! the Southeast•'t'l) line of said Lot l : thence :-:orthE'a.sterly aJon~ said prolongation to the m~t Souther!) comer of said Lot l . lheno> Nol"fhwesterly along tlle Southwt'Stc>rly lint' of Lots 1. 2. 3. 4, 5. 6. and portion of Lot 7, to the point of begin- ninJ.r. 01Ptl0\1131E~TS L~ ()Ea. and between tht-Soutbwesterb• l,rtng South\\'l' terl~ from and par-h~r t>f ~ven-th.irty ( 7 : 3 0 l TAtN ALLEY SOit'DIIt-'BT-curb line ol S«-ond Avet"'\H.' and Allt>l with Filth Av<'nue and ex-0 cloc~. P.M., In, the chambers of EIU.Y OF <'OAST Bl.\1'0. AND the fint alley lvins: Southwesterly 1 f<'nding Northw tt'rly from Gold· the <;!ity . Councl! ln the City HaD BI!:I"WEEX 0 .\HLIA A\'Elft1E from and parallel ''1th Second f'nrod A\t'O\K', u sho"'Tl on Sheet or SAld City of Newport Beach, any A.'iU POPI'l' A\'E~'L"'E I.N Awnue. as shown on ShN't 7 of , 3 of said plan : and In thc> first ~d aiJ persons h&vlng any objec- f'AID ('Jn'· DIECLA~G nu: said plans: and tn t h{• ftrst ALLEY tlons to the propos('(! work or 1m- WORK To' II t: 0 ., .M 0 a E ALLEY ISing ~oulhwestl'rl~ fl\tm ~tnd par-provement or: to the PXtcmt of the TUA.~ LO('.\L OR OllDIX•\RY lyin~ North"·esterl~ of Narcissus allel with Second J\\i:'OU<• and ('X· a~llessmenl diSIJi C'f . or to thr pro- u•;st:FJT "-''» D~IUIU'NO Awnut> and the t'Xt<'ns1ons o! said tending NorthW<'Iih•l'h from Mar· ~sC'~ ~~d<'s. mn~· appear and · II£ OI~TRIC'T TO BE BF.~"E-alle~·. bt'tv.('{>n th Southwesterly ~~rift> Avrnu . anli \x>h\'N'n Or· show cause.> why S8l~ work should t •rTED B\. ~AID \\'ORK .,SD lin of Fifth Avenue and the chad A\'enue lllld I'•Hn>·rtlla A\'e-not be done or carra('d out In llC- 1'0 PA\' TUF. ('()~TN ,\ND Northca5tc.>rh l'Ul'b line of Fourth , nui:'. as shov.1'l on ~·~··• "·~And 10 <'Ordancc with this ~lutlon of 1 .XP£~~F.~ A!\'D FIXI X(, A Aw nue. and bo•twN>n tht• ~uth· of said plan l n~<'!'tlon. Prott>l'ts must bt-in TOlE .\S'D PLACE FOil \\t'stl'rb curb h ut• or Fourth A\'·'. Fourth: The rom:rti<'IH•II ol N'· V.Tl UnJt .and mu.!t .~ delivert>d. to IU:.4 • .RL~ • ORiE<TIO~. TO c and tN-Northeastt'a I~ curb mfor<'t'd concr<·t<> PIT'(' storm ~he Ci.t) Cler'k _Pl'lor to th~> ti mE> .... \10 \\ORK. linl' of Third AHmut•. and between drain.._, concret<' catch basins witb ""1 for th<' hNtnn~. • • •·• th South\\C',t<'rh <.'Urb linC' of j.l!ah'llnlzC'd traffic .:ntt> and. fram<', IMPRO\ EME:":T ACT' The City C'ounnl of tht· C'tt~ of Thard AH'IlU{• and tht> ~ortheast·l roncll('te out IN. And appurtenant SECTION 6. That an of thf' ~n,port Beach. pursuant to thf> t'rh ctu b hn ol S<'<'Ond Avt'mw.•\\otk In conn('('tJOn 1h€'rr\\ith, in workht•n.>in proJ10!*>d haJlbt>don<' pr \tsannl> ot the' "lmpm\"Pmt•nt ~tnd bt•t\\('('n thl' Southwtost<'rh 'h·!' C't'ltcun public and carried thmus:h in pur~uanct' An of 1911 ... beint: 01\isson \'11 of curb hne of . t'C'On d AH•nuC' and EASEMF:l'T oC an IH't of lhe Jem.latu.N" of thE' thl Str'Pt'tS and Hi!!hways ~or tht• hr.-t an('~ 1~1n~ South\\l'~lf'rl~ .\"-•ins;: th &luthc.>rh . 3 lt't't ol Lot ~t8h' of O.Jirorma. designatE'd thf' th • tate o! Caltfomsa. OOES 1 rom and parallt•l "11h 5('{'()nd -· Block M. Trat't ="o 323. 11 per . lmp~~·ement Act of 1911'". be-RI·~·OL\~E as lollo\\s: Avenu<'. a shov.n em ~lwet or , map record(>() m Mlscellant'OUS sn.2 Oi\'lMon vn of the Stf'e('L<~ and ~ECMO~ 1. That tht> poblk -.atd plam. dnd in tlw ftrst ,Map Book 14. Pasu•s 40 11nd 41 , Hss:;hv.a~s C'nd of thf' Stlltr of inh'f'E'St and com·enh•nt'e requh't', AlLEY R~rds of Oran,l!(' C'ount~. Cali· C.aUrornia. and It is the intention of the City !yin~ ~onh~e;tl'rly of Urt'hid forma. and extendt"J! Soutbwl'st· PUBLICATION OF Council of thP City of r\('\\'fl'Orl A\'t'I1UI:' and the ('xtf.nsions of said f'rly to the Northt"asterly curb line RESOLUTION OF L"lTENTION Beach. California, to order thP. rol-1 a liP~. betwt'en ttK-Southw<'Sterly o! C~st Boulevard lln~ NortM~U~t-SECMON I . The ''N . ,..1 lo''1ng work to bP donto. 1o·wtt: luw or Fiflh A\en\H.' and the e rly ~nto the aile} lymg adjacent Harbor Ensign" a weekly~ D&"'C'JUPTIOX OF WORK North<'&. tt'rly curb line of Pourtb ~~ =~ ~~n~·. a:O~~~~ ~~~ papt>r. printed, 'publi&bed and of t'tt'St: The gradin~. paving with A\••nu<>. and betwN.>n tht' South-public ' genE>r a1 circulation in thr Qty of plant mix materml. construction \\f."S I'erly curb lint' of Fourth Ave-EASE.M ENT Newport Beach, Ca.lltomla. is Sald portion or said St.ret't to be and installa tion of house st>Yo't'r nue &.nd thE' •NortheasterlY curb being the Southftrly 3 f«>et of the hereby designated as the nt>'WSpa- vacated. clored up and abanctoned and water connt>etlon . and appur· lhw of Third A\'enue, and between Northerly l1.50 fet"t or Lot 3. per in which thi Resolution of In- is mol't' clearly hown on a certain tenant work in connection thcf'4?-th~ Southwes terly curb line of Block N. said Tract No. 323. and t~ntion shall be published by ~ map approved and adopted by the WSih; in the first Th1rd Awnue and the Northeast-extMding Southwesterly to the City Clerk. ln t11e mann r and City C<•uncil of the City of New-ALLEY crerly curb Line· or Second Avenue. Northeasterly curb line of Coast form pro'vided by law and for mak- port Beach tor suid vacation. clos· lyin~o: Nonhwestcrlv of Ft>mleaf and betwN'n the Southwt'Sterly Boulevard. and Northeasterly into ing aU other publications in the ing up and abandonment. by Re-AH•nue. bt>twet>n thE' Southwt>St-curb line of Second A\·enue and the alley )yin~ adjacent to sald J"'<X'ed.ings und('T this Resolution solution dated August 13lh. 1951. erl~ lint' of Fift11 Avenue and t.he th<' first aUt>y lylnft Southwesterly Lot 3, a shown on Shf'E'l 2 of said f Intention. and ctesif{nated ''Resolution No. Northwf'St('rly pro1on~tion of t~ {rom and paraUd with Second plan The Cit)' Clerk is directed to 3909", which said Map ls on file Suuth~·estt>rly lint> of the n~t al-Aven~. as aho\\~ on Shc;et 9 o! -· . mall notices of the adoption of '" the office of the City Clerk of le.' lymg SouthwPsterly from and sald plans: and m tht> farst PLAN~P~~MFESc DRAWlNGS thi Re olution of Intention to all the City of Newport Beach Re-p1n'llllel v.;tb Fifth A\ence, as . ALLEY . I ATIONS . persons O\\'Tling real ro rty fert>nce i hereby made to. said shown on Shet't 3 or the planS lymg Northwester~· or Poinsettia I SEC'TIO_N 2. All of the SAid posed to\)(' as~t>-secl P..,hP" pro- Map for further particulars as to hen>ina!ter referl"t'd to: and in the Avenue and the extensions or said work &nd smprov<'ml:'nt to bf> done and addresses. a"~r' o~ih'::fe~ the propol!led vacation. closing up nr t all~y. betwet-n the Southwesterly s haJJ be constructed upon the equaJized assessment roll for ~: and abandonment of said portion ALLEY Une of Filth Avenu<' and tbe gndes. along the lln<'S. bet"<'<'n taxes all in the and f et) o1 aald Stnet. and said Map is lying Northwesterly or Heliotrope Northeasterly curb line ol Fourth the points. of th dimensions. at provided for unde~ti JJ!l: mad a part or thi Resolu~:on to A\t•nue and extensions of said Avenue. and betw~ t'he South-the places and in the manner 5194 and 5195 or the :~ "lm. the same extent and Plil pose as il aJJey, bef\\·een the Southwesterly westerly curb Une •>f Fourth Avt'-shov.'!' on the plan . profiJ<'S and provcm<'nt Act of 1911" r ld the -.amt-W<'rc herein in...........,r-lin«! of Fifth Avenue and the nue .1nd the Northeasterly curb dra"':'RgS for th<' ronstructlon or Stf'(>('t s and Hi.gbways COO: tta atPd ln. full ~"·,..... ;-o;ortheasterly curb line of Fourth llne of Third Avcnu~ and between said lmpro,·emt'nl 1..n C('J tain alleys · Avenue; and between the South-the Southwesterly Mb Une or Northeasterly or Coast Boulevard. POSTING OF NOTlCE OF SECTIO='l 2 That p~ngs wt'sterly curb line of rourth Ave-Third Avenue and the Northeast· betv.'t't'n Dahlia AvPnue and Poppy 1 IMPROVEM:ENT for tht.> clo .• tn't up and abandon-nue and lhe Northwesterly pro-f"rly cua•b line> or Second Avenue Avenue. being Plan No. 434 con· SECTION 8 The Su(W'rfnt('n· ment of tht> aforesaid portson of JongatJon or the Southwesterly ond lx>tween the SouthWf'Sterly sis~~ of 11 s~('('ts. on m~ In th(' Mnt or Str('('ts of the City of New- l'lf!ld &trp.•: -hall be> had and taken. line of the first alley i}ing South· curb hne or Second Avenu<· and o~f1N1 of th<' C1ty Engineer. of said port Reach shaU cause to bt> con· and the Caty Coun~il or thP westerly from and paral1cl wltb the fln.t aiJey lyirt~t Southw.•sterty qty and. e~cept as ~tht>rw1se pro-~plcuou ly PQSJfi'd along the lin": of City ot Newport Beach hereby Fourth A\'<'nue, as s h 'l w n 0 n from A.nd paraU~l with Se<:ond \'1&-d on S&td plans, an further ac· saJd contemplated work or sm· elt>ets to proct>~ under the> pro-Sh<'et 3 o! said plans: and In the A\enuc>, as shown on Sheet 10 <'f cordanoe with t~e specifications provemen~ !l"d alo~g :411 open visions of the said "StN>et Vaca-first said plans· and hs the fin>i for the construction or said im-streets w1thm the distnct liahl<' tion A<-t or 1941". and Rll amend-ALLEY · ALLEY provr-ment. said specifications be-t~ be ass<'ssE'd fCir said work, no- ments then.>to. befn~ St'<:tlons 8300 lying Northwesterly of Iris Avf"nue lying Northwesterly of Pnppy Ave--inS! on file in the office of the City ~ces or the passage of thi .... Resolu- through 8331 or the Streets and and extensions of said IIlley, be-n\.K' and the extensions of said al-Clerk of ~id City ~nd to wh1ch t1on or Intention .. in thP timt", form Highways Codl' or the State of twem the Southwegterly line of lf"y, betw"<'n the Southwesterlv P!~ns, prorates. drawmgs and spc-1nd manner provuled by saJd f'ooe Calitomia Fif1h Avenue and the Northeast-line or Fifth Av<'nue and a li:rti? Clflca~lons heretoror<' 8.PPr~vt>d hy I~STIGATION REPORT SECI'ION 3. The Street Supt>r-erly curh line or Fourth Avenue, 90 fe<>t Southwesterly from and the CitY. Council of toatd t&ty, rc· SEC1 ION 9. That the writtt>n inteodent of the City or Newport and between the Southwesterly para1lel wi h Fifth Aven\H.', and fert'n('(> lS hercl>y made for a fur· report of the City Engineer of the Beach shll!l cause to be posted curb line of Fourth Avenue and betweE"n thn Southwesterly curb th<'r·. ~uJJ and more J')llrtlcular dt'-City of N~rt ~ch. filf"CJ Feb- corupicuou.rly along the line or the the Northeasterly curb line or line of Fourth Avenue and thf scrlptton of fhe Sl'lld Y.'Ork and by ru1u y 26. 1951, on the p~ portion of aald Stl'eet proposed to Thtrd Avenue, as sho\Vll on Sheet Northea!'terly curb lin«' of Thlro rt'ft>rt>nCf' ~hereto. tht" Nmt" •~ Improvement herein des<"•·ibed and be ,.aC'ated. no mort' than 300 fM.'t 4 of said plans; and in the first Avenue, and bt'tween the South· lncorporatr d herein ~md made a PTef'3 1't'd pursuwn to t...e provis- apart. but not leu than three in ALLEY westerly curb line or Thlrd A\'e-per t h<'reof. ions of the ''Special Assessment all. notl~ or the vacation of said lying Northwesterly of Jasmine nue and the Northeasterly CUI'b DESCRIPTION OF ln\•esligation. Limitation aucl Ma- portlon of aid street. Said no-. Aven\K' and extensions or said aJ-line of Second Avenue, and t~e-ASSESSMENT DlSTRI(I jorlty Protest Act of 1931"~ being tlces ll lAU ~;t.o1l~ the preparatlon of ley. behl<-een the So'Jthwesterly ~n the Southwesterly curb line SECTION 3. That the said con-Division IV of t he Streets and this l (!110111!1~ of fntention and l"Urb line of Fourth Avenue and or S«ond .\W1'1 \K' o.nd that por. t(>fJ)plal-ed work a:nd improvement. Highways Code as modtrted toy a the hme and place of the bearing thf> N'r.rtheastet'ly curb line or tlon ot the first alley lying South-1-n the opinion of the Mid O ty Coun-l'ei!Oiutlon of t_ht. Oty Co\D'Ietl of of all po~ons fnterested In or ob-Third Avenue. and bet"''ftn the Wt"!'lf'rly from a~ parallel with cil. i.s of more than locaJ or ordi-said Ot;y c:m the 23rd day of April, Jectin,.R tc-the pro~ vacation Southwestt>rly curb line of Third Seoond Avenue ·and extencting na.~' public benefit. and the ald 1951. Is on tile. in thf> office of tht' of saad portion of said st:J'eet. Avenue and the N~terly South"asterly from Poin8ettia Oty Council ht>reby l'n8kt'5 U.c ex-Oty Clerk and OJX'n to pubUc in· SECTION 4: NotJce is h~ pt"'longaUon of the Southwesterly Avenue, u 5hown on Sheet 11 o1 ,_.. of the aatd Y."'rk and Jm-spection. ft(ven that the City Coundl of the line o! the first alley lylng South-~o~td plans. PI'O\'e'mmt cha~b~ upon a dis-PASSED AND ADOPTEJ' by City or Newport Beach doe& westerly from and para]~! with ~: '1"M cr-dln~. p:a'·in« trict, which _.id district the wd the City Council of the Ci')' of hereby fix Monday, the lOth day 11-.ird AvPnue, as lhown on Shtoet with plant mix matm.l, construe-Oty Co~neH ht>reby d«lars to NeYIPOrt Beach, California. at a ol September. 1951. at thto hour or 4 of said )Jlana: and In the tim lion and IMtallatton c1 ~ wa-~ ttM> district ~ltf'd.. by .. td re~lar fnE'Cting thereof oold this 7:30 P . M. of Mid day. In th~ ALLEY ter eonnectta.. and a~ wortt and frrtpf'O\'ftM'nt and to be 13th day of August, 1951 by tM Coun~,iJ Chambers of the City or Jylnf: Norlhwetterly l"f Larkspur work in COI'IMCtlon tMrewllh: In .. l!llnd to pay ~ COlt& and ex-follo,ving vote. t~wlt: N~wport Beach. located lo the Avenue and extt!ftlie)lnl or ald aJ-the first ~ t~f. and which dlltrtct AYES: COt'NCILMEN: City Hell or the City of Newport ley. bet~n the Sou~ly ALLEY .. tte.cribed as follows: Finch Rr tnlley Gf't>ely Beach. as the time and plaoe for Jine of Fifth Avenue and the lylntt Souttrwe.terly from and AU that ~ln terrltory of the Blue 'rstw-n · w • heat·!ng all persons lntert'lted In or Northeasterly curb llne or P'ourtll l)el•llel wtth Flfth A\tent~e DC! Oty of Newport Beat.h. Cal1fomiA, NOES: COUNCILMEN None objecting to the pl'OpOIIf'd vacation AH:nue, and between tbe South-~ Nonhwt'sterly from neJu_,ive or !ltreeta and allrya, In-ABSENT: COUNCILMEN Nont> M aaJd portlon or aalc! 1treet: and we-tel'ly curb ~or Fourth A~ F£mlea.f Avmue. as ~~town • dwUed within thto ext\"rior bo\:n· L. L. ISBELL the sale! Clt.y Council of the said nuc and the Northeutt>rly curb Sh"'t S or aid plana: and Ill fte t1lr)t Une shoWn uoon thtlt Otrt&ln Mayor of the Cicy of Oty of Newport Beach ct Aid llnt> or 'rhird A~. and~~ first JIQ or Plat No. 4S4 ~t 1 Newport ae.ch California time and plat'' will hew the evl-the Southwesterly curb line ot ALLEY ••~ aPI.I"CM!d by the OtY I HEREBY CERTIFY that the dftnoe olffftd by any PftWOO inter-Third Avenue and the Northl!ut-lyfrtl Northwetrterly ol 0 ll!nrod ~ ot aid Oty an ~ lSth above and for.eeotng raoJuttora "ted In tbe vacatkln ot afd par-,.rly curb tine of Second A~. A~. bt"twee~ '~ SoathaMt• day cl Au~t. 195J, lndloating W&s ~ and adqpted hv ttw ... oleaN ltrftt ~or-e*-and between tbe ~ erb line of P\1\11 Awaae .... tM -.... ..........., .. the stet Qt;r 0..01 o1 tbe City 1 f ·N.w-• port Beach, Calllornia. at the time and by th.• vote abovl" s tated. C. K. PRJ}-;ST Oty Clf•rk of th Ctty ot NewtiOrt Be ch, CaLifornia Publ.s!ioh . Au,g. 16-23, 1951 1n the Newport Harbor Ensign. U~l. HOne' u~ Nona In the offiOP of the City CJel'k of MY om" 1 lJ calendar day where Mid Oty, orck>ring the wol'k de-such work l.l requiN."d In cast'S of scrltx'Ci in ld n."<'...Olut.lon, to-wit: rxtraordinary {'nl('l'S:(•ncy causro 1'hc> constructiOn a nd l~taUa-by fiN', Oood or dan!{' r to life or lion of '§tft!oet llghtln't yst~m. propt>rty and for time oo Sunda)· conslstin't of OOME'flt roncrete and seven c7 J le1t4l hoUdays. to- posts or standards fMarbellte ~ wit. Nt-w Yeu's 03y, Memorial algn No. U-04), eoaeh E'Qui.~ Da.y. Fourth of JuJy. Lllbor Day, ORDINANCt So. M'7 with one Jumina.lre lneludin~ ~ Ann llet' Day. Thanksgiving and AN O&DI.NA.NCE CJIANGING lwnt'n i~nt lamps, ~1: Chrtstma5. • · 5000 volt ~Uc Cable m-It hall be mandatory u.pon the THE I:ONTNO 0 1' CICilTAJ.N stalled in galvanizleod iron pipe con-contractor to Whom the contract PllOPICilTY dult, and apputenan t work i.n is awarded. and upon any sub- 1be City Council of the City ot connection \Mrewtth, In that oet'-contractor und<-r him. to pey not Newport ~ch does ordain u tain public euemcnt owned by the less than the Aid apectOed rates foUows: City of Newport Beech ~. aloac to all laborers, woJ'k:meon and "*' 8ICCTION 1: Sectioo 9102.2 o1 and across Lots A. B and C of Tnc:t chanks employed by them in tM the MuniQpal Code of the Cit¥ of No. 1011, u per map recorded in e~tion ot the contract. Newport Be.ch, ts hereby e.rnend-Miscellaneous Map Book 36. Pagn NOI'ICI!: IS Hl!:llll:ll'l' GIVE.~. @d u followa: 37 to 40 inclusive. Records ot Or-lnvitfna se&lt"d proposals or bick '"!bat the following described ange Count y. Callrotnl.a. aU u for dolng all t~ work herelnbe- property Lying within the City of more part.icularb' described i.n 1\e-fore described and ordered In Newport Beach, County ot Or-solution of Intention No. tO()(), laid Resolution Ordering Work. to an~. Smte of CaUfornla. more passed and adopted by the City be presented to the City Clerk at p&rtlcuJarly described as follows: Council or said City on the 9th day his off!~ i.n the City Hall of said of July, 1951 nd on file in the City u,p to the hour of even-thirty Beginning at the point or ln-office or lhP City Clerk of sa.id o'clock f7 :301 P.M. of 1\lesday, tersectJon of th<' southwesterly City. the 11th day of September. 1951. prolongation of the northwester-For further particulars. rl'fer· The proposals or bids offer«! ly boundary line of the Irvine Pnce is hl't<'bY made to said Re.o;o-shall be-accompanied blt, a check Subdivision. as shown on a map lution of Intention No. 4000 and made payabl£' to the order of saJd re<..'Orded In Book 1. Page 88 of to the plans. profile e.nd draw-Cit). cert1fit.•d b) a respon iblt" M.i.scella.nrous Map , R.ecords of in'!S Ko 435. consistin~ or 1 heet. bank or a bond. as rE'QWred by Orang(' County. Ufornla, with on r11e in th~ offii'C of the City law, for an amount not lc-s than tht• line or ordinary high tldt-Engineer of said City or Newpor t ten per cent 110', I or the-a~:~e­ ot the Pacific Ocean in Newpor t Beach. a.nd to the (X'Cifications gate of the proposals Each bid Bay and designated 'North Cor the sajd wc>rk h ere to r o r e haU be made out on a form to bt" Une· ln the ~ rendered in adopted b)• the said City CoundJ obta.l.nE'd t the office or the \1ty the acUon entitled: City of New-on file in the orrrce of t~ City Erutineer of said City. ______________ U_G~~~~Mo~T~1_C'------------I UGAL~ p .. a. lawwJt'd~'<l to m that i&y .-. C'Dfti"'CATE 0 11' B Sl1 • ('VIed. the 5am I• \\1me. W..• ~Utao. "'"" N.,... of. J ha\ ht•rt·unto ~ my haad 1'IMI ~ does ~by -nd alflxed m ) ofiloal .nJ the e«ttf)' that I conclucun a d.a) and )eur an cha.: ~nJl~cat wholesale ~<S nd ~lry f1nt abo\t• "ATattrn bUiiln~ at 609 M.aricoJd SlreeL SPSAN P FOLEY Corona. del Mar. California. under M} C.omm.l ~1011 "'PII'h Aug. 4. fhe fictiuous firm name of mE 1952 CARlSON COMPA..'iY and that P\lblbh Aug 16-23-30 Sept. I . said fJrm LS comPQI('d of lht' fol-1951 1n tt " ='ewport Harbor ~ lowittg persons, "A ho names ln i t<n ruu and places of ~Jdenet• are as follows, to-•1t: N"._ A III'M CAIUl..EE M. HA.'fSON SOftC'E TO ~ 109 llari~ld Stre-et I m.tate e1 r.a~'"J!:ST a 011 Corona del Mar. California wt~ my hand thl& 9th day or N .... 1a ~ 0..0. a August, 1~1. Cl'f'CWton of and alf pe-a ... CARILEE M HANSON ela.inw ap..t:nst .(he -.id dtalaat ~ of Call.t..-.ia . or said estat~ to tile them wtttl • l7 ., ~ neeesfi&ry voucbe-1 tD the om. Oa ftala 9th day of August. A.D. of the Clerk Qj. the Superior eo..t 1951. befor-e me. nmina.s E. Het-of \he County of Ora.n~. State 0( fcman. a Notary PubUc in and for Califomia, or to ~t the .... the said Count~ and State, resid-with the ne<."f'Uary voucbers, to ing therein, duly commt:SSJoneod the undersigned a t his or her pLace and SIA'Orn. persont.ll) appt>ared of busln s. to-wtt CARl LEE M. HA:-.:.:o~ known fo I c o DONALD D HARWOOD me to be the person whose name ts 1415 Coast Hhth,....._y, !\Ubscritx>d to the "i t.hln instru-Corona del ~far Callfom1a ment. and acknO'A l('(}~ed to me within six month.~ attn t~ tint that she exerutPd the same. Ia publicatiOn of th notice. WUaH' \\ltt-N'of, I ha,·e hereunto DaU>d June 20. 1951 .et my hand and affixed by official CAR~tEN ~l..SEN seat the da)' and year in th1s Cl'r· Administratrlx or the Eatate tificate ll.rst abo\ e written. of said deced<"nt 'TliOMA..S E HEFFER.'lA..~ OO='ALD D. HARWOOD My Commtss.ion t>xpires June 21. 1415 Coast Hi~¥.'&) 1953. Corona d(l') )tar, Calif Publlsh · Au~. 16-~. ·Sept. 6. Attorney for Administratrix 1951 in tht> ~ewpcu·t Harbor En-P\tbli.f!h : Jul~· 26. Aug. 2-t -11. ~~~n 1951 an the :-.:(·'IAllOn Harbor Eb- pon Bncb. P laintiff, vs. F. M. Clerk or saiJ City, and all of sa.ld 1"he contractor to whom an Strobradge and otht>rs, Defend-plan.'l, profiles, drawings and s(X'd-award may be made will be re· ants. Case No. 23686 of the Su-fications hert'tofort> approved by qul.rod to ruanlsh with th~ contract perlor Court or Orange County. the Cit¥ Council or said City are I two UN.'I)' bon~. one fasth(uJ pt'r- Callfomia, a c rtified copy of incorporated herE'in and made a formance bond man amount equal ""hJ.:n cL<>eree wu recordt'd Sep-part hereof, and l"t"fert>nce is heN'-to not le-ss than twenty-five per P -M17 tembcr 19th, 1928, in Book 201. by made t.hfo.reto for a mort> parti-('('nt 125' r • ot· the_ amount or the <'EUTI.n AT E Of' BVSL''ES~ pa~c 2.'i3 of OfCiclal ~rds of culnr description of !'aid work aggregat\• of the b1d. and one ma-1 F1<'tltlo8 Firm Nanw Ssid County, run.nfng thence Sa1d Oty Council has deter-u:•rial and labor bond in an amount Tlwl l •&M.nJ..:a...t do hereby et>r· No•th'39° 43' 15• Ea~t along the mlnl'<l a.nd ~lared that the con-not le s than raft~ per cent 1!'10'( 1 ttfy that the)' an conduct1n11: a sa1d :.ol't.hwcstorly line or Irvine tem.plated work and ampro,·ement ,.r the a~:~e'!"ate of sa1d bid. N.'tail nursery bu.~ine . .: at 716 Subw"isjon 241 G3 feet to a point hc~tofore rnt'ntloned was, in ttw> Tht-C1l) Council of s&Jd City C'oa.st Boule,ard Corona del Mar. an t.il~ southerly hnt! of tht-one-opinion ()( satd City O>uncal. of l't'Serves. th(· n~ht to N.'.)N:t any I Catiforrua. under the fie Hious hundred root California S tate mor£' than local or ordinary pub-ur all bads and to wal\·e any ln-firm name of 1 1-iii:;;~III!!J!I!~~=;=~~= lo~h""ay right of way, as de-Uc benefit and the aid City Coun-ronna.lit) m n b1d uot atfected by SUBTROPICAL LAXD~I APE scribt>d in Deed from F M. 'tro-1 ell has made the E'Xperuws of said law. :-.TRSERY bnds..re and M)'l'tle E. Strobndge. "A Ork chan;eable upon a district. Datt'd thh 14th da~ ol Au~t a.nd lh 1 ~id firm u composed ot to the State of Calilomit., re-I For the particular deScription of 1951 the foliCII.\Inst persons. ,.... h o e corded Sep tember 14th 1929, in the sa.ld distri~t. rcfer('nce is ht-N'· c K. PRIEST nam{'s an fuJI and places. or N>SI- Book 304, page 385 of Official by made to SAid Resolution f'lf ln-' City Clerk of thl' City of I dPnce &rf' as follows •• to-Wlt. Reoorcb of said County: thence tention No. 4000. ~t-wport lkach. California RALPH R. BAKER, JR South 7oo 05' 30. East along the aid Council ha determaned and Pub! h A 9 16 1""1 416 Larkspur. 187.&2 feet to the point of be-in~t inter{'St at the ratP of six pt'r In t t• • <'Wport ar r nsi~n JOH. F . BURNHAM southerly line of said High~ I deelared that serial bonds. bear-. hts ~ Ul! 1{ bo ~E Corona del ~tar. <:aUf. ginning or a curve deflecting t.o cent t 6~ I ~r a nnum and extend-UGA.L NOTIC' 2222 South Rosewood. tht! left, the nce t>astt>rly along I ing over 8 period endin't nine 1g1 P~ Santa Ana. Calif .. ....,. .._ said curve concave to the north years from the econd day or Jan-W l taf!'M our hands this th day - - and bavin~ a radius of 1.550 UAry next SU<X'N'd.in~ the nt>xt Oc-CF.RTlFl ATt; OF Bt: ~ of Al.IRU&L 1951 N C' -L ..-.....:·1 fet!t, a distance of 222.72 feet tober 15th following their date. fleUUoD t'\rm Same RALPH R. BAKER. JR Ursery ~ to a point in the sou tht"rly line will be i ued hereunder ln the 'l'hf' Ulldertlped do hereby cer-JOHN F . BURNHAM or &&ld Stt.te Highway; thence manner providt'd by the "Improve-tify that they are conducting a Sta~ .r oa.utonda Stat~ Ucensed and A.ppiowd South 9° 27' West, 339.42 feet ment Act. of 191 1 ... being Part 5. Wholesale Clothing business at O...t"f of~ ,.,.._!e., t Yean to a point in the said line Division vn of the Streets and Newport Beach.. California, under 0. 1"''ll th day or Au._l;USt . A D. 8~u wtw4 care M4 of ordinary hJ~h tide of the Highways Code of tru> S tate of the fictitiOUS firm name oC KIM 1951. bcfort-me. the undersl'tlled. Cewtawdhei'IQ Pacific Ocean in Newport Bay California. to repreoscnt each as· OF CALIFORNIA and that said a :-.:otan Public in and for the s~ud R&l..SOSAJU..E RATI.lJ and designated "Norttr Une": s('ssment of 1\venty-fa ve Dollars flrm is composed of the following County and Statt.'. r~idin'! there-~ ~·n S days per l''ftk to 5 thence North 73~ 34' 20" West 1 ~.00 1 or more remaining unpaid persons, whost> names and ad· in. dul~ commissioned and "'·om . 'J'ran~ta Uoo Furnf.slwd along said ordinary high tide f hi 30 da c th .. _1 dN'SSes are as follows. to-'IA'it: personally appeared R.ALPli R. ·~ ....... lln 83"'"' f h N rt.h or t rt.y I I ys a tt"r e WI e BAKER. JR .. and JOI~'.'' F 8 ',''· 190 E. IS•L. s• ~ ,-., eet ; t ence o or rt'<.'Ot'din~ tht-warrant. JOHN F. lO~fBL.E -.., vru' ua ·~.o 3'7 ° 1~' 30" West along sa.id ordi-All of the work herein ordered 1144 M1rama"t Drive, Balboa. HAM known to me to be the pe-r-~ COSTA IIIESA nary high tide tine 215.35 feet: Califomla sons whose names art> subscti~ Phoef. thence North 74 • 17' 11" West shall be done and ce.rried tbroutth JAA'£ H. KIMBLE r~the~;wti'ith~lnii;ins;:itr~ume~in;t~.ia~n~diia;c-i.~i;i~ii~BMt-ii~,..ii;~,_,ii;;ii;~ along said ordinary hi~h tide In pursuanct' f'lf an act of the res:;... 1744 Mlra.mar Drive. Balboa. llnt.• 289..84 ftNt to the point of laturt> or t lw S tate of California. California .._,...,,..,, .. 09 designated the "lmpro,·ement Act OU OS ...,.,.. .... &LLA6, of 1911". beln'!" Dhision vn or the L ISE F. H TE7LER as hown on Sht>et No. 4 ot the Streets a.nd Hilthways Code. 111 Apolena ~~~o=boa. Island. Distrsct Map a ttached to .Ordi-~ Said Oty Council. pursuant to 1 LEOI'ARD s. HOSTETI..E.R nance No. 635 and referred to in the Labor Code of the State of Sect.ton 9102.2 of the Municipal California. ha ascertained and ck--ll 1 Apolena c!~~o~boa. Island. Code. a nd made a part therrof be.' ~('nnint'd that tht; c:~~n<'rlll P~l"-ail· \\1bteM our hands this 6th day and It lS hereby. rezoned from an tn~ ratP of J)f'r daem wattes m the of A l95l R-3 Dl trlct to a ~1-H DlstricL tocslity in whkh thp ~id work JOu~t·F. VT1t.•BLE AI!)CTJON !. That the City En-I hc>rf'in dPscr lhNI Is to be per-J JA.i'lfE H. ~oLE gineer of lh<" City of Newport I formNt for t•nch craft o r type of ~ n..u~ Beach is hereby instructed and dl-workman or mN'hank net'ded to LOUisE F . HOS-n;rt.£R rected to chanste ttw> abo\'e Dis-execute thP rontract and also the LEO:--lARD S. HOSTETLER tnt•t Maps so &li tv :sho'"' !he ron-~<'neral pr<'\'llllins: .rate for les:al I Sta~ of CaWora.la in~ot described in St-etion 1 hereof, holidays and mtrtsme work for Coa.ty of 0~. and. as said District Map shall t-ach craft or tv!X' or workman or' On August 6th. 1951 before me. ha\'£' tx>rn so amcmde-d. the same mc:>chanic to hf ~;; follo\\"S ' . the undersigned. a Notary Public shall l"t"tn1lm in full force and ef-<'laMifkatiOft H om ·ly \\a~ ln and for said County and State, t~·t ar.d a par t ot OrdinanCl' No. Air comprf'~sor operator $2.05 • personaUy appear@d John F . Kim- 63.1 (I 1~1e City of fl'ewport ~oh Olrpent~r 2.35 t ble, Jane H. Kimble, Louise F . and .!'t-ction 9102.2 of the Munlci-Laborers-general Hostetler and Leonard S. Hostet- pal n'O" or thf' Ci ty or ~f'"A port and cons truction . . 1.75 ler known to me to be the persons &•ach. Labore~rators a nd tend-whose names are subscribed to the ~{.TIOS S: Thas Ordinance ers or pneumatic ~nd etec-within instrumel!t and acknowl- aball be published once in thP trl~ tools. 'ri~rattng rna-edged that they executed the Newport Harbor Ensign. a news-chmes and slmtlar mechani-sa.me. paper of general c i r c u I at ion. cal tools not. separately Wltae. my hand and official printed and I)UbU.shed in the City classified hl.'retn 1.~ seal. · of Newport beach. and the aame Pa~nter-spr8y gun · · 2.4() {SEALI MONTE R. GRIMES sba.Jl be in force and effe<:t 30 days Pamter . rush · . ·· -· 2.15 Notary Public ln after this passage. Reinforcmg iron worker . 2.38 a.nd for Aid County The (oregolng Of'dins nc:e was Tractor operator -bulldo7-er, and State. introduced at a regular meeting of tam~r. ~crapt'r or draJ:" My commisaion expires Novem- tl)e City Council of the City of type shovel or boom attach· ber 13. 1954. Newport Beach held on the 23rd men~ . • :-... .. ·· 2.30 Publish: Aug. 9-16-23-30, 1951 day ot. July ~1 and was fina.Ib• 'I'r<"nching .maehlne operator .. 2 . .38 ___ _ passed and. adopted on the 13th Truck dri~rs of trucks or a UGM. NO'riC' day of August, 1951. by the follow-can-yin~ CApacity of less SOTIC& TO BIDD'ERS lng vot~. to wit: thsn • tons l.S3 The Board oC Trustees of the A YES, COUNClLMEN: Truck ~rive~ of trucks of a Newport Harbol' Union H I g b Finch Ramsey Greeley. C'ai'T'}'l.n~ capacity or be-School requests bids on ga.soline Blue 'tabeU ' t~ 6 and 10 tons ....... l -8:5 for trao.sportation purpoees for • Welders . . .. 2.75 .... _ -.... . "'-.. _ 5 NOES. COUNCILMEN : None Cement finishers . . . .. . .. 2.38 u ..: year ...... &.nmng ~ptemU\:'r 1 . ABSENT COUNCILMEN: None Electricians ... 2.75 1951. APProximate n«"Ck will be L. L. ISBELL Plumbers-utlhty pi~ lint> . 2.75 ~ gallons of premium fUel and Mayor . Any classification 0 m itt~ d 6000 pUons of regu13.r grade fUel. AITES'I': C. K. PRIEST City Clerk PubUsh : Aug. 16. 1951 In the Newport Harbor Ensign NO'nCE INVI'nNG EALED PROP08AL!\ Pursuant to 11tatute and RetO- Iution No. 4001. adopted oa the Uth *Y ol AQ~Ud. 1~1 by the Chy Council of the OtY ot New- por1 &!ach. Ca.Ufom ia. and on file herein . not less than ..... 1.67 A maximum price per gallon All foremen not herein separ-must be lncluded tn bid beyond &Jely classified shall be paid which the price cannot ad ,·ance. not less th"n 17"' cents per Bids wlll be re.ce.lv~ ln the or- hour more than the jour-flee of the high school U.P to 12 neyman r!fte for the craft o'clock nooo September 17. 1951. involved. and Wi ll be opened In the board Provided that one and one-halt room at 1 P· m . on th Mme day. (1 'i) timH the said prevailing 'nle board reserv~ t~ ri.'tht to f hall be paid t ~Ject any and all bids. :_~~~a~ s.nd ot~·=-ULLIAN BUTl...ER. Cl rk munal ~. for allY Ulne Publi.sb: Aug. 9-16. 1951 more than ei~ht 18\ hours durin.£ in the Newport Har bor Ensign. t 3'x6' BEACH TOWELS 30"x54" BOYS' SWIM TRUNKS. small. med..larve ~r l 1.8t ~· BATHING SUITS -sizes 4-6-8 TERRY CLOTH T -SHIRTS size 2 ~r ll...H TERRY CLOTH T..SHIRTS siaes 10-12-14 R~ 11.71 KNIT T ..SHIRTS sizes 6 and 8 t .OO CHILDREN'S SUN SUITS aseorted aiae& R4-cular ~ MEWS YACHT CAPS. CI88CXted sizes I..N ....,...,. ~ ... STRAW HATS. men's women's children's A..,..t#d tllws INFLATABLE PLAS11C BEACH TOYS BuWy, ~r. ,. .. , •• 'A"aaiH Roo) VOlT SWIM FINS. Juaiol' extra small , ...... f!rtra Stun. ~. ~ ,. I I~F \1 T \ n t 't-' ... nf flw (1~,111 .,. i "'""' 1 oir ,.,. , • •, • ,,,, "' tof":IOI:•"• I rum f) \\, • llk li ) t' t'lt11 rtl 1\htll Ill•'\ , ..... If : ,,.. <J', 1111 , . t o•h ., ""''"1.: 11. 1 , '" 1 • I n I •· , •·:•• o I< 1• l rh ,~., l)ul- ~·••. \ tlo·m I I . llollllt I ..... ll•trl . c •.• nll•tt (.,· .. ,, .. \ "" I • I •• ,,, l-'11111 ••• n. ~tnnuinc. •··If to rit.:h l. ..... ( .tr\1\lt H••ltth I ... 1111!1', H.Lrh •ru l 'lo-11-.. "'~""'' lol I • '" ..... \\.11.. • ••• : •• ,\u •• : \t.,d . nr• ,\nch•r· ,.,.0 , t 00~ •. & \I , I 1" \tot \\ 11o c•h11-..o•n \11 lu• t l11• ( ~tir (.l lh'I•O I I llt•k ltlf•l111rf1 : f\arh 1 ~.1 ,fu Or.I'O, TltNfln : Oar'• ., · . . ,., (tlinol.t : \l arn.• ,,,,,,,h. t .,,,..,,,.."'"' l'.tl ( ullll\\11\, lluntlnt:"f••n l·ll'lw h. . -(ptslltfl hy n • ..-·knf'r) Memo- ''""' IIlii• rl It"'" f\l l'• I 1 h• II' \ 10 tho Lu1u L:lltrltn)! to • ''' • • \1<~rnt•1•' ~"" • --ilnd 8 ,, ""' ti'trwal 11 on~·m it has. ''I(' . . . 1 nd 1 h( nr h( r h(~o11S .,,,.,,l,t olf-J,, ;·, \', "il\\ nnd ad - ,. 1 • •f. I \ 1 11 I flo oll!.'h '-CJIOI' of f h!'m ,.•,II .,, !',., on rhdr r.-tum 1 q I •·nn 1 II r I lnnr~laht R:u·· \ rul I <uunlulu R:H v hrim:s an- '''"' r quo·-.tion l o mmrl: dld )OU or • t '" publi. h 1 he nam<'s of the r·r('\\ <~ of 1 hosr boa 1 s in I h<' Tra.ns- Pw·rfic Ra('(' back in July when thr \ "ould h:wc had more news 'ali1r ; or did you ju<~f save lhrm. wac~shly, to bt> incorporate-d in A 7'{ \1 l'l)t:RAt>H PARTY on W~sdAy will C!f'lt-bnt.-pubflc-atann ;.our SCYA co,·cra~P to ronfusP drn uf th.•lr ~~1ut book fur lcwal alttbors a nd ufln•nlnrf'r"" Mr. ft.fttl uld s low-wit likt.> m.} elr? M ~. O:wa l~mb. 'I h t-Lrunba.. Dsul& a nd cHn~o·r. (J:lktu,..•d ah<l\f' I fr('l thai you caused Commo- tll"llh thrlr do~ anti J•'•'l') tsrP ('uroru1 d<·l -'lur ,, . .,Jcf('nlfl and dt• m""' dnr(' \Valtl'r Ellintt somr embar- of u-f'lr \\rlUn~t ul lwmf'. T ht.'l r advt>ntnrMI, hnwl'\t'r. tak•• t fHom fa r r{u~smcnt : or course his members ant-ld lnt41 Uw lntrhruln,.; interior ,.,,_-ton!l of Mt•xlt<O und < ••ntrAI Am-Ar<' "loyal'' to their Commodore. nlc>u. \1rl"ad\' MI<'C4'!i!4f n.l authon wtth t.hl'lr "i':S.chunt...t \ lt~•· A Comrnodorr'l' Flat: is offel't"d bond ... " lh•· 1A~nbs' nf'W tto1ok . "QU1'8f ror thf' Lu~t C,:U~·." '" the• f'X· to a worthy yachtsman as a great ctH•I: talf' vf huw t hcy found the 108t city of lhf' ~~a... Thf' ~tul(-... honor, and aft<'r it's acct'pte-d. and ~P" part) w·lll tw-ht>ld ut tht> b l.tl nderPJ Bou!< !'lw p. %14 •\ln rlnt> hr buys hio; Dr~_o; BilK'S. ('\'Crybocb A'"·· r.atboll hland. tW'JChrnlnR at '7 :30 P· m . \\'t"d.nf'~:l). 1n thr ~ub jaJI rlubs) tht'n works ----th poor man to a rrayed. s ht'et. Rt>altors 1f the Harbor ~cctlon PIONEER RESIDENT lie io; ht'ld N'!;ponsiblr for rw•r)• get results throu~-:h usc or the En-l OF C.D.M. IS DEAD bume-d-out li~hl bulb; cvt>ry dish sh.'l'l rr al c•<;tate section. _ st>n•Nt from thr galley, and for ..... • ....... • .. • • I I ' ' • I I • I • I ·~ Mrs. Mary \V M~ • l4, dtl'<l the <;8((>1\' or •'\'('ry four-year-old -~ }('!>IC'rda) at hl'r hom('. 712 Poppy I brou~ht onto th(' club's pN'mJS('!;. • ~ A' r. \nrr>na c.··l Mar ~h<' had Thr honors Rre few. in compari- : b<·Pn a .'"-trd<'nt h(l <' for 20 :war<:. ·on '' duti<>s. hut amon~ them is Sunnors nrr her daughter. Mrs. that ,,f h(•in~ n:tm<'d a.o; titular • J;; ,ICr \'ak of Corona .d<'l Mar. 1 ho~>t fM an~ P\ ~nts schroulr>o in • a.nd Oof ~::rand on Rt•qut ·m mass hil> cluh. and It is boori~>h to omit • \1'1!1 hr· r•-<:it £'<1 a \ 9 1\ •n ~1onday it '! 1 at C'..ahary Crmetcr~ in Los An· ·Th<' fir<~t s<'nt<'nef' of your l~tst ; I g<'ks \\ith Fathrr ~tl'ph<'n Kiley para~raph Jrft mr no hnJX> that • 1 r,! c ,,,,. I Ady '?'.~I ! Carmel Church, your finn I wcwds would hlnw away :11'\,.,"po!t.. of!tcr.Jt an~ Bal_tz Mor-a ll o f th•• fos:. ciNtr up thr ron-~ tuar~ as tn chnr '<' of ~ 1' I<'C.•s. fusil"~n. and pull the whole thing ' --• tor,t•t hC'r into one COh<'rent story; :I TERRY WELSH HURT in tl lc; srniPncc you switched ; . ('Vf.'rythlng O\'er to the Balboa Bay :, T~1 ry Welsh, 1715 Wat<'rfront Club. wht're. as 11 is generaJly .; Dr:.. Cor <'na dl'l r.;ar, s uffPred knoWT'I, the lntPrcJ<t is in schooners : TO ANTS -"llh • pam ful ruts about t.1r frcro when ,r another vorlt'ty. "Magic HOODOO PAPER" • ~is motllr scooter hit 8 110~t .spot Glancing over your article again. -Jn •I " road and thr<>w hrm off I can't for the Uf(' of me see how T~":··~J~ aft<'rnoon on .Rayslde Dr. you ,.fi~htl'd lhl" Pavilion.' ne. the Balboa Yacht Club. . y 8 ( ht ing has rctainro many of He. wa~ taken to \~'"llmumty the traditions. proct.'dures. Jerms, HOSpital. from whl'r(' t>rs mother, nnd pl.raseolo~e~~ from its andent ! ~rs. Harry Welsh ., hill !x>en ~ re-p&N'ntn~.-of older. larger and • lea~ only the dal h<'fo. e. T.:rry morc ~.-rious-purposed o;hips, ard i: was release-d from t ht• hostJrlal tak, pride in Itself for having : U/a ja8t ., P'f'Cf' of s-per but • it •.N,.._ tbf' a.nta aw•Y· • SAl't ., ('l,};AN-l:AlAy w C1e -• • -... -. .. • 5 ~ • yesterday dol e so. On" of the picturHque ~ RELA-X I S D~F.RT expresslous p~ rvoo for R taut 2Se pkq. lroolrblgs VABI£i'Y HOBE Lookint,t tanned and rPSted. E. hip or 8 job '' ·II done is ''nris· ! G. Miller and his wife Verna. t,l Fashion ." lll•d It di)CSr:'t apply ha\.··· J'Us• r<'tume-d from 3 thN>r to your article one bit. Thf' r•'Xt time that you essay d'lY t rip to Palm Springs. They 3 str ry about yachting, 1 sucgest stayed 'vith Don r nd Madge Piper that you ask for usistMce from at the Cornet Lodge. any y:tchts:man, and 1 am sure that he w.JI help Y"U with fecb end .. ~lative values. He will help you Bartine's C l • Shop : courteo11Siy because he is of a a lCO w ~up whN·c courtesy • • • 11nd • rourtetde<~ • • • u e highly \18]~. OOSTA ME~A nEIIeoa MH i Youn !'1\noerely ... in deed in-Z cerrly. • featut·inJ,C • Back-to -School in Wri n~e~proof Gmgha ms. CaJ Checks, W ovle·n~ & Navys; Gabardinec;, Strutter and Flannel t RUN~'TER CREELY ~ EN't'J!:RTAIW PA.ai!:Nft l!!o Mr. and Mn. Hank Silvera ot 242 Hellotropro AVE' .• Coro"Ja lid Mar, en~ne4 Mrs. "'1lVft'a'• ~nonta, Mr. and "'-· ~ .. t Jlei'TY ol Jl'lllpWII, ~. fell' • few days IMt we8. ,_. ~ haw oantllnled on tbetr vaeatklll to Colondo. L MAr--"\' NEW, OtJftTA.NDl.NG lllltT PAt'TEII.Nii' ··-·-.... ~ ........ , ... _ • .. Ill. ___ ,_,..,. ..... _ .......... . Nc" boo ltrutldln~ acU,·lty Ut un-1a_ssa tant UJX'I'\'I<;Or of ship buJ ld· dt•r \VI\} I'H the South CoAo,t C'.o. in If\~. • • .....,. r , .. _ ' t , u wl .. ~ I • r 111\ mm ~Wl'<'pmg '""''· 0 u .. • ewpor ,o o ng ''"'" .ay mg 0 ~~!SU 5 Class, is the fi rst of fou..- the kt-el Of a 57-foot 'WOOde n mmt-· V!'l>.SCls for "hich South Coas1 Co. ~w(.'('ping boat. t~ !inn of lt.1 class hold 3 Navy l:Ontract. T1'le rour on the west oout. Friday mom-! hips are sche-dule-d for rornpl~tlon inJ: a t the South Coast shipyard. in 1952. ~nt ror the ~remony were The second of the kt"els, which Walter Fran~:. president of South are constr\IC1ed. ln the east, is at- Coast Co.; Capt. E . E . Sprung, ready m route-here and ls ex- commander of the Long Beach Na-peele-d to arrive l.n a few days. val ShJpyard and SUJX'rviSOr ol na-Lieutenant Comrn&nder Nolan \'al ehipbulldlng for the northern announced that bids 4re now bP- half or the llth Naval DIJtrlct, lng askro for additiotlal min<'· and Lt. Commander R. P. Nol3n, swt'eping boats. 'Buy Direct from Factoty At Terrific SaYings U nbeatable Low Prices \ Direct from Factory-To-You Reg Reg Reg Reg Reg . VALUES! 9.95 Short Sleeve Linen Suits 1 4 95 Long Sleeve Sharkskin Suits 17 95 to 19.95 Sheen Gabardine & ShantunCJ Suits I 5.00 100% Woof'Sladra 10 95 and 12.95 100cyo Wool Skirls 3.95 5.95 8.95 8.95 LIS Reg . 4.95 Full Circle PriDt Skirta • 2.~ Reg. 8.95 Haad Screened FuD Circle Skirts 3.15 Reg. 7.98 Sheen Gabardine Slacb ~15 Reg. 2.95 CoHon & Crepe BloWJeS . 1.49 & 1.81 ... . .-.... LAY-AWAY SALE Ladies' Genuine Suede TOPPERS, % length and full length Suede Coati Reg. 4.5.00 r GI:N'UINE SUEDE TOPPER.&;; .......................... .. Reg. 75.00 GENUL~ SUEDE J~·LENGTH COATS .. :-....... Reg. 100.00 GE.l\"ll'INE RUED'£ F1JLL LESGTB COATS ..... , . , MEN'S WEAR SENSATIONALLY LOW PRICED F-A-C·T~-R-Y·T~Y-0-U W~ Make 'f'fll • -• l'oo Boy ·~m at Tc-rril1c f'avbtp MEn FINE SLICKS Perfectly tailored 'lla<'kB w1tb ~tinuous ~t-bMd;- pleats. zlppcr~. ln nne 100% all wool sheen gabardine. spray sheen gaberdine, twiU pbardine, flannels, shark- skinA, tweeds. rayon sheen gabardines, rayon sharlt- aklns. All colors, sizes 28 to 50 . Reg. 8.50 to 25.00 Values Fadory-to Yoa · §95 to t6's Reg. Reg. Reg. Reg. Reg. Reg. Ub w4 . . • • • . 1.69 • • • 2.15 . . . . 3.59 2.95 Hawaiian Print Shirts 4. 95 Hand Painted Shirts . 6.00 end 7.00 Sport Shirts • 10.95 Zipper Gabardine Jackets 15.95 Gabardine Leisure C9Cda 4.95 Men·\Lei~Nre Sboea . . .. . . 5.95 10.15 . • • 2.99 Mea's Irk Wool Split Coats PEn.n'.XJ'I'LY 'I'AILOili!D, nNE F&MIOS • Sllft 88 to-46 Reg. 29:95 FACTORY ~-... fS to 39.95 VaJues TO YOU ...,-~., ... . . . ...... ,.:1"': •• Wesbldader IJual..a.dag Co. W8llblliMter Aft. cmd Locuilt St. WDSTMINI1tiL CAl.&'. ....,..: .. .. ... I 0 IW H .. tAft. -.a W t I ; ---.... ...,...,.. ~-- SECOND SECTION A" hu:kt~ 'cu 'PGft«7 covni.nc the ent.Lte cit)! of Newport Beach. Official Nn.LJst>ot>n of tla~ City of Newport ~ .rhuraday.Au 16. 1951 IConUnued from Page 1) \Ia&~ Newport I" "oD tiM\ «rab.'' r'Mdr'-c oat tAl takf' ~Ua~ at Ute upeaw of Cotta Meu.. Fnrt is, and th~y Wl'U know this to be true, that annexation would not add a particle> of advantage to Newport Besch. would indf'l'd be an additional bu•·dMl to thi city. Furth<>nnor<>, anll<'xation would not makP a parll<'lf> of dlffl'rence In thf high l«."hool administration. manag<'mctH. or t>nrollml'nl. llut hf"rl' I" "Mt It \\OUid D'H-an : a::n-lrr prntf'C'Uon for lhl" 11tudf'JtiM, Mf'IIUlnoo MjU3ll' "1th N.-wporw,..., a od for tb" t\\o- miiiiOIMiollttr !IC'bO(•I plant. tw-- «'411*' IUUif'X.a lion "ould put lhr t!rhool IJitA~ undrr thl' r r<qlOruU· Personality Of the Week btlty of the clty few ftno ... ~ prowuoa. Aa~~euu. alliO w..W ., ... MmfJ -..ey fw Ule _.... e.trict. r.ec._. of lower f'lrt" .........._.,. ~-· ... aay -~ thf'W .. ,.. h of ~· Th<"St• adrutional facts also must be k t>pt 1 n mind: f l 1 Th1~ '"' not a proposal mitlat<'d or ('\en in· sistro upon b~ th<> Cit~ of Nev.·· port Jk>ach. but Ml thcr 11 rrquest from ttl<-Board of Trust of tht' !><'hool IL<;t>lf 2• T"hf' Trust(¥ arl' oblit:atcd to iH't tn the !)(· t in· tf'r~>.'\l.c; nC th" !'chcotll and ll~ pup1 ls. and '' j-. m <-arr ) inc out th~• nbh- t:a 1 ion tha t 1 tw 1 ru.q • ' ' I• ",. <'Orne> I 0 I hf' <'f)n('! u. ... 1nn II 1 I I he> -rhn. J! S11P !'he •1ld I>' "1t111n th•• 111\ Umtt~ · Tb.at 1 .. "Orlh.\ or "'J"M'lltlon : T.h~ trU8lf'r~ do n ot m ak t' u,tob• dML'Oinlll> on tJ\,. b:l '" uf 'what iM bHt for CO!ItA& M ("'i3. or what it; ht'st for ~"''"llOrt 8 f'll<'h-but r111lb('r Wb:.t 1 .. for tht> ',.,~ t.H·"t illtr~t or th.-\'lltirf' ~oc11 dlt~- c Continued from pa~ 1) I trJcL wblch Jorlud~ bnth. 2~00(1 hour,_ or . p•l?t lim<' and 10-I Th<>n what i~> thl.' rrason for the f ld mol'f'.of ntr .tm.lt>; And more l a1t1tud~> of thP rhip-cm·Hlf'·~houl­ than .Ulat. sht' rx.rtJCI~at.;d as co-1 <l<'r Mf'sans? On I~ on r<>asnn wa!'i r~t)ot In lhf> V<'r~ fll"!"l 18Ct, In 1947. l'h<"itf'd by t h•• (IUo•<;IIOn<; ao,krd !)\ Shf' and h<•r !'!lot. """" that raa!. th<' srhool hoard mr·mbc>r-;. nnd fMm P~t.lm . prtnt!<~ Cabf.. to that n•aSC"~n w:u. ··pride• . Prad<· Tarnf" .. Jo la. Th"I•'WPr<'O~I)lWo th<>n il' tn tnnd 10 thP ,,8, rei plant'!t tn tht• ra N>.and .thP1r<~ wa .l:n~a tPr sal<t ~ 1111 ,,h .... luni ]JU· tht• unly onP to ruu h 1n :/I hours P J • nnd 45 tn•nutf'' Tht>y ""r•• d<'-; 1 t)r ·(X'trh;11w,• lh••tc• 1, ~.01,. JoOii· )ll)o'() b) thund••r"l nrm~o. \\htch tical \\b tluln.• ... o; lhilt m nk• .. the• fon I'd t hem to n "''" t hrN• un .. chc--:'\i <'San." • t'f'k 10 prP\ f'nl Jr..... nf duJ('d lifOps. 1 Wltn<'Orprlnt t• d aro•a 1<• 1 ;. ru\\ 10~ Th<' SH 'OO(I r.H'•'. lmm Palm I :'\t>wport . . Sprintt~ to M1nml. drc-\\ '"'rn rn-\\ bJ<'hr\rr 111 thr tnJr rf'lliOOn. trl<"' and thf' third. from San thf' {'Ot)b M~' did thrlr rnll!lf' l>lt'~O to Mu\mi. had 17 partiC:j-1 nn ~ood with thPir ban;.h wnrdt1 pants !Wa dtd not tak<' part m or thrf'ftt. Such wurdt~ art> all f'it hN· of th<' . but last Y<':tr shf' t.wlt. to thf' lnt.-arrlh' •lf thf' was an official mf'mlxor o( the munlM'n of thf' Board· of T,.._ raCf' commitiN> in thr fourth nta!. tff1' -pubUc M"rn.nt'l of h1~ from San Olf'~o to Grt'f'mille. S.C. eall~r .. u<'h tUI nuf'lv f'onld 1M' Th .•re "t>rl.' 33 plan , in that race. roU~te>d ~l'('thrr ln. :u\)' <'Om· This year th<' c-ntry Jist again montty. ha~< J:'rown, and 44 planes took off It io; ahsurd to thtnk that p('r- )"("Stcrday noon on the> 2.318-mile sons of their intellig1•nce 11nd M-fll~ht to JXotroit. Mich. Arriqsl is ,·otion to their en ut d uty would tlmt'd to colnddf' with the> Na-recommend act ion thn t wnuld oo tionnl Air RIJ C<'s twin,:! h<'ld ln J)co. dotrim('ntal to thf' 1whool clic;tnr1.1 tro1t Friday through Su nda y . It IS absurd nlc;o to tnk nbout 1 Then> are 13 authnrit<'d s tops en snoh<~ from th(' Bt•a rh tut n1n1: up routr (of whkh Ft Worth. TPxas. th<'ir no<;('S at rtttal Hill kid" Thl're' is n "muo;t o;top." 10 Nitahlish the has OO'·n relatl\<'1~ 11\tl•• hJC"\Od.c;ht'd routfl or thr flll:!ht l. Plnnrs art' up thrrc-on the> hiuh "<'h<Ktl eam-1 handu·n Pflf'rl at'N>rdm~ to the pu. . and t hr rr "ould he• t rnubl_t' r•·uio,i ns:r sPf'('<ls resuJtinl:! from nnn!'X8tl0n nnl) 1f M(l 1 of 1 ht> fliprq ha\·t> ro-pilots.1 a dults would so "·ic:h it Aftr r all. AmnnJ:: th<' rontt>c:t1nts arc-a thrr.-i nn cia~ pr<'JUdrcv or r.t(."(' mf'llt!'r·<hUI!hl•'r tr1 m a s,t of 1 prejudJct> amonc C'hlldr t•r "nl.' n~ '\\ 1110: ·1nlll t>n n one> I...'T;\ndmo th<'r tau~ht b:o-ndull~ Tl , r:\ j.-,.. ,fn<>k mod1 t 1 ir-I M nnnt t)f'h• '' tl 11 rr rl l IJJI fO ;\()() hO...-I'!l0\\"('1 3 rtf'l \H trcJo; C:pClki•O Jn I t '''" nol htn~· nlrl •r tl1'ln 19.1*1 r<: Rllnwrd School h<>ard m• •' m. 1 I ~rnnc;or' nf tho• ,.,,., '\to' th ··C}(l'" th• :ho 1 ·ht of (\"' • \I•' 1' 1 (,, .e nunt1on Anrl .,.,, snnt:t An, \\hnlr S• ''' lht>ro•l" '"' ttnw ,lllflltl" l't·anml~<•r of ('nmmt"rrr fnr C'"'l • ltl pono.ulo ral lt II of 1hl'l ·n,f · ~l'l " tn m'~>tTltlinnal n1-1!Yl\lnri.Ht1 r!l>t"l'-1 ttl 1tHI_It"l ( ••'\IU r 1 nv•'i"n nf wnnwn plimc:. """l l\l•· .. ~n~ <tm1 .11'1 11' "'"~"'" ''1"' fr·rflVI ltflt J\ 1, J(j:..>fl hV fh<' !l10'1f 1•, I IJ\t' r1 .I r,u •,. olllel ) 1''0 I lOI!· f lm" ••'ltllo\ nf t hrn1 a ll. llrn• thu r•:"•'l.•hlt JloiiJ'Io• vo~,J A•w , 1 1 • hart ~inN} ·n\n~> r r-aU. ~ )'tliHII rt 1< lit' 11 , hr t"ll llr d ((II' mc-m. jjiiiiiiiii•iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifi twro:, And 1 hn 1 ~··t t 1.-11 l hr n n mr of ,..,,, nrcnnlullif\n. f\f'A hac; hc>rn n rnC'mh,.r of "99" sinN' 1 !)40, Shl' stnrtrd rlyin~ in 1!l.'l7 in h<'r homr stntr of Michi- ~nn And f'Rrn<'d hf'r commt>rclal pile1 ·,. llt•f'n~r Sh<' rontlnut'd fly- Inc rluring thC' .. var a!' a WASP IW11mrn'~ AlrforC't' Sl•rviC" Pilot), frrrvinr rrl'IJ!h cr~ t ran~r ort~ and ,.,.,., ht~ bomb'rs throuc-hout t h~> st,lt " and Canada. H t>a dquarlN"I ff"lr ,1 v.hile W<'f(' In Lon~ Bradt. anrl 1tPr In ('inclnnati. IHtrr WASP \Y:I!I disbnntied in n~ ~-"""'lbrr. 1944. !''-." flev.• C<lmm .... rml Jl<lS!-<>nftt"r Oighf-'1 in ~~ichigan r,,, ;~ "'htlr. thl'n camt> to the w('8t C')'t!lt. lX'Caus<' ~he had likC'd her tour o' duty h<'n> S h<' rerrkrl sur- plus''· t~r alr<Taft to P orllan l. Orr , from all o f'r thf' states. 1 n 1 M!l ""<' camE' to Coronn del Clothes That • Reg Rf'g 19 95 10 95 Now O nly 1]95 J95 • • APPAREL • • Reg 16 95 .4 95 Now Only Sale a1 BATHING SUI'S •• , .. \ll \' \1 l f. Tfl Il l•; '""' ODJ~ \ \l.t '' T CI ·~":;-01\ly ~PU 1.\1. 1'-\l .f~ PRJC"I. 1195 1095 S ET 0 •r R E XT RA BARGAIN TABLE!! • \ J. I .... \ t. f • .._ 0 ' 1 T SHOP • brings you fashion , wtse tJ) ie'ummer Heart Prices Yoar , at • Desires Your Budget Loves Mar and has be n n local •'t> 1d<'nt I'Vf'r ~ince>. Sl'l • li\"C'S at -o!i rar-. na linn Aw:•. a nu ~In~"' 1947 she hac; 1 N' w:lh \1 rr un: [nl<'mational, t tlf' Tl'O\ 1<' ma 1 'ng fi no hNldQll'lr · tc-rt'd en tf· • RlrtrhPr BulldJn~t. ~h<' IF. f'f''lrral m .. mn~rr then'. tnklm: ~ ! Pea .. w~reSirlrts S~e~ITS Hl~·~r~lPS l Bea~h-~oa~ 7 95 to ~9.95 5 95 to 14 95 7.95 ~o 14.95 i ~~ .~c. .. c5 ALSO GREAnY R·E-D-U-C-£-D • Tl':~ "'' -.uo .... • St ~.Jtt-rTJ.,.• now now now 495 to 1495 395 to 895 495 to 1095 now new 795 • STR\W 'N 0 l " •. HOlt~ nR.\, f H ''l'f'-' ,,,l':'J'' 1\1 ()1 ' .. Ct\l't' o f t ho' offiCI' \~hill' ho S(''l DA\C' Monahan and Buzz Ellswort't takc-m t'C' of thr writing, salt'S nnoi I ~'''"rfl worl< ("California Wa:v 1 Clf l .ir " '" on" of th~'lr pri..:.t'rl ~ro-1 SALE • SAL. E ductir.n,: f.tC1durcd for tht-New- port lht·bnr C'hotnbc-r of Com-• .:ALE • SALE • SALE • mer(."('.l t f h Bu s till C'<'f ~mP ch~n~s nt un as l·ons Oylng, ror sh<' Is no v snd tllt'n •· cn1k-d on for pUotlnJt dutit'S wh{'n tht>l'f" Ill ft<'rl&l pholOWftl'\hY to IX' ll .. iitiliillii ______________ llliilllliiillllillllli-lllillllllll••••-llili-1111-------------------lilill doni' for her fir n. 1305 Coast Blvd. Corona del Mm HArbor 2322 .. • • Where tO Vine you like .THE SONG SPINNER'' • • • IVOE 3:30 -'=IS p. m. Monday thru Friday * * *' . Al8o Stt'Sb -PrUDe BIIMa ... Cocktails Real Mexican Foods e Enchiladas e Ta cos e Tamales e Chili Re llenos. e tc. e Steaks 0,-s to 9:30 p. "'· -Ct..4 t.Aeft4er• HWidndsof EXRIISITS Free Sbows-Ccmamrl ---.o- ..... OSIIICH IACIS """'• liM I .... liMN F.:\""TaA.'i\<::. ._. N~rt Bh·tL . . . Pl..E...'ITY of PARlil~G Ne~~r ft'!\;. Oate . . . The Beautituf 6cmqt.d Room AwhfabL~ COLONIAL SpeciGliting in. Deliciously Prepared SEAFOOD and STEAK DINNERS ...7 1el~ea ... M ~ fran '' ...._.,. au• aroat-F...UJ P'r'teN 8PIOaAL CIIILDII.EN'8 DINNEII 0,.. ..., 11:11 .... -a..e. ..... ,.. -r nwe•lnEM'S llllEAKI"-'!IT at a ~ CharaMd Broiler Seafood . -Steaks -Chops, etc. Restaurant Open Daily 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.-saturdays till midn.llbt Cocktail Bar Open Till 2 tHorne of Rotary) Visit Our Beautiful Cocktail Lounge Ill'S IEIFIII AT THE SIGN OF THE swotlDFISH SEA rooos 16271 Coast Hwy .. Surt.ide Long Beach 1-2405 Featuring the "GUADALAJARA BOYS . COCKTAILS -DINNER fTo"' 10 •· "'· Frem 4 p. m. In IALIOA 415 E. lehMN ~·"' Fw R.-...._ AI HArt-2m Dinners ~!:~=,J~: ~~~ ~!!] Steaks' • Chope • Short Orders IS! C'oaet Hlpway -Newport "Mariner'• Mile" ~ed Snapper Cafe , ()Ul K l.t. 4.. tUA:f\J'H A eonce.t In Orano 0 1> P~a~~ ~ nd• O'SOf• 13 \ a "lu-enest ear" contf'st, and a pic· "Ito sut'c f'd<>d in f"f'('()l.!lltz:lnl! the nic at tho• Long J'k>ach Plk<' " re ~:n•atPst numb<·r of S)Jia blt> sound all event!> m th1• wnm~>r music TbP n(lxt kc-<'nt 1 ear belonr•f'd to re<:reat 10n program und r th dt· ·"H'Pht'n r.rahom, 12. a nd C"arul DR1JGS ••• { .... t 81\d. ~lion of Mi s l"ormu Pf'rkin Uoant· 11 placed thjrd The a;umrner mu lc school \\&!. a T he r u t<· dt'partmt'nt't-enroll· FU Rt.JIT URE ACCE ~~':'~·-:s part of the supervt d play~'l'ound mt•nt rt o•·ht'<l 200. nf'('•••utatim: program, operated b} lh1• ctty studl'nt t<>achers , \.\h<l were Su-I and the elem('ntary chool . and <.an llro" rl Glona Chapman, Caro· sponson!d by the ="ewpon Beach l)n Calh , Carol Doane, Richard Elemen tary Schools Parpnt·'l'E>aC'h· fhE>rby. Gteg Adams and Jalien ("r A5sociatjon. Gr('('n. Steven ('q•ti<:t sPrve<J as SEE THE LARGEST DISPLAY IN CALIFORNIA The advanced Band <•I th .. to.tudent manag'"• I RAT: A·, • REL WOOD • ALUMIN\.'M • \\'T OLJGH'l' IR ~ C..\\'1. (...: • ti'MBR..ELLAS • • Rt:-NI\'1 ft.'-• RARBErt 'f.S Summer School played beloa• ;;(10 · The student tl'c..Chl'r<: "eN en· list<'nt"rs at an Jn\iitattonal ru o-lt'rlaiJ ci b\ ~!i.,., r'f r ktn:-"' a gram in Oranj:!e Caty Park und Jlla)dn~ on ·the PikC' Mr~ C R was lnvit1·d b) thf' Cit) council <'h.1t man hl'lpt'd \1 to:~ Pnksn~ to f'njoy a !-Wim in thf' mun icitw l ''ith tho · tran,VQt iJit<•t ;.no ~""' I ftWP"t P r1C'f'11 • 61 1 Coast Highway pool. This was the fir 1 ) Par 111 t hP summer session wh1ch mdud<'<l 11n Nr tra1Dine course. A m<'dal wa THE EN~;r·; Now off~rs compl(•tP Job Println~; lo •• ,..I 1 ... 1'0~-pcwt ~ Or;"" Nigl.h ••• Sunc:l•'l'· ro •..m. ''-4 p.m. Paige Hall Is 'Engage d I n~.a , nu ,,• : '"'" \l:tt) Pa· lta(•t,t hardt '" l '1t•11 '•" l It l''f'ht Crnp .. o\ J ll''-JLI•' h•·rn an· n•• trl("t'l'l h\ lro r n •• tho 1 ~l1 ' Flor· cnc. \\' ti1li·Htrd1 ut """' RN:oma A \o Curnn·• cl I "o' !\Ia:." l:h TI·h. '' ho '' lu 1 tC't knowr. ru; Paig1 Hall lormc-t Balboa Is· land dress d<'"tl!nl'r. j-. tht' dau.gh· tp of the lntt-Col. Thomas How· ard Btr<'h. fot me t l 'nttt•d ~tall'S Mm.-.h•r to Pottu;:a l Her faanC(' t<:. tht> SOD nf Dr and ~ill'S. Chsrle 0 Cropst>) of Rutht-rfot d. ~. J Both o{ tlt P betrothed ha,·e re· ~nlly graduated from ~he Ameri· can lnstit utt> of ForeU.!n Tradt" near Phoenix. The) plan to be married in &>pt emtx>r --- PFC WJIYTE OOES TO SCHOOl .. P!c. Robct·t A. Whyt<', son of 1 Mr. and :\tr . Jam<'s S Whyt<'. 416 Hazel Or . Corona dt'l Mar, I has bN-n !l<'lc<'tl'<i to ~o to the 347th School ~quadron at :-.:ort~·l w t M~ow·i Stat<' CoU~e m Marys\'tlle, 1\hs.o;ouri. Bob is be-l mg tran~IPrrf'd frnm ~hl'ppa:d Air Force Basi' in Tt>xas. H e wall 1 takt' trainin£? RS a Clerk Typist and latt~r· be tt ·a<;sl~f'd to an Air Force na.l' -----A<'CIDEST BRE.\K~ LtJG Califomta ha ix'l'n rough !'In Henr) OstrandPr of :-.:ew .Tersey, ..,ht' ,., , i~itrn" his dau~htC'r, Mrs. Albt'rt .-tockton. 711 Poinsettia Avl', Corona dl'l ;\'lar. Shortly aft<'r hi!§ arrh·C!I ~tr. 0<\trander ~iipJ>o ·I and !woke his lee Gifbt a o..oee • tor You-..,.... ~WA.OOIJ 0,. IN O~litHI 0/1 n. Birth oJ a BttbF lbteenth BinWa1• Eac~~~ Cba'-'e of N8ideece · Arrinl• of Newcomen .. NEWPORT BEACH · Phone: Hcn·bM 758 ' N 50% 011 is1 QUI~IIY ItEMS S5.CHI \&IUf' ~nw unl~ l..~tdh'1'>' lt~tM>nblum SUITS SKIITS 24" ~(:. 10.95 695 'O:J'4"('Ial II t Ladies' PO Beach SUITS •u.eo v~. Now Ollly ... .. ,. ..... _rs•s COLE Ccmp 1ete S1::-e Rcngt- SUN DRESSES L~~~~.,. 1195 \. (;roup nf BLOUSES ~ A Group of La4i,.... SWIM SUITS J,.aciJpfO' U2 S. KedeHes \'a loes to 4.,.5 "'11 If' Pr1t'IP onh ,.$ TD VISIT OUR MEN'S WEAR SHOE-DEPT. e e A (';r oup of M f'n'" SPORT COATS 27M' r:. ::. 42~10 ~.o!t• f'rir-t• ont:- -\II-Wool TROPICAL Men's SUITS Ht·~. M .OO. Xow onl~ 4000 Ladies' DRESSES \a luM to l\~00. On ~If" ;\ t l'lnl) 19'5 All ~Ilk Mett''l •.-r,OC'kf"r-Pl.Un Nylene s-o-r-ts~~~" STRAW HATS PRINT SHIRTS PAJAMAS ~ow ont~· . 3" Rt~tt. !.39. S ow only R~. 1~.!'5 On ~·f' 1\t 7'5 On ~.tl .. at on" ... . YARDAGE & CRILDREJI'S WEAR KROVLOS FOAJII RUBBER PILLOWS -· 10.1& Now-Ollly .............. 7'5 P rint COT'\'OS YARDAGE 79e e e ALL SALES FINAL . Olrl ' C'OTTOS DRESSES \'.tluM 14• ~.9~ <m !'ftl~> nt R<·~ • · -c •· tton I'IHOitT • LF.E\"E SPORT SHIRTS lf 3 OFF ON SALE MERCHANDISE e e ,_ 11 ~~~~ w. .. -.ctvea Lettos-0. n0011 Vk:tl•s Editor of t~ Ensign, . • • • of sodill note •• ,._ ..... .....,....._HAom VACAnoN SPEaAL .... -cr ••• ..,. oa... .... y.,.. -..... wd ... Fiftillliftt ........... o··a···a······a Inquiries coneemlnx \en ramJ- lies In the Midwestern Flood Area have been made on behalf of Or· ange Count} families, according to Mrs. Carl Zamloch.. IM'CN'tary at lbe Newport Harbor Rt"d Cros branch. Answers l't"<:rived from Armour· dale, Manhattan, Mlssion., Rich· mond and Fort Riley, Kansas, in- dicated in all instances that th(' famJliec were weU and sate, but one had lost all possessions and home. The 1"'he members of the St. An- dre"'5 Presbytt-rian Church want During 1950-51, a total or 5,Z72 to thank you for your won~Oil different J)('rsons a-ttended classes cooperation In making our Tair at range Ooa.OJt CoUege, It ls re- of A~. 4 a success. We do appre-,·ealed by the annual report of Dr. ciate your helpful assistance ln BasH H. Peterson. college presl- ewry w~·. A heart y than.k you <k>nL from all or us. Jn regular ~ classes 816 stu- C1ara Axta ter, C.D.M. dent \\.-ere enrolled durin¥ the MR.'t, GOODE VACATION8 ~rs. Martha W. Coock-, 428 Mar-~uerite Aw~ .• Corona del Mar. Is pendin.g a two-week vacation in Los An~t-les and vicinity. year. A total of 3,"56 atudenb at- lenfko.d evening cta.aes. and ap- proxlmitety 1,000 were members nf the evening rorum wries . Commenting on the report. Wal- ter Longmoor, member or the Board of Trustees, stated that ·•occ Is rt'ally a community ool- let::c. which strives to me.t the post htgh school education needs of the people of the community." A definite pi"E'elpltaUon ol fuh- lon shows ghea us the barometer that a change or ~ Ia at hand and ruhiObablc fen.unH ..-e eag- erly lcamln1 a utumn trend~. Newport Harbor Yacht Cub held ita annual fashlon-h.meon and card par\)' Friday. CoDete gala were partlcuJarl,y feted at O'Brien'• Vogw Fuhlon lbow on 'I'uesda,y-and La Fiesta pr-.ent.ed holiday styles at the fubloB tee which entertained scr A mee- da.mes at tht-Balboa Yadtt Club last w~k. Rumblinp ~ thb year's plans tor the fubloo "do" at the Santa Ana Country Club are also In thf' air. • • • Yacht and beach weer, back-~ W\.-• ~~W_. school fashions and culal clothes .., ·• ~ ,........, _. were the thn!(' classiOcatlona fea- tured a t the NHYC's show pre- Although no forma l meetings sented by Phelps-Terkel ot LoA h Angele last Friday. C And Mr. ''ENCHANTED VAGABONDS" hav<-OOc.-n cld by the Newport Phelps AND Mr. Terkel were both Beach El('mentary School PI'A this summer. commlt te<>s or the present to ~>C'(> th<-show moving group havt> bN-n activt> behind the along. I Easy, rather than ex- scenes getting ready for the full trem e fashions, set the keynote ot • DANA and GINGER LAMB will be at The Islanders WEDNESDAY AUG. 22. 7:30 P. M. to autoqrapb their new book "llest lor die ~ost Gty" an exciting tale of how they found the lost city of the Mayas. The Islanders j U M arl-A v" &tbott l •llaad llArbor I 5 t 1 BOOK SHOP You are invited to v1ew the prem1ere collection of Lee Shipley .fun clothes, and . dresses plus a separates complete line of accessones. Promine n t in the field of designing, Lee Shipley is now creating women's wear fashions for the .... , styles with shades or dark grey, school season, accon ... ng to Mrs. blonds, nnd red and tan~eri.ne im· Loui. CsM a r, president. ... Shortly after school was out in portant colon;. Materiall ranged June Mrs. Norman Hagt>n asscm-from sort woolens to surprising bled her comrnillt-e to discuss cottons, cords and velveteene. Cappi ng t he show was a UtUe plans for the tenta live program or modt>llinJt cont('t;t amonx the f1X'm- the 1951-52 YNlr. Before July bers' own dau<>htt."rs with P -T '"V· was OVC'r t he Guide book and " .,. program hAd bN•n assembled. lng lh<' prizf.' FourtC('n co-eds SchE'dult'd pro ,!{ram-. incl~ Rev. tor about to bt-• E'ntert'd, with the AI ('(" ~ichols, Santd Ana Method· clo ely rontMitNI prizes golnF: to ist minist('r, for th<.' October eve-Jane Huhlt• Marsha Younglove, ning m(>(>ting; n hC'alth pant>l on TPnila Mantz and Marty Lewis. the school's part an student health · · · It ""11" a doubl<' celebration for pro1.,rrnm; an eduMtt1onal film ; 8 Mar ty bi'C'ttU-"<' sh<.' was feted w ith physic-al C'du<'a tion d<.'monstratlon a SP<'Cial hirthdRy cake a t lunch· and 8 skit to be prt'pared for a t'()n in honor of hf"r 19th. Near ly sprin~ progTam b8M'd on Dorothy 300 of Nt•wpm·t·.., fashionablt' IA- Barurh's wad Piy rE':~d book. ·New di('~ <HI<'nd<'d th<· party. . W:w s an Oasc1plin<.'." Unw.unl among th.f' young JfJrls · I <.·os tumt''> was a "chanamoo" mod· ISI..ASOER!' \'.\(';\TIOS (•l!ed by \1nrcla Mat' March, worn R.-.11)03 r-.l:lndt'n. Jud~c and \\ath a mu<'h bardf'd and nowt'n>d l\1 r.;. o . A .Jon('$ of 216 Diamond I n·t>d hat 't'. AN' \rtCat ion•n~ unt il tht' • • • f1rst of SE'ptembt'r ~trs. Jone-s M!m"i~ur ,POlrut't, Mrs. Jullic>tl<' h'ld a bad fall rt'Cently but was Malhkt•n 1-r r<'nrh poodle, almost W<'tl t'nough to leave on the.> VB· ~>tole l h<· sh~" nt O'BRIEN'~ cation. T hey'll be spt>nding part l'ampu~ showmJ.( on TuC'Sday a t or thf' time in San [)iego. It&~an s Rt' taun1 n1 and that was _ __ QUit(' a ft>a t ronsid£'ring the N' ST tU.JGitT C(trR TO JIEET W<'re oodle ol C'Utt> young COllf'ge The Starlight Club of Corona gil'ls as models and hostesacs. Th<' df•) Mar w ill mt'l'l F riday, Aug. do~. nff<'Ctionatt>ly known u 17. at the.> home of Jo:tta Mae CoH-"Jf.'lly R(>&n," ~rved to dramalJ7.f> man. 210 Orchid Avt-.. for 12:30 the new poodle cloth jllckel mod· lun<'hf'On. f'll<'d by Tcmta Mantz. CoupiE'd with the fa~"'rite faJI fabrics of corduroy, tweeds, jer- S<'YS anc1 \'Pivet . ~me new mater- Ial. shCiw prom isl.' in the 1951 fall fashions th('y includt' worstPd rayons in mf"n· .. suiting pattern ... whil'h 11 r<· C'rMse N>sistant; wha If' corduroy!-t ha t aN' soft as vt>lvt't and a lmost as dre.sy; ~ ''Pom- pom" shag by Stroock and h£'t>n gabardint's • • • AmonJ: the ou t-of-towncrs who have round the Harbor a dcUgbttul pia('(' to ''acation are Mrs. Coburn Haskell a nd her two children. They are down from Northern Califomja to spt>nd a month a t Balboa. Their hoi.IS<'J.tU•ts h&V<' included an-la ws Mr. .-.d Mrs. Stewart Hall and Mr. and Mrs Schuyl<'r Haskell and the Jamt"i R. Carters Q/ Concord. Mass. Joan Nunan of Newpol1 Wins Swim Trophies J oan Nunan or Newport won two trophit'S Sunday at a swim mt-et at Huntington Be.ch for the 'round-the~pter swimming eveRt . One was for taking third place among Junjor girls and the otlller was for ~ng the first HUDting- ton Beach Swim Club girt to fln- ilh. Huntington Beach Swim C1ub took high point trophy at tbe Glendale swim meet la.lt ~k on Wectne.day and Thursday, and an- other tl'ophy was won for the most contestants. entered ln ~ meet. Southland * * * Exciting originals and custom-made JI'Oitllla IUC8IDIJ.Nft Mrs. L upton Wllkinlon, pre- viouslY or Newport, Ia now maldng her home a t 426 W. BOth St., Lee Angeles. Mr. Wllkirwoft, former •• UUio~ i dH UOfbt c.'O\JnSellof' lft th1a area, has beE-n tll for ~J months. garments fashioned in fine fabrics to your own measurements . ~hip I VACATION TRIP I Mr. and Mrs. John Maitland and son, Darrell. of 520 Marigold Ave .. Corona del Mar, have Juat re- turned from a three weeb trip to Mineral Wtlls, Texas. and Ou· rango, Colorado. 11 06 Coast Blvd Cgrona del Mar HArbor 2848 -J H..n 10 •· "'· .. 1:10 ,. "'" _.,.. S....ey 11lunday. Auguat 18. 1151 Chln:li "''''"' lutitate ill Sept v. • kday l<'achcn. of reU~ous education rrum mBny Southern Cahforrua communlh<>s will con- ver~~. on Balboa 1 land Sept. 11, 12 and 13 for an annual training In tltute which will be held this Y<'ar 1n Mar Casa The lnstitute ts sponsored by the Department of ChrtStlan Education of the Sou- thern California Council of Protes- tant Churches. · Teachers for the Newport Beach and Costa Mesa systems for the coming year will participate In the tnstitute. Local cla.ss('fl are spon- sored by the Newport Harbor Council or ChUrch~ working In cooperation with the CathoUc Churches through an lnter-Faith C'oundl Attend Annual Summer Camp Nine boys and g1rls from the Harbor Area ldt Saturday for th('ir annual summer camplng ex· perien<.'t' at Camp Cedar Glen, near Juhan Ln San Diego County. Rev. Thomas Roy Pend II of Newport's Chnst Church by 1he Sea ls the camp dean. Mrs. Robert Speth of Costa Mesa ls a faculty member, Rev J06eph Thompson, former pastor of the Costa Mesa Com· munlty Church, ls servmg as the camp manaj.'tcr, and Mrs. Thomp- ~vn Jl> the h ad counselor. The :(I"OUI• will return Saturday. Yuur1~ people attending from Chrssl Church by the ea include Bob McDonald. Druce Boyles. Con- nil! ~<>eley and Nancy Bryant. Tho'-<: attending from the Costa ~t·'!t Commumty Church 1nclude Bdl.. Hart, Bobby S(>l.'th, Mary Smclau·, Margart•t Clark and B<v- • I I~ l ·t'<'be. < lH lU Jf Pl<:!"o"J<.' \\'t:O~ L•mA Y :".• wport P.t'ach ~l<'thodtMs will hold d church plCO\C next Wednes· d ol) at th Costa :\1t>sa Park. ;\h·n ~rs of the :'\a\lR&tors' Class .\Ill ~·o'l.ide coffl't'. 1ce cl'l"am and 1·ak• Tht.> <.'hUit·h M.t•n's Club und• r Hal Lacy 'lf'l' lookm)t after tht ',,•mng' C'ntt•rtamml'nt. PILOT CLASS E~TERTAJNED M. and Mrs. Les Not\. oC 440 Holmv.ood Or., Nl'wport Heights, t'nlf'rtainc<l the Pilot Class of Chri t Church by the Sea at a square dancin~ and pa t10 party la.c;t Thun;day. Guests or the eve-nm~ were Mr. and Mrs. Bl'rt Webb nd Dr. and Mrs. Richard Salter. Mt·mtx•r.> presf>nt~·~rt.> Mr. and Mr; Bill Molll'r, ~~~'{'nd Mrs. Hal f'~la-.:-, Mr. and Mr!". Fr<•d Wood· ""r1h and Mr. and Mrs R1ll Me· l.>tomtld \ I"IT TKE IIESR\' HOBB \l•.. C'ura McManus o( Berkeley .And !\1 rs. Addll' Ba rb<>r of Pasa.· d•·n~t whom she Is "!Siting. spent ,,Hrul days reci'ntl) v.1th Mr. and :'-l r'-Henry Hobbs, 7 15 Orchid A \t Corona dC'l Mar All used to be tl>en-ag<' {nenru m Bancroft, :-: t•bra ka. ~OS ··o R TilE ZEPI'A~ ;\11 and Mrs Trent Zeppa, 6:.?0'. At'8cia St . Corona del Mar. ar.-the paN.'ntl' of a son. born Monda)', July 3ll. m ::\t. Joseph Hosphnl, wci~thin~ 7 pounds 2 o•Jnu~ Il l -ti "'""• For your diM:riminatin9 •lection • ~hoic. ... ott-Itt of ,.rwNii-t Owitiftlas C.nh for 1951 ~It seeso11'1 urds redvc~ fro~r~ I 0 to '70~. KAREN MARGRETA Imports -Nordic Gifts 1307 Coen ltYd. ~ d.l Mer Herbor 1173 Holm •=JO .. 5:10. 0,... s...,. ~ 1 Bay Sbor• Girl Wma F'uwt Place in Swimming Gt 'EST PREA lfEil ltEJCE j 'THE CIDURTIA.~ LIFE' Linda p,,.. tun •II Ba\' ·r"••• Guf>St preecher at St. Andrc>~~r· ''LJVlllJ: the Christian Life "'tll lo'Qn JJ\ thr lh'i-n •'\f'l PJJI· rr . Presbyterian Olut'Ch. Ne wport tx· ttw thcmr of Pastor Herbert ('.,run ocean r11r• .'llll!ilt~ \ur. ; Heights, thi.s Sunday wilJ be.-Dr. Roth' r·rmrm at the 11 a m n !iw1mnun.: n 1"' 111 1.011 · f:O. r-t1 f'ranklm Joslyn, whose subject Suncb) ,,.,., iet> at th !'liP\\')X>rt Tiw cornpP.IIh'•n " "' tu1 ll·· • r· will be "The Power of Love." Tt>xl Harbor Luthr ran Church m !'liew· nlds and un<J• r IS St. John 15 Ul. Dr. Joslyn has port Jhn:hts The text is from At tht' sanu• 1n1 •t Ka' 1'1111 1m just returned from doing post· th~> •osJ)t•l letiSOn for tbt> 13th of BaJboa J ... htnd tuul< a •t ltd graduate work in the east. Heo Is Sunday m Trinity as it is written place. in the IIJ..;.~atd ,,.., .m ~·' m on the racuJty of the chool of re-in Luke 10:25-37. The Adult BibJe for sprls of Hi and li and J<Mn !'~itt· Ugion at the University of South· S udy Clru; at 9 .30 a. m . will dis-nan of Nvv..~,n ,,,.,k hcmt•r m ern California. Both S unday C\1.ss th(' 23rd and 24t;b chapters 401)-yard a'-'lTG ''" •ttl 11 ~nd 1:l School and worship servioo. al'e at or __1hf· Go pt-1. a~ng lO St. AU or thP L.'lll' ""' ,.m ffJr 10 a. m . M'ittnew. Huntington Beach !-'w1m CI•Jt. • • • • • • A POSITIVE GOSPEL S unday's sermon at the Balboa Island Community M e t h o d I a t Church will be eontitled, "The Posi- tive Gospel of J esus," according to Dr. Harry White, pastor. S~al m usic. arranr:ecf by Estellt> Brown Mills, wiU feature singer Grace Poirier. A,LTAR Gt'II,.D .MEETS St. John Vianncy AJt.ar Guild h~ld thf'lr regular monthly meet- ing last week on W~esday at the home of ~1rs N. C. Brettner, Bay Shorc>s. A 12 .30 dessert was fol· towed by a hort busin session. In th<> afternoon the women work1.>d on the altar linens for the church ApproXJmately 20 women "'t•rP f'N''-f'O 1 'R''T .IOC_ic.Ut"' ·StiRINJUSG \\'OIU.U' "Thi& Shrink1n~.: World '<'1 11 b<> the sermon topi<' ~unc:S.n mt1rntm• a t Christ Churt'h b) thr' '"a P..al- boa Blvd at 1 hh .St :-;,.'o4V•r1 Tlw pasror, Thr,ma R11y Pf·nd~>ll , w11J occupy ttw pulp11 :"pt'<'lal musk lnclu~ a \OCal du"' 'fht>) Shall Hun~Pr =-:u ~1or~> ,till\! b\ Mrs WIIIJ F ll'ld, 8nd \1r~ fl/. levan Frelllllt Pag. II Fll.ST CHUlCH Of a«JST SCfEtiTIST llOl Vie Udo Ne_,_; ... ~ 9 IS..-. I :00 e I'll ::• 1 ·e· "'; -••• ~o f; 00 p'" "'~r~o:t r"l "'lO'"" lo:Y.t'•c t' II Pel,. • • ~' bo~ " ~~· de r •·~ 11 1'0011 S :; -••:•;)' S-·dtyl efld J,ol:-;~ • .,. --·c .. ~ • IJtiJer.e.d- •·• • P~O ,· A c.o•d c y ,,{red to tt· •e•d .,.. c;l.c vfC.'> sei'V C.aJ .~ life tM ll .. d,~9 PCIO"'\. COU~TIG ... MODUN e...J n~C.Al FURNITURE • DRAm • WALJ, ,.A,E.RS • tAM~ • FLOOI COVERINGS. ROt'~£ a OAilDP.:.'III' 611 Co.s+ Hwy. Ne..,.,;, If 017 6-Hitlt+s •• S.... 10 a.-·4 ~ At the meellng or the dJr('Ctors Tuesday eveninst. it was d('Cid d to continue with improvement to the church building. Amon, the early priorities are sound absorb- ent material for the rooms. doors M'par&tin~ the de partments. and additions to the kindergartPn equipment A S250 donatiOn for kindergarten facilities has bN•n receivt'd. Thf' dant,(•r of 1 ra' elhng m a rut 1n Spmtu.tl hfe and of mlS.Sm" op- portunlllf'<; to ~ of help and gwd- an('(' to r llo" men will bo de-- S<'tJt)('(i Saturda~ b) Holll L A'A· d r .. on p;t<,tor ut the N •\'enth·Da)' Ad' entt"l ('hurch of :-.: , w p o r 1 Hf'i~ht~o, 1n hu• 11 a m. sennon,l ··Rut J u:,:&:Prs. · SEE IT IN CHARM • • • EVAN'COELI~T IN um ·~A A world lra\'CU >r and !:'Vangel· ist, Dr. M)'TOn Sackett. wilt spt-ak Sunday evf'nin~ at Evangf"l As· l't'mbly m Lattuna. Dr Sacke tt ha~> recently rNumcd from an f'ight rronths tour of 10 countn<>& includln~ Israel, India, Pakistan and Egypt. 'everal of the roun· tries he vis1tt'd wcr(• at w:lr and lw was hcld prison<'r durin~.: ht" j()urney. Ht> will ""'<''' <'ttiO!I'Ii mO'-li'S. Momin): wor,hlp .tl th<' E\an 't'l As.~Pmbly. \l9 (')prr•-..;; I n. '1.\lll indudP :1 ~ •rrnun on An' 1111n~ C'an ll&p(l!.'n =-:rm ' II\ p,,,;w R 'an Oosbr•...,. 'IIASII FROM t~Ali'lt:'\'T"' ~l'rmOn tOpiC 1.1' I ht> 9 1;; 1\nrt II a m :Wr\ IN'-. ..;unrJ~' a 1 1 tu· ( ·,,. rona dPI )far c·,.nmunJt\ C'l urr·h w11J lX' 'Ha~h from fo'ntl'rTH n1, Re\. PPrry F ..;chrt.)('k m lnl"l••r emc•ritus. wtll U'oJIIl Of'f liP} tt-.•• pulpit Sunda:,. ·, honl .11 •1 n 1 nl at O 'Brien's ) ThP And!'rS<.III fam.Jiy, mcludJn~ I Mn; And ' on and ch1ldrcn JoyN>. Manl)n and J1mm}. are . ettlt>d 111 tht>Jr n<'\\ hfJmP .tfl!l 1:: lRth :'I, co .. ta ;\fp~ ·~t)l f .' ·~ T~£~ft:. I Tht• JniiiOrtllnl"t> (rl ~-~rhan1:1n~ a mUII'rlal \1/>V. Of t•XISIPnCP (Or 1/u• 'PiriiUaJ lh (Yrn,<,JdPn•d In the :-'unrln) R1blt> l P'-on rm ·~nul" 1 10 I he• '\;c•\\ port Harbor Ct w rh of C'htl"t Sc·1r·n t1'' nt thr l'n•rance 1 10 l.1dn hlf' Thr '"~' JS 1 rom 1 ht• p,:tlms "l 'nto 1 tu P f 1 Lflrd, do I 11: t up m~ oul :-'h•·" m r ~h)~~ .... (l Lord lr•<t<'h ll'• •hy r~ •l'; I._, ''Til r. 0 '\' T ilt: THRO ,·t:· n. \ \ c l'f)\\ rlln~ WI II PI• arh ''" t/,. ICijJI( (;.od Is S nll un lht.• ThrC1n1• . a I I •w I f a m Sunday '''nlu•ot the Ftr-.t Baptist Church •>f :-<rwp01 t, 19th and Cnurt '\lrt •t., HI." Prmon at the 7 31J p m ,pn·i('(> w1 I I !>«> on Through C ln,•od 1\onr .. .'' ~l1dweek Sf'rViC't• will t~<• 11 7 30 p. m Wt'dnP ... day FALL LINGERIE SPEC~AL y0 J.r favonte nylon c repe RH YTHM shp a' a spectal sule pnce §95 reg. 7 95 ;; Try it on at O'Brien's Sweep::-:·.::. !ash."';. ·.·.r:·h Rcs.e·, .. :;:'s b oldly -b· .... ·• ,.>ne:j b 1g p ::>eke:E .... · .01 r coat ·.v. ·:; ·he riew : :"E'i":".-·: -:b1(' "'htn-'ab :ollar w11.::-.. ~ ·:-... 1y breeze-::Je~ymg .. ,~ . 0 .. • ... l • ...... ... " ..~ 69 95 PR&CAMPUS SALE-one lot of name brand hose, reg. t.so-t.95-Now 1.25 pr. Mat·ine Flyin g Painting T opic GJenora, a Harbor Area artast I has dromatw>d Marine Cotllll avia- Hon m 1 hu~t" paintint: which wa!' dlsplJl)t'd at tht• 16th annual Fes-1 tlval of Arts 1D lAguna Beach. Tlw art !.st. "'ho i$ 1\lrs. Robert K: •·t: -l l .,,"' d• I .Mat . has pa.mlt'd r.1 :lllxhll • ;)lcturP of Marine I mechwur'· \fll kw~ on a Corsair fi2h I I' I • ilJlP 11 t> JlillDlUlJ: lS Jlat'th .. .' 'Y ·~I' '•il ·.1:t" thi!' )'-'ar I ~llJo,j· lu• 17-nil.:ht pro~-ram ot' tlk Fl· r;, 1 \ s i('(}H:HKI rn tile Marme 'o• ps. In produMn~ ht•r pamtin~. Mrs. Kar~ rt"lt<-d Jpon photographs or E1 Tm J 1\hnnP Jl('rsonnel and I eqwpmt>nt Sh,.. also received t echrucal ad\1('(> from officers and JOen of 1ann<' Fu::ht<>r Squadron 235 a 1 ~~I :-oro Heights C ircle Plans Projects ~n r.he ~ewport Heights Circle members met ror their July &eaion in the home or the presi- dent. Mrs. Wllliam Trusty. 330 Santa Ana Ave., they welcomed u a heW mffllber Mrs. 0. S. Zedekar, 384 Flower St., Costa Mesa. Mrs. Robert Trusty and Mrs. Ruth NarMnor were 1:;'\J{'SlS for the eve- Ding. Mrs. Fred Woodworth ls to serve b pec.iaJ ~'' ents chairman for the t•nsuin~ year. As a way of securing money for the year's pro- ject the membPrs are coUectlng newspapers and are handling the I sale of giftwrap pe.per, all purpos4' greeting cards, and Olriat.maB CIUdl. Mrs. Les Nott is the chair- mllrt in charge. 'The ~oup WJU hold their Au-j gust 28 meeting in the h~ or Mrs. Nott, 440 Holmwood Dr .. Newpt.rt HeiE:htS at 7 :30 p. m . Beach PiCDic Held I For Deeclee'a Guest. MiA Outne "Ocedee" Alden, 214 Golde•rll'Od Av·•., Corona del Mar, was boctesra a•. a beach picnic held a week ago Friuay at D:lna Point. Her ~ts were Barry Cairn& and Woody Goa from Mu- aach.-ett.s: Stan HartmaD, Mar- gie lJDdley, Sandy Fa.rgo, Jean ScboU, Bob Millikan, Helen Tay- lor, aU fT •m Pasadena; ,Jt>ff aerr- mack from Hollywood; Chris Calma or Bay Shores; Donn3 Kemnlw-r of Shore Cliffs; &land and JanPt HumesloR of Corona del Ma r Reel estate advert'-ernenu may be found on the Claulfed page. Lanv Diatcmee Lex-crt L&aOE oa SII&Is. ww ... onrr ..... ~ s.ua: ()All& "'We •o.-e Wlttt • .,_.... AGENTS FO& LYON'I 1186 Harbor 8hd. ........ ~o. 1812 Newport BIYd. .... .ENSIGN Of the, City of Newport Beach Read it for fair and obJective news of Newport Harbor .. . * Read it for advertisements oi the stores where you shop ... . * Read it for all the official notices of the City of Newport Beach, now being published exclusively in the Ensign ..... * Read it because it is YOUR LOCAL NEWSPAPER, devoted to the advancement of NewpG>rt Harbor ..... ~SEND THIS COUPON TO THB BNSIQN TODAY Or CaD HArbor 1114 cmd Clllk ua to biD you. "-e: HA~ttet I 114. 1104 COAST IOUUVAlD COlONA DB. MAl, CAUPOlNIA Please count me in a s one of your subscribers. I am enclosing: 0 $2.50 for one-year subscription . D $1.00 for four-month subscription. NA~~-----------·----------------------- AODR~~--------------------------- CITY _______________ ~·tet•·------ .. oiADKinde FLAGSTONE PATIOS BLOCK W ALLS --·-- Bruns & Marsac PLIIIIII See FIRST HOME LOANS Low "REDUCING•• IDterHt Ratft Low Monthly Paymeata * We offer you the facilities of the Largest ~ ederal Savings Association a" Orange County Y0t1'll lie -ccw41el ~ 1ft MMftt pw ....._ ..... FEIEIIL 1111- 111 Lillllllill••• LAGUNA lEACH ...._. ._,,n-m O...Jwa. . ' '~-. I . ' I • Tbe Oty Council r«lPP\'ed a re-I quest Mcmday ~ Cor m!OR.'l"- • ......5 -~ .__,.......,. ~. ~ J ~ I . rnent or the ~lion for con-o ..• l ........ s\nJctlon 0 • .nstrooJD at a build-DUO--... a.ctiVJty pickH up d.ur-,ape.rtzneot o..-~r .-x1stLng l:araoee :H ing SJte during ~truction. "!be mg ~ second W('(>k of this .month, sanK' addre'! . VIO. OY.ner WILL EVERYTHING matter wu merftd for ln\'8tip-putlallarly u 1..be result of ~ bull~ I BE ROSY Uoa to City Manager Jotm Sailors, quest Cor P"n\ita for four c!wt-U-1 C. E. Kirkwood, L!'ara~.:t> at fl.t5 • • • Bundin~ l.n5pect.or Pett'l' Ndllon inp in Corooa H.igb.la.nck, totallinc PoinRttJa, S850 WHEN YOU R£111tf? and Oty Atlome)' Ran-y Bloclgt-tt. ~ SOO.OOO. Tota.J for the s~--port Ht>lp~ • ~ request .,. ..... made 1ft a Jet-mootb lhtK far thf'OQ&bout the Wllltam H . ·Adam:.. 1120 ClJff lt''l bard to t.-11 ~u-... r rour t er from Mrs. Ward 11. H~y aty has ~ t~ ~.000 mark., Or:> 6-room. 1-stor}. 1-urut dw·eU-IM'ft,llloa wt.ll 1M-~ t.Je _.,. and N. K. Patton of Balboa Qo\;-es. Tbe {QI.Jo\lrin_g pennits we~ 16--ing at 431 .lr\"l..ll' Sll IJOO Robf>rt 5ued durinc the second wt-ek of 1 J7orbes. bwJ&>r ~c 0011t of lhilac ...._ a. ""We have met with .-weous con-Au~: . . dltionl wbec:b ~ ~ 1eel ow-a ua_.__... . ~t>"'port plu • .uppl~tar, ~ should c:ome to tho> immediat~ a t-r-~ ·--I A J Mickle, nt>"' fen<' .. at 41 mMlt flUid "'0 \\ t~tion of t-ither tJwo bcaJth c1e-t ~CD",.."' ~PfiOI'·1709 Ma~l unlr-C.briUo Lido Tra.ilt•r Park. $125 • t>. ..... ,..room, -story. -t K G Grah -·vn ho ~runmt or In }10m~ rN>a5Urt' deal dwelling a t ~ Se-award R-d ' $12,-am. ',. ' <•as rP wsth the baildin't contractors 1000; 6-room, 1-sto ..... •, 1-unit dw .. ll-f'~tra5:l' at 110 Sonora. Sl.fii'IQ h I be'f '" " U do bJP l (>fTl.St> ''H. on~ wn~: pPmut.. in<> at 569 Seaward Rd. Sl3 900 Arnold 0 F4o'ut•n.tein L<" An- to ~ buildin"' '' they wrotf' ~J~ D. Ray, builder. . . l!l"les. R-rnom, 2-.. tor\', 1-unit "Olieny It i ttl<> enf(}f"(X'(Jlent Eorantba Thompson i09 Mar-dw£>Um.: at 23S \·ia I..Jdo Soud. of a rest room on th-ph>rn.i5M t!U(>rtte, CD~1. !l-J'OI)m, l~tory, 1-S2}.{J( Owner builder durin~ const.rucHon We know that unlt dwf'Uin~or •• :>19 Sea~Aard Rd . E F :-.;0},. ... \\lutttt>r 6-roorn. t>~ of an out~ hu ~n $12,( Jame 0 Ray ~utlder 11-story, 1-unH dwt>lhnv' at 223 distur'bmg to man)-res~dents. who Jam.-s _ 0 R.a}. i20 ~arc1 us XI~. $1 . 1 Ro' Gf'('('n)t>af JT alrt>ady ha\'l" ~ completed. COM, >room. 1-"Story, 1-umt 1 budder · ' · but it is far bell r to ha\'(> such d~A elUng at 535 ~award P.d $12- a pla~ for penonal use Of the (~. ()wner bwld~T workmen than to have your pro-Corolla Mt Mar 1 perty UM!d.. any comer of it. far a Alfred Kurth. lA Ang£>1Ps, s-1 rest room. whJch has be(>n the room. 1-tmy. 1-u.rut dwellin2' at C8.Sf> in our penonal erperie~.. 61J2 Jasrn.iM. .800. also 3-room 1 lew Water lecreatloa ~ at Here \Va.me Van Claus ... o:>n , nauonal chaptt>r of m(•t·tran R••d C'ro ... ~. di)"{'('tor of <om.alJ craft aClJ\,ty of "'as •oastm t tl'l' BuUd up a 11&\iap ~• equh·a.l.-nt to OIM' ~· la- t'om.. bf>rf' a t ~EWFOWT B-'LBOA f'EDER..'L Current Dividend Rate 30j0 thl" Nauonal A:nwncan R£>d Crou Others pn>st>nt at tht> luncheon l.n Wuhin~ton. D. C , and nott>d V.Prt> Alan 'tU . .'HI. ph} lca.l di..N'oc-,~~======================•== authority on the handhnl: of tor of tht> Sant~ A.na YMCA. and I canoe-s and otht>r mall craft. was :'>tf'!l. ~fusd. Tt>"< ~ttddleton Ana-,.,_. Oo\-ert.p -Dreb' r.• .uphalt ,le -Rubber 'me Formica -Unolewn 1l1e l f'ntert.ained at a IW)C.hron at the heim water o;afety 8nd swimming 1 Newport Harbor Ya.cht Club on dJ.re<:'tor , and l\1~ :'.tiddlc>ton Art Thursday, Aug 2 Gathered to-Johnson. Fullerton water safety I ~etht>r wert> mo t of the rt>crea-1 t·hairman. T \' Curtis. s.>a Scout Ilona! and .,..., tt>r illfet~ pt>oJple of .. kipp<>r nr Oran~e: J J . Gubbins, the county. prestdent of Bo~ !'cout Orans::e lfr. and Mrs Claussen art> Lour-Empir~. C. Robt>rt Ch'lmbf>rllun. ing the west Cor about a } ear field l"Xf'CUth ... fnr Boy Scouts of tt~)il'\g particularly the at'U\'It~ Am.f>n<:a : Charles J Bame .. dts- of juni.or or~antz.atJons m conne<'-trict chairman nf South Cout Ois- tion with mall craft Thf' boar10-trict of Bo) SeouL and vict> pretli- 1 man said t hat n'{'f"('8tional J)l'Opll" dt>nt of the Laguna Red Cross a.Jl over the .,untr) are con<'t'm<'d 'Chaptr·r ; Vic1or Hu~o. adershlp "i th the dev.-lopment of ne.,. largf' training chainruin for the Har- \\rater ~u throuJthout thr l' S bor District of Bo} Seoul$: Harry Bob S mith, cha.innan of wat('r Ashton. chainna.n or th(' ~t>wport caaTIIIS' LL~:- • S6 E I 'lUll St. o.ta .._ BEAOON at•W 22 Years m Orange Count> ------------~~ -.------ LUMBER -BUILDING MA TERlAlS Sewport Bh"d .. CGata Meea saftoty for South( m Orange County Harbor Red Cross: Earle G. Bor- den, waterfront director. Boy IJII•I\I--····IIIIIIillllll.lillflllll•• Scout Fll"ld dil'('('tor, Santa Ana ; John T. Franklin. ~a.nta Ana wa- ter uft>ty instructor; E. R. Lau- mei\ter. Santa Ana recrt"U ion dE'- pertment ; Earl Petto.rsorP. water READY saf~,>ty chalrman for Newport Harbor area: Laura Wan-en, toxe-C I I C IE T E Th" local chapter of the Wom£'n cutivc director of w Southern of the Moose appears on t"'O honor Oruge County Red Cros Chap-B£acon 6547 rolll of tht> national orl'tanizatlon. ter; Or. Laurence E. Morehouse. Senior Re~mt Winifred Randel re-Balboa Ba} Club recreation; Don Newport Bh·d., Coata Meu ported at last Thursday's meeting S tont>, Amt>rican Red Cross are-a ~~·iiiiiil'i-iiiiiiiiUI.ilalii~~~~~~~ In the Moow Ha.IJ on Oct>an Front. office, safety services; Frank Newport. Crocker. firf' chief and chief of These honor rolls are tht-Grand I the Newport Ute Saving depart-Regt-nu· Honor RoU and the ll11t-ment; Wall€.'r S. Fra.ntz. director lng of chapters which ~had tn-or rt"cr€.'ation. city or Orang .... and crt>ased membershJp by 15 per Ct'nt water safety chairman for the &nd had dt"Unquencies of 10 pe-r I Orange Chapter of A~rican Re-d Ct'nt or less. I Cross: F rancis Horvath, chairman M.rs. Randel had r('('f>l'-ed this or Nc;wport Be~c~ Parks and RP-infu~~~~~~~~the~~Com~I~O~n··~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ii~iiiiiii~ Annual ConfeN>nce of t he Women ot the M~. to be he ld this 11 month ~ Buffalo, K Y. _N4 • ~ Ritual 0\alrma.n Flora. Vaughn wt.IUf J4JM re-ported that Mrs. Ray Hof(man is seriously Ul with pneumonia and is in Santa Ana Community Hospital. Co-worker M a r ga r e t Thompeon reportt>d on tht> condi- tion of Mr. and Mrs. Rotx>rt Mul- ler, rt>Cently lnjurf'd in an automo- bile accicrnt. Assistant Guide Edna Phe~le}• sa.id that &-th Walker. who recently mo..-ed to Grant's PaM. OreJton. had bt>f'n in an auto accident In which her youn~t dau~tht~r walt ktlted The chapter vo1ed to <~<>nd S(>m~> mnney to the Walker A ham dinner was st?rved in tht> lod~re hall Saturday ev<'njnl!. and a dance was hl'ld. A ritual prac tice will be held at this evening's I Thursday's \ met't- lng. lAKED ENAMB. 'AIN1' JOI Tail or .,_,. Plastic Seat Conn NOT P'IB&E NOT SLIP ON COVP.R,_ ..••.• 'tJ9S CflF.t l\ TR£ £ POINT! * ALL CAIS COMftltW. T SA.-* Wilt iS. 1 TIM _,AIAiftll 1t ANY CAl -ANY COlOI •lA&-~,.. .. ,..,..... ...... ~, ...... ~~ t1 _......., rM eall • -ll'.etor or llelp )'CN oWala • a ... .. --C!ltib ... -, ... , ••• * IN AT 9 A.M. -OUT AT I P.M. * AU. LA liST 1950 COI.OIS * 20,000 SA TISH&) CUSTOM.I 1t IIOUIIIS NO WAJCINO * 25 YUH IN IUSMSS LOUIS HE •• Vnt>i"""' onJy Too few i1t'lm in th of the papers ~~ tell of the thousands or man- hours spent in our ho pitals en- t<>rtalnlng and cheering up t.host> ""ho are sufferi:n~t the ravagef> of ·wound5: and disease. Too f w peopiP know of the Boyt:' Stat<' program in which .thP \OUth of our stat e l'f'C(>iVC!' m ore I pnrt1cal knowlt>d~e Of thP func- ttnntnC! of our l"~"~'<'t'nment than in all of till' , r.th<' y('a n; of tht>ir "l'hOciJinl!' In .lunt• four millton 'l.Rt:tion· murt . and m<'ml>l.'t'S of thf' Aux-~!~=~a~JI I•hrlf'" )Otnl'd th<' fit.:ht a,::atnst the = mn'-f \icioth crimmals tn th -P!u.- AJ..tES OLI\' ER Ct.: R "SNOW DOGU NEXT ATIRACTIONS: FIRST RUN in the Area "Prince Who Was • a Thief' Tt>(h a ico l o r "Apache Drums" "Kon -Tiki" -1-.o-- "Two ol a Kind" GLE .,, FOHTl GENE TIER NF.Y "Secret of Convict Lake" "nrld tht' ('riminal~o who are fur- l m"hln" and ~>flling na rrotiN-to I I tht• ~outh ur our nation . Thi! " k tht> Junior ~on Bac:dvtll Tnumamf'nt 1 bf>1ng he ld 1 an AnahC'im Thi" ts anothc>r ma- l )Or ~·outh ncth·il~ of th<' Ameri- can LMI:ion 1 Th Am(>r1can Lt>gion ha four 11 grPHt prindpi(>S: Justict>, Free- <k•rn. OC'mocrac) and Loyalty. We arr pl('(\({4'<1 to seT\ e th<> disabled. thr W"IN'I>S<'d. thr widowc>d and thr orphanc>d. Any Le~:ion Post that Jht'. up t o its constitution df· ... 1 \'( ~. the full "upport ,.f t he I <-ommumt~. flv \\Titmg thi~ rolunm about I I tiUI a c-thitirs T <'XPE'C't to show t hat !", wp«'rt Ha 1 bor Po t 291 lh P!' "fl tn ,.,(' principles ('1 fot th 1n O•lr 1 Cc•n<.tttution and i!\ dr,·ott>d h1 ~hr cau"'f' of fo,N\ICC to thf' co~mr1un1t~. statr• and nation. By JUtiN "\\'c·a thN turns colder and th<>re' 1011-moTl' rain at the Uni- versitY or OreJ?on." says La Nelle Ga), who was our college hostess at O'BRI E:'\'~ fas hion s how on Tuesday .. t Wasn't it a wo.~­ DERFUL show. and weren't the cloth absolutely splendiferous' l • !i;(l tM'e:~ ters and t kJrt.lt aad tht> wltrU'Itll or jackets a.~ reflll~· ap- ptffbt~>d at En&-HI~. Ore. Cub- mert>-swt>a tt-rs are the all-cam - pu f3vorlt.fiJ a.moa~t ~M'I"Itlt'r"­ ( Na.tdl:) Scarf8 play aJI lm- porta.Jat part In Or~oa ea.mpus lift>. Thl'y are exf'rentely popu- lur wlt.h 8Weatera aad 11klru. and other <'8 m pta clothH . !UJ<'h ao; ta ll rC"d eire Ae • aad the l!iharclv \8rtetles are UlKld ban- da nR-i lke to prol('('t coiUurH from tb«" frt>~ut-nt rrt.ln!l. (The~··n IOH' t hoM' m·w j('nwy hPA d co,·· Prln~"' nlth h•·:HJNJ trlm.) IJI'<',. y '-Ill h . such as velvets. dt• ''"" '' o ''" and s ilk dr<>Sc;e are fim• t.or t>\tmmg llfc> for Oregon U., ac<'Ordin,:r to La Nt'll\'. Fashions art.' sin tlar to thos(> ht're at home at the Santa Bar- bilra Campu.,, says Norma Ander- sOn, coUc.>ge hostess, whn ha~ just graduatPd from tht'rt'. Both ln eat ly fall and spring, cot tons are Pf•i'Ular as well as comfnrtAblt' --- 1 t ht'fl(' new winter cottons should he fin<' 1 AIM~ girls .;hould remem· JPr to takt' along thetr summer i>hY doth<·s for some ot tht> re- cnrt·lYPE' H'11\itlcs AI Sunta Bar- 1 Jarn. Unllk<' at many oU1 • · schools, gti'IS dre S up for f~tba\1 games. H t>els and little swts or wool dres ('S are best hecause the games are all ht'ld a t night WhUe tra4ltloaa1 &\\'~ten a.ad l!okJrts ue ftiH' for c~ npus w.-ar. Nortna a.l.10 l\cl".!lf', tlua.t tallort>d p j:a a nd tete .ml\rt cot-- ~~~Ate ~Jtudy co..tw aad ru'""' ~ Ln 'Of.tU(' for totE" 8hlcly houri'. Whatever JX'''nant !My arc wa ·- In~. thf' C'Oil('ye ~rl!' st'em to agree hAt O'BRTE. "S Is a ~ood plaC'f' o hop II)J' : chool clothes . . . 1 f rom t )le ~"in out ... from ~tuck­ In::' to fl'fching \'riled hal "t'X- cu <c:" -• -rome 1n and f'<'! ~~~----·-+···--~ ~ . ~ ------~---~----- ...... l A well ui•MIM d iet calls for plenty ef me•t. It Js Nature'• Number One buiiiMr ef ........_,. m uecles ..• m•ker ef red blood ••. .upplier of energy. And our THIUFTY CUTI put....,.. me•t on your ta.ble ••. Mlp you ettjoy mere of ttl•t reel ..... meM flatWf' • • . thJII JMICY goodn~ t.h.t puts the ~ .. In appetldn• meata. The THRIFY CUTI are •II t~uality meats ... .... ted f rom the oeet'tier .e.aks, ohope and f"'Mb by the thlnne.a of tlte ltutdter'• knife. auy the THRI~Y CUTI eerve rftOf"e mu t ••• uve more money. / BOUY--GBANI.TIATED •• • 10-ll. lA' PINT 25<' Pt. Zlc Ot. ~~c PERFECT HOST-QUALITY BAG • • RAMBLER MISSION INN Halves H•lv~Unpeeled • 1-u. u' CASE SWAYNE Valencl• Orange ZEE PAPER PEACHES APRICOTS NAPKINS ,.,0, 21 z CAN NO. 2 V2 CAN 23c 23c Rtc:hard's Own Lb. .. 10 COUNT 10c 1,.\S~If -\rrvi <• p ... ~vr ~ .~ Fancy-Lake County Bartt.ett MACARONISlLAD .23c PEARS • • . 21bs. 29c Creamy Lb. NortheMt Gravenateln-Best for P ies CHEDDAR a&SE • .55c APPLES • • . 31bs. 25c 5-oz. VIne Rlpetted Lb. iiSSCiii . • ., .25c CRANSHAW taONS • 7c rresi·IMR Lb. iAI&Sienel: SAUSAGE 45c . 'lbs. 25c • Featuring Ma nning'• U.S. Gov•t. Gr•cted Chotce Bt ef U.S. Gov't. Graded Choice and Good Lamb SHANK OFF •I L ./ - ', . '. P ·J ~' ' T,,.,,, ..... T H U .. SDAY APPLE PIE .................. ,. .. .. .. .. .. ..... ea.cb 57c F .. I DAY I.EMON-t1LLED CUP CAKES ..... 6 f or 25c LA .. GE-PLAIN ANGEL FOOD CAIUJS .................. each 96c SATU .. l)AY SLICED-ALMOND TOP PED Bl 'ITEBRORNS ........................... 3 for 26<' U ... GE-2-LAYE .. PECAN FUDGE CAKE .................... each 87c Finest Beef Obtaln•ble • Ill. • Ill. I lmooth Eoonomy Beer 12-oz. bott le 14e 12 paek $1.68 No Deposit aottles