HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-08-23 - Newport Harbor Ensign... ---... I a • • •• 7 • • 10 11 •••••••• 1. 17 ,. ••• •• a au a •n••••• 0 ,.,.~T ~-~Walle Ll\1...-, ~'-.Gal tcanaa ..,liar, C080NA DEL MAIL CALIF. Anyonr who ('n.)O)S a &oUtary I an<>. tor Jt it t\\o! I sil..lle'Juett,... Thr~n> \\85 m ..crambhn1: mer troll in the-late or an evening souCE'I) contrullh'! 6gasnrH thE> rex~ 10\\ard th< CO\P and •1th the sound ot the \\-a,·es lap-nsght•s darkn~ll .hout" of a J"'\Ioboat and a :.-t· n-taJ hob b<"f'n ~~ tor ~-3Q 0, m. plnJC or poundtnl! and the peace-But Monday night a U h<"Ck a"•> •On~> of thP ht)~ m Chma Monda~ tn. uptnor Court lft the A RJ'OUP of Costa Mesa dtlzena ruJ soundJe sm• of a mlllll rom-brokE" loo . Co\P had ll~hts bumlnJ! and work-Sa.nta Ana f..Outthowie 00 t~ IUlt ool.lectin~ signaturH on a Jetter munit) ta.ken to ,;Jt>.-p would 1n thP finit plac~> thf'n> aPT*art'd mt>n di1'tJn~ around th"' front ot Mr. ind )tJ DudlP) R rurw upportinst the Board of Trustees I h a \"f' lx-t>n surpn~ed Ia t week at to ~ a l~t>r and noi.sl('r ~H>UP of poo. ... rbl~ a ~oea"all • o: 1.(• Ar.5!PIP~~ to for I(' ci\Y of Newport Harbor Union Hir;h the trange t.>IUPI •Qnro. nf tht> llftrr-}Ount..: people ro:mpmz around Th,.n thPre v.ac a boat hf'~&rd ol :-: ... 'Jlf•r1 C..itch to 1$SU a per- School in rts ~tition to ha,·e the midnttzht calm "blankN CO\f'" Then ont> man QUI\'• a lon_~;t "'·~~orr in t.h.: u n'U' to hUJ.ld a ho~ on t.heLr ~ chooJ site tumf.>X(.od to thl' city of T hert> are probabl~ always some CllfllP charging o\er th(' rocks at watf'r and conum: m~nt)) ~rt) I.Jl Cluna Co' it was h•amt>d JX'Ople around thf' lwa<'hes of Co-the CO\f' and urpnsed the d•ckens nf-ar£-r n~t off th ('0\'e 1 Mr a.nd Mrs 1'\tnie had "u niit· rona del Mar Rom sa~· that ¥.'8Y· out of E"\"("r}Qne by o;tunlnl! a fla-h-1 fla~ohPd brl~ht Iichte f'XtrPm1'1) ted plam to t lx; Cit) Bwlding ~ • wnlch wiU be mailed farers ~nd the mJ:ht. and couples lurht around. bnt.ht Lll'hts in r hf> ''bl.an'"'1 part:mt'nt bu Y.ef' rdWJed a per. Mesans. statK t hat a.re h.a.ll burit>d .in the sand _or the He "as follo'Acd abiJut a half C'O\P • arf'a and on lh,. roclca. LatM' rmt tr• busld on t~ir CoW> lou 5 "it 5cems that leaders opposing main beach: wsm.rrung perues oc-hour later b) 8 mall ~up of an thf?rf' "''ll!'l another boat c:topping and !:1m Block B-33. bt>cat...se thew a.nntxation have been ahor lllighted casionaJJy takt> a late and chilly indt>terminate-number of J]l('n ftarthrr out, and more briC!t lots art> sndudPd aman th~ 14 In Ux>fr threat& to disrupt the dip in ~eo b3) n«>ar China Co\·e 1 "-as It three? "as h · ix? 1 and ,light That wa. all except tM I alated for BC'QUl&JI..IOf'l undet ~ &ehooJ and its ~nlzatlon." and ~c IJitlf' ahPhc>r~d co\·e to th e more flashlh:hts. l'MP or thP men mumblini!'F > rninutf"'S too lat .PUJ'Cha.R> plan rt.'Ct'n h approved This wu a reference to state-ba.)slde o.f rocky posn~ has some-appeared to be ''t'arim: tuufonn-. a I.Jitlr f"'arhq llnd "'t' m ight ha\e b~ C1t~ Counc.'ll ments rna.~ by represcntati\·es of how achlc>\" d the mckname of . . . . . Mr F'urst> "ho a.s an atto~y. the C.O.ta Mesa Chamber or Com-"Blanket Cove." Thf'f'P are also but tht>sr auth()ntatn·t· ,.oltY·• m· nabbl'd , m~riJU<tM rerty 1J.l full obta.m<'d an alternati\'t' \\Tit of mercc and the C'itizcms' avlc a fpw can park<'d em thf' rim with diratt'd that the) miJ:ht tx cop! I mandat•• tmm upcnor J udt;e Leagt.H> at a board nle'('tlng that FflinkUn We t d1rectjn1t the city £th: :~("~a:~~~ra~e~~ A Soldier Sets I :~~·;._ ~~:~tldih~~ ~\~~ Th<' lettl'r CIIMI lhf' ln. uranct> wt Frida\ alt('monn Ot,· At · S8\'in~ th:tt · would be realized I R I tOmf'~ HalT) Blod~t-lt and At· b~· annex.a11on. also calls attention I s t rome) Furs«> 3J-pellN'd before to t~ fa('t that Newport pays 75 e u~ns Jud~(' W P t for Ul bearlll~ on t.ht>--fl('r cent of the> costs of the .chool. I' wnt. and Judg<' W rul!'d that "lf Newport Bea~. wdl now ac-1 The pi tol-shot death or 2l-yenr· ~'lStration da) at Xt""'POrt a tnal bP h('lfl Th£ trial 1 scJwo. ex>pt ~hf' J"('SJ)On lb1bty for &Prv-old Mrs. AJ\'in T. Budd. 109 30th A ~t"\\-port Harbor ~ldwr c&Jl'l(> Harbor ·ruon Hu:h Sc.hool .,11 dult"d for partm nt 2 0( Su- ing .wsth water, '"" .. 1', pollee pro-St., l"<•wpol t, has tx>cn declared a homf' )'f.StJ>rda) frt)m the battlP-be \\'f'dnp.,day and Thu.-.da~. St!p Jl('rim C<?UM · t~uon: truh and. ~ltrbage ,coilec-iiulclde. following in\ei.tJ~ation by fields of Korea. ''h€'re h had 5 and 6. Supt. ~i~y Da\idsoo an---,---- tlon Without recesnng &n) ~ea police an d the> Ft'deral Bureau of ~ln•n hi hr~ tn the M>nief of his noun<'Cd Uu "~k. from tM S<'hool property, the o ty Inv tl atlon country ~ · ·'I · r 9 la act\a.lly doing us a ra.vor," the ......... ~ g . • bod h d A fla~~t-d.raped ca. kct ~rrh£d at .::.rmors Y.'u regater rom a .m. J~ftn .. )'11. £ .-..! )'OWl& ',"om&n s '? a the Santa Ana depot sn tlw after· \1) noon Juruors from 1 lo ~ p.m.. 11w 8eOOftd public hea.ri~ on bt-en found last Thu.nday ln her noon rontalninJt the bod)· of Cor· W<'dneada>. • P 5: sophomotft thP a.nfteQUon propc»al will ~ car In AllJo C"•nron. near Ocean-1 pora1 Johnrly Hucl e. son of lin fmm 9 11m. to noon, rr~ hekl at th~ Hl&h School Mondlly m•. a ~\ tty-ow:lt the hM4.r Ru11y Wt"i and. 11~ F.: Ba.lboe I rom 1 t.o i p.m. Thunda~. • I ~ 1f1D -17 hf'W t:Ricfllllrw afte'ftOOO, Sept. JT. "I'M Ji"'ll ent~ ~ eue ~Ole Bh ·d. Balboa · I fi. Cla ~ \\111 o;tart ~fonchy, in the classroom ~"heft tbe taw. th<' auici~ occurred on Camv Pen-Th · th · d g1 f th ~"f'' 10. ::-.:ewport Bt".ad1 elementary ~ dJ ton property. 4.' mo c>r an ,. e-p-a er Jf~>rE' IJ~ the bw ~Uif' for rc-open ror ~ taU ~'·"" on ,.__ Oesponck>ncy caused .b>• emo-\\ere> ~~~tf~~n~:S ~:J:c> ~~~ln &r· ~l•.tratson d~ at th HJ~h jchnol. dar. Sepl. 1(• ~tnltion wflJ tJonal i lra.ln ov€'r pr~partng for a _ _ ___ Balboa bP heJd f'n\1a) pt 7 \'Oyage to Ha\\'&h was blamed for -Rftlboa BJ\·d • &.m. p.m. FollowtnJ: ar,. t.h< fi<"" rnt>mbt'rs tht> sujcid . The Budds had lived 1 p t ~firamsr ~ ~3 12 43 •Jf thr staff. their ~Jt:l'll"JY•nts and tn Costa M l'SA untU Mr. Budd en-I OS e ""~port I th" to".,~ "h('l'f UtE'\ come (rom: A bod)' found floatlng at see a listed in the Na,"&l Resen·e and Ea.<i\1 Xc~port ~ 4i 12 4i XPWJ)()I: ~t-ool Mu; H Jm mj)e out from Balboa Pier Tuesday WR'~ ~'>nt to Prarl Harbor. There J."lth ~t.-Ba.l00.'1 B h d 1~ 12 4P \1 om" h~t J":"Tadt Santa Paula: s fternoon wa.a ldentlfJed 811 R.ich· hC' l••"'tl\<'d m•ws of his wife's Sit M I F"nr<t Garar:t ;n l.! 5ll ,~=r. C:Ld~ ~C'h• .ttr, ftr·' de. a rd Allert (Red) Brown, 33, a fish· dealh and returned here Sa~urday.l to ove .i4 t'l ~~ ·B,Ibo-, So\d A--L 52 ( oq'l ~u:':'oa . !-fh !)Orolh\' Huf!- erman who \\'8S drowned J uly 30. Mrs Budd, a former child ac-\ • • Lido-I nan f('Ond .. 'T~>d Comna M Ht• was a deckhand aboard \h treu and dan('er. ~ad been t>m-1 ''''f" t Bhd "~1 1:? :~ ·.rar.:t-n. \.\"ard IO(I(Vnd wadi' Lot>' Sul)('r-Exprcss out or H untington nlo~ed . at th(' PaCI~C Tcle~~ne I ~ ).I "N'k ~ill be m<'\lnJ: Hmr 'ornnn dt't MAr \ngf'lf'!-. M. Marslyn WnlfC', ee- Beac'l. HP had r;one out alone In offlct• Jn Ba.Jlxm. · uni\'"Ors ID· f• r thf' Cor(IJ'8 liPI ' dr P1~ t ()f. Inn,., Hhd • t't'tl"d end Sf-vrrh HIM (• rmerly a o;ktff t(l rP1ric>ve a barracuda I cJudL her h tu-bllnd o_nd l-~ ..;r-olci lll't>, Pch' mao;ter \' n • \\ n• '" all \1 a•.:u• n ,. J;: tr L l ' I Hav•::tll' \li~ Jar,,.t s.hnodt. that haft b<>en Ia ht"d to thP sick> daut:hfc>r Ltnda ~n 1ces '' C'rc nuunrt••! , , . tPrd:t\ Par 11C J 1r -F• ml1'8! J;: 12 L ' 42 th1rd ~ad" Santb Ana. Mrs Bar· of t'l<' fishlnJ! !)(lin and lo~tl 35 n I ht>ld :.1onday at ln~rl~>wood Park '~>r\ll'; nnd , 1,ji\~'n•, (rr•r'l 1 1 nalnoa e .. t.nd bf•ra Blakf"'\ th rd ~d·. C1lff H a· line partrd A hf'a\'Y '" t>ll cap-('Oif'lt>r~ uhl Pchl 0(1 It " til r •r tnu• ...:r \l tnf"'·Park ).. li 1:. n '' n • t.s~ Ahce H.a.1l rolt.rth .,.~, •zro t he skiff. ·----1 llttPr upi(J tl•• u~h f' rd·l~ 1,1 "'''t ., hi' rt,mpJrto o;t fl •'~f thf"' hu:·h Turlock )II~ Jean Bth t'urttl ThP bod:· WllS si~htf'd TIIC'Sday CDM Girl 14. Has \\ l•l'k ~JOd ~fli t II d I~ rm I nin:... :-'t'r t ... , •nnl I'•' :udro.; ='1' I<' rh~ Sho~~ Mic:o; Jpan Ron- b bo d h h: d h fl .. ctn• ~ H )l t , !cnn. dJ"tr,c• "II· n t. f ""1\Arl h lll<>d Chmo· "n.. 'Y fu;h('rmcn a ar I 4' :uJ;(' , .. thr· po~tma-.r,, 11 " 1' Ia , .. 11111'!"lt1• t .ln ... r rh H flmhlc 1.1 Jt•an G<rrhardf fifth r -adP. Corooa Gror .. 'ia or \h(' :"JM~o'}.-(lrl P t ·r FiFh· \\lll•lfM'n bu .•• nr-.~ .,, tht'lf f("\\ lu-\II•'·JliH'II>.'ll: F"a.\ Hl blf;(\n dP'ln dt"l Mar , inq Flf't'l, and the· ln!orm('d th(' Mil;.~ Pol.·o Case ' IIW nn nr('hld A\1 .. Jl .... ott <Ait ... l Guard. T h<' body is at I u I' 1 ..... , Rhtt r)f tr.l I~ \{;trJ'I"I(' Adarru .,,r.!l Corona dPI :-.18.1 !--(hno)· "tra. Ballt Mortuan in Corona dt>l Mar Mr \\ l t·nn o;,~u.lt hflt flnm P.l,.,n· l'l ''1"•1 ·:ct, r.ill•n. \' r~<'l \.l'•n }.ut•, P.l'"~1n" W<'Cind ~~rrad• Bal- {)('ndinl( fUn<'ral &rranc:<'mCIIIS -Foul'lct•t. ~t'Or-oltt !.all Fr'ihm d:t) thi"OI.:h F ,,~ next ,\'ode ''~····, .. ·,.. ,J, \.nder,on. boll z,.mnd \Lc-co }o"l&n,('l' I<; '"t trn~ alnne '·n \\t'll and ho,·h•llrl• ... hoUici .;rt lhflt mou c • P I •t<'~l J-'111''0\t ion H• r,, ... t"Cnr d p-.d AJ·a~na; ~I'C'rr."' tn 1 "'"' 11 m ld cal-•' of 1JOiiCl. 1 lw·f ·r•· 1, p. m Tho• Pn~t 1 ffic•• I • 11•'!' 1 '1·'1• 1 fhll?rd. Em .. • MarJ'-.rll' 1 h1gt>, th1rd grade, Lol al'<'or·d~n ... 0 hr 1 por••nl<~ :O.tr. nnd ck><l: "til , <' In ,,rJ 11 F p. 1 1,.. ; '. • , Hr~ t: lndu 1 ll \rt • , Anr-·1• o; • • :'lro; :'\oman rrJ hm. <1 1.! f"•rnlr 1t , " •• n·o\lng-l'f "'l'I J'm"nt ,,1d ' "<n 11'111"'~ Jt ., EnJ~h h Soc,;~J j HornC'f EnsJ~ .School . .._ A\1•. (", ,nna dt•l f.11. rtn k~> 1• 1,~10.,,1111 " 1u t off t l, -.tu I<'~ , • .tart!' <Took&, 80Clal tudJes ~ AlthOUf!h tht•\ '"'' ( fC''IJ t•tl fcir \\ II kl't anc' ,tr ".ll"C '1\lC. f, Off' J'o't{' ••• fN If'}', rr. ..~ Rut! I Enel." 1 1 . .oni B---ach: H&rr,)• Mc- th(' liSt of OIH .l•t.: nt (il t. \.all tlw I hh.·. I F1••mlr~. ,.Jbrtr•·n; ·'dr~errt lnt)T(,:rtthm•t.;.C.~;Mias 1 rrC'~'T!l.an ~C.If\4 I Y·J~r Ju1cs JoAnn ~ 'tirla' P .E., S1U1 J a· Local lifeguards rcportcll l\\'(1 Is able to wi~·.l• :ill h£'r tors. !Ill) r;, ., p,q., Phy~iC'> 1 Erl tratJon, Ont.:>. r,..·cues fh-e a lsb and 01 ' fif"t '*'' 1 Patricu1 1 :\tr~ ~ltcha«'l J bst Jak aid C"l~ during la~t week·( nd a• HI lly I. Gatl WR!o tnkrn to Count) LA er e I 'l"l('n('('' R<'tl) G. r. ··t'(', EnJ:Iilh. rollnwinll! ia the oomp.Wt.e a1alt the beaches hcr~. w hk. WC'r • Hospital "'ifh poilu on Saturday '.I.V Ro~ r·.abl~> Sod, .. Studi~ F.lllin at all thr <: : crowMd by 8 1 <" tirro•pJ SO.OOJ night. PI--•• 1\:J&--.o.l "''"';nuC'd •r Pa:r 71 Ois'r1c1 upetinte.nttent · r 0 on. tnday a nd 40.000 on :-=. tturday. ~hP C'amP home t c Thut day .... IIJKRIRa ---J:nr-.a~. ~t.ar) · Via O:..IUla ur~rd Lt. Do"' 'B'Jrns said Jx>fot·(' from th<' Y C •"'P Oscnola Horn Recup~ratinq 1 ~tn :w•u-·~ P~hJ t!tng d d fl rh ,L d F . 1.)' I d mh ... -tf thr (0onHn\lf'd on r-2 th:.t two J"('Scu d were Cliff an S<'em«.> nr ur• .. ._.,.y an rt· srecor~ an m '" • There'" no a('.Jtton tnp t<'r ._ McCorken&Lle, a gt> 8, 1111d hll 3-da). hPr faml~ saJd, but bcC'ame •II C'orr-nl'l del M r Bu· H'6 A.<:..<:.o· thf' Rob rt lorru; of 140.~ Sf'n,·i~ A' I"'L :--.a BABY yea.r-o'ct slstc>r Oennisr. o r Whit· Saturday. Jl<'r mothf'r thinks datlo~ and Tl ~-a.sur~ Da~'S (.VI~· AH• ~ Ct rnna d 1 . t~r thl!oo sun mn '\ot )f'' l"elt'bnlitlg 'hi) first tic>r. ~ •.ey wr • .! wading nt>ar Soutll ~he rna) hav<' o ·er-e...x<'rted herill'lf mltt~5 Will m('('t a Al.n t.~s 4'\C· bl>caus~> 1r. 1--t.•rn 1,. bu"' rt'ro\·· 1 month .:>lrthd ~ 11 DiCkil\500 Fn ~ Bay J.ron t and Ruby fwe .• Jlalboft during camp, bc<.'a use ~~..., rf'poltt>J nlng IThun~dayl ~~ the l ~r?th) .erin~~: from th••('(> <'pt•ra t; ·ns a -.d mar jr \\!. ,. pa_reon lf\-e at llS Island, when the \\>ake of a boat tbat she 4ld not fl"<'l too wt>ll ~h,;t' J• Dance Studl m t h BtrtchC'r· daul'thtcr P<'rJ.Jta hR . h--rn h y Ac:att' "''"·· p 1lhna bland.. Yot.8¥: catlM'd th«m to lose their balance. Sh(' .. '8.5 8 W8)'. nulldln~ to Iron ou~ dN·o~l~ .. ~f t hf' lakin~ 7AlOIO!.,~' ot thf' Ml'lrtnt' Lab Oicl( ~('l!.:md ;u t unoo o:.-wn ~~te~"~'t~. l"roasur4' o~, an-i :'lS ~c>ll "~ wnrl..i:;: at I htnpton' pni.Dldi \\ne~ h( \\.,C bam ::.t S.t. Bulldozers. gradft's. tampers a.nd ti"Udctt are a.U at work pre~r1ng (or a IJ'Ound·bn!ektna ev~nt for the 1 oag Memorial Hospital on the JO.acrt> bluff aJt~ nt'ar t ~ ArthMI. On the Job of npervbion and Jn. 11pectJon IJI Ed Mah'. <'Oun'~ bu'1c!- lnq i.napector for 'lMJ':y 20 fl•a n . who hu been ap()Otntro cl«>l'k of the works rot the hospital. nw-=tment •u an..ounced by ~·· mm-ber ot the ti toe, who hu beeD artJnc head ot the board during tht> ab$(.nce or John Murdy Jr., prrstde-nt. Mr. Murdy hu just re- f\Vfled fr om Europe 1\tr. HOI\g announ~ hat no de· lay in oonatruction is 1n tldy: 1ted, ~~ _.Jocaboo o~ supplies to carry on work for lf'\·eral months ha • alree<ly been gfvt n. William Kimes or N"'))Or t H~«'tta. cJ t\rM&n of a · IPt"C tl r unpaiJt'll gr'''" to l'utse tun<h for llnar .-tng equl.,-ITW'ftt a.nd funll~ lnp for th~ hc»pUal, 11 at worlc plumifte a COUI'It) ·wide OfianlD• tkln for t l.l ta11t. Rt>presentatl\ "'« of the-Coror 1 Drugs. J064>ph Ho pltlll d I Mar Civic Aaociallon and \\'Q-Lepm c owds Are Dae • men'·. Ch·;c Lea~ • which atf' eo-f wrA~ opnratlng with th" Bt~ <' -. As~o-•~ t'iKtJon, wiJl join in th • ch~cussion. r &....-.1'---. aL.-I'_ a: ,.,,(' rmrual ('\f"'r t ltaa b('(•n pf or -~en .... \jtl ....... ... for Friday and !'\1 "'ur&ly, Ck't 5 and 6, a.nd will t't hrld on a por-1 ~MOn.n:lirM ll I "'n~~ ,;tron~t I q p. m • ~·sth t l"'•lkf""' or • -~~ tlon of th<' par"tinr lot nf'ar I he M mot'f' 8,... f' 'fl'"<'Tt'd h<' e t"'is umish1ng th<' mu"ic. A t1 ·rtc-t All Amrrican ~f.trl<tt. ~ '<'k -t'nd as ~~f'·rt Harbor p 1 t I lunch \\111 ~ n NI al 1 , m 'E'ntcrtalnnu'n t ~~ tllllU\E"d r. r t • .,,(!' l_<'lt' I('~ ton or the> (.A • bt•th cvcnlnJ:~". ~ooths will d.l play 291 JI&)'S ~· 1 r.,. tht' F'tfth A rea n~ ",u be ht-ld ~unday, atarttt'l.; I •cal ~ts e d wtre1t duun~ tht' P1•'-<'0m·•"'111'ln c· II":W 10 b<-hPid 11tt 10 a 1.\ nd ~nOn\''"~ thrr, h twt:J.(Iay ~1\'bn.lon. The l.A'{'U·'I ~~~: w t .. tfln 11 ,11 '\t l~th . • ht af t'rnoon Thfo local l~n W't' hunt will bt> h4-111 In ttw> t'arly nnd \\ R;.;. ·''' · '· "l"'rt Au,tllary ~·til " n • tf..nrli T" tit hou.ra of Sa vrday (ICt. 6. l"\1nrc Dfol ~tE' '"'' n"'T"t' ~ t"tlr~ll}' • oon of the 1(11 ~tt•T mcell will bt-1 n for rot>lal t'\ ,. n ,, th1 l.-: ,, ':'ht ca•'C'Uia w.U ~ liiJUe~ about 2 p. m . Salt~. al'ld tt·.e HaU Loc~l <.'<'lli" nd " Jo:.t • ur-I hnt W11l ~up ~fo:"( Uw-eon. prizt'l ~U be t.W(Lnifd r..atur(by N"n nnMU'I('(> thai t't rc ,,,11 b·• •• ~ntion •h w1U """' ~•l't ll altcrnoon ~nd .-vc·nln(. a tb .. a.c• m' t .f'\tnln" ~otar• r At at S.n ~ tContinued from Pap 1) Fifth Kntdt• M Acoe-Carlson. Art su.,.-1'-Mt'&. Thalia vbor: Mia Marie Heffem. SJ)('«'h beth Hand)• coru.uHant: Miss Nadint> H('rman-hardt. ML A~ Cra.tg. Larson, Mrs. Elia- and Mrs. Jean Ger- IOD. Band and orches tra: MtaS ~ .. 1 Mar lktl..a 8&af'f Memo: That second hearlng on the oounty oll drillinc ordlnanet- wiU be held at 9 a . m. Friday, Aua. 31. in the Courtho~ AnMx ln Santa Ana. Norma JltwddM. Nurse: MiM P'l"'ncl~l : Mrs. G~ Sevier. l;mrna Mattill. Cafetteria man-Secretary: Mia Sally Kenne<ly. &A?J"· Mrs. Marjorie Ronwnl. Klnde~arten: lira. Kat" a r in e f>{usic ln.tTUctor, Newport aNI ~ Vaughn. Mrs. Marjort. B&mett, NM cleJ liar ~: Misl Clara Mrs. Geneva Wllcler and Mrs. ._ ._ b ""-Superinterldent of Anna Wev\ll. nr.t gracle : Nrs. mainte~: J~ph Bodman. Su-Meta Bactunann. Mlu Selina bel p.,~rvUiQr of tnLnaportation: Edward Smith, Mia Laura Bamum and This l by way ol a ~r that oil continues to bl! an Import- ant tasue. ar.d the manner tn whleh It is hllod!ed wW ha\'t> much to de> with t~lf" tu:tuv of the enUre ~:1t~• Newport ~ Aree. ~ore It II or l'OI\Oim to ewry reai41eet ud pr-opeort.y owner what cleciston.s are made concerning pr'O'W't\ nil Oelds "''at" our com-munity. Ham GvdeMr: David Bush. Mrs. Mayme Kimes. Second Grade: .Sewptrt lloMelt ~ Staff M rs. Betty Trine. Mrs. Ruth Rich-8)' way vf •• IUNI.a..at re- Pri.nc:ipal: Iilia Bernice Vestal "in.-.and Mls.s Eunice Pt>ters. 1 .... *r: tJwono ·~ .. Jlf'OYM Stocfttary : lin Patricia Wood. Third ~rracle : Mrs. Bonnie Lang. 1 fkoold•-.,.. to .......... , tlae arM Kinclert.rarten: Miss l&abeUe Bowles Miss Vt-ronica Scbleder and Miss -t"e IMM '-"' .-r OeullfiCII· and Mn. Christenson. First grade: Ma,rjorie JCidge. F ourth grade: way oppollt.-WHt S~ a. Mrs. Grace Billings. Mrs. Virginia Mrs. Morgutorite Austin and Mrs.' PI"'PO "4 to 1M' 110 .,._ted. Escobar, Miss Lt'na Ma y Wi.LIM'y, MarjoriP CUtler. Firth gradt'· Miss 1 1 'l'tN\ ,....ao~ ~ ,r-"*• Miss HE'len Morris and Mrs. Gladys Velma Will and Miss Lucille Bab-ta.At IM'W wdh caa Iiilo trUIM Ia · huster 8<-cond grade: Ml rock. L...al taw I!ICH'*IIH fW'O''eJI ~ wtU.- Marcx.ia Robinson. Mi$S Dordthy I Jloru.~ EB•IK"G ~lulOt t.ff ~ft ~ -oat obta....._ • ~ pei"'I\Jt, u H';'ffman. Mrs. Dorothy Stone. Prind pal Roy Anden.en. ~-Is •f)\\' ~uJr-M. Mtss. Margery Ws rd and Miss 1 c••etary: ML · Vonna Ja ne Wolcott. Editor of the En lgn, Our city ordinanet> now pro-Mara~yn WoUt>. I R(.•adin,~t· Mis· Mat') ~ry and On behalf of Amt>rica Plus, 1 hibits drilling within city limits. Third grad~: Mrs. Carol Den-Mrs. Jane Pettit. P.E.: William want to thank you most oordiall but there pt>rsists talk that efforts ~etp.~~:-a:~r~:! Burdick .. Social · tu~i~, P.E.: ~r-for the ~n('rous p ublicity you gav~ will be made to bruk this ordi-B~k F th de i.fu All I thur Chrtstensen. :soctal studies, to our Newport meeting both nanet>. a nd such ta lk cannot be . e~ our gra : 5 oe English : Miss Martha Crooks. So-before and after it took lace dismissed light! Rail, Miss Jean Beh, Mrs. Mar-cial studil's. Miss Gt>ne Dulin. Vo-Your comment ' . ,..,...._ PLo .. S l d 'IIi y. ' . garet L)'aU and Mis Jean Bonnet. cal music: Jame Fitzgetald . "vas ""'rt; ...... nt .. oo. tn • ne g, ant ra n g now .s gorng on 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~i 1 • .~ .... .., under city property in West New-11 English. T'hrodort' John on and I UnfortunatelY time did not pt>r· port. Sc\'eral property ownel"S 0 .Ill I Mrs .. Muy Most~Uer. mH .a tuUt-r exphmalion of our or-1 near tht> a rea where the wells are At•tthme tic· Cliffo~ Mahl~r and ~anaza tion trehnique and the F reE'-bottomed ha,•e expressed their in· H~rry ~fcln~}'l't'. At:•thmeuc and dom of Choice Amendme nt which I tt>otlon-and reoontly have re- ,c,enet>: Walham .Ratter. Shop: you. mention. I will soon send you vived tht'lr plans to obtain the Glenn ~t~re. St'wt-!'g : M rs. Jean ('OPl<'S of tht' Or~anizatton Prime r I right to drill on their lots to pro- Orr. Gt~l " P .E .. Mtss J o Ann Rt.'-and our )('aflet explaininJ: th(' teet their properly tights-to pre- cord. Sa.xth grade : Mrs. Franet>s Am ndment. I am quite !>UTP these , vent the loss ot oil now being 1 Butler. Mrs. Cather ine Chapman, will clear up anv doubt~ in vour dnined ft'Om under thE'ir property. ~ McClintock. Not man Stillwell mind. · • Courts are ~!'nerally favorable to :============~~an~d~Ri~-('~h~a~rd~~w~ee~t~.iiiiiiiiiiiii The ~moc·t·atk Pl"'CYSs. Rnd efforts to protf.'Ct propt>rty rights. democrattc mAnal{emt'nt are two • • • entirely different things. Also Pr.--t p~ <' o a ce r a 1 n ~ Sale 111111 Here -reduced 1ft Were 3.98 and (.98 Sizes I -3 ~I.Re S -ex WEltE 4J8 attd 6.t;; SO\\' Reg. 1 79 NOW SWIM SUI'I'S GIFI' TAILE I Blou.ees, P.J.'a Shorts. etc. NOW or IDOI'8 All DENIMS • . . . . . . lft PRICE Sl&f'tl I to tx SWEATERS and Fall Flannel Sleepwear GREATLY REDUCED Stork Shop FURNITURE AND ACCESSORIES t ht>rv is a vast distinction b<>twl't"n ' C'hiDJt 0 "·~ t'all for p\lrehaw of a political party which elects 14 lot' onl~· foT UJ't' u tt publl<' <'!indidatPS. and a pm·a te corpora-bf.•~h .... Wh4>n you staad tton 't\-h()S(> solt• roncern is with a -.p on tl'lf' bluff a nd look do\\'8 at pectfled list of leJ;tislativt-mnt-that ma~f~tlftct'at 1ttll -... t.-r ters. s uch a . America Plus. C'nr-lwac-h. )•oa can \1W&IIfA' th4" pora tion do not elect their fore-, ~~ pMt..tbllltlt 11 t'-f' pr•"- men and department hE'ad by arram t>ould IN> P-xp&nclt>d --- 1 ~untlng no._~s of I hoSt> employNl to IIK'fudt-tht> \'acaat lot11 .,.._ 1 m tht> de partm<'nl. lf they did ~'N'tl tt.co \\'11Uorfn:~~~t hnt~M'~t, th~y wouldn't last \'<'ry long 1'\\•o -• cow11tall)• at IH11t tM thtmt • would happen: Eithe r tht> ~~~a«t~ h~ oa th.-p1a.p. ... business wo uld go broke or tht> "11aat a l'ff&t dHII m~ la-' Jobs would be infiltrated. or both C'rNM'CI "PPt~ tllat W1Mdd pro- in these times. Actually. as you ,idt-. I wi.ll learn when yo~ 8('(' our I • • • I :fi:~rio~:"!~e:~us ts~~.ft ~f Itt ~!don be! ~!J.b~t e~~c~ I local a utonomy. but w I thou t ruko agai nst use of thOR big rub- checks and balances which are de· ber Ufe rafts In protected swim- • sf'gned to assure mana{ement effi-ming areas · --on Big Corona. ciPncy and loyalty tn thP cam;" nf for instance. wht>r,. they were so li~rl} and propC'rty. lnd dt>niRil y much In "vidC'nc.? lust Sunday. En· ev<>ry peony rs isl'd for special tO. ftwet> tilt-rult' now before someone I cal actlvttif!'S will be kept by tht> gt'ts seriou~ly killf'd when a huge local Enrolk-es. a nd be spt-nt the bN."akt-r catches •me of th o se way tht>y want it spent. hea n ly ladPn r~tf1 s. Ir the r&Ct' iSSut> is lnj(-ct~ in • • • the fight over adoption of thf' ~othlntt Ia prlltt ~ -~ ~ Freedom of Cholet> Amendtnent, I It ... .,., ~~·,. .-ee • .....,. it will not be ln jt>c1ed by Amt-rica ceatert•~ ..,.., • wt tc Plus. We are not interestt>d in I ,..e ta _..-, ..,._,.. ... I the raet> issue. but only in the ...._ ... ,.. ~~ Cllth •.. of Ita prt'ser vation of privatP property .-~ ...... ....,. of,,_,.,.. rights. The present California for ..... ,.IIC ... ldd fw wtilll- laws are discriminatory against 111111c ~ ..... IIM!hh!at or the great majority of private pro-eometldllc ~-~ • ......,. •t.o perty owners. Th.-Amendment we tiM-pool ...... aetiMMitte. lfle. propose treats all property owners late ~ted •••. -rr.t tlllat aJJke. Indeed. it eliminates the Slto~ Ollfh. UMI lt. .,.... a..o- race is ue from the busi~ ledg-datiOft\ wt11 tftl4l to tllh ~ er. I know something about this Mt.. .•• It is called to our attention that grave injustice has been done to Bill Kilgore of Corona del Mar in the Log's mention of his side- issut> for back In the twenties I headed the National Anti-Klan As- sociation, and all'l108t lost my life dt>fending the pef50na} ri~hts or the minority RT<>Ups. But by the same Ioken. I a m prepared to de· fend the private propt>rly rig hu or all citizens. I will send you a copy L~~ • -or the Freedom of Choice leaClet' ~ • .._ • .- whe n it is orr the pl'eSS. Surely one can have a preference to eat dine and lh·e under the same roof Editor or the Ensign, with his own kjnd without hating any other 1dnd, and without in- jec1ing the race Wlsue. If we can- not enjoy thest> Intimacies. then what becomes of our right to the purs-uit or happJneu Wf! wish to thank you and all of your staff for the flne pubU- city you gave us in the Dlsign during the cancer atmpalgn. The N e w p o r t -Co s t a Mesa area was very ge~rous with dona- t:tons, and we went well over our quota. We are still able to obtain the cancer films for men's and wo- men's groups of the area without charge. Anyone wtshtng Informa- tion on tMn1 may contact us at any time. Thanking you again. MARY McCAU.UM WALTER SPICER ~halnneft, A.merican Cancer ~. Ha.-. ArM. • • • In America Plus an Enroll~ ls free to support one pert of our program and oppose another. No enroUee is going to be bound by a ~ty vote of those ~t at some meeting. Each Enrollee. after hearing tM laue dblcuaed. is at.olut~ly f1"f!e to use his own judgrMnt. and pursue his own ooune. without being smeered. pounoed QPOn and "read out" of the movement. In t.hlt reapect. we fJ"'PPR to be far more cJemo.. C'nltk than the political partift. lktt we lhall aim at efftdeney, and to prevent infiltration, wtth-Editor of the Eftllc'r\. 'l'hunclay. AU9UM D. 1151 sp ittlng dlue..-tation at a Cit,y Council meeting Jut monett. on the subje-ct of ruontnc ODrona del M•r bluff lots and ..-thing about balling out spec:ulaton. Not. tMt. -· 'nw ._...., tiM\ .. JH!' of •tt.Mthe; -... ('oatnry, t ... "-IIW ..... , tiMI lAC .... , •)' a ..... ...._ ......... ...,.. .... __ ................ ~ -... .... u.. --, I 7!4 ---..~ ... ..-u.e ........ l"f'tMMI .... ,,.... tM .,.._ ._ •• ~ l.otr. Col. W. F.. I ll•st>l tine Jibed him by p~ntJng a friend wt~ tbe remark, "Ha,·e you e~ mt>t a mogul before!" BiU hlnwelf aays that the Log probably slled hfm an insurance mogul .__..,. It couldn't spt>U insurance ~I ... and he says of l'lim!lelf tMt he didn't pjck up much or a vocabu- lary durin~ hls schoa".a,_ but "boy. what a turnover!" And any- one who has had the fortune to hear him discourse on any f:iwn topic can appreaatt-this under- s tatement. .. ... By th<' way. what ... th~> name of his firm? DIRECTORY INSURANCE For E~ry Need ISLAND REALTY CO Haney D.~ HARBOR m -w Park at Agate, Balboa lalaDd "BE SURE -INSURE" with Maurie Stanley Insuran<lf' CounseDor HARBOR 1716 225 Marine A ve., Balboa Wand W. Stuart Foote INSURANCE 2117 w. Balboa m..a. Newport 8eadl. ~. Phone: HArt.or Jt Margaret L Scharle Teacber of ......., Orcanl.st -Acoon.-rtllrt EwnblgO... 101' Aclulta !m GOLDENROD AVE. a.,.. del liar Lawrence K. Gundrum, M.D. 1741 Superior Ave., O.ta llta Pl"actJce Umlted to l*eues of the Ear, Na.e and Throat and ADeru <>f'ltce Houra: by ARdatmeot BEacon ~ or HArbor 1016 Day or Night Phoee HArbor 1138 Notary Public at tM NewpOrt~~ ~lllf 1101 Oout ....... a..-.... SEE THE LAIOEIIT DISPLAY IN CA1F0BM1A RATI'AN • REDWOOD • ALtJKINUM • WftOUGHT tftON SWINGS • UIIBRELI..AS • • RE-COVERS • BAit.BIX."UES .................... .,. .. , out wtrida no ~t such u America Pl .. can hope to .~. Received my Ensip and rea• ;::~--!!!!~~!!!!!!!!::=~ 1banking you again, I am ''PM"IOMJity ol the Week." I eu't Slncerely yours. thuk J'OU eftOG8h fer ,._. ftM ALDRICH BLAKE. work. aad I wtU always fwl tllat A '~'TEND 1.M ft'ftl'ft C'a.rollne Wooclwo1"th o1 Newport and Barbara H~ of Balboa are attll!ftdlng a M~thocllst Youth Institute this~ at Camp Cedar Glen, Julian. It wu one ol the n1ce1t t111111111 tflat ~to me in~~ I'Ott8l .... ,.,.. apln. VOLHET L. HAY Sr. Lakewood~. ~·.~· Baltz Mortuary Ollpll-...... RARIIOit a o.-...... 0111 ... ...... Oft.a...t .... , .. ~ ·~ 'llilllllllllllla~l~l·• A..-. D. 1•1 Sport Fishing -;• ~· Jn,·itallons n . •• ..;tun~ out ror thP 1951 Labot f>;n Rt.>l..''B tla. 111 tw ht>ld jointly by tlw Ba1boa Yacht Club and th(' :"~Jewport Ha rbclr Yal·ht Club on ~pt. 1. 2 a nd 3. The rt' w ill bC' OC<'an racing for S ta rs. Intl'matio n.al 110' . This tlf>s. Rl~. P .C.'s, Albl:itmss . Vi kin~s. Lu<k>rs and L h:htnlngs. ~Y racin~ "111 includl I ntt:'rna- taon'll 14'.!!, Sn ipes. Falcons , F la t- tirs M<'N'urys and Clip()(>rs from tht• BY(", and S no\\bird . U>h- m a ns. P -14's. ~abot~ a nd Ralboa OinKhys from th<' X HYC TherE> wiU bt-an tnformal dan<'C k l the N HYC Satu rday n htht . ~pt 1. Trophit>s b<'arin g the bur- g~ or both d ubs will tx> PI'('SCnt- Pd a t th(' BYC on Labor Day aftPr I hC' last r8Ct' IS 0\ t'l' and pt'Olt>SIS art• clt>arNI. This will 1x> the final rf'ga tta or tht> summ('r racing. c-ason and also thP final for both thf?' Lowe a nd Healy trophic * * * ~ ~·~~~ W~TOI ~ tradlt10naJ Ra~ Week. tllis A me r ic •• l •tion '••• Jt l yea r rommemorat m~ the h un- dredth a nmversary or the first La I Sunday J saw a vtor)' JtOOC) ~ncan m te r nauonaJ ya ch t rae-ball game. It was the All S tar tnJ: vi('tOr) "111 bf> hE>Id by trn> ~amp pla)f>d betw~n t he 4th and ~(·\\port Haroor 'J~acht Club to-5th AI'E>a or the Le$don a pa'"l or morrow. Saturda\ and S~day lht> Junior ~on ~II •our- It was nn Au~. 22. 1~1 that M ml"nt. thl" <:rh!IN'if mf>raca rt n ... ('d th<> Tht> best }'1ft. -.; "t>rf' p1rk€'d Atl:>nllr teo p;.atarapatc 111 a rae,. •rom trn> 1 an • r • ur 111 •Jrta I n .... -... ,. ('N'f'l)1, (ir..-.t C'otumJtlst ht> (CJUn<i<'d the Tuna Club (II "anla ;. '1'1111"11 thr· 1<-1(• rot \\ ·~'" ... ultnl' nd lh t> samo •n I II lth , . It I:<'W' without sayln~ th~l th(' (ditalina and P"tabll.;hf'd thr· r ul"" tl 'Wtrl!\ '• rtln"-' If lllltt .. h • .. h the> 'X• "·~· t ;w..,.. n pr inCipal J'l'ason that fi:I"WlJ\)rt or flllf play In takinl' _gam£' (i,h \,n t ,._ Jnklil Ut tl ln'" II r fltmr·d hrt• >4-f'•n c•h! 11 •ot•d 1• ,..., • r lfltt ~ol '" bc"<'Omtn~ lhf' sportfi.,;h-H £' \A.I tnvs~o>d lh<' lrtkm~: nf lh<'l Amot ll'k ' <'111 .. ,,, .... l.:t ... l tur• lilt• •nt '"" •f 1111r t...-. • ' , i ll~ CkiJtlol or thp Paciltr Coa!-.1 is far:o.t marlin on ta('kh· Jr rart Ill Itt• .. ,.n ,., ''¥1' ...;e~J• rt '"' • d... "' l!•mc ;u,<J I r"'ll ., ' u .. J ..,, ,, • be<'au.c;p W{' haw• lo ts or (I h '" ht> wac; ~Will for whPn thl r ... h "'"" I'IH'II'" ··~II I lllo "ld(• Juhn J..ar •• piU\f'd our \\Bt rr~. but thl"rt> Bt'<' many farst hookf>d. just .tx·ror 'lUOI'\PI. .ltm ~h~>ppa rd '"''' C'h 11rma n lot ltr ... , h,.... end Bt h \\'"'"' l "" r• factot"1-> t hat contrlbutr t o our t-s-a_nd h<' h rouch t hi~ bo.'lt lllun~-P.nl"t \\ ,,...k ans tUrn .. th·t~ ·d-.:top ta blis hm,.n t, a nd thE'y ar<' ol o;;uch tdP 10 Off('r . a d\'11'<• anr! 1.!8'1 1 ro Hrh rnr•n thun :!ol' '""'' 111 Th('f)()ron• P.nlun<. ,, rnanar•,. and Pltmc• amporiAnc'f•, thnl th1 fikh fl.11"~110nabh· aad nt rummmg lhl" '• n•ri •n 111 thtH• 111n 1 .. 1 rt1,1,H.n!' Rod McMallaan cnarh of •h•• :O.:r\A.-n('llrl~ bl"«<nw 'N"nndat ~ an NIO· f1shtnl! boet at th(' l!affan~ Rnd nl .r: ,,., !In '' port 'P<~m and I thank both !'Jl(n Sid rat ton CRU'1!"~ lht• ftl-h IO brf'ak of~ hut AmOII).: tho 'II( 1H , \t nl• at l}o•'t I·'' a tug hund ICII 1111" ft'l• jnb n ur hRrbot rornwd an th<' h<>~n-the ft,h~>rman thrrw :.w!i) h ts rod I '\;flY!' fm R•tr• w, r k "til tw• the thl'~ an• dnan • .'ur ••r 1..1 ..ar,n ning h) a &nil::n Po u r r and tm-a n_c'l Crtl:>twd II• ~pl'i-tt-ft<;h h)o th llit\\RIIitr 1'.-tl I \ 1tmrlt\ n11:ht l'.a..,.·h'111 ts <•nh nnt• nl •t,,. m~t~~\ prO\NI h) our toarh<'r ('llizl'n". is tatl'-on~ haul<d •h•' hun~rNI and l "h<'n l'rrnl "·' Fulmor flnl'l h i!-~uu•h pt11"1am~ ,..·,nurl nr "'It ~ On!" rt·:tV•n why !O.port fl!ohJO~ lh Qn(' I\A.Pnly-(1\( pound hfl~\ tn \>Rr!'· 'tAJ.,:hnund a•o ,,f,.t'l t(l '< til 1 1 ... ·~1•11 to htlr q ,. \r \111 ( n lr of Olll hie indu,t ru•<: Thtl\ Pltr)\' h~nhflo'<l hrounfl 'l 0 cJOC"k th'tl ft<tr k tr no t.,,•·IM l•nm I o• }<.-c-..1\.lllll\ r a11un Wl'" not ron~rn<'d "1th me 1 t1100,. fi.,hinr::. but with boating, and it Tt• look thruu~h tht• old copi<.'S or \\8S hl' w ho round that flllr \\aten; H old<'r's book~ and o;ee th(' t'N'- Rboundl"d ,,,,h fash thllt w£'rl' jw.t mt"ndo us flsh tha t tht'Y cauJthl tn as capable (l( pullinc t he• ~achts-lh<' Chamw l a round th<' turn of m a n into th,.. w11 1r r. "" 11 wao; for thts <'Cn tury ma kes th<' pl"t'Wflt thP man in thr hoat to haul in 1 da~ anl{lt'r grtt"\P to think that lht" fl h nn(' lo\IC'h 8 dlSCO\'f'rf'r h<' \\a 001'0 SO lonJ: aft~r. The \\'liS !\tr Ch!trlf><; F . H oldl'r a nd l lf•nwndo u .. j(>U rash. bhw ft n. yl")- once that h<' did rind that thr 11owtail. swo rdfish , ma r lln And al- <"h a nn<'l })(-twN'n hl"r<' and CatA-bacm·e thut art.' photo~rrtphro 1n Jina was a li\'(• with som<" o r thl" h1s book arE' l·omm onl) of a sit<' l!llm t"sl fish in th<' \\'orld . ht• .;pent that is rare!~ gaffl'd toda) F t"E' Rarllor Players Prepare Casting tl RaiiClho ·~ tht> ni''CI l fl \ <'ars or so "rallnlr and 'ix marhn !ol'<'m to IH' rom- 14 books a bout htlo h nd mon biu.::-for l\\O roch, a nd th<' ao;- C::.~ttns.: fu1 thC' hr!'ol pia) or lht 'X €'\\ port Ha r bnr C'Hmmunt t ~ Pia}- ,.r._· fall -;f'a<oon "111 probabl~ tak, pia('(' I ho• I"Fifl)' 01 m1ddiP part of ~l"ptPmtwr Pr('•tdPnl \tart hC'IIa Randall annnuN·rt1 at a rt·('f'nt )'l8rt) hf'ld b~ th<' pla~··rs N S h l llo ldC'r was a n ad\l"lttsin~o: or Lona .. hinJ.: th in..: '" thP '111' uf thl' ursery C 00 flUhltc t<'IHIICtn<o mon (nr th(' !-'anta d int.:h\ -hlco h.mtlo lh'll lht•\ \\on r l" RAilwa y. Hnrl if h(' ha d !IJ)f'nl cau ht (t(Jill L•tl!t• ~pltnt• r' t hai ~18 1~ l.tcenseod and APPI"'\'@d 11,. much 11m" lt·llint.: ltOnut thP hHd an urhue~ad t·ncm•• ,.,., m lu h<> Frnm t to I YMnl nui\\R~ B!'o hi' .. p.•nl 11nw fa hans: lh• nnl~ • r ~P an \\ntc.h th•·,,.. !'upf'n-1wd Care aed and IC'Ihnt.: IIMIII \\1111 hP I"R UChl 'flOihmt ll tqll lt-d ldl .!• 'l.n fl Coe•tract:l~ Play lh t ~outlwrn p . ., 1111 \\nUifl ha\1' gaml' fi<:h Rt::ASO:SABLF. RATES drt•"'<~IIIJ a l1111t.: tilth' ,,·n .. utd lhf" llotld.a ... ht"k' had \\11'1• .. ;,), 111 'I' n S tda). ~r weck--8 to 5 ~anl;t F• \\(o 1~11 h;.,,, hart hn•·' l.ntlt Fnc l.•llll .tnri IIH l 'nttPr! T1\llsportntlon Furnished tlnUnt1 tho·"' L'niiPd Slalo'' Ilk• :'ttl•" 1nl1 mu .. r '·"'' 1 t1 •1 Ito·· 190 E. lsth St. lho •.ttlldrtl!-.111 I\') \\T<tp lhf' hml•l· mont1ur, u l lllttW•' 1111 tho• J..'IU\\lh ThP ra~l m ::-"til N'ltn<'tdf' a<- rJoo;;f'l~ il.., fll'"'lhlr \\Ph 1"\f'nlllC '~"!'"IOn" Rl ( Iran~;• C'""'' ('nllo•:(' •\htd '""! .. ''I'' l'i T ho '"' J;\1 ·•' ii \1 "' ht ltl .rl tho• "••n• •' f•·•·c'" !''I \\'!II• n ( ·, , ,., , r1• \J,u • · • 7 :· • mht•r• ulrl .'Ill <.t pr•''' • · \ • ""' ' d~. .. k. tel \\ :\ .. rr ... n•· d to \ ,. '1:"111'1 \\dl-. T~ t n .1.~ ' ,. 1 \f, 11 •lin · , .. rn·,, ... , • "',. ti•-Ill"-'' ••I a "\• \\ Encl,tnrl Cull,•.::• "' ~t•ut ho rn (~ldtrt,rno.i 1 ,,. 1'"1· ro~TA MESA \\! "'nulrl IHI\<• br·l'r C'ht)kt'd !.tiHot "' r1 '"'' J)·l\ tel :-rur ,)111-• .• ' .,., ... lr tiJ: ~~· ., '""0"" ~cn.t ,...., 1 II• "H" thl' 111'1 m ·•n to takr d.,, t.m •lul'''' ,u u1 '"' ,,(j, n• •·I tt • •k• '• 1 ._ ______________ ..... • tuna. blu(' fm. on r·od and re('). :'l.tlttn1 d t 1 1 , 1 ,,,~ on uth I1111Jk 1.••'• 1 'h• '" '•I' 1 "'" p:n' •' :. • rt•• or h 11t.·nlll~ n..., f'·tlllu• r;a,1 1 ... h lo•11 f\o'llllon·uml' flU I7 .• url [IIH't'l • '~d-I" nd 1•11 U.OIUYE CRUISERS 11 \\ll'-111,, 111, tll1hoolll \ 111;11 ._11Jd II'~ \lnmoo n ;1'\\orl •IC,hl lh~o. A JlP.l""•n ""'' h:l" nf"\or ~n hi' book-. 11 \\1\" 11 s • ,,, I• thai Ill 111 ··c•n.,trl• r• r1 h: 11-w f•h•' !P~d-l •l'l llltod "' :t "'o"pl a' bt>d 'QJt lln ;!o m.ttit htlll on• "' '" n·n~l antcr-m~· r•mmt11t• r iiiJ ••• ,,, hi. lf'nl .... th or.,,.., cant appr"'('late ,..,1111..; "111,.1,. ,11 ll1Jt• -.p()n,.. a li-c-luo ... on rnr Pl'!'tntallon. . "hat th tl-mo·Bn• You M \1' tn bt> lOW IOATS .) L!\'F. c ·.:. e O"t:T : . .t \1,0 8 .) T \Cr.!.·: , ,.<•nture!oo \l,.mb•• ... h•r • • nt" ,, .. tr.d ,•p~> 1-an bo.·d and So4?( hE> d:l~, e-row mto I r ttJon ... ran bo.. 't·n• Ito Jn \\ t•d('r ''·~ k" thP \\f'ek.s tn•o monlh! f:.\tm lhoUtt~ lhl' \':Jnf't ~ or h h mt•lllhtl'lohlfl C'hau m an. at :.'fit r •.t•· and lh< month:-. 1010 \1"11~ to know ha ('httn l!l'd In th••sP " 1<'111 lhl" , n · r.n,nn Rrt 'h"l ' ('Jifl• h"" mu<"h ph•a ... u H a t-.l'flr C'an pc>rt ha-. not IE'~" nlo.d. EaC'h "t"3. on hru .: l'\ rn 1 h<tu ·h 1 h" "''tor 1 of t h<' t~lbacnrl' run '>f'ems tf'l r.:ct ( tHlO~F.S ~.\~T \ R.\RR.\R.\ ,, .. rr'ln~f>r I ha\1 .;N'n th • f' ~ • ~· t:tll •• ..o.,lt Et.l t~ RE~TALS !Ill Oaut RJway Newport~ ft~ RArbol' !SL5 lw ltN' :.nd tho· fl~h "'"':'. ht"rc •~..t• n.: l'l'iHh 1 r ht·r far ... t \I"•H rlt•nlhs ~ro\\ mtr ~ ~Par tnd thrn lons:;:'E'l nur lllll'nst ir ft,htnt! at cnllt"):r 1 .. <.OOJ" ·, tw Jmf' ,-,1"1-k,.., r nn C'nm,n~ and I 1<:1 nw fnll'l' IS ... tt•adtl ~ >.!ltl\\ 111~ and 1" tal<m~ I iiiW· hll<otnr·~'-(m Pan II F•ll'fl :?13 I r xpt•rtl"nl't• thr~' a n' brtak IT' •l r AT SOUTR E~"D OF BAY ROllE BRIDGE on a llt'\\ lnllloll'tanl't· an I hi.; l'lllll· I Grl\nd r:~nal R.? INoa r:..hnc'l [):'In II Iilith r ~~~·tnt' ... ..., "T('a I II.. I' ,,, I'. nto,. n. ,,, l'nl\f'r .. ll\ of ca·h-l hl 'man \\hf'l ....... Jck The Barge MGBORGIA'' RA.Jo!Mr !519 -RAI<bor 16S4-M ! League of Cities ~To Meet Aug. Z3 Tht' lJ•'t "Ut of C'~thlutnt.t CIIIC'~ will m •'t'l tonu~ht ot •lw :"\('wpor t Hnrt)or \'.tcht Cfuh "''h tl'l<' ("at\ I of ·'• wport Bf•ach ,,, ho!<' I I \\ill h+> a d innro nll'f"ltn~ }.,._ OFF NEWPORT PIER aa.~·=·e:.~·:_e:_'-' Cllllltnt:: ,\1 -; p IT' I A.;M•mhl~ man f.arl StnniPy "'ill b; I ht 0\l)l'iikl'r p11 •o;C'nl In'! hJ~h­ lll~hts of 1 h, I;• ·isla t we sc.>s .ton ! l~fVE BAIT BOATS LEAVE I 'a, 1 a.m. from ead of Plt>r ALBACORE Limited Load ILIICIRE SPECIALS Daily at 5:00 a. m. from the Balboa Pavilion For R•arYCitioaa IIW IPEI EIEIY •• , • Can HArbor 57 EIUGY THESE CI-S: OctM Trip oa the ~Y Quf'e'tl .. oa..t tlte Bay Ex eft "88oft B~ few AU at~ FUN ZONE, Balboa iiOI'Ol l 'II ..... ·•n•a Rarlnr.t. 'ht' fall \\\• d<•n'· • ''" c • ro m~kl" .. l'i< Ri$!hl no\\ <Jlc' '" t1J<:h in • mn I'IJC., rr ••ll d;•hruFJ•;J\ happ~ but \A.P t, !- ' tnd rhtcl{• 11 pu • HI F~ rr; IINJ" .. 1 • ., ·, th11r. n1tnd '' 1 !hoi~ Iff •- ,;n Ba lt'IOA I<:lanc'l l•l• • .• nd tr1 N< k 1 ht' J •liJI m• o: " "t:TflOf'O I.IT,\" \ \C \TlO" A \\t't'k '" \'3C.•It01 In ~ • F t'l) < ~l"l ndUO• 1 ., 't" r1 I I t)r !I I h.T't t .. ·•h HUII'hl'lln '" 1:-7 "''"fl. C' tff<. Ret :-h<u ,. C'hl ' rit\ ,, !ha• •h Inn· !lr;tt J".1 •t•l'l' \\ II l• t o•p' 11"' l~>t '.Ve tk&"E' <Jfl" or tl-.e most u p-to- t'a ll:• anrl eifiCJl'n t job prin 11n~ ••• arf'l in •he Har-OO~ A."t"a ~ tr'- LAST CRANCE For Terrilic Savings FURNITURE Gigantic SAVE Stock Bedactioa UP TO . soo;o ON .. ,rns AUGUST SALE Newport Furniture Co. P.Eacoo. ~s' 122 Coaat Hwy At tractive ~story. 2-bdnn.. CoJonial pb• • RParat.e guest room a nd bath. Fi.ne large patio, best location near North s.y. S1t,• Stanley Had~ Ba1anaod trust cleed St;;.. Al- moat new 2-bed.room hOme. fi~~. 2-ar garage, \;~ or the hills and hal'bor ~ Exceptionally clean and at- tracti\'e. • • • IWIIEI O~N Sf'"NDAY A.P'Tt.lll I! XOON 2-Bedroom homt', 2 complete baths with marble top cabi- net.. b&rdwood floors, tire- place, lan:"t> noor furnace plus tlwrmaclor h('lllters In each bath and h<'droom. Dispou.l, SE"rvice pol'Ch. £>nc1~ patio, extra lar.:e 2-c:ar garage, 1~ )'t'ars old. Clost> to ocean. Ori"'(' to 23q Heltotrope, ("OM. or see Earl W. STANLEY Realtor Ill\ C..at Blvd.. COM IIA.rttor U 74 .. , llea•Ufal 4-BI!2MtOOM & DEN. SY, BATH B .U T F&Ol~iT HOME • Panoramic view or the htl rbor. • Sandy beach. • Pi«>r privileges • Very near jetty. • I..an.te mclosed pe Uo. - --dozens or deluxe features throu¢hout. $59,500 T~mt!! IIEEII.EIF ............. 1112 N-porl lt..d. HM« 2552 Neowporl IMc.h $10,500 ; :EW 2-bedroom. :edwood r anc h ·ype home. 2-car ,ar Ve ry des tr- :ilile loco ton. <::uiJ t 1m(• to chOO'ie 'our colors. B t" t t f' r hurry. TJiiS will go soon. -------- lAY SIIIES IF you're lookinJt for a new, mo- <k>rn. 3-bed.room. 2-bath, buUt for outdoor Jiving. all opening on large patio which will giv~ you pridf" or ownership. Call u.o: ror appointment. ~ L S••••ler • ltEAUOit • IUSfNESS O~RTUNITtES • SUMMER .ENTALS &A,_~- tiU Coe.t 11•4., C.rOfte del Mer 1'1aunday. AugUII a. •• , O NLY l block to Mom Beach m Corona de l Mar. 2 bedrooms, hard- w ood floors, fireplace. double g arage and newly decorated ---pnce, rw 1• r--. ........... ftoon, fleer ,.._ .. EXCLUSIVE FOR RENT ---2-bd.rm. furn . Latest improveme n ts, double urut control heat. fireplace. Close to o ce an with view · Ye arly rental. ------~ $9.950~ . . EA&L C'IIAJIBI!&I,.A -()eM& .... IIA&IJOil 1111 o,, ............. c:--., ...._. a. ...,_ ... HelM L L,__ ...... 411 COCIII lou .. •cad CORONA Df1 1Q.R Farm,_• Motel .. ..,. Ul1 IIAaiiOII ·- These Are Your ; I ' I .1 Saturday & Sunday * ---fram 12 DOOD MODEL BOllE Fumished--08 SEVILLE AVE.. BALBOA PENINSULA CaUfontla m041foora ---•u·dtl~tarf' lliHI roloc-b oat8\aa41la.~t aatltoriU~ * Ne wport Furniture Co . Furmshmgs * Ed ward H. Fic kett. Architect * William Manke r. Colors If , ... an-a.t~ Ia ...._ t1Moo LA'I"EST la .....,_ ... C'Oior, ~this. (O.t Baftlo& lllvd.. to~........_. __ .. ...._ for tile arrow.) Hathol-ln~edftlod Co. 1:4LTORS !\"-,.ort Bh·d . at SOth St. HArbor liM * SEWPOJtT * A aew reatal tlepm.eat has b een added to co mplete our Real Estate servtce * Mrs. H. McFarlane w tll be happy to receive your hstings and hnd rentals for you. * * • lEAL ESTATE • IUSI NESS O,P'OitTUNIITIES • RENTALS r..IL. 1523 Coast BIYd. Corona del Mar HArbor 2766 E. •1'1 IDT IIY nrepl~. f ... ~ yaN, .,... .. l:'lU"&C"f' •••• 11&8 gar~ cll.poul, cll.....,.~r. IotA or t~. ~ly df'eM'a.,... HlrttR\' OS TID~. TIIPIYIE Sit ea-t Bl\·d. Pltotlfl HArbor !'7'74 o-t.~-cu. ..... Rome Loanl to buy, tN8d. rettnance OT for alteratloOII aJ:NDAL IMS\11lAJ'fa IIAI'hr 111! telo.u&-.....~WIIar Your ... STIIEIIIEI Dealer • SALES • SERVICE • PARTS Corona df-J Mar Eves: HArbor !NS-W .... I .... NEW. LeaU.. _.,....... ___ •1174 ~ • C OSTA KESA • *WE BUY FOR CASH GOOD USED FURNITURE Ray Stedman .. 1574 Newport Bl9d., ec.ta M••ra. J1Eat..on 5128-J Do You Wcmt A CUTE SOMMER Cottage? We have it on Balboa Island . ne ar the Bay and shopping district. =. .. $10.750 ~ NELDA GIBSON ... .........., B&lt.o& fllla.M ..... llA - ....... Real FAta~ ... ~ l!lt Cout ..... c.D.M. IIAr'tJer • - -3 SALESMEN WANTED MEN or WOMEN Tht're is hiJth inootn(' to be made by three smart ambi- tious people. WE CAN'T HANDLE ALL OF OUR BUSINESS OURSELVES We Ra\-e Openings in Commercial Selling Specialized Appliances General Appliances ASK FOR MR. NOWELL UDO ELECTRIC CO. 516 COAST HIGHWAY NEWPORT BEACH BEacon 5505 II IIIII I FOR THIS WEEK ON USED APPUANCES 1 FRIGIDAIRE 194'7 6.9 cu. ft. Refrigerator, guaranteed; wondC'rful rond•tion $159 95 l Delux 8-ft. GENERAL 1 ELECTRIC Refngerat«, 8 months old, like new; wu $329.95. NOW $249.95 SAVE 1100.00 1 VlCfOR 9-ft. Free&er; ::'I:EW!!! Regular price $366.95 NO W $266.95 1 G-E Portabl~ Dl.abwuhe.r, dcmon.stratol', guaranteed- $1 39.95 1 GENERAL El..ECI'RIC Au- tomatic Wuher, excellent coa- dltion; grauanteed for 1 year $239.95 Lido Electric Co. I aa "**I Duht llllllll.ILECTIIC A..PPI..IAN<ZS 516 Coast Highway Newport ~adl BEacon ~ PAINTING Earl ShelliD t'fl Pallaer St. -o.la ... ~..., .. H. H. HOLBROOK Dependable PJumbiDq A Prompt Repalr Service Malntaln~ I ...._ Haftw ltli-W t _l...._Bh.._N~IIeMII I SUP,PLY 117 22nd St., Newport «Jiose Out All.,.... Nf'W ••. DAY~ NIGHT, WATER HEATER 75-gal. ~. J%!19-Autonaatta--A.G.A. A.'ppro\'f'd DA.l' ~ NIGBT~PAr\"EJ.,RA.l'- W AJJ. HEATER ~. M.OO-Moclfol !-WP DAY & NlOHT--PANEL RA.\' WAJJ. HEATER Jlec'. te.-01-M.,..I JO..It W.P. DuaJ &ll.l!lEMS--So-Galloa WATER HEATER Bee. te.ot-Aalolnatk. A .O.A.. A.pprcwf'd RHEEIIS--.o..u-. WATER HEATER ~~foe. U • ._A~ A.O.A. A.~ WILSIIIIlE-Jt...Oall• WATER HF,ATER ~. M .et-A..._.tk, A.O.A. A.,ppnn"M VOOK- CJo.e..co-.p&ecL Grade A CLOSE1S ilfc. U .IO--Celllple ... wttla f'Mt 'ftaanldaY. Au4JUIIl D . 1151 Pag. 5 READ ENSIGN CLASSIFIED ADS Pre-Wedding Parties Held . · · · For Paula Castle of Balboa ... .. • F UR N. A.PTS A: roorm. Ideal har· FOR SAl.£-A pa)ing bobb) AJ. Real Estate & Rentala I bor a.od ocean view. Clost> to r1can ,;olf'ts, 10. 25 A: !'J.Oe ; also Amunr th .. ;..1 • ·\\ <ldH'I flo nu. CAn t.. " lht ·' "' rt" ...,:'f'Wd ,._ beaches. Summer & winter rent· lx>Mut ll'<:. sewing maeh blond rnr S.'lturda>··~ brtdl·to-t_.•, Mt ~ tr. ~t -:1• 1 • " 1c:h .,,'( 1 -d n"IOided I als. 1414 Seevlew, COM. RA cabtnt't BEacon SlUM Paula Castl•· \\lh • 'h'~'' n. •• •'-rr :n koH •· ud• FOR R ENT 3--b4nn. modem un· 1456 IDEAL SE AWORTHY 15-ft. fi h· .vhich Paula wa" ft ,~ by hPr r.u• '~' "'" •h. ·~u , Ult:.h.Kied fum. bou.~. nearly nt>w ; 2 ~ths. fireplace, gu. Yrly ~. 5110 Mo. HA 2892-R or BE 6921. CAN USE unfurn 1-or 2-bedroclm FURN. APTS.. for rent. ~ Lou- lse A.pts. tlnJt. Db• A: •=: over\ooldftl Be.y. 308 Cama Corolla del ltfar. ang boat 'l'i th Johnson 5 OUt· )'\lWUt rriencL It !h" h( !'"" ot Mi l'llUlTi .tll. t"llr ~OIW a.nd her board motor. Betttor than ood Lonita VinC<·.nt, 322 l. ~~ Balboa mllth•·r. \fr . \'tr".'lnl.. rue . Mua cond. Read.)' to go. Sacririoc· It wa a hnt'n how~r arran~~ J •n•· Th"mJN'In And Jtt Katb7 HArbor 761-R. for 1\~e,da} nf lat>l WN"k and f'JtC"h ~bbJtt, 11 of Balboa Ki8 Mac· house. Sept. 1 oocupancy. Pbone . Mary Wctcott, HA 3131 between MiacellaDeoua 8a. m. and 5 p.m .• or HA 786--W WORKING MOTJ<IER and sma.1J TOMMY has a ~tft' for rent. d,aughter In school, urgently need small rum. apt. or house, reu.. This ma.cb. contains every word Excel. m er. Husband overseas. known to modem man. HA 2728. I 4-BURNER A.B. gas re.nge _.$29.50 GR.Al'wTS F'UR.NITURE 1645 Newport Blvd., Cocta Mesa SHORE MOORING at foot of E St. oo Balboa Permsula. tr.GS. HArbor 1087-R. z:-ucst 1'\"('('1\ t'd a nunultUN• OOS('s;ay i:l•· P raoe. and ~ Ba.rtan C.V· mack> b)' t~ hostt>S.!' and hff ~ '1 r 1 Ralboa I land JulJe ther, Mrs. Lonnie V_l nef'nt ThP "uri hrup Thrt·f' Arch Sa}. IlDia honored guest f'l'('('lvE'<I a t~ Janf't GI"O"b of C'omna ~~ )(a.r· y,.tJjt.e '1nide's" bouq~L &-sides Mn> Rlrhard C'rearr.c T c ~ rCX:.. opening the gifts. t~ ~ts pla.}"~ mer &•· Prly Grac.) fr~ <~: and ~t r~ \'m<'f'nt r.nd WJ"!' Vin- e nl'" mhlhfor \f~ f -"rK'I'« Pavne uf &ltx>a HArbor 862-M. PRJV ATE MONEY to loon. 200 N I 3-BEDROOM unfurn. house, living Bay Front. Balboa Island. rm., f~ce. dining rm.., kitcb· KEYS -M.aae whlle JOU walt. en, gar. A: nice yard. $80 month, ~· Shop, ~ omoe Blk .. yearly rental. 604 Marguerite, Corona del Mar. COM. HArbol' 1649-W. COMPLETE HOUSECLEANING I LIDO ISU: bay front unll.S, priv. Furniture & Rug shampeoinc. etc.j t . oon 6111. m:~GHT-mah-.. -oga-~-. -.. ~~ lin. C.li'k§Uw GRANTS F UR.NITIJRE N.-.-Ire ... 1645 Newport Blvd.. Costa Mt'Sa I 'lila at ... S~BOT ~ling dinghy, nYlon sails, 1 ancluding sand dolly . $140. HAr-F 1 h ld Tu .--.a bor 1087 R unf!'ra W I"'\ t<'l~ v. t.orf' (' " • beach. Wmter rate . 1-bdnn. $65. Work £U4lVI 'C'I:U Sea --· day for M~ F lon>ta ~lat.> Cunnmo;:· 2 bdrms., 2 baths $11 0. Also Al's Hrvi~ and Window Clean~ I GOOD PRACTICE PIAl''\OS. $49,1 ham ac:e 37 who cbt'd Sunday rn available by )'E'er. HArbor 2552; 1 in,:: Se ce. I $67, S83 and up. Let the klddies St. JOLSeph Hospital aftf>r beiru~ «>ves. HArbor 2914-M LE LA CARRELL is again at Katey team . P ay but $5 per mo .• 2 )'T. ho pi t.alizt'd fM ._ enou.s illness. Paul.t \1. ... hr1nor-t o fl"t'viol:a "'f ... •k \\,1 h • lun iu'\•11 £:1\en Ill Loa \r, ·• · !1\ a Jamll~ !nt'nd. J~ \\'•lham Rhudf'· a.n ... ' Last 1 •J ... da~ "' h.mct,('(tr v. d.~ JO"en by \tr I ~1 [l.• ktn<. a nd Vlc-- 101 r.n~· 'tl lhr =--:r"'Pf'rl Harbor Yli' h• llt..t. 1-BDRM. APT-:-2 adults. UUls. pd. Doane's Cleaners. . 1201 Cout exchanJte at full value. DANZ-Stw a sul"'\,,t'd by her h usband. Fngida.ire. $45 pt>r mo. or will Blvd.. COM. an~ wtU accept all SCHMIDT BIG PIANO SALE I Floyd E C\annin~ham. 512 F'ullt>r· • • • leue No pets. 617 36th St ., kindl of alterauons a.nd sewing. NOW ON. SantA Ana, 520 No. ton An•. :\l'wporl Heis:ht~ and ofsodal not N.B. HArbor 691-W . HArbor 0441-J. 1 Matn, comer 6th . IJ\ hf"r f th~>r. brorhPrs and istl'r OFFICE SPACE in cPn tl•r of bUSi· REUABLE middle aged lady, 5 US ED &>1"'\el ga, N-fnJ,:eraton. m :'\E'braska, hf!'r natiVE' 'tatf" ness disL or Corona del Mar. COM. will do baby silting. H.A 14.3 4-ft., 5-tt 6-ft .. 7-rt & R-ft. All :\trs Cunnan-::ham camf' 10 ..._.f'W· Suita ble for bus. or prof. Nearby RE."'T A P IANO, $5 per mo. A.U price-d to ell now Hurry on port about 14 years a~o MOlt of ' \n<••h· r nf th<· 'ilJT. rolnny who parking. Set' at 811 Coast Blvd., t erm rt"''lt allowed when you 1 th~. the lai'N' he and her hus.Mnd livf'd h::\' hN>n vaca iooan1• or. Balboa Corona del Mar buy. DA.NZ-SCHMIDT. Santa GRA..,I S FURNITURE in Wf"t ~t>wport and ~t n> CUn-h lar·d 1 Ac.-tN>S.-. T£rn Moo~ m LARGE "bdr-h ,_., oomp ANA. 520 N. Ma in. ~ 1645 :'\Pwport_ Bh_·d . Cnsl!_ ~h.~ nin~th.am \.\'Ork('d at the Newpor.t r~>'ll I If, lli GJ1 m • \.'lS A, .. ~ . new .r m. o .. nc. • -p bl !\1 k t.-d b () \\ -.-fum TV, ~p (~ze \.\ith mea t, NEW LOCATION I REPOSSESSED! Beautiful Elee-u IC • ar et man~!;! r cord.in~; to HE'dda Hopper •no ~la.- 1. r ......a 4 db' y · • tr&c o,..,...n Famous mak~ For R•cha rd When Richards Udo tion to "H.-a"' .. Haa pa the-0.-pa to, en\A"U y .. ct ~ar. r s. WfiW 1i • ... · .,_. ,. k __ ... h t • .....__ "" lease 23581 Pirate. CUff Haven, 1 fl 11 church or home. Pay ou b31· ,a_r l"t wu opp ......... s e W'f!l1 ..........-.:: ,.,,. ar f" n ftmv. bu t nu one has in-BEacon 6861-J . -•• an~. Bi~: ~a,ing. Like new . a-. 11 chf'Ckf'r 'lnd workE'd at thl' tt.>rT'Jptl'd Tf'rn · ,3~tJOf'. long 2 B ROOM ··-r d I I DSm ~a'llftlrt ~•1ra D~"'Z.SCffillDT Pl..A!"'iO and market until &he was hospitalized. enou~;h to find 'out how lh-fHIIs • ED u.mum . new up ex. ~~ ~ ORGA=--: CO .. Santa Ana, 520 ~t r Cunningh~tm h"l thr barbPr ah<••J" h• r fofttb."t~. • .. w ttf'd hus-Gar Close to schools. 2251 Clay N.wtlc.el O.CMW"etl-_ u-4 Net :-; M in 6th hop at lOA McF adden P l&ee rn 1 d S t . Clirt Havt'n. HArbor 1207-R • 0· a • co~r · N wpnM • ""n • WAN,....,..,..,.• TO-R""',-,.... U\. CD-M b,,. • WI I UY satA, METALS • 9-c12 ANGLO-PERSI.A."l W i I to 11 ' e • J r.u ""'". ,J • 1 k l .-n~so \f\ rt •' ~mJtt '"' t.N th~ Sept 1: Cum. 2-dbnn ' prcrer 2 Near Ice Hou.e OD 30th rut:. lUSt I e new, on y ....... ..:'lrl .. of A CI(".D dt A\t cnw are baths. 3 adults. no pets. prt>fer ,.,_. HAIW 1410. ~ ... d. (;RAl\'TS Ft'R:-o:rruRE F • h ' ' F lk JU.<::t back f.vm m<•r-•har a 'T\on th '"I)• rental. Rl'fs. HA. 0560-M. • ~ su..-·-• 1645 Nl>wport_Bivd . C'nst11 :\tesa_ lS n 0 S ,. ---...., .. ....., ""'"'n GR.A."\D PlA."'iOS. Bag Summ~r \J'>II nL' ~·a ... ·~·r"l nlatJ\~ around UNFURN. COM. rt'as. n:'nts; new I FUitN'IroR.E RESTOBAftON :;a h.• now on. Stc>inway, Mason I "'''"' Ynrk I•• .• \\'tul< S!'OnP tl't,.y 1· & 2-bc_lnn apts .. ultra modem . Chair bottoms, benches and s tools & Hamlin, Knabe, Chickerin~. 1 A n•"' \lo u: 1<1 '.''<'t1rd wa~ est ttl>-.... r r 1.. • ,.ud .. nc,.,,nc: " \WW _'Ocean \Jew . HA 1671 I rt>Stored using cane, r ush, reed. Chs<;(', Wur ll tzt-r. SohnK.>r. Fish· lsh<'<l b) !-11" ='n"T..an H~~n o! from 1rf Ctt\ 1'->4nd Yam Club, FOR RENT-1-BR apt. in BaJboa. etc. FREE ESTIMATE. l'r and man\' others. Some n!'w. Li do l,lp mt'mh< r ot the> ='('"''P(Ir' "'''" y ,.,k l t dtfir: · l(.ok half ..., blk. from bay, Sept. 15-June 1 IIA&VErS some used. · Pliccs start at $395. !I arbor LAd..' Ancl~'::" '' h<'n c;h~> • '" ~~ l' •hf bur'" '1~l"d Cr('IO) 15 $40 mo Would consider yrly. nJaN1TU1tE aDlAIIl , DA~"Z-SCHMIDT PIANO co., rau~::ht " 30-pound b-ounet> al!>J · ' lJI ~ uh.. ·• «1 '' •c "f''re lease. HA 3082-J . ~ 8utta AM An.. Coe1a Ke.a 520·:-.:o. Main. Santa Ana. f'ON' un l 6 t:trkl•• on \tonda~ ;:o.h, PI• JlldJ<'I·d" Fro -~ 1111-1 -...a" nn th•· "r~~"l' ,fl,hm~ lYvlt Cl tr-'UMMER RENT At, -Bay nt. .,..__ \'Ot 'TH RED a U hardwood n:s tu· \.\a It fMm 'h" l9 h '' Landin't. \'i Rt"t'nnan ml.~ t .. aropptn~ a L1do lsJe. 1-bdrm. unit. priv. COME IN, HEAR &nd P LAY ne\.\ ral fmtsh. complt>te w1th mn£'_:· ~'"•'P'Jrt (ev.· hairpins at Jrm~ IV•uty ~- beech. $79.50 w"E't'k. HA 2552; Hammond Otord Organ. No mu-sprinJ: rnattr('<.S S29 :;o lon ~use sht> ~ aJ •• ,.,.,tter eves. HA 2914-M. sic )~ns n('CC$Silry. Anyone 1 GRA:'\T~ Fl'R:'\ITl 'lU: about hE-r husband hc:Jmr FOR .,.,. ... ,..,. ~--.. .,.., L z 615 .... Bl d c 1 ~tesa Tht>r'"'" t>;., n mh.:ht\ • or.d :i-h· n.J:.J.,J -.-w-. •. a .. uwo ap ca.n pla.ythtsinstrutoent. DAN · t .-.f"wport ' • os a_. ;;__In'! 10 th, watet' nllt .,0 f,tr nut c:>arly nf"" month from Okinawa. WW accom. 2 adults. Cloee to SCHMlDT PIANO & ORGA." SPINET Pl ANO. Pay out balanet' uf thP llarbor. with M>mt' t••rnftc \'i ~·t 'kno\\ w~ he•ll bt" bay lc ocean. Pleu. IRD"f'CMD)d. CO .. Santa Ana. 520 N. Mall\, S2fi:i Another pint>t, bal. $387 ruru; or albaco~.. sal.lont"d M"Xt. but he'!. rot part S ummer or yr)y !'ell tal. !tT1 Oo1d-corner 6th. K!mbal m ade S pinet. $493. See of ht>r household~ padced ••• enroJ. COM. ~~.Arbor lOt&. our list or returned ~ntals and baPort Orant::l rt?P''' It'd 1 1121 al· "h"'" not rountanc em w ttlnt" him WINTER RENTAL ONLY=oct. repos.wss.ions DA.."''Z-SCHMIIYI' Cl)I'E' broustht in on boa L-. from out nt hl'r si~ht acatn 1 to June 1. 2·bdnn. fum. house. BIG PIA."O STOR E. lOll bar· tha t landmsz ~aturda) ..• up to • • • $75 mo. plus util. See owner. n o gains. 520 :'\o. ~lain. Santa Ana . then thP lan:.•:;t ("fi.l('h t'\••r madt> \\ •. und!'rstAnd o ... : JUrbor 0 ) Balboa ,._, d. • ()a lee&U.. 6 h thPrt' tn foil" <in Tt c•n '" T'tJ<>tt· to-.-.q,.,,n. aN> rut k~ r.l! a.aunted pa • ...,an 1 • ~ ~.~-_-.........-com er 1 · da' 111, 1'~'~'<•111 ''·•' hn•k• n '-'lth M ........ _ ...,..__ ---.n c FT Fri....v~• t • b) h«> hum pn o: ~fstt•tllc. f'OR RENT--3 bedroom ~u •OODY DITEIUOM 6-Ct o l . ,._.lr<': no a I 141 1\ lt~h'flro• brou •hr lr Instead the'. all <'atiLr ruet of unfurnished house. nearly new. o.a liArtler 11M ·c• tC'h on it . cl£'an. ~r 19 :;n ... 2 baths. fireplace, aarac-... Yeu-~ GRA:\I S Ft'R.~ITL'RF · Rltlho.t Pa,rhon, the :"··wport ho~' mumt•n ~! • And P. .. ~ fer !:lltiiMte C M PiPr f'J,hm s.: FIN'I and Elh). Roat 1t'1-not bad ur All 1 ~'"' •£ mr es~ ly lt-ase $110 month. Harbor !IS c-at 81.._ ~del 11.ar ~ ::'\(''1.\"J))rt Bl\'d.. 0 ta • ~ R.·nt·•l t~l-.o rt pont"d l:(Wl(f ('1'C"hc>c. pecially if )<1\1 rr.annatt ,• aw·U.. 2892-R. F~LC'ON boat for sale. Call HA !'Qmt> <.•f th(' f1.hm..: ha~ bu·n d·tn£' !Jro;t and .,mothrr n •i t. rf"aJ but· WANT 2· or 3-bdrm. house, fum.. WANT YOUR D IR'IY WORK 0197-J berore 10 a. m., or 6 to 1 ,tra u::h t out I "''m Balboa in CDM with encl. yd., good 1 DONE! 7 p. m. --:=::::::-::------------t-t'_r. ___ ~--~===~- hl'atlng, vi<'w and nt-Rr beach. 1 GO TO HAL . . . -::-c;r G l ASS h ~~no Y<>arly rental. ~ot on•r SlOO mo. 1 tl·r • ~ s ow ca.<:e . ~ 1 Complete ~ng .ervice GRANT~ Ft'R="-"TTl'RE I HAr-bor 0579~\\' Windows, floor waxing and pol· 1645 :'\t•wport Rl\'d .. Costa M<'<.a FURN. RM. wit h sep. ent . & P~ \shlng, ~oal.l wuhlng. p fA."O for sale. mapli. KJmb3LI b&J,.h Yrly or summer. lnq I Call Harbor 17'56-W C'ono;olctte. 5700 HArbor 16i8 415 Poinsettia, CDM. t:ET YOl'R-A~1A~-A fOodf~r OFFICE or STORE space for ren t. I Wanted now \ 'pti1!hl or ch~'"' t~"P'' Ex-700 Can\ation. Corona del M.,-. 1 u du."" 1 b. at FOR RE':'IT-2-BR. unfum. house. . <;RA':-:T'S FPR!': ITt 'R t~ Carpet<"d and has stO\'t', ref fig. YOl 'NG. Wt ~~tA::'\ ~,·nntt·d. to work l lw'\ "'t'"-110r' Rlvd .. Co ... Ia ~IE' .. ~ Gar Adults. Least>. 604 Narcis-part tJmt-1n mPn <; dothm~ QION> -.us COM .• HA 0364-J. m Har bor Area Pri'\' E'Xf)('r dt•· _____ ...;... --sirablt>. but not nN." Rox 1-A. FOR RENT En!li~ BL~GALOW APARTMENTS W ILL 00 ODllJ< 18..;;. t'o.tr(X•nt<'r B<'a~tifully fum .• lame Uv. ~ rep;tirs. paint Nc. By hr d ') or With h~plftce, bd.rm . Jdtchen· Wl'<'k. HArbor 11126-J <'tte SwnmE'r rate by day, w ANT ED to bU\ dtning room ·week or month. !let. table. chnan.: sid board Call FARM HOUSE MOTEL HArbor 1467· f"\'(.'mn~s 1\304 Coast Blvd ., COM HA 1063 -w---..---------Lost and Found Shower Held For Newlywed IETTEI CiiS Fll LESS lllnl'"' dtspla<'«l a part;. thts "N•k. hut d1d not ban it Ftftt'<'n fr~t•n<i" a nd rhoir m<'mbC'rl' .of the Corona dc•l !\h.r C o m m u n i T ~ Church m.-t at thf' homl' of MrQ KF:EPSAKF:-HEIRLOO~t Oqt 1 Claren<'e l'>odd. 42-l Orch1d A H' r ub•. n ns.: surroundl'd b~ rlia· Corona del :\'tar. on Tu.-sday l'\f"· rnonds in o;quRrl' . •ttin~t. R.•-nim: for 9. .w<'ddmg !ih?""''r for lht" • d HArbor 2452 nr H \ 12 formPr ~~~ " Ali<'r t nue-ht. "'ho '5<.• L'~tdlllac 61 4-dr. s~·~n. 1· war · · • · 1 was ri'C'E'n tly mnrriC'd to G:tbriPI L ~ Ma:>l<'r ww t lrt"l, F Sal Balti('rra )O\.\ milf':t.~te. full equip $3.450 I or e . I The sho\.\('T wa on~-inall) ~ch•'· '48 Ca dillac 62. club couptt. , dult'd for thr Norman F rahm v.w , fully equipped, very THOR outomatJC wa o;h!'r. {X'rfect l hoUSt'. but was trans!errl'd !x'C'ause ' clt'an .. . .. · ... $2,465 condition $69 50 of thE' tllnt'Ss of G:ul F rahm. Co- 48 Otdllloc 62. 4-dr. st'dan. . GR A:>:T'S FUR.~ITI'RE : hostt>l'S was Mrs. Burl PriX'tPr ww. fuUy equipped Of'll¥.'.$2,395 164:'1 ='lrwport 8 1\'d .. Co!>ta Mf"sa 1 '41 C.adiUnc 60S, 4-dr . sedan. '34 Wll LYS good transp Very p • H ori~: blk. paint ,SI.<l80 clean.' $4.~.' 1\5 t..c. Apolt'n~. R. 1. I artleS onor •ott Cadillac 62. convt.. ne" -----------tulip Cl'P&m paint. new LAT E mock'! C'oldspot, A·1 !!hapc., • hl top r~Cct>llcnt ml"Ch. $1 .095 J:Uarantt'<'d . . S79.50 p ggy Die '50 Po~tiac 8 . super dlx 01· . GRAl\"T'S Fl'R."ll"MJRE e talina ww, htr .. radio. 1 1645 N('wport Rlvd., Costa ME.'sa _ owner vtory low milt'age. FOR SALE Kehi nator rt'fric: .. l RE.'la th·t's arrhin't from the• mid· like-n~w . . $2,195 good cond .. $50. 703 Larkspur, west a nd mort' prt'-weddlnl: parti~ '49 Mercury con v .. ww. hoot· COM. HArbor 2919-W. a~ kt>Cpi~ lh<' la t v.rek a a er, radio. shows excel· TABLE TOP g8S range.~roii= pinstt.>r busy for Miss MargarE't t lent cart> 1:1 beauty .. $1.695 trol ln!'ulatoo oven. onlv $37.50 Diehl. dau~:hter of Mr. and Mrs. '41 Ch£'\TOI~?t dlx. club cpe., GRANT'S FURNITiJRE Stuart Diehl., Corona dl'l Mar _ this pop. modt-1 only $ 595 1645 N<>w'J)Ort Blvd .• Costa Mrsa Two. of Pe~Jzy s a unts. unC'll' nnd a '40 P lymouth roupc, 4-pass.. ~-------cowm arn'~ Saturday from Jill- good oood. ~peclal $ 375 FO\]R B~ER.Calor.lc ~~s ran~:c nois. They ~rt' M.r. and~~~. Rn:.- '48 Dodge ~-ton pick-up $ 775 With. 0 '('n, brorl('r.:. 14mer . Good Rict~ of Wllbtlm.~ftl'ld. Mt~s \.ri\<"E' condiUon. $.')() cO-Larkspur. ni<'hl 11nd Don ,h)hnsll'n of \'lc· \1, ~'1\ ••• 18 months to pay CDM. HArbor 1181-W. 1 toria • • • Bank Tt-rms WAI.NlJT gla.s -front china cu~ Rr·id<'smaid.<; of ht'r w <' d d I n F: board. llkt-~w. adjut~table pM l)' and high school <'lusmates •hf'lY('S .. .. S-17 SO Wt'N> $:\J<>Sts at a P"f'SOn:tl Ahow~r GRANT'S FURNITURE ~h't'n 'J'u(>sclay t'\.Mllns: b)• hiriC)' 1645 N rt Blvd.. Cos ta Mesa Fra nklin of C~ lA Mesa FADED DENIMS .., "~"Y·•i9h1 ,."fo'•'•o ~.,..,.., ••t" r.,.. Httt'der ... Qtr "~ •h·t 3 '' • , •• ~a r • > o·u ~ '4~~ .J,., ••• 'It '5~ ""' •'\ ":! tl~! ~ ..... ConChita Pa,-lor Smorgasbord on l i •• .... l 1 to .,o ~ Aug. 30 t:l. FOR TH.. F.WMAN!i' , A d..tught r. P:uncb Lsnn "''u • o<wn Tu<'M!A) Juh 31. to Mr. and .. Irs John II .. :, ,,m'lll. 23506 Sa ::- ' 1t I Road. Chrt II a' t>n. ir. St .1(>- .q •h JIO,PI'"I. \\('l~hm~ a · bn n h poWlds. 8 oum.'t'!t. Final plaru for the annual J\t• • k .I Tt.~.: smorgasbord of the Conchita Par· tick('tS, costing S1 .50. ma~ ll<• f'lll'· ; h.·r:~f..E '' .u •,>t:o\ EO lor NDGW Wt'l'(' d.iscuued when ch8S«l and rt•Sll'\&llons mack> by n ,, .. ta•c> ?.u:nd ol Equal. ~t ic . 1'1uJndaY. Aup8t 23. 1151 Dk'mbers met today (Thursda) 1 calling Mrs. Dorlse JE"Sko, BEacon has l.'r.tnh'd a hquor ll~'t'!'l* t o K ;\C us ~&I at the Worn n's Friday Af~rnoon S642-J 1tnd Mrs. Ht>rbt>rt Thomp-'"wport H:u bor AITl('a IClln l.t~~ll·n C1ubhow at Costa Mesa. I ~son~·~B~Ea~co~n~5~7~1~1-~M~o~r~a~n~y-o~ther~~Pa.~~t ~21~1~f~or:.._sa_l_e_o_r_l_IQ~uo-r _a_t_t_h_ .. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~q~.u...~~~~~~~~ The mor~asbord. featwing a ~r. LA• 1c n H til. luncheon or ham: albacore, man~ salads ana ~t'rts. will tx-hPld at 1 p. m .. Thursday, Aueust 30. at the ctubhoUS(', followt'd by card playing and tht> awarding of door prizes .. A sJX'('Ial m~~tin~ of th Parlcu was held last Friday, August l i at the homl" l'f Mrs. Edward Mtr· koYich. 144 Roch(' t<>r A\'<'. Co:-.tn Circle Plans CanaSta Party Pl1n'-fl"'t , h.tr :o-t•plcflll)(•a <"'"· a'\ :I J'flrl. W••r·o• rihl'll'-'l'd \\ hl'n II D\1 ntbo I ' O' I ..It' \mil,:l!>; ('well• mt t 1\)(•-.da) n11:hr "lt th<' hnm <'r Ml"14 Art Rt'mlt•\ tnl F. Ihl- boa nl\ rl IJ;\Iho.t · ·nw <'l•mmrnl't> nnml'd 1<' ''ork on that t'\o•nl indudl' Mr:. Earl StnnE'bRrk :\1r Linton Collit>r . Mn ·lhuoold \.Ia, ... and :\11 . ,loht• ~hif'l<i .. A 'tt•r r ho• 'llf¥1 im: a pia tic pall~ ''8' tw1d \\tth th<' mon<'~ dc>ri\Pd from rt t:ninl! Into 1 hi' Circlr t rrasttl'\ ~ON ON T\' Friend<~ and n>'tl!hbol"' 111 \Jp, Jack FIOJ'Pr. 61.) lri~ AH·. Curnna ck>l M11r n•p.11 •t-d .,,,, rns:: lw .,,,,, Conr·nd l.rmha•tl:!h 1111 ,,.~.., i!-rnn AUI::Ul-1 "! ''" 1 r<'fli'C':ot•nt.tll\o' 111 S<•r•tpJlt.'-In.,tiiUtt• nf Ck"<>anu- l..''ra ph~ Hnt h Inn rl\d fmd t hi" $J1t'<'l'll ',o 'It h II " ,t '' t , ... , t•\\f'l t jJ t l . . . new sensational multi· purpoee aptfly. ICiU. APHIS, THRIPS. LAWN MOTHS. EARWJOS, ANTS. Certaia BEEn.ES • CA TERPIL- LARS ... and rna~ othen. COffloiM ,.._. lirtelmte ••• --J1~rMer ~THO "finl• IPRAY Re.:o~aiDCDded by experta lor eontroUinc PowdetJ Mildew ea Roees and on other --eeptible p laab. Abo RoM Ru.t, Pettda Le.f Cwt. ..... Certaia Mitw. -· ... ...... ,..,... ........ ~ ... ............. _ _,_ ... ill&. Nor11an's Rower Shop-GARDEN SHOP IJIJ c...t N ., COfeN 4el Mer ..... HA~I90 Again, we had to expand. You good people forced us to do it and now we want you to come and Stt the result of the confidence you've expressed in us. Come and cdebrate the opening of out colupl offices. Prom a single, small room in 1937 wkh a sa6 of 1 employee and with resowca 'ol $22,000 we have IOWldly grown uml1 today we occupy quarten 7 times tbe size, stdcd by 10 employees, and our resources tot2l over $6,000,000 . Through these 1 ~ years we have loaned t. total of $12,804,406.49 to 2090 borrow· ers. All this money has done its pan to make the Harbor Area the great and . . . prosperous communtty tt ts. AP~d siuct our star/ wt httvt p•itl 29 CfJfiS«Niive semi-am11111l tlit~itltJitls at the ., 111al ,.alt •f fiC'Vtr less than ......... . We are proud of our accomplishments. We want tO shale our joys with you at our Opening. aUGUST 25th lOam to SpM for EVERY GUEST For every vislro r we have • delightful surprise Gift, absolutely Free, also A beautiful 3·pc. Pen, Pencil and B11l Point Pen set in • handsome case. for everyone who opens an acco:.~nt totaling $50 or more Or a unique Timer which reco-ds eXJcdy 3-m inures, so you can accurately check your long distance calls, for those who investS 100 o r more. Besides, every guest will have the opportu- nicy ro win the Secret o ....... hy Ttc•aate .... Bt Jllrt to obtt~in" 1iri.t1. F.IDE ·IIIWPOitl -lllCII. CllLIFOitiiiA lftfPHONf HAIIOI J500 -. , . • rs at •,lept.ll Formal opt-nJng ol t 11m1od-'" •·O" "' th•• •'""''in)t pcl\atl" o>i-tc attan fo: l hf• tall IIC'I'niN- eUe<J Ottl('• !o of tht' ~ewport &1-' fiC't'., . \h . ..uhn { h~t<h••) or ~ f'.m· lr•f ' I 'rangf' Cull .. ! Coil~ will boa FNi<'t Ill Sa\ lllW' nod Loan As-Ttu:. W1t.,,nph<• h'<l bU~J..;t.' 1 ion Prald ..\\ 1hiboa lsbnd reJA•' t~-<1 ,. hr>ld from a IT' to 4 p m ., sodetlon will be Qbsen·t"d fronl 10 !c•d to J t"'mph•tto ~modt.·lltnl: ol to l"'lll< Monda) • \~mn • •hat fl• 1 .-rn ltJ en t~ a:ymna.,Jum. a . m to 5 p.m. Saturday, r rc-si-th..-l'nttn• olliet> facthu~ a nd the l 13-)r •r-old <;<1n Jc.hn a nd ht& t"•m· Bvth m·"' and old ~tudenta are dent p A. Palmer announces addillon of bOrn<' 'J()() ~:>Quar<' ft"""' pamon \H"t'l! thf'l•ah ted b) t wc• •d\ 1 •od tn rompk Ito prelmunary Th AaiOdatlon will at.o eele-of floor space )Oun(t bu)s "i'lo put knl\ to r ·~ n atum "ilh a ~ .._ brate ats 15th birthday on that lntt>rior finish ''" pnnCJp&IJ) 'tht>tr backs John and h t'i tn4c'nd 1 re Sept 10 so \bat a tentattw 4ay, and all vl•itors will 1'\'Ct'he birch pl>'":ood. A nP" ht-allne: flt>d. ho~. unharml'd program can be ~t~ •• a. cifta and c.n samplto the bir thday and atr CJrculatln& S)'SI~m wa Sn ~ouths from Lon~ ~ch and R•<i CI"UUIi.)o ••• 'l6 ~· •1·-n·.. t , ltmt' of uffttial ~trada. cakes as lone u s upplies lut. added. ~o ~ ~~~ cofft.'f' room <Arden CroH• "-er~ af"n'>Sted sun-pa-.. CO<l t1tt> .,..,.,, • .,, ":~to·t ';1'' ,~ ;:-..; w uadent~ m~t aile lliaw Explaining how the remodelling Cor th~ gtrls use has been addH a da) at A S t. and C'Jcean Front ln l and "'"tmnunt hcht) tn 'll••tr ,, •• taktm ~ACE ~'dloll~als plans e'\01~. Mr. Pa~r said. patio encto.ed in a grape stake Balboa and booked on r~lo n) ~·11\e ela~111r· '""" .anunauon and ~·ed-. ''One day latf! 1n ,May ~tary f ~ ")lh barbed wire top. Tht>re eha~ of posM'SSJOn of nsrcollcs 1 .\1 Ch1na ,,,,,. trl C'u•u r d·•l English test, ~ far .... Acnf!s BAomquist sug~e&ted that are nned t:Hlel of elC1t>rlor pllmt-I.MariJUana nprtot Wf'N l'('porwd ~1at R<lbo>rt n ··1:11'h. tlu't'C:'tvr nf ..?4, S.pt. 1 and i at 9 1 m m diP pert\ap. tratftc now "'"thin our of· lng, mcludinlt a row or t'Ul!eniA!I IAkf>O from the )OUttu. , .. ,~ ..... 1'\1{ ' •rlr tl··· •IUtht-m .... 'lt'lle\' Bulletin ftce buildlnc might be improved and colorful Oower beds Eacb of A 12Q..da) count) jaLI 'ot'nlt>ncx> <>t .. n~t> Count\ Chapt~r. t.lt'r1Jftf'd ld students •h<J did 110t ... If 01\t" ~t'r'anet door ~re closed the two entrances has a revolving 1 was mt-ted o ut to Gf>or~e E Th,.n. 11w lollo''lnl! ~·l!mn• r, '\ort."<'n 1 """' tf'r at t~ POd of a.t _.._. o1f ancJ a MW t'fttra~ door cut fan O'-"et" the doorway outside. ob-ult. 49. of ~t-wpor1. tn C1t~ Court f'.-nnon ~lr< C'a"''I Klo·piJ' 1 ,.. "''l l h·r and hilth chool «ra~ tfiD \"iating the need tor scr~ doors. :\1onda~ on 1t char~e of t·hcld mo-Brul>h. Jflto> Emmet Plttnt'ld C' r,•y, d1d not consult a co!Jt>~ • a IDi Presid<'nt Palm r mvites all lt>Joollnl'( Ht> had be-en ar·rt"-'ed a r Joan Lt•\1 F n·d F t"tl kLn. rhd• bt>IO'l"e ~m~duauon art' a~ to to come to M'i.' "the mastec·ptf'<.'t.• "'."t'\\\liOrt Pit-r &tturda) Bums Juhn R11hbm~ :\1•k•· \!ator nU&Kf' an appomtmE-nt for a c:oun- of dt>shtn ud rnl"cnuc l~ that r<'· 0 . (I Bo~d of Unlarto and )h. \'1'1an Rt•"'" ltr'• m(>dJ ... , I••· .... •hn~ 1ntPF'\il'\\ ti), 'non as pos- t~ultt'd ltHra a "'mph• I>U!-tKI"'SUon J., [~an :O.tort·h of lUino~~> ~ufft>n>d 1 r. na Kt·lh. J•·t·al~ 1111 \\ dl"r•·n Dun I ~rtal.-Tht' Counstltni' Drti<.'\' in I rom ow· :o.t'l't•t>tar) thai a new mcnm bum and :\tr<; Harmah floo r m \ 'iltl' \\'••~<1h•rl\ t .... \, • '! .. ..\c:tm.ntstratcul'" BuLi ding .u1 doot bf' addt>d " Tht-!::'u\lnltl> and ( '1•"-•' ul Ctntano t· ... cafkotl unhurt 1 •• • • ...:,,.n • • • \r r ll .. ., • ,,.. ••pPn 'rom 3• a m . to 4 30 Loan butldtng IS .... 3333 \"ca Ltdo whr>n d mmor hoar C'UUI!hl lin~ ....... ~tanh ·~ }lt)\\iHt1 .Ja•tl nu• ' I Ill \Jond<.) throUJ[h F rida)• neat• rh•• t-n lranct• ro Lido 1!'1<' f't·idu\ uth•rnoon nit tlw \1untu· JJor~•lh\ Bun~<o H. ·• H·""" .:• --- Jxtl Ti-·lllo>r P·u k Th~ boat 1'\'0io'<i nuttun Plllrll'l'l .... A'"''" I ,. TAK£ MOt-s-TAl!\ \'ACATIOS Warn.>n Wtute may be expectE'd RIST CHURCH Of CHIIST to ~1\'l' a ~ood d ••.,c riptJon of tht' T"'in l...ak('S Countr) and ~1am- SCIENT1ST moth when next ht.> '"'"" ht<~ tu-UOJ VIe li4o. ....,.,_.. IMclt tht>r'" church on Bai!Joo I land A bronch of The Mother Churcll, n.. Jlt" is .on of Rev llarr) \\'h1t~ and Rrat Church of Christ. Sciofltist, in b a fl'('quent ingcc 81 tht• church. to11, Monechusetts. \Vanl.'n a nd hi lamtl~ 111~ vaca - S1111dey School _ 9:15....., llonin't 10 the mtlUOtalll coun•r} Sulldov Service _ I I :00 e.m 1 Wedne sday Evening m"tino 8:00 p.m M £ M 0 Reodinq Room loceted ol I I I '•lm -• - frum th•· \'dllt•h Boat R.-ntal" WltS !. r and Pat :\I,·H·r JWIIIII' L1 , bo•a c b'<i at th Traclt>t P 1r k A ~"'Inc Han' \\'rrcht 1'·"1 1 '!a ,. pa ....... rn•• u u1bolt1 d motor tlo•at ro"-ttf>ncn • Pa• \f, "'', Gut. ,~la l- tUE'd th•· trrc, dt•ntn.! and .\nn Gut>s; ~. "''' Thrt'~"·~ t•ar-old Bit II~>~ bbut Jr . l..rlt• ~a' m e \(c... l ... "f' Btrolll ,.. ut .t34l E.l ~'lodf>na. =" t" w p u r t dtnt• Wnt.:ht J .. ~qu.. Hopv Et .. w Ht•t!!'hl~. \\8 InJUred ~1ond'\) Fmma J., I~> \hll•·r r·, o•l~ rt I Jll· "h•·n rho ("!It dnH•n h\ hi' fath•·• '''" nd Pw :ac (l( Ru·hard Fautmm \I'"' \Ia• It'( Jddrn !'•'IJ c1, ,, lh Ol :'UIIO\Mt.>8d 1'0\1 fi.•d 0 1 \' th•r ~ ,f,.t~ llhlriJt tOI h!\d 191 l' t:.t lttl..'h'' ;~ nt•IH tho• ..\rrh•• .. quahfil-d studt•nh .at lOth :tnd g,., •P."~"' ="•'" JJ(II • a:. tt II"". 8f l!lnne~ St., Bolboe. ;, open doily from 12 nOOf't to s p m. oacept su ... d eya end holideys netionolly obMrved. Tho p~bllc ia cordially nvi'od to ••· tend the churc;h 1ervices ~~~d vse tho The ~f'wpof't Harbor ~·p ha• ~ &41JM~f'4 by ..,tor Court to be • ~ ol re-· era.l d rc-ulatlo. aad qaa.llft~ t.o pu.bU.IIa an publk •otiCH rl"- .\ cn .. li.l \lt•:.a mottwr ro>porl•od J .... ~ .... ''" A:.hh\ c;.., 'tldm·· Ashb\ ~11nda~ th·tt ht>r li · )t•ar • uld .lanh Ptlltt'r t:rndd !-'k,t.-n, ~tar' d •Ui!h'•' hnd h.><•n drunk for I hi" Chtll~on JE'dd' Huu.:.tnn John"' P ''t ""ll d ~ and "'' .. t,.~u ~ '·crt.. hmrt\ 1 nru.. LHrn \ri-,:~=~======i== '" '\f'wporl 1\ht-wa ... d,,,,'(i ",d•·t·.,un T•mll"\ Trwctt.,· K ilh\ ~,. · itl\l'nth• .uthnntlo s • • • l-.•1 :'han •I I ·v.• tit·n \\',, Pr .... 11• 2& Reodinq Room. qulrf'4 ~· law. We Say .:•"'• l'.c>\d •1 11111 f~·· ~, :-.;,.." • I.•. • "" llt\cd Hatf, h.l "8, 11 Jill • t1 v. h.•n ht-f<'l ttl• ct.. . ': ,,, , :'loP\\,, :Jllt t •'<~<'' 1. 1 .. d <I :1-1 'tt.·• '" :'1l· l'l l m rm' ~--ntn .t •• ;. 1\.·n•n .., tr •d i 1)\ Ur futhard F lo-Luu T'l.atl1• ... • •J·~' ~; hn'l • • • :\f,tlir·rn•l" ~""•"' I • ~.h al I· II• r 1 ,, !•:·nrl ....,,,,. •por i I ,,,,..,.d !'\\ It•\:. ~rt)l;r ,. '' llnltl 1~ tcr· lt .... , 'rnm ''"· 1 f, wnn1., "' , k1n :nruc• • • \II • • • lo·~n •"' hit "· ~btnt'h• 'o\ • '"' • CONGRATULATIONS Reaistration Days ·set • C'onttnu.od ft om P ~ .. · 1 • tLrU. A~rlculturt". Ma~t Har- J)t>r, G irls' Ph~.~>ical Education. Eni:U h. Flo~d Harryman Sci· t't t.'t"; :\lane H.iebfich. ;\lusic: to ..... na • , '!t ..ttl,.. • t'h rlul \11 I C; II \1 lo ,, ... , •• I'!<. k I I .~nt1 '•ruru: " ~~~·-·'•\l•n m.•r... i~rln • !!, ,. hk.· J1:nm) !.,.'N':'ll'• l•JIIa Ft-11••• !h,cd .., r "'' I hlll l'·•• 1;tn l 1 i< I • -tn i olf'n .. CJ'viht CJrltt l>o>c ru 1 ll\flt't :.t artln J11d~ ~ut h•·r''Htd L "mls \\'ilh&m , Uou.:las IW tr •' H. len ~ud.•r. B. ttl~ E\ •'!'\' H~>l~>n Hart. l 'Onna RJchard.,on J oa.nt>llt' S:rnrth :O.tanlyn Bend·'' KAI"f>n l\t.Jdntcrt', l rnt.la Enck . '" Alb.>rc .\lmon•1 Newport Bt.d. at 15th St. Dorothea Hilliard. Typinl(. Jour- COST• MES• nalism : H. Lynne HuJ:h~. Soctal )fu...., '\am·~ HUJd. R·od Cr .., n n Studies: Al~rt ll'"in. Boys' Phys-wtttf>r ,3ft't~ tn~truc.'hlr at Balboa JE 5491 Ileal Education, John W . Johnson., J...land. Rub) nnd ~orth Ba}. h td ~:=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Sden<lt': Webster Jonet, ~1ath~-21'! ~t>unlo!-.tt•t ... qtLihf~ 1m ,...., •: malics: Marjori~ Lamb. Enttlish, ttcatton Th.-, a r,• & .. ;mnt• I M.argarf"t J,.A>wls. Spanish; Sh1r&ey ~lary Lou Bo)er. Kar~n Rruncno..' Louri . Art: Robt'rt MJlenUIAOO.I ~an~ Ctbbs, Grant :\IC'Call Kath~ * * * Si~al SwdiH : J ohn H. Mc<;o..•-Da<.'t"y, SUS3n \\'ill'~ \I l r r J I en. lndustnal Art.tl; James L. Mll-F'rf't"l:-· lnh'rmE'dJa t•" \tanl::n It':', Mat hematics; G. Leslie Kiltf'r,l CutiPr, Su..<:an C'utlt.>r IA c-r~ l.t'- S.lCial !'t•Kil~. eo~· Physical Edu-"'""''l'n. Lrnd.t ~laX\\1!11 T'lt.8 01tion J~r-UTitOL.. H.truld B.•s~-orth -'lnll~ I Ro~rt Mont~omery. Mathe-Gihbs. l)lrk f~Pnton. Sall} Sw&tn. f nr 1tics Andn.>w J OU,·pr lndus-:\l~tro:an•t S"' ·un S" rmm••.-... Jud~ 11 ial Arts Hazel O wt>ns. Home Pt•hkan Linda ~tt'kt'r ..on J oA .rr 1 E1'0nomics, T t> r es a Patte~on. Ro""otr~. Bud~ Vr,un~ :\tanlyn 1 -;panish. Rotk-rt Pernn. Agncul..l1 C"utlec . ~wan l \.ltlo•t· • •':'-n M ur- turt-Ashb) Powell. Industrial ray. Ca meron ;\1Ut'l'8). Dick Pl't· j A r t.s', Ralph K. RA.>ed. Boys' Physi·l•tt. Rut h nn Clat k Roh L~·' .~n- t" 1 Education: Ectarin C. Ri~. So-s•• 1n EX CELLENCE in UPHOLSTERY KIMMORS Cu,tom fvrni~, Dfeper* Cllrtitt- 4lS E. t7ltl St. c-t...__. AT ~-eeu• ..... ....... Irrecular Shapea !\"£1\' -a.t::IIOLDIXG COS1• Mf SJl. MATTIU5) c :: liSO ~hot~. lEN.. ., I ll E. lol\oe ll¥tf_ lollto., HA. VACAnoN. SPECIAL Ra nct...('rodl,..!t-4 Ghn'M ~ ... ln,tr~~et~ • ,._.. ... , Ho1111 10 .. S ..... ... d ... 1"U Si;~ .. HArb« 87 cc tl ~tudit'S. :\1ary I~ R ichmond. !,..at,.·ll·· Kt>llstab H••d ·rn-.s m- Frt-tlf'h Laun.. EnJtlish. Oorot~Y t ''' 11 tnr quttl.lt•'<l 't ,,,ur• '"''' •I Ring, Homemakm~. Let> C. Sa~"l.n, n•t'f'l\tn_ i.k'l!lnm·r 111d tnlt>rn· • ~~===~---'""::====Jl~ :\fusiC . Ellt>n JaM Styh. G ir ls' dtate C\'rtifcca t,·~ , llt ~ ,;-, R. · I 1640 Newpor1 Aft. IE 6394 COSTA MESA Ph),lt'al Educatum; L t>o nard ~~inners Da''' Ed\\ar'd ..\tktn~oiP Thompson. Commercial. Eliza~t h ~""'''II HoJI) Smtrh Robert Wentz, Drama, En~hsh ; Cyn d) Farns"orth Johnn) C"harl- 1 Kin ger) White~. Science: Ro-1 ton. ~·tty Lt>t> Hutton And Shcr- bert A. Wood. English: Arthur ley \.on.>lntck lntf'ml•'dt it''! Worden, Industrial Arts: Charles p.,.~ Lt>t•. Hulton and P~>n'l~ E. Zllhl, Commercial l•cnkl r ---Co don r. Rn"' n R· rl 1' ,,,~ Best Wis~ to P. I. PILIEI cmd the co. NEWPORT IEAal HArbor 2533 \\"'\It !'-ilt'l) ll!,.lr\1('10 ~~ '\1f' ·~" tOrt ilarhor Y1H'h' Ck.rh 't·r· 11fit' I (ou• ,,,un~~••·•~ ~<-lWI.!IIl· t nr" Th••nu .. :'.lli<'ho ll ,. 11111 ,., '.' M!ht [),, 1\\ •' 'I ·rn1J P1 •r•,1~ (,u ht'rll' 1l1sriDa PlAy' m. to Be Sllown A color fl'lltul'l' sound ftlm . ·t )beramme~u • · -and its 1 World-Famous Pa.s~ ion Pia'." Wlll ht~ hO¥>TI at g p m. ~undll) at Christ Church by the St-a. 14th ~t 1 1and Balboa Blvd . Nt'WJ)Ort. \ This rum portrays important SC'\.•nes from the Pt\!l•~lon Pl&) tn I Bavaria in tablttau stylt-. also \ set'ne-5 of ttK-Olx>ramnw~au «'n - ,;rons. Its people and roontrystd4>. pala<."8. trt trC'asul"t'!!. Ra\·rtrtnn Alpa and the Cll!-t of th~ Pa. ton Play in C06tum~ ~ ls rommNl'fllr) Ill Enc· \i h. with musical accompanlmt~nt No actmisaJon \\"'ll be char~ro. but a tree will offenn~t wrll be t.ttkttn to a.lllllt m ciefra) tng t>xpe~ Now offers comptetf' Job Printtn(l...Fiadll tis ORBBTINGS 1: GIFTS ... ~to,.,...._ PrieDclly N......,_. a em. a SocW w....,.. ......... ~ JIBL(X)MB WAGON . Ow ,,., ~>«.,.;.-•I: O..ance of resideeee Arrivala of Ne~ • C ity NEWPORT BEACH Phone HcariJof 758 (f'le ,., IW ..,,.,..., Robert Somrn£>1'11, S<.'CI'etary of tbe aviaUon commHtee ol the Los An-gt>a. Chamber of Commerce u be adcbtiaed the IK.'COnd quart~lY OlC'mberahip luncheon or the New. port Chamber at the Newport Harbor Yacht Club. 'J"ht> 0\'il Aeronautics ~rd baa alreedy appro,·ed the l"t'lq'UeSt ot Los Anftl'lt>s Airways to ~dd pu.. IM'f\.ltl'J' S<'rvi<X-t 0 i ls ))l'e$efl t bell· cop lN' mall ervice. Fi rst phue Clllls for pa.5St'llger senrioe to For the 6l"<l0nd oonsf'C'Utlve Santa Ana, Anaht>im , Pomona and )t>ar'. Tom Frost _of Newport wa San Bernardino; then eX1C'nd it to •inner' of the oovt't<"d a wa.rd in other cities on the mail route; the tl\ird annut~l C'h&mplonshlp 11 h · do S:no" blrd Gold !' S <>riE>s sa il<"d <'Ventua y to ave st>n ·•ce to wn· Thursda) and Fl'iday. Tom is toYm Loll .Angeles, which will mean -mmod<>J"(' or th(' Non-Calm$ at about a 24·m1nute trip from here w to Lo ~e rather than an 1'\f'\\ port Harbor YaC'ht Club and hoW' a nd a half. " . tht> winn<>r ln the-annual J...t-s Steffensen '-'>'8.s master of F hght of thl' Snowbtrds this Y~r. c-eremorucs. P resident Tom Nor· Runnt>r ·up in t~ Cold S Sen<' ton or the Chamber reported that DIL an •ao ·'CUll, ...W "as Benny Benjamin. commodore I v.'Ork ha d started on the new tra''f'liH ... "~ ~ t'l the Balboa l.sland Yacht Club, Chamber office on Coast Highw~U~ ~Y ~'~ at lk E\~ I and in third plaex> Y.'ll.S Wm F\aliE'r j and than kt'd Brad Hellis and Bill 4 I I r, Ia J...-. Dr. a.dl· o ( NHYC., pur~n of the Irvin e Co., who ett w• "' W• f't'!ftlll te~~r of C'ompeung in t he . racing were were p1"('1K'llt, for thelr coopera· _I'JIIrula ___ ~ ___ tm.. _______ I t ht' 13 top ~e-E'df'd sld.~rs or '.he Uon in obtaining the new hOI'nf' for tour Snowbird fleets m the ba:,-thl' C"hamber I :"HYC, BTYC. Balboa Yacht Club __ · ---- lmd Udo Isle Yacht Club. Its ~~~ 1 1l1e skippen &nd crev.· weN> I. ~ J:U(>j;U or Commodore J . A. BeE>k ,g -..~ "' dinnE-r Friday eve-rung at the UJC I N~rt H.&rbo,r Yacht Club. Race l.oio. ..... _s Comnutteoe chairman was~ Ia ,--,•11a (OoftUnued fnlm .... l l rl\'ed With the first war dead to be rt'tumed ~-11M" casket wu U!tt'd from the train and carried to a waiting ht-a.J"A by mem~ra of Newport Harbor Afn(>.rlcan f..c. gion Post :1191, Harry Estus, Gua 'nt.mplia and Chaplain B.ill Ban· nliltll!r, ud Councilmen Dale Ram- 8("y (abO a member of the Post) and Braden Finch and Chamber Pref;ident Tom Norton. The body wa · taken to Baltz Mo~tuary ln Corona del Mar, wheh! It will lic ln state until prlv111e .c:ravet~idc ~rvlces tomor- row 1 Friday ) artemoon at West· rnins tc.>r Memorial Park. Olaplain Bannistt-r will offlci&tt' a t theo sen·iw s. M.rs. Weigand had been notified or her son 's death in Korea by tel<>gram that arrived lest Oct. 2:1. The tt>lt>gram notJfied her that Johnny was locit SePt. 24, just about the time that Mrs. Weigand had sent him a box or nuts. cook· iea and candit>s. I Baum. BIYC saHlng c-halrTn&n, Th<" &lboa Island Yacht Club, with Mr. and M.l'$. GeorJ:e ~ard the oun~;Stt-rs' own yacht club. of LIYC and Mrs. Sawn a.ssasU_n~~: wlU oonclude tts season ThUJ"'Sday ... and Mrs. R?Jlald Barlow gomg Johnm h3d writtt.>n home: "Oh, what I wouldn't gh·e for a lobster, or steak, or &orne of Henri's spa· ghettl and m('llt !MUs at the Bal· boa Inn. or onE' of Vi's piE-S!" Cormnodore Hay Langenheim In his last leUt'r, written Sept. feporls that 145 boats in 17 21 las t year, Johnn~ had said he cia t-. cntE'I"E'd thE' Au~rust Invita· had ~n undt'r hNtvy heU Cl~. tional Rt>gatta hE"ld Saturday and Earlier he had written that a 55 evenin~r, Augll:it 30. with the an-alon~ for. the ruSe. nual troph.r fiN' l'Dt8tion meeting Pomts lh the-Gold S Sl'~lc-s wt-re at tht' &lboo Yacht Club. The gath('red ovt'r a setit:'s or fi\'E' raoes oommodotx' nd his staff officers Thursday and _Friday, all on dlf· will award tht> trophies to v.in. f~rent courses 1ll the bay nf"t'S ln the summer·s events. A bu.'' wf"('k will v.i nd up the-a..__ -I • ......_ Set acthitJt'l. ror •hi eason H{'re's ftiiiiiiGI II8Je tht> SChedul(' Tod'" 1 Thu.rsd:ly ): A n n u a 1 Ovt>r tht-objc('tions ~f the C'~n- 'l'Ound-lhe-lo:land ro\\'inl.! race. t~l ~t"\\TIO~t ~mmw:u ty A~~l8k· star tin.: l'l"ar the BalboA Island llon. the Cit~ _Council Ia l v.('(' Ff'Tt"'\ 1 • to 10 a m 1 \'Otf"d to esta bliSh an annual raft> To·ll'\l)r rov. Fnd.:ly l: Elt!<'tion for l('ases at t ~ <;itY Trailer Park. of officf'n rnr the romin~<: yt>a.r. at Th~ ~eont wtntt'r ratl'. from tht' N';:>JI"r tub meeting at 7:30 SPpt. 1 to ~tay _1 . was !\l't ao; the p m jannual ratt>· ~ .• }()a WE'('k for the ~unday. milUmetPr shell had hit a few Rt'sults In the 17 classes: yards from him and his buddy and R.bod~: Rowdy, Howurd Chastain; rove-red t hf.'m with dirt. A rgo!ly, JamE"s Sht>ppard; Whim, J ohnny was wt>ll known in t his John PE"arcy. art-a. Until he went into the serv· P<": Patsy_ Ann. Jnck Too!l; Pa· ~~ in 1948, he had ~x-<-n employed loma . M1kc Burke: Gayhn. Dr . at the-mitliatun> golf cour e In 0 . G. Sue · I Balboa a nd had b<.-<>11 V('T)' active l.uC'It>f'8 16: Jo E'phine V. Robert in th(' ~Nt S<'Outs In the service Collin : Es Velero. Jim Gt'f'~ory;, h1s C'O,;bined dull . had OOE'n that • \Vitrh. !' Enrittht. or maU clerk and \\'Ork in radio • !'tar;.: C'ha~:er II. Rill Fick£'r : ~o. and l"Omrnuni~tion . He had taken :? 1_42. (; Mc-Roh<-rt.: 1'\o. :n Jim par t m SP\'t'rBI lh\'&saons in Korea -HJ~.tll. \nth Co. A. 38th R~m<>nt . 5<-rond \'iklnl:"': ~u 6. And.' Gramm: Dh 1 1on. E\t•. J mJ R~ms~' · . Sunilors. in addition to his : for your -. The N eedlepointer Yam Shop Jt Ol·B ~' Blvct. eoro.a &-J K a r IIArkr &81-W H a 'Y e You Seen? the N e w LEE SHIPLEY ORIGINALS Sun Clothes -Dresaes Separates 1106 Co,,t 81vd .. Coron• clel Mer Chinese Prints · ~turda' ' oond a nnual "Aqua -fin:t rov. .. ~.50 for the SI'<.'Ond a nd ~tic" r,~ BIYC panmu. 2 p. m. ~'; for th{' two back rows. ThE" at Ba>k's Pif't on thf" Island. The I ~mmt-r rate, Mar 1 to Sc.-pl 1. parent-. "'lll t"'OnJl'{'te in rowing. wtll bt> S15. SlO an d .. respeoc- peddlE·bo rd. divin_g and swimming th·eoly: an lnM't'ase from ~12 for ~~ts. •1th all I)\"'Ct"eds J:Oing to tht> tam row ~d S7 :lO for thP Att'.:.~tro.. .. :, :"o. 2'·. J~m HtJ:SQn. mother and tt'p.fat h<'r , 8N' a'- 1 to;.: u, nrQt _\\. F . 5<-hult. broth<'r Rod Mc.Kinhl'y of Whit-: tnt. It'.,: Ex~<·rmma_t.or, Paul F~~· ti<'r : st~p.brotht'T Pet r and step. • (!''\~-~~d~:~.~· ="' lcholson : FiJI, 1 sjstcr Judr or Hll' Balboa address. Z in two sizes Flattlr : F urious, Henry Fry. 1 : suitable for the BTYC 'rt'Uury. othPr thrt>e rows. . . " Monday. Conunodol'e's Serit'S Edwat'd Healy. pre tdcnt of the lor the lllrlarn Kirk Memorial Central ~ewport group. aid he Trophy for ~00\\'birds and the objected beca use the city bad Burl Joh.Non, Memorial Tropl'\)1 promised that the traUl'T park M f"reury : Louette. c. c. \\<"heeler : Trl.·tts Are Hosts ~ fram'""g. Spring Fever, Bartley Hunt. i u • • U~htalftl': Fetchit, J ohn Potts; T L A F !~ ...J • ~ for dlnghJNI v.'OUid never be ll'~ on a lonst ~day · l..ast picnic of the term basis and would be reserved -· for eventual u~ as a publlc beach. }ea.r. 1 d C cilma ThursdAy. A••~: 30; Trophy pre· Mayor Les l sbeJ an oun n S(>ntatlon. Braden Finch sta ted t hat the com· At h .!lt Friday's club meeting, m itment was n<'''er to leue thf' first pla~ nbbon" for the pN'Vious Trailer Park to on(' big firm. as week \\f'r• 1warded to th<> follow-in the Balboa Ba~ Club case. lm~· I City Council last week also: l}inn~.: C ~rol Williams. Tod • Referred to .tht' city man8ger Whitt, fi':-1 W'hHe. Donna Hart· th<' recommendat1~n of the ?a_rk. mann B '" ~k. Ruth Pit tman, •wach a nd Recr~ahon 9Dmm1SS10n Mike \.~I· ~nny Coane. Eleanor 1 to k~p do~ 6Tf public beAeh<'s. GuthrJ" 'll'lt'l Tom J ones c' l'n tf on le-a sh. . . Swi• Ullin~ Bobby McRenzie, .• APP!'OH'~ ba1t ~1\'l"r J)C'r · D<lnna tflrtmann. Hank Ky le. Pat m1ts for ~orm s ~dint. Se;u;po~t Dvl'T j'ot Whitt> !Wttv Beck and Landin~. Seasport s bar!X Jv.o P.Obby Jhoo v.n · .l!ma. Port . 9Tans::e, Odette and Snowb,rd<. · Fi~l race won bv ~clson. Pavi11on and OOt' private P:sul I "lif;rr~, ~!'cond ra~ by indhid~al, Sam Hlll of 1316 &y T om Fr ••• A\t' .. :"ewpnrt. Balbo.~ nm~h' , both races • Rnferrf"d to the P ark. lk ach wnn hv Ro '"r BO~~·ry. ·m d R('crration Ct'mmis,.ion a pro. Ro\\·Jn: 1nd Pl\ddlrboard results flO'al b~· the T('('n Cantl'4W! Boa~d w~>r•' n<"'niJ'll' 1, • to Pxtend thf' usr of the Tar P1t • I to I<X'al grouvs. fl'Om grammar ME M 0 -• -I S('hools on up to Coal't Collt>gr. • Acknowled~ed Pa<'iric Ell'<'· Tlw '"''>vort Harbor Eaullgn tri<''s Mmflromis<> p lan to pro\'ide h:-bt-n .ad;~ by 8aperior an ~>asf'm<'nt for a conn<'cting Ct'ort to 1~ a a~ of ~en-! strN>t betwePn Nf'wport and Ha l- t"ral C'lrcutaUOD a8d q-.llfled to boa Blnis .. nNr 30th St. a nd in· pa_btl'lb afl pablte •otJef'tl re-I f r nn<'d PE tha t th<> pl an is unde r qulrf'd by law. ~.udy. ;:::=:.::==========; 1 • Gave final appro• al to the Ill You are invited 'II 'I I I to .:;ee c ur wide selechon a nd !le-w patterns m dinnerware r.ow avm:a ble Porco1otfl ond foier.ce wel'e ftom Finlond .,r.; Denm"r~. ,r.d d omestic wo•e p••c~d 1rorn 4.2S por ploce toHi~>g. UJmN MARGRETA Imports -Nordic Gifts ordin~nrl' rezoning 11 ,, Sf&'1l~>y I ~ct near Balboa Co"''" (rom R·-."\ to C.l -H. • • Was infonned by th(> Public Utiliti.~ Commil'~ion or th<' Sept 6 hearing ln SaJ, Fra nclst'O on ~a· 1 cific Telephon ··s requ~t ror m· 1 C'n'a'>t? in rates • 1\Jmed d..,wn the Park Com· mhsion's re<»mmendalton that the -.trips lw>tween the tX'IIl' on im~ proved Balboa Blvd. be planted Ln- ~tead of paved; made pl'OVtsjon for !iprinkling for planting In the bell5. • Received a letter from the Balbo£. Improvement ~tion op-rxxing the stop sign at 32nd St. and Newport Blvd .. ctting the Jam· ntir.g of tra We. • Oeslftl'\ated R. L. Pat-te~ • cons ulting engineer, as the clty'a repi"E'scntatJve at the Sept. U -15 ',h<wt>line Planning Assn. ronft"T· enc(' in S1Ulta Barbara. • Re'l'rred to the Traffic Com mittee a letter from H. J . Loren~. !'iOO ON-an Sh·d., Cor. •n& &-I Mar, who ur~E:() traffic sur.~ y action to prC'vent serious &\...'Cfdents m Ocean 'Jlvct 130i Coetf Blvd. j • ~feM'f'd to ttw-dty's l.nsur· Co1o d11! ._,., ,,.nee carriers the $i"6.1.5 claim IIJ Htrbor 1373 Dr. Howard Erwood of Balboa for Houn •:JO .. 5!10. (),.,_ s-..y. dSIM~ caUMd by lf"llft' ~ ·~----------------~ &.. Anita, E. s. Porier: Atlanta, E. 0 • • raenas ~ Note paper ~ F. Cotter. ~ ~ F•lwn: No. 54. P<>t<'r Bradford; Mr. and Mr-s. William Brewster i Gift enclosures t Anthy·Nanthy, DoUy NeWport; Tritt. 1113 &y Ave .. Newport ii No. 58. Ann RawUns. Beach, W('t'e hostc: to a group of ~ &quis•lc lv dCI.,e in del•clll• colors .. Salpe: S<X'aroon. Norton YoWlg· Los An~c1es frit>nds at the Balboa ; from the Chine" Studio '" Sa11 ~ love; Eager Beaver , Len ~mith; Bay Club luau last Thursday night. f FroncilCo. • VPloz JI. Kim Mulholland. Among thPir guE"Sts were Mr. and • : P-14 : !~way, Lee Hambrook; Mrs. E. J. Sadler of GlendaJe, who -L Pork C'hop, Row('n Weisberg. were ~turning from an airplane • Rwowblrd: Bo un. T oM F rost : No. t-rip to Mexiro ity. - 337. Benny Benjamin; SaU·n-Mrs. Tritt and h<>r daUJ:ht<'r. • W in. Winn Fulle r. Nancy, arc spendj ng a rew da:-s in ~ -- IA·ltman: Wizard. Lana Hitch· Los Anl;<>l Ulis Wl'<'k, takin~ in ~ HArllor 8110 cock ; Hi·Bo. William Lindblom: Jl('rrunnanccs of Ballet P.u.'Se and I~ 617 Co.st ll¥d., Co•one .,el Mer • No. 77. Don H A!IkiU pianist Artur Ru binstc:-in at the I& - n :.tboa Dla«hy: LoUip()p, Mick · Holl) wood Bov..l. i .e •11e-~·.-. •• ""''"-• •, "'" ,. ey ~tnith. Violet Expert, Author To Appear in Store \'loiN <'lllhusia-.t :md auth01 ·I '1rs. Carolyn R<'C'l Jr will make o C\.I('SI appt-aranct' n• xt \\'edneosd ny in J~uffwn·s Book Departm(•nt, . 'anta Ana. H(>t book, "How to Gro" Afril'nn Viol<>ts," and her Cl\\'n d1splrt) (\i secdlin~ will be ll\'1\ll.iblt• to all visitors . yds. Cottons & rayons Reg ular Stock ! UP TO-and OVER-S00,4 SAVINGS! Reg Reg Reg. Reg . 59c to 79c . 79c-1o ! 00 1 00 to l b9 1 69 to 2.00 .... 3 yda. 1100 2.,. qoo 2 yda. 1150 ~ yd. $100 Sale nms thna Sept. 1 -Hours: 10 to 5:30 SECOND SECTION ---_----.............._ - Official Newsf)Gper of dae City of N~t»t1 Beach i An lnd~t~ N~,,_,_, covering the entire dty of Ntwpan B...ch. ~.August 23, 1151 Harbor 1114 and 1115 CORONA DEL MAIL CALIF. 5 Centa VOl. 4-No. 2 8JlalfON ON TWO WORLD~ !4F.RMON ON GOLDE.~ ALP "Two World-. -Nt>n•r the 1'\4 a in Rt>\ Harry Whlte'a sermon for Shall M eet" is the sermon topic Sunday at the Balboa lsland·com- ct.o.ea for the Sunday mol"''ling munity Methodist Church, Agate wonhlp service by Putor R. van Ave .• will bt> entitled •-n,e Golden ~ at Evangel Assembly, Calf." GnC~E> Poirier of Corona 429 Cypresa Drive (neu Jasmine del Mar will s ing "Come Yc street), Lagw1a Beach. the Full Bl~ of My Fatht>r" by Scott, GospeJ church for thi.s ooastal with EsteUe Brown Mills, Balboa area. Sunday School begins at 9:45 J la nd. at the piano. followed by thf.' Wonhip ser\'ice at Not only WE're the pictures of 11 and t he evening S{'rvlce i!S h<'ld Europt> and thl' Meditt>rranean at 7 :30 o'clock . beautiful. but the df.'S<.'rlption was • • * J>(>rsonal and plea in~. according DOCTORS HONORED to Rev. White in rt'fc~nce to the · • 1 pro~am pN>I'<'nt t'd by Mr. and Mrs. Sevcnth-Da~· Adventist mtssion-Let' Bolin, Balboa Island, at the> ary ,doctors \.\·ere honored. at the famil~ night pro~am last week on 11 _oclock ~1"\ice at tht> Ne\\'J)Ort Wl'dnf.'Sday. loincidentally. tht> He1gh ta church Sa.t.W'day. Speak<'rs sat at a tablf> which they I In ~~ration Wtth nearly 3,000 hAd t•a rlier pres t' n te d to the Adyi!nllSt churchl"S throughout the C'hur<.'h. Head table also inaugur- Umted States. and Canada, the lo-8 tPd the sih Pr and di. ht>s p r<'- cal congreJ::atton gave their annual S(>nted by a lster and brother-in- offering for the support or the de-law of Mrs. George> Jont> of Bat- nomination's medical school, the boa 1 land. Mr. and !\fr~o Mulhol-I Collegt> of Medical Evange-lists. land operatl'd In l.oma U nda and Los · • • • Angelf.'S. fi't 'NDAY TOPIC OS 'MlS'D' M. M. M axweU. M. D .• a nd C. L. Tru<> brotht>rhood and health TR~ ~EW Mr8. (of'NIId Triptl 1 .. th•• rormPr Mho .. &rbara U...r- JCf'rnn, dttu!C'ht••r of Mr. a nd Mr~>. t.nwr•·nc••· l\••ratProa of "f'""JIOrt t .. Ja.nd. IIPr hu .. bautd , P\ t. Tripp, '" thP .. on hf \'4'1'114' Tripp of ,.,,~ p<•rl. Tlw Wt>ddlna: tnok pliwf' v n .Jul~ 'UI at Our fJid~ nf ~~ oottll t C'n rm o•l <'hurt• h. Fair Crowd NeaT Total of 100,000 ThE' PXp&ndNi faclJttif's It' tht l "nlro!i>lf'd drop cookrd )ln I Oran~e Count} r am.:round-. w1JI Jnhn \' Nt>ft of N~r1. M'CODd. lx> ava.tlable for )ear-'rouud n?-!'-tr.t"btrr) jam Mn Neff, .., crPiltinnal u e, It wa."' announ~ Nmd rud~t-Elinor Fair, ()). b) Ro) N F..d"ards. presid<>nt of rnna del Mat. third Hard CIU)o thp Count) Fatr follo"in~ the-dJe-s F.Hnor r arr, first AU ott..or ciCKf' of tht> n>rord-brt>akanfl fivP-1•'0flff't'tlom. · Elinor Fatr. ftrSt.. ru.~ !'xhibition Arabtara. M.at'E'8 3-)l'ill'~ldl and H(• said that tht> rrotmd.., can n,. r Ch)ra, CM-rM'd by Joan C. acro!llmodate ath)PIIC' t>\C'~U. con-Br ,..,n of l"t>''J.'Ort ,1~th Thor- \'t'nllons ~outh P\f'nU. hH-stock oul!hbrE'd ~hr 3-\PU~ds and ~;how._, sa(l' drhinJ! ll' ... ts and other O\t>r Blu mar h ~mod b:; L. T. c-nmmurut) en•nts Hs1 n of Coren& d,., ~1ar I.Xtb Tlw l~J Fa1r, which clo!<Pd Sun-F' F' A R.abl'lit.t. ~ruor buek d:ty, attrRI'H.od 97.500 vtotitors com-JTUjJt mt'r mt•nttb LPwts ~ pa.rrod "tth M ,OOO Ia t )'l'ar En-bot I or NPV.'J)Ort. t ... ,!"Cl Senior tne a tmo<.t doubiPd tho<;(' of la<;t t:>N-ft>mal• cwt>r .," months· Y<'ar. Followin~ot awaHls WE'N' mad~> r hd• Frtokt nf 'f'' vort fli'St. to IOC'al I"Xhibtto~· F F .A pouJtr) WhH .. ~ \\'IIIE'r cnlnr Frank Hamilton of l.e\\.1!> Aboott. third :a.nd r~; ~lboa. fi rst: Georce J.am~:>s of puliPt und r 1 ~Par U>wU ~ :'\p\\·port. ~nd Ct>ramJC:s S<"Ulp-bott fourth t!Jrf' \\'tHittm Fra~r·r of ~E'WJX)rt F .F A Ch&Ph'rs. hor>tbs lllu.- fmw H Banday of :-.:~-port, 5("· tratml' a the-m =--:f"A-port Ha..rbor rond Rost>ma~ Ball of Corona F'uturt> F' rrTW fourth 1 !\lc-< 'In kf"~ d<'! Mar thtrd Stone rulpturt> F' FA ~wm . ff't"d r Pl~. 91 fie \~tlham Fras.~r. first Ct·ramlcs 12ft pounds Ro) ~t.f!nrd of ~- phow • h"·h ftrP \\llrP Rnc:cma~ Ball port -..-rond chtotC'E' ,t\r.-ard "('(''n d. Smith, M. D .. graduates of tht> are to ~ gained by acknowll'dll- medical college. a re ac~ laymen ing and obeyin~ th{' onl' infinite 1 Ul the I<X'.al chui'Ch and were ln-M ind. whkh was nlso tn Chrl t trod\K"t'd b:, rht> pastor, Hotus L. JE"Sus, according to thl' Sunday 1 A.ndt>rson. Riblt> lesson on ''?1>1md" in thl' Kl'W· TO por-t 1 r·nbor Church of Chrtst. Scit>nust at thf' t>ntranC'P to l.idn b)('. '-''Pa\lnt: ho·<l\' malt>nal anct J'tU;.-\('11 ~f':'\OA\' ti',IUrNl rr•mbon;llion" Hl')f'n Hall Long -·-"· ---------, .................. _ ........ ,.. ....... ... ,..,_MJ ... al· wep aalatal ... tlae .... ._ .~ .. " ... ... I • 1 ... Y-. I I ""' ,.. ....... ... ....... ~ ... llrf __ ... ,'111iaak yoal CAVE'S del MAR PHARMACY tn Coetf lt.cf.-HMM nn J c-. .. ~:·~--- Thi~o dl'daration of •Paul Crom Il T\molhv t I 7 > consttlute!' thl' tt>xt "God hath not ~H n u.•• the "nidt of fear: but of powt'r. and ot lm'!' and a sound m1nd." • • * RY.\'. \\"ESTO:S TO ~PEAK \ 'sin~t th('l 90th Psalm. ''erses 16 and 17 as his text. Re\'. John Wes- ton wlll preach on the "Sacrament nf Bl"auly'' at St. Andrews Pres- byt erian Olurch In Newport Ht>lghts on Sunda~ Re,·. Weston N'tums a.s ~~ spt>aker for the 10 a. m. worship S<'t\ i~. He ls u!lsistant pastor at th<' First Pres- bytt>rian Church of ~anta Monica. ·SA \'E D TO ERVE' Pastor Herbert C. Roth will use a-. tlw them e Cor his sermo n "~a\'l'd to !"erve'' Itt the 11 a. m . c:;undav !:erviN' a.t the Nttwport Harbor Lutheran Church in New- rt Height!t. Tht> te>xt is from e Gos~l ]P"~on for the 14th , nd.rt\ io Trinit~ n. n-corderl In Luk<' 17:11 -19. Sunda) School mt'ets at 9·30 a m. Tht> Adult Bibl,. Cia ~. at tht> o;amt> hour will dJSC'USl' ttit• ::!4th o•haplt>r uf thl' Go!'pcl acc•lrdlng lo St. ~at­ ' h!'W. IN WHrTE ALERTS 950 Rt'\ A C [kl\\ ntnt: nl I ..ton::: of l omna d(·l ;\hr (tr-:;t J t>m Rf•ach \.\ill a~o:aito b. ~uest t'JXakl'r Grw.t.'S uf R.tlboa hland. third &t thp F'i r-~1 Baptist Church nt Wt'a n n).!. lis,!hl mll'~"l'ial· Ht'l <'n NI'Wpt.')r1 Bt-a<.'h. 1 !lt h and Court Hall S('('Ond S trf'<'l' Htl-... ubj!'f't at th• I I ~ m Fonnat or lnfonnal ~rd{'nS Sf'l'' ~~'" \\Ill hf' "A l.rt>at C'Cin\lr· J-.lh1-Bro" =--:ur ••n Corona d I ·inn ' IIi !-ubjP\'1 '"II tlf' r";M )tnt l-N'Ond. ~ub-irc.rncal LaPd· IIH ... ltlh-d 1":-." r .. r thE' 7 :\It (1 m "t'<iJll Nur!'E'I~ Corona df') Mar Sl'r\'ic!' Mid\\ M.>k ~t>r\ ico I'-1 t 1 hi ret Ro\\ I of Gladiolu~; lorri 7 ·3(1 11 m. Wf"dnP<>d'ly \tolho ol F1o"l'rs b\ ~tom. Rat-R~ r<>qu•• t )lr-. Gt-or~t> 11 I'JN\. fmn. :-;'ovttlt). hoUdlly ar- \\'tf'dm..tn. "ife of t hP form<'r pa~-ran~emf'nl : Morrl Molho. third tor or llw Ftr ... , Baplist Church, I Ortf'ntal arram:c. nwnt.s Mrs Nor-, talke-d to th ronE:reJ;:atvm Ol"f mic;-man. Norman's Flo\.\er Shop, Co-sionar~ work on 1 hP I land of Hon-~ rona dC'l Mar. ftrt. Mo m Molho. l!'hu on Wl'dnc1.d3) of Ia t """'k. third Ho_"l)ital arran~em£n ~ fnr M rs \\'1£'dman had f:J\"l'n the t'llk n w mtltht-r and bab) Morri Mol to thP \\'omt>n'c; ~llssinnar~ ~ j ho. fir!'t l\todl'rnt~lic at r&n(!('- rit'lv on th{• aftf'rnoon bt-forP "' m1nt ~tnnt Molho third \or- lht• · AuJ:l,tst mM>Itnl'! of tht> SCI· saa::cl' Jl)t da.' tim,. \\ear )tom ciN~. Mrs. \\'i<'dman's knowlt>d~e ~olho, ftr., t; M r<~ ).J.onnan. Sf>\.'Ond of the mis<l(lnc: cam" fr(lm ht>r Womf'n !' play swt Mrs .l J hwband. ''ho l!' ll(l\\ 11 chaplai n Htlton of Balboa, thard &nd CaptAtn "ith th<' 4<lth Dh·tc:-~ ion in the F :1 r F'.ast Ht> hac: bN>n a}>le 10 1 akP <:t-\ 1 ntl trips and s tudy mis.,oon work in that p11rt 1 of thl' world • • • 'PRt::\CH ER 0:'\ \".-\CATJOX' Re'. Paul F.dward Babbitt mm-I tStPt n f thP Communit~ \hurch .t · Co•·omt dC'I \far. \.\il. rC'tUm tn tht• p11lpit !'unrla~ to talk on· PrC'arh..,r ml \'·,~t tnn": 1 hrth tht• Co 4'> 1~d 11 a. m .,,r.ic,. H1 wtll '"""' .. omr '''ll''' "'"!'''" lw ~n<: h:1d AI'· nd·n·· ••' he r chut·r .,,,.., ,;nd 111 ,1 c ..... ·'• ·-.. (Toll Free) • l"ll" lw I ' rf'adtl'd ("(•ll<'o"'fl'f ::.-1 :-.•·nirr' •·t r•t'-in•' \\'or ... hin Hi<~ to '' \\Ill Ill' ·rom F7~"kit·l'~ I''CJ'('ri· ,·nrl' of ht tn • d"lll• 1 I'd frnrr ht~ hnml? nnd fuomliat "wroundin"!' to a -.tr'ln.:!' ltnd "I • rP h could no lt'"'..:•·r mmistrl' to "'' (l('OiliP as h• u~ ~ t(l dtl until h<' "M.I in th{'ir 1 <;"nts" nnd th1n w' lw'tt1r ctt-lr WARNER'S BRAS I to minj .. ter t•: t hl'm ORG.\:SIST TO t'l.AV 1 \1· .... Dtnid ( u :1\\'ll ll:ldPr. hf •or- 1 form· r Doric; Billings of Co-.t:'l 1 Mc>-.a. \.\ill bt' tnte I ors~anlst Sun-1 da~ MOmtn•• at Chno;t \hurrh by the :..."'' &.boa R'"" at 14th St. 1 Nc\\ port. ='-"un h('lrc: to I.e pl.Ayt>J 1 o n thf' Edmunds )fetl'orisl Or~n by ~t r-:. ('nr!wa lllldt>r· tnciUdP "TO<'·~ eaton on Dt-o Gr~tlia~" h~ Ri)Zil', "Titt> Fatth& ul ~t't>Ph<'r<1" h' HAt• dt>1, • t ,'{f; at i .,, .. b~· Dtthoic: Rnd "Fa.nf<t rl' Ml•monnt>" b,· Ft>lton Dorothy EIU!-,zucst soioi~t will shg "H" -h II Gl\'e Httl An'te~ 1 r·~1ar ~r' by Scott. R( v. Thomtu~ .toy Pendell ha" st>l('('t('d "Ftllt>d 1 I , w,.ns as h is sermon tht>mP 1 Ml~ISTEH'~ \\"171: TO LJI'.AVJ'; 1 Mt •. Dc.m J amt.x>~nn. ,,;f,. of th~, 1 1 ll'Sinti n~ oa~n "~f ('If tt-r F ir •t '!:\!"-1 f\c:t rhUt, h or ~rwpon li!'och ",u I movf" to l.(,.,C R<'llC'I 0\'t"' Labor 1 08,. Wt't-k-t' ,,i H<-t h11 l ··nd h:'l" lllN n n•caJI, d tn N'' i\ I' "l'i\ ti'P with •h• 'l'a· •· I 'ttH alT '!\lfoTIY 1':."\' .... ,,. :-;'I'CI·<;~.t\ .. rr.r Rich ) o-I are jwt t.hf' tit'kf't for a r~ttaotl tri,r to lto\ dine • Yoar-tifhool'tt.e .. oulri 1 ... run't'd. "'aDded. naturaL Ever, oeeefoar-~llr'l'l•o ,•1 ,.., V tpedai}J 4eriv.cl ...kb •c"' ,,,..J,t..., rf'n~ 1.oe r~ .,., OWJ' lo•f'll• DCM ... ~ ,..W .....U.J PllllureiJ"! Cho--. ~ elaltk A ·~.or .. • "'-...... wt.at -···· ... ~f· bat•Ua .... J llroaci,Jotl. •. all •irf'd Ia fil JOt: ~rfN"t)• \a (Wf', b41JW1 .. pl\fr. l "09 Cocs. .. .. , Hi.:-bcr '293-Vv II'"· ''" br ,,., • .;uhjN'I ,,, an sr" • ttr. ~s h\' ]I., r c n-o•\'fll at - " 11. ~~mday, ~ pi . i'O th• lol- un·Na \hurd\'. th A1r O\!'r .'tr lion KNX. Tho' J'U'OJ: .tm '' 1ll t)(' 1;1"'-" undc'" th~ Ju.c:pi~ of Tht-Cerone d~l Mar 6 11 c~ Blvd. f Corona del Mar HArbor 2441 I Mllth"r C'hW'Cb, TI1<' First (.11\reh I ( ~------------------~----.... of \hr1 t. Sclmll •. In Poston. _ .... _...,.....,.._ _____ ....., _________ ,..._.,.. ... .JAM &"l B. I-TT 'I"Q {'08~ Vt ... l James B. Utt To Bun l~t Congaea Pl{'d "<.1 H• a plaHonn of real A il'Wrh · t"m lnnws B l 'lt, widely known OnUlt.:l' rount~ rllncht'r and .tttorn.). tc.Uay nnnoun<'t'd his ndidPC\ lo• \on.::rf'~!l on the R.epubhl~n tlckN. Utt is :-~kint.: tht· post or U. S. Rcprf r ta i\" in t hl" new l y fuf"mf>u ~lh Du;trk t whieh is com- IJI'tsed or OranJ:e count?' a nd . the northern por·tion or San D1ego count) .. s well as a small portJon of San D!C'go County in and near S&n D ll'itO. . AJthvuJ;:h b t>nt from pub!Jc •PrViCf> for nearly 15 years, U~ t hu consented to become a candl· date fur tilt> purposP of creating ·an atm ph re in Govt-mment whjch wiJJ tn.o;ure individual risthts or lift', h bf'rtr and lhf' pursuit of happlnt>~ .. ··1 h<Jrl that it is timf' to make honesl' 1n ):;O'.'t'mm('nt a ,;r\ue tllld oo a farce," Utt sa1d. ··we must p~?tl'Ct and insure th(' dig- mty or the individual." Born m Tustm. Ut t has 50 years ot conunuous residence in this dis- trict and has lon~ been id<>ntiried with avocado and citrus inle_rest LO Southern California. HP IS a graduate or Orange County schools and the University of Southern CaltJorrua Law School and is a practicing atlome)' in Santa Ana. He is marnt"d and has one son and one grandson in Santa Ana. ·See Thunday. Aup~~t ~ 1151 IIMDINO CI~UB Ma:n, I The Nr wport H arbor Roodtng O ub mt't on Au~. 1 for lunch(.'()fl • at the homf' or Mr . Dt>lla 0 Wll· 1 liams, ~ Mat'J.'tt<'ril•' ,\,·-:o . Co- rona d<>l Mat· , Gu1 tJ. wl'rt~ MmP . Gra('(' l'nd 1'\\ood, C. W JayrNl, Jes.sif• Lcmr!l, ftom flllll)l\3.' Etht>l The question ''\\ ha 1 is a in~~tle­ fmnaly d\\PIHng!" <:arne u_p for dis- CIL'-"on at last Thursday's m('(.>llng or the City P lanning Commjssion. C'c,mmlssioner Ph 11 m er Eller- bl'()('k mentioned the need for a mot't' explicit dc rlnition. Accord- in~ to the nt'w zonint: ordinance the d efi niti o n lS u folloW1: "0\\.·elJing, one single famUy -A build ing containmg (lilly one kitch- L'n, dt>~jgnt'd fot· or used to house not morP than one family, includ- 1111: aU ne<.-essary employees or Stork Deserves Speeding Ticket T~ny-tiny Mu,..s Ch.a·lsUnt! Lou- is<> Snyder got involvro with the poLice at a very early age in her V<'ry young lifl' It S<'emed that her mother, M rs J rarry S. Snyder· of CUff Haven didn't quite get to the hospital be- fore Christine was bom at 9:45 Monday, Aug. 13. Santa Ana poUoe furnished an l'SOOrt in the final lap of the raet', but the stork c proving to be faster than even the Oran~e CoWlty Fair ostriches) o' Prtook the car and Christine was deli\'cred en t'Outc. San Bemardino Couple Staying at CDM Home sucJl tamil) The buildin~ may con&ibt of 1 he main family build- Ing and :.f'pal'alC a~s ory guest hous , 'laid g uest houses shall not <:on tam kitchens." • During the c,·ening's session the Commi sion \'Oted to· N'COm- mend : • Denial or the a pplication of W H. Br-own to oomerl garage into ba~'hl.'Jor apartment and add a car port ts l 312 Carnation Ave., Coron3 del Mar. • Ocnial of the application or Guy Matics for a 30-inch overhang on l'COnd story at 500 S. Bay Front, Balbo' Island. • Approval of the application or th,• Newport Bay Co. to con- aott·u<·t ):;at·agcs at Balboa Bay Club to propt'rty linp to the west or the mn1n entrance, instead or 10-foot SN b:tck. • Appro\'al of the application •JI tht> N1•n·PQrt Bay Co. to con- struct 4.2 adjoirung garages at BaJ- 00. Bay Club in connt'Ction with the a bo,·e \'&rianet'. • Denial of the application or C. F . M81'tln for three-foot front and Ide ya.rd setbacks at 116 Apo- lena Ave., Balboa Island; a pproval or one-root setback instead or the thl'ee feet requested. • Appro,·aJ of the application or Gene Monroe to erect &gns at 5900 Coa.st Highway and 6490 Coast Highway, Newport, and op- posite 6490 Coast Highway on Pa-Mr. and Mrs. Hu_gh Dldlow of ciflc J::lcctric property. San Bernarruno, who ha \'e been Th~· 'atoianet' applica lion or D. occupying the Ed ~camon home, 11. Duplt-ix, 453 Morning Canyon 1611 Pacific Dr .. Corona del Mar, Rd., Corona Highla nds, had been lor two weeks, have practically I withdr·a\\ n. He had N'QUes ted per-~n holding "open house" sin<.'t' mi ion to attach a 750-square-foot their arrival. On Monday and rcsid<'n('(' to cxil.tin e .. ttarage, now Tuesday las t Wt't'k their l(uests on~· fuol from 1 ht> property line, were Mmes Ore Tilson, Don Car· to Sl'l \\ ithin fiw f€>et of the rear penter, Ed Franz, John Nevin, propt.>rt y line. w. Ayres. all from San BerMr-Science Instructor Floyd Brown and Dr. and Mrs L I dino; Mmes. John Johnson from • Pacific Palisades and Walter Is Appomted at OCC Shubert, Long Beach. F r o m Wednesday until Sunday Dr. and Mrs. Ay'l"eS remained and were joined by Mr. and Mrs. Ed Swall from Los Angt'lcs. LEA\"ISG il':\\-'PORT Susan Hebert ot Newport Beach was entertained b~ Sandra Swan- son, Corona del Mar Friday, Aug. 10 with a swim, shopptng sp~ and patio party. Susan is moving to Santa Ana. Sandra also enter- tained Gloria C1-oss last week. Gloria, who lives in Santa An8. i<~ moving to Anchora~e. Alaska. ensuin~; ~t·ar. Mr. Alll'n has currently been emplo~ cd at the University of California at Los Angeles and will be a warded a PhD degree in zo.. ology this August. He wUI teach zuology, bacteriology and botany. Durin~: the war Mr. Allen served as a mPteorologist for the U. S. Alr Fo~. and subsrouPntlv was un in~:rllC'•)l' In th' l ' .. ~. Am11~d FOI'Cl•s Jn:.titut.•. lh-hall also Gtr&~T OF THE RD.ICY~ be<•n t'mployc>d by thl' Atomic En· I Mrs. Ray Le Mol of Westwood cr~~ Commission as a t'e earch I Village and her six-)'t'ar-old twins, fl'llow. Mr. Allen is marriPd and Michael and Maureen, are spend· has thr'<' childr('n. ing some time in the home or Mr. and Mts. Roy RUey of 1704 BaJboa Nt;w ;\RIU\'AL I HilrTK>r . li~tlt> llaldy from Ralbo.'l lsland; T ;, "•I<' !'tr 111 Bl'aron Ba), and ~ut• :-\umnwt·-. ln. m ~nntll Ana. uor:-.Y. ,. (, ... ,no•:v 611 C~•l Hwy .. Newporl. IE U 71 0,... Nictlth ·; ~" 10 e.fl'l.-4 ~ ~UR papers, heirlooms. jew·elry are aU in one place. so it's handy to check them. e e e They are safe from fire and theft . e e e Thoee qre two of the rea- sons you 11 like a safety deposit box a1 -·- fitlPO!T HAlU,Oli DADK Dll MAl , CAllfOI.tA Rlllla ,.DMIAL DPIOStT '"•ua•~~a COIUIOIUn'IOfl I.A)('.\1. und S r\TIONWIDE ~f'n1Dit tbf' Ne"-port Ua rbor Arf'A • T'. McNiel 19::.i llao hnr :&1,•4.. C..ta M.- G. C. Bennett aar..c.. 1661 --~---__ __.., -------------- )' ()l£ Can at A~~ .• Balboa Island, while the Ri-One of NC?wport's "first" (ami· leys are in Honolulu. Mrs. C. H. hf'S rN.'t'i vPd an addition recen tly 10\·erton of Los Angeles was a re· ...a !lltl<> bab> ~irl named Teresa eo Better 11IE HOME LOANS Low "REDUCING" Interest Rates Low ' Monthly Payments * We offe r you the facll1hes of the Largest Federal Savings Association !n O range County y_,. .. _~ .......... lfl .wMftt,.. ....... LA&UN.A lEACH ...._ 4-ttn-tn o.... Aft. c~nt \-isitor of the Le Mois. lJ · .. • .. a~· I~> th£> daughlf'r nr 1•\lr. and Mrs. Dean Hall, 216 Jas~ mine A\'l• .. Corona del Mar. and BEa con 5656 1812 Newport Blvd. The Fred Kuster jr. family of tht> ~randdaughter of fonner 604 Marigold AvP.. Corona c:k-1 Mnyo1· 11nd Mrs. Clyan Hall. She Mar, wiU be gone during thl' al-.o ha~> an aunt and uncle or t~'O month o( August on a motor trip around. includln~ Mr. and Mrs to New Hampshirp They plan IO f>on Hall of 41R Mar~rucritc Avl'. spend two .. vecks in Mrs. Kuster's I T!'tt" b·•b) \\&S born a t a Gl('ndale home state introducing the k.iddies hosptlnl in thP hom<' town of·hcr ·l-illiilliiiliii .. iji~-----llll!!•llll~--ilit.--.lllliiiiiiiiill to their eastern rclatJ\"eS. moth~o•l'o th fo1 mt"r Nancy Warren. OFFICE or STORE SPACE in the ENSIGN BUlLDlNG * ld e a 1 lor Profeaaional luild,ing or Brokerage Office * Comer Location ---. &s· Frontage OD 101 Coalt Rwy. iD Corona del Mar • * 1.100 Square Feet of lnaide Floor Space * by =--~~~---~~ --_,._- / A l't'COrd ) Cll1· fnr borwwin.: or bookl by childr1.on wa announ~ by Newport Publlc U brarian Doroth)' Sheely in her rtoport at the annual ~ling of the New- port Public Ubntr) BMrd. A man(ll)(>\1(> \ rston of Hum-~ nin.g a t 8 p.m. ~ th )lftr perdink'a opt>ra. •· Hah5l'l aDd Cft.. will go to tM buildin~ fund of. thP te l," ~ill ~ t his ynr's Loll Comi· Corona clpJ Mar Communi t )' ros produchon i.n thP J L. t~-Church. AdmiaJon pricP -aiD be fenJWn backyard. 209 ~arlgoJd 150 cc>nts for adult~> and 25 Cf'nU A\c .• \orona del Mar. for childnon. • Pap 11 '!'be chUdren's e i r c u 1 a t l on tlhowed an lncrnse of 17.154 boob ovt>r aut year't reoo:rd. she said. Non-fk:tlon rt'aders b o r r o w e d 1.1 <MJ rnc:lft books th1s year, or 31 pt>r cebl of th~ books clrrulalt'd. 6 JX>r cent O\'<'r the American U· brary A.an. s tandard. bP prt'S<'nted Thun;day and Frlday use the l't'CUlar t..o. Olm.IC~.m v nw> pubUc etll~rt.ainment will n,.. mal"ioocttf' productJOn will ~==~====:~~~::=~~~~f:::~=~~==:f £'\'Mina:: . Aue: 30 and 31 ~-\OicP and opt>raro,... Bac:::ks1ar Mrs. Sheely aald that the local 1 i bra r y circulated eight boolul per capita of population, which Is two books more than the Ameri· can Ubrary A n. ~M?ts a an ideal ~oat for a conlmunjty of this sue. Total circulation was 99.292 books. and 4,658 borrowers are re- gist('l'('(i. Tt\('(l(! include 203 from Laguna Beach &nd Co. ta M esa. ~au Toleufadp Newcomers for CDM Families &C10ri lo\iiJ IX" Sail\ BiPWr Jim and Uon Stf"ffPI\Sf'fl ·Pf'rd.iUI Horn Alan ~·· B1ll Hlmha"' and Dor-oth) Taylor, CUrt.ain raiser lor thf> '"o ~'~­nine productiuns ~;u bfo a JC't"fM> in A rww baby and th 1r f1nH -a French cafe, f('8tunn.~ a fa!JJO\a was brought hom.-Monda)• from chan~ and a ga}. hJgtrst~ t. JOII(>ph HO!Ipital to thf' ~of I chorus or can-can cS.tK'\"f'!l Mr and ~!rs. RJchard ~t tWbintt. Lc• ComiCQS && an l)rJ:-ani.zatton 321 f"arclJ; us A\f', \or·ona del of )OUOl{ peopl JOIPt• ted in v-TJt· Mar. His ll810P 1 BradJt")' Ford in~ a n d p r <~ d u c 1 n ~ amalf"Ur Stu bin~t and h£' was a b11~ boy o! d rama. T'ttls i th<' 12rh ) ar that SP\Pn pounch and 15 oUMt>S on the the ,..,(' ptan ha, .. offf'rPd thr day of his b1rth. Wednnda~. AU· back) rd prndU< lion" •~ th ~tf'f- JtUSl 15. feru.. n hom_. p,.rhaps a playnuatf' wtU bt> tbe littl daud\tf"r bom TuPSday Au~. 14. to Mr . and Mrs Rkhard Hub· !-.UJWrlor Court Jud~e Rotx>rt bard. 604 Marl!Uf>ritP A\ Ht>r VeT)' Y Ottng GOP For B. I. Couple A ~c,wu!' )uung Repubhran ar- rJ\dl ai th• ~onnan ~lilJu homr-. hold at 121 ltann~ AH• Balhoa Real Mexican Foods e Er:duladas e Ta cos e Tamales e Clu11 ReBeno~ etc e S eak.s La V ._s1· C ... :-Beat.:tlful C , , L C7lt a.. OU:1Qe GardnPr of Corona dl'l Mar. who ls nam I~ Shllron R.a£' Hubb8'rd and J.ll'(>t>lding m the re·t rial of Hf>nry t~he WPiJ!ht'd IW' t n puund." and Ford M«.·racken, "';u be the se,·,.n ounN•s at btrth Sharon and &peeker at thu PveninS{'s IThurs-hf'r motht>r nlso rnm«' hl>me from da) 's • mt'<'tim: of l h£' F:xchan i{P S l. J eph lln!!pllal on Mon~~ Club or Newport Harbor at the T h(' n('V. b:lbv h.u a bu: bn1thi\r Hurl£'y Rc>ll Inn, Cororia d('l l iar, nearly 4 and ·a IIIS tPJ:. JR month~ P, e s i d <' n 1 Tom Hrffpman an-Patrrnul graudparc•nt are th<> F nou.nces C Huhbard of 410 Or<'hid A\£' r tand. ,h,,.. \M'i< ~ bab~ .~ S E A F 0 1 1 IJan&<>l \ltll~>r. bnm t St .l •·ph At last \\t~k's mt'('lm~ the I members wt>t'<' 'lhown rolort'd mov-FUNDS ARE SOUGHT ~~-tal<en b.r Dr C"hnton Emm~>r· FOR n.OOD VICTIMS son during his l'<'('t.'"' ,.i Its amnn~: the Navajo Indian . Th pre' lous pro,-am was u talk b) Clyde Keith of Balboa, rc.>pr<>S('ntative of t h<' f''Ct <'nslon com mitt N' of the Nat ional Excha.n~l' Club A LI'M'LE lONES ODI. ~('V.'J)Ort's quota ln the.> natumal Rt'd Cros appeal for funds for mid\\f'l!t flood vlctlmll is $441.50. lt "' announced at lMI ~eek's local R~ Crf»s board met>lln~ot by Carl Hanna. fund <trhe chaJrman. Hon:M" from Community Hospital ar{' Mrs. Bert 0 . Jon(>S. 2820 New-Dr. and Mrs. F. T. Hunt port Blvd., Newport. and h<'r bab_y Will IJye in CDM daud\ter. 11le daurchter was bom to Mr. and Mrs. Joncs 1\Jesday.j Planntnst to b£' Oct-an Blvd. r J. .Tuly 17. I den In Corona d£'1 Mar arf' Dr. And ~1 rl'. F redt-nck T . Hunt Tht' ~ • 'G. !~fC" Hunt \\00 wPt'£' ma1r1~ th1J ~ .. ~ .., aummt>1. are honcyrnoomng In 1 Acap ult'f' Sht> ts the former Paula Ulhlein (•( l.ak£' Bluff. Ill. Or. Hunt t~ 1 ht> on of Mr Am) T Hut ' nf . anta A na and thp law Frc nck '.\" Hunt 11 is uro- lo~•"t R~M'~1nt<>d "'tth Or John l>;n .. In Santa Ana. Your Funny Rstaurant (~~,) --_._ __ - BOSSI'S nNE ITALIAN DINNERS Aho Steaks -Prime 81.,. Cocktails 1611 Cout Bml . .....,_ 1180 ''E ,z I AllTJ:OOT ~110\\' .PICTrRE , .\ I•" nl thP paintln~ ol Co-l rnna d . • 1r arti4t Bun Proct<'r I ArP tx• m• ctn rfntl~ ~hr•wn nt the l'owi(' f';aiJPt '',. in Lo' \m:£'11'-~o at tht• Rut!ltOrP Hot<'l. 'lr Proc.:ter I Will h3\<' a nnP·man t•'Ci· J,,, at ("nw•• la tr r tn tlw ~<':tr to Living" AUDmNCE-PARn~AnON RADIO BROADCAST , FridAys -2_, P. M. (206 N. Main St.. Scmta ADa) IBOADCUT OVER KVOE (1 .. ) 7:00P.M. HOl!pt aJ at :> p m \tonda~ Auc A.l THE SIGN OF THE SWOtofiSH ~~;.:··h:hm£ ll fK•Und .. nnd 1.0 16278 Coast Hwyu SUJ't.ide tt,Jnwl makr thP tturd lll<"f "'' t-~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;jii;;i;iii~ fot p}a)~Tuundi and parkt. for fa· j t ht'r :Xot·ma.n. ''ho. m addition tn hts f'thit~ ln thf> YOunJ! GOP flr· ~lt.atJon •~ lt m1 mt)< r of tlK' cit>'• Patk Rl>8•'h and R•'<'I'NIIaiJn Commi lon Tht othf>t 1\•·o arr MerPd.ith. 81,, and Jo>OP 5 The f\(>lo\ brab)··, mat M"'al ~nd­ part-nts art> h anl't ~~~ R ~ C\mntn~tham of Balboa leland Author cmd TraYeUer Dinner £ {~:,~=~!!:~=-~~!~!~~!) ~t~>aks • Chops • Short Orders 6M Cout m pway -S"'"JM!rt "Mariner '• Mlle " Visits the Burt Proctera f John Hilton. author and 11'3\Pl-Red Snapper Ca e l<>r.~·as ~o:u• 1 at the hmn o! \fr l!~==================:!i:::i:l and Mrs Rurt Pt'OC"ter 102 Gold· Porod Ave• (",,rona d£'1 l lsr. Mon· da). A IJt! 1:\ ~1r Htlton .. 00\\·t'rl hrl1>1 or lff'XJCU to fn••nds and n• 1 hl)ttrl' of thP PrO<'tt'r The Htl1on ... arl' rt'lldrntlol or Oran~ but ha\ •· n'C\·rt I~ purc-hrsM'd a ranch so•1 th or th., bordt•l Thr atlfhor's lit~\\ book. o , .. n (Jrclud .. a ltd Fh tnc Pu.:" · ~ roll•'l' t ,,.n o f o;.h•H·t ;lnl'll ~ \\ 11! " on ho ;uth- Ji-.hl'<l The Beautiful Ban.CJUd R oom Ac uilanl~ COLO~I.4L Specialiting in Deliciotul,' Prepared "EAFOOD and STEAK DI -J. ER Malay wlf'<'liont to <'hoo-.e fr~:n \ f'amlly R4"<'tali11Uit -r:unJI) PriN"' !iiiPEC..'I \I. C HIJ.OHf:'.., OI'O'OI'R Otwa cblly IJ :00 a. m . -IO'It'd Mondli~" F..\Bf.\' ri81TEI"O.:.v .... BRE.<\KF.\ T .:tt 4 n. m. 1014 Coast Hiway Newpor: Beach liiii!I!IJ!!!!IIIIII ------- BOWIOAT POCKETBOOK .•. YACHT IDEAS? O.'t ..... r. O..ar y.., .-~ .._ ... fila,< .... ,.,. ..... a& W&Wro&T BA.LIIOA FED- DAL: MUt ,...,......,.., ..... fere ..... ,.. ... llaa•·e UN> .._. ,.,.._, -• )'IIC'ht. All -\lblp al1l ............. to .1..... . . . ...... ...a. ..... ~ ·"'~ (C!Wf'1'11t.t, ·~) •• 0 aad are rt'!8dlly a\·allabft> whMt TOO IM'oNI thMft. I~~--,. ·~~ l I I I I ~~--~y &' I . . , I I ' TBIIC WQa.8"8 I;&Mny cl- a •• u.a:-... .. ... : • .:t)' •· _., ....... ,... ~-~ t~ wt. tM ~t ........_..... _ .. .,. .. ~---. Granada. ..000. 'IW't' bu~Wft-. 10-inc.ia Du)(ont "Royal Sowt"· ttl a good pace. With aboUt suo.-A. A. lila.lc:field. r'ft'OOC builclac elp," is now Oil view at Da~ 000 in peml .. l..ued iluriQc tJw at 329 b.land A\~ .• 1300. Brov.-n Co. in e-ta Ilea. n.e put w~k th.roteflout the dty. To-Mrs. Silvio J...ardn«, n:~~_,.J... tiel offei"'S mort" U... 535 IMiuaN tal lbus far in AUJU~t ia Dear~ hnc at 1714 Miramar. 1100. ~ oi pict~ ~•. IDOft thMI $330,000 mark, compared with I Floyd WPJbom and Waldeea two and a balf tames tbllt ot the $545.203 for the entire month of Hart. 5-t-oom. z..tory ~ at 19--inch tubes aDd niCift theft four August Jut )Nr. 104 E . Ocean Front. 511.000. Dean t.imec tM aree of the J.5..IDch re- FoUowing penni .. were lsaued Kephart. builder, ~VffiL ~ Dulloat 30-ineb t* during the put week: :--:~-port Harbor Yacht a-... bas a~~ &QCie, ...._....,.. 720 W. Bay A\~ .• enclolle and roof makjn~ it pouibk-for the ~~et to Georce Whitford. Altadena. 8-owr ezhtinc ckock. 54.000. Gor-be morter in ~ t 23 ~ •1 than room. 2•tory, 2-unit ct.·ellin~ at don Findlay, builder. the dJameter (JO'I. 216-218 Cry•lal. 117.000. Willlam ~ C1lffa ••• Woltjes, buiJoder. R. J . Collins, 707 Poppy. Corona PACU'IC IAIIINATE8 oCO.ta Bey 8IMree del Mar. 5-room. 1-atory, 1-unlt Mesa. manu!aeturen oC tubular Robert Ingram. Corona del Mar, d\\e lling at 311 Dnhwood. 513.500. fiber'clus rJIIlhlng rodl uncler the 5-room. 1-«tory. l ·unit dw~llinK at <Jwnt>r builder. trade name Slla-F'lex, is ~ 25il Bayshort' Dr . $11 ,000. Owner Ceroaa ..,. Mar to cH.pbly ita •-ars at sporting • build r K E Edem. foundaHon and goods shows throughout the nation PLANS FOB SAVERS B~ Maraton, Bay Shore~~. 2 f loor at 314 Goldenrod fnr future this fall. Extrlbl .. will be pre-rooms O\er ('.lostmg .......... ~o~ee. 2715 m ...,..... ..-. imted at the Pomona FaJr in ·--• ru pus ,_,m , .,_,.,. ~t IX' ..__ N ., ___ , H--"' LARGE AND SMALL Ba)· hort> Dr., $6,800. South Coast Harold Hetrick. 422 Poin.letUa, ~em r. h~'~' ' &uvowu arv-\on tructaorf Co. builders. 4-room. }-$tory. l ·unit dw~lling a t ~~ how in New York Oct. 8-12. j Ne--port H@6ctlta :;aJ Ja..mune and tso at 510 Ju· the West m porting Goods A&lo- Jobn Morgon. El Morro ~ch. mlll«'. each ,000. Own("f' builder. ?-tionA Show1 . aNt the ~~ltmo~ in 1 5-room. 1-stnry. 1-wu t ~lling a t _s..,__. ..os nate H 10 O\'Cdlu•:r . About A.lJ .,.... ~ 14 ~r ct>n of the rods are made 321 Fullerton. 10.000. B. C. ~l MemonaJ Foundation. con-for export, lhus pubUciring this Grow. b\.lllder. crt'le foundat ron under dwt>Ulng at area a broad Ill w~ll as throu~th·j F . M. Fryman .:araJtt> at 547 R'2:2 W. Oce-an Front 5400 out tho nation. Ab<~o. 1.327 ~ K. Hartman. 2826 ~ewport ••• • .. ._ jBhd.. 7-room. 2-story. 1-unlt it lliO~T OF ao .. ·~· Robert s~. Ba.J"--. .r:. __.. dwelbnt: _at 13:)0 W. Ba~·. $23.000. · .,..,_., me to '"~ uua --~ .. w I .-rri<> b ld :\tom M olho of .,.._.., lay llorrt 1-wut at 2107 1 H ey a ) · ua r. in Balboa and G•~'HII G.,... of F l'l-d Cof'rad .. unckock O\ .-r ~r-~ • age at i06 Balboa. $20CI Costa MKa at the recent Orange S . 11"\\tn, a\\nin~ at Irwin Apart-Count) DahUa Show at Santa Ana . .... 122 '"'-----"'--.,.., Mom mad the arT&Dg('11)(mt.s ror ment · ~ v.."" ... n T "'"'· --'1· the 08)"\"t>m Gardens entries in Curt Bohman. \"an .:'JU}"S, re-the show. and out of 10 arranvt>-lllOdPlling at s.-upoa l l....llnding, .. 001 CObt Jfighway. ~2000. mt>nl s ht>n.> art' the re ults: Six G E. p, rro11 1111• Coast High-firs• priz.-<., two econds and a wa~, l-mnm. 2-hlor~. 1-unit dwE'll-third. also the "unset 1'-tagazint' award and the Santa Ana Re--Ul~ ' 6tlfl Coa~t Hlf!hwar. $10.-"i ter Tttttlh' for t "'-.........,., t " I UOO Owner bwJ~r. '\ · ·~ """" ar 1 tiC Balboa Ba) C1ub. 1601 Coa'" da pia) • • • ..................... AGB1ft'B 1"011 ....,_. 1-ILalwlhd. 1101 Co.st Hwy. C~ 4el Mer GENERAL CONTlACTOU HArt-IMI --------- Bruns & Marsac Plllllll o-tr .. r c-a..,·-. Highwa~ \.'Ia '" up~t:liN> poffh. ThP ~ood-lookin' blonde, w ho $300 ·'may wait on you at J ean's Gift .......... ilfllililllll ."hop in Corona del Mar, is Esther 1 Heist>r. s~tt>r·in·la.w or owner Jean • Let • ..... t roa IB fOV pla.aa. We wtiJ ctaciiT eetll8at.e ce111a of matertala. recommeed a eoatnLetor or help you obtala a IOUI for nf'w coa•truet1oe or remodeUar. 111 coAsT •oawAY ftoee BEacoe 8411 at Tille ~ HOMER MELLOTJ' Mgr. w • We are plet~ud 10 announce the openmg of "" o /fie e ;, COitONA Dll MAR ...... S, •ftcller aw.. 1411 c ............ -Pho.te ... ..., Jt•t 1111dt•r the ,um agermm l n/ W•LLIAM l. O'IRYON r MORGAN& CO, MMthn lot A11 .... 1 ~tee• l~c,._.. ..._, efflce: 614 S. ......... St., L .. Aa••l11 l4 Phillippi. Esther ~Us the PhiJ- 1 ippis off ln the shop. Hailing from the etty. she is a m('ITibel' or the A t~-atf'r chaptt>r · of Eastem Star and bt>lon~ to PEO in Glen- The Coullty Harbor Cocnmlulon dal~. 1 has now beloN' it the proposal of • • • the OcHn Front and Beach Pro-A P I'X'IAL i"''ltation to Hal'· I tect•vt-A5soctation to dredge a bor aN>a residents to come in and 1'2 -mlle lagoon along the New-Pn>''i<'w Jw>r first co11ection of ori- port·Balboa ocean front. ginals is extended by Lee Shipley. of All Kinda FLAGSTONE PATIOS BLOCK WAllS --·--• F,Rf)E ESftiiA t:'ll8 • I A.u ociation re1)1"PC'"'n''lfh•t>< ,_ who is introduclntr her play clothes QlW t,"() th•• Count~ Board ot ~u-• nd C311U81 ·•• .tr at 1106 Colut l)t'r\ awni for financial aMI!> I an('(' Rh·d .. Coron .. d,~J Mar. Miss Sh.iP- In making an Pngin~nnJ: sun·~y h•) tin pt·l\att' liff' Mrs. Hank Sil-············~~ I to ~termint> feMibllit) of the j \f'ra l has t>S1abh~hed her name in plan. The ·uper\'tsol"'l said that thP creallon of originaJa in plu.- s tatP laY.• prE'\"entro thf> county r II(' and OOW ha t urned her design-l from contributing fund11 toward a in~ I"'Chnlqu~" to include w~n·s strictly city project. but asked the we~r. lndh ·tdually styled and cus· AMociatioo to refpr lh«.> matter tom madt> ~armE'nts which are Ot- to trna Harbor Commi ion to dP-ted to ttw rustotner wUI IX' her I tvrmane whet h~>r tht> rountv can IIJ)P'cia ll\• I ., k&! pe rl 111 the pm j('('t. • New Gift Shop To Open on B. I. More Boats in Harbor City C1erk C. K. Priest reports that there are 3,043 boats moored in l'ewport Harbor. with a total asse~ valua tion of $5,059.190. This compares with 2.~1 boats a nd $4.399.270 last year. Oowta adhe 1.-.. 5-·~"' (It ,..., Opcnin~t of a gift shop on Ba.J· boa Island. Grace Gorman's Drift· wood CottaJ{E', is lx-ing planned fo r the near future by Mr . .,d Mrs. Howard C. Bra) ton. The shop will be at 325 Marine Ave .. wh(>rE' thf•) now Jh·r . ..,..cnwwa.,. .. &OFT WATal Olf A WIWLY aa.Ict a.a..n Phone rnnbMJy 2 .. 1211 11• E. nuT .,.TI,_..,._.., Uln'A AliA Mri. Brayton is known for ber hot wax painting ll"ChniQUf'. a re· vival of an ancient art. H{'r pte· tur·e In this mNlium. "Know Ye Nnt That He ls Risen," was en· t<•t~>d in the National Gallery at the Laguna Festival of Am and rf?Ct>ived special mrntion from Art Critic Arthur Milller. ---. -~-. ----. -. . ----~ --- / / ---___ _......., •·Youth till Com-F'i t" wtll ;Veteran Patiellts I Eatertaine Here 1 N wport Ek>ach Chapter 1158 bt> th theme •>I the tli~h School ,,r thr> Wome n ot lht' Moose are PT~ for tht> rorrung )ea r. 10 bt> v •. ,,., •n · frmn r. ~ rd a1 lh•· m~tk.in~ articlE'S to 1M-displayed can wd out 1hrou~h ~ub-toptcs 10 I urr.• ~ •. ,wh Vt'lfora ns Ho prtaJ and t.old at a bazaar to bf:' ~ld In compUa.noe with suggestion.-. or-"' •· '111 "'1tiiiWd Wt>dnf"'>d:n nr ~eptt'mber tn ('OOjUOC'tton with the (ered by the Cahfornla Congress la,.t '""'k at thr Amf'n can l;•,:ron re.:ula.r flsh fry which tht> New-or which tht> local association i!'J 8 llali n 1'"1"'''t b) the> "'om~>n ot port Moose Lodge puts on ror unit. tht• An,•·rteau LP~avn Aux.ilaan m mbcrs and JtUestB. These plana were cliscullsed last A d11~ a t thl' b<·aC'h pro,\d ~·al A dillner~ce was held by the .week at a meetinr of the program t>nt Prt..trnn • nt ror the bo)S, om Moose Lodge Saturday. Helping committee, with the following In of "'hom "'PI'!! ablo> 10 '!O ~>wim­serv~ the rabbit ctinn~ "'~re eo-attendance: Mrs. Harold Bo~y. min-;: The) a ll \H•re tr<>att'd to a workel"6 Dotty Carter, Wilma Cor-chairman; Si~y Davidepn, big'h Pl~nu: lunct 1 hP Auxiliar) t.'Om- bin, Viola Comecl and Myrtdle schooJ prindpal; Mrs. Roy Roush I nuttt."(•. ht'ad •d b} '-"irs. RaJph Tipping. Flora Vaughn rttual PTA ptelident: M r a . R o 1 and Bond' andud~>d \tr , io'red J oyner, ch.it.trmla.n, conduct~ ritual prac-Wright, treasurer; Mrs. Paul Huff-11\tr-.. C:trl Hanna. !\irs. Hf'rbert tice followlllc the regular meetlnc man. mernberahlp chairman; Mrs. Thump.;on, \ln. \'1una But'<iick. lalt 'l'bunday ~wnlng. Raymond K. Harvey, room ~re-Mr. Kt'nnt'y Ma r kh a m. M r Co-WOI"'a!rw, both men and wo-sentative et.ainnul; Mrs. Ernest Ral(lh Rand~>! And Mrs So IJ h t .. 1 mea. took turns at the nah and McClellan. Founden' Day chair-Kl'l~ fmm tht> Ed"ard Rail Cr1le chlll8 booth sponsot'ed by the local man; Donna Price, president of P'"' "' lhn •ml\n .. 11l'!" lodee at the Orange County Fair. t~ Gjrlil' League Cabim-t , and Bob Eggert. president of the stu- Member Honored By Los. Comicos dent body. Mr. Davidson expressed appre- ciation of th{' mttnnt!r in which pat-ents, faculty and t~-agers cooperate for unity and fri~>ndli­ ne. s within ~ tug'h school. City Employees' Assn. To Sponsor Brownies Tht-LoA Comicos group. Corona del Mar's junior play production )(roup, honored ont> of its mem bers, M t:..S Peggy Diehl. with a party last naght at the J . L. Steffensen r ld ~. 209 Marigold A'-C. Pd~JO'. who \\i ll be marrit'd Sun- First PTA meeting of the y~r \\ill be Tuesday evenm~. Oct. 9 A panel of students, teachers a nd pa~ents will discuss a timely top1c of antt>rt>:.t to th.:> "'h<Jitt ~.:ummun- 11) day, was one of the ori~ina l mem-C!~&&'--ll Tournament lx>rs or Loll ComiC'OS whrn It )o\'8$ ~ •Jrl{aniZ('(f 12 yt'ar a £:o. She re-For South Coast Area <'t'tH '<i a prt7~ ~1ft af••·r R trt'8!lUrt' Top softball ntn. lro rh. htJnt at the pari\ . ' m ' , Aftu -ward.s thl' I(T'OU • ._ firSt :South Coa,t a rt•J '-'Ill takl• pari production · . . 1 P ed . an a tournt'~ thL-o \o•,u c~t th1.· La- l'all•-d 'Fiur!lfy 0{-~~~IE' ~m. ~ ~:una Bf>ach ht~h ,,·11·~11 diamond n>ad aJoud. Prf>J.Cn l at t~~ ;,a~ lw~-tnntn~:. AUl: .!~ md runntn~ tn addition to the honoret'.~{'~ t~rough ::iepl. 7, J t'L"".' tm~ ~o lJal~· Jim a nd Don SterrcnsPn. Bill Hin-I \\ .tu t~~:ton, ~oumarn• ut mana~•· shHw PC't'dita Hom. Ph) llis Lake., fhls area mcludt:"s :O..e"' port, o-J~:1111 Bartl.ne Alan lA'Wt'i "all ' n ona del Mar. Co-.ta ~1esa. Hunt-I Hit•h r a nd ea'rol F\man • .} t!'~tcln. Beach, La~:una Beach .m d •• San L ll"mt>n te, and as man} a.; Don So-uthworth Wt'th l'""o teams .... ,u ~· Jllowt'd tCJ ··ntC't from •·ach h·a~Ul' County Hiqhway Dept.---IIOLIDAV FOR DAC'GRTER IJvn Southworth, :527 RNiland-. ;\1r. and :\trs :-.lorman :St>l.,.m \ •• 'ewport llcu~ht!l, tormt>r 516 Poinsetu a A\'e., Corona d"l t"'Shtl11lt uty <'n~in('('r of !':t>wport Mar, have le ft for a two-w~·k ta, B<·ac has joined th 1>taff of tht> t in RI\'Cr ide . While they art' ~ont· Or a nee Count) lltghway Depart-:\t r ~elson's daughte r and son-tn· mPII' as associatr rwil engineer. law. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Peh- Ht· had been \\1 th the ctty engin-koff of F r"eSniJ. will vacalion at .... r·._ c•fCt('(• h{'re ror fin• ypars their homt' h••r\• HA \'E CAMP ING PREE Deao Pease, Tom Ebberts and KPnt H&r\'(')' all or Corona del Mar arrivN:I home last week alter a several day campmg period at Pil1.'lim Pines rn the mount.aJna. \\'OME.~ GOLfo~ Women Mt'dal P~y wannl"rs la::.t week at the-San ta Ana Countr~ Club included ~trs. R A. Emison 1 or Beacon Bay and Mrs. John Drury oC Corona del Mar. C. I. "aaeck" cmd J. E. "Pln1Hps invite you to the 1936 Harbor Boulevard. Costa Mesa ·=OMPLETE £NGINE OVERHAUL Frottt End AU~t Bra kl' -ChaMls -Carburo>\Or JarnJtlntt a.nd EIM'tl'lcal \\'ortc Ell~.,. T11M -ap ALL WORK GUARANTEED ON ALL MAKES OF CARS Two Ex~4'ttt M~haalt'1! <lonlpj~b> Part. for Ka.IYr -Fr&U'r BODY AND PAINT SHOP. Complete Semce Station Lulwk'&Uon -Car Wult li Pol~ "'"" -Batt.t-ry Work -Bacllat.;" A.OOfoM4Mies · A!f'W. rrBur( MJJh;n.,IMr1e/ ~.., tJitl ~~ ol .... -eoea. doe• oWM.e-ka~ .eM .......... Ja .a.o.. Tbe olleu eatr, wHI be •warded ch fuDotaa PHILCO Model tOll 2-do« a.friaw. u or ABSOLUTELY FR"I! Come io and re~i.ster roday! :-":1. •. sy ,._..--:-)·JtC~ Spec1all ) Pnced! S lass Stiver Page IS ~-\ntique Shop 41 PHIL:C:O ..... Rtlt iweraton to the owners of the oldest electric refrigerators. Pat-14 ftt.•reCiq. A....-a D. 1151 ---"'"" NOna UGM. HOTta LlGAL. NOna l5GM. .Nona UGAL NCma ·""""'=-=-L=c::::::n=oN OF I:NTENTION scribed. curb Une of S«ond AW1Mie aDd N~ PIVIDnaab Of tbe ol. t.be te'rltoey lncluW withlll N~ ... 11 SECTION 5: Th1s RftoluUon of the North~terly prolonptioD ol Southwsterly f1ne orttte ftnt al-the ~ useurnent di.striet.. Intention shall be publlllled at the South"''"t~rly fine or tbt ftnt ..,. tytnc ~~tr fl"'Oft and and which map or plat a. on n» A aaoi_.,IJftON OF lNTIIlll-least once 1n t.hf NPWpOI"l Harbor a~y b'tn.& Southwesterly frCim parallel wtth Flfth Avt"tn». u ln the olfi()(> or the City Engineer DON or THE CITY OOUNCIL Enl.ign, a newspaper o1. ~ and parallel with ~ Awn•. llhown 011 Sheet 3 ot said "]Jlana: of said City. Rcfel"(>nce ls hereby OP 'l"'IE CITY OF N"t.."WPPaT drculatioo, printed, pubiMed and u shown on S~t 5 of said plane: and ln the tlnt mack-to said map or plat for • aa&CB OECI,.AKI'NO 11"8 IN-draalated in the Cit)' of Newport and ln the flrat ALLEY further. full and moJ'e part.i~ BN'ftON TO OIIDE& I'BB Beac:l\, aDd said publication aha11 ALLEY lying Southwsterly froctl and par-d8cripHoo of the $Aid URS$nhlt CL<MIINO tJI'. \'AOAftON AXD be IDIIct. prior t.> tbe elate ~~et tor \)ring Northwesterly of Marguerite altel With FCU'th Aveau. and ex-district. ~the said map or plat ABANDONMENT OF A PO&-tile llearial o1. ell penon& lntw-A\'eonue and extmaiona o1 .W U-tftldlbc Nor~ from HeBo-10 on me ball govern for aU cle- 'IIOW or A 8ftEET DESIO. t'lltM Ill or ob~ng to u.e pro-ley. between the Sou~tftb' .._ trope Awnue. u lhown on Sheet taU. u tJ uu-nt of tbe said JIIA,_, A 'l'lllt 0 0 BAN pwed vacation. ot flfttl AVftlllt and the NW'tll.l_. .. 3 ol saki plans; .... lathe ftrst llUt'SII11~ trict. ~ BETWEEN 'l'WK!f· Tbe above and I~ fte.-erly curb Une ot FOUI'\b A\Wiat.aall ALl..ET DESCRIPTION OF BONDS IIW& naaT A1Q) lid' AD-80lutlaD ol Intention lfo.-3910. betwND the SouthWftteiyeurbiDe l)'lnc Sou~ ~rom and par-SECTION f. That .erial bonds. -JILACB IN TIIB <ll'l'l" OF was duly puaed at a ftiUiu' meet-ot Fourth Awnue and the Nortb-a11e1 wtth 1111n1 Awnue ...s ex b8J1n& lnt~t at tbe rate olu - WWW!*! BrA~ .. OOJ1Nft0 P' lng Nof the CUy Cound.l...._ otld the qt~~ eutt!rlY curb 11M of TNrd Avaue, ~ ~orthwe8ter'b-b.. J.,;. per cent (6~) per annum. ..U be _..,Qa. ., T 3 T .,. of ewport Beech, IK' on ... ...,. and between the Soutlnwcz..., .._ A,_., u ..... on Sbeet t iMued to represent. eedl ...-.. ~ 13th day of Augwt, 1951, b7 the curb 11ne of Third Avenue and the of uJd planl• aDd Ia the ftnt ment of Twenty-rive Dollars ol foUowiba vote, to-wit: Northeuterly curb line oC Seoond 'AI..I..EY ($25.00) or more~ UIID&id 'fte a\.~1 of the C\ty the AYES. COUNCILMEN: Avenue, and between the South-J.ylng Southwestftb from aDd par-ro.r thirty (30) ck)'S atwlht a.te ~ ...._ •psurauanvt to ·•-Finch, ~y. Oreele7, wecterl,y curb line of Second Ave-allel wtth Seeond A~·---·x-c)t reool'dlng the warnat. . Said ot J.Mi'! tflll: ' lreet acauuu Blue, Isbell nllf' and the Northwester'ly pro-tending NOI'tbwaterl;~u;k serial bonds aball extend owr a • and all a.mendmenta NOES, COUNCILMEN: None lonptJon ot the ~ · • period endlnc nine (9) years fruD tla e r e t o. being Sections 8300 ABSENT COUNCll...MEN: NOIW line of the ftrat alley lying South-spur A "'ft'lue,. u abown on Sheet 5 the ~ cky ot J~ next .,__. 1131 ot the Streeta and A'l"l'EST: westerly from and paradtl wtth of aid plaas, and In the tint ~~ the next Oetober fit- .... ...,. CodP, doel hereby or-C. K. PRIEST SKoftd Awnue. a.s sbown~n Sheet lyln Sou ~ teftlth followtng their elate. Pay-:!:·: raolve ~tnd declare as fol-Oty CIPrk 6 of said plans; and lD the first allelg with~ 1~n: ~ ments on the prind_pal ot unpeid l.. l.. ISBEU.. ALLEY Marguerite A"'ftlue and 'll.adaold UloeU'Ine'lts and taleretrt tbefton SECTION 1: That th~ publlc lllterest aftd convenience require h caine up a.nd 1.bandonment ol a part of a portion of a street ln the City of Newport Beach, and It Ia u.e intention of the City Council of the City of Newport S.adl to order t he followin~ de- 8Cribed portion of said tr~t ln aid Oty ot Newport &ech. Oowlty at Orange, State of can-: fomla . to be vacated. cl08<'d up and abandoned. to-wtt : Publ'·h ·. Aug. 16, 1ftrl:1 Mayor l)'tng Northv.•esterly of Marl&old Avmue. and between Mart&o1d &hall be ~de by pcoperty ~ ... ~ Avenue and the extensions of said Avenue and N&J"da'--A'Vf!Due and. to the Oty TreaiW"e'r, and ....: in the Newport Harbor D\sign. allP~'. between the Southwesterly betweftl Narclss\18 AvenUf' ' and ~me shall be dlsb~ by said line of Fifth Avenue and the Orcllld Avenue and between Poln-City 'TreAs urer. aU as provided In RESOLUTION OF L~TitNTION Northeasterly curb line of Fourth settla Avenue and Poppy Avenue, the ''lmprovemt>nt Ave of 1911" No. ltll A\·enue. and between the South· u ahown on Sheets 7, 8, 9 and 11 h("relnarter referred to. RESOLUTION OW' 'I'Bit Cft'Y ~terly curb Une of Fourth Ave-of said plans. TIME AND PLACE OF 00 • en. OF '1'111: Clft or nue and the Northeuterly curb Tldl'd: "Ole grading. pavtng with HEARING NEWPO&T BEACH. OALIFO&· lint' of Third A\'enue, and bt>twem plant mlx mateial and appurten-SECTION 5. N 0 T 10 E 18 SlA. DI!Xll.A.&INO 1ft IN'I"EN-tht' Southwesterly curb line or ant work ln conn('('tlon tht>rt"with; HDU.:Bl' GIVE.~ Ol&t on the Utb TION '1'0 OllOD ~ OON-Thh'<l Avenue and the Northeast· In the flrst day of September 1951 at the TIUJCI'ION 011' c W: a!' A IN t'rly curb Une or Second Awaue. ALLEY hour of se\'ftl·thJrey ( 7 : 3 0 ) ,IJII'BOVJ:IIEN'TtiiJ IN C & a-and between the SOUthwesterly lying SouOtwesterly from and par· o'dock. P .M., In the chambers of TAIN ALLEn NOilftiEAST-curb line of Second Avenue and allel with Fifth Avenue and ex-the Oty Council In the Oty HaD DILl' OF OOUT IlL VB. A.ND the first alley lying Southwesterly 1 tending North~tC'rly from Gold-of said City of Newport Beach, a.ny BI."';WWZH DAHLIA AVElnJE from and parallel with Second <>nrod Avenue, as shown on Sheet and 'llU persons having any obje<.-- A..'fD POPPY AVE.Nt1Wl IN Avenue, u shown on Sh('('t 7 of 3 of said plans; and in thr first tlons to the p~ work or im- f'Am CITY: DECIAitlNO 1'111: said plans: and in the first ALLEr Pl'OV<'mt'nt or to th~ extent or the WOilK T 0 BE 0 F M 0 & & ALLEY lying Southwester!) rrom and par· asse~>smffit district, or to the pro-TIIA...~ LOOAL 0& O&DINAIIY lying Nortbwcsterly of Narelssus ruJcl with ~nd Avenue and ex-poSt"d ~rades, may appear and BE.SEFIT A~"D DDCIUBDfO Avenue and th~xtensions of AJd tending Northweswrl)' from Mar· show causl' why l'llld wor-k should THt; DISTRICT TO ftl: BENE-allt'y, betwt'Cn the Southwesterly g'U('rltP Avenue. and bfotw€'e'n Or· not be don~> or carried out in ac· FITED Ill' 8AJD \\'0811 A.~ line of Fifth Avenue and the chid Avenue and Poinst>tlia Ave· cordance-\\ith thi Resolutioo or TO PAY THE OO~TS AND Nor1heastt'rly curb line of Fourth nlK'. as shown on ~ht'C'I fl and 10 Intention. Prott>st!l must be in EXPEN"'El AND FIXISO A Anmul'. and betw~n the South-of &aid plans. writing and must tx> deUvel"t'd to TrKE A..VD PLACE F 0 a \\'t'Sterlv curb line of Fourth Avt'-•'ourtb: The constructiOn of re-the O ty Clerk prior to thE> time HEABL~G O~OS · TO nue an·d thf> Northeastt'rly curb in!or<'ed concrett> pipe stonn S('t ror the hN\rinct. ~ . .\m WO~K~. • line of Third Avenue, and between drains. conC'rete catch basins with JMPROVEI\1E::'IIT ACT tht' &>uthwesterly curb Un~ of J,!ahanJzt'd traffic gate and frame, SECTION 6. That all or tht> The City Council or the City of 'nlird Avcnur and the l\orth~•st-conC'rt'te outlt't. and appurtenant work herein propoS<'<! shall bt' done :-\ewport Beach, pursuant to tht> <'rly curb lin<' of Sll'COnd Avenue. \\Otk In connection thel'(>wfth: in and carried throu~::h In pursuanoe Beginning at an angle point in the SotrthwE>Sterly line of Lot 7. Bloek. 20, bt Addition to N~ Beech as aaJd tract ls laJd out and shown upon a map ~rded in Mlo;ce-Uaneous•!.faps, Records of Orange. County, Cali- fornia, said angle polnt lx>ing four 14' feet Nort hwestt'rl~ of the I'TlO'<t Southerly cornt'r or aid lot 7; thence Southeasterly Along tht' N>utheuterly .pro- lon,gatioo of the moct South· W't'Sterly lin nf sa1d Lot 7, to an intersection with a line ten (10l f~t. mt>asured at right ant:les. Southwest~>rly or and parallel to (11(-Southwt's tt'rly llnf'S or Lots 6, 5, 4, 3 , 2 and 1. of said Block 20: t h~nre South· ;auterly along said parallel line to an inttor. ('Ction "1th the Southwester ly prolongation of tht> Southt>ast£'rly llnr of said Lot 1: thence Northeasterl~· alon~ !'aid prolongation to the m<\<'t Southerly corner or said Lot 1; thenCt' Northwest~rly along the Southwesterly Une of Lot!! 1. 2. 3, 4. 5, 6. and portion of Lot 7. to the peint or begin- nlag. JWO\islons of th(' ·•Jmprowmcnt and lx>t\\t'en the Southwe terly th:lt C('rtain public . of an act of thC' l('~islature of the I Act or 1911", bcintt Dhision VII of rurb linP o( Second AH•nue and EASEMENT State of California , de.sl~ted Ute thl' St!'«'ts and Hi~hway Code o1 th<' first alley lying Southwesterly lK'ing tht' Southerly 3 fcrt·of Lot "lmprov<'mcnt Act of 1911". be-- tht• tate of California. DOES from and paraJJcl with SPCOnd 2, Block M. Tract No. 323. as per in g Division vn of the gtreets and RESOLVE a.c; follows : A\·enue, as shown on ShN>t of map rt'COrded in MlsCt'Uaneous Highwa)'S Cod<' of the Statl' of SECTION 1 That the public ~id plan!!: and in the first Map Book 14, Pages 40 and 41. California. ina•rest and con,·enience n-quire. ALLEY R('(l()rds of Orange County. Call-PUBLICATION OF and it i the intt>ntion of the City l)inJ.t Northwesterly or Ot"Chid romia, and !?xtending Southwest-RESOLUTION OF INTEN'TION Council of th(' City of Newport An•nu<' and the extensions of uld erly to the NortheasterlY curb line Beach. CallfomJa, to order the fol· alle" bPtwC('n the Southwesterly of Coast Boulevard ana Northeast-SEcrtON 7. The "Newport lowing \\'ork to be done, to-wit: lint'·· of Fifth Avenut' and the erly into the alley lYln~~; acUacent Harbor Ensign", a weekly news- OESCRIPTIOS OF WORK Northeasterly curb line of Fourth to said Lot 2. as shown on Sheet 2 .-per, printed. pubUIMd ud of Avenu<'. aod between t~ South-of ~id plans; and In that t"t"rtaln general circulation In the City of Ftrwt: The grading, pavtng with , ........ t .... rly curb line of Fo"rth Ave-publtc Nt>WpOrt Beach, Call!orala, Is plant mix material. construction '"0 " "' hereb deal ted the and installation or house sewer nue and the Northeasterly curb EASEM ENT Y 1M aa ~- Said portion or said street to be a nd water ronnections, and a.,ppur-line of Third Avt'nue. and betw~n being tht> Southerly 3 feet of the per in which this ResolutJon of • vaca~. clo.ed up and abandoned te.aant work in confli.'ctlon there-the Southwesterly curb tine of Northerlv 31.50 fC('t or Lot 3 tention shall be published by tM ill more cleer)y shown on a certain "Hh: in the first Third AvC'nue and the Northeut-Block N: said Tract No. 323. and City Cler~. ln the manner and map approved and adopted by the • ALI~EY l'rerly curb line of Second Avenue. <-ll:tendlng Southwesterly to the fonn pro\'tded by law and for m•k- City Coundl of the City or New-lvlm; :-\orthw('St('rly ot Femlea! and between the Southwesterly Northea ter ly curb line of Cout lng all otht>r pubU~tJons in the port Beach for said vacation. clos-A\'enue. between the Southwest-cutb line of Second AvenlK' and Boule\ard. and Northeasterly into prooeedinp under thts Resolution lng up and abandonment. by Re-erh· hnt' of Fifth A\·C'nue and the the first alley lyin g Southwestn1 the allt'y lyin~ adjacent to Mid of Intentton. 110lution dat.ed August 13th, 1951, No.rth"-"l'Sit•rly pt'olongatlon o1 the from and parallel with Seco Lot 3. as sh<lwn on .. heet 2 oC said The City Oerk is directed to and <k-signat.ed "Raolutlon No. Southwt>sterly lin~ of the first al-A,·enue, as shown on Sheet !J of pJ .. ns. , mail not1~. or the adoption of 3909 . which said Map Is on me ley 1\.i ng Southwestcrl\• fr6m and said plan : and In the fi rst PLANg, PROFILES. DRAWINGS I this Resolun.on of Intention to all 1n the office of the City Clerk o( perahel wtth Fifth Avenue. as ALLEY AND S PECIFI CATIONS persons owntng real pro{)f'rty pro- the City o( Newport Beach. Re-shown on ghcet 3 or the plans · lying Northweste1·1y of PoinS<'ttla SECI'IC1N 2. All of the Mid posed to lx> assessed, whose names ference is hereby made to aald hc reinartPr referred to; and in the I Awnue and the extensjon. s of said work and improvement to be done and ~ddresses appear on ~ last Map fer further particulars as to first alley, bc.>t\\'l'<'n the Southwesterly J:hall be conetructf'd upon the equahzed assessment l'Oil for city the proposed vacation, closin~ up ALLEY I line of Fifth Avenue and the J!rBdPs, along the lines. bet\vt't'n taxe~. all ln the manner .and form and abandonment of 5ald portion lying NorthwcJter)y of Heliotrope I Northtas''!rly curb line ot F ourth the points, of the dlntenslo"ls, at Pl'Ovtded for under SecU~ ~0. of !laid g~t. <tnd 111ld Mllp II Avenue al"d exte • .lSi ns of said I Avrnu<'. and bet\ 't.>en the South-the places and in the manner 5194. and 5195 of the !1,81d• lm-mt~de a part or 1h1s Resolution to alley. between the Southw('Sterly w<-stcrb curb Jlne of Fourth A\·t'-shown on the plans, profileJt and pro\ement Ac t of 1911 °· said the same c.xtt4nt and JlUrpose as if line ot Fifth Avenue and tl)e nut' antJ the Northt'aSt('rly curb drawings for the cc.ru;tructlon or Stref'ts and HIJ:hways Code. the same ~n·l'l' herctn lncorpor~ Northeasterly curb line ol Fourth Une of ThJrd A\·enue, and between Mid Improvement in certain alleys POSTING OF NOTICE (IF atcod in ful\ Avenue: and between the So\lth-the Southwesterly curb line or Northeastt>rly of Coast Boulevard. IMPROVEMENT SECTt<?J-2 That proceroings westt>rly curb line of Fourth Ave-Third Avf'nue and thP Nor h<'ast-betwt'Cn Da hlia Avt'nue a nd Poppy 1 SEcriON 8. The SuperintPn· for t t .: closing up and abandon-nue and the North\\ sterly pro-Pr ly rurb line or Second A"'·~nue.1 A• enue. being Plan No. 434 con-dent of S1reet<~ of th<' Cit~· of New- 1111ent of the aforesaid portion of lon~ation of the Southwesterly and bctwPen the Sou thwesterly stSIIng of 11 cheets. on fil" in the port &ach shall roUJ <' to lw con- Mid s treet shall be had and taken. Une of the first alley lying South-curb lln1• of S "'nd A\..oenue aod off1C'P of the City EnginC('r of said picuously post('«! alonJ: the Line of And the Ctty Council of the westerly from and parallel with the first ailey 1:, m;:: Southwetiterly City and. e ·cept d~ otherwise pro· said ron tcmplatrd \\ork or im- Cily of Newport Be;\ch hereby Fourth A\C•nue. a.s sho wn on from and parillel wi th Second j v1dc:-d on :rnJd plans. in further ac· pro\'E•mcnt and alonq aiJ bpen Pl<'Cts t 'l proceed under the pro-Sheet 3 of said plans; and in the Avenue. a.s shJwn on Shret 10 of f'Ordance with the specincatfons strf'ets within the district liable v:isJon.s of the sa.Jd "Street Vaca-fir~t sald plans; and in the first tor tt.e construction of said im· to ~ assessed for said work. no- tion Act of 1941", and aU amend· ALLEY . ALLEY provt'mt:nt •• Mid &P«"Iflcatlons ~-t!ces of the ~ssage of this Resolu- menl! thert'to. being Sections 8300 I lying Northwt'Slt'rly of Jrts Avenue ly'nr. North\\ f'Sterlv of Poppy Ave-ing on f1le m the of!iCC' or the C'ity t1on of I nt('ntlon, In th(' hme, fonn through 8331 of the Stl'e('ts and and extensions of said alley, be-n~e &r.d the extenSions or said al-Cle1·k of s~id City and to which and mannl'r provided by saJd C'roe. Hil:flways Code ef the Statt> of tween the Southwesterly line of l~>y. ~tween th<> So\lthwesterly pla.n , .Proftlcs. drJ.win~U~ and spt'· U..\TESTIGAT ION R F:PORT Callfomis . Fifth Aven~e and th.:' Northeast· line of F'Jrth A\'enue 311<1 8 lin~> ciflrn~tons hl'retofor'f' tt,pp~ved by SECTION 9. Thnt .. , written SEC"'10 N 3 : The Street Super-crly curb line or Fourth Avenu(', 90 feet SotahW!'Sterly from and the CJty Coundl of said City. r<>· N-port of the Citv En~ t('('r nf the lntendt nt ol the City Of Newport and br twcen the Sou~westerly paraHel ~it h f'if1h A\'en~. Md feN>nce-ls heret'y rr:1de for a fur· I Cih· of Newport .SeliC"'· fiJPd Feb- Beach o;haJ) c.~u.se to be posted I curb l~nc of Fourth Aven ue and behvef'n th(' ~outhwesterly cul'b thcr, full .Jnd mor~ ,partJC'ular de· rua'ry 26, 1951, on ltv• p•·oposed conl"piCIJOl'"lY along th~ lin(' of th ~h<> Northea tcrly curb 11'!!' or line ut F ourth Avenue and th(' scr1ptlon or ~he S8l\ worak a • 1 by I i•nprovemcnt herein ll.-..crlbcd Rn d portJon o{ said st:rc!et prop J ed to :ntlrd Avt'nue, 85 shown on ~heet Northeastrrly curb line of 1ltfrd refert>nce-th reto . tht' .liM • ar<' prt'parl'd pursuant tu th<' prm'ls- be vacated. not mo re tha.n ~00 ffi't 4 or said pl1.na ; and in the ftrst Avenuc. a nd between the South· ln<X>rj.)Oratctl ht>rtm and m~td a inns of the .. pecial AsS<'S~ent apart, but not less than three ~n ALLEY w~terly curb Une of Thlrd Avr-part ht'reof. Inv· stigatlon Limltatll>n and Ma- all notices of the vac!\tlon of sald lying Northwesterly of Jas.mlne nue and the Northt>asteTiy curb DES""RtPTION OF Jor•cy Protest Act or 1931" heing po~tion of said street. Said no-.\venue and extensions or said Ill-line of Second AwntK', and be-ASSESS, tEN:' DISTRICT D ~·ision JV of t 1c-Streets and tlces shall state the preparatJo,t of ley, lx-twf'Pn the Southwestr rlY twef'n the Southwesterly curb line SECTIO N 3. T M t tf't> satd con-Highway:; Cod.e 1\5 modi:led by a this Resolution of lntentlt :\ and <'urb llne of Fourth Avenue .nd of Second Awnue and that por-templnted work and fmpro' t>mcnt, resolution of the Cih l'ou.ncil of the time and place of the IIParlng the: .Northeasterly curb Fne of tlcn of the first ttUey ly ing South-ln thP opinion of the Mid City Court· !laid City on the 23rd ·d&y of April. of all perscns inteN-Sted in or ob-Th•rd Avt'nut>, and betwt'Cn ~he weslrrly from and parallt>l with d l, is of more han ~1 or Ordi· 1951. is on file In the of(iC" · of the ject!ng to tht' proposed " callon SouthwestC'rly C'Ul"b line of Third &-"'nd A,•enue and, t'xtendJng nuy pubfic benefit. and the salc1 1 Cit~ Cl£'tk and open to 1, bile in· of said portion of srud street. Avenue and t he Northwesterly. Southcustt>rly fr-om Potnsettla City Courcil hereby maket. tht' ex-IIP0CliOn SECTIO • 4: Not.cc is hf'reby ~rolon~t io11. or th(' Sou'llwest('rly Avf'nu . as shown on S heet 11 of J-<•nS<'S of the said work and lm· PASSED AND ADOPTEI;. by l.!lVl'n that the City Council ot the l:.ne of thf> ru-st :-:Ucy 1~ ~~ South-u ld plan!l. 1 pr<J\ement charge-able u,>on a dis· the Cit , Council of the City of Oty of Newport &-ach does '""~trrty from anr patall('} with ~d: The gradinJ!, pll\inr • t rlct, whlch. said district U\t' said Nc ~ Bt>ach Californ·a"' a t a hereby fix Monday, tht' lOth day ThJrd AYenlK', 8 ~hown or SMet with plant mix material, ronstTUC'·I ('It~ Councd hereby rit>cll•tM !O Ire f: meetin . thereof ~('id this of &ptember, 1951. at the hour ot 1 of said plans; nod .n th~ Urst tlon and Installation of house wa-"~ tht> district h(>nefltPd by sa1t.l 13~ day of A~~~o,""Ust l !.ffii hv the 7:30 P . M. of aid day, tn th ALLEY . tr•r connections, and appurtenant work and improvemrnt and to rw-followin vote to-wit . • Council Chambers of the City of 1 !}in~ NorthwesteJ•ly of Lark~ w0rk In oonne<-tion therewith; In ~s~"d to PftY th!' ~t and t,>-· AYES· ~UNCILMEN· Newp<>rt BeAch. IOCJtl(.od in tM Avenue and extcnslor· of aaid al· the rlrl!t pcru!et thereo(, a nd whiC'h dl'ltnC"t · F' h Rams · (';reelv, City 1-'fllJ of the Oty o! Newport j t<'y, between the Southwt ·terly ALLEY Is des<'tibi:'d a<J foiJows : me • <'Y J Beach.· aJ the time and pl toe for Hne or Firth A1 ~nuc.> and the lyinl{ SouthwPSter ly from and All that O(>t't.?ln tf'ITitory of the Blue. ls~ll • hPArln~ all penons lntei'('St~ in or N<.•""tht'!lSterly curb lb.e of Fourth parallel with Fifth Avenue and \Y of N«>wport BNlch, Cautorn is. NOE~: COUNC"rt.MEN ,No"''to objecting to the proposecl wc:atlon Avcn\K', and betwe('n th<-South-Merldlng Northwesterly r r om f'Xclu.alve of treeta and allt'y·" 1n-ABSE..NT:--COUNCIL.ME • ~onc of said portJon of !aid Itt~; and westt'rly curb t1ne of Fottrth Ave-Fernleef Avt>n ue, as lhol"!l on cludoo withJn th(> exterior boun-L. L. ISBElL the aid Ctt:y Co\.Ondl of the aald nue and the Northeut,.rly curb SM ·t 3 of aid pla.m; and in the d-•1')1 line sh~1\ UJ10ft th1' certain Mayor oC the Oty of City of NewJ~Qrt. Bcad'l at sald Hrw of Third Avenue. and between tlr~t Map or Pla t No. 434. Sheet 1, NtwpOrt &a<.'h, Ca.ltromia dme-ad piece wW hear me .W-the Southwesterly curb line o~ AU.EY Mr-etofore appro\lf'd b)' the Oty I KEilEBY CERI'DY that the ctenee ofteftld b" P)' ~ lftta'-'I'Nrd Avenae and the Nortbeat-bintt NorthwumlY of Gallrnrod OJunc:tl of I8Jd Ctty Oft ttae tJth •boYe ancl fore-going l'ftiOiutklll. sted 1D ~ vttCIIUon el ldd pal'-ti'IY curt. 11M of Seeond AWDW, Aweue, IM!tw,_ the Soutlaw•t· day of AUIUI'. 1151. htAsttna wu peaeod and Mloptecl b)' tM t1aa ot...., ~ .........,_.de-~ betwtet the Southwcwt~ frl1 line ol FVtb Awonat ad tiM! b7 11M ""-111ry 1M tM ~ ~ Caedl CJ( tilt Qty of • ..,.. • -----------~ 'nl...tay, Auv-t 23, 1151 Die ~T ~ I:NIIQI P..-15 L(C4L~KC$;---------~,--------~~~~NO~r~I~~~------~~--------;L(~C4L~~NOT::~,:C5;:~::~~~,-===~~~L(~GAL~~Nonc~~~~--------------------------~~~~~ :¥ Beadl, Celllornia, at the t1me E1ec:tric:ia.ns _ _ L(C4L ~acs -"-' lt,v , ... _ v t bo •-ed. PI ...__ U --· -2.75 tnJ:-------2.38 ~ Atz'•...._U.. "1tll tM WUJ P-~ .. , "' u., o e a ve s ... t um~-u llty pipe lin 2.75 t..abo~~. Gt>nl•ral or Con-~lEM. ct;JlTJFl( .,'T£ (• BC8L._ C. K. PRIEST Any cla.~ifieatJon o m Itt c d ~truction 1 75 1a tile .. t~r of tlllr &.tat •I f"1ctitaou. nrrn sa.e 9t.Y Clt"rk of the CHy ot AlJhefrem, not I than -1.67 rator & tt-ntL•rs 01 AMAl.J ~ o .r.:B-o-...-..cL ~ l n6f'!<r.lc-ed ~ '"ewport Beach, California On'men oot herein separ-1 J u hf' .4 • .-; __ Publt h . Aus;:. 16-23, 1951 att>lf classirlcd shall be -.ld pneumatic & e 1" c t rI c SoUH. a. h r~ l[h.-• that th '-" r 1 ~ 1111 b n....__'tt • _. oou. vibretinr,: machines Pf•flt1c•n uf RO~l-'1ARJf; CJUD· "'bo :~ ('rami •nd 11'7 in th l"ewport Harbor Ensign. I not less thill\ 17~ centJs per •malar tools not clas I· m·.-.: fur rjvo probaljll or t WIU bvsl At• 6fJ9 t:anrold lft'et. U "•l.. NOTte' ~~:!,,.mno~rat~ro"r tlhhe Jourr-t fil'd h N' .. 1.95 or the *00\t' n~tme-d d·~ ~~ (LI)d Corona Ck·l ~lu. Qahf••nu&, under "'~ ~··-" e cr& .' '('r Pi~ Layt-r f Ex-for the UAn~'<• of u tt•·n. nf Ad· ''· Itt' lllo<. f•rm L _o ol ~ Sono& I.NVITINO EM.ED ln\.'OIVl>d. eJudinr:r -uJkerl -· 2.05 C.:ARl'f X C'r•\n •A. ..... _ __. • ..._, Pro tded t.ba d halt " -nurustraUon v. tth t~ wall a.nrw xf'd '-' u · • ...... ...._ PROPOSALS Cl~l'. J:.eone an on.-t>r .Pfpe Caulkf'r us-to tht• peUtllmfr ~UJ bf Jwo.rd at Rlld ftn.r.: c:om~ of w to&.. ~uant to statute and ReJo.. rate of'= aball aalbed ~~ tll&t eaulkin't tools 1.93 10 o'clock A )t on Fn<b) Sept •rv.m~: P' tN"m.;, \\heN· namtll ill luUcm No. 4001, adopted on the ·~ paid. ~.... Sewer Pipco Caulker us-twr 7 . 1951, at tht> court room n1 fulJ and pia<:<-. of "'~ art-M 13th day ot AUI\IBt, 1951 by the ;!~~~~~n ;u'd other= 11\g C('mcnt Joints . .. 1.80 Ot>partment 0nf> or th,. .·up('Tinr fr}lto-v. • ''1·v.it. Oty CouDd.l or the Oty of New-'gb • 8 or any Tarman and MotormAn 1.80 Court of thl• Stat,. of Ca.lJ!omill In CAJULEE• M HANSON port Beedl, Callfornla and on rue ~_!'e0:-~t1' ~} .. L~da. ~ Window CJpaner 1.90 wd for the Count) of Or1.n~P fi.J9 Mar\J:'Old S tJ'taoet in the offtoe ot the City Clerk or ., 'nlUAI y ..... ~"' Opr-nat(Jl~ F.a .. n~... l);,t,t"d August 18. 1951 Corona drJ Mar. eaur~ aald Oty, orderinr the work de-such work i.s requlred In cues of A·Ftame -Boom Tru<'k 2.30 1 B .• J SMITii. Count)· Clt>r.c \\1~ m)· h&nd th1f 9th dlly fill ac::ribed in said resolutlon, to-wit: extraordinary emergency caUJ.f'd AJr Compi"(!S ·or Operator 2.05 THOMAS E . HEFFERN AN Au;'\bt. 1~1 The oonatrucUop and lnslaiJa-by fire. Oood or danger to lite or Bor1ng Machint" Opera-1415 Coast H lsrhw·a v CARJLf:E •1 HANSON Uon ol a at.reet Ughtlng a)'1tem., prol)('rly llJ1d for time on .Sundays tor lexcludln~ J>nr umatic I Corona d~>l Mar, tiltforn111 '4U.t-o of C'aUf«nb con.sist.ing of ct'ment conc~te &J?d seven (7) legal holidays, to-or pqulpment of simllar ttom~>y for PttitlonPr c ~ty 01 0~ poeti or standards (Marbellte !)e. Wll : New Year's Day, Memorial ca()3cityl 2.38 Publi~h AuK, 23-30. ~f'f'' I) 0. T1ta. 9th day o1 A~t. A.D. al.gn No. 43-1>4). each equipPed Day,_ ro:ourth of July, ~~r Dayz Con r('l<' ~11'<t•r Opl:'rator an th<> Xt-wptJM Harbor r.n,Ji(n l'•>l b-ff\•tt mt• Thomu E. He£. Wlth one lumlnalre lnduc:Ung 2500 Atn?asuce, Day, Thanksg:avtng a na Sk.ip Type . 2 1s h·man, a "'0\11':\ Pubhc in and ,_. 1 • __ ... _ 1 l ChriStmas. th(• ..aad Count~ and talof>4 IIIIIJI. umen &n.....uut!&eent amps, us ng It shall be mandatory upon the TrUC'k Drh r" LtG•L t.foTtCf 5000 YOit 'Ibermoplastlc Cable in· ron tractor tv whom the contract I Om I' f . of dump truck!> P-~.r.-. In~ lh~. duly conmew I •• .s~.Ued in galvanized Iron pipe 00!'-is awarded, and upon any sub-of IPS. th,.n 1 \Cis "·a-CT..KTlFJCATF.,OF Bt;'lJ~~ lin sv.-om. ~ll.Y ......,... dwt, 8!Jd appurtenant work m I contractor und4?r him. to pay not '• ,. lt•\t>l • 1.83 F\l:tiUou" Firm .s~ ~';!~~h!\!Per;;~~ .. ~ ~ ': ~tton therewnh, in that oer-, 14?~ than the said specified rates Drwt•N of dump trucks _ nw. t~adtnoJpf'd do ht-T't'by oer-,~bi-d to t~ ._1u., ~ tB:in public easement owned by the I to .llll labon>rs, workmen and me-l }cb but lt>oss than 8 yru . tdy that tht>y *re conductJnst a lllftn• nr! "C'kn<M1f'd~ to - City of Newport Be.ach over, along chanics f'mployed by them ln the wat r IPWI 1 -tt'ta.il nunl(>r_r busm a• 716 thst ll • • "~ "d tht> Sll..me. .. and a~ Lou A. Band C of Tract cx~tion of the contract Drl\i~rs of truck.s-Je.gal t:oast BouiP\1ll'd. Corona d<-1 MAr, \\lt~ Wh<>~ ; ha\t> hfftan1D :.~· lOll, u per map recorded in .SOTICE 18 HERD\' ·GIVES Pill} load capacity less Califonua, undt•r the ftctJtious ... • 11; h '"d ar a 11 'ted b)' o(tsdaJ lscellaneous ~ap Book 36, Pages inviting st~aled proposals or bictS ttl&n 6 tons . 1.83 firm n&IT'U" of I II• d.,~ r d >• £! 1n UM Qr- 37 to 40 lnclusl\'e, ~rd.s or Or-for doing all the work h~>reinbe-Drivers or trucks legal St;BTROPICAL ~'\'DSCAPE 'ltlca't· 1 ~~ a"ove ..,;ttA!IL llOR' Coultty, California. all as fore described and or~~ in peyload capacity be--~·1.rRSERY rn '\ E rllOft particulAr ly ~bed ln Reo-said Rt>solution Ordennst Work. to ~n 6 &nd 10 tons L85 rnd th.at said farm is oompo5('d of \J r· .~-,;.~:--.: 1 ~r!."%~ .olutJon of Intention No. ~. be presented to the City a uk at Ori\'t>n of ~sit-Mix the following Pf'!'iiOnS, .,, h o 1 e 195>~ ~. and a~ted by the City I his orfice in the City Hall of aald Truck!. under 3 yds. 2.05 I names In CuJl and places of resi-1 PubHsh· Aug. 16-23-JQ, Sept. 1. Council of a&Jd City on the 9th day City up to the hour of seven-thirty Dra,·ers of Translt-MLx dt>nce •~ as follows, to-wit· 1951 In the ~e'lo''POrt Ha rt»or a. of July, 1951 and on file in the o'clock 17 '30J p :\1 o( Tuesday Trucks 3 yd.<~. or more 2 lR RALPH R. BAKER. JR u:n ~~~ of the City Clerk of said the llt.h dlly.of s;ptember. 1951. '1 ~'"8-'rft.o\DE.'J: i s ub j <> c t t 0 416 l..a.J"kspur, ~ The proposals or bids o frered chan~e 1 Corona 'dt>l Mar, CaUl For further partJculan, refer-sha.U be accompanied by a cheek • . JOHN F 8 .. R1\"HAM enec 1.8 hereby made to said Reso-made payable to the cwd r of said 1 F Of'I'IIIM'ft: ~II tor~":len oot heresn 1222 South Rosewood, lution of lntt'ntion No. 4000 and City, C('rtlfled by a r~ ponslble eparatl'l) clas LfiNl ~hall be Santa Ana. Calif. to the plans, profiles and draw-bank or a bond as required by I paid not l4?ss than l2 ~ cen ts "'1~ our hands this th day fngs No. 435, consisting or 1 sheet, law, !or an amo~t not 1~ than ~:n h~~ mfre :~n jo~rn':)'· of Au~t.. 1951 oo rue in tM otrice of the City ten per oent 1 10~ 1 or the aggre-~ v lived e or P CTa t m-RALPH R BAKER. JR Engineer of sa!d City of Newport gate of the proposals. Each bad 0 · JOHN F . 8 ffi..''HA M Beach. and to the specifications shall be madt' out on a form to be .\pprPntJ~11: May be employ~ in State of OaJllontla for the said work h c ret of ore obtain~ at the oCfiC<' or the City I'Onformit}. with St-et ion 177.51 Coa.ty of oraa,_...... adopted by the said City Council Enginf'f'r of said City. of th.-California Labor Codf!. 0a 'l"hh 8th day of AUI:lhf A.O on file in the offiet' of the City Tht> contractor to whom an Rlctr .. ,.,.: Sam<' v.attf:' ~>eale as craft HGl, bftfore me, the wo~rs1gnf'd, Clt>rk ot said City, and all of said award ma\' be made wtll be n>· •o "hich ri't.nn~ i.s incidental. XotaT)' Pub he m and for tht-'llltd plans. profit<' . d rawings and SJ)('Ci· qulrro to !Urntsh with tlle contract Wl"ld .. roa~ !'arne wa£e scale as craft Coun~ and :-'tl\tt>, rf"'ldin~· thPI'f"- fications hert>tofore appro,•ed by two urety bonds, one faJthfuJ per· to wh1ch W€'ldin~ is lnc1dontal. 11\. dul) rommJ '-IOnNf and ~'tlrn, the-City Council of said City are formance bond in an amount equal Ell'('trfctan': personally 8 Jl(X':lr<-d ~ALP~ ~ inoorporatro ht>reln and made-a to not lt>.s t han twenty-five per I Elf'Ctrtcal ~nr 1 F BAKER, JP. a nd TOH~ r B\ P.~- part hereof, and rt>fc.>renct' Is here-cecnt t25C"r) of the amount or the man ra ore-S3 25 HAM knov.n " m" '" t .. • tht> prr- by made th.P~to for a !f\Ol'e parti-ii't~S.:'lt! or the bid. and ont' rna· El(>('tncal r ort"man 3 00 sona whose. namt... n• ~u t'nbl-d cutar. descrapt1on of sa1d work. terial And tabo~ bond in an amount Ell'<.'trical !'ub-Fn· tnHn i l<j'S tn tht> with•~ tn"''' 1m• nt, and lC'· Said City C.ounc1l ha deter· not less than fifty per cent <50%) Ell'<'trician 'l --knO\\I•·d_, u n mt• that they exe- mlned and declared that the con· of ~ ~g.,-egate of said bid. . -,., C'Ut<'d the same In \'dtn~'~ Wh~,.. templated work and impro\ement The~tv Counol or said City froe \\orkf'ro.: of, I haw ht.•t<'un•u ... m~ ":lnd heretofore ~ntione-d was, ln the reseor\-es the right to reject any Ornamrntal b m .we rk • 2 -ltt a'ld a&fnu.•d my otftC'tal SI'B' ·h .. opJnioo of said City Council, of or a U bids and to waive any ln-1: tructural l r•m \\ n.rkf"r 2 ;-,.1 day and ~ear Jn ttu. .. Cer1s!u·;t ,. more tba.n local or ordinary pub-formality in !1 bid not affected by OmBm;ntal or !')tr"Uctura' lt~t aboH• \\Tltttn Uc benerH .rnd the said City Coun· law. Iron 1\\ ork<'t· Fort"man 1 ar.. St'SA.'O P. FOLEY cil has made the e.xpenscs of aa.ld Dated thil-14th day or Au£:Ust. is 12 '.1 cent~ rt•r ho•JJ' mor.. ;\ty CornmUI >n , xr•u'f'!> Au~~; 4 work cha~able upon a district. 1951 than Jnum4?) man r.ltt>. 11952. For the particular ~cription of · C P 1 l .ath••f"'': t :'\fNal furnng • 3.125 Publio;h· Aug. 16-23-JO. ~t 6 the said district, ref.e,.ence is here-C: K.Cl R. l EST . l ·' • :>Jail on 1 • 3.125 j l951 tn the ~e"''POrt Harbor En by made to said ResOlution of ln· sty erk of the ~1ty ot · · ForMnan 3~')0 si~n tentlon No. 4000. Newport &ach. Californ ia l'a.Jnwr .. : B rush 2.1!\ Sftjd Council has drtennlned and Publjgh ; 16 • 23. 1951 . . Brush ' !-\ \\ In t:' UIOAl NOrte' declared that serial bonds. besr-1n th4? Newport Harbor EnsllfO. _ ta~<> 1 2.40 P-M~ ing lnt~rest at the rate of six per Sprny Gun c•r Sand-('t :RTfn .\TJ-: UF Bl·~~r..t'- oent (6%) per annum and extend-UGAI.. NOTIC' blas t• r • 2 40 f"ktiUo. .-tna s~ in< over a period endinll: nine (9) ADvmt1'1Sitii£."\T P'Oit BID. 'prny Gun or Sand-Ttlle lJ•tkr11lpH do hereby Cf>r )'Mrs from the second day or Jan-Notice f.s IW!reby giwn that the-b 1 a, t p r , Swin~ .tify that they are conductln~ a uary next succeeding the nl"Xt Oc-County of Orange will receive Sta~e 1 2.6:1 J Whoi.Halt-Clo him: buslnt>' a1 tober 15th roJJO\vin~ their date, sealed bids for "AJteratlom and •(h char!.'! mRn ol 5 or morr Jour-, Newport Beach. C1hfomia. Wlder will be iss~ hereunder in the Addition --to AdministraUon ne)'1Tlen is 2S <Ynt additional per t1\e ficbtiotl.!o finn name of KlM manner provided by the "Improve-BuJJding No. 49 at Or&nge County hour mort> th•m tht> Jow:n('nnan OF CALIFOR'I\IA and that aald MeAt Act. or 1911", being Part 5, Hoepita l", for the Count): of Or-ratt>. In charr:t• man of 4 or less finn is romJ)OS<'d ol the foUowin~ Division VU of the Sll'eet and ance. Catifomia. until 3:00 P. M. Joumeymt'n i 12~'1 l't'nls addi· persons, v. ~ namH and ad· Hlgb...,.Y Codt" of th~ tate of o'clock on th£> 18th day of Sep-tiona! pt•r hr n)Ort' than Journey· dre<~t' llre 8 rouo" . to-wst C&JiCornia. to rt>p1"es nt each as-ternber 1951. at tht> offict> or tht> m~tn nit• .TOH.'I\ F KIMBLE ~t of 'twenty-five.> Dollars Board of Supen isors, County of Glulere: 2 16 1744 )tiramar Drtw , Bel boa. t$25.001 oT more remaining unpaid Orange, at thf' 011tn.:e Count~ 3·_1.)C: CallfomJa for thirty (301 days artt'r thf" date Court House . SJnta Ana. Caltfor-~=~Tf'ndt•r 'l8iS JA.'I,"f: H K1:'\1BLE of recordinf( the wa rrant. I nia, at which li":ll' all bsds will b(> Plastt"rer Fon-man 3 30 li44 ~Uramar Otwe. Ralboa AJI of ttx> work hrrein ordered opent.'d and publrdy rrad Rlnud 10 California shall be donE.' and carried throul!h tht> Boar<;f Room. Phtmwr~ aad ~wmnu .. ,..,.: LO\ 'l~E F lll'~TETI.ER in pursuan<'e of an act of the legis-I .Each btd l'h~ll 1,.. Ul t f't .. rcta·• . Plumber -Foreman 3 111 111 Apoh.>na A\'t>. 8 'llboB lsl'lnd. latUI'(> of tht' !'tate of California.! With the plan .... 1>}' !lllc·.ololln' old '•·"-,, .. l.st\\n :o;pr·inkler Fit· .,--Cahfomll dC'shmatl.'d th<' "Impro''<'ment Act o_ther rosll •·"~c.t doc.·un~o·l .' • ~0\' "" w r -·'·, LEO="ARV :-; J H '"TFTLER of 1911 ... being Divi~ion VII of the file at the of11oe o_r H < .\\lldman Lead or C'l.'mt•nt C tulker :l.71 111 Apolena A\C'., B.tlboo Island. StrE't'tl1 and Hbthways CodC'. & w l.. ra~lknct, A ..... uc i~t tt~ Ar· . ltooft"nt: Cahfomld I S3id City CounC'il. pursuant to chite<-ts, 42-> ~W'gl:on !lutldm~,t. Roo!t•r:; Damp. Waterproof \\1tae our hand.~ thl 6th cllr lh<' Labor Codr ol lh<' State or Santa Ana. Cahforma. ~ tliJil'" of or Rttumtnou~> F:namrlf'r 2 50 of August, 1951 Califl"-nia, ha'l 11<-<'t'rtainl'd aml de-tht' pla':'s and S(X'ClfJenttons rna)' Rnol 'l"l> Fo r•eman 2.7.1 tPrrr" t•d thnt the I:NWral prPvail· be-o~>tasnf.'d at the of!tl't' ut th€' ~h•·••t '!t'lal Work••rl'l: 2.40 ~~ ~: ~g~l in~ 1 .. '• or rx-r dit'm W'\·~cs In the ArChlttect<; upon a dt'po'<ll 01 $lO.OO •a~~Y.R:u. I~TUR.MATJOX : LOU1S1:. F. HOSTJ:.1l.E:R I I' ' h' h II 'd · k per :It' 00 oca !'Y '". ": 1C • lt' '·.~ ... _\\or Th(' it moun· of thr dt"po it for q. /\. M. Starting Time. LEOl"ARD . HOSTETLER hf'retn dPscnbt'd 15 to "" per-one ~··' ot documents will be re· Sin,::lt> ShUt: Eight conaeeu-State o1 Callforllla for~€'d, for each ~a~~ or :J~ f~ fundt•d •n ····rh bldd4?r or inlf'ndt>d tl\'1.' hout'l, inclusive hours, ex-Coalaty or Oran.ar~-. wor man Of' m4?c 8 "' n4? biddt:'r who rt"t UI "' !:lt<'h c:,.. or c-lu,.h·e of lunch period be-On August 6th. 1951 lK'forf' me. •'X<'<'UIP.thl' ~~tract and a lso the plan .lOd dncunwnts m ~.:nod <'\1n· '"•"n 00 A. :\1. and :1:00 P. the un<k-rsiJ,.rnl'd. a !\ot.ary Pubhc ~ttenC'rnl prewuh~g .rat(.' for lt>gal rt1tion v.;than Frvr: DAYS lfh'r ;\l .. hall con.ctttlule a dav's in nd for stud Count) and StAte, hohdnys and 0' t'rtJme work for 1 h€' OJ)f'nin~t of bid! "urk. . '"'~onall~· BP""3TC'd John F K.J.m., ,•ach c1·aft or tyt)(' of workman or . . · • ~ " .~ m<'Chltnk tfl h<-as follow!:· Oldd r ... arr llt't<'h) notlfu'<i th I I h)t ·~ houN, Monday 8 :00 A. ble. Jane H. Kimble.'. l..oul<.e F . Cb !&in tt 11ourly Wap rmn-u,nt In •hi" !>latut r~ of lht• \t throu'th Friday 5 ·00 P.M. Hostetlt'r and lA:'Ona rd S Host<'t· A; 11 • <'p3 ~~r O""rntor S2 05 1 ~tA•e nf Calltornaa. or local ltm" ·I •II c·onslltutt> A wpek' \\~ork. • ler known to Ol<' to !)(> th<' J)'.'n;ons c.;..~;:::;,.; . .~ 2.3.'}• lht"t £'t n appllcahl€', tht" County ot .In' c' I)'S and 0\1-rtime \\':l~e wh<>s<> nam<'S are t.ub-<cnbt>d to the '-'-··. I . I Ornns::<· has '1-.('(•rt~itwd the ~· •n-:" --·: 'A<~ filod with tht> Butld-\\1thin in...,trumcnt '\nd '\C'knowl-.-uvtrr-; J:!PO<'~rt c.'nll pri:'\ allinf: rat t" ol pt>r du m _... A.. ..... h --" '--and C'Clt\Structlon 1 75 was::cs and ratt>S for leStal holido~ 111 t••d Conl'truction TTa d<'" •-ug."' t .... t t ey l"'t.-cut.:u ,,., .. 1 l..aboN'~ -o!)('rat~,-.; and tC'nd· and on~rtime wot k '" th<' loc \lit~ CoTl tl of Oran~e County sn;.~h..-.. ~ M \ hnd :~nrl ofMciftl «'~ of pn umatlc ~nd t>1ec-in whic-h thi work i to b(> pt'r· Dated AU&tU<~t 1.,, 1951 ..... al. . I tn~ tools. vibratmg ma· rorml.'d, for each craft or f) P'' of RY OR n:;R ~ n• TilE nn \Rl> • )r .'f'./\l 1 ~·n'\......_. R r:RT:\. t'"'..:: crun('s and ~lmilar mecl\anl-workman or mt'Chante nf'edro to -..t'PF.RVISOHS OF n R ~Ct-. • • · • r '' iJO cal .tools not t>paratety t'xecutt> the contract whkh \v1ll bi• C'Ot'~TY. CALIFOR.''HA ~~n[~ .. ~~he c!::nty claUlCit'CI Ml'(>ln · · ... 1.15 ewa•d to tibe Su('Ce$6ful bidd{l>r 'St'a II R. '· fe~l'l'll and StL'tC' PalntPT~ gun .. 2.40 WMI& &A'I'E8: Th~ pre\·allin~t I ~unt)' Ct8k a nd t>'<·Offi· I \fy commi.Won t''Pir't• Novf'm-Palntu_...,... ............. ... 2.15 d t ln-.. r 1 do -~rk of the o~-..o of .... _ 13 1""' .. ~nr~ e:rc. ~ . ··-.. 2.38 ~s so e erm t."U are as; o-.... , 0('"'" 1 """r . .,..,.., Tractor opt"fttDr -... lct.lr, -.. t ~~~~. c'!urC:mJ~.range Publish. Aug. 9-lf>-23-30. 1961 tamPfl', tmtP"' or dNg ~n41fft · ............... $2.S5 I type shovel or boom attach-Jl'loM'..,.,.. ........................ 2.$5 Pub1 1t1h :~~port Harbo1· Enshrn ,.::-_. .. ma'dtt;t . .,.tc;r:· ~:: :-z.t .": ··~:~::::·:·~:· ..... ~:~ AU\IJSl · an 30. 1951. Truek ~of t:nK.tDI of a 'bble Power S&w ~-LCGAL N~ICI; M"Yin~t eapadty or let~S tor . .... -···~·.. ...... ..... .. . 2.43 111 .. ,..,.._ t ... n 8 tOM .......... -....... 1.83 0.Btt f1Nihen .... 2~ ~~-8!~.~~! Trude dlrfvtn of trudal of a 0 at ......... <Com· .,.... ...,.,. ... •n-........... , ... " ... =nr: ._:~~tyonaor .. ~ Ul& = ~u~~i.shing 2.50 ::, ~ Tim COUNTY w~,.,.. ....... 2.1'5 lflk:h-()per. ~--· .. 2.50 ~ .... fll ......._ ef ~--few Qonwnt tlnJtttM!rs . 2.38 Iron Wot-ken ~in!orc-.......... .,. ef \\, .... rw ~ LlCOAl ~lCl n CTI'nOl" "11lA.DS !'f A.11E CEilTtFirAn I. hf' undemPlf'd. ~ s . Gridi·r. do oertJf} that I am eao- durun~ a bu.sin~ for t1Jie lNtnac> t1nn and saw or y1arn!·. Dill coo* and dN>'-St>~ and aO trite u.nplopmarta '\nd roo~ u.o;;f'd tht'rein and a teftl- enl knit in~ Fel"\'i<:-f undt-r tllae 'srtllauu •1rm n:tm• )fAGGJF..S and a tnt> addrN-s .;how!J bfo&c~ ~~. 'Iarin., A\t-m.tf Balboe J.a.. land rntJnl\ of ('-'an~ C•UfM· nia J 'm ht' VJlt: owne-r and pro. rr•otor thf r~! tnd : ~ ., t30 H,. ""' I"Q?l' A\ Pn .._. <;"""", d-l hr C.alifn""'ia • ,, .. :c;! 'JfJ 1~: 't ARGARFT :-r#RmF.P. .,, •• r lhtoml C'"nunt\ vf ~nv( ._. On tht,. 2ft day o: A~t.. l ,l, bi>forP mt" Harold L RGqiW"r, a ~1.:\t> PubliC' In W fM Jcl t"nunt,\ '\nd Stet• JI(>I"80NLJly a~ !"' 3rf'ti 'lar~;an·: !' C:ridt-r known ·n mt' 1n tw-tht" ptn.on v. ~ ~ <tJb ... rnhf•d to tht wi n w~ m.-nt and acJcn.cN·~ o r1'e •t Jf ... hP I'Xf'C'IJit-'d thE> ~. \\'IT'f:!"~ m) hand 11"d ofMetaJ -~ t JI AR(n .r~ :._ HOPSER Xota~ .PUbht m and for -.atd Count~ &nd State \1\ .. .,. mmic:c:aon t>Xpt~ ~­ bl>l 11 1~ Pul I•! \.•1..-.::• ~ :0.-pt 6, 1l rn ' · " • ~ H;, rt -t~r EniD .-rn You may find a profttabl• f'X- chanct> !Or that l"t'&.. Htate iD W want 1d c.~1aon Lee Shi~ OlliOI'N~ tom find Rl-ac:ty )helP Plu tit' Acceuoris [ n • l11 . C"lllll"' K.t t chi-n. Be lt1 liM <'na•• Bh'CL r n• SERVING YOU REAL VALUES The WANT o\0 W AY Is the ctu1ek, t"aJI')' way to llt>n thoM> artl<'le.a that you dnn't ftf'f'd an)' mnre• For r('!Jul 1 • us~ t h~ • • • ta.a.c-"'•t 'ch. 1\I.ST C' A 1..1. HARBOR lllC ~---n.~ r , , .... II STARTING SUNDAY IU TURDAV LAI'IT DAY GLE~'N FORD r.F.-.:E 11ERNEY "SECRF.T OF CONVICT LAKE" ~1A'lG.\RET O'CRlEN '"Her F'ust Romance" ''STRANGERS ON A TRAIN" "China Corsair .. J 1l'\1 HALL JE.A~'JF. CRAJN "TAKE CAHE OF MY Ln TLE GIRL" Danct>S for tiJe t~-.ar;ers at the Tar Pit will ~ held oo ~ consecutivt-Friday nighu ~n­ftin~; tomorrow. 11\e~ are bftng ~ by thta Ne"-por-1 Harbor Zonta Club In cooperation with the Dukes of Dixie Bud Mem- bers ol !M band lnclOOe De\id Wf'irbach, Cocta Mesa; Jtenneth Wt'lt., Corona del Mar: Bob Agui- lera, Santa Ana: JOt' MtlC.atr~y. Costa Meta, and tt-vt' HOJX>. Co- s•ona del Mar. ThPlma Paddock J lope lJI re- JJ• t>twnting lh<' Zonta,; tn making arrangemc:>nts fot· tht' dance. A nominal r~ will lx> chargt"d and rf'f~hme:nts will ~ ser\'ed. Zonta Club chaperone5 wiU loclude Dr. and Mrs. Albert Stockton, Mr. and Mrs. E&rl Stan.lt-Y and Mrs. Pepi1.o Pt-N>z. u well· as Mrs. H~. 1be Dubs or Dixie Ba.od galned fame as an OrangP Coast CoUege 1 rombo last year Some of the plaet>S th<'Y have playt'd includt> I the Corona del Mar Treasure Days last year , a St>rl('S of weekly ctana.>a I at th l.' M008e Lodge. nutnt'fV\lS 1 <'' ents ponsorl'd by service or· ganlzatloN to Oran~l.' Count~. lhrtoe teJe,ision shows. including 1 he Peter Pot tOI' show and "Tal- et'lt Cont~t." th.-Georgt' Ba.rldey radio show. the Lo6 Angeles nigtlt I club, Be\'(>1'1~ Cawrm and Stan's Sta~t'COach ln Norwalk and Stan's Ga.n.-:Pia.nk in Balboa. ThE' in strumentalist£ also won the Southern California Junior Coli«>~<' Dlxlt>land JubiiN> in Santa Monica last year. BALBOA I LASDEil RE'Tl'RS Mr. and Mn<. T ed Haus<'r. 323 Crvt-tnl A\f• Balboa Island havt-ju.~t rt>turnt"d from a nort~ trip throuch tht:' J'('dwrod for(.'t;IS I LAS"DER~ I~ l"OS&'IITE The Leonard J largraws. 314 Grand Canal. Balboa lEland. chosf' Y(l'-l'mltl.' as their summN \'U<'&· tion spot for 19!ll. and rPporl 11 is beautiful country (/IG~~~t~M Ql,u,p4e4 1\y ANN W I''H• mad<' lots ol fr&ends dur-1 ing this pl"f'·CSmpus '*'ason. Don't know whet h~>r it'., ' eca use Vogue maga7in<• listed O'BRIEN'S ex- clush·<'IY In this area Cor back-to· coll"l!~ clothes. or whc>tht>r it'll be· cause word has gotten a r'ovnd about O'RRlE~·s beautiful as- \\ f' hM \f' just M'ftl tM co"er of Madf'nl t\i'l4"11f' &H O.tl Ulat tile bf'lt 80 bPauttlally pkturH thf'rf' I rl(ht bert> amoa~ our collf'<'tiCMt of ln-aDd--oat of col- '""" u~ 80r iNI! Come In aDd ~ lts ttood-lookla.« bo<'l.rle a.ed d&ft(llng kt"y. tht" ltJ"and aew choo'tlt &httdf' • -• on.. of th.- ('tlll~>'l. for .. orf'. hn£'st m ~·oat of ~>wea 1 e~ ln- cludm~ Pr<'m•er cac;hm<'r<' and lamb wool - --and all sorts or 1 rord and jerSPY!' and t'npes. vel- ' Ns and taCff'ta drf'"-~S I Hut ~hAt l~>~~'t aJI ! O'BRIES' hu , . ., at•et>8AOrles tmlore, U\P klllcl that m akMI for campu111 conver- eat1•.n. l'lmart IN>lt., bap, ,tove., nowH,., ~•r'"· jewt"lry aDd bAt ''t>Xf'UIIPtJ" that perk up IUl out;.. fit ---ghrc-that added toocll of ..,.,~ to maJcf' U\t" bo)'IJ a t tiHI frab>ntlt)' h OUIW'tJ N Y te -your I dA~. "\\lut'a thAt clau~· laaele'!" And don't think that Vc>lma has iorgoll en 1 he Harbor Hlgh (t&rls. i3<'C81.1Sf' shf''s rf'ad~ for them with S\, Paten;, blouses. lots of dicker- llhcl thost> regdat:on ski. ts. Navy blu~' · - -slin. -· · ll m; · - -IJt aevu a.l s tyles or \'ar:.,us fa bri~ including wool nanm'l, corduroy and gabtJ.dlnel!. Priced from $6.95 t(l ~1 0.95 Don't forKet . how oracttcal ll)•lon uncltt-s ._,. ... to nt:1kr la•- clry day almptt" In ~ dMm .... com•• lllto O'BRIEN'S aacl ttee th~ brand ..... fttdptl Ia .... doas 111lcer1f'' P r a c t I e aIl '!f <~JM'akfn«. " vand buy fa tJte Rh~ thm ·~·Iota crepe aUp ff'IO· larh• 'U6, •~ "Pf'C'IaUY ~ .-t l~.o:; .... takP nd,·ut.ap of tl\1& t&\'ln~~ , A m.,ket full of tew _....... .WrJ day ,_. a bMkd full ., M,...aiM everytime you ..... at "lcharcra. You can flll ,...., •nttre o~r 8M t.ave more ..-nay left .wer fw yeur..ef ••• _.. ctt•nee In your ...,._for the .. ,fttte extrM"' thllt lldd • "'-" ile tiM joy ef llvi.... nat-a w11at ~ng ttere ~ food in )'OU' ....._et .. mort e~~qa,.ge In yeur pu,... lhop here today tor convlnci,. fW'MIII. • • • • l-11. WI • • .uT IWIFT'I VIKING C&H "'"E CAN£ arookfield ~ aea.n G..-..... IU1TER SUGAI TUNA OruMII It You,_tf Red L.lillel L8.aAG aAG 81ZikCAN 69c 10 k ltc • lb.55c citifiiciRS~. . lb. 5c .... ncy cu.-.eec~ n..m~ •• • ,._ • lb. 55c &RAPES • . . • 2 k U .l . Ne. 1 11.-b • lb. 55c POTATOES : • '0 1bs. Featurlng M~nnlng'a U.l. Gov't. o.r...cl Chetce aeet F1ne.t ,MANNING'S--Vbuek Blade or O.aek Ann--POT • ll. MANNING'S-IIEEF • • ll. 35< •• Ll. SSe THURIDA'I GOLD POl"ND CAKDJ ...... _ .eaeb 39c POTATO DINNER ROLLS. .6 for 15c fr"IDAY A o~ ClTP (' AKES ................ 6 for 21c APRICOT PIE . . . .... ...... .. ... ... ...... each 58c IATU"DAV a"OWN and IE"VE . DlNNER ROLLS .................... pkg. of 6 .. 15c SESAME or ~PPV IEIED EGG BREAD .................................... loaf 2'Jc M. C. P. Powdered 6c.was 29c ,