HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-05-26 - Newport Harbor EnsigncoaoRA D&L IIAJL CAl.ll'. NEWPORT BEACH How They Voted For Tax, Trustees COSTA MESA TRUSTEES Brown .. ········-····· ... ········-····· Ogde, ···················-··············· Wilson ·······-··························· TOTAl VOTES CA9r ............... _. I 9CYI I c: 0" ... Jl 3 • ~ I 313 218 362 2H 259 74 84 )67 266 )43 295 248 5b6 1: 0 Q. l • z JOS. 307 375 26-4 242 125 97 452 326 327 282 325 650 .... c.: 2 ~ z -J ~ .... 0 .... 935 1064 1193 m 887 297 308 1358 966 1098 1085 915 2125 to • * * * COSTA MESA c: •• ~ 401 179 511 470 230 boo • • a.: ~ 1 196 194 315 247 215 ~ ~ ~ ~ .... en 0 0 j ...J ~ ..., .... c: e ~ 305 902 138 511 373 11199 324 1041 181 626 472 11578 1085 915 1199 1041 626 Hearing .Set For June20 manag~r : HI SCHOOL TAX OKAYED "This y~ar wUI probably be re- member~d as one of the most lm. portant y~ars In the llle of th~ City. In January our Charter be· came law and among many other helpful f~atures of the Charter, w~ are now able to broaden our fiscal policy and provide reserve funds to r~place and ext~nd our various public improvements and utilities, aome of which are fast approachlng the limit of 111~ U · pectancy. "Rev~nue from our Submerg~ • Crew Racf!s * * .. * * * • * * IUD BET ew Salary Scale pproved for Ci A new salary schedule recom- mended by the J. L. Jacobs job survey wUl go Into etlect July• 1 for Newport Beach city pel'IOn· nel. Total Increase wUI be $63,636 for the 1955 56 fiscal year. about 6~~- Clty Council passed the n~ salary ordinance to st'('()nd read lng. This ordinance, replacing the one passed nine years ago, sets up the new aalary grades tn ac· cordance with the lacobs recom- mendations. re!lectlng the chanee In !COpe and responslbJlity of va. rlous jobs. A 55c tax override to provide "We must redouble efforts to wouJd atUnd the new achool th~ Land OU dev~lopment is lncrus. money tor a .econd four-year get the aJte and we must go first year be<:au• they do not re. ln1 rapidly. whidl not only as. hJib echool for Newport Harbor about the ,..oce.. of 8tiectblg an qu.lre the need ol ebemlltry, aures funda for the ctt:y'a ahue Veterans Groups To Join The salary ordinance chances the present five-step plan of aa.J. rry tnoreue to a aeven~ plaa.. in recogmUoo ollnc:reued va.lM if ~~~~u•~• ~ ~ ~ ;:~~~==·~o.~-~~'i•:•~.u==WL~~::;e~·=·~:;~;=~il~~ot~o. ~'• ~ ol leqth of 8ei'Yb. ·- untJl t.M belrlaJIIlq day w"Jcb aaw lncumMilt trua. tela reelected to omce. Plans for the new high achool will be prepared next year and the plant erected the foUowtng year, Superlntendent Sidney H. Davt«bon reported Monday. The school would be ready for stu. denta In 1958. aa.a Fairview ltd. flam Ora.b,. Cout College. Original plans for the new bleb IChool proposed a capacity of 600 students, the school otfl. clal explained. With the popula. tlon growth the school might be built to accommodate 800 stu dents. All district f.reshm~n Nation's Top Crews Will Ra'e Saturday North Udo chann~J wUl be clOied to aU boata from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on the day of the re. eatta by dln!ctlon of the U. S. Coaat Guard and the Newport Harbor patrol. The erandstand ha.s been placed on the weat end of the County Dock property, giving spectators a full view down the course and flnJah line. A public address sys. t~m wtll carry a runnJng account ot each race from start to finish. Race enthuslaata watching the ewnt from posltJona where they e&n't see the tlnlsh llne wUJ be able to tune ln the radio In their car, boat or home to KWIZ. 1480, to listen to a runnlne acoount ot each ra~. On the Friday pr~Jng the race. the creww will be practk· lng on the North Udo channel. Aa a courtesy to the crews. the Regatta Committee tequesta that boat ope.raton alow ctown when paalo1 the abe.Jla 10 that the wU. will not swamp the fraaUe, eQenatve ahella. In the eecond year ot the new school freshmen and sophomore~ of the nearby area would attend and freshmen llvlne nu,rer to the old high school would attend there. Th~ third' year area jun tors would attend and In the fourth year seniors of that area would attend. Hleh tchool trust~ r~lect~ Included Judee D. J. Dodge with 2.134 votes and J. Leslie Steffen ~n with 1.62& Harvey Pease was reeleeted to the trustees vacancy on the N.wport Becach Elemen. tary School district with a vote of 1.085. eo.ta Mesa E1ementary School Dlstrlct trustees r~leeted were Chisholm Brown with 1.199 votes and Albert Ogden with 1.041 votes. Or~tnge Coast ColJege trustet>s re-elected were Dr. Horace Parker, with 2,992 votes, and Louis Con rady, 2.481. New Census Begins Here The veterans memortaJ ca~n Corona del Mar C o m m u n I t y ln the Harbor Rest Memorflll Church will &ive th~ m.aln ad Park Cemetft)'. comor of Gisler dresl'l "~ We FCX'get." The In Rd. and Harbor Blvd.. Costa vocation will be given by Fath~r Mesa. will ~ d~icated at Me Georgf' J. Parnassus of Our Lady Counting of noses In the City morlal Day ~rvt~ at 11 a.m of Mt. Carmel CAthollr \hurr h Of Nt>Wp<>rt Beach officially be Monday. I !llewpon &-ar h . and the b<'nf'dlr gan Tuesday. In charge of the Six plaques from the American tion by Rabbi Phill ip Rosc.>nber~t spedal census Is Benjamin Kun ~glon. Amvets. Veterans of For of Tf'mpl<' Beths holom in Santa din. census supervisor for the elgn Wars. Purple Heart Assn., Ana Bureau of Census. u. s Dt>part Disabled American Vet~rans and ment of Commerce. Military Order of World Wars SHill C.alf lrllhNI Mr. Kundln said that his dead· will be placed at the baM> of the line for his prellmlnary report nag pole by representatives of IIIW UIM ., City Is June 4. so that the new figure these groups. The fiag pole is lo cated at one end of the memorial I A new lt>aS(' with South Coac;t can be used for the July alloca tfon of gu tax refunds. garden. On dbplay at the other I Co ;;hlp buildPr ·. for the "'a ter More census workers are still end will be a t~ lncb anti front proPf'r1Y on Nev.-pon Blvd needed, he said. These workf'rs aircraft gun given by the U. S. wac; apprm·rd Monday night by must be between the ages of 21 Navy to Newport Harbor Amerl Nt-wpon Cit)' _Coun<'l l and 65 and should apply at City can Legion Post 291. In turn The leaSt> 1s for 10 yun;; a t Hall. They are paid at the rate of given by the post to be erected $160 a month, $70 morf> than un 6 <'tnls a nam~. I later as a memorial In the veter-der the old lt>aSt" At the end of The census Is being taken as ans memorial garden. 10 years South C•last has the op 57 ttaca1 year. Eight yee:ra ot service are required for stt!J) 6, and lS years for atep i . Anothe' chang~ Is provision for unllorm allow~tnce for poll<'t and firemen. Thls will amount to 16 a month. f'X<"l'pt that the lnlttal allowance for new JM>rsonnel will be S12 a mo nth for the first year. CouncU also approve<! a new salary resolution. efft><'tive July 1. which outlines the specifi C' I salary Increases. Tht>Se increases lnrlude: City Manager John Sailors. h·om $710 a monfh to $913. Raymond Glenn director of building safety 1 a nPW titlrt, from $492 to $536 City Engineer Bert Webb. from $.591 to $749 Fire ChiP( Jan Briseot>, from $515 to S589 Pollee Ch1ef Joh n Upson. from $515 to $589 of May 24. Mayor Dora Hill of Newport t~on to renew for 10 )'<'aN: at --------------------------Beach. Mayor Claire N~lson of 5~', of the appra1St"d value at Costa Mesa. Mayor J. Frank that time and thf'n a 5 yf'ar op ert. from S515 to S589 Street S~perlntPndent Bill Cov Party Honors Mrs. Martin, Retiring from City library w hart 0 n Of ~..&£una Becach., tlon 1\galn for 5 ·~ r. I Pa rk Foreman w. c MacDon Mayor Roy Seabrldge of Hunting. ald. from $410 to $442. ton Beach and Wfills Warner,! MOVES TO AJIIA..IIEJX I Finan~ Officer Gordon Sickler, chairman of the Oranee county I Mrs. Gladys Ranier. former from $429 to $442 . board of supervisors. will be school principal from Rh•erslde. Water and Se-wer Superintend Jl( buffet supper and r~ptlon held Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Sheely, 420 Cata. Jlna Drtve.. Newport Heights. honored Hllrrlet Martin ot Bal. boa. who retired this week alter eleven years service with tht' ~ewport Becach Public Library. Library atalf members and friends ol Mrs. Martin gathered at the Sh~ly home to present best wtabea to her and give her a "travelling aJiowance" for an Intend~ trip to visit her son and fall'llly ln C.O.ta RJca. Mrs. Martin also recelv~ an orchid from her hostess. Dorothea Sheely. who Is hea d librarian In Newport. Among those pr~nt were Mrs. Margaret Karp, Mrs. S,n Madison, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allen. Mr. and Mrs. William Fra. ser, Mr. and Mrs. Mose Danl~ls. Mr. and Mrs. David Bush. Mr. and Mrs. Joe McChesney, Mr. and ra. Charles Artz. Mr. and Mrs. present. along with representa ha.~ moved from hf'r home at 500 1 ent John McMillan. trom $492 to Uves of ciVIc clubs and eroups. Larkspur Ave., Corona del Mar. $589 Rev. Edwin C. Gornke of th~ to Anaheim City Electrician Carl Wood manse-e. from $429 to $487. City Librarian Dorothea Sht>ely, from $392 to $511 City Attorney Karl D a v I a 1 monthly retalnt"T for firm of Da. vis It Penney!. from $375 to $575. Council Is Asked to Pass City Taxicab Ordinance Electrical Inspector Dick Whit. lesse DlcklMOn. ownf!!l' and to construct a foot brldgf' across son, from $429 to $44.2. 6perator of YeUow Cab Co •. and Grand Canal at BAlboa Ave. Structural Inspector Jim Brown. Howard Wllllams. Mr. and Mrs. M~ Cab Co.. requ~ Newpo.rt e Gaw final approval t o ordl from $410 to $442. Bud Simmons and Mr. and Mrs. City Council Monday ~nln& to nances df'Signatlng the> Balboa Harbor Muter Ru~ll Craie adopt an ordinance for control of llnd Newport business districts (city's share. ont' half of aalary), Wayne Small. taxicab Opel'ationa.. • u No. 2 flre zones. from $235 to $268. He sugjftSted that a trancblw e R~ived a ~uest trom the City Clerk and ~a-urer c. JC. method be wt up. tbat the num. Metropolitan Wa\ft Dlstrkt to Prif'St ; no action taken b«!aue b« of cabe be tlmJted In a«<rd uw as Uttl~ IIWD watft" as pos h~ ttu bef!n attencllnl a Ml.l.nkJ. an~ with public ~ and slble bec'auM> drouth has caulf'd paJ Clerka A.asn. rn~ln• tn CbJ that applicants _,. ~eel for demand for Colorado RJver watt'r ~: re<'Ommend~ r.U. In ~aracter and ablllt:y. Count'1l to 6ceed .-upply. lacotll ~port .. from sno to toolr the matt« undft advta-• ~nrt'<l action to next ~g ~11. ment~ ular mMjng on req\lelt of State Nt'W ~Ml to _,.added tn. ON nell..-,: Dtvtslon ot 8eacb and Parka du~ ._ dtrector at ~Uoft iaftd • ~ftC~ two more ~ to lnrludto fnsplraUon ~tnt In purdlutn1 ~t. 'nley ww IQrt .. almt th• .. .,_l to eooJtrud Corona dt-1 Mar and tbe m.ateb· at tM bue Alary Of taL Clb' a parkin• lot Clift tM oeeen tmnt m. la.nd ~an bont blodm tn Ma~ S.tloi'll&ld ... ...,.... to ~ly at Jfcw~ "-· Newport ln th• maJteor I.._. tMt-tn~ Qp&ICUII ... .... • Took uJHief .....,. ••• the tw.n the Ita and dt1 lot oper u.. ~ ~ ,.. L ,..... ol the WOIMB•a CMe atlon ol •te dwned -. ....... to ........... ~ • ~U..Wdolt.helfln ..... • ... ' •c_l ef-=Jr In~ 111111: ~ 0.. to ._.... a .... • s I ... " -' e .... eM .. tiM 11tr --owr .,_.. 1'IS 11t the ()or. Olilll YV$ u.,. ,COiilllslliil ltr ......... ol lira. ~ llllt ,..uoa y-tir .. W to U. .., ;A a .......... llilll~,-~~ lliGUJ. • OrUill <Milo WQ4 eu•• ... ae .. ,... II Ill l.otlllil ._...~••• ....................... J ..... .-; ...... • • • •:•:• •• •:•:•. 8 ••• • • • • • • • • • • • •:•:• e WATCH THE SPENDING The high school tox proposition won out, and the High School District now C.!ln go eheod with the pions for thot very. euential new school pl.!!nt to serve the Costa Meso orea. But fllere wes plenty of opposition to the tox method--e switch of less then 135 voters would h1we defeated it. This should kee,p the trustees ond odministro· tors watching school spending closely. because more and more of us toxpoyers .!Ire becoming more ond more painfully conscious about how much it is taking to run our schools. • • • e PHONEY PRINCIPLES Strange how normally sensible fol ks con go off the beam when they ore caught with their prejudices showing. The fuss over the City Trailer Pork is on alarming example. It is incredible sort of logic for some of our local business men --or for onyone--to mointoin stoutiy thot they ore · ogeinst govern· ment in business. competing ogoinst privl!te enterprise--BUT ..... And then follows o lot of fhone y wel!sel words th.,t switch them right around to solid support o government in business. It's either right or its wrong. You re either for it, or you re ogoinst it. Or you're indulg. ing in phoney arguments end living by phoney principles---<~ very con- venient set of principles thot con be used or discorded ot will. These guys who soy they are ogoinst government in business. yet ore strongly urging the city to stoy in the troiler park business, hove simplified their Mgument to these two points: (I) we con't ef. ford to give up t he income thot we get from the trailer park; (2) we don t wont ell those outsiders crowding to our beaches ond messing them up. I feel oshomed for my fellow·mon when thet second ergu· ment is presenfed. As for the first argument, money is important, but it is not everything. It does not. for exllmple, ronk .,hood of o morel rrinciple. or business ethics. It does not reli eve us of responsibility tor providing recreotionl!l l!reos for our citizens. Which brings us beck to thll t second argu ment ... obout "spending for the am use· ment of unattached ond unproductive visi tors." These wonderful re· sources provided by nature, with on ossist from mon's effort ond in itie· tive. ere not here for our exclusive use. In fad we of Newport Harbor heve not only welcomed the visitors. but hove ectively solicited their visiting. Why? Because these visitors more thon poy their woy . . . by buying merchandise here, putting o chunk of money in the city's seles toll coffers, ond quite often buying property here lind becoming per· mMel'lt citizens. Thot' s how this oreo hos grG>wn. • • • e LET'S LOOK AT THE RECORD There s been much tolk obout the action token by City Council last yeor on terminot•ng leoses ot the City Trailer Park. Opponents of tf.e Trailer Por~ contend thot Council voted definitely to discon· tinue the tr.,iler por~ os of next Sept. 30. The city ~oys thot the coun· cil oc+ion left the question open. depending on the situation. So let s go bed ond check the record. The Council action wos reported by the Ensign in on objective story, which expressed clearly the intent of the city fathers. Here's the story from the ~ugust 12, 1954 Ensign. reporting the meeting of Aug. 9: New Treiler Park Policy Opens Way for Bay Park First step in a program that may transform the Ci!Y Trailer Park in Central Newport into a boy front public recreation area was taken by Newport City Council Monday evening. Responding to a request from the league of Civic Associa- t ions, City Manager John Sailors recommended the foMowing. policy from now umil budget time neri year: ell l .. se renewak to expire not later than sr.r;t. 30, 1955; no leases to be written after April I, 1955. This icy was adopted by Council in order to be in a position to me e a decision at next bud~ time. llwiiJ&cl• U.»' While Gerald llltcble cets a tooth pulled to Interrupt his ha· bttuaJ goll game, other Newport Harbor Realtors have Itchy feet or web-feet o-r aometl!lng and are off to romantic places. Hdrace Muet Is at last golte to his Afrl. can safari <"aa.far.r• know) and there were realtors galore at En· ~nada the other week~nd, In· eluding Nelda Gibson and Uoyd Howard, who both crewed In the -race. • • • 8 . A. Nereson was on Jeave last week In the warmer climates. He went to the desert-might even have seen Las Vegas. • • • Ivan Erhardt. salesman with the John E. Sadlelr real estate office. has been visiting daugh. ter In Fairfield. Man Stricken On His Boat • Philip Eugene French. 61, of 211 Larkspur Ave .. Corona del Mar. suttered a fatal heart at. tack aboard his boat, the Ina B., In the Newport harbor entrance at 12:23 p.m. Sunday. Mr. French was sitting on the bow of his boat and au.Uered the fatal heart attac)l after the car. buretor became defecttve, a tom· panlon. George Burkhardt of 878 W. 18th St., Costa Mesa, reported. The boat was brought to the har. bor master dock and -e physlclan and the flre department rescue squad were called. The body was r~moved to the Baltz Mor. tuary In Corona del Mar. Funeral services were held at 3 p.m. yesterday ln the Church of the Recessional, Forest Lawn. with the Baltz Mortuary In charge of arrangements. Mr. French was born ln Great Falls, Montana. He attended the University of Washington. where he belonged to Theta Delta Chi fraternity. He was a member of the Optimist Club. the Power Squadron. Shriner of AJ Malalkal Temple. He Is survived by his wife. Mrs. Ina B. French; his daughter, Dyantha R. French, at home; a brother, George B. French of Los Angeles. and a sister. Mrs. Buena V. Tolbert of Los Angeles. .. , ........ , .............. -COL ANDY SAYS Tbla la written at 7 p.m. elee. (Modesty torbldl m.y mention. tlon day. tnr tbe tact thet ln the mo.t eon. TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS UP 40°/o OVER LAST YEAR • Tbe polla have cloeed. Rather, oentrated area of the EnaJrn's all the votera In the lo~ llne.up reader.. after an lmpartJal and outaJde the polling placea have fair coverap by both aldee, the been 'brought Inside the bulld· vote agalnat the over.rfde tax lnp to comply with the Jaw. wu overwJtelmJng -on account Look lUte they'd get It done by 8. ot whJch 1 take a bow.) I don't know who Is responaJ. e ~ ,... YOVTII c:arraa ble for that hour long llne, but It .MOISt Important project to me looka to me like they could have right now la the Community draned a couple more ot thOle Youth Center. Tbla la a must tor voting booths out of storage Traffic accidents In the City of Newport Beach during the flrst four months of this year show a 40% Increase over the similar period last year. There have been 31 Injury ac. cldents and 65 property damage accidents this year. for a total of 96. This compares with last e BOUCE EHSIQif PTA Mrs. J oseph Carver was In· stalled May 16 aa pres ident of the Horace Ensign Parent Teach. er Association for the 1955 to 1956 term. Mrs. Robert Wallace. past presJdent of the Newport Gram. mar School PTA. was Installing officer. Mrs. Porter Slnc:lalr ls the new tint~ porelddoent; Mrl. John Haas. ~nd vice presi- dent; Mrs. 0 . W . RJchard. record- Ing secretary; Mrs. Charles Han. sen. corresponding s e c retary; Mrs. Joseph Nlckertz. treasurer; Mrs. A. Burr White. h istorian; Mrs. Rk hard Lilienthal, the out going president. parliamentarian. The new chairmen a re Mrs. Marls Newland, art and pos ters; Mrs. Norman Watson. Founder's Day and emblems; Mrs. Mel Berry, home and family; Mrs. Fred Woodworth. hospitality; Mrs. Harl Burnett. magazines; Mrs. Leonard Graves, music; Mrs. ~rge Michaud, publicity; Mrs. Robert W a 1 I a c e • record book; Mrs. Joe Casala. transpor. tatlon ; Mrs. H. Durwood Young. ways and means; Mrs. John Boyd, welfare; Mrs. W. D. Huma. son. citizenship and Scout Coord!. nator; Mrs. Sydney Gaynor. room representative; Mrs. Philip J. Rapp, lnsplratlonal; Mrs. Harry Fellinge, parent education and publications; Mrs. William To- bitt. newsette; Mrs. Robert WaJ . lace, clvU defense; Mrs. H. P,helps Merlckel, Juvenile protec . tlon; Mrs. Morgan Fitzwater, leg. lslatJon; Mrs. Lester Smith, audlo-vlaual and motion piC:· tures; Mrs. Harvey Somera, cour. tesy, and Mra. Claude Walker, reac:Ung and library. year's record of 'rT Injury acct. when It became evident at 10 all ot us. I remind you that to- dents and 41 property damage a.m. that they would be needed. morrow and Saturday the "Blaclt accidents tor a total of 68. As elections go this one was a Flamingo" plar-a two-nlaht The m th f A II d I stand at the beautltul new Or. on o pr . u.r nr wow! There's nothing that can which 36 accidents were record-equal the Interest created ln an ange Coast ColJege audJtorlum. ed, had the highest total since election like touching the senst. (Here's a chance to Me where August, 1954, when there were tlve spot, the left hlp pocket, or some ot your wampum went.) 38 accidents. ' wherever you carry your dough. Donatlona for ttclleta $1.00 a In 14 of the 96 accidents this It brought about a healthy, II throw. All proct"eds to fO this year the drivers had been drink. somewhat belated, Interest. worthy and much needed cause, lng to a certain extent, but not With all due respect to the the Youth Center. Tbe play la enough to charge them with an candidates, all fine people, I must being presented by the Newport offense. In nine of the accidents. tell them that they were strictly Harbo-r Community Players, and the drivers were charged with the slde.show. Who was run. Is sponteted by the Woman's either drunk driving or plain In· nlng? Clv1c League. toxJcatlon. Tbe lndlcaUon ts.that Sour note: 1 personally feel General ticket chaJnnan Is drunkenness behind the wheel Is that for tpe head man of our Clara Axtater, 611 Poppy Ave .• becornJng more and more of a high school system to ~ the Corona del Mar. Telephode Har- problem In the Harbor area. . chUdren as tools to persuade the bor 0167·M. I Just happen to have Local pollee-officers have been thinking of the parents at an a ' few tickets myeelt. Contact Instructed to be vlgUant In the election Is like taking the first Mike SmJth at Harbor 0393 II I enlorcement of the Infractions of step toward a Gestapo state. have taken off for Texas by then. the vehicle code. Aealn the words Mr. School Boss-Man, we did I promtae to give the 'raJ.aJ.na of or caution are gtven, "lt you not and do not oppoee achoola lunda tor thJa Youth Cuter a Jot drlnk, don't drive." tor our children. We did OPPGM of U... uwl __. .... eo pt oc ,_.,, ..... ¥IsH Hlp Sc•a.els your metbod ot ft.nanclna .• and )OW band ,.. U.oee llah laookl stUJ do. In your po&eta and ahake out To us losers I aay: Don't Jet It the moths. get you down. Rftnember, It's e DEP 111&11 lUST only money. Our lite dJd not go I have long felt that play. Representatives of 0 r a n g e with lt. g-rounds are our best bet against Coast College have visited the juvenile delinquency. 1 read an senior classes of Newport Har. Locll 11111111 R• Interview of a German expert on bor and Huntington 84!ach High the subject a few dar-ago. Ht. Schools. Tbe purpose of these 11 Willi•• leiiJ advice: "Keep them busy." 1 visits has been to present to the ... promptly cancelled all thoughts prospective graduates lnforma. VInce PahJ of 216 Poppy Ave .. of a power lawn mower. That tlon regarding the educational Corona del Mar, and Blll Schultz won't make the Jdd.s Jump tor opportunities available at Or. of 3&f Magnolia Ave., Costa Joy, but It's a move, however ange Coast. Mesa. are members of the Po-amalJ, In the right dlrectJon. Those to participate Included mona.Ciaremont relay team that I Just seem to remember that President BasJJ H. Peterson; ran the seoond fastest tJme In m.y pappy wu a dlaclple of that James W. Thornton. vlce-.prest. the school's history In winning belle!. He kept us eo busy we dent~ Dean of Student Personnel the relay at the May 17 Border didn't have tJme for the word. Norman Watson; Associate Deans AasocJatlon district AAU meet at The privilege of golnr to lchool Fred Huber and Marie V. Howea; San Diego. The relay time was 3 wu corulldered a vacation. I Instructors John S. Owens. Ray. minutes, 21 .8 seoonds. Schmidt reckon the main reuon I went to mond Rosso and Beverly Camp. placed second in the 880 wJth the the University ot MJchlgan Medl. bell; and students Lynn SmJth, time ot 1 mJnute, 57.5 seconds. cal School (plur> was to get out Bob Graham, Jerry Evans, Pat I of work. <<>t course there Is the Ragan. Rosamond Burkett. Jerry PlEa AlfD FLOAT AJKZD perfect squelch for the aelf.made Thompson, Jane Cowling and P'O. JUVO AL'IO PaOPEB'n man-"You show lt. ") Dick Williams. Application hu been made by • auDGn T'DIZ The aenlor class of Ha-rbor Dean A. Kephart and WOllam 1W. Don't Intend to entirely neglect High School went to the Orange Taylor, 414 32nd St., Newport the budeet. which 1.1 the annual Coast campu& last week to ob-Beach, for a permit to Install a headache praenUy before the serve the colleae In action. pier and float In the lllvo Alto. Councll. 1 have a que.tlon or Du-ring the first part of June an arm ot Newport Bay, In front two: • "Oesirebility of eventually developing thK property as a pub- lie beach is unquestionable," Mr. Sailon seid. The big probl.m, he said, is to adjud for the loss of income $44,16-4.16 tot.t !.st fi~l year end a net of $33,463.10. He expressed belief thai it could be made into a self·141ppor+ing recre.tion.t erea, mention- ing pa,.ing met.rs as a source of income. A boy, 11. was taken to juvoen. lle home by Newport pollee at 1:05 a.m. Sunday after he told pollee that he and his parents ,had moved from Utah two days before and he dJdn't know where h~ lived. coun.eelon from the college. w1ll of Lot 3. Block 333, Canal See. I woMer lt the Cou.ncll,ln thelr 1'0 to each hJrh lchool to confer tlon. The propoeed lnatallatlon 8U.I'dl f01t adclltlonal tunda, wtu with individual .students Inter. wtll have a maximum width of face up to ,.. problem of a • ested ln ·attendJflg Orange Cout 14 feet and wlll extend channeJ. charre t.or the eervt~ ot muse next tall. ward :M feet from an exlat:lna collect1on 1n l)fOportlon to the There you ore. Tho t's plain enough. It obviously wos not on ir· revocable action to kick out the Trailer Perk. It left the question open for reconsideration ot this budget time. But it left it open both weys, and City Mana9er Sailors undoubtedly WliS expressing official policy os to the desira bility of making that site into a public beoch one dey. ~nd he olso put the finger on the onswer to the argument about loss of revenue. As a public beoch it could become self supporting, be- sides providing e bedly needed swimming oreo on our disappeorinl;l wa terfront. Newport pollee were able to learn his Identity a short time late-r when they received an aJl. points broadcast from Long 84!ach. It reported that the boy had lett home Jn hla bicycle after ahootlnt hll baby atsta aocldent. ally with a pellet gun. He lett when hls parent. were taking Rurraway Girls .... .., tb;::b~~.:U~OIIP~~· that the .. .. ·-...... baby ...... not badly l.nJa.red but Give up Here .... .. the parent& were wurried about the bQy. Of:tken loc:ated the boy Two runaway Jirla from South Service~ for Mrs. Dabe)' B. tn an abandoned ear oa Cout Gate, 15 and 16, ulted a l'ft'V1ce Wall born. 81, ol 1928 Orange Rwy. about a mlle eouth ot Co- station attendant at Cout Hwy. Ave., eo.ta Keaa. Wfte held May rona del K&r, ~ b)' a ,... and JUveraJCS. Av~.. Newport n at Park..alc!Wy Mortuary. lnr motort.t. IIJe bXJde wu BMch, to tuns them Into pollee Mrs. Wallbom died Kay U In alonpJde tbe ear. Be told f01Jce at 11:58 p.m. Jut 'nlu.nday. They her home alta a ll.nprtq m. be llta.rted out • a Wile rtdt anct told pola tbat they ran away nea Rev. llo1 Carlton of ChrtM McaiM loa from home at 1 p.a1. M•y 1& Church by th• S. read the Mr¥· ...----~- bttdl.bJbd to~ -..eh to look Ice. . LaGAL -·-~AU. t01t woor1c aad .,.. tbe nlrht In Mra. WalJbom Ia IIUmWd bJ ......_ In 18 •• 1" • o1 a.ta a MVtc:e atiOn ,.. roCIIIL 'fht7 three eona &Ad lllx clauatrttn, a. .._ ... OM of tile ..._ * •&J'*I In I.o1C .... tUt daJ d.uq MIL ....._. L. ........ I '11 .. tM II-* • ... ., .... ~ &ad bJtdaltlh' .. KeW.Oft aJI41fn. Jolla J. luJIIfta, ....... CIUIIU .... fll........... ---·~ ........... ..., ......... of c.ta ............... Will ................... . ..,_ .. 1M trtp. 'IIMir .-• ,.. a..,. of......_ ...... lliN-If.tr. fte Orullt C1 IS fll ........ ....., ,. ... .a 1:11 o.~~ata. ... wuw. • Oillta _ ......... , •• nne~ li LIL J'ddaJ'. .._tor two,_.. Ill ... YIDa M 1La lllr a seawall. amollDt of ler'V1ce used. follow. OTT DIIPLAY Ltt&WDG Ina the ftalllple of mo.t Call· The retroepectlve ~lblt a>f DAVQIIftll 1'011 IACIC*I lornla cJtJea. u you remember, aculptul'e bY· Peterpaul Ott will A da11pter, t 1-.. l6 oz., was there Je a law on our booltl. Tbe continue throuah May In the Or· born to Mr. and Mra. Edmund B. people,.voted not to reeclnd that ange Cout College Art Gallery. Bacon ot 503 Jumlne Ave .• Co-law, alto vot.d at the aame tlme Mr. Ott ll an Instructor In adult rona cW liar, In knta Ana Com. that there tM no tner,ue ln th' educatJon at Oranre Cout Col· munlty Ro.plaal on TbW'Ida.y, reneral tax rat. to pay lor thla l_ee_e_. __________ Ma_y_5. _________ Mr'Vk:e. In aptte ot that It Ia .uu betnr paid r.or out of the aeneraJ tun d. Neff and Sanborr, ~epori 'No Plans for the FUtUre' TbJa Ja jUit a lick and a prom • lee tllJa week. I atm to rully left! oe tllJa tople eoon. erwc.aa •.. ' !BE * e TOU'aiiAIIDT DDI 'Jbe OAA badmlnt~ tourna- ment that bu been &OlnJ on ends Wedneeday. 'nle three top 10 tu ue Marllyn Bawler, Helel Matthewa, and Pa t Walker. Th~. by the way, are the three that won Ju t year. Melinda llork and Lorra ine Cuthbert are fourth and fl.tth respectively. • • • e LOSE TO LAGVJrA We had a practJce came Jut week w ith Laguna Beach on our oWn dia mond. And It wu a good thing It was pot a league came, tor we lost fourteen to etcht. We were ahead tUl the seventh in- ning wben our team chanted pitchers about five or slx tJm.._ Ensign's outatandlnc pl ayer waa our pitcher Pete Stoddard, who bit a triple In the third tnnJna and hit a alngle tn the towtb. Laguna was led to thell' victory by Mark McMann. Horace En- aim's next league came will be Dr. Ronald WoocL D. C. HARBOR HEALTH SERVICE COMPLETE DIAGNOSIS It PHYSICAL 'mERAPY DEPT. 211M lf.....-t al"- lfewpoct a.ada BCII!MM' 4010 Ellie larltor..P'! YARN SHOP 'Z7C7 E. Coat IIJpway CoroDa del liar BA 0157 Knlttlnr . Crochettnc and Needlepoint Supplies Knfttlnc Bags Specia lized Acee110rles and Instructlone BOO'D Mon. thru Sat. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. pi~ qalnat We.tmm.t.. We bocly preeldeftt Glorp Md'ar- are tied for thtrd plMe tn Leepe land. t. he wu a•nt that day. eompetttlon. • • • • • • eiDQII IC800L TOn • YJSIT DA ICBOOL 'lblll'lldq our elchth lfade Lut week a bout elchteen re. ctrla and tboee from Evaett A. ptMentatJvet trom our stude nt Rea all went aftr to the hl&h oouncll went tor a return vliJt tcbool tor a vtalt. Since we all to Everett A. Rea School. A few co there next year, we had to months aco their repr~ntatJva find out what to wear and where vtalted our ecttool, eatJng lunch, everyt.binJ Ia. 'Jbe prelident of watchlnl a student councJl meet. the Glrle' Leaaue and the J>rHJ. tna. and lookJnc over the school. dent of the GAA apoke to ua. 11\elr student covemment Ia There wu a beauWul fa.sbton run quite dltferently than oura. show .tint put on by the Jlrla Whereas we ha ve a president, who took homemaklnc. The vtce president, and ~eereta.ry, dreaft. pajamu, and eveninc they have a mayor, vtee-mayor JOWI\I were made by the Jlrla. and .ecret.uy. 'lbelr mayor Ia Then the cirla separated Into MJcky Queen. croups of about elchteen or ao 1'tley have different offices with hJih IChool Clrla to show with commlaalonen to run them. them around. We saw the alfl· Tbe conunlaalonera have about cultural buildJnc llnd the home- ten or fifteen other people under maklnc bulldlnc and ~e Hall each . Two of their main ot(lcea and many other rooms a nd build· are Traffic and Safety offices. lngs. 11\en we went to the swim- the tbutc oUlcers fi nd anyone mini pool to watch eome aeenea r unning or horsing around In the from the aqua ahow and sorae halls durlnc passing periods, he racine. It wu lots or tun and etvea him or her a sort of ticket. now all the etrla ca n't walt tlll Anyone who receives this sort of next September. tlcket goes to student court. • • • which ls held one day a week. e P'LAIJII Their cafeteria Is very nice and I just received a note--James the food was good. Before t he FIUgerald, music teacher at En. eoundl meeting and lunch, we sign, has just become a proud went around to the dlfterent parent, tor a second tJme. 6 lbs., rooms. A few of the rooma 15 O'L, Jon Todd Fitzgera ld came wanted to ask questions. but into the world at 4 a.m. Sunday tJme a llowed only for a few. W e May 22. It is reported that Jon visited the homemaking room. has a rather high tenor voice. 11\ls room 1s tully equipped with but only 1mows one song at the stoves. ~frlgerator, and washing moment. Mother and Son are machines. It was very nice. doing tine. Their periods run a little dlf Clay Sumrell had a little glrl ferent than ours. Instead of hav last week-Mr. Sumrell already Inc a different room tor every has a little boy and Mr. Fitz different subject, they spend gerald a lready has a little girl three subjects In the same room. Jan, both around 2-1 wondt>r If We all had a wonderful time. they're going to go a third But we felt sorry for our studt>nt round??? IIIE us PROVE -we haft...._. .aay aatrmobl~ ddY- en bow to ...._ _, a. State ream IT! ••• way. Jut 9Ift -Ole oppodaalty to PfO" to yoa u.. _, ...-. acmat- egeeoftu~t.......,..._. p1cm pJo:aun4 by Stat. l'an:a.'" • STATE FAll liS. CO. , . B~DL CCIIll u.a Today • • • W. L LAJfDII We Clul STROOCK& CASHMERE COATS qUM! Toar coed ..ui ~.,. ~310 • beawtlhal •• ....... ..uepe. .u.ta ce•plete U..Uiaad-... kl • We ftciNp C1114 De1lftl' ~,.. UptOwn Cleaners 1-WDT ·~~ a~aT DAC. No. A 25667 lfOTICE TO caEDJTOU ESTATE OF CATHERINE Wll.,. HEMINlA RADC LIFF E. also known as CATHERINE W. RAD- CUFFE. DECEASED . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the creditors or and all persons having claims against the said decedent or said estate to ·fUe them with the necessary vouch ers In the oUice of the Cl~rk of the Superior Court ot the State ot Caltfomla, In a nd for the County ot Ora nge, or to pr~nt the same. with the necessary vouchers. to the undersigned at his or her place of business, to. wit: Laura Radclltfe Went&. c/o Ralph M. M.7en, Jr., 2721 East Cout Hl.hway, Corona del Ma r. Calllorula, wtthln m months after the f1.rst publJcation of thla ~~~llllllllililliijlilll .... llllll~~~~lllliilno~. Dated April a. 1955 LAUU ltADCLllTE WENTZ J:ueutltx ot tM Eltate ol aid ~t. a.Jph )(. JCJen.. lr.. 2T2l l¥t OoMt Rt......,, Ocii'O.na del Ka.r. Callbn&a. A.Qor~ ~~ I:Jrec'IJ. !~~~~~~~~;!~lieiii~J ~ PUblllll llq $. ~ 11. • Ia .... Rwpwt----·~ I c ... ' St7JIULLJ GET QDIL 1111• M I A dauchter, 6 lbe.. 6 O'L, was ~-·~~~~-&....1 born to Mr. and Mra. Clay Sum ... ,.. rell of 1969 Monrovia St., Costa Costa Mesa City Council Mon- day, May 16, approved a n M-1 subdivision request ot Council- man Bert Smlth tor property on the west side of Superior Ave. across from 16th St. Mesa, in St. Joeeph Hospital on Thursday, May 5. The Orance Cout CoDeae pt. rates wtll play five home aam. 1n '55. begtnntna with the decll· catJon ot their new atadtum • agaiMt East Contra Costa at 8 SOif roa Kt7ELLEIIS A !!On, Steven Allen, was born to Mr and Mrs. Arnold Mueller oC 9'71 Union Ave .. Costa Mesa. In Hoag Memorial Hospital, ¥ay 2. p.m. Frlday, Sept. 16. Here•a the .chedule: Sept. 16 ... .East Contra Costa here Sept. 30 _ at San Mateo Oct. 8 .. . Chattey here Oct. 15 ....... Santa Ana here Oct. 29 .... at Fullerton . at Mt. San Antonio San Bernardino here ...... at RJveral4e Long Beach C. C. here All ~ evenlna games except Chaltey. WOK A.If PUTS OVT P'JU A faulty diesel stove was blamed for a tire wblch caused $75 damage aboard the boat, Sh"· bunkln. moored In the bay at 4:51 p.m on May 7. Owner of the craft. Mrs. ~ Thompson of El Segundo. had the tire under control when the fire boat ar. rlved. The city planning commission had opposed the measure on the grounds tha t one piece Included 9,000 square feet of land and they felt It should include 10,000 • IMkltc Fer Her W•ll••l Dar? square f~t. City Attorney Donald Dungan t>xplalned that residences In the M-1 area requJred a 10.000 square toot piece or land but there was no minimum size Cor business or I manufacturing use. Councilman Smith said that the 9.000 feet would be used by a plumbing firm. , I Councllmt>n rejected a city planning commission r e q u t> s t that a minimum of 10.000 squal't' teet be required for any subdi vision In the M 1 area Read EnsJgn Want Ads. • HIGH-,.RICE...CAR FEATURES • 0! She ia looking For those 3 Big Days, June 9tlL 1Oth and 11th at Crown Hardware Anniver- sary Sale! In the lo w-price 3 high-price-car features THE OIHER2 combined ! law-Low-Low- pnce pnce pnce HIGH-PRICE-CAR FEATURES PI yTftOUttl ClfA Car B I I 1 Elec-trle wlrtctah~ wlpeft, that YES :No•: NO 7 Baked •"•~ enerlOf' ftnleh, ()9erate at a conatant speed. I I wtth IDeCIOll nntJ)(oof1og undercoat. I I I I 2 l"de pe"ct.nt p.rkl"t bNke, for YES I NO I NO 8 Full-time P-r St: .. rlng. ltlat I I O()erates 100 ~ of thti l•me lOOtoonal) gre;ater safety 1n emergenceea. I I I I I low· low pru:e prta Plymouth Car A YES NO YES · NO 3 Orlftow ahock eMof'bers, that have YES I NO NO 9 Olltte fuel fllt•r. that kMp_<o ~ater twl()8 11 much cuat11on1ng actiOn. I out of fUf'l I nt". YES I NO I I I I • I R .. llltor•t)'pe aparlt piYga. that lut 4 Bonded lltnke ll"lnga, whtc:h lut YES l YES NO 10 up to 50% longer than riveted ltniogs. up to 5 ttmes u loog as other types. YES : NO I I 5 S.fetr-Rim Wheels, help hold a ct.-YES: NO NO 1 1 011-~h .air c.lean..-, to protect flated t1re on rim 1n cue rA a blowout. I eog•ne from ;abrASive dust and dtrt. YES NO• I Automatic chotle, bu11t into the 6 H1wh-le¥ea air lnt.ke, whic:h can YES l NO NO 12 be doeed when not in ...._ I carburetor for quocl., easy stttrts. I I I I YES I YES I I I I ltLYMOUTH HAS fAR MOI'tE HIGH..ftfttCE-cAI't FEATURES THAN THE OTHER TWO COMBINED! !12 2 A pnce at this chart will abow you bow far Plymouth J.da other low-price can in ~ as it d<* ._ .,Jo~. When you .ee and drift a DeW Ptymoatll, you '11 be aurprued how much like a hip-price car it ia-iD eft'r'J· lhing except the low figure on ib price tq. ADcllOft't be Jookd by the claims of tm'dium-pr~ raroc th11t th.-• ,.,,., "'practically the same.. as Plymouth. 'ou 'II fin,! that, mod~l for modtl. Pl) mnuth ro!'t!l all tnuc'h u ~Uti lf'M. and «ives you more rar fM )OUr monry ! Why not ~t ~"hole ttiry of PI) mouth 'a' alue today? aUT aUY .. IW, aCTTII't TRADE-IN, TOO YOUR . .LOU REED & ASSOCIATES u~•• I • Low prtee Car 8 YES NO NO NO NO• NO 1 • ·--··· 11••1 ...... ''Guaranteed annual waee" and Harbor Yaeht Club. Putidpatlne "Soclallud medicine" were the ln the panel dl8eu..son were toplcs·Tuesday, May 17, at the Dave Gardne-, VInce Pickup. N e w port Harbor Toastmuters Jack Penney and Steve Smith. Club meeting at the Newport Gnetia9 Carda • ALVJUn DAY SET Annual Alumni Day festivities at Occlden~l Colleee will be held ... fti. ...... 11. -..... bulNirDoll'M.calleJ,.S of Mn. 1MM M. l:.u~ TJ4 cut tiM rtbtlou NOIGtlY at a new July I I w. Dh St., eo.ta ~e .... reeently bou8tq -..~ In IUena ~pent a WMk'a *" In Toloo ._, ,..... 1M ud .-de. T_.lllli• Qurda atwloJ for froln bll anJt m ._... tbe 51*11 are opelllq a MW tnet of 1••11111 no haw campa.t.td Tte~~t~Dit8don 'l'nlatl ~. hoalel. .... .. • ~ ~ ~~ iii~iiiiii~~ii~~ii~ii~~i.j~~~ .. lul.Jll-32 1117 tta. Balboa ... lud Coauilnaftt~ Method I at atureh. ~ to Matthew v. WaJt.aldt, dWnD&n of tbe ecm. llllte.loft on Kcl-.tlon. T1te lehoo1 Will be conducted at the ehurdl Monday throuab Friday for the two-week period. 'nle Ptotram. to bqln at t a.m. and conclude at 11 :45, wUJ In· elude rellalou lftlltructlon, cre- atJve actlvltlet, drama and mu. ale. 'nltrty atuclenta wlll be Nl· lltered In the pl'ltnary fl'OUP <arades 1-3) and 30 wlll be ad· mltt.d In the Junior fl'OUP (lfades UJ. · Supervltln1 the IChool wUI be Mn. Donald G. Sapp and Mn. P. r. Baln-. Teachen •bo attended a apeclal trafnml' conference at the l1ht lletbodtat auardl ol Oranp were Nn. Lawrence llroertnl', Kra. Hobert Lelnau, lin. Joltn Loy, llfr-. Wal4elldl, lin. Jta.lJ\8 and Mrs. Sapp. DaAGIIIm Wl'l'll a:D'Ka'l'a *** "30 YEARS' EXPERIENCE IN QUALITY WORK .. e DRY CLEANING eOYBN6 e KNIT ILOCKIN6 e HAND PRESSIN6 • LAUNDRY SERVICE * * * * Arti8t lupplMI ~ looks. Statiollerr ~.f .. 8LUE SAlLS ITATJOIIED 306 Main BALBOA Harbor 678 9:30-6:00, Sun. Noon 'tJl 6 on Saturday, June 11. Gardne-G A d Eliot Semple or 616 Polnaettla o~er I 000 uests tten Ave., Corona del Mar, will aerveJ I Vlattora at the rec:.nt Rnrpott Harbor art exhJblt at the HJfb Schol dlaapeed with the ort'ldal Jucteee and cho.e 'ltalpb Love'• ''Sky In Butte" u the belt oU and Tyrua Wonca "Rainy DaY" u the bat watercolor. 0,.. I..._ .. SilO pa. lcltadq, ._... .... ,. .. c.-hy.-........ c-...... :1 ~:rch.:~an for the Corona Hoag Auxiliary's Party ~~~~~~~==~ SPECIAL PURCHASE! THROW PILLOWS A .,,.dall ._ct ... -........ , n •• ,_ 1LI tD oa. u.-beaatllal ... Nlowa at t:naaeadou ~low­ Corduroy. Boucles. Antique Satin Some Kapok F"illed others with orlon * MAin' SIZE.S cm4 COLOD tD CBOOIE noM * * * * Diek Maeker * Carpets * Drapery * Upholatery ID TIM lfew Lido lbopp&Dg Ceater ·~aJI sao vLa Lido Despite a rlowerlng aky, a rec. tables were preatdenu of varloua or4 crowd of well over a thou. county women'a clubs. lncludlnl d sta ttended the Hoar Mrs. A. L. P1nkley, repraenUn1 san ,.ue a Friday Afternoon Club; Mra. Hospital Auxiliary rarden party Nicholas Brettner. president ol Light their life with f/Uthllt and fashion show held Thursday, Ebell Club,· Kra. Forrest Nul Jr.. ft. -WI 0ii'DOL .. or GOD ,_,. ~-=~ nanT1mi.UI c:auaca 11M 1t. & ~~w.a A .... c....,_ ._..-ae • 1 May 12. at "Smlthclllfe,'' the Junior Aaal.stan~ Leaeue; Mra. 15th St. 11 St. ADdNwa Bd., •, ty 1-ml a.k jest&te of Mr. and Mrs. Lon V. Ralph Tandowaky, LldolaleWom. .._,._ ... ....a ..... IRd ._e. a..lc, ,_._ ..... t. Q, Smith of Emerald Bay, Laguna. en's Club; Mlaa Jean Howell, Bu.. ~ 1-1771 Sunday Sebool: 1:30 a.m. Wor· SUnday S.wtc:.: I Tot11ng up uaeta and llabUI-Jnesa and Proleulonal Women's ...._, ..... J-I. ltlwalt llb.Jp: 10:45 a.m. and T:JO p.m. 1:«5 LID. Sa~; U I tl--for the "'U ...... Hoaa Hospital Club; Dr. Helen Robertaon, Zon· SUimAY: Komtnt wonbtp, t :30 YOWl. ~Je and a&Jlctnn'a 3.ID. W.-blp b. 8:30 u • u-• and ll ~; Church School. s.ntee. t:JO p.m. Sun. IIJd· p.m., ~ ~ n.Jon; Auxiliary president, Mrs. D. M. ta; Mrs. T. Duncan Stewart, Wom. week Service· Wedneacla7 7:30 '1·30 p.m.. ~ a..Jee. • Clvl Le Mr Gl t:30andU:OO;Sr.HipP'ellow· p.m. • _ ... ,__. ·~........._,.._ '.t. ·-. w·----..·v·, T·-p---, Hummel, announced at the party an a c aeue; a. enn ,...._ _____ , UNn ....._, ..-.._ • ·-- that Mr. and Mn. Smith were BaUey, St. Andrews Church Fel. ablp, 7 p.m.; ColleJ'e ap feJ. C:1l. 11a..,....,_, 10:00 LIIL Pralae an4 Bible ltuciJ. Mon· 1 __ .. , d M'--Cl K hl lowahlp, 7:30 p.m.; 'nlunday, da•: T:IO p.m. Men's aw.u. not only lending their grounds Ow...up, an ... ara o · " J 1.---... t, Chr'-Ch h b th .,_ Pray«, study lf'OUP. 9:30 a.m. .. ,..,. *• DAY .... , .. 'Ill ~a e t e e ; :-p.m. Kan'a for the party. but had offered to ~ ... urc y e .;xa, - -• -.. _. .. _ -r .-·--............ "" ,_ --· match all monies raised at the Christian Society. -..-· -COIOiU.in lm'IIIODJIT •....-t ....... taUKa or 0Ga UDT benefit. Mrs. Hummel also an-AUT CHUR01 Of OiliST • w. Ita. 1t.. ea.t. .._ I.Dutr .. 1111 OP 11'1'. CAmPL nounced that the Auxiliary had SCIENTIST Llblltr l.eu ac11r D. D. .,....,.... ltcl W • ...._ iWILiiaa.-t pledged $25.000 to the hospital UOl Vle L.W. • ......,. ..... .... •• J ...... w. ...... SaturdaY Kornlq s.rvtc:.: Sab· r----r-'EW· =-for Its building program at their A bre11cfl of the Mott-Church. The Sunday: 9:30 a.m., Obu.rdl Sun· bath Sehool: 9:30 a.m. -S.· - f '...t Ch dl of Ch • t Sc' tl t 1 lot 4a7 Sebool; 9:30 and 11:00 mon: 11:00 a.m. Pra.Ytl' meet· recent annual meeting, and that 1 "' "' • ••11 ' • 11 • a.m. Marnln1 W<Jnhlp..-7 p.m. lnl: Wedneeday, 8:00p.m. J"rt. the pled1e was to be paid within ~C:4.~•=Nttt. 9:15 e.m. CoUep Are MYF Servtee-7 day EveDtnl Ve.pen: 8:00. Sunday K.-: 1:00 and 10:00 2~ years. Svndey S.rvlce 11:00 e.m. p.m. Blah School MYJI' Service; and 11:30 a.m. Conftelion: lat· Beyond the lawns and earden Wed~•Y M "'"9 MMtlll9 1:00 p.m. 7 p.m., "Bunerroua Group Serv· cauaca ....... AU.... urdaya &Del ..... of lit fttda,. t•a tabl-..... t In the area hear .ltNdln9 ltoon~ loceted et l315 Vle lee. •• •arliMGI lt.. c-t.·.._ and Holy DQa Cl'onl f:OO to ~ ~ """ Lido, Newport a..ch, Ia ope11 WMk ._._. ..... cu.. wtm-2 5:30p.m. and~ T:IO to l t30 the terra~ were laden with sher. deys from 10:00 e.m. to 5:00 p.m.. DE c:aUKa or CIDIIT Lantr .. 'JW p.m. DaUJ Mul 1:00 a.m. f'lnt bet puneh and tiny open.faced Wednetdeys from 10:00 •""· to 7145 1010 c:..nla 1t.. C....._ ~a."'-'-SUDC1a ScbooL Jl'rtday: •=• Laud I*» p.m . .......... "--'"thflan.ll ..... r:;~¢.""-'" -~~·.... t&·i~~~L~ ~~:t..;."-r .. ";_:e-Help>: ration. Inducted an er urn. es. The Cblic It c.onli·a.. lll'tlftd to ••· •.• _ ... _ ---.... ..... eo.• ._ 'I ~ ---'all 0 •-KawaU and ... ., ~~ .,_.-,aea: t:-LDL --• -~ • ~ Y own uvm .. nd I dlvrdl M'Vicee end ., .. the ltUCiy; U a.m. momJnt WW· JDMt1Dt. 7:JO p.m. · _ J. sprays of yellow cymbidium. The R..di119 R-. abtp; 'I p.m. ewnlnl' 8ervke. muter table, covered with an 1m. )!Jdweek 1 e r v J e e, 'I p.m. ported lace cloth, held silver can-DIRECTORY Wedn~. deJabra ~ntered with an epergne CIDJIT CBVaCIIIIT TID 10 fUied with barmonlzJnr shades IIUIIC c-...,_ ..... -ot yellow roses. Mrs. C h a r 1 e s r----~=;.;;;... ___ __, lcdbea ...._ .el• 1t.. •sapid Lamb and Mrs. lrvlng Watcher Margaret L Scharle ~ a. from the Harbor Area were In Teaeb« of Plano ...._, a... 11oy A. ~ cbaree ol the decorations.. Over Orearu.t · Accompanlat Swulay Wonhl.Pt 1:4$ &Ad 11 6,000 Uny aandwlches were made ~:"fdc;t:--Lm. Cbwdl Sdaool: 8:45 a.m. by members. acoordlne to Mrs. 3IJ1 GOLDENROD AVE. llldweek MeeUna: '1:.30 p.m. Donald Cole-ove ol Udo, ln Corona del Mar Wednesday pneeded bJ 8:30 •• p.m. potlae:IL charge of the food . .Assisting her .._.....,, ... 0-.-&IIJ-U.--D-D_•_cr_ro_a __ .J from the Harbor Area were Mrs . ..---. ......... ....-;;;..;;;;;;;;..-;;;;;;;;;;-.;.;;.;;;;;.._...., Donald Hart, Mrs. Robert Frailey, Mrs. Jerry Grupe and Mrs. John Brouehton. Anan,.ementa for the fuhion show were made by Mrs. Howard lllo, chairman; Mn. William MJr. Jl'rieDcl1y !feiJhbcwhood Servtee Pc:.-kes-Ridley Mortuary P'orm«lJ Grauel Olapet 110 Broadway U I-MII II 1-MM eo.t.a M .. tDIT c:auw or CibdiT ac:::uDiiJII ., ... =.!':rrt .... Sunday Sehool: 1:11 a.m.. S6_n. day Servtee: U:OO a.m. Wednelday Ewnlnl l(eet:Jnl: IT. IAIID KNCO•AL 8:00. Bftcl1n1 Boom. 331.5 VIa -.._ u.., • ..,.... .._.. Udo, !ftwpellt Beach. open 10 .,..._ a.- a~~:-4aYI. 10 a .m.· ..... ..._a. ..... en.-. = ~ , .. , ... lu4ay ... -.: •••• u LJIL ~Pra,.. • LJIL ~!~s.mc.: a.m. ,.,_ GuUd; 10:10 eom. IIIUftJon. ama, c.lO-Chalrman, and Mrs. Fran.;===========: ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:========;;:==~~~~~~~ct. DIIIWIOn, Mrs. Nell Cameron and Mn. Jack Conedon, all from Heroe•AII -From V.J•y Forji' toHe..,.._Ridp,ep...,_.ltllloa4 ·,..... to' honor those who ..... 1 '•nswtNCI list eel to .. colon. A.~ ~cudomwewl ..... d ... iMtci -on M•morill D.y, Mey ._ * ...,.,. ........ -MIIIr ... • the Harbor Area. HQI!~ aaat..t. .lDI I'QMtl at the party were Mmes. Orval Stewa.rt, l oh..n Mae. Leod, Johnny Mercer, Earl Stan. ley and Elwood Martin, all of the Harbor Area. Presldlne at each ol the tea laST* Jfo ~ ... Jfo Tape ... • ..... 1219 L c..t Hwp. c. .... W. , • • • New Officers Are Installed By Catholic Women's Council A month-old r•ldat ln Balboa 11 Sidney Catharine WUt.on, MC> ond ehUd of Mr. and Mra. Mut· ton H. Wlllton lt. Mn. WUleon Ia the former ¥UJa.ret 'nl.,_, dau1hte-ot the A.lfNd Huwood 'Mlayer• otSan Mallno. In a note from M:ra. 'nlaye-, abe remlndt Ul that swlmmtnl, aaUln1 and aummer1nc at Balboa hu been a tradltJon wtth five pneratlona ot the family--the Ha.rw~. '11\ayera and Woodforda all pur. ch~ their property In the UOO bloek' of East Balboa Blvd. rtlOC'e than 35 yeara a~lon1 before the boulevard waa ao named. 'l'he CatboUc Women'• Cou.ndl o( Our Lady ot Mt. C&rmel and St. John Vluney ParWl wW Ja, .U.U new oftlcen at tiMir MJit tnH'tlq, Wedne.day, 1une 1, at 1:00 p.m. 'Mle newly elfrted otllcera ar~: Preafdent. Mra. 1. W. Cammack; first vtoe president. Mra. Hany Rocers: leC.'Ond vloe prnjdent, M.ra. Wllllam C~er; third vice Pt"eSident, Mra. .Arthur West; treuurer, Mrs. John Gouvlan; corresponding s e c r e t a r y , Mrs. William U'Bryon: recordJng aec retary, Mrs. Edward Kusby; par- liamentarian, Mrs. l olln Glasa. 1111111'1 Llll IIIIET Puneral JI«Vteft fot WIUtam Clare Gray, 19, ol 138 Santa IN- bel St., Coata Meta. were bt'ld Saturda~ In the Baltz Mortuary Costa Mba Chapel. Reports will be made by the following chairmen : Mrs . .loseph Arnold, members hip: Mrs. Elmer Poirier, welfare; Mrs. Frank Roc co. contratf'rnlty; Mrs. Arthur Reaume, ways and mu .tu1; Mrs. Edward Kusby, deanery; Mrs. Thf'Odore Robina. altar and spirit. ual activities; Mrs. John Gouv ian. finance. wttlaiAU.m 'nlere'a more than one Richard . . . Brother Dick Richard • . . you all know Dick . . . He owM and operates this . . . Richard'• LJdo Market ... B.rother Gordon Richard. ownt'T ot Richard'• Super Market 1n Tomah. Wlaoon- sin, only recently sold hla buaJ. ness, after 19 yeara of dealln1 with lf'OC't'rles ... Brother Fr1nk RJchard Is assistant mana&er ot King's Gateway Hott'l In Land 0- Lakes. Wlacon.BI:-: ... To wind up thla brotherly rouraome we have Brother Rich Richard. who with th• openlne of his new Sea Food Market In VIsta Vlllaee. 11 the cauw of my atralghtenlne out the Richard brotherly tree ... He wu an airman third clau. 'nle younr Wlllaon.s. by the way. are maklnr their perman- ent home here. ThtY came here Jut taU with their little 80h Coettrey followtnr thetr mum from Eur~. where M:r. WUJton spent a year dolnr f'l'aduate study at the London Architectu- ral AMOCiatlon, followilu h11 graduation from the Harvard Graduate School of Desltn. U. S. Air Corps. stationed at Mountain Home. Idaho, where he died In an accident May 16. He had ltved In eo.ta Mesa tor four yeara prior to entennr the serv Ice. He attended Newport Harbor Union Hlgh School. A '"DO rr ~&Lf""' .._ 18 ~ oe• .. ra.. *"-...,. ............... ......., ... QUit ..... -' -L IM lt.. c.t. ......... .. • S ta ttM .,...... •• ...S 'hnMy ••r blp 7 .................... -,.... .... Editla a. ..... • Ia O..•to. --.. I" tt of c.-...... Anta ~ of c.t. .._. Mn. lloddo Kawtoa. co a aaw .. Mackie's ...S lut:nct. ... the ca.., .... K.t.IMy .. c. .. ..... ad J0WD9 a-y B.-doN oC C.... M-. The atrm.n a. aurvtved by h l..s parents, Mr. and Mn. Nonnan Gray. and two t.otben, RJchard Norman Gray and Roy Gray. ot Costa Mesa. lh• Dill .. ltllf ca ... FiraW • • • A mualc:al 110lr" turned Into a birthday party for Oranre Coun- ty'Phllbarmontc Symphony Con- ductor J'rleda Bellnfante. Alter selections by Mlal Bellnfante on her cello and plano solos offered b)' ht'T accompanllt, Ml&s Lonaln Echard. the Dutch-born conductor Introduced a VIola de Gamba, predeceaor of the cello for aome comparative music. When the re- cital, held at the home of Mrs. Alyne Fields of Bay Shores. \lfaS concluded. the llghta went out and a Hghted birthday cake was broueht In with accompanytne "Happy Birthday" music. Mrs. Karen MarJTeta Brunlnr. execu- tive director of the orchestra. pre- sented a gUt to Frieda "In token of the personal love" the mem- ber~ of the Philharmonic Sodriy felt for her and "ln appreciation of the lnaplratlon and culture she Is brtnrlng to the rommun. •m.&.tlldi111BII1 .. 111 ..... ,ut. lw otiMa -..... W ~ .......... dlDI ~ ............. . .W. .......... by ....... L Qm II .. bold h11faya. Wada..,._ ad 'niUIICicrp tro. I Legion Plans Annual Feed The seventh annual American Learton breakfast will be held by Newport Harbor Post 291 on Sat ur<ftY. July 30. at the All Amerl can parking lot. back ot 2600 W. Coast Hwy., on Mariners Mlle. A hotcake breakfast. all you can eat for 50 cents. will be !K'rved fro m 7 to 11 a.m. IA-glon Posts throughout the county will sell tickets for the breakfast. VInce Cusumano Is g t-neral chair man. CHIJRCHES UlfiVE.UALJST ra.LOWSIIIP I CBIUST ClllJRCR • ., THE SEA "Co-Exlste1lce or No-Existence" "God's Powt>r In Lite" will be will be ~v. Frederick Ringe's the s e r m o n t h e m e a t Christ Unlvenallst Community Fellow-Church By the Sea In Newport ship at the Memorial Day Sun. Beach on Sunday mornlne . Rev. day !K'rvlce on May 29 In Ebell Roy A. Carlson will give the clubhouse. ,Balboa. ChUdren of medita tion for the observance ot the Sunday school group are Pentecost Sunday-the Birthday urged to be present Sunday to of the Christian Ch urch. The prepar~ for Children's Day on sacrament of Holy C~mmunlon l une ).2. Special music will be will be obst>rved at both services. provided by M. H. Thompson on The reception of new mem~rs the violin accompanl~ by Mrs. Into the church fellowship is also Ringe at the plano. planned. AT MKUAL COJfFEIUCE JfEWPOIIT IAPTIST CKtraCB •• Cllelr lena Ferlaiiii4Chrcll The Corona del Mar Com- munity Church was well repre- sented at the annual confere nce The cholr of the, Balboa Island of Congregational C h r Is t I a n lty." • • • Community Methodist Church at Oneonta, South Pasadena. last Memorial Day Sunday will be celebrated this Sunda y In The First Baptist Church of Newport ~ach, 19th and W. 841boa Blvd. At 11 a.m. Rev. Herbert JohnJIOn will speak on "ThP Challenge of a Memorial." Hazel Edear, Church soloist. will alng, "I'd Rather have .lesus." at 7:30 p.m. th~ pastor's message will be "The JnvltatJon of lesus." True to the aplrlt (or spirits) of now Is wearing new claret week. Members ln attendance the day, the Harbor Optimists fallle classic gowns. Purchase of Included Rev. and Mrs. Edwin auctioned oft snake bite medl-the robes was arra nged by Mrs. Gomke. Monta Perry. A. K. dne when the proe:ram on rat· Robert Ibbotson. chairman of the Phelps and Mlu Clyde Maynard tlesnake hunting wu riven by Music Committee. as deleeates. Others Included Dr. (CaHlng CQl Richards Holt-The choir, organized In Decem-Norman Brown. church school , man. 'lbe liquid wu won by Earl ~ by director Lealie Van Dyke superintendent. and Mmes.. 0 . M. CAll~ roa CIDLDaD J.Jn4My, to tM bGttJe wu tvrlecS ~~naBr1~ ~~ ~ campbell, John ll.eador, Clyde AppUeatlot;aa are anllable at ott .. u. OpUIIJ .... o.rw-doD ~ • ., _ _._,., _,.., II:IIIIUU.I • ._ ln Lu Vetu wl\ft'e they NY the Plnkballl. lain. Vernon SmJth. Sailors and Boward Brown .uvm the Day School office of St. anallea really 00 blte. Mrs. Robert Moody, MIP Marvel the Women'a Fellowship. Rev. lames Eph1oopal Church. New- • • • lee Moody, Mlas lean Smith. Mlsa Gomke was rece ived Into the tel-port. for St . .lames Church Camp Newport Harbor 11 going to be l o Beaubien. Cornelius Donker. lowahlp of tht' Southern Call tor Chlldrton. which wtll be held one crlant bedroom this week-end John Stoner, Matthew V. Walde f July 6 to 16 at Bellows Lodge. beca~se 243 l:rf!W members and llch. Lt. Col. John Loy. and Rob fornla Conference by the trans tor Big ~ar. Tht> camp Is tor chll ert Guenther. Mrs. Bridgman 1a of hl..s mlnlstt>rlal standing from drE'n 6 yeanJ of age through Jun roaches will be "put up" by friendly Harborltea while the the president of the choir. South Da koa. lor High age. young men l..re here tor competl-~--SCIU--CE--CB-uaca 't:lve crew racea. The enrourag1ne Harbor Lutheran Church Obedience to God's laws ls an thing 1•. to quote Chamber sec. aw a k en I n g spiritual defense retary Hay Langenhelm. that ao L h s· .ld. D . against the hypnotic temptations many of the people who housed aunc es Ul lng riVe of the world. Thla 1a stressed In the boys lut year have asked tor the Sundav , ~--n "'-nno n at thE' t -..4 H uslna A $165,000 campalcrn for funds with Mrs. Glenn Walker as ar " ~ ~ a repea ~.ormance. 0 • • N-.mnrt ~ach Christian Science lnclud ..... _ .. and br'"'akfa-but for a rellcloua educ••lon unit rangements chairman. ~ .... ~ ~ .,..... "' ....... Y church. "Anc1ent and Modern doe. not Include taklnr care of and debt retirement haa been Canvass theme Is "Thank God (Continued on Pap 7l launched by the Newport Harbor for the Church.'' 25th annlversa.tY ··~Ta .......... .. .AffT DAY IC.OOL for IJttle l'ollr 440 Heliotrope. Corona del Mar Harbor4369 · Under new manar~nt Mra. lean Vauehn, dlrector l AY IT WJT1I .. &. Coaat Bwy. 8 C:OilOifA DIL MD ........... ..,1 Lutheran Church. motto of the American Lutheran The propoee<S building will Church. with which the local ron- house class rooms for the Sun ITeration Is affiliated. This Is day school, Saturday school and also the tenth anniversary of Vacation Blble echool as well u the Newport Helrhts Church. provide meeting room for adult Begun In November of 1945 by orrantzatloa. and adult lnstruc-~v. Her&ert Roth. the ron(['N!ga. tlon cluaes. tton purchased property on Cliff Walter P. Halbert. of the Wells Drive, erected two bulldlnrs and Orranlzatlon. large-st c h u r c h grew to ovt'T a hundred ron fund-raisers. 1a dlrectft\g the can-firmed members by Much. 1952. vass. which wUl solicit 150-week when Pastor Roth accepted a call pledges for the new unit from to Pittsburgh. church members and users. One Havtnr no pastor. membership year pledges for the church budg-dropped to 80 by Junt> of 1953 et ot $15,000 Will be requested In when Rev. Robert Gronlund, or- addition to the expansion and dalned the week previous. be- debt retirement goal of $65.000. came the second pastor. Under A Loyalty Dinner for all mem-his leadership. 168 adults became ben wu held on May 18th In membenJ or N~rt Harbor Lu- the Costa Mesa Community Me-tht'Tan Church In the put 22 thodJst Church. Hostess chair-months. In addition a class of 11 man wu Mrs. William Carnett teen agen will be contlnned June 12 alter two years of In- struction. an adult class of 15 l.s takJng the lO.week lnqulrers eourae and addltlpnal new mem- bers will be received on June 216. the second annlvt'Tsary of Putor Cronlund'a mlniJtry here. on taking a trip? .. Necromancy. CIUaa Mesme-rism and Hypnotism, Denounced" Is the subject COaOKA DEL MD aiUllCB "The CUt of the Holy Spirit" will be the sennon subject of Rev. Edwin Gomkie at 9:45 and 11 a.m. Sunday In the Corona del Mar Community Church. Rev. Gomke wlll rive the main ad dress. "Bt>st W e ForgE-t." a t Me mortal Da y obst-rvances at 11 a m. Monday. Memorial Day, In Ha rbor Rest Memorial Par k No. A 2571:\ xonca 1'0 ca&DITOIIS ESTATE OF JAMES M. CUN NTNCHAM. aka 1. M. CUNNlNG- HAM DECEASED. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the Ctedltors of and all persons having clalm!l against the said decedent or said estate to file them with the n~ry vout'h ers ln. the ottlce of the Clerk ot the Superior Court of tht-State ot Calltornla. In and for the County ol Oranp, or to pr('S('nt tht> aame, with the n~ry vouch ers. to the undendrned at hl!l or her pta~ ot busJnea.. to wtt: lrA111RYN CUNNIN G HAM JONES c/o Ht.TaWITZ A HURWITZ. At- torneys at Law all N...,..-t IIU......-rd. ~. port BMcb. cautornla Within atx morttlta after th~ tint publication olddl ftOtke. Dated ... , • IE. L\'MftTK CUJUUJifGHAM IO!fiS Newport Beach tlr~meon ran on l two tlr~ calla on Wednesday, May 18. I 1 A rout left cooking on the 1 stove In the home of Vlrarinla Four boys In tbe junior drpart I Todd of 427~ Iris Ave., Corona ment of the Balboa Island Com del Mar. brought firemen at 1:37 munlty Methodlat Church School P m. after smoke was ~n rom- have made application to attend lng from the house. the Sky Meadows Camp. Sevt>lf A fire of unknown cauae re. Oaka. from July 11-18. The camp sultt-d In SIOO damagt' to the ga. Is one of 11 Junior Camps to be rage of Martha Miller ot 316 held during the summer by tht> Lindo St. Ba lboa, at 5:25 p.m. Southern Callfornla-Arlzona Con 1 Tht> tire st arted In a trash ron- terence of the-Methodist Church talnPr e,.longslde tht' ear age. tht' The youngsters are Chips flr(' department reponed. Guenther. Carlton Lowen. Doug las Carl. and Robert Nealy. 13!-Y ...... ltJ • Ten of the junior high S<'hool 8 * * * IUda wW ... Mel I .... r..aa w..-riM . . . a!fbt ..., rr.JllAvltdcmc Catll ..... t ... .... cl YCa1ety .. tbo ...... rn. -aJto flab ..... Or --.. a.. f.1nt r....a. ...,._ of .. s..... . . . PUla. ficMrol. ..... aDd .......... Trout too youth have received rontlrma 1 J ... II IIJ lll1r• tlon of their adrnJttance to the Darryl ~VInney, 3 ~. of 2516 Christian Adventure Camp al Crt>Stvlf'W Dr.. Bay Sh<>rH, suf Camp Cedar Glen, .lullan. Th('lr 1 ft>red a possible alight akull frac camp wUl be held June 25-.luly 2 ture a nd d~ lace-atlon 011 the Tho.e who wiiJ attend Include rl~tht sldf' of his head when hit Bill Ferry, Steve Ferry, Sandy I by a bicycle In the 2500 block ~ the ~ aDd rt~ of Knapp. Valerie Lowen. Susan of Cre-stview Dr. Newport poUce M•as at. c.d W\ua 'a wW Nealy. Ten1 Waidelich. Dolores said he was hit by a blcyclt' be Dowa Ia ~ tw1ce 1NHly Harper. Nancy Shooter. Call ridden by Robert P . .lohn~n. 14. • •• Katucdly aida wW baft Graves. and Bettejean GuenthPr. of 2535 Creslview Dr .• who was a ..-c:u.. of load fl..aa oceaa d~llverl ng newspapeora. U&la cd8o cr.be. ......_, .aart.p. Tht> blcycl~ rldt>r said that he bcll..UNt ...S .......w..b • • • and the child b«ame contused Let's pwt lt tills way ••• u ft .._ Trial "-21 0. lrlltl Tlllfl Celli In what dlrf'ctlon each wanted ....-.. ""'Ucb• ~· ... to go and collided In the mlddJe Food MaltiDit ._ ttl To ..u.ty ~rre H. Lane. 34, ot 401 eat. of the street. He aald that be tlllal ,_ w U.. -••.a ._.. allna Dr .. Newport Hefabt.&. wlll helped the cblld up and thought Ia .,._ __. ,_ _..., ... ~ tltal ~ ~ .. We4. be waa an rtpt an4 cootlnued J-r .,_. Jlwbll.. a t • ne.day. lune 29. on eharps o1 to deltve-ht. papel'. -., .... Dlllillt • a-• • • grand theft and forgery. The victim was talcen to Hoar Ill ._. na ._.. · · · J.t Lane. who operated Bay Motors Memorial Ho.pital and htt'T let • 1-..._. Ia c:..e. In Costa Mesa, wu arr.stf!'d moved to the El Toro Ma rine ,. .. ...S .......... ••=• March 8. and charged w1th auto 1 HOSPital ttM ....... ,.._ ......... ~.~benT .. .,.... . . . a... • transactions In which title certl 111-.1 S I lie fl11411o to tiad oat wbat ~ ncate-s were not delive-red to rw.M MCF 1D u. tlalrf d.rc:IM ..._. cScrrwl purchasers. He pleaded not Sel for J I guilty to the charges. S uperior .. rriW * * * Court .ludge .lohn Shea rontinut>d Wllllnm All rt><l 30. of LA Crt's "The Black Flamingo" llhouhf ball at $5.000 after ~tllng trial <'f'nta, ~ hn was arrt>sted April 18 offer an even Ina of •Jttlng on the attPr a Lidn I lilt> robbery and 1 edge of your ,.,.at f'ntrrtalnmt>nt ! PO&Ta'Y CE'TS IIEKTJOK ~hoot ln~ In whk h Newport po Put on by tht> Woman's Civic Mary McChesney. Orange Coast lict> orfiN>r Bill Toll bot was JA-a gut> o( Newport Harbor. the College Eqllab lnatructor. ha.'l wount!NI. will be S('ntt-n<'t'd to-1 pt'OC'e'eds wiU go toward the received one ot tour honorable morrow 1 Fraday I by Superior' Youth and Community centt>r In mentions In the Robert Browning JudRt> John Sht>a AllrPd piPadf-d Corona del Mar ... Even the> Poetry Contest for 1955, spon guilt y 111 <"hnr~t>s of burglary, sm all try w1 11 be t-nhanc-ed with sored annually by Redlands Unl armt-d robbt'ry ~tnd as~ault with 1 the Black Flamingo . (t has verslty. a dt>lldlr ~eoa pon l l'IOm~thln~ mys1 ('rlous going on (rom <"Urtaln to t'U rtaln ... Not "Hints" from House and Garden. at New por1 by Coluaie MltcbeU Interior ~lgnt>r If you have small chopped up w1ndows, here 1s o tip on how to create a charming picture window effec• without cu tt inq out the liCJht. Use a Mutsu Of' motchtd bamboo bl nd th~n extend a steel· rolle r across the ontire aree of wol'ldows E1thef bnnQ the blind ~o the sill or let it roll down to o quarlt"r -,f "" 1rtch htgher tht n the floor. as illustrated obcvto. Htwe the bhnd po1nted M off-white, Of' a lighter shltde of your well color and en apple or cherry branch with a few blossoms could be delocetely po•nt~ on th.t ... UM a rough terlured fobr~c for drepery on e•ther ,;de and you will be omozod at the result Anot+lor of our intonOf' desiqnen. Jed Gray u..d a slate bamboo blind painted off.whito. then bloc;k nbbons of sattn ~and moire in greduatod widtht '",.. ~n Hlrouqh ft. ends and a boe~ful effect was a.etod. scary. just entm alnfng . Tick. ets $1.00 f'ach . Place· Orange Cout Collt>ge Auditorium, this F'rlday and Saturday nltt-s at 8:15 * * Always th.. la ... eth ... .... bolalad tbo Palla t:reM • • • Row It's 24 Boar Pboto Plal*- f.D9. f1biU aDd aappU.. la ou ~a~a .... -u.. -4 .......... Do.. ,....._t ... artag your w.. .. by 4 :-30 ... My a4 ,... ca:a ba.o tiMa .... 1D tM cd ... SSDD of tbe ...t day , • • * * * Can't reallr.e that five yean have gone by slnC'e tht> roll~• boys row. row. rowt'd thf"l r &Ju~JI• down our Bnlooa Bay tor the flra:t time ... This )'t-ar's Slh Annual lntert'Oile.:tate Rowl n~~r R~atta for the Western Sprint Chtlmplon. lonshlp Is this romlna ~aturday, May 28. There wtU be 9 thrUUna race from 11 111.m to 2:2) p.m. CN!wa from Brltblh ColumbJa. C.Jitomla. Navy, ~ton State, Oran~ Cout. Stanford. U.C.L.A. Wuhlnrton and UAC. ..• QraiMJ ~ta.nd Uefn!rts a.re-•us and oua be putt'hUI!d at tho l'f.....-t HU11ot ~·=•• Of Como toe ... S. It Wa ,.._, ... ,_... Iota ol ....... .....-n .... ... bMdl • oa tM cllftl ~ ••• * * * A4m1nlleratlta of tM l:llt.ate of •JcJ.tKt ..... N.d WMl we will talk e~t some ide.as for your petio a~ l.fteii. . ......... VOGEl VA~UES laaparl llll:tl A reallY nlc:e bome on a QUilt etrM wtt.b walled yard and 12' x a · work ahop. 2 lllta., Ia. Uvtntr room. HW noon. furnace, 11. kitchen and brrikfut .,.. .. LoU ot tUe In kltcMn and bath. lridt .,.Uo. DbL prap. Paved an.,-. All boftda pal~ Owner a. movtn1 away. An opportunity to buy a trOod home, only a yean old. for $13.375.00. THE VOGEL CO. a7 E. COA.Sf HWY. HARBOR 174l COJWNA DEL MAR HARBOR 147'7 "START UVING" IMMEDIATELY, IN IRVINE TERRACE OVERLOOKING THE BEAUTIFUL "SMOG-FREE" YACHTING CENTER OF NEWPORT HAKBOR "Southern California's Most Beautiful Subdlvl.slon" Tomorrow's Dream-Today! WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO INSPECT COMPLETED OUR DISTINCTIVE FURNISHED MODEL HOMES AND OTHERS UNDER CONSTRUCTION NINE DIVERSJFlED FLOOR PLANS To the home buyer who wishes to purchase In the $20,000 to $30,000 class we slncerely recommend the Irvine Estates overlooklnr Newport Harbor. These homes feature California Jlvln£. Offered exclu- sively through Earl W. Stanley In a Smog-Free area known as Irvine Terra~n Coast Highway opposite the new Irvine Coast Country Club, Newport Harbor. * For recommendation. we refer you to anyone who holds a Leasehold Estate In Irvine Terrace. Ear l W. Stan ley EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor 4J48 For Further Information Ocea• Blwd., Coro1a ~el lar with new• e1diac wiew- TWO STORY, 2 bedrm. lhave plans for 3rd bdrm. to be added at small costl, 2"-a baths. Jge. llv. rm., separate dining room, large knotty pine den with buiJt ln bar. lounc~. 2 fireplaces. basement wtth 1!50,000 BTU fur. nac::e. Expensively C&tPete4 wall to wall tbna-out. Gar. bare dbpos.al and dl.sllwuh~r. House 6 yrs. old. Larr~ double rarage wtth laundry, radio-<:Ontrolled carage door. Lot 50 x 142'. Well Jandacaped. Thls home must be seen to be appreciated. Located at 3312 Ocean Blvd .. Corona del Mar. OWNER WILL ACCEPT ANY REASONABLE OFFER Shon llr .,,.. • .._, ••lr Phone Owner. Harbor 3435 BALBOA ISUID lullillle Lisli11 k &778 e Only S5000 down e Cory 2 bcdr. modern e Attract ively furnished e Good cornf'r location e Room to build Income apartmcmt e Full price $18.750 WI. W. SANFORD, Realtor And Associates Park at Marine, Balboa Island-Harbor 2462 --------------- BILL'S BEST BUY Two ....... D.,ltx Shows 13% return on purchase price. Close to schoob, busses and stores. This can't last at $13,950. Only $2,400 Down. W. A. TIBIAS, llulter -yvu'll like our friendly terVlce 393 E. 17th St., Costa Meaa Uberty ~1139 .,.. •. I I Sllrt altl Oftloe Blq. ..... ., II • .,.,. AVAlLABLE JULY lst. oppoeite Newpott City Hall ELEVATOR . PARKING lANJTOR SERVICE Call MR. HER.RON. leaaJna 11ent TIE .. 4 bec1r. home, furnlshed-2~ battta. 3-car rarage, ~ blk. to beach . . . only 2 yrs. old. You MUST see thl.a. $19,500, tmnt. .... E.IUFEI lOS McFadden Pl. ftewport Cat the J'ler) Harbor 140. £vee. HArbor 1137-M " ....... Your opportunity to buy at\ attractive Balboa lalanct 2- , bec!r. home. furnlahed, and In Immaculate condition .•• f« your tamUy'a UM « hllh aumD\6 rental tncome. All tht.-and a cut• apt. ov• a double rarare ~tdH-Ex­ celJ~nt constructlon. nne lo- cation. Don't Delay! Only $19.000. rood tpma. • IIUID REALn aa. 498 Park. Balboa Jaland HA m REAL VALUES •• ,.rt .. Lovely Jot wtth Unique ruHt cottare. This could be used as a summer vacation apot, or you could build a famll¥ home up tront. Don't over. look this at the low, low price or $5,880. EZ TERMS. $11 ,100 Is all they are asking for this lovely three bdr. home. Hardwood firs .. fireplace. tile kitchen and bath, best east side location. corner Jot, not a tract house. 4 ~% loan and monthly payments Jess than rent. Don't miss thls. B. A. IERESON 1982 Newport Blvd. Uberty 8-1672 Eves. Uberty ~4120 CDM. DG.UD 2.bedrm., untum., duplex. eo. ot hwy.. ttnpt., ' forctct.aJr heet. h a r cJ woo cJ tloon, • • par at • patlo, HA HM-R. COlONA HiGfiLOANbl unturn., 3-bedr. bouse~ dble. 1ar., ocean view. BA .at. LOUISE AJI'I'l. overlooldn1 the bay. Modern tum.a.hed apta. Moderate weekly rat... Swn· mer re.ervatlone; 308 Carna- tion, CDM, near Seaview. HA .016. NICE 1 . BEDRil A P T S . with ocean vt .. , newly fum. Year- ly leue. f15.I80 per month. lnqulre 308 Camatlon, CDM, BA .cne. lfJia! I JDOVI WILL TRADE home In Santa Ana for home In rnM. WUJ pay $1,000 to $1,500 and equity. HA 1058..1. FOR JUS or her eraduatlon . . . the new modern Etema-MaUc, the fineat self winding watch on ball bearlnea. See It at Ray Fteld.a new location. VJ..ata Shopping Center, 19th and Pla- ~ntla, Costa Mesa. $5 PER MO. rent:a good practice plano. Let the klddles learn. All term rent allowed If you buy later. Good practice pianos $135, $146, $178, $195. Danz. Schmidt Big Plano Store. 100 pia nos. 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. Terms. SUP RENTALS: Rowboat rental · spaces, max. 8' beam, 30' length. Amerkan Legion Hall, 15th and Bay, Newport. HA 452. SPECIAL WANTED HIGH DESERT Improved acreage 50 USED .,..P..,..IA_,N,..,.O=s -w_a_n_t-e""'d-:f:-o-r -o-ur homeslles. at sacr ifice prices. rental dept. Hl&hest cash aJ. All utilities. No assessments. Jowance In trade for organs, Terms grand pianos. and spinets. YUCCA NOLIN A RANCHOS Martell Bldg. · Yuc<.·a Valley. California Phone: 356 • OFFER WAlfrED OI Jritne •. ,...... ..... , Owller In Europe and wants IMMEDIATE sale. Thla ls a beautiful (corner) 2-bedroom. 2 bath home with extra utility bedroom~m­ pletely furnished -wall to wall carpeting-and very llv. able. Ex pens I v e 1 y land-scaped. Has been priced at $32,500 -$.27,500 might buy It! This Is a ~al opportunity. SEE IT! H1rtt. lltllbnell Ct., RNIIIn Newport Blvd. at 30th St. Newport Beach Phone Har. 1600 Bal1111 Lease Corona del Mar available June 1955 Choice location, Ideal tor pro- fessional office or?! Call Harbor 1671 Bl•clll l1lu, reaHor 3U Marine Ave .. Balboa Island F• Sale ca._. .......... . Deluxe Ranch Style duplex . on lot-and-hal!. aouth of hwy., ft nest coMtructJon ; shake roof. 2-bedr. ea .• fire. placea. hardwood noon. aep. patlot. U n d e r ~placement cost. Owner HA 1684-R. SPECIAL mGH DESERT Improved acreage homesltes, at aacrltl~ prices. All utilities. No a.uesam~nts. Terms. YUCCA. NOUN A. ~CHOS Martell Bid&. Yucca Valley, Callfomta Phon~: 356 • Danz Schmidt. 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. .. PEUONAL MEN WANTED ~ Let Harbor Gym get you In trim. Harbor Body Building Gym. 644 ~ W. 17th. C.M .. U 8-8388. DID YOU know that Ray Fields. the LJdo Jeweler' for the put 6 yean. wW ope• a n.w jewel ry store on or about June 1 wtth a complete line of watcbe. and jewelry and repair aervl~. at the Vista Shopping Center 19th and Placentia, CM, next to the Carney Hardware! SPECIAL HIGH DESERT Improved acreage homesltes, at sacrifice prices All utilities. No a~ments Terms. YUCCA NOLINA RANCHOS Martell Bldg. Yu cca Valley. California Phone: 356 FOR SALE: ., ow1er, Corona del Mar, 3 ...... 2 lid, modern horne, turn. rental apt. atta~ed ... close to Harbor VIew School and pro- posed parochial achool . . . everything built-In Including dishwasher, dlapo.~aJ,, etc. En- closed patio and 2-car gara1e with work bench . . . call Ha. 2506-M. 222 HAZEL .,.. ..... Large, VIEW llvtnr room, your own private path to the beach! 2-bedra., 1" baths plus an out:aJde ahowert fire- place and other features tor comfortabl~ llvtnr. dble. ra· rage, shady street. Drlv~ by then call Elll w. Stiller REALTOR 225 Marln~ 4ve., Balboa l.tland Call Harbor 1175, --w.-. Harbor 5358 Multiple Listing Service A &,rvice that enlarges the aoope of your Real- tor:.S Services to you. For instance: During the month o1 May the NEWPORT HARBOR BOARD OF REALTORS award.l a special prize to the Realtor making the largest Multiple lJ.sting Sale in which a property ia traded. The ~ ia to encourage reeouroeful eelllng. Multiple u.tlng i.a modem-prof..aional-~v• MJIIng of real property. CONSULT YOUH REALTOR. NEWPORT-HARBOR BOARD OF R~I:T S • ·•~Mbeftlbaw tiM +eMit •• J~ncooh1 In the Upper Bay ~· ra prou4 ol lt. but AnaaatsOa ol tbe bup 2.1 •• 1111 ~ luke offer-Come acre Upper -.y Into the N.wport -tt at 100 W. Cout JIW7.. a.acll etty ltmlta hu *n com. ,....,... ~ ru be tb .. pletett • nnexatlon lowtn1 annuellon In which pro. te.ta can be made apll\ft the ~lldlty of the procHdlnla." Mr. ~l..t explained. ufttU e:ao .,..., ewnlnl. Frank 101'4an, ..cretary of iiA rom"~ plekup. cwuu ••'-· ..... re•Cb' tom. the p&· Hear·•ng Is Set cab, o'drM, raAiio. tinted 11ua. pen In h1a Sacramento otJke II5Ck1l boat, 1001116 rear, 1800 1\anday, CJty Clerk C. X. Prtest (Q)nthnaecl ttc~m Pa" u mJ. fliOO or tract.. Wlltth St., ot Newport Beach reponed. rener~ operaUn1 budaet. 11\la a. CK. Ll 8-:!iiiM we~. 5 to t . ' "'l"be cert.Wcate of anna:atJon covt'NCI tor the ttr1t tlme In our Bb BlSS aeeordlan, lure new. a. betn1 Pft'P&.Nd and wtJJ be S u b m • r 1 e d Land ou Pund SacrUJc:e. u 1.2237. ~ ahortly," Mr. Priest N · Bud1et. \ •49 POJfHAC _ L'alo. Heater, ported hearln& from Sacramellto. ''The bu~eet tor all City funda runa out &ood and ~ IOOCJ. Yaterday completed th~ 30 day. u propoMd. herewith for next fla- $SOO-or make off._nuaat sell period required belen the MeTe· cal year 1a P,078,171.81. 1bJa a. t.hlt WMk. See at 900 )V. Cout ta.ry Of .tat. could act. follow1nr S308.&11U5 In ncea of the eur- HI.chway Newport Beach. adoption of the annexation ordl-rent bu~pt. '!be major c:hanees ....V I ..---.... nance by the Newport Beach city are lined bel~: MONTE~. aty e _ _..,.,, .. aet, council. Salary lncre~ Cl L small double bed, box ._.,..lnr A. check with the office of Jacoba Co . .urve~> ... ..1 6!,638.00 and mattreu. chest dra,....., County Coun.~el Joel O,le ahow-Salary .up lncre.._ 15,518.23 dretalne table, bench minor, ed that no lut minute court 1 ued nel · ~00 Iounett chalt. Excel. cond. ~ actlon had been taken, u threat. s=al p= rin-d f<lc $75. Harbor <8;4. ened, by the coun'ly to atop the capital outlay. __ .... 14.1.744.07 uSEb Apt. eu mwe. Goad C!nd,, annexation. Addltlona to flxed reu. HA 1'736-J. '"Tb~ Ia a 9().day period fol. aeta ....... -................... . ~,33(.!50 '53 FORD 2 door, c:u.tom. hu Materlala and auppll 41,086.SO Fordomatlc. Radio and Heater. ro• IAU F J xed chartres and lu.t put new flnl.ah on It and lANSEN ORCANO, the plano and debt aervlce ... -........... .. must aell -Sacrlftce -See at electric Orran ln one lnatru-__,.. __ _ 900 W. eout' Kwy., Newport. ment. Sold for over $1500. Our Total ........................... . Daxa anc} evenlnra. price $887. Tenna. Alao One Decreues In other ob-. SPINET PIANO. The most beaut!-beautiful Electronic: Orean. Jecta ............ -................ 73; 0..07 tid plano in the world. High-Llke new, Blond llnlah. Fa. est l'fade. All trultwood cue. moua m&ke. Our price only lust like new. Absolutely! This $685. Tblnk of that! Danz. chance comes but once. Save SChmidt Bli Plano Co .. Santa $325. Dan%-Schmldt Fa m o u s Ana, 520 Net. Main. Plano Store. Santa Ana, 520 '54 MERC. Conv. hu radio. No. Main. h~ater. the Unted glau. Mere» '54 MERCURY Sun Valley. Have matlc tran.smlsslon, white wall only put 9,000 miles on It Jo. Hrea and many more ectraa cally, has radio, heater. power <Power seat and wlndowa, brakes and steertnr-wUl sac-even> Want to seU by end of rlfice. See at 900 W. Coast month. WIIJ take older car u Hwy .. Newport Beach. 8:80 any trade ln. Am receptive to aome evenlnr. kind of offer. Can be seen 900 GOLDEN OAK desk. 216 ln. high, W, Coast Hwy., Newport. untll 20xJ6 111. top. 3 drawers. $25. 8:30 every evening. Also. a 4-drawer Ivory finish DID YOU KNOW that we have d~sser, 32 ln. high, 19X38 ln. special gifts for Fathers Day top. $15. See at 205 N. Bay . . . the new modern Eterna. Front. B a 1 boa Island. HA matlc. the finest selt winding 0753 W. watch ... At Ray Fields new GRAND PIANOS many like new. location. Vista Shopping Cen. Stelnway. Excellent condition. ter. Costa Mesa. Beautiful Behr Bros. Queen ~ OLDS 98::;---:-H=-o...,.,ll""d,...a_y_co __ u_pe-. Style. Knabe Grand. OUiclal Looks like new, one owner. has Opera piano. only $1450. Love. all power reaturea.-wlndows- ly Coops Grand. Mahogany seat -brak('l6 and steering; case. fine tone and action, only must sell this week. Prl~d $495. AnoUler Gra nd only $435. right; available until 8:30 p.m . Many other wonderful buys In every even'"' at 900 W. Coast Grands. Come! Look! Dan%-Hwy., Newport Beach. Schmidt 81& Plano Store, Santa HAMMOND ORGANS UMCL A .tina. sao "o. .llaJa. 100 planoe. rare opportuntty. One tamou. Home of the Hammond Orpn. Chord Organ, perfect eondtuon. '54 MERCURY Station Wagon. One Hammond Spinet Orean 2 Less than 10.000 miles -one keyboard& Don't walt 1t you owner -has radio, heater, wish to mak~ a good aavinr on power brakes and Power steer~ the world's finest organs. Daru. lng; wiiJ ~11 at attractJve fig. SchmldL Home Of the Ham- ure. See at 900 W. Coast Hwy.. mond Organ. 520 No. Main, Newport. Open 'til 8:30 any '53 STUDE V-8 Hardtop hu a evening. radio, heater and automatic SPINET PIANOS. All wonderful transmission. Will sell thla buys. Sllghtly used many rent-w~k for best reuonable otter. al returns. On~ In beautiful See .at 900 W. Coast Rwy .. New. Ebony. Famous name. This port. ma ke by Caruso. Only $395. ------------Lovely Mirror Type Spinet, LOST AJfD FOVJfD only $195. another Maple fln- Uih $397. One more, the Aero. sonic Spinet only $465. Many other great buys. 100 pianos from which to choose. new and ... IIELP--... W .... AIITED ________ _ used. Danz.Schmldt Big Plano and Organ Store, 520 No. Main, HOUSEKEEPER. 5 day a w~k. Santa Ana. Open Fri. Eve. 8:30 to 6, In COM. Call Kl Home of ·the Hammond Or. 2-7Z17 days; Harbor 360S-W gans. Blond St udlo pia no save =e.,..,v::e=n=l ":'=-s_. --:---:--:-------::-:---- $265. WANTED: part time maid aerv- FOR SALE: 2-bedr. cottare. 606 Ice for motel. Muat be willln& Heliotrope, COM. Phone owner, to work Saturdaya and Sun. HA 0275-W, Sat. betw~n 10 HA 3"711. &.m. and 4 p.m. BTIJATIOD WARTED BABY SIT'I'INC, care of atck. your home. Day, nllht. mature CDM woman. Before 10 Lm., after 5 p.m ., BA. 3132-M. Painting -Decorating PA.PI:R JUNOlNG GEORGE BURKHARDT Girls- 11'11 .,. ... 1 and you'll .,.. when you bear ol the m&.n7 Job oppor. tunltlft tc. qu&Jlffed youna women In our buab~ to4ai. ()pentnp now fc.: TELEPHONE OPQ.ATORS Monday-~~ J'rtday iSl•~ Ko. MaJn 8an,t Rm. 211-8a.Dta Ana 8:00 to 5:00 P.M. PACU'IC 'J'ZLI:PBOJU Net lneteue ......... _.$108 "A..a aubmJtted. the General eratln& budeet cov~red Jn Current Expenae fund will require addltlona to our preae tax rate or any additional aou of revenu~. However, under the ptovlalona of our Charter, the fol- lowln£ lncreuea In tax rate. are propoeed for operation of the Park, Beach and Recreation De- partment and LJbrary Depart- ment. "I ncrea.se of Park tax from 3c to IOc. "Increase of Library tax from 5c to lOc." a,_, IQI IMler's 1.1. S.nl• ..... John T. Keeler of 224 Jasmine Ave .. Corona del Mar, has sold his ~rv1ce station at Marine Ave. and Park Ave .. Balboa Island, to Richard L. Cramer. City Council approved Mr. Cramer's appllca. tlon for business license Monday evenlnr. Fer lie.._ Off .. ,., ....... a.. .. n •••• ,. ..... ••• Clb. Cpe. Fordo, radio, heater. 'IG F-741 V-8 Cult. ._dr., Radio. heater, O'D. '12 ,.. 1421 Ranch Waron, Radto, heater. '13 ,... 1411 Cult. C dr., radio, heater, Fordo. 10 .. ,. 141 Conv~bl~. radio, heater, nal nlce. 'IGFtnl m ere.tllne, 2' dr., radio, beater, -.w . 'II I••• 141 State.man 4 dr., o'drlve, ad. tlrel. 'II Ftnl • Convertsble, radio, heater, ~. '11,... • Catalina hardtop, R. H. Hydra. 'II • lt)tleUne dlx., 2 cJocw, .... 'II F.. lll \ • iWUMDA'f. IU'f .. 1- Dressy Pima Cottons In Black By Addie Masters Torso dress with full pleated skirt, large collar, and buttons down the front ... another beauty with square neck line, lJ.. push-up sleeves, boufant skirt, black velvet buttons and belt ······-· Sizes 10 to 18 ... $45 Fashion Apparel (on way to Santa Ana Country Club) IMI •....-t ami. e-ta X... Starting Wed. June 1 ORANGE COUNTY'S FIRST HOME SHOW * * * 5 BIG DAYS JUNE 1st. thru 5th NEW EXHIBITS BUILDING Orange County Fairgrounds * * * Door. Open 8 p.m.-11 p.m. WednMday-ThUI'IIday-Fridcry Saturday and Sunday 1 p.m.-11 ~ FlEE -EL VICAnM 1 .. Completely Furnished Bui,lt by Henry C. Cox, Furnished by Riviera Furniture, Decorated by Jan Interiors. • -500.41. ,..Tf ... 8. •>:• New Seaquist Annex Begins :•' 'c•: :• •:•: : •••• (Continued trom Pace 5) the oan or the ahelJs, I'm told. Rumor bu It that Walt Disney has laid &·hold ot a piece ot prop. erty up thar In the bear country of Corona Hlehlancn. But 1 don't lay up too much stock In them thar rumors. A time back I heard Jack Webb of Sgt. Friday fame had got himself a house In Shore CUtts, but I couldn't even find anyone who talked In a mono. tone. It ls true, however. that the Lloyd Woods have sold their love. ly home adjacent to B. Z. Me. Klnneys on Ocean Blvd. In Coro- na del Mar, and that they are leaving a week from Sunday on a five-month holiday abroad. Annexation ot "no man's land" block at 15th St. and Irvine Ave., near the Hleh School, wu lnltl· ated at Monday •venine'a meet. lng of the Nt;WP<>rt City Council. The Council accepted the petf. tloft ot WilHam Seaqul.at and others, presented • by Attorney Robert Hurwitz. and referred It to the Plannlne Commission. The area Is bounded by 15th and 16th streets. Irvine and Tus tin avenues. It was part Of the original two block Seaquist an. nexatlon. blocked by the lncorp. oration of Costa Mesa. which Jn. eluded the other block In Mesa city limits. Just last week Superior Judge John Shea ruled that Costa Mesa CJIEP JOJOfJfJE QDSJIAW (rtglat) laa good ,.... to be JII'OQd of tbe becnaWul blrtllday cab he CIDd la1a atadf ba.rDed oat to -k tbe Sltla ODalftl.ary of the Jrowpo&ot Bcabor TCICbt Club. AatlclpatiDg Uaat It wU1 tate • good a It loob --. tn.a left: N.n. Scarry Mcma ODd s + ege e e &:•;• e e e e e •:•;•;•;• e e e e •:• •:•:• e e • •;• *a £alling C:Q--BJ DIOil BOITIIAN i i M E e;ce:a:+:E!i E E I 8 8 E +;+:+:e:e:M M e ;M M E M E &* M E I ca: O.F.P.A. means the Ocean Fish vatlon Day. I was a guest, aboard Protective Association. That's the the press boat. the Gypsy. out of organization that works hard and Port Orange. That Is, 1 will have long to k eep our ocean sport. bt>en a guest. The ne<-es.'llty of flsh1ng worthwhile. Like most retenlng to the future as though everything else. this takes dinero. It had already happened Is ()('('a M they have done before, the sloned by that lneslstlble force members of the Southern CaJI. called a deadline. common to all Cornia Sportrlshlng Association publications that spread the (which Includes all our Newport news. Harbor landings, and the skip. By yesterday evening, Wht>n pers and crews ot our local boats) the O.F.P.A. treasury wa.s breath have done something to help the lng euler a.tter a lite saving cause. transfusion ot silver, I will have Yesterday (Wednesday) the spent a day at sea In the good whole fleet took out anelers at company ot a 10( ot prominent ab: bucks Cltty per head. At the people. I'll tell you all about It end of the day, every cent went next week. Meanwhile, rongratu. to the O.F.P.A. It's a tine uaist. lations to the Balboa Pavilion. But It you know our rood cltl-Davey's Locker. Norm's Landing. zens who make a living by help. Port Oranee. Seasport and their lne people have tun, you would-skippers. crews and bait haulers.. n't be aurprl~. They're that And thanks to the S.C.S.A. presl kind ot guys. CaJllng C.Q. hu aJ. dent. Cy Tucker. tor the lnvlta ways tfeen ready to eo on the air tlon. in their behalt, and wUl continue to be ready. luat CaU C.Q .. , you S.C.S.A. ruy._.lf and when. The pauword Ia "Iwo Jlma." Maybe you were there too when our ~rtflshlne Oeet put on thJs MC:Ond O.F.P.A. CoMer· MOVE TO UCK llAT The A. E. Hobsons have moved from 222 Walnut Ave.. Costa Mesa. to the Back Bay ar~a. where their addreu ls now 2431 S.E. Mesa Dr .• Santa Ana. had priority over that other block and dlrected Newport •ach to terminate its orlctnaJ Seaquist annexation proceedlnp. Verbal protest. char&fne ineg. ularltles In the conduct ot the school trustee and tax ovenlde election last Friday ln Costa Mesa so far have not resulted In any court action, a check of the county clerk's ottlce showed Wednesday. MOVE TO WATaraORT The Charles McKlnnons have moved from 4.20 Acacia Ave . Co rona del Mar. to !329 Pacl!lc Dr DL LAU .OCGAU • ....._. d.lncW .... .. ._... FNd wan.r "--7.._, .• wW ca.d.t the • •• dl d*n .... tbo tua -•-' c:tllond ...UYal at I p..a. Su.adlq cat ._ GnN n..at:n Ia tM A ..... • City Pad. 1'1ae f..tmd is Ill IBMftd by the CIMnl c::...s.cton QWld ...s wW be ~...-.s .. .... -...... INa clludl drloUs ..,. the •UN coaaty. laciiMilag the ..... ...s --drlobs .. the c... del ,._ c-a..tty cllvdt. • Filii TilE 'nle youne people of the CoJ'O. mer. '!'here wW be entertalnm~t na del Mar Community Church and door pl'iza u well u eata. are ~n.eorlne a "come u you Tickets ean be obtaJned from are'' breakfast trom 8 to 11 a.m. memben of the church and from Saturday, June 4, at the parkJne the PUertm Fellowship. lot back ot Cout Su~ Market. • All proceeds wUl be u~ tor For lettwiau•. ...uiDPII c.l ~church youth camp this aum. THE ENSKioN. HA.-1114 ·y····· ··············~ ~ WE HAVE IT!~ "' "rerll jiiiJ" ~ ~ TilE IIIUCU POOD ~ ... or ~ ovzu au "' "' Topa a.., ... I'O'f'll jelly Ia-~ • coqtOC.W la .atwal a.o-y. • ~ ~ =:a::.s ~=-=-= 4 ~ Tl fiila iJ1111 ITIIE ~ • -•. •....-n ami. -... c. ........... ~ t. ••••••••• ~~ •••••••••• J Wll SUIPLUI Orco Block Co. BUILDING BLOCKS-AU. SIZFS-ALL TYPES JAcboa 7-2211 ID•.._ly ~ 1042 KcnelJ& lt.ttoa 2130 s. ....... S..ta Aaa GRAND OPENING OF PORT ORANGE TRAILER PREVIEW Y• .. eee a. M-IL ha AT!I'laa Euewttte ........, ••• 'fte lint ..... .. Ia Oru~ O...ty ..• -ad-a ..... y. truly the althDate .•. luxarioall beyoed words. 4 days .•• May %'7. 28, %9, 30. You'll See America's Finest Mobile Homes . . . 16 to 45-Feet MAY 27 THRU MAY 30 RANGER CAMP TRAILER WRI AIM S.. EdlfbttNI TIM -complete o• ac lea l and funC1tonal -:amp. Ina trailer ever offered ':': to the artor-t•m•n c.,..~,.. u Fouo in • R•"•er C.e'"" Tnult r BILL HAR\'El'"S BA \'SHORE SMALL BOAT CENTER WILL E.XHIBIT 1 * Champion Boa l'i * Gla.~par Boat~ 2241 W. Coast Hwy. * .Johnsoa Outboards * Ma.riM t\(.'('4"MOJ'ies Newport Beach ESPECIAlLY FOR YOU Spnng a nd summer m fashions created m the w 1 n d o w s of 0 BRIEN S SPECIALTY SHOP. 2515 E. Coast H1ghway, Corona del Mar Today (Thursday) and for the enttre week-end Flowt'r dt.plays artJstkally ar. r~ by Glady~~ NOI"'IW\ ot NOitMAlf'S FLOWDl SHOP and faahions from OW' adu.al~ eoa. l«tton at ... Councilman's Kin Dies ~t 87 The 13f..loot 8Cbooner, Te Ve1a. Prtvate famJly MrYtc. .,..... wUI Mil eoon from N*Poft Har· held Moncl.ly at llala Mortuary, bor f« TaiUU. due to arrive in Corona del Mar, tot M.n. Jtath. time f• tbe J'rencll celebration artne Blou Flint, Wl, panclmotber or 8utllle Day on July lf. '11\e of Newport Councllman Sandy P. ldlOOMI' wW theft llt&rt maltlnl MacKay. • reiUlar pa.aenaer l'\U\1 between HonoMu and Tahttl. Mn. Flint died May 20 at her Te Vela Ia beine outf1tted by home, 3404 Via ()porto. Newport Its ~er .akJpper, Capt. Orner Beach. She was the widow of the D t Boatswatn'a Locker 24.11 late U.S. Senator Frank P. Flint. w-:reo~ Bwy., Newport Beach. founder of the city ot FUntrtdee. Te Vega anlved at Newport Hat- She Is survived by 4 daughter, bor last Septembft after a on• Mrs. H. S. MacKay; a son, wu. month voyage from Tahiti, where llam R. Flint; grandsons Sandy capt Darr pure'hased the ship. MacKay and Frank P. Flint n, The ·winter months were spent and two great.grandchlldren, the Installing new masts. re-rleelna, children of Councilman MacKay. relocatine the ealley from top. Mrs. l'llnt was born In Merced side to a forward po&ltlon below and had lived In Newport since to leave more deck area for pas. last July. •••• l.t il FIPI ' ,.. lrral Tine A Lone Beach woman sulfered a head wound and three other persons were arrest~ on lntoxt. cation charges followtne a dis- turbance In the Chefs Inn, 3201 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar, at 12:30 a.m. May 14, Newport poll~ reported. Officers Interviewed Marrlaune Adams In the Inn. She charged that one of a party drank her drink and when she conltonted him about It, he knocked he~ down. She said she did not wish to sign a complaint but would like compensation for damage to her head and clothing. sengers. Interior decorattnc on Te v.,a was canted out by Dick Macker of 34.20 Via lJdo, Newport Beach. Ked carpets. belee and blue fur. niture and belge drapes with a tinge of red trtm are c.arrted out in the interior. eux STATEJIOOIG Te Veca ls one of the lareest schooners afloat today and was built to sail the seven aea.a.. At - commodatlons are provided to carry 12 passeneers In the creat- est comfort. Six staterooms have adjoining tub and shower bath with hot and cold water. The spacious lounge provides room tor meals. reading or writing. Three-inch teak decks are top- side for the passengers to roam from stem to stern. Here passengers may watch the working of the ship by charges at the Inn entrance were skilled seamen. lie In the sun or Allee Andree Pernotte. 34. ot Z742 take a trick at the wheel. The de· Circle Dr .. Bay Shores; Louis M. sire of every crewman aboard Is Bolsot. 41. Laguna Beach. and to cater In every way possible to Fred L.. Henderson, 39, who gave the comfort and enjoyment of his address as 6J6 Ramona Dr., the passengers. This Is true of Corona del Mar. The Long Beach the stalwart Polynesian who woman charged that her verbal trims sail aloft as It Is of the ex- argument was with Henderson. pert chef in the galley, eager to =iMMMMMMMMMiiiiiiiiM satisfy sea-whetted appetites. fti.TDJ.1l1:ll: u:rr.an:::r.arr a iJ7 a a J1 e BUlL T 1M CEBXAJIT A r rest e d on lntox.Jcatlon APORT ;? .. ). CORONA D£t MAR ·HAAI1c'RIHl9 NOW SHIWIII -PLU5- The pleasure of cruising the South Pacific seas. with none of the cares and resporuslbllltles. Is now possible tor the thousands who have dreamed of such liv· lng. It Is the chance to get far ott the beaten track. to escape tourist crowds, to explore Islands on a superlative vacation. Te Vega wu bunt ln K.lel. Ger- many, In 1930. destcned by Cox and Stevens. New York naval archJtect.s. Te Vega has a saJl area of ll, 235 square feet. A six- cylinder 20Q.horsepower Winton diesel engine provides auxiliary power wtth a cruising range of more than 5,000 miles with engine only. Two diesel gener· atlng units of 25 kilowatts and 15 kilowatts provide electric power. The ship Is completely air conditioned. Te Vega has a water line length of 100 feet, beam of 28 feet and draft cJt 17 teet. The water capacity is 9.200 gallons. A large deep freeze walk In box and two reach.fn boxes provide refrigeration. A 100 watt radio BalaDced Play-Wwli-IIMt few YOGI' UtUe Tots HAPPY DAY SCBOOL 440 Heliotrope, Corona del Mar Harbot 4369 Mrs. Jean Vaughn, director Make your Own Giftw·.-e •• in our Ceramic Studio A wonderful new plan for the ceramic hobbiat ... you work In a complete, modern plant with all the latest commercial equipment under skilled super- vision. We have molds for over 125 Items from ouz line that you may use or you may make your own des igns ... Anyone ecm do It • • • Pboae fw full detcdls * IACIIES PinERY I •ns • IIQIIMacdlleateot-eYpn n rrt doe Allocation ot S12.* In county -•• atrilllle eaUt Jaai ... IU tax IDOMJ to help aUeviate ...,_.. ,.._ as a pcwt -.ell • the lltOrm drain problem ud tm. ,... • ...._. a._ 'hla.ltl oe '-ly prove lltNeta In eo.ta 11 .. wu 12. ll••el ....,_ ww be _..... ~rowel by the Colt& M .. c:tty ..,.. Ia ta. 11 a r • aa ••• a councU lut week. W•~M~r. IBc:J...._ .&hlo-. lllfo. At the requ• of City Manar· JutioD llaJ, Talpl Vat aDd Talo er Georp Coffey, councUmen ap. Hal Tile voyqe wtU tbQ ao on proved ~ndlne 12,950 to correct to Konea. Bora Bora. Baretea the lfade at the lntenection or and arnvtnr In Honolulu on Maple St. and Hamllton; ts.700 Aur . 15. Th1e voyap will be foJ. for the lntenectlon of 18th St. lowed by 11-day crW.. between and 'nllt.ln 'Ave. and t2,732 tore.. Honolulu and Tahiti on a ~-pave Fairview Rd. lnalde city Jar P&.SSef\ler schedule. No ~· llmlta. • tar &hlp paaaenger lerVIee 1a In Mra. Hazel Scott of ~ Maple operation between HonoMu and St., Costa Mesa, chareed that aub- TahltJ, at present. Darr Unea divisions In her area and work ln'c., operatln• Te Veea. wtll on atreeta In the area resulted start tht aervtce. In storm water floodlne Into Ma- • SKIPnn WJP1t GODrQ pie St. and around her hoine. Mrs. Darr, a relfatered nurse "We have a three-foot wall all wtll make the tt.rst trip. She r~ around the houw," Mrs. Scott cently returned from Honolulu, aald. 'Tm the coat In th1.t deal. where abe eat a b lla h e d their All four atreets drain Into Maple. famJJy ln their Honolulu real-Someboct7 la CUllty of mealne fiiUMDAT, KAY & ... . the meet up. lt'a pathetic." She ubd councilmen for standby IDOMJ for pumJ» to pull water oft Bamllton St. "We're well aware of the drain· a,. altuaUon In your area." aaJd Mayor Claire Neblon. "Dratnaee dlmlctl are cotnr to have to be created." Councilman Bert Smlth aald that he h ad the city attorney draw up · petitions which he wu ctreulatlnc foT a dratnaee dl.s. trlct. He e.xpJ•tned that one dralnaee dlstrtct would Include the area from Bay Sl to Placen· tia Ave., 19th St. to Wilson St., and would cost $100,000 to be shared by lt)e people In the area. MOVE TO SJUITA IUIA DJGIITI Mr. and Mra. A E. Hob8on of 222 Walnut Ave., Cocta Mesa, have rpoved to 2431 S. E. Mesa Dr., Santa Ana Helebta. telephone provides ahlp to shore and ship to ship radio communi- cation along with a connectton with overseas operator. Capt. Dan b from Ket.o, Wuh. dence. '11\ey Include Billy. 5; Bob-jiiiiiiiiiiijjjiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii lncton. and was active In salllne by, 3~. and Michele, 2~. atay. B N -~ .:..;,~ e-. I before jolnlnl' the U. S. Navy In lnl' with a houaekeeper In a uy OW e e e ~ ~·· e World War D. He aerved two town with many relatives. Mrs. years In the south and western Darr was born and ra!aed ln Hon- Pacltlc. After World War n he olulu and was there at the time went to Hone Kont with the Idea the Japane.e attacked Pearl Har. e TWO WJIALE.oATS TWo 22-foot motor whaleboats fully equipped with saila and In- spected under req\lirements of International Co n vent Ion for Safety of Llle at Sea, 1948, and one light surf boat are carried on deck. W. T. (Bud) Chesley or Balboa Island Is first mate on Te Vega and Ted Furlough of Long Beach Is ~nd mate. Jack Harmon of Newport Beach is the chef aboard of gettlne a boat built. Shortaee bor. of materials prevented this and Te Vega pusengen wUl be he went to work for Natlonallst definitely on a luxury crulae Chinese customs tor one year with much personalized service. with a patrol boat. ''Tahiti's welcome to the voy- • PtrBCIIASED SCBOOJfEB aeer from afar Is proverbial. But C.IIM Ll•p Terry GIYin '"CAJflfOJf• 10-. ..._..... ~ Clotla UC. aA TbJa Weell ODly ................................................... . * COMPLETE PATIO FtJBNJTUBE ~VICE * , J.a.tr a.14a * We o.u.. Chief Stewart Ralph Varady spent 13 years with the Royal Netherland Steamship Co. In all phases of their catering opera. tJon. He previously was In charge of food control In the Los An· geles Athletic Club. assistant manager of the Riviera Country Club and catering manager of the Moana Hotel, Honolulu. He left his job as manager o! the Trader Vic restaurant In Hono- He returned to the United It that welcome Is most enthusi- States still looking for a good astlc for those who come under boat to buy and purchased the saiJ, It ls because, in splrlt, Ta- 71-foot schooner Nordlys In An-hltl still lives in the good old, napoUs, Maryland. He started leisured days ot wlnd.Jammera," out on a one-year cruise which states the Te Vega Tahiti Crulae took the Nordlys to the West brochure. "Those who first see Indies, Panama, G a 1 a p a go s Tahiti from Te Veea'a decks will Islands. Marqueals, Tuamotus, see It as did the first dlscoverers other islands, Tahiti, Horfolulu, and are certaln to experience the San Francisco, Newport Beach, aa.me deJJght and nu.r-unbellet (Unma ft.ATIIIQ COIDAIIT) back to Tahltl and Honolulu, to :--th;;;;;a:;;;;;t~fill~ed~~th~ose;;~e;ar;l~:y~m~·~rt~n~ers;.'~' ~~~~~~~4~JIAUO~~~·~.ouLEV~~~A~lD~~~~~~~~=C~clO~IST~A~MK~•~A~ Tahiti aeatn and then Newport r Beach, where the schooner was sold He heard about Te Vega belnf ln Tahiti, purchased It; flew there. He le!t Tahiti with Te lulu to take Te Vega Job. Veea last August with a Tllhl· Ted Grant. second stewart, was tJan crew, arriving at Newport formerly w1th the Surfrlder Hotel Beach In September. In Honolulu. Another stewart Is A public address system hu Harry Durbin of Fullerton, Wally been Installed In Te Vega to pro- Caron of Newport Beach Is cook's vide communJcatlon between the helper. wheel, top of muta, en&lne room eT~ AM>AD' an4 c:rewa cau,arten. nee •17 Bryce H. Eutman b chief en-a~ such a Jarce w.aet. ctneer, and Tahitlans Marcel Tapld mualc Is provided ln the Fanaural and Richard Nena are main salon and on deck. Organ- In the enelneer crew. Seamen lzed eames and entertainment scheduled to sail Include Bill Me-wtll be provided for the passen- Fadden. Long Beach; Herb Wales. gers. of Texas; Cliff Johnson, Newport e PASSPOB'TS WEEDED Beach; Allen Chase, Newport Informality will be the order Beach; Dan Petter, Newport ol the day Of Te Vega cruises. Beach, and Charles Firl, Tahl. Facilities will be available for tlan. canadian Walter Postens Is light laundry and pressing. ship carpenter. Though not too strictly limited. Bill Stone of Tahiti. writer of baggage should consttt of suit· "Tahiti Landfall" and other cases which wiJl stow easily. A South Sea l.lland stories, will be few well chosen books are on one of the passeneers on the first board, Including a collection on run of Te Vega. He pl&n$ to put the South Seas. All passengers on a special fiesta In his home on must be In possession of valid Tahiti for Te Vega and guests passports visaed by the French after they arrive. · Consul for Tahiti. All passeneers ftaom the POUCE BLOmR e IIOJfDAT, KAT II Ten frozen wieners, four frozen plea and a eallon ol Ice cream were stolen from bls freezer In his unlocked garage, John Mer. kel of 220 Colllns Ave., Balboa Is- land, reported ... A car driven by William K. Horton of Laguna Beach ran Into the rear of a dump. truck driven by Howard L. Berry of 514 San Bernardino Ave., Newport Heights, making a left tum off Coast Hwy. at DahlJa Ave., Corona del Mar, at 8:20a.m. . . . A possible prowler was re- ported at 1215 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa, at 10:32 p.m .... In re- sponse to a call of a posslble at- tempted entry of the Balboa Is-' land Variety Store, two boys were found throwlne water and sand from the roof of the bulldlnc ... e TVUDir, KAT 17 Officers recovered a stolen car Reservations Now . HArbor 3930 villa marina * * * Thursdciy, June 2nd. 19th in a MriH of monthly FCIIIbion Shows Pr ... nted through the cooperation of the Villa Ma:ri.Da~ Vema MUier and The Following Distinctive Sho~ * On the F'U'St Thunday of Each Month * * THE BRAT SHOP 1809 Newport Boulevard Costa Mesa ·* ELLGEN& CASUAL FABIIIOftl 1883 Harbor Boulevard Costa Mesa * * LORNE 204 Marine Avenue Balboa Island * PEIIIE WJ.E 3409t E. Coast Highway Corona del Mar · * Want to rest your head on the LA BEINE 500 Via Malaga Udo Shopping Center B1JI.II OF CAWOIIU 3210 Via LidO Udd Sboppng Center world's Best pillow? I • fiiiiTIII No,.. foe .... 11 ••• Ho ploc. ... ,.,, ...... ,,.. ... a! .. ~~ c.-. ... .... aw..&--. u.tr 1-ftDLil ........ * .... mz * Approximately D l!pHCh ther-the atterDoon.. Mrs. Myra lane •PI.Ib. teachers and admlnlltra· TaylOI' wu electe4 the new pres. ton attended the sprtne meettna ldent of the poop, repladng Dr. ot the .outhem aection ot the Bul,h Eam8t from Riverside. Cal.ltomJa Speech Therapy A.un. Mrs. Leslie Vaua.bn Ia speech May 14 in Harbor VIew School. corwultant for Newport Beach Linton Slmmons, county super. elementary IIChoola and was pres. lntendent of achoola, and Roy ent at the meetings. Andenen, Newport Beach city elementary achool superintend· Ulll.l ent, greeted the group at the momJnc seaton. A panel dlacua. alon, ~e Administrator Looks at Speech Education," ~wu held with Nadine Hermanson Coates, apeecb consultant tor t.o. An- aeles county schools. In charce. • Mlss Lena May Willsey's first a:rade Harbor Vleow School class put on a demonstration Of crea- Uve dramatJcs wtth choral a nd Individual spea.klnc. Mrs. A l . WMll'a Harbcw Vlew School ldncler1arten cl.,. put on a demonstration of ereaUve dra- matics and rhythm. "New Ideas in Speech 'lberapy'' wu the subject of a IM!'rles of cSemonatratlons put on durlnc * ..... 2212 * The victim of a knife wound wu advised by Newport pollee on May 13 to change his bloody clothes so as not to cause so much concern to others. Edward L. l en- nlnas. 35, of Topanga Canyon was fo\lhd by officers at Riverside Ave. and Cout Hwy., Newport Beach. at 11 p.m .• after genlng a report of a suspicious man In a bloody condition wandering in the street in front of traffic. lenntne• told pollee that be alld aeroa htS car seat and Into his own knife which was on the seat A IM!'l'Vlce station attendant In the .Mariner's Mile took the victim to Roag Memorial Hos- pital, pollee were told. They called the hospital and received a verllicatlon of the story. LL Ill ... 11111 It IIJ 01111 PIIIJ Lt. (1Gl Henry (Rank> Branch Nix waa the bonor euest at a cttnn. pert)' &tvu by Paul wu. 1lam Lawrenee Ji. ot IJdo lale at the Balboa Bay Club May 8. 1 WUJ hpport letlaJAtioft ...... at puttlftc tbe Commllalon'a NO- OIDJDftldatlona Into f!ftect *>that The Cotnmluion's tnvestJcatlon many of theee wut.tul practac. 418cloeed that at the same tJme can be ellmlnated. T'be followtnl ~ ot eQuipment, tbe _. lbould be tbe Army wu ahtpplnc 807,000 ;iii;iiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii IOYer'IU'Mnt bandllnc ol .u.plua ~bUted throuJhout the COWl· pcKmda of tomatoes from Call. propety Is pa.rtJcularl)' timely t:rJ 110 that no one lll'ft Neelvea fomla to New York th N and lntere«tnr beeau.e ol the • Ml'tou ecoaomle Impact. lhlpped T75.000 pound. 0; to:n7. appUcatJon ol the :Newport Bar. A ta* fGfte ol tbe Hoover toee from the Eut coast to CalJ. bor Union HJp 8daool Dltltrkt CornrnJ.Ion after a thorouch In· fomfa. to obtain a alte for a MW hJp .. aatJon ~dec! t h at IIChool at tbe former Santa ovtr'-all aupervi.ldon and control 11M Commission estimated that Ana Army Air Rue. ol supply opentJcau abovld be J1 the Mllltary Air Transport Standard 8 h a d e Cloths and C\l.tom SpedaltJes W Drapery H a r d w a r e a. Venetian Blinds. • • • lnatJtuted a nd that bett« coordJ. Servke would reiJnqulab only 25 nation of purdlulnl and aurplua per cent of Its present foreign ~/,. g~ gt..,..- WASIIDIG'!Oir JI&IO: d1apoul work between 10Vft1l· pauencer traffic and SO per ct>nt ,..,... -, ,.._ C 1 F rnent aaenct. would ..._ult In ot the maJI it carries on lntema. * ... Ide tiM * Ccd1 JAIID a. UTI' are-at over.aJl ecoDOmy, reaclltnc ttonal routes the total annual hrlt Office lilA • There Ia a ,..t tnconat.tency Into the biDJona. sub81dy cost ot the International 01 a.d lt.. •...,..-t ~ In the proiJ'am of ctlapoul ot aw . --~-----=~===~~~~~~~~~~~~~ plus property held by the Gov· 'n'le CommlaaJon found that ernment. The lnconatstency re-each additional one cent received : • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e e e • • e • • • • • • • • • • acta on both aides u a financial on each dollar COIIt of property • .. : burden on the ta.xpayera. aold would yield an extra twenty • --~ • mllllon dollars yearly. It UJ'led • • Attempts to eet unu.ed land that modem teclmlquft ot aell-• • held by the Fedel'al Government inc de-veloped by r.nerchandla.lne : • back on tbe tax ron. by .. ll.lal uperta be U8ed _. a meana of • NG • It to privata tn4lvtduala meet recovertnamore for the taxpayer. • • wtth a vut amount ol red tape • • : and subeequent delay. Thla OOitl • WAII&PUL nACTiaEI • T. M. ~your J.t..b.,. Mana-in ...__ .. D--a. • the taJr;payer money by reuon o1 Equ&lly tmportaut Ia the pur. • -...-•-· .......... .-. ~ • theta. ot tax revenue whJle the chaalnc .ectlon al thJa comblna-• • Government owna tbe land. tlon whJcb the Commi..Son at. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • At the same time huge atocltl tacked, ~)'lnl that tbe au:rpluaes ot aurplua supplies are told at abouJdn t have been aoeumulat. five-away prices by one agency ed tn the f1rst place. It wu found while other branches of the Gov. th:S. an a~en:; : ~dtw: ernm.ent are buying the same ye supp Y n an ar types of supplies at current mar-Items en.ted at the ltarttan Arm)" ket rJ Stock Control Polnt. The Navy P ces. Shipe Paru Control Center In e SALE PJI0(2J)ftE hnn.lflvanla hu enouab gear When a section of a Govern-drives to 1&at 128 years. .An air ment agency determines that a ;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ plect> or property which it owns Ia surplus to ttl needs. all of Its branches are circularized to de- tennlne whether one of them hu a need for it. 11 none has, then each of the other a,encles of the Government Ia clreularlz.ed In this same manner. U they all In· dlcate that they have no need for It local municipal agencies and schools are flven a chan.ce to ob- tain it. and only thereafter la It offered to private Individuals, and a poaJble sale to them must be approved by the Conerea. All of thta clreularlzatlon takes many week:a. and lf aomeowhere along the line a Government a,ency Indicates that It wants the property, It Is turned OVft to them. 11. u happened In the case of the Santa Ana Air Base, that acency shortly tbereatter deter. mines that It cannot use the property, the whole procedure Is . cone over again. SAVE S~FELY At Oru«Je Co.nty·a Le.difH) Home Leftding Institution CONTINUING TO PAY U you were to COUDt the puta in a telepbooe. you'd bd au al· mo.t unbelievable au.mber. Tbere are 433 ot them. all told. Many of theee are complex and preclaiOil made. Yet the telephone ia rugged. Oa the nen,p it Deeda fbd.q oaly once in about slx yeara. And telepboDe people ban worked out way. to make tele- phones at .urpriliDcly low cc.t. Theee t.hiap help ua keep tele- phone ..moe a cood bQy for you. Pacific TelephOM works to make your taJephone a bigger value~ day. • • • • COIOII DEL 1111 PIIIIIICY Lt. Nix Ia based at the Ala- meda AU Ba8e in CaJJlornla. hav. Inc recently returlled home from Korea. When a private purchaser ls a~J'Hd upon by the Government the General Serv1ees AdrntnJ..tra. tlon baa an -appra.lsal rnacle of the CW'I'ent market value, and this price must then be paJd by the purchaser. In contrast to thls, when an agency nnds that It hu a sur phu of an Item or \terns of sup. plies. It conducta a sale under the eoxcbanp.sale provt.sJon of the Peden.l Property and Adrnlntatra. ttve Services Act ol 1949, which PER ANNUM :t• RaiiiL •••• _. krm•• ••••• come In and look around ... you are sure to find that unusual cttt you are looldne tor . . . and we have tbe nne.t paper party aoodl and brldae supplies. He fiew down for some fiablng and took along the Lawre~ house ruesta on his parents' 5& foot cruller The Lady Ann. Lt. Nix Ia the 110n ol Superior Court ludp and Mrs. U oyd E. Nlx of Loa Anceles. ALL ACCOUNTS INSURED UP TO $1 0,000 authorized the sale of peraonaJ All Accounts Opened property for the purpoee of re-On or lefore placing It with newer property Shown above, making plans with their new boa. Dorothy Burr, CEaTII"'CATE OF aUIUO:SS whJcb Is slmJlar to that aold. In The I Oth of ftte Montt. are Carol Fetters, Carol Morgan and Barbara Wagner. These PlcttU... FU. ._. most cues the sales price Ia only E•m fTo"' tt.e t st. thr~ young wom~n have Just completed an etaht-week course THE UNDERSIGNED do hereby a small fraction of the ortrtnal In business otrlce operations and will be located In our office ~ that they are conducttnc C08t even thouah the supplies at 311 E. Balboa Bl vd. When you call th~ omce or come In to a pharmacy bu.llneu at 31.27 ~ht n~ have been taken LAG u N A the office with any of your telephone business. you may talk to East Coast BJahwa7. Corona del from their orlcfnal packlnc. any one of the thrft of them. We are very pleued to welcome Mar, Ca11fomla. under the flctl· these three tine ~pie to our st.alf. They were selected care. tloua finn name ot Corona del • ADVEUE AI"PEcr tully and trained well. and we know that you wtll enjoy dolnc Mar Pharmacy and that said There has been a heavy con-FEDEAAL SAVINGS busln&S with them. Mrs. Burr, Business Ottk:e Supervt~. to ~--MMMMMMM-WWWWW;;i;;i;;;;;ii~MM. firm Ia com~ of the follow-centratJon of sales of surplus I LOAN ASSOCIATION whom these thrft girls wtll report. has been with us just a Ina persona whose names In full tractors and other heavy machln. year. Sh~ has plenty of experience with the company, havinc MtHfa.J~ DlmQV~I'Oa IIIIIQ' TIYS, •• aw. .. 1101 ... c..tiiWY ... J ..., c... ...... (Next to All American Market) ~!!.~==' u.uOa .... * aa. .. -.. ~--.. and place of residence are as fol-ery ln the Southern Calllornta U2 Oceee A.--completed approximately 26 years with PacWc ~e-phone. She lows, to.wtt: area which bas had • moat .erl. LA6UNA started her eueer In Los Angeles. where she worked In dttfer. G. H. Pelraol, 600 Acacia Ave., ous adverw effect upon the sal~ lEACH ent offkes In that city, and spent several years In the Bus iness Corona del Mar, Calif. ot new equipment. Wblle lt Is office at Compton before com1n1 to Newport BHch. Experience Eleanor C. hJ.nol. 600 Acacia necessary to reallu • return to ,.._ HY 4-lln such as Mrs. Burr's and the fine people shGWI'l with h~r are Ave., Corona del Mar, Callt. the taxp.ayen by:_:•:l:.:lln:,::e~surp=.::..:.lu::s~~~~~~==~~~=~~~n~um~ber~ed~h.Ja~~h~o~n~th~e~llst~~of~a~sse~ts~ot~o~w~b~~~sf~ness.~~----WITNESS our hands this 26th day of April, l.Z6. G. B. .PeJnol Eleanor C. Pelraol STATE OF CAIJFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE ss.. ON THIS 28th clay of April, 1~ before me, a Notary PublJc: b:a and for aaJd county and state. ,_dina tbereln, duly commls. aiofted and sworn, personally q,peared G. B. .PeJnol and Eleanor C. Petnol. •IAII •CONVINIINCI lmowD to me to be the penou Wtw. names are aubecriMd to the wtthJn ln8t:ru1Mnt, and ac- ltnowledpd to me that they exe- cuted the ume. 1~;~-~;~~~~~···"'-~!!IIIJ·iii~~~ijii~ Wti'NISS IQ.J band and am . ....... -a ....... .. 'Mar; ... R.a.apa JWary NbUe lD an4 .. a.td Count:)' and ltate. -Ooml..... ap&r. lU.l1 11.18. ........ : ...., 5. 12. 1J, • Not only ll Dltedor Mart.hella "Happy Tlme"; Pati TambeWnl " ttandall ol Cotona del Mar ,... ot eo.ta Meea, ''Blythe Spirit'' bt tumtna to the eu.mtrit Newport "Lady In the Dark'' and a "Dream Harbor Community Players ~ Girl''; Mel Berry ot CIUI Haven, ductlon, but a cast ot veterans who took outstandJne part:. ln o1 put local atage hlta wW also the recent ''H•»PYTlme." "Blythe be seen In ''The Black Jlamlnao.'' Spltlt" and "Goodbye My Fancy." to be prf!l'lented Friday and Diana Gilbert, form erly of the Saturday, May 27 and 28, at Or· aecretarlaJ ltaft of the Newport ange Coast Colleee. Beach Elementary S c h o o I s , Cast ot the hilarious mystery played a strong, It ungra.mmatl- melodrama will Include such cal, lead In "Born Yesterday." stus as Robert Wentz. Newport Vlra lnla Wells and Jeanne and Harbor Hleh School drama In· Jerry Evans, all of Corona del structor, partJcularly remembered Mar, have been supporting char- for the French Gtandpere In actera In the hit plays of ''Coun- sellor at Law," "Lady in the ..-www-.I:EIT••••I!I Dark" and "My Three Angela." COLLEm.. Other cast members wlll In· elude Nlck O'Day of El Toro, Da- vid Grant and Jim Webb ol Cos- CREDIT BUREAU o1 w..-. 0n1ote c.atr (formerly of Newport Beach, Laeuna 'lJeach A eo.ta M ea> .. at• .. lde A.,.,_ to._- l.u.ty .. 71.1 ............ FEAru•• QucdriK l tat.-Val'IOUJM hDuoU CIDd aU UIOOif Dn~ihC'ts "KID at. PICJ[ UP & B.UOII'S @ ...... le'IIIP'DOI't . <>t:: IE SA UPHOLSTERIII ta Mesa, aU veterans ol local community plays. and Dick In. nerst. Werner Cllrlson and Jim Koehler of Costa Mesa. being In· troduced In ''The Black Flamin· go." This especlaJJy large produc. tlon is being spol\SOJ'ed by the Woman's Civic League In order to raise money for the Commun- Ity and Youth Center. LEGAL •OTICE I No. A-2:i662 ESTATE OF C A THE RI NE GWYNN, also known as KATIE GWYNN, DECEASED. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the creditors of and all persons having claims against the said decedent or said estate to tile them with the necessary vouch ers In the ortlce ot the Clerk of the Superior Court of the State of California, In and for the County of Orange, or to present the same. with the necessary voochers, to the undersigned at his or her place ot business, t<> wit: Ella M. Lewis, c/o Ralph M. Myers. Jr .. 2721 East Coast Highway. Corona del Mar, Cali- fornia. within six months after the first publication of this no· tice. Dated April 29. 1955 ELLA M. LEWIS Administratrix of the Estate of sa1d decedent. Ra lph M Myers. Jr .. 2721 East Coast Highway. Corona del Mar, Cali!ornia, Attorney for Admin. lstratrix. Pu bllsh: May 5. 12, 19, 26 In the Newport Harbor Ensign. ~y··················y··~ • • • ~TV ..... TV. • • IDIICIE ~ • AUTIIOIUZED • t• . I C A VICTOR DEALER . ~ " e All mU... aU parts. aU tubM • e BODeet. aciellUflc cmalyal.a aDd repm • • • Prompt aemce • • e BecDOIICible priCM • : TARTER TELEVISION ~ • NOW TWO LOCAnOifS • : CORONA DEL MAR 2904 E. Coast Hlway-Ba:rbor U91 ~ ~··~~~~~~~!~~-~~~~~~ ••• ~ fj ~iHMu; q~ VIUA 111111 FeaturlD9 tiDe aeafood. at.ab. prtae rU.. cb.lcba. dock. tbe VWa Ma:rt.Da 1a oae of OraDge Co1ulty's ~ I'Mtcna- rODta. lkmquet room Melt. up to 400. LocaW at tbe ~ to lkllboa lala:Dc1. ODder 8CIIIle OWDen!IJp a tbe Cirque 1D Fuu.rtoa. GRAIDOLFO'S RESTAURAIT-IIUOA Formerly of R-et SpedalblDg lD autbeotlc ltalla:D Pood. deUgbtlul atmo- sphere Ideal for famlly dt.D.1D9. ltallcaa Foodll cm4 Patry prepared from Gra:Ddolfo'a OWD Special ndPM • • • Piua-~~-~1:, -:=. JlcrrioU ·~~D PUPADD TO CO"' 511 Balboa 81Yc1. aalboa C.OSED MORAYS SOUTH SEAS CAFE DJSCVSIDIG rLAJfl ._ tbe ..., lob o.ltoa ......,._t to be ba.llt _.. • tbe alte of Lido W'ba:rf an ~ Cawtlua. wbo wW act a News· e llu.a SCBOOL PrA Mrs. J. C. Rlcharcbon, recently elected president, bas submitted her resJenatlon as head of the Harper School PTA In Costa Mesa, effective May 15, because of the transfer of Col. Richardson to a new post. Mrs. Kenneth Leathers, f irst vice-president, ha& been named to fill the o!tlce of president. and Mrs. Herbert Jenks has been nam~d as lite new first vice pres- Ident. Principal Herb Ward announced at thr May 10 meeting that sum. mer ri.'Creatlonal programs will be held as usual this year at the high school and elementary schools. Following chairmen were ap. pointed: Mrs. Ray Wallace and Mrs. Dean Flanagan, social; Mrs.. Curtis Phinney. ways and means; Mrs. D. K. Roberts. hospitality; Mrs. A. Kelly, rooJ'l'l mothers; Mrs. W. A. Kemper, publicity; Mrs. W. D. AJ'mstrong. magazine and leg- Islation. • • • e HARBOR VIEW PTA Harbor VIew P.T.A. held Its last meeting of the school year at the school auditorium, May 17. The retiring preside nt. Mrs. Warren ClemenC'e. presided, and music was furnished by Miss Clara Ellen Spelman's fifth grade chorus. Mrs. Pickens Named President Of OCC Faculty Wives Club Mrs. Wendell P I e k e n s was leae FacuJty Wives Club held at elected president at the May 10 the home of Mn. J a m e a W. meetJng of the Orange Coast Col-Thornton In Sbol'e Cliffs. Greek Child Sends Thanks A letter from a 13-year-old Greek child was read at Tues. day's meeting of the Assistance League held at the social rooms of the League. The letter from Vayla Soullotie was translated for club members. In It she thanked the members of the League, who, as Foster Parents, send her food, clothing and flnan. clal assistance. The letter told how the little girl's father Is bed- ridden because of war Injuries and how her mother pulls a plough for which she receives live dollars a month. The Foster Parent _project Is one ot the ac. Uvitles of the welfare committee headed by Mrs. John Boyd and Including Mrs. AJ'thur Lewis. Mrs. 0. W. Richard, Mrs. Ted Ham. brook. Mrs. Kenneth Starege and Mrs. Charles Sullivan. Mrs. Edward Millet, president, conducted the meeting and es- pecially thanked members ot the luncheon committee who were Mrs . Richard Castle, Mrs. Ham. brook, Mrs. John Johnson, Mrs. Richard, Mrs. H E. Stahler and Mrs. W. H. Spurgeon III. LEGAL JIOTJCE No. A-25880 Mrs. Joseph Kroll was elected aecrewy.treuurer. Outgoing of. ficers are Mrs. Donald Bridgman, president. and Mrs. J a m e s H. Love, secretary.tJ'easurer. Assisting the hostess w. e r e Mmes. Cyrus Rockey, Oscar Tay. Jor, Charles Haley and J o h n Owens. Mrs. Walter Longmoor was a s pecial guest of the host. ess. Kingery Whlteneck of the high school faculty spoke briefly on the Issues Involved In the com. lng election on the high school expansion program. The program was presented-by Morrl Molho of Flowers by Morrl, who demonstrated home flower arrangements. Also present besides the host- esses were Mmes. Thomas Blake. ly, Samuel McNeal. W Ill I a m Haarstad. James M c C au I e y , James Wylie, Thomas Osborne, Robert Griesser, George Guthrie, Basil Peterson, Fred Huber, Wll. llam 0 . Payne, Barron Knechtel, James Love, Robert Osborne, J. Robert Kest, WUilam Ackerman, James Pitton. CorrelJan Thomp. son. EustaC'e Rojas. Donald Brldg man, Dudley Boyce, Huf'ston Har. per, Elgin HaJJ, John Neff and William F. Kimes. NO. A.25625 NOTICE TO CB.EI)ITOU ESTATE OF A. V. ANDREWS, DECEASED. N011CE IS HEREBY GIVEN to CXC:IIIanc:~e Club Plans Tourney 'I'Jbliir 1ft wttll tiM Kewpart Jn. vtt&Uonal OoU Tournament to be beld June 17. JMmben ot the local ticlaaqe Cub entatal:ned Dr. a. P. Olttt•nden ol the medlcaladv18ory bo¥d of Oranp County Soelety tor Crippled ChO· dNn at thelt dlnner meetJna at the N.wport Harbot Yacht Club Jut ThUttday. Men'a Service Clubl trom the entire .,... have been InviteeS to enter teams. A banquet wlll fol- low the play and trophies and prizes will be awarded. STOP AT The Arches KEWLTWKDS 110ft DU Newlywed.t who a re mak lna thelr home at 1801 Haven Pl., Newport Helghta, are Dean Caton and the former Nlla Runder of St. Louis, Mo. Mr. Caton, a chef, Ia orlelnally from Chicago. "Your ReMit to the Cout Since 1926" FIWK F O O D S COC E TAILI COAST HISHWAY AT THI ARCHES .._,.,. ..... JOHN VD.£11 E a.u;--.;y ... JS1l Via~s Bowling Open Alleys r.-.,,n..-, SIIMqASIHIJ 0.,.. AD W ... t Prw., ...S icltuday * AUTOMATIC .utiPOI i &U * roa aaDYATIOD aarr .,., ~~~~~ LDEft'ra.a. ....rli> • *BALBOA* • Open· Every Sat. & Sunday Enioy Rides & Games Tille 1111 F..U, fir 1 "TRIP o•• TIE BAY" -SaL I S... ••IES • ...... ~ OIILT The nag salute was led by Cub Pack 8. Den 2, whose Den Mother Is Mrs. Howard Barnes. The cubs participating were Lenny Jones, Boeer Johnson, BUI Killian, Blll Ba.rnee, Mlke V•nable, llilartJn Johru10n, Francis Romero, Jimmy Grubbs, BIJJie Wirth and Phillip Coonrod. JfOTlCE TO ca£I)ITOJIS ESTATE OF HERMAN NICHO- LAS ROESSLER. DECEASED. the creditors of and all persons ~ Tlae c..tal Ana F• Keady 10 T.-. The new slate of ofllcers tor P.T.A. were Installed by Mrs. Harvey Pease. who used as her theme for the Installation "Har- mony." Mrs. Duncan Stewart talked on the new Youth and Community Center being built near the school. Mrs. Norman Carlson. health and safety chair. man. told about available rccre. atlonal facilities for the children of the area this summer. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the creditors of and all persons having claims against the said decedent or said estate to tile them with the necessary vouch- er~ in the oWce ol the Clerk of the Superior Court of the State of Calltornla, In and for the County of Oranee, or to present tl)e same, with the necessary vouchers, to the undersigned at his or her place of business, to- wit: Lester R. Roessler, c/o Ralph M. Myers, Jr., 2721 East Coast Highway, Corona del Ma.r, Cali- fornia, within slx months after the first publication of this no- tice. having cl aims against the aald IJJ 0c1eaa Aft. trptt 4-1•1 decedent or said estate to file :-.;;;l;ll; them with the necessary vouch. Refrpshments were served by the firth grade room mothers. Lo1i1 l1uao• Dies Louis Knudson of 620 Acacia Ave .. Corona del Mar. and Pasa. dena. died unexpectedly Friday May 6 In Pasadena of a heart at. tack. Mrs. Knudson wu out of town at a YWCA conference at the time of his death. The Knud. sons own their property on Acacia and have been visitors llnd part time residents of the Harbor area for several tears. LUDEJfS QET DAOORTEB A daughter. Sandra Laine, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Loren l.uden of 1691t E: 18th St., Costa Mesa, on Friday, May 6, In Hoag Memorial Ho.spltal. People have been s.ying ••• and • believing that YMOU DO lEI lEI Dated April 29, 1955 LESTER G. ROESSLER Executor of the Estate of said decedent. Ralph M. Myers. Jr., Z721 East Coast Highway, Corona del Mar, Calitornla, Attorney for Execu. tor. Publish May 5, 12. 19, 26 In the Newport Harbor Ensign. No. A..a5400 lfO'nCE TO CBEDITOU ers In the ofilce ot the Clerk of the Superior Court of the State of caJlfornla, In and for the County of Orange, or to present the same, w1th the necftSary vouchers. to the undersigned a t his or her place of business, to-wit: Ella Mary Andrews and Farm. ers a nd Merchants National Bank of Lo6 Angeles c/o Harwood, Heffernan It: Soden, 2515 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar, california within six months after the first publication ot this notice. Dated: May 6. 1955. ELLA MARY ANDREWS one of the Executors of the Estate of said decedent. Harwood, Heffernan It Soden Attorneys at Law 2515 E. Coast Highway Corona del Mar, Call1ornla Attorneys for Executors Publish : May 12. 19, 26, June 2 In the Newport Harbor Ensign. ESTATE of MARY MENDOZA, No. A·25661 aka MAlUA MENDOZA. De-KOTJCE TO caEDITOU ceased. ESTATE OF J OHN FRED HOL- Notlce Is hereby lfven to the MAN, also known as JOHN P. creditors of and all per~e>na hav. HOLMAN, DECEASED. lng clahns aga1hlt.the said de-NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to cedent or aald estate to me them the creditors of and all peraona wttb the neceaary vouchers 'n having claims against the aaJd the office of the Clerk of the s u. decedent or said estate to rue perlor Court of the ~te of Call-them with the neeeuary voucb- fomla, In and for the County of ers In the oftk:e ot the Clerk o1 Orange. « to preemt the aame, the Superior Court of the State of with the nece.ary voucher-a, to CalUornla. In and for the County the undersigned at hts or her of Orange, or to pretent the place ot bu.alnesa, to.wlt : Manuel same, 'frith the neceaaary vouch. Beltran, Admtnt.atrator. c/o Thorn-en, to the undenlgned at hlJI or u E. Heffernan, 2515 E. Coast her place of bualneu. to-wit: Blahway, COC'Ona del Mar, CalJ. Ella M. Lewll, c/o Jlalph M. 4 fomta, wtthtn lix montba after l()'ft'S, lr., 2721 J:ut Cout H .... the tint publication ot tb.la no. way, Corona del Mar, caJJfomJa. tJce. wttJ\tn • 8fX montba after th• 11r1t Dated: MAY t, l..lel5. publication of thll notlce. III.AJin1EL m.DA!I, O.ted April 2t, lB AcSmlnl*ator of O.• Dtate ot ELLA ll. LEWIS Furmtm•.1111 -.kl deelcllnt. A4mtnlltratrtx 01 the EIJat. ot ~ llealma.ia • ..... ...w •• r.t. ~at Law, la.lpb II. M7tn. lr .. 27ll aut .., &. CoMt IJ.IPwa7, Cout ~. ean.. M1 Mar, ConDa clll llai', CaliiDrDI&. Callbftla. .... a.-y JGr Admfnl. ._...,. ....... htb.... ltnt:rt&. ,....: ..., u. • • ,.. 2 ,. ....... : IIQ s. sa u. • . Ia tiM Jlfewrwt ...... m-llltiMJf~ ...... ~ NOW OPEN ••• NANA 'S Mexican Foods OPDf nEft DAY ·11 A.M. '1'11. ' P.ll. SeniD9 a caaaplet. ..a.ctloa Of ll..SC.. food t.Dchad. ID9• Jleef • a-hill .... TacW..,_Tclqldtoe-Toetodoe. ~ ...s roaa .... lenice. leu...-••• to eet .t eur t..,_ • tab oat. faba lt.. ~ crt tile F.ay Metro looks out for Your Comfort ••• dft/MfiKPI,I The new Metro buses provide the finest and newest features in motor coach transportation. Thoee low entry steps are en.., ... ~ ~" uae. Better, recently perfected ventilation provi~e fresh air. I ndividual seat lights enable you to read withoUt strain. Speejal, ·. tin~d, no-Jlare windows keep out strong IUJlllp l And, ol coune. eYei'J lletro mile ~ traftl ia a revelati~ In IIIIOother rldJnr, due to the ~derful "air-euapenaion'' con- ltruetl~ wlli& irons out bum p)' hiehwaye iDcl ••••.pawment. . NEARLY MILLION TOTAL IN BUILDING I!ERMITS The Newport Beaeh bulld.Jq permit total ror May Ia cloee to • rnJJllon dolJ.ats, with ltlU two days to a-o before the boob are cloeed tor the month. Major permtt. l.saued durlnc the put week w.re a 154.~ apartment bUUdlnc on Lido ble and a $45.000 reatdence on the bay front In Newport. Report Fire Thru HA 15 '"11 ""' wWa .. NpOrt • Ble Ia tM Qty of •...-t .._. .U ~ 15 ... Pbw ClaW L J. ............. ......... wtaa.tU ...... ...... Ia .. La.ty •• t ... .... da.t Ill-o,. ..... .... ... ...... tla.J'Oatla .... ~ ........ , .. _.._. tU'a tM .U • Oa ,. C:O..ty f'....try Oaputa:a•t Ia Or. __.. ..... ~ ... tab cd1 of tM ~a~omaau... ciMdt • JD4IIP ,_ tile ..... cad tiMe W••• tltoo Rewpcllt 80Cida ON depabwDt. ara.aiDtr .• aa.Uy delay ill time. Llbwty aaaben caa dJcd 7 .. tltoo lladtw ...... CIDd 9M tbe 11..-pett 8eada fUe .. ~t ciiNctly ............. bO&' IS. Jl«rboao t.&.pbODe. uen caa .U d.lnct. BIG TRACT IS PLANNED f'ollowtnc ptm.lta wen t.aued: e cro.OII& DKL XU a.ald Eutham. enlarce bed- room. at to5 carnation. $4,300: Nita Bad,er, 5-room. 1.-tory, 1- unJt dweUlnc at 303 OrcbJd, 113,000; Franca Trimble and Charlotte Bancart. 19-room, 2- .rory, 3-unlt apartment bulldlnc at atn-A. 307-B. 307..C ~arcuetlte, $40,000: .Jack Starr, alterations at SOl% Orchid, tt.OOO. • 111\'Dfa ftiUIACZ Maceo Corp., 6-room, 1-atory, 1. unlt dwellina at 1535 Dolphin Terrace,~. e IBOIIE c::::Lif'l"'l H. FulwUer, aw1rnmlna-pool at 242 Drl.ftwopd, $2.000 . eLJDO IIIZ Cbarles Huston, alteration. •t 330 Via Lido Norct, ~; D. J. Shrfmpton. 16-room. 2-atory, 2- unJt apartment buUdlnc at 416, 418-A and 41~8 VIa Lido Nord, $54.450; Marhall Shaddock. alter. atlona at 212 VIa Orvteto, $3.000. euy 1110au Harold SmJUl, additions at 2451 Crestview, $2, 7~. e CI.IPF IIAVD • P. Waldron. fence at 402 Kings Rd., $395; Paul Lorent:zon, add patio root at 501 Klnp Pl., $1,500. e RElDOft DICHITI R. I. Rubble, 5-room, 1-atory, 1· unJt dwellng at Mol Redlanda, $13,000. eaAUOA La Verne Hart, re.roof 11 buUd. lnp, 303 Cyplfta, $1,000; Atwood, fence at 2050 E. Ocean Ft., $l~; R. M. Krlq', S..roorn. 2-atory, 1· unJt dwelllnc at 1747 E. Ocean Blvd., $19,D); Dorotby Newman, A subdivision of 185 houses on re-roof at 413 Harding St., $390; 37 acres of land northwest or tbe William Hervey, garages, atore lnteraectlon or Baker St. and Fait-room and library at 18)6 E. Bal view Rd .. Costa Mesa, calllnc for boa Blvd., $17.555; Ralph Chase, the expenditure of $2,590,000, wUJ dewlllng at 2036 Ocean Blvd., a-et under way after next Jan. 1 $14.750. by the Newport Balboa Savina-• e aAUOA IILJUQ) and Loan Assn., President P. A. Theodore Sunshine, remodel Palmer has announced. ling at 120 Onyx, $1,500; Balboa The usoclatlon purchued the Island Metllodlst Church, fence land from Mr. and Mrs. Howard at 115 A&ate, $200; Frank Flynn, A. Bear, prominent western Or-remodelling at 210 Apolena, ange County farmers. The total ~: ~ Crawford, alterations consideration wu In excess of at 220 Diamond, $200. $185,000 for the land, according e IIEWJOIIT to Emery S. Hanaon, co-owner of W. A. Monteltb, enlarge ca. the Ole Hanaon Company, plo-bana at 21 Drake, $2.000; M. D. neer Orana-e County real estate Grosz. alterations at 2938 w. 1lnn. Burton B. Beck. aales ~ Cout Hwy .• $2,000; Dr. l . Lel&h 8entatlve, handlecl the tranaao. aul, awntne at 44 Drake, $1!50: tlon. Kirsten. cabalta at 47 EJ Pueo, The subdivision la belnl de. $2.300; .John Bannon, remodel- layed until the tlrat of tbe year ling at 201 20th St., $250; Albert because Mr. Bear Is tarmtna-the White, slab at 1241 Balboa Blvd., land at present. The land Is out. $50; L. A. Pratt. remodel cabana aide the city limits of the City of at 39 Fremont, $2,000; L. w. Costa Meu. Bootb and R. W. Woods. cabana at 5 Bolivar, $2.000: L. T. Kings LollS FOR HolES baker, 8-room, 1-story, 1 unit dwelling at 1236 W. Bay ·Ave., 5" 20-TEU LOAII Construction Uvm• 5" 20-'RAil LOAJr SEE aoa IATTI.EB Palrllr lhrtpp Co. 2515 L Coat llwy .. CDN Pb. BA :UII KJ S.SIIS (Metro Lit. laftrallce hDda) JAMES D. RAY .............. ,..... L COAST HWY .. COlONA OIL MAR HMw 4763 RMW.-1 HAIW 4IM .......... $45,000. Tw~ t.ost lip Caae lrllf 11111111 Scare A brief kidnap scare kept po- llee on Balboa Island busy Frl· day, May 13. Frank Fasmer of 305 Amethyst Ave., Balboa Island, told pollee at 4:35 p.m. that he thought someone In a black two door car just picked up hls two small boys, Paul, 2~. and Laurin, 5, who we.re standing on the side. walk In front of their home. OOioers found the two missing boys In the company of Jimmy A. Warner, 11, of 107 Collins Ave .. Balboa lsland. The youtb •aid that the two missing boys asked blm at Sapphire Ave. and S. Bay Front. Balboa l&land, to take tbem home u tbey were lost. The fa. tber and two aona were trans- ported home by pollee. ---~~~--------- Costa Mesa Co. tUNIEil-IUILDING MATERW.S •..,..t ..... 01* .... Ll1 ........ COA.IT QUAe lAVES TWO AnD aQAT C.USIZEI Two Orange youths, Jerry Fos- ter, 19. and John Williams, 17, were rescued by the U. S. Coast Guard at 7 p.m. Wednesday, May 18, alter tllelr small aaU boat capsized near the harbor en. trance bell buoy. They were taken to the Newport Beacb Coast Guard dock and Newport pollee transported them to 314 Goldenrod Ave., Corona del Mar. LECAL IIOTlCE Crllllllll&isl s,. •• II Llcl• ...... I Jack Cadman, chief criminolo- gist for the Orange County Crime ~b. was speaker at last nlaht's meeting of Newport Harbor Le. glon Post 291. He presented a program on method!~ of aclentlflc crime detectlon. The auxiliary served a barbecue steak dlnner. Read ~ten Want Ada. LEGAL ROTlc:& OllJ)IJfAJICE 110. 7U In Book 4, page 12 of Mt.cel. AN ORDINANCE OF mE ~ laneous Maps, Records ot said OF NEWPORT BEACH .A.MENu-County, and map of Seashore lNG SECTION 3101 OF THE Colony Tract. recorded In Book 7. MUNICIPAL CODE OF 11iE page 25 of MIIIC(!llaneous Mapa. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Records of said County, to an ln-DESIGNATI~G A CHANGE IN tersectlon wltll the northeasterly 11iE DESCRIPTION OF THE prolongation of the Northwester PROPERTY INCLUDED IN FIRE ly line of Block N 1. as shown on ZONE NO. ONE. said Seuhore Colony Tract : The people or the City of New thence soutbweaterly along tbe port Beach do ordain as follows: last mentioned northeasterly pro- Section 1: S«tlon 3101 of the longatlon and along the north· Municipal Code Is hereby amend. westerly line of said Block N·1. ed to read as follows: to an Intersection with the mean "SECTION 3101. Fire Zone No. high tide line of tbe PacifiC' One All that certain real prop. 0 c e a n ; thence southeasterly erty. situate-ln the City shall be along tlle mean high tide line o1 and Is hereby declared to constl· the Paclfl.c Ocean to an lnter- tute Fire Zone No. One. to wit: section wtth the southerly pro- "Bea-lnnlng at the point of In· longatlon of the westerly line of ters«Uon of the aoutherly pro-Channel Road as shown upon a lona-ation of Ule westerly Une of map of Tract 518. recorded In Channel Road and the eouthed.y ·Boolt 17, pace. 33 to 36. Records line of Lot J as shown upon a Of Oranp County, Calltornla. map of Tract 518. recorded In tbe~ northerly along the last Book 17, pages 33 to 36 of Mls. mentioned 10utllerly prolonga. ceUaneous Maps. Records or Or-tlon to the point of beginning. ana-e County. California. tbence SECTION 2: The above and westerly along tlle soutberlfllne foregoing ordinance shall be pub of Lots J. 1. H. G and p 0 said llahed once In the Newport Har Tract ·518 to the most westerly bor Ensla-n. a newspaper o! gt>n corner of said Lot F; thence eral circulation, printed and northwesterly In a straight line published and circulated In the to the Intersection of tJle south-City of Newport Beach. and tht> westerly prolongation of the same shall be In full foret> and southeas,erly line of "E" Street, effect 30 days after this passage as shown on a Map of Eastside The above and foregoing ordl AddiUon, recorded on Book 4, nance was Introduced at a reg page 20. of Miscellaneous Mapa, ular meeting o! the City Council Records of said Orana-e County of the City ot Newport Beach with the soutb line of Section 35. held on the 9th day of May. 1955. Township 6 South. Rana-e 10 and was finally passed and West S.B.B.M; thence East along adopted on the 23rd day or May. the said aoutll line of Section as, 1955. by the following vote. to to an lntersectlon of tbe center wit: line of Ocean Front (formerly AYES. COUNCILMEN : Bt>nnett. Surf Avenue) as shown on a map Wilder. MacKay. Stoddard. Hlg of said Eastside Addition· thence ble. Rldderho!. Hill. northwesterly along the' center NOES. COUNCILMEN: None I line of Ocean Front lformerly ABSENT COU NCILMEN : None. Surf Avenue) as said Ocean OORA A HlLL. Front (formerly Surt Avenue) ls Mayf)r shown on said map or Eastside Attest: C. K. Prlt>«t Addition and maJ:> of Balboa City Cl t>rk. Tract. Recorded In Book 4. Page 11 of Miscellaneous Maps, of sald OllJ)IJfAJICE MO. 750 County, to an Intersection with AN ORDINANCE OF TilE ('[T\' the 80Utherly prolona-atlon of the OF NEWPORT BEACH AMEND westerly line of Lot 11, Block 4 lNG SECTION 3\02 OF THE of said Balboa Tract; thence MUNICIPAL CODE OF 11iE northerly along tbe last men. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Uoned soutberly prolongation to DESIGNA11NG A CHANGE IN an Intersection w1th the center THE DESCRIPTION OF 11iE line of Ocean Front (formerly PROPERTY INCLUDED IN FlRE Surf Avenue) as shown on a map ZONE NO. 'IWO. of the Newport Bay Tract record-The people.of the C1ty of New ed In Book 4, paee 16 of M.Ltcel-port Beach do ordain as follows: laneous Maps. reeords of said SECTION 1: Section 3102 of the County tbence westerly alona-tbe Municipal Code Is hereby amend last mentJoned center line ot ed to read as follows: Ocean Front (formerly Swf Ave. "SECTION 3102.. Fire Zone No. nue) to an Intersection with the Two. All tbat certain real prop aoutherly prolongation of tbe erty situate in tbe City and des- westerly line of Alvarado Street. lgnated In Article IX of the Mu. u ahown on said map of New-nlclpal Code of the Ctty of New. port Bay Tract; Ulenee northerly port Beacb belne the Planning alone the lut mentioned south-and Zonlnc Reculatlons of said erly prolonption to an tntereec-city as C-1 dlatrlct. C 2 district. tJon with tbe center line of Ocean Ci-8 dlatrlct and C 2-R district. Front (formerly Surf Avenue) u lncludlna-any amendments or shown on a map o1 East tff!W. addltJons to utd Article rx here- port. recorded In Book 3, Paa-e n lnaftu adopted wttb reference to of VtscellaNous MaP' records aid districts. la hereby declared of said County: Ulence ,_erly to constitute Fire Zone No. Two." a1on1 tbe lut mentioned ~ter SECTION 2: The above and line ot Ocean J'tont (fonneriy torecolnc ardlnance ahaU be pub- Surf AVfltuel and the center u~ llahec:l once ln tbe Newport Mar. ot ~Avenue u shown on a bot En.alp, a IMWIIP&Pft' ot .-m· Map of Tr.ct No. 234. rec:onted --.1 circulation. llri.ntecl and pub- In Book 13. pap 36 and n of llahed and ctmalated In the City Kl.eell&neoua Jlapl, 81eardt ot ot N.wpoct 8w.d\. and the aame atcl Cowltr ea4 &loDe the 01n-lbalt be In haD tarat and efted t. llne ol Oeea.a A._ue u 30 _,.. att. u.Ja ,._.., ahown on a MQ ot s.etton ~.. Tbe ._.. an4 t~~ncoJnc Ol'dl· Kcapwt ... ~= .._ DUM:te wu lDtro••• at a NCU· 4-~ 2'7 ot M IIQe. lar ~ ot tM 0t1 Oou.ridl IMCorCII fll 0raate oo::r. CUI-ot tM (ltJ Of R.....-t ._ct. tonlla. aftd aloft& U. 1IDe MJcl on tiM ldl tla,r ollllq, ~ Of Oce&• ........ -........ -• ... ,.. ftna.lb' ...-cS and .... ol J'lnt,..,...... ............. '*'Oft tM ~ .., 0( Mu • Elatl.matet· ot the 1..!8 Glrl Scout budpt were read and ap. proved at the .. "1 qu.arterl:y meettna of ~ cJtt 8cout »- .octauon held at tb OLrl Scout House. ~t Mr'l; Ted Ham. brook conduetH the mfttlnc of board members and leaders. Mra. E. G. Doane, finance chaJ.rman. explained that the bud~ hu been supported by the Com· munJty 0\eat and broua-ht out that each IICOUt co« $11.42 thla year-the lowest ln the county. Mrs: Oren Wade announced a lva-e contribution made this year to tlle JuUette Low lnte:rnaUonal Prlendahlp Fund to pro m o t e friendship In countries not be hind the lron curtain, proportion· ately lara-er than many la.reer councl.ls. The three prize wtnnlng scout troops durin& the cookies sale were n.amed by Mrs. o. A. Obere. t."'Oide cha.l.rman. They were Mariner ShJp Maul, &ldp~ by Mrs. Patrtck Wat.on; Intermedi- ate Troop n, led by Mra. Earl Petenon; and Brownie Troop No. 49, led by Mrs. Sally Brown. Each of the tJ'oopa wlna tiO In Harbor Hi Bands to Present Concert T omo~row Evening The lnll'tumental music de. partment of Newport Ha.rbor HJih School will pr~nt Ita an nual performanc~ at & p.m. to- morrow (Friday 1 In the school auditorium. Performlna-under the direction of Clinton Sawin wllJ be the Tar Band, the Concert Orchestra and the Concert Band. DC I••• 11111•1• •• 011. FleW •• , Honor students from Orange Coast Colleee spent an afternoon and evening visiting attractions In Los Angeles re-<'t'ntly for thelr annual field day Members of the local chapter Of Alpha Gamma Sterna who made the trip are Joanne Merrill . Vlrglnla Moore. Wayne Smlth- aon. Paul Ozolins, Sharon Orr, Sondra Harbert, Harlan Confer. Donna Schurr, Howard Allen. Valerie D'Amato, DardJe Schaef. er. C h r I s t I n e Rogers, Jerry Va ughn and Bill Price. SoJolsts wUI be Grea-AdaJM. first chair clarinetist In tbe Con- cert Band. who wUI play Con· certlno for clarinet and orchestra by von Webt'T, and Mary K.ettb, who will be heard In the tlm movement of Plano concerto In A minor by Greta-. Tht-Tar Band, newly or1anl.zed thls yt-ar, will play Military £a . cort March, Student Prince Over. ture. Two Mood», Leat-ndary AJr, and Fantasy For Bands. The Concert Orchestra ll' to be heard In lpheeenla en Aulls. Blossom Time Selection, the clarinet con. ce.rtlno, Windsor Melody, and the magnificent Pre 1 u de. Chorale and Fugue In G Mlnor by Bad\ as arranaed by Abert. The Concert Band will play La Gaz:u Ladra Ovmure, aelectJona from the Kina and I, MannJn Veen. the Greta-plano conce1o, and alter the aJa-ht readlnc .eJec . tlon the band will cla.e the con. cert witll Mow.ora-s.ky's Pictures At an Exhibition. Scoutlnc equlpmenL Mra. Obere PI nus PLA11 HVIEWS Funds rallied by th~ annual concerts are u8ed to purcha.ae ad. dltlonal equipment and music for the high 11ehool muaJc depart. ment. said that 3,a boxes of cookJes Plans are belna-laid by Mrs. were sold, the proceeds of which 1 Austin Sturtevant of Costa Mesa ;:::::::::::::::::::::=::=::~ wU1 go to establlah a camp for !or another w1nter series of book v.cs.r 11.., IIRIJ •t Newport Glrl Scouta. reviews ft-aturlng M a r y Greer a A p p y DAy 1 c • 0 0 L The. quarterly meetlna-also 1 Scarborough of Pasadena as a tar Llttle Polk Included dbcuaalon croups head benefit for the PI Beta Phi Alum. 440 Heliotrope, Corona del Mar ed by Mrs. .Jack Qul.aenbt'rry, nae of Orange County. Proceeds Harbor 4.369 Mra. Smith Newberry, Mn. Ralph !rom the book rt>VIews are used Mrs. Jean Vaua-bn, director WUcox and Mrs. .John Oertly. !iiriniuirs~lnig~sch~oiliars~h~lp~s~. =:::=g~~~~~~~g~~~g BeefnJnnc aee for Brownie troops and troops or m.lxed aees were dlacu.ue-d. • • • Irvine property ln N e w p o r t Heights. overlooking the BaC'k Bay, will be used for the Girl Scout summer day camp, an nounced Mrs. John Oertly, chair man or the annual camp, which will begin June 24. • • • Summer Day Camp for Girl Scouts w1ll start June 20 with ''Wild West Cowboys" as this year's tbeme, accordJng to Mrs. I Sidney Sanders of Shore Cliffs, who is In charge. I • f1JRNITURE INTERIOR DECORAnON aAL.IOA JSLAJm 214 MariAe A.._ llcabcw lSC7 OOIIO.A DEL 11AA ZN6 E.. Coast Bittl••s a-. rn If you had the money which would you choose? What's your fondest ul'Cillll" A deep-~ 1. _. tnp? A vacabon in Europe or a new car7 Sendmg your children to college? Or buyang a beauuful new home'? If you open a savings aocount in an imured Savinp and Loan Association-and add to it regularly-your dream, whatever it mav be. wall aomcday come true! · RW#rt IIIOW 1M AmmctDI pmpW pt11 ""'" JD•'iffK·' ~ dollar, iltto bt..rwnl Sovirr Dnd 1..oo1t AsJoc.latlolu dttltt •.Y't lwfY ~IN I There are £OOd fWUOns for this prefc::renoc-tlrff &ood I'QSOQS. in fact : I. You &'II' an/Jnll rrbrJU. 'That's becaUJe the Auociations itrwst mo.t o( lheir funds in IOUnd. .-dy-payiac home mortpp. 2. Your ......, is • -.fr • Ida can bo.. It's~ leCeed by cood ~ and sobtlanual reserves. And at's insured up to SIO.OOO b) the Federal Sa"ing! and Loan Insurance Corpora- tion -an agency of t~ U. S. Govemmenl. l. You're deahng with respon Jble people of your own home town. IW8tdlv people. People who really·know-and c:&R about you and your community. And ~·s another point: When you're think- in~ of bu)'lng a home.. I'CIInCimber that insured SaVlnp and Loan Atloclationa ve 1M lttltiot~'l ~st lfW k KJfl1'tY of ltoww ,..,.,.., ltilnu. They ma.ke libcn.l loam. 'Ibey • tO ft dlat you get the money quic:tty-a.Dd at mod- enc.e rata. Why noc drop u. .._. at ,._ nearest m.ua.t s.vt.p ad t...o.. "-odation. You'D II Jlad you d.ad ! ........... , ....... ~~.,.tiM~~ to troiKJeetDs.,...Ma.-~w~t: aad LOAII ·Aa .. ., ... ()la.ntJ .... -•. ·4YJ:I. OOUJifCII..IID: a.nMU. lltwpwt leMIII ,.,.,.. Ia ~a. W'INir~ IIII'.Mita.Y. 'IU Und, IUa• P. A. Palmer, ~ ~e:.=·•· 110~ ....... ~~·11111. :W ..... Ceaill .. li"!"t ~ .. " 'IUrd u~ . 1'one. • Jloaport ~ r::r::: 18 ~~ W. OM. et UM ~&.We w: &..ca a ADitl: · ....... ., GlattwuT Glimpses ., Alf1l Want your own private taahlon show? Well, you can have lt! Clothes modeled just for you at O'BRIEN'S. In fact It's just for you that we thoueht up thh ll'l ole ldea of havlne Informal modeling evf!ry Thursday alter. noon--from 2 to J..--60 come In and see how much more than hanger appeal you find when the clothes are shown to you as they really look. Everyone has been so enthusiastic about our Idea of informal modeling on Thursday at{ernoons. so be s ure and drop by today and every Thursday . . . we'll want our models to be busy with special requests. Of CIOW"M I ( cmd my stst.z mantlda.a. EU.... cmd Coleetl) are modellDg the ~Wul ,...... at <YaJUEJr"S ...-y day--4ftD Ia the wiDdowa Oil Suadays. but .,..... Ub you an, we doll't want to bother to by them ALL 011. Mow we CGD ... what we nally Ub tint. This Is a special. special week also because It ls the week of our llower window. You remember how lovely we looked last year when we had O'BRIEN'S fashions complimented by fl owers from Normans? Well. you were so pleased, land so were we> that Gladys Norman Is doing a flower window again-with the help of furniture props from Gladys Hughes around the corner at the Lamp Ught Shop. Don't miss It ! 1 know we disappointed st'V· era! o! you because we didn't have enough of those lovely da<'· ron batiste blou~hat everyone was crazy about, so we have just received another shipment. Now Jet this be a warning to you: First come, tlrst served! All right, you may call and teserve your size I! you can't get ln until tomorrow. You laww ODe of the big dlf. f•~ ......... bargai.D bQ:M.. -...t .... caad ••ll-cSMig'Ded f-h'-Ia that the bMter dnMee fit YOU. JIJght DOW we ca. partlculcmly proud of ouz ..t.u.~.. collectioD of c:u.atom au. lA ctr..... aDd eaM'Dbl" fen ~ ot u wbo are aot EXAcrLY aae .U. or ~ ••• MUa lacdf .u.. 01' petfte-.. Ccae Ill aa4 ... tbeal. you'll be thr1lled at the Ml«tlODI -. )I . /) .. ~· ;' , _, __ _~.. --- ~ .,., .•,· JlArbOI' .. 2515 COAST aotJLEV AliD COBOKA DEL MAll Fr0111 the POUCE Cham~ionshiR in a.tseba ________ .... ,.s., __________ """'!'"_,____ TIM thJnt RCC .. ItW ~ lntwit .... GIItolwtlit ..... e n $ 4 Ooatennc:e ........ ...loft. r.-....... C«Y CoUece ... <Oont:lftued from Pale I> ptcldnr up brokn .l)tt4JMPaph ahJ) ~Y wu ......,'*' to .._.-4; 11My wUl 10 aortllto. Newport .Juch. reported the reoortt.. a ttont wtndaiW broken O>ach Wenct.U Pldlena ot Orahre monow to play W..t Ooatra eo. theft ot b.r eon'• red tricycle and the houte IMIM4 up: the Cout eou ... 1ut nJ.aht at the ta CoUqe for the ~tate junior . , . Alex Jtobertlon ot 1556 S. woman reported belr\1 Sn a per. aprtnr ..,arta award banquet at eoneae Utle . Bay Front. Balboa llland, Uated ~~anal flrbt with a Jtobert A)'ree the Student Out•. T h • "Outata.n Athlete" the thert of a $50 radJo . . . who had left ... Eueene A. CrJ1. The Plrates not only won the dine eaATUUAY. MAY 11 fes, 25. of Covina wu caueht ln conference ebampton.htp but award wu pawentM ~."Budd)"' The can ot Clarence M. Chester a riptide oU 61.at St. and Sea· went on to wtn the Southern Belahe, an All·Amerte&n lunlor ot 2102 Serrano Ave .. Balboa, and ahore Dr., Newport Beach, at 3:0:5 Cautornla b.ueball cbamplonahJp James Wleat ot 1:10 Cecil Pl., p.m.; wu carried to eea about Costa Mesa. w~ Involved In a 100 yards but wu able to .wtm minor accident on McFadden Pl.. back to sho~ without aul•tance Newport Beach, at 12:30 p.m . . . . . .. The driver of a late model A truck being baci<ed onto N"'· black car tried to run her car port Blvd. 120 feet so.uth of 26th off the road at 32nd St. and New- St., Newport Beach. by RJchard port Blvd. at 2:37 p.m., Florence Drant of 1537 Miramar Dr., Bal· RJce of 1352 W. Balboa Blvct .• boa, was hit by a car driven by Newport Beach, complained ... Edward J. Brooks of 330 "L" St., e MOMDAT. MAT 23 Balboa, at 4:40p.m. . . . Cash totaling $17 was stolen e SlJlfDAT. MAT 22 trom the Grt>yhound Bus Depot, In response to a disturbance 3200 W. Coast Hwy., Newport caU at 225 20th St., Newport Beach, along with three bottles Beach. ottlcers found Carol Cribbs of wine from the bus depot cafe. Hey Kids. Quit Selling Shells EJ.da. you're gobag to hcno• to qult ..W.Og ahel1a Oil the beacb betwMD JIG1boa cmd Jfewporl 8eac:h.. etty U«*aM eou.ctor Harold Touag has calr.ed lf.w. port pollc. to CDk you to lecrn the area. aa complCiiata bcnoe bMa coml.Dg bato dty halL KB.AFTS-Qt.Jar MIRACLE WHIP Sa!~'Y eo!!~!'ry Corona del Mar WE ARE BACX and- READY TO SERVE YOU! "F"meat In .DGJieiY These CRISCO~· c. 7:: Shortening 69~ · NOTICEI. • 'MUST SELL Muat •ll 15 more New Can tbia JDODih- WiU gift "Extra Bonua Deala." balance .. . JOHNSON & SON LDfCOLK-IdllCVJIY 100 W..t'c..t Blp_, .... a-1 a...ta YOUR BUDGET CAN TAlE A HOUDAYl For picnica-parti.H-Out-of~town guMta stock up on these quality tooda for the long week-end. DADT MAID-rtm Qaallty Butter 5.9L You mu.t be bu.tiag a doseD or so city lcnn. naliDp cmd procedW"eL lD the flnt p1acle you'd hcnoe to g.t YariCIDC»>I bom tbe Clty PlcmaJ.ag Com· mluloa. whlcb would probably be impoM!ble for the publlc: beach. You Deed city llC~e~LeM. .me. tax permits • .ocial ... c:urtty fona• W1ed out aDd other small detaUa. , nmgtDg thlough city, COUDty, .tate cmd federal ~-b. Se1l1D9 eea ahella la a compll~ bu.WMu. u.an·~ OL CaD Chili & Beans 35( AI • F •12·5· 11 Wax Paper :.~.1,. ------um1num 01 ,. APPLE TDI. TOMATOES... 16( ·ILLS·-·~~-~-··~.: ( Apple Sauce:. ... 1~ Unsung Commercials Miss Agnes Blomquist. an eX· ecutlve ot Newport Balboa Sav. lngs and Loan Association since it was founded In 1936. has been e lected by the Association direc· tors as executive viee.presldent. Mr11. Lyla Baugh, who has been assistant 8eCJ'etary, wu named secrl"tary of the Association. She Is aJso an assistant loan oftlcer. * * * Professional Investment a n d Bulldlng Corporation, 2826 New. port Blvd .. Newport Beach. which only a few mo nths ago w as ls. sued a ~rmit by the Department of Investments. Division of Cor. poratlons of California to sell stock In Its new corporation. de. clared Its first dividend May 10. --:-----:---:---------CaD. _· _ Angel Food -. 45 -11 kl l PRICE SALE o• p• ~~( EL .·~.:;:: p;~~j~fc; 23( .,!_~ es ~ .. :.~~ ---2_a.c._pq.._3h ii;TEMilk QL...... ., ·~~eats c.. 21~ CORN--;o-·-1(1( m·u.-29 ~ !~~~!de :~:29« M;t&;.ih&:· 21( CRACKERS Cat Food 2*23( MAXWELL BOUSE GOLD ·COIN BACON COFFEE 75•. LEAK MEATY SPARE RIBS MAY BARGAINS l La. CELLO at REINERT'S, Costa lesa lar 26th to •• , 28th FU:SH Sweet Corn 6 lbs. 29c Cudahy Rex Franks LADIES Al'fD CJJlLS DRESSES Reduced 1/3 to 112 BOT'S AND GIRLS BROKEN SIZES WOMEN'S LEATHER SHOES REDUCED TO CLUR Bnaabed llayoo Pajamaa/Cowu Aa.arted SUps etc. aad Dealm Play Cloth" . 1/J TO lfa OFF WOOL JACKETS cmd SKillTS REDUCED MEN'S cmd BOYS' Wool Sblrta. aweaten Boya' Nyloo S..nudcer cmd aroaddotb ShUts Marte~ War--Don! YARDAGE BARIAIIS! BUT FJilST TAJm AT ll.EC. PJUCE OD 1 CET SECOMD Y ABD FOB .. .. ... .. C OPEM 'TlL lflJf£ FIUDAT EVES. (All &elM FI.DGI) * <••a.... -c.-.. M.-claaad ) DDAIIDdWift'OIIa llll ... ,.. .... a.... .... , ......... ._ * FJLESH Pineapple •••••• 7c lb. LOCAL Strawberries 3 box. 79c WHITE ROSE Potatoes ••• 101bs.39c NED. SIZE Bell Peppers •• 3 for 5c ~;1 . fROZEn IOOOS K.C.P_.-. Ccm Lemonade SWISS STEAK BUMP 08 IB011LDEB ROLLED ROAST RIB STEAK GROUND ROUND Prime Rib Roast CURED HAMS WIIOL& oa IIIAJIIt JIAU'