HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-12-20 - Newport Harbor EnsignStll13~ Day.'tlla. ....... Shop at Rome Cmd.-n --f'hip ~~ H4 , .. Tbunday, Decemher 10. 1151 CORONA DEL MAIL CALIF. sCents VoL 4--No. 11 Is Chrl•tnm~f ~~v I Ust W:~~:~~:." 1 F! .~!•om•~ '"'' ~nut num of Chr11~ ~· -under WP.} ll~ ooe of thl' most Tht' best or Chri lJ'naS pN'SE'nts 1 ~>I udrnl acadt>mtc hm11'' • • -t h~' 1 J>IOI! •~>till th• t>e days left • and thE' last mmutr j,.,'l(l packa£"t> o1nd memL• 'lh), 'wns th(' mt-etlnft of tht-has come lO Elf'anor ~kE'r, who I Rhod~ :'cholarship · --w~~ ~·r'"' ttn~; card nuulmg, th•• ="'<'wpo1 t Harbor AN>a \\.JIJ plil!S(' to ('("!t•- Aml Vi jn.o; nohl rf'ferred 10 was the Qu~n for the hrs t annual tuckPd m .IM mPs Stefrf'nl"• n' hr.t 1 t •t-n.;tmas or thu, P\t·ntful yt>ar uf 1951 Thrn w 1ll bt> parli b go ' b rl 'I y ·spa per as C.ororut d('l Mar Lobswr SAki' nnd C'hn~ootmn' ''o<'ktnf! htsl WN'k, I hf• fur 1 hlldn·n. cantN·n for ·''" at't m,.n, (11nul~ ~~ t-to~t·t nf·~ npt>n tiOtJI!f>S ~ aex·J;:;iv~ 1~\~~~Area ser-TrNt urE' nays C(')!'hrniJI'\n hark In aura of C'hristmas <.p•nt desCf'ncl-r1,1 frwnd). and ,1x·ctal Yul1 tad• enic•,., on Sunda~ \hrl'-tmfb E vicE' or anJ7.a11un but self-de-1949 r•d 1111 thf" J Lt>shP Stf'ffenM·n 1\n<1 C'hnstma~ [);,~ at th~ ltl<'al <·hurch " Th~" J·w·ntt-of the Y\t~ scr. I bed !s an orgllnization dedi-~ I kr hu hand. C'npt J <'8"<' V hou,r•hold a t ~ Mart cold A'·· u d,. .,, .,,011 11r1 1 f i.urd1'<1 nn 1 hr .. ll<tS:f' n11, n! ttl• f.n .. 1.,n 11t1tw w1th tf'd t thing useful The cde-Booker. ~as h<..tl'd ~tmon'! thf• prls-~ ('orona d•·l Mar., and lhf'rl' h,;, , "1,. 1 .. 1 hu!Jp~ hrllida~, ca . 0 no · N on"r · lx>tn~t ht>ld by the Commun-bt•1•n mud. l:'arol o;m~rn)! by fath''' bra~·~""': v~ste~lltt 8~ th~d :;: lstb Capt . Bookrr. a pilot with m•Hlwr And bmthl'r Don. as th~· :9alboa Island Methodist CDM Community Chwch porin .r r .~c .... ~ ,Jll Lesli~ th<' 1-'irsl ~1annt• All Wm~:. hftd,l(llld tldln~~oo '-Pif'lld 'rounll th•l A \•ohn c;olo b\ \~Uwrtn•• c;,,,. Th~> Carol \hoar a .... W('ll u tj)(> cee ¥~ 8 • u. """ • '" •" · be-Eon ~hot do"'" 0' ~r Kor a Au~ -ommun I ' • Steffen"rn1 famous for being ttw> _ _ ', · ' 1 ·' , ""'"' 1 • atl,-d <.'.Rim A' •'~· ·"r)('l a nd Chan('f'l Chou-s will father of Rhodfos Scholar Jim 5\l~f· I, 1~'>0. Latt>r :\irs RookPr had J lm(''o ,pmor a• Pomona (Ill-:--I.: ' .. , ;•o" l on1 .(' .. ,,, 1" I· ,., ., to brtnL. ~laJ Chnstma ... fen.scon. and Bob Gardner. known rcet.•t\'Cod \\Ord tha 1 h ,, .• , 11 I",,_ I• •' m:aJm '"~ rn dramA and ''r1 ,. :"'tH • • ,\tl ,.,, '"'"!!b) R•11 h \ ,,.r. mu'" "uncia~ tu th~> Corona <k-1 11s thf' ~fcCrnck<'n jud~:r on~r. but no \<'flfH"Rtton '''1' '' • ""'\\Til an.,: "t!> lllt'kt-d a' nna r.l hnl.: • ''" flll'"f'nll d "' tht ~~m-:\h 1r LommunH\ Church ~n , •• N>l\1'<1 ur 1 I .)U I "'"' , , rh1• :\:? ~luld•·~o ~··holaf"' rrnm 1ll ri-t ~-t .. lor• -C'hr~ tmt' .. ,.n••" 31 Itt ~.10th tht.• ~ 15 and 11 a m ser· R,, Paul ~toorf" \\"h<'I'IC'I ~a\t Th~ f3.(4okt>r u:-o•d hl h\o otl 21.• 11\1'1 thl' l'nll•'ff ~IIlii If• ,,,,, lhl' ~lllod L .. hnd CummuOJI\ \'II'' ""J bP ttw lourth l.n ~ a thou~.thful C'hMstm ' me> sa~.-.Ju~mln• AH• C'oronll d•·l :\1llr rh•• onl\ Cali1t1rn•·m to t'f><'l l'" thJ.; Chu~t·h p,,., llarr. \\'hJil ... ,, r P;wl Babblll.: t'n'" on 'God'~ whi<'h In th«> m<'mor~ of all 01~~ "h1lr lh(' !'apuun ''u' 'lllllon•11 ul holl•'~"· ·net nf th• lou• )c,una.: mPn mun ".II ~. A Son.: rn th._: Au S1• ''• rc1..-=htp .. · (nta:l<'d 'He gav' AmiJ:~ w~s thr onb "; 1 ~ \' El Toro Mrs. Rook"r i" no\\ v.,th '-t'lt'<'tl'd !rom .111 tht; \\('St• ru lur tlw 11 A m n1~ 11w ~un. I h .. =--• n Chr ~1ma. .. nth ms In· ~! l'\Cr t>Xp~("d 8 !. r'P her p."'N'Tit • Col. and ~l.rs .l~hn ,lair'" t\.H '"'rc> pwk•od from d<t) :--C'htlC)I \nn-.\ma' par1) "' 1 dudt-'Thr h phrrd tor}"' b) -.tl.ll; hert'tofoN'. Thr~ !~ S E Youn~. at Ch r~ Poant. :"'\ C C'oloradn .nd ont' from ArllclnR 1 bo• helrl tt ; p. m 'unda) Rdrt...,h-Dickmson . A~-..\ tn ~ Nan-lffta for all lfrom ~nta Clilr \ ar-Ht>r "'StPr. Mrs. F. A Murchall. hP •~ thf" nb onr attc>ndms:: a rot-mf'nh tn Ot'>arbom hsll wtll toll£>w l: r" and "Lo What a Be-aut Ml'll • ~umptuous bufft.'t rE'put.,lhes at 5(1(\ r em! af A\1'. C<lpt IN.'t• we. I of thl-Atl:-tt\IJ(' ~f'l\• thf' pro.-:tam ~ b\ Pnleton~ ...S sL,.ms; of u~h w~ll ~own Mun·hall1s now at El Toro. h '-inl't hoard. • • • · • • • Ch""-= airs M list!. Hall, the n>lumed in Junf' from Korra afll'r 11 ·" bt> rd d t OOfl F. cL....:-a Ch b b tb C!-0 Lady -~ Mt. ,.. __ 1 011111"1 All Here" and "ln the Good ,. 1\ tn~ 11 months 0\'('r thf'l'i'. ,. I (' WUJds aboa~~ ~ ~-1 for ·~:c~ Ill" .. , urc y e ~a ur "" ~ Old Summc>r Tim('.'' and also songs 1"' poun • .. C r :hurcl't b• t l>\ • t 1 •rU 'Pf'Cial h<llidas •"LI two by A.ml~o John CUrd, our own yg c ye~rs at Oxfo-rd_ nht>r<l•) 10 En~· h() .1 ~rn ~.m Wt h:p '"\Itt • tu-lu 1)1) Chnionu 0..} a• 8 a m Caruso (and that's no kJdd.inl!l. ::.a1'1111• ln_nd. HIS tudit;S \\111 '\tart nr"<t 1 t a . m . SUnday. 1'ht-n> wttl tK> h J a . m .• and J1 ·30 a. m. at Our And thw Wlltl ChriFtm~.. ~If'-fall. proqdi"" nulunr) &>tails Mln singing or Cftrols ,nd two 0\rist-1..( d) ot ~ft. camwt C a t h o II c bratl'd by tht-most unu.usl or-l ~,t be!> clearrd Jaml'" hil<> I>M'n in m1t--anth• "'" h~ 1hQ Sanetuat') f"hurch In ~~~port a.nd at a. m ganlzatlon of 0\IJ' town. ~or R<.YrC 8! Pnmona. I Chon' "Stnt: (I ll••:.t\(•ns" ~· Tour~ ~nd 10 a. m. at St John VtanM) • • • The ~'"N'k of flm~l ~l'll'l'l im .~ '·'""'" j ;cntl (,Ioria in 1:. rt•l''' l)('c.•" IJ~ \, :lpel on Balboa island. Th<' entire:' staff of tht' :'llt>\',-port A Jl(>CiRI C'hrlstma cant(l('n fnr a dramR 1n aJowlf. .lamt' "·'~I t'ul:o It• ''Th'-' GIM~ nl ChiJSI· A Ouldren's Chrtstmas Party Har·bor Ensi~n join~ In "1shlng """'ll't>mt>n will bt> OPf'n on Mon· siArrin~ l '•'JllnJ:<. as Tob.a .. 111 rhc> ma,.· "'II bo· tht> 't.r :1m ub., l', •.tll.be ghen at p m tomoiTO" our l't'lld rs 0 hE'lldlinl:'r or u Mt-tn rla~. nt-c· :!1, a nd TU!'Sda.\ T c Pomona Collet-'!' prodtwttnn nl Tn-c•f Rt>\ Th(lmRs Ro) Pt>ndt"ll At 1 Fnda.} 1 evr•nmg at lhP Partsh Christmas' and roltlmn" of. ~nod l:i. at tht• f'n111tgn bUJldlnlit an Co-bra a.nd the Angel '' From IM 7 3r• ll m thc> (.hurch <"hool, un-1 1-fa.l l. 144.1 W Balboa Bhd 'nlt> wl hes fo~ lht' Nf'" Yr"r rona d,•l '1Rr. romt'r ot Coast huncln-ds of elil:ibl~ ~llt'lte. m('n <Wr 11~ dtrt.'<"\lon uf Mr ... ~t.J) iX'· part~ "ill tK-ponso"'d b)' the A5 you can plainly 5('(', Christ· T\hd~nd Hrliolropt> A\·~ 1 ht' "'IU one> of 1, anten1e"~ hl1, r \\Ill pH c:-• II" "nnual Altar GwJds. mu is the big story 1n thU: 1ssuc.> B) W8) of wishing M l' r r )'I W<>dnr .do:t~ n! IR!o.t. ~'N>k b~. " Cah-C"'h J•ttn.t" r><J!.:C' OT tn (",o.-ddl Hall • of the EnS11n'1. ~tnd pagt" one· i~ Christmas 10 all ~~mbers of the fomla ,tatto.rommlltf'<' (If fnt> m<>n • • • St. A.Ddrewa Cb\U'Cil ghen ovt"r to this b«'st of 1'111 N'll'· al'l'ned fore-~' paumg through or Two "'''r<' Pl('kt'd to be JniPr\1~'\\M St. James Church Dual !"eni<."eS. 1\t 9 ·30 t~nd 11 a brations. F:njoy (1 well. 'IMhnt: tht' Hllrbor ArN, the can-~ ~t~~ at \ai·Tech b~ a l'C· Ttl Churrh ~ht'IOI JW~:mn. r, m ~ill be n-sunw<1 'und<t~ ttl 't l•f'n "ill remaJn open from noon VlOnal rommJIIf"<' ~!d'hht•n$(\u:· tnd PnJTlllr~ [lppannwnt... :at ::-.t Ana~. Prt><-b)t••t ~otn lhurn In until mldnh:ht S('r. in~ co(f~. '. IC';' tntC'~ hl'aur, ' !' O· l~tm1 rpl''~Pill C'hurrh :t' · ht :'l.t•Wport Hul"hl... H It <'l> ..and\\ic~~ and <"3kt' T\'lt'\'\~lon tx-rt :-;proul "' h(' I ""' r'-tt~ (II •ntr an\ " 1.1~ ]-.1~ \' Jll hold Stewart ~ '' ""' • i rc· lhh ..n- \\111 bt' mstallt'd snd tabh• II nrw~ <"'ahfomra . ' , " w .. • hf"ll Chru-.tmuc ...._ r. reo ll' 1 (I m day "ill be A <.ontmwm, In ~t up for l'ntrrt8tnmt-nt Jrt~~oo or An"ltc. 3 . a I \lon,..av Thf" Cht'nrb Cho1r '"ll nauon ·· The chOJr \HII s•nR Donations of food a nd l•f'lp ha i' nllrd b) hJ .. <'la5Sma11, ftt :"\rw. ~... ;, ... C'htldJ'\.r tht>n \0.111 ~"'t' ''Glof) to the Klng of Kmgs b) bc>en ..rt-nemu h offt>r~ ,.wl ~o\ port llarbor HJvh \\iu qu··.,IJonf'd l~l .. rolmf'd C'atht"dral flM. 'Tht>IBonarand 'Co\1\'ntryCaroi"Th•l'\" Yoursto':'"· chatrman of tho·~ ..... m hoth tnll l\JI'\\ .. aboul th• ro•~-llnl\ C"hald und 1ht' d'lildl't'n' ..... m be 8 C.andlei.Jght Christmas -...... Tht' choirs of C'nr "!* rf<'l Mar ,,N'mens Rf-<ort'atton Ct•ntmlll•'t' m llnrl\ proJn1 '"' CnmtC'O" ann~ut l lhrJ'-'nla. rt\ "'II f • .,,. E'<' scn·l<'t' at 7·30 p. m Monday Community Church Will prc>sf"nl but mor(' is nN'd~ lh' ,k,•d "I tth "'•" r~•d 13 ~·•1 r' <~~•· m rhP lol" tht· ·~·n Jt'i' ,:'N" ~'ill bt> , •• n IF. , I. t "'II lt'aO H nrv Van their trad1tlor.al Chnstm8!' Ca~-~hat pt>aple £'all hrm AI Hl-;u"'" !'I• tlo·n...-n hackyard ~tnct '' "II!! Cancilr>h~ht Choral 0 lt'br ttton« ,,r D' k,..·~ Thl' 0 ,1 a WJ!<I ~tan. dlelis:ht V('SJX't'S rn th<' 5\Bnctllal~ 1 ~~1-W 1f 1h ~ c·an cl\•' loo'>O '" 11oro''l'nt1•d _ annu"lb Bnt h tamf'~ Hnl t'ommumnn on Chri.o:tn 8, 1 .. , d l ·•· o~.l.ll ,..1 0~ l!a.nd.l' "H ftt 5p.m Sunda~. • . , hr•lp\\ith <rninc.: uncil)on''•'ll•'.n""nh:n• a l"''PT'O-E'-<' ... at i30 p m Monda\ :'hllU Feed HIS r i<X'k ~tnd a.18o . S~lol<~l s will • tx:. ld8maf.' Ketl?. cluc·~·d ' C'hnslmas . m:'llltmPIII' \\ith mw.lt' b'l th Youth Ct'loir Angels "-;t> H.a\·f' Ht>&rd on HlJth' SIOR'!n~ ~rahms Holy Night, Local VlS* ;t~ ~lll'l\\ for fhC! .}·ear~ tn .the fron a nd 1\1 11 30 p m with mu!~k b~ and A~ lt F t>ll l"pon Ia "hght ··. Mary R Steff.-nsen prt'S(>ntln~ the ., V 1 "tnd•m n. lhl'ar homE'. On an~ th -.: 'nlo Chotr H OI\' Commun-• • • Negro s.pir lt ulll "SwN't Utttr '"'"m~ tlunnr.r lht' holidAy!' •l>f'-l f' 'm 1o.-crl,.brllJI'd "' lf\:\0 Se thDay AdY tist J ('SUS Roy" and c. G. Welpult in I R Q ~tnnlnc.: 1hi8 \V{'('k tht!' ~earl p€'0-""n \\Chit tm8!1 nav ' ven -en "0, Ho ly Nigh(." s ose ueen pi<' l:'nn rim! thl' bl-11 In front of 11 " • • '0 HoUls L . An dt·rson of t~ St!\· The ChanC<'l and Ch8J)('I ChoiNI I tho'll hOnll' and bf' 1rt'A1~ 10 n Pn1h·Da) AdvPnti8t Church w111 will combine to ofrt-r thf' followin~ . "':tl<OMI pupJ)('I show Ne wport Harbor Lutheran pr .. ach on "Growing t'p in Christ" anthenu: "The Antr<'lt~' Son~:· For th<' sl'ron~ 11111~" .'his )'t-ar R••,Jct,.. thE' :u; ~:rade ;~wr<~t:r Thr cnltrf' C'Ommun•t~ i~ in\1t<'d at 11 a . m SarurdAy. At 7:30 p Tllehe nokov: "Lo What a Beau-Corona del Mar lS bll kin~ m th• •out nl a po s1blt' 4 r Jim's a<'tl\1· to J)l\rti<'tpal<' in tht> C'hristm.as I m. tomorrow 1 Friday) tht-oom- teous Rose," Pr8f'torlus: "Christ-N'fl~ted glory of twa~ty q~~~· ti('<: \H'N' {'Specialb important tr sent('(' at th<> N<'wport Harbor bined ML 1onary \·oluntf'f'r Sodt'-- mas Bells." Giltettt': "And the Ftrst therE' was E\al..}n• Mlllf'r. til<' <'Xflmining commift('('S for thP Lu1ht•ntn Church m N t> w p ort Ill'S of Ont.n~<> C'ounty v.ill meet Tn>es Do 'fn'ln," arranged by 20-y('ar-Qld d8ug~tt>r of Mr .and RhodM Scholarship. Hi." roll<'!:<' Ht>1..:hl' "Tlw Blind Plou~hman · at thc> Fullerton c h u r c b for Caul· ''Th<' Christmas Symbol.'' Mrs. R.a.ndall Mtlkr of C h 1 n .a r xtra-<'urricular &<'hie,·cmt'nt~ in-\\,II bo' .. un~? b~ ?f<' Charlt>S \hrrstmao services 5\undlly thor O'triiliansrn: • · T h to Shepherds' Co\'e, ~n Qut'en for UCl..A 8 cludc> t'ditor or the Studenl LifE'. Kauffman of Camp Pt'ndlt'ton at chtldrt>n1 Pathfind r b, ~ Story." Dickinson. The Pil.mm llo~rmn~ in No,emiX'r lh<' roliE>g<' n«>wsp&~r: tnf'mber or Jl a m ~unday Putor Hl'rbt'rt tht> dir«tion of Mrs LucillE' Par· ~lr of children will s-ing ")esu And now the honor of reiWlm~ th(' p(Jblicalion board: rontributor Roth "iU prt'ach thi' ~rmon ''Bt> ham. "1U sing Ch.nstmu caro~ Bambino" b)• Pietro Yon .and "This as Queen of thfo 1952 Toumam<'nt to both the coliE'gE' ma~zine and Born in Us To&lyl" The chiJdrt'n's to thE' patients tn the 0 range Night" by Konig-Ouistla.nsen. or Roses has bt'en acrorded to H'ar book: SC'nior representatl\'e I Christma..~ p~m will bl> at 7 30 County H.ocpital, llnd the SE-mor Choirs are under t~ direction 17-yea.r-old Nancy ~ Thom<'. on th(' drama production boll rd. p . m 1'1w1"\' Will be a . urpn~ I I)(H't',iS Soclet,.y "lth Mrs. AmeUil of Mllr)' Batt('n Steffenst'n. and frequent summer Visitor hf'~. mf'mhf-r of "M asques," honoran vtstt' from Santa Claus i'radi· \"au1-1ht a.c lt>adt'r. "'" 5:"1~ do~ Margaret L. Scharlt> w111 be-at t~ nle<:e of Mr. and Mrs. C. l...I.>Stt-r drama IOclety, and chAirman of tiona! Christmas Candlf'li~ht Wor-and books to tht> C'tuldrt'n peumtl. organ. Jones and granddaug~ter of Mr Lab 'I"ht-3tre as well u ac1ivE' par-sh1p will be hf'1 dat 7 ·30 p m • • • a.nd Mrs. Leon P. Williams of Cb-tJCipant in all major plays. play-Chrr. tmas Eve. Pastor Roth wtll Cbriatian Science Churc:ll rona del M.a.r. Nancy, a Pasadena in~ violin in the Pomona sym-~nt a Chrlstm8s rNdinll and "And 1M Word ~ ne.h Newport Wins Sweepstakes Oty CoDege studt-nt, ls the daugh-phony· mE'mbM of the curriC'Ulum pedal music w ill lnclu<W a solo and dw lt "4\"B.S ~ ~ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Chestt>r J . rommitt('(' which suggests chlln~ by ~0(' Roth. OJ>rano "-ld .. ;e romon~hus. IJA w,e ....... Thome of Pasadena Mrs Thornto I ' t he Pomona • • • '"' mS R ry, (' g 01') o u~ is Mrs. Jones' siste~. . }~C::;R<' courses o t F"U'St Bapat Church ~~~~o~ tc:!ult~~. F~':r) ~ In high school, 'O?· Ja!'f'CS ~r-An old ra hlon<"d Christmas ! tion from lht-GosP"I of John A u Kids lntlited rit'd 8 load of activttlf'S tnc!Ud!ng progr m .... ;n be held at 7 15 Fri-n l4l ""ill two read as part <If th(> belnl{ editor of the Harbor HJgh day 8 t ttw Fln!t Baptist Chur<'h ~o;on-Sennon ~unc:by 111 1h«- T Y J_ p papt>r. play ing ~ the .orch<.>stra ofN~.>wport . 19th ttnd Cou.rt S t.s. Ch.ristlA..n Scie~ ChuiYh at the 0 ll&e arty end t&king part '" the high scho<.'l T hf"r(' wiU be songs. redt&tloM I entrance to l..ldo T~lt' , .. .o:ubj4>ct drama productions. Amon):: his nd insfrtJntt'ntal numtx-rs y.;th wil1 be ''Is thE> t 'tth t'r<;(' lnC'IUd· All Harbor &N'Il children are in· out, lck acthitles ~ ha~ workMI Christmas <'IIT'(Ilc A C'hri tm:t:<; me M~tn, E\'alvt-<1 hy Atnmk vited to the annual Rot&ry spon-penodlcally at Hampton s nru~ tN't> snd cirt candy "111 be~ ()('('tal rOt'('('!" sored Christmas Pnty at 6:30 p. reporting to work fi\'f! days 1ftf'r t~nt for tht' <'hildl'<'n Or lvan ---m. S\D'lday at the comer or ParK 1 t'd •nd Ja1artne A\.~.. Balboa Island. t open • 1 F.lli' "ill PN'tH'h on ''1 ~ C11t."1tCR 80HOOL PARTY --If ·n t Roc-om 10 Our l.i\f'. for tht-Chnst Santa will bE' Of'W' of the guests Seata "--•· hlrn8e 1 "" pass <j ELK 8PON80a SHOW Child~" s' 11 o m. ~unday. Tht at UK> Clu.IJ'Ch School O..ristmM ::Wto.::: ~= ~roi A ~1 Ouiltmu show. ft't'E' 1 Cathf'dral f1lm . "Hob lqht." will party of Uw Cor-ona dt-l Ma.r ......_ M!CIIII'Pilftlecl by Mrt. Ken· to a.ll <!blldren oC the Harbor Area be :.hown. :::undll,y night William Community C'hurdt a.t 7 p. m. to. _.. beB. Jtatll 01.... vioUn and sponKiftd by the F;lk:&. ..,;u be Hod.son Jr. or ~ Oty . .,., of morrow <FWdt,fl at ~ chur'd\. teMtter. wm lftWftl her t tuderlb held Saturcltay aft.moon a1 thf> 'Nt"41'o,,rt ~ts. wOl brlnR t ht C..t muskieN and a ....a.• play til ~ ~ Udo n.e.m. mm here. wUl .,.. '-'-"-Dlw ,.......,..,,,_ ..... for the pre-school tot. • T re111porleti0fl • 440 Hellotro!M A~~e. HA 1091 ·1 COlONA DR MAl M". Joen He)'den: 01,..tlor Miss Beardsley's TrothR~ Annoooc~Pment hu ~ maM by Mr. and Mrs. Hertx>rt F . Pt>teor- ll)' LpiW Bart-......_ son, ~~ f'oiJ\IIIMtia A"'t'., O:H>OM Anxious pert'ntll t'Ofnf' to PlY· ck•J Mar, of thfo t"'IP(;f!'nlent of chologist pleading, ·How can " h """' lliJ Bnrdsleoy tt-ach our chJid to bt' good!" Ft>w their daug tt-r n~Y nd of them realize what they a re &aY· .Y..,.Iafat: lM W.W. __, Cel loot ~ ... ~ed ~n, ~.ManS 's ing. Not one if he CUlly undfor-:.. • ~ n...,.:S"1:": ~. '::: Newport Blvd.. Nf"''J)Ort. Phyllil ish stood -wouJd aca.-pt the sirnifl· -__. ~ .._..._ ...... '.J-% a J'unior at Newport Harbor Hie cance of thto question. The PlY· ....-...-..,.. -T kin~t cholog:ist can give l~ no answer. _. ef s.p.n.r c-+ tile ~hool. Her n~. now wor uatt' He knows that languagt> is playing $tete ef c.lllt.&a Ia _. w tile an Huntington ~rk. ~~d date triclu with them c..ty ef ~ ... art-of Newport. ~ir w I ··---"--· · ......, II ......., .. • hu oot been M'L Suppuae that he took tlwlr ques-,..._ ..._.......,., • • • ------ tion at (ace valu<>. He has only 1,_.11011 u.a HarL-Bo-• .....c- the parents' declared assumption OM y~ .... · __ tt• U'UII •-~ ..... that their child I• not good. He Out ot .u-•• At Pomofta College CCM~Id not agr'('t' to this. If badneta "" is ln.herft'lt in the child's charact€.'r. 8:: wha t poasible t herapy could the psychologist apply! Not even sd· mtists can make a rotten apple Y __ ~L.!.-..1.-.... sweet. Do the parent. mean the -.-iii ~ ~JIK".Y cbUd ~bom bed! If 80, tht>rc ~ Local boy11 are actht> In tile Frt> hman clau a t Pomona Col· lt>ge. Genro Crain haa tM'<>n electr-d etas. hilitorran, and Bill Schmidt w:1" 1mm.--d i resh. nan H•prt'Wn ta-I th , to tht> As'!O<'tated Mm Stu- c:k>ot . At ttx> n>eent football bon- Q~.'t Bill Sdunidt and BIU Whlt-man both rect'i\'ed th ir football . . .. Jr. ... 8JI:Ait8 OIUOil!IALII IJ ob\'ioUil)' .cant room fm-~· ~~·5 CUstom and Rad)t Made Here tM ~nt.s hutily n>tract. Plastic A .. ries "No. sometimes he's a good boy," Dance at Ensign OpMl .. ,-~. tiD CllttiiiiiiM Closin~:'5 ·30 Chrastmu E\'t' Infant, 'Closet, Kitchen, Bath they admit. "But he can do uch liM Oout Bl~ COM bad things!" T~n. the ps.)dlolo-Nearly 125 seventh graMrs at It" I t<'I'S for playing on the> Junior Varsity tc-:.m. Gt>ne Crain Is ac- thf' In drama and ~ymour &>t'k i~ ~oin~ uut for the S\\ Imming team. t7S4"'S. Mei" ""-: K.l ).lW ~~~~~~~ii~~iiiiii~l gist uggests , their real problem Hnraet> Ensign School participated i is that the child's behavior Is un-in 8 danet> F riday njgh t or Ia t pleasanL Suppose the.) restatt> \\N.>k a t the school cafet~a. Jim GJFT \\-'&APPINO See FIRST HOME LOANS Low ··REDUCING .. lnteres1 Rates Low Monthly Paymeota * W e offer you the 'acilities of the Largest federal Savings Associatton in Orange County Y' ou 'II li\e OVf conflef ..... tt-ocf ;,. .. ,.,lilt .,_ ,. • .4 .. LAGUNA FEDEIIIL SAVINGS IMI lNI Association LAGUNA ltA04 """'-4-1177 -U7 Oc••" A ... UVING ROOM BEDROOM ACCESSORIES SIKES KLING ETHAN ALLEN !UCKS COUNTY ·'"' .. - MillY Other• 7tO S. COAST ILVO. thPir question this way: "How can Pr·inJ.:It> wa m3 tt>r of C'erc>mom 1 teach my child to tx>have 80 that at t he recon1 claDce. ht' Seem5 a good boy!" HPre their 'l)t't'lal pn:tt-of Udo Tht>atre criticism hal sh ifted from tlw in-ttckets Wt.>rt> pre-sen ted to Jessica h rt'nt nature of the child to h i Rolx'rts, Rotx>rt Reid, An- actions. Now the psychologist can nin. Carol Blo"'t'r, Ward instruct the paN>nts how to teach and Barbara Hunt. their child a tx-tter bc:'havior pat -The pareo.« commiHc.>e includro tern. )tr. and Mrs. R upclt Ht>ndrick.<~. At this poinL the pal"{'nt if Mr . and Mrs. Fayette Birtcht>r, they desin> to be kille-1 teacher'S Mr . and Mrs. Robert Callis. Mr. will ha ve to examine tht>lr own and Mrs. w. W. Barnett, Mr. and social valuc>s. What do they mean Mrs. Kt>nnt?lh S taref(t:'. Teachers by good? If th€.'y ar€.' going to dt>-Included principal Roy Andt>rsE'n. mand that their child constantly William Rittf'r, Harry Mctntyn>. demonstratP this character qualit). T heodort' J ohn. on. Miss Gt>n•• Ou- thPy had best bP Uf't' they can rt'· lin. Miss Martha Crook~ an~ Miss $450-WI,_ ~-wm1 THIS AD M lllt>r J <•welry Co. is offering this big money saving value a; a l'if"'<"ial j:t>t-acquainted deaJ. Any regular watcb from ,it w1•! up to 21 jewels. will tM> thoroughly cleaned and olled. for $2.50, \d th a full one }ear written ~tee ... Take :rdvanta~e or this money s~l\in~t value a t once. I . .u.EII Cl. co~ize it in full bloom. Is tht> Jo Ann Record. child to act likl' a m.ldgN adult .,:. ___________ ...;..,::::;:::;:::;:~-----------------iiiiiioo..iiii.l--, -nl:'ver to ~Jp nor spill food at tsble, nt-ver to int<'rrupt a ron- \'ersarion, to Pf:>ak immediatl'IY when spoken to, to drop hls ac- th·it ~ at thP momt>nt N'QUt'"'ted. al\\8\' to pick up his cloth('S snd to) s i Let any adult can>full~ ex- aminP tht"S(' same bcha\ior pat- ll'rn in himself and shuddf'r at hL<~ honest answPr '1 ls he to bt>havt> lik<' a bn>athln~ ad\'PrtjsemPnt for F.mily Post! Is hi bt>rul\ior abo\<' sll <-lsf' to tx- aimed at gi\'ln~ adults IM"~~t an- no~ a ncP? Or ~~ h<> I o lx> allowed l'nnu!!h fulrillrr•'nt of his h\\ n ca· prict''l, impul'if' and dPSir£' for his healthy .d<'\t>lnpmcmt ? What 1 i" thl' g~l thl' par't'nt ha in mind 1 whf'n he asks. "How l'an f h~a('h I m\ child to be ~?" Is that I goal thP de\'t•lopmt>nt of a P•'rson· ality that can cope adequat<·ly YOUR CHRISTMAS DEPARTMENT STORE wi1 h lift•? When t.hc> pan>nl has sifted through hls own complicat€.'d . l«'t or \alul's, he will be:-very cauuou. about reprimanding his son with. "You wt>rf' a had boy~" Sine<' noth- im· has 1'\'t>l' bet>n accompUshed by this admonition, th pert'nt has taken a bi~ step toward teaching hr child a better baha\'ior pattern. The par€.'n -may say Instead. "I suppose you wantt'd to pla~ with Susan's wRgon. but ~;Creamrn~ at 1 Susan and knockin~ h€.'r down was a suN> way not to ~('I 1 t 1 Let's SN! 1r wt.> can figurt> out a wa., t ha 1 migh t work." . I Tht> pan>nt is no longer trtckf'd bv the word "bad." He knows that hjs child's bl'havior hows no judgment. a nd he is u5ing lan-gua~e to hl'lp his child fulfill his own impuiS('s. <'IHUS Tl\1.\1" I~ DE.~ERT I ()ff tn the dt>s<>rt this WN'k ft>r 1 H two·wC'ck rC'c;t werl' Mr. and Mrs. II. K. Deis tt"r' of 224 Diamond Avc .. Balboa Island. Th<'Y will : o;rC'nd Christmas at Oesert Hot ~prin~ and Yo ill l't>t u rn to tht>ir I I Island homc on f){'(' 31. R(\aJtors of the Harbor sectlor r:(\t J't'Sult.s t.hrou~h use of the En· ,;h,n real estate section. DINING ROOM LAMPS AND SHADES W AU SHELVES "EE l OELIVEU ClEOIT TERMS ~N ACCOUNTS Ph: 41529. LAGU NA lEACH ~INCE 1894 ' SANTA ANA Glfl COUNSELOR ... consult Ann Church . Rankm's Pe rsonal Shopper for adv1ce and suggeshons; if you cannot shop in person, write or 'phone CAU ZENITH 3561 FOR TOU.-FREE SERVICE GRATIS GICI' WRAPS •.. all Rankin purchases are beautifully w rapped free-of-charge, service desk. lower level (deluxe wraps, nominal charge) FREE DELIVERY ... anywhere m Southern California. Glfi CERTIFICATES ... for any amount, mezzanine. • CONVENIENT PURCHASE PLANS ••• 30-day charg e, 90-day account, contract account or lay aw ay plan. Inquire mezza - nine offices. OPEN NIGHTS ••• shop day-or evening-9:30 a. m . until 9 p . m .... daily until Christmas! FREE PARKING ••• tickets v alidated a t any V -lot. VISIT SANTA IN TOYLAND, LOWER LEVEL ( , Christmas Party Held by Players OfRCIAL NEWSPAPB OF THE C1TY Of NEWPOlT lEACH ..... TWe -, .... .._~ •. lt A full (>\Cf\in('s enk>rta.lnment An auclienee 0( more than ~. for cuect.a and ~ of the l.ncluding parents and members or N~,art Harbor Comml.llllty Play-the PTA. attended ~ annual en wu ~t~ at the Ouiat-Christmas Play, ''Ovtstma.s Ca..nk mas pe.rty Friday, Deoc. 1, at the to a Soldier," preRnted by Har· Ba.Jboa Yacht Cub. bor High School student last Laurie Barnum, Diana Marc-Thursday e\eoinl. •1lrfb a.od l.Ar)· Babcock appa~ Tbe play, •Tit.len by langua~ in a one-act P1a)·t'rs Workshop teacher Man Ut> Richmond. in- prnductioo, "lAdit'S ~ ... y.1 th cludrod fi\-e tableau rx>$, a.JJ but Jo WlJder dlrectinJt. fn.. Alt'X• ont> In pantomi~. Jt>rry ~' .. ':'5 ·a.r:Jrr RrnnPT pres~"ntl'd 1 rt>&dinK "'. U•t" GI na.rna~or, a 50ldlf'T' 1n from An~' Fair)• Ta.Jes, Ln t Korra and speaking paru Y.'<'N' C• 1v. ford Elbt>rt SmHb and E. E . ~ n by P~r H n<k>rson. Cyn- M II• r <'f•mbi.ned \Oiet'S in muslc.al thia Mat1m , Damon Keppen. Jody nwnbPn Johru;'Jn . EilM'n Worl y. Jud~ Pa y arrlln!:!emenls w~ uotier S t ~"'-<lr1 and Jack W oodh uJ I. ThP school oreh tra pia~ d thr overtllrf> and Ch.rlEtm music. and 'ocaJ mUSJc was pro' id od b) th<' school chorus. the Larkt•ttt and tnt> Sextette. ~ W t !':t:w por t lmpro\ f'rTl{'Ot iaHon w(·nt on re<'OI'd at its Ol('('t.IJl~ 1ut F riday c\f'ninst as re- fomtnrndin~ ron t.I'UCtiOn of II inJrl<' 200-foot-lun~: RrOln ll{'a.T 401h S t , costing abOut $10.000. to ch<'Ck th bf>ac.h ero&ion. Th mt>mbt>t·a approv<"d 8 mo- tion a kmJ; th«-Cit) Council t o d t- N>Ct City !Wlginf>(>r &>rt Wt>bb to dnw plans and pecifications for the project. "'hich t.h<>y thought mill(ht S('r\ a the dt~··s propor- honate a.ha.n> or 8 $40,000 coopcra- th Ur\1')' to ck?t('rmme a lon~:t ran p.rogram of {'1"(1. 10n control. S uch a sun·~>y would caU for joint financln~t by thf' cit y. county st~l<' a nd f<'<k>ra.l s;oH•rnm nL R.t-t;.inn!d Pt'l.rnt.m. r haJrm an or the bt• ch t>I'OSIOn COmfl'UltN'. ,Ut:· ~e tf>d that a mt>thod of ftnancms.: tht" 10,(}(.1() v-om wo uld bf> to <Tf'att> an a • m t>nt dl"tnc-t of 100 lot 0\' nt'rs. f'&Ch to pa~ $100 ~ Bet •~ Jan l~· charge, and Ethel Shirlf>v plannf'd .lrt>Stunl"nt.s. )ln. 0 . w nu·hard and Mn. !'\A ... Mc- Lau~ hn pourt a coffee. So-ipt.s were 1 t\-•·n o•tt for the coming pro- ductio • of "lda'>t'& Ddight." with t"ryout.s 1>\.'h c-'dulf'd ttu Wt>ek. Th<' A<.'-OCJah on alo;o appruH>d a mouon to l'f'fJUf' t count) ~tall" nnd f(>dt•r 11 l'C.ItiJ)(>Ollton. :\1r p,._ J.'Tam n.•ro•·trd thl\t \•n·• _., ''" authortZt>d to ppt(lJ I I~tl t> up tu on -t hard ror pubhc t>' ·•ch r 'O.)t'<'t,, a.ll houa.:h . uch a pproprratwn '" not likely dunn~ thl' PN'l'~'ll' "'If In a short PTA businl'1iS meeting before tht> play, the following nominating committ(."(' was na med 1 Mrs. Edgar l:Jill of Udo lalt•. DOK ~ GKOl'P M EET NEW CHILDIIEN1S IOOD chairman; Mrs. Ernest M cCI<>llan Mrs (' L Smilh or 23582 !"I and Mrs. F . W. TunneU of Costa Andrf:>Y.S Rd . N"•w-p(lrt J ll"'i~hts M.esa.. Mrs. Jack Raub of Newport 1 leader of t ht> Junior Dorcas So· Heitrhta and M.rs. E. V. Ragan of dt>ty of the ('\'c.>nth Day Ad\t.>nt-Bal~ lsla.nd. FoJiowlng the play ist C'hur<'h. hS• ted by ·,h1• ladit>S Junaor mothers r\"t"d n>ft~-.h-of her ~tt·oup. Pn tPrt a.inc>d th<' Sen- o tt>1 • Jlf' satd that a pro(X"'ed ptol(l am ot l'r\> on control. cal lin~: for tour to ""' 700-foot vrou11 and buJkt1• ad!. ''ould r 1 ,,tlnut ;on.- OOIJ • tha t thP r•r n t bn ds·e would bi' •mpro\l'd Y.lth a bulkh• d oo he h•la.nd c;JCS(! and th Y.'Ould be-adt'- Q'I,t t for about tn Yl'fi~. L.l'r: La\af:"rinc, fhk• d that ron- :\lr Pt•Cl-am el£.o rt>portl'd (>n tti•·r-JtJon tx> J:l\ n t(l n rc;i-. • th tht> anJO()('('tlon \'hll b~ 'ol I:ciY..ar h• •r-ht of t h l"P"1¥r t ~h.d bndl't> C. K PitCJn. tliH £'1""f• i(•n <'fm11ol 10 pf'0\.1d<> mort> rl!aranc-r> fnr Nw1nr r, "ho had A id th11t 11 h!~~tk wh n N""1t0t t Bh·d 1 wtd- nor m11l num ,. a:~on \l.'()uld butld £>n•·d R aa.Jd that rotan-. c-a 11 ror up th• bMlch a e-aan ",,, nlnJ! or the br£dRf' and •m - Mrl' Kt>nn<>th Coobnv of B~'aron 1 . pl"(lvtng the-cloverka.f a<:«' The Ba~ r<>portf'd on th~> com 1 n c h odat1on appro~ a motion to choul bond f>l(~tlon. and tht• a~-c·h"Ck m to the advisabiUty of ln- sociatao n \Otfd to appro'•' th ('r u ang tiM> clearance. S('hool projl'ct • Th soctatton alo;;o ~.., a YOI Grorgt' Sh rrall, chamnan or tht• of thanks o thP Balboa tmpt'O\f"- ~<'WJXl•l Island bra~ rommittet>, nwnt Ali:so<:·1allon a nd to tht> BMu.- ~ud h1'-('Omrrtllr-P had m 1 Y.i th ttf i~tion Coordmattn~ Commit lt~ Cillo E m·m•"~'r WPbb th da) bt'-rnr the \\Ork dune on bc>au•tfvinr: fore and had r ~1\t>d a. uranC't' Balboa Bl\'d "Hoppi. tt.e Hop.-" ''The Animek' M eny Clwistfftet" ''The Story of Hiewethe" WN>ntt;. I lor Dorea !'octc.>l y la.st Thursda\ -=----' ~-A lunchPOn Wlb nf'd at 12·30 io K Phrl AI 25 J:'"U -.to; A rPadm~ wa t!"l\'fn b\ I a y-umnae I Janet Bobst f'ntatll'd <Alan.: ·W ith M .-1.-y J _ T a Han<h(•m<'r :\tan." wrill•n b~ POINSETTIAS C':.C.L.t.. v1EN PLANTS A ZALEAS $1 5'" ''f .... ..,_ ow J.dMM ~ u~ oys I wm eartr lon EnsiJ,'TI CluslOed ads h.a\ 1 UF encl for 9ro-·v p c.hilclron :- .. ._._, ... ~ Sholom Aldt "S.Yefl l..Nt...s to '•re41w" ---H. Richer-4 T re9o .. it tlliKo¥- •" p;tre4i.a i11 Nowporl HertMw eftor worlcl tCHJr. "Libortt.d L..ti11" -• . tncl tneny '"ore. ~tattoeen )06 Mein • OPEN EVENINGS HA "' 1114' Southen-. Ora.n~f' Q\unt~ As'iOCiation or Kappa Kappa Gam- ma held its tunchron mef't inK last 1 Thursday at the home of Mw &>tty Ann Albright m Ba~ ~hor~ Mr . Robert Holbrook of Ralboa and M rs. William \htch tf'r of Bay Shor~ assisted the hostt>S.. ... AJ<.O prt>sent w£re l\11 ... l..oua ~1. G111!a~her of Ba.Jboa. Mrs. Wallar,.. D it'klnson of h()r(' C liff . 1\11-ll 1 Strolk r Whitt> or Balboa h land. M rs. J E. KE·im of BaJboa. :\t n. WaltPt' Hat ch of Costa M PstJ and I Mrs. Dick Drake of Corona I lurh-, lands. Tht' a rtemoon was spent <;('w- ing tJM>rapeut1c toys for the Or- 1 angt' County Sod~ty for Crippled ....,. ___________ .,.A Children. * liS. Clll$1 • Follow his lead a.nd &iv~ the stockin,s with tM famous 3·V Top that con(onns to thigh contours and helps k~p ~ms straight Proportioned for Small, M~rum a.nd Tall. Oil • .. tW • 1M1P .1.111 OtltH 8tJ'ea .1.15 t pro\'t>u 'T\Pil.TlS of readung b•l\ Pn< 'or a.ll '-IJrt of rnt'rrhandt.~ · t • them• P!."mt> Harbor llH .>09 1:. 8.; I boa fth cl.. BaJ tx.a ('all RArbor M,. BALBOA HARDWARE'S trom MeChanical Trains from Larqe Lighted Dollhouse Dolls ---Doll Buqqies All -Steel WGCJOna IMC Pedal Tractors PlcrybOUIIe Furniture 1ft Real Slate BLACKBOARDS * Husky Action Toys * Games -Bobb -Pu.ales * Model Kits -Archery Sets * Any Toy 10!' Girl or Boy. WE AilE OPEN EVERY NIGHT T1lJ. CH&SIMAS ...... :a=-a.-. .. t:ll ..... ........ ~, In sincete and friendly appreciation of your p c::ronaqe atld qood will . 41'7 (1Mlat Boahward C"oroea 41fol liar • WISHES YOU~ The • .·1. 1~ . .-: OB aY8LE& PLY.OU'rB lN'I"'CClN A ftO!'li AL ftt1C1UI Mel OMM ....... 7 N &'WI'Oil'l' B~<B =- To our friends and customers A bright a'1d joy ful holiday to you aB ! S IK ('out Bhd. IIArttnr .... COKO.SA DEL liiAR HOUOAY 6HETIN6S! and good cheer be yours at · Christmastime! -..... -- 1622 S. Main Santa Ana First Aid Class A Standard Firat A1d Course "as complNed l'('(.~ntl~' at Uw·Tar I PH In N~-port. ~ Instructor was Mrs. Robert Keppen. I Completing this 24~hour ooun;e ,.·ith olilst exet>Uent gra&-tl were I Gertru& Bushnell, Susanf\8 H. Bouchier, Helen Doesbur,::, Vir- ginia l.. Gathman, J ane E. Ham- brook. Elaine B. Low.!, Mary K . Marlin, Lucille E. Nac-k. EliZAbeth Rabbitt, Gladys E. \\'tiOU" uri h and Norma Chant>y. IOIX COM CIR'Jl('ll Nf'\\' m('m~ rs of the Corona del Mar Community Church at'f' Mr 0.• Z. Robertson jr.. Mrs. Ruth Drewke, Irs. 0 . B. Rt'ed. Mr. a.1d 1 Mrs. Ralph Morrill. fr'i. Ho,, .. , d Z. &.;crt and son . Howard Jr I a'l or Cohma dt>l Mar; Mr. and ~!rs. Hat1lld W. l kmhoH. C'~sta MC'S3 . and Mr. and !\f N . Wtlliam F.. Bowle t or HunUnl{to n IX>eeh. Ql.•o.• ylu.piM 87 ANN Thc.>y're h"re• The perfect Jti!t 1 for the man and wife, the brother and l ter. the men and girls at the orn(.'(' ... Wht•ren•r you want I to be lmportia l Ol' .:in• a duo, you \\IIJ app1eciate the "Count" and "Countl'S .. Farrmgton case:· to hold tht,.;•· personal l{&dgets and j(>welry. The m n's are appro- priat(> alh.cator-e-rain Texol and the ladles' in pastel grey. blue or pink leather grain. They'N' lint'd \dth fl'l<)irt• and \t>lvet and pri<X'd a t $4.95. OthPr' trtnkt'l boxes lrom $1.50 can al~ lx' found al ti'BRH;N'S I!IMtdtH from ott.er ~·~ Chrt.t.aa lhb ... _,. lltdp ,._ ftll )'CMII"L ""~ a.re I!IOifte f)f u. .. BIOIIt. IMMICitt aftfor 1111a at O'BIUEN'.: Black CI"('S(.'(>ndo gloves. smartly cuffed in ,·c h 'et, $5. . . . Cord clutch baf( for only $2.50; Vogue tempting \eh'et pouch bag that folds Into clutch sryle, $5.00 ... OuiBtmas Dalton WHrTE ca h- m eres to t('am with tht.> brand new '"'eed Sloat k irts .... Cultured pearl Pal rings b~ Acoessocrart , I from $3.00. . .. Wide (>Xpandable t'hine5tonl' brace! t. . . . Mas i\.e 1 silver metal heraldic J)('ndant and chain . . . Lovely Kickf.>rnick li n- ~erle .... A new group of th<>st> ln- dwiduaUy selected Carl~ e drt>S,<>s. . . Lo·~ of sdorable gad~~>ts for her 'vr h·~' ~>locking. onl} Sl 00. and 1 ht• tf'("lun~~. too -• -10\ Ply leg-fla lt('t mg Lark" l)(ldJ rn h"r proportional(' size, $1.35 and S1 .95. 'JIIw tlp4rlt of ~llt.a eta.. •• O'BIIIE~'!i' hu nuu~y, I'May, mo~ •ntrr.r••s!lon-. • --Ju't come 1ft aa411 •~k ! ~~ But we want to Jlilll'f amull bows snd boxf"S and holl) and twlls to wi!>h you t lw hoppil'sl nf lmlidayK, th<' m(>IJO'' "'' ol rner1 ) • makin~ and the "armth .rnd st'I'C'Il· 11 ~ tha 1 find. us " t h l11vro (JOt'<! un this thl' Jtr~'&t l'sl 01 •• 11 h oud:\\S. All of u nt O'BRTE:--:'!-' join "ith • V"lm.1 in '!a)in~ "A Rlr. MER RY ~~~~~~~!:~~~~~:!:!!:!~~~~ r· I IIU S T M A ~ ' " m~RY (HRISTmBJ MAY 1liiS HOUDAY SEASON 81! ONI! 01' HAP,.NI!SS AND )(Yf P0a EA04 Of OUk .. II!N~ AND CUSTOMEU! ' .{.' -4 .. ' I--· -~ Rcmdao Meea Nursery School State 1Jceneecl and ApprovM From 2 toe Yean s~ear;..,.,.. ~IIO!IfAIII..a U .. ()pea 5 ..,. ........ to 5 Trulaportatiall ...... ...... 1• E. llda IL con'&~ ......... l !fMI ('ou•t Bhd. IWM4'" H~, .. ,..,,... ..... Jl8'f'1 ,.,~ s.... ...... to IH' t'f''"~'" IH',._,, HArber 10~ C"urou *A lla.r 1t Christmas GrMti"9' to eM our friend' end petroMI Merle's Drive Ill lestaalld 1600 f'•lll•l Bh d . BEST WISHES TO NJ. OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERs -- 8lNGISG - CENS£ steel from S weden to make you the favorite "Kris Knngle" Steillleu Steel S~•"· _s.,.,, S.lt eftd ll'epper J2S 6 JSO Siei11leu St .. l Retwer.-.6 pc. Plece<Ht • Steinleu Steel Snce loet Servon9 ll'ieces e,.d meny other lutin9 9ifh of beeuty in KAREN MARGRETA Imports -Nord!c Gifts t 30' Coest !!'old Co•ono del Mer He•bor ll l Open Evenin91 until Chril'tmes JS! ,~zzso ,21P GOOD SELECTION of BntD C'M~E~ " 4~ from TROPIC'AL ~ GOLD n8H ~ A~. ORI&"' DOG ~15 DOG BA KETS from ~ MATTRE.~ME8 OA,T AND DOG ~ OHRI8TMA8 8TOCIUNG8 from ~ Pet Toys -Leashes -Collara -Ham._. _..__ A• Ex~t ~ of Pf't F4MMia a 8~ OIDCAGO KOLLD S KATES c ...... from t .N ,.ar BADMINro:S I:T8 ........ frtllll 1!.16 CltOQUET I.T8 fNla S.N 8Bt!F'F'LEIIOARD ETo-. .. TENNIS RACKETS BA, Kt;TBALL GOALS TABLE TENN'l8 SETS GOLF K-URT DAJSY BB GUNS . ....... fnllll '·" !.75 from !.1& KN from t .ae from 35" ALSO I'Ei'IIDl BALLS FOO'I'BA LL8 UsaET BALL~ IDOl BALLS BASE BALL!i' 1"ENNJ~ BALLS GOLF BALLS -AND SPORTING GOODS STORE ~ IN c-.t a..le\..... eor-.. liar ~ llftr7 NlllM ....... Wilillll;. ··~-- • ... Tht• nu •tn<'!o. and Profp-.<:ion • \Vomt>n'<; C'lub "til J-pon. or :-.;, "· port tla l'l>Or' pha<;c• of tht> nr- an,.w C'nunt~ March nf Dtm~'<' rano· f)at!:n, <ot·hc.odul\-<:1 for January. BP\\' "'til '' ork tn conjunct ion \\ilh ~1~~~~·tP Gndt r or 308 1• ~1a· "'"'' AH'. &1~\a Island. '' ho has lx><'n apputnl\'d cnatrman nt lhl• C't 1\ ·.., dnn b\ ~1ark A ~cxkn and Rtchard 11 ·Tunnicltff. ~fr, Gttd r ha' tmitf"d all or- ~a,..,.lltnn.., tn thP Harbor c1rea tn jOLn "'ith BPW in tht> drtV<' to ht•lp th• rnunl) chaptPr or lh,. :-;a. tiona! Foundation for Jnfanlllf P a ral~ '"" COP<' wnh 1 hE' crtpphn~ dt\f'a «> a dt a~ "'hich onl) rt>· ('('ntl\ htt a Costa ~~~sa fanul~ i.l lnpl<' blow. strikin~ thE' f11ther and ht<o l\\'0 youn..: .nm. I.OC.\1. GUOJ. I :S C UO:K l>ort•t h\ l.rt'ttE'ntx>r~ of Ra Ibn t • ,, a ml•rrl,. 1 o th!' Pomona r .. J. J(>~t> C'hon \\ luch I ro "''n I I'd I 111' l radtltond Chtt.,tn't:. Carul '•r· 'JC<' I '•H~>I h\. d;tu.:h•· a "' '" and J\1r'2o l >a i G11 ll•·nt>•·•a.. ll">l M1r11mar P r Ht~lbllli, \\<.l>. £:ra du" &tt>d from Harbor HJJ;:h last Juri' A t Pomon~t Shl' is an (·dura11on m11 jor. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST ll03 Vie lido, Newport a..,h A bronch o' The Mor~e· Chu•ch ll>e I First Ch11n:h of Cl\nr S< e·· 1' •~ So• ton, Men4ch..t5"'''· Sundey School q IS e.,.. Sundev S.rv ce l'Q o ,.. W.dnesdoy E-.e ~'"9 mM I • ., 8 Ov ; Reodinq Room loceted a· Ill p r St., 8elboo. ·, ~pe oe y t-o,.. : fO 5 p rn. e>O:t'D' $11"deV\ end 1-,o· d o nt~tio"e v observed. floe p b c is cordio ~ •. ·ed to e· ·e~ ll!e church , • ....,,c•• ·d s@ ·~t l!eedi•q Room. A 9 to 1 F crYorite of Childre n Hll\e your latd a.,u y now whiJe ~ou can haH ) our cl".cnt,. • • OJStributoi"Y> for • HWIXX ~ E.' OLI IJ RALit.IGH FtOWEIS for Christ~ A GIFT THAT Al WAYS II'LEASES- !EAUTIFUL FLOWERS IN CHRIST- MAS Wft.APII'INGS . DELIVERED ANYWHERE YOUR II'EitSO~Al G REETING ACCOMII'-.NIES YOUR SELECTION -Order E•r1y~ ...., Our Plant Suqqest:ions-from 5175 to 11000 w. Deliver POINSETTIAS AZALEAS -. ·.-·. ME & AfRICAN VIOLETS C!-:11IST~-' /' ~ RR ANGEMENTS -of- CUT fLOWERS -RED ROSES AND CARNATIONS CHRISTMAS WREATHS -and- CENTERPIECES ,.,_,. H...,._ 590 Coro~~e del M•r ,. ... .-......-..... ......... .-......,. .. " tw I • •-''"-=~•-=:•-=:•-.:.~~ -,. ~~~~~ I LAST MINUTE Gin' IDEAS I u•a' ~ #) 1 M:Oifl'D, a CAilTI:RS Panties Slips from ~29' ~~ from £- These beautiful "Textron"-"Purrey IFI lilt ~'POitT BL\"D., Gowns Ho~ter:; Only 1195 .............. from fr om 125 I 1 Men·s Sportshirts 3.95 to 7.95 ~ Fin.-Untnd" f "'.fl. BARDO~· rutd II'F.!\OA'i n~ Ill& I . W . Rt'l't!RT, ~ \. I LAST MINUTE CHRISTMAS IDEAS L.edirr . . . • D'ORSAY COTY CIRO OLD SPICE COLONIAL DAMES DOROTHY GRAY YARDLEY Gentlemen ..•• COURTLE Y KING'S MEN OLD SPICE SPORTSMAN D'ORSAY YARDLEY • KIIICILII ntl ,., .... c ••• • KIIICIIII£ ntl lw tP ..... II IIW f1LMS cmd FLASH BULBS HOWARD FOLSOM, Pho ographel' HAAw 1111-W """'"' -Abo - LADY MAC CHRlSTMAS BEGONIAS AZALEAS -DA FFODILS -PRlMROSES CYCLAMEN -POINSETTIAS -. FERNS ORNAMENTAL PEPPERS AFRICAN VIOLETS l'lft and FOLIAGE PLANTS -4N COSTA MEsA • * Nil OlliZN 8TA11P8 • .. .. LT . OOL. li.U ilJAL BIUU..LUIT of C. ,.... ...... Mill-............ ., tile .......... .. .-.-...... ~ reaiU. .. ...._ .. ~ ........... ................. ....... tiiiiM .... .,. ~ alrClnft ftn .. ....... lh tile .,. .,. tile Jlrtt- .... .,_.,..,_ HK8 oe..-.......... t -----~ ~ C8 llea- .. va. lA. Ool. Brii- Uaat'a .V. •w. a t '7e! Jlaloc-it.le A\·f'., Cor1laa del liar. .. - 1 Harbor Department, C. G. Project Near BYCDescribed A ~1 50.000 proj('('t for locatio~ I spread ovPr hoth departments 1 the-Harbor Ma~oter·., oHi<:i:'. thl' The pt·oposed plan would pro,ide I County Harbor· En'tlnt.~nng offlcc an ofricc for thP harbor (.>Ot:ineer I and th(.> C:Q8 t Guard at tht' 811\(' :tnd ht. t\\U a slstant Thc> Har·l location rft·nl tht' &lboa Yact.t 1 bor )fash·r·s Department would Club wa c11'»Critx>d thi!> week b} 1ncludt• a marin«> railwa}. wi th a I \\'~tit• r Spi<'N" of th«> Count) Har· htuldi n~ to hoU.'i'l' a boat while be- tx)r Comml' ion an~ o' f'rlwtull'd Headquartf>I"S for Everythmg for Women and Chudren "There's Economy Qual ity'' tn ..... 3 \.IRGINIA LOG 00:-.: ELEA..""ORE MARSH DO:>:SA :'\'ELSO!' PATSY DWYER A~D GI LBERT AXD LEAH BROWN Polly Apparel W ome-r. s V/ ear Chlldrer. s Sh~p 1833 Newport Blvd Costa Mesa Phone BEacon 5353 'Tor die Lilt LINGERIE IN NYLON - -BA YON - -COTTON * Custom Made A.proaa * B E t""Tn TL HO fERY -· -HA.~DilERCHIEnt ~T.-\TIO~F.RV ~-n Y.\.BDAGE Bartine's Calico Shop .. Costa Mesa's WI.' t ·ide Shopping C'f'nt~.>r'' ~·EWPORT A\E. B~ Ute CO TA NEW CHRISTMAS MERCHANDISE HAS BEEN RECEIVED Tht' count~-ownt."'iiland just et~!'t tht-ml'n of tlw Jlar bnr Ma tl'r 's of thl' y:~cht club ha been selo•ctt'd T>('patlmt•nt \\nuld also ht> mclud· as the Slit> P r<limlnary kt•tclws Ni. ThP pat>_Pnt flalboa oHicc a,; ha .. e bt>t'n prl'l)ll rt'd by Architect C'XJX'Cit-d t(l I'M> mamtatn<'d as 11 Rtchard Pl<>gt't :-.:ot tncludt·d an ''i'aitiiuii"lil•••liiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiii thl''\(' J>!ans. but slatc.>d a nn ac· II compan) an~ p ·n.~t>ct. io; an ad~tn· lang publtr ar••a. "''., parktn~t space :.1nd sm.:tll ~ .1 t:-(•htn" ramp to rl'placC' II.•· form• r Car· nal.lon CoH rump. The Ha.rbor Comm1~'''" h<t .'e- cidt•d that a o;tt>d .h • ..t ,• '•'"' bulkhtad I!" rPqulrf'd " muk tull U."(' of tht' ,~, •• ,, that t h l' ('()ail IN OUR REDECORATED GIFT S HOP Guard would -,'<1 r• ' ' p·trul•• pll'r for "' p1trol I '' •nd that thl' -.· '" 1 t ,ua• t •>t• •on ,,·n•alc: lw 1 "' p·~r.llt' I ,: t... II " •r • •n•· ,• SHOP mas-.1••n :u • 1. i-.:-.ttnm·t-d ,.., ,, !- NOW GOING ON For Harbor l.kparun n ;\11 AND ft•N ol .,,, t•l hu.U;!-1• HI • :.-'6 O'\n I Now :at thr ENTR \'\C •• Cu KJacJr ll'8 Pa Clu <'thrr d{'\t•l,,pmt nt ol arra. i 41-\'1: SAVE 4.90U l-ltUarc· ft•,•t nf bUIIdin).t, S II • HK>, no , '""'·'"' '"' r •••r m tlw ant IIIII summ.u.' Fnr C•• h i (~um d 1!19 Co.!lt Blvd. ('ornaA df'l MAt r 329 £1.'\•1 t)f I, I ~ I ~.1~1 oth('r dt'\t•lnt I ''\' . ptl'r._ S17, lO, I }1" ! 101• I ' ?lid· in~. S9.900 \ """'., t~•' • 1~ht · -Shop •• Hom• fOf Chri\IMel-in~. hndv ,Ill' .. 1-·.'' ould !Jl• ------ ON . CHIOME ACCmDIIF.i SPOTLITES Only FOG LITES Only SIDE VIEW MIRRORS ' Large Size -Set of 4 DOLL UP HUB CAPS BACK UP LIGHTS Only STO~ UTES 0 ly CAR HEATERS OUTSIDE SUNVISORS From '* • '* 1195 f'Spr 91Cup 9'5 249 r' 1195 . r 'Auto Supply c.-•aa. Calif. Pit. ......... 5841-1 ' J I J JUST IN mn: TO S VE m1! 'DISTillS I L L I D Y' S A II D M E II ' S W E I I I · U • S • f I I ! -- Men's Sails 0\\ .n ...,T • SL AC KS PH It CHOJ('t 1188 ~ ............... --~-~.-~ ..... c~ ............ -~ .. ------JI·,·~ .............. ~.--sp;d ,.,._. ... _. 1911 I o;;;~ ... ~ .. .. • aanam 111 . ~"Y'~ WEAR • --~ ~ ~ --~ --~ ·~ R~>t:. 6.54' ,."""' ~ RMt. ~.on R4"!:. .: IW\ BOY!il' B ()\' • BO v-1'>• SHOES SHilTS JEANS . OS'I.\' ,. ~-~~ li'\LE f39 1 ~- OPPOSITE POST OmCE IE'.aalaSIGIN ()~1.\ (51 -~ I • I . U.~T A Book is the perfect gift • • • It becomes a lasting bond between two friends and I have nothmg but books. Bunster Creely n ook84"11f'r BALBOA IS LAND lU..-Murine~ IIArbor S%16-W Boys' and Girls' Wear t !IY, MariM Balboa ld&M Yacht Millen. Ellgiaeen Meet The Yacht Mastl'rs and Engin- eers Club celebrated Its 17th birth-I day annlver113ry at a dinner party hl'ld at the Castaways C I u b I Wcdn<' da) l'\ cnlng of last Wt'l..,k . Headquarters of the club al"<' in Wilmjngton. but the majority of the members now co\ne from th£> H ubo r .AJ"(' a. President is Noah RobE-rts of li•••a!E!EE•••••••••••••••IIIIC Clarine U : "iet>-prcsident is l...ouis Nilst'n or the Mormng S tar : ecr£'-1 · "SIICY WlliEI" lh4' .ww $1?11 11\fll turns h('r ht.'ad and <'Yt'S, sits. crles, ,;tands. and sleeps .,.,., 31 Sl/1 Marine AYe. Balboa ...... MEllY CHRISTMAS! May this holiday season be one of happinesS and joy for each of our friends and customers. w. d. Jolmaon J...- 211 WAIUNE Avt. IAUOA ISLAND, CALIF. HAr!H. 2640 Merry Christmas I tary-treasu rer is J. J. Johannes- sen: trustet>s are H. 0 . &hrens or Chula Mia. Ban Mahren or the ~iiiiilliiiiiiiiilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiliiiiiiiiiil. Hermana. J. J .. Johnson of the I ... ....,. ........ BI:."TTY WATSON IIY TIIS BalbM b land Imported gifts • • • 'N e have many new g1ft lmports from $1 to $5 .. -· Vera S. WiUiams SIS~......._ G!!t Shop -- -Art Gallery "A LiHI• Cim'•r of Europe" a.u..BOA 18LUID IIAitler .,~ to all our friends and patrons- "MAY YOUR HOLIDAY BE GAY AND HAPPY!" • Balboa Jalcmd Lasting Jewelry Gifts. • • All nationally advertised. ordered for your selection with a view Th.w• ;, still time to mcMiernln IMtf .. iemOVfld mo~~t~t· irtt f« Ctlnrl- '""· to Christmas giving . NAPIER ........ ,.. Co,tum• Je...r, l»y -COR D -UEWENTZ Roberts Jewelers zny, ~.n,.. HArt-2J21 IALIOA ISlAND Open every ni9ht Till 9, includin9 Sundey. Araner and Walter Larson of the Caronia. Alternate trustees are PNe 111rr or the Haida and J . Waschkcit of the Ramona. Quar- tl'rmasters arc Niels Carlson or I h<' S<'rt'nad<' and Robert Wasch- ki<'l or the South Wind. -Want ads make everyday llvinJ: eAsier. Many a want fl filled through use or a line or two !U Marlae A.vt>. BaJboa r.a .. d BUT • • • there 'a atill time for that 1.-t Millute GIFT SHOPPING ••• Hand-woven Stoles Christmas Stockings Sox Eve ning Blouses Evening Bags anc\_ Gloves We value your fnendship and good wtll ... we wish you a Happy Hohday ne CUiera ... Bill and J£>an Stel~erwa lt !U Ma~ Ralh6a liliaN _..._ ~ ~ ----------------:..-______, Christmas Candy Canes? Yes! HUNDREDS of ·e~ &om 6 inches lonq to 6 feet --from SctoS2! e ~ust oaf' Item In our oom- --~ l ine of aU ldao of nuutmas eaady. DOT 1101 310 Marine Balboa laland Excltu itJe Candies We wtJ1 maU caDdy to .. :r a41dre. -f!Vt!B 0\-~ Holiday Greeting:s from TIE .IllEr SPOf Balboa Island GIVE l•;orted Desco Ware Cast Iron Utensila with a barcL sparldinq Porcelain F"mish Frying Pans * Sauce Pans Casseroles * Deep Fryers lrom IJ95 Balboa Island Variety Store IAUOA ISLAND at The Islanders We have the new Hummel Dolls Just received {rom Germany 'hese new Berta Hummel doUs rad1ate the dehghtful charm and origmahty o~ chll- dren They are reproductlons m larger scale of the fam ed Hummel ceram1c hgures. Dressed in authentic costumes, the y are 11 mches tall made o! ":olor- fas . washable rubber. Thetr hfehke features w tll charm you. They are a treasure for a child's gift. or for a collection t~rNK'h Qalmp4'r C'hlna t.:td•f'd Da.aJ..h Gl.tlp\loan- OPES 10 A.)L TO 10 P.M . Sl "SDA V HI TO 5 IEDUmon to 1 Dr. Andy Smith of 516 Oot>an I Bh·d.. Corona del Mar. mimber oi tbP local fund rau;inst committ~ for H g Mf'morial Hr pnal. ha 1 \\rlttt>n thu appeal for support of lht> d:rl\ e : 'Dnr Fotlu. I "'I am one of the many who ha\ 1 t>N>n authori.zro to oohrit runru tor ('QuipplnJ; the Hoas: MPmon al H~1tal. Prt'Sb) \{'nan OO\lo tx'lDR budt 1n cur communll) t,;pon lookinst into tht> t\ua1I011 r (ind hrst, that th1s communat} nPf'& • Oa A h<h.pital m<.tn than '' nl'eds an~ lhtn~ ell>(', P>.c, J im • th• • fii'W f>\\E-r ) lt>nl; {'f•hdJ) tt I ~ulfklf nt fund! arf' om' a\~tii31JI, "' cono;lruet th<> hwldin~. but w · c3u r ut .thr n m huilcling c• ,,~ mort• mrm•·} j,. ,,, .. d .. j to pro' td 11 \loilh tht• \1 r) ho I t'qUipmt'OI Hatwllh. 1nd thH'dh tlt.tt &hi" fi(•'-Pilal 1'-OIJil·,M'IIll• .ill ttl•-. J.o.,Jrd ot l•lrN·tor ... bo--1n1: mad<' up ul prom1nf'nt nt• n of our cummun- it~ •.qthout rf'!..'Brd to relupon ....,..Hn n Pmbf , ... ar ~lt'("tf"d b\" tht> Hoas: f'ounda uon. .., H n b' ·de-l - 1!8\{'S or thf' Pr('<;b) lf'ri3n church and 00 (' ~PJE>Ctt><J b~ both VQUps John Murd~ p~idPnt of tht> board. 1 not A Prt> b' tPnan Bra- d• n Fmch ... ,.l,·<'tt>d t), thr Prt> b\· 1 .. 1 ian ... 1. a. \11 1hod1~1 • I ... m :nrrH tt>d m he>lpmt: rush tht" ~orf'l~ nt •'<it"d mstttutton to t'ttmp)d,.,., I 11m \\Jilin~ In ci\(' M) ,,...,, ut \\ h11'1'> I ha\f> JtiPnt). <Jild m) monr) of wh1<"h J ha\ ~ II lilt I hf'ltt•\f• tha 1 ,., rrwm~> lJ\. Ill!.! m ''•ancf' \ounn w1itw>u1 tr- :ard 11' rat'f'. rt>hr-1un '" rolot. ,hould 1.,'1\f' what lhf') C'BO (", rr" "" f••lk .. 11'.., Chri .. tma .. ,.,.,.,hi~ .;omt•thmt: un 101 hnE> m proportton to our n· P.,.'<'ll\£> tn· romt> ta'C )J<I\mtnt. for 1951 Con- tribuiJuru up to 15' nf your '!m .. 1nconw ar£> dt>duchhl~ .:'(>Od con- I tributJcms to floas: \l t>mm ial Jlo ·· ' p1tal. P r •'" b \ t t' r 1 'n "\t>wport ANi d . Capt. Jeanne Fuller , Goinq to Camp Cooke I Capt J eann.., G rullt>r ~fNli<'al &•n IN' Corps. dau~htt>r nl M r ~tarr..ru••rite C Fu'J. r 7o:i Lark· spur. Corona d PI \J u I!" at Rrnok• Arm~ :\tt>diMI (', "'' 1 Fort S1m How· ton. Tt>x..-~. ,-..mplt •tn.; ba u· I military lrammg m th1 \\ omt•n ()f(i(' ~· Rasi<' Cuur .. r '' \lt·di<'al F wld ~n kv &hOttl ,to, w11l ro I pot t f()r du1 ~ tn tho I ;.: Arm' Hv:.p1tal at Co~~mp t'nok" ' •hf AU nf'w m\•mlx'r" lll , ht> :"Uf"• C'Ori>JI 01 I ho \\"nnt• n', \!o-du·1 SpN.'I.llt t \nr p-. uf I ho \ rm) m th£' Atr F urN• ·tttf'Tid thi• orhmt,. tton ('HlJI'• '' ht<'h I • ["' I h<'r' II adapt thdr prnff'SSJt•lle~l k nn\\ lro..:o 10 m1htary mf>dkal m t>d-. "' ~~~~~~~~~~ For a GOOD meal •.. TO lWEI IALIII MARI.SE .Uid R \ t.RO \ .\\'E. --on- RALBH \ hi \ '"H SIJRTS SLACKS * * * items of smart JACh1'S GABARDINE DRESSES 2-PIECE COCKTAIL DRESSES and mcmy otben! apottswear- all new styles! Fashion Sportswear ~18 Mar11H' • HArt.or ISM BALBOA I~L.,!'"D P...,. 15 coiMCiomatk 17 Je-.1 • Wflltef •• .,.._. Stoin .. u s ... , S 11 0 . Sloin .. u St ... J -~ 1 4~ Gold ,.._.,, SI.O. ,.~ Gold . su s Colondo• wOitllea w.thowt •elf ••rtd "0 .......... • ..... $17 ' .. '• ......... . . Also: HAMILTON -LONGINES -ELGIN w. d. jOIInMM~ JI:WI:LI:R Amazing! A Business Sldrc With Sports SIW1 Comfort Arrow ~~B;-ff(ty" with n e tt' ... ARAFOLD co llar Edra-oo•f«Wble. w~rn open or eJoeecl . • • fo~ dr~ or '-port8 \\"hi'-at~d tt0lld \()ftt'<'O -COAST ILVD. IEWFOII'f lEACH Open all night for that late snack or early morning breakfast , BAY & BEACH REALTY, Inc. 14:. w. Balboa llh"4. WI\ ~m join ~ Cub·;:::==========:=; --mo-mbf:>~ at tbf> Otri5tmu Part~ to tx-held a( 7 p m today (Thurs- da) 1 at th.o Hurl«>y Bt>JJ Inn. Co- rona de-J Mar Resf>natlona can tw made through E. H. I Doe I Thi<'lt-. HArbor 152R pro~ r a m chairman. I LHt ~·s n:K't'ting featUJ"C.."d colort"d slides and mo' ies show n by Or. HonaOI" Hall of Ne"',,r1 H i~t . takM\ durinR his rect"nt trips to thE> Hawaiian hlands and t hrough Europc.a and t hfo Mlddl Eat. Elf'ct.ion of UK-'""'' olfte'M"S (or the firs1 half of 1952 wlU be h(>)d ( ._ .... L dally pickup and de-livery throu~hout thf' I hu !lor An-a I !II lllarllw Banloa blaad .-...e: IIAJ1Mw •• S......,.t IIMdt O•r ontlro steff joins fa whhlnt yo• • vory Ha,,y Holi4•r EarJ. W. IIMiey, IYitil J:)pc, 2'1. liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:iiliiiiii: To all we extend our personal greetings for a most glorious Olristmos Day and our Best Wllhes for a Happy Hol iday Season. We would lib you to 1top in fu1t 10 we may tell you in person. SAop Here for Bollfloy Foofla ( DIRECTORY DIMJ&AJIIS INSURANCE For EW!Y Need lSLAND REALTY CO HarwyD . ..._ HARBOR 37'7-W Park at ~t~. Balboa laJand "BE SURE -INSURE" with Maurie Stanley IMurance Counllellor HARBOR l'MI D5 JlariM Ave., BaJboa 1.-...J W. Stuart Foote INSURANCE 2117 w. BaJboe Blvd. Newport Beach.~. Hoag Hos pital •.• I tut.a d(! _tar '1\KI'It 1r tl'f t un-cu1 lund rnmpa1 ·n ~~~~ Jl~> •c ~~· IUI,.tl ~Jv PIal \\lit ~· thf rt•· Jamrs T \•nn 1>) k<'. who \\til ,,.. ,., nn~ RuiiNtn Chaarman A f\0 roc•t "lhllll\ I t tht \1\ ll' A ~;('lll· iru.tall('d ru. pt E'Md<'nt or thf' :-..r•\\-J aaru. (' K Pri '· Phil H 3) d n. 'lUI t •U"h ll ('ftmnutiH (ll It port Harboa Kt\o\8nt C'lub 81 II Jan n. jo;('O(' So<'Jal Chairman mt•UI!x. . • .. rd nc "' \\\11'11 rr .. m ~ial dinner m••l'llll~ Jnn 3 at Bob Rt·(od, R usst>ll Hampton. Jnhn ~'"'"' • nt 1· J,, • · ,,,,d Bolo 1 •I· t hP Balb()8 &~ Club. ""' ar;-Ktmblf', Dr \'(•rn Koepsel. Int{•r· ,,... d• "011111 co! th(• t·ompan-:n hll pointed thf' fnlhm llll rommtatN' club Reolatmn. Chairman H E'rb lmur.ll d• I \1 '· to work with htm hu tht (•omtnl' Kt>nn~ Athlt'tks Ch&lrman Jan .Adiit• •mal romrrl'ttr e nwmb-r' yea r : Brisro<> lfarr) A...,hton.JackR.aub. ar•·liJtl'~ &tl'h.lsai.Jl>l Andlt·"'-. Sea ~roU'" Charrman .J,. h n I Hu'"~"" Hampton Jim Knn~.m Carl llannll C'1,rl l I 11 I l h 1..," n. Kimblt>, nr Vr rn<' KcK'psl'l, Don llouc;ro C'harrman Gail Butlt>r \'t 11' \\'o~l ""n C 'ol Andt f'\\ \\' K1rkpatt'lck. Dr. A.· E Stockton IWrt C'onnl"ll , Rill Landis. Finan<'e :--mith ,,, ... L nrotln Xnrrnhn. !\lr I Phil ltayd n. Jack ~ub. t:r·ban Chairman H<'l·b Holkt>r. Bt>rt and ,,, .. F~mm \\'hllr• :'-tr.... G~"n•· 8<-h Bo~ ' AffaJr .. Inc Don I r.onn<'ll. GrorJ::<' Bassett. Gum I 11' 1'"' G ll!tt•hn Rf'' Rrandt Ku kpatrick , c hairman. :qa,tlonal Rail C'halrman .Jtm Karam ann JHm•'" '-'t nddllrd. Rtc·huld Plt·.:N Kids' Da~ Chait man Bob Speth. Jack Robinson O..:t' ho• I { I ddolt:k Ur .\ n n- 1 Gail BuUer, Willard courtney, -----------:------'-'-'_1._· _• _\_\...:.'l.:..:ld:...t.:_l_tt:...n:...d~T:...f~'<l~:._:R.:w:!..:...:"'.:._~'l:.:_l Hal"\·ey P<'ase. 'nderpri\ llE>gC'd Children -Chairman S t ~ r I I n Jt WH ~~ _. :., [)Ill fmE~ I Paris, Dr. Clinton Emmer so n. ~ • ~ ~ 1""111111111'-...L Weonck-11 Hoyt, Dr. U>stE'r BE'ckcr ..- Vocational Guida.nC<' Chairman .&. ~ '-IE &. m ~ ..... ~ &. al -= ~===========~t Joeo H amblt>t, Ro~· And I"S('n, Dr ~ • L TY W ~~~ ~~~--. &>ckcr. Re'. Tom Pt>ndell A'tri-If ~ 00 can rf'mPmb<>r whE'n culturt>. Parks. Beaullficat ion John VII C'llf' joined the :\t'\'. PhaDe: RAiiaar 31 I "F or Safety's Sake" See ROBERT L BOY D General In uran~ Broker HArbor 2242 1213 Coast Blvd., COM • ;,I....,.,~ -.., • -,· Dr J. H. McCloskey CHIROPRACI'OR Office Houn: 10 tto 5 Wf'dnesday a.n4 Sundlly 70311 E. Calboa aa. Balboa HA.rta-1000..1 Oppoa,ite Miniature Golf 0.. D..U.~u u.· AUTHUR MURRAY'S 411 COAST BLVD. Corona del Mar Open 10 to 10 For free da.nce analysis Call HArbor 1925 REAL &"TATE Fitzmorris Realty Co. ReaJ Estate & Bu.sin Brokers NOTARY PUBLIC We fTUiiotain list or qualified buyers. Add your name and wants, in confiden~. or course 813 Coast Blvd. Corona del Mar HArbor 2152 For High Quality Homes Rentals -Income P roperty s('(' ROBERT L.. BOYD Modem Rt>alfy Associate 1213 Coa t Blvd. Chairman Monte Gnm . ~am pori B<>arh bu in<' ;ratPr- Kin lt>lher, Gt>or~e Ba. tt Jun-ior FiN' Dent Chairman Phil nat~. you quaLify to jo.n our "" local ._'l'Oup of eent l<'mt>n of Ha~d•n. Bill Landis dtsttn<'llon Fm nf thl:' hun- Public and Bu Ill(' ...... Affair rlrl'd or po•I'S()Il "ho drop '" Chairman Harr) Ashto n. ~1ont<' 1 at h1s Arche Cafl" da' b' Grimt s, Jim Thornton. Hrrb da,, th<'rt• IHt' onh a' (C'\~ Kcnn~ Suppot·t of ChurchC', \\ tio \\<'r" he-r,.. to drh·E' 1nlo Chairman Hal"\t'~ Pt>asC' Jim hi. Sl"r\lt't' ,:tauon and ~' Thornton. Wendt>ll Hoyt Pro-Fill 'pr up" "hen John fir.;, grams and Music A. E. S tockton oJ)<'nPd lor vusin<'~' .;1 th•• and l'rban Be~. ro-cha1rmr n At-"am<' l&'tlton in 1926. , tendanC<' Chairman Bill Landi!l John'' rt't-olkctlon of nur and Jack Raub. MC'mbership C'hanr.:lm. SC<'nes !!()(". far Chatrman C K. P rit>st, \VI"ndE'Il ba(.'k of that ~C'ar He can H o)1. _Gt'or~t> &s!l<'tt. Rf'C<'ptinn prohahh rt'call as much c1f Cha1rman R<'t't \\'rbh and Jack :\1 wport'" ''arh h tsUW\ a' Robinson. un~ !ltll' 1t•da~ rom me 'rrom Education C'ha1rman l l··r h fo'tan1·•• 111 lim" to m tkP h1m ·1 n~ll\''' -on, h1-. famtl\ l''· lahlt,ht·d ·• hu:-.m,.,, m Sant 1 Ana ,\-.. II ho) I hi' OC"I"flrl tl11 \\ htm :tnci hC' \\1\IChC'd th<' L."r• ,. whlll' o;~ut ... of o:quan• rJI!t:••rs taC'"· !-'1'\ \rat mC'ml:>E'r.-. or t h' ~-~marl,, D1't riC't PTA C'ommall('t ,·1 rh till Se:\ laws re<'f'ntl~ an Lo An~l'l..-.. wath a State-rusembl) JUdlctnr~ com~Jttet> to stud' S<'X cr1mC' and the1r relauon to 'the l-"" Afll'r d.iSt.'ussion with p ~chintrastJiO and (':\Jl('rt Ln the> tUd) of ('X Crtrl*'S. it "as di'Cid<'d tv mak<' HI r't'rom- mendntions to thC' t>lnl<' ~H·rn· m nt. '' hach "'ou1d a llo'' mt'ro' frf'l"don . to judl!ec; tn handline dP· \'iat<o ca e . lh'l' lh·· cnl1 \' ld citll 1\• •OUih!> I t1 Jh .. 111 • rnrn l"•'tlrun to t'3"~" alone .. fi• till' l•lf1' lor unl03dmt lumb. 1 That '' ,, n<'arl~ raft ~ )l·an-a.:o 111ll'l Jnh11 a nd ht" \ fiUilC friend' \\' r·· l• ,. . lntr-r.• ... tNt tn I tntt"wr r thr~n tn the> bu: no.-thnn appl• ... ,,,..,.f'd 111 thl"m on thf' ck'l<'k h\ • • '-dlOOOI"l ktppt"!1' • '• n ''" • r.~ d·wk t m '"" Mr , o.trlo .1 \\ 11h ·~1 npn11 nt IH ~I• "" ''" 1h rn 11l1ck '' ... n. rrad1 fo tt :\In: Louts C'senar, prf'!lidPnt nf NP\\l>Ort Bt'ach J:: I<' m C' n • n r' Schools PTA and a mt'mlwr ot rlw <.oommr ttt'<'. "as una blf' to ., "t•ntl bei:ausp or illnt> s It was thlltth.:h th•• rrrorts of tht' locnl l,;trt nt- \ O~t.:-R0.\0 TO\\:-.; llt!J 11·1 • th• I•\\ r"Utll r,· • f'ur.! '·" 11 n :'r ••r ,, Jt h c-l til< hc.1rckr \\I' a • pro1.ri tc• -.a hit• onr nl t•llt h-.. r-kn''" n h11 .. m• ..... n , n nnct pru•1ci \ rt-..... ta•• nt••nl h' ,lc.•l•r .tlx•UI "' 'P" I r .tlh.>:t F· n·'t j) II· .,,) .. I' :":t' 1"_,,. h.•n ;t plt-a ... ur" .,, rln bu"n'"" "llh our ~l'I\IOC wrl 1 ''"'' .\ .. •~<'rntio•n and to "''It ·h· •. t;~•rt.wt r>•ll t rt h.1:-p1a~td 111 • .... ,,r ei I!IP\\tl n( our ::-.;,,,. I""''' rh"' omnmnl\ I r '"" ar nnr '"'·~tot "it h ._ __ ':111:"'1:'=:-'==~_.1!"11'!....---.Ji tC'aChC'rs ~roup. , trmulat('<l h\ H mal'S m('('t tnt. tn ;-.,:,.,,pot 1 Bt a<'h that lht' sex law stud) wn<; 'olartl'd Corona del Mar HArbor 2U2 .John r"n <>It dcm n and <'hat "·' h ~ •lU n oout 1 hi"' da~ "ht•n all of "ur 11 nffic' C'amt• on onC' road from :O:•tntn Ana A trip acros th<' ... and rlunt'' tn\\ rtrci Hun•anctnn Rl'<~C'h c~r· O\rr· thl' hill" 'n\\'\rci LllZtm' ju"' \.\ '"n't poo;<,ibl~> \\'II h 1 ht• ('om· ph'II('IO of lh•' 0~'\'-t lh~h\\8~ hum (>I r-tn-hllnl(X'r 1 ~~ t fie ff r 1 Mth or mon• tn nil d1ri"C'linr1" r tmf "rth 11 You \\lllllrl •'Xfll ,., ... uC'h ''''Hie 'n1um• t u '""'Ur• >-II<'C'""" 111 ttw ~>ot'n IC• t-latlnn hu!'IOt'"'" Quilt• th•· \'OIIIrar~ 'lo~ono;rs w• r•' llr\\lllilh: rn pu!l ntP nt th•• ... rn.:l" '' tlfiC' ltn\ on •h·· narrn'' p~H'· m.•nt h.·crttl'-• Itt c••l h.trk rn a!::'atn m•·~nt 11 \\Ill' ,,f a h.tlf·ht1Ur 01 morl" l'n 'i l 1 h·· :~rrl\ :tl uf naJr1r ltcht-.. ml '""'' 111<> O\I?I'J)Il~>os. John 'fl('tlt Ill'"'' n 1rll•· :::und:n aftt~ · 00<11 \\, lt'1lh..: ('11-,; h\ tht' l'l!llt· <11, .~ ... ,, 1 11 r~;tsl hi" L<a~ pllm{'' "'· IHIO 1 ~ uu 1~1 p n nnd lt 1 lh '• II ;.o•a about • • hu:h f'arnmr t II• \10111 ... n 1n~ ha •• ho•: r" In n .• •1 • 1 h 'n 1·, '• ~ • "r t',, n " r p;ut. I·, ... th11n ~ t,(•, • nt 1• ar1· 111m 111 •1\tm: .. c1. ,:,:;1 .. lt , .. ·h· .. ur • • 1 h•r 1 \H• 'lnd • ' Silver Platers And Slh~ersmitm Repair -Refinishing -Replate Gold -Sil"·er -Copper-Brass l'o~ar Commun ity Church 1914 Harbor Bh·d .. Costa Mesa BEacon 5ll3 IIU810 Marqaret-L. "iicharle Teacher of Plat QrPnlat -A~ Evening~ ror Adulta 307 GOLDENROD AVE. Corona cJft Mar VOI Clll: Vera Williams Member or M. T. A. Th<' orit:tnal r('{'()mml"ndullon-; made to thC" stall' on !lC':\ Ia"' "('r£' rt'J ctc'd by th<' J:O\'I'rnOI 1><·- f":'lUSC' the) \o\t'r<' too ha., 111\ d ra" n according to Lynn C'r:l\~ ford nt Santa Ana, \\ ho is Fourth PT \ district cha.1rman for 1 h(' ''u"' MEMO --- Tile !'li~rt Harbor En"t:"\ baa beea adjadced by ~upt'rtl'r Ooar1 to be a ~.,er of ~­ era! etrealattoe ud quaiJfi<'d to pablllllt aD pablle eotJof'tl rf'- qalJ'ecl by law. You :n11:• )Ud~~ ho\\ muC'h ol ., Ia nrlm 11'k Th, .-\rrh(''> b b1 t h · I I•'' tlu.t nnt ,,f thl" ba.: bus. "•'!'\ • a<'•' h.h al\\a~ ... li:o.tPd 11 as tht• l{lC''ll ,,,, .. , n rn.:t<'ad of t hf' tmql ti··"'P"'' tht I "'I that :-;,"l'('lf'l I • '' h Inn a~.;n s::r•" tr• ·,nd 1nl'l p.'-1!-.t II. I It t ht 1 h'll"and" 11 ho knr ·\\ Thr• -. ··I,., 1 ·., mo .. I at•~> kn"'' John \'tf,•llt• ,\nd 1r anyon<' ''ani-. to ,, • I I H !i I UP TO '10000 .ALLOWANCE on your old appliance ASJt ~UT OVIl LOW TE1IJU -OJfl. Y W • DOW1I "'JlM1 \.i". ,..0 T' MJ.:l'A OPD E'Y'DY EVDIJifQ 'TU. I Teacher of PIANO and VOICE Speda.l Training for children. 31314 Marme .Ave. GIVE A Gin YOU 'D LOVE TO GET! Balboa Ialand Lawrence K. Gundrum, M.D. 1741 Superior Ave., C.O.ta Mesa Practi~ limited to I>Weues of Ear, Noee, Ttlroat; Allerp Office Hours: by Appolnt:ment BEacon ~ or HArbor 10311 Day or Night Atone HArbor 1138 Baltz Mortuary (Jape~"' ....... RAJtBOR G earc-... liar, Ol8ferl* ........ Oft..strwt PWT 7 a ...... a. .............. ·~-·¥-~ .... --.... ..:·=-~~·~·~...::l _, ........... liM. • Something right for everyone- UTHERl,; C41LJ FORNL1 E DISO at your electrical appliance dealers! COlttPAl\ Y . • . • • I i f • - Cholee luilcliag ... OD Ba lboa Jalcmd With ex~Uent 'N'ntal v11it alru.cty bull t on rut' or P•'U· p!l't)'. Elltta l&t'l(f' lot. • O.vt'OI4'11lt ""- ......... . , ..................... IIA.rt.r • ' Owner WatsOHer Iathon PeniDaula lay Front Heme A-.olutety PlUME T""'O o;tuC'<.'O houo ' on large C -2 l<lt m Costa ~1('S8.. One l:. 9 yNll'" old: ont> 3 year . Low do\\n paynwnt with excelle-nt 4~"~('> loan on bal· ;::'.~~·>{)!iN' $10,500 .. PHIL SUWVAN GEO. EVERSON 1116 Newport 11¥4~ C.. U... ·~ ,_, Cost• .... ...., IE 7121, 5458-J-Eves. HA J157-W WISHING AIJ. OUR FRIENDS A Merry Christmas nnd Happy New Year GERALD W. RITCHIE 0. B. REED lt-1 Jo)td.aw and •~ I% 19 <'OIU~t Rh·d. (~ORON'A OF.l~ MAR H roor '" J<»S STL'OF.RAKEP. CHAM- Pf()N C ~VF.RTIRCE. R. • dtn. ht>at(•r, !iipollight. •'lt' ~-· $1195 ~cQO~~ fiOLfDA Y GREETINGS TO ALL :\lY FRIENDS Fl..&'I'IIMOffwed !·BED&OO• ... OEN ADODBOID! 80' lot, garage CuJiy land!lceped Tennl E.AtlL OIIAMIIII:IUA.lN Realtor ..o..& ..... IIAIUIOa-0,....,.. ......... c.-4el...., Rollert B. Lywua aM Helee L. J.,.a. ltealto,.. -lucl Nonta, 8aJee ........ 411 eoc.t louleYCII'd CORONA DEL MAR Fannt.ou.1 Motel RAIUIOA ltl7 IIA&IIOa t• SIDA1 1&\T PBIJENT! • NORTH POLE. U~..-ia Westem Union:- "JUST RETURNED FROM Ql 'lCK TRIP NEWPORT · HARBOR, TO CHECK ON BOYS AND GlRLS. • TREV WE RE WO~DERF L Bl'T Fo r:-.rn MO, T PARENT~ NEAR EXHAUSTIO~ ~TOP THAT TWO STORY 3-BEDROO~l FL'R..,'lSHED HOME WITH APARTMENT. FIREPLACE, OOUBLF. GARAGE ON BALBOA ISLAND FOR $1 !1,7:')0 IS VERY GOOD VALUE STOP- HOPE I CAN LEAVE IT WITH SO~U: FAMILY STOP WILl. BE BACK CHRISTMAS E\'1· .. KINDF~T RF.GARDS. • ( i$,'fl~d l "SANTA CLAUS" ~la'!t f'lrtlt! ~ -today aad ...., thf' ~ owwr a. Cttrl"'tMu8 Day! co. Park ,,,,.,, at Apt.-, ODf" btock from Ft>rr)' l..aadlll«' BALBOA ISLAND HArbor 377-W Cllris•-.s Greetillgs a nd Best wishes fo r the ti_EIIIOt BAJ.IOA BEALn CO· commg year Business Opportunities & Realtors Ross Greeley Josephine Webb Ldlian McAdoo 700 E. Balboa Blvd .• Balboa <N •. ....,.,,.. ... .. .~~ .61 ... •A wr, • .,., c,,., • ,. ,.. -,..,. •• !' Ben la Whiblaa ud Associates f' = 'f .,.,.:f ~ eyqro "ds, P""' e,d re •eotoO!)& o e n . ~ltASE: HtlP. I .,. .., e • C r .. l,.,os ·oc~ o; !~ere is e wist\ for o ..,a, d .. p'••· lot or •ven e re '~ . ._,,.d oy let ,.,... hel p you fill th's w ,h Remember, I e m o multo p • • orq b•o~•r. end I cover " .. t,,,..,oorl lhrbor Aroe lr "''V tocl "9 '"'"'• is 0 ,..,\\ 1 ·I o re' esfefo so esmer o• b•o•• l.,.r my Be ooe of~co P U '"' Pletllt' Oeor Senl•. p<'llp re Ire! mol oonth deerh f·o"' t•e"'c e ~ d•~•, ond ~"Y ~ o•de• • r d we•s A fer "0 ""d 1f" •' d lleerte< ~., thel w . . Francis J. lllnllll REALTOR President Walter Tt-&nt of tht> &tuth Coast Co. this week an- nounced that the company has re-COZY FURN. apt. for 1. Uv. nn. ccived Navy eontrac ts for rtve I with HJdt'-a-00<1 sofa. Nicc bath more wooden hull MS B mine LARGE F URN. room on ocean front. for 1 or 2 until June 15. Kitchen priv. ~ per wk. 1129 E . Balboa Bh·d.. Balboa. HArbor 1422-W. and kitchen. Yearly n>ntaJ. mo-Wt!'('JX'r . Contracts ror four craft 3420 W. a.lbo• llvd. HA 1421 dera te. 710 Muigold. COM. hAd been recei~ by South Coast ISOI w. a.t~.o. llvd. HA J70 I JJAt·bor 3025-W. durin~ the summer. FOR YOUR P ET-U. S. Govt. in-A 50 per cent increase in tht- S(X'<.'tCd horse meat, free deliv. in present 1!'\0-rnan labor force is ex- SCIIWINN BIKE $15, ec! HJey's I ~rbok ~rt~~·~ s:;s TAX REPORTS-Easy parking. l;)f'l ~hop. 60S Coast Bhd .. _ CDM. 1 Coast Blvd., CDM. HA 12M-J . 622 N. Bristol, Santa Ana. Harry PRJ.VAn: PARTY has 5 1a catat DESIRABLE duplex, fum. Cozy, G. Wetherell, Kimberly 3:-1447. d1amond. Will sell or exch. for quiet. attrac. garden. Adults RENT A PIANb. l:et the KJddles a down-pa)m€'n t on a home or only. 307 Goldenrod, CDM. HA learn. $5 per mo. Ji\ill term rent lot in CDM. HArbor 3554-J . l1 1046. aUowed ~In our l ACCORDION. Used, full 120 bass. FINEST APTS. fum. Ubl pel. Best :!.,~t~ 5JO No Maln, ~~ Will sacrifice for S95. Terms. location. 1 a 2 bdrms.. $75 mo., Ana ' · Othe rs low as $125,$145. DANZ-It up. 31!)..317 Mareuerfte, COM. =--=--·~----:::------­~CHMIDT, 520 No. Main. Cor. NEW UNFURN. up~ flat with ' PaiDtiDg lczpeahCIDging 6th. Christmas Sale, Santa An.a . large windows overlook!._,~ GEORGE~--~ ln .........,. resicienUal dist. 2 ...._.. • DV~ l RADIANT gas hMter. good cond. •""'" ~ $10. Circlulatlng gas heater $15. rms .. •und«k. ftftpl., hdwd. firs. M lbt lit._ Jlh:• ... t ..._ Typewriter (large type) $25. 510 No chtldren or S~e'-· Avall. Nov. ~~Artier IUJ..W Ocean Front. Balboa. HArbor 1. $115 mo. 1009 W . .8a.y Ave., Call after 1 1270--J. N.B. HA S277-~. HA 890-M., ,_ ._ '32 HUDSON 8 scd&n : orlg. fin ish. FOR REN"r CAll. W. P. SUNBURY 56,000 actuaJ miles. Excellent BUNGALOW APARTMENTS . transportation. HA 0701. Beautlfull . .l' fum., lar~f' llv. room FOR PAINTING wiU1 flr.J>1ace. bc1rm . kitc.hfon-BOAT ro~ sale . 12' Gla.spar . llkt> 1 ette. Rate by day, week or new, 7 ~ h.p. Mereury. tarp, an-month. chot'. oars. sand cJ<?Uy, $485. Sec FJ\JU.I rml' 'F' ~rO'J"F:L Mr. Grimstad at Balboa Bay 1304 Cout Blvd. CDM HA 1083 I Club or call HArbor 1093-J. FURN API'S r' See Lou- 1 SPINE! piano. Slightly damaged I We Apt&. ft:,..~ ~t. a stncles, In sh1pment. A bargain. DANZ-o~looldnc Ba.y 308 Carnation . CH~flDT BIG PIANO STORE. I Corona del Mar. ' S..nta Ana, 520 J'l<o. Main, Cor. • · 6th. Over 100 pianos always. M-.Uaneoua WOR N twice with pride. Sel1ing with hopc-o. S15, one pink danN' drM~. t~n-a~t<' size· 9. Call HA 1509. 9 to-12 a. m. PAINTING Earl Sheflin " !71 Pa.IIBet St.. -c.ta MflM ENGLl~H Bl LL pups. 6 wks. old. •oo Coa!\t Rh·d. Cor61'~1 df'l M~tr .' ~c~. chaf!lpion s tock. Sun. only. 1 IIAJ'bol' 186'! ~ ~I 546 Catahna Dr., Newport Hgtz. Br..c.. IU'7-M OW~ER MOVING -ScUin~ mro. grade maple bdrm. rum., kitch- enware. lamps, dishes etc. Ben- 11ixo«J"rash r $80, 6-bumer, 2-o\'en u1m· sa,J ran~e $85: war sou-v~nirs and rart> coiJect. of for-Superfluous Hair ._._8iCYC'ii""i'£PAiiii'G .... "s~-~~~~ ~~~·s.oK:F!'~~ . . I SIO WILl. HOLD any PIANO for SchWtnlj Btcycles Chrlstr.1as deUvery. DANZ- SCHMIDT Big Piano StorE'. Ra'Y Sted~n I Santa Ana, 6th St. comer, 520 No. Main. 100 PIANOS TO 128-J CHOO E FROM! 1574 Newport BlYd •• Coeta M BEacon 5 l HAMMOND ORGANS! The great Hammond O,Oro Orpn. U you IH 1 W t d For Sale I don't know a note, you can play I e p an e this! The Hammond Spinet Or-" 11 ................... ....,..,. ........... ....,..,. ........... _______ gan. World's ~t beeuutu.l . A LESMA~ for v-E 8PP a nee CHRISTMAS SALE Behrman tones. Easy tft'ms. DAN Z- etgn mAd~ mlniaturt> soldiers & Permanently removed rrom faCt> . !hips .. Frt. It Sat., 1. to 5 p. m . 1 arm . legs. Eyebrows a nd h,.lr· t59 V1a Ltdo Soud. L1do Js te. line shaped -No more tweezing. BABY SITI'ING in your home or • , ELLEN L. BRYANT, R. E. mine, day or night. HA 1670.1 ~day and Thursday only PRIVATE MONEY to loan on real I Ltdo's Salon ol Beauty HA 2576 estate. E. A. Christy, 205 N. Bay Front, B.I. F I R E W 0 0 D TELEVISION! Trade your old pi-Coal d Ch } M o on beautiful television. Big I a r. arcoa allowance. Famous makes In W W W · h C television. DANZ . SCHMIDT · · ng t 0 . 520 No. Main, cor. 6th Sl, San~ ,..ONE IEe~on 5666 Ana. I stoN'; home> freezer and food G1·and piano, used. Lovely tone, SCHMIDT Plano and Organ Co. Joe Nl.Ckertz plan; salc>s t>xpcrlencc and ambl-now only $495, tt>rms. Other Sant:a Ana. 520 No. Ma.ln, eor. tlou.o; effor t will rt>munera tt> Grands $495 to $2400. \Vurllt.zer, 6th St. S400 <lr more a mo. Udo Elec-s 1 Kl "'-1 Ch' k rln ==~==-=--=------,----N tc nway, m,_ • tc e g, 'MUST SELL by ocean vlf"W cor- port &ar h. BEacon 5505. Story & Clark and many others. ner ot lmmed. t o. 171. St>a-l tr4c Co., 516 Coast Hwy., f'W-~ Berhman, Wegman, Petro f , 1 Lo N • • DANZ • SCHMIDT P 1 AN 0 wal'd Dr./ Corona Highlancts. ~~~~~~~~~~ Wcmted STORE 520 N M · .,._ ta $2,900, only $l.300 down. HA ...:: , o. atn, ~n M37-R or Ontario 6-18304.. To all of our friends in this community, we wish a most joyful Christmas and a Happy Ne w Year. ,~..,...._,.-...~_,~...,.. .......... ,_.._..., 1 GOOD, S LlGHTLY WOR N cloth· Alla, Cor. Sth St . SPINET PiMos. New and Uled.. ing to sell in my new s hop at SEE OUR !Jplt>ndid and low priced Baby Spinet $295. O.ristrnu '51 Rillmsn Convert. Demon. WW, big savings. '51 Kaiser 2-dr. Sf'd. Save$900 "i1 Ford Victoria, 6fkJO mJies, Fordamatic drivt', H. R. U.S. Msst£'r WW Lifeguard tubes, like ni"W, subs tantial savings. Ch('v ~ ton PU truck I m '49 Stude. 1i·t PU, 00 SL095 '11 Dod,gf' 111·1, PU • $ 495 '11 Dodg" l:t·ton PU $ 485 • Bank TC"n·ts • l 201 Coast Blvd. C cor. or Gold-li\. rm. su1tes, din. sets. break-sale on. All sph1eta. Over 100 <'n.rod t, COM. Frannie Graham., fast st'ts, scctionals in ltraoatelle, pianos to .choose from. DANZ- 1 WANTED -Nice CUBtomt>rs to buy lumps, box springs, Innerspring SCHMIDT PIANO and Organ 1 my cleaJ\, almost new clothing. mt~ttresses, ace. chairs, beautiful Co., 520 No. Main, Col'. 6th, 1 Frannie Graham Shop, 1201 set of 80-pc. German diahes. Santa Ana. I I Coast Blvd., at Goldenrod, CDM • Many other hou.whold articles. SNIPE SAILBOAT, alightly•Uied, WILL 00 IRONING in my homt>. Crist Furniture Co .• 1687 Orange but needs paint. Excel. sana. HArbor 0688-R. Ave., COsta Mesa. BEacon 7323. SZK) Inc. sand dolly. HA 623-W. BABY SnTING-ReUable. HA SPINET Piano, like new. Stunning UHOG. WUrll~ Spinet plano, 291Zhl. • cue. Big, round clear tone. A • "l )It'S. old. Like new. te. 1'enn,, re•1 joy to hear and .ee. Special if desired. HA 542-M. Olrl.stmas price, $395. One oaJ.y. GOOD~crtCE PIANOS, $59. DANZ -SCHMIIYl' BIG PIANO · fTS, up. Pay ~ per month. • REALTOit STORE, Santa Ana, 520 No. Full trade-In allowed on new ,. IUSINISS OPf!OlTUNITIES Main, Cor. 6th. wtthln two Y'ft"· DANZ- • RENTALS SCfOilDT Big .,._no Store. * Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Uonbarger and Lee Stuck * RArMr .,_ II SNOWBIJ\D and •JJs; doU house Santa Ana, 520 No. Main, 8th ISU c-t..,..., c-... 4.1 Mar a nd furnfturt!; unused oowg'lrl St. comer. B\U' now for , __ .........,_..,.__.........,.._ ___ ......,.~ outrlt. 430 Avoc:ado, COM. O.rlstmes. .._ ... _. ............................ ~-----•" .. ftamday. o.c-........... . , I pected at South Cout to con- struct tMse additional mlne- IW('{'JX'f3. t>s tlmated to be.> a $1.500,-•(]._:1111 000 pt ojt'ct. U~a&. HOTta ..... Marek TQiar wiD be lD-stanecJ Honored Queen of Bethel NOTICE OF I NTF.!III'DD> ALE 1!57 ot Job'a Deuahten at Public ~otlct' Ia llf'r1"lty Otw.: that inatallatioo at 1 . m; Kenneth D. Wells' a RUU\ . (Th•.....,.") tn h "--ta M Frl W Us, VC'ndors, whose address i. day At~ bJ~bhouae. eShe re: 600 Seavlt•w, in lh<' City of Corona I places M1a Oon.Ntance Gunn, who del Mar. County of Orange, State hu .erved for the put ix or CaUfornla, Intend to sell to Wil.'l montha. liam Opelle and NettJe I~ {)Jx>lle, At the laat Bethel meeting, Mrs. and Walter M. BUven and Maul"ilK' Albertine Ryder, deputy grand Bliven, Vendees, whose address '- guardian, inatalled the following 187 S horecllff Road, and 1114 Bethel Gu&nUan CouDd.l: Mrs. Ocean Blvd., In the City of Corona E. V. Ragan, Mrs. Harold .,nk. del Mar, County or Orange, State Mrs. Betty Smith. and Mn. H. K. of CaUfomia, the foUowing de- Delster, Balboa bland; Mn. c. scribed personal property, to-wtt: M. Tucker, Newport; Mr. and Mrs. All_... .. trade. llx~ ~ ...... Alva Gunn, Mr. and Mn. Corwin IDHt aiMI rood •1D of a certam Home, M.lu Carolee Burdick. Mrs. Self-aervice laundry and dry clean- H. C. Burdick and Mrl. Polly ing business, known a.s Washer- 1 Owen C.O.ta Xeta ette, and located at 404 Cout ' · ! Blvd. in the City of Corona del I Mar, County of Orange, State of th a. ~a....:. • California, and that a sale, trans-IV ~ fer and assignment or the same T IE Llae Sal will be made, and the oonsidera-W e uon thereror will be paJd ~t 1o:oo & ---o'clock a.m., on the 2nd day of ........_ January, 1952, at the escrow de· ts. .. ""' Oty Council will hold an I partment of NeVI(J)Ort Harbol' adjourned meeting at 10 a. m. Bank, at Corona del Mar, In the I W~esda,y, to approve the sale of City or Newport lk>ach, County of t~e ~ty's trunk lines to Sanitation I Orange, State of CaUfomla. D1str1cts ~ (Newport) and 6 DATED l)(>cemiX'r 20 1951 f Costa Mesa) tor $205,716. This ~ · · • · action is ne<.'eSSary to clear the KENNETH D. WELU5. way for the sale of $8,308,000 Vendor. ~ bonds for th~ county-wide sewer j Rl "TH E. WELLS. s)stem, ac~uled for Jan. 23. Vendor. New Comact Presi~nt WaJter Franz of t ht> South Coast Co. this week •n· noun<..'E'd that the company has re- ceived Navy contracts for rive more wooden hull MSB mine swet-pers. Contracts for four craft had been !'t"celved by South Coast durlnJt the ummer. A 50 per cent Increase in tht> pre!!t'nt l!liO-man labor force is ex· . T AX REPORTS -Easy parking. 1 622 N. Bristol, Santa Ana. Harry G. Wetherell Kimberly 3:-1447. RENT A PfANb. l:et tM Klddles 1 learn. 55 per mo. Full term ret~t SeCDOn's Greetings • At this time we want to thank aJl our friends for their kindn<> this past year and expres our good wish<' for 1952. Mr. attd Mn. Gt"'O'Tf' t.:t"LB~RO !t~o~ ~~ ~ S11.,'1 IIIII 1233 N. Coast IIYd. near Emerald Bay DALE YOUNG and FRED MARTIN. new owners. in- vite you to come ln. browse, and Usten. A.a utftonlel, 1arp MllecUoe e1 LP, t6 r .p.a. a .....,._ .• recordL All 18 R.P .M. Recorda l ·-Ccapebmt&Zeaitb JAPE f ' J ~. The famous PENTRON PORT.I.ILE ..... ~~ .. •• l2f95 up PLAYED 51295 I ano Store, 520 No. Main, Santa 1615 coa,f .. Bh-d. AnL ';!iiii~C~M~~~~d~~~;~~-~a~riiii~~~====================:: PaiDIIDg~ GEORGE IURDIARDT -11.11& 8t.. .._.,., -- ~ IIU-W call al'lleP I p. a. CALL W,. P. SUNBURY FOR PAINTING HArbor ISft..ol w ~ c--. ~ liar H. H. HOLBROOK Dependable PlumbiDq A Prompt Repair Service Maintained ...._ ......... l&lt.W I -· ..... m.-.. Jf....,-t .... PAINTING Earl SheOin .... !11 PaiiDer St. -e-ta Meea B..._ IU'f-11 Superfluous Hair Permanently removed rrom face, arms, legs. Eyebrows and hlllr- llne shaped No more tweerlng . • ELLEN L. BRYANT, R. E. Tuesday and Thursday only Ltdo's Salon or Beauty HA 2576 FIR E WOO D Coal a nd Charcoal W . W . Wright Co. ~ONE IE.eeo11 5665 in this community, joy ful Christmas New Year C. Lionbarger Stuck Seasoa's Greetings "Good health-Good cheer Good luck throughout the year An earnest wish this holiday from all of us at Dennie's Clfe 11fl7 Coast 81\'d. ('oroaa dt'l ~ar ........... 1209 Com lt¥4. HAiti. O?ti.J FOI' PM With the MAGIC TOUCH- IIOWIJE'S 1713 s. Main Oppoaite SEARS Santa ADa , • • • Delicious 'burgers and complete meals • • • LUSCfOUS HOME>MADE P'AmiU Come to Church for Christmas Services V/crsh1p Th.-Ho1y Secscn * St. Andrews Presbyterian 1!\th ~Land TU"tt.n, S~wport fi .. IR'bl" ·un ll -c 23rd 9 30 a m Christmas ~t'n I<" 11 ·OO a m C'hri nne St•n lC'I Mon I:>et-24rh i ·30J)m C"andldi~ht ,., ... f'" .._,\lt'•· * Newport Harbor Lutheran 10!7 Clltr D riH•. S'~\f"port ll••l~ht~ :;un Dec. 23rd li·Oo "m C"hn~tma!'-~~ n 1('1• j ·Jtl p m ('hildrt n'~> r t'<.tJ\al .... ,.n;~ Mon DE'c 24th i 3<1 p m ·,ndlt•lt!.!ht $E>n IC'\ 1t Community Church (Conqreqational) R.-UotrOJM" a t Coa .. t 1\()ult•\ .&rd. nr••nA df'l :Mar , Sun [)e.c. 23rd 9 45 Am \'hri'•Tma-. S rvicP 11 ·on a m Chrh ma SeniC't' "i 00 pm \·, ''" ,, :'\Iu ... wal :--.. r ,., • * St. James Episcopal \1a Udo at Udo lsi.-Rrld:r•. 'r wp .. rt J\( ('h Sun Oeoc. 23rd f'r)Urth :O.untl:t\ In \<h M11 -P.• culttr ~r r ... ;\[on OE'c 24th ChriAtm""' f:,.· l fli t p.m • . .'r.tldn-n's ~rn1N' C"hE>rub Choir. F'1lm 'Hnly Ch1lcf' 7 311 p m t'}·u,nl C"Andlrh~:ht llnh <',. .. ,. ''"IniOn y,, . 1 h \ 'h, r • II ~~ p m ' hnral C'lncllt hcht Hoh ( 'nm· mum on '··nt; •• f'hlu · Tu•'" ['l>c 2"lth C hrl"tmA .. DtH-11 :\11 d m lf1'\ Comn Jtunn . * Christ Church by the Sea (Methodist) · 14..~ \\. Balboa Boul,.,ard. R:tlboll S un OE'c 23rd 11 ·0() t m Chn!olma~ ::;,.,.,.,ct' i 30 p m Chr1 ... ' ma' ~. n tl'+' * Community Church (Methodist) 4~ W. 19tb ~t., Coo-bt ~~ Sun Dec 2.1rd 10:50 'm C1lrt;.tml\< ~""'IN' i 30 p m Chr1 tmas Pac<'ant * Balboa Island Community Church (Meth.) 1M AC'J't.-. Ralboa J"land Sun Dec. 23rd 11 on 8 m ChrL tmas ~('!"\ ICI 5 00 p m C"~rr-.tmR~ P~i:CIInt * A.em.bly of God un UIHI ~L. <'osta M f'N Sun. Deoc. 23rd . . 7 30 p m Christmas Fe 11\'C.l n1C\' w ith \11TZI GAY~ R -t-'lDGHW A YMAN". m "Alaerican ill, •. "OW ~HO\\'I!IIG 'The Desert Fox" ~tamn J A:\!F'' ::\1A"'O;'Ii .. Close to My ..Heart .. "1tt> RAY \fiLl \:-.:P 11d CF:'\t TIFR:"\"EY FRF:n :'ot11r~fl RRA \' and ELE A:-.:OR PARKFR in The Newport HarbC'r Council of I n~ Cht.:rches C0mmer.ds These Ser-Sip .. vtces ·o ·he People , ! th,, Ne ···· ~ HArbor 87 t •H Na,..~~. COW per• E ,.·ubor A re-a j Dl!lic:n Cl~ adl hevt> ~n I• Pf'O\en ~na of ""'china ~,. • l'or all 80f'tS of ~-UMt ~*11-. ... _. ...... _. ........ ~'='---.--------t~m · Phonf> Harbor 111 1 MARSAC Plumbing, Inc. Contracting Remodeling Garbage Disposals 1M IIU The building pt>nnlt total for t~ vear has climbed O\>er the eldtt and a half mi!Uon dollar mark . with about ~.000 issued during th<' pasl w eek. The books wUJ clos<' ror the year at the "nd of nf'x1 wet>k. 10 there Is but a lim chaoet' tllat the total of nine mil- lion "ill be reached. F~ pt>nnlts wt-r<' issued dunog the put •-eek: ..... "~••··-·--·"--~IIi Dr. Hamid Bey. 301 Ed!.!e"'ater. .~ 6-room. 2-£tOI")', 3-Wllt dwtolling at 5%-20-YEAR LOAN ., ................ ·-·~"' (It JN.) We buy and ~u Truat Deeck. liE& BOll Urn..ll:a lkpe.entinc .............. 101 o.ut ...... ()1)11 ft.ll&le'n~ ..... ......................... IJOI c-t N .. C.... 4el .._ &ENYAL CONTlACTOI HArW 1616 A Merry Christmas to All Our Friends same address. Dean Kephart bwlder. Mary Marquis. add bedroom and bath abo,·e garag«< at 2046 E . 0<-ean Front. $3,800. Max Pope . build(>r. I ~!r . ~1ae Butts. add porch at 607 \\'. Bay. S5()0. XPWport HC"'pt Fred Snyder. Costa Mesa. + room. 1-story. 1-unit tl"eiUng at 531 Santa Ana A\(>. 9,000 Owner bwld~>r. Balboa 181aJHI Ha l Will SmHh. enlar~c.> and modernize Jolly RogE>r restaurant. --·--.FREE ESTDIATES • Chis. W•• I S. IE.con Slao.J • HArW 1012...1 2211 Newpolt N . c.te .._. ------ You Can Do Better at ~1. BOM.E F1JRNI8BING8 COMPLETE BEacon 5656 • 1812 Newport BlYd. 008TA IIIBA . LUMBER -BUILDING MATERIALS x..,....n ......, ()eeta .._ ....,_ 111.1 41t ().-t .... ~ • 0... ... ~ ~ome-mede pies .net Uht Hevinc) e Party? PHONE HAR~ 1!10 for A TASTY SNAOC TO TAKE OUT. 203 Marin~. $3.000. buUder. Hal WUJ Smith. repairs and al- terations at 1~ Onyx, $400. C...... *I Mar Frank McKt'Of\, 701 Carnation. 4-toom. 2-li\ory. l·unit ctweUing at 1616 First A,·e .. 18.000. Owner builder. W. E. Fisher. 916 Coast Blvd •. store building at 912 Coast Blvd •• $3,000. Fred Winsm&nn. add porch at 615 Larkspur. 5100. Earl Brush jr., garage at 423 Poinsettia, $650. 1-H. Norman. addiUons to nor· sery at 1313 Coast Blvd .. $750. N"'-port British Motors. Inc., sign a t 1209 Cout Highway. $210. R. A. Williams. addition at 612 Clubhouw. $400. V. Jl. Hopkins. 33 Bnch. wind- break at Udo TraUer Park. SSOO. Newt's Uguor Store. ign at 1 700 Coast Highway. S500. Sad ie Irwin . mo"c.> dwelling at 2010 Court St. out of city. A. R. Tht>al. Glt'ndah.•, 4-room, Ill OOAft BIOIIWAY 1-stoa·y. 1-unlt dwl'llinJt at 5510 ..._ ...,_ 1&71 at TIMe ~ w. O<x>a n f'ront. SS.OOO. Rob(>rt 1!~iiiiiiSl~C!:::::::::~~~~~!==~;~ Inwam. builder. -Shop e t Home fOf Chridme' - !':f:'wport &>a<'h has h t> I p e d I bon!' I 1 ht• mora If:' or loc-al boys on 1 h(' Kort'an war front by .gettln~t tlw hom town on th<' aar 0\'<'T th<'r<' with an approprlat<' son~t. "B' t~ Sea. By tht> St>a. By tht' Beautiful Sea." La~t AuJ:U~l th" Cat) Council sent a requt'St to the "Home TO\\-'Tl )tall Bag" to play thE' song for the home town boy a. assuranCE-to I tht-m that th(>) h&\f' not tx-en for- g-otten. , Back came a leHc.>r from Capt. I Jame Rawlc.>~. in charge of the Far East Network: "ACCC?rding to l. e\·eral r<'ports of scr\'JCE' men from ~our art's. wc IC'am('d thaf we boosted their morale by play· ing your rcque51. It raised my moral<' too. a I haH' spent many pleasant w('('kt"nd.s in ~·our beauti· ful community, and your letter broU,~ht back memories. Sa) hello to mv good friends. ROSt'mary and Dan ·Hunsakc.>r In BaJboa." Drh t'rs' II c (' n ~ e <'Xamina tion <'rviC<'s at the.> Cit\ Hall \\ill be dic:rontinuro for thf' rem tration rPncwal J)('nod oi><-26 throu~h F(>b. 9 During thls ttm(> tht-fil<'s of the local a rPa " ill !)(> at the Long Beach offiet>. where Lowell R. Fisher and Mrs. June Woodrum. who havf.' l>et-n conducting the Thursda~ exam In CHy Hall. wiU be stallon<'d until Feb. 9. LiC<'nS<'S t'Xpiring in January will ha\'f' an automatic grace per· iod of 30 days . Circle Meetings Held on Island R~nt circle meetings of the Balboa Island Community M.etbod- ist Church were held as follows: Circle One met at the home of Mrs. A. W. Schenkel, 221 Pearl Ave., Balboa Island. A canula fMlrty was held Friday at the home of Mrs. George D. Jones. 204 S. Bay Front. Mrs. Ted HaUK"r reviewed the atucly book "Now.'' Circle Two met for deaert at the home of Mrs. Della Can-ell. 305 Coral Ave .. Balboa IUlnd. Mrs. Harold Flnk bact charge of the wonhlp procram. Mrs. C. H. Bowman reviewed. ''We Amerl· cans, North and South. •• Circle Three met at the home of Mrs. F . W. Riley. D Abalone Ave .. Balboa laland. for lundleon with Mrs. F . L. LoM .... tine with I u D c h e o n aft'UIPIIIIIIta. 111'1. HaUler al8o reviewed "Wow" for this~· n..y ......... for. eanuta party Clll Jan. it to hdp .... ,... to fundlll the ...... parlor o( the ~. _...,. ........... ~- Buy DireCt lrom Factory At femtk Savings -'S-WEll R~,; yCMt ,., .o ndiNI1 •'W proftt. JCMt pay for ao fa11e7 fb· t1lrtos, )'OU .. )'for .0 ..... f'ftlt.. YCMI pay for H tpedal M'I.W. --• wtf wn·~ ---lwolp If ,_ .,... lt. AD UtNe .,..... are pa~ • C. y.., ttYiac r• tile -t ...... , low pricN. 0.. to Wee._, s1er, ~~top,~ lliHI YCMI too, Hke th• .... of oU.f'n, wt11 lie t!JOII\illee4t tllat oar factory prlcf1l al'f' tile lowMt Ia Oa.HIOI'IIIa! OPEN DAILY • .30 TO 1:30 P. M. SUNDAYS 10 TO 4:30 P. M. WISIIID&IW A\'IC. 11M LOVtlft ft. WDIYGifA CAt&'. WIWW Mlft'A AlfA AJIID &a&L .aal ... M7DA P&llll _. 11\JN'iilfOI\)llf BKACJII ............... 0 -· ... .._...._..------L ------~ -- Th R.<'d Ct'O' BJoodmob1le "1ll a,. PAJI IIOXU: be a t ~ ~riean l.A-glon Hall John JotlMOil, H a r b o r HJgh' Jan U Blood Donor Chairman bioloey tcecht>r. k>d a eara' n or \"ioce CUsumano ,.portt'd at th iek>flCt> llWmbers to thf> &ripps In-Dec. 7 me tAn of Red Cross stitute or ~pt._y in La . tors The coal will be 25Q pin . Jolla. malting tops at T orre) n ar fut urt> to com~rt' teach me ~tr. Cusun\aoo sa1d he would NnPS :--:ational Park and he Bird rm>t.hoch tht>y hne obsen d. I sho" the film ''Blood and Bul- Aql!ariwn. ~ •ho \\ent with! • • • I t ," for t~ local Ct\il J)(>fPnSt" Mr. JClbnaon we~ Kay Prldham, Lura IG w~nt up to tM Ohil-croup. 'tanJey Hadf1 Jd new Jeanne TouJouse. Nancy M~Don-dren'a Hoapital in l..o5 Angeles chatrman of the RE'd Cross bra~h. aJd. Janie Unson, Jim Mendon, loaded head to foot "'i th gifts for presJdNi at the meetinc. Tom Hohz. C'hark!tl Babbitt. Rod the ('hild~n They "''ffe ~ven a LaShelle, Jim Thorn ton. BUJ tour around thf' ho8pftal and af-~. Nancy ~"er. M a r 1 J y n t rwards anc Christmas carols. Scbli~kenmeyer. Soeepblne McKee. • • • Mary Stewart. Kal1 Kltta. Dick Marian 0 i em e r a n d J a ~ k --··~JohMOn, Sharon Sl~rrill, John Woodhull gave PIJ'tle& on-Friday ICepper, Ian~· Barbara Hen-night and Andy Swain's borne was ninJ:S, E;tJen 0.-m . .Tt't ry Jesko. the sC<'nt> of many stags Saturday niQC ftAIAAN DmN!I&S ~ Skalo-~-- Coclctails Sh.itil>y Sinclair, and Mr. and Mra. nlght. Pridham. St>en at Mariano Dit'mer's home • • • in Costa Mesa were Diant' Barnett The nt'Wiy orga.nitE'd F~nch and Bob Gallivan. Lynn Smith and Club hu chosen offl~ra (or thf' Let' Jayred. Sally Nt'wland and year of '51-"52. The)' are Jan Me-Ray ~Uddaugh. Madge Fulbri~;ht Gill, president: Bob Holland, vi~-and T om Lan,;c-. Barbara Earl and preskk>nt: JoyC<' Sand!!. secrt>tary; Floyd wan on. Barbara tare~ 1 Martin G~. tn>uurer; and and JOl' ~tt>r. Joan Kimes and Barbara Brothers. ~rgeant -at-R.<'ld La • hc-JJP, Ann Bradford and anns. Members at p~t are Mike Do)l". Jt'rry E\'ans. ~farian Jan McGill. Chuck Babbitt, Jean Dicn't'r and Bob Burkhardt. Adalr. Carol Adair . Grorg<' ~n Jwd· Woodhull play<'d host to 3olartin Grt>('n. Bob Holland. Cyn-Jack • 't-rdrum and Lynn Brown 1 ttua Martin Jo) ce Sand!! Jo Ann Roll~· p,,la ki and Donna Price Gou,·ion. Bambi Hulton. T om R1ll Hopi m. and Char ix. Don Hatch. LeRoy Gibson. BArbara Pf't ln and l..('lu Ann Wilbamson. Pringlt>. Chrt tine EhmckE' and Jark \\'tiOdt ull and And' Swam Raymond White. ~ aturda) ~~;£:ht -;La~· M>t?n at • • • And) S\\a1n' l:ome on the Island 1 S hirley Ru •. Mary Ann Russ. "l'fP ltmm :'tav ICkJ. Jay ~.arll IE>. 1 and Pat Atkinson told the Tau Don Pt>llll. R01:, Pulaski. R;ly i lliiiiijiiiiijiijiiijiiiijiiiiiijiijiiliiiiiii 1 ~1 idd~;~ ucrh. Rox1 .\a n·old. Brut"' &urd. Ban·~ )ta.;on Lar1 y John- on. 1 nrk John. on. R.on Thar!J. Uk k Lusk. Donna P~iCf'. Donna Zutx-. Llluri<' CriseU. Lou Ann Wllham!'lon. Cawl TE:'ti\aff Char I ~ ix. and And) ~rliiiiiiiiiiRiiiiili··~~ UGAL NOTIC5 CERTinCATE OF Bt"~l~~ Flc-tltloo" t,rm ~&mf' For Fiae 4 4 COCKTAILS~ French and Italian Dinners ~ Imported Beers & Wines 4 4 4 4 Th•• l ndf'~~~ does her<'b~ ('('rtjf) that ht> is conducting a Rt-al E tatt> busin at 406 Coast JUsthway. Corona dl"l )[ar. Calif.. und r the fict ttlous firm n~ of Opt>lleo Realty Company and that satd firm i .. composed of the fol- lowm~ pt>r-;on . who names in fuJI and plaet>S or busint>ss arE' as foliO \\ s. to-wit Wl LUAM O PELLE 406 Coa t Htghway Corona dPl ~tar. Calif. WITI-OES hl:. hand this 8th day or De<x>mber, 19:>1. r..7ea1• WlLUA.\1 OPELLE STATE OF CALIFORXlA COt'!"TY OF c R.\ '\;GE s. ON Tin~ f' da~ of ~mber. V1sit Our Beautiful Cocklail Lounge JQ'll. lx-for~ Oll' o mll'1n Public in and for !-!lid county and St.JIE'. I T<'Stdln~ tht'rein. dully commis· iCintod and 'i\\'Orn, !X'r::.onall) ap- CIIIU~i'TMA TOnti TA The CharlM> McKinnon family a,. planruof{ on Chri1>lma in Mex- ICO City. They "i ll lt>ave by plane De~. 24 and t•~ for about a ''eek. Th<'ir son Charlt'S hom<' !rom roUegt', and R01t' r . attend· ln~t Harbor Hu~h. wtU al o be on the tr1p • . ..... ~ ............. _ ...... &aDift roa LW'OII8 1116 lfadw lhd. 0.. .... = • .., ..... Merrv eltrist/111/S to Vou! With the season of holly and mistletoe. of Christmas bells and friendly greet- ings. comes an inner glow -a measure of thoughtfulness for others an inde- finable blessing known as ttw Chistmas spirit. It is our wish that this inner glow will glad<kn and enrich your Christmas ~~son. r ...................... ... Ill'S SEIFIII (}('OJNI Wilham Opt>ll!' known tn mC' 10 I}(' tht' pPrM'In '' :1t>SE' nam•' I" '-llb,cribN.I tn tht• "I thin m tru- mf'nt. and acknowl<'d~ to mt' t ha 1 hE:' t'Xl'<'\1 ttod t ht> same. t Radio Station 1 \\'IT:'\ESS m~ hand and offidal l·lillllll ............ ---.. lllllli111 ...... a. ........ ~ 'f'al ~IARY A. HAAPA ~otar) Public in and l.4guna Beach ----------Ph. 4 -6 2 9 7 * Delicious Family Style Chinese Dmners * 1 I 2 0 SOUTH COAST BLVD. --.--~ ------~ ---- Real Mexican Foods e Enchiladas e Tacos e Tamales e Chili Rellenos. etc. e Steaks Open S to t :JO p. "'· -010Md Monel..,. Cloeed Sunday, Dec. 23 TRROl'GH TUl'R DAY, ~AS. 10 -Reopen Friday. Jan. 11- ~o~ta LOCAL aea SAnONWIDE ~n11llt tlitf' Newport lfut)or .bee C. E. UeNI~ G. C. BenMtt .... .,.._ for aid rounty and Statf' M) Commiss1on expirt's July 31. 1955 . ~o. A !M.W SOTIC'E TO CllEDITOR ESTATE OF ST~~LXY LYONS Deceas<'d Sotiet-Is H~reb~· Gina to the crt'ditors of and aU 1>('rsons hav- ing claims against the said de- cedent or said r tat£' to file them with tht' necessary ,·ouchPrs in the < ffH P of th<' Clerk of the Su- perior Cou1·t or th<' County of Or- a ngt', S tatt' of California. or to pr<'St'nt tht> ame, \\ith the neces- sary \'Ouchers, to the undcrsi~;T~<'d 1 at his place or business. to-~yit: C/O Donald D. Harwood 1415 Coast Highway Corona dt'l Mar. Ca1ifomia within ix months aftE'r the firft" publiatlon or thls notice. Dat<'d ~o\'ember 23, 1951 CLARA I. LYONS Ex<-eutrix of the.' Estalt' or said decedt>nt. Donald D. Harwood Attomey for Exl'CUtrix 1415 Coast High\\'8) Corona del Mar. California Publish: i"O\'. 29. Dec. 6 13, 20 in the :1'\t'wport Harbor Ensign. AecOIIIIfl _...._ -Cteht ef •"Y lrtfl4 of 4...,._...,.._.. Itt A,.. erlce. "No collecflOfl_.... fet." We ad••-ell COlts. CREDIT BUREAU OF NEWPOU lEACH, LAGUNA lEACH AND COST A MESA 204 a~venw. A.,.. '· o. eo. ,.. ...... ,. ~tee~~. Cellf. wishes for you • • • ,. times • • • ' • • • thank ~ for listening" ..................... MADI IN ov• OwN wo• TMI LAI.UT DIS,.LAY ON TM1 .. ACifiiC COAST • T...,~ui ...._ .... w.• c .. _, S...tl. s-....... ...4 o. ........ ......... ~ ..... o..,... .w. ..... ~,s-. FURNITURE AND ACCESSORIES OpeA Su~ay ~,.. 10 •· 1ft. to 4 p. 1ft. •. -· -· -opeD ... IUSIKEIS! -s. eoa.t lmL Laguna • • • Beautiful selections ol Scotch woolens lor men, women, cbikiren. Tartan Y ardave Tartan n.. •ooc:hea and many lcok:h importa ... Claristmas ~ IMoplafora ....._..~ .Wt • • • J'O'I are .. t obllcH to IMQ. MR. 11nd MRS. DAVID GRANT CROMIE ............. and a bright NEW YEAR! Dorothy Jo Dance Studio 14U nMt Bhd. Corolla ~I Mar HArbor MM TO ALL OF OUR FRIENDS: SINCERE GOOD WISHES FOR A HAPPY DAY _,a.n 117 Cout Bhd. Se«son's • Greetings JOIN US FOR AN OLD F ASHlONED CHRISTMAS DINNER ---WITH All THE TRIMMINGS. Hurley Belt Inn 135 Coast Blvd. Corona del Mar HArbor 1273 IADETBALL SCORES ~ NewpoTt Harbor Tars were .Just edged out. 42-41, by A.Mheim J;)iday night in the fight for third place ln the Huntington Beach In- vitational buketbaU tournament. In the semt-fina:la Thursday the Tan had to.t another etc. one, 47-42. to Huntington Beech Oilers. who V.'ent on to win the title by dE-feating ~11 Gardens 41-35. STORE FOR MEN "Where women like to shop" CORONA DEL MAR 1205 Coast Blvd. HArbor 0842-J .,. * MATCH BOOKS * PENS * WALLETS * NAPKINS * STATIONERY -Work Done While You Wait- liB.,. .U: * Identification Bracelets * Watches -Dress and Waterproof * Watch Bands-"for all wallet sizes" -regulate your watch to within 20 seconds a day. . . a lso find out what is wrong if y o u r w a t c h is "sick." BUY NOW AYailable: 2112 W. Ocean Froat Newpol1 Jeada. ~ IIMor SJI