HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-09-06 - Newport Harbor Ensign••• --.. .. -.., I • • • • • 7 • • 10 1' 1a 18 1. 1a 1• 17 1a 1e ao a1 aa "'-u••naan CORONA DEL MAR. CALIF. Till-. ,.tJ\\ l'•t .. l lHfi<'•• In ( ().- run 1 dt•l :u n r. "hit h upt>nt>tl fur lm~ln<•'' F rltl:l;\ murnln~: 1 11 Or· d l!ll \\1• .. nurth nt t1w 11•::11\\ft\, \\., ln'Jl''t·kd h\ It' 11:\trun .. tlurln:.: Opt n Hun .. · .., tl•lri.LI\ ul· t .. mnnn. '"""' of tllP .. t.tff ar•· .. ho\\n ut l hl' \\iotln""' In th•• !Jit'lllrP Dl tlW lt•ft: )NIIO;trd .Jnnr-. ''''· 'l u. rt Olt>bl. i•~t· m.J .. tt•r \ .~m,. \\:a I -.on, II ""ld Tl rrt>' bc-f'r: hi~ !!llnw hunt in~ cuiru: on tlu .... '' • "k ,., ••:ow'U·I\ • d JX'a<r!ul ~ho ·«> C!Jtf, ---,..hootJJ\~ and hoUPd .. a11d .... u<'h F11""t n-r)()rt camt-at 3 J5 Tu""da) murm11 • lrnm P• llrP t l(lll·~·~ Earl ~ton( back nnd John moom. Tht>~ ~·d th• :-... "' 1t mountam hun " at EH•mnr Can) on Rd. and -horechffs Rd OllltY r swn~ba<'k t1rr·d t\\0 hot a tht' e:tl1mal fled down in•o Buck Gull:-Th<> ofltct••· rt • "'" lfhttn , ~~ N . \Jan UitiPr .•nd c.r.tnt Jlonald. \ ll()rtlon of t h•• OJWD llt~U-.4' ('ron d 1 .. -.ho\\ n •It thl' rl~tlt. l n t h .. rl~tht for.-- ~:rnund p,,..tm.a .. tf'r ntl "r... \\ at~n 3rt' chattlntr \\1tb t pt'n llou-.4' 'l'ltor ... photo._ b;. F•u.. m -----------~~nbNJ th( 1r CJIIJI"r) 3 6 fl'••t 10 lt>n~th llom no,., to ta1l, 11-:z fN't in body )('ns:1h. Anotht-r J t•pon C'Amt> from OC1t· t"r "ton('barkat1 .3fl a m :-•· IN· da:-II• ~poll HI 1 h•• am mal 3J:&in nn r:\t>ninl! C'an:-nn Hd hut \\llh· Eight l<'tt('rm('n, led by Quartf'r-lu•ld fin• h•·c·1lN' n l thl' nr rb:- back Rollic Pula~k1 and Fullback l:ou""" H" 1wt m a qui<'k shot Don AIU'\Old. w<>re back for tht' i Ro; th<> mmmtam hnn wc•nt down romln~: Jt"t"id1 ron campaign as pra<'· l llll'l thf.' <'an~nn ~I• .. Lillian Onn- tiCI' s tart<'d TUt>SdRY at Harbor i!•l l or 2 11 f:H•nm~ C'nn:-on Rd. H igh. • j wld polk, "h" ~ad "<'l'n -.nm•' kmd Olht>r ll't tt>r \\inncrs from last nl •tnt mal lht' r ru1R~ ll4'flll'(' \r&r nrt' Tacklf' Lou Abbott and F rnm Ol·nnt•t• t•tmt IA·o Dou!!- Ct-n(' Jwro. Guard Jim Pascoe. lc..!-. n hunt••• ·uHI '' <•JIIlf'f b) "n~ C't'nt('r Bob Egg('rt and Ends Tf'd fll ,, hnbb~. .tnd h• hrou~ht h1 M<'~1ao;t('rs and Dick St<'ph<'ns h011:1d dn.:' alnn • tn JOin thr \ h AI 1 · nd As '-•·arch. but l'OUid lind "'' trn<'f' Hc•nd <lltc . r wm 1l , ~ H·· o.::n •• t lw n·n"1111n · mrorma- SI,Illnt C'oad'l Julf'o, G'lt:C .h3 <' ttnn th.tt mfluntam I nne Ul uall\ SfJWid or 13 h?fX'fU}<; worktn~: Olll d!>n'l Ito• h• r I" •['It Fulk ... 11\it d ul~.s:lltm~m,.hnJl('_for th<'OJl· lw··· ,\l .. h I• h arln't .. au1 ··u'-· f'lllnl: • ollllf' nr lhf' 1951 o;ra~n wtlh ." F t d ~~. !'••p i :!I n 1 Rl\ er.,tdf' · F1 ,, h<•t t\<' ... •m•· "Ill lx' th<' fol· l•m in • F 11rl n ~f'Jll ~ acain!-ot T>cr•-J<,inr T1 ,. Ri\ ,., c;uJ. •am• Will '' 11t .11 ~ p m: all othl'r J:,lm~'" Will !'t:n I at 1 ·3() Kit t'anis Promotes Kid's Da'· ept. 22 Hold-Up Me~~ ~Bit Twice, Take SIZS A1 m• d robbf'r!-hll '" " dm in.: thl' wc-t·k both tJm< ~ on \hn tclf' ~Iii.•. tak1n~ a total Clf 1-~~ .Juliuc; :\lt>l'l man rc·por rt·ri lh<~l n hf'~ \'"\.,,('I r1<t11 :!I' I It :~0 \ ,, IT' c : ill't'. ·about :.1 1 {'f''. ~ .: l;wh<>· 111 h••i.•ht. ('~t'l(' I! ~lcwrrr:;~n·.., L rqurr "•nrc-. 7()(• ('oa,t Hn:h\\ ,, . "' ~· Jfl p m TUf.''odH a kl'd _tf\ btl)-~oml' •·•c•H~ tht>n at th<' pornt ot a .::ur to.'k \:11 and fkd r•n fOOl J:arh "und:n mormnt.: thl' Tn· wv :--r;IJ, •1 at R in•r,tdl.' at.d Cn:p .. l hl!h\\lt~ ,,,...,, h('ld up b~ '" Rrm•'f1 r atr. on• ,, ..rr>C'·k:-. chuk htiit'o man 1~• r• ~I '''"'r' nJrl '"'~ !l'U•' wh• I h• . (I' n• I h,onlf t • It 1 L 1 '' t t • t • n~' • • ' • 1 t ., .. • • !H"I' ...,;·,Ill hi!j, tlld '21 1! hI Is JtrrP '' t ht> r·onrpl• rr t hr 'n r'll ~ '-f!U:td P o,lt. F.'s:wr . · 1..:"" ... t 'l•·h n• m h• ...... "' mt . m ... pl.11 .. • ll111l><t• """' • 111('1' o! :\ ol ' 11 •I t I h. I() ' Jl,l\ ~~~H :!'.?. :1 tS!ots' Hearings Counc1l Meets Tuesda y F T T ll II T T T Jl (' Ani\ old. Dnn LPttl'r A hbott. Lou Lett('!' fh1rd. Rrlll'l' B T€'am 111•11. Rr • R T•'am Rt'llt'fln. Tro B TPam f\o('I'O. \.Pill' l..RI I PI' Rl·o._, n. G.tr~ :'\on<' ('ant 11. &b B TPam C'lark(', Ed R Tl'am C'ol€'mnn. DAil' B Tt:'am c; ('ollm<~ J t'rn ....;onl' C" E~:r::vrt . Rob. LC'Itc>r G \.lbson . T('rr~ \"11r sub T GriHin. W n:.nr .· \·ar !>Ub G llambrook. lRr B T('~m 11 llopkinc;, Bill B Tt'~m F Honath. A r<'hH' . :'-ionr E ,lohnson. Rnn R Tt'nm T l{im• 1 Inward 'one> T l.nncr. Tom .. Var sub c; La\Ttr. M ikr :'\ont> T Lo~'"<'. Glra,cs BTt."am (; 1 lrllrr. Dud B T('am F Mn on. Th'nny B T <'am r: ~kMosll.'rs. T£'<1 l .t'ttt.>r E 'forit7. l ..Rr Son(' T ~fooc\:. Rob ~OM C Nnf'k K1•n R T t>nm TJ '-:rrdrum . .lark :"ooonl' F. P 8f'l'. LN' R T('l\J'n G Pll~ro<' .• Ji m LC'tt r F: P ('tlit. Don . R Team lT Pirk('ns. Glt'nn Nonl' T Prldham. Tonv Non!' t Q Pulnski. Rn111P Lr lt<'r F' Rydt'r. Dick ·onl" 1 G gchrnk el. Wa)Tie Var sub F gmlth. Au. tin .. BTt'am E S tl.'phens. Dick .. ... Lcttt>r T Swanson. Floyd ... Non<' T Taylor, Jack .......... .None E Trapp, Don . .. .. . N one Q Woodhull. Jack ...... V ar sub ht•n••IJI • '' 1111.!1 1-prh ilt'l't rl kHI" l'r•· 11 1 t1' ht•,al ill!! 1 .. 1"1' I' :-.. • I ,f)il \I ·! c!., TJ,, la.l• and Par t flwatl l'' nrc Ct~m:,,l .... l .•:, r ,\Jthta B t.uil•. n1 • 'Jle tl' "' p • I,.,. ll'fl\1•'" l•tl tht"'' 3111'• \r 1 ~>tll:lnlllh ,,., !nt ,, .... "' n• II· 111nn.l! J,rr .. llt\ ···1dt\ 1,.,. hPtn Jlt; .. ·po~,.,l 'uP•l uti",,. ,. , 1 hl• '" ,.,,, 'nhu1111" 1•• , m \\'• dm·rl·•'· "· ;i ! •I ""' t<'to ' o ' (,on rltll 'I l"arl' \\, • k 11.11 •' l't•'t"''l'·•" ••I th• hi ft'-hlll..: l-o·11 r•j ., ,.,1.11111'11 ••I II • l .. c d l'ttll"'lll •I ''"' tnd 1!11jl.n~t•' H ·'•II tl\ tl'• \\lth J:,.lt,•rt :--p. lh Hlrt \1:-••·1 Fl:t , •· • • 'I 'I • en 111 ,,,,, l't•· l'": ···1 ,l,•t .. t•n dun .. r '"'' 11 ="• \\]'"rt li • IH (u't '., ·~· (ol.O \' '~t t•t·l l ... t .. •,,,, t11111• out •a't Cl\uNl:t~ ,,., fl,.ll,r.t.:. tlfltrtl Hh• '' rc ho~t P.n llio•. t nC'Imll'd In t hl' tt.trh. \\hl(•h bruu~:l\1 ,, '• l~t · no•rr• 1 n11 J, l'•"t ,.• Emil Llu~k. ''"' ·w 'ell b ll&rf'l, (ol'or.:-t• nnd ISt•bb•t' r· d4f•r •••• 'II (,IJJ. ,Jul•" .... lrcmr: H \\ ... • l tw> f 'adlt>r, Harr~ Me.' Do\\ t-11, Mlkt' no~ ..... lbrr~ 1: •:hln . ,f ohn Rtl\ It•. '\I nlllttJi:'· I' II I ~t•. P aal I~M. <'nl IAtt~. tl:lrdy Krn..c-;~rn !\. \or C.hr .. t~. C. L l)."l' c •. f••nn•htn ~ • SSM . r .La.llll. l '. POSr&GE Pill Dud'eo:-R Fu~t> of 1.,.(, Anv~lt'l ''art.-.1 t't1 n .. trucllon tht" "P(>k on a •ho•J'' n "r of ht" lot sn Cluna (~CH' La .. r Thl.ir .. d~' ntwrnoon hf' had ob•amffi ht• t.Widlnl: pNmJI from • ~,. ('1 ' Ruillhn.: [)Ppartnx'nt- l'l•· 1l d<t~ a:•\r !l h d bft.<'n ... IJ('(f \' n: : manda ,. b 'uJ)('rlor c·, ·,: · :r 'a lila Ana dtr r• r r the C'f' ~ ', .... ... ' • ht p( r :ru• ';h(' ''\ n JU• 11on ar!'! non 'h• j4 \\l)il'h h· (!\ 1c <o\ • ktnt' 'n 3N!Wf• 101 IJU!Jh<' bl."lc.h jiUfTI(• .. • nd h• c-•;. la ... t "~k 'II· ti a "'!ldcmr.·•'l(\! 'W' m Su- T" :tor C'• llrt IC\ Dl"QUIIt~ ttl~' two o·· an•1 th•· 11dy n~ t"o all "1 1 d IJ\ ~Tr and 'I Fur ... <' Ac "'rd•m:l;. 1 \f Fur... pro-• -ro.. ,, ,. h tw· 1 1 111 • pl~n". h<' '. I d<l .. , 'tl t " (i\\ n 11'1< h<'< l U tt ft ,...,nrl··mnaunn .... utt f 'I'd tht' ·11Ut rf thf' !our lui'-·,<; Ol thf' rlatc of f1lint' T hu" I t hl' ctt\ \\ln ... ih" c.md"n tntlc n ~uu Mr F'•rr'•' ",,.,Jrl '" '"'rr.p. ""'l'£>d onl)· or 'h•• ' "''' nl t h :l'' · nut for til\ huJidms.: hi' "o11ld ,., <'<'t on 'h;! Ha-.e You Seen? the New LEE SHIPLEY ORIGINALS Sun Clothes -Dresees Separates fe ... ionocl to yowr Moetwromonh 1106 Coest ll¥d., CotoftO clol Mer thunday. SeptemJ;er •• 1151 RueboMea Nursery School StAte t.i~ and Approved ........ t to. y._.,. 8Upervlwd Oaf'@ aDd Ooetttroctt~ ... , REASONABLE RATES Open S days per weeok to 5 Transportation F'urni!lhed 190 E. 15th St. OORTA MESA ~~.., TIMELESS GOOD TASTE at O'Brien's truly all the flattery and sweeping eleqance of which dreams are made . superbly fash- ioned by ROSEWIN of luxurious. deep pile STROOCK Pom Pom shag • so warm! so soft! so light! to wear with a flare. this lesa-than-full-length. 79.95 • BaL~ ~Lower F~~s l ~· lbtPr at ~arty ~~~o,:~t~ at the Shan (J J ~ ~~ nnera .. ntation 'Cbffs hom of Mr. and Mrs Paul Rear Co~t Mlck~y Smith "''Oft the oov~ted MOI\J'Cie Memorial Trophy, as tN best all 'round champon of the Balboa 11· land Yacht Club at annual preeen- tatlon oe1'ernonles held Thunday night at the Balboa Yacht Oub. Mrs M Grimes I An "after •pl"f"ientation" dane-Moore were their son·ln·Jaw aDd • • 1 In~ party wa hosted by Noel daut!hter, Mr and Mrs. Stall 29th ~•son of this junio r yacht Barlow last Thursday evening . Cl8w on or Salt Lake Ci ty 9lub which was headed thk year U ttle Jtirls "<'re popuJu at the followmg the BI'(C cer~>moni by Commodo~ Benny Benjamin. I part y -Mid Ia t wet-k on \\'t'dnt'S· Attendan~:: thP N'lebrauon wen• Did you read the Want Ad Adult statistician, BiD Bangs, pre-day evening a a hov. t"r honorm~: t he Ma Ann Rawlins PhyUl pages today? sentc.>d the Monroe medallion to 5-week..old Thf'a Marl<' Grime Rawlin . C'lll'ol Eyman. Ann Rlch·l ~~,.;: ••• :;; .... f'!!!ii_;;i!,.~ ... ii-~iiiieiiiiieiiziii?jiiliuiiC::iiid~ Mickey and tMn gave medals to and her mot~r. Mr< Mont Ueu. :"anc~ Ca~y. and Benny Biz-Mart Knit Sboppe the runnel'S·UJ>, who were Mona Grim · Mrs Albert St()('k~on BenjamJn. John K~>n e~, David Ill E. lelltoe ll¥d .• lelttoe, HA 0776' Rat> Barlow (also h.lgh girl)' Tod was hostess to the part). whach Harnn .. ton Bob Hald<'rman Tom VACATION s~,... • ., Giving of awards climaxed the Wh.,, ... , Gail Whl•-e, Ann Ra'wuns wa.s held at .thf' Grimes homt>. 1743 1 ,. ' r"EO."~ " ., Jon<' and Bw tt>r Hammond Baad-~t.ecl m..e. and CommodorE"~lect N()('l &r· Maramar Dr · Balboa '\1r and !-1rc;. Ronald Barlow It M DIRECTORY I low lt);ng ror fif1h pl&ct'l, Tom S]l('Cial party rc>fr-€'!-ohm. Ill<; trl· '•lr tnd ~J.-, Jm· E~n ·n .tnd ~1 Y•nll • "'~ii-• . Finishi~tt f'rost, Ha nk K)le. Carol Eyman cludt"d hill<· t:lrl sal~d.-. m.td<' ot 'lnd .1r-.. Bab Jon£>s r haJ){'ronf-d HOWl 10 to 5 INSURANCE and Benny Benjamin. Hononbl<' turk<'Y salad 11nd df'\"ll(-'d f'l!~~> and ~d~ur;•;n:Jt~t;h~t ~~~·\~(';n~u~l~~·c::z:::::;r:~~~=~~~~f:~~~=; mention '"...s ~iven to tho. e tak ing n.ut basl<{·ts '"' 11 h stor·k d.-.rorR· - elevt>nt h through twentieth ln llon · COmpila tiOn of pointS from &It Pre ~>nt at lh!' part~ \\"11 'Jr-. For Every Need ISLAND REALTY CO. Harvey D. Peue HARBOR Yn·W Park at Apttz, Balboa r.laDd "BE SURE -INSURE.' with sporting events of the ason. Herbert f.>t>wc> , 1he honorf't'" Also receiving award~ were Ro-1 mott)er, and ~1t-sdames Ha\ l...an· ger Boyvey for the Burl John on genhelm. John Boyd. Ht'rh K<•n·l dinghy race pt>rpetual and Tom ney. Jam<'S \"an Oyk<' John t ·r- F ro t for thf"~1iriam Kirk memor· son, RuL«-11 Hampton. non Kark· ial nowbird race. patrick, Jamf•., Karnm. Ht'nr;. T mphys wert' pr<.' entpd to win· Ustrandc>r, JA<'k Raub. A: H• ner~ or tht' July and AU'tlJS l series Haapa and ~,,.,, Jun• f)-.T randPr sailin~:r raC't'.. The Au~t series Th<' pan~ "R!> oru:mnlh srhf·· \\3S \\Ofl by Roger Boy\"l'y, (irst; ~u)(>(j for Jul~ bUT plar \\1 II' ~1irkl'\ Smit h. c;e<'Ond : and Mona tnlf'rr uptc•d h~ thP apJ,. ·•ram'\' ol Rar hnrll)\\. third, in dinghys, lh<• tor;. Littll' ,,,!-.. \.rirrw'- FU ~NITURE AN D ACCESSORIES SEE THE LARGEST DISPLAY IN CALIFORNIA RAITA;>.. • REDWOOD • ALUMINUM • WROUGHT JRON 5\\.l'\;GS • UMBRELLAS • • RE·COVERS • BARBECUES LowHt Prices • 611 Coast Hiqhway Maurie Stanley Insurance Counsellor and Tom F ro-.t. &nn;. Benjamin 1 n 1 c k n a rn f' d 'P<·I Ullll\ .,lf'Jl' ~ and .Jnhn K(·n. t'.lo as r1,.,.,t . serond t~roul!h th•' • ntuf• 'h""' 1 o• =-._ and thud an Snowbirc::b s::-tfl!> hrou.:t' to ., .. ;-~ h•t • '"·' ~.::::~~~r=::=~:::;:~::==~~~~=!:~~~~~~~~ X ewport Beada Open Nighk • • • Sund•y. 10 1.11'\. to 4 p.m. HARBOR l'T76 225 Marine Ave .. Balboa lalaDd Thi!> ~·par·s 'round-the-Island = -race wR~ won b;. the rollowin~ We have unl' or the mo~r up-rn. '' paars an their ag€' ~roups : Carol date and t>fflctent job printing W. Stuart Foote INSURANCE Walltam:-and Randy W ril::ht; Bill plants In thE-Hn rbor Ar ., Tn uc: I Lio~d and Bill T\vi t . Laurt>l __________ ...;..... ________________ _ W ru::ht and l.olita Kcnn<'dy : Tod \\'hit<> and Gall White; Tnn) Tor· ranN' and M1rkP) Smith; B<>nn;. Iknj<tmin and :-.:Of' I Barlo\\. 2117 W. Balboa Blvd. Newport Beach. CaUl. Phone : HArbor 2f I \\'innc>rs ror· tht> Pntirt> season in th<' indhidual skills wf'rP a\\ nrd<'<l t rophrs for first plaet's '--~=~=~~~~~---' and m<'dals ror e<"'nd and third SILVII:a PLAft.NG llplace . Th<';. \\eTC' awarded as Silver Platers folkm s: And S Rnwlna:--Fu <:t J>IA£'1' Rob btl' Repairing 11~ ~lc.-Kf'nZtf'. Rand~ Wn£ht. G"lil W h1tC'. R•ll 1'\\l<,t l.ohtn KC'nnt>d~. Replating I MtC'kt>y Sm11h. ('arol E~man . .lohn Gold· Silver· Copper -Bra.. Ken. I':>; seNnd plaN'. F:IP<~Mt Near CommunJty Onii'Ch ·smith. Rill Llo:-d. KarPn Andrl"l'. 1914 Harbor Blvd., Cc.ta Kea Tod WhliP Ann Rawlin.... \"irl'· Beeoon 5113 Commodor~>·f'lf'<'t Tony T,rran<'t•. IIUBIO third pia('('. Carol Wll1111ms. )lar) r------===-----1 Lou Llo)·d. Hank J(ylP. :\1ona Rat' Barlow. ;\likP Raum. Judy Swim Margaret L. Scharle Xoc>l Barlow. Teeeher of Plano Paddlf'board-First plac<', Ma rk ~cuddt'r. Donna Hartman. Hank Organist -Accompanlat Kyll'. Mon& Rae Barlow. Mkk1•) Evening aa.e. ~m1th. Ann Rawlins. Tom Jom• ... ; for Adults sl'C'Ond plaN', Carol WiUiams, 307 GOLDENROD AVE. )1oii~J ~linin~::lo'r. Bill Dt-Wttt. Pat Corona del Mar Oyt>r. Tod Whit('. .Judy Swim. ;\;O<>I Barlow: third plaf'P, Jimmy PRY810 1A.VS-SUJtGIX)N8 JonP... Su~n Jone<;. Rtll T\,·i<;t. LaW'rence K. Gunarum, Jt¢;. .JonN<. :'\C'al ~ll'tcall. Carol E.1o man and Tony Torranct'. Oh IR~t-First place, Carol \Vii· liam". Gail Whit<', BruC'<' Pittman. El€'anor GuthriE-, Tod White. Judy s,,.,m. Bob I bbotson; , ('('(lnd plat'f'. .. M.D. 174.1 Superior A~ .• Coata Mea Practice UmJted to Dlseases of the Ear, Noee I Rand) Wrighl, Mar) IA'IU Lloyd. and Throat and Allergy Ottlce Hours: by Appointment BEacon ~ or HArbor 103& Hank Kylf'. \.1ona Rn <' Barlow. ~tik~> Baum. ~"' BN-k, Snnm Day or Night Phone HArbor 1138 NOTARY PUBLIO Coant'. third plaCt>. Robbie Me· 1 K~>n:r~t• Chrislinf' Swim. ~1arshall Wrl~ht, Lolita Kl'nn<'<lv. Jay Giba. :'\eal ~if'tcalf. ='ancy Carney. Mikc> 1 \·ail ~\\lmmlA&r-First plaN'. Bobby ~frKf'nZi('. Gail WhitP, Hank Kylc>.l Pftt Dyer. Tod Whilt>. Judy Swim. Bob Ibbotson. sPCOnd place. Randy Wright. Donna llartman. Bill 01' Witt. Mona RaP Rarlow. Jay Giba. C.arol Eyman :--;0<'1 Barlow: I t hil'd placE>--Mark ~cudrter. Mary Lou Lloyd, R ichard I IOt"rtis:r. F.: I· Notary Publl·c t>anor Guthrif'. ~tic.'k('v Smilh and , Tony TorranC' . at the A!l part of thl' formaliti('S or the finaiC' of th£' RIYC. Commodor<' Newport Harbor Ensign Benn~ &>njamin e s p t' c i a I I y HArbor 1114 thank<'d Mrs. Wyman Willaams an 1104 Coast Boulevard char~<' nf dhing c\·t>nts. Mrs. Ron- Corona del Mar ald BarJo·w m charg<' of s~immln~ I £'\'Pnts. and Eugen<' Baum. in ~o....-'lru::rnN;;DC;::a..:.1"""'io;ira;;'iBOrO&iinWi.---' char~c or sailin£ events, for th£'ir I work throughout the S<'ason and presentE'tl them each with a girt. He also thankt"d Cnmmodore and 'Mrs . .l A. BN>k for thPir lo,·al and • Baltz Mortuary 0\llpel by the Sa RARBoR42 Cot'Oila del ~· Callfonda Ample Off-St:rftt Pal'ldQa rontinuMJ JnterE'St in the· young rotks of tht> area and caiiNS on Mr. R<'<'k for a Sl>("('('h. FiMI act of thlo' l'V<'ning was to turn the commodore's f.t8\·el over to thf> inromin~ot OfriN'r . '()('I Bar· low. Dr. J. H. McCloskey CHIROPRACTOR armounces t~ opening of his Balboa office on Wednesday. September 5 703112 (downstairs) E. Balboa Blvd . • $219951' oppo1ile the minioture golf course •n Balboa OffiC"I Hours· I 0 to b Wednesdey end Sundey t 'S34995 -etsh tr ttrllts 512 N. MAIN ST. . , . healthy, handsom•, pure in hear1, kind, courteous (tome unmarried) -are viaiffnt ••• noW . . •. eagerly, stt-16 '*" heM& · the hour, .....ver, wherever y041 may b•. (never a busy signal) Clftd a Mvy of golden voiced, nnllhio._tr beautiful operators (.,.... .-arried) Here in Orange County CALL Kimberly 3-8315 tJeMOnS1N.110ft -••""• no dlar;., no fee, tt's happily, cheerl\llly, I F-o -_-SANTA ANA·-Umh-ly 3-8315 OPE.'i "Tl L lt . " Page t 11lie ~T ,....._ ~ ftm~.leplrm'ri L 1•1 ----------~--------~------------------~----------------------~--------------~ ~~ ~~ I ~~ ~~ NOTICE OF BEAaiNO KERN for IM probate or the Will nCftftOOS ftiAH !lr:iiiiC ·--Notice la hereby gh-en that the of the &bo\'e named ciecEock>nt and OEilftnCAft CDl'IPIClA~ M' Jl(1t11N1181J City Council of the Oty of New-for tM issuance of Letters Testa· I, the uncSerslgned. Margaret S. Fldla•• .,_ N.-e port 8<-ach, In accordance v.1th mental') to the peotltioner \\iJJ be Grider, do certif)• that 1 am con-ftle u-...,_,. doel hereby Seoctlon 9106-M Ca) of the Munid-heard at 10 o'clock A. M. on Frl· ducting a bus1MU for the lnltnlc· oert1t3e that abe is cooduct.ina a pal Code of the O ty or Newport day, Scptt>mlx>r lt. 1951. at the tion and sate of yams, knit eoods wholHale ~ca and jewe)r')' ~ach, "lU hold a hea_ring on the court room of IX>partnwnt 1 of the and dl"t'S and all the implemeotl bual.n4!a at 809 Mari&old Street. following propoeed lllnendment to Superior Coun or the State of a nd toots used t~in, and a sen-Corona cld Mar, Callfonlia. under the Zoning Law o( the City of CaUfornia ln a nd for the County of ert~l knitting service, under the the Hrtidous firm name or 1HE Newport Beach: Ora~:tge. fictitious firm name: CARlSON COMPANY and that RE-rommendation or the..Plan· B. J . MJTH, Count) Clerk MAGGIES said firm I• c:ompoeed of the fol- nlng Commlssion or the City or Date August 27, 1951. and at the adcl.ress shown below: lowin& pei"SSN, wboae narnes in Newport Beach tha t Lets 1 to DONALD D. HARWOOD 3081: Marine Avenue, Balboa Is· full and pl&ces of reajdeDce are u 11, lnclusive. Tract 1026, Corona 1415 Coast Jiighway land, County of Orange, CaUfor· (olio~: to-wit : , del Mar, re<X>h e a change ln Corona del Mar. Calif. nia . CARILEE H. HANSON · zoning from R-1 to R-2 upon the AUorney for Petition r. I am the sole owner and pro-609 Marigold Street condition that Lot "A" abut-Publi h · Aug. 30. Sept. 6. 13 pl'ietor the~f and 1 rt"SSdt-at 430 Corona del Mar, Call!omia ling these lot on the lowt'r side. in t heo Newport H ar·bor Ensi~n. lleliotroJX> A\·enue. Corona del \\1.__ my hand this 9th day of be dedicated as a public street \tar, California. August, 1951. for the u e of said propert~ O\\,· So. A !OISI Au~ust 20, 19:>1. CAR.I.LEE M. H.A.'lSON ers and pro' ided that the pro· SOTI C'E OF RF..AJUSG OF PE-MARGARET S. GRtDFA tate o1 Callfonda perty owners of said lot ~nt<'r TITIOS f'()R PROBATE OF Sta te of CaUfornia Cot.ty of~ into d4:'<'d re trictions whereby WILL ASD •'OR LETTERS Count) of Oran~-ss Oa ftls 9th day of August, A.D. no poruon of buildm~s on sa1d Tf;STA~ESTAR\'. On t hil" 20 da~· of August, 1951. 1951, before me, Thomas E. Her- lots shall be constructed atxwe Ia thfl , ul""rior C'ourt of the Stat«> tx-fore me. Harold L . Houser, a I feman, a Notary Public in and for the curb of Oc-ean Blvd. a nd of C'aUfonilil In and tor th'' :'\otary Public in and for said t ht> said County and State, resid-whereb~ :t(X"(' to said Jots shall ('ounty of Onn&:t" County and Sta tt>. personally ap-ing therein, duly comtni.ssioned not be had from ()c(':m Bh·d In t he .)latwr ol th<' E tate or p..•a1•ed MRrt:aret S. Grider, known a nd worn. personally appeared but shall be had only from said FREDERICK LA!'GE:'\BECK lomt>tobetht>personwhose name,CARILEE M~ HA..~SON known to Lot ·'A". DC<'l'ased. i!t ~oub.;;cri tx-d to tllae within Jnstru· me to be the person whose ntUne is Noti~ 1 ... hPrt'by further gl\·en :"otice i hE'rt'by ~iven that the m<'nt. and acknowledgro to me subscribed to the within instru- that said h nrin't wiJJ 1x> held on petition of ROLA..~D R. LA.~GEN-that he PX<'Cuted the same. ment, and acknowledged to me the 11th day of September. 1951, BECK for th<' probatt> of the Will WITr-;ESS my hand and official that she ex<'CUted tbe same. Ia at the how· of 7:30 p.m. in the of the abo,·e namt'd dt:'Ct'dent and ~t>al. \~1ta~ \\'henoot, I have hereunto council chambers of the City Hall. for the lssuanet> of utters Testa-HAROLD L. HOUSER set rT\Y hand and affixed by offidaJ Newport Beach. Calif., at which mE'ntary to the pt>Htlon<>r ,,;11 be Notary Public in and ror seal the day and year ln this Cer- Ume and place any and all persons heard at 10 o·clock A. M. on Sep-saad County and S tate. tificate first above written. interested therein ma~· appear and tember 14, 1951, at th(' court room My commission expires Decem· TI-lOl\lAS E. HEFFERNAN be heerd thert>On. or l)(>partmC'nt 1 of tht.> Superior b<>r 14, 1954. My Commi ion eA'J)ires June 24, C. K PRIEST Court of the State of California in P ublish : Au~. 23. 30, Sept. 6, 13 1955. City ClE'rk and for the Count~ or Orange. in the 1'\e\\'port Harbor Ensign. Publish: Aug. 16-23-30, SepL 6, Date August 23. 1951. · -----1951 ln the Newport Harbor En- NOTICE OF O:EAIUNG B. J . SMITH. County Clerk S~. A !057':' sign. . Sott~ '' hert"by ~h"8 that the THOMAS E. HEITER.~A:'\ SOTICE TO C'llEDITORS I ---- Planning Commission of the City 1415 Coast Highway E TATE OF ME M 0 • • • of Newport Beach will hold a pub-I COI'ona del Mar, Calil. I SUSAN C. HUFFMAN. T1te Ne•-port H.arl»or E1u1p He hearing on the application of I Attorney for Petitioneor. also known a bas beet~ ~ by s.pertot' MarjoraP P Crumley foT a \'ari· Pubh~h: Aug. 30, • pt. 6 • 13 Sl'SA."\ CAROU NE HUF~{"A.."'l Coa:rt t. be a WW~~paper of pta· an<X> on Lot 1. Rlock 329, Corona II! tl.•' :-.;£>wport Harbor Ensign. Deceasro eral dretdatloa ud qtallfled to --------- TAKE DOWN TlmiE MEASUREMENTS! .\,... ..... We ....... ,.... ••• aa4 t.a.llor~tlt .. ,.... .. te f oOO\\·. ~ are dwl ~ ~ta for 1"' D~ a...a a t NE WPORT llALIJOA FEDEIUL. v ... ! A home of ,·our 0\\'8 ltl Qulte wlthlD ~f'a('h. Kt-ct f ttl)f' It at a pdalmwn ••• ~r\'ic.-'" s..-ompt. Come Ia thloo \\t...,k fur friPDdJy t'Oillid· t'rntlon : We'ye a Pay-by-Mail Plan df'l 1>:1r '16(1<1 PRcifiC' Orheol to di-1 NoUN> 18 hf'~b~· ~\·ea to the pu..altlll aU petblle aotkn re.- \ldt' snd Ill into two buildm~ ~o .. \-!OIU creditors of and a ll person.-: having .~·~lllr~ed~by~la~w~.----~-~-i===~~ii~!::::; Silt.' . •~ T fiJ. ~t'T,t:RIOR C~f'RT OF claanlS llj;;.\JOSt the said decedent S oti<'«> 111 lwn•b:v furtlter gheo TJ!!:;: T.\T!... OF C'.\LtFOK!\'lA m c:a1d ~tale to fil£> thE'm with t he that th<' saad h<'ar'i nt: will be held j IN A!\"D J·'OR TilE l'Ot'!\'T\. m'<'<'• !>lln \OUCher~ in thl' otflet> of on tht• 21'1th da~ of &•plt.mber.l o•· ORASGt: tlw Ch't:k ul thC' S uJX"rlor Court 1951. at the hoUt of 7 .30 P ~I in Sullc• or IIM.rla.: nf t •etltloa for uf thf> Cowat~ of Orange, StatC' of the ('ouncil C'hambet-s of the !':<'W· J•rot. .. te of \\111 nnd f or Lt-ttus C•tllform.t, ul' to pre ent the am<>. pnr t Bt'Ot'l1 City Hall at \\hich I or t\dnunJ .. tratJon \\.ltb the \YLU \\lth thP nt><'I.:'S~.H~ ,·ouchN-s, to tint<' and pia<'<' an) and all ()('r..ons ' . .\nnf'~ed. the:' undt•r:-a~nNl at his placl' of lnterf'<:t!'d m~n appear nnd bf> In the M.attt-r or tht' Estate or busines-.. to-wit h•' rei th• l'f"'n. · .\MALlE OESER-~ted. <' o Hurwitz and Hurwitz, ~E\\'PURT BF:ACH I Nofl<>e Is h.-,..-by ,;,·ea that the AltortW\~ at Law. PI \ -..::"1:"\G C'O:\l~tlS~IO:'\ (X'titlon of ROSEMARIE CRIB· 2611 ~ewport Boul('vard, R:t) Y Cn[)t•h n ~Prrt•t·u y DE~ lor thl' probat<' of the Will :'\""lWlrt 8<-ac-h. Callfomia Pubh;.l "<'Pt. 6. 197!1 of tht> abo,·l' nam<'d di'Ct'dent and \\llhin "" month' aftt>r th•' fust In tht:' ='-•'"'JlOrl IIA.rbor En~i~ !or thP 1ssuance of Letters of Ad-pubh<·ati(ln of thiz notiC\'. mini ... tration with the will annexed Dat~ Aul!USl 20. 1951 S OTJ(•E OF U E..\RfNO OS to th(' pt>tilinner "ill be hea rd at IX1ROTHY HUFF~1Ai' BREWER AME.'"DMEXT TO 10 o·clock A.M. on Friday. Septem-Adm10i tratnx of the Estate ZO:\,SG L . .\W ber 7. 1951. at the court room or or said d('C('dcnt. :'I:OTICE 1S HEREBY GIYE:" Department On<' of the S uperior P ubli!'h : August 23. 30: t>f)t. 6. 13 that on 1'ut'Sda), SeptE'mber 11. Court of the Sta te of CaliComia in m t he ~t·wport Harbo1· Ensign. Hl51. at i 30 p. m. in th<' Councal and for the County of Orange. Chambl'l~ of the City Hali of the Dated August 18. 1951. XOTIC'E o•· IUS OJXTION PRESCRIP'RON PHARMACY PllDK"JUPTIOSS ALWAYS DOUBLE CHJ!)CU'J) BAIIM'Ors IIAIUIOB DRUGS uaaoa 1111 ~ ........ U)C' \1, :anti S ,\TIOS\\TDE City ol '\:1'\\l)Ort R~'ach. the City B. J. SMITH. Countv Clerk :-.;OTlCE IS HEREBY GfVE:'ol Council ut thr· City of ~<'"·pnrt THO~I A~· E. HEFFER~A:'\ that tht> co-partnership ronsistin't C. E. Mc..."iieJ G. C. Bennett &>ach "Ill hold a hearsn~ on thr 1415 Coast H ighway ot J"""" D. EIJjs and Cia' D. EIUs d d f 0 _ _.. Co d 1 '1 Calif · ~ ~ "' 18!5 Harbor Bh•d., Costa Mt>u B•·~ •.u.• propost> r. opuon o an "'"mance j rona e •• a r, orrua ,, hich h<'rt'tofon• did buslnl'ss un-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~ rt'J;U)atin.::-the ulxlivi<;jon of un-AttornPy for Pt>tition£>r. d<'r tht• fi rm nam£> and tyle "Ellls : subdhided land within th(' City of Bt'Others Xursel')" a t 1206 Coast :'ll<'WPOJ 1 Beach. at which hearing P-~ HIRhway. Corona del Mar, Olli- all pt>~ons .interC'sted th<'reln ma~ I CEJtTIFICATE OF BU~ISBBS for·n la. wl\s di ·solved b) mutua l apr'<'ar and be heard. f'letltlom' Finn Name con~nt on August 18th. 1951. Date-d thl" 30th day of August. 1 ThP r ndr r II{M'd do heN b¥ cer-XOTICF. IS Ft'RTHER GIVEN FURNITURE ANO ACCESSORIES 1951. 1 tlfy that they are . conducting •1 that Joe D. Ellis will have no fur· C K. PRIEST retail nursery busmess at 716 th<'r interC'st or responsibility in Caty C'lvrk of the I Coast BouJe,·ard, Corona del Mar, connection with the o}X'ratlon of IIADI .. 0. OWt4 WOKS~S AHO PIC* C'i ty or :"ewport &>ach California, under the fictitious the affairs of said business, and Publi!'h !'ropt. 6. 1951 firm name of that Clay D. Ellis will continue to In th<' '\.-"port Jlarbor Ensign. SUBTROPICAL LANDSCAPE oJ)(.'ra~<' said bu lness in his own --....._:_ NL'RSERY name a nd a t his own risk a nd l'l'· XOTIC'E OF HEARI ~G and that said firm is composed of ponsibJiit ~. W. IAI..U OISPI.AY -.. MaRC COAST * ............ c......,. ... ............ a ............. ................ :--Jotiet> IS hereby ~\·en that the ,the followin,:: persons, whose f)at<'d thi~ oJih day of ~ptem· Pla nning Commission of the City naml's in full and places or resi-tx-r. 1951 . of N<'wport Beach will hold a pub· denet> art' as follows, to-\\ i t : JOF: D. ELLIS he h<>arm,: on thE.' application of RALPH R. BAKER. JR., CI.A y D. ELLIS HOUSf I GARDEN .. ,c-...., . ......,. Gladys ~Idler to nmend Ordinance 416 Larkspur. p bl. h .., 6 19-1 '' 635 C U IS : i''-'PI. . ·' .~o. · so thnt Lot l. Rlock 13 Ot'Ona d<'l Mar. CaUf. in the N<>wporl Haa bor Ensign. Balboa Tract •901 East Ray Aw•.l JOHX F. BURNHAM \\Ill fall .. ,.thn a C-1 Di<.trict in· 2222 South Rosewood, sl('ad of thP prrs('nt R-3 zone Santa Ana. Calif. NoticC' .... hl:'reby further giv<'n Wltn~~ our hands this 8th day 1 1ha1 said "econd h<'a rinJ:: wHI IX' of Augm:t. 1951 hC'Id nn the 20th day of S<>ptem-RALPH R. BAKER. JR. IX'r, 19:;1 1 1 tlw how or 7 :30 P.:\1. JOHN F . BURNHAM In I hP Council Chamb<'rs nr the Rtatf' of Callfomb Cst) HaU. :'\C'Wp(lrt Bt.'ach. Califor-County of Oraag-s. ma at "hich tim<' and plaet> any On Thl~ 8th day or August, A.D. and all pt•r,ons an tt>re~trd may ap-1951, b<>fore m<'. the undersjgnoo, r)('ar and h·· hPard th£'rron. 1 a Notary Public in a nd for the said RA' Y Copehn ~ect'eotary County and Stat<', r<'giding there- :'\E\\'?1 'RT BEACH CITY in, duly commi sioned and sworn. Pl..A:'\:\1:\G COMMISSIO:\' personally appt>art>d RALPH R. P ubli);h Auu. 30. Sept. 6 BAKER. JR .. ond J OHN F. BURN- in tht:' ;.;<'\\port Harbor En 1 .... 1 HAM known to me to be the ~r-... · sons whose nam~ are s ubscribed So. A -HIS& NOTICE OF HEARING OF P E- TITIO~ f'OR PROBATE OF WILL AND FO R LI:I"I'EKS TESTAMEl,'TARY. Ia tilt> SoJ)f'rlor Court of tlte Mtat.e of CaUforala In aod for thf' Cocmty or OranJ'e In the Matter of the Estate of MAX R. HANN Deceased. Notjce is hereby gi\-en that the petition of SHIRLEY HA.'lN to the within instrument. and ac- knowledged to me that they exe- cuted the same. 111 Wlmet. Wltem-~ I have hereunto set rT\Y hand and a((lxed my orridal seal the day and year in thb Certificate first above written. SUSAN P. FOLEY My Commission expirH Aug. 4, I 1952. Publish: Aug. 16-23~30, ~pt. 6, 1951 ln the Newport Harbor En· I &ign. SEE THESE FIRST * Nu-Green Paper 29c. * Mcmila Folder ... 4c * * Steno Pads . . . . 19c • E.terbrook Pena 2.00 • * Scripto PeDCila • 2Sc • CcmYaa BiDden • 59c • * 3x5 Card F"ales •• 39c • Di'Yiden • . • • . • 1 Oc * e ARTIST MATERIALS JSO Biology Paper . . 1 Oc 3-Color Pens • • • 1.00 Weare•er Pena . 1.00 Compclll8 • • . • • • • lie IN R.EPAJRS Day & ~,C'i't Water Heater. e WE HAVE EVERYTHING YOU NEED FOR SCHOOL nNE8T QUALITY. -·-LO\\'EST PRIC~. Modern ,_, Toot. few S.w•r 1-Sln• Stopp•t .. Stationers • ~.lep11mW L 1151 ------~- •• a a! ..... ....... ............... ..................... , ........... NLLYUI C:O.. ift today Clftd Make JOUr ... m. o.r lillliled ......., of Hoowr Spedah. s 85 , ..... ._. ~ ......... ~ Oilier...,_ S,.CW -....s slial dt ....... C. l 'ON2ARGER Mrs Fabian tolaroff. 1608 Pa- dfic Or .• Corona del ~1ar, and M1" dau~htt'r-in-law, Mrs. W a r r en tolaroU of Pasadena. ""~ ~ 1 host a t a kitchen showfor hon- orin& Miss Phylli Vallejo, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Phels- of Yoncalla. Ore .. who will beoorne the bri~ of Jim Stolaroff on ~t. 1 22 In Corona del Mar Community hurch Th<' howt>r ''as ghl'n at the I gtolaroff homt> on Pacific Dr .. on I Saturda~. Au,2. 25. Follo .... 'intt lunchron aU adjourne-d to the pa- tao, wh<>t t-tht-brid~lect opene-d her gifts . Gu ,ts. who tra\ell<>d from aU part of Southern Cali- fornia wer<> Mmt"s. War~ How- land. Fr<'d Krause Byron Stolar- off. Harold Yost. WilJiam Mc- Gur1~. LA-onard Tubach. Emesl Marr. J ohn ~1c6owan. Gt'rtlt> Ilou t'' and ~ft._q..,. Glona Stolar- off. F;Joi'-P JaC<•bs. and Glady F.tchart 1 Ph~ 'hs \'allf.>io. a rt>Sid~>nt of !'an FntnC'i ro. t<: de et>nde-d from thf' famou !'panLh famih for ''hom thl" town of \'aiiPjo was 1namNJ ""E WPORT IIARBOR UNION IUGH SCHOOL llt-~ 8 115 ~hMiult" HA,._ Zl2 COlONA DE&. '-'AI F1r't cln of l'h ool ~~~~~~==:=~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~! WEST "E\\'PORT fftat's Completely AutOmatic •T \I I ~ r \TI'T 1''1 HI' . I""' A'll J • .., I I Only Weetin&hou.e FROST-FREE hu the m~tl(ic hut ton that OUNTS door openinp .. JDeft.811J"t'8 defi'Of'tin~t net>tiA! And, only FROST-FREE pve~~ you aU tbrt't' bt>nofit~. A utomatic M(I"'OJti"lf exactly when. end' onlv \\hen need~. Nothiftl to touch or do! A ulomGJic fDtlln' dupoeol-no p1.1011 to emptv ... no ftoon~ to mop, me. to clee.n! IN(rwti"ll eo fo.t t hat even ice cream end frn:u-n fruita atay frozen! . So look for the b utton .•• only the romp/d.cly auJomat1c w· tin«hou.e FROST-FREE bas it! '"CAll •• sua~ .... 1ft Westinghouse f ancl LIDO I SLE: R l\4"t·•trlP & C'oa .. t H"~ Ralboa Co"'' C'oa<;~l•: r ~totd J Jp), ,·~ 4-·· 38•' E I td" "oud l.c>t c -i & I .ld(o ~1Ud , Lid" C" tUh HOll"P l 'ndmt• & U do i'\md \\' Ltdn :"ord Lar IH ,,,. & Ltdo X\·\\ I"'' r Rhd & Lrdo 13th & Balboa Bhd lith , • R.•.1ltlu:'\ Bh d 22n..l & &lbna Bh d 30th & Balboa Ghd B.ALRO\ K & ~llr'lmar ~1 & ~ln a mat K · Balboa Bhd. J & Balboa Bhd D & Balboa Bhd Matn & Balboa Bh·d.. Coronado & Balboa Blvd Ltbrar~ 9th & Balboa Blvd. ORO~ DEL MAR Acacia & Coast FcrnJeal • Coast Maq~uerite & C'oa. t Orchtd & Hi£hv.·a ,. Paolic & F~miPaf B .. ,LBOA I~LA~O Ralboa & Coral Balbo& & Collin.-: Pa. k & T opa.z ~latuw & Park &-aeon Ra~ &1\ :-rnr• .. A .M . 117 'i:?t 7 2~ ~ ;.!~ :::.- 'il" ';-·32 'i33 7 31 7 3.'1 1 :36 7 37 73>- 7 ~~ :-~ 7 31 7 3:.. -; 3.1 7 3'1 'iJ'i ·=~ 7 40 ; ·H i .J3 127 7 ·:?~ 73ft 7·30 7.33 ~ :J:; ; 51 7 :- 7 :;:; 7 ~ ·O(I ------- Sports .. Boys' Sanforized Jecma Guaranteed Knees ---Zippers ..... Boys' Tee Shirts . ~~· Boys' flannel Shir1s . . . . . . Boys' Shorts . . . . . . c. ;..:_.,.. __ Ar~=>,... s ~,...-. Cr.....,,....~=>·-S .... ~ • • "...J -....... • • _.;:, -........... '.:.-,_ •r-r Jb=-'1 C '"! 3-:: YS . You Can Better at THE Daniger furniture Co. . BEacon 5656 1812 Newport Blvd. COSTA MESA BAL .. ISLE NURSERY SCHOOL Serving Greater Newport Hmbor LIXITED ESROLL~"T FOR F 'Ll. SO\\ BEl XG .\C EPTE D • FE n·RI:"G l:"STRl'C'TJI).:--• - To· Ages L· : ::-: -0r. ::> y;:::.crs Hour": 8:30 -II :Sfl .-\. M 317 Marine Ave .. Balboa Island, HA 2143-J t ndf"r ,,..n 'uJWnllon of JO.\' ~ H\\Ot"'· Oirt'f•tr•·· Arrow <-~D • TY7. '' Ql·way with neu· 4 ~tl and s-oo w .. , it dreu rlyfe or -•r it sport Jtyle, the 'hirt wittl the dv•l person•li-y. s."toriad f« •ll·ct•ou~o co--~orl --~-=-- ? - GoocJ pra aper1l:rX'Ilt with vie-A· of South S.y. t..a.rce cue-t room and bath down- •talr8: 2-car ~ras:~. Room to build addjtional unit on front of the lot $1~000 Stanley Hadfield ........ ru ... t.t.... .... ....... II ........ IPEEIII.DS I tM'Iponui.Jy, Of COUrS(') • • • U ht' Wl'l'e luck) E'OOUI:'h :o ovm lhl B.U.OOA 1~1 :\'D WATERFI~OXT 110~ T wo b;>droQm.s 1 J;E't ti.rcd $leepin~: m one. u. <' tht' oth r l. hot and cold running water. plumbtm: that work.' ~i()(>)y fume ht·d. n<>" 1~ de<'Orated and pa1nte<i. S<'pa.ratt• guest room. I ncom(' to more than pay tax•>5. :::~ ••. $15,500 See us bcfo~ HE does. OPEN HOUSE s.,Tt"RDAY & • ~"')AY from I!!\"~ MODEL HOME ITR~"I RED U8 SE\"ILLE A \"E. B.a lbo:t P <'nlJlSOls C'alifornla mnd~>m • --art"bJ· t«turf' and c-olor h~· ont~t.and· lDs: 11uthorlH~. • Nrwport Fum 11111' Co., FurmJ'tun~ • Edw11rd H . Fick t•lt , Architect • \VJJham MankE'r Colors lf )'OU arc:> intcn>stt:'d in see- in't tht> LA TEST in de ign & color, !'I'(' this. lOut Balboa Bh·d to th<' Peninsula - watch for the arrow. 1 Hathor ln•Edment CO.~ RULTORS X'ewpo:-t Blvd. at IOtll 8t. NEWI'O&T IIA ·-c•••• DB. ••• Ranch Type Home B-R-A -X -0 X -E-W 2 B.R.-2-Car Garage $10,500 ••• rlllll Co. ~al~ 4102 Coa.st Blvd. o.o ... BAY SHIRES Brand lit''' mndl'rn home ... 3 bedroom~. 2 ha 1 hs ... large patio . on lar•~e lot. You mu ... l S('(> this to appre- c-iate thf' comforts and re- ftn<'mentl> tor m odern U\ im;. Call u for a ppointment Prie4'd $25,000 ..... Reaflr Ct. 700 E. Bai~Ma Blvd. ....,._ IIA.rbor 3!77 BAY FRONT INCOME 6 FumiHhed units ---70' bay frontage>. Threl' 2-bed.room. 2-bath; and ·tht<'<' 1-b<'di'OC"'m. Prl<'l"d $87,500 Consid r JXlrt tradt'. .EENLEAF IIMI Alllllitea J 112 Newport Blvd. HArbor 2552 Newpori a.ec:h Want adl make ~r;c!ay IJvtnc eul«. Many a Wahl Ia fllled tllroultl u.e of a U.ne or two. Mr. John Sadleir, chairman of Newport Beach District Sponsoring com- mittee. asks you to support the drive. "A VERY WORTHY CAUSE." BALBOA lSI We have a~n~t.s • Avalla.ble for witlte yearly leue. Wm. W. SOl REAL TO~ Park Ave. at ~ Balboa Island a Robert B . L)"11.D aDd H t>lt'D IM L,.a. KMJton LARGE 2-txtrm. apL'"' Encl. patio. Car. 6C sus, COM. HArbor 411 Coaat BouleYCII'd CORONA DEL MAR Fannboue Motel ~••' ~a •• Distlncti\ t• a nd charmin~ 3-bNiroom t•ustlc ranch t ype homt> ... 2 )l.'ar old. has h<'a'·~ f;hakl.' I'OOf. flr<'placc, b<'amt'd ceilings, h n;P pic.J;UI !' windows and bt'autlfully lnnd~;cajX'd. Ont> of the Jo, Plie t homes in :s't>\\lX>rt Hcu~htc; . . 12,750 m• -... IIEALn 486 N ~>wport Bolll~\-ard ( Abo\'t' the ArchH) -or -En••: B!la~ Ga!-W • C~DILLACS • '50 Four-door SEDAN. U.S. Royal MastC'r \\"\\', H&R. Very low mileagt>, absolutt'IY ~4)~U exCE'llent throughout . . .. ... .. ... ~ '48 ''62" CLUB COUPE. WW, H & R: nylon seat CO\'-e~; thorou~hly checked by factory traint"d me-$2465 cha.nlcs. Exceptionally clf'an . .. . .. .. ... .. . '41 ''62" COl\'VERTJBLE. new french CI'I'Am paint, new top. new lt>atheNttt> sent CO\'ers. $1095 rnechanically OK. A lx'a utiful car .. _ t~ Down -• -18 months to pay ---Bank terms NEWPORT AUTO SAI.FS tt04 Nf'wport Bh·d ., Nt'•-port lk'acll. PhODe HArbor 140'7 .CE Sllll IIIJICII -f In Sandy loam soil, ldf'al for ~ardenint:. Lot of room for ~h.iCk('O."· 2-oodroom house. double ~nrtl{te, 5 years old. Attmctl\'e, com- forta ble hom<'; \\<'II locatPd in Costa !\tt'Sil. $7 99S Rea.U)• a wonderful bu) I -----..... ... E' ~ ;ap • ..., "' lQD-.. a aw;q lEI--• IIEALn 486 Xi'\\lNlrt BouJ~'-arct n..... (.\hcn·e A«"bt'8) BEa.c• G71S-R -or-E\·e~: BEaCOD GU%-W -B£1T£i CABS FOR tal '49 MERCURY CONVERTIBLE $1695 W\V, H, R. Elec. window lifts. \'cry clc•an. . . _ ... '47 CHEVROLET, DELli:\."E CLL'B COt:PE. $1025 Don't miss this one ... '41 CHEVROLET DEL "E CLUB COUPE. $595 New paint. Only . . . . . ..... '41 Bl'ICK SED.A.'-=ETTE. WW. H. & R, $525 Onc O\\'fler ·. · · 13 Down -- -18 months to pay --• Bank tCt'ms Newport Aato Sales 2604 :St>WpOrt'Bh·d •• Newport~ Phone HArbor 140'7 Autumn Center Pieces $3.00 & up Oowera by Morri 509 E. lelboe Blvcl. -a.t'"'- HA'*'or 2070 $2500 DIWII Newport Heights S-Bt'droom-0,1. R<'-Salf! 1 rear old. hardwood noors, fircplnc<', 2-car garage. land· 'l<''lped. Payments less than r<'nt. S66 pt'r month. includes tax<'S & in!>urance. • C08TA ME *WE BUY FOR CASH GOOD USED FURNITURE A • 1874 Harbor Blvd., Oo!lta Mea BF.aeoa 86S'7-.J Your STUIEIIIEI Dealer • SALES • SERVICE * PARTS JoeNickertz )411 Newport II~., N_,.. Aeron fn>m lido TMetN ~ HArt..IIO $12,500 Phil Sullivan C. Galen Denison G. T. Everson 490 Newport Blvd. Cotta Mete Phone BEa~on 6691 HArbor 3157-W or BEe~on 545ij' BUG & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING * 0. loeaU.. • W,ork Otlaraateed MOODY DrRBJOB8 OaU IIArltor t• . ,_ l!:lla-.te til Clout BML ~ del liar ~ Lle .. llllel• • ~EALTOit • IUSINHS Of'POlTUNtn£S • SUMM£ft ltENTALS llA.rhr "" IIU Co.lt 11..1 ., Conine cfel Mer . . Schwinn Bicycles Ray Stedman 1574 Newport lmL CGIIta Me•ra. ~ SI~J Charming Balboa lslnnd home In lx>st Ol'<'a. ~ot new but un· U~ltall)• <H tr·at·th·e in dN.'Orn- tions and nrr8.1lgemrnt~ .... Quaint Pl'f'\incial p.lpt:>r and soli mello\' colors « ~N· L. A. Tim(•s hom<' S<'ction. Aut:us t 5. I 3 tx>drooms, lart::<.' h\'- in~: room. dtning room, la1·~e kitch<>n. basen:umt. O n {\\O nil'<'ly landscapro Jots. Would con~idcr smallt'r home a.s part pa~mt'n t. Pn•fpr R31boa Is- land or Corona del Mar. 'e-e EthPI !ilblrl4'y lar I leach lle•llr F.thel Shirl£')' Glodcn Fay 1450 Balboa Rh d., X ewport IIA l!f.l Services l'rk•• 1 ·a ,:, :!3!"1 H<'liotmpe Earl W. STANLEY Realtor 61.i Ctl:l t Bh d .. ('1)1!1 IL.\rhor !U.I For Sale FOR RENT -Large 1 Nicely f urn. E.ncl . 6().Jl~ N'arcib'UJ, CD! Q364.J . 2~BDR.M. unfum. neW I close to schools. ~ C\iff Ha\-'t'n. HArbcl \VTNTER R E:>-.TAI..-3 apt., plea•1rt, comf• mo. 221 P( arl, Bslbo BACHELOR APT.· 2 Scp. ent. So. of Hw hop. OE'nt<'r CD~f. J l':'IOFtJR~. 2·bdnn., h• Nc>ar school. Yr's lea A\ail. St>p! 15. HA OCE N FRO!'i'T cotta Balboa 81\'d .• Balboa; clean, room~; ctood room. Sf-r\('1 FUR..'J. srumo cotta~ firE"pl ., 1• hlk. from yr. 'round. All utils. 1 1739-)t FOR RE1\I ~tudio ap 2 prop!~?: ' • China < .. -mo. II \rbor 3T FUR ~ALf P1ns: pon~ tnble, 3· RALR A .'·room ba TJI~. t>(IU l'lm IIA 1i3:i·R-K. I wtth cnok r.,cil., $25 l PIA.,...ll lur .. iJ, b) '''"wr·. Kimball l·bdl'flt: ;q1t. 1: blk ('lllhtttll•·. mJ;tll' S6.10 HArbor S~>pt. h '' June 15.l HARBOR TRANSFER-BE 6927 1678. Woulcl , . .,, • d ~Tly COMPLETE HOUSJ::CLE.ANING ~TATlt 1:'\ \\'.\Crt>"\ Ford late '46. 3082~ Furniture & Rug shampooing, etc. E\.<'• J. c•toll'! n·rl<'l'l" ro11•(uJ fam-BAY FR0:\1 :'IIA:"l 'IO Work guaranteed. Bea.oon 6111. 1\ ~t·. l':\tr:t< Prt\. p1r1y. 5-l2 boo P <'ntt ,, It Point AJ's House and Window Clean-J-,.ul!t-1 tun ,\\• '•·\\-poll Hgto.. r~ntal. a,'' Oc·t. 1. l.i Jng Service. (,U0D-nRAXIl ,.,,'( •drtc.-s 10. I IC sound I·IO.Jfm_g. di LELA CARRELL is agiJ,in at Kaley II AI hllr :!~il" ,J lu'l:~> nn_c:_ ~ll0-$21 Doane's Cleaners 1201 Coe.st . _ ., IIAr~r •"• Bl\'d .• COM, and ~ accept all l l, -..J-:i> 3'ldtn~ ~~·~·h. Dl· swon ->19" FOR Rl:-:\1 1-bdnn. 1 kinds of alterations a.nd sewing., LLI·.('Tfl< H l X. • :'.! rf'fi,'IZ· Pt?rt. hv. rm. & , ,,. \'rly re1 HArbor 0441-J. r·unnmt: mnrl ·· J 1• IU. 5Z'i~ I Hrhotropt ('D~f FUR~'JITRERESTORATION (t)J,{l:'f'IIT t!lrw cht>JJ].Gcu fl. Fl'RN. ROct:\l-.\-lt_h_se_p Chair bottoms. benches and stools ,,.,, nwtvt. '"'"' b<o "1~1d today. prl\. bat! y 1v renta restored using cane. rush, reed, :?1 t Cl)"tal. l.tttll' Balbmt Island j 115 Poimott , COM. etc. FREE ESTI MATE. \\'1• '')\\'II.\\ f-. a C'nmplt '" tock BAY FROXT \PT.-1 1 IIAB\~l"S uf nt·\\. Ji,, mil rnn \\ .,, rht '· \Val-unit. priv h~Yh. $1 FURNITURE. REPAIR I!'" Clldt>l'hl:HI .lt\\•kr, 817 1 f-ll~:htly hil.'hrr by ~r. !050 aata Au Au~ .. Costa Meea 1 < ua::-.t HIHl .. < t•run'l dt•l "ar :._ bdrm~ .• 2 h1~rns. ll~pl. B~ llSS~ 1 :.\~ RAXGt.:. npt. 'It{'. Blue tcr. A nul h" yr. HA WANT YOUR DIRTY WORK b1kC-.1 "'' pt•dt>..,lal taltJt' \\ith E\·cs: HArbor 2914-~J, OONE! I I <"halt . chruOil ; 1 twin bed, WINTF.R RE\o'T~ ,00 TO HAL . . . l1b1 <'. 1 u~:. 8x 10. All in excel. home on Bnl Pt•n. Fu Complete ~g .ervtce.l ~li iU.!.!_: 611 Popp~. Cl~ firepl.. brkfs.t. he.r. cop Wlndows. floor wax1Dg and pol-1-'IRI :-;.,., l'\E 3-hp outtxJ.m t St'en fcncro pnllo. bar-b-q. ishing, ....U W&.lbln2. l httlt• l-..,., . run!> ''ell. JU'I over-)liramar HArbor 181 CaD Harbor 1156-W haukd. $.>.3. 11A 1~113-\\'. 2022 TO Jl'NE 15 2-story he H. H. HOLBROOK )t.r'.tmar. na1t>oa. ~(' .. , .. clean. 3-bdrms. p Dependable Pl---L.m" q LATE modrl Colchpot, A-1 shape, 2 baths, riN·pl.. panel UUUJ 1 E:Uarantt·~ ............. ~· .. $79.50 posal. 229 Prarl Batt A Prompt Repalr Servt~ CRA.:'\T'S FL'R1'-:-ITURE U~Fl'RX t-hdnn. holl Phot~e M~'!-=4ns-w _1!13 ~e"port ill\ d .• Costa .:\1<.>"3_ 1 _!llk rmm hrach-y 1801 1\alboa Bh'd. Newport IINdl T1\BLI-: TOP ga · rang<', O\Cn con-mo L1•1' ;:ar .. ston IIUI, tn"ulatE'd 0\Cn, only .... $37.50 Immcd. IX'C'Upllnl'Y· ( P A I N T I N G C:H \l'\T'S F liR.l'I;ITURE {'r, BEacon ti.;_J(•.:....2 __ Earl SbeOin _Jt;a; 'l\\port Bhd., Co.oHa Mesa Ft:RN. Gt:F.ST HOUSE 1 1-Bl'Ht\ f...'R A.B. gas ran,::<' ... $29.50 for 1 or 2 adults. 121 H US Palmer t. -Ooeta Me. GRA:\"l":S F URNITURE CDM. HArbor 0359-M BF.aecm &t41-M ...!§.!:l Xt'wport nl\'d., Co ta Mesa BEAUTIF D .LY fum. 3-t These Are Your IARIAIJIS FOR THIS WEEK ON USED APPLIANCES 1 FRIGfDAIRE 1947 6.9 cu. fl. Refrigerator; guaranteed; wondf'rful condition- $159.95 1 NORGE apartment size R.e-fr·i~t'rator; very clean- $49.95 SAVE $100.00 1 VICI'OR 9-ft. Free zer; NEW!!! ReJUia.r prfoe $366.9!S NOW $266 .95 1 WESTINGHOUSE Electric Range?"; 2 ovens; excellent con- dition- $129.95 1 GENERAL ELECTRIC Au- tomatic Wuber, exoellmt con- dition; guamnteed ror l year . $239.95 Lido Co. UPI..LUfC)D 511 COCIIIt Newport._. I (1000 PRACTICE PI ANOS, $49, Bay 'iew, T\' & Ber $67, $83 and up. Let the kiddies Also 2-bdJ m apt., fut I lt'am. Pay but S5 Pf'r mo .. 2 yr. fenc<'d yard harlx'quP, Ntchan~e at full value. DANZ-Park Aw. n. lboa Isla SCHMIDT BIG PIANO SALE bor 269.1-J I i'\OW 0~. Santa Ana, 520 No. OFFICE SP.\('f m~ _ Mnm, corner 6th. n dist nr Corona 5 l 'SJ-.:D Sf'r\'el £a<o; N>lrtgt'rators: Suitable fnr tm~ or prol ~-ft., 5-ft .. 6-rt.. 7-ft. & 8-ft. AJI parking. Sr' ,1 "ll Co; pri('('d to :-f'll now. Jlurry on Cot'Ona d(•\ :'ll tr__,.. __ these. 1-BDR~f. APT :! adults. ~~A !'liT'S FlfR~JTIIRE Frigldair(' <:I) J>('r mo ~b XPw~rt Blvd .. C'o Ia ~Jesa lease. :-.;o pc h. 617 REPOSSESSED! BcautifuiElt'C-N.B. HArhor 691-W. tl'ic organ. Famous make. For liiiiiiiiiiiiii-iiiiiiiii church or home. Pay out bal- an{'('. Blq saving. Ukc new. DANZ-SCHMlDT PIANO and ORGAN CO.. Santa Ana 520 No. Main, comer 6th. · GHA~D PIANOS, Big Summer SA.Ie now on, Steinway Mason & Hamlin, Knabe. Chickering. Cha e, Wurlit.zer, Sohmt>r. Fish· t'r and ma.ny others. Some new. som<' used. Plices start at $395. DANZ·SCHM.IDT PIANO CO., 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. SPINET PIANO. Pay out balance $265. Ano lhel' Spinet, ba.l. $387 Kimbal made Spinet, $493. ~ our li.st of returned rt'lltals and ~ssesslnns. DANZ.SCHMIDT Bt~ PIANO STORE. 100 bar· gams, 520 No. Main, Santa Ana, corner 6th. 6-CUBIC n:. Frigjdajre; not 11. cmtch on tt; clean. guu. $59.50 GRANTS FL RNITIJRE 1645 !'l:ewport BJ..,d., Costa Mesa FALCON-boat for sale. Call HA OH)7-J b<>Core 10 a. m., or 6 to 7 p, m. NEW MODEL EJgins for school dlrect from factory. Wa.llaoe 011. derhead. Jewt>lfto, 817 Oout Bh·d .• Corona *' Mar. SJ Girls' Skirts ...• Sizes 3-12 ... Re~t. 3 , ... ALL \\'001. Girls' Coats ...• Siz<'s 3-10 . . . R£1t. 14 ,.,, Doubt<' Knit Cotton p ·Tu:~. Sittll 2 to s Good s<'lf'<'tlon in Gl n~. 1\lou~ & " tool~ FOR RENT bdnn. modem. un-·• cbMt type. Ex-rum. hoUSt>, nHrly new; 2 baths, Wanted llrepla~. gar, YrJy Jnse. $110 --------------Mo. HA 2892-R or BE 6921. LARGE. new 3·bdnn. home. comp. fum. TV. "et>p f~ze \\i lh meat, patio, fenced yd, dbl. gar. Yr's. leU4.>. 23581 Pirate, CUff Haven, REacon 6861-J. • 'NF RN. COM, reu. rents; new ... -------------1· &. 2-bdrm. apts., ul tra modern. • _ _.. and Found Occ.>an view. HA 167L &.UBl f~OR RENT-Fu-m-. "'"a~tudl--::-.o-a-p-t. WIU acoom. 2 adults. Close to bay It ocean. Pleas, aurround. S ummer or yrly rental, 307 Gold-2462 , enrol, CDM. HArbor 1046. ~~~:--;---., OFFICE or STORE space for rent. rcls· 700 Camat1on. Corona del Mar. FOR RENT BUNGALOW APARTMENTs LOST-Last wk.. J~:c>. Jrray cat. Rt>ward. HArbor 2989-W. LOST Prescription sun ~lUS('S In r('() cast> at P. 0 . or Hampton's Drugs, COM, lat~ Wed alt. Re· ward. Mrs. Jlar·ry Saund<'rs. JIA 3209-W . Beautifully fum., large Uv. room U c AL NOTIC5 • with .f~pla~, bdnn , kitchen· XOTff'E OF IIF.AB ISO ette. Summer rate by day, :'\otk't' Is hert>bv £tiV£>n that the week or month. Planninc CommisSion of the CHy FARM HOUSE MOTEL of ~t>\\1101'1 Bf'a<'h will hold two 1304 Coast Blvd., COM HA 1063 public ht'anngs on thc appllcaHoru Fl'RN. APTS It rooms. ldt>al har-of cPt tain proper!) ownrM to bor and ocean view. Close to amend OrdmanCf> :'\o. I',JS coo as to lx'>achcs. Summcr & winter rent-caus<' I h<' follow in~ pt OJ'>('rt) in aJs. 1414 Sea .. iew, COM. HA Corona d~>l \Jar to t>.• t~>7oned 14.56. from prPo;('nt R-1 to an R-2 zone. F i\ E l 0' l.nl 13. Y1!NA~~r 0~t. &:~~:. fo.~1 l~.Biock 1~. C' D )t. oCoverorlnooakindelt; .. ~ary. ~ Carnation , & Lot 2i. Rlock 1~. (' n :\1. =-~~~~,;,n-,:;;"'::;.;..· ~-.._,,....,...--...,...-Lot 12. RltK-k 139. C D \f ge, F'l'R~. IJOL'5Jo;, 3 bdrrru .. 2 ba ths, I Lot 20 BIOC'k 139, (' 0 )1 . . gar quiet from Oct. 1 to Jan. or F <'b. 1. Lot 22 •beds:· bath: $190 mo. 117 Coral Ave., B. I. I & 24. BIOt·k 139. c D. :\1 I H l w t d nW :"\otice i ht>l"('b.r furlhPr ~ht'n 1---,.,..o-r_r_cn_t_·l e p an e that said hearinl! will tx-ht'ld on ocean · $6:i ('()( IK 8· J ~h. kpr. 2 adults. Must the 20th day or &optPmbPr, 1931 pd. HArbot· tw ~'~JX'nPnccd. HA 2993-W. a nd the 18th da~ of OctobPr. 1931 \11 D.·AGED h ekpr .• companion. at the. hour of i ·30 P \t. tn thc J :-ti'Pp in Rl'f. rt>q. Write Box S·l Counctl Chamtx-r. of the City . .. for <' o T he En ign, 110.1 Coast 81. Hall, :'liC'wport R<'ach. CahfornJa, W · 'IC\\ · C'ornnn d<>l Mar. a I '' hich 1 ir:"<' and plat'l• any i111d · !'ALESSh :N \ <' have an oppor-all per!>ons tnll't o·o;tC'd mti~· app(>at• tuntty for sal<'Smen who are in· a nd lx' hPard lht•rt·on. tt•rt'"'NJ in \VORKING a nd also Ray Y. Cup(>ltn. -('C'r o•lat ~ \\ ''"r tlf'J'f"O,.at-FIIIJ ..,.,rtb contaroy coats l.adi~'-Pb.W• A: PWn ( t•rdur<l\ Sport Coats • SPECIAL • til makinJ: OVER $400 P<>r mo. 1\'E\\'P()RT AEACif CITY \\'t• ha\'P o('l('nings for both men PI A.."\Xl.:\'G CO:\DIJ~SI()X ami womf'n Lido Electric Co., Publ~h : ~<'PI 6, 13. JqjJ :ll6 Coo t H \\oy, Newport Reach. tn the :\P\\'J)III 1 Hubur En-.ign. SWElTERS l \tU•t 'T ._W \Tf.It ft,\JC I' T iff: II \UROR .\JU: .. \ e e e rrum at BEacon 5:)(J5. ~n~r • s n<'Cous- 1 Miscellaneous dis;J)Ol;al. dt<'h· HARBOR TRANSFER-BE 69?7 mon HAVE ('L'TE puppiPS. 2 malt' & 1 1---...,---1 rem. to bP J!l\'Pn away. Thev apt · 18 ~£' \\ unt a ntC'<' homt.>. IIA 2844-l\1. rentaL oiH 12 • ----I BOOKKEEPER, J)a)TOIJ clt>rk. 8 ) rs. !'.>.pt"r Good I"('( HA 1137-R en t. a . -----K('v at A.:'\Y TYPE of orr. work by thor- . nur:hly <'XJX'r. woman. Full or F---:----,,..-:--1~rt tim<'. JJA 2;)5:l·R·K_. __ j PRES:o;::\JAKJN\. & ladi<'S' alt('ra- littn!o., by apt. only. 407 39th St .. I ;>o;\\ pt. Is land. 1\:R., HA 11 3i ·R. I RELIARLE mid-aged lady, CDM. ''til do baby stt UnJ:r, day, wk., or red,v'd _:;l ay O\'t·rni~ht. HArbor 1~ . 2-B R I AVAILARLE for baby sitting. Re· hood: liabl('. HArbor 1347-W. 2022 KE YS -Made while you walt. Tommy's Shop, Post Office Blk., C~~na del Mar. udio, RELIABLE middle aged lady, dis-COM, will do baby sitting. HA 143 r;_d 1 HARBOR TRANSFER-BE 6927 CD~1 I RE:-IT A PIANO, $5 per mo. All bast!-tt'rm rent allowed when you I spat'l' buy. OANZ-SCHMIDT, Santa I Ca I n\\ n · ~~A. 520 N . Main . otropt",, a p t. NEW LOCAnON! Waft's Tratlllc Pelt USED MARINE GEAR S%., , Jar!:<' Nauiic.l Dee«etiot~s -U~ Net 1n<ll • WE BUY SCRAI' METALS • liAr· N I H 30th ear ce ouse on 1--o_.f,..,busi-l'hona HAtbOf 2470, Newpot't t.ach Mar.j_ • OPEN SUNDAYS • Nearb~· 1 Cl >~IE IN, HEAR and P LAY new t Blvd.. J Iammond Chord Orgnn. No mu-1--=-:-:---:-j '-it' It's ons n<'<'!'"sar·). Anyon<' . pd. c-an piny t his instrument. OA..'-:Z. or w tU f'Cl iMif>T PIANO & ORGAN 36th St .. 1 C'O., :-:-anta Ana. 520 N. Main. 1 rornt.'r 6th. PECIALS •.. 250 .\1.1~ ~\'001. 3 .95 Boys Jackets . . • • 298 ~ill' 3 • ..•.. R<'5t. 3.98 • • · f95 Black Denim Suits . ]50 14.95 .Jnrk t't8 nnd 14'allll 29 Si7<'S 3·R . . . . Rc-~. 4.90 6 . e &~: ·c;;n~ine. Levis . . . . . ~ . . . ]35 Nationally 1'001\VEAR Complete Advertised Selection FOR SCHOOL l nt·lttllint.: :-IU ,·nm HRO\\ X -1'01.1. P.UtROT "t:\·t;~ nt:tcc. -.JO\T t; School SIIBTS -All Sizes 5'5 h-om School • • • All Sizes BLOUSES School DJ'aa~---a School DI, .... ESS!IWMID from 2'5 from J50 from 5'5 Boy's and Young Men Boya' 8fte Boys' J49 TEE SHilTS from ~r., SPORT smn from GENUINE • • • Size 28 to 36 from J 55 to J'7§ LEVrS JOCKEY SHORTS fZO School SLACKS SPORT COATS A-1 Double Knee ---Sizes 1 to 12 GOLD BmT JEANS .from Jt' Boys' ---All Sizes SOCKS Arrow --• Dress -· -All Sizes SHilTS 10'!1750 .zsoo to ssoo z•• Boys'U.S.Keds ~~~ TENNIS SHOES from ~ from J 95 e \H .. c.t\ • I Balboa Power ~ wiD open lta tall Pllotlnc daM at 7 .30 p . m. Monday at N"-port Harbor Yacht Club for all men and women •-bo wMb to ~am more about safe and C!OIIIpetmt boa tlJJc. ~ ......... free and open to all-.._._ M1l or pov."fl" boll t OWDft"-...... to IDI!Il -~ meta wltb or withoUt ~ boatlna aperience. 'I'M OOUIW Is ~ the direction of CUrtis Dolh and b~tOI'I will CO\."er 1\.lbjecta or prime importance to e~ who caet boatlng. This t'OUI'R is held e\ «>ry Monday night for 10 weeks. Sale and almpltt rules ror navi- gaUan, ruJH of the road. use of ~ ldeDtWcation of aid& to ~-----.1 tfORl ~ ; ~ I \ • ~ '" 0 \\' PLADSG BL"G CROSBY J A:'liE \\ "n1A." "Here eo.. the GrooBI .. Saturday. Sunday ContlaiiClu rrom ! ••· m . !'T • .\RTJ~C. "l ':\"Dt\\', fWpt. E'C<'IIIn~ Truf' :: n ADVE~T\:RE ''ION., fllf' 8AftJDAY lAM' DAY ROBERT MITCHUM JANE RUSSELL "HIS liND OF WOMAN'' Saturday Kiddie Ma- tinee . . . . 1 :45 p. m. ('a_rtoono;. ('omC'd~·, f"t>n turt" Watch for the BIG FREE SHOW ~sturdn~. C'pt. l j ('nurt~y or Richard's Market .. ru.DAY LA T DAY nan a UN! DANE CLARK TOM DRAKE ''NEYER TRUST A GAMBLER'. -4ll110-- LOUIS HAYWARD PATRICIA MEDINA '"Lady and the BancHt .. I!IA'I'U1lDAY I~AIIIT OAY W. Som.-rset Maugham's "TRIO'' -AJ.o--- BARBARA HALE RICHARD GREENE "'LorDa Doone" "TH"CrJU: BJTliCC AT • 1.1\T. B.-\;. u Ot:~ ..;o ,\' .l!'l ~ TA 'fiLE • m11 n r-.o. .t 'II' --hln~ E L'L IS ~T ~;:I J I A P .. s Photte II.ArMr %1L5 Limited Load ILIICIIE SPECIILS Daily at 5:00 a.m. from the CaD HArbor 57 ANNOUNCING The Opening of a New Cla ssroom Unit at the RANCHO MESA NURSERY SCHOOL The public is cordially invited to inspect ou r new facilities during the week of Sept. 10 -14 from 9:30 to 11:30 a .m. Our progr~m is pl 'l"~'1eC1 •o meet the crow•~ ll"d development needs of children f· .... m 2 ·o 5 ye.,- of ~ge. It is norm~l for .,~.r~ery school child-en to h~ve ~ short interest spon, so we provide m~ny &nd v&ried inleresh. Our inform~! pro- Included in our * CREATIVE ACTIVITY P~intiog. Cloy Modeling, Finger Peinting. * DRAMA TIC PLAY Offers ~ wide range of materials ond play eKperlences to develop imagination· ond learning. ~· ~ , dllerr'l~les from n uiet to ~ctive parf ci po- fiO'"I. Tl i!> provodes freedom of c~oice with !et"~ 1e g • ."d~rce. Your child s pl~y ;s his wo•L :..Jt> • ~ hoppy le,rnong' in ~ worksh op environ· :-ne,..t. Curri culum are the following : * REST and NUTRITJON * PHYSICAL ACTIVITY Development of muscular control; use of swings, slides. etc. Provides fresh eir and sunshine. * MUSIC and RHYTHM * LIBRARY and STORY TIME TRANSPORTATION is furnished for the following areth: Coste Mesa , Upper Bay District, Newport, Lido Isle, Belbo~. Balboa lslond, Corona del Mer. RANCHO MESA NURSERY SCHOOL 190 E. l.Sth ST. COSTA MESA BEACON 5697 • 'FATHER KECO\"EiliSG' ,,W .~~-wn.MbM's Cl--L to Qhon I ''Thfo (ath r Ls r~ves:m~ 10\\1)' LIWJ Ull~l• I&(J f""•., . and mother and child llt't' do- h P ·~ inc \\t•ll," 1'('1 t F'rt>d Hul,ton Season Wl•t ·~ama rogram u in "nnounrim: '~ anwal or httl ....,.,-1 Richard W tlh11m Hul ... too \\ ho w An<~tht••· poUo ~ hit the Har-born 1 31 p 111 T1.Ul ,da) at ~ amb tm prot:ram pluuwd l murut) Club~ featwing a con- b) the l..Jdo J I \\'om n's Club tt>mporar) drama pro~ for their thlrd "iU open Mt'mbt>rs of the N 1)0rt Har- nPxt Tu -.dav "ith a ~te n eral bor Cnmmunlty Pla~<>n. \\ill pre- mectmg t -,tw Udo U.l Com-nt tht> SK"'nd a<'t ot one of lM School Guild Meeting Monday ("UJ"J'('rtt Broadwa~· hits. The pro- J.:nun follows luncheon at 12:30 p m. and a short busin ion to ~ cond ucted by M rs :-.Ietson XMt.'t', thf' new pl't'Sident. After th prvtD·am members and guests ~,;u May for btidge and canasta. Ttw C'but ch &hool Gwld of _the bhJ~e b~u:~.!~=r:r ~~::0~; Corona d I Mar Com m u n 1 t )'I ot IP t pro~ an d cards will be Church \\Ill mt;t ~tonda) at tht> f••a:urt'<l for· · t>\'ery g t" n era 1 bomt• of :\1r ~\. D. HumaS<>n. 305 month I\ <'lub m~tmg this year. Orchid A\t• le~rono dtl :\t al !\lr . A fll't.';dl t:ard ..,('('taon "ill not be Ray~~nd K••nt Ita~'·) .. \\Ill OPM\ pla:nnld. but the gnrd n t'Chcm th ' ,\It P m mN tm .. "tth de-"til conunu • thts ) ar \\"lth plan \'Ollon )ir... Paul Babb1tt h~ j 10 bP announced on Tu d:t) been .,k•'<i to 1 xplam th<' nf"w Marthf'lla Ra ndall. pr id nt of f~l cut nNium t•l tht. ~up tht• Community Pia~ rs. \\111 p:tr- \\htch ~~ rompll <'<!: of "0m~n Ul-twr pat~> m tht• t•xetorpt from the tere-.ted m t~(· ~unda~. Sc~l. cunent play and Betty Jan-.~ a.nd }{rs. Malt•olm :--han non "111 n>\lew \"rr1.'1 nta W ell" "ill also take im - th at~., Ol th n-oup C'o-l.oo.,t-put tant roles. Scheoduled to peak es Will bo t n;. ~ack Hubbard at otlwr faD pt'Oj,!ram art> Charlt?S and 'lfr , Thoma<; K, al~ · GJbb Adam . nattonall) known hortiNlturi t and pronunt~nt IM:>-·-A~mos X OOEL IIEJC E turt'r. and \1lld Jackson. cura- X ' re:.idf'nt on Aca<'ut AH•. tur of the Laguna Art ~luseum in Corona dt•l ~tar art.> ~lr. and A ~"'mmiH(>('. hf'adro by Mrs. Mrs. Bill \\o!'ham and t heir Charll• Lamb. \\ill 1"'\E> the 3-}ear-old ~uunw;t('r. The Wor-month!) luncheons. AU Ltdo Isle shams mo\ t>d m Ia t "('('k from residents at-e welconw to tx-come Sa.n ta Ana ~11 .. Worsham 1 Bar-membt'rs of the Women's Club. ac- bara 1!-alnad~ known in the!> I cordin~ to Mrs. H a) Lan~t'nheim. parh for h1•1 ra Ilion modellinjit. publicity chairman. __ All .txth, se,E'nth and eighth J:l'alk>s attend the Horanf't' En~l\fD boot. School Boundarie!> for K.md rgarten throu~h filth crad£' Sewport bool l..Jdo I: le, Balboa fall o{ penrnsula to nw1' •. :'>Zewport B<>a<'h. 8a) Shorl"i & Bay Short' Camp. 1 =""'vport lh;t... -all E'X(.'(pt k.indergartenl. Coroea d .. t MAr S<'hooi-Corona del ~lar. Balboa fo;land ~aron Ba), Hai'IX>r l land. 1 :-.=(•\\"fllrt Ht>i~hl. klndergartt.>n 1 ou .. to th<> fact hat we do not ha\'e bus facilitit' for tran - poruns: all ('hildl'('n, \\e ha\'e aduptt'd the fnllu\\ IOl! phn Hora<'t' En.rol.f/:11 N-booi-All lxth, eventh and l'n:.hth wad<> C'hrl- dren b\lng tn ~t•wport Ht>tght wiU walk to school. S f'wport ~bool-The following do not ndt? bUSl" : Third fourth. and lifl h l:nldHs bnng west of B t. in Balboa and ('8 t ot 30th St. tn ;\t'\'l)()rl ~ also 1 S('(Xlnd s;rader l livinl! we t or Librar) and east of 21a h ~I. d{.mdt>f'}{artf'n and Cln;t l.!radt·n.• "' ing \wq nl 20th ~~ and cast of mnth ~~. walk to re~rular '-IOPl- orOtUt dt•l MAr ~hool-Th>te are st•\en Sh>I•S m C'oruna d••l \l.tr 1or c-htldr.•n h\lng 1 mil<' or more from school u tll ;:radt'l- Ttw .. -.rhf'dult• is subjN"t to cha nge by noll' toP<"'''"' P.~. Ua lbv:t 1 .. 1und Btdbn•t /1.: J>inmunrl T•tp:u & Cnllin-. Cl•lhm. & Pa1 k \ldtlnt' & Park Park & On~. \lnrinl' & Ralboa Bn\ ~hnr.• Camp f'..l \ ~hOlt'' Kftda;-t'n < .O.M. C.D.M. 730 11.11 II.O.E. '-"WJ)t . ·07 7 :ll 11 l:? • -1 • -t!-1 11 -t5 11 .3.1\ 11 .31' ' . t;; 1; s 13 32 lla·l bt•r 1 '' md Bf'H'on Ba~ C'ororut dt•l Mar ~h1u:uld A: 2nd :-.1 Pm nw111a & 2nd~~ ~h()n• C'hrr .. Popp~ & . ·ea' u" \1ar~tll'JII • & ~''"' '''" Ja-.mlm' & Sl'a\ I<'W Goldt•nrod ~· St'a\11'\\ Cnrnaunn & :?nd ~~ <.:nnma d••l ~tar Srhool CUff 1111\l'ft, '\'rwport llelptA. ~t'\\(Hirl J\t•aC'h. 101 lfl.:hwo) t 'h~ /1.: :-.nug I IArhur It ' 11'11' c· ~~~~~~ Ha 1 hnr l'lrn & It'\ lilt' t'la\ & 1il,ltn Cln\ & Santa Ann l "h\ ,\: \\'••!-ttnin~ll't' t:nrn..:•· A• ·al 11n ,\: Tu ... r tn llll I It\\.,~ & R:dhon All~ Club 1111 Ill\'·" & Tu-.lln 1111 Jh\\,n & Rl\••r ... ldt• In 1 Ill\\ ,, ~ & Or an ~:r llll llm,t\· & S1~11~1 St.tiiOII 101 Jl l\\11~ • Orani!t' It I lh"'" ~· lrt'l('n's ~land .hlho:~ Bhd · lith S t Bttlhc,, Rhd. ~ 41th . t. H~tlblm Rhd. & h St. !~diJ(l·\ B h d & 31st St. nalboa Bh d. & 2.3th ~~ R~ll>o1t Rh·d . & 20th St B.llb<>a B h d & l:llh St. Balbo:\ M1ramnr & I ~ 'ill.-& M Balboa Bh·d. & J Balboa Rh d. & F Balboa Bl\'d. & D Ba lbo1t Hh•d. & B .. Balboa Rlvd. & Main Ba I boo Bl\'d. &. Palm Bulboo Blvd. & 6th S t . Ralboo Tlhd. & 11th St .. "j -l:> 11 ·39 n -: 16 11 Jq l'l -:::111 ~·no -: ;)1 7 :\3 Ol j ;'l3 jo, I • ~ 01 ·n:z P.~I Kdn C D.:\1. 11 ·33 11 :3~ 11 :33 11 .3~ 11 :31 11 311 P.~l Kdn :"\ ('\\ lX' I' I }13(1 11 •31 11 :3:1 11 :36 11 :3i 11 ~ 11 ;-!fl 11 :41 11 :42 " 1 '-tMI X 01 A.02 X <•3 t-o:; 7 :')() i ·'ll --., I :."l.,. -: 'l3 j ,').) j ·j6 i :5i -: .;)8 00 ()3 02 i .:i6 i :!lt\ i :!17 7:~ i :59 8 :00 8 :01 8:02 8 :05 l .ldo hlf' P .M. Kd.D ~ Flnl•·y ~t. ~"-pt Nwpt. Via Lido & LllfayNit' . . .... .. ... . 11:36 :34 Via Lido :-.lord & Orvieto 11 :~ :36 Lido Nord & Via Wazlt>rs 11:39 3i Lido :oud • Vi'l ~.tt>nton<' 11:41 ~ 38 Lido Soud & V1a Dljon 11 ·44 ~ .39 F1nlt'~· Sf & :'l:{'wport Blvd.. 11 :._J, < ·3(l 8·31) 31 • ·32 ~ :tl >-3 1 ,._;G :... 32 H 3.1 H 31 ~ 3.! ~-o.:l! ,3:) ~36 '·3i X3l 10 ~ 41 8·42 8·42 '4-l 8 :3i R·38 8 :39 8:40 8:36 8 :111 8 :42 8 ·12 --... ..._. .. : Corona del Mar, 8:15; H.O. Ensign. ·30: !'l:wflt !1:00 bor i\H•a a \\{'t'k a~o a Patricia thf' C'ommunit~ Ho Jlll&l ln ~anta Cle>mt>n<'f', dauJ,ttner of Mr. and Ana Th•• llul"'''"" IIH• at J 11~ Mrs, Al Clemence, 421 Dahlia . Ml' It'\\ A' .. , Co,,ma tlt>l MI'U·. A' .. Corona d 1 Mar, was rushed ~Ba~b~y~R~i:t'h~a:r~fl~"~·~rt~·~h~·-d:::~i~po=w~l:d.s~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~ to tht• hmpilal Friday, Aug. 2t , 1 at buth \\llh ymptoms lm.tlar 10 those or h••r rhooJ chum, Gail Frahm, who 1! u. o;ald to ha\ e a h~ht case of the dread dl N.lS('. llO\\t'\'t'r. Patty was home Sun- <toy, and If polio was her illness. ...h,, hod a \'('l'} sll~ht touch, be- (•auc:f' -.h(' "a up and around early 111 ·t \\ t>t•k. \1atl'ln .Moor<>head, dautthter of 'lr aJ1d Mr-.. Jack ~1.oort'head o! 31;; H(•IJot roll(' A w . Corona del \tar. "a" also rumoN'd to be ill, but 1 t•not 1' "t•rt• unfound('d 'l••ail\\ l•1lt r.u1l Frahm ro; ft-el- 10" <'htppt•l and hnmt. from the h•"f\11~1 Ja,, \\1 t•k IJ('r mothPr \II' '\'ur m.tn F 111hm 112 F'Pm!rar AH•. n·pn1 t:. th.111 G:uJ has bc"n dwt•rt-d b~ -.u mltn) C'8'"ds and m t• !>" .1 .: , • .., from Hat bor art'a 1 nl'nfl-. ~h" rt•gn•t 1 hn 1 c;h£' was una bit• tu bn n~ t ht> l'a•·c:b homt> \\ 1 t h ht't and 1 hn 1 'hC' "as r vrbld- dt•n tu WI lit' I tt<•r<> !rom thf' hos- Pital ,\lthou~h doctoN disagrt>e a to "hnlwr Gall hn' a reRI cas•· or polru. all I)II>Cautrom art· bt·rng takPn Capilla Circle Grottps to Meet (;IQUP'-Ill ('apiiJ/l ('jr('!f• Of lhP ('w una dr•l ~lar C'll m m u n 1 1 ) ( 'I 111C'h nw• lint: '"''' \\H•k art> <irftllll I\'" a 1 II 11 m Tue da) 11 tlv I om• fll 1 h<'ir· d.nirman. 1\l, .. \\ I. Bakk<'il. :\20 l n:-..\\t' ( 'n 1 1 d. I '1'11 !nr a j)ll'f' )IJI I h I ;IIII•P' Tl • o• t1 .d F Ill Quth :.· 11 , n \\' •II\! ,f! 1 r:;,.., J(' Tllrt •• n • ' 1 1 1 h • hun·· • •! ~ 1' ~ F' '\\ tn ..... p. ••: .!f '-Jmh:.t ''' •or .1 ' """' ''' "' lund· · tl ,, p:lll<~ < 11 111 n1 1:1 \lr.. \ \ K· ·mp• •· "11! I· .. i tlw .J,•,n•" .. t •• n. lin.: II! d.·h'll "I ,,., ' \111 ~ •"''01 "U•·d \h.. A 1 , d, t-.nl• ., w .:'1'2 E ''l"'tn Hhd r..u .. ,, \\II ""'"-- tuin l:l'tlUJl F nur 1111 • .. :wk lu~l·h. ;\Jr, ,J,,hn I mvtr I' rh lH m·•n or I Ill' \.:!'I!UJ I G1·oup I.Jn~· Will rm•• 1 the fvllm\- w · ""'k. \\'•·dn.~d .• ~. ::--c·pt lq. I,, • tlw I "m' of )It" lrll rold T \1.\ • ' 1:! I '\·uci"•HI.., A\, •. C•>ronrl 1 d• I :.'1 h' \\ 11 h ~ t 1 ' H c•wll rd K. \II• 11 ~-. c·o-hoq,~,...... \t•'l'ftnt:; \\111 '' 111 ., 1 nonn "u h 1 .. <~ck lunch. U•·'-'l'l'l Uld coflc·•• o.JI(' St;.'l'\t•d. • ~ you want to arrange a . business loan-transmit money to another city or country--open a business or personal checking ac- account you'll find friendly courteous service. We're in busi- ness for only one reason: you. to serve EiFORT HAR~OR ~AHR ~~~~:;rCOIONA Dll MAl , CA LIFOR NIA .......... O.aAL De"POSIT t"SUilANU c:.otlfiOaATeote bPII ProdtH't-Rf'pai~-U-Rr. Towtac-~"lt. Wcn11t by Appt. ..Wf' ~pt'!<'lallr.e to flnu·~ 8en1~" Hr.ro Cnut Bhd. HA 441-B--~'ltft J\E lr....S.M-CoroDa df't l hr WHEN IN BALBOA, VISIT THE z IGW OPEl EVERY DIY EfUOY ntESE CRIISES: ()(-('an Trip on tht> Bay Qut"t'n 'Round tht> Bay Excursion .... ctv. JOW' car a.y 5enaatloll&l palDt U.tntent e. 111m • Ita loob aDC1 trade-In va.lae 100,.. A* anyone of m~ !0.000 •tlsftf!d -.tomel'l wbo have prov-ed to tbe~h·f'~ that CQ7 palftt chlaJ Ia deftn.ltely t~ aa.fNt a.D4 moet aatl'<l" tM' In U. area! ADd remt'mber thla -lll1 1 jtoar p ananlt"t' ·-100" tepeadable. OaU me no~ at Anaheim UO., for an appolotrneDt (eollec!t et t'OUJW 1 o r Or1~ bl Tomorrow. 8 boa.r ~ Ita at t A.M. out at 5 P.'f BAK!O ENAMEL PAINT JOI • 50 T nil or llade Plastic Seat Coven FUll PRICE NOT FIB&£ NOT ~LIP ON 00\' R~ ...... S13'5 CflF'( !\ TilE E POINTS 1t ALL C.US COMPLET&Y SANDID 1t W.ITTIN 1 YIAit OUAIANYII 1t ANY CAR -~NY COlOI 1t IN AT 9 A.M. -OUT AT S P.& 1t AU lATEST 19SO COlOIS 1t 20,000 SA TISFilD CUSTOMI!IS * ltEOUIR£5 NO WAXING * 15 YIARS IN IUSINfSS LOUIS HENNIG -~ 200 So. Loa ARaheim ~ne Anclheim ..._,.,. ...... ...... •• .......... Ace4.,.., .. ....... CaD Harbor 1171-J ......... .._., ...... 4U S.... Dr., C... HlwW.... COlONA DIL WAl nNB ft'ALIAN DINNERS AIM Steaks -Prime S.U. Cocktails tru eout Blvd. Rarttor 1180 PboDe a .. -.... ,. 2011 (Toll Free) ''Pigskin Party'' IVOE 1480 on your radio dial * THURSDAYS 7:00-7:15 P. M. . hear Santa Ana JC Football Coach & Captain: "BILL" COOK "CHUCK" Sin'ON on the DCK.OFF BROADCAST tonite En.tqn Cb3..:ned .......... a proven mona C::~~ l'or all IOI1a ol u.. thmll Phone Harbor lllf . Reading for Roles Scheduled , ....................... , t / For 4 For Mon., Sept.17, by Players ~ _, ~ F 1 ne ~ Activity is already beginnln~ thella Randall that parts will be ~ It COC KT AILS 4 for the first of four major produc-rt'ad for rok>s in the first play a t ~ Cl~iJ\"' 4 Hons scht'duJro ror the 1951-52 7:30p.m. Monday, Sept. 17. in the ~ ~ ~ French and Italian Dinners Jlj tl('aSOrl by the Ne\\port Harbor ChaJX'I at Orange Coast College. lllo. ~ Community Pla}ers, wi th an-Mrs. Randall rn8de the an-,.. Imported Beers & Wines • noun('(>ment by Pn> ident Ma r-nouncemenl last Thunday f've-~ ti E ~ E f ~ Jlj ning, when more than 60 Pla)ers lllo. ~ and guests ga there<! a t Pa ti ,.. ~ C MMANDER'S Wittt>'s hom<" In Corona del Mar to ~ ::. Q mak<' plans for the coming St'a.on. 104 to 1tl COAft BLVD. ~ Th t>\ ening' program 'ncludf>d a Q L U M N centc>r-stagf>d skit, with !\{js Wilt<' and GrorJte Bacon in the spotlight for a hHarious dialo~ue ly bast'd on the tars' antics back- sta~t' a ft(>r thP final pt>rformanC<'. ED MURR ISO N A ll'l e r i c:en l eg i o n P'o 1t 191 LRs Crawford followed the skit with !'rnoral folk song . On Saturday and Sunday. Aug.j ~1rs. !\1arjorie William!'On. who 2.'l and 26. Newport Harbor Post will dir{'('t th<' season' fi rst play, 2fl l pia~ c.>d host to all or the posts WB'l pre;.-nt. S he di rC"Ctc.>d "NI~ht m tho? 5th Art-a ccompri c.>d of the ~tuq Fall" h<'rt> last ~ ar and has rounties of Oran~<'. Ri\crsJd<'. San ,,.., n n<.'th·e for se\t>ral yt'ars at I RN·nardino. Imperial and ~an th<' Laguna Beach Tht'atn>. DIP\!O 1 · "!lorn Yesterda~ ," ''Goodbye )fy A dan('(' was hc>ld Saturday Fane'" and ··c l"('(>n Grow the Ll- night ror th<' frrst time tn our new JaN". are under con id ration for hall Br·c'nkCast was . <>rwd tx>-t h(• OJ)(>nins:: play. and Players dJ- t\\ ('('n 8 and 9 o'dock Sunday I r{'('t ors will make a final choice mo1 ning and dinnt>r b.>two.'<'n 12 1 hjo; week. All major productions and 1:30 b~ membf>rs of the L:t-w111 again b<' at tht> <X'C Chapel. dk'-Auxillar) of th I.Rgion C In(' 10 1ffiliat Jon \\i th th(• OCC Adult 11! th1 • maiO t'On t ribut in~ faC'tm<, to Ed ucation Program. At least two t h,· .,U('('('~" of t h<' mP<'t Jill.! was worko;hop plays \\'ill IX' producc.>d ttw tint· sp1rlt ol COOlX'ratlon dJs-a. \\C'll, and on anuthf'r stat!L pln~f'd b~ th Aull:ilia ry. )1r.,. Randall said that non- Th!• mt'<'l in!.' oJ)('nc.>d promptly at nwmlx·rs a!o> '' Pll as m<'mlwrs from Ill r)'clock Sunda~ morning and t hi' II a rl>or und )It> -.a art>as art' wa:. a ttPndC'd by a pproximately \\t'I<'CimP to t !•ad pa1 t~ for play 1 2')0 d t>IPJ:att•. from th 5th Ar<'a tn!o•-. !'cpt. 17 Sh(' a lo;o innt<'d a Ions: with 2:1 or 30 guN'!> 1 rum 01 h '' "ho "uuld hkt• ro h<'IP \\ Jth I othu aH•as of California. Among !>C't r11'0dUC't r•m and o1 ht'r back- thl' distinguished J;Ul'Sts \\l'Tl': ~ta •r• \\urk tn com<' for the> rt>ad- Stan Ounmirt>, I.>ep.1rtml'nt Com-in,::-. mnnd<'r: Tom St~rut . 5th Ar('a I Commat:Jd r · and AI W('intx-rs:. 1 Fred Hope Graduates Oc>pt. hrstonan. • ( Jur own William H Banni!ltt'r. At Head of His Class l)('pt. Chaplain, held memorial M>n'i('('. Cha plain Ban nister In any other post in California would IX' a distin~ished uuest. but hf'r~? in N('wport he is just plain Bill. another mt>mber of our Post. Bill ha done a fine job as Dept. Chap- lain t his past year and deserves a Jot Of Cr<'dit for hlc; n('W ldC'aS and his unriring <'ffcu 1 '" puttmg tht'm into practi('(>. Grnduatmg at the head of his l~aders Chts at F t. B<>lvoil'. Va., Ia t Friday was Frt'd I fOJX', son or Theh:va Paddock HoP<'. Corona del Mar artist. Fred a lso receh oo the a ignmcnt to sta) at F t. Bel- voir on tht' staff for Leader's training. F red's br id(' is \\ith him, Ji\ ing in AIC'xandria. S EPTEMBER JtOt."S E<.t.EST Gue .. ts at the Ba} Shor<'S home or )lr. and Mr . Georg<> Davies arc Mr. and Mrs. Paul Knotts of Alhambt a. T he Knot ts were ht're for the Labor Day we<-k -end and a re staying for th<> r't'st of the week. Entertalnin~ them while they are hcn> nrc form r friends, th<' Robt'rt Clark. of Ba~ Shore . A major part or the day \VIiS tak<'n up w1th commlllrf' reports. On<' r'eport in partfcular la nds out in my mind. a nd that Is the report from the Child Welfare committe<-. Thr Ameriean l.Rgion has pent $1 61,000 on its Child Wt'lfare pro· gram in California ln the past yea.r. Wh~ you takt> in to consid· era lion t hP largP n umbf>r or pro- grams the> I.Rgion is sponsoring, that's a lot nt monl'y to be spent TAKE •"RESNO \"ACATJON on one pro~ram. A trip to Fr no to vi it fri<'nds Visit Our Beautiful Cocktail Lounge Ill'S SEIFIII AT THE SI&N OF THE SWORDFISH 16278 Coast Hwy .• Surfside Real Mexican e Enchiladas e Ta cos SEA J:OODS Long Beach 8-2405 e Tamales e Chili Re llenos, etc. e Steaks Oper1 5 to 9:30 p. m. -Closed t.AoncleY1 La ()osla and Chinese Dinners t!I~~~!!!J S teaks • Chops • S hort Orders at OG&st Rip~ -Newport "Mariner's MIJe" Red Snapper Cafe 10£ ILUOCit. Brf'A.kfawt aow IM!n'M 4 a. m . to I p. m. at BALBOA PAVILION SPORTSMAN! WHARF N.-wport Beaeh ... !Mt W. Newport Blvd. Saata A ..... 410 N. S)'c:amore Street • • • of long standmg was the only On Au~. 21 1 was part of a Le-sum mer holiday trip for th<> D. W. ~~!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!:!!!!!~ gion Honor Guard at 1 h<' grav('slde Sand<'I'S' of 603 Larkspur A\"('., ) of th<' fi rst ol the Korean war dead Corona del Mar. Mr. Sanders was Udo Wharf R to bt• return<>li to :-irwport Beach. engro sed in gardening during -t 1 had ne\·<'r m<>t this young ma n most or the warm sum mcr· S(>aS<>n. l5 •a1 --• Corporal John Hughes ---------I 1 who had been brought home to his 1 Enatgn ClanJned ads have ~n Overleeldlq BeattUtaJ N""P'P't Rart.or fina l restin g place, but a Jot of sad " proven meana of reaching buyen LIDO VILLAGE * Phone HArbor 7 8 4 thoughts Wt't'e golng through my for all sorts of merchandlse-Usf • EAST INDIA SHRIMP CURRY "i th CH',.....,....,..., • mind.~ u~m~!~Phone~~~H~·~~~~~~l~l~l~~--~~~::~~:-~~::~::::::~::::::~::~u~··::,~::·::~~ H Pr~> \\-t>t'f' 'c>t erans who had sur-- ferC'd through two world wars, 1 payin g final tribute to a ~oung 1 ma n who had died on the field or battle barely five )ea rs after World War 11. Veterans of two 1 wars that w<'r<> fought to keep this from hapJ)(>nlng again. It is pathetic that unwise do- cislon made by unwi e politicians I who wert' put In office by unwise voting could bring this country or ours to thl' sta te of confusion that it is in today. Next year we gt't to try again. It 's up to all of us to t hink long ---and to think hard. Too many bad choices could make this our last chance. The American Legion is fighting ror :X.tter gO\'<'rnment and a bet· ler world in which to live. Are th<> American Legion? '1""L -n-..!u.:ful ~ Re ot=a •• 8a"4"d Room Available COLONI.4L Specialking in Ddiciouay Prepared SEAFOOD and STEAK DINNERS llaa7 nhDII-.. ...._ ,._ A~aee &ut-~Prteea SPBOIAL ~ DINlfta 0,...., ""' .... -a-. .... ,. MaLl' n &H'8 M••IOI'.&ft at t a. a JOlt C... llewpWt led C...traetl• 1.-.. 1-5~" (lt ps.) We buy and .ell Truat Deeds. SEE BOB IIA'I"'''...:a Reprftentlnl ,..,.. 1111pp ... ltUv.utBI..._,ODM ft. llA • .,,..,--10 ... - Bruns & Marsac PLIIIIII ow-..... Water Beaten o..tn.c:t~~~~r -•• r s .,. '7GO Oanatloll &waae Harbor 1Sl8 See FIRST- HOME LOANS Low "REDUCING" Interest Rates Low Monthly Paymentll * We offer you lhe facilities of the Largest Federal Savings Association in Orange County You'll li\e ovr c.onllal ......._. ln Mrvmt .--,...._ ~~­FEIEIIL SIYI- LAGUNA lEACH """'-4-ttn-2n o.... ,.._ CIICIETE BEacon 6547 Newport atri., Vwla ·- Onllp ._ -ID ·- MATTRESSES t-erwprter -Cortoa Foam Rabber lrTegu1aJ' Sbapes '-'EW -BEBUILDISO COSTA MESA MATTilSS CO. 2110 N•.,._.t N . l&eot~ 1061 Upllolllterblc a ~ ...,._ 1111 ............... c.-.... . .. . .. .. ... ... .... . ... .... .. .. . -... ... .. . ........ 1)01 Coerl Hwy. Corofta 4ef Ma' GENElAl CONTRACTORS HArl>or 1656 of All Kinds FLAGSTONE PATIO S BLOCK WALLS -·--• FREE ESTIMATES • Clan. W11111 I S. IEecon 5110-J • HArt»or 10124 221) N..,._.t ..... c..te ...... • r.-• .... , ,_ Ia ,._ ...... We wtD ~ e.tbna~ coetll or _......., ,~ ..... .atnetor or belp you obta1a a loaa for .w C!Oillob .,.._ or r4!'ftllodellllc· Burger Dr. and ~trs. Clinton Andree, 201 Garnet A \c. Btllboa Island. entt'rtamt'd at a canasta party dunns.t the la t ter part of Au~ust . After cards the group adjourned to the Jolly Ro~er for refresh- ments, and ~1rs. C.arl Hoertig was crenadro v.i th ··Happy Birthday" I a nd trea t('d to a hamburs:er \\ith a candll' on it Guests w('r~> Mr. and 1\trs. Ro- bert Jonc. and Mr. and )1rs. Ro- bert S trothE'r. summering on the 1 land from Glendale: )1 r. and Mrs. Hoerti~ from Los Angeles. the Cia~ ton LowE's and thf:' Ronald BariO\\S of Balboa I land. Vacation and Week-ends Spent at Catalina Busy summ<'r is turnms: mto bw acr fall for t h<' Han t') Som('rs fa mil). li'09 E. Bay Front. Balboa. DurlnJt the-summer a two-wt"f'k \'acataon nnd \\eek-('nds were pent nt Catalina Island -- -in £act the~ fi ht'd th<'ar way back from t hen• Labor Dar. but only a few mackerE'I fell for their hne. I NO\\ Mrs. Somt'r'l t bUS) Uning up workers for the fund driw of the ~('\\:port Harbor CClmmunity Ch t. of which she I pr ident. ~ A OS FOR THE ROTH A son, Mark Davis. was born to Rev. and Mrs. Herbert C. Roth, 1027 Cliff Dr.. ="e":port Hei~thts. on Friday, Aug. 31. an St. Joseph Hospital. welghinJt at birth 8 poun<\S 9 oun<'<'s. Mark has two b roth('t1!, Timothy Arden and Gary Ardt'n. R£>v. Roth is pastor of the ~ewport Harbor· LuJheran Church. ''Tiae c.JII!Iiaa •• ,.. aorT WATD o• A llOIITIILY &DYJCE aA.Ga Phone Kimberly 2-7291 1101 ~~T._.ft'Dft Buy Direct from Factory At Terrific Savings FALL CLOtm FOR MEN AND WOMEN AT UNBEATABLE LOW FACTORY-TO-YOU PBICIS! Reg I .9 95 Sheen Gabardine Coats .... 14.35 Reg 9 95 Satin Lined Toppers . . . . . . 5.95 Reg 11 95 ·o 21 95 Ladies' Suits 7.65 to 15.65 Reg 2 SC :c 5 95 Blouses ..... 1.69 to 3.85 Reg 9 95 1 ~: :l Wool 6-qore Skirts . . . 4.95 Reg 9 95 Corduroy Toppers . . 6.35 Reg 4 95 100% Nylon Slips . . 2.85 Reg 4 95 !c 7 95 New FaU Suits . . 2.95 to 4.85 Reg 4 9 95 100% Wool Sheen Gabardine Suits . . 29.95 Reg IS 00 100 % Wool Slacks . . 8.95 SENSATIONAL SAVINGS on MEN'S WEAR Wt' ~akt' 'em ---\'oo Bu '"" AT LOW. FACTORY -TO -YOU PRICES ! MEN'S FINE SLACKS Reqular 8.50 §95 to (665 to 25.00 . . . . . . . . Reg 4 95 !o 8 95 Men's Sport Shirts . . 2.95 to 4.95 · Reg I 0 95 Zipper Gabardine Jackets . . . . 5.95 Reg 14 95 Corduroy Jackets . . . . . 9.65 Reg 15 95 Gabardine Leisure Coats ... 10.95 Reg 30 00 to 40 OC 100cy0 Wool Sport Coats ....... 19.95 to 24.95 * •• *WATCH FOR THE GRAND OPENING of our NEW MEN'S SUIT DEPARTMENT SEPT. f4th .... Low Factory-to-You Prices! Westminster Maaalacblrillg Co. \\ t'"'T~tl~:-.1't H \\I" nnd 1.0<'1 , T T. WESTMINSTEJl CALIF. Dt."T\\t.t;' ~\,T \ '' \ \'0 !'>EAL B.t.A<"B llonn: 1:30 to :\::«\ • • • Mcla •: II to t :It • BE ,JSSI,S(, F.PT. 1t t" \\'£ WTLI. B OPI;A \\'ED~ P \"~I •Rni ftLL 8:11 , ...-u ~~~~~~--~~~ JIA .. IIIlE PAUl--lll1lrtDe illiUnter nu.e.a GJ.ean and ·tlra. ~ ...-. praeat at ao Gpell ....._ In ttwJr ..._. at liM' Patio Book Stall Art Galler)', 3U '. MaJilwo A\ .. BeJboa ~ Suoda)' C!\'ftli.Qc. .Auc. •• SeWera1 'lbe Lot.ter BeR wlll ~ hrld ol thr ...u.t'a pictures ·~ Cll\ cturinc both daya ot ~ Oct. 5-6 ddpia)'. indudlnc C8D\'UM ..... 'J'reuure Days ~Uon ln Co- bad oot ~1owly been lhowll. rona~ Mar thla year, It .... *"- paiatl'd fnwn Mr. ewuon·. Dt-~ at tM mmmitlee rneet.ID& _.... ~ t"JJPf!!iMcs. Thelma lut ni&hL Pactdodl Hopeo, pennanmt e¥hibi~ Ser\·ing •ill at.art at 4 p. m. Frt- tor at t ~tk-ry. at.o showed her I day, Oct. 5, and at noon Satur-paillt~ da), Oct. 6, at the Lobstf'r Bllke ~ it4! on ~ pa.r•klnc Jot nsr tJ AU Am rlcan Market. Any-WGII4 on wl.mlns; to t"eeer.'e apace for booths bould gE't In touch with ~I Booth Cha irma n VE'lma O'BriE'n 'f14111fJI•I or Harold H<>t rick. -., Somronf' ~~-~~~a J;limpse of er.•~-.....;.; ....... ~Jamuu• "1 th a ~anet> in ~·~!J O'llRJF.'N'c;; \\indm'"'" but. rt't', if Set l..i..a. BOiplt.;..:l yuu thank Coil n Hnd I louk beau-lVI 81 tal ul ~ uu uught to s• P th\• stuff in tht' hc'f) &Jld bat•k m tl'K' f:tOCk- J·oum '\•J foohn'. O'BRlF-"''S has tho I·•~J:• 1 ~' l•'<'twn ~ c•U <.-an Ull3· ~101 111 llf \ UJ>-1• ,.., llo'-tllinutt• ftJ .. h· tnn~ "'a!h 11 \\'-1-D-f: ran t:£' of Thr> lonl!-awaltcd ~:round-bt <'8k· in' for thP Hoar l\fl'morilll lltx~pi· t:tl "ill bP hPld at 2 Jl m n xt Thur-;day. ~pt. 13. at thr site "'' rhro blull nt>31 t h • A•clw" v•-1' fc•t ttll af!• • -• fu: 'r,ou Rnd :'-•"-' ut! '' u' · l'vr tn .. ta.ert•. htoo-. \\'t> J f ndluu: t hP shO\· I ''ill bf> Co't>l'£(' JltH" Jl,. Oll tlf th( l'lf'8• '" ol 1111 lit \:' Fuund:t'it•ll, "hu·h .. ui.J·t·t il)(-d $:;t.J(t.fi(l(l to tlw lund. Ut• \\ill bo .. , .. , ... tPd IJ\ Itt•\ (I, ·c·ot 1 :\1cFarlnnd of ~nota Ana. \\ hu dia PCt<-d tht> cnmpalc'll an (lr- clll ., \(•Uilt~. rai inr.: $51.JitJII~. A r-porI Clll I hP hospi t a I \\ ill I If' 1t:l\ t n b) llr al11 n Fuwh. ~. \\liCit I 1 Councilman and rlin•r·t•)t ol thP ho .. pat.tl. h n • a 'I t.aJJwtl 11 bHu t biOU~iit'' for ·•c• d •· • rP•UJf \\~' b:tu· 1- tnn .. 1 llttl n •'\\ h ht\.1.,.''• .. InN' "" l.l .. t Jookf'(J. ()f NJW' • Dl!l.ll\ uf ,\IOIIr fll\urltr• '1~1·· .. lire> .. ttiJ •• tMiant J• • • . thfl..,. 1 -:k hlu ,_...... Cftlat 1:\'F:Il\'0:\'E hne11, but 'uu'll find HtJ, y ~ r tbt>~ lb' •· • lit u .. dJfft•r'f'nt hutlc>D!i, a Ill'\\ "'~~) lbe> ..&N'\ r ic &f't ill nr M.JOH'I h na: "Pf"C'b'l at neck or f-~·~~1'1·. a!. ta.tkmt roitoriaJJy in I Only Bart . Will th• tr Ill\• t L&MH' about t h<' ne" D f 1952 hlou .(>Oo ~~~ ''JN'nl'," iJ ~tar j ust ris-0 or . inl• on thf' fa hnm loors7on. Thev talk abo1ut th ln-nl' original in O\ation from thP n<'it:hhotc; on t..a- 11 u• IHalh· "'1th rohlrt'f'd in eLc;, fly bor lJa) on th!' farth<>St \\l'St :'\1'\\· bark 1tnd C'O\ pn'tf 1 ront buuons. port Bea('h£'s, a nd ht> wnl-a kNI to You'll lm•• 11 in cranolinP "hite or t'E'Ium nPxt year to hi~o !'tatton at pur-pit• ... or OO!ll(' ('(' 11 donE' in St-Rshore and Os·an~te. ~oft J''''''Y in 8 nM\ m , ('N.'en at Alt hou~h it wa rumoN'd thPrP fl' RIU f:="'~ "~"' t>n't I"OOUl'h sinr;.Jco ) oun~ Ia Adda~tr, thf' rompany that has d!P:-to Pl<'a.;(' n lifP~:uard on rhat n :td• a namr• for il.st'H in hh;h-bvach. th kirl' triP<! tn makr• it t.\lt'd ....--pa tr ,,. introducing an up to Bar t Pl'nn b~ o;hnwinc him adorable all \\OOI pl.·ud blouse in ho" much thPY lak~ h1m colorlul authentic )kLan!" or Far-. Labor Da) . momanJ: h(• found j quhason plairu sagns on thP hfl'1nl&rd 8tand • y-O'BRn-~·s and AcJelaar ar~ inc; ~nly Bart \\'ill Do_ for 1912" also Introducing that new fabric and MorP Blond m E \Pn 'critJquP' ~all\' made for Bn-akl'r •· ThP ktds thf'n had a f'B )-to-haunck>"r btouSt>s. It's a soft paradf' In hi honor with _th~ lit· celanese with \\'0\'efl ~ha d 0 w ·I tlest or the ,-oup par\tom•m•nJ: a tnpe. much hk~.> thfo rme silk ~ ~\hieh said. "I'm just s liHic htrtu~ that papa used to \\-'ear garl \\1th a cute lit llc> fig~<'r -•• Yott11 <of'f' It adn~ lB tiH! · S_tand ~ck Bart 'til I c;l't a little bMIIlloe nuacs Ia 4irft8'' or tall-blggl'r. . • Vf'H st"}1N. c-e ...:.. li'J' ~ They ga,·e Bart a billfold, a •t)lfll trttla a.e CM~uwUIIIe aeek sport hlrt and his Labor Day din- • • • -.o CMI\~t-for ~ ner • • • all from a collP-ctlon ta ken allowt• trttla ,,... .. 7 .earl• or in the nel$thborhood. lleW ~a.n ~ Jew· Bart lives at 1918 Ocean Front f'lry. J..oec IIIH\'H __ • llltort In Newport. ~ ..... • -• ~or • --Witt~ -• ---- M • .,......ble ! Aad oaly S5.t 5. 0 H Set And J till ha\·en't told you pen ouse about t.ht-new sklrt:a which ~ I arrht>d, and our new c 0 t t 0 n The enla!ged RAncho Mesa Nur-bJoUS~.oe! Tops for school and 1 sery, 190 E . 15th St , Costa Mesa. chotct> for any gal about the Har-will be shown to the public during bor Ynu ml.lbt come and S<'C them. O(X'n howe> ncoxt \\('('k. Monday O'BRU.l"'S hu ) our !>kirt's best through F riday from 9:30 to 11 :30 1 friend a.m. A new unit has been added. in- cluding a larJ!(' classroom with in- dividual JO<'k<'nl for <'3Ch child, book bro\\.ing cornf'r. built-in ea cls, toy t~torage arf'n, black· boards, starr bathroom. iwlation room nr a child b<'comt-s IIH and -.... ~. r ---, -·-' -:-~.) _I....__ .~_ ~ . . 1416 OOMIY 110t1LEVABD officP. The starr includ ~ dir<'ctors OOBO.NA DEL J1AJt I and owners Earl a nd Lorraine Pe· IIArtlor 1811 IC'rson and tcachPrs Pearl Lawver -----.~ and Lynn Geldn<>r. Good p1ano lessons plus Sincere pta no students equals EXCELLENT RESULTS Convenient after-school lessons at thP C OROSA J)£1. MAR PIANO T 010 OF Ruth Barcume, B. A. 2Jt!i ~ A\·e.-()orou del Ma.r HArt..r U8t-a • • • 17 Nucoa Del Monte Sliced 01' lj2 ·a Mllgariae PEICIIS Lb. 29t 2 C11rlon 0~ l:le:Tiiiiits": 2 OL for We Offer Complete CATERING SERVICE ,NO WAITING ... NO COMING BACK . . . when you finlab your shopping simply look on the Grass Shack outside to see if you have the lucky nmn- ber ... Shoes ... Jeans ... Cameras ... Fish- ing Pole . . . are a few of the prizes ... • • U..caa Size 1/s WI oz. can for Iorden', INSTANT COl ft.'£ Washing Miracle Me 5 17e Lg. %7t OL ,.,. . ~ ..... ~ S • I I ~ · · ,. • • · r · · ' ~ 2 h .. ch or lolling --. --, . ' Featuring Mannlng'a U.S. GoV"t. Graeled Ct.etce aeef CHUCK ARM or BLADE THUftiDAY Spicy Apple Donuts F .. I DAY Rum Butter Ring Cakes American French Dinner Rolls 8ATUftDAY A le Pie pp ............................... . Date F'illed Bear Claws. ···-·-·---· .. .. 6 for 24c each 63c 6 for 18c each S8c .. 3 for 28c: Flnettt • ••• • • • LUNCH ICITS ... fiHed with reel Thermot, unbru.eble pleatic fop. VACUUM BOTTLES 1r FILLERS ... ell males end tizet .•. ;,eluding Ho~long Cen idy . , . Tt.ermot ... Univerwl IINDEitS ... llue Canvea ... Loote L .. f Zipper lind~ -•• bott. tt.. economic.el d oth onet and fine l .. thcr on•• .•• EFHCTIVE THURS., fll., SAT. -SEI'T. 6, 7, 1