HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-01-06 - Newport Harbor Ensignol the and Mfte. cSJcUon wW be ctven by Dr. wn. Uam Holman. put lfand IJl&llla ol Kuona ot MtnDelota. Orpn. !at will be Mn. DUMr Belau. aDd IOlotst wW be lira. Ber toeac. rox. Allo to .M lnltalled wUJ be Oaca.r E. Whlte a .. a.dor war- deft; IAtlta' A. Smith, jUn.lor war. den; He1U'7 K. o.ut.t, treuurer; Melwood A. s.-ry, MCntary; Cedl Narbol'oucb. chaplaJ.D; Max A. Own. lelllar deacon; J<*!pb V. Ant'Lita, jun.klr du.con; Hany L. Hllllatd, marah&l; Oscar A. Hulmom. eenlor lteward; Mar- ahall S. McGuire. JW\Jar steward; Carol M. Sovde, orpna.t; J&mel ~ Lockwood. tylw. Calls Meeting On Fire Zone Program For C.C. Dinner A thJ.rty-mJnute procram by members of tbe Newport Harbor Youth Symphony Orchestra wUl be praented by Ml.a Norma hr. kina u a proaram hlcblJaht of the Newport Harbor Chamber of Co~ annual dinner on Fri. ct.y, Jan. 14. at th~ Newport Har bor Yacht Club. A short procram has been planned. accordJnc to executlve secretary Hay Lang~nhelm. to allow time for the presentation of cerUflcates of merit and the man.of-tbe.year award. New of t:kers and dlftctors wUl be lntto duced at the dinner meeting by rettrtng president Ted Rambrook .. ._!11 tabJe waa evlden~. 1'11~ Newport juwnll& lfrl ad. rnttted that th~ marljua.na was In tM houw Ourfna th~ ~nc wh~n It was f~lt that ottlce's were watctUnc the hou~. sh~ aJ l~edly admitted taking th~ marijuana from unde-rneath a day bed In th~ ldtchen and put tlng It In the back yard, later returning lt. Fwle_.llatlla FtrY•~ Two duths by drowning. on~ pollton death and one coronary d~ath resulted on harbor area beaches and wat~ays durlnc 1954, Ute Guard Capt. Jack Jon~ ~ported to City Manaeer John Sallon In his annual y~Jy re- port of actlvitl~ for th~ N~ ~ach Ule Guard Servl~. Harbor Due to Go o· I In '56, H ~brook Says Tbe Harbor telephone ex-day. He dbdaimed a report that c:baqe will co to dial o~atton dial operation would becin thJa eom.ettme.next y~ar and not this Farewell for The Babbitts • -~ ...... City ............. Cell. OMei ~ Ia tW ..... ~ 2tiO L c-t ~· c.r-411.a ..... ~~ u. .. c.-. ~. c-... 411.a ....,, <:.nfontl. TILfi'HC)MfS: HArt.. I I 14 -Il l 5 WEMISl Of THE CAUPOaNfA NEWSPAJIO PUIUSHElS ASSOCIATION AM ef tt.. NAnONAt EOfTOliAL ASSOCtATOIII AlVO I. HMIA -··-Editor •-' , .. ~ PIQ HMP --l.~te f.lltor HUSH McMllLAH --------·---·-····--·· .. ·····-N•w Pt.ototrept.r IElT L. JOHNSON __ .• --·--··-··-.. ·--....----···-···-Aclv•rtlsitw~ Dlrecter lUIY STMNSON ...... -.. · .. -··· .................. -... ·-·-· __ ...... _ .. -··--lool ••• ,.., • • • The NEW~lT HA~IOl ENSI&N h•• been determined te tt. • ....,....,., ef t•-•1 cfrcllletl011 ~y llldt-nt of the s-,periot' Court end by ,..._ thereof Ia 4t11ellf!M to publl.h ell p11Wic noti~• req11ired by law • * • l:ntere411 •• S.c~M'd ca. .. Mett.r In tile ,ost Ofr.ce et Cor-on. del Mer, C.llf. . SUJSCIUmON RATES locel wiMcnpttOft retes: r-,..,._ss.oo: on• Y••r---$3.00 OuttWe of the Herb. Ar .. : T-YN......-$7.00: on• y.er---$4.00 e E 8 M:M H M 8 i M e:s M 8 M I 8 I E M I 8 I I I I I M;a M M I I e:s:M p In Hop M & M M I I M M I I i:M I I M:s 8 M M:+ I I ij I ¥:1 I M I I M I I 8 M I J Well, folks. how did you make ' 1DUt ln 1954? Pretty well, don't you think! some tJme In March. We'll be choosing seven c o u n c i J m e n under our new charter. It's not STAir II.IDGLET. yoaav "cycl- ia9 c:t...atograplaer/" wW pr-. uat IJI• color f11lll. .. lfortlnrest u .... tan .. cmcS tb• .,.. Pa- ra~. at B~ Blgh School audJtortum IIODday e.eD!Dg. And all Indications point to an even better 1955. No complaints from here. All 1n alJ, It was n year of steady erowth for the Ensign, and re covery 1 from a strenuous and troublesome 1953. This past year saw the Ens ign compl~te Its sbrth year and embs rk on Its seventh. Did 1 hear someone say the first seven years are the hardest? (Or does th~t have to do with marriage?> too late. There's stiU a couple of -:.:-----------..,...- weeks to register ln order to vote Memos frdm W. Francis to W. In March. See the story on page Francis that he didn't do any. Anyhow, optimism is the key note for the new year. Can't see how anything can stop this Har bor Area ol ours; 1955 should see even greater strides a nd develop ment. Welcome, New Year. • • • • Pardon this one dour note: the appalltng disinterest In the wei- tare of our community, as re. veaJed by the terribly heavy cancellation of re~end voters. A page one story In this issue of the Ensign shows that almost ONE-FOURTH of the Newport Beach voting list has been can. celled-mostly for fa ilure to vote In either the June Primary or November general election. Remember there's 'Ul extreme· ly Important election comine- DIR.EGfORY IIVSJC Margaret L. Scharle Tucher of Plano Organ.lst · Accompanist Evening Classes for Adults 3JJ7 GOLDENROD AVE. Corona del Mar Lawrence K. Gundrum, M.D. 419 NEWPOifl' BLVD. Newport Beach Practice limited to Diseases of Ear. Nose, Throat; Allergy Office Hours: by appointment Uberty 8·5433 or 8-2237 FUNERAL DIJlECI'OBS Friendly Neighborhood Service Parkes-RidJey Mortuary Formerly Grauel Chapel II 0 Broadway U 8·3433 6 8-3434 Costa Mesa NOW ... TWO BALTZ MORTUARIES one tor registration locations. thine about In 1954: • • • Back to the brighter side: Can't help cauoting the best -joke of 1954--Contrlbution ot story.teller Les Steffensen. A fellow speed- Ing to an appointment had a Chst tlre just as he was driving past an insane asylum. He bur ried to take of! the tlat, tossing the wheel lugs to one side In his haste. When he started to put on the spare he was dis mayed to find that he had thrown the lugs through an Iron grating. While he was pondering what to do, an Inmate of the asylum, who happened to be watching, made this s uggestion: Take one lug from each of the other three wheels; then each wheel wiU have three lugs, and these should hold long enoueh to get to a garage. The driver, amazed at this brillia nt solution. sa..ld, "Why a re you here? You certaJnJy don't appear to be ln. sane." The inmate retorted, "1 may be crazy, but I'm not STUPID.'' An excessive number of new BB gUns have made their ap. pearance on Balboa Island. Dave Martin of 330 Coral Ave., BaJboa Island. complained to pollee last week. He reported that windows have already ~n shot out and that he observed youngsters shooting at cans and ducks in the harbor. Of.ficers notllled Mr. Martin that the ownersh ip of such guns was not illegal. that oftlcers would have to see them being fired before they could be con tlscated. Each Christmas pollee are plagued by the new number of BB guns in the hands of boys. CIBL BOliN TO W ALS11S A daughter, Susan Eileen. was born to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Walsh of 143 Walnut St., Costa Mesa. on Monday, Dec. 6, In Hoag Memorial Hospital. SAVE MONEY ON MOVING & STORAGE People who wear hats wbUe driving 'cJosed cars usually bog the Inside lane and travel at twenty.slx miles an hour. Check this again next tlme you're out. Television ls gettJng as bad as radio what with four straJght commercials In a row; I.e. the closlne for the show you've just seen. the two the locaJ station sneaks In dur lne the break and the opening for the new show. Phooey. Aren't they ever going to fix Bayside Drive! It's been torn up since early last summer. And who. by the way, ls they? Who's responsible? Why didn't the Chamber of Commerce, wh lch ls supposed to be non.polltlcal and Is malnJy supported by City funds, Issue a statement to the press (at no cost) to the effect that they were not supporting any specific; can. dldate In the recent special elec. tlon? Especially since all of the local papers listed GeneraJ Rld- derhot as having the Chamber's support? Has anybody come up with a 10Jution to E&Jter Week? From what you ruh. Bans Broerlne hu; he's going to be dut of town. Find out why Hop tho ught It was front page news when the City Attorney announced his as- sociation with Penney. How many boat owners are going to pull out of Newport 1t they can't get bait conveniently! Figure some way to find out how many people read your col. umn; maybe some kind of a ~ve away for the best letter; maybe talk some merchant Into giving the g ive away. That's the way Stop The Music did lt. Check this. Try to Improve your English. Write a column about water skiing In the Back Bay and the need for more supervision. Find out who Is responsible tor the lousy appearance of the parking curb area on the North side of the highway. especially Jasmine through Marguerite. Make more money. Buy wile a mink. Don't get Involved In local poll. tics e CALL liE NOBT IUCZ I'm excited. I've become a cetologlst. Or, In the Interests of accuracy, let us say I have re. cently, and suddenly, become Interested In the cetacea. Don't reach for your Funk and Wag- nails. The cetacea are deflned as "an order of aquatic mamma la. especially those of a fishlike form with teeth conic or absent; the whale, dolphlns a nd por. poises." My current interest Is whales, and more specltlcally, the gray whale. For the birth ol thls new hobby I am Indebted to a son ot the Windy City, one Daniel Cal. lahan, a Chicago contractor. e aE17MIOif I first met Dan Csllahan In a ll, for local eazers. they hug the shores and can be seen from December untU March: On Pol Lorna, olf San Diego, the Nation. al Park Service has established a Publlc Whale Watch.• 'I\venty years 3eo, the whallne Industry all but exterminated the gray whale. Since then, due to Jn. temaUonal control, the 100 sur vtvors have grown to an estlmat- ed 3,oocp And each winter, the boys and elrls of the species. flipper to flipper, pass hard by our shores on thelr way to Lov. er's Lane. "No wonder," I mused, "that they have established a Public Whale Watch." I even gave some thought to making a winter trek to 1\unt Lorna. / Bedford, Mass., In the fa ll of e "'TTIAJl SBE BLOWSI'" 1942. I was the group "Doc." We Just J hen the phone rang. It went to Egypt together. Annie was Daniel. He, too, was alive Callahan, Dan's wife, and my but not well. We had brunch. wlte consoled each other follow The afternoon h ad been reserved lng our take-off. Since the war. for a trip to the mlssl~ at San we have had three reunions. Two Juan Capistrano. It seemed ap. were In Chicago, and made his proprlate. Every time I thlnk of tory, of a sort. The third and Calla han, 1 think of swallows. most recent one occurred last On the way down Route 101 A. week. In celebration ot the flrst Dan and I talked about the old westward passage of the Daniel 79th. We should organize, we CaDahans. Tlme, It seems. has said. "Let's not have any h igh not withered the abilities of the I and noble purpose," suggested respective parties to put on a re the Adjutant "just fun." union worthy of the old soldlen. We got to Laguna. 1 took a de. of the 79th Fighter Group. tour around CllU Drive to show We met them at the Santa Fe the Chicagoans the bowling station In Santa Ana. Enroute, I green, where I expect to get my pulled Into the Newport Harbor exercise after r'm three-score and Buffalo Ranch. "Now I'll believe ten. As we turned off the high. anything!" said Daniel. It was a way and saw the ocean again, I fortunate happenstance. It sort of spotted something not 500 yards eased the shock, when we saw off shore. the whales. I looked again. e EVElfTs LEADIIfC UP TO • • • ''THAR SHE BLOWS!" I yelled. We had quite a reu nion. It "What! Where?'' everyone started at the Bay Ch.lb a nd end. asked. , ed at the C.Q. casa. MeanwhUe, "Rieht t..ttere!'* I pointed an ex- In an effort to let the ~llabana cited fineer. And ho! There were partake or the hnm foods or our a pair ol eray whales. apoutlng talr city, we had dined, aumptu. merrily, just outside the llne of ously, at the Hurlf'y Bell. Even kelp. Archie, Mrs. Hershorn's talented ''Daniel," I enthused. "you've parrot, had put on a special per. seen a sight. You're looking at tormance. !Archie s hould be In two of the 3,000 gray whaJes In pictures.) We folded, In the wee the whole world!" hours. to Hawaiian music. Dan looked sad. Next day. I opened my eyes "What's a-matter, boy!" I quer carefully. I was still alive, but led. "Don't gray whales g ive you just barely. F~llng completely a thrill!" bed-ridden for ~ moment I "Sure do1" cr.oaked Dan'l. "But reached for thr"nearest maga It makes me sad, too." zlne. It was the Scientific Amer "What makes you sad?" I lean, and Jt "'as open on page 62. asked. The article was called "The Re. "Well," said Dan, "I've really turn of the Gray Whale." seen gray whales, but I know U you nwst be scientific, the that nobody In Chicago wllJ be name ls Rhachlanectes GJaucus. lleve lt." Personally "gray whale" Is good enough for me. But In spite of • 71TH C.W.W.C. the density of the fog that morn For years, I've been a little lne, I was Intrigued by these envious ot the members of that cetacea. They travel a long way exclusive organization, the BaJ. to m ake love; 12.000 mlles, said boa Island Punting and Sculling the artJcle. In the summer, they Club. That day la past. I an. feed In the arctic. Come fa ll, they nounce, with pride, that I am start their lone trip to the waters now a member, and a charter of the Gulf of ca.Iltornla. Best of member, of the 79th Gray Whale WatchJng Group. It supersedes . Serving the Harbor Area Baltz Mortuary CHAPEL BY THE SEA Harbor 42 HDRICE EISIII SCI._ IEWI m.y prevtous membership tn the Indoor Blrd Watchns Society. I'm the rurged, outdoor ~· None ol these allsy, indoor aport& for me! The same. may I add, can bi aald for Daniel H. ca.Ilab.an. who, now, Ia back ln Chicago. 3520 E. Coast Highway Corona del Mar Baltz Mortuary Liberty 8-T.i..21 17b 6 Superior, Costa Mesa A.MPLE PARKING BOTH LOCA 110NS Theo. A. Petzold, D.D.S. DENTISTRY 1.201·A Coast Bl., CDM. HA4276 Ottlce Hours: 10 a.m. to 12; 1 p.m . to 5 p.m. Monday thru Frtday Tuesday: 10 a.m. to 12; 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. kl.t.erty 3-1221 ...... Kt ...... --iO. MaiD et ... ....,. .,. 8-yaAUUA~ team we-e Allen Doesburg, Larry H&J1>er, Ricky Bouck, Gene Lund and Kent Haworth. • • • For oomJne event. we have on L L CMUK& ~Q · Jan. 13 a buket.ball same wltb Tbe January meetJne ol the Westmtnste', p 1 aye d at our OOidal Board ol the Balboa t.. 8Chool. On the 17th there Ia a land Community M. e t b od h t P.T.A. meetlna at 7:30 p.m .; we Chu.rcb WlU 'be h•Id at 8 p.m. hope lata of your parent. come u Wed....Say, .,..,, 12. at the home they wUJ taJk about High School. tll•Jie¥, ud Mn. Donald G. Sapp, On l an. 20 there 8hou.ld be ICIIIM Z.. A.IMthyR Ave. ~ C-.m.d Ad in Tht Emi9" bri,. immedi.. mutts! eel H...t.or If l+t ItS end 1W01We itt L t ld'I'IIODIIT caoaca The tteOnd Jn a Mrtei of,. mon.e on "T h • TranlfonnJna J'rJeodahlp'' wm be ~ W Bev. DonaJd G. Sapp at tbe t:.IO anClll o'elock SUnday ~enieee ttl tbe Balboa bland CoiilmunltJ Methodtlt Church. Thll Week'• topic, bated on a bOOk b)' IMUe ======~::=:;==::::::=::= D. WeatJ\e:riMad, ._'"The -•-.u•~ of the nlend8blp." The 8:30 a.m. Matins eervJce at the Newport Harbor Lutheran Church will be resumed Sunday followlne the holiday echedule of only the 11 a.m. service. Rev. Rob- ert Gronlund wiU preach at both services on ''The Boy Jesus." wttb the Chancel Cholr alne1ng at 11 o'clock. CDM CO)I)(VIfJTT ClllJaCB Rev. Edwtn Gomke Is uslna "ChrlstJan Certainty" as h is ~­ mon topic for the duplicate serv- Ices of worship Sunday at Com· mutllty Church, Corona del Mar. The Chapel Choir will slng at the 9:45 service, "0 God of Youth" by Darst and the Chancel Choir will sine "The Lord's Prayer" for the 11 o'clock service. CIIIUSTIAJI SCIEJfCB ~CB Row sUent communion with God purllles and heals keynotes the Sunday Leuon-Sermon on "Sacrament" at the Newport ~ach Christian Sclence church on Sunday. The Golden Text Is from l ohn <4:23>, '"The hour cometh, and now Ia, when the true worshlp. pers shall worship the Father In spirit and In truth." VlfJVEJtSALJST FELLOWSHIP "Unconscious Influence" will be the sermon subject ol Rev. Frederick Rlnre at the Unlver. a a II s t Community Fellowship Sunday morning. The Fellowship now meets at the Ebell Club, 515 E. Balboa Blvd~ Balboa. Sunday School for a11 age groups meets at 10:30 a .m., and morning wor. ship begins at 11 a.m. Chrlllela lrarulcllllll Rev. Frederick RJnee christened his first erandc.hUd at last S-un. day's service of the UnJveraallst Community Fellowship. It wu the firs t christening at tbe new meeting place of the F~lawshlp, the Ebell Clubhouse In Balboa. Chrl!Jtened wu Dianne Catbe-- lne Harper, 5 month-old dauehter ot Mr. and Mrs. Georte WUUam Harper of Peoria, ru. The pastor's wile was the spon10r~ Mrs. Har- per, the former Marla'nne Ringe. has been vlsJtlng her parents at 234 Hazel Dr., Corona del Mar. Her husband Is In Alaska, serv. lne with the U.S. Army Para. troopers. aLOODNOaJLE VISIT The American Red Cross Blood. mobile wUl be a.t the, Newport Harbor American Leeton Jfall from 3 to 7 p.m.. Friday, Feb. 4. ElaM ......... ,_. YARN SHOP rtf1 E. c..t ... ..., c.-a del ICGr 11A _, Knitting, Crochet.l.na and NMdfepolnt &applJes ltnfttJne Ba•• Speclall.zed A~tes and Instructions ........... Mon. thru Sat. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tbu...ctay 1 p.m. to 5 A chMrful, cooperative cww mean\ e¥ef}'thlng on moving day--ond that's what y041re sure to get from H..._T ....... ......... D~ta..,._.....,.. c.e. .... ................. Llbelty ~ftD' Q I tr ~IMI -IPEGIIL SALE PRE-INVENTORY SALE 4 Drawer. FuD Suapen· &ion COLE Steel F'll• '4'J'S Ci\\A'IR:NER'(1 STATIONERS IOOKSElUilS 22S fcnst M. l'tlont: HY 4-6544 • LAGUNA BEACH Children Love IIPPYUID PIE-101._ Alma Oletlen Green, ... Dl.nc:tor • Play area one·bail acre, ... fenced-In lawn overlook· tna beautiful Buk Bay. Crafts and muatc dally. Tranaportatlon available. • &. D.l )lcrr e-ta..._ I Dirty t-m1 I.NCOIE..J YCM cu fMI1 extra INCOME for youadf and JOUf heia.. AJJ JOQ DCiecl do ia in .at $2,, -~0 .. moo; <• ~ ff JOQ wilh). . SMiil/tw fW illfot,.,;p, --,.,JJ,._.,, I J• ... ..J--IJJ. &,., W..,, I ....... ~ Curti~ J)Mta • an-amlnatkm. wUJ all bqtn In lan-new owner. ol 1oeAtJ ' ' a ,_,z a tu y.,. B. ,......, ....e..stpdcle to aU ,... ..._.. ., CciltR ...... eeUa to tiM .... m.ana-......... fit • ...... of .... ..... majlil aJeo ,_ <be ~ ot ....., fCIIItal ,..W..dOfta that PlO-l'>oeument.l. .tJt ~ dUUI ... ADd 111m· T'be Oeeenlber 1 e4JtJon N- PJiftoedoM Ill tiM .... ot Use ,..._ the preiJiilbUity ecllt.IGD ......_,... ~ ._..,.~~Od!Dbern a ellietlft Dec.: 1. ~ ,....,.. .. &dvane.t ·bJ 'ftlli f'olt oaloe ~t II tiM pabUe b .... 0¥1MWU lft ~ a JIDal edltiola ot a new U.. .-a1 ~latlona. The ••· faltal llaJiuaJ ~ eont&lM ...._. e&DM flam 1ar,. QOin. tiMee ..... ,.. lD ..,..... fonD. merc:lal ._. crl 'the malla. pub- 'I"M DIW IMDit&l brlftp toa-dMr l1ahen, ~ elt:lzena Ill lD leM ClaU JOO ,.... public-..U wa.lb ot 1Ue and poltal em- tnterelt .-w ,......dona ronn-p~ 't~M~Meiva ~ tlae ~ ol aa. -.ary. we-e approved lut weell --....., trW eoune In PDottnl and The PUotlnt eou.rM ls ~ ls Newport City CounCil: ~ ._ -..11 ** ~ o8eNd fr.e open to aU men and women, Chlneee C:Ulno, lll liAWl .. to IIJdae J'UIIifle '" 1M lalboa wbfltber boat ownen or not, Balboa:· ~yn .. ...,., Nld ,__ lqu~· 11M! lO.WHk and no pnMou.a experience or poultry, 2810 Newport ...,... IJII1Jaa' cour. wUl beCtn at :7:10 nauttcaJ knowledp ls oeoe:M&Jy. Newport. and WUlla.a 1. ~ ,..... MoD4Q' at ~ Harbor Jlfo a d v a n c e d enrollment 1a 8erVlce .mtJoa, 3001 If~ Yedat Cub. needed. Blvd.. Newport. •17 ~u.M tbJ'OUp 4.000 Amon& addttional c b an 1e • ·~~--of .... prtat ~ made bl th"l rrnaJ publica. ....,._.. &&a.Dr 'I'ILW puWJcatlcll .... ,. be • don are u.. toUowtna: . tatned at 15 cents a COVI trom L hrtiltl' clarltleatJon ol the the 8aperinteftdent ol Doeu-ue ol meter lt&Jirpe bu 1 been men~ Wdhtnaton 25, D.C. And made. 'nle entire part on .-meter mall \&len &Ndoua to u.p lta.mpe hu been rewritten. abnut ol all cbanaee to thla 2. Publlaben will be allowed material that ~MY be made tram to uae whtte or any other JJ&bt~ time to time may .aet painpblet colcnd paper b wrappJna. In- to Jooee.leat format and a yeu'a stead ot beinl restricted to wbJte .. .............. c.. ... w-. .................. )-. ............. -o.-. .... DL. ... pcilit .......... ....,.,dteSaa~INaa ..,.., ..-,.wm .wt • Aa- ......_~JteUy..-•a __ .._ ol a party ~~Y- i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ or ManUa paper -a almple ~ chance. but one which will be 1119 c-. t..Dael c. ..... -. Cc-•11"dant of tbe MartDe CorpL A ldgbllglat ot tbe .Wt ..,., tbe ded1c:atioa of a alu1De at tM .. ot tbe lit Marta. ~· cmap aftw tlae Gtaad- ekz=d -paiga. tbe tint ., ,... teoct ........................ a?flltly ... .. 4=,... tit tiM •utc ol tM Qlu tw O.C.:. rundlet ........ &.y ...... .._ ... ~ ..... bto ddM -.. ....... .,., tua ... .... ::It 101, ... tala .._,.ra .. , ...... ~ ... .,. ..a..-. 1_,. V. a. IIWT. 111 -.&ft, DIIIOD S..eut 11.1.1 IJI•u ,, ,....,.... .......................... c::blcllll& cluck. tM YUle M IW •-ol Ol&lf c::o..ty'a 8DMt rwtcna· ............ -............ l.ocwted at tile ..... .. ..... lea-d. V......,. owwlldp • tile CbqQe Ia ~ Important tlnanda.lJy tor thla laree croup of maJJera. 3. Another important revtalon for pubJl&hen who are amona the lueelt u.een ot the ma.J.ls wl1l be q11e pennJttt,ne UM ot IJabt.oolored paper tor addre$1 ltr'tpe a.l.8o, i.Mtead of the pl'fte'Dt mandatory white or yellow-en- other almpJe cbanp which wUJ have ftnandal importance. M a part of thla chanp, the require- ment ls abol.labed that black Ink ucluavely muat be u.ed on the address strips. 4. Spec:ttlc meUUlftDent lltnlt. ationa aa to where the "window" muat be located 1n the enve.lope are cbaneed. to ellmlnate un- ._.... adlola ot Ww14 War D. Capt. &elly. wlao ..... tM ....S. Ia lMl. tooll part ID tMt IMittle cdOO!J wttla ... of ....... lloagala'f'We tllld a. "'"'" ... lllaedt Capt. =-.. De ...... law ot c:.u.. ad lin. Sfa:DJ.y E. JtiMedtot. City Will Buy Gas Co. Lots n~ restrict:tve and tecbnJ. Newport City CouncU author- cal requ1rements which formerly lzed City Manager John SaUora applied to laree mall u.n.. last week to go ahead with the 5. A complete u.t of territories. purchase ot alx lots owned by poas,lons and trust territory the Southern Counties Gaa Co. lands included In domatlc mall near the Municipal TraJier Park aervlce bas been placed 1n the In Central Newport. Thla Is the final Manual -anotha lllu.atra-former location ot the eas com- tion of how the M.nual wt1l etve pa.ny storaee tanks. complete, basic tntonnatlon for The price u ked by the Gas Co. maU U1eJ'S. 1a $18,000 It the dty aerees to re- 6. Strict and ~ re-move foundations. o t her wI s e strJctJona on the ldentlfytne let-$is.soo. terlne for rural mall boxes are -oK m UT-SALaOA modWed. M o· Typical cbanees contained rn e San I e S l"'OD & G1IOG -onw ftU 1IOU1m the flnt edition and continued -&DCI&WATD I 0 :.:· ftna1 maaual lndude From Smoke ~==;;:;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=~~~~====~~_, e Dl!pendeata ~ . eervl~ Funenl .lrnees for Walter H. ''NOIIIIwest Adventure'' may h.ave man forwarded to Webb, 81, retired bulldJne con-new duty • tat Ion • without tractor ot 393 Broadway, Costa A coLOa JI'ILII Ta.AYELOGU&-a'TJUf JIJDOIPT, RADATOa charge. Mesa. were held Dec. 77 In the Oreaon. WuhJneton and British Columbia. Oregon cout. e Peraona entitled to a refund Brbwn Colonial Mortuary In Columbia Gorae. Crater Lake and Vancouver island -the f« overpaid poetap. or lor aerv-Santa Ana. Olympiet and Cucade&-Grand Coulee, Brltl.ah Columbia, Ice paid t or but not recelftd • Mr. Webb was tound dead at San Ju•n lalancla, etc. ..... 1155 •ASADDA aosa •.AUDE--Coaaplete lD CIDI« may receive their money baclt. 10:25 a.m. Dec. 24 In the resJ. REWPOJIT 81GB ICBOOL AVDITOaJVJI. Moe. JAK. 10. 1:310 e PubUahera of m a ea z In e dence of his daughter, Mrs. Tickets now at Lido Travel Bureau, 3416 VIa Lido, Lido Shop. may now Include attractive mod-Blanche L. Roeers ot 393 Broad· pine Center, at Box ottJce nllbt ot performance. Pr .. 60, .90, em layouts on new kinds oJ way, Costa Mesa, tollowlng a 1.25, 1..50. · paper, formerly outlawed by out. tlre which destroyed an over- 'S moded 19th century postal r~ stuffed chair. Costa Mesa fire. strtcttona. ' men were called to the scene. e Peraon.s who are trapped Mr. Webb apparently died of wtth a wrone date on their m&-asphyxlatJon from · smoke. The tered mate-tal for the mail.t no fire caused $150 damage. loneer will be cbareecl a 10 per Other survivors Include a son. cent· penalty cost. • Frank Webb of LaCanada; a e In certa.Jn Instances wh~ daughter, Mrs. Elva Cornish of lt Ia an unneeessary and expen. Puente; a stster, Mrs. John Hor. slve bother, tbe date may be nung of San Jose, and two grand dropped from metered material children. tor the mails. e Publishers may obtain aub- acriptlont u n d • r agreements with agents, without havtne terms of the agreement.t dictated by the Post Office Depa.rt..ment. e 8\uiness mallers no longer need to hunt up and note on ce,r. ta1n types ot rnau the mysteri- ous and )eaallatic authorizations tor that type o1 mall JlESmEJrl' MOVES Stlll In Corona del Mar, Jack Lasley has moved to 718 Poin settla Ave .. Corona del Mar. His former residence was on Mar guerlte Ave. ------SOR POa MODIS' A son. James Vln!!On, wu born to Mr. and Mrs.. Russell MoJTis ot 333 E. Walnut Pl., Costa Mesa, Jn Hoa.e Memorial Hospital on .Monday, Dec. 20.. e MaUera of ~ maU who accidentally deviate from technical procedures wUl no loneer have thelt mall ~ •---------.. • IEIT I TY AT Ardles JC8 membeta,., far eftrOUed Keith Rlma'a reqas b • ID tile 5quadrol\ at a .-ult ol FAIOLT CDT100&'1Da newal ot hla leu. on~ ,..me tbe' ran I'OoC1Q OOUde • Pier wu referred to Clty ~ aamlnatloa aN: ~ Jlejttie, Mr. and lbw.·Thomu Smith ot lleaPQd ~; ....,.... a.da, Celona del Mar l!pent Cb.tlltmu cer .J_ohn SaJlon. laDta ADa;........,. •• Oarke. eo. with thetr 80D and da~ter-ln­ rona ~I lllar: DoDald DeVol. law, Kr. and Mn. Arnold Sntltb Santa Ana; Leonard O.Vol, ol WbJttier. Aao prntWnt were Santa Ana; LaUieJIIOe J\emlnt. the Thomu Smtt.h't -.,n.tn-law Corona del Mar; Francis Gablan, and dauebter. M.r. ·and Mrs. My- Corona del Mar; Don a.nd Seott ron Way and cbUdren ot Costa GWespie. Lon& Beach; Geor&e rK~HL~;;;;;;;======;;:;:;;:;:~~~~~~~~~=~==~ GWT Jr .. Balboa; WWiam Ba.ten· h baueh. ~ewport Beach;· David Hampton, l'oaloDa; Bay Befme. Balboa; Elmer' Heywood, San Bernardino; ~ HJ&h. Lapna Beach; Fred ~h and Lonnie Kott. Balboa; Maynard Lane, San Bernardino; VlrJII Locltabey, Redlands; Bruce Mac Donald. Balboa; Howard Peterson, Balboa J.tland; Charles Randall. Costa Mesa; Davld Savaee, San Ber nantlno; Fred Sorenaon. Corona del Mar; Harold Teeple, Lone 1 Bucb; Georee West. Bakenfield. Women who passed the De I cember examination and are now entitled to take advanced I courws are: EmUy BeattJe, Eliza . beth Buman, Tessie Butler, Flor- ence Cordrey. Edith and Gol~ie Joseph, Evelyn La Lanne. Doro- thy Mac Donald, Mary hterson and Elizabeth Ware. Doris Talbott' a .Mu6ic9JCUE * aECOGS-IlaM. Jlbytluu. OlD I .... £~? .. ... JlECOilD I'I.ATEas -TAPE HCOIIDED llArbOir 4515 Counes In S e a m a n a h i p , Weather and Engine Mainten- ance are now open. These cour8eS, only open to men mem bel'S and women who have passed tbe PUoUne coune ex- ap..liA..K. ....... &, ........ lWJ.I ..... ...... I I ...... .......... ,.... .... .....,.. ..... ,.. .......... . ........................ .,.., ....... . ........ •...... . ,..,..., WUfeW (eltMr ... ._ ., ltMty"•) .._ yee ..... .,.., .... . ... ........................... . ..... .............. 250% Morel • ....., ,... ...n. ;,.,.... c:hMD • ._ a .,._ Oft ,._ ,.. ;.:w Cenllkvte ....... ~"' ••. ~ 31 . ~ 30, Swpltak If 30, aMI, WI tN fot •at ~ D1t1 .. tr 20 • • ,.., -·-3\o~J. lmwat. c:urrent .,..ty ,...., lllal't Cll avdl CQ 25011> fl\019 !+- _, oth.r tam. IMfl~io'll pey. • Each otCOVtlt II 1-...cl to 11 O,OCJ by the Fe4wd So..,. aec:t Loon ll,.,ronc• c~--. e Y~ MGy -by ~~tail ... -PCI'f po&1~ both woyl. • .,...._.. on 'tOol' poubw ""'"., ac~t Ia co.,.ollflde4 ••t-onnvdty, ~:rtkafly ..w.d to .,_ _,._ f., -~. ~rw...lind ten~C"el ~::, --. ,_,..,It-·' b---~ . ._.. ,._,;Iff Q~-. 'fOVf ,• ~(~II , • OW, MCIL R1 --aT .U.NU.U1' 10lll ........ \'1 .. ALL ITAIIDAIID IIIUK CLD1'IIS. llOYD. TID ...... D.....,. ~ ... ~ ... ......... ewpol't ..... .......... .... om. The complete selection In our display rooms enables the famUy to make a suitable choice .In the required price bracket. All fu. neral ~chandlse In our display room h as been selected from of. ferlngs of the country's best· known manufacturers. PARKES·RI OLE ........ .....,~ ...... ;; ... , e s ...... ,, tAltOA . ~ ISLAHD . LIOO lSlf . NfWI'OtT llACH . COlONA Ofl MA.I ............. ., ... J• a ........ ,.__ 11. a ... Pint ............ c::lnlldl, r..u.r. --. ..-.... tint ,..._ ef 1t. Aa&uwww ...S Dr. c.nu I. .......... tift ·=·-· ., ............... , ., .... AIMJe .... (PIMto bf .... I. -.r) rCity Witl Build Prain To Prevent Flooding I The City of Newport Beach 1a Elementary School district la taking precairflona to prevent now suing the city for $905 another damaeing overflow of damages. the ~rvolr on top of the hlll A aa!ety drain to take care of above Corona del Mar. any possible overflow will be An act of vandallam caused built by the city. Plana for such the reservoir to overflow on Nov. drain were submitted to the Jr. 15, 1953, causing flooding of the vine Co., since It mutt be In- new Hnrbor VIew School. Tbe stalled on Irvine land. At last Officer ..... ll'a Fatllerllual&l I Funeral JerVIces for Earl John Burdsall Sr., 59. of Santa Ana, father of Motor Officer Don Burdsall of the Newport Beach pollee department, were held Dec. 24 In the Brown Colonial Mortuary Chapel In Santa Ana. The elder Mr. Burdsal died In his week's meetJne, City Council re. ceivcd a communication from W. B. HeUis of the Irvine Co.. re. vising the original city plan be· cause of projected development ot the forward slope of the hill· side. The Irvine Co. submitted a new plan, which provides for the drain to be lnstaJied on the .ln. land slope of the hill. Council accepted thls plan. Title S..rcll .... IIHc lapllle Dr. ....... I',.OC. ........ a-.~c... .... ... ,. ..... •• 1 .. Clllllto ..... hn"-1 lc:llool: 1:30 a.ra.: W«· alp: 10:45 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. YOUDI' ~ &ad Cl:lUdNn'e Servke, 1:10· p.m. Sun. lOd· ....-r s.vtc.: WeclrMeda1.t, 1-:ao p m. Ladf ... ~&ry COUD• cU. Th~ 10:00 a.m. -IEVDTII DAY ADYDIIII • ...,... .......... lt... • COIOiv•ifi ~liT • ...,.... ••'f:." -W. 1M 1t.. CJM ._. La& tl lol • a..a.tr 1-4111 .... D. D. ......... -... J ..... W. 11411111•• Saturda~ln,c ~~evta..: Sab· Sunday: 9:30 a.m., Cbureb ~-bath 1: 9:80 a.rn. -Ser· day School;' 1:30 and 11:00 tnon: 11:00 a.m. Pray• meet· a.m. Moml~onhlp.-7 p.m. lnjf: Wed~, 1:00 p.m. Frl· ~Tt.:a-Schoof' ~ce~ day Even1q e.pent: B:OO. 7 p.m.. ~un..-,oua Group s.v. cao ........ •uaana tee. •• ., .... M. CliMe ._. .......... QMWIUP • ,... caoaca or CBiiiiY a.a.tr .. nea IOSO Chnla St.. C.....,_ SUndQ Servteee: 8Unda7 School. ~ .. 1711 8:80a.m. Komlnc Wc:nhJJ) at D. Q. ......... ,.... 10:30 a.m. ~~ S.V· Sunda_y Servtce.: 9:30 LIQ, Bible • Ice. 7 p.m. Swida.Y. Pru« mady; 11 a.m. momtnc wor-meetinc, 7:10 p.m. 'Weclnad'ay. lhlp; 7 p.m. evenfna 8ei'Vtce. Midweek aervlee, 7 p.m. Wednftday. CiiiWIT C11011C11 liT 11m UA Coaamaattt lletbodlat k1boa ami. at 1Ctla lt.-....... ~sm .__, a... ~~oy A. cara... Sunday Worahtp, 9:4:S and 11 a .m. Church School: 9:45 a.m. Mfdweek Meettnc: 7:30 p.m. WednHday preceded by 6:30 p.m. potluck. IT. JOACIIDI CIIUBCII 1114 Oralaul:~ ..... eo.ta .... 1·1011 Patber n..aa. J. Wft'lll IUDday ~~~ at 7. L I. 10 CIDd 11:30 a.m. Weekdays: Maa at 7:00a.m.-Confeulon: Satur- daya from 4:00 to 5:15-7:00 to 8:15p.m. P'IIIIT caoaca or c:aatl'l' IWDIIIJ ,. VIa ~;:-t .... Sunday School: 8:15 "l.m.. Sun· ·day S e r v 1 e e : 11:00 a.m. Wednesday Eventng Meetinc: 8:00. RHdln1 Room, 3315 VIa Udo, Newport S..eh. open 10 a.m.-5 p.m. week da)"', 10 a.m.· 7:t5 p.m. Weclneedaya, 7·9 p.m. Friday eventntra. VJnV&aAJ.DT COIOI1JJnTT ~ &bell Cl•tt .. 515 "· acdboa ....... laJ))oa IC1al.nK: .... "· "· ..... Sunday School, 10:30 a.m. ltfom. lng worahlp, 11:00 a.m. FDIST SOVTDD aAPnST CJIUJICB PDST aAPnST caoaca OP WEWIOIIT IOO W. KCIIDJltoa lt.. eo.ta IC..a aalboa al9d.. 1ltla 4 Coart Its.. ~ 1-UIM Wewport hstc.: Dr. al$=-f B. Pou IIArbor 1553 Liberty a.I072 Sunday ldlool. 9:t5 a.m.; church ._._, lledMd G. 1....._ ~ce 10:!50 a.m Training r..r ...,., a a r:. ............... .. a.M--..... ••• Cl. ··~-SUnday Sel•'lcle: ' t :C5 a.m.·lwMiu ••ol: U e.m.. W~· ,.....,_.i~f~ p.m.. Ba.ptllt Tralnlq UliiCIII; '1:30 p.m., ~ 8eniiL . W~: 'I:JO p,m., Pr..,_t Praw aJtd atbla Study. X.· day: 7:30 p.JQ! llen'l ,Chon. pract't c_~j-~:80 p.m. Men'•. ~y•K~ cauiiQI 01' ova LADI' or 117. CAI!ICJD IMIW ............ .. ••rt II IIJ.. • r ...... :e.=''*'· ..... r..... r A ..... Sunct...y xa .. u: 8:00 and 10:00 and U:30 a.m. CQnt..SOn: ld· urdaya and eva ot 1lt l'rtdUII and BolJ' D&)'8 from 4:00 liD 5:30p.m. and b'Om T:IO to I:JO p~. Dally llf.UII:OO a.m. J'lnt Friday: 6:30 a.m. and •:w-Novena (~ ): Tuadq, 7:45 p.m. c::a:urr w 1 ••••JJ caow OPcoeTAIIDA A~~ .... .... ~,... ...... Sunday Servtcea: WcrtbJ~· Ice 9 a.m. &undq at 10:15 a.m. IT. JAIID UacofAL ....... IJda, ••rwt ..... ......... ................... JIAdler ~ Sunday Services: 1h30t t:IO. 11 a.m. Mornin& Pray•; 1:30 a.m. Reeiatration for Sunaay kbooL ThUrsday Services: 9:15 a.m. Prayer GuUd; 10:30 Holy Com· munlon. IT. JOD VIAim1n' 215 ICa:r't.e Aft. ..._ w..d ~-·· Patber ·mw . .., ....... P..U.. Jlli!l as a.t. Sunday Ma.aes: 7:00 a.m. 6 9:00 a.m. Confaslon: Saturdaya and eves. of 1at Frtdaya and Holy Days; 7:30 to 8:00 p.m..; Pint Friday Ma.u 8 a .m. home on Dec. 22. He was a na. tJve of Pendleton, Ind. and came to C&Jlfomla 23 years ago and wu a resident of Santa Ana for the put elght years. Sunday aet'V1oes: 9:45 a .m., Sun· Union 7 p.m. Sundny. Evening Acting on the r«<mmendatlon day School; 11:00 a.m., Wor· wonblp 8 p.m. Sunl'fay. Teach· CEJifTIIAL aDIZ CIIO"&CII of City Attorney Karl Davis, ahlp Senrtoe; 7:30 p.m. Sunday en and oftlcers meeting 7 p.m. Oraa9e A.,., at Did lt. BII'IWIJ PariJ 111111 Fer ••••11, lp & Newport City CouncU dlrected evening coervlce; Mtd·We8 Wednesday. Prayer BerVIccand ~ ~~.:!.:;.'* Service: 7:30 p.m. Wednesday Bible study 8 p.m. Wedne<~day. -City Manager John Sallon last Pray« Meeting. Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Mom· week to make a UUe sea~h of , COIIOWA DEL MAll lng Servic.!f 11:00: Eventna the city property along Bayside l'fEWJIOft IID80a co Service. 7:~. Mid-week SerV· Drive In Corona del Mar. The LUTBEJLAJI CBuaca ~lfti~CII Ice. Weclnesdar, 7:30 P.JD. 2501 CWf Dr. Wewport lletgbb aALaOA JILAJfD city plana to use this property Llbedy .... Ill =Tal... COII.ICO'Jilft ~ Mr. and Mrs. An~ Frledrlck for park purposes. .... llobwt a.-J...s 115 ..... a ......... ...... o! 2137 Miramar orr., Balboa. Early aervtee. 8 :30 a.m. Sundar: ,_._,a... hw.l a.twed a.bbltt MJalatwa .... D a:ld .... 12221L OOAIT JIWT .... Lal.... JIAaMD 1M .,.ave a birthday p' • ..., for thelr AaOAIIQ,... aoan Church Seh~~ 9:30 a.m.; wor· Sundar Wonhtp 8etv1c:e.: 9:45 Sunday ServSeee: 1:10 a . m. c-..a--. Calli. • -~~ ~~--.......J ~P I«VVee. u:OO a.m.; Lutb• a.m..ll:OO a.m. Sunday School: OlUI'Cb Sdlool· 1:30 and U·OO COIIPLETB AVTOMO'nft IDVICB daughter, five-year-old Debbie, ~G. ~·Pbototraph. LMpe, 7:30p.m. 1:45 a.m. a.m. WorshJp ~. ' iiiiiiii~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ii~ on Friday, Dec. 17, at their BaJ. er'a mate f1nt claa. USN, hua. boa rHidence. Games, drawing band of Mrs. Mary E. G. Mount Thia Directory is made p»Mibt. by th ... ci'rie-minded b~ pictures and eating refreshments of 1919 Republic Ave., Costa aerved with Christmas decora. Mesa, Is .aervlng aboard the et. WOOOW0RTH PIANO SHOP A-1 PLUMBING SPECIAl rx£S Df _,ADS Day 4 lflgtat Wat. .__.. tiona highlighted the afternoon. tack alrcra£t carrier USS Hornet GENERAL SHEEr METAL WORKS Exchulve Aaent for Baldwfn Plana. Guests Included Debbie's little which returnfd to San Dl~go Dec. 405 30th Street Harbor 2210 Newport a..dt 2610 E. eo.s+ Hwy. Her. 1312 Coron. del M• ,. alster, Marilee, and a number of 15 after an elght.month around • Modem ,o_ Took fCw s.-I Sinl Stop~,es neighborhood friends, a m o n g the world' c:rulle. RE£.STIIC them Laura and Cathy Brame, Holly Schwam, Bobble Phllllps, LEFEVEU aJ!'r ODL L • R LmEJI1T 1-1551 ewt5 055 :s..=a= No Tacks ... No Tape ... No Pute 2229 E. Co.st Hwy. Corona d_. MM Pat Hickey. Carol Cunningham, Patty Lee, •nd Joey Grothua. Don't Miss Our ''First'' Anniversary Sale . . HeaYJ l .. ller Plll.ill FREE w~ lflfJ caqlll iulallalitl ••ria& .811.., Rae. $2.lo, 41" ea ...... DRAPERIES, Yd $JGfl FREE y,., .. Track r.tallell wltll eacll ._ Dr.,., lllllllall~ ll.tlc .I•IIIJ * 20°/o DISCOUNT ON ALL UPHOLSTERY FABRICS lellllfll, ... ,, ..... Pill, •••• Broadloom, ~~c. '9" ~ •• A daughter. Terese Annette. was born to Mr. a nd Mrs. Joseph Lefever of 308 Monta Vlst.a St .. Costa Mesa, In Hoag Memorial Hoepltal on .• Frtday, Dec. 3. SOif aou TO KOOLEU A son, Karl Rex, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Kocler of 2044 Pomona Ave., Costa Mesa, In Hoag Memorial Hoapltal on Sunday, Dec. 21. JIIUTAS GET QIJIL A daughter, Margaret Grace, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hlrata of 114 CabriUo St., Costa Mesa. In Hoag Memorial Hoa. pital on Sunday. Nov. 21. BALBOA BAY CLUB 1221 W. Coast Highway Newport S.•dt NEWPORT HARBOR IAJI.fiC 3<f35 E. Coat Hwy. Corone del ~., NEWPORT BALBOA SAVINGS j lOAN ASSN. 3366 Via Udo Newport INch BROERING'S AUTO SERVICE 3682 Bayside Dr. SYMPSON & NOLLAR Painting and ·DecoratJn• A Cl~tssified Ad in The Ensign 512 31th St. Harbor 2404 Newport le.dt brinqs immediate ntsultsl Call Harbor I 114-111 S ~tnd prove it I • ''Mother knows best!'' "She 1uu an electric range beoaUM it cooks cleaner, /aBler, .:::::::.. cooler. ~ THOMAS MOBil SERVICE Wubtn.e -Polllhtna 1500 W. e.LNt .. H•. l61S.W Newport 8udt NEWPORT HARBOR ENSIGN NEWSPAPER Prlnt1na-Adwrt1s1ng-Loeal Newa 2150 E. Coat Hwy. Her. lll<f Corone del M• RICHARD'S liDO MARKET Orange County'a Most Complete Marbt 3433 Via Lido Hertw 2121 Newport INch EARL W. STANLEY, lNftor Selllnc M..-pon Barbel' Slnee 1.935 Main Office lal.oe ltleH H...,_ 1771 . Word pta around: The~ ·. ......... II& ''1955'' STAUFFER CONTEST! T .. ..., -· LR·n. •••• b .... ...... ,.... · GaT PVU. DftAILI IIW IT 3117 E. eoa.t lfi9hway Comaa cWI Mar •aaaoa 17•2 Alll Abellt 0. •o~a fLAW Club to Meet Qranae Cout Collep Faculty Wlvea Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, .Jan. 12. at the home of Mrs. xenneth D. Boettche-r, 223 Rochester St., eo.ta Mesa. As. aUtJna Mrs. Boettcher u ha.t. eues will be Mrs. Wmde ll Plck. ena, M.ra. Robert Osborne and Mrs. .John V. Nett. Mr. WUUam Adams, former U.S. mllftary adviser to the Turk. lsb government. wiJI ~ak. WASTE DIE! llillll ~l Llll IIIIET ..... ,, .. . \ Happy New Year! ~ and have a drink! What'U h.-veT Homoaenhled Milk wttla Vitamins A and B added? •.• tra Bleb Multi VItamin Kll.k ... ,our mlnlmum-dally .-.quV.. ment of mlnerala added! . • • Chocolate Milk! ... SkJm Mllk? • A •• Name your way to aood ·-~-·~ ... We've &ot lt ... we•ve JOt the hlpest quality at tbe most competitive pr~ ... We've rot the freabst mtlk ttom tbe cleanest da.1ry and farm In Or· anee County . . . We've cot Todds! Charlene Six Is Wed ..:·.:: ...:-:: ::~ ........... Anlold. ......... T J h n S ilors III=~~=:='.: o o a .................. IMit .. A double ring ceremony unJt. Mrs. VIncent Magno wu ma- lqg Mlss Charlene Kay Six and tron ol honor for her alat.er. She ~ ............. .... ......... ...-..w· .. ..... ..a Frldlly ... ........., to---au you qwcstt•r • '" ._. .at.ws ....t pedect tood • • • .,.. ... f tall.la9 -- ~two~------··· ! John Jacob SaUora m wu per wore a grey ~ lena-th dress formed by ~-Thomas Gibson complimente-d with powder blue of Fullerton on the Monday altft hat and cloves. She carried a Chrlstmu at the Chapel by the I nosegay of blue and white flow. Sea In Corona del Mar. ers Stephen A. Sailors served as The bride wore an let>.plnk his brother's best man. Ushers We ~ not alone In tbla bi( atr~t dreu for the 11 a.m. cere were Warren Sturtevant of Ba_I switch to Todd's MJlk ... You1J mony with a small bat of d~per boa and David Slx, th~ brld~ 1 also find It In eome 18 or 20 other pink adorned with a matching brother lndt>pendent marketa thrpu,rhout veil. A aprlnkllng of pearls and Mr. and Mrs. Sailors enter-Orange County u ot the first of You briag the laundry w. do the work •.. I rhinestones decorated her collar talned for the newlyweds with a the year . . . They have joined and she carried a heart shaped 1 weddlne reception l.mmedJately I together to !orm the Todd'a Mar. noeeeay of whlte carnations and following the et>remony at their ket.lnc Company ... Why! To pink sweetheart roses. She was home. Friends ot the bride. Miss 8ft'Ve you, our people. to the ut-New Low Price~~ UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT WASHEREIIE (Te lllelp 1'" ..... .,._ ... T_,a .-lllhl1tlla ......... ..._..... ..... , . n......, ... • "F•f•" ...... .. .., .... c:.rtlll ...... lUG P•-.w.ek .... ~ ..... F•F••I•'• .... ., .... ...... .... HCOrted to-the altar by her st~p Donna Zube, Ml.a Laurie ert..eu. meet of our abUity ... to main- father, Wilber H. Kelly. Mlsa Dixie Thaden and M1as ear. tain quaUty and price ... to u. The bride ls the daurhtft or ole Adair, a.aa1ated with lbe re sure you of dally freshness lD the Mr. and Mrs. Wilber Kelly of treshment.a. milk .upply you tote home to 427 El Modena Ave.. Newport The brlde'a mothft received teed your family ... Heleh~. Her new husband Is the guests In an aqua and white son of City Manager and Mn. dresa with white aeceuortes Wily did .. ct.... T..._t John Jacob Sailors n of 315 cata. matched by a carnation corsage. -- Una Dr., Newport HeJrhta. The groom'a mother received In School Nurse . Recites Vows Marcam Freeman. .moo~ n..,. a t Newport Harbor Hlp School, b«am~ Mrs. Homer E. May ln a amall ceremony at th~ Flnrt M~thodist CbW"Cb ol <>ran~ on New Year's Day. Ttl~ weddinr rites were performed by the croom's uncle, Rev. A. J. May. The bride's rown wu fashioned ot whit~ nylon chltlon In baller. Ina l~nrth with a boutt&nt ak1rt a bel,e' !allle wit with a pink sequinned hat and pink Dowen. Special guests were the arand- pa.renta of the bride. Mr. and ...... Jolln O'E..re o( Loa A.qeles a.D4 lin. C. P. S..U.. a( C'.GI!- deJ Ka.r. the poom'a a:ra.ndmotb· er. Alter a honeymoon In Palm Sprinp. the young couple will Jive Jn San Dleao. ~ the brlderroom la at1endJnr San Dle,o State CoUece. Both the newlywed& attended Harbor High School and Orance Coast CoUece. At OCC John was atud~nt body presJdent. -.:... ,.._ .. do lwal wta _. __ , ••• TM 01 11 0... ty ....... IIMHil ~ .......... ...., ..... , .. _.,......l'l*t ... .... -~ ... o.r ... ~ Lee h-U. a.dtla om.. .. 01 •• C...ty • ...,. ,..... Patricia Mae Ellis Is Wed To G6rald King of Laguna bUJowtnc from th~ fttted waist. ;:::.:=========~ line. Flowera In her hair held h~r PlaeS~ c...tbltr CGda pa..t .. ----••Sira .. tiM at.to ..• At tM liW IAe shoulder-l~ncth vell. Sb~ carded a white orchid co.rsace on a Bible. T h ~ bridegroom's daufhter, A family wedding, even to the maid In a turquoise blue a-own Jeannie May, RrVed aa maid ot mJnlster, was held before Christ-ot nylon tulle and matchlne honor In a plnk cown styled mu when Mlu Patricia Mae nowers and Mlss Kathy Thomas Identically Uke the bride's . She EUls b«ame th~ wtle of Gerald of Huntlncton Beach was simi carded a nosecay ot swMt peas. Dennla Kina-at CapiUa De San larly attired as a bridesmaid In Best man wu Lt. R. E. Stuckey Antonio Chapel In a double ring a lavender nylon tulle gown. or San Dlt>go, the bride's cousin. Cft'emony. Jay Walden or Laguna Beach The couple will live In Orange The bride la the dauehter of ~ed as best man and the upon their return from thelr ho n Mr. and Mrs. Clay D. Ellis. B> bride's brother, Dan Ellis. along eymoon trip. The new Mrs. May W. Wl1110n St.. Costa Mesa. Her with Cal Barch ot Balboa were Is the daughter of Frank Fr~ husband Is the ton of Mr. and ushers. At a reception rollowtnel man of Orance and the late Mrs. Mrs.. J. D. KJnr ot Laguna. The the ceremony at the church. the 1 ~man. The croom's parents mlnt.ter, Rev. Curtta Mitchell, ot bride's mother wore a dress of we-re the late Mr. and Mrs. Lakewood, la a cousin of the . C' ' h Charles May. brlde and hla w lle aane the wed. teta print with velvet and black dlnr aoloe and 8ft'Ved as matron velvet a~es and a coraage r __ ._ ..J.. _. ____ --• Artist lqppl ... 9:30-6:00, Sun. Noon 'ttl 6 aL1JE lAlLI ITAnOJrEIIT J06 Main BALBOA Harbor 678 ol honor. The flower clrl was ll w h I t e p halaenopcla.. The rvr .............. .,.,.....,.. ~ little Susan Mitchell, thelr daugh. groom's mother wore a rust lace ~~TH~E~ENSIGN~~~·~HA-~~~~~~~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ter. over aatln dreu with chart:reu.e r, • Tbe bride wu escorted to the ac."CeSSIrles and brown and yeJ. altar by her father. She wore a low cymbidJum corsage . Martin waltz lenct.h toWn ot nylon tulle Alter a honeymoon at Bla-Bear and heirloom lace. Her shoulder tbe youne couple are llv1nc In lenrth veU fell from a pearl and LaJUna. The new Mrs. KJnr tnd· lace tJara. She carried white uated from Huntlhgton Beac:h ~ and pink camellias HJgh School and Santa Ana Bus- bD a white Bible. lnna College. Bet husband at- llnL MJtcbell won a yellow tended Lacuna Beach Htch and fallle .,._ wtth a crek'lmt &pent th.rM yean ln naval IM!f'V. lbaped canap ol ye.Uow eama-~- doN. 11181 c.-,.n Walker of o.c.u v..w _.... u a brides. . amaa uctoau ~ "lleln.force ,.,_ bddJe" a. tbe cballenae aent out from the la.J. boa ~ Club. wtlere J~ Waltera Smith ol OlJc:qo wlD tlft a -* o1 a a.ctur. dw. lna tbe latte 1*1 of January, ~natW~at 11:30 a.m. ,.. ..... wW (VWW polftt CIOWlt -.. ..... and ~ ol bUd ucl ...... ..,. ., ,_ """*IDMtal ......_, aad U aft. ..... olplq. • • • von Hemert a.m•• JANUARY lrla:ay •• Clutilul Chin .... llaDd .... 'fALVD R TO 13.00 ILOO ss.oo .. 17.00 15.00 lfOW •• yd. 1..11 yd. 1 .. yd. Ulyd. .... l .. J'l Aa111• eo.aty rm .u...,... 1 s 'a .u.m.d br ,....., ......, &.tte aldl ll11ltS ., .. ... -.&IlL .......... _ ... ... a1.Dr ............ _ .. ..... rlbbeM ••• ,.... • ._. .. tiD Todd'a pa.at 119M ..._. ....................... polt m.d. ........ 't • • • ---a. lloUy s..-Pleat ••• a. Ia -.1 ..... c leelt •r I ll ••• c.n .. Dwa ct rw· sdt a.-.. ...tile-lll&lla'n .... ..... ~ ....... GUS ..... _ lmat -d I& ... ;JS ...... --,._ .. -_... ••• Dwa'U _..,. ......... la.a....M1'"dal Todd'a lc:e Cream. lft~ herf' lut Muc:b wttll our owa RJchard'a Label. baa ~ grown In popularity ... Elida month you nb people .,.. eet. • lnr about 53" more Ice a.~a than you clict In the same ...,... last year . . . The Ice a-iD'• rood ... you Itke It ... ~ t.U your ~about tt ... You'll like Toctct'• m.llk tdCf ••• We .. ... We~f.alt .•• w.-.. been two ,_,. makla• _,. .witch ... a.DI .......... It .... you . . . If you 11kle )our _. delJW!Nd to )'OUr door ..• ,........ does that too • • • 'The ....... number to call • • • lfl ±l ... 3.1336 ... a.l U.l 2~._.CifB~---'~= 2 bHrooillll South of IIJihwl.)' ---].I I 2 bedroor.u Jlrorth of ~~~.., ·-·------= 2 MdiOCIIM N~ ot lltabw..,. . -l All ot the:ee bomea can be bouaht wJtb a LOW down paymeDt:. Euellent terma. too! THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E. OOAST HWY. HARBOR 1741 WIY IIVIIE TdiiCEt IRVINE TERRACE ts part of an 18M addition to the IrVIne Ranch which overlooks Newport Harbor. It Ia on the Jut available tract of land that talla beh een the Coast Htehway and Newport Harbor. The Irvine Company hu determined that thla v~ valuable area be ~ared from the unplanned and characterless bous. lne that has congested so much of the post.war South- land. It has developed the' Irvine Terrace plan to efve the home owner many advantages lncludlne ... 1 Protection from gradual community deterioration 0~ an eye.sore Innovation by an erratic nelehbor. 2. Careful community planning for maximum Indi- vidual privacy and a completely harmonious com- munity. Irving Terrace otters each family the pleasure of "belonging" to one of the most desirable communities in the West. And ... there Is no smog. WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO INSPECT OUR DISTINCTIVE HOMES COMPLETED AND UNDER CONSTRUCTION NINE DIVERSIFIED FLOOR PLANS To the home buyer who wishes to purchase ln the $20,000 class we sincerely recommend the Irvine Estates overlooking Newport Harbor. Th~ homes feature California living. Offered exclu-sively through Earl W. Stanley In a Smog-Free area known as Irvine Terrace--on Coast Highway opposite the new Irvine Coast Co untry Club, Newport Harbor. MAY WE HAVE THE PLEASURE OF YOUR INSPECTION PHONE HARBOR 4448 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION . 1811 IeitH, realtor extends greetings for a Happy New Year and -••• ... .,..ill ef .. •• effice at 2753 E. Coast Hichwar (at Goldenrod) Corona del Mar and Invites you to call her at Harbor 5560 for properties to buy or real estate to sell BE COIIVIIICED -the llest 3-ltetlnn. llome i1 Ctsla lesa K1owell Place Cl~blk west of Harbor Blvd. off of Hamilton) 3 bedrooms and two baths. Hardwood floors. forced air heat 2-car garage plastered walls garbaglt disposal full sized dining room sewers In and paid for $810 •n $11,171 fill ,._ Only a few left. Hurry! Plil S.llh• •••rc• Enn11 1856 Newport 'Jvd., C.M., Liberty 8-6761 --------------------c.-..... Ocean side of hJahwa.y. 2-bedrm. home, lncludtna all turntshlnp. !'flee and clean; move rJpt in! X.,. at I ,I' .. •••r Do you waat room and uld. mat• In t"'O'ftfccrt-loU ol ltl Then thla !fEW ~bedrm. and DEN bomt will aweal to all the family. eon.lds a few of the teehare~: BeeutUUl Hardwood Floors DliPOUl Unft Beat 2-tUe baths (Mr. and Mrs.) Choice of all eledrlc or cu kitchen 2-fireplacea lnlpect and compare -tt•a ygur best buY In ·~. $21,100. • PJag 111• annual .... fll CliilllliiiiM beJI8 Ia ~ durtftl •• btl w., to u..._. af the~-u JUM bu _.. .. apcwt ,.. bW)' .. ~ • .W:. nOMt ~ hoUdaJI ,.,... 70\ltb an4 ro-tcan lACion AuXWUj, Untt J11. lk:i their annual ••tletw u wrnt ftiiEPLACE modem 1- Mdr .. 101 Irta. COM. Nicety and c:ompJetaty tum.. t85 mo., yrly. Jeue. BA 4318 cw 4453. l.JEDRM. turn. apt. tot rent, utWU" pel. t65 mo. yearly. CO.M HA 723. SPECIAL! BOO~ and apart. menta, $10 a week, children • and pets welcome. Sandy's Motel, 2931 E. Coast Hwy., COM. HA (l58t. 3-BERDM. 1% bath,l u n f u r n . , Costa Mesa, $85 mo., LI 8-4241. mance near11 out~ Santa from tM dllabW ~ ill till the "U IW' War" lilul.ed lllloortlJ Clau1 and all h... 1tory ln the 1.0111 ._ell V.e.u. BOifltal. atter tM bol1ft)+. Harbor .,..._ The b0J1 .. t a ala ~~jot bJ four Polke jdnC out that ~ The tl'adldonal ~t dance foot Cbrlltm.U ~-au laUd lion ol .. 1""1 .. not w~ but of the Cblld.ren'a Rome Soclety palnted an' ewl')'than. -u a th.y can not be .ur.d anrwtaen thla year became an after Chrl.lt· thanb tor the _,nthJy lufteMola tn the clty. mas Debutante Ball at the BaJ. parlJ" the Awdllary .,.....,. Noel ._.. of 2lt O.blla A,._. boa Bay Club ))eld on the Tues. prep.,. for the dlaabled wta. del liar, auttered a 8B day tollowlne Chrtmnu. · • • • allot 1n hll back and aoother_hlt The fourteen teenaJers, choeen From the blllft* ChriMmu h1s rltbt ankle on the Canna del HA 3'n BY OWNER: 2-bedrm.. untum. by the Chlldren'a Home Society card to the mna.ll..t thief! • • . Mar matn beach on Dee. 21. Ills to be honored at the party, were We mean the 1\AT or pya who companion Brad Butt of J827 dreaed In bouflant white formals stole the llfe alze flcures of Glrl Cove St., Corona ~ Mar, ~ and recel\'ed gardenia bouquets Scouts that were part ot the ported that BB 8hoa Jut mt.ed at a pre-dance supper. I..ym.an Chrt.tmu decorations at the hll he•d u he wu nmnln& from Farwell of Balboa had charee o1 Scout hou.e. In the ~lrtt ot thh the .:ene. PoliN chupd two the ball preaentatlon u each of New Year, the 8COUtl and their Corona del Mar juvenile boys the glrls wp escorted by her leaders will foratve the 1e0und· and one Balboa lal&lld juvenile father down a andlellt al.sle. M rell for maklna them lnellelble boy with lack of parental eon. a finale to the ceremony, the tor a Christmu decoration prlze, trol and mallclous millchleJ u a fathers and daughters joined In lf the fll\llft will pleue be ,... result of the BB aun flre. They -------------houae, flrepl., · $100 month. BILL'S BEST BUYS yearly; bachelor apt. fum. $55 New 3-bdrm., hdw. n. .. F. A. Heat. 1 ~ baths, $13,800. Open 1:30 to 4:30 1986 Tustin Ave. • • • Duplex, $13,950. 1-yr .. old, ~· bedrm. ea. unit, excellent close In Eastside location, $4500 Down. • • • New 4 Bdr .. Newport Heights, $750 On. 1% baths, Land-scaped, dbJ. garage, move In today. • • • N e w port Heights . Rustle Ranch Style, Shake roof, hdw. floors. used brick fire- place. full price. 12.750. $3000 down. $67.00 monthly pymt. includes taxes. You'll like our friendly service. W. A. TOBIAS REALTOR 393 E 17th St , Costa Mesa LI 8-1139 Best I.Hatetl D•11le1 .. ,, .. Approx. 1 blk. from ocean, Seaview area COM. 2.bedrs. each unit, fireplaces. dble. gar. A·1 constructlnn 1: lm. mac. condition. 40-tt. lot. RetiiCIII to $24,160 •••r a .... 3240 E. Coast Hwy., COM Harb« 4318 Harbor <MS3 flew a-Frill DUPLEJ open for Inspection 900 Breakers Way, COM One l~beroom unit and a large 2-bedrm. unit. Good terms. Call CHARLES W. MASTERS Contractor HArbor 2941.J 11ELP W AJfTED REGISTERED NURSE for Dr's oUice-Some typing. HA 3721. GIRLS- WAITED We have openings at our Newport Beach office, 311 E. Balboa Blvd. for TELEPBO:KE OPEJlATOa! -Apply- Monday through Friday 9:00A.M. to 4:00 P~. 5141/1 If. MaiD Street. lba. 211 Salata Alia PACIFIC TELEPHONE IIJSCJtlr AJIEOtJS month, utllltles pd.. centrally located. HA 2465-M. COM.SOUTH of hwy., sunny 2- bedrm. gar. apt. turn. In rock maple. T.V. antenna, good wardrobe and storage space. Large patlo, near schools. HA 1455-.W. 503~ GOLDENROD. COM. l ·bdr. front house, furn., utUitles pd., no garage, $60 a mo. by yr. Adults. no pets. See owner Jan. 7, 8 and 9. UNFURNISHED 2-bdrm. garage, stove and retrlg., water paid. $65 mo. 753 W. 19th, Costa Mesa. U S-9088 or U S-3340. CDM·MUST SEE, Completely and beautifully turn. corner apt. 2 Bedrm., bath, kitchen and combination llvlng and dining room, garage, patio, dl.-posal, fireplace. HA 2670. W. LOUISE APTS. carnation nr. Sea- '-iew, COM. Modern turn. apt. Incl. utU. yrly. $50 single. $60 dbJ. HA 4016. FOB SALE MUST SELL 5 rmll. furniture cheap, Incl.: Palr mahogany twin poster beds with Inner· spring mattresses. misc. maple pieces, lamps, rugs, drop-leal kitchen table, Magic Chef table-top stove, refrlg. -209 Agate, B. I. HA 5071. OUR GREAT January sale. $387 buys lovely Spinet. Standard make. Mirror ~ Spinet only $233. Baldwin Acroaonlc only $489. Practice pianos from $89 up. Baby Grands from $495. Dozen of others. These Instru- ments are trade-Ins and rental. returns. Many just like new. a waltz. turned 10 they may be ulled In were releued to thelr parent. • • • tutureJ.aeout parties. with petitions filed for thelr ap. Parties during the holidays .., • • • pearance ln juvenile court. feted the young Whittier Colleee Friends of Fran and Carl Han-A Balboa Island Juvenile boy, couple, Jane Soderberg and Stuart na received a report from Yoko-who admitted ahootinl sea aulls Gothold, whoae engagement was homa that the weather has been with a BB gun on and around a nnounced on New Years. Both misera ble, but good enoueb the jetty at the harbor entrance of the young couple are active In while their ship w u In port 10 ta due to appear In juvenile college affairs; Jane Is vice pres. they could get around and see court. Newport pollee charged ldent of the A Cappella Choir, things-the youth with lack of parental publlclty chairman for Assoclat-• • • control after allecedly f.ln<1lne a «¥~ Women Students, and social Well, how do· you feel a bout number ·of wounded aea JU)..la. chairman for the Ionlans Social thls mlserabJe new year now! The harbor department reported Club. Her fiance Is student body The good ones who ltayed home that boys 1n a boat were lhoot . rally chairman. sports editor for and drank coffee on New Year's lng sea gulls off llle maln beach the yearbook and a member of eve managed to expose them· Corona del Mar. Four other the Lancers Club. selves to the California "dew" at youths from Balboa Island, Glen- • • • the Rose Parade and game on dale aDd Corona del Mar were Wedding beUs just preceded Saturday and are now "veddy alao In the boat but were not Christmas bells at the John Sail-CContlnued on Page 7) · charged with an)'thJng. ors household. Before completely A BB pellet was tired through unpacklng In their new home on y 1 ~--a....l a plate glus window In hLs CataUna Ave., the senior Sailors llrllll Gall... home, Ralph Carrlclt of 305 E. held a reception for the son John AI liWIIII Pres. Bay Front Balboa Island, com. m and his brlde. One o1 the re-plaJned at 4:39 p.m. on Dec. 29. suits o1 all the hustle and bustle Roy Yourstone wU1 be Installed Is that lohanna's ceramic Christ as president of the Newport Har· mas cards are still In the kiln-bor KJwanis Club at noon today unbaked. (Thursday) In VIlla Marina by Lt. Gov. L. 0. Culp of Fullerton. P'OB SALE Other officers to be Installed BEAUTIFUL Electronic Organ Include Joseph Guerin and Dr. blond case almost new. Must David Nielsen. vice presidents; sacrifice. One only. Big aavtng. ·Monte Grimes. secretary. and Danz-Schmldt Great Sale, 520 Bert Connell, treu urer. N e w No. Main, Santa Ana. board of director members In· BEAUTIFUL Spinet plano, blond elude Or. John Albarlan, Dr. just like new save $200. Ma. Verne Koepsel, Jack Nelson. Max hogany Spinet .Ughtly dam. Pope, C. K. Priest. Dr. A1 Stockton aged In shipment $487. Good and Herb Thomas. practiN pla:noe from 188, t9(. Herb Ke~. put II,Jutenant $125, $175. See tileR at the governor of ~lvlslon fo~. will be Great Danz.Schmldt PI a n o chairman of the day. A Tao In at. Sale. The big store, 520 No. tendance will be Eric Burton, Main, Santa Ana. 100 plana.. lieutenant governor of 1954. ac. We have no branch stores. cording to Bob Childs, publicity SITUATJO:KS WAJI'TI!D chairman. o .... ae-111111 F• llull.llrr Mlu Belen Hon, director of Christian Education Jn St. An· drew'1 Presbyterian Church, wUl become a commlsaloned ch}U'Ch worker In .a spedal service o1 wOf'Sblp at 7:30 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 9. ln the ch~ The eorArnlsstonlne service of the Presbyterian ~ la a special recognition of thoee men and •omen who .,. devotina their Uw. ~ full-tlma protes. atonal Mn'ke to tM eb.ardl. 'fbe ceremony itself 1.1 the equivalent of tbe ordination llen1ce to: the gospel mlntstry, church of1Jdall pointed out. Beautiful electronic 0 r g an . REPAIR AND mat n ten an c e. Save $250. Danz-Schmldt Big paJ.ntlne. carpenter, etc. Just President Yourstone wllJ have charge of the program for next Thursday's luncheon meeting. The first meeting of the new board was held Tuesday evening at the president's home, 300 Mlu Horr joined the a\af1 o1 St. Andrew's u director o1 Chrt. Uan education In Aueuat. l.95t, foUowlne her graduation from the Presbyterian Seminary ln San Anselmo and the erantln~ of her mutera de.,.ee ln Christian education. The hoat putcw, Bn. James S. Stewart. and the com.. rnJttee of Presbytery will conduct the service, followtne whJcb a reception for Mlsa Horr will be held In the church lounre. Plano 1: Organ Store, 5.20 No. anytbJne. Reasonable Satlsfe,c. Maln, Santa Ana. Uon guaranteed. HA 0126-l. NEW wATER s 0 t t e n e r $150. BABY SITI'ING, care of alck, In Phone u . s.'5639. your home by mature COM Flower St., Costa !des&· .~:-:-:'::~-=-=---: woman. Day, night. Call before HAMMOND ORGANS. All mod-O aft 5 HA 3 92 aAntSN SEJIVJCES l 0 1 II htl sed 1 1 a.m., er p.m. 1 -M. e s. ne on Y 9 a Y u a · Melissa Lawler. daughter of most llke new. This Is a spe-WAJITED Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lawler, eo. ciaJ. Danz.Schmldt Hammond "w;;-AN:;-;;T;;;--;:D~AIL::-n"Y~r:;-ld7e=--~do:-:w=nto:-::-:w=n rona del Mar, will receive Chris- Headquarters for Orange Coun. LA H 8 t 4 45 11 • 1~" • • 111. a.m. o : p.m. tlan baptism at the · o c """ ty, 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. Like join car pool or would sunday service at the Balboa AUTOMOTIVE SEBVICE organize own. Warren. HA Island CommunJty Methodl.lt 4016. Church. At last Sunday's service WESTERN#s 50 USED pianos wanted for our baptism was held for Mattht!W WEE1L Y SPECIAL! rental service. Trade In your Vernon Waidelich lr., son o1 Mr. CONn.ETE 7 95 old plano on new plano or and Mrs. Matthew V. Waldellcb. TV electronic organ. High cash Balboa Island. Transferring thelr ~KA e allowance. Danz.SChmidt Great membership to the local church January Plano Sale, 520 No. were Mrs. LucUJe Dicken~ and IR'PAJn II ITJI..UOD Private funeral services were beld at 2 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 22, for the Infant child of Mr. and Mn. Robert T. Han.wn ot 220 Macnolla St., Costa Maa, In Wlnbialer Mortuary, Santa Ana. Int.ant Hansen wu stlllborn In Santa Ana CommpnJty Hospital on Dec. ~ Cremation followed. Western Auto Supply Main, Santa Ana. Charles Dickens. Corona del Mar. I~ W.wport 81~ ~ N.-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~--~--, IEBVJCES Paintmg -Decorating PAPER HANGING $50 per mo rents good practtce GEORGE BURKHARDT plano. All term rent allowed If lJc:aled Cclntl"act« 5%-6%1ETIII.OI YOII-EY! you buy later. Dam.Schmldt ru 30th St.. Newport Baadl Big Plano Sale, ~ Mo. llaiD, BAtbor 2'18-W Uberty 8·6632 Santa Ana. Great lanua.ry ---:-~~~--~--- Plano Sale. 11• Plljltl•a 1\ Classified 1\d in Ttl. Ensign rda Jr:EN'I' brinqs immediate results! Csll 8·KM 11·)0( 315·101 Harbor 1114-1115 end etow itt and 16JOl Sound Projectors CAD roa IALE P A1fr OOLO& PILM SEBVICE MocSel AJrpla.ne Supplle. LOU REED ........ ,. ..... . If• LoeaUoll l'782Mewport Blvcl.. Colta Ilea ~Uberty 1-10&2 H. H. HOLBROOK DeJ)endable Plumbing • A Prom.~:J~Iervice Jbona BArbor .. aoo ........ ~ Lllbt 2101 w-. ~mt. "!!'!!!! aeM~t ..... PAINTING &UtiiMIJia HY TAlE LE ! These BElTER-THAN-AVERAGE returns are available today from investments in such sound old companies aa ... AMERI- CAN TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH CO., GENERAL MOTORS CORP. and various MUTUAL FUNDS. =~BAY "URSERY~~:=. ............ , ..... ! ' IBADE nED: a1n:11. W II 41 on. Tal.lp. FllVIT 'REEl: ..... hilL Apdwt. ·~ ,.. ..... ~ Pluaa aa4 hcldt.. e SnEAD ITEE• IIAJfVU UFOU BAIB COXES e We CCiny A C::O.plete U.. of,......_ SlaJ'a.t. £ F~ .. Clyde J•son IIJI: LOOK 110. SAFE BUY USD CIIS Ftr J1lls w ... Selll. I 30-DAY Money Back Guar~ee! •53 COMMANDER 5 Pa.. CJ. Cpe.. 11699 flu original black finllh. wh tte walla. RadJo, Overdrive, WLN Wheel-. AU Vynl Leather Trim-One Owner and a Beauty. ·so CHEVROLET CLUB COUPE. . $799 Orlflnal Blue Flnllh , runs extra good. $25.00 Down. ·so MERCURY 4 Door Sedan. $699 Heater, Overdrive, Black Flnlsh. Speclal for this week. $25.00 Down. •49 FORD 2-Door. $699 RadJo. Heater, Overdrtve--cuns excellent and shows good care. Save thta week--only $25.00 down. ·s2 MERCURY Hard Top. S1599 Radio. Heater, Overdrlve-O'!e owner. 30.000 original mlJes. •47 FORD 2 Door. clean •47 PONTIAC Sharp • MAn MOU IAJ"B .UTI TO CHOOSE FllOM AT JOHNSON & SON $299 $399 way. Guild to Hear Mrs. Feeley Roeclne Feeley, Newport Har- bor High School English teacher, wUl tell of her experiences with the Dutch ch ildren as the pro- gram tor the Church School Culld of the Corona del Mar Community Church at 7:30 p.m. Monday at the Frtend.ship r o o m ot the Chureb. M.rs. Feeley and her bus- ban .. Job. ... exdlaftp teuh- en to Bolland lut year. Hosteaes will be Mrs. Harlan Hoyt. MIL Wallace Calde'head and Mrs. Bollia Paegel. Mothers ol church 8Choo1 ebJ.Idren are In- vited to atten d. Clll , ......... ., Can you remember when New. port youths used to celebrate New Year's Eve by buUdlng a giant bonfire on the then vacant LJdo Peninsula! FILM SBOW'Jf TO OFTDIISTS Program Ch airman Verne Wat. son arranged for a film to be shown Tuesday at the weekly I meeting of the OptJmist Club at the VUla Marina Restaurant. At I the previous meeting Kay Phelps gave a talk on the Supreme I Court's decis ion on racial segre- gation. JfEW 1'EAJIS aELLS ._.. a pnlade to wecSd1D9 bella at oa. boiDe of llr. CIDd Mn. £meet V. ~ 4.21 W..tllliasW ad.. • ..,. port llet9bt:a. at a 111DCII'9GIIbord aupper oe Jf.., Tear's Day. wbeo tbey CIIUIOWlced the eD9G91'1MDt of thell' daughter, 111M Jcme ltatJa Sodel"ber9· to Stuart Eugeoe Cot.bold of Whittier. Tile 'fOUD9 coupM botb attended Wblttiu College cmd are memhen of iu aot.cS A Cappella Chou. where they fiftt met. Jfo date baa beea Mt f• the wedcUDg. The groom.to.be 1a the ~ of Mn. Adelaict. Cotbold ot Whittier. (Photo by Melftie) ----------------------------- of ~ial (Oantlllued from pap 8 l veddy sad daboud It" with at This California weather of late has been more than a topic of conversation ... it's been enough leut the mWles. • • • to change one's way of hfe. Just And speaking of New Year's like back east. The SUI Marrin and Rose Parades. did you catch ers at 721 Jasmine. Ave .. Corona the KT1'Y show on, Nt"W Year's del Mar. had part of their roof Eve all nlabt with Roy I the boy J 1 blown over In the back yard o1 Maypole ot Balboa Island doing the Bart Hendersons . . . the the special events rommentat-wind sh ifted a glass shelt above lng! How fitting that this famous a chest at the Malaga Imports to character sbouM do the m c lng such a precarious position that a for the Balboa Island Chrlstmas slight jar knocked ft ot:f. spatfer. Fiesta thll year! lng glass all over. including a Interpretive modem dandna u weU as character dancing are on the program to be given by Jeanne H a y a this afternoon ('lbursday) when the Ebell Club opens their new year J)l"ogram at the Newport American Legion Hall. With Miss Hays wtu be Mary Elizabeth Paine, pianist, to present 110los as well a.s dance ac- companiment. The J)l"ogram wUJ be produced with central staging and Ia scheduled for 1 :45 p.m. to follow the regular Ebell lunch.' eon. Mrs. Sterling Paris. EbeU Junior president. will report on the December club conlerence in Palm Springs. New members of the EbeU Club are Mrs. Carlton Monson. Mrs Howard Parker and Mrs. Robert Stabler. according to Mrs. John Lamar, membership cha.lr. • • • Ebell Book Section m wlll meet at t he home of Mrs. M. L. Becker for sack lunch next Tues. day \o hostess will be Mrs. P F. Fernan The S('ction chairman. M iss L11lan Daniell, will present the review. . . . Mrs. R B. Powell will review Marcia Davenport's "My Broth- Ju.wE IL\TS. 1 ox. .. .....-t a YGried •..tc.l ... 9IGID ... tJM Ebell Clw.b ~ 1at today (TJnanday) .t .. •....-n AIDericaa J..paa ...... er'a Keeper" at the meetlna 011 Book Section 1 I, which ~ n6't Wednesday at the UUM Ebell Clubhouse at 12:30 p.m. • • • Movies on "Our Great Nor'tb.' west" were shown by the UldOii Pacltlc Railroad to the EbeD Travel Section last Tuesday e.. nine at the little Ebell Chlt.- house. FUBNITUBE & GIFT SHOPS YEAR-END. SALE! . 50% OFF On Crrllll • 0•1111• • 1r1a • F• .... Glamour Glitnpses few cuts on the personnel . . . wind blew sand under the par. ' * At Both Stores * Studio and all the ltttle blocks c.o.a Ml .._ aaibea lakal4 of wood became unattached. (An. 0,... 0,... quet floor at Dorothy Jo Dance 2MI E. eoa.t lligll__, I 214 11_.. a.._ other good wind and they'll prob 10.00 A.M to 5.00 p ~ Dallv 10:00 A.M. to 9:30 P.M.. DallY .,. DR ably be tapping.) · · • ..-. J Sun.-Mon. 10:00 A.M.-5;30 p~ ~ t• ~e ~· ~ M ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;=~~~~~~ mea.sured ln your appropriate costume for golf as well u the n umber of strokes to the hole . . . and that is why O'BRIEN'S auag8ts you come In and .ee the new ''vln draddy" gall dress --« real winner on or oU the course and the newest In 1955. You SH, Vln Draddy Is a real golfer hlmsell and that Is how he designed the ~rfect dress for 1 golf. f e a t u r I n g the patented D'Armlgene sleeve to give you I freedom of action whether you ' are swinging a brassle or bring lng In the groceriK or even lift ing the baby from the bath. Tou'll fbad the aboulden cmd CII'1ILS jaat WOD't e?er pull or bl.Dd • • • It mabs DO cWfer. -«» bow you beDd. twiat or stretcb. c.ca.d tor actioa.. the aldrt .. gond to easy full ..... Tbe drMa. made by Dcrrid Crystai. Ia fiDJabed with a f.., .pedaL bat DOt tu.ay. detail~: a collar tbat'a pomt.d CIDd but- taeed iD back. a coat.rastiDg elastic belt p~ with 9011 .._ aDd a patcb poc::lrat iD Tile BeflciJcfJ/11/Jer * * * SIJfJ/J We Invite You To SAVE at 0• ANNUAL JANUARY CLEARANCE -W..t c-t -..wat u a.sM5 lfewped .._. back. I Qpea a... "TTll t :• The tine silky cotton that I Aaoll PIIOIITD ~AUT CI.D makes this dress t!O tubable Is ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~S~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~tedtn~~tarch~ (tlM I ·r· ................................................................... ~ or bold), smart stripes. or plain -""' colon . . . An<\ ln sizes 10 to ~ at $12.95. This dress al110 comes in silk. . JANUARY . p ~4 .!'\~!':.~~r~:~;u-: ~ O'laJE.'I,-,._,.. ~·I . ~ .....act..._ts.atou .... la ~ earanee . :::-!:_:...= 7" 11 111!1 Values, • • 4 ................ tM .... ~ .............. .,.. ... .... 4 ............... -b.-.. . •••etlllaw ... ~ .... ~ .......... _ .. tM ... ~ ..._. .... ..,., .. ,,.(t) ~ -..................... .. ~ ... . ~ lfa a tact tbat ~ ftnal price aluba will be made toft7. Ju.llt .ckk around. ., 10U don't mila aJQ'thlna! Tbat *'-4 JOU wer-. droolln' f« II Jlobabt1 well wttb.tD tM 1Midpt DOW. See ,."! • ~ * Sunctr....-B1ou.a Sweaten-T -Shirts Suede Cloth Pu11oY01'11 Wool & Cottoo P.dal Pushers Playm.c.. ... Sport Sbirtlt-T ..sbirta Denim PWlo..a Group. Hawcliicm Sldl1a ........... &OIIealat • ..... a ..Ud•·-- ... 'diA h'IJ ·-e Girla Sbada & Slax. Boy ·a Shin.(~ St..) e Ut~S0/o 0H 0a AI ••••'• I '• Flil .. I h •• ,. ••• k • •• 2 llaay Adolliaeal I-. FN.a 10°/o to 25°/o OFF! SOt . 3127 EaSt Coast Highway, near Jasmine Corona del Mar . ~ GENERAL CONTRACTOR DRAWiNGS BY • CHARLES W. MASTERS VERN THRELKELD & ASSOCIATES . 1271/2 Marine, HA 3286 Balboa Island 2760 E. Coaat Hwy., HA 3502 LOT Ut F I IISUWICE IJ JOHN E. SADLEIIL Realtor & InSurance Agent 3333 E. Coaat Hwy., HA 2422 Coronci del Mar • B.ECTIICIL IIIITI''In• • NEWMAN ELECTRIC & MASONRY 2121 Harbor Blvd., U 8-6731 Costa Mesa . • •111 ST.E FIIIT IIETIL w•l • BALBOA GLASS COMPANY 2436 W. Coast Hwy., U 8-2782 Newport Beach GEORGE BURICHARDT 511 30th St., HA 2418-W w . Newport Beach • IUITEII• •· HERRICK & HERRICK 327 W. Wilson, U 8-1081 • C<Jrona del Mar Costa Mesa , IIG. 11c POT CLEANERS 6c $1.39 VALUE · 2 CELL FLASHLITE . 3F . , A terrific buy.' A re1/ savin,r:.' loiiiW of 100 5-GRAIN ASPIRIN F TH POt\ r o:<JOMFORT or ,·,, ··",. l"1'ntron~. UIE .... DFEOT Tllln., FrL, IlL, .1& 1.-l-1 • --.an• CIIIIETiol F. LilES • ••··•••• Fll-. llnllwaJ FrL, IlL ..... l-8. Fne Tllk .... 2-Benrus Wrist Watches Given Sat. 8 p.m. ----- rona del Ma . PHARMACY DIE PRESCBIPTION PHARMACY 3127 E. Coast Highway Corona del Mar ,.._ llaltler22l2 Complete-Modltm CC81Detic-Drug Pr.cription DepcutmentL • ••• • F• • Ullltnk 111 Te 1J11•• II P ... Fri. -1 9 A.M. Star of Screen-Radio VICTOR McLAGLEN * * . * ._ I-TII t. _.TI of lladlo .-4 TV WW D•• •• bate Wodd raaoaa c.-a-SclaQCIO Top ••• Sat. Jaa. L 11 a.a. to 2 p.m. • • • T.DE~ ' • lox of 3GO /fl .• DrawtagsTo• lleJd Daily rn. & Sat. Popa.lar lloUywoociiiC & D1K Jockey h •t AD ~h. & a.t. ~ VALQI clEANSiNG ll~ VALUE -::::- TmliT nSsuE · nssuES . P4Pi. NAPKINS 7' 14~ 13' , .. .., .... , .. ...., ...... ,.. .... .,.... ..... ,.. .... ........ ........... -................. .. ............. ,.. ..... ....... ,......., ...................... . . ·=-· --==-- e 11 SAU.. e 1. D1N1B e s.-ASMIST e AU NIW STOCI IN ALL SIBS AND SHADIS. At 1 6r .. Opellng ite-AWIJ Prfce! -· $1.11 9UALm ·---ht .,.. ·st •• : VI F • CIIEIIII &.9. SUS lrowDJe Tarp ----..-...; &.9. S2.l5 Baby lrowDie _ __.,. Beg. 18.80 AMc:o Pioa•• ------ llaG. Ul 8111N&i& CAMDU Liiift:=n wrnl. n...ag$~49 .c. IIAIID .. I dBI ll.e WOODeUII'I IK*.oataao Reg. 1.00 •····~ ------41~ • TUSSY Wmd & Weather Hand Cream .... lA ..... 1/2 Price Iii Folds , ..... $2 .. $10 a. .... ~ .. ..._ Agma At Tla1a Speda1 CI'CIDd ()peaill9 Prtce SP£CW. IIY·SIII *liM ... ~.00 ............ We $1.7S .... $2.15 ............ We $1.00 COJ.IIfi .... CIUM ite9· $5.00 •••••••••••• We $2.50 l I N ' • f L • '~' f 0 r J l • Now's "ffOi OMI • .,._._to_.. • ._._Dell... Cl•-· lEG. 10c POWDER PUFFS 6c [)on 't miss flus.' REG. 25c BOBBY PINS 14c A tern ftc buy.' REG. 11c HAIR NETS 4c • .......... ,... ..... Mdl a "" 0me1r a..ne Jan! ... • .a p&&M, ~uo v~ . ... calllill to r a .. if ua ta. .......... ~~~ f!~ b~~a ,_,.. owl biad ,., Jllwl ,.._ ... -&nHD • .. I · ...a at m .._.. A-.. Bal'-8oMJ4 P. krlow ol m leland. at 1:31 a.a.: .. Jln; Cal ~ Aw .. lalboe '*land. com. ldlll)er Of-~ J..Wo 8ou4 plaiJM4 Udo lale, reportM a ·~ (Oiiil:l..s • "-' 12) around her bouM tbe ·~ PAIGLY .-.m roa YV1.E iallbt Uad that eomeone threw a The CbrUtmu holldaya tn. lar,e fiOocWiht bulb a1alut her ducS.d family parties with her home ... Haward C. IWey at three dau1bters and thelt famJ. 210~ S. Bay Front, B a 1 b o a U• tor Mra. GettJe House of 2320 laland. reported a $16.95 eleetrtc PacWc Dr., Corona del Mar . .Mr. h .. ter wu atolen trom h la un. An~ Mrs: Wayne Betta and locked aara1e . . . Officer. Jn. tamUy of San PedJ9 wer.,. down wstJcated the th.tl ot $18.50 to rook Chrlstma.s dJnner. The euh trom the Snua Hubcw Cafe, next da,r Mr. and Mn. H. C. 511 36th St., Newport Beach, com. DahJberc ol San DJeeo came up mJtted by a thief who hid him. to take Mra. Houae to Santa Ana aelt ln the cale at nlaht before to vtaJt another dauebter and cloon1 t1tne and U8ed a bar stool tamUy, Mr. and Mn. Walter to break out a laree plate 11.. Schulte. window to mue his escape . . . -------- • 'niVDDAY. DEC. 30 LEGAL KOTICE A nefi'hbor's aon allftd to PAY No. A·ZI014 xona 10 aEDrrou ff¥ a window broken In the home ESTATE OF MABTBA E. UN. of Mrs. Charlotte Israelson of SENBAJlD DECEASED 2291 Channel Pl .. Balboa, caused NCYnCE' IS HEREBY GIVEN to by hls BB gun, aft« Mrs. lsraeJ. son com lalned that It WdS the the creditors ot and aU peraona P having clalu).s aealnat the aald third window broken In her decedent or aald estate to flJe home In recent weeka . . . Of. with th ch them e necesaa.ry vou · fleers removed the latches on an ln the office of the Clerk ot old 1~ box found abandoned In ::: S pert Court of the State the back yard at ~ 10 Ocean e u or Front, Newport Beach . . . Offl. of Callto;~· In an~ for th~ cers were unable to Jocate per-County 0 ange, or 0 presen sons reported shootln& BB guns the same, with the necessary In the area o! Balboa Blvd. and vouchers, to the underslened at Miramar Dr., Balboa. . . . hls or her place of business, to· wft: • I'UDAY. DEC. 31 E. v. Lin.senbard, c/o Donald A hit and run car damaged D. Harwood, 2515 E. Coast Hlch her ear In the Lido Trailer Park way, Corona del Mar, CalllornJa. parklne lot. Genevieve Schultz wlthJn six months after the tltst ot ~ Newport Blvd., Costa publication ol this notice. • Mesa, complained ... Someone Dated: December 10. 1954. ripped out the water tank and E. v. UNSENBABD pipes from the men's rest room Executor of the Estate ol aald at the entrance to the Newport decedent. Pier, Custodian Earl Graham re-Harwood. Heffernan 6 Sode• ported ... Juveniles threw eggs Attorneys for Executor at his house. Richard Myers of 2515 E. Coast Highway 107-31st St., Newport Beach, com. Corona del Mar, Call!omla plalned . . . Someone broke a Publish: Dec. 16, 23, 30, Jan 6. street light our In front ot the In The Newport Harbor Ensign. Newport Harbor Yacht Club ... Officers w«e unable to locate No. A.24990 kids reported sh ooting BB guns KOTICE TO aEDftOU at \·:a Ravenna and VIa Lido ESTATE OF HARRY WELCH, Nord, Lido Isle . . . A possible DECEASED. prowler at 603 E. Balboa Blvd., NCYnCE IS HEREBY GIVEN to Balboa, evaded officers at 11:55 the credJton ot and all persons p.m .... A step on style weigh. having claims against the aald lng scale was stolen from In decedent or said estate to tile front of his ahop at 213 Marine them with the neceuary vouch. Ave .• Balboa Island. Bobert Allen en tn the oUlce of the Clerk of of 313 AmethyJJt Ave.. Balboa the Superior Court at the County IslaQd, reported . . . Schul« of Orange, State of California. or Briggs of 424 3l.R St., Newport to present the sa~e. with the Beach, reported the theft ol a necessary vouch~ to the under. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • People h~ve been wying ... end believing the+ YOU CAll DO BETTER at signed at his or her place ol. business. to-wit: c/o Harry L. Blodgett • 3016~ West Newport Blvd . ~ Newport Beach. Callf. • within six months alter the first "' publication ?' this notice . ""' Dated December 23. 1954 • ULLIAN A. WELCH • Execu&ix of the Estate of said • decendent. ~ Publish: Dec. 30, Ja,n. 6-13..20 . • In The Newport Harbor Enstgn. • • CERTIFICATE OF BUSDfESS Fictitious Firm Name THE UNDERSIGNED do h~e­ by certify that they are conduc . ting a Stationery business at 306 Main St. Balboa, under the • F . fictitious firm name ot Blue Salls • unuture. Stationers and that said firm Is . ., composed of the folowlng per • Complet(' Home Furnlshangs • sons whose names In full and • Liberty 8-24S4 • place of residence are as follows. • 1~ Newport A•e. to-wit: • COST A MESA Marvin D. Pratt. 615 Hartford St., Huntington Beach, caut. LU· cille M. Pratt. 615 Hartford St .. Huntington Beach, CaUl. WITNESS our ban~ thJa 14th day of December, 1954. MARVIN D. PRATI' LUCILLE M. PRA Tl' ATE OF CAUFORNIA COUNTY ORANGE ON THIS 14th day at Decem. ber, 1954, before me, ,a Notary Public In and for said county and state. realdJng therein, duly commissioned and sworn, penon. ally appeared Marvin D. Pratt and Lu~llJe M. Pratt known to mt to be the persona whose names are aubecrlbed to the within lnstrument. and acknowl· edced to me that they executed the same. WJJ"IUSS IQY band and otft. clal .... ll.ABY A. BAAP A . Rotary h blle ln &M lOr Mid County and State. My Coni1'DIIIIon ....... lub' 31. 18. ... bliiJil: Dee ==~~;~· tM lf411iliJil!lf RAfllll• ID .. L , TIIGT. 1--........_ ~-­._. .. '-'-..._..._._.. edy Mlakler el •1¥1 ......... tiiiA..._C:O...«WM~ .... .. tta.lalaiD9 toac:Me .. c~ec~R. .... CI~treeta ..................... Ge u••·---......... rfae Dt.satoa. I • AIOAD C•-.a TAUWA Servln1 at Lakehunt. If. 1., aboard the attadt aircraft carrier USS Tarawa Ia Robert W. Dur. ston, damaae controlman thltd cia-. USN, ot 363 Avocado St .. Costa Mesa. Dunrton, who en . tered the Navy In AprU, 1944, reported aboard from the atrcraft carrier USS Wup. · LOCAL ACENT COITAJUU 1793 !'APORT AVE., Cftl~TA MESA OFJ'!CE: 8-BC . RES. Uberty 8-!1011 Your savinp are safe at Newport Balboa Savincs-the association that has recorded an amazing 75.17% increase in ASSETS during 1954. . ' Two factors are responsJble for this big gain. (1) Our 18 year. long repu- tation few sound business management with regular dividends. (2) Our new..bome-a building so studded with features of tomorrow that visi- tors from far and wide come to marvel at its effiCiency-the~ and energy it saves, the faster, more accurate work it provides and the quicker customer service we cin give in a friendly pleasant abnosphere. The net result is BusineSs Economy with greater eaminl power for your savings. Start savtne with safety at Newport Balboa Savines. Come 'in and open an account To open the door, merely touch it ~ the "Spirit of Welcome" opens it automatically. As little as $5 ~s lA ICCCU1t for JQU. Savinp recehred 1111 Jan&ay lOth earn from the-rarst, at 'tfte..current annual tate of 3~%. paid . quarterly Cll .March 31st, Jalle 30th, September 30th, December 20th (in time for Christmas). If you cannot visit us in person, do as peopre from practically every State and many fore ien countries are doing- OPIII All ACCOUIIY AIID IAYI 8Y MAIL ... • "nne Newpott -.aU41A& DlljMt. eoauaeicla1 ~uU4Jnc at M!5().52 ment boob ,..... doliia b tbe VIa ()porto, 110.000. ' y~ar one c1a1 early, ., tM 0. e LIDO IlL& p&rt~Mnt Ju.at nliiiMd brealdDtr Maurlee Jf. B1tker, t -room. 2. the 19M reeOfd ot buUcllq ,.-. fiUJtrl,' 1-unlt dw~Ulna at 101 VIa mlta 1-...d. Jflce, SlUOC). Total f« 11M wu f7,1M.2'70, • ~A DKL JU.a 80me tnO.OOO under tbe •.ocra.m '14 CantJna Liquors. alp at of '53. "nne 'M permlta added • 31M B. Cout Bwy .• $f97; .John dw~lllna unlta tbroufhout tile lfaJcoliDIOn, 6-room, 1%-atory, 1. city of Newport leach. with a untt dweutna at 308 Haul, ~-. total value of 18,1tt,483. "nney In-000. eluded m alnal• urut.. " two-• COaolrA IDGIII.AirDS famlly unltt, 7 three-family unlta. Leo Moraan. 8-room. 1-ttory, 1- 4 four-family unJtt, 2 aJx.famlly unit d1H11Jna at ft8 Rivera Ter- unltt, 2 etaht.famlly unlta. 2 ten-r~. SlS,OOO. family untta, one 48-famlly unJ~ _____ ....;..._ Exactly 1.ooo awem.na unlta ~ jesa Perm·ats havtt been added In the put two lVI y~ara, alnce the 111153 total wu M II ~~re were 29 new commercial Top 4 i ion buUdJnp In 1954, valued at~ The Coeta Mesa buUdlna de- 238. Fee. coUec:tect durin& the partment Issued 795 permlta val- year totalled ._188.30. ued at ~159.577 for Ita first eaJ. Tb~ final pennlta of 19M in-endar year of operation , City c:luded the followlna: Manager Cotfey reported at Mon- • JfEWPOIIT day's councll meetlne. The de- Mrs. Elvin Rhodes. aarap and partment Issued 61 building per. three ~room.1 added at 4030 mits In December valued at $35(),. Channel Pl., $!5,500; M. Crocker, 760 and made 701 Inspections enlarge and repair dwelllna over during December . . City Building Records For '53. '54 Compared This .table ahowa In round numbe~ how the various areaa of the City of Newport Beach compared with respect to the value of bulldJng perm.Jts l.aued In 1953 alld•1954. The areas are listed In order of volume 9f permlts for 19M. . AREA 1953 1954 Newport .................................. ..$2.135,000........... ......... .$2.1 02.000 Lido Iale ......................... ____ ... 1.5&1,000 ... -... ~... .......... 1.150,000 Cliff Haven .................... -~. 380.000--... -........... 1,025.000 Corona del Mar ........ ·-···-·.. 1.063.000.................... 1,022,000 Irvine Terrace .... ·-·-·· .. ··-.. 290,000 ... _................... 573.000 Newport Heights .................... 623,000 ......... -............. 470,000 Corona Highlands .................. 413.000........................ 452,000 Balboa lsland ....... _ .... ______ ... 363,000........................ 310,800 Shore Clltfa ............................ 254.000........................ 306,000 Balboa ·-·---··-·-.. -···-.. ---.. 5'73,000 .. _ .. ~............... 300,000 Bay Shores ____ ..... -.... -.. -... 119,000--.................. 110,000 Balboa Coves ....... -................... 49,000........................ 90.000 Beacon Bay ........................ _... 45,000........................ 23,000 Harbor Island ...... ---............ 101.000.~---·-·-..... 10,000 LOAD FIR 10•1 s" •no LOu ConatnactioD Locma 5~ -.YUa LOAJI Costa MeSa Li111ber Co. Welch's Concrete Goes To All Areas of County LECAL ROTICE JfOTICE OP IIEUDIG Non~ IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City CouncU of the Clty of Newport Beach wlll hold a publl.c hearing on the following recommendations of the Plan- ning Commw ion of the City of Newport Beach: Resolution of Intention to Amend Z o n I n g Law to change the U~ Permit ap- plication fee from Five Dol- lars ($S.OOl to Ten Dollars ($10.001; the Variance appJI. cation fee from Ten Dollars ($10.001 to Filt~n Dollars $15.001. and the Amendment appUcatlon f~ from Twenty five Dollars ($25.00) to Fifty Dollars ($50.00). Resolution of Intention to Amend Zonlnc Law to estab- llsh ·a flllnl tee of Twenty- five dollars ($25.00) for any subdivision Including sub- dlvtsJons of less than five (5) lots. NonCE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that aald hea.rinl wiD be held ln the Council Chamberl o1 the Newport Beach City Ball on the lOth day o.f .Janua.ry. 195!5, at the b~ of 7 :30 p.m .. at wblc:b tlrne and place any and all per- 80ns Interested In or objecttna tO the prvpoeed amendments may appeu. and ~ hewd theft. JAMES D. RAY .... tr. ••.nk• ..... ····~ ,., ... ''I've been rakias the bus from my ~ io Pasaden• to my officr ia Los Aa~les since 1942:' says Lewis B. Duke, public accounr.:anL '7his is a nat economy for me, compued "'·itb dri\'ing and parking cosrs. More than rhat, I pze£er che b,u , beot~ I'd nuher ha' c rbe Metro dri,~r deal with rhe traffic. than 6fht ic myKlf. Alto, Metro ~rs me to "''ork .righr oo ti.me:· "~•••b te Me tre, recertl cellectl•• ......... M.lirJ' ........ wt.c.e job is Merdn..tite 1lecord Coo- c* ... .,....,... depart--IC!Oft.-Metro bola replldy belweeo 1M Aa· Jdes Md Norwalk. Sbeaya. ... ...,. • lot ol c:la-ial ud popelar~udl ipn diet Metro pays fc. all ol ... )(y weekly bat ,.._ .... $6. .... clri"-1. (U ....... .ore ct.A.,.... .,._.......Tate Metro. ck"-' .. ftieedly, .... the ....... ~ YOU and YOURS Deserve the Safety Insured lay a FEDERA'L SAVINGS a LOAN ASIOC .. CHAa1'RID a sa a MI" IT TH1 UNITED STATIS eG-..-r . STATEMENT OF CONDmON DECEM-ll, 1954 ASSETS First Mortgage Loans .......................... -.. $11,012,119.-49 lo•M on l"'prond Real &tet.-9nnci,.lly loo"'et in Legune leech end •icinfty. L~•ns on Savings Accounh -·-······ -·-----76,377.51 Ta"'porary loaM for t"-co-ience of -,,..,..._ !.olden. Properties Sold on Contract ... ------ Real Estate Owned and in Judgment ----..6 lnv•stm•nh and Securities _____ ..... ------·· 190 000.00 c-.;,t;'"l of Go .. .,......,. ao..ds e11d f.ederel H- l oan ..... S+ocl Cuh on Hand and in Banks -· WonliMJ cepfial Ofl h...d, ... po&ihcl ;., be ..... Office Building and Equipment, end P~ lot, L•ss Depreciation ··------tt1,064.2t Oef~rred Charges and Ott\er Aneta ---- TOTAL ASSETS ---·-----.- LIABILITIES Savings Accounts .......... -----· '""' ...... _. it!wwt.d ........ .., -.._ 5500 itMiiwitluh. ......_ eiWI corpore*'-. loans in Ptocess ·-----------• Other Liabi1ities ----·------..;.· Specific: Reserv•s -------------..• &etterel Re.....-es 1,416,156.ll ~"' ~ .. It~ •'"' s.r,a.s ..;_____:.--..... .. \ ttoa aa a .... Cltf Ba98 •.. ·~Y.Y&• lleYenl ,.._ fll raUroad ·~ran ltla(t~Gn ciMcti a& 1:10 UD. ••• ,.... ~ 11om bJa ,..... ... ~ -... ~. 4 window wu tirolcen 1ft a eandy Walter ODI• Cl &101 ~ 'I'M •au-. C>'lutwuk ot annual meedft1 ot the Untt.d lbop at Palm 1t. and .. ,. J'ront, Ave .• Newnt'ft &e.eh, reported ec...n. ..a Mar ._ tMtr aftlir • ., Jill ~ blp ~1. Whittier. '~ben com• Churdl Women of U.. Ban. ~1M lllpt and ltole an ..... ~ and a ,.._ broken 1.n • • • • Mre. IIWW JleDfro of Mil ~ ftCatJon 1bift ..__ Tbe Newport Harbor Tar bu: tbe Sunaet leque opener Fr1day. belnl h•ld tomorrow (ht.c~Q) at and hall-lull Jar of ln-photopaprll dilplay Oil th• front FU'th Ave .• C«ona del Mar, coaa. tbe lwthft 80Uth t1M7 ~ .. Uttiall tMm acted a ........_,..._ Jan. 14. nera the Tara host the the eo.ta Me8a Chmmunlt:J.,..... 11a.nt Caaee. ~robert SpUlane ot ot the buUcUnf. 1 pJalned that akunka ~ Uvlnl eolchw It beeame. Jnlt.M.d fi1 • 1c1itq ltreak Monday aftemoOn BuntlnJton Beach Oilers. odllt Churcll. The 12:10 lundMOD Q7~ lit. Ave., Corona del Mu, e IIOIIDA1'. JAil.,. under her boWie .·l . Ptedirldl lnl to Jlc)mwo Sllflnal .. dN • dumptnc Lon1 Beadl Wlllion The local team had 1«* to MrV~ b]t the women of the ...,_ NPorted · · • A larce cetamk JtenJMth Bddtey ot 2J.2 VIa W. Mc:Carthy, .0. • fonDer torM va.rtlq In the coulitr7 11 to 52 on the home court. ExcelsJor 39-31 on Dec. 15, Tor. chwch wUl be followed by a bu. Mahone was removed from the Quito, Lido lale.. reported arrlv-room. at dO W..untn-. Awe., around auala Vllta; Tolnorrow (Friday) at 7 p.m. ranee 47-t4 on Dec. 28 and Para-lnea meetlnl conducted by the *all ll) the VUla Marina Retltau· ln1 home to tlnd all the ltChta ~-~liiiii!iiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiii_ii~ii!j!i~iiiijiiiiji~iiliiiilililiiii tM Tara wtll play at Callfornla mount 50-47 ldt 'nlunday before pl'e8Jdent. Mrs. Che.ter P'tlher. A rant. Manacer Woocty Holder re-on In hJa home ••• A ear ctrtven L&GAL woncs bre&Jdnc back In the wtn col-report bf the nomlnatln• eom. poftecl at 1:30 a.m. · • · A poulbJe by CorneJJoua Tyler of San tHqo IIOIIC& or umn. Against Wlbon they took mlttee wlU be followed by elee-araon attempt oecurred sometime crashed lnto a parked eu In front If~ J'Vm.IC D•.,.o an early lead to wtn eully. PauJ Uon and installation of ottlcen. durlnc the ntabt In • box ot dry of 333'7 E. Coat ·Bwy., Corona del 11a.1111 Ia hereby (lve that tHe N.umann was tbp score-with 22 M.ra. John J. MUls. prellldent ot leave., Mrs. Gordon Holllnjahead Mar teel.tered to Mft. Vlr(lnta ~C Commlalon of the City points. Dennla Fitzpatrick had 15 the Santa Ana United Church of 119 E. Bay Front, Balboa IJI. Wabon ot 311 Goldenrod Ave of bl.:W::. Bea~~ ;~l ahol~c.. points, Eddie Pope 11, Frank Na-Women, w1ll be the lnatalllnc land, reported. Corona del liar, at 5:30 p.,.;: :.. ot Cl d ~ J bnsto P~ · vano 6. Paul Lorentzen 4, Bill officer. • 101fDAT. JAil. I when a boy pusenaer pulled the vart.a.nce r e · t n, or a Wetzel 3 and Larry Harper 2. Guest speaker wUl be llta. H. Frank J. Ferry of 1104 Seaview steeJln1 wheel to the rllht 1n the lDdl root 0 ~ a th1rty <30> In the Paramount came Dennis H. KodanJ of Palos Verdes, na. Ave.. Corona del Mar, drlvlnl Tyler automobile (I) foot •= :: :!:~ :e: Fitzpatrick led the acorlng with tlonaJ chalnnan of World Com-south on Cout Rwy. made a lett • OWcen sent h~ boys found second .tory ~f alon Pearl St. 17 polnts. Paul Neumann fol-munlty Day. A nunery wW be tum onto Orchid Ave .• Corona del cllmblnc 1n and out of the Jla. S«tfon 91 (]5.f of the CClty Code lowed with 10; Paul Lorentzen held for ehUclMn. Mar, and ran hJa ear Into a con-softie: butldtq uder eoutruc. NQu.ires a two foot setback trom and Larry Harper had 7 each and aide property lines for roof eaves. Eddie Pope scored 6· On Lot S. Block 6. Section 1, LEGAL JfOTJCE Traet Balboa I&Jand, a nd located JfOTICE OF PUaLIC BEAaDIQ at 311 No. Bay Front, Balboa Notice Is hereby given that laland. the Planning Commission of the Nottee Ia hereby further (lven City of Newport Beach will hold that aaJd pubUc bearlnc w1ll be a pul»Uc hearinc on the appllca. held on the 20th day of January tlon of Mr. and Mrs. James van ,tseiS. at the hour of 7:30 p.m. in Every for a variance to permit ,, Ill• Co11nctl Chambers of the New-the resubdlvLsJon ol a parcel con- ~ port Beach City Hall, at which slsttng of Lot 1 and the adjacent time and place any and all J)«· southwesterly fifteen <15> feet of 80M lnt«..ted may appear and Lot 3 In Bf-t.. 237 Coro d 1 be beard thereo "'-A • na e JtAY y CO~· Secret Mar Tract Into two (2) buUdlnc if~ lleadl city ary sites as follows: P'•nnt Oormnlaat . BLDG. SITE NO. 1-<:onslstlnc _..IIU&I._,• on. of the southeasterly seventy-one a a 11Y1J wns attJGiltiJTJ:tL. en> feet of Lot No. 1 and the 4PORT ~' ) ;: ." .. A , .' • 'WI~· "' o ; ¥I rl/ !I • H-·'C":-BI -·-.-n--------------..------------.. --·--~ "r TEOINICOLOR adjacent southwesterly 15 feet of Lot No. 3. In Block 237, Corona deJ Mar Tract with 45 foot front- ace by ~enty.one (TI) feet deep and with an area of 3195 square feet. BLDG. SITE NO. 2-eonsist1nc of the northwesterly forty-seven (47) feet of Lot No. 1 and the ad· jaoent northwesterly fifteen (15) teet portion of Lot No. 3 In Block 237, Corona del Mar Tract with a 47 foot frontage by 45 foot depth and an area of 2115 square feet. <A reverse frontage Jot faelnc Seaview Ave.> and located at 3130 Seaview Avenue, Corona del Mar. Notice Is hereby further given that saJd public hearing wUl be held on the 20th day of January 1955. at the hour of 7:30 p.m. 1n the Council Chambers of the New. port Beach City Hall. at which tim~ and place any and all per. sons Interested may appear and be heard thereon. RAY Y. COPELIN. Secretary Newport Beach City . Planninc Cornrnlsslon. XOTICE OF :rvauc ;EAIUJfG Notice Is hereby given that the Planning Commission of the City ....... ,...,.... .................. ...,..,.__. ................ __. .......................... of Newport Beach will hold a DEEP IN MYIIFAKr public hearing on the applica- tion of Louls W. Allen for a varl. ance to permJt a rearyard set· back of five (5) feet for a pro- posed house Instead of the ten (101 feet required by S«tton 9103.15 (par. cl of the city code on Lot 4. Block A. Tract No. 518. and located at 117 G Street, Bal- boa. In an R-1 District. Notice Is hereby further given that said public hearing wtll be held on the 20tl\ day of January, 1955. at the hour of 7:30 p.m. In the Council Chambers of the Newport Beach City Hall, at whleh time and place any and all persons Interested may ap. pear and be heard thereon. RAY Y. COPEUN. Secretary Newport Beach City Planning Commission. MANN AND * MORRY SMITH WEEK END SPECIAU Tllln.. Frt., Sat.. .laL I, l, • (Wdh Purc:hcDe of OU Change or 10 gcdl. Gaa) * COMPLETE CHASSIS BAJIGADf BASitET-WJIOLE BEIUf TBE FmEST PLAVOB COFFEE 79~ DDI-4Ioa.Caa Tomato ·Juice I.e. El~a F•or Pippin Apples 4 ... 25~ Larce, IIIII Ealllc laHI ORANGES 6~-.. Spanish Onions 3 ... 14~ Taatr Banana ~uash 3t .. ", IIEDIZ ltOSD· 25 OL t:r DILLS uaaTS-11 oa. can Comed Beef