HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-06-16 - Newport Harbor Ensign,, * * * * * * PUrR 'Co••is8iDn Couna1Says It's Illegal The Newport Beach Park, Beach and Recreation Commta. alon wu dHCrlbed u "an Ulegal commi.uJon" and wu aummarUy ---------------------------------------1 dluolved by unanJmous action I of the City Council Monday eve- nlnK. Out on their proverbial ears went Commlulon C h a I r m a n Helene Csenar of Balboa Island and Members Ruth Fleming of Corona del Mar, Sandy HamJlton of Balboa, Marton Dodd o( ec.. ona Rlghlanda. C. D. Vandervort of Udo Iale, Robert Campbell of Bay Shor~ Arthur Cubbage of Newport Island, Hans Broerlne of Balboa Island and Heinz Kaiser of Coata Mesa. e WITIIOUT .OWEa TO Acr MAE L BOlT ......... ted • _... dty detlr .. •....-t a-d~ It fell to City Attorney Karl Davis to deliver the coup de grace. He said that the pre-char. ter Park Commilalon included nine members, and that the Charter set the membership at aeven. No action had been taken to reorganize the ConuniJaaJon u a 7.member body, and, therefore, Mr. Davia had prepared a retaolu. tlon whereby City CouncU con. aldered the Commt.ulon to be u. leKally conatltuted -in fact. u. leg&l since the Charter went Into eUect. and without power to act since that time. The coup wa.s delivered with a alight pat on the back. The reso- lution removed all nine members "without reflection or crttlclam" and with the expression of ap. predation from Council. Acting City Clerk, Treasurer amed Mayor Dora Hill expressed re- gret that thla matter of ''recon. stJtutlng'' the Cornmlsslon had made vacant by Mr. Priest's be-en delayed 10 Jon,. She a. Mra. Mae Holt of Corona del Mar wu appointed u acting city clerk Monday evenlng by the Newport City Council to replace C. K. Priest. At the same time Mrs. Edith Seely of Corona del Mar waa appointed u acting city treasurer to fill the position also An Invitation was extended by Newport City Council Monday eventna to the Olympic Rowing Committee to hold the l!r.J6 Olympic rowlng trials here In Newport Harbor. The Newport Invitation, as well as the Invitation of the County Board or Supervisors. will be taken by Hay Laneenhelm. ellec:utlve secretary of the New. port Harbor Chamber of Com· merce, to the Rowtna Committee meet1n1 to be he ld Sunday In Syracuee, N. Y. Mr. Langenhelm Is a member of the Olympic Row. lnr Committee. Refunds Due On View Fund resignation. sured the audience that appoint. City Clerk Priest resigned Frl menta wUI be m ade as soon as day mornlne at the conclusion of possible. an bour.tong special Clty Coun From the audience came the d l mwting, called to coruJider remark that "It seems like the "the removal of the city clerk or CommlAsion got the ax for not to consider;, acceptance of his agreeing with Council on con. resignation. ttnulna the city trailer park." Coundlman Lee Wllder sua· Mrs. D\lnean Stewart at Share ..-... ~ ~ that aMia oun .we.~ ~.~JV--*-awlt ...... ol appolntfnc CltJ Manqer Mn to cliMoln the eommtMion. Sa.Uon u actina c:lty clerk and r . T. Martin of Central New. acting etty treasurer. Mr. W,Uder port uked why City Manager stated that Mr. Sailors actual John Sailors had called In the ly ha~ the responsibility of super Commission for a conference on vising thOSe jobs anyway until the trailer park last week lt It per m a n e n t appointments are was an Illegal commission. made. Councilmen ~ndy Mac. A woman In the a udience Kay and Stanley Rldderhof com claimed that Counetl would now mented that they had not had name park commlssloners who time to consider the auggHtlon. would be favorable to the trailer Mrs. Holt, who 1s the wife of park. Douglas Holt of 424 Fernleaf e JlEPVTEI CJIAIICE Ave., has be-en serving a.s deputy MMJ. Csenar, chairman of the city clerk. Mrs. Seely. wife of dl.uolved commission. refuted Louis K. Seely of 406 Goldenrod the charge of Illegality. She re. Ave .. has been deputy city treas minded the Council that after urer. the Charter had been approved e MEETDfC CLOSED she had asked them when the Friday's special Council meet Commission would be reconstl· lng, called for 9:15 a.m., did not tuted. Sbe had been told that It convene untJl 9:30. The wire re. would be done In due time, and corder was Installed to take down In the meantime the commission the record of the meeting. would carry on legally. Mayor Hill called the meeting She said further that It had to order, then announced that been assumed all along that the the Council was about to con Commission would be reduced to aider a personnel matter and seven members by dropping therefore had the privilege of Hans Broerlng and Heinz Kaiser. The folD who donated funds holding a closed meeting. This who never attended meetings. b ay Of lnvltlna the r"' Councilman J. B. Stoddard re. to save lnaplratJon Point on the was Y w · • ". port ... s out vea.led the thinking of Council Corona del Mar blurt will •et a .... · Partial refund one of these days. Policemen were stationed at concerning possible reforming of N....-City Council received the doo111 to Insure privacy of a Park Commission. He suggested ..,_.,..... ""'·-·-t 1 th" Council cham that one Commission member be a -~-nd•v evenln• from ~......, on n " · ·-· _, -• ..._ -... t all mem'-"rs chosen from each of the seven the State Dlvlalon ot Beaches and "'"''"" ... ~n were ""' f th Co dl I • City Man councilmanic districts. Parka that the total aurplus 1a o e un • P u · $819.70. Thla will be turned owr ager John Sailors, City Attorney th;o':n~:::~ ~leg~l~dty'er' ~~ to the Newport Harbor Bank.' Karl Davts. City Clerk Priest and tru.teec of the "Save tbe VIew'' Deputy City Clerk May Holt. unfortunate, that Council had fund. 'lbla amount wtll be re-e L&nEa ll&AD acted In good faith, and that the funded on a pro-rata bu1a. About 10:15 Charlie Priest bad light thrown on the Com. (Continued on Pap 7) mission was totally undeserved. The rHOlutlon was adopted un. anJmoualy. IOJf ltOD TO •oaLU A aon, l.U,.y Jtelloag. wu born to Mr. and Mn. Morgan Noble of 2761 s.y.bore Dr., Bay Shorea. in Hoaa Memorial Hos- pital on Frtd&Y, lune 3. left) ... ...... .... ...... Lido lele. tldiDM ..... =-· ... (.t ..... 11ft ...... , ...... (lob) ... tr •...-rt a..da. • .,... ....... ... •==• ............ laa..d. pabUdty dMdla-. fft.l hU. Ia ~ ..a c..,. ~ • ........, ___ (&aaip Pbcrto) . GOLF TOUR EY FRIDAY ~t tee off at 1 p.m. sharp tllmOmJW (Friday) at the lrvlne Coast Country Club. Representatives from service clubs In the area will participate In the tourna ment play. sponsored by the tow dren In Orange County. The goUera •·UJ tee oH as fol lows: 1 p.m .-Frank Lefever. Dr 0 G. Suess. Don Harwood. Paul Butler. COUNCIL CONTINUES CITY TRAILER PARK Water skiing and speed boat racing have been stopped In the Upper Bay by order or the New. port City Council, and water traf. fie there has been slowed to !5 mJles per hour The Upper Bay, which has been a scene ot tremendous week.end activity, Is now within the city limits of Newport Beach. and there!ore governed by Ita Harbor ordinances. which aet the 5 MPH speed limit. The explosive announcement carne In an off hand way Mon. day evenlnr at the City Council . m eetIng. Under consideration I was a proposed emergency ordl nance entltl~ "speed and een. IEIII. TUESIIY Aa~pablJc ....... ben .,_ cmJed -4 ..... ~ la tM •....-t Ctty Ball Cou.Dd1 Cb-.ben to .... au.~ ....... boats CIDd ,.... aJd..UD9' la tU Upper &ay. era! regulations In a portion of the Upper Newport Bay" It was patterned after a county ordl· nanee passed last month by the SUIX'f'Vlaors. and would have taken effect immediately upon p~. e COIOOTTE.E JfAMED City Attorney Karl Davis aald he was concerned with the con. stltuUonallty ot certain prov1. sloruJ of the ordinance and aug. gested that It should not be ap proved. A dlscusslon with Interested cltlz.ens and organizations wu sucgested. Mayor Dora HUl named Councilmen Sandy Mac. Kay, Gerald Bennett. J. B. Stod. dard and Clarence Hlcble u a committee to conduct an ln. formal public hearing . 'lbe next day City Mana,g~ John SalloMJ Informed Harbor Master Russell Crate to enforce the 5 MPH speed limit In tbe Upper Bay. Mr. Sallora and Mr. Craig made an lnspectJon tour of the Upper Bay to check on po.. sible 80lutlona to tbe wa~• aid· lac &D4 ....... lltalldaa. --'""---' Mr. O'alg told tbf! ~ ,... tft'day that the 5 MPH llm1t will be enforced until any nf'W city ordlnan~ concemlnr sJ)f!f!d on Sfreet Light Issue up Again / I p • ., "op E e:e E M .. •:• ... •••• •:x:• I feel let down by my City C<>Un¢il: I am deeply disappointed in eoch of the seven members of the Council, eoeh of whom had been elected just o 'hort time ago by a populor vote to ,.present us in cerryinq out the business of our c.ity. Am I the one out of step 1 If f+lot is so, come on, oil you Johnnies· in·step. ond put me streight. · But I believe thot there are o greot mony of our citizens who feel the some as I. e DISCOURAGING DECISIONS Mondoy evening come two omozing decisions by our City Coun· cil--both by unanimous vote. First come the scuttling of the P.u~ Commission. Council voted not merely to dinolve the public·spirited. hMd·working Commission. but elso to announce officially to the public that the Commiss1on was "illegal," hod been illegal in foct since the City Charter hod gone in effect. I thin k the Park Commission was shabbily treoted, in e manner not befitting the caliber of these citizens or their sincere devotion to their duty. ' ,.. ...... ,...wy,. n-.ley. '"tile Cltr .. .....,_. ...... c.nr. OMee eN .., ... pi••• 1ft +tie &site a..IW~ f• I. C....~. c-4el M..-. Melh"t Add,....: ZISO E. C...t HJP-r. c-. ... 4el M•r. c.nfw~tla TRBHONiS: ~ 1114~ 1111 MEMI!R ~THE CALIFORNIA NEWSPAPER PUIUSHW ASSOCIATION AlwJ of the NATIONA.l E:DITOltAI. ASSOCIATON AlVO E. HAAIA ._Lilt. eN PuWW..r P~ HAAPA... ._.A.ecfe .. Edltw HUGH Me~MIUAN -News PilotCHJreph•r IEitT L JOHNSON.. --------........Ad~rtlld~tt Ol,..ctOf' SAM MITCHELL • • .• Adveriklt.t, Prifttift9 ltUIY ST£VENSON-·-··-··--·-·-·· .. ·-·-·-·---··---IooU•oper e e • The NEWitOlT HAaiOl ENSI4iN het .._.._ fthtMifte4 .. ... • r~•wsp.per of 901terel circuletloe by ludtmeftt of +tie Superior Ceurt ertd by r .. .olt thereof is quelifi.d to pvWidt •II pvWlc ltOtiCft Nqllit.cl by lew • * • Er~t•rod ., Second Cleu M.Her In tiM Post Offk. et Cofoe• cl•l Mer. Celif. suasctarfiON ltATlS l-.f 1111Kc:riptl011 r•t..: f-~1.00; Oil* .,..~),()0 O..ttido of ih-H...W.At..:T-~7.00;..,. YNI'-$4.00 City Council hod sound legal grounds for their action. They con stoutly contend that they were not influenced in ony wey by Com- mission stubbornness--by the refusol of the Commission majority to business. ~~4 Nj C)j • • • go olong with the Council's determination to stoy in the trailer pork /:J _ J• /1~ Prup I wos born o few days before yesterday. I find it utterly noive to say that the Council wos not influenced by the Commission opposition -------------------------- You con bet oil the teo in China that there would have been no rude charges of "illegality," or any summary firing of the Por~ Commission if that Commission hod kowtowed obediently to the will of the Council. e COMMON SENSE APPROACH Don't get me wrong. I do not melln thot Council should hove feken no action. They HAD to re-form or reconstitute the Commission into the proper seven·member size. But how would you heve done it-you. Mr. private citite"? I believe you would hove tllken the proper. honest, neighborly. ond just pl.,in common sense procedure of sim ply declaring the nine·member Pork Commission d issolved, ond then further comply with the Chllrter by immediately appointing a seven-member Commission. It would not heve mattered who the seven were-they could have been any of the old Commission. or none of them. But a foresighted. business.liht Council would not hove llded in such o monner thet left the city with no Pork Commission at"" for the moment. There wes no need to bring in the stigma of "ille gality." Pardon me, Mr. City Attorney. but thot charge is nonsense. "Reconstituting" of city boords and city commissions is the responsibility of City Coun· c1l. and eny commission 1n e.cistence a t the time of Chorter opproval MUST ce rry on, and legolly. until Council gets oround to its respon· sibility. • POT ox aALLOT rez. Sr. Leopoldo R. Verdueo. To the lady who asked at Mon. Sr. Leopoldo R. VerdU&"o. day's City Councll heartne on the Municipal Trailer Park. "Can't It Dear Sir: be put on the ballot and let u.s I am pleued to etve you a re- vote on It !"-the answer by ,...... o1 1 dln 1 u t•-"' Councilman Bennett that this ~~"". • my an I'• n a n o.cu would Indicate lack of confidence States Army aeroplane, on Mexf. In the CouncU brought on a very can soU to-day, u follows: amu!lng and embanassing re-I took otf from Brooks Field, action. There was much tttterlna San Antonio. Texas, at 10 o'clock and some audible "we don'ts" this morning. Weather report: from the a udience. Dryden, Marta and .El Puo aU I have t>een asked the same unlimited ceutne. I ran Into dust question by quite a few people. stonn at Marathon. Followed The answer t. detlnltely "yes." railway; barely able to aee it. I wtJJ explain In detail ln next Took wrona rallroad at Palaano. week'a column bow an issue can Ran out o1 dust atorm and new be put on the b&llot by the parallel to lt. Unable to recaln people. Read It here. It was obvious to one and all course on account ot advancing that the Council Individually bad dust storm. StJll &ettina cellJnc made up Its mJnd on the Trailer unJlmJted at E1 Puo. Landed on Park and no amount of argument road at Cd. Sam&layuca, Cblhu. would change lt. The protesters ahua, and was Informed by a aealnst the trailer park could pustna Mexican cltiz.en tha.t I • IF THERE HAD BEEN HARMONY . . • better bave spent their time vtew. could eet gu In the town; also, lng .. 1 Love Lucy." Certainly the City Council would have teken the common sense that there wu a l'ood landtne I wtJI also comment on Mon. way if there hod been llgreement •nd harmony betw-en Counc1'1 •nd tleld near the town. l was unable .. "' .. day night's meeting of the Coun· Park Commission. ell. Rl&ht now you should get a to find landlna field, howtver, If there had been harmony ... But there wes not. And there· copy of the proposed budget and and so landed again on the high. fore the 'illegality" subterfuge. Was it pe~haps because it gives the study lt. Copies are ava1lab1e at way. I purchued 2S &allons ot Council a handy out not to re·eppoint any stubborn members of the the City Hall, and also at the En· auto gas apd took off on high. old commission? sign o!llce. way at 4:55 Ctontral Standard Indeed, there was not harmony. Word has rel!ched us about th~ e • • nme, and landed at BillS Field special secret meeting held lost week between the City Council one • THE a'O'DCET at Fort Bll.s.s, Texa.s. acrou from the Park Commission, with the city mMoger presiding. There wos an Something you probably don't Cd. Juarez, Mwoo. at 5:15 p.m. attempt to get the Commission to 90 olong with the Council's pion know: All the Harbor expense Central Standard Time. My Pal- for c.oni inuing ond i~nn iM city trailer n~~>r4t. TM Council a----1 that was budcetted Jut yeu wu ...._. oa UUa 01Pt wu wu. .. ·r · --·"-:I r-•...--SM.MIS. "nl1s YMr eftrY experwe rant 00feft J W Corc:or that the Commission's failure to go along would show lock of confi-that can be Interpreted u Har. Brook.a Ft lei. ~ · an, dence in the Council. bor exPense wlll be paid tor out 1 e u .l lJ It was not" pleasant or friendly meeting. The Commission majority l of the oil Income fund. That's want Vfty espec a Y to state would not llgree to rubber stemp the Council pion. The response of I Just dandy. CetUng that money that the officer In charge at Cd. th C ·1 th t · ht · t 11 es'gn · Is just like a blind sow ptcktng Samalayuca, El Cabo de Aduana, e Tohu,cf.1 was a youbem1g 1us a~ we r i· dl up an acorn. Sr. Fuerto, was most con~lderate e •nol answer wos Her yet-you re •re · The budget wiU have an otl and helpful to us, and we extend e DISAPPOINTMENT NO. 2 revenue assist of $150,000, men our sincere thanks to him and to That was lhe first dis&ppomtment Monday evening. The second tloned In this year's budget. With the Customs Servtoe he repre. I . 0 • c · c 'I all that break of luck, the Coun-was no+ ong •n com.ng. It was the unammous vote ot 1ty ounc1 ell can't balance the budget with-sent&. to stay 1n the business of ru.,ning" trailer camp. out raising our overaU tax above May I extend to you. Sir, my There was only one argument by Council: Money. Nothing else the $1.09 of last year. I'll break hl&hest appreciation for the mattered. that $1.09 of last year down for prompt asaJatance and courteous I think there ere o great many rnore important items. One is the you : .75 general tax fund; .03 treatment given me by your of. rugged determination to stick to a basic principle. The alternative parks, beac h and recreation fund; flee and other authorities of the ~"Y be th~rty thousan.d dollar~. ?r 3~ thousand, or 300 million. But .05 library: .04 ad~ertlslng; .10 Mexican Government. d doesn t l1p the scllle 1f the pr~nc•ple 1S wrong. gem•ral city bonds, .12, retire. am. my dear Slr, Th · · 1 h h d · h · b · A ment fund. Total $1.09 ror most e pr~nc1p e ere as to o wd government 1n uw,ess. m t th It . 99 f t 1 Very respectfully yours, I wrong? Am I thot Johnnie·out·of·step? Or is it true that this country ~exede a~e:~ · or cera n an. of ours WM built and mllde strong by the exclusively AmericM prin· 1 hllve a ~trong suspicion that (Major. ~.:~:.~-r:;,s, Brooks c.iple of pnvate ini tiative and private enterprise? Is it true that we the tentative budget which the Field, Texas) must all stoutly resist all oHempts to scuttle that great principle. ond I Clty Hall has been working on to fiqht ary ~chemes to swing our free country in the d~rection of so will have some changes such as c'ol'st c a.,d communistic. doctrine? Is it " step i" t~ s direction to using the honest figure :'' $52,. put the c•ty 'n the business of running & trailer camp ... or a hard 1400.000 assessed valuation In- wore store or" newspaper, or a trllnsfer company? l<S50tt>a000cl 0 000! the roS2un400d 000 figure or We or the Air Force were just leamln£ how to u.se radio. We came Into the north.south leg ot the EJ Paso Sta tion. My expert. ence had not at that time been sufficient to enable me to dlag nose whether I was stral&ht north or south of El Puo. Not I t C 'I t th t' Th . . or . . more. wo~ our seven ou'lCt me'l o answer ese ques •O"S e They were just giving themselves c,fze.., whom the'e Counc•lmen represent h11ve a right to know lhe that much slack to d.Jscover and a.,swers. . use as a cushion to make them Trere-nre solid busines<men of Newport who a lso ore of the look good. cpir'c, •hot the c'ty ~hould be in the trailer par~ bustt"'ess. But I hove'! t heerd them express approvel of the city going 1nto their own pllrl c .... lar type of b usiness. Perhaps they have two standards of judg· ment, o• maybe more. Moybe it s ~II right 1n the cese of trailer pllrh. because they don't own one. But not quite so all right '" the case of hardware stores, or newspapers. or moving ond storllge . e MONEY OVER HUMAN VALUES There is onother principle too. Monday evening it came up in shllmefullight. Someone asked for en ordinance to prohibit ~ids from playing boll in the alleys ... Someone protested ogoinst " playground for children in the city park on Bolboe Peninsula (where the Point Association urged the city to lceep the trailer park on the boy) ... Someone pointed out th.,t the city of Newport Belich DOES NOT HAVE A SINGLE BALL DIA· MONO ... Someone put it this woy: "Money over humon values" . . . And the Balboo Improvement Association, which also ask.d the city to st&y in the trlliler pllrk business so it wouldn't lose the income. requested the c.ity to shoot up o thousand dollors of taxpayers' money in Fourth of July fireworks, ond the city obliged. · • Money over human vl!lues . . . How do you osseu th. volue of a recreation center, or boll diamond. that prevents JUST ONE young· ster of ours from turning to dope or to crime? What value do you put on thot M & life? County Fair Officials Ask Mesa to Provide Fire Patrol e e • havine seen the Rio Grande I • TJUP TO TEXAS figured I must be on the north The Boss says, "You're working tee. ao I headed _,uth. Before J too hard; better take a trip." could work out the problem by Now when a guy who works 18 trial and error, the m&ln tank hours a day talks llke that, may. conked out. With only~ minutes ate I am stcker than I thJnk. of gas In the reaeJ:Ve tank. a So-o-o, Ue your glove, Texas, here landing for tuel wu necMaafY. 1 come, wtth my best lick. The area wu fiat except for Thoueht I'd eo to Texas and hummocks of sand. Only poe~~~. get a little sunshine. Approach. ble chance .,.. a dtrt road tng Biers Fteld brlnp back eroded below the roadside level. memories -Ft. Bll.ss, El Pa.so, We ttehtened our belts and aot Juarez. and an lnt.ernatJonaJ away with lt. The hJch wlnp fllaht without benefit of vtaa. tn. made It poalble. tentlon or permiulon. The MCOnd Iandini wu on the M,y oUJctaJ achedule called for Juarez-Mexico City hlpway, a stops at Ft. BU.. now Bi&P two.lane job, wttb ditches on Field: Tu<*>n. :March Field. Ram. each aJde. Att• b~IIIU (pet. Uton Fteld. San ftandsco bay re-ro1 to them) and belna releued Jion, and mum. It wu for tbe (qulte a few u. S. OJfta had been PW"PPM of maJntalntn& pllot pro. held tn jaJ.l for llmllar oa..; ftdf'ncy and mMtlne the annual we Weft ludl7 that relatlona requirer~M"nu of l o 1 t r u m e n t , were very c.d1aJ at that tbDt) ni.Pt flllltt., ece. Tbe plaM.... • ... barelJ dated t.be f.I'OUl\d ... 1).43 bJ.Ib eull wtnc mooopJa.De. tor ruMJ.oa oa tM ...,.._ J \&lid my pu.enaer a t~apply oftlcer 1n1 r •"'" taM to .. ott aDd Wltb ftf'1 11t0e a1r rldjna eJr1*1. tben .. ~ to dae pmo&. Jt ence. bunMd J.lb _. iiia1. M I ~ At t.hla polot I tftlert a Wt.r tiM field at 1:1 Palo .. Colta Mesa cound.l.men were the fair crouncll be handJitd by .apect by me, 1dlkb .llboR!d C!QIIa. ~ CUM cNt Ia ........ uUd by County Fair otr:ldala the ltate diYialon al udttt«tuN bat the oft ......, cMqjl tbat 1 ant ~ "'WWaat ,... • JR Jut wwk to pJ'OY1de a fire tJVdl u ln. tiM put. aa lwlri'W 1ft diJIIMIIIUe _.. bllmtq lft ULat ..,...., - pia a x.how fire patrol al the The eount7 tor.try ~t JrOedL .._.. It UcJ -; It ..u; a.Jr• llvwtocil aru at the Oran.p provided the ttn trudc and crew --... Oou.nty h.lr, Aua. 8 to 14. a.n4.. .tiM :M.hour U\WtOCic ,.,. t.ht l/lblrf, bat Mt tbe ..,.... . -........,;.~-~~ at7 ....,..., ~ t:411ey pettbl tn tbe ,_. ... n..., n nn-...ilili =~.-:.~ ..:-..:: ~ ~.,.:: ::..~ ,.,...._...... ftit tbatDOd~ ....... bt.adl~A~ .... ol ,... .. ~ ... ....... '* J a r EBfiOII oplfeton police ... ._ ,......_ .... WID M ~ al .. .._,lliilt .. 0.. ..... w. ,._ .. 01 • ... aa. ....... aac1 1M ..w 1101 ... ..a ,... r . ._ ...-. CIL aa .._ ...., .,. rt. ftlr UIO a.lll4 • _...... tbe dt7 ......-IUeN&-., OW1' :.._till .... .. .a.::.:~~~ IMl Mare Mill-,..... • c ntsf. Olllrat•., C'41r1 •• 01: 1M-...._ la•s CllaiiT c:aoKa n TD au Mill Ellie Parrba, Lone Beach attOf'DC!')', wW partlclpate ln tbt 11 a.m. MrYice at Chrllt anarch By the Sta tn Newport Beach thl.a Sunday. Her appearance lJ apon.sored by tbe local church Woman'• Soetety of CbrlJtlan Ser\1ce on Mb.alf of mt.lona work of the dlurdl. 1be putor, ~v. Roy A. Carlaon, Is ln at. tendance at the week.Jonc 1e1 atons o1 the MetbodJst Annu&l Conference ln Redlands. Both momtnc wonhlp 8etVlcea will be conducted by the ~v. George Reeves, lr., aaalstant pas. tor, who will also preach for the early service. VACA110W c::auaCB SCIIOOL Dally vacation church school wtll be held July 18-29 at the Corona del Mar Community Church. The school wUJ be held from 9 to 11 a.m. for kindergar ten through junior high ages. Program wtU Include singing, wotshlp, at\ld1'. handcra.tb. recre- ation and refnshmenta. Regl.stra. tlon blanks can be obtained at the church omoe, 611 Heliotrope Ave. ST. AXDaEW"S PBEUYTEaiAJf The Sacrament of Holy Com. munton wUl be ~lebrated Sun. day at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. The subject of the Com. munJon Meditations by Rev. James S. Stewart ts, "0 Taste and See." VJIIVEDJU.IST FEU.OWSIIJP Slides showing almost two years of activity of the Universal. 1st Community Fellowship wiJJ be shown during the Sunday School period from 10:30 to 11 a.m. this Sunday. Rev. Frederick Ringe wiJJ preach on "Now Is the Acceptable Time" at the 11 a.m. servl~. Father's Day wtll bt> rec· ognlzed. The group meets at the Ebell Clubhouse In Balboa. .loiiJ Ricer Cafe Ia lilfl*lzlll Cash totalln& $115 was stolen from the Jolly Roger Cafe, 203 Marine Ave., Balboa Island, In a burglary, according to owner Arthur L. Sallsbury ot 214 Nar. cfssus Ave., Corona del Mar. who notWed Newport pollee at 8:48 a .m. last Thursday. The burglar used a crow bar to pty open a eta.a panelled M~ Dora Hill of Newport and • up e r Y ltl on. Volunteer Beach, Mayor Claire Nelaon of coaches are handltna the d1ftft. eo.ta Mesa and Superviaor Heinz ent teams. Some o1 the team1 Kaa..tr have been tnvtted to take lltfll need coaches, M.r. JlcMJlllan part 1n the OJ)ftl.1na o1 the Bar-;..;report:=:::;:::ed:========= bof Area BoY.. dub Wleball - MUOD at e:30 p.m. tomorrow Ia ~=~.tn~·:::a:.=~ G mour club dlrector. Gl• An ln.Oeld demonatratJon wm lmpses be put on by tbe eenJot team sponaored by the Newport Bar· boJ' American Leeton PotJt and Theodore Robina Ford aeency. Followlna thJ.t. A leaeue teams wUJ play exhtbltJon aames. Leaaue play will start Monday at the Community Youth Center, Ids Ave. and Fifth Ave .. Corona del Mar; Newport Harbor Union HJ&h School and Costa Mesa Park. C leapea will play at aJl three Jocatloha, wltb B and A leacues ln addlt:Jou at the mesa park. Monday eames at the CYC tn. dude Bravee va. Glanta and Cuba va. Dodaena.. On Wedn5 day, June 1!5, the Cardinals an<! IndJan.s will tanele and the Olanta and the Cuba. On Friday. .June 17, the Indians and the Doc1&era wtll play and the Card· tnabt and the Braves. Ftnt aames are at 10 a.m. and acond eames at 11:15 a.m. The recreation department of Newport Harbor Union High School l.s fumlahln& the umpire F•lll• ... 11111 ,.. . .,.. ... . S p r t n g graduatJon exercises were recently held by the Vema Miller School of Charm of Santa Ana and Corona del Mar. ln. eluded a number ot "model stu. dents" from the Harbor area. Graduates put on a fuhton show for thelr famllles. and frtends at the graduation fete held at the Peacock Room of the Ebell Club In Santa An.a. Harbor area graduates Include Mrs. George Rule, Carol Me. Queeney, Mrs. B. 1. CosteUow. Mra. 0 . D. Hunter, Roney Yorba, Dorothy Gilman, Mn. Ray Danl· eer. Leslie Gates, Mrs. C. E. Hot. lowa,y, and Mrs. EUzabeth Mea. dowa. June ls really a &Itt month- graduation ctfU for bleb ecnool and collep craduates, ~n the IU'niller try that attend junior bi&M. Horace En&Jcn and the erammar IICboolJ. 1ben the-re are brides to atve ~&1 presents to ... 11~ and such fow per. sonaJ ahowen -other trouuea u ttema we just want to ctve the brides we Uke ao well. ,.. ...... --till ... a. Cl tilDe..._ tM lll'tde pk:b oat peril .a· wUta ...... .. ~ ........... ktdal crttead•ah. 0' ..... '1 u looded wltJa ..... ~ ct .... _._,. .. 84IY .. ... ...., ... _ ..... ct u..-•• , ....... -" r~a•••• ... ..,_ .. ...... .-y ... (a.... yoa ... a. •wbll*lll"' Ulat Bt...-yMMt)...S~ .tJ'-... & ............. laJal4 .. ~ .. ,.... ........ .... ~ ... ~~·c:t.a. .... ,w..... . StunnJne amonc htah fashJon gUts t. the latest jewelled collar. Ueht In welaht It 11, and a stun. nlne and dressy addition to sweaters and plaJn necklines. You may PeJ'*)nallz.e your Jilt to the bridesmaids by &lvinc each a bracelet by Monet, the master jeweler. Gtve one a atlver ornate chain with an lnltl&l banele. an. other a &olden Unk.a with A(l or . nate bang'le . . . earrinp and rope neckJace. In eold and other metals will also gtve you a wtde selection at O'BRIEN'S. StW loot'ng ,_ padlaattoG aDd bl.ltiMiat' gt.ftaf ..... fo. beaatlhal belta 1a pastel ~ ad .....at? •tuaw,._ .-cat .... ..etmt' ... yaw .... . -CIDIIt1a--. ..,.. ........ All .. Cl cWiw tut .. ......, -.1 &lldln& door-lnto the patio. The .... ,... vtl1 pacl ...... J..t aiMI Ill_ ........... _ barJ1ar tiMb -.t the bar to pin entry to the of!lce. He opened sever&l drawers In a desk and took $30 In nlckeb. $20 In dimes, aU rolled. plus $SO In loose -.uar. ters and $15 In halves. The sus. pect ldt via a rear dooc to the alley. The burelar did not take $13 In roled pennies and two checks. All other currency and checks for the tlrm were In a floor safe. The burglar did not attempt to enter the sate. pollee said. Jl.ECEIVES JWUIWC DECREE One of the wason's graduates t. Shirley Herman Deluca. dauah· ter of Mr. and Mra. L. A. Herman of 231 Del Mar, Costa Mesa. Shlr· ley has just received her bache. lor of science In nursing from Mount St. Mary's College, Loa Angeles. She is a Newport Harbor High Graduate. Servtne ln the Far East aboa.rd the attack a.Jrttatt carrier US.S. Oriskany are Ronald S. Johnson. electrtctan's mate fireman ap. prentice. USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Johnson of 400~ Club- house Ave~ Newport Beach. Calif.; Charles R. Mobley, Jr .. aviation boatswaJn's mate third class, USN. aon of Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Mobley of 2019 Orange Ave., and husband of the former Mlss Glldle Ratnwate of 101.2 Qr. a nee Ave., Costa Mesa. The ahlp, a unit of the 7th Fleet. left Its home port in March on her third tour of Far Eastern duty and wtJJ visit ports tn Japan. Hawaii and the Pblllp. pines befo~ ~tumlng In the faJJ . The Oriskany, named after a famoua RevolutJonary War bat. Ue, wu commJaaloned In 1950. ,.. ........ ~ .. _, ( ..... ~.. ), .,._.lt111tiiiC&ML •• tl p 0' ~ flcattee ...... ..ar:y ... it ..,._ lila • ,..UI ftla -.ty aapact ......_ pune c.a ..... -Cl dlltda .... -.. ....u ---to at tato ~ ........................ ~ wW calalo ADOD tlae .... jeweUed dell ·--••• IICide S. IMtiMn Cal1fanUa Clad boaad to loolr IOph.I8U. ClllW. Come ln and SEE tow yourself. · I { 4 ., MOTOR 12 POINT OVERHAUL SPE .C I ALl • ........ .... ... ~ l lll.ll I ....... Hew I ... 2 .................. ,... ) ............... ... .. c_,a. .. v•er~M I.~PW... ......... CJIM-w .. 1. RWte a.... c~ w .. •. Alp C..• ... Rpch t . ..._T...., tO. ........... ,... • 1. 't;l•• w.w.w e.-. • 12 •• .,. ............ '•8 t .. DetermJned ~ltlon to tM yeu.rouJld ncre.uoa. Mach-park. ~ntln\Md op~rallora o1 tbe dtr _. parld8a Jot &ad parldna kaller park wu upteeled at tbe meters for ~.nec¥De. meettne ot the Central Newport An alternate plan mentJoned Communlty Aaoclatlon Tbun-wu to ~· the traJler aiw. day evenlna at the American back &om the be~ • .,.. up the Leclon Hall. Prealdent Eel Healy beach for publle IWJ.eunlq. A.. presided. ........tJon memben aa&d that thla The A.uoclatlon unanlmoualy plan wu favored by all traller pUled a motion dlaapprovtna park realdenta except tor tbe the propoeed Improvement and front row. expanalon of the traller patlt. re. Amon& the a r 1 u m en t a ex. affirmed Ita requellt tbat tb1a ,....s at the mf!tldD& were: 'nle publJe ·property be returned to Joeal cltbena abould not be U · the cttl~u u a r«rfttlon ana. eluded from the lut remaJnlna tnd, u a last retOrt, uraed that publicly owned bay frontaae ... the matter be plaeed on tbe baJ. The city abould not be tn bual. lot for a. declalon by tbe peopw. ness ln oompetJtJon with prlvat• The proposal favored by the ty owned traUer peru ... Traller Aaoclatlon memben preMnt wu pule residents c1o their b\u'lna to eliminate the trailer park en. back home befON they come tlrely, convert the area lnto a down tor their week-end vlalta, and therefote do very Uttle shop. ptna bere ... The A.uoclatJon approved a motton to support the Corona del Mar project for acqulrlna Rocky Point on the bluff and Block C back of Little Corona Beach .,. park aites. Hal Glaaa reported that the Lions Club the nlaht before had completed the ball park on the Youth Center grounda near Har- bor VIew School by lnatalJlng the backstop. He pointed out that ~ .. ~~~ ........... ~~I this was the first ball diamond 11 anywhere In Newport Beach, a QlleiiDVIIE IIGI.I.EII SIUEI Standard S h a d e Cloths and Cuatom Specialties e. Drapery H a r d w a r e e Venetian Blinds. ~'-Sl.tJ. Sl.p • a..w. tM • CaD Poet Oftlcle BAlM aa DM at.. •....-r~-... lefty of some 20,000 people-and It was not a city project. but rather a project of oraanlz.atlons and public spirited Individuals. TODUCES GET SOW A son, Xevtn Leo, 6 lbs .. 4 oz .. was born to Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Torrence of 1519 Serenade Ter race, Irvine Terrace, ln St. Joseph Hospital on Sunday, May 22. He joins his slsteu, Maureen, 9 ; Sheila, 4; Laura Lee. 20 months and brother, Kenneth, 7, In the family. Harbor·Area Athletes Wins LeHers at Pomona-Claremont e Y AJtSJT1' GOLF FORNJTURE INT;ERJOB DECOBAnON Several Harbor Area athletes won awards this spring ln Po- mona-Claremont's most success. ful sprtng sports season. Pomona College and Claremont Men's College, which join In fielding teama, won Southern California Jn~rcollegfate Athletic Confer- ence championships In bueball, IW111Uftlna. arut eolf. and placed 8ec:Ond ln track. From Lido Isle: Tom Hender. son, 430 VIa Lido Nord, Pomona junior. e Fll.E.SB TEJflfiS From Beacon Bay: Anthony Zerbe. 67 Beacon Bay, Pomona freshman. 8AUOA IILAJfD Jlt ................. &Mr CX.O.ADG.IIAA .. z. c:oa.t JUP••• • ..._ m Jtl .. 19 The Gift he'd miss themost ~ R.~S.hruvL CANDIES Givt Old 1 box of his favorite Russell Ston~ candies-tilt finest. freshest you can buy. And, why not aet anottter box for the family. Then Old can really enjoy "his" bol himself! 001011 IEL 1111 PlllliACY ~Attermen Included the follow. lng: e V AD ITT aA.SUALL From Costa Mesa: Gene Crain. 246 Monte Vtau. catcher, Pomona senior. Crain was choeen for the All SClAF first team. e V AaJTT SWIIOIJRG P'rom Balboa; Bruce Baird, 2142 Miramar, sprint swimmer. CMC junior. Balrd ~ a school record In the 100 with the time of 54.9 seconds. From Balboa Island; Seymour Beek, 528 S. Bay Front. sprint swimmer. Pomona senJor. Ensign Grads Dance Tonight e YAJISITT DACK From CoroQ& ~ ~~ Vlncent PahT, 218 Poppy Ave.. relay team. Pomona sophomore. From Costa Mesa: William Schultz. 364 Alaenolla St.. 440 and 880. Pomona junior. Schultz set a schol record of 1:54.8 in t.he 880 this season. He was co-cap. ta1n of the team. From Lido Isle: Dana Morris, 121 VIa Venezia, Pomona junior. VIDALIS GET CmL A daughter. VIana Scarlet, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Aide Vldall ol 1550 Miramar Dr., Balboa. In Hoag Memorial Hospital on Sun. day, May 29. No. A 25713 l'fOTJCE TO CllEDITOBS ESTATE OF JAMES M. CUN- NINGHAM. aka J. M. CUNNING. HAM DECEASED. NCYI1CE IS HEREBY GIVEN to Cherry pink and apple blossom the creditors of and aU persons white Is the entrancing theme having claJm.s against the said for the graduating class dance decedent or said estate to me of the Horace EnsJgn School to. them with the necessary vouch. night !Thursday). ers in the office or the Clerk or Invitations carrying out the the Superior Court or the State of theme were sent to the 268 grad. California, Ln and for the County uates. The party will be held In of Orange, or to present the the auditorium of the Newport same. with the necessary vouch. Beach School from 8 to 10:30 p.m ..... to the undersigned at his or and music for the dane. will be ~ ... suppUed by the IIChool's own ber place of business, to-wit: swtna band, .. Perk's Jerks.'' KATHRYN CUNNINGHAM With the ,uldance and assist-~ONES ance of Mrs. Rex Brandt. the c/o HURWITZ It HURW1TZ. At. teachers and PTA members have tomeys at Law transformed the auditorium to a 2611 Newport Buleva.rd, New. earden of cherry a nd apple trees. port Beach, CalifornJa laden with plnk aJtd wblte blot. within alx months after the f irst 80ms. There will be door prizes publication ot this notice. and dance prlue, re&e.lunents, Dated May 23. 1955. entertainment. and tndlvtdual KATHRYN CUNNINGHAM ~raaaes and boutonnieres for everyone. JONES Mlu Mary Beery, lchool coun. Adlnlnlatratrtx of the Estate of selor, ls the teacher dance chair-said decedenL man. Heading the PTA dance HURwrrz It HURWITZ committee Ia Mrs. John Kimble. Attorneys at Law Her uaiatants are Mrs. Joseph 2611 Newport Bout~ C a rver . PTA president, and Newport Beach Calltornla Mmes. Richard Lilienthal, Albert Attorn f A•dml a--.. ..... _ Artnatron&. Cheltft Eckerta. Jtob-eya Ot' n"""'_,-..,. ert Zle,aler, Jack Bradbury, Alden Telephone: Harbor 27frl Doftburc, and Mel Berry. Publ.Lib: lh.y l6, June 2. 8. 1& LRI'Bit, RYOifl a Co. ---1'o.-· ,, ... . ._.._.JIOOt narn.- MII ... CDAa ......... Cllllll -11M. CAW. ....... , • 1'IIE HORACE • • • • IMK 1-. IGN· * * * MI.SII Dulin looked real W8ternY rldlna herd on the aana tn ber Old Deilin akJrt and a check~ fiannel ahltt. Ice cream wu served at three o'clock and about tour the tired el1hth pden climbed aboard the homewud buses. For feHe.1teads. envelopes c.t THE ENSIGN, HA-1114 only c.uuaJty. He wu rlcUna a bleycle and f~l In the lab. MQ. Mouleller had 80tne extra jeans and a ab1rt. Danny-a clothes were l&td on a rock to dry. Boa Eckert had btouaht his badminton rack. eta but there wun't any net. So. leave It to Mlas Perklna, they aathered blta of atrtna and tied them toeether. Then they tied one end to a bench turned on Jts end and, since the other end el'OVDAICD'I' ame wouldn't reach they tied tbe v..s. Jfew N= 1 •t Lut 'rb~ *-...,_lnton string to Mlas Perkins jacket B A p p y DAy 1 c B 0 0 L mixed doublea tovmameat -.cted. sleeve and then tied the other ._ Uttle Polk • Ma.rllyn Bowler and .... ltod-•leeve to another bench. Hence , da.rd were the wtnnen.. Dlclc badmlnton was played. 440 Heliotrope, Corona del Mar Ta.rnowslle and 8onnAe lldtay Mr. C h r 1 s t en a e n and Mr. Harbor ~ plaeed MOOnd and Pa_, WallterO :;.;'Le~ar;:.y.:started;:.:;:.:;.•_:b;:ase::;b:al~l :':arn=e~. ~;;Mrs~;:· ;;;J:ea;;n:;:;Vi:;ia;;iu;;e;;hn&;;;. ;;;d;;f.red,;;;;;ot;;;. and Pat HeJl.lhaw ... aK Tbe 1 wtnnera all reeetved ~ bars. Ill£ II • • • e DITCII DAY 'nle elptll erade plmk or dltdt day wu a ba.rNl ol fun. We all lett at nlne-thlfty. Lob of cameras were brou&ftt. It wu hard to get pictures unW after. noon. We all expeeted It to raJn. But It turned out to be a perfect day. Not too hot and not to ~d. The teachers who went weft: Cllfford Mahler. Clay Sumrell, Glen Moore, Arthur Christensen. Allred O'Leary, WWJam RJ~. our Principal, and Roy 0 . Ander. sen, superintendent, arrived for the latt« half of the picnic. Al8o Mary Mossteller, Mary Beery, Gene Dulin, and Norma Perldns. Danny Arthofer was about the PlfVE IT! ••• ""We laaft abowa ....., -tiKobtle ..... ............ -...y ......... p .. 'W'IIf· Jut vtft u a.. •n a taatty • ....... "" a.. -...y ........... .... oltbe~iMw paaa Jf•••ncS by stater-.· • STATE Fill liS. CO. L E. CA.IDS 133 E. 17tla lt. 8JoomilacJtoG. m. Ccdl u Today ••• W. L LAJr.DII u 1-1011 Don't Forget that dear and. • • , Sunday, June 19th is "His Day" • w.aa.. Mil --• 0 • ESOIIW Best of all they are telling their friends they are pleased with the experienced. efficient and rapid processing of their transactions. If you desire escrow service before or after bank- ing hours, just phone us. Our escrow officer will take your escrows at any time convenient to • you. * lewport HarbOr Bank ....... .., A-1 PLUMBING SPECIALIZES IW IIEPADt.S Day & K191lt wen. s.aten Modern 1'-.r Tooh fw Sewer I Sinl Stop,..9" Lewis Ross ~= Wewpen lecdt When he's really old enough to shave ..• this Gas water heater will still be going strong! If you want yean and yean of carefree bot-water len'ice. choose an automatic Gu water beater that carries the Verified Long Life Seal You tee. the Gu water beaten which bear the LoD-8 Life Seal are made of copper-or beuy pose lteell.ined with sla-· Long life i.a built ript in. This .W ia found ouly on G• water beaten. See you.r oeipborbood pl~ fol' detailt. ! UITIIII ClllliU IU CI.PIII Only GAS I aives you such modem automatlc li)plianctl1 UPTOwrN c L E A N E R 5 Specializing Df IIAJfD CLE.AJmfC AJID nassma OF LADDr AJI1) QD. of tM ,...._ Eben Cl.a., .. DDIID oC tlae -.-1 oottoa ball Mid J .... a at u.. c .. r b ... ...._ LOCAL AGENT ~ Cla.b. ...... ,,, ........ ......-ciiD9 .a. 1793 REWPORT AVE .. COSTA MESA tar(. (TWI"J ....S. ftoto) OFnCE: Ube1V 8-:RSM U:S. Ubert.1 8-5083 Birthdays Are Celebrated At Island WSCS Meeting The Balboa Island Community Church W.S.C.S. held Its last meeting of the season June 1 and will not meet again until Sept. 7. The last meeting was a birth· day party to celebrate the birth· days of all Its members. Each of Member Drive Is Launched Membership drive tor the Bal. boa Island Business Association has begun In earnest upon the receipt of the membership decals, aooordlna to Doris Bray, presl· dent. The decals were specially designed for the organization. There appears to be some mla. understanding of the reason tor the footbridge to span the lower end ol the Grand Canal, accord. lng to Mrs. Bray. Members of the business association were anx- the four clrcJes decorated a table. The Ruth Circle had the springtime th~me and used a maypole and storybook dolls as the centerpiece. The Martha Clr. cle chose a seashore decoration tor Its summer theme. The Mary Circle used footballs and harvest decorations for a fall theme. The LydJa Circle carried out their winter theme by the use ol a cak~ decorated with white frost. lng to represent snow. Mrs. Ted Hauser, newly elected president. conducted the business meeting. 56vlce at the quiet hour was led by Mrs. Fount Lowe. Committees for the decorations were: Ruth Circle, Mrs. Lowe, Mrs. C. Douelass Ferry. Mrr. By ron Nealy; Martha Circle, Mrs. William Bowles; Mary Circle, Mrs. Wayland Dunham, Mrs. P. F. Baln~•; Lydia Circle, Mrs. Michael Carl, Mrs. Clyde Shooter and Mrs. Clinton Coane. Ious to give easy accesslbUity to lhr•la Cl.. a.. 11 .... , the shopping dlstrlct for people .. .... living on the northwest aide ol , ... lfl•lc 1:....,. Little Island, to make It within .... U wal.k.lnr dlst.ance; they were anx. loa to f!Ye a further a~ to .,...,.. PIUGft. r:• • at Or. the Little I.aland ln ca.ee of dJs. ange Coast Col ege, will talk 8.\rter, and they had hoped to about "Atomic Energy" at the have a stalrless walk for bene-non meeting today (Thursday) fit of those pushing baby car-of the Newport Harbor Kiwanis rlagea. toddlH"~ carts and for Club at the VIlla Marina Rest people with wheel chairs. aurant. Dr. James Thornton or OCC Is program chairman. Transferred To Hawaii Already planning a Christmas trlp to Hawaii are Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Diehl. 508 Goldenrod Ave., Corona del Mar. because their 80n.Jn Jaw and daughter have just sailed over there. M arIne Technical Sergeant Gene Lay has been transferred (rom Treasure Island to Pearl Harbor, w)lere he Is asslgneU to the Post band. Mrs. Lay, the for. mer Peggy Diehl, sailed with him June 7 from San Francisco on the Navy ship, General Shane, and they landed Monday. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTlST JlOl VIe LUe. ~'-ell 1\ brench of the Moth« Church, Ttl. Fi"t Church of Christ, Scie11tist, 111 lot- ton. Meuechv~s. Svntley Schooi --·---9:15 e.m. Sundey S.rvic• ___ ... __ .. __ I I :00 e.m. Wedn•sdey Evening MNii"9 1:00 p.m. Reedinq Room louted et ll15 Vi• lido, Newport kech, i• open wN~ deys from 10:00 e.m. to S:OO p.m .. Wednesdeys from 10:00 e.m. to 7:45 p.m. Fndey w•ninq• from 7:00 p.l'll. to 9:00 p m. Sundey efternoont 2 to S p.m. Closed Hol:de'f1. Tile public: ic cordielly invited to et· l•nd the chllrch _.rvic:" end u.. the R .. dinq ltoom. DIRECTORY Just before going to their new IIVIIC station, they had been on a 4,000. ,.------===:;.__ ___ __, mile auto trip north, golni up to Margaret L Scharle Montana. Teacher of Plano Organl.at • Aooompanl.at Evenlnfoueee f« dulta !U1 GOLDENROD AVE. Corona del Mat eo.ta Mesa City Couocll last P'01fDAL DI8KC'I'OIII week declared weeds on vacant ,._......;:;..;;;.;;;.;:;=:;..::;.;:;;;=:~=~- lota a nuisance and adopted a Friendly Netpborbood 8en1ce rdOlutlon ordering their destru<> Parkes-Ridley Mortuary Uon. U weeds are not removed Formerly Grauel Ola,.t by property ownen. the clty wU1 do the work and add the coet to II 0 Broadway tax bllt.. U 8·343311 8-UM Collta ~~- Light their life with foitkl/. ST. AJfDUWS nESnTEIUAif CIIVaCB 15th St. It St. Andrews Rd., aaoes..:=,~ hstaws a... 1--L I~ SUNDAY: Morning worshlp, 9:30 and 11 a.m.; Church School, 9:30 and 11:00; Jr. High. Sr. High and college age Fellow. ahlps. 7 p.m.; Thursday, Prayer, study group, 9:30 a .m . COIOilJlfiTT METHODIST UD W. liUit lt.. eo.ta ...._ Llbefty 1-4552 ..... J...,.. W . Mc:Sb•r Sunday: 9:30 a.m.. Church Sun· day School; 9:30 and U :OO a.m. Momlng Wonhlp.-7 p.m. College Age MYF Service - 7 p.m. Web Sc:bool MYJ' Service; 8 p.m., young adults group ~~erVIce. TilE CIIVJlCB OP CIDUST 1050 anuda St.. Coet. .... Uberty e..JIM7 D. 0. Bunt. lllldat. Sunday services: 9:45 a.m. Bible study; 11 a.m. morning wor. ship; 7:30 p.Ql. evening service. Midweek ler'Vice, 7:30 p.m. Wedn8day. TilE caoaca or amJST Odd,.......,. Lodp. lMI • ....,.tAft.o eo.ta Meeca. Llbefty 1-5711 Tom kbr. Jr .. Mla1ster Sunday Services: 9:45 a .m . Bible study; 10:55 a.m. worship serv. Ice ; 7:30 p.m. evenlng service. camsr caoaca n TBE SEA c-ar ... ty~ ~ ah-4. at l4tla St.. Kewpol't IIAdM&' 52ZI ..._, .... Jloy A. Car18oa Sunday Worship, 9:30 and 11 a.m . Church School: 9:30 a.m. Mld· week Meeting: 7:00 p.m. Wed- nesday preceded by 6:15 p.m. potluck. IT. JOACIIDI CIIUac& liM era..te A-.... Coet. MMCI Lu.ty .... 1 .. ...._,..__J,We'ftD lalldq M ••n .t 7, L a. II ...S U:30 a.m. Weekday'~: Kul at 7:00 a.m. -Confe.Jon: Satur· day. from 4:00 to 5:1.5-7:00 to 8:30 p.m. rtaT ASSEJOLT OP GOD 22Dd St. & JDde:a A-.... eo.ta I!MG LibertY 1-ml .... .M ... c:. Cnalc. ..... Sunday School: 9:30 a.m . Wor· ship: 10:55 a.m. and evangelist service, 7 :30 p.m. Youne. People and Cblldren'a Service, 6:30 p.m. Sun. Mtd.week Service: Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Ladles' Mlaalonary CouncU, Thursdays 9:30a.m. for all day. IEVEHia DAY ADVDITII1 Jfewpol't ...... at ...... ,.. •...,.n ...... . LJIIeny .. ISII Eldft D. L lpaaldi"9 SaturdaAc:oc,omtn• Services: Sab-bath 1: 9~ a.m. -Ser· mon: U :OO a.m. Prayer meet· Ina: Wednesd~y, 8:00 p.m. CBOac& et .. WAUWDE 1-~ ...... lt.. Coet. .... .__s a... CIJ9e wtu•-· LJIIeny .. 7111 Sunday Service.: SUI'lday School. 9:30 a.m. Momtnr Wonbtp at 10:30 a.m. EvanpllatJe Serv· Ice, 7 p.m . Sunday. N.Y.P.S., 6 p.m. Sunday; Prayer meeting, 7:30p.m. Wedneld_,. f'DIT caoiiCII or Cllldlt ICI&iiilll ,.,.~=-' .... Sunday School: 9:15 a.m.. Sun· day S e r v I c e : U :00 a.m. WedDeada.Y Eventna Meettna: 8 :00. Beacflna Boom. 3315 VIa Udo, Newport -.ch, open 10 a.m.-5 p.m. week da~ 10 a.m.· 7:45 p.m. Wedneeda~ 7·9 p.m. Friday eventnn. CIDJIT LO'TIIKaAif arncll OP' a.TA IIUA ( .......... .,...., .bald-~ llciiL c:o.t. .. _ .__,a...Lot~aGT.,.... Sunday Services: Wonhlp Sftv. Ice 9 a.m. Sunday School at ·10:15 a.m. ..U..OA JSI.AJfD COitMOWtft JaTIIOI)IIT 115 = A"-...... l8l..cl .. , .-...a .• .w~app ....... Sunday Servtc..: 9:30 L m. Ouuda School; 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. WonbJp Service. PDIIT aAPnl'l' caow laata .ba A .... at ...... u.a Coet. .... ... .•. a. ....... Sunday Services: 9:45 a.m. Sunday School; U a.m. Wonhlp Servtca· 8:30 p.m ., BaptUt Tralnlna Union; 7:30 p.m.. Evenlnl Service. Wednesday: 7:30 p.m., Prayer, Praise and Bible Study. Mon· day: 7:30 p.m. M.en'a Chorus p r a c t I c e ; 8 :30 p.m. Mm'a Prayer Meet.lng. CAOMCII OP' 0011 LADT OP' 11'1'. CAWMD. l"IW • ...._ ...... ...,.n ...... ... , P.U..~ ...... P.U.. • u AM. Sunday M.UMa: 8:00 and 10:00 and 11:30 a.m. Conf...ton: sat-urdays and eves. of 1at Frldaya and Holy Daya from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. and from i :30 to 8:30 p.m. Dally M .. 8 :00 a.m. trLrat Friday: 8:30 a.m. and 8 :00 p.m. Nove n a (Perpetual Help): Tuesday, 7:45p.m. Fl1hennen'a Mass. July and Auguat. Sunday 4 a.m. oaav••~tm COiiiiOaJn ni.I..OW'aD D!IIIQDI!•• IUW ..... ~ ..... ............ ., ........ Sunday !c:bool. 10:30 a.m. Mom. lng wonhlp. U :00 a.m. IT. JAJOI D'IICO.AL ... ........... ....-t ..... ..... I .. .... Jolaa ........ llectiW Sunday aervica: 8:30 a.m. Holy Communion, 9:~ a.m. Sunday achool; 9:30 a.m. m o rn In 1 prayH and lftmOO. 11 a.m. wor.htp service. Thursday Serv. Ices: 9:15 a.m. Prayer Guild; 10:30 Holy Communion. IT. JOD nAJnfD 114 MartM A..._ ...._ laJaD4 ~-·· ., ..... ~ . .., ....... ,..... .... .. ..... Sunday M&M.: 7:00 a.m. It 9:00 a.m. Conteaton: Saturdar and eve.. of t.t P'tldaya an Holy Daya; 7:30 to 8:30 p.m.; F1rlt Prtday M.. 8 a.m. Summer Mus. luly and Auaust Sunday, 11 a.m. c:arn.AL ....,. c:::mnaca o-............ rD1T UPI'IIT CAOIICII OOitC*A Da. JIU C... lll..a LD t ...._ OP' W&WIOft CWMOJfHf ta08CII A. A. r n 1 h... ...... ...._ IIIIa £c-rt..... CIIIJ'l$ I'IEnG 8uD4ayldtool: t :• U1L Mom· · •...,..t Ill a 0: kQt& a.,. Ina .......... U:OO; J:Yentq BAll* JSSI l..lbertr -..rl U.._ _, a.i •See. T:JO. IIJcJ.weeJr Sen'· ,_._. -...n a. JM •• ._., ~. JWwla a-.a. ~. Wed ne • d a,-, 1:30 p.m. Sunday ~: t:~ a.m... Bun· ......... ___ ... .. ... _ 1 ... Youna people meet 8:15 p.m. daY School; 11:00 a.m.., W«· ~ ~-..HCJM: :._ Sunday. lhfp Sen1ce; T:JO p.m. BuncJQ ::~J' ~ a.alacJQ'Idtool: -· eftn.lnl ~er•lee: Mki·Weelr ~IOU I-aAPI'IIT ~: T:JO p.m. W.sn.da,-........... y or GOD taOIICII ~~r.,._ lleedn.l. a ... L Ina-c.ut. • w. ana• 1t. c.... .._ ... o.a... , ... rtr ..... t.lllrltf.,... ...._...., ...... .._ ..... c. &. 1'INi • t ~ 8CbooL t :e a.m.: etuardl Sunday aoolt:IO a.m.. mom.1.q t 11:00 LIIL Tralntq N 0 W T W 0 wonhlp 11 a.m. Yoonr people =: !i::~q. ~. ___ _... . • · · ller'Vlce 8:30 p.m.. eftniDI .. and = •T-ga BALTZ MORTUARIES . evanreii.at MI'Yice 7:30 p.m. wecJ,...,.. ,..,_ ~~~ eii.AU&JIIC:.OOL"JTA Servtnr t.be Harbor Atea lblp ...tee. U:OO a.m.; LUt.b• MJd.weeJt M'fVIce 7:30 p.m. Bible ltU~ '7:d p.m. wectne. Tile put exec\itJve board o1 Baltz Mortuary Learue. 7:00p.m. Wectne.c~aY. cJa7. • the Harper School FI'A ol eo.ta CHAPEL BY TBJ: 8I:A fw. Diredolf J. macle pDIIilrck by the. d ..... lr'Cieci bgeiDI 'IAJU Mesa Jan a luncheon recentl7 llarbof a to bon« their put president. 3520 E. Coat Btabw&J WOOD\W)RTH PIANO SHOP &lt8AL SHEET WITAL WOW Mrs. wuuam O'Brien. 1be buffet Corou cW liar l:ldwdft Aceat b aaJ4wta P1a.11ot lundleOil anct tullton lhow wen Baltz Mortuary 2610 E. c..t Hwy. H.. ua c.-. cW M• a JOtlt Street H.w 2210 Newpori leecih beld at t.be VIlla Kutna ltataut· IJ'-"7 8-212l ant. 17h A ........... eo.ta ,._ lla.sTIK THC)WAS t.toiiL SIIVICI loth Mra. O'Brien -.nd Mrs. 0. .uiPI.a PAIIIIDifO lfo Tadll8 ••• lfo Tape ••• lfo Puee Wtlll?llq -N~ ~ aldl..;_ct;~=~.: r::. BOTB LOCA'ftOn mt E. c..t Hwy. C...... cW M• 1100 W ...... a H.. JMI.W Newpwf .._. 1'1\oee P r • • • • t were K-. ':==:!!!!!!!!!:==::: NIWfOU HAlJOl INSMiN NIWSPAJIB IALIOA MY. CW1 O'lrten. ~ D. ~ Jlob. ,.. eta. W. D. AnDitronr. lAo Oaap. 1D1A lloMt Wllaon, ladl Harrill. CarhoD ........ Oaart. Oxarart. A1Mrt ---· c. .......... K. .. lAedtln · ... PrbidpeJ BM ...... INSURANCE ''Be Sure-lnsuJe'' wrnl STANLEY JDUUJICII Aaacr \ -I • •• fAUMIDAY, }V1Ia ll, a• Jane Ostrander Awarded Honors by Stanford U. Jane Oltrancllr ol Ccllona del aJJCI pa.-d the eollep board a - Mar, ~ llllb laonor .,a4-UDIDatiou. uate, bal reeetftd hlp boDan lbe wu edttor-tn-dllef ot the from sw.tord Unlftrllltr, ~ 1a ~~arbor Hlp ~ JMm. lhe wW enroll ln Beptembel-. bft ot Trt-Sipna. a member oC 'nlla neww came In a Jetter the Hone. Soclety for all tour from a. lt. Snyder, clirec:'t« ol 84-,e.n at llarltor, llt:Udent bocty mtalona at Stanford. who wrou: -=retary, and bu beion named '1n recop.ldoo ol the .uperlar Zonta Gltl ol the month. quaUty of your pre p a r a t o r y Jane Ia the daupt.K ot Mr. and llcltool ~. the Committee on Kn. H. L o.trallder, 801 Dahlia AcademJe 8tandJnc baa eontened Ave. Honora at Entrance upon you • .. Honon at Entrance, which C&IT)' no monetary lfanta, are eonl~ In a coordinated pro. aram of making awarda by a number of West Cout eollegH and unJwnltiH which are mem-The ClUf«d Germans of Co- bera of the College Entrance Ex-rona del Mar met a hMt of amJnatlon Board. Honon at En-gue.ta at the airport Tuesday trance recognize p rep a r a tory mornlne, wben they lf"led a achool records of outstanding plane coming ln from Honolulu. ability and acbJeve~nt Instead On the plane waa the Ger- of financial need and they are ma.ns' dauJbter, Mrs. 8. M. Car-pre~~ented ln antl~lpatlon of dis-ter Jr., and her two dauehtera, • tlngul.tled performance 1n col-Su.aan Lynn. aee 9, and wee Ca.ra, lege." three montl\.8 old. Allo on the Jane wlJI major In engineering. plane were tbrir 110n-ln-law's par- with particular Interest ln the ent.a. Mr. and Mra. S. M. Carter, aeronautical p h a a e of that Who wW be ln the Harb« Area course. She hu already taken for a short whJle and then plan an menslve eamplng and bunt- Ing trip up Into Aluka. SAT IT WJTII The tenlor carters &1110 live In Honolulu. They wtll buy a new ear to drive up to the northwest DAifCIIfQ POI..I.OWm ....... CIDd tbe tlwdlttDelll ~party at u.. 1 ... •• ... ., u.. ~ Tadat ca• c..tat ~ u.. t.ttfttlea are (Wt to I'Sgllt aecu tbe ~) lb. CIDd 11n. aw Clark. llr. cmcl lin. lart lloadenoa. llr. aad lin. S. 11. CueYas ( .... a tM ,__ Je-Penta), CIDd Mr. cmd N IL 1.-.y c..nw ~ bCic:b to tbe .. ). aack of tbe C1adra ... U..llalpll 1 bCICk of tM Bw nw... are Dick Dea9w wtt.la 1a1e part. a«. ADD L1aboU. fadDg tho ~ora. ( Pboto by Secbr) territory and Alaska. MOVE P'llOK TilE ISLAXD I at Baker. The newlywedll plan to 1 County Home Show.-Mr-.--Mi-o-w-er The Howard Bakers have • of sOc':J~al not~ li ve on Orchid. The new Mrs. acted as a judge In awarding the moved from 320 Sapphire Ave., .. • • ., •. 'E6 I Oorr has been a decorator at Kay prizt> for the all electric home. UOI E. Coat Bwy •• coaowA DEL KU Balboa Island, to 2053 Monrovia, -------------------------Finch cera mics. Mr. Oorr. retlred. Winner was Joseph De K~yser of "A Nl h 1 M j ls concerned with property man Oran~e Costa Mesa. g t n azatlan" was the The Matt Conleys of 41 5 Nar agement. --.... ......:._. ................ _.........;::::;:;:::;;:;::;:::;:;;;;:::::;:;::~ PboDe Bad»or 5071 ~~ ITATS JX COaOJIA DEL IIAJl Formerly a China Cove resi- dent. L. S. Hoffman now Jtves at 3420 3rd Ave., Corona del Mar. •••lr•r •••••• ... .... 10.15 TagetiFtrYII I I I The dress with the magical "Patsy Collar." The fun In the aun dresa with the collar to make lt perfect for fNf!rY elate on )'OUr eal- enclar .•• C o tt o n tluue with "Patsy Collar,. ot white birdseye pique. Dotted Swiss Egyptian cotton with matching "Patsy Collar" trimmed with white rlcrar. For originality in your summer wardrobes see us. Fashion Apparel · <on way to Santa Ana Country Club) IMI lf...,..t al'f'd. c:o.ta ...... "Hints" from House and Garden, at Newport Now when yoo 90 on summer cruises or just a short ~a to Catalina you "'n really have some wonderful barbecues. The now Celhawaii broiler that has just arrived is simply wonder· ful . It is an lm~ adaptation of tho old Jo~se hibechi and Konro. As Me throughout tho Orient end Sollth Seas cantors around tho hibachi, often the sole dependable source of coolting ond warming heat, so will this broiler be "tho lifo of tho ~rty" when used at a barbecue in eooltir19 delectable. freshly cought fish, staoks or many delicious concoctK>ns. It is mede Of o now light -.!loy -..,at will positi~ not rust when subjected to the 5alt oir orld dampness of tho .... They are available in tillS of II" end 14" in diameter by 10" end lllh" if'l hoiqht respectively, complet. with stainless steel gri~ as tllustrated 01\d hefdwood be .. af'ld handles thorou~ insulated with a.bestos to ~· burning or warpin9. 8eJidot bein9 ~edbl fhe1re aif!'ply atunnint finished in brass and will add to yow dacor. e. ... as to your fun. Next week -.·a tel\ about things that.,. new fet your trailer& -~ theme of the annual "Ladles c•--u Ave h e j t tu _... ~ u.:o •• av us re rn .. -u to • • • Super?t.~Joa. ~at Night" of the Balboa Angling their Corona del Mar home from Club on Friday night. Mu1. 'los a fabulous trip to foreign waters. As president of the Orange B A P •1. ~~ p!.: B 0 0 L Spanish Fiesta was the atmo-1 1 dl t th f 1 County B u I I de r s Association. -nc u ng our mon s o visit ng Charles Mower of Corona d'"l 440 Heliotrope, Corona del Mar sphere with the decorating and such rornantJc places as Casa " I so forth taken by the women Blanca, Gibraltar. Algiers. Istan-Mar. has been getting ln the Harbor 4369 members of the group. The party bul, Venice. and several clUes In news lately. His latest official Under new manqement was held at the Newport Amerl-Portugal, Spaln. France and CAr act was at the recent Orange Mrs. Jean Vauehn, director can Legion Hall. many-to name a few. • • • Mrs. T. G. Rlckman of Corona del Mar la stlll ln Iowa celebra- ting with a golden wedding pres- ent. A cousln of Mrs. RJclcman's tried to ny out to the Harbor Ar~a to help Mr. and Mrs. RJeb- man celebrate thelr golden wedding anniversary on Easter Sunday, but decided ber trip would be too fast for fun, ., In- stead she sent the ticket. Mr. RJckman ls not too keen on trav. ellng but u soon u hla bride of 50 yean rested up from receiving 350 guests at thelt Easter Sun- day Golden Wedding party. she took ott like a blrd for Iowa. She'll probably be home when the bot weather arrtws. Tbe Rlclanan.a live wtUl metr ~aulfl­ ter and son-In-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lewla A. Blah. and the party wu held at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. ~er ot 311 Drift. wood Rd. In Shore CII!U. Mrs. Geyer Is another daughter . • • • Latest report: George Wether- by of Balboa Coves Is down En- senada way. Fishln' o.r just lazJn' around, George! • • • He Laa Vegas: Sally Kt-nnedy of 5201Aa Orchid Ave .. Corona del Mar. comes up with the story that she came out even when she went to Lu Vegas. Sally and her mother, you know, won the week- end trtp to Las Veeu given away at Richard's Market. They had a glorious time flying over. stay. tng at the Thunderbird. and see- Ing shows with such famous stars as Belen Trauble and Danny Thomas. • • • I The W. B. Matthews of Corona del Mar are cont~mplatlng a trip I to ~gon. • • • Among the good newses-Bob CalHa Is not only up and about but doctor Jet hlm drive a car last week ... h~r. he's stJll takJng It easy. • • • Jo Whyte <Mrs. Jlm. that lsl doesn't really know wheth~r or not s he's photog~nJc. She just missed belng In the tn.senada race pictures shown on TV last week on Monday. In nearly every acene Jo would u.y, ''I wu there" or, "He stood right next to me," bu&.tU&:a.aa dii!M~ ...,. ....... Fun eeeJna all the pictures of Newport. Balboa. Corona del Mar. the atart of the race and En.sen- ada, wasn't It! • • • OU for a summer In Honolulu are the Dr. Ed Mlt'ums of 2641 Circle Dr .• Bay Shores. Th~y leave today and plan to return around I Labor Day. • • • E)lpect VIrginia Castle to n y north In July . . . racing the stork to daught~r Paula's house. • • • A wedding band united two Corona del Mar resldenu In mar- riage last week-end. Lawsh~ B. Oorr of 419 Poln~tla Ave. and Mrs. Mabel Jones of 325 On:h ld Ave. eloped to Las Vegas. where they were married at high n oon at the Presbyterian manse. On thelr way over to t..u Vegas. the couple ran Into temperatures u high as 120 degrees ln the desert TRIM INCHES FROM TUllY, HIPS AND LEGS! Rent a Stauffer Unit by the day and watch the inches melt awayl 1M MW Stauffer Home Unit is simpGc:ity itMif. Aft you do is r .. dowft ond let the unit do the wortr. whH you NOd Of' watch TV. What could be easier? For a compli~Rentol'/ dOfftOIUtrotion on how to rtrfiOmflne yaut hips, logl and tymtfty . CALL IIArtMc 17U 1Dwhedy S-7'01 0 ' . HOMI PLA"f Wt Fullrl a Fill Salada• of SPORT SHIRTS "'B. v .D." ··ARRow· '11ENDA!r 'WESTWOOD'' ""DAD AhNTa u-. A ... il*t SIWt'" fia:D 12.98 to $7.98 * Woat..KII a.-.. I I * einert's ....... IICIIID'S Llll IIIIET wttla l ALLlE Look what's h a p p ~ n e d to Father! He's All rtght! H~'s for- saken hls pipe, smoking jacket, lllppers and leather chalr tor the open name, gaudy sports ahlrt. chef's bat and an assortment of Spice Island's IJ)Ices. Sftms to me that somewhere way back when this surge of cooking on anythlng but a ldtchen stove 5Wept over the back yards of America there must have been a woman ... Mexzanlnt-Shoppe Ia the place for outdoor cooklne equJpment and aU the goods and chattels to make being outdoors more fun ... 1be 1955 selection ot Bar B-Q's Is bigger and more varied than ever ... The patio furniture is more restful and the tools of the trade for play on the beach, ln a boat or snug In your own back yard will put a gleam In any Father's eye this romlng Sunday ... * * * 11 ........... to CIDIItiaM till~-=-··· .... tm o69bt o'dedl ...wy .._t ....,........, ... P..._·waa .......cdl .................. . llow be ocm aiMp too • bdag ..... ....,. -'Pt. * • * Cborlzos and Scrambled Eegs! Now there's a Father Day break- fast to remember! Chorlz.os are a Mexican sausage and can be found ln our Delicatessen ... A made to order Saludos Amleos flavor to add to spaghetti. tacos or tamales ... Chort.zo. come In a aausa&e culna . . . With ICr&DlbLed eep. ue about one ...__.,_ ... two ..... tab out t1 tbe c:aa1na and fly very crisp ,. . . Then pour ot1 all the grease and drain . . . then add th~ beaten up eggs and -=ramble . . . While Chorlzos must bE-re(rigt'rated. they will keep for two or thret" months .. - Nice ready made spl<."ed meat tc> have on hand Once you·~ 1 u!IE'd them . . you can lt't your Imagination run Mt'at loaves~ I An)· type of beans' Stuffed bell peppers~ Ev~n ln a sandwich ~ Chorizos cameo into the lime light !Jut week wht'n a lady visiting from San Antonio brought a do~n to take back with her be cause she rouldn't buy ·em them at home ... Now I wonder how sht' managed! IC'e hox 1 guess ... * * * Tbe O.C.U llayw Wloaor No- bile will bo bon aext Saturday f• ODe boar tr.. 2:00 to 3:00 with UttJ. Oecar. tbe .-tcra smallest cbef • • • Utt.lo o.ear g1..-out wie~Mr whlltlu to th• kid.&. * * * C"ak<' Bake Sal<' In nur front lobby ton. nnl Saturday . . P\.lt I on by the t'mploy('{'-. of the Hoag Hospital to ral~ money to put into the buUdJng fund . . . U yoUT cakP. pll.' or rooky minded. walk right by our Bakery rounter and buy from the Hoag Ho~pltal kids Instead . . . Nt'W wlnar needed you know ... Hoag Hos- pital BuUdlng Fund. Nf'wport Beach Is wher~ you wnd all don· allons lf you don't wlsh to buy a cake ... * * * A ftnt lw tbo eooldlubl Well wallwLa _.o tint to lPec I ~-I flal8acl • • • a I ._wW ..t .... la ~ .... ..w.....-...uy ......................... ••• lt ...... ~--··· ...s wm .._....uy _.~ ....-aY wttla .............. . .., ............. ...... a ' r t • • u•• n 1" ......... U;t'.I J .U. ... ··-· ....... . ... d ..... -. ... . ,.. ....................... . ...................... =" &I • ••• IS I .............. -.., ••rtldet ... .-r a ....... ,...,~.-:-... fll• u kc _.. .. -• .,.. ... , a , • * ..... Vogel I • ................ BUlL T ON 45' LOT NEAR BEACH Many deluxe features: Entry ttall, !rx10' oak pan~l den, ta. llvlne room opens to lg. patlo1 accouat1c pla_ster. 12'x15' dlntnr room, Indirect lt&htlnr. dleam kitchen with dishwasher, dlsp., maanetlc catchee, wlred for elect. stove, mahogany cupboards. Beaut. M.atr. bedroom looka out on &arden-full tJle connectJne bath. Bed· room No. 2 Is 15'x24' has fuD tUe ~ bath. FA heat, w/w carpets, dbl. gar. with elect. door. Ideal for r~Jre. ment. THE VOGEL CO. :1687 E. COAST HWY. HARBOR 1741 OORONA DEL MAR HAIUJOR14'T7 "START UVING" IMMEDIATELY, lN IRVINE TERRACE OVERLOOn.NG THE BEAUTIFUL "SMOG-FREE" YACHTING CENTER OF NEWPORT HARBOR "Southern Callfornla's Most Beautiful Subdivision" Tomorrow's Dream-Today! WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO INSPECT COMPLE'I'Jro OUR DISTINCTIVE FURNISHED MODEL HOMES AND 01liERS UNDER CONSTRUCTION NINE DIVERSIF1ED FLOOR PLANS To the home buyer who wishes to purchase In the $20,000 to $30.000 class we sincerely recommend tbe Irvlne Estates overlookin& Newport Harbor. These homes feature Calllornla living. Offered excJu. lively throu&h Earl W. Stanley In a Smog-Free area known u Irvine Terra~n Coast Highway oppoaJte tbe new Irvine Cout Country Club, Newport Harbor. * For recommendation, we refer you to anyone who holds a Leasehold Estate 1n Irvine Terrace. Earl W. Stanley EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor 4448 For Further ln!ormatlon WE WILL BUILD 01 YOUI LOT I 1244 q. FT. IIEII-IIIE liD 2-CII lAIIlE $9100 Forc4:'d air hn t-Hardwood floors. Fully fi nanced on a good lot. 19 years on Savings It Loan IARSHAU HOlES 20 Years Building In Orange County Models Open: Newpo rt and Mitchell. Tustin Kimberly 7 3293 Kimberly 2-3569 Eves. Liberty 8.4073 OPEN HOUSE DAILY AT 300 POPIIJ Awe., CorMI •1 lar Not only lc; thll'l a hous4:' with a w ide ocea n vi4:'W but It lc; nrr hlt!'r turally designed for the most convenient In· r1oor outdoor living. Art istically landscaped with an eye ror easy ma intena ncE'. 2 bedrs. plus den, 2 baths. wood panelling. lovely fireplace, 4:'tc. Liberty 8 5231 Harbor 1329 W Ocu1 Blw~.. Cor11a •1 lar with .. ,. e1tllq wlew- TWO STORY, 2 bedrm. (have plans for 3rd bdrm. to be added at small costl. 2% baths. lge. ltv. rm .. separate dining room, large knotty pine den with t;>ullt-ln bar, lounge. 2 fireplaces, basement with 150,000 811.1 fur. nace. Expensively carpeted wall to wall thru-out. Gar. bage disposal and dishwasher. House 6 yrs. old. Large double garage with laundry, radio-controlled garage door. Lot 50 x 142'. Well landscaped. Thts horne must be seen to be appreciated. Located at 3312 Ocean Blvd., Corona del Mar. OWNER WILL ACCEPT ANY REASONABLE OFFER Pho ne Owner, Harbor M35 THREE MAGIC WORDS to sell YOUR prope_rty .. Multiple Listing Service'~ • . . . conat.tlng of modetn de. algn, four laree bedrom.a, two baths. forced air heat, attrac. tlve patio -a home ideally planned for year around Uv. lng and aummer relaxation. Furnlshlnp optional. Your Inspection Invited. ISU. REALTY CO. f98 Park. Balboa lala.nd RAm JUST IN TIME FOR TilE SUMMER BONUS BUSJNESS 2801 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar A wonderful chance to be- come a successful lndepend· ent business man. For lnlor. matlon call: H. B. Grabau Lehigh 9-5830, after 6 p.m. weekdays, all day Sat. 6: Sun. Billa But Bqs ARE YOU HANDY with a hammer and saw! Then lis- ten to thll. We have a small 2 bedr .. home that needs very little fixing up on lot size 50' x 140'; plus an addJtlonal lot of samto size. All for only $5500, with terms. Better hurry! THREE BEDROOM, 2 bath home, with service porch, dlnlnr room, hardwood flrs., forced.alr heat, patio and do u b I e garage. Full price $13,700 with $3.700 dn. W.LT ... S,Iealllr -yog11 w. OW' trt.a41y Mnkle 3a E. 17th St.. eo.ta Neea Liberty a.J139 FOR SALE: ., , ... , Corona del Mar, · 3Wn~.2.alll, modem hom~. fum. rental apl attached . . . close to Harbor Vlew School and pro- posed parochial .chool ... everything buiJt.ln Including dishwashe r. disposal, etc. En. closed patio and 2--car garage with work bench . . . call Ha. 2506M. Ownlnr a Bay .t:.Beach Realty home wlll take the question out ol your family's future. 11,11110 ... BUYS 3 bednn .. modern home with larae Jlvlng rrn.. fire. pla~n Del Mar In Coeta Mea. Paymenta lesa than rent. CALL Cox or Bradford at Harbor U64 .. , .... ... n .... .. from til• llvtnJ room of o-11 2-Me. born. at 222 Kuel Dr .. AJfD a private pat.bway to tM Mach. 1" Nthl plWI outatct. ehower, prime Joc:a. Uon. --.eoo. DIEU.EIT • tum. unltl: 1 Mdr. eac.h. No vacancies In ovft' a year. a..at ll tM each. Oroa yearly ~ All In flnt clue. 88,000 takes. Full prlee t22.!100. Elrt w ..... , REALTOR 225 Marine Ave., Balboa bland Call Harbor 1775. ..... Huboi' 53!59 COIIUIB.III Att:ractJve bnch Style du. plex for aale. Ocean aide hwy., Finest conm. on 1 ~ Iota. 2 bednl. ea., trplc:a., hwd. floors. Forced alr heat, patios, }.apt. Jeaaed. Priced under rep). cotJt. OWNER. HARBOR 1684-R OPEN SAT. 6: SUN. 702 BEGONIA, CDM UDO ISLE I II• 111111, a fllr ~trice, a pH ltca- tl- and only $21,100 It you like nice things, I'm sure you will llke the dlsttnc. ttve and comfortable design of thls 3-bedr .. 2 bath home. Price and compare. Pa1l C. J-RultJ 26.20 Newport Blvd., Newport JIEAL ESTATE PO. SALE COSTA MESA: 3-bdrms., 1 ~ ba ths. patio. fpl.. bar kltch .. FA heat. parquf't floors, dis posal. garg., Bay It Beach Rlty .. LI 8.1161. =-~----~----~ $1500 DOWN. 3 bedr., redecorated, fpl., hdwd. fl . ,fenced. Jand. scaped. sheltered lanai, roses. 4% loan. Bay A Beach Rlty .. Ll 8.1161. YEARLING 3-bedta., 2 batha. fpl., lldwd. n. etb'pett'ftl. m. Baett Bay, F'HA. Bay 6: Beach JUty., u . 8-1161. SITUATJOKS WAJn'ED EXPERIENCED Woman will cue for child In my home. CDM. HA 2925-W. YOUNG MAN desires part.tJme work evenings and week-ends. Has pick-up truck, so aho will do delivery, help you move, or! Phone Harbor 1623 J after 4:15 p.m. CHILD CARE, days . 2 years to pre-school. 713 ~ Iris, CDM. Hat· bor 79.W. BABY SI'n'ING. care of sick, your home, Day, night. mature CDM woman. Before 10 a.m., after 5 p.m .• HA 3132-M. PEUOKAL TRADE lN your old watch on a new Hamilton. It means so much more to etve or get a Hamilton. Wallace Calderhead. 3123 E. Coast Hwy., CD~. IEBVJCU REPAIR and maintenance, paint lng. carpenter. etc. Just any. thing. Reasonable. Satt.factlon guaranteed, HA OU6-J. Painting -Decorating PAPER HANGING GEORGE BURKHARDT UeeN&d CGatnetor 878 W. 18th CoMa Mesa Uberty 8-8628 Uberty a.e632 COMPLETE PAIN11NG PAPER HANGING SERVICE RA 2W76 RAU48 EUGENE 0 . SAUNDERS ~3latS~ach COIIPU'Tit 0 IDY'IQ FREE J:S'1'DIATES Sldl Gnm !tampa PMe del.Mry COROKA Da. M.U Jrutt.SEaY RA 1038 27~ &. Cout BW7. lll;pr ...... ••• PazJ•••••• ---~r u411101 ..... ., Aft CiOILc:. ...... • 4 ......... JIOUU f'OR RENT: 2lt Lido Nard. lJdo JaJe. 11500. per mo . C.U Wet.ter ._..., or lrtallton o.en. . a u: AYr. JWit Nlii\lihea: ,., fer older eoupl.. no chUdren. Por perm. reel~. • mo. t41 K. N.wport Blvd., Npt. ROOk toll ibT, for WOrldlit woman, HA 21125-W. FUiH. AF"t.. tood 1 o e a tl on • ground Ooor. Summer or yearly Jqae. No ebUdm\, no ~ 610 Marguerite, CDM. CDK &bedr. • den, unf. home, rareie. Lovely v1ew, yrly. leue. Inquire Lout.e AI)U., Carnation at Suvlew, CDM. c'OK, DELUXE 2-bedtm., untUrn., duplex. So. ot hwy., llrepl., forced· air heat, h a r d w o o d Ooon, • e p a r a t e patio, HA 18M. B.. LOUISE APJ'S.. over)ooJttna the ~-Modern tuml.ahed apta. Moderate weekly rate.. Sum- mer reeervatlona; 308 Carna. 'tlon, CDM, near Seaview, HA 4016. ro• SAL& WEDGEWOOD RANGE. $90; Frl&· ldalre refrlg., $110; maple c:of fee table, $20; pair of end ablea, $20; 2 Hollywood type double beds. $60 and S40 : love seat, $35; kitchen uten&Ua and other mJscellaneous Items. 226 Collins, B.I. Harbor Q288.J. Be- ginning Sunday. ELECTRONIC ORGAN-two man. ual, almost llke n<'W. Save $80. Danz-Schmldt. 520 No. Main. Santa Ana. GRAND PIANOS. Many to choose from. Knabe, Mason It Hamlin. Stuyvesant, Cable. Extra spe. clal. Story 6: Clark grand. In good condition $395. Another special. Beautiful Stuyvesant. fine shape $585. Also gorg@'Ous Knabe $975. Save on many others. Danz-SchmJdt Big Plano Store. Santa Ana. 520 No. Main. Always 100 pianos. IMUWY. ,_. J& a• Assault with Deadly Weapon Charged in Hotel Shooting CContlnued trom Pap U Lee Smith arrived at the scene and found the vlctlrn lytne on the noor or the lobby at the foot of th~ atalrs. One oUicer com. forted the victim and the other called an ambulance. A hotel tenant. BUJy Hutlnp. told the oUicera that the defend. ant wa1 upatatra and pointed the room out to the officers from the stalra. He said that the defend- ant wu armed with a .38 or .45 caliber pistol and was ln hls room. The officers went up the stairs to within a few steps or the second floor. e .. n.L CONE OUT"' "We saw window &lass lytne on the carpet In the hall In front of room three," officer reported. "I wJil come out." Browder said. He apparently had heard what the officers were decldJne waa the best course of action, they reported. The officers then saw the bar· rel of a rlne or shot gun emBee trom tbe doorway of room three and then Browder looked out into the hall. He looked at both off!. cera on the stal.rway wtth thelr service revolverw pointed tn hl1 dlrectlon. Browder then ral.led both hands and stepped into th~ hall wtth a ahot tun atUJ clutched tn hla ri&ht hand. e SIDU. Df CILUO&• Officer lelenaky took the eun from Browder and handed It to Officer Smith. who noted that the aun wu at full cock. He opened the weapon and found a dl.chareed shotaun aheU In the chamber. which arnelled atrontlY of burnt gun powder. The barrel of the eun alao smelled of gun powdf'r, they charged. Upon In terrogatlon Browder claimed he did not shoot the victim. MINSHALL· ORGAN. Used but _..._..._.........,. ............ ______ _ Browder told pollee that he had shot throueh the door ot hls room "u he wu tired ot being annoyed and that they would not leave hlm alone." He wu re moved to the pollee atatlon. He said he had been Jiving In th~ hotel four or five months that he was wlf employed but would not say what hls occupation was, only that he had been a writer and a printer. fine. Blond case. Our low price S695. Gonsonata Organ. Two manual. Almost like new. Save ~. Danz-SchmJdt, 520 No. Main. Santa Ana. H AM M 0 N D ORGAN, Spinet model. Slightly used. Good Sav. lng on this. AJso Hammond Chord Organ. Easy to play. Danz-Schmldt, 520 No. MaJn, Santa Ana. BABY PLAY PEN: Jge., hardwd. frame; w/animal figured pla.a. tlc pad. In e.xcel. c:ond. Remov· able rollen.. wUl hold .t: fit In back ~~eat of car. Less than halt orig. cost. 108 30th St. NB. SPINET PIANOS. Rental returns Jlke new etc. You will always find wonderfUl savings In thla dept. Many makes and models. Mirror Type Spinet Mahoaany finish S287. Another In Maple flnlah $395. Danz..Schmldt, 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. DID YOU KNOW that we have spectaJ gilts for Fathers Day . . . the new modern Eterna· matte, the finest self winding watch ... At Ray Fields new location, VIsta Shopping Cen- ter, Costa Mesa. Liberty 8.8488. 12xl4 GREEN RUG, hall runner and pads, $135; studio couch. $18; bathlnette, S6; quart jars. U S.4903. 418 E. Magnolia. C.M. SERVEL REFRIG., all white, noiseless, carries auarantee. Special price $85. Owne!' Lt. betty 8-3003. 1.20 BASS accordJan, like n<'W. Sacrifice. LI 8.2237. llELP WARTED WOMAN WANTED for cleanlne. 3 hrs. a day, 3 to 5 da.ya per week. Sandys Motel, 2931 E. Coast Blvd., COM. BABY SITI'ER wanted, 5 daya week. Call after 5 p.m., HA 2582-J. Girls- IT'll •11.'1 w••1 and you'll •IT" wben you hear of the many Job oppor. tunttl• for quarurett youna women In our bu.atne.. tod•Y· Openlnp now fof: TELEPIIOM'E OPERATORS -Appl;y-Mond-.7 thrOup Friday 5H~ No. Main 8tNet Rm. 211-knta Ana t:OO to 5:00 P.M. PACD'IC 'J'I:I.a'BONI! Unsung Commercials Six stores and thre-e olflces are open or In the process of opening In Crossroads VIllage, 349 to 359 N. Newport Blvd., Newport. Heights. This Ia a new building just above the Arches overpass, owned by C. F. Rudd of 328 Cata. llna Dr.. Newport Hel&hta and John Voeel, local developer and rultor. VIllage Drapery and lntertorw Is now open at 349 N. Newport Blvd. Owner Is Mrw. Ida Mae Johnsman. formerly of Chicago, Ill.. and San Fernando V•lley. For 10 years ahe wu In the dra. pery bualnesa In Chlcaeo. Cua. tom draperies with decorator fab· rlcs. provincial or modern prlnta are featured with free estimates. Maple funlture and accessoles and room siZA! or wall to wall carpeting Is also business line of the firm. Roy D. Gawthrop Heating ls e BAD aBEJI JK JIOSPITA.L He said he pUJChued the shot gun at a local tackle store about a month ago. He s tated he just shot through the door with the blind cloaed, 80 he didn't know 11 anyone was hit by the 1tft>l He said he had been confined for three )'e&rw in the Palo Alto Vet· eran'a R~ltaJ. Oftlcers sevehed hll room and found a nearly full box of 12 gauee shotgun lhella. While being booked at county J&ll. he wa.s asked how he &ot away from the Palo Alto Hospital. Hf" stated he walked away and had been eone since Jut fall. Local officers checked with Palo Alto pollee and learned that he had been d'-chareed from the hospital on Dec. 18. 1954, and that there was no record or wants on him. now open at 351 N. Newport p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;_ Blvd.. In a move from 2504 W. Coast Hwy.. Newport Beach. where the firm waa located tor the past five years. Mr. Gaw. throp Is a.n authorlud Payne Furnace dealer and features for~ air furnaces with jet glass tire boxes for new or old homes. Th~ Parll Health Food Store. formerly at 499 N. Newport Blvd .. has also moved to crossroads VIllage, at 353 N. Newport Blvd. A prescription pharmacy tor doctors and paUentl will be opened by Kenneth Smith of Red. lands on July 1 at 359 N. New- port Blvd. Ell~n·a Beauty Shop, formerly at 310 N. Newport Blvd., has opened In the new bulldlnr at 357 N. Newport Blvd. And II operated by Mrs. Ellen Ward. Her husband, Dean Ward. ope.r. ates a bookkeeping otrtc. at tbe same addresa. William Harper, phy1lcal ther. apl.lt, oc:cupte. quarten at 381 N. Kewport Blvd. Jack ~unnin•· ham's Woodweldlnl Manufactur. lnt Co. occup._ an otllee up. stain tn the bufldlnt at 3eC5-.A tf. Newport Blvd. Tow otbeor oftices are vacant at B.B N. N..wport Blvd. ne. C~nlre Prllltl W•J llnl LOW! LIW! LOW I WE'alt CllOWI>EDt SO TilEY 11V1T 001 • ·• rom. 11• Needs .orne work.· '54 IIUC. COifV .. 1DM Only ONE owner. 'M IOJIC. ITA. WAG. ... Power atetrlnr. brak-. only 10,000 rnne.. 'N Cllllft1.&Jl. Jf.Y .. II,_ New Yorker, Pow., ltee'rlnt. tll'akee. 15.000 mllH. · .. JOIIT. a.. en..-Radio, HHter and HydrarntJc. ,_, PLYK. '-DOO& II. Look •t thls one!-lt'a "rut dean!" 'M POD YIC'!Oai.A. 11- kdJo. Beater, Power at.rtnr 6: Pordomatk. • 'II LIIICOUI 4 DL .... "Capri." Jtadlo, H•t•, HJdra- matk., Uke hew! ••• , , ct~ Manaaer John SaUO...,.. portt4 to N~ ctty Coundl Monday evenlna that the preUmJ. nary noee count ot the apeclal cenau. Just completed Ia 18,539. An otttclal certUicatlon ot the nact count wut be made at a later date by the dlrector of the Bureau of Cenwa. WuhlnltOn. D. C. The apecta~ cenalis of Nov. 20, 1963, listed the populaUon a t Banks Seeking City Deposits The Karlnen Bank on New. port'• Matlnera MUe and the Newport Harbor Bank In Corona del Mar atelleekin&a mon equit- able dlatrtbuUon of clty de~b amon1 the dty'a four banka. The other two, wh ld\ carry the bulk of the clty'a depo.Jta. are the Bank of America branchea ln Newport and Balboa. Letters requestln& additional deposita were r~lved Monday eventn1 from Ed&ar R. Hill. preat. dent cA. the new Marlnera Bank, and Jame. T. -Van Dyke, presi- dent of the Newport Harbor Bank. The lettera weer referred by City Council to City Manager John Sailors for study and report. Boots, Saddle Election Mon. The Meaa Boots and Saddle Club will elect otllcen at thelr meeting next Monday at the clubhouse on the Falrground.l ... The local club wu repre- sented at the Trl.Reglonal Play Day held Sunday at the Half Circle Inn Riding Stable& In Whittier. but brought back no prltes . . . Dolores Platter and her mother. Mrs. Jim Garvey, of Costa Mesa are busily planning a trip to Honolulu ... The Care. lree Riders will hold a pot.luck dinner and card party tomorrow I Friday' at their clubhouse ln Hawaiian Gardens ... El Rodeo Rldlng Club directors wlll mettt at 8 p.m. Wednesday, June 22, at their clubhouae In Brea. Ill lrNe'a Senile We re&Sster patterns for brides Drop In soon . . crystal. china. a liver 1talnleaa steel OPEN DAILY AND SUNDAY 9 :30 to 5:30 gifts from Karen Margreta Imports 2653 E. Cout Hl1hway Corona del Mat Harbor 1.113 Dr. Ronald WoocL D. C. HARBOR HEALTH SERVICE COMPLETE DIAGNOSIS 6 PHYSlCAL 'MIEllAPY DEPT. .... ...-tams. lf..,._t ...... ....... 17.307. Su'-equent annaatJona tner.ued tl\at total to 17.78'7. '"nlua the new cenau. ahows a net lncreue of 75l." Mr. Sail· on uld. "Perhapt not u hlp aa we bad expected. but lt1l1 worth $5.862 'a year to the dty, becau.e the per capita refund of motor vthlcle Ucen1e fee. 1a about ff.SO. We're getttna back twice the co.t of the censu.a the flut year." Newport Beach topt Ita nellh- borlne city of Costa Maa by 1,260. The epeclal cen•u• com, pleted lut month Mt the Mesa population at 17,279. Council Splits Four-Three On Fireworks Newport City Counctl spllt 4 to 3 Monday nleht In approvlne the requMt of the Balboa lmprovo- ment A.eoclatlon for 11.000 to put on the Fourth of July flreworka dlaplay at the Balboa Pier. CouncUman J. B. Stoddard re- mArked that It wu not money well spent. Mayor HUJ said •he agreed With hlm. CouncUman Stanley RJdderhof said he was In favor of obeervlng thll patJ1otlc bolJday in the American trad1Uon. The approprlaUon wu ap. proved by the aye vote of Coun. cllmen Lee Wllder, MacKay. HJgble and RJdderbof. Vot1n1 no were Mayor HUJ and Councilmen Stoddard and Gerald Bennett. .... , VIII larlla Ia Ful•lllll Ufl Ken Niles' VUJa Marina Is featur~ In a double' page full color spread In the current Issue ot Ufe Magu1ne. This Is part of a picture story on "Nation Rides crest of Motorboat Boom," with "20 million week.endera taking to th~aterways." r ..... atencl•• HoW Jtl1t ... 1111 President Steve Smith and 10 other members of the Newport Harbor Toastmaster& dropped In Tueaday evening during the reg. ulat meetJn1 ot the lJdo Tout- mutes at the Harbor Bouse ln eo.ta ..... A joint meet1n1 wu c.arrled on. Speaken from the auest club were VInce Pickup and Bill Goody. Gum evaluators were Pete NoUng, Elton Barnett and Ed Lewla. Toastmaster of the host club wu Tom Soule. Bob Perrin wu table toplea mutn. Speaker'S were Bert Beck, Bob McClary, Jim Penney. Joe Martin and Ed Soule. Evaluators were Jim Penney, Sandy Steiner. Chuck Art and Dave Holman. Back to the blg city-Isabel Herron Ia ,olna to be auoclated wtth the Lawrence Block Co. In ~et"ly Hlll1. • • • After years and years and years of active operaUon the J. A. Beek Realty office at the ferry end of the Island hu become Inactive for the present. Hub Powers. lon1 Ume auoctate. has joined the Vogel Balboa Island office and Charles Lake bu moved over to the Doria Bray of. flee ... Ruth Pardoll should be ready to get back to work pretty 1000, she's been gooOn' ott enter, talnJna relative• . . . Ruth Seeley hu been back mld.west, vtsltlna her mother ln Nebraska ... Dick Strlckler'1 al110 been aooOn' off. on a vacaUon. Dick Hodee hasn't quite rot bls little baby trained to an.swerln1 telephones ln hla Oftle@-yet. -------AaAJIDOIRD .OAT POVIfD A w1\lte and red row boat, about elaht feet Ion&. was found abandoned by Newport pollee In upper bay at 3:30 a.m. Monday. OHicen checked the area for a posalble body but could not lo- cate one. Later In the day a hat· bot department patrol boat .earc:bed the atM but could not locate the boat. • NOTI .CE n... wdl be Clll Wwwal piaWic........., Ia .. CoUDdl Chm-hen. Ill tbe llewpod • 1clt Qty • BaiL ........ flail..,., ,... llllt --llatuft _.,. .. U,....IciybllllldiMMdl. OVTSTAif'DIIIO w h &&ii --· wU1 be JI'IIIP ... hse aow (rddq) ••• '': ., o. i1: c:.-t c~-. o. w. (Dictr) lUcia-.._..,... e1 ~ d's 11.-. ta a,..t. _........,. r. ...,., ........ ...,.. ........................... Tille ....... ..... _ .. ...,.. ....... , ::=.:* ........... ............ wW be .... et tiM ......_. ~ unrdaa1 ..... Mad et I..-. Ia tile ... ..Utld--. Jr:*• wW be Dw. --..nt L lryiak. dea of ...._ .. et VIC. t.p6c wW be ""fte CIMIII• .. .. y .. a.• Frede-lck RobertiiOn Horsley. 59. of 801 Kinp Rd .. CUff Haven. died Monday In Hoag Memorial Hospital. He wu born In Ontado, Calif., and had Uve4 In Newport Beach for two yean and prior to that for 10 years In Phoenix. Ariz. He was rttlred from the furniture buslneu. He Ia survived by his wife. Mrs. Mary Honley; a dauahter, Mrt. Barbara Jean Murray of Long Beach. and one pandchlld. Ma. sonic service. wtu be held today In Ontario. Baltz Mortuary of Co- rona del Mar was In charge o! ar- rangements. Trailer Park Is Continued (Continued from Pare 1) Mrs. Mae Hoit Is Appointed <Continued trun Pace 1) came out of the meeting, and CouncU cllscua.eed their decl1lon amona thenuelvea. Soon Mr. Print was called back ln. and at 10:30 the doore were opened. and the meeUna wu public again. Mayor HlJJ alked Mrs. Holt to read the letter. Mn. Holt atArted reading in low tone. Councilman MacKay Interrupted to say that the reporters had dllflculty hear Ina. MrL Holt turned around to the press table and was about to start readlng aealn. when Coun. cllman Stoddard reached for ward. took the letter and 1ald he would read lt. The letter, whereby Mr. Priest tendered hls res1patlon as city cl'rk and city treuurer, effective Immediately. wu the first an- nouncement of the purpose of the lose thls aource of Income. meetlne. From the Central Newport e ItO D!SCVSSJOif Community A.uoclatlon came a There was no d I • c u ss Ion . resolution asking the city to get Councilman J...ee Wilder moved out of the traner park business that Mr. Priest's resignation be and return the publicly owned accepted. Mayor Hill called for property to public use u a beach the vote. Councilman Gerald Ben park. The Association also pre· nett. first on the Jist for the roll sented petitions to that effect. call vote, hesitated for a mom. carrying 481 taxpayers' signa. ent, then said he would pass hls t ures. with promise of more pe. vote. An "aye" vote was voiced tltlons to come. by the other councUman-Wil AI Forglt, Newport business· der. Sandy MacKay. J. B. Stod· man, turned In four peUtlons of dard. Clarence Higbie. Stanley the Newport Taxpayers Assocla· RJdderhof and Mayor Hill. Uon, ca.rryln& 90 slcnatures, ask. Concerning the matter of sue In& the city to continue the ~ to Mr. Priest. City Man. trailer putc. arer Sallcln •N nu.t-. Cllu· e MAifY noTESTS ter automatically provtdes for Ed Healy. president of the the deputy city clerk (Mrs. Holt) I Central Newport Association. to take over as acting city clerk 1ald It was an abuse of public and the deputy city treasurer, property to u~ It for a trailer (MrL Louis K. Seely) to take park and exclude local citizens over as acting treasurer. from the beach. Discussing the matter later There were many other obJec· with reporters. Charlie Priest put tiona. Wllllam Lambert wondered It bluntly by saying he "resigned where our ch.Udren can go to at the requeat of City Council." play. F. T. Martin said he And equally bluntly. he said the couldn't undentand how the city reason for the action was "negll could allow a trailer park to gence of the dulles of the city monopollze baytront area. Sam clerk." Barnes warned that the people e HASOifS CIVEif would never aet the area back if The specific reuons. aceordlng It Is Improved for a trailer park. to Mr. Priest, resulted from hla Harold Glasa pointed out that oversight In neglecting to pre Fullerton has 73 ball teams; sent to Council two resoluUona Newport Beach does not have a of the County Board of Supervi· s ingle ball diamond. sora. One was the April 12 resolu· Bill Harvey hinted that the city tlon of the supervisors protesting was unreallatlc In Its estimate of the City of Newport Beach annex. coat of operating a trailer park, atlon of Upper Newport Bay. The saying that lt couldn't be done other was the April 19 rc.>solut1on for the $11.000 yt'arly estimate. declaring that th<' county wac; George Pardey accused the Coun taking over full control of New ell of putting money values over port Hafbor. human values. Former Council Mr. Priest said Friday that ht' man Andy Smith said It was a had not presentNI the re<;Oiutlon rape of the people's r ights to of protest becau~ he bt'lleved It take away public land (rom the would be rt>SClnded by tht' !lUpttr people; "we don't need that kind visors. The board dld not rt'~lnd of money," he said. Its protest. although It did noth e lfED TB& a EACII lng further to block the annexa Gerald Sparks said that we Lion of the Uppt'r Bay. which be need all the public beach we can came official May 24. 1 eet:. Mra. Dorothy McKenna urged Mr. Priest explained further 1 CouncU not to take away a tine that he had delayed presenUng beach that will be a place for the resolution about Harbor con. 1 our famUies. Arthur Peterson trol untJI he had received a copy I asked that we use the property of a 1944 rullng by the state at.1 aa a public beach before It be-torney general roncernlng au comes 110 valuable that It can tbt>rlty over the harbor. The rut- never be used. August Pflrrmann lng confirmed the jurisdiction of said he waa opposed to the clty the County supervlsors. beln& In the trailer park bust. Mr. Priest Is a nattve of Con nN.S. nectlcut. He ls a veteran news A woman In the audience paperman. serving for 15 yurs asked If the matter could ~ put with the S p r 1 n 1 fIe 1 d . Mau .. on the ballot for a public vote. Union-a• state editor. reportPr. Councilman Gerald Bennett re, financial edJtor. news editor. Jn plied that that would indkate a 1936 the death ol hls mother In Jack of conttdence In the Coundl. Balboa broueht nlm here. He There wu a ripple of lauehtl'r stayed aa a bee lance writer. In the audience and RVeral aucn. joined the Newport Pollee De ble qreement. that that wu ln· pattment u a clerk ln UNO. ad deed eo. vanclnt to eeraeant. e CITU 'nArnC PM>81 lfM In lN he ran ap1allt the vet In adclJtlon to tile Council eran dty ~k. Fra.Dk JllMha.rt. members. onlY ONe to •ak up and wu t\ec:ted. He wu ~ In fa¥QI' ol tile dt:J trau. park elected 1n lee52 f« aftot.ber four wwe Edwin Hoyt. wbo eakt tMt ,.., te'm. 11\J.a YMt. hoWevoer. tbe eeonomle radon~ wtMft the cu.rter Ia rme effK Mr. HealT• aqumatll. ud tlaat Uve. llll Job u e.a.ctlft omctal a public: bMdl wvalcl rau. liiOfe wu t..m.naled. aM dt:1 derlr trame ~: l.ftCl .OMUe lMcaiM an appoa..._ ,.nkm. Sdlluear. wt.o atct u.at tnn. ~ QPOI.Jrt.cl 11111a u ctt:J putt N¥1ft .. woUcl .......... et.tr. thee lD .... _.._.. tulia Oown. ... ,.. ot dtJ ea-t~ ad dt;y At u:lO p.m. 1IQw Den am u.--and • ...., .. ...,.._ to ct.ed ... pebUe ........ ,.. ............... &••• Oaol&ftl OMmdbDaa ................. ol .... -......... d" f.at tt would M .. tM ....at tl I U LNI uttl U..0. ol ... dt:J .. ----ll llld:blc Mr. "'-' ..... ,_ .... .... ..... ,.. ..... -.... IJIIt ., .... Qt;y c..ca .... ALe 1M a•• lit ••••a. ......_ ·8t IMir .tllD ~ ·--Ui ........ ....._.. .. RlLaatM .._,_..SQimrt flll tM .... ~ ...................... .. .. ______ ... ___________ llliliiiliiiillliiiiiiililli~ e·tr 'f 24JISU... tlsiL fACIE WID , ......... , ..•.• ,., .... ,a ... Sgt. Vlr&U Phebus, offtet'l' City Council Asked to Hold Study Sessions in Public Rudolph Valel}tl and R~e o! w ith the County of Orange fleer Eugene Quarry of the New whereby the county provld~s port Pollee Department have $13.200 aa Ita share ot expense been commended by Chapman ot lifeguards. College of Oranae upon their The Woman'• Ctvlc IAacu• aaaJn tubmltted their request to Newport City CouncU Monday evmlne uklna that the councU'• ltu~ _..lona 1M! conducted ln the Coundl Chamben. open to the publle. 'lbe Leaaue aaJd their first requeat bad been mJ.aundet"· ,llood. Councilman J. B. Stoddard commented that there aeemed to be a lack of contldence In the CouncU and •uraested that they ahould allow the public to at. ~end the pre-Councll meetlna ses. alona. "U the people are deter. mined. they could force ua out ln the open," be aald. "We shouldn't be twayed by one letter,'' CouncUman Stanley Rldderhof remarked. "In this cue you have one letter, and one councilman,'' an. twer~ Mr. Stoddard, meanlne hltnaelt. The letter was rete-red to the city manager for 1tudy. Council also: • Acre<! to entu a decorated car In the Huntlngton Bead\ July 4 parade. e Received a request from the Balboa Improvement A.uodatlon dlrecton to keep the Balboa parkin& lot charge at 50 cents. • Increased the price o! month. ly parkJne Ucketa for the Balboa parklna lot from $2 to $4. e Received a request from Mra. William Davenport for an ordl- nan~ to prevent ball playing In alleys. e Approved the resolution va eating a portion of Broad St. In Newport Heights. e Approved Ordinance No. 751 establishing a new salary scale for city employees. e Received a report from the County Boundary ConuniMion approvlni the boundaries of the proposed SeaquiBt annexation In I Newport He1ghts. e Called for bids for legal ad . vertlslng, to be opened July 11. e Eliminated the job of otfke manager of the Water l>fopart ment and transferred the func tlon to the Finance Department; estimated savlne Is $3.600 a year • Approved the agreement e Approved the revised lease completion ol a juvenUe pro- with South Coast Co. for the cedure course given by the col- city property It now occupies. lege. The course was tauaht by • Awarded the-contract to R. Lou Kidder of the Oranee county J. Noble Co. on Ita low bid of probation department. Juvenile $2.780 for paving at the Corona dt>llnquency problems. lawt. con. del Mar main bt'ach. trols and causes were Included • Referred to the city attorney! _n;;;;;;;th;;;;e;;;;;;;co;;;;u;;;;r;;;;se;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;~ the request of L. S. Hottman o! r Corona del Mar to put In a rock till at hls property In China Cove. e Received (at Jasti the resolu tlon of the County Supervisors taking oveor control of Newport Harbor; also the resolution pro testing Up~r Bay annexation. ""aECUCT"' TUIIIT. POCIET ~till e Approved Dr. David Nielsen's request for sJx month extension of va.rlan<.-e becau~ of delay In plana to con6truct medical build lng near his oUice at 400 W est minister, Newport Heights (ItO TVaU) Wodd'a l•tdlelt a.uo WEJCJD OlfLT 12 OZ. s~ae Ollly r • s· • l f./• .. A New Concept In Penon al Radlo. Ear Phone and Carry lng Optional. Extra. DIVJS.UIWI CO. u I-UI1 Read Ensign Want Ad&. •• ..,. ...... c... .... T1rE N AJf TID: NAif e TilE IIAlf e TilE IUJf e 11m II &II • a ~ MAN-OH-MAN! X ; ~ Hate Y11 S... n. Selllll•• If ~ • • SPORT SHIRTS s ~ AT '2 • .ad IT ; X ~ Fer FITIU'S DIY, "-IM • ~ a • A1ao A l..ar9e 1.-:tioa = of OU.. Clftl * X * nEE CIFT ~PDIQ 'lit = e THE I • MAN • a = 1031 lfEWIO.-T SLVD. COSTA MESA X 54.11 C UD STAMPS -COIOIVJfJTT CJLEDIT Pl.AJf J: e OPEJf P'UDAT JnTU TILL I P.ll. t • T1D IIAlf • 11IE IUJf • TilE IIAJf • TB& llAif • T1IE • ~~DO·IT · your-aelf CHAlCO AI. $011 GIILL 0 Sfwcfy tri1 for -"'•• MOCb or rMola. ~ '""-'-· . wttll wt.ee1a--··-la ~ll'-15 ElBTII ,. ·1r .......... "'' , .... ••• •• r . Stu I t4 I ' .. ~ ......... ••• I with help from the family (and your hardware ~n) , . l(,e.-~of-tbe'h. f)~..._ ·~"o "§ ~ ~c;. PAINT IOLUI 99C AND TIAY * ~ poimiftg easier, fortw. Slip-on wool cower end bear-* inCJ$. Stwdy oluminum ~oy. *** • POWEI $241& DRILL CHARCOAL $1 ... IR19UETTIS ~otic +ool for tM "do-it-yoln'• ..Jfer ... W.tf. ottochments. o muftt.purpoee tooL =· $26. GarDAL a.&c'I'IIIC 0..1-..--- c Ill t ...... Handy I 0-lb. po~oge of eoty>- to-u.M, •osy-to-transport f'* fOf your gril. U£CTIIC llllliiT ·1r. A W ,._ ferre4 ~y .. , .... td' I \C." 4rilt -•l " * * * WE GIVE CllOWN .STAMPS * * * . • CROWN HARDWARE • ... ·FISHING? .,..,. ..... , .. Went anmAon bunttnr tbe and the rrunJon finally wW have otJMr mldJ\lrbt and found tbe a ~ to ret up on the beach. bucll too crowMd wttb OY«· I'm no h~. f'm not a.tte.r a bll anxlo\lt ll'\lnlon huntett. About bucket tuU. l "hunt'' aruruon ~ ~ yardl wu a bwx:b of wSth a fow by five Speed hunten. fiuhtnr Urhll. maklna GraphJc for pictures of ~. In the nolle and otberwtae .oundlna Jut MVeral yean ot buntlna like a t.hrft.rtnr cb'a.aa. I've cauaht many a bunch on , ~-~~~~ BY ;/;),~~ I bave no objec:tton to not.e, rum but only a couple dozen by llrht• or peopJe, except when hand. 'Mle.te were cauaht for aruniQn huntlna. The areatest photoaraphJc purpoeee, pictures 1in of all committed wu when ot •em betnr cleaned, cooked and the arunlon acoutl were picked eatlnr. Mlahty nice eatlnr, fried up by the hunters. The ICOUtl a crisp. aolden brown. e iiUSJC I The aounda that make a sum- mer symphony for the ears ot fishermen are rettlng louder. Most pleulng note came lut week front down San Dlero way. The Btory II being excitedly passed around that a commercial fisherman, flahJn1 Thursday In a school ol bluefln tuna some 15 mlle. orr Point Lorna. Jigged In a fish with tina much too lone for a tuna. It wu an u .Jb. alb~ core'! The story seems to be quite autht'ntlc. member of the restaurant bust. nHL Merle (Beany) AlfJerbaugh, served radishes and chill from a tray. Elton Hallet, who bouts ot one of the beat pollahed high foreheads on Balboa llland, wa• 1houllah In a black wla and a k:Jng-slzed .ombrero. He looked just like the ahost of aomethlnr from the ruJns ot an ancient Mayan culture. especially aftt'r three touches ot t~ulla,, with salt and lemon. U a TV scout sees that get-up, we"ll have a new Dracula. couldn't ro back and report the • SCKOOL OF YELLOWTAIL beach ready. So. no IChool came ln. About 12:30 a.m., ye ICl'lbe RepoJU from the Balboa PllvU aave up and went home. lon are that the Frontier hu The nut IJ'Unlon tuM are on been brlna~ng ln lOme rood June 21. 22. 23 and 24• This catches ot lor barracuda. A beachcomber wiU be out U)ere 1Choo1 of yellowtail wu reported on a couple of the runs aboUt 2 around the boat one day recently a.m. 1 ttrure by that time the but they wouldn't bite. 'Mle Fron. bunters wUl have rone home tier leaves at 6 a.m. dally from '=.iiiiwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiw iiiiiiiiiiiiil the Pav1llon. Dock flahennen at lbUJfJs au n n:a1 1:11 the Pav1Uon are catchlna ~ea .APORT ;;~ .. ). )£l,li\IA {>f I !WAll JoA iliJ• Rltl/ 9 ANNEfCoLOR STEM~ SOUND --Ill fiW·Lni ITTC£1·TU IIITEI == •cntlf .. FA1111f .._,_ .. _,_IWMI .. -IWIII ~~ ''CIIALLEIIE Till Wl.l'' ma:ta.: :-.="" IT AB'TS WED .. JUliE 22 trout and halibut and are havlna rood luck . Banacuda, barn door halibut and white sea bass are being caught aboard the Seabllcult from Davey's Locker, Newport Beach. Chlll Troester skippers the Seabllcult on Its dally trip from Davey"a Locker leavlnr at 6 a.m. Several charter boats. from six to 25 pauengers. are available here. e UI SAJlB.ACUDA A total of 118 log barracuda were caught on the Sport King from Norm's Landing at Dana Point last Thursday, along with baas, halJbut and small wblte sea bass. The Sport King leaves This doesn't mean that the a l- bacore have anlved. It's not UD· usual tor a few confused long fins to get lost and end up In a school ot tuna. But lt'.s good nc.-wa. anyhow, and the tempo of that music called albacore lA ret- tlng faster by the day. The com- mittee hu scheduled the week- end of July 9-10 for the lnterclub AJbacore Tournament, to be held out of Avalon this year with the Tuna Club u boat. Everyone Is talking about what team they're going to fish on. Me!7 I haven't heard of word, but I llve In hopes. at 6 a .m. Available, for charter e COOD FJSIIDIC from Norm's, along with other Harold Green's M.arlln Inn boats, Is Capt. Charles Bickhart's sends out a weekly flewS bulletin LJnao. Jlhat keepe driving me crazy. I'm tt was quite a party. By bed· time, I wu sure I waa 1n Mazat. Jan. e DfVITATIO. Just u I aald, "Buenos noches," Blll Roblnaon da.shed over. He aald, con mucho gusto, ''We're going back to Silver Canyon to. morrow night. How's about going over aaaln ?" I Just rulped. I still ached all over from the last st>sslon. M my Senora led me car-ward, I gav~ my best Mazatlan bow and ssld, "Gracias, Senor. Manana I have a prev1oua engagement." I had a smile on my face all through the stilly night. Satur. day. Me, I love my bed. I caueht a lot more white tea bass In my sleep. that night. than carne aboard the Crystal Ball. Some other time, B111! I'll just relax until the albacore arrive. I'm much more or a M>agull than an owl. Quite a few spotrln croaker 1 talk.Jng about that San Diego and hallbut are belna cauaht In flahJnr. naturalJy. Thlnga were the bay, comes the word from hotter than ever during the week Graham's BaJt and TackJe. New that ended June 5. The total of port Beach. Lota of big perch and 2(92 yellowtail wu exciting, and a ff!W corblna are belnr cauaht 3M bluetln tuna aounded even In the surf.. I better. JUit to elve the anglers • LIKES TO THE JVIIJOU The Jet II ca~ Into Seasport va.rtety. 9e7 b a r 1 a c u d a came Tell your younptffl that the Land1ng Jut Frtday w1th 33 bar-aboard. I'm just about ready to Balboa Angllnc Club Junior n.h- racuda averarJna between six take off for San Dlero. 1 can't Ina Tournament Ia under way. and lle'Ven pollnd.a. The Jet n stand It much longer. They can rerlster, read the rulea. tallied 150 berries one halibut I and welah In thelr catches at and tlve sand bua, lut 'Mlun-' e ALL TIIIIOOGII 1'1D IIJGft any Harbor Area tackle shop or day. On thls day thee wu a I 1~ a lot of •Jeep one nl1ht the B.A.C. There are a loa of acbool of yeUowtaU &10\lnd the Jut week. Dr. BUI Robinson, a really fine trophies and prizes boat. with one hook up. but a Pacltlc Analer tratet", called for the winners. ~~ehool of barracuda came alonr Wednesday morning. He aaJd. He-re are .orne prizes. tor tree, and scared away the yellowtail. "Come on. Did you hear abOut tor any kJda who are lucky en. • LEAVES AT CIUI. the bla wiUte sea bus they"re ough to be going on a fresh The Jet II leaves at 4 a.m. knocking off at night, over at water flahlnr trip thla summer. flahlng local every day except Catalina! 1be ery.tal Ball la Dick lennlnp, public relaUora Wednesday. Saturday and Sun. taklna ot1 at 5:30. Cordy Wevlll, dlr~or for the Cortland Une eo .. .._ day, When It Jeavee at 2 a.m. &ftd .no NM t.be ~ .... Oil Bal. .... M'l'lt "'CalUnl c. Q... .,.. fishes San Clemente llland. The boa Island II 101n1 along. Get coUa ot th~lr ''Cortland 333" non. ''CIII~·· s....alute" Jet I leaves at 6 a.m. dally and your lftF. We'U meet you at the l inkable fly Une. Th~ Iabeli say "I Pttn ef 1111' -. 1-fishes loca1ly. Balboa Yacht BuJn." "A 1hort lenrth for a small ang -"'JL~TJ.~ns~u~a!!#!z~c!~r~~~T.t~a~n~o~'!.O~~t.lJ: The Mlsaawit came Into Port 1 had a full IChedule Wednes-ler." They're made of braided 'f Orange last Thursday with 50 day. It didn't .em at all likely nylon with a bonded flnlah. barracuda aboard, averaging be that t could ananae things. lut tl you are 14 yean or youne-er tween six and nine pounds. five wh~ the Crystal Ball dropped and aend a card to "Calllna c. Q." spanish mackerel. five calico her hook at duak. .omewhere be-care of the Newport Harbor En· bass and flvt> white M>a bass. The tween catalina's Church Rock 1lgn, we'll maU you a lenrth of barracuda averaged between alx and Silver, Canyon, ruess who thll very excellent Jlne. Just say, and nine pounds. The Port Or-W4S aboard. "A line, pleaae." Give your name. ange fleet Includes Gypsy at 5 All tbrourh the starless night addresa and age, and you'll have a.m., Mluawlt at 6 a.m. and we watched. The first objective Is a god line for your fly.flshlng. Elsie larlllr..P'! YARN SHOP 2747 E. Coat JUtlaway Col'oa.a del Mcu RA a.57 Knlttlne. Crochetln1 and Needlepoint !upplles Knlttlna Ba1s May B at 7 a.m. squid, which are •.upposed to That Is, If you're an early bird. • VSEI SPUfiiDfC OVTI'IT arise from the ocean a maw and Dick sent m~ only 1o colJa. 8.1. Footbridge Is Protested; !"-... 1 . . . ·-... . Second Car Drtdge Sugttested ........ Mid IAturdq at ~ ,., ........ ., ~ Cbapel A...._ wttll• ...... ~ wu poee4 to a too6rtdie aeroe~ tM ., Mn. a.tMr ,...,_, 'Fl. ol PI ted to .. ..,_. Cit)' Coun-Grand CaAaJ. Wt.oa laland. t.c. tl5 ......_,at. 0.. ...... cU JMMt1nr tiM propoeaJ to the tollowtnr reuone: wbo diM laane J .at Boa1 He. b a~ ac:roM Balboa L The tootbrldp a. an un. pltal. a.v. cu.rlel Rand ·oUtd- lai&Dd't Onn4 Canal at Balboa ~ 8X1*IM wtth an aJ. at.td at the Mt'VtteL Aw. Nedy exl.lt.lnr brld,. wtthln one Mn. 11l01npe0n wu a native Tbe petJu..t ... .,_.. that block. of AUitJn, Tuu. came to Call· the c:tty lboald bultud eoMtder 2. 'Mle tootbrtdp wtU be a per. tomla at the ap ol 7, and came the advflsabWt,y o1 a MCOnd ve. manent obltruction to the en. to Costa Mea from O&ldand Sn hicular brtdp. trance ot barr-and equipment 1151. She J4 IW'VIved by three The lett. wu referred to City for nec.aary ctredlinr tn the 200 daupt..., Mrs. FOI'Mt r~ ot Enlloeer Bert Webb fw conalder· block on the Orand canal. Colta Mesa, lira. J"tanll llllet of atlon at a later date. Hee la the a. n.e footbrldp will prennt Walnut Creek and Mn1. Glenn letter: • the entran~ and wt of amall Mot.tch man of Lol Anplet, and Newport City Council: sailboat. to the 09/nert' plera and a aliter, Mra. Martin McGovern We, the underataned, are op.. moortnaa. Of lJve O&U. Film Will Aid New Proiect A luncheon party, beside the pool at the Dr. Edward Hall home In Santa Ana on Saturday, revealed three gtaantlc plana Interlocking the world p~mlere of an Orange County mov1e, the proi1\Ptlon of a new social tJerv. I~ In the county. and the bene. tit project of the Altrusa Service Club. 4. 'nle footbrldre wUI create a constant hazard with cblldl'en dJvlnr. jumping and flabJnr from it. 5. 1be footbrldre · will be a .ource 6t not. ln a quiet res!. dentlal area. 6. There wlll be a conUnuJnr problem of expenae Jn ltl upkeep and maintenance. If the Council hu a surplus of funds for bridge building pur. poeea, It ls aunested that they study the need for another auto- mobile brld~re. say from Agate Ave. to Bayahol'e Dr .• to relieve congestion on Balboa llland and to provide a second exit for the whole Island In caM ot emer. rency. At 8:30 p.m. Aurust 2 at the Lido Theatre. Newport, a aala pre miere will be held for the color comedy feature. ~'The Noble Experiment." Th~ full leneth ln. L111 •11..&.• Jl ~· F~·-•turej mov1e has bM!n prcx4.lced In Or .., u.nu .,. ange County by Tom Graetr of Of Corela ..1-1 llr IU._ 412 Goldenrod Ave .. Corona del ... .... Complete Home J'umabtnp Mar. Tom takes a leadlnr part Mrs. Lena Johanna Miller, 78, In the film. co-starring with died Monday at her residence, Phyllis Yarwood, last year'" 509 Goldenrod Ave .. Corona del "Maid ot California," who lives Mar. She was a naUve of Ger- at 426 E. 19th St .. Costa Mesa. many, had Jived In CaUfomla tor Proceeds of the premiere are 43 yeara. the pf.St 10 years In u..tr ....... ............. COSTA MESA to be used for the Family Service Corona del Mar. Bureau, Just getting s(4rted ln She Ia survived by a .on, "Bud" .., _ _. ...,_,...... ... the county. Its purposes wlll be Miller of Corona del Mar; two ._ Teu Utile ,.... to lend counsellna service to daughtera. M11. Ruth Markell of • A'' 1' D A 1' 1 C 8 0 0 L families of all Incomes for family L&guna and Mra. Pauline Green 440 Ret•--. Corona del Mar problems. of OakhUIIt. Chrlatlan Science >VWV)""" The Altrusa Club of Santa Ana, wrv1c:ea were beld yesterday at Harbor 4388 a claalfted service club of execu. Baltz Mortuary. Mrs. lean Vaurhn. director Uve and professional women, la ljiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii apoMOrlna the premiere of the fUm 1n order to raJw money for the new arency. VAN'S CLEANERS Bur~lary of the Lloyd Howard real estate office at 3320 W. Cout Hwy .• Ne wport Beach. wu thwarted by Newport polkle at 6 a.m. Friday. Officer Robert G. Net..on. on routine patrol. notJeed an eleetl1e adcltar uaacblne on a wlndow 1111 ot an QPtn wtndow at the rear eutslde of the build· lnr. Mr. Boward wu called to the .cene and opened the front door. The burglar h ad left throu&h a small, hlgb window on the west aide of the building. • * * * .. 30 YEARS' EXPERIENCE IN QUALITY WORK" eDRYCUANI~ e KNIT lt.OCKIN6 e LAUNDRY SERVICE * DD.JCAft rumc:.:a * UAD&D ...sua GADUJn'l * Speclallz..ed Acceaorlea and Instructions BOVU Stanley Brlabane, operator of aather around the light that You'll like fly.flahlna If you Ellts Boat Re ntals along with hla shines down from the stern ot haven't tried lt before. It wouldn't \\\\ bl'other, John decided to' give your boat. You then Jig a few aurprlle mot 11 you cauaht a lot l&niCII .... , IIUIZ ........ ~.~lnrr ..... * * fishing a try last Friday from with treble hooks, Iuten them to of l&ltwatet' fllh this way. Here's lclti•h:n-O...•IINCI the dock. Ht> used a aplnnlnr your own outfit and start ang. a chance to find out. TIIJEI'I TV outfit and Jive anchovies for llna. Whenever the schools of Don't let fly lines worry you. 0,.. I ....... ,,. ..-.. .......,, .,.,. .... baJt. In a short time he had squid swarm, the great white 'nley work just fine on a apln· Acrou frotn the Port Theatre ,_ Jt. CliMit ~ ... -.._ -..ac, C..... ... Me decked 10 yellowtln croaker. llt"a baM are supposed to be just i~ln~r~rod~·;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~J~~~!!.W!!II!•~!IIA~! .. i!'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Halibut and barracuda are being below, drooling for a squid dJn- caught by Ellis row boat an~rlera ner. Or 10 I've been told. drifting with live bait In the e 110 •.ocr ocean oH the J<'tty. A sliver nl All of the above, to this date, I mon was c-au~ht by a Monrovia Is strictly a cu t t 1 e but . When CREDIT BUREAU woman rC<'E'ntly from an E1lls Thursday'• dawn broke, the only hoat. &>a trout and halibut are &quid 1 had seen were the few of w .. tena Orcmge County !x'Ing caught In thl' bay around froun ones we had brought lformPrly or Newport Beach thP Upper Bay bridge. a1ong. These ~teemed to be lr Laguna Beach lc Costa Mesa I Haven't bf>Pn able to get any resistible to half a dozen rov1nr 2M IU..nlde AYe .• PO Sox r<'ports but angll'rs should find sharks that kept hooking them LD:Ierty t.?lCl llnrport ~IIIP!IlC fishing good around the dredger selves to Bill's tackle. The Jlghtl :============~~ workJng l"n Supervl80r Heinz ot a dozen other boata. larae and Kaiser's recr«>atlon project near small. bobbed ne&r us. but not Coney Island. Upper Bay. Croaker once during that long. cbJll v1g11 IE SA UPIOLSTEIIII Clnd good feedlnr around dredg did 1 hear those familiar cries of ers. delight that mean a hook-up. We e RJU.DUT FlSRDfG GOOD pulled up the hook and beaded Barracuda continue to be the for Avalon at 7:30. By then, my favorite catch of anrlers from the eyes refused to stay open and I Westerner, which leave. at 6 a.m. had to M led to brUJdut. Blll. dally from the Newport Pier. who IIHrna not to mind .taying Anglers losded up with berries up all nleht. and Gordy, who can Jut Thursday wtth Friday flab. aleeop anywhere or anytime. were lng alower, catches averaging reartn' to fO. Not thla old pa. from three to four fish, welch· trtoL I'm far enourh over the lng five pounds each. Halibut hill that l"d have preferred a fishing has been good on the rocldnr chalt to the early morn- barge anchored off the Newport ln1 fratemallam of the Chi-Chi, Pier. Black cod and spanlah the Surf and Sanc1 or the Wat.Jtl. Jacka are alt10 belnr caurhL Kl. I don't want to fi~ hllh at The bait ltand ancl rettaurant 7:30 a.m. • on the end of the Newport Pier la remalnlnr open evenlna• for the conv~lence of analera. Pa cUte maekerel are betnr eaurht from the pier with the ~ runa early tn the mornin• and araln Jate In the a.tternoon . . , WAITE n. ' AT new new exclusive oversized 'OLD INO C HAIU , ... .__ STOP AT Graduation semces .Hekl Til! ... ~~ For R•ord Senior Class Cout Since ,._.. · r •• a r o o D I • record clua ot m .enion c~enn. IJdwd Gould, rra.n<.'H C 0 C K TAIL I bade farewell to Jlfewport Jlar. Anututa Gowen, Patrtela Grarr. COAST H .. HWAY AT bor Btrb School )Wterday after. Patq Grant. 1&me8 Dee Grier, THI AACHU noon at paduatton MrVIcts held LJnda Crl1t1th.l. Nancy CrtJty, N.w,.,t ..... tn the eehool athletic .ucltum. Daren Arthur Groth. JOHN vun 1,£ Trusteee Donald Duncan and John Maurice Harey. Kathe.r- l.ol.l_..rw' .. 1111 Hadd Rlnr pre~ented dlplomu to ntne Theresa Hall, Blll (WUUam the lenlora. Dr. Arthur 1'. Co.rey, Joeepb) Hamblet, Donna HamO· at~ necutlve MCretary ot tbe ton. Ronald Anthony HamUton, Cautornla Teacher Aun. apoke Michael Hanahaw, Jamee Romtr on "Public Schoo~ and the HarJrove, William E. Hart, Bruce American Way." RartwiJ, Richard Hatch, Derrol · Here ta the llat of araduatlnr ~ Haverfield, Mary Cath- ~enlon: erlne Hehn. Peter C. HenderiJC)n, Your l'amUy a.,taurant (a..ct ,.,.,My) 2511 E. eo.t IDflnN'r 11-'*1 .. C....deiMe -----• • • • T -- William A bra m a 0 n , LJnda' Ruth Henderson, Betty Hiatt. Adair Ann Lynn Allen MarTha Diane HUbert, Johan Hirth, Jan4! ' Allen, Gerald Andreton, Charles Kent Hltchtock. Jr .• Ethel 1 yoe Andrew Joyce Andrew Jo-Marilyn Holley, Loren Holm- :'nne Ar-.nt. Marrle Arq, Mary wood, Clinton M. Hoow, Shirlee Jane .Armmona Gel'aldlne Aab-Hourtran, Arlene Huff. Gordon by Mary Ludll~ AtklMOn. Huttman, Ch.rlattna Hurhes. Marl-i.any Dean BaUey, Robert Jyn Inrmunctaon, Rlchard ln- Munro BaUey. Carol Ann Bald· nent. wtn Davtcl Balmer, William Bart·· Danall Jack.on, Arthur Tbomu lett.' Mary Bauer, Grerory Baxte~t, Jensen, John Earl Jobnaton, Ken. Donald &e.tty. Felicia Beltran. neth Jones, Edward Jonan, DorU Barbara Ann Berry, Suan Caro-Suaanne Ketm. Joyce Elaine Kel- lyn JJetz. Barbara Jean Blair, lou. William Robert Kdley, Joel James Blue, Kenneth Boden. Kemper, Ma.ey Kelel, Howard hoder, Joan Booeey. Lynn &.ley. Roy KJnr. DeWayne KJn.sfather. Myrna Bouchey. Edwin James Bruce Knipp. RJchard Herbert BracUey, Helen Elizabeth Braze, Kopp, Mary Kramer, Helen Kuhl- Paul Breithaupt, Jean Loulae meyer. Brtrr-. John Brunln&. Lawrence Betty Labelle. Charles Lamb. Richard Buck. Llndalee Lane, Betty Lan1dale. Dirk Callahan, Robert Callis, Dennla Roy Lehto, Melinda Leith· Robert Edward Cantu. Richard old. Sandra Lea Uutwyler, La- EJJis Campbell, Richard Newton Verne Robert Lewis, James Byron Carter, Ronald Chase. Thomas Link. Lyle Warren Llonbarger. Chllda. Patricia Jean Christian. Nancy Long, Richard Lee Louvier. ~en, Tonye Lea Christensen. Marvin Lusk, David Lynch. Marraret Clark, Patricia Clem JW~rt M a r t I n . Robert Me ence. Robert Coane, Gall Colltns. Clusky, Grace McDermott. Charles John Cooper. Faye Cozad, Diane McGavran. Ward McGee, Jack Crandall, Diane Crane, Annette McGinla. Carol McQueeney, Elll.s Crawford. Cerlnl Creely, Gerald J. Mendenhall. Robert B. Milum. Crou. Geraldine Cullen. RJchard Mlrkovlch. Arthur Brian Carolyn Sue Dalby, Robert Roy Mitchel. RJchard Mllhotf. VIrile Dances, Sandra Sue Davta. Mary Miley, MllO'ellee Moody. Jr .. Ann ~namore. lfoeer Dethlebon. George Henry Moore. Paul Ray. Jerome Dlcado, Janet Elizabeth mond Moore. Marcia Moorehead. Dillon, Carol Doane, Arloween Marlalne Morrill. Harold Ray Doclcter'. Mkhaet Drtakel, Ruth Mus.wlm&n. Jack Raymond Mus- DucU_n', Gynelle Dyaart. selman, Robert Franklin Myers, Bobert Eut:man. Joyce Ann Frank Navano, Paul Neumann. !!ekles, Kenneth Lee Edens, Ray James Newkirk. Ronald Newlon. Edwarda. John Eg1ert. Jane Ann Denise Niles, B o n n I ~ Dlane Elliott. Jeane Ellll. James Ever Nowela, Jane Uvtngston Ostran. QacdiiK I...._YehoUM 80n. der. hnaMAI Mary Madealttn Fe 11 b a u m . Dan Page. Anthony Martin Pal- cmd call 11JUOR ,..cJada • • • • Cary Fleld.l, RJchard Dale Fife. arerrl. Thom~s Pear110n, Cora VJr. "MJa•te ._ .. ..,.... Edward B. Ftah, Dennis Michael glnla Peter., Carole Pfister. Sally PICK v• & DEI.IVKJIT Fitzpatrick, Gall Frahm. Wllllam Pfister. Marta Pleger, Richard rt 1 'Ill 'S 1~!. Fr~ly, Peter FrOflt. Pleger. Redman Poague, Lucille lii.U -··-John Patrick Cnrrey, Larry Pope. Tom Porter, Bonnie Prld· @) 1001 • ...,... alft.• Keith Gant. Sharon Madge Card ham. Charlen~ Purcell. • ...,... .._. n,-, Jacqueline Garrett, LaVonne Carolyn Ragan, Richard Ronald Gatea, Bonnie George, James Ra1er, Dorothy Ann Ralston. ...._ .. Genpach, Monte Chlaelln, Pa. Frederick Ray. Richard D. fted. 0... a.wr IMI trlda Lout.e Gibbons, Ann Clb-dick, Robert Reed, John Re1an. ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~,. ....... ~.!!!! .... !!!!!!! ,-!!lp!!-!!!!!I!!~I!!!=IOD.~.!D::lane=:...::Al::lc:e:.:...::G::lltlon=:.· .:lb=uo:.:.:.:n CbuJ. Bak:h, Patricla Sue Bet. -:: mJ«, Cbarlea Lynval Rice, Leah B.Jcharct., Deanna Rlchard80n, LeNetta RJc.hardaon. William RJnr. Patrlda Helen RJtchle. Dorothy Roberblon, Constance Lee Rourke. James Samsel. Lynne Schach ner, Lorraine Schllchenmayer. Sandra Schmidt. Andrea Schul be.ra. Jerry Walter Schultz. Don Sedan, Donald Selby, Edward Shafer, C.rol Ann Shaw, Joh n Davtd Shawhan, Paul Sheets. Noel Sheleny. SumJye Shlgakl, Sally Shrader. Janet Quinn (How. ard> Shrout, Ma Simmons. Mary Slnclal.r, Cordon Siple. Judy Sleeper. Cla.ra Loulae Smith. Robert Lee Sm ith, Judith Chris Une Soule, Leroy Fanell Spang. Marilyn S t a n s be r y . David Stearne. J ane W. Stetson. Ann Stewart. Judith Stewart. Fred Stllllna., Allee Marie Stolarek. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mar 1 are t Anne Stzandhagen. ~ John Soren Swain, Shirley Jo Anne Swafford. Robert Ray Taylor, Raymond Taylor. Glenn Thorna..c1, Sue Thomu. Taja Tohlll. Carol Ton cary, Ora DeVoe Tooley, Carl Trftnak. Edmund Bruce Twl· chell. Michael David Valle. Robert MacDonald Waddell. Women's Overseas League To Elect New 'Officers The Orange County Unit of Wom~n·a Overseu Service Lea gue, which hu com pleted Ita first year of llfe alnce r~lvlne Its NaUonal Charter Jaat sprln1. will meet at the home or Its fi rst pre.ldent, Mra. Jame T. Gaddeu. '3762'~ Tustin Ave., Santa Ana. at 3 p.m. Sunday. New OUicers will be elf>Ctt"d and the Agt-nda Cor the Thirty Fifth Annual National Conven tlon to be held at Miami BeaC'h. Florida, June 25-29, will be pre- sented. The business ml'etlng wtll be followed by a (l()('lal hour at 4:00 P.M .. to which all women of Orana~ County who have ~rve-<1 overseas with the armed force11 In or1anl1atlons spoMOred by the government will be wt'l comed. WOSL was founded In 1921 by women who had aerved with the AEF In the ANC, YMCA. YWCA. ARC. NCWC. QMC. and many other governmental and welfa re organizations. Jt• purpost' Is to keep a.llve and develop th~ spirit that prompted overseas aervlc.-; to maintain the ties or comrade ship born of that ~ervlce, and to aaslllt and further any patriotic work; to lneukate a sense of In dlvldual oblleatlon to the com munlty, &tate, and nation ; to work for the welfare or the armed services; to asslat In any way In their power the mt>n and women who were wounded or Incapacitate-d In the service of their country; and to fa.ter and promote friendship between the United States and aU the other natlona of tfle world. Mlas Blanche Fulkenon. mem . bershlp chal.rman, may ~ reach ed locally at 3416 Via Lido New port, telephone Harbor 5336, tor Information or transportation to the meeting. Miss Fulkerson served In Fran('e with the Amerl. can Red Cross during World War I. Bake Sale to Aid Hoag Fund Read Enslen Want Ada. * BALBOA * • Open Every Sat. & Sunday Enioy Rides & Games , ..... F..U,"' I "TRIP ARMID TIE IIY" -SaL I IlL Van's Bowling Open Alleys l'lllnUJ, Sahlmt I I•••J OpeD AU K&pt Friday ...S latudilry * AOTOMAnC ftlflfOII&ai * OJft.T roa auravAnows ftarr 70S avnmoa AVE. LbUT'f 1-Ua UIU'~ COSTA KUA LAIIOUIIE TIA VEL SERVICE Autbor'bed A.-t POfl AU AJIUIES • UIIIIDS SWt1a9 Tbe c.-tat Ana Por K..rly 10 TMn 213 Oceaa Aw. ~ a..da •Y"Mt ~U.l In the low-price 9, PLYMOUTH is RRSII • RRSII SIZE. RRSrl I I I I I I I I RB! J'IM .... • • • II ... II Mr • • • ............. tly • • • .... 1 1171 ............... Ci lllllllo .......... . ....... ..., """" .._ •ewe" ....._ .... ••w ........................ ....,.IJ ... .... 111M -h::4bll ......................... .. 101ft v ... ...,. 111 -........ &&1810.. ....... ____ ....... Diane Baird Waaroner. Gene Waeeoner, Patricia Sue Ward., Thomu Wet.ter. Georrta Fay ~ WUUam Wetzel, Martha Whelchel. David Edwin Wl\lte . Stroller (Tod) White, Eric PaWy Wllli&JM. Luetta Wllllama, Kath- l~n Wooc1 The thrill of pride you fed eACh time you drins your new Plymouth hu .enral aoQrcea. There'• the 1lt'd ; amartne. of it. f ortcarJ Look atyling. Tbe eager power of the thriftieat 6, or the mOlt powerful atandard V-8 in Plymouth •• &eld. And theR'I the peace you are protected by more aafety fu- I I BIGGEST LONGEST ROOMIEST of mind that comea from bowin« that II tur~ than oftered by any od.ler lowj •lllliiCA'S lOST IUilflll CAl"-I TIE IIICUT CAl Of AUI ;. notvraly prip, car. Y oa1llcnow what we meua that' I what the nation'• foremoet Ottlm' 1 the mott comfortable inalde, and when you cld•e a bit new P1ymoutb -group, the Society of lltuttraton. _., : Plymovtt\ gives you the unooth, Mody ll*all• .... = ......... 0.1 ITT IIIIM.ttls_.. _ _.t OISIIIiiiiiY. , a lalls'DII -......_ .... ..... .. ............. 1 .. .. .,. ...... -.. tz¢rtz c.lt Ia .... .......... _.T ............ u. ............ .... Pbyllta Yarwood, Robert Yoder. U:OAL ROTICE KOTIC& OF DUIJIO Notl~ 1a hereby rtven that the City Council of the City ot New- port Beach wlU hold a public hearinr on the propoeed budret of the City of Newport Beach In accordan~ w1th Section 1102 of the City Charter ol aa.ld City. Notice ta heoreby further rtven that aald public heutnr wtU be held on the 2Ttb day ot June. 1155. at the hour of T:30 o'docll P.M. tn the Coundl 0\.amben of the Jlfewport a.dl Clty Ball. at whJch time and plaoe any and all ptnema lutes lt:td rnaJ ap peer and ... IMe.rd thereon. Rotke ll further rtwn that th• acr Coundl o1 the at7 ot Mew port .. ch Wlll meet In the CouncO 0\amben ol U.. City Ball on luM JOdl. 18. at the atour oi?:JO P.M. t. tb4t ,..._. o1 public and ......_. Ale aJion ol tbe ..... ~ wttb &ft1 a..t aU,...,.an ........ Coplll ot ... """" IDA)' .. oM&IHcJ It 1M dill at tH ctt:J 01111 ln ... ~ llall. I c. K.,.... . a., a.t& ol .. atr ol RcwportJIMia how about today? about the 1955 .-tymo\11ttl l ride only o blv cor con p . --------------------------------------------------------·-----------------------------1 Ufln-........... 0 .pedal ,... .............. ...., ...... ,.,.~ • .. rta 1ft c-. of o Woweut. Alt-... pty.auth ...... ,, . 1.11 ---1 .. WDI OOAft IIIQBWAY Ill . (• II·. '"' .. •• .,..._ Ill t~ SliD. ..... ,AIU SlWS COfM fNm fwo hycln:.lc ..,. C')'AI..,_ "' eoch ..,.,.. fNftt ............... other two lowopra con we .My eM • t ~ •ona LI'Otl Ida lfOIIC& (b) :z: JW ••aaeeta hr (3) 'nile ._ _ Q ··--· ........ ta. Any Ordinance -to tbe date ot Ueenoe Wbelw\w m ...... Iaiiie= ..... o1 tbe -plOJIM ..... _,, .. a._,. .. e 1,11bt to U"'• ""1• • Ad. .Ptellble aDd lJI no cue laW eo.-Uoo .... ~ PIJG. ~ ;iwcr.n~; tb; cit</ Mana. ,. .,.. " .. ol an aaomi Du> Uta,q ftOOD on th• tint day of abo Uon.-,;;" -.ap&O)w ..:U~UY ZDJ'. pr of any request he may have (b) &ak •• ~ ...._, a ecw. the fourth clay of July Unde. MbCe.. ·~ unautborlz.ed and make bil ~\-.t to the depart. W'fth--to h ln th (1) ~ .... • laldal M MM rqjoft Ua• pepdence Da.y) u~ ·~ llhall be con, ment hMCI wbo _.,._., fl!. ""'". .,.,,., -~.. a c an&e e -.. ,.......... 0.. ~ o1 ........_ pert. ~ J1nt lion~ ol s..__.,_ .._... abeellee -·.. 1 --a. _...., ~ :teh;;t; 2 ~--=~ !~~~~~.:~ P:,l:U:.nt ~.., ~ ~ ..me. ... ~ (Labor~) ..... -and a ~ iFf~~= ;'bjdJ ~ ~r~ ~~ nCA~ON AMI> SAL A • Y tnJtlaJlY to tbe head ot his de. aalary Mall be at tbe ~ (I ~ ~ ot n:., ~~ ~ N~. ::.-:-':.nee '*. o( •--:· f:n.aaUon plan and a.t.'CIIept•ble to ~ ~ti~rE~~g~ P&ttment wbo llhall promptly ot ftrtttttp ~•Ge~Dt• «JtW, reqtdnd a. ae··~iint th• twa~. cla)i ol ~. ~ tw dlletm;~ ~. • ..:n~~~~ ~-:. ~ = AN b ADliiUUSTJlA'nOlf OJ' Melt to antv. at • eoluUon which .... ~ ~ ud ad· ~ acW&.Dce .,._ 1M. ap. b« (~ Da~) UStab-eeetion 12. ._...,__ .. tuch a Nque.t the matter llba.ll THE POSmON CLA.SSinCA la conallt~nt with tbe claaitlca-vaMeO~e:.. hiiD tbe ellill'a.DCie Mtllbaeot to a .,.au. IUJJ (b) Wlten any hoU~ llated • te C.tlaatty .. ~ thtn be wbmittect to the C.l"' noN AND COMPENSAno.N tton plan and acceptable to the :~ntoa ~-=':aura: ::f .. .a ':tv~ rotat ~ ~e· above lalla on a Sunday,, the loJ. Setvtce requ&ement. tot ad· Mana,rer fot hlt consldtratlon PLANS roa ALL POSm, OMS ~J~·~ereto~~auchenat :i'.~ -.,_ ~-.......... - -l~q b\W.neu day lbau be con. vaneement WIUtln COJn~natlon and ttnal decladon IN THE CITY SERVtCE. .... ....._ d~ ~ lei"Ytce ln &be pollltlon llcMreCI a holiday. In addition KheduJ• aod fot oth• -·-''8 .. ~-· · ~ueat hl a manner that tbe em. _., .._.z•a •ur-aaD be requlNd. to the aboVe, 'any day may be u tpeettt~ In tJU.e otciin&;;; uar-.~• f4:_ Repe•l t1 The people ot tbe City ot New. ployee Is wlllln& to a~pt In writ. ar.rcvaJ tlly C~ CouDC'tJ 1D.I-(2) Ad'va.I:K.wDent to the deeJrnated u •. holtd.~ by pro-lob.all have the lmplkaUon OJ n~ Old... •• All o.rdl· port Beach do ordain u followa: lng. tl)e matter shall then be t c:ompenaatSo.n at a rate nr. Jonaevtt,y rate &hall be clamatlon of the City llan.aaer contlnuoas aetvlce, Wh~ meana ~ or P&JU ot ordJnaneee fn Section 1: Section• DX>. 2201, aubmttt~ to the City Manager hltber Ulan the mtntm\Uh rate ID&Ait atrer comDltUon ol at upon approval ot t.l\e Cl• .. CQun: employment Jn the city eervlce cothla•udctd1wfVl ~ provllloth na ot 2202, 2203, 2204. 2205, 2206. 22!11, for sueh action aa he may deem tn the approPftat. aalary leul OM year "ol aetVtee tn ~ 11. v w1tbout break 1n .._ or n~ ..... and e same Dl8. 2209, 2210, 2211, 2212, 221.3. appropriate, lncludln& refer-raJ to ~hedulei provJCled lbat the IM*tJon at the maximum rate c Le or tc.uuptJon. are hereby repe~ 2214 and 2215 ot the Municipal the City Council or to the ClvU pbaJUon nvolves execuuw, ad· and at leut ei&ht -an ot (c) No emploree aball low th•'!!."d 'fithoudt pay of 1 .. than "Sub-aectlon IS. .._._a...., Code untler the headlna of Chan.. mlnlsUatJve or ---•-.ional tln __ .,~_ ,. pay u the reauJ ot authorized .. .., &YJ an leaves ol abeence lt .. ~ _ .. _ ter 2' entitled "Cla.ssltlc~tlon ..nd Servl~ CommJ.uton In eases In-dutle. and res= ... ~bUW..; eon . uous .-;-• ........ w1tb the abeence on a pnecrt~ b lid with pay ab.all not InterruPt con. ~y ._-uon, •ntence. clau.e Sal•~ Plan," be and uch o1 '!,.~~ce.n& employees under civU nN>vided further . at ... v -·..&.. dtY. E!nployees ln nnaJtJoris ~ thay. Unuoua loe1'Vice and ahall not be « ue ol th1l ordin.anoe ahall _, ~.. o-v .._ •uo;u (3) Advan~eot to the aec. La bot and 'h'a~Crou ot cl e deducted ther.!rom. Abaencea of be held, for any reuon, to be fn.. sa.Jd aectlon.s are hereby r~ "Sua...ectJon •· a..w.o.t~oa ::'~~S~~~n a~db~.~~l t~:;~~: ond lonaevtty rate shall be rrade 13 or below &half be C:: leave without pay In euess ot operative. void or tnvaJI<I. th• pealed. ftaa '-AU Po&&~ Ia ~ City ter of the employee's expert. made after completion of at penuted for time worked on ~ thirty days except tor cJI.aab!Ut,y v&.Ucltty ot the nmalnJna por. Section 2: That a new Section ~ t>nce and abntty over and least one year ot service In po.. hoUcJay at two time. the hourly leave and ~~nded RrVlce wtth ~':trot tht. ordl.nance abaU not ~~:u~~ 0; 1g~p~~~~tl~~dC1~! of (tie ~ ~~~~. ~~: u~~e i::Ca~edlf~rm J:~a~\~~; :~~:nan:t a:~:a!~~~;:~t,; ~u;:~en~l o~~lr e:::ro~a:e:at~ ~t==l f~ed~~ ~~~ lntent=~t ~c!~'c:-~ u:: alllcatlon and Com Pens a tlon llshed by Resolutlon ot the City and provided further that o! contlnuous service with the ~ltJons ot lr&de 10 or below putJn.a total .ervtce, but llhall ~do na thla ordinance,. that no Plana ~ all Posltton.s In the City Council, With such changes that longevity ratea shall not be clty. ahall be &Tanted compensatory ·not serve to Interrupt conUnuoua on thereat, ot ==here-Servtce as hereinafter set forth, mtaht be made f.rnm tlme • to h lzed 1 lti Ume oft for requlred work on a tenrlce. All abeencee Without n. ab..U become e or be and the same Is hereby time bf. Resolution. The class aut or as n · at compen. ;d> •ua ,.eadatloaa fOI' lol. holiday. leave ln exceaa o( one day ahall fall by reuon of the f tty ot adopted. grade est.abllahed tor each satlon. llt7 ~t Wltbla ONcllt. d) be deducted trom and ahalllnter-any oth• portion or ~ton "Section 2200 -AdlptloD cmd class of positions to Indicate the <2l Starting Rate on Return The department head concerned < An employee who for any rupt continuity ot ae.rvtce. In cue and tbe Cl~ CouncJI of the City AdiD1.D1atlatlo of tM P.1tioa level !or compen.aaUon purposes. to Duty: When an employee re-shall recommend In writing to reason Is absent without pay on ot repe.ated one day abaencea of Newport Bea.eb, California Claultioattoe CIDCS C:O.pe&ICitloa The hours of work In the normal turns to duty In the aame class Ute Clty Manager tbe advance-a work day Immediately preced. without leave the Cfty Manaeer does hereby cSeclare that tt would Plau ._ all '-1tlou 1a tbe City work week u lndJcated, shall ap. of position alter a separation ment ln salary rate ol each em. lng or followtna a holiday shall may con.slder the MrVI~ ot the have • ever ally pUHd and s.r.tce. ply to all classes or the group, from the city service ot not ployee In his department who not be paid for the holiday. employee Interrupted and ah.U adopted the provtalora contained "Sub-aectlon L Detia.IUGD CIDd except those classee where the more than onewhear. which haa met th.e requirements tor aaJ. (e) One day ahall be added have the pereonnel record of the hertln. separately and ap.rt one adoptioD of cJceatftmtioD plCIIl. normal work week upon which separation was thout preju. ary advancement as enumerated to the vacation allowance of each employee allow the ume. from the other. (a) C 1 a a al fk:attoa ol Po.l-compensation ls based ls other-dice to the employee, such above . This recommendation employee In a ~tion of the ''Sub4ect.lon 13. Adaa~ "Sub-aectlon 16. atfectJ .. Data. U... All positions ln the city .... __ SnA<'lflcally tn.a•-at..... . employee shall receive the rate shall include a certification that pollee or fire groups tor each tioa aad KCIJ.ataoa~ of eo.. Tht. ordinance ahall take eUect aervfce st.all be &rouped Into wuoe ... -~ \&A: """· In the salary schedule corres-the employee's service durin& designated holiday worked and peeaatloa Plaa. on tbe first day ot July, UIM." classes and each class shall In Sub-sectJon 5. J)e,UaJtioo cmd pondlng to the step rate re-the three months Immediately such employ.H shall be required (a) • • • Po • aibWU.. of tbe Section 3: The above and fore. elude those poslttons surtlclently A~) 00S·alof ~ul P1111cm. celved at the time of separa prior to the effective date of the to work on holidays falling City •....-. The City Man.ager ftolng ordinance ahall be pub. sJmllar in respect to their duties • a ary ~ ... e tlon and shall subsequently bt> recommended advancement has within their assJgned wo~k shall be responsible for but may shed once In the Newport Har. and responslbllltles so that simi-pay of city employees shall be paid such rate for at least such been entirely satisfactory. weeks. It a deelare(J holiday fAlls delegate the work of administer. bor Ensign, a newspaper of gen. lar requirements as to training. on the basis o( appropriate period as Is normally requlrt"d "S b sect! 7 Com IUCitlo upon the employee's normal day lng the compen8&tion plan In-eral circulation, printed and experience. knowledge. skill. per. monthly salary schedules pre. for advancement to the next f .~~n ~ .. ,_ pe D ott an extra day shall be added cludlngl but not limited to, the published and circulated In the acmal qualities. and the same scribed herein for the respective higher salary rate. 0 r-11..., to his vacation allowance. pr~ ng of salary advance· City of Newport Beach, and the rates o! compell$8tlon are appll grades of positions In the class! •3• Starting Rate on Return (a) Compeuatioa ol Jle9u1ar ··sub section 11. 1.eane oJ·~ ments. the determination of pro-aame ahall be Jn tuU force and cable thereto. (It'd service as established by the from Military Service: Any em Pcut.TiJDe EmployML Any Em lleDCia. per salary rates within the exist. ~ect 30 daya after th1s paua_ge. (b) Plwpc:uatloa Cllld Cooteat City Council. Each salary sched-ployee who leaves or has left ployee filling a position on a reg. (a) VCICIIIUoa r..cr.... Every of. lng ordinance provisions, and the The above and foregoing ordl· of CJ.a. Spec:i11clat:loD Class spe ule shall consist of an entrance the city ~ervlce-to enter the ac ular Part-time basis shall be fleer or employee In the city serv. preparation of recommendations nance wu Introduced at a reau- cltlcatlons shall be prepared and rate. three Intermediate rates. a uve st'rvlce ot the armed forces paid a monthly salary according Ice. except temporary and sea and initiation ot approved re\4 lu meetin& or the City Coundl malntalned under the direction maximum rate and two Ionge. of the United States and who to the following: scmable employees, shall be al-slons to the compen.aaUon plan ot tbe ctty of Newport Beach ot the City Manager for all post. vity rates. The schedules of saJ. subsequt"ntly Is reinstated to <PT A)-Authorized part Ume lowed vacation leave with pay on the basis of change. In cost held on the 23rd day of May, tlons and, when the positions of ary rates as shown In the follow-a position previously held by service more than one halt at the rate of 15 conJecutlve days of living and prevallln& rates ol 1955, and was finally paaed and any class are under civil service. lng section ( b J shall comprise him shall be entitled to r~ive and not more than three each year. pay tor comparable posfUons out. a~~_pted on the 13th day of June. the specl!1catlon shall bt> ap. the compensation plan. a salary at the step rate to fourths full . time; eighty Employees who have com-side the city aervtce-. • Any 1905. by the followtn~ vote, to proved by the Ctvtl Service Com. (b) Adoptioa ot Compea.aa. which he would have been en. <80> per cent of rates pre pleted 15 years of continuous changes recommended by the wit: mission. The speclflcatlons shaH t1oa Plcm. Tbe compensation titled had his service with the scribed tor !uJl.Ume em servi~ with the city sball be al-City Manager shall be conatdered AVES. COUNCILMEN· Be define the duties of the positions plan with monthly salaries !or city not been Interrupted by ployment. lowed 22 consecutive days of va. by the City CouncU and the WUd« · nnett. In each class and the desirable all positions shall ~adopted by service In the armed forces. as <PT B•-Authorlud part time cation leave with pay each year changes ln the aalary achedules bJe. JUddMb~a{iuftoddard. Jilg. qualifications !or aue<:esstul per. resolution of the City CouncU ac-sumlng his manner of perform service mote than one. thereafter deemed appropriate shall be et-er · · formance ot such duUes. In addl· cording to the followin& and as ance to be that evidenced prior fourth and not more than Ab.sen~ on account of sick fectlve upon favorable actJon by NOES. COUNCILMEN: None. lion to the deeltable quallflca. amended trom tlme to time: I one halt tuU . tlme; slxty ness. Injury or dlaablllty In ex. the City Council. ABSENT COUNCILMEN: None. Uons a.s set forth In the class <60• per cent or rates pre ceu of that hereinafter author (b~ a • q "• ata 101' DORA 0 . HILL specification~ It s hall be under Sa1cDy Scbec1W.. 1• Cla:u erc.s. scribed for full time em lzed tor such purposes may, at Coal Adtut:aMataa Any Mayor stood that all positions require: NOJM'BT ployment. the request of the employee and emp oyee &hall have the right to ATTEST: ability to read, write. speak and NOJifTBLT LOJIQEVtTT SAL-<PT Cl-AuthorJzed part . time within the descretlon o! the de the consideration ol any request MAE L. HOlT understand the English lanru-BA!E SALAJn' BATES Aft UTES service not more than one partment head. be c b a r 1 e d he may have wlth respect to XctJn& City Clerk age and to follow written and EDtrcmce IJatenaecllate Naxmaum After 1 A.ft.r 15 • fourth full . time; thirty against vacation leave allow. oral Instructions; ability to &et C30l per cent o! rat~ pre· ances. along with others; thorou&bness, &ate aat.s 11crte Yean Yean IJCTibed !or tull-tlme em Any employee. or his benetlcJ. From fhe POUCE BLO~II ae<:uracy. sobrIety, Integrity, ~ Sentce ployment. ary In event of death, shall be I 1 5ft loyalty, and a record of orderly Pint .lfed Jfeat lfext An. CIDd 1 cmc:ll Yr. (b' c-peaaaUoa of TaaapOI'-paid for accrued vacation leave __ ...._ __________ .,.. ,...,... ___________ _ law-abiding citizenship. CJau 1 12 II 12 a TeeD' at at 1.. ary ow lsmnar:l &.paoy... Any credit upon separation trom the (cJ Adoptioa of ~ Neat. L9'ftty. Cia. employee fUllna a position on a .ervlce at the rate ot hla Jut • WDJfESDAT. 1t7WZ I e IBUdDAY, 1171fE 1 PlaD. The classes ol positions GI'Cide lloath.a Noetlla MAIIatJa.a Nooth.a NoatlLt aote .... ~ temporary or seuonaJ buu monthly aaJary or hourly rate A cardboard box fi1led with A car drtven by <A!or&e Prou covered by this Ordinance ahall 1 $187 $196 $206 $216 $227 $238 $250 1 &hall be paid an hourly rate for for an eq_ulvalent period. belts and ~llan.eou.~ ltenw ot 1738 lllramar Dr .. Balboa. wu be established and listed by 2 196 lOi 2li 227 238 250 3i,2 2e actual hou.ra worked, equJvalent Each ~nt ahall keep wu .. olen lr'om a.n unoccuf.led involved Jn an accident wtth a RHotutk>n of the Clty Cound.l. 3 206 211 _ 238 ....,... ....,.. 3 to the a!1)'~ate monthly rate aec •IY r_..-of vaca.t:Son h 219u. On ...._. ...., "Sub . section 2. ~ ~· --2'T5 In the ~edule !or the leave allowaneee.and &hall 8Ched-ome at ~ Y1l Ave .. 8& boa car ~~~~~"~"" VT 8obat !!. ......., cmd IJat.rpntatloD oJ elaaaWc:o-4 716 2Z7 238 250 262 275 288 4 class. ule vacation leaves with partlcu. Island. BmJta WU.C.. reported ot GC R.edlanda A,._ N.wport t10A Plcm. 5 2Z7 238 250 262 275 288 302 5 (cl A.ch ~~"*•n•t 1a 1a1ary of lar ,.,ud to -.nlority ot em .... Mrs. Dorothy MaeDonald ot Retabll. on Newport Blvd. 100 (a 1 The positions in the City Part-'111De Z.ployMC. Any part ployees and In accordance with 1013 W. Bay Ave .. Newport Beach. feet aouth of 32nd St., Newport Service shall be allO<'ated by Res 6 238 250 262 275 288 302 316 6 time employee may bt> advanced operatlna requirements and, In ,.ported that the fence at the Beach, at 2:50p.m. ... Germaine olutlon of the City Council to 7 250 262 275 288 302 316 331 7 In pay within a salary echt"dule solar as possible, with the re ,.u ot her propt'l't:y wu dam. Fottler ot 2761 Bayshore Dr .• New. thE' appropriate classes estab 8 262 275 288 302 316 331 In the same manner as other em. qu.e.U ot~oyeea. aged when hit by a car ... A port Beach. reported the theft of llshed by this OrOinance as de ~7 8 ployees. provided that only ac (b) D ty lAcrYe. Any em man, about 38, wearlng blue a canvu car cover from her car slgnated by the City Manager. 9 275 288 302 316 331 347 364 9 tual hours worked shall be con ployee absent as a result of ~rv. jeans. took two new blank~ ... Ottlcera warned two NMVnftrt 1 b 1 l.Dte1'p\'etatioa of C 1 a • • 10 288 302 316 331 347 364 382 10 sldered In determJnlng such ad lce~nnected lllness or Injury ~-""' SS*=illcationa. vancement. When the hourly and who receives compensation hom her car and P> from h.er Beach boys. 5 and 7, ror llghttnjt 111 Purpose and Etrf.'ct of 11 302 316 331 347 364 382 401 11 equivalent ot required periods of under The Workmen's Compen wallet. Mrs. Eva M. Balter of new.papers and runnJna up an'd Class Specitlcations: Each class 12 316 331 347 364 382 401 421 12 service has been attained. ad satlon Laws of California. shall RJveralde, lt.aylnl In tb.e Ocean the beach near 28th St., Newport specification outlines the main 13 331 347 364 382 401 421 442 13 vancement to the hiJher step receive onJy that portion or his Front Hotel, Newpott Beac:b re. Beach ... M@llnda Maaey, 2~. characteristics and quallflca rate may bt> effected 1n accord regular salary which. together ported ... Joyce Baden, 28. of of 121 E. Bay Front. Balboa t ion requirements of positions 14 347 364 382 401 421 442 464 14 ance with Sub-section 6 of this wtth the payments received bf S06 Acacia Ave .. Corona del Mar, Island. wu found loet on Little in the class and gtves ex 15 364 382 401 421 442 464 487 15 ordinance. said employee under the prov sutfered mlnor lnJurles when a Island by Officer Gerald lrw1n, ampl<'s of specific duties which "Sub section 8. Special eom. slons of the Workmen'• Compen car driven by John P. Baden. and wu turned over to her <'mployees holding such post 16 382 401 421 442 464 487 511 16 peaaat.loll Pnwlalocu aatlon Law, wtll equaJ his re&U tlonsmayproperlyberequlred 17 401 421 442 464 487 511 536 17 (al Coalpea.aatioDWbUeS."· Jarsalaryatthetlmethelnp.try sameaddresa.wulnvolvedlnan grandtatbn-who had been w pNform. The class speclflca Its 421 442 464 487 511 I.Dg Ia a atp. <:1au. In any was sustained. Such payment accident wJtJ\ a car driven by .earchlne for her . . . Officers tion is descriptive and explan 19 442 464 487 511 r::...., 536 562 562 18 cue, approved by the City Man sha ll continue during the ume Alvan Clemence ot 422 Dahlla were unable to locate a boy, atory but not restrktlve. The oA7V 589 19 ager, when an employee, Is qual aald employee Js receiving pay Ave .. Corona del Mar, at Begonia about 15. reported shootln& a.n listing of particular typical 20 464 487 511 536 562 589 617 20 ltled tor and Is tenporarlly re ment under the provlalons o! The Ave. and Second Aw .. Corona del a1r rltle at aea gulls Oying over ta~ks does not preclude the as qulred to regularly and contln Workmen's Compensation Law. Mar ... A car drlven by Eug~ne Pirate Cove, Corona del Mar ... .s l~nment of other tasks of re 21 487 511 536 562 589 617 647 21 uously serve in and have the but In no event more than slx c. Schoebln&er Jr., of Redondo e niDA1',JVWIS 10 latNI kind or character or of 22 511 536 562 589 617 647 679 22 responsibility for work In a (6J months from the date of In Beach. struck a chain link fence Dale tt. Raeestead. 18. or 2050 )I.'<;"N s kills . 23 536 562 589 617 647 679 713 .23 higher class of position, s uch jury. Thereafter. any employee on Baywlde Dr .• a quarter rnlle ~public Ave ... Costa Mesa, was t2• Application of SpE'l'lfl employee while so assigned, unable to return to work may, at rations to Positions: In deter 12: 562 589 617 647 679 713 749 24 &hall receive the entrance salary his option, use his accumulated west o! Carnation Ave., Corona arrested on a c-har&e of posse$ mining th£> class to which a 2:> 589 617 647 679 713 749 787 25 rate of that class or one step vacation leave. del Mar, at 6 p.m.. . . • (Condnue4 on Pace 11) position shall be allocatt>d. thf' above his present rate which (c) Mwt.y ......_ Any em- "PE'"•ficat•on of £>ach dass 26 617 647 679 713 749 787 827 26 ever Is higher. ployee who presents ottlclal shall be considered In Its en Zi 647 679 713 749 787 827 869 Z7 (b) UDJL~ Al.1owcmcea. PU.. orders requiring hJa attendance tirety ant:! in relation to the 28 679 713 749 787 827 869 913 28 flgbtlng and pollee employees for a period of tralnln& or other spE'l'lfirations of other classes 29 713 749 787 827 who are required to purchase active duty as a member o( the In the classification plan. 869 9l3 959 29 and continu.ot.talf maintain pre United States anned forces shall (31 Statements of Desirable 30 749 787 827 869 913 959 1007 30 solbed ltetn5 o uniform cloth-be entitled to mlllt.ary leave tor Qualifications: The statement <NOTE: Column headlnp lnd.Jcate salary progression ot em. lng and pe:nonal eq"lpment a period or perloda not exceed· of desirable quallflcatlons set ployee who enters at the first step rate and meets manner of nar. &hall be compenaated for a por. lng a total of thirtY (30) calen. out In a class spedflcatlon Is r-· Uon of the Initial and malnten. dar days In any one year. Any Intended to be used In deter rormance requirements for each step.) ance coetJJ thereof according to employee who enters ~end«'~ mining the ellglblllty of candl (c) A~ of Coal~ the following: military 8erVSce with the an*Jd dat£>s tor employment or for ad· tloo Plcm te P.1tlc1Ga 1a tllle Qty to his military service. (1) All unitormed pollee f~ shall be lf&nted leave ot mission to competitive examln-~ The clau lf1ldes aa. Hl StartJn& Rate In New peraonnel and thoee firelight. abaence without paJ to extand atlons and to aid In the pre-slgued to each o! the salary Position: Whenever an em. Ina penonnel requl.red to ,.,. unUl ninety (90) daya beyoad paratlon of such examinations. schedules refer to the ~rades plo)'M Ia assigned to du~ ln a ularfy wear ~ uniform the termination ot tueh aervtce. and for use In determining the recommended !or each class of pocdtion o( a dlfferent class not wbUe on dvty ·····-······•·oo P« Mllltary )eave lball be ln addJ. relativ£> value and the salary J)OI!Iltlon In the city service by tbe previously held by him and month tlon to and may not be concur. sl'hedules tor positions In a City Manager and Included In such change is not In the na. (2) All other uniformed tire. rent wltb authorized vacation !.'lass with positions In other the classlllcaUon plan aa adopted tu.re o1 pl'Ot:nOtiOR, he ahall ea. flghtln& pel'IOnnel ···-··-·····3.00 leave. and amended !rom time to tt~ ceive the entrance rate In the per month (d) lpulat 1.-rft. cla!'ISes. lDt.batioD by the City Council. Ji:ach em. ~ary schedule eatabiJahed tor (3) N~Jy appointed fire-(1) The Clty Manaeer may "Sub section 3· Adlll ployee shall be paid wtthln the the class or such other rate fighters and patrolmen ahall authorize ~ leava of ab- cmd Ma1Dte11Cdlct of tbe Claaalfi. range tor the grade of hb posi. w1thJn the applicable aa.lary be provided wtth uniform al. aence wtth pa~ I« any period catioD Plcm. Uon subject to the provision• o1 scbedule u he may be enttUed lowancea at the Ume ot ap. or ~ not to ~ three (a l Ba~t~~ons'hWU.. of tbe Sub-section 6 or thb Malnance to by reuon of credJtlng b.tm potntrnent and thereafter u calendar montN In any one City MCIDCI9W· The City Manarer on the admlnl.strat:lon ot the In hla new ~tlon with sud\ follows: calendar year tor the folfowtna llihall be responsible !or. but may compensation plan. The monthly prtor aervtce that 1.a found to a. At tb~ Ume ot appoint-pu~: •ttendanee at col. rleleeate to a QU#llfled penon or rates of pay preecrlbed In the meet the lollowtn& condltlona; ment-~ of annual allow. 1_,.., . untventty, or butt,_ persons. the wor"k of admlnlater-salary schedul~ above ue bued the character and natute of the ance actaoo1. for the p~ ot train, lng and maintaining the classlfl. on full-tim& employment 1t nor. ctuue. of tbe pofitlon to wtltc:ft b. At ftnt annlwrury o1 lq l.n .u.bjec:ta .-JatacS to the cation plan. The City Manag...-mal work1DI hours for the ft. tbe employee wu aaalahed .,.. appotn.tnMat-60,; of annual work o1 <tbe employ~N ..,.. shall direct necessary reviews to apectlve claa.sea of po41lt1ons u &lmUar to thoee ot the ~ allowance wbJcb wW bneflt the em- assure tbat the clualllcatlon tndJcated In tbe claulflcaUon po.itloo; ~· NI'VIce In the fOr· c. Att4r ttnt annJveraary p&oyee an4 tbe dty MI'VJce; plan is kept current and that plan. mer ,..attoa provtclecl. cq,ed. -lOO~ ef JDOnthly allow. MrYinr on a J"'Y ot att.eacUna any Important chanaes Jn du· "Sub-aectlon e. A•tw'"'*....,. ence w~ .. ...-.Ju. .. e .., tbe &Me cowt u a wlt:De:ta; and tor pur. tlea and rMPQmlbuttlea ln any t1 c:...--u-...._ Pfl'fonnanee ot th~ du.U. of '"$1b.Mction a. ONa'' 1 c... PQNe other than the above ollt1n& po411tlon.a and of new po-(a.) Ja-...u-...s ..... fbe n..., ~ ••=.,= tbat.,. deemacJ beneftdal to sltlon.a are reflected ln the clas-Date. tJonn1 b: :::: on Promo-~• • Ouwr Ia emer. u.. dt;y aeriiCe. tlf)catlon plan. Co U) Each e~loyee In the n : n any wt\eq an em. Jee.let, a ~t heed may (I) 1"M Ctty CoufteU upoa Subj«t to Cl.U S«rvk:e m· 80f'Vtcoe ot the CJtY 01a 11lly 1. Plofee Ia to J JUM Jill* ._ wa:.~tM ....-val ot the NCiOIIIUDMda&ll o1 tile million approval where required. 1955. wUJ be entitled to tbe ol a elul With a hlltter ai.UJ tM Q~ ~. r'leiOftab~ Cl.., 11 .... --· .. -ant...._ tbe City Manaaer shall provide aame ste'p lJl t1W .., aa.lar7 adlld=t.M cA ._ eatarr P8ioc1 ot 0W1t1ni1e wartt to meet oea...r;.;-Wftla«·Z1dwat tor th• reallocatJon of any~·· echedule ., be WCMlld u.-rue • at ... ..._-., :etional nwdi.Overt.tmewark In .._ ., tM .._. tJon trom one t1a11 to another been entitled to uridl!r ,.. ~ ... !M_ .. -~ == not be ... bli~Md &I a ~· aboft -~ o1 -.. ca. W'beneve:r a chana• ln du. vlalons ot tile oW 1!11&17 ,,..... -. --._...,_ a -·-·-eatelllloft o1 uae _ ..... ---. .. •'biUU f ch and ached\&lee. O¥W -1 .......__ ...... tm. normal~ -" • 81 1 tiM and ,......,.... a o w C2) No ~ .........,. .,........, ;i;"• ~ ~ 'Su~ W:..v • .,.. ......_. Ill • ..,,..,, t al poettJon make the cl&D t.o w.blch lea of tM Jtu.lil*' 01 ,..... of tiOh. Milt-.& a~t <•> TIM foUOwtlla 'daJI ate ~,......or •r---· Da.A ...__ • 1b pooltJonwooprevioiWJ'•IJo. hlo-III.Ube-14 .., ... _..,....,._..-,.-..........,.,..oil to !:£'-:::.: ~sa:!~J An~ lonpvttr ~ ra~uw be :r= •cc tiM .... -... eft7 amen .... ;z:~ wtt~a c a • ..... wlda tiM ~ ot the r,: :::'J::-. ~:-) ::..., '*' ,.,.,.... <d tiM ~ fll aDd tn. Aft_....,_ Wllit -r-:· ,... $ a.tt:z,,:-••••: ella ilaall ...... ._ INI~ CW •nl a( tM ~ ..a.q ......._ (C) Me I .. leJ•r~ ~· -ellu1Jal7 a.ew t.IIM:ke te ldi' .. &U ... A won4erfu.l new plan for the ct:ta.mJc bobbl.lt • . . you WOtlc ln a COUU~Wte. IDOderD plant wtt.h all the .latat eoaunerd.al equ.Jpm.ent under llkJlJM nper. v111on. We have moldl tor over 125 ltmJ.e from our line that :rou may u.. or you mu ID&b 70\lt own cs.tJ:oe .•. .. ... _ ... , ......... '-~~ ...... taUDD&Y. J'OXa II. a• ·Slowest Week Recorded By Building Department · Slowest week tor tbla year hu S:ZOO: A. L Blum. alteratJona at jult been recorded by the New· U6 Collln.l, t:iOO: E. A. IUches. port Bulldl~ Department. u add bay window and wall heater only about ~.000 In permits at 327 Sapphire, ttQO; D. E. Tay. wu luued. All penni.,. were lor, alterations at 1.22~ T\11. mJnor ones except for a $15,000 quolae, 12.000. addltloo In Bay Shore. ••awi'Oiif lmiGin'l .Followlna pennlta were t.uued: H. R. Snyder, wall at 221 Santa e KEWJOIIT Ana Ave., t35C); Rudd A Vo1el, M. F .. Sawyer, cabana at 32 P)Ul~ey aim-at S33 N. New· Drake, $2,!50(); Peter Mayer. motel port Blvd., a810; Meea Pet Shop, alan at 6302 w. Cout Hwy., $450; alp at 4f7 Newport Blvd., S2:50. Mrs. Waltet Almua, tlreplace at • aAY IBQa&l 218 36th st., 1:500; L. E. Jumln, Jl. 'M. Telchout, new earaee to remodellne at 211 29th st ~· replace burned earae• at %581 Clarence Hunt. contaJn;, t~ er.tvtew, 1800; Paul Louehrtdee. meten and switch boxes, ~ add tour rooms, remodellna at w. Coast Hwy., 1800; Clalre Clax. 21691 Bayahore Dr .• $15,000. ton, re.rootln& at 1.27 42nd ·St.. e COIIOIIA DEL MAJI $20()· Lyle H kin. Chrla Craft Bureer l.ale Inc., aJan at 3916 alan. at 1220 woe Cout Hwy $5'7S' F;. Cout Hwy., $1,000; Wanen ClaM, re.rootlne at 951 ~ w: ==~~dJtlon at 511 Nar- BaJboa Blvd,, $520; Beatrice Mil· eaou cum ler and Florence Swain, altera-A. D. Hukell, sunroom and tJons on cabana at 28 Cabrlllo, windbreak at 173 ShorecllU Rd., $1,400; Earl French, replace win· $2000 dows at 918 W. Balboa Blvd., • i.viwE ft.CE 1500; Paul Banks, sign at 2000 W. R. N. Baylles, .wtmmlnr pool Balboa Blvd. $956; Ralph Maskey, at l54l Dolphin Terrace $3100. remodel slrn at 3411 Newport • LIDO IlL& ' ' Blvd.. $284; Mra. Hazel SoJTeU., Bulb Ruban, beam and wJn. aldlng at 7'JJ11 Seuhore, $T15. dowa at 544 Via lJdo Nord $1 000. eiALIOA JILA.KD ' ' Joseph Decker, remodel ~el­ llng at 3(M Duby, $3,000; Helen McAllister, remodeling at 1.26 Coral, $250; A. E. Nicholla lr., fence at 2Z7 Sapphire, $50; 'E. Steinkamp, fence at 307 Onyx, Exams Called For Firemen Examination for firemen has QU.bert, Don. ~ ........... GaMtll wW be ........ ,_.. .... Cllld ...... -...... of the bull~ rrWay "-1:30 to 1:3G. ,..... dent Paul A. ...... uu. .... ~ tblrt the f~ =· C"wflo3a baa ~ tM twenty..ailllloD ...:rlt lD toted ~ Summer Recreation Plan 11\e-aumm~ recreation pfo. Pool : 10:00-1.2:00 Lm .. t :Q0..4:00 l'f&m of the Newport Harbor p.m. June 20 thru AUIQit ~ Union Hleh School District will Monday tbru Frlday-s\lfUnmine, atart Monday and wUJ contJnue ute.aavlng and dlvlna leseona.. to ADI . • Director Vernon Allen PJayrround A Bo~ Gym: 9:30 annou.nees. 2:30 Monday thru Friday. ea&WJOaT PUJ[ Supervtson: Art Wood, teach« 36th A Balboa Blvd .. Newport -N~port Harbor Union Hlrb Beach. 9:30 2:30 Monday thru School, and EmU Neeme, Base. Friday. baU Coach -Newport Harbor SUI)«Vlsor : Jane Nunan. Stu-Union Hlrh School. dent-Orange Coast College. ActivltJes: Basketball (In gym), Activities: Volleyball. aoftball. softball 00 and 12 Inch). ahutfle. croquet. shutfleboard. basketball, board, volleyball, tennis teuons quiet ttme games (checkers. et.c.J. for beginners, paddle tennis. cro. Reeular vlalts by addltJonal per-quet, caroms and checktora. Mld· aon for handlcra.tt and story get "C" Leaeue Baaeball. telling. I• BABPEa SCBOOL e COSTA MESA PAD l8th & 1\latl Cost Mes.a. 570 W. 18th St., Costa Mesa. 9:30-2:30 Monda;· thru :.rlday .. 9:3().4 :00 Monday thru Friday. Supervl.so : Pauline Gardner Supervisors: Miss Carolyn Mil-r • Jer, teacher, and Bob Wright. ~:~~ -Harper .Elementary teacher. A lvttl · P ddl t I 'vol Activities: Volleyball. croqut>t. ct. es. • e enn s. · softball, tetherball. quiet time ac leyball. tetherball, buk.etbaU, tJvltles ccheckt>rs. etc.). handJ. sottbaU. klck.ball. checkers. Rei· craft and story hour. Midget "C'' ular visits by additional per110n Leaeue Baseball. for handicrafts and story hour. e TOVTB CEKTEa e MOIITE VJSTA ICBOOL A d j a c en t to Harbor VIew 390 Monte Vista, Costa Mesa. School, Corona del Mar. 9:3().2:30 9:30-2:30 Monday thru Friday. Monday thru Friday. Supervisor: Perry 8 u a ha rd . S u per v 1 s 0 r : Clay Sumrell. I teacher-Everett A. Rt>a School. teacher-Horace Ensign School. Act.Jvltles: Volleyball. sottbaU, Activities: Volleyball. paddle paddle tennis, basketba ll, tether· tennis, basketball. sottbaU ( 10 ball. caroms. ch«ker<J, kick ball. Inch ), quiet Ume activities. model Regular visits by additional per. bulldlne. Reeular visits by addl· son for handicrafts a nd atory tlonal person for handlcra.tt and telling. story hour. Midget "C" Leaeue • BAifDiaAFT PaOClt.AII Baseball. (All 6cept Hlrh SchooH e lfEWPOaT B.Aaaoa IIJGB Superv1801'S: Diane Fruehllng 15th A Irvine, Newport Heights. and Betty Graham. been called for Tuesday, July 5. ____________ ,..._____________ C • • L ~~t~~al·::~~~~~,~~~ From the POUCE BLOnER •v•c. eague IIi The Crossroad VDIGCJe SAVE SAFELY At Orenge County' • leeding Home Lenllng Institution CONTINUING TO PAY PER ANNUM All ACCOUNTS INSURED UP TO 'I 0,000 All Accounts Opened On or lefor• The I Oth of the Month Eern From the ht. LAGUNA FEDERAL SAYINGS I LOAN ASSOCIATION LA6UNA BEACH ..._ HY 4-1177. will be Thursday. lune 23. Meet n 9 Tu e 5 Those recelvlne pa.salnr rrades ,_....,.._..........., ___ ...,.._.. _____ ............ _______ I • will be placed on the ellltble list. (Continued from Page 10) Is lands tn the center of Balboa She J• f•IIJ Tile lest • • 1 and appointments to the Newport slon of an alcoholic beverage, Blvd .... A posafble prowler at Mrs. Thorldld Knudsen of Glen- Balboa Jsl d •-• _., NUTRlFAX ... Super pot~ncy vitamlM and mineral tablet Bea.ch Fire Department will be and a Costa Mesa juvenile boy. 318 Sapphire Ave., an • dale and lJdo uue wul speak supplies from 3 to 20 times the minimum dally requirement&. made from that list. 16, was arrested on a similar turned out to be a cat · · · on "Los Angeles. the CJty Beautl NUTRlFAX gives you supc>r potencies of the most expen- Requlrementa are: American charge plus curfew violation at A flat bed truck driven by Wll ful" at Tuesday's meeting of the slve vitamins such as the blood builder Bl2. CltP to help allar dt.lzen .not leu than 21 nor more 12:40 a.m. at Marlne Ave. and lie E. Tubbs of Santa Ana turned Woman's Civic League to be held colds. the entire B complex, Choline. Inositol. Iron and Ca than 31 yean of age; high school Coast Hwy .... William G. La-over with a load of lumber on at the VIlla Marina ~urant dum diploma or equivalent. minimum Marre. 20. of Agura, Calll .• was the northwest ramp of the Arches at 10 a.m . Mayor Dora Htll wtu Feel 10 Years younger ... g1ve your children Its benefits 20j 40 uncorrected vision In both a rrestt'd on an Intoxication In ovnpus but the driver escaped Install Mrs. Forrest Alllnder Jr. also. eyes; physical requlrementa not auto charge at 21st St. and Bal-Injury ... A hit and run car and het staff ol officers at the Wise Buyers Self'Ct NUTRIFAX. leu than those required for u.s. boa Blvd., at 12:06 a.m. after his backed Into his parked car in the pre.luncheon meeting. 11111101 HEALTH F .. I ma•• STORE Army recrulta. A 5~ veteran's car allegedly struck two traffic Merle's Drive In parking lot. Hostesses will be Mrs. 0 . G. preference will be gtven to all Craig Wa rfield of 415 Dahlia Howell. Mrs. A. S. Brown. Mrs. in The Croaroada Village .applicants who qualify for this Ave .. Corona 1lel Mar. romplalned Karl Axtater. Mrs. Kenneth Coot. 353 Korth Knrpon al.cl. Llbel'ty I-MI4 preference. Arulfecla lief ... Mrs. D. E. Drant. 49 Balboa lng and Mrs. Melwood Berry. A ._----------------------~ . The written examination will nil ..... r-.1 Coves. was not Injured when she report from the ways and means be held at the Newport City Hall ~ tripped over a curb and fell at committee indicates that the at 9 a.m. on luly 5. Newport Beach Arch itect Phil· Via Lido and Newport Blvd.. League has cleared more than Dra~ries McC'VWE"S GET SOW A aon, Laurence Mich ael. waa bom to Mr. and Mra. Ruaell Mc:Cune of UO Gamet Ave., Bal. boa lalud. in Boq )(eti)OIIal Roepltal on Wednesday, lune 1. VJSIYIHG AUITIDA Mrs. Arllne Lanca.ster .Burbank teacher who lives at 402 lasmlne Ave., Corona del Mar. La In Eu rope thla summer. Letters to hn friends reveal she Is visiting Innsbruck. Austria. LOllS Fll IDlES 5" a.TEAJl LOU Construction Loan• 5" a. TE.U LOAJI . lEE ao1 SATTI.Ea hiller llltpce C.. 1515 E. Coat Bwy .. CJ)JI h. BA 11• KI S-5115 (Metro Life IDa'aniDCle J'uDda) JAMES D. RAY M46 L COAST H'WY .. COlONA DEl. MAl HArt-47~ ~u,.u .. , HArW 419• mer Ellerbroek Is at Palo Alto Newport Beach . . . $650 for the Community Youth thls week end attending the Call-e SATtJllDAT, JtJKE 11 Center !rom the recent "Black fornla Council of Architects as a Partlclpanta In a fight In a Flamingo" play production. delegate of the Oranre County parking lot at 2530 W. Coast Luncheon reservations for Tues. Chapter. Wblle there he wUI a t. Hwy., Newport Beach. were gone day's meeting should be In by tend the achool , buUdtnr ~-..,._, oWcen udll*i ~t 1:11 SaturdaY. mJttee meettnp where study 1s a.m .... Kenneth E. Dell of 115 ------ belna mad~ of the principles of Apolena Ave .. Balboa Island. and I LECAL •oncz I planning school buildings with Lily Madre Hughes of Santa ROTICE DfVJTIIIC UDS emphas~ on better 5C.'hools more Barbara both claimed Injuries Sealed proposals or bids wUI economically. but refused medical aid at the be r~lved by the City Council • A representative from Johns-S«>ne when cars they were drlv of the City of Newport Beach. Maple Accessories Interior Shutters 349 Korth lfnrpon at.cl. Liberty a.MM in The Croaaroada Village Manville Products prt"St'nted the ing were Involved In an accident California at or before the hour progiam for the Orange County at the west gate of Bay Shores of 7:30 o'clock P.M. on J uly 11th. '------------------------...1 Chapter at their regular meeting at Coast Hwy .... Mary Watson 1955, for the publlcatJon and held ThuBday evening at the of 111 VIa Yella. Lido Isle. re printing of all legal notices re Balboa Bay Club. ~rge Und. ported the theft of her 24 Inch qulred to be published In tht' I vice president. from Nf:'wport pre bicycle from the Lido Theater City of Newport Beach for the sided. Marvin Renfro. Corona del ... Roger Johruon of 612 Golden year beginning July 11th. 1955. Mar and Dana Point a rchlte<'t. rod Ave.. Corona del Mar. re-and ending J une 30th. 1966. reported on the exhibit at the ported his bicycle stolen near the Bids shall be submitted for recent Orange County Home beach ... Mrs. Marco Ank h of eight 18) point type publications. I Announcing .., •• , ... ,... lOY D. UWTIIDP llellilc AUTHORIZED PAYNE FURNACE DEALER Show . 125 N. Bay Front. Balboa Island, All bids shall be t'nclosed in was Injured when a car driven fsealedb1e1nvtJelopesf 1marked tJ"Blds I WE RAVE IIOVED TO •.•••. ln. AYII Flacller Of Costa lesa Dies by her husband hit a parked car or pu ca on o egal no ces." 351 NORTH NEWPORT BLVD. on Heliotrope Ave. near First and addressed to the City Council Avf!'., Corona del Ma r. when he of the City of Newport Beach, in The Crossroads Village dropped a llghterl clgaret on the CalttornJa. I Mrs. Avla lone Fischer. 48. died Friday a t her home. 518 &>rnard St.. Costa Mf:'sa . aftN an ex- tended Hines..~ She was a native of Fargo. N. D .. and had lived in C~ta Mt'sa for 11 months. plastic seat of the car and at MAE L. HOlT j Same Phone .. •. Liberty 8-«71 tem~~~remowlt . Chari~ ~~~~A~c~t~ln~g~C~itfy~C~l~e~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Servlct'S wf:'re ht-ld Tuesday in Parkes.RJdley Mortuary Chapel. wtth Rev. P. G. Neumann o( the First Baptist Church of Costa Mesa otflclatlng. She Is survived by her husband. Theodore Fischer, and her mother. Mrs. Mildred Gordon. who flew here Saturday from St. Paul to attend the services. L. Snethen. 19, El Toro marine. r was relt'a~d to the !lhore patrol after being picked up near the Arches ovf:'rpass and a11egedJy 1 admlttt'd going AWOL from the marine base by climbing a fen{"(> the day before . R. H Parsons of 2108 Newport Blvd .. Nt>wport Beach. reported that shoplifters I took a $4 set of cr('S('('nt WT\"nches and a $11 ba rometer from h is auto supply store ... • SUJfDAT, JtJKE 12 I In a response to a report that someone was calllnr for help In ... ...a-01-.11.:.,_ the area of the main beach. Co ...-wiW _,...... rona del Mar. at 2:47 a .m.. oftl. 1111. .1--1 ..... cers aearehed but could not lo ••••-• cat~ anyone ... William K. Hop You are invited R riFor.bes Wayne Creighton. 45, o1 1741 kina of 2Z7 Grand Canal, Balboa Pomona St., Costa Mesa, service Island, a nd John T. Neville ol atatlon attendant In the Richfield Los Angeles were lnvolwd In an Stadon, 17th St. a nd Coast Hwy.. accident on the northwest ramp Newport Beach. waa hit over tlie of the Arches overpa.M . . head and knocked down by a Mich ael Newton. 6, ot 115 Via youthful motorist at 5:30 a.m . Undine. Udo Isle. wu bitten on Friday, Newport pollee reported. the fa~ by a dog owned by B.l.rcll OPEN HOUSE NEWPORT BALBOA SAVINGS BUILDER BArber ••• SIOI ---r----- Mr. Crelrhton told pollee that Baker of San Bernardino and was C M a...a-C he wu approaclled by a dark· treated at Hoar Memorial Hospl Osta esa 0. halftd youth, about 18. flv• foot tal; the dof wu quarantined ... 10 lnclles In bel&ht. wellhlnr Tony Koppe. 8. ot 310 Coral Ave .. about 180 pound&. The youth Balboa Island, wu bitten by a LUIII£8 -JUJU)INQ IIATEIIIALS uked for road ma.-and the at-doe owned by Edmond Dourlass ... ,.rt ..... c.e. .._ LIIMdf 1-1•1 tendant 1ftftt Into the atatlon of. ol 3:M Sapp~ Ave.. Balboa ,.1111111.•---~iilill~~~~~~-~~~~~-·-t r1c:e tollow.d by the younr motor· Wand; the boy wu treated by a t.t. » tM attenda.Dt bent down physlcJan and th• doc waa quar- for the maP' he wu b!t on the antined . • . A 25-foot MC.'tJon ol bud. peen pludc pr*n bclee was 'J"M blow left the attenAkDt 11\ stolen t.rom the alde ol her bouae. a duect-condJtlon with a bump <Ooatblued a Paa-12> on ht. hMd. fte a-llant .aN .r.-. ... .;;-;;;~;;;~:­~ took DOt.blna u4 ra.n B&Wii IS Gft' GaL • to a 4tJtt ..san on tM ~ A Gaua;btw. l... ZU.beth. comer ol the ~ poUce wu bom to Mr. a.Dd lin. G\11 _.. tolcL AMC.IIIIr ,_... ..... -...u old Col._.. A..._. ()c). wu aft tbe dull......, wtalda IliA I'Ofta tW Mar, on ~. lune a raJ*I rue ff ~ ...... 1. aa ao., Memor'lel •a•aL I'OIII'GIIA dtll Mar. IDeM1~ of. liiiiiiNi~iiii ... Ni~i9iiiii ._. ........ to-. .. IL and Loan Aaodation P A PALMER, Prestdent FriiiiJ .~ ... ll t II 9:30 a m to 6:30 p m Tour our building, enjoy refreshments with us, and see our various de}XU bnents 111 operation as w e celebrate the start of our seamd year in our beauuful new bayfront headquarters in New- port Beach. For each new a ccount of $50, or for a depostt of that amount to an existing account, we will give a handsome bronze Savings Bank. a miniature of our builc:iiJl9. For each new aocount or added inv.atment of $500, we will give a beautiful matched double deck of fine playing cards. We 11 also hcne apeciaJ favora for young eavera. Schbol Trustees Laud Work Of Harbor Citizens Group .............. 11111111111; ••••• John M. lt&IMY, • ol JOt~ Main St., Balboa. wu robbed o1 The Board ot ~ ot tbe '"WBD&AS many promtn~nt between SlO and 810 alta betna TM • u miD er lnlltnlctional 11:10-12 a.m. -1 eeetJoa non. Newpolll Harbor Ualoft Bleb ettizeN o1 tbe Newport Harbor knocked unconedoul lt1 an ua. ..tauDiaa proiJ'am t011 chUdren ..rua-a. eehool d1atrlet baa adopt.ed tbe Union HJp School Dt.trlct of Or· ~ Ul&llant 1n an auey M. a.DCt a4llha w1lJ lt&rt aat week 1.2 p.aa.-1 Mletlon adult Main· tollowtDC ..-olut1on eommendlna anp County or1anized them. tween VaWt'a cafe and tM Jlal· at OraQae Cout Collep, nen. the Harbot Hllh Cttbena commit. Mlvea under the name of Harbor boa pcMit oUiee at U:OII pa. One _.... of cl .... wUl be U p.m-1 eectJon adult Inter. tee fOil th~lr w011k tor acl\ool G · Hl1h cltlaM committee and dld Wedoeaday, JuDe & Newport po-held on llonclaya, W~ mediate. panalon: ;:k or:,.:~~:%. w~~ S::.t U~~e:; tOld police be wu ~ :S~m.~~t ~! 2-4 p.m.-1 aec:tlon We aavlnl. neaa to the eaect that the out· t.akJq a abort cut bGme and waa pool. AnotiMr Mrles wUl be held Tbe eehedule tor Tuaday, -.-.....a ELOIIR <Contlnued from Page ll) Mrs. Jane Curt.ta of 1531 E. Ocean Front. Balboa, reported ... e IIODAT. JUKE 13 Her $50 red a nd wblte bicycle wu stolen from her back yard, Betty Millett of 1540 E. Ocean Blvtl.. Balboa, complained ... OUlcers warned cbUdren ln the area after Mrs. Albert Trester of ~ Marigold Ave., Corona del Mar. reported that chUdren trampled flowers on her property . . . A juvenlle In a faded blue car threw a co.metlc jar through the glass window ln the bulletin board at Newport Harbor Union High School . . . e TUESDAY. JtnfE 14 Hls $15 steel garden wheel barrow was stolen lrom ln back of h is home. William Johns of 111 Eighth St.. Balboa, r~ported. Announce List Of Registrars The following ll&t ot reelstrars ot voters was released th1s week by Newport City Hall: Balboa Island: Charles E. Zube, Fire Hall. come of the tax election held on struck down from bellblcL When on ~ Tbunct.ya and Sat. 'nlunda.y, and Saturday Ja: May 20, 1.1165, for the purpose of he attempte41 to rile, he waa u.rdaya. -.,t.tratlon wUl be held 10.11 a.m~ lletJona beafn· buUdlnl a new hJ1h eebool, wu kJckM ln the fac.. He .utllned at 10 Ll1L Tue.day. · nen; 1 eectlon lntermedlate. succeutul, now, therefore, . a bump on the back ot bla bead The icbedule of claue. for u .u a.m.--.2 Mctioftl bertn· "Be It re.olvM that the Board and a bruise on the l~tt atde of Monday, WMD~ and Friday nen. . ot Trustee. ot the Newport Harbor hla face, pollee aatd. He loat con. Ia: u u ·30 1 aectJ Union High School Dt.trlct of Or· sclousneaa at thta time and could 9.10 a.mr-1 eectlon lntermedl· ~m~ a.m.-on non. ange County does hereby expreu not Identify bla ... uant. Hta au; 1 .ctlon begtnnera. · tts heartfelt appreciation ot the wallet wu dtacarded at the8cene 10.10.30 Lm.-2 eectlons non. 11:30-U a.m. - 1 Nctlon non. effort. ot the members of the atter the money wu removed. jwfmmen; 1 eectton beginners. .wimmen. Harbor HJgh cttlzena committee 10:30-11 a.m.-2 aec:tlons non. Retteatlonal swtmmlnr will be and further, IIOVE '10 ~A DLDD swimmers; 1 .ectlon swimmers. available Monday throuch Satur. "Be It re.olved that the Board The F. R. Put:zlen have moved n .u a.m. -2 sections begtn. day from 1 to 4 p.m, of Trustees of the Newport Hat· from 2204 Waterfr'ont Dr., Corona nen. A cbar1e ot Sl.OO per penon bor Union HJgb School Dtstrlct del Mar. to 233 E. Bay Front. BaJ. 11·11 :30 a.m. -1 sectton non· Will be made for each three-week of Orange County expresses the boa Is land. ..mnmen. lnatructlooal period t10 belp detray wish that lt may count upon help and advice from the Harbor High Cltlzens CommJttee lt it will con. tlnue to function u an advisory body." An Old Trophy Inaugurated A salllng trophy created some 65 years ago for a transpacific yacht race which was never real· lzed wlll be Inaugurated for the J uly 4 Transpacltlc Yacht Race to Honolulu as the coveted prize for the first boat to finish under handicap. Donald B. Ayres. trophy cbalr. man, disclosed that the trophy, to be a perpetual award for the biennial claulc, is the historical. ly famous Klng Kalakaua Cup, whJch was first ordered by the last of the Hawaiian klngs d ur. lng hls 1874-1891 reign. GIAXT RC:. Butter 59i.. TIDE 49~ Corona del Mar: Tommy Foa. ter. 315 Narclssus Ave., Harbor 4795; Michael Healy, 436 Morn· lng Canyon Rd., Harbor 511N.J; A W. Smith. 516 Ocean Blvd., Harbor 0393. Newport Beach: Julia Enert. 1~ W. Ocean Ft., Harbor 19Q3.W; Evelyn Ellerman. 2606JA. W. Ocean Front. Harbor 2:211»W; Katherine Windle, 409 Clubhou~ Ave., Harbor 3429. The race for which it was ln· tended never transpired and the cup eventually came Into possea. slon of Archie Roberuon. son ot a HawAIIan prtnCHS. Ultimately, Robertson donated It for the 1923 Santa Barbara.to-Honolulu con· test when It wu dalmed by Eugene Overton. sklpper of the SPINDRIFT. IVU' .. &--1"" ,_. ::: ... 45~ Shortening ~ ...... 6~ Trlla ,_ s,.clll Arclic ......... Pvt. Ronald L. Johnston. son of Mr. and Mrs. VIctor Johnston, Costa Mesa. Callf .. iJI takJng ape. clal training at Fort Eustis, Va .. tn preparation for operations ln the ArctJc t his summer. He Is scheduled to participate In Project 572. a jolnt Army tech- nical services operation. The pro- ject Is deslgend to supply Air Force radar construction projects across the northern continent. Private Johnston, a n engineer with Company 8 of the 339th Engineer Construction Battalion. entered the Army In October 1954 and completed basic training at Ford Ord, Calif. He worked for the Glenn E. Johnston Painting Contractor. Newport Beach. be fore entering the Army. SOK BOilK TO LEKKEllS A son. Steven Earle. was born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lenker of 603 Fernleaf Ave.. Corona del Mar. In Hoag Memorial Hospltt l on Tuesday, June 7. The veteran yachtaman re- tained It until this year when, u vlce.commodore of the sponsor. lng TranspacUtc Yacht Club, be offered It as a perpetual prize for the Independence Day event. Other major awards, according to Ayres. will Include a Governor of Hawaii's Trophy fro the b8t corrected Ume over the 2225-mUe cour11e; a tint place perpetual and take borne trophy for the first boat across the flnlsh line off Diamond Head, and a flHt. second and third place prize for winners ln each of the four classes of competition. CAB IO'n LlGJIT POLE: TWO RtJJIT, JlEI'USE Am Marvin H. Bullis. 45. and Marle Bullls. 39. both of 1630 Santa Ana Ave .. Costa Mesa, were ln. jured but refused medical aid after a car driven by Mr. Bullls hit a light pole at Coast Hwy. and Orange St.. West Newport. at 12:30 p.m . Sunday, while try. lng to avoid hitting a car enter. lng Coast Hwy. from Orange St. MOVES FROM JSLAJfD Mrs. Jennie Inman has left 226 Balboa Island. and Is now ln Ridley Park, Pennsylvania. Special! FINE FOR Patio or Porch c h a i r • Seat and back of Saran plea- tic. Sturdy but light in weight. ' Laguna Awning & Maple Shop · ,_ 10. COAIT &YD. JIYATl' .... IIIUCU:III-Strawbeny Peas & Carrots 19¢ Preserves ;.:~ .. 45~ De'Vii;fliam aLV.ID !~!!!~~ :._ ... 19¢ ifa~Cieaners 33~ icibjfM.i 6 ~ 49C P/a OL ¢ ITOu..EY'~-40~ Cella DE.n' Tamales 15 OL OL Glau Ja __ .. 100L 21-Jiq .................. . I..OG CUDI -c... & llaple Macaroni ~-_ .19¢ BEANS Caa. ........................ .. 19¢ SYRUP 1IOL .,... aottle .............. &7Y- GOLDU mPE BANANAS 21bs. 25c VDfE ainJfED CANTALOUPES 2 for 19c CALIF. LOJifG WRIT& aos& POTATOES 10 lbs. 29c Local Strawbenies basket 19c RoaaiCiine Lettuce 2 heads 13c ~=.~ . f R 0 lE II F O O o S I Da. 14 .... ·-···--.. ·-···-·-.. ··- lEU PRIME RIB RIB STEAKS LEG 0' LAMB nLLAMOOK CHEESE ~hoek Roast 39i.. Pot· Roast 37i.. Beef Short Ribs 191- o-Bone·Beef Roast. 43L