HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-03-24 - Newport Harbor EnsignBusinesses Get Behind TheCofC ly BOP Last w~·· Loe In the Enm&n made the remuk that the March 15 el«tlon had elven the New- port Harbor Chamber of Com- metee a abot In the ann-to eet them hustling for memberahlp support. That Lol ended with the invi- tation: ''They can make the En- 5 C.ta VoL 7--llo. U. C. ·of C. BEGI S MEMBER DRIVE stgn olftoe their flnt call." ...... _ N rt Harbor Cham._: aa tbe ldck-off for the drive. The In the same edition of the En· & ...., ewpo ~ ot Commerce d1recton respondlld ,urecton themselves would aug-alan wu a letter from Wallace to 1ut ~k'a election returns to' ment the reeular membership caJII«bud. Corona del Mar vot1n1 unanimously at thet.r commt~. and ln addltlon to Jewel•, who Mnt the Enalp h1l 1111011tbly meetlq Monclay t'V&-that, all chamber m em be r • ebeck b du. u a new !M!Dh« Dine to laundl aa alt.-at mem. wou11 _... • membel"abbp com- if a.z• Q r • t -,.. ., -•• P' 1 ..,.. ~ 1111. IIU.nla7 a141. ~a =-_.... * Pr811kteDl llaarte 8Wlley na-Be opened the ~ or 1b Ink P ~ly dry on eested the week ot April 11. ,._ chamber ftnaftcs with the que. e wu EM! wh~ alter Euter Week, u the tl.me tion from cllrecton prNmt wlult that t.ue 0~~b« ~dent for the drive. H1a recommend&· they thoa1ht of Jut Tueday's in cameS l I • _ th-_ Uon wu to ask the ctty CouncU vote, which will llmlt tax funds Maurie tan ey. 0 .. a .... .., "'..--to c1 tare th t k "J I th ber ax1m run wu still under way wht!'D Cb ec .._ of a Cowee u Wo n a. ~ to the cham to a m um Mr. Stanley dropped by the &mu.2 mmerce ee~ of $2..00 a year. Ensl t:t1 t welcome us Into and to hold a luncheon meeUne • ""111 DSDfG Df DISCUJSE .. Cbamgn ° ~ 0 of Chamber members on April 18 The answer was a unanimous the ~·· ----~·-------------------All thla wu a abot In the arm exprHSion of optimisM. to the tor the Ensign too. We started B •11 Th effect tha t the election result talldnl Chamber or Commerce I 0 m p s 0 n wu Jn reality a ~Iessing In dis- to businessmen throughout the I s Head of B I A guise." re$11A1J the chamber out &1'8. The r.-ult can be seen In from under the stigma of "dty the plc:tures above. subsidy," and giving It the ln- "Come and pick up my check" Bill Thompson, owner of Bill's centlve to get more members. was the response of John E . Sad-Market at ~ W. Balboa Blvd., These expressions came from dl lelr, Corona del Mar Insurance Balboa. was elected president of rectors Harvey Somers, George broker; Marvin and Lucille Pratt the Balboa Improvement Associ-Lind. Roland Wright. Kenneth of Blue Sail• Stationers In Ba1 atlon Tuesday evening at New Albright. Ronnie VIncent. Orville boa; Mn. Sterllnr Paris of the port Harbor Yacht Club. He sue Schlueter, William O'Bryon. Mon. Hubor Health Foods and Vita-ceeds Coy Watts. te Grimes, Larry Brown, Pete min Store ln the Newport Cross-Herb Holker will be vice prcsl Barrett, John Keeler. Rupert Hen- road.l &bopping center. dent. drlcks and Dick Richard. The by-word fpr all businesses The board of directors Includes President Stanley expressed throughout Newport ~ach can Mrs. Ed Allen. Gene Elliott, doubt that the Chamber will sub- be "Join and support the New-Monte Grimes, Don Gundenon, mit a budget to th e City Council port Harbor Chamber of Com-Harold Hannalord, Bob Jayred, for the next fiscal year. The con- mere-e." Herb Kenny, J. B. McNally. Jim sensus seemed to be to get along Newlin, Don PhUllps, Orville without any assistance from the Schlueter, Horner Smith and Coy d Easter Law Hearing Today ty. Watts. Special guests at the dinner Guests at the dinner dance meeting, held at the Villa Marina meeting were Mayor Dora Hill Restaurant. were Councilmen and Mr. Rill, Cou.ncllman and Stanley Rldderhot. Leland Wild- Mrs. Stanley Rldc:lerbof, Council-er, Gerald Bennett and J. B. Stod- SIIJJrt EE BonJGAJII recal..S ber Joata "'z-Jcat Tbunday CD Zoata girl of tbe IDOiltb for Febntary. froaa Wla.1fNd kooD of tile Zoata Cla.b. Shirlee. a ...uc.. Ia tiM daughm of Mr. Gild Xn. llarry lloorl9GL C14 El Koct.oa a.... If e w p o r t Bel9btll. ._ Kboel acth1tlea at B CDbor ~ Sdtool I.Dclude Glda Atbletlc A.uodaUoL Jloa. or Society, Shldelat Court. SeD- icK Play, Cb.datmCD Play Gild Trt SiCJJDa. (Eulp pbota.) Check Title To Tidelands A.ssemblyman Earl W. Stanley and the City of Newport Beach are Jeekinl a ruling from the state attorney eeneral's office on ownership of the tidelands In front of Bloclc.a HA and 15A on the Newport Ocean Front be- tween 14th and 16th .treoets. These are the two blocks deeded to the ltate In 1949 as Areument t. due to r.-ume to- day, 1buraday, before Superior Court Judee Raymond Thompson In Santa Ana on the temporary Injunction to stop the City of Newport Beach from entorclnr Ita Euler Week rental lleenatne ordinance. man and Mn. 1. B. Stoddud, dard. Coundlman and M.n. Clarence Hleble and Councilman and Mra. • PBOKOTIOR ft.JUfS matchlne land tor the acquisi- ctty Attorney Xul Davis tlled polnta of authority two weeks ago 1bul'llday wben the CQurt Wal 1lstentn1 to UIUmetltll. The cue ~u continued until today. 1be Injunction IUit wu tlled by Bury C. Breonter of Lol An- relet. owner ot prvpat:f at 30S .Amethyat Ave.. Wboa lalaDd. He cb.arJed that tiM ratal u. cenahl. Cl'd1na.nce ... \IDCODitl. tutlonal. oppr .--we aDd ~ lnatorY· W"bether • ..,....., ·~· tlon .. .,.,.... Of -• tltal cl.at. II t!ll'pected to be lit b7 ... court b a c:Ot'wUtuttonaJ ._ ol t.M ordinance dellped to Mlp coatrol ~ In tbe ll.lirtMir area clurlnl l:allbt w ... Gerald Bennett. Miss Newport To . Be Named Mllo Lacy, dtalnnan ot , the tton of the main beach at Corona merchant. dlvbion. rep o rted del Mu aa a ltate beach. brlt>fly on plana for an area-wtde Resolution ot Intention No. promotion for retafi merchant&. 3807, adopted by City Council on He said that the foUowtne mer-Feb. 28. 1949. propoclng the land cha nts have aereect to 1tead up match Inc, stated that the "por. aub·commttt._ In the various Uon below the line of ordinary dlstrlcta: Bob .Allen ror Balboa ~ hJeh tfde" a.bould be excluded. land. Karen Marp-eta Bruntna for Corona del )(ar, John T. Boyd Sr. tor Jlulnen Mlle. Leon WU- Jiams for Udo ~Center and Orvtlle Sc:hluetet tor Balboa. Yet to be named Is a cbalrman fot Newport. of Commeree DORA .HILL G I ED AYOR BY E COU CIL The new seven-member New suits nt the e-lctclon. Defeated e WOirDDP1JL ~CZ port Beach City CouncU was l ln('umbent A. W. Smith waa ab-Bans Broertne shook bands sworn Into office Tuesday alter sent, be-cause he had to eo to with the three victortou. tneum- noon. and. u expected, re elected March Field that day. bents. Mayor Hill and CoundJ. Dora Hlll u mayor. On behalf of the dty. Mayot men Stanley Rldderbol and G«- Absftltee bal.lots were first cast Dora Hlll espr E 11 e d thanks and ald Bennett. ' p4 CIIIWited. Fort:y~bt a~ appreciation to outaotna eoundl-"' 1111 uta all tM ~ 1 ,.. .,..... ~ ..... , -,llallla ....... _ .... ~. t.bfte 44 had been returned. but time and effort they had lfWI'l ..,.,..,.. tlom die .. wa ,.. three 'WI!'I'e declared Invalid be-to the d ty durlur dletr term of trum. "lt baa be-. a W'OIIwleful cause of Jack of signature on office. (0aotiaued CID Paall ll the env~lopes. I dl:'~~evn~ldwl~~llo~w~:: HARBOR day's voting In three of the sev 1 en dlstrict.s. The a bst>ntet! vot('r!l favored Councilman Hans BrOf'r ling over Cla rence Higbie 24 to t611 EW In District 5; Councilman A. W Sm ith 23 to 15 over ~ Wilder In District 6. and WUIIam G. Pe-r row 21 to 19 over 1. B. Stoddard In District 7. In the other dis Oil manf'uvers wt>rt> dosing In 1 Blvd. in county tt'rrltory. From trlcts and on the five propos! on tht> Nrwport Harbor Costa hPrt.> thf' oil rompany could whlp- tlon.s. the tally was In accord M~a Arf'a from two sides thts I stock under the lt'ased proper with tbe Tuesday's returns. week. tit>5 Alter the absentee ballots Wert> 1 • In Costa M esa It was rt' e 500 OWNEBS SICJif counted, the Tuesday voting wa.s 1 vt'alf'd that RIC'hfiPid 011 Corp 1 At Monday t.>vening" Coata canvassed. and the final totals wa" rf.'t~dy to t'mbark upon a Mt'Sa City Council m('(>tlng City were announced. Here's the final I m:~jor oil d<'\'l'lopmPnt program Attorney Dfmald Dungnn wa~ tally. listing the candldatt'S by Involving some 1.~ acrf:'S. a!>kNI to rf'pr('S('nt the r lty at districts. the winning candldatf.' • A.<:. tor thP Wt'St l"ewport yeste-rday's Planning rommls. first. with the number of ab.~n tldPiands area. a nt"'oA' factor ton slon m('(>tlng and to St'<'k a delay tee votes ~lved, and the total tf'rPd thE' plcturt' with the a n In acttng on the-RJchfieold no. nnunN'mPnt that tht" Bandlnl Pe QUI."St for varlan<'t' trr•lt'um Co hacl obtame-d an in Rk htlt>ld officials said that 2065 tPrt><:.l 1n oil cJpvplopmt'nl ope-then leasing program Is com. 1310 aunns fnr tldPiands f'~ploit.At 10n plete. and that 500 property own. 257 m th,ll art>a ers have sagnt'd over m lnf'fal 1 Rlrhtlt.>ld Oil ha<:. aiN'ady rights Th«-Fslrvlf'W State H08- 2785 made-lt'l fl,.;t otfkial move to 1 pita I site I~< lncludf'd In the lease 791 bt-gln drilling A Richfie-ld a ppll are-a. Cons adeoratlon for the-lellJIH cation for a drill sitE' was to have was rt"ported to be tx-tween $75.- 3024 been ht'ard ymc-rday 1 Wedn~ 000 and J}OO.OOO. 130 dayl a fte-rnoon before the C(lun ty Planning Co mmission In 25..'10 Santa Ans. The rf'QUest was for a ont.> aCT't' site north of Costa Mesa City limits. on 111tate pro. perty 650 teet north of WUson St. and 3.300 fet't west of Harbor MCD 17(9 1499 Healy Named To 5th Term Costa Mesa has clty ordlnances prohibiting slant dr11Jing or ver- tical drilling within city limits. The oil company m ust obtain a permit !rom t he City Council to alant drill under the city. e TIDELA.JifDS DfVOLVED Pllrtlcularly algnltlcant In the BandJnJ Petroleum Co. announce- ment ts the fact tha t the firm now holds an lnte-est In the pro. duct.Jon of Bumble and Montu.y 011 CotnpanJes, whld\ ...,. con- 383 ... 2170 1408 Edward T Healy of 113 15th ductlna the tidelanda drtlllniJ ln St . N~rt. was elected to his the West Newport ~&. DandJni M.h term as president ot the abo acq~ an tnterea in the 1~ Central Nt"'Wport ComrnunJty Aa. Seaboard Ot1 Co. qTMn*tt COY· 2111 t10elaUon at th• annual meet1na ertna hdflc EJectrlc f1abt..af- btid Jut Thu~ay ln Newport -.y extencltna blto Buntll\pm 2115 L@e'on Hall. Mr. Healy hu been 8e&cb t14ela.n&t OW'Ded t.y ua. l2!N prt~ldent ot the crp.D.tzation It&t an<l further h olttatned &~Me Ita formaUon. leutbold tnt..t. alont ta.e 331 Brmard Hoft'lnaer wu NUIIf!4 .WHne MtWMil Jfcwport ~ 306'7 vice-PftSldent and Ba.rokl Glua ancl Buntiqton llilldl. 8k'fttary.treuuJw. Th.ll -..err ••• .. 01 ......_,_ ~ 1be .A.smdatton ~ lla &DC!I tD ~ WMia tile cw. ~Joa •· nw ..... D. F..atr--"'&0. II c..IC.U111 ~ .. eonar-; erumbe for lleWd. Wo u I d ~ baw ...... ... ....._ .. ra!Pt well b a • • beet\ a~-patriot. a.d WMid ..._ tM .._..IDe -.cnblq the be baw ..-..cl ..,.. faltlafWlJ II r.-In alary tor members ot be laad ..._ IUaa.at.ed 000. t. Oonlr-aDd the dental of a tu betMata, • a bonua, ... a NtiNo wt lor the ~na. ment ebedk? Ko bid wm ~ Whether members of Con~HU In more recent ttmea we note turaiiiMd~~~~::=~~~ are ~ of a ra1M In pay a aituaUon alm1lar to that of La· (cull, C depencla on the point of view. fayette'a, and one that needs air-:.=ta:fo)~ 011 ~ queetlon• are In order. Ina. Ex-Prealdent Bocw. did not lluMald tbe bJ41W to Doee tnc.Yeued pay make better accept bla aa.Jary cheek durlna Into the contrad. l)atrlota? Ia aucb a ralae merely his tour years In the White In aecordaDQI with the ~ o1 8ecltioM 11"10 tD l'Jil or the Labor Code the CitY eouncu ol the aty ol """" .......... another ln~tlon that more ln. Route. 1be page. of American ucer'U!ned the pneraf lftYAUlq rate o1....-_,....,.... .. tbe nation 1a on the way? b1atory reveal hundreds of 1lmJ. work to be done u followa: The paaee of American history Jar altuatlona, but men ot thla Hourly Pw ot.n deny that lncreued pay maka type are dyine out, and lt mJaht CLASSII'ICA110N W'Brslef&Je •y• • ?1.:-..etNf .. , Hop • 8 • • • •• e OPPORTUNITY FOR THE CHA~IER 5 :• 8 better eltben1 and patriots. La· be added, untortunately. =:-nnlab• ~-=-·--·---·---·--J.'JO fayette aided the ReYolutJonary Are the members o1 eon...-Wntordna Iron Worker ___ Ja Army of Wublnaton. bat at no more diatlnJUlahed today than ~a Iron W~Foreman (11~c I* &aln for hlrnaelf. It bu been eltJ, thOM of 50 year1 aao, 75 yean La~ ~.::r !~n ---·-2.07'5 mated that La.f&)'ftte'• partlclpa. aao. or 100 yean aaof 11lelr aa.J. Operaton • Tenden o1 PMwDatk • aeetrte Uon In our war of Independence aria today are much blaher 80 Toola, vU•atJq llaebl...., • .tmllar eo.t blm S2:SO,OOO that we abould expect more emJ. meebanJcal tooll not eepara~ el•etftM 1b.l8 waa In an era when men t 1n Co It ..... herein ·~ nen men naresa. m.--Cement Dum~ (on 1 yd. or larpr m.a:x.a •-""" • .. 1'W II ...., tei'Wd without thoupt ol re. be admitted that members of and han~ bulk eell*lt) • S. · The people's vote to limit tex funds to the Chember of Com-.,. &lillaic .._. muneratlon; their realde8lre wu Conpea toct.y are lea dl8t:ln· Crtbben or Sbonra ~ merce to $2.400 a year is e "blessing in disguise." That was practically to ald a ~uae ln wtUch they b& auJ.ahed than thoee of )'Steryeer, A.apbalt . ...._ and Ironer ~ the unenimOYs sentiment of Chamber of Commerce directors et their ;.. ======================== Jua u It must be admitted that ~~ -:.~~>: Llfl patriots are not motivated by Placman il monthly meeting Monday evening. money or eo-called "benefits." Sftw Pipe lAyer (J:xdudlq .C&alk•) _ And so it can be--es mentioned in this L09 the past two weeks. Ex-President Truman received Sew• Pipe Caulker (U .. a Ciu.lldaa toola) - But if it is really to be so d.pends entirely upon those directors. ;The Harbor Blah Citizens Com· March 16, 1955 a much J~er sa.lary by many =u:. ~ciUdlfta FtrWoan, ____ ...... 2.125 What they do now cen put the Chamber solidly on its feet -or Itt bleb •-d ctin •• ~ thouaanda than dld Pr'Mident Oiler, Gl'eiMr ---·-·-·------2.25 m ee, w .. con u a an Ne-.,... .. narbor En1lgn Lincoln or Praldent Wublneton Alr Compreaor, Pump or' Generator ODerator 2.37 scuttle it. educaUonal camp.aJen for the Attn. Ml'. Arvo Haapa. · Concrete or A.lpbalt Spreadlne Mechanical The opportunity certainly is golden. Our own experience here at May 20 bond election for a n.w Wu Truman, therefore, a I uper-Tam'plna or nntihtna lfadl.lne operat« 2.88 h E d h W II C ld h d t _.. rt d 'th h' HJ .. b School plant. la ~~endln .. Dear Hop: lor president! Even the dullst Concrete 'lli.x« ()pentor-t»ama type and t e nsign prove t et. a ace e er ea go us ~·a e w1 1s • • y h~,_ 1 h b lbo kn Mobile mlnr 2.-thls letter to local organl.za. our c ""'-'A n t e amount ot sc oo y ows the answer to .. ·-··--· .. ·--·----· .. ----·--,.., fine gesture of support. sending his Chamber membership ched to tJona.> $45.25 received and we thank you the latter question. Benjamin Concrete Mixer Operator-SkJ&,er~ ·---2.52 ff. d . th b . t d I·L . Th t t I t f ~ in ....... nklln ...., Material Loader or Conveyor !Btor --·--· 2..37 our o 1ce an urgmg o er us1nessmen o o u;ew1se. a ges ure Dear Preeldent: a o or your o:uort behalf of ua suaaest.,. at the ConstJ. Pavement ......_ O,.,ator _ 2.80 can be appreciated Gil the more when you recall that Mr. C elderheGd 11le Newport Harbor Union the lltUe park that we are trylna tutJonal Convention that Preal-Pump Operator 2.52 is the chGirman of the T axpGyers Association that put thGt winning High School expansion program to get out here at the west end dents serve without pay, but that =-~~. . eel UO ot river channel, and I feel wn they receive expen.~a. But Frank. P "'.,.....tor-Wb Type 2.S Chamber proposition on the ballot. We of the Ensign steff began electlon will be held on May 20, th kl""-d h t 1 lln 11 ...., in 1 .. _ 1, .... 1 d Tractor HJ.IJtt Shovel Operator ---·-·-··· 2.81 1955. 11 we are to continue to e .... an t e uture ba I play. v..,... an ...,a 1M c ap, an Tractor Operatcr-Bullct.er Tamper, Scraper tel~ing Chamber of Commerce in OYr cells on local businesses. Result: provide aood educational fae:IJJ. en of West Newport would llke bla sugestlon would only cause or Draa~ aove1 or BOc;i five new membe~nd their checks for dues--for the Chamber, ties for our bleb acbool youth, to joln me In extending thanks lauahter In thil materlaJI.nJc era. ~~=· • 3.09 plus one more who promised to join. we mua get the election facts to you. Conareu ml&ht h ave been wls. Unlvenaf Equipment •!:, (Shovel, Draa· 2.18 The eese with which those memberships were obteined is the before the people of our com. This check make. a total of er to have refused an Increase In Une, Derrick. ·Ba.rce. Cla.mabell or L · d f . . . . _.. L. Ch be Th Cl be munlty, as quickly as ,......lble. $95.25 which you have contrlbut-salary at th18 tlm• altb,...••b tt CraM> • ·-· 2.91 most severe Kin o cnt.c1sm agem,, tne em r. e nam r ......-...., -. --Drlv .. o1 ~ '!Nckl oil tb 4 4a We have speakers who are ..,... toward our project. Ita final Is not argued that they are not -1 -an Y has been failing in its first duty-that of strengthening itself by -aJ•--tton -w bav.. to .__ rth wa.-·-2.18 wfJJJne to appear before your .. , a..wa "' "" ~ wo y. Such action mlaht haw Drlv .. ot Dump~,_.. butte. than going out on the stree t to get members. The typical remerl: was: orpniz.atJon to explain the pro. brouaht about throup tbe ef. been reusurlna to thoee con. 8 ,.... water level 2.21 "W hy hesn 't the Chamber osked me before?" poaec1 proeram. We need the en. forts of cltJzena, llke yourself, cerned with the value of money. Drivers of Dumf..,Tnl~ yds. but leta~ than Perhaps it is G pr;ime example of that old bromide-"T oo many do111etfterlt of your croup. who are lnterftted In t:ry1ne to Best lnterp"~ted, the actJon of ~ ~~.:P ~12 yck'-lM.t lelia titan~ generals end not enough privotes. ·' WW you check with your pro. develop recreatJonal a.reu for Conerea ls Indicative that there 18 )'d8. water lft'el ..:.__ _____ ,_ 2.34 · d ff f cram chairman, !Jet a date u our youth. wW be further erosion of mon117 Driven ol f::f ~18 J'ds. or more Looks like it's going to be i erent rom now on. Under the Tb--'-•n .. you a .. aJn d --2-early u possible, and flll out •on... • • • a n more lnOatlon. -·--·-·-.uv leedership of President Maurie Stanley, the Chomber is embarked and return the encloeed C&l'd? Wst Newport Improvement Aasn. Drivers ol 'l'ruc:D-J.eeal Payload Capaelty L. " t " t L f 11· II th loc I b · d By A B Cubba-181 tban 1 tona ---·--.. --2.18 upon tne grass roo s as~~: o ce 1ng on e e o usmesse1 en Thank you very mucll for your · · •-• Driven of 'IN~ Payload Capacity esking them to join--end at the same time getting started on o pro-eooperatJon. Presldent. between 8 and 10 Ioiii -----·--·-· 2..21 Sl 1 Drtvwa ol 'J'rucb-..Len1 Payload Capaclty 1'7.00 18.00 11.. ••• 11.68 :l.B.m gram of reteil promotion that will help us ell. ncere Y yours, •• ~ .. betwen 10 and 13 tona . 231 Mrs. Kenneth C. Coollne, 71... ••• Drtwn of Truc:Q--Leaal Payload capacity • • • Mrs. lud.eon Sutherland, •• The Women'• hllOW1Ihlp oiSt. between 15 and Z tons . 2.34 1&12 woaD fCLI1IQI ~ Fer IIIII~ IIILRIII =.~:-:.:.a.:.! !e ..:r~:.-...,.. if D e CHANGE THOSE ~INCTS Th. Ensign, by the wey, published the only tebc.lletion of lest week's votil\9 showin9 the breekdown of ihe vote in each district. The breakdown was done right here in the Ensign office--and just ebout ceused a breakdown for reel. Perdon the repetition, but let's get those precincts refigured by the time another Council election c.>mes along !only a yNr and e ma.th from now}--so there won't be any more of that crary spliHing of precincts between two separate districts. • • • e WHO'S TO DECIDE THE VOTE? Now that our new Charter provides for representetion on City Council from ¥Ch of seven disfricts, the inevitable question arises: Who·s going to determine the choice of the perticular representa- tives? Why should Balboa 8nd Lido Isle, for instance land not a hypo· thetical instence either), cast the decisive vote to select the council· man for Coron11 del Mar, or for Balboa Island. or for West Newport? It now appears more fair for both the nominating AND voting to be by d1s trict-or do the whole thing at large just like it used to be . • • e LOGGERHEADS Can't help getting riled at the maligning Los Angeles Times, talking about · the beastly winter weether" at Newport Beach; imagine old Smog-Belt trying to slander us! ... Balboa end Newport business districts certainly deserve relief from the unfoir, discriminatory regule- tions that hold them back in business development beceuse of string- ent No. I fire zone building restrictions. A bit of fair ploy is indi- cated . . . A rumpus is being reised on Newport ocean front near the Newport business d istrict because of the proposed extension of oceen front parking areas. The property owners ought to be reminded thGt they do not possess exclusive right to that greet expanse of beoch; in feet they possess no right at all to the beoch: and the local businesses there deserve the advantages thot Gdditionel parking space can provide. LBQAL WOTJCU LEQAL KOTICU and you a.re notuJed that unleu you ao appear and answer •• above required, the plalntlft will take judement for any money or damage. demanded In the Com. plaint. u arlsln& upon contract, aaDII AT COAST COLL&CE The Kewpailt -..c:b Harbor De-eut to the cburcb to be uaed Brkktelut. ·----· --·---2.40 lt.2) An adult d.lscu.Mlon croup on partment &.nftNINd a llotal of 150 durtnr the coffee eath«in&~ be-~l~iiO"'Omttted ··-.. -·--3.92 31.38 world polities planndt by the calls durlna February, Harbor tween the two SundaJ' aervlcea. ~an· n herein, not lele 2.075 lt.eO University of Caillomll Exten. Muter Rualell Crata hu report. The FellowabJp Ia &lao alvlna the All bid. are to be compared on th• bUts ot tiM City J:nataeer'• slon Is holding weekly meetlnp ed to the City Council. Sunday School department elec. eltlmate of tbe quantiU. of work to be done. These actlvltla included 22 trlc clocka for each room. No bid w1ll be accepted from a Coatrac:t« wbo hu not been at Oranae Coast Colleee. directed Ucenaed In accordance wttb the provlalona of Chapter t, Dtvtalon by Mrs. Kenneth Cooling of Bea. derelicta found and destroyed, 9 Rev. lames S. Stewart wtll lead W al. Bustn-and Profealou Code. con Bay and Leland WUder of cues of asauunce to larae boata, a 30-m.Jnute .tudy period on He-Plana may be .en. and form~ ol ~· boncla. contract, and Shore CHUa. The class wlll meet 2 cues of ualaance to amall bHW before each Fellowahlp ~ttr::,:;r ~ch~ the ee of the City J:Dclneer, eveey Tuesday for 10 weeks. boau, 2 •peed complalnta, 11 oth. monthly meet1ne. The putor'a 'nle ~ .•ttenttoD ol ~ve bidden 1a called to the er eomplalntl, 2 arrests for •peed-mother, Mnl. lames K. Stewart, ''Propoal uirements and COncllttona" annexed to tbe blank fonn CIU. .au TO DAVIS' tne. 1 othH an-est. 7 rowboat. wUI present an Easter meuaae ol propoal, or full dlrec:tlona u to bldc1lna, ate. A daughter. Linda Renee, was found and ret urned, 2 rowboats at the AprU meetlne. all b1}: City of Newport Beadl re1.-ve. the rlabt to reject any or born to Mr. and Mrs. Alla n Davia held for return, 2 rowboats lost, Mra. Glenn Bally preeJded over ern 011' NEWPOfrr BEACH of 2085 Tustin Ave., Co5ta Mesa, 1 rescue call, 1 &Uest vessel, 1 the Ma.reb buaineta~ meettne fol-C. L PRIEST on Tuesday, March 1, 1n Hoae shore mooring ln~taUed, 87 m ls-lowlne luncheon elven by the ctty Clerk Memorial Hospital """II al'-l c Dated Ma.reh 14, 1.95IS" . ...... aneous c ..... oanna lrcle PubJ•-b M b 17 d ..... Hw.c 1 th N · .. : are an -· ~ n e ewport Harbor Enslen. "Of course, we re to Chicago ""'t· a tbelmo otb wai EMt! ADd .. ,. rMDy Aft lko•lfa &.P:1 .._ P..ally Fu. Jlla. • I.P:1 0o1•-ltat. nt,...•llaer apeecla J.Oa Eaat ,...,""-U..lo• ., ..... ,..... ~ Jai&.Amlrla. &QJGJ" IDD aDd MnUoa ID U.. P7 LoaQat Car ... e. -.a. iD t.M hnd._. DlaJqJ&oom. h!le• Ace~ od,..._. ru.ae from roomette. to beclroowu .-"''•· ••••lftd leat Claalr Can (bla. foam-rubber .. aa.p,. Hollow" nclJ.alq cbalro ,rlth Ita not.) -,.. tMn Ia -~ mu,. Coif .. ~ LoaD,. for papalar-picecl ..Jo aDd reereatloo betwMD ....... lBIOOall ..va ( ........... ~_, hD=nwau..o a~.ea~n·n. ...... ..... ,., .. a..c.ncw.,. J)i. ............ ,,.. .. , • •• • JWN111Y.U ...... (fils Fund Drive DeeGees Hold Installation 11ra. Cad c. JUllrren ot Bay ~ wu tutalled u pMaldent at u.e JlaJdl meetla& ot the Qr. •nee Count)' Alumnae ot Delta o.mrq held at Ule Lquna bome o1 lin. WlUiam lllarock. ........ , ..... _._ n.e OCIMr DeeGeel who took aftloe were Mrs. Frank Everett. ............ Loar ..... ., ................ ,...._ baft rtven the pralel. ...._. ,...uMr1 olthe rar.-. ____ .... _., lldJI a« 1 r '1 to meet unuaual • -~· -o1d1l .. _ ... 11'1 ........ .,.tDOI, wtUda baa p..----·-... W ....... prutrMIOU.I - • .. ,., .. , 'AUOA. • ---' . UOOIIU. • ~ IIACM • --- ... w • .._ STANLEY I 1-.11••••:11 ----... a.. ... . 0: .. .. -....... , .... . ....... . Llll IIIIET .-•u•• Mardi X, 1JI55 "Tls better w ~vr than to re- ceive~" Thank YoJpr'1 Cot'f~ Lu«'a Lunch«m M~ata, ltratt's CheKH. Jerry Moon-'• Drealn&. Kath'1 Bladtbawk Bacon. Todd'a Ice Cl-eazn. M.Jik and Chocolate, Laura Scuddn'1 MayonnaJ• and Nuts, Adams and Broola Smori(U Peanutl and Butter Toftle Nut.. Arnarlcan Cooky Bakery Dutch Cookies ... for permlttin& u. to atve durlne our ~enth Blnhday Ce:lebratlon . . . Thanlu alto to Joe Martin and Dwight WeaVft', the respective heacU of our Bak- flr/ and Dellca~n * * * &.-~ ., ....... c.-.... _..,....,-.... . , "1..... •... .... ... c:.a.. ..... ...., .. • , .. , ..... 0. Pridlrf ..... .. ...... -....u. ... ..,. ~ _.. __. U71 --. • • Ia 111tilla ... ....................... .... e:r-s-..-...-.. ' Light their life with fOith /1 ••• Of ............. . ._ --...., Llall:a .._ .......... , ... ..,.. t~wy, • toa ..._. • •• ...-y. I _...,......,, .... ., ..... ft. JUODUW -;;;•...,,. ..........raLUtaU** 15th St. 6 St. Andrews Rd .. ___ _. ..-..,o-lm ~~.J-I.I .. waat SUNDAY : Mornlnr worship. 9:30 and 11 a.m.: Chureh School, .9:30 and 11:00; Sr. Hl&'b J'ellow- lhlp, 7 p.m.; Coll.ere are teJ. lowab.lp, 7:30 p.m. -rom Prayer, •udy poup, 9:30 a.m. ASII'MW. T OF COD Zladlt. & EldaDA...._C:....JI...- lD a • ..,.. ..... , ... c.-sc. ..... Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Wor-ship: 10:45 a.m. aad 7:30 p.m. Youn« Peop-. aod OI.Udren'• Service, 8:30 p.m. Su JL Mld- weodl Service: Wedbeeday, 7:30 p.m. Lad~ ~ Coun - cil. 1b~ 10:00 a.m. IEYKWnl DAY ADWUIIST .................... t.. -r=~;·:cr Kw. D. D. ... 'M I Satwd•§.l'.:""'"' _, .... Mtll 1: 1:.10 LiD. -Ser-mon: U:OO L1L Praya meet-In&' w-. ,,oo ..... Frt· da7 ~ v...-: a:oo. 0Mif5 MII!ft WUMJif ~ Kblll 'h)' 1 .. SISW .......... ...... ... I .. , .. , ... w ..... Sundq School. 10:30 Lrn. M:orn-tnr wonh.lp. u :00 a.m. NrM Did WIC». lA-I LCMN ASSM. 11_ ... ~... tkap ....... n:ar urnn cau ... S..ta ........ at ......... .,...._ a... P.Q.•s- Sunc».y Servtces: ... ...,. ..... -amn ... ... tM aupMW qMUty ••• &lila u. ..... elTedd"a lot c.- la .....-CIIIPI .......... ._~ 9:45 un. Sunday School ; U ;'\.nl.. Wonblp servtces; 6:30 p.m. Baptlot Ttalnln& Union; 7:30 p.m., X'wldn& Serv1ee.. W@d.nesdsy : 7:30 p.m., Prayer, Pra.J.te aJ'J d Bible Study. Mon· day: 7:30 ~ Ibn's Chorus pr ae t le e ; 8:30p.m. Men'r Prayer K Htin1. ... .a.cts ....,. -..,....,.. cauac:a o. ova I.ADY ,... ..,.._ _. •• ..., ... OP liT. CAWVKL ,._. • • • ~e JWir _.. •"• w ................... " ca., ·• llllll .... _.,...,. ......... 4 .......... t.-... ... p=:=u· ~ ............... '* .. . ...... _.. ......... . Sunday X...: 1:00 e4 10:00 * * * and U :30 ua. ~:Sat· To me tbe m1wt ~ p1eoe ~-='--:;: r':OO""l: 0( .. ~to ""-tl0o.io4P-..... s=-~ .~ ,. ... 1:10 ..,...... .... --~._. ... . ..... ___ .......... -cu. -.. . J'rta.,: I:JD a.m. 1111111 I:GO p.a. nto.e wbo dkf DOt tu1e It cr ,... Moven .a7:~~al Help): C@'iw 0 redp., heft It ..... Sift ~ P to,ether four Urnes. 2 «:ups cUe c::&8llf U IN* *'8 cao... Oour. lA tap. I&Jt. 1 U!P-bakina OFc:raTAIIDA (¥' a Ill C) powder, 1 tsp. IIOda, 4 tb&p. coma, •mW'c:;,,~ llo1L 1 cup aurar, P,en &d,d 14 c:up r J&-Laura Scuddeor'a Mayonnai5e-, 1 ...._I ... ...._ ,.___ cup water and ':i. Up. vanilla ..• Sundar ...., ... , Wonblp S...· -aa• ·~ 1 lee 9 a.m. Sunday School at _,at . . . e at ~ ... In ay- 10:1!1 a.m. en J0.4() m inutes ... In loU 40-50 mlnutl"S ... IT. JAID:I U'IICOPAI. _ .... .._. __ ,..._ 1110 ..... ...,.._ ....... c::u.e. Sunday Servled: 8:30. 9:30, U a.m. Momtnr Prayer: 9:30a.m. ~aUon t~ SundQ Scboo1. Thursday Servt~: 9:1~ a.m. Prayer CuUd; 10:30 Holy Com- munion. IT. JO-Y1.undY 31fi M.S.. A9L k1hoca 1-'-4 IIAdl« ••• F-I~Uey ........ ...... ... w ..... Sunday Ma_..: 7:00 a.m. It 9:00 a.m. ConiHslon: Saturdays a nd eYH. of bt Frida,. and HoJy Days: '7:30 to 8:00 p.m.: Flrst Friday Mu. 8 a.m. * * * Jeny ...... ,. SplcM 5cl'-l Dll .... ...... cbaak lllat.y ......... ~~dll.­ . .. nua dalidou __. dl ._. wltlt. .. btdt ......... c.-__...... ......... ..... ot ... .c .... ~boys ••• -.IT ,.,. ......... 11ft - tiM dnMlat 5 .,... ...... ...... ,.....u., Ida ....... ~ • , • CICIOid.,_ rn..da ..W M ........ pv.t ............ -.. .... •.. ltteelrW.a.. .,.._. to ,..-ted tiM ..... - tMt tt --w. .... Uy .... tile tr-.111 .. ,_, ........ lll.ia .... kit I • .. , Jut ebr ................. ·-... .. 1., .......... . ...._ • W 'd:s• .... .... ......... Ad*• ....... . .... .. ·-•=t=• -.. ..... • • • J ...,., ,.t ....... . n.._...,,.... ... aac, 11:o --...-~ ...... . * * * I .. .s lot. " blk. 1rom the oee&n. OlannJnr Uvt~ Jlnplace. FA heat. BW floon, 1" bath8. Ia. beCJrcl baD~ lldtcben, loca of cl~ lr eabinN. Enclo.d rear pon:b looka out on beautltul yard x.. dbL 1arare wtth ~cloU. penthOUM above fat peefs Cit MJV&ntl. An ununal home priced at $30,~. Good tenu. THE VOGEL CO. .-r E. COAST HWY. HARBOR 1741 CORONA DEL MAR HARBOR 1477 ANNOUNCING NEW FUBNISBED BuUt by ..... c.,. Furnished by MARTIN It von HEMERT Tomorrow's Dream-Today! IRVINE TERRACE WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO INSPECT OUR DISTINCTIVE HOMES COMPIEI'ED AND UNDER CONSTRUCTION NINE DIVERSlFIED FLOOR PLANS To the home buyer who ·wi&hes to pvrchue In the $20,000 to $30.000 clasa we sincerely recommend the I.rv1ne Estates ovedooJdna Newport Harbor. These homes feature Calltomla Uvlne. Offered exclu. sfve ly through Earl W. Stanley In a Smoe-Free area known as Irvine Terrace---1)n Cout Highway opposite the new I.rv1ne Coast Country Club. Newport Harbor. * Fat recommendatlon, we refer you to anyone who. holcll a Leasehold Estate In Irvine Ten-ace. Earl W. Stanley EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor 4448 For Further IntormatJoo H'a DIH...., Corona del Mar THOSE SEEKING that 'cozy atmo-sphere' In a smaller home with real charm, you will like this unusual offering: From the fireplace ln the muter bedroom to the ma- hopny pa..oelJ.nc and cork noon ln t.be tutetWJy dfr. cnlecf pest roo.m, careful plannlnr 1a reflected In ~room. TbJs "large home-for-a-smaU-famlly" h as full dlnlne room looking down Into the beam-ce1Un1 Uvtne room with Its attractive flreplace. Outdoor llvlnr-ten-ace af. fords p{lvacy and delightful country atmosphere on the 44 foot wooded lot. We haven't mentioned the extra hall-bath, the other patio and lath houSe for shade planta, nor described dad's functional den with its many buUt-IIUI. Not new, but In excellent condltlon. this home Is of. Cered for the first tlmt> at a price much below what you would expect-only $17,500! • Oh yes, tht> two car garage Is designed and stressed for an a partment above. Call ownrro;' agent for appointment to Inspect or for further details. Sta1ley A. Smi., realter 2647 E Coast Highway e Corona del Mar e Harbor 882 3 of "Bill's Best Buys" i1 Costa lesa 3 Bdrms. Top Location Con Magnolia between Tustin and Irvlnel. Priced to sell quickly at S10,7JO.OO. Nearly New 3 Bdrm. 2 Bath, Built In Holly Ranee and Oven. Sacrltlce for quick sale at $13,500. 4 Bdrms., 2 Baths, F/ A Heat. Fireplace. Nine months new (Newport Heights I. Full price $13,850. W. A. TilliS "you'll like our friendly service" 393 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa 1111111 .... ........ U berty 8-1139 A new home (now bulldlne> with charm an d aparkle. See It now, and aelect your pen10nal Llnl.sblng touches. 'Mlls Ia on the water with a place for a boat lllp, Price 1a only 128.500. Terms Exclusive with II.. IIYESTIEIT II. eomeone wbo ~ 10 loat and relax. We preecrfbe thla Bay Front bome on aaJ. bOa lalan4. 4-bedn.. bMutl- tul llvtnr room. A ldteben u modern u next YMl'• ear. AttractJve 1-bedroom apart- ment, alao tu.rnbhed. Exceptional Terme to qualUled buyer IEILn • 498 Park. Balboa Island HA m SOLD by Multiple Listing 308 Anade, Balboa "Goal~500.000 ln '55" REDUCED $2-1 2 units, Uttle Island, One 2-bed.r. Little Island-2 units One 2-bedr., One 1-bedr. turn. • • • IF YOU'VE BEEN LOOKING tor a small vacation house, here Jt ls! 1-bedr .. convt. den, % bath, interesting interior. Some work to finish. $1&,110 Eart W. SIIIIIJ REALTOR 225 Marine Ave .. Balboa laland Call Harbor 1775, eves. Harbor 5359 SOLD by Multiple Listing 302-304 Iris. Corona del Mar "Goal--$8,500,000 ln '55" •WIIIIf ••• 3-bedr. home, 1" batha, nr. achoola, hardwd. floors and many nice features. Immed. PDIII!IIton. $15,500. Vft'Y re-ao.nable down paJDM~Jt. Elfll 11111111 realttr Uberty 8-2772, or eves. U 8-71S6 SOLD by Multiple Listing V Lot Cor. Orchid It Seaview Corona del Mar "Goal-$8,500,000 In '55" CORMA DEL IIR DRAMATIC VIEW-Ocean, Beach, CllCfs. 2 large bdrms.. 1 % bths. Spacious. friendly lvg. room, hillside patio. Looking right down on beach Sacrlflce-$25,500. Earl W. SlalleJ 225 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Call Harbor 1775, eves. Harbor 5359 SOLD by Multiple Listing 100 Antlbes, Udo I.ale "Goal--$8.500,000 In '55" UAL ESTATE POa IALE BY OWNER, LarJe boulevard Jot and prellmJn.plana for 9-unlt Arcade. CDM. IIA 2981-R· alter Sat. SOLD by Multiple Listing 1000 E. Ocean Front, Balboa "Goal-a500,000 tn ·~· WAin'&D TO aDT WANTED TO JitPiT by .former teacher, amall unf. up to .., ot fum11hed up to ts). Prefer CJ>K. HA~. • SOLD 308 aocb St. REALTORS HArbor 1800 Member of Multiple Llat.l.n• Pfewport Beam by Multiple Li.atina !510 9:._ ~,.,., ...... r.I&M "~OOOin..,. -···-------..._....a!l()r) IIILEII A Clessifled AIJ in The ~ brinqs l""'*'i•t. ,..,... eel H~ 1114-1115 end orcwe itJ LaGAL IIOIICI ···-a:lM •II:Da. bouee, unf\lln~ real c1aa. bMctwd. noon. r~.rept., tar ..._with option to buy. f', C. .,.._0. Coast Hl1hway at~CDM. 0. E. ITL\TOI..UO:a pwlb.button ••oft'I'I .. ICII.,.,. !'0 faDII'!!I...,wnwc..,.. raqe. UMd Oftb< 2 yn.. f,JOO. I:STATE Of' 8eJa Crow R&U, &.,wood . Wa.b.fteld. modern. a1ao bowll U Bela C. B&U DC. wbeat ftDJ8b cUn1nr room -. CEAlED" drop IMf table, t obaJn, aide-PfO'nCI: IS R'DDY CIVD to board. 1400 Dolphin. ec.. Sen-the Cftdtton ol and au ,..... SOLD by Multi le Listing fl'7 Snur =..t£llff Haven "'Goal asoo,uuu ln '55" J..BEDIDl. bouae, turn .. or un- tum., newly decorated.. ChJJ. dren weloome, 417 HeUotrope, CDK before 10. after 5. SOLD Dade 1rv1ne Twrac.-e ba~ c1ata. aaa~n.~t tbe aid I ' decedeat Ql' .set .... to 11M JLUO(OHfi <5riana, &ll modek tbem wltll tbe D~ Wilda. ~ tenu. JOUr old plano .. 1n tbe ome. of uae Cln al accepted in Rdlanre. Pree the Superior Court o1 tbe Cou.Dty prac:tke rooma tot dally prae. of Oranp. State ol C&l.Uomla, or tlce, try before you bu1· Danz. to PNMOt tbe aame, wttb tbe Schmfdt Blr Piano • 0r1an nec..a.ry voueben. to the un~­ Co., 520 No. Maln, Santa Ana. 1J1n~ at bla ot her place o1. GUITAR. VEGA blonde MOdel buaJn-, to-wit: 166, $185 Includes cue, HA $629 E. Cout BJpway, Corona 1773-.W. del Mar, C&l.U • by Multiple Listing C 0 N N S 0 NAT A Oraan, juat 425 Carnation. Corona del Mar traded ln. ave $400 on tbl• wlthJn l1x montba atter the tim publication of thJa notice. .. ,..~' -IUV\ 000 ln '55" ~ almost new orr an . Danz. A'M'RA.C'nVE, 2-BEDRM., unfum. Schmidt, 520 No. Main, Santa apt. wtth rarap, convtenl-Ana. ently located; D Martrold, ':"A-=TJ'R.A=-:-l;:==n=v==E=-MAPLE:::-:-=-=-=-d.,..,.b..,..l.__,bdrm,...,...-. CDM. HA 1.8-W. aet. davenport. retrJr .. chain. S 0 L D etc. for aale, low-priced. HA 1093-R after 4 :30 p.m. by Multiple Listing 50 USED plan~ wanted for our 162 eecu P . Cotta Mesa rental dept. Trade your old "Goal-aSOO.OOO 1n '55" plano on new Electric Ol'&an, NICELY FURNISHED room, pvt. ~lnet or grand plano. Danz- entrance and pvt. bath, near Schmidt. 520 No. Maln, Santa postortlce, bank, bua and =-=Ana==·-H-=I:;r"""'h"'"'est=--=-al_low=-=a_n_ce...,·,___ stores, very dealrable, 419 Poln-2-TIEB TABLE. $15; Du.ncan settla, CDM. HA 3692-W. Phyfe table and 4 chairs, $75; SOLD by Multiple Listing 315 Canal St. Newport "GoaJ~500.000 In '55" 1-BEDRM. tum. apt. for rent. utilities pd., CDM. HA 723. SO·LD by Multiple Listing 510 Riverside Ave .. Newport Hts. "GoaJ-$8,!500,000 ln '55" ATTRACTIVE FURN. modern studio apts., utll. pd., $70 mo. 3424 E. Coast Hwy., CDM. HA 0853-R. SOLD by Multiple Listing 109 VIa Wulers. U do Isle "Goal-18,!500,000 In '55" NICE 1-BEDRM. apt. with ocean view, newly fu.rn. lnqulre 308 Carnation, CDM, HA 4016. SOLD by Multiple Listing V Lot Cor. Havre It Ithaca lJdo lale "Goal • ~ 000 In '55'' _, . UNJ'UR.N. 2-.IEDIDI.. houae, 1 bloclt aouth of Bwy .. near atores, CDM. U 8-40'J6. ... whatnot, $5; club c-.halr. $45: also mahorany breakfront. HA ~1. $395 BUYS lovely little Baby Grand; others $475, $:160, S685 etc. Story • Clark, Knabe. Wur lit.zer. Xlmbal ln Salem Maple, Lester, McPhail. Always 100 pianos to choose from. Danz. SchmJdt Plano Co., 520 No. Main. Santa Ana. 7 cu. FT. FrJe. ret.rle.; Kenmore automatic washer; highchair. All In rood cond. Harbor 3101-W. 8 MM MOVIE camera and pro jector. $50. Phone after 4:00 p.m., HA 'J152-!t. STEINW A Y Granda 2. both In perfect condition Mah. Not re. buiJt. wonderful tone, fast ac. tlon touch, Jov~J.y Knabe spinet 1n ebony fln.lah aa.ve $230. Also Muon • Hamlin spinet Uke n~.' Danz-Schmldt Bl9 Piano Store, 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. ma.boraru-. Vf!IY nice. Other h o u a e h o 1 d Items. HA 3192-M. $5 RENTS &ood practice plano or Dated March a, 19M. DAVID D. HALL Admlnlatrator of the Elrtate ot aid decedent. A. K. Phelpe attomey at law 34.29 E. Cout HJrhway Corona del Mar. Callf . PubJlab: ~h 17.24. 31. AprU 7 In the Newport H.arbor Enslp. aaavrca COMPLfi£ PA.IN'nKG PAPER RANGING SERVICE HA 2976 HA 4446 EUGENE 0 . SAUNDERS 500 3lat Street. Newport lleadl • ... c ..... ···~,.... FOR RENT 8 -.MM 16-MM 35-MM and 16MM Sound Projectors FAST COLOR FILM SERVICE Model Alrplane Suppllea .. ,.c ........ 1782 Newport Blvd .. eo.ta Keiaa Phone Ube!ty 8-7042 ·PAINTING Earl Shetlln 273 Palmer St.~ Mesa Uberty 8-2828 C:OIQ'I.Kft I.AIIDICAnlrG SE.vu:a LAWNS, SHRUBS AND TREES General Clean-up Free eatimate. C:OIIO.A Da.IIAJI.-uBDIY HA 1mB '2744 E. Cout BW)'. • REP.ua AND maintenance, palntlnr. carpenter, eit:. .JUIIt anythlnl. Reucmable Satllfac- tlon IUat&.ateed. BA. ous.J. Painting -Decorating PAPER RAHGINO GEORGE BURKHARDT Ucenled Contrac:t« 5U 30th St., Newport Beedt llArbor X18-w Uberty 8-8632 SITUATIOJn WAJITZI) GARDENER-Clean up, etc. Call buy at S87. $91. $1.25. Mlrro MJICU 1 YKOOI Spinets $235. Daru-Schmldt. ~;;:~~~~~----=---:--:: U 8-1648. If no answtor call U 8-4708. GRANDMOTHER wants baby alt. tlnr. AvaUable weekend-, also evenlnp. U 8-38'72. BABY SITriNG, care of sick, your home, Day, nJeht. mature CDM wom an. Before 10 a.m .. after S p.m., HA 3112-M. DLP WAJrnD BOY TO mow lawn once a week. Call at Petlte VUle, 3409 E. Coast Riway, CDM. EX PER. SALESGIRL, famli1ar W1th bakery. Apply at Savory Bakery CDM. 3329 E. Coast Hwy. CDM. GIRL FOR general clerical work. must be able to type. Full or part Ume. Give quallflcatloiUI In 1st letter. O'Brlen'a Specialty Shop, CDM. PE RMA.NENT HOUSEKEEPER 520 No. Maln, Santa Ana. • SUP RENTA.Ul: Rowboat ~tal PlC'n.JRE F RAM E S. standard apaces, max. 8' beam. • lenftb. American IAiion Hall. sizes. some bumlshed gold and 15th and Bay, l'ewpart. IIA ~ panelled. Also. $500 eold drapes, will sell foe $50. RA 4784-M. $375 BUYS lovely full keyboard Spinet plano; rental returna have $151 on beaul11ul aplnet.a llke new, Wurlltzer, Lester, FJ.acher, Knabe, Muon It Ham- lin aome Blond Oak and Salem Maple. Danz.SchmJdt. 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. COMPLETE BEDRM. set, antique mahoeany. Very nice. Other hou.ehold ltema. Rea•.. HA 3192-M. Call Morning and Evening. MINSHALL Orrans electronic 1 Mah. 1 Blond Oak $675 up In eood condition. Used Solovox Or1an attachment to plano $~. Danz.Schmldt Plano It Orean Co., ~ No. Main. Santa Ana. ~ Baa Piano Accordions $95 up. : X p f p T :' .'\ c I( I N G " for youne doctM's home, 1% children. Plan to move with family to San Francltco after luly 1. Very Jow alary for next 5 yra. then very lood. IIA 2299-R. SERVEL aEFRIG. 12 cu. ft., $75. Allo PrtiJdalre e.lec. ranre, a 7 a P 7 ~POR T ... ... . ., . IIOWIII N EI : -~~.--.. :.--~-,.. : • :';l,..... .. : . .....~ ,,. . . .... .,. ..•........ ...... w ... . ~lldl ..... ..... • e'my ..... •-heMI ... ........ -.... -........ -----.... ..,..., ___ Dr. Ronald Wood. D. C. HARBOR HEALTH SERVICE COMPLETE' DIAGNOSIS It PHYSICAL THERAPY DEPT. ... ....-t ..... ........... ....... FEI~. Jim Whyte INS URANCE Ocecm.. MariDe cmd GeDeraliD8u.rcmce u..tr .. 1171 Ofll.et c..t .................. l ..Wuu: 416 Ha.l. C.... ItA Mer m HA 3288. ~OND ChMd 0T1an, tl~~~~~~~~~~~~======================~ lllrhtly uHd, like ne-w. You Girls-- can play thla without a leuon. Da~ldt. 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. auaDrUI cwtofiUWHiD BEAtrrY SHOP for 8&Ie In Harbor Area. New modern equipment. Il.l.nea (ortft own« to MU. CaD ror info. RA 3815-1. LOST: 8 yr. Old male eat. '111nok.eJ... Part Ptnl.an. 1ft/¥ &D4 black. .rrt.nd.ly. 18 Dol· pb.lQ, Cot. lenDade. IMne Ttr- nc..~ . .... ,...a-t .. .. a.... ............. ....,. ... .......... .......... ......... , .. ... ........ •...atr .....,.&r.u. • • • • ~IAUMIDAY-............ u• •. ..._...._._ .._n a •aMIII I m "'D .,.....,. OOUilT or '1'0 KUCr o.rcw IIOmaAY Tim ... ~,. ~ CAUJOitJflA ~ .. &be c.cma .. lllar Of AJifD JOa TilE c:x:xnrrr OP JIU:lne. ~ ,_ J.t15S wW be OB.A!fGI!. ~~ at a boucl ttl ciJnct(n Dept. Jfo. 5 meetJ.nc at 7:30 p.m. IIIGDdaJ at JfO. W70 tbe Colona del Mat CociamUAity IUIOIOMS CburdL J:1ec:t.c1 u cUrtcton, app.ltlaD to the .,... CWW· tft7 portion of ec.ta liMa. 11ut .ktioD 11iroaCbt la the SUperior from wb.ldl lilt the omc.. wUl ride" ..ellad ttl flDaJictq a ...., 1.-,ue wu fora:wd att.r PIOI*· Court ot a. Cout)r ttl Oraqe, be elected. were I. a. lrandt. J11C1a Sdaool plant b tbe eo.ta t:)' CJ~~~~Pa.e1Nrelntormed ofllwp aD4 Ooenpleblt tJJed Ill t2aa Of. Ted lb....U, G. B. I'GIIoJ, W. C. .._ ana wu eKprlltld ln a lftcnuel In tax peymeets Wit flee ttl the a.tE ol tbe su. Buchter~ A. I. ftaelpa. .-olutJoe adopted b)' the DINe· tall. penc. Court ttl al4 County. Harry Yeriqton &D4 Bryant ~~~i~~-~~~~~~ ton ttl tM ,....._ ~ 'I'M ~ Of Dlreeton an-POlfaAMO P. T.AJIB.A. Platntttr C'hrUten8m, Leque, w .. at a ~ JMIIt. DOUaoed that tb.e7 ue not op. ... ;:::::::::::::;=======1 Ina J'rlda7' ewntn1. Tbe cltrectGn poeed to a .-r blfh ecllool, or SOOOBO J. Y.AitU. Defendant Gnaat ... c.dl * e'Ddoned ~ ltudJ of bond otbtor IICboola ,_1ry for prop. -~PLJ: OP mE STATE tu .... _ _._ ..... ~ ln th An-. IJ""-.J ... I .. ,, .. d. d IMue for the neu ture. • echaea~ of oau.oung• e OP CAL IP 0 R KIA SEND II-......, The :rr.ecJom Taxpa:yen LeaiUe area, but oppoee onlJ the method GJlEE"n'NCS TO: ......_ llet' err ~. wu Cll'la.nbecl to a.amtne tu of ftnandqu bet.q a unhappy 800010 J. YARU, Defendant an 1A1U ITATIOM ... probJeaw tn the new ~m choice for aucb a la.rae project. You are dtrec:t.d to appear 1n 306 Main BALBO~ Ba.rbor m Rome. aubdtYtalona 1n the w..t-11a., contend that a bond luue an action broupt aaatn.at you 9:30-6:00, Sun. Nooa 'W fS -----------Ia the fairer. 8\lr• and more by the above named plalnwt, 1n ----------- ... IMI .... C......_ tD1 tr 1-ml •a truly tine nurtery school" aptU equltabM method of flnanclna. the lupeorlor Court of the State or "We are now., hlahly ....eued cautornta, 1n a.n4 tor the County that we Ju.tt eouldn't alford !55 of Oranae, an4 to an.wer the cents adclltJonal I*' $100 UleS8ed complaint therein within ten valuation ln our taus at thla day. after the Mr'V1ce on you of Ume," memben of the Leaau~ thla aummoru, lf aerved wtthln told High Sdlool SupL Sidney the County of Oran1~. or wttbln Davtct.on In a meet.lnglut w~k. thirty days tt aerved e!Mwbere, THE (dwarcf& SHOE FOR EASTER "Early newspaper reports had and you are notlfled that unlea mted that averaae cost. per you ao ap~ar and an.wer u ho~. would be betw~n $4 and above required, the plalntlft will 18 per year. 1bfa would not be take judJ1MDt for any money tr&le In the Newport.Balboa VIsta or damaaes demanded In the liiiii•llllil•••••iiilliil Tract area, where the average Complaint, u ulalng upon con-(~,000 purchue price) home tract, or will apply to the Court wowd be taxed $14.30 per year for any other relief demanded tn A·l PLUMBING .,.,& ........... ...... .....,_ ,..., , .... t. s.-a sw ~, .. Lewis Ross ~*~= ................ NOW OPEN ••• NANA 'S Mexican Foods Of'Df EVEilT DAY U .A.II. 'TIL 7 P.M. ....... • ..... ..... ot ....,_ Jood lacl- ........ • .._ a11ft:tt1M. TCI&IO'.,_TecraJ..._TodadoL •-twaawwa ...s roaatala ....-. leU ........... Mt at~ ....... -...... t. ..._ lt.. aa.oA at tile by the over.rlde method, up to the complaint. $20 per year for the be~r homes. Glv~n under my hand and seal Thil added to the heavy burd.~n of the Superior Court t>f the already lmpoH<t on thla area County ot Oranae. State of Call- would be an Impossible load. fomla. thls 3rd day of a.·~bruary, "While the assessed valuation 1955. of the entire area ot the high (SEAL> ac:hool dlatrlct la approximately B. J. SMlTH 170,000,000, w~ ln th.1a mtall area County Clerk and Clerk of the are uaeued at about $2..250,000. Superior Court of the State of or better than one thtrty.fl.fth ot callfomJa, tn and tor the the ~nt!re area. County of Orang~. "The Citizens Committee that By L. B. Wallace, Deputy. wu set up to look Into the meth. HARRY L. BLODGE'M' ods of flnanclng bad reported Attorney for Plalntlft that a $12.000 home would be 3016% w. Newport Blvd. auessed at $3.000; therefore the Newport Beach. C&lJ.t. addJtlonal tax would be $15 pet Harbor 1721 year. (The figure &tnder dlllcua. Publlah: Feb. 10.Mareb 31. 1955 alon then was 50 cents over. In the Newport Harbor Enallf\. ride.) We In thla area are a.s. ,, .. ~ ........... ... eflfle .. .,......, ....... .__ ,.... .................. -'-' ..., _.,...,~ ....... .... ................ ..., lfylee -....,. ..., ..... 22S E. 17Ut lt.. c.t. ..... 1115 a. lied:.. .... Aaa Ea.lllt•lllll'• YARN SHOP .eued at over $3,100 total for UQAL JfOTICE 'Z'Ift L C.... .._ • .., '!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ aA ~ :;: homes that sold at $9.000. So our Jfe.. A-USC I Knttttng, CrochetlDL and ,,.,.9 yyy,-y..-yyyyy•••••••••~ $8,000 home would be taxed n~ar. ~~~ of ......_ of htiHae f• Needlepoint Supgll• t F• 011'* Zn 1 11 & ......,___TilT_ ~ ly aa hlah aa the average 112.000 ....... of ww ...s lor Knfttlna Bap ~ horne ln oth~ parts of the dJa. a..tten .,_IML•t.T· Sped~ Aceeaaor1es Till flltl If ····1111 4 trlct, puttlna'& dilproportlonate In th~ Superior Court of the and I.D8tructlons • P 4 lhare of the C011t on th1l anall Stat~ of CaJlfomJa ln and for the WlaW .._., ... " Mon. thtu SaL 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. EKrow 5ervke * IT IS a wise precaution in closing cmy sort of transaction such as a sale of real estate, a mortgage or trust deed, a leaae with complicated provisions, the sale of a business or of personal property . . . to in- sist that the transaction be carried through escrow in Newport Harbor Bank. as a BUYER. OR SELLER of property YOU may decide where your escrow is placed Wltla ou __. up••• e1C10W dilpu' •t •=:pd by a fall U.. .....w om.c:. you wW ....._ ._ ...S .,. 111 dNe ~ ._. you are lraowa. ...S t111.:t d-. , aaraa~a-... coaata. * lewport flarbor Ba1k .,... ..... STROOT'S BABDWABE ROUSEWABES * Giftwan * A~ * PaiDta •• Jfewpwt ..._ U a-M& e.-._ ~ • •ted b'f 11e1t ..,.__ 0..,_,. c..llt ~ area. Coun~ of Orana~. Thursday 1 p.m. to s • ,.,~~~~~.,, ~I I w~~ ~~~~of~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ -.... ..._. llALPH w. GOTBA.BD. deceased. • .:.L .. O..:....a Hodce Ia ......, liWD that the •1•11 ...,.. petition of WUJJAK A. oor. IUIA 'RY & D&'VID HARGRAVE ........._.......,_ • ~~AI 'TI F-1 ...... ~ ll&tSic wortcahop tebearsala for BAKD tor the probat~ of the W1ll ~ M ~S' • ~ WI I· ~ lnstrumentan.ta wUI.wt at 7:30 of the above named decedent • _ •• ........ ..... _ .. ::,:·· ltrtp ~ tonlaht (Tbunday) 1n the music and for the luuance of Letters Gr· and Opent· ng! ~ U a... ·~---~ ball at Orange Coast CoUere. Testamentary to the petltlone!' rAAAAAAA.AA ...... A.&AA•AA apoMOred by the Phllbannonlc will be beard at 10 o'clock A.M. Society Of Oranae County and on April 15, 1!155. at th~ court dJreded by KLu Frieda BeUn-room of Department 4 of th~ BRUCE MARTIN IUTI-11--FilE-LH LOCAL AGENT 1793 NEWPORT AVE., COSTA MESA OFFICI!: Liberty 8-!1154 RES. Liberty 8-:5063 I fant~. Superior Court of the Stat~ or The wwbhop wtU be b~ld once Callfomla ln and for th~ Count)' a week for mulclana who wlab of Oranp. to play ln a group and who meet Date March 22. 195!5. the requlnmenta. Ev~ntually, the B. J. SMlTH. bHt artJat.a could Joln the Phil· County Cl~. barmonJc Orchestra. Interested Harwood. Heffernan At Soden, musJclana have been asked to Attorney. tor Petitioner. come In penon with their lnstru. 2515 E. Coast Hllhway, menta at ~30 or to contact Mia Corona del Mar, CallfomJa. Bellnfant.e at P.O. Box 118, Coro-Publish: M~b 24. 31. April 7 na del Mar. In the Newport Harbor Enslan. ~ • A COMPLETE DO IT YOURSELF Ceramic Studio .. Wllllllt,. n 1 •&l•••r • • EQ .. •••• lln•l• .... Jll • .... ~~~-lllrllllllll • .. "'I H Yemlllf" 11&11 II I l.n, Llw a.i • • • U If -fllllrJ ............. ,... ........ AnEND EVENINGS QB DAYS For ........... t ....... fee you d receM .. ,...., .. four Of eitht l how •••i ... ol IMtntdioft .... Ntu.l ci.r..-werL Yeu',. _,.... t. e+J tile..,,__.. and, ... .., ................... c&-1 d--.... EVER\'TIIING UIIDEB OJIE BOOF FROM OUR MOLDS. OR TOUR DESIGNS Yo.'l I.e .W. to"""-CM"emic tiffs or -+idea for yow .... -. ... ~ low colt. n-. .,. O¥W 200 ...W. • .. igM from our factory tt..t you c-. .,.. in 1 ... ,_ t. ,_. ""' c:oremM: ......_ CONE IN. SEE OUB MODERN PI.AMT Yow "'• .. ._ .. ....W ,...Ast thla "do.,_...,.. ,... Wltr ............. ow factory-, ... ..... Yow • ntt.• _. ._ Mpht.ty -=••M. Y•'l \e ..... w ... ow,..... and SATURDAY, M~CH 26 Mary & Davids Toys 3101 E. Coast Highway Corona del Mar FeaturiDg: Terri t.e DoDa Vogue Doll. DiakyToys SchucoTop hDgo Plochacta . .. .... .. ...... : A laba'oaa Gamcaateed b JH. Tent t.e DaA. A 125 Sc:laaco DKtao Car pn1Uedlty DIL B. Q. WNATH UGII MJIL& LIIGJUo aoUC& L"'' IIOIIC2 UU.Ii -IIC& • UOAL IIO'I'Ia LI'CIA& -·· eutlrly c.'ICirMI' Ot tbat <.'ettalD eoua lbp:rf a: ~ ~.!t':: l;et to an ~n wttb the. 0. i ·'laLiiiidft Ro. ill f:JID-~ "' .. -:c: at -~~m i@i)ct:l '"~·.go~~ GMMa ~~ ~,. ~d=~~~ Jr. ~ o( eonttnut:ril~.atci ==.·:.r~~17 -='= ta~u!.c. a. .:.-:-a;..:~ ~ u 10" ..-~ = ~ J:l ~~ ..-d ~ THJlJliX)7 ~' lt.eclclrd8 ot •• flJd Oranp Dela1Jel noe a clll&-·ar m .OI .., u I Dlrtw ~ oe a can. ,.,aDe! UM eo a POAat wta u. to ea.ht Nfft. tla.touft u &IW_a.. to 11e ....,_ ~ ~ ""'.A.. ..._ ., ~ CDatr. tWoee JIDUcl' 31• fW l!r fMt to a point~ a curve '*'-_.,. aCIItla:r;;,_oo alld ¥v .. 1Nit U.. lilt aM _.. JOO of .o• 1'7" r. a dllliaee ~ IIllO _... :::.,:.r: Mcl _.,_. ~ outll and. ~ to .-a ~ e~r at.00~~ 7!:-ator~o.eo:t =.ort,.,.rv· !~ ~CII ~~~~ roT=-~ ....,_.:n:; ~ ~· a,~~t-:C ::W •-,_an:~tor7 a~nh~b~~ w~\-C:'= ~eo:f'258.1.! teet· thence ia1ta111ne Uttouatl •14 potM ~ ~aootbOt ~ucurw entJtlect Hart. lr::: tbeDC*da llDeu~t feet. to~ M-lbouldllot lie• aa•••ll un dl the '"MU.tioD ot .,..ttl •• • 15" .-a 'dWtanae tntenecdon bearf.nl..uth .. 01' beiUIJ DGICil a• 2'7" 21 .. eut; north tq an In~ wttb ttMI JllUdnJ ot• ~conaa .. eoattt.. 'I'M aMve.41!111 foHiolnl-. u-~ ~ Act ot ot 10.00 t..t: th..,. north sr 00'' we.t; theno. aouthet== t~Mpet ........ IT ~ tile ~IJ' rtPt ol ~ 11M oC ••~ ha¥1n• a raeu otiO..OO tudoft ._., ~ and' ~11 ,.D aa.ld territorY belnl more u • ~· w.t to an mterMctloh aa.Jd curve throu,ch a een a1 llll• lut J:Mntloned eu.rve throuib a)\ aatd ..,.._ ~ 4Q IMt lit :=,; tMDc:e Dlirtll......arlY &1oM pa-..1 .net a~ at a liiMt.J.q :~~L:O...:ty here In after c» with the nortl.l11NM:erl)' llne Qf ~.,. ol 12" 1•· fZ an are ~le ol u• 21' 21 .. a d1ltance of wt~: tbace ..... 11 U... &l.kl eu.rve ~fbe lul ot tbe at1 CaUDdl Cll tbe CttY ~and. the touth one qua.rt.u ( • > of of CS28 led to a point Uuoulh DJ.81 teet to the end ~ Mld northerly rt~bt af wat ltne lo the mndoned JIM ujb an anal• ot ftewDQrt '"c:b held on the __._,_ o1 aid BJodc 51. ot: J.rvlne'• SubdJ. wbleh a radial Une to aald eu"e c:urw: tbeDce eoutb n • !H' eut. beCfnnl~ 01 a CUI'ft toncave to ot 15• W 00"' a of X3IJ 14th dQ a1 Mardi. U$5 b)' the ~ \,buau• C:;~ vtalon· thence aouthwesteTt)' Man eouth 80• 22" 42" wetlti tanaet to the lut mentioned the ~ and llavlq a T&• feet to a liM taqent. Mid 11M to~ Y(Q to wit: aaJd terrltory ave lro ol alona 'aald nort.bweltDlY llne ~ thence aou~westerly alon1 aaJa curve to St&Uon fto. 8 u .tab-dJua ol ae.a teet; tbaolt DOI'tb· tanatnt belna the IOUtberll Une ~· CJ'LMEIIf 1 themMlvet u betnl a:ed ':ith tho rn<Mrt aouthft'ly corner o1 that rad1alllne 92.24 feet to the begin· llshed ln aaJd decl'ft tn eourt euter~ ~•lY, and nodh· o( the Cal.ttoinla State HJibway SmiA COUN ...... _ .. ~1· havln& the aame ann __ .. certain panel of land u de-ntng of a taneent curve eoncave cue No. ~; aaJd Station be-wetrter aJopg aaJd ~ throQMh lGO teet fn width u recorded • --· the CltY of_News>bft1 1r:ror tJ;; acnbed 1n Book 2161. Page :ns b tlle southeast and havt.n1 " ma an~· point tn the north-an anr e or ~te· zr •· a diJ. *' 30, an 8l)ok fliT, Pa$;3 of !fOES. cotnfm.MEN: Jlfone. WHEREAS. t wou and 876, otfictal Rec:of'ds of a.ald radJua of 1135.00 feet : th~nce euterly UOe or a ~ o1 land taDce Of 100.35 feet to a 11M tan. OUiclal 8ecol'd8 til aid e ABSENT 00\JJ'fCD.MEH: None. best Interests fdr :f!e ?u'ie~ N::; Orange County· thence north so• southwesterly alonf saJd C'urve deacr;lbed In Deed to the City of pnt; thence north 52" 06' 30'' County; t hence aoutheuter DORA 0. HILL. ~ lkach an ~d territory. 11' 45" wat alone the south· an are distance o 76.!50 feet; Newport leach and reeordect tn west alona aaJd llne tan.,ent alone the. aid IOUtherly line of Mayor. said city annex s • westerly une of wd parcel of thence tangent to said curve Book )tt, Paae 2C, otltdal ~ M. T8 teet to the bealnnJftl at a the CalUom.la state Htrhway to Atte.t: C. Jt. Priest. and land a dUtance ot 7015.00 teet to eouth 76. 31' 00' west to a point of aaJd Oranae County; .'hmee C"U.rW concave nortbeutet'ly and the D01nt of belin.l'l.lU. · City CleTk. WHEREAS. the City of !'few-a tanaent curve eoncave to the of lnte~lon with the afore-south 85" 43' eut a cn.tance of ha~ a radJu ol ~00 feet: J'ORTHER NOTICE"lS HEREBY PublUh: March 17 and 24. 1955. port Beach did on or about the southWest and ·havtne a radius mention~ farallel Une whleb 1378.16 feet alonf the northeast. thence nonbwe«erl)' and north. GIVEN that on Monday, the 18th 28th day of February, 195~-.~~~ of 818.25 teet · thence nortbwM-lies paralle with and dl.stant edy line of aaJ paral to the erly aloq uld curve. ~ent to day ot April, 111515 at the hour of AU ·,m need• w·n be mJt to the Oranre Co}lnty _... · erly alonl Aid curve an are dis-1290.00 feet from tbe aa.ld eouth-northeast comet' thereof; then~ the Jut mentioned Jlne, tlitouJh 7:30p.m. on aaJd day, or u toon your pn • nQ 1 ary Comml.aslon a legal detiCl"lP. tance of 307.15 feet to the most easterly line of Irvine .lvenue; aoutb alonr the eut llne and tb• an an«le of ... 53' «r a cn.ta.nee thereafter u the nuatter may be hondled. tonwtuenftv e!WJ c.ou,rt· tlon and plat of hereinafter de-westerly comer ot saJd parcel of thence southwesterly alone aald toutherly prolonptloo thereof a ol ~51 teet; thmce DOI'Ua a• heard In the Council Cb1~ eoudy tn the comPiet.&Y4qu.p- acrlbed uninhabited territory foe land aald comer also belne tbe parallel line to a potnt of Inter-dt.tance of SIT.Olfed to an Inter· 47' 10" eut aloq a line radial to ell the Cit)' Ball Cll Ole of ped Job Printinq ~nt of tu approval pursu&J!~ th~ ~ m~ toutherly comer of that c«· Section with the aouthwesteTly aeetlon with a line lJtnl D feet the lut mentioned curve, 15.00 Newport 8eMb. 1100 Weet f!W· y_our Horbor tv.e N~per. vtalons of Section ~s·-•-ofe taln parcel of land u deecf'lbed In line of 17th Street. 80 feet In DOI'therlY o1 ancJ puallel with feet: thence ncrtherly &JODI a pOrt Bocll.evu4, Jlt.-port ~aeh. The Ensiqn 11<>4 Co.st Ill COM. Government Code of the ...au:; Book '¥Jl11. Pa~e 196, Official Bee-wtdth. as described ln deed f'e. the U . .S. Bulkbud llne between curve coneaw to tbe nortbeut tallfornla. a beutq Wlll be bad • " C&llfornia. and ord.l of sald Oranee County. ""ld oordtd In Book 401. Pate 477. Of. WHEREAS. on Mareh14th.~ point also beine In a curve con· tlelal . Records of aaJd Oraa1e QCC TRUSTEES ISSUE NQTIC QF l there wu fUed with the City eave to the northeast. having a County; thenee IIOuthedy and E E ECTI ON Clerk of the City of Newport radius of 600.00 feet. a raclLal aouthwesterly alone the WHteriY Beach an approval by aaJd Or-line throurh said point havln' and northwesterly llne of aald UGAL •onca U.QAI. •onca anee County Boundary Commla-a bearln& of north 18" 18' 15 17th Street amd lt.a~~nuthwest ~rry alon pursuant to the provi.s1ons east; thence northwesterly proloneatlon to a point of inter-tiona OF EL&CTJOII ELECTIOif naCiJicr •o. i of aald Section 35002 of said said eurv~ an "arc distance aectlon wJth th~ City boundary ro• IIKII .... OP TilE ELECnON PRECINCT NO. 3 Government Code; 193.73 feet 'to a point of rev~ of the .City of ftewport. Be~ch.: GOVEUDrG 80AaD OP TID shall lnelode aU the area em. NOW TIIEllEFORE. BE IT RE-curve concave to the southwt'st a.ald pomt lytnr north 25 21 05 SOLVED bf the City Council of and bavlnJ a radtua of 1000.00 west and distant 49.63 feet from OUIIGE COAft JVJQOa braced within the Westmlnater the City 0 Newport Beach that feet; thence northwesterly along the most easterly eorne.r of Lot COLLEGZ DJBTaJCT Elementary School Dlatrlct. Pre- the following declarations and said curve, an are dJ•tance of 18 as shown on a map of Tract N011CE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO clnct No. 1 (Precincts u In City notices be made and given: --199.31 feet to a point. said point No. 1218 recorded In Mlseellan. the electors of the Orange Coast Elections-Westminster Nos. 1, 4. IT IS HEREBY DECLARED. also being the most eoutherly eous Map Book 37. Pare~~ ~. 48 that proceedings have been lnl-corner of that certatn par~l of and 49. Records of safd Oranre Junior College Dlstrlct of Orange and 6). tlated by th~ City of Newport land described In Book 2211. County; thence eoutherly and County, C&llfomla, that the An· The POLUNG PLACE therein Beach to annex the said territory Page 415, Official Records of sald easterly a long the City Boundary nual Election for members of the shall be at the 17th Street School, hereinafter described, which said Orange County; thence conUnu. llne of the City of Newport Beach Board of Trustees of the Orange 7STl Westminster Avenue. West-territory Is contiguous to the ing along said curve an arc dJs. through Its various courses to the present boundaries of said city tance of 202.12 feet to a polnt. point of begininng and more par-Coast Junior College Dlstrtct will mlntser. The polls will be open a nd which said territory now Is saJd point also being the south-tJcularly d"escrlbed aa follows: be held on the third Friday of between the hours of 7 :00 A.M. uninhabited within the mE'iathJinbg easterly corner of that certain soulherlyS along thehwest~rly line May, viz. May ~. 1955. and 7:00 P.M. of the Annexation of Un n a parcel of land as described In or 17th treet as s own upon a It will be n-. ... rv to elect OFFICERS OF ELECTION FOR lted Territory Acto( 1939. Book 2309, Page 504. Official Rec map of said Tract No. 1218 to the ~~-.... NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ords of said Orange County; most northerly eomer of Lot 10. two members. said Election Precinct No. 3: that tt 1•. proposed by said City tbence north 36" 13' 05" east. a Block D. as shown upon a map of The returns of the election will lnspectOT: Mn. Violet B. Ar· of Newport Beach to annex said dhtan~ of 551.55 feet to a point. Tract No. 1219, recorded In Mls.. be canvassed at 4:00 P.M. on nett hereinafter described territory to said pollt also being the most cellaneous Maps, Book 38, Pages said city. which said territory southerly corner of a parcel of 26 and 27. Records of aald Or-May 24. 1955. Judee: Mrs. Bertha L. Hylton sh all In these proceedings bear land as described In Book 2273, ange County; thence east~Jy on The poJJLng place for a.aid elec Jud&e: Mrs. Elsa Sophia the name "Upper Bay Annex." Page 175. Official Records of said a straight Hne to the most north-tors of the Orange Coast Junior Wright The specific description of the Orange County; thence north 50" westerly comer of Lot 1 u shown College District wtll be deslrna· ELEcriOR PJI.ECDrCT !tO. • boundarles of the territory 10 11' 45'' west. a dinance of 489.33 upon a map of Tract No. 1125, , p.roposed to be annexed 1s at feet to a point. aald point abo recorded In Mbcellaneous Map t~ and appointed as follows: ELECTION PRECINCT NO. 4 tached hereto marked Exhibit belng the most westerly comeT Book 39, Pa res 7 and 8, Records ELECTJOW •at:cmcr lfO. 1 shaJJ Include aU the area em. "A" and by reference made a said par~l. said point also beJng of st!ld Oranre County; said ELECTION PRECINCT NO. 1 btaced wtthln the Westminster part hereof. In a curve concave to the north-point also belne In the easteTly shall Include all the area em. Elementary School District. Pre- EXHJBIT "A" west. a radial llne through aid right of way llne of that c~aln bra-..a within th• SeaJ Beach clnct No. 2 fPr-lncts as In City point havtng a bearing of north County road known as ~ven-.. ~ "" """ DESCRIPTION OF UPPER BAY 36" 23' 03" west; thence north-teenth Street; thence alone the Elementary School Dl.strlct No. 1 Electlons-Wesl~Jllnsters Nos. 2. ANNEXATION AS A.MENDEDNEWBY easterly alone aald curve an are northerly line ol aald Lot 1. w uth (Pftclncta u ln City Elections 3, and that portion of 7 lylnr In 11iE CITY COUNCIL OF · dJstance of ~.53 teet· thence 72• 59' 55" eut a distance of PORT BEACH-FEB. 28. 1955. north 39• 48' 15 .. east ta'n~ent to 144.48 feet; thence 110uth ss· 13' Nc. 1, 3, 5. and 7). the Westmlnst~ School Dlatrtct). BegtnnlnL at a point In the last mentioned curve a distance 45" east. a distance of 138.63 teet; The POLLING PLACE therein The POLLING PLACE therein Boundary ne of the City 1 ot of 100.21. feet to an '1ntenect:1on thenee nor1h 72• ~ 25'' eut. a shall be at the Seal Motel, 501 shall be at the Sun Garden Newport Beach. said potnt be nc with the aouthwe:stftly line of dJ.stance of 281U2 feet. to the Central AYellue. The poll• wt1J be School J[lnderi'&JUft 1M51 So. the lntenect!on of the eoutberl)t Men Drive 60 teet 1n wtdth u moa northeuterlY comer of aald • line oi the Callfomla State Hl•h· aald Mesa Drive Ia ah~ a Lot No. 1. aa14 polnt a1110 lY1fta ope bltw -L the boun ot 7:00 N...,land. Gardm Grove. 'nae way OltA.fiO.B. lOO teet In wtcfth, ma of Tract No. 106. rec ln aoutb r a· tr wat and il.CII A.M. and T:(JO r.M. polu wfl1 be open Mtween the u dac:rlbed In deed li!Wided 1n MI:.Uaneous Map Soak Pa r.et cllstant tram lta1ial'l 125 ln OFPICEBS OF EUX:TtON FOR Jtoun of 7:00A.M. and '7:00 P.M. Book 4B7. Page 3. Off:lclal Records 25, Records of aald Orange Coun-the court decree llne establlllhed aald Election Prectnct No. 1: OPnCERS OF ELECnON FOR of Orange County, Calltornla, ty· thence northwesterly alon1 b1 Superlcx Court Cue No. 2M3& and a line ly1ng parallel with th~ aouthwesterly line of aald 0 the Super10T Court In and f•a Inspector: Evelyn Prentice said Election Precinct No. 4: and distant 21640.00 feet north-Mesa Drlve to a polnt ot Inter-the County of Orange. Stat11 o! Judge: Mabel Felt.l Inspector: Mrs. Ulllan M. westerly of the southwesterly pro-section with the aoutheuterly Calltoml&. a certttleate of wblch lud,e: Florence Newlon Weaver longatlon of the southeasterly line of Tustin Avenue. 60 teet 1n decree wu reeorded May 6, 1~ EL&criOJr n:ECIRCT •o. 2 Jud-: Mra. Enid Hewitt line ot Block 55, as shown on a width u described In deed re-In Judgment Book 19. Page 309, •-map of Irvine's Subdivision re. corded In Book tm, Page 123 to Official Records of said Or"nge ELfrnON PRECiftCT NO. 2 Judge: MJ'j, Elizabeth T. corded In Miscellaneous Record 125 Inclusive Oftlelal Records of County; then~ on a line bearlnr aball Include all the area em-Saunders Ma ps. Book 1. Pa ge 8& Records aa.Jd Oranre' County and u de.. eouth 65" 04' 00" east to an Inter-braced within the Seal Beach ELEcrto• ftmCDrCT RO. 5 braced within the exterior bound-County Vottnr Pn!c:l.nc:tJI. eo.ta arles of the Fountain Valley Ele-Meta Nc. 8, a, 18, 30, 23. BI.Y· mentary School Dlstrlet. view Nos. '1 and 2_ and that por. The POLLING PLACE therein tton of Paulartno lfc. 1 and 2 shall be at the Fountain Valley lytne within the Cocta Meu Elementary School BulJdJJll', Tal· UnJon Sdlool District. bert and Buahard Roada. The 11\e POu.ING PLACE therein polb .will be open between the ah.all be at the Undberah Sdlool. houra of 12:00 Noon and ,7:00 23rd and Oranre Avenue& 11\e P. M . Polla will be open between the OFFICERS OF ELEC110N toe hou.ra of 7:00A.M. and 8:00P.M. aaJd Election Precinct No. 8: OFFICERS OF ELEC'MON for Inspector: Mra. Hazel Cour-said Election Preclnct No. 13: reges IMpe<:tor: MJ'j. Sally Hlnesly Judge: Mrs. Dorothy Evans Judee: Mra. Wanna RoberU Jadre: Mrs. Wilma Steppe ludae: Mn. Dorothea D. ELEcriOR •UCDfCT RO. I Martln ELECTION PRECINCT NO. 9 EL&criOW •ucorcr 110. 1• shall Include all the area em-ELECTJON PRECINCT NO. 14 braced wJthtn the exterior bound-shall Include all the area em- aries of Huntington Beach Ele. braced within the exterior bound- mentary School District. Pre-aries o1 Newport Beach Elemen- clncu a.s In City Election. tary School Dt.trlct. Preclnct No. The POu.JNG PLACE therein 1 (Preclnc:ts u In City Elections shaU be at the Huntington Beach -1. 2. 3, 4, 5. & 11. 17, 18, lJ, 24, Elementary School Bulldlnf. 5502 25, 26. and 28. 11\ete preclneb ln- PaJm Avenue. The polla wtll be elude w• Newport, Newport. open between the houn of 7:00 Balboa, and Uclo I.aJe.) A.M. and 7:00P.M. Tbe )'OLLfNQ PLACE therein OFFICERS OF ELECTION for shall be at the Newport School, said Election Preclnd No. 9! 14th and Balboa Blvd The polls lnspectcx: Mr. Fred LocSe wtlJ be ope between the boura Judge: llr. Chad• Fu.nJt. ol 7:00 A.l(. and 7 :00 P.M. hau.er orna:JIS or ELilC'ItOJif few Judp: Mr. 0 . 0 . Troop aald Election Preelnct No. 14: a.&cno• ~cr •o. 10 rnapeetor: MrL 1\illa Mae ELECTION PltECilCCT NO. 10 l!laert aball Include all the area em. ludp: Mrs. lflna lt. Boltby braced within the nterfor bound-Judge: Mra. Awella Niemiec arle~~ of Huntin&ton Beach El• a.&C'i'IOif n&aJICT •o. 15 mentary School Dbtrfet. Preclncb ELECTION Pll!XlNCT NO. 15 a.s ln CtJy Election -SUJU~et shall lndude all tbe area em· Beach 1 and 2. braced wtthln t!\e exerlor bound- The POLUNG PLACE therein arte~~ ol Newport Beaeh Eletnen· of said Orange County; then~ aerlbed ln deed recorded In Book ~n with a line lytnr 200 teet Sch 1 Dl.strl-Pr ~~oN D~CT NO 5 northeasterly along said parallel 26a2 p 327 Oftl 1 1 Reoo d northwesterly of and parallel to Elementary oo ""' e-~u P~u· . ahaU be at tbe SuN« S..eb Fke ta.ry Sdlool ot.trtct. Preelnc:!t. No. line to a point of Intersection of s'ai/~range Coucn~y; the~c! the northeasterly prolongation of clnct No. 2 (Precincts u ln City shall tnclude aU the area em-Hall. 16861 Twelfth Street. Sumet 2 (Prednca u In Cttr Dec:t1on- wlth the northerly line of said southwesterly along said south-the U. S. Bulkhead Llne between Elections N<». 2. 4. 6 and 8 and braeed wtthln the Weatmlnat~ Beach. The polb will be open be-6. 7, 10, U. 13. 14. 16, 21, 22. 23, State Highway ORA-60 B; then~ easterly line of Tustin Avenue to U. S. Bulkhead Stations 132 and th<*! portions of Barber City Pre-VotJng Precinct No. 5 and Mid-tween the houn of 7:00A.M. and ». 30, 31, 32 and 3.1. Tbete pre. westerly along said northerly the northerly corner of Lot 104 133 as shown upon map c.f Bar· ftd line to a point or Intersection as shown on map of Tract No: bor Lines on tile In the t)Uioe 0! elnct and Surwet Beach P net way City Vatin1 Precinct NCK. 1, 7:00 P.M. clncts Include Balboa Wand. Sea- with the southeasterly prolonc· 300. recorded In Miscellaneous u. s. Enelneer; thence south 24 within the Seal Beach School 2, and 3. OFFICERS OF ELECTION tor con Bay, Harbor Wand, and Co- tlon of the court decree line Map Book 14. Pages 11 and 12. 56' west alon1 said parallel line District>. The POLLING PLACE therein sald Election Precinct No. 10: I"'f\a del Mar. tween Station 16 B a nd 17 as de· Records of said Orange County; to an lnterselction with a line The POu.ING PLACE th~eln shAll be at the MJdway City JMPector: Mr. FredeTlck A. 11\e POlLING PLACE therein scribed tn the court decree estab-thence aoutheasterly along the lying 340.5 feet eoutherly of and Bulldi llshed bf Superior Court Case No. northeasterly line of said Lot 104 parallel to the center line of aald lhall be at the School n1. Scout Cabla, Newland Street. Belcher ahall be at the Corona del Mar 20436 o the Superior Court In to a point of Intersection with State Highway ORA 60 B; as de-entrance on 12th Street. 'Ibe polls Midway City. The poU. ¥'111 be lud,e: Mra. France. Earll School. 610 Carnation Ave. Co- and for the County of Orange, the westerly llne of that County scribed In deed recorde<l In Book will be open betWeen the hours open between the houra of 7:00 Jud.ee: Mrs. Grace A. MilleT rona del Mar. The polla w{U be State of Calltornla; thence north Road known as lrvlne Avenue 487, Page 3, Offkial RecoJC:ta of of 7·00 A.M and 7·00 PM A.M and 7·00 PM D.ECnOR ftZCDrCT RO. l1 on.n between the houn of '7:00 23• 26' 30" west a long said north-Extension 80 feet In width· said Oranfte County thence north · · · · · FOR · · · · r- erly prolongation and alone said thence southerly a long said we~t: fr7• 18' 19' east along said paraJ. OFFICERS OF ELECI'JON OFFICERS OF ELECTION tor ELECTION PRECINCT NO. U A.M. and 7 :00P.M. court decree line to sa~d Statio"! erly line to a point of interuc-lei line to an Intersection with a saJd Election Prednct No. 2: aaJd Election Precinct No. 5: shall lnclude all 1M area em. OFP'ICEa OF ELECTION for 16 B; thence north 21 13' 1f tlo11 with the w uthellstf'rly line line lyln~ 256 feet weaterly of Inspector: Mra. Mary Taylor (Mpector: Mra. Lucllle G. bracecl within the extn1or bounCS. aald Dlc:ticm Precinct No. 15: east along said court decree Sne ot sairl Lot 104; thf'n<'e south-and para el to the center line of Judre: Mn. Loul.ae Collier Wolle aries of eo.ta Mella Union Ele-r .. .--: Mrs. Anne Crowl a distance of 1.020.00 feet to ta. westerly along the routhca. .. tPrly Bayside Drive 60 feet In width • ... _ _...,. tlon 16-A of said court decree line of said Lot 104 and Its south-u descrlbed In deed dated June Judre: Mary Pie-point ludre: Mrs. Belen B. McGrew mentary School Dlatrtc:t, Prect.nct lucile: Mn. Jane E. M0f1an line; thence northeasterly In ~ westerly prolongation to th~ mnst 11, 1936. record~ In Book 830. Judee: Mn. Dort. Lee wu. No. 1 <Preclncta u In Oran,e Juc16e: Mra. Martha M. Cun· straight line to Station No. 25 ° easterly corner of Tract No. 11164 Page 217. Official Records of .al~ CEIITJFICATE or •vsorESI llama County Vottne Ptectncta. eo.ta nlnaharn said court decree line; thence as shown on a map recorded In Orange County; thence south 25 &L&C'TIOif ..ucorcr •o 1 14eu Nc». 1. 2, 6• 7, 15. 19• River. D.&crtOR nacorcr •o. 11 generally northeasterly a lon g Mlsee.llaneous Map Book 57. Page 13' 58" east alon1 said parallel Plctttio.u PtnD Ra.e • said court decree line the follow-2l, Records of said Orange Coun line. a distance of 494.97 feet to nn; UNDERSIGNED doel here-ELEC'110N PJtECUfCT NO. 6 view. and that portion of Green-ELECTION PRECINCT NO. 16 lng described courses and dis.. ty; thence southwesterly along the beginning of a curve concave by certlty that he Is eonductlng shall Include aU the area ern-vtUe lyln& within the eo.ta ah.aU lneJude all the area em. tances; the southeasterly line of said to the aouthwest. havtna a radius braced wlthJn the Barber City Mella Union School Dlatrlct. braced wlthln the exterior bound· thence north o• 21' 00'' west a Tract No 1864 and alnng the of 584 feet ; thence eontJnulng a BuUdJne Supply busln-at V_.,_, n-..•nct No. 2. that por -.e POu.JNG PI..ACE th--In art-of N-D-a"h EJ-·n. distance of 70.70 feet; southeasterly line of Tract ~o alon« said parallel line and 280 S. Cypress. Orange, Calif«· "'""• .-.~ · an ....... ""• ...... ..., •• _, " ..,. ..... thence north 12• 45' 00'' east a 1159 as shown on a map recorded along said curve an are distance nla. under the flctJtJoua ftrm Uon of No. 1 Jytna In the West. ahall be at the E. A. Rea School, ta.ry School Dlatrtct. Precinct No. distance of 244.00 feet; In MJscellaneous Map Book 44, of 441.60 feet. then~ aouth 18" f v 1 Bulldln Pro-mlnlter School m.tr1ct. and that HamDton and Meyer Place. eo.ta 3 (Predncta u In City EJec:tion- thenee north 45" 01' ~·· east a Pare 49, Recorda ot said Orange 05' 32" west. taneent to said curve name 0 0 ume ,_ ,! portion of the Wlnterabure Pre· Mesa. Tbe poJla wiU be open be· 9 15. ~ 21 34. 35, 36 11l distance of 46'7.80 feet . County to a point. said point be· to a point of rntenectlon wJth ducts and that sald fum .. com-. • ' • · eee then~nortb19"30'00''easta lngdfstantS2feetnort.heast..-:-ly the llne which bears north n• posed of the foUowinl penon dnct lylq In the W.amJOitft tweenthebou.raof7:00A..M.Ud preclncta Include Newport dlltance of 284.00 .f~; , from the most wHtedy come: ot 54' ro· weat. ftom an anele point whoee name In full and place of !lc:hool Dtttrlct. '7:00 P.M. Bet-"11. Clltt Haven, Bayvkw thence north 57 53 00' eut a Lot 318 of Newport llelgbta u ln the ordinary high tJde line of ldenee are u follow~. to.wtt· Tbe POLUNG PLACE 'J1IERE. om~ Of ELECTION tor No. a, Ba.Yiihores. and Bayahore distance of 86.10 f.eet:. . shown on a map HJC'Of'Cied ln Mi• the Pacltle Ocean ln Newport re. ......... ~ __, Po'--.-.1 • IN aball be at tbe Barber City aid Jneetloft PNc:l.od lfo. U : C&mp). then~ south 89 21 00' east a cellaneous Map Book 1. Par~ 83. Bay u established by Decree ln Robert ILLISC'U ..,,er, ~ u.-n a, , IN distance of 154.00 teet; Records of aaJd Or&nRe County; Court CUe No. 24026 of the Su-Corona del Mar, Callfol'nJL Women • Club, Barber "'.ty. The lnapector: Mr&. Ulllau Bailey The POl..LING PLACE theftln thence aouth 75• 15' ()()''east a then~ southeuterlY alone a line perlor Court ln and for the Coun-Wltneu my hand thll17tb day polJe wtll be opm a..twwn U\e luctp: Mrt. Lotetta Pan11e lha.U be at the Horace EMil" dlltanee of 174.90 teet; parallel to and cflatant 52 feet ty of Oran.ee01s~e ot JA111omla. of March 1955 houn Cll '7:00A.M. and 7:00P.M. ludae: Mrs. ..,_'IU<tft School, 1400 Cl1tf Drtw, Newport thence north 10• 46' 00'' ea.st a northe;ast~y ott.ro'fd ~te31r~th· a~~.,!..d\19~•: · ROBzu A. DIEL OriiCW OP ELECnOlf IDt a.acnc. .-c:IIIC'r •o. II R«tpta. 'Ibe polla wru be open dl~nce ot ~·fl.f~;OO'' eut a =r c{, ~:~n with ~: 8oott m . Pap 215. OUlelal Jtec:. State of Calltornla.. CowrtJ ;, Mid Election Prednct !to. 8: ELECnON PDC[I(C'J' NO. 12 between the bount of '7:00 Ax. dJ..:: :ro 640.10 teet; westerly llne of aald Irvt.ne Ave. ords ol .. Sd Ol'aD&e Count~.•ld Ora~, -. 1~: Mrs. Rowena 0 . ahal1 Include aU the UM em-and 7:00 P.M. thence north 56" 30' 00'' eut a nue Extension, 80 teet Jn width; ~-polntd~~~J.b ~ On thJa l8th dQ o1 Karcb. ...U. braced wtthln the mertor bound· omca:as Or a.EC'nOK for ~ee of~~!~ 30'' eut a :r:c:eal~:.th~~ ~~:'":!i from -,r. :nBulllbftd StatSOG JJ5 ue5. before me. & •CIUlT fuMie luclp: Mrs. Ruth II. Sennec art• of eo.ta M .. Union Ele. l&ld Election PNctnet Mo. 16: ct,_::: ~ 246.25 teet· northwe~~te(Jy line of aa.ld" lrvtne 8 ; tbetlcl eoutll n• S.' 00'' eut. 1n an4 tor l&ld ~ and ate. .fu4ae: lira. Oat& A. Jt.u. tllellbu7 Sctlool DIAitrld. PNdnc:t ~: Mn. E4Aa I. lana thence north 18" 46'' 30'' eut a Avenue Extenalon to a potnt In to .•ld auJe_polnt; thence~ ...Wnc t.hertin. cltalJ oammiL mu.ett Ito. 2 (PredDeta u tn Oru.. ladle: libs. llary ~lor cn.tanee of 315.70 feet; the aouthwaterlY Une of Lot 218 • • eui ~ tM aid -· ~ .0. f Coulltr Vodal l'NctiM.U. eo.ta I._: .... llaJ7 t. Daum thence no.rth o• 36' ocr eut a u tboWn on uld map of !few. &rY lll8 ttdeto ltiit a llloned and IWOrft. penon~ ap. Ja.llenOJIJ PILibM..,. ftO T ..... Jlf-. a, (a, t.to. U. 12, 11. T'be ~--.otutloa wu c!Mtanee of 290.60 teet; ~ He1Jht8; thence IOUthe&st· 1-..l..t • peued lobert A. Dter, knoWn to · -~-... thence north 22• :H' ocr .,. erty aJona wd. aouthwMterly ttoo wtt:b me to bt the pencil whoet .,... *all lnc:Jude all tbe a.rn em. 11. 17, 21. 22. and k pa.l..cl and •dol*d at a ,... • ., a dt.tance af 36'7 .38 feet; line and lta eoottleuterly pro. ol ..,... ol 18 .ublcriMd ._ 1M _.... .._ braced within the eiWb bound-TIM IOu.IRO f'l..AC8 tiMnln .....uq Cll the ..:nJ of ,.,...... tMnee north~~; f!t~' ,_ ~a .::'3.~-r.;~ ~~ ln~ lllnaJDent. and ~ eo Uteiil til tiM <bai VliW a.mm. lbaU be at tM IWII MoGI. 1118 fif o.._. COMt JUJor OoUip a :=o' ~ w 47' bcr .-eo teet In wtdtb ~In Book me tb8t a.. an • 1 1M _... W7 lc!Mol Dllltrkt. *""*" lml. 'ftMi JOU,I WW lie D1111tat of ()reap OIMJnt7, caut.. aid cowt clecl'ee lin• to a of )1(...,. OGidal wu-110' laaM uld ddal 'fte POLLIIIO ft..AC3 u..eiD '"" ._._ tM --. it ,,. aa tile,. .., 411 IUUIJ', ... a1 with o.. :\ ....... IUft A! IIAAPA. • • -. 0c1eu ...., .... 4.IL _. tiiDD PJI. ~ • a a DalrtlrllftiiUfl7 IU«k S5.. ... --.. ,.. Of ...... c. ...,.. .. ...... c - Cll li'\IIM'a IIMt = ::av:.: Ud .. aaJd .... _.of BuM' .,._ ._.. .ad ...... ftJ , " ... ~ ...._ ..._ JCr c hd• iliiljll• J-.., • ..... -.y a ,.._ poll8 WID In •••: lti. Allie ,_. Wallli lnpu• .. , ........... _ ...... ., ~ ....... ~ D.D.~.-t t 7:GIA.IILUid:r.-~ ,.... ..... ..... .... ..... .. .... ., 01111 •= CW tit a..t .... W 11 D .. kt .~ .. 1......... .. a .. ,, a ,,, c.mn ... ~ ... .....-: ..... ==· ........... Over Painting B1ds Advertised UG11 .OI'IC& LEGAL •onca AD¥ &I POi ...,. 1m.5 ,ol the caiHomia Labor 11otJae 181Mteby lfwn tlaat the Code. Board of Tndtees of the Newport a 1 ''h..UO. Jlate I*' Boar Beach Elementary School Dlmlct Painters, bnah -·-··-······..2.73 of the City of N~ Beach. Painters, spray ·······-······..2.975 h~lnafter referred to u the Patnt burner ···-······-··-··..2.85 "O•mer" will recetve up to. but Window cleaners ···-·-··..2.225 not later than .8:00 o'clock P.M. The rates of per diem wagH on the 5th of AprU, 1955 .eated for each of the varlou. claulfl. blda for the award of c:Ontracta cations ot wotk shall be the here- for painting of addltlorw to \fle lnbefore .et forth pr.vaUing Hotace Enslen School, Newport rates of hourly wagH multiplied Beach and cluetOOm addJtlona by eight (8). Eight (8) houn to the Harbor VIew School, Co-shall constitute a days work: it l'()na del Mar, located In aald being understood that In the .cbool Dllltrld. Such blda wW be .vent that workmen are em- l'eeetved In the oUice of· the ployed 1aa than eight (8) houn Owner', 1400 Clift Drtw, City ol PK-a&,, the p.r cUem wa,_ Mewport Beach, Oranp Ooun~. aball be deaDed to be that frac. Caldornla and ...... -....... ttoe ol u. ,. ............. and publlcly rud aloud at tbe In elltablillhed that tbe number abon stated time In the ottlce of of boun ot employment bean to the Owner In aaJd buUdJng. eJght (8) hou.ra. Each bid must conform and Where a sJngle ahJ.ft 18 worked, be rspooalve to thla invitation, elabt (8) con.MCUUve boun be· the plana, apeclficationa, and all tween 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. llball the other document. comprtslnf constitute a day's won at the pertinent contract docu-malght time. menU. Copies of the Contract All work performed In exceu Document. are now on fUe and of ela'ht hours per day or forty open to public Inspection In the (40) hours per week or on Boll- said olflces of the Owner, and of daya and Sund~ allall be patd Und It Pleaer, Arcllltecta. located for at the rate tor overtime ol. the at 2515 Coast HJJbway, Corona C'l'aft involved. del Mar, California, and may be Holidays u herein referred to obtained at the latter place. Bid· shall be deemed to be New den shall make depoldt ol $1!5.00 Year'a Day, Decoration Day, In· for plana and speclficatlona. ,dependence Day. Labdt Day. Deposita wtll be refunded If Arm.lstJce Day, Thankartvlnl the .et or .eta of Contract Docu. D~. and Chrlatmu. If any of the menu delivered are returned In above holldaya fall on Sunday. good condltlon wlthJn flve daya the Monday following shall be alt~ the bid opening. considered a legal holiday. Each bid ahall be made out on It shall be mandatory upon a form to be obtaJned at either the Contractor to whom a con- of the aald otficel In which the tract la awarded. and upon all Contract Document. are on file. subcontractors under him to pay Each bid shall be aceompanJed not less than aald renerat pre. by a certified or cashJer's cheek vatllnr rates of per diem wagH payable to the Owner, or aatJa. to all workmen employed 1D the f&et«7 bid bond In favor of the execution ol the contract. Oint« executed lay the bidder u No bidder m.., withdraw hla Prtndpal ud a aatllfactCQ' bid few a perlod of 30 da,s alter 1R1nC7 company u 1\U'e'ty, 1D &Jl the date 8ft for the open!~ ol. amount not 1al thu tlve PK blda. cent of tbe bld 1be check or Board of -rru.tees bid bond shall be rtven u a Newport Beach School District ,uarantee that th• bidder will Newport Beach, Ora.n1e County execute the Contract If It be CalifomJa awarded to him In conformity By IIAJlVEY D. PI!ASE. Clerk with the Contract Document. and Publlab: March 17..26-31 wUI provide the auret)' bond or In the Newport Harbor Enii&'Jl. bonda u ll)edtled therein wttbln •••••••••• Ove day~ after DOUtJcatlon of the JWard of the contract to the btddlr. Tbe Owner reeerves the prtVf. Jep of rejKtlDJ any and all bldlr ew to wa.lwl U7 llftlu.larl· u. ew lnforma.UU• In any blcl ew ln tbe blclcllnl. PQnuant to tile Labar Oocle Gf tbe .... ell caw.n.a.. tiM -· .. ..... ol~bM-· t:aJ.a.d ......... al ........... ,....,,. ......... ..... ena • tne t1 rm' -• ••• Ill .. •. z• .. I • * .... wma.. ....... ..__.,...,.. Wdtlla;.,. ..._ r.-............ .... ...... lltllwid "" .. ~ ..... Mllllllwr. Dl_. • • • I I ~-«t Bee Schooi PTA wU1 ..,_ the ·-.a 8pictacular" at 11M Sehool, W. Hamilton St.. eo.. ta ){eu., tomorrow (Friday). 1'bfte wW be two perform. ance., one at 7 p.m. and the re- peat show at 8:30. There'll be treat. In the Sweet Shop, hot. clop and fish pupplea at the Chuckwagon, bargains In the Country Store. Robert ForbeS BUILDER BArbor ••• 1111 Costa Mesa Co. US&. 1M lt. u:a&ali a.au 22 Years In Oruee County • S::::&'f New ' • It's the 14~t and jiMst fl«t of lnlds nn built by tM nati011 '.s No. 1 trud builder. JVIU,~ewr '!O"r wl or trtule, ~'sa lin' Chewolet truci to male or saw you mtmq Ofl the job. CorM tnulloolt 'em o'm'! N .. o,,.,_ ..,.."' Tori S171M,--a adJum tlnc4t¥ wt • ,_ _.,.. ,. .,., ,.,_._.., Ct~~•ritia-.,., o~••,. -'-"n s.m..,_.,., f611tliel aJ .ttw.e.,a ,.,_,.... ......... ~ --A1Derica'1 ..... tnck buildlr ...... out .... ..... a..,.. lniCib daat are.., ... ............ ..at "-..,.. ...... ............ ,.,, ........... ,a. ................ .., ... ..... .. ··-...... .... ....... ~~· ..... --...... --+rty .... MOdaer ia.....,. ...,.. Yo. Ia• >-..., Q ** ..twillbe•P'"* .... iidfWli R1' ........ few,_-~ 'I' 1 A _ _. ...... .._ Trd...., ___ ...... n. -....... -.... ,, .. . .U. could willa for, from itl bia S.Oeep $ipl wiDdehie'd to iq coocealed Safety seep tbat teepa clear of mud or _,.., 1lae oew ialllnament panel and coatroll are the IMt word in truck ...... ~, ._.,.........._. .......... ~ .... 11~'1'01t ellccrbJ .,..... ,_ ..... --~ ....,. ..... -............. capaatyt .... ......... cooJiq &Dd llubmas .... 4 ......... 0 ... filet.,..... ... . ..•... .,. ........... _,.. a .• And ...da .ore tbllt'•..., Lite the IIDOOtber, load~ ,.. •.. new Hip-Level ventilatioD ••• ~ lea tires. standard OQ ~-ton 1IIOdetl •.. Power Brakes• for aU ...W.. llanda.rd iD l-4.08 IDOdell ••• DeW 11,- 000 lb. .... o.v.w .• 2-4Ga .odell. Aod there's a ...., dMJice of ~ lioDI. .......... O..dri-.• ... Hyclra-Matil:•. New Power S.au ... • for .. ...,.., eo.. ..... -... ..... dtilll Ia lniCbJ - GOOD TASDI D 'r 11 ......... . I/ ~-J r . . . I'\ I • Is DoraHilllsRe-electedMayori Vote Is Called CofC'ilns NewCityCouncillsSwornln ~~-==~~ Membe iYe ............... ol Nwwport (Caatbwed !raiD Pap 1> Kn. JIQW BW aid ,_ but ..,..;; lhlllll RIP 8daool Dill-(Qae•t lma Pate 1) there wm w a laMiteoll ...._ ~. I would like to b~lp DOt rtclat ·~· trtct fll Orup Oawaty cal?b-o D 4 a r, Jl••.:tlw wdlnaMe tna at Jf...,art llarbw Yacht tn any way I can." · "'What II the Ntu ot tbe ,._. -. tbat Ia eccardaDce ~ law, qalMt t.oaa aftllbore anc1 on-Qub oo l'rtdQ, Apil 15. • ___ _..;._....;.... _ __. __ _ Tbe tou aewly elected coun-ent dt1 dakr Ill' . ...,..._ aa .._... wUJ be held on tN ..._. oa drtJibta In eue the ;:==============::;::======; c:ilmea theft tooll tbelr place~~ on uked. JOth 4q o1 111a7 ues, 9n aafd Jl-.t C!1t7 cwcJ?naDe. 18 ntled U.e IQJitnun: Sandy MacKay, lA Clty Attcme)' Davia ..W that Dliltrkt. 'WwteD ' the boun o1 laYalld. Tbe JDOtloo wu ap land Wilder, Clarence Bl1ble and all .lnc:umbenta OOfttiftue In aGice 7:00 o'ela* A.M. and 7:00 o'dodl JII'Oftd,. • J. B. Stoddard. All 88\'en coun-untO a necaa1or Ia named. P.M.. at wbleb electlon then wUl e .,WIIIG llmATTA ctlJDen at down tn the top row '1 Ju.t dlcln't want our city to be aabaaltted the qu..UOn ot Eucuttve Seeretary Bay Lanl· ot teata, and City Koa,er John be wJthout a city cJert." Mr. lbaD the maximum rate of tax enbeJm annoUDCed Ulat 12 unJ. •• , •• , IIIEIY ... c.-............. .. LAGUWA 8UCII "'IAYOIIT"' U....., SaUora and CJty Attorney Karl Blod,ett remarked. tot MJd Dlltrlet be lnereaaed venltles and atx rowtne clubs ;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_.. Davia stepped down from their CouncU then adjourned unttl from $. 75 per each $100.00 aa-have been tnvtted hfl'e for the usual seat. on that ro.trum and next Monday evenJn1 at 7:30, aeaed valuation to $1..30 per May 28 Western Sprint Cham. .. S.flllnllllu * ..... QVALIT'f aADD QOOD8 * "'lAvon-CIIICKD f'ID HOME LOANS moved down to the enlar1ed ta-their first regular meet1n1. each Sl.OO.OO aueued valuation plonabJp rowinl re1atta. Be aald ble below wtth Ctty Clerk C. 1C. foe the .mool year commenclnl that thet Weatem Rowtnr A.aocl. Coobd ... Bnond ., ........... Ia Oar Owa lbop We Abo leU 'l1le n..t Doable AA ar.de aft'l r... Tile Tauloaco II•• ..., Priest, City Engineer Bert Webb • ••cz 17 July 1, l95.'5, aaJd Increased tax atJon will plek up the tab for and Aulatant CJty Clerk Crace Cub Scout Pack 17 ot Corona rate to remain ln effect for the expenSH ot thlt regatta. ,. E. Coat..,.., c... del ... Ledford. del Mar will hold tbet annual Jdte years 1~ to 1965-M, lndu-• GA.IIDEif 'I'Oft e~o~ ~~thlt~~~•~e~~~~~ey~~~~==T=·=~==~==~=~=~~~b=u=d=======================9 RL\JI COAST lunll II.AitXKT At Or•n9• County's Le•di~tg HOMe Lending lntf(tutlon QUICK 2 .. HOUR SERVICE LOW LOW "REDUCING" INTEREST RATES EASY MONTHlY PAYMENTS FRIEIDLY SYMPATHETIC SERVICE City Clerk Priest administered Ranch back of the Harbor VIew followtnr pq.rposes: $.45 of such I" the loyalty oath and the oath ot Scboot lncrea.aed tax rate to be uaed tor otfiee to the new coundl Then Re&illtratJon wm berln prompt. echool buOdJnp, equipment aud as temporary'chalrman be uked ly at 1:30 p.m. and Judginr -wt1J other capltal outlay, th~ remain- for nominations for mayor. belfn at 2:30 p.m. ln1 $.10 to be used for operaUh1 CouncUman WUder nominated There will be prtzee for the" and maintenance Pxpenses of the Mrs. Hill. and CouncUman Mac-followtnr classes: amallest ldte. acbools ot aaJd District. Kay seconded the nomlnaUon. larrest. most unusual, prettieJrt, For the purpose of holding said Councilman RJdderbof moved funniest. hiChest flylnl, best two-election, this election shall be that nominations be closed. Then stick, best t.hrft..atlc:k. best box, ~d It 1s hereby orde!'ed consoll- came tbe first otflcial action of hlrhest Oylnl taU-less. dated with the School Trustees the new council, the unanimous El«"tJon called by this Board for vote for the re-election ot Mayor the Newport Harbor Union High Hill. Glamour School District, which election "Thank you, ,enllemen ot the aball be held on the same date Council fer your confidence," aa aald Newport Harbor Union Mayor HUl aald. Gl• High School District election: There was one more order of r.mpses that notice of aald Trustees Elec- ofticial business. Mayor Blll ap. tlon will be published In TilE pointed Councilman Stoddard as ay A1111 ENSIGN at least once a week her alternate on the boards of Spring ls here (last Monday) for three consecutive weeks prior Sanitation Dlstrlcts 5 and 6. This and with her she's brought a to said election. which Notice Is appointment was approved. whole collection of faabJons as hereby referred to for the deslg. e WIIAT ABOUT cnT CLEU? gay and as light-hearted as she nation of election precincts and From the aud1ence. Harry 1 is hit 1 d the names of election ?ftlccrs to Blodgett, former city attorney. 8 · · · cr . P w e ' o;res an conduct thls election. remarked that under the charter ~ The returns of said eJection the office of city cle!'k ls now ap. will be canvassed by the Go\·Prn polntlve, and asked 1f council ing Board on the 24th day of was planning to make an ap. May, 1955, at the hour of 1::>0 polntment. o'clock P.M. --:=========~ saucy pastels ... They are real IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we People have been wying ••• end ber~eving ffl.t heart-wanners and outfit com. have hereunto set our hands this pleters by Ctecendoe. 28th day of February, 1955. SILlDy pateat ~ CIDd H. R. Ring tlae ......-pastel Wta Ia Mit Zoe Rae Barlow leatJMn are a baa d a at at Donald J. Dodge O'aaiEWS ••• ,_,. wWa tile J. L. Steffensen 1110et becnatilul trt1u Ia pollia Memben of the Governing • From our Provincial collection 1 0 foot curved sectional ... this custom made piece is very versatile, may be used as shown or as a conventional sofa and curved corner piece. • . . <j/u,J4k~ Fine FUrniture and Gifts Complete Decorating Service .. &. o..t ....... ,.c.... del ... Jlt ................ lalaDd LAGUNA YOU Cll DO BEllO clots. pecula ...S ,......, 90kl Board of NEWPORT HARBOR fltuap. ...S baDd palaW aD4 UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT otben wttla a a.twed atnnr Publltb: March 24, 31, AprU 7 look Ia ,.oo., po•dlllr blae In the Newport Harbor Enalp. CIDd bl sa• ~ ••• ::::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FEDERAL SAVINGS I LOAN ASSOCIATJON 222 Oce•n Avenue LAGUNA BEACH Phone HY ... 1177 1"1 Clossified /\d en The Ensian brinQs immedi&te results! C oli Horbor II I+ I liS end prove it! UIUSUAL at Domestic 1111 lntllertell Gift H1111 SUMQUr. O'BRIEN'S fl a a every kind you c 0 u 1 d poalbly want ... and more too ••• pearls. goJd, sll- v e r , sapphires, emeralds (lmJta. tlon, of course, but ever so pret- ty.) The new Monet jewelry Ja magnlficent I n Its new design- In rose gold, green gold and aUvery hues - all In the golden come In and look around ... you are s ure to find that unusual gift you are looking for ... and we have the finest paper party goods and b~ldge supplies. manner of Monet. and each piece bears the signature of Monet ... ns MCIII'iae Aft.. Balboa lalclll.4 The necklaces, the bracelets, the ~;;;====;;;========llarbor==~S~193====~ large golden plns which are the ;. latest of golden baubles. Cbooee IAIE us PROVE IT! ••• "We ben. abOWD ma:DT automobUe drly. en bow t.o ~ moaey the State Farm way. Jut gift .. the opponaalty to prvye to toa tbe moeey aa.tag CldYaat.- ages of tbe ~t l.aaaraDc:e plcm ploDeend by State FCIIIIL • • STATE Fill IllS. CO. L. E. CADJfS 113 E. lftla lt. Bloomlagtola. DL can aa Today ••• eo.to ..... Whitman's ' T• .._ .. laundry • •• ciO .... work ••• I , ... Low Prtc. UNDER MEW MANAGD4ENT W. L LAifDII u 1-1011 also from the ropes of colorful Venetian type beads lnte!'laced w ith gold and coral . . . from summer beads smart with gold on white ... from strings of smoke toned crystals. Too ahoald .. oa.r ..,. lpl1ag baDd.bopl Adorable lltrawl aad atrww dotM wttb fndt CIDd bead trtaa. beaatlfal u... tlltldaNe &.ted .... --,... ........ ..-ay ftt. ted CIDd 11Md. .._t poada•• Eaater comes on Sunday, April lOth. a•IIIISIVE DuriDg Thia IIUT EYEITI Tile JIIIICI.flltiaa ~ .... ........... '" ....... ..-.. ••r•.,, .. ,._ •cUk ...... ft .. ,Ja:::2 :-=.t.:id~ .. .,.., ...._. .... Oar .... latlnil ,._ ..... ..... ... Jlnlily ..... .. ... • ........ II~ .............. ..,., ... ~..., el ~ ded!Wa .,..111*111111111-.•• ._. _ _.. ........ ----·· -· .............. . -,._ .:c Ill' II II I ..... FREE! •4• T.V.· .IT UIIIT with S79 Worth of ea.b R.giater Receipta 4 Beautiful n..ig-. Hcmd Caned Plastic, Hcmdl>pd IIIII ••I l111 Y• ..... 1 FREE OFFEIL "SERUTAr --11.50 YaL lie: (I liz OL -FREE when you buy .... JY2 OL .. , New Spring line CotfufM Ay .. Ropes. lints. etc.. $1..00 NORWICH Shoppers Spec. ASP'tRIN, 250 Tab.. ........ 79c RYIUTOL. $1.98 .a. FREE with purch. of 100 .a., $5.95 IACTINE..Famly Antiseptic, 6 oz. .............................. llc CUTLERY TRAYS, "c "-tic. Aet't, colors ................ Me '"TRIPLE HIST," Aro....... 4 -.. Sl.lf ••• ~, •• ling Drive Is Planned by League Petitions Circulated Mrs. T . Duncan Stt'w art. pres!. dt>nt of t hE' W om an'" Chic Le-aguE'. announ~ th l" we-ek that th<-L<-ague Is und<-rtak ing t ht' p roj('("t N ctrculaung pt'li· tions fm ('lhtaming !;trM't ltghts In Cornnn c\<'1 Mar I on or ,... JIAJfT GIIOUft •• flualt.... 111 DM'Jl ... f'.....at.N. 1-.owpol't A..._ ee.ta ..................... wttla ...... Ala ..... ftar bu'r>up•• ••••U.W· T1ae iaJ91a.becll rot& ..., ... .., a--4. ....................... ,.. telae .. ..,.c:-kld9t .... .., .... U»W. ... ,. a.-ad.., ···=e& (&uap ...... ) ---------------------------------------------so• ro• IRISIIIGDI A .,n, Steven Lee, wu born to Mr. and Mn. Roeer Melslnaer of 701 Narc:taua Ave., Corona del Mar, In Hoae Memorial Hospital on Tuesday, March 8. Footlighters Troupe to Present Play April 14 at Christ Church Read Enalp Want Ada. The MYF FooUigbtera touring drama troupe from Anaheim will present "Family I'ortralt" at 7:30 p.m. Monday, April 14, ·at Chrt.t Church By the Sea, Newport. · The play, written by Joyce Cowen and Lenore Coffee, depicts the reactions of the various mem. ~ of the household at Naza. reth to Jesus' departure for his preaching mlnlatry and to the re- portM events of his life and death. ,!=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Footllghters, from the PLEASURE TOUR E U ROPE AT ITS BEST Deport New York, April 27th. S. S. United Stoles (By Air Moy I st) Return New York, June 14th, S. S. Queen 8 izobeth From $1,678.00 ell expenses L I MI T E D M E M B E R S H I P There's som&thing obout group trevel thet creotes o worm ce re· free spirit of convivielity. Personelly conducted by J U LIETTE MILLIKEN 1-40 Vio W oziers, Lido Isle, Newport Beech Herbor 19 12 or Li~rty 8-223 7 --~ __ _........ White Temple Methodist Church of Anaheim, use a cast of young people ol high school and college age. The group has won fame In tour states for their presentations ot difficult dramas. KAmKE KOW IR BA W AU Marine Pvt. Glenn A. Jac:k.so n, 110n of Mr. and Mrs. William F. Jackson of 413 Wll_,n St., Costa Mesa, arrived In HawalJ from Japan recently ·with the Fourth Marlne8, Infantry re,lment o! the Third Marine Dlvlslon. T h e Fourth Marines are staUoned at Kaneohe Bay on the tsJand o: Oahu. They were formerly based at Camp Nata, neu Osaka, Jap. an. I Spring, Fashion Brunch s ... ,, lllrcll 21 tf 2 o· clock Noon at Robert Hill's Chefs Inn Beat the Easter Bunny to see these brand . new Spring ensembles for the whole family ... (men, too!). A preview of the season's .. most delectable styles presented by the MARJORIE HALE Studio of Charm and Fashion Modelling and the following com- munity shops: • • • I TOWN & SOBF .TIIEMA!f 1'IIE IIAT IIIOP • • Be a lamb and oome! T'he Mewpon Harbor Lutb .. n f..t by Ja feet wide to the Ma- Churcll voted at a .,.eial meet-lone Eleetrleal Contracton. n.e Ina of tbe eo...,..atloft SundQ lot Ja JocatH at tbe bottom ot to llold a IMIUdlnl fund c:ampalp the hW on whJc:h the c:hurdl Ia May fol' a new educ:atlonal ••nell and to wbleh the c:hureh unit. dJd not have acee.. n.e property Tboup no definite aoal hu told for more than the ortalnal been eet. Pl'@llmlJ'\&rt work would $8.000 purchue price ot the en- lndJc:ate a c:ampalrn taraet' of tire two ac:res ln lN. Fundi de- about 18(),000. The c:ampalan will rived from the lot ale will be be conducted by the .Wells Or. uled for prnent property and ganlzatlon, a fund raising group butldlna Improvement. auc:h u that hat juat completed a 1120.. lm'proved c:hurc:h and pariah 000 campa ign In St. Peter Luther. house Hehtlng, a new heatlna an Church, Santa Ana, the moth· plant. office eQ\oJlpment. land- « church or the loc:al conaree•· tcaplna: a choir loft, choir robH. tlon. 16 mm movie projector a nd fold- The church asaembly author tnr chalta. lzed the church council to en. PrnJdlne ov« the meetlna wu ITAIII 'r CAan ..... ,. ...._. el .._ c.-...... ...,_ _ .. It_ d th ~· Jill a. c.-llwy .. c-................. c=rw. 1•1e an &n.;n ~· an en 1ft ~y R. McCardle, church chair. Ia ..._. e1 111•..._ Ia a. •• L&Sf• ... a. ..._ tum a contractor and oth« n~-man ahd treuul'ft'. Alto prnent ......... w ...... 'r c..y,.... a ..au Mt ....._ l1d1 •• Ia HMIY peraona to plan and con-were Putor George Buadlecker tM .., .,... ldt ..... ._, • -. ....., • ,_.. _. • atruct the unit. The bulldlna wlll and Church Chairman Rollle Wal. battle ., ,..._, 'fte ,_.. k ... te 811 .._ ........ be the first unit of a plan which k« ot St. Pet« Luth«an, who ....: ...... ==-=Mf~~ ... ~·~··=•::•~-w~..;;;-=111id.=~( ...... =:::.:::..:.ft.::_;_=:•::L) __ ........_ __ _ wJll eventually provide new reported on the benetlta ol t.be MOYU TO IIJGm.AifDI MOV. f'IIOII c:::uJ'P IIAYD c:laurooms for all the Sunday fund-ralalnr c:ampalp In their A new r .. Jdent In Corona Hllh· The A. V. Fruert havw Jtpt IChool c:hlldren aa wdJ u a new Ianda Sa Allee Gatea. who moved moved from 710 Itnp 114.. Olft churc:h buUdlna. The present wor. con,..eratJon. Robed B. Gronlund thla month from 417 Marauertte Haven, to 139 SborecWfa lld., ahlp bulldlne will then be uled la putor ot the loc:al chvrdl. · Ave., CoroDa del Mar. Shore Cllfb. u the parlah hall, which was the;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ortgtnal Intention ot the bulldera. Slze of the ftm ua.lt will be largely determined by amount ralaed In the campaign. Third Item of congregational bualneu Included the approval of the dlsburslna of f7 .260 re. celved from the sale of a lot 100 RW COLO. -lin. IIUM araDdt •• w. u.. uw A.-mt wtua uao .... ctMa...s ad block coa. __..of PNMta Ia· ported fcdldc. .,.. Milt .. ... ........ ,.... ....... .... ........ ,. ...... ....... ......... aiJ& ...... t look. It ............. ...,.,.I&. eo.i.t • ..,. .. c-del ... . ,... ..... 181. d ..... ... ....,, wwaW ....a _. aUk. (&MAp .... ) JILAJfDD II m IILAJf'DI Henry RJtmet.ter of Balboa It- land bu jolned the Callfornta colony In Honolulu . UGAL.OI'IC:U NO. A 2S253 •oncz TO c:aurroa Give gour ho•e a luxury look with Meriden by Mphawk M<Melbla laJdWll cite, Mftidal'a edo.tcl *I de.ip &ddt MW luwy, ntW lf*ioe••'CIIto roar rooa. This cut .... Halt '* wikoa waft .. Juh and railieal DO !Jill ia Jlowial cDioa IbM.......__ wilh tnditioMI or modern fumhh .... Wo.a 1,_ ~~ cboice bleed ol, .Up wool ADd ltardr cupit DJOD for a1n a.e.,.~oaaa wat. Decor.-cDioa: bti .. old ............ fOftlt ..... COCOI., peut Ff· I• flllllll_,.-wll t•f'l#ltiiM ,.,.., Jiu "'I'· I .. .... ••• a.-a, •• I * tu~•­••n liliES 8tan4ard s b a d • Clotha and CUstom Speclaltle. e Drapery Hardware e VeDitlan Bl1Dda. *''-8'-J. 8/.p .......... •c.a .... a.. u• .*4 ............ ..... ..................... all THI ENSI&N. HA-ll 14 Set It Now ... 'etol white bouleu on aur DAVID CIYSTAl avlt of MoUinaon'a rayon Ctviaollne. fre •,.JMI-o-tiredl" $25 In cht ,. coef, nevy. blue. From 1 collection of O.VId Crystel suih. Sirtt 10 to20. . .. ( t) '• ·-, I ·, I • . I, ' ..... II Ill Y09UI ...... II••• L••••• lma lis The Harbor Rtlh Glr.., Learue wUJ hold the Annual BacHe Haw. kina Danee Prlday eventn1. AprU 1. bom 1:30 to U :30 In the Blah School Gym. caret Swain. lpectal entertaJ.n. ment arran,.....,.U are under tbe dll'ectloft of Oualnnan Cara PeUn with Luey Pope and Diane Ma.reac. Dr. Jobft V. Nett, JJ'\It.Net« 1D IN lMtrudor • .Be .. • a.w ot ~at Oranp Co&at CoJ. aa.enc.-fiOM tM ... ern atp ..... wUI spend ~ comJne aum. Scbools Syttem, wMN 1M wGI ,.. -at t.he Unlventty of Lauaan· aume hls dutt• nat faiL Dr. nel.D Swt..,.land. Dr. l'tft. a torrneF Far Eut Kelt and b.1a wlte lqrtd and eorr~t. hu been at Cout thetr cJau&hter Ka.rtn U" at UO Collep lllfte:'e Jut fall u a vtiJt. Santa Ana Ave .. Newport ~ta. 801UKAD• OF TOIIOUOW Dtana ~ Crane hu been na.med the Homemaker of Tomor r<*' at Newport Harbor High School. She ~lved the hl&hest 1100re tn a written examination which tested the bom4m!akJng aptitude of the .entor Jlrla In her lfaduatlnl dUL She Will receive a aolden award pin. cook booka for her.elf and her IC.hool, and abe wiU ~ entered In com- petition to name thl.l atat.e'a can· 41date tor the Utle of Be~ Crock- er American Homemaker of To. morrow. r In honM of April Fool'a Day, the ,Uta have choeen to name their dance "The INter Cornea to Dol Patch." Althouah thla Ia the tradition. a l opportunity for the atria to uk the date of their Choice, every. one &,1 uraed to come an4 tlcketa are betna 10ld at 50c each to alnalee, couples and aroupa. Ar· lene Hurt, president of the Cab. lnet and aeneral chalnnan of the dance committee. haa Issued a 1peclal Invitation to all the stu- denta to come and enjoy them. .elves. Headlnc the Decoration Com. mlttee ll Shelby Tunnell, and workJna with her are Laurel Wood.an, Glenda Price and Mar- Lynne Pea.W, eha.lrman ot the Dance Band arr&lementl, reporta a populu local orchMtra hu acreed to play for the danctn1. Kayle Hum and her committee, Lynne Pea.e, Laurie Hendrlcka, Loul.e Harper and Sue St. ClaJr, are In charae of refreahmenta. Poetet" and apeclal publicity committee ta headed by Ann Stewart with Cara Peters and ~ndra Martin aaalatlng. Tlcllet chairman 11 Fellcla ~It· ran. ncketa may M had by con tactlnc rnemM11 of the commit· tee: Andy Schulburc. C Ia r e Smith, Maraaret Bopklna aad lu- dlth Wllll&rMOn; or a member of the Girls' Learue Cabinet. CHIJIRCHES CJIIUITIAJI SCJEJICE ~CB The permanence and perfection of true Mlnl wlll keynote the Sunday leuon.sermon on "Real· lty" at the Sunday services at the NeWJ)ort Beach Church of Chrl1t. Scientist. "Blessed art thou, 0 Lord: teach me thy stat. utes . . . Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous thine• out of thy law," declares the Golden Text (rom Psalms ( 119: 12,18). L\LaOA ISLAJm IIET'IIODIST "The Great Outlaw" Ia the ser- mon topic which has been .eJect. ed by Rev. Donald G. Sapp to be preached at both the 9:30 and 11 a.m. llt"rv1CH Sunday In the BaJ. boa l1la nd Community Met.hodl.st Church. The choir, under the dl· rectlon of Leslie Van Dyke, wlJI alng at the 11 a.m. service. A nursery Is provided at this serv- Ice. Sunday at the recular service. of worahlp at 9:30 and 11 a.m. In St. Andrews Presbyterian Ch urt>h, Rev. James S. $tewnrt will preach on the subJect, "By Special lnvl. tatlon," based on th~ words of l esus u they a re rPc<>rded In the 11th chapt~>r t>f MC\llh<'W "Come unto me all ye who lai>O: and are heavy laden. &nd I wlll give you rest." Mrs. Lewis Kldd<'r will sing a 110prano 10lo, "CmT>e Unto HJm" from Handei'J M~lah. CASUAL DeeM Mn. J.ck W. -.a-t ..... J. w. IWMrt Dwpaaba•t ...... 1111 .... CDII COIOIUJfJTT CIIV'aCJI port amL eeoe. .._. __.la Rev. Edwin ~mke will preach • • •• c6le ..,.. Ia-caua1 a sermon on "Eteral Moment." ....._ Tile lllllric Ia D 1M' by nnt Sunday In the Communit y Lu •kill, .-4 tbe""" ~ Church of Corona del Mar. The Ia .._ II .. a (s-Ip Chapel choir wtll alve a selectio n ....._) from ''Stabet Mater" by Roalnl ------ at the 9:45 a.m. won~hlp llt"rvlce ITOI.AiaOFn IIOV'E and the Chan~l choir slnp The Fabian Stolarofta h a v e "Lamb ot God" by F. Mellu. moved to X.O. Anple. f.rom thetr Chrlstlan.en at the 11 o'clock home at 2320 Padflc Dr., Corona service. The Pllcrlm Fellowa.hlp, del Mar. M.r. Stolarotf hu been UWJVtiiiALIIT FELLOWIIID made up of Hllh School and Col-commutJna between the Harbor For Easter OR ........ One of thOM YOUNG half llize dr...- by Edith Martin • • • ..., ...... Itt lnfi- Tb.ir Bermuda ahorta REALLY tit! • • • Or 80IDe IIIDCUt new acc...on .. to 9i•• an old dr-a lift. • Rrv. P'Mderlck Rlnae, mlnlater lege student-. are servtnc coffee Area and Loe Anplea for 10me of the UnJvenallat Community and douc.hnutl on the lawn be-time. ~~h~wlllp~uhS~~~nthed~Uate~~of~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ on another Important aftlm)atlon wonhJp. of the Unlvenalllt Faith. ""''be ------ Auu..l~ of Tnallt. Known, or to I'DIT uwaaa. •ewi'Oft be Made K.nown." 1"be teUowllllp a.v. w J• .. • an .. .-..on meeta each Sunday in t.he ~11 topk at tbe U UIL lu.D4Q .....,. Clubhou.e. 515 W. 8alboa Blvd.. tee at the rtnt laptlat Church Balboa, at 10:30 a.m. for Sunday of Newport wtll be "'n\e Puaon achool and 11 a.m. for worship. of Christ." Rex Kine and h1a IOTJIODIST C8miTlAJf ''Tbe DuliN of a Kethodt.t Chrtstian" wUJ be the clJ.IIc\dllon topic at the fourth and finAl -. ldon ot the!Anten aemlnar. "'Sp&r. ltual ute for MetboclW OuU- Uana." at 7:30 p.m. Tue.day, youna folka for Chrlat Rally wm p~t the pr'OIJ'&m for the 7:30 ewnlnl wonb.lp. There will be several memben ot the western band alonl wltll In p~ntlnc we.tem style mu.lk and aJnelnc. alone with teM.ImonJes. Mud\ 29, ln the Balboa laland rJIIi riiT AT fAmlll Community Met.hodlat Church. 8t. Jamea hn8b wtll hold· a Tb-d..._ tau1ht by Rev. P'lab rry nat Thunday, March Donald G. Bapp, have been 31, ln tbe Pariah -.ou.e. Proceed~ planned prlmarlly for thOH cJe. will 10 to the Cbu.rch Summer atrlnl t o know more about the Camp for Children at Bll Bear. belief• and practlc~ of the Methodist ChUfCh. CIDJIT CIIUac:B 111' TBE SEA Rev. Roy Carbon, who ls pre. le'f\Unc a eerie. of Lenten aer- mona on "Worda of Jesus." wtll ~apeak on "Count the eo.t" th1a Sunday at Christ Church By the ~a. Newport. Mra. Delevan Frel- taa will 11n1 '1'bere la a Green Hill Far Away" by Gounod u the oUertory .alo. The Sanctuary Choir will sing "Were You There When They Crucified My Lord!" QmL ICOVTS 'Tea House' Is Lecture Topic The current stacl hit. ''Tea Houae of the Au pat Moon," wu clu~n by Edna Steams Dayton for her lecture Mlna held t.h1a morning (Thunday) a t th<' Udo Thea~. Newport. · - Durin& thi. )l1ppy Euter 1ea10n • Hallmark keJi&joas Card brinr • meaur of peace •nd joy ltrai~t to the hearts of thoee you lovt. See our complete eekdion of btau tiful H11lmark Easter C~rds tod1y. • shopper stopper Reservatlona tor full tables or Individual tlcketa .-re Mine ac- cepted by members of the Church School Guild of the Corona del Mu Community Church fot their ev<mlng brld,e and canasta party to be held at 7:30p.m. tomorrow CFrlday). The party wlll be held at the church. Refreshm~nta and prizes wUl be featured . Mrs. Dayton Is appearlni In three book re-view programs un. der the auspices of the Nlghtln- lale Chapter of Hoac Hospital Awdlla.ry. Proceeds from rhe pro- ,rams wUl help defray t>OSt1 of the new tumor board .at Hoo1 Hospital. ~."& Slouvt. pretty tpedot on tNt~ PIINCI MATCHAIII.LI perfume counter A Classified Ad rn The E:nsion brinqs immediate results! Call Harbor 1114-1115 end prow itl HostHM'S for thla review are Mesdames Ray Dike, H a r o I d Round, D. I . Crum Jr., Walter Seibert, Ralph Tandowtlky and Francia Daw.an. nck~ts are available at the door from MIL Hal Dike. Mra. Orval Stewart and Mrs. WUllam Mlrama. REDUCE ••• for IIIIEI 1111 ...... .,.. .......... .. y .. c.a .... . y ............... ....... Try the ITAUf'IID SYSI Dl w_, For Fl,ure IHuty • • • Phone r.. l"n!e Ttlal T'l'ut.ment CANDIES ,. Vllil Our New P-'-... C rdc .. • CORONA DB. MAll PHARMACY \ .,_ .. ._ ...... ~~~~~~~~~~~--~~--~~~--~~----~· Two Harbor High Musicians To Play at Music Conference Mona-Rae Barlow and William (Skip) Freely, members of. the instrumental music department of Newport Harbor Union High School. have been accepted to ·play In band and orchestra re- spectively, at the bi-annual Call- ... A. Iron, 83, Of Costa lea Dies Funera l services for John Aug. ustus Brown, 83. of 1925 Ana heim St., Costa Mesa. were held Wed- nesday In the Parkes Ridley Mor- tuary Chapel. Mr. Brown died March 18 in Orange County Hospital He had been in ill health for the past six years and in the hospital for one day. He was a native of Clinton county, Iowa, and came to Cali- fornia and this area In July. 1954. He was a retired Insurance and real estate broker. Survivors are his wile. Mrs. Alsa L. Brown of the home ad- dress; tw,o daughters, Miss Pa- tricia J. Brown of Minnesota and ~-Roland Cook of Ohio; two ao~s, Walter Brown of Venlee and Alvin Brown of Ohio; 14 grand- chlldren and 12 arreat.arandchU- ~- OFFJCE TBEFT SOLVED A Los Angeles boy, 16, arrested by Phoenix. Ari1... pollee has ad- mitted the burglary or approx lmately $400 from the otflce of Dr. M. M. Maxwell at 2345 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar. last month. Detective Sgt. VIncent McManigal of the Newport police has reported. Sgt. McManigal said he doubted that tlle boy would be brought here for piose- cutlon as he faces charges In Phoenix. fornla-Westem Music Educators Conference In Berkeley. The membership of these con- ference groups Is made up of high school musicians from Cali- fornia, Arizona. Nevada. Utah and the Hawallan Islands. With several thousand players com- peting for placement In a band of approximately one hundred musicians and an orchestra or comparable size. musiciansh ip and citizenship requirements are extremely stringent. The local h iarh school and the entire dis trlct have won a distinct honor by having these two y<'ung m u slclans accepted. Mona Rae, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Barlow ot Balboa Is land, and fi rst chair horn player In the high school Concert band. will play in the Conference band. The director of this group Is Mark Hlndsley, nationally known m usic educator and director of bands at the University of 1111· nols. Skip, son or Mr. and Mrs. wn. llam Freely, also of Balboa Is land, is to play lfi the Confer. ence orchestra. He ia one of the stu~•nt directors o! the hlah hlgh-"khool Concert band and also first chair trombone. Conductor for the orchestra Is Guy Fraser Harrison, permanent music director of the Oklahoma Symphony In Tulsa, a nd well- known throughout music educa- tion for his outstanding work at the world famous National Mu sic Camp In Michigan. TBONJISORS LEAVE aALBOA The M. H. Thompsons have moved from 2025 Miramar Dr .. Balboa, to 407 Fernlear Ave .. Co- rona del Mar. I A .. ak••utu.._. &tM _ ............... ... • .,.._...., .. c X' : ••• ............. ~ .... ... y_,..tt.,._ and ileepee-ta·Je ftw Metlon8 cw aeta. Ac:t I will will be the ahoutl heerd at t.be b4l., the Grand Parade, lntroduc- donkey buketball aam• 1n !few. Ina auch famous riders u Dry port Harbor Hlth School om at Gulch (Cutler) Dlppell, Hopa. 7:30 p.m. tomorrow (Friday) u lona (Lynne) Huahe.. TWo Gun Harbor'• faculty try out their &-(Leonard) 'lbompeon, Trlaaer clpllne on the stubborn beuttes. (Paul> Caldwell, F 1 a p 1 a c k 'Ibis Ia t he tint donkey buket-(Charles) Funnell. ball aame .taaed alnce that hi-Also to be Introduced will be larlou•. alde-apllttJna event was thote pistol packln' mammas put on by the teachers four years Sage Brush (Helen > Ballard and aeo. SlugJln' Slim (Joyce) Anderson. The e ame will be divided Into It Is rumored that the great Rob- .... C.Yirt ... , •• ..,Sat., s.. Pvt. Lawrence F. Covert. son of Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Covert of 315 El Modena Ave.. Newport Heig hts. visited hla parents for the first time over the week-end after anlvlng in thJa country last week with the lniUaJ aroup of the Flm Marine Dlvlslon from Inchon Harbor, Korea. In Hood of the old West, Red Ryder (R.Iarbter) Goerke will ap. pear. 'Many other facult-Y mem bera will also ride In the fray. or f{acaa. In the second act, a balloon bu.ratJng contest will be held. Each knJtht. mounted on his stubborn steed, will be armed with a lance In order to attack and ellmlnate the balloon&-not the donkeys. He expects to be stationed at Camp Pendleton. He went over. seas last July after enlisting a year aao last January. Composed of about 5,400 Marines and 100 naval personnel, the group saUed Feb. 27 more than 4'nl years after Leathernecks were committed to the defense of the Asian penin- sula. During this period, the division participated In all 10 major en- gagements of the Korean con- flict and was awarded two Pres- Idential Unit Citations. PersonaJ decorations to First Marine Dlvl- Act m wUl be muslul barrels. somethlnar llke muslcaJ chaJrs, only played on donkey-back. Scheduled to be a hectic game of donkey polo, Act IV promises to be a contest where anything goes, and sometimes the donkey won't. Act V Is the main event-Don. key Bask~tball ! The teams are the math and science depart. ments versus the English and social studies departments-also the shop and P.E. versus the for- eign languaare and admlnlstra. Uon departments. (The student Varsity basketball team has challenged tbe winner.) Hatfield. Brandt, McClellan Are Jurors for Art Exhibit slon members totaled 24,034, in- cluding 4.2 Medals of Honor and 214 Navy Crosses. $liOO Fire Ia Bl•ed 0. Careleu S111ld111 Carless smoking was blamed for a $500 fire In the home of William A. Zaudke of 417'nl Iris Ave., Corona del Mar, at 2:34 a.m. Wednesday. March 16. the Newport Beach Fire Department reported. The tire started In an over. st utred chair In the living room. spread to a wall cornice box. drapes, divan and rugs, causing smoke damage throughout the house, Fire MarshaJ WaJtet Noll· er reported. Engine companies ttve a.nd four, squad truck one and Assistant Chief P. N. Pellett responded on the call. SCHOFIELD •aATTLEr Army Pvt. Jack W. Clark, whos. wile. leanne. and parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Clark, lPve at 535 Westminster Ave.. Newport Heights. recently arrived at Scho- fie ld Barracks, T.H .. and is now a member of the 25th Infantry DI- vision. Pvt. Clark, a member of Theta Chi fraternity, entered the Army last September and com- pleted basic training at Ft. Ord. The donkeys are shod with rubber shoes. and Mule Skinner Uoe> Hamblet will be on hand to see that everything is con. ducted according to Hoyle. Purpose of the performance Is to raise funds to be used for pub- licity In supporting the tax elec- t19n on May 20. The election Is being held to make possible a second high school In this area. CDIL FOa SPJlA DEaaTS A daughter, 6 lbs .. 1 oz., was born to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Spray. berry of 2454 Santa Ana Ave., Costa Mesa. on Wednesday, March 9, In Santa Ana Commun- Ity Ha.pltal. Dalzell Hatfield, loan Irving Brandt a nd Douglas McClellan will serve as jurors at the tenth annual Newport Harbor art ex. hlblt to be held on Aprll Z1 to May 1 at Newport Harbor High School. Mr. Hatfield is director of the Ha tfield GaUarles at the Anlbas- sador Hotel, Los Angeles, and hu gained considerable re nown In art circles as connoisseur and sponsor of the best American art form. Joan Irving Brandt of Corona del Mar has won national dls- tlnctlon for her ,raceful. evoca. tlve paintings, partlcularly In the medium of Gauche. One of her early paintings hangs In the Na. tlonal Museum of Modern Art Ln New York. Sbe is a previous award winner 1n the Newport ah...-for a delicate Gauche ot I "Rex's Cutle." Douarlaa McClellan ia professor of art at Chaffee Junior Colle,e. His works have been exhl61ted widely In the Southland and have captured many awards for thelr oriarlnal style. The exhibit ls open to all art. lsts In the Southern Callfom la area. The jurors will select one watercolor and one oil for pur- chase awards of $1!50 and $300 respectively. Palntlnars may be lett at the followtnar pick-up sta- tions: Ted Gibson, 2950 W. 7th St., Loe Anareles; Lacuna Beach Art Gallery; MunlctpaJ Art Cen- ter, 2300 E. Ocean Blvd, Lona Beach. ·and Scrip.,-Coll~e Art Department. Claremont. Pain~ lnp must be at pick-up stations before April 19 or at Newport Barb« Union Hlp Sc:.bool by AprU lO. 1955 Show ·Pieces in Maple •IGI by Leactia9 Mcmufacturen Ethan Allen Gold Aro Charleston Negley & Son * Calpa Lamps Sprague & Carlton Country House Belcher Pine• S. Bent & Bros. * Rosanna Lampe . • • • A peat of tbe Jarg. coiiMthG oiltile Fundture at Civic League Meets Apr. 7 ,.. 1Aatue ., Qytc •• , •• tioDI wtl1 ..... a& ,. p.m. 'l'luandQ', Apd1 T, ta Br .. llallt;y aou.. Balboa. at the IDot ol WublnJ,ton 8t. 1tc1naaa J'lemlD• .. chatrman. CttJ OOWM:Il CIOUicJ. ••Uon ol. U.. ~I ol a qualt. tied recreational director and tbe cleolna or public .-rooms are, Mini puabed by the ~Npe. The aewap odor at the mouth of the Santa .Ana Rlver Ia an Item under old bualne.e to M conald- ered. IIAm'KA.Wa GaT GIIIL A dauabtet, Brenda F~ wu born to Mr. and Mra. new., Hart- man of 314 E. 18th St.. eo.ta Mesa. tn Hoaa Memorial H~lt­ al on Wed:needay, March t. GIJII. P01I a&AVCIIAIIID A dtuabter, Deborah M.D. wu born to Mr. and Mra. ltlehatd BHuchalne of 163 Moat. Vlata St., eo.ta Mea. In Boa1 Memor. laJ HQ~Pital on 'l'luancla~. March 10. ·Lido Fashions presbnts Don Loper's pure silk sheath available in champagne and vivid red. 69.95 * '-.n'S OF OLD' IS CUB THEME ' e tACK ., arrow; Ceorp llkeully, Uon CUb leout Pack ~ ot Llclo lale badre. • Lowe, Kim Oviatt Qd .,.,.,. Black.mar repreaented the knlpm ot the Bound Table. Mrs. Ann JDet at the Rewport Beada Ele· Dennen '"" Kent Edler, Bill JMBtary 8cbool on M.ardt 17 Donohoe, R.k:hard Hom . Jim Cad. amJd8t the clanr oC armor worn walader, B1ll Welch and Georee Muller. den mother, and MrL bJ Cub lmlpta o1 yare. KeCully . .U.t.tant dennft'a were Claire Barnett were the dlrectora. 1a keeplnr wttb the theme ot Curtia Ellmore, Stephen Broyles. A number ot awuda were r:Jv. the month. CUbmastar Herb IWey Richard Vandervort. Gordon For. en by Richard Pa.rk. Cubmuter. and Paek Commttt.ee Chairman eey, Charles Franklin and Buzzy Homer Alexander became a bob- Andy Andenon read all an. Penon. eat. Recelvlnr thetr wolf badpt~ nounc:ementl &om old • time Den 4 clOMd with a puppet were Dlon ltennecty, John Lowe, .:rolla. Tbe meeUnr wu opened ahow ualnr hand puppets dressed Chrla McLaehlln. lttm Oviatt. by Den 3 with a fanfare by the as Cub Scouts made by the boys. John Bureeu and Stew Goertn. lonr trum~ d1 the days ot * * * John Bureeu a,nd Steve each won knlebthood. Sound wu furnbhed e •ACit 11 a aUver arrow. Chris a rold ar. by David Glbeon from back staee. "Knlahts of Yore" waa the row and Kim a rold and a silver. 'nle uaual lnapectlon was re-theme ot the meeting of Cub Chrls Anderson, Bobby Black. ICUT an TD IIVSSZLL ., _,.. ...... ., ....... ._ L placed by IMpectlon of the Scout Pack 81 on March 15 at eo. mar, Chips Gunther and Carlton c..t Jlwy .. c... .. I(Aii ... ......_ ..._ Ia a.11r ..._, n. knJrht's ablelda. 'nle award was rona del Mar School. Den 2. un. Lowen were awarded their bear .,.._ tlllble bT Eu.-ADell a. ., ..a-....... 0. at II ....... kept by Den 1 for another month. der the leadertblp of Mrs. Bill badres, with Carlton gettine a • •ttcr-a-p wttlll • 11•«• ... ._..., .. ....e ..... r-~ aM bnwa, ,.._ pa.aw beot lbowa a. ,._ .....,. 1'lile AI each .boY received hh award Twtat. aul.lted by Mn . Stanl•y allv~ arrow, Chi~ a gold :tnrt MCtl••l 11 co.,.. eel wttll ....._ .yJaa. (EMip ~) he knelt and wu knighted wtth Sawyer, pr~nted a satlJ'lcaJ skit, silver and Bobby a servtce star :;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~;;~~;;;;;;;.;;;;;w a sword In the best traditional With Mlke Jarrett u the nanator, and a denner's stripe. I manner by the C u b m a 1 t e r . Chrla Valle as King Art, Larry Lion badges were rtven to Jlm Award.l were: BW Llndeke, silver Porter as Robem Good, George my Bridgman, Jimmy Jones and woU arrow; Charles Bell, lion Twist aa Sir Lauehalot, Tom Randy Wright, wh~ abo eot a badee; Scott Gates, bear badee; Bennett aa Black Mike, and Bill gold arrow. Lee Fellinge, Clips Charles Trees, bear badge; Bob Sawyer as Surplus. Gunther, Jlmmf Jone~, Tom MilC· Sawyer, 1.year aerv'lce pin; Bruce Den 3, rarbed In plumes and M.uter. Mel Park. Peter Flah~ty. rows; Richard Hom, sUver bear coatA of ahlnlnc armor of the Rartdy Wright and Jimmy Bridee- Goinq Ecmt? How about a Gay, Romantic RIVER CRUISE on th~ Mlssl.asJppl ot Ohio Rivers ... Aboard the "DELTA QUEEN" 1'11aly ..o•-. W.lt Ia .U A•..sc.t b h h G I McClalre, 2-year silver lion ar. strictly home.made variety, g:1ve man bcc!lme webelos. Keeper of Har Or H··g Fres man ··r s arrow: Vernon Edler, two silver a skit In a more serious vein. the buckskin \VU earned by Tom lion arrows; Mike Kutner, webe-Chet Sa.llaburr portrayed King MacMaster, Blll Sawyer and John. Beg •• n or·lve for Used Toys loa badce; Sandy Eutman, we-Arthur, while Chris Muller, Jim. ny Rlchwlne, who also received a beJoa badre: Robin Boyd, wolf my Barnett. Mel Park, Dlon Ken. service star. Dlon Kennedy won aembly on Tuesday, March 22, lttlJI,da'll!: Buzzy Person, aUver bear nedy, Johnny Rlchwlne, John his assistant ~Jenner's stripe. AI thetr first charity project. the frfthroen rJrls of Newport Harbor Hl&h School are collect- Ina U¥d toys tor the Alll.ltance Learue Worlubop. 'nle .-r.bman cabinet leaden lntloduced the drive at an ... c. E. ....... 41, ot a ........ 1111 when Mrs. Georre Yardley ot the Aat.t.ance Learue explained the prorram. 'nleae toys are repalred and made avallable to lower ln. come families durlnr the Christ· mas aea10n. Glenda Prloe, Sue St. Clair, Sandra Martin. Marearet Swain, Margaret Hopkins, Judy WUllam. son. Loulse Harper, Diane Mar. sac, Diane Ward and Linda Chriatlan Science funeral aerv. Wlcld are committee chairmen loe8 for Charles Edward Babcock. tot the drive. Tbey have worked 48, o1 ~Palmer St., Costa Mesa, closely with Mrs. Marabafl Nle· WeJ'e held Tuesday In Parkes.. decker, toy chairman of the ~ Ridley Mortuary Chapel, Costa slstance Learue. Mea. with M.rll. Cecil J. Colllna, Larce boxes have been deco. read«, offlclaUnf. rated and placed In the halls of llr. Babcock died Sunday In the school so that the studentl Hoar Memorial H~ltal after an may conveniently turn ln their Ulnea. o1 five weeb. He was a donaUona. Colorful posters and naUve ot Y~Jlanti, Mich., and spot announcements have been wu employed by the Kaller Mo. made to 'remind the atudentl to tor factory there. He moved to bring In the toys. They realize Coeta Mesa alx weeki aeo. that anythtnr which one chlld 9ur1tvon Include bla wife, has outrrown wtU brlnr Joy to • Ill'& IUu.ll Babc:odt; a eon, J:d. 8011leone younaer. want L Babeoek ol IOc:hlran: a 'nle faculty sponeon~, Mt. dau1bter, Mrs. WUUam Taclanan Ruth 'nlome. eoclal .tudJa, and of eo.ta Mesa: h1s mother, Mrs. Mlas Diane Fruflillnr. Encllah, Millie Ba~ oC Costa Mesa; a aay they have streaatd thll type brother, James C. Babcoclt ot ot acttvtty beeau.e of ltl value eo.ta Meaa, and a awe•, Mn. ln the development ot leadenhlp Robert Keller ol Mlchlran. and communlty dt.lzen.lbJp. low~st price ever I a fully automatic MAY TAG only .'2sr See the Thrifty Maytag Filla, rinses, ap ina, abutl off automati· cally I Water Level Control. Takes full ao.da. • eatieat payment plan in town! Know Your DOME Store Better! BRANDT'S of CORONA del MAR 3321 E1st Celli IIP••J Featuring 8IDCII1 wearing apparel lor Men. Women. and Children. A large choice selection. highest quality and lowest prices. * * * Plenty of Free Parkinq • * * A few of the Nationally Advertised lines feahred at Brandt's: Berton S"m & Sportswear AnowShirll Towne I King Sw .. t.n Thom•s Shirll L..nc.er Shirll Dub of IC.h.tn•molu Weyenberg Shoes U.S. Keds C.t.rtM Swimwur Wbo. Origin•l Swimw.M Jeen Our•in S.Cony ONues Md,..ydothes Leslie AMI f't.yiogs c.taliN Sport .nd Swimw .. ludw hwn Socb Mel AnWeta , ..... s.dcle s, ...... . c.t.•a u.-. • .., • Lili Ann Sum Rosenblum Sum, J.tckek •nd Skirt~ s.co.ty Suits, Dresses •nd f't.tyto4p BemMd Altm•n Swut~ Ale• Colm•n Sep.r•tes Dolores Squ•w O...U.s Pedclel s.ddl.flt.ytoq, Whiht St~ ,..yto4p C.t.rtM Swimw.M .,cf f't.yiogl ROM Mn Reid SwimweM WelnYite You To Viet Our GIRL SCOUT CORNER • * • cfrandf·s, Kaynee Boy's Wear Gold Rivet Jeans T aylored Slacks and Sportc:oak Hido~ Betk & Su1pende" White St•g J•«•~ Cooper Jockey UndenweM Springfoot Socb U. $. Keds •nd Oren Sh"' • Problema ol tbe ~ laDcl. lll'a. .,.,.,_. ta the~ eblldren In IICbool ..,. ._._. -.. Karl)nne Batch, local .e. arUy Mt ulct. at tbe Kudl ond p-ede teaeb•. board meetlnl of the Rubor • • • Vtew PTA. which wu beld at lin. H. E. (lla) Rul&l• ta the Newport Hel1bta bome of home, bUt lt.tll suftM'lnl from the Mrs. Norman Carbon, and In-w efteeta ot h• acddent lalt ltead tbe meetlnl turned Into a moatb ID Palm SWJnp. aurpn.. aoek shower for PTA • • • president. Mrs. Warren Clem-Another Harbor Bleb MDI« re- ence. MlnJa,ture cribl. a UQ&ll cently married ta the fonner replica of the twin erl~ to be Charlene Fay Purcell, daucttt« delivered Jatel' to her home. were of Mr. and Mrs. Cardta Purcell of preaented to Mrs. CleVlence. ~ Mesa, who Is now Mrs. B<»tesses for the special occasion GyY Grant. Her new husband 1a were Mrs. Norman Carlson, Mrs. a graduate of Huntlncton Beach lease Haines and Mrs. Gordon HJcb School. McMahon. • • • • • • TJckets wtll be available to . . The date hu been set tor tho clu~ and community groups to Children's Home Society spring make money and sell tickets to tea-Tuesday, April ~d thla the post-Easter production of year again the affair will be held "Mr. Ange.l" the comtne play to at the lovely bayfront home of be presented by the Newport Mrs. Boward LaW30n, 1.220 . W. Harbor Community Players. In- Bay Ave., Newport (the house formation' on the Club Plan may with the clock at 12:20 to d.mote be obtained from house chair--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!~[.~=--=~=~~=~~=-==-the number). As an added :.ttrac. man, Vlrgln.la Well• at Harbor Chapter Has Rush Party Harbor Eta Eta chapter ot Ep.. contest of fashioning a sprlne sHon Sigma Alpha sorority enter. bonnet from a paper plate, flow. talned rushees at a St. Pa trick's era, toys and kitchen utenaUs. Day rush pa rty March 17 at the Refreshments were &el'Ved by home of Mrs. Werner J. Carlson. the hostess commJttee, Mmes. 222 Cottage Pl., Costa Mesa. Werner l . Carlson, Bob Philbrick, Shamrocks carried out the dec-Everett Brace and Don McCartin. orating theme and guests and Agnes Barda)ey, Costa Mesa, members enjoyed an eventnc of wUl be hostess for the AprU 1 games and fun topped with a rush party at her home. Uon this year the girls are plan. 1457.W. Mu Epsilon Plans Benefit · ntng to have models floating through the party wearing the latest. • • • These are busy days for the Mark Sodens. They have a new baby, they moved the second week In March from Laguna to 960 Deborah Lane, Costa MHA, and Mark Is cha.lrman of' the current Red Cross fund drive ... In add.ltlon to doing enough le. gal work on the aJde to buy shoes for that baby! • • • The Ted Thomases have moved from 604 Marguerite Ave., Corona del Mar, to TWit.lnSanta Ana area.. J understand they're buUd- lne-but may have to pack up the family and move again be> fore they are flnally settled. • • • Now that the honeymoon ls over-well at leut the newly. weds are back home, Mr. and Mrs. Bob RoblMOn are resJdJne at ~·Emerald Ave .. Balboa 3 • • • STAT Df COSTA IIEIA .The Franz DeBeera have moved trom 362 E. Broadway, eo.t.a Mesa, to 1876 Park Ave .. Costa Mesa. DAUGIITEil FOB ALLEKS A daughter, Sl\e'rte Bevette, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Everett Allen ot 721 W. Wilson St .. Costa Mesa, on Wednesday, March 2, In Hoag Memorla.l Hospital SOli FOB TJI.EVOBS A son, Keith Frederick, wu born to Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Trevor of 685 Center St., eo.ta Mesa. In Hoag Memorta.l H~ pltal on Wednesday, March 2. One ot the first oreantzatlona of the area to proml"' contrtbu- tlon. to the new buJJdJne pro. gram of Hoag Hospltal ta the Mu EpG!on Chapter of Beta Sl.IJlla Phi, non-academJc 80rorlty. A sprlne benefit party will be gtv. en next month on .AprU 14 with the proceeds gotne to the hospJt. al program. Final plans for the party, ln- cludlng a luncheon, fashion show and cards, at the Newport Harbor Yacht Club, were made last week at a meetJn~ held at the home of Mrs. Lyle Pope, 601 Cliff Dr., Cliff Haven. UCCBIAS GET Gmt. Mrs. Ernest Waltze. chairman • A daughter, EUzabeth, wu ot the affair, announced that born to Mr. and Mrs. Alpboue Ellzabeth Chapin. Southern CaJt. Recchia of 420 E. 17th St.. eo.ta fontla fashion.aewlne counselor Mesa. on Tuesday, March S. Jn w~o La a member of the eroup, Boac MeJDOI'lal Hospital. will be commentator for the tub- ------------------------Jon ahow. Mra. Jack Qul.lenberry ot lJbftty 8-6394 hu charge of the ticket.. A potluck supper wu UGAL JfOI'ICKS LEGAL JIOncal held by members ot the aororlty •onc::a OP iL1Cri0Ji Pollln&' Place therelD ahall· be 1ut week at the home of Mrs. POLLING PLACES LISTED NOI'lCB IS HP:*I!'I GIVEN to at the Ben~ I!D8Ip Sebool. ::d ~~echt, 1530 Ocean the qua.Utl.t .-.... ot JO:W. 1400 cwr Drtw. omc.n o1 aid .. PORT aE£CB "DR!ft'AilY tlad\ae Plwlllwt: • ., ICIIOOL 0181MCT el 1M~ lin. aaa I. lone.. Inspect« TD D&AU GO KAIT fli Oruae. State o1 CalUDnt.la, ..,., ....,. Taylar, l uclp The Harry Deal• have again that 1n accordance with.., an ..... 11ary t.. Daum. ~ud1e lett their tavorlte Newport Har-~~~~jii;~~~iFai~:;.::~:=z~=~ election will be held on the 20th That the return. of we! eJec. bor for the lea pleasant climatic day of May, 1955, In aa.ld District tlon wW be canvaued by the conditions ot the eastern sea- between the hours of 7:00 o'clock Governing Board of said School board. Col. Deal 1a now stationed A. M. and 7:00 P. M... durlne Dlltrict on the 27th da1 of May, at the Surgeon's ottJce Bead- which period and between whtcb 1955, at the bout ot 4:00 o'clOCk quarters on Mitchell F.leld, Lone hours the polla mall remain P. M. bland. Their home here 1a at 518 AND De w .. se Designs Swim Suits Excellent Selection of beautiful new sty4es and colors. Las te 1 and cottons. U& AND UP * ··~Mil a... ...... * ............. open. That aald election 1a held NEWPORT BEACH ELEMEN-Slcnal Rd., Cliff Haven. tor the pu:rpoee of electing: TARY School District of Orange ~=mber of the Board of County, California. ' LAJQ)IIETJIS GET 1011 For the pu:rpoee of boldine wd HARVEY D. PEASE, A aon, Gerald Lynn, wu born election, the School Dl.strlct &hall Clerk of the Board of to Mr. and Mrs. James Landreth be and It Is hereby dJvlded Into Tru.atees of 2056 Westmln.ster Ave., Coeta P•AD 3 election preclncts numbered 1 Publlsh: March 17-24-31, 1955 Mesa, In Hoag Memorial Hoeplt. to 3, tnclu.slve, and the persona ;n~th;e~N~ewport~~~H~ar~bo~r~Ena~:J~cn~~.a~l~o~n~Tu:ead:a~y~, ~M~arc:h~S.~;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~=~====~~~~~~~~~ hereinafter named, being compe. tent a nd qualified electors ol said District and of their respec:- tlve election precincts, are hereby appointed officers of election u hereinafter designated, to serve In thelr respective election pre. clncts as hereinafter set forth, and said officers of election ahall conduct saJd election and make return thereof pursuant to Jaw. The voting prec.lncts, polllne places and election officers duly designated and appointed are u follows: ~ON ~CT NO. 1 ahaJJ Include all of Orange Coun- ty Votlnc Preclncta. Newport Beach, N~ 1, 2. 3. 4, 5. 8, 11, 17, 18, 19, 24, 25, 26, 28. (West New- port, Newport, Balboa and Udo We). PoUlng Place therein shall be at the Newport Beach School, 14th and Balboa Blvd. Officers of aa.ld election Precinct: Mr1 l ulla Mae ~ Inapec. tor Mrs. l'flna I. Boltby, ludp Mrs. Aurelia lfiemJec. ludce ~ON ~CT NO. 2 ahaU Include all ot Oranp Coun- ty Vottnr Preclnct:a. Newport ae,da. lifo&. 6, 7, 10, 12, 13, 14. 1' 21. 22. 23, -ao. 11. 12, 31. ( BaJ • beMa llland. Jeecoa .. ,.. Harbor bland. Corona delMar>. PoWq Place tbereln eball be at tbe Corona cltl Mar 8chool, 810 c.n.atloD Ave., omc.n ot aid ... «.'don Pndllet: .......... Crowl, 1alpeet.or lln.Jue&llllpa,Ju4.- lln. x.tlaa K CWuliJalbaaL lad,. a.IIC'1'I01I ~CT RO. I .............. ., Orulp ODu_t7 Votiaq ..... ._. :w.w. part ............... ~.-... ..,... .... I. , ... .... ...... a...-. ... ..,.,. .... ---· ------..-..~lllllll!lillliilllll-.illl!i!l!~. Bubar Area taUon who took put in the Teen lalaads ev~­ ation • near Formosa In the Far .But were Gary I. Dr•ke. metal· lllnith third cl .... U!N, ol Corona del Mar, and Earl W. Kyt"e. boU. erman eecond clua, USN, and .;=.;;~;;;;;;;;:;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;--; Wallac:e Cavin, yeoman third clus, USN, of Costa Mesa. Gary Drake, son of Mr. and gALUNGC:Q New officers for the Newport Harbor Optimist Club wtu be elected In approximately two weeks, Russ Ford announces. Members of the board or dlree· tors wUl meet soon to set a date for the election and establish election rules, alter which noml. nations will be In order. ---- U&MitS YOW' I'~........,._ (a....t' rH-., •u a. c...a •s ., ......... Clllli. ..... STOP AT The Arches "'Your HoC to the Coast Stnee 1I'.W' FJ•& FOODI COC&TAILI COAST HIGHWAY AT THE AlCHES ,....,.,. ..... JOHN VDDI.E LD_,r. a.un · • ,.. Cl••=.,.. .......... ...-r. Mrs. Cllfford P . Drake of 1612 ":,CIC:I:II::ICICX::x:::ICIC:I:II::ICICX::x:::ICIC:ICICX:ICII~IXXJCICICII:~IX~ Ptnt Ave., Corona del Mar, Is • Two Modet. to CbaDM f'ram Iii Fletcher ~··"' all ..... 8eJ'Yiq aboard the heavy crulaer USS Toledo, which wu flagship tor the Naval gunfire support group providing eloee-ln support for the amphiBious craft engaged 1n the Tachen evacuation. Earl Myre, eon of C. E. Myre ot 547 Hamilton St., and Wallace Gavin, ion of Mr. and Mrs. War. ren Lillard of 2324 Elden Ave., Costa Mesa. are serving aboard A Clossif..d Ad in rhe Ensiqn the aircraft carrier USS York. brinqs immediate results! C~h town. Harbor I I 14-I I IS end prove 1tl ··············••e••················ • • 's~ • • • • • • • • • • DOING~ • • T. M. Hlmbrook, your Telephone Mana&tf in Newport Belch • • • • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Cable "doctors" -• nil lit ~ • 1ight Fortuaatel,y, UU.eceae ian't common. Tele- pboae eaba. can ue- ually be t1xed In day- llcbt. But once lD a wblle, oa tbe quiet atreetl here in towD, you'll .ee cable "doo- ton., taking c:are of au emerce1acy at alcbt. For alone with police- mea. ......... aad the like, Wepboae people help keep tbe night watch wblle the relit of the com.mua tty aleepa. Operaton, teet:Diea, aad repa1nae _... • the job tb.rouchout the quiet boura. IDdeed, ODe of the bic ..me. ot yoar telepbODe .uviee Ia that It never re.ta. You.r telephoae le na47 to...,. you whenever you oeed lt.. 'I'OU.Dd the clock. Paoiflo Telephone wortca to make your telephone a bigger value ..,.,-y day. • • • • A calllll8 card JOIIUft UH ·•··· ....... .. If ,oeufo MMC~ ,...,.,..., ,a BeD B,.tea creciU cord w ;wt tu t~"-9 /tW yow. It'• frw . .Aftd you oca" ue U to cMJ'ge Joftg ..,._,. con. from •"Y &U teleplaofte Cltlld from moat otAer a •Y'Oiwre '" tu coufth'y. Ovr h.tit~Ua of/ice tDUl gl44ly give YOM "'on ift/OTMGtioft about tAue lwataefy card.. So w~y ftOt ale aboMt OM aoo.. Jt.r cnu:Ut CON will MOb it etlft euWr to bq '" tOMC~ wU~ ~ ataef mob btl.ri..e.v colla at todAy'a ba.rgaf" loftg cU.tataH rats.. 1 aaw Ed Fruehan last week. stream. 1belr love-maJdng over, over at hla Balboa Island home. and the 14-foot long ltttle.ones Ed used to run the charter boat, properly baptized, the g r a Y .. Jlc 'N' Reel." I've spent many whales were beaded north, t~ a cood flshlnc day aboard her. ward the cold waters of the Her. but 1 remember Ed especiallY be· Vtl Sea. Every Ume 1 think of lt. cau.e he was my teacher when I I cet the c:reepa. 12.000 miles each was In klnd«carten -In the way! Amore. amore! It's a pow. school of aa.lt water fishlng. erful force, even among whales! No matter how many ye&l'S you Right, Callahan? go to this achool, you never grad-e JfEWI ROM CIIJLJ A IIADOa ADA M M+ • cfuty .. c:-p ~ ....... ...................... ....X ...... pte, ....... IICICN I ... -.. IlL aM J1n. 1.-y Field .. In •r•• ~ Park.-• .,..... Mu.. lf...,..t. aM ..... •1 .. tbe --...... Edltla a. ..... .. acddw1a Pad&. ....... tbe ......see Ia DeG-1.._. IIU. aDd DOW Ia __ ..., of De 'ftlld Marta. eo.p. • I' o • Ia l oa a I A '-de z...c:s-adJ ' w1Udl --Oowa to ........... to pa:rtlc:lpat. Ia tM atllllalc at- tadt pnlll-• uate. Every time you go out. you I thought It was about tlme to learn eomethlnl new. But to Ed hear from CbUl. Excuse, me, not goes all the credit for cettlng me the South American place. I mean sta rted on what has easily be· ChUI Troester, that spin tackling come my pet hobby. And don't capltano ol the day-boat, the get the Idea that I'm any sort of well-known Seablscult, out of a fishing expert. I'm only en-Davey's Locker. This time It was thusla.stlc! Just because what I the whoppln'est salmon aroupt>r think geta down on paper doesn't (n th~ parts. Lucky angler Ar- make me any authorlty, ~en U thur C. Mace, who Jives over on I have certain definite oplnlons. Balboa, landed one that weighed The other guy may have an en-15~ pouncb, last week. while Urely different slant. but only Seabt.eultlng oH Da na Polnt. Per- tlme settles arguments-especial-eonally, I've never caught a saJ . ly about fishing. Maybe the un-mon grouper. Ray Cannon's bible Ia 'TJ&bii•' ..... certainty of It all Is half the aar-they're aliO called Bocacclo, charm of lt. amonr other names, and aays Tlmbertb Building Dtstributora. e ADVUCE DOPE they've been caught up to 18 lbs. a nevv company, baa been ap- But to get back to our knittln'. His comment says B oca c c I pointed Southern Callfomla d.J.s. Ed ls tlnt offlcer on a cargo ves-means big mouth! But anyhow, tributor for 'nmber Structures. ae1 named the Cblna Bear. His over at the Balboa Angling Club, Inc.. of Ptrlland. Qrecon. 'lbe trips take him to rnJghty far. It was such an unusuaJiy big one new dlst:rlbutor will appotnt deal- away places. like Japan, China. for these pa.rta that they called ers from Fresno to the Mexican the PhWpplnes, Formosa. (I came for cameraman Kent Hitchcock to border. back from Ed's with a can of tea take a picture. nmber Strudures. lnc. Is the from Formosa.) He hasn't time to All of which reminds me that world's largest manut.acturer of fish, but he continues to be the spring It here, and that It's about larnJnated beams, t:ru.aes and Old Professor, which means that time for me to take my first salt engineering wood products for he's a student as well as a teach-water outing. I'll be seeln' ya', heavy coMtructlon, &CCOl'dlng to er In the strange ways of fish. Chill! E. F. ZUm ol Corona del Mar Naturally, Mrs. C. Q. and I e IUZATLAJf and •George J. JohMOn of eo.ta we said, ''Ed, what do you thlnk Tbe Monday c::orreo aereo from Me~&, otficen of the new loea1 made our regular JPringlnqulry. Lull Patron aald: 78 marlln and company. The ftnn al.o manu- Of the albacore prospects this 55 sa.llflsh, ln 47 tn.,_, last week. factures pre-fabricated buUdlnp year! Ed got that old foxy look I thought that the salls bad ar. ln various wtdths and lengths. he always does when he knows rived early, lUte the Capistrano All supporting memben are lam. on his well-weathered face llke swallows, unt:U the phone ranr. tnated. giving ereat strength at eomeone Is uklng him to stick It wu old "F1nn" Harrison, fresh tow cost . O\lt hJa nedt. Be looked at the back from KazaUan. He straight. Unt1l completion of the com- bluest Buddha on his mantle-ened me out on the aalls, Yld pany'a new buUdinr. bus1neu pi~. they arrived Jast.year on March will be done at the yard and Then he answered. "'1'1ley'lllast 16th. P'lnrt blg day, thl.!! :.eason.. olftce ol the E. F. Zilm Construe . five or stx weeks this seaeon. was Karch 14th. tion Co .. at 1712 Placentia Ave~ Next summer. they'll stay some-Pappy's luck didn't eban,e a eo.ta Mesa. The company ,...Ul what longer. Then, 1n 1957. we'll bit. Be had three marlin on for, concentrate on distribution of the have one of those big runs respectlvely: 12 minute., 1S mJn. prefabrieated bf.illdlng known a.a again." utes and one jump. Kay worked '"Tlmberlb." 1 didn't ask any more ques-one for 1 hr. 20 min., hooked by tlon.s. There's such a thi~ as a fin, but as It came to boat, lt presaing a n oracle too far. I took one look, saw pappy, bolted VISITS SJSTEJl didn't ask him why he made bls and disappeared gray-hounding Miss Dorothy Aaron, 210 Fern· predlctlons. But 1 have a deep, over the horizon, trailing about leal Ave., Corona del Mar, spent trusting belief In the sea-lore that 300 yards of Kay's line. The last last Sunday ln San Diego vls lt. 1 glean from the first olflcer of day, pappy slipped on the tile lng her sister. Mrs. William T . the China Bear. After all these Ooor. fresh out of the shower and Low, the former Myra Aaron. It y~ars of lmowlnc him. rve found broke a toe. He didn't get the was a birthday anniversary for that, u PJOPhets ao. he's one ot "turl.sta" and dlscov~ed a new Mrs. Low, who with her sister. the best. Mine not to reason why. dl&h, "camarones brochette" -Mlsa Aaron, was formerly a • UtUU TmP shrimp a Ia shlahkabob-at the teacher In Santa Ana schools. I Sl December the resident Belmar. He said he really had a She Is now teaching In San mem":r ol the 7~h Gray Whale wonderful tlme! Dleeo, I Watchlng Group bas functioned ----, :~: =:u::en~~::b~c~ Summer Baseball Schedules cordlnr to .c:hedule, the parade T 8 PI d M d of the big .ea-colng mammals 0 e anne on on ay continued through late February, • and ended wtth the exciting view An organization meeting for be held at 7:30 p.m. Monday In of one spou~ oft the bell buoy. the 1955 Harbor Boys' Club and the bays' clubbl)use. Last week my acout.s bad 110me-Newport Harbor Union Hlgh All penon.s lntereste:t In heip thing lntel8tln1 to report. Col~ S c h o o I recreation department lng the PJ'OII1UD through coach nel Andy ~Jth, who bas a J)081· summer baseball program wUl Inc. umplrl.ng or other-means tlon of rare vanta~e on Ocean have been requested to attend Boulevard at Marigold, called. I Ill I ' ..... the meeting. Last season 37 vol wasn't at borne. but m a m m a ...l.lflh unteer coaches aided Boys' pub was. She made a quick trip down II a....u-.. ... and recreation workers In con to Smlth'e, where Andy had news. -ductlng three baseball leagues He had al&bted one gray whale, A 50-foot white. fantaU purae tor 505 boys from the harbor hard ott the jetty. Before mamma seiner-without Uahts made bauls area and eo.ta Mesa. came back. they bad spotted with Ia net near the end ot the Plana for the expanded 1955 three more. klboa Pier at 10 p.m. Monday, program will be ~ ud But one thine wu of spec:lal Mardl 14. Newport pollee report· the .cbedule ot tryouts. prac:tk'e& lnterest. Unlike the ones we saw ed. Another-boet. without run-and 1_,_ dUratloM wUl ~de­ earll«, the.e were all headed up. rung Uchts. acted u a look-out clded at the meeuna. Commltteea boat. pollee added. Ftshennen on are slated to Npel't Oft wintn ac tile pier told polke they could tlvltles. 1-.ma laehldMt are ad. eount about atx peop~ on t.he ditlonal 1'-"ta at c:o.ta Mea lloat and that tiM)' could have Park. ha.nd&Jq _..,a.,.. tll1l east U..lr l1MII onto the craft. IIU.II\JD«, adclld 'MlhD puka. a n.. pune •lMr would pull out ...w .-.... all ow lac A about JOO feet. tunf on Ita llgbta 1equ41n to rem1w lDIIIe traJn. * aco..,. aa-. aya.u. '""'" .... .... & Daaca. a Z'" * IIVIICAI. I1Jfti.ID-atlmp, ,...._ WNIIIIt •..u.. ••=a dl & 0.... . ...... DCOD J'LATEJIS -TAJIE UC:OmED PlaDo & a.,_ lutractioe """t wW be •Y pia_.. to ....... you a..r.r" -DOlUS Tu.ton JIA.d)cw 451S ()pea 10 A.ll. ........ & ' .. 1:00 ..... ~ &. c..t ---1· ._. .. ArtlaDI' Manay. c-clelllar FU *BALBOA* • Open Every Sat. & Sunday Enioy Rides & Gcimes , ..... flllljflr I -nE JAY"-IlL I .... Van's Bowling NOW FORMING SUI .. LEAMIES ALL BOWLERS INVITED! * A11TOMATIC PDISPO'iiW * Gm.Y ro• a.ESEWVATIOifS CAFE 703 su:nmo• AV.. Lm.EaTT l-Ull COST A KESA ..... take ln tta Mt. JOlke .,... Ina. the dlaDc:le "' ..._..__P all toN. 'l'tle nUJMe Cl( the boat 8 )eque ...,._. _.. a -....... e.N not be oMal_. ln UM mum ace IDir C ...,_ ,..,.._ -----------:----~~~~~-......-.~~~-:"""'~=--~ dUk --· .... L ., 3 --. .... .~ *'( '. J . . r .·~ ~~-a.~-· .......... ANE TIME I ,..lWI .. ~,.......... I'IIOlll "~-..-cl~Y ..... OM .. ··~ IIOII1gljf --'-v" Boys' Club Basketballers Wind Up Season with Wins Harbor Boys' Club C. D and E ers making the trtp included b asketballers racked up cha m-Dave Rosso, Brya n Lewis, Dick pion honors as they wound up Butterworth, Mike McCarty, John the 1954 55 season last week. Covault, Danny A!Jtold, John The c team (12 13 year olds) Hughes. Steve Harper, Russell defeated National City 46-35 as Rapp, Butch Vineyard, John Charley Taylor and Junior Burks Brockman, Paul Starn, Glenn scored 17 and 15 points respec-Gardner, Ben Queen~. Fred Me. tlvely. The D club (1().11 year Gavran, Ron Palaterrt. Bill Twist, olds) went to San Diego last Sat-BIU Fruehllng, Rudy Vest, Jlm urday to come home with a 30 24 Curtis, Jon Curtla, Jessie FlorES decision. Blll Fruehllng scored and Joh n Taylor. slx points and Bill Twist. Ron DEIT Palaferri and Butch VIneyard MN~jiW._ ._,.,_,IIMI,_ each garnered four. COl I rcn• The E team 18 9 year olds) edg£'<1 Ca rlsbad as J im Curtis p ump<'d through 10 points llnd third grader Rudy Vest potted six. Alter last Saturday's games, lo- cal players went to the San otego Zoo. Transportation wu provided by private cars ot Geor,.e Frueh- Ung, Bill Twist, Mrs. Sven Broc~­ man and Rod MacM1ll lan. Play. tRUlY A lOVtlY GUT tA{!!e COVIMD SAUCE PAll I ~ qL SSJS 2~ qL 6.fS )~qt. 7.ts COO II NG UHISilS WITH TAINISH-PIOOF,. COPP£1-COlOIED COYUS COVIIID flY PAll •• $6.40 9" 7.ts 10%• 9.00 •11ADII· CASSIIOU·SIIVII ,. s..ts • DOUIU IOIUI SoWAY COOIII 2 'A qt. SID. ts HALLJTE'S beautiful copper<elored co~ ~~nW ttnd pollslt- lll.f-thcy'll keep their «leamin' beauty perma· DCOtJy. 1'bele utmsila ant rudo of a durable aluminum aUoy that tpradl heat quick.ly ADd GWD!y, 10 that tile wh /• Utf'IUiJ coob the food. Par yoa .•• «Chat ...... ~Oate?tM-t6.y'JI li" a UfetJme or ,......:::::...-coakJac ped'ectJoD. Alit ........ ~ ............. t~'lK, lK qt..,_ ....... ,... ... 10l6·~, ,.. ftiM 'g • OCC's Crew Old-Rows TIDE PEACH 'D/a 1l)fl Ccaa ......•........... 7Y. Tomatoes ::. .......... 17~ WOODTS'-UP/a oa. J«r Barbecue Sauce 59~ DAJrl MAID-Pint Qaallty LmmAT----BuHer. OLIVES ~~----············· .1~ IWAJfSOif'S-ltl/a oa. Ccaa l POa An'L& TDIP JOI Caa Chicken Broth 25¢ Apple Sauce PJIBEJIS DS nTDtAif .... 10¢ SALMON :.~·-·-·· 4,_ ~~~~= .. 55¢ s;~erkraut :. .1~ !.f!rsemeat :.--... 1,. Dry ~l~ner 65¢ CiTSUP :.: ___ 2 ... 25¢ !E'l :.~----.. 75¢ Fadal nssue 1~ ~ ... -. · ... ~ · lRUTS& \'!CfTABL[S ) <' QOLDEJI aJPE BANANAS .... 12¢ CELO~E TOMATOES 19¢14 J..AaGE. aJn AVOCADOS ~ ... nEIJI MUSHROOMS IlL 1*1-29¢ • 1:-, HW/1 1) , { ..• :. • J ~ ' ~ J ~ . IWAIIIOif Qkk • TwAiit T.V. DINNERS ., ...... . Fishstlcks PICKLES : .. 35¢. RIB-ROUND-SWISS GROUND ROUND Boneless Rolled Roast PRIME RIB ROAST . LEAN STEWING BEEF BA~ON