HomeMy WebLinkAbout1951-12-27 - Newport Harbor Ensign• Seventy-four-year-old Campbt-11 • M. McGhee is back in possession The 1ocaJ March of Dirnes cam-of his house at 52n Iris Ave., Co- palgn for 1952. sponsored by the rona del Mar, u result of Super- 8\atnea and Professional W o-ior Jud~e Robert Gardner's rut- men's Oub. will gt't underway ing last Friday in the suit against Wednedy. Mr. and Mr8. Chri ()('Urich. Maggie Gridtor or Balboa Island. The court decision ga.ve Mr. Me- chairman of the local drive, said G~ 8 writ of possession, clear that the minlature iron lungs. that UUt> to his prel)('rty, a ~tnt have beromt' symbolic of the or ~l. against the> ()ellrtch!l campaign, will be-gin appearin g in and a IM'~njuncti n enjoln- btmnell t'lltabliahfn('nts all over in the Oen from harmln'l the dt)' next we-ek. JJ McGbee ~ of aD)' ~ Newport Harbor campaign of tus vpe'ty. wtU 011"1 on the same day that · .,. _ _. b ' • rommunltk!s thro\.lghout the na-Mr. McGhee. r<-preS('nt"" Y fton start giving \b("lr dimes to Attorney John Martc:'ll, won th<' hel the NaUooal Foundation wr j\.tdgm('nt by defa ult. hPC&U!I(" the Jnf:ntJie Paralysis fight its ba~ Oellrlchs had flied no an~~· A~­ tk-lnst polio torney George Chula sa c A. ~arch of · Dlmcs 3--Alarm would move to S<'t aside the Judg- • flail." atarrlng the "Fire Hoae ment. The eue had ~c.:CS eou~ P1w pial or-o " nationally known af~r Mr. MeGIK"e ha ...,....._ and' radio ~ Ot-Urtcha. for fttum of hla pro- ..... " ~ Frttay, Ja. z . at ~ P"V· c~ U.t they llad not .a. 8Q a., wttll proc!te61 Canted out thm agJ~t to .,. •• • .. 'l:t.. ~ ol * =.i ';'. blm ln mum for Na A ,·oun~ expectant mother, rac- ing from LonJit Beach to the naval h06Ptlal at Ocean id(', stoppro in Corona del Mar in front of - -- romclck'ntally - - -the "Stork ftd Shad . S hop." 1211 Coast Blvd . yestt.>rday es 1ft aCtem oon. wh<'n !:he feared the bab) wouldn't wall for her to ar-( rl\'(" at the hospital delhery room. t Local ci tizt'nry. upon ('('in~ !hc~Da 'Y woman in dlst N'SS ! B nd hettnn't f ~1 tha t hf'r husband is o\~1 . callf'd Dr. Edward :-.mum. w~ offiCe:'~ arc:' right th<'rt> at the ror-• F. • ner of Goldenrod and the Hil.:h- wa). Dr. Milun1 call~>d 11n ambulan<."f' and dJspatched the young moth<'r- to-bc to Santa Ana Communlt)' Ha.pital, where the beby. se'en pounds and four ounces. was bo a short time later. 11M.' proud mott~r is MJ'8. Max- Ine ~s-on. Vivian Troutman • ~r of the ''Stork Shop." MY1 her atoft cat~ to bab68 after they are -.om. not ~<ft. F 1 N A 1. 0 ~· Aa J_..,.. d'"M ~ co.ua.. 1M-*-dry ol Ncwpan a..et.. \\'ith )iayor Les Isbell \OUDI no.· the Cit} Council )' terdllly murntn~ a~ to lnV'ltt' Arvid 0. Paule'. or th~"' tatt> RPCJ"t'at.ion ComrT\ission to makt" a ~­ tJonal surw•) of the oty (provid- ed ~,UlO\Jt eo&t 1 and tn sulwnlt a report of such ~) at a rt"gU)ar Council J'Tl('('t in~. ~ reques1 to mvlte )(r Paul ) h('re was prt'M'ott'd by ~ Park. &>ach and R.ec:rNtion ll"t~n\nrti~•km. · CA.n't we run our bunnt>SS7 " Ma,or l<bt'U c:om-~ted. tat1ng ru; ~ltim t• cettlng tht> ~tatt ln\'Ol\ t'd 1n k>- cal a ffair"'. A firt• on ttw> mommJ: bef~ C"'hrutma~ cauwd dama~ artl- ms tt>d at $9.000 at t.hf N f'WIIOI1 Plating Co . 2815 Vlila Way. N4'W-,, I r t u a 1 1 y ~1ro)lng the .· <Ouat~~Nat from Paet U ~ SenieP b} tlw wu to drill aaotbtor WU two miles lll..,nnocbt-tlll oil on~ the br-aehea otj lwN at tM OorcM dPI Mar bHcb.. from Corona c~Pl Mar aad two Hewpwt _. Belboa. APIIIL • • • 'J'ho lADe O...ch tnlJH inland from Q-)-.tal Co\'t' 1 IJAIIY • • • ~ lrviat" ~t ~-&~tee tM • • • s.me WHt Newport pro- CO "'-cil'r~iiil to fii'V\"Kte a lT-"'I:U \'eop.a of Sou~ Califor-II'PrtY o~·~~,., ~f't~ m~~k!n~ -.r-am ...... sitt' ·to thto Ell"fnf'h-1 rua" • • • A f,23.1,000 bulldlng ~~t.s to 4ri1l for oU within tary smooa DiiJtnct. on thr tdU-projPct. 24 dMolltnp • Balboa a ty llmiu tor.::t«t thHr pro- sidP allow Corona dPI Mar • • .,~. 15 bfooia~t ~by perty ril;'bu beiDc draiDed a..t.rudloD of a 18-wut· apart-Belheau Co. ol Alha~ • • • a~~~· by llw> JerciN and Maeoll _. ~:n tJw l n'ine pro-Mrs. A. E. StDdc'tm t1 _.. pr'NS-drillin.tr near 58th St. • • • AI aa ~ ......-.a 01:1nma del Mar clPnt of Zont.a. • • • ltoland aJt~ath of tht> Patty J811 Hull ....._ AYOCado Aw-. has lwft\ ap-w r.._ht of N~ Hftchts was m.>·~Qit, the Elemerltary Schoola ,..... • • • A IM.-al to con-na.med Rotary ........,t. • • • ~A he~ an opm fOI'WD dieoua-atn~et a iDa1for ~ roe4 on the F. C. Hubbu'd ... SUOC !illfUJ ...,_ aoa ~tine lO ~ mt'!tbodl of a.-.. liar Wutf wu *feeted *r 0t1 MW quaJ"t«S for the Co-curUnc .a crimea. ... sou -INStJitr wttlll Maurie Stanley nw-eo.. •• ...... lTtl ...................... W. Stuart Foote INSURANCE ~ ~ ~test. Uld o -y rona del llat Pa.t otnoe. • • • l(lllfl!; • • • Ruth ww.ne. of Q!wwil blrDed 0\-er to a ..,edal 1'tw. ~of 0Aaw•ll6ae abaft.-Balboa h1and ~ .... ouned preat- OIIIIIIIItttee *task ot y."'r'k.i.q out cloned it\ .... ~ projeet to dent of B.PW. • • • Ed MwriBon thp ,......lity of purdluJac the N tab.li&h olftcrs an a f~ ~ is tM ,..,.., ~ of Ameli- bluff &1ft fol.lowin& an on..,. ot "'~ beau. ol esceeaw c.at. can Legion Pollt 291. • • • llore P.OOO by W. T . J~PrSOn to start • • ~ A Ot,y Park. Beedl aDd II& than 18M ,...,. ral.wd for ~:lut.Jfl-IUT W. a.ao. .... u.. r...t. • • • Coupled with t.hla ctea uon Ca1Nnisaion wu f~ cation of 8a1boa BMJ. ln a fund ~~~~~~~~~~~~!! NeWJIOI't ._. Cdr. project .... the pi&D to puacbMe ••• Dick~. fonrllef' mayor, raWnc cli.nner t.lcl by the Balboa -..... : ~ .. aJ8o the Pacific E:J~ ~t-of-l"t"'dgned U ~of City Coun-lmpro,-e.ment Alan. • • • Tl "':::===========~ W.y and d eer the tracks and sta-ell, f'ffecth~ April 10 • • • Mrs. N"'-po:rt Harbor Ensign wu dHito-t .OO.tt'r Bake celet.ratlon put on ,. tlon from the h<':>-t of N"'oport. C. M. DMldn& was ~lec1ed na•4!d by Oty Cound.1 u otrada.l by t.M Oorcma del Mar BusinHS • • • 11\t' Balboa Impro,'ement Ebe.ll poeeident. • • • Tbe Red a ty ~"SP&P"'· • • • Aceept.iDa Auodat.ion. wh.ldl a•icned $250 Aun. named Drug 'tore man Lon-C.roa fund cbi\'t'. led by Carl the ~t.ion ot ttw City of the ~ to a park and nit' vtncftlt as prt'SidenL • • • Hanna. •~l O\'e'l' t.be top. • • • Park, Beach a nd Recreation Com-playground fund. • • • The Com- The N{'Wport Harbor Tars fin.i5ht?d "Tht> Qwoona ttfoJ Mar Community mllalon. Cily Council \'Oted to munitv C'h<'tlt 4rf,~ ~t ovt'r the their bukNball St>UOD tit>d for Church hu .mrted a fund ralsi.nc I scuttle the matching land method top in'lca~ than 10 days, and New- the J8.sue lead "'ith Anaheim, but drl\~ for a .-y.u-~'OU-bui.lcl .-If I or acqwrlnit Chin a Co\.~ and port was lhus for t he IK'COnd .con- a tc.a of a coin rated t.ht' '!'aft u help Pf't!Ject of constructing • ~.-11J"."{'d to purcha 11 of tht' lot secuth'{' yt>ar the first in the state .. For Sate~• Sab" See ROBERT L. BOYD General Insurance Broker HArbor2242 1.213 Cout Blvd., COM No. 1 tam for 1he CIF play-offs 000 addition. • • • The inaQCUral as a public beach b) means of a $1 to f"Xt'N'd Its quota. • • • ~ ~==Ji~41!44BDNJ[I!~ibtd6~1!!1:==~ • • • )fn; -•.J Woodla.ncl of lntncollf'gia te O'ew R~tta April monthl~ \\&lt·r· met~r cha~lor 10 Jon wa s named presiclmt of tbt' r Newport Height..s was n a m e d 14 along the north U~ O:lanMi moftths. • • • Mo~ than 2,000 Corona del M.ar Ov'lc Assn. • • • Yauac OOP pr'Nide!lt. • was .~'00 by tbe U.oi\'ft"'llty of Cali-per'IK)CU ~ re fed hot cakes a t the Verne Wallon. Corona del Mar , IIAIICII • • • Newport Harbor fomta.. • • • The ~· Balboa third annual Legion breakfast was oa.rned pres.ldent of the League Optimist.J named Malone CTex l Post Office opmed April 14. • • • J une 30. of Chic AJisodatlons. • • • Max Holmes of Corona del Ka.r as Oak-~ oC Balboa 1sland wu l't..'LI' • • • o rncis l optoninJt or Fl<-ischmann. n . owner oC the pftlident. • • • FCC in Washi.nc-appoint4!d Coundlman to ~ the ~ident:'d Balboa 81\"Ci.. was ob-Haida, commillt:'d suicide by shoot- ton denied tbe applicatioe of t.ht' Dick Drakt'. • • • Council "'"' 88'Ved July 11. • • • Considerable mg him If llt his ranch near Cor- Newport Harbor Broadcastln« Co. cet\'ed a storm of ~test.J 0\"Pr "'"' opposition ~~loped against tbt--pintt'ria. • • • A drh·e for a new for a ndio station ill Newport. mo\'a.J o! ,.,. Carnation ~uncb.t;Dg Sl month!) \\&tc.>r m<•ter charge, elementary s<'hool "'as launcht>d • • • Clff 0\apman of Udo l&le ramp a od agn"ed 10 negotiate wtth but Council \Ot€.'d the levy J ulv at a citizt>ns' meeting OcL 17 wu nanwd ~ of the Sou-t.ht' county for a ramp near the 23. to go into <'ffcct pt. 1. • • ;, c a l I e d b. the Woman's C I v i c them 0\l.ifomia Yachting ,.,_.,, Balboa Yacht <;tub. • • • City A Sho~ Cliff Property Owners t..Nague in rooJ"'('rallon ~ith the • • • Ken \\'ells was named as J~ Frank ~nt"U was named Assn. tuas been form4!d. • • • A PTA: Ln II IK'<.'Ond rn<.'eting Oct. 29 pl"eSident of ~ Foundation. Pl"'f''ident or Pacific Anglers. n.>\isc-d Newport • BaJboa ocean a $985.000 bond issue for a nt'w • • • Cit>· CounoiJ Jeued the Co-IIA! • • • B. C. and Ba.mey bl"8ch ohannel. calling for an ocean school near Corona del Ma r and rooa del Mar state beech to Dar· Huber s Mara of ~_Balboa Yacht inlet. ha been PI"'C>>X*"d-• • • additions at Horace Enai'tn School win Tatto of BaJboa. • • • Mrs. Club ",.s 0\.'!'r-all •'Ul.M'r on cor-The kick-off meeta.ng for Amt>rica wa.s r"('('((mmE'.nded • • • Ray- PauJ 0 . Da\i of OUn.a ~--e was ~ted titnt' m t.ht> fourth annual Plus ~--a held ln tM Legion Hall mond Van Ettisch, 65, former man- named pretu&>nt of' the nt'Wly or-!':ewport-~na~ Ra<X" .. • ~ • JuJy Z1, with Senator Jack T<>n· a~in~ editor of' tht" Los Angt'lt'S ._'llllized Woman 's Chic Lee~. \er .the ob)("Ct lon& of ·~ rwa.l, Ot'.} as < l>('ak <>r • • • Mrs. Her-Examjn('r. dit:'d Oct. 24 at his Olr- • • • Easter We-ek. March 17-25. the ~ewport Harbor EnsJI!tl was bt rt Thompson w• nam.>d p~-nation Cow home. • • • The wu a qu1t't on the t.hird annual dt>cla.red to be-a neWSJ)8Jll;r .... ~! du\t of th<' v~ion Auxilia l')'. city has bou~ht two lots from Har- gt>neral. oot..iol> and t.herfoby t'ligi"ute • • • On 1ts low b1d of $1.096,023 bonnast<'r Russ Cra.ig and four DDdNo biA&&s&a AUTHUR MURRAY'S 411 COAST BLVD. Corona del liar Open 10 to 10 For free daDae au~ Call HArbor 1925 Fitzmorris Realty Co. Real Estate & Business Broken Se4801l'a At th~ ~ ~ ~~ to thank all ou:r friends for their kin~ this put year and elCpres our good wiahes for 1952. ....... Jin.O..W-e EULJili:&O 1815 C~t ~ c ......... ..,. to publish k-gaJ notices. • • • A MMn and Ulrich ot Santa Ana from th Bixby estate In Its pro- comcrstonto placin~ a'rv.mony w·as wa awarded Uw ronti'8.Ct to build gram of acquirin China Co\'e wa- ht'ld May 13 for the new home of th{' 75-bed Hba~ Memorial Hos-t<'rfront propt'rt ~· as a publlc beach. the Balboa Island Comrm;tnity pital r~ar the Al'('hes. • • • Tom • • • Rt>x Brandt's second pri~e Church. • • • Bam Loughlin ~{ F rost of Newpo-rt won the 16th \\;nning "F ir$t Surge of the Sea" Corona del Mar was named P~l-annual Fllcht or tht> Snowbird.•;. at the All-City Art ExhibitiOn at dt>nt of~/~ Bal~rbo Sa,)• Uol)S AI Gt'~T • • • Qujte • battle tlw Gt't't'k Thea In!' in Los Anirel<>S • • ~ dt>wportri ha.Jf ~enkrx 1 d.-t•loped O\er tht> proposal of the \\as tarc:et of rt'd-baltin~:t critiCA thf> alr u "':..~ . M t HI ~ ~chool t rw:t<'H to hne the "ho ~;aw a ~m.-r snd slcklt> in Pf'OI:nlDl Satuo·U<Iv e\·emng, ·~ " .. th"" · · t'-~ U· 1 l"' L A throu h arra~n tnPn macif-JSchool stte annt-:o.;ro to the d ty or .. m~1~a on '"""sa , a "r . . 1 19. th{' E~ n and ~I R.e ,-ter :-J wport nt~ach ; opposition. bast>d Coun<:•lmen apol~zC'd to Rex. ~ lson M~ ••• l:run-J)IUTU'll'il~ on thP 81')!Um e nt of , ••• Rf'~'· Jame · s. Stewan or : e R be .,:. r ......, R · rwjd,• .. camC' from Costa l\Jesa 84•\erly H1ll lc; the ne"' minister t!'trator o rt onron o t.n.: oa~ ""' · -At St· A d-,.~ P b t 1 a Mrmorial H tal died M • 19 lll'OU.J>S • • • F 1rst war dcac1 to tw • · n '~ .. '"S • r E' s Y t' r n NOTARY PUBLIC We main taln 111 t of quallned bu)'t'ra. Add your name and wanta. in conridenc:e, of 00\.liW 813 Coaat Blvd. Corona dt'l Mar HArbor 2.152 F or Hlgh Quail ty llcpe~ Rentals -Income ProPertY See ROBERT L. BOYD Modem Realty AssQdate 1213 Coast Blvd. Corona del Ma.r HArbor 22t2 af~ -·'r ~ t k a)·h 1. 1 rt?tumf"d to tht• Harbor AN-a was Church. ·u~rn~ Rev. Tom Glb-1 ter "'w <'rmst a s ro, e ~ 1 t> c J .. _ h f on. • • • Corona del Mar Bank t.>r --"""""'::'lli~~l:-lll'"'"'..::nr--~ P~ayin.: golf ••• Oil drilllnto: orpot·ul om.n> Jlug cs, son o ,,. \' 0 ... _ ... K.i • , __ .._..;UL=;..';..;'I'&=~PLA==ft!f=;;.;O~--. • · jo 1 :\1~ Rud~ \\'e-t-nd of Balboa • 1m an ~·"~' was nam,-u wams , is f'mc'rgmg as a ma r $SUE' • • .... • 4 brought to a h(-ad by the cfulco\~ tand of plane builder and mO\.ie PI'(' I nt. Silver PI01ers e!'}' that oil drilling mud had es-vrodu<.'t'r Howa rd Hu£th<•. 1 • • • NO\~•:k • . • • The El<>-ADd Sllversmftbs c.aped from the drilllna altt-above Los An~t•les A ttomey D u d 1 t' y menttu·y Schools Trust~ set Jan. 1 Repair _ Re!lniahfnc _ Replate eoron3 Highland$ and had Oo--ed Furse ~on a uperior Court order 1 as datr for the $985,000 sct"IOOI Gold Sliver Copper B all the way clown 10 Uttle COrona du ... ~dng I~ d tr 1o i ·ue a build-bond eJ<'Ction. • • • About 70 cars N~ ~unity c:bU: beAch. • • • Shell Oil Co prom-i.nt: permit for his 0\ins Co,·e .lotnf'd the Arbor Day paradfa Nov.l 1914 Harbor Bl~ .• Costa Mesa ised to clean up tbe rotarY mud. propert y 4 on lots included in 1 he 3. R.n occa ron fo r plan tin~ the BEaCIOil 5113 ...,_ tJ wu ted a ,...,_.;i o ty acqul§ition program I; the ,lx>ll or Balboa Blvd. • • • O r--==============s:u:~::::ucn==Y==gra.n====--=~··-ell) had ftled condt.'mnation pl'o-an~<> Coun ty publishers got artt>r ; CE'('dines a~t I h{' property.l thl" wcr proj(-ct s t a 1 e m 8 t e, WoW .. • • • More than 40 pt>I'S(Ins, In-thrashC'd out the problem in a spe- cluding Clyde Denling<'r of Bal· cial meeting with Supervisor \Vii- boa. a.nd J acl> Fow 1 of Santa Ana. lis Warner. workt'd out a compro- Margaret L. Scharle Tee.cber of ...... Orpnlst -ACCXIIJ4lenblt ~taLl 307 OOLDENJtOD AVE. Corona del Jlar fii<X-d federal charges after an misc plan wh1ch Mr. Warner and FBI raid on bu.tt. in i"t wpor1 Har-his Huntington Beech district bor and eizur<> of slot machines. could ~ a long with: and In subse- • • • Troy R. Proctor of Ne"'-QU<'nt met'tings of sanitation d irce- port was a rrt>Sted Aug. 25 at his tors the compromise plan was ac- apartm nt roUOWlng the fatal ooptPd. • • • S tAnley HadliPid of b<'ating ot his common-la\\ wifP. Balboa Island was named chair-,.....----..:.;:=:;=:......-----, Mrs. Dorothy Schindler. The man or the local Red Cross Vera Williams cha.rg{'S were di mt ('(I nn a t h·l bn.nt·h. • • • Actin'! on the r<'-Member of M. T. A. nicalit) a nd Proctor sinoo has quest of the League of Civic Asso-Teachfto of t>t>m m.i~ ing. • • • Sh{'ll Oil Co. ciatio ns. Cit~ Coundl pl"('scnted a PIANO aDd VOICE llllrtoune<-d abandC'I'"Imt>nt of its form!ll pt'Ol<'S t to lht> County S u-Spedal Training f "t-tl nc-a r Corona llighll'ln& a ft{'r JX>n·ison: again 'I establi'hjnJt a 313~ M~r ~~· falHn t: to find oil a t 9.000 feet. pro' en oil field near Wt'St Ne"'-Balboa • • • Big gamt> huntint; at Short? port. • • • Th{' neow Chnm!X'r of Cliffs : a mountain 1ion w tw; ~ C'ommcrc.• orfl<X' wu dt>dicated porl(ld ()l'O"'Iing th{'re. No\. 14. • • • Carl Thomas was fl't:P'I"EMBEit • • • Ground-<'lcetcd president of the Realty 'breaking for Hoag Memorial Hos-BoaJ'd. • • • A smaU group of ~tal was held Sept. 13. • • • M.rs. Cliff Ha .... en residents launched a Raymond Kent Harvey "'a named drhc' for ~,IU\nexatlon of the tract Dn~k.'nt of Harbor Panhellenic: to the Ch.y. · • • Approval "'as given for a DllCt3111ER • • • 0 I I w a a Roan. Inc., manufacturing plant struc k Dec. 6 on city owned land at ~ Seacraft boat yard on Mar-on Bushard Rd. on the other sule ~. Mile. • • • A movement of the Santa Ana River. • • • .. under way to change the name Elections: Rev. Herbert Roth, the city to N t'WJ)Ort Harbor. p r e ' i d e n t of the CouncdJ of • • ~ Derby Oil and Gu Co. Churches; Harry B~tt. preai- Monrovia off~red community oil dent of the Newport ~ Saillne for oU drilling withJn dty ~.: Convene WW"dftnann of ln w~ Newport .••• Balboa bland succeeded him' liS took Frank R.aJul, 47. OWIW'T' Balboa Yacht Club Commodore; Harbor. Sept. 11, in A.lcron, George Can1ngton Jr., Commodore Lawre nce K. Gundrum M.D. ' 174.1 Superior Ave ... Costa Mesa Pract:Joe limited to Di8euee ot Ear, Noee, Throat; AJ1erv Office Hours: by Appolnm.nt BEacon 65(M or HArtM:Jr 1031 Day or Night Paul Schwenzft'ier, of Co-ol the Lido ble Yacht Club; Sam del Mar, ~. 19; Fred KinalaU.., llaJter ot Seafartftg ,.... ............. -. Newport reattor. Sept. a Lodtle 708. • • • C.O...t>-SaNta-Aap~s. • • • Cound.lmeft Uon ~ called for the aale Baltz Mortuary caiW ''Vadllatlng hl'Pocrits of a.aoe,ooo in boncll to cet the a... .., .... Han" b, Pabllftr 8en ltl!d-outfall RWet" procram ~ wa)'. ~ for not I"'Onn tbrOQIIl wtth • • • A propoaal to ~umber H.Afti'Ka G PI'UIICWl fer a eut4f I'OIId at Cout Hllhw&Y addreaes ...... de-Corona del Mer St. bdweefl Newport aDd Bal-layed folJowiDa proteets from Co-• ~~~~ ~. • • • ICidc-off rona *I liar l'llei"Cbant.. • • • In-• Anlpie Oli..Stftet ......_ the Sti.OOO Oarnmunit)' O.St eluded in the U.t of pri8onen beiDa ----------_J c1riw wu tw1cJ Sfipt. 30. Mid It)' Communlstl wu c.pt.. D1111a OassiftM IICII ....._ ..... ~ • • • A record. aJ. J8te Booker, hwbancl of the lMt a....,._ -c ra~ ...,_. ~ 1,500 lei'Wd, -wt In tM Corona dPJ M.ar 1'\'euul'e n.y. W d _.. Ill II ~ 0.. third annual n-.we o.y. and quH'n. ..._, ....._ .,._ u1t. .. ~ Cout Ewnlnc College wUJ becin Winter term claaws of the Adult Educa tlon program on Monday, Jan. 7. Prt--l'f'gistratioa wiU be held Jan. 2, 3 and 4 from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. The~ WID also be registration in the f'\'el\lng from 4S:30 to 10 o'clock, ~Inning Janu. acy 7. , Fort)'..U c1aucs ~ being or- • fe~ during the winter term. There 11 a new OOUJW In the "En· richrnent of Uvin1" t.aught by Paul Delp. A bule elf'mentary theory COUI'IIe In Electl'Onlcs will be taught by Ray Mickelson. Mrs. Kenneth OooUng will pret~ent her "ParUunentary Practi<X>'' co..,_ In Corona del Mar this term , aacl Mia Gwe1 Brockman, fashion cle- •l.lner. will concluct course. In "Sewtac'' and ''Tailoring." a J OHN PAYNE RJ IONl>A F LEMING In- ' 'CROSSWINDS'' ~ Grorgc> Pal's T('('hnicolor Fantasy -also STEVE COCHRA:"I:F in - ''THE TANKS ARE COMING" OSCAR E. k XAPPE, of ~Mot~· dNo. operatnr-tDol .. ~f'r of u-.- Callfoy QII.Co. aad MU\f' ~r , n Olfoco C..ty. haa ~ Ills o e dJdac-)· for <'•~ from lN-n••"1y-formf'd ~"' <'OftCT·H- 111-.1 dh1trit't, whk'h IDt'lud~ bottl Oranc-e County aftd th .. ~rn ~Uoo M i'\&n Dlf'ltO Ceat). M r. KaaPPf' I• pt'f'til· .._t of tile E~ondldo KJwa•ltl ct ... aMI IIH'IIIIM-N of t111e lA· ~raa board f or tl\f' IIOI'fte fnr Ute Alf'd I• 8aD DJe>trO Co•ty. lh Ia • n-ctstenod Kepab~Jt'all ......... to ~ .. ~ "'"· ftf' '" ~ aiM! .._, U.rf'l" dau-"· ..... • 'Forgotten.Ones' Are Honored ~o~ .. c:-: ..... ,.._ A P ~h • p dent. Mrs. F"ra.nk J\WdM II re-t re"-"~ nstmas · arty j S~~~wi~h=~y== .. • bral hemon-hage nw J ....... Forgottt>n W~.' so-narn«t Pl'<"~·nlf'd to <·ach of the-honored former owners of CrOWD llanl- bt"Ca.use the-Jr btrthdays fall so I{U 1 . wal"l', are now livmg an »•~ <'lose to Chrlst.ma.s that tMy al"l' Otht'r stU<' lS from th4o Harbor Park fl'f!q uently O\'erlookf'd, wer:e en· a rc"a "('re ~tmes. Mantak Dt>ar· ';iiil!iii~~iiiiiiiiiiiiii-.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii tt>rtaJned at a pre-Christmas born. Fannit" Sands, Anna ~i· 1 luncheon by Mrs. Mamie Foote of ch<>ll, ~tadre Snod~V& . Anna Pal· 200 Sapphi~ A\·e •• Balboa ~lsl&nd. mt-nt<>r Maurin Blhen. Lorram«.> .. -.. -C... Mrs. Foote, ~rtelf, ls one or Jl'n.c.>n, lona prai'J . Lucille ...... A P II t~e "forgotten" "''Om en. with a Holtl, Irma Rutter LM>na Grif-""'*" .._... · birthday on 0<-c. 21. Others feted ' · 1I'EW-._,..,.. were Bertha Tillotson, whost-fan Flotenet> An<k-rso,, Grace COSTA ~ MA,_ CO. birthday Is Dee. 5; Rachel Wiley, W<>bb and Mina Iv . ~~~~~·iN~e~puu~lt~~..._~~·~~-i-i'~ O...>c. 26; and Jo Freitag. New An evening of cards followed Year's Eve. Birthday cake was th(' birthday dinner. \V(' ha' e many bright. new 'tot·c> nnd bw;lne plae in :-.;ro" port Harbor, s;iving \ i I· w,.., om of tht-ir most Vl\;d tnd pkac;ant 1mp re aons ~'f uur Ill\\ n You'U find \Jm I Ia~(' " lcommg you to uue t1f th largt'St and fin<'St at :"1:€'wport Furniture. wh<ore he 1 a partner with Les Blake • le) • Van i · t~ pical o r the many ) oung b u s I n e s s m en who chose Newport Harbor after the war a a community with a future. He recognized the unique qualitie whJch make at an ideal plaOe for a busi· nt>Ss and a family home. fte Ne:=.r HariMw ...,.. Since chool days In hi ... .._ ~ -a: lrW nali\'e Los Angeles. Van ha .. , been "on his own", buHdl'ng c..rt te ~ a •" f ,_ c-· ..a earc.aa ....... ..-~ to r he financial re erve neces- ; IR* d ,....ae .a.. ,... ry for establishing a sound bu i.,confarmt'd f&mil): man". !!8'' Van . ....... .,. law. nes In a promising locality. "The ehlldrt'n have farst ·C'8ll on i!~i~=~~~~iii5 WARTIME TllOOP IXPDJITER m) tliTle, and will for P\'t>ral co .. n~c. suo\: .. Tales of Hoffma n" -------WAnt arts mak• t>\C'ryday <'~<tit'r. :'-lnrv ·• '' .1nt i'l Durin't the war. he wa_s \\ith the ~·ears to com •" pa n~tPr traffic dhision of th(' \'an is also a customer of :"~w· Santa Fe. Troop transportat1on port Balboa Fl-d raJ. and one> who wa! his pedal field. Thi in· knn\\~ thr-,uch «"~rtentX' that a \Oiwd Ncf)('djtint: of wholl.' tra1n. sound pro~ram of sav1n1: for busi· IIOlld ol troo~ and oftPn ridintt nl.". 1nd Jl('rson!ll n<'Pds ) ~n 1m- tiM> train. to do it Pl•rtant ,<'<'Urtt~ factor fnr any Th war O\ r \"an and hi part· f&mlb You'll find that a ~,;n n r accumulatf'd th(' means to ~('('rlllnt "ath u ha~ doub~ \8IU<'. makl.' th ir start It tak cour· " h tf<' &nd "<'<'Ure Nch ac- l'!t> <tnd in1ac-inalion to look at a rount in urE'd to a total of 10.000 \A("8 nt ~ndlot 11nd a lart:l." and .and it l't'tum hlli!h dl\,d nd.s. ~Ut1hll Cum1tur<' tor~> bot tht''t \\ •· h•\(' n<'' <>r patd Jc--.. han 3 did ''· and arrang<'d thl.' n('('(' ·_ P• rt't•nt (lt'r annum m our 1~-~ ar 'i.81') addatlonal b3ckin~ to t'&rr~ h1''?~ the• pmJ('<'t to ('(,mpl<>tion. Th<'' \\ h~ 11ut plan nO\\ to tram;fn haH• mad,• an out. tandant: Olnt..;'. your a\ m~:-. llf'C"l unt to us at rhr bution an dl'\elopment or tht> hop-'art of then<'" ~ear"-~<' are pin~: N>nl<'r alon~ the busy :\far-man~. ad\antl\{'t"'-, and 'h''d hkt-tn in<'r's Mdeo or thE' Coast Hi~thway.1 E'~pl~m th<'m to ~ou personal!). and a n out t&nding SU('C('SS of \ou II ftnd ph·nt~ or rnrkin~ J)il<X' th<>ir nwn busin . {l.l~t',ldt' uut· nfficv Wt• hope H ~ou shouJd .foU~· Van around. )OU II rom<> an '(lOn &nd s:-hf' u:. the \OU'd find that con<'entration and 1 pl :-t~,1tn' or <'"f'ndin~ a pi• 't'-rtnt hard \\Ork aa•t-t\\O main faetfiN in hnl th~ •t"l'\'11111: ll., ~ou 1n p.-orson. 1\1 o;chl'mC' of thin~ His busa- 0<'"' lt•a V<'l> a little time O\~·r for h11, t'l'\ icx' club. Rotary. and for 'U<h tX'aal actl\itil'S as those or lht' ~UI ( ld r!l, Of which he was r•n· 1d nt last ~ear The f'('main· d r of hi time ~tX' to hr charm· tnq wife, tht>1r thret-ehil~'n and th 1r home on Udo I le. ·I'm a With the New SUPER X CHASSIS ••• --=================----.::throu~h USt> of :1 and Panel Shades in AU Greatly Reduced! • A L I. ...&..A L F. ~ F I S A I . 0 ~ ~ A I. F.. I T T. l( • SHOP - .. Vl8l' 8D FA'I'IID ~ Sam Kauffman• or 701 Goldenrod Ave.. Corona dl'l Mar, travelled north for the holida)'l. piiiiii. ~ WIOI'k el the mediate Scout ~ made~ Ole k t1.a u. et "--· ftfth, llxth and ~th Ballots ror the election ot ax ...,_ llutlar Girl Scout Couaell pads; one 8th 11"8de troop, OM cti~ of the Newport Ha*r "~bey l~ villting Mrs. Kauff· man'• father, R. E. Austin or Atu- cadero . ...... b Mra. P. V • .,_ ... .._ ll.ariMr Seal« troop and one Chamber of Comrnerc:e wtU be A SAN l"aANCI8VO HOUDAW ..,. and the ~ Semor Storv1ee troop beinll f01'1'ned. malled·to pakl .. rnembftoa o1 the Just honw in time for the hoU-~ the followfns lnforma-attmded mother meetlnp, .. ve ~-oft.r the nrst ot the days is Muon Stier, Newport U. II liven: helped form troop commltt..., YMJ' and the results wtU be tabu-Hetaflts. Mr. Siler arrived home Naw'PiAi t Ha..rt.oc-.._. 35 Blow*' ...._ ca...., a18 and In one latH Jan. 10. n. nomlnatlac :lu~t ~-~~ee~k=f~ror~n~, ~a::;;•~oee~k~'•::;;va~ca~tlon==~:===~=~:======~ ....._. -• ~ ol tlllrd ud bwtance took owr ae.denhlp ot a committee hu praent@d the fol-In San Franc:Uco. laula ......._. &ndN; etpt Inm-troop wMn the ae.der had re-IOW'lna •late of candida~: HOME~OANS klllt ....... ... NoatWyPa,....- -ft . We oHer you the facilities of the Largest Federal Savings Aaaociation in Orange County ,_ .... -C4lf4lel ....... "'""""',.. ....... allfted. • • • .,=.= s~T ~~~ 'lbe ~ cbalnMD are: brook and Lonnie Vincent. Newport Beacb -lilrL FraDir Balboa Wand Cone vacaacy)- Biack, Mn. Gearp Stewaa, u-Dr. 0 . G. Sueu and Harold llataat. (who a-.. oa PubUclty Chriltler. ~ Oammlttee); Newport lletllbtl -Corona de) Mar (one vacaney)-Mn. ll. A. Ollllbut; eon-del Dr. A. E. Stockton and RuDell Mar-Mn. B. N. Dt...._.,l. lin. Hampton. DaDiel J:bberta. ...a.tant (wbo ll.lr8de IIUe (one vacaney) - took OWl' ~pol troop wben Jot. Boyd and Sam Kauft!Dan. ~); Balboa laland-Mn. Newport Cone vacaney)-Hadd Arthur Kruaer; Balboa -lin. Rbw and Roland Wrilbt. · fnod Woodworth; Senior Scouts-1'f.e new clrector~ and otftcen Mrs.~ Uirth. wtU be Introduced at the u.ual • • • Olamber cllnMr dance at the BaJ· s=. the ~k-end ot Nov. 30 Dec. 2 at the Girl Scout Houle wel"e 37 aeprwe"ta-tives of the NaticiiJal Aa.odlitiae or Girl Seoutl. RetdoD 12 (South) wblda .. Phoenix. 1..u v .... UMt California frGm Santa Barbara to San Dleao • .ent thetr members to hMr and ciUM:ua the National GlrJ Scout Cclrlventlon which took place Jut October. • • • Board members of Girl Scout Council 0( N~rt Harbor met OK. 4 at the Scout House. Mrl. Everett Nunan, pl'ftldelit, presid- ed. The January Alsociation ·meet- Ing was dlscUIIed u well u the Juliette Low procram. Sixth erade troop problems Wft'e gone Into. SUdel of the Arbor o.y Parade \\'t're ahown before atljoumrnent. boa Be.y Club Thunday even~.na. Jan. 17. Certlflca tt"S ot I'Mrlt and the man of the year award will be announced at the dinner dance H61dover clrectors a~ Tom lkf- fernan, Arvo naa.-. Harve;y Som· en, Ben RHctick, John Keeler. llawie Sta.nley, Tom Norton, Bob Callis and Monte Grimes. MayaDtt. clrw t1M1t you hold dear be recdmed lDthia New Year. WE WISH ALL OF OUR FRIENDS OLD &NEW Alll'f IIWB! CAW:'S del M~r PIIDDCY "The Prescript i on Phermecy " Plan to Welcome TheGalaNewYear-1952 11M! U. S. l)eopartment of Justice hal issued a reminde'l' to aU alieni that they must IUbmlt CW'J'ent ad- dress report~ through any U. S. Poll Office durl.ng the period January 1 to 11. Under the ame1tded law any allen residing In the United State~ on January 1. 19152, 6cept one In an authorlud temporary atatus, mustootlzy~~r~ Immigration and Naturallzation. Wuhlngton, D. C. of his C\UT'eDt addrea within 10 days t.hefteftet' and during the aame period in eech~gyear. '!be addrea report card ( Fonn I-53) should be used in makiDR the required reporta. Form I-53 may be obtamed at any PWt Of- fice, on and after Jan. 1. Thcle cards should be turned In at any J)08t office or poatal 1tatlon. ~Y 11re not to be mailed. Tile addrea ~rt Ia an annual requirt>ment and is not to be con- fu.ed with aUton ~tl'adon. An allen redding In the United Stat& oo Jan. 1 must make ~ a4ldrfta ftP)rt ~ yar, ..,..tMr he llfEiltoalb' Nlllteted U Ul ... or PIE.,... Ill W .. Ill CW. AT THE Surf Dinner House 701 EAST OCEAN BLVD. LONG BEACH. CAl&'. - -SEAFOOD STROGANOFF COCKTAILS & ·MIXED DRINKS [~~] ~ Surf Diruver House Your Hoth: STEVEN CARMINE end ~. I . RESTOVICH FR .E PICKUP AND DELIVERY c .,. ..... , .. ~-Q s.M .. . 504 Coast BIYd. S CORONA DEL IIA& Call HA 3176 CLEARERS State U censed and Appi"'Ved From 2 to 6 YeaTS ' Supervised C:are and Constructive Play IUtA~NABL& aATIB Open 5 dayw per week-8 to 5 TranaportaUon Furnlahed 190 E. 15th St. OOSTA IIIC8A ............ .., Acc-h-...... _cw-.. "' ~'"' of 4.t.._.~ "' Aa-eric.. .. ... .:.~.~ ........... .. w • .4ft-.. ...... CREDIT BUREAU OF NEWPOaT lEACH. LA&UNA IIACH AND COSTA MESA P.O.'-Jt6 ...-.c.~~. ...... lft"'&&aa ..................... AODft I'Oa LYOR ·-llcabor lhd. Oellla .... .. _..,_ ..... All hospitals In Orangl' County have been asked to comply with a Health Department order which imposes restrictions on the number of vi.litora permitted In OO.pltal maternity clepartme\ts, according to a statement ~leued by Dr. Ed· ward Lee R~. County Health omcer. The ordet' provides that only one actult vllltor may be allowed per patient for any one vtsltlnc P""IOd Further, aU mothers aiv· tng a penonal history of diarrhea or dlarrMa UIIOftl memben of thetr famllles at the time of ad- l'lllll:loe to tbe t.c.pltal wffl be lm· mediately eecrepted from otMI' maternity petlenta. Since Augu~t, four cues wtth one deeth due to diarrhea of the newborn have been reported by hoq)ltabl or the eounty. FURNITURE AND ACCESSORIES MADI 1M OUI OWN WOKINOPI AMO '"'&Alent ..u..AY OM 1M1 MCMC COAST • "-'-'"-~ w .. ~ s-1\ S.. ...,. ~ Din allcza ......... ~ ....... --~ ..... s.--. MOUSE I GAIDIN .. , c-. TO PROVIDE We ThaAk You Polly Apparel Women's Wear Ch1ldren's Shop 1833 Newport Blvd . Costa Mesa Phone BEacon 5353 tit c-.t .... !..... ow.. .. .., -Home<fNde pies Mel caAI 1 • HeYing • ,..ty? PHONf HA.IOl tliO for A TAm SNACK TO TAlC£ OUT. -- Ti-iE ~oco AT THE !..OW EST PR1CE ' We Will ILL , .. 011 EAT Have a WITH COLESLA Vi AND FRENCH FRIES *** wiUl a BIG St"CIUckod patio. idee1 tor childN'n to play in. or for ~ Upi to r-elax in. Ttua two-bedroom and aun- room rotta.,. ";th a wann lmotty puX> intenor and alr tight atucoo ~xv•nor ts a livable )' ar-'round homti. Best ot all. w priC(' 1 low. 114M~~~ Stanley Hadfield lteattw Ill lllartlle ....._ ...... ....... EXCEP110MAL NEW YEAR'S VALUE CORONA DEL MAR Duplex lncom<' • • • 3 ~cars old. Each unit lf.'ased • -• and has 2 bedrooms. fireplace. hardwood 1 oak floors. rtoor furnace, din- ettt.> '''"'· Located south or hi~hwa). P.-rf~t rondltton in· stdP and out ln~ fl~ month. 516..U Priced . • • • BALBOA ISLAND Attractive 2-bedroom tumisbed home. Parquet oak floon. double nragt-· • -tdeel tach ~~ prie('d 510,750 ~-~~~: UAil\'EY 0 . PEA Park .... Apl4" - --... fro~~~ FMTY BALBOA I~LAND IIAJlB()It &11-\\' ,,. lfnclud<'S lmpouncis 1 Brand nt>w 3-bedroom home. t.argP Jivin~t room, C1replaet>. dinml! t.>U, hanhn lOCt ..(~oors. lot.s o! lilt> OodiPS of dos<>t ~C<>. co,·ered patio. largt' dOuble ,_.arattt>. 80' \\;dt> lot. Best t-ac:t sit1<> loca ton. Co \8 M , l.<l" mol'\thlr pa)- $10,950 ~nt..s. Full pttc<' You n look (rom now on but you can't beat thLS. PHD. SUIJ.IV AN GEO.EVERSON I IS6 N.wpon IW-4~ Cotta MeN ( A.crou fro"' Coria M'-e leill) BE 7123. 5458-J-Eves. HA 3157-W $5 000 down bu~·~ charm· 1 an~ 2-hf-'(11'\)(>m & dt>n, 1 a, h·tt h. 'If'" hom I' complt 1 ~ • u r n 1 " h e d and read~ to 0<:'<'''''~ $19 500 Full praC<' I Keys ot 1301 Co.'\st BoulE'- vard. Coron t dt>l 1a:. l'tl. HA 1741 or .... , •• HA ltl ·M Lot No. 81 t lNO.B 'I'Rt' TI!D \'IKW Call HArbor 1134 A GREAT BIG thank you to everyone who helped me w in my bike. -lOitEN FLETCH~ ror sale Both have panoramic view of harbor f'tltra.net> and bey. Both t·<>.a nably pri~ Owners willln.c to ACC(>pt offprs and will give terms to N'tlponsible partlt>s. Tht>~ are lar&f'r homt> nd sultabl to tht> most fastldlous bu}'f'r. Shown by appolnlmt>nt onl~ BAPPJ. NE YEA&! ....... a. L,_ ... ...._ L ._,_. &e&lt.on -, .. N ....... a..IM ••u· ... .- 411 C... loale-.ard CORONA DEL MAR Fann'ea••.IIDW ...... .., .......... 2-bedroom ·col tage on «1 R-2 lot. bloek a.nd haJr to ~ Bh d . and beach. A fine nl'tdl borhood m Wbidl to It' t>, wath room to buiJd ad· dJttonal tnl"ilmt' unit. Sume Lar~e 2-bedi'OOm home plus gul•st apt.. "hich l"ill tH> madt> tnw inl'Om<' CJoM> to markt>t . L."UUd str<"l't. lluml' 1 Ull) m~ulated 15'~1() u, wg room, flagstone.> hea t-o-latPt fur n:lrt• l. .. ar._, '' rn- do . Dining room. Con' nJl'nt kitcht•n and nack bar. Bath tub and ep.arate I!IB!'s ent'lo <'d llllO\\t>t'. Mt>rc.·ut~ ~;t ch<'". Car- IX'H>d wall-to-wall. Vi?tWtian blinds. Orap<•s. Watt:>t' soltenf.'r. Mastl'r bf'Ciroom with door to patio. FE>n<'(•d ~12.500 yard. CO\ ered lanaJ Pt iC<' only • Balboa Peninsula Bay Front Home Ab<iolut.. Primo• Locatloa • ':---!---1 -·-bt-dl'OOIIIL • :1 batb~-- - • .f:lCtnt lot t'~t<>nds throut.th to • fUrntiUII' ~11 -ancludt>d On!~· • t ,., r~ '"" dcown pa.)mPOt and low month!) p:t)Jll('nls \o re- ron,.ihlt> bU~P,r Earl W. Good h ur·anCt.> loan 8\'ailable or submit tPrms • llalboa Bhd. Pil"r and Up • STANLEY Two c>parate hous(>S on cm nt>r lot each untt has 15'x18' liv- ing room. Fireplace. Pan£'1 ray h('at. YoWlKStown kltcheru . CablnPt!l Elm wood. U\·lng rooms lined ~16.500 Good "ith South Am«>r. wood. Ver~ attrac. prop. • w""" • Furnish('() ProJ)l'rt~ ot no (ur- lht>r USt' to owner. . 0 TU El' \\'.\ST It !IOid. ~~ Realtor tla eeut -...... ODII IIAitler .. ,. 1)01 c...t ~-c.... ....... HA.rt-1741 • HAIW 1477 ~: HAIW Jtl-W HERE ARE A FEW OF OUR au.& REALTY CO· cood bt'*llth . . . • • • ICfiHd C'ht..-r • tr•lOCI fnrtunt> ln th .. Sf'\\ l ' .. ar. Crut's l'uidtue & Applicmces Schwinn Bicycles Ray Stedman 1574 Newport Blvd., Ca.ta Mesa. BEacon 5128-J Nt-wport lllri. at Btu. St. N'EWPOitT "" l .. • YEAR-£.'\jO CLEARANCE SALE '16 Ford M d1x C'l. rp rA:h $ 945 '11 Ford C'oun. SQwrt-. rldt 2360 • 10 tudf.' Cuu()l· • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • '51 Ford ::.•4 n r&.h 164.'5 -~Pll"J.'71" Plano. Jjk<' ne". Stunning co e. Big. round cJ ar tone. A n-a I Jo~ to beaJ and . peciaJ C'hri tmas pnce. $395. One onl). OA.~Z-SCHMIDT BJG PIA.."'O . ·ronE. Santa Ana. 520 No. Main, Cor. 6th. S~O\\'BIRD and .salls, doll hoUSt• and rurnH ur~: unu.:.ed OO\\ girl oulltl 430 Avocado. COM. ACCORDION. Used: full 120 bus. Wall saeriri~ ror $95. Terms. thers k>w as $125, $145. DANZ- SCJ fMTDT,, 520 No. lain. Cor. 6th. Chrislnla.S Sale. Santa Ana. RADlA_:I.'T I:U heater. good cond. 10. Cir•clulating gas ht>ater $15. TYJX'"riter •large t)'J)el S25. 510 Ottan Front. Balboa. HArbor '18 Cad 61 ~d . r&h &: hyd immaculate 2285 ·~ FordSNWn 1~ '12 ehev At-t•o Sed. r&h 665 '39 Ids G Sed.. r&h 37'3 't FOf'd .Dlx. (.'pq h. 99.3 ·-,o Oo<btt> C'p. j~1 hi«-Mw lS95 Your F(RO ~r BEacon 6604 !':.-wport Beach Hours \V{'t>k Days 8 'til 6:30 ~unda~ & HoLidays 10 'UI 4 12i0-J. ------------- '32 Jlt!O ON 8 &roan. orig. fi nish. FoR RE:'IiT 1-bdrm. nlcel)• rurn 56.000 a ctuaJ miJt•s t::xC<>IIt>nt apt. l.-11 ~\.' liv. rm. &t gar .. tran portat1on. HA 0701. ir!'aUnd floc)r. yrly. ""'l., adulta BOAT ror -'llt•. 12' Gla per, hk 1!!3 01dud, COM. HA 2437-J-K ne\\. i 12 h.p. M rcul), tarp. an-t:~F\.,~'\j . l bdrm. a,pL, firepl., c hor. oars. sand dolly, "185. See ~ar .. dtspo 1. View owrlookin~ Mr. Grimstnd at Balboa Bay harbor. Sto,·e A rcfrlg .. avail. Club ur <' ll HArbor 1093-J. mo .>r~. Call HA 13~\V WORN twaC\' wath prld . ~lling <.:D:\t APT 3 rms. & b:lth. cum With hoJX' of $15 •. ont.> pmk cian<x.' mel. util 167.50 yearly. Adults ~e · , l<'t'n·age sm• 9. CaU HA HArbor 2490. U09, 9 to-12 a. m. 1 ___;;..;;.;::...;;.;;;.;....;;;..;..;;.;;.;... ______ _ ENGLISH Bl'LL pups, 6 wks. old. 1-R~RM. furn. Q!r. apl., disposal Rf>q. champion stock. Sun. onl~ $7;,, lncl utils. 4.28\i Avocado. ~6 Catalina Dr .• Newport Hgts. Corona <k>l ~1ar. SPY GLASS. 16 power, Koll Mor· l-ARGE FTRN. room on ocean ~an Optical Corp. $40. BEacon front, for 1 or 2 until June 15 6392-W. I Kitchen priv. $8 per wk. 1129 HAMMOND ORGANS! The great E. BaJbo3 Bl\d., Balboa. HArbor Hammond Q)ord Orpn. U yo.u =::J-:::J22,· :;..-=W=-==~--..,.-......,.--.,...,.-.­ don't know a note, you c:aa play C'OZV Ft.:RN. apt. for 1. Liv. rm this! The Hammond Spinet Or-~ with Hid<>·a·btod sora Nl~ bath to.t cmd Found I can. World'1 most beautiful and kltch.:-n. Yt-nrly rentAl, mo· tones. Easy term•. DAN z -deratP. 710 Mari~old, CDM For Sale · SCHMIDT Plano and Orpn Co. HAJ'bor 3025-W. LOST Strtped orange, lon~-hl\lr .• '51 MI:'\'X CO;>\\'T near!) new. 6th St. spccted horse meat, r~ dellv.ln · · I Santa Ana. 520 No. Main. cor. FOR YO R PET-U. s. Govt. in- mall' <'3 t : approx. 11 lbs.: an-lu" mi. 200 wot th of t•xtras. SPINET Pianos. New and used. Harbor Arce. Hidy's P<.'t Sup- swer:. to r1ame of ''Rasmic." No ta x. $1750. ItA 0637 -.J 316 , Baby SpiJll't $295. Christmas plies 1r Sporting Goocta. 600 Strayed from 519 Hazel, ~M.. Poppy, COM. salt' nn All spinets. Over 100 Coast Blvd. COM. HA 1293-J. ~ 18. If found notify Mrs pianos to choo from. DAN~ DESIRABLE duplex fum Cozy Ceo. u. Lane jr .. at abovt> ad· SF.Vl-RAL almost. ne" "basic" SCHMIDT PlANO and Organ quiet. attrac. ~n. • Adul~ dre1ill or ph. Norman C. Nourse black dre~-.es. t.uJlablt.> Cor New Co., 520 No Main. Cor. 6Ul,l only. 307 Goldenrod, CDM. ItA 180:5 E. Bay Ft . Balboa. HA Y<•ars. Frannie Graham Shop. I ·anta Ana. 1046. 2933. Reward. I 1201 Coast Olvd .. COM. SNIPE SAILBOAT, sUghlly used. ;F;:o:lN~EST:::=:-AJiTS::-==-.-::f\lm.::----:U~tU=-. pd-=-•• -=Belt,_.,. ~ L ll.ll•lllr MASON baby ~rand plano, $300. but needs paint. Ex.C('t sails. location. 1 6: 2 bdrma .. 175 mo. ~ -••••--•· nbt oven six-burner ga range. 4250 inc. aand doDy. HA 623-W. A up. 315-317 ~te. COM. 1 SlOO. Wash. mach. $3!'). All ln I GOOD PRACI'ICE PIANOS, $59, NEW UNrilltN. upper flat with • lEALTott • IUSINESS Of'POlTUNITIES • lENTA.LS llA.rller .,. IUlC.. ....... .,c.r-... W. I jx.•rft>ct cood. 2091; or 213 Fcm-$75, S87 up. Pay S5 per month. Jarce windows overlooldna bay. ll'ur, Corona dt>l Mar. Full trade-In allQWed on new In &oocl Nllclledal dlat. "2 t.ea. MEN'S WEAR STORE-$4.500 in within two yean. DANZ-I'IDI., 1NDC11ck, ftnpL, 1M1M1. ftn. Co.ta Mesa. Good local. & leue. SCHMIDT Blg Piano Store. No dllJdreD or pea AvaiL Nov. Oppos. P. 0 . f?'h. BEacon 5606-M Santa Ana, 520 No. Maln, 6th L ~ .aa loot W. 8Q Ave., or BEacon 5293-W. St. ~· &.y now for N.B. HA lln-Ewa. HA ~M. atnstmu. rca lti:NT SEE OUR splenclld and low priced SPINET Plano. ltepoue&led. Just --... ..-. ana-ltv. rm. suites. din. seta, break-Jlke new famcM.a lee beautJ """'&~..,. _.._.__...6V raat aet.a. secttonala in bracat~Ue. • ma • -Beauur.ll1 f'Wil .,.._ II¥ roam lampt, box aprinp, innenprtftg ful cue. GorpcM.-toM. Save with ~ .. '*"' tdtdwn mattresses. occ. chain, beautiful owr UOO. Tftma. DANZ-en.. Rate by -,.week ~ !!<'l of 80-pc. Gcnnan dlabea. SCIOIIDT BIG PIANO S'OOR.E, maMh. · , • Many other household artlda. Suta Ana, • N . Main. Cor. 8th FAD ROUSE MOTI!L Crist Fumlture Co.,l8870ranp 1181p Watld 1JOt o..t ....... COM 11.A U. Ave., tjuat acroa from the Al· ftJiitN. APR. ,_ rent. a. [ii: pha Beta's new store) Colta WANTED-~ .... try cook a lie Apta. ftnt. Della 6 ........ Mesa. BEacon 7323.. short~ t'OOica. Ap, to Snack ~~·a O..tllll. S.J'INET p6ano. Slllhtb' damaaM ~ ltlt ODut ....._ CDII. .. ...-• In IIQineftt. A==-D~ w~ to C!aft ,.. II ..... 0 ~--c ken SQ(MD)TBIG ST0U;. ....... old...,, 5-day w1L Jtra.: • ....,__.,!"'!?~ ...... Santa Ana. 510 No. Main. OW. 7 un. to 8 p.m. far ........, 11r a1 _.. ., 7 u.. 8th. <>wr too,...._ .,..,.. """"""'. st• ll•s *'· COlli. _, ..... ..._ tn .. ' I' WADlE P'AI&CIIILD hu ~ ~ his .-1on.o ror mrn at 1~ Cout Bl~ Corona del Mar, fol-lowtnc • ,...ner Cll!lltUI')' ot oper-, atmg umflar •lOI'el in CuJwr Oty, neer ~ mov~ stucBo.. ~ has decorattd his shop ~ in ~ I&J1)f> l'td trim and dE'ooratn'f' pt~ that M ha4 Ult'd at his other ~t.iooa. Mr. and Mrs.. Falrdtikl. who haw thrir home in Ch>viot HUla. &rf' mo\inl( to a home t.bfoy an Wldin' on FPr"n-leeJ Ave. in Co~ del Ma.r. Fif•) chtldrfto •ill r-,rtsope e I Joartnf' a.t'n>betlc dan<.'l"f', _. top m \'an 1) 0\r tmas ltE>\'le"'' thE' Wit of tar perlo"'*' wllich bo ing htold a p.m today fTtun-s· tnclud(> S hrr! y Mill • mllllklal ~ day) at thfo =-:e-a-port Hatbor IDgb E'd) tat and Mar)' lilrmlnond. :--t:hool under t.ht> aiAS'Plces or tM -r llalboe Ba) Lions CJub Corona ball nna from Ba.lboa r.a.nt. dPI Mar's Ptopno Peru. the hi-11M-~m b f~ t.o ctlildrm muus . peru h cl -n. and tus w1Je who an~ accompanied by an adult. • • • PIIOG&AM Skaters Waltz ~~ • • • Phylli.t Milum. ~ NU., J~ Os~r. Rozannto ~ Judy Suthet-laDII. ~ • hannon. Toru Truman. Susan H utchin • Ma.ncb' Gooct~P. ~ Etz.old. Anc:t.n. Tobtu Shari ToblU, Judy Corfman, Julia Arlec1ce. Carol)n \'an Hoozier usan Kenzie-, Coll~ Halahan.. y,"CCIlM ~~bon. Carol ""' Corona del Mar Commurut) Church OUktral'• ())oir ..\t"(Vrdtvn P+-ter Roy Wetgan Petite Ballerina ._ ....... -....... __ ....... _ ·---. . .... .Barbara ~ IN ()C)()PII:IIAnGN •·a h M-G- M 1tud.ic» and w Mutual-Don-~ l"adio Mtworb Station KVOE wiD air new dra.matk ~ .. bt-s:inntD& Jan 1 HighlldltPd by a full-hour ~tation of th;• .. MGM 'Thee-~ t.n> oC the Air" f"\~ry Saturday from 8 to 9 p.m. tht> KVOE ligtffl-ers wiU be trt>at~ to a ''Nlmt' -\ ,. \1 11 Solo daneto by Man Cathenne Andrews C'nrnna d1•l ~h•r CoiT'm urut} Churdl C'hildn'n' Choir how'' l!'ach "'-Mllnt: Tu esday lhrou~h Fnda~ "Dr. Kildan.o," Gracie Fields' own slw•". ·~ Hardy Family,' ''Crime Does Not Pa).. will bt> broadcast lt 8 30 \: ch t-nru.ng m that ord r 1\tes. da) through Frida\'~. ~8rtinr on ~ P• III'O \\ urld Famous Sparush Clown :-.;l"" YPar's Oa) • • • A11. ITI".JJ of 1X>rlal pnd for CAn • But·ro u. the brand rww R«d o\en just insl.allt>d at Cforw's llak- ' r In Corona del Mar Paul R('(d hunst>lf v.-as !:M>rt> from KJtnsa Jt) to IJ\Iitall the-ovM • • • l'O~G~ ('A 'DID.''I'l: Ff'lklllk u...-.U a, ~Hnt t ... :-o• 10 o~ b · \onl4" ,.._. ••• I• t..hl§ ca._. a~..aa.-a 1r.•,-p4*114 nurlio th.11 ht> oauct-t Ck1. 13. l!H7. ,...... We n.,. " ... lA..,,.. •• tb.-.,_,:., 1 ""t.t 11 : th.-f'laptaia cat 1.-n 1 '• Duuat Pn-t. ......,.,..,., h~ K ••ot Ul•rhNH I. .U l!>.tt.ood b~ I~>t-mse :-.;,~ Carol Toutth ~~~n~ ~··ut~ To' En .. , mbl.-< • nd' ('an,. Par,_· •I I ~<•II ~~~ [>ull-. p, nt Uoll P.lrt u ·u [X> II '<w ch Doll \\' . .,,.,.rn Doll ...,:H'k uf Fun Rozanr.f C'unruncham. Gene Et.m Pll~ llu. Milum Toni Truman ~han Tobi Gail Touch :\far} C8th<'nnt' Andnows Carol Touch ~haron ~Unc ~Ju .... c \takf'n. A<.'t'tlrdi(\n, ~ f'r R(•) \\'o h.."an Tu\ Bu.:~ \\'Ooden SoJdJer ... ~ r.lson Drum. Ann Git.on Danny Rarely Pt>plto Mary Hammood I'· m~t·r BallPnoa IS''I'DlMI . l OS ---Ft~ llilmutft Thf' J~nette - --Happy :-.;ew Year Jam• trandE>r Rounne Cunningham Phylh.s \ft!wn Gene D&on. ~an~ ~t'Uton Ilt'tUst> !"sl Opt:. BOt t.: as I:M>tn~: held A,a.ily from 1 to 5 p m . at Jbtyd<m Jl&\t'O for uttle Folk. 440 Ht•Lao- tJ"'Pf' Ave., Corona del ta.r. Mrs Joa.o M. Ha~. director, lll\;tes pen>nts of thf' Harbor An.•a to 'asit 1M ~ nut"'eT') ror pl'('- school tots dunn~ the sfternoons. Hayden Ha,~n lS OJX>r&ted on a 2-day, J..da)•, or 5--da} J)('r "('(>k basis, Wlth both hair day and all -Joanne da~ ior:s • • • BALBOA ll IDt:STS S tl'\ t n 1 Conttnued from P ~ 1 1 1•r-.: In ~~-~ h• c •m• 1 .. th• "' .,, adw1 tWd tn th•• bar tn 1 o\\3 tnd ('tJ:t t • •• h't-.htnl! ht· hn' p .. n- l ud tanll m 191:i ·w· 1r. IA•n · :'•·n·t ~ P p liO ~ Top.. 1n Tap<; 1 La Grtana t Tht• Gypsy' 6 K nn) and 8« l.h~ Tllbo:- 7 P~pato _ h1rley :\hils .., "baron K~ltng, Barbara P ~1ary Hammond Carmin and M. R R tm;ch ha\ t• t.:lkt·;• owr t.ht• IT''\na •f'm; nr ot the .Surf Olnof'r Ho•JSP a t ~tl1 E ~ '" Bh d tn L(ln" & t'h ... ,.,."_ inK t'afood. ~tf'al<" and chops. and 1 h• 1 raC"tu·• -d I~" n C h " • 1 •• "' II•• hft"' Joru .. ho"ffl f n ut. tr "'' h (II), \\.l<, de~ lo•d dt..,HI('' :S 't•tnl• ~ _ '' \\'J}'trl llarll<ll 1,. CtU'• ,f ht Ill 191X, ro•.,..•l • ••-.,1 rn lfl'_'tl and u ,, 1'\'!-1 111 f, n.: [~l·~ u l'i.33 q P prto. h<' Lion Tam~r -· · wtth th Joant?ttes , Panth.•n. ---I UN'I :\land n.hu>d. CJal'\'('n Sass} ·! -Bozo \he Uon tuskabob. F ank R.f>lS('r 11 the ch<>f. and Fnutk J lunt • ntt 1 ta rns 8 t • ttw organ Th• Chamb(>s ot Co1nm~ro.· ltu" gl\o·O ru"'t pt'lZI' \\\3f'CL ltll \h1 1'ttn.a~-o dt"t'l•m•rnn .. to tht ft•l· MOTHER Wlth chsld '-'OUid hk<' lcl\\ lm' .,1m , 8 111 •h• 11\, l•U,IO• ... ~ "0rk in hom£' ring fOr ChiJ• ci(t II' dre.n Will do how • '' vt k 5 H Bet.tonia. DM l\<1lt'MH Hlo'' •' ... \hrk••' R 1l· 1Jt..1 t ... 1dr.d Dnn \ tOI IPil .. 1• ol BABY SJTI'If'G in ) our home or and Bnb l" nd) ...., .. 11 , C"urona d1. mine. day or night. HA 1670. ~fa r Thatlo•n., lh!••r 1or' Ll•lo P RIVATE M NEY to loan on n.oal anf't \1 tr n•·r· :\lilt Rrl"h:lr•f".. t"StatP E. A. Christ). 2a> N. :\Ia k• t ~\1·11 . I rd•• ....,t~<'l' :->t'('t '"n. Bay Front. B.l. '\t'''l"'' t TioU .. J•) ', l.t• •h·trm TELEVISION! Trade your old pi-l'ut lt'tlJ:,. ·n• 1 t nn " ... n· n ''' ano on beautiful television. Btc Th• u Rtlbru"~ X••" PI'' •. thl' h - aJJowance. Famous malEs ln I hnd•"'" anti p,,.,t 1 lfrlt •' Ralbo;. tele\-ision. DANZ-SCHMIDT. J l .. nt1 \'u"""'' tnd nntr ... h :\to· 520 No. Main. cor . 6th St., Santa tor,. 111 th•· l1d" .snd ~f lrtnf'r·~ Ana. \ltlt· ~(•('lthll kin \'.'t ~t, \ n ~nulh o ' nalhCl l ,, .. T AX REPORTS -Easy par g. loh•\1 I;' "[lh~ lou ,,,,, bf·:.t t.h-· 622 N. Bri tol, Santa Ana. Harry <'fWIIIdi 1,., 1,~ anti F t .. ~d Rut>ll .,, G . Wt'lhe.reU, Kimberly 3-1447. ('urnn I d • )t II I• tho• bo "'' RENT A PIANO. Let the Kicldit':l Cht .,.1mao; thl'ml' lltmnmhl•• mrn· learn. S5 per mo. ~U term rent 111,11 tu• t nn> .... "' rt '" \II• 1 c·rr,· aUo-·ed on any plano in our 1 I! anc1 \\' tt '" h< 1 1 tdn I...,h, atoc.k. OANZ-SCHMIDT Bl& pt. \\'tlho1 rnul ~•n !'opt" ,\\t' C.• ano Store, 520 No. Main, Santa 1 ""a dt•l :-.111 1nd \tr., Hopkin-. Ana. ::: . .'91 Km~-f{,l 1 hff lla\('n PailltiDg-PaperbaDgi.Dq T ho• C"nrcorn rlt'l \Jar F ir(' [>.·- GEORGE B~~aDnT partn••·nt '•~'<'t\ od "l"'<'tal mr n· u~ nnn tool , •• dN"l>r.ttm::~. Violin Debut at c.JJ lll.fU.r 1 p. m. cAIJ. w. P. SUNBURY I W aniki Part)' -- h• t .. •U-''It' a l•.:t • .rod' muu.l'd It J•"' I ott a nd bmlt Ill· h~lml at •'ORM.EK RE~fDE~I UERE G;t • .:;1 "'' , 1 ~1 Ht: 1 m• m· A p~Chn.s•ma. n '' •o ~tr ... ,,. · , r.'lt<' .r • •,, 'f" 1 t..fs,h<'r-H' r bt>rt Ru •It> . Flon>n<'t' APd• r-~~ ,.,, .. tluba ,, .-outho•rn C"allfomJa n n and ~«'\end oth r fM••nds m 111ol '" nu" I'• .... f. ..r r!~t Pa-('!)rona d I ~tar " ;: mad• b\ ~~ .... u11c .\1 1o. II• .. wl ,., in •hE' Zada Torkal •n and dau.,.ht• r c .tlh· •.. ,\ngliu ( 'luh wrl I l(~ ·m Thelma. or &•! k· !~·\ )It T~ r· F 1-.h PMh "'II\ ..\, ... n u_ht •u ktl on \\8'-~ lorm•:r r•·<;td n· o' ,a,, 'Jl"l'tfi .. l s m ,t. pur'" lh·· H llrbor ..\:·"a 1\ ••r G ..\r d1 1 ..... n 11nd h1• \\tit S<'tnt~n.. 'I t l~· I'IIO)t COLOEU CU)t&.., 11• "' ,.., , ' t '<I rut. • ... t:. .. l...1.td~, tn c~.a 1lo ,. C11 ~ Iowa ol"tl "•~ th• Ill•' "' t qj P.Ultr ut •r ~t'\\fJittl H t lo 1 t-.1 k s Lr ..S •• hPrt> Delay Actioa oa Lido lusinea Tht• '·1 ~ Planmn.; <'•'mm''"'''" te .. r Thur-.din d tlO\Hl l~lion un tht r>fllto·..,· >I tho·,~:!-,. H••nn ll l~t loll a ... • l"'rtl.t' • .. ,.,,..,,sit ''''I I \UJI .. •I' ho .... 0:1 11 h• .... ., • • nia r n· ~•·r' au· ··,.'Inn puh· '11 lt1Jnl'hlm: J'llfnf' r<lt r.'llll hcnt' l~cl t hnal hit ~~ 1."\1 \"' I dr nr(u : h• •'I •r ,. • d· I-. l lhl•t•J•I:1 .,,., tl''•~'~ In ,.,,.,, .,tnUlH''lCtll• • c·, P•-..••~l tr (' ,,,th mto·rfl'ldlt'•' \\ tl-I•·•· kill • •' I"''· ~nn ... at to nd1n. ~~ lllm• ... t-'t•• ,, ... ps Chu c•h .11d tr Chr1'11~n .., ·t· • llt'~ \hurrr Tho p1 111 ~,...,'(j .,, t I' 10 '1 ( '·l ·ff ol'"llo' \\ h11'h It QUII'\'d <1'1-St rt>of t I·'"'"' T'· tpph· t'<tlll:< \\ I• II''' , 1••!'1 '" r ··nd <I! hl'lt' I •p'l< ,tl I tl rl :otlhnltl Jl lll!itln :\ ''1• , If~ !-;' I 1'' I • .leo• nt•'f'tin~.o i'h• '!lm ..... .. 3PP' "' •'d t to, • l 1 'o'<iar Raprds Iov.11 w,.r·• \1 • • • I'll" htv.t h r· ... ~ ,~,rh ·r. F t ..\nd•·~··n at 41:\ \ ''' h~u-. \ \oro • • d.-1 :\l;u '"~ "' t "' The ~ 1"\\.,..0rt u&.rbor ElL";, a hu be4>.n Rdjud&-1"4 t.y o~rlor Court to bt' a nt>wspaper of ron· eruJ cirt'o.lat1oa aad qaallftN! to puhll!lh all pub11c-no~ r.- qoir.-4 by law. . - Su bscribe to Skit Is Git.JeR AtBPWParty ~''" nll'mb.•r .. ol the> Bw.tn.•..s '\nd Prof, iorutl Wcx:n.-n's Club prc• .. Pntt'd a h1lanous skit mulled Tiw f •Jd Lad\ Who Li.,'l'd 1n a ~h<.... at t he prt'-Chrl.stma.s Party at •h• BAlbo:• Ya C'ht C1ub .,,..., •d./1.>1 'ht> usual dinner. ~'~•""' r • "~, .....,"' ··d ~tnd Elauw \\t ,.,, h ''tllL a, "'anta Clous. cit" hu'• 1 P••. 1 • .... 111 all Jean )Jar I ··"~ ''ill' ct-.t~rm.'ln, a.$Sl.S't'(j b\ o( ho" I 1 '\\ ...... '11ht•r , tnclud,n~ tit h '•a \loa .. '" \tablt' Wn J:bt. ~'l \ p. \ ,, n ct ...... d "Vii ham.<;< " P h\ lit' G ton Man~ld Schtu -·, ,-H.Jr n Rot> ,.,son. Eth<'l Shir· lo'~ ;:-. Pl<h t .tb-.un 1-\ 'i \' 3 n WI "- ~"" \llad t ~~ tra k New Year be the ·HaPPiest -and the newsiest ·e~er! FOR PAINTING , l hr• tmas rl'adrn~ "Tht" U"' ; r~ l, was llrt'!'t'lltf.>d h~ M f'!l D·m IIA,.._. _..... 1 Ktrkr>·ltrkk at thP \\"nniki '1:1· • Col'olaa d 1 Ma wam~ \.\hM 'I h~•hda~ party th<' .41...,.,. " r WN'k !x':1'l•' Chrl!>.tntulo at th•• \O· appll• •n "' 1.•11 t t "'«'hlln'11ll1 t • "P''rl 1 1 '-' • :. '·h<'ll.•l • • - 1 ~~ 1 .. h••1 ,, Ot ,,.,, l"•rt The Ensiga H. H. HOLBROOK ron!l llt":hlo.ncl'l ht~t;l' If tho• pr•• ... j. ·c · ·Ua H ck•lll. ~1 1 'I .1'\nll'' \ ar n~ kt'. .\~ apt as Dependable PlumbiDct part of tn, ptt>::r:tm. th(' h~ste~. · '- A Prompt Repair Service : ou.·~ ~, n John m ·tdt' h111 fir t y le p Maintained puhhc d out \\~ h soln:-on has \10. u arty nOM Ita,.._ ltla.W I tm. He wal> acc\lmpanred by Mrs. _, ....... ......., 1'1~ .._. \\'end 11 H oy · ~tusic and rt'Citallon plnyNt .\ !:hort hu In• ss mN>ttng wa mAin roles in the \hristtn.astJart)' P A I N T I N G I olio" ro hy an Ntchange or pre -~ting of C'lpilla C'ircl<' of the • Earlhllill enL~ and cnrd ~rn , for ent~.>r-Corona del :'o!~u C o mm u n I t) t'!inml•nt .... 1\tr-s. yl<-t Porter won Church on W t> d n P s d aY ot Ia t l'fl ....._., 8t. -o-ta II..-th ' C'ana ta pr and Mrs. Ja <.'k wt'E'k at th<' church Mrs Ed~r --IU'I-• Raub t •w bl'id~tl prize. Mrs Kirk· Hill of Udo Lsi<', .28\ e tht' !'l'adin!t Superfluoua Hair pattkk assistro in sen•in~t dt•s· "The Christmas S tory." \'lolin mu- Pel"mml.nefttl)' l"ee111Yed trom face. St>rt A '~'w member at lh<' m~'<'t· sic b~ Jan<'t P<'rry. a studl'nt arml, ~e«~. Eyebrows and hair-lng w·.. Mrs Herbert Holkt>r. from t:SC. mcludrd "Jt' u Bam- line ahaped-No more ~· ..... bino" by Yon. ~h«' was ac<"'~· ELLEN L. BRYANT. R. E. Wa:Dted I panlcd by Mar~ret Scharl<'. Mrs TuMclay and ThUI"'I4ay onJy ... F rances Cax led th(' de\'ot.ons. " , ... _, Salon oe ~ ty HA 2576 -which lnclu<k-d some of M me'Ul· a..n.oua =:Ju WAKTED IIOl:SEWORK by day in~ot of the Christm~ Whrte Gifts p I R E w 0 0 D Oi' hour. HArbor 3.~-W. Group 2 or the Circk-WE're host· \VORK W A."'ITE Daby aitUng f'UeS for lh«' Chnstma' rnspu"t'd Coal and Charcoal or a-1-e or baby 8 hn. a day or tf'a hour. Servin,.-: wl're Mrs. Uttht housek«'pinJO Pre-f. Uv\ng Cit'Orge Lewis, Mrs L. A Norman. W. W. Wright Co. l.n. ~ 1863-W Mn. Ma~n-t Fox Mrs. Graee ....,._ ..._ IMI iABY ~..... Hi Sal lora and Mack>lalrwo Brown w.ft ....,.,. IW. <Mh .,... 2D-J. door t..t~ ror the aft"'*"'. , fe r news of Newport Harbor ENSiGN ,..,on•· 'HArbot 11 14 1104 COAST BOULEVARD CORONA DEl MAR. CALt~NtA •·r or N£>U•J of :.. rwpoT: H.Jrb~r" Please cour.t r:ie !n as :me of your subscnbers I am endos ing. NAML ADDRESS 0 0 $2 SO for one-year subscription. Sl.CC !or :c-ur·month subscriptlon Legal Newspaper of the Ctty of N wport Beoc:i\ LOCAL a8d HAftO~"\\'IDE ~"1111' th Newport Rart.or .bee C. E. McNiel IJOI c..t ...... c.-U ..., $ENEIAL CONTIACTOI HAIW 1616 A Merry Christmas to All Our Friends L~GUNA FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION STATEMENT OF CONDITION December 1. 1951 ASSETS Locma on Real Eatate .. S9A25.828.93 Lomw on Savings Aeeo.aata ....... . Real &tate o,med .... Jnyezb::wm. and Seewill.. . . . -... : . . Cci8ll Oil Bcmd cmd ID lcmlra ~--• • • • • Olice luilciDg. Eqv•rm..m cmc1 Pa:rki.D9 J.,ot • • • • • • Other~ ... : .... TOTAL • 21.501.18 1.1ti.03 344.700.00 871.312.21 18,142.54 7,771.51 ' ASSEIS .... _. .. 'IO.US.GIUO ,., . U.ABILITIES SaYings Account. .•..• 18.401M1.55 Loa-iD ·Proc•• . . . . LOIO.Il ... 0..-UcrWiities •••.• -JLI7U4 Sped"c •••• ".. . . . . ~,105.15 GeDeral •... " .. cmd lurpluia llJII'/ m.• Net IDcame , " July 1 to Dec I, 1151 • • • lll.IK.. TOTAL . UAIIUnES •.• •• ll0.8S3.81,4.50 Ol'ft~ -bla.IJC'TOit8 L P'. Mallow, Chairman of the Board w m A woll, VIce President H w. Planalp, VIce Pres ... Loan 11fT A e ~ten10n, Dttt'Cto~ • Andrew •. Hall, Prfttckn ... ~ tAm• Mma, l@cretu)'·TreliMiret' Dr. It .. x..on. Dtredof" Oeof'le &. Grant. ~ 1o1m w. Womon. Attome? · CHARTERED AND SUPERVISED BY THE UNITED STATES txN'T MARSAC P~um~Jiftg, Inc. Contracting Remodeling Garbage Diapoeals s,. -20-YEAR LOM OL&&k ·-.._ 1 -1~~ (It Jft.) We buy and eeU nwt DMda. 8I!Z 8011 SA'I'ft.D ~c»enU,.. the WUlt Ad You Can Do Better at THE 00~ ROllE n11llQSRJN08 BEacon 5156 1812 Newport 1mL COft& IIIIBA DIVIDEND ANNOUNCEMENT To All Account Holders: • Your Board of Directors has authorized me to announce that a dividend at the rate of 31/2 <yo per annum will be paid to all ac- count holders of record Decem- ber 31st. 1951. This is our 33rd semi-annual dividend ~end approximately $140.000.00 will be disbursed for this se'IT'l-tmnual period ending December 31st. Dividends on Savings Ac- counts (Pass Books) will be cred- ited to respective holders of these Accounts. Investment Accounts (certificate holders} will receive their dividend ·checks through the mail soon .after the close of -business December 31 , 1951. ~ PLEASE TAKE NOTE: All ac- counts now insured up to $1 0,- 000.00 by the Federal .$avings and Loan Insurance Corporation and all accounts opened by the lOth of Tanllary will earn divi- dends from the 1st day of. that · month . Sincerely, · • f>Q A--=w S. RAIL Pi tal.._ -~ .. Awards Are Made To Cub Scouts ,.,_ tal*a &acs.n with pit) The monthly nweUnR of Cub .,........ Ouiatrnu packaree ht-ld Scout Pack 180 wu held Frklay. tbe omter ol lntft'8t at Jut ~. 7, at the Corona *' Mar ~ ~·a ~of the School. New Bobceta, Ja~Ma Er- W..._ ot !¥ MOOR at the New-wlft. Ow-k>s Hermann and wu-JIOI"t ..._ ~. Uam Spencer, W'8e preeented to 0.. tallle oontalntod the Cifta Cubrnuter Bill Tobin by Aaaiat- for the ~ Cowtty HoiPtal ant CUbmuter Jay Stoddard. ... Fann for dlatribut.loft for the Awanll ~~ made to: WU-~ l"fttdeftta theft. Another Ham CarpmtH, wolf bacle'e: RJ - tallle held ''WNte e~t" llfta chard Butterworth, wolf ba•: tor the eo-WOI"'m-a attendlna the John Smith. woJr KOid arrow: meetiftl. The third tab~ hefd the l..orrel ~tcher, WQif be.dce and ·~ pal" gifts, which ~~ ex-gold arrow; RJcharda Hoffman. +=., ' wolf batlct ancl gold arrow; nm ~~~neuta of cake and oottee Noech. wolf gold arrow; Mike wen ler'Wd by· Junior ~t Smith, wolf badge; Craig Dalley, Clara Leach and a ttee o1 wo.lf ba•; John Wheeler, wolf C»-WWrrllets, the fa. baclge; Tad Tobltt, b8r ,old ar-tt\1~. ritual 1ft oe wu ~d un-row: ~ter Stoddard, two beer d8' tlw e ol RJtual Chair-aiJwr arTOM; Steven HUght-1, Uon mu badge; Jim Mc:Kee, lion ba• and lOki arrow: Douglaa Reddick, Uon ba.. Six wrvice stars '\Wft' also PffSented. , TO VISIT DAUGIITE& Mrs. Leo Paquet. 506 Po~ttla Aw .. Corona *I Mar. left yt'lter· clay for a visit with her eon-In -law and daughter. Capt. and M rs. J. E. Werrick or Ft. Sill. Okla. A oumr n o• Jill orar Mr. ancl Mn. Wallace Dlddn· ton of Shore Cliffs art' entertain· ing Mrs. Dickinson's mother, Mrs. Odon Guitar or Columbitt. 1\fo., during the holidays ~1~~~ J}aff Blue Sails Books -Stationers 306 Main, Balboa •• • --205 Main We Wish You A Very .Tt1DENT&ECOGN~O~ tudt>nt ~IUon w!IJ be ob- served Sunday at the Con>na del Mar Community Churdl at both 9:45 and 11 a m. wn.ief'!l. Stu- dents will pl"8t'nt thE-a~. which take the place of Rev. PauJ Babbltt'a wrmon. The)' a~ ~­ neth D. W~l... U . whO wiU talk on ''The Clum:.h and Freedom": Ja~ St~fferwen, ''The Cbureh and Education," and Pauline Bab- bitt, ·'11M;> Church and Miuiona." Others who will tak~ part In the procram a~ Lester Barrett. Don Steff~. Pf>rdlta Hom and Anne ~an. Pa\lllne Babbitt will sing ''Chrlstma1 Bells" a t the later ~rvice. • • • TO RONOa 8n7DEN'1'8 Honoring 1tudenta home for lh~ holidays. Cllrl•t Church by th(' ~a will hold "Stuckmt Recogni- tion Day" on Sunday. David Hughec, graduate student at the Unlwraity of Southern California.. will talk on what the student ex- pecta from the cburdl. and Rev. Thomu R ~ndt'U w!U ~r with what the church expecu~ from students. AntMm wiU be "Now Let Ewry Tongue Adore Thee" by Bach. and Ph.Yills Fif'lds will &ln~t "I Wonder AI. I Wander " an Appalachian carol. • • • P'OilEIGS 10 ION' on"DIING Sabbe th School members or the ~\?nth-Day Advenuat C h u r c h ha\·e ld''"' fOI"etgn rn1aaion otr"-ibgs totaling $1.e.22 during 1951, stated Mrs. J~ Mt-Uott. eecre- t•ry of the Sabbeth School. A spedaJ quartf'rly collectJon wu ta~n Saturday and will be addfod ..... IIOIIJt noll COILI:lOa Homtt !or Olnltma. va~ tJon S. N au Ahct" Martin. jun!or at lm- marolatt Heflrt Cotk>&: U\ HoU)•· '~~~'ood and daughter of Mr. ... Mrs. Johu A Martin 23S2l Kille'• Rd. om Ha\M Wltb twT .. a guest for • r ew clays wu 1wr roommatt". Mt Sturif')' ~ of Otlnook. Mont. Both p rls art" acth·~ tn the school orchestn and mixed dnrus aud ha\"e a~JP('ef'ed in te\~ rot~ mUI:ie&k and COI1Clf'rt.. to that amount to ald mectlcaJ ~;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;;-. and educational work in lAtin I Atnerica. Approximately ~.000 of the offerinl{ tAikt"n in North America is earmarked for CONtr'Uction of a sur~cal unit ln Mont~Jo.. Mexico, mlulon ~tal and ~· buildings for t~ cknomJnatJon'a traJnlng school at llande\lllle. Ja· ·-----maica. 'A GREAT ~ YF.-.-'Il' Re,· JarnH S. tewart Will I pH\t on '"l'he Key to a Great l':ew Yt"ar" at both the 9 ·30 and llo'clock momjng ~rvices Sun· day ttl St. Andrews Presbytf'rian I C'hut<'h 10 N<'...,'l)Ort Height . Sun- day School wtll be at 9·30 a. m Jcmuary -Fehnaary -Man:b -Apil May -Juaa -July -Auv-t -~llat­ ber --Octob. -No~ -O.C....hH e e • in aU of 1951 you haft neYer .-n aucll barqam. aa tbeae! • • • SU4l4l FOR IU'ILOISG Fl'SD :"l:t>t profit from the rt>N'nt Build£>rs' Olnn<'r ht'ld at R.af':an·~ R~>scauranc by t hl' C'orona dt-1 ~1ar 1 Communit~ Church was near)). $1 200 Thf• mont>~ ...,;u ~o toward bUilding the nt'w Educational and Social Hall • • • NEW YEAR'~ OAl' M.A. E. SJX'('lal :O.:t'w Year's Day rna ~ \\i ll llf" ht>ld at Our Lady of Mt Carml'l Church 1n N<'"'port at a m., 10 a. m. and 11 .30 a. m . Masse at St. Jot\n Vianne)· Cha- pel on Balboa Lstand ...,;u be held ac 8 and 10 a . m. New Year's Day. • • • :t:~'DAV TOPlC I~ 'GOD' How thP skk are healed. tht> sorrowlnJt comforted. and the sin· ning ~formed by the powe r of omnJpott>nt Spirit 'lllriU be COIU!id· t>rt'd in the Sunday Lesson-~rm6n on "God" at the Newport Harbor Christian Science church ac the t>ntrance to Udo lslt'. A selection (rom 11 Samuel t22 :31 1 will con- stitute the text: "Ao.; for God. his way Is JM'rf('Ct." Church Youth Are Entertained A Chrlst..mas party was held Saturday t>venlng. Dec. 15, ~y the Youth F<'llowship of S t. Andffws ~byterJan Church at the Ri- chard Plegt'r resid«.>nce at 405 Dahlitt A \'e . Corona dt>l Mar. Tht>re were gift surpri~e... and re- fre hmt>nts and dandnJ! Special guests wert> Rt>v. and ~Irs James S te .... ·art and M~. Dan Corson Jr . • Youn~ pt'Ople present wen-Bar- bara Earl. Marla Plej;tl'r, Patty Clem~>nCf'. Ann Whitlock, Diane Bart1t'll. Sally S tewart. Connie Man5told. Judy Stewart, Barbara Lingle, Barbara Stan-ge. Barbara Bandy, LA Netta Richardson. Ann Bradford, Nancy Deaver . Susie Kimc, Gary Rogers. Burt Corson Don Lingl<', George Gann. Jimm~· E\·erson, Mike DoyiP, Jot\n K~p­ J)E'r, Duttne Gatterdam. Torn Web- ster. Pete Graham. Pete Morris and Dick IGm£'. Penny Po8t Card Dies With 1951 P,llssing with 1951 is the 1.!~­ mous "penny posta 1 card.'' ~­ ginning Jan. 1 of the new ~4' it wiU cost two ('(>nts to maH this hE-rt>tofore "bargain basement" mailing pit'Ct', and the clays or the in~xpenslve card for club notices or a Une. to mother will drop back into ~ "good ole days" with the l Oc worth of dried beef and the nJckle cigar. '"'>' Besides the double ta.riff in the govemmE"nt postal ca1"ds Cor any post-card maiJ~d llfter closing houn Monda.,y). there will be an increase In special .delivery ff'ftl 110 that 20c will be minimum. Catalogs and books wiU go up ln the cost per ounce. Higher T'lltt"S in other ~tal services wt\l ~ oome effecti'\-"e during the year. DRESSES -Stzes 9 :r.ru 40 DRESSES DRESSES DRESSES DRESSES DRESSES DRESSES SKIRTS SKIRTS SKIRTS SKIRTS SKIRTS SKJRTS t~o~rly lC 95 to 14 95 to 19 95 to 21 95 0 39 95 tc 17 95 17 95 29.95 35 00 25 00 45 00 10.95 10 95 12.95. 19.95 17.95 25 00 Entire StoCk Priced to Clear! JACKETS JACKETS ACKETS _, ... BLOUSES 19.95 36 ~.J 5.00 .... 9.11 lUI 14.11 19 .• 3.11 Ul "7 .. _}OJID ua lUI 5.00 10.00 BLOUSES BLOUSES BLOUSES BLOUSES 4 95 to 7 95 1.00 BLOUSES ~ 4 95 to 1 0. 95 ... 2. .... ~J--oo3.M.•• 7 95 -10.95 ._4."a.~ • .v--.;;:5u .... 7 95 -10 95 ue sa 12 95 -17 95 5.00-7 .. 3 50 to 7 95-1.18 to s.• Broken stzes 1 50 to 1 95 1.00 • • • GoWD8-0SSOrted values. Drasucally Reduced BllASSIEIID ---reduced to 50c and 1..00 P~ - -reduced to 50c and 1.00 I • • • Robes ... Sweaters . . Punee-REDUCED Gkrne ..• Sew•• ... Jewelry -MilceDcmeous ltema - M9w ONLY 50c and 1.00 All Sales Final .. ------------.. A ta ...... I:I..II)C'I.'aiiiOI'Oa I'IA!n' .. ._ e""'t4>cl by l '. 8 . DMtrbl ........ 1M.. ef lAa All· U. ll "TL.LIAM FuneNtl f'r\'lces "~rf' b~ld yt-5· t~rday at 1t-Lrost> Abtx-y ror Ja ck Wlltian . JJf'\1 J 24th St .. N(•\\lJO'l't , who dlt'd Sunday a 1 Orange County Ro pllnl at the age of 67. Rev. William Banni t f'r of Sew- port ffldat -d •t th• s~r\'ice-5. Mr. Williams "11 a natJ'''-' of l rf'land. pa.. • aa •Mn' .. .., oa ~ ...e1t ...., of ~eta A nil t'r....-" a). midway betwHe ...... Park ... AMhl r WltMa f!M)' ...-•"-« ~ from t bf' llarbor ArM. Tlwl plaat wtll llave a laall.-lle ,.._..,... • Ulle ~. C•:8bGCttoa Wilt IN\ sU rt('d f'!lrly la Ill\! aa4 Ia .........,. lw er .. letl• Nl't)' Ia l-. \\'lwe ...... ted It wtll ,t\'f' f'Mploymf'nt to l.Nt "'•rkera, u4 lat..-r ~ -y Mo.t etlilllh~t ...... . ---------------------------------------------------------NewlywedS LitJe in NewPort Establlshln~ th~ir hOm· at 1104 The 'brldt> and ht-r a ttendants to Island Shops ·fr W. &lbo3 Bir d., Newport, are wert-dre' ed In baUcrina-length the new Mr . and Mrs. Worley AI· ~owm, the former )tiss Brest ln cxand r. who wt-rf' marri~ In whitt-lace and nt-t while the maid Chr l t C'hurch by th~ Sea. N~w-of honor wore grN>n net and falfe por·t, on Satu1day, ON-. . ta ffeta a nd the br•idesmald wore Th<> brtde i th<' form<>r Lor · a similar comblnatlon In yellow. raine B~t. dau~hter of Mrs. Mlss Barbara Barnhouse or New· F relda Brt> 1 of 215 29th St .. port, maid of honor, carriNI yet- ' Nt.•wport, and tht• ~room th~ on low crysantbemums w ith her of M r. and Mrs Gilh<'rt Kellum of ~tr~n drt>s , and Miss Joyce Hum- Co ta l\lt'sa. Rt'\'. Thoma R. P<'n· p hre) s of Balboa ch<M;e bronze KEElER'S UNION SERVICE HArbor 13q1 PARK AVE. HERSHEY'S MARKET SPOT • HArbor 1000 200 • MARKET SPOT LIQUORS HArbo• 1000 Al G IBSON INS. HA 2950 202 • A.H Line._...,ll Kinds 208 • • PARK AVE:.. CAFE olld Codtoils HArbof 4bl To B.LF~ .... • Wt.A, W. SANFO RD - Realtor HArbor 2462 • 701 SKINN ER'S PHARMACY HArbt'• 011 I • JOU.Y R':>GER ISlAND HARDWARE- ROO & REEl HA I ll4-J 210 • LQ :;:) THE ISlANDERS. G ft-J HA 15.47 SANITARY LAU NDRY & CLEANE~S HArbor 10 W. D JOHNSON. JEWELER HArbor 16-40 BIDWEll 'S SHOP FOR MEN HA-bo• Z090 II I. SPORTI~G GOODS H~rb"' 2!>4 1 TEO O WEN BALBOA 214 • 7 1b • 218 • 21tl • 222 • 226 • z ~ > < • 2 3 BALBO,A, IS ,A,NO VARIETY STORE 14Arbor 2111 W • 215 I. t.AULL PHOTOGRAPHY HArbor 2410 'U • 215 B I CAMERA SHOP Z HArbor 2S63·W ; < -< • 22 11f2 SHIPM,A,TES Boys alld Girls Weor HA 2219·M • 22J1f2 ROBERTS JEWELERS '· HArbor 2321 • 225 EARL W. STANLEY Reolto• H,A,rbor 1775 22q GAY TOGS I de• II P<'' fnrm d I h<> double rinli: flowers with 1 h<' yellow gown. The l'<'lt'mony in a <'hur•ch d('C()ratNI brick-carrlt'd a rnscad<> or white wtth p1·a~~ ol ~ 4'11<m nd "hrlt• <'I') santhem ums. rt')Santhi'mum:-. l't>rry Bl't' I. tht• ~<'\'<'t1·Y<' r-old Lind3 1<'\'<'1\S hrldt''' unC'I•·. • 'NII'Il~ h t'1 to lht• uf :-.;<'"port \\SS a flower ~il'l 1 altar. I dress<'d in pink net and taffl'ta. 11\trs. Delnan Ft't'itag sang . J)E'Cial mu lc .. ~tandin~ up \\ith the ~room "ere Bob Watts or. Balboa. best mnn, and th<' ~room's brotht>r. Jamt's Al\•xand<'t' of Buena Park, Ramon Cota or San Jo~C' and Dick Ft"rJ,tUSon of Nl'\\'port as ushers. A rN't'ption f o II ow<' d imme- dt;llel~ in Gooc:ll'JI Hall of the church \\ith 1\trs. Ralph Hall a nd Mi s Cynthia Mill<'r a sisting, In 1 1 hi' t'('('(.'i\'ln~ line wet't' l\t rs. Brt'nt in a pUt1>1t' dre s \\ilh mau,·e ac- 1'<'~'-0l'iPs and 1hl? ~room's mother in be" ''' J:abardint> with toa t ac- N'.,!'ol'ies: both wearin't purple or- rhid'i. Thf' ) ouns.t JX'OpiC' honeymooned at Or~.: B<-al' Lake Both of them nttt•ndNi l"rwport Harbor HIJ.'(h and t ,ranl:t' Coas t Coll..-tte. The groom i now a corporal In the Roberts Jewel 22)1/2 t.A•rif\e ~ !HI BALBOA ISLAND 1 ~ The WANT AD WAY is the quick, euy ~ to ~u thoee article~ t hat you don't need any more! . . . For results, u.e the -• - Elullp Waat A.._ lUST CALL HARBOR lliC .....,_-n.~ • HArbor 1631·W ---------------B~AL~BO~A~~A~V~B~·---------­ I'O~TMA TER llllcla art~ a nd hf'r staff .. t th.-Balboa Is· lu nll P <Hit O ftiC'f• Jtr t' the-proud ~"~flo0r8 e r t ht• Robf>rt~ ilf'w· t•lr~ trot.h~· tor t hf' ht'sl df'('orut- f'd Cttrl~:rnn .. \\ lndnw un tb•• 11'-- lnnd. llonor: hi•• m f•ntlun Wt•nt t n Onn (tlnwrun·, Oot nnd Bob Cand~ ~tori". tlw l!lhtnd.-no (lu11t. ~t'ar's Whlnt•r), .Sf'lda Hlb..on. ~:t nltn ry L1utnt!ry und ~t:tn lllt.d· fh•ld. Prt'S4·nln llun o f t h f' lrnJ•h~ wa 11 mlldt• Moodtl)' sf· lt•rnoO'ft ft I tlw I'O!Ot Ortlt't-. T h P Judl:inr:· C'ttm mJ11N>, "'hJct. rnadt' ltoc lnocJK'<'Uon t our Su.turday t'\'t"- llla~e. lncludNI Cba lm~a~~ Wll· ll~tm 0 . P~tynt' of lhf' OOC Art Ot•rMrlmt·nt, Mno. Dal.-R.&m- 8C'~·· Mr!l. \'lrt..•ll Pur w h and M rtl. S. Air Fore<' and tat ioned at M81"Ch Flt>ld, Ri\'el IdE'. ThE' new I ~h·s. Alcxand r is t>mployed by the l in~,;n;k~o;r~A~m~e;r~ic~a;i~n;Ba~l~boa~;·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HI NKLEY S PHARM ACY HArbo• 3 I bll FSTELLE S BEAUTY HA..W 1827 BUNSHR C REELY HA oor )215 W NELO.A G 8~0:-.. HArb:>r 05<1:! M,A,GGIES H,A,rb01 1241·J DOT & 808 HArL~· 2 jO) SHOP P[GGY' SMALL Fashion Sporlsweor JACK S 8,A,R8ER SHOP HArbor 1806 SNIP 'N' ST ITCH HArbor l028.W SOS RADIO & ELECTRIC HArbcx 0780 302 • 304 • 304 • ~ 306 • ~ 3081h • > <, 310 • ~ z 318 • ~ ~ 320 • . )20 • )22 • • 301 BO,A,RDt.AAN'S M,A,RKET H,A,rbor 317 • 3'~5 COTTAGE WAFFLE SHOP H,A,rbOf 2672 ~ • 307 HOST • HOUSE P.e.• "' o· HArbor 2365 • 3 I 3 • VERA Wtlli,A,MS. Gift Shop .._., Gallery HArbor 2647-J • 315 I•V·R•LYN F. LEI DY. Realtor H,A,rbor 1958 • 3 I S'h TOY SHOP • 327 M,A,RINE BEAUTY SALON H,A,rbof lSI ChIps It> a r~. A war on refined sugara, white refined flour a nd exceu fa ts · at tht-famUy ctinin& table was sug- gested by members of tht-Oransce County Dental Society at a dental health rneetlnc held recmtly at the High School. co-spon10recl by the Newport Beach Elenentary Schoo Ia PI' A and the Harbor As- siatanc:e League. Doctors Lester Viminc of Co- rona del Mar, John 'lbomquilt of ~. Cyril Smith 0( Anaheim, and Forrest Moddle of Santa Ana tnaamed •tine kidney, braa.. UWJ' or leafood at least once a week and an lncreue ot c:arTOb and ~. The other part of the tooth de<.'ay control .....,.... IB· ¥Uiwa • th.r!e minute .... three timet a day wtu-a tootNII ..... . Parenti and 8Chool teadlen at- "4epded the meeting, whleh waa ~ teeond in a lel1ft of lectaaw on prewntlve denu.t:ry In Onllle Oounty prior to the .... of .... dental dlnlc IIPCJNOftd by t1w M- .tstanee LMgue. ' I Plan to drop in for a Yiait December 31st Park Aftnue CIFE lcdboa Island /) • .. - • •. -. 11. ,. .. ,.. Neal .. .,, ftelllrdlafa.._ ••• .... Bi.r6 .... 8--.z.~tA••N• l*ZIZ. a....,.ofre.w.aae Arrivala of Newcomen • NEWPORT BEACH Ph OM: Harbor 7 58 ' Visit Our Beautiful Cocktail Lounge IE IFill I.T THE 516N Of THl SWOIIIIAIH 11278 Coast Hwy., Surt.ide LIVING ROOM BEDROOM ACCESSOIIES SIKES KLING ETHAN All EN lUCKS COUNTY 790 S. COAST IL'ID. DINING ROOM LAMPS AND SHADES W AU. SHELVES FltE E OHIVEitY CUD IT TEitMS O'EN ACCOUNTS "'= 0529, LAGUNA ~EACH and many happy dancin9 hours Dorothy Jo Dance StudiO BJIJIS Time to 8CIY Happy Mew Year to aD our tnnct.! .. 'mqftAUAN DIM hEM .u. ..... -Pitlile81 .. .Codctails ..... Gc:xxi heo h-Good cheer Good lucJC ~hroughou the year A--: e""..:r. .est ttus hol.dcy :rom all c~ t.:s c~ 1 ••• heartiest trHfiftO• and ~good wish for · New Year. Me~Je's 16414) ( u·e•l Bhd. * 8on'f ilia these llar•IMkled .i=atlc daows oa IVOE • • • .. * * '* * I "Dr. Kildare" Grade Fielda . .. Tues. 8:30 p.m. wed. 1:30 p.m. "Hardy Family" Thww.. 1:30 p.m. "Crime Doe. Not Pay" . Fri,. 1:30 p.m. "MGM Theatre of the Air" every Saturday- one fuU hour . 1:00-1:00 p.m. (bcg1 mng January l 1952) ew Yeu of Good .o'f'ef DOE • .. WISHING. ALL OF YOU a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAB Pel GOODS- t.n Jgn Cla ... JfltO adl be\e beefJ • vroven r~ 1'\1 of rea chin& buy.-, .. rur 111J .oru of merenandsuo l,;..., tN-rn' f.Jhont> Harbor J1J4 --------- 'rhr \1. '"t t r MX·au I ,..NlMIII com<'tl to a J)('lik ttt N~>w y,..,r'& Evt', ·~h n b3\JOK • wcmdt·rful t1nw> ill tJw prt.nx> moth ,. or 1 h• t•vc-n I ng and looking h(or warkhnj,(('5l •• -:;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ever)' woman'• ~,... It's not too i late> to COfTW' to O'BRIEN'S for a bt"autJ/uJ holiday gown. Hc>r~. too. you wiJI rind stol • hat <>XCU5C'io and oubtandlng ro.tuJTK" jt'w('Jty • • • lo\"tly gUttt>rin~ brJIIJant and .) 08w f.,''''""",,,,.,,., 1 Helena RubinStein's Estrogenic Hormone Offer for Younger-IJookiog Skio 6'!' value-Wll ftr 1~ .... "No wonder mtl1ions of wom~n an'CtOUely awatt dl .. CftM ~ a-yearbeautyt"~nt ' You ,,v.-almOif SO% on Htlala RuWn•,,.•, famout bnucy prepirauo"" COnfltntn&r Et~rottnic Jfonnone~­ n~'• own "yourh " tvbj •ncea Uw th~m to Mlp mar4 •ilr'• ol4ryt"f •nclartnr slun St-..-ho"· much )'ounetr, f~sher, finMr your ft«, MCk. throat lool{ wtwn you uw He~na lt..bint~tin H -the oiJ .. . • m.-t.lll j(>w~>lry to dn> up vour holida)' attire>. · • O'IIIUt~~·M tollll U\4• 110m#' d.rl'M ...... too. ... ""' ... Uta t "Ill Mmpl"tt> ) our .-~tum,. . . . all IOrt. of tMD&Il to maJuo you ha\f' A laappy ~f'W V4~t''l f'\P • • • and "•• t\oJHO yoo .do. \IHl: I W~>'r'' looktn? f01 ~ r ·J to ttart lng you out right 111 19:'"12, by hav· lnl( a BJ(i { nd-uf·lhl··)l\ ar-saJ . Wtth O'BRJt;N'S borgAinl'. you'll bf• •hit• to hltlan<'C' n<>xt yeer'• t"l('b.(N aMt-· Jtlll Ill' marl<'tll fttt·•-f'd '" . '""'"· 't'h ~. hk>tu.; , llkirhi, C'Oftl , t•lc'. IN' lh)l wlntf't 'a. mn.-hltndl ... • -.nd >"OU a~n tak advlnllf<' or VC'Ima'a ctt-alre to aMrt•·n hf'r *''Oc k~ tw•fclN' lnVM\· tory and to m~~k,. room for cruluo W<'tr to~ . ., .. kiMW _,..t ....a w.a. r..ne altwar• te••• at .O'Balt:N'8 .... , .... IIIIa .. ~a wlltll' r ••• ,... ... Iota f)f rMI ~·· .._, .. And ln thl'lf' buly Nil da)-t. If we-hevt-vHJ) o ehann• 10 ~ood and arnile when )OU oonw Ln. plt-aw know w.-AN' rHIIY wlahlntt you a mot t Joy o u 1 N1·w Yl'ftr at O'RJUF;N'S ! FRIENDLY GREETINGS TO ALL OUR GOOD FR1ENDS ---AND SINCERE GOOD WlSHES FOR HAPPINESS IN THE NEW YEAR Dealen for & Appliance. • • •