HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-02-17 - Newport Harbor Ensignay liLA JlliCZ her active every moment, which Purcbue of the ~dezvou.a Ba.llroom 1n Balboa by the e1ty u a dvk: auclltortuftl wu pro. poeed by Councllman Bans Broft. tnc at Konday eveninf'a meet- Inc ot the lfewpcxt City Coundl J.. Councllman Broerlng made tJ:U1 aurprt. proposal, he said that he had talked to the owners of the Benctezvoua and that they were wtlllnc to sell. 'lbe R.end~ua wu purchued ln a public aale by Al Andenon I and Jerry Jotuulon of Balboa for f16,000 on Oct. :n, 1953. Mrs. Robert Murphy then held a t1rst martcaae on the property. Her latf huaband ba.d OWDed UN bU.Ud1nr trom 1!HO to 1950. OWndlman Broerlnc aatd thato hls 8\lf..Uon wu in line with hJa eftorta to .,lve tbe East.er week problelll and al.o the prob. lem of lack ot year.round youth recreatlQn center. He made the motJon that City Attorney Karl Davis and City Mana,er Jobn Sallon be instnJc. ted to ln...U.ate the ~illty ot purdtutnr the BenctezYOua u a civic auclJtortum. The motion wu adopted Councilman Cen.ld knnett aureate<! that a w.rwy be made concemJnr the dty'a need for auch an auclJtortum and method ot operratlnc lt. Easter Mailing Is Criticised .. .._* lfQGr Dcwa HW aaJd the bGtt1eDectr Ia the 1*lt ttl .....,: .-ct fllr i1Nk .. pow. copJ .. were •nt to aU property port caJ:De to a head ~ eve. AppnJ.ala o1 the lftPti1Y wm own~ becauR "we find that nine u the ctty Councll ~an have ·to be made, and It~ many people do not read the pa. condemnation proceedlnp to ac. ment 1a '"-Cbed, the city wUI ap. pers." quire th~ PE rlght.of.way. proprlate the necessary funds "I find that many people did CJty Attorney &arl Davis pre. and complete the purchase. It not read the letter," saJd Mrs. sented the resolution, declarlne agr~ment cannot be reached, i&UMDAT, PKalrVAJn' 17, 1155 Blue-eyed Barbara Belen SmJth mlcbt get some parents down. wltll the cute Bv.-r Brown bob but not the Elbett SmltM of 313 Ia Juat about the llvelleat Uttle Poppy Ave., Corona del Mar. It Brownie In Troop No. 34. fills their hearts with happiness, Davis. She said certain areas, that It was for the best Interest& -------------------------- auch as Corona del Mar, could of the City of Newport BE-ach to have been eliminated because acquire the pt"operty for street the Easter Week problem did not purposes. Her creat zest tor lite keeps because little Barbara, now leV· particularly affect them. Council unanimously approved DMisiOn Is Due Soon On .High School Site Amigos Name New Direct ors en, was barn with a coneenltaJ heart condition whkh could not be operated on untll she was four years old. Barbara went Into Chlldre.~a's Hospital. Los Angeles. welghfftg only thirty pounds and a year behind ln development. The op. eratlon was such a success that It required only ten days In the hospital and two weeks rest at horne before she could join her four brothers and sbters in their eames. Barbara Is only one of many chUdren who have been releued to normal llvfng by the new aur. Mayor Hill said that the cost the motion, made by CouncHman of pulling out names of certain Gerald Bennett and seconded by areas from the mailing Jist Councilman Stanley Rldderhof. would have been greater than to proceed with the condemna. the cost of the maUlng. City tlon of the property. Manager John Sailors said the Council ':hen approved another cost was "$300 plus." \. resolution authorizing and dl· Yesterday Mayor Hill said that reeling Mayor Dora Hill and City she has received-a numbc:-of Clerk C. K . Priest to execute and commendations and o;ome ques-tile a petition with the Public tlons on the Easter Week mail. Utilities Commission. Newport Harbor High School administrators received addition· al encouragement tbls week In thelr campaign to obtain 70 acres at the former Santa Ana Army Air Base as a site for a n~ high scbooJ plant. Inc. One letter questioned the The Commission wUJ set a Judge D J. Dodge, chairman consltutlonallty of the ordinance, public hearing to hear ev1dence she said. from Pacific Electric. the city Meet the Candidates • Eleven of the 15 Newport Council canclJdates were present Tuesday morning at the rneeting of the Woman's Civic League in City CouncU Chambers. A crowd of about 60 listened to short s~hes by the candl. dates and heard a discussion of the five propositions on the March 15 ballot. 'lbere was only one question trom the floor after .GDALDUJiB&tl.-......... tire department there from 1928 • poslte. I believe In to 1950 and durtne that service had many occasions to Jet e.x. perlence Jn the funetlons of mu nlclpai eovernment. Since 1932 he has been summer resident here, pennanent resident since 1950. Active member of West Newport Improvement Associa. tlon, vfce.prestdent ot the New· • port Island Association. District 3 LIDO ISLE UT SllO.a MATOB lOLL (tllnpllaaad.) '1 entered tbJs race because of my desft to benefit the city and to work for re.aonable ec:on. omy. I bell~ It Ia the duty of a roundlman to CODSult the peo. ple he reprewnta and to abide by the wlU ot the m-.Jorft7." e W. C. IDJQ)D J1L Not pr..nt. District 2 '1 favor acquisition of the Pa- cific Electric right of way. 1 op- post' oil drilling off the coast and will do everything in my po'Wft' to prewnt oil drUllnc Wands. I am committed to the appoint. ment of a re<:ft>atlon director and this wUl be Lncluded ln the bud. cet nm July. '1 favor p~ wttb a c:o.. Not ptHent He wrote to the a.u..oA Lea.,-ue that PNVtowl bu.llDea • IARDT llcDT eorrun.ltmenta made It lmi)C*lble lfot preent. He can..t the fot h1Dt to atteJ\cJ, Be I&Jd tbat Leque tliat momln' ..... tie be bad bad two-and.-~ ,_,. wu m aDd could not attiiDa the me«tq . .. I'W_ ant S«retary of thE' Air FnrC't>. Washington. D. C. Mr LE'wls A bome.made American Dac that was flown in Parl.a when that city was liberated tn World War D has been lent to Mr. and Mrs. Dick Drake of Corona H!Jb· Ianda. The tu.torlc Stars and Stripes came u a ~n of appreciation from Mr. and Mrs. 'lbeophtle Per tift, whom the Drake. had met in Parts durinc their recent trtp aa.road and who had vtalted here Jut November. lfr& Perrier, &asated by her buaband. had made the Qq at home by e&Ddlelllht in 11M W'laUa ..,. ... oeeupled b7 - Cu.~ ...... s.-• AI Tenlllll••lilc • • • • • • . . •:• .. •• Hop Wtll you oonwy to WWlUD Jl'rancla 0\Y appredatJoa b b.l8 Jut column co~ tbe If ... port Barbo~' Commu.nltJ ...,_.? I don't thtnJc' anyone ned bill commenu wtth mon ~t than I did. I am alto very JT&tetul to ,ou , and Mrs. Haapa few tM many ktndneues yoa han done the Players ln the put. We are very conacloua ol ''the power ot tbe press" In our 1tru111e to alat and expand. And of coune more power to you, your paper, and your aen- eral polJcle._ which I thl.nk are wonderful. Sincerely, MARTBELLA RANDALL. 700 Poppy Ave., Corona del Mar. • • • ::l*ICI:* ::I*C*CZ:X*::I*C*ICI*::I*CX* :JI*::I*ICC' :::I*::I*ICI:* ::I*C*ICC*::I'C*ICC*::II*C*ICC*::I*C*C:X*::I*CX:IC:IICX• :JI*::I*OC* ' Dear "EnsJp.ers": Enjoyed watching the council candidates in action Tuesday mom· ing, courting the considerable vote of the Woman's Civic League. Commendable performance by the candidates. Too bad, however, that ~very single one of the candidates would not make tha uttermost effort to be present at such a meeting. Not too much to ask. There aren't going to be too many to attend, particularly since the League of C ivic Associations. West Newport Improvement Association and Corona del Mar Civic Association are all p~'ng meeting times and are calling o joint get-together for ned Thursday evening, Feb. 24, to listen to the candidates ... • • • The Costa Mesa and Newport Beach special federal census man· euvers may be a contest to determine who'll consolidate whom in the event that the two cities really get serious about amalgamation into one city. The one with the most population gets the nod. Safe bet that if the new nose counts put more. noses in Costa Mesa then in New- port. a ny thought of consolidating is o mighty slim one. • • • Here's an unpopulor observation on the Bolboo Island Business· men's request for a traffic officer to chad parking on the Island: Why not instoll parking meters on M~rine Avenue? A great cry of protest is the response, no doubt. But why? P~r~ing meters will mean 8dded income, which would help poy for o traffic patrolman, and would also assure the legal turn-over of cars on Marine Ave. The record proV8$ that, if the shopping center is desirable, meters don 't score owey shoppers. In fact. since they c~use parking turn-over, they will add to parking space ond thus bring more shoppers to Morine Ave. • • • An o bservation on Councilman Hens Broering's suggestion that the city buy the Rendezvous ~allroom as a civic auditorium: Consider first the fad that a sizable assessed valuation wiU come off the tax roUs, which would mean less tax income for the city. Also t~ fad that *'e city mi9ht be t~ng one money.<frainin9 operat)on. beeeu5e C)OV· ernmental •ndes newr can operate witft the efficiency and enter- priM of private business. Money wflich the city thus might be forced to allocate to that civic auditorium would come-from where ?-fro,; the parh and recreation budget, of course. And that would mean less for acquiring needed per~ ~tnd playground ore~s throughout the city. These are considerations thot must be examined to determine whether the advont~ges of a civic auditorium will outweigh the drawbacks. • • • We've moved. We like It here but do m.lu Corona del Mar ter- ribly. Please send the Enalan to our new address: The Charles Goods, Palos Verdes Estates (Formerly. of 620 Seaward Dr., Corona BJahlands.) .. Ebell ,_,oles -----------·• CIIAIITD nDIDITATIOif ...._ ._ Mid a.a ,......., .... ._-..:....;..,: __ _..=_...___.--:.:..-- ai99 1rr la1boa laJaM 8oy loeat 'I'NeD II. 'hcl 8uleiL = Provide Meals ="=-=-.... ":!~~:;-..=... .. ~ BOAQ HOSPITAL GIIOln plc:uN aboft. left to rlgbt. an 1k. httoal Beery P..-y.-'- The EbeU Sprtna Festival will F M •11• pabo1 leclden Mr. a-u. _. ._......._ .. ......._ Waldi!IMia. share with Hoag Hospital In the 0 r I I 0 n s (Eaalp hoto) The Balboa Ill and Buatnea. needlework division on Monday :~:::/er~~ =~~ H:i~~ he~d ~~~:lve~e~~~:erb;'!~ Seoul Troop 81 R·ece•IVIS :::!t ~~"~"~~~a; home of Mrs. M. T. Gracey, 1992 bers of the Intermediate Group ev..Unl for a tratflc officer to Rosemary Pl., Costa Mesa. The of the Balboa Island CommunJty • enloree parldn1 ~atlon.a on group, which meets for luncheon, MethodUt Church to ra~ funds Ch rt A nl M d the laland. wtll work overtime this week and for the "Meals for Mllllons" pro. a eri wa s a e A.8eoetatlon President DorIa make articles for the Ebell Fes. f Bray •ld In a Jetter tCl Coundl tr 1 gram. that Balboa lllaDd Ia raplcll)' be-tlval u well as the reau ar The "Meals for Mtlllons," spoo-A charter pre.entatlon ~ ~Extenalon, Harb<w Dlatrkt, Or-comJnl a year-round communJty .ewina for th: h~!tal. 10red by Metbodtm throughout mony was held Thursday even-anp Empire Area Counetl &.1\d a. entitled to the •me NI'V· the country, calla for a donation lng at the annual meeting of tJte Trophte. were alven t o Geor,e 1~ u otiMr .,.... ot the city. BOICE AJfD GABDU IEC'I'IOII of a ~nny for every meal so Balboa Island Boy Scout Troop Brldpman, 1953 8COUtmuter ol Co --n---H ---.. u-~ L. M--'-all __. th d M ttb W ld Uon;•uuan ana an••rnn1, a .-... •r . ....... • put prcou-that food can be purchased for 81 in the Balboa Island Commu-e troop. an to a "' a · Balboa t.aland Net&mt, ta*ed dent of the California Fuchsia the mllllona who don't have nlty Methodist Church. ellch, pt'HI!nt JCOutmuter, lot that he be a1IGwed to dlxuaa the Society, wW present the proeram meals. Ted Russell, Troop Committee thelr servtce to the troop. Mr. matter with tbe UIOdatlon and for the February meetJna of the The Intermediate Group will chairman and member of the Waidelich alto w~ ~nted report baell to Coundl at the Ebell Home and Garden Section give their pennies for meals to aponsorlna Newport Harbor OptJ. with hJs tcoutmuter card. nat meetJni With a ncommen. to be held Wednesday at the the hungry In Korea. They will mist Club, received the charter Certltlcates were given to troop dftloD. 'l'llla nqutilt wu pa.nt.d. Ebell ClubhoUM In Balboa. Chair-give a ~nny at. eaeb stopping trom Dr. Richard Button of the committee memben T.d Rau.r, -:;;;;;;;;;:;:;;;;;t;;;;;;;;;i~;;;;;;;; man Mrs. Jack Boylan has called polllt ot the proereMive dlnDer. Com.mttt.e far Orpn.lzaUon and Bob Blair, ~ ltoiJ aad the luncheon meetinl few 12:30 a.aJrmaD an-u an4 • ,_. p.m. I ,o" !:. ~· ~ c· a..-.............. '"'~~~~-~ H H •t ' 1 I>T A , NeW'S -~ ~ntn1 ctnmony tot the dta. oa g o s p1 a ner meet1na wu conducted e CDIC a.d JIADOa VIEW mentary Schoola. aecordlna to s c o u t a Steven Ferry, 5an4y El t M d The "Bed.ragled Dragon" will the plans for the children's pro. Knapp, Blll J'eny, Robbie Wln-eC s ur y furnish entertainment and put duct1on scheduled for Friday terbotham, Eddie Grwnendyke cash Into the cofft'n for the night and Saturday afternoon, and Georae Hauaer. Rev. Donald many PTA expenses of Corona March 4 and 5. The play Ia being Sapp of the Balboa Jaland del Mar and Harbor VIew Ele. directed by Marthella Randall, Church eave the tnvocatlon, and John A Murdy Jr., state sena. tor from thla district, bas been re-elected chab'man of the board of Hoag Memorial Hospital. FolJowtna commJttees h ave been appointed: Executive-Mr. Murdy, chaJr. man; Dudley Furse, GeorreHoag n. Chester Hawk and Marlon OC Trustees Accept aids Youel. Bids were accepted by the Finance-Marion Youel, chair-Board of Trustees of Orange man; Chester Hawk, Ralph Kohl-Coast College Monday nJght to meier, Gordon McGowan and add eight clusrooms and faculty Ralph Pringle. oUioes to the library building. Public relations and campaign Succeutul low bidders includ- Oranp Cout College Instructor. SenJor Patrol Leader Henry Ferry and will be ahown at the Harbor Introduced the ,-uesta. Special VIew Auditorium. ,-uetrts were Mr. and Mra. Dou1 Walton. Mr. Walton Ia field exec-r-----------~ utlve In charae of adnncement, traJnlna and oraanhatlon for the Oranae Empire Council. Candidates recelvina tender· -Willlam F. Klmes and Dalla• ed the following: general con-Tom B.!lrnhort. veteran f~culty member of the University of Minnesota Turner. joint chairmen; Stephen tract, Famularo and Stromberg, School of Journolism-my former instructor, friend ond (for a year Grlset. A. V. Jorgensen and Ralph Santa Ana, $91,000; plumbing, ~tfter the wor) fellow faculty member. To Tom goes the honor Md Pringle. Saro Kinsfather, Costa Mesa, Am~tzing to find myself once ogoin ~ frenzied Minnesot~ fan on the sidelines of o Gopher basketball gome-through the wonder of television, w~tching thot magnificent Minnesota-Illinois contest lost s~turd~y. J ust as in the under-gr~duate d~ys of 19 years ~g~nd the post-graduote doys just after the w~r. I died o thous~nd deaths wotching Illinois cotch up in the final seconds to tie up the score; go ahead in the first overtime, only to h~ve the Gophers t ie it up; get three points for a seemingly sofe leod with just two minutes to go in the second overtime, then see the Gophers go wild in the last 60 sec- onds to win 78 to 71 in two overtimes!!!' ... A'lother, and sodder note. from M innesot~ ... the de~th of "Mr. W eekly Newsp~per," Ia ~ .... lllCIIIItj SZCJeDt glory ~nd bl~me of getting me into this fix of owning ond publishing Building-Stephen Grlset and $5,790; heating arid ventllattng, 'I . George Hoag II joint chairmen· D ~ Richards Santa Ana .., a wee1 y newspoper. Never regretted 1t, Tom. D dl F Cl• L h d• · -.· • ' ••·· u ey urse, arence us an 465; electrical, Lovejoy Electric Pirat e Queen to be Chose n Fo r 1955 Orange County Fair Mr. Murdy. Co., Cotta Mesa, $11.203; total, The Board of Directors Ia com. $115.458. prlsed of representatives from Construction of tbla project the Hoag Foundation and the wlll commence lmmedJately, with Presbyterian Group. Mrs. Georae completion ICheduled prior to Hoag of Balboa a. president of the opentna of college next Sep. Launching preparations for the 1955 Orange County Fair, otflclala have Issued lnvitatJons to Cham· bers of Commerce and Commu- nity Associations throughout Or- ange County to sponsor candi- dates for the 1955 Pirate Queen of the Fair. In changing lb policy of se- MOVE TO TDAI The John TempletoM of m Fetnleat Ave.., Corona del Mar, have moved to Oda.a. 'texf-· where Mr. Templeton wUl be u- IOclated with a new.paper cbaln. ITATI Olf IIAmGOLD Down the street, from one end to the otMt, went lin. Gracben Bema oa her ,..,.t 180ft Dom D Marllold Aw., C4lona del Mar, to '711 Kartpld. the Boaa Foundation. lecting the Pirate Queen from representatives of the several hJgh school da.trlct. In the area, the Fair Board Ia o~nJng the competition to permJt wider rep. resentatlon. accordlna to R. M. C. Fullenwider, secretary.mana,er. H. Wilder Osborne. 74, dJed In many cases, the official Tuesday at hJa l'esldence, 251 • Come In and meet the new owners. Georae and Anna Boaz e ft rra..wla.Ue y.. _. e o.. ct.r ....ta. •.,...... • .. ,...... .... (Juat olfiOnlc.a. Mlle) Ample parJdnc ------~~~~~~~~~ri:i~~~r;~~~~~~~:r.~~~~~:a~~~--~;r.~~~~~!:~~~~~~~------~----~~----~----~~~~---=~----~~--------~ ..... ~ ·~_,** .. ~ .. Set fo Monday 1011 ro• aanw.avrn Jim Whyte INSURANCE Oc:ecm-Mariu cmd G.aeral Iaauran~ Peopleh.veM.n Nying, , , end ~th.t YIU Dill IIIli lEI at ~ F . ~ unuture~ Complete Home F\olmlshlnp ~ Liberty~ ... lat Xewpon Aft. ~ COSTA t.4ESA .,. r . A ton, John Cro.by, wu bom I . A H.-Itt ol 2100 lllramar ~ MW ~ Clft1eer famUy tnelude. tl1l wtte Allee Dr., Bal~ ... ..nat a 10-4ay ol tbe lfaval AJr lleMrYe ~a..l.b-and a 110n an4l daulbter. MnteDce lll-OraDce County laO lite Ualt at the Ka.rtne Corpe Conunanct. KaeeubbJn baa oa • petty theft dlarte to wbk:b to :Jand Mra. Bud lretthaupt "-Hi Dl-.nn·lng ;!,n. In =:o:::o;.:-:.::=i \iJII r.IU on Sunday, Peb. 6. QmL POIII ITOCiaiiiU.I Air Paclllt1 In Santa Ana. Com. jut ~tb' succeeded Com-lw Md auU a..t WHit tn New A dttaena' committee ~De~Clnl' At Jut wMk's meetlnc ot the mander A. L. KacCubbln, la a mander w. a. ~ler, at.o a eo. ..,: 8ea.eb :.S. Court. · baa been ealJed for '7:30 p.m. ~ftl' commtttee, Supt. Sidney Corona del Mar ....Sdeftt. Tbe 10na del Mar rat~ u heJd Rawltt allepdly cahed a t25 Monday In tbe eoelal ball ol Davtcllon nld he had received ...:.....------'-------ot the Reeerve Tralntnc Unlt. flcddoua cb.ck at IUebarcS'• lJdo Newport Harbor HJp 8ebool to Jett.cn from Senator Thomas S h ~ j • Commander MacCubbln 1a a na. Market. N.wpoft IINdl. pollee d.lacuu reeenunendatlona tow a EudleJ and ~presentative James A dauchter, 10 Jba.. 4 Ol., wu born to Mr. and Mra. Jack Stock- dill of 328 Sapphire Ave., Balboa Island, on Tuesday, lan. :15, 1n Fullerton Cottace Hospital. OW IVJOVI8S tJve of Southern CaJllomla, at-~the eomplalnt lut July ne;w blah .moot aJte. a. Utt promlslnc their aasUta.nce ,-,a ~;.J• tended both the Unlyenlty of 14. Local polJclt picked up Hewitt Lee Wllder, chairman of the ln Me:Urlnc a site for a new hlch vri miSSiOnS Re4lands and the Unlven.lty ot ln tbe Ll.ncoln Hellhta Jail. Los committee, said that r«<D\IIlel'l· aebool plant on the Santa Ana A Classifi~ Ad in The tnsiqn California. In May ot 1931 he en. Aft&!el• where he wu Mine datlona may be prepared 1n tlnal Army Air Baae near Oranee brinqs immediate results! Call Two movlft, "'lbe City'' and tered the. Naval Av1atlo"n pro-held. He wu 8ellteneed to serve form at that rnHtina f~ prean-Coast CoUece. Harbor 111-4-1115 ond prove itl "In4Ja, Pakl.lltan and the Union cram and received tralnlnr both 30 daya with :10 ·euapended on tatlon to the HJch School Boud -::;;jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-iiiiii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~;;;~:;_:::_:.:_: ot India," wtU be llht>wn at thla In Sand POint. WuhinJton, an.d conclitlon be make restltutlon. of Trustee., who alto will attend Sundar• AdYenture In Mlufona Pensacola, Florida. Be re:eelved the meetlnc. . gro.,.. at OUt.lt Cbutch .by the hla wine• aa a Naval Aviator $ray Lad·.es' The cltlzena',commtttee lacom- $ea, bel'lnninl' at '7:15 p.m. and wu Cornm.taloned In the . prlled of po cltiz.ena of eo.ta 11\Ja 1a a apectal IN!Iles of pro-U. S. Naval Reserve ln July 1932. Mesa and Newport Beach. cnma preMnted each Sunday Followlnc a tour of active duty Leaders Meet evenlnc In February. The pro-wlth the Fleet. be returned to cram bectn. at 6 p.m. with a hla eaclneerlnc duties ~tb the anaclt supper, followed by a fS. Los Anceles Road Department mlnute period for youth and until he wu recalled to actlve adults on varlou.a ac:ttv1tles of ctuty In November, 1!HO. Durlnc Ml.ulorw work. World War n he served wlth the 11\e Senior Hlgb Youth are Ln. Thlrd Amphibious Forces, en- cludlnr thla Mlulon study In raced ln Alr Support ()peratlona. their recutar' Sunday evenlnc and participated ln the landlnca procram. A.a part o1 thelr study, at Palau lslanda, Leyte, unca- the youth are planning a trip yen Gulf ln the Phllilplnes. He to Loa Anceles tbJs Saturday. was allo a member of the Oc<:u- They wiJI vtalt several mlalon-patlon Forces In the Japanese s upported lnstltut lona ot the Islands. • MethodUt Church, Including the After World War II Comman- Church of All Nations In East der MacCubbln transterred to Lo.l Anceles and the Spanish-the Reaular Navy and bas per. American Institute In Gardena. formed duties with the ~aval Air Reserve Training Command In TOUJIQ LADT STIIOLLEB A blonde ghl, about 18 months old, wearing p a j a m as and pushing a chiJd baby buggy. wu found by Harvey Pease, Bal- boa Island realtor, at Park Ave. and Acate Ave .• Balboa Island. at 12:32 p.m. Sunday, he notified Newport pollee. The child was released to her parents by Mr. Pea.e, pollee said. 11\ey did not llat her name or address. Glenview, Illlnol5; Commandlna OftJcer of Fleet Aircraft Squad .. ron 118, Guam; and with the Bureau of Aeronautics. He Is also a graduate of the Navy's Gen. era! Line School, Newport. Rhode Island. Prior to reportlnc to the Naval Alr Reserve Tralnlnr Unit, Com. mander MacCubbln was the Commandtnc Officer of the Sea Plane Tender, U.S.S. Tlmballer. . . SOJf POB OALLAGID!U A son was bolt\ to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gallagher of 1m Chwch St., Costa Mesa, on Sat- urday, Feb. 5, In St. Joseph Hos. pltal. GmL aou TO JfOELS A daughter, 6 lbs., 12 oz., was born to Mr. and Mra. Donald D. Noel of 412 Snuc Harbor Rd., Clllf Haven, In St. loeepb Hospi- tal on Tuetlday, Feb. 8. Mn. 0. Z. Bobertaon of Shore cwr. head of Gr~ LacHes volun- teers tor Amettca Red Crou Southern Orance County Chap. ter, and Mrs. H. C. Frazer of Santa Ana,, vlce-chalnnan. were present Tuesday a.t the monthly meeting of the captalna of the Gray Ladles held at the Lone Beach Veterans R~pltal. ' A Newport Belehta matron last week a.aked Newport pollee to search for her son, 5. who ran away from home after recelvtnc a spanking. The boy lett carrylnc a whlte plllow allp tJUed with toya. 50 Mrs. Robertlon announced that Mrs. Karl G. Miller of Bay SbOI'e8 cents and his name and adc:tre. Is new ch~man of the Gray written on a piece of paper. She Ladies service on bloodmoblles. said he headed east down an Orientation claaaes for new vol-alley toward the Horace Ensign unteers were held yesterday School. She followed b1m but (Wednesday) at the Red Cross lost him at the achool. Nearly 30 Chapter Otfice In Santa Ana. mlnutes later the runaway re- Installation ceremonies wlll be turned home. held next Wednesday In Long Laat Jan. 25 the boy left home Beach. Mrs. I.Aon Yale of Beacon at 2 :55 p.m. and did not return Bay Is chairman of Gray Ladles until 5 p.m .. pollee said. for Newport Harbor. I.Z.'s S., FMIIIJ lrrltt F,.. I. Y. The Zeller RoberUon family have recently arrived from New York City and are settling In at 416 Poinsettia Ave., Corona del Mar. In approximately two weeks Zeller wlll leave for Japan, where be Is belnr sent on a military ml&slon. The family Includes f -month-old Maureen Elizabeth, and 0 . Z. Robertlon n, "Tinker," who La 16 months. Welcoming them to the Harbor area are Mr. and Mrs. 0. z. Rob- ertson Sr., who llve In Shore Cll.tts. LEGAL KOTJCE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CAUFORNIA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF ORANGE. NO. A25253 NOTICE OF HEARING OF PE'n- TION FOR PROBATE OF WILL AND FOR LETTERS TEST A-MENTARY. In the Matter of the Estate orl WYUA EVALYN DAVIES, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the- petition o1 Helen Evelyn Davies for the probate of the Will of the above named ~t and for the luuance of Letters Testa- mentary to the pet.Jtloner wUl be heard at 10 o'clock a.m. on Feb- ruary 18, 1955, at the court room of Department 4 of the SuJ~«Ior Court of the State of Callfomla ln and far the County of Ora.np. Date l&nU&f7 21, 1155. GmL ft)ll •a••-.1 DAOCWIU 1'011 D&&D . 8. l . ~ A cia ..... 1Aelill Aae. WM A.. lla at• . ......_ ....... A.&.~ .. ~ C1::. ._. bclnt to Mr ........ lalan Ba.r-bGnl to lfr. ud ...... lAa1.a. WQ. OaloDa ..... Calif. rlllon ol UIIIS ahwlill4w PL. e-ta 8peab o1 ~ Santa Ana Ave.. A~ Jar Ntduwr: Mesa, ln Boa1 ~ RolpJ. Coata Mesa, on Sat1uday, .re. 5, ~~~~·8~·=..n_ tal on 11\unday, Feb. 3. ln Boac Memorial Ho.pltal. CANDIDATES ARE LISTED UQAL •onc:a UD Mor•y Smith's BIG WEEK END SPECIAL! TIUIS., FIL, liT., FD. 17·11-IM (Will Tlia ••> .. 11111111 1 QT. OIL FREEJ. With Oil Change "SUPER SHELL SERVICE" * TnCIIYIIilll...,... * M.ANWS SaELL NORRY'S SHEU. SERVICE STAnON SERVICE STAnON -·~::r..., C.... del II• -.a.c..t ...... , ~%710 c-....... When you open a Thrifti- Cbeck sccoanc at tb.ia bank you can pay allyau~ bills at bome during ao e-.cnins. Compare tb.ia with the boa.ra you oow spend payins them with caab-ooc to mention the •ex- adoaa of waiting in line for receipu and chanp. What a d.i.lienoce! LEQAL JfOTJCE NOMlNEES FOR PUBUC OFFICE Notice Ia hereby given that the following persons have been nominated for the offices here. lnafter mentioned to be fllled at the General Municipal Election to be held In the City of Newport Beach on the 15th day of March, 1955. a 11 o c a t e auch funds to $2400.00 annually. 3. A proposal to restrict the power of the City Council to allocate such funds to $25.000.00 annually. 4. A proposal to amend the City Charter to permit the terms of at least one and not mo~ than three mem. bers of a City Board or Com. mission to expire In any one year. Notice 1a hereby ctven that copies of the proposed amend- ments to the City Charter o1 the City of Newport Beach. as pro- poM<l In Resolutions 4.295 and 4296 of the City Councll o1 the CJty at Newport Beach, and ftled In the office of the Ctty Clerk on January 17th, 1~. may be had upon appllcatlon therefor at the ottlce of the City Clerk of said City. Said amendments as prepared by said City Council shall be submitted to the electors of the City of Newport Beach at the general election to be held under the provisions of said Charter on the 15th day of March. 1955. (J)ut Meta,,_.,. ~ ? Then insta.U a N~w frctdom Gu Laundry. The key appliances in tM ~-up-along with your auto- mane washer-a~ an auromaric Gas wac~r b~acer and an auro- matjc Gas clcxba ~~. toss riruecl laundry in ao auto- matic Gu dc:xbn drytt and Set the conrrols. In DO time at all roo lift out the softest. fluffiest, sweet~t· sm~llang laundry you've ev~r daM. It's that easy! LOW COST CHECKING ACCOUNT lew,ort Harbor Bank ......... I ---I CITY COUNCILMAN FROM DIS. TRICT NO. 1 <One to be Elected> GERALD C. BENNETT LAWRENCE H. (Larry> BERG- ERON WILLIAM CURTIS KINDER. Jr. CITY COUNCILMAN FROM DIS- TRICT NO. 2 (one to be elected) SANDY F. MACKAY JAY (The Barber) STQT"'1...E. MYRE CITY COUNCILMAN FROM DIS- TRICT NO.3 DORA 0 . HILL CITY COUNCILMAN FROM DIS- TRICT NO. f (ohe to be elected) STANLEY E. RIDDERHOP SIGRID S. NEFF CITY COUNCILMAN FROM DlS. TRJCT NO. 5 (one to be elected) LAWRENCE B. (Hans) BROER. lNG, Jr. CLARENCE A. HIGBIE CITY COUNCILMAN FROM DI~· TRJCT NO. 6 (one to be elected) ANDREW W. SMITH L CORDON WALKER ........ _,..., 8-ISOD I...ELAND L WILDER ~~~~~~ii~~~~~~~~iiii~~ii~iC cnY OOUN~ PROM DIS-~ TRJCT NO. 7 (one to be elected) Merchant$' P II T E IT I IE IE IV I IE ~- 'Polka WILLlA.M a. PEUOW I.UO:S B. STODDARD MEASUD:S TO llE VOTED ON lfotke la 1MnbJ Jtven that the followlnl' ~ are to be ¥0ted on at Uae General Munici- pal DedtoD to be held ln the Clty ol Newport 8Mc:b on the ~ "-' ol )(arc:b, lts5: 1. A propoeaJ to ~ t.be paww ol tiM Ctt:r ODundl to .UOC.t. 1\t* to tM CJuuD. .. oC ~Jar promo. Uon. pabllcftj'. 84hatiltnl UHI ...... ...,_ ... ,_.,... a.a.-..atot .. ~. 2.A .......... to u•llld llle .... ol tbe a.r CluMII to 5. A proposal to amend the City Charter to permit the terms of at least one and not more than three mem. bers of a Clty Board or com mission to expire ln any one year. 5. A proposal to amend the Ctty Charter to Increase the membership ol the Planning Commission to nine mem. bers. C.IC.PRIEST City Clerk DATED: February 3rd, 1955 Publish: Feb. 17, 24. 1955 In the Newport Harbor Ensign. This notlct' shall be published once each week until the day fixed for the said election In compliance with the require. ments ot Article XT, Section 8. ot the State Constitution. BY ORDER OF mE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH. C. IC. PRIEST City Clerk of the Ctty of Newport Beach Dated: January 17th, 1955 Gu bna wa.cer three times famt tbao aoy odter pncrical ~I. This mnns thac Gu-and Gas aloDt-tw tbe fat ftiCO+uy n~ needed to kftp up with roar auro- qwic wubcr. Gas Min doc:ba c.e:r lblo IDJ ocbu auromatic fud, teo. Simply ~e cb~ new automatic Gas cloches dryers and water heaters now at d~alers' and your Gas Company. EojoJ a New Flftdom Gu Laundry, roo. r.w.ra ..... -Knv (U) s.. a..te. ..... .. . .... .. MAN -·· Till IADOI ! IOVTMIIN ~OVNnU 8AI COM .. ANY o.l)r GAS I.,_.-_... •••••• •••.•• -. ·~••••••• BUT THE HANDY YElLOW PAGES WILl HElP ME REUNITE FO~ GlUES AND ADHESNES IT PAYS TO LOOK IN THE 'tl.AsstFIEO" PART Of ~R TELEPHONE BOOK I • She'll tell you to use the classified ads in Phone HARBOB 1114 Today! GOOD TASTE Dellped a.4 lllCIIdle at S.lllti•..P'• YARN SHOP 27C7 E. Coat JlltlnNy ConDa del Ma:r IIA 01$7 Knltttng, Crochetlnl' and Needlepoint Supplies Knltttnl' Bags SpeclaJlzed Accessories and Instructions Wlat.Bows: Mon. thru Sat. 10 a.m . to 5 p.m. Thursday 1 p.m. to 5 For lettem..ds, envelooes c.l THE ENSIGN. HA-1114 lin. lolul Mt I ... W.1 W. A ._ • jr ....... ~ . -·-I I ............ K..,ort. ...... WD .. '*· ........ ~ B . • s ~ .... i .., ................. dQa Ia --el ... ......, .... ~ eg•n unaay AmatMa oswatan ,_,.... .... llolpltal ....... etab.ut ............. ,......,, ... • 8tadae DAAI at OnJ\p oout attack. I. In-.. "mwtal •u11taL Dr. I . RucllloD kUarcl, w1Mt wW eo.uq. ba,. Jut made two.way .,._...t a ..._ ol.leetuNI oe radJo eontaet wtth their oae row ~ life ....... ,........ .. aw&JU to the ~ &Del .... IJvtq" hundnidth country, aC'COC'dlnl to .. ,.. btp-t bclDow -~ b7 ~ and a...ard Tboaapeoa at 8t. AncJnwa .Piwb,-taa Samuel T. Kdfeal. Oranp Cout PI'A. wwe ~ted at tiM JUP ot the Blah ldaool made the auarcb. wU1 ~~n ''Liabt tn lnltnadoc'. lc:bool PTA. ...unc J'eb, a. ... faculty awardl. the ~· at the replar The century mark wu paiMd CIIIVID& the awarda tor m.lt«l· Twenty.two honoraq Ute 0\ftD· eervicM thla Sundar. He wW whttn a contaet wu made with oua work to PTA.echoola and the benhlp~ have been dlltrtbuted abo lecture for the five aueeeed· ILBl'fU In . Ttl..te. The Tri..te c.'oamnmlty ..,. Mn. T'bolnU to thla area at $25 eadl alnce lnl evenlnp, bellnnlnl at 8 operator asked that he be ,.. ~ FI'A hlftorian; )(ft. Hu-1938. Tbla money 10ft to a re-o'cloek Sunday evenlna. membeTed to W8WlOI Joeeph J old Jtnlpp~ PI'A treuurer; ao.. volvlnl' student loan fund, from Dr. Ballard hu MJ'Ved churc:hee M&.llf!nkl. 2152 Can~n Dr{~ cine Feeley of the Hllh School which any qualltfed student In New York. CalltornJa and Colt& Meea. Enl'llah Department and KlnJ'· above hiJ'h tchool level may bot· ()rqon and for e11'ht yean wu The atatton 1a maJntalned In ery WhJtenec:k. HJp School row to conUnue hla education. In head of the Dtp&rtment of Phll· conjunction With vocatJonal elee- chemlstry lrwtructor. some cues outrll'ht scholarships 010ph7 and ReiJclon at Occlden· tronlca cluees at OranJ'e Cout. Mra. Robert Callta, JUe mem-are given. At pre*nt tund haa tal ColleJ'e. and Ia operated when atudenta bershtp cllalrman, and Mrs. H. over $1,000,000. Arter 11 yean as head of the ue not In clule&. Chlef opera. 0. Boyvey, put PI'A prealdent, Supt. Sidney Davlaon spoke Department of Chdattan Ply. ton are Chade. Berner Santa ------------on "Harbor Hll'h bW'Sts Its • .. d~bln th eed for coloor at the Presbytertan Semi· Ana: ~ank Dotln&. Buntincton ae~rns, thoda of~ ~a new nary In San An.llelmo. he Ia now Beach; Hul'h Tyler, Seal Beach; :fl'h m;.hool plant. ':e aald that emeritus proteuor In that aub-NeU BUllnp, eo.ta Kesa; and preMnt enrollment Ia 1,&00 and jed.. He holds the deii'HS of Art M c:Laqhlln, Lai'\Ula Beach. the expected lncfta..ae t. :100 per Bachelor of Artl from USC. w~ AnDY Pvt. lamee P. Georp. yeu. Capacity of the preaent ter of Artl from Columbia Unl· IOK .OD TO aau.n son of Mr. and JlrL P. GeorJ'e, lant Ia 2.000. but already abort-venlty, Muter of PedaJOIY and A 100. Bunt aara. wu ban 105 15th ~ Newport Beach. re-:I'M exist In academic, music, Doctor of PbU010pby bom New to Mr. and Mn. Lou.la Braly of cently a.n1ved ln BerUn and Ia shop and phyalcal education fa. York Unlven.lty, an~ Doctor of 530 Jtlnp Rd.. C1Jtt Haven. on now a member of the 6th lnfan. dlltiea. Dtvtntty bom Occidental Collep. Thursday, Feb. 3, 1n Boac Me- try BeJ'iment. From the standpoint of admln· modal Boqltal 'nle 6th B.eJ'iment J'Uarda latratJve eftldeney, he said. an ------ Am e r I c a n lnstallatJona and enrollment of 1, 750 Ia conaidered DYDDI QET lOX undergoH Intensive tralnlnl' In Ideal: over 2,000 reduces the ef. A 10n, Richard Glen, wu born the former German capital. Brl· fictency rapidly. Larp enroll. to Mr. and Mrs. Glen Heyden of tf.sh, French. Ruastan and U. S. ment also decreuea the chances 229 Costa Mesa St., eo.ta Meea, troops bave oocupl.ed Berlln since for Individual recocnttton. and Cpl. Robert W. Davenport, aon In Boa&' Memorial Ha.pltal on the end of World War D. dlaclpllne Ia apt to deteriorate of Mr. and Mra. Robert R. Daven· Friday, Jl'eb. f. n.qMfll. I a· Kaldnc arranpmenta In act. v&nele is auch a thouahttul th1nl to dol U you DON'T make ar. ranpmenta In advance; someone ' will HAvE to TltY to aJWWer manr qu..Uona that wU1 be a). moet lmpC*lble tOt that penon to answer. Let us help you ••• without chul'e or oblll'ation. PARKES· RID MOR.TUARY ..... ~ ...... ••tYA lllet UHDY ~.~~ • .. , ..... IAUOA • ~MNe • uoo .... • NIWfOif Private Geor&e, an a~~Jatant u the aiR of the school J'I'O'". port, 2732 ,Bayahore Dr., Bay maeblne gunner In the regl. he pointed out. Sh~ Ia ac:heduled to return to ment's Company It. entered 0\• Since 1gu Rubor Hll'h baa United State. from Korea, where Army In June 1954. He completed ranked amonc the three lowest he wu a member of the 3rd basic tralntng at Ford Ord. Calif. of the 12 hil'h schools In the Transportatton Rallway Com- county In terms of cost per pupll, mand. Irs. Clara 111111111 DfWIII.wpart ... he said. · Corporal Davenport, a train Light their life with fOith#. The PI'A voted to go on record commander with the unit, en. to back the Board of Trustees tered the Army In May 1953 and 1n planntnl' an expansion pro-arrived ln Korea the followlnl' Rosary services were held l'l1· J'r&m. December. He is a 1951 J'r&duate day In the Ball% Mortuary, Costa Mrs. J. P. Sutherland, president. of Pomona C.lleJ'e, where be re- Mesa chapel, for Mrs. Clara Ag. pralded at the meetinJ'. A nom-celved his bachelor of arts de. nea Simonson. 49. of 7311 Sea-lnattnl' committee, which will J'ree. and a 1953 J'raduate of the sbore Dr., Newport, who died lut present a slate of otflcers for the Untvera1ty of Calltornla, where week at Orange County Hospital. coming year, wu elected and he received his muter of arts Mass was celebrated In Out conalsts of Mrs. Borland. Mrs. deJ'ree: Lady of M'l Carmel Church, Frost. Mrs. Kntpp, Mrs. Hebert ------ Newport. Coleman, a.nd Robert MaJ'DUS. GIVES 111'11 PDn' Mrs. Simonson was a native of son. Mrs. Robert 1. Briggs, 1962 FuJ. Buffalo. N. Y.. and had lived Mrs. Harvey Pease &'ave a re-lerton Ave., Costa Mesa, gave here for 16 years. She Is survived port for the rec:reatJonal com-her ~th pint of blood when the by her husband, Harvey Simon-m lttee. which ls attempttng to Red Cross blood bank was at the son; a daughter, Delores of New-plan a broader proJ'ram tor American LeJ'ion Hall. Her son port; three sisters, Mrs. Role Gor. young people so that more may Roland also J'&Ve blood. man of Costa Mesa. Mrs. Wanda partJdpate tn soc:lal actlvltJes. Brown of Buffalo and Mrs. VIc. The evenlnc Included music by FIIST CHU.CH OF CHIJST toria Harms of North Towanda. the Cbora.leers. under M.laa Marie SOINT1ST IT. A.R'DilEWI ..artTEJIL\If .._..,..,or~~aca- 15th St. It St. And.rewl Rd., ---J::,~ ._..1 a... 1--L ltMralt SUNDAY: Momtnl' worship, 9:30 and 11 a.m.; Churcll School, 9:30 and 11:00; Sr. Hll'h Fellow· ahJp, 7 p.m.; Coltel'e &J'e tel· lowahtp, 7:30 p.m. -ruES. Prayer, study group, 9:30 a.m. COJOIVW1'n' IOTJIODJST -w. lttla lt.. c.e. ...... I.IIMdy 1-GU ~. Jo.pll w. llcSbra Sunday: 9:30 a.m.. Churcll Sun· day School; 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Momtn• Wonhlp-7 p.m . Coll~Ap MYF Service -7 .m. h School MYJ' Service: ~p.m.. unerpu.a Group Serv· Ice. AIIDDLY OP COD lied 1t. & IDdJQ Aft.. C...,.._ La.ty ...,.. ...... II. c. c...lc. ..... Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Wor· lhJp: 10:~ Lm. and 7:30 p.m. Youn• People and Oilldren'a Service, 8:30 p.m. Sun. Mid· week Service: Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Ladle~' MJ.uJonary Coun· cl1. ThW'IIdaya, 10:00 a.m. I&YU 18 DAY AD9UTIST Kewpadll9d..t ..... lt.. •....-n•11:r Llll lt .. adlr D. D. lp I ..... Saturday Momln1 Services: Sab· bath School: 9:30 a.m. -Ser· mon: 11:00 a.m. Prayer meet· Ill&': Wedne.day, 8:00 p.m. P'rt· day J:venln1 Ve.pen: 8:00. PDST Uftll1' cauaaa 1aDt11 AIMI A ... et M I , .. c-e. .... ~ ••• G. .... Sunday Servkel: 9:45 Lm. Sun~ Scbool; 11 :un. Wonbtp ~i. e:ao p.m.. Baptt.t Tra.lnlnl unJon; 7 :30 p.m.. ~ 8ervke. Wectneeday: 7:30 p.m.. ,.,.. , Pralle and Bible Stuq. Mon· dq: 7:30 ~ ..... a.orua ~t~~:ao p.m. ..... caoaaa or ov. LADT or liT. CAWID". IWW ........ 819&.. • ..,...t ~ ... r..._~,..,..,__ p.... ... JM ...... N.Y.; and two brothen, lllchael Hlebecb, and the Melodlata, with JJCD VIe au......,.... .... ~~~~~~~~;;~~~and~~w:~al~ter~GIU~~ber==~ot~Buff~alo~.~i\Mn. aaJpb Deaver u aeeompa-A INMdl., tt. ......._ c:a..-.n.. ;: Ill& ........ ~ da&lr· Flnit a-ell .. Qwllt, ................ maned by lin. Alvan Clemence. ~~-=-"" t :lle..M. Sunday Ka 1n: 8:00 and 10:00 and 11:30 a.m. Cont.Uon: Sat· urdaJT aad eva of lit ~ aad 11o17 DQe rrc. •:00 eo I:JO ~-aad ..,. .. :JO to I:JO ~--.,:~~ ... ¥ ···••a ,,.,... ): 111au-. T,_p.a ' Obe 0. Doan. 0 . D. announces the opening of his office at 307 Marine Ave., galboa Island Practice devoted to visual care Telephone: Harbor 5069 Hours: 10:30 to 12 and 1 to 4, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday; 10:30 to 12:30, Wednesday and Saturday OUR SPEC14LT'Y -·----- * Harllor * ...... 2272 2272 * * COIOIA DEL MAl PIAIMACY "TilE l'twcalptilla ....._,.. S127 E. Coat Bwy .. --1-•• CGnaa del II• t) ''I Believe MJWd ~. ~!~dey s.Mc. II :00 •""'-Suncky Selvac.: t:JO LJD. •bl• Wed,...,Jay Ev.lli"9 ~..tliiCJ 1:00 p..l'll. lllucl)-; ~ 1J. a.m. JD0m1n1 welt· L&GU. lf011CE ltaacli11CJ ~ loceted et ll15 Vie lhJp; 1 p.m. ewn.l.q ierviee. IN mE SUPERIOR COURT OF Udo, Newport ... ch, i• open -' Midweek 1 e r v 1 c e , 7 p.m. mE STATE OF CALIFORNIA deyw from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 P."'~ Wednesday: IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF Wed~•Y' from 10:00 a.m. to 7:-45 ORANGE p .. m. Friday WeftiiiCJ• from 7:00 P.·'"· to ClltiS"f CBOJICII 11' TID IU • 9:00 p.m. Cl01ed Hol"tdeyw. c-.aatty K.u.ocu.t C~~tl A24943 Th• public ;, cordially invited to at· aaJboa al...S. t1t l.ua St.. R.....,.n In the matter. of thr; Adoption of tend . the church Mrvi~• •~~<~ .,.. the ~ SZII lAMES EDWARD GOOLSBY, _R•_•_d_'".:..9_R_oom_. _______ ._..: ~. Boy A. Carl.- lR., and RICRARD .ARTHUR Sunday Wonht~ 9:~ and 11 GOOLSBY, Minora. DIRECTORY Ch··~'-h 1 9 .. ., THE PEOPLE OP THE STATE OF a.m. un:n 00 : :..., Lm. CALIFORNIA: Midweek Meetlnl': 7:30 ~.m. To; James Edward Goolsby: IIVSIC Wednesday .preceded by :30 You are hereby ctted and re. Margaret L. Scharle p.m. potluck. quh·ed to be and appear In De-T ch f ... IICII partment 1 of the above entJtled ea er 0 .nano IT. JOAcaDf c:ao~ Court. at the Court House In San-Organist · Accompanist liM ~ Aft.. Coda K..a A 0 Co ty Cal•• Evenl.nf Cla.uee I.IIMdy 1-1•1 ta na, range • un , uor-tor dultl p-.. ,..__ J. Kma nla, on the 28th day of AprU, 307 GOLDENROD AVE. 1955, at 9:30 o'clock a.m. of said Corona del ...... laaclrf •-tit 7. L I. 10 Gad day. then and there to show --11:30 a.m. Weekdaya! M aa at cause, 1! any you have, wby the 7 :00a.m.-Confetlldon: Satur· Petition of EdJ'ar WUUam Hen-1 daya from 4:00 to 5:1S-7:00 to nlnger for the adoption of lames Lawrence IC. Gundrum, 8:15 p.m. Edward Goolsby, l r., and Richard Arthur Goolaby. your minor sons, M.D. should not be J'ranted, according U9 NEWPOifl' BLVD. to the Petltton on me to which Newport Beach reference Ia hereby made for Practice llmJted to Dlae....,. further particulars. of Ear, Noee, 'IbrGat; AUer17 Given under my hand and seal Office HoUJ'8: by appointment of the Superior Court of the State Uberty 8-5433 or 8-2237 of Calt!omla. In and for the .__ ______ .........,....,.....,........,--J County of Oran~e. this 3rd day ---=':..:O~R:;.::&=aJ:::U.::..:D~rn:=;,;:cr;.;.;:o;;:a;;;...~ of lanuary, 1955. B. 1. SMITH. P'l1endly Netchborhood Service (Sea)) Coun~erk. M By Leslie L. McCartney, · ty. Parkes-Ridley ortuary A. K. Phelpe. 3429 E. Coast lgh. Formerly Grauel Chapel way, Corona del Mer, Ca.l1f. Attorney for Petttloner. 110 Broadway Publlah: Jan. 27-Ma.reh 17, Incl. U 8.aaa ll a.301 Colt& 11 .. In the Newport Harbor EnsiiJl. l'DIIT 8AJITIIT CBOJICII or •&WIOIIT 1ou.oa ....._ IIIIa & Ceut Ita.. ... pert IIAmol' sm Llbal'tr ....-,s .... 1 ....... 0.1 .. -Sunday eervlcM: 9:~ a.m.., Sun· day School: 11:00 a.m., Wac· ahfp Service: 7:30 p.m. Sunday ewnln1 ~ervlce: MJd-Week Service: 7:30 p.m. WedneldaJ Pra)'er Meettq. caaa1 w •••••• eaoac:a orcon'AIIDA rDIT CBOIICII or CllidiT (IIITITrwd ...... ) IODI111 AMidT• ~ ..U. 1101 Vta Llde. ......... a..:~a C... .._ JIAmol'.. ....I .... ~,..... Sunday School: 9:15 a.m.. Su.n· Sunday Servteft: Wonblp Serv· day S e r v 1 c e : 11:00 a.m. Ice 9 a.m. Sunday Sdlool at Wectn.daJ Evenln1 Meetlnc: 10:15 a.m. __ 8:00. Readlnl' Roorri. 3315 VIa IT. JAIDI a..aco•a Udo, Newport Beach. open 10 • a.m.·5 p.m. week days. 10 a.m.· S.. VS. Llde. ~ .._. 7:~ p.m. Wednesdays. 1·9 p.m. ~ lJID Friday eventno. Sunday Service~: 8:30, 9:30, U ORI9'"A' 'IT toiiiiOMITf nu.o ... a.u a.blt..-sssw.aau.o....._...._ lltalnac1a... P. W.SU... Sunday School, 10:30 a.m. Morn- in&' worship, 11:00 a.m. PDIIT 100 IUD 8API'IIT c:aoaca -w. _.. ... lt.. Coda .... I.IIMdy ..... .... I Dr. 81&11'11'4 8. .... Sunday echool. 9:~ a.m. ...1 dlurc:b -.rvice 10:150 a.m. natntn1 Unlon 7 r·m. SundaJ. Everilill wonhJp & p.m. Sunda7. Teach· en and otncen meettn11 p.m. Wedne.day. Praye JerVtee and Bible atucb' 8 p.m. Wedneeday. OO.C.A Da. liD COWUWih taUKII c ...... I' d a.m. Momin1 Prayerj 9:30 a.m. Jleitlltratton -.or Sunaay Sehool. Thunday Services: 9:15 a.m. Prayer Gulld; 10:30 Holy Com· munlon. IT. JoaK 'f'IAif10T SIS.._.. A.._......._ Ja1ad ~-·· ,...~a.!!r· ...... p---~-· .. Sunday Mules: 7:00 a.m. It 9:00 a.m. Co~on: Sa. turdar and f!Y8. of lit rrtdaya an Rolf Daya; 7:30 to 8 :00 p.m .; Flllt rrtda,J )(ua 8 a.m. CIDI"'''IAL ..... taOIICII o...... ........... ... c.e.--. ...... .... ............... Sunda,y Scbool: t :C5 a.m. Kam· tna -~ 11:00: ~ llitke. ,. llld---* ...... Ice. .... , •• Q , T:.ID .... UUOA-.uD Ill ... b¥4~ft. COMMOWifl WWGDWf ~., 111=· ........ ...... ~ .... &dwla o-M II a .... D II .... For leHerfa••• •••lapes call THE ENSIGN. HA-1114 ::===,;:=====::; NOW ... TWO BALTZ MORTUARIES luJiday WC!I'IllJp Ben-te..: t :.S !Iunday a.mc.: t:JO a. m. Tlllp ~ 11:00 a.m.: Luther a.m.. 11:00 a.m.Sund&ySdlool: Cllw'dllebooi,Lit~ and 11:00 Leqae. 7:• p.m. · t :e a.m. a.m. Wortlllp llerY1Cle. ••• Servln• the Rubor Area Baltz Mortuary CILU'EL B'f' THE si:A Harbor C2 3D) E. Cout lllabway Corona cle1 liar Baltz Mortuary UM117 S.l121. t11l a ~upertat, eo.ta .._ Tbla DINc:tory S. made poee'W. by 0.... c:iYfc..adDdecl bn•h r ;waa: WOODWC:>RTH PIANO SHOP Exdwdft Apnt fOil Jlalctwtn P1aDo1 &eeAL SHIIr Wlf AL WOIIS 2610 E. eo..t Hwy. H•. lll2 C..... .W ..._, G *' SINet Hert. 2210 ....,.,. ..... UI.ST1K THOWAS MOIIL s.VICI 1fo Taelal .•. Ko Tape ••• Ko ...._ ........ -........._ that the people d•• a •• IDell aa the goY· emiD9 hodr of tlda dtr wbo wm .. cam- AJIPL& PAmmiO .aTII LOCA110JifS mt E. c..t Hwy. C... .W t-4• ID W • ....._ a t1-• JMI.W .... ,., .... NEW'POIT HAUOI ~ NIWSPAPIA M1..10A lAY Q.UI ......... AlttwtWnt LoeaJ " ... INSURANCE "BeS~'f J.o E. c.-......,.. .... 1114 c... ....... • GOP's Election Promises lJSC Alumnae . Host Harbor Hi Co-eds . A eolottul block letter 9C, done B. ,.,_, C. W. Grundy, Carl C. In yellow ebr'pantMmum.a and HJU~. !!d&ar Hirth. Challen red camelllu, wu the table Landen, BJchard L.a.rulere, Ro- eenterpleoe at the mornln& eof. bert Lenker, Jamett E. Owen Jr., fee for SO euata lut Saturday BUYey Peanon, Her~ I. Perry, ln the borne of Mra. Carl C. ffiJl. HowArd Petenon, Earl ~n pen, m6 Ba)'llhore Dr., Bay and William Spurceon In. Shores. Alumnae of the Unlvenlty of Soothern California were botJt. euea to senior ctrb from Harbor Rich who are plannlnc to co on to a unJverslty a.fte't their ,rad. uatlon ln June. Mothers of the flrls were abo euet~U, as wu Fay Harbison, dean of ctrls at Harbor Rich. Be nefit Party He ld by Zonta Red and white Valentine dolls over Jars ot homemade jelJy were table decorations and prtz.es at the Valentine canuta benefit party rfven by Zonta Club at the Harbor Hou.e in eo.ta Mesa last Th unday ntlh t. , Fulfilled , Senator Says E d w a r d a White, dean ot women at U.S.C., W'fed all the younr women preaent to ebOOH a collece or untvenlty which can otter them stimulation, both In· tellectually and 80dally. She re- futed the bellet that USC wlth a total enro.Ument of 11,000 Ia too lure a ICbool. Mary Latr4. Bar. bara stare,., Sarah Prftton and Diana Green. the latter thfft local resident eoedl, repr ... nted the 8Chool, alone with MJ.-Jan John.aon from the office of ad. mluJona. The docoratJons were designed by Dorothy Hall and made by 11 1 Hazel Bay, Eva • -In and Helen QUEITI lit tbe tslble of lin. &.... NGvavtu ana.u.c,. c:bclnM8 ,_., ol *t P'lldq'e • ......._. ..U lit tlae lla1bocl Icy Cab. wwn tiM Norton, who wu chairman for " ... _ acw, a.-• Cobua. of t.o. AD9e* -.s Nn. c. N. the evenJne. Proceeds of the ·~ ol ........ ...._ n.. la1l waa a beDeBt to. a.. ~ The Jtepubllc:an puty baa tal-that the etforta ot both partie~~ tlll~ Its e1«t1on proms-. GO-are now bamatruna by the com. cord.lnc to SeD. aur, Golclwa*, munttt.ln Wuhinrton. party ~ ~ a Zonu del~ ~OMudy~~~~~~~·~~~Md~s=(gDea~~ .. ~-*~~~~~)::::::::;;~~;;;;; 1ate from Sweden to attend the "" who spoke Tbutlda}' before 400 Althourh they haven't bal. county ~bUca.n Women and anced the bud,et, the R.epub- thetr trtendl at the Balboa Bay Ileana bave made ltrldett tn run. Club. n1n1 the rovernment buatn .. in International Convention to be held in Sun Valley next year and • help al8o wlth tbe Amelia Ear. • • of sodal note Startlnt wlth a compa.rlaon a rood financial way. PenonaUy between Lincoln. the pre.ldent Sen. Goldwater feet. the budret whOM birthday wu be1nl bon· could be balanced by cuttJn1 oft ored, and President El.aenhower, foretrn aJd, but tn thla he said the Senator from Arizona aald he dltfera from the admlntatra. that 1956 ts the crucial election tlon. becaute the Democratic party Ia Th Mrs. Georre H. Moore was cen. eral chairman ot the coffee. Tro- jan Alumnae who a.utsted were the :Mmea. William Adams, Jack W. Carson, W. J. Clarke, Allen Cri.sell, Martin Forrest. Thomas hart Scholarship Fund. Door prius were won by Mmes. Paul Dunlap, E. F. Shell, James Callaeh«, J. C. Payne, AI Therkel~ PanwUa Danteb, Rena Seekamp, David Swanson, Nadene Coplen and Gertructe Fowler. ln the banda of the Americana e ro~ment Is gettlnc out tor Democratic Action and thla of competitive busJneu bec.auae GEORGA BARNES Is WED kind of a o c 1 a 1 lam must be "lnduatry 1s creat only when stamped out. men work u free men," he aaid. Pea~ wu one of the Repub-He pointed out that there haa TO RICHARD A SMITH been a transition from war to • • llcan promises In the 1.954 po-peace without dlsturbinc econ. lltlcal campaien, said Senator omy, which Ia at an all·time In a very private ceremony a t.' where the groom Is stationed. He Goldwater. In fultJJllng thla }Ugh. tended only by close friends and has just returned from 20 promise the senator pointed out 1 ti the tru~ In Korea and the "Corruption no longer exlst.s In rea vea, Miss Georga Jeanne months' overseas duty In Guam. atren(thening of our situation i.n Washington," said the Senator In Barnes, daught~r of Mr. and Mrs. Georga graduated last June from E brtnrtng up the fourth tulfUled George Barnes of 526 W. Bernard Newport Harbor High a nd wa.s urope. He aald that the Repub-election promJae. He said fle was St., Costa Mesa, became the prominent In high school actlvl. llcan party Ia for peace and Ia bride of airman 1/c Richard ties and an honor studen• Sh• not th arty th t b 1-..a i t not naive enouch to think that .. .. three ~:,.. a as ocu ua n o nothing la WTonc. but the mink Arlen Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. worked at the Costa Mesa Ll. I -" f 11 coats don't scoot around comers Henry SmJth of Mendota. The brary until her m arriage. n an <cUort to u lll \"other eddl 11 ed hUd ood promi.se, to rid the eovernment like they used to." w ng c max a c h Her husband ls a graduate of of communlm, all IOVemment romance. The young couple's Tranquillity Hlgb School In Fres- NOV81 TO parents were very close friends no County where he waa promJ. people are ftOW ec::reened. Be tn. "aWIOft DJGIITI ln Mendota. where Georea and nent in athletics. After ttls dJ.s. dJc:ated a Democratic: mlstake Kn. Jack Little, fonnerly of her family Uved before comtnr charge from the aJr force thla WU tbe recopttloa ol So¥1« at• Orchid Ave,. C.OUa del liar, to eo.ta 11 a1x _L __ ....... Ia .... ,_ ot n..at. 1au .....s to 100 our Dr .. w.w. eea ~ qo. summer the younr couple will 1111 .. UHliR :1.fta aad ..sd -g • 5111 'fte .....,_ 'ftac OSIIIIDOft7 wu move to Mendota where the iiiiii~.;~~~iiiii::;~.;~.;--·;;;~3iiiii.;~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;i. beld at tile CIMial aa. CIIUidl poom ~ a n.adL , -~ .. ec.ta ..... wttll .... A. A. Jtadln ~.,..... Party Theme Is Patriotism February ta Heart catch his heart (and hla eye> with a provocative n~ hair style with a fiaJr for sprtnc de· aiJned by Wanda ... You can't afford NOT to look beauutul. • ........... ..t .................. 11.00 .. --... -·--·--·-................ .11.00 •He'll aaree HEARTily! tt•U.IItiJ!t, btlde wore an Ice blue faWe dreSI ot ba1Jer1na Jeqt.h and canted white orchids. Her tenner hJeh 8Chool friend. Mrs. Richard Morrison of Coeta Metta, attended A patriotic program In cos. her in a pale blue and white tume w1U be presented Wednes. suit. 'Ibe bride's brother, C)aude day at the meetJng of the Joseph Barnes, wu best man. Women's Fellowship of the Co- Among the ruests were Newport rona del Mar Community Church Harbor Hleh classmates of the Children rrom the Dorothy ~~ bride, Mia Pat Dennis and Mrs. Dan~ Studio will aJso dan~ a Bob Saunders. minuet, accordlnr to Mrs. R. D. The rroom's mother wore a Meredith. In charge of the pro. charcoal sult and had a corsace gram. Guests from the Congrega. of cardenla.s. Mrs. Barnes wore tlonal Church In Laeuna Beach a navy faille suit and a similar will be honored at the tea fol· coraare. lowlne the program to be held CaU au.oa a.5 teda'f After a honeymoon 1n Phoenix. ln the social hall. ~~~~~&~c~·~-~~~~~~~·~·~·~·~~~~~·~·~~~~~~~a~~~~~~~~~~~th~e~co~u~p~l~e~ri~l~l~~~e~~~~~~al~u~~~~ Ah~arym~~~~i~ r Valentines Day, Uncoln and Washington's birthdays will be used by the Friendly Service group ot the Fellowship, who are In charge of the social hoW'. Announeing • • • We are now Open and re a dy to Serve you . • • HarbOr Travel ~ Agency THE OMLY AUTHo wxio AGENCY fOB ICIIEDULED AIIILINES IN Till ltEWPOB1' HARIOB AREA . MOVES lfEAa SOK A new perma nent Harbor area resident 1s Mrs. Edna GruweU, who lives at 611 Orchid Ave., Corona del Mar. Mrs. GruwelJ, a former Pasadenan, Ia the mother of A J. Gruwell, who lives just a f~ doors away on Orchid. An AprU weddtn1 In OW' Lady now up In Mer~ County, but of Mount Carmel Cbureb. N~· we hope to aee them bade here port. Ia belnl planned by Mary come summer. Ann Norey of Balboa Island and • • • Will Ballle of Santa Ana. Both She'a been wearlnr a ring of the lntendect. are SC ,radu. slnce Christmas, but now it'a of. ates. He was a Phi Delta and flclally announ~ that Ruby ~he a Kappa. Neuman is eneaeed tc Don • • • Southworth. No date has been Harbor Area mothers would set for the weddlnr because Don llke to give thelr sons a JltUe can't even THINK about getting "Hell" week. If tt'a Jlke they de married until after he graduates scribe It at USC. Boys at tht> as an alr force cadet at Har Delta Tau Delta trat~mlty and linger, TeJtas. He Is the son of otht>rs at USC have just finished Costa Mesa city engineer Don their ''Hell" week, during which lreally Donovanl Southworth of time the new pledees were super. 527 Redlands. The bride to be is vised by active members In such the daughter or Mr. and Mrs. activities as painting. papering. Reinhold Nt>uman o! 1560 Tustin waxing and cleaning thelr very Ave .. Costa Mesa. She Is attend- large fraternity house and fixing lng OCC. Her Intended ls a Coast the grounds at 919 W. Adams graduate. Blvd., Los Angeles.. Delts from • • • the Newport area are Bob Ander. Leaving Monday for a HawaJ. son, Dick Calhoun, Marlon Hobbs, lan cruise are Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bob Fortner, Armando Monaco, Joh nson o1 600 Mareuerite Ave., Don Tuffle, Don Ward, Roeer Corona del Mar, and Col. and Rlley, Jerry FOl"''Ht. Bill Fortna, Mrs. Charles Johnlon of 227 )lar. Paul Calhoun and Jim Andenon. euertte. Althoueh the friendly • • • Jotm.ons haw the same llur· llooltDc tM W o., t ll ltlmud na.me, the7 are't r.ll.J rtialed. ....., ,__ "-...... to ..... llar«!7. 'I'M TM Jollr I D6 -.. part Bubar bu .._ tempanr. -szned to a. 0. ct. .a.• t g' U7 delqed ..... Mr. lllmard daqtlta>. Ia 1n the boepltal wttb bepat:ttla. As aoon as he Ia well, he wllJ .. sume hts dutles at Chapman Collere. where he was ~nUy appointed vf~ . preafdent. His duties will ~nter on the promo- tion and development of the col. Ieee. which just last year moved to Oranee County. Mr. Bernard's brother, Brooks Bernard. has been a Newport resident tor several years. • • • • • • Birthday honors were awarded Mrs. K. V. Dllta of Corona del Mar last week on Wed.be.da.y when Mrs. Harrison Mower of BaJboa lsJand entertained in her honor at a luncheon at the Irvine Coast Country Club. Included in t he party were Mrs. Stan Sav.'Yer a nd Mrs. H. W. Sawyer of Beacon Bay. Everyone present. as well as the honoree. received a party gift. A can ter plceon, or Valentine ======------- dove, from San Francisco hu broucbt the news that Miss Lor . ralne Myers and M. William Batley are plannlnr a June wed. dln.g. Lorraine 1s the daughter ot Mrs. Marraret Myers, 244 Broad. way, Costa Metta. The groom.to- be ls from Gutonla. N. C. Both or the younc people are working In San Franclaco. • • • Newport Harbor High gradu. ate, Miss Carole CeceJJa Guy. Is also plannlne a June wedding In San Francbeo. Miss Guy at. ten<$ed the University of Arizona. Her husband.to-be, Robert L. Fambrlnl, o1 San Francisco, wtll graduate from San Joae S1ate College ln June. • • • Ellie Folk of Corona del Mar and Shaddock's Udo Center. 1.s ott on a vacation to Detroit and New York Clt;y ... the Lew Pet. Utb of BaJ~ Island are acan. nJnr trawl folders to Mexico · · · BettJ Jo McCarthy of Balboa l&land Ia hearlbl weddlna bells and T/qt. Donald Wells admits that the date wtJJ be April 2 ... I ,. l . E. ;.,.;..;. ot 300 .... I lll1ne Ave., Corona del Mar, are ........... ... .., for your summer ac. tlvltles ... confident. ly trim. a ppealing; the envy of your trlend.s -malt> l and female). PboDe BA 17U Dolt Now! A Free eKpllmatol"f tncabta•t -"-wlt:boat obl1,.. tioa. OPD EVIIJU:JtCS (N-... Wed.. 'nan.) SIIY L eo.t lhry. (n~ar JumJnel COIIOIIA ... 110 II IE • PillE .,. ......... ..-y -· ........ . .. ......... ~ ...... r.. m ... ~.,... ....... " .... .. ...... '" .. ~ ............. ,,_ .. .... ., ... -•.-rn •• 111111--•••• --,, I Iiiii "' ..... rw..· • Gila.,., ... I I I IIII'S 1111 ,I IIIET .... urrg "So I shook all the 1 pound cans of eotree and dJdo't ttn.l a single turele!" Funniest too d anecdote to have happened alnce the one about the cal who served her guests a raw toneue and told the butcher lt was tourh. wu the one lut y.'eek where the cu .. tomer complained t.b a t abe bou~ht a pound ot coffee here and when abe opened lt up found it full of water . . . "Wby!" abe uked oW' Clarence Dodd, wbo u you know Ia our Grocery Manacer on the floor and the proper penon to uk aueh pertinent questions . . . Clarence aoulcln't think ot a alnrle reuon, except perhas- maybe the heavy raJns down Venuuela way bad 80methiq to do with It . . . "But I made cert.a1n nobody ebe toted home a vacuum packed pound ol water * * * n.. WI_....'--..t .. ...... ••• l"ft~WloC c..al pl'lllaoe _.. _. .... ..-~ .... -••• Or ..,.. It .... ,.._ pnd•oe _. ..... ~ ..... -,y .... .. ... n.. ..... s ..... ... addltd aa tM a.-it ••• Or ..,.. lt aa tiM INial! r.. ... bl ... prtats of ..... tea. ...... oee coaJ4 -...ct I'WCidy ,..lied tooda aDd a aotb11rle t. bay-.._ a.. DOble laUd npt oa ot tlae 8plt • • • JboaDd --c:lledr ftaDda to ..... ---aDd faeW .......... ColD ..... ..... -... ,, _ _. .. . ... ............ ._ ...... ..... ......... ... -.y ........ .., .... .. .. • ...... 119'' , 5 • .,. ..tMa .. - - .... -dbedlow tt .... ~ ••• ADd tlaJak ol ... ~ ,... •lla9 tbat wW be W.Ol .... l Look -~ ,.... .. tluoa9ta ..... ,.... aaloed ... ..a of ~ froat tiM bacll ef yoa.r carl atotben aDd .....-.. ..... 9Dt .... caD 1111~ .. do. bat ..... aaart ..... ... ....., to a.t ,.... ..... .._ .. -... rtpt •t .... fnat door . • . ..,. ,. •t"'Wtew lood .... .at wull••d ••.• ......_ ...S~olloeclat..acdl depGbta•ta · • . If yo11 do Mt ab..tt n nl" • ClliPf .t -.r ........................ acdla.att.lt .... you~ .... ... * * * The big switch will all be over by our aeventb anniversary, March 15. so If you want to aet In on the fun of trlpplnf over carpentffa, elect:ridana. paJntera and such ... thla ls YOW' chance . . . Seven years 1s a lone t.Law ... What chan,es It has brou(bt a bout ln the types o1. tooda we I eat ... Looldne back over theee past seven years since our os>e:l· lng in 194& the mo.t vtvld new food Incident I recollect wu lQ7 first taste of frozen oranae Ju.Joe · · · Can you hnarfne not bavtnc frou-n oran.re juice! That'a what I mean by chance-. . . * * * ; 2 na. Mdl, 1 ftreplace, t.Ue batb.l It ldtcbeaL Sep. laundry rma.. ,..,.,.._ LoU of retatatDa ....U. It e& ment work. A tood buy at tlda new, low prke ot ta_,950. • • • • 2 Bill. eacb, ftreplaea, ttle ln ldtdlena t. Batba, aunn)' b~akfut ......... Cedar roofa. llep. aa.raa-It laundry. ·lfo. 2 apt. rented-® ~-~ ~ mo., unturnlahed. Frt. avaUable to buy~r. l»rtc::e $22.500. $1.5,500. m.t1n1 loan. See tJiese to4ay. THE VOGEL CO. 21167 E. COASr HWY. HARBOR 1741 CORONA DEL MAll HARBOR 1m T omorrow• s Dream-Today! I WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO INSPECT OU~ DISTINCTIVE HOMES COMPLETED AND UNDER CONSTRUCI10N NINE DIVERSIFIED FLOOR PLANS To th~ home buyer who wiShes to purc.hase In the $20,000 to $30,000 class we sincerely recommend the Irvine Estates ov~looldng Newport Harbor. These homea feature California living. Offered exclu- sively through Earl W. Stanley ln a Smog-Free are:a known a.s Irvine Tenace--on Coast Highway opposite the new lrvlne Coast Country Club, Newport Harbor. AIIIIICiiC ! The New Furnished IODEL HOlES Built by Furnished by MARTIN & von HEMERT * For recommendation, we refer you to anyone who holda a Leasehold Estate In Irvine Terrace. MAY WE HAVE THE PLEASURE OF YOUR INSPECTION PHONE HARBOR 4448 FOR FUllTHEil INFOIDIAnON Clllll lB. Ill J..bedrooms, 2 bath$-good family home Convenient to Harbor View School Third bedroom and bath has outside entrance 2 sep. gar.ages, built to take apartment above Terms like rent: $2,500 down Fill price $13,&00 Keys at: 2647 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar Stu Sml~, reaHor HArbor 882 PAUL C. JOlES, Realtor (formerly of 2307 W Ba lboa Blvd., NQwport BeachJ ANNOUNCES THE NEW LOCATION OF IllS OF'FICES: 2820 lew,.rt BIYII., ..... rl Beacll • • • See us for real estate and all types of lnsuran~. BOB JONES, ASSOClA TE William V. Caywood, repTeMnting Etna Llf~ Ins. Our telephone number l• still Harbor 2313. FOR QUICK RESULTS! List your Property for sale with a Multiple Listing Broker. Dlc1 you tcnow thll lmmecU&tely put:a 200 expert~ to work on your propert,yf ALSO, 1'01 JOUR PltOTI:C'J101f, ALWAYS IVY TIDl1 A ''BAJ.ro&." .. ' ..... ..,., rt1DJSIIED A.PT.. pleua.nt lur· .roundtnp, ~ eon d It 1o-. M we .,. l'IMiaben ol MULTI-aclulta, DO peta. 110~ )(.,..._ ftat 11M ........... tMt e aio.e'-4 a camplalat fNIIa PLE l..IS'M'IfG SEaVJCE we ,et rite. CDM. a,...,. • JOUr t.I,JDOiitltiJ .wa-llr. aJicl 111n. ..._,. PSea- JUit mow ln to tllll com- pact. euy-to.bep.up 2-bld· J'OOID bome T" tutnJ8bed - with additional 1neome unit all of the multJple ltatlnp BtJSilftSS IENTA.L: Exc::eU~nt • bU1 ,. ,..maau.) wW IIW •~•t u ...... t17 ~ fr9m man than 200 IJirobn CDII ~ loeatJcm tn mod-be tJMre. Mt Ita ,__ .. lile.: • b7 dumptq • IQIII4I and aaJ..men. We then -=reen em arc:htt.eturally beautUul 1811 ... aiUt6td "Y Cltr ClliuD-am.. below th.tr dweWq on them and Mlect the one. we buUcttnc. BA 'JOe. « write I . N. ell _.... lloDda)' 111 11 ... DablJa Aw., 0arona del Mar. eonatder ouatandlnr buys and o.enwa, 22S1 1a11Jde Dr., The dtr ...,_ Alii w , • .. • ..,arect to ett;F manqw a • rentM-near fin~ .-.vlmm.lna thOM that quaJlty .,. mu.:s CDII. taq up • caplla1 ~ ,_. tar ded&ratJon ol war" lett. bam BEST BUYS. 2-BEDRM. Wit\il'i\0 •IM ltOW aDd ma~ aM fiiV I nt fll 'naelma Paddodc Hope of tOO ._.... the cmy -... ~ ......._ Dahlia Ave .. Corona del liar, pro. area on Balboa laland. • • • May we ahow It to you T retrta.. private patio and. aa-lllluDent fllllcb a ,__. .,.. ... .una a NIIIUellt by •abbot ra,e. 515"' Orchid, CDM. 180 thort.d Manda7 b7 tM CaonML '~'Moden J'ltdt for removal of 01 eoune we eannot adwrUM mo. HA ~-Counetl tbtn approved a ,_. tna them all, .a why not drop tn or HOUSf lor rent fumlabed, large OJDJDeDdatlon of City Mana.-e btalnecl Attorney WIJUam $11,118 phone ancl aee lf we can lbow Uvtna room. ~ larp lolln Sa.llon that J5 ftftta 01 the llcKensie Brown to pnpue litO- you the buy that flta your needl. patio. Inquire at 62) lumJne, eurrent eo.e.nt monthly _..a,. ~ .. tn the fortbeoaa1na CJitr • • • CDM. RA mo.w. eharp be alloHt.cS to t.be eapJ. Raven MWer uu 1n..,.t cJJmtet 2-BEDROQM. apt., patio, comer tal outlay tund, and 15 eenta be and Welt Newport lrapt'Ovement lot. t-ear rarap. f75 month. retained In the MWate treat. Dbtrlet. btl fee to be 2" of the Call Harbot 301M. Mr. J'aJr. ment and maintenance fund to total .. n"'nta. • IIUID IEILn 00. 4al Park. Balboa bland HAm LET US IIIW YOU 4 Unlta on the ocean ftont- fumlahed In a m anner lnvlt- lng to tenants-offering va. cation atmo.phere to the owners--at a price you will recognize as better than reasonable. Owners are leaving the area and cash can make a good deal an exceptional one. LEE CASEY OmCE Z721 E. Coast Highway Corona del Mar, Caut. Tel: Harbor 0846 HERE IS AN EXAMPLE: 4-bedr., nearly new home ln Newport Helcht.. near blab .ehool . : . Forced alr fum. . . . tJrepl .... 20la> garaae ... Landllcaped In a paved • curbed street . . . $13,850 full prlc::e. REALTOR 393 E. 17th St., Costa Meea u 8 ·1139 CDI llllals 2-bedr. turn. ~pt. China Cove, $85. • • • Above 1-bedr. fum. apt., 'AI blk. from ocean, $70, Incl. uUl. ·Call Capt. Pattison W. E. Filller I Auec. 3034 E. Coast Hwy., CDM HA 2443 AloiMr lfflce II IIIYI Jtl wHit VOGEL VALUES NOW OPEN AT 3416 VIA LIDO, IN LIDO CENTER Myrtle Davy B.ruce Weed Call us at Harbor 4791 concemlnc properties In the Lido, Balboa and Newport lala.nd areu. Now six oU:k:s for complete reale.tate eoyerare: lfEWPORT CORONA DEL MAR 3201 W. Coast Hfway 2667 E. Cout Hwy. Liberty 8-3481 HArbor 14'77 BALBOA ISLAND COST A. MESA. 208 Marine Ave. 1500 Newport Bl. Harbor 0444 Liberty 8.1617 LAGUNA BEACH LIDO 299 So. Coast Bl. 3416 VIa Lido Hyatt 47501 Harbor 4791 weather. defray operation experwee. Of th~ HICELY ruRNISHED room. prt. prnent balance ot ~,aoo ln_the CON ~ 8VIMJLAa vate entr., private bath, Y«Y .ewage fund, $12.800 wu tran.t-ottlcen on patrol at 5 a.m. cte.lrable. 419 Poln.lettJa, CDM. f~rred to the new fund. .Monday b~ard a nolle ln aalctY• HA ~W. Council allo: Taclde Store, MePadden Pl. and B "~"D ....... e Approved pl&M tor a hoUM Ocean Front. N~ Beacb, A~ A AC & 1 newly dec., d f eompl. tum.. uW. pd. Yearly to be built by Dou&}u Hott on an ou.nd 80Utheut rear wtn. rental $0 mo.. 500~ Golden-th~ Corona del Mar bluff n~ar dow knocked out. rod, CDM. u 8-4036. the toot of Marlaold Ave. CAD POll SALa G;:;;A.RA.7;;:-:-;:;G:;;E:-;::FO=a-st~ora-1-~---...,.A.-v_all,.,...-• Confirmed the a ppointment .-----------.. ot Urba n Beh of Bay Sborea u able Now. BA 2925-W. chl~f ot the Division of Water 1-BEDRM. fum. apt. for rent. TraMportaUon ln the clty'a ClvU uUlltles pd., q:>M. RA 123. ~enae and Dluater Organlza. LOUISE API'S, Carnltlon nr. Sea. tlon. view, CDM. Modern turn. apt. e · Referred to City Manarer Incl. utll. Yrly. or seasonal $50 John Sailors the request of up. HA 401'6. George Hiner to renew bla leaee POll SALE BRAND NEW WurUtzer aplnet plano, $400; K~nmore electric stove, like new, $50; chrome high chair, $8. Harbor 0059-W after 6 p.m. OLD FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator. running condition $25. See Wallace calderhead, 3123 E. on the live bait and lunch atand on Newport Pier; Mr. Hiner of. tered $1,600 a year for rtve years, an Increase over the present $1,· 200 a year. e Rderred to city manager the request of th~ Women's Commit· tee of Newport Island for s~t lights at 38th St. and Finley and at west end of Channel Place. Coast Hwy., CDM. SITVATJOIIS WAKTD LEITZ BlNOCUl..A.RS--=--:-lOxSO=-="'".--:I""'Ik-e NURSE-HOUSEKEEPER,--.,...fo-r-el- new, retail cost $250, will sell derly person, dependable. good for $150. HA 1634. driver. Kl 2-3287. LAYTON WATER SOFTENER. BABY SITI'lNG, care of sick, In $50. HA 4703-J. f:JT1 Carnation. your home by mature CDM CDM. woman. Day, night. CaJJ before HAMMOND chord organ, like 10 a.m., alter 5 p.m. HA. 3192-M. new, big saving. Danz.SchmJdt 8UIDfUS UJfTALI Piano Co., 520 N. Main, Santa NOW LEASING, avail. bus. of. Ana. flee spa~. center CDM, auft. SPINET PIANO-lovely tone and able for acct., dentist doctor, case only $387. Terms. Other arcbJtect. lawyer. LI 8-1526. wonderful bargalnl In rental ------------ retu.ms, trade 1n on Orcau ~~~ncWiAIITD-,Pfi!Rilf""-:aiiiiiMiiiliJ ate. a.v.a1 merely aUafltl7 ~~eratdled 1n lblprnent. Danz. SdunJdt. 520 No. Ma'Jn. Santa Ana. BEAUTIFUL Spinet PJanoa. Rent to buy.· All of term rent al. lowed. Practice pianos u low as S5 per mo. Danz.SchmJdt Big Plano Store, 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. STEINWAY GRAND. Like new. Big Saving. Also Knabe, KJm. bal, Fischer, Mason • Hamlin. Many others. Practice pianos as low a.s $85. Danz.Schmldt Big Plano Store, 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. Mu.t know pMatrw and Jub- rteatlon. Euy hOUJ'II, JOOd pay and wori.lnr eondltlona. See Pierce, 3700 E. Cout Bwy. at Poinsettia, CDM. GIRLS--_ 1001 IEWS! GoQd jobs-good salary with frequent increases -oppor. tunlty to adva nce. Some openings now for young women ln Newport Beach office: · "UIUIUILL Y 01 Ell" UID Ul7 SEE! biYite Toa To DIIYE 1111 IUY! "'The PIDeat ~ of UMCS Can LD 0ni11ve Coaaty a• n:sa ... n.., ... eold OD Cl HAY YOG IIVIT -MIMI&Dt -st IIDKUat 4 DOOII RadJo, heater, Owrdrlve, New baked enamel tlnlab-Whlte Walls. F~bru:ij. Sale Prl~. -u CBEY. an Am& 16,000 miles. one-own~. Sun Gold finish. Whit~ Wall TlrH. H~ater. FebruRrv Sale Price. ... -so STV'D&. LD .annan Radio, Heater. Automatic. 2 New Tires, Light Blue tintah (Original). A Ileal Buy!-A Sharp one! February Sale Price. Jill 6 left HAMMOND Organs. All models. TELEPHONE OPERA TORS CLERICAL WORKERS -Apply- 1511 '53 POaD YlCTOIUA Radio, Heat~. J'ordomatlc. On~ owner, low mileage. 2·tone Green flnlsb. February SaJe Prl~. Ramona Place, Newport Heights addition on Sant8 Ana Ave. between 15th and 16th Sts. 4·Bedrms., 2 Baths, $795 Down Undoubtedly the best buy In this area. Hurry; before Irs too late~ Pllil SulliYII 111111 EYII'IOI 1856 Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa, Uberty 8-0761 CORIIIA DB. Ill 2-bedra. 6 den. canyon view ---... -..... now ,19,950 2-bedra. • den, So. ot Highway, fumlabed ·---· '-lt:nso 2-bedra. w/ frpl. on Avocado, lt'a a darllna . ....: ... ~0.900 See ua for Shore CIW and Corona Hfehlandlt properties. E•l W. llllllf• -lellllr 225 Marine Av~., Balboa llland, Hatbot 1775 Wll II IIW IIIII ......... Coz:y 3-bedr. home on rood 1tn1t. clolle to llloppl.q center. Ru teeced yard. patio, Ale. car. Owner ..... tna. b.u reduced price to. .......... ... One only slightly used almost like new. Thls Is a ~tal. Danz.Schmldt Hammond Head. quarters for Orange County, ~ No. Main, Santa Ana. 5t4'AI N. Main Strt'et, Rm. 211 Santa Ana Monday through Friday 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. PACIFIC TELEPHONE BEAUTIFUL Electronic Organ, ~~.::::::===-===== blonde case, almost new. Must LOST AJII1) FOUJQ) sacrifice. One only. Big sav. LOST-J;IORN lUMMED=,.--1...,1-......_-- lng. Danz.SchmJdt Great Sale, Lost Sat. night at Rendezvous 520 N. Main, Santa Ana. Ballroom, Balboa. Stud~nt. IIEJIVICES -.c .. ..... ...... ,. ... . FOR RENT S·MM 16-MM 35-MM and 1001 Sound Projecton FAST OOLOR FILM SERVICE Model Airplane. SuppliH .. ,.a ...... -. 1-782 Newport Blvd., Cotta Mesa _ ___;Ph;...;..:.;;one Liberty 8-7042 PAINTING Earl Sbeflln 273 Palmer St.--co.ta Keu • Uberty 8.2la8 needs glaases. HA 0362-J. FOUND-PARAKEET In vldnlty ot Orchlcl. Identity. HA oea.w. cos ro'laALE Ifill• .... .......... 1 'SO BUICK Eetat~ Wqon ... .11015 RadJo.Reater, DynaOow '53 PLYMOUTH Suburban . .att!W Heater, Tinted Gl ... By-drive. '52 FOJm Ianda Waton ----'1- Radlo-Heatet, Ov~rdrlve. '47 CHI:V. Station Waton -...$1W5 • SpoWte, Pocllt-, .. dJo .. ,. '53 roaD 4 oooa Radio, Heater, 0 v e r d r I v e . White Walla. Vynll seat cov ers. Clean and runs "extra good." February Sale Price. ··-"' IIEIIc:vaT llAJU) TOP Ra.dJo. Rea t e r , economical Overdrive. 17,000 mlle&-one owner and hu real "eye ap. peal." February. Sale Price. ··-'52 POIID YlCI'OIIIA 20,000 mllee-and looks even leJ~S. We want you to SEE thll one! Radio, Heater,. Fordo. matk, Tubele. WhJte Walla. February Sale Prlc::e. ··-'II~I DOOa Loe&Uy OWMd and purchued 1QW .... (one-owner too). In ~tone Gr.en tintah White WalJa. February Sa.e Prlee.. . -'•IIVDIOif DAVTT lUW flnJih, Aadi9, HHt•. Only. 40,000 MUee-Ofte.owner. new t'Ar trade-ln. February Sal~ Price. • .. • • , f Aa ..... SCHOOL BONDS OK• d MEET THE CA~Dl[)A TES Ne rt PI ( r .. ~p1a· . (Ooatlnued ......... u ...,'". .. ..... o1 cataln N wpCo ans ross \Mill int Di t • t A IMI'dlanta lor ,_: helped cut 8W 8nSUS Propoa.ttJoru to borrow t2.225.· where Ntlldentlal 1J0Wf.b t. u.. s riC ., cJowJa tbe aJPIOIIriaUon to tM ,.. Ctty ol K IUeh .. ,..... Ooult acdcm .. pend-~ ........... .met 000 from the state and Ooat heavlHt. a.a:rr IIA~ 11'1'1. Chambef ot ~ wbkb. be loUowtnr C.. = lead &D~ lna to MUM eomplalnta, counter at II3S Via L&do, 1875,000 In honda tor four new 1\vo klndergarteru: and a een- . e I. L __.. _. (• , ,.., aid, abould be ..U..upportlq or la ~ tcw • .pedal t'eAiua oomplalalll lmCI podlnt cSamaae elementary schoola and add!. tral kitchen wUJ be erectH at Mot ,..._..t. He Mnt a lettB nnrly 10• ,_,..vlnl • reuoftable to be t.aUD at.,..,. liuJta ~Yln.l P. A. Palma-, tlon• to four other tchoola In th• main .chool. An admlnlatntloa to the U.,UeltaUna he eouUln't lee lor speclflc ...VSC. Nndered CltJ Mau.-Jolla lallart ,.. pnll&lnt fill Mewport Balboa Gla*"~~·T Costa Mesa Elementary School 11nd health unit and a multi pur. JulltY taklna t1me oil from hU to tbe d". • ~ ~tlon D'OIIl Mew. lavtap 6 Loan ~ .. and W. ••"""' diatrlct were approved at a ape pose bulldtna will M built at the buq WWidnl ~. '"I .~ve made a lot of people part Cit)' Oauftdl MoDday ew. ~ ~ ot w. 0 . Budrt IM.. clal election Tuesday. Lindberg School and rour cl ... '1 hope tt'• people evaluate mad. he concluded, .. but I feel nlnl to .........._ tbe C!OIIt ot ~ film. GUmpse.S The bond proposal carried rooms and a multi vurpoae build· _. u ! evaluat.e ...,_u.,. be tUt a lot of·~ people whom t ha,.,._ tiM r.deral Gov.rnment A cro. complaint and lnjunc. 1.388 to 218. The proposal to bor 1ne at the Monte Vista School. WI'Ote. .. A maa who hu reached haft ma4l JDA4I .,. thlnldnr c:oftduct a ~pedal ceuua, tlon to ,...,. P. A. Palmer diNet)y row the money from the state Jl\1 aaetn lU. hu ..tablillhecl' a ....tously of the tax dollar, and .. A eeN~ua 18 A«IIIU)' 10 that or 1nd.lNetly out ot the lMytance -,.-carried 1.368 to 218. 1 t----.--.-Y .... IT_W11'11 ___ ........ _ certaln pattem o1 thou-"t and manr of tbem wOJ vote for me." we can k-.p peee with our ~ .ad to -.k f5(),000 Well now JOU DOW lt'a The board ol trustees will can. aettona, a ~ ltandard of • L QOIIDOir WA' UW powtb anc1 with the arowth of ~ for W. 0 . Buck lnc:. wtD lpl'ln1. You can 1Hl tbe 10tt vau the election Wednesd., Feb. I ethic:. a.n4 Mll&Yior ftkh tboald '"I haven't rot a record. be-other ett1111," he aaJcl. CertaJn be ready 1D a couple of dQa, z.phyr wiD~ patt1D1 your chea 23. SuPftlntendent E. A. Rea re. conttnue ln·that eame pattern e&UN I haven't been on CouncU. ltate ~na, auch u appor. Otto 0 . ~acobc. att«Jwy 1• Mr. and aee the loftly peen ot the ported yesterday. All of the ma. and Ia not likely to chance be-t am a real ..ta~ man. I have tloni:Mnt o1 ru tax reluncla to lUck, notified the Enalp Moft. new Jeavea and the yellow of tlle t«<al will then co to bondiJll at. cau.. ot aome llatementa be bNn here alnce Uti, and I like dU., .,. ba..cl on populatJon. day. Mr. Palmer, ln an orlranal aeadu and luplna nowerlnl torneya, who wlll check on vaJJ. mlrbt make rqardlnl b1s fUture th.la place better than any place A ce.nM&a .a.owtq the l.ncreulna contract with Mr. luck. •~Ned Into view. Tbll II .weater and dlty, Mr. Rea aald. The board of actions. rve been. I want to aee It build. Mewport population thua will to atay out at the lnwrance aldrt weather . . . when tbe IUPftV18ora for Oran1e County "II eleded 1 ahall. ,tve them JrOW, expand-but In the rtrht nMtUl INater allocation of IUdl bualne.a. Mr. Jacobe explained. aprln1 cheeka and putel 'plaids wUI advertise sale of the bonda. the belt 1 haft, wtth the belt In· way. II I am -*led. I wW do tundla. "Mr. Pa.lmer II lnterpretlnlf look anart and tr.h and the Plaru are now beln1 drawn for ter..u of Kewport Budl u a the beR I can lor the ~ at 'l"he -.... CaJt be of altn111· tbe contract that only P. A. paJ. lovely new colon take a man. the new primary school at the whole a~w_,. In mind... the people, not Ju.at for a tew:• caDCe .._ &n the pro~ amaJ. mer IDe. would AaJ' out of the lnl In aweaten and blou.aee., corner ot Wilson St. and Pla. e ..... ..,. • ..,.,. • La& WILD&a camatlon ot the dtt. ot Mew-lnaurance bualDea," Mr. Jacobi ._, ~ ..._ loeldDv centla Ave. and for &ddltlona to ''II 1 10 on the City Coundl u "I am not aolnt to ftlht wtth port ~ and eo.ta Mea. un-aalcl. 1'1ae attornq chareed that llldltl .. .... ' • br u.at the E. A. Rea School. The new your choke, 1 ahall 10 humbly. •nyboctY. MY primary aim u to det the lawa pertalnlna to con. Mr. Palmer throucfl the Newport t11a1i1 tiiM •e ,_ _. ~'11 *lhool on 20-acres will lnclude 1 wUl bandit all problema pain. help promote barmoJ)y on &e 10lldatlon ot cltles, the eo-called Balboa Savlnp 6 Loan Alan. ......,_ tllld • w 1 a ful col-20 clasaroorru. two kindergarten W1 W.t tlktnaly, honetltly and faJrly. 1 Council. An Inquiring mind on C01ll0lldatlnc dty t. the one with and Lido Properties Inc. wu tn J.cttea ·.c l loet llldrta crt roorna. an administration and a wtll res-..-t the people tn Jiftw· the part of the Councll and the the larcer population. Tbe Initial the lnlurance bualneaa. O'aaiD'I. n.. _.. ~prtag. multl.purpose b u II d I n g . Ten ... II a..... y port a.tat>ta and the .,-dty. -1• Ia • ..,... thlna. and I Jn. IOYemmeDt of the ..... udat<d The leeel beHI• 8tarted wh"' - -Ia --• d...,oo.., ue planned to ,.,.&1 -• • • , 1 will cJo tnY belt to keep unity tend to have that. But achlevlnl clty b taken over by the govern. Mr. Palm« tUed a oomplamt • ftiiMt7 ta lllnlll ~ added to the Rea School. ln the community." harmony Ia the best. way to pro. lq body ol the lareer clty, and agalnat W. 0 . luck. Inc. In the ...... c:llecb ...S pla:lda. Ten acres wtll be .Purchased Now we have all the thlnas you want for par. ties. brtd&e cards. prtzes, score pads. and party sparkent . . . from Parta Schlaparelll Brld&e carcla Score Pads and Station. D • • ll'HI. · ordlnaACH and laws of that city county clerk'a oltlce lor Mr. A ;:u: ...S ~ • ....._ between Palisade. Rd. and Mesa I strict 5 ''I don't lntend to filht with beeome the lawa of the coru~CJU. Buck'• alleged failure to make. Tria aldrta ...... wttll per. Dr. oft Bay Ave. for 12 clus. the Chamber of Commerce. 'nle 4ated clty. paymenta on 16,!162.13 plu. Inter. •=• t .._ pa.crta aad -.ot.b rooma. one klndercarten room, ~A JILAJID admlnlatratlon of funcla to· the Cunent population t 1 g u r e 8 est, tile balance owed on pur. 0.. w ~t ......_ an administration and a multi· • lidS a.OKIIIIIG (la:n•Met) Chamber by the Council bu ahow Newport Beach to be the chue of the Insurance buslness. Team your skirt with our purpose building. Ten acres wtu ery ... Hl believe. ln meetlnr altua· been sound In prlnclple, althou1h larcer clty. The latest ceruua flg. Mr. Palmer'a complaint charged lovely Dalton cuhmere sweaters • Ue purchased at Baker St. and tiona u they artae, Ualnl our the amount may have been a blt urea for the City of Newport that no payment had been made -the finest luJCury caahmer8-Fairview Rd. Cor 15 cl&Slii'OOinS, best Judament. There are two high. Now let's let the people Beach lilt the population at 17,. since Dec. 10, 1953, and attached and featured. of course, at I two kindergartens. an admlnl.s- projects In wblch I am part.lcu. decide, because the lsaue t. on am. Population of the City of Mr. Buck'a a.aaets. O'BRIEN'S. Besides having tho~ tratlon and health buUdlng and larly Interested u Councilman: the ballot." Colta Mesa wu estimated at 16,-Mr. Jacobs eJCplalned that pay. little trtdu of styllne that make a multi purpo&e bulldln~r. Loca One Is Easter Week. and we now He hu been a resident here 000 at the time of Incorporation. menta were stopped by Mr. Buck Daltons so Individual. so Ceml I tlon or the fourth new achool has --.y eo.b ... w-c.-cSa. have a program under way. The since 1949. Hla backrround Ia A apeclal census, ordered last when adjuatments were to have nine and so smart. the new not tx>E-n. St'lected. It is planned ..,.ou.r v..,. o.na• other concerna recreational faciJ. newspaper work and public re. week b1 the Costa Mesa City been made by Mr. Palmer but spring sweaters are featured in to be built two years from now Pas•all.ed ·~ ltlea. This ls the bub for my lations. He was publisher of the Council to be conducted bdore were not accompllshed. An audit the most luscious of colors. Sc>t- wanting to be on the council. Palo Verde Valley Times IJl July l , Ia almost certain to show report showed P. A. Palmer In<-'. the new greens-a tropic green Actlvltles are needed for the Blythe and owner and publisher a populat.lon In excess of the wu Indebted to w. 0 . Buck tor I with a touch ot new south 5('a8 young people. At last night's of the Brea Progresa. Since 1951 present Newport total of 17.307. $1.1~.80 on oec. 10 1953 Mr tollage. sorrento green -alive Council meetln& I asked the he has owned hla own public City Manager Sailors said Jacobs said. · ' · and vervant. There is honey Counclf to conJilder the posslbiJ. relations business. with offices Monday evening that the New. w 0 B ck 1 1 1 ...., wheat-blessed with the sun It f h l th n -d ...... •o a rt · · u nt'. s ocatnJ at y o pure as ng e ncn ..... ~ u In Corona del Mar. He served slx po census should be taken just 3400 Vla Li do. Newport Beach. light, and mallard blue--deep Ballroom In Balboa as a civic yean In the Navy during World prior to the summer season or Newport Balboa Savings & Loan and flattering. auditorium to provide a location War n . with rank of lieutenant ahortJy after It Ia over. Assn. ls located at 3366 VIa Lido 11ae colon .. lo9ely aDd U.. for cha,peroned activities." commander. He received a com and P. A. Palmer Jnc. and Lido atylba9 auperb. CcudJ9aa.a aDd e CLAUNCE BlQIUE mendatlon fr o m .,~e+ .. " ot IIIH aU~• .. more ..... _ -•--•- """" ~T rxM1-• ...!...,_II I 1...1..11' ~ -..._.. ''We came hel'e five years ago Navy James Fonestal for o'\t .... ...... p6qaaDt wttla detailed •·DeCk. u permanent restdenta alter 18 standing service u commanding ..,. A 4 ; 0 0 0 0 0 0 • • • • wide rl.bbiD9. u.. baby .-.... years In Glendale. I believe that officer of an auxlll••y air -a I u-._•ng tbe -aedt ••• -u ....... •-... •• n.sUad of mannln1 her Balboa •~.. __....... -.. ..,.. .. runnln& a city bl a bualnesa prop. tlon at Arlington. lalapd real estate otflce Dorta C ~.-I -~ ttae.t t.aapol'ted c-t=.-... TBE A ll your ~1nt1nQ need~ will be hondled conveniently ond court. t.ously in the comoletelv·equip oed Job Printinq Department of .,our Ho~bo· Area Newspaper The En s•qn. 11(}4 Coost 81. COM BALBO AN $12.11 H•••• Ll•cl• P•i••• 1.11 $1.11 l1wlill lllilc IIIII ............ Ul Jl.ol~hlta Weol Saa aa... D"rl= .... 29( ot~Jtlon, and people with buatn.-o• t • t 7 Bray hu been up In Santa Ofrlffte1CK.U..'J Time to look too. to the trim experience are needed. 1 ... In Is riC Monlea maldnr nol.ses Uke a -••• 0 ••••••••••• blouse wlth aklrt. You'll appre. banklnl ln !few York I« five c:o.JIIA Da. IIAil If~~ lt'a a rlrl. date tbe miniature cotton cheeka yean. 18 ,..,. wttla Ole Ualola • J-a. atGC 1-• • • ...._d ol aelllna a "pll ln a aprlnlded wttb r~ or • JaniE ptd 'milt 00. oC toe AD-"'laave W a ..W-cueer u A new ~ ot the Harbor :::n-:-~~--~~ ~" .. -~ ... ~.'I'M IDOft ·tan. ~--& t!-.a .......... ••11• We....,.... a eiMIAical ~ ..-.,. a..ltJ' board ia .Ridlard Morton. ~-.. uu ......... --· ..._.., ww like tbe aUk ~ ~ enceb d ~ loaM. aeoounUna u4 the on bualne.. In tf.e we c..!: a.octate with the Bay and Beach out tbe countr)' are ahowtnl a .utped ebJrt. tbe many c:reue u ,..,.... to Newport Beacb Realty Office nur lJdo 3-D pJcture of what the bouquet reslatant Unena. Cottona In baby. jii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ii~;;~ ''I completed my nJeht ac:hooJ : 1 decided to Natalie Boo oo' t wtll look Uke when you telegnpb doll styles or with dressy appJI. law c:oune at Southwestern UnJ. leave the blr corporatloru then rey, w was Oft· Clowfttl. With nort.ts Jn other hJ h I and sin h bee merly associated with Lldo lsle que are g style for spring. verslty In 1939 and pasaed the ce ave n on my own. Properties. Is now working out cities having the same pictures I Hurry In and let us show you the bar. I have had my own Jaw ''I have served on the Ele· ol her husband Russ's oUlce up of Ooral arrangements, all Biz newest 111 e.xclusJve fashions at I practice In Loa Angeles alter the mentary School Board since 1952. C d C hu to do Ia wire the number of O'BRlEN'S 1«-sponslble pt>rson.s Interested In managing small. highly war and now here on Balboa Js. and my term 1JI up In July, 1956. ar en rove way. the Ooral piece you select and . profltablt' bu"lness In this area Part or an expansion program land. I believe my experience In ~I understand I would have to re. JD:AaJJIOI ON OD. ISUJIDS the shop across the country w\11 or a large manufacturer or national products. No selling. Will banking and legal work would gn from the School Board If duplicate the anangement. rcqulrt' on ly pnrt time at first Only interf'Sted In pf'rmanent be of help In running the city. elected to Council. I feel sorry Tbe •-tf.a9toa aeacta oU Pf"'ple who aspire to earnings In exN'ss or $6000 • year. AP· .. 1 have bad much experience about that. but I feel that I laJcllld IMartD9 wW be IMid crt pllt'a nt must be> able to make <.'ash outlay of approximately In youth work with the Llona would have the opportunity to 10 a.m. Tbunday, Peb. M. be-$795 to covc:-r merchandise. territory. etc If dttflnltely Inter. Club Community Chest. YMCA serve even In a better apot on lan tiM State l.aDda c-n•t.. For letterh .. ds. envelooes e.l r:ted and fully qualified. please address Box 8 17. giving ad. • the CouncU a1oa lD A.11 bly Ball. 800ID THE ENSIGN. HA-1114 IIArbw -dre s and phone whNe you can be reached. All appllcan•· and Boy Scouts. I am anxtou. to •1 · 1 s ISIS .... have the city get a permanent am a candidate because I r~1~·;S:ta~te;a;u.U~41D~D9;· :la;;Loe;;Aa;·~~~~~~~~~~~~~1~~~CO~AIT~~ao~ULEV~~A~IJU);;;:;~~w~l~ll~be~g~r~an~t~ed~a~n~l~nt~e~rv~i~~~·~~~~~~~Bo~JC~8-~1~7~"'r~E:ns:J~gn~l~ recreation director. feel that a citizen owes his com geJ.. coaOJifA DEL NO "I am opposed to island drill-munlty some civic duty. also be- Ing for oil. I fa vor acquisition cause my district 7 as set up In ot the PE property and a pro-the charter has never to my grnm of beautltlcatlon for the knowledge had representation entire cit ." on,thl' Council. ~ • While serving on the school Dist rict 6 board I have learned that one must have principles nnd rules. COBOKA DEL KAJl Here are mine: be available to • A. W. IIIJTII (I.Dauabeat) those who want to discuss prob "Let's look at the record. The lem.s. keep p eo p 1 e Informed favorite attack by my enemlea through good presa relations. that I have earned u a council-avoid secret commitments or man In rny three years Is that I deals. respond adequately to the am a desttoyer, not a builder. will ol the majority, be honest. This I deny. I have destroyed fair and fearlesa." some expe_nalve, questionable and e W1LL1A11 Q. •EUOw some llleaal practJcett that have :1 am not a politician; my been In uae over many yean.. only ambition b to malntaln "I have created ill will by atep. thla community u the God ohos. ping on toe.. You Just can't atlck en apot that It Is now. by your guna and not atep on "I wu born ln Viretnla tn somebody'a toes. I entered the 1882. m&JTted In 1910 to a North race for Council three yean aco Carolina lady, have one dauah· on a plaUorm of economy and ter. I have had 16 yean of ex- efficiency and I Jlave not ever pertence In rallroada-ln traltlc deviated from th1a course. nor and public rtiatJooa. That could have I uaed poJJtleal expediency be of value In nerotlatlona with to take the place ot bonat ac· the Pacltlc: EJec:trle. tJon." '-rhen I wu 1~ 31 years wltb He enumerated a number ot the Lehllh Portland Cement Co., refotmt that he bad lniUated one year In traffic, four yean u and pre .. ct to wcctaful comte· aaleama.n. and a )'Mn u w-. tlon: Helped traftlfer tax ..-. en manapr with omc. In Spo.. tn1 and collection to the county, kane, Wbh. aavlnt l12.000 yearly; •vtcS '1 wu actlve tn tbe Ellut. Ma. about ~ .000 ,..rly by eharriq 101\ic l.oclp, the SbrlM and actual .-t lar wate connec. Sco\!Una ln lpMane. and ID tbe ttona; lived e&OOO ,_,~y tti Spolwae Chamber ot c.ocnmerc.-.. chart1n1 lldual co11t lar -wllleh, by die way, Je a ..U.-p. connectJonl: aaved t4000 ,_,lY PGI"Una arpDtuUon. ID oae ,_, by ...,.... tNt eJ.Dlnl of Ya· I oiQine4 tM NCCri IH&ID._ o1 eut loa; ~ lump .... ,.,. too MW IMIDblrl tor the aw.. DMnta to ctt:J otlldala b .,.,_ ... I wu .._..._ oC tiM KaUoft. wnttoM. ......... aooo-al ....................... . .... lriDI ...... 11\k;••••• .. .,..... .. ,.._ ...... lir I I 5 I -..... I S.. I 'If - ................. -....... 1a tbe llillt ......... n~; lla"ll ,_ • .. lit ..... fill oiL I WM ---. ameMW ..... at_,,.,.-........ ~ ... - lDJI .................... ~. mu ...... ta ... BEAUTIFUL HAIR ............ o-..... '~US ---...... z... ~ ............ , ...................... .. ~;ltcppc.~Nf' ·~-~-... CriM·~------~-~~~~~~~~~~-~-~~~~:~==~~~~~=·=:o=;u~M~M=~~~~~~~~.~~~ A total of $240,000 In law aulta Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. JtuUman tnvolvinl tamllies ln Corona del of eo.ta Kesa .eek $105,000 per- Mar, eo.ta Meu and Carden .onal Injury and property dam- Grove, the City of Costa Kesa are f.rom AI and Lola Cun.trom and City M~ Georce Cot1.ey of Carden Grove. Mrs. HutfDlan and Oranre Coun~, SherUf .JamH claimed ahe was eerlously ln- MusJck and the county road de-jured In a colllalon at 17th St. partment, ls betnc heud th1a and •~rvtne A.Vfl., Costa Mesa, on week by a jury 1n the court of Nov. 3, 1953, when the ear abe Superior Court .Juqe John JJhea.. wu drtvtnc was struck by one driven by Mrs. Gunstrom. She Dates Set For I Oth Art Show contends that 17th St. wa.s a throueh street and that the other driver failed to make a boule- vard stop. In a c:roa8 complaint the Gun- The tenth annual Art Exhibit atroms refused to accept blame. wm be held AprU 27 to May 1 They are aulnr the Huffman.s, at the Glrla' Gymnasium at New-Oranre County, City Manarer port Harbor Union High School. Gecrtre Coffey and the City of The top prizes will be $200 for Costa Mesa, SherlU .James Mu- the best on palntlnf and $100 alek, the county road department 'I'IIDK WAI a tm ,_ ... ...._ ~==-._. .. tor the best watercolor. The two and Oranre County for ti50,000. awwd J~NMated .a.y a.. •..,...t .1 ....S ~day, hb. J5, WU -proclai'M(I jOin Oil tllM OOCI ... wltb chardl u World Day of Ptayer 1n a proe. wouwn lD eommuniU. ~· lamatlon a..&ed th.. '"* bJ out the nadon aad the world to M-.yor Dora 0. BW of lf.-.rpart 1orm an articulate and tntplrtq BMeb. n.e dq wt1l ~ obeerved chain ot buman ptayer; and at MrYtc:. to be held at the eo. ·~ tbe troubhcl people8 ta Mesa llaptllt Chureh. HeN .. In • fortunate 'nattcnw than the text ot the proclamation: OUl'l, and lftdee4. eYen lD our "'Wheraaa. World Day of Prayer dWD beloftd oovntry, need Divine will be obeerved um year m Guld&ne:Jt u neva before, ..,.c. many plaees th.rourbout tbe Ially u ~ .. .ttmulated world where humble peoples. llv-thro\fah praywfMI communJon. lne aralrdt a baeJtrrOund of unl. ..Now tWetore, 1. Dora o. BUI, venal tenatan and uncertatnty, )(ayor of the ctt:J of Newpol't wUl bow their heada and ll.ft up Bea.eh, Cal.J.fornta. do hereby pro- their hearu to Almtehty God ln claim P'rlday, February 25, lB. prayer; and u WORLD DAY OP PRAYER ln "Whereu, the United Church Newport Beada, and I urre our Women ot Newport Beach wUl dtbeu to obMrva thla day by -------·-----attenCIJAa Worl&l Day of Prayer' Moppets on =~:..th::::: ~':!uC: 1 and Santa Ana StreeU at 1:80 Parade Tues. o'clock. --rbe World n.y of Pr..,_ ...,. wtnnlnr plc:turH wtll be added They claim that theft wu no of a-lton ,_ U.. ....t ...:atlple ....._. ._ It> the permanent collection at boulevard stop atrn where one Jataary. B11b ...,_. a4a.. J. a. .._ ...._, The aruu.tal ''Moppet~ o.n Pa-~~Sch~ ah~h~~H~:~~~~~~~~~~~=·~~~~~~·~~~~~~~~~"~~~~~~=====~~----7~~----~·~~~~~ lee .. spoMOnd 11:J tbe C..al Department of Untt.ed Cbureh Women of tbe lfatloaal ~ of ~e Clurdl• ot ChrW lD the United Statee of America." In a letter to the Newport pranksters alleredJY removed the .... H lJ., .... HE C" Day of Prayer :: :r 12th~;.-=.:~~ Beach City Coundl Monday eve-atgn. They blame clty and coun-f ..... ~ ..... ~ f Newport Harbor Yacht Club. ntq, High School Superintend-ty offlclala for laclt of the alp. The Brat ~op ol eo.ta Mesa e:nt Sidney Davidson uked the P&.~~engen In the Huffman ve. ............... ---------------------T 0 Be Feb. 25 wtll show fuhlon~, to be mod- dt;y apln to aa.1at financially hJcle, Mrs. R. J. HUffman and CDM COIIJfVJn'!'T caUKa port Beach ChrtstJan Science elled by pupUa from klnderlart- to meet the expenaa of the art .on. Rickie. 6, of 708 .Jasmine Rev. Edwin Gomke will preach church Sunday. '11\e Golden Text en to etpth r:rade. Mra. Gerrard exhibit. He called attention to Ave., Corona del Mar, are sulnr on "The Chrllt Whom We Love" quotes James (1 :5), "lf any-of This year Amel'lcana tn an Sbuchter and Mrs. J. B. Adams the widespread and lncreastne the Gunatroma and Oranee Coun-at the 9:4.5 and 11 a .m. services you lack wisdom, let htm uk of estimated ~.000 communities are C»cllalrmen for the event. publtcfty which the annual ex-ty for 185,000. this Sunday at the Corona del Go<!, that (fveth to all men llb-will join their fellow Chr1stlant hlblt is recelvlne throughout All four persons Involved In Mar Community Church. The erally, and upbraideth not; and as In 125 countries prayers rlae Southern Callfornla. the accident received serious tn. Chapel Choir wUl atng "Be It shall be (lven him." In similar service., marking the City Council approved an allo-juries, RJckle Huffman being Strong" at the 9:45 service. The 68th anniversary of the World cation of $100 for the Art Exhibit. Impaled by the gear shift of the Chancel Choir will sing "I Will N M b Day of Pray~. as tt has done in previota years. car In which he was riding. Not be Lett Comfortless" at ew em ers Traditionally held on the first 11 a .m. Jo·ln Church Friday of Lent, the day falls this year on · Friday, Feb. 25. The DKIVEUALJST. FELLOWSHIP theme wiU be "Abide In Me." UJ from John 15.4. Rev. Frederick W. Ringe w Nearly 50 people joined church pri!ach on ·"The Religion of at special services of recognition The obse!Vance Is sponsored In Washington and Lincoln" at the held last Sunday at St. Andrews the United States• by United Orange County last Thursday at 11 a.m. Sunday service of the Presbyterian Church, Newport Church Women, a general de- the Shore Clllls home of Mrs. w. Universalist Community Fellow-Heights. partment of the National Council B. Dickinson. Mrs. Drake gave ship In Ebell Clubhouse, Balboa. Received by the minister. Rev. of the Chureh of Christ. The of. the history of cooking and amus-Or. Frank Mcintyre of Costa James Stewart. on behalf of the ferlng taken Is divided equally ing anecdotes of famous chefs, Mesa Is leading the adult mem-conrregatlon were Or. and Mrs. between home and foreign dlvi- and she displayed a few books bers of the Sunday School in a Robert F. Beauchamp and sons, s lons of the National Council. KAPPA ALUMNAE HEAR TALK ON GOOD EATING Gastronomy, or the art of good eating. was the subject of a talk given by Mrs. Dlc.k Drake of Co- rona Hlgh.lanc:U for Kappa Kappa Gamma Al\l'mnae of Southern Filii, ...... , .. lillie .. .. 0. W. (Dick) RJchard of tUch- ard's Lido Market w111 speak at 7:30 p .. m. Monday at the final meeting of the lecture aeries ''Se· creta of Successful SeUinr" con- ducted by Oranre Coast Colleee. He will talk on "Building Good- wUJ -Brlnglnr the Customer Back." The lecture wliJ be given In room 5 of the Technology building. .......... , ,.,. . O.. .... c.dll " ....... ......... ,.. t'.·4• &n aAILI ft'ATIOII- 301 lla1Jl BALBOA Rubor 6'78 8:~:00, Suo. Noon "tll6 ,. ................ '111111111111 tCIIIUI • ~ ~ u,... ...... late ..... ~ ~dMa em ,_ 8CIIe.. l wW pay. ,.,... tile top pd-. • ~ JJK wmro•· • ,.. DMs.laPf.M~. ~1-llcattw Sl..S... Coetc ...... ,.. Liberty ... u ~ ~ ........... ~ from her International collection. series of discussions on world Richard and Bob; Mr. and Mrs. The day's services w1ll begin Assisting Mrs. Dickinson with rell(lons as these appear In Life Donald K. Butta; Mr. and Mrs. as the sun rises over the Tonga the luncheon wer~ Mrs. R. P. Magazine. Sunday School ~(Ins Karl Davis; Wayne Corbin; Rich-Islands. at the International date A-1 PLUMBING Morrill. Miss Mattie B. Lacy and at 10:30 a.m. ard Crutcl1er; Or. and Mrs. line, and will continue around Miss Ruth Maxwell Mrs. Walter Thomas Doan; Mr. and Mrs. Ger-the globe untll darkness aettles Mrs. Howard Bonebrake of Hatch J)l'elllded over the buslnesa CilldBf CBUIICB ft TBE SEA ald El.lla; Mr. and Mn. Charles over Ala.aka ~ hours later, wtth uaaAIJZIPI m IIUADII Dlly&lnlldW ... 8 1...-• pnmdetrt of the Woman's Aux. were laid for tbe annual Kappa ori •A MJ.Dd for ~· at tbe BacJrldul aJld daqlater, La....,.; ruce lalaB4. Santa Ana was nominated u meett.nr. durlnl which plana BeY. Boy Carlaon wt11 prea.eh Jla.Julen; Mr. and Mta. Rupert the flnal ~ 00 St. Law-~~~~~ib~~===~=~=:~~~~§~~~ Wary to the Oranre County l1.tiiiiDqe aale IJCheduled for 9:45 and 11 a.m. Sunday~ ll.r. and Mra. W1ll1a.m Kemper; Tbe Ml'V1oe 1a written eadl Dental Sodety and HatborJtes Karch 18 to provide campenhJ.-at Chr1at Church by the Sea, ll.r. and Mra. Kenneth I.lnpley: year by a woman from a dltter- were suaeste<f for two o1 the for erfppled ehJldren ot Oranre Newport. The Sanctuary Choir Mr. and Mra. Curry ICtrkpatrtek; ent nation, then ts translated other offices at a recent meetinr County. wtU atnr "God So Loved the Mr. and Mrs. Stanley LeLievre; tnto eco.res of tonrues and Into of the group held at the home Those attending Included Miss World" at the 11 a.m. service. Mr. and Mn. C. Howard Mellor; Braille. The prorrarn thla year ot Mrs. C. P. Cornell Jr. In Fuller-Lacy and Mlss Maxwell, M.rnes. Or. and Mrs. Edward Milum; has been prepared by MJa .Tor- ton. Morrill. Dickinson, James B. ST. AJfDB.EWS PIIESBYTEJUAII Miss Shirley Mlthotf; Mr. and egellna Lozada of Buenos Aires, Mrs. C. C. Emmerson of Costa Stoddard. Drake. and Robert Sunday's sermon at St. An-Mrs. Alexander Mollison ; Mr. Argentina, a minister of the Dis- Mesa was suggested as vice-Lenker of Corona del Mar; Don-drews Presbyterian Church. CHU and Mrs. David Olmsted; Mr. clples of Christ and recognized president; li's. James Wilson of ald Caine. Richard Stewart, and Haven, will be "Light In the and Mrs. John Pelletier; Mrs. throughout Chrlst~ndom as a Lido was nomlnated-<Qs treasur-Hatch of Costa Mesa; Bun Bu-Dazkness' delivered by Or. J. Muon SUer; Mr. and Mrs. John world leader In the ecumenJeal e.r and Mrs. Robert Schuh of San-man. StrolJer White. and Robert Hudson Ballard, who with ft be-C. Swatrz; Mr. and Mra. Warren program of relt(lous education. IIILIIEI •. ~PI 111.11111 • , •• ta Ana was nominated as secre-Blackmar of Balboa Island; gins a aeries of popular lectures Wllson and sons, Rodney Wllaon The aervl~ here wtll be held tary. Material for publicity of I Louise GallagheT of Balboa; R. on psychology and Ita relation and Warren Jr.; Mr. and Mrs. •t First Bapttat Church ln Costa ._.....Tille Ca l d Ana P• •....ay10 y._. Children's Dental Health Week H. Straltlff of Newport Beach; to more abundant Uvtne next John West; and M.r. and Mrs. Mesa at 1:30 p.m . Friday, F~b. 113 0... A.... ....... .._. .,.. ~1•1 wasdl~lb~ed~the auxillu~ and~&Kelm~L~~ ~~ ~thech~. ~~~ts~W~rl~l~h~l~~~~~~~~~~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cinema Club Plans Banquet And Film Contest May 14 CllaJSTlAJI ICIE.RCE c:auaca ~························· .. ················· .. ···· ~ ~ The fact that man exlata ln Mind lndestruct.ible, active, har- monious, wu tllu.atrated by JesUI when he ealled Lazarus from the tomb, uys the Leuon- Sermon on "Mind" at the New. ~ ~· ~ Yes~ We Do The Orange County Cinema Club held its monthly meeting Feb. 8 at the home of Mrs. Ger- trude McCall. 2011 Klnp Rd., Cll.ff Haven. Main discussion ot the evening was the Annual Ban- quet and Movie FUm Contest to be held May 14 at the Friday Afternoon Club In Costa ¥esa. During serving of refreshments It Dlrect.a of C._ller , ......... , ... The Board of Directors of the Newport Harbor Chamber ot Conunerce wtll hold their month- ly business meeting at noon Monday at the VUla Marina Res- taurant. These monthly directors' meet- Ings are open to all members of the Chamber, Executive Secft. tary Hay Langenhelm said. Res- ervatlona for the noon luncheon should be made at the Chamber office or the VIlla Marina, he aaJd. was revealed that It was the hostess's birthday annlvenary, so Harry Peters. president, led the group Jn singing the birthday song. Amateur movJe maken, elth~ 8mm or 16mm, lnt~ested In the club, can get In touch with Pres. ldent Peters. 1717 CIIU Or., CILU Haven, phone Liberty 8-3064, or Mrs. McCall, Liberty S4002. Meetings are held the second and third Tuesday of each month. Tbe second Tuellday 11 LEAVE LIDO ISLE The Melwood Benys have moved from 1.21 VIa Venezia, Lido Is{e. to 501 Cliff Or., New. port Heights. The Richard Gil- berts have lett 320 VJa Lido Nord tor 1216 W. Ocean Front, New- port. and the Robert B«kleya have lett 408 VIa Piazza for 1955 Aliso Ave., in the helrhts. the business meeting, held at IIA.ImO• TEACIID MOVES various members homes, and the Newport Harbor HJeh School third Tuesday 11 the social meet-music tea e her , Mia Marte lnf, held at the Santa Ana Jun-Hlebeeh, hu moved from 802 lor College, cla.aroom A. where Narctau. to 616 Larlcspur Ave., there ts usually a showt"-of Corona del Mar. the members' films or that of as------- eoclated film clubs. The lut L&AYD WEWIOIIT Tuesday of each month Is the Movtnc to ''oU ·country" 11 Ar· "Workshop," held at the home oa retta Reed, who hu moved from Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Mane of Gar-108 11th St., Newport. to Hunt. den Grove. ln(ton Beach. OC FACULTY WIVES SEE PICTURES OF NAVAJOS • • • • • • ~ • • • • • • • ~ ~ • • • ~ .. A •lld,e lecture on Ute Konu-RaU were appointed u the eom •• Mr. and Mra. Doull., Holt of ment Valley lfaftjo lndtaM w., mttt.e I« tlaJa ~ •• Of J'emleal Ave., Corona del Jtftll by lin. WUUam IDmel BMC IIIII far tM ......... ... • Mar, have jldt welcomed home wtMn the Oranp Cout Coil... ......._ Coonllul T b o ID p • o •, • II••• .Ia••• IIIII I••• ,_ F• Elll 'tileD .,n Seaman Ja.me. Holt. hcWt7 Wine Oub met l'lb. I J ... rtu.. ,_ ~ ft. wt.lo arrlve4 tn 1a.n J"raftd8co Jut on tbe coJlqe campua. 11U1 ~ ud OlnJ4 JI:Uie. ~ from Japan, J'onDOU anc1 Ill ...... anc1 Ia,......., Mr& Olblr ..,._. IIIII • bduded &or.. Seaman Rott bad ..,.. DDII *"'.cl m&.n1 ..,_... of .,._ llobert E-. J.-........ IDOIIttD ~ ...... ~......,.. tile Ult at tbJa poap of Incllanl ,_ W)lll& ....... 0 t a• tbe aayY .,...OJ.. ~ w. and t1ae ....-that .. Mma c~aae oaca., ..,... am ......, ,.... 'nldla. Be ..,.... to .,. *· .... tiMiD b1 mllllolulitlll Ow .... ~·•• 4 IIIIi tlaDid tn 1A1a1 llllll:fl fcai a few aDd 0U. wlam.n. IWL w.... w.-.. ..._ ...... Plalll ....... , •• ~ hi ·-...... ..,.. ud ld _,. ud aQUaN .... DIRI N atdll""· ' A a.·w Ad ~~6'§ :-... : .. ~ ~ : ._:-.. -::*..:: ;,-:.... "':..: ..... iiJra5•,...... ....... ...._ 1114-1111 _......,.It R1 san...,. Ud lin..,.. -tDaMr.._.•lllftla& PRINTING CHECK TIDS LIST FOR YOUR PRINTING NEEDS: /1 D D D 0 0 D . 0 BUSINESS CARDS "" LETTERHEADS ENVELOPF$ . . STATEMENTS ORDER BLANKS ~ POSTERS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WEDDING INVITATIONS RECEPTION CARDS ANNOUNCEMENTS MENUS PAMPHLETS BOOKLETS MAGAZINES - PHONE US AT IIAIIIOB 111• Aad Our S.pr•~•atati•• WID • QW To Call 0.. T• . Oll•cilldN t ........ Kiwanis Plans Turkey Sho~t A turkey aboot 1a belnl planned for Saturday,· April 2, at the South Coast Rlfle Ranae and Plltol ranee ~ the Newport Bar-bell K.twanta Club. · General Chairman AI Stockton ta arranlfna the aboot wtth the ~ ot the followin& com- mittee ebatrmen: l ack Mellon, i~iiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii retr.bment.; John Upeon, am-munition; Bob Chtldl, publldty; Georp Parr, pme.; by Your- .tone, pound8; Bob Sebwamb, IEIT I TV t:le:Ub: IJDcoln Grindle, aboot- tq~tlon. 'nle event ..W be a beneftt I« the Oranae County Boys &anc:b. the table is set for the finest Italian food at ,. Granclalfo's RESTAURANT . --·-.. -,, . - PIZZA SEA FOOO STEAKS WINE &INA I RANK 6RANDOLFO Formerly of Hemet Gnmd OpeDIDg Saturday, February 19th Ill...._ 8hd... ......_CaW. ,.... ......... .., *MUSICAL I~,._. _...... • ......,auudi&OU.. luiPU- UCOIID PLATEJIS -TAPE UCOJIDEa PtaDo & Orga IMtnact:lae """t wW be my~ -~,.;·Tmon ()pea 10 A.M. to ..... & ' to 1100 ..... J5ll a. ee..e IDPWCif• aat to Araau Jhwar. eo.... del Mar FLOmSw~· ................ LDDT'Ia.Gll DO ., WAITE TilE I IIIIICE a.ll SCI._ IEWS ay aADAilA LIUEIITIIAL Slow Drivers in Left Lane Cited as Traffic Hazards ERS HOLD CONTEST . AT BEACH HYourROIItto.._ Cout Since 1Dr PIW& POODI COCKTAILI COAST HfeHWAY AT THE .AICHIS ....,.,......_ 'Mle monthly ~"' con-month at 7:30. Alan White, pub-JOHN VD,EII,J: tert of the Newport Rubor Sub-ltd ty chairman for the club, says .....,_, ... 1-lltl Martnen. Oranae County spear. that underwater enthusiast. are ~~~~~~!!!!!~!!!!!!!~!!!! fl.ahlna and llk.ln-dlvinr club, Invited to join the club and en- waa held Sunday at Ninth Beach, joy the advantages of orran.lzed A Classified Ad in The Ensiqrt between Corona del Mar and akJn-dlvlnr and apea.rflahlnr. brinqs immediate 195Uitll Cill Oryat.ai Cove. catches were 7~~~~~~~~;::=~~H~o~rbot~~~ ~11~4-~I~I~I ~S ~end~~Of~--o¥e~~a~1 mnrer. Blalr Smith of Santa It Ana won f1nt place 1n the con- test. which luted from noon unW 2 p.m. ata1r cauJht a 4-lb. Cabazon. John Mlller ot Balboa and John Lafferty tied fm ~~eeond place. MJ.ller speared a 3%-lb. sand ba.sa. and Lafterty eaurht a perch of the same weight. Bob Crane of Mlctway City brourht in a 4-lb. lol»ter, taken by hand 1n about wven f~ of water. He alao speared an octopu.a meaaur. lnr about four feet ac:rou. Th1a variety of underwater Ute captured by tbe club members waa topped ott by rode 8e&llo~ taken by Ted '~'rev« and a 25-ib. electric ray caurht by Don Har- per. The Sub-Martnen. wbo.e alma Include COD.Iei'Vation of marine llte and underwater safety as well as enjoyment of skln-dlvtng sports, bold meetings at the Tar Pit on Balboa Blvd., Newport, on the first Sunday evenlnr ol each 24 Guests at V a Ientine Fete eu-SDVICE •••n SUIES Stand~ Shade Co~s and Custom Specialties e Drapery B a r d w a r e e Venf!'t!an Blinds. t. . ~ f) ~UIJ#uj QMMI• #IMDI ITAUU FOOD Dia189 Ia • -..uy • •• .... • sd ... hiiUia .... et ttl .......... tMt ..... ' Ia' lA ••rtr ldst w ~;;c;r:ca~ -to co- ...... eoa.t Jll:cr.:.. ... pwt .... ..... -. ., ........... ~ .......... , .... .... #'1M loed ••• oectMU a.r •.• a.. ....,. ..... tty ••• ..._ d•dltf ..... •tllllc ..... C111 1 • ~ II p• 8 GltllltL .:..Y • Will • .._ •==...._ •-Altw ................ a.tld....... ...... "-' • PJ•hs ._. •.r:-"" .,. • ~ ..._-. -1_,. V. L JIWT. Ill -AQIM a::&IIIO.K s-eiM FU *BALBOA* • Open Every Sat. & Sunday Enioy Rides & Games , ..... F..U,"' I "r.t 1111111 TIE UY" -Sat. I S.. SU -BSCRIBE To The Newport Harbor Ensign The Ot&c:ial Ne'W'IPCIJ)er of the City of Newpcxt leach om: YEAB ______ ODJy s.oo Oatlllde ol Barbcw Area &.00 lUlL • ~ODD_.~ • *'CK • ~ 1'0D&Y Nam•--------~---------------------------------0 ~~~-------------------------- City and State -------~~---~~.:........~ PERMITS TO QUARTER ' Almoat $1!50.000 In buUdlnc $23..000 dwelllnc In Clift Raven ~;!];~~~;1~;~1 permits wen luued durlnc the for Frank Muuelman. past week In Newport Beaeb, Followinc permits were laued: brtnelnl' the total fot the month clo&e to a quarter mllllori dol- lara. Largest permits were a e C08011'A DEL 110 "Metro really llwos •P to Its Schoclulos• dwelling for Kenneth on lrvlne Terrace and a P. J. Fttzaimmona, 5-room. 1- 1-untt dwelllna at m ()r. , $13,800; John WU.On, alter· atlons at 433 Acacia, $:100; R. G. Dawson, 5-room. 1-atory, 1-unlt I d•vellilng at 610 Avocado, $12,000. !"LAB£! DOCEED OVEB Newport Beach firemen ........ I•• lfE1..,0BT called out at 6:19 a .m. Sunday C. Eby, alterations at 202 to extinguish the contenU of five St., $500; AI Forgit, alter- flare pota someone knocked over at 22f11 W. BalbOa Blvd .. on 15th St., Newport Heights, be-B. P. Harvey, 1-story, 2- tween El Modena Ave. and Tus-unit dwelling at 203 44th St., tin Ave. The pots had been burn. $10,000; Dave Spies, and R. V. lng alongside a construction Shaffer, sign at 2510 W. Coast ditch, tiremen said. Hwy., $140; William Taylor Jr~ 5-room, 1-story, 1-unlt at 1320 W. .111"'-.1~~ de, 4.room. 1-story, 1-unlt dwel- lin& at 522-A Clubhouse, $4,800. aypE....,1....,., Balboa Blvd., $10,500; C. C. Hld- "Wbe.a I'm not in my classroom at Busi acu School. I'm busy aelliag cosmelics;' declares Mrs. D orolb y Kern of Sao Bernardino. "] plan my time carefully, and Metro's dcpeodabiliry i.n mainrain· ing schedules il a great help. I'd li.ke lO put in a good word for the opera· tots, too. T hey do their pan ia aaak.iag Meuo ten· ice plrsssm:.•well • t.f: and pubCtU&l!' """" ·...,··-.., • OfENflcai!LSE and J..room, 2-story. 1-unlt dwel· _ line at 522-B Clubhouse, $5.000. l ~~~~~~::~~i]~!;;/;·;:·~ALaQA 3LAND Joseph Capp, alterations at 803 30ll BL. N. Bay Ft., $100: E. Gilman, ex. bedroom at 125 J ade, $1.800: George James. additions at 213 Sapphire, $5,000. •IIJ41 .. ··'" •..• ..,... ... a. •·~· "I can thmk of many bener w ays to spend the e:ura m o ney thal driving and parking fees would mu.t:• reports Sally Ann Davis of San Marin o. who does P ubl•c Re lations work. ''Fnr ooe (hing, my Meuo sav mf(S rover the paymentS on my new si lverware and china. And bciic!es. I find bus commuting a pleasant way 10 go -Metro drivers are 50 friendly. and those modern Metro coaches are as comfo rtable as anyone could a:sk:' Mrtro lr#t>ttl irt/orm•tio,., ,.u HArbor ( METROPOLIIAII c oN::H t.lllll ~-. ,,...., ... ...,;, .... "'l•• l·o~,.• .i ... okl•- ·~· ............ ~. "' Classified 1\d 111 fhe En~in<" brinqs immedi11te results! Call Herbor II i 4-I I i 5 and prove it ! HOME LOANS • At Oreng• County'• Luding Hom• l•nding Institution QUICK 24 HOUR SERVICE LOW LOW "REDUCING" INTEREST RATES EASY MONTHLY ,A YM ENTS FRIEIDL Y SYMPATHETIC SERVICE Wf IUY TlUST DUDS ON wtU LOCAnD I-IC)WIS LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVINGS I LOAN ASSOCIATION LAGUNA BEACH PhM HY 4.1177 • CJ..Irr llA VEil Leon Rudd, alterations at 900 Kine• Rd ... $550; Frank Muael-11 ""'~ 1-room. ......,, 2-uDit -'" lin& at 128 Jtlnp Pl., mooo. LECAL JIOTICZ lN 'I1IE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CAUFORNIA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OP' ORANGE. I Dept. No. 5 NO. 64570 SUMMONS Action brou&ht In the Supe-rior Court of the County of Orange, and Complaint m~ In the Of. flee of the Clerk of the Su- perior Court of said County. PONCIANO P. YARRA, Plaintiff ••• SOCORO J. YARRA. Defendant TifE PEOPLE OF TijE STATE OF C ALIFORNIA SEND GREETINGS TO: SOCORO J. YARRA. Defendant You are directed to a ppear In an action brought against you the above na.med plaintiff, In Superi or Court of the State of II c:all!o..;,l,.,.in and for the County ot Orange. and to answer the therein within t~m days after the service on you of this summons, If served wtthln the County of Oranee. or wltbln thirty days if served elsewhere, and you are notified that unless you so appear and answer u above requlrt'd. the plaintiff wtll take judgment for any money or damages demanded In the Complaint, aS arising upon con. tract, or will apply to the Court tor any other relief demanded m the complaint. Given under my hand a.-.d ~u l of the Superior Court nf the County of Orange, State of Call· fornia, this 3rd day of Jo"ebrvary, 1955. <SEAL) B. J. SMITH County Clerk and Clerk of the Superior Court of the State of California, In and for the County of Orange. By L B. Wallace, Deputy. HARRY L. BLODGETT "";:;::::;;::::;;::::;;::::;;::::;;::::;l 1 Attorney tor Platntlff ;,o 30161$ W. N.wport Blvd . .:.'n"':'.. BAY NURSERY::,:-:.=, :=..:,••h. Ca!U #ubllsh: Feb. 10-Ma.rch 31, 19M * FOR EASIER LAWN A GA.I:DD' CARE * In the• Newport Harbor Enslen. J-'4 ILP. UO JOWD IIOW&IL -..s (0. h•• ... 'Ia U ....... IJJJ .. ) All your printinq n.ed"s wih be LIPtw1611at -....ty ..,, •• -...a ...... i1.11 .hendl.d conven~riv end court· GADD 'I'OCX.L 8IIOOIIL GLOYD. • & • ~ in the completelv-~ip. * A COMPLETE LI1Q: or LAWI'I n.owa • nn. -* pod Job Printinq Do__. of •c..rac rt'z'IZUIIIII .. ,..., ...... ,..7• ~ Herbor ....,.. NfVIID'P.W:· Tho Enliqn, 1104 Coot! •• CDM. SEN. MURDY DISCUSSES BILLS ON OIL DRILLING By S&JI"ATOB JOIUf IIO"IIDT in the highly devoloped recrea. Ot more than passing Interest tlonal and residential areu ot -~ ..... Jlrilllllll_lrlifs ·· Mar1aret c. Wey, 31', or ~::;:I "''000. waa arnR.cl on an b lca•Uon charp by Newport poUce 9:38 p.m. Sunday In the !00 block of Onyx ·Ave., Balboa f.aland. Mrs. Wey auffered a lklnraed bump over her rl&ht eye wh.ti:h ahe auUeted when her hu.band. L. E. Wey, alleeedJY pulled her of car durin& an arru· ment, aald. · Two female Marie Clutter,.~. and Charlotte Scott. 19, of wood, got out ol the car to Mra. Wey. Mr. Wey told them to home the best way they and drove ott, oUicers reported. The motorist could not be lo- ...... , I. Olnn'U' ....... __ ..... __ ., o .... ~ .... "' 211 """ Ave.. a.J.bM bland. II ·b.~ .... boltlalllp uss -whldl Uflv.cl at GUbraiW lu. 15 for a thne.month tralnlnl aad' !1004-wlll eruLie. The Iowa wUl join the U. S. Sbfth Pliet otll4f11fATO Nava. In joint .... •TWtOAII · C:OU.aedaD ~ '" .. ,.... I.OAII BDIOaUTft.D J.AMES D. RAY 1•11 1 l•lnaler M4t l. COAST HWY., coaoNA oR MAR HM-474» to all my constituents In Orange Orange County. 101 a. ..... St. County·tn fact. the entire cau. If there are areu where oll l r~~;ij5~~ii~~~~~~=;:~~ fornla Coast-are the four bllb rightfully belonging to the State now before the State Senate that Ls being drained by adjacent on. would permit oU-ahOTe tideland shore wells, undoubtedly the oil drilling. State's Interest should be pro. The Jaw at present provides In t~ed a nd developed. Experience the event a pool of oil lying has proven that by the use ot under the tldela.nda Is heine on-shore. slant-hole drilllne, oil drained by aome adjacent oil can be drained from a db;;;.,,.,. well, the State Lands Commt.. ol two miles ott ahore. New lllon "aball" 1fant I~ to ,... wlopment.a may eY4'n ... ,._dl cover the &bare or oU from .-.ell po-nt dt.tancn.. By aalne a pool tbat rlahttully belonp to method, the State'• lntere.t the State. Al80 under conaldera. lbould be adequately protected. Hon at presmt before the Appel. and the beauty of the beaches late Court Ia a recent dedaton of maintained. the Attorney General that would permit the use ot "Islands" or "ftlled land" out Cn the aurt In the event such leases are granted. The tour billa before the Sen. ate would definitely permit aucb Island or platform drilling In the surf, place addlttonal powers In the State Landa Commission and In eeneral relax regulations that deal with tideland oil drilling. The State ha.s been recelvlne approximately $10 million per year In tidelands oil revenue. To ~· the twelve mUllon people ot Call· C1TT ~p POLE DOWK fomia, that would mean abOut eighty.(lve cents each. If the laws are ch anged to allow addi- tional exploration along the coast, that figure would un. doubtedly be considerably ln. creased. Even though It were doubled. I do not believe It would be desirable when the rlak of despoiUne our beaches La In- volved. Especially Ia that true The care of Mrs. C. L. Smith of 113 Via Vella, Lido Isle. knocked down a city light pole a t Via Ftrenze and Piazza Lido, Lido lsle, at 11 :36 p.m. Friday, caus- Ing electric wires to fluh, New· port Seach firemen reported, who were dispatched to the scene. City Electrician Carl Wood· mllllsee waa called to make re. palra. IODEII DUPERY SPECIAI.ml! ALL THE NEWEST "SUXFAST" FAIIBICS ~ COLO&ED 0& JIATUL\L LUdOO VEIIETIJUr DILUUIU 1L111DS _....., ...... -TN .. • _...Ia .. IEIIEtWI • co. JDIW••If'Jdt ..... IIA .. UdD R I 11'4 Cllder •Only 11t1 eiOctric ra,. •••• 0111 ••••••• ' cvJ. with aa:tlrt.lte '"" ••mllttat ~-Ptifect mulls nJf'Yt6!w • 1/u BI!I!Y modmt kildw1u an aU li«triel SIB YOUR DBAUR \ liiliii lowaod'i" ... -....,1111ji.51-..;,.-ud · ..n: .,..I_ Ia Cllll-•-I. ...... 1114-1111 -• • I Next Comed~ Is ~Mr. ·Angel "'Mr. Anpl. .. a oamecl7 futuy by BaJ'r)' !epll, hu been cholilln u the nert productJon ol tiM Jfeowport B a rb o r CommUAity Player-. DtNetoc-BU1 Fuelk an. DOUDqld w. week. . ... cllnp f« the new pt.J wW .,. held at tbe Chapel ,........ Oranp eout eou.,., next _... Clay, Tu...S., u d Wed...S.J eventnp at 7:30. 'nM play bu a larp cut, lhelu4lng ft-.. men aM. elpt women. A majcW role II open few a ~,ear-old ,... .. ~PORT .- ((H .. ,J...,, ·''. '144• .•• ' 'I "• II ... CA:I-UNGQQ Freedom Homes 'Improper AssessmentS' "'mproper a a a e sa m e n t s ' ' a&alnst home owners In Free· dom Homes In Costa Mesa have been made by the county asses. .or'a ottice, V. E. MacCarter, Chairman of the Freedom Tax- payers League ot Costa Mesa, bas charged. • • C* '!*' '' A. 8 I 8 •• • ..... ., Tax Increases have raised monthly payments In the tract u much aa $17 he claimed. The useaor's ott!~ used the figure From the POUCE BLO II ER e WEJ)JOSDAT, I'EL I pool hall at 2118 W. Ocean Front, Boys throwtng rocks at each Newport Beach, by prying on a other dama~ his car and broke door below a hasp. apparently a window In bls home with them. with a screw driver, William Dr. Roy Reeves of 1410 S. Bay Blackstock of that address re. Front, Balboa laland, reported ... ported ... A green rubber gar- den hose was stolen from her . ....,.... 'nllt 'l\llllJM'f, tl)e sun will be bl&h and hot over the clear blue waters ott the ~ End and on the Fourteen.MUe Bank. The blrda wlll wheel and dJve over flashln& ~ehool.a of bait and the cry of "Strike!" wUl bring a thrUl to' many an anclers' heart. It bas always been 'llke tb1L Flve years a&Q. a eun cracked and two score of the finest boata in the Rarbow leaped away from the bell buoy llke racln& lf&Y· bounda. It was the .urt of the 1950 Inter-Club Albacore Tourna- ment. Aboard the boat& were most of the be5t llght.tackle ang. len of an area where expert& with the deUcate linen threada are as common u sea&ulls. e lfOT TO TilE SWJPT As the speedy ones headed for distant bank. one craft, the En- canto, rocked In th~ white wakes of all the others. The Encanto was old and the fire· of youth was gone from her engines. Aboard her were three men. com. petlng for a new fiahlng club. It was Paclflc Anglers' first time In the Inter Club Tournament. e TIIVJISI)AT. I'EL 10 yard, Mrs. Nellle C. Ha .. er. of 114 d _. __ dard • There was one very young man, · All wheel d1ICs an ...... Jade Ave., Balboa Island, com. head lamps were stolen from his I I .... Geo E SIJ .,, one who~ hair was graying at P a n""" · · · rge · ver, .....,, the temples. and a thlrd who car parked near VIa Udo and of 539 VIa Udo Soud, Udo lale, could have been father to one, Newport Blvd., Newport Beach. was arrested on a drunk drlvtn .. ea lstr • grandalre to the other. as a ballgallon jug, and chuckle . Then be'd qy, .._ut It we &et a broadbW ~at's mine!" lfalt JOYed to hunt blg fiJh. LEGAL lfOTICE In 1952. he and lean and Jay lfOTICE or n.uc II.EA.allfG Carllale flew llall way around Notl~ is hereby gtven that the tile world to tangle with the Planning Commission o! the Clty &reat ones. ln the Bay ol lalanda of Newport Beach wW bold a In far away If.., Zealand, be pubOc bearing on the appUca- landed four. Tbe.e m a r r 1 n tlon of Lee Babbitt for a vart. weighed a total of well over snce No. 206 to permit: the con- 1.000 pounds. But they didn't truction ot a building containing MUit)' Walt. Be &Del Jay 'tftnt slx (6 ) dwelling units on a build- bade to New Zealand again In lng she ln an R..J district where- the •prlng of 19M. 'nle hJck, that In the building Is to be con- time. abe was DOt ., JOOd. st.ructed across a common pro- Belore they lOt baclt. Walt be-petty line between two lots thus gan to trim down f« h.la DDt joining these Into one building long trip. WIMn be got back site. On Lots 21 A: 22, Block J. lr'Om New ZeaJa Dd. he bad taken TrMct No. 518 and located at ot! 20 pounda. All last swn.mer, 1536-1540 Miramar Drive, Balboa. Walt was Ina)' preparing for hla N~tlce is hereby further given next journey to the fu away that said pubUc bearing will be places. We went fishing to,ether held on the 17th day of March only a few Wbes. We sighted one 1955, at the hour of 7:30 p.m. ln broadbill, but he wasn't hungry. the Council Chambers ot the e .Oif VOT ACI& My fishing Is going to be a little c:U.tferent thJa 1\lmmet'. with Walt away. Last Monday. Jean and Jay Carllale and Mrs. C. Q. and I drove up to aay "Bon Voy age" to our old ftablng buddy. starting on th~ longest trip he had ever taken. He went alone tb1s time. Be won't be back In time for the Inter-Club Tourna. Newport Beach City Hall, at which time and place any and all persona Interested may ap. pear and be heard thereon. RAY Y. Copelin, Secretary Newport Beach City Plarynlng Comm.l.&sion. THE ENSIGN. HA-1114 Few le~ds. enveloe»e~ C4ll of $1.240 for lneom})lete tm.. bedroom homes ln the tract and $2,070 for completed homes I« the 1954-55 tax period with S1J1:50 land valuation ln both cues. League members contendecl that only 174 homes could haft been a..aaeued at the 12,070 tla· ure, the number of the 807-home tract completed on Mardi 1, 111'. The 633 remaining lncom~ homes could not have been ... sesaed as completed bomet. staJed a release from the Jea.cue. Three members of a s~ tlve.member Jearue commJttee had received tax bUia tor t1M for 1954-55 tax period eYeD though recorda show that tMir homes wer..e not completed unW more than two months after the March 1. 1954. aaseasment date, It was charged. SAVE MONEY ON MOVING & STORAGE Terry PhllJips of P ano re charge at Vla Oporto and VIa The Encanto. old and slow, ported ... Mrs. Mable Samls of Udo, Newport Beach, at 2:52 bad no chance to fish the dis-o••·--'1111 lfJ?kl 444 Serra Dr., Corona RJ&hland.a, a.m. . . . Chlldren In the area tant banks. Her skipper headed rnent, or the marlin season. But be's on hls way to a place, at last, where the broadbW always reported that her brother-In-law, caused acts of mallclouamlschlef her down the line. They found If Cll TUYEL --James C. Barr, 79, lo.t h.la Wal· In a ho ...... und-co-..._uctlon at _,...; -...... blue water near shore, and the •-al Jet with ldentlfkation papers 11<1\n Haven Pl, ,..,,.. Haven., .. _ All W t's abtp pulled away, To Any Place 011 Ealtb ••• oAIU ............. .nu-. Encanto had started trolling. al-th _.. 1 and $375 near the Newport Bar-Evelyn Gardiner of 2611 Vista e muatc IIOund...... ike It came We'U plan complete trip ... make all bor Bank ln Corona del Mar . . . Ba Sh 1 1 ed most be!ore the jetty faded from from the pipes of a ereat organ. reservations. 1~ or plan Itinerary N J I 51... .. d Dr., Y ores. comp a n · · · vlew. M trl ... _ had t fl sid tri Ita-to or Y ...... Lowell W. ew on o .. nca a Someone threw fJ.recracken Into any en..... sen owen. or e ps. •-urs ..,_ d l ~ port-'" That night, at the weighing 1 uldn't tb cl 1 own private vacation. Ave., Corona e a.ar, re vu the haU, Mrs. Louts c. Timmer-co see em very ear y. that be started to park bla car f 21 4~ w Oce Fr t, station. there was hlgh excite-Perhaps lt wu because my eyes UUI/a E. Coast...,. ...,_ lMI In front of the Greater All Amerl-;an °rt ieac:b · re ~~ on ment. The catch bad been good, ar~ eensltive to unog, which was CC>a<*A oa. IIA8 bite. can Market In Corona del Mar ewpo ' po · · · all around. Aa the scores pretty heavy over Fore.t Lawn. (epJDII .. tM ,_. oe.) backed~~~~~~~~.~~~a~uln~G~l~~d~al~~~~~~~M~~-~-~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ---------"""":'---1 when a hit and run car tbroup the paint and into the spot oppo.tte the team that rode _ en e, on-.,. into h.la car. cSa.ma.ct~ the lett metal were made on the trunk the Encanto. Just before the wttb HumphnJ Boaut. Audry Hepburn. WWTam Holden -pi~ ''1111 1•1•• lllk" wtth Van Heflin and Wanda Hendrix Starta Wed.. Feb. D ''Sill • TIE PAUl" wtth lel1 Chandler, Jack Parlance ..... "WIIIIIa" .... ,, lender · • • ol her ear by .ameone. Blanche wellhlnc-ln deadline, the old e .-&Y • .a. 11 ~ ol -!Ita Ave.. 0... beat came bltlo ..... A tattere4 c.. ...._. • c. c. BDL t11 .w Mar. NPGrted ••• ,..., a ....,.._., ftq n..-.. ,.._ u PWtJaacJ. 0n10ft, aDd ftl1la I . bo1.-... ._.. Ja a hat wiD-outrtaw. Soon abe wu eued ap ......_ ot a.na.we, ,.,.. m-wow ol a home at 1M SbcredJft to the cloclc. ~lwei in a al-..wlpe acddent Rd., Sh.ore Clttfs, Carol Lynn, ot at Coast Hwy. and Rtvenid e South Lapna reported . . . Of. • f'IIDOIIEifAL Ave., Newport Beach, at U :lO fleers were unable to locate a Hlttory tella that ln the 1950 p.m. ... A foretcn made hit and prowler wblcb Mrs. WUllam Inter-Club Tournament, one boat, run car tore the front bumper Thompson ot 529 Seaward Rd., repreanting a new club. and one ott the parked car of Claud Corona del Mar. heard whUe man, bad gone bom~ with the Booth, ot Anaheim. parked at watchlne 'IV at 10:03 p.m. . . . lion's share ol honors. The En- Marcus A'Ve. and 35th St., New-F1v~ juvenile boys, 15 to 16, from canto had been hlgb boat. And port Beach . . . Midway City and WestmJnster the man who was a grandfather e IATUDAT. FEL 11 A thief flattened two tires on h1a car by breaking the valve cores to steal two hub caps while the vehicle was parked In the VIlla Marina parking lot. Dick Williams of 411 Jasmine Ave., Corona del Mar, rei>orted ... Durlnl the nJght someone tried to gain entry to the beer and were a.nested at Agate Ave. and had won the trophies for the S. Bay Front, Balboa Island, at greatest number of pounds of aJ. 8:15 p.m. on charges of posses. bacore. and the largest fish of sing beer and were released later the tournament. to their parents to appear 1n ju-It was this -turn or events that venUe court . . . gave' birth to the title of "Phen- omenal." From that day on. Pa. • SUJfDAT FEL 13 cl!lc Anglers. when they talked LET Someone tore a gate off a about that great tournament. al fence and broke a rubbish box at ways called that one member 218 Garnet Ave., Balboa Island, "Phenomenal." Phenomenal Sal Ray Sell, of Downey, complained derston they called h im. aJ. . . . An automatic screw driver though hls real name was \\'al and electric drill were stolen ter. from the garage of R P. Temple· He also won the Al Payne ton of 217 VIa Jucar. Lido Isle Trophy that year for the biggest ... Charles W. Masters lr., 5, of 3/6 albacore. Walt and I were 900 Breakers Ave., Corona del fishJng toeether on his Foray. Mar. was sent to St. Joseph Hos-We bad fished all day. that De pital for examination after he cember ;7th, without a strike. The feU out of an upper bunk bed at FOI'ay bad her bow toward the that address . . . A minor accl-jetty. In fading light. and far dent occurred between cars astern, I aaw a pair of feeding drlveu by Ole Hanson Jr. of San blrda. Then I thought I saw a Juan Capl.at:rano and R~nry E. white break In the dark blue Guertb, of San Bernardino, In water. HARRISON PONTIAC Repair Y ur Ciir front ot the Lido 'lbeatre, New-"Bow about lt, Walt!" I said. port Beach, at 5:2:5 p..m. . • • "O.K.," be answered. '1t'a (Continued em Pap 12) worth a try." Walt got the strike. I yelled "Hook up!" All your printinq needs will be Walt didn't move. He said, handled conveniently and court· "You take Jt." But I finally convinced hlm eously in the compfetefy-equip-that. u a ru-t 1 expected no ped Job Printinq Department of special fawn. It wu a beautJ. lul tbh. It .... ,heel almoct 30 your Harbor Area Newspeper, pounda. 1 can atlll 8lle Walt The Ensiqn. 11()4 Coast Bt. COM atand1nc on tile dock. a sly &leam In lu. ~· u the flash- bulb lJt \11' the nl&ht. ei!ICJOD .a ........ _.. fhw. lut I .,_ lee.med that Walt Baldertton h .. but OM true.,.._ Be WUtlld a lnaclliW. ~ a tliM he bad a.. ca-. Often the ...... wu ln ha.IHl but ......,. tM poaatal fllbtwr Md ...._ a-.,. Walt llllpt Oft trytna. .. .....,.. ...w. .. Arcyone Cll\ ., ............ ....ua .... .... ....... all tbe .......... .............. at .... ..................... • ..ac:LAMATIOJI The United States today t'njoys higher standards of living than have ever been attained by any other nation at any time In hu- man history. W e are a ble to live so much better than our fore- fathers -and so much better than those In most foreign lands -because of the wide variety of t"ronomic enterprises within our Republic. An Ingredient vitally ~cnt1al to this pr~ Is ''olume ad\'er tlsing. Jn our frN-N'Onom~ where various lnterE'~tc; mu-.t compete for the pat mna~e of the people. · advertising multiplll"S their fre.edom of choke thus In suring lmprovt'd products at lower costs. Beyond this the adve-rtising In dustry consistently serves the public wellare directly through support on numerous civic and social causes. Through their Ad vertlsJng Council. the men and women In advertising have helped to ~ult thousands for Civil ~fense work. student nursing and blood bank dona tlons; they have been ~sponsl· ble for the sale of millions of doUara In U. s. Savings Bonds; WE£1 they have been lnsttumenul In raising more millions for such eauses as Red Cross. Community Chests and others; they havt> saved numero\ls Jives and much property through fire prev~nt1on and safety campaigns. Advertising is at work In a multitude of media throughout the year. bringing benefits to all Americans. It is entirely appro- priate that a week be set asidt> to encouragE' broader public rec ognltion and bt>tter understand ing of the manifold S('tVI(.'('S ot tht> ad\t>rtising industry to our people With these thoughts In mind. I. GoodWin J Knight, Gov (>mOT or CalifornJa. hereby pro claim the ptWriod of February 13 19. 1955. as ADVERTISlNG RECOGNITI0 :-1 WEEK In our State. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have hereunto set my hand and caused' the Great Su.J of the State of <:altfomla to be af. fixed this 24th day of Janu- ary. A.D.. One Thousand Nine Hundred and Fl!ty.flve. fSEAL) !Slgnedl Goodwin J. Knleht Governor o! California It's advertising that makes freedom of the press possible. Sup- port the merchants who place their advertising in the Newport Harbor Ensign and enable us to call on you each week with the news and bargains in your own community. Spring Gadget dt ~ SALE! Heuy mel1rire coutnledOL POE _, -aJ or pa. ncm. col'• ..Ur top. Bu.ih ill drip ca~cba. ..................... KilcMn Sow Aluminum fume and Suinlt u Sl:ftl blade. C.,u rnuc, bone, ''""'· frozen food, In-nod, 8)/.1, ~ lmgth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... l:"Bo4ler...dTI_,. Seeellrint nd: holds 4 egs. Hoar ...,. tiaMr ifldi~1n nacr boilin,: ;.. ., 10 5 minucn. , ....... .s,. ........ ... ------........... IH,tul _ ..... -..-...... So.,.. .. , Acmrau ........... pt.-cad ,. ..... w..· • ~· . NUlled coppa' • • • • • • • • ... ----.---___ ___. Bau.rcup Spooa K• Drip Catcher. .su.. .. WJe, u Jrnr. Ceramic •ilh arua, ydlow Buttnn~p daip. t.cdl 7¥.. ................. ... c ... ,.,., -s.c ,. ~bowl .., •laialest ttetl choppe:t. u .. for all fJ'Pft of food choppiJiaiDd ~ ..... II ---... • """' ----~-_. ......... ---·"1-····- &f AIH:T II aADWU. DA,.. ~ *CROWN IWIDWARI* --·-.. ---- I .. Roc Point Purchase Due •• ... TO I E AWAU&D ·OET FI£E TICim AliT DAT KVZft DAY <'-It • D'lll rrr)-ct aoo. BAIUII BAllET IUIIETS (llo. •• .,_. ·-.. -. 3S47 E. Coat Bwy., c:or..a cW liar) (lfo. 11 Jttb & ~ c-tcr II-) bl Cupxatlua Wttlt TIM DIVIS IIIWI COIPIIY CIIAIE & SAJm0--1 lb. c-. COFFEE 79~ 19~ .. . !RliTS!d[GfJAEli> l . ' Artichokes 2 <w 15( Carrots ........................... 2 ... 9( Bananas FMCY' IIOT-BO'OSE Rhubarb CELLO Spinach • t~. I RD1£n I ODD~ ...:TIWEET DIIOin PEAl ._ .. , .. .. ,,, .• . ....... •.• ., •.•. 12ft. aouta ITArD LMr Old.,..,. '/a , IIG DIP _________________ 59c .......... s ••••• Fl'lll Oelllflll F11AJ1k l .. a o.t ..... .... Slpr,... , .•..... , ...... AppleSauce ... CAll Beets Spanish Rice .. .......... , ....... ....... ,... ...... 2!0. 011111 c. Dint····· ... ! G;id;com 7 <w •1• $1 Cc.i"F;ir RUMP PRIME RIB '49i.. •