HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-08-30 - Newport Harbor Ensign. 1111 --.. --. ' . . . • • 7 • • 10 1' •• '. '. '. ,. 17 18 ....... u 2 4 21 .. .., • • ao a1 .. --lhe~T~-- Official N~u•f>Gt>er of the Ciey of Newf)Ort Beach Issue CoreiPe,.;t, C•rt Ott/en City ~UJlC"l'iot· .Tud.:<' Kl'nnt th ~1.on·ison ~ ( "111 da~ moauan • nrdt•t • c.l tl ,, Ctt) of :-\t'\\lJCITt B£>n<'h to il>SUE' a bualdm.: IX'' mJt ''' :\It . llld \Jr .... DudiP,\ Fut't. of Lo~ Ant:.t>lt>~ to build o hmL"" on '"" ,, thf'll '"'"' m Chinn C0\1.'. Th~»f' lot& al'l? :-\o. :'i and 9 in Block 0·33. two ol tht· 1~ \\ht<'h thr dt~ pa opo~f'S lo acqmn• by pw·chase for pubhc ))( ach PUll tiM' b~ -wan .. nl the Sl monthh chan•<' addrd nn In walt r m• tra !> ~ta . ·mrl ;\lr~. Fut'"l' a ll'" 0\\n lhl' ad· joinim: !..('lis fi and 1" juo;t ;:~crr1~" F1·t·ntr>al A',. lr('tm 1hr llh:nn hou ... <'. Slots Raid Hearing Set Mon• 1 han 40 pf't' on .. in<'luding Cl,\d(' lxnhn~:"Pr or Balboa. aUe~t'd slot m:h'hinf' 0\\1Jf't'. ''til rome up fur ht?anm: at lfl a m. next Wronf'sday tx·tnr.• l'. ::'. CoflliTl\S- c;amwr Arthur Bradl<'' a ... result ~ last Thursda~ 's F.Rl raid on ftc;hanJ: boatc an tht> Hat hor. ~Jnnd:.t\ mnrntn•· tht cit\ in..,la· tutt·rl roaid•·maw1a .. n JIHII't'f'Cun~~ tn SupPdnr Court for tlw acqui-;itann of thf' ltllll F111"1 lnt• C'tl\ AI· tornf'y llu rn Rlnd~.:••ll fi11·rl ll11 cond,.,mna1ana suit m 'IC'Ciln'hnr 1 \\ ith ;H·tann l 'lkf'n II\ \il\ Council a a "f.' c·nt mt·t 1111~ F'ndu~. Tht' l'ffu·l ol 1111111..! tho <'OIIdt>m· na.nnn n~• "a" It~ lrx tht• \aiUP of the f<"ll lot .. a uf that d lit' of f•l· inc. At ,\c>~tll'dn~ ·~ <'llllrt 1rnl. :\lr. Ful'M'. \\hO a'~~~ a•tt•rnC'\ n'· pn·:o.l'ntt'd him!;<'lf in thr ca ... P·. ac· kno\\ ll"d~ed tha 1 if 1 h<' buiJdm~: permt· were ~ted. hf' \\ould build at his O\\ n ric;k m f a<'l' of the condemnation • uit. lt ''ill tx-a pt ('ltmina~ hParm~ b<-lm <' Commt o;lont?r Bradle\. \\ ho can dto;mi lht' complaint or hoJd th<' d f<'ndant to answer to tbc r . s. fllstrict Court in Los An- gel ~ .... which would thl'n sN a date for arraJgnmPnt. YPStt'Tday's trial in ~up e rio r C'ottl·t in Santa Ana was on an nl· CORONA DEL MAR. CALIF. C'H~\.BGE OF xt"RDER In 1h P fi r,t d~rt¥ I' tafi'd b' Tro' R.a\· monll Prtw\ur uf ~P\\lX\rl . \\ ho t § lwld tn roDn•'<'thm \'\1.th cb~ ~th of hi' l'onvnon·lnw \~ir.-. t P r ...... -Tt•Jt-J:"Mm P hnto.) FBI a{tt'nts, who had tx-t'n con-t~t natin• writ of mandate obtaine-d ductiw{ nn in\'<'"tlf."ation for sn~ b~· 1\{r. and M rs. f'uri-lf' dlt'\"etim: MURDER IS CJHARGED time, at'T't'stN.l 4(1 J)('rsons Thurs· day as fic;hi nJ; boats camt' in to the tl'lt> city to 1 SUI' thf' bulldln~:: p<>r· Iandin~ and srlzt'd 24 slot ma· mit or show cause "h~ tht> p<>r· chinPs rrom 'hf' boats. Latt>r addi· mat would not tx-grantf'd. tiona! arrl'sts W<'r<' madl', among C'it,\ Attoa-nt'~ Blod~Ptt, rcprf'· IN FAIAL BEAfiiNG them Df'nling<'r. sf'ntinbs: .the city. said 1 he defense S imultunrousl\ r·aids \\'1"1'<' con·' \\11~ asmt; its c~sc soiPiv on th£> ductC'd a lso in San Diego, wh<'rc condcmnatton actaon. Jud~t<' We!il ~C'\<'11 pea·!o.ons \\<'l't• arrested and granted thP writ ord<'rins: isc;;uanet Tro~ Ra~ mond PtO<'tot· of :-\ewport wtll rom<' up !t)r Pit ltn :1 1\\0 !'ltll macht'nt'.· ,, .... , .... S"t·z~.... of lhf' J)('rmit. subject to th~> ron· h<'aran~ . :'\ I J t (' 2 F " ~ ~· ~· oc ,...... d<'mnatlon proc<-edin~s. " 111 • ewpor w: tee ow·t at P m rida~. "• pt. I n•1 A Th1'c;f' rAids wPrl' thf' first to ~ mad an 1 his aa·Pa l)nder thl' n<>w a nii-..,Jot ma<'hint'" law pac;sPd by CongTes • last Jan 2. Thic; law prohlh1t po .f'!I.Jon or transports· taon ot gamhlinl! dl'' i('('c: to a lot ate fmm \\fit• r.; within the spcdaJ m 1r1 lam•' jurac;rlirt ion of t hf' t' . .S 1!<1\ r•rnmc nt Fl~l •l.:t·nt ... had a.:on• on th<' fa..,han ... ltiJI lc•l' lh(' da.' on "om<> .,.,a h, <'a 1 <'hinl: '-Om<' f '"" and phn ,., .. th<' ll)ot nvtchin<'" ( ltht'r ":t•llh \\t•n Waitin..! al th• land· The rondemnBt ion o;ui t flll'd h" char~:<> ot murdt>r in tht' first dtogree m connect <m "11 h I II tl b<' 'I' -cat~ nam<>d ~1r and ~tr:. Furs<' a~" of hili 3';'-~ear-nld romnwn·law \\i(e ~lr.-;. DMnth" Schtndlt r O\\tll'rs nf the lot<;, thl' Ir,ine Co PrO<'tOr \\as arraaznt.'d 1'uesda~ morninc bt tv;, Jud~C' [1 J "". ~l~tmant to nghts of "ar fnt at th•• Ju ... ricl C'nu11 m C'~ta ~ksa 'lnd ""' ... tt'\('d \\llh thf' C'Om~ Ia 1 uulalt<'S and tran portatlon pur· pos<'" and t h<' C'i t i7t'n :-\at tnna I I Tru..,t and Sa,·in~ Bank C\1 I n, Some Areas Get .\n~f'lec ao; sutxh trl••rc:: Th<> C'il\ ·._ "\II' '''ll•'d th:\1 'h•• rt>-;ohllton' ;:adt1ptNI b~ thf' \ouncil la~t Frida,· ·low d md rlrtf'rmanl'd that th.-'pubhC' an••'''''" Rncl n<'· Slight T ~ Hike !1•: ": '~·• dt,f11r'l a IC'I n• ~,; •llf <" chnt:JnL' •h;l' h1• thd \\II!U h "•r. SSM. P.L.a.da. U .. POSTAGE Pill Cwoaa clfll Mar, OaDf. ·Derrkk ,Is JakenDown it :OOh• I PIJ.c• ! lltn rn ·.• htrh has be•~ <'< d •<'It' o-r d1 tJirnc up- eray,, ru-· 1 ·h· ~ tr ha ... air• ad\ b<'t·L . ..'I •.t' 11tt1 nf d 1 ":nsnt lafll! J h. d"'rrark Th( dnlli11.: comJ n"' '\\'ill ai'-O r:nr ) •Ut lh•· t")l>an-up Opt"nl· '''nl' ... 1h• '\Hll "'·'' tfl ~•mply '' 1 !· I"'Ufl'\ 111.'111 'Jvn• th111 a d a' .n.: •jlf b< n •lro••'fl to ,., tor· rr f r r(tnrit'IOII. Th • U~-oot·hkh d,..rrl1'k \\ hich r •d ht. n dnllmc: ''" • Ill' I l"hnq. ma~ U ;l\ wa... takrn dv\\ r thl'-1 rr:•)rnw:: Th••r•• .,. , 11 ... lldlt hitch '" thP c I" ra • '" ... ··... • " a ~..-tnc: I '"''rrrl ttu· l' )I 2· a m the y ... , WB" d•m... Tt • dttll had r • ·t.:h• d ~ der•' h nf ~.CQl t• t bf. :, :, th£ d('(', ... , •:1 1 a band n thfo \\O:-k ,.·a~ mad. T r:,, i ... ·t • '-''t"nd annnuncf'rl nt ' I 1'• f:l I!! driliU.1! f'•Jl('rll tlllr.• b\ :O::h• ll Oat Co tn Th1>< l'Oil'-al arta. l...a,t " .... k l ' '''*~ ri'\·,..a'•>d that 1 t;, ru: "a... t tl".: dJ m.sn• JC'd a !:"'. •nt> :-\o l n• a~ l.a •una &> ch llr Eastin st<ut'd ho\u•,er. that I testmtt \\ill contLnU" ~~ at hal· lOWPT deptla. ' Yest~>rday' announcE'IT'I~nt dJd not affN:t tht! !ltatus of tM ~ posed third well for wtuc:h Shell obtained a J)('rmu attet' consloo· able contro\er) at hearin,cs be-- fnrl' 'hi' CounT\ Plannmc C'omm.Jc;. "ton and th Count) ~ upen t<:OMi lt wa' durinc the hf'anm .. >J-on thC' third wf'll t\\n m11t·~ tnland rnm C'n<::ta Ct, • tNf ''"l m1IP • a .. • ot C'or,•nil h 1 ~111 1 th::tt ob- J• tl l•n ... \\ t r• .,l,t"f'f b\ "' rna .. ta.J l !Ill'., 1' I r A . I n ... l I Ill \\· .. u~ J.nd l' 1 C't u ••n' t •mnll'll ,. torrt'W'<l n •h• =-'• wpoY H rhn1 B:'"ll \\hlch • • n• "• k nc '• h •r Rl dnlbnl! '!'It • , .... ,.J •lnJX' \r 1 P. 1 • to 'h" I I · Pastor ~~ils Purse se· • ng !'~.;•· .. " n nc n f •:-t"•'nl wa-' ('on t tnll<'d on pa gp 7 1 crssir ~ rE'Quir<'d th•• .tt'fllll ... t' 1• •n h~ Tl•• C• nt·• •. 1 ' 1 "'' ~""1~t:n~ I ht• ("a ty of :-\ ('\\ £10!'1 r,I''JC'h r' .., I rl I llt' "'tml' It ' 'h• t I\ ••• j i ,., •• •, fmu· tnt" ac:: ll ptthlw ptak ·m i Jw 1-H ........ · ..... ,rJ ,·,,.,,,,.,n-.. tll"ach .. lo111 'r " "dl h. ... Jt 1, • :, • , .. , .. • "'r' ., • , a·pl ,,1k• n •r Th•• ril\ '11t"cl furtl:.•l thai 111 '11 11 •• ltlttl I "'X ,;,.,. l•ll "'n:• '·r. ; . ll J"\ \\. t • • 111' " ~ ~~ •• I • •I T' llt< • "'1m . · · \ I. · !11 r! '• ' 1 Los Comicos Show In Ensign Bldg. offpr of S~.(R(l had h('f'll madt• 10 'It'll' ol II' t'll\ \Jr. ;.~nd ~h' Fttt'...,.. for th<' four •. ,<·,,~ C'l•\ltll'll.apJt"'' d lht 1!\.,J. lnt<. ~mel that lhr Flit· ... ,., h"'rl rl'-'-l':llf"' .\1nncla~ ''' :••n..: k•·· JllnL •1,1 Ht> ··wk ='~' 1 ' •t ·•••t 1h•mt' , jN'I<'d this nff('t' 11'•' toraf tht c:::tn.• 1 ... 1"1'-1 '~"'·•' 101 ·l ·h, ''~PI<' U •1lljjl.n 'It" Gnld· • n '':'111 1r<1 1H -.; ... •kr ••I 1tm1 ~ • . . ' ' "''\\j)t111 Pl'llpl"l', ~1 16. anrl tor .... • I Th<' Lo' \omicol'l show ''til ix' ~~~ "11!1 1':. 1 x~ctt•rl, 1'' C'nmf' up nl\lt)ll1 I<:l;:and. ~1 .'rt Tlh Iota I h<'ld . in thr F:nsign Bwldin~ al 11'1, t~lal 1•11 ::>Uf'K'rto~ C nul 1 1 '~ dr:· 1 \\Ill\ lllC'r<'asl'd 1\\n l't>ll"-Jmm lh,liotropc A\·<'. and \oasl Rl\'d. 1 ~1 '!'111<' \\helh~r tht <'11·' .can JUSIJ· $111 to .. 1 13 fnr <'t~ronO'I clt•l \ta in \orona d<'l Mar. inst<'ad of the I f~ ."s complaant 111 l'rntnf'nt cln-="~'"'fl<'rt Hri~hr... R:~lllCia and. backyard or lh<' J. Leslil' ~t<'ffen· ".'a~n. If lhl' rourt. ruiC's that lht• \\'~'~' :\•·"port. Tht mcrl'ASl' wa ... s~>n home, as previouslv announcl'd. c~l~ can procef'd '"11h condt>mnn; thrt'f' Cl'nt<:. from ~7c to Sl no The change ~"as made b<'cause of 1 ~~rr~a~~:~t~f'it '~;~1,.~~~m~~~dun,. f0r all rl'rl"nll~ "''!n~'""d ~··ctJmt.~ thC' thrN\t<'n!ng W('8lhl'r. a C'Ollrl trlal I poso;;'bl\' tw-'fnrp 'n or lht:' Ctty. an~luduu: Harbor Jc;. C"urtaan w\11 go up at p. m. jt . . -' · land, Corona Hi~hlando; and Shortt toda~· «Thursday I for the first pro-1 1~11--st step in thE' cit\''. pr,·11:ram C"li~rl". . . ducta_on of the 19/ll ,·ersion of Los of il<"]Uiring th<' 14 101._ sprdriC'd 1 h<'rf' w111 bC' a :\-ct•nr snca c.>a l Comtcos talPnt. Th<' sh~w \\i ll be \\as rompletPd Monda\' '<',C'nim:.l from 10 <'!'nt •. tn 13 l"''nt~. throu.:h-Tt'~atro tomorrow cFrtdayl c>\E'· \\h ·n C'tl\ C"ouncil ncct>ptro th<' o.ut thE' clly an the t>mploye<'S' rt>· nm~. . . d<':d fnr 'two lotc f~om Ihtrbor·j ''.r<'mc>nt fu.nd Thi-: i~ offc;et in . T<'n nP\\' ma;ton<'IIPs wtll appear ma"tl'r Russ<>ll C'rat~ Thi'"f' Brf' :"\e":port a!"d Balboa I~land b~ 8 tn _tht> productton Among t he neo.v 1 thP two wat<'rfront lot~ n<'ar thf' corrt'Sp()ndtnJ: dN't'Pa~<> tn bond rf'· anamated actresses and actors is a Mann<' Lab dt'mptlon ratPs f I II • tl ..... d 111• 4 j. \ ' I • J ' Proc '•• •' Ill• ilf.;trtnwn• «<r Ill -2nd ;:.1 '\, "I"''~'' The pc·la~. h ,• l>t•ll '-111'lll1r,llt d lhll• b) f lop.-, (', t••n••t F• tnk lltll"<'n \\ h,, had I>; • n <:nl ·d I" I•t G I-. Tt1ht ll ·~I•• th' d~· .,, had ,,,,nunt·d •h·· bod~ : t11t· Ot•tttlnc 'J<''irr. P•o{'lfll '" c• h:l~ heC'n t>mp!oyrd h~ tl•• !'nttl h ~·oa ... t Cr ::'hap~ard. told pnlt<·• 1 h<'~ had bl?t'n il 1 a dnnlunc 1"11' ~ Frada~ nt).:h' anti h 1d l!t•t ll•n n '• Rn R ~.:umt:'r' "ht•n lht'\ rrl '' n• d homt \\'h• n ht• ;:t\\itK•'n"d ...... t'm·d:n 011 rran.:: hr ~·uld nor .,., , h<-i· :md tw ~'alll'd rn Tnl'al chorus of "('an-Can" girls. An-• Left the same as lat:t ~ear "'', oth('r or tht' new marionl'ttes Is New P.O .. to Bold thf' librar~· tax. 5 <'t'OI~ adn>rltC:· Th( nak\d hod~ of thl' woman the cuckoo blrd in "Hansel and in~: tax. 4 CE'ni.S and p;trk ta'\ '' ·'' han .. "n 'ht> bed. badh hru.tst'd GrPI<'I." 3 C<'nts. und C:ut Th• dn(:ICir th;·n MI'Ni 11 r)':, h1•'o1' •' n.t11nn ... "'hl"n for .... mrdJa t. :<1 11 t.~<',~pl· h "f' <.Old •h, p· ··a! · h ',., '" • '11ea thP P•, ='"' ri I a1•d • r" 1m 11'' nt ~nod A pr('c::ent-da~ t''\:ln pie hi' saJd as tne manner m '' htch the JX"'PI<' of Cahfomta are .,.,orshJPPtn£' the Golden Calf in the form of purse ~E'inl'r'S. '0 I l-t1 de. tT\IC'tJon or OUT m.t ,., rlnu~ C't"~:-t"-' fic::hing " · \\'1·hin m~ ml'mo~ and e'lX'Ti· C'n('(' <:aid n .. \\'hat" ·t h8\'t" <:('{'n :t-,-tiMt' wht>n on a trip to \.ata· hna 1n m;. brnthl'l c:: ~'l<'ht wt' ha'e fliCk"<! up "''h·~ut "'l·n hun. me '<'~ ·hem yel Cl\\ ''ttl ,kap.)aC'kl-1 <Continued on page 2) LeHer Is Signed By 33 Mesaas T ht' puppet \'Prsion of "Hansel Op R Sa ,..,, d<'put ~ rornm'l nr d Pr<X tor and GN'tel" will b<' the main at· n o...... t. Coaacil Favon \\ 'i' tAkt'fl '"''' cu .. lod\ !O 'ht' ('II\ tra<'ticm of lhf' c;hCiw ••• with ~ 1:111 · · addf'cl SPI<'f' or \arat:'ty betwt?en t)f>pUI\ c,,l'(lntl Rt'Ctl' Rl rnham • T·" (I( lhf ]t••rl'r "'1PJ>tll'lln•· th(' a('l<;, ProcM'ds nf lht' production Open hOUSl' at the new Po~t or. Bluff R z . Ctllllillctrd 81 l\\Jitll''· ,, i:h [) "' ·' f)C'rt }hrbnl \ !IICIII Ill~ h will tx-donalt:'d to the buiJding fiCt? \\Ill bC' ht>ld from 2 to 4 p.m. e• 011'119 r. J\ntn'ld Ht >ill! ••f "'~nt~ \n 1 n· • --~1-,... Trtt '."\'" pe· :t"n 1' h t\'f' &lUI · · · .,,, "'"' ~...,l '-11 lnn•' •d tn "\lr\J fund of lhf' CMona del Mar Com· Saturday, Postmaster Vt'rnl" \Vol· rht• Balt.t ~IMtU:tl'\ Ill C'ur<tfli) do·! • • ,.. • • . \· munity ('burch. Admll'lslon price 1 son Clf C{wona dl'l Mar announct•$. C'it,\ C'ounrilm<.'n t'X'J't'essl'd thl'lt \1,11 :-.11 Rw nh.1n1 n pMtl'd •h.t t 1~'1 1••'1\<' \\ '" 1 ''1~"~1"'11 1 ha:-Wt rk is ;l() C'C'ntc; for adults nnd 25 for 1 Rf'frt•shment · wm bf> o;('rvl'd; nmwovnl ~fonda\· <'\'l•nin~ of the '"" \\l•nl:ln h,;rl "''' "'''k111 r1h ... h~ ·t. i::T"UP nf (',.,..., 1 ~~~'""" Chaldren. I visi1ors will~ shown thi'OUirh the ra·opMnl to rf'ZClnt' R portion of th•' , ... "'II 8'-mul1tJ'lt• "'"''''" l.,'!tll': "hn 1' (i •'trculll'"'fl n·, 1•'"'' .:~nd I •"• \I tl "IC11tH\J ... :\tC'mbcrs of Los Comlcos. an or· nt'\V huiJdin~or on Orchid A\'<', <'OntrmC'rstAI Cot"'na dt•l ~fnr hlurr "1 ... ·'"''thiii~"O H .1 hltl<"l t '•' "': ... ... \ s::anazntion of ''OUnst ""'"'Pie who north of the hiohwa.v: and Post an•a from the pres.:-nt R-1 II' R-2 th• braan. t•nu .. ,•d t)\ .1 h•' t\' hlr" ,.,, ·' ·tCnll111 ('... 111 of " t"v r-' t• ,. 'I• q T(',lfit tll._ (lll tht Jcl· ha\'f' prC' <'nlt'd orl~inal dramatic Orrice personnel will be on hand to t'n rondition I hat buHdfm:s on or· fall !ho• "'"'nr "'•'' h. h• • •I ., , , e-n \I ill ho m u l l 1, lJ produ{'tlnns for tht' past 11 years. 11nswer q,uestlons. 1 t hos•' Jot s tx-kept 1><-lo\\ ()(ot>an "' hn' •' d1t·d "'"' '' lu 11 ,. ......1' u: • -,, ~ on 1 h •• 1 !'( ' will be operators nnd voices for Thl' Post Offi<'t' has bC't>n bus) Bl\'d Jp,·el to !l:l\'1.' thP oc,:,an \i£'\\ .•• a) H•··~ '" t h; t: ~~'or 1h , 1 11 , the marlonetti' . Those expcct1ng with moving alJ wet-k , and today Attorney Gror~e Pennt'y, 111 Mr-. "'rhtndlt , .... hod' \' , .... <"•'<'· "'"" ~hi.' lmdt ... 1 nt'd ~itt.z ~ 1 r to participate will, be Jim and Don wiU be the fin&J day at th~ old Jo-tum. ~aid that he and th<' olh<'r mat• d )lnnd ~~ \\1tl-'I'll , ZHIIO!I l, "' ~ft. ar. ... ~ddr In~ ~ho Steffe!UI('n, Perdita Hom, Alan ~tion. TomotTOW (Friday) mom -P,roJ)('rty ow!'~rs tn t~t bluff area I of Co~r Eurl ~·;. ,,n lh<" tt'·l 1 ttn to you. Olll' r~uo cat., ·ns Lew11, Btu Hinshaw, Dorothy Tay-tng, the new .tte wtll be open for would tx-~1lhng to t'tfl ck>ed ~-qu(WO.t or the d nd \\Oil\Jn'' mt"'thC'r. '" lht' tntf'~t <If r81rn in ~ lor and Sally BI~Jer. ~. (Continued on Page 7l Mrs D. 0 ~t«!"art vf La t!1a . (Continued on ~ t ) • I I I Royal Copenhagen the hnest name m chma b•eutiful trenlluc•nt porcel•in- open atocl: in th• followln9 p•tt•nu: 8 • F• •.,('r Flutl'd Q.a~ nq Gra\\ Fr e~b-,rg "•ce ••ttin91 16.00 up KAREN MARGRETA Imports-Nordic Gifts 1307 Coast Blvd. C01on• d.J M•r Harbor 1373 Hou~ 9:30 to 5:30. Open Sund•ys WltLPIPEI AU New 1951 Pattema Courl•sy to P•llt~ & O.C..~ .......... 611 Coett Hith••Y N.wpert leecll Open Nt,h .. - -S.n.. I 0 •·"'--4 P-M· RUTH'S As t mbb m. n F-l'tl \\'. Slanll·~ ur X£·\\pott Ha1bor annoW1e«l at 1 tht• Lt'ah'U€.' of Cit'"' mN>tln q la.t~t Thur da) m~ht that h€.' plans to lo\tort heat inltl In October on mu· Advef'ltaln.c •••• CORWIN aooT nidpal sc>r\ I(."('S beins: pro' idPd to • • • The N••--H•ri»or ~:-... •·ural at'<'a by counties I ....... ' .... _,.... S(X'akinc: at th(' League's mem· h•• b••" d•t•rmi.~~.ct to b. • -- bet-ship mt>ettng a t thE' Newport P•l"r of 9•" ... *' circul•t10ft by i-'t· I Harbor· Yacht Club. ht> aid that I ment of "'• Su,.rior Co4lfi of "'- ht> ";11 be chairman of the As· I 5•••• of C.lifomi• in •'"' for "'-semblv Interim Committee on 1 County of Or•~tt•· •'"' ~, ,..toft . City-())unty Relations, "hlch will tfl•reof ;, ~u•lifi•d to p..wkh eft s t udy the pl'oblcm. I public "oti~• required 'hr a.w. * * * I Mr. S ta nle> 's As c.>mbly Bill 3217 one ~!:~~-~-Ta-.10 in the last es ion was aimed to Out ot lhrbor Aru,.---~uu stop the prest.>nt practice of mak-...-wall 1 inu . incor'""'t'1ltf'd ...... tie chip ln. One Yn.r -·-------···-..a.• " .~ '-, Out of Harbor Are ___ t;I..JO through county taxation. to help ~ arnca ·Pl'O\ide municipal seniOH, such as A.IID .............a~ pollee and fire prote-ction. for un· C.::: a.-.:!"-~ inoorpor·ateod ar<.'as T he b i II ~~~~~![!!~~~!!~!!~ passed tht> A, tlmbb. but was laid -: ~li.idt' for• two-~C'ar tudy In the ~enat E'. )ur friC'nd! up on tht> hlll haw t h n1..~h f' e JH obh•m. Tht> qul'St1on i'l "\\'hlt twr Costa ME"S&!" And it' a qu tlon that' goin~t to bl> pMed "It h incrt'a lng con- N'm and curiosity. d('pt>lldilll~ on wh('re )'OU sta nd ... or Jl\·t>. :-.1orv and mot't> Co ta M('5ans will be soon finding out that being a gin' ls not goln~ to be enough --• that they will havt> to fot'mulate a construct lv(' pro'!nlfm for the M(>sa'.s futUJ~. ~ Se•'POf'tf'N •ttl F t ht appftdatf' tw f.&t't tUt thf")' ca•"t lpOI"f' •-t·a to lie ...,. up~-~-...rorrw ......._Y of boll• ~aaltlft an" !IIOlldl> Uf'd to.cet...-r. E\'t>n the agin' element realiz.,s tlwt CMta Mt'Sa cannot go on .fo•·- ewr in its prest>nt "neitht>r fi h nor fl>\\ 1" condition. And so the <'hoiet> mw t be madr : inror'()Orat<'. or be annext'd by t hi.' C"i t~ of N('" • port fk>ach ... just as ~imple as that. t;'\:pttt oplltlon holch t b.at It 1 .. abowlut«>l)' out of qu.-..Uun for Th" spt'aker· was introduced b) Ma~ or LA• I bell of :'\<'"port CH~· C"IN·k C. K. Prl<'st ananged the ent('rtamment. which featurt'd ra- dio c-omedienne \'t>ra \'~utue. 1 Continued from Pa~<' 11 o-.ta M....,,. to c'Clft"'df'r ln('()r- banacuda and mackerel so pl('n· pontlon u a c•lty b)' It~. uful that we 8\'0ided them and It dCM"4 not •--• th•• ttHPMary th(' \\314.'N' also offt>red tht> famous \\H ith to r~rTy out thl" ~I!IJ­ Catalina Island tuna th(' Idol of I bUltk'<l a nd hurdMul uf ~omlnar such \\Titt>N' as Zane-Gl'·ey. un lnt•orporntf'd Cllt~: th .. hlctl EXCELL.EMCE in U·PHOLSTEBY KIMMORS Cv.stom Fwrnlhl,.., ~·~ Cvr+itiOftl 415 E. 17HI St. c.te ....... Ml AT "Jn fact onl~ the albaCOI't.'. which h"f'5 wcmld haakrupt u. Th:at '" 11 hlt> to dt>f) the purse sein<'rS. is I h~a'•~ thP a lt.-ra~atl\'4' to bf>- plt>nt iful. Thl' nt het·s have about <•om.-part of th.-nc>IKhborlnt; dfsappt'al'<'d. Our Balboa An~linf! C'll)' thr<ml(h nnn.-~lltlotl. Club t'l'r>OI'tS only one tuna a.nd Annf";,.~ltion b~ !'('wport ? ? ? th1t \\('iS::he<i lt:'SS than t>il!ht rlk:hlinl! \\m'fl<~ to omt>. And It fiOUnd'\ for the year. and st:>ven mu .. 1 lw Mlid that mo t of the ~ t•llo" ta 11. MX or .. , hich w<'rt> taken I ct ht<>n'-nt t h1 s cit) would nnt tn 1\h•xtcan watt>r•s. con'>ld•·•· thf" taku11: in or Costa "\\'IIY. WHY. WHY? - - -W<'ll. :\1rsa «" :Ill) thtng ot a hat~am "lwn \OU tak1" a nct CO\('rtlll: now. Thundery, Auqust 30,1151 Local pt 1d<' and hom<' town t~pili t must be tak<'n lnto consld· eration. and th r fore It I not Pal'~ to talk of N'<'"i'Ort taktnJ: In Costa MeM. or ,;(."(' ,.,.rsa. The pride sa\;nJ: approach to this di- lemma is that n<'ith<'r will take in the other. but that both "1ll be- come a part of th<' city of N<'wport Harbor. Tll.a t a. our ~ok!P • --A•cl IW dtoklf. of maay --• fur tM futuN-~ of tilt" creat co&Aal ctty t'fll~rtq aroaad •• lm· pi'CWf'd l'pptor Bay. • • • It's the fuss over the proposed ann<'xation or lh4" High School sHe lh4t is brin,sdng this problE'm Into th<' CJP('n for a thorough ha hlnc: O\'er. This fuss is also bringing to listht the fact that the harshly spoken words of threat of ubo- taginc: the school program do not refle-ct tht> thou~ht of sotx-r ttnd thoughtful Mesans. T'ht> ,t.>ntiments expf'(' Nl by re- pr(>S('ntatht>S or the Costa Mt:-sa Chamber ol C'ommr('('(' a nd of th<' 1 Citizen.;' C"i' ic U:>ac:ut hould not be tOkt>n ItS betng typical or ~1<'":l 1 t hinking. I Thlli ilo'lllf' of tht" Eft"'~ C'ar- rlt't' :a lf'ttf'r lllftftMI by !., rltl· 7.flDA of Cu<~ta MMA M1th brnadt•r \ 181()11 a.nd jtult u miM'h lnyaJt) towa rd th.-M~. for manr of tht>m ha \'f' b.'f'ft lht'N' a IOOJ( tlntP. I r hoOM• to thlAk lhllt tbt> 84'ntintc-nt .. t•Xprt Olfld In thnt leU.-r aJ't> mon• tn llf'ttl or "hnt M~!l :trf> tblnkln~ If is such thinklnc: that will hrlp bdng tht>S<' two rommuniH<"'I to- J;:t>ther into on<' CJty, for the lw. t intt>rl' ts or all the citizen!. o! Gn•atc-r :'\ewport Harbor BEAUTY SHOP about :!•~ aCrt'S of the ocean. and I But 11 n•ttll~ IS not a question of svrNld h arow1d a school ol fish har.:am.. latht·l of t'Ommunit)' MS::htl'd from the mast tup. and \\t•ltarl and lwt1t>rmt.>nt . what thl'n rlm\\ that n<.'t r·eachim: 20U ll> tw .. t lor hl•th ('oqa !\h• ... a lllld tu 2:-ltJ l<'t't do"n in th<' \\l'ltC'r :'\t'\\(Xllt . . St•..a.. Ta--..1-. 1\t'ound that t>ntire school. and con-Th•• l.ot; !!IN'" It thl01 wa~·: It'"' • UU C~U«~J The r.e·.v o·..::1er Ru·h Grau pledges to mamtam 'he samo fnendly ser·;tce and the same htgh qud.ty ':'are :or tl'act tht> nN. bailin~ out tht> tim•· to "h•rt thlakJnll ~W"rlouJ~~I) ('rll\\dl'O fish and thro\\;n~ to the l.a 1.-rm .. or (or(•att"r S f'wport ~hat k thl' fi,h ;.ou "ere not sup-llnrhor , not or rh,Jrif'f' lwhH>t•n ('OS d to t'atdl thl'n what hnp-thf' Mf'toa and tbf' IJtoat'h. llf'~ttl<~ pc·n~? utd .. r a ad \\ l!l('r U.aa thlo; Oftt' ·\\'hot ''ould happt>n if ~Oil httH ' loq M'f'll tht> ~ of tht' ktlllod all ~our \Oum: cah <''., two c·QO\Iltuft.ltlt"41 .a:•un.: to- \\'lll'l ,. "•ntl<i ~our hN-r suppl) tx-" &t't'thf'r a" onf' ... 1n.-c1 Mty "ork· ~~~ h ltt·r" in th<' pap('!' lx'\\ail thl' lnL: fur tht• hM!t lntf'rf"'t S or all. lo~... 1'•'1 h»P>-n<'' l't tn comC' bark T{'n tl'ams are <'nl<'r<'<i in t h•• Ladit'"~· Tut>sda~ 9 o'Clock Hand•· cap Bo" lin~ L<'a t.!U~. \\ hich "Ill start compt>tition n<'xt TuPsdtn <'H·nim: at \'an's tn Co .. ta Mesa Ilt•t·l' a n• the . pon. Ol~s and cap- tains or th<' tO t<'ams Nt'\\l>Ort I Iat bor Ensign. (;(>,a Lund: Ri· l'hllrd' !\tark<'l, Lorratn<' ('uslilo: • • old fnenas -::ntJ ne-.·,· Sally Hidy ~s back 'c:· ~e;ve ··:.· Virginia Read ·::lll re t..rn Sep~ 17 "WE USE THE FINEST' BEAUTY PRODUCTS" RUTH 'S Beauty Shop 338 Poi"'etti• Coron• del Me r HArbor 2907 Dr. J H. fv\cCioskey, CHIROPRACTOR D c announces the openmg of hts Balb oa o!!tce on Wed nesday, September 5 7f)'31h (downstm rs) E Balboa Blvd e L I f)•• .. If • """:i"" :u, a·d S ~da , nl OIJI ~IP:ll "Chonlc; o{ l'Uldinf'<; J--------------Unsung Commercials Brandt'!> Dc-partmC'nt ~tnr<'. lr<'nl.' Gooch : \Vom<>n of th•' !\IOO"~<' t two tt'amst. ~ick('~ f:<htl'rton and Clara lRach: Crt'dlt Rurf"au. ("uro- lf't' Rw·dick: C'ha l'l<'Y'~> ~rn F ood. 1 lur H·lhm I ail rlll(·h in 19:>0 ''a" Jt•M ii4Uil ~,()()(), WhtJt> Ill 1936 it "'l 97.453. Our mackcrC'I catl'h in 1~)36 was 1-16 million t't?cordt>d. < lnh 61 million in 1938. YC't ''ht•n .lin{ ~lc:-.ialh and Earl ~ta11ley ar- JlPUt••d 1.>\•lon' thc-stat£• IN .. rislatur<' to ''-'('k pr'<lt<'<'tion for thi~o indo-.- ''' t .,,., '"'rt' a biC' to arhil'' l' .,,;thin\!.' But tlw h\\!o tht.>rc a n•. arC' not ••ntnrc<'d Tlw Game Comnussion "lllch "ould 'N' you punished for a QU8111'1' pound trout OUt Of SNl· 'on. \\us som<'how bUndt>d to an;. I po..,..,iblt• way to punish the-follow· •nc a' .. hown b' the rerords: "Th•' Cod<' says not o'er 2.500 pound!o r 1'• tons 1 of yellowtail mtr;. bt• possesst>d by any fishins: boat tx>t W<'<'n May 31 and August 31 YET 0~ Jt:LY 15 it is of re- ('01 d that 10 purse seint.'rs brou~ht 171 TO:'\~ o! YE LLOWTAIL to ~an P<'dro! "Aaron ~aid the Gold('n Calf "as mad" h<'Caust> the prople broutrht tlwir l'arrinltS of gold and 'l cast th<'m 1010 the fire. and lo th<'rt> cam<• out this calf.' Whose ear- l'tng-s ar<' in this fin•? It mi~ht b<' 1 ht' boat ownt>r~ but most of t hf' lt<;hl'r m<'n do not own th<'ir boat-. ciPar·. Then it mi~ht be the bi~ packN-s, or could it possibly 1x> thr CamP Commi sion. which I'I'CI'h <'~'> on<' dollar for <'\'l'rY ton Til"' S'F.\\' O'\'S ""R { R h'. Ph~ Hi~ Adamll: i"t>wport llaJ't)Ol' • ·• · · .,. o . ut s Lad\' Anc:l<'rs, U:>m Don..,r: Soul h B1•aut~ Shop. ror n~•· or Pom N tta Coast C"onst ruction co . Ed n a and \oalot Rhd .. (mona d<'l ~1ar.l Hl'r~h· Nl"wport Pil'r F ish in 1: '" 1HlOih<••· Rut h • · ·.Ruth Grau. Fll'<'l.' E lsil• PattPt'l'On Althou gh not a tx•aullc1an her:~<'IL Offict:>t'S of thC' L.A'agu<' an• ;\~r" Gra~ . has. l~n -~ bU'\Im''>" :'\icky Ed~l'rton. pre ick>nt : Ewl~ n \\oman tor €'\era.~ ~f'Alo;. _Sh<' 11nd Austin. \let>·Prt'sid('nt ; Eddie ~ol­ ht>r husb1and. \\.rlham !'. Grau . lar, )o.t'Ct'etan : Olga Ca"·thra. h\t> at 11 11 B:ty' •t•w A\'f'. Corona tl'easu•·t·•·: Edn:. H<'r<:h . <~<'r"'Nlnt- d<'l :-.1a1 Th('y haH• b('{>n l<><;al at-arms. rt'Stdt>llt!' for a rouplt' of yl'ar~. It\'· In~ at 621 l ri A'~> .. bdorf" build· log t h{'lr pres€'nt homt> . . . TilE C'OSTRACT for O('('an t'X- ploratJOn fot Orangt> County's 7.000-font out fall Sf'\\ f'r has bt.'t.'n a\\ardt'd to Tr·autwf'in fkos. of ~rwport on their low bid of 51-;;,. 390. Oth<•r biddt:'rs W('rt> Nt>wpnrt Drt'dl.!ing ('o. S20.2.l0: male-Ro- btn!.Oil \o.. Lons: B<'at.'h. and Smith-RICI' OC'rrick Co.. Lonst &-a<'h. You may flnd a prof1table ex- change for that real estate ln the want ad section. IE II IPIILITEIIII Uplilol•tertll&' a nrap.7 BI'Acoa Gil 1111 ....... ~ c.ta .... T-V SUi~ DUE W JOII N•wpott lt¥4. HAIW 201 ..... INch I cnu~otht bv the purst> 'l'in<'rs. ANY-~iiii~~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ \\'A y WE II AVE THE CA l.F -I T HE Pt:RSE S EINERS.'' Dental Clinic Benefit Held The OCNlO I"X plora t ion "ill pro· 'id<' data to. be Wl<'d b~ cngin<'t'rs in d rawing plan!' a nd specifi cations fm· thr outfall sewer line. which is PXJX'CI<'d to I)(' const•·uctf'd next ~ummer. Just arrivt>d to take> O\'<'r mana~<'mt.'nt of the sE.'wer pt'O- s,rram is Chi<'f Engint>er Raymond R. Ribal of Oakland. Day & Nlpt Water Beaten Mod•rn flow•r T oola for s.-r & Sin• Stopp•f .. Lewis ~ BEACON 5HI .... 519 .-\UM, Newport BMeh -------~~-------- You Can Do Better at THE f,lftitlre ~-- OMPLETE IJOME FUR'NlSHINGS BEacon 5656 1812 Newport Bl..-cl. (X)STA IIESA Ad,an<'t'd Christmas card sale " lx'in~ carried on at The Is- IAnd<'L. 211 Marin<' A\<.' .. Balboa I land. t h1s "~k by memb('r~o or th<' llllrhor 81-an('h of th(' As ist- BOt"<' L<'a~e. I PrOCCt.'<'ls from the> cards, which includ~.> !'nowballs for trt>e decora- tions and pietures of the propo t'd nc>w &>nta1 clinic, will Qe ust>d for t hC' bt.>nc>fit of the Fra nk R. W ilkin· son. DDS. IX>ntal Clinic being sponsm't.'d by the League and now in the p••occss of being t'rectt'd. Aftt'r tomorr'Ow 1 Friday 1 C hrist- mac; cards may be pur c ha sed through Mrs. Marloe O thm<'r, HArbor 2278~J. WANIKI c u ·B TO MEET * Victorian furmtu re * Hobnail Cranberry Hanging Lamps * Gone wt th the W ind Lamps * Marble Top Tables .. * Large Selection of Cut Glass ft Copper ... Brass ... Brae-a -brae, etc. OPES E\'E~'lNG~ NANCY and LEE ANTIQUES a J1 Ml'" ~t• of llllott'_.IIHry Fa,. • m.._.,. at A m('('lin$t of the newly formed Waniki Club fwomen's Kiwanis Auxiliary) wiU be held n ex t Wf'dnE' day, at the home of Seer - tary ~orma Briscoe. 450 San Ber- nardino Ave ., in Newport Heights. ·li.li;.M!Iilll8h;;; .. ~ • .1;;=;1~1.;.A;I. .... ~;I~=-==--- The "JoUy Juniors," a rww soclal club for youn~ p('Ople or tbe sixth, At tt.P tt>Vtihtr mN lln n' ~ w-CulJ 't<-ams amd s-~t-ral ub&lltut fJO~n Rt"'l<·h Chap\' r 115k Women fm· 'hf bov.ltnl' l1 a~ur ~ ludl "111 ol IM M OOI>t', Ia t Thurroa~ E'"~ ~>tart Sept. t wn·~. II Wk.h d.J~d•t-Jld that \o-('~r• nt'\ \'OWH! \'\SIH-d lh<' """'"'' Doll) Canf·r and hPr nus-m(-. tJnJ.':, H J)!Jt t€'<1 on lhfo UI'C\ band Jack haH• · adopt€'<~" two of thf' FL<:h Fr) booth at tht' CJr- ~f()()<.(-hr art du1dt ('n a hrn•hn a nd art: Cc•Wll) F&IJ', &nd thankro · ttw> tuU~"lJW Cor tht.>ir h lp RP-00\\ \.enth and ru;hth gradH, 1s be- ing formed m the Harbor area. 1lle group will m~t on the t.hlrd Tuesday or each month at Ragan's Rettaurant in Corona del M&r. A ahort IMt.nJct ion period In ball- room danclt'lg w\U be part or the cJub program - --bo .... ,d.es IUTI"'" The Cart<'rs will COrTPSpond rordt>r Vic•ta CurnE"Cl, J un1or Rt'- with thPtr Sur. hinr ("hiJdren." rf'nt nara Lear-h. TN>asurer Joycr iiiiiiiiiiiiiliiillliiiiil.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiii ___ _ as tht>y art• caUrorl "t'nd them I EdJck S<>ntmel Elsi Klng, ~ li!lft• ~nd clothi'l~ ,...,<l ...... ,.f'f' or,,.. .. ~ Myrtlr H'"l""phrr) and C"tl-work.-.~ &nd r('f restu 1• 11" 1 lr) ''' t.Jb• llw r-• • t •hf> J•'J'· Wilma q.rt-tm Gu<:o;" [)ror,t• The group whkh wa" Oll.!llnbt><l by !oot'Hm mo•herN ol thP 11 -to 13-l year-olds, wdl in«''•1de bl•tween ;\(1 and 40 membt·u 1be odjtlnatnn.l are Mrs. Fa,> et tl! Blrtcher, Mrs. Robert Callil, Mrs. Rupert Hen'- dricks, Mr1. Harold S w & n so n (dan~ instructor 1. Mrs. J . H. Ragan, M rs. R<>x.ford Brandt and Mrs. Ralph F.mt>rson . t'fll • "' n thou ·I ·t . • far Alda G-• •on Rirdl1 I "lrand r •~~~\ Chatllam •' • • \ '' ·1 • h~tc: EI..;Je Po ·, -a rod \'&If dJ:s \\'urkmar had l\\11 Sun•h•n• ( ' h . ... Four w I ot·mt,)(r, \'ir~·tnt l>t'\t•ral ~··ar• To"l' I <U f'alh :'\ rr;~ C'ath A <Let ha .. 11)\\ l~<t t •t I ,., and Cal Qlq"rlf·r ""I U. IOJ· ~ar ,to bt• hPld tn cunju,n<·t•un tiatl'd a) tt.t' ('hap1• 1 n .... 11nl! ~11h th<' re,Uar month!~ F 1'h Fr) na.ht •Thursda;~ • -Sunday, &>pt 30 JuntO! Ret'l·nt nar-.. IA·lH'h •• r-THE ENS:tGN nount·<'d tha .'nb P rtnll.nl: r'a('JUtlK The me<>tings will be rrom 7 :30 to lO p. m. Special parti{'S will be held upon occasion with on Connal planned for thE' rear Hruza-PoUins ENTDlTAIN OFFICIAL w dd • s Mrs. Katyt' A Topf, 5401 Sea-e lng at. I shore Dr .. Newport, a new resi-~ dent In th<' Harbor area, and her I . -, \\ Pfll • "111 bf th• ht•mt. of son, H. 0 . Top!, hav<' been enter-!\Jr and Mr~ Frankl~n Lee• Jhuza. Wning J .P. Fawcett, fo11mer who ~•·r1· marr tc·d !'-;tlutcL'I}, Aut: mayor ot Little Rock, Arkansas. 1 . ut th<' Kc·" I~~'X' Harlxu Lu- DIRECTORY INSURANCE INSURANCE For Every Need ISLAND REALTY CO. Harvey D. Peue HARBOR 377-W Pa rk at Agate, B&lboa la1aDd "BE SURE -INSUR.E" wilh Maurie Stanley Imurance Counsellor HARBOR 1TI6 225 Muine A v~.. BalboA IalaDd W . Stuart Foote L'JSURANCE . . 2117 W . Balboa Blvd.. N~wport Beach. Calif. Phone : HArbor 24 SILV!'.& PIAnNO I I ,• I j tht>tan C'hur<'h Tli<';t. will hvl' at 1408 \\ fk't·an Frunt follcm·ing t h<'ir rnurn lrc•m ll hnm·~moon an MontPN>~ T he· nf'\\ ;\Irs Jlruz.a ,,. th(> for- nwr ;\hS!' Ellt•n Ann P ol!in<t. dau::httr M Mt. and ;\1r!-l.~nn ft. P olhns 13:!11 \hff D1 . ="~"wport Hf'rcht<.. Th(• bridt-l!;NIOm'!. par- ents .1n \lr<~ ('IP<•Ia G. f:n('('ll and F nonk J H niZa both (If ('fl!o.IB Mt>..a Th<' fnrmal \\Pddtll(! r••n•moa;~ ~a!' tf'ad h) R•'' IJI'rbl•rt C Roth at 1t C'8ndlt•h cht ('l·r.-mon' Tl~" b1 id1 ~ urr a lll't <-d ~u" n ;,, n~ l••n nt·t r !t·lllt d nJffiE' "ld ~··r Ql- lt•Pdant ... wn11 cnr·n anrl \t>llO\\, nt•t n" r taffNa Tht•\ \\1 n ;\tr ... H m\'trd Th11mpq>n, th;, hrtdf''<> "'"· t('r, Mr.., ~yd V Horr.·ll and ~1'"" .I nann Rus..,t·ll l>onnH' and l>a' If' Rol)('rt...cm \\Prt candiP-Iit:htvn and John P <'rkans was lx"'t man Flo$d R Parwns amt (.ordon Fn..- '<'r "l'r\Pd as ~h<'~ Th~> zrnnm's -.istl'r. i\11~ l.A:·\\ •·l- lyn llruz.'l ...an~. Othf'~ \\ho tf')t'lk part m thl wl"dclinJ:t ar.d rt'<'f'ption \\ hwh f~ol111wPd m t h<> Polhnl' hom• "rn• ;\<It!'" Ehtnt' Fr '<'man Mi .... ;\tar) Robbins, M rs. M<'l 1'!.<•- bM-"('" ;\If'!' Ho~ ard Hf.'f1ntn ! Mr !-Htchard Jcm<'~ and "'~ l \a I ( 'ha• dh•r Th" br id<' at tvndf'd ="•''' pot t Good an~ fruit$ t'egetables are among the beauties of nature b eing depicted on some of the new qiftwaie at The lclanders •• 1;. ~ll. ~-., t ... I""! .... --t--",.,-::,. ~ p eces ,....-·· c -c--•r" ' • ._ 1 --... ... -.. .... • Tc ,e I :--::y s-::-.~cr .. :.~~· .. ·: r.r:: :-''? -: • r ••,:"':-• .,.. r .. • • .... t-.. • .... ... o~od .. ,.,. "•r ··nc h.lnl- in~:: "'''' ('""'"' non ot .. ,.,.r..,•rutll7t'tr < h rl"tlnll" <'ftrd ... a n d rift "r8PJ'IftJ:''- The %14 ~lar1nf' .\H•. HArMr 1~7 S1lver Platers And SllversmlU. R.epab1ng -ReClnW\lna Replaung I ularr 1r f lu~h and Oran~f' Coa ' \1111f'l'r Th(• en-.om. \.' ho a f 1 t'ndi>d u:h ~o•·h· ~<ll at Laguna. \n•nt tn ,!_::==================--==-=:====:::::~ \llhlnrma Pnl)lf'('hmr Rft~>r a•·t - 1 t f'ndi, • I >ran ct· C'N' t Cnllt.' ~· · fFiilt:Jaii::=:::;'IC:=~====:;r::::::;;t:::-:;;l::=:sl[::l•8:::ill:l. \\h•'rt' h( \\II' tht' ftr-.t ... tud,nt l>!llh PI c><~ulo•n Gold • Silver -Copper -B~ N a r Cornrnunlty Church 19H Harhor Bh'd. Costa Meu. l twtarine's Wife ·Back Beacon 5113 .__---~==------' From Che rry Point MUSIO I ~-----'--'-.;.....;;;...._ ____ __, A catn ix't ..,,., n nn tht•n •'\• · M arga·~t L Scharle mnc '''on .. t~t •(l 1r• ;\h .. J 1- 1 Jt•h• .... Jt d J , • 1" u chu h ... hunti-. TPachrr of P\&Do nf :-lt:! .... , ollf'U r A\ •. Cor· •ll' d· O rganist-Art ompanlst Miir \1 ,.. .J.,hn-.•Jr .. I u· •. 111 whn '"' Jll •'fHtin.: '" h '"' ( 'ht'll ' Evenln)!; ClaMes Point Manm· R l!'t• (I I ·I ' lr Ill for Adults 1 hl ~lc rlll• n 11 , 11• ,, h 1, un··d 3<Y7 001 DE!'IROIJ AVE. from l<o11··l ., r." month .. ·•~.:•• Corona del Mar f'.tol h 1'-IH :. nd ttw ,u~ ,, '"" •Jttll· i< d rum tn ="orth Cat • hn '· II Till MAM ntl LAI.fST" DISP\.A Y Gee THI PA•;IAC COAST • .......,.__ __ .,~ t..A,... ......... ...JO...." ............... a._ ....... "-s.-- FURNITURE ANO ACCESSORIES HOUst ' GARDEN 6 11 c-M...,~ H...,..- flewen ... are yo1n ... Willl OITIIO·GIO •Ce•z'l~ ... .... _ ........ . '-' .. ...., eo...--. ....... • I ._. _ .. _ ......... .... .. -........... Qe'TtC). 011011 ................. ~ .., ................. _ ... ~ .............. . ---~ ..... •• Fan..a.at"' l-......, ,. ..,_ fo• eool••.. OtTfiO. c:;l(\ .. ••·~ te,..... •4 ..... ,.._.,. •• I ., ,., ..,0 '--f ...... O'-·"o c '!" •••••••~~·•., toLe• , ...... • f! • • tyGY..,. .............. I oman s Fl:>"'t>' op-(;,:.:'Jr•., >-:>P r:!li : . -..... Lawrence K. Gl!:1drum, MD. . . ' ; • ~I :'....... . •. ~. '# lf !... ~ 174l S11perlor Ave~ Cr·1ta Mea Pract.C'e Limited to Dl.st'aS(;;> of the Ear, Nose 1 nd Thro:1 t • .nd A Uergy 1 Of J ce Hours: by Apvolntmelt R Jacon 6508 or HArbor 1036 ~.:===: Phone liArbor 1138 I' I I ~--==~~~~---'' NOTARY PUBI.IC Nota: y Public at the Newport Harbor Ensign HArbor 1114 t04 Coast BouJe,·ard Coronll del Kar Baltz Mortuary Olapej by the Sea HARDCJt 42 Corona d"l Mar, CaJlfomla A.rQple Off~ttnet PuJdltl OFFICE or STGRE SPAC E in the ENSIGK BL~ILDI1 .. G * Ideal for f\1ed:ca l Center. Profcss:ona 1 £uilding . or Brokf rage Office ,_. Comer J.ocation ss· Frontage on 101 Coast Hwy. i~ Ccrona d '?l Mat * 1.800 Square Feet of b.s.id<' F!oor Space * M oderl"'l A rtishc Des gn !llaralq. A..-a 1.1 ~GAL MOTIC:S UiGM. MOTta Ll:GAL. Mona ~CAL NOTICii UGioL MOna , C.t~CDINANCE No. 148 NOTICE 01" II&AJUNO of the CaU!omla Labor Code. Ne. A tent ef. l have hd..arto llt"l ...... \1\ OROIS 'CE P1l.DCIUBUJO Noli~ iJ bereoby tth,.~o that lht" ~Uq'fn: Same •-a~sca&eucnft O'I'ICE :'1'0 caJr:DITOIIJ!I ~y ~~ rnytn ol:udalo:::a": t.'IIARG •. l"'il \\'AT'I';It DV-Plann~ Commluion o( the City to which rigging b lnci4ent.al e."TATE Of' -#-- If . co~sECTtONfil s o a.£-of Nc.>wport Beech will bold a pub-w...,...: Same wage scale as craf\ SU AN H UFFMAN. Dnt abo\-e ,.,.;uen. , u ' ''l:A."TIOS, Ue ht>arin_.t on t~ appUcatlon ol t ... ,_.. I"'-~ 1 1 ·--tat allo kncwm as SUSAN P . FOLI:Y Gladys SidJcr to am nd Ordihan<l@ 0 Wn "" we .. ._ .. ~ s no~u S SAN CAROLINE ~ l'~·y Commiadon f'xpirel "•· t. Thl Dt) C'ounctl uf th•• <"Hy of No. ~ so that Lot 1. Block 13, I.Jftotl4daas: ~ N<'\VflOI t lkM'h dtW• ort1un " fol-Balboll'J'raet. l90l East Bay Avt'.) Elfoctrlcal -General f'o~ eUee ....... stwe to tlwo Publkh: Aue. 16-~ Setlt-I, lowli ''iU fall \'\1thln C·1 Dllltrict in-man · ... · ·--....... $3.25 crdtors of and aU penon~ haviq 1951 ln lM Nf'WPOI"t Harbor Da· SECTION l St'Ction ~ or stead of w prett>nt R-3 tone. EJectricaJ-Foreman .. 3.00 claims acatnst ctw ..w ~t sip. tJw Municipal C(ld•' or th(> Ctt) of Notlce ts here-by {ur\Mr given E!e<:tricaJ-Sub-Fort'11\ll.O 2..875 or said estate to fiJto tbem with the l\<•wpurt Beach til MmrndNi t11 rt'lld that said !WCOnd hearing \\ilJ be Elf'ctrician . . .. ...... . . 2.75 MC\"Mary \-oueherw iD the of(~ o1 ._... ll'~ fl)llow held OD the 20th day of St>ptt"'D· ..... W...wn: lht Clerk ol ~ S uperior 0Jurt ~-01" M181J1 "~tion 7208 !Ynb f'f'H. '1'1'\to bc>r. 1951 at \N hOur ol 7:30 P.M. 0rnai'Dl'l"'tal Iron Workff . 2.40 ot the CountY of ~. State ot l!"'ddDI• Plna ...._ hot"' fo thf' iru t;,llstion of water in tbe Council Chambers of tb~ Struetura.l l i'OTI Worker 2.50 Calilornla, or to Pf"HM't the tame, W.. VIII .....,. ._ .._. "t'l"\1~ or fot .-niArdn~o: tllM<' al-City Hall Nev.oport Beach. CaUfor-•Ornamental or Structural with thto necessary \.'0~. to ~rtify that lhe ls CUi111J11et1111 a ~~ady In hall twa" rollo\\os nia at which tiJne and pla~ any lroo Worker Foreman l"'ltf> the underli.IDf'd at bi5 pia~ of whol!lalle ceramks ... JJ•*I f'or n t hrt't'-rour·th Inch and all persons intet'Hled may ap-is 12'~ cent per hour more business. to--•it: buMfteu at 809 ~ ser.t, I"H.t' $35.00 pr3 r and tx-heard tht'reon. than joumeyrna.n ratl'. c o HW"\\itl'l and HW'Wlt.z. Con::lDa del Mar, Ca.Wanda. _.. 1-~or a onl•-inch S('rVIC!' $45.00 Ray Y. ~lin. ~tar) Lata.en : IMetal furrlngl . 3.125 Att~ys at Law. the flctitba finn ,._ fJI 'ID For a ww and nnl'~hall NI-..""WPORT BEACH CITY • • 1Nall on) .. . . . 3.125 2611 Newport BouJeovarcl. CARlSON COMPANY ... tMt neh li('MC\' .$."'Ki.OO PLANNING COMMI SSION -Foreman . 3.50 N~rt Beedl. CaUfoml.a. uJd flrm b CW"I'DUI ol tlte f!l&. For a two-ln<:h Hrvice. SM.OO Pi 8 h 2l5 withln aiX lf'ltOiltba aft~ t.h~e first lowin.c ptoi'IOM, wt.o. --" FoJ-ilzt>c ~r th n two anc~. Publish Au~. 30, Sept. 6 I ~.a.en: -8~ ·c-·sw i 0 .. · publi<:atloo of uu. notioe fu U and plaoes of rest ,_,.. are • ur ~'ht-re at becomes nf'<'\'SS<ary to m tht' Newport Harbor Ensiqn .. Sta , .. 240 Dalt'd AUC\IIt :10, 1951 follows, to-wit : ·~o pa'ed atrtoet. the actual coat ge, ··-··-· -. OOROT'RY HUFFMAN BREWER CARILEE K. HAH&ON 1.C la bor and material in le)ing A.D\"DlTI8 EMENT FOft BID · · Spray Gun or Sand-Administratrix of the EAtatt" 609 )(~kl S1net '<u<'h " t•l'Vitt-and replacing the Nqtice is hcl"'t.'by given that lhl' bla.st~G Sa d . 2·40 of said decedent. Corona _. )Ja r, CaUiclrala ~"l'm' •n !thall bt' cnar~ro plus County of Orftn~e will rectOive ~~':~ t e~ 0~s~~ Publish: Aurust 23, 30; Sept. 6. 13 1\'lt.e. my band tw. ttb ck7 o( t~ p('T cf'n1 for ovl'rhead. In such calcd bi<ls for "AJtc.>ratlons and -) 265 in the Newport Harbor Ensign. Augusl, 1951. 1 t t cost of material and la-Add i 1 ion to Administration !Stage -···-··--·· · CARIL.E.E ){ HANSON ..__ ... _.. ..._ st'mat-.a bv t.h" 9 0 Co kJ •In charge man of 5 or more.> Jour-..,.,_TIOl' _ ................ _._ ·~~-of ............... .....__.._ -" .,..,GLU """ c. 1 ~..., " " Buildins: No. 4 at a·ange un., neymt>n is 25 cents additional· per .. n •• ,......., ... ~-.... _..., ~-- Wat r Dfo~'trt ment and th<' eatl-Hospital", for the County of Or-hour more than the Joumc.>yman ODtftn ATE OMatr ef ~ -. rMted COli\ shall tHo paid to the anAc.>. C"alifomia. untH 3 :00 P. M. rate. In charge man of 4 or less 1. the undersig:nt'd, Margaret s. 0. Dtls 9th day of A-c-t. A.D. Water Department by the Jl'('rson o'clock on the 18th day of Sep-Joumt>)'"mf'h is 12~ et>nt5 a.ddi-Grider, do certify that 1 am 0011• 1951. before me. Tbomu E. &r-ppl)in~ for such ins1allat.ion bt>-tember 1951. at the o(fice of the tic:loal PH' hr. more than Jo~y-ducting a business ror the lnstruc-reman. a Notan· Public ill and for (Gr't' the \\Ork of COMf'Ctin~ the Board or Supervlc;ol'S, County of m.n rate tlon and sale of yams, knit goods . the said Count.)' and State. l'eiiiJd. W.:.~~~~ t~ht-e~i~ C:.t~i eo":feHo~!e. t~n~l'::. 8:i/ro~ 41eura: · · .. · ···-· · 2.16 =~~ ~:.:e~d~re~. ~r:1c~~ ~ ~'0~~· ~~-~ ulficl nt to oovt-r the totaJ ex-nia at which time aU bids will be ftllilal en: ... .... ........ 3.125 eral knitting servtce. und('r the CARlLEE M. HANSON amo.n to t~£>ns( tor l11bor and matE'rial. the.> I 0pe'ned and puhlicly rt>ad aloud in Plas terer Tender . . ........ 2.875 fictitious finn name: me to~ the person~ naroe .. defkll ~haiJ ~ char~ed to 1M P~ the Board Room. Pluterer-Foreman -··· . 3.30 MAGCIES subscribed to the. wttHn ilwt.nl-.-ert ~ for which such installation Each bid hall be m a<:oordance PI_._.,.. &114 Steamntters: I and I'll the address sho\\-'11 below: 1 merrt, and aclcnowledgeB to me was mad(• and to the owner lMN"-with the plans. spectflcatlons and Plumber -Foreman . 3.00 ~., Marine Avenue. Balboa I.J-that she executed the ame. Ia Ill. An} l'Xct>SS payment shall. be other contract documents now on C.s or lAwn prlnkler f'lt-I land, County of Orangt>. Calif or-WI~ ~. I haft ~to retut'n£-d to th<; ~rson applymJ! me at the office-of H. c. Wildman ter ... ···-· .. . . 2.75 nia set mY hand and affixed by official for. Uw 111 1~llat1on. & w . 1.. Faulknl'r. Associalro Ar-Lead or Ct>m£>nt CauJku 2.75 1' am the· sole owner and p~ l s~~l the ~a~' and year_m this Oer- St.l'<-rJO_:-; 2 . &-elton ?216 of chitects. 425 Spurrceon Building. &oofU~~: pri£>tor thf>l't'Of and I reside " 430 Uf1cate fU'St above wntten. the MuniCi pal CodA> or thE' City of Santa Ana. California. Copl of Roofers D~tmp. Waterproof Heliotrope Avenue Corona del THOMAS E . HEFFERNAN Newport lk>ach ls hc.>rebv amc.>nc:k-<1 the plans and speclfications may or BHwninous Enam<'l<'r 2..50 j ;\far. California. · My Commission expires Jdn(> 24. to rt•ad as foUowa: be obtained at the offi~ of the Roofe-rs Foreman 2.75 Aut:U.St 20 1951 1955. "S.'<·•ion 7216. !'-,.._. Clla"'"" Ar<'hitects upon a dt.>p<>Sit of $10.00 ~•~t, M.-tal Work.-n~: 2.40 MARGARET S •";RIDER Publish: Aug. 16-23--30, Sept. 6. Wh~n v.-ater .t'f\"lct> to any prem-JX'l' "l.'t GE."'ER.'\.L I NFURMATIOX: "-tate> of Califom.ia 1951 in t}K> :-.lf>WPOr1 Harbor l!la-'~ h1o. bc>t>n turned off tx-caw e of Th . r h d 't r . Count) of Oranf<!l'-Sb sign. noo-lJ(lyment of bill or ,;olation E' amount o t e eposl o~ ·00 A. M. Starting Time. On this 20 day of Au~t. 195J. u( IH l} nf th(' provisions n( this one S('t or d~enta wi~l be ~ Stngle Shift: Eight consecu-bP(Orf' me-. Harold L. H~r. a <~l\1\J ·, ,r ordered turnro ore by tundt•d t~ '-'3ch, btdder or mt.end ~ ttve hours, inclusive hours, ex-Notar-· PubUc in and Cor said t ""<• c ''I ,., or fPna nt and the said bJdder \\ ho rt turns ~uch j;f'l 0• I . f 1 ch 'od., ...._ ~ '.' J , • _.. ff plans and documt?nts tn good con-c USI\"e 0 un pen uo:· County and Stl'ltc-. personaJly a,p-wut~>r '• nu'\ rE'mams tum~-u o dill 'th FIVE DAYS after! tween :{)(1 A . M. and 5 :00 P . I ~red Mar~aret S. Grider. known tur m ' moN' than 15 days from on \~ an M. shall constitute a daY's to me to bt' the.> pen;on whos<' name th..-dd v of thf' turn-off. a charge ~ Opt'mnJ; of bids. work. · I is subscribN! to the within lnstru~ ,;f T"T> Dollars and fifty C"ent!l Bidders art' hereby notified tJ1at Forty hours, Monday 8:00 A. ment. and aC'knowledJ:ed to me 1 $2.5nJ --h11U be made and col-pursu'lnt to the statutes of tbe M , through Friday 5 :00 P.M. that s he t>X('CUted the same ll'Ch >tl f,..r t>ach ''~"iC't' on the' State or C~ll!omia. or local laws shall constitute a wN'k's work. 1 WfTNESS my hand and orncial p1 PmJ ''" t)l"fOrC' wa tt>r S<'n i<'<' will t hc-reto applicablE', the County or Holidays and Overtime Wagt' St>3 J • tw "'''(•rl'd Wh<'n such walt'r Orangt' has asc::ertained the gen-Scales 88 filed with the Build· I HAROLD L. HOUSER :."'\'in ht~co bt-cn S!l tumf'<l off and t'ral Pf"C\"aiUng rate o! per diem an..: and Construction Trades Notary Public i" and for rt-maau~ turned off for mort' than wa~es and rates Cor lepJ holiday Councal of Orange.> County. said County a11d ::)tate. 1:> dtl)' a charl:f' (l( Tc-n Dollan and overtime work in tbe loca6ty Dated: Auau•t 14. 1951 M) commission ex:pi 'l'S Decem-' $10.00 • shall be made-and col-in which thla work I to be ........ .,._ be 1" 1,., • l~t.ed foy t'a<'h !IE'r\i~ on the formed. Cor ea.ch cra_ft or cyp;or BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF Purbll ... h ~A . 23 30 .,._ t 6 13 uremu>e b<-forf' wllt('r !ll'r\'l<'t' will workman or mechanic ~ to $lJPERVlSORS OF ORANGE · lh N:' ug. t H. bo . .;:>eEp · · ... COt:'NTY, CAUFORN"A 10 ~ f"''POr ar "" n~mtn. bt> r~torf'd." executto the contract which will be " EC'TION 3: This ordinanCe.> awarde-d to t he su~ssruJ bidder. 1 Seal I B. 1. S MITH Ne. A-!M15 ~hall oo published at le.,;t onet' WAGE RAT£ • The prevailing County C1e,.k and l'X-offi- an t.ht> Newport Har'bor .Ensl~. a ,a .. f>s so dete;,.runed are 88 rot· cio Cl~e.rk of thf> Board of I N THE ~UPDUOil OOuaT OF THE STATE OF CALIFO&NIA L~ A..~ FOR TRE OOU'STY OF ORA~OE n(>WSpaper of ~nera1 Circulation. \\ "': 'upen'lSOrs or 0 range IJI"iftt~ and pubU.Md in the!> City lows. I County, California. of Ncwpc)lt Beach and shall take Carpenters · · ..... ~~ I Publish · Newpot1 Hubor F.nsiJtll t'fft>et 3(l dft}'S after its final pas-Fl~rl~yer ... · 2.55 Au~ust 23 and 30. 1951. llftg~ MalJwr'!ght _ _ _ Th~: toregoing ordinanet> WitS Saw Fik>r . . 2.43 Netiee e1 ~ ., Pelt..._ ,_ Pro-t.e fll Will ... tw ~ "'~ ......... lite ww Wltroduced at a regular meeting of Table.> Power Saw Opera-So. A-!MSI the O ty Council of the City of tor .. . .. . ... . ........ 2.43 I NOTICE OF REAalNO OF PE- AaaexM. l• ~ Matter ., --...... ., AJIAI..DO~ Newport ~ach held on the 13th C..-me.nt Finishers . 2.38 TITION FOR PllOBATE OF day of August, 1951. an<S wu fin-Cement Finisher ICom-WILL AND FOit LEI I'Ul8 N oUee a. lleretly Si""ftl that the petition of ROSEMARIE CRIB- BEN fol" the probate of the Will of tht' above named ~t and for the issuance of Letters of Ad- rninjst:ratlon with the ""U annexed to the petitioner will be hea~ at 10 o'clock A.M. on Friday. Septem- ber 7. 1951. at ttw! court room or Department Onl' of the S\.Q)erior Court or the Statt> of California tn and for the County of Orange. ..tHY pa ed and adopte-d on th<' position or Mastic) . 2.50 TES'I'AJIENTARY. lith da\ or AU~f . 1951. by t he Cement ~oor Finishing Ia tltfo apf'rier Court of die lollowi n~ vote, to wit : Machlnl' ()per. . 2..50 • ta~ of Callfortlla I• and r .. r A YES CO l'I:ClLMEN: Ramsey, Iron Workers Rf>inforc· LM 04Mmty of O..a • .- G~ley. Blue. lsbt'll inJ:: ...................... ·--····· 2.38 In the Malter or the ~tate of ' ES COUNCILMEN: None Laborers. GeneralorCon-MAX R. HANN Dl'ceased .\B E~T COU:"'CTLMEN: f'inch. Rtruction .................... 1.75 Notice is hc;>rt>by gi~n that the L. L. l~BELL Operators & tenders of petition of SHIRLEY IIANN ATTf.sT . ~or pneumatic & e I e c t rIc KERN for the probate of the Will ( \ tools. ~ibratin~ machines of the.> above-nam<'<l decedent and ,. K PRIF..ST Ctty Clerk Publa~ll Au~ 30. 1951 in fhl ~t.-wport Harbor Emu~ !IOOTIC'E o•· H£.-\lti.SG N(JliCI.' is hereby g;"en that thl' Planmnl' (l)tnmission of the Oty of Ne"·port &>ach will bold a pub- lic ht'aring on the a.pplication of T£>d RusseU for a variance of rear ~ ard setback from 10' to 5' on Lot LS. Block .A36 (124 Iru A~ .• ) Co- ron& deJ Mar. in accol'danoP with 1 h'dinance No. 635. Noti~ ls ~reby further gjvcn rhat said hearing will be held on 1 he 20th day of September , 19151 at thf> hour ot 7 :30P.M. in the Coun- t·al Chambers of the City Hall. Nf'wtX>rt Beach, Caliromia, at which time and plac. any a.nd a.ll pcon;ons interested may appear and IH· hf.'ard the~n. Ray Y, Copelln. Secretary NI:.'WPORT BEACH CITY PL.A.NNING COMMISSION Publi~h : Aug. 30. 1951 In the Ne..110rt Harbor Ensign. ........ Nursery School & similar tools not classi-ror the issuance or U'llc.>rs Testa- fled here.> . . 1.95 mentary to the pPtit ion('r will bt' _ewer Pipe Layer 1 Ex-heard at 10 o'clock A. M. on Fri- cluding caulker) .... 2.05 da}. S('ptember 14. 1951 . at the Sewer Pipe Caulkf'r us-court room or l)('partment 1 or the ing caulkin~ tools ......... 1.93 Superior Court of the State or Sewer Pipe Caulker us-California in and for the C..ounty of Dated AUII\ISt 18, 1951. B. J. SMITH. County Cll'rk THOMAS E. HEFFERNAN 1415 Cout Highway Corona del Mar. California Attorney for Petitioner. ing ~ment joints ............ 1.80 Orange. . Tarman and Motorman _ 1.80 B. J . SMITH. County Clerk P-$5C'7 Window Cleaner .......... 1.90 Date August 27. 1951. OJI.ZTIFIOA'I'Z OF IJUIIINESS ~-Drpxn DONALD D. HARWOOD .FidJtao. nna Nune A-Frame-Boom 1'\'uck.. .. 2.30 ltl5 Cout Highway ftfJ WIMie..,..ped do hereby cer- Air Con~ Operator 2.CXS Corona del Mar. Ca.tlf tlfy that they are conducting a Boring ~ Opera-A~y for Petitioner. retail nursery busjness at n 6 tor CexcJUdiJII pneumatic PW~sh: Aug. 30• Sept. 6• 13 Coast Boulevard. Corona *1 Mar, Ol' equipment ol aimllar in the Newport Harbor Ensign California. under the ftctitloua capa.ctty) ···········-·· .. -·.-· .. ·· 2.38 No. A 11111 finn name or ~ ~t~ixer ··~-~~~ 2.18 NO'I'I<lm or BEAIU.~O OF PE-SUBTROPJ~~ERY SCAPE ~ ~ 'lft'ION FOit P&OBAB OF and that said nrm Is composed of Drivers ot cJump trucks WILL AND Fe* LI!'I"'''IIIS the following persons, w hose of less than 4 yda. wa-ftn'~Mf!N"l'Ail\'. names in full and places of reaJ- ter level ··-··· ···-· .. -······ U l3 Ia-~rtw Co.rt of ttw tate dfon~ are u follows. to-wit: Drh ers ot dump trucb-o1 Oallfwllla Ia aacl fw tile RALPH R. BAKER. JR .. 4 yd."!\ but le*' than 8 yda. o.-t,. ol ~ 416 Larkspur, water level ................ -..... 1.85 In the M.attft' of the Estate of Corona del Mar, Callt. Drivers ol trucks-legal FREDERICK LANGENB ECK .tDHN F . BtJR.NHAM pe.yload -capadt,y lela ~ 2222 South Roeewood. than 6 tons ..................... 1.83 Notice Is hc.>reby given that the Santa Ana, CaW. Drivers or trucks -legal petition ot ROLAND R. LANGEN-WI.._ our banda Udl 8th c1ay payload -capadty be-BECK for the probate of ttw! Will of Augvat, 1951 tween 6 a nd 10 tons ....... 1.85 or the above named decedent and RALPH lt. BAKER.. JR. Drivers or 'J'ranslt-Mlx for the issWtnce or Letters Testa -JOHN F. BlTRNllAM Truc ks under 3 yds ........ 2.05 mentary to the petitioner wiJJ be State et o.at_.... Drivf'rs or Transit-MiX ht>ard at 10 o'clock A. M. on Sep-o-v et ~- p~ C'EilTJf'I(',\TE OF IJ 81N1'118 Jl'kt1tlo. •1.na N.-e ,_ ii~Mrtilii:'M'd do hereby cer- tify that they are oondacting a Wholesale Clothing business at Newport ~ach. Californla.. un«r tJte fictitious firm name of KDI Of' CALIFORl\,A and that Mid finn is composed of the tollowinc persons. whO&! names IDd ad- dreSSt>S are as follows. to-wit : JOHN F. KIMBLE 1744 Miramar Drive, Balboa. Califomla .)ANt; H . KIMBLE 1744 Ml.ramar Drive, Balboa. California LOUISE F . HOSTE'n..ER 111 Apolena Ave .. Belboa bland. Califomla LEONARD S. HOST'ETLER 111 Apolena A\.'e., Balboa Island. Callfomia WI~ our bands this 6th da)' of August, 1~1 JOHN f'. KIM:BLE JANE H. KDIBLE LOUI SE F . Hosn:rt.ER LEONARD S. HOSTETLER 8tateef~ o-tr.r~ ... Oft Aueust 6 , 1951 befOI"e mr. Ute undersigned, a Notal')' Public in and for aaid County and State, personally appeared Jobn F. Kim- ble, Jane H. Kimble, Louise F . Hostc.>tler e.nd Leonard S. Ho.tet- ler known to me.> to be the persona whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowl- 1 edged that they executed the same. _,..._ ~ hand and official seal. I SEAL) MONTE R. GRIMES Notary PubUc in and for wd Co\mty and State. My commission expires Novem- ber 13, 19M. Publish : Aug. 9-16-23-30, 1951 Ensign OeMineG ack hav~ been a proven means of reaching buyera ror all sorts of ~Ute them ! Phone Harbor 1111. 42"7 Nenh1 11, COM t:•H.-t;ICf'Mt"d and AppoM l"tooll I to I Yean ...-..... Clue ... <l••• ca ... Plar TI'Ucks 3 yd.s. or more .... 2.18 tembeT 14. 1951. at t~ court room Oa"''.''da 8th ~ of August, A.D. •t: ... TRADF... ( S b j t of DepartmE-nt l of the Superior 1951. ~ me. the undersigned. jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil "' •o· ...,: u • c t 0 Court of th~ State of Califorrria in a Notary Publlc in and for ... ..:.. --r .. changE') u.n:: - Rf'..AMNAIU..E llATa ()fle"n 5 days pe-r W@ek-8 to 5 ·n-a n&port.a Uon Fumlllbed 190 E. 15th St OOM'A IIDA .......,~.., FOftmf'n: AU forf>mcn not h~reln and for the (;ounty or Orange. County and State, resldinc tbef'e-S('pan~tely cia Aifled shall be Date August 23, 1951. in, duly cornm1Mioned a nd awom, ,_....., o ••u 1 ....,,... B. J . SMfTIJ. County Clerk pet"'IOJ88)r appear't!'d RALPH R. paid not less than 12'~ cents THOMAS E. HEfTERNAN BAKER, J R., and JOHN F . BURN· ._. • ..... w..t ......... per hour more than journey-.... 15 eoa H' h t H.,. .. .....__.. be 11•11 men ratr ror the <:t'af.t ln· ~, st 1~ WI Y ~ IU1U¥0'0 to rnt> to the per-'Corona &-1 Mar. (~lir .,.. whole names are .ubeciibe4 voJved. Attorney for Pc-tltlon<'r. to the wfthln instrument, and ao-I tt c-;.!!':'iifJ '"•pd App""'~: May b<' em ployed ln Publish: Au~t. 30. SepL 6 • l3 knowleclced to me that ~ ... • • Ia 11 ea.. 4 conformity with SectJoo 1'T7.5 In the Newport lh.rbor EMifen. cvtecl the ~arM. ~Wike•.._• •••lllllllllllillililllliililll••• Auga~~~ •• 1151 11le ~T ~ Pag. 5 u~Mo~~n•aai--------~========~==========================================~~-~~,~·~.~a::~::-~::~.~~~~P~.:7.7.K~--~u=r~~~~~~--~~~~~ .... H IJ ~ HE ft.L '<7'-"~"' •v ,._ .. .;R-'ff)S FOR , ATt:llDAY IU!:80LUftON OF INTEN'TION f ~ ~ r CO ·~" ··out of th<' Mouths or 88bf>s" Pa tor Hollis L. Anderson will Ne. •tt ~ ~ "' "' 111 IX" th tllle of th sermon for pr('ac.-h on "Chrl tlan Education" ----------------.-------------"unda) At the Col"ona del Mar~~ th•• &>\('nth ~Y Ad\C'nU t & aE801..1}ftON OF IN'fttN· F~Mil:Y SIGHT PR~~M IRE\. GOODELL ro PREACH Communlt~ Church. \.\ith ~1 101S· r'hurch, Newport Height . at 11 I'IO.N OF.-..; CR'Y ()()(JliiKD. ChrlSt Stands Alone. will be R.l-Y. Edward E . Good IJ, pa tor IC't' Emeritus Pe11 y F . Schrock de-& m !'-;;tum'" OF I'BE OITY OF N&Wi'OilT the thPme of Pa tor Herbert of Chnst Church b} the Sea from hH•n ng tht> messaft<' Thi "ill be-A ~1issionai}· Volunteer m <'tlnit IIEACII DIXl'IAIUNG 1ft IN· Roth'~ sermon at tht> 11 o'clock 1940 to 1948 and a former prt'si-1 thermal "acatJon SUnda\ for Re' "ill ~ ht>ld at p.m . Fnda' each TENftON '1'0 OIUJia RIC worship ~n·ice at the Newport dent. or the ~ewport Harbor KJ. Paul Babbitt, pastor of the chusch "•·••l< Top1c !or tomorro\, will CJL08010 tl'P, VAOA'I'ION AND Harbor Lutheran Chu1•ch this Sun-wan1s Club, ~·II occupy _the pulp1t I Re\·. 'chrock. \\ho "as the orr-tx· · Pr-r1o0nal ElCPE'r1ence m An· All&NDONIIENT OF A PO&-day. The text is tak<'n from the Sunda~ morn1ng at Chnst Church J:rlnal mlnJ ter ol the chUJ ch ""••r•'<i PraH•r." Public 1s inv1ted. DON OF A 8ftEET DESIO-Go pel of St . John 8:46.47. The b): the Sea. Joining in the rvioe ps·E'ach<'d the first thr<>e Sunda\~ lfAfti:ID A8 W'RB 0 0 IC AN ~crament of Hob• Communion w11l ~ the Sanctuary Choir, which 1 in Au~ust and will concludE' his ,-11• ~IRST CHURCH OF CHRIST noNT IIETWI:EN S'WBN· Will be celebrated. has ~n on "\'acation" for the cauon substitution this tffirun SCIENTIST i'IEui ~ AND JhFAD-Sunday School meets at 9:30 a. pa l month and who \\ill appear J)E'akm~ at tJOth 9 ·45 and 11 8 m )]01 Via lido. Newport a.nh DEN PIACIC IN SBE Cft'Y OF m . \\1th cla es for children of all for the first ume in their ne\4 S<'r\ iN's ~'I' .U.m. COUNTI' a~es. The Adult Bible ~tudy Cla~s. choir robe . I • • • " bra~c~ of The Mother C._u~h. The OF ~GE. 8 TATE 0 F w.htch also m('('ts at this hour, \\-111 Rev. Goodell. "ho 1 now the F "' Church of Chr.,t, Sc•anti,t, •n· eo.. CAID'Oil.HIA discuss the 25th chapter of the pa t'or of the Echo Park :\Iethodist LE~~OX OX 'lESt'S' 'o" '"'anach sa•h Gospel of St. Matth w this Sun· Church of Los An~tel€' . has a n-Th1· B1blt> le son on "Christ s.,nday School 9:l5 •·"'" 'lbe City CoundJ or the aty of day. nounc('d as his <"rmon theme . J(·~u!>" ll t thf' Fir t Church nt )~rdev SeN:,. I I :00 a.m. N.wport Beach. pursuant to the Vacation Bible School m<'t for "Maintaining a Sound Mlnd." C:hri-.t. Scientist , at L1do 1~1£< Neo•esdey E-va"i"9 """''"0 8 00 p.m. provlsJona of the ''Street VacatJon its final ~s ion this morning. Boys Numb<>rs by the Sanctuary Chorr :'l:f'\.\'por t Beach Sunday ",II pt'lr-Pa.,d·~g Room ·oce•ad e· 1 1 I Pelm Act of 19Cl", and all amendments and girls who attended the chool will include "My God and I" by tray how Jesus demonstrated thC' S· Be bc;a i' ope~ dao 'f fro,.. t2 "0011 t b eret o. being Sections 8300 will entertain their parc.-nts and Ser'tei, and "Li t the Cherub Ho t" PIC'rnsJ Chri t. This assE>rtion of •o s c .... ••cap• SundaY' •"d holidaY' through 8331 of the Streets and friends at a pedal Family Ni~ht by Gaul. as is ted b~· Ho" at·d F ol-JI"SUS from John'~> Gospt>l "ill be ., •.. 0 '11 " oblervad. Hi""t.W..""' Code. does hereby or-program at 7:30 p. m. todll) om. baritone tht> Goldt>n Tut · "The Son can do The po.b c 1 cordielly invited to at· "'' "¥ Th d C If" 1 111 '--h ( •erd '"• cn~rch sa rvoces •~d u.a 1ha da.ln. l"e'SSive and declare as fot-• urs ayJ. · <'rt 1ca es w "" • • • not mg o h1mself. but what he rd-A b S E \V h F Read•nq Rooon. lows: awa ''" y upt. rnest . :'\*EW Dl cn~saox GROl"P I ~N'I th ather do .. •5 19• Schultz and Pa tor Roth. A nt'w reh~ous d1scus ion club -===========================~ SECMON 1 : That the public • • • of Catholic \\Omen was fornwd r Interest. and convenience require A !'"TOR\' FOR ~l":'\'D;' \' thl" W<'('k a l a mC'C.'t '"'t hE'Id Tll<'S· the cJosmg up and abandonment I A torv entitled "The man Who eta~ at th<' home or ~11.!> Jam('!> or a part of a portion of a street Lost Hi ~ Cup" will be the basis M 1 33 p in the Gity of Newport Beach. and for the .ermon . unda' at the Sal-de~ ~~i~ 1 opp~ A \e. Corona I it is the intention of the City I boa Island Communii, ~tethod1 t .,. Co i1 f th Ci r N t · rather -"teph<'n Krh ) wrll b<> unc o e ty o ewpor Church a crording to Dr. Harr~ spiritual dJrectm· of th£• ~:roup. Beach to order the following de-White. pastor. Grare Porrier of :\ln.. ;\luh·oy. PI ~"::-Jd<'n t . ~11 s E rocribed portion of said s l reet in Corona del M a r and l..le" ell''" saJd City of Newport Beach. 0\'t'rholtz or Balboa Island \\:ill Hu~.:hec; of !\:e\\()01 t H<'l::ht" \\8'- County or Orange, State of Cell-pr<''-ent the durt "Lo'<' D<'vin<''' named l>E'<Tct:uy. f J t 'be ted c1 sed The .::roup will ha\ I' "c><'kl~ a~d !b.n~ed~~wlt ; o up I b) Stain<'r at the 11 a. m St'n ·icc m<'t>llnJ::s in hom!'!> of l ht> mt'm· bt'rt.. Tht' n<'Xt mN'Iim: w1ll bP Beginning at an angle point t ion of said st rE'<'t hereinbefore de· I ht>ld S<-pt. 10 at 1 h<' Ba~ ~horr<- in the SOuthwesterly line of Lot erib<>d. hume of !\Irs. Colin Br rm n Thl!> 7. Block 20. 1st Addition to SEcriO:'I: 5: This Re olutJon of \\til ll<' tht' fir" nf "' '"'·' 11111- :-;ewport..&ach as said tract is Intt'ntion hall be published at I mAll' descu;.-.ion I:ICillP" tr• I~< ho In laid out and shO\\'n upon a map lc.>ast once in the =-:('wport Harbor m 1 ht• Ha rhnr art'a l'('('Orded in Miscellaneous Maps. Ensi~tn. a newspapc>r of general • • Records of Orange County. Cali-1 c.-ircuJation. printed. published and c.t t:~T l'!t•t:,uu :n V/e a~e !".o::ppy ·c Announce Mildred . ::---. ~ s·-:: fomia. Mid angle point bt>ins: ci rc.-uJatt'd In the City of Newport A J::II<'S I l-(X'nkc-t "dl O• '"'' '"' four < 41 feet Northwesterly of B<>ach. and said publication sha 11 ,,.., mon a t 11 ·• m ~uncl>l\ 11 rt •· the mo't Southerly corner of I be made prior to thl' date set for F n ,, Ra pll"t Chun·h •I '-··"I'"'' iaid lot 7: tht'nce Southeasterly tho:-hearin~ of all person.~ inte1-R•'ach. bu1 h b nanw ha-. tlt>l b•·•·•1 alons~ the ~out heast<'rly pro-l"s lt''d In or obj('cting t o the pro· Rnnoun('('d f:' I'll Inc ,, ., ' ~~-. "r', lons:atioo or tht' most South-posl.'d ,·ncation. ht· ht'ld 8 !. u<:ual at i 311 p m :-:ur·· westerly line of said Lot 7. to I The abO\ t' and for('~oing Rl"·. du~ and m1d-wP~>k on \\"•·dt"''d" a n intt>rse!'Ction \\ith a line ten solution of Intenticm No. 3910.1 \\'on "'n nl 1 h .. rhu1 <'h "ell h••IO •101 f<'<.'t. measured at right wa'> dul~ pa., ed at a re~lar m('('t-th•' month!~ mt•t lin!.! 1l' '"' \11-.. ans:les. Southwesterly Clf and ing of the City Connc.-il of the City I ''''nar~ SCl('il't) ar I :3C1 p m Tut·• .. parallel to the South .. '<' tt:'rly of ='~'wport BNtch. held on the 011~ rr th•' c·dw·fltionBI hurlrun~ Jines of Lots 6. 5. 4. 3, 2 and 1, 13th day of Au~::ust. 1951. b~ the 1 nr't tu thf' c. hutch at l!nh .11 d of said Rlock 20: thence South-foliO\\ing \"Ot<'. to-'>'it: Cnurt StrC'ets t'ast<'rly along said paraUel line AYES, COUNCILMEN: ~~~·~~~~~~~~~~ to an inter c.>ction with the Finch. R.aJns(>y, Gr...eley, :-4 0• 0 0 0 ¥ ¥ • !"' 4 • • 0 • • Southw<'sterly pro1ongatlon of 1 Blue. Isbell BIZ-Mart Knit Shoppe Jim 's Beauty Salon the Southeasterly line of said ='OES. COL'NC1L\'1EN : None Ill E. lelboa ltvd~ lelboa. HA 077& Lot 1; thence Northeast<'rly ABS E.l'.'T COUNCll..ME~: ~one VACAnON SPECIAL along said prolon gation to the ATTEST: Haad-Oroc:bt-tH Glo,·es most Southerly cornPr of said I C. K . PC'il;UESCTI k n .oo Lot 1; thence NorthwestPrly ty er Yerns -Instructions -Finishin9 along the Southwesterly line of I L. L. I SBELL Ho11n 10 to 5 'l..Clts 1. 2. 3. 4, 5, 6. and portion Mayor • • • e e e -. e • • • • • • ! of Lot 7. to the point of begin- nim;. Dee Cook !o anr.o:.mce lhe sole owner o: --··· . ·"""' .. Said portion of said street to be • vacated. closed up and aban&>ned Is more clearly shown on a certain map appro,·ed and adopted by the City Council or the Clty of ~ew­ port Beach for said \'llCation, clos- Ing up and abandonment. by Re- solution dated August 13th, 1951. and designated "Resolution No. 3909". which said Map is on file In the office of the City Clc.>rk of the City of Newport Beach. Re-' ft'rcncc is h<'reb\' made to said Map for further particulat'$ :ls to the propo ('d vacation. dosin~ up Rnd ahnndonml'nt Clf l'taid portion I of said Str('('t. and said Map is mad•~ a pa rt of this Re-solution to the same ext<'nl and purpose as if th<' $aJ'n(' W<'re herem lncorpor-~ a t<'d in full. Johnnies Liquors S EC"TlO:-; 2: That proct'edings for the dosin~ up nnd a b.'lndon- ment of the afor<'said portion of I sa id s tre('t shall b<> had and taken. and th<' r'ity Council of the Cit~· of Newport Bt'ach hereby elects to proceed under tht> pro- visions of the said "Street Vaca- tion Act of 1941", and all amend- ments thes·eto. belns:; S<'ctions 8300 throu~h 8331 of the Streets and H it:h-.vays Code of the State of California. ·. C .... ·---~ ...... :-1 I ~ 4 SECfl ON 3 : The Street Super- intendent of the City of Newport Beach shall cause to be posted conspicuously a long the lint> of the portion of said street proposed" to be vacatt'd. not more than 300 feet apart, but not less than three in au. notices of the vacation of said port1on of said street. Said no- tices shall state the preparation of this Rc.>solutlon of Inten tion and the time and place of the hearing or all persons intc.>rested in or ob- jecting to the proposl'd \'!\Cation of stud portion or said strE'<'t. DEE COOK nes.r "=- \ ., '1d patronage TO'-'VY 5"NFORD ·c exp ress .... a!S lf~C !harks ·a . the1r :cr pas· SEcriON 4 : Notice Is hereby I gh·en that the City Council of the Ctt.y of Newport Beach does ht'reb) fix TuPsday, the 11th day of Septcmbcr,.1951, at the hour of 7 :30 P. M. of said day, in the Council Olambers of tht> City of Newport Beach. located in the City Hall or the City of Newport Beach. as the time and place for hearing all persons interested in or Objecting to the proposed vacation or said portion of said street: a nd the said City Council of the said City of Newport Beach at said time &nd plac:e will hear the evi- dence offered by any person Inter- ested in the \"acation of said por- * Come ; ~ cmci seC" l~ :1:1y·= ·neo Courtesy and Ser~ice Is Our Motto ( ,- ..... -=--~. ; .. lllllll ~ Somethlna difft're-nt ln a f. bedroom, 2 bath home. 'I"ht. ls In the fin t locataon and Wtll not tay on th muket lonq at the low flracx• of- $24,500 Fun. Stanley Hadfield Ileal tor 118 lbrtae B&lboA l.aud IIArtlor H Wut Income! CorOD& clt>l M11 1'--2 houses on large lot. nt>ar l'l'lluol ... mat- kt'ts, transports uon. Splen- did lnrome propel t~ c)nty $13,750 • • • 6.-.tboa l .. ta.nd -3-ht'droom home. f1replaC<'. floor furnaC"l'. double gara~:.c, .? baths plus apnrtmt'nt rro·ntl~ p;.untcd h~1dc and out. Fan,. I<K'a lion, Jxoth unlt~o lUJ'OII'OhCd rrtN·cl $15.750 ONLY 1 block to Main Beach in Corona del Mar. 2 bedrooms, hard- wood floors, hreplace. double garage and newly decorated. EXCLUSIVE FOR RENT -- -2-bd.rm. furn. Latest improvements, double umt contrcl heat, hreplace. Close to ocean with view. Yearly rental. • \\'~> :1l...r1 h!l\t' n ff'w l!lmlml'r rt'Cital~ from 875 w~k up. Good 1o\Uter rt"t~tah avallable • CORONA DEL MAB PBOPEBTIES Robe-rt B. Lyaa ud 0 .-INl L. Lyaa, Rc!alt.ra · 411 Coast Boulevard CORONA DEL MAR FarmhOUM-Motel IL-\BBOR 1011 IIAil80B liG ·'-::.. .- OPEN ROUSE Saturday & * ---from 12 noon MODEL ROME Furnished-428 SEVIIJ.E AVE., BALBOA PENINSULA - Sunday C'n lltornla mndo•m • --n -rhltf'<'turl' ond «''ior by rlu 1 't:tnlll na :111t horll "'' ----- TMIJ'sllif111iJ in Corona del Mar DUPLEX E~~llrnt rf'Dta.l loc.tlciL f"h~ to shopptac. 1 11111& fum., ht r~r-.. 1--cer p r. ..ct lnundr~· room. Nrat u a pta. !'t;.E IT TODA \' $18,750 T t>rmA EARl. C'llAXBEIU..AlS MO CO..t Blvd.. HARBOR HU OpftOiit• the ...... c-. d•l Met 1luo-t 21. 1151 --=-~---~READ . ENSIG .N (L . . . ... Fqc-Sale · Pl~~ .. ~~~o.:~o~ ------------RJ;"I .URI11' ~ jlle_ II\ 1947 STUDEBAKER Champion COM. wW do biii tv alttil Starlight couj)l'. Also '50 Stude. HARBOR 1'R.A! SFER· Champjon 4-d:r. St>dan. Private RENT A PIANo $5 pe party. HArbor 301. tenn mlt _al!i~ t THOR automatic washer, perfect buy. DA.Nz,~~m condition ......... _..... ... $69.50 ANA, 520 N. •ain. GRANT'S F URNITURE NEW LOCAft 1645 Newport Blvd., Costa M ~ Wll' L"-1 TWIN BEDS-Excl. cond. Chrome ·I TrJill11 breakfast st>t, pedestal table. 4 ~hairs. blue; ~d other ml eel. USED MADE f . &tents. 611 Poppy A\"e., COM . Navtae.l 0.C f LATE model Coldspot, A-1 shape, • WI IVY=~ !fUe rantt>OO ... ... .. . $79.50 GRA."'T'S FURNITURE Near Ice Hou. c: 1645 N<'wport Bh·d .. Costa M<'sa "'-'• HA.W 24ll .._. FOR SALE -4-bumt'r gas range • OP'Etf SUNOA't'S \\lth OH'n. bt'Oil<'r. timP.r. Good I COME IN HEn d rond. ~. 702 Larkspur. CD~ I. H • d <V\ an F H \rbor 11~1-\\'. . ammon Orga 1----, tc lesson ~ry. TABl~E TOP gas ran~e. o' <'n col}-ron play this instrumet'l trot. in uta ted O\ en. only $.37.50 SCHMIDT P~O 8c _C~A:.\TS Fl"RNITtJRE CO .• S..nta ~ 520 l fih :'\o-wport Rlni .. Crn;t_a ~ll·~a comer 6th. \\ Al.~l'T t;l:t'"·f&ont china c·up-1 ~-:-"'::~----- 1 board. ltkP n<'w. adju table 1 Real Estate & Rent !oh<'IH'S . . 17 50 ----~--..._ __ _ CRA:'\'1!-' Ft 'R."'\ITL'RE - 1645 ~ewport Blvd .. Costn ~fl"!la FUR~. GUE2T HOUSE FOR S ALE· -A pa~;ng hobb} : A!-1 f~w 1 or 2 adwu. 4211• ~~~~·r "•" •• At••·· a.ttHN ltf•'"' I HArbor 177-W * * * Newport F'urmmre Co , Furnishmgs Edward H F1ckett. Architect W1lliam Manke r, Colors If you nrc> lnt..-rt"'tNI In ~~<-.•In~: Utfl L,\T•-:.~T ln dt>Sip a11d color, sec this. (Out llnlh<m llhd. to thr Pc•nln,.uJA-w-a tcb for t.he arrow.) U_., C 11 rican \'iolets. 10. 25 & SOc: also j C DM. HArbor 0359-M -lrl • beaut. ell.'<'. s<'wing mach. blond 1 2-BDRM .. fulll home. n rabinet. BEacon 632:.i-M. ('losed yard, ncar ocean '<19 LJ:-;('OL:-\ poll S.ndan -. St.. Nt•wpol'! Beach. Y • • • ' ~· · ID.EAL SEAW_ORTHY la·ft. f&sh-Hi\l''--r '"'.".".f> or H ... R&H, ttnd (I U. J'K'T((•Ct bo h J h 5 '"" ""·).] ' n.~ 1·1 ~~~~' I Attrccc·:e Ikdboa ~!and 2-Unit liomes ll Htre is 145.00 month}} rt'- ~ular mL'Omt•. 2-bdrm. stuc- co. rurnlshl"d hom('. plus stu· d1o apa1tmcnt. lum. O\'C'r dbl. garagt-Atlrat·· $17 750 II\'<' pnce 1 • • • For tht> touch<'t'·Upf)('r. a 2·Bdt·m homl' \\ith fire· place. plus J::\.1'-' t apt fum. O\'l'r ~ara'tt'. ~1ce brickNi yard are-a A dt'al $1 ~ 900 here at ~, • • • 4-Bdm1. North Bayfront. 2· s tory ranch style home. 2 baths, plus complete 1 Bdrrn. a pt .. furn .. O\'er double gar- a ges. Fireplace both units. Priced to sell on cas:r terms. $10,000 ~~~nt • • • ''J. A. leek Ollice Balboa bla•d F~"'7 llartM»r IS Balboa hluld Balboa Income Four units. furnishe-d; n~r beth1n~ beach. 1950 income $4.000 PLUS. OwnPr will t.ake lots in Harbor art'a as p:ir\ PqUit). ~=-$19,500 BaiiiH Rultr Co. 100 E. Balboa Bh•d. Balboa HArbor S%'77 1 BLOCK TO OCEAN AND BAY Cult> 2-bedrCIOm b<'ach home. Excell€.'nt tor \'&cation or year 'round llvm~t. Good heat, W<'ll arran~<'d ::~ $7250 • EEJft.UF IH lssoclltes j 112 N.wpoti Blvd. HArbor 2512 i N.wpon k.et. I in('\'"''· \\'·l ,\ $161.,. mg at w1t o nson out-~F'i"'RN 5..,.,,1)10 APT ' ·' ' "" board motor. Ikttt'r than good · •"' • · ·• '50 ct:S~Ol\1 Club Coupe, l'nnd. Rt'ady to go. Sacrlfl~. ~or couple. · l5 mon01\). 1 H&O D. onl) ...... $149:> HArbor 761-R ,,17 L;ukspur. CD:\t. H. ·;;o FORD ~·-s d<'luxP Se-dan, . • . · · Ft.RN. APT .. 1 bdnn .. su l only . . _. $1435 4·Bt R!'\ER A.B. gas rang€.' $29.50 2. OCX'an \"ll•w $lS . J8 Bt:ICK Scdanl.'th'. R&H. ~~A:'\'T'S FURJ'-'lTURE util~. pd. \\'int~r t'l'nra ~ Ut'(' to b('<' this won-I ~,, ;:\;t'wport Blvd., Costa Mesa 1 Foreman. 72nd & Seas ,4'\\IJOr' Hhd. a t ~ott, ~L • dt'rful c~r. only . $1395 l 'PRICHT mahogany case pi-;-.;(>wport BNch. 49 FORD Sedan. R. . $1245 anu . M9.50 BI-'At.TlF•'fTv f "t H.\rbor 1800 * S E \\' P 0 R T * '1 FORD Sup Ulx. ~<'<inn: <;RA.,TS -Fl'R:"iiiTR£ fia ,;e~· 'n-urn . .r ~~~~~~~~--~···~'"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~== brand n<·".fl(lamt JOb; im-_1&1:> :'\€.'~port Bh·d_:;_Co t~M~~-Al)o 2-bd~ a;.~~ r I· -maculat<.>., on_l~ $1035 SARI )T ~ailing-dinghy. nylo" sails. renc<'d \1\rd h .• rbfqut> 41 PO:.\"TI~C =-'l'<ian. R&H. _ including ~nd dolly. $140. HAr· Park A·, l'. fblbot lsi~ BALBOA ISLAND BAY nONT Lar,tf' !'Iouth Ba~· front h'omf' -l bNtroom<~. ~· z bet.t\11 plu111 !·be-droom ~raJrf' a ps rtmf>nt. •1n.-.. t ('ornf'r ht<'u- tlon • -• Plt>r and float . PRI C ED T O t: r. 1. W. W. Sanford, Realtor . Balboa bland HA.rbor '!48! FOR VIEW PROPERTY EE 1Rre111 C.. ~~~ll·~~ 1M Cout Bh•d.. COM E. L Se .. llleler • REALTOR • BUSINESS OJIIPORTUNITIES • SU MMEIR RENTALS HArbor Ute 152) Co.st Blvd., Corone d•l Mar ------J-------~ Autumn Center Pieces ~ t $3.00 & up ~ t Dowers by Mom 509 E. k lbo• llvd. -kiM. ~ t _ _ H~bor _2072., _ _ - ·ca•tts Fll\"E FURNITURE MADE lN OUR OWN SHOPS FURNIT URE REfiNISHED I HOUSE & GARDEN I 611 Co•st Hwy. Newpett Bu~Ofl · nn o,... Ni9hts •• SVII. t 0 •• tn.. 4 P."'- These Are Your BARIAIIS FOR THIS WEEK ON' USED APPLIANCES 1 FRIGTDAlRE 1947 6.9 cu. rt. flE'fn,::<'ralor; guaranteed; wond<'rful condJ Uon- $159 95 I .;o.;ORGE ~partm<'nt size Re- lrtl!t'lalor; \f'r~ <'lean $49.95 SAVE $10000 1 VICTOR 9-rt. Freezer; NEW!!! Regular price $366.95 NOW $266.95 1 WESTil'I:GHOl'SE EIN:tric Ran~<': 2 O\'cns: <'XCE'II<'nt con· dlt1on - $129.95 1 GENERAL ELECrRIC Au- tomatic Washer, excellent con- dition; guaranteed fo r 1 rt>ar. $239.95 Lido Electric Co. J)('lfi'Cl '" ~·,t:'ry \\Q~ S 983 bo1· 1087-R bo•· 2694-J 1 '-l6 OODGE S<'dnn. R&ll. l'X------. , -·--·---tra ru('(' . S 925 GOOD PRACTICE PIANO~: ~_19, LIDO. BAY FRD:\"T-1 & 1 '46 FORD Tud<'r. n P w 1 ~ S67, S83 arl~ up. ~l the k1ddies a,·a•l. to Jun• Uth 0 paintt'd onl\ S 791 lt'am. Pal but S5 per mo .. 2 ~r. )car 1-bdrm S75: 2·1 '42 OLDS '6 dub s ~dan · · t'XChange at full value. DA.'JZ-baths SUO. $h Uy t R&H. Hydra.matlc 's 675 ~.CHMlOT BlG PIANO SAL.E )t'ar. HAl bor ~-Ev ·n l\IEHCURY Sedan. R&ll. :-.:o_w ON. Santa Ana, 520 No. 1 bor 2914-~t. new paint, onh . S 64.5 :\fam, comer 6th. SEPT. 15 to Juoe1 ~5-! I'll OLDS 6 Cfub Coul)<'. 5 l'SED Servel gas rt'fri~:Pt·ators: \\ood hom<.> on 1. I R&H. Hydramatk s 545 4-ft .. :>-Ct .. 6-ft .. 7-ft. & 8-ft. Ali i Fum., 2-b<irm . rt>pl '41 FORD Cou(>('. motor 1 PI iC"l'd to sell now. Hurry on bar. rop!X'r hood fenc ov('rhault'd. onlv .. $ 335 1 the e. l~rbcque. $100 &d il. 2 '39 FORD Tudor . S 193 l GRAI\I'S FL'RNIT JlE mar. HArbor 181~-W . MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM Tt'rms is D<'sirro 1 J down. 18 months to pay NO REASONABLE OFFE R REFUSED ON ANY CAR ON OUR LOT 16·1.'S Nt>wporl Blvd .. Co,.ta M~ WANT -Sept. 15th: How I REPOSSESSED! Beautiful Elec· quartt>rs, 2 adults, part tric organ. Famous make. For eluding s to\'e & ~rrlg church or home. Pay out bal-ground floor. CD t. T• 1 anc<'. Big Ea\ing. Llkl.' new. ~-HArbor 1~. DA..~Z· CffiUDT PIANO and tr:-.T Ft'RN. l·bd••mhnusc I ORGA~ CO., Santa Ana. 520 blk. from bearh-yea1 No. Main. corner 6th. S90 mo. Imm d. oecupa GRANO PIANOS. Big Summt>r 0\\TI('I', BEaron 6«."12. Theodore R-Ll-Sale now on. Stei.nway, Mason 2-BEOROOM unJurn. ho1 --· & Hamlin, Knabe. Chlckerim.;. and ~ar. Al~o 1-bdrrn YOUR FORD DEALER ChaSt>, Wurlitzer. Sohmer. Fish-apt., tar~t' Ji\'lnlt rm. ~ 534 Coast Hiqb..wv 1 cr and many othe-rs. Some ne!\v, 704 l' He hot rope, CDM ~-I' 1 some used. Pm~ start at $395. FOR RE:'\"T-3-bdrm me Beacon 6604 Newport Beach 0~-SCl~lDT PIANO CO.. fum. house. n<'arl~ new Hours: Week Days 8 'til 7 520 No. Mam. Santa Ana. fircpla~. ~ar. \'rb· te- Sundays & HoUdays. 10 'til 4 1 S PINET PIANO. Pay out balance Mo. HA 2892-R or BE • ~-Another Spinet. bal. $387 1-BDRM. APT. 2 adults. Services Kam~l made Spmet. $493. See Frigidaire. S4:l fl('r m< . our last ~C returne-d re-ntals and I lease. No pete: t>li COMPLETE HOUSECLEANING t'('possessaons. DANZ.SCHMIOT N B HArbor 6"1-\\' Furniture & Ru,:: shampooing, etc. I ~~~PJ~~ S~RESal~ ~r-O~FICE SPACE 1n C(';ltc W~rk ~aranteed. Beacon 6111. co:ne~ 6th o. am. n a a, nPsS di!lt. nf C'o•·ona Al s Hou_se and Window Clean-. · . . . 1 Suitable for bu,. lr pro lng Servlet'. 6~CL !3IC FT .. Frat(ldau·e; n~t a JXtrkinf,:'. St'<' at 'll Co LELA CARRELL is again at K.a tey scrat<'h ~n .it· cl~an.,lfYa,r. ~>9.50 Corona del :\hr Doane's Cleanel'S 1201 Coast GRAJST S Fl RNITt.R E 1--. -Blvd COM d 'wtll t U 1615 Nt:'wport Blvd., Costa M<'sa LARGE, new 3-h<l• m hor ·· • an accep a -------1 furn TV d('('p ln't'7P "" kinds of a lterations and sewing. FALCON boat for sale. Call HA pati~. ft';lCt'd pi clbl. HArbor 0441-J. 0197-J befol'e 10 a. m .. or 6 to IPasf'. 2J:J8l Pir:tll' Cli FY'ftNlTURE RESTORATION 7 p. :n· BEacon 6R61 -.J Cha1r bottom~. benches a nd s tools GET '\'Ot~ Al<lANA food frt't'Z<'r '2-BEDROOM unf Lnil'ii'ei N'Stored usmg cane. rush., reed, now. Upr1ght or che!1t type. Ex· Car Clo P to 'chn.lls • etc. FREE ESTIMATE. dusi\'ely at 1 · . s " · RARVE\"S GRA!\"T'S F l'R:":TTt.TR F: St .. C''hff Ha\t'rl 11\rbc FURNlTUR.E REPAIR 1645 ~ewport Bl\'d., Costa ME'sa l'XFURN. C'Ol\1. r··•~. rE !050 Sa•ta Aaa A.~-e •• Oosta liMa 1-& 2-bdrm. nph ultr; B~ lUI..., .. u • I Ocean ''lt'w. Jl,\ 1671. _R_U_G_.;;;..&~UPHOLSTERY Help Wanted 1 F(~: ,~~~0~-~'\~. ,1~~P~ CLEANING :\lA~ WA:.\'TED-for li~ht manu-15. ~0 mo. Would ron.<:: I 1 111 ~ • OD locattoa facturing. Oldt'r man pnof llou~<' l<'nsc. JIA JM:?·.T DALE'S NEW LoeatiOII I2ll$& Dt .. B· • Wortc O..,...teed & Card<'n. 611 Coast H\"T. COM FOR RENT-f'urn~ 1874 1!_&,r,~. IIIIIAL ILICTIIC MOODY I.NTDUOR8 S ALESWOMAN decOrator. to caU Will accom. 2 adults . o u OaD HArbor !Itt on nt'w hom!' owners for HouSE' bay & ocean. Plras. • c o s T A .. E A • I 1 for .lllla.mate & Garden. Salary and comml·s-Summer or yrly rental. '" A.PPLIA.'J()ES !11 Ceut Blv«. 0on111a 41e1 Mar _!ion. BEacon 5277. .enrol. CDM. HArbo!_l * WE BUY 516 Coast , Highway OFFICE or STORE !:pace HARBOR TRANSF ER-BE 6927 MAN WANTED to help with land-700 Carnation. Corona Your STUDEBliER Dealer FOR CASH I Newport Beach BEaooo 5505 W ...... ,.... YOUR DIRTY WO .. "' scape work. See Clay Ellis. ""~ • ~ 1206 Coast Bh'd .. CDM. FOR RENT I GOOD 1 LOUIS F. GATES GO~NE..lu.... SALESMEN-We have an oppor-... B~fG1A1 LOrW AP1ARTh1 USED Complet~ ~ NI'VIoe. tunity for salesmen who IU'e ln-;'"'auu u Y urn., arJ:t- Ooort. Appn18e~ -0 .1. "--Windows, f1oor waJdnl and pol· tercsted In WORKING and also with fireplace, bdrm . ~ Home Loan• to buy. bulld. lshlng. wa.ll ---... ·-~ in making OVER . $400 nor mo. ette. Summer rate I reflrumce or for e.Jierallona _,....... .,... t. h GENERAL JNSU'R.(NCE Otll Harbor 1 w • We ha\'e openjngs for both men we<>" or mont . * SALES * SERVICE • Pf.RTS ~-JoeNickertz Hrl Ne-e: N ., Ne_,.,. ~ Uollo n...tre ...._ HMer 110 1874 Harbor Rh·d .. CMta MMa H. H. HOLBROO• and women. Lido Electric Co.. FARM HOUSE MO HArbor IHI a 516 Coast Hwy., Newpol't Beach. 1304 Coast Blvd.. COM BEaCOII 1637-1 400 Ooa•t Blvd., OoNJIIA dd Mar Dependable Phamhin9 BEacon 5505. FURN. APTS & roomc. r BICYCLE llBPAIBDfG Schwinn Bicycles Ray Stedman 1574 Newport BIYd., Co.ta Meea. BEacon 5128-J • A Prompt ~ Servtee · • • • • · · bor and oce11.n view. Maintained MisceDaDeous ~ehes. Summer & wir Pltwe ... ,..,. U18-W • • • • • • ...... aJs. 1414 Seaview. C 1801 ..,.,_ Bt~ N_,.rt IJMdl =_.1,::;456~. ~=~-~,_... -AVAILABLE for baby sitting. Rt'-F""RN APTS r t liablt>. HArbor 1347-W. u · · or re-n ' ' PAINTING Earl Sbelln tn ...._. a -o.ta •-... e. ..., .• lse Apq, first. Dbls & HARBOR TRANSFER-BE 6927 overlookJng Bay. ~ 0 KEYS -MaGe while you walt. Corona del Mar. Tommy's Shop. Post Office BUt.. Lost anyth.tnr lately? Corona del Mar. Claa trit'd metbod or loea1 Tbunday, Auguat 30. 1151 llle ~T ...._ BdiGN ASSIFIED ADS IGOlden Wedding Party HelcH...-~~~~~~- 1 Fifty yean of married life wel"t' Col Graesc;>r 1s a ~tired arm~ e<>lc;>bt'Btf'd on Tut.> day by C'..ol. and chaplain. He has Rl"\'ed all ov• r loan 205 N. ~ • .Mrs. Charles F. Grat"Si.'l'. 324 Nar-the 'nltE'd Sltttf>S as well as th•· · Wanted ci us Ave;>., Corona d l Mar ?h.ilippln<•o;, Panama and other _______________ ...,.., An a nruvPrsary luncheon to (OI'f'l~~n lations. Th<.' Grae-ser·:. I honor the pair was l.•hen at the hfln• lhf'd in the Ha rbor &!'('a fr r TOO CUTE to destroy. Want ="1.•wpor1 Harbor Yacht Club by mo 'Par and before tMt SPf'lll • homes for par t An~ra kittens,! thi.'ir daughters and ons·ln·law. 1 11 )eat in Laguna. all colors. BE 6606-W aft. 5 p.m . :\1r. a nd Mrs. ClarenCf" Ste\\art of WO~AN OR GIRlr-to care for 2 823 Bay An~ .. Bal,boa. and Capt. "·--dl Fa--n ~1 -age ch1ld S3 daily. No and Mrs. H. H. Tiemroth. cCapt. '-UIIAI ,yv housework. 701 Carnation, CD:\1.1 TiNnroth ls commandant of the I Call C\Cnings. HA 1642-R. n~val t ~hing station in !'an 111111 le z~ I HARBOR TRA:'JSFER BE 6927 °1o~~r guests were Capt. and . • &IUI!J Sf.tARE m y hom local workin~ I Mt'S. Chari(>S F . FlPttc;>r of LaJ,"Una; 1 Con11nued from PagP 11 I man. ComplC'tc;>ly fl.!od· !urn. in Mr. and Mrs. o. C. Terry of Or· '(trictlon. t«' tha t pfft><:t , to rf'maln I Cos ta Mesa. only ~ pcr month. an~e; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Klau· tn ffH<'I' :1" long a thPre "'''I• nu CaU a rtN· 5·30, BEacon 5711-R. ~r of Laguna: :\k and Mrs. A. A 1 chan~l''l tn zoning of the lot •Jn \\'ILL DO ODD JOBS. e<trpenter Stafford of Corona dc;>l '~lar: the t he oth~>r sidc:o of ()copan Blvd. n1· rrpairs, paint c;>tc. By hr., dn~ or two Stew11rt children. l\fichat"l a nd d1•r thi<. rompromi •· plan, nCN>"c \\C'E'k. HArbor 0126-J. J ohn, and t ht' TiE'mroth c-hildrPn, tu hou .. c• built on thl' bltJff lot .. Slots Raid Hearing Set IIBI'old jr. and Karc;>n hlrll'y. I "<•uld lx-fmm th•• lower rnad I Thc:o uoldC'n Wf'ddin~ tabh' wa'-"hic-h adjoin' thP nt'" ~tatt> bParh df'<"'t-at<'d wi th ftO\\C'rs including parkim: 101 cladioli. t'O e and cat nation-. and Th• "' i.:mal JX>Iillon ~~kint: feu 11 big wl•ddin t: cak<' romnwmm·atf'd th' 1• /<>ntol' hnd 'Jlf'Ciflf'd L..o• • t hr O<'Cl'l<tif:\n The;> )Nil<ltt•ri C'oupiP I In 11 II Tr1rt 11126 bf<l\\€'4 II C'Ut thf' Cflk<' IO~f'lh€' . (;rantf,OO Itt· Ill tl IA,rk,pur '1\I'IU(''l ,\1 I Hat•old Ti<'mroth .;atd .t.t<'•' h< loti' ""''d.,~ • • nin:.:'s hrartnc P.:&lph thr lunchr•on. T n 1f'\ "' l..n lJ;1bra HPiehh. and A(tf'r th•• If' ti,·itlt'" •h•• "IJI'.;I<t .I [) B• ntl(•.' of LA-: \'t•~a \\lilt· tContinuro from P a'lre 1 ad.if'mnl"d l(l th<> Gnu .... r·, awo1 dt•" th•·•. 1 tnu• .. lrnm thl' fl('11• 111,.:-. \\hPn th€' boats rt'tumf'd. I homl:' fn~ reC'f'~tion of ~··'h \\ho 11nn .... t;~tln" tb~.'. mtr~d··d :" ~-----1 Tht> n••r<;ons 81'1f'!>lt•d \\('1'1' takc;>n dropJX>d 10 durmg the aftt"I'TIOOn. hutld th• lr h nU'>f' II lhl top • t" • '----------I hP h hll I \\ f1 h iH'f'f''-'-l rl'lll' I )( t'a I suita b lt' to sanln A~a for arrat~nml'nt ..... m d Thic; 't ·uon INt\f' I.A''' , , 101 t' Com nus toner Brad I<'~. who I f ~ I ' · l • .., · • I'Opt . had Sl't up ('('IIU't in the ~farltt>l 0 --~.a 1'1 ~Ill lhP rwttltnn fo; R-. /III)IO r..:.;;:..-.,---IJ ldi , 14'"' s "1" ~t All • • • ~....... :'\I fcwmal \Ill(' \\ j'l ltk• n "-' ,.. >Ul n~ot. .xJ • ~· "'" ~ • ... < • 1 b t 1 r 11 • m• n €'n· wt•re N'IE'!i"t'd. some on th€'ir own 1 I"'' n~mc·t u e,r 1 •l • • • 36t h ' t<'<'OglliZ"\11(~. otht'I'S on S-"'lOO bail. I no e I hl't'S prl'sl'}ll. ;lta~(·r Lt s J,..twl renat.1 ="t:'xt We-dnc·day~s heal·ing will be • I~·"( Hnrn"' .'. ll K 111uf' •t nd Rn ..... 1540. 1 •ld in Mr Brl'ldlt>v's nrrice in lht' (,,...,.J, • ..... :ud tlw ptopo 3 1 "1' 11 t.:.:,::..::;.:....,.. ble 1-~r-,t :"\~tilnal SaJlk Huildin~ That annual blow-out fnr lh,.. '" 't "11~ no" tr> ,,., .... , 1'\" tho ·::-'\ Kc;>\ at 1 The boat 10 \ul\'t'd \\l.'rt>: Luck''! Jonathan Ynrht ChtJ) ot'{'llrt't'd ltom lln :m Jl 'd Tlw h~"an~ '' 0870-R. 1 !'1 11ke. nwned b) An irt Pearson. last Thur. dll) ot~ht \\ h€"11 45 mc:om· mnt lfl"' n T ft0 ti llw, •w;\:' 1, c "''"1'11 uJ'C'ratins: out of Port Lido. Sl'a· bf>rs pnd ,:Ut'"-'' ,,, 1"' t l•~ Rll) l'll· •• '• 1 "' 1 1 "' 1) · • 'P bi<:cuit. 0\\1l<'d b> Georgi' R. lt•rtllinNi b~ tlw 1.. (.' HrH•r .... ·'' \.rR\\'S nlll (II Ralboa Pa\ ilion . 120:1 ".: Rav Front Baltxm. J,Jand N A • l Dr., S portsman. owned by Don Patt~>r· Tlw part~ wa a pr•··U'>hin.: 'do" eW ffltJa S "Wn. out of Patterson'!~ Landmg: in thf' lorm of a cocktail party Gn•tlo•t :"t·"'POit't~ population -1 !\lay-B. ownt>d by Frank :-.: Cotta. I and bulft't <>UpJX't . l nduded ... \\Pllt·d l'llO'·id,.rubl~ la't \\f·t·k ~~-'I out of Por•t Oran£l': ~1i sa wit. Gn>· :tmons: th<' honoa>d L:llt ~, ... '"'" thl' "ht>n "''" llahtto<t c-am1 hnmt· t •nn l.~r:~ s~ and Alalun~a. O\\ nc~ by James I Commcxtor(• of Jonath:u1 l..<' ... Lock· ;-or .J1,,1.ph Ho ... lJtlill :O.fr, '1or~ . .1n ·• 109 Barl">·tt. out 'Of Pon Oran~e: :\lu-hart. :'\••xt da) tlw nwn nt tlw '\obit•, :!671 Ray Shm •• llr .. Bay 11 A •• <tic. Sklp·a·Lou a nd S port Kmg. d ub cllmt>Ni aboard 1 hf' Aliolunc·• "'holt•... brnu.!ht nt'" bab) ~coli r O\\ nt'd b~ ="orman l la~en. <'UI of and w••nt ti him~ • • • ht !IH'IIH! rnmt> 111 m 1k•· thl'tr hmtly rouo• :>:orm's Landin~. I b.ick 12 alba('()n•: t\\n 11oo t\\o B. ... ,dl'" th,. nt·\\ T lw JX>rsons a rrested were· Jt1hn • • • hab' \\ ho \\t tt:hf'd 7':: pounds at II. Taylo r, 52. captain. 1104 Cliff Ry th.-b~. Bill Br .. rt. i., hack b1rt'h on l••nda~ Auc ~~. th• I>r .. Newport Beach: Gror~<' J . 1 ft·om h1s :l-\\t'<'k hohd;\.' rn tlnno-'\;1,bl··~ h;nr Rt•lliild Chc·rr.' I yn"l ~hjpman, 35. captain. ~30th St.. lulu. From t he sound of t htm:o; 1 <1nd .\h!'on -es : liAr· N<'wpot'1 Beach: Janws S. Barrett. thts summPr. thf't'f' hll\1.' IX'<'n mor<' J,~,,11qhs Sr·ntl Yrl\ln\! c·rm1• hom• t---__,.-......,,-1 :;6• contra c tor. 1300 c~~t Hwy 1 yroUnJ: poN~plt '"· lhC' Island<: t~n Itt"' \\Pt•k on Tut· da) trom St I Newport Beach . ;\tarJOriE' Suth· any\\hl'rf' Rtllts cmrPn11.' tn S n ,lru.f'J>h Ht• ,... thl' -.(In ot \·tr. and n.sula. Prlaod, 35, waitress. 2511 W . Chap-})t••go tr~im: to cah'h hun"t'lf a ,,,.,. :O:cntt 11 Youn't. 61() Orch1d brkfst. man A\r .. Orang<': Jos~>ph E marlin ThP '-C'nior Rr<'t>r' t•aut ht A\1' l'mnn:t del \lnr nnd "ll" patln. White :21. operator 197<1 Tustin tht'it J:\cot \\•o•k a 162-~undrr' 0011, :-,a1u~la' Am,"U;.I 1fo. Mtra· A\l' .. Cn,ta Mt>Sa. • • . . :\lr. and ;\li • ="m·man Caml•au. 1 \'f'rl V S hipman. 2l). \\llltn•ss.l And 'peaktnl! of fi~h. fpm~ntnt• i:!~ Rrolunds A\1', ="~'"port ~-=-_,..--.,-n-1; 2'2fo. 30th St .. ~l:'wport B<'ach: Man· U.land postma>-tct· lltlda Rn~<'lll' Ho•tcht al...o H 'fOCH t a tww -;on . fum in-111'1 Cnrdtl'ro jr .. 31. <'perator ~99 htt tht jackpot th1. '"'<'k b.' bnn~-, born l'lt :=-t .lo ... <'ph Sunda~ Au~m·' rig. Pr(•lt>r ll<tmthtm St., Co~ta :'oil'~; Crt~" 1 int! in 'J Zfi·J'I<lUnd . a lh:trtl ••· "htlt• 19. Ht• wrilzlwd 7 (J\IUnd~ 3 c.unc•'' Top t·enta l 11 Prf:'drll'hl. 16. nwchanic. Los An· fishin~ with thr ~1rl' nn TUPSda.' .tt bn·th ~··lt>s: ('harlf'!t W . ;llillc:or, 3:;. dN'k :'-tor£' 1 han th•• Jack poll Htld:t wa.. To \lr and )h-.. :\1a thP\\ C'o:o. l hand. 113 29th St .. :--;('wport Bl•arh . proud uf th<' r .... h . ~·<TI"' hu .. bann :'>16 At•ada A\ I'. Coi'Ona del ;\lat. 1 b ·.·I AmhtO~I' H . Stralint~. 64. rook. 415 1 Rud ha<t bt>f'n tio1n~ ho•ll t't than ("am(' a httll' J:lrl. \'ic-toria L)nn. r!:Cv ~~~7i Rt'dlands AvC' .. ="f'wport B<>ach: ... h<-at thl' <~port 1hi"' .'~'af "" saturda~. Augu.,t 1 . Ilesid., ~ • 1 tll'll'n ~1. \\'irss. 38. hou.<:E'wtfl'. • • • hf•r t\\tl ''"" rs. at:•'s 19 months no\\'11<') . ~amuPl F Cordi<'r. 3 1. R<·rn h<-a rm.: ,,,,.., f•l rom~.wn t and 3 .' t•ar~. Ji tt lv \'ick it> has · P.'\ 'o{X'ra t(lr, 440 F'I0\\1'1' St .. Costa ,aoottl tt,nse "OIIt-of-thh-worlfl dl'·l undt'" and crandp:trt:'nt<t in thl' unturn. 1\1• sa: G<'OI'l!<' R C n nf"S. 36. derk rorationo: at lh!' ;\('WJX>rl H11rbu1 81 ,,8 ~rara~<' hnnd. 31 t Rroctdwa~. Costa Mt>~: 1 Yacht Club' annual luau held Sat-~ )Iunday, Au~:U'' 20. was thl PRill E 'J'r'(l('Rt<'r. 35. opl'ra tor 20a2 urday ni~ht P alm-. mn!-'-t·ar'<' daft· 11{ th<-l.)lrth of a ttny dau~rh· rn, un· Pomnn t AH•. Costa ::\11'sa: Wit-h·uits a nd \'f'gc;>tablf'" • • • that tf'r, hc•rn to ;ltr. and ~Irs Gror~t· , 2 baths, 'tam n :\1c-Tag~mrt. Yi. en~inecr. peoplt• had 11t'\'t.'l' l'\t'O ~Pard of I Ko:-..,mao 3012 \\' Balboa Bhd lease. S110 1:-\27 '\('wporl A\'<'. r-\ t" w P 0 r l • • • and "~lhons" nf (tl'C'~Jd'-\\f'rl' ~t-wpnrl Sh!' Wt'tllhPd fl pound" BE 6921. 1 R<'a<'h: Kath<'rinl' C. l\h~rln1yr('. 1 nown owr l<'t' th•' affa11·. Gold nnd 7 nut.•••<; Is ~:\. <'O<'k. 317 Cf:'ronadn ~t .. Balboa· baskl'tS \dth ~n~c:or lt"a'~" k <')l'd ~ or will G~-or~t· J. Mc·:\!illia n. 32. ski PI"'' tIll' d•'t'Hl'8 t inl'-a utJ lltt•htd. Wt'tt' 1., 36th ~t. 1!l70 Chu•·ch ~t.. Co!'tn :\lcsa. :,cattt•t·,,d t'H'l)\\ht•t t nl> 1f it Wt't't' Schedale Given 1 -• Rnv J . AndN'ws, 16. dN'k hand. rainim~ blooms Tht' orrhl'stra 346 l 6th 5t . Costa ~tt>Sa: Thro-"as 10 a sort of island of p:.Jm,-Ill Thl' 1·p~1-.trntton 11m<· hu ... :-<'ht'· dtll'f' F KnO\\ !ton. :\R, hc::hf'rman. the c~>n1cr of thl' bt!! room. · dulr i.; puhli~h.-d <~S:AIIl l•lr mfor- 1:12:\ In·inC' A\'r .. ('o,.,ta :\1csn; Ri·l two buff<'l tablro: nnd '"" ha_:' matinn ot hil.:h 1lt'hnnl ~tud••nh . <'hard J Ba\1<'-.s. 2tl. deck hand. made;> .t'l'\iC'f' for thl' ~nmt' -h ll 1 ... _ Bl d m p Coast Bh d ., Pasndl'nn : ~·lt'pht'n A . nurt 1. :\R mol'(' manal:t able \.u~•-.tc "en• B~ii':!'rna~ . ~· lJ 12~13 I NlOk. 920 Ralboa Rh·d .. ~''\\port thrillrd with th£' •'"''ttr a tmn"·l Ea~t ~cwport 'h 1i 12:47 ho":le. romp. R.-1ch: Gl<'nn K. Ta)·lor. 16. cap-ph('l'<'. l:lth ~~ -Balboa Bl\'d ~ HI 12·49 wtth ml'~l. tatn. 1017 \('11"1 Ht\!hWa.' :"f'"'· • • Ford GartH!•' ~~ 12·50 .. gar. Yr s. port f\f'ac-h; :\1arcat1•t t.. ~wailc::. Plan" art' ~l'llim: undf'r \\'a~ fot ~Oth St.·Ralhoa nl\d., :;~ 12::)2 tff Haven, 1 lfl. I!AII<'Y 1:irl. 636 Coac;t H\n . onP ot thn-..-big PH•nt.: of !hi' I \'ia l.tdo- ::'\c•wport fWat•h. \f'ar ••. th<' annunl fall foslnnn :'\£'WP<'I 1 Rlvd. Kf.'nnf'lh c. Ta~ 101. 20 d<-ck ~how at th<' Snnt,l \na C'ountr' Coa'-t Rh d. .,. (I TTI'c' ·riiF: ( \KI a ll•·r tlwir \\1•111tlnt: "ttnd~t~ ar .. "stL ..a.od \f ... t ., n• \\. I •'. Tlw '"un~ HHtltl•· .1 rt' on n I Q...da~ hODt'~'11100a I rill - ; h .. ,.,'" I • I nm ) Peggy Diehl Weds :--nl• n ,,. 1, nl 'I • "• .idnll:: '' . paP ~ tn full tit •'!-' 'l.t 1:1• U!ll· 'm n.-~c 1, ,'fi '" t , ''~' •d ,, ,, n •, ,,ul t•htt\• ..... t \it:-' \1ar._t '' Ann [ltd\ I and ~~:t G4'nl' \\'p•q lo La) nl th• C'lllll·nt m•lt'::t!\ ~tliJ31111l l:tc'•n ,\nUt. Jlt'<lJIIt• iod 1~ (n- Il••• I • •t 1 • ht" I lor.••. '~''"'" •I bnd•• .md ~·"•·m·. '' 111 bt. ~· p t.th'\1 "ltl• '-'::t I n "' ., '\ ~ -•r.,.•ll''l I. II (11 i•Jt• • ! ......... Tt, "Hldor '""" ;•ltrt 'rnd 1~ 11 I 1 p n• d 'I • Coltona d••' :\I 11 l ···mw 11 : t) 1 'hu• • h " • h P.• ' Pf!UI E Rill! I • • (I. • ( a • I II c 1'. ,,., .. I' t• tlllt!-tllol 11! .\l1 . ;tnd ~1!· .... I{ :'"1'1'1 [lohl ;141 Ccold lllod \\ • l • 'tlh:t tl•·l ;II tr. <tml \\3>-. •'lt'l m.111 1.:1 lo,\ hu tath••r II• I •r1"•n1 ;, ''" ,·,p-·n•l ur 1 .. 111'<1! I I. I I"H C)! P.. I,., ••• " <.~nd :>Pil • • • ' I , •t \11... t ., n ..... u Thf" bn rt• \' '''' •p:n kilt• · '' hll•' tn .1 llt'ro•d I "' dr ··~" .-d~·· d \\II!' • • 1.. ,hf-•' "e-:-e . ~ z 10, lm.m pi I' I It'd 0) J< I r. ~' •t I "'' lit \dllt'!''l r,\\ \1' btlht\\t'd Olol ' •' 't•ol • I 'II • •, lnw undt·~kn · il• r ,,,,J :n. trh••d in "' tatl "'"' It•'• •rr lt'll•'' '( 1• It 1 ••d oiUllU I ' 11 tl ' \' '"' 1,1 ,{ C'ln,,• to hrr J,, •rl " • h ., I • r tfl Sht• cat l'il'd ,111 I. , o.C>Il I,.. I '" \\I I I :\ ll 0! rh I •J11l \\ I'' tl ()' II ' hlo"nms at d • ,.,.,If)., ht'l It\ ',,.. : I ! •t' ! Ol'lll'l o..: I• · •\• •• t[l• 111 I • I · tn8 I,\ p. d 1 o "''' II \,ol ~ 111: I •'• ... htttlt.., ftllol lh•·' \\tll< n ·c;h 1 ~ -rot .... and , , .. '• 1 "h1'1 ... , • .: • ' ''"., ·mdt·rl h.' l •k 'I; Tl"'" \1 d nf h•mnr ":p. \!"" \tr~rthn :--n.•\\ ... "' .n..:r .IIHl l'tJI dt\fl' r..-uJ ..... :l'l<i'l' irducl•·i tho .•·uno·, "'•'P. ~,,., •• , :\ft ..... Ra 11,1.1 n. """ of P.achmnnd "'"' 'l"l'-~ \1 f1..:~.:at• t''l • \ ., ~·· ., !ua•<'d ,J 1 and ·<'hl" , ... '" \ I'• I kntt • • and •h• ~tndr o; "0111'\· .,, II \ • 11 ndc; lot\ :1';· --.--•·rl :t t • •I· •'h Fl 1 YT• ,·· "'i't;ll \ t 22-1 Cl d nl -r 11 ... n,,onnrt ,...lub At n 01!'t'llfl"' hr\d ~rt ... t I . -:> a) hnn . 1 1 'onst wy., ·'' .--\. ., ;\lnn:-urnt•' rbor 1207-R.I B<>ac-h : Johnny A .• lldrnbt•rt:. :\2. Thur<tdny. it was nnnnllnt't'd that Pac-tftc Dr -FI'mll'af rents: new d.-c-k h1nd. li~ ~antn Ana A\'f.'. thP -.how will bt• prP"• ntPd h~ :\t annc-P:.rk In 12 ·.10 ·.t2 12 -t2 n 12·15 of th€' hich t"rt \1'"....._ \F-.l nl\.'u r ... ·~ •••••••••••••••••••••••.: :\l":J ar•i \J,,, l.~·m i' ·, tra modl'rn.l \ostn :o.t,,sa : Otho n Cullf'~'. 32. Rankin'<t thill )l'ar 1nd thai Cnun· Thf' compl<'l<' ~taff l. I dt"rk hAnd. L•m~ RNIC'h: C'At'lns 11 try Club m<'mh<-r>-will "''''''" a-. chool tncludrs· ~ti() l'><'h,aclo zo. labor.N. t .. ,., .\11\H'I€'~: mod<'ls. Sept. HI'" tht> dalt• and ... · • 10 l S·JU:~ Charlr<t \\' RtlS\\Orth. 20. ("tptam. "Your F 11shion Pnrtr:ut" th<' I · •rl I :\S:i f: 15th ~~. co ... ta \l£'S1 : ,John thrm('. Jtarborilrs C'hO!'I'n to ht"IP p 0 Beatttl•t;ed ~ y. \lun11. 21 th;ht•t·man. Hll Ro<'hl'S· '"'<'Ul'" pri/Pl--for thf' t.-a 'llld J:.h•'" ·• • " ~-----;, •. ~~ C'osta :\lt'!'a. an• :\ft '. Gcort~(' Tohill and ;lh~B Ga den Clttb apt. .l:lm~ ... T. ~mith :l:?. l'Ot:iO('('r, c. c. :-.:older. " r Close to -2"' (\'Ins\ H\\, ="~''\port H<'aeh : 1 • surround. : 'l~fflll tl . ll'll<''>. ii cl••ck hand. 367 a· D pe R,;., ="ot on I) l'an 'h·· Cot una d••l 307 Gold· 'J(II1 1<' \;t tR. ro,.ia 'fr--.'\. ~tiltf:'n 1g 0 ... !AI I :\tar \.,u dt n cluh mrmbt r plant :, n1ndlord . .t.\. C't'Ok. ~m :l tth St.. 1 mak<' ~h··'l' ct~rdrt~ll '>urh ;~ .. rent. I :'\£'\\port Ht'aC'h: Gaylnr~ ~t unson. I B ken Up "'!10\\0 ·~ lht'tl' t>Xhlh~t at . t.h·· Mar. I :-\2, .. o~.:mrer, Anchl'lr Tt atl<'l· rourt. S 10 ~ ount y F au·. but t ht>) ,u ~ -.k•l•• t! {.:-.::.....:::::..:.....:.:.:.:::..:.; Cost a ::\lcsa · An id P.-3 rson. 60. m 1 h•' rea I t hmg :t!> t>\ldt ncf'<l 11. ·l:tin. 'l()..l' Oranef' A\·<'~. Costa I ~rwport police aided stilt<' nar· lhf'ir plan tn pro,idt• plantim::-111 I ~?P · · colics age.nts. in\e tl$!atot·. from front of thl' new Po~t Offt('(' Uv. room ~ta. ld F F ostt'r :;.q mast40'r lhc;> dlsttic t att<'m<'~··s OffiC<'. and Womf'n or tP\t> Gard<'o Cluh n r• • ldtcht"n· , .~r~. 7.,:11 w,:omi·n~ St . West· Santa AM. Anah<'im and F'ul!e•·ton llharin~ tht• C'<' t of land"l"apinc by day, 1 m:1'!~1~.' iiulth ·w MC'l.A'an. 36. poliC<' in brt>akinJt up tht• ht'!~<'~t thl' nr" buildin~: at .106 Orchid ~~~t t•t;ttet·. :"'on•:alk: Donald B rinl! of doP<' JX'dd~en; and U"~l'N '"I An•. Corona del :'-tar. 'd h th\· p ,-.. nn -In M Pattt>rson·~ Land· Orangt' C'ounty hts tM). . 0\\1H'r of tht• bulldtni!. F C. Huh· 1063 1. a t~~;. Co.-'\~t Hwy N e " p o rt Bt'l'akinlt or the <'U!il'. undt'l' m· bard. ~1rs \\'. F rnnk Powt>t'!l '" \k~c-j,'-',No~an Ha~~n. 3;;, of 101 \'f'Sf1~at ion ff:'r mo':'ths. start<'Ci ptt' .. td n t or lh{' Card n Club ClOSt' to \'' 0 .. 1 'd I~lf' ownf'r of \dt h the arre l of fl\'t' ~<'Ulh. tn winter rent-':'\Ia . ~~~di;~IC 0 ' Ba\l:X.'ltl on a char(t<' of flO. St'SStOn U OO I~LASDF..R R E<'O\'f.:RI S<: COM. HA · CCI!~d<' H fXonl ing<'r 50. of t :lii of narcotic on Aut:. 18 This wa. E\t•rrtt ;\form. ~11 Lido &>ud ll\1. • Dr Balbo~. Ja mt> P foll<'we<l b~ o.t.h('r arrC'sts last Lido I It•. is home &'l'"'' rN'O\,' 1-:-..,...-..,.--1 ~;~~a~r~·tt. 26. of 493 Ma~t·l Wt"('k·cnd. &nd ttuantlti<' or mor· ing from. an OfX"':"tion {X'rh~rmc·~ & singles, l' ~~ Costa Me a . mana~<tc;>r of p~inc .. marljuan~. l){'nzr drin<' a nd 1 r('('('ntly m Good sam antan HtiSP.'· Camation no 1" · :'n e · Frank N Cotta 51. dttaudid Wt'r<' SE'Ittd tal In Lo Angc;>h.' . 'lr Morrt" ' P:rt 'a~l 'Roch<'Ster. St .. Costa Ctuu-gc;>S ha\l' been fi.led In Santa I t''('pc'<.'t~ t<' b<' back at tht> ~torr1 1---...---~~~\.eah Kirkwood. 27. G~r-1 Aro Town.shJp Court agaln<:t 10 of Rt>alty co .. Balbo3. (larh In S<'p- dt'n3, 'aralJtty girl. the 13 fX"t'$On arrestl'd tl>ml){'r. • ( '" •t',, d,,l \J, .. f\ \"4•'1 ' tftt ,.,. ........ \\ \I 11 • ' • •I' •• II I f' I die I •: ,, t • I I '" ',\I I II l ;o.•q II I k • Another .. Dance at - T ~ p·t J.'. a ... \lnfl\11 dt0 .1\' Jol 1•'•'11·1 I "o1 '"' h· I i . n ,,, 1 "' • Jo'• td ' r t l' ,, l P,t ' • ,.., P t ~ ''" nf """' !tn·nt,hllH! th•• • l \ •t' ....... \ • , ~' 'l \. ,, • f • '\• ,, !1"1 1 II 11 1'-' 'l"'' 'I'''" tt .• t'\l'nin~ l"f fun :md furm ... hin.:: 1 r· • fn, ... hmt'nl< lot· l ht• Hill'' pc•npi.- Tht" ~ ('('nts phl!t t1X admt<i<Ot<'n • ~>til ~o 11'\\"Arrl,., l':l\lnl: It'-•• h~nd Cot· thr t'ntrrt·unm••nt Promen Tn ~ . \ numho•r o( j'i('<'Jll • •'• •, I \\l•h tho• hutldt" • •' t l o l'•'lC \I•·· • mm·1 I ltil• p•t I f'r• .,b, I• '1-111 "•" • tntrndti<'NI Tt:o•.:d, .' 111\!ht ·'' thf' • mN'tinll of thf' o;cO('Jllt•-d Chftm· tx-rc; o{ ("('lmm('r<'f' of f'l r A n c C' : t.r1 • • • PENC .S • • • NOTESO..)"S P ... Of :t lh.Jltr'~ PENS •"4 • ERASERS I NICS • POINlS Brookings VARIETY STORE . . -. i 5 i HArbor ~ Co•et 1J.,4., Cef.otle 4ol ~ i ('(lUll I\' I thP :-:('\\llort 1 hi OOr YaC'IH Club : ........... ~. ·~··· l .. . Mr=h-Prt.e .. Christ Cburch by the aea in Newport •u the ~eme of the re- Gftlt •eddine ~""'eft'~ Dooald Jo-- wpb LaMar and Sbirley May Moo- thart of Lynwood. The bride's par- entl ha,-e bem 5pen~ the sum- mer at Nev."J))rL ~ young peo- ple will U\oe in Huntincton Beadt. ~v. T'homu R. Pendell per- fonned tbe Oet~. A JUtchen sho\t.'ff was held Sat- UI"da.}' afternoon at. the WaJter pioer real~ on Harbor laland for Mlu Geraldine Gooch of Udo hie, v.'ho will ~ married Oct.. 13 to Robert Crumley of Seattle. Tile gueau 1pent a good pert of the afternoon hemming dWl towels and making pot holders for tbt> honoree. and later were ser\'ed home made peach ice crt-am. in- dh1dually de<.'orated cakes. co!fee and tea. I Prest'nt in addition to the hon- oree were Mn . Richard Sha•gb- nef;sy of WiJmington and Mrs. Walter picer. co-hostesses: Mn. Willard Gooch. mo~r or the bridt>-to-be; Mrs. Worden Crum- ley or Balboa Island. mother of the prospecth·e groom: Mrs. Leona NoweU of Montt>rey Park; Mrs. I Duncan McAlpine of Udo lslt-; ~~!!!!!!!!!i!e!!;!l!!!!!!.!!!!!!!;;;;;;;;!!, Mrs Robert Allen of an Gabril'l; .M1·s. Eldon Ford S1·. or Santa Bar- bara; ~Irs. Eldon Ford jr .• of La- Habra: !\trs. C. E. Nowt>ll or Costa ~1t>'l8. and Mrs. HaJ Lukens, Mrs. Lena GatcheiJ a11d :0.1is )lary ~lOre'~ of Whittit'r •....-t ........ LIDO VILLAGE * Phone HArbcw 1 8 4 • EAST INDIA SHRIMP CURRY wfth CHUTNEY • Real Mexican ·Foods e Enchiladas e Tacos e Tamales e Chili Rellenos, etc. e Steaks Open 5 to 9:)0 p. m. -Cl~ t.4e»Meys La l>ost Kids Show V ariety On O cean Front I Somt> pint-sizt'd hula danc<'rc; almo.t ~toll' lht-sho" at the &>a- 1 shot t' Colon~ 's annual 'ariety J ho\\, pJ'('St'nt{'(! b~ I he' nt'i~hbot · 1 hood kids at the J. :\1. E\lms J:<lr- acl", 67 W. Oct>an Fa'On t. :'\ew· pori. on Frida) C'\enlng. Capacity housi?S or o' e r 40 \ iew€.'d t'ach performance or the I t>ntertainment a t 7 p.m. and p.l1l. Special costum d acts included tap 1 dancing. acrobatics. baton exhibi· I tion~t. sktltin~. inJ:]ng and poetry. a quiz show and a \'lolin solo. One of the star performers was .. parky th<' Great." a tiny trick- lo\lng dog. Dan E\'ans ''as mastt>r of ('(>re-I monies for ~ ('\'enan~:. and the cast included )1flrY Ellen Hohl'isaJ. I Jo Anne Hohei at. usan E\·ans. Dotty Daniels, J eanie Hoheisal, Be\erly Lund, r-;anc~· Ruth Briti· nalJ. Barbara Ruth Britinall. Sha- ron Pattison. Babs Mo teller and 8. \'. CT~"DIFF. (aiM»H•) •ito laa• ~ ...._...... of t1w Port '1'118tft Ia Cer011a df!l Jlar, l• IM\"Iac' 100a t• aC!l'ept a .w pMIUoa "'ltl1 \\'.._t-. Am...,..... ._.._. Co. fte Cua4ll'f bNII:to·· wtdch ladudH ~moeU.--old E4- Y.1n Wa rrt"a, •Ul bf-IH\'Ia« Co- roaa clcl Mar to Htabllsh tltelr h<lftlt' a t ttN-...,.. locaUoa. 0 . E. Ortm.aa hat!> retll.l"'at'4 (rom Okla- hom~~, "ht•r.-h.-ai~M~ ow• 1!101114' tb .. ntrt'tl, and "1.11 o~rala take u\ t>r t h.-rnanajt('mt>nt of lbf' Port. Miss Brogdon Is Married Announcement of the marriagt> of the.> former M iss Beve-rly Brog- don came this wl'ek f1-om the bride's part>nt . Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Brogdon jr .. l Oi Sonora St., "ewport. Tb~ groom is Donald L Maddox. 110n of Mr. and Mrs. 011\·er H. Maddox, 2038 Cedar St.. Santa Ana. and the young people are liv- ing at 1571 Mesa Dr .• Santa Ana. The wedding tOOk pia('(> at the Gretna Green Chapel in Yuma. Arizona. on August 18. Tht> new ~1rs. Maddox attt>nded Newport schools for the past rour years, and ht>r husband went to anta Ana chool . H~ is employed in Santa Ana. ...... a-tum Fram 10-Day Trip BAck from a 10-ct.y, 3.000-mJle \'acaUon trip are Mr. and Mrs. M . J. Bengochl'& or 616 GoJdenrod AH!., CoJ1)na ~1 Mar. Amollll: the point• of lnttorest they \'lalted wert> Reno, Salt Lake City, Y~ .. tone. Bryce Canyon, Zion National Park. and Las Vt"p.S. While In La1 V~ they \ilited Mr. and Mn. G. N . Patter- lOft, who u&H to be usodated ln buslneu ln lht' Harbor area, and they wmt flshlng ln Lake Mead. Mr. Bengocht>a Is on vacation from rus dutlett as plumbing ln- IJI('Ctor for the dty. &E'I'CitN~ FllOII 'l'lllP EA T Back from a n,·e-mooth trip east ia Agnet~ R. Ca10n of 110 30th St., Newport. While on the long trip, she \'lsitt'd ht>r family at Pine BJuff. Ark. ------~ bold on to that uwte..to- J'OU artlde. Try the want adl. "'-wotdl detlen•cf to tolte rol#fh tfeot~ Honcf.. 10me moder. •IY'"-t .. lth 17 ·jewel movenent for awpreme occyrocy. Otlterl.lttt ,,.,. U.1.75 Wallace . Calderhead · -JEWELER - 817 COMt Blvd. Steaks • Chops • Short Orden 63! COUt mpwaJ -Newport "Mariner's Mile" ·parky. Gene Lund and Jimm:o.· THE ENSI GN lAcker wert> stage ere". J b Prinu .... Fadlltiea Red Snapper Cafe An add€.'d attraction wa~: punch i~iiiii0iiii,iiii""ii..,iiiiiiiiiiwii~iiililiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiliil'iiiliiiiiiiii at thl' intenni .;ion and 1 t>al door prlzt>s !including a subscnption to For / F i ne ~ COCKTAILS French and Italian Dinners Imported Beers & Wines The Finest • tn Food L!X) ROJO and ENTE!{T AINMENT Nightly Felix and Leo with Sue Stanley Complete Dinners Until Midnight ..... ll.&rtlcw I I l t The' En lgn I. New Son Will Be WaitinCJ For N<rYY IJeutenant Lt. Han·~y Hendrickson, 1506\• W. Ocean Front. Newport Beach. reall~· has something to look for- ward to when he returns from military duty as a n3\.")' airman aboard tht' carrit>r Bon Homme Rl· chard. It's a new son, Mark ~ Hen- drickson. who was born at s~ J oseph Hospjtal on Wednetclay, August 22, Weil(hing 6 pounds and 12 ounet'l. Wee Mark and hll mother, Mn. Henclricbon, c:une l home rrom the ~~Mpttal Monday anct ·~ greeted b)' the new r:...-iiiliiliiiliiiiii.._lliiiilllliiiliiiiiiiil~-------iiiiiliiilliiiiiiil ... llll. llab)''a tJlg brother, Stevm, al@ 5. VA u X' IN BALBOA Living"· AUDIENCE· PAimCIPAnoN RADIO IIOADCAIT • A bi• &haN' of all the parties MiM A1Jao Farwell. M.i..s !iarda Uld p)llety that ., ... ..,.ny a •'Pd-Farw ll, 111 Oarlua AodPnon, .lll/l:!l:=~::llllflll~=:!dl/:111 .. 1 {0.U 1 fNIIi J1111t 1) dine aad IU ............... ftstivitie& Mlu Donna O lf'WPIJfr and MiD =- hall of our Board of Ttwtf!el of hav~ COlli! to tbto f...ymaD fL Far-Marlyn~ Ne---port llatt.or Unioo H II h v.tilJ of Balboa iD UIU. On Thun-Rev. Paul MOOJ"t' Wheeler om- School. We feel tbat ~ cia¥ their daupt.er, 11181 But1ara o.ateclat tlMo &e'\ict> performed m •'ff lhoult be pw. 110 u..e _.. n.ra r~ •• marne4110 Ri-the dlurcb bounteow.ly decorated oppc:IW the---"-of ttw-Hlcb cbard "l'oawend Willldltler-ol Saa1a •ith ~. 1be bnctecroom'a Seboo1 to Newport 8eM:b ADa at the St. Jamea Epbcopa1 mec. and oepbt>w, J(>&n Graham We think t.bet 90~ o1 the P801J1e Olurcb in N~-port. Seninl aa and BUJy Olok>y, •"l'rt" n~ lid ot Cotta Mea are fai.nDiDded i~MS-matron or boDot ror her cine-wu aDd rinc bee,rer Best man waa 'iduala ..t.o ~-e lD fair p1a;)t llrs. Rubert Gurley, wbo had an-David 'J"breshie. t:shen were ftA). and are not prejudiced iD ~ IICJIUDCed. ~ intencled marriage bert Gurley. Leland F tnl('y, Robert \ie---polnta. We ._,-e a).,,.. ap-a1ooc .,th Barbara la.at Decem-Sturroclc, David Relhl VtDtoo predated tbe fact that the ciU.. ber and was ma.nied earlltor this Townse-nd. William and Jdf Far-or '"'-port ~aeb ba\-e beet~ good year well Mi!dlbon t>\"eft to the extent of 11\e young bride wore her moth-Gold and ilvn tl ~ silk fash-1 .ioinin« witb u. in t..l)e l:fich Sebool er·s ~ of c:reamy satin trimmed ioned the gown for Mn FIU'Wl'U 1 ev~n t..t.Ncb they boft '75f'!! of the WI. •th rosepoint laot' Her Ai t:tor ..rule the groom·s mother obole an co.t of, buildl.np. crounc11 and and the SJ.X bricl!smalds WOrt" •· a,pricot talft>ta Cor th occaslon. malnt~ of ~ IC:bool It waa tln:Stn~ O"gandy ~ O\~r A reception was held at tht> houae not pouiWe in the put and i.s not al:in .,.,nh rnatchin~t aun caps. and gardens or the Farwt>U home now possible for Costa Mesa to The bridesm&Jck tncluded Mn. in Balboa.. establish and maintain a paratP L.estt-r Oavas. Ml Ann Clark. 1be young peopl4> will make Hi&;h School their ~ ln Claremont, w~ ' More than hall o( tho&e at end-B-.!~ -l SLn.,.er they both will continue thetr tv-CToll Free) inc the High Sehool are Costa Tl(.l(.l, Ru""'di =~es=•=t=Pomo==na==Co=ll=~=e=. ====~~~~~~~~~~~~=­Mesa cbildren, and Newport Beach ta.x dollars ·are provichng the Jo-H ld B J cal ~ for OM ba1f of t.hfo e on • • Costa Mesa children in addition to supporting the Newport Bt>ach A cocktail a c c t" s 1 o r } show- children m t,N school. tor feted Mils Lou Ann Ta}lor of In the Ugbt or these facu it 122 T\trquoi.se A~.. Balboa Is- seems to us that leaders opposing I land. who l.s pl&nnmg a F E>bruary I tt)e annexation have been short-weddin~ to Jack MacFarlane or Allfliii 26-3 I I sighted in their threau to disrupt Santa Ana. The-part)· was gwen th school and its organization. b)• La NeUe Cay. 308 Ruby A\-e .. ' They talk about k.....ning bannony Balboa Island. on Wedoesda> of S ~~.. last ··eek. The Welcome Wagon Hostew Will &.ock • Your Door wldaOiftaAOreeU.. ,_ Prleedly a ..... Nef#tGnuaciY.,... a• _. looial Well.,.. Lnden .. ,.. ...., ... ,, BEACH P"O*: HMbor 758 •-· ra a a wtwn they at'! the ~nly on('.S who The d-lts were Pf'l"S(Ulted around ltv-eaten to d.ist~ .'t. a giant champagne g lass with two When w t". the ouzens or Costa ~a.t;ge imitation slpptng straws de- lesa. oit."d to incorporatE'. •-e bad s1gned by the ho!lt~ of cardboard no h itaUon in .including the New-1 and crepe paper and &ororated port Harbor vnioo Hid! School with colored 5et1)l"ntlnt> trearners m the propost"d caty. ~ ~-and colored balloons In ket-ping ment then WllS better poUCf' pro-",th rhfo motif a de,,.,,., of e~­ tection. fire protec.tion a':'d lowe r noJ,t PI<' was e~ <'d. Insurance cosu. :"ot a sm~e ob-GUt>Sts inclu«k'd the honoret-·s jection came from the cittzens of mother. m DeWitt Taylor; Mrs. Newport Beach. John French. ~trs. Boyd Horrell, If Newport Beach wtll now ac-Mrs. Ronald Camt-ron. Mrs. Brian cept the respon.slbitity for serving Hanzal. Mr C E. Suthe rland. with water, sewer, police protec-the Misses Pat Wtolsh. Joan Mason. Uon, fire protection. trash and Catharine AndrPv. . Donna Ring, 1 garb&ge ·oouec ion •ithout recei,·-Donna Ke ller, Ann Freeman, and log any taxes from the school pro-mother of tht> hostess. M~ Georg-e J)ft't)', the Oty is actually doing us Ca>' a favor. tr. in addition to these services, v.e can effect 53\'Ulgs in our tax dollars beca~ae of reduced lnlurance a.nd electTicit)' costa. we think that members of the School Board ahouJd be praised instead Variety of Stuff In This WindOUJ or c.oodenmed for their action, Th re ha\e ~n some odd spt.>- which ls actually doing their duty cles on Balboa Island. but the new for wh.ich ~ elected tMm. ··&oina!ortas'• currently being pre- W e a.~ proud of hav\nJ> a High sented in the Balboa Island Va- School whicb we behe\."e is leCO!id I riel) Store window looks like noth· to none in the State of Callrorrua. ing you've ever seen before. 'l1li5 haa been true because the Be-hind the ca~te ban (capped by citizens of the commwtity tiave aJ-a .. do not f~ the animals .. sign 1 I waya elected School Board IIWftl· is a bone-llke collection of rup ben of the highest caUber and ln.-I ba keta. plumber's trlendl, brooma: I tegrity. ~Y have served with-mops and mats. Accordi.n& to the out .. ,. and~ the school sign, the &nimal is native to ecooamicalbr and efficiently and beeches of southwestern Balboa in a.ehalf of the duldren or the Island and it ree& on a v ARlETY con:u!'unJtv "itbout regard to any. (get it! 1 of stuff. Incidentally. I poUucal pressures. . .. Seinafortas .. means any old thing. I U we do DOt back t4P 'ood school --board members we certainly CUt· not expect to havt> good citizt;ns Mrs W Cochran's I run for these otrices. and tbe wel-• • 1 fare or our children will s uffer. DaugLter to Wed j U:.-r'S BACK t"P Ol'R SCHOOL R BOARDS ~ .,. ISi~atur-es l i'\ews or a \\eddlng about to J . D. Doverspike, 1511 Tuslm Ave. take place was receivt>d last wet>k Harry Eatua. 400 E. 15th St b> evpraJ Harborites v.ho art.> in- John Sha.meJ 41 0 E 17th 't ,;ted to witness the marriaJ;:e or Willard B. Mellott 250 Flower St Miss Pt>!:~Y Lee Abbott to )1errlll Heinz Kaiser. 147 'virginia PJ. Leon Dubach at the First Baptist Maurie Stanley. 2302 .E. Clilf Dr.l Church In Elizabethtown, 111., on Dean Bradford. 23641 Snug Har.l Sept. 8 I R. N. Lagerlof, 23585 Snug Har. The Imitation were issued by Dona_Id 1. Huddleston. 11~ Bdwy. Mr and Mrs. Wiley Coc hran. Sam Ki.Mfather. 166 E. 20th St. Peggy Lee Is the daughli;>r of Mrs. I R. W. Thatcher. 230 Palm r St. Cochran. Tqe family are former Barney Francque, 4()0 E. 17th St. Balboa Island residents and Mr. G. E. Arbogaat, 1571 Orange Ave. Cochran was owner of Tots and Ralph lrv.1n. 1528 Newport Blvd. Teen shoe store in Corona del K D. Kuster, 396 E. 15th St. Mar. Mrs. Cocl)ran l.s past pre i- Rou Ho.tetlM, 17th It Nwpt. Blvd. dent of the Nt>~rt Harbor Chap-I Or. L8ter Beeker. 1785 Nwpt. Av. ter of the Asststance League Lester Smith. 518 Santa Ana A\."e. ------ 1 R. W. McClellan jr., 151 Com'l W. I AND .SOW · · • A NEW LIDOITI: • Homer E . Mellott, 268 Flower St. I PrOud parents, :\lr. &nd Mrs. Hugh B. Davis, 441 E. 19th St. John Geiger,. 101 Ra\·enna, Lido I C'hiahol.m Brown. g Center lsi~. are showing off Albert Lester c . G. SmaUey, 340 Avocado St. Cetger. who was florn Wednesday. I B ehind the devel~mmt of Central(!§/ Southern C•lifornia: dependable, ]ow-cost electric power Farm Electt~ficadoo Wtek 1s 1 6mng ti.mt ao which to ~vi~w thf sigrufinnt rol~ pla)'Cd by decmcny 10 th~ devdopment of thu u~ s _,tcu~r~. ODe ol cbc worlds fine tlenna.l anstallauom for -ariculntra! JIUmPOI was madt in E.dLIOCI wrricolr Dar l...iodlay, 10 cht San Joequlll VaUey-ia 1899. Today, elecmcn) JIUIDIII _.. m.t 90" ol dw itripooo water uted ill .. l!clitOn eo.p.ny's ""ice &teL lowtherR cetlfond• Nison Co.....-y Noah Ambur~e)'. 1760 Nwpt. Blvd. A~ .. 15. at . St. JOfK.'pb Hospital I wm. A. Lester. 227 Broadway Hlll b1rth wel~tht wa 6 pounds and Willa rd Courtney. 1596 Nv.opt. Bl. 4 ounces. 1 '--------------------------' Robert H. Daniel, 449 Broadway Clinton Spooner. 2143 Santa Ana Roy Morrt.on, 363 Monte Vista Minnie Messing, 1998 Santa Ana G. T . Evenon, 490 N~ Bl~ W. E. Lord. 596 Park Or. Mrs. D. W. Klng. 142 E . 20th St. PENDF.LJ...A ON VACATION • Rev. and Mn. Thomas Roy Pen- Mil of Balboa ~crv motoring oortb this week on a short vacation per- iod. '•'ft n. Trip on tta~ 8.3: QtWfi11 -:·( tatl tht-..... .,. ('.·-· n Jag. 10 See The.> Fifth AJ"t'a Caucus of the American Legion, meeting Sun- day at the Newport Legion Hall. A building J)t'rmit has been 1.1· at 3112 Newport Blvd.. 12,000. unanimously approved a resolution .ued for the new Chambt-r o{ Com-OwDer bui~. called for the outlawing or the merce ofnoe on Coast Hlghway, Donald A. Youn& add ~m Communist Party in California. and work was s tar.ted last week at 1034 W. Balboa Blvd., $600. • 'The pre-conn•n tlon c-aucus was by A. 1... Ga1terdam of the Island J. Richard Pargmann, Seal opt>ned S unda,y morning by Ed Construction Co. The building Beach, N'Sidcnce and produce mar- Murrison command<'r of I o c a I \\iiJ be a 4-room. 1-stor~ s tructure ket a t 7100 Coast Hi~hway, $11,· Po t 291. Mayor l.Rs 1 bell gave rosting $11,700. 000. a welcoming addrl' s to the del(!-Following permits w<>rc> issued ..,_ gatK. and the department com-dut·ing tht> pa.'>t w('('k Wilson E. Carter . Inglewood, 8- m&nder or the Legion. Stan F. N"'oport 1 room. 2-story. 2-unJt dv.·eUing at I?unmire, ~lso spoke briefly. Tom I hamber of Co~el'('(', 4-room, 1209 Eighth St .. S\7 ,000. S. Rayor, Staats. Fifth Ar('a comm8nder, 1-torv office bualding on Q)ast bulldt>r. prf'sidcd at the mC't"ting. lligh,~·ay. $11,700. Island Con-Van Wye, new fl)undfttlon at 304 TlaUndcly. ~uv-t 30. 1151 ABE YOU SAVING lOi'o? lt,. of your iJic'Gnl,el Deter· talaf' to •"" tbt --* .U yoa''" a«amalaW a ,_,... a.<'Omf'. Tblak "1aat It will mt'sn ln U>rmt of ~ty aad ba)'fnr power: Breakfast and dinner were structlon Co., builders Ana de, 1,400 . HOME LOANS sen <'<I at the Legion !'!all by _mcm-Roy Greenleaf jr .. 1-room olfice Mrs. Georgt> JW~t>rs, ~lass-m bt'-t or the local Leglon AwoJJary. I I part of por<'h 81 509 EdgewatPr, l' HUr !Ia \iq'a a~ IJularM here. aad .,.,.. wortllwhllfl dlwt._. ••• CDrTf'Dlly 3"'o ~r ........ : Low "REDUCING" blterest Ratee ' Low Monthly Paymenta * the 'JI e offer you :acilities of the Largest Federal Savings . ... Association in Orange County Tht>rt• was a dance for Post mem-1 "5 h• r«. \1Sitorl' a nd !Nt'St~ ~a turda)' H • s f Ralboe ltd.utd ('\e•nln~t. -----· -I eaTing e I rt!m. R2·!;~~~~~:·u GJ!~~('~ :; ~-Caases Qn Ordinance ~~~1~de~mt>rald. ~14500. Owner I ,~~ 1 · Bay ~ho~ 1 01 De~~.... During the rela ti\'el) brld ses-William OIBryon, 2752 Orch.•. 5-...... -• J !'.ion, la ... tlng onh an ho ur and a room, ?-story. l-unlt dwcllin~ at I half Monday cv('ning, Cit~ C-aun-1 26?:? Circlt>. Sl5.1SO. W. E. Fi<~her.1 A urprislng number of children c·1t 1 bUJidt'r. from "0\•er-prhi leged'' ho m es • ·et Tuc day, S<>pt. ll, a1i th(> <'oroaa clf'l Ma.r come before the Juvenile Court, firs t hearing on the propos<'(! Sub-Har\'t>Y P"a.t'. rt>mod lhng at SuJX'rior Judge Ro~rt Gardner or dl\,slon Ordinan<'C'. setting up new 1400 Dahlia, $1 .500. Corona d£'1 Mar told mem,bers of regulation.~; for arPa. to b<' an-Howard Rogers, slab under gar- lthl.' Exchange Club. or Nl'Wport n ('Xf'd 10 thC" CJI.) I age, a.dd porch 8 t 1308 (){'Can Haroor at thC'ir mC't"ltn~ last week. Bl\'d. $1.200 I Ht> cited three factors as pri-• Au_thonzC'd City ~ an age. r Ma'thew ConiP). por<"h at 415 rruJrily rrspon ible for thi t'OndJ-~ John ~atlors to accC'pt th<' low bad Na rd~su . !300. ..... ti(m: Jack of real homt> lift>: lack of Th1'0 Robm". Ford d1•a lc>r, fot·l . Ucto 181~ of work. e pedally for te<'n-agE' prcoddtnl.! a trash truck for the: J ohn H. \\'olft>. add J:&ra~e and youths, and "an alarming lack or <'tt ) ,,, 11 pt ll'P of S4.297 d1nin~: room. clo~e In pr(>sent ga- l discipline.. • Authorlll·d CttY Clrrk C K ragt> at 122 Loren S.''i2,000. Qy.mer Th ExchunJ:e Club will hold a.n Prlrsl 111 rHII f11r bads for pumpint.: buildf'r. I O(l('n discy .... sJon or cluh problc·ms a t ('qllipmf'nl for SC'\\('1 lint' on the I --- Its nH?C'tl nv,_ thl C·\Pnin~ I Th~rS· Corun 1 df'l Mnr blufl nnd main M ..:• .~~~ ~ I ~yl A ~olf to~mamf'n_t ~\:Ill htt:h· ht IC'h. 1-.0 thai !'hOIIKj.!(' of such maJOr uuil' ... Cotnf' In tocla~·l Protect Your Future ... Save Today! 5~o -20-YEAR LOAN {'on .. tructt• Loaas 1\-6~.,. (It,.....) h~:ht lhf' S<pt1 mrn--r pJ nl.:tllm l'fJIIipm• nt lat1•t would no1 hnld up FE.E.Il Sa'l-----lht• PI'OJI.'I I. Jlparm~: ... on C"'l8b-In "--L·~, •!.:ae El~--atioa lt.._hin.: , n lt'~!·SJoomC'nl . di.;ll•it t tO ..,...... '6ifJ ~~ Jill~ fm thl' .._..\'-'<'1 JII OJ(>('I Hrt' t'X· ~ 1-111111•• • · k OIJse ed l~<'<·l•·d 10 tx-ht•ld th1" fall Tht> W. L Woodruff family re--.. 1 n-tur ned IO thrlr home at 324 Marl· ee . A('(V•pttd tht r(' ... I!;(OAiion of gold Avt> .. Corona del Mar, but In Charlrs F [)('nnlson of Balooa lt-ss than a month from the time I The Southern California Edi<:on fmm the Cit) C'ivil S<>rviCC' Roard. they ten thf' Ma rine Station at •ua eout mv... co• Pit. IIA IO'I'I..,J-10 ....... ~1111•••••••••-.•1111.1•1 ~mpan). which ha_s 1 i~ ... t~ahl <;:·1 • GA\'E' final a pproval to an or-ChC'rry Point, N.C., Major Wood· I flee. h~r<' In Balboa, .)0 ne:u Wlt 1 C'' d inanc<> incn•asm~· th". watC'r turn-ruff wa11 ~nf' &I!Rin, winging his C"lectrac in_du'itQ .throu~hout lh<' 1 on charge a nd abo the connection way acros.'l tht> Pacific to join the country thl'l week ·~ .ob.enanet> or ((><'if watt•r is JumC'd off for more fighting forC{'S in the Japan-Korea COitltl:l.A TIO 1101 Coes+ Hwy. Cor011e cl•l Met GENERAL CONTV.CTORS HArbor 1656 . . . .. .. .. ... . . .. . . . . Bruns & Marsac PLIIBIII \Vater Daten O.tradlq -.... - 700 Carnation A~ llarbor ) Sl8 N a t I on o I ElectnfJca t ion WC't"k, thnn 15 da)-: , Tf'xt of ordinance area. · I markmg th~ progrrs.s t~~t ~a.s is on Po~ 4 of thh t<;SUC' of tht' Son Ronald doesn't upcct to be lx'en madl"' an th<' t>lectnfrc-atton E .,·gn l her e Jontt. either, beeaUS<' he has of tht• nation's rural area An 1 · decided to return to the U ni,rerslty In Cttlifornia 98 pPr cent of the &-M h ' of North Carolina at Chapel Hill stnte'.; 1.19.000 farms are usin~t oat elll t o finish his colle<>e training. He f'l '<'1 ricit). making CalHomla on~" leaves 15. "' I or the mo't hi:,:hl) elt'CtTlfied J Ex Case j,_iilliiiiiiilliiiiliii•&iiiliiill-rarmtns.: ~IHI{' In lhP nation ThP II rRACIJe nat innal ~t\t•r:tl::"f' i 9:> per C<'nt. •r.- EI\.'<."trlc ..,,.rvke• pro,·ide" a Yt·ar Ctl~ J\XIgl' Frank Unnt-11 ~ave around 'uppl) of \Httf'l' for irrh.·~.-till' maximum~ ntenet>, ix months tion. de'5pttt' thf' dD months each in county jail, to William Ro~-ters, \C'Or 3S. ol Rr,.a r n t"o counts or ln- 1 • '£'!' furtt•f"r (arm C'lectrification dec!'nl l'xpt'IMJtc. Tnal wa s held \\ith.H thr• 10 C<"ntrt.&l and South-Mondl:} moll in~ in city court. --MODElH eM! TIOPtCAL ~UitNITUitE e DltA'£5 e WAU... 'A'EitS e lAM~ e FLOOit COVERINGS. ROUSE a OAilDEN 611 C:O.st Hwy .. N..,_., K nn 0"" .• s-.. 10 ...... 1 r•rn Ca ltfnm1;, counties in its ser\'· 1\HI o;('p;.ratf' l'Omplaints. re-I ic<' t Pn 1 tOr) . t tr<· E~ison Com pan~ cor d,.tl A UK 11 ;; nd 16, cha r~t:'d br It moN> than 1,673 miles ot l hnt he hnll I"'Xl)('t<;f'cl hlmst'lf \\hile '"'"'' r hnr·s in rural nrea.11 bt>twecn In hi.; car at C)('l·an Front near J9n find l ~(i1 makin,::_R total C!f 23rd St .. ~'"'P'•rt . H t> (']aimed appro";imntelv 11 .387 m~leF-of E~-thAI he had hn-n &\\immin~ and llliilillllilill•••lll•lllllllll "nn-buJit rural ('IN'trlc SC'rvloe 1 wa" rh.tncing from his bathing )!nt'' In O(X•J':liiOtl toda) ln ~950 trunkc; to hi• <;IJ'I'f'lt dnthP!' I'll lh<' thr· Ed"l'" rnmt~An)' s u p p l1 c d fat m~ "il h <f73.9"19,3113 kilO\\-'ttlt· f'ar of All Kinds FLAGSTONE PATIOS BLOCK WAllS --·--• FREE ESTDIA 'I'm • hour of C'lectricity. \\•a t<>r ft>r mort• than 90 J)('r <'"nt Of all fl\rm lrri':!'tl,on hl"rP j<.; pro· l-..1dPd L:-_rll'f·trk pua~r·" RF.C!\'10'1 o•· nn M!'O I Vi.ltors from :-o:vl'lrlt on th<' Huct..,on, 1'\t·\\ York till \•· bN-n SJK'· C'll'l I ).'\I('S'... D I In. hOI \(• or Mrs eL-L WIITII & •-In F Ot>An, 1610 Pa<'tltC Or .• Co-INI ... ron!\ d<'l \tar TilC') ""rf' Mrs I G<'(•r n_. ~.tdwm and :\t, i. PrPston Harrington, both ~irlhnod ft iends 1 of Mrs. Dean. READY -MIXED CIIIIETE BEacon 6547 N fiW'IMM"'t Blvd., <Jeeta Mea oruce ._-10 IGI A Nrwport \\Oman and a young bo~ wt•r<' st1·uck down by a car at JOih S t a nd N<'":port Blvd. Mon- liav ·trtl'rnoon in an fi('Cid(>nt t hat i,tvol' t'rl thrN' ran<. M1 11 An~il' RiC"Cardl, 2818 New· port Rlvd . ~ui.Pr<'d a brok!'n J,ft wri-:t briJil>''" and lac.-ratic,n:. JtUn•~' Mc<'ullor, a~l' 11 . of h<' :-:•ml' act1r"""· suff• rMI ht•od tn- J•trics in •l('trhrl n to hruilw.; nnd la~rlltinns l '•,th WC''''' tak(>n to S t. .To.,,.11h JJ r.· r,i tAl. Floor Oovert.p -Dralaboardl Asphalt Til~ -Rubber TUe Formica Llno't:>um Tile CIILTOa' LIN~~ II& E. 11tla St. o.ta ·~ IJEAOON G!t._W 22 Yeiln ln Orange County LUMBER -BtJILDING MA 'i'ERIALS --...----... _ --~--~ -------- SOFT WATER SERVICE ..,...~ .. ,... 110FT WATD 011 A IIOIII&LT ~C. aA811 PhODe Kimberly 2-7291 n• &. f'lllaT IIWI IAift'A AJIA Th.<' ·•cc1dt 1.t or•·•n•·t>l'\ \\ I•·•· a "hot mrt" type of c.u·, ctr1' en by W ilL·,,n '1 hurm<tn H•'ns jr .. nf 14 nwood. ~to! n ~ 1 0" li rd the A rch('S a long Newport Blvd .. r;w~ed to the ri~ht to ~tvold a car. driwn by Rolx>rt Harl.,y Davidson of El Mont<'. coming onto New p oT t Blvd. f,'Om 30th St. Ht>ln.'l turnE'd 'P,~!!'I!~ICIIIII!i~:ll!l!~~-~~~llll!l·~~~·····llf into the Shell Sttttlon and at th<' .1111 FURNITURE AND ACCESSORIES SEE THE LAliGEST DISPLAY IN CALIFORNIA RATI'AN • REDWOOD • AL' 'Ml.NUM • WROUGHT IRON SWINCS • t1NBR.ELLAS • • RE-COVERS • BARBECUES ·~....... • JI"'M .,.,_, C('lrn<'r his car struck the tv.o JX'· •lcstrians nncJ continued oo to hit the parkc.-d \'C'.,Icle of Jim Zaingf!f', 126~ E. B&lL·; 81\'d. Balboa. Ht'lns W8ll ({iVen 3 citation ror d"'Ving a car with fnulty brakes. • J....g • ...a.t. JW .. ,._ ,.._, We..,._...,. ...n te ~ of_ ....... rt'~ ... ~-.... -..... ,... .......... ... ~~----,-~. ~-~ ••••WirJ:&Y Vice Commodo~ Noel Barlow I or Smith, Bill Twist, LoUta Ken· wu ele\-"atc.>d to the position of ned}•, lllckt"y Smlth. Carol Eyman. Commodo~ at the annual elec-Pachllf'boa,... -Mark Scudder, Uon of the Balboa Island Yacht Donna Hartman, Bill DeWitt. Pat Club held on Friday night at the Uyer, Mickey Smith. Phyllis Raw- outdoor clubrooms nt>ar the ferry Uns, Tom Jones. on Balboa J ·la nd. Dh·iar -Carol Williams, Tod VIet> Commodore will be Tony White, Christine Swim, BettY Torran~. who was this season's &-ck. Jucb• Swim, Bruce Pitman, vice commodo~. and Mickey Smith El<'anor Guthrie, Bob Ibbotson. was elt>Cted to be next ~ear's Rear s "·tmmlaJ: -Bobby McKenzie, Commodore. Phyllis Rawlins will Donna Hartman, Hank Kyle, Pat be sect"etary. D)'er. Tod White, Betty Beck, Bob Tortight (Th\l~') outstandU'lg Ibbot5on. aporumcn of the BIYC will be Salllq-Mickey Smlth and Ro- awardcd the trophles. m~ls and ger BoyYey for Balboa Dinghys; ribbons for the summers accom-Commodore Benny Benjamin, Tom plWtments. After the pt'esenta-Frost and Pllul Uvaderry for tlon ceremonies at the Ba.lboa Snowbirds Yacht Club, Commodore Benny · . . BenJamin will tum the ga\·et over The parents presented the1r S(!>- to commodore-elt>Ct Noel Noel cond annual "aquanastic" Satur- Barlow. day for the benerit of BIYC. M.oth- Among the awards to be made ers and fathers we~ especJall.)• wtll be to winners of the Commo-dressed for the occa !On and the dore Series. which was raced Mon-co tumes tostether w1th the en· day. This Include the saiUng tr·ancc-fee ch~rg~ made tht' ~­ series for the Burl Johnson Me-ca<;lon both h1~anous and profit- moria! dinghy trophy, which '"all a~l<'. P~te '1'\\ 1St, uncle of ~ oung won by RoSter Boy\'ey with )1ick<'Y Bill ~\1St. ''"· nam~ ~nd mlth as runner-up. champ_1on. fatht'rs <?rrln Wnght Tht> Miriam Smith Snowbird and R11l T\,·•st "c.>rt' 10 chart:e of M£-morial \\"8 won by Tom F rost tht> <'Vents. and Commodor<' Benny Benjamin and John Kin e\' wert> runnt'rs-up. Weekly winn' rs in the ,·arious a~c.> groups lor Ja t we-ek's <'<?m~ titions were announced at Fnday me-cti as follow : Scudder Elean· Sport F isking -,. ~· * * A total of 171 boats raced In 1 L_.,. lt (I) -Josephlne V., the New'port Harbor Yacht Club's Bob• Collins. BYC; Vtxtn. John Race Wt'f'k st'rics, whJch conclud-Humdall. LA YC; Kuulpo, Sue ed last Saturday. AmOOI~ the new Ficker. Winner takes George Ro- champions was Carol 'Ann ,Jone gers Memorial troph). .. - Fish 'n' Folks That 30-pound 15-ounce alb&ClO:re caught last week by Mrs. Norman Hagen of Lido Isle and announoed as a world record fish on 3/6 tackle <has to take a back M6t after aU. Tht> J't'COY'd goes to the 31-pound half-ounCf.> a I b a c o re caught by Mrs Lily cau of Bal- boa. and she has a certificate to that effect from the International Gam~ Fish A ~ n. • • • of Bal.boa Yacht. Club, who ~ile-<1 Alt.b-o.A (6)-Kele~t. Dr. Anton ht>l' Ftdget to \1Ctory O\'er stx rl-Laubershelmer NHYC'· Gitana Trophles for junior fishmg tour- vals in the Intc.>rnational 14 clas . Glt>n Reed. !'II-fYC. Wi~er takes nament winners \\ill be awarded F('aturl' c.>v~nt was t~e Gold \\'alton Hubbard l\·temorial trophy. TU(' day, Sept. 18. at an Ice cream C'oast Trophy race. 33 m1les from lateraatloaal It (1) _ Fi..J~t't and cake party to be held by the BaJboa to t.on~e Bt'ach and return. . .""¥> • -.pon onng Balboa Anding Club, Winnt>r \\"8~ Hal Ramser's PCC ~rol Ann '!,_?nes. BYC, J et. :>;anc~ 11 i-. announced b~ J B McNally sloop Anti~. cond to finish be-· lcholsort. · HYC. . . or the An~tlin~ Club hind K('nnc.>th Schmldt' sloop Hi· lntf""'.*tiOilal 110 (91-l\hst. S.•ll The tournament. OPl'n to girls lana but with corr<'Cted time of 8<-ntz. :o-:HYC: Roscut>. Rot;er l\le• • and boy. \lnd('r 16 years of age, :l :41 :'58. Hilaria wa 7•11 mil'lutc.>s s inger. XHYC: Duck. Btll Gillett, start('(! April 15 and \\ill t>nd behind thl' Antigua on corrt>Cted LA YC. Harr~ l\tarch trophy. S<•pt. 1 Ab<lut 300 han~ entered. tim~>: then followed Walt Franz' • ~an Ra<'ln~t (~1-Hilaria, K~n Trnphies will bP prl' ented for first Andale, sailed b~ Bob Allan and Schmldt. LAYC. 21,; Altamar, ~II and "<'COnd plact' for largest spov \\hich blew her spinnaker while.> Oou~las. LAYC. 7: E capade. Dick ltn cmaker. barracuda. yello\\iin holding a good lead : :-.:HYC Com· l\tcKibben. :-.=HYC, ; Coronado, croakt>r. halJbut ba • white sea rnodore Walt Elliott's Escapade. ~b Hermann. Coronado, 13; ba-. ... albarort>. tuna aod yeUO\\· A Balboa girl, Lucille Ellzabeth Ian l\1urra) ·s Attorante; Bob :\111-.. ''•e-''•''8--D-Ic•k•E-d"•·•a•rdslllllli.•l•4•. --•t•a•ll•ca-•-o•n-rod-•a•n•d-.-ee-1.--• Keith. daught£'r or Col. and Mrs. ft>•'· Westward, and Bill Oou~las' r Cl~dt> Kl'tth or 153C'J l\tiramar Dr . Altamar. Matinees Continuous From 1:45 p.m. Saturday. Sunday and Monday (Labor Day) Is und rgoinl: ril!id trainln~ at Following are the t'ries results: Lackland Air Ra e n~ar San An· BAY <'I.Al'l!i'El' tonio to "berom4:' a \VAFS officer. Fa lcon (U ) Hurry On. P£'1£' The Keiths don't t>xpect to t>e her Rntdford. NHYC: Anthy :-.=anth~. homl' until art£'r ON'. 21, when shl' Dolly :--:~wport , :-.=HYC. O'er Anx- 1 will finish her coursf'. lous. John Griffith. Winnl'r Walton ~ti Keith <'n·C'd in the ~Iarin!' Hubbard troph~ Corps for two )t>ars durin~ World Lll'l!tnlnc (~) Anita. ElmPr \\'ar II. Aftt.>r dischar~e. she 1 Poiri<>r. BYC; Atlanta. Ed Cottt>r. studied mark£'tln~ot at the L'niver· RYC. sity of Dem<'t' and worked as an Bnlbf\3 Dlnl(hy (6 ) -Lollipop, assistant buyer Rl Josf:'lyns in Den-i\tickPy Smith. BYC, Soda Pop, \'er. · Ronnif' :-.:~wlon, 8\'C. Besides Elizab<'th. th<' J{Mhs LA-hman (Jt)-Ti~t>S-. Ed Rut- ha\"t> a dautZhter in tht> t>l~hth ter. :-.=HYC: Hi Bo, William Lind- grade. Col. Kt>ith. now In the rt'· blom. :'\"HYC ; \\'tzard. Laura serves. served for many ~~art> HNllhcock. BYC Thomas Lyon with the Ca\"alr). trophy. Rnowbtrd (!'1) -Bosun. Tom Frost. ~HYC'; Flickt.'rtnil, Benny &>njamin. :'I:HYC": At 'Em. Phylhs Rawlins. :-.:HYC: J\ln~O. Dick Ward. ~HYC. Sat. La•t Day Bette Davts • Barry SuUivan "Payment on Demand .. JOSEPH COTTE:-.: "Pekinq Express .. Special Midnite SPOOK SHOW Sftlula~· -T~~· • JOHN GARFIELD "He Ran All the Way .. P -J.& (6) -l.Rf' Way. Lt'f' Ham- 6rook. BYC: \'alk) ril'. Jack :o.;t>r- drum. \'o~&J!'<'I"S Rnl~ (!t)-\'ploz 11. Kim :\tun- holland. ABYC; Rm~t>. T4:'rry Glo- c.>gt>, ="'rtYC; _ OC<'aroon. !'\ordit> Youn~lOH'. 1'\HYC': Gallant, Bill Sweningsen. ABYC. Wmn<'r Frank mith trophy. OCEAX C't...\l'!i'E PC ( 11 )-Hu--sy. Stt>ve Mulhol- len. BYC: Pamlin. Frt'd ~males. BYC: Ga~ hn. Dr. 0 . G. Sues . BYC. Pre. -T<.'l<>~am trophy. tar (J I)-Chaser II. Rill Fick - er, NHYC; Ro~nJe, Dick Hahn, BYC: Toupee, Bob White. St. F rancis. \\'innt>r takes both Helms Foundation Star troph) and W il- liam Insl~ trophy. Rh~ (15)-:'\imbus. Tommy Thomas. :-.:HYC': Rowd,'. Howard Chastain. :-.=HYC . Ruth. Tom ~I)­ ers. "-"HYC. 'T1£'d for second on points, Ro,,dy on l)l'rformanc4:'. l Winner tak€'s Walton Hubbard M<'morial troph~. Suit Filed for Damages As Result of Fall Club member ~orris J . Shu(X' j1·.. has filed suil for S.">.lR'i.:>O damages a ~alnst tht' :-.=<'wport Har· bor Yacht Club for injul'ie suf· fered in a fall on a shppt>ry \\alk- wa\ a w•ar a~o II~> asked $5.000 Jtt.>rl<'ral damac~"' nnd 18750 for ho pita! and mt•<h("Ql tr<'atment --t'!./ LEA\"'ES F'OR Tt:ACKIS • ~"'EAR l\li~s :'\orma ndcrson left Sun- day for a thl'<'t'·da~ mstltutl' nt Greenh(lrn :\1ountaln. whkh pr('· ('('des hl'l' n<'\\ ll'aC'hin~ po. i 1 inn near Bak€'rsfit•ld :"orma is th<' dau~ht~r of ~-Holt Condon. 31 Narcissus A\£'. Corona del l\lar She.> gTSduat('(i from Santa Bar- bara in Junt>. ALIA flOSS FOI SALE SI6SO "T ANGAROA " wmner of the last Chnstmas Rega•·c: COMPLETELY RE:INISHED Excellen Sods New Cove:- e ~~1'~T BE ~EE~ TO RE HArbor 35-M or Box RACING SLOOP LO<'AL and X.\TIO:\' .. WIDE Bllltoa 1iransfer Co. C. E. McNiel G. C. Bennett The Bar3"e HArbor t599-HArbor l ss.f-M 0 F F N E W P 0 R T PIE R sbo~.!,O:t!:_ ~.:,~ ·::_ ._ t LIVE BAIT BOATS LEA\"E 6 ~ 7 a..m. from eacl of Pier U4MliYE" CRUISER~ low .O ATS "'I 1\E H\lf " ,. o t "T!\(1, !, n~ ~ T \CKJ.I: e :-m:\11 R.o:lt • E L L I S ~~tt~~~ RENTALS ----~~ ---------------------- SataNa!' Last Day Mona Freeman BillY DeWolfe -Edw. Arnold .. Dear Brat .. " ALLAN l..ADD "Appointment With Danqer .. ~--,-,........~, JOHN IRELA..~D .. Little . Biv Horn .. COTTE~ ALBA CO Limited Load ILIICIIE SPECIALS Daily at S:OO a. m. from the BCIIIboll PaWIIIon Can HArhcw 57 By A.NN And \\hat '"U the fair coeds be I weann~ a t Orang(• Coast CoUl't:;<' 1 thi!> rail? From thl.' sound of thin1. .,ro und O'BRI£:'1;'$ 1hel'(' '' iU be weata s and skirts and cordW'O) s and j<>rse) s and cordu- ro~ <~ and \'Patet and ve h <'teens and <~kirt . Of <'OUriH' !iWPCI tf'ra a nd skirts art' ~ for t'amputl ~·Mtr f'\ er)·- wh re. Bo' one rea.!MMl we fled tht~ 00 ~rls are lfO latrip~d ~1tll till• years col'ft are that tb~y art' cuaat MoaP f6r ea.m- pGll ucl yet m.uy of Utem are U.f' ~'J)e to go pia~ of all ('\'('- D..lq or aft~r <'WII datft. And Ulis year they come 10 the most luscious of colors! Rich pur- ple with ~P pile. shrimp. ~nger and so forth. You'll love the new detalls which make ·them .suit- able and serviceable ---such as the hook and eye fasteners, the shoe-button trim, the cOntrasting braids. Yes. cords come in dresses and separates With your sepa- l ate skirts you might try the 1> n a p p y Marjori<' Montgomery multi-triped jersey sport blouse. 1 t has so many colors it is bound to tHJD up \o\ith several of your kirts and be as jhe) as the charleston. Motin of Eucrne. Ortt.; M aid of llo r "as hu Cl\•n sistt-r. Norma J t•a Ca ,,, !'rick-matd.s w~re ~lt• .'.o. 'J8 l-n:utt or : n Fran- CU:t •• nd Ml"'. Richard Cracmt>r I th ! •rtnf>r fW\'l'rly Gract• or Bal- boa •. \\ho liH' m Porlidlld , Or-e. A hrothf>r-m-htw. K<'nn<'th 1... ~Iorin. \HU. 1tw &. l ~tan tvr the l'TO.lr:'l, " 'to H 1!-,• Sflll o' J>r. a nd 'Ia· .... l.o·•·••dr·u •. Ha' ,., P• 'l'i!:ard, I It ,. I '' ., "t>l• !1\ I Ill\ \. l>orn<', l'OW>in ol 1 h(' b1 id ; · Ga<"IN• Nor- ,. lilt'-. nt:.\X m XTt;Jt UA\ I~ ·'''' "' -.·r udw • tor and ..\\ Pr~ J ohn'-1111 u1 I "" An-g<'lt "-· and RJcha I d \1 3 1 nlo I, I 'IH'<:- \('1 :\l l'Rubl'n Jl ;~:ld I )atllt I 0.•:. i~. a I ol On 'I'll. I ~trs. ~lcRobNt "'l n~ Tht• I ..llt d'~ Pra~<'r R P<'•'I\ ing jtl I hi• ro I'I'JH I Ill \\ hiC'h I wa:-. h<'ld at t lw hor.w ot llr and ?.ll•s. Stahler 399 ~t'\IIIP ,\\ r .. "a' tht• brid~>'s rtl()llwr ~owrwd m a d•'<'JJ blue dr<'s~ "' i 1 h nolt-1 (J\ N '- tonl.'s al:ld wrnrin~ P. C'OOrdina lin~ '<'h Pt Jl('1al hut and lln<'ndt>r ru- <'h,..ta 01 l'htds. :\1t .... I ),t' '' '' 11rP a mat chin!.! hat and ,.;O\\ n ol I'O~P rolor wrth ot'<'hld'l or thC' same I ton<'. A<:J<istinc \\ith Ow n•cPptton \\erl..' 1h(' brrdt•'s allnt. :\It '-Ryron I D. O~bot nC'. and hf>t NHL ... tn. Shir- ley .SUE.> Stahl<'r. Loni1 , \'mcent. Balboa: Barbara N<'~ . p.,rtland. and f'r:~nccs f"ll?hr. ~a n :\tat('(). The ~ oung coup I<' dJd not dis- clo e th(' d<' tinallon or their hon- e~'lllOOn trip. but plan to make t hrir hom<' in Portland Paula £rtaduatt'Cl fmm :'\t''-'r><>rt JH~:h and I "ra. right, wasn't l , a bout both ol the newlyweds are l!'radu- tlto.M' C'Vt~ 8 f'W ba rutmade <~· a tr,. of the Vnh <'rsit~· of Ore,::on Ca~) ~Ita oe cllsplay at P·wh i<, lh<' ,t..'Tr>at~£:1''\nddn u~h­ O'BRIEN' ! Wblt'h did ~·ou t l.'r t>f Daniel 11. Thoma:.. t•arlv Uke bee~tlle Crotnt5 ln \'W'JOU.§ OrnnJ;:<' County pione<'r. and 1hi.-llta~E'S of •obiUty! or t he ooe dda h f '1 p 1 Ed "1th lb~ mlnlature reliefs of fa-gt·an ug tC'r 0 " rs. au · ward Hau~h of Balboa. The laH<'r mou buJidlngs! All of them attend<·d the '''t'<iding a s did the are lft real lt>ather, of COUJ"S(>, hridp'c; p~i 1<'mal grandmoth('r. Mrs. \\;th !t()lid bras" and bronze Oll\t' l'8..;t le fm m Uak'and. Paula trimmlnp . "'·""· "<'t t.;rt>a t·JwmdmCI\hrr's dla- N4'w in the a ecC'ssory field siner 1 mond hl:'irloom brpoch. which ~t'r YOU last looked are the double chif-mothrr· had \\Otn on h<'r Wl'ddmg fon c;cart ... in two contrasty col-1 da~. or!> . --1 he tied and d:ved plea ted Guc~tl o; ft·um a d!stanC<' included lie>s ---the ex tra pretts new vel-1 Mr. and Mr'l. Hrnry Fountain of V<'l throat bands wi th bnlliant La• CtttC<'~. :-.ew Mexico; Mrs. clasfX'. New also are somP gor-\lip l tf'r L. G\KIIiwin III or Tucson, ~eous tweed skirts, b~ Sloat. of I Anlon1 I lhr JuJ•mer Sarah Best); course. Not yet unpack('(}. but Mr. and Mrs. :'\orman L. Wag- bound to be dreamy a re some new ~onPr of Burlin~IUlle nnrl from winter cottons. Wear them 'l'\OW OrP~on, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton and be happy to have them all Eastman, Dani('l Deady and the winter! Come, see. And Jet us Mls~ Sally Terrll. Alln Muir and give you the "inside" story on col-Jan Grace. J~e slips, panties etc., too! -------JACX HARTF1ELD·s -..... I ~· -• ,I -....00 L ) ' -- -·-_!__---~ . ...... IC11 OOAft 80tJLI:V A&D OORONA DEL IIA& ~~Arter- MOTHER DIES AT 63 Scn·iC<'s will be held at 11 :30 a . m. tor:norrow CFriday) In Wee Kirk o' the Heather a t Forest Lawn Cemetery. Glendale, for Mn. Sarah Hartfield, 63, mother of Jack Hartfield of Corona del Mar. Mrs. Hartfield died Tuesday ln Beverly Hills. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii One Week Only ---Req. Sl.SO BillE ADJUSTMENT F R E E and INSPECTION Phillips Service • kAI81:R FRAZER • • OOIIPLEt'E At:JYOKOTIV£ • • • CRASE & SANBORN Less trimming before you buy ... Less waste after the meal ... is your reward for Spend- ing Wisely ... on Qual- ity. Make YOUR food dollars go farther ... buy t he Finest Obtain- a ble at Richard's Lido Market. • •• ll. INSIANl C!CREE .~ llc. -.L i9c NO. 2!/z CAN 23c TftEEIWEET New Pack ORA~ ua 46-0Z. CAN 21c • • • • SNO-TIME PINK Salmon LB. CAN 47c .. • ll . DEL MONTE Golden Creme ltyle Corn 17-0Z. CAN 2 for 29c \ • I \ 1 • • ,_ o 0 I'' •.,. )t~Sf'lf-S Nwirt r.~.-io ·r,. .... Luer's Qual it y Cooked Sllatni • Lb. 69c: • • Aged, Nippy, Wleconain Lb. lweet. Jufcy, Medium llze Valenda Che.W. Cheese ..• 69c Oranges •••• '~ Impor-ted , Canned lloland 111m • • Firm, "Jpe, Full of Flavor Tomltoes ... 5 U a. 3 Ga. . • $650 ftlchard's Own Macaroni Salad Lb. l weet lpa nlah • • . De Oniols . ,. Futurf ng Mannina'• U.S. Gov't. Gracle4 Chotce Beef U.S. Gov't. Graded Oboiee ud Good Pavo, Evitt~Cera~ Bird Ill Calllorntil. H THUftiDAY POTATO GIA.ZED DON1.JTS .......... 6 for 26c FRENCH APPLE PIE ............. .' ........ each 58c FftiDAY PECAN FUDGE LOAF CAKE ........ e.cll49e OOBN MEAL BREAD ........................ Ioaf !Sc lA TUft DAY Oraage Boll <XWFEE CAKES ........ & for %3e Orange Coeouwt LAYER CAKB8 .. e.dt 81e • • • t • • • 3k 31»5.1 ll. Modera or Tnldltloll&l A ftEAL BUY AT THII LOW PftiC£ $1.tl