HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-07-10 - Newport Harbor Ensign.... I:JidiGN A" J~ N..,,,_.,_ C0'9eriDc cbe eDdie dry ol Newport Bwch Thunday. July 10, 1952 llle~T Harbor 1114 cmd IllS CORONA DEL MAIL CALIF. IITIIIIIIII THI~ lenl n1 I Fh'kl SCents FIATUU S.. P•g• ' VoL 4--No.. U Hoover Report ·Takes a Beating ThE Log Count)' Hit for 'Tax Gouging' lA14 PoiiltS ._, ~ Charges that the county was hAving to go to Santa Ana. and Mukey said lut night, the nt'w Opposed -1 ....., "soaking" the City of Newport would tend toward centralization county figures on land auessment Beach with high uaeumt>nta were of power. are $16,473.850. only $110,720 less The Uttle Hoover Report may ~r to be cona.lderably beaten today, but let's hope tmbowed. It got qulte a going-over last night, with all rour recommenda- tiona getting thumbs down at the publlc meeting. But from where I sat that appeered to be 11\0J'e than anything else a tribute to good planning and preparation and BE- ING THERE (and let's not use the term "stacked m~ting'' I on the part of the folka who very 11 t r e n u o u s l y OPP«*! the Uttl~ Hoover ideas, while just about everyone else was back home look- ing in on the Republican National Convention. (Some sty fellows even qulpped that the top brass of the League of Ovic Associa- tions. who called the meeting. and said to be staunch Democrats, were trying to lure Republicans away from television screens.) made last night at Ute publlc Kear-Ralph M.ukey, member of the than last year's $16,584.!570, where-~ Uttle Hoover Report went ing on the Uttle Hoover Commit-Realty Board. said he had just re-as he had hoped that the entire down to a 4-0 de!ut lut night tee recommendation thAt tax as-ceived county usessment figures difference betw~n dty and county at the publlc meeting called by tht> sessing and coll~g be turned for the current fiscal year. The figurt>s would be wiped out. Lea~ of Civic AssociatiODJ and over to the County. A motion to total county assessment of New-Mr. Maskey said It was not ne-Mld at City Hall. oppose th" recommt-ndlltlon was port Beach for 1952-53 is $38.-cessary Cor Council to act on the The crowd of about 6.'>-with a passed. 380.490, an increase of $2.103,370 UtUe Hoovt'r rE'COmmendation. be-f,!enerous proportion of city em- Stanley Hadfield of Balboa Is-over last year's $36,277,120. cause lht> county would not have ployl"t"S and realtors-took up thP la.Dd. member of the &alty Roard. He aald that County Assessor to ~ informed before Feb 1. He four recommendations one by on~> presented these comparat.iv<' rig-Maurice Enderle had £>Xpressed said that four ypars ago the county and voted a gainst aU four ures: Two Udo Isle lots sold for willin~t'ss to accept city assE'ss-incre&M'd land assE'SSments h{>re as Th('r'E' were voice vot.-s. without S3 000 each assessed by th£> count)' ment f1gures, and that after Mr. much as 300 per cent. and that it any diaentin& vote, against re- at · $l,080 ~ch. or 36 per cent of Enderlt-'s death his succcsso_r Hu_gh was not fa ir fo have t.ht> d t y pay ducing the city petty cash fund or the true value. Buena Park lot11 Plumb also sa1d tha t th£> cny f1~-mor(' than its shart• of tht> county Sl .SOO and agalnst abolishing th,. sold at the same time for $2.000 urcs set>med fair. However, Mr . tax load. publicity leaflt>t. The moderator each. assessed by the county i\t I Dr. :James Thornton of Orangt' $350 each, or 171:: J)t'r c-f:'n l of thr M t PI I R d I Coast CoUe~£>. caJJed for a raisins:t true value. as er an 5 ea y ?f hands on the other two points "A county-widt' study !~hould bf' 1 m th<' Hoover report ThE' vof.- made of the assessmPnt picture." . . 1 was 28 to 20 against aboli.shm~: Mr. HadfJeld urged '"We're beinJ: A comprehensiv£' plan for street Bn~: rufltn!': ac:ross part of !hE' ~t> nt>wly created city financt-,1_ aoeked by the rounty. fUld why and histhway alignment in th<' pr~>sf'nt . Linda ~le. with a hi(:h ft('(>r's position. and 34 to 9 a~auut turn over all tht' assPssin~t to the Newport Ha rbor Art-a was rt'-leH•I bndge from tht' Irvine t<'r· turning over the tax asM"<:ing and "county and losE' t h•· only control \t-alt'd this Wet>k as the city's race ~luff~ down w tht> pr~s<'nt collecting to thf' count) that could kM'P tht> !'ount} In plannm~ consultants, Hahn & bay brldJ:<', hlghwa) b)-paSS aboq• Edward Ht'alv. hPad of the 0-n- l.ine.,.. WI~<'. 11ubmHted th<' m8!!tt>r plan Corona rlrl Mar tral NA """ t ·eo A·-. of the Cty of Newport Bt>ach to ' .c\o\..-r mmuruty """"r Carl Thomas. presidf'nt of th<' the City Council and the P lan-Thrst· <~r" th(' prC"IJlOflt'd lmproH·-and \'l<'t"-Prt'Sidt>nt of the LA>arzu" Realty Board. said thllt turmn~ nan~ CommissJon. m""'" of Civic Associations. o~nt'd thf' over the asst'SSins; and tax collect-Thf' rPport is thl' rt'SUit of al· 1 I 1 COA~T ffiGH\\'AY m('('ting and then turnt d It ovpr ing would be a loss to tht' taxpay-most four ~Pars of study for Tht· mo~t -..·nous bottlt'n('{'k 1s to Dr. Thornton. "ho ll kt•nt'd thP ers. wouJd incon\'Pnit'nCt' th<'m h~ which Council contractt'd ";th the' thrntt~h C'm•ona del Mar and a 1 gathering to tht· un~· ~om~.; on 1n Most prominent at the meeting were city t'mployees and membel'S of the Realty Board. and among them they very effectively sliced up tht-report. It m1ght be said that the outcome of the voting wu to a great degree a loyalty vote for two very affablE' and E'f- fldent ~£>nts who are in the mid-T ail p k die In thla t.hinc-Oty Cl_erk I er ar a-rUe Priest and Finance Offacer roMullants for a fee of $l8.000 b~ ·r'l\!<.; to tht' northwest Is pro-Chicago as an ext>rt'l'«' uf our fur- Already the land use and zoning po~M. With a modified clo\Crl£>nf I dame.nta1 responslbtllty of Am"r - portion of the master plan has at MacArthur Blvd .• a crossover can citizenship. b<'t?n <.'nacted by Council as a city o;;trut tllN' at the poaiblt' extension The reoco1"1lmt"ndatlon to redu<·· nrl'finance. Now submitted for fur-of Mar~rlte Ave· and a &true-ttl(> PE'tty cuh fund and ~top fur· tht'r study are the street and lurP ~0 t_he south allowing a~<~ ther salary advanN'!l wa-. al<t>n up hllilhway plan, parking plan. pub-to adjommg lands and .sei"VUlg for first. City Manager Jf>hn Sailol"" A1eCOnd hearing will be held by lie buildings plan, and park, r'E'· connectJOTI to ~ old highway. and ~ Officer Kt>nnl"th Han- Kenny Hannahs. PI DeL-ed However, the final derulon is · aJI 'UGI atill forthcoming -perhaps thls coming Monday evening at the Coundl meeting-and the entire Uttle Hoover report deserves more thorough and two-sided go- ing over than it got last night .... Alter much Uatening and thinking I aUll tind myself substantially in agreement with myself, u jotted down in th~ Log or Jtme 12 and lut week ..•. (Back numbers five cenu each) ... And thts particu- lar admonition I'd like to pa.sa on to the City Council: Let's dig into thls business of county gouging ---U necessary hold up the de- cision on the tax coUec.Ung and assessing in tht> meantime ... and lf lt is true. as Stan Hadtit>ld's figures indicate. that the county ts out of line. certainly the dty must havt' recourse to correcting the Iniquity .... and the Uttle Hoover f'f'COmmendation is still a sound and money-savin~t idea Election Sept 30 On School Board At a special m~tlng of the Ele- mentary School Board called Tues- day llftemoon, tne present three- man board composed of Gordon Findlay, James Ray and Harvey Pease voted to call a special elec-- tion for Tut>sday, Sept. 30, for the purpoee of deciding whether or not the Elementary Board should be lncreued to flve members. Two new members will be elect- ed at that time if the voting is in favor of Increasing the board. Candidates for tht' possible vacan- cies must file wtth the county at lMBt 30 da,ys before the election. Legion lastalls th~ Planning Commission at 7 :30 creation and wat£'rfront plan. . A crossovt-r wtth full cloverleef nahs said the mont'y advanced wa.<~ p. m. next Thursday. July 17, on Highlights of the stret-t and 15 sugg~stro at Marine Ave. and against salary earned, and that thr Hancock Banning's application for highway proposals are: tht' 31 s t Coast Highway to serw aa the key prlvi.lt-ge had never t>N:>n abused re-zoning of th~ Bannl~ tract St. cut-off In Newport; parkway entrance to the Upper Bay area Jess Brewer. prt>"Sjdt>nt of the CJty south of the highway In Wt>st on the ~ewport-Balboa ocean and _providt' for mtt>rchange of Employe-es' Assn., said that forma- Newport. front ; a second channel to Upper t~afflc to Ralb<\8 Ts land and Bay-tion of a credit union. as sug,rN'tf'd Mr. Banning a ttended a special ~nde DriH•. In t.he UttJt> Hoover report had meeting of Councilmen and Plan-Realignmt-nt of the Coast High-been inve.tipted and round 'inad- ning Commissioners Tuesday after-G. Boll:-gshead way. with a high lt>Vt'l bridge OVt'r \'L--ablt' because the group wu too noon for a discUssion of his requt'St lUI a new channel to thf' Upper Bay smaU. Rob£'rt Allen of Balboa J..s- for 4-H zoning westerly from 49th &rt'a, is propol'l('d. Conne<'llon to land, former councilman. madP St. and C-1-H between 49th St. Dies OD JsJ·.s•d the prt'S('nt road would ~ made-the motion to disapprovt> ttw-and 45th St. on the easterly por· Uaa wPS t of thf' prest'nt Bayside Drive. Urtk> Hoover rt>COI1UT\f'ndation tion of the tract. H e said ht' wa~ A man prominent in the movit-Wl~ning or tht' highway west and the motion was apprO\·ed Wlth asking the 4-H because ht> had an lndl.l.'ltry passed awav Tuesday of 17th St. to tht' same location out di~nt. offt>r to lease that portion for a I night at h.is home i19 E. Bav as at Rlvt-rsid£' Dr. is proposed A Ot~· .M.anag£>r Sa1lor-; and Coun- trailer park. He said ht> was op-Front, Balboa I ~ l ~ n d Gordon centt>r l'ep&ration of four fe<'t IS o.lman Leos ubell spoke Ln favor posed to any plan to reloca tt> th!' Hollingshead. agt>d 60. had lived sugs:t-<>tE'd to N'duce aC'ddf>nt haz· of reta.inlng thi! appoinUvt' cit.) fi- Pacific ElE'<'trlc yards on hi~ tract on Balboa Island for nine y£>al"" ard nanet> officer as a stt-p toward in West Newport and exprPsst'd and watcht>d thE' ~owth of th(' A traff iC ill'tuall>d Signal at thl' more efficient. businesslikt-man- hope that PE would n>locRt" wt'~t RrPa since 192f' when hP came Wt'~t ~ .. n'':?onC'('s~ the Balboa Bay Club :~m~nt. E: Avpry <=:ary, mer:n- of tht> Santa Ana Rivt-r. from tus hom•' 10 :--.;('\\' RochE"IIP · P po o th~ Little Hoo,t'r Commit· Harold Arthur. pr('Sidt'nt nf tht> ;.,:pw York. •:'• Sf:l''PORT BL\'D . tN'. ~xplained that tht> committM West Newport lmprov£>mt'nl Assn , Mr. lloiUn~ht'ad is survH t'd b~ ~Ot'TH OF AIU.'H&" felt It ":as not nt"CE'SSar;· to h,~t\'1' said his group opposed both the hi,; wHt'. A.'Celianr . 11 dau~ht('r 1 South nf the Archrs tht' lar~t·l bo~h ofhces after tht> \C"Itf'rs hsd trailer camp and P E r<'location ID 'l'ula «Mrs. Hadd Rin~l on Lido 1 turmn~ mO\E"m<'nt m and out of re.)t"('~ed the ~roposal to abohs~ thro West Newport on thP ground" that Js lt'; a daus:htt>r Ebba 1\t. Webb. \"1a Lido ca1L"t' rongt>St.ion and thf 1 <'li'CU\<' cit~ treasun>r P<ll'lltion proJX'rt y values would be injured. Ralboa l!'land; a son. Otto Hoo~. backm~ up or traffic 0\t'l tht> and felt furthPr that the electo•li and hl' said thAt thE' zonln~ ther" R:llboa Island: a sistf'r, Hetti£> bn<l2t' b most hazardous. ThP '~~as~r. M~. Kennt'th Coolinr should be R-2. Bryant and neph£>w Gordon Mur-plan propost>s thP bulbinc C"IUt of . eU quahfled to handle both Tht> 31st St. cutoff over thE' PE ra\' of Los AngeiPs. and ~tT&nd-:-.lt>wport Bl\'d. to allow the con-JObs. Mayor A. W. Smith a)Sf' right-of-way. rejected last yt-ar by childrf'n : Dona. Dolores and W1l-struclion of a storage lane for the 1 ~ld that .he had found M rs C'ool City Council. again C'ame up for llam Hin~&. F.ric 1 IOt'R. Jam t' s traffic mo\'t'mr nt turnin~ ldt m to mtts q~i~tlo:' tolbe supenor discussion. WalteT Lon It m oor. WC'bb and one ~n~at grandchild. \'io L1do and Mn aCCf'lerRtion lan• lllin 1s ;ood gt 8 k'ni""'f>l"!llty of Planning Commission Chairman. Nickolas Roctnor. for t:raff1c fuming lt•ff 1nto N("Y.'· 0 gra ua e. ~00 post gndu- said the commission favored tht' F unt'ral !\t'nires will be ht>ld a 1 port Blvd from Via U do att' '!Vork in busmess at UCLA cut-off with C-1 zoning In that 11 a. m. tomorrow· (Frida>:l at Thf' mo.'-t sen ou." ron~~tion £>X· was f~~~ thr~~t'ars1~o)r fh•• area. Mayor A. W. Smith also thf" Church of the ~ss1onal. ists tx twe\'n 32nd St and "de Fad-~ uo:v on rage ~ said it looked like a good IdeA and Forelll Lawn Mt'morial Park. En-dPn PI tx-caus<' of th narro'-' should be dJscuaed further. tombm<'nt \\i ll follow. Ball2 str~t wtdt.hs and the stnp com U- Stnets and highways w t' r r Mortuary in Corona del ~1ar \\ill mt-rcial development 'lllt' pl.o n ltJia. again discussed yesterday alter-take> charge of the ser.'i~ proposed that the old rai.l"'a~ noon in a m~ting caUed to gt>t Mr. Hollingshead. a producer. ri~ht-(lf-way ~ u.wd for a ron- local opinion and auggestJoM for was head of the short subjects de-nrolion from Newport Blvd. to a joint fact finding commltt~ of partment of Warnt>r Bros. mo-.it> &!boa Blvd. 1 th<' 3l.st St. cut~ff 1 the State Legialature, to be held studios. He was the highest indi-and that Balboa Blvd. be wtdent'd in Long Beach July 22-23. City vidual award winnt-r of the film from this connt'Ction to McFadden officials expret~S ~ that some industry. ha\·in~ won 12 oscaJ"!; Place. financial aid may be forthcoming and 34 nom1nations f o r h 1 s Traffic signala are pt"OpiOHd 8 1 for solution of major problems In achievt>m<'nts. Ht> began hls mom· \"ta Lido, the-~n to Balboo t.he city. csrt"er shortly after World War I f~ntinut'd on P'a.ge 12) Fred J . Stephens of Newport in New York and camt' to the wt>St __ _ was lnstlllled last night U com-Lid til l)..d coast a littie over 30 yt'ars ago Mrs. DrwlDa Walaon Th<lm~n of 320 Undo St., BaJboo du'<i Monday at St. J06eph H06pttlll a t the age of 32. Mrs Thom~un wife of Albert 'nlompson, h11ct btot-n sufft'dng With lt-ukt'mn Tht.> ThomPIION a"' former ownt>T" of t.h~ Doll ~ '""taurant In RaJ-boa. ma.nder of Ne~rt Harbor Legion O nG.al 611 All his Ufc ht' had tx>t>n in sho" 1 Burt Procter Named Post 291, succeeding Ed Murrison. bualness. originally In vauJevill~. To Art Festi•al Board A.lllo Installed were Robert Hur-Mnr. Orin 1borldldsen of Udo he performed with a tl'am callt>d wUz. first vice-commander; Mor-lsle waa ~d to land at Teter-HoiUngshead and Sulli"an. Local artist Burt Proctrr of 402 ris Laurie. second vice--command-boro, N . J. in tne llxth ann~ Gnld~nrod Avf' .. CoronA dt-1 Mar. er; Leonard Perruui, third v'lce--Powder Putt Der'by, the All Wo-(lARD PART\' n ·r.\' 16 was. L'lt'<'tro to the Roord or Di- commander; LeAlie Soderberg, fl-man 'I"ranscontlnental Alr R-8<'1'. 'McketJI for thr ~tl'rbrl~ht Cluh N'<'tct.., of J.l\S:Unll Ft>!<Uval ot Arts nance officer ; Harry Crocker, ser-which started fTom Orange County cnrd part.> to be hdd W .-dnt'!ld.'ly, Mondn' Mr. l~tt, •~' th.b. Yt'M aeant-at-a.rma: William Bannlster. Airport lalt Fridlly. She and her July 16. 1m• 1\\&tlsbl~' (rom Pl\ul-ln chnrs:r nr th(' ••xnC'Hnl' work ot chaplain: Roy Q>hrft, hlatorian: co-pUot, Lola ~ldns. landed at lne JuJX•r, HArbor 3061-J . n<' Pftlntlnlil backJ:TOunc:b fClr '1ivlnR Whit Helms, parliamentarian; 10:17 a . m.· Sunday, 67 houn after cording to Regina Cotlll•. J:t'nt'rnl : rictuN>!t'" In Uus surrunct"a Pa- Jack Rf'lMrt and C. Rupp, color t.ak~tf and only thrt>(' mlnutt'S chAirman. The bcn<-fit pt~rty will ' St<' nt ot Ult' M.utt>l"f llf" luc- lf\,at'CII; ~ Tampl.ls and Tex ~bind ~ flnt plane. RA.ndlc:aps ~ with " t 2.30 lunctx-M and ct"f'ds LJoyd St-tblc-t of ~. JOnc, color bHf'f'n: Ram Myen, wUl determlnt' the exact winn.-rs wlU be Mid at ~ Odd FI'UOWS v.ho n:-«-nt.b' n'lllttn<'d tc ~ actjutant. of the ra~. Hall. Cotta Meu. tht' Glad~l' Pa.rlr 'liotf'l She is a.lso ~Ul"\.,"'Pd b> twn childn-n. a 5-yt>Ar-old dAu~:htcr. Altha Jane 1boml)ll(ln "nd an ~ year-old son, AlbM't Thom~n m. Md ~ pan-n . J t'Ph c wtl.fKin of l...ol AnJ.¥1M and Mn~ AJpha Jan<' WilM•n ul PMlm Spring!!. M ~ ThomPb()n " " 14 nallv€' of TO!Pfb Kan.. and had II\ I'd In C&llfom.ta for 20 yt>&ri She ~ ~ to tht-~~~ c:hurd\. Pri\ .. tto crt>mAtkln ....,..., hrld wos- tentay at Mf'~ Abb..) Witn !Dowf..t am. Mortual') 1n t'.harn Women's Groups Are Reorganited ENSiGN OmCIAL NEWSPAPER of the City A reorganization plan tor the .small groups of the Women's Fel· lowship of he Corona del Mar Community Church hu been an- nounced by Mrs. George J . Davies. prt>sidcnt. lnstead of the geo- graphical division ot groups, a BIL DIKE Says: "IOATING IS NOW IIG IUSINESS" A re.ord 31/> mil lion prtvoto ... .,tor- cr.,fl -from rowbooh to I OO·foot <I '"'er~-wal be crui,in9 lhru the no· ••v n \ woterwoy' thi, yoor. ApproJi· Mote 'I' o l.o r bill'o" dollor\ o yoor t\ nl)w be·nq $ponl for ptovoto water· croft. Do you know thto REDUC.. liONS IN RATES hovo been modo •n cortoin BOAT CLASSIFICATION ~tnd FUATHU l£DUCTIONS AlE AVAILABLE r ,EAIOD OF USE INSURANCE? Hal ••• INSURANCE & BONDS l4 I I Newport Blvd. HAtb.,. 402 NEW,ORT lEACH "fruit basket Up8l"t" plan has been suggested which will divide the membership into special inter- est groups for their Informal be· tween meeting sessions. AU wo- men or the community are invited to join one or more of the special groups. Classirications and the tempor- ary conveners llre as follows: U) Reading Adven tures, Mrs. 0. Z. Robertson: (II) Friendly Service, Mrs. OUvcr Campbell; I ill) Arts and Crafts. Mrs. John Meador; (IV ) Garden and Flower Ar· rangements, Mrs. Meta Nelson ; (V ) Music. Mrs. Wendell Hoyt; and fVJ) Home and Child Guid- ance (evenlnp), Mrs. Merle V•r· Burg. Bib 'n' Tucker Plan for Danc;e The Board of Directors of Bib 'n'Tucker Club m@t at the Laguna home of Mr . and Mrs. Richard Smith Tuesday evening of last week. Plans were completed for the Sept. Z7 Sport Dance. under the chairmanship of Mrs. Mogens Abel and Mrs. Richard Smith. Other board members present at the meeting were Mrs. Grant Ho- wald. Clark Sackman. Myron Way, L C. Arms and Robert Watkins. GUESTS FOR THE BLOWERS Holiday guests at the Balboa home of Mr. and Mrs. Fayette Blower were Mr. and Mrs. John Ericson and baby son, Johnny, of WE'st Los Angeles. and Mr . and Mrs. Don Brock of South Gate. Ensjgn Want Ads brio& Results. IDEAS OF NE~RT BEACH ,ubflth.cl ...tty, 011 T11__,ey, ill th. City of Nowport a..ch, C.lif. Offico o11d prlntlnt plo..t In t1to latltn lu!WIIIt. I 104 Coeet louiO¥ord, Corono dol Mer. TlLEPHONES: HAriHw I I 14 oftd II II • • • Tho NEWPORT HARBOR ENSIGN h01 boon dotormlno<i to bo o nows- poper of 9onorol clrculotion by jud9,.nt of tho Superior Court end by roo,on thor.of is quolifiod to publish oil public notices required by low, • • • &!torod •• S.c...d Clou Mo tter In tile ,ott Office ot Corone dol Mer, O.lif. ARVO E. HM,A Wltor oftd 'ubllthor 'E6 HMIA • AMMiot. Wltor CAL lOOT .Ynr+ltlnt • SUISCliPTION lATES • One Yoor, in tho Horbot A,..._·--------·--·-··-~······ .. $2.50 One Yoer, oukido of tho H.fbo, ArM·--·-·-···--··-·····-·······-·-··· 3.00 • IAftl FOI UNIWALS. * One Year, in tM Herbor--A,..o-----· ···-···-·······-···-····$2.00 One Yoor. out.W. of the Ho'* AIM ·-·· -·····-··--·-2.50 Molfl.tt A.Uro111 liM eo..t ....... rd. c-on. clol Mar, C.llfontla W011ea of Moose CHII>S .r .r lutAJJ Olficen m,-JIW HU>S0N The new officers of the New- port Beach Women of the Moose were installed Monday <'Vening of last w~k by the escort team of the Newport Moou Lodge. Installed were Alice Young, sen- ior I"E'gen t; Winifred Randel. jun- ior graduate reg<'nt; Wilma Corbin, junior regt>nt; Myrtle Humphrey. chaplain; Viola Cornecl. recorder; Elsie King. treasurer; Bla nche DeNio, argus. and Lena Massey. sentinel. The co-workers and officers pre· sented outgoing senior regent Winifred Randel with a rhines tone necklace and earring set. The new senior re{tent. Alice Young. introduced her new chairman and thanked the escort team, whlch Included Leonard Leach, Tony Bo- etto, JO<' Homann. Paul Pht'gley. Don Randel, Elmo GatE'S, Ed Ht>ekathorn. Leonard Corbin I don't like dogs. I do like a dog-If he's mine. Dogs, plural, scare mt'. This Is a neurosis. 4 dog bit the finger or a $-year-old human stranger- me. It was self-defense. He didn't kn.ow I thought I was trtendly. Since then I've never expected any dog except mine to un.der· stand me. I don't have a dog now that I llvt' here. I did have a dog when I didn't live here. But the dog had our own half acre and mJles of nearby pastures to roam. Ht're he would have had leash law. J(). foot lots a nd a broken spirit. We split up. He's happy with somt'one E'ise's half acre. I'm happy with my postagt'-stamp gardt'n. We both think kindly or each other. So that makes me a philosopher. I will now philosophize. Dog owners come in two sizes Sunny Michaeli was installing -practical and t>motional. Practi- lh RAT DANIGa ,::uide; Durl Tipping .was Instal· cal ones are breeders, sheepherd-lin~ chaplain. Armand£' PappinE'au prs. huntt.>rs. siJ,thtless. E. kimos installing chairman. C 1 a r t.> n c e and sh('rlffs. Emotional ones are Young installing otrlcer. RJtual everybody E'lSt.> who hasn't a prac- Chairman Flora Vaughan drill£'d tical r~,>ason to begin with. DON'T START WITHOUT A PLAN A u reful roomplon i' Of'IO of tho ,.,od imporlonl elements in pro- ducing e succoufvl room. A well· though+·ou+-design, proforobly on poper, doesn't leave much mer· 9in for costly rnistekoHi•e pic- lures ond mirrot1 hun9 ot ou+- lendish stop-ledder hoighk, Of' l11ck of balence between ••II de· cor •nd droperies. INSURE SUCCESS • . . end ovoid coi tly time-con. suming misto•u by me.in9 • mi· nutely detoilod plen thet coordi· ne~es the fur,ishii'CJI ond bed· 9round of tho room into en at· troctive, function•l unit. In this way you t on be s.•r• thot e"ery element in tho room will be in bol- enu with ... ond tomploment the over<tll pl•n. the escort team. Each pmotionalist offers a logi- A t tht> June 26 me<>ting Fa~<' cal reason for his dog Most popu- Douglas. sponsored by C I a r a lar is "l like dogs." Next comes LE'ach. and Catht'rinE' G r if r it h. the watchdog gimmick. Having sponsored by Flora Vaughan. were one "for thl' kid' sake· ra tt>S high, mitiated into membership. Edna too. Mal' Pippin. the nurse whom the I None gives the real reason. chapter is sponsor·ing. slopped in Either hE' hon<•stly d()(>sn't know to thank the co-workers for· the it. or won't admit it. brace for her injured back. Tht>re arl.' only two real non- 1 practical reasons for owning a dog. BIBLE SCHOOL TO TART Sometimes t hese mergl'. One is . . pride. The otht>r is self-interest. Vacation B1ble School for tht> Pride includes most owners of First Ba.ptist Church of Nt>wport dogs of fashion. running from .Beach Will be held week-~y morn-watch-charm hybrids to pitiful angs Monday ~hrough Frrday Cnr poodJf's The do~. not th(' own- two w~ks beg~nning July 21. In-ers. It mcludPS tho t> suffused eluded Ill the program will be spe-with th<' importanct' or pc.'<ligree cia) clay modelling ar.d ceramic and tx>st-of-show baubles. They're work taught by ~rbara Ha~sen, tht• snn~. thE> inse-cure. the coun- ownt'r o.f Hansen s .Hobby ~hop tcrfe rt. The 0 ,, nC'rs. not th<' do~. and as Lc;tant supcrrntE'ndent ~f 1 Self-intert'st 1s there, too. But the Sunday School. Re\ · h ·an t:l-j· pr•'domrnatt'' m those not overly Its' S unday sermons will lx.• r'Om'f'rnf•d with dlsplav In their .. Frui ts ~~ Independenct'" at !.1 ,u. cas<' th£>y nf'E'd a doJ{ tX:cauSE' thl"y m. and Through One Man at aren't ~Nting all th<' low. acrec- 7:30 P m. Commwuon S('l\tce thJn and appreciattnn th<'ir svs- will be. at 11 a. m. Mid·wl:'('k t>r-: tt>ms '-' ;1•·e. · '!.('(> wrll be on tht' messa(!t• ol 1 Their dog hplp:,. them gN it. 1-rrst 1'1moth) · Their motrve.s ttn' Ill.'\ er ques- J iioned. ThE'ir tantrums .ut> con· tUOl'!ER don{:<J Thdr rX'tty crut•lli<>S ar<' ~pEn 1, 1 Corgn<'n. 1 Th£'n, "h£'n th('tr <'$:0 n~ds dc- T A. 1.$ 1 votion. adoration. sympathy or EN I' I companionship. it ~t'I S tht'm all in TIDE I onE' strokabiE'. tail·wag'!'lng pack- s.un a~t' b) th<' men• snap of a fln~f'r f you re confu\ed obout your room plan, don't hesitete to como in <tnd tal~ it over with our friend· ly trained staf4. We ore olway' hoppy to help you with idou ... or in ony wey thet •• t OI\. I ttNJALS Office 8app&J 1 or cluck of a tongue sava BA ae I "ish I had a dog. WHY PAY MORE! MAGNA VOX world famous 20" console TELEVISIO.N. · DIRECT Amazingly LOW Price of oruy &om factory to YOU at the THE house of harmony O,EN MONDAYS -FliOAYS -SATURDAYS 'til 9 p. m. 1817 Newport BJ.ct BEacon 7 4 2 9 Coeta MMa Thunday, July 10. 1152 'Berlin Story' Author Visits Balboa Couple A Spt'C'fal WH k-t>nd JCUHt at the home of Mr. and Mrs. HolUI Wood of Balboe wu 0\rt.tapber lahef'o wood. a u t h o r of ''The ~rUn Story." The book hu alnce been transformed Into a play and is on Broadway as "1 Am a Camera." ''BE SURE -INSURr wltb Maurie Stanley ID8uraDce eo... .... JWt80R. "" ...................... W. Stuart Foote GENERAL INSURANC& MARCO ANICH. AIIOdata Phone: HArtlor M-P.O.-1 2111 VI. 8AIIIae ...._ Newport BMeb. ~. DANCDIO AUTHUR MURRAY'S Ul CX>AST BLVD. Corona delMar 0..10 to 1D For flee--.~ CaD JIAnoc' gm Furniture Restoration Cbalr bottoms, bencit.- and atooll restDnd using cane, rua~ 1"eed. etc. HARVEY'S Fumlture Repair 2050 Santa Ana Ave. Q»ta M.HL BEaooa 61JI.J HAYDEN HAVEN For the Pre--School Tot 440 Hellotro~ Ave., CDM Half. and All·Da.1 Sf'alona By Hour, Day, WHk or Montb HArbor 1091-R 80.VIC& PLATING Silver Platers And SUvenmlthl Repair • Reflnlahing • Replate Gold • SUver • Copper -an. Near Community Churcb 1914 Harbor Blvd., eo.ta Me. BEaeoD 5113 IIU810 Marqaret L. Scharle 1'"eecher or Plano Organist -Acoompanlln EveningO... for Adulta 307 GOLDENROD AVE. Corona del Mar POPULAR PIANO LESSONS in your home by Frances Powers 256 Morning Omyon Rd. HArbor tm-R Shore CUtts PHYBICIAN~.D>Nll Lawrence K. Gundrum, M.D. 1741 Superior Ave., Costa Mesa Practice llmJ ted to oteeuee of Ear, Nose, Throat; Allergy Ofnoe Houn: by Appointment BEacon ~ or BEacon 883S Bruce F. Sims. D. 0 . Physician cl: Surgeon P ractice Confined to Care or the FHt 1195 Coast Blvd. South Laeuna &eeb. Phon@ 4.-6611 Baltz Mortuary Cbapel by tbe Sea HARBOR 42 Co!'Ona del ....... Calltomia Ample OU..Street Pa.r11:1ai FrimcD)' Nellbborbood Service PARKES · RlDLEY GRAUEL CHAPEL •' 110 Broadway B.l:aCDD 5810 Cwta liMa ROOir'DfG Roofing -All Types New Roofa and Resilir 28 yn. expft'. ·Free estJrnates JOHN T. MORRIS 1!595 Newport Blvd, Co.ta Meta Phone BEacon 5179 (Eveninea: HArbor 2145-Ml Tlnanclay, July 10, 1152 OIIJROID UV. IKlllaOOK TO ~ Mlnlater Emertt.. ~rTY F. Schrock will again be gue8t apea ker at tN Corona del Mar Community Church on Sunday In the absence of the regu.J.av' mln.is- ter, Rev. Paul E. BabbCtt. Ria sermon for the early service at 8:30 a . m. wUJ be '"Th~ Waya to Uve With God." At 9:45 and 11 a . m. the tOPic wUJ be "Uke Stan In a Dark Wortd." Second big week of "Vacation Bible School" in the Corona del Mar Community Ch\II'Ch will reach a climax toniebt (Thursday> with a family dlnDer and demon- atraUon by the ctilferent cla.aes. &bowing their work in bancticrafta U. t depict the Ule and tiJnas of U., Bible fft that they are study- ~~---~-_._ ~~~ fl••a"• Qlu.p~- 117~ Ht>re's onE" of t he New York lnspirE'd fashions that Velma no- ticed fuhionable eastern women I were wearing on Fifth Ave. cinch belt. It's a trifling item for 1 the bud&et but hugs the waist with a·~ nattering snUIJ)ea and is adjuatable to your sla. N~rt Harbor pls bave 10 taken to them that they are fas t disappearing, but O'BRIEN'S will have mort> In slDce you like them. too. We havee't yf't eonH~rNI tl'l4" ...._, Vf!bna. to ~t a reel pk- ~ of thll uetU.r; S ew Yerk taMJoe market. bot we are bf-.. .. tar; to .efl tiM! &dvan~ o'*'"' llllo"1nr: AOmf' of t.ht- fraltA of hf'r tabo~ and thf'y art' tllllln'l y I 08CI OWJ ! IU preview ncw for fall and something ni'W for thE' h('ightS Of July fas hions, Vplma r~mmt>nds tlw new dark tPxtu rPd cottons. which will prove as seTViceable as they are smart. Th<'S(' dre-sS('S 81'1' made or Thomas Cotton -cotton wov~n on the looms usualh re- serv~ for wool and that is why they are dresses with on l'xpensivP look. and with a rich fPt>l to th(' mawrial. Smartly colorE'd for town and country wear in copper and black. black and wine. royal and blade and so forth. You'll applaud the ne-w styling or the-se dresses at O'BRIEN'S as Velma did when they Wt'n> modcllt>d for lwr in Kt'W Yo rk . Ye.. """' 11Ull ha,·r a uJf' pn~ on.. AM ,.,,.•u bv«> t.o admU that a few t.IWIJ:W hAn f~M~Dd tht-lr wa,y to tile aale rack t.ha t werf'n't thHf' w hua O'IIIU:&N'~ ftnt opt"af'd tht>lr doon ""th th .. betr~Julln~: of our fourth birthday •le. So lf you lulvf'a't ~ In lat.ely ~ !follrf' aod ru.b rlr;tat ln. ... -. ~1 '•• .. ~/) I ... I 0 ---·-·---~ ..... 0 lUll COAST BOULEVA&D CORONA DEL IIAa BArbor UIB Gifta & Greetings for You-through WELCOME WAGON from Your Friendly B•win•• Neighbors cmdCinccmd Social Welfare Leaders O'N TilE OCCASION OF • -- The Birth of a Baby Sixteenth Birthd ays Engageme nt Announcements Change of Residence Arrivals of Newcomers to --- NEWPORT BEACH Phone BEacon 7272 (Ne eel!& w oWiptiGe) LE880S ON 8AC&.uo:N'I' 'T'rue worship of God tndudet activity which bleues and hMJa rnankln4, polnta out the Sunday Bible LesiOn on "Sacrament" at the Chr11Uan Scten~ ~ureh. The Golden Text from Psalms ( 116:12, 131 reoadil, "What ahaU I render unto the Lord for all hls benefits toward me! I will take t ilt' eup of salvation, and call upon the name of the Lord." • • • CRA VINO FOB WONDEB8 The chan&e in human hear ts, the transformation of human characters, il a miracle that re- vea» the ever-living Savior, ac- cording to Elder Hollla L. Ander- son. who will deU\rer a sermon on "The Onuaual" at 11 a. m. Satur- day at the Seventh Day Adventist Chu.rc:h, N~-rt He'ghts. He wiU speak of the craving of many peo- ple tor the unusual In religion. for start ling signs and wonders. • • • SEAMON ON 'ELECTION' Dr. lvan Cheever EIUs will prea ch at U a.m. Sunday a t the First Baptlat Church or Newport on "Tile Election W e Can Win" and at 7 ~30 p.m. on "Sad Story or Glad Story?" The Young Adults will have their regular meeting a t 7 :30 p~ m . tomorrow I FridAy l at the Ora Jtaeker t.onw. e BaJboe CO~a. Vacation Bible School will start at 9 a.m. Monday, July 21. Pre--registration ean be made In SW"Hiat ScMol on July 20. Mrs. S.rbara Hanam. in cher~. says there wiU be cl.uiH hun 9 a. m. to noon Monday through Friday for two weeki on the aeneral theme of "How we aot our Bible." All c:blldren from 4 through 11 years of age can a ttend.. • • • WltONO TO DOUBTf Rev. James S. Stewart wlll preach on th~ problem ol doubt at the dupUcat~ services, 9 :30 and 11 a.m. Sunday, at St. Alldrewl Presbyterian Church. Ril sermon will deal 'IP'ith the o/~n asked question, "Is It wrone to doubt!" Vacation Olurch School begins its second week Monday with 90 dill· dren enrolled. On the sta(f are Mra. Millard Mi~. Mn. WUllam KJJnH, Mrs. ~ldlne Barker, Mrs. WlUtam Harvey, Mrs Richard S teele. Mrs. Sheldon Riley. Mrs. James Stewart, 0.11 Hanson. Bar- bara Bundy. Janlce White and Pat Clemence. • • • Gt'EST SPEAKER Guest speaker at the Balboa ls- I a n d Com m u n i t y M ethodist Chur(:h on Sunday will bt> Dr. 8oyce Van o.del. Baptilt mi.U.ter from San Bernerdlno. Dr. Van Oldel wu guest apeaku .everal til'tleS lut •~r and tt>tur.na by request of the congrega tion. Rev. Hatr Y White will ~duct thf> eervlce. NEW BUTLER BABY The new baby at the James Butler house, 1607 Second Ave .. Corona del Mar. ll vyiq with his big brother Kevin, age 2. for lots of attention. Baby David waa born ~. June 13, a t St. J~ Ho.pltal and weighed seven pounds and 11 C>UDCeS. The B11t1u family il living in Mrs. Carolyn Weber's home wbUe she ll in San Marino. Announcing ••• L .1. IIITLEII .. ... W.N~Biv .. N..,.ort .... MERCHANI'S' PROTECTIVE SERVICE ................ ~ NEWPORT HARBOR AREA For rompleW! lal....aU. call FID WUATH. U..berly 1-Mal State Merchants' Polce Ualf onaed DIYw.. .r PRIVATE DETECDVE AOE!'iCY Our PRODUCE is ~·l.f' 1"' •1 {,lin ., lh. 2"' ("<&ft ., Hale~• -Corn ~~ It Potat.oe.. COJI BEEF RASH a.r~~.. 31c §4c • .... AJSE pt. qL aaaEI'S t.y2 PIICE SALE 28c lastaal COFFEE t~r 56e St.okf'l)''tt t'ln t'"t!lt {'UT-11-0L GR. BEAlS :o;t..okt'ly's Flnt>!!t FOROIIOOK UIAS 16--oJ... 3 .... scr 3 ... scr GRAPEFiuiT~3~. sftC .n'lCE for ., • . . Quality Meats • M~t~Cbo~ BEEF POT BOAST • • • EiM~i iiAST ... • • • WliiJe n Laat. ••• DEIST OF LAMB • • ,t THE Excellf'e1 Bnldac t9; IEEFSI.-~ a 4'7~ • • FRESH As a Young Bride's Smile I • * • Faocy, T bJc.ok Mt-au-d CANTALOUPES Frf"8h Loca I SUMMER SQUASH POTATOES 10 '"' 39' * * * ''' ut· .. Brooknf'ld BU1TEB !~~!NUM FOIL 2cr J .. ,.26' K r rn"s Pur.-25' STRAWBERY PRES. I\! O unl'f'" Whit.-HOUS4' Sut Browa 29' COCITIIL PEUm I' 0 UD«1' l kUif"lf' 2'1 SU. PIIEIPPI.E 'O. '!I l ('a.D Pap I The Women's Groups Are Reorganized A ff'Orl(unization plan (or the 1>mull groups of the Women's Fel- luwship or the Corona del Ma r C"'ommunity Church has been an- nounced by Mrs. George J. Daviee, pn•siden t. Instead of the geo- ~raphlcal division of l{r'OUps, a "fruit basket upset" plan has bt'en su,ggclited which wtll divide the membt'rahlp into spe-cial Inter· (>st groups l or their lnfonnal lx'· tween meeting sessions. AU wo- men of the community are lnvlt(>d to join one or more of the spec.lal EiiSiCN 0Ff1CIAL NEWSPAPER of the City OF NEWPORT BEACH 'uWithH -.lly, Oft TltiH'Miey, lfll the City of Newport leech. C.lif. Office end prlntlnt p&...t In t ile beltn luiWiat• 1104 Coett lotile¥er~. ~· del ~.,. TllE,HONU: H.Art-1114 elld 1111 • • • The NEWPORT HARIOR ENSIGN het been determined to be e news· pa,.r of general circuleti011 by ludgment of th• Su,.rior C ourt end by reoson thereof is quelifled to publith ell public: notic•• required by law. • • • Entered •• Secol'd Clan Metier In the '"* Offlce et Corone del Mer, C.lif. BIL DIKE Says: "IOATING IS NOW IIG IUSINESS" I'. re ord J1;7 milloon provote woter ornlt -from rowboats to IQO.foot 1 • .,er -woll be cruising thru the no· "'•n • .. ote,...oyl this yeor. Appro•i· moto .,. o '-o r billion dollor\ o yeor ·~ n.,.. be•nq 1pent for P"lleto woier· <ref! Do you know til to REDUC· TIONS IN RATES hove been mode '" ~ertoon BOAT CLASSIFICATION "nd FURTHER ltEDUCTIONS AtE AVAILABLE r PERIOD OF USE INSURANCE? Hal Dike INSURANCE & BONOS l4 t I Newport Blvd . HArbot' 402 NEWPORT lEACH DON'T START WITHOUT A PLAN A c•reful roompl•n is o"• of the MOd import.,nt elemenh in pro- duc:ing • succeu~ul room. A well· thought-o ut-design, preferebly on P•per, doe,n't leeve much mer- gin for collly mi1h~es~i~e pic- lures ond mirron hung et oui· l•ndi,h step-ledder heighh. or l<tck of belance between ••II de· cor ond dreperie1. If you re c:onfused •bout your r!)o,plen don't l.esitete to come on •nd tel~ H over with our friend· 'y !reined steH. We •r• •'w•ys heppy ,., l.elp you with ideu ... or in e ny wey that we cet~. groups. I Classifications and the tempor- ary con veners 'are as follows: IIJ Reading Adventures, Mrs. 0. Z. Robertson; (11) Friendly Service, Mrs. Oliver Campbell: <ITil Arts and Crafts. Mrs. John Meador; UV) Garden and Flower Ar· ra.ogements, Mrs. Meta Nelson: (V ) Music. Mrs. Wendell Hoyt: a.nd fVI ) Home a nd Chll~ Guid· ance (evenlnp), Mrs. Merle Vttr· Bw'g. Bib 'n' Tucker Plan for Dance The Board of Directors of Bib 'n'Tucker Club met at the Laguna hom(' of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smith Tuesday cvenlng of last week. Plans werP completed for the Sept. 27 Sport Dance. under the chairmanship of Mrs. Mogens Abel and Mrs. Richard Smith. Other board members presen t at the meeting W<'re Mrs. Grant Ho· wald, Clark Sackman. Myron Way, L. C. Arms a nd Robt'rt Wa tkins. COUESTS FOR THE BLOWERS Holiday gues ts at t.ht' Balboa home or Mr. and Mrs. Fayette Blower were Mr . and Mrs. John Ericson and baby son, J ohnny, of West Los Angeles. and Mr. and Mrs. Don Brock of South Gate. Ensign Want Ads brlna Resulta. INSURE SUCCESS IDEAS . . . end avoid costly lime·con· suming mistake' by meking • mi. nutely d•t•iled plen that r:oordi· nelet the furnishings end bed· ground of th• room into en el· tractive, functional unit . In this woy you c•n be s e thai e •ory element in the room will be in bal. •nee with • • • •nd complement the over<tll plen. AltVO E. HAAPA Editor elld ,ubllther ,EG HAA,A . AMoclete Editor CAL ltOOT A~,.rtftlnt • SUISCllnlON RATES • One Year, in the Her~ Are•···--·---·-.. ·-··-···-.. ~· ............. -... S2.SO One Year, outside of lh.e Herbor Aree·--··-·--·--··-··-······ .................. ).00 • lATII Faa lliNEWALS • One Year, in th• Herboi"'Ar"--·--~--·-·· ..... ~-................ $2.00 One Veer, outdde of th• Herbor AIM _________ ,_ .. -........ -_ 2.50 M•II1At A.diiNII: 1104 c..tt ........... c.-. 41.. M•r, C.hf-'e Womea of Moose £HII'S .r .r lutaJJ OffiCerS Er JIW IIW~ The new officers of the New· I don't like dogs. I do like a port Beach Women or the MOOie dog-If he's mlne. were installed Monday evening of Dogs, plural, scare me. This ls last week by the escort team of a neurosis. 4 dog bit the fi nger tht' Newport Moose Lodge. of a 5·year-old human strange r- Installed were Allee Young, sen-me. It was self-defense. He didn't lor l't'gt'nt: WlnlfrPd Randel. jun-know I thought I was friendly. lor graduate regent; Wilma Corbin. Since then I've never exp('Cted junior r<'gent: Myrtle Humphrey. any dog except mlne to under- chaplain : Viola Corned, l't'COrder; s tand me. Elsie King, treasurer: Blanche I don't have a dog now that I Of>Nio, ai'[CUS, and Lena Massey, live here. I did havE' a dog when sentin<'l. I didn't Uve hE're. But thE' dog had ou r own half acre and milt'S Thf.' co-workf.'rs and officers pr<'-of nearby pastures to roem. Here sented outgoin g senior regPnt he would have had ·leash law. 30-Wlnlfrcd Randel with a rhinestone necklace and earring set. The foot lots a nd a broken spirit. new ~>enior re~t'nt. Allee Young. We split up. He's happy with introduced hE"r new chairman and som<'one l'lse's half acrt>. I'm h~ppy thanked the escort team. whJch with my postage-stamp garden. Included Leonard ~ach, Tony Bo-We both think kindly or each other. etto. JO<' Homann. Paul Phegley. So that makes me a philosopher. Don Randel. Elmo Gall'S, Ed Hecka thorn, Le-onard Corbin 1 will now philosophiU' Dog owners rome in t wo sizes Sunn) MichaPil was installing practical a nd t•mo tional. Practi- I.!Uide: Ou rl Tippin.: was insta l· cal on<' are br('{'ders. shccphPrd· ling cha plain. Armandl• Pa ppin<'au ers. huntt'rs. sh.:htless, F:!!klmos ins talllng chairma n. C I a r t' n c e a nd sheriffs . F:motional ont•s are Young insta llin~ officer. Ritual ev('rybod.y e lsC' who hasn't a prac- C"'ha irma n Flora Vaughan dnllrd tical n•aron to ~ftln Wlth. the escort team. Each rmotionallst offers a logi- At thl• June ~6 m<'t'ltn~ Fa~P cal n•ason Cor his dog Most popu- l>ouglas. sponson•d b y C I & r a lar Is "I like dogs." Next comes U>ach. and Cathenne G r I r I 1 t h, thlo' wHtchdog ~imnuck. fla vlnst sponsor<'d by Flora Vaughan, were one "for the kid's sake" rates high, 1nttia tcd into membership. Edna too. Mae P1ppln. the nurse whom the I None gives the real reason. chapter Is sponsorin~. stop()E'd In Eithl'r he honestly dot•sn't know to thank the co-workers fur thl' it. or won't admit it. bract> for h<'r injured back. Thl'I'P are only two real non· 1 practical reasons for owning a dog . BIBLE RCHOOL TO START SometimE-s thes<' mergt>. O nt• is pri<k>. The oth('r is self -interest. Vacation Bible School for th£> PrldP lncluc.k>s most owner or First flaplist Church or Newport do~ts o r ra h1on. runnint; from Beach will lx-he ld wet>k·daY morn· watch-charm hybrids to pitiful ings Monday through Friday fnr I>OOdle ThP dose ·. not the own- two we<•ks beginnini: July 21 In-<'rs It includl"'<~ thost> suffused duded in the program will bf' SJ>f'· with the importam·p of pNiigrec cla l clay modelling and ceramic a.nd b<'st·of-s how ba ubles. They'rt> work taught by Barbara Hans£-n, thv snoh.,, thf' ln'><'Cure. tht• coun- nwne r of Hansen's Jlobby Shop h•lfl·ll. Tlw• Cl\\ ll<'r!>, not the doJ.,>s. and 3~l>istan t SUJX'rlnh•ndenl of Sell ·intcrr·st 1s thl'r(', too But the Sunday School. Rt•\. h ttu ~1-it prt•donunat"" "'tho"<' not OVC'rly lis' Sunday s e r m o n s will be cuncPrm·d with display. In their "Fruits of lndl'pcndencc" a t !} a cas(• th(•y nl'ed a dol( b<'c~lUS<' thl'y rn. a nd "Throu~h Ont; Man at art'n't ~t'ttin,:: a ll the lvw. aCCPC· 7 30 P m Commumon l'WI'\ IN.' tton and apJlrt'cio tum t ht·ir sys-~111 tK-at 11 a.. m. Mid·\H'<'k t'r-j terns cra\c. \~C\' w 11l bt' on th<' mpssa~t· of 1 Th£>ir doJ: h<'l ~ them J.:N it. I' tt·st Tunoth.> · Their mutl\t·~ a rt' m•,·rr qu!'s· l liOn<'d. Th!'ir· ta ntrums arl' con- a UJO!'tER d<•llt'd T hl'ir· [IPt t~ cruo•I II£'S arC' upE" ,, I for~ I\ •'n I. T hl•n, "hen 1 h••1r e~o n<-t•ds d<'-"'Al.S \"o tion, ndoratwn. sympathy or EN 1. 'roml)ljn ionship, it J.:l•ts them nil In TIDE ont> strokablf', t a 1l-wag~:lns; pack· s.uu IIJ.:t• b) thr m<'t'l' snap of a fln~t>r I&ITAU Of.nce 8appi7 1 ur CIU('k of a tongue. srrta BA 1M . I "i)jh I had a do~;. WHY PAY MORE! MAGNA VOX world famoua 20" console TELEVISION.· DIRECT from factory to YOU at the Amazingly LOW Price of only THE house of harmony 0'EN MONDAYS -F.IDAYS -SATURDAYS 'til 9 p. m. 1817 Newport BIYd. BEacon 7 4 2 9 Coata Thundery. July 10. 1852 ·Berlin Story' Auth« Vwta Balboa Couple A sJ)('Cl&l week--end guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hollb Wood or BaJboe was 0\riatopber JaMr.. wood. a u t h o r of "The BerlJn Story," The book hu aince been traruJformed Into a play and lJ on Broadway as "I Am a Camera." ·DIRECTORY llflJUaAllfC. ''BE SUilE -INStJRI:'" with Maurie Stanley lnlunnCe CcMaiO. IIADOR tfll ........................ W. Stuart Foote GENERAL INSURANCE MARCO ANICH, A"'ICCIate Phone! HArtlor 26--P.O. -1 2117 w ........... Newport a.dl. calf. DANOINO AUTHUR MURRAY'S 411 COAST BLVD. Corona del liar OpatlO to 10 For tree daace ......,. CaD HAtbor tal Furniture Restoration o.lr bottom~~, ~ and atoot. ~ using cane, rush, reed. et.e. HARVEY'S FumJture Repair ~ S.nta Ana Aw. Coeta Mea. BEacon S1JI.J NUBS HAYDEN HAVEN For the Pre--School Tot 440 HeUot.rope Ave .. CDM HaU-and AU-Dat Sttatona By Hour, Dey, Wettk or Month HArbor 1091-R 81LVD PIAftNO Silver Platers And Sllvenmlthl Repair • R.ef.1n1ahtnc • Replat.e Gold • Silver • Copper • an. Near Community Onardl 1914 Harbor Blvd., Coeta Mea BEacon 51.13 IIUlll() Margaret L. Scharle Teecher of Plaoo Organlat. Aocompanillt Even.tna a.- tor Adulta 31.17 GOLDENROD AVE. Corona del Mar POPULAR PIANO LESSONS in your home by Frances Powe rs 256 Moml.ng Canyon Rd. HArbor 1T71-R Shore CUffs PHY8JCIAN&-8UIWilON8 Lawrence K. Gundrum, M.D. 1741 Superior Ave., Costa Meta Practice limited to oa.eue. of Ea.r, Nose. Throat: Allergy Otftce Hours: by Appolntment BEacon ~ or BEaoon 6835 Bruce F. Sims, D. 0 . Physician & Surgtton Prac;tlce Confined to Care of the Feet 1195 Coe.st Blvd. South Laguna Beech. Phone 4-6611 I"UNII:IIAL DIBECI'O& Baltz Mortuary CbapeJ b)' tbe s. HARBOR 42 Cotona del ...... Calltomla A1nP1e OU~trettt Parldal Friendly NeQbborbood S4!rvlce PARKES · RIDLEY GRAUEL CHAPEL •• 110 Broadway BEacon 581.0 Coata .,_ JI.OOn!IJO Roofing -All Types New Jl.oofa and Repalr 28 )'1'1. eXpe>r.-Free eatlmat .. JOH:tof T . MORRIS 15915 Newport Blvcl., Cotta Mesa Phone BEacon :u 79 CEvenfnp: HArbor 2145-11) TbUIIIday, July 10. 1152 £HIJROIU uv . .cuaoca TO ll'llA& Minister Emertt-. Perry F . Schrock wUJ apin be 1\M!St speaker at the Corona del Mar Community Church on Sunday in the absence or the regular mJnls· ter, R.ev. Paul E. Babbitt. His sermon for the early .. rvice at 8 :10 a. m . w111 be '"Thri!t! Ways to Uve With God." At 9:4.5 and 11 a. m. t~ toPic will be "Uke Stan ln a Derk World." Second bht week of "Vacation Bjble School" In the Corona ~I Mar CommunJty Church will ...-ch a climax tonJebt cnuusday> wtth a famJiy dinner and demon· 1tration by the dltferent cla.aet, lhowlng their work In handicrafts that del>lct the Ufe and times or Ow Blt»fe en that the)' are ttudy- ~~---~-,..... -~~w..~ fl.-s"' Qi4•,u•• BT AlQI lfprp· onP of thf' ·New York lnsplred fru~hlons that Velma no- ticed ra1hionable ea.stem wom('n were wearing on Fifth Av~. cinch belt. It's a trlning Item for thP budget but hugs th~ walst with a f~ flatt~rin~t snuanea and is adjuatable to your siae. Newport Harbor plB have so taken to them that they an-fast disappearing, but O'BRIEN'S will havl' mor" In s~ you like th<'m. too We baVftl't )'f!t liOntMf'd th~ baM. Velma, to ~t a real pte· taft of th4'l exetttar New l'-k ,..._.oe markPt.. bot Wf' art> IN'- ct-alar t.o IN! ~ advaiM'f' O,....rt!l aho·WIJII( !IO('nfl or Utf' fnllbl of hf'r lahon~ and tht>y a rf' IIUN'Iy IWICIOWl! A!l prc•vi"' nt'ws for rnll a nd somethin~ nt•w for thf' ht'i~hts of July fuhions. V~>lma rt>rommt>nd" t tl(> nf>w dnrk tPxturf'd cotto ns. which will prov<' as servlceablt> u they arl' mart Th<'1W dn~s art' madP of Thomas Cot ton -cot ton woven on the> looms usuall} rP· served for wool a nd that is why they ar l' drt'SSt'S with An t>Xpenslvt• look. and wit h 11 rich ft'<'l to thf• material. S martly color<'d for town and rountr) Wt'ar In copper and black. black and winf', roya l and black and S<l forth. You'll applaud the nl'w s tyling of these drt'sses a t O'BRIEN'S as VPima did wht•n they ~ <'rt> modcllt'd for ht'r in N<'" York l'M. ~ 'lUll ha\'f' • ulf' .,olnr nn. Aad wf"ll tu.v«-to ....dmlt t hat a few W..lo':'IJ '""f' rtHatd thf'lr Wlt.1 to Utf' ..... rack that WNf'D't thf'rf' Whf'D O'JIIU&N'S ftnt opt"'lf'd th.-lr door" wU.b th.- -.rtanJn~: or mar fourth blrthdA~· •If'. So If you bavt'a't .,_.. In la&Hy be t~Urt' aad rwah rlpl ln. .. ~ .. :~ ;;4,./) _( __ /~~ --....: ._,, ('. 16U OOAST BOULEV A&D CORONA DEL JIA& BAI'bor !HIJ Gifts & Greetings for You -through WELCOME WAGON &om Your Friendly Bum"•• Neighbors and Civic and Social Welfare Leaden ON THE OCCASION OF • • • The Birth of a Baby Sixteenth Birthdays Engageme nt Announcements Change of Residence Arrivals of Newcomers to --- NEWPORT BEACH Phone BEacon 7272 (!fe ..a er ....,_tloa) _..,. . ------- LF.880N ON A CRAME.H'I' True worshJp ot Ood Includes a ctivity WhJch bleaes and hMls mankind, polnt8 out the Sunday Blbl.-Leuon on "Sacrament" at tht> Christian Sd~~ Church. The Golden Text from Psalms !116:12, 13l reads, "What shall I ren~r unto the Lord for an his benefits toward ~! I w1U take the cup of aalvatlon, and call upon the name of t.he Lord." • • • O&AVINO FOB WONDE&8 The chan&e in hwnan hearts, the transformation or hwnan characters, ls a miracle tba t re- veala t.he ever-living Savior. ac- cording to Elder Hollis L. Ander· son. who will deliver a sermon on "The UnUiual" at 11 a, m. Satur- day at the Seventh Day Adventist Church, Newport Heights. He w1ll speak or the craving or many peo- ple for the unusual In religion, for atartllng algn.a and wonders. • • • SERMON ON 'ELECTION' Dr. Ivan Cheever Ellis will preach at 11 a.m. Sunday at the First Baptist Church of Newport on "The Election We Can Win" and at 7 :30 p.m. Qn "Sad Story or Glad S tory?" The Young Adults will have their regular meetins.t a t 7:30 p~ m. tomorrow ( Frida'y' at t~ On Radm-home, e Balboa Covea. Vae!ation Bible School will start at 9 a. rn. Monday, July 21. Pre-reglstraeion ean be made In Sunday School on Jub' ~. Mrs. S.rbara Hanlft\, In charg~. says there will be cia... from 9 a. m. to noon Monday throuah Friday for two weeks on the eeneral theme of "How we aot our Bible." All chUdren from 4 through 11 years or age can attend. • • • ~ Van Oldel, Baptlst mlna.ter from San Bemardlno. Dr. Van o.del waa gu.st apeaker aev~J Umes lut •~r and Hhu:na by req~.Wt of the congregation. Rev. Harry White wl1l ~duct the aervl~. NEW BUTLU BABY The new baby at t he J ames Butler houae. 1607 SCCIOild Ave., Corona df-1 Mar. ia vying with hi.J bll brother Kevin, ace 2. tor Iota W&ONG TO DOVBTf of attention. S.by David wu born Rev. James S. Stewart w1U f'~. J~tne 13, at St. Jotepb u•• L .1. IIITLEII • ,_ W. N.,....rt llh> ... l!feW"JOrt ..... HCNipit&l and welahed seven pounds pr~ach on the problem or doubt and 11 ounces. The Butler famil,y at the dUplicate servlet"S, 9 :30 and ~=U=vln~g~ln~M~ra~. ~Ca:ro~l=y:n~W=e~be~r':•~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11 a.m. Sunday, at St. Andrews hocDe w~ ahe 1.s in San Marino. Presbyt~rtan Church. R1s sennon will deal with ~ Qtten asked question. ··rs it wr~ to doubt!" An~ 1M ~nc;ng Vacation Olurch Sch()ol begins Its '"""' • second week Monday with 90 c.hU· , dren enrolled. 0n the !ltacr •~ MERCHANTS' PROTECTIVE SERVICE Mrs. Mtuard Mler. Mrs. Wllllam .. ..... aftllaalle Ia tiM! KJmes. Mrs. Geraldine Barker, Mrs. W ilHam Harvey. Mrs Rlehard NEWPORT HARBOB AREA St~le. Mrs. Sheldon RJiey. Mrs. For com~w laf011Mtaoa call Jamf'S Stt>W8rt, Gall Hanson. Bar· FID Wt!RTR .• IUJDberiJ 1-IUl bara Bundy, Janice Whit.-and Pat ~:.=p~~ · State Merchants' PorKe Guest speaker at tht' Balboa Is-UaJfo.-.d DtYttrAoa of Ia n d Co mmun ity Methodist STAT!: PRJVATI: Dm'EC'EIVE AGL~CY Church on Sunday will tK> Dr. Our PRODUCE is FRESH As a Young Bride's Smile I • * • t 'aAC:f , Thl"k Mt'»lf"d CANTALOUPFJ '-''" ~ fo'r~ Lo<'al SUMMER SQUASH BORDEN'S lj2 PRICE SALE 28e lastaDI COFFEE ~-;:;:.r 56e :-ltukt•ly 'to t "iDt'10l ('UT-11-oz.. GR. BEANS KWkt~l) 'll t 'lnMJt t'OrtOtiHOK UIAS 16-oz. l ... S~ l ... scr ~~~·AEnmk3... scr JrtCE ror • . . Quality Meats • Maa.a!.n«'• 'hoiClfl BEEF POT BOAST -... ,~~ houldclrOAST 1A1111 B ... • • • Wltllfl It Laata • • • BBEAST OF LAMB • • i.iii CIIIPS 14~ ,t T H E E.~cdlf'tll Bral..... t,. IEEFSI.-~ a ii'ii• 41~ • • • * * !L!!NUM FOIL 2cr ~ lc:i .... CLWISER J " .. 26' Ko~ra'" l~ur•• STRAWBERY PRES. \\ hltt' Hou.~ Sut Brow11 COCITIIL PEUm l kUif'lf' SU. PINEAPPLE QUilUty H.._, \\ ,,,,_,\\··~·:T PICILES "M. I ~· UGAL NOTICC NOTICE OF BEARING NOTICE or N.tke 1.8 Herflby Given that the Planning Commis81on of the City of Nrwport Beach will hold a pub- lic hearing on the application of K. E. Whiteneck tor a variance from Section 9103.1 or the Zoning Law for permission to construct buHdillg on front portion of Lots 22 and 23, Block 33. First Addition Newport Heights <505 Rt'dlands Ave., Newport Beach). Craig .. Wittman Wedding Told At a cocktail party held Thurs- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth KJene, 319 Apolena Ave., Balboa I land, Mrs. Edna Craig announced the marriage of her daughter, Miss Catherine Craig, to William Wittman. About forty guests learned that thP couple had eloped for an out-of-state W<'dding st>veral months ago. BOARD OF ICQUAUZATJON JD.:Itl'lNG Notice It Hereby Olvee that the City Council of the City or New- port Beach wiU meet as a Board of Equalization commencing at 7:30 P. M. on the 14th day or July, 1952, and will continue In ad- journed sessions from 10:00 A. M. to 12:00 noon each day the.reafter to Friday, July 18, 1951, tnelWJ- ive, or until the returns of the A.A- sessor have been rectified or veri- fied. Notice is hereby further given tba t said public hearing will be held on the 17th day of July, 1952 at the hour ot 7 :30 P. M. in the CoW)d} Chambers or the City lfall, Newport Beach, California at which time and place any and all penona interested may appear and • heard thereon. Both the bride and groom, who is the son of William Wittman, now of South Gate, ar<' graduates of Newport Harbor High School, where Bill was president or the senior class in 1950. Since then the new Mra. Wittman has been at- tending L.A. City College and majoring i.n aJrllne transportation. The groom ia attending Pomona College with a law dt>gree as his goal. The newlyweds will make their home there. By order or the qty Council or the City or Newport Beach. C. K. PRIEST Clerk of the Board o! Equalization. Publish: July 10. 1952, UY Y. COPELIN, Secretary NEWPORT BEACH CITY PLANNING COMMISSION IESA. UPIOLSTERIII WHEELERS MOVE in the Newport Harbor Enalgn. NOTICE OF SA.Lit OF STOCK IN BUL.Il Uader Sectloa 34-H.I OtvtJ Code of ta.e State of C&Uionda NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: u, ........ ......., .· ... __ -... jiCid ...... c.--- The R. E. Wheelers have moved from 205 Carnation Ave .. Corona del Mar. to 465 E. 16th St., Costa Mesa. That RICHARD MUELLER. Vendor, whose address Is 2024 Myrtle Avenue. ln the City of Long Beach, County of Los An- geles, State of California, Intends to sell to J OHN BELLO. Vendee, whose address 111 122% Sixth Street, in the City of Huntington Beach, County of Orange, State of California, the following described personal prop«'rty, to wit: To ~011 to Another in the .. ,, .. of lwlef biCMJ'ephies ,w__..d by Newporl lelboe F.derel S.wf119S elld L-11 A.-.ci"'- A.ak the owner of any suc- cesefuJ electrical business why he chose that vocation for a career, and he'll give ~beet possible reason --- heal Ull(> he likes it. Lee Nott of N e w p o r t Beoactl is no exception. Elf'C- tridty fascinates him. When he W8JI in high school in Westt>m North Dakota. he worlled after school and on Sat\.D'days for the local pow- er company on such varied jobs as repainng ailing toast- ers, watne irons. and perco- lators, or digging postholes for power !inC'S and repair- ing damaged power service. '1 remember my first post- holes", says Les. ''It wa..o; winter. The ground was froan. and it was tough go- ing. I started with a ~ood. wide hole at the top, but it nar- ro-.d at thl' bottom. ThP fore- man came along. looked in, and said, 'F"me! We'll sharpen the poJee and drive 'em in!' " Later in the Central Montana town of Harlowton, Les opened his own fann and auto supply bUIIinea. He was chief electrician. w t.alling generators and other clect:riall equipment on fanns that had no power service. By thea, .Misa "Scotty" Mclnta.h of Glaagow, Mont., had become Mrs. Nott and "Chief Sparks" in his a beenoe from the store. Coming to Newport Harbor In 1940. Lea went to work for the SouUt Coast Company. Ability and experience were at a prt'm- ium for their work on Navy boats. Les' flnlt promotion came within a week Others followed. until he was in char~e of all yard elec- trical .. ork, with a crew number- ing upward from 75. Plans W<'r<' made to add general electrical work to tltf' marin<' business. Lcs took char~<' of that department. It wa~ \atf'r sold by the company, and he bou~ht tt. This established Les Nott Ell'ctric, which now kpt>ps a t"rrw of seven busy with the ator<' on Newport Boulevard and oonstructaon and s e r v i c e th~out t h(' Harbor Area . A (~OOD SCOl'T ActJve in club and c1vic work in Harlowton. Les' favorite spare tilnE' wot·k was that or Scoutmas- ter. and Scouting takes all of his 6pare tim(' hf're. As D i s t r I c t Chainnan for thE' Harbor District of the Orange Empire Council, hls WE'll-or~.mized progTam keeps six Boy Scout Troops and several Cub Packs busy in the Harbor- Mesa a1 1'8, and has set a pace which is considered a n example for 1"'&9 NO'M' other districts of the Council Les bt>lieves in a great future for Am· erica. and in training our young- sters for tomorrow's responsibili- ties. At their Newport Heights home, there are four Nott chil- dren. sons aged 13 and 6, and daughters 11 and 8. Mrs. Nott conducts a workin g experiment in famil.)' organization and re- sponsibility. Its success gives her time for active Girl Scout leader- ship. Les Nott. who knows our service well, has this to say about us: "Yo u may take real pride in your Association's fine r<'cot;:d. and in the outstanding people of your stafr. It l.s always a pleasure and satisfaction to do buslness with a nyon€.' at Newport Balboa Fed- ('ra l." We invit(' you to comt• tn and get acquainted with us today. You'll likE' th£' friendly intt>rest \\'(' take in S<'rving you. Place ~IJur sa\'lngs h<'r" where they cam tht highest rNur n consistent with safety In mor€.' than 15 yt'ars, we have paid nt'\'E'r I£'SS than 3 percL•nt per annum djvidends to our savings iD\.estors. Whether your account be smaU or large, '' <' ,,.,.lcomf' it ~al~oa ERAL SAYII&S a•W.·T•,._....,, .. IIWPIIT lUll, llllflllll All the stock in tra~. fixtures, equipment and good will of a cer- tain cleaning and dying business known as the Village Valet, lo- cated at 217 Marine Street, In t he City of Newport Beach, Balboa Is- land. County of Oran~. S tate or California, a nd that a sale, trans- fer and assignment of the AAme will be made, and t he considera- tion thert'for wtll be paid at 10:00 o'clock a. m. on Tuesday, the 22nd day of July, 1952. at the office or Ray H. Overacker, 412 Oliv<' Ave- nue, HuntinJ!ton &:ach, California. DATED thlS 30th day of Jun<'. 1952. R ICHARD MUELI.ER Vendor JOffi,; BELLO V('nd('e No. IIMtJ SUMIIONS ON FIB8T AMENDED COMPLAINT Aetiaa BrcMIPl la Ute s.pertor Coan of tM O..ty ol o....ce. ud ..,...... A.IIMBded c-pi•••t P'Ued Ia tiM om. of Ute Clerk .t 11M! s.perlor Ooart of 8a1cl eo..v. Ia Mae 8apertor 0oart ol tbe State fll Ollllfonda Ia ... for tiM ~ ol Oreace Dept. 4 WANDA JEAN MARLEY, Plain tilt, VI,- JJ:RRY LEE MARLEY, JR. ~fendailt. 'fte People ol Ute State ol ()all,. fonla s-4 Greettsp to: JERRY LEE MARLEY, JR. ~fendant. You are directed to appear in an action brought agalnst you by the above named plaintiff, in the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of Orange, and to answer the first amended complaint therein within ten days after the service on you of this summons. if served within the County of Orange, or within thirty days If served elsewhere, and you are notified that unleu you so appear and answer as above required, the plaintiff will take judgment for any money or dam- ages demanded ln the First Amended Complaint, as arising upon COiltract, or wlll apply to the Court for any other relief demand- ed in the First Amended Com- plaint. Given under my haDd and seal of the Superior Court of the County of Orange, State of Cali- fornia, this 14th day of May, 1952. B. J. SMITH, ColD'Ity Clerk and Clerk of the Superior Court of the State of Call!ornia, in and for the County of Orange. By Wayne A. Dra.ger, Deputy NOTICE OF FILING ASSESS- MENT FOR THE IMPROVI!; IIIENT OF OERTAIN ALLEYS AND EASEMENTS L 1' I N G NORTI:IEASTERLY OF OOAST BLVD. BEI"WWZN D A B L I A AVE.. AND POPPY AVE.. (00- RONA DEL MAR), AS OON- TIXPIATED BJ' RE80LU- TION OF INTENTION NO. Sill, AND OF THE TIJIIE AND PlACE OF REAU'NG AS TO 8AID WORil AND A88DS- IOCNT Pursuant to atatu~. "Improve- ment Act of 1911". DtYiaion vn lt4G.4N'S your P'aml.l1 tt.t&uru1 (a-. "51 a J) IUIO......._ lNI o--... llv 'ftlunclay, July 10. 1152 il lllliii18Uiilllll lll lll llllllllllil lll lll .. l_,..._ FRIDAY aad SA Tt.T&DA Y CLARK CABL.E JOHN HOOIAK "ACROSS THE WIDE MISSOURr' BOB HOPE LUCILLE BAU.. "FANCY PANTS" of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California. notice is hereby given that t.he Superin- tendent of Streets of the City of Newport Beach, having made an assessment to cover the costs and expenses or grading, paving. con· structJon of house sewer and wa- ter connections, co n c r e t e pipe storm drains, in certain alleys and easements lying Northeasterly or Coast Boulevard, between Dahlia Avenue and Poppy Avenue (Co- rona del Mar) in said City, aa con- templated by Resolution of Inten- tion No. 3911 adopted by the City Cound l of said Oty on the 13th day of August, 1951, filed the ........... ,__...._ ___ .........,........, ....... _ same ln my office on the 7th day SUNDAJ' aad MONDAY of July, 1952. DORIS DAY I hereby fix Monday, the 28th GORDON MacRAE day ol July, 1952. at the hour or "ON MOONUGHT seven-thirty (7:30) o'clock, P. M ., BAY" a11d the chambers of the City COuncil ln the City Hall of the ROBERT MfTCHUl( City of Newport Beach, as the ''Where Danger IJ ....... time and place when and where all persons, Interested in the work done or In the said ~ment. will be heard by the said City Council. Property owners, the- contractor or his assigns and all other persons Interested in said work or said aSSHSment, feeling aggrieved by any act or detenni- nation of the Superintendent of Streets or the City Engineer i.n re- lation thereto, or who clalm t hat the work has not been perfonned according to the contract in a good and substantial manner. or who claim that any portion or the work was for any reason omitted or illegally Included in th(' con- . TUES. -WED. -TlltTU. JAMES MASON AVA GARDNER ''PANDORA AND niE fl. YING DUTCHMAN"' RAY MlU.AND GENE TIERNEY "Cloae to My HeartH tract for the same, or having or IA8T TIXE SATVIIDA'I making any objection to the cor-JAMES STEWART rectncss or th<' assessment or dia- gram. or oth€.'r act, de tennination "C w_rm>ELL.COREY or proceeding of the Superint€.'n-lrwlll IDiams" dent or S tret>ts or City Engineer. s hall. prior to the day set for the JOHN LUND hearing on th<' assessm<'nt. appt'al ''BRONCO BUSTERS" to the said Ci ty Council by bri<'fl) Ia TeduaJ(I()Ior stating in writing t he grounds or ------------appeal. For a description of said work. rt>ference is hereby made to the abov(' mentioned Rt'solution of Intention. Dated this 7t h day of July, 1952. C. K. PRIEST, Cit) Cl<'rk Publish : J uly 10 and 17. 1952 in the NPwport Harbor Ensign Ensign Want Ads bring Results ORT?&un~-- •• 0 ..~ ..... .,.1', 1#:, ... '",, .. _~I> STOP AT The Arches ''Your Ha.t to the ())ut Since Ul'.38'' FINE rOODS OOOilT AIL8 COAST HIGHWAY AT THl AlCHlS Newporl ....... JOHN VD.EI.I.£ """ 1161 SPECIALIZIII Visit Our Beautilul Cocktail Lounge ADAM WILLIAMS "Without W aming" C'-0 -M·I-N-0 "AFRICAN QUEEN" "SNOW WHITE" ----..... ---·------_, llmllf ..... ..., • ..... l .. l .,_ ...... _ ........... .. ............. ~--·· 0 .. , ............ .. IN SA I 'S SEAFOOD AT THE SIGN OF THE SWOlOFISH 16278 Coast Hwy., Surfside /NOW OPEN , ~ NEW cocn'An. LOUNGE and U.e · BAKERY cmd DINING ROOM ~ G ~r~~ if !ian Dinners. , ~------- Thunday, July 10, 1152 Miss Carol W oldenberg Wed Llc•IJiaGie toGo St. Jama Party C. of C.~ To Robert Woodman Perkins To State Meellag Next Wednesday Dua •lieale A 12:30 luncheon wiU be fol· lntvpretation ot the does Mila Carol Woldmbel'l beeame Mrs. Robert Woodman PerldJw at an intimate wedding ceremony performed by Rev. Paul Moore Wheeler o& SL James Ep68copel O,urcb, Newport, at Altadena Th~ afternoon, June 26. The ..... Ja the daQChter ol Mrs. Harold Woldenberc and the Botary au Gives Gilt to llospital ~fen condudlftc hi. tam of ottlce u lll'elident of the Newport Bela ftotary Cub, R o Ian d Wright o( Newport H~ghu pet'- fonned. duty that put the Rotary Cub otl the map of good deeds weD dane. He handed to Presldent John Murdy of t.be Hoq Memorial H05- pltal board a check for $2,5oo, whJch with a previous donation of $500 maJtes a total gift of $3,000 for a patient's room ln the oo.pi-tat Expsealon or thana was made b7' lfr. Murdy on behalf of the board of directors and by W~ liam KlmeS on behalf of the cam- paign com.mlttee. The preseata- tion wu made at luncheon Mon- day of last week at the Balboa Bay Cub. Mr. KJmes reported that sub- stantial pi'Oil"H8 had been made In ~veral district.. but that a few Important dlatrlcta are late in get- tlng started. Action Is the word now, he said. and he urged all to open up their hearts so that the hospital can open this fall tully equipped. late Mr. Woldenberg, formerly ot Balboa Blvd., ln Newport and now ol Santa Ana. 1be groom la the _,., of Mr. and Mn. RuaseU B. Perkins of Altadena and Palm Sprinp, and the wedding cere- mony wu held at the Perldna home. Mr. Perkins was his son's best man, and Martha Stanton Pur- viance wu the bride's only at- tendant. Carol ~ &D ivory af- ternoon gown with a shower bou- quet of pink ro.ea and matchJng velvet I'08ft on her hat. The young couple are hone)'IDOOnlnC In Santa Barbara and wUJ leave lOOn for Atlanta, Ga., where they will make UM!tr home. The new Mn. Perkins Is a grad- uate of UCLA, where she belonged to. Alpha Xi Delta. She wu pre- viously a.uoclated with Rose Marie Reid, Califomla stylilt. The bride- groom attended Loyola UnJvenity and graduated from USC in Jaw. He wu a member of Sigma AJpha Epsilon and Phi ~Ita Phi fra- tem.itlet, ------Lewis Roaa Family Back From Trip to Canyons Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Ross and daughters Nancy and Betsy of 519 Aliso Ave., Newport Heights. ha vt> just returned f.rom a two week trip visiting some of the south- west's natural wonders. including Zion. Brice and Grand Canyom. Mr. Ross said that he felt the tr ip to aU three canyons a t the same time was important to see thPar relative beauties. Why bold on to that UlleleD-~ you arUde. Try t.be want ada. A rlnal meeting of the executive lowed by cardl at tM annual St. IChedule a.noounced lut =th committee of the California M~ James EpiKope.l Oturch sWTUJWr ..t .... _ wu Aaodation at Glendale cliscloeed party, Which will be held this .. ven ._. week by the Newport final plana tor the oomlng state yH.r on Wednesday, July 16. Harbor Chamber of ~. convention of the Loyal Order of Mn. Dan Pattison, president ,....~ey Somera. prealdeftt ol the M~ in Calllomla, it was an-ol the Women's Auxiliary, is heed-"-.ncunber, announeft t h a t t.be nounoed thla week by C. A. Young, ing the party with the a.ulltance change wUI resul.t 1n lOWft" dues governor of the N~rt Beach of the followtng oommlttee heads: for the IIIM1J ~ aac1 an Lodge No. 1457, Loyal Order of Mn. Orrln Wright, tickeu; Jin. lncreue on a sUdlng seale for Moose. The convention will be Verne Snodgl'UII pubUdty· Mrs larger bual.neu firms. The new held In Lon« Beach Sept. 18, 19 John Prender~t. door i>mes; sc~edule, effective u ot JuJy 1, and 20, with nearly 10,000 mem-Mn. Yvonne Benton, table prizes; brmg5 the Newport Harbor Cbam.. bera of the Moo.e Fraternity ex-Mrs. dc.epb Riggs prtze pack-ber due.~ lo Uae with the duel pected to atteDd. aa-: .Mn. Eliubetb Cunningham, of other Owr_tben ln the county OfClctal delegates to the con-luncheon; Mn. Robert Pearsol. without throwtng an undue ~n vention from the l9cal ~ ue s\IIPIH: Mn. H. A.. Ball. .erving, on smaJJer buainHS, Mr. Somers Joseph l:loalann. ~ t.e.eb. and Mrs. Kathleeon Goalten. aaid. C. A. Young and Archie Ostran-The ~ for tervice bun der. F urth Ge eratio t.tw ~ at ~rce by tbe Newport Lodge initiated the foJ-0 D D people ol Newport &.cb u -.u Jowl Robln Jean Moody. a fourth u by tht ~ has made n g men at the JWle 23 meet-generation ba .... •. w•• born 'Y'-·---it........._ ........ to in---.... _ .... ......._, lng: Walter Grohnert, LonnJe ":t -·~ ·---... -~~ .u rc -'"' Griffith Raymond Bray ~ day, June 24, at Community H011-for the ftaeal year starting July 1. 0ou 1a ' ' rulio p(taJ to Mr. and Mrs. R o b e r t Mr. Somers report.cl.. The revftlue g 1• Percy Douglas, J 0 Moody jr .• (the fo~r JHn Pang-from the new~ will cr-t.J,y Salas, Dick Den!o and Ralph Alves. born,, 312-A Marguerite Ave .. ~ increase the income from tM pr•- William Weeks Dies Services were held Wednesday. June 25. at Grauel Chapel ln Costa Mesa for William c..-orge Weeks, 53. who had lived with his wife. Anita and 4 !,)-year-old daughter Ludl Ann at the New- port Beach Municipal T r a i 1 e r Court. His death occur red unex- pcct('dh a t his home on June 21. Mr. WeE>ks. native of New York had lived in CaUfornia for 51 years And in Newport Rc:•ach for the past fiv<'. TIPTOS~ ON TRJP SORTH ThP Jost>ph Tiptons of 113.') Oct•an Blvd., Balboa. art> on a week's motoring trip north to the San Francisco a.rea. rona del Mar. Great-grandparents ent memberaNp, and a drive for are Rev. H. H . Hocker of Mon-new members now being con- ravia , M rs. Laura Moody of 312 dueled, together with the c:bangt> Marguerite, a nd Mrs Allee de los in dues, is expected to double t.he RJ011 of Downey. Great -great total income from members. 10 uncles and aunts ar t> Mr. and Mrs. that a smaJit>r poruon wiU be rE"- George Thorne of Corona d£>1 Mar; QIJ('Sted from tht' city advert.lstng Mr. and Mrs. Ern<'St Griffith of fund. Monterey Park, y, ho swnmer ln The new schedule of rata ha.8 Corona del Mar, a nd Mrs. Emily a . pro~ion for supporting, con- Badgley of Corona dt>l Ma r. tJ1buting, ~taining and finand.ng mem6erships, so that Newport Harbor dtlzens lntet"'tWted ln 1M activiUes of ~ Chamber can make rubst.antla.J contTibutiom A'M'ENDS CONFERENCE Tht> Paul Babbitt family an• sonwwhat scatte red for summer. Rev. Ra bbitt lt>ft last week for La Fort>t. Colorado. to att{'nd a min· ister's co n fe r t> n c E' and s tudy group. Daugher Rhea is in Mo-desto for a we('k of tralnjng to teach an tht> Vacation Church School ln a rrugnnt camp. KFZT lN SE\\'PORT HOM!': Mrs. S. L. Burgess, l!klS O«an Front. Nt"P'port., entertained tht> Women's Miaionary Socit>t}' ot the First Baptist Olurch on ~­day evening. LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION ANDREWS. HAJJ., President 222 OCEAN AVE. PHONE 4 -1177 ASSETS STATEIEIT OF CDIDITIDI JUNE 30. 1952 IJABILITIES F"'ust Mortgage J.ocma .. --·-··-... -........... J11 .548 • .459.81 Loans 01.1 Impro~ Real Eatat~priDdpaUy homel ln Laguna Beecb and vicinity. SaYings and Investment Accoun ..... _J10.545A28.11 This is the amount invested with a. by more Lvme OD ScniDp AccouDtll ........ . Temporary Joana for the oonvenJen~ of our aharehoWin. Properties Sold on Contract ...... -.... Real Estate Owned and in Judgment lnnstmen• cmd Securities ............. - Consisting of Government Bonds and Federal Home Loan Bank Stock Cash on Hand and in BcmlaL .............. -. Worklne capital on haJid. deposited in banks. 35.400.00 7.103.37 1.9-46.03 399,700.00 827..477.78 Office Building and Equipment, and Parking Lot Leu Depreciation. 172.409.05 Deterred Charges and Other Assets 4.068.75 TOTAL ASSETS ......... ·-············-··········· ............. $12.996.~.79 than 3800 lndlvidual.s. trustHS and corpora- tions. Advances from Federal Home Loan Bank Loans in Process Other Liabilities Specific Reserves ... General Reserves Surplus .... $800.206.13 356.728.00 300.000.00 961,027.05 24A76.03 8.698.17 General Reserves and Surplus. .... __ 1.156.934.13 TOTAL IJABUJTIES ---··~ ··-·-·-112.996.564.79 OFFicERS -DDUX11'0B8 Wm. A. Wolf. Vi~ President L.. F. MaUow, Chairman of Board H. W. Planalp, V-P & Loan MgT. A. C. Peterson. director Andrew S. Hall. Precident-Manager Lorna Mills. Secretary-1"N?asurt>r Or. B. B. Mason. Oireetor George E. Grant, D~tor John w. Solomon, Attomey CIIAJl'l'l:ldl) AJm 8lJPEKV18ED BY THE UNJTm STATES C.OVJ::aNIIDI'I' AU ACCOUNTS INSURED UP TO $10.000 CURRENT DIVIDEND RATE: 31/2% PER ANNUM OUR SEVENTf;ENTH ANNIVERSARY July. 1952, marks the seventeenth btrthdtty of the Laguna Fcdenl ~vinga and Loan Association. The put year has been one of suhstantaa.l growth wd development. Our total aaaet.s ~ $12,996.56-4.79. as of record Jurw 30. A record-bruiting dividend total· ing $1 65,662.22 at the nte of 31/1 pu cent fX' mown was paid or cndikd to account holders i.n our 34th semi· mnual dmdeDd. }UM 30, 1952. ln a yqr of ~ty, Laguna Fedrnl placed itS faith 10 the fut\ln and embar~ on an exknaift a~· saon program Our oHaa·~ have nC'w :~\most doubled capacary : scrvtcc to our ac..:ount hC1ldcrs 1.!> i.ncru atd Ul proporttoo. T he addition of an &crow Department lS mhancing our value to the pro5Jl'i'"ctlve bome-<>'IJ.:nu. W ithout the genu ous support of our many f ritnds m Laguna Bu ch and d sewhc.re. our proere-would not have hecn f"'OS&blc. W e an mdttd grateful. Stnctuly. ANDUW S. HALL Pruldtnt Balltollslllll Completely furnished 2-unit apt. In prime U tUe Island location. Newly painted inside and out. Larae fenced yard. 1 apt. now rented on yearly lease: other apt. rented $75 per W('ek. Rents are yours if you buy now. Owner wants OFFER. Stanley Hadfield RMJtor BArbo~' 20 or llArbor l<lt7.., Ill Maria., BaJbM blaDd BALBOA Outstanding 2-bdrm. home. cor- ner location, max1mum privacy, lovely patio, attrac. papers and colors throughout $17 500 G-E kitchen. Price 1 fum. or will consider selling unfurnished. GREENLEAF ••• Associates )112 Newporl ltl .. d. HAtbor 2A2 Newpott ... dl Lovely Old Redwood Houze UIIAW'JIIU!jed \1e>w of oc.eaa aDd harbor entrance. U\•· an.: room 18'x28'. S bed· roonu1, t t. thA, 35'x l%6' cor· ner lot. oce&n froat. v1~w or harbor fiDtmo~ can oever b4-otMtruct.-.d. Fur· olshf'd or unl~ed. Call HArbor 369 HOBBY SUPPLIES Water• tor opt-nin~: of Hobby Shop • • • Lea t hrr kits, ropp. • vL1't H'"-"'cltld shrll· cra.rt ,uppllt·<> tc•xtll{' paint,, coinfoldt'l"-'tum~ and phiJa· tt>lic ~upph('" MESA HOBBY SHOP 1868 ~t'wport A''eJIIlP ('()~T.o\ m-'~"'A FREEZER OWNERS You can save 5c a pound on food for your pcts. Ca.U us- The Jordan Pet Shop HArbor !67._W t210 Cout Bonleurd Corona del Mar Services Painting ··· Decorating • C'c.l••r ( on .. nltunt • GEORGE BURKHARDT Ll<lf'n........d Contrartor 6QI8 :u~t .,.L, ~t>wport BNcb Phuo .. t Lo\rboJr U IR-W H. H. HOLBROOK De pendable Plumbinq Pronpt Repair Service '\lamtalned Ptlruh· tfarbtlr 1418-W 1101 RaJbt•~t Rh·d. ~Pwport 8eedl Superfluous Hair P ennanently rt>mO\'ed from race. arms, legs. F.yt>brows and hair- Une shaped -r-; o more tweezing. ELLEN L. BRYANT, R. E . Tuesday and Thunday only U do's Salon or neauty HA 2576 PAINTING EXCLUSIVE • • • • ID SHOBE CLIFFS Very attractive 3-bdrm., 23/4-bath modern home. This home is reason- ably priced and 1s an excellent buy ---has ocean view. See us at once on this. RENTAL-2-bdrm . unfurn. upper apartment now available on yearly lease at $85 MANY RENTALS -bot.l\ M11ta111N aad ,._,.a,y COlONA DEL MAR PROPERTIES ---.- Thunday, July 10. 1952 . Tbua ~;:;::::===:r-::~ ~ ,.._ ~ ··~··., BP :46 CUSHMAN "aeooter and ll·tt. CANAL FRONT-1 bc1rm. untum. For Sale paddleboard. eau HA 3605-W. home hu ~and Oto&t. Yeal"l.Y Pal SPINET plano, famous make. CUe ~~boart4~00 .. Paul C: JoOe:t. sJlghtly marred in shipment. Big n.n.£ _.w savings on this. Another repcMa-OCEAN FRONT-1 bCJi'lliO upper aeue<1. $150 already paJd. Many unfurn. apt YTb' .._ at $75. other wonderful barp. DANZ· Paul c. Jones, HArbol' m.a. SCHMIDT BIG PIANO STORE, FOR RENT-tn c::::t>1£ 2=bCJmi. Santa Ana, 520 N. Maln, cor. 6th. f .._ __ _ LEASE or for --•e: Attractive S. urn. ,..,.uc, beaut. view of har-_. bor. Dlspo&al, car-port. CloM to nn. unrurn. house, garage, patio, bay swim. Seu. or ydy rent.aJ . ocean view, sunny .t: quiet. Pro-HArbor m.w or RA 231o.J. tected from wind .t: fo&. Rent NEW lge. l-bctiiii: UbiUm. bunga- $115 mo. Sell $11,600, Small low apt., gar,, fl5. Some fum. The l Barnes annual t ned by sional v A comn Reddick menta. Robert a. L)'all aad Belea L 1.J1aa. Broken down pymt. Owner HA 290f.M avaU. Prinlllclel. Pb. HArbor a. m. & eve. 290t-M a.m. or eYeS. Club ' upecte. biennial in Bosli air frort ahe ftn Uonal ' Fpurth with he1 her fam ton. 411 Coaat BouleYard CORONA DEL MAR TODAY'S SPECIAL BEST BUY of the Year in CORONA DEL MAR Tllree-bedrCMNn bOIIMl, 1% baU..; pi• l ·bclrm. ~e apartmeeL -Completely Furnished-* nus property has nice ocean view. Located in best residen· tial section of CDM. 60' comer lot. only 1 block to ocean & beach. * Best of construction, nicely landscaped, sprinkler system, hardwood floors, unit heat : 2 st-parate concrete patios. Large double garage. * This is choi<..-e property. ExclUSi\'e with us. Don't wait too long on this buy. Shown by appointment. l>rict>d at Low Down Payment and Easy Terms Can Be Arranged. $361500 PRICE T. McCUISTION -Coutlllvd.. Oor-. clel 11•1 r VoGEL VALuES COROllA DEL IAR QUALITY & LOCATION-I blk.. to Bay ~f'w 3-bt'droom. P 4 bath, home. 12 1~ 'x18'livin(i: room. fireplace. dining art'a. Hardwood floors. Furnace. KJtchen has tile sirlk, garba~e disposal. 12'x12' master bedroom with connecting % bath and door to (>lltio Rt'droom No. 2 -10'x12', Bedroom No 3-lO'xlO' Class Pnclos~ shower 10 bath Louvrf'd windows throut:hout. 2-car ~.:ara~.:P & Laundry. $14 500 Good FenC'Cd yard Prieto onl) 1 terms Ont• of thl' fk>st Value~ In Corona ck>l Mar $2,000 DOWN will handle %-Bedroom Cotta~~-vcean side of hw). U\ ing & dimng room combmat10n. Firt•plac~> Pant?! Ray he-at. Til{' m kltch<>n and bath .. nack bar. L;.H~(· wmdows. Beamed ceil· $11 500 lni!S 2-car gara~t• C'huiC't' location Low price ()( I The VOGEL CO. UOl Coast Blvd., Oorooa del liar HArbor 1741 or t.a·n. EvenJ.ars: HArbor SIS-M or HArbor Mel-W Furnl<~hf'd I ·Bdm1. ~tuN"n ltnm.-. l.aa~e rooms: only 2 years old. Clos<' in and has lot "'ilh nw•• frull ta·t'l'S, 12'xl2' she-d that could be finishNi ansidf' for 'O+.>ronrl l>~·druvm $5 625 Full price 1 Terms Thf' rf'ot w11l ra k<> ~n· of payml'nts on this rozy 2-bt>droom nearly npw $8.600 r('()('C()rated. land- .. c'lpt>d hom(' 1-<'"' down pu)'ml'nt. Two Rra nd ~"" UonrM. P8Ch ha~ 2 bedrooms. }t..l baths. hard· wood floors. rireplacl', for<Yd air heat, 1180 squart> ft>et plu<i dbl. ~ara~e. CloSt' to park $2.000 down on r itht-r or these LIDO ISLE T"o \t>ry modern 3-bdrm., l l...z bath homes on Lido •.. th -.(' two homt•s art> all a home owner I'IIUid Wl~h f01 . bUIIt·ll'lli, parquet floors. flag. stonf' fn•eplut,·s. dc>ublt $23 500 gara~l'S. l~l'. ;.:!.1ss door~. Uni)' . 1 Linwood Vick. Realtor Branch Offtce 396 East 17th St.. Costa Mesa RE 67M -Evee: BE 501'J·M HAr~ 1037 Boats~ Marine Suppliee See Page 9 Fol' Sale $59 BUYS good practice piano. Let the kiddies learn. 2 yr. trade-in allowed at tull price on new pi· ano. Others from $78, S89 & up. DANZ • SCHMIDT BIG PIANO STORE. 520 No. Main, cor. 6th. Santa Ana. Or rent $5 per mo. Rent a llowed on purchase. MAPLE BUNK BEDS. new and used bedroom suites, bed divans, kidney vanJUcs, chests, ranges, refrlg. We can fill all your household needs. Call us. Criat Furniture 1687 Orange Ave. Costa Meu Across trom new Alpha Beta Mkt. Phone BEacon 7323 New KITOHJ:N8! BATB&001118! Oolaplete lu1alla.Uoa AU la Ollie OperaUoa PlumblJl&, Carpentry, Tiling, etc. 100/o~·._·PAY GARBAGE DISPOSALS Garbap Dtepo.l8 IM1aDed wtth Same l'.u1 'l'enM MABSAO PLUIIBINO 00. 700 C.metloft, CDU HAttMir I l I I 1WO new box springs &: ma~ tresses 33" $40 per set. Dbl. ROOM with Prlv. eat., with twin bed • .._ $15 HA Z776W beds. Week-end £\*t.l preferred. spr g'"' mat. · 715 HeUotrope, Corona del Mar. 12' WIZARD plastic boat, canvu ATrR.A cover. 5-h.p. Evlnrude outboard CI'IVE unfum. 2-bdrm. ga. motor, 4 cylinder. 2-wheel trail· rage apt. Conven. to atotes and hi f de transp. 508~ M&rtcold. CDM, er , cus ons, oars, en ra, guo-HA 1023-W. line can. Call BE 6182 or 2641 Circle Dr., Bayahores. 2-BDRM. gar. apt., turn. or Wl· '-'--ds 1 N 173 turn. SUll'Uner or yrly rental. CORONA Hlg ..... ,, ot 0· ' Beaut-view. Call eves: HArbor $3350 or take late model car aa 2248-J pert payment. BEacon 6768-M. · ELECTRIC organ. Trade your old FURN. API'S. tar ~t. 8ie L«M- pian9 on beautiful aU electric -Apta. ftnt. a. A epa organ. Famous make. DANZ-overlooking BI.J. 101 Cama- SCHltnDT BIG PlANO STORE, ~CoENrona~~de~ln:M.u~~-;:-ov;i!ii;okiJii 520 No. Main St., comer 6th, SCENIC turn. apta.. over.ookfng Santa Ana. bey .t: ocean. S1qlee A doubles. JERRY MAHONEY ventnJoquist Avail. dally, wld.y, monthlJ. Pall· doll. like new. Very reasonable. sades Hotel, 1414 Saview, CDM. HArbor 3029-J. HArbor _1456. PRlV ATE party selling several Miacellaneoua antiques. fum.. china, glUB, pewter. SE-e at 621 Carnation, COM before 1 p. m . SPANISH conversation -Direct GRAND · $395 $487 -~lUi< method. Exper. cl:: accred. teach· p1anos. • • _.., S and o thers. Steinway, Mathu-t>r mall d !lSS for beginners shek, Knabe, Stodart, Story & now forming. Ph. HA 1912. Clark, Fischer-Ackerman. Kra-LET ME dresc; up your lamp with nich-Bach. many more. U.st'd & a nl'W shade. All styles, hand new. Long t<'rms. All guaran-made. Ver) ~ See my sam- teed. DANZ. SCHMIDT BIG pies. 513 Marguerite, COM. HA PlANO STORF., 520 No. Main. 2897-W-K. Plans meeting this mot cent mE.'I Fann b ner an• with oU Kiw La eli Ladies Thursda Balboa : Harbor nouncC'd Van Dyl There South P cal Kiw presJden provide Thursda. dinn«.>r s Santa Ana 77STU~'~D:;-Y;-:-MUi:ii-:. S:;-;.1:-::::C~l.,..,t'a--=run-.---=Pi""·-an-o-.1 Wanted • vo1ce. Jeanne Ames, your home Opti or mine. HA 2826-M, evenings. .. In~ in quantJty. Locker space WA:".'TED Youn•· man to hare ENJOY the {'('OO()my or meat buy-, Box ~ BR homC' m Corona del Mar avail. at less than the cost of A b<tll with samto, $40 a month HArbor elec. to l'tu1 a borne freezer. We p. m a t T V 3222-R after 5 P· m. sell choice a.;ed beef beginning DeFort-s w Al'o'TED: Us('() Pianos. hl5!h<-St m .so. Harbor Frozen Food $hor(' c cash aUowanet> in trade on tl•le-Lockt>rs, 41"-30th St., N. B .. the Optl A N T E N N A 'ision, famous makl', or on HArbor 071f! ing pari spinet or grand p1ano. DANZ-RC>TO-TILLl:'-lGand weed cutting. min~. d.8 Ins all SCHMIDT BIG PIANO STORE, 2213 N be r t ed for 520 N. Main. cor. 6th. Santa An" ewporr Blvd., Costa Mesa. rs o .. BEacon 5180-J their wi $12.95 BAY FRONT Urgrnt! Ne('d s pace FOR YOUR PET-U. S . Govt. ln· man of to park 19' boat. Have you space spected horse meat. free dellv. In stalled & (Why pay more?) by float! Call after 5 p. m. Jim Jt~rbor A~t>a HJ<b"a Pe t Sup-WiiUam BEacon 6206-M Schneider, Huntington Beach, pUes & Sporti.Dg Goods. 605 held a! -~~~~------------------_:Le:;~~n:g~to~n~~::~·-----------=~~~~t~B=l=vd~-~·~CD~M~·~fLA~~~~~J~·-~Irs. 0 . well wa WE OFFER YOU one or the finest homes in '*autiful Shore BABY SITII:-JG ln your home or The J Oltfs. 3 bedrooms plus den, 1 ~ baths, gorgeous ,·iew of hills mine, day or night. fLA 1670. lhC' new and ocean. $34 500 T ·c .... ith ~~~ a r=l buy at Crms I s •tuati' W &ed . • .-.. I nt'\'dcd 1 ODS aD11 in~ \\itt • abo • WELL BUILT quality home with perrTUlnent \'iew of ~<)2 000 harbor Beautiful yard ar1d patio and only -· ~ 1 If you want the best let us show you these. • They are priced right · Opelle Realty Co • -()ooot --• Corooa 4ol liiAI ( HArbo• 1671 '1200 '1200 51200 D. OWN \VILL DO l'<ch~ sitting. Experi·I 'Gulf : t>nced & 1 • IIJble. HA 2555-R-K. Bacb , CAPABLE tl·t:nager will baby-sit by day or '' k Harbor 1968. In rm I YARD work .unted by reliable I Ray Clu gardt>nl'r 1 .11l BEacon 5179. boat of . -------------------------1 boa and LET US PLANT \oar INDOOR PLANTERS Dowers by Morri l'IOt E. 8A.IIxl:.1 BIYd. • Balboa JL>\ r ':l<lr 10'70 del Mar "Seve- as then to Dr a s. Bay I it's just name. I San t. BICYCLE On B. REPAIRING ' :~~s Schwinn Bicycles Earl Shefiin _z_'·_" _Pa.-lm_B~-r-St._MM_Ooe_ ... _ta_lleM_I ~-~l~~Ah~!~~~h ~~!hi!!a~!~~~e~rs ~~Has~~~ place, patio, floor furnace. dinette immediate possession. In- cludPs furnjshed studio now n•nted at $45 per month. Nef'ds Corona cleJ Mar • • • attractive 1-bedroom nicely furnished homt' near shopping center, Has exposed beamt'd ceilings, enclosed parlo, nkely lalldscaped. Oaly Sl!OO dowa, balance at $60 per mo. EXCLuSIVE with • RAY STEDMAN boo Isla ThC'y wi :'-lary w t 'na\'t-t'l'l lan,;uag• tim<' fri dt'rson c lht('k to ~uth I Ed L Se•elmeier • REALTOR • BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES • RENTALS HArbor nee J.l2l Coud 81 .. d.. Cor011• del Mar 8 I Y House loters OENERA.L CONTRACTORS 12084 Westminster Blvd •• 1 bloek Eut of IIArbor Blvd., on 17th St.-Santa Ana Klm~M-rty S~ISU ICves: .Iuper 9·%887, .IA•per t-!7'7S, I LGa&' Beaeb 9-'7814 paint and work in yard. $10 750 ~ terms Only 1 Et: IT TODAY island realty co. Rea.l&ora -B-.... Brokers HARVEY D. PEASE Park A\'1", at Apte .•. Bloc* from Ffll'r)' BAI.BOA ISLA.SD IIArblw S'77·W UDO ISLE -SPECIAL 4-~droom home, 3 baths, 75' lot, 2 fire places, forced air heat, nice patio, lots or land~caping. 2-car garage ~500 Ideal home fo r large family ~ Tenns BALBOA RULn CO. Opposit£> Balboa Bank of America HArbor S%77 '710 n &Jboa Blvd., Ba.lboe lei J. Whlbna1 a1d Auoclates 400 Oout Blvd. HArbor IMZ APPLIANCES SALES 9 SEIMC£ GRANT'S FUINITUIE AID APPLIANCES NOW TEMPORARILY LOCATED 475 IEWPIIT ILYI., -TI AT IESA BEacoa 6429 1574 Newport BlYd. CO T .l K&8A BEa.eon • -• • 5J.S8...1 J. C. LIONIAI&H OROWI HIDWIRE cmd Appliaacee Ill o.ut BJ•d. ........ Ill ()onM ... ..... Eastt-rn mRtron Anderso Help WAN TE order. Co ron WOMA: ironin HOUSE Call 1- WANTE for 1 HArbl WOMAI perler Coast EXCEL' ~aut cond. Ruth'l . Lost • LOST- whit~ ed. R• LET US PLANT \'our INDOOR PLANTERS flowers by Morri 50t E. Balbo!\ BIYd •• Balboa R..\r')()r E EPAIRING Schwinn Bicycles YSTEDMAN 1574 Newport Blvd. COST• J0:8A BI!:Moa -• - -11J8..1 J. C. LIONW&H HIDWARE cmd Appllrmeee Ill o-.t ............ ... c--... .... . Thu__,., JUly 10, 1152 BPWtoHold Patio Party ••• of sodal 'Sl• Iewan!-• • note For Startiag Uae Unsung Commercials ..... lloag llupllll ., A reward of $100 was a.nnoun~ STATE MERCHANTS' Pollee, The Lido Isle home of Edythe " Barnes will be the aetting for t11e annual summer patio party plail- ned by the Buainess and Profes- sional Women's -club for J uly 24. Sunday by Commodore Convene under the management of L. A.. Guy Gabrlellon, OM of tboee Wu.rdemann of the Balboa Yacht Guyon of Garden Grove, bas ex- famUiar faces seen on TV thele Club for lntormation leading to tended Its aervioe to the Ne\\rport days, because he 1s Natienal Party the arrest and conviction of the Harbor Area, following the recent Cha1nnan for the R.epubUca.na, is unofflctal parties who removed K'f'&llting of a pennit by the New- a cousin of the Brookings, who the starting line and several course port Oty 'Council. This dark-to- own the variety store on Coast markers for SatW'days ocean rae-dayUgbt mel'Chanta' protect.lve A $5,000 gilt fot' Hoq llemar- lal H ospital hu bHn made by Mr. aDd Mrs .. Joae Roan ol Balboa I. land, wbo have receatb' ~ Ushed their ft.rm, RoM.a. 1nc.. -Miracle Mile in Newport. 11le check waa handed ovw a t a breakfast meeting ol the canmlt- tee that had cba.r&e of the~ tal Charity Ball 1be meedac wu held at Nort.oa'a BQsbore Cafe and prsent were Tea N~ ton , Dick RJcb&rtl Job.a BoJd Jr., W~ley D. Smith. WUiiaa Klma. Joee RoMn and Ha.nj WeJGil. A committee headed by Dorothy Reddick Is making t he an-ange- ments. Club treuurer Helen Norton is expected home soo.n from the BPW biennial convention just flnlahlng ln Boston. Mrs. Norton lett by air from Houston, Texas, whe re ahe tint at tended the Interna- tional Zon ta Con vention. Her Fp urth of J uly holiday was spent with her mother and members of her famlly in the environs of Bo. ton. Plans for a County Council meeting of BPW to be held later this month were fanned at a re- cent meeting he ld at Knott's Berry Farm by President Ewlyn Var- ner and he r orticers, toge ther with other county officers. Kiwanialls Plan Ladies' Night Ladies' Night will be held next Thursday evening. July 17, at the Balboa Bay Club by the Newport Harbor Kiwanis Club, it is an- nounc<'d by ~esident James T. Van DykP. There will be visitoM from t he South Pasadena Club. of which lo- cal Klwanian Ray Dike is a past prt'sident. The visiting club will provide the entertainment. Th(' ThursdAy mei>ting will be~n with cUnner servt>d at 7 p. m. 'Gulf Stream' Is Here: Backward Name for Boat del Mar. "Seveer" may sound a bit se\ t'l'e as the name of the boat belonging to Dr and Mrs. Ray Ree\'es. 1410 S. Bay Front, Balboa Island. but Boul~ard. COM. lng class sailboats. service la represented loc:ally by • • • Commodore Wu rdemann esU-Fid Wurth. The gay Harbor A ssIs tanc e mated that several hundred dollars * * * League Dinner Dance held on worth of damage resulted from LOG CABIN BREAD CO. has Fourth of J uly eve was sort of a loss of the flags, 400 feet of llne, star ted delivery operation from the special celebration for newlyweds, the anchor, floats and the tim e new County Headquarters in An· Mr. and Mn. Fred Bryson (~ and money wasted by participants ahelm. It is announced by Man- f o r mer M a rl Q e Othmer , who w ho were unable to race. The Vi· ager Fr-ed Barr. The headquarters worked so hard on the party). The kings, Lightnings, Mercuries and starts with eigh t sales routes serv-Newport Pr--.---Br~ are leavtng soon on an Ludera were not able to race. lng Orange County and part of ...., -- extended honeymoon to the Ca.na-The loss was not noticed until San Bernardino County. The Oa Air Jal II dJan border and late r to the Ba-close to starting Ume Saturday. salesmen are W illiam Powell. Mar-• J hamas. In the meantime Marloe. Skippers knew when the race v1n Haakerson , Pete McNeil. Wll· says they are dividing their time started but could not find wt.re. son Montgomery, Clifford Sutton, The City of Newport Bea ch and between thelr respective Balboa The confusion or a start was aug-Harold Allaway. August Wagner, the annua1 rught of the Snow- homes ••• they eat at hers be-mented by frantic tac.klng, Jibbing Ronnie Pool and Billy Walsh. birds will be honored by ~wnb6a cause she has the electric dJsh-and coming about. When the com -• • • Broadcasting Synem'a Radio Net- washer a nd sJeep at his Ocean mlttee ~t a ppeared. there was MORRI OF BALBOA, together wor k. station KNX. oat w~ Fron t home. The groom is a food much hailing m the language of with two othe r Southern Califor-day evening. J uJy 16 company executive. the sea, "Where in • • • • la the rua florists, created 13 exhibits for A special Newport program wiD The League party was a lush ~f-l~e?" The comm1tt~ boat like-tht> San Dierr:o County Fair at Del be given 00 the .. H awthorne a t fair with mesdames and their nus-WlSe was unablt> to fmd thP start-~ar Guest designers made tht.> 9.30 .. show. with ~ membe'rs tcrs turning out in the lo\'eliest of ing line and had to caU off &e\eral plans for the booths. whlch were of the Chamber of Coauneree pa.r- summe r regalia. Tht> question of raoea. ,. 200 sq. ft each and featured bridal tlcipatlng ln the show. ~ning who ou tshonP whom a monrr: tht> flowers. patio decoration, a bird the tllgbt of the Snowbirds and ladies wo uld be difficult to say Bloodmobile Here of paradise display a booth "i th descrlbln,l! :'>!t>wport Beacb will be ••• and strictly a mattt>r of con-2.400 roses. Ovt>r S2.000 in priu Harv('y Some rs. president of the jecture. The decorations we rt' ex-money was won by the florists. Chamber : Dr. 0 . G Sue.. chair· otic and wonderful. For instance, Next Th--..lay . . . man of thE' yachting committee tn each table was decorated with a IIIN I WALTER A CORBIN. 1008.W.Ichtm:E' of t hP flight : Lonnie Vin- centerplece ot t hose extraordlnary Ralboa Blvd .. ='Iewport. has J.ust t't'nt, chairman of celebrations. a nd blooms, anther ium. Otht>T rare Twenty-mn~· pints of blc>Od haH• been nam ed manarr:er of the TitlP Hay I.anrr:enhf'lm, execuU\"t' secre- blossoms and greens a4orned the been used by :-.:E'wport Harbor rE'si· Insurancr and Trust Co. in Santc1 tary of the chamber. Abo bonol'ed bandstand and the wa lls acainst dents since the last bloodmobill' Ana. to !.U('('E't-d Roland A. KJoess on the show will bf> J A. Seek. back 11: rounds of reed and tapa called in the ar••a little more than of Santa . Ana. ':Ice presi~ent Mr Harry W elch and J M. Webstn. clo th 'loaned by House and Gar· two months a~o Mrs. Carl Zam· Klof'ss "'II conllnUf' as ':ce prE'SI· wt10 will 1!1\'t• .,0 me of thE> back- den, we're toldl. Baby or chids l loch. Amt.>llcan Rt>d Cros 't>Cre· dPnt and will de,utr h1msel! to ~1 ound of h nricinal FU~t of wer<' everywhere from thf.> table 1 tar~, l't'\t•al.-d 10 announcin~ that public rE'Iations and tht> more gen-tht' Snowbtrds cloths to the "1ndows and ll'is of thC' Bloodmobil!' umt "ill again Pral acti\ itiE's of th«' company The show has a halt hour audi-fra~ran t nowrrs from Ha\\aii \'iSit tht' Jlarbor m·xl Thursdli}. Mr. 'Corbin has been asslStant f'ni''"JillriiCipaiiOn profim\m and 50 were sold to ~:uests a nd patrons. Jut" 1i mana~t·r for t wf, ~E-ars Heo has fr•·• t1ck··''-,,, \ISII tht' studlo on Tabh•s w(lr<' arran~f'd m tht• matn 1;hf' un11 ,,·ill t)l' "''lllont>d at th•· ht>f'n \\tilt thf· TJII• Iru.IJI !W<'• and '\.,wport'' ni~h' arP obtamable at dimng room and on the ,.e1 ftrtrla .\tner1can Lt>~1on H.lll. l"il h St Tru«t ('ump.;in} 'lnC"t' 1m rumln~ th .. \hambo•r of Commf'roP offiCE' or the· NPwport Hal'bor Yacht ('!uh ' llld Ba)o .\\l'. :'\I'\\ port from 3 I<• th•· ~ ..... ,, Ana Dl\ lc;ion from tJII rosua High" a~ Arranrr:ements so thot a ~rl\.ld 11izt'd dunrm.: 'i.:l<'• p rn lu 6·30 p m. th~> Ln~ An.!ll•~ otft<.'• h•'" bf>~n mAd4"· b~ thf' Palllldium <'entt•rt'd the arth·1t1 rs AI •1IIA :"\ • onl~ tr._. tht•l•· man' n.ll· • • • 111 II• 1 ""•"l '" .idmit p\·l'ryone- Oh ! lil1' 1 ··••dm1.: hltwld ''' .. a\•' h\ ,., 1 THF' 1-.ARI Y .\ 'lEHh A' 1 tt,•la<Ln1! tht> .,hoiA ""'OOut rha~e • • 11 rt Jwlp r••('H\•·ry fr"m 1IIm•-.:-IJioduc-tu•n furmtUIP 1n tnr n.•w alter the broadc:aat After a how..;-part) at I h•·1r hut 1mht.u ' d• m.~ntb 11o· 1ncrra'-~Ia pit• ~hop at Tho• IslandE'r" 21~ Houston of B. I. Fli es to Finland hom• on Lido, 301 V11t L1do ~oud. 10..: hurh 'ro r tht• oo~ ... "'' r"''"' ~1artnf' A\\' .. Balboa Island madr th(l l"cill Da,·t~\'S lal'-4• fll Po:-ol· .md l)m~·· r••llllllt't'!. n••t•dllll: ho ... a prrff'Ct '""'"£: for th• t•ofl•., dt>na 1 and th('il ~est-. "' r•' .. ~,'('n pual , <~.re hour which ... 1cnif1ed the lor.mal havint.: bn·akfa!>t at till ll.tlboa GrE:') l.arit•'" :.uht'lkd 611 ttlun-"'-"'nlnl! of tht> room IRst \\PE'k Ray Clob Jou1i11~ t hl'm \H't'(' the I '••E'r pled\te ftor nnt' pmt ot bhxKl l jwn b<'forf' the Founh I Jn hund Howard Ahmun:.ons 11f llarl'wlr is· t'arh at lhf' Amt.•nc an l..o·~:1on fm •h•• 'i{'II"C1Rl IX'CaSIOn and J'll1111'· L8rr~ E Hml!lt or _'()6 Ruby land and Los ,\n~t"lf"'i. th1• Jloracr· Br..aklast a1'd "-vrk l'r" an• hop1m· 1110: \h ·r·· )trs Harold Chnstlf'r Avt> 'Ball'w1<1 ll'lantl ·nvt'd 10 Wilsons of &ltx.a and I. A and mort> volunt•'~'~' ,qiJ call tht• Rt>d ' "1f• or the O\\ne:. and )t rs. Rv-HE'lstnkl <•n Tuf'Sda~ .,,1'0rdanL to lh(' Paul Polm••ts ur lht' little Cross offin·. llarbor 186.''\. hl-forr bt•rt Andl.-rson. WifE' of the o:an-reports f('('PI\I'd b~ hi" wife. now ls land. Thursda,·. ~u that a full rrt \\ of •.:·•r. Ill-"'''II as )frs Gt-orc" "4~ • 1 ,la\m.; at thf•tr Balboe Island wtWkE'rs-can 1>4' on hand fm <ll" :a '••r ·tnd )tiss Dona Rm~. \\ho ,-trP humt> · \tr Hllu..;.wn "ho 1s dirf"C· When Dr and M rs Frrd Hunt t1vn of the blood hanl< •II 1h1 ,,,},' fl1rCf'. tor of ph~sical ('duc •• tton ,for t he of 512 Oct>an Rhd . romna del I n desrrlbin.: th£' "'mnlltlt ,,, • • • Los An~C.;>Ies Cit~· Schools, 1s trav- Mar, takf.' th£'11' whull' family fori blood u.st•d 10 thE' la .. t '""month-. .\'\.ltTliF:R CHA:"GE in lht' VII-c•Wn~:; \\,th th• \ ntt('(i StatE'S an ou tin~:. 1t becomt .. a eara\'r~n )trs Ztlmloch said rhat 11 pt'()piP l.u.:• \'nlt-1 C'lt•anf"r.; """ marl• 11 Track and Fwld 't'II!'T. ,,~ 8 SISI:tnt Part'nts and childr('n .-·all S<'\f'n I trom :"\{'W(IOI't u."r I I:! p1nt:. ~~~ 'H''"thlt-tor :ht· ma11a~• r )1a-.. L<-'f' mana~:Lr Th•· 1-.,..<>UI ,,, " from (1{ 'c•m •.. w('re r<•Cf'ntl~ E'njo}·in~ hk!Od, .;;jx prople !rom <'nron,1 dt•l I. tl~• ut Ballllta lslnnd. 1" 11<·t'<ltn• :"\l'\\ y ,,rk and arrt\••ct ,.. f"'nland racilltlt•S uf the 8a) Club. Tlw )br USI'd 12 pmt.!. '" hht~lfi l\\11 \1wner as WPll fA'la C'"trr.-11 ,,.. 2fl t •• , .... 3 t" children art• Diana, Sylvia. Spooky. people rrom Sal~ l~>land tl'l'tl n••'\ afflliat.>d '' 1th th 'I· 1m .... Candy. Df'bbu.•. Bllly and CharliP. thrt>e pints of blood 1111J ull•' I~< .. nn , .. rh.• a!tl'rl_!'l"ll d· p.~rrm .. n.: '1 '" from Balboa needed '"'n pmt' t '"" 1 ,•nbo1 " .;nJI domg aiJ the !>[All· Back Corona del ;\Yar man alon•• ha' lut.: 1nd pressmf{ m the shop and Ruby Steve nson needed six transfusion" I ~uarantl'f·, h.-r Re,·otont> fii'O('•'S-" From Trip to the East • --rl•··'"'"~ Th· d ran.-rs 1s furmf'rly I . r..,.,.,. [)<\ant:'s on Balboa Island '1\trs. Ruby ~t l'venson. 215 Mar1-Surfsr.ders Club ~old Avt'. Corona del Mar. re-El Centro Visitor Dies turned last Wt'Ck-t'nd from her I D at Me a D h airplanl' t rip to ~('W York and ances s At Home of aug ter Connl'<'ticut S hr and ~iss Velma . . Pe rdita Hom A warded Pom ona Scholarship it's just backwards or tht>ir own I name. _ San Marino Residents O'Brit:'n alo;o of Corona d<'l ~far. ~Irs Joc:t'Ph Walk• r "' :-.; •. \\port Fnnr'l 11 ~. r\l<'P ""'" hPld Y<'St··r· left m1d-June for the east coast I Heichts ami ~tr-:. L ~ Y••tliH.:biOtld d." f(lr 'Irs Yi\a F. ''-'all .t9 of Both lncalites said th.E:' mcest ,,f Shon <.'1111-.. '"_:n· tl··•··~r,H~•'n' f'l Cf•ntro. "ho dic>rl last Thursdd' part or tht'lr trip wa'\ J::"C'tflnr: l'halrm··n fill~ lht• ~urr..tdtt'.~ lui,> \\hll( ,hp \\ll' \'l~itmc hl'r dauch- hom<' Thf'\' deplorrd the heat. dl\nrf' twld ~aturda) .Jun. ~· <~, t•·r ~lr' Fn't>~n Fi!:hE'r 2:w; · ;e<l th<: \'aril'd ~t·w York the l'u!>tJ '"~' Lt•..:1u11 H.dl l ''"I! 1 tat(l\\o'>Orl Rrl . :-.bon • Chffs ~r!: A ''"' • JlL"t IN'l lhd rrorr. ·Jle preside-nt of P omoru> CollE'Jo!f' by ~h.o;s PP~dlta Hom Corona del ~tar. r£>\ eaJt:>d that .. he bu b.•t-n award"d d s-4(1(1 ~holarstup to C'OTl· unut> htt .., tudlf'. at P m\Ooa m • ht> fRII Th1:-. 1<:. tht th1rd "Cholar<.tup p,,nh 1 a ha~ r •«1\ t'd l.afl yt>ar ~ht' ro•t't'l\ • rl ,, I( --c:holan.hlp from t ht · t•ollt·~· , nrl 'lht• WBS pre- vtoualy awarded the annual As- '-ISt<.~nct I "~._'\lt N 11,, "~hip '-ht> .. rh, dau.,ht• r • ( Mr and M rs. I On B. L for Su mmer I ~Irs. Juhn Hiram Hood and h~r dau~htrr. Mary Alice-Hood, are dnwn ht•r,;> again from San Marino to spend thf' summer at th('ir Bal- hoa Island home. 212 Ruby Ave. Tht•y will be' herE' until fall. when 'fary will be starting at S tanford l'ni\'E:'rsitv. majorinf{ in rorE'i.., lan~ua~:~'s. Mrs. Hood is a lonf{· 11m<' fri<'nd of Mrs. FlorencE' An· dE:>rson of Corona del Mar. dating bad< to their association in t he South Pa~ndt>na chaptl'r of the Eastern S tar. Mrs. Hood is past matron of the chapt('r. a nd Mrs. ;\ndrrson was or't'anist thel't'. Help Wanted .... \\'ANTED -\\'oman cook. short ordl'r. Exper. 414 Coast Blvd. Corona del Mar. WOMAN for house cleaning and 1ronmg. l day a wk. HA 1771-R. HOUSEKEEPER. cook . U ve ln. o~ll HArbor 2918. WANTED--Woman 2 days a week for general housewor k. Call HArbor 2803. WOMAN for custom draperies, ex- perienCE'd. F ull or part time. 215 Coast Blvd.. Corona del Mar. EXCELLENT opening for capable Beauty operator. Pleas. wor king cond. Perm., temp. or part time. Ruth's Beauty Shop. HA 2907. w . Lost and Found . .. LOST Child's tricycl4~. Black with whitt tires. Child broken.-hee.r1· t.'d. Reward. HArbor 3763--W. I ~~~urant~< and caf<'S. nnd ~tiss 11 l).•;l('hc-oml~<·t tho•mr ttw t·~~m-\\' 11J 1 .. 1 lc;o ,.11r· .. ,P<f by hi'~ h•t"· 'Brien \\us rtlculath enthus· mitt•·•· ,•mplt•~·'<i h:,h 1'11'\'-nMIInc> I h1nd FrE'd Clf th<'tr F l { rntn, 0 ti about t~ ;\;('w York fash-llfP, dnft\HIOd a nd l'nlurful -.hf"ll~ I hom•· 1nd a ,on. nonald '' tt h tho' ~as c · ·-for buyers :Mrs to ..:•,~· ntmospherl' to tht' h11 ll t ~ r\t'm' m Alaska B:tltr M or•· P.0ho rr ll(ln. 1 ~~to ...;, l\1t-w A"'(' I On PfC\1('\1," . • ' I I f ,.. d 1 \t '!.1nthll'l tl Stevenson ju.«t went for run and 'uan n ~ nr0n1t ,, -ar • ' stayed to ,i,it CriE>nds in Con-Marine and Family 1 tht" :O:"~"''ko•:-. Bunal "·as a• F wr H ouse a n d H eart necticut I Move to CDM Home s:-rN'n Park Oran g e Coast Assn. Plans Luncheon Meeting \ I~ITOR FRO M MTOI .. c\~ 0~ Just mo,·im: into tht'lr .m n homt' at 621 ~arcissus A'<'. Cor- ona df.'l Mar. arE:' thf' 0 D Gust.af- sor.s. who fonnerly Lived m 5antn Tht' Oranf;!f' Coast ~n is call· Ana. The head or t h(' hOUS(' 1<: a in~ a luncht'On m<'etm~t of m('m-Marin£' stationed a t the Lu~ht('r· bers and fri<'nds fo~ 12·30 P m. Than-Air Bas<'. He has aln-ad~ \VNinE'sda~ at the ;-.;ewport H~r-1 sened !he ~ears O\Cn>l•as at thre.• bor Yacht Club. Amons:: tht> toptcs diffN'1'nt limPS . .:0 they hopP thl' to be discUSSf.>d \\'111 ~ th1.' 1~ ";u be a permant>nt locatiC.ln S<:ou t Jamboret>. and beech ero..•aon _ Kan'n \\'arhur:-1 ••I \tod.-:o:to h I' ~•·11 \l!>i ting het crandmnth• ·- \tr< f 11 W 1rhurst 11! 250 Hal<'l ~r C'tlt'f'n.t df'l \tar ThE> \ •'UnC c1rl "hP I" R ''lid•'"' at \talk 'J'\\a1n J unior Hu:h S<'hool at "''" dt> to <'Onrluded hE>r \is1· on ·h• Fourth ,1( Jul~ IIO t '"'Uit F..;.~T:" f~OR KDOC'iS om o \'ISITORS LEA\.E t Civic. Leaque to Hold Ohio visitors IE'ft for hom£> aftt>r I Meeting Next Tuesday ~1r a nd Mrs Roy S Kin£: Clf 1221 W. Bay A\'e .. :"\t>wport. h.1vo 'bc .. •n •'nt<'rtainin£ housesnJf'St!' ~nrl are still ha,in~ Crif'nds at thf'lr b.t~ a two-week s tay with lh<' Har- old Christlers of the Back Bay The gu~ts '"~"' Mr. Christl('r's sister and father and a nit'ce aod small child. They are planning on a leisurely motor trip back to their home in Dayton. MO\"E TO LA .JOLLA Tht> pl:l\ ~:round and parks rom-rr,>nt t•om.. !'vtr and :\tr'!' Arthur mJttre oi tht' Wo man's C'nw' P ~tarkP of Ek>rkeley left thts Lea~ruc will me..•t TuE'Sday \\ith WN'k aftE'r Sf.'\'t'ral day" ~~ tho' the 'exl'Cutlv(" board of thE' Leagut' I Kings While they "~t>n~ vasttlnl~ for a luncheon me-eting at thE:' Mrs. Kin~< also t'ntE'rtam('(i ~tr and I home ot the president. M rs. Paul Mrs. F . C. Am1m of. Santa Ana Davis. This is the first or tht> St'\· and NE'W'port at a dinnt'r party E'ral summer committee and t>X('("II· At prf'~>t'nl ~It'S John Tufts tlf tiw board SE'ssions Tht• pro~m.I Tmran<"'' j,.. .1 housE'CIU'"' at thf"l originally planned for this Wl"f'k 1 Kln~ was postpon('() tM-c8US<' o( th<' Rt" , _ .. publican Con\'t-ntion. MaS. STA.."'il.El RETl n "'i :o- \lll:ln d Stanle> ha!l> rf'tumt'<i ATTF.:'\0~ 5tt "MMER ~{'HOot. 'rt•'tn R rtuirk ('(lOVt'nt\,,11 rip to Among the t:'nroll~ at thr Ho u.'non. Tt> s. whe-n-:«hf' ""''"'-d {'BAlM NOr:oM LOCgT~ONRobe tso \\.'luttkr Colle~<' Summer School as illtt'rnatt> dl'l•'~at£' to 1'14-7 .. mtl\ r an rs. . • r n durin the cu!Tt'nt tt'rm is Gror~ Intc-rn<Hi<'MI C"on,~nu<m. a ~r· Moving this week to La Jolla are t he F . W. Twogoods or 610 Be- s;:onla Ave.. Corona d('l Mar. The Twogoods have lived in the aree for several years. have sold t~ir home at t\39~ R cJ;.tis of 2601 Crestview OT . \'it'<' cluh of t'WC\lth t' "'t'm•'n Helotrope Ave .. Corona del Mar. · Sho~ Mr. CUrtis as a tC'ACht•r Mrs. tan! ~ ml!ldf' tlw-tnp "'th and arE' movtnst to 519 C:u-n.a'r!:' ~~Excel!i~ High School ln Nor-Helen Norton. locsl 7..ont, c-h<'l"' A~-.• to A u u~ houst t.h • _,.. f{'r pn ,,u.-n• Robertson built 5l'\"eral ycans ago, W atl\.. -... -.. CI NN t:F\ \V ARE .. . .. ··-,. ....... ~.· " . _ ..... .... "" '9'0 ,, KAREN MARGRET A lr':";::-crts -Ncrchc Gtfts I J07 Coe•+ lh-d ' Page I ON 8t.JMIO:R VAOATION MEAR8 BAOil r&OII TRIP Leavln& t.bia week for a s ummer trip 110rth to Alberta, Canada, and the Lake Louise resort area an Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gates of !509 ll.artgold Ave., Corona del Mar. Mr. and Mrs. Carleton Meara, 822 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa, have just returned from a camping out trip in the northerner parts of Callfomla, lncludln,g Yosemite Na- tional Park and the Bishop area. While they were gone their IIOil. who is home from college, took charge or the libara Camera Ex- change in Costa Mea. Needleu to say, they took lota of pictures! Rancho M..a Nursery School State UcenMd &Del App'owcl From 2 to I Y-.n SUPef"Viied Care and Ocmatructive PIA)' UA80N~ U.'I'D Open 5 daYt pel' week-8 to 5 'l'r'amportatlon Fundabed 190 E. 15th St. 008TA __. .._.,_.., NEW JERSEY VISITORS Friends from Atlantic City, New Jersey, were recent guests of the Henry Ostrandera of Corona del Mar. 'nley are Mr. and Mrs. RI- chard Barc&.l.y and their teen-age son. Charles. The O&tranders' daughter, JaM, Is preparing to at- tend Stevena Camp near Big Bear as a counselor later this summer. The camp is sponJOred by the pia- copalChurch. ~C4ttJ ......... .,.. ........... ,. ... $411 ~,~ The mult.i-color pettwn (choice of flve back- pound colora) luxurious at)'le and railient tedure oECa.lilornia C.aual make it a atandout at an)' pric• .•• a NUout at our sale price . S ee C alifornia C.aual, with ldantical .-tt.-n-hoth.W...6nt thln1r tornonow I NEWPORT FURNITURE 822 Coast Hwy Newport Beach BEacon 5431 A· I PLUMBING 8PECIA.LIZE8 IN BJ:P.ua& oa,.a~twawllealien Me4en~ ,._ T ..a. fer S...., & Slfll Stoppe,_ WHITMAN'S SERVICE Sllall ~I!Ctt -bpe~Mf -24-Hr. T-"'9 -Nit. Wetl .., "W· "We Spedehu hi Erne"'e"cy Service" t020 Coast lfvcl. HArbor 441-·---Nftet~ U..... II~ 4a1 Mer PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY P8J:SaUPTION8 ALWA1'8 D01TIJL& CBJaCKD) ILUIPTOirS ILUUIOB DRUGS IIA.JUJOB I I I I You Can Do Better at THE Daniger Furniture ·Co. OOIII'I.E'I'K BOlD PUIUfllnii:R-I BEacon 5858 1812 Newport 1mL 008UIQBA On the Island a,. a-ter Or~ There will be a bJg hole in the social life on Sapphire Avenue this aummer. Jane and Sldp Calk- ins have rented their home for the next three montha and are Uvtng in Newport Heights. Moat people reading this simple statement of fact wUI be shocked to hear that Jane hu a house; how can any 95- pound lady keep both a commun- Ity In good order and her house- hold, too? Be au~ Jane does both well. There hu been no campaign for dvic welfare Ia thls village in wh.lch Jane Calkim hu not been cvrying a spear in the tint pha- lanx. or the banner of rlghteous- 088 in the vaft~Uard, and she ft«flta her.elt a good fight. More children without parents have found loving homea because of the activity of t he C'h.lldren's Home Society, and the local chapter whJch is Jane's big interest. The Dental CUnic, off-street parking, careful driving on the Island, the problem of Euter Week are juat the first projects that come to mind. And her home has always been tbe scene of the spontaneous so- cial event. and she will be missed. as will be S kip's guitar and his bag of untold, unexpurgated sea chanties . • • • The Boyd Lewises will be missed from Sapph.lre, too. Boyd, a packaging engineer. has be<>n sent to Europe to show the gov- ernments there. now that those ~overnments are in full produc- tion, bow their supplies may be packaged and stored a gainst de- terioration. Boyd was In Paris last month and had to fight his way through the Communist Party riot a t the railroad station to get to his train le>aving for Rome. Tha t must have been just a brPE'U> ror anyone who has sailed his 32- foot Pipit in four Newport-EnSE'n· ada races .... He got to Rome on schedule'. Margaret sailed from New York to be met by Boyd in Cherbourg and tht'y \\;II be trav- elling a ll summer on the conll- nt'nt. Meanwhile. son Alan is with the Forestry Service out of North Fork. at the southern end or Bass Lake, a portion of this state which I greatly admire. Sapphire w1ll be a dull s treet th1s summer. • • • Let's see if I can't sneak this put our very Ulll'eliable proof- reader; Bus 105 is stlU running to Santa "Anna." A peckaee of leaves direct from Sherwood Forest was a high point of Interest at the Girl Scout Day Camp, because the theme of the camp thla year was Robin Hood In Sherwood Forest. The leaves were from a Parliament tree In the forest a.od were alrmalled from England by Sidney Sanders of Shore Cliffs, whose wife wu this year's chairman of the Scout Day Camp. The six-day camp. which lasted over a two-week period. was held a~ O'Neill Park in Trabuco Can- yon. Peak attendance rt'ached 165 plus leaders and a nursery unit that was provided for small chH- dren of the leaders. Dinner around the camp fire last Friday night, foUowecl by an i.nlpira tiooal ser- vice, culminated the pregram for the Brownie, Intermediate and Senior troopa. Staff membera. besides the cha.lnnan, Included Mrs. Esther Chapman, executive director for Newport Harbor Girl Scouu; Mrs. Anita Stevens, aaistant camp di- rector: Mrs. Mary Lou Quint, staff pentOnnel; Mrs. WI Ill am Roys, exl)6t on birds; Mn. Bar- bara Kellogg, equipment; MMI. SmJth Newberry, archery; Mrs. Ruth Hwnason, registered ni.D'H. Leaders and co-leeders included Mesdames Martha Cunningham; Audrey., Com, Doris Art.bofer, MU- ~ Hobel, Lucille Nack, Sarah Salisbury, Lucille Parham. Elva Woodland. Edna Johnson. Jane 'Thompson, Virginia Forbes. H. H. Tracy, Marjorie Tough, Eva Faml· worth, Marian Wyatt, M. Long- don. KJtt:y Burton, Marian HiU and Oule Hill. "Come to the Fair'' climaxed one of the camp's .-pedal ckYJ. Part of the entertainment wu a playlet oo the Ufe and actwntmft of Robla Hood &Del hia men, 1JU1W1 lncluded foot racea and balloon '**• and a tnllt of popaJdel tor all at the fair. Thunday, July 10, 1952 Committee to Draft By--Laws For Hoag Hospital Auxiliary A committee of fiv~ representa- tive women have bee,n seleeted to dralt by-laws for the Woman's Awdllary for the Hoag Memorial Hospital. ~polnt.ment was made by Mrs. Edgar Hill u an out- growth of the tarae orpnlzational meeting held in May at St. James EpiKopel Church. Mra. Hill was acting chairman of the meetJnc. Mrs. ChaUen Landen of New- port wtU be the local rept"eeenta- tive of the committee. Others who wUJ serv~ are Mrs. Donald HUm- mel of Laguna Beach, Jllra. Flor- enoe Tunis of South Laguna , The organize Uonal meeting wa.s eotnposed of representativ~ of clubs and service groupe th.roulh- out the area. Membenhlp in the awdllary Ia expected to include representation from all sections of Orange County as well u all groups and faltha. women who are anxious to work In the ho8plta.l and aJd the Institution in many wa,.. Further information about tM auxiliary may be obtained from Mn. Lan~rs or from the Ho.g M~morial Ho.pltal, Box 335, ~~­ port. Be&ch, Mrs. Marion F. Youel of iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Santa Ana and Mrs. Irvin C. Chapman of Fullerton. Model AirplaDe Meet To Be Held July 21-Aug. 3 The Naval Alr StatJon at Los Alaml tos will be OO.t to the 21at Annual National Model Airplane Championships to be held July 28 through Aucust 3. The m eet Is sponsored by the Long Beach Ex· change Club. Competing will be three age groups: the Junior Class, through 16 years of age; the Senior class, through 21, and the Open class, every contestant registered. The model flying wiU be In three main categories: control line. free· flight gas-powered, and free-CUght non-gas-powered There will also be an event tor radlo controlled models. A SJ)E'Cial feature of the meet will be a carrier event for gu and jet-powered models. JIOYIRG.~. ........ _ 1.-1 IA&O& oa a•••·•· 10M OIVBN IIAIU ~ ...... 8TO&AOII ''We Ko.e WI. a. Wedr ·•omrn roa L~o• 1966 Harbor BIYd. o.ta .... ar.a-..., • llft.ll Sll.llll J'U.Ca.UfC::S: CT-c...._ ....a s.-0.. ... two,...., .. Dwotlay er., Celape Sdclb ........ ~ _, s-Jo..-.,..,...... ~PUIS acuun, ~ .......... .... ..... s 0...;; ,.... u.. Cohpe 9IWr .. uw.s v n ... ., ... s.ok •• • ...... ' I ... . •* plh perepiaidioa ..aec&or--.1. FL\CilAifCB PUJS OOLOa: ec-...-.. ........ a...-..., s.-Dwo ••• ww.. r.a.. Colope Sdok-,..., Sue. LodM Stick-_.._., •• ..-.u •• , ....... aaabv.n,-Uol you&aa. Corona del Mar Pharmacy ~ ,......,c. ... ·. "The Pres c ript io n Pharmacy " . 823 Co.tt Bouleverd, Coron. del Mer HArbor 2272 IJVING ROOM BEDROOM _.. u .... ••: ETHAN AllEN SlitS ltUN$ FANOUI IN& LA NOEl SIALY ... ... ...., att-. 790 S. OOAIT kVD. LAMPS AND SHADES WALL SHEL VEl BEDDING • F"H DElfVOY cuon TYMS 'A no FUlNTUU ....... ... Alnd 0,... ~ • I r II "' f rt.r Gilt, LA8UNA lfACH ~, July ICL 1152 .... .... J Boating & Fishing~ Page :l ~.4.1LING WII H ~UD' $c:uttlebutt· B7 8Uit FIOKZB With two days of racinJ behind This wu one Fourth of July them, aldppen, crews and friends Race. race. who'• got thto raoe! Regatta that really came off with found c:landng and good times Thi.J wu the question uked by a bulc! ! ! Everyone conceded awaJting them at Newport Harbor Udo Isle Yacht Club thla week FOR S~Red Cedar Snowtltrd that the regatta held jolnUy by Yacht Club Saturday evening. A$ when they tried to loc:att> the Ar-<Olympic ria), aeo. AJao Nba· NHYC and BYC had been a tre-big a contingent of the &alling bltrary Handicap Race for the Vi.kinp and Star BOatL mendow aucceas, ln spite of rather. crowd turned out for thla event a.s Chamber of Comme~ Trophy trou. •t fh' N BE adverse sailing conditions. I have aeen ln some time. BYC for Catalina. 909 Cout wy., ewport, The apectacular wtnda of the wa.s rept"Hented by Commodore Details of the race art> being ...;5033--· ----------put week~nd gradually deteriOT· Converse Wurdemann, wbo ~ted hanclled by NOSA. After frantic ated during t.be week so that at a group of frienda lncludinc Mrs. ea11a it wu c:n.oovel"4!d that the atarting time Friday, yachtamen Betty F1ke and Mr. and Mn. Rob-race starts at 11 a. m.. Saturday had to IMir for the wind !! I 1be ert L. Boyd.. Also present were between a line trom the Newport wtnd continued to be shifty, apotty Mr. and Mrs. Earl Huk.ell and WHEN'S THE NEXT RACE! boat and ends with a liM due and generally unpredictable Satur-their lovely daughters Carolyn and July 1.2-13: Fint Race, Summer magnetic east from Casino point, day and SWtday. Virginia. Squiring Virginia was Serles, BYC-NHYC. • Avalon. The return race star ts It ia indeed a Stole who remains Joe Harbison of Pasadena. Boata 14' and under .......... .BYC 11 a. m.. Sunday. Take your own lmperturt:.ble as his sail flaps Seen on the dance floor were Boats over 14' ................. .NHYC time at the Newport beU buoy wtthout wind and meanwhile his Bob Savage, Don Fawkes, Joty\ July 12-13: Rhodes Crew Raoe. and send th<' times to Harr y competitor only a few f~t away Kewell and Jean Boy)(', Danny BYC-NHYC. Blodgett, 3016', Newport Blvd .. hu his sails full, heels over-and S hepardson, BID Cathrlner. Bob Start BYC float about 11 a . m.. Newport. c.huck les as he goes by. Sattler, Bert Zilgitt, Adrian and J uly 12-13: Gold Star Elimination Jlawatlaa lavttaUo.&J • • • BilliGileen, Johnny Kariotis, Dave Series ...... . .. ··-..... _ ... NHYC U you Ukt> your sailboat racing Two people whom I mentioned Smiley and the always smiling July 13: Father's Snowbird Race. with thE' flavor of flower leil, In this column last week contrived Bob Harbison relating tales of ad-NHYC. tropical fish and the seductive to get their names In the papeT venture on the high seas (that's strains of Aloha y ou may be in- again by taldng rather extreme between the starting line and t he Race Results _ terested to attend thE' first Ha-meuures (these yachtsmen will "C" mark in the oeean~l to his waiian lmdtational Regatta, spon- do anything). Mrs. Grace Poirier . date. INDEPENDENCE DAY sor('d by the Waikilu Yacht Club. recovering from a hand Injury, Nice to see AUen Andre-ws, (son REGATTA Ala Wal Boat Harbor, Honolulu. was standing in t he Balboa Yacht of Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Andrews of Balboa a nd Sewport Yacht C1ub8 1 IContinueod on Page 10) Club's Boat Yard only a few days Corona del Man and his wife. the RH ODES ClASS a go when a boat and trallt>r passed formE'T Betcy White-, at the gather· 1 Hanahuli, <A>o. Fl€'lt7 LAYC 18' LYMA1'-l IslandE-r. '49. ~h.p. by, and right O\'E'r one foot-ing. Betty, for those who do not 2 St Francis Ill. Gray, used IE'SS than 25 hrs., new r€'sult, a broken toe~! H('re's wish-know ht>r, crcwed for her twin I O. Morrl!l<>n CYC' boal rond IdPal for ba} or ocean Jng Graoe a speedy rt'covery! brother. Bob. and won the Inter-3 Argos~ Tom Sh<'ppard NHYC USI' PriC'C' $2,050. mel. 2-wheel l "Dick" Dixon, racing Rhodes national Snipe c-hampionship som<' 4 Whtm: 'J ohn Pearet·y NHYC trall,r Fr<'d Schenck No. 20 on Saturday, nt>gl('cteod to years ago whf'n both were mE"n' 4 Flr<' Fly, J ohn Keow('ll BYC <lark ~w~t interpret corrt>ctly the instructions lt>en-agt>rs. 1 fl Witch. s. Enright . ="HYC 1. 1 o 0 ~ R 1 p y A R D of th<' ract' co~itt~: conse-Paul Hamilton, undaunte-d by 7 Lorna. Ted Rogcr5 NJ-fYC' HArbor SOl quently wh<'n starting tim(' rolled the fa ct that !IOmeoonP had stol('n ~ Impul..S(', C. C. Braybyn .NHYC' around. h<' ~oun~ himself gol!"g his party clothPs from hl.s car only ~ Mid.~hip. C" Wurdemann BYr 44-Ft. MOTOR SAD.ER a~r~ thf' hn<' 10 the oppo.•nte t he night befort>, madl' thP party tC..ontinu('d on Page 10) Per!t'Ct conditton. Call! C'nl.lser I dlrrc tton on thC' port tack to .an-I too-in borrowe-d garb class. priced to St>ll other Rhodt>s on <::larboard. sa1led . C C by Df-an Morrison of San Fran-Amon~; thP rountl<'"5 :"llY H ' F • h • '? 52' Twin Screw ruiser cisco Dixon was disqualified from memtx-rs Wl'l t' Ml -.nd :Mrs OW S lS 1n • Very complet€' $14.000 1 th<' ~ace. Why? WE'll. it se-ems the Walter Fran.!. '~tr and ~tn;. SERVICE AFLOAT committe(' had flown thP "Rt>\'erst' Pl'arcy. th(' Hal ~mM·rs. l>or~th) I 8:\' (ot:OR<;E \n;THERB.l ' I 2802 Coast H"''Y· :-.:~rt Beach I Course" signal and Dixon having and Don Edler. rhr :\kDowells failro to notiCt" it was sailing in a nd Mr. and ~n; Ian ~turra~ Local fis hinc 1;. s111l ,.t>r:-mcon· _____ H_A_rbo_r_341 __ 3 ___ _ tht' wr-« direction! Among th<' youn~t.'r group of "'''"n' Som, boat' report !a1r tiller pushen; Attending wPrt' Bud C'a tchl'" nf ~and and cahco ba~<::. FOR SALE lAIIlE IISURAICE for YACHTS & BOATS 81!Z BUD IU8TLEil L .1. listler I Co. and Barbara Kistler, who race-d ot hers runn i n~ f ar th e r outs1dc their Lehman during th(' rt>gatta; lookins: for la rgf'r fi h ha\'t' comt> Jim Rube.-! and his scintillating '" blanked. Quite a few halibut sist<'r, Jane: "Whitey" Phillips ~d werP brought to gaff &autJ!ul "0' BIUI" Wat"t Cutter SIN'fl" I YAR. Star Intem a tiona! rf'<'ord nf'\'f'r e-q ua IIE'd. 30'-1950 TS Expn•s.c C"hn~·CTaft. Top rondition Dorrie Lewis, Marcia March. BtU The cold fo~,tgy days with little Ben ts, Marcia Younglove, Chuc k or no sunshme. dirty choppy watf'r Lewsadder , Grant and Joyct> Bald· and of courst> t he u.o;ual Wt'<'k~~d S I win. Jimmy Lewis, and Ned Rut-condition of just too many boat~ m R I C H A R D I ter. who brought his bridE' of a the !t>w areas wht>rt' fis h wE'rE' ft>w W<'f'ks to introdUC't' to all of b('in~ tak('n rf'!'ultt>d in only !atr J 1 C II f A 1 C Ill fill us We all enjoyed ml'<'ting IGt. catchf'S. Wr \\('rf' at one of the East of Balboa Island . • • • local landings Sunday whl'n their on Ba'-"'ide Drive THE FUI SH. I neet came in. a nd we saw fewer ,_ Whllt> the Protellt Comnutt~e wet than dry sacks brought ____ H.AR.BO _ _.._..R __ 36_9 ___ _ Jell Newport Bhd. was in Sf'SSion and RacE' Comm.lt· ashor<' Newport ~ tet' was present. l suggestl!'d to • • • RAtNr lUI Th(' albacor~" p ic t u r t' set'ms ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~<.:Con=.:tin=ued:.::o:n=~==e=l:O)==-about the same as last week with -;; a ft>w j1~ fish bl'ins: taken. but '-'CrY Pldom can a school b<' 1 chuinmed to tht' surface with bait SomP romm<'rcial boats rr ported ca tch<'s on the S.."i-milt> bank. but that is a !om: way ou t for a on~­ da\' trip Thf'S<' fish may rome m tn · tht-('8St l.'nd of San Clt'ml'ntl' l'<land a nd on up to t ht' 14-m•l" I bank or thr·~ may go ;'l:orth wrll nut;,idl.' of Cata lina Island . . 'f CRRJ!' Yacht f1aqs and Pennants 9t~ Cout Hlcil-1 S..wporl CRAFT BO:'T TARD W. D. SCHOCK ~ !!9th !'t. Xrwport UArlMw lMl...J F alcon S450 Ll~htmnJ: S Sf'(l Racing Snip(' 450 I ' l'tiltt\ I.Aun<h F.'\1'1 lh·n•' lbl and man~ nn, r' 5100 BEWABD BALBOA YACHT CL UB OF· P1!:ll8 1111 &EW ARD r oa INPO&.IIATION LI'AD I NO TO THE AJUUIST & CON· VICTION OF ANY PE&SON 8TEAI.Di0 OR DAMAGING RACE MARKERS. South Coast Co. U rcl SL ... Newport Bl..._ Newport JSN.toh. IIArbw !eot Dyer Dow 9-ft., excellent $375 Snipes, 2 to choose from One $695 • 1 with traiiPr 425 Fla ll1e with trailer 500 13' Outboard with 10 h.p Evinrudf' ~at Ont> Design 450 450 And Many OthE'rs Indudmg Power Cruis<'rs and Auxil.lary Sailboat-. SEE BOB EN~ItJS At t.be Soo1.h Coeat <AI. SIORIASBORD for Yachting Parties Hestess House S0'7 Marlafoo. Balboa ...... HArbM ue5 BOATS FOR SALE S.."i' Mowpr top cnJISinlt & racrng sdloon('r finl" for Honolulu race. a btzy that will ~ hard to top $20 OfVl 63' Late TS diet!('! luxury c:rui.ser, redesigne-d & l"f'bullt by Stephens Bros. in 1948 & '49 52.000 40' TS :Matthewos '47 Auto PiJot, RDF. 65 Watt radi~tf'lepho~. frt'Sh water coolf'd. shower, ownE"r \'erv anxious to sell . INQUIRE 17' Tt>ak Lad.". sloop, sl 2 $1650 22' Aux. sloop. sl. 2 97!> Z1' Aux sloop, '48. sl 3 4350 28' H-28 Aux kNc h sl. 4 5000 24' Drake spt fi <::h('r, 19-19 4250 25' !'ew fine sptfishE"r _ 5000 26' TI; Fatrlilll'r. 1947 8900 31 · Famih crwser. sl 4 5500 George Michaud Co. Udo Pem-ula VM-ht A•dlo~ Foot of 31st St Box 158 :'\€'wport B<>ach C'a hfomJa DIIC' to I hP Sl'fl I CitY Of fl<::h 10 local watf'n;, thC' mtt'rclub alba· rore tourna m!'nt. 10 wh1ch thP Bal- hoa Anchnc Club. Pncific An~lcn­ and thf' ~pwport llarbor Yacht Club Tuna Club will romp(>tC' alont: with o the-r ~. ('.alifomul clubs. oru~ina lly scheodulE"d r or this com- ing W<'<'k~f'nd. has tx't-n postponPd un11l th£> ,,,., k·f'nd of July 26-27 RoskiD & Son • BA'·BOA FUN ZONE •owo•u EYe17Da~ FUN FOR .ALL! * Ocean Sailing in the Bay Queen * Round-the-Bay excursions * Rides * Games *Swimming * Re freshments . . Mr5. Don Allison of th<' Balboa An~lint:: Club. who with her hu.s- band ftsh('S locally in th<'ir 0"-'0 boat the Hoaloha, rt>eently sf't a new world r<'Cord for womt>n by takinc a 758-lb. broadbill swor~· fish. Sht" was fishin~ ou t of Santt· ago Chtlt>. . . &rt Mill!' rE-ports that on Sun· day. L A. Girard of 3725 Grt'f'n- briE>r Rd.. Lon~ B<'aCh. land<'d a JG.lb chinook salmon. Thil' fish was caught from tht-boat Lorna Pat II. about ~ m iiP .outht'a!'t of the Nt-wport tx-11 bu<?~' Tht' ant:lt>r was fishing dN'p "-1 t h a ltV~• anchov<'Y for bait. • • • YCiur reportt>r mad<' his weekl:- trip and did his bit for conser;ra· tion. his catch for the-day b('rn~ one barracuda. Glen Doan provf'd to b<-quit(> a sharpshooter whl.'n he made a ca st Into a school of boilln~ tuna and hookt'd up .-nd tanckd a 6-lb sand bass. Walter Longmoor of Wt•strrn Canners Co rt-ports that arrangt>- ments have bc.-t>n madt> to can t~<' sportllshlng catch oC albacore this season. The fish will lx-canne-d In standard 7 oz CAns with SAlAd IC.onUnlK"d on PaKe 10 \ BOAT WORKS Sill DIYI18 EQUIP IE IT * Boa Kl ts * Flymg Ftsh * Water Skts * Paddle Boards * Aq'..laplane 80ads * Dmg.hu:-s 913 Coast Hwy. Newport BEacon 5080 Owens nagship Distribaton P ow e r B o at s 21 Ft. Chn.c:-Chryllll'r E"nginf' -nt·~· 24 Ft Trusrot t l::xprt>Sl! -1946 -C'hrysl<'f 30 Ft. Sport Ft. .. hc-r 1947 -Cadillac mpne 50 Ft. Mathews -Olr)'sler Royals ~ Ft. Custom H e&\')' Duty Q-uiser -Chrysl r Sa i l Boat s Albatro."S Sloop 25 Ft. Marconi Sloop Kermath engin(> 26 Ft. Marconi Aux. S loop -Hercules 54 Ft. Marrom Cutter -V~ clH.n _ . 48 Ft. SH-Golng Schooner -clean ·-·-·· 46 Ft. HMV)' Out)' &.hooner ... -··-• . M sru Other Ustings -All St2H lWEI PICIRC YlCIT SAl FS 71 7 C'oa!!t H.ighw8~ $ 4,500 3 .. ')00 3.750 15,000 17.500 s Ul50 3.000 3.800 17.SOO 16.500 9.000 hvelO ~T Thunday, July 10, •• 2 Race Results -K~OW "00R fUR~ Sro.~ttleL-·tt I .. _ _._ -- '-R "" n lhe •.........-How's Fishin'? • DID YO(l KNOW _., (Contln"-.. from Pa 9) Dr. Lucius 8 . Phelrw, 812 W .Ntowport Harbor, l'Otra ~ """' ge Bay Ave .. N-t, ~ ..... rta L.-..-t. CContinut'd from Pq:e 9> 80• T. H .• from Oct. 5 to 12. They , ~-..-• .._ oU --_.__··ld .. _ .... _ -•• u Is ~1 •ct -' ,._ can be contacted for further In· 'Va-Lu .. brolteo into. lice oou. . • •w:Y .,_, ..... ta....... to the _,..., ,._, It eMW • .._ fonnatlOD. Members of any yaebt fled e.nd thl'ee boys 18.20 yean ot marine doc:k o! the West.m Qm. ~ ft.e dt~~U.. ... club ln the world ean compete Ln ace Who slept on boat were ap. Mrt Co. at 290t La.fa.)'1ltte Ave. pl~eer .pUtt of Ita a~oph!~ any of the eight classes: El Toro prehended. ... Mrs. P: Brown, 106 and the tlah ahouJd be lett Ln the (Cclotlnued [rom Page 9) 8 Whitecap, J . R. White. . .. BYC 11 •.•............. Dlek DlxorL . .. __ .BYC 12 Henny Penny. B. Klrc.her .. BYC 13 Rebel, Clark MllUkan .... ..N1fYC 14 Osa Peq~na. Tom Ectsc.l • om l'Otr K.NOW ~ Dinghies, Mercuries, Ugbtninga, Colllns Ave., Balboa uland re-round. The cannery uses a very your harbor Ia Ute ~t 110s. 210., Stars, s Class and PC's. ported losing a 14-ft. rowboat, red attractive aport.aman label to go IIIAcle ..-t t1w ('l~ or llf'trpOrt The Stars have destcnated this a bottom, varnish l.nalde, No. 600 on on th8e cans, with speC@ for tht> a-.dt ...., ._, ......._ 7011r "silver .tar" event. s.e you un-medal ln&lde •... ~ EW. of EJ. date of ea&c:h. IIOso the name of ll&rbor a.er. woulcl -.e tttee or der the Banyan n-ee.. lis Boat Renta.lt reported that the angler and boat. P. C. CIA88 1 Gaylln, Dr. 0 . G. Suess ... BYC 2 Pall)' Anne, Jade Toon. ... ~YC 8 S..w. Cdfey ····-· ..... .. .. -.c ao 6IU!IIW f• ,..,. eft¥ ~ • • • cruiser ~ported eerUer u ~r-------- dlaa jiMt a~~etlter ...a ~b r ... ·o.e Ptdc.INI Rerrta&' ~'"':..~ ~=~.·Ba.J· .boaL. CbAm=· &tiling With Su.,.-v retiOf't1 When the week-end rolla a.round · ~., • 'DID l"ot·lCNow «bat dte and cousin George wtth his family said that the P.C. No. 45 Po ee, CContJn~ from Pap 8) U. 8. C~ or EaclaMra polat of six appears unexpectedly at the ~ by Loraine Bow.lee, had them .ome ot the problftna or the wtUt?.ide w yoar harbor, atate gangplank, Mre. Doria Wheaton entered, Harbor Dept. ~Jed racJng 8lcippers tbat. .. It lA on .. or the n.e.t aad or the HasteN House on Balboa Air~ to6~· BaJboa .Bob ~~ For one wni, I urged a change ~-C....,u ...... !"'~r~~~~~abo,..u laor~~ UMI•· ~sland has a Swedlah answer c that a n accident The ameJJ bo.~..!.n Ln the •lae and color o1 flags for • ....... ,_ ..._ "'" ... ,., tS lf you want George to come< · • ocean markert. The small white tl:re UD.ttM RtatN." tJJat tbey back-do you?) Serve them her cuesco was under •U in front of flag u.d .o exten&lvely is often 11M It u • model for tut:un. &--Smo bord t ffed l nion dock near Ferry The boat LncH8cernibl ticulari V..a--..:-t •-o• ...... , ....... _ ,.r tha . hrguRoq : 8 u eggs, ~ eey VIking stop..-for th~ ferry and mi .a..., e,.,..__f!!lr y on a ,.,...._._... ... "'" ..-"-" ~-wtt uefort C~e pate de ~""" aty ~· rurthermore lobcter oouatry! foie gras, grilled chick~ Uven or ~ ex.hause pipe ran into the sall pou are marked with almllar flags, • DID YOU KNOW tbat some other delicious monel wtttl t, damaging one or two planks. and more than oav skipper has your harbor comprtt~M '740 llC'ree a Scandinavian accent. or perhaps · ' 'M.D. ero., Seuport Landing, found hJ.J.nulf trylng to polnt up to of water area. au of It a park you'd prefer rare prime ribs wtth JINt L.aa.aclled a flag, thlnklng it to be a mark of for yoo aad YOW' cbiJdna to fried chicken for the kids. _ _ tht> co~. only to find upon neer- awtm. ull. nAil. uad play In a.nd • • • ing it that rounding a lobster pot 00. tbe W(t'lllt aad cleaneet park At the NE'wport Harbor Yacht Last week saw the launching or would not entitle him to a trophy. eatirt'ly "1thi.D the etty Umlt.& nr Club's Tuesday I u n c h e on r o r an Inexpensive, JO.foot custom S uggtited to the committee to &D.Y city of It& ~ I.D the ~n-yachtsmen were President Har·· built plywood cruiser built on the use" a flag ot orange and yt'llow or Ure liaJted Stat~. &Dd "'bJcb vey Somers. BYC Commodore same hull design as 24-foot Army black and orange ... All of you maay lar~tf' ddN wouJd jtt\•to Wurdemann. Ca.rl Hanna. Harry 1 liaison boats. who have complained before. let mUUoa. of dollars Jo ~~ Ashton. Walter Franz. Strat En· About 30 of these miniature your race committee know how right, Leo Benzlni, Walt Elliot. P. T. designt'd boats havt> already you feel about it-DO IT NOW ! ! HArbor 2907 SS8 Pola~tUa, Coroaa del liar TRAVEL nfE LIDO WAY Authorized Representative A lJ Scheduled Airlines, S hips ---Trains ••• Toun VINCEIT'S UDO TRAVEL BUBEAU lie ·•-. Udo 0n1c IIA.rbor ISM Drs. BiU Cowa n, Frank Ht>rman been completed for· commercial • • • Richards lioUman, Lcs Oldenburg, purposes. This. however Is a Commodore Rutter. represo.>nting Jim WE'bster, and Bob Boyd. Bob custom job costing about $6,500 to NHYC, graced the trophy presen- Chapman and Freddy Sche-nck build and will sell for about half tatlon at BYC Sunday with his told tht>ir story of tht> Tri-lsland of what big name boats will cost. usual €'loquence and clt>ver wit and race in which Ken Schmidt's Hi-Speeds up to 28 miles an hour passed out the trophies, while laria won four trophlt>s. Bob and comt> from one 150-horsepower Peter Ficker with his robust voJce Ken were on the Attorante. They Gray SinglE' Screw. Cruising speed made the usc or a "mike" unneces- said winds wer·e up to 55 miles per is about 21 miles per hour. sary as he called out the names of hour and then no wind at all. Equipment plans call for a gal-winners. I Other reports said 45 miles per ley, t>nc losed head, sleeping quar· The inlmitablt> George Fleltz houri Freddy was amazed at ters forward for two and for two Sailing his "Hanahuli." Rhodes No: the way Dick Stf'wart's 32-ft red or fow· more in a canvas covE>red 33. shagged the top rung on the sloop, the Danct>r, kept up with l'OCkpit. tr·ophy ladder in his class; however them in the roughest weather. It Tht> boat is built by George it was Don Woods. his personable spcms that Humphrey Bogart was Griffith of Griffith Constr·uction crew. who picked up thE' trophy. below in the Santana a nd while Co. and Bruce Marston of Circle S£>cond in tht' Rhodes Class went tht' crew was makin~ up its mind DrivP, Bay Shores. It was l.aunched to Dean Morrison. all thP way to reef the ma an tl bl<'w out &t Lyl(' Hoskins yard on the Mir-from San Francisco: third place to Dave F raser said that the Nam acle milt>. Tomm) h(•ppard. whose fatht'r. Sang heeled o\er· so Jar that he Jim Sheppard. k~pt the shutt"r of USl'd the side ol thl' bwlk as a •thE' skin diver's bag gun' has his camera clickinv. ,. chart ta blt> pinned back this monstt>r's fins. ... If you want to see tht• eqUJ p-Dr. 0 G. Suess brought his !am- Capt. Jamt's c. ~hmnu1~ of the m('nt used by skan divers of <fu,. ily alon~t to share In h1s success. Auxiliary Coast Guard reports 8 tinction step gingerly into the and st'nt up his pretty b Io n d e s uccessful opening or the Club lll'w front shop of Lylt> & Doug daughtt'r to collect his fir~t plact> House at tht> Isthmus over the Hoskins on the Miracle Mile. Gin· troph). . Chattt'd with J ack 4th. Over 100 persons attended gerly because tha t rubber band-Toon, ;.\o. 2 man on the P. C. the steak bar becuE' a t thE' Tom powered French arbalt>te will totem pole this S<'ri('s, and he Whit<' house. which tl> the new penetrate fundPrwaten a two-inch couldn't say enough good a bout headquarters. Rola nd . 00 \,. own· board at 20 fet>t . Duck if it heads his regular crt>". U oyd 1 Swede 1 er of the JO.ft. cabin crui!>(lt' In ·h· your way Six differt'nt kinds of Johnson. and his new crew. ~1ike man. was in charge. Tht' d ub c:Wep sea masks and goggles can Driskel and Bob Gleason. house will be open a ll ·ummt>r t>nable you to J)t'er back at the George Schmidt and Lou Coffey with a full sch£>duh.• or Pvt?nt:. bass. You can purchasE' a genuint-t'ach c halked up a first In one r·a<X' 4 Relax, Geo. Sdunld t ..... .laC 5 Slnbad, Ed Lamar . .. .. . VYC 6 Showboat, F. C. Wood .. ~C 7. Joy 'Mlree, T. RJechert.. .. .BYe STA& ClASS 1 Jezebel, Geo. McRoberts 2 Ingenue, Bob Undberg 3 Lin Ann U, RaJph Llnbc)lf 4 Winsome, J ohn Mangel 5 Smiles, Dave Smiley . ..U C 6 S\l&ar Rabbit, Cluck Lewaad4Pr A.I..IIA TI&OSS CIA88 1 Esplitita, H. W. Thorne .... .JIYC 2 Gitana, Rob't CowailJ .... .NHYC 3 Pintado, H . E . WIUiaa. 4 ................ J . Beattie, .......... .LIYC VIIUNO CLASS 1 Eve. Jim Ramsey, .BYC 2 Goblin, Jlm Whyte . . BYC 3 Prelude, Don Pedersen. BYC 4 Buccaneer. Geo. Meye rs LUDERS 11 CLASS 1 Vixen, J . Hurndall NHYC 2 Breeze. R. K. Person jr .• NHYC 3 Kunipo, S. Sickler. .NHYC Uttle Lulu, K Herbert LIYC 4 Josephlne V, B. Collins .NHYC 6 Zephyr, Dix Tovell .. SMYC 7 Zest. E . Eisenbeis ..... .BYC 7 Linda. C. E. Rubbcr t CBYC 9 Rhapsody. M . Gram. NHYC 10 Slnbad, Ruth Haskell .. .NHYC LIGHTSING CLASS 1 Fetchit, J. W. Potts.. . .BYC 2 Wendigo, John Karlotis. -BYC 3 Galaxy, Eric Wt>isberg . ..BY(' 4 Anita, Elmer Poirit>r .BYC 5 Open Season, B. Harbison BYC MERCURi' CLASS 1 Spring Fever. Bart Hunt UYC 2 Mala, Earl Morris. ..BYC 3 Wingrn. M('J Wilson BYC 4 Argonaut. W. L Manley BYC 5 lntE>rmezzo. Dr. C Creech .BYC 6 Chief, W. J . Ht>sna ult CBYC' 7 Laurey. Ra) Roberts 8 lndet, Preston Zllgitt 9 Fraoch Eil£>an. B. MacDonald NIPF. CLA S .. BYC VCBC "'hnedkr Tile • • • Frogman's Aqua Lung, used as durlng the series. Lou is truly Comt> with us lnot mt?• 16 ra th· standard dlvin~ equipmt'nt by the thE' "grand ole ma n" of sa iling - oms below. A 150-lb. giant St:a Fn•nl'h, British a nd U. . navit>S. il gnat sports ma n and sailor·. HE''s bass Ia small one) pel'r out wt th This ena bles you to stay below ulways a solid contender in the P. hugt> eyes and a large mouth from up to an hour and go down 100 C fleet. He raced Stars. man) beneath the murky brown kt•lp, f~~t. has a fiv~-minutt> wamJng yt•a rs a~to. . . by t he \\ay, th~ Zoom : : a nd your trusty arbalt>tt" I srgnal. H you hkt> to met't your S tars a iled throu)'!h all other 1 2Pounds, Mikp Jagf>r NHYC 2 Confederate, F. MIJJt>r . NlJYC 3 Whitten Poor. D. Fay . .NHYC 4 Binge, Terry Gloege ... NHYC 5 Our Gal, Marty Burke BYC 6 Hot Ginger B. Hammond..BYC 7 Come On. P. H. Hanulton..BYC 8 Rowdy, Frank Leonard BYC 9 .. . Roger Nye . . .BYC 10 Frolic, Bill Muff €BYC Sign liH HArbor 81 fish glass bottom boat st\·1.-. try fleets racinl<{ '" the ocean during FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST that under·water look box. Lyll''s the rt>J(81ta -.-and I gue:;s the~ 'II SCIENTIST so n Doug guarantees that you will ne\er stop talkln~ a bout it. llOl Vle lido, Newpon ked. 1-t>(' fish if you look m the right The Balboa Yacht Club's own A Oronch of The Mother Church. The places "Barefoot Bo) with Cheek" won Fir~i C~urch of Chris~. Scientist, in Bos Don't leaH• yet You've ~ot himself anotht'r trophy That's Acc"nn-Notet-O.imt crt •"Y ron, Mouochusetts. more browsing to do... Assorted John Potts. who plaet'd fi rst in the kiftCI of deb._...,.,._. ;., A/ft. Su"day School .......... -·--9:15 a.m. paddJ~boards from thE' 6-ft Kid-f.tg htnings .... Art Morse, late arlee. "No collectioft-No fM." Sunday Service ·-I 1:00 a.m di<' class to thp 14-footer which for one race because he was mor€' We eclnM.e ell c.oet.. Wednesday Eve,ing mMting_ 8:00 p.m holds two people. Maybe you Interested In m\/nchl ng his lunch CREDIT BUREAU Ree dlng Room loceted a• I II Pelrn li ke to put a sail on your board a t NHYC tha n keepinl( an E'Yl' on St., Belboo, is open daily from 12 noor~ the Flym~ F ish claims s peeds th£' clock, came through with a OF NEWPORT lEACH, LAGUNA to S p.m. e•cept Sundoys ond holldey• up to 20 m p.h. I At that speed first In tht> P-14 class . . J anie lEACH AND COSTA MESA "a'ionolly observed. ~ou'd nt'ed ~rease to kl't'p it from Miller of NHYC prO\'ed tha t th(· 204 lt.iveraide Awe. P. 0. to. J96 The oub!•c is cordielly invited to ol· burning.r How about wa ter skis. ~al~ can do it by winninl( St'COnd l&co.. 15197. Newport .... Cellf. ·e,d •!le church services end ute rh• or· dinghy kits to put togf>tht>r. or in the Snowbird class. ;-.to onE> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a~d~in~g~Roo~m~~~~~~~~~~c~a;n;~~·~o~r~sm~a~ll~s~a~i~l ~boa~~~~-~·~·=·~ in the ~hman f~M e~n ga~ r Roger Welsh an a rgument; he won C27 Nerciuw, CD~ DEBT--. COLLECnONS NEWPORT HARBOR BANK CORONA DEL MAR~ CALIFORNIA FALCON CLASS 1 HUJ•ry On, P. Bradford. NHYC 2 Rebel. John Hitchman .. BYC 3 Ann Rawlins . .NHYC -l G. C. Babcock NHYC 4 Twl'l'die P it>, John Thorne BYC P-14 CLASS 1 Prefix. Al"t Morse .. BYC ~ Pork Chop, Rowl'n Wea.sbcrg 3 r-\o Name. John Swain BY(' LEHMAN CLA8 1 San Felipe, Roger Welch .-BYC 2 Whiz:ur. Laura Hethcock 3 Private S tock. S. Ficker .BYC 4 Be--allm, Barbara KJstJPr 5 Tigress. N ed Rutter SC-10 CLASS 1 Chanteyman. R. J. Carrington ... BYC 2 Bandaid. Paul Platt . ...NHYC 3 Trinket. ShE>ila Murran NHYC 4 No Name, NHYC Doris Thorkildsen 4 Fly ing Teacup, C. E. SandPrs SMYC 6 Mid Witch, J ane F:nright Warren Gibbons NHYC' SNOWBIRD CLA~S STATEMENT OF CONDITION JUNE 30. 1952 1 Pickle PU.!S, J. Miller NHYC 7 S. Coast RPma. RESOURCES C-..b ua l land aad ln BUlkA V. S. ~·~mm.-nt ~urfHf'S Municipal Bonds IAeAa and DIMount& UABILITIES Capital ~t.fok (Common) Surplus t.:ndh1df'd J>roft u Rf'M'rv~ . l 'neerDeil IDI.forKt FuntJ ture. FIJ tor...,. l.l Eq ulvmrn t. ~~ • 48%,630.83 1,19%,81.Nt.U ZOl.009.M I,IM,ots.%6 Sl.te'7.1S 1.844.12 D epofloit4: Commerdal ~. l'IA«'ll Public Fueck t'. . Gov'm't 1Uft,IMA7 ,Ml,M1.t'7 !%0,ooe.eo H ..... II 70,000.00 IG,MO.OO !5.1MA6 J ., .18S.t'7 14.ft7.'78 hands down .... T here are litera lly hundreds of ~hman D i n g h i (' s around. aU covered up week aftt>r wt>ek in the boatyards a t NHYC and BYC, but whl're are the skip- pers? , .. Mr. and Mr-s. Ian Mur- ray wE're at t ht> prcscn ta lion 1 o cheer Cor Bob Carrington as he re. Cf'ived his trophy Cor fir'St in the South Coaster Class ---the charminl( Mrs. Mur·ray crewed for him. . . Sheila. the Murrays' daughte r. dressed in delicate or- chid. was thE' cynosure or all eyes; she plaet'd third in the series, sail- ing a South Coaster. . . . Wf>nder how Paul Platt keeps his mind on his salting With his b e a u t i f u I blonde wife alone. but he won se-- COild place Ln the South Coast 10 fleet. . . . Some folks who did not l't!O!ive trophies but an such nice people •t •e always J:tke to .-e tMm about en Velma and Charlie Dennison, • Jllr. and ~n. Haroid Parcy, the BUI Campbells, ''tlllck'' Nicholas, Ma.rny Ann and J ohnny Pearcy and Ann Sufkln and Ralph Utlhoff. 2 J unco, Dick Wa rd UYC 3 Ouzel. Tony Torrance ... BYC 4 At Em. Phyllis Rawlins..NHYC 5 Bosun. Peter Frost . NHYC 5 Pelican, Paul Uvadary . ~ 7 Mist, Lee Crisell . . ..LIYC 7 Hurricane. Mike Baum .. BYC 9 Sail & Win, Win FuJier NHYC 10 No Name, Walter Boice .. NHYC 11 Shamrock, T . O'Keefe ....... .BYC 12 Zombie, C. Cadwaladder . .LIYC 13 Uttie Corky, !,u'7.16 TOTAL . • a.ea..ll86.01 TOTAL . .• • IS,eet,ll6.00 NEWPORT HARBOR BANK OPENED FOR BUSINESS MARCH 14. 1949 Depoeits, June 30, 1949 --- ---• . • Deposit& June 30, 1950 --- --• • -- Depoaits. June 30, 1951 ----- ---- Deposits, June 30. 1952 --• -• -• • • OFJliCfJRS AND DlltECTOitS J"'M fS • VAN DYKE Pres•da~• H L. HETRIC K c~uhter R l. CRUl CHER. Chair"'G" b rd s 980.G24.40 1.916;639.94 2.358.214.01 2.872.709.85 WM SEXTON . A u't, Cashier V•cG Pre~rd~tnh B l. McKINNEY BRADEN FINCH WA LTER MELLOIT THOS 8 FROST GEO J DAVIES. ANDR EW BROWN MfMIEit F£0YAL D£JIOSIT INSUitANCE CORPORATION ~---------- Next Saturday and Sunday wtll be days of particular significance to those who a re always In on the sw~tlng and &training end of salling, the crews. Since turnabout is fair play, th~ Rhodes C1a.as wiJI conduct Its annual crew r&Ct'S, wtth the crews taking over duties a t the helm and the skippers hauling in on the Unes. Who knowtl ••• the akippen mjght even leam somethlng new! lf 10 •• -you'll be huring about It from me next week. Nancy Corkett .......•. HHYC 14 Puff Puff, M. Fulwr ...... ...NHYC 15 Mustang, Grayson Kel.to I.UC 16 Sabre, Lanny Coon .... -...NHYC 17 No Name, Sheila Burke ... .BYC 18 Vana Vana, Skip Hitcbeock 19 T\P Tip, J . Lewis ........... .NHYC 20 No Name, Art !Jirtcher ... .BYC 21 Pat Hame 22 Pong, Steve Boice ...... NHYC 23 BJue Jay, J . Wannington ... NHYC 24 Da.nsador, B. Johnson .... NHYC 25 Mary Sue, J ohn Amold-.. LIYC MALONlt H. HOLMES GENERAl INSURANCE at the V oqel Co. Ill C..st Hl9t.w.,, Newpott leedl ..... "'-e: l&c.. 74M ......... ....,.., ~l444-W • , • AFFOR ELECTRIC e COMPA.NY e ELEC'I'KICAL CIITIIOTDR l&eott 6l2t 810 Coast Highway Newf"lri k.dl Co1crete Work of AU linda FLAGSTONE PATIOS BLOCK WAllS --·-- • I"'U!:E EWI'DIA Tl:8 • Chas. WaiTIIII S. ILc.ofl 1110-J • HArtH.t 1012-J l2 I l N.wport "'-4. c..te ..... .. ,..., *-- ~:-,::;.:_-Dr. G. E. Toln1 to Baild So~:= .. "'c!n;::::t..~· ~·r.-:: :: Offtc:e in Lido Center Hobby S~ to be one of the feature attractions at the 1952 Orange County Fair set for Aue. 13-17, at the rairgroundla between Santa Ana and Newport Beach. Everything from collections of mustache cups to model railroads ---featuring thousands of Items showing unique and Interesting things people do for a hobby • -• will be on display. Space reservations for exhibits, arranged according to creative, collectors', transportation and In- dustry hobby divisions, have al- rea dy taxed the capacity of the six buildings allotted to Orange County hobby societies and lndi- \i dual hobbyists. according to Fair Mana~er Bob FuUenwid('r. A m.ooo permit for a doctor's office at 502 Vla Malaga, near the A.ulltance League 'lbrtft Shop ln Udo CenteT, was issued last week to Or. G. E . Tohlll, Balboa resident whole professional offices now are at 2209 W. Balboa Blvd, Newport. Thi.s pennlt helped brinJ the first week of July up to $166,000, Newport leading the way with $55,000 In pennits, and Lido and Newport Heights following with more than $30,000 each. , FoUowing penni ts were issued during the first week of July: Newport Chester Flory, additions at 212 42nd St., $6,800. Richard's Market , greenhouse for plants, $1,400. Monnie Eberhart. windbreak at Lido Trailer Park, $300. Mamie Hunt. aluminum awning at 7204 Coast Hlghway, $260. Mrs. Agnes Velasco, Pasadena. ~room, l ·story, 1-unit dwelling at S tamp collection£ of Oran~e County philatelic soci('ties and In· dividuals will occupy an entire buildin&. Tile Orange Coast Min· eral & Lapidary Society will fiU another building with gem and rock collt'Ctions, together with a compl('te working shop including silversmHhing a nd faceting. Tenms· Toamey 5310 W. Oceen Front, $9,000. C. L. Kir'cl'aMr, builder. J . 0 . O'Brien, windbreak at Lido TraUer Park, s:lSO. Western Canners, 517 30th St., remodel sl~ 1of existing cafe to ooclrtall bar, $1,000. Paul Heck. alterations at 3806 Rivet', rroo. K Stanley Bent, alterations at 1900 Ocean Front, $600. Or. G. E . TohHI, doctor's office at 502 Via Malaga, $35.000. Wes Farney, Builck>r Udo luf' Robert Keppen, Balboa, 5-room. l·unit dwelling at 118 Via Lorca, $15,000. Frank ,Bi~ll. build('r. James Gray, 5-room. l.story, 1-unit dwelling at 123 Via Orvieto, $16,500. George Holstein &: Sons. builders. Cor ona df'l Mar John Maltlen, 520 Marigold, 7- room. 2.story, 2-unll dwt'lling at 608-610 Iris, $15.000. 0 w n (' r builder. H('nry DuBois. Anaheim, 5-room. 1-story. 1-unlt dwt'llins:: at 307 Ja.s. mine, $9,595 Howard G r t> (' n e, builder . Model railroad c.lubs are putting in a huge and permanent display, occupying an entire building, to Sel for July 13 . T. c. ao~:.*~.WCo~al. alte ra-show locomotives with railway I tiOns, $2.000 cars roaring a round miniature 1 H. R. Robertson, glass-in porch tracks in an t'Xhibit certain to ~-An inte r-club t('nn.is tournam('nt at 333 E. Bay Front. $300. light kiddi('s as ""'ell as grown-ups. bt'tw('('n t h(' Valley Hunt Club of I F. J . Watt>rs. a lt('l'3tions at 215 Boy Scout ('Xhibits will occupy Pasadena and the Balboa Bay Club Grand Canal. $1,000. another building fl'aturing a camp w1ll be he ld Sunday, J uly' 13. at Ba.lboa grounds surrounding th~> structure. th(' local club. The top t('ams D L.. Stok('Sbury. alterations at ----from both clubs will par ticipate 120 E. Ocean Front. S2 200 Dr. Peterson Named in s1x mt>n 's doublt>S ~nd s ix mixed I John S. Griffith. 1-!&Tal.!l· at 1903 I doubl('S matcht>S. ",th the fln.t E. Bay, S1.550 Dr. Bas11 H. Pett~rson. pr('Sident two matcht>s set for 11 00 a rn.l Brue(' ~laleolmson. Pasad('na. 5- of Orang(' Coast ColleJ:,'t'. was Playt>rs from the \·alley Hunt Club room. 1--;tor} 1-urut d\\-elhnl{ a t elN'tro president of th(' Amt'ncan mclud':_ )!('ssrs and :-.iesdame' 441 ~t>\ Ill(', Sll. 10 R Sta~ ton AssociatiOn of Junior CoU('$:('!1 at Don S~hsbury. Robt'rt Rhod('S, Dorn . buildt>s the 32nd annual comt>ntion of the Gran t )1acdonnell. J amt>s Gambl('. :O.I"wport tlf'l~ht..<~ Association in Boston Edward Washburn. James Boylt> :-.:('\son Holmwood. L1do I-.;l'. _ _ Ha rold K('ith. Robt'rt Mairs. Lois 6-room. lit· tor}. 1-unst d"elhnsr -* LonyaLOOI' .. FJa ctN bee Board Pr_.deat The Orange Cout Col.W&e Board of Trustees last week •leeted Wal· ter M. Longmoor of Newt or t Beach to the presldmey f/6 the board for 19152.53. ~ D. Lawhead of Seal Beedl wu elected ~. OthPr manfJell are narrra LeBud. Hun tinE£ Beadt; Dr. Horace Park8, &laad; and Louk ~. llllalter. HOME LOANS ./ At Or•ft9• County's L...ding Hom4 l~inc Institution QUICK 24 HOUR SERVICE LOW LOW "REOUaN&"' INTEREST lA TIS Ensign etassUied ads have been Odnzola . John Lamb. PaLm('r at 30R Holmwuod lJr.. $24.500 a proven means of rea chlng buyers Wh('aton, Clou~h Stt.'l'l(', Huston Frank BlSSeU. builder. • for all soru of m('rchandise-Use Taylor, and Robt'rt BennNt. Ru."'-"<·11 :\1('redlth. 6109 ·('ashort.> I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~th~e~m~!~P~h~o~cn~e~HAr~~bo~r~1~1~1~4.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Pa rticipants from the Balboa Dr .. 6·room. 1-stor). 1-untt dwo.>ll-EASY Costa Mesa Lumber Co. LUMBER -BUILDING MATERIALS Newport Bll'd., Coeta II,_ ar...eo. aou BUILDIIIG BLOCKS PUMI·BLOK Co. LUMBER SAT.StoS SUII.9 to I at ... ABC LUMBER a-eo. M81 1<10 !'. 17U. ~t. COSTA IOSA l'litcla._HAI'Nr IIM-J li1oor Coverings-Drala._.. Asphalt Tile -Rubber TUe Formica -Unoleum 1l1e CARLTONS' UN~u~~ IS~ & 17UI 8L Ooet.a 11- BEAOON cao-W 22 Years ln Orang(' County WELCH'S READY -MIXED CONCRETE BEacon 6547 Newport ........ o.1a Meea Oraap 1111 -Ill lal -MOVING and STORAGE L-. .. u -.E 8enlq t1M1 Newpart Ba"'-Area Tra11fer Co. c. E. llc:Niel ltta Harbor m.tl.. O..ta •- Ray Club will includ(' :-.iessrs in~ at 1212 Ch ff Dr.. $12.000. and ~tmcs Courtney Platt. Ralph Ownpr buil<k'r . And('rson. Dave McClymPnt . and MONTHlY PAYMENTS t hp Mm('s han Mac~fillin and TO TRAVEL 'TIL FALL .lnhn Clar k, and th(' Mis<>rs Dian<' ~ The Dr. Thl'Odor·p P ('tzold fam- \V.•.;t , Marian Raful. and ~tary Ro. ily, 1315 Ocean Blvd . Corona d('l 1 htm> Also Pntered are \'an Zerbe.>. I ~ta1• ar(' l('aving for a two-month 1 f ;il Barct>l?.. Roger Ho~. Grorgt.' tour' of the north\\'('Stt>m par ts or Ya rdl('y, \ mc!-' .Healy. Van Jot~:". the United S tatp.;, mcludsn..: nmth-~ud Zcrb<-. \~tlham JaJ!('r sr .. W tl-em California. OrC'..:on, \\'a,hm~-ham J ager Jr., A. J . W('st. Bob M w . · d FRIENDLY SYMPATHETIC SERVIC£ Robins and Lou l.ibbt'y. 1 ton. ontana, )Onung an even At 5·00 p. m . an ('Xhibition Colora do WE IVY auSl OEEOS 1 match \\ill bt' play('d by J ohn p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Lamb. Bill H ubler. Van Zerbe-and S O ES ON Wf:ll LOCATED HOMES I Don Sahsbury Altt'r th(' matches. LOAN fOR H I a cocktail party will bt' gt\'('n by )1r and ~Irs. KPnn('th T. Kendall in th<'ir homl' a t the Balboa Bay C'l ub. in honor of the t('nnis play- rrs Th<'rl' will be a dinner-dance at th(' club that ('H'ninl!'. for mem- b<-rs and rriPnds of both partici- LAGUN.4 patin'! clubs Corona del Mar Seaman Takes Gunnery TraUrinq R<'porung to th(' Fl<'<'t Air De· fPOSl' Training ('('nt<'r at tht> l ' ~. :"aval Training Ct'nt<'r. Sam Nl'cl<. Va. fnr a rours.-of instruction in ~:unn<'rY from t lw a 1 tack cart:o USS Alshain is Wilham W Ja<-k- ... un. lxmtswain's male sca m an. t'SI'\. snn of l\tr a nd Mrs W iU !iam 1 W J ackson of 407 HeliotroPE' Aw .. Corona dl'l ;\far. H(' <'n terro th(' :"an in ;-.;,)\t'm· bf'r. 1950. and r('C('ivPd his rt•crutt trainin~ at the :"a\'al Trasnm~ I C('ntl'r. $an Dt('~O. Calif. H~· was graduatC'd from ~('wport Harbor Union High School Students a re train<'d to op!'ra te I and main tain all ty}X's of ship- board anll~trcraft guns at th(' <'t'nter. Upon compl('tion of the 1 course they a re returned to their permanent dut) stations. Assessment Complaints? The City Council wlll m(.'(.'t as a board of Equalization beginn ing with Monday evt'nim(s r egular Council me<'tim: and continuing tn adjourned sessions from 10 a.m. to noon through Friday. July 11 . ME MO --- 'Yl" to-YEAR LOAN Construction Loans 5%-20 Years & FEOE.i.AL SAVINGS LOAN ASSOCIATION SEE BOB SA'M'LER Representing n2 Oc:..n Avenue Phot,e: 4-1 In Pqirier Mortgage Co. LAGUNA BEAC~ 1'115 Cout ~lvd. CDM Pb.. a& 1077-.,J-10 l-6186 de orat ors • I ~ ·' ' I of fine homes · yachts· apartments Her• •• Hou1e •nd Garden •• have EVERYTHING. You can 1elec:t yo~W furnitllf·e from the t.r~ri col- lection of Modem •nd Pacif;c. Tropical in thit ,,..., We have leNJ• riCKb of drepery ~d 11plwm+ery fe- brics, ••llpepen. fl_.. covering' .~ a ppf;.nceL House & Gercfen wortrooms "•"• • reporlation for doing the fiflftt upt.olst.,., erod clrepety WOt\ arod our fWftitwe arod ratten dtops feshion ••qv~ mede furniture. You wve time al'd money by phoft.. int for -of -decorators • • • ~,.. It 1t0 obligetion. House ! Gorden I tt COAST MleH WAY• .. ,.,O.T I I ACM, CAll,, o, •• ••111 t·oo .. 6tOO -s • ...,.. eo•oo •• 11(10 PAll I fill ITt I( ... -.. .w ••• SWINGS • UMIRHLAS·PADS • RE COVERS YACHT FU"NITUR£• I~R8E OUES ( Page II Hoover Report LeHen~ City Muter Plu EDM'OR OF THE ENSIGN, (0ontioue4 ft'om pqe 1) Federal Reserve Bank in Otlcago, time and motion study for West- ern Electric in Chicago for tw o ~. more than five years execu- Uve le!CI'etary and treasurer for Pro America in Los Angeles and for a downtown Los Angeles lnf- provalent association. '1""-e discussion on tax assessing ancl collectlng wu lar&'eJy .taU. tJcaJ (reported in a separate story on page one) with information sub- mitted by members of the New- port Harbor Realty Board. Roger HaJd&cre suggested that the Little Hoowr recommendation merited turtber 1tudy, and Harold Arthur, J~W..-..,t of the West Newport ~ent Assn., and Allen S telle of Corona del Mar supported tJIIII R~UeStion. Last week the Enslgn stated that "Robert Lynn protested against Realtor Price McCuistion's request to build on an acljoinlng lot." That 1tatement 1s not true. Mr. llcC\d.ltion does not intend to build on an "adjoining lot." All a matteT of l"eeOrd. Mr. McCuis-tion is a friend and competitive neighbor on Coast Blvd. and we personally have no quarrel with him. (<)mtmued fraiD .... 1) Blvd. and at Mehdden l»J. It Is •ugaeated that u a temporary expedient to permit crou traffic and pedestrian movement that the portable type wind-up U:;afflc sig- nal be used at 32nd St. and 28th St. until the connection t. con- atructed from Newport Blvd. to Balboa Blvd. (3) BALBOA BLVD. I t will be essential to consider provision for an alternate route along the Oct'an Front so that th«.>re will be proper circulation in lht> area. Oty CJerk C. K Priest, who is the public relations officer, de- .ertbecl his duties, and his work of p+'hlo!ng the "Know Yotm"City' ~ta was supported by Ro- be-rt Allen. Mr. Brewer and Coun- cU.u Isbell. Mr. Allen made the motion to reject the commit- tee recommend& tion and the mo- tion wu approved without oppo-•tim. But we do have a serious quar- rel with the self-designated "city fathers." who appear to be so ig- norant of the fact that in Corona del Mar our only a&aet. for the benefit of our buatnesamen, IJea in our beaches and the view from our bluffs; that they wou1d pennlt. in violation of thelr own building and zoning ordinances, the erection or a second and separate building for residential purpoees. and under separate ownership, on an R-1 zoned piece of property-part of oM single lot, to be exact-facing on Ocean Blvd. in Corona del Mar. ROBERT B. LYNN 214 1JU Ave. e .. e COSTA IESI DEPARTMENT STORE 1811 NEWPORT BLVD. COSTA MESA, CALIF. Bl!lacoa 60S6 -... -sr•rswua DRY lOBS SHOES For Men. Women. Children • Q..u~ llercbacllee • Popalar Prtce. • Natloe.al Bruule • Jl'rleM)y 8en1ce ___ ._ You Seve Wlth Nil GBIZN 8TAIII'8 Beauty Salon Highhght your hair with our special color shampoo only ... $450 the short-cut to exciting hair beauty • HArbor 2181 1411 COAST IOUL!VAlO COitONA DR t..tAJ ...... ~ ..... ARVO E. HAAPA. Publisher Newport Harbor Ensign As one of your remote subscrib- ers. may I congratulate you for your June 26 issue and your own stick-the-neck-out courage? Hope you haven't had to take too many bops and blffs for your daring- the daring young man on tht> Oy- ing Ensign (assuming you arc young!) You apparently are a man-and- wife team. Hope you continue to make a great success or the En- sign. In a sens«.> I. too, am a publishrr: with the U.S. Coast & Geodetic Survey, on the "staff" or the Coast Pilot. which. as you may know. is the mariner's bible for all t.hc ports a nd 50.000 mUes or the U.S. A. waterfront !including your own very fine harbor). We print 10 editions, revised and rt'-published about every 5 to 7 years. Our latest, incidentally, is the Pacific Coast edition. I am familiar with Newport Beach. In fact. I am a Californian. still a legal resident of San Diego. The next time I get back there I'd like to meet you. Meanwhile. keep me on u a aubtcrlber. By tbe way, I noted in a recent issue that you are keeping on top of your channel-dredging matter. As we here are cla.e to the Corps of ngtneera and thelr work, U at any ti~ I could help you, let me know. Sincerely, WM. A. DENNIS Chevy~. Md. CJaarch r.u Mark ethAmdvenary OuUt Omreh by the See of Newport will open ita celebration or the 40th anniversary of its founding SWlday morning when the Rev. John Gabrielson of Ven- ice, who 40 years ago as a school boy at the Unjvcrs1ty of Southern California founded the local con- gregation. returns to preach at the two morning services. As a student studying for the ministry, he was sent in the s pring of 1912 to Newport Beach to con- duct preaching St>rviccs. The com- munity responded to his preaching and on August 11 of that year, the church was or~anlzed with 13 charter members. Services were held in the old "city hall by the Newpor t pier. The jail was directly below the council room where the services were con- ducted. and many times on Sunday nights the prisoners became rather noisy. Cynthia Grey. then a col- umnist on thl.' old Los Angeles Record, wrote the story for her paper or the incongruous combina- tion of the church and jail In th«.> same building. During the years Mr. Gabrlttson has served Methodist Churches in Bellflower, Santa Monica, Blythe, Colton. Montebello, Lo6 Angeles. Pacific Palasades, San Diego, and has been pastor in Venice the put ten yean. A major point of congestion Is at the intersection of McFadden Pl. and Newport Blvd l Tralflc control Islands and signal& sug- gested by this plan will provide for smoother flow and give greater capadty to the lntenection while at the same time permit safer pe- destrian crossing. Signals are suggeeted at the in- tersection with the connection at Newport Blvd and the proposed Padfic Way at 15th St., 8th St .. and Palm St. (4) BEACH PARKWAY The plan proposes a Parkway aJong the beac.h between McFad- den Pl. and G St. to pennit great«.>r use of the beach area as well as provide essential traffic circula- tion and capacity on the Pe nin- s ula. The Parkway is to be-con- nected to Balboa Blvd. at 15th St. and Palm St. Traffic signals are proposed on the Parkway at Palm St., 8th St .. 15th St. and Ocean Front Dr. t5) PACIJI'IC WAY The plan proposes the construc- tion of a street following th«.> alilmmcnf of th«.> PE Railway from Balboa Blvd. to 45th St. turning to connect to Coast Highway at the present Balboa Blvd. Intersec- tion. Also proposed is ultimate construction of a sh"uctur«.> cross- ing ov«.>r the Coast Highway to al- low a connection to Newport Ave. to eliminatr the net>d of widenin~: Balboa Blvd between 31st St. and the hi~hway. Traffic signals arc proposed at the intersection or the ()c(>an Front connection at 34th S t. (6) OCEAN FRO~T DRJ\'E Th<' plan suggests extension of Oct>an Front Drive from 23l'd St. to 34th St. to provide a second m<'ans of acet'SS to t)le McFadden business area and to provide a con- ne-ction for through traffic be- tw.-en the Beach Parkway and Pa- d flc Way. ('7) Slat STREET Access to the Peninsula south- west of the Rhine is now provided by 31st St. Much of the traffic turns at LaFayette Ave. and goes to 82nd St. or Via Udo. It la pro- posed to extend 31st St. to con- nect to 32nd St. at LaFayette Ave. to ellminate the present shuttle movement on narrow Lafayette and to provide better access to th~ Peninsula. (8) BAYSIDE DRIVE n,e plan provides for widening Bayside Dr. from Marine Ave. to Marguerite Ave. in Corona del Mar to four lanes although pres- ent Improvements m a k e good a lignment and widening extremely costly. Signals al'e proposed at Marine Ave. (9 ) BALBOA IS.LA~D Tht> plan proposed a second bridge connecting Onyx Ave. with Marint> Ave. at Bayside Dr .. with one-way traffic northbound on Marine and southbound on Onyx. To provide additional capacity on Park a ve .. it is proposed to nar- row the cent«.>r parkway to a llow a full 20 feet of width on ('aCh side from Marine to Agate. The plan suggests widening Agate from Park Ave. to the ferry to 32 feet or prohibiting all parking in this section. Traffic signals are pro- poeed at Marine and Park. (10) N'£WPORT BLVD. NORTH OF ARCHES The plan proposed widening Newport Blvd from 17th St. in Costa Mesa to the Arches to pro- vide four full lanes. nus proposal Ia based on the extension of New- port Ave. to connect with Balboa Blvd. at Coast Highway, and to the proposed Padfic Way. and lf not undertaken. NewpoTt Blvd shou1d then be realigned and the approachetl to the Arches recon- structed to provide greater capa- city. Vl~JT FORMER HOME Announcement- • THE RED SNAPPER C~ at 632 Coast Highway. Newport Beach. ia now open. Rebuilt rewired, repainted, apick and apan. aerving the best food. Try our complete busiD-men·a IUDCh for 65c:. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. ThomJ)60n. 705 Broad St .. Newport Heights. spent the Fourth of July week~d at their former home in &<>uth GatP. The Thompsons moved to tht' Harbor in March. He is associ- ated with R06&n, Inc. PAUL HENDERSHOT. Manager MRS. DltAR.BORN ILL Mrs. Margaret Dearborn. 301 Amethyst Ave .. Balboa laland, was tabn to the Santa Ana Conunun- tty Ha.ptal on Sunday momlng. A1tbou«h aerlously W. abe II re-- ported to be mak:lng a aUcht lm- ~t. Mother's Club Plans Activities 1'fle Mothen' CJub of Job's Daughters BethellS7 met Wednes- day of Jut week at the home ot ¥rs. Walter Nollar, 406 38th St., ~ewport., Mrs. Fred Woodworth was co-hostess, and Mrs. W. B. MerrlJJ, president, conducted the business aeulon. A project this tenn wiU be the sale of greetlng cards and utlllty hangars. Mrs. James Harris will be chairman of the gTeeting card sale. Others present were Mmes. W . E. Nickell, E. M. Milum. E. V. Ra- gan, D. B. Wagner, H. C. Burdick, Walter Burroughs, 0 . E. White, Ernest McCJellan, J . A, Harris . W. B. Merrill, and Harold Fink. The next meetlng wUI be held at 1:30 p. m . Sept. 10 at the home of Mrs. E. V. Ragan. Glendale Guesta Visit The Higbies on Island Guests from Glendale made the F ourth a lively holiday for the Clarence Higbie family at 328 Amethyst Ave., Balboa l&land Be. aides boaUng, swimming and play- ing bridge (.the group wu origin- ally a bridge club ln Glendale), the guests d e v o u r e d a shore-style baked a lbacore dinner. The houseparty included Mr. and Mrs. Her ber t Vossler and sons Bud and Don. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Pau1 Jordan. As a Public Service We Join with PHILCO to Bring You the POLITICAL CONVENTIONS ' Gil• and MapuShop MUSEUM COLLECTION Fabrics and Wallpapers l't. portfolio of foremost docu· menh in design includ ing ;'MONTICELLO" teken f r o m one of Thomes Jeffenon·, fe· vorite dreperies. * F. Schumec.her ond Co. hove mode en elmorl eaoct duplicete of the originel, which woi imported from Englend in •he 'ole 18th Century. looned by the Jeffe"on Memoriel Foundotior. * See these ouhtending well· J)4pers end componion fobriCJ for your home. HAitiOit 1547 THE ISLAND£1tS e leiM. file~ Wltll FaMous Colorado Tu..., a~tcl TV's Greatest .. Power Plant" F.ull 215 Sq. ln. Picture n·. the PbBoo 2121 with Bunt.ID Aerial. B~ DOW ••• ad _, 1ti'*"Y-U.•-1ftt~Mtw. * Other Philco TV Models S)99~ •