HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-10-25 - Newport Harbor Ensign!.-'_ I ~ UAI, P.L ..... II V. 8. P08TAGE Pill (.'.oroea tid Mar, C&Jlf. CALIF. 5 Cents Vol 4-No. 11 "~ sails" ha\"e ghen a"'l'· 11pon N'flretion. to a bunch of red faces, following Y«' terda> ·~~ ht>n· ing bf>fore the Lo AriJ:t>l(' Cit) Council on chargfo'S that Corona d I l'.1ar artisl Rex Brandt. amonJt ot h<'rs. ls dabbin~ in d<>J!enerate and communistic art. ~ fight is b) no means ovft', and the snonbtin~ continue, but Rf>"< ls no longer ~ing accused o( red-hU(>d lellnin a chill'S! that <>rupted aftC!'r somrone a-ied out "h~r and sickle" upon 'iewin~ Rex's second prau winning oil, "The First Surge of the Sen," at "he All-City Art Exhibition bein.: hown at the Greek Tht>atre. Yt-Sterday momln&'s editions of Los Angel papers camt' out \\ilh big d"isplays of pictures and head· Un on "red infiltration." Top blUmg wa.s gh't'D to Rex Brandt's otl showing ~ boats entering the ocean from our jetty, a picturt" ht> painted two .)'efll"S ago and which hu been entered 10 shows t>\er since tl.nclud!ng t.M "13 Mo- dems" exhibition in the EJUign Building). Rex Brandt. along wh h Qt her arttata, and ~r critics, attended the n»eetlnl of t.M Council yester- Clay for a.n i..nqUir): !nto th(' All· 0\y Art Exhibition. SpeakinJ ror a~t ' minute at the hMrlnc. Rex USUI'\"d tba t he knew boats.. •-.. a deslcner for two and a balC .)"81'S for South Cout Co. in Newport, had ~ailed aln~ ... wu 12 and can ric a boat correctly. He taid ht> didn't knoolv vudzy wMta MmmuaM m~ loola like, but that the suspected design in tM picture waa ronned by a pertlaDy oblcured boat clus In ignia and a spreader ann on the masL He commented further that thJs ~picture had hung Jn the Biltmore gallery for three montfa last year. Council PresJdent Harold H enry, who had ~n one of those who had talkc.'d about the "hAJnm(lr and slck lt>," apologized for lht> slur. But !here was not much forgiving In th t> rt' t o! the h('aring, which left th(' critics ~till angry about the quality o! the remaandcr of the art on display. ~~· OFPICD8 wUI ..._.... I• ~ ..,._ -. *• ,.,..-.ll' (Tinrr•n at ttw-pet-1tK'k ntf'.-ttatt ttl thf' ConM~a .... Xar C'h 1c' A~Uon •t tiNo C.ra.M~~Ur ~ool. vrt tn rtciit arf' Dlr~tor-. Rarry Bforcil. MnL MJir"KV~"t'U4" F .. ll'r aH \'pro,. Wa t.o. ( .. \f:ula .: r•r~dl'ft l ), nc>\\ pr.-.. ldf'n t C . '-ttPr .lon-., ot-" \ifto..Pf"'-J.._t Bot. •<'allb .., DIN'C'tM IMIN-t Aodr .. ws. DlrN-tor All~n ~Wilt• 1-. not lD th•• pl('t\lrf'. (~ "Pf'~llty nt tN WH'k" on P,.._.,.Ckotlt t-l onf'• on P a«l" !!.) -photo by t'ol~m ~se o( t~ four Btxb~ lo•-. Four of hese lot~. ="o 5. 6. 9 and in Ch1na Co\'e.ror $15,000 "as ap-tn tn Rinck 33 across Ft"m l .. af from pro\ed by City Council )1ond.1~ j.M Ha"on hoUSt'. are now objo'C't or F1otenoe Coolillg registt>red a t>\CninR Thi brin~ to tx th a oondt"mnanon suit file-d b~ the frit>ndly protest at t~ mention of numtx-t· of lots porchaSt>d under ('II~ ~er Dudle) FUJ'5«.>, Los M name \n last v..'ftk's Log the acquisition plan madE.' posstbl<' Antt•l "ltornt>y. a contt'Sllnt.: thf> among thole ~ M \'C! been by the dollar a month recently condemnation wt. and b~ court spoken of • poeaible Council can-placed on water meter conn«tioot~ orck>r ha~ forced the clty to lilT&n didatec in next April's election. Thf' fnur lots or tht' HowJrd a pt>rmlt to build a ~e on two Whatever the may think about Bhtb.r estate an• No.6. 7, 14., a nrl lor tht' lots. AL"<JOn on tN> ron- running {or Council, she ~\'e a 15 to Block B-32, near tl\~ MarinP j d\·mnation sult is pmdin1. good demOnstration of ber abllitiM Lab. tutjolnln.~t lots 8 and 16. whk h The orhcr four lot . ~o i , 8, 14 at Monday's CoWlCil session and havc ~n purchased from Hnrbnr·lnnd 1!5 In Block C·33 St"award ~r pt'('M'nted information pi vital !m-master Ru:ssl.'ll C'rai~ Cor thP sum rht> Fur ~ property, are ownt'd by portance to. th future of our Clty. of $3,790. urrrr1s H(lffman. v..ho at ts o~ ..• the kind Of fact. that the ThJ )('3\'f'~ f'tght )OI!' tO ~0 tn posinl: thf' cit\ II<"QWSitJon pro-CounCil should ha\e held itself ~· thP Counc1l's program to t'l>talP ~m · ponsibte .to examint" carefully long U&h a pubhc tx-ach at China Co\t Ed All<'n. Balboa. had appraUK'd before this. . hare I tht~ rout Bi~b' lot at 1 .000 To Mrs. Cooling gOf"S a bl~ s BHdag Set ft;.. for ~1~tfrord Bt.•h> (I( South Ptwt· I Continued On Page 2 va dc:'nrt C'\t> :.\laM!ZPr John SaiJO~ I* a. \Hn•·· Mr B1xb) that the ~1 tl{)(l &it. I • wa' not ir. kN?plnt "; h th l' tntt' IV ....... \' lut• ao: l'"labh.shC'd b) curr<'nt as· .. De I ----,_ "'<'·sed valut'S and mad(' an ofrl'r of I Cil~' Council ha set a pubhc Sll !i$10. When tht offt>r was dP- ._ ht"aring on th<' petition of Glady11 c-hncd. 1\b .. ailors subnutted tlle City Council Mon<\ay evening in- structed City Attorney Harry Blodg('tt to contmuc to take the necessar) stt'ps to con ummate th(' sale or the rormrr city w·ater department property (In ;>o:c\\-port Blvd. near 2Sth St to the Bank of America. Sidler to rnone the oom~r lot at nrrrr of ~15.000. and this wa ll<'· A S t. and Balboa Bh·d., acros~ N'ptcd. on condjtion that it would from \'aux' In Balboa, from mul· h.-a nl't total, not lo be redu<'t'd tiplt> resid n11a l IR-31 to romml'r-b' ~"'· notari~ or chanz~ dal tC-1 1 • Tht' Council also: Thf' caS<' had been argued at • R('r<'rred o Planning Com· J\rous,.d Balboa I land r • ldt "''"• <'~ncem('d 0\Cr th 1,1fflt• rhr1l~t>f tCJ childr•'n on 1t • 1-.land, h.~t ..... t'a II I'd on 1 ht> polJ<"t d4" par 1m n 1 c• t;r.u•k d(l\' r c.n po .. 'd.-'N> \\ h '" ct 1 niNCI m••nt (J! traHJr• r'f'~Juur n ... Th• l 'C• Ill IOJUI ::> lfJ -,·~·)i llr· {old Xanr) Loonu, ul :015 :-.apphire -'"' 1110ugh not th• ,,. ult or a spo'f'dln.: dn\ t·r. broucht 1 h• l•f'Ob- llm to a head a nd Nlllll¢•) e' - ntn:.! th .. Dan)(,. h land lmpro\(· mt:nt A,s ... cx:iatwn \nt• d •r• tak•· aC'· tlnn. Wt ndt>ll Calktn ... brou..-ht u~ tht· J>robiE.'m and mad•· tt ' muuon 10 a k fflr strict hl\\ c•nlurC<'DlLnt. and he was joined by others., l.D-• eluding Dr. C. B. Barnett aDd Larr~ Broo-·ring m hdrJ' l'r.IUCJSm of fla:nant nolatJOru c,l peed llnu t.s and stop signs. Particularly a mattcr 0 1 conc-t>m •· thf' dangt>f to !idlool chJJdt • n " ht>n hool buses load and Wtload on thto nar- row tr• ..-a un tO(; l ... land There were 1'\"Q\Je'SU for a mo- tor cycle omcer to patrol tht> .J..s. lan4. auuestlou that ~ atllf fi n(' 10 Ci ty Court "ould do a lot toward solnng 1 h ~roblem, recommendations that o,tJ%t'T\S at- tend rour • 'ons to ob< rv• \.he> d&5posHJon of citations. a propoal that ri4ges 01'1 the ·~t:. would slow down tra!f'tc t Tht>.oe h4.s e'-m hem talk or bloclunc orr' l~ts •lth ~d f\JJ"'\Wainp 10 that carl would ba\~ to w.;a\'e slowly past the banicadn.) Saturday' r:nee~ was held at the Balboa b land !II e t b 0 d II t Oturdt. with Prel5dm1 J A. 'Bed premcting. . Acting u.t)on tb tmpa.ssio!X'd plca of PN>si&!nt H rb Kf'nnY ~N action on the count,\ ew. r pro- gram. the Oran~e Count) CoaJt sn., meeting Itt thf' :--:c>wport Ha rbor Yacht Club ) ~lcrday "ent on record asking the-Olluncy Slim- taUon Board to take a ction lm· mediatel~· to get the outfall sc.>w~r project undt"r wa). Mr. Kenny said that th n-e years ago the cit1zen.s or th county \'Oted an $8,000,000 bond issue to install the out!aU sewer. yet not a thing bas been clone. If nothing is done soon we will be in a c:riti· cal condition both filfUr&ti"-ely and p'hysica11~. he N'marked Sideli~hts: Th<>r "cre a Jot of irate citizens h<>rc yesterday, angered that sud\ a fantastic charge should be levclled aga inst one or our town's outstanding art· iats and citizens ... Telephones at the Brandt residence at 405 Goldenrod started ringing early Wednesday morning .... That in· signal on the boat does not neces- sarily represent any particular clul, Rex says .... Could be Is- land Clipper, Califomla 32, PCC. Feet.her .... The painting shows a port bow view of tht> sloop on a starllpard tack out to sea <'-that clea.r'7 ). ... It l5 rumored that some boe ts in the Harbor HAVE RED STARS on their sa Us. . . . Rex, by the way, ia a rt"gistered Republk:an .... Signs or the nmes perhagl In the n:U.print io Arthur 'MUller's a rt column beck on Oct. 14 mentioninl .._..Brandt's lovely blue First Surge of the Sea." . . . and here's a comment by one of The ·deal had ~tont" info e crow July 10, 1950 but was delayed by clc.-aring of tltte. ln the meantime the Griffith Co. hAd exchangt"d a $47.000 pie«> of property In U do Center, whe~ the Bank of Am· erica buildin~ is now under con· struction. for the $32,000 dty pro- perty which thc.-Bank of America had intt"nt:k-d to use for the ~ite of its new building. Thf' Griffith Co. informed the dty Monday PVt>ning that t'Scrow conditions had not been complied with and that the deeJ was off. City Council said it would con tinue to O('~otiste with the Bank of America. h.-n~h last Thursday f:'\'ening ~-m1 ton the ticense request.& for fo re thC!' Cil)' Plannin~ Com.mi • Hayt:k-n's Ha\•en for Uttle Folk at sion. A q omcy Max Hurwitz. r t--440 Hc.-liotl'OI)t' A ve. Corona del •PI"t' cntin~ Gladys S1dler. said hil" Mfl,.. and for a Day Nursery at client had purchased the propt"rty 5810 S..ashore Dr .. m West New- as C-1 with the intention or t"rt'CI· port. I k Ia Cat ins;r a commercial building. The • Acct"pted the Jo" bid of CuJ-IT 8 new zoning ordinance had desig· bertson M.otors. !2.000. for a 19511 ~ m Rex's friend~ and neighbors, Dr. Clly· a.., s. N. ~>e.et~berg: ··n behooves us IW to consider II we are using the in· a.l~ terms of communist and Qty Cound J authori~ City At· t'eCl In a wa,y that will caUM ooo· tonwy Hsn-y Blodgt>tt Monday fuaion and cllvlakln lit the reel fight evening to draw up pept>r5 for an- apinlt communlilna. and in a way nexation of t.M ~ere site of that CM clestro)' a rnan'a reputa· Newport Harbor Union H ig h tiol:l, Ida hqntst dlanoe to be em-School. A pubUc hearintt on this ...,..at tbe ~Uon ror wtUd\ UIMIIIItion propoal W1ll be &et he ... llldll." later. -...;o....., __________ .... _ o-d1 acted after receipt of a ...,. ........ Palrkla ... ..,.., ... w..e ....... ...... tile ·~ Olerla ...... ... _,...t .......... .......,. ......................... =·-........ ..... .. , •• ,a .... • .. . ..... , .. ,,... .... ~ 4 $ 4 Jetter from the High School Board of Trwtees u klnc annexation of the ICbool area IOUtheriy of 16th St.. but ~t Including the newly acqulred &rft on the other aide or lStb. Ka)'Ot' Lea Iabell oomrnented, "1 think the eehool alte lhouJd be In the dty. becaUie tM city la pro-~ a.tmo.t aU of the St'rvtces they aJ't! ~ttln~t. and we hould a.M£" to make-It lc.-g&J." nated [t R-3. on the recommenda· Chevro~t truck cab and c haSJ '" ~~~~ a.• 'L lion of U1C" oty's planning consult-for thto ftre department. 1 --~ ants. \\ho had po101ed out that tht' • Rene~ tiM> city automo- propt>rty had always OO..n usro a~ lt\ e flet>t liability insuranw. $1 • re idenUal. 9,"\i.13 annual premium. and a u-CommtSSioncr Ray Co p p 1 in tomotive fiN' insuran(."(', $419.22 mo,·ed that the C l zonin~ be> r rrmium rror $119,000 "'<>rth of granted $lnCt" the property had cqwpmt'nt 1, \\ith Ray lMuranw been purchA ed as C·l . This mo-A!..<:OCiatcs. rt>pr ntro by McKa~·. 1ion was t\~fcated 3 to 2. with Mr. Jay and Renfro. Copelin and Richard PJ('ftt'r \'Ot ln~ • Named Fir(' ChJef F rRnk Yt"S, and Walter Longmoor. 0 . B. C'rock<'1 a alternate set'\ ic fi~ Reed and Charles Wightman· vot· chlt"f for I~ County Ch.il Dt>fenst' in~t no. The Planning CommlSSJon or~anization. therefore forwarded the rccom---·--..--__ mendation to Council that the C-1 request be denied. At t ht' su~tion or Cit) At· tom ey HArry Blodgett, City Coun- dl Monday evming ~~ Nov 2ti a.s date for the public htari.ng . . . KIWAIGB a.UB NAMES VAN DYKE PRESIDENT ..... , • .., .,. of ~ ......... wufllectM LN !pl'8- .... , ef -., Newport ll.arhr ....... a. ... ...... A. ,._ flta< .... ef C... ,.. Mar _.... _,.. *' .,ull eat. au ftf'r1 0 n • el Ollila ~ •ou ,..... tWW br w / ,_ Brllllf'Of' el N~ flrA&ttta wu r~ap­ E\•'n an injUN'<! back. encased m pJa. tt"r cast bccaust> or a dis- placed wrtebra, c:tn t k("('p a good sailor down 8J'ld as • rt'S~t Chick Rawlins of the San Die~ Yacht Club i!I ~Pading in t ht-Bogart Dln~y S<>ries spon orNi by the NC"Yo port Harbor Yacht Club. Salling M ar jo!(' Porter·~ Porqillto. wi lh Mar~;e as cr._.\, h<' won ~ rints Jut Sunday T'.ht> s('lies will be concl~ thls Sunday. ln se- cond olace 11 Bart H"nd(>r!!On of Coronl del M ar. with "-dt Jan ~ crew. ••bo "'-on two nds and ·• u.ird Sundlly. ----.----- ,...tf'tl ~Wfttary. ·•·•···· 4 •• All Ot'ganiza.tions in ~ ~<'wport lfarobor Area are in\1teod to a noon '•dutch t.M.t" luncht'On at the Newport ttatbor Yacht Club a t DOOn w~ to hear a procr· ...,. J't"1)0rt on tht' ''l.iq~ l\f('- tnOria.Js'' CII.JJ\J».J~ to ra $250.- 000 to equi.p and furrn h ht" 1 toe~ :Mt-morial HOI'J)it.&l •• R t't'\'8UON __ ,_an> to~ me&-U'l ad\ an<'<'~ Aawnna m '"' cemrt.er)' ~«UOD bu ~ extrTnlflJ kind m her lav-, unnc loU and .e.recunt awtable all IUrlace m.ark~ra. and no un-1Sb dtstnbulion of natural beauty. mt'lDOI1als u well u pro~ far &JCblly headston~. Xe~ ~1 .ulde tram \Jl1.s the ma.o.acement hal ptrpeotua.l care ao that &heir deed~ Kemot1al Park ss Joca.ted at JlTU tbe ll"'UDd.s perfectly landscaped w&ll br ~ \.b.ro\cb tbe ll~JnraJ 101. ~-A 1200.000 and e\ct'l'f aooommodat.IC'Jh for per-oorwnc rran. 1\CiwUon to lohll't* 11 K a.uaoleutn b pe-tua.l Cart! 1.5 offered t.o the peoplit. 1\. \1 lncumbmt. on evtrJ fUDilJ nt?al'Ulf compleUon. aooordlnc \0 In tJus cemetery wlll be found to secure a uJtable lot. 'l1lla ceme- l.fr Fenton Dean. ~~tentary-man~ tM burial plaot' ol ma.or of tbe t.ery ~uth Ita many f'xcelleot metDCII'· Polkert'a are kJcUtod at Ill OOeu ...... In Hunt.laltOO Beaeb. 'l1wJ ftature danc:1DI t'fti'J &allirday nllbt. 'lb1s popular place lla.l pined a name that bas spread rq and nde u a place •bert local l.nd tra~el­ b:W people can mort> than .s&Uafy t.br1T demands ln t.be mannu of ob- 1.&1ni.nc drinks. 'Ibeu-product& con- sist of not only t.be prune oecfl&l· tJea Of p.te. but the drtnk.s are of- fered to the taste of tht' most futldJous. Tbe food b pnopared In qch • ..., that \() tbe Wllnltiate.d the tboucht at once (.'(llbU that lhere ne~ ..-u suc:b toad pl&ee to eaL Poor caJes an not the ~ and Jt u ruct' to have such a moddn and up-to-dalt' plat'(' to m u \0 tra\'elint P•t.ron~. u well u local ~pie. n . l leadulc la.aul•es of \lui •uon of 1a1s. ~t 6t&od UU the Rock of Durul& the put ckca.de the prl-tbe 6l&t.e. A auoll tbrouch lhls A&eL u t)lllcal of prnmt daJ' ut.e burying cround and &ma1.l un-earthly. pa.radiS.t' Wlll rt'm1Dd you c:.ni.UzaLJOil. Cleanllness l.S one of the outrit.and- lnc feature.& of ~ modem ca!e and b not ~ to the tables and to r~ t!YUJODe wU.b a lo& U.l &1)~ that 1s brou&ht to tbe al- ~ .o;wtable and tbest' are oUen!d at tentJoo ot e,·eryooe. but extend• to J)Wi«'.i lhat are verr rea.sooal*. tbe lllteben ~ the dLsb a.re all kf'pt ex>metery bne !allen mtD at t.Jv deeds of the 1tun1)' ancestors 'Ibe manacement will be pieued clesunws.-and u ll"'ldua.lly J)&iSlDC .,...bo founded our com.munuy. Tbil awar sect.aon ol thli t.errttorr can &J1ra)'$ Thio. eemc1ery a of cood propor-1 be proud ot the fact thu due at- uon a.od lt.s founders h&\"e pronded t.enuon has been cw~n t.o \.he rnem- ~ proprietor has made a special ~tudf of the ref>taurant bul'aneM. and COJ\liie'quenUy Ja strlvl.nl to li~ the people &amt'tbinl Just a bttle bet- ter all the Ume ~1 baft u · rant;ed LMII' plaC'(' so that U. ll ftl'1 attractJ\e and lnWt that tbe aenlcle ~ kept prompt and c:o\U'\eOUL We take VUt pka.sure in ccm· ptunenUnt thii pJitC'(' upoo tbe order o! tM e.stablishmf!nt and rder 1t to our rend rs ''tthout hetlt&Uoo. 11 \ for the com1n& cen rauoru 110 that orle.s of the ~ y('ant t~ couJd secure ample acoam-'fbe p~sent cenerauon .i6 not t.o mudli.Uons for many fear& to come. be surp&sed by ~ men or >·es teJ'· ll 1s 1ocat.e<1 In a be&uUM 6pol l day, and 'oe pro' td more and (J: Jll<'tUre~ue country .-hn\> nature more for ltw' future PamJUes are In this ~w "'-e are &lad to \erl1tzed and tho5e places only !re- call the atWl.tloo ot the people ·I quent~ by the manaat'nwnt and t.o thl& memorl&l part and com- pltment the manqement on ill ex· --------------------------- oellenL appnrance at aU time. or the year 50C SINTA INA HOBBY SHOP Everyt)Wig For 11le Model Maker Featured ; By Santa Ana Eatabliahment Ur.dt-r the manacemen\. of Mr JiOU)ethin& worUI wbUe. And that 1s or t.he reasons .,..ny the ex:perie.Deled and B C. Conk..Un. the Sa.nta Just exactly the CUt' Wllh thJ~ '-ell manacf'ment r1ru1a th&l b\.W.De:R .In· AOll Hobby Shop. loeatt'd at JlJ. kno'ti'D co~rn crea.sea wu.b each seaaan. Tbele are South M:un St .. In that city . .Ls a fu.·t. lbe)' m 1~ lbnt tbt'lr sen·-but 1 few of the ~ why we tf':ll IJ\e v.·t~ ooncem distrtbu tnc l Ullt' u dt'pendablf' You kno ... · that '1.sb to this rt'vieW to direct the c uau-ant~d h.andJ('r•l!t ruppUes to you are got.n& to lt'l \alUt> receh·ed I ~lt~nuon of our readers to the esta.b- hubb\ t>mh~asv and courteous treatment v.hen rou IJ::Junenc. u one of tbe essential rae· DQctor are J'l>peatln& that a bobby, call them, beeaUSt' past e~l)l.'rienee tors in the We of the community. mak tng sorut>thm& V.'ltb the hAnds 1s has tausrht you that they arE" Pf'I· Tb.ls eatabUshment has won the ol I.O!l.DHA! value t.o nervous peopJe sona.lly mtt>re ted m you and your enviable reputation a.s a place Where and l.lus firm hu l"e'SJ)ODdPd with trade. tbe people at the COUDt1'7 sec::ure c~ ln leather craJt under pro· Next they It' ve notb.J:ni undone the best of t.be ·daY flt the ID06l 1f''i$tonal supen islon on lolonday 1n the1r effort to Pf'O\i dt' for rou reasooable pnees. and The.w..ay n.t&hLS. and DrNden the ren· best .-e~ that can br The ~ent .Ls l.n Lbe band.$ c. ra1t on Thursday nt~hts I bad ror the money of " compet.ent and public aplrtt.ed To be merely rendertns an au•r-Thus you an afforded a depend-mao tam.War .,..,th e\'"tf1 ctet.a.U of e w:rv•oe is all well and eood, ability of trad.l.nl v.alb ~.IJ)le v.·hom the bu.sl.naa, a.od it b quite proper but to be able to &rve a servtoe that you know who lme>-..' you that 'e l'e'C~d t.b1s finn on u JU t a little ln advanC'(' of others These are .somto of the M-<:rt'ts or the prominent posu.wn U. hu at- ha.r. b<>come a feature In the l.tfe success of this well known a nd ever tamed u one of the most valued of CJt tht.' rommumty that as Jnd~ papular company The_..e are some the commercial assets. C LA HlCIENDl CIFE The La Hacienda C.fe u. located I ment as thiS. manlliement. nt 930 Bo Mam St m Santa Ana. It Is unsurpnSM'd by any eating There 1a no better equipped place The La Hactenda make " • pec:laltyl place in hur roundlngs 01 accomrno-in this secuon of the st.a.te than In !ine MeXJcan dlshe:o; dation of stTv1ce When thE' pro-this one. and there 1s none that Tht-m<>nu tv;flbi.sts not only bf pnetor -..·ent tnt.o the b~lness Jt 'llo U has att.alned a great.er meaaure ol thf' prtme neceS!>lflt'-" oC llfP, but -..·1th the tdPa thai. a modern cafe popularity. There 1s none ln whlcb many ITJ\ltinl' und Lempung deUc:a· •·ouJd be appredatf'd by tht' local the. aervlee and courses are 1D0fe! nto. Lum he .. or dmnen; are iOCJd, and travellnc pubLic pleasantly SI\Usfactor}'. Ranchers ,., hule..ome and df>ltclowl) 8ppt'ttt· That thu prtnc:lpl wa~ v.·ell nc-and aU other parties wW flnd th1l uw The Et'I"\'ICf' l· t'QUa.lly offered ot"ptt'd IS pni\t'll by the U(.'('('" they a plea.slnl place to vlslt while in : .. -.atl~ry tht-t.a.-.tu oc the most have attained tov;•n sboppln& for the day. f:t~tldlr;us Here you 11.1JI !Utd 'J:ell t·ooked, We are pleased m this review to In traveltn& 0't'r the country you nu.s-ractory meals. whf'tht>r your compliment the J)I'Oprietor on the v.tll hnd no1.hing ln greater pro-order be Iorge or small. and you. hiah character of this c:a!e. wblch lu.'u111 than poor l'otlng houses. This will be made t.o fet'l that your trl!de ts rendertnc a much needed aerv1ce J. "'~~~ II t!t lncX>"d rt'freshJn& to I ' de'llrro and a ppreciated by the Lo tht> communll.y 8 Hnd .ut·ll .w up-tv-dauo c•'lt.abU!>h· FUNCES NORION SHOP Tbe FrancC's NMton Shop carrle.t~ so many of them and aJI so llllriiU· field of aodety, buAinela or the a compleLe Une of rulta, coati. lnlr that on~ can scnrce>l) beglo to horne. drc..ues and lmgerle m ~lar and enumerate. ln the llnaerte department. wUl be half sizes. Tilts 6h<1P Is located at Soft draped fabrlcs. variety ol found aU tbe lateat and exclu.atve BOOGIE IOOGIE Mill SHOP ChickWihon Tbe ~ Woocie N alt Sbop Is JIC'(' crt>am is to be bad. 'I'beJr IOda located at 50t Ocean Av~ue in 'lount.&Ul servtct' ia not 1\l.rPURd Hun~ Beach. Phone. Lexington 1n the most metropoll'-&Jl centera 8~4324. Don and Chick apeciala.e ln wnUe ma.ny palr'Oiu alao buy cream malts and macks that appeal to both tor servu11 ln the borne. Tbe7 ear- youth and a4wt.s.. r)' a m~t eomple~ Uue. n1e ~nt and courteous The~r sOda &rill b one or the ~atment their efhcknt clerk are best u1 the.: counU)'. ctvln& t.o t.be people t. Wllll1iDI for All of Lhe lalftt IOd& IOWltaln t.ban a larle patronaae of ... ·tuch da.u\l .. es make lhelr Ctnrt appeara.oce tbey may well be proud. The pi~ bere aud It JJ no ~ to 15 eqiUpped wtth the latat and bHt say tbal Uu popular ~t rl.ll:tures and perfectly appolnt.ed. U surp4SSeA many 1o w mueb Jaraer the ftatber 1.s cold and unoomfort· clues both In service and pOpu).a.r-.. able or bot and .sultry, step m and lty. l'et &Omethlnc to put yoll rlaht. with When the people wbo h&ncUe 1m· the ... 'Orld, f or t.hls up.oto-date pla.ce port.an\. a.rtlclea of !ood and the haa retreabment5 5\llta.ble for aJJ place In wblcb they are bMdlecl are ktDdl or wealbn. dcscrtbed u abon. It 11 aate to WlliH The concern 15 under >ery d -l.b&t -.bat \hey h&~e to offer tbeU CJclent ~ent and ia very customers 11 the belt tbal. Lbeir oouneous and friendly. mone:r can buy. Tbey are amonc t.be liVt·Wlre bus.l· Havlnr camt'd a ~Uon fw \(S neu ~pte and t.be place truly c.ves &ood bust.ne.u mel.boda. J&uafact.ory the town a metropoUtan air. I service and the ~ of Wboleaome Twelve months out of the year product&. l.he proprletora fincl all this 'tt'eU known esta.bUshment w I goods ln grea.t. demand, and u a one of the popular social centers corlsequenOt! the business Is crowtnc of the community where the beat I rapl<lly. lU The Hav•thorne Beauty Salon l~o located at 325 N. Broa~:Sway, Santa Ana. Thll beauty shop Is a ID('mber of the R,eelstered Cosmetoloctst..s. 1be profession of the permant>nt wa\e &houtd be one ol the utntost importance and ... -e can not faU tn thla c:omprtbenslve ~v1ew to de· vote some space to a ""ell merltt'd trtbuLe to t.be excell~t work per- formed by this popuJar beaut.y shop. Tbey have made a stud)' of t.he permanent wave from a sclentlflc standpoint an d have supplemented lh1s wlt.b much actual work. 1fhlch makes t.b1a service botb trted and modern. Penn&nent wa vl..ni has ad· vaneed rapidly ln the la.st few yeua and they ha~ kept. rlaht abr'east or the Urnes. ~ .ahop Is equipped and ap· pointed with JI\OSt !denu!lc equip- ment. , is lnvlt~d. Tber~ Is no danaer of too Ulht 4 curl or frizz when you l et a per- manent wave at tbJa beauty J&lon. They strive t.o attaln a complete natural effect With a ~entJe waw 6UJted to your Individual bairllne. Here licensed o~raton w1U put a ''11.\'e In for you tn t he abelr\at possible time ooiUlstent with hllb quality of the work which they wlll do. All you ha\'e t.o do is to pboae for an appointment. and 10 t.bfre at the appointed lime and leaw the rest to them. In a short t.1me t.be)' will make you look and feel dif- ferent, and when you return home all your friends wUJ comment upon the becomln,-ness of your wave. We are &lad to compliment. this shop upon the rret.t aucc:eu Cbey are mU!ng 1o their choeen pro- reaaion and to retei tbls val\able The permanent wave I)'Sc.tm the)' service to the people of lhls aectton pracUc~ clvea a natural life and of Lhe alate. t ltt!t.re to your balr. YoW' tnapectlon 213 N: Broad•·ay St .. In Sana Ana. neckllnes. Ule new pst~ of model.!! and cllstlocttve styles. ---------------------------- Fa.shlon's ultlmat.e note flnd.S sleeves and many other touches of No matter whether you make a ma.sterl)' expression 1n bt'&utllul style aenlus &l''e tht' ee.rment.s a.s selection rrom their ultr& tuhian- drcsus now dbplayt'd In thls store weu a.s the wearer U1at appeuance able or cona.rvauve stock. JOU wW ·t~:hlch haJII seem-ed JC-\ place In the or youth which 1s the aim of all flnd that t.M1 WUJ be a~* to tit f bJonable and conaervatlve circle• women. t.be ~t eo \hat lt wm bane Dorothy Ball's More "' located 3~ fer ladles' wear of the BUM fabric:, or this part or the state by ~n In ract. I! you wear carn11~nu from with •• yet fit perfectly. ut OOUt BIYd. 8outh It\ l.II«UnA tyle and dealCn aa the 1-.er of their comprehensive stock and tbis store you wlll have that appear-We are more than pleued t.o 88c:h. 'nl!a ahop 11 a bee hive of atorts ,in olher clues. ~rv1oe. ance of youthful line that. Ia not compliment Uw ihop upoa t.be poll~ actiVIty for women who care about ln this edltton we art! pl....a to The Parts 1nsplra.Uon w\t.h tht only beoomlna bUt wUI fumlsb you t.lon oocup6ed by tbla Jlt(ft ln Cobia their appearance. '11\ey know that cumplbnent t.bem on the prcajDeot London Idea ot tallol1nl. but. whlcb an lnsplta.llon tor achievement. and part of t.be count.r')'. to refer the here t.bey can rtnd &tyles that are pOiiUon Ule1 hold ln UM 'Mula 111 a.re a pt-Odllct of our own wcmdf!rful t.be meana for lbe tho\lcbts ol publk to the u traordlnal'f ...toe ~ anct amart but lft.IONlble work1 of t.hLs ~eetJoo. We wt.b t.o New Yort. Ls the story of t.be eomibl yout.b!ul days wblch in tum wU1 t.be7 are ~ and to oo.pli-m price. teU OYr ....clers that for It a~ • ...on. When tt comes to dtUUI an4 brtnr you ambiUon anct that un-ment t.hen upon their edeMft nu. abop ls renct,rtnc a real aen-and ~ rtt-thlt ls tllit piiiJce var~ of tbl' ra.rmenta, there are conquerable eptr1t whether ln t.be •t.oct and the deler\'1ftl ncce~~. tee to thJI M!CUOil, becaule they or-to., co . • .: 11 ••• P.L.aad It U. 8. POSTAGE . Pill Of/idcil New6fHlf>ft' of the City of Newport Beach "~ sails" have &iven a" a)', 11pon n>fleoc1ion. to a bunch of red fares. tuUowin~ y{.'Stetda} 's heat - m~ bt•fnre the Los An~el Cit;. Council on charg~ that Corona d I !\tar arti t Rex Brandt, among other!', ts dabbuu: in dP!.'l'nera te and rommunlstic Ll.rt. · The fight lS b) no means O' r. and th<' grumbling& rontinl.K', but R,(>" i no lon~ bung aCC\.IIioe'd 0( ted-hued leamn~ a chall!e that rupted aftt>r someonf." cried out "hammer and sickJ<''' upon 'tewinr; Rex's sl'COnd pnze wmrung oil. "Tht' First Sur~;e of the Sea," at the AJJ -City Art Exhibition being <,hown at the Gr(-ek Theatrt' Yesterday morrung's editions of Los Angeles papers came out v.·ith ba&: displays of pictures and head- lmes on "red iufihration." Top btJI.mg v.as gh-eo to Rex Brandt' Harbor 1114 cmd 1115 SCents Vol. 4-No. 11 Aroused Balboa h l&nd r . tdt nt.l' concem!'d O\ ••r thr· trttfftr d.ant:l'r to chlld.rt n on tht l .. land h3v~ called on ttrt> poll<'f d(,'p&rtmE>nt ,, CJ ll<'k do\·. r. un "PI • dt·~ wrU t net 'nltJrc, mPnt ol tt !fit• n :!Ulatot n• Thl ><:'•n! tnJIJI\ to 5..,·}t&r- t•ld :0. :me~ LI)Umll!. nl 21:l ::.aj]pturc A\ If (;U~h not IN fO!oUlt 01 a "ll''f~lnC drt\er hN>u H lhe r)rob- h m to a head and . • t mi ~ t"\ ~­ nan c.: th< Balb<la !"land h nprow- mt.•r:t A.s!>Ol'ltttmn \ot .... 1 rr, ta~·. oC'· 'ton. \\-'• nd• II Calkin .. hrvu::ht up th(' flroblcm and madt thr mutmn to a5k for 'tnct la\\ t>nlorcem~nt and he wa,s joined by others, m- cluding Dr. C. B. Barnett aDd Larn. Broerm~ 111 sh.:arp r-r.t Cl5In tJ'1 flacrant \10iallor or peed oil shov.ing l.hrt-t> boau entt'nng ~~· o~ wtU fft111!11e fer Ute tint~ till. "'MlinK" (Thur..O~) a t ttH-pot-J~k mN'llnc or thf' the ocean from our jf."tt). a picture 0 ...._ ff-1 Jlar ('t' ,,. A~lattoe at ltho <.onunnmr ~ool. l..•·ft to rl(tlt '"~' DirP<'tor" Harry ~rtrh. ht" painted two }"Mrs ago and xrs.. ~~~~~t~ hUt>r ••d \'4-rut-\\•~ (out"Oln&: Jlr....id••nl). n t•\\ t>r•• .. tdt>nt c. v .. t .. r .lon~>-., nt'" which has been t'ntert'd tn showfll ,1~prc•-.i&-•t ao. •<'alit. a.IHI Otrf'<'lor lulw-l Ancln•"s. DlrN'tnr \llf>n M~IIP 1 .. not In thP plt'turf'. c>ver since (including t.ht" "13 Mo-(~ ''Pf"~Uty or Utf' \\'Hk .. on Pl'i"8ichoet I.-.loDf''l on f'ttC",. ~-1 -phuto by F()IMMn dems" exhibition an the Ensign ..:;.........;;;;.;;;;. __________ _ linuu and stop &lens Parucul.arly a matter ot con<"t'tn a• 'hf· da.nger t<J school chJJdro•u v.l Pn school buses load and unload on the nar- 10\" tn tlo on •n«" bland There were requ for a mo- tor cycle oftlcer to patrol tht> Is- land, suuesttona t.h& t 110me 111tr ltnes m Clty Court "ould do a lot toward sohin~ the problem, recommendations that c1uzens at- tend court tons to oruf'J'\'! ~ ~tuon of otauon •. a proposal tba t ridgft on tbe streets ~'Ould slov.· down tnafC'lc • Thffe has e\"t'n been talk of block.ln~t off streeU "';th houwhold Curnishipp 50 that cars would ba\'"e to Wft"-e Building). • Gty Rex Brandt, a.,long with other ru1l•t.l. and their critics, attended tbe meellnc of the CounclJ yest('r- 'day for an inquir); into the AJJ- O ty Art Exhibition. SP9kin& f« abo\lt k minute at ~ hf&rlnc, IWc assunod that he Florence. Coolinl registet'E'd a knew boats, ...... a des1cner for friendly protest at the mention of two and a half )'Hnl for South her namt' in last v.'ftk's Log Cout Co. in Newport, had ...Ued among thole who have been sl~ be was 12 and can ri c a boat spoken at •• possible Council can- con-ectly. He said he didn't ~ 1 dictates ln next ApTil's eleetlon. wuc1Ly what a ha.truner ..,.. al~ Whatever abe rna~ think about looks like, but that tbe S\.llll)eeted running for Council, she gave a desi"n in the picture .... formed good demonstration or her abilities by a partially obscured boat c1a.ss at Monday's Council session and insignia and a spreader arm ora pl't>Sf'nted tnformation of \'ital ~­ the masL He commented further portanCE' lo the tutuTe of our oty. that thls same picture had hung in . . the kind of racu. t hat the the Biltmore gallery for three Council hould haH~ held itself roe- months last year. sponstble to examint-can.-runy long ~rchase of the four Bll<b~ lo'" m Chana CO\'P for $15.000 "a.s ap- pro,ed by City Coundl ;\londa;. e\ eninJ:t. This brln~ to ""' t hf' number or lots purchaSt'd undf'r tht> acquisition plan mad(> possibll' by thl? dollar a month recent!~ plaC\'d on watf."r metPr con.nectionf- The four lots or the Howard Btxh) cstJ\tt" a re No 6, 7, 14. and 15 to Block B-32, near tht MartnP Lnb. adjolnin~ lot 8 and 16. which ha\ e l:x>l'n purt'hased from Harbor- master RUSSt'll Cra.i~ for thr um of $5,790. This lf'l.l\ cs eight lots to JiO tn lht> Council's pro-:n un to l'Stah- lish a public b<'ach at China Co"' Council Presick>nt Harold Henry, before this. who had been one or thole who had To Mrs. Coolinlt goes a bist sharo R • ._.. A... talked about he "hammer and !Continued on Page 2) ...... R'l va sick le,'' apologized for the slur. ,v ... _., But there was not much forgiving Cit 11 • ..._ A.i. M....__ I • In th<' rest of the hearing, which 1UU IV \1~ ~ l<'ft th<' critics still angry about .. Dr J ,.,..._~ the quality of the remamder of ia City Council ha et a pubhc the art on display. hNaring on th<' petition of Glad~!' Sidelights : Ther "ere a lot City Council Monday ('\ l'ning in-Sidll'r to rt>1one the corner lot at of iratt> citizens here yesterda~. structed City Attorne) Har1T A St. a.nd Balboa Blvd.. acros angered that such a fantastic Blodgett to contmur> 10 take the from Vaux' In Balboa, from mul- charge should be leveUed against necessary st("J)S to consummate tiph.• restdcmtial 1 R-3 to commt>r- one or our town's ouutandin~ art-the sale of the form<'r cit) water cia l IC-11. iats and cit.izens ... Telephones dt>partment propt-rty on :-.:t'\vport The ca c had ~n ar~d at at the Brandt residence at 405 Blvd. near 28th St to the Bank length last Thur day e\·enin~ be· Goldenrod started ringing early of America fort> the Cit~ Planning Comrnis- Wednesday morning .... That in-The deal had ~On<' Into escrow sion Att orne~ Max Hurwitz. rl'- signal on the 'boat does not neces-July l O. l950, but was dl'layed by presenting Glad.)'s S1dler. said h1s sarily represent any particular clearing of tine. In the m~?antime client had purchased the pro()('rt:, clus, Rex says .... Could be Is-the Grllfith eo. had exchanged a as C-1 with the in tention of f'rC'Ct- land Clipper, California 32, PCC. $47,000 pie<X' of property in Udo In~ a commercial buildin~. The Feather .... The peinting shows Center, \\ilef(' thl? Bank of Am-new zoning ordinance had de ig- a port bow \;ew or the sloop on a erica building Is now under con-nated it R-3. o~ the r~mmenda­ sta.rboard tack out to aea U.s that struction. for the $32.000 city pro-tton or thP cny s .PJanrung consult-clear?). ... It ia rumored that pertv which th~ Bank of America a nts. who had pomted out that the some boats in the Harbor HAVE had "mtenck>d to US<' for the site of I property had always been US('d IL RED STARS on their sails. . . . its new building. The Griffith Co I rf'Sidential.. Rex. by tbe way, is a rt>gistered infonned th(' city Monday eYening Comnus tOn<'r Ray Cop f' 11 n RepubHca.n .... Signs of the 'nmes that e~crow conditions had not tno\ed th~t the C-1 zonml: tx> perhaps in the misprint in Arthur been complied with and that the granted smce tht> propert~ had MllUer's art column back on Oct. deal was orr. City C'.ouncil said it ~on purcha ed as C-1. ~t!' m<l- 14 mentioning ,._. Brandt's lovely would continue to negotiate with t1on was def<'ated 3 to 2. \\,th :\h blue First Surge. of the Sea." . . . the B&Dk of America. Copelin and Richard Pleger ,·otins:: and here's a comment by one of ye • and Walter Longmoor. 0 . B. Rex's frlendl and neighbors, Dr. Glly &.. Reed and Charles WI htman vot- B. N. Oesenberg: ''It behooves us IW inst no. The P lanning Comm1 ion to consider if we are using the in-thert>fore forwarded the r l'com- aidioua tenna of communist and Oty Coundl authorized City At-mendatlon to Council that the> C'-1 red in a way that will cause con-tomey Harry Blod~tt Monday request be denied. r.ton and diviaion in the real fight e'-'ftllng to draw up papers for an-At the suggestion or Cit) At- ap.lrwt eommunt.m, and in a way nexation of the 75-acrt' site of torney Harry Blodgett, City Coun· tllat tlUI delltro)' a man'a reputa-N~ Harbor Union H i g h cil Monday ~venin~r set N<lY. tkJD, Ida --t ~ to be em-ScbOol. A pubUc Mvin~ on this as dat~ for the public hearing . ....,_. at tbe ~tlon for which ..,.,._t:kln PI~ will be set • • • &e: ... lldll." later. KIWAMIB a.UB NAMES 0oancf1 acted aft~r receipt of a V • u DVW"'t" PRESIDENT ,. Jetter from the HJgta School Board n.n ' au;. of 'l"ruutees uJdng annexa Uon of the sebool aree 1100therly of 16th St., but llot mcludlng the newly aequlred area an the otM side of 16tb. Mayor Lea l at)Cl1 commented. "I think u.e ~ atw &hould be 1n the dty, beca~ the dty is pro- viding a tmo.t all of the ~rvices tJwoy .,-e gettln~. and Wf' hould ann~JC to mab H 14'J::ll)." ... , • .., .,._ of Corou _,....... ..... ~ 115~ prM- .... t ef tile Newport Harbor ..._.. Clll6 ... IIOC!a. A. 8tedc._ ef ~ *I MAr ,..,..._. ......,. .-, p cull .. \. ud Bfort 01 .... ~ ......... rf'- ~ t1 n "' lu ftnt'('~ ef N~ l'lelafiltla .....__ '~'-"P" ,...."" ~-•••••• ¥ ••••••• Four of theSt' lot . ~o 5. 6 9 and tn1n Block 33 acros. .. FPrntpaf from th~> Khon hoiJSf> are now obit>et of a cond mnatJon swt filed b~ the <"tt) cner DudJe~ Fur I! Los All~l'l<' 1\IIO~y. 1 ront~?Slln~t thco rondE-mnatJon wt. and b) court order ha~ forced the city to ~m~nt a pc>rmit to buud 11 tw~ on t~o of th lots. acuon on w con- d mmt t 1on SUJ is pending The other wur 101 , :'\o. i , 8. 14 nd 15 in Block C-33, t'a\.\ ard of 1 h<" Fun:t' propert~ are ownt'd b~ Lt'fft>rtll Hoffman \.\ho 1 op- poliinc th<' M:~ acqwc;itton pro- 5.11'8m. Ert AJ!t n Balboa r.od ap{Jrat ed thr four Bl'tb~ ln!-. llt S1 .000 lowly pest the barrtcah.) Saturday's meeting wu held at the Balboa I.slalld M e t b o d l st OlUJ"Cb, with P!"Mjdent J. A. Bed presiding. ------- for Stafford Ba'h~ of South Pa..a-Actip,g upon tht> tmpass.loned dc>nll C'it~ ;\faMc .. r John Sailor-. plea of President Hf'rb Ke-nny for \.\r<l•r Mr Rixb~ that the ~t noo action on ~ coun•~ .~'f"r pro- wa( not 1r k{'('pin~ \\ith tht• 'fllf" I gnm. the Orange Count)' Coast \·alu a~ <'StablishC'd b' cunt•nt u-I Assn.. meeting at thl' 'l:ewpor t !«'!' C'd \'alul?s and nut de> an nt ll'r or Harbor Yacht Club ~ eo:tE'rdJJy went 11 .5RO When th.Js off('r \\a-. d<'-on rt"CCrd asking th C"eunty Sani- clin<'d. Mr Sailors ubnuttE'd thf." tatlon Board to tak~ acllon im- off<'r of $15 000. and tht!' wa. 8('-mediately to gl?t the outfall 5t'\l.'er ('('pted. on condatton that 11 would projt>Ct tmder \\'a). he a nrl total. n?t to b<> :-edu<'t'd Mr . Kenny said that thr-H years b~ f"'Ct''Y., notanl": or char2es ago the citizens of thr county Th<' Counol also. ,-oted an $8.000.000 bond ~ to • Rf'ferred o Plann111g Com-install the outfall sewer, yet not m1 ion the license requests for a thing has be-en done If nothing Hayden's Haven for U ttle Folk at 1.s done soon w (' will be In a crlt:l- 440 Heliotrope Ave .. Corona del cal condition both fi({Uratively Mat'. and for a Nursery at and physicall~. ho> reiTUirked =~-St-a,;hort' r .. in est New-~~ ~~-_ • ACCt'pted the Jo" b1d 1-lt •• 1 I'._.. tx>rtsoh Motors. $2 , for a 951 1 -...-W8l Chevrot.t truck b and C'hall!!:1s • Q• l for tho ftre dePartznent. __ IC_ • RE'rK'"'ed ~ ci~· automo-1 t•'! rl('('t liability ~uran('('. $1 -Evt n an mjurt'd back. encased 95' .13_ &nn';'3l ~renuwn, and a u-I in pw t~·r cast b«ause of a dis-tClmo~r,·e far t' J.DSUr&J)('(', $419.22 placed \E'Mc>bra;can t k('('p a Rood prt'mtum f for . $119,000 Y.'Orth of sailor down, and as a rt>sult 0\Jck pqurp~nt 1, ~1th Bay Insurap,Cf' Rawlins of t~ San Otego Yacht A socratl'S. rt>pl'f' .. ntt'd b) ~fcK.Iiy. Club is leading in tht' Boaart JA~ and Renfro. Dinghy sedes pon ·orl'd by tt}e • r-:amed Fir£' Chlt'f . Frfl!lk Z'\1?" pOrt Harbor Yacht Club. \rock f"r a alt<'rnate ~.n 1ce ftrt' Saiting M.ar$re Porter' Porquito. chiE'f for ~he County Civil Dt'ft'nse \\ith Marge a crt'W. ht' "on three or~anlzaUOn. firsts last unday Tht> seri('S will bt" concluded this ~unday. l n M"- cond place is BaM Hrn<k'rson of Corona del Mar. v.ith ";ce Jan as ttrtri'. ~ ho •-on two nds and a tllll.rd Smc~ar. All organizations in tht' ~f'W()Ort ~Area a~ inVItl'd to a.noon ~td'l ~t" luncheon at the 1llewport Harbor Yacht Club at Marl Weoc:lnet!da)• to Mar a prog- 1"81 ~port on the 'l h ins: Mt-- lftOrials'' carn~lm to ratS S2SO.- OOO to equi_p and fumac;h ht" Ttoeg Memorial Hospatal. R,. n ·ations __ ,,_ art' o br medt-tn ad\'ancc' ..... Persona ify ~ new pyuidt"nt of the Corona promote scouting, for thtre iJ ,. dH Mar Civic A.uoclatlon is a lo-lfN'&t need for such an a.ctMty in c:al ciUz.cn who hu something of ttil a~. The t>ntir-e community the air of a !SChool prindpal but must partlclpatt> In t~ youth ac- ts by profesJion a builder and con-Uvitle . he say . a.nd especially lm· tractor, actin• in clvic affab"', busy portent ls the full cooperation of with scouting actl\·ities falthough the Jlllrt.>Ots. • he hu only ~rls In hi. family, no Les Jones became a Californian Boy ScoutsL by way of Utah, whet'e he wu (Continued from Pap 1) or t~ CN!dit tor salvaging a meu· ure of triumph Monday evening ln the continuing campaign to _keep oil wells from spoiling our com- munity . Two ~ks earlier the Council ~d received a lett r from the Lea~ of C i v l c Association (drafted by a League cOmmitte<' OOIT\PI"~ ot Mrs. Cooling. Fta.ndl Horvath and this Logrerl ukln~; for expftaion of CoW¥il opinion on the oil drilling ordinance now btolng considered by the County. Mon~ f'\'enlng the letter'ca~ He i 51-year-old C. Le ter born almost f'XBCtly 51 ycera a&to Jones, who will ~ presiding to-(on Oct. 14, 1900). He attended night lThund&y 1 for the first tame elt-mentary and high sctlool ~. time as head or the Civic Associa-went to Webt>..-COlle~ ln Ogden. tion. as that group ttf'ts togeHM!T Utah. takinR an engineering and first for a pot-luck dJ.nneT at the drafting course. He had no Ume Grammar School, then for a busi-for ports ol" other extra-curricu- nes ion a.fter the eats. Jar acth;tie«, I>Kause he had to Les J ones has bt>en a Southern v.'Ork to eam hi Wll)' through Callfomlan tor th<' last q.uar~r school. WhJif' !toing to ooUegt> he centucy, and a Corona dt>l Mar workt>d in an archite-ct's ofnCt'. resJck'nt for the> lut thf'E'e years, and he stay<'d In Ogden until hi.' having partially r-etired from hjs took off for Los Angeles in 1925. busln . That business Is Jo~ There he joined tht> oonstruction & Gloeg:E>. Inc . of Pasadena, gen-firm. John Cooper Co., whet'e his eraJ contractors. Jl<' i still pr"E'Si· training in structural t>nglneerin~: den t of thP firm. ~~. to PasadE>na Rnd archH(>CtUt'e ervNI him well. ~very ~~k to <iupen ise the man-He became tht> chlef en..;inl"('r ror at;.<"m nt of the bu incss. Here in tht> firm. stay~ with it for ei~ht the Harbor Art'a hP i~ int<'n"'tNI ~t>aM. tlwn w~nt Into the contract· in (ln>J)('rt) lnH•stm<-nts and dt'-inr:t busme on hi own, In 1933. v('!Opm nt. as \\(>IJ a!' :-om<' build-in the depth of the great dcpres- ln~: now a nd th<'n slon. He did r<'5id<'nlia l construe- One Year up again. along with a copy of the Out ot llartlor A,_ propoei(>d map, which would estab-li<~h 8()-Called proven oil £1eld:s, ~ JILUn' wfthln which we lls could be du~ without a permit. One o( the pro-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ J)OfiCd proven fields is just outside of dty limit • inland from S<>a· short" Colony. rTo date theN' art' no uch r)roven riPids In JhE' COMMANDER'S OLUMN ly EO MURRISON On th(.l civic sid<' his ~n·a t tn· tion primarily. doin~ <'onsick'r.abJE' A"' • rl c • 11 le tl 0 • '• • t 2 t1 tere t ha ~n '-<'outinJ:, cn~r bUilding at the bt>ltinnln~: of the since a frl<'nd ol Ju in Cub !"I"'ut-l.'Tfl'' 1h of Wt> twood Vllla~t>. This year there \\iU be no Vel· ing a k<'d him to takt> Q\('r tht> In 1936 hE' w nt to Pasadt'na. l't'tln'tl Das parade in the county joh of institutional rt>pt'('sentatlve join('(! with~ anothC'r cnnt rnctor to on No,·. 11 In tead therE' will bt" ror Pnt'k 1~ ()( Corona -del Har. form Jone & Gl()(>l;"e. Inc .. whicll « public barbt-cue at .tht> Fleml h- For one yl'at· hE' has held that as-dev<'loped lnto a u~ful con-Anwrican Clubhouse. 11091 Bol.sa siiO'lm<'nt. tht>n \\Ill> ~ lsma1t>d tractin~ busine . buildinJ: large A'e . four mil "~t of Santa committ('(' chairman of tht> Pack rt'!'idt>n('('S. a~rtments, rommer· Ana, ror the t¥'nefit of tht> Vetel"- :tnd 'Itt II has that r•t>SJlOnsibilit). · cia I bwlding. and church<'. in th~> an.-. in the Long Beach V. A. Hos· As mf'mhf>r nf the> l't>wport Har-Pasad na. San :\1arino and At'l'!Hlra pital. rounty: a w <' permit · is requlrt'd for t-\'et'Y ~ell that I drfUed. l Mayor I.H lsbc.>ll pointed out that tht' blurr O\'t'rlooking West Newport and th<' flats ~cljoinin~ &>ashOt'E' Colonr would not be ln- duded in the PJ'O\'t'n flt'ld. Coun- cilman Dale Ramst>y commented that the Council ·hould watch the borderlinP llr<'a~o. and go aloJlJt with the county on th<' map. With that. Council flll'd the map tot' futui'E' r't'feren~. with no ex- P~ ion of e-ntim<'nt to the PTA to Give Scholarship bor Optlm.st <:tu b. h£> was nlltur-art>a vgionnakt>S of Or&nge County, ally eta en f01 tht job of romrnit-Th<>n m 1948 he c-am<' ht're with by donating all the labor. hope to tee cMirman and later ins1itu-his ramal~ to "· tablish rt>Sid net' m3kt> a pront la~e t>nou h to tional rt'Pr<-S<'ntatl\·p for the Roy an ('orona d<-1 Mar, &t 720 Popp~· caro on tht>ir pet proj(>C1 . the pro- Scout Troop tM>in st form<'d on BaJ-A\'<' ThC'rf' aN• two dauE:ht<'ts in Krnm or Hospital and Patl<·nts' A $400 scholarshJp to 8 worthy boa Island. -;pon-.orf'd h~ thf' Op-th<' ram11r Barhara, M\\ 19, a Wt>ICarP conductro at Long Bt>ach. Newport Harbor H&gh s c h 0 0 1 timist. junwr 8 t Whitt i<'r Co11£>~E'. tud,>. Ttw \'Nl'rans Administration grsduatf' "ill 00 gl\ n this ) Ntr. F rom thf''-(' ron1act1> \\lth Cubs ing to be a teach<-r: and Vtr~rnia. ,.,,luntary S<>rvice progrnm that it ,,-8 ,0 1f'd Monda~ 01 3 meetin~ and Scouts. ht" kno\\., that .•t i-. a 17. ,1 WhittiE-r fr<'!"hman tak1n~ UJ• ltw l.e~on is parhMpatmg in of tht> PTA t>Xt>i:UttH' board. tremt>ndousl~ lmr.10rtnnt JOb lCI social M't'vicl'. \fr<~. JonP. ,.., tht> JIIB)S a lar~t· p;ut in thf' OJ)('ration Stud£'nt~ thcmsc.>l\'c ~,;11 apply I f(lrm<'r Lannt<'f' PE'tf'rs. I<•" n na-ul t hC' V · A. Hospita ls. F rom 11 for the> ~rant to hPfJJ tht>m con- • N 11.._ 11\P and lat('r rc idC'nt nl ~nta '" 12 thousand hour-. of \'Oiuntary tmu£> thPtr o'<IUI''allon. A commit-M VIGaP 1onica ThE'~ had met dunn~ a t•n let> is put in at thf' l..<m&:: Rf'a ch \('{' ol racult~ m mb.·~ will <k>slck> • p-. HINltlon trip tn Yn~m1tr-. and llmptt nl f'\('ry month. the winner The scho.lasvup l~t • M t N 2 \\t•rt• marri•-d In ~n1a .Monica tn 1 Thf' m<'ntal attltud"' of the pa-partly mad~ po. sJliTC' by a ~100 do-'1"0 ee 09 19'2M 'tl\'flt IS a \f'r~ important factor in I nation by 0 . w. RichArd of Nt:'\\'• • I Th1• whoiP tamil>· tra\ I." I<; to-I h is r('CO\'el'~. Aft<•r· World War I port lleh;hts. Studt'nt wlnn<'r of Thl' problem «II Jl ro t f' C' t 1 on I ~Nhf'r on thPir num<'rou tnps., '111 th,, J'lltiE'nts had to do wa look th£' postf'r cont('St for the PTA aJ:aill.lit <•rosion of thr <~on F ront whic-h hnn· tak<'n them to mo.t of ot tht' four walls and d \f'lop a I nwmber htp drive "'·re Lot·raine will \\(' ruscus.. ... tod F'ndA~. :-.:o\. 2. thf' <,t&t f' an lh(' • :;; • Into C.'\nftda nt•UI\1. I!' !'\ow throu~h the VAVS Call. a junior from Balboa 1 la nd, when thP Wt•sl ;-\P\\f10rl Impl'O\<'-nnd ~f<'xko. and only rE'('('nth thP~ ttw~ h3\E' mo\'iM. !Ita~<' shows and and Mllrtin M~. a !'OphomoN- ment A!h()('intion ml'('t, in tht• ri'\UrnPd from a two-month irip to p ;ll til·s to takE' thE-ir mtnds 8\\'8~ I from co~tu Mesa. M l' .... Paul lluff- C'Ity Council <'hombers in Cit~ F;urotx'. Thr•) \'i~i tPd som(' of ~trs. fr'lml l'f'ality May \\'C' a.sk that man ol Costa Mt· a '''ported a Hall R<-portc; \\Ill also be mad Jont>c;' r<'IAtht' in London \\Pn1 ~CIIJ ht•lp w to make thi barbecUf' 1small inc:-r<•ase in PTA membc>r- on oil brld2t' and tht> Paciric up to Srotland em. sNJ th<' chan-u c;u~ by purchasinE: as many hip OH'r last ye11r. EIN"tr l(• ParktnR on narrow nf'l w rr-a\rl throu~th Holland. I tirk .. 1s a J')OS'IIbl<' for ~our fam-j M rs. ~~mond Kf'nt ltan'(') of str•'t't-. "it hsn thf' ar"H "til h.• dt'>· Jk>l~rum . Fr·nnC'<'. G<'rman~ -ti.n-~ti~ 111 l'mplo~ N'<~. Each ticket en-Corona dl.'l Mar announced that cusM•d cludint.t thf' muc.:nifiC<.'ntly bl•nutl· titJ.•s the holdrr to a dinrl<'r barbe· the fre~>hm<'n mE'etln~ of parent ful trip up thf' Rhin<' 1. ;\u-.trl.l, l'll«'d by thC' \\t•ll known chrf. R.;ty and t('ach< r·~ will bl• h(•ld 1'\n\ 211. 8....A&..all•d lt&l) and s .. ,,,L('rland. l >f· Rro\\l'r ~1'\\port•Uarbor l-lll'h ,,.JJ be host ~IVIC.I • e • In Em:land ~1r Jon<'S found tht' ln this <;('('()ntt yNtr or the War to th(• Fourth. Distrtct rrw<'tin~t of ~JIIr Cl'i~ndly and o\·er;-ron-.rn~-1 in Ko1ca 1not a poli('(> a ct1on nowt t~(' PTA .on .:-:o\. 15 and lunch<:>n ,.. ... SIR.L...IIna !'•'f', kadsnu a dull l'XJSI<'Il<'f• 111 1 and with an t>\er mounting: Ust of \\JII ~ ~n NJ by ."om<'n of St. Vlllft : 1111111 ,y~. our wa) of thinking; ht> wa im-klllt•d and crippl('d Amt>rlcan bo) ·. Andrf'ws P I'(' byte;aan (' h u r• c h, . . pressed ''i h G<'rmany's pot('ntial "'' ff'<'l that an affair of this kind ~ext rNwl;u n_ll't:'ltnJot ot the lli~h ~f' poOl condttton of Thu d fflf' takmg OH•r thf' lt>ad rshir> or!wrll \)('a much mort> appropriatt> School PTA wtll_tx> at 7 :30.p. m. Aw .. In Corona d 1 ~for brous:h~ Europe. becau e it contain.s the \\11~ nf ob erving Veterans' Day on Dec. 13. ~~ wtll tx> a Chr1stmas a lettE-r of protM.t l><'foFe ('It) lar~t>!lt shaft' of the natural rt'· than thf' usual big holiday parade. program .• aid ~trs. !lOY Roush. Coun~l Monda) '-''~n:ng and a sources of Europe; he was shocked "Th<' bi ~ parade" is out there a t Co t.a Mesa, Hl~h School PTA promtse of early pa' mg of at lf'a 1 by thl' terri bit> devastation of Chip)·ong. Wonju a nd Heartbreak pr<'SJdt>nt. the "'Or~>t block World War II bomb~in . far \\Ors<' Rid~l'. and the "Growing Paradt>" T. L !"harp or South l.agu~a. than anything he ha fore imag-i-. the rollin~ beru and wheel ownl'r of pro~rt~ at ?IR Thrrd inc'<i: ltl'<'atJy lmpres d by the cha1r on th<' ramps of our V. A. Ave., wrote that. ht> had undt>r· beau1) of Rome. pt~rticularly from lllo pitals. stood ~as tax funds h_ad hl-t>n allo-Yi<'wpoint of an archi1ect. W e, the Anwrican Legion of Or-- cated for pa\'i.ng Thr~ A\'e. Cas From all that travellin~t h<' has an~l" County, ask you to help make had b<-en done for S('('Ond and romt> back with thi romlction t't'-lif<' bettt>r for th~ almost for· Fourth 1 but an tt>ad had bt><>n affirmed: that in all the world £O tten boys. Jotn us on Sunday. used f?r Balboa Bl'd: that he has vi ited ther<' is no :-.:o\'. 11 . for a good barbecue din· M~or U>s I be.> II said Third Ave. plaC(' with all th<> charm'! of New-llf'r !x'tw('('n the hours or 11 a. m. \\:as on thP a genda for p~vlng b~t port Harbor with its wond •rful and 7 p. m. dtd not know wht>n. Cll) En~tt· · . . . . n('('r Bert Webb S.'lid t~ do\\·nhill beach~ . th<' ba~. boatm.:. ~tshrn~ -------------- block bctweoen P(•PP~ and Poill$et-and \\<'8th<'r. Other pillet'S ma~' ID-C' ~­ tlll would be urfat'l.~ at tht• ~me boast of some of t~es<' charms., .:JU" ~UI'UI~ time a. thE' all<')'> north ol the llkt> ltlE' Frt>nch Rl\tf'ra, but !10 l high\\') are pavpd plaC'P that h<' has seen can clarm --------------a thl"m all, like we can. The Harbor District Boy Scqut Sen. Knowland to Talk In Santa Ana Oct. 30 SPn. William Knowland will speak et R p.m. Tuesda~. Oct. 30. at Wil- lard Jumor Hi~h School m Santa Ana. His topic will IX' "ArMr1can ForeiJtn Polic~ and Its Dome~tic Implications.'' ThP mt>eting, un- der tht> auspices of th<' Orange Count) Youn&:-Republicans, is open to thP public "1thout charge. In ans~er to a request from t~ Balboa Improvement AssodatiQn ror wlnt<>r removal or r-rklng me- ters. City Council adopted the fol· lowing plan prepared by City fana~r J ohn Sailors. tol(owing a by the poU~: Court or Honor will be held at the ~l'\\ port Grammar School Monday evening, bt>ginning at 7:30 p. m. Dr·. !..ester Becker. Harbor Distr ict Chtllrman. will be in charge. and Bruce Martin of Costa Mesa will bc narrator. Scouts who will receive their Star award are Darrel Goins of Troop 17, and Harry Lowe and J ohn Isley of Troop 6. First class and second class awards, attt>nd- an«> awards and other troph.it>tJ and certificates will also ~ pre- I)('Jh·ery of more than 60,t00 copit>s of the Orange County tele· phone directory is scht>duled to tx-- g'in next Wedne dll~, tt ls an- nounced by T . M. Hambrook. lo- cal manager of tht> Pacific Tele· phone and Tt>legraph Co. Refle-cting the continuing growth of the county. the new book con- tains mor<-than 48.000 listings. 3,000 more than last Y<'ar, and with 16.dditional page-s in the alphabt>tical se-ctjon. Mr. H&mbrook reminded lt>le- phone sub cribers to shake out their old directories wfore turning them in, to save all those notes. documents, special phone numbers. letters. bonds and dollar bills s tashed away during the year. County. and that "" tha~ until the \'l'f) <'nd of t hc Council ~ea~ sion. wht-rl Mayor Jsbcll extencled hi custe)tnan· courtesy to the folks in the> audlt>na> and asked if thev had an) lhlnj:! to brlng up. M~. ~ling had. ~h.-WAnted the oil discu ion oJ)('ned up again, tx-caust' he had not \>K>n qwte a blt> to make out the' low-\'01~ conversations of the Councllmm. And that fltarted lt. Harvt"y ~ase, '' ho twads a d tl- zens' oommJHet> against oil. then added hi scholarly lo!tic to the argument against driJiin~. He said t hat this coastal area is ln- tooded tor bt"ttt>r US<' ,than oil wclls. that all our planning ls for a tremendous population growth, \\ hich Is not In kt>f'plng \\ ith open- up this area to oil wells. Others In the audit"ne«> voiced their .PI)lnion. again<~t oil: Howard Wri~ht of West N4i'~port, who ur~ed tht• Council 10 do what ls best fot· the' crt). MN T. Dun~n Stt>wart of Shot(' C liff . who rt"· min<kd t h<' Counc:-i I that the County offi('i~tls wcn• anxious to know th<• Council'" entlnwnts. Edward 11<'111\' or ("Pntral Nf'\\'· port, \\ho c;aid "\\'t> \\ant oil w••lls to be kPpt out ol J.l~ht "; Francie; Hor\'ath. who ur·J:<<d mcl\inll: the oil fit'ld boundlll.> a~> f1u· north as posl'lblf'. Mayor· I hE'll himo;,,lf rurnishro ammunition to tp<-anti-o1l grol.(p b) rf'Ollbn~ 1 hli t '' h<"n he farst camE> to the Clt) t ht'N.' were oil wells within city limits and It wa a touJ:Il job to t:l'l thom out. M rs. Coolin~ commt>nted that thts "• \'l'f) ~'Otxi arstum<'nt for kM'ping otl \\dl$ out of thl.s area. Rl""SU It uf 1 his di·scu. s1on - - -or listcnin~t 10 the \'Oiet> o£ thc local citizen • --wa!l that Council a~ to 1 t'flJlf'n 1 h(' ca"" stiV<· it ca r't'l uJ 11 111d~ • and - -• Wt• hoJIC -- -romf' rot I h ''it h an expr<' - sion of opinion 111 l11· fon,ttrdt-d to t ht> Count). Tiw dut~ of Council l'i iJJINrs l'l«'ar· Encru:whmcnt oL ~it upon our t1t) can do ~reat harm b'' hindt>rlnJ: the> conttnuC'd ~.:rowth of this clt) In th,• rl~ht!uJ dir·cc- tion -• -whi<'h 1:0: to bf'rom(' the mo!>t flliH!'nlfl<'t'Ot t-esldf'nttal urt•a aiOnJ; tlw <'niJr'' Pactfic coast · - -and thrn•tor our City Coun- cil i& obli~a tPd t(l h('lp assure this rutur<' and oppoS<' thC' <'fforts of oil compani<' to e-rpand their O!X'r&· tions n('~r our CJt~. T wenty· one· year-old Elou1 Ow• n &k<'r, 3702 W. Balboa Blvd . Nt>wport, diPd Monday at th(' homt> o l h<'r parl'nts. Mr. and Mrs R.o Owen. 35 Balboo Shor . Ser\'ices Wl't'e held )'t>sterday at Chrlst Church by the St'a in NC'w- port. wilh int~.>rml'nt In Westmin- ster ~1emorial Park. Rt>\'. T om Pendell of Christ Church and Rev. Charles Hand orfic1at<'d. Baltz Mor·tuary was tn charge or the services. Mrs. Baker is sur\.ivc>d by h<'r husband. Ira 1..1-Roy Baker at thE' Newport addrt> s: ht>r part'nt~ and a sister. Ellf>n Owen. of Balboa Coves; her grandfather, A. Fun- der of Norwalk; her grandmotht>r, Mrs. Clara Owen of Norwalk. Mr-s. Bake..-was born in GIN\· dale, att<'ndt!-d grammar school in Newport and S{J'aduatcd from Har- bor High School. nttend<'d Oran~tt> Coast Colle-st<.' and prior to her HJ. n<'S h<-was a s tudt>nt nu~ at the.> Lutheran Hospital in Los An- gele . She was a membt>r of Christ Church by the ... ea, member of tht> Navigator Class: also had attended the Community Methodist Church in Costa Mesa and was mC'mtx>r of S unt>rgu at that ch~. She was a charter membt'r of Job' Daughter ·. • ThP ('Omm1ttt>f' from Newport Beach who wtll w.-lcomt> Scm. Knowland at his 01-angc County aptlearance next week inclu*s Mrs Frank Woodland of Newport Heights, Nonnan Miller of Balboa Island and Miss Jean PereiU-Mi· netti of Lido Isle, all representing Pro America. and. Mrs. William Chichester of Bay Shores. repre- senting the Vigilantes. OPTOMETRIST ON MEXICAN ROI..JDAY Mo?x1CO City was the vacation apot for Mrs. Norm(ln N<'lson of 516 Poln ettla Av<>. Corona del Mar. Sht> has just returnro with her frlf'nd. Mrs. Maude Flothf't' I ot San Marino. On tht' way hom<' 1 they stopped at the' l.aty A Ranch in Alptf\4', whf'l'e tMy were IUMta I of Mrs !\rison's s1 t('r, Mrs. A. P.l Pratt. I Roun IODJ A. M. to 5 P. M. Phaae llmberty 3-0322 ~~At~PM ....... • . . , Oarmce B. ~ ol Balboa, re· oenUy promoted to private first clua, 1a ter'Vinc with the 1st Cav- alry Division on Uw flchtlna fl'OI'It in ~a. H~ Is with the ~lh ~ glrnent. 1lte dlvtslon. a vetnan infantry force of the Kol'NJ1 War, apNr- Maded lM first o(fenalve agatnat the Communists last )"fl!!lr in the speoctacula..r breekthrough norlh- wa.nl from the Tat'gu ~met~r. DIRECTORY IJif81Ja&Jim INSURANCE For Ewr7 N ... ISLAND ·REALTY CO. ~D • ..__ HARBOft JTT-W Park at Apte, Balboa blud "BE SURE ~SURE .. with Maurie Stanley Insurance Counsellor HARBOR 1776 225 Marine Ave., Balboa 1.-.s W. Stuart Foote INSURANCE 2117 w. Ba.lboa Blvd. Newport Beach, Caltt. . Phone: HArbor 2f Dr. J. H. ~cCloskey CHIROPftACTOR Olfiet' H ours: 10 to 5 Wednesday and Stmday 703% E. Balboa Blvd. (downstairs) Balboa HArbor 3000..J Oppoal te M1nla ture GoU Course I \'l';R PLATL"O Silver Platers And SUYft'SIDIU. Rep&lrlng -Rt'ftnlablna Rt'piAUnc Gold -Silver • Copper • ara. NMr Community Olurch 1914 Hubor Blvd., Cotlta Mea Be-acon 5113 Margaret L. Scharle Teacher of Pl).no Organlst -Accompanist Evening au.e. ror Adulta 307 GOLDENROD AVE. Corona cJeJ Mar VOICE Vera Williams Member of M. T. A. Teacher of PIANO and VOICE Specia l Training for chlldren. 313% Marine Ave. Balboa Ialand Lawre nce K. Gundrum, M.D. 1741 Superior Ave., eo.ta M- Prac tlce Umlted to Diseases o f the Ear, Noee and Throat and AUe'l)' <>mce Hours: by AppOintment BEacon 6508 or HArbor 1031 Day or Night Phone HArbor 1138 DALD~ Baltz Mortuary O.pel ~ a. .. Jut You HGYe to Work on TheDL Too N~· ~ and the IRIClCeSS Put presidents from the~ or the early Oc~ member&hlp Uon of the Newport Harbor Busl-Most of our ,,sl•on to drive we~ ltema or~ import-neu a nd ProfH.slonal Women's ~~rt 81>-ach makt-a hop- ance a t the board meeUnc Mid Club were honored at a dlnnt>r plng tout of Richard's l..Jdo Thursda)•, Oct. 11 a t Horace EMlgn pany at the N~wpon Harbor Markt"t. On~ msfdt>, lhf') School for the offl~rs of the New-Yacht club last Thursday night . romt-undrr th~> JX·IJ or he port Elementary Schoola PTA. One hundred mem bers and guests p~h 1roJot and hghtJm~ of thl An all time hlah or nearly 2.000 \l>ere pl'66ent to applaud while a u o~ ~ton and walkm~ ...... _..... h 1 -each P'N'Sidenl was introduced P8-1 rtJ\\ rm n"': or dazzlinR ~·'Ill~~ ~o~~~g ~~ ·~n~~: bril"fl)·. 'J'h(' nostalgic past was re. food dJ.."VI<J)' "'llh th~ deep president. Half or this money will \in•d with a lot from one of th~ I ton,, of or~an mus1c rinR- be turned over to stat(> a nd na-ea rUer BPW bossc.>s' nights. Ins;: tn thf! &Jr thl") 'te IJ k~b tlonaJ treasuries, whUe the retot re-lntroduet"d as fo~r presidents to ha \ 1' 11 \\rung •mprei.slon mains here. Newport Elementary were Marstart't Way, 1932~33, im·l ~f "'\Jk~nl' 8 ro u nd '" a School membership chairman. Mrs. portant founder of the club: Helen r.pam C. E. McNeil, r.ported 720 mem-I bc!-11, 1933--35; Ann B. Price, 1935-And ol row C' the) aN. bershlps; Mra. Carl Wolff of the 36; A~es Blomquis t, 1939-40 and Tim tore for Y ars ~"U • Cor-ona del Mar school turned 1n 1948-49: MildrM Lockhart, l!MO-dream to 0 W. RJchard. Its ~ lrf'nrMOI'Ti1>.-J'942 wner And_ .mana (lf' ~ 7l5: a:ncs Mti. William ~\...u,eman TUbbs 19:14-45· 'Dorothea' Sheely drt>am happened when Dick 0 . w. (DICK) •ICHARO repon ed 53:5 mem'bers at Horace 194~: Gerrtrucse Coll\er. 1946; Richard dk'Jded tn 1933 to Ensign School. -Dorothy Sutherland, 1947--48; Bl"t-lt'a\t• thf' teactun c prof~lon and udt ot"CU!ons ~hllf' "tJJJ dJJM·t mg N~ly appointed chairmen. w~ ty Handv, 1949-50. and Mabel Fitz.,IE>arn ~II he could a bout fMd mt>r-his bu.c}ness. IY•n~onmr Troop lRl were mtroduced. ~ Mrs. Ed Mi· morris i950-SJ. chandis.Jng b) gom, to work a t 11 ol thP Bo) Srouts, holdJn · tht> l~m. home and f~ly; Mrs. Smith t;nablr to be prE"Sent ~-ere past H f' cam*' to ttu.> ="t-wpon PubiJc 32nd ~e;-of ht ~flU n11: Lodl!f', Newbf-rey, magaz.~nes; Mrs. Don P~•c:k>nts UJh· Tahu 1936-38 j Mark~l m 1935 As 11 manaE; r al\,a)s lendin~ a haJid u·twn ,.a lll'd Hall. w~lfa.r:: Mrs. Harry Schroe--1 ="t>Uit' Wilha.mSOn. 1938-39: Ven he t:atnt'd man} frtt'flds. and ma~ nn by th.. t<lanCf' l..Pa.:u P r· der, founder s day ; Mrs. Leonard Chapman 194042 and Mildred a constant ud~ or thetr nl"f'ds. ent ·Tf'ach '""· Communtt~ P la) n.. Gra\'e,;, ""YS a.nd means: Mf! . tan ley. · 19-lJ.-.4.4. ·Hilda Briscoe planntn~ for th(• day~ ht>n ht' couJd or am w-orth) c·h11: .:roup. and Mort Portl"'05, Cub Scout coordl-ma<k> the introductions and Pr~>-bu1ld a ~rat fOtJ<! storf' and makP •1111 bo nc 'Dad" to ht" )Ouns:: -.on nator for Pack 110. ~d M rs. Ro-!.t'nte-d ('8Ch of tlw honorf'd offlct'r" II a-. nE>arl) pnfect a~ a ston• md hu~IJar:d to .,I,. ch rmm~ \\l h'. bert Crowner. coordsnator. Co· \\tth 8 rorsa~e. rouJd 1M-One thmg ur~. _ . ~ ·~ PI'OUd rona dt>l ~far. OthE-r peoal ~o;t. at thE' I Hl plans matE>rialtzed m Mar~:h. (•I h.ur a our nE>'t~oor nctchiXIL ------mN>Iins:: Wt>rt' \\'mHrro Bacon and 194R. Ho~ \\!•II hE' dn·amed th \\'hill' heme tntt"'"\lf"Wt?d r.)tCk tolpo .. r'Harrf Welch, \\ho talked about drE>ama.ndearnPdtiOII'I pro\t>n mad th1 tatrml"'1t that ,,1 art' th(' Hoaf! :\1PmOrial Ho~pitaJ and o~ th(• n•cocnllton 11 h~, l!amed al!'o proud of I urit> "U m ~ em· ''hY additional funds arl.' neede-d F l"aturf• of h1" '-ton• ha'~" ~n plo)t>t>S to keep a res<'n t" of mon('y I a ................ Fri. Fur thPr f'nlf'rtainment was fur-S!Udll>d !-"d <'OJ)Jed aU. 0\f'l' the 8\atlab. It> lor "mer,I:!E'ntl~ or fctr ~-mshro b) Cl(' ;.a Williamson and 1 nllt·d !"tatt". The-ll:'adjn~ na- 1 an o~portunit\. Mont'\ hould 1x> Th 'IJ be "h d t' .. Hal 1...<-o. P•am t a t th<> Balboa lnn. ttonal 1-"rCX'<'J '~ ma~~tllnt' f:lHP '' k••p• '" th•• Safest pl~t'l' po<;<thh• .. l"rt> a ar 1m<.> • bu;~ ptctUJP and ..,1u1, CO\('ra ~.;p last ... ~" 1, ..,hc;,uld bE-kPpt \\IJilUn£. lo~'ein<>n da,nceth toAmmor~w •r-:r:~> t L~u~ -· I :!-• dt ,..and a "lmtlar artid(' followt"d '1 k• t P m~ sa\inl!s '"XP\\fXJrt Bal· t'\ l"n g a l" er1can .....:gton ._. .:.•.., •n a ~ anad1 11 ma.::aZinP Earl) tn boa Frdo'ral b< ,-1w.f' up to ~aJJ, 15th and W. Bay A \(• .. In 1~1. u1ck '''~~ "'kl"d tn Jo1n a \1;lt·OI~, sah·t' 1~ 10 un>d ant! m' ="'-'"port, .spon.ored by thf' local Dt>ar :\t r ffaa ~ncol dJ'(.·u.~ tnn of th(' :'\ataonlll monf) t$n'l. idh.• •. -II K• ,;.. Ll"~!lon Pot. The dance ~•II bf'> '\fr... Robf>~~nd 1 ,,ith ..omr :--uP<'rmltrkt•! In~'ITUtP • ChJC'aiW "'"k ,.~ pllm!: up dhu1 nr!.• ht-ld from 9 to t aod '"II bt' nr,.·n · . . li' addn: ..... on p, • ...,0 nal St·nl•·~' . to th<.• puulw. Po~t Command••.Jurmt>r :'\e-"P<>11 IX'<'PI_• art' <:'n.an 1n :'llarkf'ttnl{' ""'" 1:1\•n ,;, -rww) )~-'' \\' P.tc~rd1s11n n\t'•tnr Ed !\turn n annount'('). f''Ctrn~l\(' lour or "' \IC. "E' tl_: lr·llo\\ -'ll)lo ... r . ... . n :--;. '-''PI>l"l &!boa Ff'-dr r<~l fla, rl\f'd hf'rP 10 :\lt>xtrr C!t~ Oct • •n('.. 1 m "'' rH "''Jll· l>+-<r fm ~··'lr• <and hP 1, a First Book SPCl tOn ol t hf' Ebf'll Club m('t Titursda~. < >t•t 11 at th<' hom<' or )frs. E. A. F<-nf'lon. i21 I Miramar Dr . Balboa Co-ho«tP St~ ~ ~>r<' ~Irs. H F Ahr('ndt \fr.., Bruce ~C'Bt·Jdt• and ~,., T H S('('IE'). The nl"w book Cnrhrr tn thf' Ryt> . \\8» r<'\lf'WI.'d b~ )11" Hal Smith Dorotht'a ShPcly. ~""IX'rl hPa d libranan, preo..!'nt<'d A !-hOrl rl"\WW of "\Vhitc :\1an Rf'tUt n~ · ~1rs. Ra~ mond K\•nt Jla n l") , ... C'ha1rman of th1s M'ction "'hu·h mE'Pl" rm d('S!If.'t·t and book JlrO· Jn"am Missionaries From Lebanon Talk Here Mr. and Mrs. George Sher<'r. re· cen tly returne-d from doing mis- sionary work in Lebanon . "ere gue t. at the meetin~ or the Wo- men's Awdlla.ry or St. Andrews Presbyterian church on October 3. Mr . Shert>r's talk "as centered a bout schools and educational cen- ters in Mlat pari or the wor ld, N rs. Shl"rer also recitl"d th<' 1'\\Pnly- thlrd Psalm in Arable GREAT-GRA~'l>~US ROSORED Great-grandmothC'rs who ·were hont>red at a special prowam at Christ Church by the St'a la~t spring had thelr pictures appear in the Oct. 18th issue of "The Christian Advocate, .. national Me- thodist v•eekly magazlM. Mrs. Stephen Weatherford was given special mention ror hl"r 29 gTt>at· grandchildren and her contln~ activity and zeal In tht> Uft> of tlle churdl. "U•d h8\P -..eoen -.(\ r H l-Omt ol thf' ....... ,, •lt:hbor 01 our-; and ,our-. 1 \\OJ t ul :\IP:\t('{t rt!ld •'llr.t• cot th. Th,.. pi~ 'htlr• '': cl\in: J.'!'1" n.,l \\'he n ~ou \'I'll h1 Lido M·arkrt. tx-st '' 1"\IP' 1' 1 11 ~ ' !u-.t 1 ~ "u.:h• n \\,. t <•pot,• ) •>u'!l dJur, m • r m :\ drJ(lr hthJnc·-.~ \\ t> 'I ~ toU't"l' Ill ta• IT;III • Thf' AmN'ican !Vn •·rl) .. -. , .. ha · k '" .\:f'\\()Or BalLot f't'dr>ral ~,. me Jt<; world ~:nnH·nlluiJ ht ,., nt'J' '' ~ •HI 1 m Ilk•• I,\ '(> Ill.!'! htnt InC'-and Loan ~ ... .nettwn and Iii\\(' N'n onl:. '"n I~' oplt IJ·nm 1" luw'1 tht dl•'<'k '1 tnd "f Jlt"IIIC "I" r. ~f•UT '"' n-~-:sccount wlch lli-C1ltfCII nta so far lor ot Jll"'l•lt> "' lld•k• 1 nl ....... ,. • I •·· 111 t r 1'-'0rn· lrom t hP middiP ,,, ... : \\'p drn\P • t '-.I' \I th~tn h. I md hi' de •k Ill tho thr•JUI!h Tf'xa-. and l'ro..,~r-d a• La-"lftr•• Jl'<.ln and "1ll lakP th•' tntenm Th1~ kmd ••i tnlo 11 ,, do. •n t ~" fl d back \\'p hope Ill ~ hnmr olllt't'CI~!'II:t•'fi llOHlO.: hi' lrJo nd~o art•und thl' ftr-.1 or ;.;0,emh. r .wd 1:11 •hiMtJ ••ttht r IAt'l ,, ar I That \\ill hf' J ~-da) rnp tl• Ru''"''' blld P·uf• ""'n .·\\"n- T<'\k f' (''lrf' ,,, Corona d I ~:I ll" n· ... c· uh h•lllt)J•·d htm ~ lhl'tr until "'' 1U rt\E> b:.tck. ao; th<'rr ,. . ... , n., ....... : •I ""'~~' It ....... nnh nn,. Cnt·ona d·l ~tar , ... -.tcr~ t:O\\ 11tck !Jnd ... ltmc•tnr . H I ROBERD!'--------------------- f'orona dt>l )1!1 ·. Zonta to Meet 1M I.AI-.sf DIW&.AY --PACifiC COAST • ............... c.....,. ................ a ................ ........... ,.... FURNITURE ANO ACCESSORIES HOUSI I GAID£N .nc-.~....._. I t il E. llelboe 11¥4 .. lelbo.. HA SALE t:MHEB JTE1Il8 ~ Yerns -lnstrvc:tions • A11iahfftt Ho~tn 10 to 5 Urdnc pe-to ti'Mt t.ht!lr ohlldren to frequent family out- lop. R~·. Aln G. N'lcbolll, Santa Ana mlnlrter. acMa e•ed ~ t.ban 1be ann-..! Harbor A.iatance __....construction at tile entrance .00 fat.bft's and IDOt.bml at the League befteflt party iJ t.hk )'eU' to Udo Jako. Tbe new bui1dinc Will openlnc ~tine o1 the N~,ort ~ as an aU4ut .rfalr be-allo hou8e the Leecue~• 'lbrift Beach Eleme1tar)' Schoola PTA at ginnidg with a pla buaar for Shop and a service center for fam- the Newport Grammar IIChool lut e&rb' Christmas ahoppet's and mel-Uy aaist:a.nce. week on Monday and drew Ulus-ing in clinner and dancing at tbe Mrs. Karloe Ot.Juner, ways and trations from his own per50nal Balboa a.y Club, Friday, Nov. 9. means chalrman and her various family eX)X"rieJlCH. Girts. candies and ~ may commlttees are ~ectin& arran.ge- Famll)• adn~ntures sueh as pic-be seen this year u lut in the Ia-mmts. Committee cha1nnen in- nics and football gt.JDeS ano... dill-nal of the Bay Oub bel:lnnin& at elude Aasistance Lee.gue Prftlclent, drt>n and parents to become closer 11 a. m. Luncheon and cards wUJ Mrs. Edgar Hill, tickets; Mrs. Ar- tb one another. He streued the follow the ahoppin& apectacle be-thur Best. handi"''Ork; Mrs. Victor nct'd for security. sa.}ing mothers ginning at noon. Husbanda and Graef' and Mrs. Blanche Rogers, ~hould be at home when children other guests will arrive for cock-Christmas decorations· Mrs. Wen- come in after school. but warning talh at 5 with a musical "combo" deJJ C~lkins, publicity: Mrs. Rich- them no( to be disappointed If ttl<-ru~hing dance music during the ard CastJe, micropho~e. and Mrs. child merely caUed ht'Uo a nd im· pre--dinner hour. Loll.nie Vincent. cashier. mediatPly wrnt oul into his "''Orld . A buffet ~T "ith ~re dane-Luncheon and cards reser\'alions to contact us for that finest oL a ll personal Christmas gifts --- *YOUR PORTRAIT CALL NOW FOR INFORMATION eJthMdt- art ia DIIOtOIIr'IDIIlYI Harbor 292· W "First i11 c-c1e1 ..._ .. a~an • _ • "a world that rould bt? lnfit and entertainment w1U top off l)lay lK-made t.hmugb Mrs Austin only two blocks ton~." the day. _AJI P~ for the-day-S turte\'ant of Balboa or ~-Dale RP\. ~ichols r{'('()mmend! early Jon~ chant~ en~nt w1U go .to. com-Ratnsey or Balboa lsla.nd. ~~_j~~~~==~~~~~~~- I.'X information in o rdPr 1u ar'1TI the Frank R. Wllkinson, urt~vant 1t11d Mt-s: Wa1ter"Fi'an% We ha\'e une or the most up.~ child wi~~ f ets or Lido 81'l' ta.king dinner reserva-date a.od efficient job prlntln& protect htm fmm e:>.'}ll'ricnN'" "it tions. plants 1n the Harbor Area. Try '--· d('\'ia l<'S. 1'jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ii~i ;\trs. Louie; C.Pnar, PTA pN'Si-II d<'nt . .announet'd that room pmf'<~ ...r."O for the lar~t'St PTA memberships 1.1 Eatl • 'l PEtl11) 1 ·11:.d" Sf'<'urt'd during hl" Oclobf>r C&m· I' or e 40111 ,111' palgn have been awarded to Co-0 P S IECUIAftON Nllllhr ZS li. w C' rona .dPI Mar's first grade taught A arch is on for Eagle Scout. ENT ~~ ~~~ ~hc:l\ Laura B'lrnum.-!\tl s Jran not t'<'gist('red in the locaJ files. It . Rrh s four~h Jrra~t> a~ ~<'wport and ts a.nnounced b~ Jim Gubbins., So4&.fS TIDE l..t¥ )JcCbntock " "1"' h J::Tad<> 81 Jllc.,idl'nt of the Orange Empire IIINYAU Oftk!e Sappl! I Horace Ensiqn. I Area CoundJ. sava RA .. ~I';!Sic £or tm-PTA ~wo;ram wru Purpose of the ''Eagle Hunt" is pro,,ded by th(' Ad,ana!d Band to inaugurate an annuaJ banquN l and _the Swing ~d un4er ~ dt-1 honorint.: all past Ea_gle Scouts a.s I r.-c-tton of Ml " :-.:ormll P('rkln. I well as thE> "n('w Eagle . " bom --- --"lthin the y('ar. II,;.,; -ftl&-..-......1 "If \OU have an Eat::le in your ""anes VJP:RU I f8J!IIIY·. call KlmbPrly 2·56TI or I · wnte Scout Headquarters, 1104 W. Jn Evening Schoo) ~i;ht: ~t.. ·anta Ana." M•. ~ub-~Pf'C•al r('CO~tion ''ill be g'h-cn I Elt''''n rour <'S art" bt>ml! tlH••n•d ~0 th(' old~st Ea~lt' Sco!-H as well thi fall in adult t'ducation C'la-;<;ps ..... to tl~r ~oungest It tc: bt>lJe\'ed at :'\{'\\'POrt Hat bor E\enin; Jlil.!h I that this area has more than a School. Dirt'<'IO'" RaJph Rf'l•d nn-hun~ Eagle Sro':'ts wJ1o ha,·e noun<'t'S 11'('<'<'1\'ed, the awnrd tn otht•r parts Crl'dit toward hi~h S<'hOOll:l'l.ldU· o( Jhe t:rutl'd Stal<'s. alton ma\ l><' <'amMi at thesC' C:ll ~ 81ft, hl.nd .llilrt~ra, fore 4IUU'knl of beef to lb(" COli· l!iUmt'r u a .FIIZEI Pf'~ r-8tla~ a FroUtS Food Lock("r or O\\'lll.nc a BOI!Ifl- Frwr..-r ~ \'ery fortematc-l.n bt-lng a blf' 'tu huy mt"al!l Ia ""ol~'\.14" qu.anlltiH a t a crea t M\1n~. · Cum <' In toduy ancl lt>t us <'~J•Ialn how thousand'! lll'l' t'uttlng thl"tr food bill Uti" f'&'i~· wa~·. WE ALSO SELL FROZEN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES at a SAVINGS up to 20% BAllOR~&,~ LOCKERS 4 1 8 30th Street ~~8 NEWPORT BEACH I c-J.,:.t>:o Th<'N> i<. no tUJtinn <'harJ:<'. • Why hold on to that useless-to-~~ stu~nt~ m~l fumhh thclrll~~o~u~~~~ct~e~.~~~~th~e~"~~~t ~a~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o\\n t<'~tbooks anti matf'ril\1!';. Fol-11 lowmc is th<' !'chi dull'. Phoae ZENITH 2076 (Toll Free} -~---- MOVDIG ••• Lon~ Ol§tant'f' Lon I LAnGE OR s ,.,\LL lOBS C·f \'t::'-' S . .\)1£ C.\RE ••.• tnd RT OR GE ''\\'t> )to' f> \\'ltb tht> Worlcl" ACa::~'TS F'OR Ll'OS , 1966 Harbor Blvd. Co ta M~ B E:.u:oo 6927 or 3~7!-M ----~~~~--- CUSHIONS For lo.ts, O.ndoOf & Indoor Fvrnl~ htre • l9•· S.lect. Pl•aiics, F.~ics ......... 611 Coed Hithwey, N~ IIEaco11 52n O pen Ni9hts • -S.11. 10 •·""-• 4 p.ll'l. Dookkt"'pinl!. 100m 129. i to !l l :\lond.tt~ "· Thursday)\ C~>ram\c.;, room lf-1. ~ to 12 • Wt·dne:ood,n . I I Folk da.n<'in~ 1 h' lK-arnm~~>dl ~101 ht'l ~im!~'r" ~~ Andrt>\\" 9 to 11 Tuc;-sdays. Orch('.tra. mU"I<' t't~1m, 7 to 10. Tuesda'~ Ru~kinl" bun~al"". " "' 1~ Thw"Sd'l\'s. gl'winc. room l::M. 6 :Vl tu 9 .30 Thursdn)s. 1 Shorthand. room 1 :?<1. i to 9 :\fonda~~ Thun.da~ s 'J)pin~. room 129. i to ~ Mon· duys ThuM.d:~ys. \'ollt"~b.'lll, ~m. 6:30 to !4·30 Thu~day!'. \\'ood. hop. shop. 6 30 111 9 3(1 Mondays, Thur days. Additional (')a<;St>S ma~ IX' ur- fi'IX'd if a Pf'lillon with 2;) or mor<' slgnalUI'f's is pN'. entcod to th~' &l..'lrd of EdJJ:l'.:t tton. I Co111pl~ts Received On Lights on Boats F:lt.'\'<'nth Coast Guard Oistri<'l officia I!-announ<'~' t h(')' a l't' t-lo Ply <'nrordng laws ronCf'rnin~ viola- lion<: of rf't:culation<: in 111~> us(' of li~hts on na,igabl<' "at~rc: Tht> I a<'t was promptl'd by ·complaints rf'ceiv<'d from '<'SS<'ls entt'rlng lo- c-a I haJIJOrs of t'XtN'm<'IY bri~ht. I unshi!"lded li~hts on harbor craft Y.hirh int<'rf<'~·d \\ith proJ1('r na\i· 1 gatioR THURSDAYS 10:00 a. m. -12 noon LIOO THEATRE e aud ience -participation radio show e home demonstrations e plenty of aw•rds e prizes • a -plenty e fun for aM e attend -bring a friend • • • hear you"elf and guests on #le radio show broadcast at I :30 over KVOE, I 480 on aH Orange county radios . . • END OF SEASON ·( at the QUARTER DECK FOB MEN Balboa blue denim slacks Sailcloth (blue & red' slacks Nylon parkas . Waterproofed parkas . \V oolen shirts White d ress shirts . Hawaiian print shirts Tee sh1:-ts . ~ S. Rubber LOAFERS Sandals 't ... . ............. 3.25 4.75 ..... 6.95 8.95 .. ouoo .... 7.95 4.95 5.95 2.95 3.25 2.95 3.95 ••••••••• u ........ 1.50 3.95 1.95 FOB LADIES Nauhcal I 00° o wool jackets Sailcloth slacks Sailcloth clamdiggers Sailcloth Shorts ..... . .... --- ............ ······ ............ ········· ., ...................... . . .... ···~ . . .. . .... ..... ... '.. . ........ . .......... ·-... ·········~--·· ..................... . ······ .... •· ··············· ······ -· 17.95 3.50 3.25 1.95 Hawaiian sarongs and dresses 4.95 U. S. Rubber Kedettes ..................... 2.95 Nylon parkas ............... 6.95 --8.95 Tee shirts .... ......... .. ·-.. M....... . 1.50 Convoy coats ............. -.... .I 0.00 • * MANY OTHER ITEMS SUIT AIILE FOR CHRISTMAS GI FTS • 630 Coast Highway (IOt-A) Newport Beach Bl:.<-• St48 - \ NOW~-an ·'MANOrc-· CECILE AOBIW -Plus- "Tbunder on the..Hill" with- CLAUDE'ITE COLBERT ANN BLYTH . N. -Ot-t. 'iRE GOLDEN .HORDE .. ot GE..'""GHI8 K.RA.~ fn Tcchnlcolor with ANN RLY11-f DA VlD FARRAR plus "On the Loose" JOAN EVANS MELVYN DOUGLAS IUDOIE HOW • Sat .. l :46 •'niE ·YEARLING'' -Tf'dtlllcolor THREE SeriaJa: • ''n.YTNG DIM'! MA~ . FllOM JIA.K " • "PERILS OF DA.IlK.E. T n~NGI..E" • "DE8PERADO~fil OF nu: w&~r· i t SlTNDAl' • TUE80 Al'- VffiGINIA MAYO DENNIS MORGAN "Painting the Clouds. With Sunahine" I"An"RDAV LAST D A JANE R l"S ELL ROBERT ~JITCHL"~l "HIS KIND OF WOMAN" Willi.-Pt•p -~ady ~addler Ch~tmph•n<~hlp F111Cht F11m Ql':SOJ\)' • T''E!~DAV ­ Bt:RT I..ANC TER "JIM THORPE --- All-American" HEn gKF:t.TO~ E~'TIIF:R WILLIAMS "Texas Carnival" SomethiDCJ new! At a ~tin~ Saturday alter- noo,.....rthe ~ Offiet> on Balboa Island. campaign workers will choose the utiats for lh~ Newport Harbor Community Concert Asso- ciation. · 'As a prelude to the membership dri\'e the Conet>rt Associ& tlon he)d a luncheon for workers at the Bal- boa Ba_y Club_Q!l Monday . Presi- dent Mrs. J. Leslie Steffensen opened the meeting and introd~ the other orricers and Miss Alma Lauritzen from the Community Concert Association. who t help- ing with the local drive. The dates for the conCf'rts and artists are selected after the drl\'(' a concluded because the number or performers "ill depend upon the number of subscriptions sold. At least three concerts will be hfld. according to local officers or the As ocia tion. Season tickets will also admit members to community concerts in nParby rommunltiH ".:ithout charge. Drive captains in the various areas of lht> city lncludf.': Mrs. l'orman Flemin~. Corona dPI Ma r: Mr . Blanche Rogers. Lido Isle: Mrs. J . A. Seek. Balboa Island: Mrs. Walter Spicer. Harbor Jo;. land. Bay Shore and Beacon 83) : Mrs. Joseph HambiPI. Cn ta :0.1l'S4. M~. Robt>rt Grie c;f'r Jr . NPwpon Heights: :\1rs. Stt'phen f"rt>eman. Sneers, Cheers In Melodrama 1'our BOat to tt.e Cout stn.ee 1_ .. F I SE FO OD COC"IlTAI L COAST HIGHWAY AT THE ARCHES .... __. IMdl JOHN VDDIE ---... and Dinners t!:~:~J!:!~ ~~~:!~~~J Steab • Olopl • Shon Orders IH Cout IIIP-'Y -Newport ''Mariner's Mile" R~d Snapper Cafe 10& ll.UD&. er.cm - Balboa: Mn; Winifrf'd Barbre j A program \\hich will orhrinate I 1'\t>\\porf \fr . Alexandf'r Renner 10 Lo AngeJes but "hich \\i ll haw Visit Our Beauuful Shorf' \liffs and Corona Jllgh-w1d<> Interest herP was announce-d l&n<lo; Other workers art" helpinsr thl \\e>ek by Mrs \\" B. Trill, Cock ail Lounge in Ntc-h area. according to 1\tn; <'haarman of the cook book sales I ~.~on !'&"in. campaism <'Crt'-~8~~: Ebell rlub ol ~t>wpon 1 1 1 ' S 1 E 1 f 1 1 1 SEJ\ rooos TPntative plans wert> madt> to At 2 30 p. m .. Tues?ay st>veral AT THE SI&N Of THE swo.DRSH hold a I'('C('ption for th<> arti t in I members of th<' club wall appear on 16,.,. ,.. _ __., Hwy •• S·.....&-..:...1-T-Beach 8-"~"c. the hlJm school recreation hall MPnty Margt" t 's tt'le,ision ~·. Ato ~ ~ ._...., ~ aftf'r the concerts. C:hanntol four. ielo-aH -~Two re-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lady Anglers Taken On a F"mhing Party Nonnan Hagan e n t e r t a i n <' d members of the Newport Harbor Lad) Anglen; at a fishing party Monday aboard the "Sport King." Thirty-seven of the lady fishermf.'n reported St>\'eral good catche~ of sea ba s and Stott~ Chattock came home with the "big~(' t flsh" trophy for an 18-pound. 12-olJllce sea bass which sht> landed w1th 3 6 tackle tlG4~'~. Your. Family Restaurant C<_:loeed ,........,, BOSSI iS nNE ITAUAN DINNERS A.ho Steaks -Prime Rlbl Cocktails 1611 Oout Blvd. Rubor 1180 VonMtel .... et!)t'S. taken from tt\E' boek. ,,,II tx> 1 di cusst>d bv Mrs Triat . prom-am h<>5tes.: r.frs. R. L Allen. fi~t ,,ce president. and Mrs. J \\" Thornton. C\.O"a tor In order for Ebell memb<>r~ to view the show. 5f.'veral parties ha\'e bet>n planned locally. Hostesses with tt>lf.'vi.sion sets Y.i ll sene a dP~SI'rt rourse. and carru "ill be played bcforf.' and follO\\i ng the program. A charge of 50 cents per pt>rson is st>l . and proeN'ds "ill so t(l t h(' club · Both a 6"JX'3kt>r and entertain- mt>nt \\Ill b.• on thf.' procram oi •1 the annu'\1 d.innl'r and board mt>e t· an.: 101 r nt> ~l'" port H a r h o r Rranrh of the Amencan Red Cro. to tw• ht>ld at 6 .30 p. m. Frida~ ~O\' 2. at the G1rl Scout Hows< 1700 W Balboa 81\d:. ~f.'wport . ~Pt·akt'l' w11l bo' Robt>rt L Lar· st•n. d1rurman of tht> Southern Or- an~:t• Count~ Chapter of ARC Carl 7..:rnllud1 \\til 1-w rform sleicht oC hnnd tnrk<.: 'f \o'I\Pllf \\hn cnntrihull'd 10 tht 19;;1 R;•d Crm .... F und Dme ,, ··h·l gtbll' ro itlll'nd thl' dannt>r. \\h1ch will bo• ~1'1'\f'd b~ \1 a ... \VinJtrt'd Youn~. chau·man nf the c-ant('('n. for a awmtnnl pnr(· Rl•..,cnatil>n m:t) tw "'Adr b~ ca 111m: R<'d \roo;<.: ht•ll dquart•''" 10 Ru I boa. H..\ 1~; Friend hom Scotland Visits CDM Resident Calhnc on ~hs Jane HE.>nderson. 710 Oct>an 81\'d . Corona df'l ~tar. l'('('('ntl~ \\8.S ~am Gilli~an. now s rving \\ ath thl' l". S. Arm) Miss Henderson. "·ho camE' hE'I'f' from Edinburgh, kneu Sam wht>n he was a lit tlf.' lad of 8 in Bonnie Scotland. H OME B ET\\'EES C' A-'I.PS Robf.'rt Whyte. son of Mr and Mrs. J . . W hyte, t16 Haz'-'1 Dr . Corona del Mar. is home on "tra\ l'l • time" between assignmE.>n t \\-ith • the Army Air Corps. Bob. who dn e Enchiladas e Tacos e Tamales e Chili Rellenos, etc. e Steaks Open 5 to t :JO p. "'--a-d M-4•)'1 La ~ i)o~la Laguna Beach -----.............................................. ___........._ .......... Ph. 4 -6 2 9 7 RILLOWE'E.N Spor:s::>:e::i by AMERICAN LEGION POST 291 FRIDAy I OCT. 2& 9 to 1 •• * ! • i i i ~ CLASS LESSONS IN ACCORDION . • • • has been taking office traj.nin~ in the southwest. is being tranSferred to Hamilton Field near San Fran- cisco. "HARD TIMES PANCE '' OPEN T O TH E PU BL IC • ' FOR BEGINNERS, ST AJtTING NOV. 3 A~rdloas ~ Free for IIOIM Pradlce T A KE CAMPING TRIP Tommy F oster. 315 Marguerite Ave . Corona dl?l Mar. and Bill Kirk or 305 Larkspur A\·e . 1'<'- tumed this w('('k from a 1.200- mile campinSt trip which took them to Salomf.'. Prescott and -"Jerome., 'J"hey reported fine weather on the 1-.,.....;::::::......; tr1p and uw outstanding set"Mr)' and Indian ruins. - IALIOA ISLAND, BAY FRONT F INE LOCATION Prlv~te pler and' float. good 4-bdrm .. 2-bnth houst• nict> p;Jtio and an lrl<'ome apurtm<'nt. Tcnns. Stanley Hadfield RMltor !16 MArlae Balboa blaacl IL\.rtlor to *EXCLUSIVE SHORE CLIFFS ClPE~ ~AT. A: l'lr~. t""ltO~ 1 To l r•. ~. Ot"e:\S Vft!\\~nn hnmi' Maho"ftn) pan Jt'(i ll\'itw 1m. J6x24--bltCk lll'('p!oce--fOJ <'t·d 811 ho•nl \'I('W pon:·h. 2 till' bath..., A dlt·am k1tchPn W1lh corn. ,. 'Ink. lilt• 111 ound ston·. gaf'l)ltL ,. di!>(JO!>Ul. di..,hm~t;.ll : Vil·\\ b1 ~akla...,l r·nom Room opPn onto patr.:~. Jted"ood fen<'t' l~JI ..:t• h• •dmom'\. Shake root. Pt ..'..;Pd ho.~rd" !><ld fltlC•r<: In li\liW toom. Pntr) hall and din in~ r !'Om. • •.••• 11 ltJ.I'~l' ha II with ttmple ;.torato:f' "ll:H.Y' Thi-. ,..., one u1 the IM'st con- truct d homl'l> in tlw Hubor AN'Ii Huilt on an cxpPnsh c lot Evening I e EVERYBODY WANTS TWO UNITS \\\ tnt' 1 t hrnt hf'r(' on Bal- boa L-.l .. nd Sturttnt: price!>. rurnislwd ~ 13.7.>0. ~1 6. 7;)4). 18,500 - --and you mrL!ht ju!'.' ,.,. ''' II I:M" on -Tnt. r-<t.\~·o. • • • $15,750 Tht• ., .-IJI •' tJhiC'o ,..., h;ord I • 1' !ur t hr ""'""~· • • • J. A.·Beek Office Bull.-•:. 18la.nd Ferry I If llrbor Gll 8altwra 1811\nd ~~ .. ~., ~u,~~,--~ I ()fl \ LOOK \T O' t: Ol' Tilt-; Jt \HW1!1 .\RE.\'"' )IO~T \)1 \Zl~<· Tfll' I~H \< Kt:T 110:\H."': T h· , It• 11 m '-ll'lr•• lor ~ 1111 .' • •I I lilt 1 !-I Call IPS l "" • • • ,. 1"'111' ol J,·arnmg 11 •. • • rrn' ''P"n '' hi<'h 11 t·.tn l.J,• ,, II t tl "u lt•J• Jttlt~llt-' tnfn• rn.tllcon l•l•·H•t' 1 LEE CASEY 1 to 1-.<\ Cout 84>ulto\'fird Coroea de-l Mar TRADE in tho ~ vacant lots on INCOME producing pt·o- JX'rl) Il prlc<'d right o"' ner will takt> on<' or more good lot.s a::. part pa) m('nt on 4 umts worth S19,500. AJI rent· ed now A ume S9.;l00 loan, puy $&) a mont h. lllltoa..., Co. '700 E. Balbna Blvd. IIA S!11 Balboa Rdldent Agent for • Aetlta Ute l...,.eae Co. • Aetaa ea..lty a~ Oo. • AatelltoMie ........ IICfl Oo. I. L I••• Aasociated with Geralcl Ritchie 1219 Coest N ., c-c-41-' ~ HAriHw IJ ... : H~ 1211 • • • • • O~E of Corona d~>l Mar's FL''EST HOMES fot sale. Exclusively. Wlll be shown by appt. onJy. CORONA DEL Robt-rt 8 . Ly1lB ae.d H f'h•a 1;. I...~'IUI.. Kealton 411 Coast BouleYard CORONA DEL ,~ Farmhouae Motel HARBOR 1151 IIAJUIOa ... BBPAIIURG Schwum Bicycles Ray · St-~dnmn 1574 Newport Blvd .• Costa Mesa. BEacon 5128-J VOGEL Balboa Lido Isle Costa Mesa Balboa Island O<•t•an lt'llnt 3 b''dt·o<1ms & df'Jl 1 &• $21 500 b'\ 1 h-J-("\r t;HI RCX'k mnplt" fumitul't' I Phcmt• HA I t~ Ki>~~ dt 100 :'\1ain, Balboa :\. .,, J-bt·d oum l "c bath homt• on 1!1' lot ~la.:;tt.•r 1 .. ciHkH1\ \\tth plinth• l~th Glas wnll $24 750 ·. mo•tltklk iiU! nttt Cll\1' paltO I Kr~" at -t3132nd St. "'•"'fXlrl &ach. HA Jll86 fito;cdwa) A' e rUinisllt'd duph•x. lnr•·t·w '2 1111" r munth. Full priN' l II R E.t Nlll t> li'U R;n Front Ba•·~ain' It':. tll'\\ • lt's :l h.·drnomc: 1·'· ooth<: md ...... $19,500 rurnishPd! I t's $30,000 m tnc? Ba:. F ront Onl) K··~s at 21~ :'\1arinP A\•' Hal~"'~ l c:Janrl. HA H4 Corona \\ 1 .... II. 01' tt-:tdt' ror d ~ood mt'd.iUm siZl>d hou.~~ 11n1h•t 1 lx-dn.om hom" plus hal'ht'lor apt . on 4.l del Mar b, 118' ~'Omc•r lot. 11.11 d\\cKld floors Umim• t'C)(Jill (;.ltl);tl-:•' dlc:po. ;tl ch...,hma...,t.·r· Good con<tt Ut'tton. J' .• 11 t'i•nlro fnt· ..;-;-3 P~'•4. mnnth Room to build on tr·,.n• or Jot $9,850 l'lc11tn• ll'k'Jtio-n Ptic·.-d t.dut'j'<l to T • 1m-. • Pa~ m •nh onl~ ~ 111 Jk'r mo O.e JOHN VOGEl 1301 Co•st Blvcl., Coron• clel M•r HArbor 1741 or HArbor 1477 &enings: HArbor 393-M. We know you have seen and admired this home -· -* NOW YOU CAN OWN IT ! ~pal·kltnl.' \\ rlh I} •• '-Jill II H n. \1 u.;·· 1' th•--'Ill' •"''"' n :s!IJtlil Isllwd 2-bNh-cl(Jnl honw • • • C:ll•''t ronm \\11 h I:... m\'n pi' I· \at •• h.tth 01nrl hc-aunrnl "~J'I:lt tm •nl h··c;ide..., • • • II art' ni~·l) 111Cl !'nmpll:'tf'l~ tmm..,l ,'('! - - -loh c\l nit-. ltt'l'pla<.'<' and m;tn\ olh1•r frntlll''''-Ilu\ 11. $27 500 c-n jo; it nnd you'll "ldd y(':'i·,..., tn _, .. II lrl,. I i81GMI rMIIty co. R .. ltors • Bu5it~eu BrokeN • ln,urors Par~ •t "'gate Ave. S.lboa hland H"'rbor 377-W Corona del Mar lnco•e Don't -Fail to l-N' this mo!>t attmcti\!' 2-tx-droom horne, only 4 Y<'ttrs old and in choice lo- <'Ution S<.>paratP £tU<''!t mom and bath adjoinin't .~:arage E xC<'l- lent lncom<' I'I"<'Ord. Now t'('ntrd nt Sll!'i 00 $11 500 JX'r· m onth. I t will S<'ll quit'kl\ :11 1 t('rm!' W. W. Sanford, Realtor · Park A,.,., a t Mu rlnf' EniMh'f' AK"I'Dt RArhor U6t BALBO.\ 18LA ... "fD BRAND new 2-bdrm. home: large liv. rm., d in. area, tile in kitehen, foreecl air lurn •. niee beth •ncl on eorner lot too. Appro•. 800 •q. ft. H2§0 Fvll ONLY ~ Priee R I L L M A S M I N X D E A L · E a 8 Newpod A.a. Ill• MM NeWpert .,..._ Newpert ~ "THE LAST OF TliE_.BESI" I..JDO JSI.E Bay Front lut ~itUlllt'<i 1n H'Q' best loca tton on \'ia Lldo Nord 52-fN'I s•s • bulkh adt>d ~ I .Jt'!'IT LJ~i'TED-fbr tht' lil·'t tim Balboa CO\'€' ; a lov('- 1~ J..bfodl !XItn, 2-bath honlP t-.:xN'IIen1 $29 500 d .1~ • "K£1'11.-\RT Bt'II,T"-·Balboa Pt'nu~ula 3-tx>droom, 1 ~ bath~. farm-$15 500 hnu e t) IX' 1 (~t:W) Harbol- ln~etllrilmt CO .. RUL..-S Nrirttort Bini. at IOtla St. NEWI'OR'; RA 1108 Coro~a •liar .\TTH..\('TI\'1-: ('()TT,\t:t: ( >c•,•un "td<' nl hl~-:h" a~. Ln- tnl' ru•Jnl I 1>..11 Fuo'plat'j' I ~• , "'' C'h Mlu 1.1\\\K'I\l ll<~t.lr" :\.• \\ ·' ihillll tJ .111d Jl•ll'''' t>d ~u1 11' l>n·akltt:-1 t•oom F'ul'- nol( , •. h• .J 1 ('I oiiiC' plumbm..- 1 ixt Ul , • ..., Tn•t• lim•d ...,tt,•••t. F•·uil lt't"\'" 2-rat ~.tt'3~• phl" ''"' u>:•· '1>.1('l' Gull d nl'id•horhootld ~9,850 l'r h ' • .., • :,0 JWr month The Joh• Vogel Co. llOI Coesf Blv¥.. Coron• clel M•r H"' 1741 -o• -H"' 1477 &ening1 --. • --HA 393-M Ont' of th<' oUt!>tanding 3-bed- room. l :1~-hath homes on Bal- boa Pi'nin. uta. F' I a g s t o n l' front. prl\. pat10, largt' sun- rl<'<'k. unit ht>a t. g~rbagt' dls- .posal l>oL<'ns ,,r othe•· fea- turi' m&kt'R lhill 01'\t> Of the out wndins: buyi of today. f>ri('NI $21,500 Consider small local trade. IIEE .. ElF anti lssocllles )112 N•wpori llvcl. HArbor 2552 Newport k•eh SEE this beautiful n(-"\\' 3-00d- room hom<' which featurt.'tt largt> Jh·ing room. dining room. til<> k i tchen with lot. or cupboard spaet•; tiJe bath, fireplace, CO\'t>red paUo, 2--car· gar ag(', Built under strict FHA requh:ement.s. Priced at ' $11,. wtttt "·'" ...... PIDL SULLIVAN GEO. EVERSON l,s6 Newpon 11.4., Cotta M ... (ActOR from C..te M... Ia"' I IE 7123, 5-458-J-Eves. HA 3157·W 1 year youne, 2-bdrm. home. Block from oeean. Hctwd. nr.. Forced air heat, 1 beth&.. fuJJ Ute ~r, G-E dliposal. auto. dish washer. Paved pe- t io romp. fenced 2-car gar. 51$, 7M, IHnt!! ~==·L~ UAIUIOit U. o,......._ .. ..,c.......- Wiiiiiii. &iitii¥ ATTilAC. fum. stldo cottqp ror rmL Man ur ))rip e. woman. F'in!place. > 2 hollilel from CK'eall. ro 1.'50 mo. 1rinter or 165 yrly. \ittl p4. BA lT~lt. 2-BDR.M. APT beaut. fum. hn-d. noon, r~t yard. petio. R ~ >ear 'round , otal 1 block hom CDt.l Bnch HA 1037. GRA..'"'TS 4-RM. Jown a(lt. attra.c. fum. and FumitUJ'C.' & ApplianCC! I pr. Yrly ba .... No pelt or dill-130f 1015 Nt'WJ)()rt Blvd. Costa ~fesa dren. 703 Ja.!'Oine, CDM. 1 FUfl White Rotary drop head ~-~SLIPS FOR R£.,~-American Le--btl I In~ machine, perfect.. . .. . ..29.50 I rton HaU, 15•h 1r W. Bay, New-~ Ol'W ; gu&.l-an troed_ . -----.. 59.50 BALBOA J.SJ....\..'~ -.p • a cublc fl. Frigidaire, olean as I port. HArOOr 452. ~ Bunk bed, camp. """t h sprln unfum. Spao ous. Ugbt & a.iry.l B! and mattr es ----· --------.. 24.50 Yt>arly. HArbor 18lo.R. 4-piece ~rated ~oom set. -. ~ I )T. full tzc bed, vanity and It NFURN .. 3-nn a~L, Uving room. -- b<.'nch. 7-drA\\'('r chest.. 37.50 bdrm., kitchtn, tile, bath. panel~ Rea ~-piece modem walnut chning ral heat. St ,..,_. & re!riJt. Fum ---- S<'f; ~>Xt tablt•. buffet nnd 31'. Heliotror••, CD t. lnq. ~19 LOT 0 ch·lir:. 59.50 Ht>li otrope, CIJA{, HA 2989-\\ I df>l 8-rubic-ft. Sef'\el gas rt>frht-:'\EW L'"!\'F\JR.•( Uppc!r flat with 1m Prator; ~uarantt'ed .. 149.50 large windo" o\·erlookins: bay., hot Table top ~n.s range. oven In ~ood resid 'lltial disL 2 bed-BE control -.3i.50 ml!l .. sundeck firepl., hd\\d. l ng. cr. trpright piano. mah<Mt. C'ase 49.50 Xo childrt>n c..r peu. A'\-ail. No,·. -- Gtnss front walnut chtna cabi-1. !115 mo. 1009 W. Bay A\ ··I net. like n(>w 39.50 N.B. HA 32'Ti -E\'es. HA t R WATERFR0!\12-bdnn. fum. a pt.j ~ S50 mo. to July L No peu. 3706 Rf • Channel Plaet' Newport h l."Uld. c;jc I A'n"RACTIVE Cum • ..,ta. on the ~ FUilNITUilE AND APftt.IANCES bay. Living rm., bdnn., kitchen, 1645 Nt>wport Blvd. Costa Mesa dinetw. sho\\~r. gar. S50 per mo., <'tl ------------1 ullls. pd. HA 1257·M. ~ YOJJI( NEW HAitiOR AllEA D£ALEil DELIVEilED HEllE 149r Newport Alii Sales 2604 W. Nwpt. Blvd . 11Arbor 1~7 NEWPORT BEACH for· B£11£8 T Y IIECEPTIII R~tlluCE' your wea.tht"r~'d untPIU\11 "ltti :a NEW V-CONE 5&>0 iacl ·7 mast T \' &-r\1~ Call D:ay or E\ealal' IDA ... & Tele'rision ........... )' SHOP AT NIGHT FOR * Because many of ou r user car bu yers hke to shop at night, we are new- for your CONVENIENCE • Come in and see our F,~ES:r APTS. fum. UtiL pd. Best k< locatlon . 1 lr 2 bdnns., $75 mo \c I up. 315-317 Mareuerite, COM. HArbor 2397-J·K. PLEASAI\'1 comfortable fum. rm. I CASf I Pnv. enL priv. bath.~'\ Marl-~nt gold. COM. HA 2853-R. dl'll" GARAGE for rent. COM . .HAJ bur H31 1 1347·\V. tub 1 TWO-BEDROOM apL, part I)• fum. for 3 a mo. year 'round. t:tils Pd. HA I J2R Margueritf. CDM. HA 1670. HUOM on Peninsula, pri\'. bath. Mise pri\•. ent .. sunorek facin~ oc--an SlO WPPk ycv ly. HA 2009-R al1 ~>r·5 p. m .•. r week-ends fTRNlSIIED 3-room npartml>flt l"tatilil'S paid. IA'IO Acacia. Cn:M. J,Y 0 \\--:"JFJt 3-bo"<lroom. 2 b:lth, ~~-yr. ror RI';J.J Ia\\• ll\ large lot. Rt>Mi. priCt'. ExOPl. R.,..,.1 tc>rrns. BE 5733-W. 2465 Marino, ... , .. l· ar Day Shores. :-tllo• fl:R."\. API'S. $-15 mo. & Up ; also gt()C I rms. fdeal harhor & ocean \iew. cJo<;e to b<>aChe Summt'r & "in- t«-r n ntals. 1414 ~f"l\\ic>w, \DM. an•> An Kl:.i'S Torr Cor• I r HArbor 1456. I.EA"E BY 0"-'F.R-Lar~e bldg. on Newp.,rt Bh•d., n ru City Hall. 51-r·. frontal':•". 2 store room Ample sq root- a~~ in r£'ar, suit.abl<' ror mf(". or other purJ)O'>~. E;lt'Ctri- t•nllr <'QUippt'd \\ith ad('QWIII" IJ.P. \~ml'nl noor, aUey on Ide. loodin~ .'One in b:lck Vacant lot adjcotmn~ for park- ing or othPr liSt'S IC de. irNI. Would ronsid r 8ale cmtJr<' piece. A \'ailnl le Jan. 1. 19:>2. lt<>nl whole Ol' part. Addrc"""' 80\: 0 thl~ rmp~r. . AUTHUR MURRAY'S 411 COA!" r BLVD. Coron'l 1'el Mar 0)X'n tr• to 10 For fret> d.11•ce analysis Call HAr bor 1925 WEDDING SPECIAUST Free \on.,ul ta tlon Dowen 'by Morri 109 l. len... N .• IelMa , HAttH»r 20JI Your ITIIEII«E.I Dealer e SMES • SERVICE • ,AUS TELr· an .. alln, t('IPI ;2() Ana SerYl F'CB \hnlr I re111n etc. RUC • • tl& (l( H. -Dep A I " DOl Bl p ' mh WAN" = ~ OOJIPU hmttw' Work AJ'I H tn1 se RE..\L F-STATF: WA'\.IJ:D ~kkc." pPr ~A1t l ~h1tdy pG- ~IIII'Il \\ lnl< tn buy 2· o• 3· bl'<iroom honw 1r• :-:-·IJilii A--ch ~hool 1); 1 net on <'fmtraC1 Low uown P.'~ · rllf"f''' '\nd up to ~11•1 a ~· W ill ·P", all ta •, and up- kee-p o int• r, "'" :\'H Cororw> d• 1 M u ..:)tALL ;\-bul"'ru'r 1!11'-• "'I\• ·~II M.t• 101 1;1! ho' nt3'1r-•·'-< .... n.a.J ''lC \'('r~ n aJ: ~1 H"'"Hl'lll•' Cor .na c:k>1 \111r E="ClJSH Wr<t;;wood bnno chtna. 1\.) BL1. Gl R•·l>llle from ,,,,•ran ammt'd Pra\ party. :'\n rt-al· tors plHl . Bf •. tcon 6S6l·J·K_.:_ \L\ .. '\.'.' u-.,7d'J;i,.~ ( l• " tn•• 1 HA 123-\\' Fnsu:m CJas 10E'd aci ha· .. hf'·o>n • pr-o,·en means of readung buyPrF tor all aoru or merchandise--l'c:£ 'hPm! Pbont> HarboT 1114. •MELLOW H .LLOW"' St~tN n !Joys ~;th thM!" parenta at ',.nd<'d t hP prebminary on:anl- ra lion mr ••t u • ;\1ond&y ,., eninC for 1hr rormoatn>n uf llo) Seout Tr fl<op 81 at th,.. hCime nf !';('()f'Ce Rr dgo man 13 1 T• pes.7 '" r Bal- t.o:.~ 1 h• nd. '~ h11 lui, I.H•t•n chosen 1'·~·~•,1 •r \! " '' ( Lt ..,,, r Jone1 u1 ( un:;onQ u··l l\tar. in~tituti~ r • fll• "" •11 1 \ •• ft,r t lw SJI'Jnsol"lng du' I o• (op'lffil~' l\tnro• boy . 11 ;.nd 1..' '" ~ ''' 12'1", frnm t.ht" ls-""'"l nd h· t"''ln Ba). rl' lm1ted r•rt • I • ~lp CJI mOJ e par- • n• n• l'd•>d )Jr .lonr~ said. R••1!u1A r m• t , \\'Jll bt• l'\ e ry :\1 •nda • ., 1 at i al the &1- t;.:llf Lo.~tnll \l 're>1t.:.t Chul"(.'b. l llJlenprlaJt -Cottoa Foam Rubber lrTell'Ular ~haPN Sl:."W -llEBtUDING COSTA MESA MAITlfSS CO. 2150 Newport Blvd. BE.c011 1061 71 0 E. Balboa Blvd .. Balboa NEW TELEPHONE -HArbor 1781 -W • STANLEY HENLINE • .... . . C'arha~ psttpm, ~JiaCt' <;C'ttin~ fur . l2. w1th aco .... c;o,,P .. , H.)1~llin~ 93· Help Wanted for the man: <"'~--.., -· •-' ..... ~ .... s: -:e~ Pl~oe. .... l~t offt>r m,·r ~1fl(l Ph -i.:>r the woman.: S:'I<'YDER'~ R~'T HOME.\. can~ for 1 C ta ~tesa. BE 670 :1-J . room apartm•·nt. Rf;J.JARI l-4 man '' II care for HAroor !lfi31-\\" ...:~ Ll.t:"\f; t tl T :'I ' nc ,111!11 ""'''lr d1 d•n 1 •hit & , .. , '"' nt~: ... <. ttl. 1 1 r• .. , '' ·• ht ' .. ;•nr1.: ltll IJo <i (' ',, tl •' , .. ,,. P.• .... -·•.!"" "\, "l••r I~ \d c .. ,,., \f, , 1 I ;J-_ ·,3' ·~-\l. lJf;HT 1Jt l\ "'f.KEEP~~G d1111~~ ... .,,n .. , n•• \\In" '\nt~"> to1 -han• . --,... '""" . .._..... ,::; Acacta CP~t.1 lawn-. ,,r do your ~ 1rd woT'k. ~~~~~f:Sf.h.~~n.2ibbo'lrtlhil.. liA 2137 -J-K. lar(:"e lot. Rl?1i<. pri('(>r E.'t~l. RE:'\T A PIA..'\:0 . IA't tht> KiddJ,..; t<'rms. BE 573.1-\V. 2-165 Man no, '• a 1.., ~-per mo. F ull term rt'n· Ba~· ~hore · _ 1 all<"' •-d on any plano m our 'RN. APTS. $-15 mo. & up; also t>tOCk OA~'Z-SCJnUT'T Big P i· F OP. ... .\1 r :! '.olln." t smaU s71'. ~.) 1 w~. vt• SJ,.';. Both cop~ ::-• 1tihaf1U" }I.\ .... II 1'7' mu. Ideal harhor & ~:ln \"lt'\'. a no "In!'(' 520 :'\o. )1 ~rn • ..santa 2 C< IJL :'PRJ="(:~ Ill'" 1\\111 '"'U'"' ~l't Po·arl .\' H I HA '\'r.'.n cloo;e to b<'acht>S ~tunml'r & win-Ana 1 <'r n n 1 a Is. 1414 ~<'a \Tirw. Clll\1 I :c-K=-=·~::==:Y;.:'.::,S---;-M::--a~:---"-:;.hc:-;i:;-le:-:y:::'O::u:-::,:::,.a 1 t. II Arbor 1456. _ Tomm) 's Shop. Post Otri~ B lk . LE.\FlE BY OWSER-LarJ!c bid~. on ~ewpolrt Blvd., n<''lr Cih' Hall. 51-f'. fronfag£', 2 s tore rooms. Ample eq foot- Ill!<' in !'Mlr. swtablt> for mt1·. or ot ht'r ()UTJ)O"I'!. f;lect 1;. c•nll.r equlppec1 w11h ad<'QU:JI!' II.P . Ct>m<'nt noor, aUt.>~ ''. ~ldt•, loading tOM in bark Vacant Jot adjc mlntt for park- Ing O'l' othf>r u "PS If dt-sircd. Would ron id r ~It> enth·p p1ere. Avallnl'e Jan. 1, 1%2. Rent whole or par t. Addrt""' Ro~ 0 thl!l Jl!ltll'r. HFIJ IRl'fl ... t TTEl~ puJ•· .u~r Rt ~ ~~ IIJ Rl-y~ ~-I~·~--_'ti76 1 )I an~· C• ''11 "'!'It J ~;£1 (1U.\"ROLFT-1·1 J' ;-..-d Ltkf' n• \\. lui;,. ,lf • "l'-'" \\.dl tnrl;• lot J, \o•) }tll II Cn n;t dPI _C_o_r_o~d~cl~~~\~ar~·~----­ TELF\"1~10~ • Tr:1de your old Pl· an•t on l)(·:~uuful t~•lt,;sion. B1c alhl\\ m<•t•. Fan1uu..; mak In t«'ll'\l 100 OA '7.. !;QP..UOT. 1 ;\18r JJ.\rl~n ~.? 'l"'k lor :\l r ;2n :"\o .lain, cot .;,• St. Santa -ChunO..·r httn - --- Ana 1'1-.A\ J1F1."L ~Pllll'l ptano. Rl'TlO • 1 M'""ro P3~ out lnl mcc ~<r. ltk£' _........,_._...._ .............. _....-.--....... -........ _."" r•·nr' l.Jkf' nr" Anclthrr blond I Semces m t hottnn) cm~P ~or Jeous tone Paintinq-Paperhanqinq GEORGE BURKHARDT $193. Fa!W-)U!> make Also man~ ,., 111~1 returm. Sa\·(' fr-om ~120 to 3(lt: All m pPrfN'I rond:uon D,\ '1\Z • SCH:O.tlDT P J A=" 0 "T• ••n ;:..»tl :"\l :\hin. l"Or 61 h :;oA ~ ... ,. "''·· '"''""P"rt ~b ;::;, "':*'''a \na ~ubj.'<'t 10 pl"tor .sa •, 11.\rbor .!US..\\' KL'\.r. rc )\\"[ R ~ladinl.' ariHI!" tubh LLY um. ~bdrm. l~c. Call nftt>r 4:00p.m. d d h a h glassr d·ln porch over· 1 "a" lil ~·an wit 2 f' mcllor g bay, , -..5 per mo. 11~ rt'RX"ITt"RE ttE."iTORATION Lik o' n• w hi\!< nnl~ had 3 _bOn rd.:: \'C., Ball.oa Island, -or Ph. n, lr bol 'omc; bt>nche!l 1nd ~tools and l • n -•' • m 1 hru \\til '!'II 9-8H19. BE 6166-M. r~stnrt>d usi~R cane. rush. reed, lor • '•I ·~n 11'~·· _H.~ lll>.!_ll :_ E;-;-::::;...:.:.;::.=;:.:.:-:-~wi7-:th~==4...;;,.;;rm.=...;. 8jit. I etc. FREE ESTDL\TE. 11A~D10:"ll nRCAS .' The :::rMlt Blvd .. eo.ta Mesa. HA RAR\'EV". Hammond Chnrd (lr·~an. It ~·ou I f'1YRNJTURE REPAIR dlln"l ki'O\\ '\ ncltt> ~c'IU ('3n pia~ I 1-::==-----======:; t050 ~aata A-A,.,.,. C4Mta MMa 1 thts: Tht' Hammond ~pinE.'t nr. 1-RI!'Aeml tiSW t:an \\"m ld'-; mo ... t h<-autlfUI AUTHUR MURRAY'S 411 CO.A"T BLVD. Coronn rl<>l Mar 0()('n 1• to 10 F or free d.u cc anal) sis Call HMhor 1925 SPECIALIST F ree Consultation Dowers 'by Morri E. ....... 11¥4. • .,._ • SALES • SERVICE • PARTS Joe Nickert: ~:-c: ~~~" ------tnm•.; FA\;,..' t<'rm~ P A :"' Z • RUG & UPHOLSTERY SC"H)tlOT Piano 'lnd <.lrc:an Co. CLEANING ::O.ilnla Anll :1::!1• :-\n )hm. cor. 61h St. • 0. locat&oe • w~ ou,..tftd MOODY 1NTERIOR8 caD IIArt»M !aM ,_ r..ttmat.e ! 1 & (',out ·~ ('---414!1 Mar It It HOLBROOK Dependable PlumhiDq A Prompt RepAir S«>rv1oe MalntAined Pllow ttartMtr U18-W 1801 Bal.,_ Blvd. N~ lloMdl PAINTING Earl Sheflin ns Palnler M. -e-ta ...- BDtec=IU1_. WANT YOlJ'ft OJRTf WORK DONE• OOTOHA.L .. Compleft ~~ ~ W'lndowa. floor wulnc and pol· ._... __ wan...,..... _ .... Can ~ ,,.. Bl"LB . n~trc:-i'>SU" l(" Nll'hPink lilv Ea<:t('r Ill\'. t'IC 3l"i :"l<ards· c;w A,·r. Corona dc-1 )tar. 1 I CROSLEY Shrh ador rl'fr·i~. Rrao:. onablr HAt bnr 339-W 1 I CRA~.'"D PJA.'>:'OS · Bab) Grand. repossessed. S4Q5 Terms .. Also 1 I others nt'w and us<'d. Stemway. C'hickerin~. W urlitzer. A. B., Chase. Knabe, Ra\\-orth, Lund· strum. From --. DA.."'Z·I SCHMIDT. 520 No. Main. cor. 6th. Santa Ana. 100 pianos al- 1 ways. BALDWIN ACROSONJC SPI:\"ET. Used. Savt> $200. tprms. Subj(-ct to prior sale. nANZ-SCHMlOT l Blg Piano Store, 520 No. Main, cor. 6th, Santa AM '41 KEJ. Vl~"'A-=ro=R=--,-• .,.-;'ft-,·t-Jt-. 'Good conditiCJn. $65. HA 3059·K J.-cmd Found REO plastic Purtle Y.1th glasst> . In COM about 3 wks. ago. Call BEacon 6569. I BLACK KI"n'EN at on Balboa PM'!insula, 1500 block. about 2 wt'<'ks a~. Re"·llrd HA 12!15-R "'' homl rt'OI ,,, • \\"nr\.:101: J.A r.:~·n pr••klT• d IIA ~-R again this wee k -end in the Harbor Area! e e e Let's take ·the Tour ~" Corner M and Balboa Blvd. '1 \\' 1-DEllR• ~).I. 1 ·~ h3th:. 1-' t ,·qurt floor-.. ,,.. "d 111 lw ot lir·•l'lll'•· t'n\l"ll II wood pan· ·t: 11 '''•n:.: · "r"t \' .. ;d hrilk and c•"'<la t •I 1.; 'to•l 11 ( ,o II If' lt:l'lllf'lt1~; ' 1 F I I[" I .. t t .... I 1 ••• BAY & BEACH REALTY ''" l~lrt II\ 1'!64 • ! .. •" ,.. .. ,.. .... d 'o Nf'WJ:'!)_. H~;9~,;., o, .. ~ ...... l 8"' bo" o ~o. Nrwpor• B •d. ""~r .,~ t\·c~ .. , •' ,.. pan . ..,,., right 0"'0 w.d ... inl•~· ric;hl o~·o C a~ e"a rghl ega" "-'o E! Mod.,.,• 1:>-- 435 El Modena Ave., Newport Heiqts nrand nP\\ 1-hl'dn-. ... I~J)o ~\lf h lll'l'jl I<• l.nr ... <'I htult·in~ l"'o{ouhlt ~a ra ..:•' u 't.l' I ', • 1'... ilUIIflll n~h • ~· ' $12,500 s:>'!IWI BEACON HILL REALTY Jlt6 '\"t•\\-port Hh tl. IH-Atecm .";':1 8-r. • Procoed lo Coa't Hi9hw•y by wey o! Cl"« 0• •nd 17th St. 90 tlorou9h Co·on• d•' M•• e~d turn right into Sho~• Cliffs to- 17 4 Shore,./~ Rd .. Shore Cliffs ThrE'<' BR h~\,lh n<'E.'an 'iP\\ ont• nf '"•' b(',t ron!'tJ·uctE.'d homr-. 111 lhc' llnrhor Ar• 1 built on an f'Xp('fl<;h t• lot H• il'k hr 'Ill "~ I 16~2-1 maho~ny pan<>l<'d li\'in~ room. forced nlr h<'a t. \"it'\\ porch and bl'\•1\ kfa-. t ,.,r.~ drt'am kitchen \\ith I'OI'Ilt'r '-Ink, Ilk oti\IUild stO\ P. ~:arba~e di.;po!lsl. du .. '1mast«'r fl•' h' 10\-l f('flt'e, shakt-1'0(\f l.art:t' 1-..•dt'l''<'m~' .m•rl• Sl(lt"a£r , pace. Open 1 to 5 SIIIUI'\by nnd Sund ~~ THE JOHN. VOGEL CO. 1M l C'nast 81\d . IU 1':4.4, HA 1417 C'omna dt'1 \lnr E\~>nlnlt"': H \ ~93·'1 On Se rra Drive. Corona Highlands o c t.\X Ylt:\\ ""''E' '\. \' 3 bod • m. .i! h• •'ld II J'_ 11 1 -. •· It -· !ldtur. '· t;fl·l' Int... Bo .;• b• •• • • • 1 tll't li • a a' - $13,750 ·~~· S14,250 • 1 'PI n t 11, .. • • d ' ·!'> anda. TOM PAYNE or C. A. CARPENTER 11.\ !774 • il,•': ·•+u ..... ._o Ce• .. ~ d,. "''· •'-i,_ P' ,.,, •• e b ::-~~ t'~\" ..... gL... •o-- •'· .c ... 309 Poinsettia. CorC'~a de) Mar •· lr •-... h~ . • r GF. ill,l\' d ':aMCt $15,750 I lpt I :-'.1 1-·~ ·' I' orlA,' EARL CHAMBERLAIN ;o(.o· < ....... 1 n h ,, II \rhnr !~88 11PI• ,, I • ~· • ~ o~ •o O=e•n !. d .,.,., • qh p•oe•~d e or e; Oc,.er •c H• ··~co., ·~·., · ql.• •c-- 211 Heliotrope. Corona del Mar A :?-bedroom '' tlh hnrd"•Xod flnnrs. fireplace, P.,"\llll rrrtT I.ClU'-C <t!"l\ d••Uhlf' $19.500 ~:ar H!t' \'l?r~ nrar tho h<'uc:-h Open afH r 12 !'>U!'1da~ ffiZMORRIS REALTY CO. 18 ( Ml "t Rh·d .• C'oroM dt'1 Mar 307 Iris. Corona del Mar :\ bt>dronms 'imart nd modt>m, walo-to-waJI C''lf'llN •n1o1 dt"8p('S, doublt> fumllces. A-1 ron- ~truc:-t ., hkf' n<''lll . ClOSt' $19,.... to l'll:-~u·h Opt"n 12·5 SUll. t'VVV trn\S EARL W. STANLEY. Realtor •• l -~ Bh~ ... C'oN!aa dfol ..... RA !4':4 Your Harbor Nell estate dealers hope you eDfoy your Open HOUM Tour! NEW IIINIIIftla -.t ...-.x I.JIIftlaPII&'IAftOH For the ftnt ...,.... after be ·-n.e ~onnatiall'a Modern In· hu been oftldalb' m-en u pu-tf'l'l"tat.ion'' wl11 ~ the eennon u.tr CCIIIIInOI\ ... up,. herltaae at tor ot the St. A.ndftwa ~ theme at the 11 a . m. -.rvtoe SUn- a Refonnatlon Dey RaiJy at I p.aa. lan <:.'hurc:b at Newport Hftchta. c1a)r in ~ ot ReformatJon s-dlly at the Newport Hart.or Rev. James Stewart will preecb oo ~-Pastor Hft"bert C. Roth Lutheftft Ctnll"d\, tort Clift Drive, "A Putor'a Dream for Ria will u.e u his text 2 n.e.a1onia.na Newport R~ghta. 'l'be pubUe la Ou.arcb." Both ..,_ and Sun-2:3-12. Mrs. Roth will line a ~ lnvt!M to attend thia c.umnunlty-"'-Y Schoo! wlU ~ ~at 10 a. m. prano solo, '"The 91st Plalm." ""'* oblen"ance, wtllcb la IIPOO· Elghtee.n mt"m~ of St. An· The church ~ iDdudN a IIOftd by the Newport Harbor A.ree drew~. inc1udinl a number of Church Council ~tine at 8 p. m. Council of ChurchH. youn1 people, •-el'6 preeht lut today CThunday): Reronnadon Rev. Paul Jt. Babbitt, putor Sunday e\enln« at the Beverl,y n.y Rally at 8 p. m. Sunday; HaJ- ol the Community ~tioea.l Vista Church in Be\-erly HllJa to lcJowoe'eo OO&tume .. rty at 8 P. m. Ollii'C:h. Corona del Mar. WiD ~ attend a farewell Rrvice and ,._ W~: WOI'Id Community the guest preacher tor the ooca-~tlon .wttlcb the oongreptloo Day service at 1 p. m. Friday, Nov. .ton. Special anthems Will ~ aune thet"e pve for Rev. and Mrs. St~-2; annual fish fry at 5 p. m. Satur- by the cbolr ot the Community art, .,ho •ill 1000 make their day. Nov. 3. )l~at C h u r c h. Costa Mesa. home in the Harbor aree. • • • Pafton ot all par t-l ci pat' n' e e • 81!alfON ON '80" SAINTS' cb\IJ"Ches will take part in con-RETUaN OF GUIJ51' 8PEAKD Rev. Tom Pendrll'a sennon Sun- ducting the aen•ice. The Rev. Fint Baptist Chul'Ch of Newport clay morning will ~ on "Soft H~ C. Roth of the Ne.,-port Beach will again have Dr. Ivan Saints" at Christ Church by the Harbor Lutheran Church. •pedal Ellis of Long &-ach as ~t Sea, Newport. The congregation ~rvicea chainnan, is in charge of speaker. Hla ubject at the 11 a. will join other Protestant chui"Ches arran«ements. m. senice wiU be ''1be God Wbo of the Harbor Area in a Protestant Answers Pre.yer." At the eve-Refonnallon Day &eTVice Sunday ning senii~. scheduJed for 7 :15. evening at the Newport Harbor Dr. Ellis \\ill s~k on ''Neglect Lutheran Church in Newpor t MEMO··· .. FflST ·CHUitCH Of CHttJST sctENTlST J)OJ VI. lAo, ......,_, ..... A br~nc;h of The Mother Church, The F;rst Church of Christ, Scientist, ln Bol- ton, MeuechusettL S11ndey School ........ ·-·-·· .. -9:15 e.m. Sundav Service .... .. .. .. ... II :00 e.m. Wedneldey Eve'1in9 meeting_ 8:00 p.m. Reeding Room loceted et Ill Pelm St., Balboa. is open daily from 12 .noon to S p.m. eacept Sundays end hohd•Y' netionelly observed. Th& public is eotdielly invited to e'· tend the church services end use the Reeding Room. or Sal\'·atlon." Midweek senices Heights. • • • will tx-held at 7:15 p. m. Wednes- day. • • • ~EIIMOS ON 'DF.Anl' How death may be "swal1o'A-'t'd up In victory" as promi ed in the:> crlptures is consid<>red in the Sun~ Bible Jesson on "Probation After Death" in the Newport Har- bor First ChuTCh of Christ, Scien- tist. at the entrance to Udo Isle. • e • PA~'D-OOSGil.ES Membt-rs of the Pathfinder Club from the Newport Height1' Sev- enth-Day Adventist Olurch will att!'nd a Pathfinder Con~('S at 'E.'"EMMES AT CIIUilCH' Subject of the sermon to be d~­ lh'ered b~ Dr. Harry White this Sunday at the Balboa l51&nd Com- munity Methodi t Church will be "An Age Oldv ErK>rny:'' Special music ""ill be furnished by Vera ·Williams, who will sing "Ught'' by Stevenson. The women of the church ha\'e decided to ha\'e asphalt tJie put on the floor of tht-church rooms not yet rinisht'd. as oon as t~ plastprers finish placing the acous- ttc material on the walls. La ~ie1·ra Sunday, No\'. 4. The V th s • e,·pnt will feature era!~ work. I OU eTVOCe hobb,· roliE>Ctlon_. a J't'\'tew &nd dN' · paradt-and an amatt'ur tal· Annual Youth ~unday &>r\iCf' ent program. Pathfinder clubs l was ronductPd hy th£' Younj:t Pro-are oJ>('n to boys and girls of all pll' of St. James Episcopal Church fa.itho; from 10 to 15 ;.• ars of a~e. a t 11 a . m. Sunday. At a S()t'('lal Rl ~'S Be Shop Mrs. c. c. Emmerson Is dir<'<'tol' of 1 offt>ring tht-group collected S47 fo1· u I I I auty tht> local .-:roup. I mi~<slons. Participating in the ~r\'· Ho1lls L. Anderson. pastor of iN' wert> Nancy Millett. Bill Kuhn. Ruth &feu, OwMt the local church, will speak on CE'hni ('l'(>('ly, GrE'~ Wright, Ted H ri>or 2907 ''Temperanc.-·· at the Sabbath Mt>kht>l', PPt£' Graham and Tom A sen•ice at 11 a. m. Saturday. Holtz. Mrs. A. A. Hamilton is nl '•inwffle Ave~ eo-e ._. y., • • • th<>ir ad\'1. or. If yov •re illt•t•IIH lA He· weiiell 01' s ... nitl! deiiCillt. c. .... 11eh or Heweile11 ,_.1"' . • • Call TRIANCIA HA 2US-W HA 0761-J HULA- for fvn, h .. lth e11d corfte. tive erercise. SPANISH- for rtlyihm, c:oordinetlon elld polle. Oess.s end private lenons, from sir to slrly. Clus wo~. S 1.2l 'rivet. Ienon, $1.50 ... _ CARPETING $ee OW ...... -'-ctiCMI ef .... pe~~~ive rvp •ft411 c:totpetint CFMI & ~ sqveret for ..-w ...._ ......... ~ IE nn Newport ... ch H...,. Nlth+w . . s.. I 0 e.m. • 4 p.& HOW TO MEET Cal ES Sacramt'nt of Hoi) Baptism \\a.J Re\·. Paul Edward Babbitt. min-~ administet't'd by RE>Ctor P au I ister or the Corona del Mar Com· Moore Wheeler. and the following munlty Church, 'A-iU preach next Wt're made memtx-rs of th(' church: Sundav at both the 9:45 a . m . and Caroline and Bonnit> Ba&Sett. Julie the ll a. m . services on the sub-Alcorn. Eric. Stephen and Carl ject. ''How Do You Mt'et Crises?" Wolff, Donna and Timothy King. This is the ccond in 11 series and Bllrry Hall. Robert Ormerod and the minister will tell how Simon Da\id Lagerlof. Peter mt>t t~ crisis of his life. Director FranC«" Childs present- The Chapel Choir Will sin& •"For ed attendance cards to the fol- Tby Gift Untold" by GossJer at lowing: Third year pins-Boyd th£' early st'M'ice, and the Chan-and Craig Bailey, Loren Fletcher. cel Cholr will sing ·~ Lord Is Diane Hutcheson. Charles Peyton. My Shepht>rd" by C1okt>y in tht' Marcia Richter and Sandra God· 11 a. m. service. The church will \\1n: Second year pins-GaU Mun- cooperate in the annual commun-ro, Susan and Gretcht>n Cole. ltY·"1de Refor marion Day Rally Chri tiannt' Carver. Bobby and and St'r\"icc ar p. m. Sunday at Je-an Forbe"· Roland and Richard r ht-Newport Harbor Luther tl n PPrry. Jt'r<>lta Scanlon: F'ir t year • Church. pin -Susan Somers, Lee Fellinge, • • • JuJit' Gathman. Christiana Cottt-n. HYMS FESTIYAL SET Kath~· Hubbard, Micha<.'l Da,is. Four choirs of the Corona del John Gathman and JuUe Alcorn.' Mar Community Olurch, all under the direction of Mary Batten Stef- fensen, will hold a Hymn Festi- val in the church sanctuary at 4 p. m. Sunday, Oct. 28. Margaret Schar1e wiU accompany the sing- ers at the organ. A re-co~illon senice and de-dication will be held. .. .. .. ~T. lAMES PART\' ATt'llDAl' A .Hallowl.'·en Party for begin- Mrs and primary dppartmcnts of S t. Jamt's Episcopal Church at tht' Pntran<'C to Lido Isle \\ill tx-ht'ld ft'om 3 to 5 p. m. Saturday at th<' Parish H CIU'\C. The Church School Guild will sponsor tht' costume party, superTising games and sen- ing rpfre"hmE'nts. Movies of la!>t )Car's party \\ill tx-hown . SW1 ,._._..-lt.,.......-24-Hr. f ... -Nte Wetl l.y ,..,.. ''We S,eale .... hi lfMffe'lcy s.Mc." 1110 c...t .... H~ 441 a Nltw: ..._ SI•.J----Cot-. Ml Mer I Church Building Fund to Benefit Building fund of the Corona del Mar Community Church will bene- fit and eX1 ra goodies will be brought in euly tomorrow. The MODBtM PUINITUil e ....... l!!i PAfiliS e LAMPS e COYIIIN&S. .,.,.. • O&IIDD "' c...e ttwr ...... , .... • an -s-. ....... . CLEAN <'lothes. freshly pressed, not only give you that wen-preMed ,......... -~ -they lut rnQCII toarr. C F"ree pickup and DeU,•ery ... Q Expert alteration Service .... 504 Coast BmL S OO.ONA DEL IIAa CaUHA3176 c ·L E I I E IS commtttee from tht> Gulld in M. N. MANGRUM chargt> or thl.' salt> incl~ Mrs. j~~~~~~iiii~iiiiiiiii;i~ KennNh Hunt. cha1rman; Mrs. Mylt-t Port<'r. l\frs. JamPs E. Mc- Ket>, Mrs. Malcolm S hannon, ~1rs. Richard Schwt>itzer, Mrs. Edgar Hirth, Mrs. Norman Frahm. Mrs. C. B. Furnham, Mrs. Jack Hub- bard and Mrs. John Keeler. Yule Party Is Planned A Christmas party for the chil· dren at Mooseheart, DJ .• was plan- ned Thursday. Oct. 17, at the regular meeting ·of the Newport Beach Chapter 1158. Women of the Mooae, held ln the Loclge hall on the N~rt Ocean Front. Elsie Porter. Mooeeheart chairman. is In charge of collecting donations ot clothing and mboellaneous gifts that will ~ wrapped and ~t to Mooeeheart before Otristmas. A new member, Hazel Hecka- thorn. was appointed Homemaking Chainnan. Refreshments were served by Elsie Porter. social c~a.irman for the evening. Have yours laid away now while you can have your choice! • Distributors for • 8CJIIW1NN & ENGU H IIALEIGH Parts and Acoeuories Relax and read is what I do Each tjme • I Ride P. E.- I sa'!e my nerves and money, too, No traffic bothers me! ., rltop ..,. • ., •o ottd • ottd..,.U .......... ONLY Wf!EIB 1"0 ••• IIIISTIII Argyles Ski Sox Sweaters Neckties Gloves -Searls For '~' After a quick business meeting, members of the Woman's Civic League b roke up Into committee groups and selrcted members for the nominating committee at Tues- day morning's meeting at the Bal- boa Yacht Club last week. The nominating committee, com· prised of Mrs. Charles Schoffstall, Mrs. Jack Florer, Mrs. Harey Campbell, Mrs. Karl Axtater and Mrs. Jack Moorehead, will present a slate of officers for the Novem· ber meeting. A look Into the city charter form of gov('mment has been an- nounced as the program for the next League meeting, Nov. 20. Mrs. G. L. Andrews will be speaker. Mt>mbers or the League \'Oted In favor of having the League of Civic Associations join the Cham- bc.>r of Commerce and named Mrs. Fort'('St AJiindPr, Mrs. A r t h u r Gates and Mrs. Jam('S Whyte as repr<'S('nta tlv£> to the Lt>ague of Civk A<:sociati2ns. ~Irs. Carl Wal- d<'Ck reported that the 'Round- \\ ... ITER NOW R~IDE:'\"T Nov<'ll«t Ernc•c;t Gann i" a n«.>w the-laland-F~rry may be a vailable next meeting to bring people from Balboa Island to the Yacht Club for the meeting. Becaltfe of the change In date toe the ~unity Players pro- ductlon,..,'Goodbye My Fancy,'' the League theatre party tickets will be available for Wednesday: Nov- 7, Instead of t he previously an- nounced date. More than $50 was announce<! as the proceeds from the LeagUe's "white elephant" booth at the Co- rona del Mar Treasure Days and a substantial sum will be place<! in a fund for playgrounds. Who'slnNeed Of H elicopter? \Vanna bu) n hr llront<'r? -~ M.ufM Aft. resident or the Harbor Area, mak- in.2 his home at 29 Balboa Coves. Well. do ~ 1111 I tH• a fr i<'nd who's int('rcst<'d? HI' won't h&\1' to go I far. for lh<'n•' nne on the local mat k<'t . ril!ht hl'r{' in Corona del :'>ta r. It's n Hiller model. almost id('ntlcal to the t) IX' in use by the X &\')' for rM:cue work in Korea, but adapted by Grorge Bo le) of 322 l.ark.;pur fl)r crop d u;.tmg a nd spnl)in~. ~~~iBa~l~boa~~I~!II~•~ .. ~·~OeM~~·;;~~ He moved h('r(' with -his \vifc and I family last month. Mr. Gann ls t he author of "Fidl«.>rs Green," a book about San Francisc<' and ftshtn~. a nd also has \\TIIIC'n SE.'\'· r ra 1 o t h('r no\ els T hl' 't·npr. 1 i.; 0\\ nl'd by "F arm- in~:t by Air," a 10<'~1 lirm which lnunrh"d the-projN't last ~ear m ------spray and du-.tim: \\urk on the OJ-BOOKS A ''1> ArTHOR nn£:1' Count\ bt•an ctop T hAt work :'.trs. l.('l' Barn('S of Lido Isle. finl,h('d, th• y mG\I'd to Rt,.l'N'ide !.f f"l. Harr) Fl'llin~l' and )frs. Ca-Cuunt) for wnrk in corn ncrea~f' 1 t he-nnP Kic-stl•r of B.tlboa Island and latc>r t.l )J I'xi~n (l(l('rat mg in and :\1t·s: BorrouJ::hs Hill of Lido the rollfln fields or the )ll'~trah Park all att<'ndC'd thl' recrnt Books arl'a nnd Authors lunchron mf.'et m~ r.l'l•r~·· 1, ('htl r ptlot and 1!1'11<'1 •tl ·1 h<'ld el'.l1lv this month a t the Am -m~1 '1£:• r ft,r th• rirm. whirh h•tmd : bas<:::tdor ·H ot('! in Lo<; Atu~l'lf'!!. th<' 'roptl'l' idf"~tl for thr purpo-." Mimeographi ng :I but l'IKtlUnl• rr·d prnblC'ms tn thl'lf UliAl NOTIC' I . h I .. • A ddr e SSl n g XOTI('t: OF Dl ~OLI'TIO~ fl<:t U(W"rattn~ fln•a t 3t To"" It'" ; • OF P,\RT:'\"ER. HIP 1'1 the d•·l·t~:•m ''' dtspo!'•' of tlw -Fol d ing =1 'S ll I liPreb'' Oh·pn that the t•ralt It t'Omt•<; \\llh alltlw th~·-; Mail:ng : pa~t~.,~hi~ lnt('l)· <'Xtsttn~I be-!'h .. 111.c1 "I•rt~~ '"'' ~nctc•'t!> romp!t,tr. • 1 . \VlLLlA:\1 H. 11 R\"EY and l tnrllldtn · 1, -1~•1 honm~ ""t'il lnr • • • ~~~ R nn\\;E:" und<'r th(' fi ml ~Jir<t~ tn. lt']Utd" undl't ht:h pre~ - ;_ • We'll h•lp you p,.per• • nam<' of "l«l:tnd Pa tio" at 300 :\1a-:.ult• 1""m '' lc '' a, 1"" ff"l't abo'" your l•yout, tool :I rin£> A \('lltlf', n alhoa Island. C'111-tht: l'li•P plant .... : • • fornia. IS di!,.,.nht -d a<; Of ~t'{ll<IO· ~tnCP O~l lti\;T' \'\•thl' ".[lOrtft;<t- REP'LACE YOUR OlD RANGE WITH THE BEAUTIFUL UlTRA MODERN MODELS FROM $121.50 TO $331 .50 ~, EASY toOKINGl I EASY ClEANING l .J.. <. LI O~B.\IUt Ut CROWN-HAIIW II£ A~pu~c~s • CREDIT BUIUU : ht>r 15, 1931. b\ mutual ron ... l•nt Ill';! <·aptt-a ot ''" , .... , tn-Jst \\'1' ~ • \\''ll'am H. l·lat> e\' will continur 11 tnk """''hod:· I' oound to <'Oml' ~ : l lhl' ~u~in('SS tn th(' 'am(' J'liACt? and ~lp \\'llh .tn ld• 3 lui' ll'lll:; the Use E•.;gn Want Ads for Results • 2()4 Riverside Av•. • d r thl' sam(' firm nam<'. and 11 <'Opt('r to <'ha-., tht' f'IW.t\(' alb.l-aa.a ; Newport Beec:h IE.c:on 5597 • un I' • • .1 1 1'\lr('. ~~,, ,11 1 1 ,, 1 , ~~~~~~~~~~~1 dPbts due and O\\ln~ to the ~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ nPN hip are to bf-r~'" C'd by htm, 1 and all dPbl~ of thl' partnt•~hip ,,====----==~==~=3.=1 nrr to be J•rrstn t'd to him for pa~ml.'nt ~ Datl•d tht" 1" d.1) of :"C'ph•mhc-r. 1 Q')l WlLLfA)l H JJ,\R\'EY DEA~ R. ROWE~ Publi-;h Qc!. 2". 1 ~:; 1 in thl' Nt>wJ)<'rt Harbor En 11:m C'f'..RTWIC'1\TE OF Bl''-""E"~S Fl<'tltlou" Firm XRmf' The unrlrt .t~twd d~-. hrrrb~ <'t•rtifv thl\t hr i~ ronductin~ a rf'S· t8Ul'a OI hll«illi'S'-nt 300 )farinto 1 A\t>llll<'. H:t!boa Io;lnnd. C't,unty of I Oranqf', ~,,,, of Cal•fmma. '!nd~r I a fi cti 1 ious fir m nam<' or desl~a- t ion whirh dN" nnt show th<' t rul' I n&mt' or namro; of tht' 1)(11' ons in- terest<'d In ,,ld businC''" to wit . I I "l~L \ '\P p \TI< , .. ORBBTINGS & GIFTS and that SAid 11rm i ... t'nmpo ... <'d or 1 .... \. •--I thf' followinc pl'l -.(In "he'!$(' nulll(' are bro....-t to you UVUI and addr('SS nrl' n!l follows. Friendly Nelgbbon I William H lhn ··~. 2:1~5 \'ista a. C"vio a. Social Welfare I Ba)~hor~. :"rwpnrt BNt<'h. Calt-j • ' "' fom ta Leaden \\Tf:'\E:::;S m) hand ttlts 17 dl\) throuah of ()('tobC'~\.·itf,1AM Jt. HAr~\"EY 'BTDT I"V\MB WAOON ~TATP. n F CALIFOR:"L\ lP ~ COl'I'\TY OF ORA.."'\GE ~ ... · On this li dit) of 0<-1 .. 19:>1. Ort the occasiort of: Change of residence Arrivals of Newcomen eo City NEWPORT I bl'for\' flll', a ~otnry Publk in a nd for "Aid count) and stntP J'('r- 1 sonally appc>ared William ll lftn·- ''l'''· kno\\ n to mP to hft th<' JX'r- 1 snn whO~I' nnm<' is 'IUbsCTihfld tO I tht' aho\(' tn.;trumt'llt. and ock-BEACH nowlrd ..:N1 that h(' ('"'t'<"Uhod the sam('. r· . I Witnrs~ m~ hand and of 1cta Phone: Harbor 7 58 Ensign Clnss1fled ads have ~,. a pro'·"n meanS or reaching buyers for aU !lOftS or merchandi U• them! Phone H&rbor 1114.. sPa\ C. R Al.LF.:" Notarv Public in and for said Count~ and Stat<' Mv Commls~lon expir<' 9 10 '5.'5 Pubiish: Oct. 2.'\; NO\'. 1 -g • 15. 1951, in th(' Nt."wport Harbor En- sign. -M0¥1NG and SIORIGE l .OCAL and NATIONWIDE SN'\1n.~ tl\e N ewpor~ liA rbor A~a Balboa J;,ansfer ~o. c. E. McNiel G. C. Bennett I !lZ:l . Uarhor Bh·d., ~ta M~ A Tintely Tip front - NEWPORT BEV.ERAGE CO. 2112 Ocean Front Newport Beach B ... y be:·::::e "" . ~o·.,; ::e·,·: :..x: .. se • :.1): 15 Levieci • • • ¥ 4oiW IOMA ~=Lp~~~ ~ 1 ~·r. sse SANTA FE s ... 6Jt v:eet ,, .ne NEW PRICE c..;.. ...J ••• EARLY TJMES Straight Bourbon S:h S4]9 Four years old -86 Proof e Buy oy ·:;e :-ase ar:::1 save 10% BALIJlNTINrS GILBEY'S GIN 90 Proo~ 5th $§71 SJ22 Scc:ch \Vl-.skey . 5 ..... . . .. R~ tht> <':tow. 10~, OFF A smooth, straight Kentu~ky Bo'V.rbo:- KENTUCKY BlED 5 .... ... Four vears old -86 Proo! e B;..y by ~he case ar.-::1 save l0°10 ~!!~.~§55 We Always Carry SUNNYBBOOK A Full Line of IJQ UORS, .BEER trnh!ht $439 and Wine Kentucky Bour. F our ~f':\r<~ old ~•th ltltl'.b OFF h~ the <'n~ NE WPORT 10 ... OFF h~ thl' I'!IW Cook' s"Early BEVE RAGE Corby's Whiskey American Wme COMPA NY A smoo~:1 ~·h SJSS Full Sf29 2112 Ocean Front b' . .e:-:a Q uart Newport Beach "A\ I' 10 b~ tbol' c--..~ \ trul~ tl i'H<'Iou .. "In(' Plumbing, Inc. Contracting Remodeling Garb age Disposals HA JSL8 '700 Canudoa Coroaa lkl ..,., *Ceramic * Formica * Painting * LIAa ·FII Sc:to -20-YEAR LOAN CoMtraetl• ~ 5 -~~" (14 Jn.) We buy and ~ell -rn.t Deed~. SEE BOB 8A'I"'''LD Repre:sen ting PllrllrlhltciP C.. tua eout 111ft.. co• ft. BA 10'7'7-1-10 WlU See FIRST HOME~OANS Low •11£DUCING" IDterellt Ratea r.o. Monthly Putmeut& * W ~ offer you the facilities of the Largest Federal Savings Association in Orange County ., ............. ...... ........ ,.. ..... ~ activity curve in buUcllng Margumte, •1.000. dipped a little furtbe'f' d\a'lna the H. E. Benedict. garage put week, and only .amr llf(),OOO NaJ'ciau., •t.:soo. in pennlts were ~rdfod. but that Mary O'Berto, 617 Carnation, 8- brought tM total for the )'8.1' al-room, 1-story, ~t dwellinc at IYICXl tO $81000,000, Jell than SS(),-621 Camation, 112,000. 0..1'18 000 ahort of the all-time l'f'OOI'd. WllliaJMoD, bulldtr. Following buildlnc pennit.a were Baltz Momary, algn at 410 lssued during the week: Cout Blvd., M50. c..-........ ..... ...... Howard Zftlor, 3-room dweWnc Ray Beam, add bt'droom and O\~r pretlftll prap! at 709 Lark-bath on eeoond Ooor, renodel spur, 15.!§00. Bill naher. buiklfr. kitchen, add fireplace at 1.20 Sap- John A. Slmpeon, prage at 421 phire, 15.400. C. Ed~. buildeor. Lloyd Loveland of New po rt, mt-mbel' of the NeWport Harbor Board of Realtors, wu named u on!' of the regional ,;cc-presi~U of the state association for 1952 at the 47th annual coo\·ention of the CaU!omia Real Estate Auo- ciatJon held last week in Los An- geles. The realtors ('le<:ted James M. Udall or Los Angeles. heoad of the Udall real estate brokerage.. and prop(>rty management firm. a prt'Sldent for 1952. Thf' association went on J"('(.'()rd calhn~ for t'epcal or th joint t n- anc} law t>nacted in !he last ses- sion of tht> ta te legislature. The rPa llors called this mi"asure "the Augusta Kine. remodelling at 216 Coral, 1300. "~ .._. .. Arthur Pollard, encl01e porch into Uvtngroom, 233 Santa Ana Ave., J400. la~t bile from tht> widow's m ate" :\fa\or U>s J bt-U this wt>ek i - On lht> W()Unru that il require l'X· SU<'d a proclamation announctn~ 8 J)('n h <' court action to cll'8r titlr I six·\\ E'<'k scrap drh·l' to bPI!:il] Nov. nf an) propPr') h<>ld In joant tl'n-1. Arran~t>mPnt ar<' nO\\ undt>r anc), "lhus aff<'<'tin~ th,, rstatt's WI!\ to<' ta bHsh colll'ction <'f'ntrrs Of JX'I"SSilS \\ilh mod~t m<'an-. hut 'hrou.:hout tht' cit\ · havin~ no affPCt unon th•• <'~tall's R. L Callis r•f Corona dt>l ~tar. of the wealth)... ml mtwa of thr board t1f dtreetors The Sbeelys Return From Vacation Trip ~1r. a nd l\1 rs. L) nn Shf.'<'l). 2 ' E. Ocean F ront. Balboa. haw just return('() from a vacation trip which took th<'m to Rl'tlO. fi hintt in 0r<'g011 a nd to San Francisco for a few davs. While in San Francisco. )tr\.... ~ hP(>J~. "ho is ht'ad librarian for ;-.!('\\port. a t- tended tht.> California Ubmr) As- sodaHon. The library Is gettln,:t rf.'ady to move aero tilt> str(>('t in to tt'm- porary quarte" whill' tht' prt.>. <'nt building t. r<'modl'll<'d Into a lars::er. more romplt>tt' OJX'l&tion. of All Kinds FLAGSTONE PATIOS BLOCK WALLS --·--• FK.EE ESTIMA TL" • .._Warren IS. lf.eco11 5180-J • HArbor t0t2..J 121) Newporl Blvd. Coste M..e 11f t hP "'''port 1 lnrhor ChambPr or Comm• rrt'. ha;. h<>t'n desi~att"d h) th<' C'hamh.•t to IX> c.-hairman of t ht> ~era p drn t' ThE' ma) or'" proclama tion point- f'd out th:ft productton an malls, m<:'ltrrs and foundrio. is being ~·<'all) curtail('(! tx-cau l' of the lac.-k lf industrial crap a nd that mc.-r<'asmg supplil's of st('('l, ropJ)l'r and aluminum scrap must b(> re- ('(>a\ l'd promp!l) if defl'nse pt•oduc- tion i~; to IX' maintain<'d. He UJ'1ited all mdustries and commer- cial organizations of New p or t Beach to cnopc>rafe \\;lh t he Nrw- port JWach Scrap Mobilization Commit teo{'. Nurses Will Attend Annual ConYention Rl'gi I('T<'d nurses from Oran~e County named as delegates to the 46th annuaJ convention or the Cali-fornia Nui'S(> Assn . in San Fran- cisco Nov. 12-15 are Miss Ckrtru<k> Dubb<-and Miu Mlld.N!'d Hess of Orange. Mlss Mildred Inhoffer o{ Anaheim and Mrs. Lelia Brahan of Santa Ana . Alternates are Ml Edith Kt'rl of Corona <k.-1 Mar, di- rector of the Visitlng Nurst' Assn.: Mrs. Mar~aret Patton of Fuller- ton, :\Irs. Alfr<'ida Niewi~ of Or- an~e and Mrs. C4:'Celia Ford of Santa Ana. READY -MIXED CIICIETE BEacon 8547 Newport Blvtl., Ooeta lleea Ont.-.. ._-Ill ... You Can Do Better at . Cio. · OOIIPI...ETE ROME FUBNI8HIN08 BEacon 5656 1812 Newport BIYd. VOSTA IIDA I t I -------------------------------~ 'I~ H _ . I ~ • • • I ~ • I ...... e ........ ,.. •• ,, .... .., ...... ...., .-.. CIDIII4n-.. 10 ..w • _.,. '71 .. 10 6t MaOif,._teo I 1• .... ~ali~~ II...,._ Ill,_, .. )'Oar ,_.,.. ...... Whed8 til ll,.-... --•• ...,.. ... ..,. ol6e ....... til ......... ,_..., _.,_. ..... W,...eaal• ·~c. ....... 10 ..... . . ~ ,......,,, , .......... ,. ..... 1 qa.,,aaaa-1 adillattflj' q' a••., o alii-. -...--.v ....... .__ .. _._mo a • ..,.._ _. ct.lr41!1• •a lip c r1L ... ........... ol ......... ...,llow k. ~ JOIIr ~t~tttlall..aer ... ~aura 10 6t,... .. n.,'l 6t JO&"~ coo-10 .. row._ eow. I I CALIPORIIIA IDIION COMPANY L----------------------------------------------~ , . NOTICE OF H.EAJUNO Notice I hereby gl\'en that the City Council of th~ City of New- port Beach, In accordance with Sectlon 9106.54 tal ot the MunJcJ- pal Code or the Cit)• of Newport Beach, will hold a hearln1t on tht> following proposed amendment to ~ Zoning Law or the City of Newport Beach: The•applicaUon of Gladya Sidler to re-zone Lot 1, Block 13. Balbo. Tract, from R-3 to a C-1 cll.atrlct. Notice Is hereby further &}ven that tald hearing will be hefd on the 26th day of Novt"mber, 1951. at t he hour of 7:30. P . .M. ln the council chamben o( the Ctty Hall, Newport Beach, OlUr., at whlctl t ime and place an)' and aU pentOnt lntcre te-d therein may appear and be heard thereon. C. K. PRIEST Cfty C1m Publlllh: Oct. 23, Nov. 1, 1951 ln the "-:towport Harbor En I m. :VOTICE TO BIDDEIIS The Board or TruateH of the Newport Harbor Union H 11 h School requeste bids on 2 No. 922 Logan Lathe•. romplete with ~ following equipment: 2-No. 430 5" ~jaw H. D. Uni- versal Chucks flttt'd 1-No. 440 6 .. 4-jaw Indepen- dent Chuck fitted 1-AC-290 St~ady Relt 1-AC-196 Follow Relt Complete •ped.ftatlons on ~ above ma)' be obtained t.n the of-nee of the hJih .chool. Bldl •hould Include date of deUvt"l')'. Bids will be ~~"~ up to 12 noon. November 191 ln the oftlce of the hJgb AChoot ana will be OJ)f'ned at 1 :00 P. M. on that datto ln the bo.rd room of the! hJih achool. 'Ibe board ret~t"nw ~ right to T'Cjfoct any and all bJdtt. LILUAN Btrn..ER Clt-rk Publl1h: Oet. 18 and ~. 1~1 ln the Newport Harbor En~lgn. Work ror tht-Hoag M~morial Hospita l in 81'0\\-"llie and Gtrl Scout CMlft "''9rk will be the cammunity pro~t for t he year, it wu an-I ~OTIC"t: 'TO BIDDER noun('('(! b) Mrs. Sut~rland Hut- Th" Board of Trust t>N of the ton of Balboa Island.,-program ;\;('~port Halll',,. L" n lo 1'1 H i 2 h chasrman at t.hl" meeting of the ~hcoOI tt'QUt I' bsd1l on On<' n<>w Girl Scout uaders Club held The!l- 1951 rOI-d TrlH'tnr ~u:p!)('d Wtth da~. Oc:-t 9 at tht> Girl ~rout '-'fud••l \\lth proof met••• Hou e 551 ,,. t "I ,.,.,, !'· tis~ ~lrt \\'It~ rno Crow l of Corona dt?l Rea• "hPPl \\l"ll!h: ~tar. pri'S•dent. called tht> I'TlE'l'tin2 2 bonom 1 ~~ a: tn.:: plowb to ordt>r, and Mrs Chr1st1an Sclun- Cannon crarw>r dJ~r. Nl"wport Heights rN.d the 4'6-Lift d1 c. 011 bath bearmg mlnUtH New son~~ were intro- 8' lift t~ Pt> plkP tooth hart"'\' I duced b) Esther Chapman. ;\;t>"-HMt\'~ dUt) I:>t>arborn loader & port Hsrhor'!i Girl Scout ex~ull,·e buckt>t director Pro~tram planninR" to in-~fanure fork for loadt>r elude tht> variety or fun and "kills H)dro dowr offerf'd In Gsrl Scout work ''as Bids." sll be> rt"('pl\·e-d up ~o 12 encoura~ott>d b~ Mrs Crowl noon. ~o,emtX'r 19. m the offtcP or F srst asd c-lasses at thf" Gtrl tilt> hJ~h school and \\1U be opo>nt?d Scout house '"''rt> announced \\1th at 1·0(1 P M on that datt> in tht> Ml'6 R. L Ktoppen in chan:~' board room or tht> h1gh c~ool Lelfder \\ t'rt> urged to rt-port t ht>tr The board rf'M'rvt'S tht> nght to No,·embt>r calendar salt-S ordt•r rejt>ct an~ a nd all bids. as 11100n A'-possiblt> ULLIA=' 8 :TLER. Clt>rk • • • Publish Oct 25. ;\;o\ 1. 19ill Gtrls of Troop li. S('\'t>nfh grad£' in th ;\;e" port Hubor Ensu:n Scouts, art• hopln~t to rom piN<' lh(' bad gt> f'('<)Uirt>mtmts for First SOTICE TO BIDDER!' Class Rank thl year. In thss con- The Board of Trust~ of the nectlon. tht>y prepare-d an exhtbit ~~'POrt Ha rbor t;nlon H Ig h for the booth donated b~ :'\1 rs Har- School requc:> lJ bids for an irriga-old ... wanson. motht>r o! onE> of the tlon I}Stern for approximate 35 troop g1rls. a t the N>C~?nt Thea,. acrH consisting or 1320' 5" Tilt>· ur Oa)s a nd Lobster Bake Girls lock aluminum pipe, 1500' 3" T1te-of thJ troop aJso a i ted thl" Wo- lock aluminum pipet. together with man's C1v1c League in wart1n.g on 52 sprlnJders and all fillings. noa-tablt>S working toward their Com- zles, coupl rs. ,·ah·e~. plugs. etc.. munlt) Bs~e Those wbo ht-lped and a 15 H. P. t't'ntrifugal Jump wert' Meg Andrt"ws. Pa Arnott and motor capablf' or IUppJyin( 312 Bonnie Lynn. DiAna S.ndeN. M r~ gallon• pt>r minute, an accordanct' DudJe~. Laurit> Hendr1ckfl. Carol) n wi.th plan.11 and apt'dficatlona. Calli , Pt>'tg~· Bush, J udith Brown, Blda \\'ill pe r('()t-ive-d up to 12 Oori Backt> . nOon. ~0\'t'mber 19. fn lht' om~ jjlllillllilllllllll•llll!ll•lll••• of the high ehool and will bt' w••,• ..... OJ)('nf'd at 1·00 P f. on that date ~ In thf' bonrd room or tlw hl~h AU New 1951 Patterna IIChool Tht> board reurvr the rl~ht to r('j(-ct an} and all bid&. l.ILLIAN R 'TL£1t C'l rk I Publbh Oct ~. ·o\'. t , 1951 10 th ~""port liar r EMttn. c...t H•t'-••• N...... ...cto ·It~.· $v~. tO •·"'··• ,.., Womt'n oJ Pro Ame>f·Jea will ~· at 10 a. m . tOmorTUW, tFri-da> 1 at lht-Corooa dcl Mar Oml- m unuy Cht,u'cl) "'1\h Nol"''nao Mil· 1.-r of Balbott Wand. "ho 11 chair- man ot th Youn~t Rt-public:aos lor t.h 1 4th Dt trice H W\11 gh'1t' to h->lp pohucaJ t>f- locaJ J ' J. ~n• u.s 1\ '' ,lJ 'ou t.. a knock- ''ut tsu~ ~uut 'or '" '''" bl. a "a,tand-out' 1f 1 CO\ r' un•• •'I thP rw" T c.s nN .,.,.t ttroa t ... ·-• -of tht r.rioolm~ '' flo• and oh · so Plt't ~---,...,., bomc ~hn"n a· U'BRIE(\S \'•ulllmd th•m trr-mt•ndou_,~ bt .,_,~hmc m \\hit" or black "rth <."ardln.,J. blal'k \\"llh turquos e Tht> e al't> mt> or the nc•\\ t:'~ t. but C'UmP m and ef' O'BR IE:'\ " J)(>ll i~ t ntc-k - -• and 'k tr H"P o h,. .. Jn\ abl£ hnJ;!,•n t" )'II r ... -- -too fll i'l' ~ ·o h1dt:' \\'hl'l \\all; it that '~ftnt ctf 10 kno" Wh('n WI' Ctlf In 01.'\\ hat fa IITU· 1«-!l" \.\'I'll. ,,p·JJ tPll lllt ,,, ~ou that tnt·~ an> hf'rr> - - -bt><:'aus~ It l~>n't r.ur to k p ... ucr cunnrnl:! fashtons "" 1 hl" .-ha 1 t•xcu ~"' a '-('('1 pt --• • ~l•:"<"IA!I~ m ar ~tr• a "h••n• "e \\l'llf ft-" o. ti'1f tt•al ~mnE' t It h,•r 1 tom>. nl drc !.In~ art" tht• charmmc 't•h ,,,._ t 1 1 m rn E' d ,:IO\t>'-- --11 ~ou h~\l·n 1 .l't"n thc>m •or tl "'' rltdn 1 hn\t' ~·our 1'17~ •. C'l'nl• ,..oo• \\ h1h ",. hn,·• A OIC't ... .-t••:•sr tn SUGARCANE TNE NEWEST WOJtD IN fASNNHI SOON •• 0 SRifN 5 I hllh' to mM\tton thi" 'cau.lt' aft-t i n~ h<'r<' tn a b<oautiful ,hop win· dow • ('(>ms ,·en. tame. wh<>n 1 heer all )'OU people" talkin5: 1'\boUI )OUr tr1~ to Hawau and ~lt'XlCO and ~ llUI' crui ('S and vmt to Palm Sprm~ and otht"r r rt pea but \'('1m3 san \\t> <~houJd nwnU011 that \\'l' Al'f! aiN'ady J:t>t ttmt in sorrw lo' coh rt>Sor "t>ar 'tterty irn-c;l.ltibll" d and C:'\ wa a nd the) •~ ~eUy n~ ·t ~f"ar'~ Jt~ Is. bl'O\lght out Pt"Cl&ll~ '<'arb for ~·ou Pf'OPit> "~ 11:0 p l111 • Come J'l ~·them. 1tll OOAft BOm.Z\'AaD C'ORO~A DEL M ll RAJ-tw ... _L .. 1 Ptra t • no¥-· third m Eti1crn Conlt"' n<."l' ~tandin~ with t•-, •i ns and on clt1cat will mee-t aoaond plaCl" Rh .r&ide at p :tiL tOibh 10\l fFrida~ I at the oppoatel'lt.s• rteld. ll Pira tea caa win that me y'll also 1 0\W tJMo second platX> s lot in threoole~. SU Bernardino · lidl) in No. 1 tiPO( aflef' last ThursdaY e\~ nhtg'a etmq~l O\ pr Oran COa t 14-45 at Uunum:ton Hcacb. Just bdon-the hrst hall t>nded Indian End Walli n-tumed a punt 81 ~"'V'dl for th(> first toucbdo\\'1l. lJl the fourtb Quart.er San Bernar- dino maai? it 14-0 after Mims' P&S lD~Uun on thE' 33 halted th<> Plns t From t ht>n> ttw> Indian ~t 0. }-&rds In fhe pta~ . 1o t~ rrnal ~eoon& H(\\\-a.rd Mil· 1 r to to 0\ark~ mack. wbo ran 53 yards for tht> PiratE"S' onlY I~TI Yes! They're Unusual but NOTexpeMi.e Now 8 ttw +i- to ordw your ,aSONAUZED" CHl lsn.tAS CARDS DilEN MABGIIE'I'A linports. Nordic Gifts I 101· C:O.st Blvd. eon, ... d~ Me• He~· .J }Tl !-'ours •:JO to s~JO. Op... ~ ·SOlD for Loafer Socks in colored leathers Al.o meny other idees for Owitt..1 Gifts to ~e. NEEDLEPOINTER YARN SHOP llel~ c.-t Bh·d. eon-.. liar ~. •ith ~ UKM at 7:30 at Davidian Field. ~ Tan wUl clffinitely be un- dM-dop for this contst. followinc Last Fridar's 14-0 l to Orange in t he va opener. and Full rton' • 20 OOtlQU('5t of 1-funtinJ:too Beech. La8t )ear the Indians scalped ~ Tft'S 33 -0. !"~-port did wt-D on statiStics last Friday on th fog-shrouded Ora:n gridiron, barely trailing in net )·ards ._'&lned, 258 to 266. and in h1 t downs, 14 to l R. It looked Uke an earl} TO for Coach AI Irwin's lads a · they marched to the Oran~P 19 aftt>r J'tl('('i\ ing the opening kickoff. But 01-ange stopped th<' Tars. and then dt-o,·~ for 81 ~-al'ds for the first SC'OJ'e, maklnc the last 2 yards on a quarttorback m ak. In th~ ~­ cond quarter Orange intercepted Rollit> Pulaski's pass on the Harbor 37 and scored fi'-"4" pla}s later . And 1ht>J'<' wa the game, H -0. Rollie almo6t scored in final play of tbt' game but was caught from bt>hlnd on the Orangt> 28 aftt>r a ~~~ run. I The Oty Planninc Commission hu reatfirmed it& decision to re. commend R-2 acrin&-for Lots l to 11 in Tract· 1026" on the Corona del Mar bluff, and City Council Monday evening set No,·. 26 for further hearing. The lots in ques- tion ,re bet•·een the extensions or lfi.l and Larkspur avenues. · Rezoning !rom the present R-1 is rt'COIJU'lettdE-d on con~tion that the property owners slgn deed re- strictions stating they will build below Ocean Blvd. h~,·el, with ac- cess .from the road below. City En- cloeer Bert Webb Informed Coun- cil Monday t.>Venlng that the deed ·restrictions have been signed the understanding tbat the ratrie- tioll5 will remain in effect u long as there is no zoning chan£e on Jots on the other side of Ocean Bh'd. Tile seeood citizens' meeting to ~ the need for a new elemen- tary acbool will be held a t 7 :30 p. m. Monday at Horace Ensicn School. The five-man conunittee named at the Oct. 17 meetinc wU1 report on the needs and funds re. quired. All organlations in the dty are in\-ited to send a repre- sent& tive. W.u:nNG FOil DADDY 1bere'a a apecial reuon why Capt. Henry Grady Holmes wanta to hurTY horne from Korea to 609 t 1\tariiold Ave., Corona ~ Mar. The reason is now little Ron- ald Grady Holm8, born Saturday, Oct. 26, at St. Joseph Ha.pitaJ weighing 7 ~ pounds. Capt. Hobnel caJJed his wife from Japan, recently when he was there on rest leave (rom his helicopter squadron op. erating at the front. Pony Sherr& appearing a t VAUX' in IALIOA . . . . . . . . . e Cornple e dinners 'til midnite e Tel. HA 1314 Some of the beoautlea of the Ha· wa:Uan lalands havt' .been tranS· lated to \a by Glad.VI' (Mrs. Wil· Uam B.\ Tritt, who has just re· turned from a thtoet"·week jaunt ruw •itb all the sight seeing and advent~ -..ually attributed to the l&landl PLUS the entet'tain- m('nt thllt goes with a Shrines'S' tour on tbe Lurline. Beside Mr. and Mn. Tritt of Newport. the C. A. HertM-rt from act'O. Bay Avl'. in Newport and the Robert Parkers or Balboa were aboard. Mn~. Tritt said that the lsland or Hawaii was probably tfle ,most beautiful but it was bard to say what was more interesting. Inci· dentally, Bill Tritt won the first prize for th most authentic Ha· wailan dress (or was It undre !ill aboard the ship. • • • And then there was 10-year-old Wayne RJN'. who saw his father's furro" ed brow and all thl' floor pacing that occun~ at the time baby sl ter wa bom and said, "Gi>e, I used to want to get mar· rled and ha,·e three kids, but after seeing how fatht.-rs worry. I gue s l 'U stay lnglc> and a-aise pets." The new baby is Terry Let' Rice, bom Wedne day, O<:t. 3, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rice of 406 Hello- trope, Corona del Mar. She was 8 bi t: baby or 7 pound'!. 14 oune<> at birth. , • • • Among thl:' pc-oplt> you will want to m('('t are n<'W<'Omt>I'S Mr. and Mrs. Dlwid Duncan. 322 Onyx Aw!. Balboa J limd. Mr. Duncan is th<' author of the new book "Husbands and Wl\·<'s." The fam- ily consistiDJt of threE' girls. Emily, 10. Margaret. 8. and Miranda, 2, mel\ ed h<'re from Pacific Grove. CoStume Dance For Surfsiders Since the~ is no a~ment among local spooks to walt until Hallowe'en to makt> {heir ap- pearance. there will be some spe- cial hauntin' done this Sa turday night when the Surf&idc>rs Club puts on its annual rostume dance. A panel of judges will aele<:t the "'innen~ for th<' three cash prizes amounting to $50. The dance be- gins at 8:30 p. m. in the n~pJace room of the Bay Cl'-b. ltllelllltalb' a.nd NC:n!etioft tor bor Y'• llee'a Oult u 0 'nrsn; vtatu.& ndlftary p.I'IIOI\Ml i.a now Monte Qrlmee, IEfl 1 I -the 1n the plannlq stage wtth the Newport Chamber of O_...,.r~. eJection of olf~Cf!n lut ThUJ'IIday "icc chairman; A. B. CUIIMie of to heed tbe 1nwst1pting commit· West Newport ~! ~: tee. Repleeentatives from civic and IOdation treuUrer and -n. ,___,. IK'r\ice orpnlatlona named ROy ard Lopdon of Y'a Mennet~ tern· 0 . YouratoM of the Newport lfar. porary wefttary. Just a Little Tip from Santa : "1t'• time to Ol'der Christmas Carda!" cards by California Artists exclusively including: REX BRANDT JOAN BRANDT and others. BURT PROCTER PHIL DIKE "' -* * * THE WIDEST SELECTION THE MOST BEAUTIFUL CA~DS . - - -WE HAVE EVE~ HAD. TRADITIONAL . . ·'" MODERN .•.• A "'~ cc. orr~ . e nd •nclud inc; complete co' ection' oi EYVIND E:ARLE. TESSIER. the DESIGNERS end ILLUSTRATORS Boo~. end othe" of the AMERIC~N ARTISTS GROUP. PRICES? Very ReCDODabl.-. with your name imprinted for as little as:- 214 MAlliN£ AVE. lft per card JtcdhOcr Wand HA~ 1147 EE FOil l'OOaSI:IAI'! IAell at e.e .__.. ef fan•• ....... tep -•--tr ...... at • ,._ leeal ner t st. =roe .. ...-. wltll ...... ~ eli I..... YOO'U.. ftMD 110 VAUJE -• • ~! AM,_. ... • edra ._ ~ -t ...aot lie ,...,. away "'--...e: a bh•.,, __..rrt) fMIIIIc . . . a •· aere tMire t.. ,.__ . . . • ..._,. ~ert to •tWr ~"" wttlt e.., P•·, •• ~--_., Y ....... ,._ *If a ~~~e •n. l"'av~t ... ~WilEN YOU 81101' A.'l' ~~ s,-arM -Y..-() .tty M~ta el v.-.. J&r BRANDT'S Da"Aa'I'JIEN'I' Cllll.IJit&N'8 81101' STOllE Men's, Women's and Olildren'1 Wear Free Delivery 111 v...& ...... JlA. U41 <Jorolla w .. , IIM'8 BI:A.U'I'Y SALON Complete Beauty Service !1M v..t ~ .• IIA li'N v.r...w Mar IIID'nl PET UPPUI:8 AM 8po; .... 0.... Bicycle ~ -v.ut-....v..... ....... C1IEOWJir II.UIDWOE Patnta • Appllanc.w at v..t 8h«.. IIA 1n v.-..... Complete Infanta' and Children'a Wear 1116 v..t ....... c.-...... ILUIPTON'S IIA.IUIOa .. uos Prescriptions -· Coanetics 811 Voa•t • .._ IIA HIS v.r-....... Ba()OI[Df08 v A.aii:'I'Y 8'1'01&& Toys ··Boob··-Cards Stationery •. .., v..-..... JlA. ... v.r-.......