HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-12-13 - Newport Harbor Ensign, Oaly I lbanU9 Day. "til aut.lmaa. ••• Sbop at Home cmd .aft Another atep toward ann<'x:ing tM High School site wu taken Monday evening aa Coundl ap- proved riling of a petition with the Coun tY Supervisors requeslin~t tht' annexation. The super,is()~ ~ill call for pubUc hearings. Candy Cane BaU Friday PURCHASE OF 4 COVE LOTS IS COMPLETm Purchase of four more China Cove Iota for pubUc ~ach pur- poses was con~ummated Monday evt'ning as Council a~ted t.he de('d for the Bixby Iota adjolning t.h(' two Iota purc.h~ ~ly from H arbonnaster R~U Qoaig near t.he Marine Lab. The city paid $15,000 for the four Bixby lots. BOtJR IGAN8 IIAVE BOY Fourth time worked the charm llnd Mn . Harry E. H o u r l g a n brought home a baby son to hf'r hUiband and three daughters at 414 El Modena Ave., New p o r t He.l~ta. The wee lad, nsmed Devtd Linn. wt'lghed nearly i pounds when he was born Sunday, Dec. 2, at St. JORPh Hospital His three .Ssten are 14., 11 and 5. The Houri~na have jult r e c e n t 1 y moved to the El Modena residence. DAMAGED PAGE ru- ~r..L .... k 8. POft.&GE Pill eor... ........ Cldl. Thf' M\Jnt' --anllatlon di~1r.ror 1,"' nu.:ht <APP ''' ed tht> sal ot thl' .JI~,(MI(J I• .od ... fOr t.h OUI • fall .f'\\t-r l>)Sl('m, Pndin~: the <¥ad IOC"k 1 hu t hr. .. ~~ ,·mr<'d lht> pro~ram ''"<."f' th ... l~t•nd.' w(>re \Ott>d Ft>b ~. 1949. Jlln !.'\ Y.'&S t '1.5 }w w· •. f• I .. II It ,... lwonf\!. ChutrrTlHII Br rl• ,. rlnch of ('~ rt•na dl•l )1 tt 'did thlli m()rHin~ that thP dir£ .. ,,.r,. appr~o~H>d ttv- centnu' '"'h th1 ne1n l i D!{ llrm.s ror H~rnson nd Wooll y of -nnta Ana ~tnd Ht>dmM, Ferguson Rnd C'arolla to take efft"Ct Ff'b 1. for pr pannsr th df>srJt"n a nd plans for thf' '-4.'wer )~ltm, follov.rng ttl<· orh:m'll 8a('('ITI phan. Apprnxmuatf' tlmt.>-tabl~> calla~ for l'itart ol \\Ork on the ~o 1 pnor- rl~ '~" 7.500 outfall. by JuJy 1 Th ='n 2 proj('('t il th treatment plant, and ~o 3 th trunk I.Jl\#'6. Complf'tJon of thE" E-ntire project b~ the rnd of 1953 '" anttcipatt>d Aut'<'m<'nt had been rNdwd lx>fort" last nlg.ht's rnt"etmg on t.M a~t>emPnts by which th d.islrictt< v.11J bu} th<> lJ.n and fadUties of tht-Count~ .JI)tnt Outfall Sewf>r ~> tern C(lunCJl Monda~ t'Vf'nmc . to purt'haS(> Mnr Jessj(' " PI'OPE'Tt ~ a l 301 W BaJ- BI\d. for $5,250. lU'Id lhllf! N'd ttw> way for tJwo t-vt'ntual n.-: of Balboa Rlvd. from Me-..... ..,. •• _ Pl. to the hi.mw&y. 'Jll4> ~tt>d b~ Rt-e.Jtor Horvath. SCORES QJA~1AGED ·~~ii:?~~~:!~Y ~~~ !¥;;~11 ~ <ConUnued from Pa~ 1) t\\-o years or prt>--law at UCI...A. but .., delmeier. ftlllph Maske.) and Bar· decided against that. and s~rted ~/AIIIIWJI"~--ril~ AI!MIIr nt')' •~rancqu<'. in on rt>al estate ln hia falhc.>r a or-~ AnO.., The nt•w p1 Jd<'nt has known flee. Real estate seJ.!.ma wu his MAArA the Harbor Area for almost 30 daytime \\'OTk : In a~tlon to that .u._....: LM Wilder ..., c.1 ~ Yt"anl, ror hi ramily first started he was on nlt;ht·lt~:.ty~h • • • n. ,.....,. ...._ Wp comln~t down h<'N' in 1922 and t':'e ~tate Hlghway946 he .:est___; ... , be. ....... te 11e e -.. bought a honw on Balboa uland rung an 1937. In 1 ... ...,.,.. ., ..-.1 _._..._ ., ..._ in 19'l7. Carl has bl-<'n a penna· to de\-ote full time to real eatate, = el i.e s.p.w c-t J "-nent re.lclent since MM6, When he and came~"' "i th hiJ (amiJy to $tete ef c:.lfenM 111 ..., ._ .._ came down to take charge of the Newport Harbor. c.-., ef 0..... _. r::t- Staaler Bayshof't' om~. w l t h He had married his hi~ IChool .e-..t h ...._. .. .. ..-r prompting from Ruah Sooey, sweetlleflrt , Helen Campbell, and ,.... ...._ ......... "r • • .• we.o bad be-en "1th Carl a t the they ha\·e two chllctr,n. Carol aowaaau ~ O.ra. B. Hopper •'t'al estate finn Diane is now 17, a .enior a t Har-One Year ·--·--·-··-•• Jn Lakewood VlltAage and who sold bGr High School. and put Han· Out. o1 Ba"''l;..,..:, ::,.ii--~:-- C.rl a home In &y Shores. oN'd Queen of Job's Daughwn. One Year·--.-·--- ''Bom into il." say Carl as to Glenn, age 14, is a frHhman at Out o1 llartMw the reason for l(t'tting into the reaJ Hal"bor High, C squad lett~ win- estate business. His father, Ste-ner on the Tar football squad. &nd ~ 'lbomu-, wu one of the pio-a t'ha.mpion rides·. oeer Loe. Ang('Jes reelton. 47 years I Riding is Carl's hobby too. He In the busini'SS. primarily in the had learned to ride during hla boy- H&nCO<'k P3rk art.>a. The e lder hood in Ohio. his home state (M Tbornas retu ed b<'for<' tht.' war, "'' born in Youngstown ln 1909). but still reta1n hi lict>nse. And here's how he beoecame i.n· Carl had rom£' notlo~ of .becon:!· \'oh·ed in Southern California rid· 1ng a lawyet' aft<'l' finishln~t IUs ing acli\ity: One day in 1943 M )I~ ol H arbor Panht>l· J8Uc brougbt jars of jam a.nd ji"Uy for Ouiatmu buk~U to be dis· tribulftd amonc the ~ this .)'8.1" and Clllllk' books r or Orange OMmty Ho.pltal ch1.ldren at the met"ting ht>ld yestenla)l e\'~ning at t~ Corona del Mar Community Cburdl. Mrs. John T. Keeler , Mrs. Ro- bert C..UU. lfra. E. C. Smith and PresidMat Mra. R. K. RarYey were t.c.tes~a Board nwst*n ~ Santa Ana PanbeUenic .Wrf' ~ rial~ at thfo ChrWtmu party. M.l'l. Martin Mansold. ~~­dent. recently entertat.._ board members at her Corona 41el Xar home. Guesu at the h.mch"'n "'ert> Mrs. Castleman Smith, Mrs. J . V<tn Williams. In;. George Guth· rif', M,rs. Thomu B. F• t. H. H. CaM?y and Mrs. 1 ~arw) . INSURANCE -1- Far 1:Yer7 Ntll'd ISLAND REALTY CO.· ~~arwy o.~ HARBOR m -w Partl at Alate. 8aJboll bland '1lE SURE -JNSUIUC"' with Maurie Stanley IMunDce eo.-Dor R•IIBOft 11'11 ..................... W. Stuart Foote INSURANCE 2117 w. Balboa ..... Newport Beadt, ~ PhoDe: HAitMir .. "For Safety'& Sd.e" See ROBERT L. BOYD ' found the course in unsatisfactor,y 14.....-----HArbor 2242 high schooling in Los Angeles. took \\'tmt to Big &ar to play golf. By Dr. a. N. D!• 'ere '!__...;L"'P..... Gt?nerJ-1 Insurance Broker condition , so he 'isitoo the nearb)' .NOIUIAL Pl:a80NALift . I 1213 Coast BJvd., COM table and the result was that he I Who has a norm.al personalHy ~==:]~~~~~~!:::==:. Hayden Ha.,en \\0\l"" ~~,f! played 'no golf at aU that day but and what is it! At first it seems 8 7 A..'flf I went riding instE'ad. He ha~ I u thou'th we aU ha\'e healthy It uS('(f to be only those pedal pened to see a big Morgan horae, producth·e personalities. \~ith a few JX'OPI who took a Caribbean I liked hlm on tht> spot, and asked det>per stud.) or psychology 1t ·~-CruiSt.' or Lurlin<'d to Hawaii were if tw rouJd buy hitn. Tht> horst' (X'ars that e_,·erybody has h~ 1 shoppim: ror Jin(.>J\S thi time of 1 belonged to Actor Pt>ter Lorre: IJ ('motional and mtelle<'tual nE'urotlc )'ear. ~0" 1 hf.'~ a!'(> not only a ' for the pre-school tot. • T ronaportoliOfl •' 440 Heliotrope Avo. H A 1091·R COitONA DEL ~Ait M rr J., ... Hoyd•" 0 rector GREBTINGS 1: .... broaebt to ,... ..._ PrieadlyN~ a Qiv;o a Social Wei,_. Leeclen throueh WBLOOMB WAGON ., Arri'·"l' of Newcomerw City NEWPORT 4flEACH • nt:u('nr #'!7'! • f No rut or oP,Iitfltl .. ) !i l() w. Tit F. BALBOA PHONE Dr. J. H. McCloskey long distance phone call St.'ttled trends. must ror thOSl' \\ho IRke tim off 1 the deal. and c~rl "'BS OWTll'r of ThE' heaJthy mlnded person is 8 in Palm ~JII'in~o:!o or a dude ranch CBIROPRAcroR Office Hours: 10 to 5 Wednesday and S...., '103 ~ E. Balboa BIYCL a horse. rC'SuJt of healthy famdy eX'(X'ri· durin~: thf' winter, but th4'y 81'\' Thl' ThomaSt>s now •havl' five en<X'S. Pre-school years build a th(' tat<> t fashion nt>ws for all of Balboa HArbor JOOO.J Oppoaite Miniature Golf o..r. horses. Boardin~ b{-('&rn<' an ex-centrlll COI't' of attitudes and val-Soutlwrn California. Linen dresses D&N"cuwQ • I pen. In• item. so C.arl sold the ~Y u in the child t~t fonn the havt> bl?com,• as dress~· as the new S~rt>s home and bou~ht a ft~·e-basic structure of h1~ charac~er.l paper taffPta silks at O'BRIEN'S acre ranch at 21st St. ~nd lrVlnl' and influen~ aJJ ~~ his latE'T hf_f.'. 1 ... mack> with alluring bra toPs I Ave. in Costa Me a, wtth stables A sound (X'rsonahty de\·elops tn under jackets and trimmed with ror the hors<'s. chiJdren whotle parents han• a the luxur)l of lact> a.nd veh·ct. Champion ridl'r In the family Is sound philosophy or life, n~t too AU tldll &ad Ohri'litma" too! I young Gll'nn. . . . in fact. Mr. many frustrations, an affectionate. AJHI wut a (rhrh..._. to &1u>, Thoma say~ \\ith pardonable par· resJ)E'Ctful relatlonshlp to~ a r ~ • lf )~oa •ltop at O'BRIF~Y MIM'- AUTHUR MURRAY'S 4l1 OOAST BLVD. Corona del liar Open 10 to 10 For fret> danc:le anal,m Call HArbor 1925 ental pride that he Is on<' or the ea('h other. and treat thetr chil· rialty 81top .•• tiM-..., -..t bt>st rid«-rs in tht> statt>. Glenn hu dren \\<ith con lstl:'ncy and regard Uti" )Mar t!pt'da.llu1J ta lo\~r· a whole host of ribbons IUld tro-ror the dignity and prhilt>g('S of a thaJH'\'f'r "'f'arabiH for tltf' a.. phit'S won in competition. and In , human bein~. 411ft. Fitzmorris Realty Co. October. after "'inning rlnt in this There has I:M>en too much n~ Blow €'S srv ont" of the gilt Ideas Real Estate & Busin Broken district. he won third place award stlt><:t in reo&>nt years of the \'Slue that can be pr<.>tt) and appreciated NOTARY PUBLIC in the Junior ridin~ championship of con istency, struc~ and the as well as practical a.nd J)('rsonaJ. w e maintain list of qualified in Stockton. with Little Man. the riJ.!ht kind or discipline. Free ex-For a f«.>mmint> el~nce gi\·<.> a ~ers. Add )Our name and 948-49 quarter horse champion of pression and non--direction are apt bt>auliful sh<>er nylon with the O.r· wants, in confidence, of COUI"'e stale of Washing1on. . to hi-<'Xcuser; fo~ pa.rental coni~· away ~lei?\<'S striped '"ith. bands 813 Coast Blvd. Carl himself <Jws a lot of nding. ion. Tht" most 1mportaot quabty of IUN>'C, the "'" habJt> llOid. Or Corona clei Mar HArbor 2152 He is president of the Associated of character is to ha\'e a set of d<.>· ghe her a colorfuJ wool sw<.>at t>r ~============; Riders of Orange County, which ls I J)('nda bl<' lift-J.!OOls that are realis· of cashmf'rt' lambswool, ~ephyr ;; made up of the six clubs In the Hcally poulblc>. These goals can knit ••• with hand Hni hlng and county, and Is memtx>r of the Mt-sa only b<' found \\<ith the help or that hand-knit look, priced from Boots and SaddJe Club. the 'J!I· othf'r human be\n~ who _have 3.9.'5. slipo\ l'T 3nd ('l!TdJJCan l'tyles. Oty Wranglet'S, the Calf RoptnR found a fair amount of happmess • • • Club vf the Wr-anglers and of tlw and satisaction Y.lth life. ••oR MEX ONLl': U•t('oft U · For High Quality Hornet~ Rentals • Income Propc.-rty • Scot' ROBERT L. BOYD E l Rod('() Club. Each hcait hy mjnded child ·moe p r-8afttaa. ~·ou doa't haH• w hav<.> an int4«Tated set of attf· C'Omf' IJito O'BRIES'~ hatrt1111C a t uck>c; and \ AlUt•s and $kill~ makln~ wi"P of UnF rif' and "'"'· "!4ho• it fol' him at e,·ery age Ilk•-. TRillO ('olor !" ('haac•Nl ari" ._.,..t""1r.~ cn~age in the .rudimentary Wf' alrt'ady KXO\\' n'h~tt coolor Modern R<'ahy Associate 1213 Coast Blvd. BEACH ions towards th<' impottant l'lhf' llkt'tl b+>t-auw-"f' ban• a Pf>r· or lift-. ln a ~81 lind pra('-!iM\31 n...-abeut ~ ....... the child mu. t be abll' lih:&l~'" or ft••arl all thf' f(al le and hold Criends. am\JSt.' th,. lbrbor al"f'Jl, a nd rurtMr-I responsibility for hls mor f' \\f' N Ut tf'll \'OU "''hat Nl• ... ,,,...,," As he grows he 0 ,. !fiht' .,.,.,(',.. a .;d other llltJf' a satisfactory explana-prf'ff'rf'IK't"S atnOIIl' O'BRIL'\'\ Corona dt"l l\lar HArbor 2242 SIL\'Eil PLATING S I"P' i ImP~ And Silversmiths Rf'pajr • Refinishing • Replate Gold • SiJver • Copper • Brass Near Community Church 1914 Harbor Blvd.. Costa Mesa BEacon 5113 his N'lationship to the uni-n :C'Inh·e I!W'r'C'.halldltlf'. no; or training for a job \\'4" waat to ntakf' ~oar cttt 11111!110 can handJe. an adequate ""oPP'•« f'UY IUid ~·•t ud to his .f'xua l needs. n--that •• "'"' "' ...... , .. Midi • btt Margaret L. Scharle for amusing h1mseU, a M'l~tloa nf llaiMf ...... ,..,_ .. ,r~. Teachl!r o1 PlaDo wa' of handJing money. «to'·"· dr..,_.., ""'·"'t .. ..._ twit, Organilt • A~t idv3!-about famlly life. blnte~~~M. .-arfa ••d ~tloe· Ewnln~ aa.e. a~ut t h<' wc>lfare of thc> ablf"8. u yoo'\'f' 1M-aNI hf>r f'X · for A.ctulb ity •n \\hich hf' lin•s, a t I ('l.alm o\·f'r this yf'ar's tiff M-lf'C'· 307 GOLDENROD AVE. th tt hf' likE-1!, and so tiOM b)' \'()ClH' mal(lll.dtH' • -• w.-f'.orona del Mu Thf'S<> i•oals \\ill bt> more ha\f' thO<W' too, aad \\hf'R you tic If ht> has been treated notlN• ~,ma Ry nrttloa"lly lid\f'r· VOI<JB ronsisteney and understand-~ ti"'H thlnp In our 11tort>, ~ ou'll a human bt>ing. Consist<>ncy r~>alb,~> uur pt'IN>~~ ,., ... riJtht. Vera Williams that bt'tla\'IOr .of part'nts ' • • • Member of M. T. A. what they pJ'<'ach. Preach-WP hntP to snv "Wf' Told You." Teacher of must h<' so di¥Of'C<'d from tht' but it hos Jtnt tf'n klnda rold out-PIANO and VOICE lonnl strains or livin~ that ·ii1P and nut· <'U"tomcr who bou~ht SpedaJ Tra.ining for chUcJren. do not va ry discipline with tht>it ~autiful n<'\\ pom pom 313% M:art.ne Ave. Th<' pnrf'nt must l!l"o be ~IIO<K"k coots nrf' mighty snu~t and Balboa Island I{' mnd<'l.. I(~~ •s n<'u -W3r01 nnd happ). W<' do hav~ al or unhappy of tnt>fftctent, the 1 If'\\ mOt'P !«> !'flml' right in. w .. '" _..;;PB;..;;;;.Y.;;.;;;;S.;;.IOIANS-8=.;:;.;.;;;........;.;;.URO==IlO=;;.;N..;;8;_., I I 1~ ... adpquat€.' also "ome Kkkt-mlck fluff-knit L,....,_.,..,..ence K. Gundrum, -"own"' and p.j.' to ma kl' tht> -.."' • MAKBES TlfREt; .11 ha\'"' ~h!hl-. mor<.> romr> ... and .the I M. D. Ann Ut I<'TmON' \\, ,-nf'\\ kirts Wt>'\'(' prom! ('d 81'{' JUSt a h<>r and si tE'r to play in. 0 don't mi. '('m. . . all this 1741 Superior Ave., Costa Mesa ~·Jth wht'n shl' get a bit bi'tger. and loads of Christmas IJN' t>nt Practice limited to Diseases Sht' \i:ns born Thursday, No\'. 29, too! At O'BRIEN'S. of Ear, Nose, Throat; A.llergy to l\fr and Mrs. Ly<'ll Buttermore, Office Hours: by Appointment i ll l'C'ic:«w A\e.. Corona d,.J BEacon 6508 or HArbor 1036 '1ar, "i.ehioc '\ix and ~half - poundtl. - I "" .,. •••• 00.\ft ...,.,..,..UtD <XMIOMA ..._ IU& . IIAitlilr - Day or Night fl'boM HArbor 1138 Baltz Mortuary 0.~ b.Y ,.,.. See HAR901\ 42 t".nron. del Mar, C.Hfoml" An..-oa..s ...... t ~ ilembers of tfie Newport Har· bor High School PTA board fa- ''ored a contribution toward the S6R which the Fourth PTA Dis- trict wants to donate for the Re- Of THE CITY Of NEWPOtT lEACH 8eetha Twe -Vol. 1--Yo. 18 fort"St&tlon Plan. Approximately _________ .,. _____________ _ 10 acr~s will be replanted from C A --¥ A M • J H-' .J this one gift, according to Mrs. ome ~ 0U re eetift.g S t::IU Ray Rousch. PTA pr($Jdent. The board meeting was ht'ld Monday A recent •·come as you are" Brownrig. Florence Mansfield, W.l · or Jut week at t~ High School. 1 morning eo(lee gathering was held P. Kw.ter and Bessie BenediC't. Mrs. Thomas Jesko. magazine at the home of Mrs. Oa\·ld R. chairman. r t' p or ted the High Thomas, 223 Orchid Ave .. Corona HOUDAY DE8t!I.DlT School PTA has 100'1. subscrlp-del Mat. to acquaint neighborhood Mrs. Carl Hanna, 318 Moming tions to the PTA magazine. A residents and explain tt\e aims of Canyon Rd.. Shore Cliffs, enter- letter from Dr. D. J . Garich. Co-the WOI'llftl'a Civic League. talns EbeU Book Section I today rona del Mar, asked for the PTA Included in the gathering were !Thursday) wh~ Mrs. Edgar Hill s upport In the OJ'tometry Service Mmes. R. Peel Dennistoun. Walter v.i ll present a Otristmas readin~:. bclng spon80red by the Balboa L. Harraden, Price McO.listlon. Bay Uona Club. J ennie Larsen, J . W . Dansby, J . E. -Shop et H-'-a.n.t-s- Glft Array of GOWNS 1 herf'' !'UCh a C'harm- m • s:ift-WIM' Air abou t IIIII hi\ t•l\ r•uv. n'- \dth laet>· touches --- mt~l} rotor!'. ,nd won- d<'rfut t,· f Ia I I P r I n ~ st~Jpo;~ Good-Looking .IOIES A lovely Christmas robe ... to complete her Christ-Prlel'd mas. . . . Large St>-from tection or styles and 1"" rotors. V TO FLEAS£ HIM ON CHRISTMAS . . Handsome ROBES Here's the gift he'll love for his le1surc lime wear - -and never has our gift se- lectton of smart. nch-looking· robes been so complete! Tops in comfort handsome in appearance! ~ Choose his favorite in plain, I·- stnped, or plaid woolens or d ressy rayon robes. Wide array of colors. 'to 25 00 Smartly Styled Gift P:AMMAS from J9S to 1495 BLOUSES To make hC'r C'hril>tm:t~ <"•"- piP If' --- a )o\ • I~ Jlni.Jda~ BIOUS<' Cot •on \n>p. :"'~Inn C'halh ..... , i • 1-CIIIbl'tl F I ~ , tram 2 p. m. to 6 p. m. fiiEE CAimY CANES * I I ~~o s• nfS 6NJORE! Pure stlks !mest rayons and wools m e xCJLno new pctterrs CL-:~ favonte -stand- bys' Hana-ailorea resll- tent constru~!on for iastmg good looks Real values at this price! • Delight him with his pet pajamas from our larqe assortment. ... Tailored styles in ray- on, br oadcloth, or flannelette, and ny- lon . , ~oast Blvd., Corona del Mar P. ·,-be .. 244 OPEN 'TIL 9 p m BEGINNING SATURDAY • DiftM Is Held 'B y Conchita • restige gifts of imported Treasures Orrefors By PAJI IIOXIE vacation t~ tree wtll ~ glft'ft to Th annual Christmas program a ehiktren'a t.o.pltal. '!be Boys' will tx> prek"nted tn the lD&h League is making plans for th~ School Auditorium this evening Sumet ~gue awimmlng flnala, tThursday) and tomorrow morn-to be ~Jd at Harbor in the ~arly lng. Narrator will be J erry Evana, spring. a junior. In the east wiD be Rob-• • • b1e Eastman, Lyle Mlller, Helen 'nle ftve lfrl eoelal clubl haYe Sand8. Bill Hambl~t. Pe~ Hendel'· been making plana for the Christ- son. Cynthia Martin. Judy Stew· mas holkla~. Lura-Kl Is ctving ut. Eileen Worley, Jocly Johtwon, preseftU to the 0\11~'• HOIIpi- Day Keppen, Jack Woodhull, Ann tal in L.A. and also singing carols Stewart. Barbara Uttl~, Diane for t~ chJidrt.'n on T\J8day. Zeta Gilson. Terri Morritlon, Barbara has pl&J\Md to 10 to the Veter· Earl, Mary Helm, Joyce Sanaa, ans' Ha.pital to sJng carols. Taffy Barbara Brothers, Beck;y Smith, and MHA are giving Christmas Austin Hutton, Christine Ehmcke, baskets to people who might be Jo Ann Gou\•aln. Sandra Dtmfelt. without a Christmas this year. P nny Weaver, Mary Hargrove, And KTN is givin~ ldrts to the J..H Moritz, Clyde RJce, Mike crippled. LaynE'. Gtlrry Brown. Roland • • • Beach. the Larkettes, and the Friday night Ann Sutherland's Nt'v:port Harbor Choros. 1'bis pro-home was the scent' or 8 sma 1J I ~m is put on for the public and party. Drinking coke. 8nd dane- ('\ eryonE' is lnvitt'd. ing were Diane Crandall an'd Jlm • • • ~ler. Patty Clemence and Tom # Unsung Commercials l ACK BEELEA and D. E. Both- ell or Inglewood have purchued the Laundromat. self·St>rvlnc tun- dry at 2817 Villa Way, Newport, from Ruth Niqu t tc. Mr. Beeler will operate the laundey and he and his wlfe and 2-yeat-old daqcb- ter, Julle, will move into the Har- bor area as soon as they pick out a house. • * * Taking a step at a time Can- non's Market on Coast Blvd .• Co- rona del Mar. has gone through a compJete modernization pro- gram. They s tarted with cutting ln big windoW!=. a new palot job 1red tha t tS I on the outside. and mad such improvements as new fresh \'egl'table cases, revision of grocx>ry racks and modernize Uon of Chff's meat ecl ion. II r Ro yal Copenhagen Swec:Ush Steel Gustavsberg Stoneware Swedish Linens Handwrought Silver I ThE' Gali<"'n staff is working Webster, Ann SutherlAnd · and -9 Shoppifl9 D•Vt ~·ft - hard to han• the year book ready Chuck Appel, Cynthia Martin and ::;~:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::::::::===::::::;=::;. I l I ln.-P"U~\·ely prleed to IMCI .:lo">iaJ ..._ .. ~, tG yoer •emf'. " e.herlsbf'od rtrt 1.25 and up ' r he de t · the · Jim Newton (SAL Ruth Dudley or t stu n s m spMI'Ig. and ru~t.. G--.. e·r (SA), Donna Pictures or all kinds are being ~ •v" asked for ~· Pete Graham. assist-Hoppe &nd Bill K elter, Marcia ant t'ditor. Editor is Georgina Moorhead and Bobby Rrlggs. Joyex> Dick . Helpin~ her with the book Sands and J ohn Murphy, Barbara are the Literary staff. with Joanne Brothers and J im Vineyard. Lor- W{'Ston a editor, and Shirley tne SchUclcenmeyer 8 n d Do n Grant. Barbara Hennings, and Jan Thompson, Barbara Hayes and McGill helping; the Art St•ff. Don Lusk, Carol Hoover and Ken- with Tom Holtz as editor, and dall Jacobson. Judie Sleeper a nd Maril~J.! CArtwright, Mary Har· Lee ~. Marla Pltoger and Ron- Gifts from grovo: Janie> Linson. Bobbie Weiss. nle Ileana, Mary Wright and John Sharon Yarnt'IJ, Joan Kimes and Vultee, ~ke Loe\g, Dick Ca~ll. Jan Pauley as a !slants; Lynn Don Pettit, lrmln Stawick1 , Jay Brown heading the Advertising Carlisle, Vivian Lu.<Jk, Maryo Tate. staff. aldt'd by Russell Boggie. 1 Toadie Stevena, Jack Net'drum. Sally Bush Diane Comer Joan IS'· Jack Woodhull, Gene Boero, Mark Karen Margreta Imports 1 307 Coa5t Boulevard Corona del Mar, California HArbor 1373 ( ')po'n ('\ <'r~ da~ 9 a. m to 9 p. m. \\\ t:tft wrap and ship 11'~. Jod~ 'Johnson. Lui~ Larsl'n, Schofield. Larry NPwlon and I...N' Bettie Norton. Shirley Sinclalr. Jayred. and Shirley Scott. Sports staff Attempting to skate at the Long con~>~Stb of Jeannie Talstra. Joan Beaeh n~k Sa turday wert' t:ou :\'i n, and Ma.rilyn Schlicken-Ann Wllli~. Ann M orr 1 s. ml'~<"r Typi t arc> Sandy Bab-Andy SwaJD. Donna Prlcx-. DQ!"a bitt, :"anc~ JX-an•r and Joan Mar-Zube, Carol Thomu, Laurie Crls- mucet. Photogra phers aN' Joan sell. Carol Tetzlaff, ~ Ja)'l"t'd. PariJ <>n and Jim Low . Hele n Jack Woodhull: Lam Johnson. Sands is -on the J,..iterar)· starr Don Lusk. lmun Stawicki. Roxy Sa ta and is 81 o St>nlor S<'Ction man-Aan-old ~nd Johnny Yates. Af~(>~-n a~<>r. wards they went to Andy Swam s • • • 1 house for dancing . ....,_. Sl h ld f 1 ini · · Rolly Pululd, Bruce Baird and ould ·. r I· gma e orma ~laUon 1 Dick Johnson spent the weekt>nd Sh Tuesday, and Ma;ilyn Schliclcen· at M t. Watt>rman skilng. meyer, Frances Kimes and Doran • • • Sut>SS were lnitiatc:-d. This is the Last Saturday on the:-1 land K ' • Girls' honol' club; service points KTN initiated Carol Tetzlaff. now--are attained by doing the school Lauril' Crisetl, Lynn Smith. Be-service 8nd having eJght pointJJ he ~h 1 Jod J h . ' I in tht> Girls Athl£'tic Association. t ny '-· r tenson, • Y o nS<Jn, about ~ • • • and Kay Cicero. • The Girl • League has decora ted Want ads make everyday living I .2:r~ I a Christmas tree in the school li-euler. Many a want Is fiON rc ·?'"'" . I .brary. After school is out for the through use of a Une or two. Jewel Cases High on t ift lisk . . . • 111it• of • bo• for h•r tri ... •k ... • III'IIHJ littl• i•wel us• ttl•t's M tr•r.d on ttle go •• it is 011 her 4r••i"9 t•bl• . . . h•ndto-m ... ~1r•in T ••ol . . . richly liftecf. another gift at O'Brien's \ I'IOOY $60.50 17 jt-wels. Nat· ur•l or white gold-fillf'd ("JIJI('. W aUace CaJderhead -JEWELER - 817 Coe.t Blvd COl ONA DEL MAR CHRISTMAS · GIFT HINTS • CAMERAS See th• lr•nd N•w Autometic Roll•ifl•• · BINOCULARS PROJECTORS ADd Scree .. CAMERA SUPPLIES . GADCET BAGS • nASH OUtfiiS Co111pl.te afl4 Speci•lly Pacb tecf "Pttototr•phy It F.... fM hwyo,. ... ha r bo r plaoto Ia Howef'd FohoM, .._ .. ..,.,._ t tJ'hC.... ..... ~ .. HAIIIer ...... • I • Christmas Ladies D'ORSA Y COTY CIRO Suggestions OLD SPICE All Mete! WAGONS All Metal TRICYCLES R.,. 6.98 DOLLS COLON1AL DAMES DOROTHY GRAY YARDLEY SPECIAL! IS-light CHRISTMAS TREE SET An eacellent vt lue thtt you un use )'eer efter yeer. E.ch li9ht burns independently •o whole strin9 does 11ot 90 out. UL Approved. Orders Take n-· SPECIAL! PEPPER .ec MILL. This ;,.,porltcf I 7 pepper mill is e really fine buy. Now you "1n enjoy 9ood fre1h· 9rou!lcf pepper et e u vi"9· Get one for yourtelf end ""' erel for 9ifh. Cory Knife Sharpener Never e dull ~nife! 1495 Holds bled•• at ••· ed ri9ht en9l• ... 'ouch the button end p.redo! your ~nives ere tile new Wi•h l>e"d'o"'e ease. from 2" from 11 .S Now only 4., UNIVERSAL COFfEEMATIC' PER COLA TOR Complete!~ eutometic. Select stun9th you li~e ... thet'1 whet you 911 time efter time. Cep.city I cups. Hamilton Beach ''MJXEn'E"''. Good for tnythinq • 1875 '"''"'itt ..,;.., doe1, but port~ble en,...here. Se- lect' o" ~ l speecf1. With re· cipe .ooll. 'ICC'O FLI NT HOLOSTER s··. Conte;,., lw m,,,95 ro1nt end stee~ ~~- cen, coots. utility end pMing ~nives. Blades ere llollow-qround chrome-ve- nedium Jtetl. ,.II held in polithed "•rdwood bloe• to henq o~ your well. Squirl-Avtometic WATE~ PISTOL All Metel Officiel Siae -~e9. 2 .'5 FOOTBALLS only 1ft ROLLE~ SKATES Model-Ret. I . .S LUMIEk HOISTEk too4ocfel -k.,. 12 . .S BUCKET LOADER Genuine Leetlter NU~SES' and OOCTO~s· KITS 2" I EL T & HOLSTE~ from too4 0 ~ E T O YS J. ~-liONIAit&R H ll Appliaftca 210 59' •. , 1" BArbo( 232 'CGIODG del Mar -9 Shoppin9 Otys left - )10:-iTit Ju:F.ORt: CIIIU'T'f \' Born ht•t \\ Pt II rolid:l\ <: \\','1'-It II 1•• Janf'll • Ka thh ., ~<'hq>l n, '' I dauli!hlo'l ''' ;\II ,.tnd :\lr-. Rc•l"''' \\'. ~ l'l'lt I"" -;.'36 t I \!od· Od \\ •' • '\e" port H t>h:hl'-Stu• rna lo• h• r appt>aranN" at St J,,s..•(lh Jl,,,;ll'al 1on -..ur.d.t~. 'm :?5 "•'•ttham· 6 poundo:: •nd 2 oun(·t·" At h<\mt' 10 wC')rti'Tl•' ht'r "<'re a brother. astt> 6 and a o:istt'r almost 3. -Sl,op •I Ho,.,, for Cl-ri1lmu - .... 11 l=tRST CHU~CH O F CHRIST SCI ENliST JlOl Vi,t u clo, Newpori a..u "' t: ere· e' .... Mo·~ •• C'-t" n . ; ,,. Ct-.. d of Clins• Scoent,.• r ao.. 'C" Meuecllvs.-1s ~ •'i&\ S·~>vo c • , •• l w c'' Servce fl ._ .. e.rn .'11~:• 4C<h E-,"'"'"'i ,.. ... ·~ • .:f.: 0,. ;.,.~ a Poe""" -c.s·fto a· t =>a~r· )I t" b ,. t" ... j. ,. • ·-I. 1\()C ~ -•:l· >•"dt ys 8 "0 •o -'•"' ~· • r • ob,,. .... :1 . :: ' ..l ~ "' .. ,. . e· :l ··• :~ ·c~ se,.. _, . . , Cm Molct.b to d.e - ia yc-or life-110 k ~ ~ ia real c-om(M1 wltile k wllkitee the &pta. ~-·· .._., Ia (n-orite c-olon -.--. the. ... ._n. ftd ••d ..., • A Tribute to Lan-y Snyder PA 101 MAR.INC IALIO,_ IIUND .-vcNUC c.-LI,OR..II J . A. ~k thla week pakl trl· and Balboa Island have looad for- but~ to the late Lawrenc. Elmer ward to the ~ manner In SnyMr, famiUar to Harbortt8 u which fen-yman La~ Sn}'dtr a ferryman on the Balboa Island always gTeeted hla puaenlftL ft'rry. Exacting u were hla duties, he Mr. SnyMr, who 11\~ at 274 E. was nevtr too ~eel to no- 20th St., Costa lieu, died Nov. 28 tiel' each traveler who came in Santa Ana Community HOIIPltal aboard his boat and to pua wtth at the ap of 59. Services wer-e hlm a pleasant time of day. HERSHEY'S MARKET S HArbor 1000 MARKET SPOT LIQUOI HArbor 1000 FOR A DEUCIOUS MEAL ! "Thanks, Scxnta - - -I'll take one of those sweaters from SAWYER'S." Sweaters · for men e Cashmeres and e Nylon and wool e 100% wool A.a.o, l»oYII' n.ae .o-weoa 8weatfors. held the followtng Saturday in the "H e wa11 a sklllt'd and competent Graut'l Chapel In C.O.ta Mesa and boatman; his excellence at hla Interment wu in Westminster Me-work never exceeded hla con.ld· mortal Park. • eration Cor his f<'llowman, nor He Ia aurvived by hla widoW, did devotion to detaJI ever C&WI(' aona Elwood, Horace and ~ hi.m to neglect those prlct-less ot C.O.ta Mesa; three daughters., U t tie pl<'as~tnt rit>S which Hghten.s l Mra. Ruth Andera, Mra. Q,arJes the lllbor of the work-a-day world. Frel and Mra. Fred Lambert of I His was a patient and a kindly na- C.O.ta MC!S&; a brother, Dan Sny-ture. In tht> midst of all the an- d<'r of Lol Angelell; U IJ'UI(Ichfl· novancea of public ~rvicc-he dJd dren and two great-gT&ndchlldren. not sloop to blck~ing, but main· 1 Mr. Seek expressed his thoughts talned the 'even tenor o1 hla way.' In this tribute : "Now Larry hal made hJs lut ·•GOODBYE LA&IlY" crossing. M on many a stormy ··For nearty 10 ~'Mrs people night, ht' hilS S«Ul'ed his ship cro ing the bay between Balboa safely in its berth and has gone ~MLY I W&Z wo ... •••.• , •.. • • • ho~ to a well-earned rest. Only this tim<' he wiU not return, and t~ of us with whom he worked d did his part 10 weU-wlJJ long miss him and mourn his pass- ing. .. JO EPH ALLAN BEEK.'' Dry Cleaning PTogTam Git'en C'OSTRIBt·nos from of l~nd Bu lnMI'if ""rf' rf'· ~h·HI for tbi<J ~r>• C'hrt!ltmu dfoc'oraUoes. "bkb "·~re t'OM· ph-tt"d TUHday, N'POf"l• AI Gl~ lOll, """o k naa.Jw.C Ill• t.nn u prfllclellt of tM Bal._ blalld BIIMaHS AMOdattoa. RHI*IIta. too .... ,-~ ~rOUIIIy l'lvftl m tiM-laollda)· a~re ~ eoll· trlbatlllc Ia a Mrftl Jac Ia r....t of the lllllltoa l.aa.d Po.t Of. II~. A ...... ~ p-. ef Or-aa,.e ()aut 0~ • ..._. h& '~ olff'N'CI to .... Ollrt.-.. Carols oa BalbcMl lslaltd.. 'l'twlr appea~ Ia ..-..HuW for '7 :M p. m. Ulldaf ua MIU'tall A \"ftlae. Al SIISON INS. HA ~ All LiMt-AII Kinde ISLAN D HARDWAitr- ROD & REEl HA Ill THE ISLANDftS, Gifts HA 15-47 SANilARY LAUN DRY ~ CLEANERS HArbor ~ W . 0. JOHNSON, JEWELEit HArbor 2b SIDWELl·s SHOP FOR MEN HArb,r 2090 S I. SPOIUIN G .GOOI HArbor 2b4 TEO OWEN aJl.LBOA HINKLEY'S PHARMAC't HArbor )161 ESTELLE'S BEAUTY SHC HAr~ 1817 SUNSTER CREa Y HArbor 3215-W Sport Shirts • • • There .. Stm Tia:le D You Hurry AJ Matthews. owner of Udo 1 Cleaners, presented a movte and a program on dry cleaning for BPW at a reoe1t meeting at WhJte's Park Ave. Cale. With him wu George Sheppard, executive NELDA GIB~. lt .. lt, HArbor 0502 e Wool and wool gabardines. Hand-woven Stoles Fine ·shirts made by CREVEliNG and PALMDA YL. in solids, plaids and prints. ·Christmas Stockin9s Sox *** Many other gifts fo r HIS Christmas at OPEN E\"ES'ISOS TILL I Deeem.IM!r u • to ottmtmu SAWYER'S 207 MARINE Balboa IBlcmd .................... I Evening Blouses Evening Bag~ and Gloves • ' ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... .. .. .... ' ................... .... ------- Gift List worries? Relax over a delicious dinner in one of our Island cafes, and shop afterwards at FOR' MOTHER Distinguished jewelry ... A Ieath· t'r wall <'l ... Flnt' Danish poroc- ldin, or Dani!lh e tcht'd j:lasswarP Gh.•amJn~ candle>'liJcks . . . Rrirtht table mats or gue t towels . . . Danish decorated ten-a-cotta \\1lrt' .. PPter Arno's book, "La· diPs and Gentlt'men" FOR FATHER Rar accessories • • -a martini set, monortrammed glas~. an ice hurkPI .. monogrammed matches. tationf'ry . . . "BliJ Mauldin's Arm}·· FOR DAUGHTER Crane's fine writing papers A handkerchief or acarf ... De- lightful Hummel fieurines from Germany ... Ceramic earrings in de(>p, striking colors . . . and if she has a hope chest. ''Good Tute Costs No More", the fuclnat.lng book by Richard Gump of San Francisco. ,. The Islanders . 214 Marine Avenue Balboa Island OI'EN 10 A. M. TO 10 1'. M. SU NDAYS 10 TO 5 FOR GRANDMOTHER A flnt> china cup and saucer, or \asc ... An import<'d Dutch pcw- lt>r pit'ce ... A warm scarf ... A tt>apol or tea strainer ... A piece of Wedft'Wood jasper ware . FOR CHRISTMAS AT HOME Hand-<JC'COrated German Import candl s . . . Huge, gUttering Christmas tree balta ... Chris tmas wreaths and cones, C h r l s t m a 11 stockings for the mantel ... Early American spoon racks, milk stoola . . . Wooden aalad bowls. FOR ALL WHO LOVE FINE THINGS Westmoreland milk glaa ... Do· mestlc and Imported crystal . . . Swedish wrought Iron and brass ware ... French Qulmper dl.nner· W8re and Wedlwood bone china . . . Or a fine volume from our book department. secrt!t.ary ot the Cleaners and nfiRD I~ AD\.ENT SERIES Dyers Association. Tht> thjrrl in an Ad\'ent Series of Guests \\'ffe Evelyn Van We.i.u· sennons on ··God's Stewardahlp" man, Dorothy Palen, Mrs. ~ entitled. "Cod Gave the Proph- Sheppard, Marie Lanning, Makla eli," will be preached by Rev. Paul Shank, Vlrginla Moore and Doria Babbitt at the 9:45· and 11 a. m Raef. Sunday sen1ccs in the Community • ,_.... t:n-17 Church of Corona del Mar. Mrs . ...... ..._ .rucnze, age • an ex-chanae student from Germany, Walter Spicer wiU play Schubert's now attending Harbor High School, "Ave Ma.ria" as a violin solo in was guest speaker on November 1 both se"ices. Coffee and do-null at the Buslnea a.nd ProfNIIonal will be ser""'ed alter eeeh sel"Vioe Women's meetlna held at White's by the Pilgrim Fellowship. Park Ave. Cafe on Balboa Island. ------- MAGGIES HArbor 114 J DOT & SOB HArbor 2J J PEGGY SM,.a.ll Fasllion Sp.. ...... , JACK'S IIARBflt SHOP HArbor 18~11 SNI P ·N' STfTCH HArbor 3018 W SOS RADIO J ELECTRI• HAr~ 0780 She told how she came to the Yl"LE PROOILUI DEC. !S United States with 300 other stu-"Th~ Messenger or God" \\ill be dents and will remain In thiB coun-the theme of the sermon this Sun- try for one year. She comp&red day by Pastor Herbert C. Roth at the living conditions here to thoae the Newport Harbor Lutheran In Germany and also compared the Church. Tht> st>rmon tt>xt is I educational ayatema of the two Corinthians 4, 1-5. Tht' chlldrt!n's countries. She pointed out to the Christmas progt-am will be held To business women how desperately a t 7 :30p.m. 'unday, Dec. 23. The ~~~~~~~~ Circle W4 clothing i.a needed In her borne traditional CandleUght S e r v 1 c e - country and the group decided to will be held Christmas Eve at 7 :30. collect wearables to send ror Christmas. I -Sl!op at HOlM for Clltistmes -. ~~~~~ I port ~~~a~ Lasting ] ewelrl\1 Gifts • . Church by th•' Sea w! J • • tt)e home of Mra. R I grove In Costa Meu 1 All nationally advertised, ordered for November 27. Mrs. lA I , your selection with a view read tbe devotions. ¥c.Mlllan reviewed the to Christmas giving. Wean Orchids" by E' Ue. *········ ··* Plans for thm aeve~ made at the meetina iJ Costume Je-lry by -COitD -KREMENTZ collection of wann do I cially teen-age lze, to I the Yuma Indian Mil II'OUP Ia at.<> makinc St:'nd. They practiced Roberts Jewelers to preSt'nt to the gen Th•r• is still tim• C'hrlstmns m•'l'ting u to modemite her 22Jifl Mari11• HArbor 2321 Membera to dutie con I die moun~ mount· IALIOA ISLAND the WSCS ba11111r . Mn in9 for Christ· Open •vel)' night Till 9, and Mrs. L<>s ~ott Wet mee. including Sunday. or decoratim· the l:l w Flora Harri . Mrs. Mil i,_~iiiiiiiiiiii~ii~~iiiiiiii~iiiiiiii~iiiiiiiii and Mrs. Willian Trull signed as kJtchl'n sen December rr.• rtlng o port Heights circle w Christmas ~ Candy Canes? Y•! HUNDREDS ol 'em. from I IDdt• 1oDv tolleet--hm Sc:tol2! ~ .,._.._ .... ~ ..... ., ...... ., a.... _,.. cated to fun and froJ MLIION ancl SPALDING o.H ... Tsah IDij)iil; 8t 214 • 216 • 218 • 218 • 222 • 22b • )()2 • p )04 • )04 • 320 • 320 • 322 • • PARK AVE. CAFE •nd Coe.,t••ls HA!'bor 461 To 8 .1. p_., • WM. W. SANFORD R .. ltor HArbor 2462 • 201 SKINNER'S PHARMACY HAtbor 0111 • JOUY ROGER i • 213 IALIOA ISLAND VARIETY ~ STORE HArbor 2 1 t 1-W < • 21S I. MULL PHOTOGRAPHY HAtbor 2~10 ~ • 215 8 I. CAMERA SHOP ~ ' HA .... , 2563-W • 22 1112 SHIPMATES Boys end ~rk' Weer H'-2219-M • Ul'h !lOBERTS JEWaERS H'-rbor 2321 • 225 EARL W. STANLEY Reeltor HArbor 1775 229 G'-Y TOGS • H'-rbor lbli-W • 301 BOARDMAN·s M'-RKET H'-rbor 117 • 305 COTI'-GE WAFflE St'IOP HArbor 2672 • 307 HO STESS HOUSE Redeurent HArbor 2365 • ltl 2 VERA W ILLIAMS. Gi~ Shop Art G•lle,..1 HArbor 26-47.J • 315 MARILYN F. LEIDY. R .. ltor HArbor 1958 • 31 Sl/2 TOY SHOP • 327 M'-RINE BEAUTY SALON H'-rbor lSI 'Ill: l CAL N 0 511EN8E' St. J~tmH YOUill Ouan:bmen'a TM Chrinmu Cantata, "Tile League, ~ ~ clirection of Babe of Bethlebem." will be~ their adv\mr. lira. Fl"a.neN HamJJ. by the J...a.rkPttH, Harbor H.i"b too. •ill praeat tM>ir third an-&irla' ad\-.netd dee dub, u part nual e\'ftlioC ol musie&J DOniM!IlSe of !be annual ChrW:mas Choral in tbe ParUb Rouae or St. JamH Vesper Se-nio. at St. A.nd.rews Churd1 at 8 p. m. SW\day. PreQ))Iterian On11'Cll, New p or 1 • • •• Helgbtt. to be btold at 4 p. m Sun~ CIIIIIATJIA.8 811:11VICE8 day. Mi.Js Marie Hiebsch w11l dl- Ouiatmu aen·ices at SL Jllii'JeJJ rt!C\ Ow hi2"h school ensembiP Epilcolla) Chlll'dl will ~ u fol· Solo parU will be unv b,· toWs~ p. m. llondlly. Dec. 24-Frcl~ York, Sa.Uy t~·art . Ei- Beginnera and Prima.ry •'OJ'Ihip eanor Ragan, Donna l\:{'lson, Helen senice, music by the ~rub Choir. Kt>atlnr. Dawn Pierson and Ann CatMdral film "Holy Nldlt" will Crawford. . Ralph Ot>a\Pr "'a be sbown. 7:30 p. m.-Oioral Holy accompany tht> traditional S4"r\lu•. Communion and Christmaa carols At the 10 a m. r\'1~. Rt-\ JamPS fgr tlw Church School famill1!5. S tewart wiU preach on "Our LJff' Music by the Youth Choir. FUm a Tru t ," a Prmon on thp rmrabl,. "Holy Night" will be shown in the of the tah.•n.t Parish HO\J¥. 11 ·30 -Midnight • • • Candlelirht Service of Cboral Holy "F AJTH I.S GOD" Community. Music by the Senlor Chr. tmas music and a Choir. Nancy Fox, ~crompanil"d b) Es- • • e tt>lle Brown Mills. w ill bf> ot (1 n d '\\'ONDDlFt:L NAXES' a t thP Balboa Island CatnmunH' I Dr. h 'an Ellis will speak at both M t>l hodJ t Church Sunda) P.~>\ the 11 a.m. and 7:30p.m. unday Harry \\"hue' rmon "ill bl~ "T he sen.icca at the Newport Beach Reasonablen or FaiTh m Cod · Baptist Cht.U'cll. 19th and Court Wf'dnt>sday is family ni .... ht \\ 11h s treets. SW\Ciay School is at 9·45 planned pot-luck. ChrtSlma rar- a. m., Youth F~lowship at 6:30 ols. mWiic and l'f'dtation p. m. "Wonderful !':ames" "ill be the topic ror tbe. evening r\ice. Ser.a. Are Held for Midweek at>rvi~ "ill be at 7 :15 Mn. Birdie Oldrander p.m. Wednesday. Gra,·esJde n.1oes wen> held W~y. :-oo\t>m lx>r 21. for ~trs Bin:litt trander, hospital chair· man of the Ne·wport Beach Chap- ter 1158, Womf'n of thE' Moo P. Twenty·t~o co-workers and orfi· ln\'ettlture Cft'emOfiY for 10 girls ceno or the Chapter. and about 22 and three leaders who became n~ memtx>rs of the Moose ~steo. <"?D· f'1'lembers of Mariner Ship :'lraiad or ductf.'d the ~rvfoes. Pia rust Olh·e · the Newport Harbor Giri Scouts ' ~1iller san~. "Bt>autiful hi~> of was conducted recenlly at the Girl Somt:\\hl·rt> . Scoot House by Mrs. Ted Ham-Mrs Ostra ndf>r, as h o" p r t a 1 brook., Scout Council second "ice-cham nan, had planned to ~ork president. Mr. and Mrs. Rex to"ardti the pUN'haSf' of a wht'4'1_· Brandt n>presented the arroup' chair for ~ cripple-d wnman, and sponsor, the Balboa Power Squad-her <.'Onurutt('(' and th chapter I ron. Mr. Brandt presented the haH• p~ed~ thcmsel\(.>'11 to com- group a pictW't" of hip Naiad. pl tt> Btrdie a l&na. Invested wt>n> M~ Al R ylett as aki~r. Mrs. L. J . Taylor as first P13te and Miss Carol Clark. ath-1 letic dinctor. The 10 nt>w mem- bers are Joan Clark, "Carol Doane. Barbara Uttle. Judy S tewart. Jane Stetaon. SaUy Stewart, haron Yarneu. Carol L)ln Giddings. Becky Smlttt and Ann Gibson. FoDow the CLOWN Mid.shipmate ratin~ went to .ran Dulworth. Nancy T'Mtt, Con-eM ~ GAd Bcaysick Driw nie Man old. Barbara tarege ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oora.n Suess and y,-onne Taylor: Gi~• Hlet boy • MODEL toy! Hu .. y, worlint models of roed t re4en, dump tr11eh . rt .. m '"0"• els, budet loecl•"· fire entinH. • Loh of dolls •ncl muai~l to'f'S • orks On Projects Doran Suess and Barbara S tan>sre were also awarded Jack Tar rat- be held at the home of Mrs. Lome Sawyer, 379 E. 19th St.. eo.ta Mesa, on De<:. 18. Each memlx>r is to bring a 50c exchange gift and a big paper aack with a comi- cal or U8elea gift. Zonta to Hold Party. GiYe Gifts to Ward Two meeUngs a~ sc~uled on I the calendars of Zonta Club mem- bers. Tonlght (Thursday) will ~ 1 the Christmas party at tbe homt> of President Helen S tockton in Short> Cliffs. The afternoon of Dec. 24 members will meet to pre- sent Santa Claus and Christmas ~oifts 10 lhclr "adopted" ward or lltlle boys at the Orange County Hargro' P Hospita l. in cha r't(' I - booth, Mrs. C'lfRI, MA~ u~SC'fiEON Minnie Taylor Pea rl Wood rev1ewro a play at were as-tht> Christmas lunchron of Bbell Book Scction II at the clubhouse on Wt'dnesday. -9 Stloppi,.. D•ys Left - IIIPPOllf IIpper lox lor lowMJID9.1odft9 .••..•• 12.15 ~ iletlllrom ••••• sus VOlT Footbalk lrom •••• 11.50 ~from •••••• sus ings. New officers are: Doran Sues , offi~r of the deck; Yvonne Taylor. auper cargo; Barbara Stan>ge, yeo- man, and Jane Nunan. sergeant- at-arm~. .,., ..... 315lj2 MariDe AYe. Gift tTeasures • • . imported from many countries for your Chnstmas selections Vera S. WiUiams Gift Shop ---Art Gallery "A little Corner of Evrope" Sll'z Ma.-ta. BALBOA 18LA.'~ HA.rbor !64'7-1 Y-LilT Fll SIITI UUS cmd Let Us at The TOY BOX 217•/t Mariae ~ ..... Balboa lalcmd, HA 0103-W Help You Fill lt. • • • X·.\C'TO TOOL CHE."'T"l for "'ood.-<:an Ill~. mod 1 buildinc 14 u0 fr om OlL P.U~TI't• ~t:T 'J!S to 16 "'ATE& C'OU)Il "ETS 6k to 4 MODEL KIT for c:a.rs. aJ rplant- -<"Omplt-11" Be to '12 0 EXGI~E tor t-ars, a 1rplant>-. u u .. aad .. ~_,·-----·~~--._ ... , FO& llAfLROADr:.&S: EniPll • cars, track .. and Pitchers Ptc:-n-ar; rn.un:~ Al.Rl"Mii' ...... * loft..-.cr-CIOaid lntpMtM If it's a gif watch you want LoOk No Fur- ther! You ll hnd cia&- •• of them in a wtde pnce range at W D. Johnson Jewelers on The lsland1 w. d. jotm.oa J.-let 111 M~RINE AVE. IIALIOA ISLAND. CALIF HAriHw 2640 ~ASt4M£a~s . "-· "'""'" • flmlty linit • FiM c•uce • L!ffi~Cfll-ret "''"" e Full ltltS • rvn renp of tolors •25 • • • • • • • • OE '"'J'ba VoiOP of Aqebl" \\ill be ftA.>,_ lQm ~u·a llit'nnOO topjc at ,Lb.rut Qureh by tbto Sea Sun- day morning. 1"M SanetWLry 1 Olol.r • ill ing Gaul's "Ust tl~ Cherubic UO&t," and "Jeosu Bam- 1 limo" by Yon. Dr. Herbert F ol- 110111 hu the baritone solo I OI"E.S 110(;' • ·m~;,.&Y liAIU~""E 11M a.&UIIOA AVE. 11M' Ba..lboe pen~C~Da~ borne of ~ R~. and • • T hamu Roy P\•ll· a.u....oA liGAND 141rll will be tbto ~of a Chril;t-~~~~;;;;~~;;;~;;;~ mu B . to bt-ht>lcJ nf'xt • "' ull11., from 6 to 9 t Loc-al f"iend! and m«>m· I \ llt>d. the-mtu:r~tuw art.> an-I • • • • AA.Ba&nt •o.s RAilE IOOD ~ol4 ~ Coomtr;,a Oftly ll•re tool O..ler IUNSTEil CllEEL Y • • . looh.hr l04 M•rin-S.Ibo. lsl•ftd • • Slee•elesa 495 Lonq SleeYe ,. I Saturda)-"'"a nnoo at w Se'- • ftlth Da.) Ad\ etK.1.S1 Churt'h Ne"\\ • port Bd~u. will be ''Foo . Wise ~~~~~~~~~~~~ HArD« 1111--W • • • • • • .... p • • • • • • • Swank Jewelry * Hickok Belts 1ft Faultless Pajamas and Shorts * Levis * Jockey Shor.s * Van Heusen Shu1.s Freeman Shoes * Wembley Ties * Esqutre Socks I • en~·~ E ,. r s ... r) p f ') , y 0 u ll • ., lo . . s. -• TH~ ~4~ 1831 Newport BIYcL COSTA MESA • FR•:t: ,Jf'T WRAPPL~G • a oat.:t:' T\.JIIP from • NET • OAf"··~ • ASGLt..:ll. ' PI Jt:Jt~ ........... .. • DE-UAJC • .n , • PLl~()JIJ ---etc. HUNTERS' SUPPLIES:-A.rc•hf'r · twt_" Ruhb.-•r l:ffl'oy" rnl'a.niD.l( Kit" (lolf'tU.ftn l ... 'l.nCf'rft!l OoiHnRn 1-!C(t\ ~'" doL lt.t~ from !.'75 l!.t5 l iU!'i Qtlht'nl fi'(IIJI l .Jt Tarcf't" (.tn••) 011Jy IM Arro"" from SSe ea. Bo" C r111~• t rom t.:5e Ammunition for Rifte and Shotqun flPt:N ATt:RDAY 'TILt P.JI. Tft()J•JC'AL t'l II • c.clLD F'l H T \WE P .RRO~ • f' !t "' t;r.TS HICAGO B.OLLFAl "KAT~ ,,... IM ,.a_r c.........- BADKJ~iTON JIJET ·-· ,,..... lt.tl CROQ ET t.:T8 ---. rr.. 6.tl "HL"FFL.r..BOAKD ETS lt.M Tt.:.'""NI" a.Aell.ET8 f~ '7-H BAfl'll.!:TBAU. OOAL8 • . !. '71 TASLE TE!IfN18 8ET8 .. fi'Oftl t .U 0011 CAil'ftiJ 11.15 OAJ,_Y BIJ GUS,_ from 4.~ frnro U$ from J595 ALSO TETID:& BALL8 F'OO'r8AI..L8 BA 10:'1' B&.U.8 kiCil BAU..8 BMJI: IU.UA n;~st llAL~ OOLF MLL8 COMPLETE LINE OF IPORI1NG GOODS & PET 81JPPLID I I and t "mn r," b) Hollis L Andt>r- 80n. pastor. Dr J H ahtt"d \\ill be I I &uest apeakt"J' at t.br ! ionary Yoluntf't>r !'.ocl<'l ~ llk"(>ttn~ at 7 :30 1 ,::::·~::~~~ I Btblical .-xamples of God's ca.re I for t~ that obey Him will be ctiscuued In lhfo Lf.>uon-rmoo. ''God tht> Prelt>rver of Man," in I t he> Oui tian Scie-nct" Church at t.tM-4't'ltaa.nce to Udo ~-The tt-xt as from Palma. "In God is I fuge. is ln God." I ..... FO.& TIIELK OHBI8TKA8 STOOIUNG • plus cu.rrent ~ ........ i.n our Book department. HA "' I' my aahation and my glory: the , rode of nu atl"encth. and my re-. . . ~--------------------~ ~ow CAJIP FOB CIIJLD&EN ' iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii id·"intt>r snow camp will be I tx>ld at Camp !Wcle> in thf' San I I &>mardino Mount.aans tht> four I da.) art<>.r Ou-istma for \t:>nth, <>irhth and ninth gra~rs in the Ua.lbo3 Island. :'l:t!'\\"J))rt and Costa Me-sa Commurut~ Ch~. R ev. .. Tom Pt>nd, II of Chnst Church by ~ the> Sn " 111 tx-camp dl.rector. C t "iJJ be .50, and reserva- tJot ma) be rna&> throua-h the lo- eal churctws. ---1'l~LE IX LA. C"hri t.ma.s plam al't> a !ready bt"- lnl: mndt-by Mr and M rs. ~rge- P TI10mptOn of i09 Marguent<> 1 A' ~. (()rona del Mar. TIM-y are plannans: to spend Chrls"tmas in l Los An~el with their 1100. George Thompson jr .. and lh<>ir t\\0 gra.nd- chtldrm. :nwy expect to their th.t'('f' oth""t sons al<oo durin~ the hol.d3ya •••wtifuf Brcaaware . h•wtif..t • * * lor Christmas A 9 to 1 FaYorite of Childnm Have )'OW'S laid awa)' now while you can have your choice! • Distributors for • 8CIIWINN & ENOUI!IB &A.LDQB Paru and Acceuoriea Porcelain TV ~ . . A new c:oll•ction of ltril in9 New YM~ Co.tume Jewelry . . . Pepper Milia We Giv~ S&H Green St~ps IT IS NOT TOO lATE TO SHIP FRUIT f'OR THE ROUDA YS I' I --~ • Leo M. Cross and M. Ida Cross P: o. 1ox 351. corona c1e1 Mar Phone HArbor 1730-J Laguna Beach 41276 OMen .. ,. -.... at .. , .. .... -Ceut ........ ,, ()eNM ... liar STO, IN TO SEE OUR SELECTION OF USEFUL HOLIDAY 61FTS, AT LESS THAN CITY PltiCES! Seven men from Corona del Mar and Balboa Island ..were among t~ 78 Reeervllts ~lping to man the USS Weeden when the de- stroyer put to ~•ea from LOng lleach Nov. 117 for a 2-day train· mg cnd~t> to Santa Barbara and return. The cruJSf' is bt'ing oper· ated for personnel of the Organ- 1ze4 Surface Division 11·28, sta- tioned at tht' Santa Ana Ughte· Then-AJr Bait'. Men aboard from Corona del fNe.t to w.y Shop) IALIOA Mar were D. R. Applegate, R. WE GIVE ··c•OWN.,ST=A=M=PS=' =~i!i~==~ ~.::;t~r B~dV. c!;· w<;u!: iii From Balboa Island will bt' K. W. Watches of distinction HAMILTON ELGIN- LONGINES-WITTNAUER A new stock of hne wa1ches for men and women. A large selection of exquisite ladies' dtamond watches Wilson Jewelers !OS MAIS BALBOA YOU1J. BE SURE OF A Gin' TO Crumley and W. K. Dosta. Tht> Reserve Divi ion is skip- pered by Lt Hal G. Polley of Pla- centia and !':pwport. Woman·s Ci'ric League To Hold Y~e Party . f:lf'Ct ion of offi('('rs and Mr Santa Claus will \it> for honor at Tu.:> dA) 's mN'tanc or thr Wnman's Chic L<'a~ut• at 10 an at thP Halbo8 YM·ht Club. AftPr the busi· nt>ss of l'II'C'tion. o Chn!>1mas part) 1 , wtll IX' h••l,l and lunch<>nn \l\111 1>4•' • M'r\l'd. OOSAI"'O BAI'BIESS DIES S<>n•ices were held recently for Donald L. Baubicns. ag<" 50. of 608 , Acac•a AH., Corona d<>l Mar. who dit>d No' 26 aJtt'r a brief illness. He was a native of Virginia, had lliH•d tn the Harbor area for about six month'>. He ts sllr\;vt>d by hls I w1dO\l\ and a dau~hter. Mary J o , both of the Corona del Mar ad· I dr<'ss and a step-sist<>r, Mrs. Vir· ~tnt a G01 It• Corona dt>l Mar. &-n·· tC"' s wt•r!' umd uct<'d at Baltz :\tor- 1uary by Rev. Hollis Anderson. SEWPORT \"J~ITOR~ I \ •~iton-at 1 h€' Casa d :\1anana ha' t> l>N'n Mr. and :\1r; Wilham Bltlcht'lder. who <'alled here to et' ll\1n-Ba·ch<>ld r·s moth<>r. Mrs. Edmund J . Burns of 1i03 W Bal· t"Hift Rhd .. :o-:t'\l\'J)Ort. Thf> )OUnt?; mupl" II\ f' in Y~mhP valley. PLEASE at WD.SO~ \\ ht•rt• :\tr Ra t~·ht'lrlt'l j-. • mplo~·:<f · · · · · ~ I b) t.ht• Curr) Co 1nunrl!'d hr lu.'l ;·;-~-~-;;-~·;·;--;·;;·~,-~~-;;-;-~-;;-~-;-;;-~-~-~-~-~-;;-~:a,;o~\.\;·t;fi'~;;·\.'T:B;n;d~p;Ht;•~n;1··;:;:;::;::;:::;;:;j I W e have a Complete Line of Outdoor' CHRISTMAS LIGHTING Equipnaent ..... S4SO • • • and Othf'r MlKiff>d ,11'11110 t <l;\"' CAP PISTOLS From .69' Holtltf-Ml, bt-1 ts. aad r Na I l'll\\ tH1~ tt••a r. TEDDY BEARS From . . . . . . . OU.f!r doll_,lar«t-and MnAII, In " \\1dl' J)rlN• raa~ DOU. HOUSES $§75 ......... Me --. llctlW ... f'\f'rythJR(! XYLOPHONES Ullbreakable zse Beeorcla ••• 8ellp. ......-,... VM'ftlro ~ ••• llf)()OIU) PIAYJI.a8 teo! .szts . ' .. I I I I II CbriMmaa Shoppinq 'Hours:- 8:H n..m. fA) !t:H p.m., ....... s .... ,.. Every hmg for N omer. ar.d Ch&~dren "There's Economy 1n Quality" Polly Apparel Women s Wear Ch1!dren s Shop 1833 Newport Blvd Cos~c MPsa Phone BEacon S3S3 IN THE HARBOR ABEA ! ! Page 15 ~-\R~ -ltOL(';ATE -PL.A\'.,.KOOL -101:<\1. •OS(, BELL -STRtT TO MIS-UIES--IS WIND -UP TOYS Gift Wrapping ---We Wrap .o Mail • C JHRCot: A0<'01 '\T:OO • F.-\U: PRICT"' * CASHMERE AND NYLON SOCKS 60"/. Ulh"'tre (for \oftt~tu J 40"/. nylon (for long wur ) '295 Allo:- Angor• w-1 nylot~ blend t ...... Next nlet'ting oC ~u will be on Church Council's President Talks at CapiUa Meeting Jan. 10 instt'ad of the first Thu:n-Founding of the Southern C.ll- cla,y ol the y~r. it was annotDk.'!ed fomia Council of Church Women •• the J:>ecember meeting last -which took place exactly 10 1\laiillay at the Corona del Mar years aeo. during P8rl Harbor Moot week-wu given at the Novembt'r Y«Mm& folb highlighted the meet nl{ of Capllla Circle by Mrs. <::llriltmu program for the meet-R. L Moore oC Los Angeles, Coun- i ... featuring Bob swan-on. young cil president. . • t.. ~18 magician. A <;:'hrlst-H er guest was Mrs. J. Lt>wis Gil- .._. motif wu abo .used '" tea lies. vict"-'presldent of th<' National tdlle decorallons fashioned by CQuncil of United Church Women, Mn. A. A. Horva.th. wfio spoke of "Strength Thl'()Ufth Owtltmas projects for the club Orpnlzallon." Mrs. Paul E. Bab- ~~ a donation to the Navajo bitt introduced the speakers. J~ chUdrft\ In Arizona. canned Rev. Perry F. Schrock dedicated ltoodl donations to local baskets the devotions to the late Mrs. fOt neecty families and Jtifts for Lloyd Folsom. one or the early tw.pitall.llf!d ~ and adults. founders of the church. lith. Clarence DOdd, We I fa r-e Mrs. George Davies, Capllla Vlet'-dalrman. announced that further president. pl't'Sided In the absence arec:te. may be left st Richard's of the presJdent. Mrs. Wendell Marttet. Hoyt. who was ill. The tes hour sisted by Mmes. A. A. Kemprr. John Cameron, Clarence Dodd. LlK'tta Spiece ancl G. A. LaMdell. This month's meeting will be held De<:. 19 instead of Dec. 26. -St.opettt-f.r~•- '11dtell are now on sale for the was in charge of Group 3 with ~t bridge luncheon !:bell ls ~M~rs~.~Fr~sn~cls~Co~x~u~cha~~lnna~~n,~a~s~-~~=~~~~~~~=~ • ..,.lng for Hoq Hospital on ;: Ju. 17 at the Newport Harbor Yacht Club. Mrs. Basil Petenon is In cha.rge. FUll support of the dlb wu promised for the coming elanentary echool (!lectlon. Mrs. H. 0 . BoY\~Y is EbeU re~­ ta tlve on the citizens' comml ttee. ' Membership 0\airman, Mrs. W . B. Tritt. lntrodu~ new mem- beR: Ml'nE'S. Earl C. Miles. Grorge H. La~. C. E. Meeks. Hu~h Plwnb .Jr.. Earl T. Gray, A. W . Schenkel and Mrs. Ma rk Taylor. aa.odate affUI&t~. • • • a,eu Book Section l met at OM> home of Mrs. Colln Brown, 2631 a.yshol'(" Dr .. Bay Shol"t's, a t a 1. o'clock dt-, !:Crt on Nov. 8. As- . ~tant ho t<'. PS '''"'l"t' Mrs. Nell ~ttlt and Mrs. J . A. GMt. Mrs. M4rsh'lll K(.'(']('r l"t'viewed the book. "('able-cars or San Fran- cllloo.'' 40 Ot. pkg. JJ ( Butler Bros. Meat Dept. FCIIID F~ Ready Colored Sllop i11 • l.i•-ly • ._,._.. ..... ,. ....,. .,. IMIIY P'ecti- cel •• -n •• cjecoreme tifts -from $I to $1 00. • Gift wreppi119 • Meifi119. Kay ~inch . CERR ICS CORONA DEl MAl w. D.liver Christmas any size made to order --- Christmas (J1-eens . English Holly Redwood Pine Boughs . * * * Candles ---all sizes and colors I 3 I 3 Coe•t lo11levertl Fraits & Vegetules ~OAST •1 COAST ILVD. • • ._ eliM"'iiAY Opell.t to 7 .......... I tD I-• A..-tt-...... -a..ot_, •'-' of 4etm-...,..._. lw A.- eftc.. 1He ,_..•die.• No fee." w. e4··-.. ceets. CREOIT BUREAU Of NEWPOlT lEACH, LA&UNA lEACH AND COSTA .,_.ESA ICM liftnWe A.,.. P. 0 . '-Jt6 ..._ ••1. Nwupert .... Celf. Be-tnt;: Oran •e County Su· po·n •~r for tht• Fal\h Dis· lrtC't "ilh 42 fJl'rccnt of the count\' land area and an a {' .. Mi 'alua uon of 122 mil· hon dollan. ttnd<>r )our JUri~ Samu.?l K.Jnsrather of Costa mg hi > ar ln office. ~1embers of dJctaon, ts d man-1zed job Mesa was m taJied as Worshipful the-lodge admHted during the pa t espeeaall) "hPn th count) r ri • ""'" N 708 'ear pr<>Sl'nted Mr. l)(>ister with a has an acu tl' cru; of J!TO"· Mastt'r or &.-a 8 ng ~e 0 . " oftO paa·n!., With populata'on ln-l Ublj·c n.."""monl-h"'ld Satur aold card and past Master's apron. ..... -8 P ""'"'"' "'• "' • .. creasing a t a rat<> n<'ar the day night at the Costa l\1 <'58 Fri-Visitors introduced· b Y t he na\Jonal J'N'Ord day Afternoon Clubhouse. He was lodge's new master included Mrs. ThJ-. 1~ t.h bill t 10 whkh elE"CtE'd Wednesday night of last Ref,.'i na Cot tie of Newport Height . w('{'k a t tbe regular meeting place Worthy Matron. and Ha.rold _Fmk Hemz Ka t!\f•r. of :-;lwport Rancho M..a above tht> Co ta Mesa bank. of Balboa Island. Worthy Patron, Rt>ach and Co ta Mesa. I About 275 pet-son witnes'Wd thP or Harbor Star chapter, Order of nov. rnJJ,:tbl;). '~l'nin~ tht' fln.t N ScL l ••• 'Ntr ol ha" firl>t term Theo ursery ROO installntion or officers. w. Ben thl' Ea'ltern S tar: "Alva w . Gunn bounda r) ot hl'l di~trlct ('X· Sorrell.s of La~a Beach. Wor-of Co ta MC'sa. Associate Guard· •~·ndi> ,.a,tward from thf' State Ucens~ and Approved shipful lns~tor of thE' 634th Ma-ian of tht> Co ta MPsa Job's DaU,gh-C C 1 From 2 to 6 Yean sonic District. acted as in t.aiUng tcrs Bethel; Ralph P. Mask{'y of oct>an at San l<'m nte, 0 • .\ Su~ ~--~ offit'er and pre ente!d, Mr. Klns-N{'wport, p~ldent of the Seafar· IO\\in~e the county line to ' .. ~.., auu thoril Trabuco Canyon, from whert-tructlve Pia)' father with th{' ~tavel of au >'· In~-! Lodge Building Association it run<~ \\('St a long th{' south IUCASONA.IILB U'I'D He was assisted by Eddie Moore, Refreshments were ser\"ed by 8 bound'lr} of Santa Ana to th<' ()pen 5 da""' ...... week-8 to 5 first mast<'r or Seararln~ Lodge, committee comprised of Mrs. R uth Santa Ana Rl\er, them followinf! Tranaportatbt f\JrDished who acted as master or cert'-Dei ter, chairman; Mrs. Sam Kins· thf' ri\'c.>r back to the OCE>Rn A.<~ monies. father. Mrs. Ida Naylor, Mrs. Itha JUnaor 'Tlt'mbf?r of th<' Board of 190 E. 15th St. OthC'r officers In taUC!d weN' Hom<', Mrs. Max Owens. Mrs. ~ upt>rviSt>rs, Heim is hkl'l) to b<' OOS'I'A IIDA Grorgc L. Bosley of Corona d I Earlyn Albright. Mrs. Mabel Fitz-<~:om('\\ h('rt> \lo ti han tht>St' di tn ct ne-e a..,__, Mar, senior warden; Arthur F itz· morris. Mrs. Betty Smith and Har-hm11 most or th ti~. whf>n not ~~::=========::;; morri or Corona del Mar. junior old Fink. U hers were Max ~·· an !'at'nm nto or Santa Ana on ; I warden; Hov.-ard R. Trtssel of C'n , Kt>nneth Jo nson, and ME>l-<'t\IC bu Jnl' Costa Mesa. secretar;).: Rex AI· wood A. Berry. Ill' ha<~ rE't'el\1'<1 ~ood tnunmc bright or Cliff HavE>n. trt'asurer; ---for the.> supc>r\ tsor' dutrE>s bl A<'· Co~in D. Home of Costa Mesa. BETT.ER':S Tl"RKEY ta\P <;c.>ntce tn the 1'\e\l.port 'Hat· chaplain; Raymond NieiS('n or Co-Baby Kirk Sebra. son of Mr. and hr1r C'hamb<'r ot Comm rf' and •n rona del Mar, nior deacon: \'ir· Mrs. lA-<> Sebra or 607 Pol.nsPtlttt , .al , t\lt affa1rs mo t of th• ttm t> ~il D. Smith or C'osta Mesa. junior Ave .. C'orona dt>l Mar . \Viii ha\'e to '-t.nC'e <'Hmimr to the Harbor II'\ "'a~ deacon;. Lester SmJth or Newpor t dl'cidt' whE'thl'r or nnt to ('('IP.-m 1~4/'i II·· '" a du('('tot nf thf HE'igh t.'l, Marshal: Hu~h Whit<' of brate his birt hda) on Thank! ~:i\·-c .. .,,~ ,.,...,.. < 'hamlx'r of Co1mmf'rcf• Cliff Haven, SE'nior steward; Don· In~ da) or ~0, •. 22. He was bom and of thC' thn,in~ C'osta :\IPSa Let us keep a id Dungan of Costa Mesa. junior on both. He i!' now home from St R.1nk 11 3:!nd drcrN> M~tson tn thf' steward; Hilmar R Carlstrom or JoM>ph Hospital and recehin~: lots 'talanng Lod~e trustt'e of t he y our clothes Costa M~: on~anist. and Waltt'r of attf'ntion from his small sist£'r 'j 1 !a• bor Fllo. Lod~e .. and, for so~e WELL-PRESSED! PE-Ck of Newport, tiler. 11nd bro thf'r. Nancy and Kf.'\in llmt> ita ... lx>E'n a dtrE'Ct6 r und '"' Mr. Sorrells congratulated tht' nou pn•!'idc.>nt of Harbor Ar<>a officers and lodgt' mf'mbers forth£' U GAL NOTtC5' So~~· Alfatrs, InC'. His fd\'Orttl' C FREE PICKUP outstanding work they had donC' So. A ~ "('xtni at'tl\it~ i Yo orkm~ for th•"' sincf.' the lodge was r harterf.'d 0<'· NOTI<'E TO CREDITOR • club. hf'lpin~: to mold tt mto an & DELIVERY tobt>r 12, 195(1. He also prRist'd 1 ESTATE OF STA....,'LEY LYO~S o•tt,t~Jndin~ c>xamplf.' of \I. hal a Q H!'nn K. l)(>is ter of Balboa If.,. Deceased crnup uf mt>n and n commun11~ Expert alteration land.' outJtoi nc; W orshipful Master. X nUN" Is n~rt>by Gh •ea to the <'lin d(> tor bo~ Take thf· word nl Service. . . . for his a ctl\ities In thf.' lodsce dur·1 crt'dltors of and a U persons ha,·-t 1ram•t• Count) ~h<·nff J im :'.tu- inc; claims a stainst the said d~· 'll'k , \\ho ha;. jll-t fnn,-ardNI a Itt· S 504 Coast BIYCL ~ BEAUTY SHOP {'('dt'nt or aid t'State to filp them to·r '" \ft K~i..,Pr m hu.:h pnu , ol C'ORO. A DEL IIAJl \\ilh the n('('('!;~r) \'OUCh<'rs in lilt' l'ltrb ... \\Oik Itio r Clh lll ... II· Call HA 3 1 7 6 HArbor 2907 lht' ofrt('(' or the Clc.>rk or the Su-<'lud" n ,,.,11-('(JwpP<'d l!)mn:t .. au!" . . Jl('nor'C'ourt of th<' County of Or· and 3 u rrp!Nt· craft 'hoP "11 C L E I I E I S lll Poortle+i•• Ave. an~t>. tA te or CaHfomia. or to n·, tttl ar.d \\uc'<i-v.urk n.: NJUtl· Ccwot~e del .,_..,. pN>St•nt th<' SlU'nt', with the.> nl"('('S-m • nt PUt tnt! tht· Jl:hl 'Ummo>r v • • "eoo • 4.,.," Dc,pe•s ~ry \'OU<'hc.>rs, 10 t he undt'rsismf.'d t h•• dub ~~~'" dirnllon tnd ' lfl•·r · ~:;;;;;;=•=·=N=·~~=:N:Q:&=UII=~~~~~~~~g~~~~~~~~ 81 his plat'e of businl"SS. to--\\,' 'l'tt•n for 1 b3't !>all " :'in ... and c o J)C)nald D Han ,:ood 13 oa-.K, tball It• m" tn &<'II\•· 1415 Coa t Hi~hwa~ l"n·l)t ''inn C"nrona dPI :\lar California )h K. ..... ,., tn<'ld ·nt'lll~. con- within Lx months aftc.>r tht" first du<'h <~ '''" 'UCt'l" lui hU..,IIl<''" ol puhlirntlnn of t hi noU('('. "''" O\\ n 11 ·I, the.> B:n Shor't" T r atl· n~wd ::-.:m('mb<'r 23 1951 1'1 Ptrk ('01\"'"'tnc. t\1 .,,_ "'('T\'" C'LAR.\ I. LYO~~ 't;<'k• d <..dun.:-.tdt (\H -.r flt·•h" ~ E.xt'('tttnx of tl-1' F.<:.t,-ttr of said d{'('('drnt Donald D. Han'ood Atturnt'y for ExE-Cutrix 1<115 Coa t Hlch\\ay RE~Z KAI~ER \\ hert.' It Ct OSS('S I hf• tn I t IU I ht> l"ppt>t Bay. Yuu'd h,trdl} · ~t ii'> you dn\f.' b), !hat ttu prop('rt)' mclodes a marme \ .. ·a s and ~t v.or~. batbtnlit !Jeach, and wac n ntal and II hml! doclu. tn ••ddl· ltun to s \f.'t dl cort> COit.l~t a nd rr~tlC'r Jl8C't'" ~11!1 n~ c1 Pt·rman nt ,., rd nt uf II ,, llurb or area J,."OI ht · f, 1 • !C':. .a 1 1 tn • cld ~ttvn 1 o tl un a \8t:arum <1! Ba\ ::::horc> Park To "ork 'tde b;· \Ide ~ tth Hun~ Kal'•f.'r tn mdn.. mmunt t~ pro- J• Cl~ h:t' !· ·{'n tt •·•·ut lorn ,bt'r.. >I.. .J.. . l a L"" a ! . ur • 1 '' .r I rn ... , •hi' ,.bout ~-.... port ha l,-..;o r • ~ual ·1 am p1 ud of our lot"al Sa ln:.;!> and :.oat~ A~ s•Y l"'t ''' c.nd 1t o;; fin, ll"("(•rd vt a ('()OSr tt-nt l) hu~h return on sav· an~s I ht•a• • al) re<'Omml•nd 't a a <.nund and abl) manall!f.'d ~a\fln~ ASSOCI811!10 , \\Ji h <'CUrti) (or tl.'i 1m eo; tor, and 8 huzh dh td{ nc.l r('C· CIJ'd " W e \l.ouJd hkf.' IO Hll )UII how \flU ran ma ke \our mon.-, \I.Ork I ·" dPr throu£h · oor """-' m~.. plan \\' t• na' ,. patd nt~\ ,., I• ..... t han 3 .,. ''~ nt JX r annum nn """''nl! r.n- ·• 'It c.l wirh u-. and \O'II mont') 1.11 tu • H•.l)()(• '" t ull~ '""'urN:! c. 1"1' ,.,. ' 11 a flf' r,or..1l t'h.ll or d"•P U" a hn• \\1 ~ r ;.nu" Ynu'll "' 1 JK'""'~ n<tl , : :r• nd l\ ' n Jet• it\\ II' In!; ) ( U h(·rt•. C'oronn dPl Mar. Ca lifornia PubU h : Nm· 29, DE-c. 6 13, ;m In tht> !'\c.>wpnrt Harbor Enshm 4 14 C~t Boolnard <'orOftA d~l XA.r OPEN SUNDAYS 10 to 5 LOVELIEST OF CHRISTMAS STOCKINGS Mak~ thts yow Phoenix On~ Stop Christma.s -the most complete stochtng servi« in Amenca. Fo r gla.mow. n cite:tnetlt or service. fr901 heaven-home sh~ to down-to-earth nylons. there's a PhomJx stocking for every femmine name o n yow gift hst. In custom-fit proportions. $1.}) tO Sl.9) N Flftp4TBig T ESW"PO'R DEPARTMENT STORE 22nd and Ocecm Front Newport Beach. California I Block W t 4tr N~ !'1ft -'hi. HA l M ~OTI E OF KE.utL~G Notic-e is hC'reby .U\'('n that thE' Plannin't Commi slon of the Cit!~ or !';l"vport Beach will hold a pub. Uc ht'arln~:: on the application or 1 Harr' M Howell for a ,·ariance on t hf' \\'1) 1: Lot 1. RIO<'k q_ S<'<'tion 1\\o R.1lboa Island • ~ Park A\t'lltlt' 1 on th<' St'('('fld ''''' ~ '" l'r-hun~ onl) '\oti('(' '" ht>rf'by rurtht>r d\'f.'n that ~•d publtc ht"arim: \\Ill bl• h• ld un lh(' 2flth day or ~mbo r n • th" hour of 7.30 P ~I in thf' ("nunt•tl nlamb<'rs ('If tlw ('it~ Jlnll. :\'t'\\port &•ach. C'alif•-.rni . '" \\ hldt timt> nnd phc-f' am Rnd nll ,~r...,,n, mt••N><:tf'd ma) app..'llr .rnc1 b{' ht•a rd 1 ht•rMn rl.\ \' ("()PEI.l:\' s.•crel I ~ '\E\\'P0RT RE.\C'H PL..\:'\::\1 NG \0:\t")USSlll~ C"t'RTIF IC.\Tt: ()t· Rt ' 1'\E:o-' t"ic'tlf1nll" F lml :Sanw Tlw l ndl•r"l&:nt>d doc.'-. h• t • h' t'l'l t a f\ t hrl t hC' 1!> ronduct in~: 1 Jt, a l 't :.,tat!' bu-.ant'!l!> 'H 106 C"on"'t 1t1clm ;n C'ornnn de.> I :\Tal' C..llir und.-1 .ttw ftc h trow. Clrm namr of I llpl'lll' Rc•nlt~ C'nmpan~ and lhnt .. \IIi 1 arm 1 s compc1sC'd ol 1 hr ( o l· lol\\ 111~ ()C'rson;., "hn~t' namt, 111 lull ~nd plllC.'"' of buo;tn~!>l' IHI' a" 1 ol h '"' 1 u-wtt . \\"Tl I IA:\t 0 PF.Ll.F lt)tl t \);l"t Ht~hwa~ C"oronn dl'l :\tar, C'aur. \\ IT~f-:SS h1"' ha nd thb th d ~~ uf l>l'c c mb..'r. 19:11 ·~•':til \\"l LI L\.\1 OPFLI l-. sTATl-. O F C'ALIFORN IA C'<'l''\TY CIF IIRANGE s~ 0:-\ Tl-fll': dtt\" of .... ~·mhN, 19:;1 , lwrort' mP. ; notar~ Puhhc m nnd fm· ~aid rount~ and "t:ll•'• 1 c•-,idtnl! t hl'rrin. dull~ c nmm .... -.iont'd and ""''1m. JX"l'$nn til\ riJI· p.•.tt·o•d \\'tlllilm Opclll' knn" 11 tc• mr• to lx• tht• tx••·son who.:• n.tm•· I t<:: 'ub.;<'rihC'd to I he> wit hsn m «1 II• mPnt. and ncknowled~<'d to 1111' 1hnt hi' rXP<'III ~ tht' sam•'. 1 \\'TT :-\ E~S my hanrl and offJt t.tl ~wnl l\tARY A. H AP.\ Nola n · Public in Anti for -t\id rount~ ~nd ~~ '•' CommL ion cxpiN>~ .lui~ :\1. -Shop et H-for Cllristmet - -Hom&-made pies and ea.es-- Having a Party 7 PHONE HARBOR 1380 for A TASTY SNACK TO TAKE OUT. ~·so-WATCI CIQ.II-$41'50 ~ WITH THIS AD If \hllf r Jt'\\ t>ln Ltl 1~ off,'ranc tht<> btc rOOOf'\ "'" tnc ':~1'"' a!C. a "Jl''<'t.tl ~··i-H'QUaitltf'd dt al ..\n~ r~'.:t:u;, wa rh • rr-m i Jf'\\tl'-Uptn ~~ ~·\\ol"' \\lol l lot th<lrou.:hl~ dtllt1•' I ntJ•-d lot • .! 711• "tth ,, rull ont' \C'lt \\Tlll••n 11 ~ 1•' Tak•• uh tnl ,~,. l"\1 Zhl' n111n\') .:a,1nc \alur .t' r. M. MILLER & CO. IH6 ""outh ~loin ~trf'.t't to.4ede to order in Ollt own s"op, At'ly width enr •ength, eny color -Complete. Wit" comic. boa•~ ,f du ir-ed. BAMBOO SHADES MATCH STIC K Ou+s de •nd ln,:de P,.el !.t,.,boo in w•de re .. q• o• ' 1e1 SANTA ANA TENT & AWNING I 626 S. M. ,,. I( 2-1545 LAGUNA MAPLE SHOP For Food with the MAGIC TOUCH- BROWNIE'S 1113 S. Main Opposite SEARS Santa ADa • • • Dehctous 'buraf'rs end complete m '"':1ls • • • LUSCIOUS HOM(.MADE I'ASTIIES no eo.,• B1vd. :' .. , [ IIOID f 6 Beclrooma, den. m&ld's quar-t lt"''S. ~doua Uv. rm. above ; • 33' xiO' rea'8Uon -taproom • • which has wide doors openJng • • oo terTaoe, pe'iVJte pier and : sUp. Total area 5.200' in-• • clllldec sep. &hower-drftsing • : rooma for m c>n , & womt-n • • gueau: enclo.ed laundry, dry-t ing room and to. dge room • with ample room for ho bby hop. Restr1r tf'd, t-xcluslve • : n('\ghborhood. House com- ~ plc>t<'ly funnshi'd with dis- ~ poMI, ('l<>etnc ntngl'. TV et, a fumacc heat. water soft«.>nt>r. • For mform11tion l"f'gardml! • ttus propert) ca II ~ Harbor ! ln~ednlent : • m., RUL TOitS . • Newpol't Bh·d. at Mtla St. ~ NEWPORT ~ RA 1110 ~ . • et.l'I ... HI I I I I t I I I I ll lfl I I I I I I I • ·$1,500 ... Chsm1m~ n<'" ranch type.~ hom•· Ont> tx-droom. all fMct'd and l~tndscapt>d. Fmt> C~ta Mf>Sa location .... It's pretty s a p1cture and a well buiJt $7 995 h~ • 4el Nf'WPOrt Bhd.. c..ta •eu BE 1111-ll BE Mn·W G-0·0-D B-U-Y-! A ttr C'tlv•· mod,..rn 2-lx'Ciroom hom,. WJ t h ~U{'!.t r·m & hath adj. g11r. Farepl., patio, rholoc loc,lt 0\\ rwr· lt'a\ in~ IH'<'R. ~.r.oo n.o. .. FuU prlt't· $1• 650 oa)y . ... •.•.. ..., ... 1t0 E. BaftM& Blvd. RA 1111 ........ tNt DODOt; 4-0R. CUS. TOM F.OA.S: Rn.dlo: ('ar ill A I mN'tu.nlc-•\1 c-oncU· ttnn. Muct ooMI Uti" wN"k. Wll.l. \('C't:PT K·~l'o()' fli.E OI<'J<'F:H IUrbor IM.! Doa't Forget ) our IO<'al 111suruncl' agl'nt who can ~ive you TilE Rt:~T ~U:R\'IC'E Whl'fl ~flU DN'd ft.. St-;f. JOHN E. SADLEIR 60f Cout ll¥d.. Corona d•l Mer HAitBOit 2 4 2 2 u-.. SALE 4t., ·soo 00\\ N will buy ~ modc·rn dupl<'x, locat<>J fn Corona del Mar - ouC' hlrJCk from beach . Yields 12~ l'n invN~trnc>n t . • • • Buy fqr ni"lwd or unfurt~illhrd. f"llnntl ·06~ ol .'\rbnr 'I ~ WhY hold on to that uselea-to- you utJ~. Try the want ada. --~ ~-~ !It· ..... o.. '1r II. 1•1 One of Corona del Mar's nnest homH. Panoramic OCND vJc-w --- Jo"Umlshed or unfumlshed. ftnl& ftlitttt ~ ~·111110011 ... DIDf ADOIIB IIOWI!t • • • Thrf'f'-tX'd.I'OOtrt houst> ... Narpet from waU to wall throuchout ... at- tach<-d pr&J:t' ... bt•autlfuUy Jandsca!X"d . . . fully fe net"d l l t ,IOI for quJck salt". fHiot. ~ fulJy la.ndlleaped Tft1ns BAYSI at Coa Four-bedrooms, 2 beths. 1% block to Corona del Mar Beach. Priced to sell. Low down plYJnft't. COIOifl DEL Mil PIOPI -...rt a. t.,.. ... ..._ L ~ • ...._. -1 .. H.m., ..._ ••-..-'Ileal~& .... Earl W. Stanley , n nounci.ng the open the BalbOa Bay She Island areas. 411 eoc.t Boule.-md CORONA DEL MAR Fca Aa.1 IIAIUIOa ,.., ..... ... Call Sow! CASH OUT • • • 3-bt-droom home t•<'ducro from $11 ~ ~12,.')00 to .. ....... tAVV Ll\ing room 15"xl8' h8..1i a flre plac.:t• and hardwood t)oora. l...arge brE-akfast nook. Pri<X' incJud<'s a 4-burner tlmt' dock Horpoint El<>etrlc range, larg«' Kl'lvina tor refrigerator and round 1't?d chroml' breakfast set. Lots of till' in kitchen and bath. A good, sound, comfortable home that ha.~J bet>n reduced to the last dollar. Tnv(.'sllgatc> this property today. Good t«.>nns availabl<>. A NEW • • • 2-Bedroom home with 14'x21' Jiving room Hard~ood Ooors. Floor fumact•. Tile in kitchPn ond bath. 300 sq. foot room in basPmt>nt that can be comer t<'d mto ln com<' or rl'Creatlon room. The rear yard is ldt?al $9950 fot tetTRCing. Price • • • • and "ort h <'Vt'ry dollar $1700 d<JwTI '-'rtlr pay rt"nt? r.ood C'nrnt'r lot. ch"•' In $2650 G. L RESALE • • • 2-Bedroom home. lj,;ng room J31.~'xl8', flagstone n~ fumace heat. st<'<'l sa h, Vt"netlan blinds. dra~ $11 and e&I1X'ls 2-car garaJ:<'. fen<'(.'d ysrd Prict' 1 4,._ loa n at S47.00 pt>r mo. c:o. tlO I Coe.t ..... cf., ~-d.l Mer HArb« I 741 or H~ 1477 ---~ ---------Take yow' Ume seelllg thfs 2-tx>droc>m home 11tra tegically l0<'3t<'d on Balboa Island. F irt'plact', oJ)f'n cc>iling In Uving room and conn{'Cting dining room affordln~ comfort and ron\'enll'nt·•· i'\1cc patio. Fumish<'d. Pnrc $13,900 Basiaea Opportaaity Cara,~.:«', repair bul-in<>s . Well t'St3bllsh<'d. Valvp Krmdtm •. lathl's. drill-.. b<-n<.'ht's, compres!>o•·. h11m1 toolc;, l'lt' ('\c·•·~ thin~ $1,800 A R~t rpln co. Park ""'· A Apt~. otiC' blcwk from "".-rry l.~U~dln~r BALBOA ISLAND HArbor 377-W Attractht~ !-bHroom home, only ( years old. Good location on Narcissus A\e. Separate guest room and bath adjoining garage I built to take 2nd story). $10 500 ExCC'IIPnt income n-co.rd but <M"Wr Mut ~II. 1 HM \'oar Mllltlple U.ttac Brok~r or •.•. llalri Pa rk A\>ettue at Marbte &1 L lei••••• • lEALTOl • IUSINESS O''ORTUNITl!S • RENTALS IIArtlor ,,. I IU Coett ..... Corofte .a Ma, ..... Schwinn Bicycles Ray Stedman 1574 Newport Blvd .• Caeta M-.a. BEacon 5128.J 2-Bedroom Modem End~ yard. Ext't"I.Jent R·l Zonf". CDM. Marine offloer transferred. ) tt2 ..... ...,.. ...... HAtt-2112 .......... lead! Help Wanted BALBOA ISLA."'l Small beebe- Jo.r apt. Yrty. rate ~ mo. fW Will Smith. HArbor 20()..J. KEW 3-Bdnn. ranch •tyle bol.e in E. side <Mta Mesa. Untum. except tO\·e & ref~. 1 child o.k.. ="o pt>ll. BE&coo 6'i9()..J_ BALBOA ISI...AND-2-bdnn. fum. apL Yrly rental. 2().1 Gamt-t, 8 L 1 HArbor lm·R. 2-BDRM . fum houst-Ftrepla~. patio, dbL gar. 705 Popp). COM. HA 2894-R alter 5:30 p. m. CORONA DEL MAR fumlsht.'d apertme<nt. 2 becbooms. l with twin beds. C..rage. South of High'A'a). A\'at:labJe yearly 170., HArborl614. 1 :O.JlCELY F1JR..'IJ. 3-nn. ap. Ground l floor with ga_r. Adults. 4.23 Or- chid, CDM. HA 2437-J . LARGE FL'RN room on ocean front. for 1 or 2 Wltll Junt> 15. Kitchen pti\·. S8 pe-r wk. 1129 E. Balboa Blvd.. Balboa. IIArboi- 14.22-W . I COZY Fl R K apt. for 1. Lw. nn. "1th Hide-a-bed sofa. N1cx> bath and kitdlt'n Yt>arly rental, mo- der-ate. j((l Mari~roJd, CDM.I JIA1·bor 3025-W :'\l('f-. 2-b(knt home and dbl gar. Ha~ jlbl be•••n rPdecor 1.500 dn Full pl'i('f· 10."100. ~ Mr Huus.;an, ~00 l'on.st 81\d CDM . Staffed by CarlL. Tho Earl W. S· Shores offi Wilson. we broker anc our staff. You are mvited to Norm ir. this new select ycur new he EUI.W.I 225 MmriDe AYe Balboa Island 61 S Coast BIYcL Coroaa del Mar ~EW l -Bdrrr hull'>(', unfum f-~il'('. -=~~~~~~~~~~ A\'()!..; PROI>L:n'S In<.' will placx> plal>t'. db I ~;ar 23:;42 S t An-N EW UN'FURlf. upper flat J mnr<' lady in CO.M, 2 '" CO'ita drews Rd . Cliff Ha\'Pil BF..acon ~&rae windo9ll OYeriooldng ~1t'S3 Call Rf:acon 5624-R be-66i4-J. In &ood reSJdmtial dist. 2 (ore 10 a. m ;::;Ft~•;;ru.;~-..:.R;;-;-J::..:~:'\=:T;:;-Al...5::-;-:S~' --;;2:-;-bdrm::-:o::-:---_-:r;::-u~m=-. ~~~A~ SALE.~MAN for G-E a ppliancf' LuJo lsJe, b) )T . to I"('Sp. tenant', 1 $115 l009 w Bay l!lorf": hom(> frH"7~'r and food $110 per mo. 3-Bdnn. turn. 'til N.B. BA a;n_~· RA 8! plan. saiH t>)(J)('rit-nce and ambi- 1 June 15. $125 mo 1-& 2-bdrm .. tlous effort will n:•muneralt> A.lsu 1-& 2-bdrm. rum. Bay FOR RENT ~100 or more a mo. Udo EWe:-Front apts. available BUNGALOW APARTIIEN" tric Co .• 516 Coast HW)' .. !l:rw-1 Rcautitully &t larp Uv. 1 port BHch. BEacon 5500. NEW 2-bdrm. uni'Urn. ho~ 1 bUt. with ftrep&a , bdrm • ldb from ocean \ffY reu. by yr. ette. Rate-)' day, wee! Resldent Agent ror • Aet.a Ltle ~ Oo. • Aet.a c...at7 a hret7 Co. •A~........._Oo. • ••• 111111 only. HA 2562. Eves: HA 2914-M rnc;::u. HClJSE JlOTEL F OR YOUR PET U.S. Govt. in· spected horst-meat. f~ d.c>liv. In 1304 Cout Bh'd. CDM RA Harbor Art-a. HJdy's Pet S up-FURN. API'S. for rent. ~ plies & Sport in~ Goods. 605 llle Apta. lint. Dbla & &111 Coast Bl\d. CDM llA 1......, J overlooking Bay. 308 Cama . "~ . . Coroaa del Mar DESIRABLE duplex, fum. Cozy,' OU K"'( W ·1 HArbor 2397·J ·K AS Y ·~ , , ots are q Qult>t. nttr'l<' t;Hrc!l'n Adult.s Jwn ran ncr 'a '~lt.o(>fl"t'" onlf, 307 Gold(-nrod, CDM. HA , \'f') Jut "''"'" l ·w~ .• ~Ill) 1 1046. Hurty on th.· ~ !h~i lim, Auo<:tatect wltb FINEST API'S. tum. Uti!. pd Best •oo Coa!it Hhu C"nM t2tt~~ .. ~ .... , I ~~~3f7~tf.5corr: Miacellaneous HAttHir IJ a..: HAttloor 1202 (iood l ntll ON-. U, 19/H Scblage Key Lock Rl'a'' R··~ $7 24 '§!5 SJ)t•eml Dull Cht"mt· Kwiksc>t Key Lock Rt•t•uln r S.'l.70 1~1.; ~J)I'('IIII ~ 3 1.~ x:P ~ Brass Plated Butts R··gular !f.k £.~ S p.·dnl ~ Plastic Pulls TUkl' ~our choi<'<' Plu .. tk Garden Hose R~>JtUinr ~ 95 ~J)(>cUll Stt>el Medicine Cabinets 16Hx26" R<'~t 9.75 ..,5 Special ·I Long Handle Shovels Regular ~2.95 ..,5 SJX'CIBI & WE RENT SKH .. L SAWS It S ANDERS DR ILLS VIBRATOR SANDERS Jly tile Day or Wffk 8ll CleUt llwJ. Bt; Ml Nli:WPORT -AOII. 1·1 • 11 BABY SJTTI:'\G in yow hom • n'\iM, day or mght. HA l '51 FORD dlx Sed., If. $164.5 '50 FOR O ~-. H&OD .... 1545 '50 FORD V..R'dlx. sedan . 1395 '49 FORD 6 Pick-up, low milt'a~,t«.> .. 1125 WOULD Y<W LIKE to hl•lp < ' a car to Flonda h•an• 1)e.c lx> bac-k Ja1 6 Pay your NCJX'ns<"' "'l't PI I rlln.~porta If lntere H-d t'.\11 today. HA Hi.'l6 , 1301 I "nut Blvd. C D.l '18 CAD. St'd R&H, hyd. load~ \\ith PXtras • I~R rvATE ~t<,~F:Y to loan on lmmaculatt' 2295 ••s tatt'. F. \ Christy, 20.' '41 BUlCK &-d. R&H 31:1 Ray Front, I t '41 PONTI A S('(! ~pe. 375 TAX REPORTS~_.-;--':":Eas~~---pa--=rl '40 DeSOTO SOO. R&H 39:; 62:! N. Bru.tnl SUn ttt Ana. H '39 CH£\1. Coul){' .. 170 G. Wethe•·ell. Kimberly 3-1 ~ '31< PLYMOCTfl 2-dr. 90 TELEVISION! Trade your oJ, Many More to ~ From ano on beautiful te-levision. alJowance. Famous makes n •••• ,. ...... te levlsJon. DANZ -SCIDD Your Ford ~ ~~o. Main. cor. 6th S t., & 614 CoaJJt Hwy. ''Oe Mlracle MUe" RENT A PIANO. Let the Kld BEacon 6604 • • Newport Beach I learn. $5 per mo. Fun term r Hours: Week Days 8 'til 6:30 aUowed on any piano in St•ntJays & HoUdaya 10 'til 4 stock. DANZ-SCHMIOT Big -~ I ~.Sto~. 5:!0 No. Main, Sa ..: .n II 'l!flllliiJiitjl{l Oily! I SlOP I OENEkAL ICUlCI'IliC Dlwpoeal and .,.._.,4'!1' CeiiiMaaUM: complete prloe $194..95•, Includ- Ing installation. ntfJE! 1 year's supply or Dlah- master Suds If you act NOW! • Notmel instoilolton. No-Flo int..-lod Co. AI'PI..I..\.llfOIII 516 COCIIIt lligtrway Newport 8eedl am.c. ~ Gifts for Cosll ... Depar1 1811 Newpor A K FOR / 11, ••• n -~---~---------------'-"--aa--~--------------RAntANT ~ heater, ~00(1 <:ond. WA."'TED Nice CWitOmPrt lO bt.t,} $10. CirclulatUlg gu lwatt>r $15. my cl an, nlmost n •w clothing ~ T)-pcvtrlter (lug type} $25. SH) j FrannaP Gratw:u Shop. 1201 ~n Froftt., Balboa. -HArbor Cout Blvd .. at Goldenrod. COM BAYSIDE DRIVE at Coast Highway 1270-J. W A."'TF.D ed furnlturt> WaU '32 HUDSON 8 &edan· oriJ: flniah buy 1 PI~ or a carlMd . CaU 56,000 actual miles'. Excellenl BEacon 7523. Crist Fumature. J transportation. HA 0701. 1687 Oran~. Cotta M a . GOOD LOOKING 6'11 ft. CWitom WANTED TO R ENT ln COM. 2 I built sofa, excel. cond $100, P h. or 3 bdrm. houw. Adultt ndt>r HArbor -..J. SlOO. CaU HArbor 2136 11950 ELEC1'1UC Rwing machine, WANTED -Playhouse for <'hi I· I beautiful cablnet. Lovely African ...-rdrm<-,.....n.;. ~H~A;:.rtx>~r=-=-:53~..:7~-R~---,-­ vloleta, aU colors. BE 6323-M. WILL DO JJlONlNG ln my home Earl W. Stanley, realtor, takes pleasure in an- nouncing the opening of a ne w office serving the BalbOa Bay Shores, Beacon Bay and Harbor BOAT for sale. 12' Glasper, Like 8~'7A1:t!l:--u-a..'-. RA l'l4"w, 7',t h,p. Mercury, tarp, an· ._._ chor, oars, sand dolly, $485. See Mr. Grlmatad at Balboa Bay Olub or Call HArbor 1535. Firepl.act'. y , COM, p.m. furnished . 1 with South of ·ear ly $70., p. Grow1dl . -l23 Or - J . on ocean June 15. Wk.. 1129 .HAI'boc'l . U v. nn. N tce bath I ntal. mo-ll d. CDM. Island areas. · Staffed by Carl L. Thomas, formerly at the Earl W. Stanley Balboa Bay Shores office, and Norman N. Wilson, well-known local ya cht broker and a new me mber of our staff. You are mvited to drop m and see Carl Norm ir. this new ofhce The y can help select your new home or yacht. , and y ou EUJ. W.ft'III.EY, lealtor n\"E OI'PIC . TO 8Eit\'E YO Bcyside DriYe at Coast lfi9hway ltewport lemdl HArbor 3297 ONLY $.~-a good Fleldble F lyer sle-d, was $12.95 new. Also 2 boxes 32 Colt auto. shells. $3 l)('r box. Metal wagon $3 HA 1808-M-K. '47 POWELL SCOOlt>r. Rebualt t>n· J:in<>. Must ee to a pp!'f'c ~A 87. 4.27 N&rclssus. COM. MO VED-Must sell! CJock con- troUP<! tablf' top ~ range Law- son dave nport, 4-pc. bdrm. et 1 without prings). Will se>ll st>p or $95 for lot. Also chr<'mt' -dlnettf' set hkt> new, $50; round mlrrors. $1 2 and $16 l'arh. con- sole gas ht>a tt>r; Hot point (>)E'C. ran(P, drapes, Pte. BE 7278-W. DED OIV AN and chair. modt•ro. 1 Dlnlng room tablf' with 6 chairs, odd tables. Rt>as. Call after 4 1 p. m. HArbor 0837-J. WO RN twiet> with prldt>. SeUin~ with hope of $15, one pank danct> dre . IPen-&ge size 9. Call HA 1509, 9 to-12 a. m. ENGU SH BULL pups, 6 wks. old. R<'~. champion stock. Sun only. 546 Catalln.a Dr .. Nt>wpor t Hgts 225 MariDe AYe. 15th aDd A.rrine SPY GLASS, 16 power, Koll Mor- Bal)x,a Island Cliff Rcnen ~~-~~tical Corp 540 BEaco-~ 1 dbl gar. 615 eoa.t IIYd. 3113 Newpcxt IIYd. L'G•L NoT'" 1.500 Cor-,a ...... 1 Mar Ne w--rt •--ch s on ct: oF 1 iTESTl ON To $('(' Mr. ..... Q! r-Dea: E'"OA LIE I N THE SALE Of' ·d .. COM. ~~~~~~~~~=~::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=~ ALCOHO U C BEVI::RA•a:."' urn f'iN'--~IM-r It, 19.>1 St An· NEW UNF'UR5. uppe' Oat with LELA CARROLL ls now at M&n· To Whom It May CotU'f'rn: BEacon lar&eln ---~~t. 12 ~· dex Cleaners, 117 22nd St .. New-I ubj(-('t to lSSWln<'t· of thl"' li- •-·~~EnU&I -. ~ po~ Beach, doing ~tlteratiOI"lS &: I Cf'flS{> ttppltf'd for. and mmmt nranc !c--,....--rmL. sundl"<::k. t'l.r'@pl., ~ fln. se .. "\1\g. Ph. HArbor 345f,.W. not I than 15 days aft~>t •h• No ddldren ·~· AvaJ.l.. Nov. d _ .. 1. 1115 l W n..~ A Paintian p~ at(' PO<! h ..... noti~ is ht>rt>b) 1!1\ .,n mo. · ~ ve., ... ......-•.....,-. that thf' und<'tstr;med prupose" to N.B. HA J2"n..-Ews. HA 89()..)(, GEORGE BtJBDIA.RDT st>ll a iC'Qhollc bt•\t•rl'lgt's at th~P FOR RENT .. l bt St.. N~ .._.. prE'm i-ws, dt.' C'l ltx>d a" follows BUNGALOW APA.R1"'10:NTS -S. W CORJ\"ER OF RA Y~tn'Jo: Beautifully f\a1... 1iarp Jlv. room IIArtler HD-W DRIVE ANn MA.RrNP A\'F. with ftrepla~, b*m , ldtchen· Call after 1 p. ra. N EWPORT BF.ACll ette. Rate by day, ~k or ________ .:....____ ORANGE COL'~TY month. CAU W. P. SUNBURY 1 Pursunnt to 'uch lnto•nunn. lht• FARM HOOSE MOTEL undf'r"ll..'nt'tt as appl) mte to t ht• 1304 Cout Bh'd., CDM HA 1063 FOR PAINTING Stah• Roard of Equalltulion fu1· i'<- FURN API'S r t. See Lou-.;wlnl ,. on nr-aormal app llcall(ln ol P t S up-· · or ren H Arbor !MG-.1 tn .tl('tlhlllk bt•wra ~:~.~ lkc•ns(' tot• 605 We Apt&. til"'l. Dbla It aingles, U l Poppy Ooroaa ~1 Mar ''"'"~" rm•ma t•~ a" toll""' 1293-J overlooking~. D Carnation, (l~ SALE C~NERA LSI-:,\SO:-\Al Co · : Coroaa c1e1 u.r. • H. H. HOLBROQ• . Q . zy, YOU KNOW l a UA.RTF.RLY LI('I!.!\.SF. A. • ots are S<'aret>' De d ble PI .._, An)onc deslnnt to pr~Jt"~! ;hc-Adults Jwt nn n .. a • !~'<'""•·" v· ' pen a """'''touw · · r h 1 ,~ .__.._ tssuan<'l' o sue l'l'no;,. m:~\ f11t~ a J\f. HA \t>l lot b.•l"\' llw). nnl~ ~1 850. J\ Pr,,mpt .Rt>pair Service . H'nfi('(f prow;.t wi th th,; Stalt• • Hurry on ttu .. ~ t in~, llvuJ,:ttn. Mlintalned Ro.'lrd (lr F.quahtlltlon at Sac:r<~ 1-. pd.--=-'""'aes,......_.t 100 <.:OIUit 111\d c:J?M P\oee ...,_r lfli-W nwntn. C·Jitfunlll\ '-lltlml! L'ruumh ----• 1801 8alhoe Bh·d. ~ewport .... 1 for dPnl11l 11, pro\, Jo.rl 1'1 l.t\\ Thf' .... mo. ~Ur:-~Ucm te, CDM. ~ eous prf'ffiiM'~ Hrt.' Jll•t 1111\\ ltet•nsl'd fOI · ·~' P A I N T I N G 1 thc ~ · <•I ull•vhollc 1 • I 11 BABY STM'l'\G in YOIJr home or Eczrl Sbetlin KE'\ L.. • mine. day or mght. HA 1670 na PaiOMt St. _ c..-·- $1645 WOULD YOL' l.JKE to lwlp dm·c ••--..,. __ _. ' a car to P londa lca,·c ~ 15. .,.,..,.. -· • ~-tl"~ be back Jar 6 Pay ~our own Superfluous Hair "' .. 1125 ·d. {'X'p("rl.S('8 "" • pt tran~portauon p1,m1anl.'nfl~ a-em<'J\'('<f frotn faet>, If interc, tt·d t'811 today, HAt·bor arm!'. lt't..TS F.~ t•brfXI.;"' nt1 haJ r- HiS6. 1301 t '••Ut Rhd CD~~ lin<> shaped No mor,· twenln~. PRIVATE 1\ff t'\'fo \' to lnan '"' n•al f:LLE~ I. BRYA.'o'T. ft 1-: 1233 N. Coast BlYd. near Emerald Bay DALE YOl'N(; and FREO MA llTI N. tw\\ ro\qlo•t '· tn· "tiP \ ou In rom•· 111 htowsf' nnd i1slt•n An P'<lrf'ln .. l~· llir rcf' llfllf'Ctlon of LP, 46 r.p.m. k rtllldrM'II rt'<'urd' The famous PENTRON PO ItT ABLE .......... S2f95 up (.h •. " Gift Certificate ... 2295 34:> 375 395 170 (' tatt>. F \ Chr1st). zo:, :-i Tut>~da) t1nd Thu~'dt~~ only Bay Front h I J.idn'' .S.alon of tkaul~ IIA 2576 WE ARE SELLING EVERYTHING TO THE W.IJJ.S Most Items at Below Cost Prices 90 From T AX REPOR~ Easy parking 622 N. Bra~>tlll ~Hntn Ana. Ha rry C. Wcthc.>rl'll K Tmbf-rly 3-1447. • TELEVISION• Trade your old pl- ano on bcauttful television. Big aJJowance. FamoWI makes In televl.ston. DANZ-SCJDU:tiT. 520 No. Main. C'Or. 6th St.. Santa An&. F IREWOOD Coal and Charcoal ·VI W. Wright Co PHONE BEacon 5665 178.4 Newport Blvd. Cent• Mt~• ON .PAGE EIGHT , ... .,~. • 1• USED • TV sm PhUco lefrigeraton 7 cu It Deluxe 11 cu ft Deluxe 13 Cll ft 13 cu ft Deluxe Str llagicCas Reg Reg Reg Reg $249 5(, Reg 369 50 309 50 279 50 Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale This Christmas The turtJP-neck '' ttus )'Par's an.,.wer to ·what's new in sweatE'rs-t" TurtlP nt>ek sv.ea '~'!"!> priced from ']9() • • • Taken from our rollt1" 1 ,, • 111 ;;;mart. not-too-rqx·n~" f::lfh • Fun Til. C JfRIIioiTMAM POPULAR AND CLASSICAL RECORDS FOR EVERY TASTE LARGE STOCK 0?' NE'N RECORDS ! •ur n ,., •ret ... nd todtn.t,•l• 'L"'' •n ... :' Jt't' dt>~rtl'nl-nh ;~rP nu\\ { mlun• 1.1 und•' mani'IL'•·mt>nt t I 1-arrl'( Rtppetr.ll• , • RADIO &: 322 Marine ELECTRIC CO. Balboa Island leginnbag tHIS FBmAY WE WILL BE OPEN &om 9A.'M.-9~ P.M. Until Chrisbus Sunday Hours: 9 A.M. ~ 5:30 P.M. ~_,--" 'V ........ f I' I ' ' I J ' I UGAL NOTICS AD\'EilTII'DIE.NT FOil BIDS N<1ll<'e I hcffby ~:h en that tM County or ran~~ •i ll receivto u ll•d bid! for the furnishin R and Installation of "EmerJ:ency light· in~t )stems ror thrc..>e buiJdi.np lUld an addJUonaJ oil circuit break- C'r for Substation No. 1, at tht' ~--~·1 ,_ I • . ' I I I , ~ • ' I 1 Oran~c County G<>ncral H. pita l, Each building ~t now bfoln~ I ........... Oram~t>. CaUfomia'', until 3:00 is ut'd at tht> Bullding ~~. V. L Pandt. Collins AH~ .. J"t'--iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii P .M . o'clock, on the 26th day of ... ,_ th f .._ model 205 • Dec<'mlx>r. 19:>1. at the off;ce or throu~h uwo mon ° Decem ....... , "n& at Coral, $2.500. thtt Board of SUJX>r,·lsors, County keeps adding to all-t.inw pennit t'f'-Ude •• 88tRAL. CONTIACTOI ~ '"' A Merry Christmas to All Our Fnends MARSAC Plumbing, Inc. Contracting Remodeling Garbage Disposals IIA Ull r 0 h "-Co t co_rd for thto cit~. ~hich has now Howard C. n&o, Los ~Je'fl. 6-o ran~;f'. 8 t t e vri!LOJ:l" un Y cltmbed to .400.000_ • aJmost 5400.----. 2...£oto•P'\.'• 1-'-'t ..a.·-lling at Court Houst>. Santa Ana. Cali(or-'"""' -.. ·J .,... u~ .. nia. at \\hich time all bids will be 000 O\'t'r the prt'\'IOUS r«'Dnl, 1 236 Via EboU $14.000. Dik & OJX>nl'd and publicly rt>ad aloud ln In 1948· I Colg:rovt'. bUildet . th(' Board Room. About $1 00.000 was adck-d dur-tn lgbt Gibbs remodelling Each bid hall be in acc:oJ"dance in~ the> ~ ~~. ~ largest 843 Via Udo Sotid. $900. with the Plans. Specifications and permit bemg $30.~ for a lour-, John Geiger. rumpus room other Contract Documents now on unit apartment building tn Balboa. 101 V ia Ravenna f500 me at the Orange County Build-Following permits W(>t"t> issued • . -during the put w E"ek · <4t Ill inli l:>c.'partm nt. locatl'd at ~ N...,..,n a:Je-_..,. North Broadway, Santa Ana. CaU-~ewport Balboa Federal Sa,·-I fomla: ~oples of the Plans and in~s &: Loan 3333 Via Udo si~m Spt>CJftcatJons may be ob ta1ned at S2 SOO. · · · thl' above office upon a deposit or I Keittf Van Tuyle 4-room 1- $1Cl.OO per "'· ton 1-unlt d\\elilng at 1717 W I The amount or the d4'posit for 1 Bal~ Bl\'d.. $6,000 Ownt>~ on set of docUJ1lE'n ts \\ UJ be re-buildE-r fund d t o each bid<.k>r or mtended John S ummers, 3210 W Balboa bldd r who f'<'tum.s ~cb sel of Bh·d.. 4-room. l~story, l -unlt plans and docummts m good con-dwelling at 3212 W Balboa Bkd. clition within FIVE. DAYS after 500 DE-an Ke-p~rt builder ' U'!e OJ)t!ning of bids. Mrs. H. L. Gray. ~plete sto1"t'- Bidders art' hereby notified that room for offiex> at Seuport Land- pursuant to the statutes ot ~ ing. R17 Cout Hlgh•·a}-. Sl .OOO. State of C&lllornia, or local laws c ..... *I Mar thereto applicable. the Count y of Dal D. Stoddard. i07 Goldf>n- Orange has ascertained the gen-rod, 4-room. 2-story. 1-unit dwell- era! prevallint: rah• of per diem mst at samt> a ddrt>SS. SR.OOO O wner W8~<'-and r&tPS for legal holiday buildt>r and overttml' work tn the locality I in \\hich tht.'l work ts to be per- formed. tor Nlch craft or type or S.y llor'H •11EDtJC11fG•• tat.re.t llatee Low Monthly Pu, ..... * We offer you the facilities of the Largest Federal Savings Association if,i~iiiijiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiii wnrkman or mechanic m'<'ded to I ex(•t·utl" thr rontraC't which "i ll bt' award d to th(' <~ucc·•·~<"ful biddl.'r. C"'ha.-lotte Mcrlman. 2471 Ma- rmo. :').room. 1-slor). 1-unit dw('ll- tn~ at C!Ol Manno. S1R.OOO Ro} Gt~'f'Oit>al jr.. butldt't Balboa 0~ .... y IIA ... in Orange County Yo11'll lib -e«4iel ~ '" MfViflt yew """'- Fl~'E Ft11lHITVIlB IIADE L~ OU& OWN SHOPS FUitNITUlt ltEfiNISHID IJOU E a O&aDEN •11 Coot Hwy. N...,_t IE.n011 5171 --s-. 10 ...... I.-e DhltAD<If' Leeal lAIIGI1 O R XALL 10118 On"£.~ SAME OAILE ... and TO RAGE ·•w e Mo\'~ \\1th the World" A E..~ F'OR LI'ON!!I 1 966 Harbor Bl•d. ~\6 Mesa BEar~D n n ol' uu-• W GE RATt:s : Thf' pr<'\'lltlin~ \\8t't ''> c:n d•••• rmanf'd art> os fol· lu\\" COII""nt{•t... 2 3.'l Tablt• Po\\,., "<<\\ c )p•·rn lor 2.43 !\ttll\\lll::hl 2.~ Cf'm('nl Fan1 lw1 2 ~ C'f'm<>nt Flour F101,hlnl! \tach ( ,,,, 2 'll• l.all'lrf'N , \.t·m 1 al t>l Cnn- ... t ruction 1 ( lflf't a 1 ors & TrndPt'S nl pn• tunalll' toob. \lbrat- tnJt maC'hlnt " & l'imilar tools not M•p::trat1·l~ dH<.· 1 75 ifil"d hf"'''t' 1.9;) At r C'ompt ('fosnr 0J)('rn I or 2 05 Borint; !\In clune OJ)('rn tor 1 t'Xdudin~ pneumatic or <'QUipmf'n t of slm1lar ca- PIIC'ily 2.:u< J.)) "I' I uf dump trucks or If'., thnn 4 ) do;; watt>r lf'· • \I" I Dri\ t>r oC dum p trucks 4 yd .• but less than 8 }ds " ter level .... 1.83 . 1.85 of All Kinds FLAGSTONE PA TIOS BLOCK WALLS • • t~t-.F. E!iJTIIIATE!!I • Chis. W1rr11 I llil IEe~on 51110-J • HArbor t•.J 21 1) Newpori 81¥4. C..e .... \\'all11<'t' J«-ff.. -114 &-I Vu!' !..tnt· 1-nlOm. 2-.,lor~ 4-unit 8Jl.'lrl- nwnt nt 1:5·11 :\llri.tmat $30,0011 .ltm Rtl) hutldPr nn, f·r. of Truck... l.R~al Pa) lond C"apar1l~ lf'SS MOoatN ~ ftOfltCAl than 6 ton~ FUitNITUitE e M AJII'B e WAU · Pt i\ 1.'1"' or Tt urk IA>~a 1 fiA,EitS e l AMI'S e FlOOtt Pa) load C a p a <' 1 1 ~ lx •-COVERINGS. ..... FEIEIIL Sl LAGUNA IU.CH l\\l'f'll 6 and 10 tonJo. B OU8E a GUDEN "'' 8-Til \O F.!'": I!"' ll h j (' (' t t 0 "I C..st Hwy .. Newport, • an chanl!l'' 0... NitWa --S... 10 e-.-4p.a. ...._. 4-lln -212 o-.,. ""· •·or,.mf•n : All fun•m!•n not ~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ hf'rf'tn c;rpa ra t d ) c-lassHird 1 ~ :-.hnll br ~ld not )('!'!~ than 12 '1 c-••nt.!. JY'r hour mort> than juurnf') men 1 at(' for <.'Tilft .in- \Oh ('(!. .\ppr .. Dfl('('s: All apprt>nU~s m ay bf' t>mployc:'d in ronrormlty "ith Si'<"tion 1775 of the C'ali- fomin Labnr CodC' RJ~r~r"r": Snmf' wa~P scale a~ C"rafl to \\ hirh ri~~ing i ln- ct d<'n 1 a!. W•t~r<~: Sam(' wagt> scale as craft 10 which welding i ln- cid~>ntal. EI('CI rira I C"'A'n('ral F(lr('- m'ln 3.25 Elt?<'lrical ForPman 3.00 1 EJeclrlc:tl Sub·FOl'«-man 2.875 Ekes nnan 2.7!l LaUwr'l 11\tt>tal Furring ' 3.1~ l..athPr" 1 Nail on 1 :\.12:; La 1 h1 1 " FoN•man 3 10 Hoof1 rs llamp. "flt('t· ns nof Clr b I I U m i n 0 II !. Fn:m11 ler . 2 ;,o Rnolt'r' Fon·man 2 7fi P:untPI., Brush 2 15 Ill VOA!!IT IDOIIWAY ..._~ .. n IIOMQl IIEI..LOTI', ~. Co. Palnl('rc; Spra} ~un or Sandbhu:;l('t 2.40 Floof' Ooverhtp -Dralltbouda Plastr·t~•r 8 hr. dav 3.125 As h 1 Til R b.._ Til Plaster<'r T('nd('r 8 hr. da)· 2.R75 F~::._ _: Unof~' Tile~ c.t;s-t~ll.\L tl\'FORMATIOS: Cllt.T.S' LIN.?0LEUII0P R·OO A. M. Starting Tim(.•. I ., S mgle S hift: Eight con. ecuUve Ll3 £. I 7tfll 8t. Ooeta •.- hours, inclusi\ <' hours. exdush·<' or BEAOON l!t•w lunrh f)('l'iod. br-twN'n 8 :00 AM., 22 Yean ln Orange County and 5 :00 P.M. shall rons titUI(' o ._~-iii~ii~~~~~~~~~~~i;i~~~~~ii~~~~ day'. work. I ForH hour • Monda} 8 .00 A.M. I tht-ough Friday 5:00 P .M. slullt t"'nstitut<> a wePk's work. Holida)s and overt im{' wa~P You Can Do Better at IS<.'tllt's as fiiC'd with lht BuiJding .·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~and Construction Trnd<>s Council of OranJ::<' County. T he Boord of Su(X>n i80rs or thP County of Oran~te e"pressJy rt>- sc•n('s t h4" ri~ht to rej('ct any or •all bids ot· \\&ivC' any informality THE ~o. • in a bid. DATED: NovC'mlx>r 27, 1951. BY ORDEH OF THE BOARD OF S PF..RVJ~ORS OF THE COUNTY OF 0 R A N G E , C' ALrFORNIA. t!-:4"all B. J . SMITII C'ounty Cler k and ex..of- flrio Clerk of tht> Board of S UJ)('J'\. isors or Oran~ County, CaJifom la. Publish: f\pwport Harbor EnsJgn, fk>ct>mlX'r 6 • OOIIPLETE DOllE FURNI!!IIDNOS BEacon 5656 1812 Newport BIYCL V08TA III:8A and LOCAL aiHI NATIONWIDE ~~ Ute Newport HA~ Area G. C. Bennett .. ... A .OY roa ftiE _,."EE..LLJ A litll~ boy wu bom Monday. Nov J&. In l..o~~ An~f'lf'S to Or. and Mrt. lhf'r JIO\\t>ll of 111 Garntot Avf>. Ralbol 1 land. n&~JW is Juhn 11\er. HUGH HERBERT 1UDD1E II.AT. AAT .. l:U -ftlaEE MDUAL8- NDAY • 'n'E.tm.U ' Tf'clua&Mior • F1r1t ... ! RANDOLPH SCOTT AN ACADEIIY ~A WAD SOiitL"'i't7rTO-B£ ! JAN E WYMAN "fte ILUE vm· PI u.s · JOHN DEREK ·•Saturday's Hero .. ~UN. • TU~. F'\rst. K•t FflA~KlE LANE BILLY DA~fEI-" "SUNNY SIDE OF THE STREE.T" IJYING ROOM BEDROOM ACCESSORIES Such l ine' ••: SIKES ICLING BUCKS COUNTY •nd Many Other' OIUGJNAUI Ci.u tom and Ready Made Pia tic A«.U'UUrles lnfant. Closet. Kitchen. Bath II .. Ceut llh·d., CDM "Tales of Hoffman .. DINING ROOM LAMPS ,.NO S!-!ADES WALL SHELVES FREE r-•v!:RY CREDIT TERMS OPEN ACCOUNTS ------- Jr. Red Cross Drive Starts Th • annuaJ fall enrollm~t of the American Juruor Red Croa 111 now undu way lll looal schools. Junior Red Croa 'WOrk ls car· ned out un~r the di~tion of t aeher-spon.10rs ln each .chool. Ml Gene Dulin for Hora~ En· tgn School. Mrs. Glt"nni~ Chris· tf'l'lSen for Nf'v•port School; Mrs Gtrl ~I"'Ut Troop Badr:PS "ill hE> Bonnlt-Lang for Corona del Mar I Mrtwd for CommunHy Servl<.'f> tn School ; Mrs. ~rH& Pattenon COnnf'CtiOII \\1th thto R oag :'Itt>-for Newport HarboT Hlgh &bool. moria! Hospttal. &-<1 tra} fa\o~ Projecu are ftlli.ng of gift boxes C'C"rami<' no\\f'r holders and dotl-tor <'nlldren all over the.> world '"~ for 1 h.-dt"ht> will bE> rt>ad) for home nurstn", {U'Sl aJd and water w \\hf'n thf' h pttal • rom-re • plt>t<>d Plantl"rs and plant' fror iiiiiiil•lill!!l!!ll!l!lll!iillll!l~~· t ht> room~ arP lx•lns:: Mart ~Ad About 20r1 Rrownws and Int~>r­ mf'diat<' Gtrl ~uts saw mo\1!' ,hort on Pf't". lif<' of the tmt and fin~r p:untms.-at tht' Girl ."<'nUt JiOUS<' 10 ~~-'"port 8C'f'Ordtnl: In ~1"'1. SuthPrland Hutton. procram t'hatrnwn fo• tt\4> local ~C'OUJ t•uun- c-al A ptc-turt• on fri••nruhtp '' lw- tnc sdwduiC'd for old r 1:1rl . On :\Jr.. Huttnn·., rommtttN' art' :\tr.; ~tdn<'' Ntnd(•t Mr H P Yar- nt•ll And :\Jr, H H TraC'~ . . . Offtc('t-... nl Tmn1' 31 Fourth GJ:ld Rlti\\JIIt''• (I • [I " I .. ' h ) \\'{"wi"o•th ('h tnn tn :u.t1 K:llh-- Vtsit Our Beautiful Cocktail Lou:tge Ill'S SEIFIII Real Mexican Codctails ''Your Hoet to the Coast Since ~ FIN .FOODS 0 llTAIL8 COAST HIGHWAY AT THE AaCHU N•wpori ... dt JOHN VDDI,f; lbcCMI 1161 SE!t fOODS Foods lt·f•n r>alll•·l~ tt••u ... uto•r \Jr, H 1 l l Tr·u·~ •~ h•fldt"a I e Enchiladas e Tacos · . . Oahnt>\ \\'at--on 1 u n•'\\ me-m-~ h+•r nl Troo(J 21 ~txtlt G1·adt• ~('IIU .... l!'d b~ \l-r!-C"1uu It.. na \ .... Clnw-a-mnnth buff• I upp.•a nt I t ht>u l•'l'ldt>r ... 11nlbcla J,land l.nm art' L."l\ m~ t hr L•trl C'flt)kt>r) pral"- tu·t• Tht' 11-orop i' dt\Jct.'ft tntt• "'" patrol-. ,. <'h tJktnc turn' h<'tn.: ('()(lk end 'CIIt""' • Tamales e Chili Rellenos, etc e S!eaks Op.n 5 to 9:)0 p. rn. -CIOIH MCMide.,. Closed Sunday. Dec. 23 TIIROt'fo tf T llt'R,O.\\ 4.\~. 111 -Reope~ Friday. Jan. 11-· La ()o~la All hill onP of tho· Thud Gt'ld• nn"' ,.,., ''' TftM1fl 1 .•n• no" tn :'t'f•llllnc tlw. ~· !'\r ilnd •• hw) I J, Jrntlll.' 1 loP Brn\\ ntt• prnmts Tht•\ nwt>t \J.,nctA~' '' tht• Gtrl ~t.'Oirt llt>\l'-1' tn :"\'o'\\IX>II \\Jih thPtr I+'H1N \tr ... A \\ ='"n"aila and rre~ll-\• '" an• n ak 1. felt! --===-----~== ------ pur".., . . . A bl 1rh ••Ul~-to ,.,,IJ,•ct -.h<-11 for handtrral •~ I!> ont c•f t ht' pro- Laquna Beach ---------------Ph. 4 -6 2 9 7 * ,IN-t' of Tt·rtOp 19 !'\••rond Gradt' 1 ~~~==~i!!~~~~~~=··=~~~~~~~·-· Rrm\1111' I t•ad•·T"' ur tht' tn~ttl) ...... art> ~lr-; Kt>nn~>th F:ttll'\'""lt t'ld P -,. :\11-. <' A. Rt·mlt·~ • For ... · · • ... Fin e ~ Tt ,., \ \\' ttd••h<'h h~... tlo·c>n tn-"' ,. '(·,lf·d -,,, Tn>Op 1:\ ul Thn tl t~rarlt• • , C.. c 0 c K TAILs ~ nto\nth • \thlt h m• •·" .,, 1h• R.cl-~· " ~ , boa bland hnm. "' '''' '! lo•td• 1, lllo.. '(\~ ,. ~11:-Pon Pt'thtt!l lh•.' an•"' h d'l J D .,. rnakm ' ('hr -.;tma ... .:Ill-. \\:0 "'!"'· • U". ?'.:-~nc an ta lCn mners 4 Ill"• l"~<t'-K• , ... 1"'' Jnv• ..... '"'"m V :r:1po:-'ed. Bee:-s ,S, \V.nes 4 <.''ll'ltlll' l'tl\+lo-d \\llh \\tlplpPr . ~nd fl·tmn~t•d ~'"~' 11.' k-1 11 k ~ ~ E ~ E, ~ :. An .wll\•' lttdtu• ptn..,r tn, I• "' .. 1"'11111111111 J k!'t?ptn..' hi' T hn d (;, td·· Hr"" n•• , • , 1 • D T -t 1'1 I i '"lt.·, t•• '•! I "'O \ ... T HI.\ D. ('ClHO~ \ OEl. . "'-D <1111 nl I'O.IJl t lll".\ lt \ Ill\ I 0),11 •' .. • • '-., ~ lnl!t.ltl dntl'l'-. ho 11lo•rl h•• dh:llld' '!..&.&.&&&.&&.&&.&.&&&&.&.&&.&.&&&.&~ lHid pi H' lol t't~l 'lltlh' •l.o•l• lncitl' 'lll!h thl'llll l•n•ll tho• '' 11 \t r, T!ru ~' !In\ I 1111'11 lt•,t~o;l . h•t" \\ ni- l• 11 ttl II 'tr ft Ill Ht '-''1'\ I I It •I l11 II · 1.•'"'' fu-.1 I UHi int•'llll ttum ,,t ... u, 1 hf'-.,• <111..'11 t1 \nwtH '"' Hllt' to tlhte~., tn 'lr~ lin) 1 ' I tn111) \tr-. Jo.• C'lo,\Jt ,., to·mpnt u~ l••act.r ''' t hP t rtM'P· :\It' \\II !Jam H<'rn- don anct :\fr, C'lt•.,.,n \\'tllt.Hn;.nn ttl'l' a'"i'''u.t lt•udt t, . . . ::o-C'l'flnd Gr adt' )Jro~ nte~ ''' T1 1>np 12 turnC'd t hf"ir ntt't'l an., '"''' Santa·, \\'n• k'h11p h.;a '' •'t·k •• mak(' C"'hrtstmas 1:1ft" fnt tht 11 motht'N On€' of th<' out tanr!tn.: lwojt>t'ts of t hi-; J:l'OUJl. It'd b) :\[r, f. B llar-...hbarbct and \tt, AI It'\\ in, has bt'cn thl' maktn: ol pup~t~. Tht'~ art' plannul • u tu- t ur,• hO\\.'. "HEY. YOU. ARE YOU liSTEN IN'?'' (tUfldenttiiiJ, you shuld h , lie's lltlart ous t THE JACK KIRK SHO wl"' ~y. mwk. ••f'Mty ,;) •... , .... ,., .. , 1:11 ,. .. t1 ~·-·" ..... Eat with EliDe attbe DOC WireR CIFE a COAST BLVD. NEWPORT lEACH -~- Open all mght for that late snack or early morning b reakfast ao.e.l I a. -. M~ay to ta. •. .._..., ELECl'RJC STOVE, refrig. chairs, studio couch, 2 gls., 1 dbl. Hol- lywood bed, other mite. fum. J«>as. This fum. Is new and haa never lx'en used. HA 2862-R. GOOD PRACTICE PIANOS, $59, I 75, $87 up. Pay $5 per month. Full trade-in allowed on new wit hin two years. OANZ-~CHMTOT Big Piano S tore, I Santa Antt, 520 No. M.&Jn, 6th St. comer. Buy now for Christmas. HAMKOND ORGANS! The pat Hammond 0-.ord Orpn. U )'OQ don't know a note, you can pky this! The Hammond Spmet Or-gan. World' a· l'llMt beautU'UI tooes. Euy tenna. 0 A. N Z • SCRKIDT Piano and 0rpn Oo. Santa Ana. 520 No. Main, cor. 6th St. I Hf:ATROLA ntnge. 6-burnt-r t op, crlddlc. O\'<'n "'ith control, bar- tx-cue O\<'n. time , perfect cond. CompiN<' • N F'Mincis~n pottery, ,<'1 of whitt-HR\.iland and misc. house hold item~. reas. 209 l.s Ft>mleaf. Corona d<'l Msr. -9 Shoppi"9 D•Y' l eft - Fabulous _.Formals Nylon nets, taffetas, . 125 to SJ995 1209 eo.n ....... for festive holiday evenings IIOVU: 1=-t ~ ... 1=-t p.a .. presents The 'i'Wm Pacbd Melocbama I1IIY" By SIDNEY KINGSLEY DEC. 6 • 7 -8 -12 -13 -14 -15 Tickets $1.50 FOI IDIIJ Cashmere cmd Woolen Sweaters· -· SpriDq Kedettes. Spen y TopBiden, IJ!!!!!!~~~·.-~·· .... =-::-~ and &padrillea NAUTICAL GIFI"S Clocks & Barometers Nylo n Ensigns Club Burgees -- Slacb cmd Slcrck Suits Tee Shirts Featherbeds Wmdbreakers Muk-Lub FOIMEI Atlrin.on Cologne w-mdhnabn Feather_. Sport Shirts Muk-Lub Tee Shirts Dab Sperry Topsiden OPEN SUNDAYS Ph. BEacon 5248 • MANY LOVD.Y GIFl' 1TDtS -QUALITY AT LOW PB1CES e HOKSeof