HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-07-07 - Newport Harbor Ensign.,olvn _..' State ~oins ~ 'lr/Ue In Pro1ec1 • * * * * * ' The State Dlvlston of Hl&h· ways has Informed Orange County that the state Is willing to parti ci pat e In tht> long planned projf'<:'t Cor C(>nstruc:tlon of a high IPvel bridge for Upper Newport Bay. 1 County Supervisor Ht>lnt Ka hwr lnformt'd the Ensign Yt>Sif.'rday I that Edward Tf.'lforrl. dlstrk t I f"ng1neE>r nr District VII of ttw 1 Division of Highway!!, has writ I ten a lettPr to that efff'<'t to A. S Kcx·h. county road romml.s sloner. 1 Mr. Telford wrote tha t the Dl ViSion of Hl&bways has t>Hn au thorized to negotlaiP a n agrf't> ment with Orangp County The state agrees to partlcipatt> In the amount that the stale had pla nned for t he reconstruction of the prt"Se'nt highway and low tevel brldgt-Into a s ix lane road way The nate also agrM!S to take over tht> rl'Spnnsibillty of the engi n~rlng work requ1red to complete the project. e TEln'ATJVE PLANS W'KA'n ALL TillS P'VSI ayw-r about the dllappecll'IQ9 bOMt We'll Mlft It oac:. ad fer alL..., tiMN tbJ'M -.perta. 5-yecu-old autb.. .... JNI'-old Ulldcl Cllld RowanS. 7. the •t.pria~Dg c:h1l4nll of llr • ..S Mrs. Rut'lll llc:JitU.... 5al W....._.... A..._ lfewpol't ......... Rutb. wbo Ia the ....... pa.a-,.-epber foi tiM Eulp.. .. ~ the IIOlutloD of U.. aatJoo.wt4Je m.,.-y wttb bta The county alrt-ady has tt>nta tlve plans tor the h igh lt>vel bridge. The approach to the brldee Crom the west.-rly side would take ott from the prt"5t"nt Coast Highway a short distanet" easterly of the Johnson lr Son car agency hf>adquartt'f'S lndlne along the Cliff Havt-n bluff, up to the undt>Velo~ area nf'ar the Kines Rd curve. then cross over 17th St.. Bay Shore Csmp and =· ....... COaoKA DEL IIU. CALIP. • TR011SJ)AT. JD1. T 7. 1155 I the Upper Bay on pilings. con nectlng agaJn with the pr~nt Coast Highway w~terly of tht> Marine Ave. junction A full cloverleaf interM"Ctlon Is planned there.-. This rt>port of progre-ss Is of particular importanC'~ bfo<'ause I the entire d~v~lopment of Upper Bay rests upon a definite pro gram for locatfn& the hf&h level bridge. e laET taV'IRE OFPJCIALS The Upper Bay project was L'"""'"'....,:-u last week In a meetln& of Newport City Council m~ bers and Irvine Co. officials. who describe-d some ot their tenta. tive plans to the Council. Tbe Upper Bay was the reuon for another meetin& lut Wftk, wha. c:lty and county lllt.a1b pt ......... Jar ......... ..::. ...... Hearing Set ~~~~~ .. b.~·:~ .. : ~~;,~'7.~~~ :;~.:. s .... ,o. court ~·" "" .... trailer park on the Newport Bay provement. Basis Cor the re-com-set for 9:30 a m. Wednesday. front between 16th and 18th mendatlon may be the four plana July J3. o n the t~t of coMtitu The Newport Beach Elemen- tary School truat~ cut the 1955- 56 operating budget Tu~ay evening from $932,000 to $908.125 and aet the public hearing for the rerular Aug. 2 board meet- tnr. Supt. Roy Andersen aald that the reduction was tor the most part cuttlnr the reserve funds. The total budget may be revlsed further d o w n w a r d when the exact tiCUTea ol estlmated In· come are avaUabJe. h e aald. This wUl be known when the total useaed valuation la announced. perhaJM! next week. · The tax rate will be 90 cent.OJ per $100 assessed valuation. plus a~K>ut 2~ cenu additional for community services and district contribution to employee retire· ment. The truatees adjourned their meeting to 8 p.m. Tueaday, July 19. when the bids for Elementary School No. 5, In Newport Heights, wtll be o~ned. Ernie • s . Cafe O~ner Is Held stntots and economic analyses already tlonaJity of the City of Newport · ~ach Easter Wf't>k orolnan~. This battle wtJl come to a head prepared by the city enelneer., The action was fUed last when a public hearing Is held Plans No. 1 and 2 suggest a pub-I March. Just before Easter W('('k. on the city's plan to Increase Its lie bt>nch westerly ot the Trailer , by Harry c. Brewstt-r ol 5527 1 rental revenue by expanding and (Qmtlnued on pap 8) Onacrest Drive. Los AngelE-s. Improving the trailer park. owner of property at 305 Am.- Opposed to the proposal will be s II c ft thyst Av~. Ba lboa Island. He Is I a considerable g.roup of citizens. m a r a repres~ntl'd by Santa Ana at !New Agency i I ~A •• :s~ r.!. ~~ :oa .. who are asking the city to get c 8 • torney Ro bert Corfman 1 out of the traller park business ourse egtns At that time.-Mr Brt'WStN • entirely, and to convert the area sought a temporary Injunction to Highway across from thP Balboa Bay Club will soon ha\e-another headquarters. w ith tt Pontiac dea lersh ip. Lt'Rlly Carvt'r Jr of Los Angc.-les Is now N•mplt-tln~ tht> plans for thf' bullrllnR he- will ronstruct Just Wl''lterly of Hoskin and Sons &at Wurk~ Into a publlc stU! water beach. stop the city from enforc ing the 1th kl d Cood d d I k A small craft and watt'r safety ordinance. The injunction was FLIGHT w par ng an an r n course Is being oUered by the I concnslons to provide a source N t H bo HI h Sch 11 not granted. and the ordinanct> The Punt lac agr nc}' will t>.• jolnl n~ Miller Ch t>vrolt't Olrtsmo bile-. Johnqon It Son Llm"'in ~1ercury and Lou RN"d & A...S<l<' ChrysiPr Plymouth t>wpor ar r g 00 h as remained In for<'e. I of reevnue. summer recreation program. The . At the last Council meetlng l locatlon Is on the bay tx'tw('{'n I Th.-law ~n QUE'Stlon Is Ordl OF the city manager and city en th ~ Sco t Ba d th B I nanct> No 141. which requires e a u se an e a licensing for Easter We-.:>k ren .. • Arrest ··~· Iller 3-Car Cra .. I boa Bay Club. J ane Baker Is in I ta ls and allows city pollee a nd I str~or. ill bt.' th 1 f rlre 'offlclal.5 to ch('Ck rentals for PAllADE EJfTIIT-The City of lfewport Jleoch fJocrt ia the ~lat em- ere w ree sess ons. 0 I overcrowding. a1 "---,._ ty P-·-t Jut --.. B tl .... Beach two weeks each. The flrst sesston Mr. Brewster claimt-d tha t t he :!u ab;;;":O.'"'":a Nlsa ";;;: ~ ~iDVha: o~asoS,.~a begins today (Thursday) and ordinance was an m vaslon of h is A..._ CorODa dti Mar. la aboard the eatr( ct.plctul9 the famous will continue all of next week I property right!~ His suit claimed FU9bt of tbe Saowblrda b~d eacb SUJIUDft oa Mewport Hart»«. Fireworks El,... l1 Back of TniCk and the Wf't>k followtne. that the ordinance was unconsti (Enslp Pboto) The pro&ram Is • as follows:. tutlona l. unduly opprMSive. arbi ---- _ _;__ _______ _ Linda Wilkin" of Sant<\ Ana -.ufff•r~>d a burn on hN right lhiRh "-hrn a bro. of fll'f'Workl§ rxplndf'rl 1n the hack of a pickup trurk tn \l.htch o;hf. was riding at 2 Z2 p m Sunda) at Coast Hwy. ;~nd Mannr A\'f>, Ne-wport Beach, thf' :"t>wpnrt IWn<'h fin-depart 9 to 10, row boating; 10 to 11.1 trary and dlscrlmmatory N Add • • B R d paddle boardlne: 11 to noon. out ew ataons to e ea y board motorboatlng and repair y--.L J-.1. .... .&. shop; noon to 1. lunch and rest r.-..... tnill• For Fall Semester at OCC period; 1 to 2. canoeln&; 2 to 4, aalltnr. It's for all ag'1• and any llfl PlltM C. combination of courses m ay be taken. 2 P.O. Cl.ta let IIIOo/o II 01.-c Till Two c leru In the Corona del Mar Post Otflce have received a 100 per cent rat1nr In an exami- nation on castnc outgoing m all. Poetmuter Verne Watson an- nounced tht. week.. They are Harold SwaJUIOn and LJn Sheely. ln order to achieve this perfect record, the clska mu.t knoW A city trash truck betng ba('ked by James C. Ibbotson of 112 Opal Ave .. Balboa Is land. hit a parked car on Opal St. between tht' S. Bay Front Speedway and the sidewalk at 11 :50 a.m. last Thursday. Newport poll~ re ported. Mr. lbbotSJOn aald that ht' was not employed by the city and had not been authoriz:ed to drive the truck but that the truck was blocklnc Opal Ave. A 18-lnch serach resulted to the l~.tly parked car rertste~ to the ltlrk hlll RubbeT Co. ot LaVerne. po lice ald. mPnt rrportf'<i The new addition of several ' roomo;; rf'ad) to mtwe-Into just Matcht>s 1n th<' box Wf>rt' ap·. classrooms. a reading laboratory pr10r tn the opi>nln~ da~ of parently lit by frict ion a nd lgnlt and faculty officeft to the library !!l<'hool on &-pt 12... \1r 1\.lmt>s Pd lht> fireworks Tht' truck was building at Orange Coast College Sllld C'onstruct1on started t'&rly 1 bt>i d 1\• b th 1 I' f th Is pi'OC'ft'dlng according to plan, In March Total rost of the C'\10 ng r ~n Y E> i r 1 • er. William F. Kimes. assistant su stru<'t ion Is Sll 'l.OOO ThE> add! Olf'n W Wllk\ns of S3nta Ana. perlntendent ln charge of bust tlon was dt"slgnf"d bv the S<'h!lOl I Flrc.-men we~ railed to the. ness. saJd this week. AI"C'hltt'<'t~ Rkha rd NE'utra, Rob seen<>. The rf'Sultlna Clrf> burned "We plan to have the class ert Alexander a nd Rich ard Pie clothin g. " blanket and a ptllow. ..... , ....... F•••l•l•• ... Servf~ tor Mrs.. M .-y E. Waltu Davis. 74. of 140 E. 20th St.. Costa ...... were held naes day In Pa.rk8-R:td.ley Cha~l wtth Rev. Charles Rand omda Ung. Mrs. Davis d.Jed Thunlday of a heart attack In Or~ Oount7 R~ttaJ. She wu a nattv. ol pr Gi!oneral cons truction is 1 being done by Famularo and •'1 .. TM ....... Stromberg I The butldln& will tw utillzt'd J1 Wrhi.W ~ prlmartly to hou:~ u~nd ln!f 1 ... cl~ ln En&lls h and Social Sci en~ field Cla~ will contlnu.- to be howwd In N"modelled struc tun!la a.s wc-11. be<'aust' of the ln c.':ftUf!d enrollment anticipated at the <:oil~ Mr Kimes said. ... '"'"?t;;.<>:e;;;,--~:· ii~'""" I e e e M 1 1 i & E M M M M M M HiM M 8 i:J M M + 8 M M M E M M 8 I M I 8 e IT'S LEGAL-BUT • • • Just to set the record stroight. the l&w soys th&t our City Coun- cil con hold secret meetings--if personnel matters ore being discussed. Newport's City Council wos with in its legal rights in b&rri ng re· porters from its closed meeting l&st week when the chorges of ''irregu· l&rities in certoin city dep&rtments" we re discussed. Leg&l , to be sure. But the consequences of the mon ner in which the investigotion wos held served only to show the folly of secrecy in the conduct of city offoirs. In this cose the secrecy wos well in· tended to protect blomeless city personnel. BMt the contr&ry wos the inevit&ble result. Who ore the indiscrete ones? Who &re in the cleor? Only rumors c&n tell. And rumo~ hove o w&y of putting the finger on just obout onyone. And did. The mec!lningless jumble of nonsense thc!lt come out of thc!lt closed- doors discussion wos worse thM nothing. I me<!ln the officic!ll stc!ltement issued by the City Council <!~bout how hc!!ppy everyone now is &bout everybody else in the munici pal f<!lmily. To <!Ill byst<!lnders it &n· nounced "whitewc!lsh." <!~I though it is rloutly explc!!ined thc!lt such is not the cose <!It <!Ill. Whc!!t it really meens, 'tis sc!!id. is thc!lt <!Ill city employees <!Ire on notic&---&nd they d<!~sn't do thc!lt no more ; end furthermore thot our city mM~er now hc!ls the full authority. with full b&ding of City Council, to see thet everyone behoves, or suffer the dire conse· quences. As simple &s thot-wl.ich is precisely whc!lt every sensible businessm&n requires. on pc!!in of dismissal. from everyone in his em- ploy. And since it's th&t simple. why did not our City Council beh&ve like grown up folks, f&ce the issue squorely ond honestly. end issue & st&tement thet meMt whet it w&s supposed to me&n? And if th&t in- vestigation could h&ve been fully end property reported, there would be no suspic.ioo5 rumors, the "irregularities" woold have. been dealt with es th.y deserved, end no one .U. would be touched by the stigma of suspicion, beuuse everyiflinq would be out in the open. • • • • THE BURDEN IS ON US All this •s just by woy of le&ding up to the feet thet our govern · ment offici&ls do not underst&nd the v&lue ond necessity for the full bl&ze of publicity on &II offici&! octivities. Worse yet, the public too does not much understood or core. Th&t puts the burden on us. the notion's newspopermen. Most of you folks look upon us &s just enother business. But we ere much more thM thet. We do hove the normol problems ond respon~ibilities of other privote enterprise. but we oh.o have the high obligetion of pro- viding informetion. This public trust of ours is so vitel thot its sefe- guord wes written into the First Article in our Constitution's Bill of Rights, which provides thc!!t Congress shell moke no lew abridging the freedom of speech or of the press. We in the newspoper business recognize the foct !hot the public does not concern itself overmuch with this greet privileqe. Its token for granted. ond the little-by-little chipping owoy ot thi5 freedom qoes t..nnohred. nerefore we of the press must ourselves be the etern.;lly v•g.Jo ... I guord•ons of the freedom of the press. • • • e WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Why so viq•lont? Con t we trust our government officiols. who. after oil. are onswe roble to us? The deploroble reality is thot ell over the nation we see exemples of government officiols suppressing in· formotion, not doring to trus t the wisdom of the people to know whot s best for themselves. This is why it's importont: "An informed public mokes the dif. ferenc e between mob rule ond democrotic government. If pertinent ond necessary in formation on governmentol edivities is denied the public, the result is o weekening of the democrotic process ond the ultimate otrophy of our form of government." That is o statement by U. S. Rep. W illiom Dowson concerning the congressional investigation of news suppression in our notion's cepitol. The s~me stotement applies equelly well right here et home. And more so . . . becouse we at the "ground level" of government ere the foundotion of ell our freedoms. New Certified Mail Service Is Offered by Post Offices Local poet offices are now ot- fertnr a new certltled mall aerv- lee, whJcll facllltat• the eendtnr of rnaJI in cues where the eend- Fi re me n Save Me sa Boy, 3 i ll Jlolw .. Gebhart, 3, ~ !lo83 Thla11a copy otaletter t have .me.. Tbey ahow a ,. .. ,ct f« sc.at. at.. c.o.ta ....._ wu aaved eent to aty Coundl about tbe the YOt.ert uad a eo~.-.. ••• or ft'om »-fble dMUI bJ Jfewpott ctty e._k·tNuwer Job: the ,..,. lrUIIt tiM7 Ia& .. u lelch flnmeo at a:a p.m. SUn-"CCtJ CoulM:tl ot lfewport &eadl, ._.uta ot the peopa. u4 bn· dlly. "Madam lb7« ud Oentlemea, clllnt t.be pubUc'IJD!OM7. Tbe boy fell tnto the bay at 510 ''I undentand the City Cow.etl e lftLI. liOn BY~~--- 38th St. lfewport lllanct and wu 11 cut1q about Jn eearcb t• a Keep your flnrea ~ un. reec:ued by b11 father. The clllld new cJty clerJt.t.reuww. Some ot til the city tax rate ftxlnr date. wu not breatbtnt wben ttremen them .,. •u.rretttnr thet theee :rMre 11 lt111 hope I• a lt.03 arrived at u.e --. the are de-jobl be rtven to John 8a1.lcn, rate. partment reported The boy ~tart. city ma.napr. TbJI would not • tv.a. or nm ......,_, eel bnathlnJ ~ the reecue carry out the charter, which ere-COuncUman Gerald a • n n e t t e LOJfQ JIAUL rt'a really amaztna how dry It can be, sometimes. away out P,ere on tbe broad PacWc. I tound out lut Thursday. So dJd "Uncle Harry" Rogers and Hal Kenoyer. We were on Uncle Har- ry's Adequate. Chuck Smlt.b wu skipper. rm ltlll wonderlng how he managed to stay awatte so long on two cups of coftee. 'I went to bed at 10 o'clock Wednesday In one ol the Ade. quate's forward bunks. At 2:05 a.m. Thursday, I was awakened by the gentle earthquake that comes from starting two 145 h.p. Chrysler engines. At 2:25, Uncle Harry and Hal were aboard, bright. eyed. bushy-taJled and rearln' to go. We picked up three scoops of bait from the Billy Boy, headed out on 170 degrees at 3:05 a .m . It's sure dark at that hour, espe. clally at 18 knots. We hit only one thing before daylight. Must have been an orange crate, or some bull whip kelp. Chuck slowed down to see that every. thing was o.k. lt was. e TilT EVEJITTBDIG There was aome light In the east by 4:30. We slowed to troll- Ing speed at 6:30, and In went the jigs. Hal put on a jap head, Harry the plastic head he caught the first albacore oo. I went for a little red and whJte. I was using my new 3/6 Silaflex rod Cor the first time. The pull of the jig put a beautiful curve In it. We were somewhere ot1 San Clemente Island, but we couldn't see lt. What we did see was the Navy. First, a submarine. Then a lot of "cans"~estroyers. 'Itlen a nat top. They were all around us. Too many! We saw the Lady Margaret. It was Gordy WevUl, rIght on schedule, as usual. Then the Dolly. We saw the Frontier, with Spike Tatt up, talking like Drag. net. Ben Arnett on t.be Sabre was aomewhere farther aouth, along with the other San Diego boata. We trolled on. • IIVDK AWAKDJifG F• a lonr time we trolled. We eha,.ed JJp. I wired -up the one Walt Balderston won an Inter- clu~ Albacore Tournament with. No soap. Finally, I got out one of Roy Boa's pet&-hiJJ new, smaller. lighter depth gUder. Be- hind It I put a plutlc squid. Late last year, thll combo produced when nothing elee would. I felt sorta confident now. The glider put an ~n mo,. beautiful curve In my new SIJaflex. I ltretched out on foam rubber. It wu peace- ful out there, just trolling along. KER-WHOOM! I jumped u high as a marlln being hooked up. "What did we hit?" I guped. Hal a nd Harry laughed unW they shed tears . .Just then there was a nother ear-spUWng "Ker- whoom." I glanced to starboard. A curtain of yellow name belched from the guns of a destroyer not a h u ndrcd yards from us. Sec- on~ later I saw a mighty geyser rlse near the target, a squarlah object a mJJe and a hall away. Yep, we would be flshlng right In the middle of the Navy's tar. get practice. Came a famUiar voice. Glovan. nl was announcing that he wu Cor trying white sea baas. This firing didn't do tiMing any good ~ldn't let him enjoy It. Nuts to . ate. tho. ~Uona not under mlllt be rolnr to nlabt ldlool to tlon of Oap. 'lbe only one 1 equa~ reaWidtatot ...., Uled.. A nor appointed by the city mana-that old mae«ro from Tau, LH ' couldn't find wu tbe one with pbyafdan wu called alto to rer. 'lbere are four pc*tJon.e Iabell. Under Mt. Bennett'• pJd. the little animal op lt. You know, treat the boy. under the charter to be filled by ance, the majority voted to put the black one with the white appoJntment b1 the Councll-cJty on a 2-cent tax for adWrtlllnr. strlpee clown tt.a back. 'lben I ,.. D st·· k mana,er, attorney, treuurer and 'nlll plua the reMrVe already on membered. I took It tenderly out Fogo IC ers clerk, and they .,.. &C!COUntable hand will add up to t17,'7i0 for ot my tackle baf. SJx albacore to the Council only. them to apend on "'&lilt." and slx marlin bllk radlatJnr \A./'!111 Compete ··comblntnr the clerk and You folkl voted to curtaJJ the like the spokes ot • wh~ around 'f'f I treuurer poeltJona II a lorleal, Chamber ot Commerce, but they a red circle, all on a Oeld ot yel-een.alble and economical move. can't take a hint from your vote. low. The Holtman Rex had ltrUck M'ore than ~ in prtz.e. are May I invite the attention ol the So next t1Jne you ahould be more apJn! Up with the Oar. betnr ~ for the Southern Cou.ncU to the name o1 Florence specWc In your «dentoCouncll . The sun came out tlnally, u CalllotnJa Cbasnplon.tWp R.oeket CoolJnr u a natural. Her experi-Remember they are your terV· we saw the Eut End and the Poco SUck races to be held at enc:e and tralnlnr outdlltance anti, not your mutera.. Put a SlJde. Gu at Avalon. Even with the Oran~e County Fflr, ftartln~ any one that I can think of. She propoaJUon on the ballot to Umlt that extra 20 gallons It wu cut-Au~. 9. wu elected by write In u tre.. any and all ~dJtwft fot ad- tlng It too cl~. The water wu Qu~ eventl wUJ be held urer. In ~lte of all the rqed. vertlaJnr to ts,OOO a year. That'll blu~ and clear most of the way in the afternoon ot Aug. 9, 10, 11 blockl thrown In her path by the learp 'em, by heck. home. Chuck pulled the Ade. and 12. ChamplonshJpa In four clique abe eccepted and carried e MlfiAU. I VOGUTJO• quate alonplde the dock at 7:30. divisions wUJ ~ conducted Sat-out the duti• of treuurer for Did you hear •me of the • PAJlTIIEa IOVTII urday. Aug. 13, whJeh wUl be three yean, flrat without pay. eouncllmen aay that they knew we sure tried, anyhow. The 35-KldA', Day at the Fair. Captain then $50 a month, later $100 a t.be pinball machln.-pay oft? Mile Bank had a good going .Jet of 'IV will be ma.ater of cere. m?nth, finally $1.50. Did you hear our pollee chief say over. Of aU the boats In the area. moniH 'She was aurrounded by an that ''we probably all know pay. Ra~ "111 be conducted ~th aura ot reslatance and non-co. oU. are made"T Did you hear !_~oy ;.~lke eDos, lolnye hlaodnr-~nn.nectAweday· for boys and for M•ls with four operation, which she quietly en-our city attorney's advice to city £"" Dw u ... • dured and by her quiet attention councll not to retuae renew au down the line, outside of the Cor-dlvtaiona ln each caterory. First to her duties and pleasant and of plnball licenses becauae there onadoa, It was dJflerent. They division is open to all youngsters eutclent manner won her way Js now no Jeral ground to refuae did all right. The Paulerto II had below eight years of age; In the lnto the good graces of moat of the licenses. 60 aboard. for only hall a dozen second group are those from 8 to her fellow workers, not however This Jeada, to a suu•Uon for passengers. Probably a n e Y' 11; tbe third Includes those from the key men of the clique. ShaJl a aolutlon: Jtefua. to renew the achool moving up the line. Hope 11 to 14, and the senior dlvlalon I name names or just official po-license., or u lt'a too late tor they keep moving. This coming Includes 14 through 15 years. sltlons -the attorney, clerk and that. revoke tlf'em u belnr dml- week-end Is that mighty compe-Gold-plated pogo sticks wiJI be city manarer. mental to the welfa,. and mor- tltlon. the lOth Interclub Alba-awarded to the champions, "In addition to her official du. ala ot our citizens, especlally our core Tournament. at Avalon. I'd chrome plated sticks to the sec. ties she gave moat generoualy .of young people. Let the llceruse sure like to break In that n~ ond place winners and regular her tlrne and energy to Mayor holder, the Beach Amusement Sllaflex on something more ex. rocket sticks to those placing Dora HUI'a youth program. ln· Co., aue the city ll be waratl to clUng than a depth glider. third. eludlnr Easter Week. There has chalJenge thll action. That we I almost forgot. One m~mber never been the slightest question would like to ~-That would of the famiJy got llsh. It was Old ot her lndu.stry or Integrity. The give us ju.t the Investigation we Grumpy, the alligator. He's de. IJWMia .. llelr duties of clerk and treasurer want. veloped a taste for pin-head an. would be u routine to here u Wanta bet that he would chovtn---enoopy about anything C.tiiiJ• IIMrf ham and eggs to a qulc:k try aue?? Oops, I'm lOrry ... that el.w. We picked out all the pJn. r-' artist. would be rambllnr. heads before we dumped the Kiwanis President Roy Your-"I recommend her aolely <'n bait. Grumpy will be fat and stone, who has been at~ndlng merit, and I hope that my rec<'lm· su.sy u he makes his debut at the International Convention mendatlon will not prove to be the "Young Uns Zoo" up at Gene a handicap to her. She l.s nble Clark's Buffalo Ranch. By the held In Cleveland, will give a and willing to serve." way ... but that't another story. report on the convention at the There you are folks. It's dem • PaOOP U ADIWG noon meetJnr today (Thursday) seldom that a city hu an appU. Safe Opened, Nothing Taken of the Newport Harbor IOwanls 11 alW-.a ~-Friend "Finn," author of "Flab cant u we qu ~~:u u ~·· How th• front door of the Co-Club at the VUla Marina Restau. Cool Tails" ln the Santa Ana Inde-rant. Florence. Jnr. rona del Mar Travel .Afency et pendent, IJJ ,.porttnr mighty bl~ • A LOT OP ITDD1' 3532~ E. Cout Hwy. wu opened flah Jhese ~ SpeakJnr ot the -Pill& • ._. It's both amazlnr and rratlty. aloq lf1th the ..r. door after SolaDo. be IQII! Jl, •• 11M tOwr 0 Liiiid:t, 31 • -• • ....,. ina to IIDd tbat Oourwft..,... ~. a. boa ... 11ft liMit r=led .,..,. aalmon be tu. been taldnt wu u Ne--t lara ..., fiN lft tiM ••U r1 _. ....., MrCQ ,.-t ,.._ 1 •••· not a matt« ol ludr ... IUIIdaf w ~mow • lllUdl about tbe c1t7 e.a .._, ..... ad 11.000 . . . added to h11 collec::t.lon wd home of BtnrY G. Coon of 3'72) bud,et. 1bat allow. a lot ol WOfk m cbeelr.l ~ lrJ tbe tale undJa. another of the arne type we,rh· Ocftn Blvd.. C.Ona del Mar;;! ln a V«Yihort ttme. Tbey know turbed, poUee were told by bu. lng 251 Jbs." 7:38 p.m.. lune 29. The more about our flnanclal attain ineu 0 a M Past! Finn! Have It canned and charred cupboardl aver the .tove, right now than most CouncU Bufh• ":td~lne ~I~~:~ t e I'll take two cues! Better still, damaged wallpaper and wlndow members usually do ln a tour. Both I&Jd thav 1_.. t 1 na.d hav~ Jt boWed" 8Cfeen& year term. ~~ oaL a p.m.. an . . Do you know that at the returned at 2:30 p.m. to Ond the • budret hearing In 1951 there wu doon open. There were no pry Newport C··ty Budget Figures only one cltlzen In the audience mara. Nothtnr In the bulldlnr and that he uked Just one ques. wu dlstutbed. A.nothe member tlon In the 15 minutes that lt of the t1nn. Dorothy C. McKenna Following are the propoeed expenditures for 1955-.56 for the City of Newport Beach and the estimated lncome for the fiscal year. as listed In the budget p,.pared by the dty manarer. The budget wa• approved Jut week. with reductions ln t.be city clerk-treasurer bud· get and 1n the cont1n1ency, park. library, mtrement and bond funds. cvaaDrT EDEJIIK I'1JRD a'UDOEft aT DUAa1'KI.JnS liN-55 City Attorney ........................................... =-.. 13.590.00 BulldJng Department .............................. 34,994,00 City Clerk It City Treuurer ... -......... -:10,180.37 1151-M $ 13,482.80 took the Councll to rubber atamp of ~ w: <>c.an Front, New- the cJty manager'• p~ port linch. had taken the day budge. My, how tlmea have off. Sbe wu contacted and aald dlanged, and do we like It, but abe had not been ln all day. rood. Thll yeat'a budget hearing wu quite a thow, and boy, I never heard sweeter muaJc. To make It a complete success all the two end men needed were two other Council members In the aupport. lng rol~ to put thla eaaentJal UAQ TID DIGail The l ack Stabla returned late lut month to their former home at 501 Orchld Ave., Corona del Mar, alter maldng their home for a while at ~ St. lemea Pl., Clltf Haven. City Hall General ................................. _ 84.621.13 Electrical Department ............................ 35,446.00 38,115.00 19,.2S6.00 75,487.20 36,560.00 ----------~---------- Engt.neerlnr Department ........................ 17.984.00 Fire Department _................................. 138,375.00 AdmJnJatratJve ·-... --........................... 14.3H.OO Purchasing II Warehoualng ....... -....... 20,902.00 Pollee Department .............................. _.. 197,783.85 Street Department ............................. -288,030.00 Finance Department ................................ 22,938.00 Sewer Department _ ......... ·-·-·-----f0.2)0.00 Total Operattnr Budret .......... ........$ l'll.-.a5 Con~nct• ---·--.. -.. -·--.-.oo AL BUDGET ----·-..$ 965,7&35 Worklnr Fundi II Revolving Inventory Funch ____ ...... -152,736 . .62 18,012.00 155,860.00 15.980.80 24,079.00 240,167.00 322,782.00 21.(DC.OO 47,514.00 $1.028.2SI8.t0 40,000.00 $ I IIDS TH A T II A I W A TCHING ' the Navy! Nut. to this albacore TOTAL BUDGETED • racket! APPROPRIATED J'UNDS ... -$1.21B,SK.g7 tt...o.-.18 Funny, but evt'rywhere we TOTAL F1.TND8 AVAILABLE~ Sl.M0.8.11 trolled, that dumed ablp towtn~ ••• 1be follow1nr Bud~ have been Tf&Mferrecl ftom tht CVf. the target kept followtnr ua. ,.nt Experule Fund to l'und.a u ln~ated beJow-Tra.Oer Park Once Cordy aald '"''bere'a a to Traller Park Fund; l.Jfe Guard tO Park Fund; Park. ._dl • amall boat over there between Recreation Fund to Park Fund; Harbor Dept. to Submerfed that target and a destroyer-No. Land oU Fund. ' 723-yeah-right on schedule." · CUDDT D<fUD ~ The small boat wu us. But we Estimated Balance u of 8-30-M ' m.,a.oo weren't the:re long. •artllllted Ill u 1 1...,. Current ~ue hnd -··-···-.......... ..$ S58,C8>.52 31113,Jlf.f'f • aucz WITII Wilttt rrmns At 3 o'clock we rave up. 1be lut :10 p.llon..-tbe extra ~ were ln the tanb. We hadn't done a thlnr but ride, troll. eat, talk. nap and look. I looked t.hrourh the Adequate'• collet· Current Tu• ---~-··--.. -·-·-Tranaterred from Gu Tax Fund -l.t,:IOO.OO ~.fkle Total FuncSI .AvaJlable ---------·JlMl.-.. Buqe.t JJC5&...S6 1-.-.fO ·----• S73,0'70.!fl • . The Fllthfy Ba•~le Blr4 s.· •• bird of ,.-.,.,_al..,.-the aola.tblt ......... to IKttiilillli .... .... .,... M pat. qp a ,Dod IIPL eaa·~ ... w.,... to .-to.._.,..._ Sabatiall: 111M S,Mal • 4J'IIk*....,., coa...-t ,., to ret JOV beikl•l clalia.Ail .. ,.. 4Afolll .. ... _ ......... ...,.u. ...... .... ,.. ... Ia ...... -aila't ... tO ... ....... ,.... .......... . ' taD.,..,., JVL1' '· ... ltandanJ I b a d • CloUw and CUtoal Spedaldee e Dra~ Hardware • Venetian IUJldL • -!J. 8J,J;, f~Hfo.IN .......... •cau ... oaa.. .... ........... ,... ..... Baton Contest Is Set for Fair Jlarbor ~ baton twlrlen an lnvtte4 to partldpate In the 19SS Calttomla Station Champloosh.lp contest to be held ln conjunction with the Oranee County Falr, Auc.•t4. ' The atattr conte.t wUI deter. m.tM the junior and Mnl« cham. plona Who wlll comp.te ln tht National Conte.t at the St. Paul .............. ~ Winter Camlval In February, FEI ... _. 1956. , 1 -Dtvltlon cornpetltlona wtll start QMJIII' ..... YeJMIM Wednetday, Aug. 10. at the Fair. •••••U JlOWlda on Newport Blvd. be-aDd aU U1fiOif ,...__ • • • tween Santa Ana and Newport .,. ... ._ ,._ .. ......_ Beach. The charnptonahJp flnat. riCK Vf & DEUYDY and p?Hentatton of awards are ~eheduled fot Sunday, Aua. 14. BUD II 'I ~ TrophJ.. ana apeclal award• @ •• ....... ..._ . are ~ebeduled for Sunday, Aug. 14. Xewped .._. Trophl~ and ~lal awards ..._ .a will be oUered In the fully eta• 0.... Z..., Dar aWed contest. whJch Ia open to 'f..-.. • ,-,... both boys and gl:rls [rom tour years of age to over 15 yean. a. ........... . YARN SHOP rtn E. eo.t llltbwar Conea cW .... }lA 0157 Knitting, Crocheting and Needfepolnt Supp.Ues Knitting Baga Speclallzed Acceseories and Instructions BOV118 Mon. thru Sat. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Uadft Jlfew Naaa; eat IIAPPT DAY ICBOOL f• Wtul Polk 440 Heliotrope, Corona del Mar Harbor 4369 Mrs. lean Vaugl\n, director A Classif..d Ad i" TM Ensiqn brinqs immediate results! Cah Harbor 1114-111 S end S>I'O"• it I In addJtion to champlonahlp and division trophies, there wlll be Sw~pstakes awards to both boys and glrls for finest mastery of the baton. a seidel Soloist baton tor the twltler demonstra. tlng greatest showmanship, a Seidel Varsity baton for the con testant traveling farthest to par ticlpate, and a !'aid ICholarshlp to "Clinic in the Sky," a baton class ot the Ted Otis Majorette Studio under dlrectlon of Arloha Puzey, for the most o utstanding apprentice class twlrler. Judges will be recoenlzed a nd accredited by the National Baton Twirling Association and by the American Association of Contest ludges .. People have been wying ••• and · belt.Ying ..... YOU CAll DO BEllER at You bring the lcnmdry w. do the work ••• New Low Pric:" UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT WASHEREIIE ·-----.._;. ... --4------------------ MG11f cuuJ ~ewJd DADQ'OAirTDI POa IIDIIES'TIYS, .......... 1101 .. c..a Jtwy. al J "-1 c.-a del .... (Next to All American )(arketl ~:D~c::;;-, JIAUC)a ... • .A*IItsal&. .................. * .OAT aVIID tuDITOU J'ILLOWI DIIULA'nOII Wll ...... TBE FOUIEa Madellu LeV em Zerbe became the bride ot Boward PbWp M~ lD a home cenaoay JUDe 25. (MCiftle Price photo) Miss Madeline LeVan Zerbe Weds Howard Philip Malone A small wedding ceremony at groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. home followed by a reeeptlon Cor I Howa rd E. Malone or Uplands. 100 guests at the Balboa Bay Ca lif. His father. an army chap Club were special events for Miss lain. performed the wedding rites. Madeline LeVan Zerbe and How. After a h&neymoon in Yose ard Philip Malone. mite, the couple will make their The young couple were united home In San Francisco. The new In marriage at 1 p.m . ceremony Mrs. Malone has just graduated on June 25th. Madeline is the from Po mona College. Her hua daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. I band ls a graduate of San Diego LeVan Zerbe of Lido Isle. The State. Harbor High Students Win Top Honors in Many Fields At the close of the 25th annl versary year of Newport Harbor Union High School, Supt. Sldnpy H. Onvldson announces the hon· ors awarded to students. In boy's at hIe tIcs, Sunset League ChamptonshJps were won In Varsity and Junior Va rsity <:TOSS country with a record of 31 straight dual m~t victories. Sun- set IAaeue championships were also won ln Class C Basketball and Class C track. Champion· ships were won ln Varsity and B IIWlmmJng, Don ReddJngon, Don Beaty, and Tod WhJte were outstanding performers. winning state and national honors In awlmmlna. 1~ distance race, and the roUe run. For the second consecutive year Harbor High Future Farm· era recel~ the Master Chapter Award. The thlrd and fourth State Farmet" degrees In the hl&- tory ot the local sch'ool w<-re awarded to Gene Waggonet" and Jim Bath. OnJy 225 out of ~000 In the ata te of Calllornla rece)ved thla award. The IChool won Ute State Championship Citrus ludg-tn.a aaaln this year for the fourth thne. '11\e Future htmer Chapter was al!IO 5WeepslakH winner fOI' aU Juqlna evuta at tbe Loa An· Membftf ot Oran,e County"• AtmJ Rei«Ye unit. the 8217th Army ae.trve Service Unit. wUI report to Cam~ Bobesu July 17 tor tbelr annual two wwa ol •ununer tralnln&. Interested Oranae Counttans may attend camp wfth the S217th If they enllit by July 11. The 6217th headquarters meea every Girl Sc:outs Tu.-ctay nteht af Army RHerve Beadquartera. 1012 N. Main Sf .. Santa Ana. Members from the Harbor Area Include: j CORONA DEL MAR: Lt. Col. Chester F. Purcell. 433 Morning Canyon Rd., Lt. Col. Frederick C Hubt'r. 718 Marauerlte: Col. Rob ert 1. Heffner, 535 Hazel Dr.; Capt Frederick S Butterworth, 513 Poppy Ave. COSTA MESA: Lt. Col. Leo B. tn-los Rlos. 364 Flower ~t.; Maj. F. Fred All<-n. 461 E. 20th St.; Maj. Roy R. McCardle. P.O. Box More th-an 330 etrls partld Z72; lst Lt. John C. Cowenbergth . pated In Camp Panhandle, held 1~ Tustin Ave.; 1st Lt. Carlan L. Wetzt>l, 369 Broadway; Pfc. U:>e for one week near the Castaways R. ChrlstPnsen. 212 Santa Is.abell. Club for Newport Harbor Girl NEWPORT: Maj John L. Up Scouts and Brownies. A staff of ......... ~e ou.r cmnl Tou.r chert..daed poe•e••&olu Hart. Trallflr ISIIrap 2200 Jlfewport •• 9d.. Colta ..... Pb... E"Y-. & Sua. Uberty ~nDI.JIItrty 1-1511 50 adults helped out the girls in son. 404 Catalina Dr ; Maj. Rob this experience In out or doors ert J. ~alia('(>, 1512 W. Ocean living. Contributing to the sue .1 Front: C.tpt U>slle M Holbrook. cess of the week wu the nu~ry 1509 .36th St ; l'>t Lt Ralph K .Betz. ror 10 small children ot part lei 4407 St>ao;h,nP Dr ; lst LL Jack E.'------------King. 30 Balboa Coves; Pfc.l --• patlng mothers. ' I St('phPn A Sallor11. 315 Catalina For le~s. envelopes ~ The last day of camping was Dr THE ENSIGN. HA-1114 June 24. Twenty-thret> units, with ;;.-~=:n=:=:n:J::=::J:::==:=:=:=::==:=::=:t::==::r:::i~~ 23 camp Ures. prepared their din I I~ • Ill .IIOIIC1HY Offa, SIYI SPICIAL IR •OIITIIIWua-•111 ntor. At 7 p.m. the entJre camp as 1 sembled to see the flag lowered. then held an aU camp program around a tremendous camp fire. Skits were given by Individual units, and group singing waa lP<I by the older Girl Scout& P)Jrv 1 Pullen I Dr. Horatio Q. BlMWth I GUAlAHTEfO .GAJNST lltfAKAGr entertained with his bird lmita I tlons and ventriloquist act. Each ot the gltls received a snapshot of her own unit from Mrs. Sam HUI, the camp photo grapher. PICKIC WEDifESDAT The Friendly Service Group of the Women's Fellowship, Corona l del Mar Community Church , \\111 hold a picnic at 12:30 p m Wednesday, July 13. at the hom<- of Mrs. Robert Kinsman, 231 Larkspur Ave. CIJU.S FOa EJKUCRJS A daughter, Beverly Gayle. was I born to Mr. and Mrs. Gt>orge Kl kuchl of 525 FuliPrton Av<-. New port Heights. In Hoag Memorial Hospital on Friday, June 2.J. XITCBELLS GET ClBL I A daughter. Mauret>n Agnes. was born to Mr. and Mrs. Francis Mitchell of 400 HeUotrope Ave., Corona del Mar, on Friday, lu.ne 24. In Hoag Memorial H01pltal . • I pc. tetvlce '-' 2' ...ay 5 49 If perfect, woukt be $8.40 • • Su,.,tt do.k ..... -rid. •-'tht • Lasting fultre, luxurious ..., • Talr" the h.rdest wear l• lltride • pc. ... COI'Itvlm 2 eodt' dlnn•r '*"-· cvpe, ~ bNod and bvn.n Get two or -leb oftd ..;. or -'Ch lt!eM colon: ~ G..-, GoWeft Y ... low, Cron~ -..:1, foNstGf'MII,S.O..Gnry. Crow• Ha~ware • We ca .. erowa stam.,. • '1(/7 Ealrt c.a.t Jli91away COaOl'A DEL KU America's happiest birthday! This July Fourth, America celebrates its I 79th binbday. I ndependencc Day. we ca II 1t. because on this day. in 1776. the tJwtee:n colonies declared thenuelves a free nation of free men. But sbouJd American' sfncle out any one particular day as I ndependcncc Day 7 In this ~t land of liberty. isn't ~'Y''J' dayln4epcodcnce Day1 Every day we are free to speak our mind. Every day we are free to read wt\At we want to read. E\-'U)' day "'e are free to'" orship a we want to wonbip. Every day we liYe in a land of pea~ and load W'ill-,a land that ~ the Gocl-p~ ~ of ad\ human t-an& Poe all ow Ct.OO.U.. fCII' aD our blelli.np. we bekl.e that Amc:ric:aru ~thoU! be de¥outJy ptef'LLI-DOC only ~ Atoeric:a •• birthday. but 36S clays a y.r. CounctlmaD Lii-. wua. llu ... pocted 'to ~ llfaVal Air StatiOft •t Oaklan41 tQr b.LI ..... ul two w,eka ot ~ duty u a Naval ae.erve otfkeo. He 1.1 aervln1 u a~nlstraUve ot.flcer with a Bellocopter Squadroo. The tour ot duty will t'OnUnue until July 17, wbJc:b mean.e that he'll mlaa tbe l uly 11 City Coun. ell meet1n1. Councilman ·WUder 1s a World War U Navy veteran and bolda the rank ot Com- mander. A Classified Ad in The Ension brings immediate resulisl Cal Harbor 1114-1 II 5 and orove itt * DELICATE P.Dm£1 * aEADED CIDd LACE GADIEJn'S * '10 , ... , EQeriiHe Perflllllc ........ Cle11i11 Craft•••W," e DRY CLEANJNG e KNIT ILOCIONG e DYEJNG e HAND PRESSING e LAUNDRY SERVICE e ALTERATIONS, REPAIRING * * * * * C&pt. llorrll C. PortM', WhOM Captaift Poi'W, IOD of Mr. an4 wtte, Patlteta, Uvea at 425 8el lin. Earle II. l"ofW, tm w.t Vue lane, Balboa, recently wu Dr .• San lfartoo ,holda the SUver paduatecl from tbe ueodate Star Bronze Star )ledal and th• U'llkJr oasc:. advanced coune at Purple Heart. Be wu lfa duated the Armofect Scbool, Fort Knoa, from New Meldeo KUltary Jn.ltl· K)'. tute In 1JK2. • •••••••••••••••• • OUAIAMtll • • c:·.::eow'=ti.r, : .. ""'fr _ ..... ............ ,...... . ...... ._..,. . • •••••••••••••••• COM A KL Mil PIAIIICY Teachers tor the Vacation .,... flu lsliJ• ,. 1- Church School to ~ held July A craft talk on the bakeJy buat· ~ ~ ..... l .,d, Pbyllll ~· .,. Owner of Cu~ C ke I k ry Gives Talk to Zont Cll.lb 11·22 at the Balboa Island Com-nHS and bet auoclatlon w1th '' Q\lnlap. CadlJee, eo•eman and .. _ ~n~~~Ch~~~~~%-~-~~:~~~,~~~~P~~~~~~~~~~~~m~~~~~~~·~·~~~-~~~~~~~~~5~~~~-~~~~ announced this week by MIS. owner ot Cu~ C&ke a.Jtery, at til• • ~:;;;,~;~~~~?§~?!~~]Light iheir life with IJiih~fiA Clyde S h 0 0 t e r • Mrs. Robert the initiation of Helen Trotter, .J U ,. -~inau. Mrs. Edward Frueban. Newport Beach physician and and MrL Sapp. Woddne with the pediatrician, and vera Johnson junior department wUI be Mrs. of Balboa Island, jewelry store P. F. Baines, Mrs. Matthew V. owner. Waldellcb. Mra. Wayland Dun-Dr. Helen Robertson preelded ham, and Rev. Donald G. Sapp. over the business meettne. Prizes Assistant workers wUJ be Mrs. ot special hand-loomed English Dean Gorton and Whltney Baines. stoles were awarded to Lynda ' Tbe achool will be hel4 from Fine and Helen Stockton. <;>ther 9 a.m. until 12 on Monday door prl.zes were w~m by Marearet throueb Friday ot the two-week Reinert. Frances Mears. l.ucy period. The primary study unit Angell, Florence Cooling and Dr. will be "Love Another." The jun-Robertson. IT. AJrDUWI , rD11T UIKIOI.Y or QOD I'DD'rTDIAif caoaca 11114 st. \C:i A.._ c......._ 15th St. lr St. Andrews Rd.. 14'111 .... ........ lcMol ..... ...s.. a.k, .... Liberty 1-lm Sun-School: 9:30 a.m. Wor· ,__, a... 1--~ l t.wal't ahJp: 10:55 a.m. and evanplllt SUNDAY: Momtn1 worahlp, 9:30 service, 7:30p.m. Youn• People and 11 a.m.; Church School, and Cblldren'a Service, 6:30 9:30 and 11:00; Jr. HIJb, Sr. p.m. S un. KJd-week Service: Hi&h and colle1e age Fellow-Wedneeday, 7:30 p.m. Ladles' ships. 7 p.m.; Thursday, Prayer, MlaaJonary Council, Thursdays study croup, 9:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. foe all day. iors wUI study "Llvtne and Work-Guests of the evening included C:OIDIV1IJT1' IIZ'I'IIODJIT .....,. Nl'lll'l' cauiiCII ..... ._& ... tltMJptl .. .... c:.at =-· Sun~ s.wte.: t :e a.m. lwl4u Sebool; 11 IUD. WCII"'blp ~· 6:10 ' .m .. 8agUit Tr~ bnlon: :30 p.m.. ~ Service. We4MitdaJ: '7:10 p.m.. hayw, Pral8e and Bible StuciJ. Moo· da.y : 7:30 p.m. lfea'a Cborua pra etlec ; I~ ~ lien'• Prqer Meetlq. . lng Toeether as Cbrl.stlans.." The MrL Adrlanna vanderbure ot • w. lltll lt.. c.ter .._. S&v&Jil'W DAY ADVDIDI Opla I ..._ to 5•• p.a.. ~· U :JO p.m. program wtll Include rellglous In-Costa Mesa, mother of Mrs. Liberty l.a5l ·~ IU9'CL at --:=-lt.. a.~ c:o-t Jlwy .. _..... &.a llaDk. Conaa del Mar structlon. music. drama, creative Howes. Mrs. Cornelia Nichola ot ...,. 1.....-W. Met••• = = caua:a o. ova LADY or arr. CI8MPL 1 .................. ...... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a~c~tJ~~~U;es,~an;d~r~~~e~ati~o~n~.=-~~~~~ot~~.-:9~~~~· ~~L-·~ = ~~e.,.,·~d Mia Oua.dne H¢1· day ~L fi! ~711:00 Saturday Momlne Servfoes: Sab · ton. •eaWatfve MCretary to As-~-n· :--~"\ai f:l"..; bath Sdlool: 9:30 a.m. -Ser· b~bb'man Earl Stanley at Sac-~'"Scbool KYr ; mon: 11:00 a.m. Prayer .meet- A ramento. ~.m.. youn1 adulta eroup lne: Wednesday, 8:00 p.m. ---=:, rat~Mw~,....., r.._ ,.._, Sunday 11:.:!.: :00 and 10:00 and U:30 a..m. Oonfeulon: lat· urdaya and eva. ot 1M l'rtc!aya and Holy Da.Y8 ~ f :OO to 5:30 p.m. and from '7~ to~ p.m. Dally ,.._ 8:00 a.m. J'rtday: 1 :30 a.m. and 6:00p.m. !If oven a (Perpetual H•p>: 1\te.day, 7:45 p.m. J'tahermen'a 11...., July and Aueut, Sunday 'a.m. FOR YOU You receive an aHradive, guaranteed Travel Alarm Clock Ire. when you open your new savings account of $1,000 or more. A handsome genuine leather billfold (either man's or lady's) is yours frH when you open your new Iovings account of $500 or more. ACI' 'IOIJAYI Offer" ............... each ........... lxphiJvlri1,19.U ...,, .., ,.. .......... c... ....... ¢11 1 .... -............. $10-"' ... ...... s..,. .... &..... ......... c..-···· l. ...... ,.. .................... 4 ..... ,..., .. yew ... ,.... CMtll••• s..,. ~ ... -..11, JIMe 10, I•J••••• JQ,...., lit.._ fw .... Clwll -.Dna •• 20. I. y.., _.. ... 18 ......... _.._ ,._., ..... "'-'• ..... 2SO,. ...... .., ......... k ....... ~ ... ., .. .., ... "' ...... ;.. ,., ,...... .... ..,.. .......... ,.., ............. _.... ,. d•" ................. ., ~ .. ,.._... .. ..., .............................. . c...,.,., .... ....., ...... ...... , ...... -.................. . Dtnner wu ~ed by a com-service - mJttee includlne Mrs. Reinert. • _ CIIVliCB of a..·KAU•uq CIIJIJI1UJI saEIICK ~ "Speak unto all the con~ga. tlon of the cblldrerl of Israel. and say unto tbem. Ye aball ~ boJy: toe I the Lord yow Cod am holy." Thll vert. ~ J.evttlcua (19:2> -~ be ~ Golctea Tat of ~~ I I • ........ a\ .. I \.U· 11ual COCIMII"""--"ice a& U.e l(ewport -dl Qurdl a( C1lNt. Sdentfltt. Sunday. Sacrament 1.1 tbe subject. 'nlla communion leC'Ylce wtll ~ Jesus' proof ot eternal I~ FIIST c ... w CHIJST A ~J"lt :-~ct.-: 1\e FitYt ctlurch of Christ, Sdetttitt, l11 '- ~-............ c:.t. ·-,... j:IIV~ or ql@il ,__a .... c:u.. 1f1m_. 1-Clnld lt.. c.tll ..... ~ 1-7111 Laartr ....Y Sunday Servtc:ee: Sunday Sdlool. D. a..~ *· • 9·30 a.m. Mom.tn1 Wonb.lp at Sunday~: ~:4!5 a.m. Bible 10:30 a.m. Ev&J\iela.tle Serv· R'udy; ll a.~~ wor-Ice, 7 p.m. Sunilay. N.Y.P.S .• g ; a:q ~-1 p.m. SUD-; Pta)'er meeune. ...... 1 ~ 1~ p.m. • ........,. . . ---....... ~, .,.,. '*-or-........ l ,. Ys. l.lde. ·~ .... -~· ....... Ina a.m. ~ ~b ~ Scbool: 9:15 a.m.. SuD· ft JAIDI-DIIC0.AL "-~ft.. "-1 Scrvl ee: 11:00 a.~n; -ft."*" ••§i!DUt .._. Sunda7 Semee.: 9:45 fl.m. ble W~ ~ Meettn~. ..,._ •• lt1id1 ; 10:55 a.m. ~t~ terY· f.i~ ~~ ~~ ~n 1~ .... lelia & ._... ...._ lee; 7~ p.m. evenin• ~oe. a.m.-5 p.m. week daya. 10 a.m.· Sundq Mnlca: 1 :30 a.m. Holy · 7:45 p.m. Wectneldaya. 7-9 p.m. Communion. 1 :30 a.m. Sundv Jl'rtda.J eventnra. llcll~; I~ -... m o r n I n 1 ~ prayer and 8ermon, U a.m. CIUIW"t LUTirJrUJf CIIUaCII wonblp aervtce. 'l'!l~ay Serv. OF COSTA IIDA left: 9:15 a.m. Praret Gulld; ton, M...aiiMtt.. Sun4ey Sdlool t :1s • .1'1\. ..--r Sundey S.I'Yice I I :00 e.m. Wed11etd•y M~ftCJ ~-tin9 1:00 ~.rn. ~••di119 ltoom ltxeted et ))15 Vie Lido. N•wport S..ch. It ope11 -• deys f10m 10:00 •·"'· to 5:00 p.m~ Wed~~etdeys from 10:00 e.m. to 7:45 p.m. Fridey -~~incJ• from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Su11dey •ftemoons 2 to 5 p.m. Closed Holide)". The p41blic lc cotdlelly imrited to et- t•IICI the churdl •I'Yic.. .M -the R .. di11q Room. DIRECTORY Frlendl11fe!Pbodl~ s.vtce Parkes-Ridley Mortuary J'OI"'DDrl1 Grauel Oaaptl 110 Broadw~ U 1-aaa a a.MM Oolta M- NOW ... TWO BALTZ MORTUARIES lervln• tbe llarbcw ANa Baltz Mortuary CHAPEL BY 1'R1 8&A Harbor a· ~&.IIJI:r~ Balti Maiuary u~ .. 2111 1111 a .. ..-. o.ta .._- =toe.~ ...... .... .., ~ c.ra.oa Sunday Worahlp, 9:30 and 11 a.m . Church School: 9:30 a.m. Kid- week MeeUne: 7:00 p.m. Wed- nesday preceded by 6:15 p.m. potluck. IT. 10ACIIDI CIIUac& liM Or-...._ C.... ..... Ubelty .. 1.1 r..._~1.•..ta I~ M 11t 7, L I. 11 ..S 11:30 a.m. Weekdar-: w .. at 1:00 a .m.-Confemlon : Satur· daya from f :OO to 5:15-7:00 to 8:30 p .m. (..._._. IJMCI) 10:30 Boty Communion. A•td-....._ llcdL c:.t. II.. IT. JOIIIf YIAII1fn ......... Lotbar TGIIIOIW lit ....... Aftw ....... lda4 Sunday Services: Worahfp Serv· IIA.,.. lilt ~~:J a-:: Sun-School at r~!i;JF' "::-' co~~~ ... US =Aft..= s.._. ... = ........ Sunday Services: 9:30 a . m. Church Sdloolj_ 9:~ and 11:00 a.m. WonbJp ~- su&dq Ma ua: '7:00 a.m. a t :OO ~~i~u~ Daya; 7:30 to 8:30 p.m.; First J'rtday M.. 8 a.m. Summer Mau, .July and Auf\18l Sunday, 11 a.m. , ' " t80iiDA'I'. JUl. 'I' f. a• • IT~~~~~,.. haw Elizabeth Mashburn Married moved trom eu K. Bq Ptont, to 213 Ruby Aw..lala.oa lal~ To ,.Carleton M. Mears Jr. M=w• ...,_._.- .. "-Ultle 'hill BA,,'I' DA'I' ICMOOL 440 Heliotrope. Oarou cW liar Harbor a. lin.. lean Vaul)m, 41reet« lAY IT WITII OU with a baa& on the Fourtb .,_ man. and uahen w.ere Doft • o1 July I« a boeeymoon In Ha. aiel Knipp aACl WWiam Sldlea ol wall weat llr. ancl Mn. Carleton eo.ta M.a. WUllam &abbltt o1 M.. Mean Jr .. who were married lalbM aDd Echirard Mulder o1 In a late atternoon Hremony on to. Anplee. SUnday, July 3, at Chl'l8t Clu:reh Pew bouquets of plnk and b7 tbe Sea. White .tocb and matddq uttn The bride Ia the former KIM ribbons cleeorated thet church Jmzabetb Ann KUhbum. daUth· aloq with candelabra ot white t.er of Mr. and Kn. Charles eandl-. Ptnk and white color Mubbum of l(untlneton Beach. eeheme wu u.ed In Goodell Hall. Mr. and Kn. Carleton Mears of too, where a reception wu held 332 N. l{ewport Blvd., Newport followtnc the double rtnr cere. Hel&hU. are the parent. of the mony. IJOOm. Receiving ruesu wu M.ra. A lon&·tono cown In tradition. Mashburn In a blue lace and a1 white w_. worn by the bride. tulle d.re;ss of waltz length and 'nle fitted lace bodice had a ec&l· three-quarter lenath sleeves. She loped aweetheart neckline. Folds wore a sequin covered hat and of tulle over tatfeta formed the vell and a .corsage ot pl.Qk rose- full ald:rt. A ftncerttp veU wu buds. Pink rosebuds wde alJIO ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ caupt to a lullet cap eca~ worn by the croom's mother · r wtth pea.rl.a. She carried a bou· whose ~ wu aqua taffeta n1DD1 Of 101. JACK COU oi ......._ Jdad ,.._.._.at a Conecti•• Ma-zve ....... a. Bal'boa Ialcmd Ma.age Parlor lUl/a A..-. lcdboa laJaD4 .............. adl Jlarbw ISG-W w Jlarbw all quet of wbJte ra.e buda. with bracelet length sleeves and laaetl•• Cit a..ra lila J ... D • aoa v.,... ,_ ._. ca.IDcJ Her ltstet, Mra. l ames Wat.on a pink sequin hat. -....ad U.. W'Odd trtp. a..-.--. left to dgbt. xa. JMa Abell. of Buntlneton Beach, wu the After more tban a month in lin. J, C:.L lln.llalpla T ..... *J ..... Cora. lin. 1--JlolLl. mal. d of b or and Mla Sally . . ckf, lin. ._..... Wialtle, lin. Jolaa WU.O.. lin. a.y lotdoccl on • anl f HawaU, the bride and groom will ad 11n. PJaak rr11a-. (Terry......_ pboto) Backu.a and Darole St ey 0 return to the Harbor tor a tew C:: Huntington Beach arved u weeks before establlshJ.ng a born. • brldeanalds. All were identicall~ In Brea. Two Newcomers Introduced d.rdJuu d -~th plnkt hin~h-·d The bride Is a graduate of h h esses ""' ma c • ~ · Sch 1 At c ~ c •J ~ J • pteees and canted ptnk and ~::~~~ed~:n;tg~ ~. UrC OUnCI Meeting white bouquets. Little Virginia lege and the University of CaJI. Slaght of Huntington Beach tomla at Berkeley before recelv-served as Oower girl. CLA Robert Erickson of Duarte was lng her degree at U . Newcomers introduced at the June 28 meeting of the Newport Harbor Council of Churches were Rev. John Parke. the new rector of St. James Episcopal Church, and Miss Mavis Koenig. summer parish worker at the Newport Harbor Lutheran Church. pastor of the Assembly of Cod Church, Costa Mesa. and presl dent ot the Council of Churches. The next meeting will be Sept. 27 at the Bible College. Opening Speeial Carleton Is a graauate of New· port Ha rbor High School, Orange Coast College and the University of California where he received his degree ln mechanical en. glneerlng. He Is now employed at North American Aviation In Downey. His bride plans to teach at Brea next fall. .. The Civic Relations Committee headed by Rev. Donald Sapp of the Balboa Island Communlry Methodist C h u r c h announced that It has prepared Interfaith table grace cards designed for eating places throughout the Harbor Area. Plan Wedding In September Regular S15. Fashion wa.e __ J10 Tlntf;d and bleached halt slightly higher. • • • ofsodal note aaocu BETUU DAR to Hold Fund Raiser The CoJ. Wllllam Cabell Chap. ter of the Dauchter of the Amerf. c:a.n Revolution wUl hold their fa.ll luncheon ta.ahJon abow on Sept. 28. Plans fcx this one fund ral•ing event ot tbe year w~ made at a brunch meetinc held at the home of Mn. A. L. Pinkley ot Costa Mesa June 28. Attending were Mra. W. B. Tritt. regent; Mrs. George Buccola, M.ra. Don Hart. Mrs. Robert Keppen. Mrs. B. M . Adrian. Mrs . .James Taylor, Mrs. A. E. Stockton. Mrs. LHter VIerling, Mrs. C. F. Landers. Mra. W. E. Fisher. Mrs. Helmer Dickey, Mrs. Lee Barnea and Mra.. Anne Harbeson. The S D Brock family have re. Mrs. L. L. Isbell of Balboa and turned to Corona del Mar after Mrs. Wayne Harper of Shore more than a year ln Downey. Cllff.s presided at the tea tables Formerly residents of Orc:htd for the June tea of the women's Ave .. the Brocks are now living division of the Santa Ana Coun. at 513 Marguerite, Corona del try Club. Mrs. Walter Spicer of Mar. Harbor Island and Mrs. Leon Yale ot Beacon Bay received Read the Ensign Want Ad page. guests. FURNITURE INTERIOR DECORATION 8AlJIOA lSLAJID 214 Kartae A ..... llclrbclw 1SC7 C0110RA DEL KAB 2MB E. Coast JliPwcry-llarbw %r1 BessDBirFashions The meeting was held at Christ Church by the Sea. New port. Newport Circle members served luncheon. Rev. Roy Carl. A small reception for Dr. John son. host past6r. led ln a devo. Plans toe a September wed ding are being made by Miss Elizabeth Prlzio ol Santa Ana and Ronald Othmer ol Balboa. The bride to be is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Prlz.lo. Ronnie. a graduate of Newport Harbor High School. ls the son ~================:::::::::::;;;;;;;;~ of Mrs. Marloe Othmer of Balboa - ,_ E. Coast 11191nray Pbooe:· BCII'bw 4014 opee Wedawdcry .....mg by appo&ama.t and Richard Othmer of Newport Beach. Nett was held June 24 from 4 tlonal service and presented the p.m. to 6 p.m. to say bon voyage story of the Methodist Church. to the Dr .. who lett by plane Mon. telling of ita beginnings. leaders. NOVE FBON ln:WPOBT day. June 27 for Switzerland. The doctrine and growth. The Jesse R. Skeens have Orange Coast College professor will spend the summer studying Pres l d l n g at the business I moved from Newport to Morro In Europe. ~m~ee~t~ln~g~w~a~s~Re~v~.~M~·~C~.~Cr~o~n~lc~.~8~a~y~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . . . ~ If you want comparative views on where to live In the Harbor Area, ask the Harold Chri.stler family, who have just moved from 127 VIa Nice, lJdo Isle, to 808 St. Jame. Place, ClUf Haven. ..,.. ~ llaw ... CllllrDM prop& ty aD4 lived lD .wral 4Jt. terent ~ 011 Balboa bland and abo had a dlmJnutJve farm In the Back Bay area. Bu.siness- wise they are located on Balboa Island and ln Corona del Mar. acony. II Beach & Boulevard • • • Vee "Monson has moved to Co rona del Mar from her Udo home at 654 Via Lido Nord. She's now at 720 Narcissus Ave. • • • School ma'arm Virginia Esco- bar has moved from 410 E. 15th St .• Newport, to 412 Signal Rd., Clllt Haven. • • • 11011'1'1 AJfl) CASUAL WEAB The Ralph Hoyles have tor· -L ... ___. ahd. w __ 1ec1c1a 111'att ~~~~~ saken Lido Isle for Balboa Island -~~ --this summer. They've moved ~;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;~~~~~~~~~~;;;;~~~~~:;;~ h'om 101 VIa Cordova to 202 Gar-P net Ave., Balboa Island, waiting TIE VEIY lEST. I •• DINING ••• ~ .DANCING •••• COCKTAILS. * • • • FUU. COU'a& DIII•Ea IDYEO 'TILL 11 •.x. 111111 ........ ,., I ~ ... * New Menu IDc:ludMitalicm Delieac:i• * .. ., •••...-e r... Oar ... r ...... VKAL ICALLOftlfl e LAIAGIIA e ftiZA 2260 Harl.cw Bo.J..ud • Co.ta 14-. c.J;'··· DANCING .-1 UI!Z I ... •••I• for the completion ot the home Ralph Ia building In the new subdivision on Bayside Dr. near the Harbor Dept. • • • The seemingly bouncing Smith Newberrys are planning to "set, apiece" In their new location at 4C11 Kings Pl., CUff Haven. Origi- nally at 601 Lido Nord. Udo Isle. the Newberrys were also rest. dents at 504 36th St., Newport. until their present location was ready for them. • • • Forgot to mention the wee note from Evelyn Lee Rodgers. whom everyone remembers from all her a~vtties when the family lived In the Harbor area. She writes that their whole family enjoys tbe Ensign, isn't that nice! • • • Newlyweds Mr. and Mrs. Claud Harmon have deserted the Har. bor area tor ScenJc Drive In Santa Barbara. Mrs. Hannon, the former-Gladya Brothers, lived at 122 Pearl Ave., Balboa laland. unW recently. She wu married mld.teachlq 110 ft.nlshed out the eehool ,_, before ta.kln& up per. manent ,...denc:e In Santa Bar· bar&. 'Sped the Hannons will llt11J wander Rarbor.wt..e f« lm· portant partt-. bowewr. • • • 'IV 'J'DIPTERS: 'Ibe Renda- voua lal1room » h~ the b~ time with Otannel 4 broadcalta on W~ ••• Aweek&eD Gene aartt and bJ.I baby w . taloe ,..._ the )If~ llarbor autralo JlaDcla ,... MtuNd oa ClalftM' t. • • • "' feel lJb ~ -leelfwed "" ...... .,.u.· Mid Jln. v~ • ..............,..,...._ot1Mr -·• cradu.atloa a._..._ fcdU. . • • • It's a real party-at O'BRIEN'S willl .. replar fill ... ,..•Illite IIIIIMII • • IIIII tf H ..... cat! DRESSES Street, CtcMIIII Fe ... l, lise l1ill NCJUlal' 14.95 to 29.95 8.95 to 12.95 14.95 to 19.95 17.95 to 25.00 29.95 25.00 to 45.00 35 .00 to 39.95 45.00 49.95 to 55 .00 59 95 to 65.00 '79.95 to 125.00 IICIJe 5.00 4.88 to 7.88 8.88 to 12..88 10.88 17.88 14.88 to 19.88 19.88 to 22.88 26.88 29.99 3S.OO to 39.88 ·36..88 to 70.88 SWElTERS indudes wools* orlona* cashmeres and hand mades 3.95 to 10.95 6.95 to 7.95 17.95 to 25.95 2..88 to 5.88 (.88 10.88 to 1 (.88 IB.TS . A large aelection 1.95 to 14.95 SOc to 8.88 1.95 to 2.50 9.95 to 10.95 14.95 to 35.00 liSE 1.35 to 1.90 othera to l8c: 5.11 to 6.88 ua to 1s.a SUITS revalar ..... 25 00 to 125 00 14..88 to 69.88 COlTS a few priced to clear SIIITS 8 95 to 19 95 5.00 10 95 to 19.95 6.88 to 10.88 15 95 to 22 95 8.88 to 13.88 29 95 to 35 00 1 (.88 to 19.88 BLOUSES 4 95 to ... 95 1.00 5 95 to 7 95 2..88 to 3.88 7 95 to 14 95 (.88 14 95 to 11 95 5.88 to 6.88 s••rs 12 95 7.88 PUlSES 5 00 1.00 12.95 3.88 7.95 to 12.95 3.88 to 7.88 10 95 to 12.95 (.88 SUPS 6 95 1.88 to 5.88 4.95 to 6 95 .3.88 to U8 IIWal P. Ia, PEtt•TS. _. PlliiES 1111••• II .. GLOVES cmcl RATS ...... DaiiF redDced CONE Ill Aim IIEI.P us 9 S.. our lie & 50e ta=Ww • • au.&. IITATII Vogel Value ... Ill .. ... OnlY 119!50 down lind prlcM at • new "'low, low'' price ot t8,500. VKf large llvtng room with a unJque fire. place. Plenty of room tor another unit. Call earlY and beat the •peculatols to thla one. THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E. COAST BWY. HARBOR 1741 CORONA DEL MAll HARBOR 14TI "Half-Way to Heaven .. "START LIVING" IMMEDIATELY, IN •. ,., .. ,........., • P1 IM ...... Owner bu l~red price tow 1mmedJate sale ol thll dll· UnctJve Balboa Island 2-bed- room home. Attractive furnlahJnp, beam ceiling, real fireplace, din. lng room, delightful patio. SEE TillS TODAY Tenns Available ISLAND RULn CO. . OG.IIU, ~-. -du· :::: OROAN. Slllhtl)l Another Hassle Is Due tla. • blw~. ~ tlr Wlfd. Good bl• aavlnr. Another ler .:;.t. b:o.ctw~~· ... ~~~ttN:::.o.b: Over Ciity·y,ra•l Dg.L M6:i:IR apa.rtmenu UKI room.a orran ever)one ~an play. J)anz.. ~~ (='I Ill wtU. llrivate bath, ~ wttb &9\midt Plano Co.. MO No. prtvate ba.lconJee. overlooklnr M&Jn, Santa Ana. CContJnuec1 trom Pare 1 ) enue, $30 per eeuon per meter, har* and oeean, hall block TWO 80 foot StanClaid Po.ter Park; pl&M No. 8 and 4 do not 15.480. to beach; daUy, weekly or Boarda wtth remoVable end provide tor a pubUc beach.. Here • ft.AII •o..a m ontb..ly rate.. Th• Pallnde8, paneJ.a. Orl.lnal eo.t. $1 000 are the four plana: Total of 1.2'7 traJier 11tel, roJnr 2!500 SeaView, CDM. each. Make otter. Can be -n e ft.AJI wo. a all the way back to Balboa Blvd. A'n'lt.ACl'IVE aleeplnr room 1. by application at 1800 w. Cout Total of N traller aJtes, gotng and extend In• Weet«riJ around kJtchen prlvller•• 11 desired, HJebway, Newport Beach. IJb· all the way back to Balboa Blvd. Girl Scout Hou• and Tar Pit to $28 a week. Halt block to erty 8-1155. Public beach 8 feet wide tor 18th Sl Public beach, aiO teet beach. The Pall.ades, 2500 Sea-SPINET PIANO BeautUul about 1.000 people westerly of wide, wHterly ot. preeent traUer view, CDM. and tone. LitUe used. Save~:: the tlaUer patk. ParkJng for 182 park. Parktnr f~r 23 can baet of FURNISHED ROOM for lady tn $100 on thll Another bargain cars behind the public be~. PUblic beaeh. private CDM ~ome for July Mirror type · Spinet o~ly $295: eo.t of preparing, Imp vlng eo.t of prepar_lnr and lmprov. and AUf. Very reas. HA 2412.J. Many other wo nderful buys. site, 178,600; coet of acquJ.r g 525 lnr atte, $96,58:5, co.t of acqulr- HOUSE FOR RENT· 224 Lid Danz.Scbmtdt Music Co 520 feet of Pacific Elect:rtc property lnr 525 feet of P. E. property at • · 0 N M 1 s ·• at $12> a foot, t&J,OOO. eo.t ot $l2l a foot. t&J,OOO. Nord, Udo lsJe, $1500. per mo. 0 • a n. ant& Ana. AJways 182 car spaces $9100· C08t of 91 Anticipated revenue: 23 bay Call Webster 4-0920 or Brlahton lOO pianos! double head ' p.:,kl~g meters, .hont lots at 180 a month, Jl.&CO; 0.4547. ORGAIJ. Electronic! Used but In $9,100. 40 lnalde lots a t $60 a month, IRVINE TERRACE 498 Park. Balboa Island RA 3'T1 A'M'RACT. OCEAN VIEW 1-bedr. excellent condJtJon. Tw~ man. ,f.ntlclpated revenue: 16 bay 13.400; 64 Inside Iota at $!50 a apt.. partially turn. $75 mo. uaJs. Fine tor church or home. front lou and 180 a month, month, $3.200; total $7,440 a OVERLOOKING THE BEAUTIFUL "SMOG-FREE" YACHTING CENTER OF NEWPORT HARBOR "Southern Callfornla's Most Beautltul Subdivision" Tomorrow's Dream-Today! WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO INSPECT COMPLETED OUR DISTINCTIVE FURNISHED MODEL HOMES AND OTHERS UNDER CONSTR0CTION NINE DIVERSIFIED FLOOR PLANS To the home buyer who wishes to purchase In the $20,000 to $30.000 class we sincerely recommend the Irvine Estates overlooking Newport Harbor. These homes feature Calltornla living. Offered e~elu­slvely through Earl W. Stanley In a Smog-Free area known as Irvine Terrace--on Coast Highway opposite the new Irvine Coast Country Club, Newport Harbor. * For recommendation, we refer you to anyone who boJds a Leasehold Estate In Irvine Terrace. Earl W. Stanley EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor 4448 For Further Intormatlon OPEl HOUSE DAILY AT 380 '"" ,, ............ Not onJy 11 t.1lU a house wftb a wide ~an view but It Is architecturally designed tor the most convenJent In-door-outdoor Jiving. Artt.tlcally landscaped with an eye Cor easy maintenance. 2-bedrs. plus den, 2 baths, wood panelling, lovely fireplace, etc. Entire House and Lot, $29.500 TERMS. Liberty 8-5231 Harbor 1329-W WE WILL BUILD 01 YOUR LOT A 1244 SQ. n. 3-801001 HOlE AID 2-CAR UUIE $9100 Forced air heat-Hardwood Cloors. Fully financed on a good lot. 19 years on Savings &: Loan IARSHAU HOlES 20 Years Building In Orange County Models Open: Newport and Mitchell. Tustin Kimberly 7-3293 Kimberly 2.3569 Eves. Uberty 8-4073 2 lEW DUPLEXES 01 ! ACRE Ne.,.rt Heipts. 2 1111 3 llellr. 11111. Present annual Income $3841}-wlth greater potential. Room ror one more duplex as owner's residence In rPar. Close to markets. Let tenants buy it for you In rent : Priced at $32.500-wlth $11,000 down and $265 mo. W. A. T•IAS. ReaHor -Yvu'll like our lrlendly service 393 E. 17th Sl. Costa Mesa Uberty 8-1139 "LOOKS LIKE WE'LL HAVE TO MOVE. BAY AND BEACH REALTY HAS USTED THIS PROPERTY FOR SALE." • • • SHORE CUFFS Nicely located on large lot- 2 bedr. and den home-- Shown by appointment only. Call Mr. ~aby. Bay and Beach Realty. Harbor 1264 or Liberty 8-4.284. • • • Coro~~allel 1•- EICLUSIYE Beautiful 3-bedr. and den home on Ocean Blvd. wtth permanent unllmJted view. Thla la a truly fine home. Hardwood noon. fireplace. Jots of ttJe; dlnJng room. nicely lancbcaped yard, dbl. gar. with extra parking space. Owners moving In- land. Shown by appointment to qualified buyers . Harbor 1.264 BAY ••• BUCH REALn 1450 W. Balboa Blvd. Balboa. Calll. COROllA DEL IAR lealllfll ocea1 tiew from the living room of this 2 bedr. home at 222 Hazel Dr .. AND a private pathway to the beach. 1% baths plus outside shower. prime loca. tlon. $25,500. EICEUBIT INCOME 4 turn. units; 1 bedr. each. No vacancies In over a year. Rent Is $65 each. Gross yearly over $3,000. AJl In first class. Reduced for quick sale. $19.950 Luxurila 5 bedroom view home. Lush t r o p t c a 1 patio and yard. $15.000 down. Earl W. St.leJ REALTOR 225 Ma.rlne Ave .. Balboa Island Call Harbor 1775, Coro11 Hipla•ll• • ~L-CliHa Lot evea. Har,bor 5359 owwe F. Ul E: ., ener, 2 bedrooms, 2 baths. separate dining roomlt. h a r d w ood floors. large basement. which will make good r u m p u s room. Magnificent VIew. 527,100 _, ..... REAL10R 2731 W. Cout Btry., Newport Ll a.4:IT7 Bullifll lllll.laclill-e«ona del Mar, view o( Ocean and Irvine hUls f Morning Canyon Rd.). One of the few temalnlng fine lots -60-ft. frontare. over 200 ft. deep. lfe'lll"JJC))'t ll..t at IOtla at. Newport IMdl Pbone Hat. 1100 3IMinL.2..., moden home, tum. rental apt. attached . . . cloee to Harbor VIew School and pro. • poeed parochial ~I • . . eYe~Ythlnr buUt·ln lncludtnr dlahwuher. clltDOUJ, etc. En. ela.ed paUo and 2-car pza~e wtth work bcndl • • • c:alJ Ba. ZSOS.M. yrly. rental. 955 W. 16th St.. You can save $800 o n thls pur. $1.280; 78 tralde loU at 860 a month, or 189.280 a year. Budret CM., (turn left end of rd.) Suit-chase. Danz..Schmldt, 520 No. month, $4,680; total, $5.960 a for 1956-56 operational cost. able for couple. Can be seen MaJn, Santa Ana. month or $71.520 a year. Budret $11.860. eves. It week-ends. M A H 0 G A NY DBL. BED and for 1955-56 operation cost. $11:860. Net Income tor year, $77.420. SUMMER R&NTAL: Corona del Beauty RHt Mattress and box Net Income tor year, $60,060. e ft.JUf •o. ~ Mar, nice 2 BR. turn. house, springs. HA 3632..M. Anticipated parking lot rev-Total ot 108 tzaller attea. ex- close to beach and . shops. STEINWAY GRANb. Gorgeou3 tn tending all the way to 18th St., Avail. month August or longer. every way. Parlor size. This , ... •-nllill but not extended back on P. E. Twin beds eacb BR. tile bath, wonderful instrument at a big uwpw ----property. No public beach. No car patio. gar.. fenced. HARBOR savlnar. Many other Grands. Will for Tl__._lller parklng. 1684-R. Mason It Hamlin, Knabe, Story ..... Coet of prepartnr and lmprov. SUMMER RENTA.L: Bachelors & Clark .• Etc. Prices $495 a nd lnr aJte, tJ67,965. Anticipated rev. s uite. 3 rooms. turn., pvt. ent. up. Da nz.Schmldt Plano. 520 N. Vaughn Taylor was toast-enue: 32 bay front lou at 180 a & shower, no cooking,. 2ZT Main, Santa Ana. 100 pianos. master tor the evening when the month, $2.560; 54 Inside Iota at Larkspur, CDM. MJSCELI.AJfEOUS Lido Toastmasters met June 28 $60 a month, $3.240; 22 Inside FURN. APT., good I o catIo n . at the Harbor House. Costa Mesa. Iota at $!50 a month. $1,100; total ground floor. Summer or yearly $5 PER MONTH rents good prac. Sandy Steiner was table topics 16.900 a month or $82.~ a year. lease. No children, no peta. 610 tlce plano. Let the klddles master, and the speakers were Budget for 1955-56 operaUng coat. Marguerite. COM. learn. Apply term rent on pur President Vernon Allen. Dock ll1,860. COM 3-bedr. A: den, unf. home. chase. Good used pianos $75. Opp, Charles Herron. Ed Soule, Net Income for y'ar, 170.940. garage. Lovely view, yrly. $89, $l2S. $187, etc. Lowest and Ray L'Ecluse. • PLA.If JfO. 4 lease. Inquire Louise Apts., terms. Danz.Schmldt. 520 No. Tom Soule was chief evalua-Total of 1..29 trailer sites, ex- Carnation at Seaview, COM. Main. Santa Ana. Always 100 tor. and assisting him were Hugh tending all the way to 18th St .• pianos. M tt Jl p DeWitt but not extended back on P. E LOUISE APTS., overlooking the SLIP RENTALS: Rowboat rental W~~ster a'::d B~~~~y,Beck. Mr. property. No public beach or car bay. Modern furnished apts. spaces, max. 8' beam, 30' L'Ecluse won the cup !or hls park. Moderate weekly rates. Sum length. American Legion Hall, speech on "Supervision." Cost of preparing and bnprov. mer reservations; 308 Carna. l5tb and Bay, Newport. HA 452. lng site, $12.461.50. Anticipated tion. COM. near Seaview. T p ..11-... revenue: 38 bay front lou at 180 HA 4016. WANTED-50 ustri PIANOS for WO roper...a a month. $3,040; 66 Inside lots at BEL. W AJfTE.D. Girls- IrS I &IlL'S WORLD! and you'll agree when you hear ot the many Job oppor. tunltles for quallCfed young women In our business today. Openings now tor: . TELEPHONE OPERA TORS ~17-. Monday tiari~Up l'ddaJ 1 514 ~ No. Main Street Rm. 211-8anta Ana 9:00 to 5:00 P.M. PACIFIC TELEPHONE MEN WANTED at Orange Coast College, regular, tull-Ume em- ploy~: Farm Ia borer, Grounds- man, Painter Helper. Custo- dlans. Sixty year age llmJt. Start work Immediately. Apply In person between 8:00 A.M. and 4:30 P.M., Business Office ot college ott Fairview Rd., Costa Mesa. MEN for ColllnNII• Wort STEApY. tull.tlme jobs with large public utility. High school graduates between 18 and 45 years ot age wanted for regular employment. OPPORTUNm ES for ad. vancement. 40 . hour week. paid vacations, paid hoJI. days, slckneu a llowances It pensions. our big rental dept. HJghest $60 a month, $3.960; 24 lralde cash allowance In trade tor II Balltoa S.lll lots at $50 a month. $1.200; total Organ. Spinet Plano or Grand 18..200 a mo!'lth or -.400 a year. Plano. Danz Schmidt, 520 No. Budget fM 195.'>56 operational Main. Santa Ana. Thomas G. Tupman. Los An-cost. $11,860. • geles Lincoln Mercury dealer. Net Income for year. 186.540. SITUATJOifS WA.JfTED and Mrs. Tupman will be mak- SKIPPER-Prlvate boat, 4 years lng their permanent home at 436 LEGAL JfOTICE experience, College grad. Phone Seville Ave., Balboa. They re. •on cently purchased• the property ... CE OP .uauc BEAaJKQ HA lZ74·l . f R be t Sh tt Notice Is hereby given that the EXPER. GARDNER wants work J:t':. 0 1 a er of Phoenix, Planning Commission or the City In Harbor area. also cleanup. In another Balboa property of Newport Beach will bold a Owns equip. LI S. 7579, after transaction, Mr. and Mrs. George public hearing on Ute appllca. . 5 p.m. Pro8s. lona.ttme Harbor area tlon of Ruth V. It Victor H. Gun. YOUNG MAN dealres part-time residents. purcbued the home of derson tor a variance to permJt: work~ and week.end.s. Mr. and Mia. w. H. Shapero at The conversion of an e'XWtlnrra- Hu pAek.up trudl. eo a.a.o wW 1111 liiJnmar nr. ,.. ....,_ nae to a third apartment CBach- do,dellvery, belp 10\1 mow. orf are movtnr to Cllleafo. · elor) 1llllt oe a Cl l*lrtd lot Phone Harbor l.82l.J after 4:15 Both tranaact:Jona were ban.. 8Ch:l5'. 'nW •INlnc ette at...-. p.m. dJed by Sandy F MadCay mt conta1na 2!110 -auare feet and BABY SITI'ING, care of sick. your · · ll not ln conformity with Ordi- "L-L y nance 702 u to .et-back.s and home, Day, night. mature COM u..ra .... Pill garage facUlties. On Lot 25, woman. Before 10 a.m. after Block 9. Tract Balboa Island 5 p.m., HA 3132-M. Preplllln DIIMr <Section 1 > and located at 124 " Agate Ave. PEJI.SO. AL TRADE IN your old watch on a new Hamilton. It means 10 much more to give or get a Hamilton. Wallace Calderbead, 31.23 E. Coast Hwy., COM. W AIITED TO UJn' LOCAL COUPLE with best refer- ences desire attractive 2-bed- room Corona del Mar rental No chUdren. Phone HA 1787-W or 47!K. LOST AJIID POUJm WOULD BE very grateful ft finder of red and brown plaid check purse would return It to address on CaJJt. driver's li- cense. Contents a re very tm. portant. May keep money. HA 1360. WE LOST our 10.yr.-old small red cocker dog "Ginger" with rey nose; spayed female. has growth on neck. FarnUy pet. 426 Marguerite, CDM, HA 18!55. . SDVICES Painting -Decorating PAPER HANGING ·The Senior High Youth Fel. Not1ce la hereby further alven lowshtp wiU hold a progressive that said public heartnr wUl be dinner this Sunday evening In held on the 21st day of July homes of various members. All Year 1955. at the hour of 8:00 youth who will start high achool P. M. In the Counc:ll Chambers In the faJJ have been lnvlted as of the Newport .Beach City Ball, special guesu for the evenJng by at which time and place an.y and the Christ Church by the Sea all persona Interested may ap. Fellowship. pear and be heard thereon. The Mariners. young adults. ~.g.o:~~ ~ry Ul meet at 8 p.m . Sunday a t PLANJ\lNG COMMISSION the home or Mr. anti Mrs! Don Burns, 321 CataUna Ave., New . port Height.. ., ..... , ..... ,. plf ....... ,.. •••• JIOTICE OP .UaLJC B&AaDIO Notice Ia hereby riven that the Planning Commluton of the City of Newport .Beach wUl hold a publte bearlnr on the appllca. tlon of Archie 0 . SlmonoU and Vartan S. Tachmlzlan for a use The annual get-together of permit No. 179 to permit: The members and parent. of .Job's operation or a salvare ya.rd and Daughter Bethel and the Orange storage of salvage material. On Coast Chapter of DeMolay will Lot 1201. Track 1st addition to be a pot luck supper to be held THE NEWPORT MESA TRACT. at 7 p.m. Wednesday, July 27, at and located at 19th Street and the Costa Meaa Park. Whittier Ave. The property Ia AJl families attendlnr are now ulled aa a aalvare yard . asked to brlnr a hot dlah or Notice la hereby further riven salad at&d their own service. 7be tha~ aald public hearlnr wm be DeMolay Mother's Club wlll pro. bel• on the n.t day ot July 1955. vide rolla, butter, cake, coffee at the hour of 8:00 p.m. hi the and 10ft drlnk.s. CouncU Chambers or the New. GEORGE BURI<HARDT u~ Oantnetar 878 W. 18th eo.ta Meta port Beach City Hall, at which tlme and place any and aU per. aona Interested may appear and be heard thereon. APPLY Mon. thru. Frl. from 8:30 a.m. to • p.m. SOUTHERN .COUNTIES GAS CO. 1030 E. FIRST ST. Santa Ana Ub!!$Y S8628 Ub!rty 8a32 OOMPLE'I'E PA.IN'nNG PAPER HANGING SERVICE HA 2978 HA 4446 EUGENE 0 . SAUNDEBS 500 31At Street, ~ Bueh COiift.Kft L.UiliiCUDia Ia tiC& FltEE ES'J'IMATES 8611 Green Stampe JMe dellwry COROlfA DEL MAR JrultSbY HA 1038 27" E. Cout B-,. RAY Y. COPELIN, Secmary Newport Beach City Plan. ntnr CoDUnlulon Ilona 01' naut ...... 0 A• ... h 14. -.. ....... .. NO .. AY. JVLY f . 1 .. •• • • • of soda& nole f C.Unwcl b'OIIl Pap 5) • • • at MaJU.anlta Lake. Whlle theft Pre.weddtnr aetlvttl• are be- Mr. Ball commun" wtt.h natun clnnlnc to Pftk at the home ot u a tore.t ra~er -a chance Dr. and Mn. Hany Bouah of 303 from teachtna Puadena City VIa Lido Nord In anticipation of Colleae ltudenta ln the winter. the marrtace of thelr dauahter, 11le r8t ot the famUy enjoy tt, Sherrill Ann. Juat abt weeka too. away. The btlde-to-be wu a PI • • • Pht at Arizona u., where the tn. The Kellar W a t a o n a , well. tended IJ'OC)m wu an SAE. known Oranae County rH!denta, • • • received IUHU at the lrvlne It wu a cue ol the stork beat- Cout Country Club Jut Thurs. tn1 the carpentera In the race day evenln1 Lollowlna the wed. aeaJnlt ttme In the Marvin Pratt dina of their dauahter, Kay, and family. They didn't know wheth- Roy Allen Smith. er their new boWie wouJd be fin- Ished before the baby came or ~'HUll) .... u-=c-vice vena. The Uttle &lrl arrlved '-' ~ '--~ Thursday, June 30. The Pratta own the Blue Salls stationery ' store ln Balboa. VW'IVEaALIIT PELLOWUU. • • • ''Theft Go the Ships'' wlll be The Herbert Wilsons ahowed Rev. Freder ick RJnae's subject at their Independence Day spirit by the Unlveraallat Community Fel-takJne a week-end campln& trip JowshJp on Sunday mornJne. Or. to En.senada-and 50 did a Jot of F. Macintyre, psycho-therapl.st. other Americans, they observed. ol Costa MKA, will continue his By the by, their liOn, Gordon up. dlacusalons on ludalsm durlna .,1 cott ecelved a promotion In the Sunday echool period. 1be r n • r Universalist Community Fellow-the-US. Navy and has been ahlp meeta every Sunday mom-tlanaferred from the San Fran- In& at the Ebell Club House, 515 clsco area to Florida. W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa, tor • • • Sunday school at 10:30 and Not everyone went someplace morning worship at 11:00. tor the· Fourth: a good many Harborltes stayed home and CDM COMMUJUTT CBUBCB received guesu. The Bradley New members received Into Joneses ot greater Los Angeles the fellowship of the Corona del spent the week end with the Mar Community Church Sunday Douglas Goodans ot Bay Island. were Mrs. LJlllan A. York, 226 Poppy Ave.: Mrs. Genevt,!ve Paden. 6201~ Poinsettia Ave.; Mr. and Mrs. Weaver Smith. 2220 Waterfront Drive: Dr. a nd Mrs. Robert W. Roper. 308 Ma rguerite Ave.; Robert Eueene Roper, 308 Marguerite Ave.; Mr. and Mrs. Elmo B. Roper. 308 Ma rguerite Ave.; Rev. anli Mrs. Edwin C. Gomke. 618 Orchid Ave.; Mrs. Maude E. Doody, 601 Fernleaf Ave. The reception ot new mem- ber• was followed by the sacra- ment of holy communion. CBIWST CBVBCB aT TilE SEA Rev. George N. Reeves Jr. will apeak on "Ofl•lngs of Justice" at the mornlne services Sunday at Christ Church by the Sea In Newport Beach. The sermon ls baaed on the teachings of the &reat moral prophet. Amos, who lived In the eighth century, B.C. Mr. Reeves Ia aerving aa a&SOCiate mJnlm.er durlna the summer and will conduct the Sunday wonhlp durin& the vacation of the min· Jlbr, a.v. ..,. Ca.rleOD. ma --...MZ' .-e The JI!.Z CJub ol the Cai'Ona del Mar Community Churc:b w!U hold a pot-luck dinner at 8 :30 p.m. Tuesday at the church Instead of the oriJ"Inally planned picnic at O'Neil Park. Galley crew Includes Mr. and Mn . Raymond Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Charlea Cave and Mrs. Dell Custer. PA.-n. aAZAD PLA.IfJIED Plans for two bl& evenu were made at the June 22 meeting of the Women'a FeUowahlp of the Corona del Mar Co m m u n I t y Chureh: a Halloween card party Oct. 28 and a buaar on the first Friday In May, 1956. An'EifD CAMP CEDA.a QLEII Ten youtha of the Balboa llland Community Methodist Church who attended "Chrilltlan-adven- tur~amp" at Camp Cedar Glen near Julian. were Terri Waide- lich, Gall Graves. Dolores Harper, Bette j e a n Guenther, Nancy Shooter, Susan Nealy. Valerie Lowen, Bill Ferry. Steve FeY)', and Sandy Knapp. Accompany. lng the aroup and aervtna on the camp start wu Rev. Donald G. Sapp. Mrs. c. DoueJaas Ferry. Mrs. Robert Guenther. Burt C. Lowen and Mr. Sapp fuml.lhed transportation. IL a a a a a OJ !1VJJ.l1J:J.1ll!l1li $JJI .APORT -~~/ ((1/ltlNA ~~[l IW4J.' '•4•'' i;fHl'i ... ftnJtaly II .... ....... ., • • • • Hoag Hospital Administrator Wlnllied Bacon and her daugh- ter Betty are enjoylne a vacation with a European n avor this sum mer. They left the latter part of June for a holiday abroad. • • • One of the "trial runs" on the Lyman Farwe ll's Schooner Sea Drilt. which Is now on Its way to Honolulu. was an aC!ernoon outlne which Mrs. Farwell gavt' for past presidents and board members of the Santa Ana Aa slstance Leai\Je. • • • The multJ.miJJion dollar motel to be erected aoon next to Dis oeyland was desl&ned by Roy Watkl~ of Newport Beach. FIIIZWOU VIOLATJOJI A Newport BelghU boy, 16. wu booked by Newport pollee at 6:32 p.m . Saturday on a charae of violation of the city Llreworka ordl~. He wu ar. ~ 1n tbe s.yv~ew partdnc ............ GlamouT Glimpses .., AJnf It's true It's true! It's tlue! O'BRIEN'S Is celebratlna Ita 7th blithday anoJversary-and we're havlne a whoppln& bl& birthday sale! Miss O'Brien says It's thanks to you. our loyal custo- mers. that we've &rown a Jot In the past seven years. We're de- liriously happy about our birth· day--&nd when you see this aale, you'll say we'te just delirious. Honestly. prices are alashed be- yond reason-and In most cases below cost. r.. beea trylD9 to get a t.w faallloD pncUctiou Oil fall aDd wtaw atylla9 ~rom· VebDa. wllo .. Jut Jet1arDed ...... ...._. oa. bl9 .. .., Todt atyw ........_ bat ....,..._. I tJatak I bCift ~lew Clttlllatloa.. alile'a off ...,a1a. ...._... a bealat.lful ----coclrtaU dnu at ball pdce to a aa.nam-. • P'cld.a9 oat a naliT ..art bloa.ae oa aaJe a.at .... wttb -.. ................. aldna.al.ao • .ale. I doe't IMr9e a cballce wiMa lt'a b&rtJadlry tbDel But I did want to explain that new material shown In the adol'· ablto s hortie nJahteown with bloomers In our window. It'a "Da-tJste"-not dacron-not ba- tlste, but a new lovely fabric which, In this caw. Is luxul'i· ously decorated wtth Imported Swta embrof~. Oh, It comes In a lone aown. too, and thll llneerle Is fu bloned by Kicker- nick, so you know It flU. The cunnln& bon net! Th3t'a to cover up when you 10 to bed all bobby-pinned up. y_ .......... ...... .,... ·-.... Ia tM ...... . .............. ._ ~ ............ .. II a a; at.... aUpl wttll .. ·•···· ...... ,..., ...... .................... ..................... ......... lt"i. ....... ......... -' __ ..................... ...._ tnt.., _. ji6i'llwillf I I • 2 II :ray cnaJarl tTir = hi 1 ,, ..... ....., ................ .... Ill t •t 9 E , " ...... ,.. .............. ..... QODDUI 01' ~ or.... pkp .._ .... of --.au. Jaltla ,._._. of A8tlat.. Ia -n.. .......... MCM'1 ca-e~- 8CIIIpe ....... ctiaa to be ..... at tM Port 1'1Matn .. Canaa del M• .......... Wednndlly,Jilly IS. Use EnjgD Waat Ads for Besalts Our 20th Birthday JULY 1. 1955 Dear Fr iends: July is t he Birthday Month of Laguna Federal, and this month marks our 20th year of service to the Southland. In J uly, 1935, our total assets were $4,735. The current figures on t h i s page are evidence of our trem~n~s growth in two decades. We take spec1al p r i d e in our Statement of Condition which shows more than $2,000,000 in re- serves and surplus -a double safeguard to your funds invested with us. This sup- plements the $10,000 insurance of ae- counb. However. our true growth is refleet.d ................. ..,.. '*"' of theN- ... of s-tNMcl f.wt8 11 whe ........ loncl Ul fo help them fo tiiCUrity t pHC;e of mind and home ownership. To them we say •'Thank You" for giving us a 20th Birthday of which we c.n be proud. During the entire month of Jufy we invite you to drop in and say Helo. n,.,.·s a gift waiting for you -OUR BIRTHDAY. but the gift is for YOUI In the Lagurw~ Federal tradition of fnendli- neu. there • s no need for you to open a new account to s.cure a valu.ble gift. Just drop in! We wil be happy to tel you about our personarazed operation and tt.e progress of our San Clemente office which wift open later this summer. c u R R E N T D I v I D E N D R A T E • Architects• Wives Elect Mts,· ~ft'mlt Dorlu.. wile ot eo.ta Meaa architect Dorlus. bu been elected prajdent of the newly Ol'I&Dt.d Wome•·• A.rc:hl· tectural L e a 111 e of 0r&n£"e County. Other oUloeu are Mra. Willard JOl'dan of eo.ta llesa, secretary, and Mrs. Paul 0 . Davia of Corona del Mar. tluaurer. The oreantza tlon and electl~>n meetlna wu beld at the home of Mrs. RJchard PJecer. Corona del Mar. · Mrs. Ple,er and Mrs. Everett Paru of Santa Ana were ap-1 pointed to serve on the public re latlona committee. Mrs. Davis I and Mrs. Parks are on the by laws commJttee. Next meetln& wtll be held at I 2 p.m. Tuesday, July 19 at thf' home of Mrs. Parks. 2-JOl N Baker St., Santa Ana. I WADED H llA.DIO Boys with pollee radios In their cars promptly departed upon hearing pollee calla go out about a disturbance they were creatine I at Park Ave. and Emerald Ave .. Balboa Island, at 11:12 p.m. Fri- day, June 24, pollee charged. PAGa l&tD Expna'MI ll .. lr lilt a C.. .... Mra. Jack L. Provasco. 469 N. 1 en by RJchard Lee Vandupool, Newport Blvd .. Newport Hellhts. 115, of 2369 Harbor BJvd .. eo.ta W'bo t"Xpe<:ts a child In two l\iesa. months. waa Injured In an auto-The youthlul driver wu un mobile acddtonl J une 29 at the hurt, but both Mr. and Mrs. Prov. Brlatol Newport Ave Intersection asco suffered cuta and brul-. narth of Costa Mesa Mrs. Provuco, who t. 36, wu The Pro vasco car. making a given X-ray examination to check lett turn from Bristol onto New. on possible complications. port Ave . collided tvith a car, go- Ing aouth on Newport Ave., driv Read the Enslen Want Ad paae. LET US HELP YOU ·PI• er lrr11p Y• VA CAnON FREE 10 CIIIIIE FOI 0. c.r,l• .. , ... AIYWIEIE II TIE WORLD! Jut cau~ lUI CORONA DEL MAR :=: STATEMENT OF CONDITION JUNE .. '155 ASSETS First Mortgage loans ·----$20,169,255-.<45 L .... -'"'~ a .. l Eaiet.-,.riMip•lty ho ..... ;,. La, .... ..__.. .toe~ •ici .. ay. loans on Savings Accounts . ______ ..... fHIIJ>O"fY lo.t11 fM tile COfl .... i.IIU of-· thor.hoJd•rL Properties Sold on Contract 99,980.96 5,231 .26 Real Estate Owned and in Judgme nt .... _______ ,.__ 2,089.92 Investments and Securities ......... -....... --.... ~5.000.00 c-w;.., ef &-.m .... ,., lotoels a1ul F.cl•rel HolM u.. .. a.,.• Stocl. Cash on Hand and in Ba nks __ .. 3,010,298.6<4 w~ upltel ........... cl•p<Kit•cl ;,. b•tob.. Sin~erely, Andrew S. Hall 3~% Office Buildincj end Equipment, and parking Lot, Less Oepreciatiort _ ....... __ 248,322.9 1 DeferTed O,arges a nd O ther As~ets -----· 5,976.92 '--------------..... ,_ ~ TOTAL ASSETS $23,986,156.06 LIAB I L I T I ES Savings Accounts ----- Tlols I. tt.. .-t htYedocl •ittt on by Moro tl.a11 AOO l .... i.W .. Ia. ......._, eood corpor•t;.,.., Loans in Process ---------.... ·---·-· ....... $19,067,967.-40 2, 786,022.20 103,925.87 8 ,633.63 Otfoier Uabi1ities ----------·----.. -·--·---· S,.afic R.sel'ftl ----- G.neral ReMr¥M ________ 1,678,197.52 Surplus __________ 3<4 1 ,409.~ G.nerel Reserves and Surplus ------- TOTAL UAIILmES --------- . 2,0 1 9.~6.96 $23,986,156.06 LAG .UNA FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION 222 Oc.a. Ave. ' • lust let tboee IOnr-tln8 ehow up on the l._mU. bank and tbe huber wiD loo.k mJrhty d111rted wtth only the ra&.aaJlora around. Ewrythlnl that can noat with a motor wUl bound. 'nlat lona run to tbe eo.called 35-mlle bank Ia 35 mllel tr'om San DieiO not Newport. lt'a four boW's or better fOt mo.t boats d from the bell buoy. H a II Is Name Ralph'• Bait and Tackle at 5801 , W. Cout Hwy., Newport Bee~h, W •lt • k p report. corblna ftahlnl aood down I 0 WI C r 0 Salt Creek and ear~abad way with soft shell crabs, rock worma The new pro at the WUlowtck and razor clams belnl used tOt Golf Courae Is 32-yeu-old Gerald ball A few ~ are belnl Hall, who has been as.slstant pro caught ln Newport Rubor on Co Cl b craw f.i!Jb. at the Santa Ana untry u Tbe barge Georefa. anchored tor the put two years. off the Newport Pier, has been He ls a native ol Greenfield, the scene of some good flahJnr. Iowa, was a pro at the Green. Gunny sacks wlth quantities of field Country Club from 1.941 to halibut, flounder, span1sh jacks 1946, with time ot1 tor World and salmon erouper are belna War n; went to the Red Oak brought ln by anelen from the Country Club ln Iowa from 1947 barge. A 28-pound halibut was to 1953, and then cast west. The caught one day. The ~ater has Balls live ln Santa Ana. Tbe been calm and smooth. family includes three boys and A ~pound sliver-side salmon three eirls. was caught last Tbuisday on the Jiall succeeds Dick Boges. who Westerner, from Newport Pler. has been named bead pro at the Lots of big bull bass, haUbut. new Sepulveda Golf Course near spanish jacks and barracuda are Enclno. He bad been at WWo-reported being caught on the wick for the past two years and Westerner. before that he had been pro at ElUs Boat Rentals reports bay Fox Hills, Lakewood, Long Beach fishing good with h alibut, yel- and Brookside ln Pasadena. lowfin croaker, sea trout and a Assistant pro at Willowick Is few sand bass being caught. Don Willis, wHo was at the Rec-Anglers aboard Ellis small boats reatlon Golf Course In Long outside the jetty have been catch- Beach tor tour years, and assist-lng large halibut, mackerel and · ant to Joe Robinson at Virginia a few barracuda. Country Club ln Long Beach. Two silver-side salmon were Frank Lober Is Dead at 72 Frank Lober, 72, of 1829 Po- mona Ave., Costa Mesa, died Sunday evening at Boag Hos- pital after an extended illness. He had lived In California for 45 years, a nd came to Costa Mesa !rom Dinuba six weeks ago. He was an attorney by pro- fession. Mr. Lober, a native ot New York City. was a former member of the Lions Club of Dinuba and the Elks Club of Los Angeles. Services were held yesterday at Baltz Mortuary, Costa Mesa, with C. S. Collins, Christian Sci- ence reader, otticlatlng. Survivors Include his wife Mary; a daughter, Mrs. Robert Oliphant of Newport Heights; a son, Frank Lober of Inglewood, and four IJ'andchUdren. ••• DriMel Crewlq 01 AHair i1 lie Race Tbe Ensign will have' to get along without the backshop as. slstance of Mike Driskel for quite a few weeks, be<:ause Mike sailed Monday as crew member on E. C. Lambert's ketch, Altair, in the Honolulu Race. Mike, who Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Da'n Driskel, 227 Gold- enrod Ave ., Corona del Mar. is scheduled to sail back as crew member for Bill Zlnsmeyer's Bagatelle-and then go to Coast Guard boot camp before enroll- ing at Orange Coast College this fall. • FlJlEMEif FICBT TWO FIJlES Newport Beach firemen put out a trash fire on the west side of Avocado Ave , at Pacific Dr .. Co- rona del Mar. at 3:10 p.m . June 29. Firemen a lso aided county forestry fire fighters from Costa Mesa In putting out a grass fire west of Hoag Memorial Hospital at 4:25p.m., June 29. Look What I Caught ON THE caught on the Gypsy from Port Orange recently. Miss Jo Lynn Miner, 14, of 247 Avocado St., Costa Mesa ,caught a 18% .pound one and Tom Locker of Costa Mesa caught a 28-pound fish, both on the .same day. Assn. Picture In 'Newswe.ek' Tbe current Issue of News. week Magazine features the big new bayfront buUdJng of the Newport Balboa Savings a nd Loan Association with a picture accompanying a story on "Tbe Shiny New Look." The article de· scribes the trend to modern de- sign In building tor financial In- stitutions. Association President Paul A. Palmer's idea for a yachtsman's "drive-In" window is mentioned. Tbe article calls lt a "yacht-In" window. "111at's somethble we'll Install whenever the-re's a de- mand tor it." remarks Mr. Pal- mer. The Rocer Rilep lo • Ae~~~llce .._,..,. Following . a honeymoon In Acapulco. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Edmund Riley a re making their home ln Lelmert Park, Los An· geles. The young couple were married in Los Angeles on June 17. Tbe bride is the former Miss Marilyn Joan Schlegel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Schlegel of View Park. The groom Is the son of the Jack Rileys of Corona del Mar. OBSERVE AKKJVEBSAJIY Mr. and Mrs. William B. Tritt of Lido Isle celebrated their .wed- ding anniversary June 29 with d inner at the VIctor Hugo In Laguna. MOVE TO OCEAK FJIOKT The Frank Musselmans have moved from 614 Orchid Ave., Co- deJ Mar, to 2607 Ocean NEWPORT FISHING BARGE Launch LeaY .. End of Newport Pier * HOURLY SERVICE * Flntiiiii.UL ADOLTII3.25 (QUdNa V... U yn. Y, P-) * * * Friday and Saturday July 8th and . 9th " Fl. 11•1. I. Tl 12.1111111 • ~Burger lsle!J ~o. 2 3916 EAST COAST HIGHWAY, CORONA DEL MAR * IIW OPEl * * (Aci'IIS ,._ ... "'IIIIIJ Bell") HERSH Mc:MULLEN, General Manager • IEIEUL CIITUCT. • INGRAM & COIJJN9 Newport Beach * • 111 c-.n••••·•muno• • SMITH BROS. COMPANY • B.ECTIICAL lilT''' •nilS • DAVIS ELECTRIC 1640 Superior Ave., U 8-5531 Costa Mesa 506 Forest Ave., HY 4-3565, Laguna Beach • •ass •••11• • BALBOA GLASS COMPANY 2436 W. Coast Hwy., U 8-2782, Newport Beach • STOP AT The Arches "'Your 11011t to tJie Oout sanoe lD'.' i Fl•a FOODI COC&TAILI COAST HMMfWAY AT THE AlCHlS ....,... .... JOHN ynnt,E LDIM'IIW .... 1 • Says Husband Punched Her Mrs. Joyee Pa:z.ello o1123 Vit· atnt• Pl., eo.ta Mesa, ebar&ed tbat her huaband, Anthony L. Jl'eaello, punched ber ln the lett ~ and Jaw, abe compa.lrled to lifewport pollee at 5:11 p.m. Sat. UJ'day, June 25 . lira. Pezzello aaJd abe wu drlv. In& on McFadden Pl., Newport Beach, at about 4:50 p.m. and abe lnadvertanUy bumped lnto the baclt of her buaband'a ~ and both atopped. He tot out. walked back to her car and wben abe cot out. be punched her, lhe ebar&ed. Tbe vJcttm'a c:hUd by a former marrlaae wu atandlnl alonplde of her and wu knocked down, apparently by the force of the blow, abe u14. 'nle victim alfMd to see tbe city attorney to Daily 11:30 & 7:00 p_m.. Sl.25. Children 65c * * * 3 BOATS OPERATING on BAY & OCEAN BIDES * Boat Le<rrinq EYery 20 Minutes * E....._ 0o1aa as.t. •....., o--.· Ita p.a. 4 I p.a. *BALBOA* (1. MY) lrHII!!! Day ·wednesday •001r TO I •.11. F• •••••• U C••••••l•alc -------------~--= =----.....:-~ __ _:_ ;:- A...._.~· P•AD IIUD • ITUiaiPS l'' ..... .. , ... ftle Ct atd ~ r. •..tr 11 T ... Ill o..-.... .... ... IJI ,.., Fred ·Huffman Of COM Dies A recocniUon aervtce for Rev. Edwin Gomke will be held at 4 p.m. Sunday at the Corona del Mar Community Church. Partlcl. paUnr In this lntormal lnstalla tJon and reoognltlon will be the Con 1 r ega t I o n a I Christian Churches ot the Harbor Area and . ... - the Harbor CouncU of Churches. 1"1!!!~;!!~~~!;~W!I;~ Preachlne the sermon wUI be '!! Dr. Jesse F. Perrin, conference superintendent. Abo partlclpa. tlng w111 be Rev. James Stewart Ql St. Andrews Pres b y t e rlan Church. reprftentlng the CouncU ot Churches; Norman Brown and Howard Lecg of the Corona del Mar Church; Rev. Pe'ry F. Schrock of Santa Ana, the loundln& pastor ol the local church; PhUlp Gregory of Lacuna and Gordon Baker of Buena Park. Rev. and Mra. Gomke wm be honored at a reception 1n the So- cial Hall !ollowtnc the service. cw. roa OIICII&P'I A daughter, Susan Loulw. waa born to Mr. and M.ra. Ernest Qr. chard of 465'-s Santa Ana Ave., Newport Heirhts. In Hoag Me- morial Hospital on Tuesday, J une 21. f) ~Uuw; Quule Fred Dell Huffman. 87. of 512 Larlapur Ave .. Corona del Mar. died June 28 In the San Antonio Community Hospital. Upland., after an extended Ulness. TIE PIZZI IIUIE IIMDI ITAU.Air POOD DlatDg 1a • ~ma~~y •• r •' .... 1'-lm-...s n.uaa lood at Ita ben. .._ tMt ..,._ .,_._ StMdla. Salada. llaftoU. ~~~~~-=:.. •• , Ul.ADS -TOCO--Mr. Huffman. a native of Lud 1 1low. Ill., had lived ln Corona del Mar since 1928 and In California tor 48 years. He was a plasterer by trade but had been retired for a number of years. He Ls survived by tour 80n.s. Daniel P. Huffman ol Highland. Calll.; Paul G. Huffman of Costa Mesa; Harold D. Huffman ol 29 Palms and Richard J. Huffman of Corona del Mar: four daughters. Mrs. Ruth G. Ully of Mira Lorna. Calif.. Mrs. Lois G. IX>nnis or Indio, Mrl. Helen M Darrus of IIOC W..t eo.t IDW.am. ••wpwt .._. 11.-bow - l lfa --.... --~·-·--~ .... VIU 11.1 r........, u.. ....._ ......,. ..-. ra.. ~k' 4hlek. 1M YW. N..._ .. -. .. OW .. ~~ a-t ,..._. raata. I q..t ._ ...til .. to ..._ Lr ttted et 1M ~ to ....... ldaDd. u..,_ ................ • .. arq.. .. r.u.n... • I.__,I'S IESIIUUIT 111 'II Santa Ana and Mrs. Dorothy S. ..._ • , Brewer of Corona del Mar; 21 .saa •= •r.~~= ...-...wi · rrandchlldren and 18 great ~,..;4ee r..s. grandchildren. D PIIEPA.aED TO GO"" Funeral services for Mr. Huff Sll aaJboa IUTd. ..U.. ~ al'l man were conducted Saturday ln OPEJI DAILY.._ to ........ u ~to !Odaipt the Metn.e Abbey Mauaoleum ......_ IEII ChapeL Baltz llortuary of Cclrona ... I • cW Mar ... cUreeton. ............. 1 a a ..... -.... , ....... ,.. $ .............. Q ' ..... II I SEIIYDfG .. IIAWAD Servin& at the U . S. Naval Air StatJon at Barber's Point. Hawaii. is Robert P. Sullivan, electronics technician first class. USN. son of Mrs.. M ary P. Sullivan of Bal boa Island. Before entering the service he graduated from the University ot Washington. For ~........... ., • ..,.. c.J THE ENSIGN. HA-1114 etllll. &.y .. llf tt illlllll ... ~ .... 1-&IN .. --........ --diM .... -:ae 111. -tad ,..., -........... ·,:r;--of • ..... ... IOI'fl 101 --A11ED1 S·DM IIIII II TIIIIIT! "For a Whale of a GPGCI Meal" FRIED 'JUMBO SHRIMP or FISH 'N CHIPS Locc:JI Students Are Awarded Degr~es at Whiffier College * We s,.cialize II ORDERS TD II! * Cholt, publicity chairman for the A.ssodated Women Students. so- cial chairman ot the Ionian So- cial Society and was a member of Sosecos, Junior Sponsors and Senior Counalon, honorary class Sw4 FISH FRY 2110 OCEAif FIIOII'T, .... Pier. aEWIO.,. IE.ACB . .ervtce croups. ELECTRIC is the word for the range wJUdl does the COOKING hMt--aM keeps the kitchen COOL • OPE a 11:00 lUI. to 1:00 ...... Cloeed ......, Thia time ofyeer, coolD-ia cmeoltbe .,..,_., .. al• D"UP'I"SSI.EX BOifOJlED-Wl.amera ill the Ardlttectural DraftlDg l coet..t apouond CIIUlaally by the Newport l41boa SciYiDp cmd Locm A.uodatlon are abown rec:el•lng their awarda. Plctured left to rtgbt are Bob Bleld oJ Newport Balboa SaYings: lloo Mootgom. ery of Seal lhclch. third prize wlDDer: John Ballew of Newport. who woa aecolld pdze. cmd Erule VUlalobo1 of Orcmge, wbo r• I celnd ~ top award. ------------------------------------ Building Total Is Way Ahead Of June 30 Mark Last Year The building permit tot a I Jum• permits include 30 single reach~d almo8t to the live and a family dewellings. $508.980: 59 half million dollar mark at the repairs to dwelings. $70,800; thret> half way point an 1955. thf.> J une I cabanas. $5.900; onf.> garage, 30 r<'Jl(Jrt of th€' Newport lk>ach $1.500: thr<'e swimming pools. Building Department rev£-a ls. $9.300: one <'Ommerclal building, Th<' June total was $617.295. $13.000; thrt>e rt'palrs to commer-1 brin~ing th(' ret·orcl rm the year clal building<>. $2.799; 10 signs. to S-">.1&1.713. $5.016 Following J>Nmits wert> issued during the final days or June: e CORONA DEL MAR This is more than a ha lf mil lion oollars ahf.>ad of last year's J unt' 30 figure $900.000 ahead of 1953 and almost two million dol- lars ahead of 1952. Military Rites For Marine 0 0 Russell sign for "Butcher I S.>y Meals." 3-121 E. Coast Hwy .. $491 : Henry DuBois. 5 room , 1 I 1 story .. 1 unit d~elling a t JO'P 2 Jasmme. $10.23:5; 0 . C. Brown. 5 rrH>m. I story I unit d\\elling at 1 I 13 .:\Iarignlcl $10 313 leNEWPORT Alfrt'd de (';artand. rf'pairs at ;\tass was celebrated for John 6()1 36t h St . s,-,oo: Phyllis Gill. I Walllam Diemf'r of 110 C"abrlllo t rOtlm. 1 stury I unit dw<•lllng at St. Cnsta M~>sa. at 9 a m last fi902 ()<-pan Ft. $9.500. Thursrlay in St Joachim's Catho. e LIDO ISLE 1 lie Chut<'h. Pk Diemf'r was t he F;. K. Qwpns. rxtNHI wall at first Korean war victim to be re 760 Via Lido Nord, S6() turned to Costa Mesa. e BALBOA ISLAND H<' was klllE'<l In the U S Ma. F. A. Mo nro. add guest room rlne Corps march out of the at 208 Pearl, $2.500. Chosen Reservoir to Hungnam. -;:;:;:;;;:;;:::;;:==;;;;;::======~ Korea. In 1950. He was 18 at the Ia~ n~ at time of his death. Rosary M!rvlces B A P P T D AT S C B 0 0 L were recited at 8:30 p .m June 29 for Uttle Folk In the Baltz Mortuary. Costa 440 Heliotrope, Corona del Mar Mesa Chapel. Harbor 4369 lit' Is survived by hi!' mnther., Under new management Mrs Airla L. ZNiaker of thl' home Mrs. Jean Vaughn. director adrlrt'S.'\. and two sisters. Mrs. Mariann Hammt>rs of Costa Mesa :tnr1 Mrs. Anna Rlasit>r of Water. LilliS fOR HOlES loo, Iowa. Prior to his service In n thP U S. Marines. he wa~ em ploy<'d at Knott's Berry F<trm. Interment was tn the vNeran's St'<'tion of Harbor Rest M<'morlal Park. wher«' rull military honors wt>rc accorded Pr<' Dlemt>r with a 5~ 20-YEO LOAK Construction Loans 5" 20-TEAB LOAK SEE BOB SATTLEll raring squad and budgie corps of Poine· r 1,..., •• 1 Co. U S. Ma rlnt>s from Terminal •••-a Island LEGAL NOTICE No PA 620 NOTICE TO CllEDITORS ESTATE OF IIENRY CHARLES BROWN. aka IIENRY C. BROWN, DF:\F:i\SED N< >TIC'E IS II F:REBY G IVF.~ to thl' C'r('rlator" nf and all pNsons h.l\ ang r laim" against thr said rlf'I'Nirn t or ~~~ irl f'sta tr tu file th~'m w1th thl' n{'Cf'ssary vouch I Pr" an the ortif'r or the Clt.>rk of thr Supf'rior Court of the Statr of Callrornia. in and for the County of Orange. or to present the samP, with the necessary vouch rrs. to the u nder!'llgned at his or hrr place of business. to wit: F R Abhf'y Public Adminlstra tor. r• " ThQmas F.. Heffernan. 2:>1 i 1-~ Coast Highway. Corona dl'l Mar. Cal ifnrnla \\athin six months after the first puhlkatlon of this notlt1" natr!l: Jun(' 2 1. 1955. F. R ABBf:Y i\!lmanistra tor of the Esta tt' of <~a ad rii'<'Nit"nt Atlllrn"Y'~ fnr Administrator II .1rwnorl. llcffNna n & Sodt"n ::?:il:l E Coast Highway C'ornna df'l Mar. Cal ifornla llarhor l:l-35 Publish: J une 30. July 7. 11. 2l l In tht" Newport llarbor Ensign. 2515 E. Coast Bwy .. CDM Pb. BA 31D-KI 3-5115 (M.UO Life llmlra:Dce PUDdJ) JAMES D. RAY Buil~ill Coltractor 3446 E. COAST HWY ~ CORONA DEL MAR HArbor 4761 Residence: HAtbcw 4~6 IW'I_,_.__..EIT---~• COLLECnOIS ACICOUDb. Roles. Clcdma of ldDd of debts -cmywheN In America. ''K o collec:ttoos-K '"·H We acS•cm~ all CMta. CREDIT BUREAU of w .. ten:& Orcmv-County lformerly of Newport Beach, Laguna Beach lr Costa Meaa) 2tM Bi..nt.t. Aft.. PO Box HI Liberty a.7141 Jfewport a.or:h Orco Block Co. Buu.DING BLOCKS-ALL SIZES-ALL TYPES ]Acao. 7-mt.. ,_,_ly U'7M 11M2 KateUa. ltcmtoo DIG I. ..... lela .. Aae Private Police Right-of-Way Violations Cited as Accident Cause .... c.. 2 .. -Dr-' .... ~ 'ft1e-lubber 'ftle FOrmica -Unoleum Tile -~ ~ Tb.lttY.Jour penoN have been u aeddent eau.ee. buled people •• IlL INl lt.UAIII1 .-a C... .... ld1led anct 882 InJured in traUJc to underrate tbe Mtlou.eneil ot a y..,. 1n Oran&e Count;y acelctenta tn the Oranae c.'OWlt)' rilht-4-way violation~ In pro-••••••••.-••••••••••••••Ill unlncorpotatecl area 80 tar thiJ voklo• tratftc aceJMilta. year, Capt. Herbert Null, com-"At any rate, .. lntmd to con-Costa Mesa L.-co. mander of tbe Oran.:• ortJee of Unue watcbjng the rl.lbt-of.way the CalttornJa hl1hway patrol, accident plctur. In thJ.J area and hu reported. take all neeeuary .tepa to cur. He pointed out tbat In one out taU tbe.e vtolatlona.." LUMBER -BUILDING MA TEBIAIS of ~ alx accldenU a rtght-ot-Seventy-et1ht peniON were In-•-.port ...... CMell .._ ......, ..... way violation ca,uaed the cra.ah. Jured and one wu Jdlled ln auto ';ill;llllllllll····llllllllllll···· "Some motorlsta and pedeatrl-accldentl tor the year through I ana In the Orange county IV•• May ·31 In the City of Newport are falllnl to tully accept thelr Beach, Capt. Harry Lace of the respona.lbUitles r.eardlng rlrht-Newport pollee hu r.eported. He of-way ln traffic," Capt. Null figured that the same ratio of one aald. accident out of six wu caused by "Right.of.way violations caua. a rleht.of-way violation, by some lng these deaths and Injuries are one Involved. deliberate In man)' Instances and ------ can be avoided ln practtcally GIU. F9• IIULLDS every caae. Motorlsta and ped- Httians must be wWlng to give. not grab, the right-of-way. ''Poalbly emphula on the dan- lt!n of speed and drunk drlvin& Call HArbor lilt for Job · Pllatlag PUT YOUR SAVINGS WHERE THEY EXPAND-WITH SAFETY I Our functional modern new home (all paid for) is a marvel of economical efficiency. Come and see your money at work. Ton a pebble in o pool. See those rTpples expand In ever- widening circles. Well -that's just the woy your savings grow when you invest them with us. They grow and grow in e.ver-exponding figures in your passbook . • . ... and remember that they ore withdrawable, always at pot'. Accounts are insured by the Federal Savings and Loon lnsu:-- once Corporation, an agency of the United States Government. Savings received up to July 11th earn from July 1st. For as little as $5 you can OPEN AN ACCOUNT AND SAVE BY MAIL Ample Customer .. araeng Safe Deposit Vault • Priva .. Coupon lootht Confe•nce Room Complete her~ Service Money Orders American hpNU Travelers Chequ•· Collections _... .... · S.vlnp Accounts Over 19 years ot regular dividends ..• now paying U.S.~nunentlonds Loans to Ivy, luild, orlenMNiel 3% •j. per annum ... 4 payments per year on all accounts. lnsuranw AgiiMy Our 38th Consecutive Dividend GS ..... , ... ..,. . ....... .. •. .. , .. . ae•11 8LeM .. IIf WALfla I. IPICia • NUWDAY. JVLY f. 1- First Home Game Slpt.16 To DedkateOCCStaliUm De4btton ot the new '7,!500-ElabOrate dedkat.loll CINIDOD· ee&t fA)otball 8ta4Jum at Oraqe fee and eolortul halt-tJme ad.lvJ.. Cout CoU... wW be held J'rl. tJee an now belq planned u a day, Sept. • wMrl the f'ltatel IUJtable tnaurural. 'l1llt ww tn, meet t:ut Contra eo.ta Colle.. clude band muatc, atunta by mna 1n a twtllabt came. leackn and the roottnc ~n. "nlll wU1 mark the ftnt time and a half-tlme paaeant. alnce the collep opened Jta docn Completion ot tile ltadlum MV.n y..,. aao that an OCC cJvee Orance Count.)' Ill nne.t team h&l been able to play a football playlnJ" tleld. The tacUt. game at hOII'M. Prior to thta, ty wu ~lned wttb the playln& "bonle" football PD* were field 10 teet below f'Xlatlng scheduled at the hlch ldlool ll"'Und level and .eata alJio Jtart. flelda either at Newport Harbor in& below the dound level. With or Hunt1ncton Beach. no runnln& track between the p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ sidelines and the front row of "'DGUC'r' TUIIITII ,_ET_G (110 'I"RU) WCIIW's .. alleet..UO WBIOD OJn.T II 0%. stae oa~, r • s• • l lf• .. A New Concept In Personal Radio. Ear Phone and Carry. tne CUe OptJonal, Extra. DIVIS-IIOWI CO~ LJ 1-M$7 1115 ...... al .... eo.ta ..... SAVE .eat.l, ~tors are provided an excellent view o1 the playing field. Concrete ble.achers rim the eut and west perimeters of the stadium. Both ends are open. A modem fleldhouae has been erected at the aouth end of the stadium h ousing showers, rest- rooms. dressing rooms a nd con. cession booths. A commodious press box has been constructed atop the eost rim or the stadium. Thla ls equipped with complete facllt- tles for broadcasting and tele- vising contests. Construction or the stadium wa.s completed tbls spring a nd the turf Is we ll unde~ way. Total cost was $278.119. Home. ~uns Spark Play In little League Games J'ou.r Uttle ~ll.lue ball J&m8 • wwe played lut week at tbe new Youth Center diamond near tbe Harbor VIew School. Bill SUva wu the winning Cubs maldnc six n.tn~in the Jut half of the lut tnnin1l; Yanks 7, Bed Sox 5 (the Yanka scortnc four ruM in the final lnnln& to win the eame). pitcher as the Dodeers beat the------------- Cardinals Monday 8 to 4. The Indians shellacked the GlantJI 11 to 0 the aame day. G~r Mac- Gillivray hit a hNner ln the fourth. David Connell and Chris Mc- Lachlln both hit homers for the Bravf'S In the 5 to 1 victory over the Cubs Wednesd ay. The bat- terif:S we~ David Conndl and I Bob Nealy for the Brakes and John WE"bster and Bill Barnes for the Cubs. I 'nw GlanU> f"ked out a 6 to 5 vktory over the CardJnals. The dt'<.'lslve blow wu Roger Grable's home run In the aecond lnnlnr. brlngmg In thr~ runs. The bat tt>nt>s were Kim Oviatt and Jan I Crawford for the Cardinals and Mark Bla<'kweU, Roaer Grable and Mike Haines for the Giants I At thP High School ball field. I thP Cardinals are on top of the hPap with three vl<1ories and no defeats alter two full weeks of "C'' c•ompetltlon. I Last wet>k's gamt>s ln<'ludE'<I lOOOTH ~LAa PA.SSEKCEA-Udo JaJaad ..a. Mz. JIW. c:tudrw._ ot tM .,... ol K.1rtiaW •• an 8 to 2 vl<'tory for the Tigers deDt '1'. &Jtlt BW laaa be.a boeond CD the bew Co. of 1.-Aa.-IM. • I w try lata 1 ovl•r the White Sox; a 5 to 1 1 lOOOtb Worth AIDericaD pcii'MGCJft to Oy the wile. waa CODducliD41 a trtp te Ev.rope wb!dl vlrtory for the YankM!S ovt>r the I ScallcllAcrricm Air~ Polcu lloute to Ewope. begcm Nay 11 cm4 toolr him to Sc»tlaal4. EA9· Be Ia a1aowa ...... NWlYiDq a CIMDJcmd IDGI'ble lcmd. tbe K.U..lcmda cm4 Cenaaay. na. sn--Indians. (Patured by homE"rs by save rnoney ............... with se.e. ,__ Mutu.r• • • • • .. • : ..... -..... •• • • • • •••• . --.. . ... __ , . • • ...... Oo t • . ....... ... : lfA'fl , ••• A • • • • • • • • • • • •• Call ua t• cletcri1a today f W . L LANDIS oa L. &. CAIRNS •-•to. lDacribe4 la bl'oaae wtth a recol'd of eatatloa eenmoay was beld at Loll Aage._ m. Bill Brockman and Tommy Gam 2 M Y hla OJvJat. from Swed.lall Ac:tnu' AD!ta EJcber9. tenurttoDGJ Airport. 1 bl.-for the Yanks; a 5 to 2 vic Ore ears -----------------------tory for the Indians ovt'r the of Hawaii Duty $137.50 Taken From the POUCE BLOTJ'ER i r£·~.~':~.~:~;~1£~!~~··:;~ SAFELY LJb.rty &.1011 1~ E. 17Ua St. COSTA MESA Capt. Jack Lewl.s. who used to call Corona del Mar home (at 705 Narcissus Ave.). Is slated for at least two more yeara ot Ma rine duty tn the Hawaiian Islands. At Car F•lrm a 10 to 3 vktory tor the Yankees --------------------------- 1 n\',.r the RPd Sox port ~ach, by ot:fl~rs at 12:::!0 1 Thf' TlgPr<~ art> In ~nd pla .. 't" a.m .... Oleta Meadows. 46. of with a 3 1 re-cord. CoUowed by At OranCJ• Countv's LeadinCJ Home lendinCJ Institution CONTINUING TO PAY PER ANNUM All ACCOUNTS INSURED UP TO $10,000 All Accounts Opened On or Before The I Oth of the Month Eern From the I at. LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVINGS I LOAN ASSOCIATION 221 Oc.e~t AYeftM LAGUNA BEACH "--MY 4-1177 IE SA UPIOLSTEIIII He has just been assigned to tour of -'utY at Camp Catlin near Pearl Harbor to serve as assist. ant Inspector-Instructor of the Marine Corps Reserve's 15th Spe. clal Infantry Battalion. He has been the Informational services oUicer for the First Provisional Mar1ne 'Alr-Ground Task For~ at Kaneohe Bay, HawaJI, since February. 1953. Capt. Lewis, a veteran of two duty tours In Korea. ls a former newspaperman In the Midwest and on the west coast and a18o wu a Hollywood tum wrlter Tools and polish valued at $137.50 were stolen trom British Motors. 2033 W. Coast Hwy .. New port Bea<'h. owner Francla Rom t>ro of 712 Larkspur Ave .• Corona del Mar. complained to Newport pollee at 9:18 a.m . Saturday. A h igh speed drill. a set of sockets. a drive socket set. two bottles ot mirror glaze polish and a bottle of mirror glaze cleaner Wt're stolen. pollee said. Some· one punched a % Inch hole In a wooden overhead door Ol'\ the front of the building to gain en- try. The hurglar knew how to open the door by using a wire alt~r drilling the hole. pollee sald. Jl'l« to Neall to acttv. dotJ. Be COla :AIID _... ft amu ~ matr1e4 ancl.W two dlDdrelt, c.aJd MJtdMD 'ot 1DI w Seott.. ~ and ~ Marie, one Ocean Front Newport Beach, left year 0 d. pollee a paper bal containing Fire Damages Home on Lido A flre of unknown origin caused $50 damage In the horr\e of Arthur Plzzlnat at 101 Vla Florence, Udo Isle, at 1:02 p.r'n. Monday, the Newport ~ach fire department reported. Jt was ex- tlnaulshed by the occupants. after burning a chair mattress. patio c:halr and scorching a wall In the patio of the home. Fireworks were blamed for thrft arass grass fires the fire. men ran on the same day. A I"&SI fire was out when tJremen arrived at the scene In Buck Gully north of Coast Hwy. at 8:55 p.m. Another grass fire OC· cu.rred at Cove St. and Wave St .. ChJna Cove, at 9:13 p.m. A grasa fire on the east side of the back bay was extinguished at 9:58 p.m. Firemen ran on a needless call on the north side of Cout Hwy. at Poppy Ave .. Corona del Mar, at 5:02 p.m. Monday. JIOVU '1'0 COSTA IlEA Arretta RA!ed. formerly of the Harbor area, has moved back to Costa Mesa from Huntington Beach. She'a eetUne her mall at 21.91" Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. two pair or pantLes. a bra. a pair of pajamas, a tooth brush and a hair brush at 7:15 p.m. Friday. Mr. Mitchell said three etrls, 16 or 17. had ~n upstairs tn a house under constructJon at that address and ran out throwlne the ba~r u they departed. SAJifTS BEU F08 SUJOCEJI The George Santa have moved down to the Harbor Area from La Canada for the summer. Their home until school opens agaJn will be 129 40th St.. Newport. In n.e CrosSroads ViiiGCJe Draperies , e ~KESDAY, JUKE ~ Officers were unable to locatE' boys In a bla<'k ~an reported throwing flf1!<'1'ackers In yards In the 400 and 500 blocks of Poln aettla Ave .. Corona del Mar ... OUI~ replaced a manhole rov er on a manholt-In front of 111 E. Bay Front. Balboa l8land .. Officers quieted a group of noisy Pomona juveniles In a house at 920 E. ~an Front. BalbQa. at 11:58 p.m .... e T'BtTUDAT. JUKE 30 Ralph Dimmitt of 321 Ame thyst Ave .. Balboa Island. report ed the theft of a door lock still In a box from an open garage at 149 VIa Wa.zien. Udo Isle ... Samuel J. Hul'Wltz of 102 VIa Antlbn. Udo late. reported that 1M waa lDvo\wd m an acd4enl wtth T..t hderlen ot 909 Cout Jtwy., Newport Beach. on Me. Fadden Pl .• Newport Beach, when h& had to atop suddenly to avoid hlttJne two boys on bicycles .. Children reported shooting fire crackers In the vldnlty of 315 Wand Ave., Balboa. left the area before pollee were ~a lied. an In formant said ... Olll~rs warned a Good Humor man about play lng music In the clty of Newport Beach, after rf'Celvln~r a com plaJnt from the vicinity of 114 Apolena Ave .. Balboa Island ... e niDAY. JULY 1 A San Diego helicopter was found disabled on the beach at 17th St. and Ocean Front. New Maple Accessories InteriOr SIIUtters Newport· Post Office to Move To Site on Riverside Ave. The Newport Beach P()jlt Otflce 1t!U move about Dec. 1 to new quarten on Rlvenlde Ave. at Avon St.. just a block oft Mar- Iner'• MJle, ac:corcHng to Informa- tion recelwd lrom ConJtftS~nan 508 Margulrlte Ave .. Corona del thP Giants with 2 1. Mar. sut!ered a possible heart a t "C" Leaatue scores at tht-Costa tack In her home at 12:48 a m . MPSa Park last wHk were: Mon was attended by a physician and I day-Tigl'rs 12. Re-d Sox 3; Dodg tht> lire department re!K'ue squad E"T" 5. Cards 1. Tuesday-White and was taken to Hoe& Mamorlal Sox 3. Gtants 3 :. Cubs 9. Braves Hospital by ambulan~ ... Otfi 6 Wednesday-) anks 3. Indians cers disposed on a dead racoon 2; White Sox 5, Tigers 0. Thurs In the rear of the reslden~ of day-{'ubs 9. Indian 7 (with the Heleo Kirkpatrick of 506 Mar guerlte Ave .• Corona del Mar ... LJnda Smith of 1702 Clay St .. Newport Heights. was treated by a physician for a puncture type dog bite ... Mrs. Goldie Joseph of 1821 E. Balboa Blvd .. Balboa. Children and adults may regls reportf'od that a hit and run car ter for the Red Cross swimming caused $75 dama&e to the left program at Oran~:e Coast Colle&e front fender of bM car parked ln thla Saturday and Sunday at the front of that addreu ... A hlt U pooL aJl41 r\Ul ear knock-d down a d'Y eo e&e tra.Mc •Jan tn lnmt ol 3939 w.f -lmatlon fw cJ.... IDI!d- Coast Hwy .. Newport kach . . . lne Monday. Wed~ and f'rt, Helen Hahn of 409 29th SL, Nrw day wlU start at 10 a.m Satur port Beach. rt>pOrted that aome day ~~tratlon for TuHday. one was attemptlnr to tAJc:e a Ure Thursday and Saturday r lasst"S !rom her car In the rear of that j ww~IJ:J _:st~a~rt~a~t~l~O~a~m:·~S~u~n~d~a~y~. _ _J~~~~~~~~~~~~ address . . . Harold E. Benedict - of 427 Narcissus Ave .. Corona del Mar, was stru<'k by a bike while <'rosslng the street In the 500 I block of Balboa Blvd .. wu taken to Hong Memorial Hospita l by ambulance ... e SATU'GAY. JOLT 2 Lawren~ H. Bergeron. 50. of 401 38th St .. Newport Bea<'h. was &rre!"ted on a drunk driving , <'harge on Newport Blvd.. near ' the Mesa Motel at 2:12 am .... Pollee reprimanded a Newport 1 Beach boy. 14. for all~gE'<Ily tak lng a rf'od lantern from a con structlon job In the 200 block of 41st St . Newport ... Wesley Glr. aud of Costa Mt>sa reportt'd the th«!ft of <'a!lh and checks totaling $200 from hi-. car parkt'd In front of 2731 W Coast Hwy .. Nl'wport Bf'ar h . ~.,meont> caused about S60 damage to the conwrUble top of his car by completely cut. tinK It Into ribbons. parkf'd on Balboa Blvd . b<>twt'4.'n M<'Fadden PI and 19th St . Newport S.at'h. Claude Gay of Los Angeles com plalned ... t Con tin~ on ~ 12) C.U I'I'A8TS CAS LEAl[ Flrem~n were called to shut ott a leaking gas meter In the alle-y at the-rn r of n Apolena Ave . BaJboa Is land. at 3 :01 p.m . Sunday. A C'ar baC'ked into the mf't<-r. causing the leak. firflnen said. - .. .., 2-1111-12 Balboa. Tutoring School Dn'EJfSIVE PEaoiiAL tvTOm:IIC IJf EI.EKDITABY. ltTiflOBIIJCB. AJf1) BIGII SCIIOOL S178JECTS Flfll CWIHDUSE 515 WEST S~A aLVD.. SAUOA TEU:SA PATTEltSOJII VEUOJII fATTEBSOK Make your Own Giflware •• in our Ceramic Studio A wonderful nt>w plan for the reramlc bobblst ... you work •n a romplett>. modern plant with all the latest rommt-rc•al equipment unde-r skUled supe-r vtslon. v._•e have molds for over 125 ltema from our line that you may u~ or you may make your own deslirf'S ... ADyoae am do It ••• Ptaoe. for full ~ * IICIIES POnEIY I •ts •• IW ef "PEESSOIIUZED" I••J Onllr * SAVES TIM~ady for you in se conds * CONVENIENT -mates sending money e•"Y * ~RSONALJZED-.YOU s•qn '' h~e 1\ che I * SAFE--you have a receipt * Electron C<lll-y Prc-etmed • ~[ ~.LIC!oo--• iiiii ... iiiiliii 2002074 ( u.-.... ___ ..,.. .... ·---·-<~·-­......... ,..-.. ,...-.............. l...,_ "'• ~ .... • [ • ( [ QllAifl) OPZJfiJIC of a...,_ llle Mo. I at 3111 E. Coast IIJgbway Ia "Ccwoaa del IIGI' wW be held tb1a Friday Gild Satu.rday. T1U.I ..., ecn.y. MrriD9 IClDdwlcb-. malta. Ice c:nam cmct Mft drtlab. Ia loc:lcrt.d at the easterly eDd of CoiODG del II•. CICI'CIU the b19b-wcy an. the Burley Bell Gild Kay PLDcb c.caatca. OwDen of au.,. lale Cll'e ~ IDpcmt.. lAs a1aa.wr. Joe ColUAa aad Benb llelluU... Benb 11 paeral maaager. larger llle Mo. 1 11 1D ~ 11--. OD 18tb St. DeeD' tbe eo.ta IIHG Park. (Eaaip pboto) From the POUCE BLOmR <Continued from Page 11) e SATOllDAY. JULY 2 A fight reported In progress a t Park Ave. and Marine Ave .. Bal boa Is land, at 7:43 p.m was brokt.-n up when officers arrived ... Officers co n f i s c a t e d fire crackers from a Pasadena boy and a Balboa boy arter pollee received a complaint of boys sh ooting fire crackers In the 200 block of Agate Ave., Balboa Is land. at 10:51 p.m .... F. H. Jones of 515 Catalina Dr .. New port Heights. reported a monkey outside his front door ; officers were unable to catch It ... e StJNDAY, JULY 3 A dog bit Mrs. Irving F ine of Bt-verly Hills at 1405 N. Bay Front. Balboa Island ... George Perlin of 500 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa. reported the theft of a $35 spray gun ... Joe Rosan Sr ., of 220 VIa Lido Nord, Lido Isle, reported his houSe at 124 S. Bay Front, Balboa Island. had been entered by unauthorized persons but nothing appeared to be missing ... e MONDAY. JU1. Y 4 LEGAL NOTICE Charles W. McLendon. 25. of MOnCE OP PlJBUC HEAIUlfC Northndge. suffered a dislocated Notlei? ls h ereby given that the shoulder on the Corona del Mar Planning Commission of the City main beach and was taken to a of Newport Beach will hold a physician ... Harry Kelso of 200 public hearing on the appllca VIa Koron. Lido Isle, reported tlon of Regina Mary Power for a that a girl threw a flare Into his Re-subdivl.sion No. 12 to permit bathroom window . . Philip M. the re subdivision of Lot No. 1. Anthony of Glendale suffered Block 329, Corona del Mar, which minor Injuries when hit In a Is 35 ft. w1de by 236 rt. deep Into crosswalk by a rar driven by Pa. trlcia Lee Cro" Pll of the Newport two building sites as follows: Beach municipal trallt'r park on BUILDING SITE NO 1--Con Coast Hwy. near Port Orange at sisting of all but the rear 109 12:38 p m .. officers charged ... foot portion of Lot No. 1. Block 0. w. Broomhead o! the Balboa 329. Corona del Ma r tract with Inn. Balboa. reported that a 4159.05 square feet of area and young punk dressed in blue !rontagt' on Pacific Drive. jPans and a blue shirt thre.att>ned BUILDING SITE NO. 2-Con-him with hls pants belt after he slsting of the rear 109 foot por-wu refused aervice In the bar tJon of Lot ~o. 1, Block 329, Co-and a room fOI the niJhl ... rona del Mar tract with 3875/e TUESDAY, JULY 5 square r~t of a rea and 109 foot M. S. Jk>mard of 2672 Crest frontage on &>gonia Ave. view Dr.. Bay Shores. reported The property Is in an R 2 Dis 1 the the ft of a $1 8 pair of s hoes trlct and is over twire as lar~e frnm his open garage plus two ac:; thp averagt> rf'<'orded lot tn wire wh~l C'apc; from <'ars at thP Corona dPI Mar Area. anrl is that address . JNry S. Sy )orated on thf' Northwc'~l curner phers. 2J. of 61 1 Aracia Ave. Co- of !Wgnnla A"e ;~nn Padfi<' rona del Mar. c:;uff~rprl a cut on OrivP. thf' bottom of h1s r1 ght foot Not lc£' il" h NPhy furthN given I while swimming a t thl' Corona thi\t said puhli<' hear~ng w1ll he del Ma r main hea~h ;&nd was hPirl nn the 21 st dlly of July. taken to Hoag Ho-.pllal . 19;):-l. at thP hour of R·OO p m. In I tht> Coun<'ll ('hamtlf'r-. of the YOUTH HIT BY ASSAILANT l'i'E'wport Bt>aC'h City Hall. at Mike Rork, 16. of 1907 E. Bay whirh l imP and plaPP any and 1 Front. Balboa. was knc)('kl'd tlown all p£'r<;(ono.. intPrPSINI mny ap by an unknown assailant of a pPar anrl hf' hPnrrt thNM'1. group of four youths wh1le walk. RAY Y COPELli'<. lng in an alley near Balboa Blvd. Srrrptary l'rowport RPnch C'ity <It 9:22 p m. Friday. NPwport po Plannmg Commis.c;1on ll<'e reported. "Hmts" from House and Garden, at Newport by Connie Mitchell I nterlor Designer - This week I ll tell you obout the fcbulous new chairs thct hc ve 1ust crrived The new Scoop choir, that is fashioned of woven reed ond iron, is s1mply out of this world. for o very modern in- terior or pol1o decor os you con see in the illustration above- end sooo--comfortoble. just right for lounging. Then there &re the ne w ' Hoop" loungers thot hove & very very 'tropic&l-ori· entel · loolt-so Iorge thet severo! people c&n r&&lly rei&K and e njoy the summer dt'ly in one of these. One type is fashioned of woven reed, &nd the other of retten with &n enormous round cushioned seet, bu' designed in such & way that it has & very eiry and light look. Ne11t week I'll tell you about the new pieces that have & double duty purpose . * H1tse ... Gar~~~ Tuition for reflltratloo 1n the plenle at eo.ta Me.a patk. Vacation Church School at Ute '11\e vacation eehool ltd in- Corona del Mar Community dudes: Xlnder1arten, Lola Kea- Church baa been cancelled be-dor and Zota Parker; pdmary (1 cause of the contribution by the and 2), Allene Wtllon from the omen'a Fellowship and the Conference; lower junlot (3 and Church School GuUd. '11\e acbool 4), Katherll')e Procter; upper jun.. wUl be held tor two weeks be-lor (5 and 6), Ruth Humuon; Jlnnlne luly 18. junior h1eh and older studenta, Cunlculum lncludea m u 1 I c, Rev. Edwin Gomke; dlrector of ltorles In pictures, Bible reading, muaJc. Mary Batten Stef1e,naen; crafts, and worship. Dally pro-planlsta. Francea Smith and Flor- eram ls as follows: 9 to 9:30 ence Voueht; registrar, Ruth Sad- a.m ., aasembly for alneing and lelr; refreshment hostess, Luelle stories; 9:30 to 10:40 a.m ., class Shannon; teachers' asslstanta. work and study, recreation and l oan Burback, Sandee Deardorff, refreshments; 10:40 to 11 a.m., Nancy Bryant and Linda Her- wonhlp. man. ~ There wHI be open house ThUJ'Iday evening, luly 28. dur- ine wblch the children wtll pre. sent a brief proeram and display their handicraft. The achool wUl conclud• Friday, July 29, wtth a A Clauifieo Ad 1n 1 ne Ension brinqs immediate results! Call Harbor 1114-1115 and orove it! perbl ... , •• , of • .,... ........... Oela*· JdD9. IINIOeid floe ...-&cleat of tile 10101tty1 lin. ..... lin. c. &.llard&D. Mftllfty ....... . Cllld lin. JC~~Ue L Tcrtlow Jr., pat ....... t. (Doll ..... pboto) THE LONGER YOUR LIST ••• LARGER YOUR SAVINGS! QOLDE.If STATE-PremJum lfa CaL Ice Cream 79c DADlY ICAID-Plnt Quallty Butter 59;, CHASE & SAJfaoJUI • COFFEE 79•. 2lb. 7ft-ChiiiGid Beans 35~ TOMATOES ~ . 19( CHEESE Loaf ---------------------------------------- 13~ Toilet Tissue 1~ &;b;; SCe, 33e STOKLEYS'--coJdeD Cream Style CORN SCO'M'-1000 Sbeet Jlo11 ------------------------------------LOCCAaDf Tomato Juice 19~ SYRUP :.: -29( M~caroni ~: ..... 15~ co.T~O ~~~--~~~---·----------~4---~ G;a-,;,ruit Sec. 15~ ~~~ato sauce~ St iiJFOod 3 ... 29( §9( Wesson Oil 59~ QLOaE A-1 SpagheHi CHEER 2lb. Pq ..... . \:-. nu:ITS & ~'fCCTABltS CUCUMBERS 3 For Sc SWEET TElfDU CORN 49c doz. SEEDLESS GRAPES 21bs. 29c LABCE SAJfTA &OSA PLUMS 21bs. 19c Lemonade .... CalL-···-·-·-··· IOOL ...._. ____ _ ROUND STEAK GROUND ROUND SWISS STEAK ROLL ROAST STEWING BEEF Leg ~o La10b 63•. ~hoek Roast 39;, O·Bone Beef Roast 43it. '