HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-01-27 - Newport Harbor Ensign• 'I1Mee .. , ....... .. .u ....... llldMa ..... .,... tdctllaC...."-1118r. Poles to Stay Off the Bluff A compromlM plan wu agreed upon Monday between ~n Co. and clt:y oftlclaa to keep power pol• off the bluff fu c> rona del Mar, where ~ DeW Water Park Offer Asked Newport City Council In- structed City Manapr John Sail- ors to ask County Supervisor Heinz Kaiser for a firm contract from the County Supervisors con- cerning the use o1 the county dock property as a step toward development of the propoeed Qr. ange County wllter pa.rk In the Upper Bay. Supervt80r Kaiser, In a letter to CouncU, asked that the city gtve clea.r tltle to Its Interest In the county dock area. 'nte .upe-. visors plan to 8elJ tht. dock site area.. and use proceedll of tha t sale to develop the wale!' pa.rk. Porch light Brigade Mon. Reieded Mayor Claire Nel80n said the proposal was turned down be· cause of protests from George Capron. the Segerstrom Bro&. and other p roperty owners In the area Involved. The Bale Co., which proposes to buUd approximately 600 homes In the area, bad re- quested the annexation. Mayor Nel80n pointed out. The area proposed for annex- ation was from the mesa city limits from Harbor Blvd. to Fair- ' vJew Rd. north to Gelaler St. A public hearing wu aet for March 7 on a propoul from Va.rd Inc to annex 50 acres to the city for a manufacturing area on Newport Blvd. muth ot the Southern California Blhle eoa. Ieee. • 1'1 U•'•• ...W, .... ~y. IIi ... Cly .f E.Ne~H~ ~ -.... ~ ,.... "' .............. 2110 \ooeUf ._....y. w-. ..~ 2• L c...t ~. c:-4.1 Wet,~ ..... ---:' TIL.IIHONISJ ~li~'..., 1111 • ..... Oil THE CAUfOlNIA NEWSPAI'll P\,IILISHElS ASSOCIAT10N 1vt4 of tt.. NATtOtw.EDnOlJAL ASSOCIATON MYO t. KANA .. llllht oft4 p..ww.., ,.. HMM, ----~·-··-.AAMie.. ~ Hu.H ~=-·-···--.. ---·-··········-·····-·· .. --Newt "-t..,o,a..t IHT L JOHNSOH.------·-·-.. ----·-···-·-···· .. ·-~:~l':'. ~'::::' SAM MITCHill __ .................... ~·-··-.. -·-.. ···········-··· ~ ~ lUIY STEVINSON ....... --···---........................... _____ ........ --"PI • • o n.. NEWPOIT HAitiOit ENSIGN hes M.~t do .. r"'fAM .. t.. I _,...., of .....,.f cJn:ul.tlot~ by iltdt,_"t of tho Sv~or C.vrt •:' • b! ,...MA tho,..f Is q~~ellfltil to pvbll.l. ell public no+ len requu·.cl it1y ~.., ,. ·llf &.t.red •• SocOAfl 0... Mettw In tM 'oct Off'tee .•• ~. clo *'·-· SUISCitlrTlON RATES t.-1 ~,... , ... ,: r-y-.~s.oo: •"• .. r---SJ.oo Oumcl• ef tho Herbor ANt: r-y-.n-$7.00; -yee....-$4.00 MMDI;. ,QJ. ,. -~-:=-::::::-J"~ ....... • • JL\DOIIENSIOii .t. ..:,~.f'b ~~¥ .. •r ' 10 -~ I« the delk ~OP Dn'· (Stale ud PrediMa II rm 11011 ot dl.uppolated. 1 .at u.s for ow Grand 1 • 0 a.-:11 o ad II>: ~· -.n.tt don't mean tbat rve been bold· AND DISIIFGJf,:m~~POu.mc =:·=Kat. A¥enUt. ing ~ breath or keeplng ~Y W• a1Jo wltb to uPJtU our PLAa:& Eleetlon omcett flnoera crossed; nothtna like cloned a candJd•'-· and he up ••~ ,_ 1M _,. your MtiNICIJt 0 _ 1~ Mrs. LoW. Balntt. • d 1__. .._. _.. HELD IN mE CITY Or ..., • ..,. ="J -: ~QUM that; but 1 dJd have 10me hope an u-"' .)aP« a.nc1 our advertJ.aln& It~ PORT II:ACB ON TUJS)AY, 1u • .ua; Blanche :Jta. · that I'd get named ''Man of the And all the time I bad the layed tn makJDI poatble t.bU 1111: lBI'R DNY r MAIICB, C1 , )ln. :crtb I · Year." teellnl that nobo4y wu runnJnr ..w buMln.a and U.ll new and 1• ARD DtG JOa CO~m~T· And I don't really understand up and ctvtaa 1M eoncrat.ta. MtWr n..nuey lot Corona del 'lJr -="UfC ~ {~~ UMf Couoty ..wlndlt 1• why I wasn't. Alter ·all, I AM tiona and thank you•e becaw.e )hr COJD'DIA~ OJ' I:LJlC. aad 2l): Pelllna "!'1._, Ccnna male and I don't know anyc)De they WeN aolnl to do It aU I Tbanka ••aJn to. your aood TrON omCS del Mar Grammar School, no 1f'bo'a tried to ~o m~ for the one bll padla1e; L e. namm.m 'Wlahe1 for our su~. WHEREAS, tt la neceMU')' un. ft.!;'•Uon Avenue, CotOna del ~mmunJty what wtth all the "Man ot the Yeu." An<J the St---•u der the law for the City Council · Eleet.Jon Otllc:ert ' , . t , · •. _,.,....,., of the City of Newport Beach to E llan plam and aua.eestlons I ve o · dJdn't do it and J m hurt. o. H. PEIRSOL appoint Boarda ot J!lec:tJon and Inspector, Mra. Helen . • tered ln this ~lumn. Maybe none Of the.e tbbtrs · Corona del M.ar Pharmacy to de&Jpa~ the 90lllna place~ 6tl. Take, tor Instance, the Easter tried to do came off, but at Jeu for the Cenerald K 1 w unJthclP&J,Etc;t l}t:r~· fir!: ~~.:\ Kanac:. Week problem I was in there pltchlnl and the:£ tlon to be hel n e vo..,. 0 Cl-'" Mrs. Beatrice F. S~Mer. · , Pillii Sl.3. .... Newport Beach on Tuesday, the ........ 1 solved that. I dldn t get any ought to be some ~ud for ·sa n 15th day of Much, 1955, and to COlfSOLIDATED PREC1N "L" response and I dJdn't get any tort. l•lhl F... ft... fix the ~mpenaatlon to be paid ~~~t~~~~~fr!': Pf!:~~~ praise ln fact I waa Ignored and The whole thlnlll t}Jat J'd had -•-V. to election otflcen; and Carare, 5U AJI.ao Avenue. New. the s~me old routine will go on my suit preMed and my h~ ort Jack E. Koontz of 305"' Main fo~~~~· 8,u'!c~t"~ port Beach. • , 1 ;• 1 1 1 w 1 1 1 • 1 • • • • • • 1 • • • 1 • • • 1 • • ' ' ' * 1 ' ' again thl.l yeu. Sooner or later and my shlrt laundered b7.: a poo. SL, Balboa, told Newport pollee of Newport Beach to flx th@ h:>urs Election OUJcen somebody will see the lltht and fesalonal place and 1 wu 1~ at 8:10 p.m. Saturday he aaw a for the openln1 a11d closl~ nt Inspector, Mn- 1 at:,la D. McMll-Hop M '3* E E E M A 8 ' ' ~O::s 1 1i:: ;:s;a 1 ~:s: :i~l 1 ~ 1:a~in~-,: ~i~ for shopping su· remacy of Orange County . . . a very plausible eventuality that ~as brought dramatically to the at:fen~ion o/ a group of Harbor !\rea citizens at a meeting Tuesday eventng tn Newport Harbor '!' acht Club. Howard Lawson ~~nd Harvey Somers. both ~alboa res1denh,. an· nounced a million -dollar business development 1n Costa Mesa, w1fh a new AIJ.I\merican Market os the principal tenant. Any development of such magnitude is big news, onywhere--but this one porticularly emphasiz es the enormous advantage thot <:_osta Meso has in it~ growing problems. Howard Lawson dwelt upon 1t ~t some length, and boiled it down to one word-PI\~KING. There s the problem that's plaguing Santa Ana as a shopp•ng center, and causing Newport its shore of headaches. . Costa Mesa has the tremendous advantage of bemg able to do something about it, and is doing something: This ~ew Costa ~esa Plaza development is o good example-a ma/or busmess cent~r nght in the heart of the city. provided with amp e off·street parkeng for customers--<~ boon to the entire Harbor Areo . . . Newport con well sit up &nd to~e good notic~ of its o~ozing ne ighbor .. and olso get. to thinking seriously about doeng what et con about ets own porkmg problems ... BROWNIE LEADERS FORM JUNIOR PLANNING BOARD my plan will be adopted. but ready to show up for the a_,d '"•I runnina down . the street. the polls for the General unl-ludr· Mrs. Luc:Ule SmJtb. Ill ~-t 1 t · b then •&A • clpal Election to be he.l1 on the then It w ~ oo a e, Y and I never 10t the call and this with a car followln1 ber, wbUe 15th day o.f March, 1~; CJer Mrs. Catherine M. Cov- 1'11 probably be busy aocepting can be somewhat frustratitlg, N-be waa driving on PlaC@lltla Ave.. NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RE-ert. the Pulitzer Prize and the cheers peclally since I bad the ace?Pt-near Roag MemorJal Hospital. SOLVED BY TBE 09P'~~ ~~~'tir> ~~'M'' and praises and band and back anoe speech all writt@n. M;tter The (irl was without shoes and OF THE CITY UJn 1 (State and County PreclncU 18 slaps wlll be sort of anticllmatlc. o! fact. 1 didn't waste THAT waa weutn1 dark colored slacka :~c~~ ~l~~: ~~~ fo a~ and 25): Pollina Place. Deltrlcb I mean, in comparison, they though, 1t waa printed In thl5 and a wbJte blouse. at each polllng place shall be as ResJdence. 519 Mth Street, won't mean much. space last week. The Jlrl turned toward the follows. to wit: .. .. N~~~~Owcera Take. for example, my plan to Finally, I want to say tha' the hospital and the cu following CONSOLIDATED PRECI~<p" ctaA1 Inspector, .Mn. LucUle Deitrich. get Major League Baseball for Francia Clan doesn't easily f!>rJet her· turned toward NewPort ~~'Jt~4)~dp~~ty place, "LYtle lodge, Mn. MamJe Ravlce. Newport. 1 could have done it. this kJnd of treatment. Next year Beach, Mr. Koontz added. Otfl. Realdence. 'JI:/7 40th Stn!et, New-Clerk, Mra. Clua S. Keeler. But 1 didn't get any support and port Beach. Clerk, M1sa ElaJe Newland. nobody better ~me aroun~ try. cera. searching for the ,Ul, found tfJ CONSOUDATED PllECINCT "N" so now Kansas City ba.s the lng to get me to show up f« any the cu on a dirt road behlnd the Inspecf~;:ctifr~. ~la~~: L. (State and County Preelnct.a 19 Team. awards. I just won't be avalable. hospital. Driver Robert H. S1oan. Lytle. and 28J: Polllnl !-lace, Schwan And how about my solution to I know when I've got aomtthlng 512 38th St., Newport Be&ch, ex. ludge. Mrs. Florence M. Glt· Patio, 2017 Miramar Drive, BaJ. the Chamber of Commerce prob. b b d b d fl h ford boa coming and trying to pat'~~ off plalned that e a a a I t Cl .. rk, .... _. Phyllia· L. EnoeJke. · ElectJon Otflceta Jem. I didn't even get a reply. h if N d h t "' ,,..... • the honor a year late won" work with is w e. ancy, an t a Clerk, Mrs. Cornelia M. Keaels. Inapector, Buold C. Ahrendt. Dick Drake did. But I didn't. And with me. she had got out of his car. Of. CONSOUDATED PRECINCT "B" Judge, Mrs. £1Jz.abeth S. Waltze. so now we have to vote on it. I may not be smart or rich or fleers ~ntinued for an hour (State and County Precincts 2 Clerk, Mrs. Gwendolyn Schwan. And In addJtion to all this. I handsome; but, man. l'n lousy searching for the gtrl but could and 33300): Powlllng Placert : BlCidty COClNerSOkUD. MnATED. Jeanp,!l~nalCT~'O'' wrote a column urging people to Hall, . Newpo v ·• JU:A.A..n with pride. not locate her. N@W])Ort Beach. (State and County Preclncta 22 get out and vote. and that's pub. Election OffJcers and 30>: Pollinc Place, Doene lie service of the best kind. And Inapector. Mra. lulJa Mae £g. Residence, 416 Poppy Avenue, J went to the trouble of polllng pI p E LINE 8 IDS CALL ED gert. Corona del Mu. the candidates In the special Judge, John F. Baker. Election Offlcera Clerk. Mrs. Aurelia Niemlee. lnspector, Mra. Martha M. Cun-e lectlon on their stand concern-CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Clerk. Mrs. Evelyn Ann Eller. nJn~am. d It• t STJ.TE OF CALIFORNIA .. _ Doa.n lng the Issues an a no my man. luctp. ~. Ve-ra . e. tault II General Rldderhof re-JfO'nCE TO COJfTL\CTOJIS CONSOUDATED PRECINCT "C" Clerk, Mn. Francft C. Halnes. bl' SEALED PROPOSALS wUl be rf~Cftved at the office of the City estate and County Precincts 4 Clert, Mra. Barbara C. Carpen. versed himself. that was a pu tc Hall, City ol Newport Beach, California, until 7 :30 o'clock P.M .• on and 5): Polllng Place. Balboa • ter. service too. And I stuck up for the 28th day ol February, 1955 at which time they will be publicly Fire Hall, 703 Eut Bay Ave-CONSOLIDATED PRECINCT "P" the lousy phone service, but no-opened and read. for performing work as follows: nue, Balboa. (State and County Preclnda 23 body said "Hurrah" or got me a CITY Or NEWPORT BEACH, CAUF. ElectJon Officers and 31): Polllna Place. Bate. The Brownie Troop Leaders of gifts to County Hospital. Mrs. For the lnstallatl6n of a Inspector. J. M. M . U>onard. Rftlden' 3:M Orchid Avenue, the Corona del Mar Area met re-Marjorie O'Brien is troop leader, SOJf FOB PADfTEJlS Water Pipe Llne along River Judge, Mrs. Margaret 0 . Wll. Corona dill Mar. bo Olannel from Balboa Blvd. to . son. Electlon OUieera cently at the home of Mrs. F. E. assisted by Mrs. RoSt>mary Wy A son, 8 lbs .. 6 oz .. was rn State Hig hway. Clerk, Mrs. Barbara l . Ully. Inapector, Mrs. Nora Mae Bates. Blrtcher. The neighborhood chalr· more and Mrs. Velma Ke-eler. to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Painter of No bid will be receJved unless It Is made on a proposal form Clerk, Mrs. Elsie Eggett. lucJp. y .. EHzabet.h Sanden man. Mrs. BurkP,J:homas. lntro-Brownie Troop 33. led by Mrs. i aJ Sat (cub, certllled or caahler s cheek. or blrlder's bond) made payable eState and Countv Precincts 6 Clerk. Mrs. Madae S. Brown. 1100 s . Bay Front. Balboa Island, furnished by the City En~lneer. Each bid must be accompanied by CONSOUDATED PRECINCT "D" Clerk,' iiii! toube B. Thomas: duced Ml's. !?ldney ~rs. who Robery Hartley, made Chrl5tmas In St. Joseph Hosp t on ur. to the City of Newport Beach. for an amount equal to at least ten a nd 16): Polllng Place, Balboa CONSOUDATED ERECINCT "Q" dLicussed the actlvTtreS for the scrapbooks for handicapped chJl day, Jan. 8. percent (10)% of the amount bid. such guaranty to be forfeited Island Flre Hall, 323 Marine <State and County Preclnct.a ~. Scout spring season. She told of dri!n and d 1st r t but e d them ' ~AL JfOTICE should the bidder to whom the contract ls awarded fall to enter Avenue, Balboa Island. 35 a nd 36): Polllnl Place, Hor. the formation of the lunlor Plan. h th Gtrl Sco t H LE Into the ~ntraet. ElectJon Officers ace ~1ft Schoo~ lrvlne Ave. throug e u ouae. m THE SUPEIUOR COURT OF In accordance wtth the provision of Sections 1TTO to 1781. of l~or. Mrs. Leonora E. Zube nue and Clltt Drlve, Newport nlng Board, ~mposed of two The eirls made Chrlltmas cook-THE STATE Ol" CAUFORNIA the Labor Codlt the City Co~ of tbe ctty of Newport Beach bu ~~ • Mn. lrma R. Rutter. Beadl members A-om each troop. to set tes for their fathers and fln,er. IN AND POll THE OOlJNTY OF aac:ertalned the' ..rene-raJ prev~n1 rate ot wqea applleable to the Cl Mn.~ C. Pulaald. ilecdon ~.,.;.;.,. up tM ye~ly ~utlng program. painted calendars penqnalbed ORANCENO. A25253 work to a,. done;.. follows! Hourly Per Diem ~So\m~r ::Up~~ "E" J~, lin.~ C~Mtttt. Mrs.. Thomas outlined plans Cor with snapshots for mothers. Mrs. NOTICE OF HEARING OF PETI-CLASSIFICATION 1 Wage Scale Wage Scale (State and County Pr~lnru 7 ~j~•:::: ~yn Cudlne-r. the annual Girl Scout Cookie Hal Mcl..aughJfn is co-leader. TJON FOR PROBATE OF WILL Carpenter ............................................................. 2.775 22.20 and 32): Polling Place. Corona Cler~ Mn. Mulne Bradford. Sale In February. Brownie Troop 34 made Christ· AND FOR LETTERS TESTA· Cement Flnlsher -.............. 2.70 21.60 del Mar Fire Hall. 410 Marl. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: Troop leaders reportt>d on ac. tilled h MENTARY. Reinforcing Iron Worke-r . . .... ·--·· 2.BO 22.40 gold Avenue. Corona deJ Mar. That each of aa.Jd election otft. mas stockings and t em In the Matter of the Estate of Reinforcing Iron Worker-Foreman 117""c per Election Officers ce.ra above d~lpated be paid tlvities ot their groups. with candy. These were dlstrl WYUA EV ALYN DAVIES. hr. more than Journeyman I Inspector. Mrs. Grace A. Mus-the sum o1 $10.00, mtd each ln. Troop 16, with Mrs. M. P. Carl buted by the wel!are In Costa DeceaSt>d Laborers. General or Construction .......... 2.075 16.60 tard. spector the addJtlonal aum of as leader. made unusual Christ-Mesa For mothers a t Christmas Notice Is hereby f!ven that the Operators & Tenders of Pneumatlc.lr Electric J udge. Mrs. Eva Dutter. $2.00, aa fuJI c:ompenaation for mas gilts: nl*'dle holders decor-· · . 1 1 petition of Helen elyn Davies Tools. vibrating Machines, .l s1mllar Clerk. Mrs. Madg~ Rickman. their aervJces ln mnductlnl aaid each g1rl made a te t g asses tor the probate of the WllJ of the mechanical toola not separately classilled Clerk. Mrs. Marlon L. King. General Munlc:ipal Election to be ated with colored felt cut outs case and decorated It with se above named decedent and for herein ...... .... ........... . ...... ·----· 2.285 18.28 CONSOLIDATED PRECINCT "F" bald on Tu-Aay th .. 15th day ot and sequins tor ''Mommies" and qulns. decorated cookies and the Issuance of Letters Testa. Cement Dumper lon 1 yd. or larger mlxers (Stale and County Precincts 8 Much 1955 02U ' "" glass ash trays with Brownie created fancy Christmas cards. mentary to th~ petltlo~er 0~ll~e~ · and handllng bulk cement) . . ··---····-... 2.285 18.28 and 17): Polling Place, New. BE IT FtiRntER REsoLVED: d a u g h t e r • s picture shining 1 d heard at 10 o clock a. · Cribbers or Shorers ................. .. .. ............. -... 2.435 19.48 port Bhch Grammar School. 'Ill t th lh ball be t V Mrs. W. A. Smith Is ea er. as ruary 4. 1955. at the court room Asphalt Raker and Ironer .................................... 2.285 18.28 14th and Balboa Boulevard, a ~clpok • of ~ped nd a through tor "Papas '' Mrs. erne slsted by Mrs. R H. Hoffman. of Department 4 of the Super1or Concrete Curer-Impervious Membrane --· .... 2.265 18.12 Newport Beach. sew~n ° oc a.m. aa al. Smith and Mrs. C. F. Birtcher are I t diate Troop 42 is Jed Court of the State of Calltornla Fine Grader (Hiway A: Street Paving Only) .. 2.175 17.40 Election Officers and be .k@pt .~n ~ntlnuou. r. co leaders. n erme M I 1 1 ed b In and for the County of Orange. Flagman ................................................................ 2.075 16.60 Inspector, William v. Jones. unW seven o ock p.m. the-reo . Troop 50 made ~ oilcloth by Mrs. A. . rw n, ass st y Date January 21, 1955. Sewer Pipe Layer (Excluding Caulker) ...... _ 2.385 19.08 J udge, Mrs. Georgette M. Gor-when the~lla shall be closed: Mrs. A. F. Armstrong and Mrs. B. J. SMITII. Sewer Pipe Caulker (Using Caulking tools) .. 2.265 18.12 don BE IT RTBER RESOLVED . Christmas boots. To flll them the H. B. Harshbarger. They pre Gounty C1He1rkh. Mortarman .................................................... , ..... 2.125 17.00 Clerk. Mrs. Hazel .M. l ones. That the votJng C,lnc:U a.a ea. Brownies earned enough money t d a Christmas skit "The A. K. Phelps. 3429 E. Coa~ lif g -Apprentice Engineer. Including Fireman. Clerk. Mrs . Rhoda F. Veach. tabllshed by the d of Super- at home for a tube of toothpaste, sen e .. ·d 1 way. Corona del Mar, "'-a · Oller. Greaser .................................................. 2.25 18.00 CONSOLIDATED PRECINCT "C" vlsors C1l the County or Oran1e. Night Before Christmas ur ng At1 ornt>y for Petitioner. Air Compressor Operator ...... ·-···-· .. _. -·-···----·--2.37 18.96 !State and County Preclncta 9 u consolidated above, shall ~n. brought a comic book as 3 gift. the Christmas party at the Glrl Publish: Jan. 27. Feb. 3, 10. 1955. Concrete or Asphalt Spreading Mechanical and 34): PolJlng Place, l ones st .. ltute the votJn1 precln~l.for bought crayons from the troop to dec. In the Newport Harbor Ensign. Tamping or Finish~ Machine operator 2.68 21.44 Residence 443 Santa Ana Ave. the General Murilc:lpal Elecnon funds. and cut out puzzles tor Scout House and helped URT OF Concrete Mixer Operator-pavl]lg type and nue, NewPort Beach. to be held ln the City ot Newport h boo Th · 1 t k th t orate the Christma. tree. IN THE SUPERIOR CO mobile mlxe-r .2.82 22.56 EJection Officers Beach on Tue.da,y, the 151-h day eac t. e glr 5 00 e r TE OF CALIFORNIA ·····--·· .... ········-· .. ···········-··-.. ···· "'or> 22 56 In~or, ..... _. Edna l. lo·"..... of Match, 1955. aald votJnfr pre-THE STA Concrete Mixer Operator-Skip Type ··-········· ~ · ., -... '""""' ... ~1 ed all MAURIE STANLEY ANNOUNCES THE MOVING OF THE OFFICES OF STANLEY INSURANCE AGENCY TO 3315 EI\ST COAST HIGHWI\Y CORONI\ DEL MAR OPENING FEBRUARY 1, 1955 NEW PHONE HARBOR 2474 - OlJR · · ,.. · · -_,. * IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF Material Loader o.r Conveyor Operator ............ 2.37 18.96 lu ge Mn. Doris Ferguson. dnC:U to be ua~ mat n ORANGE. Pavement Breaker Operator ............................... 2.60 20.~ Clerk.' Mra. Dorothy I. Cllieaple. ~~n~en;.t~ .. 6, '!q~~: Case No. A24943 Pump Operator ....... _____ ................. ·-·········· 2.52 20.16 Clerk, Mrs. lona E. Trusty. J aJ Citation. Roller Operator ------·-······-···· .. -·········· 2.60 201!0 CONSOLIDATED PRECINCT "H" c u ve. Tn the matter of the Adoption of Skip Loader Opeorator--Wbeel Type ·-··--··· 2.52 20.16 (State and County Predada 10. The above and fore,otna Rao- JAMES EDWARD GOOLSBY, Tractor Hl·LJtt Shovel Operator ....... -............... 2.91 23.28 12 and 29): PoUln1_Plaee, Fret. lution No. 4297 wu cfuly puaed JR.. and RJCHAJU> ABTBUR Tractor Operator-'8UlldourL Tampes, Scraper tal Bealdftlce. 223 Diamond and a&oud by tbe CJty Council GOOLSBY. Mlnon. TE OF or Draa Type SboveJ or 1100m Avftl Balboa of tbe dty of .Newport Be&cb at TilE PEOPLE OF THE STA Attacbmen._ ................ ·-·-·-··· 2.68 21... a r~u meetlq ~l!teol held CAUFORNIA: Tre,nchln. MacbJ.ne ~tar ..... ·-·----2.76 22.08 A. nnk. on the 2Cth dQ of Ia uary, 1955. To; lamea Edward ~:.i Unlvenal Equlpnwnt at« <Shove~ Drag. • . by the tollowfna ron c:all vote. You ue berebJ d~ aa .. ,.. line DerriCk, Dent ·BarJe, Cla.mahell or 23.28 to wit: quired to be and appeU tn ... ~ Crw> -·----·-.. ·------·-·· 2.91 AD::!. COUlfCD.MEN: Broer· partmmt 1 ot the above -:us:=; Drtven of Dump nucks ot leu than f yd.t l:.Ji. 8mlth, RldcJerhof, Bennett, Court. at the Codrt Bou.ae ,. .. ,..__ water aner _ ··-··-·-----2.18 17.44 ta Ana. Oranat County, tA-· Drtvera c1 Dump~ yda. but las than .NOES. OOUNat..M'f;N: Jfone. nla, on the 2Ith day o ~ • a Jell. watllllr leftl -·-·--·-····--·--·· 2.21 17.68 AJISE1'n' OOtmCILIIEN: None. 1155. at 9!30 o'clock a.m. of: Drtnn of DwQp 'rfoea 8 yd.t. but lea than 1 & 08 DORA 0 . HILL. da,y, then and there to f7l' 12 yda.. water -...I .... ----·· ......... ·-· 2,2; llaJW. ~auee. If any 70U have.. wby8the Driven of Dump 'l'rudat--12 yda. but leu than tan Pet.ltJon of Edpr Wllll!rJ ft. 16 yda. w-ter leYel ---··-··-···--·-··---2.34 nJnacr for the a~on = Drtven of Dump Tru.cb-16 yda. or more ~~d~~~·yo'u, =c nrtV:~ ~~al P&yiO&<i'C.p&Cf.;-·· 2'58 ahould.rw>t be lfahted, lea than e tona ----·-.... ---•·--· 2.18 to the Petition on rue to Driven of Ttudu I.Aaal PQioad CapacJty reference is hereby made between 6 a.nd 10 toni ----··----···· 2.21 further particulars. Drtwn of~ PQioad Capadty crven under 11\1 band an<J teal _..,een 1o a...~.J3 tan8 --··-----2.26 ot tbe Superior Court ol tbe Staw Drtwn of Truc:ka lAD! PaJJoe.d Capacity of Callfomla. In and ~ 4tbe WwMD 15 arid ., toDI -·-·-----2.Sf 17..44 17.68 18.08 County of ~· thll ..v aJ ••ebal.tth ·--· ~ of .J~nuary, ·B. J. SlOTH, •tc:bmlth.l BelJ:;;:;; ~ .no~ littdiJ.aJer and ...._.__ -----(Seal) ,._, __ ---. ~and~·-Poreman (1'7~e 11 Leslie L. · .-br. man tMD·Ioanw;Jnaan} 1&CIO A. K. CaUL ...::=:n· -= f.ig X80 ~.. ancatiOa ..._. Mmn. not 1-· 2J1is . 1..., ii;ii;aii·~~~~~~.. ii~ei~F;~Oin~:t)M~;'b·~·~ oldlll atr ~· -;;; WCII'Il to -.... tnJm • ODMr--........ IIIIGt ...... ~oiO..I•t.DiwW• liil.... .. .......... ~ itllllr.!"tUcl ...... of tllei.CII:r ........ . ~ail..... .. ..... .. to tMIIIIIIill ... ... ' .. ~ .............. -........... . 180MDAY, JAII'VAD D, l .. mn•aww~ The L. V. Telfta haw moved to Korth HoJ.lywood tND n oo Ocean Blvd, J(.wport. ED MANN AND * MORRY SMITH WEEK END SPECIAL! THURS., FIL, SAT .. .IAI. 27, 28, 29th . Increase Your Gas Mileage! FREE u::VI~:ER With Each Oil Chcmqe or ChaMi• Lubrication .. SUPER SHELL SERVICE .. . * Tn C.YIIIMI LHIIIIII * MANN'S SHEU. SERVICE STATION -·~·..., c... ..... MORBY'S SHEIJ. SERVICE STAnON 1100 E. Coat ll!fbwcry IIA,.,_ 1'7lD c.-.... Could you put your hands on them quickly? Could anyone else put their hands on them? The perfect ploc. for such popen-ond smoller valu- ables-is a Safe Deposit eo. in our Vault. Jh aY.,... C'Mf fll ,.,. profedf• k Oftly a lew ce.b a w .... lewport Harbor Bank ......... \ . --.... -.. . . ... . . . Chaplain Bannjster Reunited With Son After ]0 Years 101r roa llcDOIIAu. A 1100, Bradto1c! Craft. wu born to Mr. and Mrs. Wllllam :MeDon. ald of 1536 Ocean Btvd., Balboa, ln Boac Kemorfal Ha.ptt&J on Sundq, Jan. 9. A man knoc:.ked at th~ door ot the ruidcmee at * Mth St., Newport, and when the door opened he uked, "Are you Wil- liam H. Banru.terT" The occupant aaid "Yes." "Do you recoenize meT" the man asked. "Your face Ia famJUa.r," wu the reply. "Hello, Dad!" And so It was that Chaplain Wllilam Ba nnister was reunited with his son last month after 30 yea rs of separation. The man whu knucked at his door wu William Jr .. now 37 ye~ of age, ..... ,_. 111111 l1 SaYi111 A oca•la the 80n whom he l~ saw In ltansu City In 1~. WUllam Jr. has been In Call. fornla alnce 1936, worked for a lone time with the Arden Mflk Co., now lives In Pomona and 111 empl oyed at a machine factory. He had come several times to Newport on fishing trips, heard of Mr. Bannister, looked hlm up and thua met hi.tl father for the tint time alnce the family was ~arated by divorce 30 years a eo. A special treat came on ChrJst. mas Day when William Jr. came for ChrlBtrnu dinner, along with his wlle and children, William m, ace 7, and Mary Lee. 4. Wil- liam Jr. servt'd with the Merchant Marine In Pacific waters during ----------r !: ' • , 1 Ill,. ............ ... ............... "' _, ....... t.:WU. .. I C ........ c:ldl-.... n..e ..... ... ........ cmdJ.clbJ&. • • • IIPPJUID PIE.sctl ... 311 E. Del Me. Coata .._ Uberty a..l711 "a truly fine nursery school" ages Ui o1 507 hDDY Poppy An-hoicS. aa lOll. Pat, 8. ac. llcru.rie Stcmley. World War n During the early ~~~~;;~;;~~=::::==~ part of the war his ship was :: The Costa Mesa Savings and sun]( near Hawatl. and he spent Loan Association has reached the $1,000.000 mark in savings ac. a couple of hours on a ratt be ~ lore being rt>scued. 111o.. Fer Y ... r counts. president F. Roy Green. The elder Bannister had served ,. leaf Jr. announces. lllo.. Pft:SideDL ---- NEWS during Wl)rld War I with A Bat. ,. Total assets now exceed a mil. tery of th(> !29th Field Artillery ~ lion and a quarter. he said. This Battalion. thlc' samt' battery that ~ growth ot our association Is very Harry Truman commanded as ~ remarkable considering the rela. captain. Mr. Bannister was for ~ People heve b.en Hying •.• •nd believing f+l•t Oh ! Our poor boys! The faculty I dance. hosts and hostesses tlve youth of-our organization, he ll number of years ch •. plafn of ~ ran over them In the Student were Ross. Ricky Arens, added. Newport Harbor American ~gion Faculty Basketball game last Jimmy t. Janice Hayes, The association's thrltt erfcour-Post 291 and served one yt>ar as ~ Thursday. Bob Lieb a bout got 1 Jpan lp, Blake Hampton. agement plan Is being continued Stat«.> Department Chaplain. ~ YOU CAll II lETTER stepped on one time. Our boys 1 Mary Downing. Charles Pel through January by presenting • made some w o nder t u I plays teller, Henderson. Ronnie gifts for new $500 and $1,000 sav 1955 DEVELOPJO:Jn' P.OCBAJ( ~ at though. In tact. the whole game 1 Jessee. M a t t hews . Jeff lngs accounts. IS PLAlf'RED BT EDI.SOif ~ was t'X<'Itlng. I Smith, Pugh. Margean I Southern California Ed Ison ,. There was a round of applause 'Bun Whitney Baines. Eltza Eli11 .. _ ._ Company Dl.strlct Manager c. D. ~ for each teacher as he came onto beth Master anrl M!c;trt'SS I Shedenhelm and members of his .,. ~ I the fl oor. Mr. Stillwell was wea r of ies wer~ Hl:'lt>n Mat Dies at ... If 91 sales stalf from the Huntington I ~ Furniture ... lng his U.S.C. pants again. And thews Jeff Smnh R6• &!ach attended a company wtde ,. ~ I Mr. Fitzgerald had ~n some I • • • Alter an illness of six years. general sales me-etane held by ~ Complne Home Furnishings , gTeen and whit~ .flowered shorts. In wee-k Ell.· a Jane Bone of 1798 Whittier tht' Edt son genNal o!lice stAff m ~ l.Jbewty I-JU4 ~ There was exceptionally large Jean: that all grRrlt•s ~t.. Costa Mesa. died Jan. 15 ~t 1 Los Arwetes last wee-k. The m~t ~ 1131 •.......,n A,._ ~ a pplause for Mr. o·~ary, a new have tumbling and pl.Jylng tne age of 91. She had lived 10 1 1ng se~the tage for the compa-~ ~ teacher this year. Some of the I volley ba . Miss ReN>re! has been California for 65 years and In ny's new business development COSTA MESA other teachers who played were testing studt>nt that are In Costa Mesa for six years. She ls program for 1955. P r I n c I p a I Ritter and Messrs. the als Club for vollt'yball survived by rwo granddaughters. ---------------.....:====================-- Chrl£tenaen. Sumrell. Wat ers. She 8th graders th.s wee-k Evelyn L. Wilson of Costa Mesa McClintock. Baler, Moore and and bo~7th and 8th grades will and Mrs. Audrey Haensch of San Fa rris. The score finally ended be teste next week. &!rnardlno. Services were held with Faculty winning 25·22. Mr. c 1 1 n t 0 c k and Miss Ja n. 19 In Rlverslck!. Parkes RJd • • • Swift's xth grade rooms had a ley Mortuary was In charge of In student counsel last week s pelling bee. with the losing the arrangements. we had Honored guests from room gH lng the winning one a Costa Mesa Everett A. Rea party. ~od for Miss Swift ~ Mr. TBECLETS GET CIBL school. They ·were Anna Reyn. McCllntnck. to entertain. gave a A daughter. Ruth Ellen, was ol&: eec:retary treaaul'ft; Kathy play. The cut included Nancy born to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bu:rbank, Nancy Ward. 8tudent ll'aylor, a o b by Wlntftbochen. The,ly of 212 20th St.. Nf!WpOrt body ~dent; Ellen ~u.tat. OoaJUe Cohacc,. Qntty K.ellft, Beuh. in Boac Kemorw Ba&- Judy Daupty, BUJ Bush, Don Carol Stott and Brooks Blair. pltal on 'New Year'a Day, ~an. 1. Beecher. Tom Huber, DerreU Roeert, Gary Dunn, T~ Bog. well, Steve Robln.son. Steve Nel-l son. Gary Evans. Gene Leeper and their advisor. Mr. Ferguson. Also In student counsel we dis. cussed the 7th It 8th grade sock hop on February 4th to be put on by the student counsel in. stead of by the P.T.A. Gym lock ers will be open from 7:30 8:00 p.m. to put your coats In and then will open to get them out a1a ln a t 9:30. The dance will last from 7:30-10:00 p.m. Danny Arthofer and his accordion, the 8 a r be r s h o p Quartet and the Swing band will entertain. • • • Speaking of dances, we had our second eighth grade dance. We had quite a few "Bop" rec orda. I bet Jots or kids sle pt In the next morning. Mr. Mahler ran the dance. I would like to congratulate him on a fine I SIIJT1IS Df IIA wAD Capt. Mercer Smith's family have joined hJm at his new sta. tion with the Ma.rlne Air Group 13 at Oahu, Hawaii. The Smiths moved from 21681 ~lands Ave., Costa Mesa. CapL Smith Is a re. turned prisoner from the Korean wa.r. UGAL lfOTICE Notice Ia hereby etven that copies of the proposed amend· LO'S TALK ABOUT FEES ••• IN THIS DAY AND AGE, morl of us are faced with similar financial problems.. Even though our in- comes may be derived from different sourcn, molt of our money goes for food, clothing, shelter and other expenses including medical care. YOUR DOCTOR'S INCOME is derived solely from his f .. ~ which h. t>.r .. ves. from his years of ~nee ond training, to b. fair and equt. table. Howevw, shouW you ewr ho¥-e any financial worriea c::Gfto ceming neecl.d m.dicol care, .. UNJ• you to GIIQal tfte matter i• CMJ~e. with 'fOAl' personal ,..ysfcicm. H. wtl be g&od to CllliJt you 1.. molin9 anongemenh for tt.. best of medicol core on ..,. most reciiOftObie finonciol .,.. possible. THE I6ST MEDICAL SERV1CE il bosH CNt G lri.ttllly, •"'"' wwlenlottdi., ~Nrfw..,. flodw otHI ,.tield. We .,. yo• fo fliscna 1... iff ..,_a. witlt 'tOll'~ plryt]ciolr. GIFT OFFER EXTENDED IY .. mT .. IIfT OMIISDID8a lal FIIIIAIY!t.lf" 'fov wHI M tt.e ~....cl OWIMf of e .............. S...i-flectric .... Cloclo ....... r•" op•• yovr ..ew _.,,., of '1,000 I>( --· "'' ,,.. .. ,..,. • e-,..,;,.. ........ billfeld Ia ,...,. .. •• •h•• , .... , ... , •••••• ....,.;._. _.,.., of ~ ....... IA.,.;foWo ito~ t.dy'e., -·• ., ... , GET YOUR Gin NOWI ANNOUNCING ln.,..t paid Q~ on Fvl1 flatd CeniftCGte Savino• Acco11nta Morch 31 , Jvne 30, Sepr.mber 30 or~d December 20 (in time * Christmos). .._.., .e.y , .. .a...w .... • c.te .... S.ukau i;;iiiiiiiii-~iiiii-~~~iii;i;iiii~;;.-;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii·---· menb to the Cit)' Charter of the City of Newport Beach, as pro-OCCASIONALLY, ho .. vw, ow Pub5c Semce CornmittM II coled upott to NNW o ~and­ ing which fMY hew. ..-pee~ MhiMon doctor ond potietrt. ~from ..-nence, .. ......._ tltat most of ...... ~ .. would ..... ., il tlte po#iwl# WOfllfl ~itewe M.cial .aHen will iii tlodw 1. y_, 141VIft91 ""' _, 3~' lftlef'Mt o yew b , ... Cll'""'t rote. 2. y_, .. vmga ore .... , fa& occovftt II onwred,. $10.000 by ~ f.e<*ol ScMft91 Oftd poeed ln Resolutions 4295 and 4296 of the City Council of the City ot Newport Beach, and tued In the otfloe of the ctty Clerk on January 17th, 1SII55. may be bad upon appUcatlon therefor at the ottlce of the City Clerk of aa.ld Clty. SaJd amendment. u prepaNd by aald City Coundl lhall be wbtnltted to the electon ot tbe Ctt;y ot Newport 8e&c:b at the !~~i~i~iiEiiiiiiiii~~~~~==iifl pneral eJeetion toM belcl UDder the provtaiona ot Aiel Cha.rta Oil t.be 15th dq ot llateh. 11155. 1'11111 noUce .. al ~ publ..IIMd OQCe eacb ..-..It u•tll the 4a.J Gx.ect b the eatd ..... ID ~pUaftCII wttb tiM ,.._.. IMfttl ot Article XI. lec.Uoft .. ot tM .... O!NIItltuttoil. ft a.DD OP 1'R:a aTY oom.aL OP nm an or ..-..oaT•AaL I /nl -lrwM, -.. floe. iii p~..,tkol ....... . SHOUlD YOU HAVE A PROIL.B.t, -. e ..nou. CMCt ...... effort to ....... it wftt. J'OW ,.., F 1111 ph.,_ t&c:ioR. n....",.. ......... ..,..., ..... to ... Sodety. We ON-~ tltat, 1.. y.w ........... t.lgh •• J • .I~ •llic.l care .._......_iRed. ......... ,... ...... ., ... ........ lool\ lftwronce Corporafion. 3. Yovr ..,,,. .. ---a-tt y~ .,..., ..... ., ~ 100""""" ~,.. ,ov li..,. or _,. poy PCJS100e bo1tl _.,. 4. Yovr-flt~~h lOft. of the-"'·_,.... ... _. "-the 1" OPIN Tau. ACCOUNT HOWl ·-·--·-...~---.... Co-eds I:eam .A:Bbut • Colleges at Party __ ...,,,, . .... ~.~~·aaMGI~~ .. Dean Marcie Bow• ot. Oran,e eopbomorn born Oranae Cout _., Ma ...,. B Cout CoUep, coUece pl.a from College atteoded the part.y, ar. _, llldl. ud lloMrt *' lt.. Cellill ......_ USC and UCLA and Velma ranee<~ by Mn. B. 0 . Bo)'Ve)' anc! .,.1n lw, at dM $~!~~~tin t. O'Brien froql a Harbor area fub·· a cornm1ttee of members ol Bu. ftA .... ~ 1' At a tu~«: .... 4 Oll'elnCIIl1 ton abop ahared honor• on ataee 'bor P~Uentc. •• 4 an. ' held ..rl)' New ~· BW, ~ at the PanhellenJc ¥Jcl-Ja.nuarcy A dlacuMJon of colleg~ and Adll 5 n1 t..ta pen C. ...W. ~ .. w11111 c1 0.. . 111111111 ..... • • ., 4A -~ c. .. coke party for ~be glrl the advantages of dltferent types to belp the .......... tiM tM .a4 C. Foell. 'n.e •tale&er, 1). C. craduat<s held at SL J._ Epls: wu p....,ted by Deon Howes, ~---~ -, --tho-..... .,., copal Chu.rch hall. KOI'e than 100 She wa.s followed by a short dJs. .. _lUI). ~ ..-n. ...... ~ at WI bolne, '1'$ IJ'&duattng seniora from Newport cusslon by MLss Mary Barrett or bUee to aequalnt em with eo.ta .._. St, eo.ta ,. .... a.. Harbor High and graduating USC and Mlss Eleanor Ragan leboot poLlcMI. 80 u._ and ~ ~ ue ttie .On f4 lilt. • from UCLA about campus Ute other a«JvttJel. The of aM ..... 0 . E. Foell Ot Mlf Park-..Rlclkr ~-~ ....... au_perlar -.Ice -readUy avallable to famWel restdlne tn tbe eunou.ndlq nara1 uea. too. Wben we are called from the area .u.rrou:ndlna eo.ta Mea. our ~ Is as prompt u If the e&ll came ,bun Just a ff!'llr bJoc:ka from ow mortuary. eou~~ ...... • GOOD TASTE •DM!pecl cm4 ~at Ellie ........ ,. In •Hot Spot• of Costa Rica An American who is currently in the hot spot of Costa Rica J.s Charles Stanley Martin, son of Mrs. Harriet Martin ef 116 'E. Ocean Front. Balboa. Mr. l4artin arrived Jan. 14 1n the tro ubled country on a mission for Union OU Co. His wife and 12-year.old daughter are remaining with hls mother in Balboa until he sends tor them. The "Stan" Martins arrived In the Harbor area from Peru just shortly before Christmas. In time to spend the hoUdays with Mrs. Harriet Martin, who is on the staff of the Newport Library In Balboa. at their respective ICbools. "jacket cl&a!W' baa not;JeeD .._.. W~ Pl., eo.ta M-, and MLss Barbara Starege and Miss eJally app&~ent 1n thelocaJ blab the daQibter of...,._ Clare Tlijot. Barbara Brothers, both of USC. 8Cbool; however, lle other eon ol 2230 Falrvtew Rd .. eo.ta served a.s models for the tn. 8Cbool boardl, the ldal one II lleea. formal accessozy fashion &how. Wb&'kinl on tbe probJm. Tbe bride wore a wblte JmJt arranged by O'Brien's Specialty Mrs. Barvef ~.Mra. .Jack au1t with chiU'OMl grey acces. Shop of Cc.ona del Mar, with Bradbury and Mn. B.N. Delen. 80riel and an otchJd ~ commentary by Mlss O'Brien. berg were appointed D a moml-Helen Foell of Claremont, sister Junior hostesses tor the after-oattng committe wltJ WWlam of the groom. wu maid of honor. noon Included Misses Dona Price, Rltte:r, !acuUy membc, to pre-She wore a suit with a corsage of UCLA; Shlrley Crandall from San sent a alate of otflet'l at the gardenias. Jack Foell of Clare. Jose State; Sharon SherUI of Red-Febru«ry meeting. mont was his brother's best man. lands and Laurie crlaell, repre-The honorary llle mmbershJp Both ot the newlyweds grad- senUng both Colorado and Ar1· committe Includes Ms. Porter uated from Newport Harbor High zona Universities. A special guest Sinclair, Mrs. C. H. Dkert. Mrs. School. The groom also grad- was Dean Fay Harbison of New. John Kimball and Ms. J01eph uated from Orange Coast College port Harbor Blgh. ' Carver. and served two years as sergeant • • • Panhellenic members who in the U. S. Army. served ·as hostesses were Mrs. J_ The PTA's of the (orona del A Clcmified Ad in The Ensiqn brinqs 'immedi3te results! Coli Horbor Ill._ I I I 5 ond orove itl PARKES· Rl D--- MoR.TUAR.v UO e "OA.DW,_V CO I Y-. w&IA LhtRTY ~.:JI-·.:I.:J I lerwJ ... , aA&.}OA ~ ISt»e • liOO llll • tt~WIOIT MACH • YARN SHOP Z'/47 E. eoo.t 111gbway Coroea del Jlar BA 0857 Their stay in Peru lasted more than a year and previously they spent three years In Paraguay, also a country of uprisings and Internal troubles at the time the oil company originally sent Mr. Martin to that area. According to a telephone call Jan. 13. Mr. Martin had to stop In Panama City before going Into Cfrta Rica. The scheduled f11gbt to Costa Rica was re-routed because of the trouble. H. Riggs, president. Mrs. Me"hon Mar and Hatbor Vlev Schools WUlson Mrs. Reed Hannon Mrs. wUI present a chlldcn's play, Peter Nollng and Mrs. Walter "'The Bedraggled Dra:on," Feb. Hatch. Mrs. Ralph Michelson and 25 and 26 In the H .. bor Vlew committee decorated · the church auditorium. Mothers Interested hall with colored school pen. In helping with the noductlon nants, an easel showing all the are asked to call Martlella ttan. diUerent college sorority pinS. dall, dlrector, at Haraor fl595..M and a playful. collectioJl ot or Mrs. J. L. Beall, Nays and stuffed animals for "do:rm" color." means chairman or tle Corona Fashions and studies were both del Mar PTA, at Hara>r ()()86..J. Light their life with fQith l/lt Knitting. Crocheting and Needlepoint Supplies Knitting Bags Specialized Ae«>ssorles and Jmtructlons WIDter Bou.n: Mon. thru Sat. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. nuusday 1 p.m . to 5 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • WHA7S DOING T. M. Hambrook, your Telephone Manager in Newport Beach • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••••eeee••························· Left-orer wire gets new lease on life In the telephone b!Ui- neas, we call the wtre that lt>ad~t from your tPit>pbont' at home to the pole ou t side a "drop" wire. May be you·v .. aeen 10me of our men putting up drop wirel'l around lOWll. I! you havt', you probably noticed that a few abort pit>cea wt•re left over on some of the jobs. Now, these odda and ends of wire werpn"t o! much use ontll recently. It wu too costly to apUce them together. But now an economJC&l way baa bt>t>n found to join drop- wi« scrap• into Joac. contlnuOWI piecea w:bJch C&l1 be put to work .. Naturally, UU. 1• a blc COIIt-cut.ter •.. one that bel~ WI u we work to k~p down the price• you pay for aen1ce. Paetflc TeJeptM»ne worka to make your telephone a blg~r vatu. every day. • • * • • YIDITIIIII•• IWI IUT represented at the coke and sandwich bar. Council Meets at Mt. Carmel The Catholic Women's Council held thelr monthly meeting Jan. 5 at the Parish Hall of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church, preceded by a meeting of the councU board. Mrs. John Glass, presl. dent. presided at both gather- Ings. Mrs. William Krom, grand prE-sident ot the Young Ladles Institute of the Western States, reported on the national Councll ot Catholic Women's conclave In Boston In NciVembe". Mrs. Joseph Gallant, chairman of the recently organized Cath. ollc Neighbor Group. has an. nounced that their motto will be "Know the fates. live the fates. come with those who share lt." Next meeting of the Council wUI be a luncheon and book re- view at 1 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 16. • • • The Harbor Council of Pannt Teacher Assoclatlom will meet at 9:30 a.m. Monday1 Feb. 7, at Newport Harbor Utlon High School In the Adolnlstratlon Building, with Mrs. C!nnls Hog. land presiding. C o m m I t t e e reports will be heard on the comina Founders Day and the Calif. O>ngress ot Parents and Teachem Conven . Uon, which wUI be hdd in May in Los Angeles. Report on Hpnor- ary Life Membershlpa will be heard. Unit presidents and com. mlttee chalnnen of 10 PTA'a In the Newport-costa Mesa area wW attend tbl.a meetl.ng. am. .aD TO aJ\'DIS A daughter, Pamela Kay, wa.s born to Mr. apd Mrs. lohn Blvim of 243 Santa Ana Ave., Costa Mesa. In Hoag Memorial Hos. pltal on Tuesday, Jan. 11. FllST CHU"CH OF CHRIST SOENTIST Uo:J VW Udo, Newpo..t ... , .. A bronch of tt.o Mother Ch~. Tho F;rst Churdt of Chnst, Scientist, In los-tOft, Moawdtus.th. Sundoy Sch001 ----':15 o.m. S..ndoy S.rvico ---II :00 o.m. Vote Sup~ort w~~d:;v R=::,;r?oc~in:t :j~Pv7:; Lido, Newport looch. ia open -·• Of S deY' from 10:00 o.m. to 5:00 p.m., Wocfnel<f•Y' from 10:00 o.m. to 7:45 Ymp ony p.m. Fridoy ovoninga frotn 7:00p.m. to 9.00 p.m. Closed Holido'f'. Kappa. Kappa Gamma Alum. Tho public is cordiolly invited to ••· nae Association members voted tend the church Mrvic:.a ond uM tho to become one of the sponsors ot _11•:..:•:..::d __ i.,.:a~R.:=oo:::"':;.:.·::-==-:==-=~,...---- the Newport Harbor Youth Sym. DIRECTORY phony at the recent luncheon meeting •• the home 9f Mrs. r------=:.::=:.::_ ___ _, Robert Forbes. Lido Isle. Margaret L. Scharle Miss Ruth Maxwell of Corona Teacher of Plano del Mar entertained the group OrganJst . Aceomp&JlJ.t with an account of her experJ. Evenin=aues ences with the Travelera Aid in for dulta 307 GOLD •D AVE. Ollcago. Plans were completed Corona del Mar for the summaee sale to be held ~:!!!J~~g3!!!!!!~l'!= March 17 and 18 In Santa Ana. r Aaslsttne the hostess were Lawrence K. Gundrum, Mmes. Robert Tulln of Pullertoft, .. M 0 J. Thomu Sw&MOn of Lacuna · · and Phil Renick of Lido We. 419 ::~VD. Other memben attendlDc Jn. l'nctlce lbDltecl to DIM._ eluded Mmes. R. P. MorrW. Dick of Ear, Noee, 'l'broat; p n....a.k H Coo omee Roun: ~ appom t ...,, e, enry rs, J. B. Stod-~ 8-5tla a. dud, Robert Lenk.er and W. B. '::J~·· !!]!j;~:!j[i~-~g=:: Dlcldna:on of Corona del Mar; ,. P'rleodly NelehberJlood Servtee Parkes-Ridley Mortuary Fonner~ Gtauel Chapel • ST. AJQ)JIEWS nESft'TEaJAJf CBV'BCB 15th St. a, St. Andrews Rd., ~ ~ IU9h lcbool Uberty·~ Pastw: .... J...,. L Seew.t SUNDAY: Morning worship, 9:30 and 11 a.m.~ Church School, 9:30 and 11:00; Sr. High Fellow. shit>. 7 p.m.; College age tel· lowshlp, 7:30 p.m. -'n.JES. Prayer, study group, 9:30 a.m . COIOIUJOT't' IIETBODUT UO W. lltb St.. eo.ta ll..a Liberty ·~ .... Joeepla w. JlcSbcme Sunday: 9:30 a.m.L. Church Sun· day School; 9:.1U and ,11:00 a .m. Morning Wonhl~7 p.m. Collel'e ~ liYF SetVte. -7 p.m. BJab 8ehool MYF Service; '7 p.m.. "SunerJQus Croup Serv· Ice. TID CBOBCB or CIDUBT 1050 Quell lt.. eo.ta .... Uberty .. 5711 D. C. llant. Jl1aJstR Sunday Services: 9:30 a.m. Bible studyJ U a.m. morning wor· ship; 7 p.m. ewnlng ~oe. Midweek • e r v l c e , 7 p.m. Wednesday. CBmST arncJI liT T1IE SEA ec-.aattr llet!lodbt 8alhoa aJYd. at l4t:b l t.. •"'POd JIAibow 5111 haws .... Boy A. Cadacua Sunday Worshlp , 9:45 and 11 a.m. Church School: 9:45 a.m. Midweek Meettne: 7:30 p.m. Wednesday preceded by 6:30 p.m. potluck. ST. JOACIDK CBU&CB l iM ~&:~ eo.ta ..... I · l Oll Patbew 'l'laoaaaa J, lfniD 11Uiday .. _ .. '· .... 10 aad 11:30 a .m. Wf:ekdaya: Mus at 7:00 a.m. -Confession: Satur· days from 4:00 to 5:15-7:00 to 8:15p.m. P'DIIT UPniT cauac:a Or .EWIOBT ................. & eo.t lb.. ...... , U.._ I55J · Ullatt ~-aft ........... a., __ Sunc!ay .. ~: 9:45 a.m., Sun· d&T iXDOOJ; U :OO a.m.. We.· abJp llrYioe; 1:30 p.m. SU.ftday ~ ~e r vte e: KJ4·Weelc Service: 7:30 p.m. Wednelday Praywr KeetJnC. ASSDDLY or GOD 22Dd St. cS Eldlo A9L eo.ta 11- Lihewty 1-ml a...r..d II. c:. Cneic. ... Sunday School: 9:30 a .m . Wor· ship: 10:45 a.m. and 7~30 p.m. Younlf People and ChJldren'a Service, 6:30 p.m. Sun. Mid· week Service: Wedneeday, 7:30 p.m. Ladlea' Ml.bJonary Cou.n· cU. 'lbursd~ 10:00 a.m. SEVEWnl DAY AD'IEMTIST lfewport aJYd. et ... lt.. .ewport a.lgJata . Uberty .. 1532 EldM' D. D. lpaalci.ID9 Saturday 1t{ornlne Services: Sab· bath School: 9:30 a.m. -Ser· mon: U :00 a.m. Prayer meet· tna: w~ p.m. l'rl· 4a7 Ewft.l.nc v~ : 8:00. cauaca.c a. •.auWftE ~-....... lt.. c-t. ...... .__I .... CU... WID..,_e, Uberty .. 7111 Suntlay Servtces: Sunday !cbool, 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship at 10:30 a .m. Evangellstic SeJ'v. Ice, 7 p.m. Sunday. Prayer meeting, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. nasT CIIUJICII or CID.IIT • ICDdUilt 1303 VIa~:"' leacb Sunday School: 9:15 a.m., Sun· day S e r v I e e : 11 :00 a.m. Wec!neld~ Eventna Jl,feetlng: 8:00. ReacHnc Roorri, 3315 VIa Lido. Newport Beach, open 10 a .m.·5 p.m . week days, 10 a.m .· 7 :45p.m . WedneJC!aya, 7·9 p.m. Friday evenlno. UJOVEUAUST COIOIVJfJT'f £~ 'a':'Jao-:. 515 "· hlboa •t•d.. la&boa Jli&taten .... P. W. J11D9e Sunday School, 10:30 a .m. ~om. ine wonbJp, 11 :00 a .m. P1IIIT SOUTJPD LVt'IST CIIRGa 800 "· -.a ... lt.. eo.ta ..... Uberty ... .. ......... .,.. ... .., .. .... Sundaf8Chool. t:t!S a.m....i ~~ le!VIce 10::50 a.m. "ll'a.lllJnt Union 7 p.m. Sunday. Eventne wonblp 8 p.m. Su.nc!a.y. Teach· en and ot.Ocea meetiJlc 7 p.m. Wt4neldq. Praye ...SC. tnd Bible IIIUCS,I p.m. W~. COIIOJfA Da. llU co ... uam cauw C DillS ?hall en·,.,a,..._ .... P1111T aAPnST C11V11C11 a-.. A-. A9a. at .......,... c...•-... .•. c. • ....-. Sunday Services: 9:45 a .. m. Sunday School; 1L l\.m. Worship Services; 6:30 p.m:, Baptist Training Union; 7:30 p.m..-EvenJna Service. Wednesday: 7:30 p.m .. Prayn, PraJ..e anc! Bible Study. Mon· d~: 7:30 p.m. Men'• Chorus pta c t Ice : 8:30 p.m. Men's Praya MeetJ:nc. CBOac:B OP OU. LADY or JIT, CAaKEL J.CI w • ...._ aa..s... lf...-port ~Dll· P.U.. l:s.=IW,, ._... r..... ... .. ..... Sundq Mt If: 1:00 and 10:00 and U :90 a.m. Confesalon: Sat· Wda,ya and eva of 1st J'l1days and Holy Days from 4:00 t<' 5:30p.m. and from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Dally Mass 8:00 a.m. Finrt Friday: 6:30a.m. and 6:00p.m. Nove n a (Perpetual Help): Tuesday, 7:45 p.m. CBIUST LUTBEUJr CII'DCII OP COSTA JIDA (K!Mruilpod) 'mr1•• a...toa 11411. eon. ..... ._._,.__......_Tonow SundaJ Sevlcea: Wonhtp Serv. tee St a.m. Sunday School at 10:1.5 a.m. IT. JUlES &NCOPAL a.l Yla Lido. Jl...,..t a.ada Jll.al.l'-a . ...,,huJIIoen'WIMeler JIArbow laD Sunday Services: 8:30, 9:30, 11 a.m. Momlng Prayer· 9:30 a.m. Reg1stratton few Sunday School. ThW'Sday Serv1cea: 9:15 a.m . Prayer GuUd; 10:30 Holy Com· -.ulllon. IT. JOBR YIIUnlft 315 IICII'tM A..._ klboa 1a1C1D4 IIAdMl' Dlt r ... ~ ·.,!!!Y· .... PatiMI' ~ IlL Sunday M..._: '7:00a.m. A: 9:00 a.m. Conftalon: Satutclaya and w.. a1 1ft l'rtdua and Holy D&711; 7:30 to 8:00 p.m.; Pint P:rtd~ Mus 8 a.m . CIDI1'IIAL 'iiii:i cauaca a.-. A9a. tit ... lt. c.-Jl.& I D 11._1 a.-A-A. a 51 ..... lwldq Mae&; !i.41 &.a. lfonl. Inc aerw.. u :CIO; ew.ntrw Sen1aa. T:al). Mld·w.elc SerY· -W~:IOp.m. CCI ~~~ 111=1:...~= ....., ............... lliM • ....... rAt Sun di,J Wonblp llr¥lall: 1 :45 Sunctq Ia tluw: t:IO L a. ahJP .-vlel!t. ll:OO a.m.: Lut!le a.m., U :OO a.m....,lcbool: Ou.aldl 8daoel1 t :aD and U:OO lMcue. '7~ p.m. t:e LIIL ' a.m. Wonlll, ~;"tee, Mmes. Burr Buman and Stroller White of Balboa Island; Mmes. Richard Stewart, Walter Hateh, Barton Seek and Donald Caine ot Coata Mesa; MmM . .J. E. Ke1m and Howard Bryan of Lido IaJe; Mme& Patrlcla Seymour, LoWM 110 Broadway u 8-M.13 • I-34M Coeta )(.a Tlda Direc:tarr S. made Jl a nlb\e by ~ c:i•k>«wdeadect .,.,... 1 t 411: Gallagher and Marcy Lou ;;:J!===========:::::! eon or Balboa. IOIJ Ea oaT tiC* A eon. Muk Loull, wu to Mr. and Mn. Loula llfller f4 lc.l Seventb st., Balboa. OD S.0. day, Jan. 2, In Boaa Memor1al B~Jtal. WOODWE>lTH ftiANO SHOP b.dualve Aaent tw B&Jc!wtn Planoe 2610 E. eo.t Hwy. H ... na eo..-. del...., U£STtK ~o Tacb •.• R'o Tape ••• Jfo ..._ 2229 i. c..t Hwy. c...e .. .., , fWUMDAY, JAIIVAft .,, ... lOW .oaJr '10 ~ amL lo.1'0 DUUI A. 10n, PhUllp ,JGMpb, wu bom A dauehter, Kathryn Ann. wu to Kr. and Kn. Edward Trapp eli bom to Mt. and Mra. Franklin • • • of sodal note 168~ 2ld st.. eo.ta ..... lD Bru&a "' 11M 'Roee!!DU7 at.. ---------------------Boa. M • m or t a 1 lloepttat on eo.ta M.... ln Hoa~ Memorial Wedn.day, Jan. 5. ao.pltaJ C)ft Sunday, Dee. a . A ~ GES'nJBE-the oceulon wen the l ohn Liebl. Jack Bertwidl ot eo.ta M.eu and the Carl Lunda. Mrs. V. P. Baker bJ.1 bride-t.>be, ~ lan Shafter of Balboa lalan4. the Alan Bluma ot Oranp, are planning tbe1r of Newport Relthta. Mt. and Mrs wectd!n~ tor next December 21. llu.aell Blade of Santa Ana and lfthedul~ to tall an the 35th aealtor Boward Failor of North weddlnc anntwnary of the Hollywood. 1101111'1 Llll IIIIET you die lauDclry younc ladY. parents, Mr. and • • • Mra. H. L Sba.Uer ot Oranp. Jer\wal Corona del Mar-ltH w. do tbe wad • • • New Low Prk;e. • • • A.lthou&h be spent the day In Loe Angeles, Don Fta.nklln of Corona del Ku returned to tbe Harbor area 1ri time to celebrate hla birthday Jan. 5. Among the friends that helped hlm observe UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT WASH~ CLEARANCE StiLE! OF IIKEI UD -lmiUED UIES OF ( FiliUS IIlii IIIE SHIES 19.95 Palizzios --· ... -........................... -........ _ .... ~ ............ 13.95 10.95 Dolmode --.. --........................................ -............ 6.95 6.95-6.50 Oomphie Casuals ··----.... -............. --···-· .... -.. 4.95 7.95 Cobblers .... --···-· .. --------.. ·--·-.. ·-·--.......... -... 4.95 7.95 7.95 8.45 9.95 Children' a Slippers 1/1 Price I to 5z30 Aptitudes ___ ........... _____ ,_ ........... -.... -........ -........... 5.95 Saddle Oxfords ............. !--................ ------.. ... 4.95 Girl Scout Shoes -···-·-·-.............. ·-·--. -4.95 Clinic Nurse Oxfords ··-·-·--·-.. -.... -..... 6.95 Children's Sox 29c 3410 VIA LIDO. NEWPORT BEACH Muk-Luks 1/2 Price Jlfo E.JrciMmgea in New Lido Shopping Center Phone Harbor 0355 have moved from one part of totm to anotber-cttll remaining ln the CDM end of the city. The)" lnelude the ChariH Bennetts, who are returning to S07 Carna- tion Ave. from their 605 Margue- rite Ave. home; the H. E. Whee- lers, movlng to 214 DahlJa Ave., from 310 Fernleaf Ave.; and, of coune, the E. C. Haga.ns are all K'ttled at 721 Mareuerlte Ave .• Corona del Mar, having moved a wbUe back from 716 Marigold Ave. • • • Thouaanda ot dollan from little dlmes I"OW ... Keep ma.rch- ing, little dimes . . . By yourt~elf you're only a thin dJme a.jan~­ Ung among a bunch ot keys ... But when you dimes get togeth- er! Wow! You've made a good I start on whipping this Pollo I thing ... without you-1 shudder I to even think of our condition without you! Wondet how many dimes we'd have 1t t'~body reached In their pockets. puraea. piggy banks. old aock.s, sugar lf you haven't kept up on the bowla and otheor stashing places, actlv1Ues ot the Harbor kids singled out the dimes from the away at school, you'll be Inter rest of the 1~ change and ested to know that Bill Kelter added or took them to their local pledged Tau Delta Fraternity at March of Dimes Headquarters ... Stanford a nd John Drury pledged Now don't ~et the dimes wrong Pbl Gamma Delta. AJso In the , . . . they're not a bU fussy ... Delt camp, but up at Cal,• are KEWLTWEDS-I:Mlp ...S ll.n. ~ Waboa Jr. an abOWD they'd just as soon march with Tony Torrance and Wylie Keeler. .._. cattia9 tlae weddUI9 Cllllm Clfter exdacml}la9 ~ lD BODGlulu I a flfty..cent pleoe or a hundred Understand that Dick Craig Dec. IL 111e IInde Ia a.. lonaer Ml.u JOGIIID .....U.. dau91lt111' of dollar check ... "The more the pledged Pat Upsilon a nd that Bill Mr. cm4 11.n. Ted lbauell of CoRea del Mar. Tille .....-la tile merrleor!" they say, ''fM a great Kuhn is a Tau Kappa Epsilon. 800 of 111• ..cS lln.-Geo19e Wctloa of l.a9'a-. many unfortunate people!" · alao at Cal. ...._., 11ow to bay ...t. Rttawmt.:,.:n.;mother. Mar. HQAG AUXILIARY TO HEAR ::=-!!C:: z:=.r-~ garet McLaughlin, has been via-NEW TUMOR BOARD ....uct j1l8t • --p1 1 tt lUng down from S,n Francisco ... MU • c:IMIAcle ........ for a couple of weeu. The two Or. Salvatore Konaco of the ' board Include Mrs. Ellsworth .._. ._ .,.... cat ..cS .,... tt gab planned to be spending thelr Hoag Hospital staU, who is chair Betu, chalrman. Mrs. William ._ ,_.. ~. rdl8g • d5aysln In thb e warm, 1sun °!._.~almd man of the Consultive Tumor H~n. u.slstant. and Mes-yoar taate • • • If tllat la ,.... pr gs, ut as o a.st w'="-en G ell usaa1 p~a 1:111 dla.JWID ba'flD9 ....t th Ill I I th Board of the hospital, will ex dames Donald Hall. ruw . a t ,..-ey were st s tt ng out e tJ of th 1 1 Selbe Cr J Pre for you ~ · • • a ..._. cold at the Udo Trailer Park ... plain the opera on e new y Water rt. urn. oe . .._ ._b ••=r ... to ......, Friends of &Hsle Christian (and 1 formed board at the first 1955 lnlnger. R J Collins. Dike, Law-tbCit be wW gtmd1y ~ she has loU I will want tb know m~tlng of the Auxiliary of Hoag I renee Sprague Jr and Irving W1'Cip aay cat of ....t ,.... that she was taken to St. Joseph Hospital tomorrow (Friday) at Watcher daaed at 110 addltiGecd --' Hospital late last w~k. I St. Andrews Presbyterian Churc h. • •• Wbclt raa ~ to .-y, lrs.BIIIslllllllltl ., ,.... Slsten Members of the Nightlneale ph • t ldd&. 1a tills • . • Wat.* a. Cha pter of the Auxiliary, who as armaCIS s ...-k~ IIICS•Ia ••• ~ slst with the volunteer In service 1 p 1 yea-pot Nab. • tMy.,. hospital work In connection with E ect eirso tbla ..... =f bay ... ._ the Tumor Board. will be pres-• ...... Cad w111 .._ .... ent In their special uniforms. Hubert Pelrsol, owneor of the ..._ ,._ ...... _ .. u.--yoa ........... -Mrs. Frank Bates of Corona del Or. Emory wUl assist Or. Monaco Corona del Mar Pharmacy, was tile .,a.-..... '11 ...,.. u... Mar was installed as Most Excel. wJth the question period follow. named president of the Orange nady fw J'O'l ••• • .u.. lent Chief of the Pythtan Sisters, tng the talk. County Pt\armaceutlcal A.ssocla tiMID ••• U J'O'l watdt c.d'a Tustln Temple No. 27, at cere-At the close of the meeting Uon at the election meeting of apectoJa week tdW .-IE .• • I monies held Jan. 19 at the luncheon will be terVed to Mftn· the croup held last Thursday .,...-u a.... ........ bat ... Knteht:s of Pythlu Temple ln ben and guests by the executive evenlnc ln Santa Ana. ca1a ,.._ ,..._ Ia .,_. .._ Tuatln. Among the lnst•lllq of. board of the Nlcht:Lncale Chap.. A.lao named to oftk:e was Mac • • • -..,.... • .._. t 1 m 6een wu Mn. JobA Stuwwa of ts. ~ "CICIIIIUOltta wiU lDclucle Pelletier of Newport Beac:b Pb.ar-~ ..ay ...-... q ' 1 Corona del Mar. who Ia deputy Kra. Donald ~-chaJr. macy, elected u cllredbr. tnstal-....a ... ,..... c.ra • 1 a 1111 Grand Senior OttJcer. Mr. Bates man. and Mesdames Orval Stew-latlon of the new otr'k8s wtU be ..... ....._ .._ ••• 1.-.t officiated In the p~ntatlon of art. Harold Round. William Ml held at a dinner dance at the -..k .It ,.. .....s -.:1 atdola I colors_ Mrs. Bates will hold the rams, Georte Cofley, D. H. Crum. Villa Marina Restaurant. Ma.rdJ .._. ..s p:c 1 ....ad ••• group's highest office tor 1955. Arthur Gruwell. Hal Dlke and 24. tile wMir ..._. ...-.r .-ta Arthur Lewt.a. The Laguna Chap-More than 1100 Pbarmacl.sts ••• a ca.p1e ., ,...... .,.._. F« letterloaeeds. en~ c.1 ter of the Auxiliary, under the and their CUesta an expt'cted at ~ ••• aat doa"'t tJalalr THE ENSIGN. HA· ,I 1 14 direction of Mrs. Ellen McLellan, a me-eting of Southern California yoa're bayiDcJ ~ tajar. will provide decorations. pharmacl.sts to be held Febru lw .•• 'fiVbell Carl ruaa ........, •• 1883 Harbor Blvd. Included In the business meet ary 23 a t the Moulin Rouge in I ... it La tile .... dlolce cpe~­ lnr. according to Auxiliary Prest Los Angeles. In addition to the lty Ma:a.aia9'a beef. EaaWa dent Mrs_ Donald Hummel. will night club entertainment the Pwk CIDd Clll,.._.a frala oar be an announcement of the sec-speaker of the t>vening wUl be OWil rcmc:h. that appea:r ....Jt ond annual Edna Stearns Day John Oa rvarJlel. Ch1cago. who Is lD cm4 ,.a out lD o.u abGw ton Book Review Series. Funds SE'<'retary of the retail druggists_ CXIMS ••• ralsed from thls benefit lecture Notes from my little "What'• BRAS 2 F• '1111 Costa Mesa weaten'S v ahaeia to 119.95 C'SAi's Ill I Ill, v-... ... so series will go toward the $2.000 Bowlill ........ New" Book ... Crosse and Black- the Nightingale Chapter hopes well's Cock-a-Leekle Soups, one oC to raise for purchasing equip IS Sef fer f... 13 Scotland's oldest dishes ... Cock- ment for the Tumor Board. This , a-Leekle means Chicken. dell- year's series will be'"n Febru The third annual women • 10 t 1 n ed with '~"A r;• game bowling marathon will be ca e Y avor uno..,, a na. ary 24. held a t Van's Bo~·llng AUeys on tive Scottish herb ... Positively, Nightingale members who are S d . F b 13 be 1 . t 11 but definitely the most savory 1 k un a\. e . g nntng a hi k I' v_o_u_nt_ee_r _w_o_r __ ers_f_o_r_t_h_e_tu_m_or_ a m . ·Manager Bill Klotz an-I c c en soup ve run across ... ..... ··-lsCMrplllllp ! nou nt'E'd this week Entries are Hearty too. ~lth big bltH of limited to 36 bowlers. 1 chicken chasmg th~ bar 1 e y I Th · third 1 bo 1 I around . . Crosse lr Blackwell 1a ~ men s annua w as old as the hills .. Most peo.. lng ma ra thon wUI be held Sun 1 f 111 lth th 1 ----" d F b 20 p e are am ar w p r cam._. ay. e fruit cakes. puddings and breadl Four Balboa juv~niJe boys. Their whole line of .oupe each & were charged with mak Irs. III'J •••• will not disappoint th~ who lng a shambles In the home of Ill-f &..,. f Wft want but the flnt-St . Crab a la Mrs_ w B. Coberly of Pasadena, ..... I ..... • IU Maryla nd. CrE'am or Shrimp ..• at 1155 Miramar Dr .• B&lboa. po Sforvlct>$ were held Friday at of Vlchysoise !potato with $Uper. lice at Newport Beach ~rt~ Park~ Ridley Mortuary for Mrs., latives) ... of Onion t try thJ<*• Jan. 14· Mary 0 RutledgP. 70. of 599 ening It a little for an epicurean I Mrs. Coberly told pollee sh£> I Pl umer St . Costa Mesa. who dJed cream saucel ... Conaomme would not press charges If th£' a t her home Jan. 18 Rev. P. G. MadrUene <excellent ba.e for parents would pay to dean up I Neumann offlcated. meat. fish or vegetablt> salad&) heor home, which they agTeed to Mr~ Rutledge was a natlvt> of ... ~ and Blackwell's .ou:pe do. Pollee said tbere was no per WebstE'r City. Iowa. Survivors are I are not col'lC'entrated . . . )IOU manent damage. Empty coke I three da ught£>rs. Mrs. Owen slmply pour In a UU<'f' pan and bottJes and burnt stick matches Smith of Costa Mt-Sa. Mrs.. Fred heat ... do not dilute-... were found on the kitchen bar Stahl of Iowa, Mrs Harold Dally S.bady Oek ,....... ...... which bad elass stains. pdllce of Iowa; one son. Geor.ge W. Rut-noaa ••• Ml ,...., CIM't ._ ch~. ledge of th£' USN at San Otero. watly W. ._.. • ......_, have YOU SEEN. • • • A .? Tbe raort-&Dd-sprtnc coll«tton ot David O)olta.l c:tn.es ln tb~ lanWII'J Jlu:pera? bat a.r a."t ..... w. css 1 .................. ,., ........... --.. .................. ........ ae • I .0 111.11 ... ...._ .. _ .. ,... ..... ................. ?a ... ._ ............... .... Not netr, bat ............ . 'n'opl·Pan ,...... ..... .....,. Ju~ Ooc:oillut JWOt &Del Jlliille,; apple lal • . • ,... til J !Iiiii th ..... ,tdhn ............. a M:r. IC..-1 of A•t 1111: hu .. CIWit ...,. ... lkwatl&ad ................ .,. lftWe!IIIJc --~ .. ----· YOQWiftd-"" ........... ..... , Titi. ali_, __ ~­ ........... j ..... , • Vogel Value lB. Ill :1000 eq. ft. of llYlnJ area. LJ. vJew llvlna rm7_flaptone Ute lace.. din1JlJ rm.. w.w carpeta, d.rape., ~· cement patio • BBQ. Lc. bJ.rch kitchen, wired for elect. nove, cltMwulutr 6 dl.lp. 3 BRI. 1" batha..M.ftr. BR·l8x19 open~ to patio. Beaut plants, eJt·IJ. aar•e. Many n.lce featu,res. You just can't Jet Ulls larp a home 80 near the beach fo" $32,500--no more! GOod terms. THE VOGEL CO. ~E. COAST HWY. HABBOR 1741 CORONA DEL MAR HARBqR 14TT Tomorrow's Dream-Today! WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO INSPECT OU R DISTINCTIVE HOMES COMPLETED AND UNDER CONSTRUCTION NINE DIVERSIFIED FLOO~ PLANS To the home buyer who wishes to purch.ue ln the $20,000 to $30,000 class we sincerely recommend the Irvlne Estates overlookJI'Ig Newport Harbor. These homes feature Call!ornla living. Offered exclu. slvely through Earl W. Stanley In a Smog.Free area known as Irvine Terra~n Coast Higbway opposite the new Irvine Coast Country Club, Newport Harbor. l11011Ci11! The New Furnished IODR HOlES BuUt by lacco Corp. Furnished by MARTIN & von HEMERT * For recommendation, we refer you to anyone who holds a Leasehold Estate In Irvine Terrace. · MAY WE HAVE THE PLEASURE OF YOUR INSPECTION PHONE HARBOR 4448 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION FOUR FURNISHED Ulm E. Bar Awe1ue. • A REAL mo~ay-maker OIIJ $16,850 $5,000 HANDLES $110 A MONTH ON BALANCE Call Art Kistler Harbor 5226, day or night SEE THESE NEW 4-BEDROOI HOlES Newport Heipls $895 Don $11 ,450 Fill Price 2 Bath Rooms. garagl's, stalJ.tlled showers. glass doors. garbage disposals, birch cabinets. exhaust fans, many extras. W. A. TOBIAS, ReaHor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS -yvu'll like our friendly ~Ice 393 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa Uberty 8-1139 UDO BAY FROIT Pier_. Sll, 3Wree•2u ... Fumlahed $48,100 Bay and Beach Realty Gloden M. Fay, Realtor-Manager 1450 W. Balboa IUvd., Newport Beach Harbor 1264 Our Goai--"Eight-Five in '55" (51,100,-tails) REMEMBER THIS: Wben aelllnJ property, the seUlnr • oommlaaton charee is anall compared to the advantaae ol havlnr the sale In the hand8 of experts. CONSULT YOUR MULTJPLE LISTING BltOKER NEWPORT HARBOR BOARD OF REALTORS l'UtWfORT IJ!ACB TO OWN YOUR OWN ROME •• ON BALBOA ISLAND Here's yo~ chance to w.e your trust deeda 01' other pro-PertY to buy an attractive, completely furnished borne on Little Balboa Island. It Ia ideally located, hu a real fireplace. large rooms, and extra batlu. Slnce the owneT no Jonaez has need fOI' the home he wUJ make 10meone a n exceptional deal. We have the key and de~ at our oWce. Don't Delay-See Ua Today • ISUID REALTY CO. TWO FOR ONE! Exclusive Balboa Peninsula location. Completely turn. Today's best buy, $17,500. Very LOW down payment! ULAI McFARREN with BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 419 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 3786--eve. Harbor 2511·M HOLMWOOD DRIVE !NEWPORT HEIGHTS) For those seeking a beautiful home In a quiet. highly re- stricted neighborhood we r e spectfully suggest an lnspec don of one of the Harbor Area's finer residences. Situated on a wide C70'l level lot this lovely home is built ar~und a huge nower.studded patld bordered with many shrubs. A few of the many features are two wood burning fireplaces the very best In wall to wall carpeting. an extremely clever Indoor outdoor rumpus room. dream kitchen. PLUS a com . plete guest apt. for your friends weekend visits! P. S. Despite the gTeat beauty of this property and Its maximum arra ngement for privacy, the yard work Is at an a bsolute minimum. Priced at $24,000 which is well below replacement. Excellent terms If desired. W STUART FOOTE. REALTOR 2117 W. Ma lboa Bl.. Newport Bch. Harbor 24 or Liberty 8-5490 JUST A STEP to North Bay Front on Bal. boa lsJand ... 3 bedr house, 2 bath&, fully furnished and Income apartment. ss.ooo $22,500 FULL PRICE W11*01 Really 308 Marine Ave .. Balboa Island Telepone: Harbor 234 REITALS Ctroullllllr 3-bed.r. turn. ·-····-··· $1.25 mo. 2-bedr. tum ............. $85 mo. 1·bed.r. fum ................ $90 mo. Corona Highlands. 3-bed.r. unfurn., 1-yr. leue_ .. ,135 mo. P. A. PALMER INC. Uberty 8-5573 3 bedrms., 2 baths. den, dtn- lng room on 2 lou on corner. So. of highway, Corona del Mar. Open for lnapectlon at 415 Iris Ave. CHARLES W. MAST'ERS Contract« HArbor 20fl.J A Classified ,a,d •n The En11o" brinqs immediate results! Call Horbor I I 14-1 I IS ~ I)(OYe itl roa uu SEJlVI~S .. ,. - 5141/a If. Naill Stnet. Bm. 211 Scmta ADa PACIFIC TELEPHONE MISCELLAKEOOS COMPLETE P AINTJNG PAJ\ER HANGING SERVICE Harbor 3976·J EUGENE 0 . SAUNDERS $50 per mo rents good practice plano. All term rent allowed It you buy later. Dan.z.Schmldt Big Piano Sale, 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. Great January Plano Sale. BUSINESS B.EJfTJU.S NOW LEASING. avail. bus. of. flee space. center CDM. suit- able for acct.. dentist doctor, architect, lawyer. U 8-1526. 500 31st Street. Newport Beach VIRGINIA HUBBS 1786 Newport BJvct., Costa Mesa u 8·5579 A Clc!mi fied Ad in The Ensign brinqs immediate results! Call Harbor 1114-1115 and oro'le it! BUS. OFFJCE. excel. Joe. across St. trom CDM P. 0. Ideal for loan repres .• contractors, seam. stress. art 01' jewelry bus. UtU. pd., only $40 per mo. Ben Whit- man HA 1862. EARL W. STAILEY REALTOR ANNOUNCES THE CONSOLIDATION OF TilE CORONA DEL M'AR BRANCH WlTH THE MAIN EARL STANLEY OFFICE at 225 MARINE A~ .. BALBOA ISLAND We wlJl continue to serve properties In Corona del Mar and all property owners with the same personal attention In all phues of real estate. • Please call ua. Harbor 1TI5 Stanley Insurance Aaency w1ll occupy the Coro na del Ma.r offlce. 3315 E. Cout Hlahway. EICLUIIYE CUFF lllYEII See this beautllUJ home on CUU Drlve 3 bedrm.a.. 2 batha, 'nlerma4or kitchen, dtabwuher, •arbage c111poAl. Kan,y other ocellent featur. 1 yr. old. A real ~ue at f.23.1!50. Call Uberty~ (Efts.. ~ 8-7056) UIL W. ITla.EY, ltllllr at Uith and Irvine Ave.. Newport Beadt UNfUaNISHED, NEW. modern deluxe 2-bedrm. d uplex with Jaraae.. aun deeb, laundry rooms. carb. dlap. Adults. no pets. 700.A and 700.8 AcacJa, CDM. Own•, 702 Acad~ upper apt. 2-BtDRM. HOUSE with gar., fur- nace heat, S85 mo. yearly rental~ :500 Goldenrod, COM . LI 8-4026. See 516 Jasmine, 2·bed.rm. apt. front .duplex. flrepl., bdwdflrs., eood heat. gar. $75 mo. unf. Call Muriel M. Plnover. Realtor. $1&16 2604 Newport Blvd., N. B. Harbor 4610 _______ .........._ 18&2 a••• Ho1111t, Cl.. c,._ 2.Tone Blue, w.s.w Tires, Radio, HeatJ!r. $&7& 19&1 ... , StaiiH Wac• Radio. Heater. Th" wood Is perfect on thLs car. Overdrive. OIIJ IIIII SEE T1IEIE CABS AT LOU U:ED & ASSOCIATES USED CAB LOT Ac:rou Fraaa JIO.T OBAKCE Bcrrbor .a70-3.561 SERVICES REPAIR AND m a I n ten an c e, painting, carpenter, etc. Just anything. Reasonable Satisfac- tion guaranteed. HA 0126 J. Pomtmg -Decoraung PAPER HANGING GEORGE BURKHARDT UceJ'\Ie'd Contractor 51 1 30th St., Newport Beach HArbor 2418. W Uberty 8·6632 loYie Prejecbs FOR RENT 8·MM li·M1tf 35-MM and 16MM Sound Projectors FAST COLOR FlLM SERVICE Model Airplane Supplies lursc .... ao, New Loeatlon • 1..782 Newport Blvd.. Costa Mesa __ J;;..;b;;.;ou. Ub!!t7 8-10t.2 PAINTING Earl Shenln 273 Palmer St . .........COsta Mesa uberty 8-2928 I PRICES SLASHED I SAVE up to $100 01 ·1 au• lEW "SEIVEL" US REFIIIEUT. * lie Trallelll! * Eaq Ter~~~l SEE-AJJD CET TOUIIIIfOW AT GilANT.SFuRNiiUR~ 1500 Newport Blvd .. Costa Meaa ~ Lester Ryons· & Co. ARE MOVING EHIIIII •••• .,, ..... II it. \ ., ..... ... Lllprt-ltn ....... (Next .to Newport Harbor Bcmk) ' 111VUDAY, JJUIVAD 17, 1 .. •AG& .... 101r aoa 10 mum A. IOU, 6 I~ U ~ WU born to Mr. and Mn. Jobn llUey ot 233 Monte VIIQ St., eo.t.a Keaa, In Oranp O>unty General ft()jt. pltal on Thunday. J an. e. M C did I R .. II I ~ 'Harbor area wW journey to Aua. ore an ates il ace::~:~ =artmen~· _u.e ___ l_l __ ~_or __ ~ ______ _..,;. ______ ~;~: p~~~~:b;~~= ~ <Contlnued from Pa1e 1) about ""'U• ter'Vlnl u a OM-protT&Dl ot deoentrallzatJon wu A musical duo wUl entertain San FranciS('() and New York. plre Airline a t ?:30 Tu~ay eve. be dealln1 with In the clty'a be· man ml:netlty ' ln the Counell. apJa.lned at the January meet-E~ll Club memben next Thurs.. Harper MacKay, plaru.t who has nin1 at the Ebell ClubllOUM. halt," Mr. WUdet uld. "Our dty IIOfta Ilk• IW1mmlnl up meam a:._. ot t}te Oraaee County Post-day, Feb. 3, when Mar1ery and toured with slnaer carl Brisson, • Glamou~ hu 1afned national stature u with u anvll on my bac4. I haft muten AMoclatlon at the Irvine Harper MacKay will prtwent the will Introduce tor the first time Fot le+terheeds, envelope. c.l an Ideal borne community and not beet C&llecJ the watchdol of Cout Country Club. PratdJne at prorram for the Fd)ruary leD· his musical caricatures of world :==T=H=E=EN==SI=G=N=. =H=A=·=f =''=·=:::::; promtaea to continue Ita fut the dty treuv:ry wltbout reuon." the meetinl wu Verne Wataon. eral club meetin,. A mezzo-110-famous penona1Jties. He w ill Glimpses erowth. I favor cuefuUy planned ~ Smith lJ a native prMldent of the Auoc:.latJon and prano sln1er, Mar,ay Maday, also feature lmprovlaatlons in development to, take advantaae ol. FredOnia, Kanua: born I)ec. pofimaJiter tn COrona del Kar. wJll interpret famous operatic the styles ot various planlru ot the best feature. Inherent In 9, ~ He received b.1a M.D. de-Speakers were w. w. Prok8ch, rolea In co.tume u well u out-and composers on themes sug Ita Mttlnc and climate, u a rree at the Unlvenity of Michl-~ omce ln.apector of Santa atandin1 reproduction numbers gested by the audience. ~-~T y 'U ha model city of fine b om e •, l&n 1n 1912. Be pl~ed football Ana, and the recently appointed tro~n mu.ica.l aucceua In whlch Armchair tra veliers from the Goln1 to a uou.a ou ve a churebes, acboola and parka, with at MJchl1an, wu named on Wal. PaR Ottlce Department dimlct she hu played tn t.o. AneeJes, Ebell Club and friends In the ball no matter what the puty the business aectiona in 1eneral ter Camp's All-American honor fF=======.....:================;;===t~ tn one ot the brand, brand DeW man.aeer. P. E. Quesinben'y, .. _ ta-_ _...t_.. t concentrated as they now are. roll h1' 1909 u center. He wu and bla a.ut.tant, M. s~ and pretty-up ....,__,. ro-_... ....... a: b • ed!. al d t.or ~ ... O'BRIEN'S. Here you wUl tlnd a WbUe obaervtnc the rules ot coac and m c a v to Penonnel Manager E. Ftnwall wtde aelec::tlon of e z c 1 u 11 v e courtesy, I wtll mlctly oppose Throop Colle1e, now CaJ. Tech, boom the San Dle,o Dtstrlct Of . ...___ r th .. _.n, the ext. endln1 of apeclal vi-1914 to 1917, ud emered the .. ,_ ... __ or e very youn.--.e V"<'· woddl hlstlcate _ and for le1es or favors to anyone, exce service May 31, 1917. Durtn1 J 'I aop 1 1 bl ,__ u such considerations are called World War n he wu air SUllt'On, near y every mae na e sue. .. ?th Air F 1 th p .... d Best of all the style of dreu Ia for tn line of duty. oroe n e ac.ue, an .. _ 1 ed b th ,__ Mr. Wilder is a nattve of Call-4th Air Force, Hamilton Fte~d ; not .....,term n y e su.c you 1so wear at O'BRIEN'S. No air! Velma fornla: born In Vlaalla In 1916. a tllght sur1eon and sen or b lected f 1...,.. f He worked tor Southern Call.f or. pUot. with rank of colonel u ae or you a var .... ~ o moods for your dresy clothes nla newspapers before the war, • w. c. naow owned the Brea Progress for twQ Retired Lehigh Portland Ce-. . . ele1an1 . . . fTivolous . . . _ .. __ th bet t d dasbl 1 all years &L\.03 e war ore go-ment Co. manager, residing at swl ee an ne · · · n lng Into public relations and ad-211 Heliotrope Ave., Corona del • zes. We ccm't dNcrlbe ALL tM vertlslnl work. He entered Naval Mar. ...._ -~ tD aab you aviation training In 1.939, served Signing his nomination pa per tbe belle of a.l1. bat ,..-u tell ln the Pacitk, Atlantic and Aleu. were Mrs. Karoline Droege, Harry Th.1a office wu established Nov. 15 to cover the counties of Oran1e. Imperial, Riverside, San Bernardino and San Diego. Re. gtonal headquarters were estab- ll.shed the same time at San Francisco for the states of Call Cornia and Nevada and the Ter. ritory of Hawaii. "rhls la the 13th region to be establlahed In the country, and the program ot dece ntralization over the whole country will be completed with the establish· • • il lllkiac ,.. ..... PRETTY! Shampoo aDd Set McmlC"We _J:I.OO . .11..00 Doo't put otf looldDCJ TOur beet. •aplriCieMirl .... , .. • Come In and meet the new owners, George a nd Anna Boaz e Pt.alDg whU. you walt • 106 TUsti.A A.._ 1 just off Miracle Mile) Ample parking a ,._ of tM b19b polDta tian areas. He wu commanding W. Wood, Ernest F. Coop, Ralph = ..... ua-110 oatataDd-oWcer of the Naval Auxiliary Air I Morrill, Norman Fleming, CJif. 1Dg. Cbecll tile p!Dafon Look Station In Arlington for two ford German, Charles Colgan. ment of two more regions. U0'7 E. eoa.t 1119bway. Cotoaa del Ma:r f ---........ _, _ J years d)lrlnl World War II and ~ge Rickard and Esther Par-~~=~~~~_::~~---~==========~=~===========~..!=========~~~~ OW • .,.._, .. •--• 1'. ·-" d f o--Soplalatlcate la cdap l1Dea cmd recelv~ oommen atlon rom "'""'" ent. Joce 1a boUDd to look Ub a retary ot Navy James Forrestal "The confidence expressed In dnaa aUd.Dg .. ICIIDe ladry for that aervice. me by my neighbors In Corona pl .. -. GD 11111q11.1att. ltcallcm Mr. WUder's wife. Jo. has been del Mar In the recent election atlll dnu la a llaDaa Troy de-a kindergarten teacher here since prompts me to enter as a candl· ap camea la bl1.lJJaDt blue 1949 a nd is now teaching at Har date for the Council from district cmd beD a SUCift ad a11ID look bor View School 7:" he saJd. "My objective, It although It 1a .t a .. all .._ • AlfDREW w. SNrTB elected, wUl be to secure more and properly supervised recrea . • • • A 1001. wool la wlalta. 110 Incumbent, and former mayor; tJ al t 1 abeu It looks Ub cltlffM. 1a ~•d1_.,. t 'lM\1\ "---BJ d C on acl lUes tor our youth. made wttb a .u ...... tu~ ;:;a d:J ~.;-v" '""'-.:an v ·• o-This phase of our civic lite has top trimDa~ wttb g~ .. ar.ou SJgnJng hts nomination paper been shamefully neglected In the ..ua bladlag • • • a ..an were Harry Campbell. Mrs. Isabel past at the expense of our moral and physical well being. c:bampacJDe beige Ia daee Ia Peue, A. K. Phelps. Richards H. "We should have additional achifOy eahl'olclel' alllr ........ Bot f m a n , Hana Lorenz, Mrs. few a fabalowl bCill gowa. Ruby SteveNOn, Michael Healy, paru at advantageous points to provide games and picnicking A silver brocade falls graceful-J. Leslie Steffensen, Dick Drake areas tor our children and vlsl. ly Into a not.too-full sldrt from and Henry Delster. tors alike to accommodate the the flattering fitted boeom :. . "I entered the race tor City ever Increasing numbers. We the little girl look is broucht out Coundl In 1952 on a platform of should do something to make llle in a red and white dotted Swlaa ettJclency and economy without more pleasant and healthful for gown with red velvet ribbons ... loss ol any essential service." he our large population ot retired a mystic black peau de sole baa aald. '1 have not deviated from cltlzena who have tremendous re-embroidered lace becominpy that coune. I have not allowed Investments tn our city and who placed at the revealln• neckline. pollUcal expediency to take the pay proportionately In taxes to sw. to c:nat. • •••.U.. 111 plaoe of honest action, knowing the support ot our community." lla:aM ~--dMII!Dta • tull well at the time that I was Mr. Perrow, who 1a 72 years tuU..u:uted loeg tono gowa Ia ,olnc to make some people mad. old, Ia a native ot Vtretnla. He silk w; ,..... ~ It 1s lmpa.Jble to take posttlve. bul6 years ot eerv1ce with rall- CIOhred .all ..._ JltM. U. ho~ action 1n leatalatJon wJtb. roads and 31 years with the Le- ..., cot1 n n 111111111; ..._.. _. out steppln1 on someone. toes. bleb Portland Cement Co.. 25 of -t.betlc:a _., ..,_ tbelr _._ I am convinced that some whOse -·---those years as westent district aaaoDCJ the .._tUa.Uy ._ toes have been stepped on re-ma nager with offices In Spokane. aigDed late ...._ jrphloea crt gard me 88 good Influence on Wash. He was a Rota rian and O'BIIIEJMI plbd fnaa 128-85 the city government and wJll member of the Elks Club In Spo to 1115.10. vote for my retention. . •1 t 1 ttl hi h1 ttl 1 kane and active tn the Spokane .. . ~,"'" ~ I' ) l • r -· ---j ...: , BA.rblw ... 2515 COAIT .OULEVAaD COBORA DEL MAJI wen n ° ce g Y cr ca 'Chamber ot Commerce. He is of many practices. I put In many chairman ot the Harbor Citizens extra-curricular hours In study. League. lng the city's operation. Many questiona ble (some Illegal) prac-• BANS BBOEBmC tlces have been stopped at an Incumbent. residing at 120 annual savings of taxpayers' dol Amethyst Ave., Balboa Island. lars amounting to thousands. A Signing his nomination paper great deal of this I have brought were W. W. Sanford. E. H. Skin ============:..:..::.:..=.:::..:....:..:..:.~~~=--=-=---=-==~ ner, E. Ralph Schisler, Harold ~·••••••••••••••••••~•••""11111111 Caldwell, Rlchard Park. Ruth • Special One Week Only ~ ~: ~:;::.· :s:1:aS:~i!r·a~ • T1a1a IDcladea JabM a.ct ~ta camplete oaly ..,. L. David Martin. • n .... WHEn • T .... Councilman BroerJng had an • VIII ....0 • nounced last week that he would llo.. AI MIIEIJ I 111 JIICE • not run because of the JTeat deal ., ll&.nii.HII • ot time he has to devote to h is • Jlormal eo.t 112.50 • business. He said ,Yt>Sterday that • he has been a ble to solve this • R & I •' AUTO CUNIC • problem so that he wil l have the • .. • available time lor council manic llo.. • duties . ., a.aa. ~..,. ... 11o.. Wbeel Allfn=•t WbMI .. 1aada9 ..,. He was elected to Council In t., ~ 4101 • AprU, 1954. He ls a California • •-a1 d. ..111 native and a Marine Corps vet-l ·--· 9 ..,. eran of World War II. Alter his w...,...t . ....,c.w. ,.. k..&~£££.&&6.£££~~·•••~•• ... dlscbaree from service he and hls brother Warren operated their father's automotive service Ln t.o. Aneeles. then came to the harbor area and opened their • AgaiD Welcomea ........... To Its Present Staff Charloha Bucko EftlyD Bnhner For a wonderful new look, an original Hair Cut, styled for you alon~A Coif- fure -Beautifully brusbable in deep W avea or J.fan~le curia. * Automotive Service on BaysJde Dr. at the entrance to Balboa Island. Hans and bls wife Marjorie have tbl'ft children, Ann, Lany and Greteben. ...... lift •• and we are all stoclced up with the Ultnp to make your party a hu1~ au~ . . .Prizes • • . Gamee • . . .. 0 E with a viPltl.1 This couple who are buying a home today ore the ones who .:-r>ened the1r Savings .A.ccou.,t w~th us i, January a few short yea•s ago. Tt>ey hoo o plon--.!!nd the insp.,elion to carry it through! And how the,r sov,ngs grew! They odded to tr.~' .,,:r..., ~t ;, m ever" payched. We added to 1t w1th regular d1v de"ds. ,•, .. e~ ·-e, ~ .e +re · home -,,,d II reol value it W~S. too -we 0-'~e •rem ' r'"'i'?1C:' ,~ co,..,m'tme'll. The home is in escrow with us now Tne~ made 11 down pa~ ment and had " good balance left over f .r t'~ .. .u -~ f 't'r:'l the or s~ .. ings Account. This c~~n be your succe H story, too. Regulor sav·,Qs. e arning our l:b- erol dividends -and you'll ~OOf\ f-.ove the meens to owl' your OWN home with a view' WE HELP YOUR SAVINGS GROW-Our re-gular dividends, now paid every quarter on al eccoun+s. wil me~ thoM .-iMp GROW! Earnings may be compounded end edded to yow account 011 M•r. 31 , June 30, Sept. 30, end D.c. 20-or we wilt ma~ • chec:l to you four timM • y.ar. At our ~nt rate of Jlf2!';. per yeer, divid.nd1 edd up fest! IIIWPOIIT Aaaoclatioa Lido lEACH OA SAVIIIG P . A . Palmer . Barb•r CALJroa•Ja . -----~.._... •'• TV Slnlol Liberty 1-2221 . ELECT STELL MARSHALL HEAD OF · LADY ANGLERS -, DICK IIOI"''MAJf H.., lrtaff for the comtnr year Stella (lira. Jtay) K&llhall of will Include Dort. Powera, vl~ Balboa Ia.land wu ll\ltalled u pretlldent; Dorothy Adams. eecre. preedent ot Newport Rar6o.r tary; Mary Belle Toblu. treuur. Lady Analen Prick>' event.na at er. Franeett Piper w1JI .,. corre. their annual tJrophy l)ftMntatlon apondlnJ aec:retary. A raJ named c1tJlnft at Newport Harbor Yull Mary ?!! wUJ have aomethlnr to Club. ' do with the trophies. and an. She took over the wheel trom othf!f', last name Is Soden, wlll be "Pipey'' (Mrs. Ned> lohnaon who mem.,.rahlp!!! Phoebe or FUI had captained the d~l~ ol Andresen w1U .,. !!! hostea. the club throurh 1954 and who Ully Call will be - ---t was awarded the rolden put m would be a rood idea, maybe, president's pin for hf!f' aucceufuJ 1t the N.H. Lady Anglers would leadership. • arranee for the reporters to be .. .. seated within hearing distance ~~~=~~~~~~~= Stell wtll be a capable and at these events. 1 had to pick my p --a popular president. Lone aasocf. own and ended up h U b t ated with the Lady Anrlers. she deaf as a door-knob, tn 8 :e !':,u~-WHY FLOUNDER .,. ...... ,., ~~ is "lanla P.t!" LOSE ha.s done most or the publicity w~st corner with the Pomona and tor the organization. Her pert10nal Oceanside Lady Anrl ) qualities and an Intimate know). 1 had a tough time :arlng the edge of the local flshlng scene, rest of the announcements. There combined with a reputation for was a telegram from Homestead, good judgment and a charming Fla. I think It was fro Ul C 11 personality should make "Stell" but I recall the nam: of y Cl:,~ an outstanding leader In the lone Keeler. ~haps she was thf!f'e, line ot exceptlo~al presidents ot too. Someone got congratulated- the Harbor Area s unJque, active maybe It was Lily Call-or per. an~ exclusively female anrltnr haps, who knows, Clara Keeler. gro p. e TBOI'IIIU AW AJIDED J a c k Curnow, Loa Aneeles Ttmes "Fish 'n' Game" column. lit, was called upon for a ff!W worda. Your reportf!f', "C.Q.", was ditto, and dittoed. Fonner Mayor Les Iabell was called upon by . I COftAJif COE.S UP Tbunday ......u..· pa, I. fw tbe lfewport. Harbor CoauaaaJty P~ prod"ctSoD of "'My I AllCJeb.'' a comedy ~ by Bill hdlr. It will be pr ... Dted Feb. J, 4. S Cl.lld 10. 11. II. Twe CIDd a tnrcttoD of 411e CIDCJela are •boWD abo•.--Jerry EYGDS at left lD tile role of Alfred tbe mutdent cuad Jim Webb aa JOMpb tbe wanza.ltearted ..t.Ddler. Tbe baabful bcllldJt wttb j...t • Mild abowtaw ia Earl ~b~ Jul ... (L Mull photo) New Members Join Squadron lfOJrTII DUOTA VISITORS VJsltors from Fargo, ~orth Da. kota, Mr. and Mrs. Ornar Rowe, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bates ot Corona Nf!W members of the Balboa del Mar over the week-end. On Power Squadron, graduates or Sunday the Bates drove their .............. -, ........ MI.-J'Nda 11titn1aJrte of aye. IIIII -.J!nfante .. Ute condw:. tal CoVe. WW lft.ltruct a coune tar oi the Oran,. County PbJJ. In appreciation ot cont.mporary harmonle Ordsema. muaJc lltartlna at 7 p.m. Tueld-r. ;:::=========::: Feb. 8, In the coral mualc f'OOIIl ol Newport Harbor Union BJcb School, oUered by the UnJveralty ot CalifOI"'\la extena!on dlvtuon. The claM wUl meet on 12 oon. tecUtlve Tu~ even.lnp and la catalocued u a dt.cuuton o1 ~==~~~~~~=== the aettthetlca and mu..leal 8t;)'l• - of contemporary compoeera. Jt wiU ~In wtth the 1mlJIIWI1on. lam or Debuuy and end with the Ja.u of Gerewtn and th• aton . allty of Schonberr. The clasa w111 otff!f' two unlta ot coHere work at a cost ot $18. Halt.r.-a~Plaf Su1ta Wool loa lboel Dwalm Bat. • Surf & Sand noms-~· • .. ....ty ._ lprtD9 Cllld emcee Hub Powers for a speech, ::: ~ M'P -....s _, CREDIT BUREAU but declined. the Fall pllotlnr class, wer~ In-trlenda to Palm SprJnp. I.DIUift' ... II ducted Into the equadron at a :;;;;;;;:::;;;;;=:;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;=:;~~==;;;;===;;;;==:;=:;;;;;;:::;;;;;~~~~~~;;;;;;;;~. dinner m.eetlne on l an. 20 In the f Newport Harbor Yacht Club. A total o( 165 penona attended. IT'S LATER of Westen~ Onmge Coaaty Many trophies were awarded, mAN YOU THINX! (formerly of Newport Bea nearly all of them donated by Laguna Beach 1r Costa Mesa) local tackle d~alen, landings Discuss your Figure Problem 2lrM Biftnide Aft.. PO Box and &lends of the club. The club with us. A FREE Explanatory Libedy a-7141 lfnrport a.acta championship trophy went to Treatment is rJven. Doris Powers for her 56.92 points .. NO OBUGATION She also received the trophy for PBOifE ......oa 1742 1 E S A largest marlin on 50 lb. test line, 3117 E. Coast Highway 103" lb. Uly CaJI won the trophy Corona del Mar U P H 0 L S T E R Ill for largest ma rlin on 30 lb. line Uphot.t.rin9 & Drapery and rlrst marlin of year, 126% lb. ~~ Uberty 8-47Sl Dorothy Adams was awarded the ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~23~50~1f~e~WII~po~~rt~II~L.~Cost~~a~M~..a~~ trophies for largest albacore on 30 lb. lin~. 25 lb., 4 J,t oz., and on 12 lb. line. 15 lb., 9J,t oz. Louise Hopton won the trophy for larg. est albacore on 20 lb. line, 27 lb .. 7 oz. Some year, the Lady Anglers should award a trophy or some other suitable testimonial to the hardest working person at the Certl,cates were given to 24 men and women who finished the fall seamanship cia~ suc. cessfully. A total of 35 men and 15 women finished the Fall pilot lng class. Commander Curt Dosh ap pointed Worthington Lee as com. m u n I c a t I o n a officer for the squadron. Ra lph Larrabee's mo tion pictures on his schooner Goodwill winning the 1951 Hono lulu race were shown. Instructional p r e d I c t e d log races for members In power boats and auxiliaries. with Dean Campbell In charge, will be held In the near future. Commander Dosb announced. dinner. In caae everyone e11e .. I • forreota. your reporter salutes ~ -~SW. photog Kent Hitchcock who S "- burned up more flash buibs and ~····· ....... films In a single evening than The apTJng program ol classes you would ~ If Marilyn Monroe In pllotlnr. weather, seamanship arrived. on a white-horse, period, and eneln~ malnt~nance opens with the swallows, at Capistrano. this week, spon.ored by the Bal. Good old Kent! boa Power Squadron. Lynn and De 1H Worcester lnYite You to Their FIRST AIIIIIVEISlRY Open House Celebration -IN THEIR NEW BUILDING - SATURDAY, .IUUIIY 29th 9:00A.M. to 5:00P.M. * JOE um.EFIELD * l)lewspaper, Radio and TV Expert wills peak at 11 A.M.. 12. 1 P.M. & 2 P.M. * REAESHIEIITS I SIFTS * • A11itenarr S~t~ciala • 10 to 12 Ft. White Birch Trees. Reg $4..00 at $2.90 4 Ft.. 1-GaL Magnolia Trees. Special at 59c BAY NURSERY 485 E 17th St a1 Irvine Costa Mesa A-1 PLUMBING llaiiHI Collectiol ••••• c•aq•• Recent readjustments In route deliveries and pick-up of mall serving the Corona del Mar Post- office has made necessary a change In box collections, acrord- lng to Postmaster Verne Watson. Mall from the Coast Highway letterboxes will be picked up one. halt hour earlier, ao that mall previously picked up from 6 to 6:15 p.m. will now be collected from 5:30 to 6 p.m. IWJ 11 .. 111, 8i1 ...... ,..-... A burrlar atole two khakJ blanke-ts and a quart of gln. which he drank aboard the boat. Dreamer. moored In the Chris. tJan's Hut area, owner John Ineram of 752 w. Wilson St .. Costa Mesa, notified Newport pollee Jan. 8. An empty quinine mix bottle SP£Cl.AII%£S Df IIJ:PADIS and an empty whis key bottle Day & lflpt Wat• Beaten were brought aboard by the Modern ,ower Tool• for Sewer & Sin• Stoppeve• burglar and lett on the boat, po. L • R • -EIIT'l 1-Jlce said. A forward hatch on the ewls 055 ";;:: B.o1m~1 ft ~ ,.......... era waa pried open to gain lfewport a.acta entry. Everything on the boat ~::~~~:::::::::::::::~:=~~was atrewn all over. pollee said • The blanketa and rtn were valued at $11. Whitman's Garage UZ2 E. COAST IIWT. Rear~ Conaa del .... CaW. ~ ... COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE ·~a lfAVJCATOD TO TaAIIf Refresher counes Jn navtga. tlon for all navt~aton lnwlved In t.be Honolulu ~ thJe IUm. mer •W be alve:n bJ dWrtct 13 of the Power Squadron. CUrt Doeb. commander ot the -.tboa Power Squadron. hu an~ T!M t."CKliMS wU1 be beld JD lfa7 • June, pri« to the 11tat of tM Classes In seamanship under Instructor AI Rylett start at 7:30 tonight CThursday,) In the New. port Harbor Girl Scout House and In engine maintenance a t the same hour In the Tar Pit, ln. structed by Ray Donald. The course In weather, Instructed by' Leonard Hostetler, started last Monday night In the Newport Harbor Chamber ot Commerce and the course In piloting opened at 7:30 p.m. last Monday In the Newport Harbor Yacht Club. The latter course Is open to the public. All courses run for 12 weeks. MATTRESSES lDDenprto9 -Cottoa Foam Rubber lrregular Shapes !fEW -IIJ:BUILDDfC COSTA MESA MATTlESS CO 2150 Newport llvcl. U 1-llO) ROLLER SHADES WOI'Ia'ooaa POl' QUICI SERVICE f'll c .... s,.claltles ALL ITAifDAJlD SHADE CLOTHS, lfOVZLTJU "nom D&.UDIT ILUDWAU VEJIBTIA.If 8UifDI ••• .. gJ.J.gt.p u .. .................... * :.:: '1),t:. 1 Sth in a series of monthly Fashion Shows. Presented through the cooperation of the Villa Marina, Vema Miller and the following Distinctive Shops . . . ~ February 3rd. * Qn the F"llBt Thursday of Each Month * * * BRAGG'S UNIQUE SHOP 2737 E. Coast Hwy. Corona tiel Mar * THE BRAT SHOP 1809 Newpor1 Boulevard Costa Mesa * FUN FASIDONS 2659 E. Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar * W. D. JOHNSON. Jeweler 218 Marine Ave., Balboa Island LORNE 204 Marine A venue Balboa Island * FRANCES NORTON D~.I ... W'W'I 213 No. B'wy. & New next to ''"'''"""., Santa * PE111E VILLE 3409 E. Coast High way Corona del Mar * VERNA MILLER CHABN SCHQOL Corm'1entary-Fashion Models 4 J 4 South Main, Santa Ana · * * Reservations Now HArbor 3930 Villa marina *· Lunchtton from -12:00 Noon . I Baplde Drt .. at Marm. A ... (Batra_.. lalhOcllilcmd) r.;wJWI!ilt Jeac1i , ~ltl tor,~ cJwelllnp. total· .u.oe. UOO W . Coast Hwy .. 132.· lnl S3'Tf.al0. were tawed to the 000; Mobllcu. aJen at 2300 W. Ma~ Corporation ln the rmne Coast Jl-.y .. tl1000; A. 1. Marron, Terrace aubdlvlJdon acJjolnln,J 4-room. 1-cory, 1-unlt dwelllna at Corona•del Mu. Total for the 2n5 Orance. ts.:SOO. week throupout the City o1 New-e ~A DD. liD port Beach wu over the hal1-mll-· Laute~ Booth, J.3..room. 1· llon-dollu muk, brln&lbl tbe story. 1-unlt dwelllnl at 2015 Bay. Januuy record cla.e to ~.000. llde Dr., t31,500. Follow1nJ permi~ wew-e ~ued: e UDO 11U , • JaVDf& lf'EUACZ Bert Wilder. addition at U8 GunnuWatlon, 9-room,1.atory, Vla Quito, ~MOO; Roy Annttrona. 1-untt dw.elllnc at 1512 Dolphin 7-room. 2-story, 2-unlt dwelllne at Tenap, $36,000; Maceo Corp., 24 G VIa Udo Nord, $25,500. dwelllnp on Santanella Tenace. • B~A Santana Drive, Patolita and K-Frank Grandolfo, pizza alen at ~~~· ranetne from $14,300 to 511 w. Balboa Blvd .. $1,000. e WEWJOBT e B~A JSLAKD Paul Lamport Aaaoc., auto Hal WUI Smlth, store room for aeeney and shop tor Lou Reed A Jolly Roeer. 203 Marine, $2.500: • At Orange County'• Laadlng Ho"'~ Lending lnstltvtion ,_ QUICK 24 HOUR SERVICE LOW . LOW "REDUCING" INTEREST RATES EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS FRIEIDLY SYMPATHETIC SERVICE WE IUY ftUST D&DS ON WB.L LOCATIO HOMIS LA GitHA FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION 222 Ocean Avenue LAGUNA .BEACH PhoM HY 4-11 77 Richard Love, alteratlona at 602- 602% S. Bay Ft., $1.000; Erlc Lun- deen, addition at 201 Onyx, $1,- 800; Henry Bruderlln, 1-room, 1· story. 1-untt dwelllne at .01 N. Bay Ft., $7,000; Frank Robinson. alterations at 107 Jade. f},OOO ; Fred Wanen, alteratlona at 106 Abalone, $850; Harold Leslie, aJ. teratlona at '1110 S. Bay Ft., $3.· 000; C. C. Ray and W. M. <;:ope, re-sldlne at 126-126~ Ruby, $1,· 495. lOR FOB TAWALU A son, James Edward, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Jsamu Ta. naka, of 742 WeelD Dr.. Costa Mesa. In Hoac Memorial Hos- pital on Wednesday, Jan. 19. LOllS FOR IllES 5" 10-TED LOAJf Construction L«nw 5" 10-TE.U LOM SEE aoa SA'ITLEB J446 E. COAST HWY .. CORONA Dll MAR HAtbot 476] l.-4•-r HAtiMw 41" CALLINGQQ Anglers Elect Hal Kenoyer mE PIZZA By DICK .OPI'IIAII Paclfic Anglers. one of th~ 1'1\o.t up.and-comtnc of the Bu- bar Ana's ancllnc cluba, eel•· brated the .u~ completion of their tlrst five yean of actfv. lty Saturdq nllht with thelr firth blrthday and awatds dinner TO GO at the Balboa Bay Club, hud. ... W..t c..t JUW.,. •......-t ..__ ...._ • qua.rten of the an111n1 poup. 1'/alllle. r.-UCIIEI .. wwda a-t:t.gile a-da e BAft BOD Seems to me that the ottaprlng of hlppocampt are hatched from eees. usually. And a thousand pudons. m'sieu', for not explain- Ina that a hippocampus has nothlnc to do with ponderous. thick skinned, mud-loving, zoo. llvlne animals and even Jess to do with the fronJ yards of col- leaes. Hippocampus. La just an oU-~at way of aaylne "sea horse." By unanimous vote the follow-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ing oftleers and dJrecton we-re ~ Balboa llland wa.a chosen ~«· el«ted for 1955: Prt'lldent. Rat- ond vice president. Both Dr. Deck-old A. Kenoyer of Lido J .. e; vice er and Harold are able exponents president. Merle F. Atflerbaueh of the art of spin-fishing. of Bltacon Bay; aecretuy.t:reuur- Dol'othy Adams, Newport Hat· er, Frank Usedom of Bay Shores; bor Lady Aneler, will be the ef. dlrect.ors, the new' officers. and flclent and attractive ~-R. D. (Bill) DeLamar of Los An· treuurer. Dorothy was Lee Ha r-geles. Martin Pollard of Van ter's sec'y at Sllatlex for a long Nuys, Dr. c. c. H~nrte of Laeuna, time, making her one of rew gals Ka.rl G. Miller of Bay Shore&. capably acquainted wtth both George P. Grlffith ot Udo tale t he manufacturing and aportlng a nd Harry J. Roprs o1 Udo I.ale. I saw one born Wednesday nlaht of last week, and It wun't ~].atched from an eeg. It was born very much alive, after beina In- cubated, tor some months, In the warm, commodious and hospit- able environment oL Cocta Meta's Pacific Laminates. manufactur- ers of those well-ltnown f lshina rods called Slla'nex. It Is quite poulble that the eerm plasm of thla husky newcomer had Its Inception In the cerebral hemi- spheres of Lee Ha rter, the sales manager of Paclflc Laminates. e FACTS . But enoueh of this double talk. What we're really Introducing is the Southland's newest angling organization, the Sea Horse Spin- Fishing Club. It Is a natural out- cropping of the not too-new. but Increasingly popular method of angtlne called "spin fishing." Spin-fishing originated In Eu- rope. --long before there was an Iron Curtain In the middle of Germany. The rod Is a slender wand, much like that used for fly-casting. But the reel Is a very special eadeet. The reel spool has Its long axis parallel to the rod. and revolves only as the line Ia being retrieved. When a cast Is made, the line, usua lly of syn. thetlc monofilament, pulls oft the end of the reel spool, exactly as you might pull thread oft the end of an ordinary spool. Since the reel spool is not set 1n motion by the llne, lona. ac- c:ufttreatl awmade-wtth mlnl· mum effort. and without benefit of heavy sinkers or lures. 'Tis said that anyone can be ta ught to spln.cast reasonably well In about five minutes. It's not that way with fly castine. I fished one enUre season In those early days before I caueht my first trout on a fly. And lf you want to be made to feel like a monkey, don't try competitive casting with your boat rod and standard reel against a spin ner. • oaco!z.AnoM Last week's meeting was large- ly organlzaUonal. and the new baby started llfe with a well as- sorted group of god-parents. Dr. S. R. Monaco of Balboa, the llrsl president of Pacirtc Anglers and ends of tlshlng rods. e BOCE'U IS BOWOJID) "Min" Inokuchl of the Jap-Ha rry Rogers. outeolng presl- • VI.U 1111111 Pecrt!uta9 fiAe MCdood. st.ab. prime rUM. c:IUdllea. due& tM VWa Mcu1aa Ia oae of e>nm.-Coa.Dty'a o..t r.tau- ,_ts. Baaqaet rooaa aeat. 1IP to 4GD. Locat.d .t tM ~ to k1boa 1slalt4. UO.S. ea:DM OW'Del'abtp aa U.. ctrqae Ia F~ aneae-Amerlcan fishing club, the 1 dent, one of the most popular Kingfishers, whose members car I leaders In the flab inc club's five-____ C_H_U_I ____ I_IJI __ ft_. -C-lfE--=------~-.-.. --.----- ry on the ancient tradition and year history, was the modest but • ---·- skill of the fi shermen of old Ja. happy target of a veritable bar· TbJa fabuloaa cafe. = aDd olden CMa•• ~ pan, was a popular choice for rage of honors bestowed. w ith lll OraD9& Cowaty. em 3S. LDdadlag DiiM c:Mb. W•· I derful Ch'D•e food attracts gouraaet.IIJCIID ~t dae sergeant-at-arms. genuine a!fectton, by the club. Soutb.la:D4. It's wortb a trip to ADCibetm Chi..__ Ia u.. In addition to the officers. Ray who appreciated Rogers, not only bcaJtet CIDd st.cb abo an t.atun4. Yet Lba Ia ,._ liloft. Call, Balboa Angll~g Club pillar; as an exceptional leader, but as Chllleee gift a.bGp a.t dooa. Bf>ttye Fink. w ife of "Davey's a man's man. , 327 E.. CEJn'E.B. AlfAJIE.D( ~ 5-Glt Locker" Dave Fink: Lady Antler Martin Pollard read and pre Dorothea (Mrs. Saml Klnsfather; sented a beautifully Illuminated Hal Dlke, good Newport citizen testimonial sa-oil, a resolution a nd bard woeker In behalf of the drawn up by the Board of Oirec. youneer eeneratlon, and Vic WIJ. tors. This Innovation was fol- llams of Whittier, spin casting lowed by the presentation of -a expert. make up the Board of Dl-hand-made rod case containing a r«tors. I ~t of matched, penonallzed Clah- 'nOM lng rods, especially constructed • III'VI'!:~ H S 1 Fl hi for the occasion by the makers of The .,..a orse p n s ng . Cl b _.11 t monthly In the Slla fiex rods, Pad!lc Laminates u w• mee 1 of Cost a Mesa. conference room or Pat'iflc Lam. ~ VIC PIIESE.Jn'S TBOJ'BIES !nates. on the first Thurs(hy, at Cinema star Vlctot MeLaglen. 7·30 p.m. My arlthmetl<-tells me be f p ltl A 1 d · a mem r o ac c ng en an t hat the next mM>ting will be donor or the "VIctor McLaglen Feb. 3rd. Thl' board will me"t at Fishing Oscar," a perpetual tro- 6·30 at the Harbor House In Cos-h d-... t be h · p y awar .,.. o mem rs w o ta Mesa. Anyone, without q ual!. b k It t #1-'-1"" rea sa wa er game·&uo.u wor u tlcatlon, ls welcor.w to attend the records. delighted the crowd with meetlncs or to join this newest hls 1 d , persona appearance an angllne club. In case you aren t i st 1 i amus ng or ea. familiar wtth Its location, Paclf " VI ted 11 f h ls 1 c presen rep cas o Laminates Is at 1919 Placent a Fishing Oscar to members Jean Ave., In Costa Mesa. I...ee Harter Carlisle lfor world record yellow- echoes the invitation of Herb !In tuna I. Bert Devere (world Jenk.s. president, to come early record black marlln) and Stan and use thelr casting pool, and Annln 4world record albaCOTe). call on their spln-tlshlng tnstruc I By a rare coincidence, Jean Car- tors lf you need it. lisle's 254-pound tuna and Bert CIIIISTili'S IUT • ~TIIE8AY-~A FOOD & CBOG -OPEJf nAB ..OVWD U.S EDGEWATER e ~ 171 SOUTH .SUS CAFE FI.De food ••• coclrtaD bar ••• floor allow. DIPU, •.. CIDo cScmd.DCJ to tM mUiic of tbe enec.adoe Decca~ Cll'tUta. £err to 9et to t.raaa Rcwpwt ~ ARea **" up Harbor jJ9d.. tuna right GDto JUpwcy IDL tiMa t.nl ri91tt oa Proatoge 8ood a ~ of a ID.Ue ~ 011. 10178 U. S, JIWT. 101 sear A.WAJIEDf UiSi'OiiE ~ ITS MURDER • • • Wbn tbe R....-palt llcabclc c-u.IIDlty ...,_. ...... t tbe --JI1Jal1ou c-.dy IUt "MY 3 ANGELS" AT CIIAPEL TIIEATBE. O&AJICE COAST CIO' JZGE TIUISIIY • n.AY • SITUDAY F .. rury 3 41 _. ftiHu1 10.11·12 CU11TA.Ilf 1:30 p.m. IIAU ~0118 a.ESErl A'nOWS E.Am.Y lrT CALLDIC TOlOIT I'OSIU SEIIVICE. ~-eftS • OUUVATIO•s Devere'a "834-pound black rnarUn I I had a nat clc.e shave at the Weft eaupt on the l&.lpe dQ, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ meetJni. ·~lfl 'rroHter, bearded Aug. 19. 1954. thousands f1 i maestro of the Sea Biscuit. nom-mUes apart. Jean's record wu lnated your columnist tor prexy. made In Itona, Hawaii; Bert's In It took some fast talking to get Capo Blanco, Peru. out of lt. Thanks anyhow !or the ....wtli :al1lOtlJ7 'll 'iJLlJifl1tJ7 compliment. Actually It's better It I just write about Sea Horses. I will. however, accept the honor of bavlng proposed the name of the new club. Good luck to lt. and good spin fishing. And the hat <the hlgh silk onel Is off to Paclflc Laminates for dreamine ~ORT _//,, .. ~. CORONA on ltt411 ~H/lNl/81' WOW SIIOWDfC this one up. Van's Bowling I.Hies!-EIIIr •••! l.GdJea' 3zd AaaGa1 lB-Gam• BOWUII llRITHOI Fabrucuy 13tb-ll :00 lUI. Umltled to '36 Plcryen MAJn' PIUZES AWAJIDEDI * AUTOMATIC PDfSPOTTEilS * POR BE.SEBV A TJOifS CAFE 703 SVPEBJOB A VF-Lm~ 8-3292 COSTA MESA R . bert Forbes co-founder of this and other local angling clubs. was el«ted pres. ldent. The flourish ing status ol B U 1 L DE R these older clubs speaks well for by tbe fireside superlative food, cocktails and service amid old en&lish charm. *BALBOA* the futun! of this newest one and ~;;;:=;;;;;;;;;;;;;~·;;;•;;A;;;;;r;;b;;o;;;;r;;;;.;;;";;;";;;;';:l;;;;O;,;I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~ for the capa blltty and experience ;;;. of its choeen leader. Dr. Harold Decker, Newport Beach, wu el«ted first vice president. Harold Caldwell of Costa Mesa Lu•ber Co. LUMBER-BUILDING MATP.IIIALS ·~...._C......_ LD 1'1 • Mra. a. w. Lee of 205 Poppy Ave.. Corooa del lfu, suffered burna about her face at '6:09p.m. Sunday when the oven In 'bet home blew up, Newport police reported. Her hair, eye brows and eye lull• wen slnaed and her clotbJnc burned. ..ld lnvestlga. tine oft~ wbo took h er to Boa• Memo r I a 1 Hospital. A pbyslelan la.ld that h« eyes would t1ot be damaged from the nr.. 1ht own llad been Ut and wu belnl ole4 to ~ a casser ole. rot ..,..,. reuou the fJaJM ,.,..,t out and the own nn.ct ... pa. .... the WOIIl&n opened tiM own do« the au , ..... a.. a.m. ttl t.IM ..... bunMI' Ud ca...S the eQ..._, ............. HURLEY BEll -1 .. c..t ltwy. .... I'll. CIMh Ill .. ·~··~······~ THE WORLD La as near as YOUR PHOME Call IL\ lMS NO SERVICE alAIGE LIDO TRAVEL BUIIEAU ~ MM~UDO Udo SboDDlnl Center ....................... STOP At Thelrdles • Doris talbott·· ~9Jo.a; * UCOBDS at-. Dytbiaa. ~·a. ..,_ & o.... O••• * NVIJCAI. ~ ~ =..: ........ ····· & Otbel UOOIID I'LATIJII -TAn ..COJIDl:la ..... • a.m .... Burnham Age 79 Funeral services were held Tuesday at Baltz Mortuary for a little English lady, who was well • l'IIIDAT. JAH. 21 known by her daily habit of The 18%-foot speed boat, Fan-walking from Corona del Mar to ny Dunker. reported stolen from Balboa Island, all the way to the Rhome A. Rodgers of 3810 Chan-ferry and a crOM to the public 11. nel Pl., Newport Beach, was brary In Baltx,Ja and back. found by the harbor department Miss Elizabeth Ma ry Burnham. and was returned to Its owner age-79, died Sunday at the home · · . Mrs. Dorothy Krenek of 1514 of her .sl.sttr and brother-In-law Balboa Ave., reported her screen Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Clarke of unhooked by a prowl~ during 317 Coral Ave~ Balboa Island. the nJght a nd uked oUlcer to Miss Burnham Jived at 316 ""'"'" check ... Emmett 1... Rest ot 123 Ave .. Corona del Mar. She 4Jrd St., Newport Beach reported born {n Yorkshire, England, and h is son's red and whit '1 "k h d had. lived 32 years In California, e fl e a 18 m the Harbor area. Men stolen ... School children her sister. Mrs. Agnes Clarke. to- were blamed for taking mall cal survivors Include her niece from the mail box of Mrs. Ted Mrs. Helen Peterman. of Balbo~ Hoover of 2575 Arbor Or., Bay Is la nd. She Is also s urvived by a Shores. and scattering It ~ister, Mrs. Maude Rouse of Lon. on a don. Rev. Paul Moore Wheeler vacant lot next door . read the service. LEE WILDER Candidate lor City C•••ll 6th ~ct. Corona del Mar .....&.ca.ll ... D 11 a act• Ga&jW ..... Dr. A.&.•• 7' _,. __ .,.,. I POJCIIOa&D n ~ ....... w.& ........ W.aw&IITF s• Dun•t...., ........ 010 COFFEE 79•. ~.:.IRnTS .IIfC!TA BllS WHilE .BOSE Potatoes 10 lb. 29~ TBJCI[ YELLOW MEATED Banana Squash 3~ COLDER JIIPE Bananas FIJEJITE-IUpo Avocados Plct\!WEET PEAS CtnCIII 11111111 '"" Wbl,, •• ........ lrlu •••• Jut ...... liMN '"Do-lt.,..,..,. , .... ""EVDTDAY t. JIAaDWAU DAT'" d- -- CALYPSO · ~ the oew eard • 1ame from Trtnldad ..... lUlU I DIG UWii'C&UI'G :"''$ .. I 2. ?5 COifCioiiD& U5 *£RO~~~~~RDiWiiA~R~E·~~~~~ 27-28-21-30 .... Bit tfHtiiJ c ..... Ctn 303 H...r VIII Ptu S03 1ftiJ IOIHI .CIIIIt•• 303 "" c. COFFEE 93~ lEW lAilY PIIOES GOLDEII ITAlJ: Skim . Milk --qt. Half & HaH Qt. 3Sc ..... 19 ... QUAJm c Chocolate Milk 2 rw 33c Buttermilk. qt. 2 rw 23c 89~ • SPARE RIBS CHUCK ROAST ROUND STEAK 85L RUI\IP ROAST IORE IK 85L STEWING DENS 25L :::G=round--:-----=-· R:_::_o-=..-::.:.cl:____-=5-=--9:. Ground Shoulder 491. ~ook Cheese 59:. 7-Bone Roast 0-8one Roast 491.· BISCUITS~~ 431. 10c B _ACON GOLD COlli Pork El Ne.2