HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-03-31 - Newport Harbor Ensignto .. Easter . C0801rA DEL KA& CAUP. IS. COOLI G LOSES BITY TIE SURER JOB - 20FFICES COMBINED • ""?i; :eo; .... , >*'' ••• , •••••• :•: '' It's always been ~n a keep-smiling basis--but there's been a con· flict going on for q uite a while in our city family. Y04l might have called it the "Charlie must go" versus "Get Cooling" bout. The decisive round occurred Monday night, and ~,'s City Clerk Charlie Priest who's the winnoh--with a considerable assist from the outcome of the March 15 election. · All this goes back to the campaign by the city administration to de1 away with the elective office of city treasurer. The voters gave that ideo a thumping three to one reversal in the April 1952 election. And in that so~ election Mrs. Rorence Cooling was t~amed city treasurer by o write.in vote-but without pay! It developed that the city had been so confident of doing away with the elective job that they hod neglected to restore the city treasurer salary, which had been accidentally dropped in re-coding city statutes. Eventually that salary was restored. end later raised from $50 o month to $150, through the efforts of Councilman Andy Smith. C harlie Priest was hoving his troubles too. mo~tly because of Councilman Smith. who was particularly cr itical of that ed ra money C harlie was getting as f:iublic relations officer without producing any noticable ..-olume of public relations-products. The Charter changed both those jobs-<ity treasurer and city derk-from elective to appointive. No"great argument there. There hod been some di5eussion of the likelihood of appointing M!'l. Cool· ing as city der~ after the charter went in effect. But Mon?ay evening came the unanimous and somewhat unceremonious decision of City Council to consolidate the two jobs, ond out went Mrs. Cooling. without even the courtesy of being consulted. Actually there was not much question as to the outcome after the March IS election. in which the victors all had received loyal and active ossists from genial Charlie. Charlie, by the wwy, has been receiving $470 • monih for his combined duties as city derlt· and public relations offi01r. The city der~ing duties earn him $225 a month. so the publicity duties must have been worth $.245. Now that the public relations o#ice is abolished. and Charlie still gets his $470. the city treasurer duties that he is now assuming must be volued a t $245 a month. compared ro the $150 paid Mrs. Cooling. At le ast that's the way it figures on my odding machine. • • • e LET THERE BE LIGHT You'd neve r thin k thot a seemingly harmless topk such os street lighting ca n cause a big furor. But that's just what happened over last wee~ s Ensign story about plans for street lights in Corono del Mar. Guess people will ta~e sides on any given subject. The anti.street lighters don't want our picturesque community marred by light poles and big light bulbs. On the other side are those who would like to have our dar~ streets made safer for night strol- ling. Now I c.an take 'em or leave 'em alone. cause I'm not particu· larly scared of the dar~. But if you really must press me for o decision. I must take my stand firmly for more light. • • • e A NEW·COLUMNIST Introducing o new columnist in this issue of the Ensign -Col. Andy Smith, no stronger to our readers for sure . because he has had quite o ~nod of getting 1n the news during the past three years. That's the amount of time that he served on our City Council. Now Uf'lemployed by popu~r request of the voters (os he put it). he still wonts to remain active in the great game of politics, and civic. of· fa irs ... and here he is. One thing is for certain (and Bill Urell please note). the re's no dispute as to who pays whom for what as for as this column is con· cerned. I just want to make that point d ear. New Mariners Bank to Hold Open House This Saturday A get acquainted open house will be held from 2 to 5 p.m, Saturday ln the new MarJners Bank, Z712 W. Coast Hwy .. New- port Beach. The bank will open for regular business at 10 a.m. Monday. "The officers. directors and stockholders or the new Marin. ~rs Bank of Newport Beach are happy to become a part ol the business and community lite of tnis fast arowlna area," Prest. dent Edgar R. <Ned) Hill re- ported. Servlcea or the bank include all typea of eecurittes tranaac- tlona, eacrows. forelan remJt. tances aervke, tra..-elen chedca, ~mist Club • -. ..=.. ....... ' ..... • • • ~I ,la.,. T lJ,. ........... to •· aad v----.---~~--~-----o----·---E ect1on ues. ::-~·=...:.:-.. a: Ute baDat anwtD ,.. •ss,.;rt IIUtlar o,eww IIPil · •• ,... • 'I' • •,. • • Y • aueon owran • aalt.,.IMNI'I.._.,...._ • ...._1, .......... hrtn J'~chalu'' wW be the toplc•·GI wen. *batta J1mo*f You lJW ODuncll. fte paople did tM a.t'nlnltr ... .......,_ ...... ;..... ....... lair 11 Kenneth w. ,._,. or ....... ... .......... before the Nllt at tM ...... I ...., ..... tbat ...anc at .. VIlla..... .... ,.. .. .. I Beach at thelowdllll ol tiM "-~ ... ~me a de-awn• ........ llawle ltan. taarut. •• 0 ta lieu-~ Cltl• ~ GltM ...,_ flf U. aa ... ._ or Com· I~ Ia ....._ ..... • ,..._...cal Pallawtftll ............ haft CallfDr.pla lfatioftal hchlla 8o-..,. .,.. fllel that J have h~ ftoiB 1M • thla ,..,, bean ma•: et~ at 7:10p.m. Tueaday ln the Mlpe4 do tbem a favor. May J be the ..aond to ~atu. Pr..sdet-Oearp Burkhardt Ewntt A. aea School Audit•~ lfotkle I atq "helped." I put a late him! aacl Vane w.-.. tum In eo.ta M..._ • will 1bow lot til etrart \lito twetnc Ute aa. If ow that tile C. ol c. dlncton VIce., ... luJt (two to .,. eJed. colored aUdft of fucb.atu and have lhown thla very laudable ed) _ Dr. ,._ a.n., Dr. 8d fucltala aardena. F'A :.e:u.~U For reaction. I'll live )'OU a clue to .,.., w. c. Bueb~ ancl President Owen JCldman an. a I ' " II the reaction of a coup .. of people Kenny lflchola. nounCft that the Fuchala Soclety reatdlnc on the bluft. Let'a just -.ret of DINcton (thNe to be wtll celebrate Ita M'Wnth annJ. B.l. v·. s•I,LOrS aay that "bi.Unc In dt.pllle" eleded)-()ecqe Burkhardt. J:arl venery by honorinl thelr put T' Vfll"1 well coven the cround. but LlndleJ, J'rank lorclan, 'hd au.. presldenta: Cbarlea Guthrie, Mrs. IOOd· Ttt for tat. or vtc:e vena. Mll and Don SmJtb. Bertha H . ..._, Mn. Georcla wu. A farewell open bou.M party One aood tuln deeervee another. &.qeut-at..nu--Earl Lindley •n. AI. Hollister, lira. EmUy wu held lut Saturday by Mr. The election broulht out a and Dr. 0 . G. Sue& Moorehouae and the late Brtc. anG 111n. Clinton eoane ol 106 alarlnl fault ln our new char· A. c. PMlpe 1a out-rotn1 pi.~. Gen. Raymond E. Knapp. Acate Ave .. Balboa Jaland, ln ter. ~ a result we now have dent. Letten- honor ol Mra. Coane'a uncle and three dlatl'lc:ta repreMnted by aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Nick· eouncllmen who were not the enon. choice ol their own dlatrld.a. Who Mr. and Mra. Nlekenon left do you auppoee championed that ------------ Match 15, 1955 Monday to return to their penna. Jectlon of the charter! LltUe me, nent home on Cape Cod. 'n\ey and tt boomeranpd on me. So apend every winter on Balboa ta. now I join the ranka ol the un. 'nle follewlnc awards were preeented at the ldte tlytnc con- teat held b)' Corona del Mar CUb Scout Pac* 7 Sun~: Jobn Jlet. ~. lara-tldte; Mack Mor. pn. .mallest ldte; Terry Wella, fUnniest ldte; Pat ere-man. pret. dat Jdte; lloyd BalMy, I'DOIIt un. uaual; Dou1 Sallabury, beat 2- .Udt; Tim IUcharda, beR 3-atldt; !forman Frahm. beft box; lllch· ael O'Brien, hlcbeet ftytna kite wtthout tau; 11opr ~. blah· est Oytna kite with taU. Mra. Arvo Haapa The Ensign . 28:10 E. Cout Hwy. Corona del Mar. Calif. Dear Mrs. Haapa: On behalf of the P.T .A.'a or Corona del Mar and Harbor Vlew achools. we w1ah to thank you for your eoverap of qur recent play, ·~e Bedraaaled Draaon." The benet'lt was a bla success and we are cratetul for your newspaper .. tstance. Sincerely Ardell Beall Marte McMahon Benefit Chatnnen • • • Mr. Arvo E. Raapa. Newport Harbor Enalp, 2850 E. Coast Hlehway, Corona del Mar. Calltornla. Dear Arvo: · Proereaive and positive co. operation such u you are show. ina toward the Chamber of Com- merce Membenhtp Drtve is ln. deed most ltlmulatlna. · Concratulatlona! You and Pea and all thoae uaoclated with you are exem-pUtytnc a wonder. tul ~lrtt that the mercltanta should surely emulate. Cordially, WK. L. O'BRYON. a..tMnt Manacer~ Morten A Co .. Coroea ... lla.r. Try-outs Set For Last Play Wanted by the Newport Har. bor Community Players: Slnaen, dancen, acton. bit players and land. Thla year they lived at employed by popular request of 127% Apolena Ave. the voters. thouab ln my own Preeent for the farewell buffet dlst:rlct I won by a comtortable supper and to wtah the honored marctn over the combined votee auest:a a quick return were Mr. of my two opponenta. and Mrs. Cforae L. Pratt. Mr. and On the occulon of the "thank Mrs. Ted Hauter, Mr. and Mrs. fOOClne. lt'a 1'1uu-.day aaaln Robert Ibbotaon. Rev. and Mrs. club'a'' Chrlat:mu dfnner a tellft' Donald Sapp, Dr. and Mrs. C. B. aald, "Andy, you know that elec· Barnett, Mrs. Marcaret Dewey, tlon 8eC'tlon of the Charter Ia all Mlu Edith Kenady, Mn. Ruby wrone. A couple of cliques could Hackey, Mr. and Mrs. J. Leslie join forces a nd beat any district Steffensen. Mrs. Donald Steffen. favorite by throwlna thelr votlna sen and Lee Pratt. who was atreneth aaatnat him." ttclal candid cameraman for the "No, Geo." says smarty pants me. ''They can't do that." eroup. Can't, heh T Didn't notice me warmina my usual chair on the Council platfonn. did you! Now aome people are wondft'. lna It .the Coundl will take the necft&&IY action to place the Dr. Ronald Wood, a third een. question on the ballot In order eratlon Californian, bas opened that the people can have the hla Harbor Health Service otflce chance to amend the ebarter 10 at 2806 Newport Blvd., Newport that the voten can nominate and Beach. He and bla wife, who Ia a elect the councilman of their dental ualstant In a Balboa Ia-choice to repcoeeent them. land oUJce. Uve at that addresa. I Intend to keep up my Inter. Dr. Wood attended Loa An· est In clty atfa.ln and I am of. aelea State Colleae. and the HoJ. ferlna my aervtces to the Enalan lywood and Loe Anaelea CoDeps In belptna keep the readers IN*· ol CbJraptactlc. Be received hla ed on wbat'a happft\lnl In their depee of Dod« ot Chlropractlc dt7 ~ I need WOI'k. ln 1151. FoiJowlnc hla cradua. l'o, J ,_ Jt'a Dot W'GI'k 1 want; doD be ..wd .ax montb.a In tiM wa a ,......_ ..._ M ... Arlla7...,...eamtnc,_.•op.. Al8l w.---. bJa amee. Duri.ac WodcJ War U he ~ In the Merchant Marine juat aft. ft' craduation from blah achool. Hla parenta. Mr. an4 Mra. R. C. Wood, are Harbor Area resident&. llvlnl at 318 Anade, Balboa. Judaea were Wrtaht Jacltaon, Gene CairN and Howard Rich- ards. Stacy Morpn wu ln charce the contest. sox aou 1'0 IIV'I..oTI A aon, Joaeph VIncent. wu born to Mr. and Mra. Jolul Mul· IVY ol 5eO Burl Lane, eo.ta lleaa, on Saturday, Mareh 19, ln Boac Memodal BOIIPital. I••IY lltla .U die ~eart ,.,, •••er ......... .,.,......... ~ ELGIN BEST BUY 17JeweL121.75 ••• ... , ... • J'S:S xl11t'-.. Mad-._. W _ ........... A ,......_'llllacAII 1'l 0 8 I g ' 'EJII ..ap 0 ' .... ... -............... _ ........... ... stars-all to be at hand at the lp;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ new Oranae Coast Colleae Audi. torium at 7:30 p.m. Monday, when try.outa wlll be held for the Jut production ol the year. The ahow will be ~naored by the Woman'• Civic Leaaue and all p.roceeds wUl be donated to the Newport Harbor Youth Cen· ter. It will be presented at the new audJtorium on the Oranee Coast Colleee campua with lbl modern tum.table staee and full professional switchboard. AccordJng to Marthella Ran. da ll. director. the Players are ne- gotiating with several New York agencies for perm!ssion to elve a recent Broadway musical or a play with music. Under consider. atlon are "Pain Your Waaon," a western laid In Calltornla; ·~e Golden Apple," a aatire of Helen of Troy. and "Hieh Button Shoes." a story of the Gay .Nlne- tles. z , ............ .. ..., ..... 111.., ~ are Hallmll'~ E .. cer Cards crated for all yovr frimda and nlati'f'U ... and each ont rdlecte dte beau1y aDd color of Eaeter. CcltM•in 1001 flld dloow youu frOM our wide ulectioa ef Hallaa.rit £alter Carda. Ask us how to put the house in the picture Like miWooa of ota. A ......... }'0111 ..-y be drcamiDc CJI tJoMWnc 'JOifll OWII --...,.. you·ve~picbdou&a•Hbtlllll : ,,... widla broed lewD. p> M .._ Ml1 a..., view. In ehott. maybe ,.. ... &ot • .., ..... Cbe momy ror .._ ..,_ ~a~~~n • Jleo, DDW'a .._.-.eo-• ._.. ..._ -u. .-ctrr« •• Jot .... -··· ... ., .... , or-.,_-w• a a.r ... thmJ-1 tbl ..._,. tJI.._ ...._lt•a allo a wondet1\al ...... ,.,.. ..... Willa 1f111J ..-a .... aocoat )"'U Jll all tbe ...... a I tJIM r J-. ....... friladly IIDd OG8J , I t .... Aad,.. ..... ... 11/Jfo. n., • pi Ill c ... I]IJ ....S ,.,., rrN ... • 9 , , -...·~...., ......... up .. .. .,.. .., .. ,..,.. ......... .... t r K I Oorpu1kct M...,fJI ... U.S. Ouua 1 1 • .woo ~ uae Jfo. 1 &e .w rraaa J4ac -.ntro. tu~Uc ..,., ,....,..._ w P• ~-. ""' c::balraaaD f« the Qambef. Tbt. KftPart ~..,.._ ~ a ~ ltatecl that the No. 1 ,._ tnU .,. nquellte4 'bj ltonte JM1p l'.wpcllt ~ ~tun IU Grtmee · t:A ~-._. _,. 0.. I rat!DJ wttb l4• Bweau al at tile ..,.etior ~ tM Kew-,_ Un41$11filten and tllua _.,. port Harp Ol~ of Com· money In tire lnauruce rate&. IM!I'Cle cttrecton at tiM VDla The report mted that the Karina. .,.,._nt No. 1 110ne ln Balboa and BNSIGN' • IOI'1JALL &lrD 'lUCIE 1MdMr ,...., fi1f • .. a M~lnda K«k. ~at Wllca. lA Q.._. ._.. tw~~Wana we .... 11a1t wD d. .._. D& Qutte a ~ bo1S made recortla have .a:artec1 tiOftball aNI lraek. ~ ul4 P. & ...,._ta thJa year 1D track. For the ·• A'a" 1be tradE b:adu. tiM ~ Jitd' .. • • 11 nu •• ....... aU8tel.l Hanson ln broad jump bro&d jumplq. bleb Jum,.., ,.-flit$ aM ••• ... ~~ d.Ld 18'1" and Bob Beauchamp and telaya. The beat.....,. La,_ .... llllilf& &M Jlllllo lUln did 44'6" In lhot putt. For t.be ,.at atudl ,vltb JlJ»n1 Uae ueck ..._. U4 ~ ~ the "B'a" CraJa C&dwaJader .. broad for d&m. and rdays. Ma.rUyn P. & IIWJIIL. Jump did 17'7'', Jlol) Lowe did Bowl•, our au.around athlete, 'De lldl h1mbUq wu t1rst 4'U" 1D high jump, and Tom hu been doing outllta.ndJnl fM.b oa tM hit,..... ud tbe pls ~allett dld 34'4" In ahot putt. such u aettlng a record ln broad --. tar tile ............. : Marl-Steve Benrotln did 33'10" In shot jumping for the glrl.l.. Mr. GrtJMs ma4e hla req..-t !fewport eould be reduced tn followt,ll ... reecliN ol. report ~ thu. helplnr these areal "a tNl7 aaa n__, llebool" without endangertn• the Clua PI 8 ratJnr. IYD .,.._ CGA.A ~). putt. • • • Pat f'nlela1lft.l (lleeret&rT Treu-e W'EBTIO:IISTE.a WDfl e I'LA'I' DAY A.niL • ===.,_~~-=~ A-uvJiltN anS Mr. Grimes contended that lt """ T f t. now prohibitive to build the required ~fnforced concrete and ~-rden Party brick commercial building• 1n \;!'"' BalbOa and Newport. and u a unr), Pat Walbr, GraN Carter, By Sports Reporter John Haskell. April 29th we are havina ow LouJae ~ Lotta1ne Cuthbert, 'Led by John Lopez's Jle'<.'Ond-ln-annual Play Day (for glrla). 1be Judy Baker, -.oblD aylett and nlng grandslam homer, Westmtn-&irla participate ln such adivt- Janara Peek. lJDcl.a Lee (VIce-ster's Junior Hleh Ba.seballeta tJes u broad jumping, volleyball ,....) downed Horace Eenslgn, there, serve, 50-yard dash, ~lays, bas- HCJAfl LOANS At Or.,..e c...ty't L .. dln9 HOMe L...Att , ... ; ......... QUICI • 24 HOUR SERVICE LOW LCNI .. RlOUCIH&" MEREST RATES EASY t.tONTHLY PAYMENTS FRIEIDLY SYWrA THE11C SERVICE Mrt. Bay Dfke, eeneral tJeket ~ult there are vacant buslneu ~ fof the benefit earden Iota. party aud fuhton &bow to be giv-"11 Balboa Island and Corona "' May '12 by tbe Awdllary of del Mat can buUd without these Hoar ~tal entertained her restrictions. then we should be commltt.M on ihe Idea of March allowed to do 10 too," he SJid. at her Udo IaJe home ior a cot-He pointed out that tJt~ Flre ,_ ttqu:r. Department Itself did not bullet D u r 1 n 1 the momtn• Mrs. a Zone 1 buDdtne tor Its new Dike pa.-4 out tldteta ud ln· headquarters.. ,_ .....-ca ~ .U lltrUctlon.a to her committee of Councilman ~ald Bennett. ,.a ~ rt-ACIIGf J Jobb •llltrk:t ebatrmen. who tnelude who was a gt.t~ for the evening. .A.mol .. • of 111 VIa Undine ta M.n. Orval -.wan. repreaentlnl aald that Flre Zone 1 ta :;et up aloft on the Wdo clubhou.se flag- Balboa. Kewport and Balboa to take care of multiple-story staff reeving new ropes throueh Coves; Mrs. Burton Wilder, rep. business areas llke In Los An-the puJleya. Steeplejacks and re.ntsn1 Balboa J.aland; Mrs. geles. rtgprs ~oughout N~rt Rar· John Weblter reprnentlne Jay "We don't have such a.reu bor had refw;ed tht. job bec;lw;e Sbcra ~ Bay and Harbor here, and l don't see the nece. qf the 44-toot height ot th~ statr laland; lira. Arthur'Gruwell, rep. slty for fire zone 1 here," he and the small dlmenslon or th~ reeenttnr C«ona del Jiar: Mrs. aaid. pipe. Youne .John Arnold, with Edwin MuJd.ey and Mrs. Al Hor-The Chamber directors ap. parental consent. undmook the vath. representlne Co8ta Mesa proved Mr. Grimes' motion to job In spite of a strong breeze. and Newport Hetehta; Mrs. B. G. elve the matter further study, and completed the job. Father Foreey, rep-esentlng Lido lAte; with a view toward aeek..lng re-.Joe Arnold Is the photographer. Mrs. H. P. Bender. representing laxation of fire zone 1 reruta. (Photo from Udo Islander) HuneUneton Beach; Mrs. H. J. tlons. EDeu.h. representing Laeuna and Mn. Herbert Stroschein, rep-DAUC:Jrr'Ea .OP TO I.ACTI reMntlng Santa Ani. A daughter, .Jon!. was born to The party will .,. held at the Mr. and Mra. Harold Lacy of 219 home and 1ardena of the Lon v. Vta Dljon. Lido Isle, In Hoag Me- Smith estate overlooking Emer· morlal Hospital on Thursda y, aid Bay ln Laguna. An oriental March 10. theme bas been cboeen for the ------Read Enslen Want Ada. party. POLLING PLACES LISTED L&GAL•onca LEAVE lfEWIOIIT 'Ibe Charles F. Schultz famJly have just moved from 422 21st St., Newport. to a new home at 342 Ramona Pl. eo.ta Mesa. $ For the MWDtb erade, Sandy 7-6. on Wednesday, Ma.rch 16th. ketball throws, three-legged race, nHr (an etptb rrader ~g Newport waa ott to a great start basketball throw tor distance the place of Gecwcla Crea.son I. as Dick Tarnowski r a m b 1 e d and two new ones this year which !fancy Mangan, Davia Pope. Gall across the plate In the top of the are potato race and football kJck. Vall Holtman. Merrldy RoHch second with the first tally. Thia They have ribbons for the first to and Jane Fontiu. waa counteracted, however, by lbe fourth place In each event for And tor the abdb erade. Abby Lopn's home run with 3 on. each group. Tbe aeventh and Oqw.t and J.-.1 IA¥J. Twelve Newport's Ronny C&rl retalJat-atxth graders are dJvfded lnto elptb pade .., .. 0141 ot llarmo-ed ln the third lnnJne as he croups of A. B. c. D. E and F, ac. neen afted u ~lea" for scored from second on a double. cording to aee. we1C)lt and the dlvee. Further scoring was held to two belgbt. The el&btb grade flrla ln the bcJJS twnwm. there markers In the tilth lnnJng tor run the Play Day by being cap. were Bill Callla. Jell Bmlttl. John Newport and three for Westmln-ta1na or .ervtnc on aucb eommJt. HaakeU, Grant Hornbeak. Geor1e ster. Richard Watson. a seventh tees u the General Committee, McFarland <President of the Stu grade player and substitute first· Art. Announcing. Ribbon, Be- dent Body), David GlbeoD. Steve bueman, did an Impressive job frechments, Program. Seoren, Hucbes. Jim )fcCulla.n. Sandy as catcher. Me.enprs. 'nmen. etc. Hoose, .Jlm Codma.n, Robert (PS to mothet' who types this: ·The eaptalna for the t.eem.a are Forbes, Mike Stew e r t, John John uJ~eS big words, huh~! I Sandy Spw-geon and Robin ltY· Field.l. .Jlm Wataoa and .Jeff e TUJOLEU UAD'I' lett tor' the Bears. Barbara Nott Win.alow. Last week ln 1YM the tumbllnc and LuEllyn Davia tor the Bob- Last Thursday :1t our awards team tlntshed their pratlce for cats, Pat Walkf!f and Pat Ken- assembly, girls rece.lvtne GAA the P.T.A. program. Miss Jo Ann nedy for the Cuba. Helen Matt. letters were: 6th, .Jewel ~avy, Record had the glrla make up hews and Sandy Fleet for the 7th. Karen Babson, Janet Hobel. their own acta for the finals. Mar-Leopards.. Mary Lu Downing and Tina Bruning, .Judy Hemstreet. ilyn Bowler and Nancy Mangan Grace Carter for the Lions. .Judy Barbara Lace. Loul.e Peters. are dolne no-hand flips. Quite a Baker and Marpm Fruehan for Georgia Creuon. Davis Pope. few ot the girls were absent last the Panthers. Ginny Dunlevy and Linda Purcell, Jack:te Walker. week so substitutes had to be put Judy Lovell tor the 'neen. Jant. 8th. Carolyn Caley, Mary Lu in. The girls practiced during all Hayes and Pat WUcox for the Downing. Pat Kennedy. Sharon of their lunch periods. WUdcats. IN CASH k6ii& OF ILiCf'iOII 3 election preclncta l'lUmbered 1 N011CE JS BEJtEBY GIVEN to to 3, inclualve. and the penons the fiUalUied electors .t l'{EW· herelnalte. named. beln& cornpe- POitT BE A C B ELEMENTARY tent and qua.Med electon of SCHOOL DISTIUCI' of the County said Dlatrict and of their resp«· IDIITIFY Till 011111 COIIR LOCIIIOI LAGUNA lEACH of Or~ State of Callfornta. tive election preclncta. are hereby that Ill ~ wtth ~" an appointed offken of elec:tlan u al tt• will M ..... oo .._ JOtb .......... I tcnated. to M!l"ft .............. DIJ!Idct • -............ , ........ ft ........ ..._. Of T:GI Rieck etnelll u ........_ 8llt ~ A. .. .... ,. P. 11.. dattftr aAd sa14 ce-a ot .a.:tson Mall ,.lakh ptr1o4 ucS between which eoaduct tald eledloo an4 ptalce bow'S the poU. aba11 reJna1n Nturn tbenof punuant to law. open. That aa1d eleetfon 18 beld T1te vot1n1 preclneb, polllng tDr the p~ of electina: places ud election oftken dulY 1 member of the Board of designated and appointed are as follows: Trust.ees ELECnOM PJlECIMCI' NO. 1 For the pwpoM of boldine aald Mall tnelude all of Oranp Coun- electlon. the School Dlatrkt tball ty Votlnl PreciJtcts. Newport be &lld It 18 hereby dlvtded lnto Beach, Ma.. 1, 2, 3. f. 5. S. 11. 17. ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiijii~~iij~iiiiij 1& lt, Jt, 25, • J8. (West Mew-i port, Newport, Balboa and Lido A·l PLUMBING lfECII' nD .. a• ADS J)ay .. Jflgbt ...... r\aZS .,..,..,... ,_ r..a."' s..., a Sl.l St.,.,.. Lewis Ross a.155l OOT'S HOUSEWARES * GUtware * Appllaacee * Painta ••••=.,........,u..--.Ca~M.._ wwe-.•s G• age IIADOaiM WAITE You ....... ICiuadrY w. clo .... W'OI'k • • • ......... UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT llle). Pollina Place therein shall be at the Newport Beach School, 14th and Balboa ·Blvd Officers ot said flection Pr«t.nct~ Mrs. 1uUa Mae Eggert, Inspec- tor Mrs. Nina K. Holtby, Judge Mrs. A~lla Ntemlec. .Judge ~ON ~CT NO. 2 shall Include all of Oranee Coun.. ty VotJng Precincts. Newport Beach, Mos. 6, 7, 10, 12, 13, 14, 16. 21. 22, 23, 29, 30. 31, 32, 33. (Bal. boa Ialand, Beacon Bay, Harbor Ialand, Corona del Mar). Polllng Place therein shall be at the Corona del Mar School. 610 Carnation Ave.. OUlcera of said election Precinct: Mrs. Anne Crowl, In.apect:or Mrs . .Jane E. Morgan, Judge Mrs. Martha M. Cunningham, .Judp ELEC'110N PRECINCI' NO. 3 shall Include all of Orange County Voting Prec:incta. Mew- port Beach, Not. 9, ts. 20. 27, 34. 35. 36, S.yvlew Ko. 3. (Newport Be.lgbta, Cllft Haven. ~ fto. 3, Baysbora 6 Bayahor. ~). Polllnc Place therein shall be at the Horace Enalan Scbool, 1400 Clift Drive. omeera ot aald eledlan Prectnd: lin. ~a J. --. la~P«tor Jfrs. Kary 'faTb, JQdp Mrs. Mary L. Dawn. Judie ,. ........... -... elec- u. will --~ by tbe ~ ...... ot .... leMol Dlllrkt Oft tJM mil -ul M~. at ~ .._ .. 4:00 o'dodf II. .. IUWPOft ---..... TAU Sdlqol ,_. Cll Oru8l 1011111 TO IUY! 110111111 TO SliD liT YOII EIIIY! JHIS IS AU YOU HAYf TO DO J0 WINI First of all find thja colonial manaion and then visit iL Notice everythina can!ully and take as many notes u you need. Then writ., in as man.y words as you desin, all about it ... tell WHERE it ia ... tell WHAT it is ... tell about the beautiful f1'0Unda ... the interior ... the furnishinp ... the UJIIIIUaJ eoflector's items ... de- eeribe this houae and l'fOU.nda as fuH y u you wish. Judaiur wiU be hued Oil the aptness of your descrip- tion and naturally, neatneu win be a factor. FIUT. PIW '50 Ia casltl nN RUNNEI..UP PRIZD OF '20 ... ,., FIVE CHILUIN'S PRIZU Of '10 .... , In the eyent you uae more than one lheet of papeF be IUI'e to put JOW' D.-. Dd ..WN18 -Yeh sheet and number them iD tM ....-rilbt hand corner to pnvent loll. ,, Write " OtU litU of tA.e .. ,..,. otaLw. ~. EmploJSII of the .,_.,.., tM _..,..,. or their famili• will DOl • ....... • • • ~ ~ wbo .,. _.1r1nc more or rtanee and croea the vp ..... an4 plaAJlb\a to a"*'d ehann.J to tM IO'ftl' pert of u. Juncbtoe and tullioft aboW J:ncland bllon aatnna to Que- at tbe .,.dacoat'*-Club. CapJ, bee. Tbey an brlnJJnt the little tltrano Beaeb, next 11nancla.y a.re ear back with them and plan to Mrl. Boy Keene o1 lalbo& and motor home from Quebec. TheY're Mrs. Jamee Hollld&7 or Lido with golne to mlu our Eaatet week Mrl. John Drl and Mta. L. G. here, but Lome expecn to be Ne.t.on. Marjorie Hale will be back In b18 Balboa Ialand .tore oo~ntatlne. In early June. ntey write they • • • bave been taking lot.t of plctW'H Lome Huycke and bls 16-year. and saw a wonderful skl event old 1100, Peter, are nea.rly mid. on the Matterhorn. way ln a thr*month trip to • • • EUr~. They are now in Italy, Kenny Nichols accidently aaw having vl.alted In Paris, pkked some of. hla own airplane stunt up a little foreign car In Stutt-pictures on Paul Coate's TV lhow. gart, Germany, and toured snowy "Flashback" a while back, and Switzerland. North Africa Is next they told him they would be us. on the agenda. Then they wUl ing more of them sometJme soon. cross at Gibraltar Into Spain, see • • • FIW CHUA<::H OF CHliST SCIENTIST ))01 VI. Ll~.. H.wport a..dl A brench of the Mother Ch11rch, Th. F1"t Ch11rch of Chritt, ScientiJt, in Bot- ton, Meuedl11 .. tt1. Sllndey Schooi 9:15 •.m. S11ndey Service --II :00 •.m. Wedne.dey Eveni"9 Meetin9 1:00 p.m. lteedinq ltoom loceted et lll5 Vie Lido. Newport k.eh, Ia open ... k deya from 10:00 e.m. to 5:00 p.m~ Wedne.deya from 10:00 e.m. to 7:45 p.m. Fridey ..... nin91 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Cloaed Holldeya. The public i& cordielly iiiVited to et· tend the ch11rch ~ervice• end 111e the Reedi~o lloo"' Standard S h a d e Cloths and CUstom Specialties e Drapery H a r d w a r e e VenetJan Blinds. ~'-SkJ. Sl.op * -....o.. *Call het OWce JlA 114 -J2a4 lt.. lfewpon .... GIFTS OF GOOD TASTE People h ..... been wying •.. end '*ieving that They launched a new terry boat Saturday and Farel Walker says It's to take care of the in· creased crossings with Hub Pow. ers and his new Buick. 1 heard the new boat ls so fancy they are thinking about having a ferry boat orchestra In the eve. nJngs. How about • ' H a r v e Y Peaste> and hls Five Pods" ... they're really super and know all the tunes 1 used to know the PASSIJfG OP PmAC'I' PJIOIITBUE WATEU. The decoratlng com. ds t and gee 1s Dun. mlttee In charge of palnUng the Lido clubhouse Interior decided ::~ St;..~~ ·hot on the fiddle, that the old pirate no longer wUl scowl with evll vlsaee upon the not to mention Bill Tobltt and colorful sprigs of Spring blossoms, nor upon aromatJc Christmas b j wreaths, nor upon nestling Easter bunnies, nor gay Hats In Bloom, his an o-ey':. • • defying all festive spirits. For more than slx years has the old Blanche Wakefield of Petite pirate destroyed the efforts of clubhouse decorating committees. Vtlle will undoubtedly be wear. He was painted by a Mr. Dupont of Laguna Beach, under the di· e new ring flower prints rectlon of Herb Naclo Brown and was the gift ot Ford Pearson and lng th a Ho~ttal. to cheer up Les Wonn. The mural was a copy of the tronttsplece by Howard to Ho g Dl P Mr Don Elder Pyle tor Roward Pyle's Book of Pirates, published In 1926. I Photo daughter ane, s. . who had undergone surgery last lrom the Lido Islander) --------------------------------~~~=------week. The Elders , by the way, LEGAL KOTJCE LEGAL KOTJCE have recently sold their Poppy ---==JIOTJ==CE=~o=r=--:E=•~.E~cn=~o;;;;lf.---spector; Mrs. Jane E. Morgan, Ave. house and a re building a N011CE lS HEREBY GIVEN Judre; Mrs. Martha M. Cunnlne· new one up on Hazel Ave. wtth to the qualified electoH of NEW. ham, Judge. an ocean view. PORT HARBOk UNION ffiCH PRECINCT NO. 6 • • • SCHOOL DISTRJC'f of the County Precincts u In City EJections A new t'""" of lingerie ls be· s • Cal" 1 9 15 20 ""' ..,.. 35 36 (.,..._ re ;r-of Orange, tate o.a J.lOm a, , . , "'• ""'• . . ... eae P · lng handled these days by Min-that In accordance with law .an cinc'U include Newport Helehta. nle Toon. owner of Lido Fuh· election wtll be held on the 20th ClUf Haven. Bayview No. 3, Bay. Ions and Balboa Bay Fuhlona. day of May. 1955. ln said Dlatrtct ahore. and Baylhore Camp.> <Continued Oil Pace 7> between the hours of 7:00 o'cloclc Polling Place: Horace Enslen LEGAL •0'11CE A.M. and 7:00 o'clock P.M. during School, 1400 Cliff Drive, Newport whlc.b period and between whJch Helehta. CEJrTIFJCATE OF IIVSIJRIS houn the polLI shall remain Officers: Mn. Edna J. Jone.. l'ktlts.aa Pima •-open. That aald election ls held Inspector; Mn. MarY Taylor, 11IE UNDERSIGNED does here. for the purpose of elect:Jne 2 Judee; Mrs. Mary L. Daum, by certlfy that he is oonductlne mem~ o1 the Board ol Tru• Judee. a BuUdlne Supply buslneu at tees. That the retur n.a of said elec- 280 S. Cypress. Oranee, CaJUor. For the purpo<Je of holding said tlon wlll be canvassed by the nla, under the flctltloua firm election, the School Dlstrl«'t ahaU Governlnr Board of sald School name of Volume Bulldlnl Pro-be and tt 1s hen.by dJvided Into D11trlct on the 24th day of May, ducta ~d that aald fh11lla COJD. a1x dectlon pcedncta numbend UJ55. at the hour otl:OO o'clciCk P<*d of the tol~ penaa 1 to s. lnclustve, and !be~ P.M. whOM name In tun and place or herftnatt« named, belnc oompe. m WJ'I'lO.:SS WHERP.X>F, we resldenee a.re u foUOtn. to-wit: tent and qualltled electors of have hereunto eet OUT handa thla Robert Allred Dter, 509 ~~.~a, aald Dlatrlct and ot thelr respec:. 14th day or March, 1.~ Corona c1el Mar, Califonua. tJve elec:tion preclncta, are here-I>dWALD I . DODGE Wltnesa my band thla 17th clay by appointed oatc:ers of election ZOE RAE BABLOW o1 March. 1955. u hereinafter deslenated, to DONALD DUNGAN ROBERT A. DIEJL aerw In thetr respective election H. R. RING State of CalUomla. County of preclncta u beeJnafter set forth. I . L. $TEl' FENSEN Orange, sa. and aald oftlcfta a1 elect:Jon ah~J r.lembe:ra of the Board of Trustees On thla 18th day of March, oonduet aald election ~d nuke of NEWPORT HARBOR UNION ~ 1955, before me, a Notary Public return thereof pursuant to law. IUGH SCHOOL DISTRICT OF ~ In and for said county and .tate. The vottnr predncta' polling ORANGE COUNTY. CAUFORNIA. ~ resldlne therein. duly comml.a-place. and election officers duly Publish: M&l"Ch ~1. April 7 ...1111 stoned and sworn. personally •P-deslenated and appointed are u In the Newport Harbor Enslen. , peared Robert A. Dler, known to follows: me to be the penon whose name PRECINCT NO. 1 so• .01111 TO DaAJIDS Is subscribed to the w1thln In· Costa Mesa Precincts No. 1, 2. A son, Kirk Frederick, was strument, and acknowledged to 6, 7. 15, 19, Riverview and that born to Mr. and Mn. Keith Dur. me that he executed the same. portion of Greenville lying wtth. and of 800 W. Wilson St., Costa Witness my hand and official In the Costa Mesa Union School Mesa, In Hoag Memorial Hosplt· seal. MARY A. HA.APA. District. al on Saturday, March 12. Notary Public In and for aald Polling place: E. A. Rea School. ------------------- County and State. Hamilton and Meyer Place. DJR.ECTOR Y My CommlssJon expires July · Officers: Mrs.. LIJllan Salley, . 31. 1955. Inspector; Mrs. Loretta Pangle, ____ __.:,MUS;:.;.::.:1:.:C;_.. ___ __, Publis h : March 24, 31. April 7, 14. Judge; Mrs. Rose RJder, Judge. Margaret L. Scharle In the Newport Harbor En.algn. PRECINCT NO. 2 Teacher o1 Piano Protect Your Valuables .. ,. s.w, ........ Iolii F• Yo•r Coly•ielce A new supply of safety deposit boxes are now a vailable . AIJ. SIZES No safer place for your perso~al valuables than our Safe Deposit vault. The thick walls are made of solid concrete reinforced with heavy st7el. Hard-to-replace items should have protection against fire and theft . * Come ID cmd lleDt A Scdety Depadt lox TODAY * .......... e Costa Mesa Precincts No. 3, 4, Organist . Accompanllt 5, 9, 10. 11. 12. 13. 16, 17, 21, 22, 24. Evenln{ Classes Polling Place: M a I n School, 307 cJ~~~ AVE. 1901 Newport Blvd. Corona del Mar Officers: Mrs. Allee. Jones. In. spector; Mrs. NelUe 0 g den , _....:P:;.;U::.:If:;.DAL=:.:..:D::.:mE=:.:CT:.:..:'O;.;:;U;;;;..._., Judge; Mrs. Bessie Lounsberry, J udge. PRECINCT NO. 3 Costa Mesa Prec:lncta No. S. 14, Friendly Nelehborhood Service Parkes-Rid.ley Mortuary Fonnerly Grauel Chapel 18. 20, 23, Bayview No. 1. 2, and ll O B d that portion of Paularlno No. 1, 2. roo Way lylne Within the Costa Mesa ""=LI=8=·M33=="==8·=3434==eo.ta==M=esa=~ Union School District. ,.. Polllng Place: L l n db erg h School, 23d and Orange Avenues. Officers: Mrs. Sally Hlnesly, ln.apector; Mrs. Wanna Roberta, Judge; Mrs. Dorothea D. Martin, Judge. PRECINCT NO. 4 Preclnctl u In City Elections 1, 2. 3, 4, s. 8. u. 17. 18, 19, 24. 25, :18, 28. ('na._ predncta Include: West Newport. Newport. Balboe and IJdo Iale. > Polllnl Place: Kewport Sc:bool, NOW ... TWO BALTZ MORTUARIES Servlne the Harbor Area Baltz Mortuary CHAPEL BY 11fE S£A Harbor G 3S20 E. Cout BJahwar Corona 4el }{u Baltz Mortuary LibertY .. 21.21 17h lr Superior, c.ta Keea AMPLE PAitXIJfG 801'8 LOCA110RI 14th and Balboa Blvd. ~==:::!!!!!!!!!===~ otrlcen: Mn. lull& Mae El· ,. prt. lnapec:tol; lira. Jftna ~ Boltb)', lu~: lira. Aurella Jlf1e. m&ee.Ju.,_, PDCIRCf HO. 5 lftdacta .. -atJ a.dtonl s. 7, 10. 12. 1& 1.. 11. 21. 21, .. •. ao. 11. • aa. (n... prectnda tlldude: .... Itland, leeoaa -· &arbor llland. Corona del liar.) Pollbla ,._: a... .. ..., khool. 810 Carutlail ..... ea.. aadllllar. INSURANCE "Be Sure-Insure" wrnr STAHLEY omon: ..... ..._ Crowl. r.. ~-_.....,......., .......... _~ ID &D uDAnimoul electJon. pr...,t a ,procram few tbe Zonta R•*' ~ aatboa lii&Dd Club 1n Lone Bled! on Aprll 21. pbJiddaa and eadocrtftol~ wtaeo tbe Kewpon Club wW pua wu named ,....dent Of the on the l&vel. Zonta Club tor nat year at a ------ meetlftl held n"ahdar nlfht at 1111...a Gn' GIIIL the Oranae Cout Collep Stu. A ctau,htar, I:Uzabetb lean, dent Center. .wu bom to llr. and Mrs. Everett r.WQt.. JJfiUBARCE t)cean JlraiMcmd a.a.al r.uraac. La ...... ,. 0flets C... ......... .... luhlauu 416 tt..1, C... .. ..., AliiO elected to terVe ~~ the Slmper of S.~ E. 18th Pl., eo.ta ==========:::: enautne year were Dorothea ....._, on J'rtclay, Kardl 4, 1n Sheely, lint vice-preeldent; Ftan-,._ ..................... ... THE ENSI&N, HA·II14 cee Mean, aecond vlce preelclent; Hoa1 Memorial Ha.pltal, Ruth Jayred, treuu.rM; Wlnltred --'----------------------- Bacon, correspondlnr aecretuy; Lou!M HambJft. recordlne Me· retary; and retirlnl president Eva Aspln and Maravene GaJ. lagher as board members at large. Installation will be held at the VUJa Marina next month. The "gaUopJng ravel" wu re- ceived Thursday nJg~ from members of the Carden Grove Zonta CJub. They alao broueht members o1 a Girl Scout troop, which they are aporuorlne, to etve the .proeram. The 12-yr.-old eh'la are learnJnr Scancllnavlan laneuage and customs and ptan. nlng on a scoutJ.ne trip aboard In 1959. They pre.nted Danlah dances In costume. Dessert wu served to all the euesta lnclud. lng the young dancers. Annual reports were given by all committee chairmen and of. fleers and plans were made to ' . ' ..... \ I I l j 'I I ,j '' ' I ~ . .. , ' ~ . . . . ... ..... Lee ..... CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: "OJIIU8DAN 8otzNoz: Dill OPZBA.TION OJ' DIVINE PIUNVIPLI! IN OtJa BEIIALJIW 8.7 aALPII &. WA.QEU., C. 8. B. ., ewc.c-....... rwaviD-1 Kembet' ot the Board ot Lec:tur.bip ot 1 SEAT 1 The Moc.ber Cbu.rch, Tile .-tnt Cburda ot Chn.t. ac:t.-u.. 1D ao.ton. ~ I ~ t.!: I cbuaetu 1 .__.. ,.. .... I MONDAr, APUL t. U:lt (NOON) 1 ... ..., .. w11 1 LIDO TIIEA'I'U I ... • .... .. I Newport BouJn-a.rd and VIa Udo, Mew· I =.: ::a~ I port Beach L.d--th I .....__. e l A-..c-el .,_ ~ el OIUtl&. a.c.-J• ,.... Sfttatk*' llf....,.rt ...... ..a dale -.oa 1 .. ..., ...... tht ~.:..--.J Li'ght their life with /Oith l/lt ST. AJfDUWS PUSrtTEalAJf CIIOCII 15th St. 1r St. Andrews Rd., ----..=,~ ......... J--1.1'"'-t SUNDAY: Momlng worship, 9:30 and 11 a.m.; ChuJ"Ch School, 9:30 andll:OO; Sr. HJeb Fellow· ahJp, 7 p.m.; CoJlece aee fel- lowahtp, 7:30 p.m. -TUES. Prayer, .tudy eroup, 9:30 a.m. AUDIIL1' OF QOD aact lt. & Kldc A..., C... ..... u..ty 14711 ......._. .. c:. c..Jc. ..... Sunday Sobool: 9 :30 a.m. Wor- ahlp: 10:45 a .m. and 7:30 p.m. Youne People and OlUclNft'a Service, 1:10 p.m. Sun. Kid· week Service: Wed.ne.ctar, 7:30 p.m. Lacne.' lll.aJonuy Cou.n· eU, 'nauncla~ 10:00 a.m. UV&a 18 DA1' ~~ 161 lf..,...tm.4... • ... C01011JWJT1' IIJ:'I'IIODIIT ............... -W. IIIIa lt.. c.n. ..... I.D 11 1-IJJI Ullelty least JDdew D. D. lpggW .. .... ,...,. W. lldlaae SaturdaY Mornlnl Senices: Sab- Sunday: 9:30 a.m., Church Sun-bath School: 9:30 a.m. -Ser· dar School; t :ao ar•d U :OO morr. u:oo a.m. Prayer meet· a.m. M~.shtp.-7 p.m. lnt: Wedneeday, 8:00 p.m. Frf. ~,!eric~~ool ~ce~ daY Evenln• Ve.pen: 8:00. 7 p.m.. Sunerpu.a G.roup Serv· c::ll'lmca .... •u.aaara . Jce.. 1• ••• r' M. c....._ ta caaw or cawa, a•Qa6LC......_. ... ..., .... . D. G. ..... If' '(S Sunday Senka: 1:30 a.m. Btble atuclJ'; 11 a.m. mom~.nr ~­ lhlp: 7 p.m. ewn~nr ....vtce. Kldweek aer v 1 e e, 7 p.m. Wedn.sar. c::aJUI't cauaca n nm UA c......ny-.. ..... .......... 1 .... lt.. •....-n ~a. ..... .... lloy A. ,._,_ Sunday WonillJD. 1:45 and 11 a.m. Church ScbooJ: t :45 a.m. Midweek Meettq: 7:30 p.m. Weclnellday preceded by 6:30 p.m. potluck. IT. JOACIIDI cauaca 1114 . 0rc111.-A...., Coeta ll..a . Liberty I·IC· l'atiMc ,..__ J. •..sa luaday II-.. 7. L I. ID aDd 11:30 a.m. Weekdays: Maa at 7:00a.m.-ConteuJon1 Satur· days from 4:00 to 5:15-7:00 to 8:15p.m. rDIIT aAPnST aruaca OF KKWPOIIT lalhoo lhd.. lltla & Cout Ita.. ~ usa•....-nl.lberty lnJD7I ~-.....tG.J ...... Sunday aervioes: 9:45 a.m.. Sun· day School: U :00 a..tn;: W«· ahlp Service; 7:30 p.m. :sundaJ eoventnc ~ervlee: llld·Week Serv1ce: 7:30 p.m. w~ Prayer Meettne. .................. -..... , .... , .. ,. ~ ....... : .... ~ ...... ·=-&.Ill. ............. at 10=-» &.Ill. ~ ... . Ice. 7 p.m. ~·-.... ,... meet1nt. 7:30 p.m. -~· nMIT cauKa or C8ilin' IU&iii&i .............. .....n .... IIA.._ ... Sundar Sebool: 1:15 a.m.. Sun· day Service: ll:OO a.m. w~~....unc: 1:00. ... dlnt aoom. S315 VIa IJdo, lfewpon IIMeb. opell 10 a.m.·5 p.m. week d&)"'. ·10 a.m.· 1:45 p.m. Wectne.days, 7·1 p.m. Frldar evenl.np. UJfJVEJIIALIIT COJIJIVJOT'I' r&LLOWI1DJI EbeU Cl-.b ..... 515 w. ~ aa..s.. aaaoa IIJaJ8tws *"· r. w. au... Sunday School, 10:80 a.m. J.forn. Inc worship, 11 :00 a.m. I'DIIT IOU ia&D IAPnST CIIOCII 100 w. ~ lt.. Coetcr .... l..u..ty .. , .. ,_._, DL IUcbald B. ,_. Sunday ac:bool. 8!45 a.m.; church tlerVice 10:50 a.m. Tralnine UnJon 7 p.m. Sunday. Eventne wonhtp I p.m. Sunday. Teada· era and ottken meetinl7 p.m. w~. Pra,)'• 111ntce and Blbleltuclr I p.m. We4nellda,y. CIOIIOaA DD. MU •&WPOIIT JIADOM COIOIOMifi C*UW PDST IAPI'Ift caow Saata ADe A ..... ll1p 'le c... .... ... .•. a. ..... ..,._ Sunday Servlcee: 9:45 a.m. Sundar Sebool; l1 1\.JJ\. Wonhlp Bente.· 1:10 p.m., Bapttat Traln.lna bn~oe: 7:30 p.m., I!YeT11nc lervkiL Wedn.ctay: 7 :30 p.m...,.,_, PralM ud Bible Stuct:r-Moa· day: 7:30 p.m. ..... ~ practice; 1:30 p.m. lla'l Pra¥• Meetln .. cauKa or ova LADT or liT. c.a_.._ I"Jw ....... ...._ • ..,... u ..... . r..._a~sa.r,,... r..u.. ._ • ~ Sunday MaJ~~ee: 1:00 and 10:00 and U :30 a.m. Cont.-ton: Bat· W'day. and .-v.. alllt mcta.n aad Holy D. froiD 4:00 to 1:10 ~-and ,... 7=-» ... 1:10 ~~~:IS .. ·:~ If o • • a •·•hai·...,-; ~.T p.a. caawt wa•••• cauw or con-a IIDA ( ......... ....., • Idee.': ..... .............. ,.w Sundar s. wteea: Wonll~-lce t a.m. SUnday at 10:15 a.m. • 11'. JAIID UIICO•AL -........... lflllllt .... ....... ................. c.a.te Sunday Service.: 1:30. t:IO, U a.m. Mornlne Prayerj t:ao a.m. ~etmatlon f« Sunaar School Tbunday Servleea: 9:15 a.m. Prayer GuUd; 10:30 Holy Com· munlon. 11'. JO.. VIAJflfft II ... _... A..., lclaMNI laa..d ~-~· r.u.. 'S:: .. ,..,, ...._ rata. ._ • ...... Sunday M ..... : 7:00 a .m. lr 9:00 a.m. Con~Naion: Saturdar and evea. ot 1.at Frldaya an Holy Days: 7:30 to 8:00 p.m.; Flnt Friday Maa 8 a.m. CIDI1"aAA. --.a cau-=-oaaza ..... a..a-. C... -. Lllllltt 1-U. A.JLKp, ....... ' Sunday Sebool: t :45 a.m. Mom· lnl s.vlc!e. U:OO; ~ s.ntce. 7~ llld·w.ek S.V· Jot, Wedne8day, 1~30 p.m. Lora•a-.. cauaca 2501 CUff Dr., •••P•tiWptl C II'IS II II.. aAI.aOA i1LAJ1D I.Deltr .... Ill= WE-Ll* a... COMMUMih IUI*'DJIT .... ~a...~...s llllatrr_, us.:ca.._...._..._. Early eervlce, 8:30a.m. Sunday; ,_._,-.., ...... a-a. M 1 .... D III!N .... Church School t :ao a.m.; WfYt. SundaJ Wonhlp a..teea: t :e lundQ' s.rvt~: t:IO L m. ahlp eervtce, ti:oo a.m.; Luther a.m.. U:OO a.m. Sundaykbool: • Chufeh Sehool; t :30 and 11:00 Leaeue. 7:30 p.m. 8:45 a.m. • a .m. Wonbtp Service. . Thia Direc:tOJ r II made poealble by th-. c:hlc..mlncl.cl ht•l'iD 1 rm,.n: WOODWE>RTH PIANO SHOP Exclulve Apftt tor lalcJwln .,._. 2610 E. Coest Hwy. H•. Jll2 C.... cW Mei R&.sTIK Jfo Tadtl ••• Jfo Tape .•. lfo Pulll 222t E. eo.t Hwy. C... tW M• ..wPOaT HAUOI ENSleN NIWSPNB Prtllltlft.lr-A.dW!rtld--oLoeeJ .... 2.o E. c..t Hwy. H.r. II 14 C.a• ;w Mer ~ NIWIOIT H.UIOI lANe .. ..... c..t....,. &ENBAL SHEET METAL WORKS 401 .. Street H.W 2210 ......,_. INch rHOWAS WOIIL SMVICE ....... _ ......... 1500 W ....... a Hir. J611-W Ne..,.. .._. IALIOA lAY CLUI • ........ 10m Thllla the drew tiM fuhlon editors are ra¥1n1 about, ao rtaht In SaiDnr Blue.! • .. white and blue dlftl.wetrht denim with a touch of braid, and an embroidered star pocket emblem. So rl&ht. too, in alzft and prke. ... ._, .... , ... -..nu··~·~ .. es-t ........ ....._ .... Cllll c:ww••'* t cauaca Palm aulldaJ terric:es at Ccm· munlt)' ~ ln Corona Ml liar wW be held at t:G L& ..... u a.m.. wttb .... ~ c. GoaiM ooc:uPYtnl tbe ,Wptt.,.. O.apel choir will e1w1 '"fte PalnW' by Paure at the euly eervlee &JlCI tile Chancel choir with the ccmblMd JunJar eholra wtJJ atna "Hoaanna" by Bo~ BltiO,PCI, fot the 11 o'clock terV-aee. Reception o1 members wtll be held durin( the servlces. .nu.o..-TO IIU'T 1bla year Pre.byterian Women are studylne the Epbtle to the Hebrew•. 'Mle Women'• Fellow . ahlp of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Chureh will meet with Rev . Jamet 8. Stewart at 11:30 LpL f« a period of study precedlnc the monthly fellowship luncheon ort Wedneoday, AprU 6. Mrs. J~ IC. Stewart. mother of the pastor, wU1 apeak at the after . noon meet1n1. lin. Robert G. An· .. Qela larl ... ,.... ............. .. ••••• ...... wW M tflao ..... *" • Clw'r. .... a ................ at dlll ......... .,.., ........... wa .. Cldl 11 m.. ta a..UM ,....... ..,. " .... -uy •' .... ..., .... Ortoat. ........................... ............... ........., ................... OIHIIy at -............ Flnt a.nlt ... c:IUMtl ' ... tut. I / ... ... $ell Out For 11oa1J Charity BaR \ ,.. .woe .. ...._. uu ~ eoo. wtu Umlt the cu• lt.t. ac . band from BoU,.ood w1l1 '-a eord.lnr to Ceoeral Cha.trman ~~ attr..-at the to.th Max Sturcea. 1111111'1 Llll IAIIET amaual ...... lie • Mal ~ty 'Mle public la lnvttecl to attend ..U te M Mlcl Alldl 15 at the the dinner dance ~ by lalboa kY C1ob. Onl)' t.be e&· the Centu.rlona tor the benetlt o( padty ~ the ~ held at the hoapltal. Reeervatlona wW be .,.. Ill' n made on the "ttrat come. tlnt Mardl 3l. U65 L jothers' Club aervedl' bula. aald Mra. lsabellt Per8onal letter addreuecl \0 lVI Pe .. e, publicity chairman. Mr o· W JUch d ''De Mr Jnvttatlona have been mailed a•~h~:.... ·Th kar · ·, · th ~ .. -· PI D thla week by a committee ot ....., IUU. an you or e....,_, ans r~rogram work8& headed by Mrs. Max aeelnr Sherlft John. and wht..U• Sturges and lndudlnr Mra. lollipop. We bad a lot ot fun. Geor e SU Mn N 'l ca 1lmmle and Herbie Johnaon, ~ DeMolay ·Motlaers' Club held their monthly meetlne at the home ot · Mrs. WWlam Melcher. 401 38th StJoeet. Newport Beach. .March 23 with Mrs. Hadd RJni. PresJdent, prHicUnr. r ver, · e. mer· Continental Ave .. eo.ta Mesa." on, Mn. Jack Concdon, Mn. Har-Wlah 1 could reproduce here ry Kello, Mn. Jamn Holllday. the red Uned paper, the m.au· Mn. Frank Cotton, Mrs. Marlon lar letters done ln red pencil. Obon. Mrs. Ro~ Philbrick and Herbie, It a.eem.a. wu the bra1na Mrs. R. T . DlnwiddJe. ot the duo, him bel~ 1n IT•de Co-chairman with Mr. Sturrn one and all, but Jlnunle. a,ed for the general arranpmenb la t.btee. waa rlrht on hand to tell Mrs. Joe ~lnlnrer. Al8o on the him what to aay and to be sure reneral committee ~ Harborites ttt..at he rot hla name on the let· Mrs. Jack Corn, Lonnie Vlneeot. ter toO •.. John Boyd. Or. Salatore Monaco * * * --··--·A-and 0 . W. RJchard; and Mrs. A. ., ... ,._ ... __,__ .. ~ _.,. B p Tilts ........, --••s• T be untvenalllt Communlty .... uesbments ol ~ee and . a)"M of Lacuna. Mn. PauJ J'ellowlhlp wtll cJoee tts charter H d F deaert were .erved on hand-Rocera wtll have charp ot deeo-Afdl I. ..... ___.s a.ll ............. clreWa wtll be the aololat. Plans were made to have four dinner meetlllp p« year at restaurants lD the area. Appoint menta of suubJne committee cba.lrman. Mrs. Earl Guat.key. and publlclty cb.atrman. Mrs. Charln a. Gammcm, ..,.. made. on Palm Sunday and -·1--m• onore or painted c:hlna. bobby of the ration•. Wl'llam O'Br)'on will .... -a. lOl ....,. ritlllt ...... ..... "' b ~-· ....... -h -' ..... ...,.... -··=· its thtrty.flve charter members ~ Mrs. ~...-. Mrs. Jo ave chatle ot prlza. and Mrs. at ... wiD ~ .... ~ Into the untveraallat Church of Scout work T. Tatum ...a.ted. Harvey Somera .. In charce of ........ .,.. Afdl " .... . America u an oraanlzed FelloW· The n6t meettnc wU1 be held tickets. ...,, -...r wW be .,... ._ ahlp u well u individual mem-Mrs. J:.. T. Chapman Jr. wu at the home ot Mrs. Edward L. Aaalatlna Mrs. SomftS on the lN& s .•. J ... IlL liM. • ben ot the chur<:h. A aymbOllc honored at a aurpri.M luncheon Sedelmeler of ..U El Modena. tick~ committee are Mn. Karen ..... ••• at tllle ...._ c.- communion servtce wtu precede March 18 at the bome of Mrs. Newport Hel&hts. at 7 :30 p.m. Mar~eta BrunJnc. Mrs. Clarence c:-atrr au ~-....._ the lnat.allatlon. The sermon on Oren D. Wade ln BalbOa . .uat.t. WednHday. AprU 27. Higbie. Mrs. IUchard Loveland, oa Cit ta.s ant _. _..... Palm Sunday wtll be based on ln& the hostea were Mrs. E. G. Mrs. Georce Cdley and Mrs. Don .. c ta.s lM dl8clll•d .. the tlnal statement of the Unl-Doane and Mrs. Sidney Sanden. so• .OU 'tO .a.LI Dungan, all of the Harbor area. .... 1a t~at. --.. a .,_. ver&&Jlat Avowal of FaJtb, "We 1be cueat of honor wu pre· A son. 8 lbc.. 8 oz.. wu born to and Mrs. ~rnard Muon of Hunt-()wMd ~ • • • ~ .._. avow our faith ... ln the power aented wtth a piece o1 Imported Mr. and Mn. WUUam F. Pella of lnrton Beach and Mrs. A. a -aswrttd .a K..s L.,.. of rMn of eood wtll and aacrl· rla.aw&re u a elft trom the 1121 ltlnp ltd~ CUft Haven. ln Payne of Laruna. .,..._ -aty A~· J.._ llclal splrlt to overcome all evil. poup Jn appred&Uon ot her St. JOMpb Hospital on Thursday. Hospitality at the party wtll be ..,. Jr....,... .. ..,.,,~ and procreutvely to establish many years .ervlce 1n the New· March 17. In the hands ot Mr. and Mrs. Hal --. ~ 'ftiiiiHt. ...-e1 the K!ncdom of God." port Harbor Girl Scout Council. ------Dlk~ and a ~tion eommtttee ~ !.Ide Dr-.. wad o. Present were Mmes. J ohn 1011 roa aVDAIID lncludlnr MHdamH and Mears. W. (Didl) WO-t • ..,... e1 CIDJS'f taUacB ft 1"B:& I&A Oertly. Murray Rabbitt. A. 0 . A aon. 8 lbc., 3 oz.. wu born Char leta Lamb, H. J. LunM)', Har-W 0 Ia Ulle .,_.. ••• ~ 1be Sanctuary choir of Ch.r1ft OberJ, William Trttt. Juanda to Mr. and Mrs. Jim Burbank of ry Kebo, Georre Grttllth. Hal ... IIFR1aM ._. Ia ._ ... Church by the Sea will atna CUmmlnP,• SmJth Newberry , 1114 E. 23rd St.. eo.ta Mesa. Ln Kenoyer, Georae SLiver, 0 . W. ..at ., .,.. ..., .-.. • "Rlde On, Ride On" by Scott and Burke 'Mlomu Frank Mc:Cor-Santa Ana Community Ho.pltal Richard. Herbert Stroecheln and * * * '"ll''e Palma" by Faure.Buck at mlck. Ralph WUoox. Everett Nu-on WednHday. Ka.rcb 16. A. B. Payne. The fact that the State Bank the Palm Sunday services. Mrs. nan, C. W. Crowl. S. E. Brtus. tnc Com.mlaion allowed the Delevan Fmtaa and WUdan Ted R.ambrook. Jack Qulaen· 10• rca ~ plans fot thla Marlner'a Bank to 1bomu wllJ atnr soloc. The berry, H. E. Nack, WUdan P. A aon. Dale Mlc:hael. wu born Ploeeed In sud\ a abort period Cherub choir wlll join ln a "Palm Thornu.. Martin Manrold. WU· to Mr. and Mrs. Delton Euler· ot. time . . . about nine months Proceutonal" tor the llel'vlces. Uam Humuon, Albert R.ylett. unr ot l933 Maple Ave.. eo.ta . . . lncllcatn the need tot a Btw. Boy Catlaon'a anmon wUl Donald J o h n s o n and C. R. Mesa, ln Hoac Memorial Hocplt· ROI'Ile Owned bank In thla area be on --rhe Lord ot Ufe." 1be L'Eclu.te. a1 on Friday, Ma.rcb 1&. wu apparent . . . J:cl&ar JL HW • ..,17 .rvift wUl bq1n at t :JO .__...... ot our M•d•• MQor . ~' 15 minute. ea.rUer than IT ...... , WS HiUIII I &mAll 'tr''' lCD GaT_. Ia Pt:&ll ... t ••. Be bu OD1r ,.. -Bob ,.. ~ at tit. .... J)awt h.S. ,... .... e.ttr .......... , ...... .. AadNin .. ....,_... Qardl In· to Mr. an4 ~ TllUIIIGW Wal· \ rtnr tiM llill..CO c..a. GOOD,_.., uatJC& eJucte tt.e tOno.tq: 'nlla Sua. 1~ 0!( • 1!. Palmer St.. eo.ta puy. 098 to llJe two boJa. to 'ftM Barbar Cound1 ol Ouarebe. clay, tracUtional Palm Sunday 11..._ · on Wed.neM&)' liard\ 11, take on thle respon~~lbUJty. Cer· wUl aponaor the eom.munlty aervkM an4 reeepUoo ot mem. ln Hoa llemcdal ~ tal. ry ltldlard.on. who haa an envl· Good P'rlday ..-vice t.rom pooo ben; April 7, )(aunclay Tburs. 1 -.l able reeorcl ln the bankilll buai· to 3 p.m. Plida)', Apd1 & ne day. Holy Communion at 8 p.m.; -=:::::::=::::::::::::::::::::::--------======~~~~::::_ nea h.u come down t.rom the ~ wU1 be held at the eo.ta April I. Good Friday, praenta. De.ent Bank ln Palm Sprlnp to ~-----------...---~ ........... Mea CoaununlC;J' II e tho d Ia t Uon of Du Bois' aaaoed cantata. be first Vke-Pret.ldeni . . 'Mlla Oua.rdl and wU1 be conducted "'The Sewn Lut WOI'ds" at 1 bank Ia t.a.11onc1 esp«lally f« b)' 8evftl min...,. ol th1a t..rN. p.m.; A,prtl 10. Euter Sunday, you Jfewpoft Harborltes . . you .ervlcn at 8:15, and 9:30 and are cw41allY lnvtted to come In (oppojdt. Botel Lacuna) The Secret of a Beautiful Figure is Posture, not Pounds! IWI.-B WEill TIE IIIIE ..-: ,., .. Trill T11 ... 111 • ~~ ..,..,. ... , &. ca.t -.,y. ._, .... -~~ c.-..... • • ...... ~ .. ,... ..... ,. .. C... OliN .... - 11 a.m.; Infant baptism at 3 p.m. and .ee yow old trlenda with tnera Bank ta "Home Controlled h~~~~~~=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;~;;;;;;;;;:;:;;~;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~==~=:;;;;;. new l'ftPOUibtlWa ... The Mar llJ CHRIST CHURCH BY niE SEA <N-tbodilltl Balboa Blvd at lfth Street. Nf'WPCI't Beach Tbe Btw. Boy A. Catlaon. Mlnlater PALM SUMDAY: Duplkate Service. 9:30 and 11:00. Youth Membenhlp o.-at 9:30 Serv\Ce. 4:00 p.m.-Children's BapU.anal aervtce. MONDAY: 7:3G-.. Famlly }lorualt." a drama about the fUDlly ol Chrlet. HOLY THUltSDAY: 7:30 p.m.-CommunJon 'hnebrae Senlce. £AS1'ER SUNDAY: 9:30 and U :OO-D\apUcate Wonblp ''l:laD&l LUe ~ Chrlst'' Children and Adult Chotr dftcJnl. ASSEMBLY OF GOD 2lncl and Elden A,.., eo.ta Mra nae Rev. M. c. crontc:. Jllntater PALM SUNDAY SEKVJCE: 10:50 a.m.-a.Y. CnAie. '"Trtvmph ol Chrt8t.,. Sinatna by th• Church Choir. EASTEJl SUNDA~: ~:30 a.a.-Sunrbe S«vtee, ~and candleUotSn• arltce; *'ltt\1 bf the Church Ololr. ~a{ 9:30a.m.; 10:!10 a.m., tlft.l'inr a., dto~; t :30 p.m., )'CMlth ..vlc:e; 7:30p.m .• Dranrellatfc: .ervtce. COMMUNII'Y CHURCIL CONGREGATIONAL Sll Rellotropt> Av~ .. Corona dti Mar • Tbe .... Edwin Gom.ke. Mlnt.ter PALM SUNDAY: R.«eptton of new members. 11 :00 a.m. IIAUNDY THURSDAY: Holy Communion 7:30 p.m. GOOD FRIDAY : Good Friday Worship Se!vtce. 7:30p.m. EASTER SUNDAY: Holy Communion. Sacrament ol 8aptiam In the Oum::b 8~30 a.m. CbW"Cb Sdlool9:45 a.m. &ula s..lce ln 1.be Port Theater, 11 a.m .. romblned eholrs. Mba Helen ~n. aolc*l. (J'furler7 ~t at the Chun:h clurtnlll :00 a.m Servl~) ST. ANDBEWS PREUTI'ERJAN CHUBCH 23132 St.~ 1toad. Newport Retchts 'fte ~. luMs S. Stewart. Mlntetft PALM SUJmAY: 1:30 a.m. and 11 :30 a.m.~Uon Of n~ member& at both houra IUUIIM 'ltiU"aDAY: 1~30 p.m.-Holy CoauDunlon. QOOD ..aMY: 1:00 p.m.-DuBois' Sacred Cantata. "The Sewn Lut ·Worcta.•• by the Sanctuary Chotr. EASTER SUNDAY': Wonhlp Service. a;a. 1.:31 ucl U :00 a.m. 3:00p.m. Ctlrllllllltlllll\ ol the Sacramat ollnlaDt ~ · CONNUNiff METHODIST CHURCH • "e Street. eo.ta Meaa 'n. .... W. Mc:Sbane. Mlnt.ter PAUl stnm4Y: ~.te Wonlltp Services. 9:30 and 11: a.m. Cburdl Sclwlol t :3G a.m. "12~~AY: Commulllon 7:00 tluouch 9:00 p.m. QOOO : 'ftlll Cantata '"East« Story .. by ca.u..rtM ~-...... a.. . USTD SURD~Y: Dopllea~Ya~ t:ao u4 U:OO ... Ql.ll*-a s.r.b In ILaU. t;JO a.m. .......,.. ~ I1Qt'-t at W lelluk-. Palm~ aM EuW lud'I\J'. sr . -Home Owned. .. * * * T .. -.. ..... ._.,way ..ell ....... -• .,_ baakl" ~ .......... way -...r .. .......... ~.-.. ....... "' .. , ... a.··--.. .. 11 .... 1 ......... ....... ._.. .......... ._.. .. . ...... .._ .. c--·$l'dld ~ ... M. ltMs ""fte ............ ...u.--.. ..... 9W"f 1wl9llY-..... ...... ,.,....,., .... ...., .. .. -..... 0 ..... -~-Wltll • ·-· .... . 11-s •"•IW bwall Y•• ~a.--.... , ... .,.... lliak. * * * Introdgetnc Kc:Clendorl Finer Cancllea. banci-made e.peetally tor Blcba.rd's! Our D\ck Jtk:hard. who ia one of the prtnclpal ltoc:k· ~den and a very active metft· her ot the Board of Dtrecton ol the 11ew Karlner's Bank. for the put .we ,..... haa received t.rom Mrs. Laura Scu46er at Otrtatmu.tbne a bo:s of th.- ane ~don ca.ncllee. Jtell. denta ol Lon1 Beach and Weat· wood vna.ce are tamUlar wtth the two anaU ahope that produce tale. hlcb quality, C\aRom m•de cand*. but until now ... thle l'ri~ ... tMy have neww bM'n ....Ua .. l'n an)' other 11t1ore ••• Our Dietl bu been WOittlq on tllle.,. IInce 1ae ......._. ld8 ... _. ... ,... ........ ~ ,..._.. to pi;--IICOa .. -. .. u..rtnt~.-­ .. Kllillblr ... • ..... lllc!CI•IIIIII'S _. Ill .. IUIItlllllill... 11 r .. ._ .. . -.& DMIItC:.• n ... .. -................. ~ ...-.~..-..-. , ... •n-• ..... ! ....... . ___ .. . .. dALIITAft,_.._. • • to delllbt the mo.t partlc:ular. Gay u a r~ of aun. &blne. Extra laree llvtne room, baick ttreplace, com. pletely fenced yard Garaee Ia atruud few apartment above. Pr11 .. II $14- Let'• have a look! THE VOGEL Co.· &7 E. COAST HWY. CORONA DEL MAR HARBOR lC'n HARBOR 1741 ANNOUNCING NEW FURNISHED 1•0. HilES Bullt by ·-c.,. Furnished by MARTIN It von HEMERT Tomorrow's Dream-Today! IRVINE TERRACE WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO INSPECT OUR. DISTINCTIVE HOMES COMPLETED AND UNDER CONSTRUCTION NINE DIVERSIFIED FLOOR PLANS To the home buyer who wishes to purchase in the $20,000 to $30,000 claaa we sincerely recommend the Irvine Estates overlooklne Newport Harbor. Tbese homes feature California llvlne. Offered uclu. alvely through Earl W. Stanley in a Smoe-Free area known u Irvine Terrace--on Coast Highway opposite the new Irvine Coast Country Club, Newport Harbor. * For recommendation, we refer you to anyone wbo holds a Leasehold Estate in Irvine Terrace. Earl W. Stanley EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor 4448 For Further lnfonnat:Joa Owners will sell on terms: l . 10 acres facing on Highway 66 2. Covered with tree>~ 3. Water within 4 feet of surface. 4. Improved and long establlshed In the following thriving businesses: a. 9 Cabins b. 1 2 bedrm. house c. 1 Apt. d. Service Station <MobUgas) e. Grocery store f. Beer Bar g. Cafe h. Swimming pool I. Trailer. park1ng j . Post Office CTo quall!ted appllcant> C!fot few sale-but on premises for years and will re- main there It the Gove:rnment chooees> Over 2400 net-net that Is-per month and up, accord- Ing to the records, has rewarded the present owners for the last three years. They are tired and wUl share th1l opportunity with others for $75.000.00 TIUS IS NOT A MULTIPLE USTING LEE CASEY OFFICE m1 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar, Calli. Harbor 0846 BIU.S BEST BUYS UNDER CONSTRUCTION Twelve 3-Bedr. homes 11,.) bath, new curbed and paved street. Sewers In and paid for. Only three blocks from downtown Costa Mesa. Only 5 lett. (Fill Prl• P,OID) $350 Down T .. IJ 4IIMI I••••• If .... On sewers and bus lines. Choice of colon thru.out. colored tropical roots, F.H.A. approved financing. Half sold out-So you better hurry! (Fill Prill $1,710) 1650 Down Plus lmpound8 W.l. T..U "you'll like our friendly aervtce'' 393 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa UbertJ s.uae ..UIELIII LIIM l•llaallrlc••• • • . C2 %oM . . . appnm. 1.400 eq. ft. . . . Coast RJp. -.y .loelltlon, off ~ parkJne. • • • IW&DIY.N'wpa.- ...., ....... I. SUIOfY a....... boot dupla. S Q l' D CDK J'rpl,. .... C!hlld weJ, come, 175 unl\&m., Jl'lJ. KA 2182 Madoaal k. e-ta M-.a •10· By MullipleLIIIIIilalemee S 0 L D K!Wpe!t BuW ---..rdcf ... Jton ... a.ww ......... Cabrlel. S 0 L D 411 -.wrlllde, M....-t llelrb'-\ SOLD Here's an 141eal auJDJDa home on Balboa laland with 5 rooma and complete bath on one tloor . . . lt'a fum. l&bed, ready for immediate or summer Uvtne. lyMalliplel.llltlDg&er.lce 378 RamUton, eo.ta Keu M~IWw Board cf a.Jtcn ly Multip&el.letlngS.rYice 135 Santa babel. eo.ta .._ 211 D.&.._, CoD.._ 1-ii!Dilll tUm: apt. tor rent. l'f!WpOit Harbor Board ontealtcn lyMulltpleLIIIIIDJIKYD ..,......,.,......,l1nb uWJU. pd .. CDll. IU 723. S 0 L O l'fMIJ'partHarborBoudolllllaJtln K~ Harbor -..rd of Bea1ton Cb-vt:Wbil biCiUii; \lii\iln.. Mal S O L 0 A O.stifled NJ in The ~ Oh yeS, there's an attrac. tlve furnished a p a r t me nt plua double gar&e"e. Priced Well below replacement ~ at dMD. Jaatdwd. ooan. ftrepl 5:N Tu.tttn Avtt., l'fewport Hetpta btinqs 1mmed' .. te ,...._. C4ll tor 1eue wttll optioa to bu~: 406 Hardlne t. 415~ E. Bay, Bal. lyMultiplel,fetingS.I'Yice Hetbor I 11-4-1 I IS end ~ ftl P. c. A.ndrwen, Coast Hlehway ByMultlp&e~S.nic:e _Newpon___,;, __ R_ar_bor_ao._ar_d_of_ReeJ __ ton __________ _ at MartiQld. CDK. Newport Harbor Board of leal ton $11,DID • ISLAID •EALn co. SOLD A 1TRACI'IVE 2-Bedr. apL near China Cove, fum., garaJt', yearly. HA m or HA 8898-W. SOLD 801 VIa Lido NOI'd. Lido Iale By Multiple LiatiDgSenic:e Newport Harbor Board o1 Realtors 308 Amethyst, Balbo& b land NEW UNFURN. 3 bedr. hou~e for ByMultipleLiatingSerric:e .., .... • ..~-.. 498 Park. Balbo& laland HAm SOLD rent; w.~w carpets, drapes, N:wport Harbor Board of Realtort landscaped, nice nelehbora. A~CI'IVE FURN. modern $*) mo. 2024 Republic Ave., studio apb .. utU. pd, f10 mo. Costa Mesa. In Freedom Tract. 3424 E. Coast Hwy., CilM. Although we bave made thJ.a statement many times, becau~e of lb Importance, we would llke to repeat Jt: tbe price ot our service Ia alwaya detenntned by the famUy, for ttYery cuJt1t In our d.l.aplay rooms Ia plainly marked With the ~ ol the com. plete .ervlce, In e 1 u d I n 1 that casket. .. o..a Of-ecu. .. U ~ 9r Liberty 8-3256. HA ~R. • ler'fl .. , .AUOA • 2026 Miramar Drive Balboa By Multiple wtingSeriice SOLD -==-=~s o~L -=-D-~-.... Newport Harbor Board of Realtors OPEl HOUSE 448 RIYera T•r111 C.rllllltpl..a 3 IMMiroe111, I I Milas Fisher built home nearing completion. Open House 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. w. E. Flsller I IIIIC. Harbor 2443 3034 E. Coast Hwy., COM No. 23 Beacon Bay 304-A-IJ..C Dahlia. Corona del Mar By Multiple LiatiD9Senice By Multiplel.iatiDgS.nice Newport Harbor Board of Realtors Newport Harbor Board of Re:lltora 2-BEDRM. house, turn., or un-UNFURN. 2-BEDRM. houae, 1 furn., newly decorated. Chll'· block south of Hwy., near dren welcome, 417 Heliotrope, stores, COM. U 8-4026. COM before 10, after 5. SOLD SOLD 605 Carnation, Corona del Mar 2827 Newport Blvd .. Newport ByMultipleLiatin9Service ByMultipleLiatingSenice Newport Harbor Board otltealtora Newport Harbor Board of Realtor& s 0 L D COM. UNFURN. 2-bedr. and den, fenced yard, no pets. call LI S$700. SOLD Vacant Lot 200 Blk. E. 21st. Costa Mesa By Multiple LiatingSenice Newport Harbor Board of Realtors aosurEU o•POJITVWITIEI BEAUTY SHOP for sale In Harbor PARKES·RIDL MOilTUAR.Y HO eaoAOW•v c•t'f" M&IA Ut~lllTY &-jl4.:!13 • UOO IIU • ...~, HACH • COlONA ... MAl SOLD 330 Santa Ana Ave., Ne'IIVport Hts. By MultipleLiatingSerrice Newport Harbor Board of Realtors A 'M'R.ACTIVE, 2-BEDRM.. unturn. apt. with garap, eonvlenl- ently located; 508 Marigold, COM. HA 1203-W .• Area. New modem equipment. ~l~r ~~~8~~0 seU. Call BArllor 1114 for Job Prlallllg 321 Anade. Balboa By Multiple ListingSenice Newport Harbor Board of Realtors SOLD • 541 Catalina Drive, N~rt Hts. YOUR IWI PI"'''IWIY By MultipleiJstingSerrice In Newport Harbor Board oi Realh'rs to Utile C...a Hl.llalde vtew site, 2 Jg. · bedrms., tremendous vtew, lve. rm., 1% baths. A.lldne price $25,!500. Call Harbor 1'775, eves. HA 5359. Earl w. Stilley REALTOR 22S Marine Ave .. Balboa I.sland Call Harbor 1775, e-ves. Harbor 5359 a•EIIEITILS ........ .......... , ~bed.r. borne, eo. ot hlwy, on Marigold Ave.. choke loca-tion, price $18.!!00, u.nfurn. Terms .1111 E. SANBR REAL TOR AND INSURANCE 3333 E. Cout Hlehway Harbor 2422 CORONA DEL MAR .............. , -···· OuUtanding unturnbhed 2-bedloom duples 1n Mew. port Helgbta. A top street and really D..lce (brand MW). S85 month, on lease. Unfurnished ~bedroom apartment. Top Balboa location. Stove and refrigerator. Adults, no pets. $90 month.-on leue. UIG IEALn ........ 3400 VIa Lido Harbor 5023 SOLD SOLD 1533 lrllramar Drive, Balboa l631 Creatvlew Drive, Ba)'Shores By Multiple Liat.ingS.nice By Multiple u.t1Dg8enice Newport Harbor lt(oard of Real ton Newport Rubor Board of Re&lton TIE IIIYEITIEIT ll ~ual to a lone time of toll Here'• your cha.nc.- ONLY a abort walk to beach and &bopplnJ. outstanding TRI-PLEX on Mueuerite, q»acloua 2-bedr. apL with 11rpl. plus two lovely 1-bedr. apta.-VSew of ocean from aundeck and patio. 1 apL reerved for owner. Others Jeued to luly. All nJcely tum. read7 few IUJilJDef rent.al.l, 1t cr..dre4 hlJ price taS.OOO. Jacome came.. lxW I. Pia•• aM K~ II1Yd, Newport Bled\, au• co .SOLD Reservations Now HArbor '3930 villa marina * * * * .. Thursday, April 7th. 1 rill a..-oi IDOCd))~ Fa.laion Shows Pr .. nted through the cooperation oi tM Ydla Marina, Vema Miller . and The FoUowiD9 D1atinc:tm Shop. * On the F"ust Thunday oi Each Month * . * BRAGG'S UNIQUE SHOP 2737 E. Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar * THE IBAT SHOP 1809 Newport Boulevard Costa Mesa * FUN FASIDOMB 2659 E. Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar * LA BEINE 500 Via Malaga Lido Shopping Center * * LOBIE 204 Marine Avenue Balboa Ialand * PEiliE VIU.E 3409 E. Coast Highway . Corona del Mar * B1JLES OF CAUFOINIA 3210 Via Udo Udo Shopping center * ..... ; • I I IWNDAY • ..._.. ... 1- ·-S'I'I:IKWAY Grand8 2. bot1J In -c...-. .... ......--wE -·-roa ULa pert.et OOIIdtdoe Mah. lfot re. !!!!'.,... WAin'D ~ ...... •IL ••• •• ,.. IIBiirt ooWIUii IIDiOOit &f. butlt. W01N111fU1 10M. tut ac. It YR. OLD Peruvian JOUth <ConUDued tr.. Pqe 4) I ~ Mdl, andque mahocany. Uon touch, lovely Knabe wants Job hou.e.c:Jeanlnc. car becau.e tiJ'ht DOW abe Ia buJ •• PN)IIIBI 00.. bot'Hbold lt.ma. Jl.e&a. llpfnet ta ~ tlnlah save wublal lronln baby Jttl reananrtnr the thNe-conMNd ro• aRT RA 3111'.&-M. CaU momlnl an4 tl230. .U.0 Kuon 6 Ramlln ete. ean ' Mlpt! HA .:a_;,1· variety llnprie 9ft tbe brand 1-101 18·101 .. 101 ....ana. lpbMt li.Q new. Danz.Schmldt • new a:randdtJ.Id bam to her and lGOI lcMmcl PlojedGn G. Z: ii iA1'01'1Hd pulli.button -. Piano Store, 530 No. Main. GAJlDJ:IUB--Clean up. eote. Call dauchter. Pat. and IMr buabaDd. FJJrr COLOR J'ILM llmVICZ ranp. Uled only 2 ,n.. t3QO. Santa AM. U S.tea. Uno aAIWft call U ». and Mn. 1.-Hanlaon ot MocW AlrplaDe lu~ B.,wood · Wakefield. modem. PIC'n.JU Fa A)( I! S , mndard 8-C'lOI. eo.ta 11 ... ... IFFirl ..._ wh•t tlnlah dtnJq room Nt. m.. 80Gie burn1lhed pld and BUY srrrtNG, care ot llclc. your ---------- 11D Jt---.. o.&a--:'!. drop leaf table, I eba1n. .sese. paoeUecl. Ablo. a500 pld home, Day, nJ&bt. mature CDM A. O.uif..d Ad in The Ensign ~i.Ji!!i~'IOG boud. 1400 Dolplaln.-car. Sere. ctra.-. wW aeU tor 15(). IIA woman. ~ 10 Lm., after brinqs immediate results! Colt ~ADJW nade, lrviDe T~. f116.M. 5 p.m.. RA 3U2-M. Harbor t I l<t.f I IS end prove it! PAPER IIAJfQDfO SDV1t'!IE STAB iOAT aDd trailer, 22 ti IIA 2118 8... lfo. G5. IOOd ..U.. tl!50. BA 66M See at 606 &eeonJa, CDM. KA come In and look around . . . you are awe to find that unusual 11ft you are looklnl for . . . and we have the finest paper party cood.l and b.!"idee auppllH. EUGEIU 0 . SAUlCDED 6M-W. 500 1111t Street. lfewport ...m :-::H.UIM...,..,...,~o=~m=-=ora--ans.--aU=-moc~e-..-.-~a REP Ali AND mat n t en an e •, eute.t tenu, your old plano paJnttnr, carpenter, etc. lu.t accepted tn exch&JWe. Free anyth.ln&. Jte.uouble Satl.tac-practice rooms tor da1l)' prac- tlon 1\W'&llteed. HA ous.J. Uee, try Won you buy. Danz- DU WAXTED Schmidt Bll Plano It Orean Co., 530 No. Main, Santa Ana. ilJtnoancing WANTED: ATTRACTIVE. expert----------:--=-eneed saleswoman with ov.'ll NICE WI'S -E. aJde ot eo.ta transportation to sell the na-Mesa; close ln. eood soli, Uonally tamou, Stauffer Home water, sewer, W90"Caah. Chad Plan and ''OUice Gym," ~tll or Twichell, HA 3975, eves. HA The ...... part tl~. Excellent commls. =-=13-=-:1:-:::7.J.,..,.:-:::-=-:-=-.,...--=-----=---:. stons. Phone HA 1742 tor ap.. C 0 N N S 0 NAT A Orean, just polntment. traded lll, aave $400 on this W A.NTED -pART time steno-almost new o r g a n . Danz. gropbic heJp. Call HA 3376. Schmidt, 520 No. Main, Santa Girls-Ana. GRAND OPENING JUST l ... ., More than that-An oppor- tunity to work In an lnter-estinl Industry wbJch Ia ex-pandlnl and otters advan~ rnent opportunity to qualJ. fled yount women. Openlnp now u : TELEPHONE OPERATORS -Apply- 514~ N. Main St. ~ATI'RA=~C'i'IVE==""MAPLE:-:-:-=-=~db:-:::1-. bdr::-:--m. set, davenport. retrlJ., chairs, etc. for aale, low-priced. HA 109.1-R after 4:30 p.m . 50 USED plan011 wanted for our rental dept. Trade your old plano on new Electric orean. q,lnet or rrand plano. Danz- Sdunldt, 520 No. Main, Santa AnL Htebest allowance. 2-11ER TABLE, $15; Duncan Phyfe table and 4 chalra, 175; whatnot. $5; club chair $45; a1JIO mlhoeany breaJdront, HA 21651. Rm. 211-Santa Ana Mon. throueh Fri. HAND.DECORATED baby crib, 9:00 to 4:00 p.m. excellent cond., wtth mattress; PACIFIC TELEPHONE used playground swing and NliCE' 1 AJfEOUS trapeze equipment, HA 3174. SLIP RENTALS: Rowboat rental $395 BUYS lovely little Baby spaces, max. 8' beam, 30' Grand; others $475, $560, $685 length. American Legion Hall, etc. Story 6 Clark, Knabe, Wur- 15th d Ba N-.nnrt. HA 452 Utzer. Klmbal In Salem Maple. an y, -----· Lester, McPhail. Always 100 w won a.v. coon Radio, beater, NEW baked finish; motor In excellent con- dJtlon. ONLY .,. as Dowa aaya Yoa 1'1lla '5I BD I MAJI lOR% Genuine Lea t be r Interior, NEW, sparklln.l rreen flnlsh; a money.aaver on eu and on tnhfal prlce, ONLY .. 115 .,._. hye Yoa 1'1lla w LIIICOLII ._ DOO• auu Radio, beater, ''Hydramatk.'' wblte wall tires. plutlc seat COYeR-"A Dream to Drlve''- a IlEAL buy at . .,.. as DMra hy. Yoa ftia 'U ....,...,c IOilCUU Has "Mereomatlc." hester and Ia exceptionallY clean! Our SPJliNG PRICE lo you reduced to ONLY .. KJIIQ TillS lftDfQ WJ"'''I '11111 "51 LIWCOLR CAnl COVR Fully powered and equipped with ALL the EXTRAS that make modem drlvlnl a GEN-UJlOI! PLEA.SUD. YES-It hal ORLY 13,000 ORIGINAL mUes -..nd our reduced price Is ORLY - . un 011 on UftnYOSKDCAa J()BIISOM & SON lk lk&ll .. , ....... -W.c..tllwy ........... ua&IIIINNI pianos to choose from. Danz.. Schmidt Plano Co., 520 No. MaJn. Santa Ana. 8 MM MOVIE camera and pro- jector, $50. Phone a1ter 4 :00 p.m.. HA M~tt. PAINTING Earl Sheflln 273 Palme St.--co.ta Mea Uberty 8-2928 co......,.. LAJfDICAPDIQ ~CE LAWNS. SHRUBS AND TREES General Clean-up Free estimates COIIOWA DU. liD lfUUEft HA 1038 2744 E. Coast Hwy. Painting -Decorating PAPER HANGING GEORGE BURKHARDT lJceMed O.traetGr &78 w. 18th eo.ta Mesa Uberty~ Uberty~ IIYI'S •wE. CIIMOII 'IPIII Flit•• 50% 6 more OFF Complete stock lncludlng soUd brus outside fixtures 21630 W. Cout Hwy .. Nwprt. Bcb. ............ c.. .......... 1 BU!fOALOW TYPE UP-JltGBT. 1 S'I'YLE B. STEINW A Y GRAND. • • La Cantina Liquors FRIDAY and SATURDAY, APRIL 1st. & 2nd. ''1111 •west IIMI lltat 11.1111 P1cbp Slere II ·~~~~ Ce•IJ" * 3244 Ellla-t General Contractor "· .. , c •••••• c.. ..... lll&.p•lll, a.-... .. * Architect . lllllltl .... 3446 E. Coast Hwy., HA 4763 Corona del Mar 302 1 Waver! y PI NO 2-9670 Los Angeles 39 * * * B.ECTIICAL liST••• •nilS LANDAIER ELECTRIC CO. 2754 E. Coast Hwy., HA 1011 Corona del Mar * * * * * * PI.U .. II JACK E. BREDEHOFI 19752 A ca cta. KI 7-2527 * * * Santa Ana .us I STilE 1011. m:.IEUn• EIJUIPIEIT I RITUIES ABBOW GLASS & MIRROR CO. ZERO-COLD. INC. 1238 W. First St.. KI 3-8394 Santa Ana 12061 E. Bolsa. KI 3-924 1 Santa Ana * * • ISPIILTTU~ COASTLINE flDOB COVERINGS 541 Center St., U 8-4481 Costa Mesa La Cantina LU,uor8 ... L11l1 lllllllt Issar ... II ... CDM e· ~~ A . t o· ,_. --.. • (V~ ssn •• o ~scuss Kn.BI•Mite CUpai&DeGraw, He School EXpanseon Plan ..... I lellldla a.--. cwr elucleMI&DatY ...... .,..ao; • '76. cUed ~ 111 1Mr ,........,. • ..._ will J1 I _. 1.-d llcllward ~ Mtttoae. and at 1011 IJDdel l!lt., o-r. ...._ 1"be ........ ~ lor .. t.pe. IDe. 1"be .....,... fa. euatat.. -n.. a.w.. 1.-w...- had been a lieu riiiMrt ~ ..,... ~ _.... .,.. tM .._. ... 114 o1 ftaue. -....... Du ... at 1 p.m. • LMN K.lc!W, ..._. c.&a 111M '*" ...._ ..uil IDr U.. wtfmfq 11om 10 for tour Y"l'l and formerlY Uwd ldM»oo wW lie a. ....._ til ~ lq ...,......_ Tbe _..... wW ~ Jlldq, ApiU ' at tbe 1'llall diGial -" .. buld on ._, o1 ~ ..-....,.. two 1M to to ._. of u a1117 M · tn Loe AR,ela Sbe wu a natlw 1DMt1JW ol tM OOfGM del liar M .-to .. ,.,_ .._ tiM ciMuda. the ...,. tbat '-.,_. dur- mare ...a edSon on 1wJw to tweeD Harbor Jllv4 and M~ ot Belvedere, Dllnol-. CMc ~ at ,. ......,.. Qoor ....,.... ...... ._. 11M ce.otr will 1M ..,... by 1"1 • boun of tiM erudfta:lon. 8UW&WM 1at8 ll4tWeRl 21.1t St. Aw. 80utb ot 1Jth 8t. aty Eft. She S. aumwd by a eon. Jlob. ('fta~) Ia tM ~ del v--. • Mq 3D w111 .. ..-c1 F----iiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiii;ii;;;;~iiiiii~_;~liiiiiii;;;;;;._;;;;iliiii.__iiit and 22nd St.. Orup Aw. and lfneer Doa Southworth wu In· ert J. DeGru1e of the borne ad-Mar Sc:hoel. & ~~.-,e. to a~ • 1Do a p80 a unrd a.nta ADa Aw. ~ to a,..ra18e t1ae proper. clrela; a dau.ebter, Mrs. J'recleridl latlon praldMlt. aUCNnoe4, tb1l value tax tnc:r..ee to tiMMt the ~·~~• llax JIVpe ubcl ty 111~ and redraw the c1Ja. Jandrey of ~ 0.. WMIL 001& ol a _,_. ----..a ,_ eouncllmen to' approve hta plarw trlct to include th~ church on mark, and a slater, Mrs. Fred fte .,..._.. Will lad .... Jolla U.. cUitrtet. to aubdlvtde property tn the the north alde of 19th St. Warren of Belvedere. Jo"bNOn, Corona delMar ~dent =========== block ca.lllne tot 43 realdences. A bld wu accepted trom the Funeral services were conduct. and member of a committee Property ownera on 22nd St., r~p-eo.ta Mesa .Bank for t6,770.96 ed Tueaday In the Ba.ltz eo.ta fonned to lnv.ti1at.e lldaoo1 ex-A Clauifiec:l 1\d in The en.;o.. ,_,.ted by Attorney Sell m with a 125 premium plu. ~ M .. Cbapel wttb Rev. J~ panalon; lAe 11111er, b.llh IIChool brHinqs immediate resuftal Cil J'Janklln. requested a .t:reet run tntereM to date at 6 per cent f« 8tewart ol St. Andrews ~bY· faculty JDMDW, aDd Wwtam c. arbor 1114-1115 end DtOYe itl • between Oranee Ave. and Santa Charles St. openJn1 bonds. The tteri~an~Cb=urch~~otrl~d~a~tl:QI~·;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~A~da~ma~ol~tbe~~J'l~leeclom::~~~:~· ~~~~~~~~~~g~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ana Ave. at the 110uth end of mon~ wtll be uted to purchue tbe1r 300-foot lob 110 they could property to open Charlea St. bulld hom• faclne the new 110Uth to Bamllton St. on the .ueet. They objected to Mr. west aide of Harbor Blvd. Mr. Pope'• plarw f« backyards of ht. Coffey pointed out that the atreet bomes to f~ tht. atreet. Coun-could not be Lrnproved by an u. dlmen were faced with the prob-..ament district untll a atorm lem of one eroup or the other drain aystem wu lnltalled. bavtne bomea fadne the back • DUGO•AL ••DDIQ yard of the other. They hoped 1n Dta&onal parlldq on eat a.» two weea to have a IIOlutJon. of Park Ave., .outb ot W. 1.ltJt • TaACT ~ Ord St.. waa a_pprowd for the new A ftnal tract map wu ap. eo.ta Mesa Plaza abopptn& dJ.a.. proved for a aubdlvtaton between trlct to be erected on the 110Uth Vlctorta St. and Wllaon St. off aide of W. 19th St., between Har· Pomona Av~. New .treeta eotne bor Blvd. and Park Ave. Harvey lnto the aubdlvt.lon Include Cap. Somers. repreaentiq the plua ltol, Senate, Col'\ll'eu. Governor development. pointed out tiLat and Puente. A petition request-more than autncl~nt otf-.u.t lnl an uaeMment dlatrlct to lJn. parkinl wu belnl provided than prove VlrJlnla Pl., CecU Pl. and called for by code requlre!Mftta. Albert Pl. wu referred to City The curb will be moved U teet Clerk Arlie Swartz to determine to provide extra room for park. if enourb auesaed valuation was lng on Park Ave. represented by the petitioners. A variance was approved for Councllmen approved use of the Seventh Day Adve nt 1 • t eu tax money from the COUilty Church to buUd a youth tratntne to resurface Fal.rvtew Av~. from center In the 200 block aouth aide the north clty llmJU to Newport of Avocado St. A day .ebool, Blvd. A black top maintenance erades one to elrht. for trom 30 coat of 1.~ tnchea wUl be appUed to 40 student. and a meetlnl by county equipment which S. place tor the Pa.thflnder Club are 1'8W'fadnl the county portion of planned., It wu reported. '!be the rotacl outside ol the city. Epbcopal Cburch hu purchued e •ADIIIG naazwa 10 ac:rea oo W. Wtllon St. and A publk beut.nt wu contln· has plana to build. Walter Wetm. ued on the formation of vehicle •· eba.lrm.an of the dty plannln.l parkiDI cUMrtd number two. n ,..,.'"'on reported. * PBICES Ill rnECT UIITIL APIIL 15111. PILLOWS All types and colon.. Beautiful accent type For your di•an. From. * * * Bath & Bedroom THROW RUGS. from * * * Any Wall to Wall CARPE11NG ......... RUGS. from * * * * -~· ~n: DRAPERIES '1. P'IIOII ...................................... !'- ....... y._ ....... * Carpets * Drapery * Upbolldery Diek Maeker FLOOR atVBaiNGS 3420 Via Udo. BA a2l We are proud to announce the ilgof NEWPORT BEACH,CALIF ... · Orchids to the Ladies Eacla Lcrdy Attendiag Our ~··· .. , APRIL 2nd * * • IIIIIEI IEIILLIII FREE TO EACH VISI'I'OB ON APIIIL 2ND AND APRIL 4TH ...... -..... I omCEliS a»G.U .. RILL. Ptaldent GDQ mc&4IIW'OR, Ex. V ... P. utEL LYMf DAVI& leey. 6 TN. DJiM&I JOWLa, Alit. Cuh.a. IID'Z VAll Pa.T. ClaMC ~ •• -· ... .--~t · ... -_ ... .... . '·~ .. - •• ·~··--· on nw BO~n the Martnln Mile, Newport Beach. It IDcorporatea the ~ modem banldnl equl~ment and factlltle& Dealened by Arcbttec:ta, Pieter. Bl'f'Odc ucl .BQqaa. uad COMtnactecl by Auattn St~ant Co. General eQ~ttr~ It leatuna a a:reto·P"Q roc~~ ,..u au~port:lnl plate elaa WlncSon tadn& the bul)' Cout Blehwar. Tbe r-.r .....,_ fiOIIl our private 50-car park1Delot wtU function u a eeco~ tront door. THE employees, Directors and Stockholders of the Mariner. Bank of New- port Beach, extend a sincere invitation to viait Wl on Sqturday, April 2nd when we will hold "OPEN HOUSE" from 2 to 5 p .m. As the newest Bank Enterprise in Newport Beach, we ieel it our duty and privilege to dedicate our eUorts to the best interests of the community we serve. Our bank is owned locally and the majority of our stockholders are well known citizens and busin~ people of thia community of which the Sank will now be on integral part. · • •• ..... "' las hr 11111111; •••• .. ¥ • , a... IO:GI a.a. te 3:GO PoD~! Architect.· Pleger, Blurock and Hougan Generol ConJI'cJctol . Auatin ~t Co. Mrs. JobJl Price of Santa Ana Construction Boom Cite As Assuring ~usiness Rise wu etw.m cb&lrmaA o1 women The~ ~ .,..,. Lou Allodadcm _,. iJl ltl coaten of tM Jmn. Cout eoun. to be oew el the damlnallt ~acton quarterly ~. .,...,,,,_ a.ncl try Club f« tbe ~year at tb&t td1l ...,.. a coatt.auatJoft ...a J:llate 'l'Nftda.'' the aJlftual Junc:Mon meettna of the natioJl'a bu.tneel reco'lleQ CoutructSoD llltimate. by the held 1a1t ...._ 11n. 8o)' BalJ. Into tbe la.U. half of 1JIIB. U.. Depart.meuta ol ~ aDd ber& wUl be eec:nta~y and lila. fte.poR BalbcMl Savt.Dp and Lab« bullcate a rLie ol from Roy ~.yawl. tnuurer. 37.2 bWJon dollars In 11M to • The flnt wtnner ol the Prftl· I ..._ I • bUlJon thJa ,..... dent't CUp wu MIS. Raw.on w:-_,.J.Dir Seboo1. hJibway, wate, lleWet Foote ol Shon Cllftt. Mh. Georp ... 11 y ....._ a11d 8tr..t proJec:ta are expected Hot.teln Jr. of Santa Ana Betlbtl • llftiJ• to ltlmulate publle coutructlon. wu -.. teet wtth the vice----Home bullclJnc. wtth ttl tteclOnd -;-----r·-~ Holy Roeary wu reelted Sun. *t year chalked up ln 1954 ldent • cup. day, Mareh 20, 111 Parke..Ridley U.21S,:500 unlu atarted), contln- L&GAL .OTICZ No. A 2!5 <136 RO!ICZ TO caBDftOU ESTATE OF Helen Crow Hall, alao known u Helen C. Hall DE- CEASED. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the credJtors ot and all persons havtne claims against the aald decedent or aald estate to file them with the necessary vouch- en In the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of the County of Orange, State of Calllomla. or to present the same. with the necesaary vouchers, to the under- slcned at hls or her place of bualneu, to.wlt: 3429 E. Coast Hl&hway, Corona del Mar, Caltt. within slx months alter the first publication of thls notice. Dated March 14. 1955. DA VJD D. HALL ' Administrator of the Estate of said decedent. A. K. Phelps attorney at law Mortuary Chapel for Mrs. Anna ued at hlth levels ln th1a year's Mary Daacltner, 76, ot 187 J'lower first quarter. St., Costa Mesa. Expected to stimulate b om e Mrs. Da~hner clJed March 16ln cohptructlon this year are favor- Van Nuya after an lllneu of aev-able consumer attitudes. rela- eral monta. She wu a native of lively easy tlnanclng terms, at- Germany and came to California tractive deslens and s t a b 1 e In 1904. She had Uved In eo.ta prices. Mesa for the past 16 yean. She But 10me problems are report- was a member of St. loach.lm's ed emergtng to confront buUdua. CathoUe Church and an active Mortgage markeu are tightening. member of the Leaion of Mary. lendlnf tf!f'I'DJI and rates are atll- Her su.rvtvon are thiee 10ns, fenmc, competition Is reported Walter A. Duchner of Lacuna crowtnc more intense, suitable Beach; Richard F. Daschner and land for development ls reported Norman J. J)uchner of San more ~arce and prices are ad- Dleco; a dauchter, Mra. PhUlp A. vanclng. Johndrew of San Fernando and ------ atx IJa.lldchtldten. GUlL aoo TO caovu A daughter, Leah Mar,e, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Croul ot 2310 Firat Ave., Corona del Mar, In Hoag Memorial Hos- pital on Thursday, March 3. JELElfSrfS GET SOli GUT VDITI DE.STJIOYE& roa EJOBTB aJJITIIDAT A trip to vlslt a real U. S. 3429 E. Cout Hl&hway A 10n, Michael Ray, was born Navy destroyer and lunch on TermJnal Island was hlgh polnt In the elchth birthday of Gary Dae earlier thls month. Gary. who is the son of Mrs. Marian Dae ot 505 Marguerite Ave., Co- rona del Mar, was personally taken to Inspect the destroyer by his next door neighbor, Cmdr. Joseph H. Rayburn. Also ln the party was Crndr. Rayburn's son, Joe m, who ls five. and another little neighbor, Wendy Kern Corona del Mar, Callt to Mr. and Mrs. Robert lelensky Publlah: March 17.24. 31. Aptil 7 of 502 31st St., Newport Beach, In In the Newport Harbor Enslen. H o a g Memorial Ho.plt.al on ;==========:::::: Thursday, March 3. --------------------------------------- a.&,..,..._ ...... .. c.-del .......... ..,. ._ krt 'led a-t ft:w~M"r • J l "t at ..... Oi .. c-aty . ft41 I I •tlad A.llllll.tlea at ...... ....u... be&4 Cit vw. ................. t.MachU.. tW .. ~· fbaraacy, ll...,...t ..... . ... ua.taJled -cUnctor. C. H. Jeffrey Of COM Dies Charles H. Jeffrey, 7fT1 Lark spur Ave .. Corona del Mar. dled Sunday morning In Hoag Me morta l Hospital. He was a native or Oxford Center. Ontario, Canada. and had moved to Callfornla In 1909. He was a deacon or the Corona del Mar Community Church. He was ~ated with the Orange County Auto Club In Santa Ana since 1914, and was manager of the Insurance agency and of the club from 1936 until 1950, when he retired. Survivors Include his wlte. Olga; and two cousins. Clara and Bertha Adams of Orange. Services are being held at 2 p.m. today (Thursday) In bro\\ n Mor. tuary Chapel In Santa Ana. lfEWKAXS GET QIJIL Disaster Wanting Sirens FOr Newport DisaJssecl A Federal SuppJy oCDcer wu 10. Reqae.t an em.ercency .erv- In Newport 1ut w.-to cl1lcuM lc::e aul,nment. the pr'Qblem ot da.ut.. wamJ.n.a Jack Purcell ot Bay Shores al.rens with deput)' elvtUan de. hlchllghted meeting wttb a d.l.s- fense c1llector ~ar R1ll -and to cuuJon of the m&l'flitlcent job start nqotlationa flar lmtalllnc the Civilian Defense and Home adequate ldrens. Guard did in Englan'd durtnc Ten ~ for survival were the Blitz Battle of Britain durlnc named by D1teettJr Hl1l at the World War 11 . Civil Detenae meettnc held Mon-Ted Ha mbrook, head ot the day nlcht. Mar. 21. ln Clty Hall. local communications commit . They Include: 1. Rectater with lef, Introduced Charles Glrver of the Clvtllan Defense Corps; 2. I.a. Ang~les. who demonstrated Obtain Information kit; 3. Get the radar a nd atr spotter system a friend to recl.ster; 4. Provide and the special warning alarms yourself with e&nercency food for disaster developed through a kit; 7. Check your bouse for haz' new telephone circuit. ards; 8. Take first aid tralntng; Other spe~tkers ror the county 9. Take tralnlnc ln auxJIIary po. and state defense organb.aUons lice or ftre or power squadron; weore Ed All eon of the Amertcan Jllli1 H. Sllwlll Dies lllp If ll Funeral services for Justin H. Stewart, 79, of 1Z7 E. Balboa Blvd .. Balboa. w~ beld Ma.rch 21 Red Crf)SS disaster service. who gave pointers on the hydrogen bomb. and Marine Sgt. Donald E I I I n g w ood. re presenting the military Milo Lacy talked brleDy on emergency foods, and Urban Bey was Introduced as head or the power t;quadron. In the SmJth Mortuary Chapel In r=======================~ Huntington Beach. UIE us PIOYE IT! ••• -we laaft.....,....,. -•••oh"• *"· .. ...., to .... -...y a.. a.-r .. WCI'f· Jut 91ft .. .. .,..na.attr to ..... to yoa tiM _, ............... .... .. tiM ~· 1MuaDce plaa P'D••..S by St.to P-. • • STATE FlU liS. Cl. Ccd1 aa Today • • •• Dr. Rona ld WocxL D. C. HARBOR HEALTH SERVICE Painting Bids Advertised A daughter. Lee. was born to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Newman ot 178'7A Orange Ave .• Costa Mesa, In Hoar Memorial Hospital on Sunday, March 6. Mr. Stewart died March 1 ;-In hls home. A native of Smith County, Kanaaa, be had llved In Calttomla l or 75 years. including 10 years ln &aiboa. He was a member of the Wlntersburg Mid.. way City Farmers Granre and the Spanish American War Vet. erans Calumplt Post In Santa Ana. He ls survived by his wid ow, Mrs. Grace A. Stewart of Bal. boa; two aona, Elbert W. Stewart of Bakerstleld and Oliver H. Stewart of Kettleman City. CaUl.; a daughter, Mrs. Lois Martin of Visalia; one alster, Mrs. Violet Gibbs of Huntlneton Beach. and four erandchlld.ren. L E. CAID'I lJa E. 17'tlll lt. W. L LAIIDII Ll 1-1111 LEGAL JfOTJCE ADn.mDIDT PO& 8 IDI ties or Informalities In any bid or COMPLETE Notice ls hereby J1ven that the In the blddlng. DIAGNOSIS A PHYSICAL Board of Trustees of the Newport talned the ceneral prev~ Beach Elementary School District rate of per dJem wages for each THERAPY DEPT. of the City of Newport Beach, craft or type of workman needed _. lf....,..t aa.4. hereinafter referred to as the to execute the contracts wbJcb lf....,_t a..da "Owneoz" wtll receive up to, but wtll be awarded the successful Jlcaboc' _,. not later than 8:00 o'clock P.M. bidders: and these prevailing --============ on the 5th ot April, 1955 sealed rates are contained ln saJd aped--blds for the award of contracts Pursuant to the Labor Code of ........... ,. Y.ARN SHOP for palntlng of addJtlona to the the State of Cal11ornla, the u.Jd Horace EnaJen School, Newport Board of Trustees bas aseer- Beac:h and cla.saroom additions flcatlons adopted by the board, to the Harbor VIew School, eo. a11d are u tolJow.: JQD& del Mar, located 1ft said c:a.u.Jnc.&'nOII ldlool Dlilb1c:t. a-ll blct. wlll be roa:~~J:R: AD a.waen not JMre. ........ In dM omc. ol the 1n eeparately eJa.Uled lball be o.mer, 1400 Clllf Drtw, City of pa.ld not t._ than the preva111nc NewpOrt Beach. Oranae c.oumy, rate. CalUomla and ahaU be opened APPR.Etn1CES: May be employ- and pubUdy read aloud at the ed In eonformJty wtth Section above stated tlme ln the office of rrn.s ot the Callfornla Labor the Owner ln said buUclJnc. Code. n I" .u.. aat. I* 11ou Palnten. ,brush ----. ...2. 73 Palnten. spray -·-...... _ .. .2.975 Paint bumeoz ··--·---.. .2.85 Window cleaners -·--... ...2.225 The rates ot per diem wages ' '67#1 ._ c:o.t IIIPwcrr c.... del ... JIA ., Knltt1nr. Crochettnc a11d Needlepoint Supplies KnrttJnt Bags Specialized A~rles and Inatr'uctions Wllltw Roan: Mon. thru Sat. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Th uraday 1 p.m. to 5 Each bid must conform and be respcuulve to thls lnvltatJon. the plans, specl!lcaUons, and all the otber documents eomprlalnc the pertinent contract docu. menta. Copies ot the Contract Documentl are now on flle and open to public lMpectlon In the sald oUJees of the Owner, and of Llnd A Plecer, ArchJtects, located at 2515 Coast HJghway, Corona del Mar. Call.fornla, and may be obtained at the latter place. Bid· ders shall make deposit of $15.00 for plans and speettJcatlons. Deposits will be refunded U the set or sets of Contract Docu- ments delivered are returned In good eondltlon within fi ve days alter the bid opening. tor each of the various clas.sttl. cations of work shall be the here- Inbefore set forth prevaUlng rates of hourly wages multiplied .., by eight (8~. Eight (8) hours shall constitute a days work: It being understood that in the event that workmen are em. ployed less than eight (8l hours ~r day, the per diem wages shall be deemed to be that trac. tlon of the per diem wages here. Each b id shall be made out on a form to be obtained at either In establtshed that the number of hours of employment bears to eight (8) h ours. of the said otflces ln which the Where a lflngle shin Is worked. i --iiiiiiiiiiNiiNiwiNiwwwii Contract Documents are on tJle. eight (8) consecutive hours be-Each btd shall be accompanied tween 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. shall IE II IPIILITEIIII by a certitled or caattler's check constitute a day's work at payable to the Owner, or satls-straight tlme. factory bld bond In favor of the All work performed ln excess Owner executed by the bidder as of el&ht hours per day or forty Prlnclpal and a aattstaetory (40) hours per week oT on Roll- surety company u surety, In an days and Sundays, shaJl be paid amount not leu than five per for at the rate for overtlme of the ----· cent ot the bid. The check or craft involved. bid bond shall be given as a Holidays as herein referred to guara ntee that the bidder wtll shall be deemed .to be New execute the Contract tt tt be Year's Day, Decoration Day, Jn. awarded to him In confonnlty dependence Day, Labor Day, wtth the Contract Documenta and Armistice D a y , Thanksgiving will provide the surety f bond or Day, and Christmas. It any of the bonds u lpedfJed therein within above holidays fall on Sunday. five days atteoz notmcatlon ol the the Monday following shall be award ot the contract to the considered a lecal hoUday. bidder. It ahall be mandatory upon The Owner reserwe the prlvt-the Contractor to whom a con- .., __ ... le!i llqe of reJectln& any and all tract 11 awarded. a11d upon all !ii~~~~~~~i~~Wdll~iior~t~o~wal~~ve~any~~ln~et"~u~Jiuli· aubcontncton under him to pay ... 7 ...... ...... --• not lea than said ~ pre. ••W.. rat. o1 per diem .,..,_ to all woilt1lMII .. ploJWd ln tba -.cuUoll ol the comnct. Ro bidder ....., wtt.bdraw hla ... tot • period of ao ..,.. after tt.e date -fw .. Ol*llne of Wcla. • ~ol'Tl'I11M W..,.-t -..ell ldllool DIMrict .ewpalt ..... ()rup Oolllab' C&llfwliJa ., IIAilftr D. JIU.8. aerk ....... : ...... 11.-.al .. ---·---------~--.. Ia .................. ....... Co me Drive America's Best-S elling Car! Complete and o fficial registrations for Decentber, 1954 and January, 1955 (the first two complete months for which comparative registration figures are availab le on '55 models) show that • MORE PEOPLE ARE B.UYING '55 CHEVROLETS THAN ANY OTHER CARl IT'S EASY TO S& WHY ODIOID'S 1111 IEST-SDIIII I& '• the Oftly low·prieed car witll the M.euty aad quality of Body by F'.._ ... rup.J....n.& VeotiJ.a.. tioG s,..-. ... 6 ~ .. ~ iiR.IadiQc A..eric:a'•-- ...... (-.cl a.w..-prioedl) VI • . . 12-ftb electrical .,_ • • • ()81CftlOLR1' Ot. Gnetia~J ~ W A.rtUt Supplies~ bka. Stotloaery (4...4. aLOE SAlLS STATJOWE11S 306 Main BALBOA Harbor 678 9:30-6:00, Sun. Noon 'til 6 e f'aJD6Y. IIAIICII 11 A Balboa IBland boy agreed to restore the handle to the bicycle of C. H. Davia of 222 Apolena Ave., klboa Wand. which wu stolen from his front porch, the handle removed and was thrown Into the bay from off a public pier. the bicycle later being re- covered . . . A bicycle owned by ~~~~~~~~~~~~Bill Bender of 307 Snug Harbor ~ Rd., Cllfl Haven, was thrown off MATTRESSES 1DDenp11D9 -Cottoe Focm:a Rubber lrTeeular Shapes lfEW -JlEBUILJ)DfG COSTA MESA MATTRESS CO. 2150 Newport .,,.,, Ll 1-llOl FEATURIII I I I Qa.aker Stat.-Val•oliDe hDAioll cmd all t7WI01f products ••• .. ICI.Dute Mcm .. S.mc. PICE UP & DELIVEJlT B.UOn'S s~~~E @ 3001 lfewport BlYd. Jfnrport Beada B~la:l ()pea lt..-y Day ., CUD. to • p.m. a bluff by someone at 3939 W . Coast Hwy., Newport Beach, and was destroyed . . . Cars driven by Roger A. Goodspeed of 333 Grand Canal, Balboa Island, and Rosa Lee StraJt of 401 Avocado Ave.. Corona del Mar. were In- volved In an accident at Coast Hwy. and Narcissus Ave., Co.. rona del Mar, at 3:50 p.m .... E. B. Jones of 3201. 15th St., New- port Beach, reported that 720 feet ot one-Inch manila rope, 50 feet of galvanized chain and a as- pound anchor were stolen from the dock at Calltornla Marine Cannery ... I ........... .,-.. • & • Saver." Joe Bartley, ln the~ of An· ael Gloria, "Mr . .lnpl'a" aulat· ant, make. bet MCOnd appear. anoe wtth the Playen, havtne played the part of Beulah lD "Strange Bedfellows!' Joe's .tory of entry tnto theatre work t. a real awltc~he b followine In her daughter's footsteps. Alter watching her daughter clnema. acting with Alan Ladd and Jean Arthur In "Shane," she decided to try a bit of the nme with the Platers. Joe Limon, seen daUy gtvtng a performance In the produce de- partment at Cout Super Market. is yet another Corona del Mar member ot the cast. Contest Has $50 Top Prize .. ,., 1 ..... !' .......... a:~t, ............... ~IIIII ciMtt. 1M YWa II ta -. el O•• 11 ODaa.,._ .._. ...._. .-& • pet_ ..... apto-.z.a trll .. ._._.... to~ JalaW. ., ... --......... -.. a,.. .. h1ledoiL FU • * BALIOA * • Open EY"f Sat. & 5~ Enioy Rides & Gclmes , ..... fsslfflr 1 "IW II-'-IIY" -IlL I a. a. -..u. .. ..,.. rr <*1.1" • , Wbtllui total ., ~--­................. wu ....S W. 1L LMft8, acldftlaa at _,. dadllt *-ictliD a. atr., .... w. Oceua ft.. tT.DOO; Mn. A. ... port ........_ ............ lolanuo. ,.... at 211 ..... IL. ........ a\aa &llftaiDOid y~ .; B. J:. YOWl& .... ud tdll)o. walk at 12315 w. BQ, paD; r..... '11118 .. the thlrt ..,.,.. .....,., prep at 1114 w. 0..0 mantblJ total In tbe h~ ft., ~000; llalpll ~. -· the buUdlnr deopartment. n.e apiNUdlnr at DahilL. 1100: record Ia Sl,712,40 In September, lobert Lombard. 5-IOOID, 14toly, 1951, when the mOJSon,dollar t .uft ctwelftna' at flJJIItll Bt., penntt few Hoar He»pftal wu SlO.SOO: llartmaD • SDwr, alter. t.lued; nm hlrhl'lt t. $1.8T7,081 atlona at aGO w. Cout Bwy .. -.. In l anuary of that S&IJ?e year. 800; Kartnen Bank. .srn at 2712 Tide Comes in On Ballsland Balboe laluel flood ....... lett open. the dcte eame In • tM lltJelita and went OWl' .... ~ Newport pollee reported at 10:.15 p.m. J"rlclay. I:Jd8 draw tMir can tbroup ttae wa• at a ldllt rate ol. .-d. cau.sn, walllr to be ..,atteftd on tbe lrollt ....,. and Windows ot h~ At 10:2> p.m . Saturday the street. were reported full ol wa. 11M March permlta almo.t W. ODut IIW)' .. tMJ; Mrs. l"ranlc doubled the total few the yee.r, Andenon. cabana at Lfdo TraU« which Ia now $2,835,.880, about Parte, 1:1,000; Atlua van 'nenbov· $otOO,QOO ahead of Jut year, en. 12-~oom. 24ory c.'IOIDIIWdal and ..,_000 ahead of the ftCCJt"d butJdlnr at 1121.33151 Kewport 'mD DDAIIIIOMr wtU lie ...at by.._ .. Citr1 e1 C....._ •-............ -......_ ·------------........ C.._._.tMtd.._..Uel_....___._, ... .,sd ;:er ~._.wtU._ ••b Ill~ el ---el CllllrtUe _. ..._A-.. C... .._, _. WdJ 11 t .a. a.te.t A Cleuified Ad in rhe Ensign ter aptn. On Sunday, a lin. Conrad, Park Ave. and ~d Ave., Balboe laland, complained that her rardner aa.ld her planta ' had ~n ruined by the watft' and Me wu rolnr to blU the clty. Street Superintendent B1U Covert reported that the valw. were definitely cloeed, polkoe said. INIIUa .... , tat .. -.._ II ......... C.. brinqs immediate :-esults! C.,lt Horbor 111 .. 1115 and prove it! year of 1951· Blvd.. -.oDO; Pearl Inaby, ear. s M k P'ollowlq pennlta were laued pcwt at D Fern, SlOO;.I:en KUe., uper ar et dl.ll'tq tbe final week ot Matdl: 1.8-untt. 2-story addition at VWa .. Ia TIPLE LIITII' •• ----------------------------------• c:urr ..... llartDa, 1021 Ba)'lllde Dr • ooo I 8 k 1 t Jim)' Enptrom, fmee and Jobn Baneock, addJtl~ at UOS 5 ro en n 0 rate at 611 Cliff Dr., $1!50; Georp w. Bay, 1350: Erm1Aa ~t, al. Amonc thoee local realtors Kew members, who have been Fur, 11-room, 1·~. 3-wdt taaU.. at* Jbd !t.. t5M. 'nle burllar who lalned entl'y who went to the ~n·s up at .welcomed th.la JDGatb lDto the aputment at lJOO Raven Pl., • .... eeft1k to the Cout Super Market. 33f7 Lonr 8eecb aponaored by CREA Newport Harbor Jlealty Board ue $2U'75; E. W. ~. defa. a,• ._,_, ~l.d roof at E. Coast Bwy., Corona del Mar. tills month were Lola Vocel.' Neal Carrie PWt'**., •""'dated with tiOM at 1101 cu.tr Dr., SJ,.100. :H...,_ eow.. ~SO. .omettme s.~ n.lebt. appar. Martin, Hab Powers, BID 1obtu. J'?and8HCII'Yath'a ea.ea ._of. e LIDO IlL& 1 e D8oa la.DD only took 80IDe eanC!y from CJodea J'ay, ltaty O~n. BID flee; Ealay Ba--. who ls tn k L Pattenon. addlttcm at lOf w. ltark. altaatlona at 7 Har. a delle 1n the otllce, Newport Sanford. l'rexJe Charles Hart and cbup ol ales ma.nqement for VIa Cordova, 13,000; John CUrci, I¥Jr bland. ISOO. ttollce reported. ol couhe, Secretary P'arel Walk«. the P. A. Palmer .mc., and hLI att..tloru at ~ VIa IJdo Nord, 'Mle burrlar uled a brace and • • • a..odate, Willard DUon: and $f,OOO; Paul Elmqui.t, addJtlon 8 I L bit to drlU a llerles of boles ln Bob lnrram Ia no lonrer a Don Huddleston. aftWate. with at 111 Via San Remo, $1,000. Ur9 -ar oot the roof of the buUdJDI and partner In the Lido Realty AI-the BucJdlflltOD lnvllllbaent Co. • COIIOIIA DG.IIAII punched out a~ ot the roof IIOdat..,_lt's a "sole" ownenhJp Other memben, ,._ admltted Frank Baker, "Bak«'• FurnJ. BTOUCJht B•ck planklnr. police said. The burr-now with BUl Kempton beinr to the Board. fDclude l ohn Me-t~· .trn at 28M E. Cout Hwy., U lai then broke a bole 1n the the de soul. Nab, AMOclat.e with the Earl 1225; A. lrwfn, alt«atlona at 231M A bur lar pluterboud1ceU1nr or the office . • .. • • Stanley Co., Balboa l.aland; W. C. Padflc Dr., $4!50; loeeph Roul, S. from th 1 b wh~ :;::; E~cle: to ratn entry. 'nle com« buDdine with the Bradtewd. -'-odate w!lh Bay 6 room, l ·ator)', 1.unJt dwelllnr at and 8 0:,U:"; ~ n 01 • 51~ns. Charles C. Elllott, owner ot new Toy ahop tn Corona del Mar Beach ae.Jty; and Beryl McDan. Gt Camatlon, $15.000; .John wu. Ba Fro · a at the market, reported that noth· bu Juat recently been sold for lei. with Art Adair. aon, adaJtlon at 433 Acacia, $2.· ~ to n!h Balboa of t.~nd, 1 re. lnr outata.ndinr wu dlaturbed. A around $65.000. Dick Hodre sold Ceorre Raban, u.odate wtth 000; Mrs. S.M. Seymour, Pft'rola ,.; ~ee: ~me payroll check and two penona.1 It tbroulb multiple llstlng. Cout Properties ln Balboa. and at a7 Ca.m.ation. t:D); Karle much ol the en nr chedta totallnr $1.050 were not • • • E. 1. FriedlaDcter, ~te with Kay, walk at 31S317 Karaumte, N. rt 11~P he stole, dlattu'bed. The burrlar wu ap. And bave you .en the extra B. A. Neraon ae.Jty ln Costa $100; .Joaepb Roul, alteratlona at ~ ::et ed~. puently looldq few the store special realty handbq that Cl~ Mesa, are &lao new members. 2325 E. Cout Hwy .. $300; P. L hone call v an anonymous aa.te, which be did not find. The den Fay Ia carrylneT Says "muJ. Allll1aht. fence at 702 Avoeado. !t the Bal.,!:~ lb~ ';~ st;~n burelar lett the ~~tore the way be tlple 1~," "for sale," .. for $3150; A. V. P'tuer, 7-roc.n. 2-ferry Jan"'•--to!!.._. th 0 the came ln. pollee ald. rent" and everytb.lne. at.or)', l·unlt dwelllna at 31.30 ._.-a ·~rv•• at e ----------------------- Breaken Dr $27~· Mrs MUd articles were on the back porch =...W:: altera&na ~t 53i ~!:, ~";; ~~::=. ~ Woman Tries to Kill Self • •-..oA towela. a radio, eeven waab B G bb• D f C Ceorp Ellla, tnOft ,.,. .. back cloths, a blanket and a cloclt. y ra tng oor 0 . ar LKGII IID1'1I:U CEftV'ICAft or • .., ..... -aa- l'klllh-n.. --The undenlrned do hereby certf.fy that they ue conductlnr a landlcaplnl and nunery b usi- ness at 2010 Newport Boulevard. eo.ta Mesa. CalUornJa. undft' the ftctttloua firm JWDe of Bar-t a _._ St. ,-..n Some aheeta. pWow cues and • -.n • _.,; Mrs. Mary blanketa, hOW'e'Yer were still WDioek. alteratlona at U:H lC.. m~. poUce aieL Balboa Blvd., $2,000. Lilli,._ Martha nery, 30, of Loa An· ported. Tbe woman lfabbed the bor Landacaptna and that aid rela, wu taken to Or&nae Coun· door handle of a ear and wu firm 1a compoeed o1 the follow. tJ Genft'al Ha.pltal by Newport drqpd down the ~ about a 1n1 penons, whoee names In full pollee followtna a dlaturbance block. and places of restclence ue u early Sunda.y momJnr. "Cod. I'm corntnr," the woman follows, ~Wit: Mrs. 'l'lery &lid ber companion, wu quoted u yelUJw. . WWiam B. nrruaoa. D Bell· llarw7 .. Bou, 31. ol Loa An· or.o oakwa chued aft« the otrope. Corona clel lllu c.ur. --- -----~~============~ ,. _, .... ' -... .......... , ... _ ...... ~ ..... ---......... ._ .......... -(( .. .... ._ . .......... u ... • ACMI.:AT AWa. MOJWMftONII -----... · . ~ ---- • " .. ~ • ;, m ......... lltQinr taDpcnrliJ woman ud all ....... neu-CUries ft. • .... .;. J:tO W. WIIICIIl a;. o.ta lf.-a. auf. at Sand;J'• MoteL Carona cW !7 blt by pu81n1 can, pollee PearL Balboa lllancL c.atfamJL lstBia find a bee ~ wba he be-M.u. omcen were called at 12:0f •Jd. Mr. Roar claimed that the Wlb-their lumda tbla 22nd came lmolved In a fllbt wttb an :1! :undaycallln respoft!le to a woman had the Idea "be wu day of Mardl. U155. Un.lmown pencan In the Merle's ur ance · WILLIA)( a. ~N Drtve-Jn, Corona del Mar. park. 'Mle woman attempted to ldll Cod." The victim wu latft trans.. CHARLES N ... WOODW ARo. ln& Jot at 11 p.m. Saturday, New. henelf by runninrontothebtp. fened to the mental ward ot Los State 01 Ca.U.fomta., County of ~--~~~~~==~~~~~~~~~~~~~ port pollee learned Sunday after. WilY in front ot a car, It wu ,.. Anteles County Be»pital. Oranare. .. HILL TOP M . .&:Rm ............... --........ __ ... "'. noon when the yo.anc man wu On this 22nd d•y ot llan:b. ~ at Hoar Memorial Hoapltal few A.D. 1955, before me. 'Jbomu E. ~tment. I II I I I C I I I£ I C II L I • • • Heffernan. • Notary Public In a ue victim told pollee be wu and for the aa.ld County and .Sttlnl tn a ear with two J1rb State, residln( thfftln. duly com. and another man when an un-Anoth« new note In fubion or two toward local parties. She rn.l..tonecS and sworn. personally known man approached the car wu added with a pre-Euler wu one ot the chief decorators appeand Wllllam B. Ferf\l*)n and started a convenatJon with brunch and style show rtven at the Catholic Women's CouncU and Charles N. Woodward known one ot the J1rb. He o6jected and Sunday at Chds Inn, Corona del party, and the noral decoration to me to be the persons whose the asaaUant punched hi~ ln Mar, by Marjorie Hale Studio of for the Edna Stearns o.yton names ue subscribed to the the mouth through the window. fuhlon modelllnr. Kew faabJona Series was her design and dona. wttbln J.nat:rument. and aclmowl- Now Uoaer New Mcmag.meiat Ella Sherifi-New Owner The Same Fnend.ly Service OPEII I A.JI. to I P.M. -···"'POit Sl..S. Llbeny .... On the CROSSROADS STRIP Mr. Burkhart got out of the car for women, men and children tlon. edged to me that they executed a nd Jn a tussle Injured his knee, were pre.ented by Town 6 Surf. ~ • • • the same In witness whereof 1 ,~-~-=-=-=-=-=::_=::_;::_::;::==:~-~=========~~ 11 said '"'"" d._ M d Tb . . ........................................ ...,...,..,...,...,..,..,...,...,..,..,...,..,..,..., .. po ce . --.una an ane an an e Costa Mesa Savings and Loan have hereunto set m.y hand and 111o.. . . 'IIIII Brat Shop of Costa Mesa. Association hu reached the $],. affixed my otflclal teal the day ,.. F• QUdt E-n & ~,..,.-f ~ ~~~rc;,~·~ 0~o=A As i new .:rv:ce •to Oowers-by. ~b~n.:~~ ~Yv~g;;~~~ :"~v!e~:en~LI Certificate first : 1'111 Filii If C.l.,illl II-PIII fEI ~ Pvt. Clifford D. Forcler, son ot wir@ customers, Flowers by Mor-leaf Jr .. president. ''This growth m oMAS E. HEFFERNAN. ~ "'Il Mr. and Mrs. Guy .J. Forder, 140 ri, In Costa Mesa and Balboa, ls very remarkable when one My comrn.lsslon expires .June 24. • ..._ •• ded by 11Gb ..U.• 0~ Ceeda ~ CabrUlo St.. Costa Mesa, recently partJcJpates In a program which considers the relative youth of 1955. lllo.. --....t aen., •ucle aad U.... baD._ ~ arrived In Korea and ls ~ a brlnp you a colored photo of the our oreantzatlon." he said. Costa Publish: March 31. April 7, 14, 21 ~ c:.atat.a IIGtura1 .u..cda .ad .Stem••• ~ member ot the 7th Infantry Dlvl· OoraJ arra.nrement you wire to Mesa Savlnp and Loan A.uocla-In the Newport Harbor EnaJen. ~ Ia taba.t aad .,......._,.... & a.oce~ae O...ed. ~ aion. The "Bayonet" division .la some other part of the country. tlon Is located at 1872 Newport ,.. the only U.S. Arm.y division that Not only do they quote, ."Say It Blvd., In Costa Mesa and pays ~ -~~ IEII.TI f .. I VITI .. STillE ~ hu remained ln Korea aJnce the with Flowers," but abo, "teeln' For leH•tt•• •" alap • eel 111o.. • -"'Il eeaae.tlre. Private Forcler, wbo Ia beUevl.n'" wben It comes to 3~'-)'hlly lnterest on Insured TH£ ENSI6M. HA.II 14 ,.. • II. 118'Wp91t U..S. -~ C"tt u.S ltltp ~ entered the Army Jut July, com-bMuty of Oowers. savlnp. ~.AAAAAAAAAA!:_J~_. •• _.._._._. •• ~ pleted bask tralnlnrat 'ort Ord, • • • Cal1l Vorue mquine apln polnta ••• to the Harbor Area and llaa <>'Brien's Spedalty Sbop, Corona del Mar, u one ot the country. wide aou.rces ol Da vld Crystal suits. • • • Second p~ for a hoepltal ar. ranpment ot Dowers for bo)'ll .. nt to R.,Peln l"'owwa. 3403 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar. at tbe International Flower Show btid from Mardl 18 to 2) at Hot. lJWVOd ParlE. tqlewooct J'fft .... for fJonl ~ta ... won by llutlebl P'lowen et ... abow. ,.. .... d plaice prtn You'll love the life you lead ••• with an all-electric kitchen! It makes meal preparation ea8i£r, faster, more pleasant ... and m«~ls turn out tastier, too wtu. ~ an Euter buD· .,., ea ba*et and a ,..,... ~~~:It:-••~!-;!~~~~~==~-~~ ... fall otllowatL .-... • •• ....... tile POUCE ::=:: qla~t' Glimpses Bq ...... IIJ"b 1 •.. (Colattulil fNiia ,.... 10) 30 mlnutel euUir he wu itnick .. .._ • GUll Uil a ., .... b)' Georp a. ..... ..-1M An· on the back..-the bud by aa os.,..-. .... ,._a,·a.-•1• pJat anc1 JM1r & lbaqr 1 ' of u.nlmow1l ... nant 'WilDe be ..,..· at Ul ()jill -..; ..._ ......_ San Dteto _. tmoawd ln an t~g to a lady Ia J:rDJe'a Bar, .,...._. • I I Kaec:)' I ..... acdc:t.nt o.n eout lbry. 100 feet Newport Helabta . • • a,., 18. _,w, rt ... '"Tbey'll all write Eaat.er 10n· welt of Seawucl ltd. . • • Four rolla of wall paper v_.aed nets about your Euter bonnet • WKIIII'DD&T IIAIICII 11 at $12. three towel boYa1l ftl: A Oeuffiecf M In The ~ aad of the atrl who ...,.. lt. In A ln ball ~hlne wu fOI'eeel uect at $2 a.nd two pqer boldln brinQs inweclete ,..,..1 CAl IT Alii _, the Euter parade" .•. especial-ope.np by aomeone wbo eatencl v~al=ued==at=$2=80=were==lltioleD==fi:CIID;:::H;:•:rbor:;:=:';:' :'_..=~ti:I:S:end~::;'Gf:;::~:•=;ltl ly In your new Euter bonnet ~h a back door wbleh wu " trmn O'BRIEN'S! lett unlocked 1.n tbe Crow'l N-. T • I II y 1 1 y Ill E I J ..... What! You haven't pldt«;d 4323 w. Cout Bwy.. Newport yours out yet! Well, honey, you d Beach· the maddne had been just better rush right on ov6 • enptl~ prior to clOilng-the day quick ll~e an Easter bunny, before ... VIrginia Morrla of 100 whU~ we Still have this adoreble S. Bay Front. Balboa Island. re- selectJon. Mm.mm • Mmmm, are ported that a straight back chalr, they delicious! Dlmlnutive straws painted whJte, was stolen from and laces, not big enough to be her property . . . The dog owned bothersome, but a definite fern-by Ullan Daniell of 241 EvenJng lnlne accent to your spring and Canyon Rd., Sbore Clltfs, was summer ensembles. quarantined by otttc:en after It '11Mn'a aa ._llble P 1 • ~ had bitten Its owner · · · "'atarflre"" straw. with a smart • lltts. trtan featber. 'l"bere'a e TJIUJISDAT. MAilCB 24 cmotbel' adonMcS with a full. John Lockwood ot 215 Crystal blowa roM. lae» aiMUa with Ave., Balboa Island, phoned po. ~ aD4 a coaaanratift lice at 2:20 a .m. to report that block '"ault"' straw with becoaa· lDgly J a 9 9 • 4 ba:lrll-. Of JfO'nCE OF urrEJfDED1 SALE coane. you'll bCift to try them NO'IlCE IS HEREBY GIVEN: to ftDd the ODe tbat aulta you That Larry G. Hollenbeck and a...t. bat yoa•n bouad to look Elizabeth M. Hollenbeck, Ven- pntty lD llnWG1 of theml dor, whose address is 418 E. Bay Also for Easter-and the enUre Avenue. Balboa In the City of springtime-new suJt blouses are Newport Beach, County of Or· just In at O'BRIEN'S and you'll a nge, State of Calltomla. Intends probably want several dlfferent to sell to E. N. JAMES, Vendee, types for separate occasions. But whose address is 1761 Miramar don't fail to see the lovely lm· Drive, Balboa, 1n the City , of ported linens ~th hand-embrold-Newport Beach, County of Qr. ered applique at the collar. As ange, State of California, the Velma aays, they're "just goree-following described personal pro- ous" and have all the details you perty, to-wit: Jove, set-in short sleeves, becom-All stock In trade, fixtures, ing v-necks and everything. equipment and good wUl, bust. See abo tba multJ..cSot allka. n~ name, lease, and Interest the bJock.pdat llDeu. Aad In apeement: daD~ ~ as::-:bl-:-: of a certain food concession bust. tige h ness. known as PRONTO PUP a Daltoa Cfn_m.,. you'll be AND TACO and located at 600 ...... to ...... Clllywbele. 0... , of tM .....t Dcalt:oaa Ia called Bayfront Avenue, Fun Zone, Bal- ""TODL-f•b'O'Md with ribbed boa In the City of Newport Beach, --...... a.-let County of Orange, State of CaJI. b11a. pa....-•--fornla. and that a aale, transfer ..-... MtecS detail • '.b:!. lD and assignment of the same will thoee ,__..,. apri.Dg , be made, and the consld6ation Hardly time to tell you bout therefore will be paid at 10:00 the awfu1.Jy sweet printed volles o'clock a.m.. on the ELEVENm , that jut arrived Jn those custom day ol APRIL, 1955, at the eecrow half.sizes-made with ~ sleeves, department of BAY ESCROW too. Or those adorable junior-ct>., INC., 2515 E. Cout H~hway, miss pastel cottons for Easter. at Corona del Mar, in tbe CJty Our Cralgs will be THE darling of Newport Beach County of Qr. dress to wear with the Euter ange, State of CalUomJL bonnet-well worth a sonnet at I.Allft G. BOI..I..EKBiX:It. the Easter parade. Vendor - ' . ) -·-~ -.-: ' IIAdMw .. 2515 COAST JIOULEV Am» C:OBOIIA DEL liD SAVE 50°/o OB MORE OJf m Rubber All ftlctm-... Cat For e JIOAT IUJfD e 1'111UfiT11BE e PILLOWS e DfSULATJOJf WAR SURPLUS Stan. U 8-4241 C«. Jfewport & Harbor IIYda. eo.ta Mna EUZABETH M. HOU.ENBECK. Vendor E. N. JAMES. Vendee ss. STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE On.March 30, 1955 before me. the undersigned, a Notary Public In and for said County and State, personally appeared, Larry G. Hollenbeck, Elizabeth M. Hollen. beck. E. N. James. known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within In- strument and acknowledged that they executed the same. WITNESS my hand and offl. clal seal. EDWARD JORDAN, Notary Publlc In and tor said County and State. Paint-If· Yourself THE "IODUI" WAY wmt THI ITEM-OF-THE-MONTH PAIIT IOWR Md TllY A PERFECT JOB .. WITH ANY PAINT I EASIER I FASTER ! BETTER! JtleUlAl $1.59 YALUE ·SPECIAl ft9c PlfCE -~ IACH • ... .. ... c.-..... .._.. .. _ LAOOif& aACII ""SA.oar unn .... tile nlllrll . * Pill& QUALITY a•UD GOODS * '"l&vo.Y"" CIDCKDf ftEII eulul! CIDd •••eel "1-t rtpt"' tao. Owa Slaop We A11o Sell 'I'M ~ Doable AA QI'Cide Egp ...... Tile Taabculo ... tllrry 3311 .. c:o.t ....,_c..... ..... . II&Aa COAST lv.D .... ....,. c:au. & IAIQOD ....._. t-. J• COFFEE 89~ iiSCUITS ... H-•••••• 1~ IIOT AL PIIDfCE Gigantic Savings on All Gifts. Wrappings. Ca:rda.. etc. Tbrougllout the Store! Morera. Card. (indudiDg new EASTER carda) tocy. ott AJ.o aU Chriatmaa Carda priced to clear!!! JEAN'S GIFT SHOP 2721 E. Coat BmL-CaroDa del Mar HA 0758 Prlcla II lfflct n.n. Fri. I Ill., .,. 31, Aid I, Z w.cw:tw.orcs~~~-t=t~ri\Jrn2:11;, a YAMS a 21~ T~llb. .,_·-··········· ~ Margarine2-25' S'I'OULTS-Cut GneD BEANS :. ........... _ ........ 19 GIAJIT na.. CHEER CiiUilower m. t¢ ... FJIESH BOMADfE LeHuce ... ·-··· .. 2.., ,. SWEET JVJCT AJUZOIIA Grapefruit · 5 •19¢ LONGHORN CHEESE GOLD COIN BACON GROUND CHUCK 7 -BONE ROAST JACK CHEESE Picnic HamS 4 •::: ... 20• T -Bone Steaks 89;,. ~ Sirloin Steaks