HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-09-13 - Newport Harbor Ensign/ = ---.. left Is Ttl(> Corona Ml btr (')(.•, ·an Vir'' Pro'"<'th,. ASS0<'1atinn. heade-d b' W . T . Jt 1 lt•r"'n, is bPms;: inform~'J that ntarlie Fipps' """ homt' on thr hluff ckx's not r 'ttrnd onto cit) prCl()('rt y a fl Pt "11 A l(•t tr>r from Mr. J1. h·l·,;on ask <'d for tnt'ac;ur<>mt'nt becau<~l" th<'l'f' hnd bl¥n r<'porttt thrtt lh€' Ftpp!l hou«r> wM 12 ft>et . 4 Lncht•'- nn ri t \ prol)('rty. Ctty Etlf!i n('('r Th:t·t WPbb pointt>c1 out that the tx-tlr f In tht> npparcnt C'ncroach- ment r«.'sultt'd f"-m the fact that the 110-foot wldlh of ~an Bvld. Is mr>uurt'd on 8 prolongation of Poin ~>Hia Av .. eros lnt: dia~on­ nUy on Ocean Bhd a t that poinC Not even cash hldden in a girdle was &afc> as the> Sta~t' Motel &1 610 Coo t Hl~hwny on Miracle M11t> wu burglarized bt>twet-n I 10 :30 a . m . and 12:25 p. m . Sat- urday. Mrs. Lor£>tta Year~ reported th£> lOSJil or $224.50 to Police a ft£>r rt'turnln~ from a tthoppin t:t trlfl., She said that the stole-n cash in- dud('(! $197 thot had be-en hidck>n In n black .Ordle \n a cht>st of d t·awr>rtl in n b<'d room. IUC'K-OFF FOR C'tTBf' "Kick-off" Pack met'tinst for Cub Srouts of Pack 180 and th<'ir parent will tK> ht>ld at 7 ;~ p m. tomorrow <Friday\ at the Corona dt>l Mar ~1. Cub Scout.& and oth£'r boYB ,...ho are 8, 9 and .10 ~'Mr& old are Invited. Each bo) mllllt be &«'CCII11J8.nl~ by a parent 01' other adult. CUbs are a~kc-d to ''~u unllorm . Public Li ~ra.t7 ---.1 'boa 1 Cal ftiE •oADWAY COMI:DY, 117 .._,,.. ,,. """l' cbtW~e a uw-!'W"&-on n~r b~ th.-, .. \\- l' rc h a rll'lr ( um:mullt~ 1't.l~t·r •"• t•htMC"; ',, .. m.td.• by t hfio f•:\t'('Ufh1' bMNI. pkh1t'f'Ct a h0\1'. ·'' llw top. lt•lt I~ rlt hf •• lrl' 0 . "'· (Ul<'k ) Richard t·f '"".-or1 H..t~O., ~&tl\ 114" Mk'l\alNI oft ld l,l.-. "'id- nt'l M t,rrl• ••f C'o-1., ~··"~\ ned P ltl \\ ltw rot ('orrofta *"' Jllar. .,.._ ~ t el ?tel' I rc> .Jo \\ UMr or ~hof'f' C'tltr ... Prt-•ldf'ftt MnrUtf'll:l RalldaD of (!on\"'' til' I !'br, \L'"nf"'l Rtnmqul .. t of. LICin l"lt' .LFid ~tt' ,Jft f\1" uf l.lcftl 1"11', T b rN" tH·rforlllllne"t'~ a n-~hrd 11 .. 11 fn~ :. ,. l .... t \\1'4·1< In f)c •nbfo r .at thf' c-t, 1 •• •t 0~.10~<' ('(• , .. ~ Coil gr. -(phot o b~ t.f'rhardt} VoL 4 ~ 5 Alrea~· 20 boot ha\e bt>en ... old fl'lr th<' third annual Trea ~ Da~,. and Lo~tE>r Bake> chf'dult'd for Oct 5-6 1n Cnreorlll d••J Mar Booth Co-ch.·urrr ~n l !In old Hc>t- nck report Ld, t )<"Br .... r(>('Ord nu·'lt .. r of 30 booth." ther£>forc ... hould be ea.,,ly brokr·n Anyon.,. ''t.'-htnlo? to rf'$N'\£> a booth i un:((1 to C<'l m touch \\1th h<' ro-<'h'tlrtn~'l ~, .. Hnnck at H<trhc•r 3('7 M \' r>lmll C •'Brien a t H.\rbl r ~" Tho:;,. whfl ha\1 • ..... "• rl hc-101 h<:: 'hlo..' .tr 1,,1·1• T mm~ ... "h<lP fiJio:: "'u~•t f., .. ,q, ,In P;tnCt• ::-·udto ('o,t!-1 SupN· )l..iri<.·t ~P\\­ Il(lrt HarlY•" Rank "'""'J'l')Tt Har- 00" ~ 'ommun11~ Phi~··•· th;• \·of>t'l C"o. . ·,''port Auto :'Ill£'<, C"r<lwn Ha··rh,an tht• EnMo.'Tl R,·rl(Hnh,..:'ld ~£'\\1J1C \1 tehmr Cf'nt••r. All Am- ,.nqu :'\hrk• •. O'Rlltl ·.. \Vo- O'lin" C'l' I<' lRilt'Uf'. Harhclr Draft- me ~ ni<'t nnd Contractor Jim P.-1~. Di.., .. Rt·auty , nlon Moocb Orap;•nr ... md 1 hrt'f' hooth for dis- pia) of drt_ and Cnll 1~ TheN' will al o bl' ~ bl; for no • It) s:'Brne$ and rt'f ~hnwrll'· T:-ea!-'UN' Da\... 111 d Lobster Bakt location ,\,u bl a t •h£> AJJ Am<'r•Mtn parktnl! lot at lns A\·e. and Coast Bh d The frc>"h lobster dinnPr \\ill br srn·~ on hoth days. bc:·~n"'ms: at 5 p m Frida) Ot-t. 5 and at noon • 1 u.rda ~ Oct 6. Thl'rt• \\111 ~ pc.'Ct~l t·nkt tain-m• n• hoth dii\"S, th<' ,,.. ll.lll't' hunt "ill bl' ht"ld • ·,lturdlly fll()m Jn . and 1 hpr,• '"11 bt'> prize drttwtn~ Saturda~ l~\ent~ Topic ThrN' mc-n prommrnt m cin e hfE' \\Ill he-prl.' t'nl 1'\u·,rh~· at 10 a m at tht> Balhoa Y~tcnt Club to alk to m••mi:K>r• ol tht Woman·~ I\1C' Lnu:-u on 'anou. ... phn~ of 81'('1" N'C'l't'A h<m Horae€' Enslen. u(l<'rmtPndl'nt nt ~r" port Be8ch El<-m~nta.ry ~dwoL ~11lriOn Dodd. mt>mlX'r of lh C'it\ Park Comm1 •on and ~lf"­ m. ntlu;.· fl'('hool board ~Mmber: •nd I'a 1 Rftrtv-f')', t'l t)' ~1· man and lll('mbc-r 01 thf' P&rk Comml n. ~in be on the:> forum. ,.._ 1 111e ~T Thumday, leptemh-13. 1•1 ~i~~i0~~!:~~~~~~ ~ MJ~ 1:, ~~;~~~; :~~~;;.:] world. Born on Christmas Day caring for her small brol)l('r, about k ~.-.'!+, rf 4Ji.r Fn.>d Allen up t~<'~ on the hlU based on. mls-mforma~onre rniiJ·udi~- (and thus named ''Christa'') this 5 and her babv sister of 1. •n~ ptl" · !NOT Goat Hill, aC you plcasel iB teal)l't'tataon, rwnor an P · young ~rl started lire In the oJd 'Although 1he.bu al\\"1.)'1 liked t-4 A.~A ,w..._,.... sho"ing signs of mellowing---Newport can.~ !::S:ed :~~ unlvC"rsJty clty of Bonn on the h<'r studies. he stubbornly didn't perchance par t))' the r<'Sult of own merits. as at y, . Rhine. Most of her )'OUng )-ears. leam the Communist doctrin Ad~nJstnc • · • · COilMN aoot' some burroughin~ fro~ within -:-the benefit of closet-sNtrchlnl. however, wert> spent in tht> city of too we11 and was the object of • • • Tho Nowporl Hort--Entitn and oomt's forth wtlh <'ditonal The Loc ---With 110 aldp • Leipzig, whel'C her rather was derision from her teacher at "-• b"" dotormin.d to be • IIOWI-comment in the Costa Mesa Globe-shoulder, or akdetGe lurlda&' Ia Chancellor of Lelprlst University school. One day he was scolck>d p~per of t•norol clrc .. lotlon by i.,.t_ H l'rald that It may not bt> the el~t. or pet pt"e''e, or axe .. and her mother a pediatriciAn. for not knowing some dates in Rus-s~:~~ :', ~:li~~" ~c::;t.:: !: worst form of marriage of com·en-pmd ---f~ls hldllled to,_... Christa has fin? brothers and sian history and a soldie-was ienet> after aU for Costa Mesa and the prollle111 of Newpert..Maa slste.rs. Einhart the oldest broth-called in to help scare her. Cun-c .... ,, of Orant•· •nd ~ ,..._ Nt'wport lo get togt>tht'r as one llleorporatloa • J-1 .-e ...._: er of ZT. is no~' stu..a • .:-g ~-nlngly she turned the question thereof is quolifiod to fM'\r"h •11 single unlfied incorporated city. wbat't ~t for Newport a.c* "'-""' di d dn' public notice~ roquir.d by lew. • • * .a C M .a 1 tltetr cine at Bonn Unin~~ity; next is around to pro\'e the sol ·er I t suascasPnow llAntt Tluat ~tortal detlce .aon .... o.ta eu, .... or Ingo, 25, also at Bonn, stud)ing know the historical data tha t· he One Year _ .......... ·-··--·t:IJIO , t itt. t 1 CO:..ck ; th dUU'ntt~ mathematics and physics; a sister \,._s quitting her about-to the Out of Harbor Area • _ ...... suo :::C. •: ~ oa 1 tta ida Ia~ I am of a mind ttaat lncorpora- Hergart is 22 -• -if she has ur-a.musemPnt or the class. ..._,.,... ... ~ t~~" Ball" tion in one cily Is the answer --• vived RI..ISSlan displaced pt>rsons Shorlly after that the soldlers 8!!~ oie~~rtiOr'Area--==== . Y for SE"lf-defense and self-improw- camps; a UtUe brother Eike ts 10; canw to search the house sustgl' t-DITOa~ ;::~~ ftrs!, ~-~ · ~ ment for Crt'ater Newport Harbor. and a small sister Juliane is 5. in't that somront" in the famJly 1Um PVa ft.AIIT 011 ... -~ ,.. ~··~ • And along with the 'Globe-Herald ln 1M3 Allied bombs routed tbe was a spy. Christa became fright-....= =r.: :e."!.••d ~t~~ ";:'0 0~.alt • editorial. I belie\'e that tncorpora- Wllmanns family from their Leip-enC'd 1\nd decided to take the baby Y po ~ c 00 t>r a tlon should not be piecemeal ... zig home. They retrt'ated to their and her litlle brother and try, to . 8UIUIY ~rt • • • • aU la aU, "shoestr-ing hospital slte school family hunting lodge in Witten-run awa) from tl\eUtussian ·j told th<>m to fl'el h r pulse ~nd : pl~a .?~ ~ fortb wl~.~-:-n campus. 15,th St., 16th St., Cliff berg and V.'?\lted to see w hether pation. he ln"&btxfd up some ,-hey would know that h was In· 11 0 .'-0 e ~~~aue.r 0 !~ Ha,·en. Nc " ... but hould be de-- t he Amt'ricans or R ussians would her m otht'r 's j.•\Wlry, \\Tote a ~<'\t' nt, brcause her h<.'nrt was did ~.?11 •top ~·!!~g lOur v.ir.-· tE'rmlnC'd in one big ell'Ciion when bt> the finn to occupy their area. to her father I which th.f' .oldie!:~ atin~ mwmally \\i thout n show · · · or did ~oo. the dttzt'ns or bolh N<'wport Beach Being on the other slde of the rouldn t read. lx'Cau;;e 11 '-\'?\.) of PXCII4.'mt>nt. Thl' R~ sians wer<' I All or which do<-s not l'Xactlv aud co~tu ;\)(.'sa ha\'<' thoroughly Elbe river. Amt'r!can troops halted ~rman t, and sneaked awa:r nt omaLl'd at her calmn<>ss, and took come to the hC'at'l of u1e pa-oblcm. examined the advantages and dis· and Russian soldil'rs took up occu-m~:ht. . h<'t' back to lw r cellar. Soon th<'Y which is being considerably con-ad\'antn~.t<' a nd can arrh·e at a pation duti<'S. ' At the as:te of 12. Chn. ta Sllid rrll'a~ ht'r And sh<' \\11 lt>ft IO fu~ \\i lh el<'ments of suspicion, sensibl<', cool-headed decision on It \vtl~n't Jon!! befort> Rus ian I h~ ''as not. a ~ood ~r~aner, be-f1nd h t>t \\ny ba<:k to hPr hoi!'P·, pt>t tin s. inferiority complex and I his is. U<'. that will influence the was ~in~ taul!ht in Cennan callS(> ~h~ didn t N'a~ze the ,·alue ~ot lon~r a ft<'r that Chnsta s nootinl'SS, dt>pcndlnst on wht'lt' tht> future or th<' Harbor Art'a for all schools and Russian history and of the JeWelry. nnr dtd she rt'Ct'ive I mothl'r and father a lw came to particular commenta tor Is Joc:ll<'d. tim(' 10 rom<'. politicaJ scacnet' becamt> part of any\ •here near ats \\Or th wht>n sh(' tht> we h•t n zone of GE'rmany. ------ the curriculum. Those who l~arne-d trie-d to St'll it in thl' towns where After goin~ throu~h \\i th lhl' dc>-, ~ow I'm or an opJnlon that 11 the Communis t doctrinr well wf:'re shf' wf'n I. Shf> om£'11mes wond<'J'. m1zi fin Hlon fli'OC\.' , her fa t hc>r thl'l'<' ar t> any polltlc-.al skelf'ton~ the first to fli\SS thPir courst'S. how her ha by ~>i tt'r survivl'd, for o;t~l tl'd I NIChing a t th<' l1nh·<'rsity that ean C'Omt-In thr \\'n)' or said Christa. a t Jp~ than 18 months, the baby nt Git' S<'ll nMr Fi·ankfurt, and JCood v.1JJ bt'hH<t'D ~l'wport and The yt'ar 19 1i was tE'rrif~-in~ wa fl'd what<''<'r Christa could thl' famil~ a~in wert' tostt'ther thf' MM~t, lf't ' rnltlt' 'l"m out U1X~ Pl'IU'LE rfEART Thl.' Put'PI<' HE'a rt Medal has bC'C'n awa rde-d to Pfc Donald D. h~ o f ="<'"port. who was wounded tn action. ,,·ith the First Cavalrv Oi\1 ion'. Ftfth Regim<.'nt nea·r Tokehon -nl in Korea last Feb. 22. and p\·E'nlful for the \Vilmanns ftnd. frequent)) such unpalatabll' Ji,in~ m Rot£' ~h)('lo;o; <R<.'d Into the OJH'n ror a Kooc~ look family. Ono' ('\'<'ning Rus.<>ian sol-fe>O<:b as cooked muld~ potatoes. Ca!iltll•l nc>arb). • .•. a nd If lndM•d thrrt> Is an~· dit>rs came to A k Chris ta 's mothE'r Whl'n they ~ot to the .bord<.'r. It Wll'\ in Frankfurt w h I' r e "Tu mmany lla ll" to muddy u1> to comt> dC•\\ n to thl' \illage t o t h<'Y found farmrrs aNm~: as \hriRin nlf't :\1r. Wells. whn was thf• fHIIUical wa t.-rs. 11'1''1 Jort't care for •nrnf'Oil<' who was sick., guid crossing to the American on thf' prizr cornmltt('(' for the that out into tt'" o~n too. Wll I •apg F rau Wilmnnn.'l was, ht'rsE'lt. not zon<> at mcht. Thl' farmc>n. dldn' Freedoms Foundation. spon..ors of ....,..., recline WC'II. so c:J•P St>nt her <'ldest \\ant to lakf' thf' c-hildren because th(' ('C:"8~ cont~t. Snmc> of the As a citizt•n nf this Cat\ o( All New 1951 Patterns daughtl'r. Hl'rcart. who was then thE'~ \\PrC' too ~oun,::. but Chrl ta t·ompetmL: •• ,sa~ "<'ri' snl'aked Nt'wpor t Beach, a nd a \'E'r) 'con-CollrfoJY to '•inton 1 Oocototon 18 and f)ltitl' :tn 8C'C'Omp1ic;hl'd mu-~aid II tht-~ \\OUidn't take thl'm across th<' border from the RIL'\• ·tant 1\nd carc>ful a nd rlo"t' ob-.. • a • ~~;iclan ( - - - also n ut'nt in Jan-thl'~ \\OUid stumblf' aero s by Stan !-N'Iion nl G<'rmony. Tht• two !-C'I'\'t•r of lh(' ;-.;t\\·port M'<'n<' for ... ·-~·ua~:es. inrhtrlin~:t Rus i;:m \. H C'r-tlwrnsc>l\,·s. so tht') finally con-hnys 11nd tw11 gills \\ho won sailc>d thr('(' roncenlla tC'd yPat·s of n4.'ws-61! Coast Highw•y Newport ... ell gut nevpr rNttrnl'd and was nt"\'Pr c>nt<>d 'nl<'ir pat ty s n <'a k ed for Nf'\\ \'m k lht:' fir!'t of :\1ay paJ)<>nng hrrf'. r am furtht>r of an Open Nlt hh •• Sv". 10 • ....,.4 ..___ dirt'<'th hr1rt1 from a~:ain. throut:h onf' dark night The>~· 'lnd w.·nt to \'alJPy Forgr, hl'ad-Ol~fl~l~n~io~n~t~h~a~t ~t~h~t'~tn~l~k~u~l~sk~e~l~t'~t o~n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.--~-They he1rd lA l('r nf somPOne mulrl SN t hr Ruo..;,l'ln . oldit'l"" qu.1rtr r' I••• F rt'l'dom., F ounda-;" who . 3'' tl·f' 1 ·)N•r--old l:irl a \' a lkin ' up :m d d0\\11 p;\trolhn~ t ion. Th('~ t hrn mad<' R tour a ll !l 30 a m a· 11 c:tRtion nl'ar BC'rlin th•• bordrr. and thl c;kiJI or the> m £'•' thl' l'nill·d ~t:11 rc:, ,i.;itim:: w ith a b1ndat:c> CO\'<'rin(t h<'r <'Y<'S. ~wdt• \\a:. tn ~''' the party through hi~h o;chonls ond t••l'inJ.: Am rr i-~orP rf"N'ntly th<'y s ·•w 1 lrtt<'r "hJit• 11w gua •·d was fartht>. t eHn bl1~·-. nnd girl11 tha t th('y from annfh~>r \,('rman J:!irl who a way. Tht-childr<'r. \\C'rt' 1f'rrifi!'d hould npptl'<'ill t(' th4.'ir frl'edom. !'4hell Proctuct..-Rep&Jrl•l'-!'-Br. T~-~1-. Work~ App\. rlai.me<l to hl\\'1' be-C'n in a "Cnmp that t ho•tr b3b) 'I''''' '' ould cr~ \1 t h·· C'lld nl ,lur (' 1 h<' nth 1 "111-"We SPf'datl•,. a. &ltertft~Cy ~ .. of S ilenc:v'" an ::-.ibt>raa \\lth h~'r in Unc:v' m th<' wr tt-rn S('('tlon nPr.s N't •JIIl!'d to Gc>rmam and '49. Chn,ta )!Ot Ill touch \\i th hl'r Chri-.t.t \\tnt to th<.' :'\ntiomil ~·u-1~ ~•1 81,.._ R.' Ul-R-Nltea BE _.....&-!11--oor...., Mar Not ton; llft<'r Herl!art's disap-uno !.', ttw Bic:hop d<' Belius ofri-d('nl Ccm''"'"m in floston. Tlwn ~iiii~~~~iiiii~~~iiii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jl('aranC'f' '. h<' c;nldit'rs cam<' a~:aln cwl nf the P I Oil'S. t'lnt c-hu.rch In slw nwt M rs \\'pJis ij \\-'aslun,~:ton t and took hrr m o 1 h r r a w a :y. Gf'rman). ~nd tilt• 1\\ o c·tmt' to Callforntu. Christa said hl'r mothrr tri<'d to ' ~Tr:tnwhalc>, Chn Itt'<~ mo th P r Cht·i.,llt ic: sta\ m.: ll thf' \\'dis IIM'f' t thc>tr frllr<; hy !'rndin q th<' 'IH"Ill ""' r n lontr mnnt hs 1mpric;-homt• a l f,(tO ~( il\ If·' , rn,.nna · dt>l children on an c>rrand and IC'Uin~: ou~-d b\ Rus.,1a n loret."!' m a damp :\tar. Yuu ma\ ('\f'n !.tt' 1 f't a fter thf'm shP would be back soon. but duk t'• liar in a farmhousE>. They <:<'honl >tnu.P-h{.Jpin!' :~t thP Wa. h- Christa tell<; of thr "'i nk ins: f('('lan~ l>c•at hf't ~wd trit'd to mak<' h<.'r rJt'11•• 111 Cnrona d I ~l:t r \\J'h thf' she ha d when c;h" looked down the a dmtt ~ht' ''as a Sp). On<' day a·P~<t of tht• \\'f'll!< famtl\ road and saw hf'r moth<'r beimr tht·~ t•)ok hl•r out a nd made pre-Altllou~h :ll't is proh:,bi;\ her f~J­ taken away. pamllt•:tl< to shoot her. At thP \'Orill' ~<ub.lt't l ChrisiA '''Pf'CIS to With her fathrr s t ill l <'aC'hln~ at final momt'nt. thr) askro. "Ha\'e :,;tud) politiC'81 c:c-wnt·t• :md som!' Lt>ipzig a r d home only on week-~011 ·"'''in):! to ~a:':"" and she an-Americ-an hi<>1o~ at lhu bm Jlil:h l ends. and hr1 old<>r bro theN nwa\. "'t'l'f'd t l at c:hr , •. a annOC'I'·n t ... 'h, tht )'<'3 1. M"-y .. ,..,. r""-""' a 'ltttlppl ............ .... ~ ""''-"' .... iMo ,..11411 .. , ......._ WCM ... IIII Poem Latin. Ill COAST IUGRWAY • PIIOM lEa eoa SQ1 • WITH MATCHING 80XSPRIN6 You .., Ofl oft! MilfioM of ow ~ octvoffy breatt., mc~lte ~ ..tf-wntt1ati"' . , .. llvoront ... ,...,ient ... OftCI tOft. .. -·· ... ---- I CATALINA ACTIYITIE8 lina Guest Ranch on Toyon Bay I FimshJng off the ~ holJ-for ,he final a.etivities. 'lbe l'tDCb day . .Mr. and M.rs. J ohn Poole of I clos<>d this ~k. but wiD open Corona del ~far \H'rt' among the ar.ain in :\'()\embE-r for the quail many gue t pr nt at the Cata-huntml' ason. A birthday party for Mn. Ro- bert Jones, Balboa Island, was held recently at Christian's Hut ln Bal- boa. After ctlnMr friends adjourned for cards and bi~ cake to the borne of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Bar- low on Agate Ave. A cocktail party before the diDM!' at the home of the Clinton Andrees on the Island also feted Mn. Jones. DIRECTORY INSURANCE For Ever')' Neecl ISLAND REALTY CO. Harvey D.~ HARBOR m -W Park at Agate, Balboa blaDd "BE SURE -INSURE .. with Maurie Stanley Insurance CounselJor HARBOR 1711 225 Marine Ave., Balboa Wand One hat is already in the ring for the 74th Assembly District stoat in the State Legislature to be \acated by Newport's Earl Stan- ley as he makes his bid for Con· J!rec;s fl'Om thf' new 28th District. The first Assembly candjdatf' Is F. Halsey Denman. now a Dana Point r<>sident and on<' of the plo- n('f'r residents of Newport. Mr . Denman, who li\'es with hi. family at 400 Malaga Dr.. Dana Point. ~!tame to California as a boy back in 1901, when his parl'nts moved from i'l:ew J ersey to Red· land.!'. They had a house in East Newport from 1911 to around 1940. coming h<>re during summers and on \\Wk~nds and lh;ng h<>re :!><'&r-'round sen>r&l years. He used to run the Balboa Is- land Ferry during summer \aca- hons In his high school days. later went Into busln('1;.s h<'re as a yacht broker. with offi('(>S at the present locaUon of South Coast Company. He recalls that he sold Walter Franz. now pre ld<>nt of South Coast. his first boat and gave him his fir-;t I<'S"-on in -;n illnl! Mr. !)('nman ha~ lx'l>n acth!' 111 1 yachtin iO{, wa-; ont> of tht• foundPr5 and offic<>•· of thl' C'l\k Rega11u Association of ~outh<'l'n Califor- nia. which has c-nt'OUI a g d t ht.> dt>·l velopment of ) achtin~ harbors 11nd ha ' hei)X'd <>cur<• !!T1'8t(•r bea('h areas for the public. He is !lit> mana~t>r or the Rod· dJck Tool Co .. fonnerl~ In Costa I Mesa, now in Anah£>im He al conduct ht own sa!E'c; com1130~. Tool S11les and Di!'ltributor.. Hf' was onl' of the f'arh dJrf'Ctors of thf' Lo An~<'le Juruor Chamber of Commt>r('(' and onl" 'f'ar rE'· ('('1\'ed thf' Duf"a rd Howe... watch award for public ('rYi(.'('. Ht> i ... th<' tmmt>dt&t l" f\llSI pre:stdent of th!' Dana Pomt Ctvic Assoctl'ltion Classes Starting ...... crnd .·!:: ..., g~::'J ume :or ci.an .... 1ng lessons too All TY,ES OF DANCING. INCLUDING IALlET- AlSO lATON WOU Dorothy Jo Dance Studio 1415 Cou t loule•erd H•rbor 11160-W ~.,., .... , .... , H•rbor 0761-W W . Stu art Foote INSURANcE Zonta Club Meets Today As Zonta member re-convened for thl" club year at noon toda) •Thur!'dayl at Norton's Bay Shore 1 C'aff' the-l'uccess of thf'lr summer His mothc.>r :'\tr--Gran• )lar•x i~ a rC' ldPnt of l~'tllllR ~ach. anrt his slo;tf'r. ~trs. Grachen Barne. Ji\·es in CoroM~d~l ~:'\~l~a:r·:_ ___ L.:==::::;=========~~=-==;:===;,=:;:=::;~ 2117 W . Balboa Blvd. Newport Beach, Calif. Phone: HArbor 24 81L V1l:& PIA 'I'ING Silver Platers Ancl suver.mu. Repalrlng -Rertnlshlna Replatin1 Gold • su~r -eo~ -aru. Near Community Ouuch 1914 Harbor Blvd... C:O.ta M- BeaCIOil 51lS JIU81() Margaret L. Scharle Teacher of Plano Orgarmt -Aooompe..n.lst EvenJng a.u.s for Actulta 307 GOLDENROD AVE. Corona del Mar PIIY8101AN8--8tJilOEONS Lawrence K. Gundrum, M.D. 1741 Superior Ave .• eo.ta Mea Practice Llmlted to Dl.seases of the Ear, Noee and Throat and All~ Orfice Hours: by Appointment BEacon 65<m or HArbor 1036 Day or Night Phone HArbor 1138 NOTARY PUBLIC Notary Public at the Newport Harbor EnsliJl HArbot' 1114 1104 Coast Boulevard Corona del Mar Baltz Mortuary Chapel by u. Sea HARBOR G Corona del Mar, Callfonda ~ Oft-Street Partdllc plcmc hf'ld F riday befon• Ia t at I the .home of Mr . and Mrs. !\lonrOt' I Hummel, Three Arch Bay. was a topic of conversaHon. Past presidents and board mem- bers helped the hostf'ss prepare 1 hP barbe-cue supper for m<'mh<'rs and guests. After supJX'r enwr- tainment includt>d color<>d picturl'. , hown b~ t hf' Hummel<; of their last trip mto ~ff'xico and nort hero 1 parts of South Amt.>rica G\K'st. al.o pla~f'd t'anac;ta and partici- pated in a ~'lit auction rond~ted by Kenneth Den of Balboa IslAnd }J(>sides husbands of Zonta mem- bers. who are ahY8:!> im itcd to the annual picn•c. special t:"U<'St included !\Irs. Sally Pey1on. )trs Loll\ ia ~tawhiw. Dan Pa~e. !\trs and ~trs. Robert Park<'r. !\t r and ~trs. R<'X Albri~ht. !\tr!'. Mary Lou Thurber. Tommy Fo ter, Wimfr~ Barbre. t is Jan<> Ostrand<>r and Mr . and Mrs. H. L. Ostrandar. Junior Ebells To Meet Sept. 2 7 Bo:.rd members will be host esse rot• thf' luncheon me<'1inJt or the Junior Ebell Club to be held Thur!=day. Sept. 27. at the Shore Cliffs home or :'\tr'>. W. E. Fisher. it was dl"Cided at the T'\'C~·nt board meet in~:. 1 The board was ent<'rtain<'d at th<' home of the group'-; chairman, I ~Irs. Arthur Burr White, 212 E Ocean F ront. Balboa Other J un-• tor Ebcll offiet>rs pr<-Sl'nt wet"(' :\trs. C. R. Starr. firs4 vice chair- man: ~trs. ='"· H. Roberdeau. se- cond 'i<'P chainnarv. :'\tr<-Howard Willtarru:. secrf'tar): !\IT'!'. War- ren ~Ie-ssing, ad\iser: :\Irs. Ob<'d Lucas. !\trs. \V. E. F tsh<'r and !\trs. :\tarlin Sheely. I Vianney Group To Meet Oct. 2 Mrs. Mary Toppc:-r of Bay Shores and ~lrs. Holt Condon of Corona del Mar will be ins tall<'d as st-ere- tarv and treasurer or St. J ohn Via.nnl'v Altar Guild at th<>ir next meeting Tuesday. Oct. 2. at the home-of 1\irs. Colin Brown , Bay hores. The IO'QUP met last WN'k on Tuesday for dessert at the Ba~ Shores home-ot Mrs. Kathleen Walsh. The-y made plans for an f'Vening card party to be ht>ld Oct. 26 at the new pari h hall In New· port. . DONALD J. GARICH, 0 . D. announces the ~ninq of his professional office fOf the practice of Optometry in All Its Branches 204 Coost Blvd., C orono del Mor, Colif. Practice limited to &eminatlon. Analysis and Rehabilitation of the Visual Funclions Children's and General Practice ly Appointment Off.ee Houn 9 e. m to S p.m. HArbor 1710 512 N. MAIN ST. •.. heatt+ty, hondsome, pure in heart; kind, courteous (tome UNI'larr~) are \4"lfrtt ..• rtllfl ••• eagerly, on•~ly, seto pr heM& the hour, ver, wtt.rever you may be. (never a busy sivnal) _4..., ... of golden voiced, .r'CI'IiWINH beautiful operators (-.-om.d) Here in Oranqe County •actOIY IMOWIOOMI CAll Kimberly 3-8315 -COLLECT SANTA ANA -Kimberly 3-8315 OPJ'.S "'I'lL tt 2" E. 4TH ST., .LON& lEACH 01 CAll LON& lEACH 72121 Parment .. ru help )'Ou beat lalbtion on this l ·bdnn. ranch lt)·le hoUS4."'. Lar-.e patio, double ~rar. Jn exc.~uah-e Ba,y ~- $1 ~ 500 Paymect.a ~. 1i.k rent Stanley Hadfield ~ ttl lla.dlle ............ IIArtlGr • If )OU Na\• wantro a pro- perty cl~ 10 the ()C(>flJl in t he best f.<'<'ttvn of Corona del Mar ... where )OU can l>nJO) a well buill. Kmart.. mo- c:k>a-n, furnished !·bedroom hon.e and ha\e room to ex- pand into 4 Income units on 60 f(.oet of fronta~e at a pri~ ~Jo" mar kct . . SEE or CALL- Earl W. STANLEY Realtor Ill} CCJUt Bhd.. COM BAriler U7f Cute 2-bedroom co~~fw­ ru.,hC'd .:-. ol'f' Joe. !! --F ull price . ..~,....,...,... "!:Set tt>a h urr) on this one" We belif>\e we bave the best bu> s m CDM Let l' Show You , .. SIO Cout Bhd. ,.,. ( orou .,.. liar BAY !'earl) new bay front triplex on U do Isle. Two 3-bedroom urut and one 1-bed.room. 3- car ga ra gf>. ~ood construe- lion. One unit available to ne\\ owner. $47,500 Reasonable down payment. ~hown by appointmmt only. l ll! N.wport •v.t. HArt-!H2 Newport ... dt IISUIIICE FlJ'e •• Aato -UaiiWtJ -ll.a- rt.De -PolJo -Glaae -Acld-- deat -\\'orkmea'a Ooalpee- • Uoa ---BOIUis ---Ete. INI!IURE I N 'I'DIE Wlftl ... ,., .... INSUitANCE BROKERS l 02 Main $~ Balboa. HArbor 2014 PRIVATE MONEY to Loan on Real Eatute Only E. A. CHRISTY 205 No. Bay Front, Balboa Island Ft"LL PRI<JI: Nf"W t·Bfodroom HOlM, 1 Wk. from IW't'IIIID a ... , RA !~S!. E' f'-r. fiA 211 •-K Your ITIIEIAIEI DeGler • SALfS • SERVICE * PARTS JoeNickera w~ had hoped to present 1D I hav<' thr•ClOPY pnopal'f'd lot the of full ooean vif'w fhi"'\\Ch col- this week's EMiJ:n, a photo-print~·n. 1bl.s holM wfU ~ ol-ol"t'd plate glass 1\.o •turic· . " ph or one or w finHt Cf't"t"d Cor sale ln t~ rw:rt l.tau.! 3 tK>drooms. 2 • batba. liWlk e-n homes m COM for aale-. But of thill nE'\\ paJX'r ex.cJu~h-ely. U\int; room. t>U\ & " t dt>dc5 d~ to un!ores<"'.'n o rcum-j Th•· propeny con1pri O\--er loolung tuwat d m Pedro and s t.an.cf's we v.~ not abll" to 3 \t 5Q. rt. -v.i th appro . 100 ft. Laguna. - BE SURE TO LOOK FOR THIS NEXT ~ • \\'r do M\f' ..,.,,.,.., >p4'(•lllJJ,· lu"· Jtrh•o-4 llotn4'• fm• toJtlr . • Al'iO tiK'OttH" pmprrt ~ ---~a.n \1M~. ..,_, • • • n-w f of f'OU,.....). \'~ 1-.,.,. or m•W~-. COlONA DEL MAl PIOPEBTIES ..._.rt B. L,._ ... B~lf'1t L L,._. &ealtera 411 eoa.t BouJeYGI'd CORONA DEL MAR FurmbouM Motel IIA&BO& Ltn IIA&BOR 1011 now &\'81lablt-a t t'ithPr ornce. liTTLE ISU• Wrll baUt f-bfodroom, le 1r baUI laOIIW' Ia •ulet locatJ(ID a.Dd v.1t.ll ,..x~t-t '1-· • • • l !!' fNetaCf' oe dtf' 'W'lller -• • larll:f' .... dfoc'k -• • !-car prap. ('an f'•!lll~ w ~­ ' f'rt.NI to a daplf'~ 11 Mtlln'd. PriN-4 $27 ,s. Tf>mt_ll ·~ : , I . Lot So. 15: frontage 85 feet. ocean and j(>tty view .... priced at . IAt S o. 1.!1: frontage 81 ft.-Outstanding \iew of ocean and brea kers ... O\'erlooking Llttlt> Corona $10,S. Beach ... priced at . . ...... . .. . Th~ are the choice lots a\·a.ilablt> In S HOR E CLIFFS. Owner anxious to selL ... Teri'TUl can be arrangl.'d See PIICE T. Mc:COIS110N 58S Oout Jlli=._ HArl»oT '7 OWNER MUST SELL AT ONCE ....._. takes him elsewhere. K•t 8an1n~ nlce duplex. near shopping center. $1 ~ S. Thill week .. ... ---····· .. .. or I:K>st ofrer takes It .. I -...........,._ ertcl 1011 a ttt O..t 81" .. COM Wa --A11ocietes HAftor Ht! -RAnor L811 • IEALTOI • IUSINUS OPf'OITUNITIES • SUMMa lENT ALS ~--1121 c...t ...... c.-. ., .... , Autumn Centet Pieces $3.00 & up &o..,. by Moni SOt £. ..... IW. ...... HMier 107'0 "Lookultt in tht>r'f' won't find a bt,t~ er {or our lots. Let 'a hurry O\'er to Fitzmorris Rl'al t r Co." •3 It -t lot-. IDC'I~ C'Ora~. 18.000· REALTORS • BUSINESS BROKERS H. H. HOLBROOK Depeodable PlumbiDg A Prompt ltepelr Servle@ -llain ta1ned ..._, ...,._ lUI-W 1101 ...._ Blvd. Newport BMdll PAINTING Earl Shetlin !71 Palmer l!lt.. -v..ta liMa BJDaaoe IU1-II RUG & UPHOUTERY CI.EAMING • 0. ..... •wen~ •oooY llft'DU<*8 Call IIArtler-18M ,.,. lk'S te !II v...t ..,..._ C.... del ..,. HARBOR TRANSFER-BE 6927 Want acll make eYef7dili UviDI euler. Many a want Ia tllle4 throuch uee ot a u.ne or two. ............ 1174'=' COI'I'A IIICIA • iD Coroaa del Mar Attra.ctl\'e 2-bd.nn. home oo R-2 lot, enclost'd patio, bar- tx'qUI'. peet> in front to build addJuonaJ dwr JUnc $9,750 Ternw E.o\JlL CIIAJIBI',IUAIS -Oeut ..... n R.BOil !tal O ppj)s:te the .... Conrne 4.1 • For Sale I STERLING gilt pieces : Pickle fork $3.72; SUE;Ilr lOn[t, $3.72; ptt' St>n r. $4.t 5 ; oh"~ handle salad set $10.90. All tax Incl. ~th Thomas Metronomes. Wal- lare C'aJd,•rh('ad. 817 Coast Blvd., Corona d I l\Jar. :\1AG:\1FJCE~'T EIE"ctric Organ Rt"possP st>d. Big saving. A ba r~ain or a Jlfetimc. Terms. DA.."\Z-SCH~UDT P I A N 0 &: r IRGA=-: CO. 520 No. M:ain, cor . 61 h . .:antn Ana. LOST G<-ntleman's Bulova wrist wa tch in CDM. TUt-$. Sept. 4. Rt>ward 1006 Coas t Blvd .. CDM. HArbor 2452. l ~elluneous . .... HARBOR TRANSFER-BE 6927 S.'l A MONTH rf>nts :t good plano. All rent tt llowed wh('n you buy. DA:-.iZ.SCHl\UDT PIANO CO .. 520 !'\o. Main. Cornt-r 6th. Santa Ana. DRES MAKING & ladles' a ltera- 1 tlons, by apt. only. 407 39th St., Nwpt. Isla.nd. NB., HA 1137-R. REUABLE mJd-aged lady, CDM, will do baby sitting, day, wk., or stay overni~ht. HArbor 143 . AVAILABLE for baby sitting. ~ liable. HArbor 1347-W. TRADE your old piano on El<-etrlc Organ. Piano or Tt'levisjon. Blg- ge t cash allowanct>. DANZ.. SCHMIDT PIANO CO., 520 N. Main, San ta Ana. KEYS -Maae While you wait. Tommy's Shop, Po.t Office Blk., Corona del Mar. TRADE In your old watch on a new Elgin or Ha mil ton. Wallace C'..alderhead, 817 Coast Blvd., Corona del Mar. NEW LOCAtiON! ..... ,, ....... OED MAID&: GEAR , / .. Tlaumday.BeFIInw 13. 1151 lleall'.tolal.&......... j PLEASANT ROOM, comfortably I rurn Prh•. bath, convenJent Jo- N Uon. Refs. t>xch. 5M ~ Marl-~ ~o;old, COM. HA "2853-R. BACHELOR APARTMENT 21 rms. fum &>p. ent. So. of Hwy . .,. ncar hoppin~ center, COM. BEacon 5451-W. Call week days \VA:'\TED A ~ tenant for a•- uac. spacious 3-nn. furn. water- front apt , $65 mo. )T. 'round. t:til. pd. 213 Grand Canal. Bal- boa tile.>. HArbor 761-R after 5. FURl\:. 2-BR. duplex. Avail. SepL 23 521 Marguerite, CD-;.::;..:M.::;=......,...-=-= WI:'\"TER RENTAL-.. Mod.. redw'd home on Ba1 P n. Fum. 2-B.R.I Cirepl .. brldst. bar. copper hood; fenN!'d patio, bar-1>-q. $90. 2022 ~llramar. TRinity 9s.t9. FOR RENT-Large 2-bd.nn. apt. :'lllcely turn. End patio, gar. 604•~ Narcissus. COM. HArbor 0364-J. WI!\'Tt:R RENTAL-3-B.R. fum. apt.; pleasant, comfortable. $45 mo. 221 Pearl, Balboa Island. l'NFliRN. 2-bdrm., home. COM. ~c-ar school. Yr's le~. $85 mo. A vaal. Sept. 15. RA 379-M. :--"''' rw•r' kl• a :"-h r;1~, .. •r,• 1 \1~111r-d thr ·•• po&- .. t.llall•~-. e' k~611on, lor • ·•tball d n"'.POc1" h r :\• "' JlUrl ttl" oot·mer Ha~~'ard I.umhl1 Co liP the Alt't h. •• ck •J! tl• "'n'JCf '-latian at Balb«oa Bhd 1tnd {'r~t H1 "J~ tnd 'h·· • u .. ,, 1l)' pan t•f 1he 1ld wadme pool in W£'-t N t>wport. Th~· r• q 1•-' .• ._,. 1 ttk"n under , ·ud) b~ t hf· Paa k C'.omrru ston , "hil'11 ''all lu tn' submat a rPCOm· rnt>"ldataon tr) Cit~ <"'t>unCJI Ft:R:'I<. STliDIO cottaste for rent; farepL, ~ blk. from ocean; $65 }T 'round. All utils. pd. HArbor t-n9-M FOR R.El\'T -1-bdnn. apt .. large la\' rm. & star. Yrly rental. 704 1~ Heliotrope, COM. Comma.; aun('r Sfanon IJodd ~ l•"r'f d on thP ,.um.mer N-CreatJon rm::.~::ram tatlng that almo t 7,000 <·hildr•·n "f'rt' tr<llt ported by bus ro th,. school pla~grounds. Th~ N d a•,, n.t .,, wa 14i ctulciren per day, 11<1t uwludm~ the musac PTOJ;n.m. Mrs. Harvey a me ~~ -· ...... "', .... , 175 ... Fl'RX. ROOM with sep. ent. and prn·. bath. Yrly rental. K(.'y at T'"1 umde-nllfit-d lJ v} s " ,, • .• President of Panhel 41:1 Poln'Wt tia CD:\1. _::.,:,,.:.;::~::;:..:;:;;:~--=--=--1 •••'rtl!·.; "undA\ afl••rno .. n 10 11 BAY FRO:\'T APT.-) hte. bdrrn. 1wat··dt<l\\1lUHiof 17-~Nu...,ld l).,"l.' unit. rmv. bt>ach, $75 winter, 11nnhn ot 13!i \\' Filt h ~~ :-'ar r t ,1,,. R:nmund K· 1 l·l<u'•'• ,..,._ _____________ _ lightly high(>r by yr. Also 2-Ana. K ; p.a L., f1., •lumna~'. wa nam(>d bdrms . 2 bath-.,_rirt'pl. !125 win-Pull~ \\Q:, '-\\lmman.. Ill lhl• .tr'' lJi t''-ldt•nt or 1111 llad)(>l Pan- IC"r. Avail.· hy yr. HArbor 2552. r)Ct•an n<'IH lith St. "tth ht'l ~Y hl•llt>ntc ~tnl: nrc~r 11,..d n 1 h" Eve : HArbor 2914-M. trlt'nd and ,,as cau5:h1 in a rtp-1, 1 TO Jl:~E 15-2-f>tory home, furn. lid•· Sht• , houtt>d for h••lp and t )lhf'l' ofl,l'''l, n~<mt•d 111 th•• :-:e-w, ciPan , 3-bdnns plus studio. I tY.O bo\" '''am out to h,•r wath a rTw• 110, •. Yo huh ,,.lf, h•ld •. ,,1 "'~'- 2 baths, firepl., panel ray, dis-r·ub""r.hlt r·al l and lrl·tdt'f! hPr nn..: 11 th c01 ,,na dd :'\hi C"nn.- posa l 229 P "arl &lboa Island onto tho t,oll ~hr· ~>UIIt tt-«1 "'' Ill muntl\ Chutrh Hall ut• :'\ln. ::0.1ar- I~Day Tena ill Narcotic Case A 1 '-du ~ J3 il .. , ·n · ,..nr··· ~' .. , F l'R:". GUEST HOUSE, suitable It fl,'<.ll'. 110 :'\tan.:old Z••t-t T·tu AJph" a' for 1 o r 2 adults. 421 Heliotrope, -.11 111 , .... id£·rt \tr' Ttoma' Fro"'· B~~~rr:!~:bdrm..Pt.l Benefit Set 1,~. e ... P~l ~'',.'t'('O~~n~l! '{~~·~ 1 , • t,, <"'tl\ .'ud'!e Ft )nk Llnnt>ll Fnd~' tn Rnn1ld ' \\'Path• rbif' I~ 1 . ;;: "a' t \\ I.e• t>ad p l''hJ"'<! ~'IIIII, to ·• ll tl.!t" nt Ill£ .at po • ,, • ..,.,, ··tt ": b< n'•·dnn• Bay View. 1V &: Benc1ix, $95.1 1 ,, 1 , • "'; ~1.10ndmc .,,-crt'· Also 2-bdnn.' apt., rum., large F T da 11 • 1 '· r. • 1 Nm \\ tlhanu: fenced yard. b&rbeque, $75. 109 or ues )' . lt;t t.. ..... U.I<t. <t:.O •rC"B"UJ r Park Ave., Balboa Island. HAr-'~''~<' L:toup nr•'fl to l'Qiltinu.- bor 2694-J. Of>lta Gamma Sorortt} Alum-"' .... ~ ,.,. ·.. •'<'<ond Wt·dn•·"-l~. COM, reu. rents; new nat> ptnlanthropic project. a nur-• , • ... 1 lllUutn at thf' church 1-& 2-bdnn. a pt&., ultra modem. ser} school {or ,1 uaUy handicap-I hIll TJ,,. C'llnblltutton and b~ -law Ocean view. HA 1671. tX'd childl t>n, \\Ill r.x'l'i\l• a bt~ \\o ,,. unanimou ly aooptt>d ~tr.. t t!' l't'r l~t•tn Po lorr had ar- 11·-.r.•d \\'t>ath• h1• '~PI 1 10 B: I· boa. ,., ~txt h "'t and Balboa Blvd Tl .. 't 111 rh•m• d h,.. "1' '-•''l.rrh- tn .... ,,1 1 " rw b« t 'l• .n th• rlt.\H•r t).>d 1 11 • 1<."1'r Pollom round mari- JII8lllt m tht• "llllur' C'>tr anrl al o dhC'u\ ••r.•d a bottl(.' \."'Otlilltllnl! i2 bt rv•-rlrtn• tabl~>t5. an th£ llo"t-r bt'(! \\'!'8 tht I btl? 'tlt n It'\ 1'<1 ,f'd anoth1 r h1d1n~ pl!iN> nPar 'h(.' FOR RENT-Fum. atudlo apt. boo-.1 Tuf d1~ when the Oran~t> \l lll"nld wa, d l<'..:ah-d tu ur.: an- Will accorn. 2 adulta. Cl<Mle to Ce~unt} Branch of the runt~ 11•· hn .. •··~~ rommit''" ... bay &: ocean. P1eu.. IJW'1"'UDd. pon-.ors a brwlch and b r 1 d I! (' Summer or yrly rental, 307 Gold-p.~a } at the-~lboa Ba~ Club at enrol. COM. HArbor 1046. 11 a. m She.> ~hop 10 Ralbtn \\,II Cancer Fu---'-J OFFICE or STORE space tor rent. ~lrt·-..•n t fa hion<.. JUL 700 Carnation. Corona del Mar. :\1 rs II PIHnt• Tha~l'l ol B.ilboa • \n·hr, ,,,·erpa' ; "hPrt> po I i c t:' found 1no ht•r hottl! and can etn· t;unan. f)('llZ+-'dnn• 1011 mar .Juana 1 FOR RENT 1, pr~"ldl•nt · of the.> !'>pono;onn~ Be f • G • BIDlGALOW APARTMENTS I X'Itd Gamma C'haptt>t "-""'"'In~ ne lt f,Ven ht·1• on 1 he part) lit'l' )1t s. llarold I Beautifully fum., ~ Uv. room lfan 1·~. \!r,., John ~·iger. :'\ln •. with fireplace, bdnn . kitchen· Jam.-Ra) a.nd \Its" Lois Bard Harbor ar('a rc~ad nt. . ftstun $9(.50 in Money Bag Is Stolen at Merle's .-\ mnN•\ ba,: con:aininst Sll4 :>0 ,,•ft lot Ct\-P mmut~ tn 1 ht• kJI(·h(.'n Thur-.dtn 10 Grauf'l Chafl{'l Co<.tR dd ,, .. ;. "8" '-l(ll£>n Sa11111b~. "'•t:ht :'\tana~Pr \\'a~ mt.>r PPif~ told noltcP. He said h(' had rc- t'<'i\ t>d 1 h•• m'Jnt''' frnm ont> e>f r hP <'Ill hop!.. left rt on !\ "'ll'Ml tahlt> rn lh<' kllCh<'n 101 1 \\hilt> bt•: .. rt" t •• krnt.: '' to the ~re and whill) h<' \\ 1S CCtn• t ht> t hdt C\CCllrTt>d ette. Summer rate by day, • pmmrnt•ntl~ tn the bwldin~ <;>f week or month. j rund.s for a cant't'r rt'SC'arch unrl l ""A ~~t 81~gusEco'!OTELHA 1063 Return HO'fl'e t>o•1nh dl'' t'top;-d m n'C<'nt years ~ vuaa .. .._. -~~ at th{' l'nl\f'f"ll~ t1f C'Ahforma at FURN. APTS a: rooms. Ideal ha.r-1 • • Lo"~ Anr.t'<'les ~~c~~ S:e~&w~n~~n\~ From Hawall p~~\rs l:u:~~~~~~::. Rdl:~~o~1 o~d~ a ls . 1414 Seavie-w, COM. H.A bt·nf•fit lunchron and fa!lhlon event 1456. J1..1ck 1 o~lll t1 1h1•ar Corona del lx•me ~tn•n ll)(i:t~ at tht> Be\t>rly Fl 'R.N. APTS. for rent. See Lou~ :'\t;u hm 1 • )Jr ·.nd )J .-.. Har-I hlh Hott'-1 b\ 1 h1· Books and Au- ise Apts. first. Dbla a: singles. old oa" •· ~ .1 , •. ,r in the Ha-t hurs .. \\llh )tl .... H t>ll'n R Gmin, Services Are Held overlooking Bay. 308 Carnation, wahan 1 .. '""' of Holl"''ood F Mrs. Ch J 59 Corona del Mar. Tht>' h .. I lt•ft h•1 the l,lands Amo~~ tht• parrvn.-. ar~ li ted Or are. fa om \\'illllllll .. tun rn \u .. :ust ol 1.ast :'\It s. Robr-1 t :'\trtLIE'r jr. and ~Irs. F unrral ~pn·i<'t?" \\.Pr£' hPid la<:t Help Wanted . . )tiD -AGED hs<'kpr. • companion. ~l('{>p in. Rer. req. Write Box S-1 c o The E'nsl~. 1104 Coast Bl. Corona del Mar. SALESMEN-We ha\·e an oppor- tunity for salesmen who are ln- tf.'rl'sted in WORJ{ING and also in makln~ OVER $400 per mo. \\'c ha,•e openings ror both men and women. U do Eleetric Co .• 516 Coast Hwy., Newport Beach. BEacon 5!l05. . Wanted \ t·ar and lit p·ut••d I 111m Honolulu Arthur A. Schmidt Clf Balboa I.s-Thur,da\ in Gmut>l Chapel. C'o~l.i on \\'('dnt•Mh.' ol la.,l w~k h> re-land. )Jr ... \\" rd :'\1 Rolland who \tp a ,, I :'\lrs C'f'<"ile F lorenN.' turn hC't<' al.o ha~ a Balbna !.;)and hom•. •~ Cha• ,.. Vt \\ 'u' diPd :o;unda~ .:":l'pt Thev \Ot PI ablt tn do a lot of on thl' l'('('f'(liiOn <'t•mmtttt't' :.! . ..tl twr honlt' 2()3'\ Harbor R.\d tr·an•lin~ ''hal<· 0\1·1 lht•tt'. tx>cau.se n nP of thl" l:tblr of local rt'!l-C'o'-'tll )!('.,:'!. In~rrm<'nt Wll5' in thl'Y had t ho•u· own C"at Mr . Da-dt•nst attcndinc th;• !-how mcludl' \\'t' ... tmtn ... rt>• \IC"mon.H P:lrk ,. dt>\Ott'd con ldNable time to ;\Irs Port••r ~INI.nr. :'\Ir-s 11 ne~ ~h.-1, -<ttni\NI b~ hl'l huo:banti. h1 hobb) of photuJ:raph~ · and Somer<;. :'\Irs u•u1 ... ('<:f'nar. :'\Irs Albt-rt C'hitriP, thrl'f' !'On.... Don :'\lr·o;. Da\'1<~ 1au~h1 English in a L A. :'\toor<'. )!1-..: Charlt•<; l'll· Charlf' d Corona df'l :'\t.u md 1..••<- .,chool on Otll' ot I lw i&lanru. '" PX-man. :'\tr !> eat h~>nnE' K t('St rt·. ::0.1 rs. t ('r llllli L1nn1 I C'ha rl1 "' C(l .. ta chanct' with a h'ach~r who took ,.,rman Hact·n and "t"ll. Charlc~ \tesa .. 1nd a daughlt'l 'II"' l'l· m t•r tlt'r cJa,o: in LunJt Brach. Mrs. llalf'y •'ant•r·r H.udt n or :"t>" \'~o• k n a, i ha nu\\ rr .. umcd hE'r ll'aCh-John II Put>h ••I Cnrnn·\ dt>l tnJ: dullt', Il l tht Lon~ Bf'ach ;\Jar is a m••mh. t ••I thl' board of ~t·hool. dlt-ffiors for th•• C'a1ifnrma ln!'ti- 1111£' f,,, C'ann • P.P .. ('Art'h Red Cross Meetinq Set for Wednesday :"\ P\\ port Harbor Branch Red XOTI<"E OF RE.~RIXG ,~ro ~ m1 mbt'no ar" 1~kf't! '• ,-,,•) :'\otiCf' is hereby ~ven that the New Leade· rs HArbut• 1 ; for d!nnf'r r(' .• n <I-COM HIGH SCHOOL ~irl for 1~ PlannmJt Commi.,o;ion or the C'Hy 110ns fe>1 annual meoeti.n~ of Sou- hi'S afl£•r school for cleaning. of :"f'wport BcaC'h "ttl h(lld a pub-thE'rn c lr.ln£1 Cnunt~ Chnpt••r to Ot'(''S Beauty Salon, 1415 Coast lie ht•a rinl{ on lh(' a pplic;aut.)ll ot For Marr·ners bt> held \\'('dnf's¢n at thl' Y\\'C'A Bhd., COM. HA 2187. Wm Bickley tor a Vartancc on 1411 :-.; Broad\\a~·: Sat~nta Ana bf>. ELDERLY single lady wants 1 or Lot 12. Block 3. 5ection Ont>, Bat-~nnin~ Itt 6 :30 p.m 2 bdrm. house. So. s1de of Hwy., 1 boa Island 019 Garn('t Avt>.l for Resl~1a lion of thf' Girl !'cout • TopiC' Clf dio;cu<:'-icm will bt• tht> COM F um. or unturn. Penna-t•cllt•f from strict applicatlt•n _of :\1arincr''l ~kiptX'r. :'\!1. Tl'd Ham-plaCf' ,,, A.ment';w R· d C'1·o,s m t ·HArbor 2793-J or Laguna St><'lton 910~.~ of ()rdt{lnne'C> :"\o hmok. Y.a:-1nn•'unCf'd th1' wr('k <'1\·11 ddt'nSt>. Chaptt•r Chatrman ~~2659. 63!'1 lrom :'\'cwpon Harbor Garl ~cout \\'tlham K. Llndsa~ ~onnounN"o POSITION wanted as medical re-Notice is hereby further gl\·en Hc.>adquartcr!>. alone "ith tht• re- ti . t full or part time. Ex-that said hearing will be held on 1 tir('m<'nt or hPr t''\) rn~tt>~ \t~ Clasa in Psychology cep_ 0~· Labuna 4-4257. the 20th day o! Septcmber. 1951 Kt'nneth Start>~:(' a11d :\Irs tl. G For Every Day LiW..: .. q penen · at the hour of i :30 P . M. m thE' S ut>ss. · u.u Council C'hl\mlx>rs of thf' Cit) HaiJr The nt>w offiC'I"'rs about to S~"t ..\ clo ..... in · ~ychol01:y for E'\'p~· Ensign Classlll~ adl ha"t~ j NE'Y.,>..1\'t Beach . California. at I sail on this \t'ar·s \0\8~(' llf ship dRv h\im: .. t!> mcludl'd arnt,nl' tnt' a proven means or reaching ..._~ .. Y.'hlch time and place any and all ·Naiad" are· Mrs. AI Rylf'tt as ,.,1~1r c~ c.ff<'N'd "·' lht> 0t•tnC:t' CO«' aU 10rt.1 or me~Uw persons Interested mn) appror and .;kipper ond Mrs L .• T Ta~ lor and Coa. t Fvl'ninc Colk~t> th1' hll tbernl Phone Harbor 11l4. be heard thereon . :'\11·~. Paul )tartln Mi Carol Th<' <'h.,(' .. hi c-1 ., ,. \\l'tK Ray Y. Copelin, Secretary Clark \1.111 at.c:o assHH the marin-1'\.J('sd<t) ~ 7 t(1 a f1 m At thl' Hunt-Vera Williams Th .. Park C'ommt'i!1ton also hearc1 /.I pc.• • • "n Gt'(Jrf..: p Wilson 1 and T. C t o~··r l•l the HowUng G1 t-('11 A.-. ... uda taon who empha-~,•·d the ' ~1 JP t t rt'tasnU'\j; tht> boY. lint! ~r. fn1 rduJt recf'ea· •ton, AAUWParty To Be Sept. 21, A !!H-:lcquamted" pany fC'r lw\Ot ~nd pro. ()f'<'ll\ (' members or the Amencan Association of t.:ru-"'''~it\ \\',lmf'n ~ta Ana and 1 r.,. l..f' Cowl\ Branch. tc planned to ,.. p m Frtda} St>p 21. at •hr Ebfoll C'lub ol :o-anta Ana, Hadx)r .trf'a "orren tntt>rv· ... tt'd an .Cf1har nt: \Otlth .\AL'\\' arf' ,_, k•>d I n c:tll :\frs Robr>r1 Leinau nf Ralboa Island. HArbor 3117-W. n. tdf ... J t-r J!('OPra I mnn hl~ '"h 'mel' thf' AAt \\' has a num- I>Pr of IUd\ .!'t'C't,uns 8\ail<tblt> to mt>mhftr hip includint: book rf'- ' P\\ round table ere at 1' • arts . \\ ·r'tnJ.'. drama, home mtP ts. mu~ic and mtemntiol\81 r-.•htion.c: A :o.f>f'<'la I t'<'' inn f~.; h('ld ror rf'- t•n· JrraduatP-. )1r A H C"olon~ 111..~ of San~a Ana ... !"h-"tnn.:tJl of • hr op.-ninc pert~ · OCC Sets Open House For its New Library Uran>~· ( "-'~'t Colle~t' ha f'X· 't?ndr-d an 1m ita lion to all resi- dent_ nf th(' Junaor Coll('l:t' D1ct· ~net to a~ tc•nd the OPf'n hous<' and df'di<'a llon or 'hf' newly complet~ llbrar~ bulld1n~ at 7 'VI p. m. \\'f'dn('sda~ -------(;r&"'T PRE \CHER A t'\lt' t paE'aCh<'r \\ rll delivpr r he Prmon !'unda' 1 • · h• Balboa I -.land C'ommum 1\. \f • t h o d I s t Chur('h "hilt' Or Harr' \\'hite rN!tl1ar man1 t~>r "' nn ·"acation fl.~"\ 1nd )Jr., \\'tute AN' "Pt'ndinst 'I f"" da~.., ir r.J ... ndale \ !'f'O~TU"\' \ \CATIO "\' )lr nd ::0.! ~ Harold W tlhel.my of Cornna liP! :\tar havt> rf'turtlE>d from an ractlt-da~ \8Mlton :u F a!(' .. Hot ~pr nc ... 111 th(.' Hlch -t£'ITih. Th(•\' <H t oY. n(',... of Dt-P's Bf.aut~ :::.al,ln ,.r;d Ifltmld' Bar-ht-r.:t~op in 1h P•~tl'hPr Rutldin~ GAROt:X 'tT T IO' Rf"..(;("\'-. Fall dnd "' nil'! ·prj, n111c "'n 1\f' 1 ht ctuh;IN'' .( 'I 1·1 1.. ·., hr-m' f'n \\ Pdn· 'dr~~ h' GIHd.1, "•1• man of '\:orm ,,..·, '\ ...._, n , l. Lrst ltlt:'t 111 o: "' 1 }1, Eho • • ; • rti• " :'t>e· r1\ln Th,.. ~ •'•'' 10 • , '' h1-dull'd lnr J:! ~' p nt .• !\ '· • k Junrl· at •h(' Fh. 'I <l•Jh Hn•1..., rn Ralboa Yll!l ~ Till I You \·e swampe-d us •\·1•h cus':>Ir. orders No• we ere brir~girtg you • ~fW liNE o• NEWPORT BEACH CITY t'r$ in their nautical acti\iti<'$. ln~ton Rt>ach Hospitality Hou..~ P LANNING COMMI~ IO=" Mrs Hambrook Jed the group and Wt'dn("<;da~ i tt1 ~ p n• " 1 Publ' h · Sept 13 1951 nf hi'th-chool a~p 'itr for fourth(' C"o:.ta ~l<'.ll C'ommur•t~ . thts NeUJnt\~t Harbor Enstgn 1 )cars. 'he is continuing on as C'"hurC'h l nstrUC'IOr will bo• n.-R ~ Member of M. T . A. •••dy-noede I LOUSES. 3" ,,,,.cl hm .... , .. TM.eher of PIANO anct VOICE Spedal Train1nc for c:h.lJdren. llJ" ltlarlne Ave. Balboa laland tn e .. ..., . . I NXlnd d pUt) of the-local Girl =--Dt><:t>nbt>r~ or Co n, t'tl \fa• n.I.E ENSIGN ' ::,C'out Council. Mrs Staree;e has formt>r instru<'tnr ftl hiC'I !'tatt' Lee I.IIIIIJ lrl1111la ' resigned to beco~ field di~tor I Uni~·erslt.\ and memb4-r of th~ P\tiy-1 Now often~ of the Long BNch Council, a pro-C'holo.Ocal Dh-t.Jon of tM Air Job Pr1ntlnl FadiU. r Sonal Scout worlm'. Corpe durina W<>rlc1 War t1 '-----------.......; II 06 Coe.t lloo'4l. C... 4.f M•r A grand Ice cream parcy on Sautrday will finl5h orr the yca1· for the Balboa Anallng C ub Klds' TounuunenL Trophies will be awarded at t.M party, whlch will be&in at 2:30 p. m. at the Ameri- can Legion Hall, 15th and Bay in Newport. Parents aa well u the partici· pants, b0y1 and girh under 16. are invited to the wind-up party. Many pri2H ar e being donated by local merchants for the affair. Art Johnson of the Balboa Anglers hu cbarge of the fete and will br as- alated by a commlttt>e of Newport Lady Anglers, headed by Jane Groenendyke. Dr. Garich Opens Office in CDM Dr. D. J . Gerich has opened an office for t.M practice of optom- etry in the Gallagher Building, 204 Coast Bl\•d., Corona del Mar. He had pre'iously been associated in practice with Dr. H . J . Wilcox In Santa Ana. specializing ln viaual training and orthoptics. He is a graduate of Pacif'ic Uni- versity in Forest Gro\'C. Oregon. receiving his bache1or of adence in 1949 and his degree of Doctor of Optometry in 1950. He had · fint become acquainted with the Harbor AN'a when he was sta- tioned a t the Santa A:na Artily Air Base as an aviation cadet. He had two yearii of sen•ice with the U. S. Air Force during World Wa r D, in the capacity or spedal services technician. He is a member or Omega Ep i- Jon Phi, national professJonal hon- orary fraternity, and ot the Am- erican, C&lifomJa and 0 r a n g e County Optometric Associations . Locally he is deputy warden in the Chil Defenlit' organization. and chairman or the health and wel- fare committl'E' or the Balboa Bay Lions Club. Dr. and 1\lrs. Garich liH~ at 711 1~ Goldenrod Av~ .. Corona del Mar. ' &ORTEN \'ACATIOX The Thomas KeJlys of Corona del Mar cut tht-lr vacation i~ the mountains short because of the LU-ness or Mr. Kt'il,y. However, he is J'eCO\'ering hls health. MOVE TO LITTLE IS LAND The Chip Cleary famH.y, who have been living at 1602 Pacific Dr., Corona del Mar. are now at 1602 Balboa AH•. Little Island. RNumins;:-to th 1r home, vacated by t he Clearys, are Mr. and Mrs. A. 0. HO\·ey, "ho had been living in their Los Angt'l<'s hom!' fot: !:e'- eraJ months. FURLOl'GH 0 \T.R P fc. Bundy Elwood Chambel· lain has returned to hts headquar- ters at Randolph Fi ld, Texas. alter spending a two-wt>ek fur· lough with his ramHy at 428~ Marguerite Ave .. Corona del Mar. A NEW MR. SMITH •.• ANOTHER SAVINGS PLAN! I t's lt'7t ... 1.-Aor -.. a eoa. hila • llar7 ........ 1ft ... ·---.are~p*a l!a ..... .... at N POin' a&UIOA ..-..u.t It .. , ...... •..P CIOIIep. ... "'"' .. __ ._ ... .... Jlwl u•en·c awar for ro-......_ .. ~ ...... ~ .................. ! DmdeDCia Cumtntly 3% ~r Annum Miss Cosner WiU Wed Giles Brown ~ot a ll collt>ge romances al'e stu- dent affairs. Announcement comes this week of th~ 'proposed Decem- ber marriage or faculty members of the OranRe Coast College staff. Dr. Giles Brown. chairman of t he Social Science Divi ion, will be wed to Mjss C'rysta Beth Cosnl'r. librarian, it is announc<'d bv lh<' future bride's pnr•t•nts, Mr~ and M1·s. C. B. Cosner of G a r d e n Grovt>. Dl'. Dt·own i~ th~ son of Dr. and Mrs. A. Watson Brown of National City. ------ In,itations have been issued for Preeent at Thllnlday's meeting the Junior Cotillion of N~,ort were Mrs. Arthur Kramer, co- Harbor, and the organizatjonaJ chairman; Mrs. A. W. CrlRU, Mrs. committee of patrons met Thurs-John Foster, Mrs. Geo~ Gut.hrle, day for luncheon a t the home of Mq_. Ceorge MJchaud and Mrs. Ms·s. George Michaud, Lido Isle. Irvfrijf WatcMI-. Ot.Mr patrons Mrs. Betty Jarvis is chairman of are Mrs. Ronald Barlow, )Irs. th<> patrons for the ballroom dane-James Beattie, MJ'I. Joteph Fer- In):: clauea composed of chlldl'en gUaOn, Mrs. Donald Gates, Mrs. in the sixth. seventh and eigllth Norman Halft\. Mrs. E II nor grades. , H uycke, K n . T. Weston J~, Krs. AJ; in previous years the Cotil-John .lwpawon, Mrs. Ed Milum, lion wlll meet at the Newport Mr«. H.-rt Perry, Mrs. Mort Ha rbor Ya cht Club b<'glnning No-Porteous, Mrs. Robert Reed a nd ,·ember 21, with Miss G. Virginia Mrs. George Ward. · Gollatz In charge and instruction by G. Robert GoUat~. There is a small waiting list for the group but there may be vacancit'S in the future, according to Mrs. J arvis. Dr. J. H. McCloskey CHIROPRACTOR 1\ffi. and MRS. ARVO HAAPA Publishers of The Ensign This is to express my personal a ppreciation to you and your staff for the generous cooperation and a si \!t nce In publiciz ing the 1951 Orange County Falr through the columns of your newspaper. BOB MAXWELL Publicity Manager $86 Is Donated By Los Comicos A sum of S86 was turned over to 1 h<' C'or·ona dt'l Mar Church announce~ the opening of his Balboa office on Wednesday, Se ptember 5 703112 (downstairs) E. Balboa Blvd. oppo1ite tl,e minioh;re golf course ·n Bolboo 0 1f.ce Hcufl: I 0 to 6 Wed,e•dey and Sunday f'RlE.,.D n An·; REl':-ono~ buiid1nR fund by Los Comicos, or-. ~.:anltation or young people who U X'AL a ad NATIONWIDE &on l•~ the ~ewport Harbor Art".a (lo. M 1~s Ro!it' Gar·arolo and h\•r m'· :mnually present a back-)ard pro- phew, Frank ~ugt>1· of Alhambra. duct10n for neighbors and friends. spent fou1· da~s l'('C<'ntl) \\lth This ~Nir the program was a mar- .Mr. an.d ::\1rs. \\'a lte>r Wood, 439 ,1onf't iP show and in"tcad or t he carnat1on A\<'. Corona del 1\tar. uo;ual location at th~ J. Leslie AI~ ~ gue~t on Sunda) \\as ::\lrl'. Stf'fiPn!.<'n backyard in Corona del Minnie Shu•ld$ of Los An~<'l(' ::\l,tr. it was producl>d in tht> Ensit:ll This was th<' fir~• reunion in 2:> hurldm~. Tht' sum was the entil·c y~ars for Mrs. Shield and ::\frs. p~o:; of the admission charges. C. E. McNiel G. C. Bennett \\.ood, "ho h:n I" b<-t>n hf('·lon~ 1-:.xpt'ns incurred WPI't' contri-Jtt5 l~r ISh-d.. eo.ta Meea IIEM:Ga 11111 frtends. hutf'd b) members of Lo Comico . !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~llllliiiiilllllllii!l!llll!l!lllllllllll!illll!l!llll .. -------------------------- I; J-.piece fireplace ensemble tflet ,.. .ec+a beeuty end elegenu l Tllis en1ernW. t..clwcle1: two piece andiron set, bran n.. hhed , •. folding black fire 1cr .. n. top ilound, bottom with att,.dive filigree •.• four·piece fi re 1et co~•is'ing of •tend, bru1h, 1hovel. end pohr. eho bran nll• hhed. Buy your ••I duri"9 our "BIG 9 SALE:' Fireplace CURTAIN SCREEN Dhtllldfve ...... • • • ""•···· .. •pvll·cheill" f• ••• ef epee ..... • • • • effilr4• a t reet ~ of ~-.,... flyint aperl11 • • • fits tfle aver•te fiN.. place , , • l rell f111lthed frei'M H4 ..,. taln rnesh •• , Apprepr1ete fer '""-el4 end new horneal ~~tee••• ladlvlfl••lly PrieM 2-Piec• ....... Set S!Mc:el 10e95 Fnlh' ... Ain Heatentte HEATER·F~N ,,,~~ ~ .. ek ftow control puh fan-driven heat lvtt ..._. Y" lied It -in1teni hutint ••• powerfvl ... "'"'"' ti'HMier11 de1l9n -ateble and aafe. Ute It .. floer, ••"'• or even welt •.• u ty te carry ••. lt'a verae+ne -ute It •• • heeter.fell ., fe11 e11ty. fffl. clellt •.• I no W AH hu ter cepe city. J. C. UOMIARGER'S , ..... ""5crMtl s.eca.• $6.9 5 Coroaa del Mar SECOND SECTION An lft<U(Jendm t ~·stxaPa' covering the entire city ol Newpo rt Beach. I< Official N~sf>af>a' of the City of Newport Beach . Thunday. September 13, 1951 Harbor 1114 and 111 S CORONA DEL MAR. CALIF. SCents Vol 4-No. S B\' the time you read th~ I will be gonE" a gain to foreign part s, havin~ spen t thre "(.'('ks here beo- caus<' of lllrwss. The Mexicans t ook ~ood cart' or m<' b ut 1 de- ddC'd tu come back to ·God's Coun- try," th(' ,::ood old l'SA, a nd get Wt•ll. I t took 1,700 mil<>s o{ rl)in~t and a da' and a half "Jthout eatm~:. Mor~ dcdd than aliH• I saw m) cood doctor 10 \\hom, \\lth 8 (e\\ otht'r" J would r.t<t) a dN·p compli- m t>nt IJr Phillip Ba Sl'tt of Corona d('l ltar 1:. thl' ftr::-.t. 01 . Bas!>ett has had t{W patl('nts who had flown l ,7W m tll'!o> to &N' rum; but hl can·. d\ I~ and rC'm1 die not only stopf)('d m~ \lln('!> •. but I began to put un mor·e \\ ('t~ht Dr. Basse-tt lS "··II 1nlurmt..od \lll !I('W dru~ and sc't.'m:-lu kl·~·p up on hts mtodkal rl·.Jd.Jng. I ll '' ut k~ "under~~ for mt> and b to be thanked. pnused T hing:. :"\('wport should know about Anotht>J \\as our new Super- ,., ·or, whom 1 haH' h a•·ul~ en- dot Mod -Hl•ln.z Katser of Bay -hut't' Camp H<' madP mt• happy .,_ELF-EXA..VfS ,os• ''A Sabbath J1a~ S<'I!-Examtna- t ton'' will hP Rev Ht:'rb<'rt C Roth'<t sennon the-me-at th(• 11 o'dock "orshlp st-I'\1CX' Swnday at the:' ~t>wport H arbor t .u th('ran C"hul't'h in !'ic.>\\-port Ht>lt;hts Lukt> U ·t-11 ill the tt>X1. Sundav S<'hool mN'ts at 9 30 a m Thr -Adult BiblE' ~t udy ('lass. taucht b~ thC' paFtor, will di cuss tht• 26th <'haptl"r r•t thr Go JX•I ac-I <"•rdinl.! to St ~1nllhf'\\ th1<. ~un­ day. Th fal"'4\t m a 1..1·ri•· .. of lnll Aibl4' <>tudif' ... "til ~ ino,titut•'d HI fo, thi<~~ , "'nine • Thuf"'dl't~ • 11 t ~ •• Bib If' !'tud\ Hour Tiw LNttr to the Rum:ul·.' \\Ill \)(' th• ! • ,., suhjr'('l for 'tud~. • ~TE\\ .\RO!'tlll' Holli" I.. Amkr,<lll JM<-Inr "t t ht• ~Pvl'nth -D:.,.' A d ' <' n 1 i ' 1 C'hurrh. :-;,." ,,..,,, l ld •hts .m- nhtanN•s that h1~ ,,.,mon at 11 n 'f m Saturda' '''" I}<· on "Chri~ti~n ~tf'wardship" J ''" uh)t•('t wrll f\('RI "ilh all I hi' IRh-nt-; thllt Gnd hn11 irJ\'f'n and wh1rh <.houlrt hi' u<-t"'d in Jljc: .. ,.rYiN' ltmt>, h~>allh r-dU<'at ion. Wlll'f' And mon('}'. and comlortable whtle 1 lived in 'LH·IIT'" rs Tilt: u \l(li'"f:"'"'' Oil<' of ht~oo cottat.,l'l... \\'r ha\1.' had Tht•n .\r• l _1 ,1 " m 1 h• 1 1a rk· ~omt· talks and th•~ '-t"Ctwn of -n~s" ''Ill bo ~· 1 d··~ .... •' ~ m • r. Ontnp• <.:obty hll .. a !!ood man tclpJl' <tl Chns• 1'hu11 h h \ th, ='<'a m a fltXII JO . I Rt•\'. Th"' r1a .. R"' p, nd•·ll ''iII nc-1 84'hm' ha de<'tton I heard stor-rup' · h1 flU I I'll it'S h<> '"as an lf\int' man" and • • QUil t• reC<'nll) hC' \Ot('d a.;ain:.l ·\\'H.\T OF TID: XHiUT~' th m and told his super\lsorial . . . collea ~UPS "hy. Thl') finally . 01 \\ tlham ~1tddl<'mao: '-"til bfo a~>d \\Jth Heinz, \\ho ori~nally an tht• pulpit !'undll~ ·~' . t An- C8mt-from Frankfur1, Germany. ~-t''" Pn-... b~ h •t um < ~u1 <'h . tn 1 "'ll' born and real'('d in London, I ='~"" pnn. H.u~h\~. and _h,... subJ ~t Eng1a.nd . and althou~h Germany "''~ ~ .. \\_atchn~~.' \\ h~t ot 1he has ~n a btttcr foe of En~lal)d ~~~ht . :--tnt('( s and Su n d a~ for man)' ~{oar~. liNn~ ha my :o.dmnl ilrt ,,, lit a m 1Continul'd on P a g<' 101 I • • • How Does Christian Science Heal? <· e •:l'T ~l'E.\KER "'' S D.\ \' Thf'r<' \\ill be a 1:0est speaker .J 1 both t h£'. '<'n lt't.... ~unday at thf' Fi~t &pt1~1 Chun·h of :'\ew· rx•• 1 at 19th and Court Strt'<'lS. :--;und11v School '" at ~~ .t:l a rn. and mtd"•~'k S('rVit't.· \\Ill bt· at 7 30 p. m \\'l'dnt•sda) Th.• Wom n's ~hssionar~ ::-ocicty \\'Ill hold an all da\ m•'('tlm: at the chut 1 h TuPsda~. tK-~i.nn.ing at 10:30 n. m The "onwn ar•' a k<'d to 11.\\'E you to\'f'r woa d e red l'tfrnt• ptc•pat~d tur \\'htle C'roo;s .. f•wult.:. 'flw t """' ::ot·~~ion of t hl' whf'thf'r thl' mf'thod of heali.D.It ,11l-,r•m .. tud~ ('1-1 .. , "111 al'-O '"' dl!lt"ft"~'• o\ c>rt.•omlnt JMI\'r rty , and h··ld 1 ht•n. llttdet tlw h'ndPt .. htp Pf restorll'l~ btlrmony Wlll~h C'brist I~· u .. t•d ncm ! Vol' an a D!'l\\ l'r In ~tlmpiP, nndl'r>~tftn<1nhiP t,.rm" at- ff'ftd A Free Lecture entitled "The Love and Lo91c of Christ1an Science Healing" by Henry Allen Nichols, C .S., of Los Angeles, Calif. Member of the Board of Lec- tureship of The Mother Church. ~ first Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston. Mass. Friday, September 14. at8p.m. in the Church Edifice Fll'<lt ChttrC'" o f ('ltrls t. ~U.t Cordially I ntJites You 'lr .. F t 1:,1 \\'wdrt tan • • Rt\. P.ntl Hahht11· .. "''tmnn tor :-.und:H <H tht• C<•rona del Mar l'ommi.nolt \ ( 'htll d \\111 bo• 'The-An~ll' nt Repo<.•• "' both tlw 9.·L) and 1 t a m '-<'1"-t<'•' Ant h m l•'r th•' ltrst M't '~-1<'.:' '"II bro "Jesu. Joy-nun('f' or ~h l·flo,u·t' • Bach-Ahh.•l . .tnd ln th; :'\t~hl Chn~t Came Walkm~.; ~otx-1-<..\tm t atll am. n w follo\\ 111~ art• ann,,unccd us ',,Junt""•r ll'.tdrr' tor Su nd ay :-'t'honl and <'hurch "ork: Cowl- . S('lor Cor S<onior Hi~h Pilc;t;m F t•l- 1 IO\\:.htp. Paul D;olp, l'OUth•'ltlt' tor Jumor· lligh P1l~rm Ft'lln\\_htp, Mr . and M rs. W. L . Bakkt>la; head ush<'r for 9 :471 .<wnkt• A K Pheolps; <'ni'Ollrn<'nt M'l'rt'tary ft"t' s u n d a y S c h o o I. :0.1 rs. R. H. Sch"'<'it7A'r; regil'tran: for \l~itors 1 at church, Mrs. R. 1.. Btshftp and !\1 "'· J ohn sa.dlt'~r. I ~rB!';T S C'E 1!'0 ~l'BUX"T E\'<'~·thing mad~ by God. Spirit. I is t'ft'm al. accordin~ to the Bibl£> Lesson on "Subo:tan('('" to be-read unday in the N<'wport Harbor Branch of the Firl't Church of Christ. Sci<'ntist at the entran~ to Udo Ish•. Th<' GoldPn Tt>x t from Ho ea tl2:6 t couns<'ls. ''Turn ' thou to thy God: kN'p mN'C) a nd judgmt>nt. and wart o n th~ God continually" RudtoMea Nursery School ' .. "t:\l4" LJN<n!!<"d @lnc2 Approve-d P'rom ! to. y,.,.. ~upt'n~ Ot~ and C'o-.trwth·~ .,.~ MEMO '.l1te N~ llarhr nntp ._.._.~tty~r (lo.rt te t.e a ww ;n..-et IM" eni~.,. ... .-Dftedto ,., ........... --,. ... red., ... . ... " RE.\ ONABU; KAT&~ Open S dA\'1 per ~--8 to 5 'rransporta lion f"urnl.shM Ito E. 15th St. ootn'A Jll:llA ......... .., I"T ~;O!WEBII\W IMf!l.\!AWJi\l+\Bli .. ~- ~ 8 1 To the American People • • • '-- Probably neve r before has t here been so muoh at stake in t he preservation of the freedom whioh we have enj oyed sinoe t he birth o~ our r epublio . All of us t hat possibly oan do so should particip a te in i ts de- fense and this we oan do by regularly purcha sin g Defens e Bonds, thereby maintaining a s t rong eoonomy essent ial t o our free way of l i fe. ~ai thtully yours, G. C • K&raball li ..... }'!j ........... .:.lii •••• J TO I S ,<\PPE..\1.. I~ m&dc> on thl' ON'll ... lon rtf 1h•• lw~lo.nlll~ uf u "' u- mont h drht> for 8:\1,. of df'ff'ft!14" bf\n d Lflr.lll~. thf· {":tmpal~:» )o., IN1 by Rn1a nd \\ r1 jtbt of SN,ltort R t•t&:'hh, "h11 urt:,.. .. In<> I r~ldt•nt .. t (l 'houl dl'r thrir "h~uf' nf tho• ctrh ,. tl nd bn\ •n t'~lr.t twl.ntt for d••f""''' Four Choirs at CDM Cha~rch F our rh01N aro 'l'h dult-d h• ''"!:: fell' 1 hP Cnt·t,na dl'l :'-tar Cnm- mumt:o Chtwch. ,,r·c-()rdtn:.: "' ~1.try l~'llfo'n :--;,, II• n'1•n d lrN."IO• u.d t l'(!t-.trntion Will bo• ht~ld n. 't \\l'!'k 1 h• ('awl Chmr "111 tndu<l<> H)\111\!~h·r·s from Tht• liNt \!l'ad•· i lll'om::h t hi' 1 hu·d R•'l!tSt ra 1 Hlll Will l.k• from :! tn ~ p m )l ond,t\ 1'11\!r ·m Cht-tt u .. n 1 htldrt.'n fwm fnurt h t hrott~h '"' h l..'rad(''-" I l•'.:r .. tpt lr~·m ~ ,,, -t p 1\1 ~hmd.i\ ('h3!••·1 Chou I nmpn<:t•d of hll'h q•flc•ll tnd Jllnt"' C'ooll!'L:I nwn a rl llllhlt'n 01<'1 '" .,, 7 I' m \\.l'd.n··,. f!,t ~ Ch~n···•l ('hc•u l' 1t1r 111 nd11lt .. o r ~ m 11 .!<'l I'X~rt1 11f'o ·d C h u r 1 I ''""' , . ._ Tht" ·• ·ontp mN>t:-. ~'' .·r~ \\'E'dn•• .. fi-1~ a1 7 n I' m A Jun- •or· Hich Ch"ir "111 br orgnnii'o'd 11 thl'f'f• '' 1 ckmanrl fur 11 ·"-c-nrrlin).' t.l ~~ ,.... :-'1• f(pn:.C'n CO 'I\FERE~f'E u•:u) F1ft~ meomht·~ or thl' F'ir .. t :'-1 ·- 1hod1st Chur<'h of nrangf' hf'ld thPJt annual p lnnntng <'Onfol'rnr'P u t Chric:t Chur<'h b~ 1 h!' ~t'a m =-:PwJXW1 Sunda~ attf'17101>n and ~"' <'mn~ A buffrt d inn<'r "a" M'n·<'d b~ t h local W SCS Rev. a nd Mrs. Pendell Back From Trip North R.' .trd "'' T"~' Pl'nddl 1Jf ,,.-,, .... ,-hwd. t. th• ~. 1 r••u,nwd ''~'' "''' k Irwn ,, 'h or r '·tp n•"~rth T ha 1 'o)O ,).; I hf'nl IO n\l\0\ (I( t ht' 11':-)-ot r knn11 11 ~·nut ~ ~>i••l ;, ••I the "• ... ! .'" ,, 1 , ....... tnlt ll: 1ht- '" llt'l k 111\\ II '1111"1 .. ' ('o 1111'1 • [1\- •IU!:kd I' '' ·,·~ •r) \\t ,· •Ill p,., ,r .. r ... " I• nu ,..,., F tft .. 'hE> '\l•od••• i h I, ,,,,i t~i'•'''. (;I., .. '\h)lln'all ''"'I •Ito• '\1 • 11 d o (' 1 n ,. l't•·•'' ,, • \l.. '·'''' d "''~' Cr1-'' :J.h th. Rt'OI\ "'•(to; ''"""' ...... n 1\nd Reno. ""0( IF:T\ 'fEJ-;T~ I' • .\ n •·n.. '\11 .. ,1,.1131 \ .. ·- ,.It '.• • tl-=-:r1• po '' H trl>< r I ,. •t~t•• '' l 1 "t'h n 1 r nu Thur .. ,f·,, ,,. ·t r-(, 'I•" J llin i• n ~.;, \itP • , ..... , l'n .. r't ~f,.;,, FIRST CHURCH OF CHIUSl SCIENTIST llOJ Vi& l ido. Nt...,porl Such ......... •c· ~· :... ... r ... .. .. . .::.. ~ ..,., ~·-1· -~---· ,. -3 -.. ' . .. . .... ::., .. d,, Sc•co ' t; S .. :· SP ,. ·"~j•J•,~.,. .. -e~·"c ~ ... p- ~ ... ~.:""c o-."•.-d :· 1 "~~ • e' t:o-' OP•" :J& , f,~,... ';l "~00' .,., < ::-•·c~r· S -deH ·-o •,. de11 .,. • 1 co~•..,.~d ...... ,.. : t ; ' co•di , ........ ·~= ·~ · .. ~~ ·--.. "' ,.... e·.,•cei e·~ e '"'" THE ENSIGN ~~~-f·a Roo- Job Printing Fadlltl:.:":__::::::::-~==----:~-----­::;;.-::;;;;;;;;;;;-:--- Thl' Chr•~•rna" Ptt '' " &tu ual 1 )l.lf ,., nf 1 h" Bu .. tn• .... and P 1 n•,.,_ .. {nn~tl \\'•>ntt It~ t'J•Jb \nil 1 .. h• nfi- • d h\ Bit ltd' 1'''1'\ l'ltnUl I' '• • Ill• '/t• 1 t h!HI on• n,,;lhl! r~ll" hO • Ill " I f(tiJt pt 1>\IOiJ .. ~. i:il ' II " IS &nr•ounet•d lr.·• T nod 11-\1 '11 t t~lf rltnt•' 'liP duh "nn' I h• ' 1 At• r .,1,; •• ' ' • :.. • '' r ... 1n '"1t :-.•1•) • ·, 'hr \~II·' J:lr•nlfllll'-'1 \~)11 r• R'-;~~~~- tml ntr.rl&n r' • • • J~ ·n,. • • • · A [l'i4'-t 1 ,,. },. o~ n r~r· lo& c<i t;v 11• J(• 1<•t 11'1' 11•1101 '' '" r •It 1 , ·' • , , It • • 11 • n ., • 1 • '. "' I f•~r F't rd;n 'II rt '•' Jt da ;\'Cl\' ":" .attd r ' (.' i }-.l) t I • plltn ... "Ill '' '\IJn0\10<'•'11 \\lor •l1 d11.1,, )Vt\e lo( "" dlltnl'rly 11ppro f'd h; !he '"' r-nr.n • \\'llr-J" It o I I' (, ,,.,., Pl• ... n1 I. ·\. • ·t t:' ""' P~"'h"' r.n\•On f•l 'hl - i•) 1-dr t :'-tlnnl•. F.lull • \\ 1l"f'r· f!,.t.. ta :'-t• r:::. lJ'rrnltt~' R ~ ~· : nd~ ..... ,, ,., .. :\labo 1 \\'nl'.-H a- u I \\'tl' " ..,m t&""" Po•t• 1-"f' ;o,•,.tid'lrl. F or• ('t E:ltl l l ... ~tt l H!n• r r.,u~ :-• Gu• rrn o.nd • n '\[1•' ,.,,, EnstJ;n CL1~ .nt-d ads ha\'e bef!ft R pro,·en means or r~r~tn~ buyers fo r all sorts or merehandls l'se them! Phone Harbor 1114. Il l A POEM IN WOOD ~ __ ..... _ '-' p~ ''"'Pd ~t" , ... • 11.., be•u•·fu .y·• ~ .....otded "' ·~• '"'CI' ~••'u '"•~•• ~···d , .. , .. :-, )UI<l ~l CO"'t:'Oifof c•"d· b('w' KAREN MARGRET A !mpcr•s -. ere.-G~~ts ,o-u,,,. B d C •:•• d~ V r .... .,.IX'. 'l1' eJthwuH- WE'RE OPEN AGAIN TO SERVE YOU WITH e rme Portraits e Wedding Candids e Commercial PhotO<JYaphy art in photography HARBOR 292W ...... L5GAL Mona lr!C?AL Mana FIC'111"1018 ft&DE .un; k £iiiia C'DhUil!Aft IS 'IUE "l'PDUOa CGmm 01' I . th undeftii:ned. Ma.rpn>t S . ftt.B A 1'r. OP' C Al..IF0&1I1A Gndt>r. do certafy tfpt J am con-IN ~-. POll THE (,'()(;~ ductin~ a tKWne. for the llwtrue-Ofl' OllA.IiOE •Con iniM"4 from P.a~-: 9• Uon and u.Je of~. kDJt JOOCk '~ wl....,......, ..... ._ ,_ ountJIJ It" confidcncx' and ""' g t and d.f'1 and all the lr-'--•· PNIIIall' ., •• ... •• Lelia a aJung ftnt' all catiu'ns vf a oew and tooi;S used therein. ~': Ill AM'n'ltraU. "lUll tiM! •• oountn. be.arin • ha.JA> al!am.st no ~• knit~ service undl>r tilt> ~ utao • fictitious finn ~·' llia tile X.tt« ., ~ .-....&e ., "' Anotm-r i Tom Norton. f»"&f· MAGCTES AIIAU£ 0 ~ ucal)) a nt.""t'I)Jm>r to ~rwport and at 1M addreu 'ahown beJow· .N~ .. ~ ch~ that the l~ ... a(•h I don't know of • ~anglt' 308'!! Muine A\·elue, Balboa b. JX>tltJon of ROSEMARIE CRIB- plaC'\' in Newport "h ~ I ha\'e land. County of Orange Ca.Jifor-BEN f<lr tht.' probate o! the WW nut 1.-aten There may 1x> e. few nla. • of the above named decedent and a s:ood. but th<'rt• tB non beHcr. 1 am the soJe ownt'r and pro-ror the I uunoe or Letters of Ad- Th<' ..:arls ne>.t door ('flS\d I ''as pric.:tor thereof and 1 resi~ at 430 mmJ tl'all~n \\jth tJ~e wiU a.nMxed tck and mad a bH of a fuss o,·er Heliotrope Avenue Corona <k>J to the petatiO'il'er \\'ttl be beard at me, but tht> 1:ood food changed Mar. California. . )0 o'cl<><.•k A.M. Ob Priday, Septem- DJ•. DaSS4?tt'a scak> lo m~ fa,'Or. Au,~ru t 20. 19:ll. bl>r 7, 19:il. at the coutt room or The 1a t ~~ w m•• friend'-1 met MARGARET S. GRIDER ~pai'Lment One or tht> SuperiOJ' at;<~.m. 1 mt~ f'd the Ma)or ~ood <;;tate of California Court of t,be S tale or Califomla in ma_,..ter lsbell. But he wa n't l.n. Count) of Orange and for the County or Orange. You ha\e a &;ood )la)or Ill ~ter On this 20 day of August, 1951, 03l£'d August 18. 1951. hbe>U 1 puUf'd for ham and ,·oted bt-fore nw. Harold L. Ho~r a B. J. Sl\UTH, County Clerk for rum and that '0\l' wasn't ~otary Public in and for ~d THOl\lAS E. HEFFER."\AN thru\\n il\\-.) tik tiarr) Ebtus. County and State. pt>rsonally ap-1415 Coat Hl hway I lied on and also rruss.-'Ci Col. JW>a.red Mugaret ~. Grider. known Cot'tlna dt>l Mar. Califon~!,& Johnm S&JJon; "bo .., Jowl) but to me to be the Jll'I'SOD whOSt' name Attornt>)' for Petitioner. UNI) turntn" a muJu.nuJhon dol-i subscritif'd to the within lnstru-lar town mto m<.'thm.: worth mcnt. and ackno\\ledged to me Xo. A-!MM \\htl l \\8" wrn I did not s<'t' that he eXE'CUted the same. XOTICt: T O C'RF~ITOR~ tnm j WIT~'ESS m)' hand and oructal 1-::o-'TATf. OF )lARGl'EJUTE H. I '•" )Our c.·tt~ atWtnc>) . ...allor· ral. \'ElTII O..>ccased man and Comrr.odoa't" H rr~ Blodtr· HAROLD L. HO • ER ~OTH'J::; 1...-HEREBY GJ\"£11\ ('11. and Cit.Jo Clt>rk Charle Prif'St =--otar)· Public in and for '" tlw c·tt-'dltos of and all t~<•s sons Both 111t> honorablt', honr 1 and t.>C-said Count~ and tate. hil\lOL: l'lainu 3'!1unt-t tht' <.aid d · fu:1<>nt mt-n, and =--l"'lX'"' 11> luck~ :>.t.r commi ion f'xpires Decem-C't-dt·n t 111 -.aid ltfo;tatt' tu filt' them to hc.\t> tht m 1 ha'e known ber 14. 1~. with tht> sW<'<•t-SBI) HIUl'h<'J·' in tht> Charlll' P tw t. ctt~ dt>rk, for 1 PubU h: Aut:. 23. 30. SepL 6 13 ollll'l' ot tlw Clt.>tk ttl the :-:upcrior n ar t) 15 ~eun.. )i(' i a real 1n the X<.'wpon Harbor Ensi~ <;ouJt ol ~lw Count~ oft t-ange, man. not only wllh a ftnt• knowl-1 ----!:\Uitt' <•I ( 3Lltornia. 1.11 to ~rl' font ('dge ol good En~tll h. but of man~ S o. A !051': tlw ~amt•. \\tlh tlw nect--.sarv patt .. includm~t wr41tn,l! tor th~ X OTIC'E TO C'REDD'OR8 I 'oudwro;, to thl• und f!!>hnwt.l at hi Chu!'uan ~ctenet> Monitor ! tThat's ESTATE OF plu<.•t• of bu!iiJwss. to-\\ it: tOtiH' than 1 ,·er mack>.) SL"SA:'-1 C. Hl TFMAI" c· o L>O~Al.D 0 HARWOOD 1 T~tk<.' m~ ad,·ioe and ,·ote Cor also known as ' I H15 Coast H ighwa~· hrm nHt ~t><~r. The stuff you read SUSA.."i CAROLINE HUFFMAN (.\lmna <k--1 ~1ar. Calil~mia :..oou• ham ,.., r.uopaganda and per-Deceased '"thin M'C months aft£'r thr first son<~l sp1H> W hy not call Mr. Nottt'f> Is bPrt>by llti\'HI to the pu~ltt·attott ol thts nutlet'. Put•!>t HAtb<Jr 31311 and get ac· creditOI''S or and all persons having Dat<'d S<-J>tf'mbPr I . 1931. t.tUittntt'<l Ydth th<' man who runs claim attain t the said decedent ROSEMARIE CRifiiU.X tht> JOL ~ou p.-ople ga"<' to him or said estate to tile them with thto Adminu.tratnx of tht> Est;ttc and '' ht<'h .... poor handful "ao;h to n ecessary 'ouchers in the orn~ of ol -.3 td dect>.dc>nt. t•han~e" the Clerk of the uperior Court 00:\AI.I> D. HARWOOD 1 e~l o mt:>,<'<l that lovablt> char· or the CoW}ty ol Oran~. State of 141:> Cooa t Hiiith"a~ at·ter 1 rumd and man of a bilJt\', Calafomia. or to present the same, C".OI'\lllU• dt'l ~tar . Calrforma Bzdden Ftnch 1 ha\e \\'Orkecs \\tth the neeessar) \'Ouchers. to Atl om··~ lot Admtm ... tratn' with ;\lr Fsnch man) time . tht> the undersignt"d at his place or Publish SC'pt 13. 20. 27: Oct. 4 Ja,, lx·an~ fot tht> Hospital. WE' buslnes . to-wit· m till' :\t•wporl liar bot Ensnm :-tartt-d 11 at th ~~"port Harbor c o Hun,itz and Hurwitz. . Ya<.ht Club. rolle<'tinJt S20.000.00 Attorneys a\ Law. • ~OTIC'E OF K EAJUSG 1 rn 2(1 mmut<> ;\1r J A. &>ek 2611 Newport Boule\·ard . ~otk€' rs h<>rt·b~ S!l\en that tlw ~o:"a', me \ommodoal.' and Captam Newport Beach. California. Pla~mng Commission or tht.> Cit) I &-<>k' che<'k ror ~1.000. So did ''ithin six month after the first uf :"l•\\ptHI Beach ''ill hold a pub· Bob ,,_randpal Bob Murphy. Post-publication of this '!?lice. I he ~t'flJ'im:. on the appU_cauon or maqu J lc·rb Krnn~ was colll'Cttn~ Dated August 20, 1951 Etht I. R Jo rc•<'l) for a 50•; rt>at Ilk• <tmvltnt:-on tht> nth('r ide of 1 DOROT~ H UFfMA1'1l BREWER I l.atd \at;tan<'t' on Lot R. Block 16. th~ 1abl~. and Mr . Dol'ot hy Adml!llstratnx of the Estate S<'<'llon .l. •311 Coral A\~ .. Balboo Yardll'\ h11d to ~et an HddinC" ma· <?f satd d~nt. l!iland I .tn a~-ordan<'r \\llh Orcti- C'hirw tc• :1dd it all up. and we Publish: August 23. 30: Sept. 6, 13 j nan.<'l• !'\u. 63:>. t humt11·tl 11u1 n(l!o<'' ut l..aJ:Untl Ill the Newport H r Ensign. ~0111 ~· '" hl'n·b~ I ull he1 ~i"•n Rt•uda, "htC'h had lhlfJ\\n th<' JJo:-· • I that 1\Uid ll<'a rln~ ."Ill iX' h•·ld on p11al oJUI ~o. A ZOIII tht• 20th da.~ ot ~t·Pll•mlwr. 19:;1 l.<t,tl), to round this out, 1, XOTI<'E oF· BEARIXG OF P E-ut the·. hout· ot 7:30 P . l\1 in the mt,wd R n lJodgkUl!>On, our chit•f T~TIOX ~OK PROBATE OF C'nunl•tl. c:-hamlx>ri> ot th1 c 1_ty ul I.IPhc·" But I'll tf"ll ~·ou 8 ston·l \\11.1. A~D FOil LETTER Hall. l':r\\ pot t lk'ach, C'ahforma. tint h;,p1x•m•d many manv Y"aro; TEST.\ME XTARY. 'at whtch llmto and pl<t<'•' un~ .and at.:•• "'h1-n Rtll 1\fa~H·II ·and 1 fa lhl" S-.erior Court of the tat .. all PI rsons intt•rt>!>lt'Ci rna~ :tJIJX'aJ u"r1t'<'l tla utht'r ll('WSJJaJ)('r· 111 M CaUfontb ltl aad for lht" and tw h<'ll td th1.•n•Hn. Ill\\ 11 111>\\"' mu-.t b<> cart.> fot· thli> Collllty of OraJJn R;o~ r· Curx•ltn~ ;-i{~c.·rt•t<u·) orhPr nt•".paJ"('r \\htch has madt> In the Matter of the E!';ta le of !"E\\ Pt lRT BLA( H CITY wh Jibf>raJ u.,r of m} son·~ nam£' FREDERICK LA."'GEI"BECK PLAl\~l~G C0~1Ml:-:SIO:\' m front pacf' hr•adllnNl ~' ennl! ~ased. . 1 Puoh;h. ~t'PI 13. 19;)1 . . ,, mrn11r 1laffk uccadf'nt wath 8 ~~ti<'e Is hereb}: ~J\t>n that the '"th1 :"t\\J)Iut H arbor· 1.-..n~sa.:n rtumroiNi IPnd<>" no hurt no Pf'tltton or ROI...A."'D R. LANGEN- <'UI!>. br uav• ~nd both ,.111 • ., e~·. il\· BECK for the probate of the Will XOTU'E Of' 10:.\IUXC; aiJif' 10 drl\e a"a' '· · of the abo,·e named dect'dent and !'\otw.• 11o ht>r1.•b~ J..1'•'n thai rh~· \\'.,JI \\hrn ~(lu· 0\\ll 8 nf'w pa-for thr ls·uanoe of Letters Testa-Plannm..: c·ommi.,Jo.ion of thP c11 , I"' ,11u an• rrmo;;tanrl\ bc>sr;~NJ mf'ntar) to t~e petitioner wUJ be or :'\t•\\J"n t ti(>adt \\til hold a put).. h~ Jlf>f'opl(• who \\ant )llU to tx>ar 8 111Pard at 10 o_clock A. :.f. on Sep-h<· h"aruw on t h1 • apphcat1011 of --~ --- r PAllS lOIN • PAllS MADI • PAllS lOYID .. .. · .. """'1 OE HOlt. · · · ·l£ NAtCISSf NOll .... ---..... ........ ................................. t.~.~ Hinkley's Pharmacy VH t:~C'flJf'TI U "t\ · UtU ''"" lb lboa blaad 11,\rbor SJ~ W. D. Vincent - Thomas S. Jones * * a new A nnounce hE> Ope:1!'i9 o! lo('o' .on sen· .ng harbor are_ Specv1hz1r.q 1:1 the LINOLEUr: rn. l RESILIENT TILE fLOORS FORMICA EXPERTLY DRAIN BOARDS INSTALLED W. D. VINCENT & CO. PIS C t Boule·~·ard C orona del Mar HArbor 3239 totrh 1111 th1 01 1, nnthrns.: and on(' c>mbf>r 14, 1951. at the court room II. J l.an,un ((II a Variance on r1H) htd b\ .lohrin\ Allf'n·, Uru uf Department 1 of th<.' Superior Lot 4. Blo<'k 236. Can.tl St'<'tion 1 '1" • il l t• .tdt•nl IH:('()St{'d me an~ Court or the State or cauromla In ·~ Th .. Rtaho I fill' a 1\H'nl) tn<'h l,.•c 1n 10 trll mf .J lonJ: story criti-and ,for the Count)~ of Orange. o~erhang on l't.lo~. ·~ _IIC't'Ordanc1·l 2045 N Mam St . S A 'IIIII:. l'oh<·' c 'hlrf Hod~::kinson Dntc Au!:;u. t 23, 1951. "tt~ f lrdtn<tnc·o· "\n 1>3" 1fi~!~~~!!I!~~~~~~~;;MII;;D;I)IIIIIIIIII·II~ Santa A na OfhcC' l. I• t luna fan ~h and then said, B. J .. 1\flTH. Coun!Y Clerk j ;..;utw•• '" lu.'t<'h) ruath11· 1:h •·n • lh•"~'.; tn\ I II" l..rt'A ~o" "Go rH~~lAS E H EFFERNAN thllt .'tllcl ht'fflllll.! \\Ill IJt h ·ltl on \\1 , 1, •• h·· ,kr•d "To ..,~ th• . 1'11 ' \oast Highway I ht• 20th na) ol St pll•ntl,.•r, Hl:\J ( 'fud 111 P• 1 .. Jtnd 1111, ,. 1,0 11 frll \m rona df'l Mar. ~~Hf. HI I h1• h•llll' col i ?11 P. :\1 111 1 hr· htt•l " hn I '0\7'\ ' t JA .. r \11 " Ill'') for Pelt t lOnf"r. C't>Uilt'tl ( 'h:mlh"l' "' I ht• ('II\ • 11 "' ""'· ..,.. '-'IJt r 1 A 30 "" 6 13 Hall ~ t• ..... · o Pit•rl '\;n,' •.n't clo thllt !Jun.. ' .... ,:. ug. . .:>CPl. • . . r•wpnn .rn•.o (':lltlnn tlt. • 1 n , orl 11 11 n 1 • ''l ti.P :'\<>wport Har·bor Enslsm. ~~ \\ltw.t 1.1'11· •lid ph 1 11 m sutd ' • Jllll r t•n 111 ~ant& 11 · Ana . hi " .. t.l. und \'aru -.h('d 11 IPt'l 'on" Jtlot'll •I 1'(1 m:t,\ ltJ•J1~"<11' • • • · ~OTJCE OF lfEARISG tttlf lw hr•r11·rl thPrl'tlll I rlron' Vtlfo\\ \\hf'n )flU \\i11 j.!(•l ~Otit'l' is h£'rt.>b) J:iH•n that 1h<' lla~ y ('opt lin. _s,., .... l fll) Use nn 11.,,1 p1,.1•1, m \\hfll tt'll ht• Plannin~ \omml.ssion of lh<' Cit\ ~I.\\!'' 1R} IH·:A< 11 c·rn· stiJOur. It mwht bf> ahout a rabid nf ~rw(lOrt Beach will hold a pub· I I A:"\:\1~1. C0\1;\IJS:-:HI"\ ~1P'Crcan Comm•tnist \o\hom I mPI lie h<'aring em th<' sppbcatlon of ---------------------------=-=-=~== at l>on Antontu p1 1,.1 Ci<Mac•ho'• .I ;\1 . ~lcFadden for a Varlant'E' on ' \\tlh m:. -.ra C'lillluan, and ar~uo-d Lot 3, Block 7. East Newport. 1105 arnunr1 lh" rimtr" tnhlr frnm mlr1· R_th Sl.l In t>Xtend propo Nl add1· ntl{ht un I I II t hP l'llOllltnt• ••r.., to re-a r pt'OJ)('I'IY line. l had 1 o 1 1 11 , 1 -.urh 811 impur!· XotiC(> j ... ht.>rf'b) further gh·<'n ant ~··lf·<1r kn'''' l••dJ:('d \ommcnost th1t aid hflatin~ot will be> held on whos(' nt '' Jflh I was fl". url'd I>' thu 20th da) or Septf'mfx>r, 19!'lt r · :1 Ill lht> hour or 7·30 P. M. in th<' a rll nr ,,,IJ t .. Ambu JWllOI of .· •. unci! Chamhers of thr C'it" Jl.nll. Mextco to th•• ~viet t'nlon! Or ~ J thE' pt('('(' mt'!ht tak~> in llomt" Am· • r~,·port Bea<'h. California. at f"rlcan. rlrl\\ n In l\fPxlro whn Ar<> whtch timp and plaC<' any a nd all 8 , P"r'IO"'<~ intf'r~'stPd may appear and n a ~p· \1ht mt>na<'f', or ma) 1>1.• l1.• hc•ds'CI the1 eon. somrt , n ahtlut our Consular R y ,.. Servt~. which nM:'d ov"rhnt•lino A~ • '-oprlln .• ·('Creta r·v badJ ' "" "'..EWPORT REACH CITY ~ __ ~\'. H. J I'Tr l !.\1.'.. . PLAX!\IXG COl\l~liSSlO:\' ---------- Our t.ensattor '=Illy new Rayettc LANOLIN Wave a1 an Introduc'ory pnce 01 $10. • R"~uhu ~13 (l('rmanent 1. l:i"'" by - \'IKGINIA R EAD . ALLY HIDY ~IJHI'~ Beaut'' Shop SS8 Pola!!l('tU. An•. UGAL NOTIG U~ NOTta ·onCE llnTnXG M"..ALED ~~::;,:.:=----- Purwa.nt to 5tatute and Rl'fiOiution No. 391 . adnpted on the 11th day o! ~tMnber. 1951 by t~ em c unci! of ttw> Cuy of N~"J)OM Beach. Ca.lifo.mla and on file in the otn~ of the Oty Oerk of sajd CitY. orderln.g the "-'Ork deso-ibed in id resolution, to-"'it: The tmlding, pll\'lnl wilh plant max matt-rial. ro truction of house SE!"<'r and water conneettons. n'infol"l't'd c•oocrt'te pipto tonn drams. catcl.l ba.sins, ouUeta and appurteniUlt work in connection tbe~1U't in ct>rtain alleys and euementa Iyme NortheastPrly ol Coa t Boule\ard. b£'tween Da.hli& A\>enue and Poppy A'Pn~.W tCorona del Mat 1. all as mort' part.ieularly d8cribed In Re§Oiution of Jnt otlon No. 3911. ~ and adopted by the Cty CounCil or wd Cit> on the 13th day of Au- gust, 1951 and on m e In the office or the Ctt~ Clerk of said City F or fw-tber part.icuJan, rere~ce is he~by mack-to said Resolution of Intention No. 3911 and to tht> plans. profil and drawings :O.:o. 434. consisting or 11 sht>ets. on file in th offtC<' or thP Cit~ EnmnN>r of .;aid City of Newport J:Wach. and th<' l'~ilicat tons for thP <oatd wt~rk her<>tofort> adopted b~ the said City Counctl or ald City l'lr~ mrnrpor- a ted herein and mad<' a part h<>rffil. and rt>CPrt>nC'C '" herr>b~ made th£>reto for· a morc particular d<'S<'rlpllon of s1ud \\Otk. SaJd City Council ha determinf'd and dC<'lanod that tht> rontrm- plated work and improv<'mcnt h<'retofor(· mcnttonE'd \\8S. m rh opm- lon of said City Council, of mort' than local or ordinar~ publtc tx>nt>!tt lltld the said City Council has mad thf.' expenw or .atd \\ork chart:tP- abl(' upon a di trict For th<' parucular d ·-.criptlon of tlw aJd dt~· trict. reference 1 hC'rC'h~ mad!' to said RP'-ulutJon ur Intt>nlinn ~o. 3<tll Said Council haft d••tr•rminf'd ond dt•d::tn·d that senal hond" bt-a · insr rntrrPst at th<' rail• ur .IX fl<'r l'f•nt •6', 1 r••• annum anti ('~tf'nd1m· Cl\('t a Jl('riod cndim: ntn<' 9• )<af"' ltnm tht "''Cf•nd da) 1 ! .lant.~l' IW'Ct SIJ('('f't'<bnt: th<' OP'I f)(>totM•t l)th rolluwtnc If t>t r dls••· \\ tll ho I" u d h(Tf'Und r m the mann~>r ptcl\idr·d b~ thf' lm(IIU\•'mt•nt Act r•l 1911", b£'m.: Part 5, Dhaslon \"lJ or thP tN'>t and Hu~h\\a~ ... Cntl• nl th£' ::;tate of Cahromla, to reprP"-Pnt p:jch a~"""!-mt>nt n> 1'\\•·nJ•, .ft,, Dollars rS25.00t or more r<'mamJnl! un~~Rid fm rl,tl\ •3111 ria~ .. ••1\••r the datP of rN'Ordtn~: thP warrant A II ol t hP "ork hPrei n orderE'd c:ha II IY> dnr,~ ·• ncl • •t r • rt t h 11\JE.' m pu1 suanet> of an ac1 of the l<>~t. Ia 1 uri' nl t h·· ~~ i ,,, ot c ·tit "' n • d• · .1~ated the "lmproH•mnt Act of l~llJ ' b£'ml.' lii\J ... tt•n \'II ••' 'h• S trf'('t:. and Hi~hwa) Code. ~aid City Council, puh;uant to tht> Labtlr C'odr o• th(· :O:t>~t( ot ( tl- lomia. has asCt>rtain('d and dE'tE'rmmPd thJt thf' l.'C'nNcll pn '·ultn.: I <Ill of IK'I' di('m wa~E.>S in he locality In "htch the said work hPr,.tn d• · "cribed is to b<o performed, for «>ach era II or t~ ~ nl '"'rkman n• l'hanll' ne<>d<'d to E'X<'<'U tl' the contract Mld al o thP .:•·n· 1 d pt•' t11trr. rA II' fm· IP~al holida~s and O\ f'rtimP \\01 k for N•C'h t't • !' ''' "1~ "orkman w tm•chamc. to b<> Bl> follO\\' <'laulflca tlon Asphalt or Crushirlft Plant Engm<'(>r Asphalt Plant Fireman Asphalt Raker and I roner Concn.•t€' or Asphalt ~pn•adm~:. )lt•ch.tnH·al T 1mpm:: Ol' Flm ... hsng )1achlnt• Opt•t•ator Carpente1 Ct>m nt f'inl,ht'l Flagman Guard and or \\'aJt•hman H('a\·) Our) Rf'pairman llnurl~· Pf'r Dil'm \\aa.•• Wap S2.2P Sl7 f'f1 2 tt:> It' 11 1 )>.,-, 1.1 I 17 fll II & 1~ 2 1 13 _:~(1 -Page II 1 40 I houn pttr " k. It 5haU ~ mandatory upon the oootnctor to wbom w oontnct d av.'llrdt>d. and upon any sub-contractor und(>r him to pay not s- t.han th liald ~faed rat to all laborers, workm<'n and mt~ t>mplo~t'd b~ them in the uecuhon of t.M contract. "\OTlCE IS HEREBY GIVE."\. imlling seale-d pro 01 bull tor dotntt all tht> v.ork hE'rt.'lfltx>fore dt-~>tttbed and m-d ~ in q.Id Rfo!;olu-uon Ot·dertng Work. to ~ pr nted to the CJty Clerk at his o!face ID the C11~ Hall of aid Cit up to thf.' hour or se,· n-thirt~ •7 301 o'clock, P. M. of :\!onda.}. th th da} of Octobt'r, 1951, Th proprr...ab. or b!cL. otf£-r~ shaU bt' accompanied b} 1 check made pa) abh• to th ordN ot S&td Cit~. certi1Jt'd b~ a rt>Sf)Oru.Jbl bank or a bond. a r('(JwrNi b~ II\\, tor an ltlllount not J than t n per ~t 'HI', • ot tl•< al!vl"e1{al of tht» proposals. Each btd shall be made out on a form to bt> obtatnf-d at the!' offt~ of th"' Ci ty Engml't'J of sa1d City. Th<' coUIP•c.·tnr rn \\hnm an aw •td ma) bE-mad ''Ill bt' t'f'QUJred to fum1t.h wttl. tht· cnnlllH'1 t\\c• ''I"'' bonds oru lkt tui.Jl Pf'l( J'IT\ance bund tn un~unH•unt t-qual H• not I•'" than t\\ent~·l l\r pt·t cent c2S~) ol the amount uf tlw 8.1.!1!T<'L'!i l<' or tiH brd and on< maH·nal 8nd labor bond In an amuum 11(11 It':.' 1 h.:Ho I 1ft~ J)('t t't·nt • :;<t• 1 ul t hf' a~l"f'C'J!8 If' or ~•d bid - Th Cll\ luuncal of Ntld C'll~ p· ... f'r\~ t.h n~ht '" r· Ji'f • an~ nr aU b1d" ottd '''"'"'''-'an) in!Cirmah•~ 1n a bld not aflt>ct~·d b) lotw Datt..:l lht" 12th day of S"J>I•·mtX'r. 1951 C K PRIEST C11~ Clf'·t k of thl' \11~ vf ''"''POrt B(>ach (~ltlnrnra Pubh<-h &>pt. 13 . .?0, I. 51 tn t h .. ~~\\port Jh1 b<lt En.:u.'ll 'LOAFER ' I ll e o•o e~!le ., .. .... Corona dt'l Mar IIArbor !t07 -Labort-1'!', CA-nt>ral or C'on'-truct1on ~------------~ ApprentiC(> EnginN-r indudinl>! fin'man Ollt'r and 11 ~. 17 ~ 13 -~ f«-e SP~ r li h liFEfiME ON YOU I AI,RESS ••• OR IN YOUR SHOES •• lOTH SHOULD FIT AND IE COMFORTABLE . See our SLEEP EXPERTS and the SPRING-AI~ SLEEP CHECK CHART for Scien· tific Guidance in selecting your mattrets to FIT YOU ! No Obligation greaser . Opt>rator .. Air C'omprr or Opt>rator. C'oncrett~· MIX(>r o;kJp t~l)l' Operator. :'11otor Patrol. 1ncludmg an~ t)f)(' of power blade . l'nhersal Equipm£>nt Operator 1 hO\l'l, dral.!hnl' d r- rick. d£>rrick-bart:l', clamsh€.'11 01 cranr 1 Operator. Pump Operator. Roller . Operator. Tractor Bullduzt-r. Tamp£>r, &taper ot Drag T.}l)e Shon•l or Boom Attachnwn~ Operator, Tn>nching Machine Truck Drivers of dump trucks or I<'SS than 4 ~d!' 1.3 H~ 1 9:1 n til ~II,_ 16 6-1 233 ::! h) 1 9."l 2 15 .? ,!(I 2.:. 11 :,'lo 17 61 11'\:? l wat£>r )('\'CI . _ 1 73 13.84 Am classificatton omitt£>d herein. not ll'S than 1.51 12.56 Foremen, unlr;.s othC't'Wi.t• 'iC'[)<lratl'l) cla~sif1t'd. for car(X'ntrn. Ct'm£>nt finish<'rs. ('Qulpm<>nt OJY'r·a tors and opera trne t'nl!rnf"t>r~. laborers and truck drivC'rs. shall ~ paid not lo.'~ than S1 ..JO pC'r da~ mon• and all othC't CorPmPn ne>t "'(larat, I) cla~ .. 1fH'd <..hall bf' pa1d not l(•s:. than .. 1 0(1 (><'r da~ mon• than tht' t•"'"w~man rat{' for the> craft imohE'd. The abO\e hstf'd rat('S arc.> ba ('d IIIM'O ,, \\(lrkm~: da~ , r , t~h' ~ hourc:. b£'int:: proportionat('l~ apphC'ablt> to 'H..ht ·~ 1 hnur .. u ,, ... , n' <'mploymPn1 in an~ onP cal<'ndal da~ nth• r rhan ~atut ria~" :'und1~ .. and the following s£>v£>n le~:&l holtda~' to-wtt ~, .. , Y •at ' fla~ :\It-- mortal Da~. Fourth of July, Labor Da~ ArmJ ... ti<•· De~~ Thank. ... ~' m~ and Chri!nma~ wh<'r£' any \\Ork '' r•'qlllll'd tn M '' nt ,,,,r.1ntriJnH' t'mC'r):enc~ caust>d by fir£'. Oood or d m~•'r to hit' and prupo ·fl~ For any working ttm(' of mol'(' than <'ll:ht 1 1 hour.. n an~ ""' t ,,11 nrl.t da.~ and for time workro on Saturda~ ... ~und:t~.., and an~ ••I th•' ;.jJ\lro · m<'ntionf'd hohdll)S. not I<'~ than nnt and uno -hall • 11:1 ttm•·' ''" sJX'('Jfu:-d rat('~ haU b<> paud: pro\td<'d. how•''''r that nut\\tth-.•a·tritnl.' the ~(>n£>ral pro\ tsions hf'r<'tnabon• St t forth. I h·· -.t ra11~ht ra h'l< ,, .. P.·<'I· (i('d for nagmen ~uards or watchmt'n ~ha ll lw .tppltcabl4' to i m;n :t· mum of t'i~:tht 1 1 hours of <'mpln~ mt•nt (l('r cot It ndH da.' IIH'Iudm_ Saturda~ . Sunday and holidays. fm a ttHal ol nM O\f't fort' I• hours per \\N'k. but that not )('!', tll!ln on.· and om•-hall ol 1_ tllll• .. !tuch specifu'<i ratl'll shalllx' paid satd liHmwn ... :uard-. and ''atchm• r l 2r9 Coast Blvd HA:-ocr j 29~-W Corcnc de:· Ma:- BAL-ISLE NURSERY SCHOOL Serving Greater Newport Harbor l.l'fiT t:D F:SROJ.1.'l£~'T FOR I~ \I.L ~0\\ R F:"C' >\CCI:PTEO ,J • 1-"L\T R!. r, I"\:--TRtTTJr,, . ~-...... -· .... -~ 1 '· ... '!-!""'. •• .. --·:; • ... e :-.. ~ ~-, :o -· .:.. ..... ""~-: .. ·~--o "-··r.c-c -I -- -• ._ .A-•• J '! ,ola ..._ llnor .. : 1'\lSO -11 :SO \. 'f. 317 Marine Ave .. Balboa Island, HA 2143-J I n<l•·r ,,.,, .. .,.UIW'r\l .. lnn of .10.\S ~. H\\'Df:S. OlrN'lrt>M 1 for an) time worked In excess of ('i~ht ' 1 hour~ JX't' da~ o r hu ·~ ! ----- ' . I OFFICE or STORE SPACE in theE SIGN BUILDING i' * Ideal for Medical Center, Professional Building, or Brokerage Office * Comer Location 65' Frontaqe · ort' 101 Coast Hwy. in Corona del Mar * Inside Floor S pace *· Artlstlc famous Arch:tec John Loyc W nahi • A rna!> Initiation or 50 candi· dalt's \\til bfo~ont> of the outstand- in~r IPatur<-... or the erond an.ni- \'ea~r ~ of ~ewport St>ltch Moose Lod~e 1457. starting at 8 p. m . rwxt Tu da~. Ccr~.>monies wiiJ lx> ht>ld at the Mooee Home, 2300 t )('<'Un F'ront. Newport. The l'itual h·am of tht' anta Ana Lodge will rondut"l lnithtlion. ~lo•v• than 20n boys from the Harhur· AlNl Rn)S f'lub In Costa 1\tc>~a "l'rj1 pn·-.~'nt to <>at approxl- matPI;\ Rtl pounds of wi<>nt>rs at a b<>t~ch par t) I:Pid in front of thl' Moo..,~ honw nn Wednesday of last \n•ek 'pon"<II'S of the \\1en<'r bakP "er<> the :\too" Lod~e. with Herlt :5h0f'makt•r . Junaor Govt>mor· und Ct\ ac ollaars chairman. In t"h II~(' The committee includt>d Dut'l Ttppin~. Joe Hoemann, Lronard Leach. Jack Carter. Ha\'en Hol- brook. Jim Porter, S~t. Budd) Prie£>. S((t. .James Haye and M yr- tt>llt> Tippin~. E l le Kin~.t. Domt h~ Cartt>r and Clara [..(tach as l•tinst from the Women of th€.' Moo-e. The feed was made p o s I b lc tht·ou~h Richard 's MarkPI. Olow- er's !\lar·kN, Don's Cnndy Shop and Al Anderson's Fun ?.one.>. Housewarming Party For the Jack Carters A r£'C£'nt housC'wnrmin~ par·ty "·as n ~.urprisC' to ~tr. and '\Irs Jnck Cartl.'r. "ht• haH· just mo' <•d In 2&l:! \\". Ralbna Dhd .. :'\('\\(Xtrl. Fnt•nd.., \\ho attc>ndt.•d tht:' pnrt~ U GM. NOTIC' I and bruUl:ht 1'1 f 1 C'~hllll'l11 I \\'('l'e ~OTI( E OF JXTESTI OS TO ~tr. and ~I rs. At chu· t blt1lllc1Pr. {'HATTf~l. MORTGAGE ~ft . und ~tr~ Clart>nCX' \\1un~.:. ~tr. To \\'hum It 'Ia~· COO<'l'rn: 1 and ~~~~ IA~lnard lA-ach ~11 and '\"OTH'E r h<'rt'b) ~'1\'t'n pursu· ~ln •. Jumn) l'nl'll't , ;\It und ~t1·~ iiOI H• th• JlfO\ t!-ltlll' of St.'<'llon I>ut l f1ppm··. \Jr., 1:-~ .. tt Kill~ M )f ul tl• f'i\ tl Coli<• Ill tht' 'tat(' Et Oh' ~tu.u·t '''"~··.., n. '';\ Ttp· n{ Cuhi•Jrnta, that on the 24th day Jllllt' :'hirlt·~ l'orlt·r 1tlld :'u..,.t• ol St>phmbl t l ~lll. th<' O\\'llt't' ol Rurnt'tl. rht holt'• 1alt•·• rlt•'t'ttlwd ft:\tures ------------ ,, ncl · 'I I''' o·• ' ul I hA I C\'1 18Ul \\u..,h•·•··•••· ''lu:tH•d und locatt'<l at Jtt l (', ''' llta:hw:n, Corona d!'l :\1B.r, f'tt\ of :-.:t'Wport Beach. Count\ ol 11mna:e, Stat(' of Cali· fornra: intl"ncl 111 place a chattel 0101'1 t;:81W \IIKJll tilt' :-.aid fiXt UI'C'.., tU1d t·qUJplll• nt Ko 11111 't l1 \\'t·ll'-and Ruth r:. \\'L'II" . murt qa~oa· ol l>;ud JllflJH•II,, Htcl h11o add i'C'!;S j-, 6()() S• 1 , '' \• • ''' Corona dC'I Mat·, I'll.' , "1 q~t.•:·t B•·Rch, Count;\ of c '' <•'· ...,, ., ,. nf Cahrornia. '', 1•• llflrty., Ra nk. Corona do I ·.:, 1 .tltl '" tht' moll~aJ:t•t• 1! II•• "t! I'' np. ''~. nnd his Rd· rh·'' I• • •"; l'o tc;t llwltwn~. Co- ' nt , d \lt.r Ctt ~ of ='"''''flutl Ht•;l( h ,·, unt' n• I lr·'ln~::••. Sta I!' of \R It 11 Oil rttr. I'Ht •Pf.HTY lt'tUII'' and f'(J IIt;>m•·• 1 upon \\hJC•h lht• s~id f"M'Io) '''"' I~<J~f' I' Ill (.14' piACt'd Mtht·l • tf.r nlltl\\ rn..:: All t '" t , , "run•.., ttnd I'()Ui)\- !Tll"l,t 1.1. •11'1 I ll iMnN'c; thl'l't'IO J" '1£1 I 1lo\. lt1 tlo• it:htlll'":) T h· ·iiltl d, •••1'1 morn.:at:tc• 1:-. to lw '''1, ttl• rl 1on i tlw •·••nstd••nHum th•""' • \\ rll ho• J»dd a t 10:0() o'f'l•·l·k \ \1 . 1111 lht• :.!lth da\' ul Sq 1lt·r h. \ (l )!1)1, 'II !'\o'\\'ll!lt·t liar h<~t J\,lfJk. C01111l:t dt'l -:'\1<11'. 1'11 ~ "' '" '' I'~•• a B••a('h, County of c ,,. .. ,,. ,. ...; r :11r of C·tliforniA K f-.:, '\t"TII n. \\'ELLS Hl'TI! F \VP.LL~ Mort~a~ors "\~ i•t •flT HARRCIR BA'\K p , tr I I!F.:TRICK c ... tt,, r :\1ort~as:w<' P''"'''' 1 d ..... ,.r•• 13, 1951 in 11 r -~,.., pm t Hnt b<•r En ilo!n. ( i I ~ 11f '\" 1'\\ port Bf'At'h "'1a lt• of C'tlllfornla ~OTI C )' T() ('0:\'TR • .\CTORS I SEALED PROPOSALS wt.ll be ••tt. relv.es to retire--u:rs he'd 10 CfU7 willa --. to dol" Tbunday, Septemher 13, 1151 Phone ZE~ITH 2076 (Toll Free) Hawe You SUBSCRIBED to ENSiGN J:he OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Of the City of Newport Beach a • CPI\ Pd at the or fiCt> of the Cit~ CIE'rk \it) Hall. \tty of :":t>wport I R<-ach Cnlifornia.until7 :30o'clock P ~1 . on •h•' 24th etA~ of S<>pt<-m· bPr Hi"i I H' "hach 11m<> th('\ "ill bf puhltc h npt•nrcl and rt>ad for 1.,..rf nrmmc "ork He; follows: CITY OF '\P.WPORT BEACH. \At.IFOR!'IIA Fm lht• F UIIlli-ohinl! or Two 121 ~""iiCc> l'um~ and M otors ;\ 11 btd ''all ht' rC'C<>h·ed unless 11 I is made cr t< propMnl frrn'n rur- ntsh<'d b) t l 1 ('il)' F:nttini"C'r. Eat"h bid mu!>t h ... r·c·i'fJmpanif'd by leash. I Ct>rtiftf'd o· rn.,hif'r's chE'ck. or bid- dPr's bona 1 m ad<' payable to 1 he City of :":C'wport Reach , for an amount C'I'JUal to at !Past ten per- Ct>nt 1 Hv, 1 of the amount bid, such J.!Uaranl) to be forfeit<'d s hould 1 hf' bidd .. ,· to \\'hom thP con- tract ,.., a·wal'dt·d fRtl '" Pnh•r anro * * * Read it for fai r and ob jective news of Newport Harbor Read it for advertisements of the stores where you shop .... Read it for a ll the official notices of the City of Newport Beach, now being published exclusively in the Ensign ..... t h(' ron tract. All btd.., ·trc> ro hC' romparf'd on lhP ba.s .... of th•' Ctt) F.:n~inc>rr·., estimah• f•l t h<' I'JUanlltir-. of \\'nt·k to be dol'c> Xo bad \\'til bt• ac<'rpted from a Contrac101 who has not bt..'<'n h· censro in a~rda nce with the pro- visjons of Chapt€.'r 9, Division lll of Bu-.in<'"'~ and Professions Code. Planl> m&) be S{'{'n. and forms of pro!')() •ol bonds. contr·act. 11nri S()e'(:'ifi<'&lton!> mny txo ohtainffi AI thE.> o.l.lt' of 1 h Cit) EngmN>r'. I City i!<tl'. :'\(•\\port fk>ach. \.ali· fornia Th special attention of pro • pectiw bidd rs Is ca lled to t he "Proposal Requirements and Con- d.itions" annl'xed to the blank form. of proposal, for full dil't'Ctfons as to biddin g. rtc. The City of Newport Beach re· serves the r·iccht to r€.'ject any or afl bids. C ITY OF' NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA C. K. Pri('SI, City Clerk Dll tt'd: St>pt. 12, 1951 Publish: ,'C'p t. 13. 1951 • in the NcwpoTt H arbor Ensign. * Read it because it is YOUR LOCAL NEWSPAPER, devoted to the advancement of Newp ort Harbor ..... SEND THIS COUPON TO THE ENSIGN TODAY Or Call HArbor 1114 and ask us to bill you. - fitton•: HArbor I I 14 I 104 COAST IOULEVARD CORONA DEL ~AR. CAUFORNIA Please count me in as one of your subscribers. I am enclosing: 0 $2.50 for one-year subscription. EJ $1 .00 for four-month subscription. NAM~------------------------------------------ ADORES~--------------------------------------- CITY ____ ..__ ___________ _.stat._ _____ _ - Page 13 ofsodal note Sport Fishing Plan ror a social niltht tonight tThursdayl were rt'\'ealed at the Th<' excitement and hub-bub at regular m("('tlnt; of Women of the the Ca tie household in Balboa. Moose h.-ld la t Thur day. ChaP-which preceded Paula's \\'t'dding, Jain A IJCt' Young presided over the is s till going slromf. Now daugh- me<>llng ln the a bsence of Senior ter Norma l.s in the midst or ~et­ Reqent Winifred Randel. t in~ ready to leave for hl"r first • • • R<'ctlrder Viola Comecl an-year of colle~e ... She lean•g to- nounet'd that th<' hvo recently ini-morrow for Stephens. And after tlatt>d m<'mlX'rs, Callie Carpenter a· honevmoon in Mexico, the new· and Virginia T owle, han• been se-lvwed 'oavis' came back to pack lf'Ctt>d as chairmen or Child Care tip what wedding gifts the:t' could and Soc.-la! S<-rvit'e Committees. take with them and took orr. this R.f>ports were also given by lime to make their home in Ore- Wilmq Corbin. memlwrshlp; and ~on. Flora Vaughn. ritual chairman. Incidentally, those magnificent Co-wot·kers Elsie Porter. Eloise floral decorations at the NHYC J(jng, M)Ttelle-Tipping and Wllma for Paula's pre-wedding dinn r Corbin voluntl'es·ed to help serve \\ert' done by none other than the dinner aturday ni~ht. Ebell Club President. Ida l)(>a. B¥C Entry Power Squadron !!~~ !:!~!!. Class Still Open thl' 1931 Xatlonal Olampsrmshlp Junior R<'g-ent Clara Leach en· kins I Mrs. c .• M.}-• in lh<' Peni:Uin Dinghy Class home :'<ill and pow£or boot CJ\\'1\t>f'S to the Balboa Yacht Club m the> and all othl"n. snten .. ted rn Je-am· 1\\o-day !>.erie in San Uit>.;o Bay me -.ar.-. compP tr·nt boatm~: ma~ F'l'ida ~ a nd ~a utda\ !-rill• mull in Bal~ Po"' r Squad- Th(:y \\e n \\tth ·,,,, fK•nt sn ron,PtlotiJl~oourw tht-Gtrl 'cout huuse m l'OC!'Wpot't. Tl-d Hamb: •>Ok J!'l ln chargt> of this NUrse. sert~inrd members of the t\\'0 Zeller Robertson and hi brid(." bc?whnJ: t£'ams sponsored by the 1 arP hon<'ymooning in these parts \\omNl of thl' :'11nos<> Rl h<'r hom<' (n route from Brooks Fit>ld San ?.n. TU(':-~~ or. last W('('k as 8 Antonio, Texas. where the\ . \\'('re ksc~-off m<'Nm~. lx•foN.• thP op-married. to Alaska, wherP the Air <'nln7 c~f th<' how hn~ IM't\JP that F'ort'<' 1S r nding them Th<'~· ha\e c~·C"~~~· C!ara 1 l~nch i!l capt~ been St'en al'Ound Co~na dt:l :"'lar o, • I .or. • hf' ~tim<; and Gusd<' \!siting the groom's folks. :"11r and ="~< ~~ E~~uton ss captain of th<> 1 :\1rs. o. z. Rot>ertson. and tht>n off Othl r ~ICk~ I'> 'llso prl'slrlf'nt or IO I he mountains In the Rsg Br:~.r 1 he 00'' ltnJ: I a~u. rP1..rion. Zrller will lea\ f' hb bride their djnch~. Ra<.<-al. '-l'<•rinl.' l\\0 '\"• '\I :\fr nd~~ ni.;rt '~' '\P\\-por, hrsts, a ~'>f'~lnd .11ut 1 hsrd a nd a I''' h•t~ Y .• c-h Club at 7 3u \\111 !ourth al!llln'' ll tl\ ·tb. 1:\lr. 0111k th•· fu,t '' ~'Ul•r m'·E>tin~ of Rub~ ., chit 1 1a ' .. un .. wt '"' thl' It' fn·P Cl<t" Fl ft~·h\l· men A cad• m~ "' \I"''''" Pit t'UJ Art>; 1 •• nli "nm. n f'lll•JI!Pd last )fonda~ md ..,c·s••n< •'·' r • ·I r •nd he ~m C:.rrmndClre Ha\ SERVING YOU REAL VALUES MESA UPHOLSTERIII t'phol terllll' &I Drape~r7 BEacOD USB U$0 Jfnrport 81H., eo.ta ..._ :'\0\\' ~110\\~0 "ION· nil" -11111- "ffiON MAN" --.,.-,-,-._-,,-,., -TJ--~...,...,.,=---1 1 Four Ua~·, Only) "AUCE IN WONDERLAND" sn t hi' Harbor art>a while-hi' t!O.:S lo,)ktn • fur quart<'rS sn Alaska. • • • AX OTHER BIG; :'\to' JP ~tar Hobt•rt Sen1ce is reported to be 'pc>ndin~ c;ome summPrtsme on the-ocean l>idr of Orchid. Cos"(')na d<'l \iar • • l.sttlt> 5;w;it' Bak<'r. who ha. ju. .. · 11 ~tn·nE'<I from a 'ac-ation nt Coro- nado" sth th<' r•~"t r,i lhC' ,lnhn Ba-k~>r f'lmlh ot 43.'\'z Iris Aq•, Co· llln I dt>J ':'\tdl . 1 .. dfiQIO\! II) ho•) I tl• '' ;Khio•\~ mrnt \\'hilr sn <'••In- n ul" i ·\ •·:u -nld ~usiP INunNl how tu rhvc ·rrom a 12-!oot 110111 I . . c Jt h• 1 brn,,.•., \\Ctll h~ &,I boa Ltn.:• nhl'trn. D~-.t rsrt Cnmmand1 'r YaC'ht Cluh ~·n •s·i~'" wt•t third tor H.c rQ A~r•nn Chaurr.an Curt .. B«~h \\'oo<l\\ard and L1<'ant> Clare l"''h and JIN'Jih Gu<'nn outlis.l' 111 :\l•"'nr•• til'\ JXlllliS. and liJth l 'h• 'f!uatirun· .. poli\'IE"' and pur-f.,, R•. J ..... 1·•••• ancl l '"" .-;, .,tt in ,,.,.,,., .\r' '' ro "r-.h In urroll .I llllt' ):! '; JIOlllh "It •Uid ·lll•nd I • '\I \ltlnd 1~ lll.!h ·., Chari• .. i~ " k or B\'t ·" 1' name-d ·• ''ltl:l A u • "• kur: ,. nn<1 tht.• t(l '''('C'cP•I I'• s· J, tt•l ol ~<~n c• '"' l' •'t .. n witto.tl char!!•'· Uil•.;u ac; ,~ .1! prt ~idt>nt or th<" ="a-'· im u -.tup Mur .. • or)(·n to m .. n uosul PP• wn A-. .. o,·salton 11 t1 ""m' n "ho ha\: paso;rd thC' Chest Drive Begins Oct.1 hi l-·f•l! hit ..tkl )'' -.l.l~-t lllll..;. •J ( '-l 1 II o! I llt' ( 'n11 ll1111l11:0 l'l • •' i'l!llttn.: <t11JI" \\Ill ll'OO Pn!"QII Addtl. nnl rnt '" d prr-.on a; '" rrndlr' r."ll :'>1nrc:Ly nizlp at L ocal Su,in1mers Take H on or. ltll f ,,,, ! ...... ,f'lltl1•tlt1 <~hsldn n'. Iroml' :-:oc:i•·" m• m-\t .. wi ,, . 1 h't I 1 • .,, t.. .r;1 1 • d l t .. ,, ltnm n<'h.:hllOrtnt:-:--lill• \n1 •·~ \]· .. ll.t:H -..ot•• ' )'I <'IPII:-ttf'd ltl1 Jn\ •iColl .. • 'h 1\111' r• ,.,,,' B:tlhcl3 Ra' l I ill • J'' -· ll >•l \ t• '• h\ \\t'll 0\('.1 -,1"1 ~nu •hJ.tn 1 \1.• II • I I~ I ":hn cam" 1 • '''<' lh • ",\rh •uiUI•' ,. ,,. t. • ": 111 th(' \\'"~otl.•tlnnrl nt F.J .. It•••: 1 l'ltn' l•n· It,,. ••h tllt'C' 1 • • • • T~<trarlt> ur st~h·l> b:o Butl um .. 111 '11 \\•'1'<' r<•' .PI• •.-d at the mcf't· ThC> '.\'A:'\:-Af) \\' AY l 1hf' QUid ~~C\ W1l\' 'O c:('!l thO'\(> articles ' a • ~or, j n't ne-ed 'l:'l~ 'TIOt•'' . For fi'<I,U)t<i. llf:(' t 'lC • • • En liru \\ant .\th. .n· T C u.t. ~ani 'I \na Thl'\ C'!tm~> "I'" lt. c• t undrr ".t~ ll'njo,\ a cup ol t,.;, nnd In ronlrs- ~!!!!!!~~~~~!!::!!~~~!!!!!!~~ bull' to th•• \H>tlh\ ~ocitt}'" 1 ,. ~ \. '< ,\t l'•'i•lin:: rl •• jolt·"' ~-unp.tl.:n II,' 1.1 .•·' 111.!'1111 '._,, • •''I' • ,) J<\ '' F• " :-I • 1n• II "h• '' II ho ,.-.i-.t··d I \l .. '"ml r<:. president: Robert I. ('~lit., pat P~"~'"tdPnt : ~launf _..;, I ·:-fir-.t 'I<''·PI• IO<'n' A'· HARBOR 1114 , __ The E"'-DG'-' 111'\lPIIP.F\' nnGART Ill "SffiOCCO" lid "Texa s Ra ngers" In T M·hnh'ulor Free Kiddie Matinee -"~tturd.a~- "BOMBA IN THE mDDEN CITY" Cartoon" A :l !'ITOOC.E~ C"O!WEDV ~pon_"4lrl'd b~- Richard's Lido Mkt. llil'S .-)10~ ... Tl"E.". . !'pt. 16. 17. RE"'TY GRABLF. -in- ''MEET ME AFI'ER THE SHOW" WALT DISNEY'S "AUCE IN WONDERLAND'' and "Nature's Half Acre" • S PECI AL MATINEE • · 8atunla)', I :45 p. m. N.-MON.·T t::E • Sept. lt. 17. 18 A 8 u.pt"rior Com.,....ttoa: "KON -TIKI" I so- "Of Men and Music" with RUBENSTEIN PEERCE and HED EIZ ,·au-.,. I Tht• t<'a 1,1hh· .. "' n· 11·,..t,1: h·•l··• l<,..d \\t•l n r • u•• ... , • n· ~ ltt .. n A h<'• 111 \\'undo·rlanft "11w~ \\ • •' pn''lli• •I n\ t•r h~ hl''l!b col \atrnu-. 'ansa An .• l'luhs llaut to '1101 • \t l~ttllt ~"ll kno•\\ Ill •h• mnh Cl td ,,, "'~''' :\lis l nlli• i~l•'• ,,.; on••'ot tho• IJI'17t' \\'11'1 •''' .1 11<'1 tit' nf J>I'IIHmt'--· 01 \\ac; It t 1\1 '\\ hn I T'u \\'arrn <'It-: t•nCI' I tn ,l\ •ll't• ta kin!! 'I h ,., "lonlh lt•,l\ ·· lrom thds "\<l ''". A\'C'. honw in Corona dt•l :'>t .s Tht'.' ar•• II\· sn~ a1 1:\3 Ti'nth :'t :r [);'>J \far whiiP ~Tr ( t•:llt !'It'• i~lhl t i~ <:U· l)t•nio;sn.:. '"•llst \\hit'h ,,., ra thr:. 1 Cont 1 a<'H• .\1 ( "• m•·• • · , .. bulld- 1 in£' in L~t ••ll1 \rd'II•'C"I 'nr th<' lhi'U"•' I' ltu l lnHi \\'11.· I. dt•- ~~~n•'l' ,. •1··· rn ... i.!~l nutld 111: 1 rr rl <; h·nn. "''l'ttl)•l \ t<'• -p11·'1d• nt tncl 11., 11 \\ 1 .:ht. • t• "''ll•'l'. ~t r' <'Is • n•'t IIi h~t· ....... ,., sn.: t!' t I··· t':tll fl:l'l.:'ll o(I,C"<' ,,•cn'1lr~ nnd \I• .. 1\us uu..:h Hm '' 10 11.1 :::• n: • pultltdt ~ :-;, \'' t 1 1 ' Rnh"r' F.1.;trnan h~' II• ••f1•·d :, no.· .. n ·h·· .11···~ .1 • • tl•.-.11 fltltll a 111 th•' "Hi r'lull bl"d •" .:t•al: Girl Sc. qs.. !'3. I. Ro~ ...;('tl\110: s~ r m. \'s•itmg "lll'"''" ..\,..-.n ~1 --, lllhn'IC" \\'o•ltarc l1un•au. , 1.7tl0: l'mtt•d Drfrlll'~ F'urd 1 l ~() '· $1.120 Communit~ \\'••liar• Fund. Sl.OOn. lhrbor A rt 1 fttn<=' Club. Sl non: Protl's- tanl Chu.rrh \\',•1fart> $750 Youth C"t'nll'r I Tl"!'ll lantrf'n I. s no: Chsldn~n·.., Ho pita! n( Lo .\n· I J)o ~(IU 'j\{, \\ c•,lo•; Ill> \\ tlh a 1!1'11'~. ~160; C'ampall.,'l1 I'X(X'n:-'('S ~~alt\ a1r-:' \'••u .,,.., J , lbh 1) <:E'(' $6311 on<'.lhi \\it·1·J ~'IllS..•' a C'\lUplr 1t wa. annotU1Cf'd .tt F'ridn~·s ol Harbor •·1·'1 he"' \HOlt> th(." ml't'linc: t hat th!' local Commun- story "hich l~as ht>t.•i1 adapt<'d for I it~ Chr .. t hao; \\On ""ronrt ph('(' I Mono~rnm l'sr iUJ'" ... "~'"tl'rn pro · in com(w tillnn ,,;th fh'l' oth<'r due ion "Gh ... t Ratd•T~. · c;ta rrinc ar<'ac; in th<' rampas.:n tor 'ohm-~ l Johnn~ '\lai'K BrO\\n and Johnny j lecr recruitml:'nL l:llison Tl•• \\TiiC's .;. both Co- rona dl'l :\1ar rl'sid<'nts, ar-e lA'\\ \".\C"ATIO:\'~ I:\' !'IIERRAS Hodgson and Jack I.Rwis. Jack , A wt"E'k or campin~ in the Hich fos-mer public relations offiet'r at SiPrras \\'31' part of the two- EI Toro. is now "tra,·ellin~" with month 'acaticm trip of \lis"' G\yde thl' ~1arini'S 'taynard or 314 51'anl'\\' A\('. Co- l rona del Mar. She al o sf\('nt l £GAl NOTIC~ Se\'l"ra J \\ ('i.>k at I hP homl' Ol ht'r :\'o. ·" !0616 ssst<'r in Clar<'nwns. WhiiP \isitlnc: :\'OTIC'E T O CRE DITOR" sh<' fell and brnkr ht•r "nst and ESTATE ()f' A:\IALIF' ()F.~F.R st is .tsll in a ca~t LOUIS F. GATES IX'<'t'a st'<i ;-..;O'TiCE IS HEREBY GtYE~ to the creditors or nnd all P<'rl'ons 1 ha\'inc claim" 81:Rinc:t tht' said dt'· eo-n. Apprat..r em 0 •1· t.oe.. Hom~ LolUIJ to buy, buUd, <X'drnt or said t'Statl' to fil<" them mtnance or for alt~ratlona ,., p ...... nr.n. 'lll -.. .. , :m Clllb U-DIIYE CR UIS ER~ ROW BO A TS • 1.:n: n ·, • l\T , >(I \' • a \t '' • ..... ! I ;a t J H !'- /' / \~ . ~$ ~·.IJI";;"ao:.,.==~ ~· -~ E l l I ,.. R ;: • I ,, -s !80! C'o:ut lliwa~ :\'t>wport Be:Jt".b Phonf' HAr bor ~316 .lT Ol 'T H FSD OF BAF RORE BCIDG£ The Barge ''GEORGIA'' IUrbor !599 -HArbor lM4-JI 0 F F N E W p 0 R T pIER I bon ao.u leen enrr --Start me a.t ' L m.. ! LI\"E BAIT BOAT LEA\"E t & 7 a.m. from t"Dd of Pier ALBATROSS FOB SAtE 51650 "T ANGAROA " ·.\'.::r.e=-o: :ne lc s' C!-:::s'.:::::rs P.eg -:·::: CO~~PLETEL Y REfir'iSHED Ex:-elle~· Sf"' .:: . ·~ New R AC IN G S L OOP \\i th the necessary \UUCh<'rs tn the GENERAL INSURANCE office of thl' Clerk of the Supt>rior I HArbor l8e! )ft l"T RE Si!:t.'* TO RE Court of the County or Orang(.". 400 C<Nast Blvd., OOI'OIUI clelllar HArbor 35-M or Box S~te~~lifum~.MtO~~"t ~~~~~~~~~~~~i~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • the same \\i th th<' n P <' !' s ~" r \'I \'OUC"h<'l'S. IO I rl' m<' 'I C n d A I hf plat'e of busmess. tO·\\it. I c o THOMAS E . HEFFER=" A."\ 1415 Coast Highway Corona del Mar . California within si.'C months after the ftrst publi.,atio:t of this notice. Dated September 7. 1951. ~OSEMARIE CRIBBE:-.l' r Administratrix-with-the-\\ill· annexed of the Estate of sai<1 1 decedent. THOMAS E. HEFFERNAN 1415 Coast Hl!t!hway Corona del Ma r. Calif. Attorney for Administratrix Publish: Sept. 13. 20, 27; Oct 4 l Limited Load li.IICIIE SPECIALS Daily at 5:00 a. m. from the Pill vii tn tht' Newpor t Harbor Ensign. I ''TIIEY'Il& arrueo ~~oo~~~~~--~•;a;:~~~~~--~-~.~~.~.·.·.•~"~~~·~~·~·~~~~·~~~~~~;~;~;;h;·:~~:5;7J) ,-ou arttcle. Try the want adl. , ..... t U!o!&. ~ ...... Mimes OI'ICK 00«!"-... ,!... OP Said at1 o-..tt a.. *'""- _,.. JL-.. & ~Dined and drdanlll U.t .sial '11le Man' to Mooe To New LoaJtion PunuaDt to llatu~ herein IDI!ID-booc1L bfarin« iDtft'St at ttW ra~ tSorwd and .....uon o! A..ard ol ot six pn-el"Dt 46 l ~ umum Coatract No. 3917 of the Qty and ntending cn·n-a pPriod end--0.~ Be-t Tft'bl.mr a~ Council ol tlw Otl of N"-port in~ rlior ( 9) )'MrS fnliD tJxt _... that the mt'ft'a AGn-. ~ Jlall," BNda. Calllonda. adopted on the oond da)· ol.laoUU')' nest~ 11th day ol Sfoptenber, 1951. eli-in~ tJxt nest ~ J.!tb follow· •iU IDO\~ on Ort. l to a new and rectinc this aotkt"; iu~t tbrir clat.r, Will be ..._. biere-Larc:er Jocalicm on N"'lJQI'1 Bh'Cl., NO'I1CE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Wlder in tM manner ~idled b)' ln C.O.ta Jlaa. fOI'IDfti>• OCll.'\lll!led that the l&icl Oty Council in open t_iw .. lmpro\'ftnftll A.ct of 1911", by the ~Ut Of~. 'lbe new loca· -'on oo the 11th day of Sep-being Part 5, DMsioo VU of the tJOn bu IM!eo ~y tetDI!Jde&. ~mber. 1951 publidy opened. ex-St ret'ta and HldJway• Code of tN led. lndudJn& a ~· and ~ am1ned and ~ all sealed State of Ca1i1ornia. to reprf':Wftt fronL propo8&1a or bids o((~ for do-l each aaeaJnrnt of -r.enty-Ove ''The Man" ror the t fh~ ing the foUo~King described work. Dollara .(~,()()) or ~ remain-)earl hu ~ at 1799 -;sewo"J))rt -...------------ 1o-~K1t: lng unpaid for thirty (30l days Bhd. 'J1Je DPW lrtClft •ill feat~f tion of a slJ't'oe't Ughtlng •)'Stan. "~rranL . a ~~~for bo)-'5 -======~== ....... ===·::::·:·:'=:':':· :'•= ..... ==t.=•=...-=·==:i:== 1be construction and installa·l after the date o.f rf'COS"dinc the additional lin8 of men's v.'e&J' and consisting of ~~ ooncrete All of tbe W'OJ"k herein ordelec! from 1 to y ;;... ..-u or tandardl (M:a.rbd.it.e De-hall be daM and ca.nit'd t.hroueb:ly~~~~· iiiiiiiijiiii!~~ii.i~~iii~iiiiiijijjiii~iii~~;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;~ aign No. 4J..D4l. each eoquipped in pu ua~ or an act or the ~'11 with ()IW lumina_ir-i..ocludinl.! 2500 latuno of w State of Cahfomla. 1~ ln~t tampa, using dt>si~t<'d the "lmprovf"m('t)t Act 5000 \'Olt 'I'Mrmoplutic Cable m-of 1911". brine. Dh · ·on VD of w staUf!d in c:al\'aniz('d lron pipe coo-tn-et ~d Higtn\'aYS. Code. duit. and appurtenant work m con-Tile s:ud City Council did by A d nectlon tM~ ith ln that certain RE't'Oluuan of A"1U'd o! Contract pubhc N15f>l'n('nt o~~ b\ the Cty ~o. 3917 award the contract for of Newport &>ach 0\<'r akmg and tht> doine of the w d •ork to the ao-ou Lots A. B and C of TraC1 10\\~t r~r. rHJlOTlKibl• btdde'l'. No. 1011, as pt>r map ~ in to-~K"lt· Miscellanrou Map Book 36 Pa£:es To Ham F. Brev. r at the.> priCt'11 37 to 40 lnclusk Jtecord.s 'or Or-named in his bid. on filfo ln the of· aneeo Count)', Califomla , all as n~ of the ~it) ClE"tk of said City. mor(' particularly described m He-Datf!d this 12th da) of ~P cm- lution or lntmtinn ~o. 4000. ber. 1951. Jl8.,6sed and adoptt'd by t.M City C. K. PRIEST Councll or said City on the 9th da)· qty Clerk of tlM-Cit) o.r of J uly. 1951 and on fil• In the or-1'\ewport Beach, Callfornaa flet> of the Cih CJ.-rk of said Cit \' PubiWl: Sept. 13. 20. 1951 For furt.h<'; part ic-ulan. reftw~~ in the ~ewport Harbor Em•~· ence is hereby made to said Reso-~ lutl<ln or lntf'ntlon Xo. 4000 and ·' ~ Xo. Mt to th<> plans and d:ra~ing,s No. 435 A.~ O&DIN.L~C'E OF TilE~·- on filf' in the offlet> of the a ty En-POIIT ISE.'CB C'ITY oor~CIL I gln~r of said Cl ty of !S'ewport ArnJORIZI~G A! ~D- &>ach. and to the specifications · ~.,. TO THE 00~~ 1 for the said work heretofore ... O,"'JJV(G FOil TBE PAll-- adopted by thfo sald City Council TlCIPAftOY OF 1'RE Ctn: 1 and on fi w in the office or the City OP ~'POIIT BEACII r~ Clerk or said Cit,· and an of 1DE C'M..IFOII'VIA ~ T A 1' £ saJd plans. drawinp &nd specifica· DIPLOVF..£8' arnat:M ~T tions heretofore appro,·cd by the "Ytn'EIII. JIAI(J!\"G In' EM- Oty Council of said CHy are incor-PLO~ Ill E !II B Ell OF porated hert'in and made a part MID ~~ Tt'31. hereof. and reference is hereby ~ Ctty C.-d.~ of t1H-CUy of made thereto for a more particu-~~~ Bfoadl d OH orda,l• u lar description of said work. f.UO.•. _ Said Cit} CounoJ ha.s deter·l ECTIO~ I. That an anwnd-mirted and de<:lated that the con mf"nt to the Contract pro' id.lnst for terriplated ~ork and lmpro,·emt"nt the participation of Clt) or Xf!'\\· heretofore mentioned was in the pol"t Beach in the State Em· opinion of sald Clty CoUncil, of ploy~· Ret~l'n('n1 S) tern. ls more than local or ordinary public bel"E"b) authori~ bfoN·een tht> benefit and the saad City Council City Council of Oty of N""PPf'l has made the t>xpell!I(>S or said Beach and the Board of Adminis- work chargeable upoo 8 dislrtct. t:ratlon.. CI.Hlom la Sta1t> Em· F or the particular description of ployces Retirement S~stem. a I the w d dJJftrict. reference ls here-copy of . aid aml:'ndment bein" at· by made to said ftl:'solution of In· ta.?'f!d hereto, marked "Exhibit tentlon No. 4000. A • and by such rt'fert>nCX' mad<' a , i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii part hereof u though herein I!Pt 1 out in full. COitlt~. S!lC'Do~· !. The> Mayor and ..--City Clerk of the City of Newport •·o-N .-... ,.._,_.._, Beach are h('reby authorized. em-I "" ..,P< ... ..,.,..,~ powered. and d.iN'Cted to t>Xf'CUtl" FURNITURE e DtAII'H e WAU, said amendment for and on be- ,A,ElS e LAM'S e FLOOl half of aald A~ ""'" COVEitiN6S. ~EC'TIOS Thic: Ot dmanet' HO E a shaJI take elf .:t lhu l) da)-a after 61 1 Coett Hwy~ the date of itF -"f"P ion. and prior to the expira •I fi, <' days from the passasre tJ.u (.'()f hall be pub- lished at least ""~' in th<' New- port Harbor ErwWl. a newspaper of general ci .. ·ulatlnn. publ~hed and circulated in the Cit) of New· port Beach, and th(>ncdorth and therea'fter the sam<' shall b<' In full force and t>frf'<'t. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Adoptl'd 'Uld appro,·ed thls llth = day of Se; '"'lb<•r 1951. E.;=========~ L. L . I~BELL £ \ Ma~or C. K. PRH~ST City Clt-rk 0. "'-•eculo• .,, 2: 8inll ol • .., .... Bfrtt •• ,. • _,..,...tA•Nian•• ... ~ofNtNII .. Arrival• of N•.........,.. • NEWPORT BEACH Ph~ Harbor 758 (If• .... ., •• ,.,.., Xo. A-%011t NOTICE OF UEAIUNO OF PE- TITION 1'0& PllOBATE OF WILL ~~ FOB LEi IDlliJ TESTAMENT AllY. In thf' ~~~~rtor <Joart of tile tat.-of Calllorala Ill aacl for the CoUDt)' of Orane"e In the Matter or the Estate of MAX ft. HANN Oeceued. ~otire is ht't'eby ghen that the I pt>tition o SHJRLEY HA~N KER.'J for t hP probate or the Will or the.aboH' naml'd dec<>dent and I for the ls l..ln~ or Lc>tt('rs Testa· mentar)• to the petitioner wUJ be heard at 1() o'clock A. M. on Fri- day. SeptemiX'r 14. 1931. at the court room or Departm<'nt 1 of the Superior Cnurt or the State of California in and for the County of Orange. B. J . SMITII1 County Cterk Date Augt»t Z7, l.Sl. DONALD D. HARWOOD 141.5 Cout Highway Corona del Mar, Calif. Attorney for Petitioner. Publish : Auc. 30, Sept. 8, 13 1n the Newport Harbor Ensign. Realtors ol the H.art.or lldSoD get rmaltl tbJ'OUC'h ~ of the ED- Iilll real atate .ec:tSon • MEMO--- OUI FACTO ~·-100% ,Wool lie&-7 .• 5 ... U.N J95 to fj95 La4118'- 100,o Nylon Ladies' F"ust Quality lyloa Re1e 51 Gauqe -15 Denier ~.!!: ::·z• I Pain 80 Gauge -15 Denier Bosef I Paln ~. Lit Pr. Factory-to-Y,ou FACTORY -TO -YOU to F"meSt Quality & Up 100°/0 All Wool Fa brics" e Sheen Gaborame~ e Flannels e Sharkskins e Tweeds e Shepherd Checks e Twill Gabardmes Hu9e Selection of Patterns and Colora finest Tmloring - Custom Detaumg ?erfe-t fllimg Stzes 36 to 50 In REGULARS. SHORTS LONGS, PORTL YS. e LADIES' and MEWS SUITS MADE TO ORDER Between lcmta ADa & leid leadl & lueDa Park & HuntiacJtoD leach Hours: 1:30 to 5-.30 Daly SUNDAYS: 10:00 to ':30 ...... --- OYer IVOE • • • IIITIIII ·~.14.- El Toro O<"T. 5- Lonq Beach OCT. lt- ftiyerside OCT. lt- Mt. San Antonio s o\·. :t- San Bernardino XO\". 1&-· Orange Coast X O\'. 11--- Chaffey ~o,·. !!- Fullerton • ••• dial for World Series. PCC football and news of Orange County sports activities. 'GoOdbye My Fancy' Chosen I Community Players Opener 1 ~Jcmlx>rs or Newport Harbor play was ch~n beocause thE>~ feel Community Players "'ill read ' it is a sure hit as a t.eason opt ner, parts ~1onday e\·ening for rolest in \il'w of lts out tanding uccess I m .. Coodb}e My Fancy.'" first rna-as a Broadway pJa}. and it cur- jor production or the 1951·52 sea-rent showing throuehout the coun- son chosen by the Players' Exe-try a Joan C'ra,,1ord"s· n('we 1 cutht.> Board. starriri't: mo,ie. Board memtx>rs said that the Gerhardts Back From M exico Wall) Gerhardt. local photog- rapht>r. and hi wife J<>an ha,·C' jus1 n.~tumed fmm a t\\o-month sta' in Mt:-xico and are back in th~tr homt' and stud.Jn at 13i Fern- le-af AH'. Co•'Ona dE'I Mar. Fur O\t>r a month. lh~) and a nPi~hbor, :'>larion ClinE'. wet·e the nnlv Americans in the town of Paizcuaro in the Sta te at Mlchoa· can Situated on the hore or a 10\ t.>l~ lak<'. potsl'd ht~:h m pinE' co' <'J't•d mountains. 1 he ,·llla~e 1S about mid-way bel\\."t't>n Cuadala· jara and ~tt>xico Ctt~. Th<'~ J"t'ported that ba ic h\in~ CO'it \WJ'E' untx>Jie,abl) low. They l ~nh d onl' or tht> fi nest houses in tlw locality for 1::>. paid an t:-xccl- lf>nt cook and housekf>eper 12 a month. and a whole 1om or be-ef rost 25c per pound. Th 1:' figures. ot course. are basl'd on li\ing in the smaller towns: .:.1ex1co City and thE' lar~t:>r townJ; at'f> QUite a dlfft'l t>nl stor· :\1ost of lh<' C...·rha1d1-.' tim<' \\8S pent in painlln\; and photo-;· raph~. \\":til~ prom1 ~ a onr man show or h1s ~>urnm<'r· "ork tn I h£' nE'ar ruture. J(>an Is now back at ht'r teach· lng dutle in charge of a fifth o.'t"ade cia. at thC' ~ewport Cram- mar School They d<> cribe tt &!-. a play ,..,;th fast-moving comedy that has pro\ en its unh<'r<:al audienCE' ap- Pt-'81. It has ju~t bt>en relea ed for produc11ou b) community 1:1 oup . and th(' Ha tbor Players will give it'> Pcond bta5:tn.R for a Pacific Co11st audJl'ncC'. \\ith three performan<.><· ch••dut.•d for th<' lu-t we-ek 1, <.K"tobl.~r ~1onda~ ni~ht"s pt·ograrn of part rea din~ '' 111 be at i :30 in the C'hapel •• 1 l •ranl!e Coast C"'olle~re. "hE're tht pia~ w1ll be rPhC'at-sPd and sta~:e-d. :O.ft'~>. :\larjort~ Wil- liamson ol Laguna BPach, "ho \\'Ill d1rE'CI tt "1ll ~ Pll'"<'nt. P I a) l" 1 :. Pt ~ td nt ;\Jarthella Randall aid tollo" in~ the board ml.'etim: that shP b. anxiou to ha\'e e\eral men read part :.ton- day for the two leadmg male roles. one a newspaJ)('rman and one a coiiPge p1·e td nt. Keen eompelt· t1on ts t•xpect<'d for thP Qtarrin~ "oman "s t-ole. '' h1ch is constdeored on<' of the be 1 in current thE'atrt.> Both mcmbE'rs :-tnd non·mE'mbers ol 1 he Play<'I'S a1·1• "ek-om£' to n•ad • for phy parts. and to also be on 11111.. hand lor )londa) evt:>ning"s pro-,.. wam 10 di<>cu;;; .. n•ho ·r \\Ork 10 tht.> • pr· ... , • Mt.>r> '>< •, ,,. 1 1 hoard learned at • 1-u· 1 <.1·: 1 .r. ·tHng that 31 ne\\ ~ memb\>rs ha' <' jomt?d the Pia~ t'r • .. 1111. July 1 1 h•' laad plans for I.._ ,, .1 ' '' • • • ! re~lar month I) I" llll't"lln~ . ol the m('mbershjp, the • first one tentatiH'I) scheduled for .._ l'arl~ October \\"orkshCip plays. ,.. on a smallpr seal<' than the major 'T=~=~===::-:~:-1 1 productions. will bc sh·<'n ~tt the:. II FOR 1 mN>tin~s. Three t)pes of mPmber- shtp at't> availablt.• in thE' Pla}ers. 'lnd an~ont> intl'tt' It~ t<; rt'QU ted to call HArbot· 13(13-J for mforma- llon. )h• L e \\'ild<'r wa ho lt'SS for tht• n•t•t•nt board m<'E'tim: at her home at :?16 E,·enlnc C.amon Road I in ShMt• C'liff,. . l£C:Al NOTIC' X OTICE OF HE.UU~GS ~oticc Is hereby gh·en that the Plannjn~ C'ommi sion or th€o' City a fare lod,e of :-.=e\\ port Beach ,,;u hold two publtc h<'arings on the appUcatioru or <'E'rtain property ownprs to amend Ordinanc<' ~o. 63ri so as to cause th<' rollowin~: profl('rty in I Corona del :.tar to IX' rezoned from pre ent R-1 to an R-~ zone. and reltllflnt ~E 10' Lot 13. I & Lot 15, Block 138. C D. ~1. 10' Lot 25. & Lot 2i. Block 1~ (' D )l Lot 1~. Block 13<i. C' D :'>t. Lot ~. Block 13.1}. (" D .:\1. t Lot 22 & 2-1. Block 139. C. D M. The Finest in Food ~OtiC<' IS b<'rl'b~ fllrtht•r tn\"E.'D that sa•d hcarim:s will be h<'ld on I the 20th da) of SPpt•'rnlx'r. 19:-ll and the 18th da~ of < lctoh<'r. 1951 1 at thP hour of i .:\0 P .:\1 m the C'ounctl Chambl·r-. nf th(' Citv Hall. ~('\\pori RP'lch California. at whtch time and place an) and 1 all person.; inll'l"t'l>lt'd ma~ appear and tx-ht:>ard tht-rron. Ray Y. C'upehn. l'Crrtan· ~EWPORT REAC'I I C'T"fY Pt..Al"~IXG C'O:\OHS ~10:\ LEO JtOJO and 2NTERTAIN1.1 ENT Nig htly Felix and Leo with Sue Stanley Publi ... h . Sept. 6 13 1951 n the ~•'""J)(lr"l Hat oor En">kn You may find a pro~e ex-1 change for that real estate In the want ad section. Pat-15 llERWOME..~ TO JIEI:'I" Xe"--port Harbor Lady Anllen \\til bold thed" monthly meetinc Monday at the Ebdl clubhclu.. OverloGidllc Beua.ful Newpor1 11ar11or LIDO VILLAGE * Phone HArbor 7 8 4 • EAST INDIA SHRIMP CURRY ~.lith CHU"TI\"'EY • Georgt & Ethel S trebe---your hosts at the--- F ea1urmg the "GUADALAJARA BOYS ' COCKTAILS -DINNER FTom 10 •· m. FTom 4 p.m. In BALBOA 415 E. lelbCN lout .... ard Visit Our Beautiful Cocktail Lounge SII'S SEIFIII AT THE SIGN OF THE SWO~DFISH 16278 Coast Hwy .• Surtside For ~ / F i ne ~ ~ COCKTAILS: French a.:~d Italit:m Dinners : Imported Beers & W mes ~ Dinner s !!!~~~=~!!!} Steaks • Chops • Short Ol'dr rs 63% Cou t lllxtnny -~e\\-port "'Mariner's Mile" · Red Snapper Cafe Bl:aeae Real Mexican Foods e Enchiladas e Tacos e Tamales e Ch1li Rellencs e Steaks p •-_ .. ,.. Open 5 to 9:10 p. "'· -C lo1ed Mondey' La ROSSMORE DINING RO O MS 8 rf'n kfast now sern•d 4 R. m. to 9 p. m. at B.-\a.noA P 'nu o'" SPORTSMAN'S WHARF ~t"\\I>Ort &>nch ... 2 00 W. X en"'JX)rt Rh·d. anta \.nA ••• 410 S . 8yt'.t\D1Mt" Slrfft WHEN IN BALBOA, VlSIT THE ~ 4 4 Complete Dinners Until Midnight PIIOM lUrMr 111, rtiW IPEI EYERY DIY • • '"'t"1··w Trip on tl.e W.y q.era 'Ro .;:rt '"" R:\~ E.~~ " Corona del Mar'a author-uplor- «4 dv nt ~r team. Dana and Ginget' Lamb, are \\inning ae• clalm for their new book. ''Quest for th<' Lo8 City," the story of tht'ir long and per!Jous search for graph parties-at the I slanders on BAlboa Island and a t Buffunu' in Santa Ana. and their book, pub- lished by Harper & Bro . of New York. is recehing att4?nliun of J'e· viewers. tht' d ty of the Maya . Tht'Y haYe been feted Here is what T. Morris Long-at auto-streth has to say a bout. ''QU<'Sl --------------for the Lost Cit y" in a t'e\'l<'w pub-~__,...~ lished in the Christian Science (/l.wca~M ' Qi4·~··· Monitor : ''This account or a 12-year search for the last refuge of the Mayas flt'clng from Cortes and hili f('l- low butchers is factual nnd still another proof that t1-uth is more haiJ"-rai ing than fiction. "This city that thP Lambs w<'re HaH' }OU tx-en intri~ed "ith St'\.~kin~ was not only lm.t but se- the nf"w mat.-rials curN:'ntly being l'Jeted, and thf'n mislaid, after the featul'f"d ln the 1951 ra hions? The t'~plorers thou~ht the~ had located peaC'h kin .. tht' brushed ~bar-it n<>ar Guatemala' llOJ'them bor- dint' . . th \\'Ors-ted rayons? der. They had trB\C'l<'d from Los Sonwtimes 1 think thE> manufac-Am;l'les by Croupy, th<' old Ford, turera must ha,·e had Southern b) burro and j<-ep . and a P.lane CalHomla In mind, tor now we I hound togE'ther b) WJ I'l'. but cht£'fly ha\'e the look or wool with non<' on fO?L Tht'Y wet"t' balked repeat- of thP bulklm' ••• pl<'nt~ of cas-t>dl~·. Ultf?l·rupted by World War.U , ual and tailored clotht> that arc and encountt'red ob tacl<'S wh1ch not too warm for your "right now" would ha,·e dazed Ulys l'S. wardrobfa and the~· will be fine I "Balking the Lambs wos no en y later under ('(t'lt . matter. They had studltod a1·chae· """ tM-auty of lhf'M' lle'w fa -olo~. woodcraft, £'0J!ineerin~o;. na· brk't!o lt!l that U..-y han• th.-ap-,;galion, and had bt?<.oomt' crack pParanc'f' 11f wool. Tbey an thP shots with t•ifli' and cam('ra. They emJturln'• th>lla'ht ~Mt' thp~· ofl(>rated on tht' thror~· that when drape" .-'f'lt .. d IU'f' c~ ~8t-~ou leam a thin~ 1t's YOUI'~> Thl'Y ant , uMI thf>~' tt'nd tn lt.bt"d dirt had prt>nou 1:\ taken a 16.000-mlle •.• AND tht"~' art-\l'ry CCM~!U'n"· C'anoe trip down thC' 1\t'St roast of a th·t'ly pr1~ • . • Al'k at M<',ico. 1 t'. ult inJ: in nana Lamb's j O'BKIES" to !M'f' th.-dr.-c'l4"8 In I first book. 'Enchant<'d \'nJ:abond.: thf'<W' ... ., fahrl~ 80 )·ou. too. j "RndE.'rs cann,:: littll' fot' ar· WUI bfo fa.tlloa-.-1!14.'. chat>olo\..' wh.kb he1·e L'> rninim1zro ~cidentally. tht-rt' are Ot'\\' ra-1 to a Jmo t 'nothin~:. will bP J'C'\\ aJ-d- brJN and many or your old fa-ed b\' a fit-st hand ,.it''' ol " regil•n \'Orllt'fi no" a\'nil8biP in izP 16's th<'' · aH· not Jik<'h to ... ,.,. and tn and 1 's. Velma has taken spe-enrounll•r. w i I h tndi\ 1duali7t'd ciaJ paim to find GOOD looking folk \\ho arC' ah\t' and natural di'C' t'S de~cnNI for t~~ si.~c>s. I "llrre not hin~ i prett led up not· . . and you II~ happll~ • urprt t>d di:.torted b' prPjudJCE'. Tht> Lamb'> at the T'('SU)I~ had comr io und<'r~tand tht• 'ilnl· Batr"' aad ~IO\M> • • • nC~«.... plicill<'!'. ('njo\ments, shortrom- l!iOrft' that pron• ~-ou are ~ inl.!s. and cheerfulness of tht'se na-wt•U..cJr4'~ ""?man .• ~rf' nnw ti\'1' !\lf'Xicans and pa s th<'m on oa dJ81)1Ay at 0 BRIE S !'\. &-au -mtal't with nppr<'ciation and hu- tlfUI C'r.-~ndo ~I0\'1"8 (ftnt·~t mor. Thl'Y strtnJ:: brtl!ht jl'\\'C'Is of fabri<' glo'" made), l.a Jo~ly I characterization alom: thPir lil<lr~: blld t"' Of whlb' \\lAP, IM>IJCP, the PXQUisif<' vi~('tll' of Juanito ItT"~'. mllph· ~nd t~~> ba."'""· thE' baby f'Q Uit-r<'l. the full-lt>nJ:th A more extenshe selec.tion . of piclurt' of Bandlt Pancho. the bag-,than t>\~r lx'fort' wdl qtve comic novice camper . brave RA· you } our cho1ce for dN:' sy ~d cht'l Mahony enlistoo in the Cor- stl'l'E't-wear O<'caslon · , I th"'!k ~otten \ilhi~e. and always the }OU hould know that o. BRI~ S jungle. frightenlnJ% 11nd Clrc<'ah have ont> of thf' bt>st ba.1c .llne ot in its fatal beauty. bags. a\•aJI~bl<' In cal.f skin at a "Best of all is the slow !\t'lf- nonuna l pn.O(' a nd wt.th complett' 1,e,·ealing of the protagonists, color ~election. Th~y I'(' styled to Dana and Ginger Lamb. It Is un-comphm~nt ~·our sutts a nd dres. e sparing portraitul'('. One l't's a and thE-y r~ d urable for markt'tmg man and 8 WC"""''•n with no one at and tr&\t'hng. Of COUrst' "e a)SO hand to Ct'llSP I ht'll ron dUCt but ha'" some of t~oo;r cl<'''«'r ne.w thcmseh·es. <..1d nolhin); to ob- Juctt<'S -. -p.'lrt lrulnrl~ 'mart m struct them e"l'"flt tht'ir past and butt"J rotch and maho~any shades ~ht'y had ta.kc ,.,,,.<' of lhat.' One and S<'n~AtJonal m the cl<'ar --. • watchos thrm w:.engaging them- and omt' ador~blr nt'" bag-s m 1'1\·es rrom c. ·!i?"llion'~> as ist- \'Pivt•ts ~nd satm . • anec and J'('('ntt>rmg man's heroic ComP 10 and set' tht'm phase. But cidllzro. Christian -~"'!:' ' -4 ~' -,,........._~ ./.-) _(__ 1.: .... ~ .. ' .- 1411 OOAIT IIOlJLEVAJU) OO&ONA DEL liAR RA.rbor !811 man. Theirs""" a Chri tinn ron- quest against formidable odds. Ont' can only say, such courage, uch a coupl<'! On e puts the book down awn <' of ha,'ing sharro a drep I"XJ>f'l ••• 1cr. lt is an outstand· in~ story." Want ads make everyday Uvtng easier. Many a want ls filled through use ot a line or two. Good p1ano lessons plus Sincere p1ano pupils equaiB EXCELLENT RESULTS , Convenient after-school lessons at the !'ORONA DEL MAR PIA."O STUDI O OF Ruth Barcume, B. A. lit 1 Lar'lolpwr A'·e.-Corou del •ar IIAitMw ...... • e SWIFlS BBOOIFIELD • • • • • DURKEE'S AA Delicious on Sandwiches Smooth, Creamy Laura Scudder Rich in e e e Vitamins ICids Love It Pint Jar Gold Crest All •ids under 14 ere invit.d to, we thi• swell show. • • • Al•o 5 cer· toon•· end e film short with ~ "3 STOOGES". No Tid!et NKe&s.ry-Jutt Wal• ln. Size lis can Best Foods Late Family Addition Pe•ll latter SPAM Margarille Salad Oil ... 29c J% 01'-49c lb. 21t Pt.-Qt. 61t 07-can . ~ .. , S ('If ~ r, y" , r, ~ ~ ,_. • ,. .~ Luer s Quality Sliced Piadeato Loaf Luer'• Quality Sliced Bil•re LNI Sliced Allier. Cheese lb. 55' lh.59' Solid Q,.en 1/z '~Btit lh ... .., .... CIIIACE Featuring Manning's U.S. Gov't. Graded Chotoe Beef Finest Beef MANNING'S U. S. Choice CHUCK ARM or CHUCK BLADE BEEF POl IS. BEEF • • .PORX THURSDAY BLUEBERRY PIE ................. .. each 6ze Honey FRUIT BARS ... doz. 22<= 2 doz. 41c FRIDAY OATMEAL COOKIES ...... doz.2]c .each IJc aATURDAY Choc. Malted Milk Layer Cakes A.td. Larqe COFFEE CAKES ..... -..... each 31c Plain or Seeded RYE BREAD ................. .loaf J3c • • lh. • • lb.- cea-. eat l b. C9e SbeaiE eat ·,&. S'9e Metzanin;e Shoppe 1lte indi•penseble e.tre table thet folds up end s1ort~ •way . . Tray i• detuhable for eesy we•hirtt • • • Fractured FRENCH NAPKINS? • • • S,ECIAlS EFHCTivt THURS.. Fll., SAT. -SEf'T. IJ, 14, IS j ~ --·----------- of AU .Kincla FLAGSTONE PATIOS BLOCK WALLS -·--• ntEE ESTIIIATES • .... ..,. .• ... _ SIIO..J • HAlt-IOII..J UIJ ........ N. C....._ Bruns & Mar sac PLUIIIII Oonea ..... Water Beaten 0.~-· .... ·- 700 Vanlatloa A Vfllllle Harbor 1S18 l'lle~T...._IIt I (~ .,. -~ I • , ' . . Newport Heigb t.a and Corona &!I I will u,pport the foundatiOn of t.ht" Mar have accounted for almoet hospataJ. half of the building activity dur-Following t>f>Mmt \\f'N> c ued lng the first week or Septemtx>r. during the }JUt \\l"(;k· with $75,000 in permits out of a s~wport ll~leh .. total of some $165,000. J . M. McQu m , Lasnma. 5-room. Of special interest amonl{ per-1-story, 1-unlt d\\elUn lt at 506 mits lssu~ during the past week Ali o . S9.000. 'Thomas Shoen, was t he farst for the Hoag Memor-bulldor lal Hospital near lh_e Arch G. F. Rudd. 241 Rt!C'hester, $15,000 permit for aussons. whJch Co ta 1\tf.'sa, 6-room. 1-tory, 1-unit dwt"llinl! at 427 Santa Ana AH: Sl!l.800. Owner build r 1 Gror'!f' P1ckerin&!. 2611 :"ewpor Rh d. 6-room, 1-ston 1 -u n i t .._..... • ~~ dwemn~.> at 116 Hnlmwood 511· Dllllatn •.• g 1100 Owrwr butldt-r 1 Ralph Ga ton 41-1 E1 ~lodena. R~uction or the 8\'8ilabllitv of 6-room. 1-lOr) 1-unat dwelhnlit at different materials that go 'Into 32~ El :\fodPn-:t. ~ 1! 000. Owner building of residential, commer-build r. clal or industrial s tructures will C'flrull:t dt"l ~ar not nect-sarily cause 8 stop in any Fnnk Rt~w h ~ n rt>ar porch building, but \\ill make it import-rtt ili C..oldt>nrod. 11•1 ant to ha•.-e careful plannlng to ~1r, A J IoHmann Jin Coral, I conser\'e ct'rtain mRt('rtals. ac-Rll,lbo:t r~land. 5-room, 1-'!':tol") 1· rording to Waltt'r B. )t t'llott. umt d\\ 11m~ at ~16 ()coean. 16 • I ;-.;tl'wport Bl>ach, who as pr<'Sident 000 o.,, 1'1'1 t,u, df r ()('I G II. of the> California State Buildt'rs • :'.tcFnr lane! Exchange. ~ Elm t Po1~11 r. altc·rt.llions !l"li Actually the rl'<'t"nt ordc:>r rl'-addit10n lit 11 .h-.mU1C', , }~')("'· ~ardin~ consu·uction is Jess at>· Rc,l)l•rt ~11 n. b nld"' ' Stricti\•p than the Onl:' undPr whiCh • f:. 7.. ~klnnt_'r: I "I l )O)X, naJooa th£' buildin~ industrr has tx-en J...land. ra~d dinanR room and ba- \\'or·king for the past 10 month . it kc ry to Snack ~hop, 1619 ~oaq was dt'Cided at a rf'('('nt m('f'ting Hh d · ~ 11.000 AI Pll·~Pr, butldPt. of builders exchang.-. in Rak.-rs-Xrwpor.t fi<'ld that 1\fr. Ml'llott attPndl'd lloat.: Hospital C'al' on<. tn up- ....,....~ .. .,. aorT .••n:a «* A IIOirTIILY saanca ...... Phone Kimberly 2-7291 n• 'i..,.~~aa:t LUMBER -BUILDING MATERIALS S ew-port Bh·d .. C•ta liH& 1 Onl\ "luxun" housin•• nl<l\ bC' port fuundatitm , 1:1 fMll'l \I • 'In ~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;~ curiailed · -· & l'ltic-h bul!df·r .. r ---F d\\nrd Rurn-.. J•·muolt·lhn.: at Li S :\IIlii :\'t•\\"}"(11 t Rh d ~~10 tillS FOI 5% --20-YEAR LOAN Coutructloe lAUIII 5 -5Y,'ro (lC yn.) We buy and sell Trust Deedl. SEE BOB SATTLER Representing POirier htciP 0.. lUI Cout. Blvd., ODM ft. HA ltn~-10 WUI ODS to poiiiOr ~~ h•w'P<' ~ G lbo•r 1 Hun m..:'•ln Park l·a·oom 1--.ton·, 1-unll d\\tll-occ.A;: '·ft Tiiil j•m: 1 '\c. · \\' ,,, .. ,; Frnnt ~~~~~.-. 1. \."'! V f-; • lnald"r IIIII 1: t • • .land II ; I I h tl::( c11"P' .,.'\I Th(' :tnn·-1 L1on-<;p.-.1 1 1 r '· 11 .. 1 m:1 .. t1 r ru1ct hn ... _t• 1 '' ,.,. nn~:te Coast Colkge ~anw this rail 4 . '' 111 t.x-pla~·ed at the Huntanl!1on I H<-•1c:-h Hi~h &hoot Stadium Sat· • •••~ r.. • ~t .. \)l(lX~ 1.£.\\'E urda~ 1.'\'t'nin~:. S('pt. 29. \\ hrn thP I :\1r and :\tt c: Ed 5'ramon 1611 I Pirat<'S cia h \\lth Oret;on T t'<'h Pac:-1111' Or '"'' th•·1r Cnro:1, ti('l Club joinin~ as sponsors aN' "·H homo• fnr tht• <01 a~on hsl ~!boa Day, CO!'ta :\t<>sa. Ht40tinLY-\H'i.'k Jw t bo Curt• thl) ll'lt t h~·~ •• READY -MIXED CIIICIETE BEacon 6547 ton Bt-ach and Seal R<-ach Lions I hnd a., \\t'i.'k -1 nd ~Ut"-h :\lr. and S~rt Bh'd~ CH .. MHa Otaace 1181-10 IW 1 1'ick!'ts can bt' obtainl'd fmm a n~ \lr<~ \\' 0 w, .. ,. ft ,,m ~pran~i~ld ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Lion for this bC'nt•fit I'Wnl :\fi,c:ourt, lift'lc'u.: fri<·ndc: .\1- ;; -------'UP!'t'-ftH' tl ft·\\ cia\'-\\t'l't> \fisSE'O:: ,ICVOE Will Broadcast 1.:.-.th<'~ D.rn<' and t.C.On:1 C.urabine L u. I . See Low "REDUCING" Interest Rates Low Monthly Payments * We offer you the facilities of the Largest Federal Savings Association in Orange County Yow'll llle -c0f41el ,......... in Mrtlnt YMf ...... liMA FEIEIIL II ••t Do G 'd Gam df't k in th<' San B<>rnar·dino Po<;: on lru n n es Off11''' \\ ht>rc> 1\Jr ~<'amon i f.'m-, Complt'l<' ro'·<'ra~e or lh(' .Sant:t pll'~' 1.'d Ann Junior C('tllf'Cf' foot b a I I • ---at · · · ABC LCXB.ER ICO E. i Chl'dule will bf' PI'II\Hi l'd b} ~anta m·•:~T~ FR0:\1 .... \. 54181 Ann Radio S talitlll K"OE. Mutual-I nuran~: th<' ab•Pnet> ot h• r h b· Don u-c outlet band Alt.•x. "ho hac: b<'t n .J .. •nd- 1 I.<O<'al fans can fnllow th<' Don an~ '-l'\t rut da}s in ~anta Barbara by radio, 3('('0rdint: fn the (OJ-\\OI'kinC \\ ith hiS brothl.'r Don in lo\\in~ .ct>•duiP F.! Tot•'· pt. thl' rontractin~ bu_i nE'Ss :\trs. 1 14. Lon,:: 1 ·ach Ot't 'l; Rl\'f.'rsld(', Al<'x :\1ac:-CtlliHn~. 54-l ~:mart! Oct. 12: !;' ":m Ant('tnin t let. 19: Road. Coron..'\ Hll:hland..". h.td ac: ~an Ben ti • :'l:t>\ :! I ltant:f.' hOU"I'trU 'h fllr 10 <b~ Or. and Const. X ,·;l,lff,., '\., 16· :\Irs \'on Pt'"C'h nnd rh,•ir dau!:h- Ful!l.'rto: '\ ,. >' · ' l<'r Jod) from lA An£l h· ... I'T.\ \' .\1 .. t:.,.Tn\ :..: Fl o •rE :\lr and !\1 ' .lo1111 \\',1 1lau • n('l' Ooroth\ \\ '•'\1'1 • hi\\t' ll"l'n lallal Baildlag Co. Do Better at THE Dalliger Fniture Co. S(X'ndlng a '' c1,,. 11 lhP \\··-.t· 1301 C ou t Hwy. Coro"• cl•l ..,.., o\·er home .... 1.-., I' ··1 11.· 11 C••· 1812 Newport Blvd. I rona dl-1 M11 I' ll'k n_ rhrir m~n~ GENERAL CONnt.ACTORS BEacon 5656 wl.'ddint: .prn.l'"'' ,,, tranc;f<'r to HArbor 1~5~ OOSTA MESA 1 their new h<•ml" 111 Slt~n~F'~I a~·~I<'~I"~C~n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A really FAIT way to coOk ••• df course- it's electric! That old saw about a watched pot Is anoth~r thmg which has been out-dated by modem electric ranges Of course, you don't have to watch anything cooking on an electric ran~e ­ but it's cooking fast. you may be sure. Electric heat i.s fast heaL It springs into action as soon as you Atck the switch. climbs to the right temperature at once. stays r ight there until the food is thoroughJ~ cooked. It saves ume-and that's m1ghty important on an everyday job hke cooking. It Isn't a matter of S('tting speed records- it's just convenient and efficient to get yoW' eook.lnc done that way. You can do it, too- Me your electrical appllaOC<e dnler. IOUTHIRN CaLifORNIA IDIION COMPANY The Qty P1annJ.ng Commlsslon will receive a report from a spe- cial committee next Thunda.y ew- nln~ on a rt'QI.K'St for a use pennlt tor llgbt manufacturing to enable }Wsan. Inc., of South Gate to 8- tablish a factory on Miracle Mile. Approval Is expected for thiB re- q uest to u.w the highway frontaee of thP Seacraft bollt yard a t 625 Collst Hjghway ror the manurac- 1Ut'e of the threadt'd insE-rt and ~-WDIAct h Street Plu stud locking ~vices petentE'd by Jo5C' Rosan. Of significance to tht> Harbor Aru Is the.> fact that a working force of 1" to 200 employees Is conte-mplate<! at this proposed fac- tory, and al o the fact that Its product i adaptablE' to pt"BC'<'·tim£' nN'ds as well as for dt-ft>n s<' pur- po <'S. The lockin~ de' tees an.> now rn demand by the gon•mment for US<' in planes. Jose Rosan ll\'PI' at 124 S. Bay Fn mt on Balboa Island. St>acruft i. owned by John Han ey, who Ji\f·s at that locat ion. and Hart!>' :--.<'tl' of Lonll Beach. Jo W alin Teaches t Continued from Page 1 I st.. going bchin_d 'hf.' Harbor In-1 At Dance Studl•O ve-stmf.'nt Bulldtnl(, thr ough thf.' p resent South Coast Construction Tht' "Tippy-toes" girl. Jo Walin. Co. site and on toward the prt>s-,, ho is nO\\ teachinJ: baJIN at ent PE station to connect with nornthy Jo's Dance Studlo in Co- Balboa Blvd. at McFadden Place. rona del Mar, has a long recor'ti of Those favori,g the alternate dand ntr. including dancing in the proposalo; over th<-cut-off plan mO\i e-s such as ~nja Heni<''s contend that tht>re I!> more than "llappy Landings." t>nough commercial area ~lr<'ady I .lo, who is in real lif<' Mrs. John in Newport and that re-zo~ung the Wohn. has sJX'('lalized in baiiN PE prol>('rty betu:('('n 30th and and studled with uch famous 32nd s trt>t't.s would lead to th pos-tf.'achers as Nlco Charisse. She l'liblllty of even more C-1 re-zonln1 "as born in Sumatra and li\'l.'d In · lwtwt>f.'n that area and McFadden Holland befort> comin~ot to Cah- Piacc fomia. In Europe shE' ha a 'c•ry At Mondll~'s Council meeting famous uncle who is a balelt arti 1. M El\ or L<'S Isbell rommpntC'd that t h<'. solution to the bottleneck problem had ~n hPid up while propert~ owners In the ar<'a s tud- 1~ th<' matter. H<' said that the decision should not be put off any longer and that by next Council m('{'ting tht>y should go ahead with the cut-off-plan or find another plan. During its brief tonc-houa J ses- sion Monday t'ven ing Council also: • Awarded the contract to in- stall the li~thting s~ !Item in Bal- boa Cove~ to Harry Brt>\'-'E'r of Lon~ Beach on hL~ low bid or $8.264 lwhlch was SlO,OOO below the high bid). • neru~ the ~'('Quest of th e City Employ~ Assod stion for ex- penst> allowance to end dele5tates t o the Associstion con"ention in Santa Barbara Oct. 12-13. • Delayed until thP next Coun- cil meeting the public hearing on rt'zoning Tract 1026 on the Co- rona &>I Mar bluff so that the re-- quir<'d deed rt> trictlons could be obtained. • Voted to ask the Highway Department to check the two Bal- boa I land brld$tt>s and the Lido Isle brid~e and po t IO¥d limJts in response to dlscussion about po 'ible ov<'rloading by heavy t rucks entering the ls land. • RenewE'd tht> crop lt>ast' \\i th Ca P!> Blut' for the 93 acres of city watt'r bearing property west of th~ city • Approv£'d thr \'RCation of a portion of a street nC'ar 20th and MC'F addt>n, In front of the old City Hall. between the present property lin<' and sidPwalk. Unsung Commerdah A suppor,inR pillar topped a ALL DAI:' CAlli: 11 now ~ng car from plowing all the way into off<'r<'<l st. the Bal Isle Nursery, t he Blrtcher BuUding In Corona 317 Marine A .. oe.. Balboa Wand. del Mar In thE' early hours ot Sun- by the new owner, Mrs. Joan H~-day morning. den. Mrs. Hayden Is eoxperienc:N ~ car. dJ;i ven by 29-year-old In nursery IChool work. having W. B. Tutt of Los Angeles. jumped had another school. '"'be Hayden in f r ... _ .......... Ha\'en for Uttle Folk" in Cincln-the curb ront 0 trft." uuuULng and rammed into the pillar. • natl. Ohio, lx'fore coming to Call-twet'n the Bay Escrow eo. and tht> romla. She also has ):lad persona l Poiri<'r Mortgas:e Co. The front <'XIX'rit>nce from hl'r own four plate dua window wu ~ c~~ldl't'n, \\ ho ran~t> in agrs from in both ol thew offi<X'S. ~ , ~ears to 20. TransJl?rt~t ~on Tutl told Nt'wpo.rt poliet' he bad as Cumished to the.> nurser~, "hi~h I fallen a )('('p as he was driving car~s for pl'<'-school tots from 2 ' south along MacArthur Blvd. He to :> years of 8J:<'. awakl'nC'd in timt' to Sf't' the light • • • on Coo t HjJ:hlo'tl\. but hi brakes A "BA It-TO-SCHOOL .. t rt'a l i drd not hold pro(l(-rl~. The dri\ er bein,:: ~ponsoi'C'd by Richard's Lldn I suffPrPd ht>ad hu't'rations and wu ~lat•kt>t. It's a Satur'day af tt•r- 1 takvn to Community Hospilal. noon matinc.>t> a t the Udo ThE'a trP . _ ~O\\ mothers C81'\f IP8\'t> the kid-• • • · dio's <'nthraliMJ ,,;th Micke) MouSf' BarlOUJS V lSlt nnd nther sPl(l('tC'd c-ar·toons and pictur'•!i: -• • whHe th<'~ go hop· Tht> Ronald R:lrlow family of vin~. or COtlrs<'. a t Richard'<;, Balboa Island SJ)('nl thret' days • • • lru 1 \\'N'k at Rou~h and RPady, REALTOR~ Phil ~ulli\'an and I near Grass \'oliC'y. 'tl':iting Mr., G. T. EH'rson ar(' mm·inJt from tht> and Mrs. Ro~l.'r BartO\"· fon11<'r rea II' nffi('(' of C. Gal<'n DPniS<~n. Ct\\ i'l t>l'l' of Barrm.\'s • now Fitz- 490 :':l'wpon Bh·d .. in Costa l\1('. a . p,1 • rlt'k'l'> 1 IXJ)8rtm••nt ~tore of to cr-tabli h a bu..,in<': location 111 COl'tl\ )1C'Sa. Tht' Bano" ha,·p, 18S6 N<'wpor t A\'P., ncrn"l' from 1 an 1-acre Jlhwk An~us cat tit' thf' Co ta Mesa Bank. The mo\'<' ranch at Rou~h and It ady. I \\ill be mad<' on Saturday. Mr. Bulow and Noel and Mona -----Rat> <~(l('nt some time ridlng tht' Ert<~imt ClAssJfiecS ads ha\ · lor,• R<inmq, hnl"SC'S, and lhP two fami- Fall formal dance fOI' the Bib 'n' Tucker IOda1 club wUl be he1cl Saturda.y at the Suta Ana Coun· try Club. Flve Blta ol JUlythm •i ll furnish the lftlllle. LYnne HughE'S Is prt>Sideftt of the club. Chrilltmall Cards . Wrappings Pac:kaqe Decorations A Se ptember Special ---greatly reduced! JUN'~ Gift Shop l!l t Cout 111\'d. C>Groea dd Ma.r ''We Give SIH G,.•" St•mps" 1\ prn v.-n mPans of reaching buye~ lie~ ahm Wt'nt squart-dancing. ror all torts or merchandise-t • I,, hkh thl' Barlow had introducc.'d them! Phone Harbor Ul4. durin't last year's visit. 1 .......................... _ ......... ______ --.J..,. L Invite You· 'to the ' • • 10 A. M. U ntil 12 Noon * * * • Set the Oct. 8 CouncH meet- in!-! as t hP dn 1 e for rt>cei\1ng bid on t hP pndng of Cot·ona del Mar alit•)" nnrt h of the highway, esti- matMl to cost around S4S.OOO. • In n•sponse to a request from Civil Sen1ct' Commi ion Chmrman Hay Langrnheim, or- d<•rpd a study of r<'laxmg eligjbll- il~ requirements for candidates for ci\11 srrvrre johl;. See lhe latest in Westinghouse • Accepted the rrstgnation of C'ounl'ilman Ros.o; Grf'<'lf.'y as m('m- b<>r of County Sanitation District No. 5 t ~t>WPOrt Be.-.C'h 1. with Ma~ nr Is bell taking over that post and Councilman Braden Finch namPd for District No. 6 I Costa M('S<i and psrt of NPwport J. Newlyweds on Mid-west Trip It's beautiful westher in Colo- rado, accol'dlng to a letter recel\ ed by Mrs. Estelle Bowman, 317 Gold- enrod Avf.'., Col'ona de l Ma r, from her newly married daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. McMasters. The coup!(' were marri!'d at 9 a. m. Tuesday, Sept. 4, a t S t. Milt- thews Catholic Church in Long Jkach. A rt'Ceptlon foUo~-ed tm- mPdla t(')y a t the Lakcwood Coun- t !") Club. The newlyweds are now on a month-long motor trip to the north mid-west, includio~ the Da- kotas and Minnesota. The RJ"OOI'n is t he son of Mr. and Mra. H. R. McMaster~ of BN'nton, Minn. n,e former Etta BeUe Bowman has for five years been credit manag"' of a Long Bftch store. Sfle wtn not <'Ontin~ In her Job, but the roup~ will tJw In Long Beech. TELEVISION-REFRIGERATORS -WASHERS -DRYERS-OVENS-ETC. ENTER'AI:~-.!ENT of ALL KINDS! STAGE AMUSEMENTS --DOOR PIIZES . MOVIIS --BEFRIDMENTS! Yes, and It's AU .Free! Mike....._.,, S.,t.IO 1 lor,, __