HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-03-17 - Newport Harbor EnsignC. DF C~ FU Hill, Maclay, Ridderhof, Stoddard Win Long Terms _•:_·.:.:*:.:::•:..:.•..:.•_•..:.cx._,_ __ o._a•_....._ ________ 00 __ .. _A_D_a._KA& __ CJ_•_'_"_· _________ TB_D_DD._A_T_. _~_.uc~~ ___ .,_. -1154-New Member Hom Jl oted ~.~~c. DiM. No.3 Doni HiD DIM. No.4 Bidder hoi Neff DIM. No.5 -Higbie < .. .J.. DIM. No.6 WDcler Smith 'fte &u)laJen laaft ..._. ....... u.tt tM ...... f!l •• .....,. DllftJCT Dll'ftiCT DISftJCT I DlftaJCT DDDJCT I DIS1'1DCT I ··I Jla.l No.2 No.3 -~..!._ .!!o-.!. ~J ~.J ~ TOTAL a&»NOII'I ~A LIDO ---•• ---- ta.QI&7en' __ , ........ eM7 _, ............... a... MweiCt •ee. 'l"'lllll .. npt .................. , .. a.u.e• 7 ......... 346 560 317 429 322 166 124 40 110 64 414 1 547 1 335 1 496 1 sl 327 515 300 396 267 179 106 55 153 112 253 392 186 270 152 261 229 117 269 253 221 389 235 302 168 248 167 76 167 165 446 333 779 192 88 280 -I 346 1 845 1 439 281 720 216 1S3 369 337 213 550 333 227 560 252 167 419 402 251 653 2753 784 2993 2.525 974 1803 W.. tM a...... f!l Ct tr· ee. ........... Jt .. ra .. Ill alll' ... ~ .... 'r .... 431 t. .a. JW .._ nM M I flq a n '\':'~ ,_-.. ....... ~ ....... -o.r ........... ,, ... .... reatala, Ud _... ,__ nat. .. ,_ ,..nt .......... Jebt -tlaat &M CU.Mr .. , ell· ....,.. ...... I'J'ewtb ... ,.. .. teet .., lateretlk y..,. ftf')' tnly. wan.. CaWerllead CMinua. Tai)Iayen A....a..Uoa (Editor's Note: I'm with you a hoodred ~ cent. I join with you in urginc all local businesses to cet behind the Chamber and give it our full support . . . u a sell supported coing concern. ARVO E. HAAPA 174 9 Mrs. Kyte, 69, Of COM Dies 1734 Mrs. Essie Kyte. 69, for 15 y~ars 1476 a Corona dcol K ar resident. died ---380-Sunday In Hoag HospltaJ. Rev. --!!!~=-----1.---::=.J __ __::.:....._ __ ..;.;~---~---~----~---~---~---Pen-y Schrock and White Shrln~ ottJciatec:l at the funeral ~rvlces. h~d yesterday at the Ba.Jt~ M->r-2151 tuary. Corona del Mar. Walker 56 " 44 70 59 54 33 e1 Dlld.. No.7 Stoddard 274 455 268 364 246 312 232 5-" ----Survivors lnclu~ h~ husband. 1381 Charles. of the home address, 312 -..!!~!:,!!., ____ .1.... _ _::=:~--~~---==~---==-~--==~--::::-:~--::~-~::7:="~-:3:796= Orchid Ave.; two daughters, Mrs Kenneth Payne of Coron" ck>l Pen-ow 241 151 86 169 ISO 370 220 590 TOTAL VOTE sa 692 381 571 .421 714 ·169 1183 BEGIBTBATION • VOTIMG • Prop. Mo. 1-Y• Mo - 1157 1119 865 1234 rn 115 296 220 259 152 344 329 142 279 239 1364 883 161 156 1 509 •246 2247 500 Mar, and Mrs. MJarlene Barrett 7 of Sanu Ana. 3nd a sister. Mrs. E. L. Hinshaw of Ck.ahoma. Mrs. Kyte was born In O.trthage. Mis- 80U.rl. and had ll~·ed In Califor- nia for 25 yean. ---::::-=---S:-1 --!~1 --4 "-sa l--m-34 1--~-~-~~::--7 1 --986-91 1 --:-o Mrs. Edwards' Father Dies .................... ............... eiMt Q ..._ ._ .. , u•'•¥ .,_•••• .,.. .. tct I _. ~ tM zc , ...... ,.ruse.._. u... ,.. t •..,. ..-..... _ Incumbents Andr~w W. Smith,,... __________ _ (Distnct 8) and Hans Broenna (Dtstnct 5) w~~ defeated by Lee Canvass Vote W1lder and Clarence Hi,cbie m Tuesday's ~lection of seven c:oun.. N T d cilmen for th~ City of N~rt ext ues ay Beach. The other successful candidates won easily -Incum.bent Gerald Bennett 1n District J, Sandy Mc- Kay in Dutnct 2. Jbyor Dora Hill ( unoppoled) in Diltrict 3, Incumbent Stanley Ridderbof in District 4, J. B. Stoddard in Dt.- trlct 7. Proposition No. 2. setti.nc a $2_. 400 annual limit on tax funda for the Cbamtl;u of Commerce, wu overwhdmincly ~proved. 111'7 to 12:12, with eorrew.....,n,. .,._ t« No. 1 aad J. Prq ur.,. t _. ' • t ile .......,., 11;81-._, ........ ill the eharter, woa ~ . The followinc four councilmen . receivmc the most vo~ will serve the lonr ~ thr~ yean: D.ra 0 . BW .. _ Z.JtS Soaaly Jlbdtay . . . Z..7U maat.cla--a .u• ..... 8. F. W'flluW ·-.. Z.slS I bMa recNftd by u.. city derir. J. B. St.Mud ... .. USI The foUowinc three counolmen ;~!:serve the short term. one Upper Bay Gerald 8eaDett . . Z,MS ClaftDce B ltbie I.Ml Leia.M Wilder 1.'714 The other candidates finished 1 H e Set as ~~riDe l.n t earlng A. W. lllltll U'7• W. G. Perrow Ul'7 I Newport City Council adoptt'd Larry Berreron l.!tt 1 1 & resolution of Intention Monday s~ Neff t '7t · Jay Sto«Jem yN! 114 t'Vt>nlng to proct"E'd with th~ pro- GordoD Walker Sit posed annexation of Upper New a. C. IU.Dder . !.M I port Bay and MOt a public b~ar- Mr. Kindt>r had w1thdrawn lng for Monday. AprU 18. from the race. but stlll ret-e1vec:l Persons owning ~aJ property 150 votes. within the boundaries of the l'p. Col. Sm1th ran strongly ahead per Bay Annex m~ appear and of Mr. W1lder in Corona del Mar object to the proposed annexa. and West Nt'wport. but th~ votes tlon at that hearing. from Lido. Balboa. Balboa JsJand I The County Boundary Commls and tht> He1ghts eastly ov~rcame that ad\'antage. Smillarly Larry sion had m.-t t>arll~ In tht> day Bergt>ron ran well ahead of Coun ard a pprovt'd the bocndarics as tContJnUf'd on Pa~ 71 I t<'Chnlcally rorrt'Ct. Hearing Resumes Today In Easter Law AHack tendJng the Jaw was neceasary to ha.lt overcrowding and vandal. lam during Easter Week. Mayor Dora Hill In an attidavlt claimed that the Euler vacation ~tiod "oontlnuea to be a period • 4 • •• • • •• ;: . ' ••• 1£3# Elections ore bound to provide surprises. J guess that's the glory end ~he stre~gth .of democracy, b4Kouse our elections ore never cut end drted affo•rs wtth the outcome o fore· gone conclusion. -. . . Definitely o surprise was Lee Wi~r s c:~du~ve Vlc.tory ~~r Councilmon Andy Smith, who scored en 1mprewve tnum~ 1n l1m•tmg Chamber of Commerce funds to $2,<400 o year but foiled in his own ~mpoign. The victories of Gerald Bennett, Sandy MacKay. G eneral Ridderhof end J. 8. Stoddard were generally expected. but not uactfy by such big majorities. • • • The only close race was bet:ween Cloren~e Higbie !'nd lncum~nt Hans Broerinq--the leod chong1ng several t1mes. ~d 1t was. precmc:t C. from Bal~. the third from the lost to come tn, that c1nched 1t for Higbie, for thot one precinct gave him o 126-63 margin, exactly 2 to I. Balboo votes were indeed decisive, opporently reflecting great Chomber of Commerce strength, which undoubtedly was the key foetor in the defeat of Col. Smith. • • • Several of the condidates.were on hand at City Hell os the returns were coming in T uesdoy eveninq--Moyor Dora Hill, lee Wilder, lorry Ber9eron. Jay Stottlemyre. Lee paced the floor very much like o doddy with o new boby (which he is) as his lead fluctuated . . . 2(}4 ahead with five precincts to go, cut down to 142 with four to go, ond to 126 with three to go . . . then come thot whopping precinct C from Bolboa, 125 to 45 for Lee, and only then did he breothe easy end light & cigar . . . • • • This election will revive the talk of changing the voting system . . . to voting by district rather then ot large. The argument is that here ore examples of districts strongly favoring a candidate to repre· sent them. but hoving that candidate voted down to defeat by the other districts. Cases in point are Corona del Mor, West Newport ~nd 8&1boo Island. In District I. the voters gove lorry Bergero11 o comfortoble 287 to 228 margin over Incumbent Gerald Bennett, but Bennett won by pn overwhelming m&jority-with Balboa, Lido, Balboa lslond and Newport Heights votes. In District 5, Incumbent Hans Broering hod otl almost 2 to I majority over Clarence Higbie. but lost norrowly- porticulorly through the Balboa end Lido vote. In District b. the voters gave resounding evidence that they wanted Andy Smith. -402 votes to 252 for Lee Wilder, but the Balboo. Lido. Belboo Island and Newport Heights vote gove Lee the nod. • • • One thing for sure hod better be done-.orronging precincts in such o manner os to ovoid splitting precincts between two seporate districts. It doesn •t make any difference in the final result, as long as voting is et Iorge. but it is deucedly annoying trying to gei a true pic- t ure of how each district voted. • • • The Chamber of Commerce issues came out in accordonce with pre-election analyses--anyone who hod discussed these issues with a sufficiently Iorge cross section of voters hod no doubt about the pub- lic temper on this one. /o.s mentioned here lost week , this reduction in city eppropriation is going to be a much needed shot in the erm for the Chamber-to get them hustling for membership support. They cen make the Ensign office their fini call. Rector Named For St. James Rev. John Parke. present rector o( Grace Episcopal Church. Nor wood. Mass., h as accepted ap polntment as rector ot St. Jam~ Episcopal Church, Newport Beach. and will assume his duties on July l, church ottlcials have announced. Rev. Parke Is a graduate of Prlnct>ton College and Union Theological Seminary. He served In th(> US. Army overseas during World War ll. Church officials two weeks ago. headed by Ly. man Farwell. warden, and Thorn. as Rutter, vestryman, asked Rev. Parke to take the position vacat- ed by Rev. Paul Moore Wheeler, and he accepted Jut week. Rev. and Mrs. Parke have three sons and a daughter. Lllc ..... -.......... u a. •• TD BALBO AN No home ll complete without thee famou.a candles. Honeoyeomb oon..truetlon prevents drtppina and bendlna. ~ coraeou.a colon to cbooee from in 6"-10"· 15'' lenl(tbs. alao avaUable In aUt packages. Pack 81 Holds l Kite Contest e..., ... ,.. I bJ Lawn &. .,._ al -. ~:~a~e c. OoiMDI ot m PoppJ ..., .... Calla --. ... • r a • A-. m ...... a tara and ru II. h7 ot I'\IIIMe .._,. ... .._ .mr IMD a ODIMftW wall _. Ill .. Mill•• at ~ ...... at tiM,..., ........... 8lt:•,.. ••• ~ ... A tire aDd wheel ... ll•r' WM ~ 1tG1a hal bit pr .... IUta WU. ear ,..._. bl tbe = u.-ot LNo ~ 11. CXJ~& ..., ., 1a1a ~ am if plaiDed ..• Dale AftdNwa of t4l 1• Park A.,.., Salboa ... If. Rewport Blft., l'fft'port leacb. poNd •.. A eat drMn bf ,..._ told ,.U0. tbat tM A frUIM ric Y(. u.rtla. a ol -•• M Wolre oe ldll c., ....._ latiD to -.o. m..s., Rcwpcwt ......, iM ... n IDio a ,.. ..... -• lraUer ...... ., am. n.......... . • aw MIVWDA_. u. .. wW lae a lot ot .. ,..., tn parked oa ..._ ...._ MU 1Jih upt .aandard Ia tbe C!MlW IIi&· TIMn hu bee a dlanp in an wlddl to plQ a fila ac1 11111 be St., llewpalt ..._. • • • Ofawa• WQ at Dnd lt. and W ...... old rule tbat wfU be of lntenet koclae. •t WU '* tbat bcbe 4idodpd a eat .-tM ...... .-. Newport BMda. Ill l:tl to the IIUU\Y memben ol our U.e next mar11D ...,_ Ia owr eat1aJ on tbe eat allfrL Dtannt LIIL ••• Southland n.hinl dub&. ror tbe llotel IUvtera'Padftco In En-Juara ol hu.ton In tile AI • 1 «BJ, ._. 1J ,_,., eom,etldon foe club tfo-aenada wJ1l have mare than WV· American ll.al'bt puk1q lot. A complete J81Ue of .,_ eJaa, pbt. baa been llmlted to wawa aaJ bnmJatat IUeMI wbo wear l'lewpori IMeh. ....., .a.. re-IDI 1n a loot Ioeiia' and a 1lall ol bordered b7 "a ltne drawn d\.le the eolon ol a aumt. o1 our parted U.at fl'lfr/ time lbe ._., all valued-at S115. '"" we11t from Point Col"'oept1on and .outhlancJ anlllnl elutiL ~ h• eat t6a eoulcl heu a 1to1n from hla 1arqe. .._.. a Une drawn doe .outh bom.the waw flaermen jUst naturally eat bowttn1 · • · au.en ~'~Mer ~ of 2ie 38th St.. llaapwt lntemadonal b o u n d a r '1 Une ted to wander far afteld.. ot 210 VIa DJJon. Udo ble, and Bledl. reported . . • 11ae ... u. {)(~U4) until cleu of the And U.. tbouthl jult Mbbled Theodore Van B~ of D Vla plate and tab ... ...,._ Ccwonado t.landll. thence due up that thla ml,at make. a dtf-Dtjon auftend 4or Mtell In tepa-h1l car 80rMWb.. Ia tlae --... ~ In the date of Iandini of ratln1 doll tnvolvM In a dol area, Sl~ SaftCIIn of M a ,.Wt of a Peb. ~ DM!.oirt-that welcome visitor •• the ftrat flllit at 8:15 p.m. ... Dr. Wll-131 aor. Cl1tf 84 .. Sbcft aD. inl at Lona Beach of tepr.enta-albaeore of the leUOO! llam P. Boynton. fl7, ol Wlllttler 'NPOited . : . Oft1cen eoaftaatld th au:tfered a fatal heart attadl on a .22 blank eartrld .. Dt.eoi fNm tive. of molt of the !ou em • 1.o.G DOvaa a ramp at Port Oraaae after a two Corona boy.. 14.,.-wbo ad· Callfomla f.lah1DI clube, theee Tbe JntemaUonal Game J'llh ftablq trl. p and ..... pronounc:ed mJtted Moottnr It at J3rd a ad clubta have voted o.r wW shortly .u.oclation Is -*inl b a ¥Ote deed bJ a pbyslclan ean.d to Martua Ave Newport ._... tile A lot of ..,;1enulty was dls-;::;n :, ~=~ ~ to letaiiU a 30-foot double line the .:ene . . . • Jlln wu ~ued to 'U.etr 'par- played In the annual klte..fiylng recQmJDendatJon S. that the and 30-foot leader for Uaht tackle. e n~. lla:rcla 10 enu . . . Ruby 8. Percy, 15. ol contest held Saturday near the 80uthem boUndary of "l~aJ as is now the cue with heavy Mrs. John Orr ot 430 Goldenrod Colton .uttered .vere lbodl after Balboa Pier by tathat and 10118 waten" be extended as far lOUth tackle. Looks llke mOlt local Ave.. Corona del Mar, reported .wlmminl aero. the ebannel te of Cub Scout Pack 81. as the 32nd parallel, thence due cluM are aotna to say n1x to thLI the theft o1 her .,n•a black bl-the rna.Jn beach, Corona del Mar, The kJtes raneed from bup west. All clubs wUl probably proposal. Fifteen feet of each. cycle froiD the front porch at fainted and ltruck her bnd fa a to minute, two-stlck. three.stk:k hereabout, seems Uke plenty. And that addrea •.. A parkinc meter rell room there and wu tal&en and bo~ type, a tandem kite with okay the new rule. that'a the way mOlt of the votes head wu mlaJng from a puk-to Boac llemortaJ Boapltal ~~ fringe, and one wlth a hole tn To aet down to brass tacks. lt are Ultely to 10· Ina m~ at 22nd St. and ~-treatment at U:C5 a. m .... Ceo· the middle that delled clasaltl. m~an.s. 'lAys Balboa Angling Club • DVaURa port Blvd, Newport Beach; tbe neth P. ara1 of Ontario IUffend cation. Sec'y Lee Jones, about :n miles tl been b it b -uth o• the ma.l southerly point Karl 1Ull4!'!', Newport Chevrolet meter apparen Y Y a laeeratJou over bla J.tt .,e. In The only rules were that each _, ~ 0 ..._ 1 .a--•--did car... ,,..__..._........ ..,._ ... ) Of the "'~·th Coronado Wand. It and l.....uob le uoc~. 1001e ....._,._._ • ~-.... kite be made at home and that ~ Sa d aft e ......._ )leda 11 You look up the 32nd parallel on dunking on tur ay ernoon. .. ·-.-· the kite would get in the a\r and ... ,_ ..... H •-ro~ .. 1 Sklbl kl t ~~ Park Your chart, you'll find It hlU the He put ...... new ~ unter eru..... """n"'a c o ~ stay there. There were aome anx-in th _ •-..Ath -·-.. "--•• 8&1"--w-•--d. re ......... -.... _ _ __. __ ... of Baja'Calltomfa be· er e -au::J", ... .~ ... -~ ".... ..._ _,, ...,._.. u.. lous moments as a few kltes '"'"""~ "-.--f th----" d th_... f ~ fro 11 t d low a little town called La Mia-lot o friends ga ""'~ aroun to o:n o ~ m a wa e an stubbornly refused to !ly. but by hel d the t...b It didn't ""'rpr•--approxlm.ately ~ from a drJn.k-lon, and about at Point Salsl-P o ~'~ · .... ....., ..,. adding o.r subtracting bits ot puedes This, amJ&os, is not far anyone to see the lady's name, It lng glau In a ball cupboard foJ. cloth or wood th~y all finally north ~f Todos Santos Island, Js "M.fas Chevy," which, for our lowtnc a party In the hou.e the went aloft. which lles off Ensenada, 8. c .. tn diners, seems quite appropriate evenlna befot'e ... O'Della Whit· George Twist won the award Todos Santos Bay. forth~ craft that wUl carry Karl man of 101% Hellotrope Ave .• eo. tor the largest kite, and Bobby cb ls cbJef Miller and friends to flab! Con-rona del Mar, reported that a Blackmar for the unallest. with Naturally, this ange · gratulations, Karl, and Jood fish-man in a car forced her Clltl to Mel Park a cloee .econd. Jlm..my ly for the benefit of the marlin 1 1 the curb at Goldenrod Ave.. and Barnett. Kent Nethery and Steve flsh~rmen. Whlle the • e big ng. Coaat Hwy., flaabed a badae and Goggin bad the best decorated sword-bearera tend to cavort • KISSED TBE aoAT claimed abe had been drlvtna too kites. John Scott and Cbrla An-around and lnalde ot the CofO. Mel'le ("Bean)"') Afflerbaugh, slow, wu lnaolent and aald 11 derson tied for the best box kite. nados, there are days when they Beacon Bay resident and local abe didn't lt.ten to him he would Chris Muller had the best three-seem to prefer Mexican watera. restaurant owner, had planned to arrest her and take her to l udae stick, Chris MeLacblln the best And there are times when one go fishlnc with Dr. Blll Roblnaon Dodce . _ . Merlce Fo.ter ot 133 two.stJck and l im Stauffer the ls booked up well within the le-last Thursday on BUJ'a "Crystal E. 16th St eo.ta Mesa. tepelftad most original. gal club Umlt. but h~ads south. Ball." Beany overslept, untortun-the theft oi h1a flab c:uttlnt boud Other Cubs partlclpatina w~re Thla procedure poees a dDernma ately. When Dr. BW JOt back. be flom nat to lal8 loebr oa Guy Ackerman. BUl Sawyer, La.r-for the anper who wanta to play bad, it a.ema. bMn Hoa tbe ball" ~at tbe ocean ct.1 !le.t .•• ry Broerlng, Dennis Crane, Tom ball with his club rules. It's eon-Tuelced lhlnlnalY ln the flab box • ..... ..., • ..._.IJ MacMaster and Rodn~y Candel-fusing! were two mighty purty white sea M. J. Benaodt• of 116 Goldm. orl, all of Balboa t.land. With the new recommendation, bass of about 30 and 28 pounds. rod Ave., Corona del Mar, com- Bill got 'em on 3/6 tackle. And plained of the theft of tools and Beany, ao we hear, got a new plumbin& auppUes valued at $282 alarm clock. from a houae under construction e BA•n •un 't 201 Santa Ana Av~ .. Newport A LETTER FROM MEXICO All the way from Mexico come fish tales from Forest Smith Jr. aboard the Yacht Toluca. The en- Ure Smith family are journeying In South~n waters tor a. slx· month holiday. Here's the first llne cast by the famous fls hln' family. • • • Dear Dr. Hollman: Thought CQ might like to hear a new flsh tale. I'm just sitting down alter gaffing Pamela's (age 91 flrst fish (a sam on light tackle In 40 mln. We hooked It just outside of Acapulco and we're going \n to get It weighed. was formerly Zane Greys fishing l . Wayne (Pappy> Harrison. Helchta ... A. L. Blum of 1.26 Jlllde. Santa Ana PonUac dealer, wife CoUln.t Ave.. Balboa laland, re- He kept telling us about a Kay and friends took off Friday ported that a blt and run ear great spot off a reef just outside for Mazatlan. In recent years flsh cauted $50 damaee to the left Zlllant~nejo, a port j\15t 110 mtlea and Pappy have hardly ever door of his car parked In front north of Acapulco. been on speaking terma. This of b1a residence ... Norman Pltz. We pulled In there Tues. p.m. time, maybe, It'll be different At gerald, 12. of 106 Jade Ave., Bal- and It Is beautllul. The bay looks least, he's there at the rlaht time. boa Island, said he was playing llke a story book South Sea Ia-The Monday postman brought basketball in the alley, let a col- land setting. In two days of fish-Luis Patron's weekly Indian Fleet lege boy lhoot a few baskets. Jng around the rocks and the report From March 5 to March and the eoUece boy ran away reefs we cauaht the book. Jack 11, 48 tlahlne trlps accounted for with hla f7 car . : . Cars driven Crevalle, Slerra mackerel. aruler 102 marlin! The Tuesday post- Jacks, black skip jack, runners, man brought Ernie Coppel'a mbl groupers, but the ones we were Fleet r~port In 69 trips. there after that John had told us about were 128 marlin, 1 sallflsh. were dog snappers-ever h!ar of Bueno! them! I hadn't. But they are the Go get one, Pappy. Thla 1a your doggondest flsh I've eve.r tied big chance. And tie one up for Into. They lurk near the roeka me. IE II IPIILITEIIII .PORT · (01/0NA ,"l[l \44 ... ··4•'• IJII'<.'Y • ~~ .\\\1~~~---. -~ ...... _.... :Ill!~-~ : . ::;.\··--.. : • .... ...... J• • ........ . .••....... With a 6Q..pounder holding a light tackle outfit with a lleht drag that tlsh just about did everythlne but fly. Rose Mary also caught her flrat marlln at Cape San Lucas, but I know El- mer Hehr, Willard and Rod Bell. Joe Coona and "Chef Mllanl" Af- flerbaugh will brine you up to date on the wonderful fiahlna at the Cape u they, on the 5 Bella. really tlau1htered them. But l'd lUte to tell you about flsblnl rd never beard of, and perhape you may not have either. and the reet.a and they bJt a plug ------------ or a spoon llke lightning and All your printing needs will be IIcht. They're tricky. touCh and handled conveniently ond court- have lots of stamina. U you've eously in the completely-equip. never flsbed them you should ped Job Printinq O.pertment of mab it a polnt to try lt. y_our H'-rbor Areo Ne~. Th~y look llke a etant cold Tllhe~En~s~iq~n=· ~I g1M~Cgoa~st~~B1~ .... ~ CC~DMM~. ~~!!!;;~~!!;~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ flah and 1 cauaht one that .: TJlTJliaJLCUJiJssCOLOOAC'JJUR As part of our crew In addition to SkJpper Chuck trancts and GU "Happy Landings" SmJth, we have with u.s John Vitillch. who welched 83 lb&. John aa)'l they co u much u 100. We broke oil two on mecS. marUn tadde. Pull· inl Into Acapulco now, ao basta la vllta. roBEST SMJTH. P .S. Here are a eoupJe ol eealel from a dol mapper. 1bey're ao toulb you can't let a 1aft lnto them. Harbor High Citizen Group To Discuss Plans Mar.ch 24 w ...... D, The Forward look F• SpdDg 1155 --· The residence of fJio.nr••• .... * * * ................ BNSlfJN * * * SCHOOL NEWS e &allilli ftAII ._ gym from 2:35 to 3:15. Jam• We cU4 tt qatal! Attbeleque 0111 'ftle ...U e1 a..r, ...._ Fitzgerald played the plano a.ncl traelt .....t at ~ on Tbun-_.. AN yoa .....,_. ._ ..,_ called the dances, which were daJ, Mardl 10. RBIIp ea.me out ......... bee? 'I"M ...._ ...._ the VirginJa Reel, John Brown &heed wtth a _. of U polftta. .-.-..a ........... .._. and Rye Waltz which they did We pla)'ecl aaa~Mt T otber a. ..,_ ftMII '"--.._ twice, a glrls' choice and a boyS IICboola. au..n a.--.• one ot ...._. ~ ..-• choice. Refreshments were aerved our better a~ wu cll.8quall-W4Mil.._.. D. c. Obi CIMny In the Cafeteria and then takert fled aa a '11" W'hea be wet1bed a111u • · Into the rooms to eat &etrea!S- ln u a anall .. A.'' But that cUdn't ments were different kinda ot dampen h1l splrlb, be went on cupcakes a nd Joe crea_m. The '-""'t to take a fJnt Jn broad jump Jump and a rtrst In the 50 yard of the dance was Sc per person. with ltenney Carr taldnl fourth. dash with BIJJy Callia placing • • • Dick Tunowake tJecl for f1.rst also. John Henrotln got a first e CAA lfEWI •OTU place In bleb jump for the "A's " In shot putt along wlth Sandy In GAA this w~k we have wtth Dennla Tucker eomlne in Hooe.e placing also. The "D's'' got been finishin g up our volleyball. 1ee0nd. Bob Beauchamp captured their relay too. Pat Bush, Pat Fruehllnc. Loutee a flnt in allot putt and abo It was altogether a eood day. ~. Jewel Leavy, MarsheUe For- 8COI'ed a ~nd 1n tlut 75-yard Our next meet wiU be with La-,gey and Jeanine Armst:ronr were daab wlth Bead of We.tm1nl.ater guna Beach at our field. trying new pyramids In tumb- taldn& fint. • • • ling. They worked out quite well, And for the "B's." Cralc Cad-• 7TB CllADE JIEWS with the help of the tu mbling walader cot a flrat in hlch Jump The 7th grade dance was very book. The t umbling team f~r the and broad Jump. Bonny Lowe successful. About 170 girls and &how is comln& a_!onc fine. Ex- ran 3&-d 1n the 75 yud dull. Leon boys a ttended. The Mastt'.r, and cept for a little trouble In ttmtnc. Atwood placed flrat ln allot putt Mistress you mleht aay, of Cere-Miss Jo Ann ~d changed a with Doug Reddick s.!Conc!. The monies were .R!chard Watson and few stunts here a nd there. !'at ------------''B's" won their relay. Na_ncy Mangan. Bob Anderson Wa_Iker's back was troubllnc her and Unda Reed won the door and when the ctrls were practlc- Winning Topic Is 'Patriotism' :~~··S·w:! 9, N~ HISTORICAL CITY DATA pollee reported. <>Ulcera were un- The ''C's" started out with Tom prizes. Also In the 7th grade. tn lng filps Pat tripped and did a Brickner plactnc first 1n hl&h first period gym, class 7E won forward ro ll. Miss Record threat Jump, and BtU McCarthy also the Interclass volleyball tourna-ened to dress her up as a clown placing first In the 75-yard dash. ment. They wlll play the winner • • • · .thlrd In shot p\ltt and another of the tilth period CYm class e PrA IIEETIXC "PatrlotJam" was the title of first In broad jump. I bet that next w~k. The nlaht of March th• 21st boy ate steak for dinner. The • • • • "' the wtnnlnc speech given by "C's" also th ir 1 make sure your parents come Nell Loeser at the Udo Toast-won e re a7. • IT'll CaADE •Ews to the P.T .A. m~tlng. That's :P~~= ;:~::~SOUGHT FOR BIRTHDAY masten1 Club M~tlng on Balboa For the ''D's," Steve Lagerlof The sixth graders had a dance when the kids wUl tumble and Island at the Park Ave. Cafe placed In high jump and Cary also. Theirs are held In school the Harmoneers and Barbershop last week. Other speakers were Curtis got a second In broad hours. thoueh. It wu held 1n the Quartet wUJ sine. Bob Penln, Vaurhn Taylor, Tom p-eat value from th• house. Larry J{ollenbeck ot 418 E. Bay Ave., called pollee to report watchinc the burclar 1n a llchted room checklnc aU poulble hld- tnr places for valuables. The burglar lett the hou.e between the time the Informant went to telephone pollee and their ar- rival. Entry to the realdenc:e was made throu&h a window, police ulcl Mr. Chrystal was found dead In hla home on March 3 and his f u n era 1 wu held March 8. The City of Newport Beach ls already making preparations tor Its 50th birthday anniversary, which will be celebrated throueh· out 1956. commercial harbor to serve ()r. Soule a_nd Otto Goethel. Ray a. WUCltEJ), TWO IIELD ange county bids fair to devolp L'Eclu.e presided at the ~tlng, Oscar J. Sanchez, 21. of Las Into a war of mllllonalres. • and Toaatmaater was President Vegu , Nevada, driver, and John "A meet:Jnr today tn Laguna Chuck Ary. Eva_Iua tors were R. La Rorue. 23. El Toro marine. EWe ....... . YARN SHOP Beach was attended by Harold Dave Holman, Dick Opp, cart The Ana.hetm )latch Tea_m. passenger, were arrested on The actual annlvenary date P. McCormick. former chairman Jones. Ralph Herr and Al Cuso-with a 3,068 total, won the team drunk fn.auto charees by New-rl#l E. c:..t ..... , wW be Sept. 1, 1956, exactly !50 of the board of the lnternatJona_l lito a_nd cene.ral eva luator was event In the Newport Harbor port pollee at 2:20 p.m. March 6. c-del ._ IIA _., years from the date of lncorpor. Harvester Company; Bruce V. Joe Ma.rtJn. .Elks Lodge Bowllnc tournament on MacArthur Blvd. near Coast ~=~po~=,1!and atlon u a city. Crandall, wealthy owner ot the At the Mar. 1 meeting table held at Va_n's Bowll All Hwy.. Corona del Mar. Pollee K.nJtttne Bacs City Clerk C. K . Priest Ia com-Cra_ndall Boat Works, and Sum.' toplcs muter was Bob McCleary Costa Mesa. The local n~ t~ sa id that thelr car ran tbroueh Speda.llzed Aoces.ortes piling hlatortcal documents a_nd ner Crosby, usoclate of McCor-who posed the question, "Should was second with 3 OH a barbed wlre fence, went down and InstructJon.a data and plcturea ln order to pro-mlck. the clUes of Coeta ~.esa and C. Hoeppner wo~ the stncles an embankment and stopped In WJat. .._., vide lnterestinc displays of the ''Members of the Newport N~ Beach merge. with 664. Bob Bogdanovtch wu a n open field. La Rorue suffered Mon.~~ ~0 P~:: l p.m. city's history. "If you have ma-Beach Yacht Club are bitterly Guests for the evening were seeond with 6M. G«wge Baveles =a.;mJ;.;.;n~o;;.r.;n~06e;;..;ln~Jury~;.· :;;po;U;ce;.aai;;;d.;.;.:;;;;;;&iiiiiiiiliiiiiii:iiiliiiliiiiiiiiiliiii;;;~ terlal of historical Interest or opposed to commerclallzlng the John Holst. area rovemor tor the and G.U Humphrey tied for r aoWJLUr Gft lOR photographs of the city In Its harbor which now serves u shel-Toastmasters; Jerry Brockman, third with 64:3. A 10n, Stephen Lee, wu born early days, please contact the ter for thelr pleasure craft. They deputy covernor; Lee Croner, 1 D011•1 to 1&. and Mra. 'lbom.u Bow-l clty clerk's otflce 1n City Hall,'' have anounced their determina. president of the Seal Beach 81 1 Klotz, manarer of Van'a. man of 158 Monte Vt.ta St.. he sucgeat.s. · tion to •.throw their combined Toastmasters Club. A local cuest. announces that summer leagues Colt& II-. 1ft Boac Memorial Here are just a couple Items wea_!th Into the fight." Jack Broe.rtnc. wu voted In as are now fonning, and that teams l •nu. -..... -that have reached lll8 office for a Club member. ca_n sign up now. •--Letter ln the "Safety Valve" IDdUIIIon In annlYWM17 4W-ColWDD of tbe San Francisco Speakers were Charles Herron, pi.Q8: Chronicle, June 29, 1935: Joe Martin. Dick Opp, Dave Hoi-••• W... Jtem from $be San •Fran-''Editor the CbronJcle-Slr: It man. and Otto Coetbel. Winner et.co Call. May ~ liQ'l: may lnterat the !ollowen~ ot the ot the cup wu Otto Goethe], ,, ... •Ia• ...... "Santa Ana. May 23--0ne of Flac controversy to learn that we who spoke on "Crime ln Ne. the most Important rea_! estate stlU have w1th ua the first United vada." Evaluators were Burton Fun~al services tor Connie deals Jn the history ot Oranee States Navy stan and strip-. to Beclc., Al CUsoUto, Dewitt Wor-Donahue. 28. of 327 Avoca do St.. Coun'7 wa.s consummated today float to the breezes of California cester and Hahnan Windham. Costa Mesa. were held Mar. 3 tn when Newport Beach, the , fore-and Oreron. Chief e v a 1 u a t o r was Hugh the Baltz Costa Mesa Chapel. You bring the lcnmdry w. do the work ••• New Low Pricea UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT WASHERETTE ------------· -~ -----. --- most eeulde resort of tht. sec::. Mynatt. Mr. Donahue. a truck driver. tion, passed from the hands of "A.lso, lt may Interest more the died last Feb. 24 1n Seaside Hos. ••¥£ 111111. l the Newport Wharf and Lumber folks of French extraction that TOUTJI JIOSE IR1171lED pltal. Long Beach, the result of OA ..... Company to a syndleate of Los the Boston pioneers of long ago Michael Long, 17. of 416 Or-an automobUe accldent in that f.,_.'l llalla. Angeles. San Francisco, Ne-w placed thls flag first at a point chid Ave., {:()rona del Mar, wu city. Be ls survived by hla lr ....,, York a_nd RfversJde capitalists. about midway betw~n what Is treated at Hoag Memorial Hos. mother, Mrs. Julla Donahue of who will take Immediate posses. now Balboa a_nd Newport Beach. pltal at 2 :25 a .m. March 6 tor a Holton, Kansas; a sister, Madce B R U C E M A R J I N alon of the property and expend Oranre county, Cal. 1'bla flag nose Injury suffered ln Merle's Allbrlcht. of Hoyt, Kansas; four large sums in its further develop. was made on the aplnnlng wh~l Drive ln, Corona del Mar. New. brothers, Frank and Michael of AUTI JIICI filE ment of the time. The flar ls still In port pollee reported. The youth Cost M ---UFE splendid condition. a esa and Ceorre and ''The transfer Includes the told pollee he did not know who Donald or Topeka, Kansu. LOCAL AGENT hotel, warehouses, cottaces and "Bert H. Stambaugh, San Luis caused the Injury but that he Rev. Charles Band wu In 1793 NEWPORT AVE_ COSTA MESA all holdings of the Newport Obispo." wu In a croup of eight people. charge of the services. OFFICE: Uberty 8-5554 RES. Uberty 8·5063 Wbad and Lumber Company at ----------------------~----~--~~~--~~~~--~~~~_::_::~::--------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jim Whyte INS URJ(IfCE ()cecm ........ cmcl ae-rall:a8wcmce LA '' e.u,. the bea_ch, coverlnc the 880 acres of land of the reaort, which Is protected by a United States pat. ent Men a nd teams will be put to work at once grading the streets ol the town, ne-w cottages will be erected a_nd a gu and electric: plant a_nd water works are among the improvements contemplated." News Item from the San Fran- cllco Chronicle, Jan. 7, 1931: .. CbronJcle Bureau, Loll An· ples, Jan. 6-An a_mbltJous pro- ject to make Newport Bea_ch, pop. ular rendezvous of yachtsmen, a wua MO'IOaJBT IID.D Robert B. BaDey Jr., 30. of Lon& Beach, was arrested on a drunk drtvJng charge by New- port pollee at 7:55 p.m . March 6, atter his car ran into the rear ol a car driven by Glenn H. Mitchell, 62. of Lon& Beach, stopped for tralftc on Coast Hwy., 100 feet east of Tustin Ave., Jlfewport Beach. Pollee said Mrs. Fern D. Mitchell, 61, occupant of the lllkb•U ear, sutfend un- lmown InJuria and wa.s taken home by her husba_nd. OM.s C.. ..._ ... ...... A a.am.d Ad in The Ensiqn ......... , 416 ...... c:....e .. ..., bttnQ. immed' .. te results! c.a H..bor 1114-1 II 5 and DfOII'8 it I MerclaciftCS' PIITIITIII IIIIIIE "Of course? we're going . to San Francisco "''For luxury tra..-el on a budqet. going 'Starlight' ..... mooey and daytime boun-oo .... to buy eo rout .. sa .. piDg'• a ciDch. too • .._ d. rec:JiDin9 loam-rubber dWra. .. Morning date in San Francisco T Be llt ar- brirht-go St4rlight ... S. P .'11 famous ruerved-seat O'ftrnight chair car streamliner. Leave ~ Angeles '1 :U p.m.-arrive in San Franci~ 6 :45 a.m. The •t: only $9.50 plu11 tax (reserved t~eat included). ••• Dluel Pe.-1 Bil'. nper-d.ieeel engines DOW power the S Corligllt- aDd ita daJt;ime twin. \he ~lt/ • nd 1 ..... ..._. See • ,a... J'DV ...-b7 s. 2 .&pat. • A Joea1 ebapter ol Mu PbJ MQ. tioaal.rep..atAdw few the Jun. JJtt1e ldlbr poup to a.ta Slpla lor IOI'CII'It,-, which Includes rtrt. Pb.l, non-aeademle IOIWtty Wb..ldl trGID 17 to 21. already bu two ebapten 1ft tbe At a recent meetiJ'la Mrs. Neff Harbor a.rea. ta be1q plaJmed ol Newport a.tabta ntertalned wttb Mn. John Neff u orpnb:er. tile Mu EpGloD daapter ot Beta Mrs. Neff wu formerly intema. Slpna Pill wttla colored alleles -::==::::::::::::::::::=::;;:::::::=:::::;-and commntary on b~ vtalt to ... Norway la.8t sununer, where abe lAY rr Wl'l'll attended the Unlvestty of Oalo. 'lbe meeting wu• held ot the home o! MIS. James Taylor ln Shore CJm.. Co-hostesses were 'Mrs. Howard Farwell and Mrs. Olear Taylor, both ot Corona HJghlands. lin. w .•. 'l"b..aU. 2112 )Ora. Oou.ncll .. 11 .. ,... • ,_ ............................................ pollltled •n ~ucs .. o ntw ot tbe ••RM~ ... •~ ,.... • .... Rewport 11arbar Girl Scout CauD. fnd'Wl ell to ,...a.o. lin.&. T. O•pm.en ------ h .. Wbo U. .....,._ ..... ADA IIUX A Mn. 'l'boiDu recel¥ed bel B. A. .....a. AT fOMOIIA tn 11ome ....,.,_,.,.. at KaMu l:nrolllna at ....._. Coli .. • Stat. CoUep ud bu bad teadl-In traditional Citi¥illil .... ...._. 1Q1 apertence. Sbe bu lerYed 12 were the tollowiiW llulntr With PTA and Jlacl era-and Ia from the Hub« ..,_: J11a7 dolna ehwdl cbolr wodt. She bu Haney of Corona del liar; Jlar. a,e,n a Girl Soout leader for four tin Green of Colt& .._, hna yun, three ot whJeh have been Korrta and Peter Korrt. ot Lido In Newport Beach. lale, and Anthony Z.W ol BM- Mra. Chapman had been auo. eon &)', and Mary Catherine ctated with the local Glrl Scout Blodgett of Balboa lll&ncl. IUIIEI 1111 Oem.nds • 1955 FituN Oitdpt!Md 6receful A final report on the 10rorlty's rummage sale was given by Mrs. Ernest Waltu, wa~ and means chalrman. She told that 1Q<'o of the profits were flven to the ChUdren's Home Society, which heJped collect the rummage, and that part of the profits were sent to the Cystic Ftbrosla Founda- tion, a CalltornJa phUanthropy of the Beta Strma Phi. TWo boxes of clothing left from the aaJe were sent to the Navajo Indians via Dr. Clinton Emmenon, Costa Mesa. Men's Clothing wu given to the EJJcs Club for their re- arnura DADY ._ ....,.. 1111 ..._ Paalaloa SMw -.1 1-ctr• en-bJ eM~ ollc: w--·• c-.edl el •=rwt ....._ .. eM ....... _..... .... ..,. ......... ...... w......,.... ...... .. .......... .-tr .............. ..... Yea c-.... . aa1boa .., au .. ewt .. dPt) ....... •-a.ouptaa aM little}-IC ••· 0. ... .. 1o1aa ~~a~t~e~a _. 11.n. wuu.. o-..rw (...-sleft .. npt). Y~ arntlhal np.. Try the STAUFFER SYSTEM way For Fl,ure Beauty ... Phone For Free Trtal Treatment • StandaJ'd S h a d e Cloths and Custom Specialties e Drapery H a r d w a r e e Venetian BJJnds. ~'-SluJ. SI.Dp * ..... tM * Call Pc* Off:lc» BA 1M G2 22Dd St.. • ..,.._. 8eac:b habUitatJon center. • Guests at the February meet. lng were Mrs. Douglas HoskJn and Mrs. Ira SmJth of Corona Highlands. both mem~ra ot the newly formed Omicron Rho chap. ter ot Beta Sigma Phi. Music Group Meetings Set Chairmen of the Orange 0 un- ty Philharmonic Society this month Inaugurated a series of regular monthly meetings. it Is announced by Executive Director Kaien MargTeta Bruning of eo. rona del Ma.r. Speakers at the March 9 break. fast meeting at the Balboa Bay Club were Frieda Bellntante. conductor of the orchestra, and Mrs. G. C. Hudson, past president of the Long Beach Philharmonic Society, an auxiliary ot the Lo.s Angeles Philharmonic. M.ra. Rud. son expressed amazement at the work already accomplished ln 10 short a time here In Orange County. ftU.NST • SNftAANA All of the chairmen will plan •Face Lifting Your Garden• Is Topic at Lido Meeting Small patio gardens on Lld9 will receive · special attention Tuesday when Elsie Ibbett of Lag\Jna wll taJk on "Face Lift. ling Your Old Garden". at the meeting of the Garden Section of the Lido Isle Women's clubs to be held at the home ol Mrs.. Jrv. lng Watcher. chairman. An- nouncement of the meeting was made at the monthly meeting of the Lido Isle Woman's Club held last week at the Balboa Bay Club. Harold Gelman of MGM movie studios presented a musical pro- gTam for the club, a "return by request" appearan~. Mrs. Ro~ Kappa Alums Plan Election OUicera will be elected at the AprU 14 meeting of the Kappa Kappa Gamma Alumnae Asso- ciation of Southern Orange County at the home ot Mrs. R o b e r t Blackmar of Balboa Keppen, program chairman, In- troduced the speaker and pro- gTam "Music In Hollywood.'' which Included a humorous lec. ture and selected plano numbers. Miniature M a n z a n I t a tr~ strung with shamrocks and gold necked ribbons decorated the tables at the Bay Club. scene of the meeting because of the re- modelUng of the Lido Commu. nJty Clubhouse. Green frilled candy cups and small favors of JlpstJclc.s and perfumes also dec- orated the tables. DecoratJon committee Included Mrs. Gene Ross. decorations chairman; Mrs. James Holliday and Mrs. John Earl. co-chairman for the March luncheon; and Mmes. Allen Loeffler. Ralph Ahrens. Margaret T. White. Harry Rogers, Paul Roge!'s, Max- well Sturges. James Martindale and Matt Ober Jr. During the business meeting, presided over by the president, Mrs. Ralph Tandowsky, tour magazIne subscriptions were voted sent to Roar Hospital, and Island. its was donated for cub ac:out ~J.lUI • tund and membership raisin& .ii~~~~iiiiiiii~~~~~i I actlvttles ln their respective com-M A T T R E S S E S munlties. Local chairmen are The aaoclation wtll hold Its equlprMDt. ~lal gueata Jn. annual rummage sale tomorrow eluded Mrs. Ted Hambrook, presJ- (Frlday) at 310 N. Spurgeon St.. dent of the Newport Harbor Girl Santa Ana. Proceeds will go tor Scout CouncU, Dean Marie Howes campershlps for the Crippled of Orange Coast College. and ChUdren'a Society of Orange Frieda Bellnfante. conductor of ~ -Cottoa Mrs. Carl Boswell of Bay Shores. FO.. ltabber Mrs. Jack Corn ot Balboa Island. Irregular Shapes Mrs. Albert Stockton of Shore KEW -U817ILDIKC COSTA MESA MAITRESS CO. CUtts. Mrs. Thelma Paddock 2150 N•wpori Blvd. LJ 1-1)0) Hope of Coro:1a del Mar. Mrs. Moreland Lelthold of Balboa. Mrs. Basil Peterson of Newport Heights and Mrs. Kenneth Boet County. the Orange County Philharmonic KOVE TO COSTA KJ:SA Orchestra. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Eckles ------------ have moved from 704 Larkspur Flm CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTlST Ave., Corona del Mar. to 924 ))Ol VI. lUo, ~~Me~~ EvergTeen Pl.. Costa Mesa. A brench of th. Moth•r Ch11reh, 111. For lettemeack. envelol>fl eel THE ENSIGN. HA-11 14 tcher of Costa Mesa. LECAL lfOTJCE :=~c=cc~~~~~~~CC~~~iiii~~CCCC~~ rN THE SUPElUOR COURT OF r: THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA OUR SPECIALrr First Ch11reh of Christ. Sci•ntin, in Bos- ton, Meu.ch11Mth. Sul\dey School ---···-9:15 e.m. Sundoy S•rvico ,_____ I I :00 •·'"· W.dn•sd•y Ev•;,ing MHtinq 8:00p.m. * Harbor 2272 * -------- * HarMr 2272 * COROIA DEL MAl PHARMACY --rRE Pr.c:riptloD Pharmacy"' 3127 E. Coast Rwy .. aea:r ]aaDiDe. Corolaa del liar I•J Ti1111 Although we have made this statement many times, because of Its Importanc-e, we would like to repeat It: the price of our service ls always determined by the family, for ~ery casket In our display rooms Is plainly marked with the cost ot the com. plete servlct>, 1 n c 1 u d I n 1 that casket. PARKES·RIDL MOA.TUAA.Y UO e•O~AV Cei~A WIIA UIMN .... ~ . .:31..:11 • """""" ,...~ Of ... ~ ...... • ,., ...... a ALaOA • ~ lllNe • LIDO "ll • NfWPOif MACH • COaOHA OIL~ lN AND FOR 'THE COUNTY OF ORANGE. Dept. No. 5 NO. 64570 SUMMONS Action brought In the Superior Court of the County of Orange, and Complaint tiled In the Of. R .. dinq Room lout.d •I lliS Vie Lido, Newport a..ch. ia open WH• de'(1 from 10:00 e.m. to 5:00 p.m., Wodnosd•'f1 from 10:00 •·'"· to 7: .. 5 p.m. Frid•y .,.nlngt from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. ClosH Holid•ys. Th• public is cordielly invit.d to et. tend th• church Mrvic•• •nd .A. th• Reodinq lloort~. flee of the Clerk o! the Su. DIRECTORY perlor Co urt of said County. PONCIANO P. YARRA. PlaJntttf ICVSIC SOCORO 1. y ~. Defendant Margaret L. Scharle THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE Teacher of Plano OF C ALI p 0 R N I A SEND Organist • Aceompanlat Evening Classes GREETINGS TO: for Adultl SOCORO 1. YARRA. Defendant 307 GOLDENROD AVE. You are directed to appear ln Corona del Mar an actlon brought agalnn you L..-FUK--E-BAL--D-IU:_CT_I'O __ U __ ~ by the above named plalntllf. ln ,__.....::..:.;:.;.:=.;;;;;...:;.;;;=.;;;.;;..;=;,-.--, the Superior Court of the State ot Friendly Nel&hborbood Service California, ln and tor the County Parkes-Ridley Mortuary ot Oranee, and to answer the Formerly Grauel Chapel complalnt therein wtthln ten days alter the service on you of 110 Broadway this summons, 1! served within LI 8·3433 A 8-3434 Costa Mesa the County of Orange, or wtthln ~===========: thirty days lt served elsewhere, and you are notltled that unless you 10 appear and answer as above requiJ'ed, the plalntl1t wUl take judgment tor any money or damages demanded ln the Complaint, as arlalnr upon eon. tract, or wUl apply to the Court tor any other rellet demanded m the eomplalnt. Given under my hand and eeal ot the Supertor Court 1'11 the County ot Oranp. State of~ N OW ... TWO BALTZ MORTUARIES Servlnc the Harbor Area Baltz Mortuary CHAPEL BY THE SEA HarboT 42 3520 E. Cout WJ!'~&f Corona dti Baltz Mortuary LlbeV .. 2121 17h A !u,...._, c.ta llela AKPl..E PAal!fQ IOTII LOCATIOJIS = ... thla 3td day of P'Hnlary, ::==:!!!!!!!!!!:=:::: (SEAL) INSURANCE ''Be $w.--Inaure'' Willi ~ STANLEY COLDEJf~ A surprise 50th weddlnc &nnJ. versa.ry party wu given recenU,y ln honor ot Mr. and Mra. Les Potter by the congregation at the First Baptist Church of New. port. Sll7 &. c..t li"T .. c::.-. clel ICar (Deai'Ja•alla.) ..... II.Al'HI TODAY I Open Eves., Mon., Wed. A Thurs. Light thei~ life with P,itk l/ A ST. AJmDWI nESrrrDL\Jf "ta._.,o,.aca- lSth St. a: St. Andrews Rd.. ........ Jls.lllc:bool u..ty 14'773 ~ .... J-S.I~ SUNDAY: Morning worship. 9:30 and 11 a.m.; Church School. 9:30 and 11:00; Sr. HJ(b FelJow. ablp. 7 p.m.; College age tel· lowahlp, 7:30 p.m. -roES. Prayer, study group, 9:30 a.m. OOIOIUJIJTY ICETIIODIST -w. lltla lt.. Coata ..... LDerty 1-4551 .... 1_,. W. ICcllaaDe Sunday: 9 :30 a.m., Chureb Sun· day School; 9:30 and U :OO a.m. MornJnr Worablp-7 p.m. College Age MYF Service -7 p.m. Hln School MYP Service; 7 p.m.. "Suneraoua GI'OUp s.rv. lee. AIIDOI.Y OF COD DDd lt. & ada:a Aft.. c.te .,_ Llbeny 1-1711 ....... IC. c:. Cnalc. ...... Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Wor· ahJp: 10:45 a .m. and 7:30 p.m. Youn~r People and OlUdten'a S.Vlce. 6:30 p.m. Sun. Mid· week Servtce: Wedneeday, 7:30 p.m. lAdle.' Mlaslonary Coun· cU. TbUJ'IIdaya. 10:00 a.m. IE'VEII"nn DAY ADtDIDi Jf...,..rt .......... lt.. •.....n··~ ua.ty ... &w.D.D. ........ Saturday XomJnc Servlcea: Sab- bath School: 9:30 Lm. -Ser· mon: U :OO a.m. Prayer meet· Jna: Wedne.du, 1:00 p.m. Fri· c1a1 ~ ~ll&pB8: •• caw,.., ....... .... .......... a....._ ...., .... a...., 3 TD caoaca or CIDiilt ta •r a.na , 1050 Cllnuda lt.. c.ta ICaea Sunday Servkea: Sunday Sebool, u..ty 1-ml 9:30a.m. llomlnl Wonhl.P at D. C.. B...t. ........., 10:30 a.m. EvanielJ.atk Sen<· Sunday Servtoes: t :30 a.m. Bible Ice, 7 p.m. Sunday. Prayer .rudy; u a.m. morning wor. meet:lna, 7:30p.m. Wednactay. ship; 7 p.m. evening service. MJdweek • e r vl c e. 7 p.m. rmiT CBO** OP C8JIJST Wednesday. ICIEii'fDf SID VIe ~uwpad a..da CIDJST CBlJ.ca n' TBE SEA _ ._ 8cllbocl 7~"fi.~ewpoc1 Sunday School: St:l5 a.m., Sun· II.Arbor sza day S e r v I c e : 11 :00 a.m. Wednesday Evenlnc Meettnr : Pastor: lteY. Boy A. Carboo 8:00. Rndlnc Room. 3315 VIa Sunday Worship, 9:45 and 11 Lido. Newport Beach, oge: 10 a.m. Church School: 9:.(5 a.m. a.m.·5 p.m. week days. 1 a.m.-Midweek Meeting: 7:30 p.m. 7:45p.m. Wednesdays, 7·9 p.m. Wednesday preceded by 6:30 Friday evenlnn. p.m potluck. • -- IT. JOACBDN CKUBCB 1 .. 0rc1D9e Aft.. C'olta Keea Uberty 1·1011 Patbew 1'boalaa J. Kma SUDCSay Kauee at 7. I. I. 10 cmd 11:30 a:m. Weekdays: Mass at 7:00 a .m. -Confession: Satur· days from 4:00 to 5:15-7:00 to 8:15 p.m. I'DIST aAPTIST cauaca or JfEWJOBT aaJboa UYd.. lttb & Coart Ita.. Jfewport ~ 1553 Uberty 1-3072 ....... : 11.-t.t c. Joluuoa Sunday services: 9:45 a.m., Sun· day School; 11:00 a.m., Wor· ship Senice; 7:30 p.m. Sunday evening C:ervlce; Mld·Week Service: 7:30 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Meettng. VJIIVEDALIST OOICJIVlfJTY PELLOWSIID DeU Clabll1ue 515 W. 8cdboa U9d.. 8cdJ:MMI IClaldws .... r . W.JUa9e Sunday School, 10:30 a.m. lttom . lnr worship, U :OO a.m. PDIST IOUTIIED aAPI'IST CIIVKII -w. a..otralt.. CoM .... LJhedy ..... ..... Dr. llk:llard .. ,_ Sunday school, 9 :45 a.m.; church service 10:50 a.m. Training UnJon 7 p.m. Sunday. Evenlne worship 8 p.m. Sunday. Teach· ~ and oftlcena meeting 7 p.m. Wedn.-day. Prayer eervtce and Bible .rudy 8 p.m. Wednesday. • OOIIOirA DID. liD REWIOBT BADOa COIOI1rWJT'l CBUACB PDST UPrll1' caoaca laataA.MAft. ........... c.... .... ... ••• G. ..... Sunday Servicea: 9:45 a.m. Sunday School; ll :un.. Wonhlp Serv1cea · 1:30 p.m.. Baptlat TralnlnJ UnJon: 7!30 p.m.. Evenlq Service. Wednesday: 7:30 p.m.. Prayer, Pral.ee and Blble Stud)'. Mon· day: 7:30 p.m. Men's Choru• p r a e t1 e e .i. 8:30 p.m. Xen'a Prayer)(~ caoaca oF ova LADT OP liT. t:AI!I(KI I .. IW ....... ...__ ....... Udur•• F..._=s3,,_.. r.-. • • AllaL SuJad.q M• 1 11: 1:00 ud 10:00 aadU:IOUL~ ~-:IJ:Mn: = ~ .=r.:&~:ao P.IIL Dell7 ..... 1:00 a.a rtnt P'rl.S.,: l:aD LJIL .... ·~ p.m. l'f o v e a a (~Wpftu.al ~p): TueecSQ, 7:45 p.m. ClllUft Uh*'IU CMUIICII OP CIOn'A IC:DA ( ........ .,..., •·111:.. a: 1WL ................. ,. .... Sunday Serv1cn: WonhJp Serv· Ice 9 a.m. Sunday School at 10:15 a.m. IT. JAICD UIICOPAL • laVIaiJM, ............ ·~1-.... llolpla L ,._. cw.t. Sunday Services: 1:30, 9:30. 11 a.m. Mornln& Prayerl 9:30 a.m. RegbtraUon lor Bunaay School TbUJ'IIday Service~: 9:15 a.m. Prayer GuUd; 10:30 Holy Com-munion. IT. JOD YiAIIIfn as• ICcatM A..._ ....._ lalaDd ~-· ~~"£!7· ..... F..._~ 111M Sunday M .... : 7:QO a .m. A 9:00 a.m. Co~ton : Aaturdaya and eves. ot 1.rt Frfd&)'l and Holy Days; 7:30 to 8:00 p.m.; P'lnt ~day Mua 8 a.m. -C2ft'UL. amu cauw c...... ........... c.t. 11-. t•••tr ..,_ A.A. Kat 11 ...._ Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Melm· tna Servt~ u :oo: Ewnlnt Seivlee. T:JO. lfld·week llrY· Ice, WedneM&J, 7:30 P.llt. LUTIIEUJI CBUKB C II .. 1101 CWf ... Jfuwpad llelflata 12'"'2 •• au..oa JIIJUfD Uberty l ·llll Ill =~Aft. CIOIOIOWIH ID'I'IIoo.T .......... Cnai...S us A4IIM ........... ...... Early serv1ce, 8:30 a.m. Sunday; ...._, .... Uwia aa.u. "'r'itK• .... D1 lfkl ..., ChUJ'cb School 9:30 a.m.· wor-Sunday Wonblp Servtces: 9:45 Sunday Service~: 1:30 L m. ahlp ~. ti:oo a.m.; LUther a .m .. 11:00 a.m.SundayScbool: ChUJ"Ch Schoolj,_9:3.0 and U:OO Leape. 7:30 p.m. •~e a.m. a.m. WOI'Ihlp MFV~ee. Tbla DJredory ia made po-lhJ. hy th-dYic-mblclecl bam I 'WD: WOOOW<:>RTH .-tANO SHOP Exdustve Apnt fol' Baldwin Planoe 2610 E. Coeat Hwy. H•. llt2 C...,. cW M• R&.STIK lfo Taeka ..• lfo Tape .•• lfo Paste 2229 E. eo.t Hwy. C... .W M• NEWPORT HARIOit ENSI&N NIWSPAPB Prfntln~ Jf ... !.o E. eo.t Hwy. Har. 1114 c. ......... NEWJIOIT HAUOI IN« Mil E. c..t .....,. c.-. ...... Nl'tWOIT IALIOA SAVIN8S I lOAN ASSN. IJM VII LUe 'Nsapwt ..... &ENERAl SHEET METAL WOIJCS 401 lOth SfrMt H.._ 2210 N.wpcwt 1Mc11 . THOt..4AS MOll&. SBVICI Wub.tna -Peltrhtna 1500 W ...... a Her. J611..W Newpwt ..... IALIOA lAY O.UI 1221 W. c..t ...... , N .. ~ .... RIOIARD"S UDO WMQT , Mrs. E . R. Millett Installed by League Mrs. I'Awud lt. M.Uiett h . ol Kn. Altbur ._, COII'ellpOOdlnl Bal.,_ fonullJ took omc. u ~; )ln. 0 . c. Su-. tftU- pnmclent til the Jllewpcllt --.eh urer; lin. AUIItiD Bturt_evant. Q\aJ*w ot tM A"'"•ace I.-cue Junior advl8or; Kn. Richard caa- at a lundaeoa -unc ot the tle, Jllatlonal ,., .. M!btatJve, and lfOUP held oru.da1 at tM IOdal Ntlr1.1-.l pl8lcSent, Mra. Roland center til the IAqae. Wrl*"t u padla.mtentarlan. Bet .upporttq olftcen bldude 'l'be oew aitken w~ lnataUed Mn. Neleon Jllelee, tint vic. .. ·()l(!S-by Mra. Edlar Hlll, who Ia past IMI\t; )(n. Edward l . Brook-. pretddn:t of the League u weU 11ee0nd vlce-premMI\t; Mnl. LM· u Mayor ol Newport tJeaeb. Hoo- nJe Vlneent. recordlnl ~eereta.ry; eaes for the meeting, one of the Junior League Installs Tues. New otfJcen of the Junior Aux. mOlt Important and best attend. ed of the year, were Mrs. Dale Ram.ey, chalnnan ot the lunch- eon committee, Mrs. Jubn Web· lrte', Mn. Kenneth Albright. Mn.. Broolu, Mrs. W. C. Buck. Mrs. C. L. Cooper and Mrs. George Pen- ney. Ulary of the A.alatance League of Newport Beach wlll be In-GOP Wome ... &. & stalled Tuesday at a special ln. n .......... -atallatlon luncheon meeting at w·ll I t II Z t I H -• CJ Da the Newport Harbor' Ya'!ht Club. I ns a On a $ omec0m1n y Mrs. Forrest Neal ot Sh~ Memben of the Republican Former members ol the Zonta Memorial Hospital and drapes Cllffa haa been elected ehalrman Women'• Club of Newport Har. Club of Newport Harbor w«e and layettn for the hospital, do-of the IJOOp. Oth« officers In-bor and prospective members ~ honored auesta at the annual nation of a publJc address sy-. elude Mrs. Earl Peterson, first Invited to meet at lO:JO a.m. next Homecomln1 Day held Jut week tern for the \de of local organlza-vice-chairman; Mrs. R 0 b e r t Thursday (March 24 > at the at u.e VIlla Martna. They lnclud-tiona, ualstance to Manila Zonta Crowner, aecond vice-chairman; home ot Mra. R. E. CampbeU, ed Cbutet Prntdent ..)Ira. Un-Club ln their helpln& the T.B. Mra. WOllam Ritter, recording ~6 Bayahore Dr., Bay Shores, colD Korman. Mrs. Peptto Pft'ez. Hoepttal th~. food and clothing secretary; Mrs. Jaek Broerlng, for bu.aineu meeting. lnatallatlon Mra. Fred Stoddard, Mrs. Betty to Europe. adoption of a ward of correspondinc secretary; Mrs. Ed of ottlcen~ and luncheon. Pap and Mrs. Margery Crumley. little chlldren lJl the Oranee Chapman, tftuurer; Mrs. Roland Mrs. Richard Teachout of Bay 11.n. Albert Stockton 1ave a County BOIPIW. aponaorf.ng a Lagerlof. Ualaon, and put presl-Shorea will be ln.talled as the rnume of the philanthroptn and lecture by John Morley. dent. Mrs. Norman Gamble, par. new president; Mrs. VIola Frlf'd· act:Jvttln ot the ZontJana since Mrs. Virginia MeMahon of Cos-Uamentartan. man u vlce.pre8ldent. Mrs. Sid- theil' orcantzatlon In 19C8. These ta Mna, owner ol the Cupcake Mrs. Peter Hill wUl entertain ney Peck as aecretary· Mrs. Rob- Include the a n n u a 1 Carnival Bakery, was lnJtlated Into mem. mernben ot the retlrlng and In-ert Barnes as corresyJndlng sec. Nlpt at the Balboa Bay Club. berahJp of the Zonta Club by coming oUicen and board mem-retary; Mn. Mark Soden u trea. -~'-l of Gl 1 .. -ut troo b«• at a party at b,.r ~nzr.e In ~-, -·J G di spo ..... .,. P r ~v ps, President Mrs. lames Aspln, VIce. Bay .5hor~ M<'ntlay «:venin&. aurer; _.. .. ~ • ar ner. p:u- dancee tor teen.agen, trophln ~•d t Dr H 1 Ro'-----_,_ d Uamentarlan; Mn. D. G. Hoyt. t-... _ La-An•l-aumm-P•~ en . e en """""""'n, Oth« new ch&.Uu.en an mern. d h ..,. ~ "V • .... ... ~ ways an means c alnnan, and art da aa. food tor football play. Secretary Mn. Malcolm Aneel ben of the board ~ Mrs. Und-Mrs. Otto Chrlaten.st>n as publl- Of Rubor Ill. .::bolanhJ-to and memberahlp chairman Mrs. say Youngblood, dental clinic city chairman. en -chairman; Mrs. Louis Ubbey, Rubor area gtrla. a room at Boa1 Ruth Barcume. Thrttt Shop; )(ra. Hans Broerlnc. Memben of the board wUJ as. s1st Mrs. Campbell wtth hostess Toy Shop; Mrs. Dean Bradford. d u t 1 ea . Luncheon reservations I fhell ~oles 1111111'1 Llll IIIIET wttla .... ,,,.. St. Patrick's Day! Mareh 17, 195.'5 Sure and to-day Ia the day, be gon a. that Rlchard'a opened lb doors come seven years ago and we've been wearln' ol the green ever since! * * * Everybody a te last Sunday at the openJng! Our Host.esa booth ln the front lobby served 700 eupa of coffee, 50 galloru of choc- olate and trsh milk and 100 dozen chocolate chip cookies. There will be more cooclln all this week, dlUerent deUca.cies each day . . . So atop by and say hi over a 'Piece ot p1e . . . maybe! * * * r• 11.11111 to ,., 1a two _._ ...a to .... ,... .... _ .. u 1 -.,. r_,.,. Ce8M .. a .....tlaa......, ........ , ...ta•pJOUid ••• a m 11 .-ta ................... . ~, .......... " .... • ,..... n. --...... " -.. ...,.. .....-... l7c ...... ........... , ... _._ •• fl..t ... ...-c& • -IW.ly .... s D& 45c ••• I~ W'lllllt ,.._ 9WJI ...S cWJ.a...-............ dar m' tw~ ~· _. . ..... ,...a-t ........ .... __..ebtcdoon. * * * We 111111 ••• _. EIPIIIED publlclty; Mrs. Ed lllcharc:bon, should be made with the hostess. woman's exchange; Mrs. Ch;ules Executive Board of the Orange Spukuhl, Hoag Hospital commit-County Fede!'atlon of Republican tee; Mrs. Wllllam Holstein, vroP. Women met earlier thla month erty management: Mrs. Hugh at the home of Mrs. R. S. Barnes. Hutson, market allps committee; 2532 Circle Dr.. Bay Shores. Mra. WIUJam Lester. welfare, and County president. Mrs. Walter Mrs. Carl Hillgren Jr.. teltphone Parke, announced that the bl- commtttee. annual convention of RepublJcan Mrs. Jack Boy.an, cha.irman of the garden aec:t1on. will entertain the Ebell crouP at a aaek lunch. eon at 12:30 p.m. Wedoesday at her home, 1662 S. E. La Lorna Dr., Santa Ana. MMian Prenti~ of the Orange County Home £co. nomJcs department w1U be the Home a nd Furniture•· with pic- tures and fabric samples tor u. lustraUon. Mrs. Go r d on Hudson was Today (Thursday) 18 the day co-hostess with Mrs. Nelaon B1ll Welch wtll put on h1a Star Holmwood. Also asslstlng wtth Shopper television show out In the luncheon duUes were M.mes. front. U you cannot oome up to Holt Condon. Charles Eaton, eee It ln penon, don't forget to Henry Eegert. Eugene Fenelon. tum your sets on to channel 11 Ccme Help ua Celebrate GRAND OPENING nr... LeDg'tha From Famous Desipers .,00 Yd. VAJ.VD TO IUS Yd. 79f. V ALUEI TO 11.21 Tel. REFBESHMENTS-PRJZES VIRGlNIA'S SNIP 'N' STITCH 209 Marine A.-e., Balboa lalcmd Benefit Set For Girls Club women wtll be held at Laguna Beach AprU ~. Named to com. mlttees for the County orcantza- tion were MlS. aa.rn.. nomina. tions committee, and Mn. Lewis Gardiner, credentials. speaker. • • • p F F ... T G at 10:30 p.m. Ju only Bill Welch . . eman, -. . racey, Ray. 'l'be Roar Hospital Group of mond Herms. Constance Jayred, can do lt. seven Lucky Ladles EbeU will meet Monday noon at A B. King, Floyd Buell and Roy will be chosen out of the audi- the home of Mrs. M. T. Gracey. • • • ence, one to represent each year 1992 Roaernary Pl.. eo.ta Mesa. A nominatJne committee was of our bein& here on Via Lido • • • appointed at the March 3 meet. at the entrance to Udo Isle. Tbe Furniture an4 lnteriora were lng ot the Ebell Club In A.m«f. Luc:ky Ladles will receive .orne dl8CUS8ed Wednesday when mem-can Legion Ball. Members of the S2SO.OO worth of gifts • · · and I beta of the Ebell aectton "Pro. committH are Mrs. Byron Wells. don't ~ean food · · · ~autJ.f\.11 A brnldast wUl be eerved from OCC ClEW Dl AC1'10JJ gressors" met for luncheon at the chairman. Mrs. Nelson Holm-things to v,-ear chosen from our 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. Saturday at the Th~ Orange Coa.st College crew Newport Heights home of Mrs. wood. Mrs. Meta Nelson. Mrs. three LJdo Shops that cater to Buealn Basket Market ln Costa will eo lnto competition tor the Albert s. Sparkes. G e 0 r g e Raymond Hern:tS and Mrs. Irving ~e k~dl~. ;!do :;,•s:l:n.s. Shad- Mesa as a benefit for the bulld· first time this year on Saturday Charles of Santa Ana, formerly Watcher. oc s an aga n ousefi · h lng fund of the Girla Club of the when they compete wtth the San with 2()t.h.Century Fox studios. Highlights oC the annuaJ Spring A.s you see these lovelies ~ Harbor Area. 'l'be Bar&aln Basket Diego Rowing Club at San Dleao. talked on ''Modem Trends In Festival planned for April 21 on your television SC1'~n. you ll Market, at 19th St. and Placentia ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::= were presented by Mrs. Amelia know you can get that Spring Ave .• Is providing the breakfast Gamble. gt-neral cha irman. It yen out of your bones by paying menu oC hot cakes. aausaee, or. .1· £ H IJ R, C H E C" I'" will be a l2 noon luncheon. fol these threE> shops a visit ange juice, coffee and milk. ~ ..., lowed by a short prog-ram or t.'n right a<'TOSS tht.' str~t · There wfll be pony and train tertalnmt>nt and cards. There rides for the kiddJes. VlfiVEitSALIST FD.LOWSIIU High Youth FelJowshlp are plan will be table prizes. door prtzes. Mrs. Earl Piper Is In charee of Rev. Frederiek Ringe, minlster nlng to attend the Annual Dis and booths tor jewelry, aprons arrangements. Tickets are avaJJ. of the Universalist Community trlct Youth Convention at Gar and home cooked foods. able In advance -at the club Fellowship. will talk at the 11 den Grove Methodist Church on Fifty new mt>mbers wt>r(' pre house. 1916 Rubor Blvd., and at a.m. Sunday service on '"llle Su-Saturday. sentt'd with rorsagf'S by Mrs the breakfast site Saturday mom-preme Worth of Every Human John Lamar. membership chair Pei'IOnallty," one ot the cardinal -1 arY .......__ man Mrs Basil Peterso vi lne. t•-Dr &A,OQ ................ • • " n. ~ aftlmatlona of Unlversa aa.~u. . prt>sldent. presided at tht> bust. Frank Mcintyre of Costa Mesa. Rev. lames S. Stewart ls lead. ness session. * * * To.•onow ( F r 1 d a 'f ) 0.. All your printinq needs will be who teaches the adult ela.ss ln lng a study and dl.scusslon clus Serving the tt.'a wert> Mrs. Mel- hondled conveniently end court-Sunday School, Is conducting a on the theme, •-n.ts I Believe:· vln Becker. luncheon chairman, eously in the completely-equip-setles ot dlsculllllons on world every Sunday evening at 7 :45 In and ht.'r romminc.>e. Mrs. Lfoon ped J ob Printinq Deportment of zellglons bued on articles ap. the Sanctuary of St. Andrew's Sanborn. Mrs. H L. Roberds. Mrs. }'_our Horbor Areo Newspoper, pearing monthly In Lite Maga. Presbyterian Church. Roy Sabin and Mrs. K.. G. Miller. The Ensiqn, 1104 Coast Bl., COM. zt.ne. ~~~~~~~~~~~~========= PIE-EISTEI SPECIAL! Luclry LCidiee wW be CDbd to nttuna CIDd ... wW be c:tao.a to be oar l!rtladcry QIMeD ••• The Star Shopper JIIG91GW wW be oa T. V. Clgala ••• eo o.ce Cl9'lllao ~ watda • • • o.r llrtlacla'f o--wtll ~ $2IILDO of loftlytag ap tit .. Lido SaJoa of .acnaty ••• aa. ott.« of oa.r Lido Sbopa • • • Also dJ.D..Der fOI' two at Praak s--.· 11-.llD ltouge • • • J aotlc:e tbe ticbt ...,.. -Aa .... D1ll9 ., •t.rta~Aaa•t .... two del ax. dlila.pat.-d.laMn.. TIE 'II UP TO 200-H.P. V-8 MOTOR ClmiSTlAII ICIERCE CBUIICB "It Is the spirit that qulcken- eth; the flesb proftteth nothlne." decl&lft Jesus In Jobn'a Gospel (6:63). These words are the Gold· en Text of the Sunday l.el3on- S«mon on "Matter" at the New- port Chrlatian Sdence Church. CDII c:o .. uartY cauaca P• 0.. WMk Ollly * * * 11M ao..Jy .... "F ..... "P....t by ...... Qutis SALES RECORDS Rev. Edwin C. Gomke w1.ll Jpeak Sunday morning at the Corona del Mar Comm u rt'l ty Quarch u.aing tor his 8ei'I'DOn top. lc, "No Luting City." The Chapel Cbolr Ia alncinr "'Lead Me Lord" by We.ley and tbe Ch&JK'Iel Choir "'Bie.ed Jesu" by DYon.k. N9'Cila II UO ., __ ....,. $1.1& "8pht CllliiAUOa as tockrf Saturday' (Whisper> SherUf John wlU be here in person from U-2. when he will e3CC>rt his small try admirers ova-to the Free Show at the Udo Tbeat« . . . anoth~ one of our Lido Shops ... * * t .. ,. 1&58 80 IVEIUE IIJ.IWa. m IT, m IT, IIY IT T~ODA Y FROM JIAIIRISON TmD LU iU &&at liCK Itev. Franklin Green will speak on -romu.aow We Sllall ... " at Chrllt Church By the Sea Wed. ~ ~. )lard\ 23. Tbe .,.,..., Ia IIIIDIMw 0( the J1nt M«bodlst Chrdl lb Oc..-euslde. ,.. -~ eftl'l1nl Lental ..vke .. the ttalrd til tiM mid. wee~! tam.07 alalat III'Oif&JDII at tbe loea1 dawdl dlartq the pre. SUI.r ....... fte JII'CIIIftJD .... ..... wltla a ,.., diJJDIII' .. OoodeU Jlall at t:l5 p.m. 4•u./1Utlt- aAUTY IBOP ,., &. c.-....... eon.. dill·- FlOUIERS~· IIIII •111 UWII Mill .............. . ..................... -.................... . -... VOGEL VALUES . .... Beet JoeatJon In CDM. Owner aaya "'Sell." What hav~ you to tradef ..,,.,....., CharmJne 2 BR home on best 1treet plus l BR apt., w.w cpts., drapes, FA tuma~. fheplace, tHe In ldteh. It baths. Cedar root. Nice yard, dbl. raraee It laundry. Owner must sell. Don't buy before aeetne thla nl~ property. THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E. COAST HWY. HARBOR 1741 CORONA DEL MAR HARBOR 1477 IEWPIIT IEIIRTS ON PALMER ST.-off Santa Ana Ave. between 15th St. It 16th St. Owner on property from 1·5 p.m. SEVEN NEW 4~ ... 2 ........ ..... $11,410 Fill Price Balance like rent. Check these quality features: Sewers In and paid { Enclosed garages { Colored rock roofs { Garbage disposals { Kitchen tans { Street will be curbed and paved W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOCIATES. REAL TOR "you'll like our friendly service" 393 E. 17th St .. Costa Mesa Uberty 8-1139 ' ANNOUNCING NEW FURNlSHED 1•n HOlES Bul1t by lacco c.,. Furnished by MARTIN & von HEMERT Tomorrow's Dream-Today! • IRVINE TERRACE WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO INSPECT OUR DISTINCTIVE HOMES COMPLETED AND UNDER CONSTRUCTION NINE DIVERSIFIED FLOOR PLANS To the home buyer who wishes to purchase ln the $20,000 to $30,000 class we sincerely recommend the Irvine Estates overlooking Newport Harbor. These homes feature California living. OUered exclu- sively through Earl W. Stanley In a Smog-Free area known as Irvine Terr.ace-on Coast Highway opposite the new Irvine Coast Country Club, Newport Harbor. * For recommendation, we refer you to anyone who holds a Leasehold Estate In Lrvlne Terrace. Earl W. Stanley EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor 4448 For Further Information OCEAI SWEU HOTB. ia lleart of Ill ... 17 rooms. 2 apartmentJJ, completely furnl$hed $21,GOO only $8500 down Exclusive agent J. I. IIIIer Co. 2025 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport ncar Newport pier ... plenty of free parking Telephone: Harbor 4091-Eve. phone Harbor 3984 TRIPLE I Just above Ch ina Cove on Dahlia Ave., Corona del Mar. Good 110lld Income property. 2 units leased and 1 mo. to mo. Only 2 yrs. old. F. I. •• • ..... ... -.... ,_ ........ 'f' .... ~ .......... W.tTtU. • LNe .. , " Here ls a brand new home 3-bedrs. and 4en 2 baths 2 fireplaces nice patio and Including lots or out. atandlng features. Well priced at $21,&aa wtth EXCELLENT terma • ISUID IEALR CO. 498 Park, Balboa laland BA 377 REDUCED $2,0001 2 units, Little Island, One 2.bedr. Little Island-2 units One 2-bedr., One 1·bedr. furn. • • • IF YOU'VE BEEN LOOKING for a small vacation house, here It Is! ].bedr., convt. den, % bath, Interesting interior. Some work to tinlsh. $1&,7&0 Earl W. St•leJ REALTOR 225 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Call Harbor 1775, eves. Harbor 5359 lewpert llelciD J.bedr. home, 1 ~ baths, nr. schools, hardwd. noors and many nice features. Immed. possession, $15,500. Very re- sc>nable down payment. lew110rt Hel&lds 2-bedr. It den home, exclt. loc., near hJgh school, has 2 baths. flrepl., select oak n oors, Arcadia sliding glass doors. lg. sunshiny kitchen. lg. closets. 100 yds. wall-to- wall carpetlne. $19.500, can be FHA financed. Elllllar11H reahr Uberty S.2T72, or eves. U 8-7156 F. lEASE 0.111 llel lar Approx. 1500 sq. tt. Suitable for light manufacturln·g. • • • Furn. apt., 700 sq. ft.. de- sirable for fou( adults. Su•t Stel11r REAL ESTATE and BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BROKER 2912 W. Coast Highway, Newport Liberty 8-1521 WILL TUDE fw lot or ... 11er ~~~- 3 bedrrn.s., 2 ba t.hs, den. din- Ing room on 2 lots on corner, So. of hJebway, Corona del Mar. Open for Inspection at 415 Iris Ave. Excellent Financing CHARLES W. MASTERS Contractor HArbor 3286 081111 DEL Ill DRAMA TIC VIEW -Ocean, Beach, CUUa. 2 lar~e bdnna., 1 ~ btb.a. Spacloua. friendly lve. room. blllalde patio. LoOklne rleht down on beach Saaiflce as.soo. E.t W. ••I•J ~ Karlne Ave., Balboa laland Call Harbor 171'5. --~~~~ Harbor~~~~-- , : 80LJ)..-8y Multiple lbtin~. J038 GUrrAJt. VI'.OA blande ~~ E. Oeeen Front. Balbn&. "Go:.l 111. 1185 lncludee ea-, KA Iiiii, R .. , .. Bubor Ana..._._._, .. etpt.ttw tn ':Rl" tm..w. IJIB£ : Baha'I Faith .w JoiD Ia tM IIVIIfl'l~ eoeJebraUon ol llaw ... tM S'fOVIO""K:X:r.:ll:-..tw=IH---:.W-:z--Ci&f~--llliAii~:-n 80LI).....,Iy MuJtlpJ" L1Stll"\&. No. lt.ma ol tumltue • ..._ HA 52 Balboa eove.. ·~eoal dcht. SUQ.M. ~ II beAq celebnted thla Baha'I !'few YMI' nat Vwtll' week by llk:bard'• Lido llarbt • ...__ __ ftve In '55." ====:--=-=~=-=----"::=i=----=-~ 2Yhii TiiLt, t15: Dunc&rl with all-week tpeda1a and enter-'nae laha 1 ctlenclar, _... ... talDmenl Tbe btl event today rated ln 11M at the .......... ol (Thursday) Ia Bill Welcll and hla the Baha't d.lapenaatlon. """"' Star Shopper TV show (wblcb f« 19 mo.ntha ol lt ...,_--. wlU be televlaecl on Ow\nel 11 with four lnterealary 4ql ....., at lO:JO p.m.) Bill will 1eled ))etwMn the lut t-..o ...U... MveD women from tbe audience ;n.e ftnal month., Marda 2 to -. to reeeJve a ho.t ot lifts. and one t. devoted to futln(, wben of tb.ee seven will be choeen u Baha'la take no food Ol' Grtftk Birtheby Queen tomorrow. TV's from aunrlae to •unMt. 1'tie Ia· 80LD-BJ MultJple u.t.l"-• 113 Pt\yte table and 4 chatr., 175: Gamet. Balboa bland. "Goal wbatnot. 85; dub et.alr f4!5; etabt,ftve ln '55. aJ.o mabopny breakfront. I:IA SOLD-By Multiple Liatlne. 383 ~ E. Flower SL, eo.t4 Mesa.i395 ""=--=B:-:-uvs=,.........,l.-ov-e~l-y--..li,.,..tti""e-""'L-b,_.y ''Goal eleht-flve In '55.'' Grand; others 1'75, ~ $6&'5 etc. Story It Clark. Knabe, Wur- SOLD-By MultJple U atlng, 415 lltzer, Xlmbal 1n Salem Maple, Riverside. NewPort Helght.'l. Lester, McPhail Always 100 "Goal elabt-tlve In '55." plano. to ebooee from. Danz. Sheriff JobD will be around at . , ,. noon. and be'U take the ltlda over ha 1 New Year colnddee wtth to Lido Theatre for a tree show the f1.r8t clay of Sprtne. Tbe Ba- at l . ha'l faJth Ia bued on tt.. on•· SO~By Multiple Listing, 1910 Maple Ave. Costa .Mesa. "G<>al eight-five In '~" Schmidt Piano Co.. 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. ·--.1 .... .. 8~MM=-=M=o=VI=E=--c-a-m-er_a_a_n-:-d _p_ro-_1 • lr neu ol manlllnd and the fund· amental oneoea ot reUflon, jector, $50. Phone after 4:00 •121 f..-llllllll ....._...._ 1__._ ........__ SO~By Multiple Wstlng. \'a. p.m., HA t.~152.J:t. • 1.--•• ........ r... ~~- cant Lot W. Balboa lli>ulevard, -=CLARIN~=~ET=,...., --=p:::ED=LAR.-,....,=---91-ood-:-e-n, A muked robber took tbe Balboa. "Go&J elght-tlve In '55." excellent condition. $7S. Also pune and wallet from a Santa • If ... If JZ SOLD-By Multiple Llstlng, 512 boy's bicycle, 24", SlS. HA Ana couple wtth contents valued Funeral Mft1ees were beld S. Bay Front, Balboa Island 108&J. at Sl29 wbUe they were p~ked March 12 In Parka.RJdl., MOl'· "Goal eleht·five In '55" S5 RENTS good practice plano or In a car on the e.lltf aide of CUff tua.ry for Charlet Irwtn Wlbon. $87 $9 Sl25 M Pr. opposite 240f Clltf Dr .• !'few. 72. oltm Meu Dr., eo.ta Mea. SO~By Multiple Llstlne. 306-~;rne:: s:z3s. lDanz.s'chml~ port Heleht.s. at mJdnteht Satur. wbo dled March 7 at bla home. 306~ Coral Balboa Island. 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. d~y, Newport pollee reported. He wu a native of Bay City, "Goal elght.flve In '55.'' 'This Ll a hold up; f1ve me Utah and had come to Lol An- S3'75 BUYS lovely full keyboard your purse," the couple quoted -·-· In 1onn wh-he _.-.. SOLD-By Multiple Llstlna. Va Spinet plano· rental -tum• ed 1 H •-~~-...,., ...... ""'ucu • • ""' the mask man aa aay ne. e and operated a tent and awnJnr cant Lot Ocean Blvd., Corona have $151 on beautltul spinets did not show a weapon but kept busJn- 1 ,_ "'" ye .. -. Be .__d del Mar. "Goal eight five In l' ... e n-Wurll"--r • __.er lnl 1n v1 ..... .... ....., ... u. U\ "''""• we ' ~~ , a flaah' lleht ah Df the C· lived 1n Oct!anaJde before cominl Fl.scber, Knabe, Muon It Ham-u R.o ld D Leste d '55." SOLD-By Multiple Llstlne. 428 E. 18th St., Costa Mesa. "Goal elght.flve l.n '55.'' SOLD-By Multiple Listing, 125 Vla Zurich. Udo Isle. "Goal elghUlve In '55.'' SOLD-By Multiple Listing. Va. cant Lot on Marcus St., New. port Island. "Goal elght.flve In '55.'' SOLD-By Multiple Listing. Va- cant Lot 46th St., Newport "Goal elght.flve In '55.'' aEAL ESTATE & BEJfTALS CDM 2-BEDR. house, unlurn .. real clean, hardwd. floors, flrepl., for lease with option to bu~. F. C. Andresen, Coast Highway at Marigold, CDM. 2-BEDRM. house, turn., or un- . turn., newly decorated. Chil- dren welcome, 417 Helfotrope, CDM before 10. after 5. ATTRACTIVE, 2-BEDRM .. unlurn. apt. with earaee. convlenl- entJy located; 508 Karlcold, CDM. I:IA 1203-W. 1-BEDRM. turn. apt for rent. utllltles pd., CDM. HA 723. ATTRACTIVE FURN. m o dern studio apts.. utJI. pd., $65 and $75 mo. 3424 E. Cout Hwy., CDM, U 8-7177. NICE 1-BEDRM. apt. with ocean view, newly furn. Inquire 308 CarnatJon, CDM, HA 4016. UNFURN. 2-BEDRM. house, 1 block south or Hwy., near stores, CDM. p 84026. NICELY FURNISHED room, pvt. entrance and pvt. bath, near postortlce, bank, bus and stores. very desirable, 419 Poin- settia, CDM. HA 3692-W. lin some Blond Oak and Salem rna eyes, na · " an to eo.ta Mesa two yean aao Lora'\e M. Blod,ett. ' Survivors Include a brolh•. Maple. Danz.SchmJdt. 520 No. Thfj robber reached in the car Frank WUaon of Cotta Meea, and MaJn, Santa Ana. a,nd took the purse out of the a sister In Ark.a.nau. STEINWAY Grands 2, both In woman's banda. The man hand- perfect condltlon Mah. Notre-ed over his wallet. The robber --------.............................. bunt. wonderful tone, fast lc· 1~. walldnr between houses at _s_DYJ __ cu _________ _ Uon touch, lovely Knabe 2400 and 24«M Clltf Dr. 1 1 G Ill spinet In ebony tinlsh aave i'III"I•YI $230. Also Mason lr Hamlin 11.111 T II, Trail II • ...._ P11j11l•1 spinet like n~. Danz.Schmldt YIW ~~:~ .. store, 520 No. Main, • IIJ ~ IIIII 1-MM FCf:.J:"' 35-MM A Pl ojed to 1D~ue the poteo-and 101M Sound Projecton MINSHALL Organs electronic 1 Ual t.u rate by 65c for a aecoDd FAST COLOR FD...M SERVICE Mah. 1 Blond Oak $675 up 1n hich school in the Newport Har-Model Airplane Suppllee good condition. Used Solovox bor Union Hip School Diatrict ... a ..... Organ attachment to plano and the ~election of trustees will l.ll'l ~ $150. Danz.,SchmJdt Plano It be up for voter approval at the 1781lf.wport BlYd.. ea.ta ..-. Or a eo 520 N MaJn Santa ..,eclalaehooJ election on May 20. Pbone Llbert7 8-70C2 I n ·• o. · The te.rnu or Judte D. J . Dodee Ana. 150 Bass Piano Accordions and J . LeslJe Steffensen expire , p A 1 N T 1 N G _S95 __ u_p_. ---------J thla year on the board of trusteea SERVEL REFRIG. 1.2 cu. ft., $75. for the hilh achool The t~nn of Earl Sheflln Also Frigidaire elec. ranee. Harvey Pease expires on the 273 Palmer St.--co.ta Meea ... 5 R 3286 board of tru.atea of the Newport Uberty 8-2128 ~' · A · Beach Elementary School Dt.trict C 0 N N S 0 N A T A Organ, just and tboee of Chlaholm Brown and traded in, save $400 on thl.l Albert Otden on the Cocta Mesa almost new organ. Danz. Elementary School District. CaD- Schmidt, 520 No. Main, Santa dldate. for the jot. may file until Ana. AprU 21 ln tbe count, auperiD- 50 USED plano. wanted f« our ....... t'a ome,_ '" rental dept. Trade your old • .,.._. ....._ , T41d!t plano on new Electric orean, was the acene ot a famJJy dlnnf'l' spinet or grand plano. Danz. party etven by the Wlllaam B. Schmidt, 520 No. Main, Santa Trttts of Udo Isle la~t week.en1 Ana. Highest allowance. In honor ot their new daughter- HAMMOND Oreans. all models. in-law.to.be. who wlll many son easiest terms, your old plano BUl somnlm'! this sp1 h•i:· REPAIR AlfD m a I n t e a a n t •, palntin£ carpettW, etc. l ut anytblna. Reasonable Batiltac:- tJon euaranteed. BA 0121-J. Painting -Decorating PAPER HANGING accepted in exchange. Free Lama L1Ddcl 11•pUa1 was the practice rooms tot dally prac-acene of a recent operation tor Ucwwed C..tnetor Uce, try before you buy. Danz. Mrs. Sid Blackbeard of Corona 5U .:m. St., Newport Beaeb Schmidt Big Plano It Orran del Mar. HArbor ~W LlbertJ 8-8632 Co., 520 No. MaIn, Sa n t a An a. p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=:;=:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-; GEORGE BURKHARDT HAMMOND Chord Organ, 1 allehtly used, llke new. You can play this without a lesson. Danz.Schmldt, 520 No. Maln, Santa Ana. IIJIC!'I I &JfEOUI Buyer is King AT JOHNSON & SON SUP RENTALS: Rowboat rental spaces, max. 8' beam, 30' length. American Leeton Hall, GARDENER.-clean up, etc. CaU 15th and Bay, Newport, HA 452. U 8-1648. If no answer call U LOll .... JM pt fir ,_ IIlEY! 84708. IUSIKESS IIEJn' ALl GRANDMOTHER wants baby sJt. STORAGE-Newport civic center tine. AvaUable weekends, also area. for boats, buUdJne rna. evenings. U 8-3872. terlals or servtce repair bust. BABY SITI1NG, care of sick. your net~~. Owner, HA 3fT or H.A home. Day, nleht, mature CDM _3698-__ w .... ·--------- woman. Before 10 a.m~ after WAJn'ED '10....,.; 5 p.m., HA 3132-M. WANTED TO RENT by former SALES-SECRETARIAL position. teacher, small unl. up to $40 « Have experl<:nce In ea<'h, also fu.mlahed up to $50. Prefer drapery and upholstery cxpMi. CDM. RA 4500-l. ence. Will bring mature judg. ment to job. Local references. IIELP WAJrTZD Phone Ll S.'JOOJ days, HA 4275 Girls-- evenlnp. .lUST I DPPOITUIITIES . Cleaning Aeency .......... $1600 Cafe ................................ $5000 A Bonanza -............. _ .. ___ ,fr.500 LEE CAlEY RIDE 2721 E. Coast Hlchway Corona del Mar HarbOl' '*6 ..... 1ft Corona del Mat-VIew Du· pla-2 bdrm. MCb u.nJt. One turnl8hed. Sound condttScm. Drudcally Ndueed to tiC.· !500. su~a~t down. can a.r. •tm..:.... ........ - ElriW. DALTOa 225 lfutnt A~ ...._ lllaM ... , More than • that-An oppor. tunJty to work in an lnter-·esttnr tndu.try wbldl Ia a. pandlne ud olttn advance. ment oppor:tunlty to quall-~ed fOUDC 'women. OpfmJ.np now u: TEI..EPHOHE OPERATORS -Apply- 514~ N. Ma1n St. am. 2U Santa Au Mon. tb.roulb J"rt.. 1:00 to •:oo p.m. PAOPlC TI!LI.:PIIO!fE wa br riljJRL. fUiiliiai wtth bakey. Apply at Sawry BaAry CDII. 3831 B. Cout lhf7, CDII. ...w 1. LOW Pmal • ow .... --. CIMck .. "'--aad ~ .. caa. 1 QUALJT1' CAM ""atra ~ .. WewboJeecdet.IM.-tl S. S..DAT IIOJf£1' lACK OUA&AftZ& oe aU ou .... I11Y"' Ueecl C..l f.. DAT wanTBJI GUAa.AJrrZ.B • aU ou ...... hy-Ueecl Cenl . * SOME VALUES to CHOOSE FROM 'So DODGE CLUB COUPE _____ -J711 RadJo, beater-l'fEW bakecl enamel ftnlab. Runs IOod! '50 MERCURY CLUJ COUPE -·-· ...... _.J791 Radio, heater. Motor tn exeellent condJdon. NEW JI'IHJSII! • - u •~·••wwn.IIM 2 Incumbents ~re Defeated (CoftUn'* trom Pap 1) ~ Beuett ln tbe1r cU.trict, .... J, ud ~J.lmaD Broerinl w llr. Blcbie iD tbelr dlRrict, .. .. but the Balboe and Lido llle wtM rev.rMd the dedalon. ~ lnte....un, aldellCht Ia the t.d that Kr. B'roerllll. wbo .,. ~. polled 11 lft\)fe voe. than 1uc:ceutul eand.icJ.Ate WlWer .. Juat a ahade over ao~ of tbe re~ Yoten went to the polll -1,'718 out of 7,500 total There are 41 abeent.ee ballot. to be add· ed to tke total '!'ben were 128 write-in vote. for Mn. Kaneth Coolinlln May- or HW'• Dlltrlct No. I. Other writ.lol were tor Walter Grant. Dick JUchard, John T. Boyd, Paul J~ Max Sturpa and Tom Hen· dencm. IIKiift .. wu the .cene of fam. Uy vllitln& for Mrs. Don McCal· lum and her dau1htf!'r. The Mc- Callum~ are Newport Hel&bts ra- ldenta. Fertile Hens Eggs RANCH FRESH Larv• 7X a DoL cmd VITI .. STilE '99 N. Newpcwt Bl•d. Uberty &.6424 the Cn.roada S · Rolly Barcume Is Selected For World Scout Jamboree Llstlll' Realtor Stanley A. SmJth Ia Clllled to Replace leaky sewers on ll. Dr. Roaald Wood. D. C. HARBOR HEALTH SERVICE COMPI..!:TE Bldl f« repladnc leaky ..-er the Newport Harbor Chamber ot pipe~ on Balboa laland were Commerce opposlnr oil t.sla:11ts eaUed Monday eventn1 by the ol1 the Oranre County Coast. Newport City Councll. Openlna date of the blda wU1 be the A U • Approved a business license DIAGNOSIS 6 PHYSICAL 11 Cou cU meet! pr for lack Barcu•. phototTapher, at n ftl. fJ17 E .. Balboa Blvd., Balboa. City Entlneer Bert Webb uld e Approved a lease with the ============~ there have been 11 leab ln the Lido l8le Community Association - Past. •lx montha tn the MWer for the uae ot the Lido Clubhouse-!' Clossifted .A.d in The Ensiqn ~m. WhJcb WU lnstalled In tower for sky apottlng at $25 a brtnQS immediote results! C~ll the lt:.ilO'L The pi pel to be re-month. Horbor I I I '4-I I I 5 end orove it! placed are In the n-ea between Diamond Ave. and Sapphire Ave .. from Park Ave. to the North Speedway. Councll also: • lnmucted the clty eoelneer to ret lnformal bldl on dredeln& north bay near Balboa laland. The plan calls for ~t1n1 2 .. 000 yards of aand on the Collins· Diamond swlmmlne area and 1,· 000 yardl at Emerald. • Author1.zed C It y Manaeer John Sailors to compl~ the new parklnr lot on two sJdel ol the pollee station. • Set machinery In motion foe cleartnr weeds from vacant lots and parkways and chlr&Lnl the cost to the property ownen. Hear ln& Rt for Aprtl 11. e Recelwd a resolution from ••'• ••••• Trr Flllll.yP._ Thanks for so much- With a great deal of humility 1 have ten- dered my resignation from the Boord of Trustees of the Newport Beach Elementary School District. With a greater humbleness I would like to toke this means of than.king all of those persons -known and unknown-to me who SJX>nsored my candidacy for the City Council of the City of NewJX>rt Beach. I will at all times endeavor to repay that faith and confidence with a sincere effort to serve to the very best of my abilities in each situ- ation for the betterment and prqgress of our City. Explorer Scout Roland (Rolly) Rolly wu presented wlth the now MAJOR Stanley Smith, &e· ,.Barcume, son of Mrs. Ruth Bar. God and Country Award. one of cordlnr to an announcement just cume of Corona del Mar, is one Scoutlne'" hlehest honors. ln a made by Col. Thomas McLeod, of the three scouts selected to ceremony held at the Newport commander of the 90'78th Alr Re· represent Oranee Emplre Area ·Beach Christian Science Church. serve Group, Lone Beach Muni- CouncU at the 8th World Boy The other scouts selected to clpa1 A.lrport. Maj. Smith, who re- Scout Jamboree. which wlll be go to the Jamboree are Allen aides at 208 Martrold Ave., Co- held Aur. 1.2-28 In Ft. Niagara, Robinson of Garden Grove and rona del Mar, has been an active Canada. Fred Lenn of Santa Ana. with realtor In the Harbor Area since One other Harbor Area scout Lee Hendrick of Garden Grove aa 1946. Hls mlllt.ary career began William A. Knoll, 34, of 263l was honored. He 11 Gene MC· the second altf!'rnate. when he enlisted as a private ln Crestview Dr.. Bay Shores. was ~dllsh of Costa MKA Post 63, This Aueust event Is the World the Air Force during 1942 and found lying face down and un. who is one ol the two alternates Jamboree, as dlstlngulshed from waa subsequently graduated as a coruclous at the rear ot h ls car .elected by the Council. the National Boy Scout Jamboree second lieutenant from OUlcer'a parked on Irvine Ave. and Clay Sincerely The selection waa made on the that was held ln 1953 on the lr-Candidate Scllool, Miami Beach. St .. Newport Heights. by ~t!'W'p'lrt basis of the boys' 'achievements. vine Ranch near Corona del Mar. After 43 months of active duty, pollee at 11 :25 p.m. Tuesday. James R Strx:idmd cltlzenshlp, abllltles and Scout. More than 50,000 Scouts came Maj. SmJth aUillated with the re The englne of the car was run lnr Ideals. here for that one-about 45,000 serves alr force program and nlng and Mr. Knoll's face was f========================! Rolly Is member of pcout Troop (rom the U.S. This time the Am-since 1952 hu ~n Reserve In near the car tall pipe. pollee 81 of Balboa Wand'. sponsored erlcan contingent Is limited to formation oUicer with the 9078th said. He was taken to Hoag Me by the Newport Harbor Optlmlat only 1.200. Air Reserve Group. morlal Hospital where an exam! Club and led by Scoutmuter Oranee County Scouts wUJ be-• • • nation revealed a mlnor lump on -con~Latlng of 160 boys, 16 scout. Board u a new member La Wor. parently suffered from a fall. The HILL TOP MARKET ~~~~~~~~~~~~~M:a;~tth:ew~~w:aJ~d~e~llc~h~.~l~n~1a~n~u~a~ry: come a part of Region 12 Section Welcomed Into the Realty the rleht slde of his head, ap masters and four Regional Stall thlneton Lee of Balboa Island, man was Ln a very despondent members. Reelon 12 Lncludes Cal· .usociated wlth Carl Thomas of. state or mJnd due to marital l!ornla, Arizona, Nevada, Utah. fice · · · And r ight way the new trouble. pollee reportPd, admit. Watern Wyomln& and the Ha. member is pressed Into service. tine that he tried to take hi-. lUe. walJan lalanda. He la a representative of the He was removed to Orange SINCERE THANKS 'l'be ....._.Little Stan iD Newpwt ......... ~ E1aila1 • !•woww· The Same friendly Service o.a tA.JL •• •x -•. •.....-t 819d., ~ .... Tben will be a 'three-day traln· Civil Defense Committee, alonr County General Hospital for care. In& period at Salt Lake City en. with Capt. Pat Pattlaon a nd Bill route to the Jamboree. At Ft. C. P'laher. ------------- Nlasara. which Is 14 miles from ============= I>T .4 News Nlaeara Fa.l.l&. the encampment will be •pllt Into 10 sub-camps. each under the dlrect.lon of a dJf. ferent Canadian Scout Province. On the CROSSROADS STRIP ~=====================~s Forelen Scout ll'OUps will be ;: amone these 10 encampments to Glamour Glimpses Mrs. Harvey Pease of Balboa lsland. president of the Corona del Mar Scllool PTA. received the highest honor given by PTA. the honorary lite membership. at the 1 reruJar meeting last week. SHOE SALE CAI)KTTEI . •. ~·::::::::::::::::::::::.::::; lla:ltla ..... -................... -... -............. -.. ~ In natural straw and Blue canvas Size~ 5% to 9. • enable boys ol different nation- alities to camp with each other. The Reclon 12 contlnrent will be headed by John G. Triplett, a Corona Hlthlandl resident, who Ia deputy re&lonal scout execu- tive ol Re&lon 12. W. B. Spur,eon m Of Cliff Haven, member of the executive board of Oranre Em. plre Area CouncU, will be direc- tor of phy1lcal a rrangements. Sure and belOIT& and it's St. Mrs. Harold Boyvey. who made Patrick's Day, and we wish all Uae presentation. told of the lood Irilh everywhere the Yef'1 many activities In which Mrs. best . for thil ll''at day · · · and J>ease has participated: Asslated if you aren't 10 luclcy, and not a wee bit Irish, we wish you a rreat In orra.nJzlng the Harbor Council to the many who voted for me, and who also gave me active support otherwise in the council campo1gn. I hope you will notify those of us serv- ing on the council how you stand on issues in the future Let's hove a cup of coffee together a1 9 a m Fn- day morm ng at Cop Rogan's Ca fe . Co rona del Mar Come down and get ocquomted this Fn- od y, or any Fnday from now on Surf & Sand Balboa For letferMeds, envelopes c.l THE ENSIGN. HA-l I 14 day tool When St. Patrick's Day of PTA and now servinr on that is here, aure and we k:now for board; flrst vice-president of the certain 'tis 1prin1, so it's time we Newport Harbor Hleh School took a look Ln the mirror and took PTA; active member of Fourth account of our appearance. , 11 Dlstrlct; active ln elementa ry you select your clothes from PTA tor several years and tnstru O'.BRIEN'S, you will wear ~ mental Ln dJvldlng them lnt wath pride. o LEE WILDER , W hat's New For Spring? The fabulous foreoast of figure fiattering fashions will be revealed in next week's exciting Easter- eyeing Ensign. DON"T Ml$S IT! 1955 So let'• talk abcHtt SJII"l.q! Talk abotd u.e lonly W.u.e n.,.n. t1aat rtn. • •• r,... .._ f... r..t -U.oee .a-t 11i1ortie al~lilt~ewaa, then bloomer.,..ta p.J.'L n.e a. ltoek •P oe K.ldterakll'• "Qaote. .. , tJile perfeet prter- peall Ut.at ..... ., .. lt.eklap •• ... ,tn 1" J..t a UWe eeatnl. ..,.. .. ~ tale .. y wlU. a fl'ellll MW ....... eeet fw ~ bnakfut u.e-... MYe ., .. _... O...UN'Saeweett.ea~ .... u.at ~ .. ,......, Those adorable new sprinr baa- at O'BRIEN'S are coatwne brirht- eners u well u conversaUon pieces -and you'll notice we lead the way arain with the most oririnal and not too expenaivel Time, too, to find yourself a little sprinr-into-awnmer suit. by Crys- tal See them in VOI(Ue, let ua show them to you penonally. F or aomet.hlna out..oi-OU..world .ee yoUJ"'df Ln a very Urht welrht twe«t by Davidow. .u.reru.......-,~r.-. ....... ~...._ ............. ........ ., .. ", .. ....... ,.. ............... , .... al~ ........ ..... ,.. ,_ ..... J Ill 11 .. ... ,.4111ta ......... ..., .......... ,.. .... ,... f bb ... _ .... ....... .......... ,.~ .. . .... I Youn f« • ~ ~Prine ... at O'BJIIDI"S. separate units; hel~ establlsh Corona del Mar and Harbor View units and thls year is serving a second term as president: act ive In many civic and church a.Uairs. active ln cub scout.lnc for many I years. Councllrnan Elect. 6th D1stnt:1 CO RON A DEL MAR Clearance SALE Conti.es Until All Stock is Sold Same hiP quality upholateri.nq with liDe labrica ... 11% Iff. UP to 60% OFF! ... ., ... Tab adYCmtave of di8counta on both fabric cmd track. Het wood-Wab&eld ,... • ,. L1GA .onc:a IMW IIO'I'ICa LNil -·-~ 110. ... ---~ oorMr ., tlaat oertaJn llDe ol 'ft8d Jfo. .. 8llawn m· ........ ,..... .rJ ma .1il~~~~~~= , A IIDQLIJ'I10N OP llft'D· = at 1aDd u delcrlbed in on a map recatdell Ia IU8ee1Jaa. •IIIith 1 IJ :'1 = = 3: ~ Jllilawq to 1l~~~J'AJ(I) amMO ftdal~ol~-r~.:~ =~p=-~~; ... u:-aa ~ : diM .,_,=~ aszi·-WHDJWI. tbeft .. atuated County; tMnee 80Uda ••• 15" t!lenee eontinulna ... ..... ~r •.• -• 11M lltb ouUide and eoau.uo-to tbie well a cllllta.De8 f/1 ao.oo feet; pe.rallel llne a ci.IMaace 11"1• fill ..,... ~ -~ ...caw m al at llour ol City of Newport &Ncb. a certain tbeDcle 80Utb t• 01' r welt a feet to ~t ln a cww ~-lJ •••·11 ._ J: ~ ,:.;-~ OD ~ ~ u..., Atlilllt: C. E. ~ ~=bl~ ~=n tbJ =:n. C:S. ~~;d= f:" ato radtuf:r;f&'f~·~ ft •.:. ~ '-~· and nodla: bMrd In .t. ~a:=.:: Puwt.ll: ~11 ~-.~a unlnhafatec~ Territory Act of of 10..00 teet: thedc:e north &o• ra5tal1Jne tbrouJh aaid polnt ol IDa a o1 feet; t1ae an ~--~~ ~ dae atY Ra1J II U. City ol ~=;:;;;;;;;;::;;;;;:;:;;;;;;;;;:;iiiiiiiiiiiii:iiiiiiiiii;iiiii 1939 said ten'ltOI')' belnl more 11' 45" wea to an lntenedion .Jntenectlon bMJ'lq 80Uth ee· 08' nilal ., the ............. taDoe Oil ... ,.. to a ... tan n~ ~ ....... ·-.... . particularly hereIn a 1 t e r de-wttb tbe nortbw-.l)' ~· of 00'' wMt; thence 80Uthtd)' al~ ~ aoo foot radiUI eww .-&; tbeDee ...... a· or _.; ~-~ ·~ 8Heh, Bee lr o•• acrtbed, and. the 10utb one Juan. ( ~) of said curve throuah a central Mn· beu8 nortll a• 2T 21" .... -a1ona aaicl line tan t ~ • ...._ WW be laacl -• WHEREAS. certain owners of aatd Block 51. Irvine's Subdt-~e of 1.2• 14' 4.2" a.n arc diltance thence ~lJ' alont ae at 11 feet fo tbe bectnnl ~a at wlaleb &ItT ,._ ~ any aald tenltory have exp.reued vlalon; t ben c e 80Uthw.terly o1 4!56..28 feet to a point throufh Jut mentioned curve throup an euiv. c:oncave nortbeut;r,. and ~ ~-n::: ... boQDdaf. themselves as belnl desirous of alonr aatd northwesterly lJne to whlcll a radial Une to aald curve a.q .. at a• Jt• 21" a ct1at&Dce of bavlnc a radlua o1 4!15.00 teet· t•be-80 JII'Opo.ed having the aame annexed with the most IOUtherly comer ol that bears south ao• 22' 4.2" west; aoo.11 het to the end ot aid thJ'ftee nortll--.~ and ortb' 0 &.IUie'MCI IMNto ~bed, the City ~of _New~ Beach, an. d certain parcel of land as de-thence southwesterly along aatd curve; t1u1nee eoutb n • SCJ eut, •ly alone aald c:urve tanc:nt ~ r:ch 1Da7 appear and object to WHEREAS. tt would be for the .crlbed In Book 2161, Pare 375 radial Une 92.2C teet to the begin. lanleftt to the lut menUoned the lut mattoned urie throup e ~ annexaUon ud best Interests for the City ol New· and 378, Ottldal Recorda of aald nlng of a tangent curve concave curve to StatJon No. 8 u Ntab-an an•l• o1 .,.. 58' 411' a dlatance :owul cauae wh7 8UCh territory port &ach and Its ctttzen.s U1a~ Orange County: thence north 50• t:> tl1e southeast and havtn1 ·' ltabed ln aald decree tn court of 3:56.51 feet· tb~ north a• 0 d not be 10 annexed. Said city annex said territory, 11' 4.5" w.t along the aouth-radius of 1135.00 feet ; tho?nce cue No. b.16; aald StaUon be-4T tO'' eut al~l a une radial to 1 ~! above and forftolnl a.o. and westedy line of a&ld parcel of aouthwesterly alonf aald rurve lnl an aqle point In the nortfl. the lut mentioDed curve. 15 00 U~.RRJ •u ctuly and" Njularly WHEREAS. the City of New· land a dlatanc::e of 105.00 feet to an arc distance o 76.50 f~t; euterly llfte Of a parcel of land feet· tbenee northerlY al· · puled and ·~ at a meettnc rt Beach did on or about the a tangent curve concave to the thence t.anaent to aald curve deecribed In Deed to tbe'Clty ot curVe coDCJve to tbl n:J::.: of the Clt1 CoUncl.l ot tbe City ~h day o( February. 1955 sub-d southwest and havlnr a radius south 76• 31' 00" west to a point Newpcll't lndl and ~·In havfna a radlua o1 440 feet· the ~lthN~ Beadl held on the mit to the Oranc~ County Boun · ol 818.25 feet· thence northwest. of lnters«tlon With the &fore-Book-~)l.orttclal Recorda lut mentioned 11ne betn .iorth da7-M~. ~by tbe ary Commission a lecal descrlp. erly alonr Aid curve an arc dis-mentioned Jarallel line which of aald Oftnp County; thence a· 47' 10" eut and bellll radial jto~l~lowl~ina~YOte~~·ito~wtt~~: ~iiijiiii~i~~~i~~i~~~~ uon and plat o1 hereinafter d& tance o1 307.15 teet to the most Ilea parall wttb and cl18tant 80Utb as• a' eut a dlltance of to aald C'Urft throup an an le AYJ:B. OOUJtaLMI:II Broerfn&. acrlbed uninhabited tenttory for westerly comer of aaJd parcel of 1290.00 teet 1rom the aald aouth· 1.378.16 feet alonr the northeast-of 40• lT 50''' a dlstanee ot r/oo · Its approval pursuant to the pre>-land, aald corner al80 beinl the easterly line o1 Irvtne Avenue; er~ line of aald parcel to the feet to a u.De tanpnt· thence visions of Section 35002 of th~ most southerly comer of that eel'· thence soutl1westerly alona aald nortbeut comer tbereot· thence north 2• !55' 00" -.t ~ ald 1 ·a-.--. Til Government Code of the State o1 taJn p.rcel of land u detiCI'lbed ln parallel lJne to a point of Inter. aouth alone the eut llne' and the llne taneent 263..13 feet to ~ • .,._ ~ IEL IB'VIIIE Callfornla. and Book 2207, Paae 196, orrtctal Jtec. secUon wtth the aouthwe.terly .outherly prolonaauon thereof a c'lnnJnc of a eurve concave IIOtJtb. WH.E.BEAS. on March 14th, 1955Cltv orda of aald Oranre County, s..ld Une of 17th Stteet. 80 feet 1ll dJstanee ol567.0l feet to an lnter-westerly havtn1 a radius of 20 00 there was 111ed wtth the t.J point aJao belnl In a curve con-width, as described In deed t"e-section with a Une lytna ~feet feet· thence northwaterlY &JoQ Clerk. of the City of Newport cave to the northetat. having a corded In Book 401, Paae m , Of. northerlY ot and parallel with aatd' cu"e tanptrt to {be Jut • Beach an approval by aald Or· radius of 600.00 feet, a radial flcJal Records of aid Orange the U. !. Bulkhead line between menUoned line throt h ance County Boundary Commls-line through aald poJn} havln( County; thence aoutherly and U. S. Bulkhead Statton No. 151 of 75• as• 00'' a ~~~ sJon pursuant to the provtalonds a bearing o1 north 18 18' 15 aouthwesterly along tbe westerly to U. S. Bulkhead Statton No. feet to a line tanpnt. aid Jlne of said Section 35002 o1 sa1 east; thence northwHterly alone and northll'.•esterly line of said 152; thence due eut alona aalcl tanrent beln th th 1 ll Government Code; said curve an arc distance ol 17th Street and .Its southwest.!l'ly parallel line to a point which Jles of the eatuo:rua es:~ ~{bw:; a••a • IIUI-• TIID NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT R& 193.73 feet to a point of reverse prolongation to a point of inter-west U89.25 feet and aouth ~ 100 feet in width u reco ded SOLVED by the City CouncU of curve concave to the southwest section with the City boundary feet from U. S. Bulkhead Station May 20, 1931 Book 487 Pare 'a of ._, .... ,... c u nd ._ F• ._._ 10 .... the City of Newport Beach that and having a radius of 1000.00 of the City of Newport Beach; 101 u shown upon aald Map Otfldal Jteoo da f uJd Or -·• • the-fol1owlng declarations and feet; thence northwesterly alone said point lying north 25• 21' 05" enUUed Harbor Une.s; thence due County; t h: n e: aouth_;~~e IIJ o-a... L u .._. .,_.. c.1•1 notices be made and clven:__ said curve, ttn arc distance of west and dlatant 49.63 feet 1rom rnorth;;;;;;~to;;;an~l~nt;;;ersect~~lo~n~w~tt~h~th~e~al~o~n~r~tb~e~u.~ld~eo~u~tb~er~· .. ~l~l ~~y~f~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! IT IS HEREBY DECLARED. 199.31 feet to a point. said polnt the mOlt easterly comer of Lot v ne o that proceedings have been lnl-abo being the most aoutberly 18 as shown on a map of nact ttated by the City of Newport comer of that certain parcel o1 No. 1.218 recorded ln Kaeellan-Beach to annex the sald territory land descrlbed In Book 2211, eous Map Book 37, Pqes 47, 48 hereinafter descr\bed. which said Page 415, OUicial Recorda of aald and 49, Records o1 aald Orange terTitory Is contiguous to the Orange County; thence contfnu-County; thence aoutherly and present boundaries of said city lng along sald curve an arc dJa. easterly along the City Boundary and which said territory now Is tance of 202.12 feet to a point. lJne of the City of Newport Beach uninhabited within the meaning aa.ld point al.ao being the aouth-through Its various courses to the of the Annexation of Unlnhab-easterly comer of that certain point of belrtnlnnr and ~ par. lted Tenltory Act of 1939. parcel of land as desc:rlbed In tfcularly aescrlbed u follows: NOTICE JS HEREBY GIVEN Book 2309, Pag-e SO.. Official Rec-aoutherly along the westerly ~ that It Is proposed by said City ords o1 said Orange County; o1 17th Street as shown upon a of Newport Beach to annex said thence north 36• 13' 05'' eut. a map of said Tract No. 1218 to the hereinafter d~scrlbed territory to distance of 55Ui5 feet to a point. most northerly corner of Lot 10.t said city, which said territory said potnt also bein1 the most Block D. as shown upon a map or shall In these proceedlngs bear southerly corner of a parcel of Tract No. 1219, rec"'tdecl In MJa. the name "Upper Bay Annex." land as described In Book 2273, cellaneous Maps. Book 38. Paaea The specific description of the Page 175. 0Uic1al Records of aaJd 26 and Z7. Recorda of saJd Or· boundaries of the territory so Orange County; thence north 50• ange County; then~ easterly on proposed to be annexed Is at. 11' 45" west. a distance of 489.33 a straight Une to the most r.ortb- tached hereto marked Exhibit feet to a point. said point alao westerly comer of Lot 1 aa ahown "A" and by reference made a being the most westerly corner of upon a map o1 nact No. 1125. part hereof. said pareel, said point also being recorded In M~llaneous Map EXHIBIT "A'' in a curve concave to the north· Book 39. Pages 7 and 8. Records DESCRIPTION OF UPPER BAY west. a radial line through said of said Orange County; said ANNEXATION AS AMENDED BY point having a bearing of notth point also being In the euterly THE CITY COUNCIL OF NEW-36• 23' 03" west; thence north-right o1 way lJne of that certa1n PORT BEACH-FEB. 28. 1955. easterly along said c urve an arc COunty road knowr u Seven- Beginning at a point In the distance of 120.53 feet; thence teenth Street: thence alona the Boundary Line of the City of north 39• 48' 15" east tangent to northerly lJne of aaid Lot 1, !JOUth Newport Beach. said point being last mentioned curve. a distance 72• 59' 55" east a distan<! o~ the Intersection or the southerly of 100.21 feet to a n Intersection 144.48 feet; thence 80\lth IJJ 13 Jlne nt the C&llfornla State High-with the southwesterly line of 45" eut. a distance of 138.63teet; way ORA-60-8. 100 r~t in width. Me-sa Drive 60 teet In width a.s thence north 72• 59' 25" eut. a as described in deed recorded in said Mesa Drive is shown ~n a distance o1 288.12 feet. to the Book 487. Page 3. Official Records map of n act No. 706. recorded In most northeasterly corner of said of Orange County. California. Miscellaneous Map Book 21, Page Lot No •• 1. ~id .. point also lying and a line lying parallel with 25. Records of said Orange Coun. aouth 2 31 16 west and 11.06 and distant 2640 00 feet north. ty; thence northwesterly along feet distant from Statton 125 In westerly of the southwesterly pr<>-the southwesterly line of said the court decree llsl~ established longatlon of the southeasterly Mesa Drive to a point of Inter-br Superior Court Case No. 20436 line of Block 55. as shown on a section with the southeasterly o the Superior Court In and f·\~ map of lrvlne's Subdivision re. line of Tustin Avenue. 60 feet In the County of Oranee. Statt! o. <'Orded In Miscellaneous Record width as described In deed re· Calllornlll. a cert1llcate <'f which Maps. Book 1. Page 88. Records corded In Book 1597. Page 123 to decree was recorded May 6, 1926 of said Orange County; thence 1.25 Inclusive, Official Records of In Judgment Book 13, Page~. northeasterly along said parallel said Orange County and as de-OtflclaJ Recorda of said Orange line to a point of Intersection scribed in deed recorded In Book County; thence on a line bearing with the northerly line of sald 2682, Page 327, OUiclal Records south 65• 04' 00" east to an Inter- State Highway ORA-60 B; thence of sald Orange County; thence section with a line lytng lOO feet westerly along said northerly southwesterly along said south-northwesterly ol and parallel to line-to a point of Intersection easterly line of Tustin Avenue to the northeasterly prolongation of with the southeasterly prolonga. the northerly corner of Lot 104. the U. S. Bulkhead Une between tlon of the court decree line be-as shown on map of Tra.:t No. U. S. Bulkhead Stations 132 and tween Station 16·B and 17 as de-300. recorded In Miscellaneous 133 as shown upon map c.f llar- scr1bed In the court d~ estab-Map Book 14. Pages 11 and 12. bor Lines on file ln the '>Ulce of llshed br Superior Court Case No. Records of said Orange County; U. S. Englneer; thenoe south 24• 20436 o the Superior Court ln thence southeasterly along the 56' west along aald parallel Une and for the County of Orange. northeasterly line of aald Lot 104 to an Intersection with a line State of California; thence north to a point of Intersection with lytnr 340.5 feet southerly o1 and 23• 26' 30'' west a long said north-the westerlr line of that County parallel to the center line of aa1d erly pTolongatlon and along said Road known as Irvine Ave nue State Hlghway, ORA 60 B; u de- court decree line to said Station Extension. ~ feet In width; scribed ln deed recorded In Book 16 B; thence north 21• 13' 30'' thence southerly along said w~t 487. Page 3, Offtclal Records of east along said court decree line erly line to a point of lnterl'c'C· said OranJe County thence north a dista nce of 1.020.00 feet to Sta. tlon with rhe .;outhea.stf"rly line 87• 18' 19' eut along aa1d paral- tlon 16 A of said court decree of sairl Lot 104; tht•n('e south. lel line to an Intersection with a line; thence northeasterly In a westerly along the roulhea .. terly line lying 256 feet we!¢erly of straight line to Station No. 25 of line of said Lot 104 a nd Its aouth-and ~allel to the cent« Une o1 said court decree line: thence westerly prolongation to th~ moe.t Bayside Drive 60 feet in width generally northeasterly a 1 o n g easterly corner of Tract No. ltl64 as described In deed dated June said court decree line the follow. as shown on a map recorded In 11, 193&, recorded ln Book 830, lng described courses and dis-Miscellaneous Map Book 57. Page Page 217. OUJcial Records of wa tances· 21, Reccnds of aald Orange Coun. Orange County; thence aoutb 25• thenCe north o• 21' 00'' west a ty; thence southwesterly along 13' 58" eut alonr aald parallel distance of 70.70 feet; the southeasterly llne of said Une, a distance of 49(.97 feet to thence north 12• 45' 00'' ea.st a Tract No. 1864 and along the the beginnlnl of a ourve concave distance of 244.00 feet; southeasterly line of Tract No. to the iouthwest. having a radius thence north 45• 01' 00" east a 1159 as shown on a map recorded of 584 feet; thence continuing distance of 467.~ feet; In Miscellaneous Map Book 44, along aald parallel lJne and thence north 19• 30' 00'' east a Page 49, Records of sa.Jd Orange along aa.ld curve an are dfat.ance distance of 284.00 teet; County. to a I}Oint, aald point be· of .. 1.60 feet, thence south 18• thence north 57• 53' 00" east a lng dfstant 52 feet northeaste:ly 05' 32" west. tangent to aald curve distance o1 86.10 f~t: from the most westerly corne=" of to a polnt of Intersection with thence south 89• 21' 00'' east a Lot 318 of Newport Uclghta as the line wbJcll bears north n• distance of 154.00 feet: shown on a map recorded In Mia. 54' 00' west. from an anale point thence aouth 75• 15' 00" east a cellaneous MaP-Book 1, Pnge 83. tn the ordinary blah tide llfte o1 distance of 174.90 feet; Records of aa.ld Orange County; the Paclflc Ocean In Newport thence north 10• 46' 00'' east a thence aoutheasterly alonr a Une Bay u ..tabllabed by Decree ln distance of 322.80 teet; parallel to and dlltant 52 feet Court C&le No. ~ of the Su· thence north 34 • 48' 00'' east a northeasterly from the eouth-pertor Court in an• for the Ooun. dlstaooe of 640.10 feet; westerly lJne of aald Lot 318, to a ty ol Oranp, State ~ Callfom.la, thence north 56• 30' 00'' east a point ol lntenectlon with the a eertlfk:ate of whlcb decree wu dlstan~ of 263.35 feet; westerly lJne of aaJd Irvine Ave. recorded ~ber 19, 19rM1 In thence north 37• 55' 30'' east a nue Extension. II) teet in width; Book lW, Pap 275, ottJdal Jtec. d.t.tance of 246.25 feet; thence aoutherly and IOUthwest· orda ot aald Oranp Count)': aid thence north ts• 46' 311' east a erly alonr the westerly and angle polnt ~north 21• 57' dlstanoe of 315.70 feet: northwesterly line of said Irvine llr eelt aDd t U6.31 feet thence north o• 36' 00'' eut a Avetue Extension to a polnt In from U. S. Bu.lldlead StatiGa 1315 dtatance of 290.60 teet: the touthweaterly line of Lot 298 B; thence eouth n • 54' CR' ..., then~ north 22• 24' 00" west u shown on aald map of NeW· to aid u.Je ]MJint; tbeDee 80Uth a dlatance of 317.36 teet; port Hetpt.a; thence aoutheut-•• • -..1 ~the aaid ordln· thence north u· ff1 45'' west erty alo~ aald IOUthwe.terlY arr IWib tide UJie a m.t•• at a da.tance of 207.17 feet; llne and lta pro. 1._. Me to a ol tbenee north eo• 4T fXY' west ~ to a t1on wltJl along aald court dectee line to a tton with the of point cl lllteiMCtlon with tbe ~ Avenue teet In wkJtb atiMd north~)¥ 11M of Block 55 u u 8&Jcl map at "-· ahovm on .atd map of Jrvlne'• tiMnce .ua.w.t. -~==--: Subdlvt.toD; Uaence nortbe&lt-erly laid IO'IIUIIIM.liY 0== erly .._. _.. IMiirth--~ 11M A9al• C line tiMi JIIOit ..-J¥ oanMr at wttb .OI .... 'IMM'IIat»-Jlodt lrYiae NDw Serving • • • Monell's and Peek Mortuaries ' ~olonial Funeral HolDe FOI' nearly fifty years Mottell'a cmd P .. k mortuarie. hCIYe Mrftd lq mn;• of aD laith8 with UDexc:elled fuural......SC. cmd lacilltl.ee MOST COMPLETELY 7801 t .. IOLM 11/f,. JUIT .uT tlf bllf_ ..... (lllrr.at) MOST REASONABLY .. • S I 00 Fire Loss In February l'lfth crade students In the Flre ChW R. J. •t.coe ha• an. J'tre w.. durtnc February Included ., to dweWnp and 150 other Ulan dwelllnp. Fire C'llW a. l . ~ of Newport Beach announced lut week. •ewport School and Corona del nouneed. Mar khool b ave ~ study. The procram atart.ed lut week Ina the ftre prevent10ft proeram wtth the sbowlnJ of two tttma. JpOMare4 for the rtttb year by alter whlc:h Fire Marabal w. c. Firemen were called on one tbe Newport Harbor KJwanla (Blll) Noller and Flte In.spec'Wr other flre, three ear ftrea and one Qub, the Newport ~aeh Ele. a. L. Humphreys banded out m.t.eeUaneoWI fire outalde a mentary School Dlatrlet and the JunJor ttre department text books bulldinJ. P'1temen allo handled Jlfewport Beaeh Fire Department. and Identification carda. The tat three ret~CUS. made a1x service L&OAL •one& No. A 25 436 ROTICZ TO caorroa ESTATE OF Helen Crow Ball, altiO known u Helen C. Hall DE. CEASED. NO'nCE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the creditors ot and all persona bavlnJ claims aJalnst . the said decedent or said estate to flle them with the necessary vouch- era In the oWce of the Clerk of the Superior Court of the County of OranJe, State of Callfomfa,' or to present the same, with the neceaary vouchen, to the under. signed at bla or her place of buafneu, to.wtt: 3429 E. Cout Hlebway, Corona del Mar, Calif. within alx montlu after the tint publicat ion of th'-notice. Dated March 14, 1955. DA V1D D. HALL Administrator of the Estate ot aald decedent. A. K. Phelps attorney at law 3429 E. Coast Highway Corona del Mar, Calli. Publlsh: March 17,24, 31, April 7 In the Newport Harbor Ensign. CREDIT BUREAU ., ....... Oa .. Coaatr (formerly ot Newport Beach, Laeuna Beach A eo.ta Mesa> JMaa .. o .. A.._JO._. r.a.ty ~fl(l •....-t .... II IE • ... ITI ••• '-desJa:ned to clevelop a con· calls, two lnveatlptJona and ran actouanesa and 4wareness of flre on one need)eu call. baza.rda exJatJnJ In tbe child's The tlre prevention bureau own home and to train the child made 113 lnapec:tlona, t.ssued two In how lt can be c:onected. lnvestiJatlons and ran needleaa call. The procram will last four weeks. The tblrd week wlll be The fire prevention marked by a mit to Ylre Depart-made 113 ln.spectJon.a, issued ment headquarters at 475-32nd two permits. made three fire In· St., Newport Beach. A.ulstant vestlJatlons, conducted seven Chlet Hayden and A.ulstant tlre drills In achooll, and In· CbJe1 P. N. Pellett will conduct apected nine sets of buUdlng demoMtratlona tor ftaeh class plans. Paid call firemen con. and lead a tour of the station. ducted 67~ hours of drill during Upon completion of the pro- cram of study each student will take an examination. Upon sue. eeaful completion be wtll re- ceive a junior flre Inspector's b&dee. Each child wW be etven a aa.fety check abeet to put Into operation what be has learned In the classroom In Investigating and correctlne hazards In his own home. Upon return of the completed form to the school each student wUl receive a cer. tlflcate of merit. Members of the Wanlkl Club (Kiwanis wives) were hostesses at a recent potluck dinner at the Ebell Club In Balboa. Kiwanis Club members and wives present were Mssrs. and Mmes. George Stricker, Bert Webb. Vernon Koepsel, Roy Yourstone, Bob Childs. John Albarlan, Harry Ashton, Ray Dike. LIne o 1 n Grindle, Dave Nielsen, Herb Johnson, Don Kirkpatrick, Herb Kenny, Harvey Pease, Max Pope and J ack Raub. the month. •-c .• .,, 1 Will IIIII.,.. 2l Orance Couny alumni ot Po- mona Colleee wU1 bold a dinner meet I n 1 Wednesday evenlnJ, April 27, at the Water Wheel, 7842 Euclid Ave., Anaheim. Dr. AlVIn Scaff, acting chairman ·of the Pomona College sociology department. will dl.scuss ''Tile Communist Threat In Southeast Asia." Local member of the alumni directors, who are planning the dinner, Is Mrs. Monte Grimes ot 1743 Miramar Drive, Balboa, member of the class of 1942. Y Activities Are Described At Y's Men's c ·lub Meeting The Y's Men's Club of the Or. anee Coa.st YMCA heard personal testimonies from Y club mem. bers at the March 7 meeting at Seasport Landing, with President Bud Overman presiding. John Rose. member or the Y's Men's Club and advisor or a Costa Mesa Gray.Y Club that meets at the Costa Mesa Commu nlty Church. explained that Gray Y clubs are organized to help the 9 to 1..2-year.old boy with specific areas of need. Jerry Chase emphasized phases of the Gray. Y program that ht> and his fellow Y members en. joyed. Painting Bids Advertised Joe Kemper, treasurer ot thl' Les Marquls H Y Club, reporh>d on hls recent trip to Sacramento a.s a deleeate-in trainine to the Assembly at the 7th YMCA Model Legislature. The delegates spent thelr time lobbylne for their re spectlve bUls. which covered LEGAL lfOTICES LEGAL ROTICES such subjects as narcotics, liquor. A.DVEIITISEXJIJf'l' P'OB ams In separately clusUied shall be taxes, juvenile delinquency, teen. Notice la hereby given that the paJd not less than the prevailing age drlvlng, comJe books and di Board of Trustees of the Newport rate. vorce laws. Beach Elementary School District Joe was one of three youn g APPRENTICES: May be employ. 1 1 Of the City ot N~ Beach, peop e se ected to attend trom ~-...-· ed In conformity with Section h hereinafter referred to as the l'Tn.5 of the Callfomla Labor t e HI-Y. Tri-HI-Y Clubs tn the "Owner" will receive up to, but Harbor Area. The others were not later than 8:00 o'clock P.M. Code. Lynne Bosley of Corona del Mar on the 5th of April, 1955 sealed Clalalfkatloa Bate s-r BOW' and Taccoa Hayes of Co.:~ :t Mesa. bids tor the award ot contracts Painters, brush ···---· .. -.2.7J Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fox of Costa f~ palntl.ne of additions to the Palnten. spray ............... .2 .. 9'7!5 Mesa accompanied the young Horace Enal,Jn School. Newport Palnt burner ................... .2.85 people on the trip. Mrs. Fox Is dl. Beach and cl.-.oom addltlOI\8 Window cleaners ........... .2.225 rector of Jlrl's work for the Qr. to the Harbor VIew School, Co-The rates of per diem wages ange Cout YMCA. rona del Mar, located ln said for each of the various elasslfl. • acbool Dlltrlct. Such bids wW w cations of work ahall be the here-Wreck llj.. Twt• received In the ottJee of the nbe!ore let forth prevailing • ' Owner, 1400 CUff Odve. City o1 rates of hourly wages multiplied Hit .. I• U..C .. Newport Beach. Oranee County, by eight <B> · Eight <8) hours Jay T. Sproles and Mrs. Fanell California and shall be opened shall constitute a days work: It Sproles, both of Me KInney . and publicly read aloud at the tM!Ing understood that In the Texu. suffered minor Injuries In above stated time In the oUice of event that workmen are em. a three car accident at Poppy the Owner In said bulldlnJ. ployed less than eight C8) hours Ave. and Coast Hwy., Corona del ITITEFUia• L. &. CADDIS 1, &. 1 ftla lt. Ccdl u Todary o o o Real Cool! W. L I.AifDD Ll ~1011 Each bid must con!orm and per day, the per diem wages Mar. at 7:41 p.m .. March 9. be responsive to this Invitation, shall be deemed to be that frac. Edward C. Agnew, 51, ot Santa the pla ns, specltlcatlona, and all tlon of· the per diem wages here-Ana. was charged by Newport the other documents comprising In establlshed that the number pollee with hlt and run property the pertinent contract docu. ot hours of employment bears to damage. Pollee charged that he ments. Copies of the Contract eight <B) hours. lett the scene of the accident. Documents are now on tue and Where a single shlft ls worked. caught a cab to Santa Ana and open to public ln.lpectlon In the eight <8) consecutive hours be did not return to the scene until .said offices of the Owner, a nd of tween 1 a.m. and 5 p.m. shall 9 p.m. The Agnew vehicle ran Lind It Pleger, Architects, located constitute a day's work at into the rear of the Sproles ve. at 2515 Coast Highway, Corona atralght time. hicle which was knocked Into a del Mar, Calltomla, and may be All work performed In excess car driven by Albert P. Bell of obtatned at the latter place. Bid· of eight hours per day or forty 183 W. Wilson St.., Costa Mesa. ders shall make deposit of $15.00 {40) hours per week or on HolJ. The Sproles and Bell cars were for plans and speclticatlons. days and Sundays, shall be paid stopped on Coast Hwy. for a traf. Deposits will be refunded lf for at the rate for overtime of the fie signal: the set or sets of Contract Docu· craft Involved. ments delivered are returned In Holidays as herein referred to good condition within five days shall be deemed to be New • after the bld opening. Year's Day, Decoration Day, Jn-• Each bid shall be made out on dependence Day, Labor Day, .._ a form to be obtained at either Armistice DaY. Thanksgiving ~ ol the said oftkes In which the Day, and Christmu. lt any of the • COntract Documents are on tile. above holidays fall on Sunday, • FerY ... ! People have b..n wYm9 ... and believin9 th•t YOU CAl 10 IEIIO Each bid aball be accompanied the Monday following shall be • by a certified or cashier's check coi1'Sidered a legal holiday. • payable to the Owner, or satls-It shall be mandatory upon .._ factory bid bond In favor ol the the Contractor to whom a con-~ Owner executed by the bidder as tract ls awarded, and upon all • Principal and a aatl.sfactory aubcontracton under hlm to pay • surety company as surety, in an not less than sald general pre-• amount not less than five per vaJllng rates of per diem wages • cent of the bid. The check or to all workmen employed In the .._ bid bond shall be given as a execution of the contract. ~ guarantee that the bidder wUl No bidder may withdraw his • execute the Contract If It be bid for a period of 30 days after ~ awarded to him In conformity the date set for the opening of • • • with the Contract Documents and bids. • Furniture. wW provide the surety bond or Board of Trustees • ~ A Cla ssified J\d '" The Enr.io" b rinqr. immed iate results• Cal Herbor I I 1<4--1 I IS ond orove it! Kiwanis Aids Boys' Ranch The Boys' Ranch at Trabuco Canyon wUI benefit from the Turkey Shoot to be held Satur- day, AprU 2, at the South Cout Rille and Pistol Ranee Just ott MacArthur Blvd. above Corona del Mar. The Turkey Shoot Ia aponaored by the Newport Harbor KJwanJa Club, v.lhtch has pledeed Ita sup. port for the development ot. Boy's Ranch as ·a step toward relieving overcrowded conditions at the Juvenile Home In Santa Ana. Dr. A. E. Stockton of Shore Cliffs is Kiwanis chairman for the Boys' Ranch project. llEPO.-T ScaEEJfS CUT Someone cut sJx scrt"ens on windows In h1s home and broke a meter door, John Kronsbere ot 4313 Channel Pl., Newport Beach, complained to Newport pollee at 12:20 p.m. March 5. From 12 to 15 empty wine bot- tles were found tn his yard, be added, and JC1lfleone removed a sc:ree~-rron; a house at 210-44th St., Newport Beach. A screen door wu slashed In her home, Mrl. 0 . R. Nestos ot 208-4.2nd St. re- ported. No entry was made. "Metro buses rate a goocl worcl from me" We are quoting B. G. Harmon of Manhatt-an Beach , wlw ride~ Metro regularly into downtowtt Los Angeles. Mr. Harrison says: "Your service is fast, d P.penda ble and conven- ient It is economical, t.oo ... at least a dollar a day less tl:nn driving. I play a lot of g,lf, and that weekly !avin;: pays a large share of my goLfing expenses:• -.D-..D-.DD "Buses save about 50% for me" Mfhat difference between bus fares and driving may not sound important on the run to Riverside:· states Mrs. Edward Ffaters. te!ephone operator who lives in Arlington. "But it mounts up. I'm learning to play our new Wurlitzer organ, and my "Metro savings" will keep me in sheet music. Besides. I like riding Metro buses, they're so convenient., and the drivers are so nice and friendly:' METROPOLITAN COACH LINES bonds as specified therein within Newport Beach School District Complete Home Furnishings ~ five d~t,)'11 after not.lfkation of the Newport Beach. Oran~e County • La.tr a..MM • S.I'Wio 12S tOMmunitles ;, lo• Ano-let. award of the contract to the California • •• •=rwt Aft. ... ~. ~ Cllftd Son ~ COIIfltin '1\Dy 0.~ pve aplit IIICODd lichtiDI·•·CUl bueJy be ..-1 M..Gtiillllll ............... IMe•N u,....,. '1'1117 HIJpt 1 til• Jluwil,..tili-.w ... ... .., ..... "" .... ~ ~...,. ............ . s...... , ... ,, de c •• , .......... ....., .. -....·.,..c.~c A~· bidder. By HARVEY D. PEASE. Clerk ~ COST A MESA ..,. The Owner reserves the prtvt. Publish: March 17-X.31 For M~t-ro travel information, call HArb« 4 Ieee ot ~~ng any and a11 J:n~th~e;N;e~w~po~r~t;B~ar~~~;~;;;lgn~·;;;;;:::::::::::~==~~~~~~~~~~::::::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ blda or to waJve any IJTeculart. tiM or lnformaUtl•ln any bid or In the blddln •. Punuant to the La~ Code ol the State of Calltomla. the aUd Board ot ~ hu ucer- talned tile pnenl PNY&lltnc rate of per c1Jem .... tor ueh craft Of tne of wortuDan needed to ......... -~ whkb wll1 be •••••• the woe 1 lhl ....... ; ..... pNnlllq .......... ,, ......... ...... &ad111 114111 "'t:lilllt ...... ....... I LBITBR, RYONI a Co. --... ..,. IIOCa -= ... 101 ..._. POOr aow• Mil IIAif CIOMf -AT, CGUJLt -. 1Y1a; CAW. ._... .. , ............................. -... ITOP AT The Arches "Your Rc.t to tiM Cout S1nee 1.a." Pl•a POODI COCJtTAILI Civilian Defense Chairmen And Volunteers Are Listed Central Stage •Mr. Angel• HOME f.OANS COAST HI$HWAY AT THE Aaa-tiS New,.,. ..... JOHN VD.£1IE .a...u_,rw 1-lAl The newly reactivated ClviUan Defense and Dlauter Councll of Newport Beach, headed by As- slptant Director Edgar R. HUI, in- cludell the following serviCH: IUIDGI.FI'I IESTIUIIIIT~AUOA r-1L~~a-et Spedalld"9 la aa~tlc Food. cWSptful crtmo- ..... ldM1 fw faaafly clla1D9. ltallaa Food.l a:D4 Paaby p1epared . fi'GIIl GNadolio'a owa Special nc:iDea ••• ........_=,~Made -.mou S teab Sea Food. '"P D PaEPUED TO GO" 511 llalboa BlYd.. llalboa Barbo! 4137 CLOSED KOlmAn SOUTH SUS CAFE l'tDe food ••• coc:kta1l bar ••• 0.. abows ILI9bUy ••• cbo dnC'J."9 to tbe mUle: of the Cni.JliDdoll, Decca ncordlag ..... Eaq to get to ar-·~arbor ANo-trift .. 11.-boi' aJft.. bani npt •to IDI, thea bani rigid -rr..tage ..... O~tea .. 0 lcatber OIL I.,. V. L BWT. 101 aear IUIEIK KEYSTOIIE S..DM VllU ..... Peatanag a.. aeafoot. ......_ ...-. dM. c:takb& duCk. tbe ...U. .._... Ia -. of ~ Coa.Dty'a ti...t ... bna. ........ Bm..-t 1'00111 MCitl up to -.. Loc:aW at tbe a.tcsv- to aau.. lalaDd. VDtu .,.... owaenbJp a tbe Clrq1le la r.u.n.... Van's Bowling NOW FORMING SUI lEI IFAIUES AIJ. BOWLERS INVITED! * AUTOMATIC PllfSPOTI'EJIS * FOB aESEIIVAno•s CAFE 703 avnmoa AYE. LIBEJI'n 1-32112 COSTA IIUA Doria TalboH' a Jltwic9JtY.X HArbor .SIS 0,.. 10 A.11. to I P..ll. & 7 te I:CII P. 1(. UJI &. c-t IIJPway. lfat to Altlhu Muray, ColoiMI clellla * * Fire-Jan BrliC.'!Oe, fire chief, as chairman. Volunteen: Blll Glb- ac>n of Lido tale; Bob Lovell and MIL Don Pbllllpe of Balboa; Mrs.. Betty Reynold.l, Vergll Oaken and Mrs. A. L. lohnaon of New- port. Law Enlorcement,.....Pollce Cblet John Upt10n u chairman. Volun- teers: Dr. and M.ra. A E. Stockton of Shore Cllfia; Vera Lilienthal, Mrs. Bill Bouck, and M.ra.. Boo Lowell of Balboa; T. W. Soule, Mra. Ronald Barlow and C. Fd Soule of Balboa Island; Mn. Robert Wallace of Newport; Jack Puteel of Bay Shores. Engineering -City Engineer Bert Webb as chairman. Communications -T. M. Ham- brook of Balboa as chairman. Volunteers: Lee Wllder and J. E. Goforth of Shore Clltf11; Dareen Upson of Newport Heights; Vera LUienthal of Balboa; Edward Healy and A. L. Johnson of New. port; E. H. Hanson of Balooa Island . Health and Medical. Volun- teers: Ann Martindale, June Martindale and Mrs. A. L. John son of Newport; Marla Page of Santa Ana: Mrs. Rob<!rt Keppen of Lido Isle. Emergency We. If are . Volun- teers: Mrs. Rosemary Hunsaker, Mrs. Violet Stoneback, Mrs. Fran. ces Colucci and Charles Roe of Balboa; Dr. and Mrs. Claude Church. Mrs. Betty Reynolds and A. L. Johnson of Newport. Information--City Clerk C. K. CIJI3 S£01JTS Knights, Squlres, a.nd Jesters attend~ the monthly Pack meet- Ing of Cub Scout Pack 181 at the Newport Elementary School Aud- torium March 4. Each Cub mod- eled his Knights of Yore costume, which had been the theme tor the month. Cardboard was trans. ferr~ Into shinning armor. com- plete with joints, s h o u 1 d e r guards, and breast plates. Boxes, waste paper baskets, etc.. be- came authentic head gear. Even Robin Hood show~ up in full costume. The highlight of awards waa the graduation and acceptlon of Tom MaiJard fntp Scout Troop 5. He received his graduation cer- tificate, webelos badge and a Boy Scout knife. Thompson a s s I a t a n t denner badges. Den I had the Opening cere. mony with Steve Sherman, Rob- ert Thompson, Jerry Thompson, Robert Preslopaky, Larry Collins, Steve Harper, and Jim Laurence taking part. Den 4 presented The Sword and The Anvil, a akJt depicting customs of Kings Arthur's Day. The Knightly entertainers were Tim Reagan, John Story, Paul Yorsten, Wally Welbrock, John Siple, David MacMahon, Dan Culver, and Jimmy Edwards. The Closing was given by Tom MaJiard, Bernie Hofflnger, Ed· ward Healy, Jimmy Bothwell, and Johnny Boyer. .. Mr. Anpl.'' a play by H&J'l')' SeeaJI, the third play o1 the ... son by the Newport Harbor Com. munlty Players, wUl be vre-nt- ~ on April 22 and 23 In the Cbapel Theatre at Oranae Coast College. Director Bill Fuclk hu an- nounced that "Mr. Angel" .w111 be given a central atage or c.lr- cus style pre.entatton. 'this play will be available to civic clubs and grou~ wishing to plan theatre partJea. Vlrlfnla Wella, house chairman, at Harbor 1457- W La handline Information eon. cernlng this. "Mr. Angel" Ia tabbed u · a modern, sparkUna drawtnc room comedy. A famous Broadway theatrical couple, Lydia and Stacy Bolton, share the stage with angelic beings who can be seen by the audience but are completely Ignored by all mor- tals on stage. A Clossified Ad in The tnsiqn brinqs immedidto resultll CaP Horbor 111-4-11 IS end orove it! Ia ....,.... to ........ .. -.d ............ tly ......, .. focWtiM. to .......... daJJ,. ~,...... ....... ............. &a. • • • ....... youclaUt .. ld•llnfGI• ta Alma OleMn Gt-.. lf• IIIPPYUID PIE-181- • ... Del .... c-t. .._ LDMI1r ..,.,. "a truly tlne nUNery IChool" ..-u At Or•nt• County's L .. cllnt HOftte LHcllttt lnttiMIOtt OUICI 24 HOUit SEAVICE LOW LOW .. ltEOUCIN&" INTEU$T lilA TES EASY MONTHLY PAYMEHTS FRIEIDLY SYt.fPATHmC SElvtCE WI IUY 11UST DIIDS ON WIU LOCATIO HOWlS LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVIN6S & LOAN ASSOCIATION 222 OcN1t Avenue Priest u chairman. Volunteers-- Mrs. Jack Bradbury of Balooa; Mrs. Robert Wallace, Edward Healy and PhyUla Jackson of Newport; Mvo Haapa of Corona del .Mar; Sue Hitchman of Bea. con Bay; Bunster Creely ot Lido Isle. OUice Staff. Volunteers-Mrs. K. Frogley, Mrs. A. E. Stockton. Mrs. Pat Brewer, Mn. H. PaiJc. Mrs. J. A. Seek. Mrs. Wll!red Berls, Mrs. Vera McLaughlln. Terry Thompson was taken Into the Pack and present~ with hls Bob Cat pin. WoU awards went to Roclcy DanJels, Larry Co111na.. and Jimmy Reynolds. Donald Culver received a • Bear gold arrow; Jlmroy Reynolds and Steve Shennan denner stripes, and Crls Ellerman and Robert Future plans for the Pack In· cluded an outing to the L. A. Expocitlon Museum on March 19 ~~~~~~~!!~!!!!!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~ and this month's theme bued MOVE TO BOLL T LAJfE The Charles Slaughters have moved to a new home at 424 Holly Lane, Newport Heights.. Their former address was 311 Marguerite Ave., Corona del Mar. on Conservation with each boy building a Birdhouse to be dis- played at next month's Pack meeting. LEQAL IIOTICE KOTICE TO a&DITOU LECAL IIOTICE NO. A-25283 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF ESTATE OF ARTHUR FRED- THE STATE OF CAUFORNIA ERICK TORRANCE, aka AR. IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF THUR FREDERIC TOR..RA.NCE, ORANGE. Case No . .u494.3 DECEASED. LECAL KOTICES Citation. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA In the matter of the Adoj)tlon of the creditors of and all peraona JAMES EDWARD GOOLSBY, having claJm.s against the said rN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF J R.. and RICHARD ARTHUR decedent or said estate to tue ~~gEroR THE COUNTY OF THE~M~lE~~~ STATE OF them with the necessary vouch- . CALIFORNIA: e!'S in the ofilce of the Clerk of Dept. 2. No. 64114 To; James Edward Goolsby: the Superior Court of the State of Summons You are hereby clted and r~ Callt 1 1 d f th Co ACE ALBERT WILUAMS Plain-qulred to be and appeu In De-· orn a, n an o.r e unty ' partment 1 of the above entltl~ of Orange, or to present the tilt. vs. MARIANA R. WIL-Court. at the Court House in San. same. with the necessary' vouch. UAMS, Defendant. ta Ana, Orange County, Callfor-ers. to the undenlgned at his Action brought In the Superior nla. on the 28th day of April! or her place of busln-• to.w1t· Co rt f th Co t f Or ,e 1955, at 9:30 o'clock a.m. of aala --. · u o e un Y o an. , day, then and there to ahow VIctor 1. Torrance, c/o Harwood, and Complaint flied In the Ofiice cause, lf any you have, why the Heffernan fr Soden, Attorneys at of the Clerk of the Superior Court PetltJon of Edgar William Hen. Law, 1415 Coast Highway, Co- of said County. nlnger for the adoption of James rona del Mar Callfomla The people of the State of Edwar4 Goolsby, Jr., and Richard fthl I ' ... _ aft th. ,_ Arthur Goolsby, your rnlnor sona, W n 8 X monu.. er e unn California send greetings to should not be granted, accordJne publication of thla notice. MARIANA R. WILLIAMS, De-to the Petition on fJle to which Oated: February 17, 1955. fendant. • reference ls hereby made tor VICTOR 1 TORRANCE Y dl __._... to 1n f\ll'ther particulars. · ou are 1"""''..... appear Given under my hand and seal Adrn1nlstrator of the Estate an action brought against you ol the Superior Court of the State of aaJd decedent. by the above named plalnt11t in of Calltomla. ln and for the Attorneys tor Admlntstrator: the Superior Court of the State County ol Orange. th.la 3rd day Harwood, Heffernan 6 Soden of Callfornla, In and for the of January, 1955. A • _ B.1. SMITH, ttorneys at ...-w Couny of Orange, and to answer (Seal) County Clerk. 1415 Cout Hlchway the complaint therein within ten By Lealie L. Mceut:ney, Deputy. Corona del Mar, Callfomla daya after the service on you of A. K. Pbel.,., 3429 E. Cout Blfh-Harbor 1535 this summons, If served within way, Corona del Me!', Callf. Publlah· Feb 24 March 3 10 17 h Co of Or lthl Attorney for Petitioner. · · · • • • With the rapid increase in the number of our feminine cuatomera, it aeerna Jike every day is ladies day at this bank. We appreciate their pat- ronage, and they aeem to like to do their bank- ing here-whether in connection with a check- ,ing account, a aavinp account, or aome other faeiJity. • • • • •• All ladiea of the community . are invited to do their bankinr with ua. * lew,.rt Haltor Bank .......... t e unty ange, or w n Publish: 1an. 27-Ma.rch 17, incl. In the Newport Harbor En.algn. thirty days If served elsewhere, :=;.:=:::::::;::::::===~===:~:;::;::;:;:;:::;;::;::=::::::::~==;:== and you are notlffed that unJea you so appear and an.wer u aboft required, the plalnt.trf will take judgment for any money or damages demanded Jn the Com- plalnt, u arlslng u&:Son contract, or will apply to the Court for any other relief demanded Jn the eomplalnt. Olven uncJer my hand and M&l at tM Superior Court at the Count:J Of Oranp, State at Calf. fomla, thll 30th day of llovem. ber, 11M. IUfW'S THESE YEU.OWMGES WU.fBPTO SOMDIMK • ··- .. Use Permits Are Requested • ., ....... ANa ... At Planning Meeting Tonight ....., to tiM Man.h mtetbta o1 _. ,...._.•'1«-llowlhtp o1 tbe 'Jbe followtq applbtiona f« UMJa lila-. Cewtnl ~ Gllllllil dll IIU Co 1D 1D U n l t y U. penDtta aN ~ to 11M pr~ ft\lupmnt Ill to C2ullllll .. be beld at tM Claurcb come up tlllll ...mna ('ftuu•· M eurroun~ ttJ a.n 8-foot dlaln WeOqrai&J' to hear ._.., Qood. ~) at U.. moJitllly JDNdrl8 ol llnll ....... Plaootq OoalJn.a.. JMn. autlaor o1 .. J'Jam ¥y Ittcll· the Newport a..dl CltJ Pl•"""'l .-.. ~ COpeUa aod C. I. • Wl...,_, .. and 1w new book. Ownm......, ID atJ BaD: &udd ltaw NOOID~ to tbe "'lfa Qaod to be llladL'' e -'P.P icatlon ol the Irvine Co. oomie...aoa that "'E4I8oll Co. 1"bii le a ntum enaaaement lew ........,. to kUd 11 addl· be requlnd to Include a beautUI- b Mn. Goodaws. who .poke to tlonal atqle taaaJl:J motel unlU catJon propam f« tha. proJect UMt ar"OUP a few ,_,. aao ~tnd wtUl aowred arporta In an U In aeplJa&' w1t.b lood plaM1q' ned poenia. She wUl tell a 8tM)' dJMrld, at t.be W.. end ol the ratUr thao enlarp an IMtalla. ol -.ro Ute and tbe communlt)' ._ NU• VWa Marina M*l tlon wblda II a ~nt eye. lfttere8Ca developed throup a propertJ, about no leet w..wrly eon." mlaortty poup. ne prG~ram of Marlne Ave., on the eouth • Application ol Jtex Beeb.a for wW ~n at 2 p.m. Pncedlna stde of BQalde Dr. permllelon to operate an oukloor the .,eaker, luncheon will t»e e Applkatlon Of the Southern aalee Mta.bllahment f« aale and eerw4 by the Att.l and ~at~ Cali.fornla Edlllon Co. foJ perrnJ. rental ol beach equlprMnt du.r. •eroup Of the Fellowahtp. ae.er. alon to lftere&M the uea and at. 1111 the, aprlna and awncner ..._ vatlona for the luneheon eho\lld of tbe extattna aub-atation In an eon at lOlO Ocean J'root, New- be Jnade at the Church office by &3 C1iatrlc:t on the north alde of pcwt. the alte ol the old clty halL llloeday. Balboa Blvd. betwMil 15th and Abo comJna "-P wUI be a letter requeatina tile colhJI\balon's de- I.&GAI. IIOnc& I.&QAL IIC7riCZ c:ialon u to whether a retail aea. CJTY OP I'IEWIOIIT BEACII food and f1ah ~ket would need STATE OP CAI.DOil!flA a uae permit ln Corona del Mu SEALED PRO~~~ ... amc. of tbe C1ty In a C1 Dt.trid. Ball. Ctty of Newpcn leadl. Callfomla. uuW 7:30 o'clock P.M., on the 11th day of ADrll. 1155 at w1lJch t:lme Cilley wt1l be publ1cl7 K•t S f ty opnect and react. l« perf~ W~CCtE .. 8DIIGWa: I e a e CITY Or ~.rr BEACH. CALIP. P• tbe Coa:ltrUetloD of a I . ~·::.=::d Ru es Gtven and 14 ot Sectlooa 2 6 3, Balboa Jalancl. Nottne the approach of the Idle l'lo bid w1ll be received u~ It II made on a ~ form OylnJ season, C. D. Slledenhelm, ~ ~~r~~:'~~~ :.S:d:,~atbo':d)c:.mre;!;c!b'~ Southern Calllornla Edl8on Com- to the City of Newport lleacb, for an amount equal to at leut ten pany district man~er, said thla percent (10)% of the amouht btd, such auaranty to be forfeited week that kite tlytrig, like every llhould the bidder to whom the contract Ia awucled taU to enter aport, can best be enjoyed by fol· lnto~.=~~';ce with the provision of Sectlona 1T70 to 1781 of lowtn1 a few aenaJble rulea. the Labor Code the Clty CouncU of the City of Newport Beach baa "Never use metal of any klnd ~ed the Jenera! prevaUlnJ rate ot waae-appllcable to the tn the frame of the kite or any work to be done u follows: type or wire oc ttnaelst.rlng" Mr. Hourly Per Diem -. • CLASSIFICA.110N Wqe Scale wae~ Scale Shedenhelm u.Jd. KJtes should Carpenter -------··~ .... ·------2.~ 22..20 be nown In an open field away Cement Ftnbher .. ·--··-·---·-·-.. 2. 70 21.60 from power linea and other ob- BetnlorclnJ Iron Worker ---·-----2.ll> 22.40 structions and should never be ltetnforclnalron W«ka-P'oreman (17Y.ac per nown In a raJn storm. hr. more than Journeyman) . "N ld Lab«en. General or Cooabuctlon ... -...... -.. --. 2.075 16.60 o te Ia worth a bad fall. Operat.on 6 Tenders of Pneumatic 6 Electric I! your kite becomes entanJled Tools, vibratln~Macbinea, 6 almllar In linea. teltvtslon antennas or ::t:"lcal ~--~t eepuately cla•lfl~ 2.285 18..28 trees, don't risk serious Injury In Cement Dumper <on 1 yd. or lqer mixers attemptlne to retrieve the kite. and handline bulk cement> 2.285 18.28 "By observinJ these few safety Cribbers or Shoren ---· -·--· 2.435 19.48 rules. klte Oytne wtU continue to A.llpba)t Raker and Ironer _ ...... ----·--··-2.285 18.28 be a sate h althtul d c... Cona'ete CUrer-Im~ua Membrane ... -... 2.-18.12 • e an enJVY· Jl'lne Grader (Hlway 6 Street PavlnJ Only) .. 2.175 17.40 abJe putlme and many needless naJ1Dan ........ --... ·-·--· ·--·-2.075 16.60 accldents wlU be avoided." SeWer Ptpe Layer (ExcludlnJ Caulker) ........ 2.385 19.08 !ewer Ptpe Caulker ( UamJ CaulklnJ tools) .. ~ 11U2 Tarman 6 Mortarman ... -................. -.. -... -........ 2.125 17.00 A~tic:e J!DJineer, lncludlnJ Fireman, OU•, Greaser .. --··-·--.. ---·----2.Z AU Oorn,pr.-or, Pump or Generator Operator 2.37 Concrete « Aaphalt SpreadJ~ecbanlcal TaiDDifta or l'tn1llbtDC IDe operator 2.68 18.00 18.96 21.44 IOLES UTOJI WAKED Mesa Home Will Be Prize In White King Soap Contest Are Issued A quart« mllUoo dollan more d1tloA at 3021 ky8We Dr .. .-,oo~ In pmalta ...,. llaued durl.na J"rank 1oc11en. ~ bedroom fUl week by the Newport at 1107 l..a.rklfur, t500. ~. Depa.rt~Mut. Thill ..... ,...lea ...._. U.. M.ucb total at mid-W. 11. lfurdtodl. a.f'OOIO.t • ..._,, -.tit to ...,,000. 1-un.lt diNllfta at 10 OoJpltln J'ollowlna permJta were a.. TerQ.ee. -.ooo. : eUDO -.. e Cl.ln' IUY&Jr Anna CorUu, 7-room, 1«ory. Dr. i'. a. Hetman, 6-room, 1. l.unJt ctweUJne at JOG Via Quito. etor)', 1-unJt dweJltna at 910 $18-500: E. C. Wanntncton, ad· &lap Ad., .-zt,OOO; Harry Deal, dltion • at 82'7 VIa Udo Soud. addttJon at 1!5tb and Sipal. $1$0. $100: a. P. &o.bach, 4-room, 1-• ,aALIOA IIILAirD story, 1-unlt dwelllne at 730 St. Mn. Bodha.m. landllcaplna at .larnea Pl., $13.000; Donald NoeJ, 20t Colllna, $115; Robert St. Cla.lr, ~room,-atory, 1-unlt dweJJlnc at alteration& at 1508 Abalone Pl., GO ltlnJa Rd., $21.000. $1.250; Edla Andenon. fence at e W&Wtoft 106 A.metbya., .. Charles Stead. carport at Lido ':'iijiiiiiiiiiiMi-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiMiii TraUer Park. $350; R. G. Mltch~U. ,. ~N)()m, 2 story, 1-unlt dwelllne at 1824 W. Ocean Ft., $30.000; J[. H. Kn~l. cabana at Lido Trailer Park, $2.000; M. 0 . Sohu.a. dwelllne at Trailer Park. $2.000; R. P. Harvey, 6 N)()m, 1-story, 1- unlt dwellne at 205 44th St.. $11,250; Oacar Taylor, ~room. 2. atory, 2-unlt dwelllne at 3111 36th St., $20.000; Mary Netto, add rumpus room at 3400 W. Ocean Ft., $1,000; Elmer Rehr, 2-roa,n. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2-story, 1-unJt dwelllnJ at 1432 fr W. Bay Ave .. $5.000; Mr. Spear, cabana at TraiJer Park. $1,800; LU:a fll -- Clair~ Claxton, fence at 177 Ust St .. $43. • lfEWJOft IIEJCIITS Costa Mesa and the entire Ave., In a subdlvtalon recently Don Huab&nd. 6-room. 1-atory, 5" ._RU LOAII ComtnxtioD Jncma "' •nu LOAII Newport Harbor Area will receive purchased by Meaa BuUdera from 1-unlt dw~lUnJ at 237 TustJn, national publicity In a White Newport Balboa Savtnp and $21..250; Lois Voee1, Hi-story, 1- Klng Soap Company contest Loan. The home will feature th~ unit dw~lllne at 336 Catalina Dr .. wb!ch offers a new Costa Mesa latest built-In equlpm~t of the $:17.000. home u the ll'and prize. Rheem ManutacturinJ Co. • 8ALJIOA William I . Tormey, vlce-presl. Mr. Tormey said that White Stephen Burtt. partJtlon at 200 dent of the Wblte King Soap Co.. Kine Soa1» advert.laJ..na of the 'con. Palm. SlOO; Josepb Putnam, S.. announced the contest at a re-test wru? include newspapers.. room. 1 story, 1 unJt dwelllne at ception held last Thursday at biJiboa.rda, mailers. radio, tete. 429 ''M" St.. $16,000. Harold's Restaurant In Costa visJon and mae~es. More than • 8ALJIOA COVES Mesa. He aald that necoUatlons ~.000 combination window ban· Ralph Merz. fence at 15 Balboa had been completed with the ners reaturtne the home and Ita Covea. $50. Rheem Manutacturlnc Co. ot location will be c11.stributed to u • COaOlfA BJCJII.AM)S Downey and with Mesa Builders many or the 35.000 erocers west Oscar Taylor, addition at 421 SD aoa IATn.D PlirllrlaltppC.. 2515 L c..t Jtwy .. c:::DII ft. JI.A 1112 a s.s1• ( ...... UAe --r..da) JAMES D. RAY of CoRa Jrleaa to erect and elve of the Mississippi as P<*fble. Mornlne Canyon, $1,788. away the "Rheem Dream Home" and 2.SOO,OOO leallet.s wUJ be dis-• SBOU a.IFn as the ll'and prtz.e. trlbuted as entry blanks. S. A Sanders, extend terrace ••• 1 &.. 1 Ben KlnJ, prealdent of Mesa M a yo r Clal.re Nebon com-N)()f at 133 ShorecllU.a Rd., $480. 1•211 I( Builders, wW supervise the con-men ted: '7his is the biggest • C0801fA DEL KAa struction ot the Rheem Dream thing that bas b&ppened to put Nita Badger, S.room. }.story, 1· Home, which will be built at the Costa Mesa on the map." unit dwelling at 301 Jasmine, M46 L COAST tNIY- COlONA D£l MAl HArW 47~ Conente~~ type and ="=-.... 2.75 22.00 • .18 1I.IS 3).10 comer of CabrUk> and Irvine $14.000; Mr. Banlsh . wall at 600 ------------------------LECAL lfOTICES Larkspur. $90; Laura DavU, ad . Miles Eaton. .aoclal studlea ln. atructor at Orange Coast College. has been elected to t.be board of dlr~ors ot the Southern caJifor. nla Junloc College A.ssoclatton. =:> .... ~c.:=,~t: ==II .. ~ ~ Opaoator uo JluDip Operator 2.52 8oller Operator . .. 2.80 Sldp Loader Operator-Wheel Type 2.52 TriiCtOr Bf.I.Jft Shovel Operator --2.91 Tract« Operator-Bulldozer, Tamper, Scraper « Dral Type Shovel or Boom Attachment& ........... _ .. ___ .. ___ .... _ ....... 3.09 nendUDJ Machine Etor .... 2.16 Unlvenal Equipment at« (Shovel, Drag. lJne. Derrlek. Derri -Baree. ClamabeJJ or Crane) ----·--·--.. ----· 0 2.91 DrlV::~ Y::/.~~~ ~:~.~-~an 4 yds 2.l8 Driven ol Dump 'l'ruck....-4 yds. but lea than 8 yds. water level ·---.. -----·----... 2.21 Drfy~ :~Duw~fern;'~.!-~~-~-~~-~~ .. 2.26 ~~~:'ct.. ~~~~!.~:.~~t leu~~~ 2.M Drl~~ ~r:r Tr~~~~-~-~~:.~~-~~~ ....... 2.56 Driven ot Truck&-~eal Payload Capacity leu than 6 tona ---·-......... -.................. _. 2.18 Drtv:S~~u6~~8at~~=Y-~~~-~-~~~-~:~~:. ..... 2.21 Drlv~~o~h~alo~~~~~-~-~~~~~~ ..... 2.26 Drlv:::!.~u::;;e:Ja:O~:Y.~~~-=~~~~-~~: ..... 234 Blacbmlths ... _ .. _ ....... __ .......... -................... __ ... 3.125 Blackmllths Helper ... -.............. -......... -........ _ .... 2.85 Bricklayer and Stonemason ................................ 3.35 Bridrtender ......................................................... -... 2.40 Electrician .......................... _ ................................... 3.92 . • 2lll 2).80 20.18 23..28 24..72 22.08 17.44 17.68 18.08 18.72 ~48 17.44 17.68 18.08 18.72 25.00 22.80 26.80 19..20 31.36 Any clasattlcation omitted herein, not less than ----· .. -· .. -··-------·-.. ·--··--2.075 16.60 All blda are to be compared on the basl.ll of t.be City EnJineer's etrtlmate of the quantlttea of work to be done. Ro bid wUI be accepted from a Contractol' who hu not been lleenled In accordance with the provialons of Chapter 9, Dlvialon mot Bualnea and Profee.Jona Code. Plana may be seen. and form.a of proposal, bonds, contract, and -:-~ ·--at thO ollloe ol tlw ctty -· Ot7BaiL 1'.. Beach. Caut«niL 'fte attention ot prollpedlve bldclen Ia called to t.be ''PI...-,1 ta and Conc11tions" an...., to tbe blank form of ~ « full dl.rectlona u to blddtq. ete. n.e Cit)-ot Newport Beach~ the rlJht to reject any or all bl&. CITY OP NEWPORT BJ:ACB J[. PRIEST , Clerk A-1 PLUMBING lftCL'''"" • .um. Dq&._ ......... . POLLING PLACES LISTED NO. A 25253 lfOTJCZ TO caEDnoa I.&QAL .OftCI'S LECAL IIOTIC&S ESTATE of Wylia Evalyn llonc& OP a.ECn011 EUX:'i'lON PRECINcr NO. 3 Davies DECEASED. BUILDI.G aJ.OCil8 PUMI·BLOK eo. NO'nCE lS HEREBY GIVEN to shall lnclude all of Oranee NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN to the quautled electors of NEW· County VotlnJ Precincts. N~ the creditors ol and all penona tall& .... a ..,... .._ 10 ....,_ PORT BEACH !:L.EMENTARY port Beach. Noa. 9, 15, 20. 'n. 34. bavlne claims a gainst the u.Jd l ~;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;: SCHOOL DISTRicr of the County 35. 36, Bayvl~ No. 3. <Newport decedent or satd estate to me h Costa Mesa Lumber Co. LUMBER -BUILDING MAT'EIIIALCJ lfewpolt ..... c.t..... Uberty a.J•l of Oranee. State of California. HeiJhta. our Raven. Bayview them with the neceaaa.ry vouch. that In accordanc:e wtth law an No. 3, s.yshores It Bayshore en In the of1:lce of the Clerlr. of election w1.ll be held on the 20th camp). the Superior Court ot the Cou.nt.y day ot May, 1955. In aald Dltltrlct Polllne Place therein shall be of <>ran,.. State of CalJtomla. between the hours of 7:00 o'clock at the He.-ace Enalp School, or to Pft!Rht the s.ame. wtth the A. M. and 7 :00 P. M.. durlnc 1400 Cliff Drive. omcers of said necessary voucben, to the under- which period and between which election Precinct: slened at hls oc her place of ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;::;;;;;::;::;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;g hours the polls shall remain Mrs. Edna 1. Jones. Inspector buslnea. to-wit: r open. That said elect.lon la held Mrs. Mary Taylor, Judee % A. K. Phelps. 3429 E. Coast Cor the p~ of elect.tne: Mta. Mary L. Daum, Judge Highway, Corona del Mar, CalJt. 1 member of the Board of That the returrua of said elec-within six months after the first no. eo..tap-~ Asphalt Tile-Rubber Tile Formica -Linoleum THe CAlL TOIS' Lllfii~ Trustees tlon wUl be canvassed by the publication ot this notice. For the purpose of holding said Coverlftng Board of said School Dated FebTuary 23. 1955. ISS E. 17tb St. election. the School District shall District on the 27th day uf May, Helen Evelyn Davies LmEJnT 1-4.252 Coata JIMG be and It Is hereby divided Into 1955, at the hour of 4:00 o'clock Executrix of the Estate of j~~~~~~~~~~~22~Y~eara~~ln~Or~an~g~e~Co~u~n~ty~;~~i 3 election precincts numbered 1 P. M. sa1d decedent. -- to 3. Inclusive, and the persons NEWPORT BEACH ELEMEN. A. K. Phelps hereinafter named. belng compe-TARY School Dlstrtct or Orange Attorney at law tent and qualified electors of County, California. 3429 E. Coast Highway said Dlstrlct and of .their respec-HARVEY D. PEASE. Corona del Mar, Callf. tlve election precincts. are hereby Clerk o.t the Board of Publish: March 3. 10. 11. 24 appointed officers of election as Trustees In the Newport Harbor En.slp. hereinafter designated. to serve Publish: March 17-24-3!. 1955 135 ~=Way In their respective elect.lon pre· In the Newport Harbor Enalen A a~mif1.d l'vJ in Th. Ensian COSTA IIESA c!ncts u hereinafter aet forth. L-' • --~ 1 ,__11 ll"be.,...~~las . Oawf' 1• and aald ottlcera of election shall --Be=a:::d::_:'l:nsi=:P:_W.:.:..::an=t_:A:da.=._...!!gn~n~qs~_!,m..!.~~.!.i.!..ate~~resu~~ts~!~ve~~!!!~!!!!!!"!!!!!t!!tlll~~-!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!!!!~~~~!!!~ conduct u.Jd elect.lon and make Harbor 1114-IIIS and prow it! return thereof pursuant to law. The votin1 preetncta. poUlne places and eJection ottkets duly dealanated and appointed are u follows: ELEC"nON PRECINcr NO. 1 ahall Include all of Oranre Coun- ty Votlna Predncts. Newport BHcb, Moe. 1,' 2, 3. 4. 5. 8. U, 17, 18, 19, ~ 25, • :Ill (West New- port, Newport, Balboa and Lido lale). PoUin1 Place therein shall be at the Newport Beach School, 14th and Balboa atvcl. Oftken ot aaJd election Pnclnct: Mrs. Julla Mae Enet. fn.spec. tor Mra. NlDa J[. Holtby, Judp Mrs. AUNlla Niemiec, 1uctae ELilCTIOJif Pa.'CIMCI' JlfO. 2 lballlnclude all of OranJe Coun. t7 Vottnc Prectncta, Newport --.eta. Moe. I. T, 10. U. ~ 14. U. m.za.a.-.-.m.aa <..a. .... lllu4 ... _1117 ........ ....... CiOI'oiM del ... ) • .......................... • , .... Ollfoillil ....... lc:bool. 110 ~A.-...~ofeaid ........ 3 •= Cooking is pure and . 1 ~~ •tch !" . stm.p e sw1 -ery ••• m an all-electric kitchen! It ntakes meal preparatio-n easier, faster, mme pUnsant ... and meals turn out tastier, too .... Alilllf-a..\ Ill .. ••• • ~,... & • 1"12' ..... llaM ..... C.,...s• ~~-~!1!11 zw~::c::----'1,.... New Move Made to Slow Hwy. T raffle in CDM City Engineer Bert Webb wa.s nessmen are circulating petJtloM Instructed by Newport City Coun-for a tra.tttc light at Nardaua ctl Monday evening to request or Orchid. because of foot trattlc the Dtvlslon o.f Highways to In-to the post office, bank and mar- stall two traffic signals on Coa.st ket. Thls request wm be tnclud- Hwy. In Corona del Mar ar.d to ed In the conference with the reduce the speed llmlt to 25 miles Highway Dlvlslon. an hour. Thls action was taken after A ll your printinq needs will be Lee Wilder bad presented a re-.hendled conveniently and court- quest from the Shore CUtts Prop. eously in the completely-equip- erty Association for a traffic light ped J ob Printinq OepartrMnt of at Seaward Rd. and Coast High-y_our Harbor Area Newspaper, way. He said that traffic created The Ensiqn, 1104 Coast 81.. COM. a serious problem for both Shore ;=::;;:;::;;:;::;;:;::;;:;:=:;;:;:===1 Clltf's and Corona Highlands resi- dents and that a number of seri- ous accidents had occurred In that area of Coast Highway. City Manage!" John Sailors re- ported that he bad talked a year ago wtt1t the chief engineer ol the Highway Division and was then told that the situation would be surveyed again when the Coast Highwar w idening Is com- pleted. Councilman A. W. Smith said that pro~rty owners and busl- Qaabl' ltat.-V.a'IOUDe .... -u CIDd all UWIOif pndacb • . • •111Datell-·~ PICK D & DELJVZrl £1 I I_...,. VlfJOif I;I.UV I I • SDYICE @ -1 lf..,..rt m..s. lf..,..rt .... ~am ()peDE..,-Day 'f cua. to I p.1a. 1t Really ;S ()IJ()R ~r~;l Now you can have the quaLitll -the full range of df'co- ,.ator'a colo,..-the pennanence of real oil pclint-without atrong unplea•ant odo,.l Old C olony's new odor-free enamels are available in velvety flat, glowing semi-gloss, and sparkling high gloss finishes ... everything you need for the entire house. And, you've the full range of Selec- tone Colors from which to choose. Come in Today! Old (oloqy l'aan I s Let us help you with your Painting Problems l * A. LEE STUC1 PAINT EXPERT * Qtadaclte. OLD COLOIIT •ADIT ICBOOL At Yow ._,leel * * * SPECIAL THIS WEEK! ..... PaiDt & BoBer~----­ ... qt. High Gao. White ED(IDMI 11• qt. 1BP Ga. White Eaamel ---- ll.D qt. Flat WaD PaiDt (Colon) l'c (DII PI rl ..._, ' . aataatDD 11----aar ..,_ Georp ............... c:Mii-~ ..... .,.., IAr Aqel• CorwtnletSon ltuted thJa ... IIWl b u. Jlcwpat ....._ tD Y.eld aata. on eeven D&W cu..oom. to be £necnacla Yacbt -.c., reportld 1'AAJfQUILA. U.toot cutter, • · ~at.d u an addition to ,..urdt.J tbat aJneciJ 11Jadatl ~ ~ ~= coaa~ ,._ .._. J) U.. Ubrary at Oranp Cout CoJ. .. bleD ~ ,.. u.t lD---.: Dr a-. wan.• ea..~r bJa left .,. Ud and left knee Jete. 'ftle cla.ooma wtll twue aave · -• : STAJtDUiiT lanpap .,..m and IIOdal eludee the tollowtq: = ~baSTOr..sJ....;. *:;= =II ear wu tnwlwd Jn :" atuclla ciarnr '-'-------"""'!'WI!. muu:a. 40-foot cuu.. en._.. enaw... Club; EN~ as.toot wttb • cu drtwn 7 ;::================::::::::;::; by Georce We.t and Clark SWeet. bteb. WtWam ROYbal. Blue Wa-Karle M. Stetner ol . ..0 JUv•• Newport Harbor Yaeht Club: NAil ter Cnda1Dc Club; NALU, -.toot Tenaee, Corona BJcbland8. on SAKG 86-foot ketch, LouJa Tat-aloop, PMer . OnDt. Newport Cout Bwy., 105 feet north of am. CabrJUo Be.ach Yacht Club: !,acht ~L.~.0~~r U-foot llornJq Canyon Jrd. at 2:1!5 p.m. Noop, wu.umu &.\1'00. ..-oyacen dl ...c.. h d MORNING STAR, •toot ketch, Yacht Club; VAERINGJ:R 0. ..._ · · . Boys la .. •l trenc ea an Richard Rheem. Loe Anpl• foot cutter, Landon On)', Blue covertn& them over &en* the Yacht Club; SYMJ'ONI, 44-foot Water Cruisinc Club; ODYSSEY, meet from 332 Potneettla Ave., cutter, Albert Martin; ROBENA. 61-foot yawl. JUebard Steele, New· Corona del Mar. eald they would 38-foot ketch. Richard Lerner. port Harbor Yacht Club; QUEST, OQver them up ... Officers put Wlnyard Yacht Cltib. M-foot yawl, Dr. Bowvcl llur-out a ,eneral broadcut in an at.- phy. Newport Harbor Yacht Club, tempt to recover a 19CJ tan four- QUEEN MAB. n .foot acbooner, TYPE!!. .. '1-foot yawl, WU.On door IW!dan reported 'stolen from Robert Pringle, Catalina laland Hau, Loe Ancelesa Yacht Culb. Onlta L lonea ot 220 lumJne T•• IIYIIY IIIEIY -..t... ............... LAGUJIA I&ACII """AYOII'l"" Ulmft .... •Ill nil lila * PDd QUALITY IJQD QOODI * -aAVOIIY" CiDC&&it ftD Coollled _..._,.,..'"jut dllld"" Ia Ou Owa IMp We Ahe 1&11 Tile "-1 .,....._ d ONde &:9111 r... 11ae Ttula .. M•n tuy a. .. c.-t llwy .. c.-...... lfUJl coUT avna MUJ[&T Yacht Club; CAROUSEL, 40-foot Ave., Corona del Mar, which wu ...._ __________________ -"" &loop, Aabley Boum. San Dteao For ............ enY&Iooet c.a parked In front of ber home with Call Yacht Club; SEA QUEEN, ~toot THE ENSI&N. HA-1114 keya lett in tbe vehicle •.. , Margarine 2-~~· SPAM !.~ ............... 35- ZllllnA&~a-cla 'FLOUR :: -.... 93¢ Egg Noodles ~ 33¢ EGGS •a. 49~-' TUaAJr VAll CAIIJ'I COFFEE I lb. 95( Tamales :. ......... 17¢ ~--·-···-··-DPa.EA ..... C.~H·ES··-:: 27' •• EYEIY Dl Y LIW PIIGE a. .. _ ...... -... FLOWJIIG GOLD--41 OL CaD GraPefruit Juice 19' =~ITW-IJI. • .... •: Pcii*N'ipkins 1~ I FOI Qt. ·······-··········-· .. ···············-··-···········-·· I;;VJ;;If;;;;&IIIM;;;;;;,;E-K~Upr;::;;:;,:=----------- New Potatoes 25¢ ~<20CUP ·-·-7--Crackers ~--··---23• r.mnr ........... .,_ P1e Crust MIX 15¢ CIDCDII or ... u.i' s u ..... Tomatoes 2 ... 33¢ QOU)D ~·ft .... · v.-TUNA ----. Ice Cream 79•00LD == .. =-=ITA==--:::T&--co,::-----:::._ ... -- Cat Food~.-10¢ MILK Artichokes Celo Salads, Pkg. Celo Slaw, Pkg. Cabbage . . .... · 2" Celo Spinach,_~ ... WIIOU IVJI 1,.. Orange Juice := • LEG '-0 LAMB Shoulder of Lamb LAMB- Shoulder Chops49i.. LARGE LAMB- LOIN CHOPS 79i. Chuck Beef Roast :JDL . 0 Bone · Roclst 4SL Lean Ground Beef ~~~ • f