HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-06-09 - Newport Harbor Ensign• VeL 7 .... a-rt.. c..ts 216 Seniors ToGrilluate · On June ·lS A total of Z76 seniors are slated to graduate next week from New. port Harbor Union High School. Bacc:alaureate wHl be held at 8 p.m . Sunday In the high school auditorium and graduaUon serv- Ices a t 4 p.m. Wednesday, June 15. In the .chool athletic stadium. "Men of Stature'' wll1 be the subject ot the addreu by Rev. Jo. seph W. McShane, pastor ot the Costa Mesa Community Method- Ist Church. at the Sunday pro- gram. The Invocation will be giv- en by Rev. Robft't F. Gronlund ot the Newport Harbor L u the r a n Church, the scripture readln1 by Cecll Colllns, Chrilttan Science Church, and the benediction by Father Stephen X.Uey of Our Lady of ML Cannel Catholic Church. "Public Schoola and the Ame-ri- can Way" wtll be the subject of the address by Dr .. Arthur F. Corey, state executl ve ~eCretary of the CalltornJa Teacher Aan. at the commencement exercl.es next Wednesday on the athletic field., The invocation wm be etven by ~. J'aul Neumann, of the First Baptist Church of Costa Mesa. The welcome w111 be given by student Charles Rice and the farewell by rraduatlng student JUchard lnnent. kes · a· owing trials· Big Stadium Slated Here A bid to ~ the U. S. Olym. , pic Game rowlnc trlala to New- TIIVJliDAY. JU'If& 1. 1155 port Harbor in November, 19!56, ===:-----.....,.....--, wUl be made by Hay Lancet- ' helm at the Olymplc rowing com- 1 mlttee meeting on Sunday, J une 19, In Syracuse. New York. The County Board of Supervt sors voted Tuesday to Indorse the Invitation to hold the rowing trials here. Mr. Langenhelm. a member ot I the Olympic row ing committee and executive secretary of the Newport Harbor Cha mber of Commerre, will leave Thuraday; June 16. to attend the committee meeting, where the trial location will be picked. 1 A 5,000 meter rowing course and a ~.000 seat stadium ls planned for upper Newport Bay. Mr. Langenhe1m said. Only 2.000 mett>rs are n~E'd tor the Olym pic trials but the addE'd area can be used for other events, h£> addE'd. The North Udo Channel 2,000 meter course Is alSC'I avail able. Mrs. Langenhelm, tn the East attending the June Week cere monies at the U. S. N~val Acade- my, where thelr son John ls com- pleting his thlrd year, will joln her husband for the return trip. Mr. Laneenhelm plans to witness the lntercollea:tat.e ltowing Assn. national championship regatta at Syraeu8e on Saturd~. June 18. Trailer P~fk · Plans Studied The Park. Beadl and Reerea. tlon Commlulon Ia studying the City Tralle-r Park problem thla week for the pu.rpoee of submit- Una a rec:ornmendat.lon to New- port City Coundl. Constable VGughn Dies; I Ei~hth Grade • ~w.u Graduate Funeral Servtces Today On June 16th Graduation exercises wlll t>e held at 4 p.m. Thursday, June 16. tor 270 elehth graders at Horace Ensign School. The ceremony wUJ ~held In the athletic field. Dl.utct Superintendent SldMy Davl41oD wtl1 ,......,t .... 11M Commllllon IDGJlben are ,..:lp1tlne otb« trailer Constable Frank Vaughn. who aot his nickname of "Tlny" tor the same reason that fat men are called Skinny, wrote tints to his eventful caner at 2~30 Sunday IIIIJiriUn.' ln Memorial ~ ii~-il--~~ ~ t:rw1tea The benediction be ctwn by Rev. Edwin Gomke ot the CoJ'Ona del Mar Community Church. Ballsle P.O ~ Wihs & Loses The Po.t Oftlce Department re- gional oUlce In San Francisco announced Monday that the Bal- boa Island Post OUJce has been advanced from second class to first c.lau on the baals of re- ceipts durtna the calendar year of 19M. That triumph wu cancelled out. however. by the announce- ment from Wuhlneton on the same day that the Balboa leland Post Office hu been deslanated as a station of the Newport Post Office.. effective JuM 30. Newport Postmuter IL P~e Thayer aatd that Balboa Ialand will continue to have Ita own ~ark, same u Balboa, which became a station of the Newport Post OUJce lut year. Mesa Census Shows 17.320 Deer Bert temat.e plana. 10 minutes after befhc admitted to the ha.pltal. He had suUered an attack whne sleeping F11day evening. A second attack came In the early hours Sunday morn In g. Board ctJ n-uat-. Mr. -.y wm present the diplomas. ust.ted by Pr1nclpal Wll.Uam Ritter. Honor Students Named AI Harbor Banquet City CouncU and Commission mem~ met Informally Monday afternoon to d iscuss the Trailer Park. The Commission met Tues. day evening, and pla ns to meet again at 8 :30 p.m. tomoJTOw CFrldayl at the home of Com m issioner R. E. Campbell. 2676 Bayshore Dr .. Bay Shores. U the Commission ls a ble to prepare Its recommendation In time, It wm be submitted to C1ty CouncU Monday evenlnc. Final decision on c o n t I n u I n g the Trailer Park or turalnc It Into a public beach park ls not ex- pected untU after buctcet prob- lems have been solved. Last rites for the veteran con sta ble will be held at 2:30 this afternoon fThursdayl In the Cos ta Mesa Community Methodist Church. Rt"v. Char les F. Hand w ill otrlclate at the services. Invocation a n d benediction wlll be givton by Rt"\'. James S. Stewart, pastor of St Andrews Pte-.b)1Prlan Church C",t>Orge MC' Farland. presldPnt of the studPnt body. wtll givt> the nag salutE>. I Th<>re will be <;t'IN'tion-. by thE' Hora~ Ensign Srhool Band. Frank Vauehn was born 58 N G I years ago In Pikeville. Ky. He ame asser enlisted In the Army In Colorado Top honor students ol the Har. bor High School graduating class are Charles RJce, valedictorian. and Nancy Grlsty, salutatorian. These awarda were announced at the annual &-rvtce Banquet held Friday e-vening In the school cafeteria. Charles RJce, wbo received a ta,OOO .cbola.rshlp to any college ot hls chol~ Ia the aon of Mrs. Dorothy Petldna, 2014 ~ Placentia Ave .• eo.ta Mesa. Nancy Is the dauahter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Grlaty of 220 Flower St., Costa Mesa. Named Hl Tarot the year was Tod White of Balboa Island, who set the 4-mln. 20-sec. prep mile record at the state track meet May 28. He was also voted most valuable man on the track team. Certificates or honor for high. est scholastic averages for four ye-ars were given to Jane Ostran. der. Richard lnnerst. Richard Raee-r. Carol Doane. Marilyn Ing- mundson. Don Beatty, Arlene HuU. Gynelle Dysart, Ann RaJ . aton, James Everson, LaNetta Rlchar<bon. Ann Stewart, Suml Shtea.kl. Shirlee Hourigan, Den- nis Fitzpatrick. Myrna Bouchey, Annette Crawford' and Suzanne Kelm. In 1913. wa.s sent to Ft. Rose. ,As Constable cra ns In San Diego and served as a corporal In the Motor Trans.. 1 port Corps.. When his hitch was I Frcmc:ia L (Sacap) CJauer up, he re..,.nlltrted. and .erved a wcu .wom LD ,..tuday CD COD· total of sev~ years. COl'STAILE Fll.AKK VAtJCIIJf .table few lfewpon lleach He wu married ln San Diego. TOWD.ablp by Deputy Couaty and att.r his dt.charge (rom the Jn l932 he s tarted farming the CleO Wcryae Dra9er to W1 the Leaking gasoline was blamed Army, be and hls wUe moved to Ot>rby Ranr h on Adams St , just 1IIMirplnd tera of tbe lat. for a $750 explosion and flre Orange. He started a trucking outsldf' or Custn Me>sa and I PniDk Vau9)ul. Nr. ClC~Ua ba aboard the 17\i foot speed boat. business there, mow-d to Costa dropp('d his highway patrol .. n-ed CD deputy CDDatCible Sally Ann, In the bay off 3107 Mesa In 1923 and operated a duties But f'\t'ntuall) hf' r£> \lDdiK Nr. Vcna«JbD ai.D~ De- Coast Hwy .. Newport Beacb. at chicken ranc h. It was Ln this turnt>d tu Jaw l'nforremt>nt Jn c.mber, lMS.. 8 :01 p.m. last Thursday. same year that be started h ls l938 hf' was Ple-rtPd t"'onstahlf' of Colutable Clauer was liP- Owner Daniel A. Webb of Glen-la w enforcement e&ftel'. taking Newport Towno;h lp ami ht"ld that poi.Dted to tbe po.t by tM dora was aboard at tbe time and up blghway patrol duty a.s a position until hao; dt>ath coaD1y 111peni8on at tbeU Two-tone letter awards for win-was not hurt. The Nf!WP(Irt Beach Sta te Traffic Officer. Ht> lost a •..tla9 ~. Prior to a.. nina three letters In the same tire department and harbor de-leg In line of duty three yeara I He "as a !ounclt'r and past COiaiag dllputy coastable N.r. sport were clven to Ken Boden-part.ment fire boat put out the later when his rnotol'eycle cn.shed commander of thf' Costa ~1esa C&a.a• .......S a a Kewpol't hoefer, Dennla Fitzpatrick. Dick tlre. The explosion bl~ the while he wa.s pursuing a speed. Amencan Legion Post H~ "a a poll~ ~ officer. Harbor Elks Lvdge 1 ~ ... , I Continued on Page 7) • hatch oU the craft. l ing car. I chartt>r membt>r of th<' :'\C'\\'(l<lrt Nr. Vau9bD was _,__._ ... •- lfOftlllbM fo&o a abc-year t.na. Mabel C m • R ti• , . 25 y f Oty Se • he·~~~~; tl~~u:r~~g~~~o~b~~:~l ::!:' Nr. Glau. wW..,. U m1ngs e res • ears 0 I rYI(e ~h~ .~:~~r~:~:~~h~ea~~~~~.:~~~~ s .. --- more than 300 pounds. A Sp4'C'ial . I Briles flrt•11 A quarter eentery of aervlce.tor When she flrst came here ue activity. For the put 14 years 7 feot coffin had to tx> obtaint>d worked for about five years In she lived at 406 E. Bay Ave., by the morticians T1 c •• ci .... 'lll•l the 1. A. Beek office on Balboa Balboa. She hu two brothers, Survh·ors Include h is widow, ls.land. She w as with the Fellx Ra lph H. Downln• of Santa Ana Mrs. Loui!K' Vaughn, and a son. Modjeska rnl estate office for and Rolland F. Downtnc oC Donald, at the home address. 901 about a year and then dld 80me Lotus. Callf. VIctoria Ave., Costa Mesa. and work for the Bank of America In When Mrs. Cummlnp started two grandchildren. RIC'hard and Lone Beach. On May 1. 1930, she her city work In 1S30 the cUy Sandra. C'htldren of thE' latf' Lt. beaan working for the City of population was ~ and the u-Phlhp Vaughn, an Alr Corps palot Newport Beach. aea.sed valuation wu $14.000.000. who 't\'U kiUed In a plane crash '1 was here when they had all Her city work grew over the In Louisiana In 1~8 Anot her ttw.e bonda on Lido lale, .. Mrs. years to handle a population of .on, Frank Jr .. dlf'd at the age of Cummlnp said Ln descrlblnt the nearly 1 000 with an aaaesRd three months. work durlna her early days with valuation of 152.000.000. tnterment wa o; In Harbor Rt-st the clty. "'Jboee big ones." Street In a letter of f~l to the Memorial ~k Parkes. Ridley a.nd ..wer bonds under the state city Mrs. CummJnaa wrote: Mortuary Ch~l was In charge 1911 aet occupied .mucb of her "After June 1 I wlll no lo'oce-ol &rraJlC"ements. tltne, keeplna recorda. .stdJn• be a cJty "'"'nJo-.-u t.bat b ""u bUu out and rec:wdlnr ~ -----.... ,,. •av tiona. Sbe apent moct o1 her t.1me retl.remeot elate. on tMn Clt:Y 'J'rH.8uJw 1. A. '"Jbe 25 YMtl l"ve bee\ wfth Gant'a bond boob and later took t.be dty have been bu.y Abd tft. ON' tiM • taz boob. ~-I bave ...., ma.QY ' • ..... II PJI,I&I Ftr .......... .. Newport firemen came roaring up to the building of Counctlman Gerald Bennett at 1501 W. Balboa Blvd.. N~rt Be-ach, a t 10:09 a.m. last Thursday In rt"Spon.ae to an alarm that the building was on nre. An Interior Incinerator In the building was smokJn1 and a nf'lghbor had giwn the fire alarm. Fllemen returnf'd to t.belr stations llsttne the run u a ~lesa call. ......... .... )(}S. l&Mt s. GrUBda (II -Vla bwnna. Udo 1e1e. bu ftle4 nJt b eta..... .._. O.UI• • fAa. TWO 'vWithe41 ...wr. • ~. Ill ttl. Or ., N.wpett ,.._., C.Uf. Offloe elt4 ,C.tlttt ,._.._,. ttl. WI'! IWWIII9o 2110 I. c:...t ~ey, C...... 4el .,..,, Meditlt ....,._t 2110 L C.... ......... ,. C... 4el MM, C.IH01t1le TEUPHONISt HAt'-lt14 _. 1111 MlMIY OF THE , CAU~ItNIA NEWS,APII PUIUSHIIS ASSOCIATlON ~ of tt.. NATIONAL EDITORIAL ASSOCIATON AltVO L HM'A ~----Edttw e..d ,~ ,1$ HM'A-----·-...,.·-----·--· ._..Jete IW!tet HU~H ~MILLAN -r M.wt ....,...,.,._. MitT L. JOHNSON_____ ..All_.... Dlnictor SAW MITCHEU ,y,...,..,.., ~ ltUIY STEVENSON_____ _ ....... ,_ • • • T\e NEWPORT HAUOit ENSI&N lies ~ ........... te 1M a ..... ,.,., of ..-eJ eJrcvletiOfl by iu4tm .... ef tM S.,.n.t c..rt eft4 M ,.._ ....,... It qvellfiM to puWI.ll an puWlc ...tic.. ......-... by lew • • · ~ EnteNCI •• »coM Cle• Mettw 1ft rite ,_. Offloe at C...... 4.f War. C.llf. SUISCIImON IATIS Local ..tMcrtpno~~ , .... : r-,..., ••-,...,.._. .. OvtsWe ef tMH~,._.:T-~7.00:-,_. t4.GO 'A I I I?~ "1;;;,· I I~: I .... I I h ' • <· e GOOD SAMARITAN Now and then the re happens a deed of just ploin old fashioned helpfulness that keeps up our faith in our fellow man. This deed happened Saturday when we were heading toward Los Angeles on the Freewoy, our ca r loaded he avily with High School Galleons being transported to the Bookbinde rs. One poor overloaded tire gove up with a bang, and there we were by the side of the Free- way. and only a holf an hour to go to moke the delivery deadline. To make motters reel dark, the tire wrench appeored to be among the mtssong. At that low moment, o car pulled up near us on the roadside. A young Negro stepped out end asked what was the trouble ... and proceeded to get the jed from his car. crank up the busted tire, and put on the spore. ''I don't want anythin g for what I did," he said. He was Harry Whitaker of Los Angeles. " clothes presser and on and off musician. He said, · Anyone who drives o car shouldn t get his nose up in the a ir," meaning that you shouldn t p4ss up a guy in d is- tress. becouse it could be you next time. Thank you, Mr. Whi taker- a friend in need. • • • eCINERAMA While in Los Angeles. we finally manoged to see c;neroma.' It's not perfect, by any means, because those three projectors don't exactly g ibe properly. ond there ore those untidy spots where the pictures meet. But it's certainly spectacular -beginning with the scary roller-coaster ride ond ending with Paul Montz's plene ride across our mognificent U.S.A. The pieces we have see!' before we enjoyed the most: Edinburgh Castle in Scotlond, the canofs of Venice, the o~re Aide, Washin9 ton, D.C., Grond C anyon, the Rockies. You better see it. • • • e THE FISH FRY The Coste Mesa Fish Fry certainly grows apoce . Big stride for- wor-d this year was ta~ing it off the d usty street and putting it on the green grass of Coste Mesa Park. Sure fire hit wos the boby po- rade and the beauties d dn i do ony harm either. However (add sour ~ote). 1! is not pleasant to contemplate that the Fish Fry ts more and more getting the spirit of Las Vegas ... W l-eels of fortur-e ot Vegas were not one whit different. e•cept maybe in ti-e amount of the bettong. Some goes for the Midway at our C ou"!l Fa or, W h'c.h woy a re we heading? Native Daughters to Elect Officers, Observe Birthday Election or officers for t he Con I was Instituted on J une 3. 1947. chita Parlor 294. Native Oaugh wlll be celebratt>d In a special ters n f the Golden West, will be party planned by Mrs. Rudolph held Thursday at the Costa Mesa 0 . Peterson and Gloria Delmar Amt>rlcan Legion Hall. The birth Place. day of the Conchita Pa rlor. whkh Nom inations submitted to the Donald Hovis OfCDMWed Donald U>e Hovis. son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hovis of 709 Iris Ave .. Corona del Mar, took Miss Rt>nef' CamiJIP Moorhead as h is witt> at a double rlni ceremony performed in late afternoon by Rev. Da llas Turner of the Com munity Presbyteria n Church of Laguna. Miss Moorhead Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Moor. head of Laguna. Among t he many attt>ndants at the weddln&' and the reception following was Miss Barbara Earl ot Udo Isle In charge of the weddlng glfta. The young couple wUJ Jive at Her mosa Beach following a San Francisco honeymoon. lorlaFIIItiS.fa Sallllc ••• , , ... group at the May meeting are: Mrs. Peterson. president; Andre Lay. first vice president; M a r y Alice Muncy, second vice.presl dent; Mrs. Robert Wllson. third vice. president; Mrs. Harold Cra ham. secretary; Mrs. John Jacob sen, treas urer; Mrs. L. B. Ber geron, flnanrlal secretary; Mrs. Jack Wilson. marshal; Mrs. Bill O'Keefe. Inside sentinel; Mrs. Chester Pollard. Mrs. Darwin Tate and Mrs. Helen Collins. trust~. Conchita Parlor memben held a picnic last week on Wednesday at Mojeska Canyon at the home ol Mrs. Tate. Prospective mem. bers were Included in the party. Members and guests visited the Tucker bird sanctuary alter the picnic. .. , .•• lrs.S., lick tr.lrlz•• Trill Returnlne from a one-week va cation trip to Arlzona are Rev. ~tnd Mrs. Donald G. Sapp of Bal- boa Island. The local mJn1ster and his wlte spent last week vt.. ......, WAIWDA'fa Jb, _. Nn. CUff Lloebcnpr _.. laold1D9 • I .. -tJae o ._ of the Cllllli~ ce.Mbi'Citioo at Lilli ...... Cllltewoll ....... at 110'7 E. C:O.t IIJ9b~. CoroDa dll --. at&,.,.. &a • ,_. ....-t of tbe Corcloa del lieu lual- -Arrdd• a. ... -bl9 caaalw•_,l eaJe for today. to-• n .. _.I IE&&(. C..... l'beto) (JALLINGQQ e BAZADS Maybe you think that writing a fis hing rolumn Is a good way to grow old gracefully. U you'll stick around a minute I'll te ll you why It Is a nything but. Every time It seems like I'm in clover, something happens and In come the animals-Los Toros. too-and there I stand with my little pic· colo! e llECEJfTL T Ta kt> Monday morning, for ex ample. My schedule wasn't too furious, so Mamma and I took a tour around the landings. The purpose, aaJde from the recrea. Uonal aspects of talking about fishing. was to deliver some pic tures from the recent Co~a­ Uon O"f aboard the Gypsy, cour- tesy ol the Newport Harbor Sport. tia.ben AMOCJaUon. First atop ... Port o....n.-. OUr we1corM was cordJal, to understate lt. 'Jbe verdict ot Pete Barrett and as- sociates was that the pictures wer~ tine. the WTite-up was won. derful and why not come back again soon. We left there feeling all the wa rmth of good ol' Cali fornla sunshine. Next stop was Strlcker-Tucker Marine. where Cy Tucker. the N.H.S.A. prexy, hangs out. Cy was out. so we mailed the pictures- the ones with the queens, and Cy grinning broad enough to grin down any b'ar this side ot Ten fused. To add to It, a squadron ot local seagulls went Into a bomb- Ing run. I got under the roof ot the tackle shop just In time to hear the leader say. "Aim for hls bald spot." And as I reached In my hlp pocket for a cigarette, I discovered that somehow I had acquired a well-dried ronky-donk. (TyQeSetter: You get the ronky- donJC for spelling It "ponky.donk" In last w~k's column; they're sUil klddJn1 Chlll about it.> e Jn'STEft SOL VEJ) 1 faced Betty Fink and said, "Betty, what's cookln' around this boat nursery? Every time 1 was ever here before, I was old man sunshine. This time. you might think I'd been playing plng.pone with a pole pussy. Let me in on the Reftt ol how not to keep friends and adv~rwly lnt1uenoe ......! .. .Betty quit dustin&' tbe apoofers and the homocldes. Then she looked me rf.&'ht In the eye and said. "Do you ever read your col umn?" This. naturally, caught m e wtth my bifocals full of wheaUes. I guess I s.s sorta s-s stuttered a nd said. "Why~ure. Sure I do! <Like ~-Gobel says.) Why!" "Well. said Betty. as she shined up a Sllallex rod, "how come you llsted all the la ndings In New port ln your last w~k's column and never even mentioned Dav nessee. ey's Locker!" e DAVEY'S POCKET I could f~l that turkey-neck Next step was alm06t hallowed color creeping up unders ide of ground. I always feel especially my new hair cut. "Let's see the chipper when I blow Into Davey's paper." wu all 1 could muster. 1 not Crockett) Locker, the home It wasn't there. all right. I tried of the Finks, the Beard a nd the to crawl under the dinghy with Sea biscuit. I No favorites being the coiJie, but there wasn't room. played. !e lias. but I've just gone ~let's face it-1 just blurted fishing oftener from there.) I had out: ''I'm sorry. I don't see how I the picture In my hand before ... Tell Chill I'll do better .. . the old Ranc h Wagon squea ked next time ... really sorry ... " to a stop. "'Wonder what new tale Then 1 heard a queer sound. It ol' Davey has up hls sleeve to was the 80Und ol hums.na--Jaugh day." 1 thought. lng. Betty was lauehlng. Davey We dismounted. Davey's old was laughing. And the tint collie dog spied ua. He knows me thing you know I was Jaughtne. so well t hat he usually romps The old coUie came out from un right up and gives me the big der the dJnghy and waeged hia ta ll wa g. But today he warbled big bushy tall. The little tox what sounded much like a growl came over and licked my wound, and hid under a dinghy. I telt a tug at my pocket. Th~n "Funny!" I said to Mamma. 1 saw a seagull take of1 waving "They must be keeping him on a an ancient ronky-donlt. And all fish diet." I 0 H of a sudden, the 1un wu ahinine. Then aaw avey. e was sit-ting In a truck bed. chewln' the Mamma and I eot In the Ford. fat with DfJn McCallum. who Is ,I was just reachJne for the key In the fiahlne tackJe business. ~hen Davey came over. He aaJd, Don gives a blr, "Lone time no Doc. did J tell you about my see," JIJce 1 was a lone lost res-Mexican friend who died trom a ervatlon brother. But Davey acta like I'm a plumb stranger or a damyanltee walldnt down flow. ers on Jeff Davts's ,rave. e M1'STEft COW I 1M OED "Real strange," I said to Mam- ma. ''Never 1aw old Dave act that.a-way." ''Maybe It's hls ralJ bladder or .omethlng," ahe ventured. hav. A report that a boy on a n Inner tube had dlsappeared whtle float- in&' at sea ott 7000 W. Cc:ean Front. Nnrport Beach, at 1:30 p.m . Sunday broueht Newport Beaeh Ute euards naablnJ to the lttne their famUies in Phoenix~ .... -- and Chandler, Ariz. The couple attended a JO.yea.r ------ Barbara Merrll. l3, of ruiiC'r· ton, was rucued from ~ble drowning ln the .urt ott MOO Sea- ah ore Or., Wat Newport, by Jade Swl'nson, 19, ol Lone Beach, at 4 :17 p.m. Sunday. 'Jbe Fullerton ~ltl wu swim- mine with Peter Stemple, 1.5, of Yorba Linda. The Yorba Llrlda boy told pollee that when they Mta r1 cd to swim In, Barbara start- ed y~lJing that abe could not tnRke It ln. He attempted to help hf'r unt il the Long Beach boy arrlvrd and all t.hr~ made It aKhore. They were both taken to ~01 Sf>ao;hore Dr, where they WNP vos•ttnJ!. LlrP gu ards caUed t•J thP st·cr.e pr:Jvic1~d oxygen tor the girl. IIKW .usmEMT of the Costa N..a Uoaa Clubb Bruce Mar- tiD (CibGtn). N..a luurcmce broiiiN cmd dty CDUDdllllcm. .. eacc.edl Walter lliller. Otlaw ..., offlcas _.. A1 09- dea. flnt ..SC..pne.kleetJ Jad: eoa Satta.rlcad. MCOIId nce-...-acs-t: ~ ...,.... tlall'd .a.~ t'...-t ,. ..... MCJetary: Fnlalr ll.ra-. ~ .-. Aa!Jrey U,. .-4 Det.c 11-...a. cae ..-dlledon1 'ftMo llobl-. edlw of o.. baJ. letla: Doaald Butts. Uoatamer: Vic Caroaaa. tcdltwtetw. ln.Fr~~cesDI­ IIIalllplfl4 MIL ~ Cooper Dellone, 8t, mother ol Mrs. Loretta D. La. det ot Costa Mesa. pused away at thelt home lune 4· after an extended Ulness. Mrs. Oellone had lived In Costa Mesa at 753 W. 19th St .. for thr~ monttul and In California for 12 years. She was a na tive of Oma ha . Besides Mrs. Ladet. she Is survived by a dauehter, Mrs. Ce· cella Watson of Arcadia. and two sons. W. A. Oellone of Los An- geles. and Fred Oellone of Da l las. Baltz Mortuary was In cha rge of the funeral services held In their Costa Mesa Chapel on Monday. LEGAL K011CES KOTICE OF .VBUC BEAJUifG Notice is hereby elven that the Planning Commission of the City of Newport Beach will hold a public hearing on the appllca tlon of Mrs. Wilma Q. Walter Patton for a variance. No. 223. to permit: Requesttne 56' Front Set- back, where only 35' maximum ls permitted, on Lot 10 and ~ of 12, Block 328. Tract Corona del Mar, located at 408 Avocado Avenue. Notice Is hereby further elven that said public hearlne will be held on the 16th day of lune, 1955, at the hour ot 8 P.M. In the Counctl Chambers ot the Newport Beach City Hall, at which time and place any and all per80na lntereste<l may appear and be heard thereon. RAY Y. COPELIN, Secretary, Newport Beach City Plannin~ Commlalon. . . ...,., ......, .... 'I'""" allldl• ............. -.....n ........ ~.. •••• , .. tbe .....ua ~ ••• ..., .. ...... C... ..... ILA&•CJ• Jll7 L C...t • .. --------=··r, .~ .... -......... .. ... ncllrlr .... ~ AMD r::l4ltiGe ad=·· .. tM Or-... o..tJ.. I II , ~oc:IMIIIL ( . .....) La!llt week I predicted that the City Council had tlllJred out a way to balk the wUJ ot the prople In the matter of the ad- vertising fund. 'Jbe plan: to leavP the tax at 4 cents. raising $20.800. and spend 80me of It to advertise our city, holdln&' back $7.000 to be used In celebrating our having existed !50 years In spite o( the city councils of the past. This city needs advertising like a n Eskimo needs a bathing s uit. A ~nd example of the vote of the people being Ignored Is the service of colJection ot muse a t the ex~ ot the general ta x. which Is ol coune a direct load on the taxpayer. J ask you to name a city ol 5.000 population or over In the State of California that &"lves this service tree to Its business firms. Here Ia a tanetble service that ca.n be measured and chareed tor by the amount of aerv1ce required. e CILUCa AUTIIOUDD Let's &'0 back a little Into the history of thla abuse. which re- sults from lack of honest action by the CouncU. ot the past. An ordinance was pused In 1963 au. thorlzlne a cba.ree tor the aervice ot reroovtna trub aftd J'&rb.,.e. The COQndl, after exbauatlve e • • Confirmation aervtees for 11 youne people wDJ taJce place Sun- day at the 11 a.m. .erv1ce ot Newport Harbor L u t h e a r n ChuTch. Members ot the class. who have completed two years ot inatruc. tlon, are ICay Miller. Ann Stan. ley, Carol Ropey, Cary and DI- an~ FeJibaum, Charlotte McCann, Boee Marie Ru~er. Karen Tollef- IOn, Phllllp Mackey, lohn Kesel and WUUam Trlany. roue. Chief Arthur Mad.enz:le of co.ta Meu will talk on "'Co- operaUon In Law Enforcement" at the meetln&' of the Aaoc:laUon of Unlveraallst Women at 1:30 c Harbor High Youth Wins 3rd MN. ,.,.. ...,.; , • ., c.a In Realtors' Essay Gontest :;-~.:: :n=.. _,.:.!: O.ul• Ike ot Newport ffar. Slftce the famll1 II ~e baate tn- Oua•tnet. Who .....,_. lut '"* b« Jltlh khool won third place .utudon oC our lfatlon, we ean b'OIII 0. J'iM • ~ lD tile -Y c:lOittM on ""Nhy I bat Wt our eountry ln Ita que.t the dty of !f..!!!,_ __ t of "!&nt to own ltlJ' own home," few ~ by mencthenlnc the --..-~ --·· ~..,.ed bJ Oran .. C.O.bt)' homa. 'nlll can be done by .m. In::,.,~~-.:-:~ realtors. Winner wu ~ 'ray. coaraa1nr home OWl\ersbJp a,e. Calllomla ,..de.Dt all but a1x lor of Santa Ana, and Happy CC2UM of the manifold actvan. mon\M of her Ute. She wu eJtl· :lcl of Laauna Beadl wu llf!e. taa-which It brtnp. ployed fOil a nu.mbft ot years ~ ln the f1nt place, thfn Is a the bridquamn of the Auto Here II Charles ~ eMay: certaln pr1de tn ownership which Club ot Southern CaJtlornla In -.raT 1 WAJIT TO OWII captJvates everyone. Thls Ia evl· Loa Anrelet. 111' OWII BOlO'" den<!ed by the tact that the mo.t Her huaband, Herb Alexander, pleuant and attractive .ecttons Ia em p 1 o y e d at Boatswain's 8T c:IMIIr'-.._ ot a city are the areu where Locker pn Marlnera Mile In New. "Out of small brleka. peat each family owns Its home, port. towen are buUt." CertatnJy ereat rath« than the rental dlatrlct. A aecompllshments ARE Ute oumu. family that can saya, "We are lattve results bf amal1 efforts. rolna to plant a new flower aar- A *>0. Michael Gene. was born The unprecedented 1rowJb of the den In our Nc:kyard." Ss expe-J. IOJf POll na&llfl to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Perk United States ls, In peat part, enclnr a joy which th<*: who the result of the lnflu.nce other have no home of thdr own are or ~ Mol'li'0\1a St., Costa Mesa, many lnatltution.s. And the one denied A poet has said, ln Hoar Memorial Hospital on tn.tttution whlcb towen tar "Happy the m.an whoee wlsh IJ'r~lidiayi,iMiiiayiii20i.iiiiiliiil .. iiiiiiiialaoviiieiithieiioithieniiililaiithieiifamiiiUifly. and care. a few paternal acres bound. C;ontent to breathe hJ.a native * * * "30 YEARS• EXPERIENCE IN QUALITY WORK .. e DRY CLEANING . e KNIT BLOCKI~ e DYEING e HAND PRESSING e LAUNDRY SERVICE e ALTERATIONS, REPAIRING * WE FUTURE * c.it.l ef All * DIIUC&ft PUIDC:S * a&ADED CIDd LACE caaJIDTI * ....... 1312 * ,... ....... ., •. " .. * ()pee I CLID. tD SziO p.a., latardcly, a.t:ao p.m. S. E. c..t lhry .. .,.. ,._lair. c-delMar air, In hla own ,round." Then too, a famJly can work u a unit on projects that they have In eommo~ether It ls palntJnc the front porch green or dfutnt a flahpond ln the gar. den. Pethaps the greatest ben~t afforded b the feeling of se. curlty. The famtly puts Ita roots down. Instead of movln~ about, trylnJ to find a better com- munity, the family endeavors to make Its own communJty better. They say a man's home Is his cutle; and I feel sure that we can produce better famiJies and more atable l n d i vI d u a I s In castles which are our own .rather than in those which are bor- rowed. In recoanltion of outstanding academic records and student leadership, a scholarship to the University of Southern Calltornia, be~lnnln~ with the September term. has ben aranted to Arlene Huff of 431 lrvtne Ave., Newport Heights. who Is graduating this week from Newport Harbor High School. a ••••cz 1110am (....._), ............ ......., .... n_._.,.._ •• ,pwt.._. car c---u a. aae ... ,..._ ............... ..,u.s a... 'Of.IMio ......... ... a-doll ....... tint .tc.J~~N& ct.t: a-.. Ellcboa. .....s .tc. ......... t; ·--llcld£. '-d. tla.lrd .. .. 'te.b , ... Koaltrop. .0 twt.W1 m.. t«tneM U. --.: Doa Cartdl.. ..aetoay; aw Ta"•cm. tN•iiJW:. ... ~-... dade Kldry .............. . NT CID4 C. L Edward&. Junior Fishing Tourney Is On The annual Junior Flshermt>n's Tournament sponsored by the Balboa Angling Cl ub got under way Saturday and will continue until Aug. 21. It Is free for all boys and girls under 16 year<~ of age. There will be trophies for the largest tlsh. A junior champion wiJl be selected on the basil" of the largest variety of edihlf! flsh caught. The champ wlll receive a brand new outboard motor and many additional prl.z.es. The tournament will come to a grand climax on Saturday, Aug. Z7, when the big Ice cream p.uty and trophy award will be held. This party will be Cree to all entrants. • The univeralty scholarship ls Boys and girlll who wish to valued up to full tuition of enter the tournament can re~­ $2800 for four years of college lster w1th local tackle stores and training, being renewable an., landings or at the Balboa Ang nually upon completion of satls-ling Club. Rules and regulations factory work. are available at these locations. TilE BOILACE * * • • ..._ Nl ' I pam and both tucben were Jeintw .li-I tCI!IIIIIt8 tMt a...ppy. tbe top ..... ..,. ... P'b Ia • • • .,.,.....,.. ha~ lltUtM tiM e co.niCIL &UlOIOIDrDe ~e :.a~ and~ At Student Co\lnc:U tht. w~k. dldr are fint ., ta.r. Pat Walbr recommendatlona to next year's and Pat H~ placin• .e. councll were made alon~ with ond. 141u Jo Anft llecord and the accompU.shmenta of this year Pete Myers, M.lu Ietty Smith mentioned. Some of the recom. and Norman 8tUJwell Cteeclten) mendatlons were: the use ot a are partners and play alaJ. bulletin boa:rd for ~~ehool actlvi- • * * saiOOLREM for councU mem~; planned end-of.yea.r tz1p f« deMrvtftl' counclJ membert; ~ted and oraanllled .three ttint Mow u. 8emblles; lnve8tlrated db~ auch aa the Navajo lndlan prob- lem. etc.; 8dected two of the natJonal assemblies to be pre. sented next year; proposed and passed three am.mdments t.o our constitution; conducted a "10 top tunes•· poU; had exchanae v1slta with Costa Mesa Co u n c 11 : changed election procedures; and passed a proposal to create a stu. dent gol! club with teacher spon. sors. Next year's student aovern- ment will be run as a City's is. • • • Lut week on WedneldaJ nlcht ties; more duties tor the office of after school. the pis played v1ce president; a aubllertptlon to thelr second bfr .aftball ••me. the EnsJan paper along with a Third period played aewnth wlth historian amon~ whose duties thlrd wlnnln~ slx to five. They w111 be to k~p all the school's were led by their able captaln articles; voUn~ wlJI be contlucted Helen Matthews. Seventh periods In election bootha (to be bor- captaln was Martlyn Bowler. It rowed from the city I; voting will was a ~ood rame all around. be conducted during lunch peri-e PJCJOC Davis Pope, nen yeat'a student oda and before a nd after achool. The Student Council picnic wu body president. and Patty Jones. Instead of ln homerooms; you wonderful Forty-two kid& and next year's secretary-treasurer, must be a re~lstered voter to be two teachers went by bus to shared the job of umpire. Judy able to vote (you re~lster when Knott's Berry Farm. Arrlv1ng at Colllns was scorekeeper. you buy your student body one:thirty. kids In -ou,... of two • • • cards 1: and minor other recom. ... r - da I to slx took of1 for various parts e PAJIEWELL COIICEJIT men tons. of the Farm. Arthur Christenson At the music concert Thursday The activities and accomplish· and M.l.sa Jo Ann Record were night, a aurprlae ending wa.a menta of thl.s y9J"s Student the chaperones. There wu quite staged. Aa the advanced band Council are: set up a 8Chool ac. a bit ot eating candy, drinking completed ita Jut number to end t1vlty calendar; purchased fit. root beer and rtdlng the traln the concert, MJ.sa Norm.a Perkins teen new basketball unltorm.s; that day. I bet all we-e tired u turned to the band to have them published these articles, thanks they assembled at four:fitteen to stand for a bow. But Instead, to the Ensign paper; conducted take the bua back home. Boys cards heJd hJgh th.rouJh the lost and found day; lunch money wore regular school clothes and band were held. which read commlttH<; purchased student girls wore pedal pushers. "Good Bye For Now, Dear Miss I council pins; conducted yell. Thanks to the klnd bus driven, Perkins." As the startled director leader try outs and elections; set who had to put up wlfh the stood still for a moment, the up seven new committees; spon. noise, water pistols and many chorus of "For she's a jolly good .::so;;;;;r;;;;;ed;;:;;:d;;;;;a;;;;;n;;;;;ce;;;;;;;;;;;se;;:;;:t;;;;;u;;p;;;po;;;;;l;;;;;n;;;;;t ;;;;;s;;yst;;;em;;;;;;;;;o;;th;;er;;;;;;;g~a=d=g~e;;ts.;;;;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;::;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;, fellow'' sprang up and the audi. r ence applaud~d wildly. Then as Mrs. Joseph Carver asked James Fitzgerald to come to the floor to accept a glft. the slana ot "Good Bye" shot up again and "For he's a jolly good ft>llow" filJed the auditorium. Mr. Fitzcerald. not content to just stand there, directed the band., much to the delight of the audi ence. It was a wonderful pro Mrs, Barber Dies at 66 Services were held Friday at Baltz Mortllary, Costa Mesa Chapel. toT Mrs. Marian Leonard Barber. 66. wife of the owner of Barber's Bootery In Costa Mesa.l Mrs. Barber dled May 31 alter a suddt>n illness at her resldenc-~ ' 316 Broadway. Sht-had worked at tht> store that morning, com. plained about slight IJJness at See ''SUNBEAM'' Products Demonstrated DURING OOB BIG ANNIVERSARY SALE SATURDAY, JUNE 11~ RECORD CROWD ATTENDS noon. and stayed at home during the afternoon. Death came about 1 4:30 p.m. from a heart attack. Larser bowl-fit beaten for h&sber, lighter, fioer·tex· rured aka. Saves rime, artDWorlt. CHURCH.L.Q¥.AJ.T¥ [)I She bad Uved In Costa Mesa ~l-'ll;a~NII-= ~~ ~~-~~;e=~ Y out days of educational preparation art over, and many ol you will enter immediately the arena oE business, or prof~), life. Whatever you do, a clear-cut goal will hdp you. And savmg money should aid you to reach that goa). We invite you to back your ambition. with a stcadiJ_y-built sal'ings account in this bank. * lewport Harbor · Bank ........ The Loyalty Dinner of Newport Harbor Lutheran Church, held May 18 to explaln the S65.000 building campaign ot the church. was attended by more than 200 adults. In addition, 55 children were entertained and fed at the Lutheran Church ltael1. The dinner was .erved at the Costa Mesa Mt>thodlst Church by the circles of the Methodist Church under the dlrectJon of ------------Mrs. Ruth Barnett. Musical en- JfO'nCZ OP SEALED am SALE Notice llJ hereby ~ven that sealed bids wlll be received up to 2:00 p.m., June 17, 1955. for the aa.le of scrap iron and other junk metal to the highest bona. fide blddeT on a per pound bub. Bids must be accompanied with a 10% Cashier's Check deposit ot the total amount of the bid. such deposit to be retained by the school district should the hl~h bidder retuae to take delivery within the tlme specl{led and ln the manner set forth In the bid form. Materials tor sale may be inspected at the college by con- tactlnl the buslness omce be- tween the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.. Monday thru Friday. Slped: B. H. PE'TERSON Sec:retary. Board of Trustees PUbllab: lune 2, 9. 1955. In the Newport BarboT Ensflft. tertainment was prov1ded by Danny Arthofer and RJchard El· llot. and a program presided over by Roy McCardle was prftflnted. Included were tallu by Mr. Mc- Cardle on "The Canvass;" Don- aJd Wedeking on. "Tbe History of Our Church;" Franklyn Hruza on, "Our Need;" James Hayden on. "Our Plan;" Ed~ar Mann on, "How To Make A Pledge" and closing remarks by Pastor Robert B. Gronlund. Presiding at each table as hostesses were Mesdames Betty Carnett. Chairman; Helen Burk- hardt, Clara Prlgee, Mae Robin- son. Rachel Wedeking. Ann Hruza, Betty McCauley, Dorothy Stanphill, Vir~e Kahre. Alyce McCardle, Margaret Neuman and Mlss Lewelynn Hruza. Dinner ar- ran~ent:s tor the cbUdren were handled by Mrs. Elalne Walker. Inside tip: 1'.1 •IaLLY MODI •• HOMI RAI a• aLL•IIICftiC IIIICHI. choose the "k>ok"you lih .•• I o.ac. •••fw'ssl 1ft feahlring oJl..electric ~incoliJrl See them 70QIIIIf •* Ia{'' I'• lnn1r .. 2 .-tllofB......_ae.dl •WIIowtu.. .... oflrwMo' 1& ........ two ....... of BfctaWQ& MocWBar ....... 111'8'11 Jlut! az.au• ,._,.. .... cam, • .., .. ~ .. ..., ............ . c ~ Sbe wa.a a natlve of Lake City. Minn. • She la survived by her b us- band. Harry E. Barber; two sons. Donald Barber ot Costa Mesa and Major lohn Barber. serving with the Army In ~nv11le. Miss.; and slx gnndchJldren. WET rumm aDCUED no•v~ aAT Hls friend. Ronald Earl of Huntington Beach. was marooned on a sand bar ln upper bay In I a disabled boat. was wet and about ~n stitt. Daniel E. Webb or Glendora notified New. port pollee at 1:23 a .m . last Thursday. The harbor depart ment was notifled and reported that thelr boat dl'f!'W too much water to ~ Into the back bay. A pollee car was sent to the uppet" bay road, whet'@ omc..-en met Mr. Webb, who reported that his trlend had ~n remowd by *>me party ln a boat. ~ IIEII TAD nAil. LEAVE IT AT DOCJr Newport poU~ could not locate thn:e s u s p I c I o u s men who moored a n1ne foot salltnr pram I at the Hirth Harbor dock and dis. appeared at 11:22 p.m. Saturday. I The pram was equlp_ped with an 1 outboard motor. The owner of the pram. not listed by pollee. claimed the cratt the next day at the harbor department and said someone had ta.ken bls boat without permission the evenlna before. SQUMISMAPI coou 20, MOll ..._..__.,_ NOW ONLY •1995 £a,.tHet m..au~~£ IMNUT CIIITIOliiAL II ..... Pcrlect controlled beat for more delicious foods by simply setting the dial No more cooking failures- everytbins is more deli- cious. Wstu tealed ekment. MOM IUt.U.M Gin Hm ~ --·.-& ~ <OOIII&Mitflftl It coob -ft = AMifiERSABY SALE DAYS ABE "-a.. Fri... & Sat..,_. .. 1& 11. .. ................... Pf'C 8udE Tbarftbu:J'I. eon of lim Thomburc. * J'lttMnth St., C.O.ta M.a. 1a now a member of the W7tb Trant~atJon Com- pany at Fort Edtb, V&. He en. tend the Army ln September, 1953, and eompleted bulc train- at Fort Peopi.havebeen wying ••• and b.lieving that YOU Cll DO lEitER at WDflfllfC ESSAY wmTEBS lA the nceet AllllledCGD 1Ag10D Aa.xillary coat .. t a.re plctwed a.bon with the Awdllary ....-.atatJft. Top row. left to rigbtz WWJam Nu.uy. Mewport Belgbta; Mn. ClcrytOil ThomJ*)IL IA9loD Awdl- The Newport E 1 em en tar y 1ary ,......_tau ... Groce Ccutu. ·~ BeJgbta. 8ottoat rowa IUcbard Ccltbcart. lfew. pol'tt Martaa Don:ley. Mewporu aDd Weady Blcdr. 8aJboa blaa4. (OllenaaD •hoto) • school PTA and the Horace En- Reorganizing Meetings Held By Circles of 8.1. Church Elsie larll•oach'! YARN SHOP 'r/41 E. Coast lli9bWCI'f Coroaa del Mar BA 0857 Knitting. Crocheting and Needlepoint Supplies Knitting Bags Specialized Accessories and Instructions BOtniS Mon. thru Sat. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m . DIRECTORY sign School PTA groups will Four re-organlzatlonal meet-25 In the homes of members. It Is again combine forces and talents lngs for th .. clrcles of the Worn. first time that special names to sta ge the PTA Carnival, which en's Society of Chrl.sUan Service have been given to the groups. w111 be held In the fa ll at the Ensign School grounds. of the Balboa lslan'd Community One additional group has also New Ideas are being planned Methodist Church were held May been added. In addition to the many old Martha Circle, of which Mrs. favorites-the Mad Hatter booth, F I s • Cornelius Donker Is chairman, the White Elephants, and the a m•l y ervtce met at 9:30 a.m. e t the home of Post Otrlce. where patkages from Mrs. Ted Hauser, W.S.C.S. presl- all over the country and from Assn. Formed dent. They include Mmes. Carl other parts of the world will be Hllgren, William Bowles. Steve round. A planning meeting was held Harbor Area residents have Smith, Robert Ibbotson, Edward recently at the home or Mrs 11. been named to offi cial positions Fruehan. Hub Powers. Rufus Ed- D u r w ood Young, ways and on the newly organized FamUy wards. Bertha Pinkha m and Della means chairman for the Ensign Service Association of Orange 1 Carrell. School PTA. County by Mrs. Edward Hall of Ruth Circle met at 9:30a.m. at Attending the met>tlng were. Santa Ana, president. from Horace Ensign PTA, Mrs. Mrs. Robert K. Walker of Lido Joseph Carver, president. and Isle has been named to the Mrs Norman Watson, 1954 551 Board of Directors. Mrs. Challen Ways and Means Chairman; F. Landers of Balboa Is chairman from Newport PTA, Mesdames of the Finance a nd Budget Com- Jack Bradbury. president for mlttee. and Mrs. Joseph Kroll of 1954 55. Betty Reynolds, chair Costa Mesa Is chairman ot the m a n of Ways and Means 1954 55. Committee on Personnel. and Melvin Watson. present Mrs. Hall states that the or Ways and Means chairman. t anlzatlon is dedicated to the the ~orne of thelr chairman, Mrs. Wayne Hunter. Members are Mmes. Fount L. Lowe, Byron L. Nealy, Ches ter Eckert. George Bridgman, Lawrence Broering. Robert Bhllr, C. Douglass Ferry, Richard Hauser and Donald G. Sapp and Miss Isabelle Bowles. Mary Circle met at 12:30 p.m. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST well being of the family. It wUI MUSIC SCIENTIST provide professional family coun- llOl VI. lido, Newport leedl selling service. In the home of Mrs. Wayland Dunham. Mrs. Arthur Schenkel Is the chairman. New members In- clude Mmes. Roy Rickard, Leon- ard Hargrave, George Jones, Dick- erson G. Baker, Arthur Price, Har- ry Mekeel, Clarence Bowman, Margaret L Scharle A brench of the Mothe_r C!'u•c:"· The "Our objectives Include devel- Teacher ot Plano f il'lt ChurcJ. of Oroat, Scoentorl, '" eo.. opment of healthy lndlvlduaJ Qraanlst • Accompanist ton, Meu.chu .. ttL and family living the ~er-• Sun4ey School 9:15 e.m. • Ev~nJ,El.gaes Sv!WM Service tt:<IO.....,.. ment of economic and com. -W .. V. .............. .. ,. I Iltlllff .. IM,_., 307 COLDE!ntOD AVE. l..di119 1 Room roc..tect •• )]15 Vte support ot publlc: welfare agm. CGrona del Jrlar Lido, Newport ... ch. ;, o,_. __. cles. an~J le&ialatlon on behalf of ..__r_O_M-EUL--D-DI_E_cro _____ .J devs from tO:<lO e.m. to 5:<10 p.m~ social oleltare, and training of r--.:..:.:=.::==..::.:=;:.:..:.:::::;__., Wedr~e&d•vs from 10:00 e.m. to 7:45 soclaJ workers." Mrs. Hall sald. Friendly Neighborhood Service p.m. Fridey -ninqs from 7:<10 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Closed Holideys. Porkes-Ridley Mortuary The public It conlielly inYited to et· Formerly Grauel Chapel tend the church .. rvicet end u .. the AIOAJID •aOVISIOif lBO WlllJam D. Bearden, fireman, USN. son of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Bearden of 1980 Wallace Ave., Costa Mesa. Is aboard the provt. &ion stores ship USS Aludra. which Is enroute to the Far East for a six month tour of duty. 110 Broadway U 8-34.33 lr 8-3434 Costa Meu NOW ... TWO BALTZ MORTUARIES Serving the Harbor Area Baltz Mortuary CHAPEL BY THE SEA Harbor 42 3520 E. Coast Highway Corona del MClJ' Baltz Mortuary Liberty 8 -2121 17h & Superior. Costa Mesa AMPLE PARKrNG BOTH LOCATIONS JlfStnlAJf INSURANCE "Be Sure-Insure" WITH STANLEY INSURANCE AGENCY Phone Harbor 2474 3315 E. Coast Highway Corona del Mar Res. Phone, Uberty ~ 7315 R .. d;nq QIICI SEIVICE IOIJ.ER SHADES Standard S h a d e Cloths and Custom Specialties e Drapery H a r d w a r e e Venetian Blinds. ~~. s~uu~. g~.op I * ... Ide the * Call Put OWce BA ... ~ HDd St.. Mew-port Ieoda CUlL rOB McCOLLtDIS A daughter. was born to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd McCoUum of 1531 Orange Ave .. Costa Mesa. In St. Joseph Hospital on Memorial Day. A Classified Ad 1n The Ensign brinqs Immediate results! C oli Harbor 1114-1115 and orove itl A·l PLUMBING SPEClALIZES IK llE' A.DIS Day 4 lflgbt Watu llecrt.n Moder~~ '•••• Tools few Sewer & Still Stoppefet L • R I.DaaT'I' 1-1551 eWI5 055 =-=-= ~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! STROOT'S HARDWARE HOUSEWARES * Giftware * AppliancH * Painta 1a Mewpo.rt ••..,_ u a.sw. eo.ta ..... Loldll ............ .._ a-a Chrlstle. John Stoner, Grace Nub, Lona Grlttln, Juniata Ehlers and Martha Allen and Miss SeaJe Hazeltine. LydJa Circle met for a buffet supper at the home of Mrs. Clair B. Barnett. New chalrman ls Mrs. Walter Schmid. Members Include Mmes. Francis Riley, Arthur Kra. mer. Vernon Smith, Michael Carl. Clyde Shooter, Matthew V. WaJde. llch, Robert Lelnau, Robert Guen- ther, Otto Hoeg, Norman Grorud. Harold Fink and Richard Park and MIM Gene Dulin. TBU:E BOYS llf FJQBT Three boys, 8 to 10 years. ac. costed his grandchildren, vl.sltlng hlm over the week end, David G. Wlttlen of 413 Jasmine Ave .• Co- rona del Mar, notltled Newport pollee at 7:36 p.m . last Saturday. His grandchildren were playing In a va cant lot at the rear of hls home where one asked hls grand- son, 9, If he wanted to tight. When told no, they Jumped his grandson and wer~ ren oft when the grandfather came outside. V MDALS DAJIACE ROME Vandals broke Into a hor?\e at 4404 Chappel Pl .. Newport Beach, owned by MIss Lorna MUla of 43 Balboa Coves, and caused conald- erable damage Newport pollee reported Saturday. A mattress was cut up, a telephone was taken, and red paint was poured over a marine engine In a ltor- age room. PERHAPS THE YEUDW PAGES WILL HELP ME GET ACROSS FOR DfVING APPARATUS IT PAYS TO LOOK IN llif 'tl.ASSIAED" PART OF YOUR TREPHONE BOOK 'I'M .... CIM .... C... ....... ,_ . ...., ~ .................... •• T.A. ftla,...... ....... ... ........ ., ... .... l'l:b:zt••• .,. .. ,... Maar" ........ ,... AdoleiCIMit"' ••• -..t ,._ Ae- tm• ••• w ........... .,.. ~ tla.ll ....... Clledc:laudl ............... -tbe daDCle Oool wHit ... ............ 0,... A.Ua· Tille lf.T.L4n wW be ..... Cl p&caJc. '-By ..,... --' Tbunday. Ja.M II. Tbe ..... wW ... tiM e-ta ..... ,._k. IAIE , us PIOVE ITI ••• 11DI om-....., ..... -..... ............ ....,., ......... . ........... _, ........ .,... ..,. , ....... -.. JfftllWidlt .. '"" .. ,... .. __, ..... ....... ... ............................ . .._,. •• ..,....., ..... r--.• • STATE Fill liS. CO. ~DL Call u Today ••• Leonard E. Wells, aviation L E. CADJJI . W. L LAIUUI machinist's mate first class, USN, 133 E. l'ltla lt. eo.tc Jl..c~ u a.1111 son of Mr. and Mn. B. L. Wells "'zlll•••--••l!!!l!ll•li2SII!!!!I!I••••••••~ of 201 21st St., Costa Mesa. ls 11 ~rvtng In Alr Traraport Squad. ron 2, based at the Naval Air Station In Alameda. Well4, who reported to the Squadron May 12. entered the Navy ln March. l!K2, and re- ceived his recruit training at th e Naval Training Center, San Diego. He 1s married to the former MIM Bobble L. Phinney ot Corsi- cana, Tex. Before entering the service he was graduated from John Dewey High School ln Long Beach, and was employed by Douglas Aircraft there. You bring the lauDdry We do the work ••• NewLowPnc.. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT WASHEREIIE Light their life with fOith l/flt ST. ANDJIEWS ASSEMBLY Of' GOD PDIST aAPTIST ,..J;;.CII PaESITTEUA.Jif CBU'ICII 22Ad St. 4 Elde:l A""' C:O.ta Neeca Salata AaCI A.-.. at WaPoUcl 15th St. A St. Andrews Rd., I.Ibeny I.J71l Coeta ll..c~ CICI'OU f:roaa J114rb School •••read K. C:. Ooalc. Pastw a... •· G. Meama:DD Liberty I~ Sunday School: 9;30 a .m. Wor· Sunday Services: Peate.: Jln. JG~DM S. Stewart ship: 10:45 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. 9:45 a .m. Sunday School; U SUNDAY: Morning worship, 9:30 Young People and Chllc:lren'a ;un. Worship Services; 6:30 and 11 a.m . Church School Service, 6 :30 p.m. Sun. Mid· p.m ., Baptist Training UnJon; ·• • week Service· Wedn•day, 7:30 7:30 p.m., Evening Service. 9:30 and 11 :00; Sr. High Fellow-p.m. Ladies' 'Mtalonary Coun· Wednesday: 7:30 p.m., Prayer, ahlp, 7 p.m.; College age feJ. ell, Thursdays, 10:00 un. Praise and Bible Study. Mon· lowship, 7:30 p.m.; Thursday, day: 7:30 p.m. Men'a Chorla Prayer, study group, 9:30 a.m. SEVEXTII DAY AJ)VEJn'IS'l 1!: act it~ 8:30 p.m. Men'a OOIIIIUJfiT'l MlrTRODIST 420 W. lltll St.. eo.ta lleeca LJbel1y 1-4552 Mewport ••~ cat llolM St.. ayer g. •....-t ......t ta CIIDCB Or ova LADY u..ty a.UJI 01' 11'1'. a ... a. .... J..epaa w. llc:SbcaM Elder D. D. 1p1raWta4J I.Cl W • .._ ...._ lfewpo.t Saturday Morning Services: Sab· .,_. .. _ ·~· ......_..__ Sunday: 9:30 a.m., Church Sun· day School; 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Momln& WonbJ~7 p.m. College A&• MYF Seivtce -7 p .. m. HJ&h School MYF S«vvce; 7 p.m.. Suneraou.a Group Serv· Ice. bath School: 9:30 a.tn. -Ser· '"r':U:. ,...:.::;-mon: 11:00 a.m. Prayer m eet· A-. lng: Wedn.c!ay, 8:00 p.m. P'rl· Sunday Muree: 1:00 aad 10:00 day Evening Vapen: 8:00. and U :30 a.m. Cont-.lon: Sat· ur~ya and ev-. ot ~ rrtda711 aDd Holy ~ .... 4:00 to 5:30 ~ ud ftaiD '7:30 to I:JO = X..UOaa.flnt M o ::~~<1:'-.:=f ~~p~ CBOKII of 1M •uaaara ............ c... .... ...... .... a.. ......... .. .... US • -I La It I-JIG IOSO Chn:ta II.. C.... .._. Sun~ S.W.: 1ue4Q' Moo!. LD•tt a.m1 9:80a.m. ~~orn~n, Wanldp at T-...... Jr.. JlJaidft 10:30 a.m. Evanielt.Uc SerY· Sunday Servtcel: 9:30 a.DL Bible. tee. 7 p.m. Sanday. Prayer atucty; 11 a.m. momlnc wor· meetlnc. 7:30 p.m. Wednetlday. ablp; 7 p.m. ~venlng service. MJdweek • e r v I c e , 7 p.m. Wednaday. CidJIT CIIOKB aT mE SEA C.....tty lletlaod1at klboa ll•d. .t l 4tll lt.. Mewport ~5211 ..... ... lley A. Ccrboa Sunday 1Vanhlj), 9:~ and 11 a.m. Church School: ~45 a.m. Midweek Meettnc: 7:"30 p .m. Wednesd•y prec:eded by 6:30 p.m. potluck.. IT. JOA~ CBVaCB liN 0....,. A.._ Coda lleeca . LJbel1y .. 1.1 r.U.. ........ J ..... S~ ~~-.t '· I. I. ID aDd 11:30 a.m. WeekdJya: llau at 7:00 a.m. -Confnafon: Satur· daya from 4:00 to 5:1S-7:00 to 8:15p.m. PDIST IAftJIT CIIDCII 9r ••wton · aaJbM BmL.·lltla & Cftrt Ita.. ~ SSSI•..,.ort Uberty a.~em ........ -...rt a. h'=•• Sunday ~: 1:45 a.m.. Sun- cl,ay School; U:OO a.m.. Wor- ablp Senttoe; 7:30 p.m. Sunday ~ ~er vlce ; KJd-Week Service: 7:30 p.m. WednNd.,.y Prayer Meeting. PIUT Clluac& or aDJST ICDiiiDI Javs.=.:rr ..... Sunday School: 9:15 a.m .. Sun- day Servic e : 11:00 Lm. Wedn=n r:ventD, Meettnc: 8 :00. • ltooni, 3315 VIa IJdo, Newport lleadl. open 10 a .m.-5 pa. week da)'l. 10 Lm. · 7:45p.m. Wedne.daya, 7·9 p.m. Friday evenJnn. UJOVEDALIIT COIOIUJnT'f l'&L.LOWSIID a.u C:hith ... 515 w. lcdheCI lh-4.. lciDMMI IIIJalnllrr a... 1'. W ...... Sunday School. 10:30 a.m. Morn- Ing worahlp, U :00 a .m. l'DIST SOOTII&D IAn'IST CIIUaCII 100 w ......... lt.. Coeta ...... LJbel1y .... ..... Dr.~ ..... Sunday achool, 9:45 a.m.:..i. church aervtce 10:!50 a.m. natn1n1 . Union 7 p.m. Sunday. Ewnlnc wonll.lp 8 p.m. Sunday. Teach- en ancJ oftlcen meet1a1 7 p.m. W~nellday. Prayer lleJ'Vfoe and Bible .tudy 8 p.m. Wednesday. oo.o•A D&:L 110 -ru.day, T:e ..._ CllUit ua•••u cauaca O'P co.TA IIDA (l&tNII ...... ) ···c:.. "= llalL ........ Lea.,......, Sunday Service: WorabJ.p S:eQ-· Ice 9 a .m. Sunday School at 10:15 a.m. IT. JAIID DIICO'AL a.IYa.L.Wtr. • .....-tleada ........ ................. c.am. Sunday Servtc.: 8:30. 9:30, U a.m. Momtnc Prayeri_9:ao Lm. Jt.eci*ation for Sunaay School Thunlday Servtcer: 9:15 a.m. Prayer GuUd; :10:30 Hoty Com· mu.nlon. IT. JOD YJAJI1fft 314 IICII'Su A.._ acdhoctlala:ad ~-·· r ... ·~ ":!!!'· ,__ r..U..~ ••u Sunday M .... : 7:00 Lm. A 9:00 a.m. Confeffl&oa: Saturdar and eves. tl ~ rrtdan an Holy Daya; 7:30 to 1 :00 p.m.; rtnrt Friday If .. I LID. CDftAI. iiii:i aroaca o-.. .......... t. c..n--. ..... , ..... A. ........ ...... Sunday Schoolt t:• ua. Mom. lna ~ U:OO; Ewntq s.Mee. 1:t0. 104-wen SerV· tee, w~. 1:JO D.JL M&WIOWt 1101108 COIOIUJR1'Y caU&CII LV'i'IIU.AJI CBOIICB IAUOA J&NID 1101 CUff lh-........... ...,.ta C:•ll'ti I' III COiiMGatft lllrniODIIT Latrty Will tll :a:.: rm,a... Ill= .......... Jalad ... ~ GNa1u.Ja4 II I .... D lid llfllp F.arly RI'Vlee, 8;30 a.m . Sunday; ....... , ......... a-lilt ...._all Church Sehool 9:30 a .m.; wor-Sund•y Wonhlp SerYtc:e1: 9:45 Sunday Sentcw: 9:30 a. m. lhlp -.tel, ll:OO a.m.; Luther a.m., 11:00 a.m. SundaJ Scllool: Olu.reb Seboelj. t:~ and U:OO Leaaue. 7 :30 p.m. 9:45 a.m. a.m. Wonhtp :lei'Vlce. Thia Directory ia made poeFble by th-ciYic-minded bu .. anrncD: WOODWORTH PIANO SHOP Exdu.atve qent for Baldwin Plano. 2610 E. Coast Hwy. Har. 1112 Coron. del Mar RE6.ST1K No 1'kck.l •.. No Tape ... Mo Put. mt E. Co.tt Hwy. Corona del Mw NEWPORT HARIOR ENSIGN NIWSPAPB ' PrtnUn.-A~ w ... 2810 E. CoMt Hwy. H•. 1114 c.;_. .W ..,_ NEWPORT HARIOl Ml« 6ENERAL SHEET METAl WORKS 401 10th Str..t Herbor 2210 Newpart le.dt THOMAS MOIIL sava WU1ab11-Pol .. t .. 1100 W. a..o. .. Hw. MaW Newportleedl Mll E. eo..t Hwy. ce...e .W M-r ,_ ttf .... IIJO enu ~ tHt ........ _, -·. ' IWGMDA'r, J'G1m I. 1- ~CO-IIIU Appolntecl to t.M Commlttee Gnduattng IIIli« BJab u~ tow ....._. ... rtva to the eo. Juntow RJab Youth of Ch.rllt rona •• Mar Oammunlty Qlurcb Quudl ~ the 8ea 1n Newport are llh. France. Cox. Mn.. leadt wUl be recoplzed at Ute Cecqe O.vt.. tin. G. 0. GNpe. momlna wonb.lp Svnday. The Mn. .k*n .....ar, --.t Bom youth and thelt parenu are to &Ad Verne 1M. be bonoftd at tbe 11e00nd ....vice ~~··1111111111111! .. 111•-.. at U :00 o'clock, and wUl a1t to. getb.er u a poup. lev. Roy A. Carbon's MnDOn wtU be "Beal LlviQ& TO. Time." liB••• JODI aiVKII :New member~! who have united wtth Chrtllt Church By The Sea. Newpoct Beach, are Mr. and Mn. lobo J'. Kimble, Mr. and Mra. Herbert C. l'a.. Wayne Carroll. arid Mrs. ~II R. Powell, all of Balboa: Mt.. Toni Thompeon and .Mra. Charle. Toll of New-~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ port Beach, and M.r. and Mn. ~ George Wlthnell of eo.ta Mesa. Ia IL C...t .wy. 8 COaOifA DEI.IIAJI ,.._ llarboc 5071 I'ZU.OWIIIIP ll&n'l Plans few the c:omlne year and p~dooa tow the nrst fall meeting of the Women'• Fellow. ahlp of the Corona del Mar Com munJty Church ln September were ~de Jut Thunday when ~e newly elected otflcen met at the hom~ ol the president. Mn. Az. thur Kemper. 3028 Ocean Blvd .. Corona del Mar. UWIVEDALIST I'ELLOWSBJP ChUdren'a Day wtll be observed ---=;;;:;;;;;=;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;=~ Sunday momlna at the Unlver. P aallst Community Fe iJowshlp, Prteee Cut Oa Ou I ST. AJQQVEUUT SALE! '41 CHEV. CL COUPE Only S79 at ...... SOl LIJfCOLJf-llacu.T •w..tc..tllllbw.y •zwroiiT UACII which meets at the Ebell Club- house ln Balboa . Children of the Sunday School will present a short program. At the regular 11 a.m. service Rev. Frederick Ringe wtll speak on "The Childlike Heart." The Fellowship voted at a special meoetlng to hold services throughout the entire summer. A'M'EJmS COifVEJfTJOJf Or. and Mrs. C. H. Strlcker of Newport Beach attended the re- cent Chiropractic convention held In San Dleeo. "Hints" from House and Garden, at Newport bT Cclllale Jlltdlell Interior DesJener ·. We're really having a splashing time here since the errivol of the new plastic swimming pool we have in our wi(ldow. It is really terrific and sooo-nicely priced too. There are four dif· ferent sizes ... the 22' fomily pQOI, <42' deep. b9 ' around, 9,950 go lions of woter ... the 18' family lake, 34" deep and 57' oround, holds 5500 gallons of woter ... The 12' pool. 2-4·· deep, 38' oround, holds I bOO gallons, ond the 8'h' family pond 18" deep, holds b30 gallons. They come Complete with repoir kit and fiii -N-flater, made with forti -plyed heavy duty plastic and Dough boy's exclusive heat-seal seoms. Now you can really have o lot of fun this summer os well os tronsform your back yard into a really glomorous place. Watch for it in Life Magazine for oil the particulars. Next week we will tolk obout hi bachis and the fun you con have with them. Honse ... Gar~~~ Fumilhint for homes, apartments. dubs, yachh. Speaializing Ill UJfD CL&AIIDIO ...... • • • Jlleer a...-.....,.u ot lat. boa Island were Gov. and )(,... Goodwin blpt. While they Wti'8 contemplattn,c vac:atlonlDI her-e, JNtead of up Santa lfonlca way, ~e Gov. and h.La flnt lady .. t ln Hal ww Smith's Jtealty omee and muncbed Jolly Roc« tacoe ... Slpa ci aunmn ac:th1t;y ate becfnnlng to show on the laland already with many ci the "aun- mer natives" promJ&lng to be down early . . • Dr. and Mrs. Bloomer wUl be IPifldJng four montha at 107 Jade Aw .... the SC1t'ntltlc Lawrence~ from up Berkeley way will be down again . . . the W. A. Thoml*)na (he of Seaboard Finance) of 321 E. Bay Front have bou,bt ~e Saunders house . . . The Vrbu ci KTTV will be back at their Sapph ire Ave. bouse. even thou,tt they art' full-Cedeed townlte. now ... the co-eds and botrodden from Art. zona U. 8eeJ'11 to be already 'round about town and *>me of the lucky ones who Ontabed finals early from other .chools an trickling ln. • • • nole Jones wUl be detained In Colo. ~do put mJd.Jun._Thls cattle rancllJnc 1S conflnJng. • • • 11\e Ray Weneera arrived bome ln Corona del Mar last Monday a.tter a alx week vacation drive back to thelr native Ohio. WhUe eoverythlne wu &reftl and clean back In Greenville, Ohio, the Wengft'a encountered aome rain on their vlalt and s.ldeswiped a few tornadoes on thelr way home. • • • It really couldn1t be true, yf!t, those reports we beard that Mrs. Gladys Barrier ls with her daugh. ter, Mrs. Mkbal McCord Astor, In Anaheim. because .Mrs. Barrier Is 100n to return from her extended trip to the Orient. • • • Toastlne the town of ereater Los Angeles on Monday night was Ed Sullivan, star of the TV extravaganza, "Toast of the Town." Along with Ed, awaiting transportation to New York City, was Velma O'Br1en, who l.a maJc. Inc an eastern bu~ trip for her Corona del Mar shop. All but asking for autoeraphs were Ruby Stt'venson and Jean Howell, who accompanied Miss O'Brien to the airport News of the approaching mar riage of Vlr&1nla. dauchter of Mr and Mrs. C. Lester Jorfes, to Harry AJan Parker has been winrtnelts .way from Colorado wtth the datf' a.a.o-Cible &at. ...... 1111111'1 Llll IIIIET June 9, 1955 Newport Harbor. C~f. June . . . the big awltchover month! Brides, graduates. Bar.b. qa. Father's Day ... Sineles palr up to make.•one set of doubles and make the biggest switch of thelr lives ... School kids quit belng school kids and switch to TBE EJICACEMEtn' o1 Miss Damoa Lo.lae K....-aad WWlam C... Cut.r.oa hcu been announced by Mr. aad Mrs. llobeJt L lhfpiL 111 Via Lorca. Lido hle, panata ot tlae latleDded bride. Ill'. Casta&oa is the soa of Mr. cmd lin. au.rt C.ubdsoa. S20l Clay St.. Kewport Height&. He is a Newport BartM. RICJb graduate aDd Mlftd tJuM yean with tbe army. Aftft bll J ... graduatioD froaa 01aD9e Coat College he will coatlDue bll e1191Deer1D9 atud* at trsc. Tbe future bride 11 abo a gradlaate ot Jf.-.poft llarbcw Jll9b CIDd Ll ttnlaJling brr MCODd y.a:r at 0raD9e Coat. I'« the pat two yean aJae baa bMa a •aam• awtaalag llutnac-tw at the Rcabor Blp Scboo1 pooL (Doe Juab Photo) of June 25th attached to lt. Gin All Day • lla1f Day ny graduates from eolleee In Col 1 B A P P T D AT I C B 0 0 L realms outside the 1ehool room orado this month but most pre 1 to. Little l'olk ... Entertaining, living and act- nuptial festivities are expected 440 Hellotrope, Corona del Mar lng take the big switch from in. to be held just before the great I Harbor 4369 doors to green lawns. glowtne :_occ~as~io~n;.o~n~a~cco~u~n~t ~o~f ~th~e~se~n~l~or~~Mr=s.~Je~a~n~V~a~u~c~b~n.~dlr~ect~o~r ~ em bers and umbrellas napping r In the sun ... (Please clouds, eo BPW Club Contributes $200 To Exchange Student ~rogram B u a I n e • s and Professional Women voted to contribute $3)() to the high school foreign ex- change student proeram recently lnltlated to bring a student from another country to the Harbor area next fall. The overwhelming vote wu taken at the dinner meeting of the group held Thurs. day at the Newport Harbor Yacht Club. Mary McChesney, a faculty member at Orange Coast Coll~ge, reported that Evangeline Rutan of San Clemente had been chosen as the Orange Coast College stu. dent to receive the BPW scholar- Glimpses ly AJfJf If you're a sweet glrl graduate this Is your year to beam . . . and we know you will if your friend11 and relatives flnd your eraduatlon gifts at O'BRIEN'S. OOOOhhh! there are so many pretty things! lfow NCilly. wouldD't you LOVE a..,,..,.... Dcdtaa c:aab· ... ••eat.t? Of CIOQIM yva"U be wecaiD9 Ita ltiXUI'toua eoft. ..... duf.a9 the cool• ~ tbt.a ........... bat beat of aiL lnl be -bapoc1allt part ot you.r WCDdi'Obe .... you 90 to adaoolla the faiL You IDUit ... the Cldor'Cible loD9 tono eaah- .......... ....ad aec:k with tJuM pead battaaa Oil eacb aide , , , batteaa ~ OD tlae toriiO. ~ pub. up ~ ••• boaeatly, tile aate.tl Evening bags are quite a tra dltlonal graduation gilt. and O'BRIEN'S have some beautiful jeweled and bead-trimmed bags and aome very gay plastic eve. nlng bap sprinkled with multi· colored polka-dots or bright-hued feathers. An awfully cleover sum. mer combination. by the by, Is that amart cotton taffeta tote bag wtth snap band head.acarf to match-perfect for the gal who rides a Jaeue or an MG wtth the top down. Dea't tlaiDII ~ .. UaJt. eel to tuta ... tiM ..w.-.- &._y ~ 9klloW'Mltl .... -Ia tM u., .... u.e .. tbe aMdle ............ pen ad ... -· ca--. wttla tbe uay bl ..... t. ..... Of ....... 9fda Wile tbe tz.D. u-.1 ......... -· .. ~ ... Ma ..... ..... ...... ....,.... ...... .... ........... .... Gttt-etvers may also make a splaablnf bte hlt wtth a bouffant petticoat. Here at O'BRIEN'S we have 80IDe adorable exampl~ not onlY are they faabioned with ru_.Ung f\1lon ta.tfeta. .uti net and lace, but underneath there .. a circle ot ~.tlnn hone- hair that cldl8 wtJtJnc--and ob! tJMYre ta tbe PUn liS I eolon. SJWU be proud to reeetve a cttt b'OIB O'aiD"S-and terri· bl7 pi_,.. • eome In UM1 eee ua! ship this year. Miss McChesney stated that Mrs. Rutan. married and with children, had nturned to college to receive her teacher's Cfttlflcate. President Jean Howell reported about the recent BPW convention at Coronado. Jan Norman of Los Aneeles gave a talk on touring Europe by motorcycle. Guests at the meeting lnclud. ed Phyllis Church, Roberta Wal. ker, Valerie Shields. Terry Megar. gee, Elizabeth Bruns, Mary Fran. cis Nevin, Martha Lartck. Bernice and Barbara Hecht and Diane Fruehllng. .. Beach & BoulevcJnl SPOIITS AlfD CASUAL WE.U UD L eo.t al..S. ~ a..:ta IITatt UBI Where's the best place for your whole family . to save? Today, milliOM of Americans wiU tell yo11 that the smartest pLace to put your savinp is iD ao insured Savinp and Loan Association. This is true wbct.ba' you're t.be family brcadwinDU- or just a member of the piggy banlc set. You can open ao account in t.bele Associa- tions for as little u S I ~o $5. Your savinp cam umkrtl ntwru bcaute tbcle A.aoc::ia· tions invest most of their tUDds iJI toaDd., 5lcady-pa,-. bolfe monpp. And ytNT 810DeJ is safe-protectocl by &ood manap..at ud Nbl&utial re1e1 wa. It is insured up to SJO,OOO by the FSLIC. an agency ·of the U.S. Governmcot. What's more, yoo deal with friendly. experienced people of your own community . Why not open an ac:oount at an in urcd SaviDp and Loan ASJOCtatron todor., Jfs a JOOd idea to cet to lcoow your ~rby As- lOCUtion-DOt only because it·s u important place. but beca•ItC it's allo a pleasant _. f'Oii,... pliiCIC to do ..... • some place else and play ... find yourself a new horizon ) ... Fath. er does n't switch anywherto and will settle for a blr thick steak! * * * 119 thJdt ll'tMkl Doe't Jet .... w 90 by wttbowt t:rriD9 • Col adu Stlellk ••• J W011t te .... J'Ml. tboap. .... ywa.r ._.. ._.. b1 t Ctl dull. J'OG'U be • ailed. bat ,....._ ••• ltedpel Go ........ ..... ~ aad Jl6dr ... , ..... Nat .•• Pa-It oa • ...._. a...d .... witla • ~ loft. ............ ltcdl ... _ both ....... TIMe apdalde l1beiC.ly wttla Adolpb'a ..0..- ...S'-~···--t lla ...._ ..... ,. ..-.s ot .... ad ,.... ..... bolt.-botla .... agate • • • Let ttt Clboat tbne .boun • • • tiMa bnll Clbout IS aa1a1lttt Oil ..ta aide • • • .. medlam ran • • • Jnl be 110 ~ J'OQ ca cut tt witb ,-ladr ••• ~I Wowl I iletd Mit add tiMd Cal I !Ide .......... .... * * * U you wtll watch In our steak St'ctlon. you11 find these Colora- dos cut thinner like a regular steak ... But me . . I like mJne thick .. While we'rt" In tht" t'hampagne appt>tlte a nd beer pockt>tbook mood .. let's e-at dinner out e-ve-ry nitt" as in('xpensively as we I can eat at homt" Frozf"n din ners .. do just that make I you feel like you'rt' t'at mg In a res1a urant . If your <'OOklng ever gets to thf.' stag!" wh€'rf' you can't know what to havt" and ev. e-rythlng tastes the samt> . take I I a rest with frozen din nt>rs . . . you don't pnp~ them. you don't cook them . . . You don't even wash the dishes . However, those d ivided aluminum foil plates are nice to wash and save to use instead of papt>r plates for picn i<-S and patio f"ntertalnlng .. Then you can throw tht>m away * * * Cou.at.d a:a auortmeat of fowteee ctWw.at a... dla- ..... la ou loftoely ... coral trona food a.. tiMit .tNtc:b the full s..,tb oj ............ •....t Ll •-v-• lfo. f ~ wttb ~~~~ c:IMw ...... I tnee4 abn.p ...s Otl-•a ~ I Nat podl ••• Spaa4• Ll • .... u.e toe wttla .,.., ~ ofa...t ................ a..c htty . • • Ub IWa t Cia~ of the s.. ...... '-patty ~ ••• l'ewlt s--...·. tar~~toy • ctak:lllla. v ............ ,, l'l .... ..... 1aaf. .......... -..... beet wltlla ...... JD ._ .•• s...-t .... n. .. atnct~y 11-sc-••• * * * Ann's Real ltaUan Plz.za Pte with Ch~ make. a complet. meal ... A pac:kap ol BuJtofti quick ~n lasagne wltb ll*lt sauce along with tb~ new aa ... • loll wtth meat •a~ oil« dlnn« In the ftnelt Italian r.tau.rant .. A.nd for deaett! New! !f.,..l Our own Mc.<:lendon'a c..Uiee Ice eream . . . The same Mea... don'a that maJte 0\11 cboclola- ..• Tbla new ke CNUil w caf. fee ea.nd* all throup It . . • A little bird tol4 tM tbat tile Cllf. '" u.ct ta tk.. let a.. ... IU5apouncl ... * • PACIIIS Vogel Value .... .., .. on on•ball a~ tn 'Back 'Bay aru.. 8hab roo(. aUdlnr rlau door. etc. , .. ,..,II, .. WITH ONLY S3. '700.00 THE .VOGEL CO. 2667 E. COA!JT HWY. HARBOR 1741 CORONA DEL MAR HARBOR 1417 "START UVJNG" IMMEDIATELY, IN IRVINE TERRACE OVERLOOKING THE BEAUTIFUL "SMQG.FREE" YACHnNG CENTER OF NEWPORT HARBOR "Southern Calllornla's Most Beautllul SubdJvWon" Tomorrow's Dream-Today! WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO INSPECT COMPLETED OUR DISTINCTIVE FURNISHED MODEL HOMES AND OTHERS UNDER CONSTRUCTION NINE DIVERSIFIED FLOOR PLANS To the home buyer who wishes to purchase In the $20,000 to $30,000 class we sincerely recommend the Irvlne Estates overlooking Newport Harbor. These homes feature Calltornla living. Offered exclu· slvely through Earl W. Stanley In a Smog.Free are" known u Irvine Terrace-on Coast Highway oppoalte the new llvtne Coast Country Club, Newport Harbor. * For recommendation, we refer you to anyone who hoJda a Leasehold Estate In lrvtne Terrace. Earl. W. Stanley EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor 4448 For Further Information IEFNE YOU BUY TIY .Fr11ll1 ~. llri LaeatJ 8-1 I 0 1-llrlllr 1421 NEWPORT ISLAND DUPLEX-3 B.R. and 2 B.R. Unlt.-Corner-VIew of ocean. bay. and park. Ideally located for beach and ln. come proposition. Open House l 5 P.M.-dally. 401-38th Street. FREE: Newport 3 B.R. Beach Cottage. 2 lots for $7,350 plus bonds. No chance to lose on this set up. Small down. 2 B R. Beach House. two lots-facing W. Newport Park near bay and OCE'an. $1 0.500-Terms. Will aacrlllce for $9.500. cash. COSTA MESA · Bus iness Ofri ct-and buildings. very attractive, on Pia. centia AvE'. also wood working equipment Several OP· portunltle-s here to fit your needs. Check with oUice re garding your needs. 5 B.R. house and cottage on an R 4 lot with chance to ex. pand. $15,000. Only $2.000 down-balance to be refl. nancNL C 2 with 3 B R. Home orr Newport Boulevard-Ideal for business resilience combination. $9.500. Terms. 1 B.R. homl'. furnished, on large lot. $4.500. this can save a lot of r~>nt money a nd can be bought with a small rtown payment. CORON A DEL MAR Wac;heterla-gni ng business on highway. Can be devel. <Jpt'<1 intn a money maker by an active couple. 5 year lt"ase. Inventory at olflc<'. CL IFF HAVEN 2 B.R. Furnished, well landscaped. a nd In excellent condl. tlon. $24.000. $5.000 down can handle. Partial view of bay and Of'ean. Industrial, hig hway. and boulevard frontages and b,usl· ness propositions in the flies. Come look-see. · Ideal location for medical or professional building cor. ner of Fullerton and Broadway. Including 3 bedr. home and garage. $30,000-Terms . 3420 W. Balboa Blvd .. Newport 2216 Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa OPEl lOUSE DAILY AT 300 P01111J Awe., C.•• 1111 lar Not only Is this a house with a beautllul view but It Is architecturally designed l or the most convenient In· ctoor-outdoor living. Artistically landscaped with an eye ror easy maintenance. 2-bedrs. plus den, 2 baths, wood panelling. lovely fireplace, etc. Ll berty 8-5231 Harbor 1.239-W THREE MAGIC WORDS to sell YOUR property .. Multiple Listing Service" ........ • Subdivision ~ =: fpl..~ ru;!D,,,~."-=:..:.:.e;~';y Plan Delayed PA Milt. parquet floon. ctJI. ..... Mo ~ DO ,..._ 110 Jta T~or, Uu'M montbl old, ~~ Bay lr a..clt lllt:J., Marauertt.. em&. A to...er. eubdlvitloft proJ>OMd of La en.c.nta. wu taken to IF 10011 wtiJi .,... diW. ,m""a.t." by Mu Pope Mtween Oranp Boer ........... JlolpH.al tc. .-.ouowR;abedi' .. NCSecora..CS. entrance. prtftte Mtlt.. IU Jla. Ave., Santa Ana A,. .. 22nc1 St. tNatm.t olllljurMe ..a.nd In tpL, ....._ a. .fenced. la.JI4. •l Dr .. <DII. . and :n.t St .. Coeca w ... wu de-a two-ear acelcJiat at 21nllt. and ~e~~peiL ~ lanal. ,...._ CDM 3-bedr. i cs.n. vDL hOme, layed aaatn by Cotta Meea City Balboa llYd. at 12:• p..IIL kft. you want an attractlve S.bed· room roomy home, reel fire- place, famUy tndt orehard. plus ~~mall Income apart:ment on a rood corner locatlon in desirable CostA Meaa at a low aelllnr price of fl2,9!50, nexlble term.a. then •• Joaa; aay lr Beac:b IUty., praae. Lovely view, yrJy. Council Monday ntrht. daT. lf....,.art poliCie nplrted. U a.llll. leue. Jnquw LouJ8e Apta., The tentative trac:t map wu,... The ..._, wu In a cat drl~ YbiiJNd Jiidii: 2 balM, IPL camatJon at leavlew, CDK. aubmJttect by M.r. Po$)e art. by J.....,. l.aoT .llny ol 2111 bdw'cl. G., c:arpetlnr, ar. Back POi ili1: fUD. f.beCJi. apt., councUmen delayed adlon on it Harbor M¥4. Colt&...._ travel. Bq, nA. Bay 6 Jleeeh Jllty., MWly deeorated. l'clr Jeue at euUer mMtlnp to rtve pro-tnr eoutll on ad a., 10ao. U. a.1111. 1 ~WK. perty ownen on the lOUth aide thro\lf)l tM blt.leetton wbe aummer or Y1' y. RA _. · of 22nd St. tbne to make plana hit by a ear tra,.atnr Oft Balboa ..U • ...,._., UNFURJf. HOUSi Hi Cbil iiS for a new street. They propOMd Blvd.. cJrtWft by ,..._ Pierro of WAifT -moth_.• helper and on yra. Jeue: 3-bedn.. ftre. to blend the m.t from Santa Santa Ana, pollee taJ4. Tbe Berry ltaht ~lceepin1: by day or place, fenced yd.. prap. chU. Ana Ave. to Oranp Ave. at the vehicle wu pulled by tbe 11eno llve tn. Beferencee. BA a&m.J. ct.ren ole. HA 1093-M. or 10 .auth end of their 300.foot Iota at cu .to lcnodc out the tuud rail SEE B1iY 811 j fi wantedf 5 daya 2-5771. · the northerly alde of the Pope on the WNt aide 0( ... 23td St. aubdlvtalon. They were unable week. Call after 5 p.m., HA CDM. DELUXE 2-bed.tm., u.nturn., to ret a majority of the property 2:51D-J. duplex. So. of bwy.. ftrepl., owner. to approve the ~ Movie Shown To Fellowship· ISUID IEILTY 08. 498 Park. Balboa Wand HA 317 WE IIVE .IUYEIS WA.l'nNG FOR Corou 1111 I• ,,.,.r~~a. Contact Walt Bliven at l•i•rs Isle Run, at once! Harbor 4781 318 Marine Ave., Balboa Island UDO ISLE A 1111 IMNne, a fair 11rice, a ,..., loca- tl- and only $27,500 If you llke nJce things, I'm sure you wUl like the dlatlnc. tlve and comfortable design of this J.bedr., 2 bath home. Price and compare. modem home, fum. rental apt. attached . . . cloee to Harbor VIew School and pro. posed parochial school ... everything built-In lncludlfl£ dtahwuber, dJSDOS&l. etc. En. clORd patJo and 2-car rarage with work bench . . . call Ha. 2506-M. Girl&- In I ... ,. ... 1 and you'll a,_ when you bear ot. the manY job oppol'- tuntttea few quafit{ed youne women in our bualneu today. Openlnp now tor: TELEPHONE OPERATORS -Apply- Monday th.roueb Friday 514~ No. MaJn Street Rm. 211-8anta Ana 9:00 to 5:00 P.M. PACIFIC TELEPHONE * 3 •Its, 2 leta near Beach, Bay and CJvlc Center. Income $163 mo. Can build another unit. $15,500. Terms. * I Bleck 1i LWe lkt. J .bedr. stucco, db!. gar .. laundry. stressed for apt.. walled In yd.. quiet neigh. borhood. $10,500. Terms. IOIER E. SHAFER 106 McFadden Pl. Newport (at the Pier) Harbor 140. Eves. HArbor 1137-M . ....... 4V 40 tAN 8 mLY t..t. oppomte Newport Clty Hall ELEVATOR PARKING lANITOI\ SERVlCE Call MR. HERRON, leutne aeent TIE IUUIIIT CO. 434 32nd St., Npt., HA 4.299 COROIA DR IIR 2 bedr. . garage apt. PLUS batchelor al)t. with room to buUd In front nice location partially furnished $10.500 with $3,000 down This is a good value. on R-2 lot JOIN E SADLEIR REAL TOR AND INSURANCE 3333 E . Coa.st Highway CORONA DEL MAR Bill'aleati1J: Harbor 2422 a .. IEWS. TUYB.S FIST We heard about thla property only yesterday-tboueht we'd let you In on It today. Are you Hatenlnr! ... Best 2-bedr. home In Costa Mesa! Hardwood Ooors. forced air heat. dining room. fireplace, large garare and patio. Close to shopplng area and has nice rawn and shrubs. Full price $12.250, With only ~···· W.LT.III,IIaltlr -yuu'll Uke our friendly aervtce 393 E. 17th St, Colta Mesa Liberty 8-1139 ...... .., ............ ............ 'JWO S'I'ORY, 2 bedrm. (bave~na for 3rd j)4rm. to be added at amaU c:o.t), 2~ ba lee. llv. ·nn., MPUate dJntne room, Jure knotty ptne n with buUt-in bar, Jounee 2 tlreplaca. bawmeot with 1!SO,OOO m1 fur. nace. Ex'Penatwty cupeted wall to wall tlaru.out Gar· bage cSUpoea.l and dlabwubft. HOVM e YJ".. old. La.rte double auap with laun4ry, radJo.eontroUed ..,..,. door. Lot S> x lG'. Well ludlcal*t. Tbla bciiDi must be eeen to be appndated. Located at 3312 Ocean Blvd.. CoroDa clel liar. OWPfD. WILL Accr:rr dY UA.!OltfA.&E Oft'l!ll forced-air beat, h a r d w o o d o~ntnr. n~ aeparate ~tl~ HA ------------ 16fH.R. ............. 17' LOUISE .APTS .. overiooldnc the Fer .... ..._. I U. ba.y. Modem turnJ&hed apta. Ollw .... Moderate weekly rates. Sum. mft reaervatlona; 308 Carna.. tJon, CDM. near Seaview, HA 4016. roa SALZ GRAND PIANOS. Many to chooae from. Knabe, Mason lr Hamlin. Stuyvesant. Cable. Extra ape. c!al. Story 1r Clark erand, In rood condition ~. Another special. BeautJ!ul Stuyvesant. fine shape $585. Alao eorgeoua Knabe $975. Save on many others. Danz-Schmldt Big Plano Store. Santa Ana, 520 No. Main. Always 100 pianos. MOVING, MUST SELL furniture. In perfect con d .. at a bargain: Phllco refrlg .• S5'7.50; 17" con sole mahogany cabtnet 'IV. $57.50; table top apt. size gas Observtnr completJon of the fl.rst year In their new ba)'front headquarters on VIa Udo, New. port Balboa Savtnp and Loan A..asodatlon wW bold open houae to the public hom 9 :30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Friday, June 17, PreaJ. dent Paul A. Palmer ba.s an. nounced. VIsitors are Invited to tour the bulldJnr, which hu attntcted ln. ternatlonal attention for Ita de· sign and Interior featurea since It wu opened In June lut ye&r. Retreshment.s wUl be aerved to guem, with special favors tor younr visitors, Mr. Palmer said. Ba,listCII.ciiPIIa Vacall• 11•11 Sclleol The Rachel Ctrde. headed by Mrs. Georae BarMtt. • e r v e d luncheon tot the ~une ma~ttnr of the Women's hlJowlhJp of St. AncJ.rew. PreabJtertan C b u r c h held In the cbu.rcb louop. Sprtne bouquets, ananpd by Mrt. ChtlstJan Schindler. chair- man ot the day, decorated the ta. bles for the luncheon whlc:b pre- ceded the Ptotram. a colored movie entitled "Epic of the Da. kotu." The movie wu pre.ented by M.n. J. Lamar Johnston, pro. gram chairman. Women's Fellowship chairman, Mrs. Glenn Bailey, presided over the afternoon business meeting. Mrs. Norman Frahm presented the devotions. Reporta were made by Mrs. Donald Anderson, secre. tary and Mrs. Ber1ha TIUooon. treasurer. Tbla Ia the final meet. lng of the group unUl fall Wallet Taken. 2 Men Jailed stove, $25; easy chair with otto The First Baptist Church of man, S15; 4 kitchen chairs, $1.50 Newport. 19th and w. Balboa each; fl oor lamp with shade. Blvd .. will hold a two-week va. $.2.50; elec. heater, $3 ; Holly cation Bible School June 20 wood bed, box spring and mat through July 1. Special features tress. like new, $37.50; cocktail of the school wUI be worship, table with 2 end tables. $5. 1781 Bible study, dramatics. hymn. Santa Ana Ave., Costa Mesa. ology, crafts. and recreation. Ramon P. Rivera. 23. of Ontario Liberty 8 5905. The school will be for chlldren and Danny Delph ln. 28. of Hunt· MINSHALL ORGAN. Used but from 4 years through the Junior lngton Park, face charges of burr- fine. Blond case. Our low price High age, and will be held each lary In Newport Beach justice $695. Conaonata Organ. Two moTnlnr from 9:30 to noon. A court. The two men .tllegedly manual. Almost like nf!W. Save picnic -will be held the closlne took a wallet contaJnlng allghtly • $8)0. Danz-Schmldt. 520 No. day of the school at the Costa more than IS from the home of Main. Santa Ana. Mesa Park. Cblldren of the nelah· Mrs. R. W. Othm~ of 4210 River COMPLETE furnishings tor 2-BR borhood are invited to enrpll on Ave., Newport Beach. home. Ind. Servel re!rlg.. Sunday, June 19, at the CH\.trch. Mrs. Othmer told pollee that O'Keefe A Merritt atove. Sacrl. M1ICYJ 1 •lf&OO'I abe found a man Ln her home fJce. Harbor 1805.J after 2:30-when lhe returned. He cS.parted p.m. 704 Goldenrod, CDM. 15 PEil MOMTH rents IOod prac-but abe pve pollee a deetttptJon 25 HP OUTBOARD, pert coneS.. t.ac. pluo. All t.rm nat a1-ot th' ret-away car. Motor OUJ. J 'p a, ~ ..... ..ac.A ,.._ ..... If you "'· 0.0CS '4Md Cll" G. ~. K ...... DD &oc.tAMI tM control attachment.a. priced few practJce plano. -liZ. an. -... • •• • ........ lt. qulek &ale, 1335. HA 4999. SlS) and up. Euy terms. Da~ La.ndll'r. ftewport -..ch. Tbe H AM M 0 N D ORGAN. Spinet Schmidt Big palno store. Santa puraulnt otfkoer aaw a Wallet model. SJightly used. Good Sav. Ana, 520 No. Main. thrown from the cu at 18th St. lng on thl•. Also Hammond W ANTEI)::()ne or mo;e to share and Balboa Blvd., where It wu Chord Organ. Easy to play. ride to Vernon. Leave CDM 6:30 recovered. Both men were taken Danz..Schmldt, 520 No. Main. · to Or.anee county jaU. a.m .. start back 5 p.m. Contact Santa Ana. T . A. Williams, 612 Acacia. BABY PLAY PEN: lge., hardwd. CDM. frame; w/anlmal figured plas F;:-:0::-:R=-=HJ=s,..--or--:-h-er-gr--a""'"du_a_t...,.lo-n-~ .. tic pad. In excel. cond. Remov the new modem Eterna.Matlc, able rollers, will l•old A Cit ln the finest Rlf winding watch back seat of car. ~ than h If I 108 30th S NB on ball bearings. See It at Ray a or g. cost. t.. . SPINET PIANOS. Rental returns Fields new location, Vlsta like new etc. You will always Shopping Center. 19th and Pia. find wonderful aav1ngs In this centla. Costa Mesa. LI 8-8488. dept. Many makes and models. WANTED 50 used pianos for our Mirror Type Spinet Mahogany big rental dept. Highest cash finish $287. Another In Maple allowance In trade for Organ. finish $395. Dam-Schmidt. 520 Spinet plano, or Grand plano. No. Main. Santa Ana. Danz-Schmldt, 520 No. Main. DID YOU KNOW that we have Santa Ana. ~~~~~~~~----~ special gifts tor Fathers Day SLIP RENTALS: Rowboat rental . . . the new modern Eterna. spaces, max. 8' beam, 30' matlc, the finest aell winding length. American Legion Hall, watch ... At Ray Fields new 15th and Bay, Newport. HA 452. locatJon, VIsta Shopping Cen· PEitSOJfAL ter, Costa Mesa. Liberty 8-8488. ------------- 12x14 GREEN RUG. hall runner and pads, $135; studlo couch. $18; bathlnette. $6; quart jars. U 8-4903. 418 E. Magnolia. C.M. SERVEL REFRJG.. all white, nol.seleu. carriee guarantee. Special price $85. Owner u . betty 8-3003. 1.20 BASS aCICOrdlan, Uke new. SacrWce. LI 8.2237. IUnCZI MEN WANTED! Let H&rbor Gym get you In trim. Harbor Body Building Gym. 64-4~ W. 17th. C.M., Ll 8-8388. . CAUPOaiAU l!H7 ~LET. w1th radJo, heat«, new paint job, excel. coneS., ~ 71.3~ lrla, CDM. Harbor 7$-W. LOST: White allwr.dppe4 Pft. alan female eat. Beward. Call HA 2102. I ITVA1'10111 W All'ftD U••••• Are I••• F• Flrenrlallll Slx licenses to aell fireworks In the City of Costa Mesa were granted by the Costa Mesa city council Monday night . They went to M. F. Aufder. Heide, 1518 Newport Blvd.; V.F.W. Coastline Poat, 2056 Newport Blvd.; Coata Mesa Klwanla Club Sea Scout Ship 306. 17th St. next to ThrUty Drugs; Richard Law. renee. 202 E. 17th St.; Mesa Ranch Market. 488 E. 17th St., and Kuster's Cleaners at a Joca. tlon approved by the pollee chief and flre warden. ... lai,.W ., . .,.,. , .. , .. "Heroic" Newport pollee routed a akunk flom a Corona del Mar truh can at 10:!55 p.m. last Thu1'14ay nltht at the request ot Mra. Ivar Ward of C20 Polnaett..la Ave. Mn.. Ward told pollee that there wu a skunk Jn a nelth· bor'a tr"ub can In the alley. She aatd lbe wu atrald of the akunlc and wanted to to out to her trub ean nearby and r-.eover 80me ~pen abe had t.hJown away by• mistake. The olftoera oblleect. Painting -Deoorating .. APER HANGING GEORGE BURIOiARDT YOUNG MAN dea1rea part.Ume ;-;;;;;:;:;;;;flt:;;;;:;;;;w;;;J:;;;;;;;"-;;;;;;;;...._;;;;;:;:;;;;-..._;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=i work evenlnp and weelt.ada. -· --Hu plck-up ~. 80 alao wtll 111'. do delivery, h~p you move. or? ~ =~ne Harbor 1623-l after 4:1S 5 A L E ! CI:ULD &itt da,.. 2 yean to pre.achool. 713~ l.rtJ, CDM. Rar. bor 79-W. lft'VAno.a WAJrn:D BABY Z I I &4 care Ol alck, )'OUt home, DQ', nlcht. mature CDM woman. Beton 10 a.m.. after 5 p.m.. 11A 3l&M. • • Enrollment Starts June 13 · S 1.00 Tax Levy Recommended For OCC Summer Session In ... ctadae., u.e ~ For Mesa; BuCI et is S41 1,456 8u • lo _ __..__ ~ ...... ... c:ldldNB, rn.JMrr• a ......_nt at lnterropttoa. -•-•ett.MP!'A8ot .. w.w. ~u,... e1 .. 11.• ,_ c~ 11,!501; tr.uuret, 111015: at- Oranae Cout CoUece wUl .aut .Acadelll~ao bcltqt. part .... a ..... .,. ldooal tJM City ol eo.ta ............ ~. ·-; admlnlltrat:lon. Mo~y June U. an4 the ftnt antbropoloiJ, ,...... c:latm1*7, Cutatd &I...._ ot ...., ••Q· tbe ft8ca1 )'e&rl.ISM .. lllopoetd Sl$.83:2; n.:aJ ~ -.. clay of ea... w1ll be Monday, Jnbod.aetory ,...&I dMmllt')' 1 ....-fill to Ma. Berma JW. 1n the tentative ._.ctpt • ...._ ~: ..,SMir, 117.540: p~anntn1, l une 30. • economtc., ~~ &nat..: k1u ud ..._ J1tll•lllcl at the eel by City llanapr Georp eoe. -... aa4...,... cft7, teO...O. Almo.t all cl.._ wW be held f'rench 1eopapb.y ru~ ~~c:S.nce. or~ EMip mule t.tlval lut If!)' at the eo.ta K .. dt)' coun. Pablk Mlety expet.uture. tor from 8 Lm. to u noon. 'nle IUm· altebr~ -' ... ~ Prtclq ~~ a&olfewport Jl&r. dl ~ KGaclay Dllht. the year include poUce, Sl13,080; ---... ~· ..... ~,, bor 1U1Ja lcboaL Couadl • a Mut.Dr on the tire. t:ll.lM; bnUdtq depart. ~ teMion wtll lut from ~une allele rule, phJlc.-ophy, phyalcaJ 10M ........ ,.,..,_ a CleW· buclpt ,_ ~une • rnent. $(1.190: pound ~. J5 .. ~ to ~ulf 28. ApJII'QWd eollep actence, polJtJcal tclence, PlY· up from tllellclnce ~PTA A tu rate ot 10c per $100 ol 8155. and dvtl defmee. t3.885. eredit ean be earned by attend-ebolOfY, to c l o lo 1 y, apanllll, and. beca.. .... baa taken a •r rw 4 valuation 11 requtnd m ~bllc ~ JII'OP(IIed lnclude ance at U.. aummer -Jon. apeeeh. ._._ ot • ...._ MXt ,..,, abe ,..._ -..ooo aeede4 to matda 1treet department. -..at. and Bualn~~~ EducatJoli -typtq. wu prnu trd wttb a NCIOfd aJ. other ~ ot rewnue to meet aanltary ciUtJ1d. .,,000. ltenoarapby, accounttnr o111ce IJGIIA ••-AI .... _ bt:UD fnle tiM Pr.U trom all the tJie b\adpt. Mr. Cottey explained. Mr. Collq propoeed the rental ....... • _., --· Jfewport ~ Elementar y He reconun ... ded a tu levy ot of polJce car equl~t pr-ee. buatne.e. corrHPQnd· SJ,ma Jtappu SofOI'tty held a lc:boola that are under Ja. tvte-the full $1.00 to pt'OV'lde an es:t:ra Kulliclpal Auto Leue of Mon. ence. eottee bour ln the hOibe of M.rt. late. Mr. l'lbcwald. who wtll S3«,,00 u the tlnt ltep toward rovla at 7e a m1.le In place of Ana and Crafta-paJntJnr. art 1!. I . Wlebter, ~Cutter Rd., Bea-laave tiM YOCal mule depart. the ..UblJah!Mnt of a ctty car-dty PUtthue and cue of polk:e workahop, pbotopaphy,laptd.uy, con k y, lut 1bunday at 10~30 ment of ~ Sd!MM>l t.c. Onnte parat1011 yard. can. He ftaured a aavtn• of $1.· jewelry JUlrlnr. Lm. n.e IOIWity plan• to hold Cout Colltp, received an albUm 'nle pr~ e.xpendlturea In 482 a year could be made. VoeaUonal _ radio r8d.Jotel6. monthly tnf~ cottee hours ol recora from the PTA at J!D. the .,... budpt for aen«al laY· Be recommended tbe hJrlnl' of rra&* code, nport wrlttnr and !:emu::n ~. ~.,~ '!':':.ent alan. emmeDt tncludM eou.ncll, 13,405; ~~~~~ ~~ The Lions Wish to thank Everyone Who Contributed to The Success of the 1Oth ANNUAL Costa Mesa Fish Fry The Funds Will be Used for Harbor I · ~rea ¥oufh ~ctivities Costa Mesa Lions Club FURNITURE INTERIOR DECORATION I A.LaOA ISLAlfD 214 Mari.De Aft .. Harbor 1547 COIIOJifA DE.L MAll .. E. Coaat B19b~ rn Dra~es Maple Accessories Interior Shutters IDA MAY JOHNSMAN--Decarat Coaaultcmt ...... ,.. . ., ....... ,. .... •..,.rt ....... . Llbel1y ....... in The CA•oada Village IULTI ,_I VD'I .. IT- in The CrcJJ iocrcM VliJave -.... •....-t...... u.tr ..... •• -... ~.,.. .................... INit ..... ............. ,... ...... Honolulu Entry Washes Out: ::r~":.n worak~df~':e -:kro= d deputy bulldlna otfldala and one Reason: Very Wet Groun s ~~~::r::!:~~m~ HeadJine: Entry tn Honolulu took oU. Helped by a favorable dty ~ department ltultead of Race withdrawn on account of current or tide. they aaw the havtne the eounty road depart. wet arounc!Ja. And here are the ahore allp way, and they were ment do the work under contract. detatla: aoon oppol.lte the mouth of the The budget propoees the purchase Four 11-year-olc!Ja from Corona jetty. ot a truck. oU apray tr&Uer and I clel Mar rushed horne from achool Interviewed later by our re. traffic line marker. A three-man the other day, hurried down the port«. they utd: ''No. we weren•t crew would be hired. I bluff to .ee lf the maritime pr(z.e acared when the craft eot lower "The budget la not adequate to wuhed up by the Pacltle was and lower tn the watel'. We could render many ot the .ervtces de .Ull there. It wu all very bush all awlm . . . Oh. that white slrable but la belleved to be suf hush. Yep, thar she lay rleht thine we were waving was a flclent to cover the n~sary where they'd lett her the nleht 1hlrt. but we were juat wavtne to services with a 'minimum appro- before. aome frlenc!Ja on the jetty." prlatlon," the city manager re. It wu the wreck of a boat that Shortly alter they were picked ported. would fioat. maybe. With boarc!Ja up by an unidentified flsherman and stlclca tor oars and all the and taken to the Coast Guard man. power a v a lla b 1 e, they station. the hulk was almost all launched the rallant ship and under water. CCoiiUnued rrom Pace ll Mlrkovltch. Jim Newkirk and Bill Wetzel. Scholarship awards lncl uded: Tonye Christensen. from ~ew port Balboa Savings and Loan: bert E. Valett have been ap. aJd Brldrman. who has been Nancy Grtsty. trom BPW; Suml pointed Instructors at Orange granted a leave of absence to Sh igakJ. Crutcher Foundation and 1 Coast College by the Boal'd of pursue advance graduate train High School PTA: Andrea Schul Trustees for the 195!>56 sclaool 1 berk and Don Beatty. Junior A!s ng. slstance League; Jane Ostrander I year. Miss Payne Is a graduate of and Carol Doane. Assistance Miss Payne wiU teach English Stanford University, where she League; Dick Innerst. Pomona and journalism. replacing Dr. received the bachelor's and College; Arlene Hult. USC: Ann John Nett, who Is returning to muter's degrees. She was on the Ralston. UC; Paul Neumann. Paaadena City College after a editorial board of the Stanford Stanford; Gail Collins. Rockford year'• leave ot absence. Mr. VaJ. DaUy and was a member o; Phi College; Richard Rager. USC. ett will serve a.s counaelor and Beta Kappa, Scholastle honor Other awards were: T onY e lnstrtretor In psycboloJY. He will fraternity Ch ristensen. Panheollenlc award; · Arlene Huff. Jane Ostrander and Mr. Valett completed his bach. Diane Crane DAR awards for elor'a degree at George Williams good citlz.e~lp. service and College In Chicago and the homemaldne; Andrea Schulbere. muter's degree at the University Zoot& Club award; Richard Rae· crlellll!e ... 81it.Q ...................... a ....... ... CUbert Seal. owner of Seal'• tralnlne hu been taken at Sacra. rent a.f1atra; Dick Bat~. Sc:bolu. Ambulanee Se.rvtce and Taxi Co rnento State College and UCLA. tie Magazine award, Betty La· In eo.ta Mesa. has been elected For the past two years Mr. Val· SBeUe and Mhlyrntroa Bohul cheyC. GAAI ld f Cost I portsmans p p ea; a r o pres ent o the a Mesa ett has been emp oyed by the Doane Ann Bleson Patsy Grant Chamber of Commerce. Sacramento County Schools for and Myrna Bouch~y. GAA che Other new officers are Ed Stroot clinical counseling and In addl· 1 nUJe stars; Skip Fl'eely. senior Sr., first vice-president; H. H. tlon has been teaching part time 1 band award. Burnett. second vice· pres.! dent; at Sacramento State College. ------Andrew Walker, treasurer; Pett" Geddes. secretary. The board of Both Instructors will report for directors Includes these officers; duty next Sept. Tea Sunday For Zontians outgoing president. Don Huddles. ------ ton. and the following: Wes Har. rison. Tom DeForest. Ben Nere. son, Frank Bisset. Louis Markel. Andrew Walker. C. J. Allen. EJ. mer Dudek, Arthur Tuttle and Paul Nissen. lrs.Esterlllk,M Of Cti'OII HI lar Diu Mrs. Ester Mack. of 214 Fef"n. leaf Ave .. Corona del Mar. died ye!llterday In Hoag Memorial Hos- pital. She was a native of Guate- mala. Central Am~ica. had lived 47 years In Catlfomla. the last 6 years In Corona del Mar. She had been active in MexJ. can settJement work fn Pasadena. orphanaee and the Red Cross. Survivors lnelude a sister. Miss Adela Hawley of Corona del Mar: a brother in San Marino. a dauJtlter in Palo Alto and two 10na In Pasadena. Servlcea will be held at 3:30 p.tn. tomorrow (Fl'tday) at St. James Eplacopal Church. Baltz Mortuary l.t In charee of arranee- menu. ln. VIlla .... 1111 Mrs. VIola B. Nakk, 57. died Sunday at her hom e. 21.24 Prest. dent Way, Cocta Mesa. after an extended Illness. Private aervkes wel'e held T\aesday In Parkes- Rldley Mortuary Chapel. Rev. Richard Poes. putot ot ~ Flrlt Southern Baptbt Church of Costa Mea ottlclated. Mrs. Nak.k wu a natlve of New York City. came to Calllornla In 1M3, moved to eo.ta Mesa last ~anuary from Laeuna. She Ia aur- vtved by her husband. Alo l'fakk; ~ dauabten and pandton. Beautification . Award Given A tea for the Newport Harbor Zonta Club and all other Zontl ans In the nearby county areas will be given Sunday by Or. Hel On behalf of the City of New. en Robertson. president of the lo port ~ach. Mrs. John Nett, New. cal club, at heF-home at 333 E. port Heights. city beautltkatlon Bay Front. Balboa Island. The tea chalrman. acx-epted the rim wlU be held from 3 to 5 p.m. award for the "most artistic civic Other meetings on the Newport 1 bcautltl<'atlon.. at tht" Orange Zontlans schedule Include a County A.slloclated Chambers of luncheon meeting to be htold to CommerC'e meeting last week on day (Thursday) at the VIlla Ma. Tuesday at Huntington 8(>ach. rlna and a dinner meeting June The firs t prlze bron7e trophy 23 at the home of Dean Marie was presented by Mrs Robert j Howes, 181 Broadway Ave .. Costa Marshall of Lido Isle, who Is 1 Mesa. chairma n of the civic beautlflca 1 Dlstrlct Zonta GoveTnor Vlrglnla tlon committee of the associated Eastlick of Yuma. Ariz... was pre chambers. sented wfth mo~ than $100 for The decision of the judges wa!ll her "Flowers for Friendship'· based upon best planting self'C'-project. wh.lch will enable a Zon tlon.s. eood lan~aplng of ~-tian Crom Sweden to be delegate ronla Puk In Corona del Mar to the International Zonta con., and the landscaping of wveral ventlon at Sun Valley, Idaho. Udo Isle sites, Including the nut year. The 11ft wu p~nted I clubhouae. The judging commit. at the evenlne meetlne ot the lo tM Included H. M. Riecke of Ana. cal club held lut week at the helm. Harry Macres of Santa home of Florence Coollne. S..con Ana ; K. E. DeWitt of Garden B.ay. Grove and J. Sherman Denny of At the same meeting the IJ'OUP Huntinrton BeaC'h. voted to atve a $100 contribution llllt1r •• 11•1• "'•••••~" D••• S<:hedulf!d to come up at Mon day evenlna'a meettne of the NN'J)Ort Beach City Council Is the April 19 reeolutlon of the County Board of SUpt"rvbors to take over complete manapmeont. control and operation or Newport Hubor. to the International Scbolarahlp for a forelen exchange student to come to Newport Harbor High School next taU. MJldreod Stanley. convention chalrman. ouUined plarw for the District confeorenee to ~ held In the tall at the Balboa Bay Club and appolnted the followtna com I mlttee heads: Blanche Benz. In formation: Kathleen Col~an. publklt,y; Mqaret 2 e Inert . transportation; Ruth Ja~ t1 nanee, and Jtut.b lareume. re,U traUon. Steer1Q1 commltt Will lndude Pl.adteat Belen aobftt. eon and put .,..Sdentl HeJftl Stockton. En Allpln and Mra. St&nlq. an. ~ SALE! LAGUNA BEACH iates' Days WIIEIS IEIID IIESIEI IEIUCD Tl Cl FQ Racks of W omens Better Dresses repriced to dear our stock grouped in three groups Cottons -Rayons- Linens-Prints-Solid Colors Sizes 12 to 20 161h to 24 1/J. GROUP 1 GROUP 2 GBOUP 3 KO LAT.AWATS ..,. .... .,... Slrltcll H .. 1.15 pr. Just think stretch hose ln 60 Spec1a.ll Saucy ,_..,_, pa. Jamaa in cool. no l.ron cotton plls.w ... elastlclzt>d at the neckline, waist. slet>v~ and legs. SoUd pastels. prlnll. Sizes am.all, med.lum or ta.rp. ~~r~~~~ I CLOSE OUT IDIEIS U Sl. YO PLATE 52 ptece set sefVlce for 8 I 5.00 Pastry Server or 2 Pc Salad Set CclllDoD towels lA 9ay CJCII"Di. S---'-'1 Low 1 .catt.n. YCil St:npe. In Cart'frl't' rolors ___. oop to go with ~our solu1 towels eolorlul. friD9edl Machine Thick. tr'Ong. 22 by ·H-Inch wa<:h tn luke warm water bath sl7e 91c Mat resastant. sturdy, low low 16 by ~Inch face towels. Sk 1 . d ' ...,.. b 50 1 h prt('(' ~, y nc ~ wash cloths .2'7c I 2Jill Same> prt~s In solid rolors ~ 1 UUZE IIAPEIS 4tGI .. L II&MJ •••rll•ll·wullls ufter 6. ....... , ......... ~ 4.50 38 patr of mt'na Rayon aat.er . dJM drns trouRra brollltn lbes 29 to 42 walat. Ill Sl¥1111 FEATHER PILLOW ., How·s FISHING? Newport Harbor 8p0rtn.blnr boats lut Thund~ tangled Into a new .cbool of log barracuda otf Dana Point. brblJiag lftueb joy to the hearta of an~ boat akJppeors and Jandlng ,eople. It pro~laed the nan of a ~ run of berries, thOM delicious eating flah. The P'ronUer. trfhlch leaves at 6 a.m. dally from the Balboa PA- vlllon, was the scene tor the good barracuda ffahJng last Thur&day. All ot the anglers caught llmlt or near limit bap of barra~da, weighing up to 12 pounds. Dock anglers at the Balboa PavtUon have been catching halibut and sea trout with .mall achovfes being used for bait. e 1 A. K. DAJLT The Sport Kin& leaves at 6 a.m. daUy from Nonn's Landing. Women fish tree each Friday on the Sport King It accompanied by a paJd escort. About a do21en charter boats are avallable at Norm's Landing Including The Sklp.A-Lou. Sammy Cordeiro 1s skipper and Ed White relief aklp. per on the Sport King. Bert Is the deck hand and Bud Strallng Is the eaJley cook. Bud's enter- tainment Is worth the cost of a trl~ ' Manuel Cordeiro • Is skippering Norm's Valencia III from Santa Barbara and Red Shipman is run- ning the Music up there !or Norm. The Speed King and Min- netonka have also gone to Santa Barbara In a Norm's Landing project to develop sportllshing there. The Music Is running as a half.day boat and Norm also has a flshJng barge up there. Big bass are reported as the fish being caught. e COBaJXA AlfD PEBCB Graham's Bait and Tackle re- ports that corblna and big perch are being caught In the surf be- tween 30th St., Newport Beach, and the Santa Ana River jetty on lncomln&' Udes. Fred Ishum of Garden Grove recently caught nine corblna and sJx perch. aver- agin&' 2~.pounds, In that area. Spotfln croaker from 2~ to 3- pounds are beln&' caught around the jetty on clams. Thirty-five barracuda, a 12. pound halibut, !our sand bass a nd two sheephead made up the catch on the Jet n last Thursday from Seasport Landing. Mrs. Orene Guest won the jack pot with a 11-pound barracuda, Jean Henderson caught the big hall- but a.n4 ..... ltri'-c:aqbt We barracuda and a baas. The eals are member& of the Oceanside Lady Anelers. The Jet U now leaves at 2 a.m. each Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday to fish San Clemente Is land and each other day of the week leaves at 4 a.m. for local fishing. e TWO-DAY TRJPS The Jet 1 leaves at 6 a.m. dally from Seasport Landing to fish local. Proving increasingly popu. Jar are the two day, Wednesday. Thursday. trips of Bud Jacklin's Vellron to Catalina and San Cle mente Island. The fare Is $25 a trip. with a good galley aboard for meals. Anglers can get off at Catalina for the evening. On other days the Vellron Is avail- able for charter. Port Orange boats have also tangled into the barrKcuda. The Port Orange schedule Includes Gypsy. 5 a.m.; Missawit. 6 a .m., and May B. 7 a.m. A white sea bass weighing more than 20 pounds was caught recently on a Port Orange boat. A 25-pound halibut was caught one day on the barge anchored off the Newport Pier, where span ish jacks. pacific mackerel and big halibut are being caught Fir!lt shore boat to the • barge Is at 6 a.m. with hourly trips ther('after. The Westerner leaves at 6 a.m . daily !.rom the N e w p o r t Pier with anglers aboard catching barracuda. e U-DRIVES AVAILABLE Row boat anglers from Ellis Boat Rentals have been catching sea trout and yellowfln croaker fishing above the upper bay bridge using anchovies tor bait. U-drlve cruisers are available at Ellis !or those anglers desiring to scout for their own fish. Davey's Locker features the Seablscuit as Its day boat. The Seablscult leaves at 6 a.m. dally and has been bringing in barra, cuda and a few baas. A 1.0-pound black sea bass was caught recently from a u .drlve boat from Steelcraft of Southern Calltomta-an unusual catch. Bl&' black sea bass used to be a "Sunday special" for the NeW- port Pier COD)Jnerclal ocean dory fleet. . The first yellowtalJ of the sea- .on to come Into Newport Harbor were caught recently on the charter boat lavell.n, aklppered by StelanJ• and Doug Batey froi'D Golden State Landlnr. The flab weJ.gbed,. and lt pound. each. The Mapuna Lt running u a day boat from OOiclen State l..arHI1ftl leavtntat 7La Thew thrH paint portnetS ore yovt1 frM of utra COif with purcfae of ••• •I gallon Old Colony YILYUIII Flat Woll roinl •I .,an O&d Colony JIULIU Sa._j g1o. &a..~ fnougfl paint to do wolh ond woocfwotlt of OYerOge roo. •r-., VILYIJ.ITI FLAT WAU MINT ~~~tAw. .. you con roll.,-point wolh oF overage #ze room in 2 #tours • Od01leu • Scrubboble • Alltyd bale • Self P'l-'s·~ ..r-., IILKLITI __ ,_ SIMI-OLOU INAMIL e~hllle • LAMe -'""'1 .. eHeft..... (~ We Hcnoe A Full LiDe of "BIG BOY" BARBECUES Ptam $9.16 See The DEIOISTIATIOI By Factory Expert Sat. June 11th IIUII PUSnC 81111 PUTES 2 for 69c PUSTIC CIIPPD ICE IAIEIS IICIIW to ..U F« 11.00, only 49c CLOSE OUT! ...... , ..,. F« Qecmlag Toilet ..... 11.21 98c. Wlm T.U SEAT Chrome Swing Spout Fixture Wttlt ·~ .... ..., $7 •• II" Ull Self~. Jal9t. ~ tilecl wbeela. lleg. 111.15 Vtll.. ------GRASS CATCHER ..... 1 .. V ..... MEN'S LUNCH m Wltla Tbermoe httle ::·:~ ........ T PAINT ROLLER & PAN SET a.v.l... 99c SPECIAL ..... e "KORDITE" FREEZE BAGS 1-Qt. a.. 25 to Cl ft9. ::~nc ........... 49c "KORDITE" FREEt£ BOXES l-Pt..... 49 ..... 7Dc Yal-........... c l-Qt..... 59 .... Yal.. ..........• c "KORDITE" FREEZE WRAP 1118c:M1~55Feet ::!~--~·-'] 11 ''KO~' POULTRY BAGS aaallli aJ.-. ..... 70c Y'CI1.. are&.~ew a.. a.v.eoe Y'll1.. . -· ..• 49c .39c 26 PIECE STEEL Cuflery Set Reg. $9.95 Value at ................ . , .. 4 u~ulw clctip«d, c'"'end 1111CeJN1"' wfd\ ucl..ao. NOf'rinHre V..,cw-SHI RlYM tMI--.l-ia .v.-u. Su .Zl JZ popa!arlw ,.neH p.cce •*' tM IJMd&l gljt ~ .... MIA CIPfO..,... •IIMIBII1Bl """IlS OWJf .. COMIC 8AUECUE APBO"I ~ II fC. ... AUEr PO'I'TUI'l J)JIB SET CLOVES .. Jbrtloa •• • ,-5 colon. OpeD Jtock llecJ. 11.-Vcd. $1.18 RcLai.it itiiW WIRE IUSIIIIIS Cold wttla ..... Trtaa lloldll • aa ... . .... 11.51VttJ• $1.19 hU ''UNIVEBS.AL'' AUTOMATIC ... ,. "Anaivenaa t Special" $19.95 ft.MTIC .G&LGALV. CO'nii.D ftAIII c:.u DISH .... ~---DRAINER .. OAU.OII cu••u c:Aa .8lc .... a;. ..... ALI.Ifta. ADJVITULE •••• TillE .,15 •aL. .,. .. GENERAL ELECTRIC AUTO. IRON S9 95 Fully Guaranteed. $12.95 Yalue_~···-·· .. · .. ·-- IRONING BOARD PAD & COVER SET A Real Scrring--$2.98 yaJue ···-------- ., .. D1 .... W ..... Ql Ill .... l5c ... --···--·-I .. Me •••llsld •n•a. s...,, OwdltY a--. .... liM ___ ....... ~~~~.a-u. to O'Cida.lUO ....... -~ .. -.......... ..... Ct.t .. Pot aaaw ..... 10c. .... -...................... a ._ .1s. ""K.ty w Pot a-•~ ..._ 10c. ........................... a ..... 15c =~v:~~=~R~ ·----~188 J """let Per Boldlsn. lleg. 2lc .._ .................................... I ,_..lie lla:My UtWty Track...._~ .... M.JS .. -.. .lUI Wood aou.. PtM. S...TDe. .... 15c ..._, ...._, .......... 1 .. Dupeat ., .... , a...._ ac £-1.,... aec ................ aoaa ._ ... 4-PIEIE IETIL CIIEEIIET Mite .. Y .. w Trill, Ill-11.71 ... =-cm:=..~-~~-----.-15( .. "CIIY" -FEE IIID 8-Cup Siz,, 1285 Jle9. 14.95 Value __ _ . . U the ~ cet you at.d the The wateh lblelt, and the rln&. eotnr Ia tourh. you rnJrbt try are stlll there, attached to c:ople. PQitlnJ ball by means of a ot complalnta fllled out by A.. H. watch. qr a rtnr. WU.On. recorder tor the dty back Anyway, that's the way lt wu In March, 1926. done .ome 29 JHra •eo. accord· The document. -and ball - lnJ to old recorda dtecovered In were dlacowred by Mr. Prle.t In the Clty of Kewport Beach hla search tor hlatorical material archives by City Clerk C. K. to be used tn dlaplaya next year Priest. durtne the city'• Golden Arull· venery celebration. Jet Causes The ·complalnta were drawn In mlldemeanor caws "on or about the 29th day ot March, 19'.oJ8" Damage Here (could be Easter Week, maybe?) lnvolvinl two llvely centlemen An nploaJon blamed on a jet "who dJd wllfully and unlaw· plane c:racldnJ the sound barrier fully dlaturb the peace and quiet wu reapon&lble for a ever al ot the nelchborbood of Balboa, to broken wtndowa In the harbor wit Bay Ave. . . . by loud and area at 2:38 p.m. lut Friday. unuaual noise. tumultuoua and Dr. Norman Carl.an of 120 Tus-ottenatve conduct and by quarrel. tln Ave., Newport HetebU. re. tnr. threatoinJ, traduclnr. chat. ported that a laree wtndow 1n lenctne to flcht and by flJhtlne, front ot hll ottke wu mattered and by the use of profane Ian. by the exploelon. A alx by 10 foot euaee ln a loud and bolaerowt window. valued at $110, In Les'a manner In the preaence and Bayahore Tackle, lOC w. Cout hearing of women and chUdren." Rwy., wu broken by the blut. On one of the documents ls the Kenneth C. WU.on of ~ W. notation: "10 daya In jail aua. Coast Hwy .. Newport Beach, re. pen~ed ; watch for baU." And the port a alx by eight toot window watch ls attached-a eold plated broken at that addrfts. Waltham watch. Jt atUl runs, u Ernest E. Spelcker of 734 St. proved by Mr. Priest as he wound James Pl., Clltt Haven, reported the stem. that hla bathroom ceUine lteht On the other document Ia wu broken loose and shattered written merely: "Rine ball." And fololwlne the explosion. A win-the ring Is attached. It Is a Pas&· dow wu reported broken In dena MWtary Academy ring, In· Richard's Lido Market. Newport scribed with the words. "Honesty, Beach, followlne the explosion. industry, loyalty." A siQlllar, although lighter City Clerk Priest Is keeping the blast, occurred at 10:57 a.m. Jut Items In the city vault pendlne Friday, al.o believed cauaed by an officlaJ leeal rullne by the a jet plane. city attorney as to their proper The Instant a jet plane goes disposition. through the sound barrier It sets Perhaps the owners would stiLl oU the explosive force which like to reclaim their erstwhile travels straight ahead of the possessions ... plane. If the plane Ia aimed at ------ the earth at the time. the explo- sive force hits the earth at that Items Stolen From Vessel point. SuperriaioG. Trcaupol'tatloo at RAPPT DAT SCHOOL for Little PoUr Several thefts occured from hl.l 90-toot s c h o o n e r . Estrelllta. moored at 3450 VIa Oporto, New- port Beach, Edward A. Wedder- spoon of Los Angeles complained 440 Heliotrope, Corona del Mar Harbor 4369 Under new manaaement Mn. lean Vau dlrector IE SA UPIILSTEIII to Newport pollee last week. The schooner has been tied up with maritime liens aince about November, 1954, Mr. Wedder- apoon sald. Max Crocker of 3450 VIa Oporto holda the first two ___ _. Uerua and Oranre County tbe ----· thiN. ..... the theft loa tM ec:booaer bad been clarDaa-J .. no appaNnt reuon, be a4de4. X.ttre•es were torn up and *>me of the paneling pried otf PI_.._ tl~~~~:;:,.•l the walla in the ooclrtaU lounre. Mr. Wedderspoon aaid he wu co- owner of the craft w1th Imlre Conn of San Jose. Items lt.ted aa stolen from the vessel Included a $50 white din· ner coat. two pair of $100 tro u· ... dll ae.rs. $65 Imported cashmir cardJ. _......._ ...... -· .. -.. -----.. --_......_ ............... -ran. $15 pull-over aweater, two pair ,ot $50 shoes, a $10 blanket, $20 .et of carvers. $5 ash tray, $150 ships clock, $100 barometer, $.25 aect.Jon of electric cable, $3.50 cook book, a $2 English diction· ary, a $5 photo aJbum of the boat, a $15 silver water pitcher, a $15 silver coffee pot, a $5 cock- tall shaker, three electric tans, a $10 sliver plattel', a $25 compass, a S4 navigating Instrument, two navigation book& valued at $50, a $10 stanaJ lamp and a $10 paraUel rule. IJMRIIIGFEES ~~-}WI--~ I '5 , I -Driving your OWD car tums into a nerve-rackinJ pe:rformaoce when you hit heavy traftic. ADd, fiDding a spot to part your car becomes a real headache, • 10011 aa you reach your destination in aay cooaated business or sboppiDa cater. But-the cHncbing argument aaainst drivin& is the sizeable park- ing COlts that keep pullina down your pocket m()Ocy. Ewry illry, 1rt0n P«Jpki'IGlJu ,,_ lt•mwn to 10 by Mmo ~· c..ll Ll••• AS PUNCH SAVIN& YOU S S S DURIN& OUR BIG 4TH I EIS IY "CEITIFID" THURSDAY JUNE ,9th FRIDAY JUNE 10th IICIIIII IIUIIUT SATURDAY JUNE 11th lEI. $1.11 ASPIRIN SHAMPOO FLASHLIGHT .. lOO'a .. II~ Req. $2.00 Value 'len.., lr•r' 54 21 Hot Weather I SHliPOO Reg. lOc POCKET COMBS 2( Reg. lOc HAIR NETS 4( BOBBY PINS Beg. lQc SAFETY PINS " Reg. Sl.75 Value f)IO TARTAN lets,. ••.•• Mftr IMint• ....,.. .• ,,.,.. s. ........ ••••• ..... ..... ...... .... ------ II IL, .. 4ez..,Dc I ez.., IAI In Our COMPLETE TOILET GOODS DEPT. F1111t Qulifr Dupont &I IIIII YLOIS LIMIT (3 pn. to a cwatomer) 111- $1 .. Vii. Pr. SHOP NOW! SII.-AY, 1..._ F• II_US T•! Regular lOc Val. '1>ouble Edge"* Ra.c. Jladea .... ... ..... .... .04c: Regular 12c Value To.Det n.u.. per Roll -· .. ···--·-·-·-·-·-... __ .ff/c Pac:lrage of 15 Emelo~ ···--·. ·-------.. .06c Begular lSc Val '"Bed Dew" Lighter FhUd -·--···-···-· ... .me Beplar 20c VaL Adheli.-Tape; t•xtVJ yd.----. ·-· .09c Regular lSc Val na.blight latteriea ·---.G9c CORONA . . PHARMACY • ~· -·~-----~ - 2-Cell 39~ Req. $5.95 Value SWII FilS Req. $1.98 Value Reg. lOc DISH CLOTHS 6~ Reg. IDe POT CLEANER Reg. 49c Dupont Nylon TOOTH BRUSH ,_ lle9-lSc: PAPER PLAIES ........ come in and look around . . . you are sure to find that unusual arlft you are lookinar for . . . and we have the finest paper party goods and b!ldare aupplles. VILU 1111111 PMhlrtDg 0.. MCifood. at.cdaa. prtJDe nt.. dlk:lrMI. dwck. tbe VWa IICDiDcl Ia oae of ~ Coalaty"a JIDeA ...-... raata. ••:pet roae MCib up to 400. Locat..s .t tile lwtdge to 1c1Jboa lsJaD4. UU. ICIIIM OWDenb..ip a tbe Cirqae 1D P..u.to& .......,, ..... licitly .... llere Voices were ralaed ln four-part harmony at the lnltlal meeting ot the Society for the Preserva. tion of Barbershop Quartet Sing. lng held at the Elks Clubhouse In Newport Beach. Barbershop quartet slnartng has become a byword In America as chapt~ of this national organi- zation have become active ln communities e v e r y w h ere. AJ. though the members sing matn. ly for their own enjoyment. they are always ready to lend their voices and "pitch In" to help with the entertainment at community affairs. If you are a ma le who llkes to sJnar or just listen. who would en. joy joining a group where the dues are slight and where ;ood fellowship and harmony reign suprem~ then contact Dan Wed. man at Harbor 4744 or Dale Whit- acre at Liberty 8-5953. AP'JUCA FILII Olf noGIIAJI ._ • ddt .. ...,..1' 1•••-· lfJt L a., rr.t. ....... ..._., .,..... .,....... ..... AacL .-d JaM ~ ol Ml lleUotrope A"- CorODCI ....... (haip ftoto) COM Stables to Move Soon To ,Site Near Costa Mesa In approximately two weeks harbor area have learned horse- the Corona del Mar Stables wUl manshlp from Mr. Harrla at the be moved to the west end of Gls-stables. Ranch land between Avocado ler Rd. about a mile off Harbor Blvd. north or Costa Mesa. Lionel T. Harris started oper. atlng the stables on the Irvine Ranch property west of Avocado Ave.. Corona del Mar. In 1941. For years younar people ot the Ave. and Pump house gully south of Coast Hwy. has been used for rldJng purpodleS. Expansion of the Irvine Terrace aubdJvlalon hu been given by Irvine Ranch otfJ- ctals a.s rea5«m for requiring the move, stable of1Jdals said. DeMolay Mother's Club Plans To Hold Pot Luck on July 27 Plans tor a pot luck supper to be held July 27 were discussed at the DeMolay Mother's Club meet lng In Anaheim May 25. The pot-luck wUl Include all membera of DeMolay and their parenU, all members of Job's Dauahters Bethel and their par- ents, and Councils for both. Thls annual tamlJy get-toaether will be held at the Costa Mesa Park. CB.aJSTIAJf SQEJfCE CRVJICB CompetiUve games will be held BOLDS AJQIUAJ. MEETDIQ at 5 p.m .. and supper will be at 7 p.m. Mrs. Gertrude W. Eiseman of Two new members, Mra. Georee Boston was named president of Niquette and Mrs. Theo4or El- .Rev. Edwin Gornke w111 show the Mother Church, The Firat man, were welcomed Into tbe pictures of Africa taken whJJe Church ol Chrlst, Scientl.st, at the eroup. Also attendJng were 1n the .ervice when the E-Z Club annual mMtJnc Monday In ao... M.mes. Hadd Rlne. p,_ldent; E. the C4nGa del Mar Com-ton. aceo~"dlng to word rec.-.lwd D. Sedelmeler H. Earl ~ 1II'Dillty auardl meets for a pot by Georp Wud ot the Rewpart J. w. McCanciu..h, c. T. '!Wftlt: luck dtnn~ at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday Beacb Cbrfatlan Sclence Church. 1 Jl Raeer w s. ~ly Edward ::i=~=~====-a ~· • at the Church. In charge ol food Several memberl of the Joeal 8 ftah ~I · 'l'ho 'Berenke ~~~~~~~::..:= -::::. arra.ngementa are Mrs. Maude church attended the meetJng. H~ber. ~d c. Jl G~o. ~D 1'11E'A.a&D TO acr Boody. Mrs. Mabel Olen, Mr. and A net gain or 31 branches of Mrs. Huber o!fered to contact ..U.O. llcllrbo. _, Mra. D. R. Rooke and Mr. and The Mother Church In the put aU other mothers of new De-su lcllboa alYd.. CLOSED IIOIIDATS Mrs. Weaver Smith. year was reported, brin&fne the Molay Initiates. wtth the help of SOUTH SEJIS CAFE total to more than 3.100 In 46 Mrs. McCandlJsh. __ __ Bead Enslen Want Ad& countries. The next meetlnar will be held FiDe food ••• CIOdltclil bCir ••• 0.. .-.ow. aJ9bUy • • • cd.M dcmc:tag to tbe IDuUe o1 tbe 01....-MfSG ~)ea. 11Uidia9 cat1nl. z-y to vet to from lfewpolt ----.... datft ap llartMw at..S.. tuna rlfbt Oldo IDfbWCI'f 101. t1Ma tuna npt OD Proatage Bood • quart. of • aai1e ...._ oa. 10111 U. S. IIWT. 101 DeCII' AM AJIEDI &EtiTOifE 5-G44 THE VERY BEST • • • • DINING ••• ~ DANCING •••• COCKTAILS. ••• * New Menu lncludH Italian Delicacies * Mq We Savv-t Proal au•ew P~ VEAL SCALLOPDU e LASAGifA e PIZZA 2260 HuLen Boulevard • Cotta Meea, a..lil:orma DANCING EVERY NIGHT UITZ 1 ... •••11 .......... ()pea 7 n..,. A Wwlr CX>C&fAIL JIOV'a-.4Jtt te 1110 ...... DAILY fOnLAa lfD&D DaDI'D-fiOc AI ·•lldlns,;. ,*Is'- PARTI!IL MlfQUETB, or CLUJ DINMEII at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. June 22, at the home of Mrs. Turner, 257 MagnoUa. Costa Mesa. CPL. CVDJI(). ft.A1'1 IOP'ftAU. IK QEJlMAJfY Army Cpl. Robert K. Cubbl.son, Mrs. Jack Quisenberry opened man; and Mrs. Charles Haley of son ot Mrs. Arnold C. Kohla, f88 her first meeting as newly Corona Hl&hlan4s In charee of Broadway, Costa Mesa, Ia play. I d ld E 11 Inc softball thla season In Cer- Committee Chairmen Named For Mu Epsilon Chapter e ecte pres ent or Mu ps on hostesses. many while servinar with the lat Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi with A covered dlah supper, cele· Infantry Dlvtslon'a 7th Field the announcement or new com-bratlng the third birthday of the Artlllft)' Battalion. mlttee chairman for the com-chapter wu held yesterday at He Is a 1952 eraduate ot New. lng year. the home or Mrs. Haley, 440 Ca. port Harbor High School, and at. They are Mrs. John MerrUJ of brlllo Terrace, Corona Htchlandl. tended Crance Cout College be- Costa Mesa as chairman ot ways Thls wtll be the last rearular fore entering the Army In Sep. and meaM and service and Mrs. meeting unW fall, but plana are tember, 1953. Ruth Lewis of Balboa u co.dlalr-bein& made for a beach party -------- man; Mrs. John Stolz. Newport and brtdare 80dal durin& the HelghtJJ, as program chairman; Mrs. Florence Mallard ot New. port Beach; eoclal chairman; MIS. James B. Taylor, Corona Hlehlands, as publicity chair- summer. Ruahlna for new members wtJl be held In the fall with tela· Uve fund-ra,lslnar projectJI lnclud- lne a rummaee aale and a fuh- lon lhow durlnc the year. *BALBOA* • Open Every Sat. & ~ Enioy Rides & Games , ..... F..O,flr I "TRIP ..._·TIE IIY" -IlL I Ia NOW OPEN ••• NANA ·s Mexican Foods 0.0 &Y&IIY DAY U A.JI. 'TIL 7 •.x. a.ns.. • OIIDpl.ete Mlectiae Of ........... 18chd- 1Dg. leef • .._ hnttN. ,._ • ._~Tw ....... B-.btarven .-d Poaatala s..tc.. ....... fte OJ h4 ~ hrlf..ty lt1' ... W0C....A.,.,-L 1 -..... ... .. 1111 laa's Bowling O~nAieys , ... .,. n..~a, .... .., ....... 0,.. AU Wltlat ,.,....,-_;t~ * ~V'I"'OIA1'JC fllll.fO~tl'PiJPIWr:. * POa IIDIDIYA~ aarr M IOI&Iiklil AYE. uaan .._, .,..... cona .... I --lsMd Of last Year's Reconl BuUdlnr permjt total fM the year In the City of Newport Beach went over tbe tlve.miUion· dollar mark u more than $1:50,000 In penntta were r.ued by the BuUdtnr Department clur- lnr the first w.ek of June. Lut rear the nw.mllllon fll· ure wu not reached until the middle of July; In~ not untU Au run. Followlnr permlta were tuued: Dr.ltoDald Wood, D. C. HARBOR • HE}J..TH SERVJCE OOiiiPLI:'I'E DIAGMOSIS a PHYSICAL TRD.APT DEPT. a.c•.....nam~. •.....n .... ~-- eii&WJOIH Everett Palmer Jr., remodeling at 1000 w. Oeeaft, tMO: M. Hutcht.on. nvtmmtnr pool at Lldo Trailer Park. ~.700; Reel· nald D. Curry, cabana at 37 Channel 114., 12,000; L. L Hol- brook, 7-room, 2-ttmy, 1-unlt ctwelllnr at 123 36th St., ~000; Dourlu Guenther, add llvlnr room and kitchen at 213 .oth St; 11.100; J. H. Hartter, 4-room, 1-.tory, 1-unlt dwelltnr at 3106 Ocean n., ••· e DWJOIIT DIGIITI LouJa I.Jbbey, wan at 414 Jllvenlde, 1300; R. r. DeWeae, fence at 501 IUverslde, PQO . e c:urF IIAYD Prank .... n, dweUlnr at 1·411 Cll1f Dr.,llA,OOO. e cceo.& 11!08! UDI Marton Dodd. 1-room. 1-ltoty, 1-unlt dwelltnr at 461 Seaward, 116,200. e IIIOU CLJJI'PI Amold Huke.U.awtmmin& pool at • Shofedla K • .UOO; &. ~:;:::;::;:::;;;::::;;::;;;:=:;:~C. ~ardl. eo ... lllicm work at -8¥et'lbll Caft1on Rd., ... 000. ..-.o. k1 rrl n.,-w .. lr .. .. y_ ..... ,.. BA •• T DAT IC.OOL «0 Heliotrope, Corona del Mar Harbor .:t69 Mrs. Jean Vaurhn, d1rector SAVE SAFELY - At Or•nge County' 1 LeMlnt H... lefMii119 l..tltvfl• CONTINUING TO PAY PER ANNUM ALL ACCOUNTS INSURED U' TO S I 0,000 All Accounh Opened On tw leftwe Th• lOth of th• Month Earft FfoM tfle lsi. LAGUNA FIDUAL SAV1N6S I LOAN ASSOCIATION mo... A ..... LA&UNA lEACH ,.._ HY4-U7t a. a. Chaa~ ftdoee PQI'dl at 2000 Oenn Blvd., ttOf): lUI DfJJ. man, add 2 room.a at 2177 Ocean, $4000; C. C. Perrin, aldlnr and re- bulld comers. 111 E. Bay, Sl.OOO; Jim Karam, parklnr lot at 114 Main, $3,000; M. Marrlnr, rlau over porch at 1017 E. Balboa Blvd., $250; Thomu I ew, 6-room. 2-story, 1-unlt dwelllnl at 111 G St, $17,000. e aAUOA JSLAJn:) Dr. A. L Richardton. remodel· lnr and addltlona at Seaeom~ Gltts, 318% Marine, 1400; R. D. Funk. remodellnr at 224 A&ate, $1.000. e lllYDI& T&DN:E W. A. Lester, 6-loom, 1-atory, 1-unlt dweUlnl at 1.207 Dolphin Terrace, $22.900; 0 . W. (Dick) Richard. 8-room, 1-story. 1-unlt ~~ratlJOlDolphlnTerra~. NEWPORT LEADS BUILDING e co•OXA DEL KU Mac Renfro 7 room 2 story 1 Newport has taken over the lead trom Irvine Terrace In total unlt dwelllng at 192? · Bays'td~ value of bulldlnr permits lsau~ by the Newport Beach BuUdlng Department for the flm five months of this year. Dr., $31.000. H•re are the standings, lining May permits. a nd the totals as A Classifieo 1'\d an l h• Ensian brinqs immediate results! Call Harbot-111 4-1 115 and or~ itt of May 31: AllEA KAY .EJIJIITS NAT 31 TOTAL Newport ...................................... $ 244.150 $1.170,612 Irvine Terrace ................................. ........ 229.460 ........ ·~· . .. 948.010 Corona del Mar ....................... -· . .. 127.!W5. .. 741,737 Lido Isle ..... ........ . .................................. 137,150..... . 441.372 CUU Haven ................................ ............ 26.695 ................ ..... 430.870 Newport Heights . ................. .... . ....... 28.700 ... . . ... ... 294,775 Balboa .......... ... . ....... .............................. 109.900. .. -· .... . .... 283.575 Corona Hlrhlands ................................. 150 .. .................. 187.417 Balboa lllaDd ----·------.. -1.5.725 .......... -.......... 180,l60 =. ~" .. ________ ,....................... ............................. .• Harbor laland .......................................... 27.000 ... _" ___ .... _. 30.700 ~!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~ Bay ShorH ....... --... ---·-··---.......... :.... 4.250 . ....... .......... 23.950 Beacon Bay ...................... ........ ............ . 1,000 . .............. .. 18.785 •• , ... ~ ........ 38, Is F-~ llea4 i1 Car Heywood fGlll B. Gillespie. 38, ot 119 42nd St.. Newport. was found dead In hls car Saturday at Sycamore Park. Santa Ana. s 971.225 $4.847.418 CrMb9 ea..s. W Artl.st ......... ij ~ aooa. swtlaa':l ~ .. 8LUE SAIL8 Ano.all 306 Main BALBOA Harbor 678 9:30-6 :00, Sun. Noon 'til 6 Mr. Gillespie had Jlved In the .nc-Cat OD 0v Harbor Area for six years and tor the past three years had been 1ST. ,iiiii~ii~~~~~ employed u a mach inery main-AXNIVEIISAJIT iii tenance mechanic at the Cherry s A L E .1 ..-.sF. HilES "' a no LOAJf Ccmatruction Locma I" ID-ftAJI LOAJf a.a aoasATTLD MllrllrtppOI. ••s L ee-t ....,_ =• ft.IIA 1111 ID J.Slas , ..... u.. ...... ~) M46 L COAST HWY .. COIONAcaWAI HArt. 4111 • Rivet Corporation Townsend Co . He was a member of the Mlcro- Midret Auoclatlon. •47 CHEV. 4-DOOR He Is survived by his wtte. Ma-Only $199 at bel Gillespie, of the home a~- dress; a aon. Harry Gillespie. serv-JOHISOI 1 SOl lng wllh the armed forces ln Ger- many; his mother. Mrs. Marguet LIRCOLJI-KEJ1ct1JIT Sue Gllletple of Loa Angeles. and 100 W•t Coast Jl19bway two sisters In Cincinnati. lfEWPOJrT 8EACB Services are being held at 2 ~iiii~~~~~~~~~ p.m. today (Thursday) at Baltz MortuafY, eo.ta Mesa Chapel. AW a UTl1l:LJlJJJJTlsc• VllmJIG IJf 'I'1JD.OCK A htrh point ln the visit ot Mra. Harry Mekeel of 108 Sap. phlre Ave .. Balboa Island, with her .on and fam.Jly on thetr ranch ln Turlock. was to be present at the rraduatlon of her lfand- dauehter. Dee Mekeel. .PORT ~'.? C<'"·'~A ·"1 , 'Wf•' .. ~ •• l:t H/Y • f'1ooc c:o..taga -J)a rt 'a • Asphalt Tile -Rubber 'rue Forrn1ca -LJnoleum 111• Cia Till' U.:.'o\0• lfewlywed realdfnta In Corona ' d~ Mar are Mr .. and Mra. Robert "..f 125 Z.. lftla St. Herschel HlllJa. 'Jbe brtde ls the UJIUI I a.G51 c... .... former M1u Ruth Anne McGurk, i~~~~~~~~~~22~· ~Yeara~~1n~Ora~n~p~Co~un~ty~~~~~ da~ter of Mz. and J,(ra. Frank llkCuft dl lila ~nte. The I'OOift ill the -fill Mr.. Lucy Hllllt ol SouUt "-*na . The coup~ will r~ at 423 Orchid lAve. UIE ... I F.,..,'• , .. , • KJtS. s•1cza u BOS'ftal Mrs. Walter Spicer of the Har bor Area was one ol the hostesses for the tea and card party held yesterday <Wednesday) at th~ I Santa Ana Country Club. Mt-m-1 ~ only are Invited to the monthly luncheon to be held the BRUCE MARTIN IITI-Tl .. --=--UFE LOCAL AGENT 1793 NEWPORT AVE., COST A MESA omCE: Uberty 8-:5554 RES. Ubert)' 8-5013 j last week In lune at the club. I OPEN SUNDAYS For your convenience Brinq ua your Sunday Paint & Plumhmq Problema * Revere Ware Displtry In Our Enlarged Store * We Cll MIYe ,_ HARDWARE lltl H·SE·WIIE lEEDS: The Mo.t Complete Stock In The Harbor Area * Complete Lme of FULLER PAINTS * * * * Renew your upholstery with F A B S P R A Y -14 decorator colors to choose from BARBECUE supphes -Bra- ziers---Cutting Boards-Char- coal-Barbecue Forks. etc Sanders and F1oor Pohshers for rent. House-wares: E 1 e c t r i c Mixers -Cutlery -Dishe.-5team-ware-Perc- olators. Sportmnan'a Dream! III.PII TUlLER A calllplete boat. camp ldt cbea aacl aleepl.a9 trailu llll ba OCM atrecaa l.1Ded. ru9vecl ua1t. . Tbe It ON.P AK l.a a aporU. •aa'a trcrller ct.a1ped cmd built eKclual .. ly r.. tiM oat. cloonmcm'a u ... 11M ltON. P AK will 90 -T plclce tiMit la CIC"'*'stNe to a -· A 11-toot ~ flbw9lalla baet .. .,...._ ....,.. la attuclloed ..._ the body • that tbe ia....-tecl ball p;o.tdee a ro-' ,_ tiM trcan.. See It On Diaplay At Forgit Hardware FOR YOUR PLUMBING PROBLEMS ••. * We have the Harbor Area's most complete se- lection of galvanized p1pe and fittings, * Complete threading and pipe cutting fachties. * SAJCR.ETE, Ready Mix Cement We_ cut and thread p1pe -Just add water. while you wait. WE GJVE ,S&H GM!MSTANPI ' taUWY, ,_. &. 1111 _., ' ___ ... __ POU....___Cr-E----1 Methodist ' eWKDIIDDAY,,.... l •t::::·;;~~;::~~;~~~~~ Gene SUUtvan ol W-t;crA.n-j l :~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1eJes reported the theft of a .,val-car eom- let contalnln& SS from a cu ,..-, IIPQit1:!ed and ~ the ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ li§f~~~~~~£~~~~ I parked on Poppy Ave. neat car parlr..cl on Coul Rwy. near Ocean Blvd., Corona del Mar ••• B&7a$de Dt., Jltewpart Beach. Minor dama1e ree;u.lted to can • U'I'GDAY, 1Uif& 4 driven by WWud A. Oney ol. H.. peen bk:)'tle valued a~ Long Beach and P'. J. Sehultz rnG 1011 VIa ....... ,,. ldt ... , ............... .,. ot HuntlnKton P.-rk 1n an acd-, Donald J. ·Brew· dent at ·eout Hwy. at 17th St., Mentone, Lido MUUAY Newport Beach -- -. , orttcen~~w~.,.~ II ;•;,~-~-:~;.~;~~~~~:~~~~ e TBUUDA1', JtnrE l An anonymous penon Illegal shootlnc In the twten Matllold WJtlo ................. ...... _....,.....,..... "-"·"· ~···--'71• ,... ..... H.-.. ..,._ ___ ,_.....,_ .............. ,.._,_...._ clssus Ave., Corona p.m .... A car ·~~~;;11 ;~;~~~~~~~-~ Ocean Blvd., "at 6:06 p.m. I:De~;;lbe.;;.;",dw .· Oldfield of San Mrs. June Van Every of 3130 Sea-1, ·tnto the rear of a view Ave., Corona dell Mar, re-Walter L. CoUina or Ja11~~:,'"rJ; l>ud .......... ' ~ .... ...., ported that !IOmeone ahot a hole . Costa Mesa, w:•~:: I :~~~~~! > throueh a front window In her had slowed to make a left home, evldentally !rom a BB at 4401 W. Coast Hwy., Newport __ .:._ __ _ gun . . . Beach e FB.IJJAT. JVl(E :J e SUlfDAT, 1VIfE 5 Beverly Black of Long Beach , Lupe Acosta, 18, Tony R. Agala employee of Christian's Hut, Bal-Jr., 18, Joseph R. Castro, 18. a nd boa, reported that someone used a juvenile boy, 16, all from Santa a knife on her car tire and broke Ana were arrested at Bayside Dr. t he car radio aerial on a recen t and Coast Hwy .. at 12 :15 a .m. evening and prior to t hat tried charges of being m inora In to steal the veh icle from the res-session of a n aloohollc beverage taurant parking lot ... Pollee put ... J ames Thompson of 125 Tur- out a broadcast In an attempt to quolse Ave., Balboa Island, recover a car stolen from Mrs. ported the tht'!t of a $18 Joseph P. Landis of 2681 Crest-nylon cover from his ca r parked view Dr., Bay Shores ... Ken-In front of his residence .. , neth E. Dell, 44, of 115 Apolena A. N. Zerman, 72, of 221 Golden- Ave., Balboa Island, was arrest-rod Ave., Corona del Mar, fainted ed on an Intoxication In auto In the Corona del Mar church at chara:e at Park Ave. and Marine 11 :35 a.m. and was treated by a Ave., Balboa lsland, at 6:44 p.m. physlQ.an ... Anna C. Olson, 75. ... Franklin H. ,Youna:. Camp of 700 hellotropt> Ave., Corona del gjfts from Karen Margreta Imports Wedding Invitation Tray the perfect gift tor the bride ..• with her ow n lnv1tatlon beautl!ully tramt'd ... gold or sliver We reetster brlde'a patterns 2653 E. Coaat Hle:hway Corona del Mar Ha rbor 1373 Hours 9:30 to 5:30 OP'!ft Ba:ndayt ..sc. Cat 0. Ow • 1ST. Alf!UVEJISAilT SALE! $5.50 '54 MERC. CONVERT. Oaly $2499 at J0.-1 SOli LDICOLII-MEBCVBT 100 w_. Coaat BJgbway REW7011T BEACH Mar. was treat('(! by a physician arter she suUered a db.zy spell . . . A burglar entered the boat, In slip 42, Richardson's Landing, owned by Dr. W. H . Rimmer of Riverside and stole four woolen shirts. pair of top - alder shoes. six b&th towels and consumed some canned goods whJle aboard ... Four b lankets, three yachting caps a nd six tea towels.. a ll valued at $152 stolen from the boat of 0 . C. of Los Ana:eles, moored In 50, Richa rdson's Landin& ... twa-door 1952 Cadillac wa.s from In front of 4407 shore Dr .. Newport Beach, ~nod by M rs. M ary Harper of 46th St., Newport Beach ... e MOJQJAT. JUJfE I H. J . Swanson of 2515 E. Cout Hwy.. Corona del Mar, rrported a possible BB hole In a larce p late &Ius window at tha t ad- dress ... A four.foot section cut out ot hla earden h ose a tank A hit run car d a,ma.r .. the rl&ht rear fende-r of Gene Norvell of 421 S.ow,ard Rd .. Corona del Mar, parked front of 3416 VIa Lido, Newport Beach ... A $12 Hawaiian type bathing suit wu stolen from the clothes line of Mrs. Patricia Rob- erts of 217 Coral Ave., Balboa Island ... Dennis Popejoy, 13, of 423 Westminster Ave .. N_.port Heights. auUered a cut left fore- a rm at Horace Enslen School when he tried to stop a glasa door and put his arm throu&h It; he was take n by ambulance to Hoag Memorial Hospital . Cool-Crisp Party CoHons , We are now showing our pretty as a dream summer cottons . you must see these ... exciting colors, Exclusive Pat Primo Sty· lings in Do t t e d Swiss with flo wers ... Sheers, Cotton Lace and many imported fabrics. For originality in your s u m m e r wardrobes see us. Fashion Apparel ' • (on wt:1 • Santa Ana' Country Qub) ... £ ........ ~ a... ... • -- Specials for 'B~~n., Fri., Sat., J•e 1-10-11 TASTEWEu..-co~llb. GOLDER STATE-Pna:dum 1f1 GaL Margarine 2-25c Ice Cream 79c R 10~ JI&IIIIT uao m-w ;:· ............... 55¢ Spinach 15¢ Syrup ~;a.:-····-······'· . . 21¢ 11/o CalL ........................ . =.=IT£a~~.~AX=-~~~-----------------------• N S d 3 •~ 25¢ Sal 53¢ auiiCO •-eW pu 5 , mon ~--····················· Crackers ~--················ 23¢ z.man·~ -. c-DEl: XOW'TE-SUc~Mt or Bal._ ~------2"'27f Pin ~Juice21C Sa.-OIID .. ALLnrk c~~;;r Milk 1 ~¢ ue raut:. ·-COFFEE 75•. 0:, . IF LIT$!.\ iLl !.\Ell> BELL PEPPERS 9c lb. LAIIGE CELERY 9c ea. BEANS 15c lb. ' ...... SWEET CORN 6 ears 25c 49c doz. ~=1 !ROlE n IOOO~ SiiiA'waEiiiES 23( roNA oi'NNa·-s~ • PUll•=• 81111emullllx 14 eL pq. a... h St~~clll Sale Ptbe 2 ptp. a8c Spam ~~ ................................ 35¢ SWISS STEAK J BOULDEB Oa auK• .OIIELESS ROLLED ROAST GROUND ROUND .ORELESS STEW BEEF EDROAST a9l Lean Groun·d Beef ·4L...'l" RE ·39'- ACO Ca.-!WparllralwL ' . ' • '