HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-03-10 - Newport Harbor EnsignTuesday is elediot1 d.y. end Important Of'll, beceuse •'K ~ voting for the first time for -'1 members of a seven-men City Coundl •.. plus a several important propositiot~a. Rememb.r that you have seven to vote for in the Council rae. -one (but ONLY one) from each ~f the seven districts. Don't let the propositions confuse you. The flrst thrH ore actu· ally opposinq propositions on the serne subject-the amount of tax funds that can b. allocated by the city to the Chamber of Com· mere.. Ther.fore, on these first thi'H propositions, you'll be merkincj down one "yes" and two "no's" and the one with the qreotest num· ber of "yes" votes will be in effect. • . As for the candidates, forqet th• name callinq and make your decisions on the basis of their records. Cost your vote FOR the candi· dotes of your choice, rather than votinq AGAINST someone. If you want to know how I hove evaluated the candidates ond issues, just turn the poqe and read some more on poqe 2 . (Continued on 'Paqe 2) MESA BEll S HUGE A EX Ken Schmidt Faces Charge 'EFFEa OF H-BOMB' WILL BE DISCUSSED '1f an H-bomb were dropped on Los Anceles Harbor, what would be the effect on Newport Harbor!" Tbla question will be d1lcusaed by ~Demben of the Udo Tout. muten at the Civil DefenM meeting at 1:30 p.m. Monday, March 21, 1n Newport Beach city hall. ""nle Ten Steps tor Survival" wm be told to representatives of civic and. aervice rroups and the pneral public lnvited to the meeting by Aaslstant Dtrector of Ctvtllan Defense Edgar Hlll. The communications committee on clv1llan defeMe will five a talk on the beH and llghta system of air nld warning. .... ,., ..... 1.111 ...... . •. , •. , C. C. Fund Is Big Issue Pittsburgh Visitor Chokes On Lobster, Dies in Cafe John Ringgold Cloninger, 64, of Pittsburgh, Pa., choked to death on a piece of lobster while having dinner In a Corona del Mar restaurant late Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Cloninger had been v1a1Ung their daughter and 80n In-law. Dr. and Mrs. Georp Fleury of Balboa. for five days. Dr. Fleury told Newport pollee The fire department rescue squad arrived and Or. Hodges. with the help of firemen. rave oxygen. Dr. Hodges then per. fonned a tracheotomy on the victim In an effort to give oxy. gen better. pol~ said. All four docton wt!l'e In attendance at thla time. Or. Hodges pl'Onounced the victlm dead at 10:48 p.m. The bodY wu removed to the Baltz W1ll1 II Ca••••• ,., •••• ~ ~ 3 ,... wri ............. .. 'I" ••• ,~. Ctadl tlt11 ... .. ..... ......... .. Dlab1ct ... ~. ..... ...,_.,... .w .... .. .. . ,_.,.. ,.............__ .... a.. .... ,..... .. ._ ...,. ....... pwtatr• .. _.. ..._ L a.-t ef..., • t -........ .. ...... , IE 1 18r1Ce. • Ball Diamond Staked Out At Youth Center Grounds The b&SC'ball diamond at the Community Youth Center, near the Harbor VIew School, Corona del far. will be ready for uae In t one month, Grant Howald. dent ot the Youth Center. thla weB. e diamond wu lltaked out Boys Club B and C te...,._ to \&Ill the diamond. A bacbtop wUJ be pro~ for the ball dWnond. tt wu u. nouneed thla ... by Mr ..... . eron. wtao Ia athlet.ld ...... 118 CU.Ito4&an at ~ eo.. a.&. lqe. . CW.UNOQQ ·, ~ , I \ e Pain Is Too Much'-- Coves Resident Ends Life I I I I I I I I I I I I ?I.. 1!09 .. , "• I I • I • • • ~t: Funeral ~ f« Geclqle W. ... -----~. 80. of 311alboa Covel. BY ~l::-1(~ Kewport leach, were held Jloa. •> Z d•y In the Baltz Mortuary Cbap- • 'I'DIB OP ftU el ln Corona del Mar with Rev. Accordln& to the Farmer'• AJ. Boy Ca.rl.m of Chrlat Church By manac (lf you haUed from Penn· the Sea. Newport Beach, outclat- sylvanla. as I dJd. you'd know-Inc. lt'a published in Lancaater, Pa.) _Mr. Wetherby died last Thu.n- lt'a only a few weeka until day ln Hoag Memorial Ha.pltal aprlne. ftoQl a ~Qnahot · wound In lhe But Sunday was about u head five mlnut8 alter being sprlng-llke as It ever eet.s. It was admitted. DeputY Coroner Roger one of those days so rare that Burnham said he died trom a even I enjoyed working In the self Inflicted bullet, that hls yard. The daffodils were at the hands WC!I'e covered with powder peak of their golden loveliness. burns. There was a tolerably eood crop Newport pollee were called to of aphis on the roses-~ore I the Wetherby home at 1:28 p.m. sprayed them. CameUJa, our last Thursday. A maid, Mrs. Dora young dachshund, was lndJ.s.. Zemke, told pollee the victim posed with the aUment that Is had requested that she wheel the lot ot lady doiS. in spring. lfOTJCE OP PUBUC IIEAmlfG hJm tnto h.la bedroom ln bJa wheel ehatr. About flve mlnuU. latAir abe heard a loud eraah. She ran to hla room and found hlm lylna on hla back. Sbe ran for help. '1 am aorry, Elizabeth and Georee. the pain la too much," Mr. Wetherby had written. He Ia aurvlved by hls wUe, Mn. El!xa- beth Wetherby, and a 80D, George T. Wetherby, of the home address. Mr. Wetherby wu born In Morton, M~lsslppl, and had lived for 44 years In Puadena and tn Newport Beach for 3'1i years. He was dlmlct puaencer agent for the Southern Paclflc Railroad before retlrln1 In 1946. He was a charter member of the Pasadena Ktwanls Club and was formerly associated wlth the Elks Club ot PuadenL •• I •: :• I • I • I • I • I • I • (Continued from Page I) Here's t he way I'll be casting my ballot Tuesday: :• With all these sprlng-Uke Notice ls hereby gtven that the signs, lt seemed high tlme to eo Plannln1 Commlaslon of the City piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii over to Balboa for some oregano of Newport Beach wlll hold a plants from Salvatore Monaco. public hearing on the appllca- Untll now we had used the dried tlon of Mr. and Mrs. Wan-en H. product in our spa1hettl sauce. Clark for a variance, No. 2161 to But, llke this 100<1 doctor, who ls permit a ntne (9) foot frontyard also on~ of the harbor's best setback instead of the ten (10) chefs. we are about to &TOW our foot setback required by District own. Salvatore wasn't there, but Map No. 12 and Section 9103.15 his garden was. Whlle we were (a) of the City Code on Lot 23 at It, we filched a few carnation Block E, Tract No. !51~ and locat: slips, along with the oregano ed at 2165 E. Ocean Blvd., Bat- plants. He'll be happy when he boa. The reduced aetback ls re- learns that we took them. He's quested to allow five (5) archJ. e DISTRICT I (West Newport) ....... _ ........... L•wrence Bergeron (8] West Newport has not had a "resident representative" on City Council for several years. It deserves and needs such representation. larry Bergeron lives in the heart of the West Newport distrid. He has displayed his interest in the civic and community affairs of c.ur community, and he· has the time and the energy and the willingness to serve as ci ty councilman. e DISTRICT 2 (Balboa) ..... ....... .. . ................... Jay StottJemyre fX1 I li~e the determined and energetic manner in which Jay (th; Barber) Stottlemyre has tackled the job of campaigning for Council. He mc!lkes no bones c!lbout the fact thot he wanfs the job. and thinks it's worth working hard to win. He's running on his own, obligating himself to no group or individual, except the people of Newport Beach. that kind of a man. tectural structural vertical fins e LOifG WAT AJIOU'If'l) to protrude ten (10) Inches Into the ten root setback. The oregano plants came at the sunset end of the sunny aft. ernoon. Our trail waa as wander- Ing as the small boy's trip to the e DISTRICT 3 (Lido, Bay Shores) ............................... Dora 0 . Hil [8] corner grocery store. We took all I can't say that I have always agreed with Her Honor the mayor the lon1 ways around. Notice ls hereby further &fven that said publJc hearlnl Will be held on the 17th day ot March 1955, at the hour of 7:30 p.m. In the council chambers of the Newport Beach City Hall, at which tlme and place any and all persons Interested may ap. pear and be heard thereon. during her II months in office. But she will get my vote, and not just First stop was at the Balboa beca use there's no one else running in her district, but because she Marina. Orval Lyon's new set-up for hls Hunter cruisers. AB we has a program to carry out, particularly a car~fully prepared project pulled up alongside a shining for a better Ec!lster Week. let her carry on wtth that progrc!lm. new 34-foot craft. we saw the RAY Y. COPELIN, Secretary Newport Beach City Plan- e DISTRIC~ 4 (Oiff Haven, Heighh) .............. St~nley Riddemof (8] ~~es~:o~~ ~~~.e a~~';; Ge n. Rtdderhof h"M""been a counCilman only stnce December. but enough, as we rounded the bow, he has displayed the qualiti,s of independent decision and straight-there was Karl Miller, frater In forward adion that must have had a grec!lt deal to do with getting Pacific Anglers. He had In tow those stars on his shoulder in the tough arena ·of the Marine Corps. others of the same tribe, Includ- nlnl Comm.lsalon. e DISTRICT 5 (Balboa Island) ......................... Clarence Higbie fX1 Mr. Higbie has a long background of experience, first in ba';;f. ing and now in law. That professional background _an provide a vc!llu· able contribution to our C ity Council in deliberations on city prob- lems, much of which are legal in nature. Mr. Higbie also has an out- sta~ding rec;prd of civic interest and ectivity OS 0 cit'fzen of OUr com- munity. e DISTRICT 6 (Corona del Mar) ....................... Andrew W . Smith [8] Col. Smith hc!ls rendered c!l tremendous service to the taxpayers and citizens of the entire city through his consistent and determined <:ampc!lign to pare down unnecessc!lry and often illegal spending of taxpayers' money. The total saving is around $50.000 a year, and that is no "picayunish" amount of cash, and that itemized total of saving is not challenged ... not even by his enemies, of which he has some. Ing "Cell" and George Grutlth and Jay Carlisle. Jay looked unusually happy. He remarked, casually. that he had ordered one just like Karl's. Jay's will be named the "Malo- to." which ls Haw&Uan for "fly. .... fWL .. o.-1 14en looked JM.l contented, too. He had had four Dear VOTERS: cruisers to sell. Gre,ory Crisp My opponents and therr· took one, Mr. Wurdemann the other. Spring tlme ls new-boat-supporters are "damning Ume, eh. Orval! me w ith faint praise." • BAUOA They say "Col. Smith is We could have driven around. honest, all right, but he is But I always enjoy the rlde on Joe Beek's teny. There was qulte picayunish." At What a wa ltlng llne of cars. It didn't poin t does honesty cease matter. as Gordy Wevlll came d 1 by. enroute to his tackle shop. an petty a rceny begin? We saw Ge ne Spencer. whom we Is there such a thing as Fll , •• Hi-fi Electrolux TJaea....Toa Doe't .... to Z.ptyl Two Models to Choou From BiD Fletcher Uberty 8-4229 1321 lfewport Blft. COSTA lOlA ·C ol. Smith ha5 achieved this at a price, to be sure-the price of gain- ing the immense displeasure of those with stepped-on toes. who re· spond with o cry Ior harmony. But harmony is not the supreme goc!ll. If it tokes o bit of disharmony to be c!l watchdog of our city treasury and to save tax monies, then bravo for dishc!lrmony and o vote for met when he was skipper on the being too h 0 n e s t in CoaDC"II•aa 11a1t1a "Jimlyn." Gene ls a ferry ptlot di , . In his spare time. spen ng taxpayers money? Not m my book. Let me w e stopped In the Balboa Pa-remind you that it is YOUR tax money that I have vlllon. ThE.'re's a brand new sht>ll been p rotecting. I have been vigilant in your interest. storE.' on the right. as you go ln. Col. Smith. e DISTRICT 7 (Corona del Mar) W . G. Perrow 181 I have known Mr. Perrow longest of all the candidates for Coun- cil. even before he become " permonent resident of our community. I know his business background. and I respect his business ability end judgmer.t. Twenty-five years os western mMoger of c!l major industry is on impressive testimonio! of abili ty ond service. Here is one ploce where it can be truly soid thot o vote for Mr. Perrow is a vote for two good men because his opponent in this race, J. B. Stoddard, Cc!ln remain ot his important job on th~ School Boc!lrd. where he is per· forming o valuable servic.e. It's a most attractive shop. Don't I am also accused of being b ell igerent. If I have know how wt> got out without been, it has been to p rotect your interests. buying something. Then we saw Art Gronsky's If you approve of my type of honesty, I suggest dad. He told us how one pas-you record your approval at the polls Mdrch 15. Andrew W. Smith COUNCILMAN, INCUMBENT-CANDIDATE IN DISTRICT 6 THE PROPOSITIONS senger the day before had brought in a big white sea bass that weighed 45 pounds. "Spike" Taft. the guy who sounds like Drag Net on short wave. and who skippers the .let I In the summer, was the h appy guide to -::;;;;:;;;;;:;==========::::::::~'!::::==-------- • PROPOSITION NO. I ..................................................... No. (8] (Council to determine allocation to Chamber of Commerce) e PROPOSITION NO. 2 ....... .. .. ......................... .. .............. Yes 181 l$2.'400 annual limit on allocation to the Chamber) e PROPOSITION NO. 3 .................. -·--·-·---·---·-'-·------No ~ j$25,000 annual limit on allocation to the Chamber) the big whites. It was the first coup of the season for the local fleet. Then Gronsk;y brought out a splnnlnl reel. The spool wu shattered. He aald, '11 Art had boated the one that dld this. we'd have a bl1ger flm story:• CCmtJnued on Pare 11> Pre-St. Pat's Fete Planned The Ensign has always contended tha t the Ch.,mber of Com· merce must be supported by those who benofit by the Cha mber's services, and in proportion to those benefits. There can be no argu- me nt about the fact that tax money should not be used to support projects planned for a specific group. such as businen and industry. Th'at support should come from the membership of the C hamber of C ommerce. And the Chamber should charge the city a fair price for Sure an there'll be wearl:n' o' the specific and itemized services it renders to the city. When the the ,reen on Wednftday when members ol Harbor Panhellenlc &mount of funds received from the city exceeds the &mount of dues bold their MCODd annual pre.St. collected from members, then it is obviously not e fair price that is Patrtdt'a Day bNndl at the PrJ. being charged to the taxpayers. You are not en enemy of the Cham-daf Attemooll Cub ln eo.ta ber because of '"king to cut down the large eppPopriotion, just ....._ ApiJl tbe I*V will be es you do not become an enemy of our country by demending o b.~ ~ U: :W., -.:::.:..~ .= enc:ed buOget. The $2,400 limit will •~ntually be the salvation of the llftn JMI17 b7 U: Raft« Chember, because it will rna•• the Chember hustle li•• any busiMSS poup. must to bel•n~ its budget and get the necessary funds by inc:reesing MulDer~'""' rv1DN at dM its bulineta, which m.ans getting more members. boale of tM llll••lr•t lila I. B. • MOfOSIT10N Ne. 4 -Y•I8J ==~ = = n.;. • correct a technical en-or mtde in chertet chftmc) COfto .... table Ill r 11 _. ~ ... -.r..tion of t.rm of oonwniaiotl members. ..-.. A .._..a a. •• ,... efiiOfCIInOH .... I ---·-··--Y• ~ ..-......._ ae ..._. w11 TWi •.....,. the Plenning Commillion membeuhip to-..., .. it lr PUN IIIII ,_... Nwtrlll ......... 'ncti111 ................. e • • ---••••..... . .., ...... , .......... a.. ,_ 1W'• the wey rl .ote. ~.j I -of you it: VOTE u.a Dallj. ......, _,, • • \ * * * * For AD SUNDAY P.AINTERS cmd PLUMBERS WE ARE OPEN , ALL DAY SUNDAY * * * .. I •1'1 .... ..... JIMie•• .... " ............ , ......... Jlllll•llll•tfclh.aziiiJIIIIellll ~~ AJ.o c:cmplete ..... ............... .... WE liT a. ...... , •••. Our Paint Dept. J" Can Supply-All Your Painting Needs. COMPLm UNE OF FULLER PAINT .... ,_ ....... lllllly ...... •ullc •• FIISPUY ~14 Decorator Colors To Choose From. ....... Flllr ...... ,. ....... IIIIE1I. IIIIIJ • 1•••11 II Jll ............ . *** VISIT OUB 1EWL Y ENLABGED cmd BDIODm.ED STOlE *** ' • A aurprlae houeewa.rmlJlg wu pven tor Mr. and Mn. G. B. Barb«, who recently IDOYed to their new home at 342 Morning Canyon Rd., Shore Cllfta. M a special &Itt for the new hou.e the new houM the friends brought a cuatom made bar tor the Barti«'a recreation room. Cuesta at the party Included Mra. Barber's aliter, Mra. Marl Beswick of CorODa del Mar, Michael Michelle of Shore Cliffs. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Smith of Collta Mesa. Mr. and M.n. OJivft Bishop ot Orange. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Salazar of Tultln, and Mr. and Mnl. C. R. Gulrblno, M.r. and Mra. Frank H~rtz and Mr. and Mrs. M. I . SmJth of Santa Ant- The Barber family, who moved 1aat month fl'Om Santa Ana, al80 Include Bill, 17 and Lynda, age 13. For let+etM.ds. envelooes c.t THE ENSIGN. HA-1114 £ubS.:oub Ia the locattoa of tha aew eat.rcmca. The ll9bter bamework b that of the kltcbn.. abowtJag tb• framed opeoiDg tor tlae uaacldMu. (C.. llou photo hom t1ae Lido lllcmder). LIDO CUB PACK HOLDS BLUE AND GOLD DINNER * • * SCHOOL NEWS e siOITI ftWI e GAA WOTD We bave qutte a bJt on boy/ 11'-.__. L (LI:mpt) '-· In GAA we have been flnlab. ldiiL e.r laatnaaeatad.bt 8POrtl th1l week. tnr our volleyball tournament. I th b ball with tndln, -.-t lato nrv-y .t n e aae pme Pat Fruehltncs t e a m won. Westm\nlster here Mareh 2. Ibn --l..t acma..s.y. llu &a. Tumbling Is stlll eotnr on wttll Nl j ~~-t J .... a.. wiUdt abe blllt a em ee reporu the uu~n ~ the assistance ot 2 new mata. newa that we lost 10 to 4. ln the --• ... clu1.ag a aaow t:rfp. which are pink in color. ~;',.-...... flr W 80t IMale4. lbe Ia la tlae ...... ~, 7 at tnnlng there wu 1 run body likes thern. No wond«, m ade by Westmlnlster and lohn s-ta A.. Coma:uualty Boe. they're about twice as sott. Ml.a ~~ -'-l t d bl pHal aad •• all wlah b• a • a..,.e ol Ensign h t a ou e. Jo Ann Record and Miss Betty In the second lnnlngW..tmlnater ..,...sy ~. SmJth divided the g irls Into tour m ade 2 hits and Raterno of -Th-e-.-.D-,-,.-.... d._l .... d-v .... er""'y __ w_e_J ... l .... t .... oo ...... tumbling groups. They are: be- Westmlnlster hit a triple. And Tom Curtis got a first In broad ginners, intermediate, advanced for Ensign, Dean Pease htt a jump, Kent Haworth In high intermediate a nd advanced. Tbe double and Kenney Carr h it a jump, Sandy Hoose In shot putt. advanced lntermedla~ was ju.t double also. Predreim ot West. Tom Curtis in t he 50 yard dash added. m inister hit a home run In the The "D's" alio won th~ relay. e TALEifT SIIOW third Inning, the first of two. En· Our next track m('t't will be Last Thursday we had a fine sign got one. Also In the fourth today <Thursd ay J at Orange We talent show. The a<'ts were u Inning Pete Stoddard st.arted a will be competing against West rollows; Linda Waltz. Pat K~n­ ra lly and Horace Ensign got one. minister lour arch rivals I, Car. neely, D o nn a Smith, Linda Also In the fourth lnnln& Pete den Grove. La Jolla, Orange, and Kemper and Lorralnne Cuthbert Stoddard started a rally and HuntJngton ~ach pantomimed Stan ~burg's .,. Horace Ensign got 3 runs. The • DECATBLo• COifTEST rangement of "Sh -Boom," Ann final score as I said wu 10 to 4. ~rae Hauser reports that Ln Humason did a tine job .at the e WIK TaACJ[ IIEET the boys Physical Education pJano doing a Plano Cherale Horace Ensign and Huntlncton cluees they are hav1ng a decath Study. Beach h ad a practice track meet alon. The boys In the dJlterent March 3 at Huntington D-ach. o cl There were a group o! &lrLI ~ n. use& compt'te In high jump. 1 in t M E. went all out to beat Buntin"'· b cons st g o ary Jant> Ham. • road jump, shot putt, 75 yard b ook c 1 c L I ton at the meet. Norman Still-d r · aro rum, ynne Ra· ash. and the 50 yard dash. They k Jod Fr well should be ve..v proud ol his h d ac e. Y ost. Bradyln Steg . . , a a record Ued In the ?>yard Sh "-h "Knights ot Yore" will be the theme ot the activities for March for Cub Scout Pack 37, a ccording to plans made at the monthly pact committee meeting at thto home of Nat Seal 'on Udo Isle. A special outing during Febru. ary tor members of the pack was a trip to Snow Valley on Sat., Feb. 19, where many or the boys and their fathers took time out for tobogganing and snowball throwtnc. track team '---ause they took d mann, ery ""' mldt, Susan ~ ash-time 8 5 by Bob Beach. Col N Cub Scout Pack 37 ot Lido Isle Badge; Kent Edler, Bear Badge; first place Jn all the events they e. orma Atkins. who ea1Jed celebrated the 45th birthday an-Charles Trees, Wolf Silvt>r Arrow. participated ln. ~~~ CBADE MEWS tht>mselves the "7 C Chorletta" -------SALL T OW BOWO• IIOLL Named to the honor roll at Whittier tor the first .emester of 1954-55 was Mlsa Sally Randall. dauchter ol Mrs. Leona Batch· man. 134 Opal Ave., Balboa Island. Sally ls a senior at Whit. tier, majoring In history, and ls president of the Athenian social 110elety. • nlvena..v of scouting In Febru. Den 2: Bruce McClalre, Lion For the A's Dennis Tucker -and who sang "Make Your.elf ., a~· Barbara Silman rt>ports that Comfortable." ary with a Blue and Gold dinner Badge and Gold Arrow; David a first In the high jump, Jim Mrs. Frances Butler's sixth gra de at the VIlla Marina. ScbnJeder, Bear Silver Arrow; Niemiec (who Is one of our boyt' challenged Miss Lois Swift's Dt>nnls Thompson and his 110- Dr. R. R. Button of Balboa Richard Ham, Bear Gold Anow s ports reporters! tn broad jump, aixth grade room In a spelllng cordlon played "Cay Ranchero.'' Island presented the f'ack Char· and Asslatant ~enner; Mike Joe Constantino ln shot P\ltt. contest to see who gets the most Four flutists played "Listen To ter to M,.. Ralph Tandowsky, Mantan, denner; Jerry Adams, Tom Peterman In the 75-yard h undrf'ds Thto room that Is the Tht' Mocking Bird." They were president of the Lido Isle Worn. Wolf Badgto and Gold Arrow. dash and thtoy also won the loser glvt"S the other a pary. Mrs. Carol Jlyden, Terry Vllagrana, en's Club, which sponsors the Den 3: Larry Elman. Bear relay race. Buflt>r's room previously won Robin Rylett and Shari Toblu. ded Sliver Arraw·, Pete Micha ud. In the "B's" two -rds ---1 Next Pat Fruebllna. Nancy Ma.n. pack. Entertainment 1nclu a •""'-'-" .... ..,,.., over M ss Joyce Boyd's and John talk on Indian life and tralnlng Lion Badge; gold Arrow and 2 broken by Craig Cadwalader-tn Dean's 6th grade rooms. gaon, Sbelle Forgey and J~ by Puahmataha, a Cherokee Jn. Year ~vice pin; Larry Lee, Bear high jump a nd broad jump. Rus. Junior Orchestra is having a Levey dJd t um b II n g stuntll. dian who la a member of the Badge, gold• arrow and denner; sell Raru10n got a first in the 75-cont~ between classes to see Susan Porter and Nancy Tayl• medicine man's family. He Jimmy Cadwalader. a.sststant yard dash. Doug Reddlclt ln shot who gets the most points by the pantomimed "Sisters." Pat Buab showed Indian war weapons and denner. putt and ttiey also placed first tond of the week. The best sixth and_Mary Lu Downing d id a fine told the ways of the medicine Den 4: Sandy Eut.man. Lion In relay. grade girls In the tront wing of job slngine ~RJver ot No Re- man. Badge, gold and sUver arrows The "C's" also took tlrst In the school will play the best turn." Georgia Creason did a tap Pa""k Commtttee chalrman, M. and denner; Kent Anderson. everything, starting out .wtth ~~ sixth grade gfrls In the back dance. Diane Blount sang ''1t(y " Taylor I b d j T Own True Love'' and an en-A. Andenon. Introduced the Won Badge and Gold arrow; n roa ump, om wing In a volleyball game. Th·e .......... guests. Including John Shields, Ricky Jackaon. Wolf Badge, gold Br1clmer ln hlfh jump, Tom boys have already played with ot "Sincerely." And last but not Institutional representatlv~ Dis-arrow and asslatant dener. Davia in lhot putt, Jim McCullan Mrs. Butler's room defeating Mr. least Danny Arthohr played • trlct Commissioner Art Remley, • Den 5; Jim CUnnln,tlam. Uon In the SO.yard dash, they also Dean's boys with the score 12 h1a accordion "Haw High Tbe ~-~~ and n~s~~u~Wll-~~and~~~;v~~u .c_a~~-u_~ __ th_e_~-a~y~·-----~t~o~6~.=~=====~~~~~M~oo~~;·;a~n~d~·~·~~~~W~oo~~~~~~--KO'nCE OP ~C JIEAJUJfC llam ~n. Mr. Remley con. ler. Lion Badee. gold and 4 allver Notice ts hereby given that the ducted 11 Webelos graduation arrows; John Parker, Webelos; Plannlng CommJsston ol the City ceremony tor Bob Hom and Bob ~rge Vandervort, lJon Badge ol I(ewport Beach wlll hold a wu presented with a ~ut and gold arrow. SPICEBS OET SOW public hearing on the appJlca-knife on behalf of the park com. Den 6: Buzzy P~n. Bear ~ tlon of The Southern California mittee. Badge. gold a nd sUver arrows Ed18on Co. For a use permit No. Mr. Gibson ot Scout noop 5, and denner; George McCulley, 171 to permit; the enlarging of with patrol leader David Glbeon uslstant denner; Mike Shuehter, l a.n electrical dJ.IIIrU~uUon aut.ta. and tloop JMmben Chuck aem. Wol1 Sllver arrow; Blli 1Jnd8e, tloll Oil Mboa Jlvcl. ...._._ ..,., JIID ~ a.nd A1 Von WoU JOld anvw. A son, Stephen Peter, 8 lbs.. 9 OL, wu bom to Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Sptow of 4Z1 Ba~ Dr., Corona del Mar, ID St. l a.epla Ha.pital OD Frt~, Feb. 25. ~ ~ F . ~ • urmture~ Complete Home F\.Jrnlshtnp ~ Uberty~ .IIIII lat Kewpolt A"" ~ COSTA MESA 1M St. aad 1ltJa St. 1D llewport Holtman. webiDed bbD Into the Dta 'P: Bob" a..coa, Wolf -..ell to ~ .urroundecl bJ an troop. For the thlrd time Den 1 Bad,e a.nd IOld arrow; Steve eight foot c.lla1n link fence. On won 1n pack tnspectton. Broyles. WoU Badp; Grer Von Lots 8, 9, 10. Block 115, Tract Registration cards were P~· Hottman, assl.atant denner; Ron. No. 234. and located In an Jt.3 tented to the foUCJWtng Den nJe Bodman, denner. dlatrlct. mothers: Mmes. Spaulding East. Charles Franklin wu Notice is he~by further gtven man, Harry Ga'"-' Ward Lee, corned lnto the Pack as a that said publlc hearing wiJl be William Gibson. G. M. Shuchter. cat and assigned to Den 4. held on the 17th day of March Albert Donoh~. Jeriy McClalre, 1955, at the Hour ot 7:30 p.m. In the CouncU Chambers of the Jay Person and Robert Chacon. Newport Beach City Hall, at Pack Committeeman Jerry Me- which time and place any and Clal~ presented the following awa rds to the cuba. all persons Interested may ap. Den 1: Larry Gibson, Bear pear a nd be heard thereon. RAY Y. COPELIN, Secretary Newport Beach City Pla n. ning Commission LJ:QAL WOTICES KOTICJE OP n.LIC IIEA.BDfC Notice Is hereby riven that the Planning CommJsslon of the City of Newport Beach will hold a public hearing on the appllca. Uon of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Weber LEGAL R~CE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CAUFORNJA IN AND FOR TilE COUNTY OF ORANGE. Dept. No.5 NO. 64570 SUMMONS Action brourht ln the Superior Court of the County ot Orange, and Complaint tiled In the Of. tJce ol the Clerk of the Su. perlor Court ol said County. PONCIANO P. YARRA. PlatntJU vs. S. S. ORSOVA ~ LOifG a&ACB A.rrtft9 QD•IOVJIC Ant.tag LOifDO. 1 ... 25 Ja.ly 12 Ja.ly 13 for a var iance No. 215 to pt'rmit : n ltayfront yard setback of four. teen C14l feet In place ot the twenty (~) toot setback required by District Map No. 10. On Lot 32, Tract No. 884, and located at SOCORO J. YARRA. Defendant THE PEOPLE OF TilE STATE OF C A L I F 0 R N 1 A SEND ............ ~ ..... ·- SEIVIAE 814 Bay Avenue. ICVI'VAI. -TIIIEL ... Notice is hereby further given TltZ&f that said public bearlne will be GREETINGS TO: I SOCORO J. YARRA. Defendant You are directed to ~pear In an action brought against you by the above named plalnt:Jtt. In the Superior Court of the State ol CalllornJa, in and for the County of Oranee, and to answer the complaint therein within ten days after the service on you of this summons. If served within the County of Orange, or withln thirty da.ys 11 served else"Where, and you are notuted that unless you so appear and answer as ~~A~O~alcrr~~~~~~~~==~~=========-! held on the 17tb day ol March ~ 1955. at the hour of 7:30 p.m. In the Council Chambers of the Newport Beach Cfty Hall, at which time and place any and all persons Interested may ap. pear and be hea.rcS thereon. AIID Morry .Snlilla's BIG wEEK END SfEC~L! RAY Y. COPELIN, Secretary Newport Beach City Plan. nlng Cornmtsalon ROT'ICI: OP I'Uai.JC IIEAmlfQ above required, the plaintW wlll Notice Ia hereby gtven that the take judcment for any money Planning Commission of the City or dama,es demancSed in the of Newport Beach will hold a Complaint, as artslna U{)On con- public hearing on the appllca. tract. or will apply to the Court tlon of Charles D. Cotton tor a for any other rellet deman~ed tn variance No. 211 to permit· the the complalnt. construction of a three car ear ace Given under my hand and •tal on a lot adja~t to his real. of the Superior Court tll the deuce, and to be UMd In con. County 0( Oranp. state of eau. JUnction wtth the re.tder\ce. On tornla.. this 3rd cSQ of htlnlary, Lot 12. ~ 13. Tract No. 518, 19155. and *-ted at 15M ltut OcMn <SEAL> I'Yont. Balboa penlnRla. B. J. SlOTH Jfotke Ia IMreby fWtber gfftll County Clerk and Clerk ot the that Ml4 publle beutft1 wW be Super~« Court of the •• ot 1M14 on tbe 11th ..._, o1 Ma.rdl CalUomJa.. tn and IGr tM 1lllf. .. tM ... ot 1:• ,.... In County ot Orance, u,. ()ou.u a.am._. of the B7 L a. Wallace. ~. Jfewport ~ ~ BaU. at RAU'f L ILODGE"'T ......_ tiMe M4 ,._ QT and A~ fDt Plaintiff aU ,__ ID .. IIll. -., .... aDlt" W. R..-port BIY'IL ..., ... M lllellld OJ LNL lhwflliil't ...... Ca1Jf. &A"f 'f. CXliPIUR, 1M daa:; a..-nil Wsarwt ...-Cllf "-'": ,..._ Ja.JIIanla a. .._s• ....,..... C b' Ia 111111 Wsa put ll.arfMir "z Qp • ... _ .. AaJ.Mr Ai lS .... _til • SMART "HAitD INITS" IN MINUTES · EWff If ytnt•~ fln't'r totiCNd a bitting lf«t& you'll knit like an expert with this amazing new home knit:ti-. machine! U.e most any yam, stitch. pattern! As you alidl ~ the baodle., 101 oecdles knit a row or any stitch you aelec&f 4j 1Uro out beautiful "baod knits .. in minutes! ~is rat fUcinatina 1\m with tbe amazing new SPEEO-Q.KNIT! 11 FDI FlEE IEI•srunoN . Fll IOIE DEIONSTRAnON WE ARE THE ONLY Alii'HOIUZED FRANCHISED tw""'·En in Southern Orange County For SPEEI).().KNIT PFAFf SEWING MACHINES • • • PFAfF Sewing -· ~ .......... Patriotic me For Tea Commissions Are Appointed • For Council of Churches e CQITA IIDA IIAIR • 8 : Held by COM Fellowship ct.nta ~ Jllewpart Ban. Uldoe 11-ben ol tiM Joca1 IUjll B~ lehool -.. ~ to IChe»>l.....,.. mo*al ..... ..._ " play ba tiM annual All CaltfGmta quaJJfted U... t. pa.rtJdpatloll Mr.. • Don McClintock wu Paatora an4 lay ~epr....nta. Rev. Donald Sapp and ~v. Frecf. Jected pra14•nt at Ute March tJve. to aerve on ('OI!lmJMiona •lclt ltlnp, cM c aftaJra; Rev. meeUnc 01 the Cotta w ... Main durlnf the 1"' ... recently Herbert John.t10n and YMCA School PTA : auOCftdlne M.ra. appolftt.cl by tM a.v. M. C. Secretary Duke Cox. youth, and Frank Chapman. Pebnaa.r'Ya holldays twnllhed K.tly, IIi'S. 8urt ~. Mn. A. Blab ldaoo1 ~Orcb..U. co.-t _... Jlob Ta¥b. vtolln; MuG& the theme for the Patnotk Val· A. Kemper, lin. Harvey D. PeU!t held hb. 27 In Santa larMn. Wbele:bll. rtoUft: Oret Ad•nw, entlne tea held by tbe Women•• and Mrs. llendfth. 'ftlla de ot 180 elarlnet; llfona.au latlow, Ilana; Pellowahlp of tiM Corona del Tiny church chllcm,n, C.UOlyn ~p. ma \.lP 80Gie Don BNtty. trumpet; and WIJ. Cronic, pr..tdent o1 tbe Harbor Ml• Elate ~land, pabllc re-Other new officers are Mrs. Counctl of Churebes. latlona. Ted Nett. fi rst vtee.prealdent: Mat Community ehW"Cb, and tal· lteel@r a n" Marcia Irwin. 8er'Ved playen. 18 choeen from hlP llam (Siclp) PNe.IJ, ~ tram. enta or mem~ c:oordtnated by .. Valenti nett and Cheryl Ann IChool mualc: de p a r tment • borw. They Include R.ev. Rob@rt Gron· Rev. O<onle presided pver the Mrs. Jack Iverson, second vtce- lund and Rev .. Roy Carlson, edu-February meeting ot the ,roup president: Mra. Louis Mello. cor. cation; Rev. Joseph McShane. In Goodell Hall, Chrlat Church By responding secretary; Mrs. Ralph Rev. Edwin Gromke and Eld« the Sea. Schorle. recording secretary! Mrs. Richard Serns. welfare; Rev. Pastors and lay members pre. Chapman, histor ian ; Mrs. Jack James St.Wa.rt. spedal .ervfees: aent Included R~. Stewart, St. Wilson, publicity. The nomina Mrs. R. D. Meredltb atarred tn Hoyt wu Cupid ln the firat the prorra m. tablu u , A duet aune by Mrs. Let Us Teach You Ia Tour Owa Bome 01' Offl~ Or Our Salon Bow to BGYe a BEAUTIFUL FIGURE! S.tOM a.auty by £Umhaatla9 PouDdl If Tour HUSBAND baa a ••Bay Wladow"' be too. CGD CIYOld or •Umiaat• .. Buai.DeU xcua·· ltulge .. with tbe PCIIIIoua "STAUFPEB OFFICE GYM .. lAam About The most Important thing In your life - the Body you live In! Our Penoa.Del a:n traiDed by "Solly Stauffer"' cmcl Tedan'doa.a Pboae BA 1742 TODAY I '117 E. Coaat Bwy. (near Jasmine ) COIIOifA del MAll IIQ!pea z...... ...._Wed. 'l'llan. a. ...... ,. YARN SHOP '1:747 E. Coaat JliflrwaT Corolla dN Mar BA .S7 Knitting, Crocheting a nd Needlepoint SuppUes Knfttlng Bags Specialized Ac:cesaories ami lnstructlona ......... Mon. thru Sat. 10 a.m. to 5 p~ Thursday 1 p.m. to 5 QUICI SERVICE ROLLER SHADES Standard S h a d e Cloths and Custom Specialties e Drapery H a r d w a r e e Venetian Blinds. ~'-gJ,J. Sl.op * Beside the * Call PcM!t OUi~ BA 184 a2 32nd St.. lfewport &tocb DOII•T For Valentine's Day, Washing. Meredith honored Wu hln,ton'a ton and Lincoln's birthdays a p. birthday a nd a minuet danced ptOprtate music wu fur nish ed by four cbUdren, Dia ne Herrinfl, by a chorus of women Including Shirley MeCulatlon, Car o J y n Mrs. R. B. Grlges. Mrs. Thomas Keeler and Marcia Irwln. a nd dl· You hrih9 the Jcnuldry Andrews Presbyterian Church; tlons were presented by Mrs. Rev. Gom.ke and Monta Perry, George Parmenter. Nightingale Group Meets C o r o n a del Mar Community The "Story of CaJiCornla's Mls Church ; Re-v. Ralph Pease and slons" was the entertainment Mrs. W. B. Wright. St. James theme chosen by Mrs. Cyrelia Episcopal Church ; H. B. McMur Thornton's fourth grade class. A try, Costa Mesa M e t h o d I s t musical skU was presented by Church ; Rev. Frederick Ringe the three "cut-ups," Chisholm and Dr. Frank Mcintyre, Unlver. Brown as the long hatred vloJin. sallst CommunJty FellowshJp; 1st, John Lahey as "Knuckles" Rev. J ohnson . First Baptist and "Hoofer" Harmon Weston. Church of Newport Beach; Rev. Or. Lynn Hutchinson, county and Mrs. Carlson and son. Keith. psychologist ran a rnm and Mr. and Mrs. James Taylor. Miss open discussion on how to deal Clara Kohlstedt and Miss New. with childhood problems like land, Christ Church By the Sea. anger, jealousy, fear and temper. and Rev. Gronlund, Newport He also distributed question Ha rbor Lutheran Church. sheet entitled "Bringing Up Mrs. Donald Haven Hall of 401-15th St.. Newport Heights, was host for the March meeting of the Nightingale Chapter of the Auxiliary of Hoag Memorial Hospita l last week. Assisting hostesses Includes Mmcs. Arthur J. Gruwell. R. J. Colllns and Jud- son P. Sutherland. Mmes. Donald Colegrove, Wtl. Ham Mlrarns. Ralph S. Holden and Nell Cameron, all or Lido Isle. have completed their 100 hours of hospital In service, Mrs. Orville Stewart, president, an. nounced. They are now f'ntltled to wear the pin of the national hospita l association In recognJ. tlon of this accomplishment. The next meeting will be held Mother." March 21 Jn the Lutheran Church on Clllr Dr. LEGAL KOTICES NOTICE OF PUBLIC BEARDfG Notice Is hereby given that the Planning Commlss(on of the City or Newport Beach will hold a public hearing on the appllca Uon ot Wiley D. Garner lor a va.rtance No. 212 to permit': a five 15) foot front and rear set. back for a proposed duplex structure In an R-2 District, on southerly 30 foot portion of Lots 9 and 10, Block K. Seashore Colony, and located a t 107 lllgh. land Street. Notice is here by further given that saJd publlc hearing wUl be Jteld on the 17th day or March 1955. at the hour of 7:30 p.m. In the Council Chambers of the Newport Beac.h City Hall, nt which time and place any and aU persona interested may ap. pear and be heard thereon. RAY Y. COPEUN, Secretary Newport Beach City Planning Commission KOTJCE TO CJIEDJTOU NO. A-25283 ESTATE OF AJrniUR FR.£0. EB.ICK TOIUlANCE. aka AJt. TRUJl PBZDEidC ~ DECEASED. NO'nCE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the credJtora of and all penons h aving claims against the satd decedent or said estate to tue them with the necessary vouch- ers in the office ot the Clerk of the Su perior Court of the State ot Cautornla, In and for the County ot Orange, or to present the same, with the necessary vou~ ers, to the undersigned a t bl.a or her place of business, to-wit: VIctor J. Torrance, c/o Harwood. Heffernan 1: Soden. Attomeya at Law, 1415 Coast Highway, Co- rona del Mar. Callfornla. within slx months alter the first publication of thls noUce. I Dated: February 17, 1955. VICTOR 1. TORRANCE • Administrator of the ~ate of said decedent. Attorneys for AdmJnlstrator: Harwood, Heffernan 1: Soden Attorneys at Law 1415 Coast Highway Corona del Mar, California Harbor 1535 Publlsh: Feb. 24, Ma.rch 3, 10, 17 In the Newport Ha.rbor Ensign. 'India Today' To Be Shown "India Today," a motion pic- ture filmed by Rev. Arnold M. Maahs of Tilleda, Wisconsin, will be screened at 7:30 p.m. to- morrow !Friday) In the Newport Harbor Luthera n Church. His film Is the result of eight months o! photography. thousands or mJles of travel a nd obSf'I'Vatlons In IndJa, which he considers to be the most Im portant country ln Asia at the present tlmt>. Our. lng World War II Rev. Maahs serv~ as a chaplain in the Air Force, attaining the rank of Ueutenant colonel. The cJLmax of "India Today" La the TaJ Mahal, one of the seven wonde,.. of the world. The public ha.s been Invited to the screening In the church. lOP W•••01111111 IIIIMIII DlfO.C An enthusiastic report of the support that the community has given tht> Nightingales for the Edna Stearns Dayton book re- view series was given by Mrs. Hal Dike, who Is handling the sale of tickets. The series Is a benefit for the Tumor Board In the hospital. The next In the series will be on March 24. Tel\ and retrcshments were served after the business meet. lne with Mrs. Orville Stewart and Mrs. John M. Quint pouring. The April meeting will be In the home of Mrs. Jack N. Congdon, 216 V1a Genoa. LJdo Isle. FllST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTtST ))OJ V1e lUe, Newpert leecit A bre"Ch of th• Mother Church, The firrt Church of Chrirt, Scien1irt, in e-. ton, MenechYlelh. Suftdey School -----9: 1 S e.m. Sundey S.rvic• --·-.. ·-·-II :00 e.m. Wednelldey Evei\ing MH tin9 1:00 p.m. The R.epubUcan Women of •••di"9 ltooon loceted e1 HIS Vie Newport Harbor unanlmoualy Lido. N-porl a..cll. is ope11 ....k pused a raolutJon at tbeu d•Y' f-IO:OO •·"'· to S:OO P·"'~ 1BOI'ICill7 meettnr oppoodtt& JeiW. .::_~ ::::;~oe_ ·r~ ~:: latfon that would open the tfd~ 9:00 p.111. ao..d Hol'tde)'L Iandi of Orange County coast Th. p.~blic i1 c:ordielly imted to et. tO island drillina. Thev recom. 1•ncf , the dluf'dl lervioes encf liM tft• Greetla9 Carda W A.rtlat S.ppu .. +~ML • I lteedonq ltoom. mended passage of a law that -::==========::::; would remove the coastal tide. ) lands from oil leasing authority of the State Lands Commission. Boob. Statioeery ~ LEGAL KOTICES BLUE SAILS STATIOKEBS KOTICX OF PU'BLJC IIEA..aDIG 306 Main &Al.BOA Ha.rbor 678 Notice is hereby given that the 9:30-6:00, Sun. Noon 't il 6 PlannJng Commission of t he City ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ot Newport Beach wilt hold a public hea.rtng on the applfca. tlon of G. K. Erwin for a vart. ance to permit: a five 15) foot rear yard setback In an R-2 dls. t:rict. On Lot 21, Block 134, Tract Lake. and located at 207 34th IESI UPHILSTEIIII ~&Daapwy LJbelty 1-4711 D50 If WDOft .L. eo.ta ,. .. Street. Notice Is hereby further given D.fR.EC'fORY that said public hearing will be JIVIJC held on the 17th day or March ____ .......;;;;:.;;=.;;....-----.. 1955. at the hour of 7:30 p.m. ln Margaret L Scharle the Council Cha mbers of the Teacher of Plano Newport Beach City Hall, at Organist · Accompanist which time and place anv and Evenlne Claaes 1 tor Adulu all persons Interested may ap. 3l11 GOLDENROD AVE. pear and be heard thereon. Corona del Mar RAY Y. COPELIN, Secretary '---P'UJf&a.AL----0-Dl-E-CTO--U-.._} Newport Beach City Planning Commission Friendly Nelch borhooc! Setviee rected by Dorothy Jo Sw anson. W• do the work ••. portrayed the colonial theme. Low Mrs. Walter Spicer tum lshed New Prices the· violin obligato tor the Un · UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT coin's Day portrayal and the chorus responded with Stephen WASHER E S53l a-t Coaat Jlwy. Foster songs. A patriotic theme 1: II (:;::;:-..= J'::!.) ended the program w ith Mn. ~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iii~iii:iii~iii~iii~::::ii:~ Stuart Diehl portraying a Red I Cross nurse and Mrs. Meredith singing · a .war cradle song ac- companied by Mrs. Spicer. Plano accompa nist for the afternoon was Mrs. Castleman Smith. as slsted by Mrs. E. G. Vought. Others who helped arrange the program were Mrs. W. D. Huma. son, Mrs. 0 . M. Campbell, Mrs. W. L. Bakkela and Mrs. Carl Waldeck. Women ot the Com- munity Congregational Church of Laguna Beach were speclal euesta for the program and tea. SAVE-l Fa...r'a PIRIJ BRUCE MARTIN AUTO-TIUCI-FilE-LR LOCAL AGENT 1793 NEWPORT AVE., COSTA MESA OFFICE: Uberty 8-5554 US. UMrt7 1-5083 Light their life with fQithl/lt IT. AJmUWS n.ESnTEaiAR CIIUJICB 15th St. 1r St. Andrews Rd., CICIOU ~ IIJ4IIa 8dlool LJbelty •• .,.., ,__s a... 1--S. St.walt SUNDAY: Morn lne worship, 9:30 and 11 a .m.; Church School. 9:30 and 11 :00; Sr. BJeh Fellow· ship. 7 p.m.: College age tel. lowahlp, 7:30 p.m. -'MJES. Prayer. atudy ,roup, 9:30 a.m. c:l>IOIUJn'TT METIIODJST ao w. 1111a st.. eon. ,._. LDMrty 1-'551 a... J_,. W. Mc:IMDe Sunday: 9:30 a.m., Church Sun· day School: 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Momln( Wc>nahlp-7 p.m. Qollege Ace MYF Service -7 p.m. High School MYF Service; 7 p.m .• Sunergou.s Group Serv· lee. TilE CIIUICB OP CBIUif ·-Q8ao6 lt.. ~ .... LD: ,, t-.ml D.Q. ...... JC'ka Sunday Servlcet: 1:30 a.m. BtbJe .tud.y; 11 a.m. mom1ne wor- ahlp ; 7 p.m. ~enlne jervice. Midweek a e r v l c e . 7 p.m. Wed~ a)'. CIIJUST CKUaCII liT TJIE SEA Coluaaalty K&tbodlat acdboa 81...._ at l4tla St.. •.....,.n IIJldl« 51:11 Pastor: an. JtoT A. eor~MD Sunday Wo,.htp, 9:45 and U a.m. Church School: 9:45 a.m. Midweek Meeting: 7:30 p.m. Wednesday preceded by 6:30 p.m. potluck. ST. JOA~ cau.CB 1114 ~ A..._ eo.t11 lleeo Liberty 1-1011 P~ '11Meaa J. lf..t.n la.nday ..... at '· I. .. 10 an.d 11:30 a .m. Wee.kdays: Mus at 7:00 a.m. -Confession: Satur· days from 4:00 to 5:1S-7:00 to 8:15p.m. naT BAPTIST CBUJICII' OP .EWPOBT Balbocl aa-. lttla & eo.rt It&.. llAdMic IW lf....,.t Uberty I.J072 ...._, lled&l1 a. Jollln.- Sunday MrVt~: 9:45 a.m., Sun- day School; 11 :00 a.m., Wor· ahlp Service; 7 :30 p.m. Sunday ev.nlng ~ e r v Ice: Mid-Week Service: 7:30 p.m. Wedneeday Prayer Meeting. AISEJOLT OP COD a.d St. & Elder:l a..._ c-t.,._. J.lbeny • ..,.. •.....-c~ ... c. Cnalc. ..... Sunday School: 9:30 Lm. Wor· ship: 10:45 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Youn~r People and Chilcfren'a Service, 6:30 p.m. Sun. Mtd~ week Service: Wednesday, 1:30 p.m. Ladle.' Missionary Coun· ell, Thursdays, 10:00 a.m. SEVKJI"J'11 DAY ADVD11ST lfewpwt ..,._ at ..... lt.. •......n ..... .. l.a.tr ... . mcs. D. D. ,,....._ Saturday MomJnc Servlcel: Sab· bath School: 9:30 a.m. -Ser· mon: 11 :00 a .m. Prayer meet· Inc: Wednesday, 8:00 p.m. Frl· day Evenlnc Vapen: 8:00. C111J11CII of U.. lfAZAUD •• Au• '• lt.. eo.t11 ,. .. .......... aa-Will'-• ~a.n11 ~ S..*-: ........, :::::t t :30 a.m. llomlna WOnbiP • 10:30 ..... Evan~lltle .,.. Ice, ., p.m. Buiiday. Prayer meeting, 7:30 p.m. Wedneecfay . P'DIST C111J11CII OP C11JU1T SOEH'nST IIOIVlo~ra.acla Sunday School: 9:15 a.m.. Sun· d ay S e r v l c e : 11 :00 a.m. WednHday Evening Meeting: 8:00. Rea d lne RoOm. 3315 Via Lldo, Newport Beach. open 10 a.m.·5 p.m. week days, 10 a.m .· 7:45p.m . Wednesdays. 7·9 p.m. Friday evenlnn , UlnVEDALIIT COJOIUJIJTT FEU.OWSWD EbeU Clabb DDM SIS W. Balbocl atYd.. Balbocl ......._, ..... r.w.--.. Sunday School, 10:30 L m. Mom. lng worship, 11:00 a.m. nBST IOUtDD aAPTJIT C111J11CII a W. Bcaalltoa lt.. eo.ta Keeo Uberty ... .. ..... : Dr. lllclaald .. ... Sunday ~hool, 9:45a.m .; church aervtee 10:50 a .m. Tralnlne Union 7 p.m. Sunday. Evenine wonbtp 8 p.m. Sunday. Teach· en and officers meetlne 7 p.m. Wednefllfay. Prayer 88Vlce and Bible ltUdy 8 p~ WednMCJay. PIIIIT IUlft'IIT c:auac:a ._.AMAft.8tllaaaaU. a.... .... ... ••• Q. ··-Sunday s.rvte.: 9:45 a.m. Sunday lehool; U .un. Wonhlp seuteea· t :ao p.m., Ba,u.t natnlnc bnton: 7:30 p.m., B'nnlftl s.rvtce. WednNda.y: 7:30 p.m., Pra)ter, PratN and atbJ• Stud7. lion· day: 't:30 p.m. Men't a.ana. praetle_!,.L~:30 p.Ja. *-'• Prayer M~. cao .. or-on LADY 011 11'1'. CA_., 1 ................. ...-t ......... p ... ~ ..... ,.... ... .... Alii. Sunday M.-.-: 1:00 and 10:00 and 11:30 a.m. Cont.-ion: Sat· urdayw and ...._ ol lit f'rt4&1a and Holy Days ftom f :OO to 5:30 i •m.. and &om 7:30 to 8:30 ~~ Dai!J ..... 1:00 a.m. Pint FI"NQ: ·=-.......... ·~.~ JfoYeaa 0.; I II _.,,: ~., .. ~ c:aawr 1.0 a•••u cauac:a OIICOftAIIDA ( ....... ......, ··:.-... '= ..... ...._, .... ....._T.,... SundaJ Services: Wonthlp Serv· lee t a.m. Sunday School at 10:1!5 a.m. IT. JAIID DIICO'AL a.l'ftaU....ewporta..ela ....... an. 11a1p1a L .._.. eu... Sunday Services: 8:30, 9:30, U a.m. rdom tna Prayer.i 9:30 a.m. ~mation 1or Sunaay School Thursd~ Services: 9:15 a.m. Prayer Guild ; 10:30 Holy Com · munJon. IT. JOIIII Yl.U1Ift 'lS ............ hlboa ...... IIAdler -.I4 PatiMriS!~.., ...... p.... ... .... AM. Sunday M .... : 7 :00 a .m .lr 9:00 a.m. Con~ton: Saturdar and ev". ot l.t Fridays an Holy Da)'8; 7:30 to 8:00 p.m.; J1rat l'rtday ~ 8 a.m. c:art'aAI. aJaLa CIIOilCii 01-..Aft.ataar.llt. c.tu Jt.& Liberty • ..,. A. A. lradna. ...._ Parkes-Ridley Mortuary KOTICE OF PU'aLIC BEJlaJKQ ----C!Cme*A -.... Fonnerlv Grauel Cha ... l •••-aT 8J•-• ..,_ --Notice Ia herebv given that the 1 r--~-.___.. COIOiUWiff CIIU8Cii SuncJay Sebool: t :45 a.m. Morn- Inc ~ 11 :00: Evenlnc Seivlce. 7:JO. M.ld·WMk Ser¥· lee, Wednellda,y, 7:30 p.m. I LU I'M&IAJf CBUIC& Plannine CommJsslon of the City 110 Broadway 2501 CUff Dr .. If ....... ..._.. c •••• llauu1 au..oa JIL.AIQ) of New-pOrt Beach wHI hold a u 8·3433 1r 8-at.'M Coata Mesa Lallty .... Ill ::=ti~f"' COidiUMrtt IIK1'SODIIT publJc hearing on the appllca· ... ...._. a-JIIIId ' · Ill= A..._ ...._ lalad Uon of Stewart G. Killian tor a Early aervtce, 8:30a.m. Sunday; ,_.., .... &4lwta a-lae M--• ... De.llld .... To II Tlll.ptfll vartanc.e No. 213 to permit: a sec N 0 W ... T W 0 Church School. 9:30a.m.; wor· Su n4t,J Wonblp Servteee: 9:45 Sunday Serv1cea: 9:30 a. m. d BALTZ MORTUARIES ahlp aervtce. 11:00 a.m.; Luth@r a:m... U :OO a.m.Sunday!cbool: Cburch !ch~l · 9·30 and U :OO on accessory building located Leacue. 7:30 p.m. 9:t5 a.m. L m . Wonblp Senice. Making your wishes known In advance of necessity Is an ex- ceedingly thoughtful thing to do, for by so doing, you relieve someone ot the necessity for ma king numerous decisions that MUST be made, but that are ex- ceedlnely dWicult for a nyone else to make. Our counsel on the aubjed Is yours for the aakJng. • PARKES·RI DL MOR.TliAR.Y n o e"OADWAY c •• ., ........ Lt •• ..,.... -.:..~.:..:1 • s ....... . l A LIOA • ~ISlAND • UDO ..,ll • Hrw~•r l lACH . co•oNA Dfl MAl one toot from aJde and rear pro-Servin& the Harbor Area perty line constructed to. house Baltz Mortuary TIUa Db'ec:tory ia made P""'Ne by lb.-d~ buefc 1 '*D: the heating and filtering equip. CHAPEL BY THE SEA WOODW<:>RTH PfANO SHOfl ment for a awlmmJng pool ln an Harbor 42 R-1:8 District. 1be bulldlne atte ~ J!. Cout HJKbway ExcluaJve Alent for Baldwtn Plana. ts about alx teet below the l~el Corona c1e1 llar 2610 E. eo..+ Hwy. H •• lll2 CaroM del M• of adjacent ~. On Lot 88. Baltz M ortuary RE£.STIK Tract No. 1237, and located at Liberty 8·2121 !540 De Am:a Drive in Corona 17h lr Superior, eo.ta Mesa No Tacka ... No Tape ... Jllo Pub Highland& AMPLE PAJUUNG 2229 E. Co.sf Hwy. CaroM del M• BOTB LOCA'nONS Notice 18 hereby further liven NEWPORT HARIOR ENSI&N NEWS,A,Y that aatd public: beartnc wt11 be '----PrlntJf\1'-Adwrtlltnr-:Loeal JII4M8 held on tbe 17th day o1 March ,-------------1 ,.. ___ _ 1955, at the hour ot 7:30 p.m. tn INSURANCE 2110 E. Co..t Hwy. H•. 1114 ~ tW M• the coundl ehamben ol Us• ~T HA•~ .... ._ Newport Beadl City Ball. at ••Be Sure--Insure" ns""""" -'l--- wbldl time and plaee a.ny an4 WITH MJI E. c..t · Hwy. , C.a u 4il W. ;!!.'::::~ ap. STANLey NIWf04tT IALIOA SAV1N8S I 4w. ASSN. llA Y Y. CIOPEI.m, 8ec:NtarJ U66 Jll.-,ort llledt at)' Pian-~ AGDCI ~ Ow•"Mool ...._. ...... M4 1111 & CDult ........ , OllftiiM ... ... ............ ~ .. .. • &ENERAL SHHT METAl WOIUCS ... JOth Shet H.t.or 2210 Ne-rwt IMdt THOMAS MOIIl SYVICE Wuhlna -Polllhtnc 1100 W ...... a Her. MII-W Newport.._. IAUOA lAY ClUI 122 .. w. c..t ~ .... ,...,.. ..... llJCHAaDIS UDO WHIT Oraqe ~·· .... Ocwuq.l ... Kaltlllt MJJ VIe a.w. tt.t. Jal .......... ..... IAaL W. STNUY, ..._ ............ , ........ .. -...o.... ............... ,.,. Tuaav CL.ANaiNQ CR.AM8 Regular •2 •lze now only-._ , ... ., • --ekia ••• T..., PIMa .., c- Companlon Sale TU88Y 8KIN LOTION8 ~-~w r. dry aki8 . • • : , ... oily ... r ... ,DTJSkl• l -altki•··· F~ :TuiiJSkinLotioe ,_,.._ COl-...... PIIIIIGY -m:Ef'nl ..,.............,.. IIA 1172 1127 &. c:-t ....,. ... J ... C:.....dolllcr Jane .leslie Spellman Wed To William McHenry Bland llaldq their homo at Colona traduatAt ol Huntington Bead\ .s.t Mar are new~ Mr. and Btp School and Oranp Coact lin. WUUa.m Mc:lleDr1 .a&Dd, CoU.,e. Her new husband 1.1 MW wllo haw ncently ret\II'MCI from atten4lnr Oranp Coast. bavtnr a boDef!MOil trip to Cannel. previoualy paduated f!om San The JOWII couple, both prevt. Rafael MJlltary Acade~Qf and outy ~denta ol the HubOI' havtnr lftWCI with the u. s. Area. were married Sunday, J'eb. Army. He Ia a member of the 3). at a ~~ chapel in Newport Harbor Elks Lodge. lfapl• by BeY. Jtu...U Jrourb•· ============ Mrs. Bland Ia the former lane G)..:. lAlla Spellman. daurhter ol Mr. &.atnOUT and Mrs. Delphln G. Spellman of Westminster. 'lbe croom'• par-Gl• . ents. the late Mr. and 1lira. Wal· 1mpses lace Bland, were from San ~Gee. The bride wore an afternoon ~ AJIII dreu ol white aUk shantung We've been hearing about the with a plct}U'e brimmed hat ot exciting plarw 110me of you have white baku. Her pum~ matched for the coming seuon. Are you b~ dress and an antique crystal one of those who u plannJne a and gold necklace completed her thrllllng trip ac:rou the Atlantic attire. She c:anled a aheaUt of to vlalt the European countries! wblte orchids on a Bible. Mrs. Or perhaps you are golne lnto John Lafferty ot Balboa Island the warm climes ot the Carib- was h~ matron of honor and bean. Or maybe you are staying wore a dreu of yellow organdy right here In our delightful Bar- with a corsage of yellow orchld.s bor area -golng about your I« the oecaalon. Best man was dally tuks of homemaking, a C. V. McCarty of Loe Angeles. business career, or your club Mn. McCarty assisted with re-work. treahmenta ln the patio of the chapel following the ce!'emony, Whatev~ your plans, we do know that If your clothes have been .elected from O'BRIEN'S you wUl wear them with pride. as dld Mrs. Joe Walker, aunt of the brlde. Mrs. Spellman re. celved guests tn a p~le blue faille coat dress with matching hat and a corsage of pink roses. 'Mle former Miss Spellman Ia a We ... ..., pna4 to.,.....t .., ....... .. tlpria9 CIDd sa•=-. ,.._., are all ct.o.a fi'OID tbe top cleUga1D9 ........ of tbe aaUoa. .... boa.-.. :-...:::=::-=. * ... ~r-:u Legion Plans ~ ......... C1ICil • B S ....., ................ 'flO'( of ox upper Mildred Chapman, Do roth y DnSdow, _.... ....-al -01' A ..w pabl.ladlea ...S. lts Sutherland and Sally Newlin tile claple .-art ~ fOI' An Old Fashioned Box Supper. bow last .....ar -,.._ SJMn Nominatin<J Group Named Pi Beta Phi Sets Election ........ 1111111'1 Llll IIIIET wttla IAII"' New ofttce!'l for the South Coact Alumnae Club of pt Beta PhJ aorority wUl be preeented at the Mareh meetJng of the group, according to the PI'Hldent, Mrs. Georce Moore of Bay Shores, wbo named Mra. Tboma.s Frost of Newport. Mrs. Dwteht Duncan of Santa Ana and Mra. R. Allen Behrendt ot Laruna as members of the nomlnatJng committee. ~enth Birthday Celebration February 11\eetJne of the PI PhJ starts next Sunday! Colncld~nt Alums wu held at the bome of witb our Seventh Birthday Ia Mrs. Earl G. Corket of 304 Buena Lido Toyland's cecond Birthday VIsta. Balboa. . .. Now you know Lido Toyland The next meetlne wlll be a tea ls another one of our Lido shops at the home of Mrs. Samuel across the street. located at the Wuver In Santa Ana and a spe. entrance to Lido lsle . . . The clal guest will be the vtce presi-rest of the Lido Shops declded dent of Pi Beta Phi Gr and Coun-tbat two birthdays In one week ell, Mn. Wllllam Mansfield, who rated a real whine dJng, bane 1s currently In the southland up celebraUon ... eo they all vlsiUng active &nd alumnae hopped on the Birthday Band· chapters. At the February meet. lng the eroup voted to hold only six meetlnp next year, morning coffees plus a founders day luncheon In Apri l. P r e s I d e n t Mrs. Moore an. nounced the eleventh annual cratt workshop to be held lune at Gatlinburg, Tenn. Cou:ses ln wagon to bring you a Bloclt Load weaving, en&mel, metal. work, of Fun ... Watch for the speclal pottery and other crafts wUl be elgbt-page< section ln the Shop. offered for colleee credit and fun ping News of the Newport Press! at the sorority sponsored school. It you don't receive your copy, Mrs. Moore also reminded ask for It when you brine the members of the final meeting ot kids up to Free T1nkertown this the book review lectures whJch Sunday ... will be held Friday morning. March 11, at the l.rvlne Coast Country Club. SAT rr WJTJI * * * Pno~ tla1c I....., Is tbo ........... of tbo l'1cWI auu.day ...tal we-.. .,._ p.taw ... ticbta all tblc .... aad wW a.tlaao to do eo aa- tll ,.._..,. ~ ...-y were elected to the nominating CS.Uy .,... ...S. ~ tMM open to the public. will be held C1Wr GJobe. paNtc'h=cf ~ committee of the Business and good ......_ l1ke L'Aigloa 01' Saturday ev~lng a t the New-~ ..Utw ._ Lleb of ~ Professional Women's Club at CNI9-port Harbor Am~lcan Legion 215 ., .. ,.,. ~ ...._ 111e lowers 'Mlursday night's dlnn" meet-Remember, aleo, regardless of Hall, 15th St. and West Bay, •o. 1 .... ,_ • twc ••nt lng held at the Newport Harbor your slze.-.be )'e a alze seven In Newport. Mrs. A. J. Luetwyler ml= II IICIIJIIMd ..... _.,.... sa L c-t ..,., ..... 5071 Yacht Club. 'Mrs. 'Chapman will Junior, or If you need a custom and Robert Brlgp will be In wttb .--. edt....S ad Clda. co.a•A DEL IIU8 serve as chairman. cJze, a petite, or just a regular charge. 1'1le staff lc Ucted a aob ,.. Sbllp City Llbr\.rtan Dorothea Sheely m1ues alze, we are hapy to fill 'Mle supper ts sponsored by lJeb. ..,._ ad edlw: IUdEy of ,_1mcl Senlce reviewed the new books. ''The your need here at O'BRIEN'S. the American Legion Auxiliary Anu. pabl'ct.-ad np :dw, ou •-. • • • S.-dlry 1c tile Challenge of Belng a Woman: And all Items are Individually Unit 291. Proceeds will go Into CIDd Cback hllotiow, npo~tw. n.a.o ...._ 5071 ;;;;;iol! Faally Day of oar Coht •tMa He.r Role In Modem Life'' by selected. the rehabUltation fund of the s=========~==~==========~ ... .,_ ...s hp. be..,. to Helen Sh~an and Marjorie we _.. ..t CIIIDdou tbclt AuxUlary, which each month en. _. ......_ ad ..._ _. Coe and "Far, Far from Home'' JOG CDIDO ID 80011 Cllld let u tertalns a group of hospitalized FLOUJERSII'-~~ • coa-Cllld -...ts • tM by Ruth McKinney, author of eoJect a ..cat a.taaao • • veterans from the Lone Beach ~YfDI'N boa.-••• M1 be tiMft Ia tM "My St.t~ EUeen."Guestef~the . .._JOG wW,.... .u,........ Veterans Hospital. ....._ bootla as-. wttla a.. evening were Marloe Othm~. • •• cm4 up 1 IW•y dadll9 tbe 'Ml"e will be prizes for the ..... .. .... •111 IAddo ,__ ••• AU ...-.... Marjorie Olawtead. Allee Pa.rlc, z.e.r u•• ,.._. 1c tllat most attractive box lunches. and ..-u .. ewtbit u•••-. dl&-~~~~~~-~lcM-.~~li~~~~m~~~~f~~~d~a~n~cl~n~g~.~~~~i~~~~·~~~~·~~~~~~~~~~m§l§'§l§i§~g~l~l§§§¥~~~-··· DarotbJ Job~ ................ - -..::..---------------------JIINC *lrt. Or...,._ TOV * * * Political ActwrtJaemmt ....W ,_. .._. tbe Softly Be sme to ta.1te 1ft the Greeo- FOB COUNCILMAN BEPRESEMTING DISTRICT 5 (Balboa Ialcmd) Your ftte cmd iDiueDCe JD .... c. , ... electloD WQl ............. • Re.pectfully tours. ..-y ad wlllto prtat. • two. house ou tside . . . Harry's JUrth. p6om ...aber. tbat lc eo flat. day spedal. startJn& Sunday. La tcda9 to ..-y lcilf. 1'1le 21A feet weed-~ Steer Manure ctltcbod pleats .. tile ak1rt. for I for 59c ... Also this 'Mlursday • ....,. RCia • cJI••ID9 CIDd Friday. Saturday and Sunday all gaca»fal .a.ct. TIMe t.IMre ere his bedding plants can be pur· tta.oe ..,..Jy ... Dcrridowa c I chased for 10 ~nts a dozen or!. tJaat ....... Jut CDIDO ID. OliO of 0 UnCi man u.-.. tbo ~ of twMcL * * * Cllld ncb a woedwfal S1lbtlo colcw. aaodo b yoa, JOG ladry lcilf, lf JOG are .... JL We will tell you more later about the new accessories, but for now, just a word to let you know we have In a new ship. ment of those Ronay bandbap you like so well. And to you, our customers, who purch~ every bit of our winter Une of Monet Jewelry, we now have the new spring a nd summer line In and you wUJ be just thrilled with lt. See the new hues ln jewelry by Monet master ~er. ours alone at O'BRIEN'S. 40 ' \ -( _.. ~ .....__ 1515 COAST ~#aD COIIOifA DD. KU District 7 (C.•a •1 l1r) Elect James B. STODDARD • llu .. n• aM EIPEIIEICE * Spouored by no one group or indiYiduaL * NATIVE CALIFORNIAN. graduate of California laatitute of Technology in 1935 and a Yiaitor to Newpcxt Beach for 25 yean. * RESIDENT and PROPERTY OWNER for the last Dine years. * MEMBER. School Board. Newport Beach. since 1952. * BOAT OWNER, nationally lmown for work in United Statea Power Squadron&. * VIEWS on current -.a.: "I believe the· Council should be given the power to grant or deny requests for tax money from any proper source, including the CHAMBER OF-COMMERCE. and I wpport PROPOSITION NO. I . I am oppoted to OIL DEVELOPMENT within tho residential limits of Newport. ond from professional e~rience os an ongin..,-I am competent to droft and implement eny further restrictions to our CHARTER when, as and if noc:.s:sary to koop our city a nd its en- vironJ dear of this monee. . ''Real TAX ECONOMY is required But wi• spending of tax money K a MUST." Other f1LD fare of tbo 8lrtb· day woellt wtl1 be c:oatftts Ia ...-y cSepw bDeat of the ctoft • • • Tbere wtll be prbM Cllld gueulDcJ IJ'IIID• ...,.. ..... ••• Bow muda does a turay weigh? Bow maay ~ Ia a .adt of pop cona? Alana cloc:b wtl1 go off oa tbo lla- IICIDiDe • • • If you lt.aF IIID tie be ...ar you'll ... ...aotlliDV ••• The 8abrT bas a magic WOld • • • 11M Proclac:. ba a Wbool of Fortuao ••• To. ..,.t .._ bcrYe a Ladty Sll J p·,.. c.rt . . . na. Crcmcl alrtWIIIy ..- wW be a 500-alle ....,.._. tdp for two wltlala a S. •lh ... diu ••• You cboo. .... .,.. wall t to 9'0 • • • * * * I Bill Welch and his Star Shop. per television show will be here Thursday from 10:30-11:00 ..• Thursday. seven lucky la c1Jes will be loaded with gltta trorn.. our Lido Sh ops ilcrosa the .tntet . . . Then Friday one of the 1-.. dies will be choaen from the RY· en to be given a complete beaut)' treatment at our Udo Salon of Beauty, plus two tickets to dln. ner and entertalnment at MouJtn Rouge ... Don't au me how thf'Y will be cboeen . . . Tllat'a BtU Welch's part ol the abow ••• Abo on tbe ~ .atow wm be Dorottt.y Jo ~ floal CJ).Jl. and a Mad ol hJP ..._. boJ'I ..• Jl J'OU CIUl't ...... Q her-e. be ..... t.a -,.. telnlldoft -........... -. * * * ~ ,_ .. -.. .... 1 .... .,.. _lB. .. la.t .,900. 2 bedroom home on frt. ot Jt..2 lot. z.ellent opportunJty. tc. Uvtng rm. • bedrooma. ~lice cllnJng rm. Bt the ftnt to pt the mofi. lust t13,750. 2 bedroom home a studio apt. Both MJy fUI'Ill.lhed. Both unlta rented @ ~525 per month. Owner ,oJng eut. See thJI now. OIITIIIEII Attractive 2 bedroom home. HW Ooon. tt~J~ 50x150 lot. Near .toree. -.!k50. Cal-Vet loan. 3 ~mo. THE VOGEL CO. 87 E. COASr HWY. CORONA DEL MAR HARBOR 1477 HARBOR 1741 ANNOUNCING NEW FURNISHED .. B. IllES BuUt by Furnished by MARTIN a von HEMERT T omorrow• s Dream-Today! IRVINE TERRACE WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO mSPECT OUR DISTINCTIVE HOMES COMPLETED ' AND UNDER CONSTRUCTION NINE DIVERSIFIED FLOOJLE.LANS To the home buyer who wishes to purchase ln the $20,000 to $30.000 cla.,s we sincerely recommend the Irvine Estates overlooking Newport Harbor. These homes feature Call!ornta living. Ot:fered excJu. alvely through Earl W. Stanley in a Smog-Free area known u Irvine Terrace-<ln ~Highway opposite the new Irvine Coast Country~ _tub,. Newport Harbor. * For recommendation, we reler you to any\e who hoi"" a Leasehold Emteln l<vtne Tenace. \ Earl W. Stanley EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor 4448 For Further WormatJon REIDY SOM lEW 4 .... 2 Wll ~ •••• $11,81 WE CAN SHOW A FINISHED MODEL NOW See us today-there are only seven and will soon be sold. W. A. TOBIAS, ReaHor -yvu'U Uke our friendly service 393 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa Uberty 8-1139 CORDIA DEL IAR To seHie estate Widow will sell this nice 2 bedr. home. 1 ~ blks. from shopping center. Has lots of tile. beam ceilings. turn. ace heat, beautiful flagstone tlrepl., It gar. ls !tressed tor apt. above. It has 5% Insurance co. Joan wlthJayments only $53.39 per month. Will sell furnished desired. O.IJ $12,&00. Exclusive agents BEl J. WIITID I ASSOC. "Buslness Ls Good" 3542 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar HA 1862, Eves. HA 1461 * VIEW IOIE NEWPORT HEIGHTS-CLIFF LOT J.BEDROOMS-2 BATHS The VIEW from this charm. ing 1-yr.-old home is appar- ent the minute you enter the frt. door. The owner states her kltcb. is a marvel of ef. flc., comes equJpd. with gar. dlsp., Dtshmaater. Therm ranee. Thla lovely home alao hu F. A. heat, new drapes a w-to-w earpebl. $23,500 CORDIA DB. IIR DRAMATIC VIEW -Ocean, Beach, Cliffs. 2 large bdrms .. 1 ~ bths. Spacious, friendly lvg. room, hUlslde patio. Looking right down on beach SacriD~,500. Earl w ...... , REALTOR 225 Marine Ave., Balboa laland Call Harbor 1775, eves. Harbor 5359 · CII-EIII Attractive rdwcl a atucoo du- plex for sale. Oc:uJI aide hwy .. rtne.t coutr. on 1~ Iota. 2 bedr-.. ea., f.rpJc&. hwd. noon. J'oreed air heat. patto., l.apt. ~ Prlold un~co& 0 IIA.UOJI 1-.a 0 SAT. a SVW. 7al D:GOJnA. CDIII • Will Te Uti ........ , He.N Ia a brand new borne 3-bedrs. ahd den 2 baths 2 fireplaces nice patio and Including Jots of out. atandlng features. Well priced at . .. with EXCEl I ENT terms • ISL.gt IEILn CO. .. Wl11111111r ... •..•. , ..... 3-bedrml.. 2 blthl. den. dln· lngi'OOID on 2 loU OD comer, So. of highway, CoroDa del Mu. Open lOI' lnapectlon at 415 l:rta Ave. ExceJJent Flnanclne CHAJU.ES w. MAS'1'ERS Contractor HArbor 3286 IlEAL IUY Corona del Mar-VIew Du- plex--2 bdrm. each unJt. One furnlahed. Sound condition. Drastically reduced to ~4,· 500. Submit down. Call Har. bor 1775. Eva Harbo.r 53:59 E.l w ...... , 1-.BI:DDI. bou.ee. tum.. or Jlft• rum.. MW"IY cJecora&ed.. a.u. Lut JDODtb•a Ut ,_ ..._ 11\11-dren welcome, 4.17 a.ttotrope, tlpM u.ting "Man al. the Mon• .... CDM before 10. after 5. ------------ATTRACnVE, ).BEDJDLunJum. ~-=--;:,::~:cal fOa Ul.& apt. with gara,ge, convlf'lll. wben Hub Powen anDOU~ a ~ - entl,y located; :508 Marigold. four • .,.y apUt In the hbraary I~ CDM. HA UQ.l.W. wl~d amo"-four dJf, roa 1AU ferent omce. too. WinJMn (and STOVE. TWIN BED! other Pnall Hdl with three ul• to thetr ltema of furniture. Reu. HA Cftdlt) are Gloden Fa1 al. Bay 3192.M. and Beach; .Jucty Hunt« ot I . M. ==--==--:--......-~.,...,..,..-·, ==-=,..... Mlller oUiee; Lest« Jon• with $395 BUYS Jovely little, Baby Corona del Mar Realty• and Grand; others $475, $560, J685 Lester .Jones wtth the Blll To- etc. Story It Clark. Knabe, Wur. blu otrlee. All 1n all there were lltzer, Klmbal tn Salem Maple. 58 Multiple Llatlng ·wa made Lester, McPhail. Always 100 pianos to choose from. Danz . ........,,_,...........,."""!'~~~~.......,--­ Schmidt Plano Co., 520 No. SITVATIOIII WAJITKD Main, Santa Ana. I AM PERUVIAN, 19 yean old, SOLID MAHOGANY dining table, and I will do your bouseclean- 4 chairs, $50, also library t.able, tng. Call HA ~w. next door $25. Heating stoves, 2-burner nelehbor. CDM. gu plates and other Item.------------- . ..... ... 51 POBD CUatom 2-dr ... _ ... ..1185 49 CHEV. ConwrtJble --.. -~ 51 J'ORD Vlc:torla ... _ ...... -...... 1<115 51 CHEV. J'lHtllne J.clr .... -.. 1CM5 53 .. CHEV. Bel·alr 4-dr ........ -.1295 54 FOltD OH-VI f...dr ....... -... 1-53 FORD 8 Bua. Cpe. ___ .1275 51 MERCURY Qb. Cpe .... -.. 1085 S2 PORD Cust. J.d:r .... _,_ .... -1295 49 FORD t.dr. ·---·-:·--.. .395 ~·Till 'S7 PON'nAC Coupe ... -.. --------~ 38 OLDS Coupe --·-·---............ .50 38 BUICK 4-dr. --·--.. -.• -... 65 3510-2nd Ave., CDM, LlttledaJe. GRANDMOTHER wanta baby ait. 29 CHEV. Plck·UP .............. _ .. 60 498 Park. Balboa laland HA 377 REALTOR CLARINET, PEDLAR, wooden, excellent condition, $15. Also tJng. AvaUable weekenda, al_, IOIE II TIE · SlY c.r.a HIPIIIn Retlwootl ••• • • Slllke Roof. Frullllr ••• A View to feast on every moment of your lelsure time BRAND NEW $21,7&0 DORIS BRAY 216 Ma rine Ave., Balboa Island Day or night Harbor 20 Associates Nona Hye~hester Salisbury Next to Port Theater, CDM 2160 square feet • • • Suitable for medical offices or lleht manufacturing or? Large apartment upstairs. Will sell, lease, or remodel to suit. 2 lots In rear for parking with entrance from Coast Hwy. or Hellotrope Ave. • • • S.IQ Stei11r REAL ESTATE and BUSINESS OPPORTUNmES BROKER 2912 W. Coast Highway, Newport Liberty 8-1521 BEACOIIAY 2-bedr. plus guest room In excellent condition. Just reduced to $21,100 for quick sale! Yecll c.. 208 Marine Ave .. Balboa Island HA 444; HA 2151; Eves. HA 1786 a.-1111 .. BTILI J.bedr. tum. apt. on Rell!o- tropt wtth flrerpl., f'70 mo.. yra. ·--· ' 2-beclr. tum. apt. l ·blk. frcaa Cll1na Cow, -mo. 'W .June. J.bedr. tum. bouet on .J-. miM ~00 mo. evenings. U 8-3872. 225 Marine Ave., Balboa laland bof'S bicycle, 24", $15, HA ------------ 1085-.J. BABY SITJ'ING, care of lick. ln YOft POm) D&AI..aa ... NEWPORT HEIGHTS 3-bedr. home, 1~ baths, nr. schools, hardwd. noors and many nlee features. Immed. possealon, $15,500. Very re- sonable down payment. $5 RENTS good practice plano or your home by mature CDM Ou ..., z...ttea buy at $87. $91, $125. Mlrro woman. Day, night. Call before u• w. eo.t ._.ay Spinets $235. Danz-Schmldt. lO a.m., alter 5 p.m. HA 31.92.J.f. (on ~~·=n~IJe) 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. CAU roa SALE Llbedy a.ac71 NEWPORT HEIGHTS $375 BUYS lovely full keyboard ;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;..,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Spinet plaflo; rental returns have $151 on beautl!ul splneta Uke new, Wurlltzer, Lester, Fischer, Knabe, Mason It Ham- lin some Blond Oak and Salem Maple. Danz..Schmldt, 520 No. 2-bedr. It den home, excJt. loc., near hleh school, h as 2 baths, 'flrepl., select oak floors, Arcadia slldlne glass doors, lg. sunshiny kitchen, Jg. cloma, 100 yds. wall-to- wall carpeting. $19,500, can be FHA financed. Elton Barnett, realtor Uberty 8-2772. or eves. LJ S. n56 VIE\ · LOT-Corona del Mar. Out of otate owner wants best of. fer to "cash out" choice large corner lot. Can build 2 homes, each with ocean view. See Stanley A. Smith, 2647 E. Coast Highway, CDM, HA 882. FURN. COTTAGE, large Jot. year. ly $50 mo. for 2 Adults. 413 Fernleaf, CDM. SOLD thru Multiple Llstlne. 1711 Miramar Drive, Balboa. By Gloden Fay with Bay It Bead! Realty. Main, Santa Ana. STEINWAY Grands 2. both In perfect condlt:on Mab. Not re. built. wonderful tone, fast ac. tlon touch, lovely Knabe spinet In ebony finish save $230. Also Mason It Hamlin spinet llke new. Danz-Schmldt Bl9 Plano Store, 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. MINSHALL Organs electronic 1 Mah. 1 Blond Oak $675 up In good condition. Used Solovox Organ attachment to plano $150. Danz-Schmldt Plano a Organ Co., 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. 150 Bass Plano Acrordlons 1-BEDRM. fum. apt. (or rent, S95 up. utilities pd., CDM. HA 723. SERVEL REFRJG. 12 cu. tt., $75. SOLD thru Multiple Listing. 600 Also Frigidaire elec. range, Or~hld Ave., Corona del Mar, ;;-,f7:;-o.-5 .• H;"ft'A~3286-u--:-.=-:--::::----.,..--, by Lester Jones wttb Price Me-C 0 N N S 0 NAT A Organ, ju$t Culstlon, Realtor. traded In, save $400 on this 1-BEDRM.. FUBN. apt., newly almost new o r I a n . Danz.. dee.; no pets. Yrly 165 mo. Schmidt, 520 No. Main, Santa 801-11 Poppy, CDK. BA 3495-1. v.An...-..;a-;;. ~~---:--:-=--- SOLD thru Multiple Llatlng. 335 50 USED pianos wanted for our Walnut st.. Coct& Mesa. Sold rental dept. Trade your old by C. E. Jones with W. A. To-plano on new Electric organ, btu, Realtor. spinet or gr~nd plano. Danz.. Schmidt. 520 No. Main. Santa UNFURN., 2-bedr. home, 53S An'a. Highest allowance. Aliso, Npt. Ht.L Adults only. ~-=--:---=--------- Phone. Anantlc 7-7231 . BOX SPRING and Innerspring SOLD thru M u 1 tIp 1 e Llstlne. mattress. $40. Headboard. $20. 20152 Or hid San An See at 218 Larkspur, CDM. c , ta a, Hts., HA 302l. by C. E. Jones with W. A. To. ;-;-;-.:-;==~:-----:-:---,-.,- bias. Realtor. HAMMOND Organs. all models. ""'RN D·OQM vt b th d easiest terms, your old plano r u . "" , p . a an en- trance-with or without gar. accepted In exchange. Free So. of Hiway, COM. HA 4703-W. practice rooms lor dally prac- SOLD thru Multiple Llatlne. No. tlce, try before you buy. Danz. Schmidt Big Plano a Organ 19-River Section Vacant Jot Co., 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. on 38th St. Newport Beach. Sold by Judy Hunter with J. M. 1948 PONTIAC, wonderful buy, Buyer is King AT JOHNSON & SON YOUR UNCOLN l MERCURY DEALER 900 W. COAST HIGHWAY NEWPORT lEACH L-wW J11 pi fer J• IMEY! J. LOW .aJCES • ou ..-d c.n. c:bec:lr ........ aad dledr ou can. I. OUALJTT CAD ""abo deaD. .. w. Wlllol ..... tM ...tl 3. J.DAY MOifn UCK GUAJlMTEE auy-UMd'Canl oaaUow"lcde 4.. 30 DAT wm'I'TElf GVUAifTEE oa all ou ...... aay"" UNCI CGnl SOME VALUES to CHOOSE FROM '53 LINCOLN CAPRI ------~1288111AA1 Coupe, Ml power eontbwntal mt. on.l)' 13,000 actual mUes. '50 LINCOLN C-DOOR _______ _,.,. Sedan, HydramatJc. original paint, new tires. clean! '53 CHEV. BEL AJRE ... _Jl699 Looks like new, only 16.000 m!les. '52 FORD VICTORIA ___ .. ___ .. ____ Jl499 Fordomatlc and fully equipped. 20,000 mlles, clean enouab to slut the fuas.lest! '53 MERCURY COUPE ______ .. ___ .. ___ Jl999 Hardtop. fully equipped "MeroomatJc;" radio, heater, plastic seat covers, ONE owner! MAJfY MOU "'afe • .,..-TO CIIOOSE ROMI NOW .•• Come on down and see our unusually clean stock of "Sate Buy'' Used Cars ... you'll save a lot of TIME and MONEY when you deal with MUler, Realtor. • new battery, generator, volt- SOLD thru Multiple Llstlng. 508 age reguJll'tor, new paint job, JOHNSON & SON Jasmine Ave .. Corona del Mar. clean, private owner. $380. Har- By Lester Jones with Price Me-bor 2193· l.JDclol• & Jlei'Cart Decder Culstlon. Realtor. HAMMOND Chord Organ, 1 100 W•t c:oc.t ... ...., lfewpolt 8eada SOLD thru Multiple Listing. 2024 slightly used, like new. You LJ I-SUS ()pea a .... 'TW t:OO Ocean Boulevard, Balboa, by can play thla without a lesson. ACaOII nOll TilE aAL80A UY a.va Gloden Fay with Bay It Beach Danz.Schmldt. 520 No. Main,~~~~~~~=::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Realty. Santa Ana. (Ptllltleal Advertlaeme.nt) ATTRACTIVE FURN. m ode r n ~;MJIC:V~==::· ;:•~•~.X~E~O~US~:--~-:--~ studio apts., utll. pd .• $65 and SUP RENTALS: Rowboat rectal S75 mo. 3424 E. Coast Hwy., ~ces. max. 8' beam, 30' CDM. U 8-7177. length. American Legion Ball, SOLD thru Multiple Listing. Va. 15th and Bay, Newport. HA 452. cant Lot Block C Tract 518 BaJ. • • boa, by Judy Hunter with J. M. auaur&~~ azJITAU Mlller, Realtor. FURNISHED APT., pleuant sur. roundlngs, airy c o n d I t Ions, adults, no pet&. 610~ Margue. rite, CDM. STORAGE-Newport ctvlc cent.er area. for boats, build 1 ma. terlala or service repa busi- ness. Owner, HA 377 HA 3698-W. SOLD thru Multiple Listing. 1n6 WAJfTD TO UlfT Whittier, Coata Mesa by C. E. "W;;o:AN:-;:aol:;;ED=~ro=-:RENT==-"!"'b_y_trormer-- l onee with E. A. Toblaa, Real. te.ater, amall unt. up to ~ 01' tor. furniabed up to $:5(). ~- SOLD thru Multiple Uatlng. 1018 CD)(. HA ~. Ocean Front, Balboa by Gloden ~~........, ....... ......,. ______ _ Fay wJtb Bay It Beach Realty. ?IIKU~:--W_urTD _______ _ NICE 1-BEDiii apt. with ocean Girl&- . vtew, newly turn. li)Ciulre 308 Carnation, CDM. HA 4016. SOLD thru Multiple illtlng. 252$ Ocean Ave. Corona del Mar, by 1Mter .Jona wtth J'rk.'e llo. cw.tton. Baltor. UlffUIH. llitriiR a.ou.. t blodt eouth ot a-,.. .,.., ...,_CDM.U...._ IOib iiiU WUJtijli Lliilil1. fa.; cut Lot llodt I 'l'r. Ill Jl.lre.: ..., Drtfto. ....... -,..., Bunter w.tta J. II. lillie, IMiiJ,.i ...... I ., * * * Be Sure To Vote M•. 15 * * * VOle-.-WM ......... DD ... MCat POBAAi --, ;;tO .... 1 ........... .....,_ ................. --ftr7 ..... , ........ ...... CDI. IIA -.w. ; I IWUWY .. ~II.I- ..,.11.,.01-=~ WoundeCJ Man's Drowning ..., If Lllc .... I·'•• .. Fillll ....... ~ ...._. I 8 I• d A •d f I 1'\aa.al MrVlcs for Georce DOt takln• Ill hJa mall Po1B TIEILIIEII TIE "11-. Y" IUDY, ZK:~aaciz:ll:ma~a.:.:a s e ,eve CCI en a a.ry.tal, 6«, of 416~ E. Bay AJd be appeared to baYe been ea:ua caow n Til'& au Ave., Balboa, were held Tu&day dead 11om tour to five week&. - ... ··-• Jt~ .. Comnan. &C. of Lone Jtaymond llraadt, eou..nt7 autopq in the Baltz Corona del Mar Mar-Mr. CbryRa1 wu a ~ .._ "When You PraY' wtU be the Beach. appanotJy mot blm.eeiJ aurceon.. tua.ry Chapel with Rev. B.ay Carl-auditor for the Paclflc Electric ~= -~:u~ 1;= aeddefttally In U.. left aboulder The death wu due to drown-80ft of Chrt.t Churc:h By the Sea, B.allroad Co. ln t.o. Anaelea. He .IIV.Y Beech. •u wtU be Jt.ev. Jtoy A. and then fell tnto the ocean ott inc, It wu reportH. Mr. Cdflnan Newport ~ach, otflclatlnc. retired five mont.b.a aao and CarWC>n'a tblrd Lent.n aermon the w.t 1eUY ol the Newport did receive a aupedldal cuubot M.r. Chrystal waa found dead came to Balboa to live. He wu on the WOI'da ot lena. The Sane. Harbor entrance lut Thunday wound tn b1a left ~boulder, but ln hla home last Thursday alter born 1n Scotland. Be 1a .urvlved u their own --savory" Chldlen tua.ry Cbolr wtll alnl the an-attemoon and drowned, Newport tt did not eaue death. lnw.tl-nelchbors noticed that he was by one brother, The Cloven, Ja.eph, Helen and their nephew, WUllam. haw opened theh "SaVory" Bakery, a branch of tbetr Lacuna Beach "Savory" Bakery, at 3329 Eut Cout Blcbway, Corona -del Mar, near the Cout Super Market. The beat coffee will be aerved at thetr "coffee bar." Pl-. all made Ill their own bake them, "BHI Our Prayer" at 11 pollee aatd tb1a •Mk: cattnc oftlcen at U:!Otbat n.lcht ____________ ...:.._ _________ _ ..au,p.. The eap UMd tn baldq a . .m. The JunJor Bleb Youth Ria body wu dbcovered Ooat. found ~en .410 caup abotcun are the flneet double AA. cracle Choir wU1 aJnc at the early eerv-lnc race down tn the water by lhella dlacllarpd tn vulou from the Trabuco Monutery and tee. Jack .Fromm ot 1807 Park Ave., plaeea. on the rodm on the end are &Uo available to C\dtomen Balboa laland, and Joe Lamm of of the west jetty. Theyi ·&Wo at moderate prtc!e, to take home. UJI~ •ra.I.OWIIID 3510 Lake Ave.. H.-port Beach. found blood ata1.na atretcblnc The Cloven an very happy to "We Avow Our Faith in the The two men bad 10ne out to 1ee from one aide ot the jetty to come to C«oDa del Mar wtth Splrltual 'LeaderB.Ip of Jesur tf the water wu clear enouch the other. Three contalners of their f1ne pwoducta, wttb whJcb wUl be the l«mmt'l aubjed of for akin dJvln.. They told two frozen abrlmp for bait were alao they have e.tabUabed audl a Rev. Freder1dc W. Rlnce at the otber men tn another boat to found but no weapon. fine reputation at theJr Lacuna 11 Lm. won.hlp 8e!'Vtce Sunday watch the body and went lnto John B. Cottman, 110n of the Beaeh "Savory" Bakery durtnc of the UnJvenallat Community the harbor department. victim, told polJce bia father the put yean. ~bliMment of Pellowlhlp ln the Newport Ebell A harbor department patrol owned a .410 cauee alnlle lhot the "Savory'' Brandl hen 1n Co-ClubboUM. A .rte. of &ennona boat. ak:lppered by A1 Oberc with plltol BATHING SUIT SALE ILL Ill_. DIES eottoe & Laata v Cll1ety of eGlon su.. 10..12-1~16 Slri & Sand ~ .ow 17.15 ................ -... -....... -...... ... 1Q.I5 ..... .. ......................... , .... 7.50 LSO ................ --.............. 4.50 • The Clover& pride them.aelve. on the quality Of their baked cooda, -,bleb 1a due to the ute ol only the fllle&t ot lncredlenta. Ston• cround whole wheat and unbleached Dour are uaed In a variety of brud&. No cbemk:all are evet' uled ln Savory product&. ro~~Marwtll~~y~u~~tncthe~~~~~~~Guard U &bM~.l~~---------~-~~=====================~ cal l'ftldenta the trip to Laeuna of view on matters of doctrine ed the body Ooattnc 100 yarda The Savory Bakery wUl also offer the ttneat of pies, cakes. cookJea and coffee rolll u well Beach wblcb they have been and practice are belng offet'ed a t l.n.IJde the jetty 70 yarda from mak:ln• to obtain thetr fine the Sunday mornlnc aervlces the west wall of the jetty. They baked coocta. durlnc the Lenten aeuon. lltted the body to the .tern of the boat and proceeded to the -;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;~ CIIJUS'I1AJf ICIEJ'CE Cll11aCII harbor department dock. The -= 'The power of God and Hla body wu removed to Baltz Mor-. . #-i4St;~· OUR SPECIALTY Individual beauty care at moderate prices lbcmapoo & flDger ...... ------····--IJJD llcaalcaN .. --------·-·-··--.. ··----... abundant cod.neu Ia exp()unded tua.ry, Corona del Mar, where an In the Sunday Leuon-Sermon" on autopsy wu performed . by Dr. "Subatance•• at the Newport Beach Chrlstlan Science church. "God la able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, al- ways havinr all auUlclency ln all thlncs. may abound to every cood work," rea ds the Golden Text from ll Corinthians (9:8). So that they mlrht better un- derstand their own Chrlatlan her - Itage, 10 youth who will join the COIIOIIA del liD COJOftJJn'TT Balboa Island Community Meth- Rev. Edwin Gomke wUl apeak od1st Church on Palm Sunday, on "Substitute Altars" at the Aprll 3, wUl vlalt Temple Beth 9:45 and 11 a.m. aervtces Sunday Shalom ln Santa Ana tomorrow at the Corona del Mar Com. (Friday> e venlna-. Pe111011al Appearance ThUlL & Fri. 10:30 A.M. BILL WELSH says: DOJf"T lltSS 09 ALL-STAll SBOPPEB TV SBOW AT BlCBAJlD'S TBUIISDAT AJID P1liDAT, IIAJICB 17 AJID 18. TOU KAT BE OR OJ' T11E "'LUCZT SEVEJrt• munlty Church. The anthem at The croup w1U be ac:compa . the early aervtce wUl ~ "Hear nled by their parents and their 7th BIBniDA Y CEI.EBRATION 3411 Vla Lido. Jlewport 8eodl * * ce..~~ratiDg • 111111111'1 1.111 7th A.zmmnary UDG TOYUII'S 2nd. AnniYena:ry * COME-See 0..-Nany Anniversary Bargains Tues.. Wed.. Thura., Fri., & Sat., MARCH 15. 16, 17.18. 19th. Ua, 0 Lord" by Rocers. s unc by m inister, Rev. Donald G. Sapp, the Chapel Choir and at the 11 who l.t oonductlnc Friday after-Sunday. March 13 Thru March 19. a .m . service the Chancel Choir ;n~oo~n~cl~aases~~l~n~ch~~urc=h~m:e~m:be~r-~;;;;;;;;;J:=::;;;;:~~~~~;;;;;;====='~•;t~9~Da~m-,.;~of;F;aa;;Coa~~t..t;~;PriaM~;~Th;eat~;m~=~ wUJ sing "All ln the April Eve-lhlp for the youth . nlng" by Roberton. (Political Advertisement ) • • • of S«M:Ial note OFF TilE SOCIAL SIDE-we doff our hats to the ladies who take the time a nd trouble to run tor otflce. Although I'm sure neither Dora Hut or Slgttd Nett expect &pedal conaJderatJon just becauae theY're ctrls. t think trs healthy for the country that women, too, wiU take time out to serve. More power to 'em. • • • A family supper honorlnc her birthday turned out to ~ a sur- prise party ln honor ot Bonnie (Mnl. Mel) Berry at the Balboa Bay Club on Feb. 25. The fete wu a.nanced by the honoree's mother, Mrs. A. B. McCollum of LJdo, who a.rranged ~autiJul mornlnr &lory table decorations made of feathers. Included at the supper were Bonnie and Mel and the four llttle Berry's. David, thom as. James and Diane, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Nielsen, M.r. and Mrs. Max Owen, M.r. and Mrs. J. Let~sLooh at tlae Record! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~· W. Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. Ed r Fish and their son, Ted, all of A record marred by bickering and cmimoiDty among the members of our City Council. with the responsibility clearly on ONE MAN! <Political Advertisement) Yell for LIWI'IIM H. (Liny) .. IWII For Councilman-Diabict 1 (West Newpwt) 1. W..t Newpcwt PrOS* It Oww. 2. Nvn'dpal expedeace (22 ,..a& willa atr eli L A. Fire Dept. Now oc .me. pe'!"k!'L) 3. MD dlltMI wltla 0raDge CoCIIt College. Atla- leCic Dwaw•a IlL the Harbor Area; and Bonnie's sister and brother-In-law, the Arthur Easterbrook.s of Lemon Heights. SEJIVJCU FOR RENT 8-:MM 16-JOI 35-MM and 16!01 Sound Projectors P' JSr COLOR FILM SERVICE Model Airplane Suppll• ... a ••• ,.._. 1782 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa _ ___;Ph::..:.:::one Uberty 8-'70(2 PAINTING Earl Sbeflln 273 Palmer St.--Ol8ta Mesa Uberty 8..2928 COMPLETE PAINTING PAPER HANGING SERVICE HA 2976 RA H46 EUGEJU 0. U.UJmEBS ~!llt~~eb &iiiLiiiiiilioJiiiU~Hi~CD~i~Giiiiiii ...... LA'Wn. saaua AIQ) TUES a.n.aJ Qeu..Qp ......... co.a~~a-. ... wu Jilt IIA ~ INI .. CMIIJIW7. A man who hcu centered himself in a spot- light of turmoiL hiction and discord while progress on major city issues caine to a standstill • • . A man who attac:laa our Chamber of Com- merce with a publication mailed under the banner ol the Harbor Citiaeua League. while he denies the chairman of that League the courtesy of notice that such a publication wa:a even being printed or mailed • • • Who ARE the powers now behind the Harbor · Citizens League? WHY does a ~nt lex- mer member .ay, "Knowing tbe political color the Harb« CitiDaa League a taken on. 1 am atcryiDg a war lrcm iL I am DOt goiDg to JDMtiDgL or tcrlring any part iD it. .. . While pressure politics are of the crusty. colorful old school. I do not belive in the "rug- qed indiYiduals" who practice them. and I do not believe the voters of Newport Beach approve of them. I belieYe that we can stop such tactics through councilmen who will work in hCD'- mony lor carefully planned development of our city. conducted in peace cind hiendly ac- cord among ourselves and with our neigh- bors. I belieYe in aounc:L carefuL ecoocmical ad- ministration of our city' • re.ourats b the good of an ita citiaeoa. unhindered by peDily- pi.nc:hing and pei'IODCil YiDclictift--Cl9aiwl iDdiYiducdl 01' 019""i ....... ~ela•d L. W'ilder , \ • r················ .................. . ~ .1~~·) For lih Ensen:o;,.j~ RaCe· -~ ~~~~~-.!'CollDr .... ltllad~-· ~ te Slire You vote Mwclll• UUU --·---...... ~~ ~ AGooci•"'-••~J.Your._.GuarcmtHFor ApplJeation blanb few the Olapman. put ...... dent ROSA. llllnJ.Itrator, wu nc:elV«< and ae. · el&bth annual Newport Harbor atatf eonunocl4re 9CYA; Gen. eeopted by the colJ.,. bOatd ot Good McmclgemeDt Cmcl Good City ao..ram.at. to En.eenada International Yacht luan B. lu.l\llrre Payan. ~-truJitee. at their lut rqular aace were maUed lut week by mandante, Stb Beaton M.Uttar; me«Jnr. B L Georre M\(:haud, ent:rJ• chair· Commodore RIchard hnton. Dr. Priest hu bftn appointed ~ B c T man for the yacht race. Mr. Mlch-chairman ot commlttet and ex-dlltrlct .. P.,tntendent and pres. aud aatd be bopea to have 1~ ecutJve m~mber of North Amerl· ldent of the new American River entries In the race this year. can Yacht Raclnr Union; Sr. Junior Collere In northwest Sac-• 'nll• world'a larrest ocean Guillermo Boluon l r., president ramento County. He will leave • ' yacht race wUl atart oU the Bar· of Eru~enada Committee, and Dr. Oranre Cout to uaume hla new • I bor entrance b~re at noon Thurs. Monaco, NOSA pre.tdent. responatbllltles May L • =.;~:~;:::~~;From the. POUCE BLOTI'ER ~ tton, which this year Is headed • by Dr. Sal\lator~ Monaco of Bal-• Tbunday. Klll'dll • laaday. Klll'dl • • s·.nce 1920 Tax ~ boa. A car driven by Lester A. Char-Som~ne opened an unlocked • CltU Chapman, fot"mer Udo 1~. 43, of 532 Bernard St.. Costa garag~ door and stole a tool k it • p Isle resident and now a Garden Mesa, jumped a curb In .front of and electric drUI valued•at $45, • ayer Grove aport 1 n 1 eooc:ts store 211 McFadd~n Pl., N ~ w port Harry Whitefield of 2801 Bay. 1 plaa Resident owner, ts general chairman of Beach, and bent ewer a parking shore Dr.. Bay Shores, reported ~ * ~ th~ race committee. Other com-meter Into th~ right .front fen-. . . Someon~ ahot 13 holes In ,.. mJttee members are: Arbitrary der of a nearby parked car . . . a aide window ot an unoccupied • * Handicap--Harold Adams, Bulle-Ira Bornstein of2290Channel Rd., house at 216"' Abalone Av~.. • A ..,. tins -Hay Langenhelm; Clear-Balboa, complained that h1s tele-Balboa Island . . . Sharon Lee • "" ance-James Whyte; Crew Pool phone wire had been cut ... A Johnaon, 15, of Pomona com-• Property ~ -Loean Hendrtcaon: Entertain-prowler. described as 5 feet 9 plalned ot a neck pain but re-.,. Col ment -Dr. Salvatore Monaco; Inches, 150 pounds with short fused medical aid after abe fell ,.. ege ltlats wu .. Mar. I Entries _ George Michaud; 1 pt. dark curly hair, was seen to down wh ile playing ball on the ~ o nance-James Whyte; Informa-leave 315 Driftwood Rd., Shore main beach, Corona del Mar, and • Man wner ~ tlon -J a m ~ s Carlson; LDRR Cl tf!s, on a bicycle . • . a girl friend, Barbara D. Case, 15, • Measurement -Edmund Grant, e P'11day. Karcb 4 of Pomona. "ptled on her." ...• Milton Hesselbereer; Moorings-Ot!lcers confiscated a spring e KODday, KCD'Ch 1 • "Sil lrlq. to Cr111" Russell Cr aig; Official Escort powered BB pistol from a Corona Officers warned .boys found .,. ~ Vessels--Louis VIereck; Plaque del Mar boy, 14, With an Irvine dlgelng holea and tunnels and ,.. Design -Hilyard Brown; Pro-Terrace boy, 15, who admitted covering them with boards In a • SA DY F M UY gram Prlntlng-Arvo E. Haapa; firing the weapon In the Lrvlne vacant lot across the street from • ac ~ Protest-Andy Gram; Race-Har-Terrace area ... Sometime be-319 Heliotrope Ave., Corona del • ~ old Adams; Safety-Paul W. Hll-tween Feb. 20 and last Friday Mar ... His wife heard a prowl-• • ler, · Paul K~ttenburg, James someone entered his home by an er climbing on the roof of h is .,. Webster; Harry Shepard~n. Les-unknown method and removed home while he was working at ~ C I T y ~ ter Arellanes. James Carlson and a cue of rum. caae of bourbon night. Kenneth Bell of 313 36th ,.. j Charles Jamison; Trophy-Paul whiskey and haU a case of gin, St.. Newport Beach, reported . . . • .,. W. Hiller. valued at between $145 and $150, Paulin~ Hill of 7110 w. Coast • c 0 u N' c I LMA N • Membefs of the advisory com· Henry Val~ntlne of 1020 E. Bat. Hwy., Newport Beach, r~ported • • ..,. mlttee are Honorable Adolpho boa Blvd.. Balboa, complained. that a burglar took $55 In • "" Dominguez. consul general of • Satarday. Karcb 5 change, mostly In rolls marked .,. j Alma Oleaen Green's IIIPPYUID PIE .SCI- Mexico; Rear Admiral C. C. Hart. Daniel F. Morrow, 42, of 1524 N~llle's Cafe, from that ad~ ., District No. 2--15th e._ __ t to "" man, commandant. 11th Naval Irvine Ave., Costa Mesa, was ar-... Ther~ w~re pry marks around • .....-u.. ~ District; Capt. John Roundtree, rested on a drunk driving charge a lock and the glass was chipped • Channel RoacL Balboa Peniaaula ~ commander, 11th U. S. Coast at Irvin~ Ave. and CllU Dr., New. In a gun cabinet In her home, • * * * ..,. -E. Del .... eo.ta .. _ ~..,.,. Guard District; Commodor~ Cllft 1 h 1 31 Mrs. Dudl•y J rr'"'tt of 30 .. _ .,. "" port He g ts, at : a.m. . . . "' a "' ucacon ,.. u.~~ • ~ Boys In a black sedan equipped Bay report~d ... Orval K. Fisher, • ~ : "a truly ftne nursery achool'' ares 2-6 WASIIDfQTOif VJSITOBI with pipe stole two hub .caps 43, of 308 E. Ocean Front, Bal. .,. REAL EST Visitors .from Wuhlngton, D. from her car, Dorothy Holmes of boa, fell oU h ls blcycl~. auffered ., ITE....aiiE-IIIIJ. ~ c., are spending this week at th~ 1209 w. Bay Av~.. Newport a posslbl~ broken lea between • ~ home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Beach, complained ... Two hub 501 and SOC E. Ocean Front and • ' * * * ~ avp~ITER BeU, 706 Gold~nrod Ave., Corona caps were taken trom her car, was taken to Hoag Memorial • ENTHUSIASnCALLY ENDORSED BY: l 1 ~:~n•' del Mar. n.e ruesta are Mr. Mrs. Lillian Kellner of 1.2 Bay Hospital for car~ ... A bundle • The Balboa 1m •--.....t.-.1-~ • • C:: Bell's slster-tn.law, Mrs. El~anor Island reported . . . The spark of laundry valued at $!50 fell .,. proYeJDeld ~UUII ,~ 6 ~ BeU, and his nephew, Lt. James plup and lrnJtion colls were from the turtle back of hts car, ~ aDd H. Bell. wbo dron out from .w.. fJola oae of u.. mat.ca Fred Grt~ ot 31M 32n4 St.. ., The laJboa Ptmi"Uia PaiDt A~ • .,.... 'I'IDB Washington becau.ae Lt. Bell has 1n hts a-t. foot cabin crul.aer, Hap. JJewport Beach, reported . . . l •• ..,...,. ....... ..,...,...,...,...,.. AA.AAAA.A.A.A.AA-. ............ :;: C:. ':' been transferred to Camp Pen-py Hours. while moored at the ____ .......... ..,...,. ...... ~ 1011 lfewpad m.. llewpad .._. delton. Newport Harbor Yacht Club, Eu-(PolJtJeal Advertisement> ift~~i:'ii:iii~~~Ei:i~~~C:C:O::C::C:ii:iiiiii•i•i•i•i•:fj'!:l gene Bartlett of 1565 Irvine Ave., Costa Mesa, reported . . . A 10. DICIIICID Congratulates DICI RICHARD On The Occasion of His m1 BIRniDAY CELEBRATION Mar. 13th. Thru March 19th. * Bring The Children To: TINIEBTOWN See The: TELEVISION SHOWS Get a Free: ORCHID * COlE II I SEE Tbe WODderful Selectloll of lfew e CAJlPETS e CU11TAJifS e J)LUEaiES at DICI lACIER FLOOR COYEIIIIS 3420 Via Lido Lido Sboppi.Dg CeDter =:t·~ BAY NURSERY=~~ BAD BOOT SEAIOif II ALMOST OVEal Spedall a Pn.lt ,..._ rcw Ollly ··--·-.... ·-· .. ··---·-···· ...... .12.15 (Choice of Peach, Plum, Fie-, Nectarine, Pear) VEaT IPECL\1.1 11e9 p Value Choice of Silver Maple, or Tulip ALL roa S.ll Poplar with Chinese Elm. * A COMPLETE UNE OF LAWN FLOWER 6 VEG. SEEDS * We Cany A Coaapa.te LIM of~ SJanabe 6 P...w.ben Inch table model TV set and a portable radio. both valued at $85. were stolen from her home. I Wanda R. Moore of 117 28th SJ., Newport Beach, reported ... Four moon-type hub caps were stolen from his car In front ·of his home, Bob Moore of JOO E. Bay Ave., Balboa, reported . Someone threw an o r a n g e through a window, causing $2.50 damage In the hol1lf of V. Jar. \rlnen of 1755 Miramar Dr., Bal- boa . . . A bicycle stolen from the Lido Theatre, owned by Gary Wilder of 108 VIa Havre. Lido Isle, was recovered at 28)8 W. Ocean Front, Newport Beach. with the generator, front and rear light, gear box. seat and leather bag missing ... Emily Rustenbaoh of 427 31st St., New- port Beach, reported that a ma- roon racer-type bicycle was stol- en from her garage . . . Oftlc:ers quarantined a dog which bit the lett thumb of Nancy Rut.'l Pal- mer of 515 Kings Pl., CIIU Hav~n A two-ton truck being driven by Elliott T. Burr ol 216 20th St., Costa Mesa, hit th~ Park Av~ .• Balboa Island bridge, knocked a light bulb and bowl oft a pol~. which came down and acratched the paint on a parked car regla- tered to Richard L. Aarvold of 128B Agate Ave., Balboa Ialand, at 1.2:40 p_.m. Penonal Appearance EYeryday-Man:h 13-19 · 0. W ~ 'II•' Richard says: 11KW WMI'DT Aim nJDL KftJI'IDAY •• &VUY D&PUnaft 011& TIIOVIAirD DO' I .. Ill ftiDL CO ... -JVIT P08 Pn.AIOP Aim I Aftl ,_ ...... ,._. 1 ,,_ ........... RE-ELECT (Gerhardt Pboto) • • IR TERRACE LEADS IN BUILDING PERMITS trvtne ~ at1ll leeda all Mdiona «the CJty of Newport IHdl 1n U.. nlue of bUildinl Mrm!ta lllutcl aa of the end of Peb- 1\WY, wtth a total Of --.'700 & the ant two rDOnthl of U.. year. ~= ll IICODd wtth 121'7MI and CGron.a ct.l Mar thJtd with N-.port 1H all areaa dunnr r.t~naary with tu«.ttl tot th• month. frvtne Twrace waa MCOnd with $115,100. and Cotona del Mar third wltb fl't,8'7!S. Here's the breakdown: lrvt ADA February Toelll te Dlrte N ne Terrace ............................................... .$115,100 ...... -.......... ..$585.700 Coewport .......................................................... J24,918 ........... r··-··· 23'7,418 ~a del Mar ............................................ '79.8'l5 .................... 14l.725 Bal • . . ·-··-··-----···· .. ••••00•........................ 21,6210 .................... 102,400 Ltdo Isle .......................................................... 45,722..... .............. 96.722 Balboa lsland ... ............................................ 21,820.................... 95,2!50 • Nev.oport Heights ........... -.......................... 5Z.500... .............. 84.200 Clltf Haven .................................................. . 27,050.................... 68,~ Shore Clltfa ....................................... ............. 30.000..... ............... 30,000 Balboa Coves .. ....................................... . ... 19,600. ............... 19,600 Corona Hlghlanda ······························-······· 18,000 ....... -.......... 18,000 Beacon Bay ................................................... 10.000.................... 16,285 Bay Shore:s ... ................................................ 1.200.. ........ ..... 1,200 HOME LOANS At Ora"9e c.-tf• L .. cli"9 HOMe a...Mt&.t , .... ,tvtt ... QUICK 24 HOUit SERVICE LOW LOW "REDUCING" INTEREST ItA TES EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS FRI~IDI!Y SY~PATHmC SOVICE WI IUY TlUST DUOS ON WILL LOCATIO HONB LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION 222 Ocean Avenue lAGUNA BEACH ,...._ HY4-1117 to our .,._ when your uth .Urts to pie up. Uf9e amounts have • way of attr1eting unple111nt visitors. And then use our O.y and Hatht Depository whfeh enebles you to get yovr money behind sold steel end cOMrete after houn. holdays lftCI we .. ends. * le""" lilter Ba1k _ ... I • B. J. SMlTH. County Clerk and Clt>rk of the Superior Court of the State ot Caltfomla.. l.n and for the COunty of Oranp. JAMES D. RAY 1+46 £.. COAST HWY ~ CORONA DEl MAR HAtiNt 47ll ~---•IBT------• c••,cn• Floo« c:o..rtJ:a91 -Drcda.boardl Asphalt T1lt> -Ruhbt>r T ile Fnrmlc-a -Llnolt'u m Tiff' CIRLTOIS' ~~~~ Costa M- A·l PLUMBING SPECIAl rzES tK IIEPAlU Day & Jlfl9bt Water ._....... Robert Forbes BUILDER COsta Mesa Lu•ber Co. By LesUe J. McCArtney, Deputy. ~~~~~=~~~=~~iii~ii~iijiiiii;iii~~ <~ Supator Court Oranp County l HUW'OOCI. RfChma.n A Soden, Att«MJ lOr Plalatlft. Add:NII: 2515 E. Clout Rlgbway. Corona del Mar. CAlifornia. ~ne: Barb« 1535. A O.uifted 1\d in The EnsiQ, brinQs im~iate results! C ll Harbor 11 14-11 IS end ~ it! , Vll.U 1111111 PeaturtDg 11M MCifood. st.ab. prime ..U.. da.lc:ll:ela. dack. U.. VW. ll..tDa Ia -. .C OraDge eo.aaty's ft...t ...._. nmta. ac.qaet room Nab ap to 400. Locat.cS 4lt tM ......_ to aalbea lalaDd. UDder ICIIDe O'liiP'Mnblp CD tbe Clique ID hUertoa. TIE PIZZA HOUSE PmDT ITALID POOD .,..... Ia • ....uy .......... ~ CIDd Jtalla:D food 41t ita beA ,.._ tlaot deo. ............ St.cdlca. SciiCida. W ~llmte.~ALADS -TO c:o- ._ W..t Ceat Bl~ lf.....-t -.ad~ BcabK ao Jlfs J0J. ,._ AJICIIES towarda BaatiDg'tloa .._. "Just Far Fun," a show ipOn· sored by the Women's Fellow. ship of the Corona del Mar Com· munlty Church, will be pre- sented at 8 p.m. tomorrow (Fri. da y> ln Harbor VIew School, Co- rona del Ma r. Local talent In the production wllJ lnflude Helen Spann, fda. mu Kelly. Cal Welputt and Lea Stetfensen as the foursome o1 , Josephjne, Buttercup, Ralph and the Capta in from "H.M.S. Plna. tore." Other acts will Include a blackface dance group, Junior boys with western songs, junior girls with a show rehearsal ses- sion and ballet. Miss Spann will do selections from '"Brlga doon," and Mr. Stl'ffensen will bring back t unes In the Ted Lewis m annl'r. The Harbor Arl'a Motherslng. ers, with Louise Griesser as solo- ist. will present a group or num. bers. 'Genera l direction of the show ls being handled by Mrs. · Mary Batten Steffensen, with Faye Spicer. violinist. a nd Mar. garet Scha rle. pianist, accompa. nylng. llOUIIT ....... ,. 1 •••• CIDd wwld baa•. wW be tiM ........... ILia fDa. ...... .... ,.,.. ....... wW be ...... .......... 11.-dq 4lt .... . ,... .............. ~ todaa. u.-. tbe Cl1dp1CIM of tbe Elm• Wllloa World TraY. •lo9ue S.des. Newport BtUbot Glrl Scout Cou,ncll wlll conduct a huae Scouta' Own Lneplratlon•l pro- vam Sunday on the football fJeld ot Harbor HlJb School to mark national Glrl"Scout Week. Six h undred alrls ln unllorm will participate at 3 p.m. and the public la Invited. The hour lonr service wil.J pre- sent m11slc and ~ort talks whlcb will tltreM lnternatJonaJ tdendabfp. Speaken wUl be Diana Sanders. Mailner; Sandra Spur1eon, Eighth Grade Scout; Mary T h o m a s, lntermedJate Scout, and Barbara W a d e , lkownle. A cornet trio composed C d•t G of Susan Brown, Jerry Sanger re I r.o Up a nd carot Doane wm play taps after the scout sing. Plans Meeting Adult members of the council wtJJ not take part In this event. Plans for the progra m ot the which ls the first of Its kind in next meeting · or the Credit the Harbor area. Flags ot 32 for- Women's Breakfast Club to be eign countries where Girl Scout. held at 7:30 a.m. Wednesday, tng Is in effect w111 be displayed. March 16, at Jons Restaurant, Mrs. Oren Wade, International Corona del Mar, are being made Friendship chairman, a•lsted by the presJdent Faye Hopkins. by Mrs. Donald Smith have au. At the February meeting mem-pervlsed plans for tbls spectacu. bers received a report of the re. tar gath rf SOJf FOB LACOMBS e ng. cent eUt sale held Feb. 5 In In 1909 Sir Robert Baden- A son, 6 lbs., 11 oz., was born Costa Mesa. Working at the sale Powell launched the Girl Guide !~ :· ~7c~o~;s·S~.o~:a=~ ~~ th~~:!:.eni!t;;;~ls ~: movMtent In England as a foJ . In Santa Ana Community Hoa-Margaret Way, Barbara Johnson, lowup to the Boy Scout proaram pltal on Saturday, Feb. 26. Russel Johnson and Belen !Awls. which was started the year ~ tore. Six thousand Jllrls were the LEGAL XOTJCES LEGAL XOTICR:S LEGAL lfOTJCES LEOAL JfOTICES first members and soon, like Boy ADVEIITISENEJn' ro• ams Heavy Duty Repairman .. ······-···· ································--··········· 2.76 Scouting, GtrJ Scouting spread to Notice La hereby rJven that the Board of Trustees of the Orange Heavy Duty Repairman-Helper ···-·························-···~····· 2.25 Sweden, Poland, Canada. South Coast Junior ColleJe Dl.atrlct of Orange County, hereinafter referred Elevator Holst Operator ............... ················--·····-······-··········· 2.60 Afrtca, Scotland, Austra lia and to as the "Owner.' wUJ rec:etve up to, but not later than 2:00 P.M., Hlghllne Cableway Operator ...... ·-··· ........................................... 2.82 otheor countries. Miss Agnes Karch 25th, 1955, sealed bids for the award of contract for a 640 Material Loader or Conveyor Operator ......... _ .............. ·-······· 2.37 Bad Po 1 •at capaclty track bleachers addition to the stadium of concrete Motor Patrol Operator. includlnr any ~ of power blade 2.82 en. we I, Sir Robert's sister on compacted tul with wood seats and steel pipe raUtngs. Such bids Oshkos h or Toumeapull Operator or DWlO .............. ·--········· 2.82 became the tlrst president ot the shall be received In the otflce of the Owner, In the Adminlstratlon Pavement Breaker Operator ........... ···················-···· .. -··············· 2.60 movement. BuUdina, Orange Coast College, 19951 South Harbor Boulevard, near Ross Carrier Driver ... .. . .......... ··························-··-·····-······· 2.52 Coeta Mesa, Oi'&n~e County, C&llfornla. and shaJJ be opened and RoHer Operator . .. .. ....... ·····················-······-··········· 2.60 ,ubUcly read aloud at the above stated time In the Board Room Skip Loader Operator-wheel type ···················-········-··········· 2.52 o! the Admlnlstratlon Bulldlng. Screed Operator ........................................ ········-··········---·::-... 2.37 Each bid must conform and be responaJve to this invitation. Stationary Pipe Wrapping and Cleanln1 r.Jac:hJne Operator 2.68 the plan&, spedflcatlons. and all other documents com~ng the Surface Heater and Planer Operator ................... ____ ....... 2.76 ;erttn~t contract document.!. Copies of the Contract ments Tow Blade or Grader Operator .................... ·········-··················· 2.52 are now on file and open to publlc Inspection In the aald offJces Tractor HJ.LUt Shovel Operator ..... ·····················-· .. ·····-··········· 2.91 of the Owner, and o( RJchard J. Neutra and Robert E. Alexander. Tractor Operator Bulldozer tamper scraper or dra1 type Architects, located at 2379 Glendale Boulevard ln tb.e City o1 Los s hovel or boom attach~ents ... _:_ ...... -.. --·-·-·-············ ~ STOP AT The Arches "Your Ho.t to the Coast Since J.g" PJ•E POODI COCKTAILI COAST HleHWAY AT THi ARCHES H..,_. IMdl ful marine display Girl Scouta wUl be Brandt's Corona del Richard's Market. made by shown at Mar, and JOHN VUDI.£ L.U-..ry 1-lAl 1\ ClosStf•ed Ad 1n The t:ns•qn brinqs immedi&te resul"'l C &ll H~trbor I 114-1 I rs and orove itl , . , .......... . .... 1 Old Fashioned BoxSilpr ..._.,E.....,._.12 At the Americcm Legion Hall 15th St. and Weat Bay, Newport * SJIOIIIOU:D n Tbe Amedcaa ~Agio. Awdllary Ualt •1 * Prizes For The Ma.t AttractiYe Box Lunch Westem Music For Dancing Van's Bowling NOW FOIIIGNG -I.Ea.EI ~ BOWLERS IMVI'rED! Anreles, In said ~'!!>' and State and may be obtained at either Tractor Scraper or Dra.r Type abovel--tandlllm'l 3..08 •lace by depoaitinl ~-00 for each llfiL Thl.a ~It w1ll be refund. Treneh.tfta llfa<.1:ltM Operator ··--·--·-·-.. -~-----.... ~ 2.18 ..S 1l the set or seta of Contract Doc:'Umenb ~llvered are returned "''r11G Ddtwaa In JrOOd condition within five days alter the bid openlnJ. • .._ Drivers of t>ump Truc.U-leu than 4 yd.t. water level... ..... 2.18 Robert Baden-Powell, a Brltlah officer during the Boer War. was sent to South Africa to defend Makeklng. He found that the men under his command were not prepared for vtaorous llle In the open. To help them learn bow to pt alon1 out ol docA he invented a series of aames~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~! that he called ''Stunta in Scout. II -u-w wtll be -tM Job ~ ..._ of c:aatroct. Drivers of Dump Truck.s--4 yda. but less than 8 yds. water Unit prices requested lor excavation, concrete. steel. etc. Com. level .............................. ·········-···-·····-······-···-·-············ ...... 2.21 •letJon time requested to be set by bidders. A statement of financial Drivers of Dump Trucks--8 yds. but less than 12 yds. condition and deposit of 10% of the total bid by certified check or water level ..... ............... .......................... ......... . .................... 2.26 bid bond Is requ[red with each bid; labor and materials bond and Drivers of Dump Trucks-12 yds. but lea than 16 yds. performance bond required of contractor selected. water level .. ........ . ····-····· ············-·-··-··-··················· 2.34 Each bid shall be made out on a ronn to be obtained at either Drivers of Dump Trucks-16 yds. or more water level ........ 2.56 of the said ofilces In which the· Contract DocumentAl are o n file. Drivers of Trucks, legal payload capacity Jess than 6 tons 2.18 Each bid shall be a ccompanied by a certified or cashier's check Drivers of Trucks, legal payload capacity between 6 and Ina" and divided the men Into patrols with leaders of their own ch008lng. The men enjoyed these games so mwch that It was not 'long before the boys at home In England heard about and took them u~ with frc!at enjoyment. Thus wA Scoutlna born. payable to the Owner, or satisfactory Bid Bond In favor of the 10 tons ................................................ 2.21 Owner, executed by the bidder as principal and a satisfactory Drivers or Trucks, lega l payload capacity between 10 and Juliette Gordon, an American wrety company as s urety, In a n am ount not Jess than ten percent 15 tons . ··············~·········· ............ ·-·········-·······-·-·-············ 2.26 girl manled to an Englishman, of the bid. The check or bid bond s ha ll be given as a guarantee Drivers of Trucks. legal payload capacity between 15 and William Low. numbered amonr that the bidder will execute the Contract lf It be awarded to him 20 tons .. ...... .. ....... .... .......... . .... . ........... 2.34 her English frie nds Sir Robert In conformity with t he Contract Documents and will provide the Drivers of Trucks, legal payload capacity or 20 tons or wrety bond or bonds as specified therein within five days atter more ......... ··-· ............. . .................................................... 2.58 and his sister, Agnes Baden. notification or the award of the contract to the bidder. Drivers of Euclid type Spreader Trucks ···············-··············· 2.56 Powell. She soon round herseJr The Owner reserves the privilege of rejecting any a nd all bids Drivers of Dumpster Trucks ...... .. ....... . ......................... 2.56 1 t ted 1 th 1 orbidtgl waive a ny Irregularities or informa lities In a ny bid or ln the Drivers of Transit-Mix Trucks under 3 yds .......................... 2.42 ~~:r~irl G~ldese a~~w t!c:~:n~ ng. Drivers of Transit-Mix Trucks 3 yds. or more ..... ·-········ ..... 2.56 Pursuant to the Labor Code of the Sta te of California. the said Gas and 011 Pipeline Working Truck Driver, Including leader. Board or Trustees has ascerta ined the genera l prevail ing ra te or per Winch Truck and all aJzes of Trucks ............................. 2.36 She had her first group In diem wagt>S tor each craft or type of workmen needed to execute Bootmen .. ····················-· ·······················-···· ................................ 2.36 Scotland, a lonely viJJa..,e. and the contracts which w ill be awarded the s uccessful bidders; and Dumpcret e Truck. Jess tha n 6'~ yds. water level... ............ 2.42 .. these prevailing rates are conta ined In said specifications adopted Dumpcrete Truck. 6, yds. water level and over ·····-········· 2.56 the seven girls learned to weave by thE' Board, and are as follows: Ross Carrier Driver-Highway ................................................ 2.56 and spin but best of aU they Clau1fic:atioo: Sec Water Truck Driver-under 2500 gal. .................................... 2.24 learned to share Mrs. Low's en. AppreotJees: May be employed in conformity w1th tlon 1Tn.5 Industrial Lift-Truck Driver . . . . ....................................... 2.18 thuslasm and ~-to~ Jlle. By of the California Labor Code. Water Truck Drlver-2500 gal. or more .. . ......................... 2.36 _... • CcapeDters: $2 TIS Truck Greaser and Tlrem an ...................................................... 2.29 January 1.912 she had two Lon- Carpentcr .............. ·· ······ ·· ······················· ·· ············· · Truck Repairman ............. ······················-·· .. ························-······· 2.74 don troops, or companies, u Floorlayer . ... . · ... · ......................... · 2.975 Truck Repalrman Helpel' 2..29 th Millwrigh t . .. . .. ............... ....... . ............... 2.975 Warehouseman-Clerk .... ~ .. ::.~::::~::::::::::::::::~.::~:::.:·::::::::::::::.:: 2.24 waesy aarboeututUo~artandfowr hheern sahne. Saw FlfPr · ········· ······ ·· · .............. ····-· · · ··· 2.855 Asbestos Worker ···························-················································· 3.15 •n Doria Talbott's ~9Jo.,x * u:c:oaoa aa-. a,u..u. ClllJdna•a. ,..._ & DaMe. 0 ra * NUSJCAL SUft'LIEI...-abilap. ..._.., ~wd--...&au. BECOJID PLA 1"EJJI -TAPE BECOJIDEJIS PkiM & 0.,.. Jutnac:tloll ""ltwWbe•y£ .. ..... .,... -DOaD T Cem~~l;~!~.~aw Operator . . .................................................... 2.855 =~~at:~d!:'d ... ~~-~~~~~~--:::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::::~::~::::::: ~:g ~~! ~~:~~::c:e:h;elc:~~=. ~~ Cement Finisher . .. .... .......... ·· · ·· ..................... 2.70 TUe Layer or Setter ·········-········-··················· .. ·····-··············-······· 3.05 am brlnglna home the blg1__. ~~F.~~~~~~~=,;;$1SII~f!~~;=;~~~~~ Cement Finisher {Composition or Mastic) ........ ·-····-··········· 2.82 ~daDa: ..,., Cement Floor Finishing Machine Operator .......................... 2.82 Electrician-General Foreman ·························-········· ............... 3.92 thln1 yet!" • JrooD Worlren: Electrical Foreman ·--·························-···············-··················-··· 3.56 Quickly upon her arrival In Reinforcing Iron Worker ...... . ......... ············ ···-···· ···· · 2.85 Electrical Sub-Foreman .... ··--················-······················-······ .. ··· 3.38 Metal Pa n Setter..... ........... ······· ·················-· ················ .. .... 2.38 Electrician ·········-··-···· .. -······--····-······--····································· .. ···· 3.20 Savannah, Geor rta, Mrs. Low or. Metal Pa n Setter Working Forema n...................... . ..... . .... 2.55 Cable Splicer . ··············-·········· ........ ·-··········-············ .. ·· ............. 3.50 ganlzed a rroup ot girls trom Metal Pan Setter Helper ····-........................................... 2.17 Lathers: M1s.s Nina Pape'a School on Structura l Iron Worker .. . . ... . ····-···· .. ·· ..................... -···· 2.85 Lather ................................................................................. -............... 3.465 March 1.2, 1g12 _ the tint Girl Fence Erector .................................. ······-· ···············-················ 2.85 Fo-man Lather ... 775 Laboren: Pcda~: -····---·--···········-························-·················-· ·· Q . Scout troop In this country. The Laborer<~. Genera l or Construction .. .. . .... . .............. . 2.0'75 Regular Brush Painter 2 70 at....v of the Gl•l "'-u•· those Operators and Te nders of Pneumatic and Electric Tools. --·······-··············-······ -··············-··········· · -·.r .. ""'"v ... Vibrating Machines. a nd similar mechanical tools Brush Swing Stage ... ·-·········································-···-··················· 2·95 first few yean Is a lttory of the 1 1 111 d h 1 2.285 Iron, Steel and Brldge ...................... ··--····· ................ -............... 2.95 tireless en~gy and enth usiasm j~iiiii~ijijiiiiiiJiiii Ml not ifP';{ate tt c t:f' 1e ere n .. ·-·-··-····-················--· 2 445 Iron, Steel and Bridge Swing Stage ···-··-··-·--········-··········· 3.20 of one woman _ Juliette Low. M ner C an or ac ne . . ...... ·-········-····················-········ ..... 2.435 Spray Gun or Sand Blan~ ....... -.... ·················--·········-· .. -··-··· ~.95 ce0~~nnt8uniper ·con.Tyd~·-or·i~ger .. mi~e·rs··m·d··iia.ndlin.g · Spray Gun or Sand Blaster Swln1 Stage. ............ , .................. 3~ 'nle handJcap of poor health and b Jk t) 2 ...,.. Paint Burners ···-··········-··-··-··--·---------···········--··· 3.70 lack of funda made It a cl1tllcult .._...,h ul ~men cf i ······························-· ····-··········-· ............... ~J.OJ Pa~ Hangers ····--·--·····-·-----········--··--··-··-·· 2.825 job, but 1lt' the end of 191.5 tbtn '""'"' a t er an roner ..... ·········--············-·····-····-··········--·-2 ea.r.et, Llnoleum ······--·--·-······-········----······· .. ··········-···--··· 3.01 BuggymobOe Man · ·······················-·····-·····················................. Gl·-'er and Cutter · 2.58 were 5.000 Glrl Scouta and tbe Concrete Curer-Impervious Membrane ...... ·-·-··············-·····-2.265 «141 ··-······--·-·--··-·· .. ····--···-··-··············-··· Drill {Co Dl d W ., n> 2 ..... Plasterers --·-·----·---·-··-··-·------····-·-·---·-··--··--· 3.4375 otJanlzatlon hld a na~nal ers re, amon · or 8 •0 ·-·-··-······-··-··········..... ·iJ.IN Plaster Foreman ·······---·-·--··-··----------·-·--··.3.8875 cll J tJo Drillers <All others> .... ·-···-· ·············-·---·--····-·········-·····-· a.365 Note: All of the above cratta are subject to frlnp benefits. coun ' a const tu n, by-law. au and 011 PlpeUne Laborer--·······-··-.......... --·-·-··-·-... 2.0'75 O•wD 1 ..._._ ... a-le,.,...., and a chart.-. FlaJllllan ·············································-.. ·············----··-·-··--........ 2.0'75 .Mn. Low becaJDe the tl.rlt Guard and/or Watchman..----··-····-··--·-··-····-· .... 1.97 Overtllne llllaD be paid for work IM!IfOI"'Ded 1n DC8a ot the lden Gas and 011 Plpellne Wrappe-Pot T~der and Form rerular day'a or week'a worll and at the rate for ove.rtlJDe ot the Prell t and Gl.rl Scouta .,._ Man ··m······-······ ........ -.............................. --············ .. -·--·-·· ..... 2.285 craft Involved. be C8JI)e wtdeiJ known tor ttl* ~~~·rr~:C:~>~~~~~=.::: £:1 oay.R=~: ~~~~~~y~~~ ~~ :.;"1t d~~ ~ n:, '::: s.w. Pipe Caulker Cullna Caulklnl tooiJ) ....... ---···-· 2.-Thanb~na Da~ Cllli'tiiCmu. U an1 ot the above~,. · ~'-"Oit a.wtr ptpe Caulbr (cement jointaJ.._., _______ .. _____ 2.121 on lu , the y folloWtftl abaD be COMiclered a Jepl boJ. were -. ..,..,..,..., Todi.J 1Wma.n and lfortarm.a.n..... .... -..... _. ···---···-----·-·· 2.125 lday. tll6e are CIIW and OIM baJt .a. ......,_ 0euer -----· .. ··-········-------·-··-·--·---· 2.2Z It lball 6. mandatorY upon the o.c.....-to ....,_ a .,.cract J1ait llrla ,.....lttd tn 8'cloudnl. .. 3 11 1 ez..-z •••• Ia awarded. and QOn alfeakuttlactort under bJJD.to ,.y Mt a.. lD Jf...-.ort ....,._ .._ .., A rtanae Bcaa• .,... -·-.. -··----·------2.88 than a6d ..-.I ~n-ol p.-diem ..,_ to all w.ll-I I ..,. ft All 0. ODanrtor -··-····---·----·· 2.3"1 men emp= tntM ,_the contract. rown ••· ~ .-IJ::";."!, •10oi=~;'..t~i:.J~""'~2.52 w~':.":.ttar":l.1~.=,-•por~o<~otao~-"".:..,.--;:--..,. • P~JtWt -·---···--us Board o1 TNa Or.,..e eout ,_.. eo11 ... DIJirldo .... _.. ... a» .,.. ........ Cooa... V1 type__ U'l On.qw Oounty, liDrilla. ... ~ Or.a 111 e inblt!r------2.82 . llped: B. 8. Ni&ISOif, llilntal7 W1Joox. ~ ~ u. c..: Oj_Gilf<> a L Ul PubiJM. Mardl 8 and 10. lB. 0D1a .... • Ploaltpeae4W ~D ()pentw -2.52 Cpa: Maret. a 1te15, 2.-GO P.M. .. nouncld tMt a ....... .._._ IALIOA . -__._ FOB CITY COUNCIL- DWrict 1: Lawreaee lerprOD DWdc:t 21 Dilltdc:t 3: D18tric:t 4: Sigrid S. Neff Dl8tric:t 5: Hem. JkoeriD9 DWrict 6: Aadrew w. Smith Diatric:t 7: William G. Perrow The Harbor Citizens League is a non-profit organizati~. whose objects and purposes ore the study and betterment of. ~r «?'VlC. gov- ernment; to ~mote interest in and encourage porh~tpotton tn all governmental affairs; to support and enc<>!Jra~ candtdates of out- standing ability and integrity to serve in the affairs of government. It is• an organization of representative citizens and to~~oyers from all sections of the City, including businessmen, retired cttrzens, and pro- perty owners. The League's first project was the establish ment of a City Char· ter Form of Government. It felt that under a Charter the peopM would hove more to soy about their government than they hod in the post; much study. effort, and expense were given to this project, which was accepted by on overwhelming vote of the people. The League recommended IS Freeholders--the people accepted 1<4 of these recommendations and elected 1<4 out of the IS recom- mended. * * * The League makes the following recommenda- tioaa on the Propollitloaa on the ballot Ko. h Ro Ualt -ta• =·= OM-,_ .c NO [8) Ko. 1: D.a u.aJt I*' .,.., -........... c::a.-.. bel' .. eo-··-Ko. Sa as.-llalt pel' ,... -.... f.-61 .. Cha-ber .. ec-= ·--NO [8) YES [8) The league, after much inv.estigation and study. be- lieves that the services rendered to the City by the Chamber of Com· merce did not merit the Iorge sums 9iven to it in the post: that no or- ganization should hove on unlimited or excessively high expense oc· count with taxpayers' money: that the Council should be limited to the amount to be spent for such services. . The League believed thot the Council should submit this ques- tion to limit the authority; Council rejeded this proposal, and the League was compelled to circulate petitions in order that the peop&e WCMAII ... \118 .._ i9tt to vote-On tiaiL~on. After suffic;.nt si(J"•· tures were receive<f to place the questton on the bellot to limit Coun· cil to $2 . ..00.00. some councilmen wonting the power and authority to spend your tax money withopt limit put up Proposition No. I. It is the League's belief that, b~sed on its study and investigo· tion, the taxpayers do' not receive more than $2.<400.00 worth of services from the Chomber of Commerce ond recommends that the voters limit the council to $2,-400.00 by voting yes on Proposition No.2. Be sure to Vote. Safeguard your tax money-be sure to vote for the above rec- ommendations. . Installation For DeMolay .......................... 11 ............. ... ..... y..-.. _. ............ u.. .......... .... ................ y ............... ~..... •••• ... •• Cit .._. •-r........_ .. o. w. (DI*) •ata• (riWbt). ..... ........ Lido ........... L: ................. .. ,.. •• _ .......... blc. ....... _ ....... ._. Ia ... ......... Cit .... Afdl'• ..... ·-Day. (Continued from Pace 2) 1t was amazing that thin mono- marnent and a big flab could bust up a reel like that. The spool had practically exploded. e REZT STOP Naturally, we bad to stop ln at the Balboa Angling Club. Ray Call was there. He bad been along when Art Gronsky popped hls reel on the big one. But Ray and Secretary Lee Jonas had something more provocative on their minds. The fishing Items that cqncemed them had to do with Sacromento and some pend· lng legislation. 117 DICK BOrni.Ur of comm~lal fishing . . , and on tbe Stanley management bill. to which we bear you are op. posed"~r questions to that ef. fed The Stanley Management Bill. which Ia A.B. 62. provided for a salt water fl.ahJng committee of seven members. six apoplnted by the governor. Two of these will represent the commercial Interests. two the salt water sporttlshlng group, two the de· KOTICE OF .U.UC WJ!A.DifC partment of fish and game. The Notice is hereby given that tbe seventh member Is the director Planning Com.misston of the City of tbe department of flsh and of Newport Beach will nold a game. The committee will act In public hearing on the applJca. an-advl80ry capaclty to the flsh tton of Mr. and Mrs. Tomlinson e o.r.P.A. and game department In matters tor a variance, No. 217, to permit <Polltk:al ~) lAma c---. ~·~ I Mliew I CMI c.oft ........ .-..thlftt COMtNctt.. ...... eottnmUftity. IIIE us PIIYE IT! I I I -we baft ........ __,. ..... ..u. .... en bow to .... _..., u.. ..... r- wcry. Jut gift as tM CJII taalty .. ..,.. to .,.. tM ...., ..... ... • ...... u.~ ........ pa-pla••.-.4 by, .... r--.· • STATE Fill liS. C1. L E. CAJJUIS ISS E. 17tb St. lloaaa.lagta. m. CaU ... Today ••• W.J.~uAIJ ua.uu Lee was typing several letters pertaining to salt water legisla. a thirty (30) Inch overhang for of Invitation. One was to Bob ttve recommendations. It passed, a second floor dwelling unit over Ketcham, president of the Ocean It would be the first time the double garage into the rear yard Fish Protective Association. The sportflshlng lnterKts have had setback facing a ten (10 ) foot other wu to Ray cannon. ex. real representation. alley, on Lot 25, Block 7, Section ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii pert on the lives and bablta or One. Tract Balboa Wand, and I our salt wat« fish. '11\e lnvlta. e IIIYITAT10. TO YOUI located at US Pearl Ave. tlon. t o these aenttemen 'lr'eft 1'« 80IDe reuon. the O.F .P ..A.. Notl.c» Ia Mreb7 further &lven uklng them to attend one of the steered by Ketcham and Cannon, that aa.ld public bnrlng wiU be weekly Flabennen's luncheons oppoee thJs bill, Introduced by held on tbe 17th day of Marc:b held every Friday at noon ln the our own Assemblyman. Earl 1955. at the hour of 7:30 p.m. In Newport Harbor Yacht Club. The Stanley, on the recommenda-the Councll Chambers of the particular luncheon was the one tions of our own conservation. Newport Beach City Hall, at tcbedaled for Friday, March 18. l.st.s. To many who have backed which time and plaoe any and It you have any Interest In O.F.P .A. In the put wtth time, all persons lrit.eJ'ested may ap- flshlng, direct or otherwise, you effort and funds. It seems fn. r ar and be beard thereon. should be there. It should be a conceivable that they should see RAY Y. COPELIN, Secretary .............. F•AD IIIIJIES • IIIIIIDS ~ • 5erYtDCJ TIM Coaatal Ana F• Keady 10 y..., 213 0c:ea1a Aft. -l..agaDa leec:ll llyatt ._1.1 highly Interesting and lnforma. fit to stand on the other side of Newport Beach City tive session. Mr. Ketcham and the fence. ;;;;~P~lan~n~l~ng~Co~rnm=~lss~lo~n~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mr. Cannon are going to be Perhaps at tbla Fisherman's r asked some very pointed ques-Luncheon on Friday, March 18. tlons. J. B. McNally, perpetual we may learn a lot about many chairman of the board of direc· things. With "Mac" McNally and ton of the Balboa Angling Club, Frank ' Linnell at full f='Y• we and probably the best Informed can be assured of a most Inter- man anywhere In matters per. estlng hunt. Tally Ho! And don't talnlng to the broad subject of say you weren't Invited! salt water conservation, wtll ask some questions. Frank Unne.ll, weiJ.known attorney, fi sherman and forceful speaker, will be the moderator. e QUESTIOK 'l There was a day, not long ago. when no one questioned the activities of the O.F .P .A. More re cently, many local anglers and conservationists have begun to SOK .OU TO TOZEU A son. Mitchell Ray. was born to Mr. and Mrs. Pblllo Tozer ot Box 117, Lido Park, Newport Beach. in Hoag Memorial Hos pltal on Wednesday, Feb. 23. I KOTICE OF PUU.JC BEAJl.IKC I VOTE TUES. MARCH 1 S Remember You Vote For 7 Councilmen-One From Each District I cles and persons behind O.F.P.A. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~: wonder what goes on ln the polJ. There may be Justification In 80me or all of the polltlcal moves blessed by O.F .P .A. But Notice Is hereby given that the Planning Commission of the City ol Newport Beach will hold a public hearing on the appllca-1 tlon of HauJ Grant King for a variance No. 214 to permJt : the construction of a one famfly dwelling three (Jl stories In height in an R·l dl.strlct. Section 9103.12 requires a two story height llmJt. On Lots 10, and 11. Block A, Tract No. 673. a.nd l o- Whll111an's G• C1CJe 1111 &. CQAft IIWY ........ , J w c.-....... eaw. COIOI.Kft AVTOiiOilf& l&llftC& the letter 1 saw read: ''We would like to hear your thinking on the agreement made at Sacra- mento regardlng the U.mJtatlon ·--------------------------.lcated at 330 Poppy Ave., Corona !"' del Mar. Penoaal Appearance Sat.. March 19-12-2 P.M. SBFF JOHN says: IWD -......... Pa& aDe .. TIIID IAT- WD&Y. A c:n -~~roc. &tDICII&. , .. ._..,.__a,,_...__ ..... Notice is hereby further given that sald public hearing will be beld on the 17th da.y or March 1955, at the hour of 7:30 p.m. ln the Council Chambers of the Newport Beach City Hall, 11t which t1me and place any and all persons lntet~ may ap- pear and be beard tbt'ftOn, RAY Y. COPI:LJN, 5eeretary Newport a..cla City PlanniDI Ccftmlaalon Jim Whyte INSUaARCE A VOTE FOR ·uwrence (BaDe) Br~ri g IDcumbent -.&. ·-··--111111 . " ............. , •• .-nUll• Ct •••II F•atrCoaDdl (Nitl&ai r Close Out FAMOUS MAKE Re9Ular Values 18.95 to 39.95 Now $10.95 (While they last) Tb ... I.Ddude MGt COYen to fit mo.t mabs cmd mode~lD mcmy colon. EWOn'S t711101f SEBVICE @ 3001 !f.--port 81'fd. lfewport hada Bo:rbor 3123 L CORDOif W ALUR Vole For WALKER FOR COUNCILMAN DJSTJUCT sm New Building In lido Center An 18,000-square.foot profes. slonal building will be con- structed at 3319 VIa Lido, across the street from the Newport Bal- boa Savings and Loan Head- quarters, It Is announced by Dr. John Leary of Downey a nd Wll- llam Lansdale of Lido Isle, preaJ. dent and secretary, respective])', of the new firm of Lido Profes- sional Building, Inc., who wlll underwrite the project. Emery Hanson of P. A. Palmer Inc. represented the principals In the transaction. The Palmer firm w111 manage the bulldlne. Newport Balboa Savings were the owners of the undeveloped property. Dealll nreat Call a.,.rte~ lit w ... "I'm warning yo~. get out of town or 1'11 kill you." wa• the telephone threat received by Mrs. George D. Bagnall of 542 Aliso Ave .• Newport Heights, she told Newport pollee at 9:04 p.m. last Thursday. The party hung up after making the threaL She said It sounded like a young man. possibly a high school stu- dent. DON'T MISS IT! ITBI-Of..~ TIE II(/)~ ?114id:' CIIPIT SWIEPU let•l•r $7.91 Valve • • EASIER -FASTERI SPECIAL PRICE $4·~ CLEANS COMPLETELY AT ONE STROKil Come In and Try It and Convince Yourself! ... ~~. W ... ,...._., ~.a,. ... Carpet ~ Me daal•• NOW OPEN ••• · NANA '5 Mexlcali Foods Oftlf &YDY DAY II' A.M. "'''L 7 .... CAMnm.LS -Y ... ...._ llula. CIMt =e. a..w-Cblx. Qla Jloodle. er. Clabr. .... •ca.. SOUP 2ror29~ ~~M~G •. L JOLLY 1'111&-Wialte • T.UOW Jio borne Ia eonapJet. without th ... tamoua candl• Honeycomb construction preventa clrlpplq and bendlna. 20 eoraeou. colora to cbooee trom ln 6"-10". ~ .. lenJtba. al10 available ln 111t packaae.. tJUS-1 lb. CaD j;it;if.;ue 29¢ COFFEE 79•. r9!!~~~ ~-...17¢ ~--··-········-....... 19¢ ~D.1II p·1ckauc.dles 11 .. 21¢ ~~~ ~uce 1 ~ 2 * 27¢ aiiii• ·-J........ Pineapple Juice 23• V AJif CAMPS-Crated TUNA JIIBm.ETS :..~---·· ~ Baby Food 6-4~ -· SSifOhWDoiiiP'Trt:.-.3elb.nc::lng 6• CWIT ... ~ ... CATSUP ~---·-21¢ CORN Bl1Jn'S 7 .,. Cheer :..~. .. 4~ ... ... .. -- 2'1· ¢ -:r c:aoca: Water Softener 43c .,_ ___ ... 15 Btsqu1ck ::: ____ 3~ S_PG_i _h;H-i -2-.. -27-¢ Gin'U~~b~iad 23¢ ~argariae Red Bean KUrr-ftllt ]Cil' Cheese Whiz45~ ~ . n~urs & ncnABt £) . ) -.· 2 Green Onions Radishes Turnips Beets Mustard Spinach bunches LABGE FUE.-n: Avocados LABGE BEADS Romaine LeHuce ~ • 1:-1 fRDlfn fO OOS ~-. OC&AJI QADD-rn.la p._ 55f SHRIMP :;:_______ . ~CiiES :; ____ 1~ 80JfELESS Rolled Rump Roast 801fELESS Shoulder Clod Roast Prime Rib Roast ROUNDSTE SWISS C.ured Hams=.:. 4St. BACON =~ 49L LifER'S FRANKS 45i.. Long Horn _Cheese Darn 4;tk Center Sliced· Ham DBJ.: