HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-06-02 - Newport Harbor EnsignJED COUPLE Two bandltl, one armed with a way, Laguna Beacb, while h e wu blue steel revolver, took 119 from parked with a ef.rl friend on the t>.ny. 0 . lacobeen of 454 Broad· lOUth aide of Ocean Blvd., be- tween Poppy Ave. a.nd Poinsettia Ave., Corona del Ma.r, at 12:01 a.m. Tuesday, Newport pollee re- ported. Valuables Are Found Safe After Crutcher ·Burglary '4r. Jacobsen called Newport pollee from a Corona del Mar service station to report the armed robbery. He told police that he was in the fro11t seat of his car with loan Purves, 20, of 319 Ma.rlgold Ave.. Corona del Mar. Mlss Purves ICfeamed when abe spotted 10meone approaching from the rea.r to the lett door of the car. Gold certificates and a valu. able coin collection for a time belie ved stolen In a burglary of the R. L. Crutcher office at 3429 E. Coast Hwy .. Corona del MAr, was found safe In a bank sate deposit box, Mr. Crutcher noti- fied Newport pollee Tuesday morning. Only clgarets were found missing. The burglar climbed to the root of the building, dropped Into a Ught weJl and used a metal object to rip a wire ICfeen from a window to enter an ottlce rest room, Investigating pollee re. porud. The Crutcher offlce In the building was the main center of interest to the burglar. Desk Mile Mark Set By Tod White Harbor High School's great mUer, Tod White of Balboa lala.nd. ran the world's fastest prep mile Saturday In the .tate • track meet held In the Los An· eele. Collaeum. Hla five polntl eave Harbor a four.way tie tor eighth place In the meet. Bespectacled Tod ran the mile tn 4 minutes. 20 seconds nat, to ~ the old ma.rk of 4:20 set 1Mt year by Max Truex or war. ln4lana. Tod, wbo wu tb• race handUy. holdlne a m -ya.rd lead orer ,R.oy Hale of Downey, Modesto, Jut y~ar'a runner-up. Tod la a t.hne year va nity let terma.n. Besld~ Track, he ha.s won letters In football and cross country. He wu Rcreta.ry of the Student Body the past year and one of the top students u well. Best previous time made by Tod White was 4:22.9. He was an easy winner the previous Satur. day In the Southern Section CIF track finals in Onta.rlo, running the mile In 4:23.2 to win the right to enter the atate finals. Tod is a senior at Harbor High. He Ia the son of Mr. and Mrs. Stroller White of 217 Abalone Ave., Balboa Island. The first s uspect stuck the gun burglar used paper book ma tches through the open window and for Illumination. , cocked the gun. The second sus- The burglar also entered the pect stood a t the rlght rear and offices of Attorney A. K. Phelps simula ted a gun. The first sus. and Contractor Edwa rd R. Leon pect put the gun to Mr. Jacob. ard In the bu ilding. The burglar sen's neck. drawers were pried open with a screw driver shaped pry. Con tents of drawers were placed on the desk and on the fl oor. The went through a safe found open "What do you want?" the vtc. in Mr. Leonard's office but noth tim asked. lng was In lt. The burglar was discouraged from try ing to get Into Newport Harbor Bank next door, by Iron bars on the transom tYPe window. David V. Lourie. 11. of 324 Mar !gold Ave .. Corona del Mar. and Ronald A. Ha pgood of Los An geles notified pollee at 11 :30 a.m. Sunday that they were play. lng In the alley behind Yerlng. ton's Variety Store at 3419 E. Coast Hwy. at 9:15 p.m. Saturday and saw a man. five ff!fl seven. standing In the alley. They said he was wearing a coat and felt hat. They returned about fi ve mlnutes later and the ma.n wa.s gone. Parking Meter Pla·n Oro ed "Money. money," was the sus. pect's very nervous a nd scared reply. The victim handed his wallet to t he first suspect. who dropped lt. bent over a nd picked It up. all this time with the gun pointed a t the victim. "Stay there." said the flrst sus. pect. bacldng ott with gun drawn. Both suspects went to the corner ot Potn.settla Ave., turned and ran toward Coast J!wy.. pollee were told. Investigating otflcers found the wallet near Polnaettla Ave. and Seaview Ave. It wa.s believed the suspects entered a car near this poin t, dropping the wa llet. Both suspects were desert~ as being 19 or 20 years of age, fi ve teet eight Inches In height. weighing 145 to 150 pounds. The left ha nd of the (lrat suspect was bandaged snd he wore J white shirt a.nd ~--~~ drop tbe PI'OPOU] parking meters In the downtown a.rea In the face or opposition from bust nessmen. He said tlfat tht-busl nes.smen now favor paying for puking lots near their stores. Work is a lready under way on parking district No. 1. Two major puking s ites will be be hind Newport Ave .. between 18th a nd Broadway; and behind 18th St .. between the post office a nd Edison oUice. SOli ltOD TO BELLS A son. 7 lbs .• 10 oz.. was born to Mr. a.nd Mrs. Kenneth Bell of 313 36th Sl, Newport ~ach, In Orange County General Hospital on Monday, May 23. ChodorovPiay To Be Given Ed w a r d Chodoro\''s "Kind Lady" will be the season's final production by tht> Newport Har bor Comm u nity Players. This suspense drama. ada pted from a novel by Hugh Walpole, Is the s tory of a wealthy, gracious lady. living alone, whose home Is Jn. vaded by a sinist er group of characters. The play will be presented dur. lng the last week·end in June at the Chapel Theatre of Orange Coast Coller~. nsiiJlfa Qt:JEEJIS wlao took part lD la.t W'MII(a C1a vatloD f1ablD9 daf were a. tm .. charmen plctund ben Dee V'1alac» (at left) from Ccu*D CroYe. Jocm UDduwood from Sallta ADa (wbo wa. ca1ao cru-D of tbe Onm9e Cowaty Sportua•'• Show) dack Bailey Leads Parade COBOJfA DEL K.AJL CALJF. Grand Marshal Jack Bailey radio and television star of "Queen for a Day." will lead ott the parade a t the Costa Mesa 1 Lions Fish Fry at 1 :30 p.m. this I Sa turday. This wUI be one of the top I events of this lOth annual Fish Fry, which Is expected to draw a THUJISDAT • .JUllfE a. 115.5 1 crowd of mon than 70,000 from ----------------------------------------all over Southern Ca llfom la. C h •t d N I The parade wLU form at VIc. I ear y torla Ave .. go down Harbor Blvd . to 19th St .• turn west to N A child. not name-d. a lmost (Pletue oc Page 7) 1 which brought nationa l publicity Parade Chairman Bruce Martin to N(>WJ)Ort Harbor. drowne-d in a hole about fh·e ft"t't announces that riders ~ ll1 be The U. S. Na\')' CT«'W from An British Columbia won the con deep filled with water on the competmg in sllvPr pair" and napolls won the fifth annual solation race for varsity eights In beach at Diamond A\'f' an~ N singles for bnth lartt~ anti mt>n. Western S p r 1 n t Championship the time of 6:54.8 minutes. t:nl Bay Front. Balboa Island. Nt>Vo· ln Spanish s ilver. Western pairs rowmg regatta for vars1ty eights versity of Southern Ca llfomla port poll<'e reporte-d at 11 '11 a.m and sln glt'S best rnd1an Span in the time of 6:-H 5 minutes on was !I@COnd with 7:07.8 mmutes.j Sunday ish. Mtoxican Charro and no\elty the 2.000-meter North Lido Ch an U.C.LA. third with 7:19 minutes Pollee said the hole wac; thc:> riders. bait dr~'«'d ro" ~>) undt>r net course on Newport Harbor and Oregon State fourth In 7 :3i rt'SUit of watt"r flow ing from a 16 years or age and bi'o;t drt>s.w d Saturday. minutes. plpt> pumping water from an u cowgirl under 16 1 ca' atlon a long Diamond A\'e. ~nd p lace went to Stanforf' University In 6 :47.9 minutes. third went to Wash ington In 6:48.6 minutes and fourth to California In 6:52.7 mlnutc:>s. A crowd of 20. 000 was estlmatc:>d to be on hand to witness tl\e rowing classic. British Columbia also won the being made by the Edward Bark General Chairma n Walt Miller first place for junior varsity l lt>y C'o Officers contacted an em says that a new ft>ature adrtt>d at eights In 7:03.3 minutes:. second ployet' or the contractor and sug this year's Fish Fry "Il l bf' C'on went to Stanford In 7:05.5 m in gt>stt-d that the end of the drain tlnuo us entertalnmt>nt. "1th the utes. third to U.C.L.A. In 7:07.3 plpt> bt> f'Xtt>nd~ further out Into I stage arranged so that <;pN'tators minutes and fourth to Ca lltornla the bay The dt"t'p and h uardous m ay sit down a nd watch th<' pN In 7:07.3 minutes. hole cie\'t•lopt>d In the sand fonna nces from thE' dlnnN ta John B. Kelly J r. won first around the end of the pipe. The bles place In t he singles event In the emploY('(' a~r('('(l to corre-ct tht>l Thf' rhildrt>n will h,WI' ;1 rhanrl' time of 8:29.3 minutes. SE"ronrl l slluallun to shmE' at tht' fl('t p.sr:u1r tn b•· place went to Stuart Law In 8:41 6 A nf'w ~f'r lin€.' is being held at 10 am SaturdR~ , ... , thr minutes. third to Al lan Smlth In plau"fi ,11ung Diamond A\·e . the park. All chtldrPn ar(' rrmlnrl<'rl 9:07.6 minutes. fourth to Charles rt>a..,.•n !or thl' <'\<':\\at ion Tide to rt>~i"-lf'r thf'lr Pf'l" iii thr M<>r A. Mcintyre Jr. In 9:08 minute-.. "1trr r nt<'P• tht> f'\Ca\atlon at <'Ury Cleaner-.. I~ Harh••r 81\cl fifth to Robert G. Nielsen in h 1~h tuir r('qusnn~ a pump to Costa M~ hy Fnrla) Thrrf' w1ll 9:157 minutes and sixt h to Krar rf'mn\(' 11 dunn~ thf' in<:tallatJon be thrf't' pnTf''> a"ardf'tl t•' thf' 1 ney Johnston in 9:25.3 minutes wmnPI"" 1n thl' Pf"l pararlP All The San Diego Rowing Club pets art> welcome," sayc; Chair ,won !i~t place for fours w ith Freetlom Ta.Qayers' man Bill Brtmn coxswain In the time of 7:50 4 minutes. Orange Coast c~llege UICII IMfs friiiiJ was S«<nd in 7:53.7 m inutes. t' C.L A. third In 8:099 m inutes and Tht• f'rN'dom T ax p a ) P r s U.S.C. fourth In 8:39.7 minutes. U>a jl\le lnr. N>prf'<wnttng thl' The Balboa Island Sculling and Ftf'E'dom hom<"' suhrll\'l,.inn of Punting C1ub staged their "Crt>Vo• Costa :\frc;a. will hold Its annu.tl Capers of 1955" follow ing the mf'mbt-rshlp m('('tin~ at 7 p m fourth race for come-dy relit-f. Friday t tomorrow \ In the OranRe manning carnival canoes. I Coast C'olltoge auditorium. Prt>sl Two heats each foe junior var dent V. E. Mac<:'art<'r announN'S slty eights and varsity eights N~· offi<'<'rs wtll tX' t>le<cted. Ad were held first to select contest mlttan<'t' will be by membership ants for the final events. I card only. Cincinnati Reds Sign Up Bob Wetzel, Pirate Captain Part>nt<: a rt> urge-d to rPgiSlf.'r thPir young hopt>fUI!; by Friday fnr thf' hahy pArade to bf' held at 3 p m Saturday Bud ME'ars Cam t>ra Shop. 1782 Nt'\vport Blvd . Cost a Mt>sa. is thto place to regis tf'r IUmor Chair man ME"ars re ports thf' rontest will bt' dlvldt"d Jntn two daSS<'s: Agt> group 1, alx month!' tn 12 mtlnths: agto group 2, 13 months t o 24 mont hs . Chtl rtrt>n fTom any arf.'a <'an enter the contest ThP quPf'n oC the lOth annua.l Fish Fry "ill l)f< CTOWTlf'd at 12:30 Saturday Th(' contmants and tht>lr <:pon~uing l"'ub!l a.re : Judi Banks. J unior Friday Afternoon '"("Juh. V1vlan Allen. Boots a.nd Saddle Club; 'Ma.ry PatWnoo. Bob Wet.l. eapta.ln ot tM Bob will join ()gdf'n. Utah. a Girls Club of the Harbor Area.. Southern California d\&tll.pkm. da c tea.m for thf' ftto.dc; In thP and Marilyn Newton. Cocta MeA ahlp <>ran~ Coast Oo~ ba-. class C PlonH!' Leque Re tol Bay Cities Fuchsia Society. ball tN.m and leaciJQa bJtta In Iowa Don Carter. la.st )'Nr's "out I The bfoauty rontest wm be held the ~ Conference, wu .tandJne athlt"te'' from Ora.nl'f' at 1•30 p.m. Sunday. Clrls l"'m. atped to a~ comtrart Oout Coll~ who Is now with petina In the con~ aN l'llr7 b1 the Clnd.n.natl .._ thla ,.,..._ leaRIOn. ltor.a.n.ne CU.f\nln,tuaa. lob Is tbe .on olllr. ancJ Mrs. Eau Cla.tre, Wla.. c.'la C club ot Ja.nJce PnrM.to, Sandra b""'*• Chat* T. Wetlel o1 ec.ta ....._ tbe Kllwaukee Bra""-and Ted Pea1 Abbott, Betty hU.... Be pi~ 8f!COnd bue fat tbe pt. Rel'ftfa, currtntly pltchtnr wtth lre'W'rly Stalfonl. Don.n.a ~ rate. In tbe ~ ~ atodrtOft ln the Pacltlc J.Aoarue. bur7. Ma.rlew tDdaDa.ri iM c.r. dwnploNbtp dub « UN and Walt Q)opma.n. anoth« Ora.nre ole Rodla 1.1155. H• ~ tM...,... tn ~ OMit o.llep Jiroduc.'t. 11 now ro-,... ...._. Ill IS... ...._ tllla 1Mt and. wu ~ U.. ~ •-t tn tbe __ ..,.._ tile ....... .,. ., Clllf lllllil ~ Jalilolt col 1lell ..,.. ... .... .... -·------Ea1W wtD ........... - • Ia dM a..~ u a ~ wttll laod ~ fit alii 1' FCfiC tllle • tllillll ...._eotlletNJanaat iniiJDt" '*· e TIAWL05 One of the fontostic spot. in t*\i1 world is Las Ve9es, w!olieh f>NY1 upon human frailty ond on the et.mol optimism concerning dame fortune ond the eosy dollar. . . At lest I hove had the dubiou1 good fortune of making that trip to Vegas. Glad to have hod the opportunity, but it'H do for a lone;~ while. I can say that what.ver stories.yOu may have heard, you can't have the vaguest (and that's no pun on Vegas) Idea about tho+ un· believable dty. Compared to it, the worfd famous Monte Corio was a mild tea porty. It's hardly necessary to give you this word of caution: Don't pion a trip to Las Vegas with the idea of being an innocent bystander. You won't be. You'll end up by being a participant one woy or anothe~ mostly likely ot the slot machines. which ronge from a penny to a dollar--also the twin-dollar set-up. where you put in a dollar in !ach of two mochines. trip them with o single lever--with o chonce ot o twin jodpot of $1 ,000. Imagine what on astronomical amount of coins must be inserted into those thousands ond thousands of machines. You might qet some ideo if you'd enter, say. the Golden Nugget and listen to thot fon · tosfic din and dong of hundreds of machines going ot one time. Of coursa, there is olso on astronomical ,sum of money poured out of those moc.hines. but there is o mighty comfortable margin for the house. • • • e HOW TO SAVE YOUR MONEY I know that no one tokes advice about gambling ... BUT, there are several woys of saving money ot Vegos. One way is to toke a side trip to Hoover Dam, which we did. It's not for oway. and it's o mog· nificent sight to see-,nd is one of the few places where there were no one-ormod bandits. Another woy is to go to a movie. which we did. Sounds odd to ta~e time out for o movie ot Vegas. but it wos a good one, ""Strategic Air Command, .. comforting relaxation from tho temptations of Fremont St. Now. if you must gemble, here"s another suggestion: Ploy the penny machines. You get oil the kid out of losing that you do on the others-your cosh lasts somewhat longer. ond the end is just os cer· toin. Or you m1ght try out e new system that we wor~ed out. This is a system entirely contrary to the populer idea of stiding grimly to one machine with the fotal knowledge that it 1ust has to ·pay eventually. We did it the other woy around· ploy a mochme until it pays, even if jusf two coins; move on to another mochme. ploy that until it pays. and so on. This system brought us two jackpots: net result, just trifle on the plus side for our two-doy vis1t. At Joe W . Brown's Horseshoe Club (where o million dollars in $1 0.000 b•lls is ~opt on display) our jackpot nickel dropped $1.05 in the trough: on attend· ant come by to give us on oddotionol seven dollars to make up the $8 jackpot. The extra nidel wos to toke off the three bars, ond the at· tendont mode sure we did that; o.k. wit h us. because that nickel brought down five more nid:els. At the newly opened Moulin Rouge, one of th e busiest places in town. the jackpot was $7.65 in nickels. • • • e ..aavAnoMS POSI fa<* 1M A place to stoy is definitely a problem. Ludy for us we arrived on Fridoy. just ohead of the crowd. Eve n so we were greeted with heod· lines about Peo~ Crowd Jamming Vegas.· this being o three-day Memorial week end We dod get fine occommodotiors of the Lucky Motel out (In Fremont Streel-o two-room arrange ment for four for $16 for tf·e frst night a room for two for $1-4 for the second naght. Reser ... otaons for the bag shows otl the Strip also posed a problem. But we were able to get in for the Ve ro Ellen show ot the Dunes Fri- doy nigh t excellent entertainment, good food at $-4.50 a person. There were o lot of big names at the other fabulous places olong the Strip-DeMis Doy. Rosemary Clooney. JeH Chandler, Rose Marie. Morllyn Ma~we11. Gale Storm. Pot Rooney Sr .. the Ritz Brothers, J ane Powell, Lili St. Cyr. The second night we went in without reservations to the Silver Slipper show, ' Parisian Follies." with blonde Lee Sharon !IS o demure stripper, plus can con dancers ond slightly bawdy comedy skits. Another big treot wos the chuck wagon donner at El Roncho at midnigh t Soturdoy ... oil you con eot for $1.50 ... You're bound to see someone you know, ond sitting ot the next toble wos business· ne•ghbor lewas T orfer ... Heodlone ,,., the los Vegos Sun gove th s cheery slont on the ac· commodolacns •.tualion. No Room but Who Here is Sleeping?' ... F1m"u• l1.t word~ overheard on Fremcnt Street: woman soy•ng to he• (OrnpMoon, Mone wos reody to poy off. but I ran out of n c~el. . A \1qn an ~eepang woth the nature of the coty. We cosh oil goad chech ond some bod or>es ... Wisest remor~ overheard on the street ru•t ouhida o gombl.ng house: o little boy saying. "Why don I you save 1our dollars? • • e THE BOOM IS ON Los Vegas is now o city of some 55.000 people. obout holf of whom subsist in some wtJy or onother on the gambling business. But thet olso leoves obout half who ma ke e living in more normal manner. I oslted a house mon at one of the gambli ng places if the locol folks gombled. ond he soid '"Sure." But I believe o taxicab driver was closer to tha tru th. He soid residents gomble at first when they move to Vegos. bu t soon di~cover that they can't afford it. Even so. o whole lot of the loose change on cyocery shoppitlg trips must end up in the slot machines. The boom is on for sure. The population has ebout doubled in the los t five years: moy double ogoin in the next I 0. Three luxury hotel· casinos and scores of motels ore under construction. There ore ol· reody I 0 Strip resort hotels valued ot 75 million dollars ond employ· ing 7.0CXJ people. About 3.500 more ore employ.d in downtown cosiflos ond hotels. An article in the L.u Vegas Sun 54ys that wages are Cj<)OCJ, per :4pita income in 1952 was $2.250, second only to Delaware's. But prices ore high. with food, clothing and es~ially ,.ntJ above Coli· fomio prices. Two·bedroom rentals begin at $125 a month. As for the dingy sid•. the Sun ortieles says that Nevada has the highest crime and suicide rete in the notion. Las Vegas employs three times as many police os most citi.s its size. Bed ehecks bri09 most arrests: burglory is Mcond. Liquor COftsumption is 208 per cent Were you taken by aurprbe by the City Council's action lut week tn approvlnl the Jacobe Co. survey report. a Uttle Item of .,_636 pay ra.l.w for ctty etn· ployees. Without the public hav. lng a chance to aee Jt before band'! 'nle report was a cloeely auarded .eeret until It was ap. proved. This carries out the policy of "the pu bile be damned; we know .......... ·-· ,. • • • the waae rt.se recommended by the Jacobe INr'Vey outtJt and adopted by the Council amount- ed to ~<about 6~"·" Take your ~nctl and flru.re what percent ot $710 la PXJ. The answer I get a. 28.6~. That's the lncre~ that HE 10t. The working atltfs must 1et about six bits to make it avera,. 6~~-Three surveys In three yean, each resulting In a raise. Thla one caps them all. what's best for them; let's get It • TU JUIE IK SICBT done. the squawk wtll soon die Does It startle you to read that out." Hearings. except those re-the proposed budget Ls $306,839 qulred by law, are· for the birds. more than 1954-55? Have we sud. e KEEP UP WJT1I JOJn:SES denly gotten that fat flnan. Wage surveys-they are a pow. dally? You may be sure that the erful weapon, more effective only reason that you are going to than a union. We had one In ~ that budget before Ita ap 1953 that set a salary range up-proval Is that the law requires ping previous salary range. It lt. Are we going to do all thls was the last word. Yes It was., for without an lncre~ In taxes! No that year. I'll tell you how It You may expect a 12 cent rise In works. The city manager recom-your taxes. m ends to the City Council that What does the man mean they hire a survey company. The when he says the budget bal survey outllt proceeds to com ances? He means that the Coun pare the wage scale with other ell must set the tax rate to meet cities. or course. we must match lt. He alrea dy has announced the highest. Sorta keep up with that both the library and park, the Joneses. The next city they beach and recreation tax will be work on Is shown what Newport raised to 10 cents. which will Beach just adopted wJthout a raise $52,000 each. dl.s8enUng vote, and so around lt'a my guess that a 4 cent ad· she goes; where she'll stop the vertialnl ta..x will be Jevted; this taxpayer never knowa. will raise $20.800. So you thought --....... a... oD ... thaa,.-...... u.et ...... reports? Why, naturally the IUY tt.atng Jut March 15? No you who recommenda them. Let's didn't; you voted to llmtt the look back over the record. Does Council on the amount of money It show a nat percentage In-they could give to the Chamber crease for all employees? No ln. of Commerce. The Council still deed. "Due to the Increased re-has the power to set the advertls. sponslblllty of certain lndlvld· lng tax rate at the permissive uals. their pay Is jumped more." limit of 10 eent.a What will they I should say that It Is due to do with the $20.~ that 4 cents their creative powers. rather. wlll rai-se this year? Why, The ability to create Importance haven't you heard? The city w111 of their jobs by spending more have a 50th anniversary nat mont>y, hiring more people, In year. What did you aay? So short building an emplre. what? Who cares! Well, you just l...fot's take the case of John walt and see how madam mayor Sailors. city manager. He has plans to spend that money to ad. done an expert job of buUdlng vertlse to cock-eyed world that his empire. From a $500 a month we have survived 50 yeara. salary In l!Y"JO. he has whipped It up to $913. Not bad for a be· e LESS EDEJIIIVE WAT 'glnnN. Our expenditures have You'll see that even It you did followed th& groove of tax and think you had hobbled the !!pt>nd Jo 1950-51. according to Council on advert1alng apendtng, the budget. It cost $1.770.209 to there ls more than one way to run the show. This year the pro. skin a rabbit. Snide IIUiaeslJon posed budget Is $2.078.171. Where by a not too Innocent bystandt'r: arf' we hPaded? a less expenalve way to advertise Don't be taken In by that state. our city: more p«aanal appear. mcnt by the city manager that ances on quiz proaranu by Mad- Jan Briscoe 's Mother Dies Mrs. Francia Brlacoe Routhe. 75, mother of Newport Ftre Chid Jan Brlscoe, dled Sunday evening In Phillipsville. In the redwood coun. try eouth of Eureka. Calif. She was on a combined business and vacation trip with her husband. Members of the family flew north tat@ Tuesday for the tuner. al services, which were held ye.. terday at Garberville. Mrs. Routhe Is aurvtved by bu husband. A. C. Routhe, of the am )(ayor. · It b very dlaappolnttng to me taOMDA'r ..... l. .. 1RE JIOIACI * * e ftC:IQ:: A aa&AT IVcc;:KII held. 11 no one recelwd a rna-Doln The Mambo, and Sltoklaan. The G4A ptcnJc wa.e .' IN•t jortty, the top two would be Tbe ..ventb p-ade Old GM •~ ... ID thll year. J:very. t&lcen (Of the final ea.etiona. Club WW • llbf nat. Nobocty one bad tun. Punch, hot clop. Wtll. nobody aot • JUjortty, ., &now~ tu nouble I'w s.n. potato Mlact. potato dllpe wn for pree1dent. It wu John lerkul rou•n Never Walk Alone, Kawai. eerved. An4 for~ cake and and Davia Pope; for vice PNII· lan War Chant, and poup ot later routacs manbmeJJowa. It •t. Dkk Beauchamp, 8111 1\lri8t tavortt. walm.. Aftd the Ad· wu born 5:30 to 8:80 p.m. and 81)1 Fruehllnl. and for tee· vaneed Band, alxth, eeventh, and Alter everyone Md a.embled retary.treuurer, .Patty Jonu, et1htb traden wW play 011· In jeana, wtld pedd.lepuaen and N .. cy Kan1on and Nancy Oard· laden Hymn, Cridlet and the llacu, the • oft ~ t 1 1am• ner. Our new atudent bodr ~~· Bullfrol. Stodla PUnwa and ata.rted. There were about ttve dent for nm year la Davia Po-pe. Guard de ~ the two tolos.t. llllrle. gobl1. Everyone bad been Conlfatulatlonll Davia! belnr C&role Ryden on the pte. autened to teama. On the wto. No one received a majorlty tor colo and .lobo Berkut on the Bu. nln1 teams each peraon received the other two offices. 10 another soon. We hope aU you P&Nnt. ltfe savers. Then the food came run ot1 wUJ be held between Dtck come. and the admla1on II around. Hot dop were burned, Beauchamp and BUJ F'ruehllnl FREE 10 everybody come. That'• eorne lost. and even eome halt for vtc:e president. and l>atty June 2 at 7:30 p.m .. Hlgh School raw, but everybody ete and en-Jones and Nancy Man1an for Auditorium. joyed them. Then a came ot aecretary-treuunr. • • • ,;Red Rover," and marahmaftowtt • • • e A WAIID8 .......,..., were paased out. e iiVUC PUTIVAL At the a.uembly lut week What a night!! ~ one 1trl It' a music, muatc. music every-awards were riven a leo. Mutlc. aald the next day, rather .tlfly, where. June 2 la our annual rtra. aports, and boya sports '"'bls Is what'a known as the day Spring Mullc Festival at the awarc:la. MJa PerkJna 1ave cant. a.fter." Newport Harbor High Auditor. to those chUdMo who had pueed • • • tum. Thb year James Fltzaerald's classes. Then the blr plaqu• TWO ftACII.EJII QODfQ atnrJng rroup will be added. The were 11ven to thoee who had Mlu Norma Perklna, our music Junior Orche.tra, fifth. •lxth. and made the most pointe. For fl.rat teacher, is leaving us next year. ~venth 1 r a d e r s , wtll play, place. Carolyn CUey and John She wlll go to achool for a year, "Space Patrol March" by Miss Berkus tied. Jl'or .econd plaee then come back. M ahe aald, Perkins. Q.arbara K e n n e d y and TftTl "I'm Ju.ct subatltuttn1 golnr to Miss Perkins' bellnnlnl fourth Waidelich tied. And for third. school for teachlna school." Her erade flutes wUl play GoodnJeht Carole Hyden and Gall Oravea. private lessons and the Newport Ladles. Little Brown Ju1, Bed For GAA. Helen Matthews won Harbor Youth Symphony Orche-River Valley and Lll' Uza Jane. the race for the most pointe with stra will continue though. Mr. Flngerald'a eighth erade 147, Pat Fruehllnl waa aecond A new man teacher Ia hired. rtrts Triple Trto will e1ne The wtth 146, and Lorraine Cuthbert We wtll all miss her terribly, but Lord'• Prayer, and By The Ll1ht won third wtth 141 pointe. In the the thought that she wlll be of The SUvery Moon.. And the badminton tournament. Marilyn back the folloWing year will spur elehth erade Barbershop Quartet Bowler won flrat, Helen Matthews us on. James Fltzeerald. our slnglnl You Had A Dream, and and Pat Walker were aecond and other music teacher. Is going to Coney Jaland Baby. Then the Ad-third. Miss Dulln'a second home. teach at Orange Coast College vanced Orchestra. slxth. seventh room won the eottball tourna. next year also. We are losing 2 and elehth, will play Carmen ment. Letters were given for the ol our favorite teachers. and Gypsy Overture. The bottle boys aports. • • • band, which consists of tour bot-e Plane P'lliDAT e DAVIS lOPE EUCTED tles and 2 nutH. will pl.&y Hlnky The atudent council picnic wut Elections last week. After the Dinky Parly Voo and Colden be Friday, June 3. for those who campaign speeches. of which all Slippers. Next the Swing Band. have earned enoueh points In were very good. not one being which Ia the one that play for service. Evrryone plana to have the same, primary elections were the dances. will play They Were fun at Knott'a Berry Farm. 56 Yachts Already Entered Fo r July 4 Honolulu Race ~ews . Cub Scout Pack 182 of Newport Heights held Its last pack meet. lng of the achool year at Harbor VIew School under the leadt'r· ahlp ol .Cubmuter Lester VleJ'. Un1. aided by MUo Lacy, aaJ.It. ant cubmuter. M.r. Lacy wu an. noaneotd .. the n.w c:ubm-..ter, for neXt year. A record total or 56 yachts al. ready have entered the 2.225 mile Honolulu Race scheduled to start at noon on the Fourth of July from Los Angeles Harbor for a ttnilh Une oU Diamond Head ln .......... The enuy list wtll cloee on Frt. day, June 10. The smallest yacht entere-d to date is the 35 . foot ketch. Sea Queen. entered by Fred F. Harris of Beverly Hills and the largest Is the 109 foot schoon er, Ramona, entered by William A. Pomeroy of San Francisco. Flagship for the race wtll be the 96-foot ketch. Morning Star. owned by the commodore of the Transpacific Yacht Club. Ri chard S. Rheem. Newport Harbor area boata at. Nightingales Will Install Irvine Cout Country Club wlll be the acene of th@ tn.atiuatJon ~ontes for nnr oftteen of the Nl&htinlale Chapter ot Hoa1 Mrs. RJchard Jone.' Den 8 pve the open1nc ceremony. Cub- master VIerling announced the annual pack picnic. which wtll be In the Costa Mesa Park from 4 to 7:30p.m. Thursday, June 9. Mra. WUIIam Charlton. coordi- nator, Cubmuter Vlerllnl and Assistant Cubmuter Lacy were presented gifts of appreciation from the pack. CertlflcaUona ol appreclatlon and corta1es were pret~ented by Mra. Charlton to the Den mother-Den No. 1. Mra. Robert Duncan; Den 2. Mn. Robert Oliphant; Den 3, Mra. Max Pope; Den 4, Mrs. Dwl1ht 'npplnr; Den 6, Mra. RJchard Jones; Den 9, Mra. Norman Cart. aon. MUo Lacy held a Webel08 cer~ mony for Robert Fore, Billy Walker and Bobby ~bey and 1ave them t.htir Webel08 arrow&. Prtzea for eeUln1 Scout.O.aa.ma Aw.,. for advancementa Wt're Pftlllftc.d .. foUowt: Den 2 - John KUbetrlck. Wolf JOld ar. row; Den ......,bby WalJcer, Wolf Funeral eerv1cee for Pl'ederldc IUvtr arrow; Kelt Ku*, lerV· lohn Hartbom. 10, ot 508 Orante let It&t; t.ny ..au, ~· .W; Ave., eo.ta lleaa, wUl be held at Dtn • -Dwtlht 11ppb\a. Bear Carlllon, 'nlere wu a tun hou--..nd cWtln and other publlc Improve. then ~me--at the May 23rd menta." City Council meettnr. all Mt tor Coundl members arreed that It a bla huale about the City Trall· would be better not to brlnr up er Park. the Trailer Park problem until But the arrument did not ma. atter the public hearlna on the terlallze, and It looka like the budret whole thlna wtU be put utde un. OouncU received a lon1 letter t1J budaet problema are tettled. trom F. 'nlornton Martin, lona Several communication. came time re.ldent on Newport ocean up Monday evenlna-lncludlnr front, who aalted why Council at. the Park Commt..lon reque.t for lowed ''thla lnJu.tlce of a Trailer plans for the varlou• Trailer Park Puk to continue, competJnr with proposals-but Council tiled all private industry." Let the Trailer letters.for future action. Park people pllttontze other At the May 24 adjourned meet. trailer para In the elty, or re-lo- lnr on the budaet, City Manaaer cate the park, and alve ua back l ohn Sailors said that ,the Trailer our beach, he .uked. Park t. Included In the 1955-56 A petition with 46 names was budaet, but aa a separate Item, pre.enfed to Counctl uklnl the which can be eliminated If the city to Improve and continue the Council decides to dlacontlnue Trailer Park until there la sutfJ. the trailer park. ctent money In the park fund. The city manaaer'a tnUoduc-Ed Healy of Central Newport tton to the budaet include. thb aald he had petitlona with 400 statement: "It ta recommended .. &mH uklnl tor termination of that the MunJcJpaJ Trailer Parle the Trailer Park. be expanded, modernized, and Councilman Stanley RJdderhot continued In operation and that aaJd here wu a point to con. the net proceeds be channeled alder: It the Trailer Park 11 Into other much n~ed capital eliminated and transformed Into Improvements, such as the devel. a public' beach, It would mean a opment and expansion of our 10-cent tax Increase to make up Park, Beach ;ond Recreation fa, the loa In r~enue and meet ~""~··· PROTECT 'YOUR FUN! ............... 0 111' .., ...... ..,. ........ .-4. y.,. ........ ,.,_, ..... -..... w ......... ..... ........... ,.., ......... .... ,...,. ..., ...• ,......, ................... ,.., .... ............. IEWPORT 1111101 lUI tbe Increased cost of beach main. tenance. From the audience WIUiam Lambert of Central N@WJ>Ort aaJd: "We're willing to pay a tax for a public beach. Just give us a chance to vote on lt." His state. ment was applauded. PAULAS• CET DAUCRTEB A daughter. Debbie Katfle. was born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Paulas of 234 E. Broadway. Costa Mesa, In Hoag Memorial Hospl tal on Friday, May 6. CIB.L FOR PIIILLIPS• A dauahter, Jayne Ilene. was born to Mr. and Mrs. George I Phillips of 133 E. 16th St .. Costa Mesa, In Hoag Memorial Ho.!lpl tal on Sunday. May 8. SOJf FOB PETT'IRCn.LS A son, Jon Byron, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pettingill of 376 E. 16th St., Costa Mesa. on Sunday, May 8, In Hoag Me· mortal Hospital. 1011.0.. TO u-,.. A 10ft. Jlki:IIMI ......._ .._. bom to Mt. and M.n. Robert Leach ol 1935 Church St. Costa Mesa, on Thursday, May 5, In Hoaa Memorial Hospital. SPLAKE.I GET lOW A son, 6 lbs., 15 oz.. was born to Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Splane of 7T8 Santa Isabell St., Costa Mesa, In Orange County General HOIIpltaJ, on Thursday, May 5. A Clossified Ad in The Ensiqn brinqs immediote results! C~ll Horb9r 1114-1115 end orove at! A-1 PLUMBING ~~- IUE • PI HE ITI • I I SPECIALIDS Of UPADlS Day & Mlglat Water Beat.n Moder11 P-.r Tool• for S.wtw & Sllll StopfN9•• ' Lewis Ross ~~ -we bCJft ...,_ ~aay cnat...oblle dlt•· .. ...,..._ ..... ....,u..a_..Fama ..,.. Jut .... .. ... oppemaa.lty to ,....,. to '" tM ...., ...... Cld..at· ....................... t bularciDcle plaa ph••en4 by ltate FG& .. • STATE Fila liS. 00. .. Cldlu~ ••• ----- ~~~trt·~~=-~~ !J,':'t"~~~ ::..-:-..:: .;=:': tile ...tla9. (Pboto troaa tbe Udo ) Mrs. Charles .Lamb Named Head of Lido Isle Assn. aoaoow LDfK nOKOTED New prHident of the LJdo Isle Community A.aoclatJon Ia Mrs. Charle. Lamb, who wu elected Saturday by the Board of Olreo. tors Immediately alter the an nual meeting held In the new ly remodelled clubhouse Mrs Lamb. who has served as vice president durtna the past year, I Promoted to hla present rank at the Naval Base at Long Beach re<'ently was Marine Cpl. Gordon E. Link. son of Mr. and Mrs. Gor don A. Link of noo" Ocean Ft .. Newport Beach. He entered th«> .ervlce In May. 1952, and Ia now I a member of lhe Marine se<"ur tty forces on the baM. UDCS. Jfew lfa I ,_t SAPPY DAY IC.OOL for Little Folk 440 Heliotrope. Corona del Mar Harbor 4369 Mrs. Jean Vaughn, dlrec:tor For a.tt.rite•ds. •'* llo11• c.tl THE ENSIGN. HA-ll 14 DAllETR SBEUILL succeeds Howard B. Lewis Joe E. Prelnlnger was elected vice-president, and Gene Ross as I treasurer. Mrs. Donald Colegro' e I was re named secretary. Mrs. Joseph E. Kelm. KPnneth Kingsley. Mrs. Lamb anct Mr. Ross were elected to the board for two year terms. RPtlrlng dl rectors are George Ward. Ted Rogers and Mr. Lewis A stand lng ovation was given to rNirlng President Lewis and hls Board of Directors Cor tht>lr accomplish ments during the past y~.>ar. I Mt>mbers of the hou~ commit tt>e who prepared the rood for j the annual mf'('tlng were Mrs. as chairman. Mrs. Gladstone Ralph Tandowsky, Mrs. Dorrie Hatrh Mrs Johnny Mercer. Mr<o. 1 Betts. Mrs. Hal Dike. Mrs. Keith Vin<'t>nt Salmacia. Mrs Mar!.hall Cordrey, Mr.s. Joe Prelninger. Mrs. Shaddock. .Mrs. Harr) RogPrs. I Mrs. Martin Lockn<>)', Mrs. Stan Lamb and Mrs. Colegrove. lt>y &>tz. Mrs. A. Wyndam ~·as. The committee of honorary Mrs. David Cunningham. Mrs hostesses who received and served Maxwell Sturgt>S. Mrs Thomas Included Mrs. Gladys Stambaugh U!tto and Mrs. M. Trlder White. ··-Vlrcfnla t.anre of eo.ta Mesa JITJUfA IOUCIIET ZOJfTA QIBLS b April cmd llay an Dcaetb S h e r r Ill. deatbt.r of llr. cmd lin. ~Sh.mllof~3MhSL Jfewport. aDd llynaa Bouchey. daughter of llr. cmd lin. Boy CehnL W Pullerloo A.._. Jf...-poft Btdgbta. Dantb Ll OD the stcrff of the Jfnrport Bar· bow IU9h Sdaool paper. cmd Ll NCOrdl.og eec:ntary of CAA. a m~ of Trt Slcp:oa. Ulber. ett-. Job•s Daughten cmd the JfatJoDal Booor Society. IITJUG wcu choeeo cu Zoota Clrl for llay for her drcmla octl•ltiea aa well as lecrdenblp apreued Ia the fact that lbe Ll pres!. dnt of CAA. She allo Ll a m.-bew of Trt Sigma cmd the Ratioaal Booor Society. baa been elected aa one of the directors of the Orange County Medical Assistants of Orange County. Loraine Gullkaon of Santa Ana was named president. JlET't111KS I'BOM EAST Mrs. Edna Franklin of 701 1-. Larkspur Av«>. Corona del Mar. returned last week end to the Harbor art>a. She has been visit- Ing In Uniontown. Pa . for nearly three weeks. Three aqua lung compressed air bottles w~re stolen from ht. locked earage. Francis H. MUleT of 1537 Miramar Dr .. Balboa, no tilled Newport pollee at 9:15 a.m May Jrd. Entry to the garage was gained by breaking a side window. Two of the air bottles I were USN lypt>s of 70 cubic foot capacity and were valued at 1 $1 35. The third was of 38 c ubic foot capacity and was valued at 1 $40. IIUSJCAL AJITI DfiT ALL Mrs. Walter Spicer of Harbor. Island was hostess to the Musl cal Arts Club of Orange County for Installation of officers. WOTJCE OF 1'1BLJC IIEAJlllfC Amendment No. 12 RHolutlon No. 593 Notice Is hereby given that the JfOTJCE OF SEALED am SALE NotlC'e Is her~by glvE'n that sealt>d bid!! will bE'. rPC't"lve-d up to 2:00 p m .. June 17. 1955. for I thf' sale of scrap Iron and othPr junk mt>tal to the hlght><~t bona I I fide bidder nn a per pound basis Bids must be aC'COmpanled with a 10 ... ; Cashier's Che<-k d«>poslt of the total amount of lht> bid. such cl<'poslt to bE' rt'talne-d by t h<' school district should th<' high j bldd«>r refuse to take delivery 1 within the tlme s pecifie-d and In the manner set forth In the bid form. Material!! for sale may be Inspected at the colleg«> by con tactlna the business office be tween the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 1 5:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday. 1 Slened: B. H. PETERSON ~ary. Board of Trust~ Publish: lune 2, 9. 1955. In the Newport Harbor Ensign. Plannlna Commission ot the City ROTJCE OF BEAaDfC of Newport Beach will hold two Notice Is hereby given that the publk hearlnaa on Planning Planning Commission of the City CommJulon RHolutlon of Inteft. of N~rt Beach wtll hold a 1 Uon No. 593 to amend Section public hearing on tht> appllca 9105.4 of Zoning Ordinance No. lion of William R. Hervey. Jr 635 to allow one flrt>place or for a variance No. 229 to permit: chimney not exceeding nine (9) a 4 tt hJgh brick wall with a 5 teet In width to extend Into a tt. 8 Inch hlah brick pylon to aup aldt> yard setback to a dlltance port a rate to ., pfaced on the ot two (~) teet from the aide ol front property line wtthln the re. lot line and to llmlt the Oftf· quired 5 foot front .tback. A hana ot eavea. cornice. and can· tht-ee foot h~laht Umlt Is re- opJ• to~ aM one hal1 t2a..> qulNd In a front ..tbadt by Stoe· feet tnto any requlted rear yard tton tl05.2. parapph (b). on eetbaclt and to atmd no dOII!I' E1y. 5!5 ft. of LoU ~ $. 10 It U. than 2~ feet to a reu Propaty Blc;dc 77, Tract 8ralb0t. Eut Stile Une. Addlt.lon and locatH at 1• JfotJce Ia ~ t\atther rtvea Eut klboa 81ft.. wttll frontate that aald pubUc ~urtqs w1U be on a.lboa Blvd. held on the ltUl -~ Joe. MoUce II hereby tutbe J:IYeD 5 11155. u4 tiM 21lt daf f1l that aaJd pa~Ue "-'q wW M )Mr ~ at ti.Mt lilioV f1l held Oil the 1ltb da7 ol IUM • • p.m. In the C.¥U ~ ~ lit tM ..... Gil .. pJD. .. ..;... ot u.. R..,pa~rt IMdl Cftl the 0ou:nc11 awn-. o1 u.. JW&. at whldl .... aDd '** ftewport 8Mdl' ~ Hall. at ..., b4 an t!' ..... , -.. ...,.. ._. ... "* .., _.. ..,..,.. ... tjeMud~ alll*llll ........ IM7 .. oa. ..., .... _. ........ ~ ... aAY 'f. a.a.IW. .. I E8D I MY :Y. c:idPCUII, llillrlltU; ~ Jtu,; Wsajllll't .._. ~ .._. ..... CDianaJIIIoa CUFF says: "Here • a a couple of CIOI. CUST.US W atchinq For Thoee BIG DATES UP JUNE .... 10111,111 .. Watch .. THE £NSIGW' Next WHkFor More Newa About n. ~ EVEIJ ·-YEll" AT FURNITURE INTERIOR DECORATION BALBOAISLAJfD :u• Narl.oe An. Harbor 1SC7 COBOBA DEL IIAJl Z846 E. Coast Highway-Harbor 277 w.c ... STROOCK& CASHMERE COATS ., .... , .......... -.... cMrlldl •• • pI ... .......... wodrl We Pktnap cmd Dellnw IIArbc. 2121 Uptown Cleaners 1121 WEST BAL.BOA 8LVI)--xEWPOJIT BEACII We ~ lD C1ecmJD.CJ cmd BGD4 Pl"ttlf~ of 1..acUee ...s a..u--~ ILDe....,.. .....,.t .............. _ ........ ............. -. .. -·········-..... • ...... !. =~=~~"1iM~r:;s-:. (Q);v~ia;,ttit~n :.:=-wc.oMwu: .. :.:! Is Installed member Of tht new board ol dl· Auxiliary Member 1p · Increases to 459 Total ~ cit Roaa ~~oq>JtaJ Jfo date It&t ~-for tiM r«ton lJuita.Uecl at the M_, Tbe atatewlde pro&ram ol the mMting ot tbe Santa Ana Branch CbJ.l.dra'a Hollle Society has ex· of tbe AnMrlc:an ~iatlon ol paneled to take care ol 1~ chll- Untveralty Women. Kill Ruth dren du.rlng this put year, ac- Righter wu named to the P~· cord111g to reports elven at the deney. annual meeting of the Newport ;::::;:.===========;Harbor Auxiliary of the Society held May 24 at the Emerald Bay home of Mrs. Wllllam Curlett. , Awd1J.ar7 DOW Manda at ..,. U · noUnc.-M Mra. NeD Cameron. vtce. lftlll61nt Ill ~ ot membef. alllp. at tht M-.y 1.9 board meet- lq held at the home ol the pJ'ftl. dent. M4 D. N. Hummel In 1'hrft A.rd\ a.y. ~DC ol lo.a M lba IU. b_an Beh, Ray Dlb, Cbarlee Wa.Uu!rr and Jtobert l:dwln o. Lamb, Boward mo. D. H. Cole. viM, WhoM enaapment wu ,. rrove and R. L. Pattenon. eently announ<:*S by ber paNDt.. I&AJCJUI JACK TAYLOR lACK ROM PAJI EAST lack B. Taylor, storekeeper sea. man, USN, 10n of Mr. and Mrs. Claude F. Taylor and husband of Mrs. Mary Taylor, all of 186 Mr. and Mrt. OtJ• Walk~ ot 1., E. 22nd St., eo.ta Meaa. The ~m el~. who llw. at 132 45th St., NeWport, il tbe 80Jl of Mr. and Mrs. Clarenee n.vtne ot Albuquerque, New Mexico. Dr. Ronald Wood. D. C. HARBOR HEALTH SffiVICE COMPLETE DIAGNOSIS &: PHYSICAL THERAPY DEPT. 2804 ltewport Bl•d. Jfewport hach Ba:rbor 4030 Greetiav CeRda w ArlUt SuppliM~ loob. StatioDery ~ U.tJE SAlLS STATIOJfEJIS 306 Main BALBOA Harbor 678 9:~6:00, Sun. Noon 'tll 6 SAT JT WITH 3403 E. Coat Bwy. 8 CO ROlf A DEL MAll Phoue Ra:rbor 5071 ~~ The reports preceded the ln- st.a.Uatlon ot Mrs. Tod Oviatt of Balboa Island as new president of the organl.utUon. Other out- Cera Installed were Mra. Donald AndenJOn ot Bay Shores, vice president; Mrs. Lany Howell or Laguna as corresponding secre- tary; Mrs. Howard L.aW80n of Newport as treasurer, and Mrs. H. Payne .Thayer. retiring presi. dent from BaJboa, as parUamen. tartan. Serving as co . hostesses for Tuesday's meeting w e r e Mrs. Douglass Ferry, Mrs. John Knapp and Mrs. Elton Barnett. Marguer- Ite Tandowsky. Southern Califor- nia Director of Children's Home Society Auxiliaries, Installed the new outcers. I Harllor Hi lralluatu' EIIIPIIIIII Reweallll Two Newport Harbor High School graduates whose engage ment has recently been an- nounced are Miss Joyce Lee White. daughter or Mr. and Mrs. Clyde White of 2001 Santa Ana Ave., Costa Mesa. and Tom Me Clelland, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. T. McClelland, 169 E. Costa Mesa St., Costa Mesa. MRS. LEE BOT aurT LIUIGE Ia tbe f-• MlM SWICIIIDe Jecm. uett. Jec~DMD of c:o.ta II MG. ( leniJe Aldea Pboto) • Suzanne Jeanette Jeanson . Wed to Lee ~oy Cary Large People came from as far away QIICI SERVICE ROLLER SHADES SPEECH WDfHEBS !fAXED as Bristol, Conn., to witness the Mr. Jeanson presented hls daughter at the altar of St. Joach lms Catholic Church where Rev. Thomas Nevin performed the double nuptial rites at a mid morning ceremony on Saturday, May 7. The bride wore a waltz length gown of white chantilly lace and net over satin. The fitted diminutive jacket had long sleeves ending ln a point and buttoned to a Peter Pan col- lar. Her veil was or French Illu- sion bordered with lace and held by a smllll scalloped crown or Standard S h a d e Cloths and Custom Specialties e Drapery H a r d w a r e • Venetian Blinds. Guy Hewitt of the Corona del wedding of Mlss Suzanne Jean- Mar oUice of Morgan and Co. ette Jeanson and Lee Roy Cary was declared the best speaker Large. The honored guests from when he talked on "Your Share" Connecticut were Mt. and Mrs. rl _ , 1 ~ ~ l.op at the Harbor Area Toastmaster's Joseph Girardin. maternal grand-<J,. SHGa· g Club meeting last week In the parents of the bride, and, from Newport Harbor Yacht Club. The their home ln Akron. Ohio. came * =::~ * ~ 884 most improved speaker was Bill the brldgegroom's parents, Mr. 412 I2Dd St.. Jfewport Beada Goodacre, speaking on "Know and Mrs. Cary A. Large. The ~~~~~~~~~~~~~Y~o~u;r~Ba;;b~y~S;I~tt~er;·;;";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; bride Is the daughter of Mr. and r Mrs. Henry Jeanson of 359 Ra- mona Way, Costa Mesa. TRIM .INCHES FROM TUMMY, HIPS AND LEGS! Rent a StauHer Unit by the day and watch the inches melt away/ The new Stauffer Home Unit is simplicity itself. All you do is lie down and let the unit do the work, while you read or watch TV. W hat could be easier? For a complimentary demonstration on how lo streamlinf your hips, legs and tummy. • CALL HArbor 17(2 J[lmberly 3-7010 .,'.• , '', ,. HOM£ PLA!It • • • of sCKial note lace. She carried a white Bible with an orchid and stephanotis trailing from satin streamers. Her sister, Miss Theresa Jean son, served as her maid of honor wearing a yellow net over satin gown wfth a matching net When we called the local real shoulder jacket. She carried a -...te oU.ke to uk Phll Terry liP'&¥ of reel rOM& ~amee 1Jrowu W'tly he bad a.rw talwlt Ids a.. of E1 Toro was b8t man ancJ wife Joan Crawford up In an air-ushers wer-e Roy Olsen ot El plane (It undoubtedly drove her Toro and Ray Jeanson. brother Into marriage for the third time>. of the bride. The bride's sJster, we round out that he was In Miss Rita Jeanson. attended the Chicago making television movies guest book. when this all happened. He'll At a reception held In the I probably be fl ying back soon. home of the bdde's parents rol. • • • lowing the ceremony. Mrs. Jean. May 23 was a sad day for for-son received guc.>sts In a navy mer councilman Dale Ra msey. lac-e dress with pink accessories I now turnC'd Costa Mesa fa rmer. and a pink rosebud corsage. The He had to sell his prize and be groom's mother wore a similar Jovt'd durkllngo; on acc-ount ~f corsage on a pink lace dress with the Ramo;!'yc; arf.' already on thetr navy accessories. After a honey. I way ea st. First stop Detroit, moon at Monterey. t he young wht're t hey will pick up a car. couple are making their home at Part ot the vacation will Include 3233 Broad St .. Newport Heights. a journey Into Canada. • • • I Mona Mc-Ta ggart passed chOCO- lates at the Delta Gamma Soror- Ity house at UCLA to Indicate I that she Is sweet on Richard Welden Marston of El Cerrito I and plans to marry him. Mona. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. McTaggart of Costa Mesa, seems DIRECTORY MUSIC Margaret L. Scharle Teacher ot Plano Organlst · Accompanist Evening Cla.sses tor Adults 307 GOLDENROD AVE. Corona del Mar to be just about as active a co-ed In college as she was at Newport Harbor High School a couple of ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ years ago. Among her activities 1 s he served as vice president of Friendly Neighborhood Service Pcrkes~Ridley Mortuary Formerly Grauel Cba~ VAN'S CLEANERS * * * .. 30 YEARS• EXPERIENCE IN QUALITY WORK .. e DRY CLEANING e DYEING e HAND PRESSING e KNIT BlOCKI NG e LAUNDRY SERVICE e ALTERATIONS, REPAI RING * * o.,..a..-. .. attl.-..........,.u,.pa. .... o.-t llwy .. -,._ ..... c.-...... the sophomore class and as a member of Calltornla Club. Her "Intended" attended Call!ornla U. at Berkeley where he wa.s 11 0 Broadway U 8s3433 1r 8s3434 Cbsta Mesa prc.>sldent of the sophomore class ~==========~ and also belonged to California Club. He Is an ATO. (Continued on Page 5 ) TRAVELOG AT ST. JAMES Norman Wakeman of BaJboa Island presented a travelog and nature pictures at the St. lames Episcopal Church fellowship din- ner held on May 19 at the parlJih house. Mrt. H. L Ostrander was ln charge of reservatlona for the rout beef cUnner that precedt=d the program. NOW ... TWO BALTZ MO~TUARIES Serving the Harbor Area Baltz Mortuary CHAPEL BY THE SEA Harbor42 3520 E. Cout Highway Corona del Mar Baltz Mortuary Liberty 8-11.21 17h lr Sl.tPt!flor, eo.ta Mea AMPLE PARKJNO BOTH LOCA110~S INSURANCE ''Be Sure-lnaule'' WlTB STANLEY ~AGDCY , ~..,..,.,. 1115 .. CloMt ~ eo..a ... .., ... ;....~ .. ?Ill Mn. earnft.on preeented the namM of 18 new ~mbea to the board. A buffet luncheon was lef'Ved tq the board members fol- lowing the meeting. Food and Oowera carried' out a c o I o r scheme of bronze, gold a.nd muted red on the Hummel lanai. Other business at the m eeting was a report on the financial suc. cess of the May rarden party tete given at tbe Smlthcllff es- tate In La~una reported on by Mrs. Edgar HUI, treasurer. Mrs. Howard Lewis, volunteer chair- man. announced that Mrs. Hat· old Round, Mrs. lohn Knapp and Mrs. Zola Brunt, all of Corona del Mar and Balboa Island. had each completed 100 hours ot "In serv- Ice" at the hospital. Guests from the Harbor area at the luncheon included Mmes. Walter Burroughs, Bertha Tillot- son, Challen Landers, LcmnJe Vfn. cent. Harry Casey, Castleman Smith, D. H. Crum Jr .. Orval StrN- art. J. A. Seek, Douglass Ferry, l ohn Knapp, Nadene Coplen. Ur. Tweltth St .. Costa Mesa arrived UAVB COSTA JIDJl at San Diego May 22 aboard the The Georce Chapmans of 275 amphibious rorce n agshlp USS Vletoria Dr., Costa Mesa, have Estes. moved to Santa Ana. The Estes' arrival completed an 11-month tour In the Far East, where she headed the 40..shlp task force In the operation "Pas- sage to Freedom." In February. she joined the 7th Pleet as Am- phibious Command Shlp in the Tachena evacuatlon. come In and look around ... you are sure to find that unus ual gltt you are looking for ... and we have the finest paper party goods and bridge supplies. SuJ*'f'lsloG. ~ lit HAPPY DAY ICBOOL t. Little Polk 440 Heliotrope, Corona del Mar Harbor 4369 Under new management Mrs. Jean Vaughn. dJrector Light their life with P,ithl/6 ST. AXDilEWS nESITTEBIAJI cavaca 15th St. 1r St. Andrews Rd .• CICIOU fi'OIII lll9b ~ Liberty 14m Pastc.s -... J~ S. Stewart SUNDAY: Morning worahlp, 9:30 and 11 a.m.; Church School, 9:30 and 11:00; Sr. High Fellow· &hlp, 7 p.m.; College age tel· lowshlp, 7:30 p.m.; Thursday. Prayer, study group, 9:30 a.m. COIOW!fJT'f KETJIODIST 420 W. 1tua St.. eo.ta MMG Uberty 1-4552 a ... Joeepb W. McShODe Sunday: 9:30 a.m., Church Sun· day School; 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Morntnc Worshlp-7 p.m. College Age MYF Service - 7 p.m .. High School MYF Service; 7 p.m., Sunergous Group Serv· Ice. TBE amaca or CBJUST 1050 Cla1U'Cil St.. c:o.ta M..a ~1-SflJ ..__ ....... '1 Sunday Serv1oea: 8:30 a.m. lUble ltudy; 11 a.m. morning wor· ahlp; 7 p.m. evenJng aervtce. Midweek a e r v I c e , 7 p.m. Wednesday. CBJl.IST CBU'JICB BY TBE SEA Coaulaaalty Metbocllst Balboa Bl~ at 14tb St.. Jfewport RAt~ 5229 Pastors a... Boy A. CarboD Sunday Worsbtp, 9:45 and 11 a.m. Church School: 9;45 a.m. Mldw~k Meeting: 7':30 p.m. Wednesday preceded by 6:30 p.m. potluck. ST. JOACIIJM CH1JBCB 1164 Orcm .. A.e.. eo.ta Meaa Liberty 8·1091 Father Tboalaa J, JfeYID SWlday Mcr.AN at 7, 8. 9. 10 cmd 11:30 a.m. Weekdays: Masa at 7:00a.m.-Confession: Satur- days from 4:00 to 5:15-7:00 to 8:15p.m. FDIST BAPTisT CBVJICB OP WEWPOBT aaiboa ll..S.. 1ttb & Court Sta.. If ....,ott IIAJbor SSSI Uberty 1-3072 '-101: llelbel1 G. Job.luoll Sunday aemces: 9:45 a.m .. Sun· day School; 11:00 a.m., Wor- &hlp Service; 7:30 p.m. Sunday eovenJng C: e r v Ice ; Mld· W~k Service: 7:30 p.m. Wedneaday Prayer Meeting. ASSEJOLY Or COD 22Dd St. & Elde:a A,._, e-ta t.t..a Liberty l.nll ~ ... c:. Croalc. Padcw Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Wor· ahlp: 10:45 a.m. and 7:30 p .m. YounJr People and Cl\lldren'a Service. 6:30 p.m. Sun. Mid· week Service: Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Ladles' MlaJonary Coun· cU, Thursdays. 10:00 a.m. SEVEKTB DAT ADYERIIS1 ltewpolt ll..S. at W.. St.. Wewport.__b Liberty 1-ISU Elder D. D. lpcnaJcl.tq Saturday Morning Services: Sab· bath School: 9:30 a .m. -Sft. mon: 11:00 a.m. Prayer meet· lng: Wednesday, 8:00 p.m. Frl· day Evening Vespera: 8:00. CH1JBCB of tbe Jf AZAUJfE 1115 Aoabe'.m St.. C:O.tca MMG PastK: a... Cll" WWiama. Liberty .. 7111 Sunday Services: Sunday Sdlool. 9:30 a.m. Kornlna wote~~ at ...... ~a... Ice, 7 p.m. S.nd.ay. Pruer meeting, 7:30p.m. Wednete!ay. FDI.ST CIIUliCB OF CRJliST Sc:rEJf'TIST 3303 VIa Udo. Jfewport leach HArbor 24.21 Sunday School: 9:15 a .m .. Sun· day S e r v I c e : 11 :00 a.m. Wednesday Evening Meettnr: 8:00. Reading Room, 3315 VIa Lido, Newport Beach. open 10 a.m.·5 p.m. week days, 10 a.m.· 7:45p.m. Wednesdays, 7·9 p .. m. Friday evenlnn. t7HIVEJISALIST COIIMtnfiTT FELLOWSJIIP EbeU Clubb.ou.ae 51 S W. lkl1boa JU•cS.. lkl1boa MlDJ.atwr BeY. P. W.IUD .. Sunday School, 10:30 a.m. Morn- Ing wors hip. 11:00 a .m. FIBST SOtiTBEIU'f IArnJT ~CB &00 W. Bamlltoa St.. C:O.ta M..a Uberty U4IS Pastors Dr. lllctulld B. P.,.. Sunday achool, 9:45a.m.; church service 10:50 a.m . Training Union 7 p.m. Sunday. Evening wonblp 8 p.m. Sunday. Teach- ers and otfiCft'll meeting 7 p.m . Wednel'li•Y· Prayer servloe and Bible study 8 p.m. Wednesday. PDIIT IAPniT CBVaCB lcaata Aaal A.._ tit 11..--u- c:o.ta .... ...... a.w ....... Sunday Service.: 9:4:S a.m. Sund-.y School; 11 :un. WonhJp Servtc.L 8 :30 p.m.. Baptbt 'I'ra1nJna unlon; 7:30 p.m., Evenlna SerYSee. Wednesday: 7:30 p.m.,~. PraJae and Bible Stucty. Mon· day: 7:30 p.m. Men'a c:hon.w p r act Ice : 8:30 p.m. Men'a Prayer MHting. CJIV'aCB or on LADY or MT. CAJIIIEL 1441 "· lcllaoa ll..S.. Jf....-1 ~-14 Pcrtbew l~leof· ,_.. Pat~Ml' l'aa._.u AMt. Sunday Muees: 8:00 and 10:00 and 11 :30 a.m. Conf.-lon: Sat· urdays and eves. of lit Fridaya and Holy Days from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. and .. om 7:30 to 8:80 p.m. Dally Mass 8:00 a.m. Pint Friday: 6:30a.m. and 8:00p.m. N o v en a (Perpetual H~p): .'J\.teldQ', 1:45 p.m. c:awJ LGJW•aur caow OP oc.rA MDA (......-...:tl,...) ~Z......IIalL Coeta ..... Patocr a... Lotbar TOI'DOW' Sunday Services: Wonhlp Serv· Ice 9 a .m. Sunday School at 10:15 a.m. ST. JAMES EPISCOPAL J208 Via LtcSo. ltewport Beach ~~-"'* 1130 a... Balpll 8. haM. eurat. Sunday Services: 8:30. 9:30, U a .m. Morning Prayer; 9:30 a.m. Reglstratlon f« Sunday School. Thursday Services: 9:15 a.m. Prayer Gulld; 10:30 Holy Com· m unlon. ST. JOBJf VJA.JnfEY 314 Marf.De A,._, 11a1boa la1cm4 B.Arbcw 0214 Father S~J[lley, Past.K Father Panliassu.a Aut. Sunday Masses: 7:00a.m. 1r 9:00 a.m. Conf~lon: Saturdaya and eves. of ~ Frldaya and Holy Days; 7:30 to 8:00 p.m.; Fltst Friday Maa 8 a.m. c:EJrBAL lmt.B CII'UaCII OlaD9e A"-at Did lt. eo.ta ...... u.ty 1·530S A. A. Eoden. ,__ Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Mom· tne Service; 11 :00: Eventq Setvtoe. 7:30. Mld·week Sen'· Jt&WIOIIT ua.QB OOaoWA DEL MAJl toe. Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. LO'TIIEB.AJf CBuaca COIOfV'WITT CIIUIICB IU..OA 11LAJ1D 2501 C1Uf Dr .. Rewport S.lpb Coopf19GU•III OOIOIOWin' JOTII\)DJIT u.ty 14131 111 8~~ A"-115 A..-A .... lcdboe lalad ~ ...... OnelaDd ftfbor 5217 ...... ... ""-..W. --, --.......... _ ..._...... .!,_.,_:_ _ ... Early ~. 8:30 a.m. Sunday; .---~ ------ Church School. 9:30 a.m.; wor· Sunda y Worship Services: 9:45 Sunday Senti c.: t :ao a . m. ahlp service. 11:00 a.m.; Luther L m..ll:OO Lm. Sunday School : Church Schooi_Lt:~ ~nd U :OO League, 7:30 p.m. t :t:S a.m. a.m. Wonhlp ;,erv"~C!e. This Directory ia ·made po-lble by tb ... cim-mlDded b~ ' WOOOWSRTH PIANO SHOP !!xcluttve Agent for BaJcJwtn Planoe 26 I 0 E. eo.st Hwy. Her. ll12 Corona del Mer RE:E..sTtK No Tacb •.• J(o Tape ... Jfo Pute 2m E. Coed Hwy. Corona del ... ., NEWPORT HAitiOR &fSf6N NEWSPAPER Prtnttna-Ac!verdaJnr-LocaJ "twa 2110 E. eo..t Hwy. Her. 1114 C... cW Mw NEWPORT HARIOil lANK )4)1 E. eo.t Hwy. c.-. .. M. NEWPORT IALIOA SAVINGS I LOAN ASSN. 1166 VIe LWo GENERAL SHEET METAL WOitKS 405 lOth StrMt H.t»or 2210 Newport leech THOMAS MOIIL S1tMa WubJna-hJttblq t500 w. Llboe a H.. ~w .... pcwt ..... IALIOA lAY O.UI 1221 w. Co..t Hlt'o•., ................ lJCHAitD'S UDO w,um Oruae ~a ""* Clc 1 11na llarbt )4Jl VIe lWo ...... 2121 t ... ,.. ...... IAlL W. STANLIY • ......_ .UtqJf...,_...,.. ..... u. w... OMee ..._ ......, HerW 1m STAFF<*> I SON JNIIall ... .._ llalnt , ............. .....,.... .... .. • ,..,_.,.•,.. L ·- Mrs. Tritt Is Installed Regent of DAR Chapter Mra. WUU&m B.. Tritt ol Udo to the youna people of lh• &re~ ble wu lnteaUtcl u reaent of w.te also announced at Jut the JocaJ WOllam C&be1l <hapter .wMk'a meettna. of DA.a at a lu~ meettn• of roun~ reaent. M.ra. Chari• th poup btld lut week on Boar4man, 1natalled the new ot- WedMiday at the Newport Hat. tlcen.. Mn. A. L Pinkley of Cotta bot Yacbt Club. 11 .. 1a the new flnt vice recent: Edward 1. Clby, apeclal FBI Mil. Anne Barbelon, Balboa, NCo Aeent from the San Dleto OfJ'ice, ond Vice.repnt: Mrs. Oeorre Bue- wu main •a¥er ot the all•· col' Udo ble, corrapondlnl Me· noon With a talk on the hiat«y Ntuy. B.etlrlnc ~sent. M.rL A. of the Rl &1'\d their preeent E. Stockton, Meelved the put re. a.ctJvltlea.. Patdot1e awards alven (ent't pln an,d an orchid eorure. Pat:rtotle bonon were bestowed ....... , .. ,...,. ,..,n. ..... Summer entertalnJna hu aJ. ready beaun at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest I. Hartman, 1350 W. Bay Ave., Newport Beach, wbi!Te a aped&l visitor for two weeks baa been Mrs. Geor,ta Ltvinpton of Bould«. Colorado, on her flnt trip to Southern eau. fornta. Mrs. Uvinpton lett Saturday, but new &rrlvala for the lone week-end were Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Corrin Jr .• the H&rtman'a daughter &nd IIOD·ln·law from Los Angelets. With them were Tod and Constance Corrin, down to visit their grandparents. by the local DAlt on Diana Crane, wt.nneo of tbe Newport Batbor High homemaker award avtnp ,_,nd; Arlene Buff, Har- Hiib winner of the good cltl- zenahlp aw&rd; Jane Ostrander, Harbor Hlah wtnner of the N a. Uonal Defense Good Cltiunablp award. DA.Jl bonora aao went toJame. Cowie of Costa Mesa for hla e&re and preRrVation of the Ameri- can flaa. and to the Amerlean Leeton Awdllary, Pa.t 291, for tbeJr work with dlaabled vet- erans. GIRL SCOIJT Mrs. H. 0. Boyvey Installed As President of Panhellenic 'nte tradiUonal ptes1dent's lift j Robert Lenker, recording secre wu pretented to Mta • .J. H. RJ.gp t.ary, and Mrs. Edgar Stroot Jr .. alta abe bestowed the aavel ot. corresponding aecr~tary. Harbor PanbellenJe on pre.jdent-Following the luncheon the elect M.rs. H. 0. Boyvey ol New-aroup voted to give SlOO to th~ port at ln.tallatlon eeremonie. 4mft'lcan Ft~ld Service Jnterna held lut week at the New Uonal Scholarship. to bring a Harbor Yacht Club. foreign exchange student to the Other new ottkeq. who .. H&rbor Area. The short business aumed thelr responsibUJties at meeting wu closed by a aoclal th~ luncheon me«Uc, are Mrs. afternoon of c&rds. Walter Hatch, ttnrt vtce-presl. Hostesses for the day were de-nt; Mrs. Nadene Coplen, see-Mmes. Merton Ca"l.eron. A. J. Aun~. Kenneth Cool ing, H. H ond vt~ president; Mra. Har-Cuey, <Aoree Guthrie and R. L riette B&rbee, treMurer; Mrs. Kep~n. CHIJRCHES RIC lAID'S LIDO IIIIET 1une 4. 1955 Newport Harbor Your luds couldn't 1ake after a nlct>r guy than Davy Crockett! Simple. honest, straight thlnkJng I Davy C'rockt>tt! Until Walt Dis- ney brought him to lll e through his Disneyland TV program. Davy ----------........ ---------------Crockett had been ont> of the un UIUVEUAUIT n::u.owsm. A brief business meeting ot the Fellowship will convene after the church servtce Sunday to dlacuss several Items of cbwcll policy left over trom the ~t annual meeting. The churclt .ervlce will include a ~rmon on "Courate is Comtort" and several two-plano I selectlons by Mrs. Ruth C. Miller of Long Beach and Nn. Frederick Rinee. wife ot the pastor. I l B. L METBODIST CBDCII , "Who Is the Greatest?" wUI ~ the sermon topic of Rev. Donald CllaiST Clll7aal aY TilE SEA . .,e Church's Strenetb" wtll be Rev. Roy Culson's sermon tht>me at Christ Church by the Sea In Newport Beach Sunday morning Th~ Sanctuary choir wtll sing "Chrl&tJan, the Morn Breaks Swretly O'er Thee" by Shelley at 11 a .m. Solo parts will bt" sung by Mrs. Phyllis Fields. Mrs Leslie Ftelt.ag and Roy Kel. Iocr. The Crusader choir of Jun 1or H1gh Youth wtll s1ng for the first service at 9:30 a .m. FISH FBT TOifiGBT glamorized h~roes of our history book& ... Hear Ye! He&r Ye! Ricb&rd's has proclaimed this Richard's Davy Crockett Week' Step right up kJds and get your free Davy Crockett buttons. then coax mom upstalrs to ~ &11 the nice things we have to otter to make you a true Indian tighter. * .. * TMGO,..-s . . . you.r time Ia SEBVJCES BELD roa DfF ART lunlor American Citizenship award went to Mugo Beck of St;. Jame. Episcopal C.hureh Day School and history aw&rd'" to Duke Baltz of the same school. Newport School winners were pa. trlcl& Rleland for history and Dorothy Bush and Bonnie Jean Bush for hlstory. ............................................... .,.._ ......... ........,.,.,.. ......... ,..... ...................... _ ....... _......,_......,_......, ____ G. Sapp at the Balboa Island A fish fry will be served from 5·30 to 7:30 p.m today (Thurs da:, 1 In tht> Partsh House of St James Episcopal Church, New port. Proceeds will go toward St James Church summer camp for children. The fourth annual mu skal variety show of the Cherub choir will be held in the Parish Hall from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m to morrow < FTidayl . Saturday afWaoala from ~ oat ill haet wllele A1 J Cll9'la wW put 00 lUI ~ dalace party ••• E.olatloo of t.be cl.cmee ••• CcDtle Walk I Chari-. toD. VartUy Drag. 819 APJ)MI Infant Joseph Pimental, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jesus Pimental of 19281 Newport Ave., Costa Mesa, was dead at birth May 25 In St. Joseph Hospital. Besides his par- ents he 1a survived by three s1s- tera and four brothers. Services were h~d Sadtrday 1n Holy Sep. ulchre cemetery. Parkes..Rldley Mortuary 1n Costa Mesa wu 1n charge ol &rr&ngementa. From the placemats deocorated with a picture of ConstJtutlon Hall to the tTl colored flowers e TBOOP 21 Scouts put out the tire with wet Community Methodist Church and the small American nags. the enUre luncheon color scheme w~ carried out the patriotic motif of the group. Mrs. Hugh Godwin's Troop 29. eunnysacks, buckets of dirt, hot this Sunday. The servl~ of Chris 7th Grade Girl Scouts. had an beans and even hot dishwater,! tlan baptism will be conducted overnight cams>-out on the Irvine managing to get It under control at the 11 o'clock service for Robin Ranch. They ~t up camp, cooked before the Fire Department ar Anne Goodenough, da ughter of lunch and dinner, and returned rived. Despite the hazard. It was Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Good in Ume for Church on Sunday. a tremendous experience for the enough. 22S Amethyst Ave Chief Push ma-ta ha of the Buf. girls and a good practical dem fa lo Ranch came to the cam~ onstratlon of fire fighting. site and Instructed the girls on • • • Church Plans Special guests at the luncheon were Mmes. Louis Briggs, V. E. Koepsel, Hugh Hoover, M. C. Sheely, and Mayor Dora Hill. lndJan lore. e COO'Jn' AWAJIDS Mrs. Godwin and Mrs. I... E. The E:ourt of Awards for Troop Mesa Mission · Newcomb accompanied the girls 77, Including a pot-luck sup~. 11Me cam.e Swi.Dg. Dat Jltt. Bugl Wow it's Sop ..• v ...... CID4 tnoe ec.tle bad-be ....... tiDDecS. becaaM lJaeT ,.. tbe flnt -dace to four beclta to tiM bar ~ ., tbi'M • • . Junior Assistance League of Troop 29 on this expedition. will be held on June 13. The Tbls group Includes Donna AJ. Court of Aw&rds for Troop 216 will To Hold 'Husband's N··ght' bright. Linda Caudell, Janet be he ld on June 9. Hobel, Holly Hyden. Carolyn • • • 18. Plana for the evening were Newcomb, Unda Spratt. GaU More than 75 Girl Scouts from A tape recordin.g of Jut year's Junior A.uiatanee Leaaue "Fol- l ies" wUl be the chief entertain- ment whe'n the group holds "Hus- bands' Night" on Saturday, .June SALE ··-tcter~us 1.'18 UDEICEmR (next to All American Mkt.) -· E. c.a.t 111....,.. c.D.M. made last week at tbe Junior ~ Tough. Sandy Watson, Sandy Newport Hubor attended the Or· slstance League meeting peld In Godwin, K&ren 8etz and Colleen ange County Girl Scouts camp. the social ~nter of the League. Rupp. lng skllls "kamp" held mid-May Formal presenut\lon wa.s made They have welcomed Into their at Peters Canyon. Approximately Friday by Mra. Ch&rles Sparkuhl group two newcomers: Patty 400 girls In all attended week at tbe $100 donaUon m&de by the Ostling and Frances ~ley. end outing, which wu Umlted Leaaue Juntor. toward bringing Troop 29 hu flnlahed their first to girls abov~ the fifth grad~ a fonlp exchanp hlah .chool Ald Badge under the direction of who qualltled by previous ac. 8t\14tnt to aa.. a rt ..._ lila. • • • ef ~ -.. r ••'W.s1wta '-pn..wv• ave- Other conqtbutJon.a voted by the Cross. They have vlltted the Life-. n!lf't eamptnc. Juniors at Jut week's meeting fU&rd Statton wbere Captain The group split Into three sec- Wft'e $100 to pu.rcbue a compres. Jack Jones eave a demonstration tlons.. according to their p~ous 110r tor the dental clinic and of a.rttttclal demonstration. experience In camping. Mra. $100 to tbe YMCA-YWCA Camp • • • Wayne Crowl of the Newport Osceola for Orange County chll· e TBOOP • Beach Council had charge of the dren. Tr 216 El hth G d Girl Peters Canyon basic group. The President Mrs. Forrest Neal oop · g ra e Newport Scout Council were re- Scout•. went on a two-night 1 sponslble for registration, "Scouts conducted the meeting. Mrs. camping trip to Peters Canyon. Own" and church servi~ por Hugh Plumb and Mrs. Edw&rd Their lea der. Mrs. Fred Singer. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Boy~~d~aiasl.st~~ed~wi~th~b~ost=ess~.~d~u~U~eis. wa.s &Sslsted by Mrs. Ralph Wll tlons of the we-ekend program Mr H WJIH and Mrs. Girls In the most ex~rlence eox. s. &rry s section of the cam p worked on R. C. Petty. The purpose of the qualifications set up for attend-~P was to prepare for County ance at the first Senior Girl . RCA VICTOR COMPATIILI COLOR TELEVISION AD Cob TV Showa WUl Be Shown in Our Shop. Sat. JUDe 4 ...,.. aaoc.lat. Soldier ___ ................ 1:00 to 7:30 Tu-. J~ 7 PnL •t-Jacww at W811t hiDt ~aeemeat -·-· .. ·---·-· .... --.......................... 7:00 to 7:30 Tbu.n. JDM t ""Slaoww of Stars'" A .tar llu.ct Ma.dad ............................................. 5:00 to 1 :30 TARTER'S TV . 21M E. c.t. Jlwy. c.D.X. (Across from Port Theatre) B~bor 5491 acony. ~ ~ ~'~-~~~( .. , ;'~· irl t t Scout Round-Up to be held In een g s se up a nea Ml hi 1 1956 camp site, and speclaJ care was c gan n · taken to train them In cookin'g Leaders from the Newport Har with charcoal and us ing dehy bor Council of Scouting, who at- drated foods, and in lashing. The tended the camp Included Mmes. girls slept In sleeping bags on Hugh Godwin. William Spurgeon the ground, w ith pup tents as III. 1oe Casala. John Port~r. F shelter. They came home with 1. Singer. C. F. Schindler. Fred the good feeling of having ac. Hunt. Patrick Watson. Donald compllshed their goal. Jensen. l ane Adams and Mrs. • • • Crowl. eTBOOP 27 Troop 77, 8th Grade Girl Scouts under the leadersh ip of Mrs. wu. llam Spurgeon m. also had an overnight at Peters Canyon In prep&ratlon tor Hill Camp. They had a wonderful Ume with a ifOUP from Garden Grove who &re planning to go to Denmark In 1959. They had a mutual campfire, discussed plans and aang songs. Hill Camp. on May 13, 14 and 15. b ad rep.resentat:tvea from this troop and Troop ~. In addition to three hundred other Girl Scouts from this area. The troops were spilt up so that the girls had the opportunity to m~ Scouts trom other-locations. Mrs. Spurgeon's group won the hon- ors tor the best camp alte and the beat lublnp. Two nights and two daya weN ipent In per. tectJnc various types ot sk:1lls and campe.. The.Jut event on the program wu h.tnclt. and thb prowd the maR uclttna. An ember from a campfire Oew out and Ut on • bush. In Sti!COnCia the tunou.ndl.ng bnaSh eaupt fft. 'nle Clrl • • • Approximately 300 girls have Hlgned up for the annual New port Harbor Girl Scout Day Camp. which will be held near the Castaways Club overlookln& the Back Bay. Follow1ng the wlld west theme of past years. thls year the emphasis will be on cowboy folklore, &nd the day camp will be named "Camp Pan- handle." Adult leaders are Mrs. Sidney Sanders. dlrector; Mra. John Oertly. cha.lnn.an; Mrs. Neva Thomas, coordinator: Mn. Wayne Crowl. Mrs. D. H. Cum- mings. Mrs. H. E.. Nack and Mrs. W. B. Tritt as commlttre mem bers. ' This year's camp wUI ln~lude a nursery for amall boys and girls and supervlwd pla y for the older boys as well as the reg ul&r camplnc activities foe &irl JCOUta. MOVE TO IIJQIII..ARDS General • and Mrs. Thomas Cushman ba\"e just moved from 315 Mareuerite Ave .. Corona ~1 M&r, to 417 S4na Dr.. Corona Hllhlands. a!!.~IAY NURSERY:::.: -li • * ..... ,.,.,. LOIIJID ,_TO CWICW'" * AC Jl lt ...... ~.. &G I ,_.. Establlahlng a miaJon In Cos ta Mesa wlll be discussed Sun- day at St. l ames EplscopaJ Church. Newport. by Rev. Canon W. Clinton BIJllg, exe<-utlve sec retary of th~ dl~. The discussion wiJl be h~ld In the Parish Hall following the 11 a.m. service. St. Mar&aret's Guild will serve cot!re. Rev. BUll& will ~lebrate the Holy Communion and give th~ sennon at the 11 o'dock S«vt~. 1. T Van Dyke. presld~nt of the Newport Harbor Bank, at I t~nded the-Joint breakfast of tht> two State lnde~nd~nt Bankers AssoclatJons. which Is an an I nual event of the C..llfornla lnvitat\oM 1\nno unc~m(nts ~ri~t.O oott.b Lcffe/l'a ptr CallinscQ~ lntormals YOUR COMPLETE PAPEI TROUSSEAU FINE PAPERS Bankers Association ronvt>ntlon and owr exclu1ive DcmciDCJ or DOt &mda9 ••• hbiJc ...,. .......... to be di- ftdecl ••• c:-. aacl ..... . • • • Doot! I've 'A'Tltten that word so many times I could write It back- w&rds' Put these doofs down on your new twlsts tor summer eat. ina ll.st.. OnJon rolls from our a. 's4IQt • • • n.J. and round. l\Uit 1be dftkat~ onlon tlaww Ia rlght alo~ wfth the ~gb ..• These onion rolls too will perk up any o~n fared sandwich ... And with mf'lted chee&- Gt-e'z' C'ht"t"St> nt>vf'-r tastt"d like this' Juc;t plain I)J d buttert"d and put under the brollt>r' Now tbert-'s a p1~ of crust If I t-ver saw onf'' * * * meeting In San Francisco. styles of engraving Th~ b~akfast featured a panel Oscar Nayw'a AU Meat DiD- discussion of the proc-edure and .._ aolOCJDO ca1D be bou.cL lnvestJgat1on by the rf>SP<'ctJ'-'t> ~-;tl ARRINER"S ~ b1ed • Mn'ed cold··' su~n1.sory authorltif"S on appli j C,/JI Loob lib cr bot dog's CJNCI't· caUons submitted tor <·hartt>rlng STAT lONERS • BOOI<S£LlfRS I 9nJDCSaddy • • • Wbcrt fua t. 22.5 forest Awe. Pllane: HY «)44 cut ~ lA &Uta. DOt quite new banks and establishing LAGUN'• eraCH 1 branches. A • ~ throagb cmd betwtMG ecrdl aUt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~· ~ ~oa alla.L ~. ~ mato CIDd 91'tMG ~ ••• "Hints" from House and Garden, at Newport b-( Coluale N ltcheU Interior Designer 8ab whole • • • Gilly tabiJ about 20 mi.AatM . . . Oscar Mcryw la apnodiag out all 09er ------------------, ' t.be place •.. Ft.ta loaf bas Here ore a few ideas to glome• ze your pa+ o or lono'i using items that ore equally suitoble for the den. A stunning new lounge has come , .. called the Moses Bas~et because it resembles a Jo,.,g low bos.et. and by toss•'l9 st>verol pillows at one end plus ho.,qing Ch .,ese IMtern~ as illustrated above. '(04.1 con ach•eve o really decorot•ve a nd comfortable effKt-Then there ore the new lo w canv~ts O'l iron sun lounges. a good ideo to use on the patio during summer months. ~tdd 11 41f2 " slob of foam rubber covered in fabric to harmonize w.th th. colors of your den e nd you wtll u~ it oil winter . . For Htose barbecues, wren n1ght Orrtves, ~verol of the new Hawaii an torches ,,_ fun, givtng a very festive liqht-For a mot'8 formal paho, the new white patnt.d aluminum furntture •n Re<}'ency styling is very smart. Perhaps the white round toble and a stunning white umbrella, then a settee and several choirs witfl cushions of turquoise Of' white Madegas~or doth would c,....te a delightful setting for outdoor teas, etc • . . Use lompsf\.de1 of n.tural bamboo on iron bases, or obeco doth shedes on drifiwood bases to piece on low tebles beside y_ovr lounqe ••. It creates a lo~ly eff.ct at night end me~es tt possible to lounqe ouidoon lonqer on warm summer ew- nings. Do CDfM in •nd .. the new pl.rlic uMbrellas wit+. t*'e new fab- ulous butterfly linin<Js which st nd IC well the r•va«Jes of salt air, tiM bcu-b-q IGUI» c:oobd right lA with tbe meat •.. ADotber ..Otiag teat. to lDdade lA you.r cold cut platter aapper ••• Jlaaa .ad cbeeee roUI Cc:aa't ... tbe c:beeee. but 0.. tcate b tbenl * * * "Mama Garden Toolll" t call • them . C'ofnl)lete !lets! Hoe, ' rakt>, cultivator. spadt> and a com 1 blnatlon hoe and cultivator ... They do thf' job equally as well. I but lighter . . The handles are shortt>r to make you feel less like I a cow hand. should you ft"t'l the I urge to dllit . . And that little short rakt> w Ul really aet be· I tween. and In and under rlaces no otht>r rake ever v~ntuftd be- fore ... Nl~ to havt> around too toe tht> JunJors of your tamJly to use . . . Creoenhou~~e la the pla~. •hlch soon won't bt-a ~ hou~ no rnor~. but a flower bou~. wh~n It mo~ around to Its new heme ... A6aln let ~ ~'@mind you Harry·• In a batratn~ lng mood . . . Ratber tha.n move 'em. be wanta to ..U 'em . • • F..._.• DcJ te -. .. .............. f!e ..... _ .. ...., .. ....,CIII·l-- _.... I I-. ..... ......... ra ... .., .. ,_...hit ......... ...... _.,..... ....... .... ... ,_ ..... __ ' I •AGa - .Vogel Value -paUl ............... 41' ... on one ot Corona del Mar•a be:st street&. 2 BRa., 1 bath. All rooms are nt.ra larp and the ear•e• ts extra la1ee aao. HW noon. tumace, fireplace, ..rvtoe porch, extra nice kJtchen. Ideal tor couple who wish to retlle. Room tor a amaU euden. The pdce 1s rteht and $5.000.00 wUl handle wlth paytllents of $125.00 per month. THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E. COAST HWY. CORONA DEL MAR HARBOR 1477 HARBOR 1741 "START UVING" IMMEDIATELY, IN IRVINE TERRACE OVERLOOKING THE BEAUTIFUL "SMOG-FREE" YACHTING CENTER OF NEWPORT HARBOR "Southern Calltornla's Most Beautiful Subdivision" T omorrow• s Dream-Today! WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO INSPECT COMPLETED OUR DI5TiltCTIVE FURNISHED MODEL HOMES AND CYniERS 'UNDER CONSTRUCTION NINE DIVERSIFIED FLOOR PLANS To the home buyer who wishes to purchase In the $20,000 to $30.000 class we sincerely recommend the Irvine Estates overlooking Newport Harbor. These homes feature California living. Offered exclu· slvely through Earl W. Stanley In a Smog-Free area known aa Irvine Terrace-on Coast Highway opposite the new Irvine Coast Country Club, Newport Harbor. * For recommendation, we refer you to anyone who holds a Leasehold Estate In Irvine Terrace. Earl W. Stanley EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor 4448 For Further Information BILL'S BEST BUY First Tl111 11 1M llrtetr lAna ....... ._ .. c-. .._ ............. 11M dining room. fireplace, double garage, and t.a com. pJeteJy fenced. Full ~trice $11 ,&00 WITH TERMS. W. A. TOBIAS. RuHor -yvu'll like our friendly ae.rvlce 3 BEDROOMS 2 BATHS 393 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa Uberty 8-1139 $500 DOWN HARDWOOD FLOORS GARBAGE DlSPOSAL FORCED AlR HEAT 2-CAR GARAGE PLASTERED W AL,LS LOTS OF WINDOWS Best Buy l1 Ton Come In & make yourself a deal. ONLY A FEW LEFT SUWVAI I EVERSON 1856 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Uberty 8-6761 Eves. Harbor 4366 Uberty 8 2103 CORONA DEL IAR 2 bedr. garage apt. PLUS batchelor apt. on R-2 lot with room to build In front nice location partially furnished $10,500 with $3,000 down This Is a good value. JOHN E SADLEIR REAL TOR AND INSURANCE 3333 E. Cout Highway • Harbor 2422 CORONA DEL MAR Multiple Listing Service A Service that enlarges the scope of your Real- tor's Services to you. For instance: During the ~nth of May the NEWPORT HARBOR BOARD OF REALTORS awards a special prize to the Realtor making the largest Multiple Listing Sale in which a property is traded The purpose is to encourage resourceful selling. Multiple Listing is modem -professional -cooperative selling of real property. CONSULT YOUR REALTOR. NEWPORT HARBOR BOARD OF REAbTORS Do you have a home, ac:re- ag~. 01 other property which you no longer need and want to excbartre f01 a more ault. able property ln the Harbor Area! There are many ad. vantages to such an ex. change. We have several to choose from. Come ln and talk it over. • ISUID REAL n 00. roa IIE!n': nJJUf. 1-bedt. Qt:. MWiy dlooNted. J'oi' J--. I\&IIUIMI' • yrly. RA ...,_WK. UNrt1JtN. BOUSE· IN' CDM'. • on Jt1. leeae;. 3-beclrt... ~ place. fenced yd .. prq., dlU· drft ok. HA 1083-M, or Kl 2.5771. COM, DELUiE 2-bedrm .• unfurn., duplu. So. of hwy., fln~l.. torcect.at:r heat. h a r d wood floor-e. a e p a r a t e patio, RA 161K-R. - CORoNA HIGHLANDS. unturn., 3-Mdr. hou.e. dble. ear., ocean view. BA 3681. LOUISE APTS., overlooking the bay. Modern turnuhed apu. Moderate weekJy rates. Sum- mer reservations; 308 Carna. tlon, COM, near Seaview, HA 4016. 498 Park. Balboa bland HA :r77 NISCELLAJfEOVS lear 11tw11.t Pier 4 units, Income $220 a month, $19,000, terms. 5 units, Income $3,000 a year, 2 lots. $30,000, terms HOIER E. SHAFER 106 McFadden Pl. Newport (at the Pier) FOR HIS or her eraduatlon . . . the new modern Ete,na-Matlc. the flnMt ~elf wtndlne watch on ball beartnea. See It at Ray Flelcla new location, Vlata Shopping Center, 19th and Pla- centia, Costa Meu. U 8-MSB. $5 PER MO. r~nta eood practice plano. Let the klddlea learn. All term rent allowed lt you buy later. Good practice pianos $135. $146, $178, $195. Danz. Schmidt Big Plano Store. 100 pianos. 520 No. Main, Santa, roa I-ALE - Ana. Terms. ------------ ,..._, Joaa Wae.ctNry, _. .._ ,__ staDct&Dg ... aatJa ~ ad .,...._ •-.y. PNUdeat hal A. PaJ..er ............ .. u.. Auodatloa'l ~ ............ ..._ IIUOO.OOO. Harbor 140. Eves. HArbor 1137-M SUP RENTALS: Rowboat rental BICYCLE, $10, balloon tires, good HOUSEKEEPER, 5 day a week, boys bike. 712 Iris, CDM, 8:30 to 6, In COM. Call Kl JANSEN ORGANO. the plano and electric OrgaD ln one lhatru. ment. Sold tor over ~500. Our price $887. Terms. Abo One beautiful Electronic Orean. Llke new, Blond tlnlsh. Fa- mous make. Our price only $685. Think of that! Dan.z. Schmidt Ble Plano Co.. Santa Ana. 520 No. Main. BAY SHMES spaces, max. 8' beam, 30' HA 04.20 2-7277 days; Harbor 3608-W length. American Lea1on Hall, ----·· --------evenings. 2-Htlr. llome, I 15th and Bay, Newport. HA 452. 12x14 GREEN RUG, haJl runner ___ ..:::...._ _______ _ and pads, $135; studio couch. I WAJfTED $18; bathlnette, $6; quart jars. Girls- knotty pine Interior. 2 patios, room over garage. Wonder- ful possibilities. 50 USED PlANOS wanted for our Ll 8-4903. 418 E. Magnolia. C.M. rrsA .a.'S WIRLD! rental dept. Highest cash a t. SERVEL REFRIG.. all white. lowance In trade for organs, noiseless, carries guarantee. HAMMOND ORGANS u~. A rare opportunity. One famou.a Chord Organ. perfect condition. One Hammond Spinet Organ 2 keyboards. Don't walt It you wish to make a good savlnr on the world's finest organs. Danz. SchmJdt. Home ot the Ham. mond Organ. 520 No. Main, grand pianos. and spinets. Special price S85. Owner Ll bert 8-3003 and you'll agree when you $21,&00 Clair Ya1 Ho111 Danz-Schmldt, 520 No. Main, =--=c-:Y=--·--:-:---:-:-:----hear of the many job oppor. Santa Ana. 120 BASS accordlan, like new. tunltles tor quallf[ed young Liberty 8-4277 FOR SALE: ~J oner, Pl:ltSOifAL MEN WANTED.! Let Harbor Gym get you in trim. Ha rbor Body Building Gym. 6441t W. Hth, C.M.. Ll 8-8388. Sacrltlce. U 8-2237. women In our business today. Openings now for: USED Apt. gas stove. Good cond., reas. HA 1736-J. TELEPHONE OPERATORS SPINET PIANO. The most beaut! -Apply- tul plano In the world. High. Monday throueh Friday est grade. All trultwood case. 514~ No. Main Street Just like new. Absolutely! This Rm. 21 1-Santa Ana chance comes but once. Save 9:00 to 5:00 P.M. Br.-.1 11-. $325. Danz.Schmldt Famous PACIFIC TELEPHONE lu.UdJDg, rtxtu .... l todr • n. Plano Store, Santa Ana, 520 ..... --.--........ •-------W1r1 ArlllrYifll SALE Corona del Mar, 3 •ttni. 2 •• ~~~, modem home, fum. rental apl attached . : . close to Harbor Vle'\V School and pro- S'---.1 Offl 81.,., No. Maln. roa SALE IVIW ·-01 ... -G-RAN--0-P-IAN_OS __ m_a_n_y_ll_ke-n-ew-. ... l5c ~achool ••• 1MdlUa lad ..... dlahwuber, dl~ etc. En-cloaed patJo an 2-car garage with work bench ... call Ha. 2506-M. LOST Aim POVJm LOST: Blue and white parakeet Answers to name of "Cute Kid," HA 2CMS.W, 223 Poin- settia, COM. AVAILABLE JULY 1st. oppo&ite M.-.wport Clt7 H.aU ELEVATOR PARKiltG JANJTOR SERVICE Call MR. HERRON, leasing agent TIE BEAUIOIT CO. 434 32nd St., Npt., HA 4299 IIUOA ISLAID lultl~tle UaH•c lo. llll e Only $5000 down e Cozy 2-bedr. modern e Attractively furnished e Good corner location • Room to build Income apartment e Full price $18,750 WI. W. SAlFORD, Realtor And Associates Park at Manne, Balboa Island -Harbor 2462 0..1 IIYIL, C1r11a Ml lar ...... ·-... 'IWO STORY, 2 bedrm. (have~ana for 3rd bdrm. to be added at small cost), Z% ba le~. llv. rm .. aeparate dJnlng room. large knotty plne en with bullt.ln bar, lounee. 2 fireplaces, ba.sement with 150.000 BnJ fur. nace. Expensively carpeted wall to wall t.hru-oul Gar- bage disposal and dl.ihwuher. House 6 yn. old. Large double earaee wlth laundry, radio-controlled garage door. Lot 50 x 142'. Well landscaped. This home muat be aeen to be appreciated. Located at 3312 Ocean Blvd., Corona del Mar. OWNER WILL ACCEPT ANY REASONABLE OFFER ·-Q ., ......... ., Phone Owner, Harbor 3435 * 40 F"I'. WATERFRONT With pier lr lloat. Beautltully landliCaped comer lot with 2 bdnn. home 1r room to enlarge. Wall to Wall c~ lr drapes Included at only 127.500. % cash handJes. -Hurry! * TWO FOR THE PRlCE OF ONE Furnished ~uplex. Very neat. 2 bloclo to,buch. Owner aaya ''Sell." Only $1&750. $5000 down. Oubtandina! * HANDY MAN SPECIAL · 3· bedrm. beach cottage. Partly fum. On 2 30 ft. Iota. Only 2 bloc:ka from beach. Steal thla f~ onl,y tlliOO-J3Z50 dn. Bal. teO mo. * BALBOA ISLAND 30 ft. Ba,&ont earner kit wltb turn. 2 bHnB. ....,.. moon c:ottap -plu area for n.w. hou• • flloaDt. BEST BUT on Balboa Jaland. OlfLY 13:JIOQ 'hn-. DID YOU KNOW that we have ~ Stelnway. Excellent condition. apedal eltts t or P'athera Day -.7C Beaut:ttul Behr Broe. Quftn -·· ltuM Gfaad. OU'dal · · · tbe new modern Etema. Opera plano, only $14!50. Love. matte, tbe ftnMt Mlt windtnC ' ·111111 DElla ly Coops Grand. Mahogany watch · · · At a., P'le.lda new <oat to All American Mkt.) case, fine to.ne and actJon, only location, Vt..ta Shopping <:en. ,.1 a. C.... ......,., c.D.X. $495. Another Grand only $435 . ..;;tn~,~Costa;;~M~esa;;.. ~LI;berty;;~S-84;;;&88.~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Many other wonderful buys In r Grands. Come! Look! Danz ScbmJdt Big Plano Store, Santa Ana, 520 No. Maln. 100 pianos. Home of the Hammond Organ. SPINET PIANOS. All wonderful buys. Sllghtly used many rent al return:s. One In beautiful Ebony. Famous name. This make by Caruso. Only $395. Lovely Mirror Type Spinet. only $195. another Maple fin- Ish $3!77. One more, the Aero- sonic Spinet only $465. Many other great buya. 100 pianos from which to choose, new and used. Danz-Schmtdt Big Plano and Organ Store, 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. Open Fri. Eve. Home of the Hammond Or- gans. Blond Studio plano save $265. I ITUATIOKI WAJn'ED BABY SrmNG, care of alck. your home, Day, nleht. mature COM woman. ~tore 10 a.m. after 5 p.m., HA 3132-M. IDVICE.S Painting Decorating PAPER HANGlNG GEORGE BURKHARDT u~ Contl"aetor 878 W. 18th eo.ta Mesa Uberty 8-8628 Uberty 8-6632 COKn.&D ,I.AJifDICUijjQ IDVJCE FREE ESTIMATES SlaH Green Stamps Free delivery CORONA DEL MAR NURSERY HA 1038 2744 E. Cout Hwy. •• l••kn •.• ....,. .... roa RENT 1-101 18·101 315-101 and lPOI Soul)d Pl'dJeet.an rAST COLOa I'IUI savra llodel AJrplane ~ l••lsaara-1.,. ·~ ..... COlla ..... .... Ub!rtj S.10G JOHNSON & SON 1st. Anniversary J.E 2-sA L E -,IUit 12 SA YE $$$ SAVE Used Car IIVEI UYEI Prices Cut 51111 II • s.,. • 11 ,,,. • .,.. •• a .. r * ou.r Good oaly Dutaw 1111e * • • * .... -....._Too. <•pedals 25o'o Tbat left Toa. • IDlticd eo.t) /4 SALE ITAaTS WED .. .JU1Q laTI FREE GIFTS <a...:.:;:Uy) $500 * AT * JOHNSON & SON UI-SNI U ..... 'bwJa & N •WI Decdlw lla•la & ......., D-. -w. C'aM ...,_ ........ -w. c..t ...,_ ......... (11/P rP/,·,,1 ., , --- No Election Laws Violated, Says High _School PTA Head •"ftlere wu no law VIolated, It wu all above board," aald Mrs. Dorothy Sutherland. prealdent ol the Newport Harbor Union Blah School PJ'A, In commentlnc Tues. day on charcet that "electioneer. lnl" wu conducted by PTA mem. ber'a dutlnc the recent achool election. "All women were lnmucted not to do any electJoneerlnc with- In 300 feet of the polllnc places. and none of them did," the 1!'1' A a.E, .... llnl• L•••••flll a. L c..t IDP--r C....deiK• ...... ,.... ...... Lla.7117 IIA l SIE UNCLE WILLIE AT THE HOME SHOW Stote ~ Tlaan.. FrL ,,..., ...... preaJdent added. TabJea wen let u_p outalde all l1x polllnc plaeee where mem. ben checked the names of peo. pie who voted. Jt wu ex:plaJnecl. The volunteers then telephoned the recUtMed voters who had not voted, remlndln& thmt to vote and otrerlnc to provide t.ranspor. tatlon. Mrs. Sutherland explained. The volunteers were only Inter. eated In the Me tax Increase for the hl&h ~ehooJ: ''We checked with the Judces at the polllnc places. telllnc them -.rhat we were colnc to do," Mra. Sutherland sa.Jd. "We cleared with the proper authorities." A check wtth the county clerk'• offkle Tuelday showed that lip to that time no court complainta had been tued ' to contest the election proceedlnc1 In court. A saxophone valued at between $400 and $500 ltolen from the car of Dale Belyea ot 438 Tustin Ave., Newport Hel1ht.s. wu recovtred by Jeff MacNellledce of 29190 CUrt Dr .• Cll.U Haven. ln buM\ea on the cllU below Newport Har· bor Lutheran Church, Newport pollee reported Monday. Pollee aaid the JDitrUment be- lonced to Wllllam Covert ot 31.5 El Modena Ave., Newport Heights, and was stolen from the un. locked car back of 438 Tustin Ave. The body or Jasper U oyd Autery. 67, of 1934 Wallace Ave .. Costa Mesa, was sent Sunday to Oklahoma City for Interment. Mr. Autery died May 24 In Or- ange County Hospital after an extended Illness. He wu a native of NebO, Illinois. and came to Costa Mesa In 1947. He was a re. tired post office clerk and a member ot the Amity Masonic Lodge 473 of Oklahoma City. Survivors are his wlte, Mrs. Honor Grads At Breakfast Yoonc people ot the Balboa I s I a n d Community Methodt..t Church who thla llprlnc are end· uatlnc !rom elementary t~ehool. high ~~ehool. and coli~ wtll be honort'd Sunday alone wtth thelr parents at thf' Graduates' Break. fast. The breakfast, 5pOIUIOred by the Commission on Education, wUJ be heJd at 8 a.m. In Dear. born Hall. Serving as toastmaster will be Matthew V. Waidelich. chairman of the Commission on Education. Violin and plano solos wiU be presentt'd by Gall Graves and Bill Ferry. WQrd.!l of l'OnvatuJa. tlons will be Pxtt-nded by the minister. Rt>Y Donald G. Sapp. Youths to whom Invitations have been extended Include San. dra Fleer. Melinda Rork. George Boots-Saddle In Play Day I Hauser. Whitney Baines. Ross ,... Wda&G aAn QKW Ia pktved b-. .. tile ta.paay ~ ·----------=----Eckert. Allen Guenther, Ronald ..,_ ...........,. •• 189 .. llewport BCII'bw TCidat Qa.b foUewiD9 tile 5tla ---........ r.,.attu:. At tiM ak:ICJS!IaOM Ia tM 11-.y Laguna G··rl Carl, Margart"t Fruehan, 'Donna Coada. ....U L (lluty) Callow. Seated cUnctly Ia !nat .. lata Smith. Jlm Wtnterbotham. Dean CIN lin. W. IL W•~ CIDd Mr. WCII'dnpew, tM Crrsd'• -.. Pease. Marvellee Moody, and The Mesa Boota and Saddle aU. To t1ae left of Jln. Wardroper ia )(.,_ c...ral C. Fraak H•t • COM 1 Mary Kramer. lcla.Ut. .............. veaer«~ o1 u.. 11ar1ae Corpa n..t AU ...... 1 1 n SoaW cat t1ae ..ct of tbo tabla. ta tnat of tM ..._. Tnpby, Ia CommltteH for the breakfast Jlaario I.......,, pnei.c~Mat of tlae llewport lla:l't.. O...b-., Include: Mrs. Lawrence Broerlng. Club 11 lpoMOrlng a Fish Fry c--= Oil. wlaicla CDDClucted tbe crew ......_ (h.,._ ....._) Doris B Paige. 16, of Laguna Invitations; dl"<'Oratlons. Mrs. Ro-dance to be held at the Friday Be h Afternoon Clubhouse In Costa R B •d f L I y h Cl b ac. suffert'd minor lnjur les l bert !Ainau and Mrs. Sapp; t when hit by a car driven by music. Mrs. Robert IbboUc~n; pro- Mesa thll Sa~ur~ay.evenlnc. ay r1 ges 0 ••• ac U Gregory K Hughes. 16. of 4.28 gram. Mr. Waidelich and Rev. · I Carnation Ave. Corona del Mar. 1 Sapp; food. Mr. and Mrs. P. F. ro!!'U:! ~~:er:ar:r ~~;ur~J:y~ Wins Craig Perpetual Trophy at 6:55 pm. May 25, Newport po Balnt"S and Mr. and Mrl. Clyde lice reported. Shooter. atayed overnlcht, and competed Th 1 1 k Ray Brldaes' Doken of the Lido down Saturday. startina ott th• e g r was ta en to Hoag Sunday afternoon In Play Day • • "' M 1 t H 1 1 b Isle Yacht club won the Craig Balboa Pier, and returned Mon-emor a osp ta Y ambulanet'. wlth the Canon RJders of Irvine d Pollee said the Hughes v~hlcl~ p k Perpetual Trophy In the Craig ay ar . PJ'edJcted Log race held during H~re are th.. rasults, listing skldd~d :r1 fHt 9 Inches prior to Here are the winners: Trail "' "' hi 1 h the Memorial Day week ~nd tor name of boat, owner. vacht club tt ng t e girl who was cross Fllllly Dl_, lieN AI IIH. l•i••• class 12 and under, Jo Thomp10n .T 1 c H t h · the onanlng of the Coro nado and margin of error : ng oast wy. rom nort to A family dlnner was held Sun trail class. open. over 13, Lorraine .--th b 1 Yacht Club. The boats sailed c sou cur · day. May 21. In tht> home of Mr Lee; western pleasure. open to 18, lass A. going down: 1. Lucky The youthful motorist told po and Mrs William Kt-ndall of 505 Susan Mu.s.sfelt; horsemanship, Lady. Wilson Ferris, BYC. 5 51; lkt> he was approaching tht> In Acacia Ave . Coro na del Mar. hon 12 and under, Jo Thompson; c d I •t d 2. Reveler. Frank Ruppert. LBYC. 6se 13 I 0-e S nVI e 8.74; 3. Vide Ul. Dean CamptK>ll. terS('C'tlon and 0 rved a truck oring Dr. and Mrs. Vinc-ent ShJp horsemanship. open. over . V c stopl>f'd In the first Jane of traf lt>y of Philadt'lphla The Ship torla PhiUJps; stock horse. open, T s • T WCYC. 8.87; 4. Eileen. Carl tic f 1 51 H 11 d hi Ronnie Richards; novice class. 0 en I 0 r e a Moore. WCYC. 12 13: 5. LuC'IIle b kac ngdea . e app e l> leys were vlsltlng Mr and Mrs ra e an cut to the curb stdf.> Jtm Mustard of 721 Heliotrope Barry Ellerbroek; keyhole. open. rv. Ed Riesen. BYC. 12.69; 6 ot th• t c k A th H h A f!nAI'Ial event tor the girls ..-ru s e ug es ve Ave . Corona del Mar. Robin Irwin; orange raet', open, r--Thundermug. Kenny Thomas. hi 1 d of the a-raduatlna class ot New <' e passt> the truck. It strut'k Mary Gallagher; quadrangle, ... • WCYC, 16.80; 7. White Heron. R h ~ 1 port Harbor High School will be t t> ~estr an. polle-e said open, Robin Irwin ; pole bendlng, the senior tea to be held (rom Theobold. Cor YC, 2L13. An a non) mous post card mallE'd senior, Ralph lrwln; stake race. 3 to 5 p.m. Friday at the home Class B. (novices). going down: to pollee with a Conma dt>l Mar senior, Ralph Irwin; western of Miss Sallie Pfister. daughter l. Doken. Ray Bridges. LIYC. poslmark claimed th<' car did not pleaaure, senior. Lorraine Lee. ot Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Pfister. 5.44; 2. Relaxin. Wes Nance. havf.> any brakes Tht> post card 30 Beacon Bay. Hostesses tor the WCYC. 16 77; 3. Mar Pet. Mar I was attached to the case. I shall Petrie. 19.99; 4. Rolajando. party will be Oylos, senior glrlsl R 1 h Phllll H 11 ood 'C Tri.Hi Y Club. 8 P ps, o yw ) . Sata.rda7 & lt&DIIay Ja-...--'ftJI...IIJI p.a. DOOMO ... Wed.. TINa. Pd. .. 11 .... PI U J .... & .... '!;11 .... Jessie M. Autery ot the horne ad· Local realtors voted nearly draa; two sons, Jasper L. Autery 100% for a $13,000 expenditure lr. and Wallace G. Autery, and on the n~ Realty Board bulld· two cla"lahten. lira. Martha In& aoon to be erected on New- Jelda.n aDd MN. .... J. Wft. pcft 1IMI. ~,.., ~ lira 'FIIIIreiH' ,.. ......... , AskE'd to pour at the tea are I Class A. romlng back: I Re Mrs. R. E. Harbeson. dean of veler. 2.96: 2. VIde, 4.16; 3. EIIHn. High school girls. and the two 4·78: 4· Thundermug, 5.61: 5. Lu senior class raculty advisors. cllle IV, 6.05; 6. White Heron. Mra. John Feeley and Ml.la ){art' 7·68; 7· Lucky ~dy, 7.79. Two boys dropped a J)l'opell~r ~.aMI 't'. ~ llalil. ba.:'._a.2.1 Rela~:-*' 1; ...... dlnctor ot girll work for the Qr. n, ~: 1. 4.41S; o.. 1to-them near the Shellmaker plant Pr<>sent at the dinn('r were Mr. and Mrs Kt'ndall, Dr and Mrs. Sh1pley. Mr and Mrs J im Mus tard. Mr and Mrs Hayt't> lgo of 361 E. 18th St .. Costa Mesa. a nd Mr and Mrs Charles Mustard ot Los Angeles. Dr and Mro; Ship ley also vlslted with Mr and Mrs Jgo Dr Shiplt>y Is a cousin ot Mr Jim Mustard. Mrs. Kendall. Mrs . Jgo and Mrs Scooter. Mrs. lgo and Mrs . Scooter a~ slsttors. S.••••lfiullll • FUB-Wia .... , ....tioll ._. c-,._...., P11f'Dl8Mcl .Dllt Itt _., c. eo. Adm•·tee w~ ISc 1-. Tcac ~ 2Sc lac. Tall llama. all ol Oklahoma C1ty; two • • • 1lst.en. Mia Zella Autery and N~ members of the Newport Mrs. Ina Franklin of Balboa. and Harbor Board of Realtors are W. two crandchUdl'en. Parkes.RJdley S. Messenger. W. H. FarMWorth Mortuary In Costa Mesa was In and Davidson Osburn, all usocl· charge of arrangements. ates with the Udo Isle Proper COIICEIIT raiDAT ties oUice; Elsie Eggert, associ· ate with Newport Harbor Realty. and Ruby Mlazko, an affiliate member from the escrow depart. ment of Mariners Bank. ange County YMCA. lajando, 5.65; t . Marht, 7.94. In upper Newport bay. Mrs. Lena The W".e Bride Co-eds on the committee for 81. Overall, for <:raJ& Pe~al: 1. Hopkins of Los Anteles notlfled rangements Include Sally Pfl.ster, Doken. l.89; 2. Reveler. 5.85; 3. pollee at 6·50 P m Monday Taja Tohlll. J udy Sleeper. Me. VIde. 6.51; 4· Lucky Lady, 6.65; Mrs. Hopkin told pollee that linda Lelthold. Lyn ·Bosley. San S. Eileen. 8.45; 6. Lu<'llle IV, 9.37; she lives from timt> to tlmt> In a dra Schmidt and Patty Clemence. 7· Relaxin. l0.61 ; 8. Thundermug, small houS(> eon Cont'y Island Asslstlne the «lrls wtll be l1.20; 9. Mar Pet, 13.96; 10. White About 45 minutes bt>fore shr mothers, Mrs. Wllllam Harvey, Heron. 14.40. came to the polic-e station shP · Mrs. Roger Hardacre and Mrs. said she snw two bov" In a l!Wl Pfister. Gm.L ro• JIOJ.LISOJIS I or 1942 <>ar .. foolln~ ·around .. thP Rt'glsters her Pattern!- I I Chtna .._GIUITY , ..... llwEI'IIII- Members of the former Orange County Symphony Orchestra, in- cludlnc a number of Harborltes will aucment the Chapman Col. Ieee Orchestra far their concert to be held at 8 p.m . tomorrow (Frtday) at the new Orange H1gh School. Soloilt will be Wer- ner Bracher at the plano, a mem. bet of the Chapman College (acuity. ;;:;~;:;;;;:;:;~;:;;;;:;:;~;:;;;;:;:;;:;;:;:;:;:;;:;;:;;;;:;:;~;:;~~ A daughter. Pam Margaret. was area of 5hrllmakt>r Wht-n tht>y • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 0 0 • " born to Mr. and Mrs. William saw ht>r. thPy dropped thf' shaft s, .. WI by OraDte co.aty ......... ~ • Summer • Party Black Addie Masters late day fashion in wonderful black . Sum- mers standout color for a cool, poised look. A lustrous and very fine silk and cotton polished ele- gantly with velvet. with a flc;rtter- ing new neckline, squared in front and rising high -dipping low in back. Sizes 10 to 16 ___ $45.00 IJASURG £01D-et"£iab Mollison ot Udo Park. N~port and propellt>r and lf'!t in tht>1r I --· • Beach, In Hoae Memorial Hos. <'ar I I Stainless StH'I • • e • e • • e • • • • • • • e e e • • • • • e e e • • • • e • pltal on Monday. May 23. Officers C'hl'Cked thr arra. rf' Wanna see something really special! Then accept Lewis Tat· ter's 1peclal Invitation to \'lew color television at his hew store ln Corona del Mar. Special color shows are being broadcast on Saturday. Tuesday and Thurs. day, with the latter practically a spectacular, we're told. We had a peek a couple of Sunday's "IO at our tlnt color broadcast and we were amazed at the danty and depth of color shown In this new medium ... It's really fabu- lous. but cet yourself 11 peek at Tarter's. • • • For a little treat thls afternoon. or any Thuraday, you're around. stop by at O'Brien's Specialty Shop. Corona del Mar, and catch the Informal modelllnc golng on durlne the afternoon. This week the cown,J featured will be brand new cotton formals. but more than one type of dresses will be shown and you may pick the gown you'd like to see. • • • In memory of Phil ~ncb of Corona del Mar. friends and neighbors have donated t60 toward the compl~lon of the Community and Youth Center BuUdl~ on the Harbor VIew School erounda. The collection was particularly a p prop r I ate SAlE 1lnce Mr. French belonged to the OptJmlsta Club. which has made the Center one of their pet pro jects. 0 o n a t I o n s were sent through a Larkspur Ave .. neigh bor of the French 's. Mrs. K. V OUts. • • • It's a small world-when we see former neighbors trom Los Angeles In front of the Thunder bird Hotel ln Las Vegas . . and Isabelle Bowles of Balboa Island across the room at the new black.and.tan club Moulin Rooge ... A look of recognition must have swept m y countenanet' as I came face to face with Larry Finley of the Larry Finley 1V "Supper Club" show because he said, '1fello. h ow are you!"' even 'thouch the closest I"ve ever seen him l.s In my 1V set. • • • • • • turned thE' saft and proJ>f'JIPr to Many pnnerns tor your A Classified Ad in The Ensiqn th(' plant and stood by for <>ar<' brinqs immediate rewtts! Call takt>r William R Hunt of 222 E Harbor 1114-1115 and oro~ it! 18th St Costa Mesa to arri\P election Horse Killed, Another Hurt In Accidents on Highway \ll.'t> invite you tn opE'n a chargP <H"rount • Fer 11S -•••r F• Wt lffw Ccrtali.oa Paddleboarda Mercury Water Skia v ait. Mcmate. & BowtiJM fi.na Crtlli Maaiuo Saaebl MaU Spear GUN Swim Gear etc. SPEaAL PLiiOI. CJ.OSIA)UT ......... ~--------·--- 1-c.ft Daa Uw -· t , • _ ----·---a--aa • .--· ------·-··-·-.. • -• r -·-·----.. • \ • JOYCE BlaME& atage CIIIG-... ftlloo c~aacw. ww mua low tll1nt ---wttb tM OniDtre Cowlty l'cd.r tlaJa ....... • pec.tDg • tM leatue deale. CIDd cbol .................... . arcS Jlet1a.raa. .. trodltieoal pb'crt. aulcal ...., pneeatecl dada9 tM l'cd.r. Aug. t-14. 111911 Kllool CIDd ~ macteata thrCNp- oat ~ Cowaty .-. ID9ltecl to joUa tM pi'OCklctioL N1u llllmc wW dlrect tJte ckmdll9 CIBL FOa BAIIBE.S A daughter. Beverly Ann. was born to Mr. and Mrs. Do n Bar~r of 385 E. 22nd St.. Costa Mesa. on Wednesday. May 18 In Hoag Me- morial Hos pital. 1\ Cl~!ssifieo t'.d 1n ihe Ension brinqs immediate results! Call Harbor 1114-1115 end orove it! • PUll IIDoa"'' W.,e prom!Md, Jut. week, to teU you about our 0.1' .P.A. Conaerva- tlon Day ttahlna trlp on the Gyp- sy. It wu a real aea.golnl plc- nJc, wltb everytMng except the anta Jn the potato .. lad. We flahed and cau1bt flab, too, but not once did we for1et that It was Conservation Day. There were many e x p e r t a aboard. And It was lnterestfng to note their trend to sp1nnlng tack- le. The few who lltUI used con- ventional-type reels had their spools full of monofilament but nothing bothered tbe fish. The combined spells of l ade Curnow's "Kiss of Death" and the well- known Hoffman Rex contrived to keep conservation at Ita highest level. There were a lot of flab re. leased. Never did I see such maa- nlflcent specimens of those fight. ing fish known variously a.a "Ponky -donks" (copyright by Chill T. >. "golden croak era," "sli- ver croakers" or <whisper lt, pleasel "tom cdd." I must have RIJ'CJ1Jiat.uJTJOTJsettCitiJOilllJOlPPC:UlflUOL¥' released ( !) at least a dozen. ~PORT JX .. .~. ((l/10111~ OFL IW4P-NA/IIIc'll18lfl lOW SIGWIII "SABAKA" with Borls Karloff and Nlno Marcel -PLUs- Curnow and I broke our mutual jlnx (what's the plural of jinx?> with a salmo~grouper apiece. To quote True Elder, O.F.P.A. president '7his conservation day has not been slated to conduct a mass slaughter of the specl,a In the vast fishing grounds patrolled by the Newport-Balboa flahlne neet." No truer words were ever sputtered. Cal Coolidge couldn't have done better. There was defl. nltely no mass slaughter. e FELLOWSIDP From the start It was a good party In spite of the fishing. with ''THE Fll I.IZOIS" food a nd fellowship ot the high· est order. If you don't want to believe me, ask Councilmen lay Stoddard and Gerry Bennett, who with Fred l4acl4urray, Charlton Hestdn l upheld the honors of the city , • ....._ • ...._Cidi&_.U • son, who. at least once, used t!te Donna Reed and Barbara Bale anchor chain to bring a flab aboard. It was tine io greet old friends Sta:rta Wed.. JUZM a. for 2 -..a and make n~ ones. Western Outdoor News-hawks Bert Twlll- "THE SEA CHASE" with ger and Earl Hardage were there. So was T . V. outdoorsman Lupe Soldano. There were writers. ra dio and TV folks. all the way l ohn Wayne and Lana Turner from North Hollywood to San VC::CtC't:..~~WPTJCJil Berdoo. The Calif. Dept. of Fish and SALE Bush ROMS L9-5 gal. l.49 GARDEN CEITER Game sent two courteous repre sentatlves who carefully avoided checking licenses. Naturally, "Cy" Tucker. president of the Newport Harbor Sportflshlng Assn.. was there with most of the other N.B. landing operators. dolne a mas. terful job as hosts-for-the-day. e GALS, TOO Then. of course, there were the ladles. bless 'em Three cute ha lf pints called Dottle, Tiny and lnext to All American Mkt.) Teeny. were the atoms behind 3051 E. Coast Rlway. c.D.N. 1 the marvelous buffet lunch. After AT l ;>/;;r · .......... . ' ....... -·. e ~~ss9.9s Table and four dla!ta ... wide Mlectlon of colon ••• Table top ta Heat ... ltaln ... and J1ame Prool. Chain have ~Utle u~ eeat and back. the buff~ they eerved tea or somethJng of a aJmllar bue. About noon. Eddie Offerle and his Dolphin n hove aJonplde with a trio of real queens. Be· tween goose-bumps. occuloned by the cool breezes, and the acro- batics Involved In swttch.lng boat. In rough water, they posed wfth little fish, big fish, baJt ti&h, the hosts. our councllmen and ChJel lohn. L o v e 1 y l oA.nn Underwood. queen of the Orange County Sportsmen's Show. waa cute!' than ever. No one Introduced me to the other two, but they were real queens. just the same. Council- man Gerry Bennett proved his ability as a seaman, during the tricky transfer of the queens from the Dolphin to Gypsy to Dolphin. He hopped from boat to boat with the know-how of an experienced sea gull. e TBE NEAT The end of the day had to come. When It did. the coffers of the O.F.P.A. were richer . by some $3,000. which will be a lot of fuel to be burned toward bet- ter fishing legislation. The final session took place at 5 p.m. In tront of our city hall. Mayor Dora Hill, who always conducts her of. flee with charm. capabllUy and personality, presented the prizes to the winners. My camera had been at ready. all day, hoping for a picture of this good lady at the busJness end of a fishing rod. She apologized for having been un. able to join us on the Gypsy. Mayors. It seems. are In much demand. But I do want to go fish. lng with her mayorship. Cy Tuck- er has promised to arrange it. Any time, Cy! It was a worthy occasion. We can't polish It oU without per- sonal and collective thanks to aJI our townsmen. who worked all day at their ~Jar jobs of sktp- .. 1& uuau .. --....._. anchovies, cleanJng fish and then 1ett1ng ready to do It all ovel' again the next day. A salt-sprayed orchid to the guys and gals of the Newport Harbor Sportfl..shlng Assn., which means the Balboa Pavilion. Newport Pier, Norm's Landing, Seasport. Port Orange and all the Individual charter- boat owners and operators who make up the membership. It was their party and It sure was a honey. Th&nk.s, gang. for all us- and good fishing. e NDIOaL\L DAY l ust about the nicest tribute to some of our fallen anelers who won't be fishing with us thls sea. son was tendered by Pacific An- glers at noon on Memorial Day. at a spot on the waters oft Ava. Jon. If you were flshlng. you heard It, over the radlo-aJr, made possible by a completely coopera- tive group of boat radios who kept otf the air during the cere- • emodeled Ohurch Sanctuary ' . 'fte ,....led aad ndedleatecJ ptllt ol IMr daulllter, lba. loy 'I'M nat meettna o1 the coun.j• tn Ql.rlat auarcb by the IN. ~ ol the Colla x .. Como A. Carlloft. . dl wtll tie btid on n.e.ctay, June N~ •Uill:r IIMboclllt auareb wu tn-OttMn tn ....., • ...,. ... aev. r•••......,••••••• .. ••...,.•••• ..-ted bJ memben ot the N.... Doa .., ail4 MilL P. '· lilne8. I' port a .... eoundl o1 Cbwdlee ..... ..aaDd o.amun~ ~. ~ NOW• a ne ..... ~-e at-,_ to tMJt mMttna In the o.a.t Qtudl; -... J'Mderlek • • W WFWK • • cburda IOC!Ial hall Mq K 8tftp ucl 1"'Mo llarrtll,._, U)'ll-• • Bott putM. Rev. Joeepb Me-,.....u.t ~ l'el.lowlblp: n I .... ...... Silane. weleomed the poup and Be¥. Berbfn JobnloQ. rtnt. .. p. • n I, • I Will& led them Uuoulb the .. netuary u.t auareb ol Jf...-port ae.c:b; ~ -.............. to the toelal ball, wbleh bu been Elder Jtl~ard !ems, Seventh Day cJedleated u Jo.epb B. 11\omp. Advenu.t; Putor Robert Qron. We-...,..,...,'" wttJa ...... , ... tldlle _. fNtt J.a.. eon Ban. Women of the eburch lund. Newport Harbor Lutheran • rJeae caU Ia.,.... _.. MrVed luncheon, alter which the Pburch: lev. EcJwtn Gom.ke and ~ • • • • ~ Pt-ldent. Rev. M. C. Cronic, pre. M. C. Perry, Colona del Mar Com-I ~ 1 M24 aided over the buatneu 14!Ulon. muntty Conere~atlonal Church: .. 1ft!"~~ .. Vl.altora Included Mayor Do(a Mn. W. B. Wrl1ht. st. James t_..,....,....,.. • .._..,....,..._.....,.666...:A.&.&AA.&.&6£Aj Hill of Ne'WJ)ort Beach and May. Epblcopal Cbweb; Mn. Joeeph ;::;:::::;:=:::;;:.:;::=.:;:~!::=::=::;:::=:::;:;:::;:::;:::=;::::=:~ or Claire Nelaon of eo.ta Mesa. McShane, eo.ta MNa Metbocllat LAQVJIA a.ACII COIOIVI01T ft.AUJII preeent wu Waltu P. Hal-Church; Bev. Boy Carllon, Arthur 16 .... ........, bert of Wella FoundatJon.a, who MUlu, Mr. ahd Mra. James Tay. I-. spoke of the plan and the fUnd lor and Mt..e. Clara KohWedt A OOIDDY 8Y IIAIIT c.u& raialn1 eampaJen be La dlrectJn1 and Ellie Newland, Clulat Cbureh .IRE I ..... .HJIE II at N-Harbor Lutheran by the cr... .. .,__.Ilea .... and .. ..... .,.... .-... .~ ...... .,.... ..... ~ .1.50 nt o-A.._ Cburdl. Mrs. Marte Andenon of Dulce Cox. eecretar)' ot Orance CUWa lr40 II'IIIH usa Colorado Springs, Colo., wu a Cout Coil~ YMCA. A journey ·of a tbousanJ miles begins · with but a single step Moat rea11J We tlllllp .eut ta a ...a ..., · . · u4 • 1:1 w1t1a a Sa~ ~ 0,. JOV Acloumt wWa • tcMiay, acJ4 t.o It l'fllllllutJ, .. we'll ....... it wltJa ...... ' .._ ,...,V. Yoa'U be wapalled llow fMt JOU •nap pow, helpiDc 70'1...., JOV ,.._ t. _,-ot•e•a ._ tlehp A ROME OF YOUB OWN . ~ ......... of em.-~ h 'II ... eaJoJIIIc .. ..... -., &......... ,., .. _ .. ..... fteT .... wiCil _. ilmlitp. ............... .. belpei UN. wtMa a 1o1ua rmet f• tiMir ,... ' r ....t. TlleJ ~oar eflld &. ~ I'Aerow 8ertioe. a.t tile_..., .aer-dow we l'fJIIdew to lavelton Ill _,.of tile 48--. Mel ....a lonlp eoaatrtea. OOLI.aF.nE FOB YOUR CIIILDREN Let you bo7 ud prt atUt their OWD S&vlap Aceoaata. Help .... ,... to ..... tboee 8avhap p-ow. Tbey11 be ~ coM, ..-d pnetlcal u:perf•ee ill moaey........,.t for fwtare ,_.,. -... when lt'a time for coDep, tbeJ'II Mn alllple t.da eet Miele, wldl 8avlllp tbat bave beea ......... dltWeadl ' ..... ,....,.. VACATIONS YOU'VE DREAMED OF start •vt.c IIOW for tJaat trip you've ph•9"'. Y oar tada will be reedJ wbea you aeed tbem, wtth oar llbenl cUvtck'N added-at S~% per year, ov eaneat rate. We'll ..._ JfiV Traftlen <lleq1lea, too -jllat aaotlaer OM of tM ~ 16ttlolw ...... RETIREMENT SECURITY W Mille a -a ... .,.. Ill 8avlap evf!lrJ _,Jdla toward tiM daJ .... )'Wr tlllle will be JOV OWL Let-.... J• .... ...... , .. 1 0\W • p.e. perW ., ,....., ........ . ._to IMwe • .,..., 1 ~ eomponMed. NEWPORT BALBBA SAY IN S ' arage re Burns 2 Cars Two ean were d8troyed 1n a ftre which burned the aarap at the home of JUcbard M. Teaeh· out of 2581 CrMtvtew Dr •• Bay SborH, at 7:12 p.m. May 22. CaUM ot the fire wu undeter- mJned. A boldine coil on a furnace tan ~ent amok~ throueh the Pa- cUlc Telephone and Telegraph Co. exchange bulldln& at 311 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa, at 4:33 a.m. Monday, ltrlnglng flnmen to the tcene. A burned coli was blamed for the smoKe. cum. roa CALDWELLS A daughter, Clndra Gaye, wu born to Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Caldwell of 2575 Santa Ana Ave., eo.ta M~sa, In Hoag Memorial Hospital on Monday, May 2. .......... ,! YARN SHOP t:l#'l &. c-t ....... c... del ... JIA .., KnlttJng, Crocheting and Needl~polnt Supplies K.nttting Sap Speclallzed Acceaorles and ln.ltruc:tion.t BOVU Mon. thru Sat. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Commencement Exercises To Be Held Friday ; June 17 tJom <>ranee to w Hth lt., .... port. STOP AT The Arches "Your Ha.t to the Coast Since 1g" 1'111& l'OODI COCKTAILI COAST HIGHWAY AT THE ARCHES Nn•port ... c:h JOHN VD.EIJ E ................... 1·1531 Orang~ Coast CoU~&e nuckntl David Prldha m. Char les R£>tmler wtll att~nd baccalaureate exer-Jr., AJbt'rt Santini. John Sharp, clsea at 5 p.m. Sunday, June 12, Chester Sheldon llJ. George Sh1g and commencem~nt exerclaetl for akl, Karl Sihllllne. Jt>anne Tuu 1 .::> _,.G _,. ~'C" 'JJfT students wUl be held at 8 louse, Robert Van Drlmlen, Rob ~ ~~ ~ p.m. Friday, June 17, In th~ new ert Wetzel, John WUlla ms. K£>n Your Family Restaurant auditorium. neth Bryant, Delores Ann Christ (Cloeed TueecSay) Students from th~ City ot New· ensen, Aueust Theisen, Claymon 1 2SlS E. Cocat Bl§bwcry Kn d Harbor lMI Ccii'ODa del ,._ port Beach who will receive the -~~u~tao~n~. iiiiiiiiiii ... iiiiiiiiiii~~·~==~~~~~~~~~~ deeree Of Associate In Arts are: rP ~;;~A~~~::,J=~~ Van's Bow11·ng Mary Ann Bowles, Lonalne call. Harry Cart~r. Jerry Evans. Bar- bara Earl, James Davy, Earl Gay. Open Alleys nor, Graham Gibbon&. Rose Marl~ Godsoe, L.lam Groener, Michael J-~ YL-~ Henry. Richard Jordan, Roderlek -IJ, •-•IJ L&Shelle, JoAnn Lee. Jan~ Lin· I Sa.-IJ I S•••J .on. Burton Lowe Jr., Charles Me· Cartney. Joanne Merrill, Lyl~ Os-a Alllflpt l'I'Uky aad Saturday Miller. Robert Miller, LoraJynn * AUTOIIAnc PIIISPOI tEBS * Milne. Elizabeth Morton, Dardle l'OM==•s CAFE 703 =r-~~VE. Schaefer. Freddie Shannon, Shar- Pirate Athletes Are Honored At Sports Award Banquet lesa· w .... Sllffen l1ife Cll 11 Ann on Sherrill, Peter Tatum. Norman van Hall, James Wheeler, Robelllt Wood, Barbara Bleger. Jolene Cannon, Lee Ashton Chase and Bernice E. Fletcher of 23281 Danill Grosz. I Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. suf 1 Those from Costa Mesa who Aatbod.Md Agat I'• AU Orange Coast College athl~tes were honored at the spring sports award banquet held last week at the Student Center. fered a three ln;h Incision In ht>r will receive the degree of Associ right forearm In an accident In ate In Arts are: Ted Binder, G. the home of D. E. Ellis of 148 Vi a Russell Boggie, John Burton, Don Trieste, Lido Isle, Newport Beach Cantrell, Patricia Cleszlnski, Jack AIIUIES • RAUl IDS STEAIISIIIPS • TMIIS Jack~t awards for two-year let, termen were presented by Dr. Bull H . Peterson, president. Jack- ets were given to Chuck Richards and Bud Sleva, golf; George Blah· op, Bob Wetzel, Henry DeColaa. Pat Roberts. Raul Romero and Howard Allen <manag~>. ~ ball; Jim A.rmstrong and Chet Sheldon, tennla; Graham Gibbons and Bob Ghlselln, aalllng; Jack Bell, swimming; Larry Wrteht and Dan Caulfield, wrestllne, and BUI Custaf.aon, Blll Lamb, N~lson Vlael and Morris Pierson, track. First year track awards were presented by Coach Hueston Har. per to Fred Areve)os, Joe Goggin, Alan Hatch, Bob Hookland, Gary Johnson, Jack Kennedy, J e rr y Kirkland, Roy Kunisawa, Dave Prldham, Fred Var~la, Nate Var- ney, Ron Wlnterburn, Nelson Vlsel and Morrla Pierson. pollee reported at 7:57 p.m. Sun. Connor, Mary Davila, Robert ~TIM eoa.ta1 AIM l'•lfearty 10 Tean day, May 22. Ghlselln. MymadeJ Guzman , The victim and Calvin N. Winn Wesley Heusser, Mau~n Holley, 211 ac.a A.., ~ .._. •tatt 4-l•l ot Pacoima. Callt.. were In the v. Lyle Hugo. John Lane, Curtis IJ!il!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!l!!!!!ijljjjijii:liilil Sailing awards wer~ made by Bob Osborne to Roland Hammond and Pete Tatum; and Coach Ray Roao awarded first-year golf tro- phiH to Ron Wtnterburn, Syd Tovatt, Bob Watts and Bob Diehl. kitchen ot the residence. Winn McCullough, J~phlne McKee, I was playfully dragging the dull WIJllam Martin, Morris Pierson, edg~ of a kitchen knife across Wrestling awa rd was made by Coach James Pitton to Jerry Vaughn; and first-year tennis awards to Leonard Biacalluz. J er. ry Evans, Jack Kennedy and Gene Tyler by Bob Osborne. llckey lcii•IIJ Win l1111ralal Rlllla.a the victim's arm. Somehow th~ knife was turned over causing $400 llriMJ Pll_ .. the Incision, poll~ said She was taken to Hoag Memorial Hospl. Ftr F1rlip ..... taJ where officials alleged that Wlnn went and was annoying Two pledges of $200 have persons. ready been received for the pro Ftrst.year awards ln baseball were made by Coach Wendell Pickens to Tony Lombardo, Aaron Maldanado, W a y n e Coughtry, Don Leigh, Jerry Rice, John Es- trada. Gayle Herbel, Ray Estrada, Buddy Pierce, Roland Hl11. Mike Schenck and Lee Baker (man. Mickey McKinley, son of Mr. ag~). and Mrs. Murray Gardner, 125 Newport pollee cautioned Winn 'ject to bring a foreign student to to stay out of the hospital unUI Newport Harbor H!gh School the victim was ready to leave. next fall. Mrs. J. B. Stoddard of He was to provide her with Co rona del Mar, one of the lt>ad transportation. She told pollee J ers of the project. announct>s tha t she did not wish to sign a rom-pledgt>s have been made by the plaint. 1 Newport Harbor Zonta Club and ' by the High School Student Fot l.tterhe•ds. enveloo.s e.d Board of Control. A tota l of $650 "'---"' •-.. _., _._ t•-VIa Koron, Lido tale. has earned . ....._.... ~ ...._. mau. u•vyear a UDlvtalb' of. Badlanda trfab . THE ENSIGN. HA-11 14 ls needed. .wlmming awards to BatllldiiiM. man ath1etfe numeral fbr !l1w ef. Graham Gibbon~, Dale Ha.rrt.on, forti on the yearling team thll Alan Hodges. George Lyons, Jack spring. He Is a sprinter on the Steinman and Knleht Sooey. track team. He graduated from Crew awards were presented by Monrovia Duart~ high school In Coach Paul Baptiste to Graham 1954. He Is currently majoring in Gibbons. Andy Martin. T 0 m business administration. Pletts. Ben Benjamin. Dick Jor dan, Ted Jeffries. Frank Beall. STAT Df COSTA MEsA Bob Ghiselln, AI Baker, Fred Shannon, Lyle Miller. Howard Hall (managh), Hal Hatheway, AI Bandlclc, Rod Lauter and Rod ToaJ' ctaert.aW pcMIIMelOIU dill". o.r .... ..... , ..... I Sllrlp 2:100 ........... 819d.. Norton. a.caoaable ..._ eon. .. ... ..__. ~&laa. LJbeltT ._,_LJ:bertf ._UII AU Day e JlaU Day IIAPPT DAT IC BOOL for Little Folk 440 Heliotrope, Corona del Mar Harbor 4369 Mrs. Jean Vaughn, director M~-~~amJ4 DADQVAnEIIS roa IIIIIES' TOYS, a_. as.-.. , SlOI L eoa.t Bwy. at }_..1 Coroaa del Mcu (Next to All American Market) ~~~_, ~-~ * Abo at 5151 &. llld lt..la IAe9.... * UVE-A F•,_,• Pelley BRUCE MARTIN AUTI-... ---UFE LOCAL AGENT 1'713 ICKWPORT AVE.. OOSTA MESA oma: Ubel17 a.SSM u:s. UbertJI-5063 WAITE • The I.A.> Roy Bennetts h ave moved Crom 155 Merrill Pl .. Costa Mesa. to 2046 M<'yer Pl.. Costa Mesa. MOVE TO LOS ANGELES The Frederick Slmpsons have moved from 703 Begonia Ave., Corona del Mar, to Los Angeles. COUPLE WIJf STOCK Mr. and Mrs. John Ebersole of Santa Ana were the winners of 10 shares of Advisers Fund Inc. at the final Investment lecture conducted §lay 23 Ln the Corona del Mar Community Church by Morgan and Co. Robert Sandifer, assistant fina ncial editor of the Los Angeles Times. was the speaker. No. A 25713 NO. A-25625 lfonCE TO CllE.DITOIIS lfonCE TO CllEDITOJI:S --------LEGAL IIOTlCE ESTATE OF JAMES M. CUN ESTATE OF A. V. ANDREWS Jfo.. A2Sa NlNGHAM. aka J. M. CUNNING-DECEASED. JfonCE TO c:aEDITOJI:S HAM DECEASED. NOTICE rs HEREBY GIVEN to ESTATE of MARY MENDOZA. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the cr~dltors of and all person<~ aka MARIA MENDOZA. De-the creditors of and all persons having claims against the said ceased. having claims against the said decedent or said estate to fliP Notice ht hereby given to the decedent or snld estate to file them with the necessary vouch ~ltora of and all persons hav-th~m with the neressary vouch ers In the office ot· th~ Clerk of lng claims aealnst the said d~-ers In the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of the Stat(' cedent or said estate to tue th~m the Superior Court of the State of of CaJifom la, In and (or th(' with the necessary vouchers In California, In and for the County County of Orange, or to present the oUlce of the Clerk ot th~ Su-ot Orange, or to present the the same. wttb tb~ necessary perlor Court of the State of Call-same, with the neceossary vouch· vouchers. to the undersigned at fomla. In and fo:r the County ot ers. to the undersigned a t his or his or her place ot business Orange, or to pr~nt the same, her place of business. to-wit : to-wit: with the necessary vouchers, to KATHRYN CU NNIN G H AM Ella Mary Andrews and Farm the unduslgned at hla or her lONES ers and Merchants National Bank place of buslne.u. to-wit: Manuel c/o BURwrrz lr HURWITZ. At· of ~.o. Anples Beltran, Admlnlltrator, c/o Thom-torn~ys at Law c/o Harwood. Beftern&n 11 Sod~n. u E. Hetternan. 2515 E. Cout ~u Newport Bulevard. New- Kllhway, Corona del Mar, CalJ. port Beaeh. Calltomla 2515 E. Coast Hllbway. fomla. wtthln .U montba alter within &1x mo ntba aft~ the flnt Corona <kl Mar, CalltomJa within a1x IDODU.. atta th~ am the first publlcatJon of th1a no-publication of thla notl~. publication Of tllla DOtke. tJce. Dated May 2.1. 1955. Dated: May t. ue5. K.AnotYN CUNNINGHAM Dated: Ka,y S. 11155. K.ANUI!L BELTRAN, lOMD ELLA MAllY AlroU:WS Admlll11Uator ol U.. ElUte ot Admlnlltratrlx ot the Eatat~ of one ot tbe heo.ttiCin ol the aaJd decedent. aaJd ~nt. • Eatate ot &ald decedlnt. Harwood. Ra11erDan A Soden. BURwri'Z lr HUKWITZ Huwooct Reftwlwl a 9oclm AttGI'M)'a at Law. At1or'MYW at J..aw Attomtya at Law 25115 E. Cout RJchWQ, MU N.wport loulenrd 2515 E. Cout JllatrwQ' Colona del Mar, CalJfomla. K.....,crt Beach. CaJJfomla Corona del Mar, Ca1ttorrila Altof'Mrl fw AdMinlltrator. Attomeys tor Admbttltratrtx AttDm~ b l:ucu1ara P•U•IW.: x., 12. 11. a Julie I ~Jet)hOM: Harw I'm Publlah: llq 11. ~ a. June J L-----i.-............ ~--..... ~ .... -...................... In tiM ....,11 a.-. &'MIIJL Pt~.altb : Kay .. l\lM 2. t. lt.. ln U.e Kt"'f'peelt ...... Enllp. NOW OPEN ••• NANA'S Mexican Foods OPEII EYEJIT DAT 11 A.Jl. "TtL 7 P.JI. SeniD9 a ~ MlectioD Of M..SC.. tood Lad*" lD9• leef • .._ lla.ntta&. Tcx:o'.,._Taqal--T•tadoe. BCIIIlbaf9en CIID4 l'oaata:ba SerricL s.u....mc. ... to eat at oar tablet • tlalb OQL Palla St.. ~A at tM 1'..-ry IAIIICU'19 BALBOA • Open Every Sat. & Sunday Enioy Rides & Games T•• lite F•IIJ fer a "TRIP AROUID THE BAY" -SaL I S-. Oa ....U. of llalboa'" OlfLT Featuiag 0.. MCifood. at..a. pctme dk c:ILic:ba. dack. tbe VWCI MIII'1M La ODe of ~ eo..aty'a a-t ...... raata. 8aDqaet ~ ...m ap to eo. Located at tiM ~ to ..u... la&CIDd. u.cs. ............... -.. a.q,.. .. ~ \ .rroat\mmtnr of aaa tu tun41 lor two mt,jor ptOjeetal wu ap.. prowd lut WNk by the New- port Ctty OouncU. Ttt.e projeeta ire: • 114,:100 for rlsht-01-way near for aecond aeeeN road to Corona del Mar beach; $17,500 tor con· •tructlon ot that road. • $10,000 for c:onnru~on traffic Uaht at VIa Lido and New- port Blvd. Alao programmed wu $111,500 1 for street maintenance. AJlKT JPVT. DAVID JVLIUI JIIOW Olf DVTT Of AIJS1'1llA Army Pvt. David S. Julius, of Mrs. Ruth E. Julius. Ocean Front, Ne'WJIOrt Beach, cently arrived In Austria. He stationed at the Atlanta c;,,n•••l l Depot. Ga., before arrlvln& duty In Austria. A former employe of East Super St-rvlce, Indianapolis, vate Julius entered the Army October, 1954. and basic training at Fort Leonard Wood. Mo. Quake.-Stm.--VaJYollne PeanzoU and all UHJOK produrtl ... "'Miaute Mcm" S.tTic:e PJCJ: ur & DELIVERY BLIOTT's UlfJON SERVJCE ® 3001 Newport Bl•d. .......... ._. llcubol" 3m "-E"O'f-7 a.m. to • p.za. For Y ... l People h ... e been sayin9 ... and believin9 t+.et YOU CAll DO BffiER at Co mplete Home Furnishings Liberty 1-2454 1839 Jfewpor1 An. COSTA MESA Make y0111 OW.. &iftw•e Stuclo • • • • 1n A wonderful new plan tor the Olnlllic hobb'-1 .. • you wortc In a oompwte, JllOICI«n DI&Dt 1'ttb all the latMt oommerda1 C!ciGJpmmt uncllr llldlled -~­YI*m. W• baw mol&l tot over 125 1-.. f:rola _, 11M tbat you may u8e or )"'U may mllul ,_, OW'Il --... . ,..__ .... _. __ .. ...,_ ,. • • • • ~JODY.ftn,ft.D. ,.....,, --· OtMJI c..l Ol"t .. Friday 13th ••• • lucky day for Mr. and Mrt. Cht.rlel H. McJClnney of 213 Colton Av. .. Newport Beach, b«aU.. that'• I "'~1-· ...... ~~~~,.bll~ ....,. .. • "d..,.....lon party." 2. Abt&ham Llncoln ne-d the ..._ 3. 'nle Pllplma Mtabllshed re- Uctoua treedom in A~Mrtea. •· Presidenta ate limited to two temu ln otflce. 5. A state may not withdraw the Union. The Democrata are a war !houtd the president and I_,,.,._.,,.,. • .,,. die whUe ln otll~. the MCretary ot state would be- president. 8. The qualifications ot · the thetr IU.t.l wbU, merobert ot th'e day Uttle aranddau1bter, the Houae; of Repretentatlvea rep. Sallie Marte Rubio. anlvecl at~ re-nt the people of tbelr dla-rona Naval HOiplta1. trlcta. (If eleeted at lar&t, Sallie. who wel&hed neaJ'ly then. npteNnt the people of the pounda and 3 ounces at lt&teJ 1.s the lirat baby of Mr. 10. FalM: Political parties Jeu Rubio (mother 11 not mentioned or dealt with In Jole Mc.KJnney) of the Constltutlon. Political parties 1215 w. 2nd St .. Santa 'Ana. Baby are not part of our 10Yftnmental Sallie Ia already conalderln& en- a)'ltem. PoUUeal pa.rtJn an prl-rollment In t\er mother'• alma vate .elf-aoverntna bodln. Not maters -Newport Harbor Hlch unUl World Wat I did Concreu School and • !Coo:!:":.!~!!!; ~ Jaw. • replatlnf polltlcal • partie. tn any way. CllADUA'I'DfG J .... I f.-tbe U. S. Jfci.aJ. A...S..y at Aa- aapolle b Jlidah1pmaa 1/e Jlob. ert Jf. MWer. 11011 of Xn. Violet B. Ewau oC 2a WcdJlut. Coeta ........ •terM. tU ..... AOI!d-y • a C:O.pssl' sd "glztrd ,_ ent" ... .............. ~*'a Kc; fl.-u. An.!" Deli •• "" Ia Cca~ ....... kJGDCIId rlcry-Wock-aeet lor 1'ou Little ,..ta RAPrT DA1' SC.OO 440 Heliotrope, Corona del Harbor 4369 SAVE SAFELY At 0r•"9• County·• Uadinq Home Lendinv Institution • CONTINUING TO PAY PER ANNUM ALL ACCOUNTS INSURED UP TO $10,000 All Acc.ounh Opened On or Before The lOth of the Month Earn fTom the ht. LAGUNA FEOfltAL SAVIN&S A LOAN ASSOCIATION 222 OcHII Avent~e LA&UNA BEACH -HY~IIn IOAT•uxa roumnu< •nu.owa DfiULA'ftON wu SUIPI.U& IISSED PERSOIIS IMPORTANT! The U. S. Bur .. u of Census is com,-.ing itt ap«ial centu~ of Newport leach, It h important t+.at the """"" mdudo ol of tloo pooplo who _.. ln.mt In thlt pl... on Moy 24, 19515, tloo offlclol dolo of f1oo ~. If 'fCM' wwe livin9 here on thit d ... end bell ..... thet you were not enumer.t.d f« the OM'III&IIo f1 out the form ,_..,.t.c:l below end rna~ it to the Cenws Supervisor • • -•• - \ • • • ... • t Nearly · 5 Million Thru May The Newport Beach buUctlq total for the year to tc.8'7.418. d~artment Ju.t ml8le4 the mll-Thla Ia t665,000 al\ead of th1l lion-dollar record for May, clo. time lut ynr, a mUJlon ctonan ,.,.-Inc the month wtth a total of ahead of 19M, and t862,000 ahead 1971.m. 'Ibla brlnp the r.rand of tl\e record year of 1951. May butldln&' permlta included the tollowinr: aa .mpa tamUy dwelUnp, tBOO,tMO; th.N!e ~ family dwelllnp, $52,5!50; two 3- famJly 4~lllnp. .-scso: :se re· palra to dweUinp. ~.:MS; 19 ca. banu, $30,6SO; one ·I a r 'a 1•, ' $1,SOO; six swlmmlna pool-. $13,800; two commercial build· lnp. 118,2:50: 10 repalnl to com- merdal bulldln1a. $96,250; two algna. t880- Permlta luued durlna the flnal day. lut month Included: ea&WtOIIT Bob Dalton, 10-room, 2-ttory, 3-unft restaurant and apartment bu1141na at 3448-34!52 VIa Oporto, $72,000; Arndt Pedereen, altera- tions at 1913 Balboa Blvd., $100; A. Sandy StelneT, amall bulldlnl ' added at 29U W. Cout Hwy., • ~ at Our Lady ol Mount Carmel Cbureh w~ held Satur. day mornln1 tor John Mansour, WAifOI.U on ama. A daughter, 8 lbt.. • oz., wu born to Mr. and Mnl. ArlelJb Wan1le of 1960 Anaheim St.. Col- la Mesa. In Santa Ana Commun. tty Hospital on Sunday, May 15. n. o1 a~ St., Newport, who a.au. roa J'I.ATrl died o1 a heart attack lut week A da.ughtH, 8 lbs., waa born to on Wed.neaday He wu a native Mr. and Mra. Counn.y Platt of ol Lawrence. Mus., and had 407 vt.ta Baya St., Costa Mea&. Uved ln the Harbor area about In St. J~h Ha.pltal on Satur-nve months. He Is aurvlved by a day, May 14. ~later and broth~. Jeannf~ and -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;;;~ Peter Manaour, of the home ad-r dreu. Rosary wu recited Friday morning at the Baltz Mortuary, Corona del Mar. LEAVZ IUJr VALLET The T. E. Brentnalla, one time Bay Shores residents, have moved from Sun Valley to La Habra. The Gordon Unks have moved from TIOO West Ocean Front. Newport, to Long Beach. SALE ..., .... 1.9. 5 acL .... us 2.49 UIIEI CEI1D ( n~xt to All Ame'lcan Mkt.) 3051 E. Coat.,...,, c.J)..II. 1200: Frank Krlwanek, cabana at Bayshore TralleT Park, $2,000; Balboa Bay Club, add otflce and storage rooms above exlstlng of flee, 1221 W. Cout Hwy., 16,000; Thomas Carr, garage and work- shop at 208 29th St., $4.!500; T. E. Powell, fence and patio at 1.224 From· tile POUCE 8LOnER AlexiiHr P. BliiiJ w. Balboa:~. ~------------~---------------------------- AS FLAG OUU.. cmcS Staf!. CoauDodons stcm4 at atteo. tloa. tbe K...-port Harbor Tacht Clab baJ9M la boi.IW lato plclce aar1da9 tbe offldal Sltb MCDOO opeabl9 lD cenmoas.. beld lu.Dday, May 22. (Bedaler Pboto) IIOVEI PliOM Bn.BOII Mrs. lA>o Paquet of 50s PoJn. settla Ave .. Corona del Mar, ls moving thls week to Palo Alto, where she will live near her daughter and son.ln-law and two arandchllttren. 1011 .OD TO rAJri'OJU A 100. l....cftnzo 1tenee, wu born to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Pantoja of 1964 Myera Pl.. Costa Mesa. In Hoag Memorial Hospi- tal on Monday, May 2. LUIS FOR HOlES ~~ 20-TEU LOU Conatruction J.ocma 5~ 20-no LOAJif SEE aoa IAT1'LD Palrter lalfllle Co. ISIS L c:-t -.,. .. CI)M ft. BA 1111 D S-5115 (Metro W. ...,.__ h.Dd8) JAMES D. RAY ....... a.traclor M46 E. COAST HWY ~ COlONA DEL MAlt HA"'-47.) a..w.-: HArw .... Robart • IIEWtOJIT BEtQIITI Don Husband, swimming pool at 237 Tustin •ve., $2.300; Harold Myers, 5 . room, 1 . story, 1 . unit dweUlnl at 324 Albo, $13,400. e COaolfA DEL 110 Jack Stahl, alterations at 501 ~ Orchid, $1.000; R. B. Blake, repair car damage at Lone Star Exhibit. 2835 E. Cout Hwy., $100; F. C. Hubbard and H. McMullen, drive- In restaura nt at 3916 E. Coast Hwy., $7.SOO. e CO.alf A BJGIILAJIDS lames Zlnk, fence at 405 Serra Dr .• $150. e wmJfUDAT. KAT 25 The harbor department recov- ered a 6-toot rowboat reported mlulng by R. S. Cochran of the Lido Yacht Anchorage ... Otfl- cera warned the parents of two West Newport boys about writing with chalk on a house under con- struction near 37th St. and Lake Ave., Newport Beach. by GeraJd Spark5 of 37 Balboa Cowes, New- port Beach . . . A dog owned by Edward Bates of 524 Redlands Ave., Newport Heights, was quar an tined after It bit Tommy Weav er, 5. o f 521 Redlands Ave .... e DIYIIfE TEDACE e TBtrllSDAT. KAT • Maceo Corp .. 6-room. 1 stor)l. 1- unlt dweUing at 717 Santana. Mrs. Gregory A. Rogers of 507 Edgewater Ave .. Balboa, reported $19.000. tt • B.IU.BOA ISJ.AKJ) the the or a $32 hemp rug from Les Crawford. alterations at her porch · · · Cash totaJin~ $50 In a n envelope was stolen from 220 DIam on d , $200; J. E. th h Belanger. alteratlona at 221 Sap e cas drawer In the telephone phire, $1,000; Gene Helvie, alter-o~rator'a booth In Hoag Memor atlons and extend front of dwel-lal Hospital, Thomas R. Meader. Itnr at m Sappl\lre, $3.000; chief accountant. notified poJice ltldJ...S B.tele atend pn~ at ···A Wancla. CalU.. ~ wu 1oo1 N. Bay 'n.. $.100: Chari.. taken to Juvenne hall aner be· Zube, fence In lot at 314 Onyx, lng found at Coast Hwy. and Bal- $350; v. L. Edgar, ex1t>nd walls boa Blvd .. Newport Beach, at 3:47 t 90'1 N Ba Ft $2 350 a.m .. charged with curfew viola- a · Y ·• • • tlon and Jack of parental' control VACA TlOif Ilf COLOUJ)() Miss Helen Horr, religious edu cation director at St. Andrews Church, lett Friday for a th~· week vacation ln her native area of Denver, Colo. MIJIS Horr plans to spend a week In tbe moun· talns on a camptnr and fiShing trip. aDGDOKS NOVE 'Ibe L. A. Bergerons h ave moved from their home at 401 38th St., Newport. to the Orange Coast College Campua. where Mr. Bergeron Is connected with the aports department. .All your printinQ needs will be handled conveniently end court- tJOusly in the completely-equip- ped Job Printing Deportment of your Horbor .Area Newspaper, The Ensiqn, llo-4 Coost 81 .• COM. . .. A Corona del Mar mother re porter her daughter, 15, was ques. tlon~d about where she Uved a nd oft~ clgarets by a man, about 40, while she waited for a school bus at Coast Hwy. and Muguer. lte Ave., Corona del Mar ... BUILDER BArbor ••• 1101 e SATUJU)AT. KAT 21 Dies at lea af 13 Funeral services for Alexander P. Bailey. 73, of 1938 Santa Ana Ave .. Costa Mesa. were held at 1 p.m. yesterday (WednesdayJ In Parkes Ridley Mortuary Chapel, with Rev. Joseph W. McShant>, pastor of the Costa Mesa Com munlty Mt>thodtst Church. outcl atlng. 1 Mr. Ballt>y passed away Satur day of a heart attack in Hoag Memorial Hospital. He was a na tlve of England and came to thts l country as a young man. He was 1 a cltlzen of the United States. He came to San Dlt-go In 1941 and to Costa Mesa In 1953. Survivors are his wile. Mrs. Ag nes M. BaUey of the home ad dress; a daughter. Mrs. Thelma N. Craig. of Alhambra; a sister. Mrs. Mary Lowry and a brotht>r, William Bailey, both of Colorado. and two grandchiJdren. ll You r«~iv~ an interest c:hKk four times ;;., on your f ull Paad Ceru~acc, (asslmi rn muhapln of $100). ~ account cams INTEREST at the currmt nt~ of H1% a year. ~ s,avinp ~ saf~! Each account a.s illSUffCf tO $l 0,000 by an Agency of ~ Uoirtd Statn Govctnrnrnt. SAVINGS ACCOUNn O'INID aT THI 1011f Of 1HI MONTH IAaN PIIOM ntl 1ST. <Continued from Paae ll) Carnation Ave., fti)Orttd the theft ot two hub capt~ trom hla car parked acroa the ltreet .•• Tania Daniels ot 417 Heliotrope Ave., Corona del Mar, reported the .OSWOBTIIS CET OW. A daughter, Susan Lynn, waa born to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bos- worth of 2053 President Pl., Coata Mesa. on Wednesday, May 18. In Hoag Memorial Hospital. Glamour Glimpses By Mlf theft of a puree wtth contents valued at ~.87. lncludlnl SlOT M In cub, from her home •.. Whtle watdlm. teleYiaion ahe looked out her window and saw aome boys movtnc her car, who ran when ahe yelled at them. Gwendolyn A. Greenleaf of 218 Colllns Ave., Balboa Island, re- ported, addlnC that her car keys were alao mlaslnl ... e SUJfDAT. MAY II Charlotte Thompaon ot 713 Aca- cia Ave .• Corona del Mar, report- ed the theft of 76 feet ot plastic and rubber hose from her yard ... MadeJI Dittmann of 441 San- ta Ana Ave .. Newport Heights, re. ported the theft of two hub caps from her car during the night ... F. L. Overley of Pomona re. ported the theft of a ripple dlac from his car In the municipal Did y'all come by Thursday trailer park ... Mrs. E. C. Croft afternoon for the informal model of Rosemead reported the theft tng at O'BRIEN'S and to see our of two hub caps from her car beautiful flower graced windows. parked In front of 315 E. Balboa too? Well. even If you didn't Ave., Balboa ... Johnnie Spauld- make it last week. come see us ing. 2~. of Burbank, was report- today or next Thursday. We'd Pd missing by Mrs. George Teas- Jon• to show you all the beaut!-dale of 215 Amethyst Ave., Bal- fui duthes at O'BRIEN'S. Today I boa Is land. who was found and the girls will be modeling fresh returned ... A purse containing new cotton formals. for a ll you jewelry valued at $2..900 was left folks who are going party-lng.1 in a phone booth In Vincent's and new accessori£'s to doll up I Lido Drugs. Newport Beach, and your last year's gowns. later rould not be found. Elaine 1'h1a is a woDderful year to Brookins of Los Angell's reported. dress up because ICI.Ihiou are e MONDAY. MAT 30 pretty aDd colorfuL Dot too ex-Alvin Whitt' Jr .. 2. of Palmdale, treme. but with pleaty of femi-1 round by Mrs. Ruth Walker ot aiDe emphasis. FMli.Dt llke ilO'i Seashore Dr .. West Newport, fal.UDg lD lo~e agaiD? Tbeu was brought to the police station tako a look at the white glazed I and claimed by his mother, Mrs. cotton with the wide ~ocado Alvin Whitt', a short time later green stripe. Made with the 1 ... Mrs. H. W. Brower of 4211 aew slim tono llDe. its skirt Seashore Dr .. reporte-d finding a b.com• full with godet liLiets 88 hole in a kitchen window In of the ..U-IICIIDe material-but 1 her home . . . Oftlcers warned the stripes can gaUy ruaalDg four Newport Heights children crouwtM. The ~shoulder about playing In a house under top is cut with smooth shoulder construction near the rear of the atrapl repeated 1D a flat match-Newport All American Market ... lag bow cool aa a FreDch t ca:+ +:M I I 8 H I I I I I +:¥:+!) gloc. aBel nw ao tasty I Perhaps we're • running to 1 CALLINOCQ stripes. but here is a narrow lj;' -~· ~ bright pink stripe In a cotton ' ~-rA fabric enriched with green, whitt> :. '. {:, . and pink embroidery. The slim 1 • , t: • • torso Is a !latterlng length and ·a~ ,i' -~ stops with a cuff-underneath is ~~ a fUIJ feminine Skirt trothy With I I I I I I I I I s:s I 'ZI I I I I I a net petticoat underflourlsh. {Continued from Pa2e 8) Small rhlnestone buttons lead to der to even think of being at a 8ClU&re cu" metcbnw ~ .,...,..,. Heft' t. a I1IY eotton .a fot 'a e ~ , glorious evening! Barbara and John HJlton are What's ao deauan aa a a....t two likeable ch aracters f r om HD.prillt dbaity? We h~e oae Twenty-nine Palms whom we are mode with o totally tucked top I proud to know a nd call amlgos. . . . aleenl... cmd scooped Three of our most prized posses- DeCk for summer. Tbe sJd.rt sions are oil paintings by John falls softly from unpressed -Hilton, whose talent brings the aot too rob~ -pleats. to a vast desert reaches and the pas- tulln•s to be determiDed by tel colors of the dawn to our you aDd the Dumber of your fireside. We can hardly wait for petticoat&. Tbe colond 'f'elnt the Festival of Arts at Laguna, rlbboD aolh adds a bequlllDg where John will have an exhibit Dote. this summer. And there are so many others -the gay Carlye with the cotton ball fringe tracing the collar and front of a pert cotton spiced with chartreuse polka dots ... a Nan Westley of permant>ntly pit>ated cotton printed with tiny black dots a nrl scored with fine black piping which ends In attent ion gPttlng small bows at the back . . . a Frank Starr dt>sign of rot ton satin in an iced aqua. dress lly molded with a criss cross nPCklinP which folds into a col Jar. Th<' slightly lowt>red waist line is most fl att<'ringly empha si7..ed with low fullnt>ss on eithN side to make this dress one or the most simply C'legant we've seen, in rich looking material and classic style. If you waat to look dreamy Ia o Dew c:ottoo formal or date dreu. y'all come by aad we'll MCD'Ch out yoor drMs -cmd don't forvet us wbea you waat o Uttle ole golf dnu. allpc. the La:rlnrood Ct1 ALUf'TEED-for- 10-daya hOM. or a 91ft for aom .. oDe. We'd just LOVE to help you I -~ ' . . ' ) -( ... ~ . ~-1515 COAIT 8001.EV A.aD COIIO.A DD. MD SALE The Hiltons are versatile follu. John. in addition to his master- ful handling of the oils. Is a rock- hound par excellencE>. a nation- ally known botanist. an expert on Mexico and Its far flung reaches. a musician whose Span- ish songs and swet>t guitar sound good anywhN('. but best a round a deSf'rt campfire. John is also an <'Xplurrr anrl arlvPnturer . A rC'Cent l<'tter told of a jt-ep trip to the nP\'er lands of Baja C'alifrJrnla, and the finding of a whole series of whalE> vertebrae. Naturally, this seeme-d a perfect opportunity for the 79th G.W.W.G. to obtain a sturdy symbol. Bar- bara. who does the correspond- enre, writes back: "We shall be delighted to de- liver to you one whale vertebra. John was there about two weeks ago and said our find still had quite an aroma about it. How. ever, we will try to stick It on the bumper Cback one. I hope) on the next trip and deliver same to you. We have our doubts about trying to ship It In its present stat~,Js." Thanks, Barbara a nd John. Please know that I am a patient man. One has to be. to be a whale-watcher. I doubt 11 anyone will walk away with my verte. bra. Let time and nature take care of things. A vear or two from now will be 11100n enough. I like my red-headed mamma and and I don't want her leaving me just as my hair Is turning to aU. ver. When you go back wtth Dana and Ginger Lamb thJa slimmer to explore, perbape you find some other more ane.ttet whale. Meanwhile. let ua jult be very, very patient. And It anyone ln Newport bu an old, pure white and aroma. lett whale vertetwa they cJod'l wut -the '7kb Grq Wbale Watdllnr Group need~ OM. cau. lq C.Q. I« an ancient wbale ...... L And W• be --tt'a • l ..................... llililii ...... _ ...... .., Old ootl • Superior Court I~ JoiUI Shea 1ut 'week ~ WU-• 11 ,. A.1l.Nd ot La er.centa to na. ()nqe eout eou..-ft. e. 1'he tam concluded u.e .... am · rae. returDed bom .,....'D"''d u aon wtth a tG-10 NCCII'd ud a three consecutJve ....., ln eta• ,...._ up tn the State Pla7.afta .300 -.n awra,e. prison on cb.,.... ol buraJU'J, f« the Junior CoUeae Bueball Coad\ Wendell f'lekens will ::::0~ :d :=uJJ. ~._.! = Ql&~~~plonahJp. place hla next yeu'a t.ope for a broke Into the Alex o.r home 'n\e Soutbem Dlvlalon Cham~ ebamplonahtp tam on ntu:mlnc on Lido Isle. Allred wJll ..-ve a were evidently ott their atride u Sophomore. Don lAtch. Wayne minimum of 10~ yeara. the rewlt o1 tbeJr loq trip u Couabtry, Jerry Rice, Toey Lam- they dropped the ftnt pme by bardo, Buddy Pterce, lohn J!'.a. MU • •a OET so• A aon, Roc Mitchell, wu born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mlller ol ~~1 Clay St.. Newport Helchts. In Hoag 1tfemotlal Hoepltal on Wednesday, M~ 18. ua noll TUliA TJUP E. B. Tozier ot 170t Pacitlc Dr., COrona del Mar, ls back from a trip to Yuma and the desert re. g lonL the Jopeldecl acore or :H-5 to the trada, Roland Hill, Aaron Mald- Weet Contra Costa Comets. onado, and' Ray Eatrada. Saturday momlnc found the Coutera fresh and rudy, and a010 f1IOM •OI.n'AL the reeultJnc thouch heart break-• Mrs. E. M. Kunzman of 10$ Inc 4-3 1~ wu most tndlcattw Goldearod Ave., Corona del Mar, ot the balance between thae two Ia convaleeetnc from aurgery and champion ball teams. la now home from the boepltal. Bobby Weael and Tony Lom- b&Jdo were the leadJng bitten for the Pt.rate ball team. Wetzel bad 3 tor 7 and Lombardo 3 for COME ·TO COAST SUPER MARKET lndJanapoUa, Mlnneapolll, Ian. au ctty, TopeP. and Denver. T!lere are nWDe'OU8 tpeekll\f clat8. u well u participation Ia educational .. tons tor Dlltrld.a and tndJvldual Toutmutera Cluk Hls JtJnerU')' Jncludee Phlla-He expecta to return home ln delphia and Readln£ Baltimore, about a week. Hla residence la Cleveland, Clnclnnatl, Detroit, at m Marl,old Ave. "•••• • J11 111" gUifiST SaL (J-4), I-ll •·•· in our parking lot Spon.ored by the young people of The Corona del Mar Community Church S11~cl· fw n.s., Fri .. SaL, J-2, 3, 4 • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • 4 • • • 0 • • 0 4 • ; • • • 4 • • • $ • ; 0 ; • i $ ~--~~~~~----~~-----·········· r-----------------------~ TIDE Margarine IIEW COLDEN S lb. 69 Fluffo3t~ DtJBKEES'-Freuer J~ oa. LDmSAY-Medlaa ""*' Mayonnaise 45¢ OLIVES ~--27¢ LIUW-I!{o- PD.LS.UBT . 1 ~~ lit 11c .... Fruit Cocktail 29¢ PMCIIII fiHr 3 ... ,q. 3lc CHEESE :.: ................... 69¢ "pAJfCAMrkn-11/aCaDA. ... FLOWJKC CO~ OL :-e uans• Q)DEJ) 0 & Runs 1~ Grapefruit Ju1ce 19c Beef Hash :.: .... 27¢ .........,.___ .. _ Lmp~n·-suced I 2"· 2• 'IUKOJOT ~ -.. _ Mushrooms ~ 25¢ 1nea, e CalL.......... ~y. 51 ue II 0L ..W. 21« ibic* t . 19¢ Kl 2 .. 29J TUNA ~..... · · a sup ~:.. . . . .. . ... eenex ::~----DDfZ Tomato Soup -10¢ COLDEJf STATE-AA-Flnt Quollty ~BU_TT_ER _ ____,;;;;S---..9~ EGGS 47~ doz. PD.LSat111T II OL Plqr. Brownie Mix 2,. 49, POLCEIIS' COFFEE 79~ LAJIGE CANTALOUPE 2 ~~ 29c SMALL TOMATOES 3 lb,. 15c • LAJIGE CAULIFLOWER 9c ea. EnllA P AKCT CUCUMBERS 2 fM 15c L"AaGE EGG PLANT 9c ea. uans·-a o.. ea. Orange JUice Q...W:IP--.II.JJ c;;aac .... •• v ... Chicken Pies .... \ 0 BEEP CHUCK ROAST a EEl' 0-BONE ROAST LONG HORN CHEESE Beef Short Ribs IDl I Lean Gro_.nd Beef ·4L...'l 00 BACON ·~=u. 4GL on on Corned Beef Center Slice ·Hani