HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-11-08 - Newport Harbor Ensign-J 5toe. .............. POftAQJ: in 1 he big ad on Page 7 Pill Cor-. ~ Mar, c.at. Official Newspaper of rh~ Ci" of Newport 8eadl. Thursday. No.em.bet' •• 1151 Hari)Or 1114 and 1115 CORONA DEL MAR. CALIF. 5 Cents VoL 4--No. 13 Furt h~"r pro:t"l"'('"' t 0\\"Brd c•ndm'! \h(' <i:('Wll fll"O\•ram t8\('m8lC W8 I m ·ld•• la"t nicht as dirl>etol'l\ of ~aru tattnn l 'btri<'ts No 5 t Nl'w- t-ort•. '\o r. 1 Costa ~I· ...,, l and :'\u 11 1 H unllnt.!ton Bea ch 1 met at tht> C'clo;ta ~1 r·<.a San11ar~ Ptstnct nr- fl<'t'. P t'<'St nt W<'re Brad!'n F ill('h and ~Ia) 01 LM Isbf>ll of :-;f'\\,01"1 . \lam '\ .. l .. on and H('tnZ Kat cr of Co.,tx ~It ~:t. And \\'til~ \\'a mer, .lltl'k G• t r and \'Nnon J..an~Pn­ ht cok nf l hmtm~:tton A<'a<'h Distt i( 1 11 prop!> .. , d uml'nd- m.?nt<. "' thf' puN'ha"l" and bill<' j •• ~.,.,··em""' h<>twren th,. prt·<.c.>nt JO&nt (>urfall S<'W<'r and tht· 'lint- tatkln dio..trit't~. and 1 hl'S<' '1Ul"l:<'"~­ tiool \\ til hi-prl''-<'11 I I'd ttl I h• other dt ... trkH p.>thApc: at "'" \Ved f .. d.t:-, 's mf't tins.-1n :-an' A' Ana. Th· amn ldm•·nr-. " "u I d cJunil~ttlt' 1 h•· m.tltll n b j P c r i o n 1 ''<'U In Pi~o.trtl'! 11 (Jt'[llf1"! tl•• Pl'<'!'t 111 prn\i'iintr th:1t .T(r-.. (VIUit1 1 lk n•', .,,,, r~ll·n ~nd t"'f'4' ri\t tlll! o tiw l',.\1111' -\\ tJ "'' "•·r ,.., 'lt·tn rl thP !''""' ('' f',rnnt'' I>< cnmplrll•d u!'lfir·r t h. bonci 111 nt;r"'m 1 ... 1\~1 nl 'Ill''> ntrllan< \\3 ... tho • .('- quo •! to tlw mce11m. h{ ld in :-1ntn. Ann :'.lonrl<t ,. "''' nin~:. ealkd b) th•• 01·•nr:~-C'nunt) :--;l"\\.paJl('r Puhlbh~·,., A .O<'t tlwn with Su-1 pcni:,or W illis W urnrr as ~JX'Clal l gut"st. and mcmb<>rs of thf' nE>WI) n 8.111('d c;an iUttion ~mmiltf"e of t ht' A$0cia te-d Own i:M-1"'1 or C.om- mf't cr ,,,,.;ndin~ . • \ "' 1 rromis«" plan that could , , ~.300.000 sew('r program 1 was work<'<! out at thnt n r 1s the publisht>rs soucht ''' , , wfw Huntin~t~m S(>a!'h a!o11"" •• u. standin~ out.a~inst t he other AA.Nt a tlon district . Mr. War-1 n<>r !<mid he could not go alon~ ~ '•h thc original Bacon plan tundt'r which tht' bond" Wt'rt' ,·oted al- most thr,'<' ~t>ars al!ol because t hf' funds \H•rc no lottgt>r a dequate> I and it would not be good busin!'ss --------------, to go ~~~<'ad \\i th th<' chance t hat HoJ)('. art' bm:hl€.'r that acrec'- a parllally com~f't<'d proj(oct mt>nt c-an bt> r<'acht'd ~oon on th<' could rt>\'Prt to .JO. . No 1 problt>m of thi" Harbor Art'a Santa Ana C'tty Counolman J · ' · C . 1 he L M B 'd JOS rc>prc>sen tativt", and of nrang-t" ount~ --• . • <' rt (' · . . 1 st>\\'t'r flt'tlbl<'m And the pubhF>h • point~?d out tha t the mo_dtfted P an ~ .... of Oranc:c> Count\ at'<' d•• .. •·n- oHer t>d as an a lt<'m a ttve lo th€.' . f har" :'1( crN:hr orisnnal Raron plan '"'Ould be a 10~ 0 8 " ' costly m rstak<' in th<' long run be>-Tha t ::\1onday mC'<'IIO£ nf rub- caUSI' it did not pro1 ide for a df'-lishl'rs. \\ llh ~upcn1"0r ~\ 1lh~ qua te futur<' capacity Add itional I War·nrr ot Hur111n~::ron BPu< h ns rons1 ruction would be' r<"qui red in th<'tr ~'>{)('<'tal !:11<'"1 dtd a lnt nl J'l('r·haps 20 ''t>an;. w hen•as tht:' Ba-dear t hi' air. an"" C'rcd a lot "'f ron plan pNwidf>!l for the coun1;. 's QU!'!'tiom-t~nd OJX'nt•d th•· "a~ 10 I nN>ds for 50 vt>ars. a workabl<' solutll"'n ,,f .tht• ,,,.,,._ Ot~!i'l Arnaz It was at...f<'('d that 1ht> ~o. 1 mat" that h11s bt•,•n holdm s: lip th<' projN:I ;., the 'ffi-lnrh m arl n r d<'SPI'I'Rtf'l~ n('rdNl nutlall '''\11'1' "<'wer lint>. some 7.000 fe-et out t'o Th<' puhh.,~er .. \H•nr th<•n \\fth sea, as propo-;(.'(1 in th<' Bacon pla n. biO<ld tn 'hPtr <'C'IIt•t·ft\(' t>~ c• b~>­ And all w('re prett:t wt>ll asn'('<'d cause th<'~ "anlrd tt"' kmm "h~ t hat :-;n 2 in importanC<' was th(' on<' dt .. tn<'t alont• •ll~nt m,gron p . • trcatmt•nt p\ant. \\1thout which &ach. ol whtch \1r. \\ arn< I' 1" l revtew tht' S€.'\\t'r sy:-l!'m rould not bi' onr ol t}ll' dirt'Ch•r' • \\i\" bh'\('km~ to Be Star S<'d. ft.}f <;('\1!'1' rrocrnm \1 htl!' tho• >lht'l I p ..... Arn ' ltn .. "' I "'T h.~ ! u From tht'"" facts de,·e\op!"d al dt!'trirt. \Hrt 11tlhn..: to£" ahf''ld l 'm·Aml'nl'~n •nit •1•1•·tntton .. "·or kinJ.: mmpromi'1C' a me nd th«' T <'mf\\'1''> "'a~ cod pn•tl~ ,.,,,n rlur-hi' ttiC'\Istun 11 t1 m,,,.w ,,,, • ' JOS purchno;e and 1'81<' a gr{'(>mcnt ine t h<' ton).:. d iscus!'tcll1. and A'-all l tra. 11111 1:11· th• '' a•urPr! • 1 ••' to safrl>('unrd thC' im·Pslm ents of I tht• infCirmn·inn \\!h patr h<'d . to-tarnrr at tht• t'hr t"m_,., l'r 1 t• 11 t h<' districts. start out on t hl' basis 1!1'1 hl'r frtlm .~'<hAU' II\'P qU<'"IIon-11 11 n~ anm>uncqt 'h1-. "• '• 1\ I of the Raron plan. to bt> modified in£: b1 tht• pubh,h«'rs as onl1 R111 h \\'tl'm•.. 1• • ,,d. nt "' 'II• ns n(!>C'('Ssary Aft«'r thl' outfalJ and ne,,spapt•rmen rnn a. k quC"stiom; 1 ~{>l•n .. ortn\.; Hthtn• .... anrl I' .,f.'-· trl'atmC'n t plant ar<' complt-tf'rl. it tx-cnm<' appar<'lll thflt thr hord~ sinnal \\'nrn•·n·, 1'l11h TIM> \\"<'6t :'I:C'\\-port Impro,·emt n AL n went on rt'COrd at 1 c mrt'l- m~ 111 City HaU la..c: Fnda~ <>p- l>t."tn~ th• rl'mo\'al of the Pa <: Ellctric ~nr~ ann dl'pnt ·to t h \\",,,, :--;t>\\J)Ort art>A tw r"t't'n 3tl1h l'nin• of \!1 IM t ' .• 1Nl th• -.. • t1 ,lr 1 Rl\'t'r '-•"J'<;r' Sf·'l• "·•.. k ,. • \ Pf ~ t• ~ .. ·w ...... ~-,., nd th ,, ... th• rntir. • ., .,, · :--... t "' tw~ r I'd. ,. r~td<"ra ton nurt.r\ ru c."t I, c· \ ~ 1J~ ,. th~' th• J ·t·'C?n· Pf prc~pert~ tn and t.h<' plan , " •: '' • 1 .. • ,,. thl' ht>art of Ne-wport rould bfo th•• n•c•·•llh 1r.tp-• · •·•! t--..IO.•ll l'lo 1 •'<~ '• • c\r •·h·r" 1 \V--t Rhd ' :'\, '' pr-r•, .. o-"Ut d 1~11 · •hf:'ir pro- Ah"U' 7•• ,.,. -J•>tr • t\ ·t. 1 • 1l• p• rr.' " 111 ~ .. dn altr•'<l h' estab- fr nm c·.,, lt'l ·, f\ ''"' Hhd l '"'"c •J, Pl rt poll :-t.,rl 11.rd! tn Rnd TTI<•r; th:m 111 ,,. •anl<'ltll•m· tt •• •rr <'t•n.rnunrt~ a :! j;Uf:~l"'stPd !rom -t il ce-llon!' of tht' C'it1 ''E'rt' tha' PE mt.."hl mov<' out of ~Pw­ ,.,.,, • ., 1t·rl Thl' EJ Tor,, ~farinf' !'<' rt R<-ach mmp\1?1<'1) H 11 <1 • d-tho p.1radl' "htt'h .... ~ lt-d \lt mbf-r~ n( th~ lmpro,·em!'nt ,,,.,, i-·~ H 11l :md· pl't)('•·· rl<'<i tn .Ao..«l"o('t3hftn ai<:O c>xpr ~I'd OPJX'- Ih·• 1t' ht * ot B.tlhna f\ 'd T r., r• 11mn 1 ~ rrpnrted phn..~ for an in- '\ti "' •h· M~<tni1111inn< harl bt>f·11 du.<;rnal ana n<>ar tht> Balboe ·""'''-n' •1 tn thC' ,·nriniJ' t'W IJ.. Hnll Bh d junctton ";th Coact Hisrh- .... ult.!n•nlt .. h at th· ,mtnti ' ·~. ""'' It•• ,,h, ... ,. :t.llotlt 1:' l.i p n ''•' i-'' FT1("1nf't r Bl:>ot \\'ebb N'- • Jlutl rhn·rn 't ·11. 1 .. • • • d portNl or a '193'; UT\(')' by tlw ' .... ar, • ·111J1lt'h• rl 1 " bi'1d1 !'I"<' 1on board propo..<~- Tht to' 11 a .. 1U'1 con. ill! lo hi'•''' I Jn :'l -=:1 1 roon p rojN't to rhi'Ck '' m.~'"' h;•rl fl'r"••"•ll .,, I·''' :~ Pr"f'' ~or ,, \\' ... 1 :'\t \1.-port ~chf>!l 1•1 '1 ,. :'\, 1 11f', '' • r •t • \··. \'~t·•·-r-... ti•l"'' \lorcan Lo~·<'T} hn; fln f'lhC'int.. lld 'l"rl11 \\hi\ prf'• ONi naml'd tho• fOliO\\inC 11 .r ••. , 1; tlh• nt '• -'• ,, rnmt''• • •c i;,,,·~'lC!\11' tlw-po"· '' Ito • l•><'t '••rl .f • ~1 I ollrl ~thtJit\ •' -.lilt•, ('llllnt\ AnO 1'11\ 'II' \\ p) li lt of h '\I \I 111d I t~ f' , .1• t'r("o~H"on f'rt"'f'('!l,;l" !t;t\1 h•• r' t•hct• R·, n t"l P··a:• rm Ho raN' \ •· k \ .. ,j "t\••i ~ .. 1.1 a • f\rn11. ~-:t-rtn' l..R nwr And ;\le· o ('on~JnU('d (In Pas:r 1:'1 C'hllt I \lo.•:tllf"f whl'n il can lx>, dl.'tC'rmincd ~ow lt€.'a d<'d tt•nsonin.: nt :\1r Wnrnt>t' :\It• \rnAT. \\ h•> "ill "' h tu~ rnuc h of th(' proposed trunk h n<'s did hA\'l' S•'m" nwr·1t. alt.•r all. and prn~.;l1!'ll arrrw d tlo• .. "<'"' !lnrl "''I ran bt> romplC'ted with t~ fund that It "':'uld not b<' fiUn~ busi-th('nH'. 11 rll pia~ f11r tht• SA.tll I . ~P· 1-1~ pr1,ft-, .. •n 1 l!Plln~<"oc>fi Special Stars for Zonta Show th!'n N>m:llning. . nE'S." p!IH'III'· to~ nhead 11,th thl' m cht d.ttlCtnC tn )(' h€.'ld t' J'.lt I I 'lnd •··I• 1 ,,1nr , r to 1 ~ 1 n·1 • 1, ,,.,_ r:llt\ IIIII II'-• f tr If II ' f':t ml\''111 thcnir Monday t.'\·enin~t's m<'<'ltn~::. had pro.Jl'c·• under th<: prC' ent '."rms of of tht• C"hrL t ma~ Pr€.'1·1('" nt •I··· in~ .. ,n m 1f ,,1 th, 7 •t t 1 , '1rnt- hN'n pn<'C'drd by 11n ASSOCIII!<'d fh(' a..:H'<'IIlt'ni w1 th t h<' Jotnl. Out-Ht'nd•'""ll" R:tllroom in J'hlotlit , tl 111, ht rimr 1 • •i r., ,. •h r.l'll· l'hnmb<'t•).l or C'omm<'t'('(' mN'ttn2 fall "''"' I' hoard ThP s t tckll'l f)(-... nnd hio: wif!' Arn·~, I udll' he. I n 1\ c lth ,, F · i \ " lt\ ill lh<' R.Aibo:l R.A~ Club. \\~lh 1 "'"" th!' prnli. ion lhnt tf th<' ptn· &II f'lrl" ,,.."lllt'111 \l"itm ~ ' th• 1 ,... ~ r r.•sidl"llt Stan Ridcf<'rhof prf' td-1 jt'<'l IS ~li\rh'd and t'ould not llt' II.Hhc" \r.•a Th·'~ k··· •lotr rn~. rompl<'t•'d tht> o;f'wf'l' fa<"thttl'.., hoa•. Jlp<.J'U. ~ '\.~-f~,., Chrr-. C: \!' -----I would rr\ ••rt to I hi' 0\\11\'t'. hrp nnd at th•' h,, •1 :\th .. \'til:\ \hr::M Park Meeting Called OPf'ration of JO~. shpl' p, "': h''" u _:"1.,nd ·~ ,, l.:h' All or(tani7ation!l In the city ar(' I In th<' final minutt'!l of th<' m<'<'l· T\ '"''" l I .._,, \tru.LIII'~ C•"l••r \\ •1 n-qUE"'l('ld to <'nd a r<>pr<'~<'ntati\·c in\! 1\ llk<'IY compromr~<' was Tht' Ch!'t!-11"13' Pn:on t'" .,, 11o~· • he I' I•" to l h<' mt'Piim: of th<' C'f ty Pa rk. work f>d Nil. WhiCh w ould mskt> tt ul<'d fnr :'\01 30 Rnd o ... c 1 , .. t ~· \! , p, 1 1., , th· , 1,, 11,:1 RC'ach and n.t-c reaUon ('omml. slon pos.,1lJI<> for District 11 In 1:0 ~tlon.: fifth 1\1 be spono:orcd h) HI'\\ h. 1, .,1 ,.., ,, .. ntll'•--< 111 , 1" C• In Cit r Council chamb<'rs at 7:30 with Ut<' other distr icts---if thl' whrt'h II"!'S thr JII'O('('t?d~ ,,, ~>111'-c)f the• <1.-tnn• \\hwh •1, hc•t i··rl "' p m n<"Xt Wt'dnesday for a discUS· objectionable features of tht' JOS port a hlt:h sc hool tuc\('nl "'~" Hc n '\ r nn. \IC\' llrt'<.l(it I I IIi ,1'on '0r puk and recreation ~. sale agT'l't'ment are rt.'mO\'ro. fund, a cholaM~hip and nn r'h ·n· Zonta an •'t~'"'"!\' em for , ,,'("\1- The ~ 18 ~king the • • • si\(' wt>lfaN> pro~am. Tht> ·club th·~ women rtt. t Th<'lm~ Pad- public's v1ew1 ln formulafinC de-Hf!re'a a date to mark on yo~r I has ~ntl)' pledged $1,250 to th(' dock H o,.... It< d~i'"'in<> mort> <k>-taUa of the muter plan of park caleftdar: Frltt.y, Jan. 18. That s Hoag Menorfal Hospital for a .-,.... ,.. deoftlopnent. (0..._. • ..._ 2) "Uvtng rMmoriaJ." corations and table adorT\meont$ to Pr~>~d<'n' Jh'lt'n ~~ '<'l<•on a n- 'tC'IIIOC.'d th:11 rf'o..rn .. ttc ·'1" ;1ro" ~-.m- 101! tn np1dh 1nd .1nr••1mr~ th1t • hlp .. to· ...,,, ~·, hc>inc lr- tanc ... i n'Ordtnc • tho ••li.il'ttnJ!' " f· , ... ~t l .. ,. fttr- • , ,MALONE H. HOLMES GENERAL INSU RANCE a t the John Vogel Co. llOr Coest Blvd .. Carone del Mer, ONLY 6 WEEKS TO ••• CIIIISTIAS • • TIT ·TO Tml SUIGESTIGIS nx T()Y~ S\\'1-.ATER~ DOLL CLOTI IF..S CARRIAGE R< IRES CHRl~jAS STO\.. ~11'\GS EXISTING HOMES OUR SPECIALTY Any Heatin9 Problem Solved Personali-~ed L•noice •• , llutllc c.. 910 list St. NEWPORT lEACH .rust mad~.• fo1 Stillth• rn Cnhtw • ni.l t•llmatp Kr<' t tw lull lt•n~.;th flanm•l rotw m h<'auufuJ oft La· nl'll.1, a .. ol t tmpnrtPd ;-..,, ,,, Ia biii' that , ... both <.Rnlm izPd and moth· fliOIIfM . . :)(I' r \\Ot-..11\d \\O(n and ')II' N•l Inn . . and '' .tsh.'lhh·' La~l ~··ar's la,ont~. thr \I.'IH·t~ lla nnr-1-\ I' I' r ol)f·-. art> nlso l);)<'k in <'' o•n pt·t•t llt'l rolors and >f'r~ ciPH't' sl\ )f•c; Comt' in a nd look lh<m OH~I'. Local Police Officer Wed ~ •. ,, JM.lrt Pohc-t.• Offic.'(>r Alll•n lA.IIl~ Johnson nf 612 1 ~ W Balboa n h d . Ralboa. nnd :.!i"-Donna h uw D:l\ uisun of Fullerton w<>rl' unlt<>d 111 maltut~e at i .3ll p. m '.1onda), Uct _J9 at ~~ John' I uth,•r<~.n Church m <Jrnn~t>. R,., \\ · C (',.. • .,ch r<'tl d t he Cl'rt mon' . :'\1 1 .. llarr~ Jasper. wifl• or' an- n! ht•t :'\t>wport pollee urriet'r. was bl'id <>mJ 1d. Police OlfiCPr ME> riP t :H•ry\\ b~>r•· "'" took wt> w.• COt' M'rHod ht& fc>llow polic('ITlan as C'r•'*•ndo ~IO\ f'8 --• oe blll-best man. U hers wPrc Offiet'rs boud11, I~J thc-fu hioo mapitlnt'~r I Bob Atkinson, Rogt>J' Neth and a.nd In the-bl~t Mty a ds. Bat tht> Ralph HPrr. nlet>t~t thln~ a bout r...-.do Mrs. Oudlt>y Ellt>r of Balboa lfloH'" a rf' thf' commt>at!l from Island was tht> maid of honor, and thP pt•opl•• who own thPm . ThPy Palt} Bro\\'n o f Co ta M ('Sa served sa~· It I~ tru .. that thP 8pt'C'bll a s flowl•r t:irl The brldt> wal- fabrlc-UN>d tw><-onu"'' IO\ t>llt>r \\1th ~" <'n lt\\ a~ by her Slf>p-fa t her. \\at.,.hln~. Thr~ M~· It'<~ ha rd t u Paul Oamit<'l ol Fullc>rton <'hoo~ amon~t thf' "'Y'"" . . . The youn~: muplt> "iiJ makr both tbe lon~or and 11h ort a:hn-1'« lhPir horn<> at th<' Balhoa addr<''s llrl' prf't'iOU'~ tookinJ:. Thf'~' 'Ill~ I lhl' nPw color .. ""' lu-wlou-. .. , POHLE\''-' 0~ \'A('ATIOX (lind O'BfUt..::\·~ h rl\f' n ''1d•• Thtt Pnchanlmcnts uf Canada ,.f'ff't•tlnn ). \\<'It' observc>d fly :\11·. and Mr~. ~UI Ma rlnt> &lboa bla Dd J•flnnt>: IL\rbor 10 Mede to order in our own sllop Any width. eny le-ngth, eny color -Complete. With cornice boae• if desored. BAMBOO SHADES MATCH STICK Ou1' de and ln,ide. Peel Bemboo in ,.ide rant• of sites • ........ T•tllwaliic I 1>21> S. Me in Kl 2-3S4S SANTA ANA· LAGUNA MAP'lE SHOP', 790 Co.st Bl .. d. ANOTHER NEW SHOP IN THE ARCADE -- 33 £~1{L'~ ·-1764 S. Main, Santa Ana Next to SEARS Years in Downtown Los Angeles Now Located in the lEW IICIIE SliPS PARK- NEXT TO SEARS SANTA ANA .....---.....:.MODERN EYE EXAMINATIONS:--- SAME FAMOUS LOW PRICES \\'ith !IOmo l'nv'ml>l""" ,, .. , .. _ Fn>d Poolf'y . 620 A\ll<'8do A \(', H 10 ' ' " .. " C r )On d •I "1 h h · 1 our~ e.m. to 5 p.m. r'OIIl' ul Jo·\\r·lr~ jo; as JmJ)()rlant a" u 1 • ' •• nr." 0 8'<' JUS rc•· c·o~PI .'"'TL' rhc dH''·' or 'Uit ltS<•If ht·c-dU'-• .1 tum('() from an t'Xlcndcd mntnr ... a:.. ,.. l'honl' Kl !l·IIS'.!'.! cllAn~.t· nl !lt t•o '":-otii'IP!< ran mA kP lnp \ 11'\\ 10~ I hf' na LU11ll b<'aUII<''-1 t;l'ESICoiiT ['or t;H•nln:: all tlw diffl·t'o'n<'t.' 10 I hi' world as or l ht• nortn<'rn nt>l~hboring coun-~u;n\ ICE A(•poln tm~>nt-. llundi'Mt" or r.:''""' ~~~ h· Jo'ranw s tu \\hPJ~' ~uu \\ill w t·ar the C'O'>· tr~. The) Wl'l'f' gOn<' lot m•all~ I Fr .. Periling in Rter 111mP ~nnmtltr\\h~~ ,0 u \\Par ~t~\\~V~m~o~n~t~~~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tl ~nu \\JII nn t fc-•·1 drf~~..-d this 1 --- !;Pilson w .it houl HCCI'nl' !lf j('\\ rlr,\ ·I It '~ hard to d <•sC'rihc thP \'ar-icth or bPauttful pi<'<'cs ~ uu'll find <lt (fllRIE:'\'S J<'wclr)-d1·partmrnt Tht') ~<a~ Christmas w ill be n I jt'wf'll<'d lwliday thts yNtr so com<' and s tart lookinc. -. ~:• • .. • '/ I '-· _· ~ I &II OOA.lft' IMK7LI£Y AaD COilONA DICL 11M ' liAr'-- IUY liD y INSURANCE For .Ever7 Need ISLAND REALTY CO. .llai'W)' D . .,._ HARBOR m-w Park at .\pte, Balboa blud "BE SURE -INSURE" with Maurie Stanley Insurance Counsellor HARBOR 1776 225 Marine Ave., Balboa talDd W. Stuart Foote INSURANCE 2117 W. Balboa Blvd. Newport Beach, Callf. Phone: HArbor 24 F'oUowing awanh were! pre- lt'nted at tlle Court of Honor ror T ·n HatboT ~ c:hUJ"<:hmP.n th Harbor Di ·trkr BQ~ Scouts jouriK")t'd ro Full rton last "~k Monda~· (>\ eninJC (Jf last Wl k at to RC'\', Thomas Roy Pendt>JJ of th<> ~ewport Grammar School · 0\rut Church by t.bP • o!floally Llf award: Hal'rl Lowco. Troop6. reUnqui h the mens u president Star award : Jack Whitf', Troop of tM-~ County Council of 80: John Isley and Tom Dial. Prot~ant ChUJ'Ches to tb R.e\. Troop 6: 0an'('IJ Gftins, Troop 17. Alec ~icbols. p&s1or of the Fina' F irSl cl~: Bruer Lucas. Troop Methodist Churdl of Santa Ana Rr'. Rob C'll!'~. Dick C'raig. Tmr>p .Mr. PAndPU ha n'E'd 11 flt""" • 17. &nt or the ff'1k>raho.n for the paq • l'O 111 da · J•H'\ &oll Oa· ~ ar. 1 'sd Gifford, T1 oop 5: iJuan ~n-ThE-body or ehurchm!'Jl n pl"f'· fckO<•, Kf'irh Ta~ lor. Da'c !\llddl<'-'f'nttn~ vnt'aruz<'d Prot . tan1t .. m ton, f~an ~ J-fi(>IJ. 'P.uiJsn ~m1th. m the C'flUnt~ \I.Ml1 unammou.l~ 11n Mikf' Mjddlt"'un. Tr-oc•p 6; R<Jbt>rt 1 rf'Nll<.l oppositu.• t1ll t>~tablh>tum: of ViiJ tt'rana, W~tltet Howald. Ron-an ~dor at tl'l(' \ attcan nie Keeler. John Jurgensen. Gor-Sim1lar action "as tak('n ronet>m· don Dixon, Troop li !Ill( ttl(> 4'ntry of J~ahzro ~mblml..' ~krlt h~d~cs II• rb P PIT}. ~t'ike-4-mto Oran~ County. Woodland. Troup 5; Rol'ald Caso~ I J Tho al\Pndin1t fmm Uarbt 1 Tn"'P 6 Chari• ... 'lark• G<oc1r~~> churc'hf' 1ncJudl'd Rc·\ Jo 1•h ~1 Hood. TruoJJ f. J R ,,,. n \' lit· 'han~> ~,,. and _:\Jr "'· Gl<'n flc·~ I• L;l'ann, :\tlkP I • l'k•l J;..t. ("unnu • P.ru<'f' Ru~),.<. \tr 11nd "" A r· If ~ ou mf't anotht>r Or- a_os.:,. Coum~ rc ""dt>nt rn =--~' York <:it~ "'-'rnt'! morni . on ... f ) •Hu hn.t q 1i<•ns murht be ·\\'hum d \OU know I rum .:'\ t "" p .. n Harbor!" Chane(> a.t• 1'' rn on he \\OUld an- P • r '\\'h~ Ham. Wtolch, lt•r ''l"'l !" Tht" .., br-<'fl H<irn is jt~ .. , aboul the ~~ "-·~­ .. ma II\ Cltr.H'Tl ar :'\ewport 8< liC'll, llnd II \1. ;a .. a [.tlf11 Un' 1o • hJm m t ht• JllaC't' of ll(·n~•l Ia~· :::, H 1nt" ~ .:-nmd :nttr hal •I 1.;r At b.1~ r '•' P.:,tla-1(> \\'hf·n th~e' hr ·, 3'K•-d H n 1' ., 1 '' (~uld ar-(Xtr•' l<> ,. .. ,t \ptr.al n at.·· uon · r '"· F u dtm't w1tnt IlK' Ln' a ... k <•I•t> <1f our E' T fll•• ~tann• ' 01 a ph>ms-• ''ll• n "' • •ntn$;t <. ,omn t ~ l..ot • • •., • do\• 1 T l ,., !I ~.. b• I k If \RU\' \\ ELC'IJ I ham TrootJ 1'7 thur ).h iJPr. \h El if' ='••wland ~. n.ief' pin~ <~1>. ,,.,u., Don ~1 r" 'lma h••<~. )fr-. p, nd· 1\ and ;===~!!l!!j~~~~~===: ~f<'ffr>nSln, Troop 17 lhrf'1 ~f!IH'io ~~" Pauhn .. Conk-} C'I'O& \\ . If' Ku I• 1 • Buh C3lli . Dh:k C'rat • B1•hlm 1J11 hi Tronp li ('fU RCrt C,t U.O TO ~Et:T Dr. ]. H. McCloskey 1\\u ,. ,,. lh rt>--, J'''''· P~·b f'hurc·h ,.;:rnnol Guild'' •h• c. CHIROPRACTOR Gl'aham L<UI') Pnlhud. ·.u,-,;u .. l'ltnil dtl 'hu c..nlmuml\ n Ill ~ omce Hours: 10 to 5 llf:'tn Ill' I , T I'OIIfl -, Char!;-.. Fl 'I \\Ill mM .,, 7 :\I p m )Jo rd I Wednesday and Sunday f'"h'lrlo., \1arktll. (j F rn• <:.1 ~hn-<il tho• hunt•• 111 )]! .. ,_., Ill• •I 11 •'•' 703 ~ E. Balboa Blvd. 11<'\ .J.wk \\'hlft•. l~.,, (;,fl•''· Ron-fi1f• l;.rk'fJIII .-\\(' Corous •l•l <downstalrs) niP :'\'f'\\lin, r.r·mp Jf()(>d: Tlof'IJI ~far Th• PT"C'%:!':'lm 'Mil tw \1 • Balboa HArbo 3000-J . .luhn Bltlllllll.! /'Ilk• Orl .. kd Car I \\'al-l•·<'k (Jt• ,.., ltlnJ.: ~ l~<•ok Opposite Mlniat~ 0:11 Course Rml C:1ld•·rhP11d. 11 ('}( Pl<'.:• r J 1n 1 P\ it" • :\11"1"11 ,,, \tt, "' • I•\ Lmdl'l·l·n 1Ja11 1 II (,"'"'-Rob Cun-Trttman f)Ouda... end '•h.. \\'1 • o nlm:ham. TH,u(l 17. n1w ''·ur li:un 1 ~-J•, rt ..... n f'I•'S4'n'u' • , ~ ... k F1d \\ uul" ,,. 1 h. IJ,oh ,\\l~r B<•h I',., J• \\ •10 \\ ~om,·n ,f t b r.thl,. AUTHUR MURRAY'S 411 COAST BLVD. Corona del, Mar Open 10 to 10 For free dance analysla Call HAI'bor 1925 tC E. \t. t.:!'i T. \ Tt; Fitzmorr is R~alty Co. Rl•tt l EstOif' & nu.. .. mP~ ... HI okf"rs NOTARY Pl'BLIC \Ve m •11 n1a111 a ""' uf qul\h· fr<'d buyE>rs. Add ~our name and \I.Un ts tn ronfidPnct?, o{ COUTS<'. R13 C~st Bl\d. Corona dt?l )t ar HArbor 2152 S U.\'ER PlATL'tiG Silver Platers And SIJVftWDIO. Rep&lr\ng -Refinlahlnl Replatlng Gold -SUver • Copper -8rua Ne-ar Community Church 1914 Harbor Blvd., Cocta K8a &eCOil 5113 lltJ810 -. Margaret L. Scharle Teacher of Piano Organl.s t -Acoompanlst Evenlnf C1U8ft for dulb 307 GOLDENROD AVE. Corona de.l Mar VOICE Vera Williams Member of M. T. A.. Teacher of PlANO and VOICE Special TrainJng Cor children. 313~ Marine Ave. Balboa I.sland PiiiSIOIAN8-8UKOi5058 Lawrence K. GuncU:;um. M.D. 174.1 Superior Ave., Colta Mae Pr-actice Umlted to Diseaaes of the Ear, Noee and Throat and All61)' Offlce Hours: by .tmlntnwnt BEacon 6508 or bor 1038 Day or Night Phone HArbor 1138 n.JNF..RAI .. DIJh.A''AVK Baltz Mortuary Cha.,.l by the .... HARBOR42 Corona del Mar. Callfonda Ample Off-S~t ParktDa NO'I'ARY t'UBLIO • N otary Public at the Newport Hal'bor Ensign HArbor 1114 11().1 Con t BouJe\.ard Corona del Mo.r GatdnPr, Bob Ha\H•IIh Wa1d I Pricl' )1ikr \\'oodl,tnd. Jnhn l.k~r\ • LfG4L fi!OTIC£ • Bruc~>':'-.'ott l'lobbw ::'\"" I.J nd I . '>OT~CE Of ftt...\RJ~c. I TH"'I' ~~. Tf}m Raum• \\'altl'l Ho-:'\1•'!'''' I . ht·'"•·h~· l:J\• n ·t ,, ., ' wald. IJu:k \\'• ''"· Gm rlnn t11vm Pl~nnm ( flmrnl'-"1110 ••I tt,. 1'1 ~ Troop } j • 01 '•'\\'f'tl I [! idl \nil h11Jd 1 plJh· ! llr 1...-.. t,r f'·•k11 ,·, .. rhatrm<on lw h:•:tnn~ nn •h· apr!l"-alt'•'l •! ror lh··. ,,,, IR \\ \\I illl' ' • \ Ul f1• '· 1...-.1 ~ nl••"k ' ...,,.,.,lun :! H01H •• bland. •I n .\p.•lt I l \\t • Ball .... ,t;fo.t '\f, \'IIIUC \ tlf<'T J-;Jmdl '" 1llo\\ A \Hl ~nrl .,1,. Ju 1 ln ·k flo'Tl 1 ,.,,,..,.; Ctltrnll~ half ffl4•' "''""""' "". r.1 tntl nl flo '' thou "tllfl m11t , .. llpt\rtm•n· \11, ,\no II li tnlllf' u( ";'tJ-1 1: ,:\niH-. 1" ,,,1 11\ Jtuolor 1 ,• I Ht·ltotlrnp•· .\\• ('lllttllll dd \1ar th1\1 :'aid ht•.1111 _·\\Ill tk• d ~~~.. fiarnblo tn rl 1 ! n • n•J limn 1 t hr I :'it h da~ 1•1 :-. ,, o•ml r ]11\} 11' I fA,.. ,\n.:Pit•!-d,.,,, •' all tho• \\3,Y tlu hnur "' 1 311 p \1 111 lh<' c-.. ,11\. l.tkrn•• turn. 111 rt.• \lht·d Tht> ,., \haml:l'r; of •ho• C 11, JIRII l\\n o\llnlO n <:.!l}ppt filii m..t':l,~ ~<'f'nic :'\o•\\ pol I [~ H'h Cahtnnu•. 111 I ~Ia<"• ~ t hr<'u;hout I h• \ n 1 1 •' d \\ htrh lim" and (I!". tn~ and nil stal,.. 1nrl c t<u;,d 1 P''' •. , ... '"'' r• ... 1o><1 m~t~ tpflt 'll <~'1•l I 1)1• tu ;u·d I h• ·1 ~'<!II 't':\('t.t;• HIRt."~ lltM RAi) \" Corot liJ't "fC'J• 1 ,, ~l';nl<'' 0. f'h1mb.•r, 1-1 LJC.1u 'F\\'PORT BE \\H CTf\' ::'\nrrl I ui11 1-..lo. "I'-""' 1 tho PI A. 'Xl='G Ct I)I'II:--'1< ' I I I I 18 llrant:<> Cnunl\ nwn induct,.d PuhJ '" ::'\ ' Fo JQ:i\ lntu thf' 11rm\ ,11 f·r I hd ll'J'' n•h Ill ltlt' "'\• \\f•or l Jli1t hn En''-" U~AL N01'1C5 Xn. A !MOO ~OTICE Ot' tr:t: \Rl,"(, Ol' PF'r T J f H'' Jo•o n I'ROR \Tt; Ot' \\ rt.L \SI> FOH LETTER'" TI:"'T \~t;'\Too\1(\'. ln t h•· ~UJJt•rlflr ('ourt of t ht> '"'a tl' 11( CuJifnrnla ln a nd fnr lht' CoUIIt~· or Ora.B(I' Ill th,. ~l.tll•·r of lh•• Ectntf• M !i'T \:'\'t • .t:\ 1.\'0'\"-DM'~t-d :'\'otic. 1' I • r b\ ciH n 1h 11 th• P<'litinn nf n ARA T LYCI:'-.'" f01 thP ptnb:.t 0f' of he \\'JJJ Of thf' ,..,,." • nunll tl tf, •·•·d• nt und for 1!w 1""11 ~• co 111 I" l't 1· ... Tr·,t1mf'Jll3f\ to th, ,,. 'I'"' ' t\ 111 111 h••·trd 11 10 r•'l'lo~t 1.. \ \I 1111 'X1)\o•mbl'l' :?~ 19:1 I 111 II •' t•mnt rnom 1\f !)(>part- mt•n• I "' 'h• -"ut~< r1o1 C••u1 1 nl I hi' ~ltlt of 1 'tfilortW\ tn 11 d lnr th" C'utntl\ nl I lruncf' 11:11•• ,,\ o•rnll ·r ti. IH'H R 1 ..: \J !T' I ( '•llll I\ t 'I• I k P \lbli"h ,,.. 1-,-,. ti, t9:>1 i n 1 h•' '• •\ ~ • •II ~' " hnt 1-"n-.wn '\OTJ( t .. Ul' ltt.-\IU-'f• 'nltN• 1"' hi'Jt·b\ en •'II II 11 • h•· P lanmns: Com~<.u•n ot lht Cit\ of Xt'\\ purl l',.•at•h \\1il hold ., puti- lic' hParinc-om th~> appli(':lllnn n• :::: L Bur~t"' for a \'aria nee on l..of \ Rlock 1 "'\ "" pon 81"-'lr,_, Tt ,,., 1 HI \\' 1 ~an Front :'\'pr Bel 1 In all"'' a )>P\t•ntp, n an\)! ''ll'l:tn<'f' in tht• front )ard t>tba.ek d" 111 aC'COI danc-e "11 h ::-• rllr•n !l1111 :l7 In Orrlmanr, 1;.1\ :'\niH• IS r ·rt>b\ 'U l!t fl t hut :.c.tld J ... u tnl! '"" b.• hold .m lht> 1:-llh da~ of ::'I:O\t'mber. 19M. at lhf' hnur nf ";' 10 P \1 10 lh• ( 'n111" C'rl Chmlb!',... nl tho• (II\ H ull. ;\' (•\\ 1)(•1 I Bt H'll Ca h ( nrru \ 'I' wh1rh llmr> 1Tld pi.H·, .HI~ ::~nd ,, 'I pt·ro;nn<; llll<'l''"'''d m;;~ app. 'II 11111 lw h•·ard t ho '' n Rr~~ Y. Ctl!)('hn N cro 1 tf\ ;\. U \"PrlRT IH·.ACH CITY PI.\;\.' lXI. cn~t,ll:-':o'll '' Pubh ·h ='m '<. I •1;; l m tho ="""f'nrt llnrbor En~i::n I AAM .. 0.. OWtti i'M &Aa•at Dflft.A Y 011 -PACRC C-OAST • "'-"-' ....... c--. ..,..,......,.._.. a ............... ...~ ... HOUSf I GAIOEN .... c........., .. ......._. Op.n Sunday from 10 e. m. +o 4 p. m. whm you dry clothes tlectrically! THRBATI!NlNG WEATHER can't threaten a bitch in ,OW wuhday ICheduk WMD you have ao el«trtc au('()Q)Ilcic clothes dryer. Yoo caD be tuft you'U gee your laundry out oo time, aod with ~ greatest of eue. l.odocx d.tying does away with the o~ ol fisbtinB wi.nd and W.o to ~ your clothes bung up -and ~·s ~ a doubt about ~ ti.mt it takes them tO dty. When you put rbem 1.0 an dearie <lrytt. roa UJe accurate, uoiform heM wbicb does cbr job cboroapa,, tw01 oar dotbes that are dean. toft IDd eu!y. lD fair or StOnDY wCMber ,ou'll ... tip dlroueb ........,, wida an d«ttic dryer oo ~job! LAST WORD ON DRYING : of COI«SI-iJ's e/.eclm! SEE YOLI R DEALER N O '\t' SOUTHERN CALIFORNI A EDISON COMPANY . • M009N e"'f FU.NITUitE e OltAPES e WAll · fiAnttS e LAMPS e ROO. COVEIINGS. HOl'l' a G.UlDDf 61 I Coerl Hwy., Newpon, IE 57'71 o.-~--s.... 10-.-· ...... Loll« Dl tan c-fl Lnoa1 t..~RGE OR SMAl.L l OB G f\'E~ 'UXE ABE ••• 11nd io-Tnn \GE ··n·(l' MuH• \\1th thf' World" \(iE."T~ t-on LYOS. 1966 Harbor Blvd. ta llt"<i.'l RE:l<'OD 6 27 or l!l!·M Mi l meograp •.. ~g A cid r es~1ng F o~Q . ..-;q ~~c.l::-:g • • w•u help you pr•p•r• yov• ltyoui too! • G \'O itl• ,. ""\'-DOlt. a•tant'!lt Concert Tonight •"lllttll ' ... r , .......... k""'"' ,.\ IWC'·\t II J'dU't n II' l'•rt •: ,,. L; .r. 111 l' I_ ''' n "' 1 t••r joll\1 d th•· l'rtll'fi :-.• '''"Arm~ at d '1"'11\ 1\'" \ 'I '-Ill llltht'l~\ '-• 1"\ II • it'· ·'' ,,·ri t •!, •t_na (..''!'' '-J~>•l'IAI • ,, ,,.,, .... &n i nultt..1n u.t• lho:•·ncf' : 1 In 1~•4 t t., a ,Umt•d hi' pr1•l• . • II I' tl l 31td' \lith I \\tlJld l•llll • 81 ·1 \\ "~' un. ••• th• to·\\ Arl• r.•·•n • .. 1 '" Ill\ ilt·d '" 11-11 'll'IJI<tll Ill • q, f",,,,,, pl 11II'ti!J l ,, 'Jm· IJ • J I Ul Ht.:: 'ill' 1 ·f"· in '' '''I It • P'''''OI•d tht \\ • lei P l•rToll'l' "' :I n. h B trlt~k'' ~·tr~nn ('111ll'l no :"II ,{ '' .1 h · t •w P ltla<it>lpiT'I lin r,. ,.., r 1 • llli.;, 1 1 t , dl' ,., 'tr n <•I f.uo:tl.• < 11 CREDIT BUREau · n nd. It. h11' 3 '' ••PJ .. ~a•• d "''' • t h• '\.' Ynll{ Phllh·t•'l•'ltr .:'·.n-· I fi''I'OIIIl HA IIIG at·~,LE A ba boy of 8 pouuds 13 oWK.'t"S was bom S.turda na!rllt. ~O\. 3, to Mr. a.nd ~Irs William . Polr· llt'r, 1406 St.•ll\le\\ AH'. Corona d~J . Mrs. Lorrain~ Amt> • ~xecuti'' Mar. Th bab'. "ho 1 numC'd 41J'('(.'tOr or ~anta Ana Gt.rl _Scout Stt>phl'n M.i<'hacl. ha t\\'0 (;'\. of Council, told of hf'r experae>nC<' j:T'8ndpaa··•nh 111 10,.,n, ~lr. and :tt lnt<'matlonaJ Girl Scout. Camp ~~.. 1:1n11 1 p01r111 u1 612 Ja • at Wtnd M ountB.Ul, \~ashingtont mm An•. and ~1r and M rs \\'al· o.t thl' first fat~ mN>Itnl! of th liam ~1t>al<'\' of :'Hil t..a1 ~pur A\ N(>wpott G1rl. Stout N soclat100 ~bo~th~o~f~~o~·aio:na~d~c.>~l~M~a~r~. ~~~~=:;:;;;;::::;; lw}d l'arliN' this month. lrs. Am<' wa.s a unit rouau;elor at th<' camp located n at thf! Columbaa Rl\"l'r. and Shf! told or lhf.' dlflerent I) JX'S or Girl Srouts "ho attt'nded • • • ~o:arls from Alaska. Ba-a11l. 1...81\ Ia. 1 C'olombla and all part:. of the l 'nltcd Stah.'" A report b) ~h-' E' t>ren !'u· nan. Gul ~cout commissionc.•r. !>.lated that ·ummt>r Day Camp tor l\ewpo1 t J laJ bo1 and La~una wa well attC'ndt>d and that th" 'ttrin<'r Camp at C'atahna as \\t.'ll II., <lthl't l'q bti.hl"d ~('oUt C'amp' "' t h<' ml•Un tains dll'\\ n numb\•!' ot local ~arl. . R1 ports from tht• A' uciatwn ntf1N'~ 'tr.. Raymond H'ln < ~ 11 d )11., Rub.. n ..\II• n \\l r... l'l\' n 1 tl a ,..qmrn':lr~ uf 'lt'll\'11~ dUI· I .: I Ill' ~llllii"WI rt'\ t',llt•rl t hi\ 1 :\ti I n. IJ" •lll'lll Ll loH)Il I td U!-l'd I lot• • ,.,, pna 1 Gill !:'c. our H oUH' It•• ·I •I 111. '' • kt·nd... and "' •·r .• d:. \ dUJtn • t 1 • 'umm••• h1an!!1r..: alw 'l•t·-tl (!( "'"' t•• :lOll und adult~ l t 1 \h·mbt l ~ ul lht• \\'md )lOWll,un lntt rnat1• n:tl Camp \\}lll \\Hl' .:u•·''' ''' Bua b.ir.k l\lUnl'll cdmt• IPI tlt• d~l\ tn tl .t• :-;n.>Ut Hou"'•' Hlri '''" 1 ;I of th ·m had till II' ru·q '".'"' '" tht Pa<.'lll<· liCt an F'lll\ ·"'" n ~Ill!>. I rom I I \'I' t h11 d _tad•· · lhlOJ'" tcK>k 1~11 : 111 Hnl· ...... t 'tl I• ,1•\llj('~ on 1 !H-l:'i:'o Jill'• cl'dm~: 1 h• hohda\ Gobhn, lnd pumpkm.... dt'C<II a·r,·d 1 ht-" llh·: folk dam•tnl.! and camt· l'lhm~; w11h a ppn•JHiult• rt>lr£' hnwn1' mad•· h.H an • '''"n~ alt<'nwon FIR~T R.\K\' ARRl\ E~ ThE' m·" hlllt• Jnl~ at th•• F1,v t<'d hou ..... il*' 1 ~ Acac-aa A\ •' .. Cn· I o •na tlt•l \Jar. I"' r.l C' \.•01 don r•·arl~ tuur \\tt•k..., od Thf' nt·\\ hah~ 1~ Ill '4ln of 'h and :\It C ·rdon Fnt..t('(i lit \\3'-born at "'l .ln<,tph Hl,....plt<tl =:;arulda) tkt 13 '' · u:hln~ ti pc.lund-.. l I ounc• .. .Jol ~' t .< . n ot-.._.: R 11£:r1 \\'t>J,.h. ., Ill nt \1 1111ll 8 . Cu.R. SPECIAL lft95 • 1 I 1 ~ II • :-. •llllll:\ I ""~ mphnn~ 204 Jtivt~sid• Avt. 11 I I.,, n B<i•• (~tt!JJnlbl:l \l•t''fl· • Newport s .. ,._ B&,on 5597 : \ llh-. l.•'<'<lfOLII'-'' N 11 lo•n ll'r .,f :'ttr~. Han' \\'•l'h nl 114 .\\Ill •do \\ • Cur P'na dt I :\Ia h·i, pit ,l.:··d AC'tC'I-" fa·a•• •m·~ '' thP \ 'nl\<'1· "") .. 1 Cahlomia in Ekrk• 11'). tl \\V! k building a better tomorrow What Is an Oplilllist? ·c: J .... . .'"\ c:~;.-:-c ,_ ' ................. ::-.CO /"'\---· ·-. ·._1;-. !~ • _:.. 'E)::co .1; BP:sro:.. Cl'BA OF. Fi.. EP.TO E:·GLANu AND SID- ;~rv .:..y·s-R . .;c ,r... ·.':t:c i~ :-T:~ '~2-:. 'TE:RNATIO~Ai.. !-= ;.?-r-:..: :GE0 HI ~SEL~ TO BE \': :)FDS "FRIEND OF THE BOY" STP !\'ES TO Ll' E ACCORuiKG 0~ --u-:-OPTIMIST CREED. r\ Y.EY.BEF 0~ Al\C AS I FACT SUC n NOT AK:> '.'. HO TO THE TENETS c:-r. ~-s~: !S FOL'NL)ED TODAY o r THE FAITH THA'f BOYS OF ARE THE LEADERS OF TOMORROW Pres:dt nt . . . . Vic.e·PrtsHi•n• . . S•c.•eitry.Treasu••r ,..,, .... -- .... ,. . M:f S EVERY MONDAY ~OON ~T NORTON S B.4Y SHORE CAFE ,,_,., • .---Optirni~t Cnul----. Promise Yourself TO }:c "-0 <::. ----·~ -· r --:..... _,...... -............ ·'::' • .. "" .. • ..,J pe:r t? ~ ::-.:r j TO lO.K !':Cc.:;. h-:}::p.:.PSS :::: .... p;::"S}:'€':-ity tO 'J ~-~. .. ll •• -e verv rL>-s"'-~',... .... e,• TO r.:'""t."',... ··· -· e""~-·oe ·· .... · ,_ .. -.... ~ .. /-.......... ~ ·-.... -;1;':-e .s s0me- ~:-:.r:a 1:1 ll''!em TO look CI' ·h.e S'...P ... :r.y s.d.P o : e·:c:-v•h.r.g and mcke yo~; op•!m.sm -erne ·;~e· TO ·!;1r:k on~y o: 'he bes~ ·o ·Nork only .or he bes: anci expect cnl·1 the best TO be ·ust as en!hus10s'.c ::oot.:' ·ne success of Oihers as you are abo .... • your own TO forget the m1stakes of the past and press on to he greater achievements o! the future. TO wear a -:heerful· coun•enance a~ all times and gn·e every living creature you meet a smile TO g ive so much ttme to the unpro vement of y ourself he• you have no hme to cn hcise others TO be too large for worry, too noble for anger. 1oo s!rong for lear and too happy o per- mit the p resence of trouble ''f rinuJ fJ/ the boy ., Sponsored by the Optimist Club of Newport Harbor J N1aser~ School State Ucensed and Approved From 2 to 6 Yean Supei"'Viwd Care and Con.strucU ve Pl8,y lllEA80NABLZ &A'I'El!l Open 5 days per "'-eek to 5 Transportation Fumished 190 E. 15th St. 00 'I'A MESA n.ear...o..., V,r<3inia Pe.,d 1-'e•r .. t Oopyl'!•e RUfH'S Beauty Shop • .,... &r ••• o-w HArbor 2907 Ul Pdua"'- ypEVfRITER EN'rAL5 TIDE or~~ HAU. Lee Shit>ley OIUOIN AL.~ Custom and Reedy Made Plastic ACCE'saoriM Infant. Closet. Kltchen. Bath ''" eout Bh·d.. oo• WlllPIPO AU New 1951 Pattema Cowtesy fo '•inten & Dec«e._. ··-····· "I Co.n Hi9hway Newport ...... Open Nithts • -St.n. I 0 •·"'· • 4 p.-. •••••••••••• rhir ty • Momunz.es compleXJoo • Combars debrdratiotl and dl)ness • • uppla~ .ofrentn,~; 011J • lncrN<c-• "~~rn ro slcio • Ten ',,, ta.lt 'urf.t~ dnc<"l•r.atl<·n • Help• 1-.a'Jnce n1h and ffi()I\I<JII • ~l' e~ <• •mrlr\l~"~n lrbher, } un.·ct lr>(\1.;10..; ~ ..... --e;~ f nr .1 'f'<n•ll thnll in bc.':lUI\' (H<. tn th•• -.·n,,uinnal O<"' fo>r muiJ' r ,•d, '"~ thr dtfft·r· O'<< l nPuj::h lt'rman\ ""' "'· ~ C,fl ph., (J,. CAV E'S del MAR PHARMA CY Ill E. lelboa ....... lelbo.. HA 077 WOitLO FAMOUS HOSOitED FOil LA~"D. APL'JO Formal tnstallation or R <'\ l'h" \\'om,.n" F'••llm' hlp or :• FLEISHER BABY YARNS Four local N'Sldeonts "'~'t·e hon· James S. St('" .. rt. ne" pa tm ol AwJ,.,.." '• tartml'! at 1:? 30 p m fl'x •n own~• ori'd Sunday morn in~ at dl'dica-~I. Andrt>w Pre b} ten an Church., tt 1 t h•• rhun·h Lunch•-<~n ho h ,,, I y er"' • IMtrvcti-• Finkhlt~t tory .enice of the fM'W landsellp-~ewport Hea..:hts. \\ill~ at -t p m "'" lw )fr~. R••b.•tt Campbdl of HGW~ 10 to 1 &n£: at Chri t Church by the Sea ~und3}. De<:. 2, in the auditonum ll.'c1" l'lr :\trs Karl .Uta•• r of ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tht' dt'dtcation program foUo" I'd of 1'\«>wport H arbor Hltth &-hool C(m.uu 1'1, I )1ar. )1r ...; lf Robt't-r t)l(o N>~ular momln,:: S('JYice. ThtKe a cross th lrt"et from th church I d1-tU "' C'ltl! HuHn and ~fr' \\' IX"cially honori'd for lh<>lr hare In R('('f'ptlon will lx> h('ld follo"ine D. :-.•I IJ{'K ••I :'\• \\l.I(JT! llt>llrht" th(' su<X'f'. ful complt'tion of the In the church parlor s. F'ullr,\\lllR lhl' bu-.m<· ... , m• l'tm~ \ provram ""re Ro Owl'o. chair· Plan" for· thi and other e,·C'nt'-In t.. NtnrhJC'h c1 h;. :\t r... Edcur manofthelandscapinstcommltH't>; will IX' dic;cu «'d \Vec'lnesda) llt l f:lt ll. ll"''d•nl 1lu \.\um(n "'II Harold Glass, flnanCf' chairma n ; 8 pot-Juck luncheon meetim: of ftnt"'ll nm ku1 • nncl ftlllnc Ch~t-.1- Ed\\ard N('fr, lanru·capc' a rchitect. mu~ •Wclun~o:, ""'' 111 ttl• 11 ~··arh and Oscar Bak('J', s:ardf•nl'r m!>"'l'Hlllt.' J•H•JN·I-. · · · • ,....,..._. ........_, . ._....Len =--· ,, Tll••rsot., h•· ". ''"' 11 .. . \-"~T..\L W EEK oF J•RAYF.R UIIAI '..-:Ram Fl'll•l''"h•p ·.qll ,,.,\, •h• P1 \ S<o\'1'01 h-Oa~· AdH•nt i 1 C'hur•ch lun• "'' <•n tn .... , Andr ,.,,' l.nun~· mC'mber .. of thl' N('\\ll)Ort-:\1£'S8 Here Neta.a •ee· k (Jr tor cornln~·, ..• nt .. Jll \\'o•dnro;;. a rea will join m mlx•r throu~hout AI ft' du~ I Jo•c 1.! \\ 110\i•n .. F• lito\\ "hll• NClrth America this Sal urdu' tn • . . . . 1 m• o'lln.: 11nd Tuo· .. r!H l>< (' 1~ launchin~ th£' 'ltnnuaJ w('(>k ol . A coordJnal d preachtn~ m•s 1~0 I rhn-.tm:p .. f>tnntr Part \ pra:-ror and stt'pfl('d-up pro~am ot 'c\ thrh, {' H~f~' 1 area h!esth~r)ot Th·· \\'om, n' Jo", """'.htp l~t'l<lrd Ia.\' !'\80"'elism Dr Paul RutchC'r ur<' (•<; wa .e aunc un 8 '-mo•t ,,.,, \\l'l·k r;t tho hClm • J 'I .. ... mnrnm2 a-. thro Costa :\1esa Com· . k T 1 r• r I 1~ in <'har'll'. munll\ C'hur<'h Chn 1 Church h\ !"'C'h•>< IJI •da.' \\H' famtl.' IJC"•t· )tPmtx·r!'. tradHiono1ll\ uh-.!'nl' a the l:'·t·a and ·t h(' Balboa l<:land lu<"k fhnnc>r at th l"hutch \\ N>k Of -.C'lf d nial Ill orfi•'l In ~I\(' C(Jmmunrt.' ~fPthodJ<.t lhurch jom a "P<'<'Ial nfrPt'1n~ 1" -.upport th• Joo ~·•utht,rn Cuhforma :\f('thvd.t'-' c-hurC'h·-. ""rid prt•l'r 1m 111 l'\311· Yt•h ... m Kl'\nol•• n l th• v.c·• k'-. 1 hun·hf'<> in rhf' l'nit•·d E\an~cl- fteiJ\ II If''-,.... ·lh• rhureh' 111 h• f tn "11( Ad' an<'•' PrPadun.: "''"' ic.· ... tht· N-trn1..,._ 111 c·h11..,1·, 1,.t urn '"" h• hdd 11i2htly Sund11~ :1nd rho Pnrl nf Ill!' \\•llld p 1..,1111 thrtHII.h F n d ·n ('\l'ntnc' m r:trll Jlulli" And••l'...,.•n ""I' 1111.-ti Fldt>r \'arrlf't .l11hn-.. \•Ill 'fll'nk 'lt t h,.. i 3l• p m ml ...... tnn:try \"t,l· untr·• nH'<'IIn.: '""'''' '"" and 11 1 ht• =-'n 1 urda~ rnor 11111).! ..... ,., w• • • • B I BJ.t: ROO k OF T lrt; \f()' Ttl D1 l\ an (' 1-I h... n• \\ lj I"'"' tl tht :-.:.·\\pot·t Bapt!-.1 Chludl 11 1!*11 Cnurt ~~ "''" p<nt an· I'OUI1f't•" t h;o I I ho B1hll' bo11k "' I h•• month "111 lw P 1111'... ~. t•onfl Ep1-.1 lo• tn T1mo111~ Pr .,. 1 0\f'' •· lilt; dt-.c••t,..,Jon .. r~n \\'t•(ln•• ... <llf' ,,, '·. lltnl!'-at j l "i \\Ill l't'lllt I 1;1"111111<1 poriH•n"' otl tfll, hook otnfi lhl' nt>Xt :hto•l mt~llllnl' "t'ln11>n" \\111 a l!--o Ill:' h ,..., d "" I• ''' 1n II Ttn • oth;. T lw IIIJIII'' \\ill'"' <;,,.j, I kdt I t • ,\11 t'h11't II II" 'IJ· prt'm< (' •u"'' lor Th;tllk"' '1\ 111 • and Ht•\\ J'; .. fll.ohh f, tlw Balli•· IO )J," T h• " t~mon IC>JJI( t hi' =-'und·n '''ntn.: •' : 3«•t ... ,\n Ar · C'lw1 lot 1 ht ~'>Ill • Th• n• \\ Y1111th F<'lk•""hsp l'ruup \\Ill n ,., • 'I I n 1«1 p n, :'undO.' • • • ·.\BJOE WITII '11-: ThiiT'• ol f<,, ll•tl .. rt Ruth ... ,, rmon "til bt• Abtd• ,, 1 h nt• .. •' th• 11 c1 m =-'undrt\ '""I"' •I tho· ="•·\\ l'"'' Jl,q hr'•t Lut h•, ••II c'h•ut h in '"'l~'''' llrotchr-. • • • .\fC\II..,TH t: "t:n\10'- ·Th•• !\·,11·• •or ( ~•cl 1\ rll h• lUI' At Ill "'ll'• Ll;~ ., rm ol II\ Rt'\ .J.tl'lt' :0.'•'\\<t il tl ;-. \.llrftl\\'-p,., . .,h~ It fl,ln (. hUIC'h till :\•·\\ 1>~>1 1 H, r h'-s. " •• .,.... .1nrl r"'1md t} !'d)thol l'I,I'-S''"' II• holh ill lit 11111 lll..;h :-\t•hnt I Yt1Uih 1:-\·lln\\ -.111p \\Ill h·· h<'ld at fi.Jit p. Ill Jl lh(' hnml• nl Rl''· and :'otr ... St•·\\,Ht. :? 'I:.! ('Jrcl•• D1 H1\ She•"'' flar· barR H.md;. \'ttl l;·ad t h•· di ... Cll'-· "'tnn. "' 1 h•· I• o< d rtiurrh• ' ('., ... ' .• \lt••.-t c .. mmunll \ t 11111 ( h ha' allOtJtll rod ,.., IJ,-.: 11 • , 1 pro•.H'ho•r R•·\ Ch>1 •I• ' .Ro\\ •' (It'" •or rtl rho• Clul,t \'t ... t/1 ~11'11l•l(jl-t ( 'l-ut • h Ro \ 1.'1 '• rw \\'nrKi p~--­ '"' "' ''·•· :\IJ.., ... ton Hill:-('Jmrt·h 11 ""ll I'•• ..,o \\Ill p: t-.t<'h n.\!htl~ 11 c 'hn-.r ('h•lll'h In th1· :-;.,;~ and R• \\ I 'Ill pit •· p "'<•I nt '' P:,ul' \11 I h .. ''"' c 'hurch of Phn• 1 1\:, A•·. /IIOH \\til <o<'I'IJjJ.' tho> (IUIJII' at II • Brdh• ,., I~I<HHI Chut·rl' T:arlt ''' the .ut "' pr••.a h··r," d 'Jl<•a k ''"' h nl••r mn..: 111!1 • I• 11111 · tlu-. tnmm.: !'-unrlli\ a'-''"ll , .. •'lil'h • \ •'lliO.! llti'I>U.!.~llo'lt 1 I ,, \\ "' k HI 7 ~~ FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SC1E.NTIST llOl Vie Lido, Newport Be•eh • e·~-:"' O" ·.,.. Mo'"•'" CJ.~f"C"' -.... ::: · · c~ ,.,. o1 C~· •• S: a~· s• ~ 9ct ~-•• , 11\ ... , S "d y Sclooo 9 15 ...., $.~d~ s., •. e OC e ... v. s-:l•esd'~ &. .. -• 1 -•o· ~ 1 c ~ c Po_,e •:: Qoc-oc•'"d .,. II P, - S· B~ bo~ 's ooe• d, , ;,c .. I] ~ ·o 5 0-l'tCer::· S ... -~~,1 o•d ~C Olh' "·~··, orae• .. ,J • ...,., r: b ~ =~·d ~ 1-• .., •t>O •o ,. •'C'"d ... ,. C"' • ~ t¥1 :As e"'-:i .. ,. ••• ~eodi"9 Room \ Tl'llrl"v •nt..Jtho• nu\\ In thl .. ,, r•··• htr . • . IEALSILI .~. orer~ ... d br ... d of .,.,· "'"' * Quality ladies' and men's wear HArbor 2555-R l'hon•• f••r dt>nlltn"t r.1 tlun and ( hrl .. trtuto. ord1·r., iJ:.· c: /_,' -. c F~EE PICKUP & DELIVERY Q 1 '\f,.P SltP.'IliOn :--• ('f S 504 Coast Blvd. ( OftO~ \ OEJ. ~ ~ Call HA 317 6 C L E A N E R S :\1. ~. :\U'\\·Rt~ r • "Don't miss the sleigh! Order \ • CHRISTMAS CARDS ~now at I)-I Th~ I lander. We have t+,e famou~ card, by California arti5h indud. ing those of * REX BRANDT * Bu RT PROCTER * JOAk BRANDT * 0H L DIKE •.,d • • o• ~• ec•"o" :-f ),,.._.,, • \O 1n •r•c t on• t·:l ""odt ·~ :let'q, • cl- .. tofor •rd ~·~~~~·, G FT WRAPPINGS fw 'f se f"c-t-:O -e•efo. ,.9 :-•pfllrt r t b~ ... , .,.;, t"'"d lfl!! s nh· Islanders 214 MARINE R \LRO \ J .. l \'\Jl HArbor 1547 SHOP AT HOME AND • • • II\~~~~ 0~ I'HOGR.\)1 ,\ p lnJ!T"am ahnut mu-.tl' ha-. h. 1 n pl,tnl1rd lnr I hi" \\'nm('n·~ Auxtlt.u·~ m('t'IID~ nf ~~ Jnm<'~ C'hlliTh 'l I ] JO Jl nl \\' 1 'tiOI'"d~) Bi ... l•np R·•lwn r,.,.,ch•n "' L.n" An- .,,, . .,. "111 talk un Jh mn ... ol rhf' .\lho "' ·u1rl nl tho Chi , ... rrn·, .. :-,, I· '"II l!hl ho \\Ill pll.\ \,trhlll" h~ llll' 1111 'ho (ll tnc• 111 IJIU,II lilt>!) fl.,,,, ............ Ill' tht· '111'1111 IIIHII liM I \\sit 1"11"" 11, \lr... l· F \ ll• ·n \ Jt, l. I " •• n I•• 1 n \It " \1 11 k P n. tm tiel \lc· \llhllr fl ....... t.:lt•l • • • 1 ·.\0.\~1 -\~fl 1'\l.l .t;~ ~I \V Tho po•rlo•t'lt•Hl and llltiJ•''-1~ \'1( God'-. t'ft'Hltolll I"' l'lllll1,1,lo•d \\ ith th• rlro•am "' 1n111 t II 1 "'"no •' In ",\fiRm i-il1fl Ftll•·n \lan · 111 th• :-.:o'\\ pn11 Harhm l'h11"'1t 111 St•lt lll'l' I C'h11Tl'h ;ot tho• • rtl 11H'•• '" I idn ] ... f, • • • "T. J \\H ... C,ft(H I ' \1t:t:T' =-'' l.lttll>tth'._ (~utl!l Ill ' -....-..... v:E r:: SPONSORED BY CORONA DEL MAR ·E R C ANTS 'The Prescription °hertn.tey" .lam• ... Clru:ch m• 1 ,,.,,, rlt\ ·11 82) Con f Blvd.-HArbor 2272 I tho• t'11PI 1 til'! ;\ht ti.,mt' nl 'It' Rr. \' OT'.., 01-.1' \ltT 'tl '-I 'TC)tO. COfon•dei M•r I .\ Ht'-''' Chr1-.1rn." rlin A..A&&&..A&&& a& a '"''"'' m.orl· dunn..: thf' all''' no .. n. Last Days of Sale 10~ OFF • EVEin.l 11 sn. The Lamp Light Shop 1M7 OOA T BLVD. RArt.or t sa-R CORONA DEL IIAil ------- :'-1•'11... \\ n C' • t. ' .., \\'t'rll J.' I •· I· Gil (n.l"'l llh tl .. tl\ ( llfHI\.1 1 ... 1 \l 1r ! ll I ,JJ'I'' llt: \t T\ '\I I'' lllrt j•l· lo I' I 1\ "• '!n-l < ''·'"'' Rh d.. II \ 1 "<':tl ornn.1 ~1'1 ''' r • JliD\ ·-. r t:T "'' rl't n: ... And ~JWlrtln&r t.urnl' Rt<'.'• II' Ro p:unn 60.'l f'O:Hit Rhd., C'ornn,, dd \f llr C'ROW~ 1t \RO\\ \In: Pamt , • ,\pplt.Hl<"'' R2 1 ('tla .. t 1\h d .. 1t \ :!1''! 11ron" lfl'l ~fnr ,\U, t\\lt:RI< \' \l \ltkt'T "\\"ro :-.t)('("iall7t' 10 ('.1111 to'·' ' ~s C'oMt R h ''·· n \ .!9'!0 C'orotl.Jt d('l Mar QUAUTY AT I ! ( 'h ti •• ;, '·, ( "''' Hh •I ( .. run ' ''' I \I ( IH'l C.,, ... , Hh~ II\ '!">q;; C nrun.1 dt•l 'f.H RROOh I' (•' \ \I :It T \ 'TORt . :-. ' . ~~ k.. ( , .. "'111(>0 ·q -.t-: Ct1:l -.t Rh d . .-11.\ tt30 f'MOI13 d l'l \{ar P E:TTTF: \'ILLF. 1.1rl1t .:' R.•:td' to \\' •'nT 'ntl At'<';._ so1 tt'" ~21 < •l:l<~t Bhd .. RA 2:t:t2-\\' c· nron:. dt'l M 1u· \'F.'" Of:l ~\R PH.\R\1\ To·l I . -1"\ l'l'riptJC>no., ... 1 dnt ~.!:t IIA'It n hd .• R .\ t~n ororu& de-l Ma r \ FOB QUICK SALE Luxwiou.. (umidlt-d horruo in cboux• UITL.E ISLAND lo- cation \'try libe-raJ terms Stanley Had~ld This ill a desperate case e e e Owners are forced to sell this Gl Re--sale this week. He,..'s en opporhltljty for speculeton Of' invedon. It ,, • TH~EE·btctfoom home, onl., I'll ., .. " old. • • • Htrdwood floors tile ~itchtn tnd beth 91rbegt dispostl, 9~'•9•· N .. r high school. This property cen be ht n· ~:d.:' $800 DOWN ''Y"'""t\ on Gl Lotn only SS6 per month includi"9 ..... a i.nsurt,C:t. -·-PHIL SUIJ.lYAN GEO. EVERSON I 156 Newport lhrd~ Co.tt WeN (AQ'on from Coste Mew leM) 8E 7123, 5-458-J -Eves. HA 31 57-W e EVERYBODY WANTS TWO UNITS We have them he~ on Bal- boa !Bland. ~tarling prices, fwn.lshed. SLG-150, 111.100. SJ.I.OOO ---and you might just u weU be o n · - - - TilE I LA!\'D. • • • $151750 nu .. two-unit placr il> hllrd 10 lx>'\t Cor thc mnne) • • • Balboa r.a.a.ct Ferry ll&r'bor 6S Ba.Jboe lala.Bcl lla.E Corona del Mar 4 Units Furnished South of hhth\\3) $191000 $8,000 Down 19!l0 rf'nt I rNurns ~('rc 15"( EX< t:u.t:~T •~oT South of hhthv. 't~ ~~ 200 ONLY ~ S500Down kal• W. Ritchie Kt-.al E .. ta tP nnd Jn .. uranf't' 1!19 Coa11t Bh•d ., llArbor SS orou del Mar taCky Yoa! ... """ lin• in llE..\t Tlt't 1. '\lfO IU . < Ll t~t·:-~. 2 nt \\ 'II'\\ homc~ -. -I trndlltnnul. --- 1 mod<'rn Good tf'rms . ~ HRI lloo...-r u11h .... 1M MARL~ a.1tJ1oe I.aaad HArbor an WIITEI 1111111 • Smllll DupiNc on busin£>s~ lot, clos.-. tn • • • Balbna. .. Panoramic View of the Ocean * * * Shown by Appointment Only C 0 I 0 N Jl DE L M A R PI~ PERT IE S Ko~t B . L )'ft.D aDd 0~1.-n 1 .. y'Dil. Realtors ·'\ 411 Coast Boulevard CORONA DEL MAR Farmhouse Motel ~1•1 wwwa •• BICYCLE Schwinn Bicycles Ray Stedman 1574 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. BEacon 5128-J 4% G. L Resale e e e Attractive 2-bdrm. home Lh inti! rm 13'6"'1 '. flagc;t(lnt> riN'plaC't'. fnt ('{'d air fut ,mu_:~. vt>nNtan bhnd.!>. dra(X" a nd t'arl)<'t~». Bdt m ="ll. 1 9 xb ; Bdrm. :\o 2 W'xl2 . <'On wr "tnd<"'~· !-h'{•l ~a~h throu~hout Tilt> in ktlt'hrn and hath Btwk ft•nc.•rl IMI W and )ard; 2-car ~at·a..:t' butlt tn takl' an apt rtbm t• $11 950 C<'Vd Inca I ton Pti<'t' I Pa)rtll•rltl> nul) , 1'7 fM>r month IIIC' '"" ... 111" and int 3-Bedroom Home wtlh ~lopm~ l~t\\n and \\tndtnt; uHik \\ldt• front porch. li\tn!! 1 oum l:l x l><' "t1h fit <'pia~ llard\\l'l(ld lloot s. larg,• unn~ kltrtlt•n and hr••akfast noon. lnrg£> lilt• Mnk. bath ha tale Uoor and \\'ails t.xtt>rior. "tdt> 111dine. 11\ll'rh•r, $11 900 pla"-'PI C'hot<'l' locntton Prw.• I F urn. OJIIIt>nal }-'C'• pltlln81l~ j.'IHid IIIIIIIIC'Itll; Ill l ll.~hl party. C'all Tnd" Ole JOHN VOGEL C!O. 1301 Coed Blvd., Coront del Mer HArbor 1741 Of' HArbor 1477 Eve"i"9s: HAr bot )9).t,ll Corona dt•l Mar * * * John E. Saileir, Realtor 607 C'on!\t Bh d. C'or011a. df'l Ma r HArbor !4!! A 9 to 1 Favorite of Children Have yours laJd away now while you-can have your choice! • Distributors for • SCHWINN & ENGLISH RALEIGH P arts and Acoessoriea -lEY- . ~ LS•••IIlllar • ~EALTott • IUSINESS Of'POlTUNITIES • RENTALS ~.,.. 1121 Coest •¥4 .. Cor-. del ~ 3-B<-droom. 2-bath home, OC't'all 'iew, wall-to-wall car}X'tmt: OH'r hard\\ood floot_, 6 month~o old in JX'rr<'Ct condition. GO' lot. $111500 Earl W. STANLEY Realtor 615 Cout Blvd.. CDII IIArhr U'7& EXCLUSIVE - - - LIDO ISLE A l.tq.~£'. room). :.-t>t•droom homt> un l.rtlo l'\ot d BA \' FRO~T ---romplrtcl) lur- m<,hed. pu•• and bp. t 'ull ~ 500 a•riC't• ., 7 I 14.000 u111 lulaclll'. Hathor ln~edlhenl CO., ltUI.T~ 'N~wpon 81\'11. at SOttt St.. ~EWl'O R 'l' RA 1- S3D DOWN :\J-;W 2-lX'dronm ho•at'h tont- tacl', MNtr <)('EA:\ ,,nd BAY E'C('o•lll'nl lll<'tJn\t JJO"\Ibllt· IJI•!. . AIIIUt'l l\t' l't!IOt-. lhrout::hout tTLL l'tUc t: $71250 • • • .EBJijEIF attl llltcilles ) 112 Newport Blvd. HArbor 2552 Newport B .. c:h $6975 N<''' 2-b£>droorn hom£>. l(lt 56x 192 Lo'' down pnym('nt. Open 1 to 5 dnily. 1 ~7 Mnplt•. Co<>tll l\1(' ... 1. OIKE I; C'OU~(:Ro\·t; l 'lth & Irvin£'. Nt•wport Jl£>tghts BElle-on '72'!r; WEDDING SPECIAUST Ff"t'e Consul ta lion Oowen by Morri 50t E. ....... lt¥4. • ..... ~ 2070 Your ITIIEIIIEI Deakr • SALES • SE-RVICE • PARTS I Help Wanted F'U'RNIS kED 1-bdrm. upper a pl. Nice \ t'W, utiLe pd. Yr. or met. OllJ HArbor 3:)61-J . UNFUR..'-1. 2-bdrm. house ror l't'tlt ln COM. Dbl £1tr , ~ beck } d. Near bE-ach J•-.> mo .• )T's lease. Cat a('(o(>ptallh• A\'ail Dec. 1. HArbor 153~\\. COZY fum. ~chelor •pt. Living rm. With htde-a-~ IOta. Nice bath A: klte~. YMrly C~entaJ. Reuona.b1~. 710 Maricold, COM. HArbor 3025-W OFFICE for r.·nt Newport Blvd.. nf'ar nt:>w ho pital. Has parking area. Pt-n tor florist or other r.:mall busu ~· , $43 month. 466 EXPER. saleswoman w41'1t d for Nt'"'POrt Hhd.. Costa Mesa. BE dN'SS shop on Balboa Island. Six-5713-R. . day wk. incl. Sun. HA 1952-W 4-RM. lower apt. aurae. fum. and LIGHT HO SEKEEPlNG dutJea gar. Yrly basis. No peta or dlil- Cor someone who wants to ahare ~dren~....;.;.· ...;.7..:;;03:..:,Junun::.::.:~e::.:•...:CD==JM:.:· __ _ mv home ren t free. \Vorklnc NEWLY di"C''r Cum . kitchenette pirson p~fetTed. HA 387-R. apt., )Tly rt'ntal $40 per mo .. SALESl\11-:~ · \Vt:> ha\;• opportun-util pd. Pat.~ roy heat. 2 bUts . ~ ·ity lm ~atrfmen who a~ inter -from Cit) lfall. 223 32nd St., ested in WORKJNG and also In Newport &>.:ad HA 295-J. maldn~ U\"ER $400 pc.>r month. SUPS FOR JU:.'."T-Amerlcan Le- \V(" haH' opcmn~ ror both m<'n tpon li&U, 15th & w. Bay, New- and women. Lido F.lt>Ctnc Co • port. HAroor 452. 516 C~st I hn · ~£'wport Bch BALBOA J~L\XD-2-bdnn. apt. • ---£ d F und un!um 'r.at10US, llght ~ airy. JNBt an 0 Yearly. HArbor 1810-R. 1.0ST ~Jan·~ ~'t'<'n hW11tng j.<tCRC't, bel\\. Ruby ~Tarin . 8 .1. :\o\·. :\ Reward. KA :\9'.l5-J These Are Your I I I 8 IllS FOR THIS WEEK ON USED APPUANCES ATrRAlll\'f 1-bdrm. fum. apt 4191, F, ·r·h·d · CDM. HArbor 2899-J-h. !\'EW U~'Ft'"R.\". upper fiat with I Iorge window overloolcin& bay. In good ~.dentlal dilt. 2 bed- rms., sundl'Ck, firepl., hdwd. firs. No chHdro•n or pets. Avail. No\·. 1. 5115 mo 1009 W. ~ Ave., N.B. HA l:m-Eves. HA 890-M. A TrRACl'IVE rum. apt:s. on the bay. Uvi.ns: rm., bdrm., kitchen, dinette, shower, gar. $50 per mo., utils. pd. HA 12S7-M. Ho tpoint ~IN·trk range, 1950 rnodC'I, hke nl'w S169 -I FINEST API'S. tum. Util. pd Best location 1 · 2 bdrms .. $75 mo. ~~~.!! & up. 315-317 1tlareuerlte. COM. S h•wart-Wamer 7 ru rt Re- frt~l'rat ot· S'i9 93 Coldspot Refngerator, 6 • mo ~arantN> ~ 9S ExC'I'ptionaUy handsome-R;> .. fri.:erators, <'X('{'Il nt condi- dit•on; 6-month guarante<>: C'old'>pot. rPCOndition<'d unit .. S 99.95 \\\•<;ttnghow e 109.95 Ea sy n<>w Spi ndr i~t. llke 119.95 Gt•neral El('Clric Po r 1 a b I e l>Lo;hwa~ht•r. <'XC<'II<•nt rondl- tJon $11995 Anothl'r G.E. Portnbll"· Dh:h- " a~hl•r $109 95 Lido Co. ........... Ill Elll. ILECTIIC APPI..IANOD 516 Coast Highway Newport Beach BEacon 5505 GRA:-o.Ts F111 nitut'f• & Applianc(' 1645 i':I'Wport Bl\'d. Co Ia Mc a l'spd EIN'tric RC'frit:t>rators pnCf'd as low as S1 9 :;o :l Cubt<' Ft. F.IPCI rolux cal> r•£>fr·i~t·rA tOI' I on I) $29 50 O'KEEFE & MERRiTT tu- blt'-top gas ran~t·: OYt•n cont Jt)l, auto. bunwr-. $39.:10 G-1-. 6 Cubir Ft f'lf't' RP- hl~f·rator·. Guaranlt'•'ti S:i~ !'Ill :l-Pc Exten ion top dinr tt!' sN na t. fmlsh. compiC'tC' S22.:'lll !'immnn" Youth Bl'd, t'•'m- pl••t •• All hardwnod. na- t 111111 IIIli" It 24.~0 Glas... ltonl --\\alnut chtn:t cupboarci, liko• nl'W .. , . S29.50 1-0ur·ner \\'<'dgwood apt. lze ~as rnn~(' $49.50 ,. FURNITURE AND APfll.IANCU 1645 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa HArbor 2397-J-K. ~~~~~~---­, PLEASAl\"1' rornfortable fum. nn. Priv. ent. pnv. bath. 508~ Mari- gold. CD~l. KA 28:53-R. TWO-BEDROOM apt., partly furn. S55 a m .. '-• \r 'round. Gttls Pd. ~ -~L 428 MarJ.tUt-rttr, COM. liA 1670., H"~ .. BEAUTJFl'LLY tum. 3-bd.rm lge. S ~lAL 1 liv. rm .. ~I -In porch over-~· • • looking ba). 115 per mo. 109 Park A\£> • 1\alboa Island. or Ph. Cllurchill 9-. BE 6166-M. BEAUTTF't~L ~-bedroom, 2-bath, fum. bay front apt. Fireplace. good heat. S12S mo. until June 15. Also h:-e. l·bdrm. unlt. $75. 1 HArbor 2552. E\-es: HA 2914-M. I FOR RE~I :' bdrm. unfurn. new duplrx. 226 .• Clay, Cliff Haven. FOR RENT I BUNGALOW APARTMENTS ll<'auUruJty !urn. large Uv. room with fir~plllN>, bdrm., kitchen- ette. Ra1c L) day, We<'k or l month. L'l FARM I!Ot'SE MOTEL --=:;..;..:..::..:..:::..::J 1304 Coast Bh·d . COM 'U A 1063 1'-t~ \\ I ' CU'\ X'l" FURN. APTS. tor ~nt. See Lou-l 'l~~ ise Apt.s. rir•>t. Dbls A: singles. -. -·-. -overlooki.n~ Bay.~ Carnation, ~A( Rl Corona del Mar l'd.ln. ll'l3-J, Services Corona Painting-Paperhanging I Ft )~1 ' GEORGE BtJRDIARDT I 308 Sh t t"t., \.-port Beads R.o\rbor !tl&-W Cl\11 ttfll'r 1 p. m . RUG & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING • Oa IOt'tt tloa • Work Omuut.Md MOODY T\'TERIO&S OaU t11\rbor !1M for E!ttlmate !15 Ooa•t fthd. Corolla del Mar H. H. HOLBROOK Dependable Plumbing A Prorwpt Rt•palr Service M &In t11111ed ftGIIe ll.arbOr lfi&-W -1 ......_ Bh·d. Newpon BMdl PAINTING Earl Shelia m.....,. t. -o.ea•ea Bl!'acoe Ml'f .. WANT YOUR DIRTY WORK DONE! GO TO HAL .•. ~ ~.moe. Wlnclowa, floor ftldalc and p:)i· l8h1na. wall washlna. - t:!alJ Harbor 1-W OOitiPLETE HOUSECLEANING Fwmture A: Rug a~. etc. Wortr cw.ranteed. BeaGlll 6111. AI'• Howe and "'"*'-Oeen-... Senb. OP Forlale I M • F •......,. ~fa W d I Flag-Ra:ia:i.ng Day kt>)"' to tht> bu.lldir\c to Ownt.r us Ina 'Y e ~~tThm ~~M A Oac-rai.stnv and &.>dieauon ~fiss Bonnie Jt-an F"mdla\ and t't·rl mor\)' wtll bt> held n t' -c t :;.~.;-11!;;;;:;:-;;;:;-;.:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;fiiij~ '50 CHEVROU':T Club Cpe., im-Dand Lamont taUord "··r · n J.r· \\'t"Cint'Sd.ll) lit tht' nt>" Chvn bt>r • maC'UlAtl'. 2-t91 Coast Highway, ried Satuada)o t\C."ntn~ at lht (')-uf (umrn.•rt· ofltet>on t Ht~h-• :'\'t•wport 6<-ach. BEaron 6515. Funeral St>nices w re ht>ld rona ck>l !\tllr C"ommunJt) Church " 1\, JJru.._,., ~omtor-. m mber of PlA..'\0 Me<S. ~ize upright, with Monda)• at Baltz Mortuar) In Co-ThE' "eddtnt:. plamn d tor Jun1• t>l the• C"hamh.•i Board of Drr..c~tur bt>nch, \"ose & Sons. Good cond. ron d l Mar Cor Albert C White, last )(>ar. "b thwartt>d b\ •h•• 111 \\Ill PI• ••nt thf' 1l ~ ro 'hi rd lr· • $5() down. lU per mo. Inspec-t "ho was round d ad In hts homt> corps, to ,, hlch th(> i.,'l'Ot•rn •~ \'lrtl'. "' u \niJ ratSt> Jf at 11 a m dt602Coa.tBI\'d.CD!\f. a t 223 Pt-a.rl Avt-. Balboa Island, tacheda a~nntr &nnwthuu.:ht 111d \11 lnan• ''ill turn o\t'a th•·1:. DROP LEAF TABLE, ~,ras hE'ater N~rty Friday morning. Rt'\', Paul ,.ht• would ha\t' to bo• marn•-d t ................ alrl"!mt nt>\\. Gt>, .. Winttu"'p e-Wh ler or it J Olt' Epl<>ropal Randolph Fil'ld m To• a but 0 '1· IYWI ._ J l'rt'tdr), Kay Fmch figur and Church offkiatt'd at tht' :.f•rvlt't.' . n d nrm·<'d ht'r<• Ia t F nd•n • n If yov ara l..terest.d ill He- .t.rchuecturnl books. BE 6673-J rntermE'nt \\AS In Fun-<;t Lawn I routt• to lht'. tat JOn · wailen Of Spalllth "•ndn9, C.da- l.'t'metery, C lt'ndalt•. Bonml r tht> daughlt'r ul \Jr I neh or H•wa iian 9011rds • , • FOR SALE 1950 6' Fri~daiN'; --------........ ....,....-... · .... .....,.......... and Mrs Gor·don F1ndlu) 111 Ill aLo ~1Lxrna.,.tl'r. R('&S. HArbor Wanted -. \'aa Or\ tt>to, L rdo hlt•, And • h~< 1 REAL Bt;SJ;'I;ESS opportuntt)' Bus) httle t?3tang plaC(> with lh. quartt~rs. R.eas. 1:.>9 &l. ~taJn St .. Orange. :util-~1 -1 Kt·oom t th(' son nl ~Irs ~11m Stnt GARDENER-324 ~1arr~old, 'OM. ford of Long B t.'8l'h and the lat.• LIKE ~E\V. red maple rorree ta· ble and steop end table. Phone HArbor 1 M-K. GOOD PRACTICE PIA..'TOS, $59, $7!'1. • up. Pay $5 per montJ.!. f'ull tradl.'-in allO\\'ed on new \\lthm t\\O \ears DASZ-~CII\ft DT Bi~ Piano Store . Silnta .\na '120 =--u ~tam. 6th "' t'OrnN Bu~ now for Christmd' GRA::-.0 PIA:"U SALE' Baby HArbor 3283-J. ~tr Stafford. EXPERIENCED cleamnt: woman each W ed. 9 to 3 p m $7. HA • Balboa Power Squadron 2187. OUict<r rot 193:? wrll bt• ••It••·•• !I REUABLE woman for 'tl'n'l hou <'· by thf' Po\\,•t ~JU·Illl tm 11 th•• hold duti('S twice a month. 124 annual dirw .. r ml't·ttm tu h.• ho•lt1 HBz~l Dr .. Corona dt>l Mar a t :'l:t.>wport Hut bm Y ll'ht ( luh BABY Sf'n'ING In )Our hnm" llr 1'hursda~ '\tl\ 1"'1 1-'nlln\\ln ntoml• minl', /day or night HA ltliO. nlltiCin!> hll\t• bl,·n m Hlt• lor n•llt• t:O'CPERJENCED local <'ll~nt.r nmndPr . lltuuhl llullt uf Balho1 want \\Ork BuJidin5t. n·painm: J..,Ltnc1 tur lro•u rc·n.trll r ,onml.lnd• r etc.Frt>ee.tamat<' HA O?i4-R Rt>:\ Rr u aJrl>l c,.,,,,, dd \1ur.' (nr· 't't'tt•tt•\ C:t .. ll , I Anrir•"' B~..J:liTJNC--Re~able. HA .. r Curpn ' ,J,.J -'I u lu t.. , •.. • '·'t't••rl r.11 • r• *"'ll"l \ h 111 S!" n· Miscellaneous F CIR YOL'R .\\"OX rt>prt•'t>nru II\ t• an Corona rld ~1ar l'all HAr hn1 t't I tll t•.,, •lllll rf,.J \l o• It t• •'· ••I• ·('It'd Call T RI ANCI A HA 2125.W HA 07"-J HULA- SPA.MSH- po•••· Cl•n•• •nd privete leuo'"- ~om ,;, to a·riy. Cla n wM, SI.2S Privett ltnO"' S2 50 with a • Sl.OO PUBCHASE OF STAnONERY One Box of NOTE PAPER FlEE ~ -J/ lrOoJdBP V ARIEff STOlE DArltor ... (;r·rnd frnm ~t9:l 134-aullful :...ohn;, r I'i•rl•'r Grand. S395. Utht•r-. at ",&'), $675 up. W ur- lllzrr. \hJCk(>tin(t, K Im b a I . Start r'll' DA~Z-SCII~UDT Big Puwo Swrt.'. Santa Ana. 520 ~o. )hu\, ('(H'rwr· 6th ~' Ru~ ~0\\' for C'hri~tmas!! 'li ·'··1'0!\ DO DGE tr·uck cab & C'hll!':o.r~. ~ood con d. $6.';(1. ~rot t C'rowlt-y, 1779 C'oa!'t Blvd ~o., LaJ,tu na. 2:Ho-)1 I RESPONSmi F: dll.} ttme t•hlld t'tll•' durtng the wk., at )our homr' nr m ine. by youn~: marriPd \\\)0\rJn. E.\~'ril•lll't•d. ITA 2~1i·R-K SAVE ... OUR INC RA KIN'S BIC 1;7:;:;;:;;-;~~;..;...::~~;....;;.;~~ ·50 P LYMo t·Tu suburban. excert. clt>an, low milca~t'. 2491 Coast Hwy .. NE'wport Bt>ach. BE 6515 RE!'I.'T A PIA~O. l.Rt the Kiddi(>s learn. S5 per mo. F ull term rent allowed on any plano In our stock. DAl'•~Z-SCHMIDT Big Pi- ano Store, 520 No. Main, Santa Arul. HARVEST SALE FOR SALE-Gas heater, bed di· , n-..~ tu Ut.IJ pd. n~ van and small de-sk . 610 Acacia, nr .~. m . · oo:at Corona del Mar. on. 1 & 2 bdrms. $75 mo. 1 -=.::..::.:.:.::....::::.:..:.:.:::::...:... _____ -:: 315--317 )(arcuerlte, COM. GAS S AVER-'49 2-dr. Ford V-8 2397-.J-K. cu:.tom, dual Cue! s.)stem. burns butant? or ga.soltne,ICC approved tank and mstallataon. RadJo and ht>at~;c•r, d ln'Cllons sr~nal, lO\\ rm., .:uod llll'l>, excel. L"'nd. Uwner. HArbor :!416-J ·;;o lR ICK Rt' tt.'ra . 24\U Coast 11" ~ , 1\~·" port &ach. BE 6515. S~tALL l.J<oat·born heatet·. Good " nt'". 204 S. Bay Front, Balboa U.land. HA 147~J . HA.\Ut0:'11D ORGAN_S_!_',...rh_e_gre_a_t llanunood hord Organ. U you don't know a note, you· can play thts! The Hammond Spinet Or- gan. World's most beauWul ton . J::asy terms. D A N Z • ~<..:J fMlDT Piano and Urgan Co. ::,anta Alla . 520 ~o. Mam, cor. tith St. :)ltt \\I LL JIUI.U any Pl.U'\U tor L'lut:.lmal> deli\ e r} UA.'\'Z- :...t'li~IIUr Utg P tano ~tore. ~ tllld Ana. 6th St. L"'l'ner , :>:!tl • v. ~ldl11. lW PIA~U::, TU l 'l lUU:-.1:. FRU~l _' -----"-HOL'SE MOTEL Bl'"d . COM liA 1063 11\' \\ I Lt. \'S p1ckuJ,1 11 uc k, Jo\\ nu. ~-'--'-~=-~·(, !:-t'\•tt C1 o\\lt·.>.l77~ coo~t ror renL See Lou-HI\ 1t ~uut h, l...a~Wl.i l. Dbla tl: singles, SA t'H I F1 'J:; 1950 P u_n_t-la_c_4-_d..,..OO-I' 118y. ~Carnation, d HA M 1r 'l'd..tn . ~·rt. con . Vwncr, 1!'23-J. 332 E\emng Can)on Rd. l'oruna del :\tar I ''4Si.>E SU'l'U :.ed_a_n_. -c..,.lt'_a_n-. ......,2749=1 ._....,..,.......,....,....,...,..,_._......,_ ........ __ <:t:ltht Jlw~ . :'wwpmt Rt>ach. Bt:: ('all ttflt'r I p. m. & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING ti:> I:; m R SAU. '15 l'ushmttn motor l>COC.ttt•r Runs "ood ~2 Bi-. 6f){)6. \ \' a It <'r 5 J._l • .,.m.....,.... -~:--. 1 '.It CIIEVRULST' 2-dr. Sl'd ~491 Cou:.t l!w) . ;-;. B. 13F..at•on t\.."'o 1 :l Rea l Esta te Exchang e :\IC >I WR:-. :?-bd1 rn. lwnw near l .l· l:Uill nt.' C'l•ntl'r. actual \alu•' . 13.:-,ou d ra1 for C'orona d..t \tar 1-hdr m. 1-s tm') , 111 ooo ,,. undt•l c .. n t.n'l Dr. Bil}r'u w1lh H Conrtld Rt•.tltur. ::?;u. Fon ~· t~·u.una ~·ach 4-11134. KE'iS -Mao~ whll~ you walt. Tommy's Shop, Post Ofrloe Blk .• Corona ~I Mar. T ELEVISION• Trade your o ld pl- ano on beautiful tele\1slon Big a.llowan{'(' Famous makes in television DA..'lZ-~ CJ DtiDT. 520 1'\o. ~fajn, cor 6th St . Santa AnA. SHOP AT NIGHT FOR ~&i$:1 ·-,., \ 'ht•\ tnltl SubUI b.m t''\IT)'· nil An'",'' ,., ••n n• • d fttr ltlhllh'"' IIHI pt. ,;,Ill•' l..il\\ nnlt>.i L."• tnd J'<'rl•·t'l n11 · , ltan11 dl~ '3!l Putll l It' ti ~-dt"ll t'• llt-nr ""''"•· n.-." lilt' 'I!) lllld!-tHI :O.UJ~< I "'" t'\111\t'rl· 1blt• R..tdltl, h i r. 11 dn ' •· <'umph It lk\\ 1••1• ""IW<'I tl 1\\ 'l·t 1111•' 11;11111 Ftt111 l'r.ll1'114•r• t lh•n <' ,,., )Q~; "' 1 !~:\.-. mod,·l~ St•d.ub & :.! ·d•'•" ' f'ru • .t 1 rnm , 7!1 '" '1<1·, CULBERTSON MOTOR CO . Cht•\ rnll't ,(' OM~muhllt• '!otX 1 C't<fl .. t 111a:hw•" '1'\\ [)<trt n .•.t('h Ht: 6 1~'! ~tnt~: ''Titt'l ONLY RETAIL MARKET aUowed to lldJ a <'&r · <'a-. flllclfL, blad quart4'rs. fore quark n of b<'f!f to the ~- 'OlMFiizo L-D Pl.liiT'' P f'r80fd rt'lltlng a Froraa Food Lodcf'r or OWDIIII' a R oml'l F rt'f'rA'r ar e \'f'ry fortwlate lft belllc able t4 boy m N t. In wholeMJe quantities at a V f'at M\1.atr. ('om.-. In tOO.y aad lflt n nplalft how tMIL"ftftd!l Ar c> <'Utllng th.-lr food biU ttlls 811Y "'•Y· WE A1SO SEU FROZEN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES at a SAVINGS up to 20% 111101 ~~ J.OCIEBS 4 1 8 30th Street ~~ NEWPORT BEACH NEW STORE HOUR~ • ... r--... ~ S · de ."'~ ... ·~,...., ... ~~'-. }" . ... v •• '-A. a ..• :-..... 'i' -L. ' . or.~ t:.'1 : •• -.,·eek :.: s ~rr-r-·:.:::..ues Sc~:e on · ~il ~~sb.c :--. :rpP""...:t! :Iccess.:,:-:.:?s -h :dren's w e~: ~c~:sehc .d gooc~ :tr~er..s -· ~r:i dozens 0 . 1'..;.. .o-·e"1S __ ,_ c'·--g · ...... ...,.eri a ·· 1 ems All I,.; ··"'-· •• .. • •• t.... ... • ...... ~, ... •• OPEN ,\\ONO,-\ ~ S -:· R .. r-'· ~ ~ mc:--P-·.·~!'-!e !c r-~;::-·~=--~o!1~y Har- .. · S !· Pr1:-e: lrom 930 d m Lo 900 p m b e-:l.:;:: . ., '1 Nr· .. ··~: .... bt:'r L:n • S•"n your I 'U' ,..,,\ ... ~f'~ n Btt b ,. D···• ou• lhe P,.n n u A fle~lbo • 8 .j ' '"• Y ,.~-; bet!r r q~t 1 ~ 0 r~•1 8 ... d "" ,,. • 1 "1 ·~ 2001 O cea n Blvd .. Balboa • Return throu~ Balboa '"d Ntwpot• lo Co.,,! H ighway, turn right to tht fir1l lr•ff;c qkt ''"'" left o" Rive,ide Avt .. riqhl on•o Clay •"d • qht again onto El Modene 435 El Modena, Newport Heights A wot ld or ""II' 111 tht• tlln<'h·hm•"•' tl• ~• n thL brt\t)d-rw~ :l-bf'dt·•~t•m home• Jt, "'"hill~ Wt'll. cit·,,,,. ( rmhou~.· rw,r. l m ri•H'P h. tufl- rul oak floo~. nc'l rnnll\ hwJt-m, t:l\•' 11 • tr• cham1 ll:h double I'Hr,ccc• p, r fn•t f,.,, 1 fnm1ly • • • 2 hlock' l tttm I In : 11'1• J. 'l'll:ll RANK N S J.• "f"! "'. •• ROUSE HUNTING? Best Bet is your loca l Rea l Estate Dea lers ' OPEN ROUSE TOUB O.:t.•! ,., tlld 11• I fl11• 111111 1 • 1[,1\ II HI • . •• I • "I $12,500 I lJlo 1\ "' I I '; .. "'" ""' BEACON Hill REALTY WH '''"IHlrl Hh ll ( ""tn ''''""' tH -u·oou ·,: I ~ t: • Q .. ,~, ~" E v~d""'" r"'dl ••· • C H (' .... Tu"" ••· d''•• •o Cc ,, • .,.. CJ~••• •u.,, l.f-. A• H•• • ., ·d .,14u c q""' Ctt• ... 1.-~., •u•• ~~· ·~~~" ·~ 719 Margue ritE". Corona del Mar 'I t • \ 1 I \I hotlll• I I I I 'n' \\ I h I "o! I}\ 1'\,.IJ 111 • Wt1 l ilt )/1\hltl\ .... , •1 •' I •I 1•' It .tUtt ... l 11 I" .... \\ , ... , $10 750 ' · • ,. • 1 r1 • ,,.... , EARL CHAMBERLAIN :100 (. o11 .. 1 Rhd. U<\rN\1' !!< IIJlJ"''''' tit, Htl\1\ 11 l'••l\11'-1 t1d :'\hr • ll rlurn on M .. q ui'• tl' • u (':"••• M qh"~' • '" rig!lt ,, the \PCO!Id t t' "'" .> ~ > • Oft riqht aqein •+ *'"• !!lord ,.,,. • • 307 Iris, Coron a del Mar l h.•dt'fl\tnh ""·"' t~n.t ,.,, .. ,, rt \\':\ •t.• \l'llll t' fll'' tn~ tlrol(lf•s. douhlt• turn l"\ , \-\ ''"'" ... tnt<'t .. lrkc• n•'" Cll !>ot' $19 000 ~~~ Ill. 1l'h '\ P.'n 1 ~....') :'tm 1 rn• EARL W. STANLEY, RealtOI' 813 M•t Bhd.. f'OU d.-1 'Car. II\ -·~· Your Harbor real estate dealers hope you enjoy your Open Houae Tour! / llt<;ut: I~ TNE OFFF.S, 1\'E f'IR8T T£:\.M of t.h.-~--\\-pttrt lkrbnr T;u'IJ, whu \\Ill taa«le-\\1th" A.uhf'lm t.l\18 ,.,·.-alec (Thar8day) at UM- flppo.n.-nbf n.-ld~ Ia th.-bat'tcnf'ld (lt>ft t o npt) llrf' lla.lfback TNt F\t>llrun., Qusrtt>rbtl<'k RQIIy Pulukl, YuJihllc-k Doa Aa n61d and llttltback ttn a..u. I• th.~ lint" (l¥ft Co rl~ht) 1\ff Ml<'kf'y R••tml .. r. nt;; Rrufi' 1\Mird. RT; llm PaM'Ot", R( · Bnh Ea~.-rl. : ~ HAm· hrnu.k. t.c; :--Tum I..A.nft•, I.T : lA~ l':tJrf'. l.t~~•hotll h~· ~ill Rll!lnl."') " T lw :"t•\\ !)Ill! I lurbm THrs, mIn,. tht> S:ttnt>. l'ilnll' h:u•k nlll•t' tht• lilmiliat roh• nl unrl.-r·dol!''ltmilim: 13·0 Ill''"' 2)-.-20 !'l:t•\\· "ill pin~ tonu.:ht lll'h'<HI "' Frt· pm I II d in lu·,.t 1ln\\ n~ fi-t> m nf't da) ar Annht•rm. \\huh 11>.! Fn-1 ~a1d!l\!l" 2:\1-:!•111 .tnn 1r1 P·' '<'"' d ·~ •wnrt•d thf nHajur up~o·r nl th1 l l'Omph•h•d 10-7 Hut 11 wal' t hl" f1l0thtll ,.<'a,on h~ ddl'tllllC tht• S:tnt·t Allit PH"'"iiW Al!.lt'k thllt foUl tllnt• t·hnmruon F ulh·rt•Hl In· tu11wd t ht lid• '''tlll1 up tl ,. dJan,., 13-7 A nuh.•tm 1,. """ at ftl'l toul'hdo\\11 ,111d ''~''"'£' th1 thP top ol tlw Sun.,l'l u'8L:IIP '' 1111 lu!'l ""' 3 \\Ill>-and nn In,...,<'' T 111 T;wklc• Toll\ P 111lham 1 I'· llw Til'·, Ju,.t anoth•·l h• 111• t'O\t'lt>d ,, ~aint iumhh c•n th•• 'llli•••illl b l! lkt•t I,,,, Fttda:-at ~·tnt·• \n11, Sa nt;e An,, l!t-\ltl'd lm1• tn thf' I ru ,, quat If I Qll.ll'lt•l h;tr k Rc•lhl' A«ounh-Not.s-Cleims of e"Y ~ind of debts-.nywhere in Arn- erice. "No collection.-No fee." We ed.,ance ell cosh. Zna P.Jace OCC P ula .. ki pa "'"d to t:nd l>nn P l'llll fot 7 ) ;q th. 1-"ullh;·wk I km Aar- ' .. 111 pt<'k('(l up ~ ~ 'tnh and l'u- ' To Play DollS Sal la:-ki "' nt O\t'l ln1 th€' tottc'hd"''" llnllh;~ek r:, \. lkll C'OII\1'1 lt•d In w. d. johnson J t-wt•lt"r !J8 M.\RISE A\"'E. R.\Lll<)A f , LAXD. C:\UF. l f,l\rbor :!6-40 ~0\ ... --OMIT -\&-- SIITIIII 7:45 I'· m . •• UCLI _,_ Enstgn a n' riled ads ba. ve been ' rwoven means or rea ching buyen !or,...all sorts of merchandi Use thf>m ! Phone HMbor 1114. CREDIT BUREAU OF NEWPORT BEACH, LAGUNA BEACH AND COST A MESA l Tht• 01·n1ll'• Coa<,l Col11'1.!f' 1'1· tho• '''''"11d quar t••• '"''Tar·~ "'•Ill· ..d ••·om th·· ~·w•• ~7 and .. rm.·d rat••-. \\Ill h\• gunmm.: '"' '1 \It· 111 ll\o· I•'·"' l'ul.t-.kl en -: ton '''' ,. th•' :'anta An.t Pun-. Ill \ill fl., hH tho· toll• hdll\\11 <llld llw qiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij~iiiiiiliiiii•liiiiilliiiiiii:i:iii:;iiiiiiiiiii:i:iiiiiiiii::::iiiii:ii.;! ~:~:~:;: ~~~~~k~'';:u,•;~7,~ .. :n~~'!:~ ::; ~:~~ T;u .. \\t l•' l1·ut1ur • 13-11 r FINE FOOD IN A tn:"':"V AT 204 RiYer5ide AYe. P. 0 . to. J" Bbc:on 5597. Newport leec:h, C:.lif. I roncl plaC'o Ill I hi' l-:".\~1• 111 l"n:ll•". Tit n IIW :-:~unt' .. , Itt• d tho'll JU & & t'nc ,. und ki'i'P ah\t' 1lwu dtanc·• :tt·•• t1 ~'1 ' '' k I hn·• "' t:tl' h t STAN HOWARD'S tot 'h.tmpum.,hip San Ht•l llill· I'll'"'' l•w•k th• h~tll tro~rn lh• MINUTE MD SNACD --------MATTRESSES Lonenprl_ng -Cotton Fo:lm Rubber Irregular Shapes NEW -REBUILDING C OSTA MESA MATTRESS CO. 2150 Newport 11...... l&c:ot~ 1061 dtnn ,, no\\ .11 tht lllP '"'" ·1 :\-11 "'11'11 1.1 '" •I • 'I 11 1 1nd S:ulllt rt•t'OI d rollowmg thr 32-2 C'olllQUf'SI \n I '-1111 ··d "" lilt' !lt" ,,, ,, Tlw of q, ll"n' lt!>-1 Fnda~ 111 •ht ,.<.•H• "''' U 7 "lilt ~~~~ ''.,.,..,d., ttr Tr ,. l'u;~t•·-. d<t'..,l\t'l~ lllltpla~t·d ~~~ Ill llu 11'111 -• • :t!HI tlu II' \\a<; !'hall•'' ill llunttn.:::h•ll Ho•'tl·1t pit 11~ ,91 .u •••m lo II <tn tht• ph' rJ lll'd;l\ llll'hL lt•JH111W Ill 111-.1 ;c(lo·t kwkntf Pttl.t ... kl ltl'-'lll to 1~•11 do\\"' 'tn-l" .md 111 n1 1 "u·rl ... '"' 1 l>n-\ 11 d tn11c hdo\\ n pl,l\ Bi'll ~..tult d lO:l-.!.!1. hut ('(•ulc1 1 1;·k liP 1m ko•fi till' I"""' .1nd 11 "a" :,lfr.; only a 11-P 'IC"IOI'~ :-.amt Fulll~;tt k 1 )JI'k p,, nnt•lt towllc Aft• 1 a "'"""'('!»~ ftr-.1 lt.~ll. Juhn tlw nt ~~ kirkorr 1111 hi!>. 20 anci Bltrk C'llm.l\.t·d a :13-~~ud drl\t h~ ,,,·nl all th•· \\3\ to 't.'fll'<' and Ilk l ~:mng O\t•t trnm tht• 1:! Ill th€' thnn sNlrt' was 20-1 i nt halfrim<' quarll'l. • td Mannin~ I'C'C'OH•r('d 11 In thl' first two minutl'<: of llll' f umblr ton 1 ht• C'hn ff<'Y 411 in I h(• I final quartf'r, and Charks Black S<'rond hrt~f Sant.c Ana took th(' ran 30 vards for till' S('COnd touch-lE>ad M'orm J• ~n a 49-ynrd pas J!IIIIJil!li!lii!iiiil!liili!liiiiiilil down. ·Jess Smtih ku•k<'d bot h t•x-• pin~ . Tltl' pomt was. kkkf'd to tra points m!lk<' 1t 21-20 .T..atl'r '"·the 1hlrd Phone ZEM11 2076 (Toll Free) A Cf'rtrun touchdown \V1lS miSl €'d quartC't thr ~amts f'nt:tn('('l'f'd a b~ OCC in th€' s~,•rond quot'l<'l' as :19-~nrd touchdo\\n dri\r \\;lh an Hal ~mith ~:ot in the 'clf'at· on n IR-~nl d fl:l's pin~ putt me •ht• brtll 7 1-,ard run. fumbl€'d th<' ball on O\C'r tht; Chafft>) 5, and Chafff'y n·- C'O\t'rNI in tlw end 70IH'. WOTM to Send Boxes To Men in the Service T hf' Wom('n of I hf' )1oo~e ttl 1 ht.•H meet 111~ I ht!' ~'' t'nin~ ''iII pn•rn rc· and " rap txtxe!> for . unc; and hu..,hands in 1 ht> Sf'n'lc . both in 1 h1" rount n· and O\'l'r Pat; l t!'m!> tn bC" JliH'kC'd nr<' to bt' fur· ntshr-d b v I h (' 'a nou~ m<'mbt>rs. l.A'ma ~1a,sr' is !'ll('lal rhoirman fo•· t h1 €'\ f'nln~. ;.;.,,.., iniuation \\ill IX' hPid ~o' 29 \lr<;. !\1o<,s('\. "ho i., lihrar~ chairman. ha' 'arranl'rd rm n book rt•\ it'\\' I o be t::h ('ll [I t I ha I mf'<'ttnt:. Th<' ;.:P\\ port &>ach :'\I on .. •' Lod'~'' C'n1 <'rtainrd a bout :\00 Har- bor A rPa c-hildren \V£'dnl'c.d:t\' I'\ 1•· ning of Ia.,, \\N'k with a· Jlal- lo\\'C''<'n party. ThC'rl' wa" a hucr bonrir<' un tlw lx'och in fnmt Clf tht• l..odgf' Jlall 23rd nnd Oce-an i'~ron r . ;o.;<'\\port. and th• childrf'n \\~'1'<' t r·rntl"d t () appl~·~. cand). cookif''l. pnprorn nnd sodn pop Thf' affair \\:t!>. plannrd h~ rh.- Ci\k AffAirs Committ('(' ·llr r·b ~h&mak<'r, .Jo llomann. .limmit• Pc'tt1 1. l>uil Tippin !!. 1 hH <'n Hol- brook. F.rnit' Sttwa rt And Po n PRE80RlP'I'ION ALWAYS DOUBLt: 1 Rand1•l. Thr~ "I' I'<' Al'!>l.,t <'d ))\ E lsit• K m~. M~ rll'lll' Tippm~:. Els1r Pm·t•••· and Ed nn Eaton ol th<' Woml"n nf tlw ;\l tl(l-.t' BAIIPTOII'S Sh.ll Products -ltepeirint -24-Hr. Towlnt -Nit. Worl by Appi. DAR Group Meets 'In Shore Cliffs October m {'('tin J: for 1 h<' William "We Spec:ielin in Eme,..enc:y S.rtic:e" Cabell Chapter of OAR was held 1020 Coest .Yd. H~rbor 441~1-Ni+fl: BucCMI IIO..J-CorCMit clel Mer I r<.'C('n\ly a t the home or Mrs. W . E . : ............................. Fish('r in S hore Cliffs. Presldln~ot '·' N'gent, Mnt. Charles Boardman of Balboa Island announc<'d that Mrs. Carl Hanna of Shore Cliffs has bet-n named registrar. at OOIIPI.&'I'B 110111: nJallfDBDfOII IEaeoD 5158 1812 Newport lmL C08b Bu i.nes reports were ~iven by Mrs. Jesse Wolfe on human con· ser vation, Mrs. W. W . Poore on Christmas box-es for the American lndjans. Mrs. Hanna on her vtlit to the Los Angeles Neighborhood House. Mra. C. F. lAnders on the DAR Southern CaUlomla Conf~r· ence. Mn. H. P. YarMIJ on a La· guna meeting of Gtrl Home-Mat· en and al.o on the need for ~I buUdlng expanlfon 1n Newport Ha,.., 41 ... Coa<~t Bottlt•\nrd nrona dvl Mar -Ho;e-made p ies a n-d ca~es- Having a Party? PHONE HARBOR 1380 for A TASTY SNACK TO TAKE OUT. NOVEMBER 22nd 23rd 24th bthony's Shoe Repair • AS AN ACCOMMODATION to merchants and other customers over the long week- end caused by Armistice Day, this bank will be open from 10 to 11 Saturday mom- inq, November 10. • IT .fiAirJOlt nAHK B P M IIOXIE Harbor 1 Ul;h eta havt> eleett'd oiiiC\'r for tht•l l l -52 \tar. V8d- N t hosf n b) th t•ntC)MI for tht> ) l ar ar Tom Jl{'ndf'rson. p11 '· ck·nt : J ck '\prdrum. ''il't"-~l't· •- demt , Ann ~tot rb, S('('r('tary; R1·u<.'t> Baird trP urt>r; J ' c.u- lislt>, bootd or control; Htli Hov- k ins, R<l\ ' LA>agu ; Pattt DW)t•r and I.XJn P t.•\ltt. tud ·nt roWlcil I New dalnna.o of the X 'POrt Harbor Bra.tx'"h of ~~ •can Red ero., i.l. -tan Hadfield. BaiOO. hland l't'Stde,ot and N>alror. ~n~ W{'(.'('f'ds Hart-)· hto.n of 8&100. Ell'Ctcd by 1 ht> junior da. \\ t•re Rolli~ Pultu kt. pt~ldt nl: .10<' l.R<o,-1 ter. viC'\'-JJrcsidc•nt; Jn'l('phint> ;\k- K l' , t'<'tt.•ta.r). Joan ="unan, II"Ptes-1 urt>r': M a r 1 I ) n ~t·hllckt-nmt•.) f'r. boatd of rontrol. Tom Lan~<'. Ro)"' l...ca~U''· 1-'losd .·wnnson and Car) ROJ::<'r,, 'I tJd t nt C(lUil<'il (Susie Plet er of Corona tiel Mar who "'•• "St1$it S.y$' correlf)Ondet~f for the &ui9n •• Herbo• High end now is eHe11ding S•n Die90 St•f• writes one "'ore column fCH" the En si9n and presenk • bi9 scoop.) FL.-\~H!! Olll<'• 1 few 1 hi' -.(lphum()ro• eta aH• Au ltn Sn 11h. prf' td<>nr , .11m \'m•·.r~ud. \tl'(•-pn ..,idc•nl. Jon<' '\;u- na.n. -,'Crf't3~ -lt••asurrr B1ll (".,,... roll. ll0a1'd r>f rnnt rnl \'wtur \\'tf. son ..1nd B•mk J::, 11 '11n, ... ludrnl t'O!ffiC'J I • 11 ,. II• ·hr• 111 n(fu•o•r, arf' R~t·h- · A nr•lt' from ~n Dl('l:t• ''a" \\'h<t I 3 Cl t•a I :01 h"ul II I· 'tOd I'm hn\ln~ nohr•· fun £hen 11 W.rr••l ol monk<>~ ---•··Pt-.'ttll~ llt,Jio\,,..·, n !U).;'hl \\J • I' I tnd a 11.11 ~ fur tl• c11b 01 lh•~ rimm· .\nd •hi' ~~~'"" rn lllld th•· hv n o•\\ .. atd Inn. r:-1 (JI ..,,d,•nt, :\It hnl'l:t L<'rtl old. \1 ·f)f't <ld• nt :--urm ., \\','II Tl11 hmt h IJ,.,,. lor .:•lhltn ... tnd \\1 t che .... Shl~itki 't'<'t• II\ lr• ''u''' Gl·n Thom;t>ot IJ<, t "'' •• • c• n 1 r o I !~all \\','II \\'t>ttel . ll<·~ · l .. ·&l!liP. and Lucill ... t• II Jhu•J' 1•1 111 ... !11r P• · '1 ,. OPn\ h11Cht" Pur;~~ 1nd lohn t:~o:~··• 1 -.rqfi, nt • ounc tl .,:1\t \10 I t IJ• 1! llhlo•ttJ trick. \tori ,, u nf ... t •ttzjllo tha• r• to click. I I Ul•' The ~t>urw· pi~~ ., 'n H\Jrt "'' ,"<f T t" big-tall L..'obliu ha' I•'• ·n•t '"'J: J~ Ttml'," \O.rfl l.,• 1'1' ,, nlt·d t. fun• thP I hAir, tUd<•nt bod~ 1111• nr~·h• nl '"' ~n nrt rtl(' Jirtw r.nbhn f,. 1l~n f'lir in J111rbo1 ... -tUdrlmum undt ,. th• '\hi' .:111 hPt rin.: I, .. , '·thlldt\ d~r·t·<·t mn "' l!"IH·rl w.· nl7 dri.lm'\ nwht, · li'<H.'htr Nlttv•rrtlho•ttl\l,trl :\ttl'' \\tlh d;...,,:n, 1ttl tiHnl In ·•~n \'jjilr. J>tm '·ami 0.•11. n onna Pn••t·. unitP T om J 1<-ndr'r"un. .lud\ Tu(•kt>r . C11rolt Tt•1thff. Jdnt.(. ll 11m r. Johml) Ya 1 •·s Bill llnpkm-. ''""" 1 '\t•l.,t•ll. Eel nf'ek,.,fl 11111 und Rob E~gl'l I .\ ' ' I ' I I ll I d 11 o•('ltlt 1~ l>tmna ...;pdJnc••r I /IOk" li k•• 1 his w til bP nrw ., ~ IIH• h< ''I 'hnw.... t ' Harbm 'o • ,, t)tll't' 11111•ncf Th.-R<n.. t.A H.'"tt•· h't' c;latlt'd danrm~: m' I ht• StH I " Hall on ruf'Ct- da~' 1nd Th11 ,tJ,,, I r hns I'~''" Pn 111 bt• ., hue•· ... , • ,.,.,.., lu rllr and 1\tl'~t'lt ~llpt'' In k<t'(J tl lhtJI \\ ··~ lns~o-ad of bruoms. 11 •"' •lh l'll'llJI· kins and s::hn''l> rho l"t•"fl 1'1<.' I'H't'. l!'t old •lt:K'"' "lOti a tnru-1 :'11 now tho• nt•\\l> "' •·an't I"IJI h11t Spill. I 1 romp le-t" t hP r h) m" a.nd 8111 • •: I r ~ ou can ~ur•-:o; b) n• ,,, ,, t 1' r m tr>m~ ,., put a"''"'' ''"' ·• NCi\<."11,1 t"ll~hl YP. I'm •nt.:<t •J 10 Btll Fo t .. r 1 Jnm11·r ,,.,,,, 1 PI<A)t•r I rom F ull• rton \\ho :.tk-o el· ,,,11~ .··u1 I IJo·~.:o ~talt• oll••t·•· \ Exchange Club Mee ts At Home of President ~r •• ,... ~-.. r:-;:...r ..... IT'S TIME :o co. :-::-:1 ,_.s br tho .. JJe~ d a.ll pe.rscnc! c:-.nstm :lS g !.1"":.5 --- *YOUR PORTilAIT CALL ~OW ::o~ INP':)Iholl,._l,O~. "LIDO HOMEMAKER'S PARTY .. Thursdays 10:00 a . rn. LIDO THEATRE .. * broadcast 1:30 p . ;n .• KVOE (1 480) fhr• Ttr P11 lt:t, bt••n op••m•tl .n::ttr' ,.,,. ·•·I>•W"ll 11'11\ Ill• ... . Th I''",,, ... , I• I\ h .... I ft·l"lt•d llfltl't I' (til II 1 \I fl Tt IT\ \\'t+'h .. ll •clt•ll T••tt \ (;fp···(' \II'•'· )'H•diT Jl~thtlft I til It ''"1'1•· Don't Leave Everything to Nature • • • 111~ .111 Krn• l•to•t"llm<'htll .. · m 111 1ncl t· 1 ' ... Kurt•·" .. tud••nr t()!Jilt ,, •• ,.. •11111'1\•' • . \ )f/tl II•' lrr•t•m..: t'lttb h.1 ... ),.•, n ''•" '• d (t)t" II r htll fIt h "'"'"'"' • Tht "' ftrl't.. "'' \1.,111\ n t · u·r- \\fiL !11. Rll''' IJ I:., , .• rnd \f,u 'l!' { ;,,., 11 Tho-· \1 h11 11 ,, 1111• rt''''' I ollt '11 '•'' 11 It ljo h \lilt lho" 11'• J ;,~.,,' I Ill'" b·'rl h HII " \ '1 I l'lt' II I'' r 11 fllllltil tl .~. •• , ...... Ill 'h· Tho• II -T ,, .. tluh h., .. ""' c·••·tl •h·· fl)ll•'''". ..,, ... ,.,., r .. , rh•· ~ o':l' I >u~ Pe 111 I ;\lu~:ul T!~tll~ Pult,kl \ h'• • \lo .. rJI lltrh Jo:.:.:•'r' :o't•lfiH ••ttl Rn \\ ,\ 11 \llld tnrl ,I l•'k \\'1111 ihtJ I I; 1 • I• " \Itt 1· I' .'o~nl,l \. 't!.! tnlt . •ttll1t' 'I It'\\ Jl II I t' 1\ •' •• h•ld 111 lht• Jill · h111 11••.r -.. •. ,, rl Pat Pt•·rlt 11 • hll011' 111 )~1\ "hill •' \\ ,.,.,. Hnll~ Pul, ... kr .tn I I lf•llll"t '''1""1. I''"' Prl'rl rrld L<ll Alii' \\rlltlfnl'"" An ltte• 11•11\'llh II!HI '\i 'lr'll\11 SC'IIrrkt•fll'lt'\, 1. R••\ B•·ll Hilt I \lui·' I .AIIJ :'!lit\\ .J, 11 --'•') IIWIII' n. I k untl .\1111\ :-;,, till. .Jrm Jh!)(>I\P:t aiHI Pam ll•l\11', \'11r1111 J.u,k ('3111111· ''''11 ,1111'111 :'lt'l•"ll' , ....... \u• '''· lclt' I .1':-l••r '\lark Sd~ttl­fil'lll J ){>nm ;\l •t.,on. ,lllf k \\·, • .,,. Hrur•o• Bu tni 111cl I' 1 t11 I h1 ~ •'I' and man) olh.-r ... n.u Hopkin<: plot) t•d h., .. , ~ll 1 ft'\\ fnt•ncl~ on the• l~o.lnnd ~''''" lht>lt' '" n• TN1 :\lc :\fa<o,l£>ro; and \lonl~'"fl \1Prrtll, .l:tC'k :".-rctrum and Lth.lt n Qut~n Ja) C"arhl'l•• and Ann \ltw~i... l•min S l•t\\'IC'ki 1nd Ruh~ Nl'\\ man. Ru'C.\ Aftn old and Jan"' Allt>n a nd R1ll llotpkln<~ and Chnrl<'nt• SI'C Don Pr<'NIOn had a "mall part~ Friday ntl<' aftr r· tht' J.!8 m<' ~c>cn 1 tlwre WPI'(' non Pl'('ston nnd Joan Nunan : John Hitchman and Donna Pril'l•: and Ron La<."h<'ll and J oan Klml'!'. Shirl<'v Rw . had a small party I a 1 h~'r h(lm(' in Rn~· Shnrt'l'l, ~c<'n tht>t't' , .... .,rt' L~ nn nt'o'"'"' and t'J(lbby Ca lu\ in, Sand) l)(>nlin~C't' and Ja<'k Clat k. Elll<' Rn(tan nnd R. C'. Cr·an,•. &>tty No1·ton nnd C'huck Babbttl, ~hll'IC'y flu!><~ nnd Rogl'r McKtm.,m. R1>hhy Rrh.!(t!' n n 11 Nancy Tlltl . .Jnhnn~· Ynll'!l. !..('1' Jo~ r<'rl nnd Flo~ d Swnno:on. Rob C"ut~r~ and ~·1ndi T hndrn. Bill ~a nnon nnrl .Jam'<' Jlumt'. C'hucl< Durno II .tnd Oonu Zuhl', and Boh Rurll •tnft (' rol Thomu hnd n smrtll r~rl) n I Boh C'as<'y's at,._.,.. th<' ,-'\ml~ I \flO \ t:: lht• Ot•\\1''11 111 br.t" f,t <iihl~tnNI h\ flw biUt--riM mn Jlrl7t' "lnn••r I uclllt• ,,( II Oil\\\ til WI. l .'l:tolh• J,. n t'ttmbinatlun of n) l~n tn.arqul•wt1f' :\nd tl\ Inn .. a tin. 11Dr1J,\ moldf'd "lth \\lro• l••r ""l'r•'llll' nt. c•ttm (fir I u nd h.• a " 1\ ,.;;,.rwt IU(oiiT : Ut• .,J ... •k \\lthuul ... tr.ain \\\th a <mltM>Ih .. llk,1 'l.ltin t•ht .. tlt· a nd p<HI •'r n.-1 ~ lrf"-'n-nn,~ p;\ntt.~ ~elrdl... ( ''"' • n- tt-nt df'l.tf'huhlf' trkut "hlt•ld ,.Jip-. "" "r orr In :~ Jlff .1 111.00 Othr r cirdiM f rom ~.9!1. EXCLUSI VE LY AT 0 BR I EN S O'Brien·s heip:.)Ou dev.;:~~p a b e autiful ngure w:!h garrr: ... , t.l:'l control your curves . Mr. and Mrs. Paul Grt>H<'nlx'rg. , Balboa: Mrs. Joseph A. Bt-ek of Balboa Island. Mr. a.nd Mrs. Ro- tx>rt H01·n a.nd Mr. and Mrs. J . LP lit> Swfft'nsen of Corona del Mar. and Mr. and Mrs. Enl(.'St Crain of Costa Mesa attel1d<'d the Oran~e County meeting of UK> Wo- man',; Campu.'l Club or Pomona Collt>S":t> on Monday evening Ia t '<'Pc>k In Santa Ana. An all-time' rec:!ord In building to garage, 362 Evening Canyon permits wu estabiJahed this wet-k Rd., $800. as the total for 1951 pessed the Balboa pt·evlous record of $8,041,508 in Mary Marquis. Redlands, repairs J)('nruts issU<'d for the entire year at 120 E . Ocean Front, $200 or 1948. c. Harold Hopkin , 1707 E. Bay. Building Inspector P et<' Nelson 3-room. 2-story, 1-unit garage reportl?d that by Monday 570.000 apartrMnl, 506 I St., ~'5.600. Owner in I)C'rmlls had bc<>n Issued for build<'r. MARSAC Plumbing, Inc. Contracting Remodeling Garbage Disposals RA Jill '701 OaraaU• v .... del liar Or. li<>nry Cord Meyf?t' of the Pumona CoiiP~f' History IX•part- mt•nt pnk1• on "\Vhat Do tht" Rus- inn Want In-Buropt'." Special ~U('sts w r·e board memb<'r'S of the \\'uman's Campus Cl ub. No' ('mber. This amount. addt'd to -----the $7.981,543 tota I as of the nd i~U~~e·Ens-~ig~n·C~l~U;. ~if~l ~d~aids:i.iliiiililiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii·~~ or Octob<'r. brou~ht the total for th<' _v('ar just $10.000 O\'er th<' pre- \'iou 1 t>COrd. RoqJing Painting Ce1crete Wtrk of All Kinds . FLAGSTONE PATIOS BLOCK WALLS --·--• FREE ESTDIA'I'ES • With almost two full months y~.>l to go. the grand total for the ) ear may exc('('d .$9,000,000, a million U GAl Norecr; m01-e than t t old record. So. A-'!0'790 Thl' foliO\\ ing permtts "et" ls-SOTIC'E TO CREOIT(lRl'\ surd durin~! th<' firs t ff'w da):. of ~-::-:TATE OF ROSE MOLLICA :"member: , 1)c('('nsrd S 1'\\110rt . ,.,,,.,., '"' IIM"ebv GhAt to the ~tatilda Bur,::rs~. 1311 W. Bay <ll•dtlors nf and ali J)l't'l-On:. hn\itw AH• .. 6-aoom. 2-tory. 1-umt dwell- d<Jtm' a!•ain"t thP hlitd d(·c;'dt nt ing at 1309 W. Bay AH•., $12,500; ot• !>aid • ·~Ia tt• to fill' t ht•m with t ht• a ,.,,1 ;>.100m. 2-stor). 1-um t dw('ll- nH .,, .• " \uuchtor" '" th offiec• in..: nt 1309'J \\1. Ba) A'<' . .,IU- ,)1 thP cj,., k t11' llw Supc•tim Cout·t ooo. 0\\nrr burldf'r. uf tht• C'loliJll~ ol Ot tns.:•'. State of ,., ... a ~lt'\art' Ptll't ... m•,uth. cm- Califor nw. 01 lo flll'""nt th<' same. lr\l..;t II\ ing ,,.H,m onto Adjolnin!.' '"'" tlw nt•t-.'l'>"·''~ \mtclwt'tl. to Jot. HlC~ Coul'l A,., •. l't:-~. tht' und.,t:-tL•n•'<l ul fw •. fllrtt't' ol ~'I''· \\Tilson. t'l'llairo, at 1120 \\'. bu ini'!-S, 10-\\'11' (' 0 11111'\\II Z and Ot't>an Fr.ont. sno Hun\117. Alton''~~-ill Law. 2611 Ftank \\'1:-.hnn. :-h:n fm• <'<II' N(•\\ port Houh·' .u·d ='-,. " Po!' I :w1 nc' at J~l()9 Ct~<ct>;t llas,:hwa~. fk'ac·h. \ahfornr,,, " 1 t h 1 n s r x ~2·~1 month" nflt•r tht ltr~t publication '· -· J,idn hlr ur lht!> no!tC('. -I 1\tr·-. Pilit1 !"tamb'lUI:h. l..os An-.... L ..... I •-l>att'd !'i:.oH•mtwr_ 2. J~hl , ,. l!dt•l'> 6-t•lOm, 2-stnr~. 1-unit d\\!'11-U.---•• -... ~11( IIAF.:L ~ANTA < R1 Z inc a' 11 !1 San Rc>mo 24.1100 Ro- Ex C';'ll)r uf the F.-.tal• fwrt F nrtws, buildrr IE.c:o11 Sltb.J • HArbor 1012.J nf <:atd dc><'t'd nt Rul)<•t 1 lkt k1 It•~ 93.1 \in J ido Hll Newp.t ...... c..t. W.. Publbh. :"o, .. 15. 22. ~. Hfll. Soud r(•mod('l ~a·,.:,t.:•' :.t 120 \'ia l~=~~~;;~~~ii~~~~~i~n~t ';'<'~r-.;~<·;";'llO;;r;t ~I ~la~r~hc;lt~E~n;,;•t.:in~ii y 1'11·1• • 1 ill. ' lla ,. "'horl' .. \\'illi.tm sw1w. M't'nnd fl••m· m PI ..::uw:•• :!i:l(i \t·t''>t\ 11 \\ ~-' -lflll LOC.4.L and NATIONWIDE "'t'n i nt: t hA Newport H.nrbor Aren firansfer Cio. C. E. McNiel G. C. Bennett Harbor Blvd. .. Coata Meu Commercial & Residential WUinq READY -MIXED CIICIETE BEacon 6547 NeWpOrt ilh'd., Ooata Ke. Onulp 1111 -1[1 1111 a.BCI'llliC • Let • uel•t fO'l Ia ~ plaM. We wiD ctaclly ~ttmate eoeta of matertab. rec!GIIIIIt-.J a ~tractor or help you obtala a loaa for aew OOIUitnletloa or remCMiflllar. G18 OOA8T BIOIIWAY ftoae BI'Acloe M'T7 at The A.rchee HOMER MEUniT, Unlt:Hul l .. i an tJ 1~111>o 11 ln~nld J.n, .\m:• It,, .tdd '1 hl'fh'fl(lrtll'o un ..,,.,., ond floor n•- mod••l lo\\ ,., fhl(•t .1 t 3~ I :-...npphtt·t•, S'l 000 1-.rt Hm!t'l'' butld•·• ('oron a tl••l )IJtr Tht•cJC!nlt' R<•rk•·l• lei 1-toocllll 1· );lol\. 1-untt cJ\\,.Jhnt.: u1 32tl t lt'- clnd ~Y.OOO ~htllr.tl Rlltlthnt: Cn. burldl'tl'o Shorf' f 'llrr ... Ed" m l''f'rt.:u ... on Burhank adt1 U GAL NOTICI ('ErtTU'ICATE OJo~ Rl'SINESS FlcUt:tou" Firm ~ame Th<' undPrsi~med does hereby CX'rtify that hP Is conducting a res- taw-ant businrss at 300 Marine A \·enu<'. Ra I boa Island. County of Orans.te, State of CaJHornia. under a ficlitious firm name or deslgna- 1 ion which does not show the true name or names of the persons in- tPrcsted ln said business. to wit : "ISLAND PATIO" and that said firm I composed ot the followin~ person whose name and addrt'ss ar<' as follows. William H. Harvey, 2555 Vista Bayl'hore. Newport Beach, Cali- fornia. WITNESS my haM this 17 day of October, 1951. WILILAM H. HARVEY 1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUI\.7\' OF ORANG ss: On this 17 day of Oct.. 1951. before me, a Notary Public in and for said county and state, per- sonally appeared W illiam H . Har- vey, known to me to be the per- son whose name Is subscribed to the above instrument, and ack- nowlt'dged that he ext'cuted the same. 1 Witness my hand and official seal. C. R. ALLEN Notary Public In and for said County and State My Commission expire& 9/10!55 l Publish : Oct. 25; Nov. 1 -8 -15, 1951. In the Newport Harbor En- sign. UGAl NOTICE No. A !OSI'7 NOTICE TO CREDITORS ESTATE OF SUSAN C. HUFFMAN, Oeceued NoUce Is Hereby Olvet~. to the creditors of and all persons having I claims against the said decedent or said estate to file them with the necessary vouchers in the oWce ot the Clerk of the Superior Court of I the Courfty or Orange, State of CaUfomia: or to present the aa.me, wt th the necessary vouchers. to the undersigned at his or her place of business, to-wit: C/O Hurwitz and Hurwitz 2611 Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach, CalifomJa, within six months aftl'r the first 1 --tlYlWlY PL:II -- Ladies' Sheen OIM1 1,35 R4"C. 8.95 tn 14.95 6 s5ro 8'5 100% NYLON SLIPS r 6 CREPE HALF SLIPS Rf'llllar 1.ft "' Sheen Gabardine IIIITS Re~r ~5 4.t5 ....... -.. Men's 100/'0 w• SUITS Re-g. 4JOO TO 7500 J495To §ZOO Men's 100o,f0 Wool -TS R~~.~5 T(I ~ (995 ro J49S Men's 100o;0 Wool TIP ·MaTS Rf.>g. Sft.OO and 6.\.00 3730 J995 AS'D Men's FilE SUCIS Men's sr•T ~· s.t5 tG '7.t:s 2 '79TO 495 Men's Gabardine Rt-gular 15.15 •n 'r Gabardine Zipper MCIEIS Re,r. 9.t5 to 1 1U~ 5'5 To 10'5 Men"• Genuine Rf'l1dar ·~- -11 ....... 5115 publication or this notice. Dated OctoiX'r 10, 1951 1 w•~~TM~STER \TF.. llnd t .OOni\T T. OOROTJTY HUFFMAN BREWER WESTMINSTER CALIF Administratrix of the Estnte • • of said dl'Cedent. Rt-:TWl•;K,. ~ \ '\'T \ AN \ .\l'1m !'IF. I. BEA('II Publish: Oct. 18, 25: Nov. 1, 8, ~tnd lll'J·:' I' \Uti nnff llt'~TI"C:TOs Rf-;A( II in the Newport Harbor Ensign. I l'hnnt> \\'('..,tmln"tt'r .tS61 Jlourw: t :SO tn IS :SO • • • Atmdl\ya: 10 to •:so Did you rend the Want Ad WF.D F-"DAY NIGHTS TJU. A:30 ~~~ t~? ........ ~ .............................. .. fta~eclay, Noftmber •• 1151 Page II' Rr.Tt'R~. '1'0 HARBOR Wfter.e to Dine Mrs. Carr!~ Muth an h re- turn•-d to ht'r home a t 429 Cold(>D- rod A\t:>. Corona df'l Mar, after a thr t• m onths \bit \\tth hl'r ~lS­ tt'r In W ·omtrut nN1: ITALIAN DllGVliS _AIIo ...__Prt.e_ Coclctails Comedy Drama Well ReceitJed C1\ ln r: I heir first pc>r formanCt' 1 to Ill> ori~lnal condit ion for ~liss of th thr('('-act romc.'d~ d rama. R('i'd' retum to the campu,. :-.If'\ a "Goodb~e l\1) Fancy," last night. Oakdf'n tS stn~e managt>r. th<• N<''"port Harbor Communit~ The play will be t><'ll again to· Playt>rs appear to ha\f' a hit on night snd tomorrow night IThurs- thc>ir hands. The play eems to . da~ a nd Friday 1 at 8 :30 In Oran~:£> h&\'t> (•\ t>l') thing it n<'t'ds ror uc-Coa t Coll!'ftt:' Chap~"· I L w . ce • • -humor. d rama. \!.'arm com mctnr: cont ra..<;l tn it pace and J)('rsonalit i<'S. 'U(l('rb t im lng . I and ca ling that l<>a'<' littl<' in- ~:iEE!E!!e;;;;;; dN'd to bl> df'Sil <'d. Mart ht•lla Rn ndn 11 dt<,plu ys JX>i"<' nnd (tn• ..... p Ill tho ll'~ldlnL: IJC\.\~ nr' Ccmcii·~S\\Oman Acatha Rt...;cT. nnd l..r--. Strflt n-..••n 1-.. nblo nnc1 muturt nppr'"''' h•·J n... \oliN!<' Pr1'"1d1·nt \I• 1 rtll \1, I flnrr~ 1 ... rhnru ll!hl~ f"'•ll mc·m In 1\ m·t jor 1 n lr· , .. tht• I tic• plt<tlooCI tjJho 1 \'11 •lntli \lOIII I' "''"'"" \\lllldtlfUI l'tlltHnmci tol 1101· In · 11nd rio h\ ••n 1n 11 rnmo•cl\ 1 "'' TYRONE ROWER SUSAN HAYWARD "HALF ANGEL" • t"IUO.\\ -~.\Tt 'tlO.\\' • 'The Frogmea" -I~IU<I- "BIRD of PARADISE" • ST.\RTI"<• '' "·· ~(''· 11 • -D~CM!~ ~ CLIFT · TAYLOR - ..un WINTERS ~ GEORGE Slt\l:~ ·. ,..,.,..., .. APJA(I IN 1IIE SUN See FIR.ST OMELOANS Low "REDUCING" Interest Rates Low Monthly Payments * We offer you the facilities of the Largest Federal Savings Association in Orange County You'll lie our conflel ,........ 111 Mrvifl9 r-....._ LAGUNA IIACH ..._. 4-ttn-mo... A ... Puti \\ lllf> 11~ :1 111'1111 \ nl••mtwt rll.l\\'-ho·•lll ~ 1"\•;.1'1, Ill ·,.\t'l~ '·fp· pr•·tt.cnc'f', ttl\\ a~ ... IIH' c•um('(!H IH1•• illld lhlfllll hi\ 1 r I •I 1·1111111 rn ; c---t'-1 nt IJillloii'Oll~ ulllo• Jl'.'ltJll•· 11 I" r!t ll trUI1 In rnrk tl1r-fr•a I 111••cl Jl)(l~ I I._ hill I 'f'l Jlt•ll I '11ppnr I Ill ma 1111 1 ulo ... " 1"' ,.,, • n tl\ l.1·' Cnt\\ lurd. \!11·, f'rll'•• R .;. \'o~n J-:tll'('h, and f't 101'1'' n1 '-I'Ol' ;\'n• lhalu· \1wh.~•lrl "p1nrhu 111111 nlilll· 11.:1 r i.., I• 'P"n"'IIJI•• lt•J 1 C'f1lu1 I ul ..,t>l , lht:' dtJI mi tt•l~ ruom n ... lolf'd ,John \\"a~ nP-R nhf-1 t II\ "Flying Leathemecks" . Kiddie Mat. Sat. 1 :45 ROY ROGERS '''\"''\I'\~~ In Three Serials!!! . ~un. • )fun. -Tttt·"· "0\· II · I '! • :O:Pf';\'l'ER TR \CY in "THE .PEIPL£ AIIIIST 1'1111" al-.•1 1.11 1;\'FI. HARR\'\1< IR E in ''BANNERLINE'' C"O,...~G ._O(l~: "STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE" Tl RO.\l L \,TD\\! FIRST RUN "Come ml the Cap" li )...,, V.\lll ~ C;RA:\C;r-R w cf :-.Ill' L1 Y \\'" Tt R"' "Behave Yourself" ::tiS<' "Sword of Monte Cristo .. In THhniNtlor ~E.XT : LANA Tt;R.'\JER in ~jstery Japed .. " al.o JA~IE$ STE WART Tilt. O I'TI'fi'T (I 1 lt. hr•:tth•tl h~ l'r•· .. lllt•nt ''·"""t' 1 T .. , 1 lfulltll"" 111 ( rtrun 1 tit I \l,tr (.tiHI\1'1. \\Ill juln d uh .. thruu :,:ll· t•ut t ht· '' 1trld In Hh-..•n .1 111·• ur OJttlrttl .. t \\t•ol '"'· 11 -1-:. Tlw lt>f' t1 f•htlo ""·'' rh a rt••rt•tl In "a rc·h n f ta .. t ,, .. ,r "rth '!II rn••n1h<•r ... n ntl h'.t ... :.:rn\\11 In •n••m · twr .. hll• I•• l !. Th·• rluh "'JHIII ... ur .. lilt• 1\:.lll<o t h htntl llu\ ._.,.,. .. , TrtHoJl. u jnnJ11r h.t ... •hall l t•;tm 11f ttw II a riHtr \ rt .1 ll•n .. ; ( luh :tncJ ;on unnu.tl E.t .. tt•r t .t:IC llunt : rn nt rlhu ,, • ., 1 n t ho• 'llfll"'rt ••f t Ito• OJtl lmi ... t n n\ .,· llunw In '-"' \11:.:••lr·': :tnll ,.. Jtl.tllnint.; tn ~tr- &:'tllil•' .1 ·l uni"r OJ1tlmi ... t ( ltth fn r ll<''' uml• r '!I. Th•· ... · .wtl- ' ltlo•... a ro• u ndl•rt.lkt•n In .If"· r urci;J llf'<' \\It h I ho• "lflt.;n II II( Otl- tlml ... t lnlo•rnallunn l. "t-'rlf·ntl .. r llw Hn\ ." nthr·r orn ... ,.,., nf t ho• loo(•·,·l f'lnh ·tro• 1'. C. \n rlr••· '''" 11111 II. 1.. II..Crlc·'-· \11-r- pro "lth•nt ... :tnd f •• n. tluUnl·lfl. "''t'r• t.tr, ·I ,.,.,, .. u ro·r. \I.T \H c.t II n .... TO \lt:l T ,\ Jllllll llll"linl! 11! lh• .\ll•tr C:1uld .. "' 1 c ;• I tch c•l \II l 'trm .. J Chun·h 111 't '' pn; 1 lnd ~· .lflhn \'1rumo ~ ('h.•po I on !\;Lit"' 1 J...lmd "<h h1•ld ;11 12 3n p m Tlh:'d.~:. at I h•• 111 \\ P'lnsh II .all 'HIJ<~II11nl! I ht' Rt•('IUI'\ or ,,,. C,tlhnlu C'htln·h 1 P1111i·ql<f l 'l.to';iko·l '' , ... \It"' .lo- ~t ph .I :'d Ill h lit\\ h I 1.-t I •ci f>I •'"Hl••nt ool 1 h•• An htltnc•1 ,·tn Cnllll< ilnl l'lllnlw \\'nnh 11 l'ltn.., \\1·11 fllHII'I•ll 1 11111clll1•1 ptll\ 1•a: '.· .,, 1 'l'l'• nlht r ··w.,· I O't: f, \ \lt. TO '\1 'T' illlhlltll c_h ...,l·~'J ... qlt1 m,.,,.cJ llh11 ._,u • 11p" "" tnri m1 t t lw ~ 1111 1 A 1 1 • H · ... " .,,. II 1 r • hr•r', I tt·!d 1111 Thlll .. •l.t' m-..to•'lci ,,f Fntl l\ 11 ... 1 "'' k Th··~ ''t 1 1· •' 1 1~-P rio • tl Tc>tl.l\ Tltou ... d.,, I • · H'-. pia' \n tlwu I · • •' RIOJIIftiftg FRIDAY 5 Nov. 16th THE DUTCH L:UICH 111 Main St. m the hear• 0: BALBOA e Draft Beer a nd Light Lunch" • TIE IIIIE AT OUR OPENING DAY PARTY PETEtl IniAL._. HAYE 8.\8\' A nl'\\ an 1\ al camf' hom \\ Hh h<>r motlu·t Sunda) from 't Jo- S('ph Ho.'>pttal to the Pf't<•r H ill I'PStdPn~'('. 2<131 \rps 1 vi('W Dr., Ba) She'll'S LJttiP ~ancv Hlll \\as born :\tonday, Oct. 29 "·ci~h­ lng 7 pounds and 6 ouncr•s .M r uncf ~1n. H1ll aiSCJ ha\1• 11 IJttlt' son of 15 month~. ~G-4~'~ Your F..mly Reltaurant (Oieeef T-...7) JUIOeeftBift. ........... c.-.. "Your Host to the Coast Since 1926" FINE FOOD COC KTAIL COAST HIGHWAY AT THE ARCHES Ntwport B.•ch JOHN VU.EJ.I.E IEtcon 5161 Real Mexican Foods e Enchiladas e Ta cos e Tamales e Chlli Reller.os ~t-:. e S•e a ks Oper~ 5 to 9:30 p. rn. -Closed Mond•'fl La 2511 Newport Blvd .• Crni• Mew e J 111t South of S.11te Ana Country Club * Delicious Family Style C:-.inese D.r.-:-:ers 1 8 2 0 SOUTH COAST BLVD. For F ine ? ~e:1ch a:1d ItaEa:1 DmneJS :::-.pQrted Beers & Wt!'les GE~E'~ DELICIOUS and Chin ese · Dinn ers f!~~:!~~~=s]J St£'1\ks • Chops• • Short Ordl"rs 6.'1~ Coa'lt RJJthway -x~wport "Ma riner's ~flle" Red Snapper Cafe R~n 69~9 SPECIALIZING ,. 0 .~ ' • t r • • ... \.A4. • SAM 'S SEAFOOD AT THE SIGN OF "'HE SWORDFISH SEA I=OODS 16278 Coast Hwy., Surfside Long Beach 8-2405 Meet me at "The Inn .. • • • Henr"'s Famous Food ... ~.ah·h-L. . • ~Clock -. CLO~EO Tl"E\D.\ Y\ LEO ROJO or rht . PIA, 0 BAR Balbo~ P :u>mr~ Lo: a · Our Doer • • • n.e Oty of Newport Beech Fri-fContln~ from Page 1) day presented to the County Plan-the No. 1 bell. and there Judge n.ifte Com.rniaion a formal .....-t Bob Gardner, muter of ceremon- tbat tM arM inland from West " ies made the Introductions: Monte Eleanor HUYclro pf Balboa and Newport botlllded by the recent It was hard to t~ which t'nd, Grfmt.. chalnnan of tM Kiwanis Holli1 B. Wood of Downey llipped ·~trine anneutlon" ahould was up, but John .llfolUthton and BHutltlcatJon Committee, which away Jut wt't'k and wert' married not bt' included in the Pt'Oposed ''Buzz" Ellsworth apUt the flrat had worked with the Balboa lm· at tht' Flamingo Hot~ In Lu V~ provm oU field 1n that area. prize as Ufl81<k-~~ men ln. ~he pro\t-m nt Association in staging cu. ~ bride ~a f~l- Stoner o! Balboa: Mrs. O.tJwrtM Appt>L and M.ra. <Mnar ot Balboa laland; Mr&. 'rex 'runMll ol Colta IIHa; M.rs. Garvin Morw and )(1M John<otte Galbraith of Santa Ana : The l•<tr• from the N Y at4todo ann u o I S~ .. ,.. HoU...~ •n """'' Dey; Hon-y W!leh. N""'-.....S JaN emu wllh c-nttlng "'It Ia reQUNt.ed that the pro-dance, Satu 1 Oct 27. at the port Harbor'• No. 1 dtize'n, erand bodiCX', fullsldrt and three..quartt'r ~ acUon be amended or Bay Club. ny and Bun en-marshal for the parade; Herb length alt'<'ves. Her acceuories changed deleting therefrom the tc.-r•t'd on tht'i hands • -· or was KPn ny, Kiwanl ~esldent ; Lonnie wert> black satin with whitf> kid ;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;=~ ect.abllshment of a so· calll.'d it thf>ir f('('t. madt> to look Ukr Vincf'nt BlA pres1dent. who urged glovH and sht> carried a bouqut-t proven oU fi f.'ld within tht> ar(';l hands? As a traditional clown that Arbor Da)• oo madf> •n annual of J!ardtmla . SHOP AT NIGHT FOB bounded by the Santa Ana River, ~ussi<•d up m a Vt'r)' untra~ltionnl <'\<'nt· us Stefft>nsen. who had '!be ~n~~: <Y~mony was fX'r- 19tb Sl, roughly Whit lll'r Ave., manner, "Moast>" Lagrrlof wa. Pm<'<'~d tht-successful BIA fund foml<'d Thurr;dny Pvenlng by a and the City of Newport Beach . murl' fun t han a c-h'Cus and huf· rRisln~ dlnnl"l' which mad~.> Arbor Con,gre~;ational m 1 n 1st e r. The W e reel that tht> furthL'I' dt-\<'lop· flc.'d off with second pri'Ze,. whtlv Uny possible; J . A. Bet>k. secre· newlyweds n>ut rned Sunday and ment of oil In this area sho~d Mrs. LAgerlof and Mrs. tMickeyJ tan • oC tht-Stat<' Senatt>: As· will rt'sld<' at 1713 Occ:-an Bh-d.. Mrs. Ma.ri.a.n S.-N"r of Long &.eh and thE-motht>r of the gTOOm. Mrs. John Bir ron of ~'lley. cootlnue to be handll'd b~· the ·~· Br.·dford werP the Old Gold Kids l.'mblrman Earl S tanley; Mayor Balboa. suanoc or variance JX>rmtts as tn 1 ont of t('lt>vision nnd shar'('d th<' IA>s ts~ll. . . . f WC'ddin,:: cak<' was scrvt'd Mon· the pas t. third prize. A rtoor show showed All spokt> of the stgntflc-Ance o da\' niJ,tht at 8 1\owl'r honorinc '"llle Ot)' or Newport Fk>ach up some nigh professional talent th<' ev<'nt as sho"ing how the var-the brid ~' l'n b) M rs. Fa) f et>ls that 1t definately has a ma· . . • featwinJ: such actl as tht> ious ar<'ail of our city can work to-Blowt'r, l !lS:l {)c(>an Bh·d.. Ralbpa jor inteN'St ln the abo\e m<'n· Chark~ton b) Mr. and M t'S. Van g-l"tht:'r for rommon gooc:l Thl' honol'('(', 1\l'r-;PI(. w n& •'Jl<' of tloned an•n. lnao;;much a& almost llay(•. and ,omc.-ran· lnging b~ Fr'Om tht-re tl\1' officials W<'~l to the prizt-winners tit canasta alon•• the t'llllr<' :tr<'a ,., ... urroundt>d by Pat Bn.~t•rin~. Cit\ ltnll wht-rt> Monte Gnmes with 1\11• t..mds C'~·nnr uf Balboa territon that ll> uworporatt-d wtth· • • • nnd llcrb Kl'nn)' pn•sented t~''0 l!.lnnd 1n the Cit) of !'wwport ~nch.. lmins: Uf'l lor tht-<'lt'lnl \\i. h li\tnl! Chri .. tma tr~s to ·'"" Ctt~ \.w·-.t nr thr part~ 1nl'ludN1 ,1r, 1h ht · 1>.•1 t) of I hi' ''"'1'1 • 1111 ht•ho lf of rhr Kr-.,an! Club l\tJ·, .Sit•phPn C"l!rnlJOI', 'lr .... Ro- Il l Breakfast for Two s . .. ;., Fi""i'h ..... ,. ICcnu " 1priqqed wiih q•y c.olocful nower~. O NLY i KAREN MARGRETA !Jr.pr !'' aut •' 1 ,,, U<• at th•• B.t~ l'luh 111• l'P\, tt•···~ \\'1'1 .... plantNi 111. hont l:wrt Pl'ters, r,t,.... ~orman IIUtC'h· n 11.1 ~·". oanrludmJ: d101Wr and ot t "'' < •1 t ~ Hall <'n t-ach s1de or In~.,~ Z\t .-.;. Jttnt• Ytl:tkum. :\II" \Vi l- d.1m·m·• ttw Community ChurC'h th• r111111 \\ollk and :\1ayor ~ l&· liam \\'hill'. \Jnc. F. \\' Cofll('t' card p;a11' ;II tht• C"c1tt•llll dc•l '11r lll•ll u·c·• pt•·d tht-m fo~ thl" Ctl) · :\Irs. 11 . Humpu". :\11' \\'<ICKh . chnol "~''' Thut ... \la~ and Zonr ..... \t 001 l>a~ closed \nth 11 Jun(·h· I __ h'JPI''' (':u·nJ\aJ dmnc·r dant a 1,.10 ,tl tht• ="~'"por·t Harbor •. Y,ach1.5t TifF: ~~ '' "110 \\ftiTI-:~ 1 ,,·,,...k·. from tomCliTO\' I I'm st>ll-t'luh -.pun orN! by . the Kt' an Rupf•tl IJu~hP ' author ur "Tn- tnt: ttckt'l!-1 BPIHIItfil'ttiOII ( nmmlll<'l" umph,tnt ('I••.' · and utlw1 L< '' • • • · '<l 't>lhn~o: b<ouk!-, \\011-o main SJ>f'l'kl·r ='onw fane) eh~. :u.•r ... ~pr<'• ~~~~ L E t • th1, "''' k ;II the flo.1k nnd A uth· lht• ··m,•Ut.>rdn~mu Atl<l kt l•l 1 I In.. aws nter atn lll ('lull llll't'l1J11: Ill l h(' Amb·l<;- llUdil'nC'I' in J!OOd hum~··· 0• 1 1 h~ np· • . sadur Hot I" I tn Los Art~l'l<''l. Hnr· l'ntlll! of tht' l'l,t.\\nt.:hl:~ \\otk· 1\11 !-, .lnhn 1·. S.tdlt•lf of Corona '"'"' • \\hO att•·nd•'<l Wt'r<' M ~. shop nroductlun nf 'Tlw nrunl, llt•l ~1.tt 'nh'rt;tinr'? ht'l' ~~ut:~t,•r: Auh 'r.tcmt•cw>, Mr;;. EnV'r~ 1\Tool'e, ard" ht!>l "C't'k·<'nd n t thl" Bum~llt llt·l l''. ~1 r,;; Jnhn ~· Sadlur o La f ~~~ !> (~ t h••l'lllt• Kr• .,,,.,. nnd :\11.,. Room. D•·Spltt• ull thl• thtllh' lhnt lt.:lllla .• end \fl .. t). Z lhtbt•lt-.nn o ill I 11111 t·an llld rln hapJ)('n on !IJII•nin~ 1•01 ,1111 clo•l \fa1 ami ht•r d.tu~ht~r· •• '.'.''_'u_~.;._t!<-_....__· __ ..;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;; llll!hl. thP ~>11m' t·am1• nn and -.onw 111 l.m. \I 1, 1 l z. Rol)f 1 hem Jr_.. I ·r111, .. t•h:Jlat·t•'t'il'tlion ... "'II' PI• 111 1 lund1,.,.11 111 l.<1,!un.1 l:ti>l Frr· ..,. • I• d h\ ·•·• mb•·1· .. ttl rh c ''' 11 ,, •rt .. · junanr "'" Rolx•r•tson ul I! , 1\ 111~ '" 1 h hr ·t hthh:tnd'!-pal· o•llf• 11111 11 tlto' Ill j,.rt•t• I' rt•td) 1." rue II \I.J. TO 'I' F. \k 'I Ill')'"' t hc •t 111 t 't(•l Hnl~t I hon' I• Ilt-1" \ II til nl '•\'I> rl • """ Ill \1,,,.1.;,, l 'II , 'ol II I' ., "'1'" \\ t •• 11 rn · ci llot .... .. •11'1~ l •'<lllfltl 11\11 :til I '-IIOfl. •Il l• 111 1• lrt l"tll't•pt• \•.Ill 111 f , ,· • Ill I ho •fp • I I' , l•'<•lll • 1'11'11 ,.,, 1( lol' \ ... 1\1111 • 'I" ' 't' t ·,.,.,11 , II• I \I, .. ,;, , ' \t I 11 I I• 1 1111 lu•t · ••• • ·1 • ' Jul• tltllll• 1 I'·• llll. l t ill . I \I ' \I :o.•1 • \ ,\ J.,, lliP• ma l .:" I htll -•!:•' It' th. ( ·, n•:t 1 rl.•l . 11 Pfeifer's Scrumptious TURKEYS e '()\\' Rt:\r)\ e WE DRESS TO ORDER or h itc•••t"d Froxe" YOUNG TOMS ll"'•il•bll' Oft sho•t "oticto PFEIFER'S 11 II I -..11• ,,,. , ... hr\H I" Cn:111111 mt 1 \ t"hu • h I I 1 II· 1 , 1 d 11 1 h 11 7 C • f' 1 !-('• t l!'d hm.pl a I' Ita nnn~ 1•111'h •11 1111 , 1 , 11 ,1 1, 1 ,1 1 1 c .... -~~., d • •• ot II I Olflllll• n• \tt-.. \t •• "'I '1111 l l"t llt'tl H,rb • 1'1 F II ni ··n • "' l'••l•lll:t clr I \Ill ",., ...... ,, at•d It 1\kl.\ H \~C II 381 E. 20th St. Ho..!'\ Q 3D 'o s 30 o~ .. Surdo)" br· h ••• ,, !-Olo• ... r. Rl'l nmpanto'd hy _ T .. n, 'i'' • .. I l''lln • 1111 LAUNDROMAT lm••fft W••"'-n.. Wtsth ... •• CLOTHES DRYER . ~. NowfleN .... will you,_, ...... IXQUJIVf RATURIS Wesrt elnw LAUNDIOMA Y Jh COM.mlf A f Ill....., WIIOHS YOU. G.OTHII • tile .._ aive Weich·to-Save Door. Yoa aJwa,. wub Lhe ~ a.tDOunt of clothe~ iD tbe ri;et amount of wRter with thf' riglat llmoUDt of .,.p. SAVES SOAP AND HOT WA-. Set the l.aundromat.•a Water Saver Dial to oor-ru~pond t.o the weight ol the load-Smoll, Mrdium, lhRu14r. You ~~ave raiJ.om of bot wat«"r Rnd IIORp, too. WASHES CLOTHES SO CUAN. Pat.rw WASHa_,_y, RINSEaway ActioD ot tbe La~mat., pnUy and thoroQChlr ,....._ each pteee l.tlldloW your M.N:U ~ .,.,..,., And when dot.bee ue waahted eleait ,..,. .toy .,. becaw.e dirty WMh and , rm.;. Wlltera are drftiMd oway {1'0#ft die ~ -Dever t.b.rough them! .... Wtlf' lnw CLOTHES DRYER ,.... ................... ... ria......,.. IXQ.USIVI DltY·DIAL. Set it fOT Damp or Dry. Clotbee oomo from the Dryer on the Da.mp eettirw just right for ironjng. On the Dry eettiac', b0ne-dry-6ufry. I!O(l, rettdy to folCt IUKI put &Wily. HANDY SHlLF • DOOR. Only on tbe W.tiQcbouee Dryer will you find thiA oon-..__t ~ &Dei unloading ahelf-door. No atoo~ or~ to load or unload thilt Dry.., 'I'be ~ il at ju.et tM n'gllt Mi6Al lroia 1M ft«,t-. WllnNGHOUII AIRFLOW SYSTIM • P-iPed to blow warm, clean air directly Uti() 1M dryiJ:tl d.otl.t:.. I>riee clothet quickly aDd tboroqb..ly. EoonomjcaJ, too . ..----·~~nghoue * Because many of our used car buyers like to shop a1 night, we are now- Ope a Every Evening for your CONVENIENCE with a a no-i s~lf"-tion of late models and some BARG AINS in pre -war tran~porta­ tion • HARVEY SOMERS Inc. r n n \ .... r. ... n P I. \ l 0 I f II "TI'I\~.\TJO~ \1. f l!l < K'i '.! HH f'OJ-.t tiH:h\\ 1\ XEWPOitT Ul-' \C II BEacon Gil '• LAU'Nl)JlOMAT II a Tnde kartr Ru U. 8. Pat,. Off.