HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-07-21 - Newport Harbor Ensignwarded For Heights lradeSchool The contract for construction of an elementary school for New. I port Heights was awarded yes- terday noon to Charles W. De· vore of Garden Grove on his low bldpf '-169.600. Construction will start within the next two weeks, and the 16- clauroom achooL will be ready for the fall of next year, Supt. Roy Andersen said yettterday. The school, yet unna med wUI be toea~ at 15th St. and Santa Ana Ave., within the city limJta I of the City of Costa Mesa, but In the Newport Beach Elementary School District. Bids were opened Tuesday evwttn,. and the School Board adjourned to yesterday noon to award the contract. The seven I:~~ l=t~ ~~ t~yf4~~50An=: plus $4.000 It aluminum win 1 dows were subs tIt u ted for wooden windows. The Trustees act'epted the 16-classroom figure, plus the"$4,000 for the aluminum wlndoWJ. Square foot cost will be SlO.OC. This will oomplt'te the $900.000 program ma de possible by the recent bond Issue. Park Group Stu.dies City Trailer Plan eGI\ ol San Diego. $378. 788; thlrd The new Para. leaches and .. L. r= ~ ~ ........ Cc ....... ~ :i''lliMa~ ... aa ~~atC:::,r:,.... Kr. Devon bid t:e,eoo f01 II rneetJn1. puaed It around for a ~~~~~~~~~~~~ cluarooma. minus 125.000 lf four while. then banded It to Ita own • classrooms wouldbecut out,and ~~~~:;:.nst~~-Piannlng Com-WiJI Rqgers• HARE IS AMED lumber Firm CITT JOBS STILl. orEN This controversla I p r o b I em came officially to the attt'ntlon Son · to Show . Den·1es c 1·ty• s Applicants for tht' job of city of the Commission by way of a clerk and city treasurer art' still letter to Newport City Council ~~~§~~1:~:-a;_~_d:_:_~ r~~~t~=~Tf~~~~ R~~~=~~~. BY POl T ASSI.I pc:~ ... ~,h:.:;~ .. , At. vesflgatlon and study. 11 Lido Jlouad.t1p will be aD I torne) Karl Davis that luml.M>r Both Rex Brandt and Tom Nor .. JI.lbUioa of trtck rope toea!D9 Edward Hare of 2113 Mlramar 1 ficatlon of the triangle at G St. I sh ipmE'nts are bf>ing uwd fnr a ton. new membt-rs of the Park by JbluDy ~ 80il of the Dr.. Balboa. was electf"d presl and Balboa Blvd .. one way trat "build up" of freight ac·unty at Commission. said tl}at when they ba.modat ww ...... Cllld &.. dent of the Balboa Point Associa fie' on Miramar Dr : helped dE' the Pactflc Elf'<.'tric-"s vards were were a ppointed they were told qu•t lnUDJD•·time .uttw 00 1 tion at the annual membership 1 feat the matching land propo<>al dentt"d thi" wf!'f'k b~ V.·altPr Spl- by the city manager that the lJ.do 1a1e. a. will cdM CIDIIduct I meeting }o'riday evening at City to US£' Newport ~an front pro <'E'r. offiC'<'r a net part n"'nPr of tht!' trailer park problem would not a booth wb .. dl.Udnll may Hall. He suct'eeds Monte R. perty for a('quisitlon of land ' Ward lr Harringlon Lumber Co. be turned over to the Commls toa larlata few pl1aeL 1 Grimes of 1743 Miramar Dr for state park tn Corona del ~1ar. Mr Davt.; told the> Newport slon. 'l"ben'll be daDd.D9 to the , Other otfi<'E'rs for 195!>-56 a.re 1 su(.'('('ssful handling of sew•ral C"tty Council last WN'k tht!' PE "I don"t mln<f catching the hot mu.ak of Lido•• OWil da:Dce I Robert StabiE'r. 1722 E. Ocean bulldmg code ,·inlation!ooo un thP lumbf>r hauling had ht-t'n great potato," said Mr. Brandt. "but I bcmd. wttb Joe ~ as Front. 'Ice pr~ldent. and Charles Peninsula. tndvrs('d tht> l'andt ly tn<'rea~d m rP<"Pnt months so don't w ant to act hastily. 1 am tbe eaacee. Otb« featur. of F. Schwan. 2017 Mlntmar Dr .. dary of Sand~ l\!,u Ka) In the that PE could "trengthf'n Its ra~ not prepared to act on It because the .. a-.....msv wW be the S('("retary . treasurer. Committee last C"ll) C"ounrtl PIN'tllm h<'lci for mnttnuancC' of 1t~ frPtght line I had ~n told that we would atnl ~ Theatre aWwt.v a I chalrml'n will be appointf"d at I fl~t SO<'tal funt'ttnn attc>nciNI hy mtn ;-,lpwpnrt have nothing to do with it."' the first meeting of the new more than 30Cl. piJntln~ or mort> ~1r Spll"f'f -.atd that lumber Jd Gl h I f th Tom Mix plctww, ,...tent Haro ass. c a rman o e IIDadaa •"*' IJl food bootlu. !board. to bE' held Monday t'Ve trN"S b) th<' tk'autlfll .llinn <om haulmg h.l'; lnrrPal'lf'c1 ronsider. Citizens Committee. said. "We 1 nlng. Aug. 1. at the Stabler resi I mittN' nhl.v he'< .;u-.p Apnf Ma.\ Junn h Tr II P k IDGDY game boot.b.l Cllld buno ~ can open up t P a er a r rldM. dPn<'P. An"""""!! a quP,IIon !rom lhP 1\nd Jul) .ur normall) th<' big beach to the public and share 1 m th th 1 bP b · It with the trailer residents. just 1 Hold over dirN'tors on the audlen<'f'. ~r <;rimp-. .... ,.rt thnt a on .. 111 r urn r us•n~s. newly ronstltutf"d board are Mr pla:.ground •~ ht>lng rlannr•1t hf' The bu-.mM-" has bN-n <'Vt!'n like the HuntI ng t 0 n Beach B ......... ...a ... , ft--.. I CrimPs. Mr. Stabler. Mr. Schwan 1 tw<'f'n A and B "trf••·h HP sn1rl hPaviN than usual lately be- trailer park beach Is shaft'S!." IIWWIWW UW...-rl and Mrs. Emory Moore. Charles tht"r(' ""ou ld bC' ol llttl.-IE'a~UP ('8USP II( hUI!P trac-t building In He said he went swimming on Tl .. a~--s ••• , Owen was reelected for a new diamond and pl.l) (,It lilt if><; for C'o~' :\1C'"il and farther Inland. the Trailer Park beach a week .... ---two y€'ar term on the board. New small c'h lldrE'n. \\ llh a paid dl H€' Sa Ill II was "silly and un- a go; the public bt'aches on board membt-rs are Ray Baxter r«tor to supen '"f' the pia~ hE"ard nf to think that lumber either •Ide were crowded; there An Informal concert of baroque and Mr. Hare. suct'eedlng Wil I ground firms would unneo<-c.-ssarlly han- was Just one swimmer on the music will be presented by mem llam Kuhn and James Scar M,-.;. Moore ..aic1 that requt'sts die lumbf'r tWiN! HP was rom- trailer park beach -himself-~ of tht' Southern California boro h h d d h • mentlng on tht' · l"f'd h wtth a llfe guard watching over ug . I a be(-n rna (' to t e womt'n s I tmp • c arge Recordt'r Society at 3 p.m. Sun e PJlESmEJrrS aEPOaT group for morP frf'Quent mem that lumbt>r Is being brought him. -...1 8 vi h lr day In the garden of the Rex In hls annual ~port. outgoing bership meetings. either quar here just to show lndisJ)('nsable-m~ottl::p Cit~~· eo:~l;ee, Brandt home. 405' Goldenrod president Grimes related the foJ I tt'rly or twl~ a yt'ar This will use of the PE freight line In !Continued on Pap 7) Ave., Corona del Mar. lowing accomplishments: ~auU 1 ~ discussed by thf' board of dt Nt"Wport. __ .:....:_.:.._ _____ :_ _______________________________ rectors. HandllnJt lumber Is an expen. e DAJfCE SVGCESTED "lve Item. and sln<'f' the margin P T ' Vi De I d Mr. Baxter u kC'd for mort> nf Opt'ratton Is small. handling re-een S lews On lsney an voluntt>er help for building up thE' lumtwr twice would wipe . the rock wall at the llnle park out the profit. he pointed out. on the ~Int. He suggested that ' CommPntlng on the char,e .-, U'IWT JODSOK ..... •lJih-JMW-eld'• ... pr I I 'om .. ~ ftiH to DiaMy• .............. Jpedcdla..U. u.al -.... l.adaf.) just couldn't walt any longer. we went on the boet ride. Ther. a ~t dan<'f' tM> hf'ld. with a that a trucking firm In Anaheim Oh, what a beauty she la. and ano many boats, that take you pork baml for rontrlb\tt lon!:. to has hauJNi lumber here -and lf you watched 1V I know you through the riven of Mexico. ralse mont'y for this projPCt <<;ontrnut'd on Paae 7) saw the ''Mark Twain... Africa. Asia and Central and Theft was a conslciPrablf' show I As we walked around I could South America. ~o,ofnh.ands In favor of his sug Carol Doane think ot just one thlll8 besides J can1 get OVft" Tomorrowland. .~o• Dtsneyland 1a Just too large the fact that we ~ all ln an-The Clock-It La a clock of the President Httre ~ld that the F d s u and fabulous to describe. You other world-1 couldn't let over ent~ wwld. Yes.. and a ro.ket cllrectors wUI carry on a drl\·t' U n et p just baw cot to see lt. I lmoW the tact that people don't 8eem ship that takes l'OU to the moon. for new members ciurlng the that you w111 love Maln Street to much care. or perh~ they lJttle ~ cars and the ~ comJng ~ar. and Civic Center--l\'1 Just llke don't read about when to put way of 19!!. You can drlve the The new presiMnt. who df' a little town. Thfte ls a City the trash. I feeJ 110 IIOft'Y f« the little can. take speedboat rlda. ~bet! hfi'Ml"Lf u a "Balboa. Hall. Pollee and ~ Dept, men who have to deaD the and 110 many more thlnp that beachCOJDber," has ft"C'ently re Opera Bouae. New.tand. Dlmey-IJ'O'(IHb. It Isn't quite tall. be-you wlll we 1~ 20, 50 or 100 UMd from the pf\pto enarravlng land New.. Snackbar. ehootinl eau. th~y have lots ot C&ft.l tor years from now. busJnesa. He ls the fOITtlel' own6 aallery, fruit stancla. eamera trash and papers. I ~yeti e¥trY part ol Disney. of the Art ~aving Oo. of X..O. ..,...., a place to rent atroi*-We had the belt dbmer. We land. and can ba.rclly walt till I A.J\ael Durl.nl the war be wu a1ad wheel dlaln. an4 even a ate ~ ln Fron0et\&n4. 'lbe can 1'0 .,aln. I 1mow you wtll lnstru('tcw In atrttart malnten bank. Tbere are 10 ~MftY 1DOft dlJdto was lush. love ~ur trtp to Dlaneyland too. ante for 4~ Y'Mfl. lfe had ob tMt 1 couldn•t rememw tbem In Fa.ntuylantt. S le • p l n 1 I wt.ab to t.b.abk ..., bo.t and talned the know how for this ..U. Beeuty CUt.le _. ... 10 ~! t•· ,.__, Mr. aDd Kra. /uYo project becaue of his ~encoe 'ftMft then Ia f'rofttltrl....._ ,...,,_ 1M )(~ .,._ and Raapa. and aliO Dr. Dldc Hoft. u a pU.ot. Re aliO oper&tM rat'· 1M )OC eon )Gob like ... .-1 lllaate ~ eats Pall ma.n and Sam Kttdlell. aliO of tn1 bolt.a u a Mobby. t1aJD1; ~ ,_ ~ wu • dlllt..a.nd all ~ th Ebtltp IU1t. MY Dd 1•ve Mrs. B.,. .. ~ _. tbe QOdlltt ..._._ tM rt,.-•t Urc.....,.ftd 'Will ......... ~ Ilia sn-Pfol' and I thult Oftke of a. Mswpwt RUW ...,._ 'IWallt. • ftll w. w 1 I a.L 'nilt ~ ..... o.d _.. tlau I cu._, beee 8out of ........ ~._._two ttiD ._tilt--.. • ..._,.,.. .. _.._...,._. l wW ........ tbe dQ at~.._... A-. Jll, ud .................... ~--a. ....... ~ ft-···--· ' ' ... 'I'WO , .............. -~ .... Qty .. .....,.... ...... c.lf. ()fRee _. ,........ ,._. S. ... W,. ......... z• L c...t Hltltwr. c.r-4.1 ~. . ...... ~ 2110 L c...t Hltltw~. C..... 4el Mar, ~le TILEPHOHIS1 ~ 1114 _, I I II Wlt.fiR 01 THI CALIPOINJA NEWSPAPfl PUIUSHW ASSOCIATION /lw4 ef th NAnONAL E.DtTOliA1 ASSOQATON AIYO L HAAPA .Witw -' Pvltfltttef PM HMPA -··---·-· A..eJet. .,,~ HU8H W.WIUAN .._. ........... ,._., MIT L. JOHNSON ~ .. ~ SAM MITCHEll ·--·-A4¥ertW.... Prt11tlllf lUIY STEVENSON. . _looUooper SUISCliPTION RATtS L..c.t .. ._,.~ , ... : r-,..-u.oo; Oft• ,..,......1.oo Ovt.Wo of the Horltor /vfto: Two ,_.,_$7.00; Ofte yoe~ • • • TM NEWPORT HAliOl ENSI&N hot "-' 4ot.nt.11104 .. be • ~~ewtpo~ of 90110tel clrc~tlo1i0ft by ittdtm•lll of iho Superior Cowt erHI by ,.._ ihotoof It quellfl~ to publlih en p~tblic noilcot ,.qulreil by lew • • • Ent~ os Second Cleu MoHer In rite Post Offlco ot c-~~• dol Mor. Celif. .. ... . if~--"1;;, .. ~: "'ti ...... eM E E:+ M M M +:w M M •;e I If M M M M M M i M M E e;e E M j e HOW MANY DEATHS ARE NEEDED? The stele moves '" mysterious wey ils wonders to perform. (.Apolo· gies to W illiem Cowper.) . . . Toke the metter of trying lo slow down thet frent1c tro~f,c olong Coost Highwey through Corono del Mer. O~e of the myster~ous weys of the $tete Division o f 1-;lighweys 1S e .m~stertous formule "':hereby they determine the proper time to stert thtnktng of moybe slowmq the tref· fie. I con t tell you the e xod deteils of thot fo!':"ulo--how mony ter- roble eccidents ere required. or how meny fotelit1e s. One d eoth IS not enough, thet's for sure . Meybe three. or four, is per for the course: We ought to be oble to shoot thot pretty soo~ now. beceu$8 the fe1rwey hos been cleered considerebly by the wtdemng of the hoghwey through Corone del Mer. Some folks think that moybe the pedestriens end the locol c.ers hove o mite better chence now, beceuse they hove more dodg.ng room on the w1de hoghwoy ond the drivers hove to be ~ore sk~le~ to get in 0 good sol1d blow. But the re ore others who ~l,eve thet 1t just meens thet there is more room for more cers on the h,ghwey . .And it follows thet there ere more cors geHing e crock et the foolherdy pedestrion who ventures out on tho$8 cro~s-welks. in the blissfully ignor· ont faith (ignoront indeedl thot he's sofe in the crosswelk. beceu5e the low seys so, end enywoy, if he does get hit, it wouldn't count. No hurry~ng the stete. There s been tolk these mony yeers a~ut reducing the speed limit through Corone del Mer from 35 tp 25 m1les en hour. But the stete wants to give this newly widened highwey time to "se ttle down" to its proper pottem ef occident, injury ond deeth. Then time enough for a surve y . .And when bloody well reedy (end I do meen bloody) the stote will cut down thot speed li~it ~eybe. . l ooh like the y're definitely committed to puttong 1n o treff1c l~ht et the eesterly e ntrence fo Corone del Mor. But how soon? If we're ludy, moybe before the summer of next yeer. No hurry. Only e couple of lives. more or less, are a t stolte in the meent ime. E•cuse it plee$8 if I seem flip. Confidentie lly I think the situetion stinks. Everyone who lives here, e nd listens doily to the screeching of bre\:et, end t.,_ f,..quent u~. ~ thud. knows without b.nefit of traf- fic formule the t something hed better be done. I guess it's up to the Corono del Mer residents end businessmen to roise o rumpus. Thot\ e job for the Business Associetion enJ the Civ'c A <(ociot <''1 let lhe Stele D:vis'o., of l:i oqhwoys ~"'JW how you feel ebout it. If there s enough ruckus, I bet they II listen • • • e WELCOME, DISNEYLAND I unde rst.,,.,d there ore guys so meon they II steol r endy frorr boo•es. A nd I II bet there "'e quys so dour they II grope eve n obout Di.,ne11ord o"'d r..r1 li~e ~pooled brots obout the crowd s end co,.fusion. .v.h o~ there wo' <~I the spec.el o .. to+toMI c penong Sundoy Thot ~ whel D.soeylond ,, f "'· Whot s the good of '' foil us kods r 'J'~ 1 ollerd in droves 7 Count me in. This ~id wos there fr o m 2 ·)0 to 8 30 p m S~.-ndo 1 wol~tng .,..,d qow~ •og most o f the tom,. wide eyed I ~e <~ th~ other children wh o:r .,cJuderi, omonq otrer~ Peg. ond Doc. H vffmo ". Md Som Mt!rhell. O"d 121h yeor old Kothy J ohnson-oil member, or the En•,tgn fem ly We ..,11 oqr,.ed thot tl->ere •s nothing f, e it anywhere on the world --e1o:ept moybe ,, the roment1r: imogtl"lllton of younq~ters oil over the worl J. To be 5ure there werl!t the flubs ond .feilures ond inconveni- 8.,re• r f ""t ('or,e n nq. But the•P wes too much to see ond do to let tro• b"Jt~e•. We oil solute Dlsneylood ,I'd welcome it OS " stupendous ond wonderful l)dd tion to the ettrecltons of Orange County "Hints" from House and Garden, at Newport by Coa.DJe Kltcbell Interior Designer Here is a new "Seeting toble combinetion'' we hove de · sogned et House & G orden ... It is fosflioned of Rette'n in the sm.,rt "teo~" finish. The seoting pert is 48" long with e foem slob and 2 foem bolsters ... the rest is o 24 · x 30 · Table fin- ished in teo~. The bed not shown in the illustration above, ;, foshioned of rettan ... the whole piece is ve ry IOflg end very low . . . stunning with e lemp 39" or 40 inc.,_s high. It was designed for a room thot need.d comfortoble ..... ing without the heaviness of too many upholstered p ieces. It was 50 weU received thot we hove odded.lt to our r.qular line and now have it on the floor . • . if you are lookin9 for SOfN" thin9 lon9 .•• low ..• and s~Mrt thi1 may be it . • eJUST LArlt 1 haven't been ttahtn1 aJnce the lnterclub Albacoce Tourna. ment. There's that oldie about when a ruy'a too busy to 10 fl.th· lng, he's too busy, period. But iUeU aealn, amJ1o-that'1 not my reason. I've felt much more like that other one about why Old Fishermen Never Ole-and honestly. I have been too tired -you know-too U.red to rat.e a rod. How rugged a deal that tourn. ament wu has been obvious all this past week. I talked to that human dynamo. Bill Pier. He was still tired. Th~ to Hal Ke noyt>r. He was varnishing his boat, with assistance, I might add. Uncle Harry Rogers' excuse was that they had guests from back east who always got sea. sick. Pappy Harrison was busy S<'lllng PonUaca. When I men. tloned fishing on Friday he JOt a sort of watery look In his eyes a nd inquired absent mJndedly, "Have you heard any thIn 1 lately~" Yt-p, It's a fine thing for ua old birds to play on the varsity, but It's mighty fortunate that they don't hold the champion. ahlp oftener than once a year. l'ye enjoyed the easy chairs In the patio roore thls pu t week than tor some time. e OVEBSEAI JIEWS When I got back from Avalon. a Jetter stamped "Mit Luftpoet" wu waiting. The wrlttna looked famlllar. and It was. Thl.t wu the first letter from good friend and fellow fisherman. Or. Salva. tore Monaco, who, with ha. charmlnr Mary, la on a Euro- pean tour. The Jetter, written on July 4, was-trom Munc:hen <Mu. nlch). Hl3 second sentence said: "Please remember me to all the Pacific Anglers and let ua hope that this year they w111 top the list In the Tournament." Jt didn't take me lone to ret that lood De'IIVS lu~ln1 back to Salvatore. He belonr• to other fishing clubs, but his true love Is Pacific Anglers. No wonder, for he was one of the founders and the first president. I can see the look ot Jny on his face. and the drops or happy mois ture behind h is glar.M>s, when he gets tht> nPWS Salvatore's lettl"r was full or Interest. He wrotr: "After being wined and dined by our friends In Louisville CWhNe son R.enato was awarded his M. D. degree) and Nt>w York, we sailed on the Marsdam on June 16 and arrived In London J une 24. ln a British Ford we toured the Midlands, saw · London, Hampton Court. Windsor. Wonderful roads - no billboards and no tras h. (Litter bugs. plea.se note~ I "From Dover we went to Os tend. Bruxelles 1 Brussels I, Co logne and Heidelberg and ar Letten- Nt>Wp<>rt Harbor Ensign Corona dl"l Mar. Calif. Dear Hop: In regard to your editorial In last week's Ensl~n. expressing disappointment In the stand of the Cltluns Committee for Parka and Playrrounds, In not attack. InK t he poaltlon of the City In lu d e t ~ r m I n a t I o n to conduct a Trailer Park, It seems to me we nHd to clarify the probl~m a little. Am I not right In aaytnr that primarily you oppose th~ Clty'a continuance of the Traner Park because you believe It Ia funda· m~ntally wrona for the City to enrage In thla comme'l'clal type of enterpriM (competition With private business ete.)! It 1.t more or leu Incidental to your bulc: objectJon that thla partJcular City OJK'&t~ commerelal ven.. ture also happen. to lnlrlnae on a public rteht (UM of City owned water front property u a park) --althoueh I am aure 'you alJio do oppoee th.la latter lntrtnp mtnt. Mow the CttlZenl CommJtt.e rtved tn Munchen lut ntahL Armando (the younrer son or the Monacos la stationed th~r~. ln the armed forces) was walt. In~. He ta very well. Tomorrow we wlll start for ltal)', throuab the Brenner Pua. '"''be culinary part or our trip h aa been mu·y gustoso. Had some marvelous aole ln Enaland, fish and chi~ In Dover, all klnda of IChnltzen tn Uemlany, wiener . paprika, etc. Last night we ha d a stein ·of beer at the famous Hotrbrau. Bavarian beer La unex. celled. ''Wherever there wu a river- the Tha mes -or the Rhine -I saw some one or our fraternity uslnr a rod and courting lady luck. "Lots ot luck and warmest re. ea.rd.s from all of us. You may write untll July 20 care or Amerl. can Express, Rome. After that, qulen sabe!" e JCZ .OZ STUFF Last week we mentioned that the flrat marlin had been we igh ed In at San Dlero. This wu last minute n~s from H a r o 1 d Green'• Marlin Inn Bulletin. usually very accurate. Later we learned that all w u not as It had been reported. Inside story ta that Mn. AJ Peruoee, at the Marlin Club, smelled a rate-or a fish. The marlin, aupposedly fresh from th~ brtny, looked too dried up. too hollow eyed for her OK. When ah~ called for other members ot the commJttee to pU8 on It befOl'e laulng a weight certlllcate. the alleged anrler took back hla marlin and deposJted same In San Dlero Bay, ao 't1a said. SuppcMJitJon Is that me anrJer. name forgotten, had •rranged to pull a Joke, got In too deep and had a hard time backing out. 'Tis al80 said that ther~ Is about $1,500 In prlu money for the first marlln to be weighed ln. So -marlln ttaher. men-U you're still Interested In that first one, It's still In the watt>ra. e COOKDf' WJT1I CAl For years I've had a gasoline camp 11tove, but honestly I've al ways been half a frnld of the durrw't1 thing. It hasn't been loaded or fired since we moved to California. A couple of wet>k.s ago I got a new &tove to boll my C'ortee and fry my trout 1 or eggs, Jf the Hoff man Hex follows me). This stove, a.s stov£'s go, Is a genuine little gf.'m . Jt's called a ''Bernz 0 Mntl<'." and If they're not al rPady In your favorite h ardware or sporti ng aoods stor~. they soon will be when the news get.! around. This, listeners, Is a ter rifle Ite m. Thf.' secret of SUCCH."' lies In a small but rugged cyllndt>r of pro. pane gas that furnishes the l(;ontin~ on Pare 81 JUUIOIJ) L BUTZai.Y, aoo of Mw. 8Dd ...._ L & ...,ly, 1171 c..~ Dr .. c.n. .. .... ..... u,--p ltecl ..... . .... , .. a..-, ....... ... Ia • poject cMrtl .. tbe ialtal- &at:loaa oftkle of Uae lo9latkal MCtioll ............. leutb· ... Areca eo-·-d. lallualcb. ......... ....., ... .s ..... Anay .. p........, ... ... eo~ap&etled t.aio tndaia9 at PCI!rt 0.... CaW. ,.. ,._,._~ MIAUM atteDcletd Oa-.. Coast CoU.,.. V-.ndals caused 1100 damag~ to a bulldlng under construction acrou Newport Blvd., from the Newport Beach city hall, New- port pollee reported last Fraday. Carl Groth of 1934 Continental St., Costa Mesa, reported that some boys entered the bulldlnr and poured black tile m astic on the Door and marked the walls. Carpenters said they chased tl\ree boys away from the build· lnr a t quitting time. .c. , •••••••• , Caa you ,......,. ......... oftt1aal ..... bay brtd9e ... Ia ted ca.. to Ole blaU M- low tbe Calltcawcaya ~t lD tbe ..-cd •ldaltr., ...... tiM .... bJfta a....~ ~ b pl•eect? Tbe ,......t ~ wa buJ.lt to po'ride tndfic wttb • "'sttal9bt ll.aW" trip-................. , .. ........ tan ......... br ... nnt bddtfa. An I -• • • I knoW JOQ'W Mrn t4ld by a. 011 ... It tbne. tbat I ,... tllere perta about Lu V11aa. Pabuloue 1 MWwr aaw a clrVnll 'lD Lu dty, a monwa.at eo man'• v.,., What waa that aMtt you .... n .. ,_ trJ1.na .to pt .-. made, "Don't tbeJ' baw DO hllt· tldl\l tor nofta'"-· C..bllq. Ob. rod ap th .. r Carl6al ~ obi Dld I say a tNI4 wWd. At an)' boY, JOG make ,....,. Wce raw th.. le no~ewa. Wepl that. a.ad .-.a. won't Ub you. about tJMtr aatM. no phoney by 'l'be ._,_.._. ... Juat p a.... WM1er otiMt ll&ftMe. loftlJ ....... tM ba1J41 ..... ltep-n.y,. opa &llCI above board. ptn1 outatde ,.,.. l1lle opentn1 People kMw tb.,. .,. 101n1 the dOOI' ot a eoo• onn. - aelnat percatape 0¥8 wbaeh E...._.vef 'nlet depend~ on only ~ ~ w1M. )'OW requirement&. It JOU uk but ........ alwQS that penonal for It ~ pt the W'Oftl. u rou feeUftl and !lope that It could par your eatJn1 habltl to the happ.n to them. , bOUJ'I ot U p.m. to T a.m. )'OU 'nle state pta ttl rab.oft can Mt deUihUul food for •- le,ally, and the national treu. than you can here. r~ 11.50 they ury does nicely too. Tbe above Ia turn you lOOM on a food bar at a pmty atronr UJUment why the "Chudc Wapn" In the the rovernment ah<K(ld p_, ol1 knc:ho Veeaa. Thq jult aolo the national debt by NCOfJ\411\1 you on a \Able loaded with food thl.t state of the human mind that Ia out ol t.llla wotld. Onat. and ret what'• bet.ne now d\an. tit &1\Udote few hun.-th~ la. ne.led Into ranpten' banda by 8 r e a k t a • t durin• tbe aame UJegal 1antbllne. A lot can be hou.n: h.,n, bacon 01 ta"'-aee • said on thll aubjed but I am not an4 eap, potam.. tout, cot!ee, about to try to add an)'thlne marmalade. either tor or aealMt. l tJpre Entertainment! The best. nte that people who go to v .. u audlencea want the whoop 'n' have a temporary cbanp ol per. holler type. 1oe E. Lewts at the aonallty to fit the altuaUon. They lt&ncho Vqu la the to,._ So expect to spend money, to be ,.ood we saw hlm twice. Don't taken and they are pMI)ared to mill tbe lbow at ex.beavy enJoy lt. champ 1oe Louls' Moulin RouJe. P. T. Barnum's exprealon 1 JWJtlce that Wally Cox (Mr. about sucken, "one born every Peepeu) luted quick. Dry minute and two to take b1m," humor, however lfOOd for home hu been upped to tour -the corwwnpUon, doe. not eet over. "stick m•n" who her~ the dice. I predict a slmUar fa~ for ''TWo two to rak~ It In, and one to for the Money," Herb Schreiner, watch the other three. That's who 11 acheduled later at one or around the clock. Keya to front the spota. doors are unknown. !fever a dull moment on arrf. Sad, ud alght. two such crewe val at the Strip. Strip younelt ot waltlnr at their crap tables and your habtu of lleeptna and eat. no playen at 9 a .m. eu.tornen lne. The eamlne tabl• wlll or no, ~hey keep the trap set. 1trlp you of the Nit. Bleep ln the Felt so sorry for the house I day, ttav~J at nleht. and travel nearly laid a silver dollar on the Ueht. tr you know wh~t I mean. back Jlne. Realated thla lmpulle It's a rellef to ... that I am and concentrated on lmprovlne rtvlna my readers. II any a my health on a ~1 at the d.la-c:ban1e from ctty ~UCL But I pensary. One should not allow ea.n't quite w.an Jn)'M1f entlrely, the dlvenJons of the fl.tl pota ., ndde:nly. I JWit can't help to Interfere with hla doctor'• feellne IIOfr)' for our Council, orders. Your health first. I say. wbo accorct1n1 to the papen and I've been wonderlne a Jot u stated by Councllmatl StanJey lately what had bec..'ome of the llldderhol and the dty attomey. ~xpreulon, "Ut up IU<~ a saloon." ta)' that we an guc)l With ptn. Why are th~y 10 aavtne on elee. ball maeblna few another whole ttlclty In o ur C&lllomla bu.-. )'ear t011 tha P\IIIM* of study. retln~ment on the old word. II It more l..lcenM r... we They are so dark here that a feJ. want. a bleaer tllce ot tbe .u. ler can't see hlnuelf In the bar mated SZ5(),000 )'eat)T take. or mirror. That may be the reuon do we want to be rid of th.m u a Jot ot gu)"'l don't realJze how a menace to the moral Ober and tight they're aettlnr 'til the stool dtplty of our c:lt.Yf tips them oU. (That could have U you reaDr waDt to study two lnt.erpfttatlona.) t.baD.I'U teU 10'1 oat._. t.ow My note. on the bade of a to 10 aboUt It ud pt U.. real menu ahow that In the two daya, a....,.., Invitation e • e Dear Friend: "THE BUTCHER BOY MARKET" invites you and your family to come to our open house beginning July 21st thru July 23rd at 3421 East Coast Highway, two doors from the Newport Harbor Bank in Corona del Mar. We will be featuring Swift's Premium Tender Fed Steer Beef. well aged and trimmed to your eatiafaction. We are also handling a complet~ line of Frozen Foods, Bread and Dairy' Pr<?ducta and specializing in meat for home freezers. We believe that you deM"e the best and we are here to serve you with OuaJltY, &tmoe O:nd a Smile. ---~ ,., ... , Peopl. have been ~ayin9 ••• ...d b.lieYint that YMIWI DO lEI lEI at • Coin Display 2nd in Ne1tion GeM Jl\lebOlt. 80ft ot Mt. and Mn. &.en~y Nichols ot Balboa llland. hu won JeCOnd place for .hJa rare colAs diftlay 1n tbe Na. tJonal Coln Weelf Cont.t. WhJch draws thOUNndt ot enttle. from au owr th~ Unlt~ Statea. Gene won hlt award tor the &.play that wu abo41m at the new headqua.n.t buUdJne of Newport Balboa Savtnp Ia Lo&n .U.n. dutlne National Coin Week lut April. 11\e quaUty and ap. peatance ot the dltplay and the amount of publicity It received ln local papera are facton con· alder~ In preaenUne awards. The ~.000 boat with two names, "Lll Momter" and "Sarah Ann," waa recovered by the har. bor department at 2:14 a.m. lut 11\ursday after owner R. C. Ring. holz ot San Bernardino reported the 24·f~t boat mJulng from Its moortne at 920 E. Balboa Blvd., Fumitur located the boat at th~ Ch.rls.. e Uan'a Hut moorings. ~ Balboa. The harbor d~partment I Complete Home Fumlahlnp an.ou 1VY1 801fDI • ........ Horace H. Benjamin of Balboa Liberty -was s uccessful bidder for the lat ·~ Aft. bonds for the Trabuco School COSTA MESA Dlatrlct or Oranee County, ac- cortJlng to the olflce of the auditor, Les Eckel. T·RAVELIIG? Then don't forget Travelers Checks, lou-proof money th•t you can spend iust lie greenb.ds. 75c per $100.00. * lewport Harbor Bank .,._ ..... DOII'T you briD9 the laundry We do the work •.• New Low Pric:ea UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT WASHERmE ------~----~ lUGE Tl TIE IU8G • LAWRENCE WELK * * AUCK IIOCKI · LOJI WW&LL * * lftii()JI DICK n.oalf DAL& * * I.ADT 10ft aoona .... * * , AT lEA-JlfM'z w Pint ca.. Jolaa I FliP,.._ Ia pte.. ...,..._. ......... UMria9 -..niU..~O.LL Jlew·J--r. wttla tllle ant Mid. ... ,, •• ...u. ........ 1155. J1on tbaa lAID ·~ aDd lfCI'Ml A_.,..y Kldalp. --wt ~ v ... aa.t __.. -..nl II lllalpe .. the Atlaatlc l'lMt few a two.moath c:na1M. OGaDery piOCtJee at Qucmta:Damo aery. Qaba. wW clmaa the c:naiM bef.. ,.. tumill9 to lforfoUr Aa9o 2. Kid. dllpMaa LCID,.abelaa Ia the lOll of Q..aber lecntary aDd lin. Bay I -~etm of lfew. port 'I'M ftnllhb\1 ~ on the new Muonle Tempt. at 15th Street and Sl Andrew's place, ac:r6u the •teet from the New. poet Harbot UnJon hlp .chool, have been ltarted, aCilllrdJni to lalph P. Muk.y, pree.ldent of the Seatarlne Masonic buUdlne ...octatlon. He added that oc. cupancy ot the buUdine Ia ex. peeled before the end of thla year. Proceed~ from the July 216 dance at the .Rende:zvoua BalJ. room, Balboa. at whk:h Lawrence Welk and hJa orchestra will pro. vlde the muak:. are expected to defray much of the flnlahlng ex. perues. Mr. Maskey said. All of the Lawrence Welk entourase • seen weekly on televlaion, wUI entertain \_t the dance. Tickets t""or the dance are being aold by members of Sealarlng Lodee No. 7~. Free and A£. cepted Muon.1, and Harbor Star Chapter ot the Order of the East. em Star. They may also be ob- tained at Richard's Lido Market, Crawford's Drue Store, the Fltz. morris Realty office In Corona del Mar and at Mr. Maskey's real estate of!lce In Newport ln'IIOif ft.OJID. I If 1 lhaht wttla ~ Law a 1 Of Welk ..-.. stra. wW be C11Doe9 tlae Welk .uata to_._... at .... ...... fit doCIDce T..clay •• ... at the ••&Senoua lkl11l--. Beach. On the evening or the dance tickets may be obtained at the Rende:zvous Ballroom. •AG& IW KMDTO*'•uau Elementary School teatber Vf/1. onlc& Scht.der haa lett b• eo. rona del Mar home at 70f Col· denrod for AUlambra. Polio Vaccine Shots Friday J'l.nt and aecond erade atu. r:==========;;- denta Jn the Newport Beach ele. me:otary .chool district wlU 1et their aecond Salk polio shot to. morrow (Friday I In the Harbor VIew School, Corona del Mar, Tbomu Woodward, school bust. oeaa manager, has announced. The ahots will ~ given from 9 a.m. until noon In the echool at 900 Goldenrod Ave. Students eligible for the shots are those who obtained their first shots prior to srhool closing for the aummer vacation. Besides the first and 8f'COnd grade students from the Newport School. Co- rona del Mar School and Harbor View School. students from St. James School will recc:>lve their second shots tomorrow. Mrs. Ellen Ingram. school nurse, will repr('sent the achool dlstrlct at the "shooting." anu. roa TOTTENs A daughter, Linda Lu, was born to Mr. and Mn. Donald Totten <Jf 205 29th St., Newport Beach, on 'l'l.lesday, June 14, ln Hoag MPmorlal Hospital. ... ,., too ......... . Ho ,.,_. too for I .... ,,..,. ....... 23DD ........ 9d.. Coeta .... ..._. z .... &saa. l.lbe.ty .. ,.La '* .. 1511 Elementary Schools Hire 33 T ea'hers for 1955-56 Ground breaking aervtce:s for the new temple were held ~pt. 4, 1954, and the cornerstone wu laid on Fe b. 5 thl4 year, with members of the Grand Lodge of Masons of California attendln&. Among the projects to be com. pleted before the temple can be occupied are lnstallatl.on of seats and carpeting, connection of heating and cooJJng systems. fln. Ish carpentry and electrical work, tJllng the noon, and fln. Ish stucco and palnUne. M.r. Maskey stated. Thirty. three new Instructors have been hired for the 1955-56 year at the Newport Beach Ele- mentary Schools. lt was an. nounced this week bX Supt. Roy Andersen. Thla completes the staff for the coming school year. NewChairmen For Optimists Verne Watson, the new presi- dent or the Newport Harbor Optl. mist Club, announces t)te ap. polntment of the following com mlttee chairmen: W. C. (Buck) Buchterldrchen. prorram: Ted Clarke and Ted Russell, boys' work; 8111 Tobias, me m be rahlp and attendance; ~rae Burkhardt, life member· ship; Jack Buchan. lnter.dub re· lations; Francia Gillman. enter· talnment and apeclal events; l'rank Q)Oekner, bll'lbdays; Jlm Jennlnea. welfaN: Earl Lindley. publicity and OptJ.Porthole. The Optimists meet every Tuesday noon at the VIlla Ma- rina Restaurant. PULAIIDS CET .aT A son. Jon Michael, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Rolly PulaskJ or 302 Diamond Ave .. Balboa Island, In Hoag Memorial Hospital on Tuesday, July 12. Rolly Is the for. mer Harbor Hlih football star; his wife the former Marl}¥ft Pet. erson. LEGAL JIOTICE CEIITIFICA TE or •usmus Fictitious Firm Name THE UNDERS1Cf1ED do here. by certify that they are conduc. Ung a printing and publishing business at 2850 E. Coast High. way. Corona del Mar, under the fictitious firm name of Ensign Publishing Co.. Inc.. publishers of the Newport Harbor Ensign, a newspa per, and that said firm ls composed or the following per. sons whose nam~ In full and place of residence are as follows. to wit: Arvo E. Haapa. no Jasmine Ave .. Corona del Mar. Mary A. l'laapa, 710 J urnJne Ave., Corona del Mar. WITNESS our hand& thla 8th day of July, 1955. Arvo E. Haapa Mary A. Haapa STATE OF CALUORNlA ) )ill. COUNTY OF ORANGE > ON THIS 8th day ot July. 1955. before me. a Notary Public In and for aald county and ltate. realdlnl then!ln. duly commJs. aloned and aworn. penonalty ap- peared Arvo E. Haapa and Mary A. Haapa, known to me to be &be peraona whOM nam. are .ubecrlbed to the wlthln tnatru. ment. and acltnowledJed to me that they executed the same. WITNESS my hand and otfl. c:lal 8Ml. JOIJI'f E. SADLEJA Notary PQWk tn and for aaJd County and State. My Comm••ton uptnl M~ Sl,llll. Publlab: luty 14. 21. • Aq. t. There will be 12 new teachers at Harbor View School. 10 at Horace Ensign School. 6 at Co. rona del Mar School and 5 at Newport School. Here Is the list : HARBOR VTEW -First grade: Mrs. Margaret Ferluson, Mlu Nancy Sheets. Mrs. Lovell Leh man. Second erade: Mlss Nancy Jane Garrlaon. Mrs. Elaine Holmes, Mlaa Allee Wlnn. Thlrd grade: Miss Dorothy Carl. Mrs. Marele Richardson, Mrs. Marcia Hess. Fourth grade: Mrs. Phyllis Grimmett, Mrs. Nina Hixon. Fifth grade: Mlss Janet Coombs. HORA C E ENSIGN -Sixth grade: Werner Carlson. Mrs. Charlotte Carpenter, John Mount. Mlu Harryette Fry. Seventh and eighth: John C . Cranath Jr., Mrs. VIrginia Marston. Home ee. onomlcs: Mrs. Geraldine Bark~r. Instrumental music: Lewla ICJd. der. Vocal music: David Olson. Librarian: M.ra. Kathryn Saucer. man. n CORONA DEL MAR -ICJnd«· earten: Ml.u Shirley McKelvy Second grade: Miss Norma Good. win, Mrs.. Helene Kenney. Third grade: Miss Bernita Hannon. Fourth grade: MIAS Lola SmJth. Fllth grade: Mra. Nancy Blair. N E w P 0 R T -Klnderearten: Miss Loulse Michael. First grade: Mn. Betty Hildreth. Second grade: Mlp Barbara Kirkwood. Fltth ande: John Case, Mlu Louise Foote. Hurt lllllk F1t1l Te • .,.rt VIsiter Dt-wey Farley, 57, ot Olldale. Calif.. died of a heart attack while staying In an apartment at 3026 W. Coast Hwy .. N~rt Beach. at 2:28 p m. Wednesday, July 13. Pollee and the tire de partment rescue squad provided artificial respiration and a pby sldan gave him a shot of drenel. pollee reported. He was pro. nounced dead by the doctor. The body wu removed to the Baltz Mortuary In Corona del Mar and then to Bakersfield for serlvces. NOVE TO LACVJIA The RMd Hannons have sold thelr home at 615 Jasmine Ave .. Corona del Mar. and moved to Laguna. Let ua acd~ .,_, We CIDd bealtb. y..u ......... row-futv. wtt.la _....... l.D.Iunmce CD•ea ,.. O.."t delay. Call ..... When the temple Ia completed, It will be the .meeUne place for Sealartne Lodge of Muons, Har. bor Star Chapter, O.E.S .. th~ Or. ange Coast Chapter of DeMolay, the Costa Mesa Bethel of Job'a Daughtera, and other religious and fraternal groups to be ae. lected. *JIM WHYTE * LDE.-n-.. 1171 COSTA MESA ·~ aLDQ.. MOTOR 12 P91NT OVERHAUL 5 P E C I A 'LI • 75 BEG. PRICE $122.72 Ill SA VIliS 01 AU IllES FREE ESTIMATES FREE COMPRESSION CHECK I. lmt .. New ltin91 2. lnst .. New Piston Pins 3. lnst•l New Rod s..nn9J ~. Complet. V.I._. Grind 5. bpMtd Pistons 6. Gl••e Bvst Cylinder Wells 7. Ridge R .. rn Cyl. Wels 8. Aliqn Connection Rods 9. Min or Tune-up I 0. Repl•ce l9n. Points II . Replace Menifold Geiken 12. Repl.ce Heed •nd Pen Geskets 12 MONTHS TO PAY GENUINE FACTORY PARTS When the mu are bot • delicioua-and the kitchen ia COOL aDd ocabt.able-it'a a aood lip the COOKING WMdoDeoe• 'Ihia time ofyeu"', coolneaia ODeoftbe be.t fea'bu. ola .u ah adc ELECTRIC ···- • s.,...Jnln • • ,. ~ ... ___ _,_.,. -. ·-~-·-.. • • 't""''"'"""""·"'o ' • --... ~· ••• I I • ~··~·~·-::·:;~nir-TI~~r~s~.l:Jo~v~e~r~~~~~~--~--~~;;~•;·;~~·;;;;~~~~~~~~==~~E=n~g~a~g~e~dJ_ITI~~·~·::"~~~Y&a• Quits City Job T o.[)onald Brjtton of L.A. 1"he Ml&ptMftt ol Catbarlne Andnwt and Daoald •1tt0n wu annouDC:ed l'rklq by catharine'• Moth•,' )(n, Georp Norman ...... o!Shole Clltt•. :~~~~=~~~i~~~~~ Mr.. Earl (Dorothy) Glo~r hu concluded mote than eight yean ot .ervlee with the City ot Newport Beach, moat of that Ume u oUice manaeer ot the Water Department. Her resiJn&- tlon became etrec:Uve Jut Frl· ..... .._.,_......., -c--o eorr.cti•• Mauaqe _ ..... Balboa laland Mauaqe Parlor 132l/• Apte. Jkalhoa lalaDd Por appotat.•t eUl lla:rbol" 1$-U.W u ~ 65811 SAVE SAFE,LY day. . She joined the cUy ataff In AprU, UM7. when the city h all was on the ocean tront near Newport Pier. In 1948 she SUC- ceeded PhyUI.s WUllamson as aupervlsor or the water depart- me nt and later was desla:nated as office manager. Mrs. Glover Is a California na- tive, born In Redlands. She worked In the Internal Revenue Otflce in Austin, Texas. during the war while her husband was serving in the Ordinance Depart- ment In Texas. While he was overseas in Germany In 1944 and 1945 she was a bookkeeper at the Santa Ana Ar.my Air Base. The Glovers llv~ at 3030 Clay St., Newport Heights. ConradyHead ofOCBoard IT'S LUAU TIME tomonow (Friday) enalD9 crt the Beachc:omher Club ta Cupi.sbano. Her• sbowiDq Ute JII'OPer tn-of luau CIN- are A...nft Adaau ol Corona de1 M·cu ODd WGltab ClarA of · Ca~arlne 1a the daufbter of the. late Georp Lindley Andtewa and lhe'l the 1llter of Robert and Dr. Alan V. Andrews. She ta the nl~ of the Jate Dr. A. V. An· drewL The Andrewa famJiy have been Corona del Mar resldenll tor the put fourteen yean. Don Ia also well knOwn here u: hta family lived for four yean Balboa -Island and he has most of hts vacation time since a small boy. "Cathy" Is a graduate of New. port Hatbot Union High School and the UaJverslty of Callfornla. She was a n Alpha Phi on the save money ............ ----r. •••• ••• • •••• • :·· Gi-'Jl.,: ~ .. ~· ,.._..., : • fulh'9 . • • • • • •• . . ....... . ••• • • • • ••• . -.. • ••• • • ._Do..., • . .....,.. : """ ..... . A t•t•tAifCI • • • • • • • • • ••• Call ..... ....... _,, W. L LANDIS oa L E. CAIRNS Ubelty 1-IDU 1JS .. lftla lt. COSTA KUA At Or•nge County'' Leading Home LeMing ln1tih1tion Lou lA Conrady or Westminster I has been elected by the Oran~-:e CQast College Trustet>!l to serw as president ror 1955.56. Wai!Pr M. Longmoor or Shore Cllrfs elected clerk or the board. Basil H. Peterson. district super lntendent, will continue as sec. to the board. (Pho1o by Terry Borla) -,.------------- e Plans Dec. Wedding Light their life with foith /1 a CONTINUING TO PAY PER ANNUM All ACCOUNTS INSURED UP TO $10,000 All Accounh Opened On or Before The I Oth of the Month Earn Fr~m the I •t, LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVINGS I LOAN ASSOCIATION 222 Oc•e" Avenue LAGUNA BEACH Plrlone HY 4-1 I n 3403 E. Coat Hwy. COBOMA DEL MAll PhODe Harbor 50'71 Knlttln&. Crocheting and Needfepolnt Supplies Knitting Ball• Speelaltzed Acceuorles and tNtructJons BOUIIS Mon. QUICK ROLLER SHADES Standard S hade Cloths and Custom Spec.laltles e Drapery Hardware e Venetia n BUnda. ... ilia the • Post OtUoa G2 '2ad St.. CGII liA .. - SAVE W'dh A Fanner's Policy BRUCE MARTIN AUTO-TRUCK-ARE-UFE LOCAL AGENT 1793 NEWPORT AVE., COST A MESA ~~Oif~FI~CE~: ~i~ LA.OURIE TUVD. SERVICE Auuaort.d A9eBt r .. All AIRLIIES • RAILIOAIS STWI$IIPS • lOUIS Se~ 'I'M eo.tlll1 Ano 1'011 KMI'ly lD y_. ....... -........... ~~~ TBE TITLE ltOLE I.D. "'huchard Retunta" wlll be SUD9 by Jlm Holleabeck (abo'l'e) ot Scnlta. Ana durln9 the prueatatioa ot tbe uad.lttoaal pa91011l crt the C>raD9e Cou.aty Fcdr Aug. 9-14.. Tbe pag.ant wW be a com- pletely DeW t.bow thLs year. 8abl Jac:kMD of Jllewport ba ooe of tile pdR.,. ....._ t.. cal IIJ.Apn lD the daoru lD- clude DicmDe Blount ol BalbocL Al HCIJD" aDd lloaald Scba.. liDe ot Balboa bla.ad. TlA« Bugb" aDd Fred St11l1Dp ot Corooa del Ma. Dcmcwa t.D.· clue» Jodi GrMG of Balboa cmd SuZG:IlAe nptoa. of New. port. A D<-rrmber wedding l.s plan. ned by Avery Lee Adair a nd bis brldf' to-be, Miss Ann Lighthall I and Honolulu will be their destina tion. The )'Oun~~: rouple'l parents arc Mr. a nd .M.rs. H. B. Ada ir of ll2 VIa Xanthe. Lido J.sle. and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon PuJsrord or Santa Ana. Both the ruture bride and groom have be-en atlendlng Coast College. Miss a rourth eenerallon c a. a nd her rla nce a rourth Caltrornlan. IT. AIQ)UWS PaEin'TZaiAX CBUJICB 15th St. & St. Andrev.rl Rd., aaoa fnlll JUvb Sdaool !Jiooo!t o.mo Pastor: ...... J .... S. Stewurt SUNDAY: Mornlnr worship, 9:30 and 11 a .m.; Church School, 9:30 and 11:00; Jr. High. Sr. High and co llege age Fellow- ships. 7 p.m.; Thursday, Prayer, study group, 9:30 a .m. COKKlJJI'rTT KETJIODIST .UO W. IIIII lt.. Conal lil..a .._,., ...... ...... 1 .... w. J(c:&ltaDe Sunday:· 9:30 a.m.. Church Sun- day School; 9:30 and 11 :00 a.m. Morning Worsh1~7 p.m. CoUere ARe KYF Service - 7 p.m.. High School MYF Service; 8 p.m., young adulta group aervlce. 'TilE CIIUW:CB OP ClmiST 1050 Quell lt.:. Coda --L11Mnyl' ..... ":i !••~··~"",, a. 811111L M&e' b t aervkn: 9:f.5 a.m. Bible 11 a.m. morning wor- p.m. evenlnr &ervlce. service, 7:30 p.m. Margaret L. Scharle Teacher or Plano Organist . Accompanlat Evening Classes for Adulta Wednesday. THE CBUJICII OP CIIIUST Odd PeU.W. J..ocl9t. 1141 Jfewport A ..... .,..... .. _ Liberty a.5711 Tom klla'. Jr .. MID!ata Sunday Services: 9:45 a.m. Bible 1tudy; 10:55 a.m. worship serv- Ice; 7:30 p.m. evenln&" service. . 307 GOLDENROD AVE. TROUBLE STOPS T11IP Corona del Mar CllmST CIIVIICII 81' 11lE SU and Mrs. Le(m ard r~~~~~~~~~~s~][;~;c-a~ ................. Heliotrope Ave., Corona 819d. .tl4tla St.. •ewpart Mar, and children. Sharon ~Sill Lee and Lennie, sta rted orr for Friendly Neighborhood Service .... ..., A. Carlaoa a week end trip to Las Vegas. PARKES-RIDLEY Worship, 9:30 and U a.m. but car trouble force-d them to MORTUARY Church School: 9:30 a .m. Mid- turn back n!'ar Barstow. week Meetlnr: 7 :00 p.m. Wed-ll 0 Broadway nesday preceded by 6:15 p.m. potluck. u 8·3433 • 8-3434 eo.ta Mesa PIUT ASSDCaLT OP COD 22ad lt. & Eldta A .... c.ta: Neea .._,., ..,.. .... eoc~ 1(. c:. c:n.Jc. ..... Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Wor- ship: 10:55 a .m. and evancellat RTVtce, 7:30p.m. Young Pmple and Chlldren'a Servl.ce, 8:30 p.m. Sun. Mid-week Service: Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Ladlea' Mlsalonary Council, Thurldayl 9:30 a.m. tor all day. • SEVEJn'B IIAT ADYaiiTII'I ...................... t.. , ___ .. ............ su Eldea-D.LI~ Saturday Mornlnr Services: S.b-bath School: 9:30 a.m. -Ser· mon: 11 :00 a.m. Prayer meet- Ing: Wednesday, 8:00 p.m. aruaca of u. JfA&AaUE · 1115 ........ lt.. c-t. --............. am wtm-• l.J:bertr .. ., ... Su.nday ~: SUDday Scboo1. I:JO a.m.-~-.. 11 10:30 a.m. EnniaU.UC s.rv. Joe, 7 p.m. Sunaay. N.Y.P.S., 6 p.m. Sunday; Prayer meettnr. 7:30 p.m. W~nesday. ClllliiT ..... la~:n- Sunday School: 9:15 a.m., SUn - day Service: U :OO a.m. W~ne.day Evening Meettnr: 8:00. Readtnr Room. 331!5 VIa Lido, N...._ Beach, ._ 10 a.m.·5 p.m. week da)'l. 10 a.m.· 7:~ p.m. Wedneedaya. 7·1 p.m. Friday eventnCL ClllliiT UIT8UAif CII08CII OP COlT~ ICUA (II._, I,_.) A•II1J:t. '11!: llal1. Paltoat .... loo6a Tomow Sunday Services: Worship Serv· Ice 9 a.m. Sunday School at 10:15 a.m. Sunday Servtc-N: 8:30 a. m. Olurch School; 8:30 and 11:00 a .m. Worahlp Servtee. ................ a-. Sua4q Wanlalp ....... t:«< • ....,n:OOa.m.lluad.l,_: •=• a.m. NIWPORT HAUOa IIISI8N NIWSPAI'IA ------- 1a-ru baaDf Becuddea _""' ..... WJ ., "" ...,... _. liiZ •• ' • au. .... aa tiT IMIOC-J .......... lilt,...,«: II ....... a.. --· a·•;w .-·•• --.__. ............ , ........ ~ ....... 1\J ••• -. ... -~·~li·~ .. --11 ,_ -II ..... ..::: ............................ __ ............... ... • ' PrflaHr .. AI ciW I,.,., .... • -LC..HwJ. Hor.lll4 C:•-.WW. NMfOil't H.UDl ..;. Mill. C...-,. • Cese:•.,.._ • FDtiT aAPTDT catJ-.CB lata Aaa A"-lit llapaUa .,...._ ..... .•. a.·---· Sunday Service~: 9:45 a.m. Sunday School; 11 n..m. Won.b.lp Servlcs· 6 :30 p.m., Bapu.t Training Unlon; 7:30 p.m.. Evening Service. Wednesday: 7:30 p.m., Prayer, Pral.le and Bible Study. Mon· day': 7:30 p.m. Men's Chorua practice: 8:30 p.m. Men'• Prayer Meettna. CBUKB OP Oft LAD1' or liT. eawva. I.CI W. h1:bM ...... Wewpot"t ~-·· r-·~•...,.. ,_.... r--.. ..... Sunday M.-: 8:00 and 10:00 and 11 :30 a.m. Contesalon: Sat· urdar-and eves. of t.t Friday• and Holy Day• lrom 4:00 to 5:30 p.m . and t'rom 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Dally Mau 8:00 a.m. Flnt Friday: 6 :30a.m. and 8 :00 p.m. Novena (Perpetual Helpl: ,._.,., T:<S p.m. ............... Mall, .luJ.y and A~.,at. Sunday, ...... o•JtUIAUIT COJIMUlfJTY nLLOWiliiP DeUClablloaM 515 w. 8a.lbM ...... lcdboo: .......... -.r.w.-.. Sunday School, 10:30 a.m. Mom. trrr wonb.lp. 11:00 a.m. IT. JAIIU DIICOPAL -""' ..-, __ --·1110 .... J ............... Sun4aJ NrVtcet: 8:30 a.m. Holy Comm•nloD, 9:30 a.m. Sunday achool; 9:30a.m. morning prayer and aennon, 11 a.m. worship lf1'VIce. 'nlUI'Iday Serv- lcea: 9:15 a .m. Prayer Guild; 10:30 Holy Communion. IT. JOD Y1JUIJift llf. KCII'We A...., aa1bea lalcmd ...,.,. ... PalMI' hi tu r-"!:i:5 .. ,..., . ....._ ...... Sunday M ..... : 7:00 a.m. a 9:00 a.m. Conte.ton: Saturda:r and evee.. of bt f'rldaya an Holy Daya; 7:30 to 8:30 p.m.; Ftnt Frld&J" M.a• 8 a.m. SIUIUilft" M--. July and Au~Ut Sunday, 11 a.m. ....,..... liiiiLi Cli1I8C8 __ .. _ ... e...--. ..... ...... ...... 2 ...... . Sanllq Scbool: l:f.S a.m. )(on\. tf • .:'~ Ut=r.»i..t:~ "'-• Wednelday, 7 :30p.m. y_, P.,Pw meet 8:15 p.m. ......., . ,_ IIAft1IT =~~~~Co*- • u .. • • • of sodal aole ., .. The lack Rv,._ .,. .,...._ her ftnt trtp to C.talln-. bow· the RIDIDir remodelllnl tile .,., front ai tbetr boule to an en. • • • t.lrely 11 .. bay frOnt at 111 VIa The ltobert FraUeya a( UO VIa IJdo !ford. UdQ lale. Deldned to Pal..,, U4o. a.reJlann1nl to be bHutU\tl Ut they Un .,._ tbe month Aui'Uit In th.roup tt>. thq ay, but u..,. o.t:Une. probably won't be dolnl mueb • • • entertaJnlna In the-meantime. • • • • • • c,.. aldrta and orchlda wU1 Mr8. Kabel Carrtnaton Is back be ln ptOtualon Saturclay, luly at 809 PolN4!ttia Ave .. Corona 301 Wheft the Jfftrport lla.r1Jcw del Mar, after havtna a mo.t a. Tacllt Club holda tu South Seu clUne trip abroad. Her adwn-pany. tWft lnc:lude rtdlnr a camel and • • • .eelnc 10me of the lnteresttnc More than 1!58 pests were place. of Biblical lntereG 1n tho .erved retremmenta of punch, middle eut. oook.Jes and tiny andwtclles at Flora I.Awla, on vaeatJbn from the 80Cia1 hour fQilowtn& the rec. City Hall dutlee, Ia not do1nl opltJon eerv1ee of BeY. Edwin anythln& 8peelal whUe ahe'a ott, Gom.ke, newly elected pennan- juat enjoylnc henelt Wee the ent pastor of the Corona de\. Mar thouaanda of aummer vtalton we Community ChUICh. A beautiful have each year ~ .. plana to take floral table decoration wu pre. pared by the women ol tbe cllwdl. led •• ...,_ ........ . • • • ,_T_Utllf,_ se.tdes Davy Crockett, Mickey Mb~ and the hund.reda of -=nen and TV penonalltlee pres- ent at the Dlane)'land opentnr. we aaw repreaemattve~, m«*Jy .A,,T DAY IC800L 440 Heliotrope, Corona cJel Mar Harbor Gil 1118. Jean Vaqh.a. d.lrect« (CCJaUDued C1D Pap 7) AS ADVERTISED IN * . LIFE MAGAZINE * ~.tal'• rta.t W~ Wcddl Val• IUIIIITEEI Fll • YEUi ..,.. Watda WltJa 1'Jae J....u.d Jl..r • ACC'IJ'UTE • o•nnA&E • avaoED e SJUII E8 e TIIDOID e AJITI..IIAC.ETIC e IWEE' IECOJm IIAJfD e UDJUJI JIVIOULS & IIAJfi)S REG. $6.50 at oaly $3.98 Plua Tu aao ·a •• , • .._. e Guara:aiMd For 0. Year e "11101 PIIOF'' UBErn WITCH REG. $7.95 atoelly • $4.50 • Plus Tax Aa Oubtc~Ddlat' Vcdael e Guaranteed For One Year e ''ILl -laD" ••n UBERn REG. $8.95 atoaly , $4.98 Plua Tax Aa ()atpmdln9 Valael e Guaranteed For One Year e aEACII IICI IEIT $1.98 SAID CHill $2.98 BEACH BAILS 98c ~!!!.I!_~'---· :····-··-· $9.95 ... , ......... .. . ... COIOIA IEL 1111 PIAIIIACY """D .. IM-UM .... I,. uaoaan Jli7&.Ce..e...,.-, ,_·c.-...... acony. lfOW BOKETICOOKIXC:: lD BcrwaU. Mr. aa4 lin. Carletoe II. Mean Jr.,..... manled at CluUt Cburch by the Sea by a... Boy Carboo aa4 h.ta aut.dmat pa.ator. 0.0~ 11....._ Oil Swaday. July 3. Tbe bride la the former N ... Ellaclbetb ADD Mcabbana. &nap. ter of tbe Ylce priadpal of Bu.Dtl.llgtoa 8eada 81gb ScbooL (hnlM AJ~ pboto) CHIJRCHES ~TJAJI SCIEKCE CB1TBCB 'f'he healing and redeeming power or Truth. God. will be tht> central theme In the Lesson Sermon on "'fruth" at the New- port Beach Christ ian Science church on Sunday. The Gold~ Text for the ser mon Is from Psalms: "Thy merey Is ~at above the heavens: and thy truth reacheth unto tbe clouds. Be thou exalted, 0 God. above the heavens: and thy glory above all the earth" (Ps. 108:4,!5). CHJUST CBVJICB 8Y TilE SEA Or. Ernest Trattner. rabbi of the Westwood Temple and a noted author and lecturt'r. will talk on "Faces We Uke to Meet" at the Sunday services at Christ Church by the Sea, Newport. Among his booQ are "Unravt'I- Jlng the Book of BooQ" and "Architects of Ideas." His "Un- derstanding the Talmud" will be publish~ In the fall ln conjunc . tlon with his 35th anniversary In the ministry. VJfiVEaSALIIT FEU.OWIIIIP Or. Hamid Bey of Balbo&, Cop. Uc Christian priest and rellelous psyc:holopt. will ~aJt at the Unlwraalllt Community Fellow. ship Sunday at the Ebell Club- house, 515 W. BaJboa Blvd~ Bal- boa. Or. Bey Is ah~hec-d of aouls for CopUc Chrt.tlans ln America. Hla pariah Ia all of the Unit~ States. The preac:hlnr ~rvi(."(" wut becln at 11 a .m.. but Or. Bey will be praent at 10:30 to meet wtth the Sunday Sc:hooJ dtacuaJon rroup. Book Reviews To Be Given The South Cout Alumnae Club of PI Beta Phi wut spon.aor a series of book review~ wtth Mary Grftr Scarborough of ~boa and Los Angeles u commentator. The book reviews wtll be given at 10:45 a .m. on Friday~ 7, Nov. 4, Ja n. 15 and Mareh 12. at the Newport Harbor Yacht Club. The lectures will be pre ceded by a cotfee hour at 10 a.m. ........ County Philharmonic to Give Concert Aug~ 27 in Laguna latUJ'day even1nc. Aueu-t 27, baa been c:ho.en u the date for the nat concert ot the <>ranee County Philharmonic Society. The prorram will be presented outdoon at Irvine Bowl ln La- cuna Beach. The return ol the orchestra'• Conductor. Frieda Bel- Infante, who haa been 10jumln1 ln Europe, makes this concert possible. Commltt~ chairman of the Philharmonic: Society announced at their breakfa.t Jut w~k that a new catea-ory of memben known as "Loe Clentoe'' wtll be added. Los Clel\lOS wtu be mem. bers who have made donations of between $100 &nd S250 to the Oranee C o u n t y PhUharmonlc: and wtll be In addition to the othe-r mem~ Including Donora. Sponsors and Patrons. Plana for the Nearly-New FaahJon Show Benefit to be held In late ~ptember were preeented at the brealda.t meetJnc by Mra. Maxwell Sturl'es ot Lido lale, project chairman. Karen Mar-creta BrunJnc of Col'ona deJ Mar, who Is executive ~. ~ sided ove-r the buslne.a meeting. Abo pr~nt wec-e Mrl. Juliette Milliken ot Lido, .M'-t Lilian Daniel of Shore Clltta; Mrs. ~· rrude McCall of Cllft Haven; Mrs. Carl Boswell and Mrf. Henry French o! Bay Shorea; Mn. Ceor&e Mcl.au1hlln ot a.a. con Bay, Kr8. Edward Jtelly a( Balboa; ~ Paddock Hope, Mra. Wllllam WortJa Taylor and Kr8. DourJu Boetch ot Canna del Mar and lira. Gunnln& But. 1er and Kr8. Calla VIele of eo.ta ....... Pllsa•lllllln IN lewpett I••• Vla1tors from Panama are .t,ay. Inc at the home of Mil. Earle MacDonald, 1013 W. Bay Ave., Newport. They ~ her 10n, Mal- colm Rlc:hard MacDonald and hla wife and children, John MaJ. colm, Heather and David. ~v. MacDonald la ~an of St. Lukes Cathedral In Ancon. It haa been six years IInce they have been home to the UnJt~ States, but Mn. MacDonald vlstted them In Panama th.ree yea.ra aa-o. The Dean'a wtfe Ill the former Pat Lelnau, whose par~ts are Mr. and Mr-. Robert Lelnau ot 330 Amethyst Ave.. Balboa lalancL FAaWELLI eft CDIL A dauchter, llU Faye, wu born to Or. and Mrs. Howard Farwell of 424 Morning Canyon Rd~ Corona HJrhlanda. In Hoa1 Memorial Ha.pltal on Tuesday, June 14. ~~~~~========~ larle'a l•llf Ill I* Fa•l••• ('--ty of ,_rt =)--IIOW OPEifl Hair Stylist-"Robert" ONE MONTH .. Get Acqua:inted66 OFFER! $2UIIelue ,.,. .. .. -r-..... Delilbt~---e to laa.t let"' 1407 E. CoOit Bwy .. BA SUM c.o.a del ... Proceeds wm go toward pro. vtdlng more craduate nursing scholoru hlps and for other phil anthroplc: work. ~n~al c:halr ·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ man Ia Mrs. Austin Sturtevant of i- Harbor Highlands, Uberty &5955. who wUl handle tlc:keu for the Harbor ~a. Mrs. John Snet. singer will handle tickets In La cuna and Mrs. Charles Cutler In Santa Ana. ln.IIIITIII Fllrll~ 11, ............. Mrs. H&rTiet Mary FetTell, n . of 425 Marigold, Corona del Mar. dl~ Friday, July 15. at Hoaa Hospital. Mrs. Ferrell wu bom ln Cblcqo. ru.. an4 Uved bere tor four years. She Is survfved by three daughters. MML Alvin C. S~(."("r of Corona del Mar, Mrs. P. J Morrts.y, Hinsdale, m .. and Mrs. G. E. Smith of Lombard, m .. and two sons. George B. Ferrt>ll of Tampa, Fla., and Robert H. Fer rell ot Venice, and three sisters. Christian Science aervic:es w~e held Monday at the Baltz Mortu ary, Corona del Mar, with Cecil J. Collins officiating. Private In terment was In Riverside. UH'a .Jr. YHid Cl .. Elects J•••r l ... ell The Lido Jslto Junior Yacht Club has elected Johnny Hasktoll as commodore for this year. Other officers are Llz Wan, viN' rommodort>; Randy HUI. secre tary trt>asurer; Burke Sawyer, rieet c-aptain of the Snowbirds. Mem tM.>rship In the Yacht Club already totals 75. Read the Ensign Want Ad page Unil ·~~~~c .• ,, School gtrl~ flrl- housewlf~ IU&ndmother ... a allm. fashJonable (lg. ure will enrich your JUe In every way. You'll be more glamorous. more Interest- Ing. more &Jert, more confl d~t. more beautiful-and MVCB more loveable. And It's so easy, nothln~t for you to do--STA~ doea it ALL ••• WITIIOUT drup. heat. exerc:llle or ~~trenuoua c11et. STAOPPU'li unique. 8C)Oitt). Inc. n!'dudnw .,._en am llkto Jf.Ac:JC fthourb It's rea lly sctenttncl -relA.xes every musc:-Jt>. E'Vf"rY n""e -while It gently contours a nf'W, 11 J e n d t-r YOU. Shrtnlul bula-es fore a nd att. slims hard to rf"d uce ankJes. thighs and hips- firms and ton~ you a ll- over a..t oC cd.L reftCib deep ..... MCNt becnrty you ...... bMw you bodl FIIEJ: TRIAL ••• W ithout ObU9GUG& Complt>!t> rt,:r urt> analysis. aC'Cu ratt> rost e-stimate I Ac-t u a I I y thP COUI"S(> pays for lt~lf-l lter­ a lly. as well as flgura tlvely 'l Pboae Today for Tou.r r~ Trial Trecrtlaeot COIIOKA DEL XAJI BCII'bor 1742 3117 E. Coast Bwy. SAKTA AKA JDmberly 3-7010 1:21 W. 17 St. ()pea I a m ---1 p.a. MOL tb.na Fri. OfeJJw, !Jnvil.afiom anJ GfnnoUJZamenb A1 important as tht troussuu. · to invitt your frirnd1 to your wtddintr: to announct to frirnds and rrlativn fu and ntu tblt you ur m umd -whtn and wtwrt and your MW narnt and addrtss. -Engraved-Thermogrophed-Printed- your dloic. of 1n0ny proper forms for your special oceesion. Phone Harbor II 14 for en •p- pointrneftt to ... our sempl.$ ••• Ot' drop by our pnnti'") p&.nt et 2150 E. Coest Hic,hway, Corona del M•r. THE ENSIGN PUIUSHING CO., Hetbot II I if ~ .. Half-Way to Heaven" "'START LIV'ING'' J'MMEDIATELY, IN IRVINE TERRACE OVERLOOKING THE BEAUTIFUL "SMOO.FREE'' YACHTING CENTER OF NEWPORT HARBOJJ "Southern Calltornla'a Moat Beautttul Subdivision" Tomorrow's Dream-Today! WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO INSPECT COMPLETED OUR DISTINCTIVE FURNISHED MODEL HOMES AND O'mERS UNDER CONSTRUCTION N~E DrvERSIFIED FLOOR PLANS To the home buyer who wishes to purchase ln the $24,000 tD $35,000 class we sincerely recommend the Irvine Estates overlooking Newport Harbor. These homes feature California llvtng. Offered e.xcJu. aiveJy through Earl W. Sta nley in a Smog.Ffee area known as Irvine Terrace-<>n Coast Highway opposite the new lrvlne Coast Country Club, Newport Harbor. * For recommendation, we refer you to anyone who holds a Leasehold Estate ln Irvine Terrace, Beacon Bay, Bayshores or Cliff Haven. Earl W. Stanley EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor 444$ For Further Information Vogel Value CORDIA DEL IAR 4 IICOIE UIITS 2 furnished. South ol Hwy. a cross from choice residen- tial area. All rented. Income over $4000 per year. Ga rages & laundry Good terms. Check thls before you buy. • THE VOGEL CO. 1857 E. COASr HWY. HARBOR 1741 •. .... .., ... CORONA DEL MAR HARBOR 1471 HERE-WE-10-AUII! UNDER CONSTRUCTION- 3l4 ... H.11 4 PLAN~NINE ELEV ATION~AS WW AS $375 ..... VETS OR NON VETS SEE US FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION W. A. TOBIAS. Realtor -yvu'll like our friendly service 393 E. 17th St .. Costa Mesa U berty S.l139 4 Bedrm., 2 Bath Home on Your Lot- $11 ,100 1330 sq ft .. forced air heat. hardwood rtoors. fireplace. Real plaster. Large picture windows, naturaJ hardwood cabinets. Can finance 70'"'c of house and lot. Phone for app't. to see our model homes- MARSHALL HOlES 20 Years Building In Orange County Models Open: Newport and Mitchell, Tustln Kimberly 7-3293 Kimber ly 2-3569 Eves. U berty 8.4073 BEFORE YOU BUY DY FRAICIS J. H.YITI, Ruiter BUSINESSS OPPORTUNITY OF TitE YEAR: Washeteria In Corona del Mar. Price reduced from $13.000 to $9,000 for quick sale. 5-yr. lease, equlpt. remodelled In A·l cond. Futur~ potential very good! ON NEWPORT ISLAND: Newport Beach d uplex, 3-bedr. and 2 bedr. units. New loan $12.000. A·1 location. Price $21,500, terms. COSTA MESA: 4.Bedrs., 2 baths. brand new. $14.000. terms. ALSO· '3 rooms & bath. corner lot, needs electrical, plumbing and carpenter work. A steal at 13.500! LIBERTY 8.5101 HARBOR 1428 2216 Npt. Blvd., Costa Mesa 34lO W. Balboa Blvd.. Npt. 1. 4 bed. horQe on Balboa Island far income tn Pua. dena. 2. Lovely home ln Santa Ana for Income lot 1n Corona del Mar. 3. Corona del Mar Harbor VIew duplex for a com. merclal or larre.r Qlder home In Santa Ana area. Let's talk over •hat you have and don't need for what you wanL ISL_tJII IW.n CO. 498 Park. Balboa laland HAm COIOIIIR Ill ......... _ •. from the living room of thls 2 bedr. home at 222 Haz.el Dr .. AND a private pathway to the beach. 1 ~ baths plus outside shower, prlme loca- tion, $25,500. EICEu.EIT IICOIE 4 t urn. units; 1 bedr. each. No vacancies In over a year. Rent Is $65 each. Gross yearly over $3,000. All ln first class. Reduced for quick sale, $19,950 Earl W. Sl•ley REALTOR 225 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Ca.ll Harbor ,1715, eves. Harbor 5359 OPEl IIOUSE Satnar I S..Ur 402 KINGS RD. CIIH H1111 Panorama View of entire Harbor area-3 bedr. & 2 bath. Built in features-Lg. ltd. pool -enclosed patio. WUJ Trade. WALDROI RuiiJ Harbor 0234 $1 &,&00 Cllll HOIER E. SHAFER 106 McFadden Pl. Newport l at the Pier) Harbor 140. Eves. HArbor 1137-M CORDIA DEL IAR HOlE AID IICOIE Ranch style duplex on 4S. foot lot, ocean side of hwy. Finest constr. Shake roof, F.A. heat, hardwood floors, 2 BR. each, sep. patios. gar., fenced yard. Under repface- ment cost Owner, HA 1684-R SUlOCD u:NTAL: lfteely turn .• INt.Pa SAD.I()AT. ~with • 5-rm. apt. Lt. It airy, wUJ .C· trailer A ~ • .PbOM U t.1012 ~te S. Hr. l*ll ortlee, betaea 8 a.m. .... t p.m. Mlak, ltOrft ••. 2 bib. trom ciiiHW iiOOkiD aua. i2X1l Elmer s. rotrter ot Corona c1e1 eatttomta 8011 whtett the ._ a..d\. Contact owner. 3:25 Or-UttJe uec1. llA lCSl-W. M'ar •ncJ Arth ur AdaJt of Cotta conV.ys to h.J.Jn for a nomJn&l chid. CDV, HA 512-IL tiS per DOitliilR HJppld by liN ot ltea are oftlcert In. the newly p\U'cltue price. 11\e deed. .-, w-. 8tonD. A&C. cropped. tnocu. lncotporated Town Square Real· pped on pareh.m.nt PAl*. will sUilliliii ii!NTAL cnil Nice J latecl. I2S Arbor St., eo.ta ty, Inc., a realty aatee and pro. be elaborabtly ~btcl 1n Ye bedr. ham. boUM for month of Ilea. u 8Q87. moUen oraanlutlon ln · Dla.n~Y· Olde Enlll.lb -..c:ript all fftdy to Au1. or lonaer. TtJe bath, ,.,., iiAiOio.ND 0 R G A 'N. SUpdy land. be tramed and hun1 1n hJt ot. patio, tel\Ced, HA 16M-R:. UMd Good bll aavtna Another The of'flce, whJcb lt next to the tice at homec. DELUXit lbeclrm., untum. d'l· wondertul buy H a~ m 0 n d Bank of Ama'lc.a faclnl Town The otflee ot the Town Square plex, .,, blwa.y. Pofced aJt Chord Organ. UtUe ueed. Tb.e Square. will have elJPf!flenced Realty Ia decorated In the tnae heat, hardwood Ooon, IUAie, arran everyone can pl ay. Dan&-paeonnel who wtll be able to perlod ot the entire .aquare, and aep. patJo. CDM HA 181M· B. Schmidt Plano eo.. ~ Mo. 11ft the p~ve home owner, )a lurnJahed with roll top deeb MODERN apartments and rooms Matn Santa Ana. ' the eaatern buatneee man and In-of the old land and uaay otrlce lth 1 te-bath some with ' · duat:rlallst. accurate and Interest of bygone yean. w pr va · SPINrr PIANO. Beautiful cue lntormatton relating to real Town Square Realty Inc will private baJconles, 0~~~~~= and tone. Uttle uaed. Save over e.tate located ln Caillornia. . respond ·to r.alton' Jnqut.ry bom harbor ·~ ocea.n. weeki or $100 on this. Anothu b\rl&l.n. A Kansas farmer vlslUng Dla. anywhere In the U.S.A. and of. ~on':;:~ch ;a t:Sallfhe Pal~des Mlnor type SpLMJ~n\y F · neyland will be able to llat hla fers loc~ and national reel ton 2500 Se . CDM • Many other won u uys. farm for sale at the office, u the U.tina prlvllecea. avtew, · Dan.z.Schmldt Music Co., 520 Towrl' Square Realty wUI have a The oftlcera of Town Squ~tre A 'n'R.ACTIVE sleeplng r oom a. No. Maln, Santa Ana. Always nationwide liJUng service. The Realty are loeeph Canale of k itchen privileges It deslred, 100 pianos! of.tice wiJI be able to supply In-Santa Ana, presJdent; c. R. Wol. $28 a week. Half block to ORGAN. Electronlc! UMd but In tormatlon as to loc~tlon, st.u ~n of Garden C.rove, chairman beach. The Palisades. 2!500 Sea . excellent eond.ltion. Two man. and prices of avallable proper. ot the board; lames Scoble of view, CDM. . uals. Flne for church or home. Ues ln Orange, County, and will Santa Ana, llm vice presJdent; A'M'RACT. OCEAN VIEW 1-bedr. You can save 1800 on thla pur. be able to eomple~e transactloRS Jack SmJth ol Laruna. IN!COnd apL, part:Ja.Uy turn. $75 mo. chase. Danz.SchmJdt. 520 No. In realty. vice president; Arthur Adair of yrly. rental. West side Costa Ma ln, Santa Ana. The buslnesa.man vlsltor wUJ Costa Mesa, third vice president; Mesa, Call HA 80 between 9 STEiNWAY GRAND. Gorgeous In be able to suggest to hls wife Nora Beckett ol Orange, eecre- a .m. and 5 p.m. every way. Parlor alze. Thls that she take the klddJes for a n tary; Eitner s. Polrter of Corona FURN. APT.. good I o c a t I o n. wonderful Instrument at a big hour's tour of 'Dlsneyland while del Mar, treasurer. Manag~r of ground Ooor. Swmmer or yearly saving. Many qther Gra nds. he has an tnterestJng hour at Thoma.a G. Tomklna. lease. No children, no pets. 610 Mason It Hamlin, Knabe, Story the Town Square ReaJty OU!ce Marruerlte. CDM. A Clark. Etc: Prices $495 and talklng !O the manager; a future CDM 3-bedr. A den, unt. home. up. Danz~dt Piano, 520 N. factory alte for hls new propoeed garace. Lovely view, yrly. Main. Santa Ana. 100 pianos. western branch, or a suitable lo. leue. lnqulre Loulae Apta., cation for his home.ln Calltornla. Carnation at Seaview, CDM. DLP WAJn'ED Upon his departure he wUl wlsh to take along a grant deed and a memento paper weight containing a sample of precious Jack E. Felker, 20, of 24.9 Ogle SL, Costa Mesa. wu treated at Hoa• Meii\OI'Ial Hospital at 11:30 p.m. last Thura<lay for a badly cut upper Up and abruiona about the head and boty, after a fight over a ~1. Newpo.rt po. Jlce reported. aEAL UTATE FOa SALE R-2 LOT, CDM. level. near church, sch ools a nd s hops. For sale for practlcaJly nothing. Owner. HA 3021. CDM 2-bedr. home, R-2 zone, 2. car gar.. laundry, covered lanai, !pJ.. till'. landscaped, $14,750. terms. Andresen Co., HA 1540. ' WAlfrED TO aEJn' BUSINESS WOMAN wants small a pL or guest house; yearly, reasonabl~. Harbor 0689 be- tween 5:30 and 7 p.m . PEIIIOJfAL TRADE IN your old watch on a new Hamilton. It m eans 10 much more to give or get a HamJlton. Wallace Calderhead, 3123 E. Coast Hwy .. CDM. aoAn roa SALE HA.RC0-40: Fast. radio, auto . pUot, elee. range A refrtg .. Sl6,000. See at HJnch'a Hearon LandJng, 1301 W. Coast Hwy., N.B. F. UtE:., ener, Corona del Mar, 3 ...... z ..... modern home. fum. renW apL attached . . . close to Harbor View School and pro. P<*!d pa rochial tchool ... everything buUt-ln lncludJng dl.lhwuher, cl1.lposal. etc. £n. closed patio and 2-car garage with work bench . . . call Ha. 2506-M. eUDO KOim BATFBOKT IIOJlE (New Llstlng) 3 beautiful bedrooms plus guest quarters plus serva nt's quar. ters. Desl~ed f(X per. manent and gra cloua Jiving. Pier and slip for 40' boat. Buyer must be quall11ed--eo no phone lntonnatJon pleue. This Is PRIME property and priced to sell. Phone Harbor 1600 I Iris- YOU will have a n opportunity to a dvance In our flrm, because · of our present expa nsion pro gum. The starting salary Is good and you will receive fre. quent Increases, too. Jobs now for: TELEPHONE OPERA TORS -Apply- 514~ No. Ma.Ln Street Rrn. 211-Santa Ana 9:00 to 4:00 P.M. J.>ACIFIC TELEPHONE MEN fer CelllrlciiiiWIIl STEADY, full-time job8 with large public uUUty. HJgh achool graduates between 18 and 45 years ot ag-e wanted for regular employment. O P PO RT UNmES for ad- vancement. 40 • hour week, paid vacations, pa id holi- days. sickness allowances 6 pens ions. APPLY Mon. thru. Fri. Crom 8 :30 a.m. to 4 p.m. SOUTHERN COUNTIES GAS CO. 1030 E. FIRST ST. Santa Ana • EXPER. GARDNER wanta work In Harbor area, &lao cleanup. Owns equip. LI ~ 7579, after 5 p.Jll. IIISCELLAKEOUS $5 PER MONTH rents good prac. tlce plano. Let the klddles learn. Apply term rent on pur. chase. Good used pianos $75, $89, $126, $187, etc. Lowest terms. Da nz-SchmJdt, 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. Always 100 Pollee Investigated to find that the Mesa youth had been In· volved In a flaht In a field near Coast Hwy. a nd MacArthur Blvd., Corona del Mar, with a nother person. alleged to be Michael pianos. Long Jr .• believed to Jive on Or- SLIP RENTALS: Rowboat rental chid Ave .. CorOna del Mar. spaces, max. 8' beam. 30' A witness. John Trautwein of length. American Legion Hall. 1769 Santa Ana Ave .. Costa Mesa, 15th and Bay, Newport. HA ~ told pollee said he wu sitting In w ANTED---60 USED PIANOS for the back of Long' a car In the our big rental dept, HJghest Mel'le'a Drlft'.ln lot and Felker cash aJJowance Ln trade for carne up and got Into an argu· Organ Spinet Piano or Grand ment with Long about a girl. Piano.' Danz.Schmidt, 52D No. The youths started to fight Main, Santa Ana. and bystanders told them to go SUVICES Painting -Decorating PAPER HANGING GEORGE BURKHARDT Into a nearby field 80 the cops wouldn't get them. The fight wu resumed In the field and Felker wu knocked unconJClou.s to the ground. Friends of Felker picked him up and can ted htm to a car, still In an unconscious condl· UceNed Calltrector tJon and took h.lm to the hopaltal 878 W. 18th eo.ta Mesa tor treatmenL ~rt;Y U628 U beftl 8-&12 ;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;:=;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:~ COMPLETE PAINTING PAPER HANGING SERVICE HA2976 HA 4446 EUGENE 0. SAUNDERS 500 31st Street. N~rt Beach COMPLETE LAJfDSCAPIJfQ SDVJCE FREE ESTlMA TES SAH Green Stamps Free delivery CORONA DEL MAR NUJl3ERY HA 1038 Z144 E. Coast Hwy. In your home! Ladles only. For a ppoint. me nt. please call Harbor 0292. ....... , •..••. SERVICE t.year guarantee on joba done and on used waaben. 2488~ (rear) Newport Bl., Costa Mesa. Uberty 8.4503 or Uberty 8.4327 PAUL .. QADU l&riJCE EXPERT LAWN AND CARDEN CARE YEAR 'ROUND MAINTENANCE Kimberly 3-8:274 HELP!! We Need Room! · Ow Lot Ia Small Our Used Car Stock • Ia Big! Ou PrSala .. Low•ed Tollcdaellooml SIYE•TIESE ''Sill • .,, USED CIISI ·a CIIEV. 4 DR. ............. _.J - 'N POilD I DR. -............. .11- '51 .Oin'. 4 D& ·---.. --... .1 .- '10 LDICOLII t DR. ......... .1 - 'U IRK. t DR. ... --.. -..IU. '5I roao ........... -.-........... .11• , ( ......... ) WAIT 111111111 YOUNG MAN cSesJta part-time work eventnp and week-end~~. Ru pick-up truck.., alao w1ll do delivery, help you move, «1 Phone Harbor 1623-l after 4:15 ... Prll••ln amv. coav&t a --.... .JDii 'U WJU.ft ------...J l. ' LlwiiJ 2 Wnl. cal•• Wit ••••· Lge. Lv. Rrn .. huae frpl. F. A. heat, dining room, clowta galore, bea ut. patio. O_WNER BEING TRANSFER.RED- ANXIOUS. $17,500, exlnt. terms ll deslred. IB.Il 306 Marlne Ave. Balboa Island, Harbor 502 211111111 p.m. ~ABY S.ITil.NO, care of alck. your borne, Day, nl1&t. mature CDM woman. Before 10 a.m., after 5 p.m., HA 3132-M.. m1 WEEI'I IPEIIIUI .. ~ 54 M:DCURY IIOJnDI:Y ·-----·----·.12215 Ba.rdtop-l.o&decl wttb A~l-. 54 PLYMOUTH SUBUD.AJil ·-----·---..$18S JtadkJ B•t.tr-11Jdrlve-11nted Glua. 53 J'Otu> ''t'' CDST 4-DOOR ---11215 . ..clio .... .._hrdo.. 53 POlO V.a RAftCII WAOOW --tlJI5 RMio ... .._ ...... Side Wa.UI. • J"'JID V .a li '!'Oft' i'IC&UP --M5 IS ( ..... ceq.) 'II POilD .... -... --.... -.... _ .. - (Yictld.) 'N IIDCUar M .... -....... " • .a. ( ...... ) 'U J'LftCOQft ·-------·-• <c.e.......) 'II Cll'.&ftCI.n' ............... -('h 'he .... ) ••• ....y..._..._,.._ ... ....,. ........ . ....,., MONEY-lACK ·aoAILAiftEE AT fWDiiDA'f,11JLY 11. 1- Park Group · Stuii8S City TraDer Plan (Continuec1 t'r'OID Pap 1) aaJd that the four trailer park plana prepared by City Manager John SaUora otter about the same choice u a condemned man haa between cyanide tab- leta, polaon, the chair, or the ropt>. Sharlng the trailer park beach Ia not contemplated In those plana, she aa.ld. Edward Healy, a director of the CJtJz.ena Committee, urged aavtng the beach for the public beca111e the city now has only 1,330 feet of public beach on the bay, Including street ends. "The City of Long Beack has opened ~ loot ol water fiont. age to the public," aa.Jd Mr. Gl--. who wfth Mr. Healy had vtalted Long Beach that day and toured the park areas. The Park Commlalon also: e Aaaln delayed action on ap. pOlntment of a city recreation director. WUJiam Flory of Bev- erly HUls baa been named by the Counc:U, subject to CommJs. alon approval. e Asked City Counc:ll for a pro- gress report on acqulaltlon of Rocky Point In Corona del Mar. e Aaked City Council tor a plot plan of the propoeed channel park area In West Newport to expedite further study of the proposal. e Delayed action on a request by Fred Singer of Newport Heights for l m p r o vI n 1 play. ground area alone Cliff Dr. untll recreation director l.s named. Parents and friends of children attending the VacaUon Church School ol the Balboa Island Com- munity Methodist Church have been Invited to an open-house program at 11 a.m. tomorrow (Friday!. The program will con- clude a two-week training ses- sion for youngsters In school grades 1-6. • • • of SOt:ial note Lumber Firm . Denies City's P-E Cha~ge ·····•••·····••················· 2 Flee on Foot As Car Stops the Duo:enl:-:,u tA~ .~~~ m~r:.r; fO aerac:,~~ ~~~e :~:=~ In w·~l d Chase Katket today at 3421 E. Cout ctrla. Who entered the Brat Shop (Continued fnllll Pqe lJ H~way In Corona ~ Mar. opentne t aahlon show tn Costa / that the same Jum-.er t. then Dean, the eon of Mr~ &Ad M.na. Mesa Friday night. thE' Judees Newport pollee Sunday tm. often Jhlppecl to lftland conatruc-Norman Meadows ot Corona del aelecuct Leoetrlane Fernandez, 11 pounded a 1949 two door veh~ Uon area.-Mr. s.ec-.. ld that Mar, b a native oi Oklaboma, ol Santa Ana as queen and Bar' I for the possibility ol theft from Warel 6 Hurlftllon ftllploya two got in the butd\er bu.alnea at bara Kirkpatrick, 12, of 2544 Its owner, followtna-a wUd uao tnacldnc tlrma tram Anahdm to the aee of 15, wbe:n he Worked Fairway Dr., Costa Mesa and of lts young driver which re- baul lum.,_ from tbe ahlpyard.a for hb dad ln n. Worth, Texas, Gall Mokelke, of Santa A~a as suited in damage to two parked at San hdto to Kewport. to sup. and later In Modesto. Callf. He princesses. Judges 1 n c 1 u de d can and his Heape on foot. plement the Sl\l,pmenta that come had hla own butcher &hop in Mayor Claire Nelson of Costa The pollee chase with red Jleht by PI:. M for h-.ullng lumber Modesto before comine here. 'Jbe Mesa. Charles TeWinkle, Clar and siren started at Newport trom the Newport Yards to In-auaaella are now llvtnr In eo.ta ence Ross. Nan Broughton and Freeway and Industrial Way, land u.u, aucb as Garden Mesa. They have three cbJJ~n. Marilyn Friedrich. Vema Mlller turned west on Coast Hwy. and Grove, Mr. Spicer aald that that Jucl)', age 6, ~:'· 5~ and Cathy. 3. was mlat.ress of ceremonies and then east on Balboa Blvd. The Ia almj)ly a matter of turnt.hlne commentated at a special chll-speedjng vehicle n a r row 1 y lumber to their local c:ustomen, Graduation ceremonJN for a dren's fashion show held Satur. missed a boy crossing the street such u Jam" D. Ray, Walter teen-aee group of Marjorie Hale' a day afternoon In the newly en-at Court St. and .McFadden Pl., MeUott and Harry ~180. for oon-lcllool ot Charm will be held at larged Brat Shop. C h 1 1 d r e n Newport Beach. The car s~d structJon projecta Inland. an e-arly dinner fashion abow at raneed trom 3 years to pre teen Into the Court St. parktne lot . "Not to my knowledge," said the Balboa Bay Club on Thurs and Size H models at the show. and damaged parl\ed cars r~. Mr. Spicer when a.aked about the day, Aug .... Clothes will be fur. istered to James A. Kem~r of charge that Ward A Harrington ntsbed by the Bay Club Fa.sh. Curt Schml•dt 2136 Orange Ave .. Costa Mesa hu pJled lumber on city own__. Ions. and Carl J . Mohlman of Sanu on.~ • • • Ana property near the PE freleht f B 1 b · yards. "U thla wu done, It wa.s Poirier Mortgage Co .• wbJcb is 0 a o• The driver. a boy about 16 or (\one without authority. It l.s pos. headed by Elmer s. Pol.rl« of Co-0 a I e s 17. jumped from the car and fled aJble that the city land has been :~:n~~1 1':::ti~~':,~Y ~ ~~ Curt August Schmidt, a Balboa =~ 0~ theunO:an Front, polJee used for enterlne the lumber laraest stnale mortea.ee Joan restaurateur for several years . yo g boy passenger storage area." • .. died S d Or · ran west and dlsap~ared Offl He said that the PE rleht-of. agenc-y In Orange County. Dur· H un ay at ange County cers found the car had bee~ sold way l.s u~ for atorlng lumber lng the first six months of 1955, h ~pita I at tJte age of 48. Illness I recently and were attempting to the previous year's loan volume a forc-ed him to give up his j determine ownershl as It arrives by rail They have was more than doubled. The rec:-business last Septt'mber. P 48 )lours tree stora,e, llnd any orded lo\ln volume for those Rlx He was a native of ~nnany IN storage beyond that time Is paid months was $7.4Z7.265 for Or-came to the United States I~ ewport Isle for at the agreed rental. ange County. 1921 and became a citizen of this I "We are putting no obstacles country. The family came to Bal-F t• I s ln the way of the o!ty's cam. boa In 1944 and lived at 912 E. es IV a at palgn for removal of the PE T ~ ~ Ocean Front. Balboa. I • tracks from the heart of New. reasure Map Mr.Schmldtlssurvlvedbyhls A F u I Ill port," Mr. Spicer said. "This Is a c • wile. Elaine, four sons and one 5 to es va w be held from terminal for a railway on which reator DieS daughter. Two of tht> sons. Kurt I site ~nP-~-Satur~l at the park we receive shipments, and we Jr. and Paul. are on emergency to ra. e'WpOrt and In ordt'T will continue to use It as long as jleave from the u. s. Navy in I lse funds to develop and It remains here. It might work Funeral services for Claude G. Japan At home Is a third son beautlty that area as a park. out even better If the freight Putnam Sr., 70, a resident of the Robert. and a daughter. Alice. i~ W Spon~rlng the Festival Is the yards were to be moved near the Lido TtaiJer Park, Newport ltn Los Angeles He is survived omens Auxiliary of tht> Nt>W. Santa Ana RJver. b«ause our Beach, were held yesterday In also by a foster son. Charles D I ~;; Island association. and ar trucks then would have easy at· the Little Church of the Flowers, I M c Donne II . Funeral services I Rl ging the event are Mrs. Keith cess to Coast Highway." I Forest Lawn, Glendale. were held yt'Sterday IWednes. rna. auxiliary president. and Mr. Putnam died Sunday In day I at Parkes RJdlPy Mortua ., Mrs. James Edwards. wife of the Hoag Memorial Hospital alter a Rev Charles F Hand oUiciat~ a&soC'Jation president Thf'. Fest!. C I F t d 1 brlt>f lllness. He was founder and -, val. Is .open to all, a{'('Ordmg to oup e e e first president of the Advertising Wh I h Mrs. Rima. Art Assn. of Southern California. ere s T at Thert' will be booths. Including At Shower He cruted .the Treasure Map. ot a white t'lephant booth Ham. Newport Harbor for the Newport 0 .II I B 0 0 m I? burgers. hot dogs. chiJI bea.ns, Harbor Chamber of Commer~ cold drinks and coff~ wUJ be and other historical maps of served. U!lle J immy Edwards. CallfornJa. Meager oil production ~om with asslstan~ from hl.s dad. Mr. Putnam was senior staff well number seven of the City wU provtde train rides on hla commodore of the Newport Har-of Newport Beach wlll result in model train. Mrs. Donald G. Sapp, director, states that visitors will have an opportunity to participate In the achool's workshop aervtces and to witness a demonstration of what the chtldten have learned. The younge-r c:hlldren wtll pre- Mnt a puppet abOW', "'llle Good Samaritan." Older dilldren wU1 atnr and prewnt a c:bode reacl- lng. A buffet supper party and kltchen sh ower at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Neice. 145 Via Vennla, Lido Isle, on Satur . day night feted the betrothed couple, Miss Phylll.s Albers and --------------------------1 Noel Barlow, whose wedding will be solemnh.ed next month. A bor Yacht Club, and a founder tests on shallower oll sands ln Funds for the park were ral.sed of the Ttans.Paclfic Yacht Club the well. City Manager John at a card pa..rty held last week which sponsors the biennial Hon .. Sailors announ~d yesterday. by the auxlliary at the Edwards olulu race. He 1s survived by his More than 1.000 b~ls of on home. For le+terhe•ds. en..&ooet c.d THE ENSIGN. H~lll4 APORT :?.,/. COR ONA Ofi MAG-~<H~o· ll/tU9 IIIW SIIIWI. Dean MartJn and Jnry Lewis In "YIU'IE lEVER TOO YOU•" Doll•t lll1aa tbil JU.Iarioa.a pic- tun ill lta tint Soutbenl CCIWonakl lbowlagl --4180- ''ITo .. Fill IEIEITI TIE SEA" ldlll .............. 111 7 I 0 7b 0 IJtl1(JJ)]Tjft CContlnued trom Pace 5) publishers of nearly all Orange County newspapers and quite a few other localltlH, Including Jim and Betty StUtler or Costa Ilea, fJUpetlntendelt oi Jfew. port Elementary Schools Roy An- dersen and the Mrs., Rev. Roy Carlson, Mrs. Michael Michelle of Corona del Mar. Newport Councilman and Mrs. Jay Stod dard. Mesa Councilmen Bruce Martin and Bert Smith ... etc. etc. Alter six hours Inside the magic walls. I was dizzy with Disneyland and my teet hurt. Other impressions -It was fan ta.atlc . . . It wa.sn·t quite fin lshed ... someone talmost mel could fall oU of the tip top of the stagecoach where I rod• . . . jungle boatrlde was fun, but I wasn't quite sure whether to watch that 1V camera pointed right at us, « the snapping jaws of Ule alligator along side. • • • Some super speed buzzJne by an airplane jockey ln a pro~ller driven monoplane did a double take on the Freedom Homes sec. tlon In Costa Mesa Monday and scared a lot of residents out of next summer's growth. I under- be tossing food and clothing, not bullets or arrows. at the In. dlans. Danny has already made one trip to the Indian country, but aeeJne theft extreme pov~ apuned blm on to oolJect, ~ cast off c:lothln~. more canned food and supplles for these first American!. The convoy of sus- tenance Is nearly loaded ready to go. says Danny. There Is still room for some canned goods and he's saving up money for gas for the trip. (A week ago Danny sold h13 family auto for a truck to haul stuff.l • • • Sally Bragg. teen-age daugh· ter ot Mr. and Mrs. Buzz Bragg of Corona del Mar. Is off on the bounding blue on a month-long ttshlng trip. She's aboard the Skagerrack, skippered and owned by Alex Larsen of Costa Mesa. Also aboard are 13-yr .. old Diane Larsen and Sharon Larson, who ls 16. • • • Shades of purple petunias! Understand a directory has been printed somewhere In the county which calls Poinsettia Ave .. Co- rona del Mar, "Pansy"-and that was Its original name. you know. stand one little lfrl, particularly, vurroa AT TilE S&JIDEU wa.s so scared she was put under LEAVDIC roa w. VDICDUA a physician's care for shock. It seems she had had a near mJss Stanley Harsh, brother In-law by an airplane In a Lone Beach of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Sanders accident. . of 601 Larkspur Ave., Corona del • • • Mar. Is leavlna thla week to join special cake d e c o r a t e d with hearts and doves cUmaxed the dinner. Included In the guest list were Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lodtle of w .. wooct. Mr. and IIIPa. Walter Moore and aon. Freder1c:k Moore. of San Marino; Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward Chapman ln. dauehtn and son.in.law of the hosu. Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Al~ra of Costa Mesa, parents of the bride-to-be. and the future groom's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Barlow, Bal- boa Island, and their daughter. Miss Mona Rae Barlow. Iliff H•-Fipres l1 DIYeroe S.Hia•a•t The "Fipps House" on the Co- rona del Mar blutt at the foot of Poppy Ave. figured In the di- vorce settlement between John Maberry, wealthy oilman, and his bride of 2'~ years. Under the terms of the divorce, granted to Mr. Maberry by Su perior Judge Kenneth Morrison. Mrs. Maberry did not ask for alimony, but retained some $200.000 In personal property given to her by her husband. In eluding the home at 3729 ~an Blvd .. a car, stocks, bonds and oil leases. They were married Oct. 12. 1952. at Las Vegas and .eparated May 11. 1955. wlte, Mrs. Hazel Putnam; a son, from other city wells were Claude Putnam Jr.; two daugh. pumped Into the well recently In c h v• t• ters. Mrs. Marjorie Harmon of an effort to start production, but r as I c I m Mariposa and Mrs. Dorothy O. with the poor results. The well I . Swanson of Kingsburg and ~ven wlll be blocked oft at the blghe-r Convalesc· cn.ndc .. Udnm. level and p r 0 d u c: t l 0 n testa I ng start~ theri.>. the city ottJcfal Th N bb d explain~. WhUe AD. Ouo1 Doane ol4lf ree a e ''Tht'f'i."·s no oil boom that 1/ Poppy Ave_ Qot-ona ~~ Mar. Ia know of In thE' offing," said Jim convalescing from major Injuries In Dope Case Gilstrap. manager or G £. Ka in Hoag Memorial Hospital. the dant> and Sons. Banning Mtatt' Camp Pendleton marine <'hatged oil produC'efS. t'Ommt'nllng on rt' w ith causmg the lnjurlt"S In a Newport pollee arrested two ports of an oil boom. "WE' havp two car wre<-k on Sunday. July men and a woman on chagt"S no plans at pr~nt other than 10. Is In Or-ang.-County jail of possession of marijuana at our ordinary lt'A'If' plans.·· Miss Doane·~ condition "'a re 10:20 p.m. Monday In a Newport NE-w WE'll drl_lllng wlll con portE'd as fair YE'Sterday b} hos Heights alley. tlnue In tht' 830 to 2.ono foot pita! officials She surferE'd a Donald £. Wells. 22. or 177 AJ zone. Mr. Gilstrap said. Kadane fracturE'<! pelvis. a torn bladdE-r bert Pl.. Costa Mesa: Gordon L. w~lls now a\eragE' from 15() to 1 and other Internal injurips and Wetzbarger. 20. of 22l 21st St.. 1 17:> barrels a day The wells lacerations m the-a('("ldt>nt at Newport Beach. and Carol Jean ' slowly drop production ovt'r tht" I Poppy Ave and Coast Hwy .. Co Cribbs. 23. of 225 20th St .. New j yt>ars until tht>y &\'t'ragt' from 14 rona del Mar port Beach. were arrested afler to 15 barrels a day atter about Tht> marine. Harold w Rldalls. pollee received a call ol a suspl-10 years. he added. Is dut' to a pPf:'ar In Superior clous car in an allt'y at the rear Court on Friday, July 29. on two of 429 Holmwood Dr. ..,. Will 111114 c-ounts of felony drunk drl\'lng. ln11Lala Lisllil' ..... Pille .... •up I The Carleton Mears wt ll be and ont' c-ount each of ft>lony hit and run and grand thf."ft auto. His prPiiminary hrarlng was ht>ld last Monday In Santa Ana Orangt' Munk1pal Court with bail se-t at Sl.OOO Ht' was rP turned to rounty jail CAll RAMS atrn..Dmc RJdlnr to meet the Indiana a his wlte In Pbilllpl. West Vir- week fiom tomorrow (Friday) glnla. The Harsh's spent the wln. wtll be Davy Daniel-parcel de-ter In CalUornla and Mn.. Ha.rsh Jlverer 1n the Harbor area-and returned to their eastern home a a couple ol cronies fiom the short while aeo. They hope to Newport Jlarbor Bulfalo Ranch return to the Harbor area for ... only theae wbJte ·braves will good next winter. a... ........ .. ANY more Gophers around! among the Harbor area visitors Ted Pope at the Vogel office on at tht-National Modt>l AlrplanP Balboa Island Is quite freshly Championship m<'et beln~ ht'ld from the state of Minnesota. I this W('('k at tht" L' S Na\al Air Was in business In Mankato ... Station at Los Alam1tos Ground Former postmistress Hilda Bris dis plays as well as a show ,,f coe Watkins is In tht' real estate I U. S. Navy plan~ exhibition<; business at the Nelda Gibson will hlghlieht the program nf'xt oUice. Balboa Island ... AJhm Saturday and Sunday. U rontrol Dayton anct wile Gra~. are new and radio control planes are a at the Waldron Realty Offi~. feature of the Championship Balboa Island ... Willard Kll Model Mt"t't There Is no adml.s lion. formerly with P A. Palmer slon charge. Brake fa1lurp was blamed b\ Mary Jant> Barrington of San Gabriel. whose c-ar jumpe-d the curb and struck the front port'h and wall of tht-l't"'lidt-ntce or Mis.s Portia A Riley at 3328 Oce-an Blvd .. Corona dt-1 Mar. at 12:50 p.m htst Thul'$d11y offke on VIa Lido, Is opening hls --------- own In the new Beaumont Co. CIQJEI••y I"•JS IH IIJIIPJ , .. building oppocite Ci ty Hall. ..,. ..,. -VACATION SPECIALS Newport pollee tlled assault and battery aeatnat a Whittier boy, 17, at 4:44 p.m. Sunday on charges of strlking Dr. Allan 0 . Cottle of 615 Orebld Aw .. Corona del Mar. Pollee charae<f that the youth struck Dr. Cottle In fiont ot 325 Poln&oettla Aw., Corona del Mar. OttJcen saJd they oblerved blood Rllht now he Is otfice..shartne ~ with Mn.. Bayes at the Beau. -a~~- mont office ~ea: ~ewport P. 0 . ~~ .... _ :t, The WaJtec Bllvens are taldne ~ ~ -.. an alter weddlnt Cthefr da.ugh. t~) vacation to Lake Loultw and Bantt. The Bllvens llw In Corona del Mar and Walt Is "real estatlng" with Marlner's l'IICIIE SPECIIL Sun Suits-sizes 3-14 reg. 3.98 -··············--··--···--···--·---····---·· .. ·-· . .-2.88 Linen Suits-sizes 3-14 reg. 11.95 --··-·-·--··---···-···--·-·-···-··8.88 reg. 2.98 ----···---··-····-·-··---1.88 G~l's Seersucker gowns and P.J. Mother dresses reg. 11 .95 . ________ 8.18 Daughter dresses to match reg. 5.95 ---3.88 Sub-Teen Dept. Linen Suits reg. 11 .95 ------··---8.88 Better skirts reg. 7.95 ··-------UI Novelty ahoea--greatly reduced Isle Realty. comlnr fiom two small lacera. • I tlons on the Jeft forehe-ad of Dr. 4"111 llf IDDI.III ~~: when they arrlwd at the ll ll•l llll Trill The Whittier youth was a pu. A ~home trad for north seneer In a car driven by an. eoeta Mea wu a.nnounced yeo other Whittier youth. 'nle lnc:J. t~ by 8.oJ GfeenJMllr~ Or· dent followed a remark from the •nee Count)' builder. and rnlt« cSoc:tor to the Whittles-JOUtb, po. who la pra1clent of t.M eo.u Ike reported. w.a Sav1np and Loan ~ ''You tourl.sts just drMna Tbe traa wru be locatecJ on the throurh." was the remartt bam IIOUth tJde ot BaMr St. and tb doctor whkh started U.e Ia. bounded on t.M welt by an ex. cldent. ~ ald. 11M )"'Uth ~nsJon o1 8abb St.. wu Jtieued to hJ.a fath« and .u.etat.ct w1tb Kr. CNenle.tf an application ot pd.ldae f'lW lD tbJa .uWMIIeft .,. Glen f« h1a ~ In Jvftnile Oott. Claude IWuM. 1.t111a and (!OIUJt. a.tnn SIUda ... 1111t7 Pqe, llll c.ta .... tmrtr! 1 people. and Mlldred IINwD ol Nt•poct. NEWPORT FISHING BARGE I t.a Pennits lssuecl For Irvine 'fei'I'CKe Homes -......_ Tel'face .._. &C'(.'OUnted nella T~nace, 130.500; •room. 1· tw 1DIII'e than 1110.000 In buUd-8torf, 1-unJt dwtilJnc at 13)6 lnl perm.lta durlq the put Santanella Terrace, $18.250; 'J. w.e1t u pe'1l\tt. tOI' tlve IDClft room. }.story, 1-unlt dwellm. at dweWAP wen t.ued by the 1.00 S.ntanella Terrace, p),f!IO; ~ --.ndlftl Department 7-room, 1.-tory, 1-unJt dwelltnc 1!01' tbat aubdltnlon. lfore than at 1S06 Santanella Terrace, p),. 8210,000 ln pennlu were taued 500; Torn Hendenon, &room, 1· tb.rou1bout the elty, brtnctn& the •tory, 1-unlt dwelllnc at 1-&29 July total to S385,000, and the Dolphin Tenace, $32,000. total fOJ' the YH.r to 15,830,000. e CX)IIOifA DEL IIAII Pollowtn, permJt. were l.ssued: Don Hayton. encl~ patio at e DVDfJE TEUAc:& 600 Poln~~ettta. $200; Char lee K.ac:co Corporation. 6-room. 1-Muter.. S.roorn. 1 %-&tory, 1.unJt ;=~'1~-~unl=:t;.::;::::~.:a~~ _;San=~ta·· dweJllna' at 140 Femleal, In FUn.• 0\lna Cove, $17,500; W. J. O'Keefe, retaining wall at 818 Breakers Dr .. llSO; Dr. Richardt Q.-.. I...._Ytil9ol1M Hottman. -dd room at 318 Mart. ........ cold. $2.900; M. L SmJtbena, aDd ell UJOO• JIII'Odlada • • • dwellin& at 500 and !500~ Mar-......... ....-~en-s. cuertte, su.aoo. I'ICK VP & DIIJ..IYDY e C:0801fA BJGID.AifDS 1!'1 I ......,. Vlf101f Jac:k JWey, add veranda at 560 la.I.IV I I G IJUIYJCZ Seaward. $1,000. @ -1 •....-t m.cL e lfK1QOIIT IIIUCIII'I'B •....-t .._. L C. Sawin, addition at 2212 _ _;~~;;~;~;;~~~;~;;~~;;__j!;;~;;~~:;;;~:;~~;:: . ...._ .S CUU Dr., $1,600; Harold Walker, S.room. 1-atory, 1-unJt clwelltnc -::~oca:x::a:x=aXICI:::IOCI:X:: ~~~'=!=-=-~)£=:.·~·'=·.,.,=·~~~ ~hs:~~=~ ~~J ~ 'L • • • • • • • • • • • ~-~~~ L~~·1ng · . .._ r,: $5,500; Nell Parker, walks a t m US FOI l o•s 2928 Clltf Dr .• $250. Cilidnutq a...a~-.-. .cu.. 11•M a~ ~~any ....,. ot m anned ot loluiDM'a p_,a...ttta Ave., C:O.Ona del Mar, Urauor ....., 1:. Cout lhrJ.. 1ft tM Uqu. atore aftw orde'tnl c.au clel Jlhir, 81 10-.JI p.m. a boUle ot wtdlllb7 wlltcltl M.r. ,..._..y,luly 11. Meara placed on the COWlter. Total catch to date In the Jun. 101' Anlllnl Tournament apon. ~ by the Balboa An1llnc Club 11 422, and 20 )IOUJII anc· len have alpecl up fot the IUI'n· mer-lona com..UtloJL Thee'• 11t111 tlJDe to enter', aya Touma. ment Ola1.nDan -Dtke. "All rl&ht, tet•a have every. thin& you've tot." the robber aa.ld. producln1 a nSekal-platect revolver. "Okey. take lt euy now.'' Mr. Meara replled. He opened t.be cub rea1ftet and 1ave the rob. ber $145. ''Let'• 10 to the rear o1 the ~~tore.'' the robber .. teL Mr. Mear8 walked ahead ot the cunman to the rear door ott the aU.y and opened lt. The robber lett by the rear doOI', bMdtnl eut ln the alley, taJdna alona the .._ .. bot- ue of whlakey. The robber wu de.erlbed u about ftw feet. 11 inch• In h.apt. wel&fllnl from 110 to 190 pouncll. 1De41um heavy baUd. ahort blond hatr wltb a ..:ar on a cheek bone.. lAaden thu tu are: bun· euda. t lb. 15 011., Jlm aapr; bu1. I lb. 12 oc.. laaft ~; bonAto. 2 Jb. 3 -., Prank t.a. PNitl; eotblna, ' lb .• oz.. Jlm Jla.nol4; 8pGtftn t:roake', ~ lb.; a.y Cr-.,; ntJowftn croaker, 6 oc., Kbt Ball: baUbut, 21 lb. 3 oz., Colleen lla.nlen; PaeWc U..CS. ... M• I 181 mackerel. 4 lb., 4 oc., Bill Lane; B A •• Y DAY •c 8 0 0 L jack mackerel. 4 lb. 12 oz., John t. Utile Felk Lantow; lie& trout, 3 lb. 8 oz., Hal 440 BelJotrope, Corona del Mar Stem; whJte aea b&u, 3 lb. 8 oz., Harbor f389 Jack Carpenter; lar1est variety, Mrs. Jean VauJh" d'......-.- Th .....z 21, John Lantow. ... ~"" LO .,. ... TED LOU ~?:;1~ =•lions at • At HU.h School c Leg,gue Construction Lo«ms Mrs. Dorothy Boslo. foundation BY~~ •• at 913 E. Balboa Blvd., $1,000; :~•c•cx•::J•a::• ::.•o:•c:x:•::.•=:c:x•:::~:•c•c::x•:::J•cx• ::.•:x• e Giants t.Vntlnued to Jeac! was tilled with home r;una by ~~~~~~~=====~~~~~~~~~~~~~ the pack with 6 wins and one Jimmy Giraud o1 the Giants and r SEE BOB SATTL.Ea Poirier 1111&11• Co. ZSIS E. eoa.t llwy .. CDM n. SA sal Kl S.SliS ( M.tro L1le J:uaraDc:a J'1aDcb) JAMES D. RAY Bllil•ilc c.trHior l.W. E. COAST HWY ~ COAONA DEL MAA HArt>« 476) Corolla del Mcu Prior LeD U a.7f1Z7 BA Margaret Elder, alterations at 1100 E. Balboa Blvd., $2.500; Mrs. Renata ntus, a lterations at 628 W. Ocean Ft., $1 ,600; Capt. Richmond Jackson. 7 room. 1· story. 1-unlt dwelling at 340 Buena Vlsta, $1 5,000. e LmO ISLE M. A. Anderson. repair fire damage to garage, 916 VIa Udo. $2.000; R. V. Dantger. alterations at 202 Palermo, $1,000; L. D. Lansdale, remodel chimney at 543 VIa Udo Soud. $450. e BEACOM BA 'f R. A. Schaub. alterations at 60 Beacon Bay, $400. • BAABOa JSLAJfD John Porter Jr .. alterations at 16 Harbor Island, $2..500. e KEWPOJrT John Mason and Harry Gates. move buUding from 516 30th St. to 512 30th St. and build addl· tlon. $1.400; Bruce Taylor, ca bana at 32 FrE-mont. Lido Trailer Park. $2,000; W. J. Hoskin. fence at 1510 W. Ocean Ft .. $75; Flor ent H. Bailey. move buildJng !rom 2008 E. Ocean Ft., Balboa. to 1501 W. Balboa Blvd., an<i bring it up to code. $250; E. Mor rls Smith and Lyle Wheeler. al teratlons and new partitions at 3440 VI a Oporto, $1.000; Harbor Investment Co. oftlce at 308 30th St.. $11.194 TWO BURT IJf WJU:CK Injured In a two-car accident at CQast Hwy. and Upper Bay Rd . ~ewport Beach, at 4:44 p.m. last Thursday wt>re Lora Mae Woodrich of 900 Arbor St .. Costa Ml>!>a, drlvt>r of one of the cars. and Raymond Douglas of San Diego, passenger in the second car. Both were taken to Hoag Hosp~~-================--- Orco Block Co. BUILDING BLOCKS-AU SIZES-AU TYPES J Acboll 7-2239 IOU J[at.Ua. Stcmtoa Klmbe:rl T 2-0'154 2320 S. Na:t.a. Scmta ADa Costa Mesa Lumber Co. LUMBER -BUILDING MATERIALS Kewpol't Bl.-d.. e-ta MMG UIMI1y 1-1•1 Flew~-~ Asphalt n.Je -Rubber nle Formica -Linoleum TUe CULT-LDrs'i~ JSS E. 17Ua St. eo.ta Meea LDEaTT a.as2 22 Yean in Orance County loss as the fourth week of C Carlton Xowen and Chrla Me. League play came to an end at Lachlln of the Braves. the High School playground. On Monday, Jul,y 11, the Cuba The Yankees and Cardlnals defeated the Giants 4-0 with were tied for second with a 5 Francis Romero o1 the Cubs hit. and 2 record, followed by the tlng a home run. and the Jn. Braves, 4 and 3; Tigers, 3 and 4; diana downJnc the Cardinal• 4-1. ~ Sox, 3 and 4; Dodgers. 3 and Bruce Watts of the CardJnal8 5; Cubs. 3 and 5; White Sox, 2 knocked a home run In the 3rd and 5; Indians, 2 and 5. Inning. Wednesday, July 13, the Outstanding pitching by Steve Dodger• defeated the Indians 3-1, Shedd of the Braves. Jamie Car and the Braves downed the Card· roll ot the Yankees, Steve Carl lnals 4.2 In a came packed with son of the Giants and Harold action. Marx of the Cardinals has a Jot On Thursday, JuJy 14, the to do with the respective clubs Braves and Indians replayed being In the upper dlvtalon In their eame on July 5. and the the standings. Good hits were: a Braves won 9-6. John Shedaker triple by Eddie Gallant of the of the Indians proved to be the Dodeers. Kenny Swanson of the heavy hitter as he knocked a Cubs, Richard Llsk of the In-1 home run In the 2nd Inning. diana. Chris Pickup of the Braves, e COSTA MESA PU.It Steve Shedd ot the Braves. 11m. Last week aaw the mighty un- my ~ynolds of the Cards and beaten Cubs go down to defeat DennLs Bonds of the 'ngen all at the hands of the hard playing hit home runs this past week. Dodgers In the Costa Mesa Park In one of the feature contesu C Leacue. 'MI~ lett three teams or the week between the Braves crowded at the top of the league, and Giants. Phil Monroe broke the Cubs still hanginc precarl- up a very tight ball game with ously to first place with a 7 1 a last lnninc atnele with bases record, followed c:!l~ly by the loaded and 2 out to provide the White Sox and Giants. each with winning tally tor the Giants. He five wins. one defeat and one tie. was a real hero. The Dodgen have a 6 and 2 e YOUTH CEJIITEJI record; Cards 4 and 3. Braves 2 The second roond of the Lit and 5, ngers 2 and 5. Yanks 2 tle Leaeue got under way Frl flnd 5. Red Sox 2 and 5. Indians day, July 8. ·at the Youth Center 0 and 7. with the Cubs defeaUnc tbe Last week's acores were Dodg Dodgen S.O. and the Braves edg. en 14, Ttcera 2; Cards 13. Yanks lng out the Giants 5.4. John Web-9; Cubs 8, Cards 5; o.dgers 9, ster of the Cubs wu up to his Yanks 4; White Sox 5. IndJan• usual of pitching a no hitter 4; ~ Sox 12. Braves 1; Giants while the Braves Giants game 10, Tlcers 2; Dodgers 8, Cubs 5. From the POUCE BLOnER • The Best r~gures • are 1n Glydon's Cooool . . . and comfort. able the hllh cut brief fashioned for action ... flnn nylon bobblnet •Ide and back, aatln lutex front and back, band lip top and bottom. 4" de- tachable 1a r t e u . In wbJte SmaJJ, XH.Iwn. Large. Fashion Apparel 2341 lfewpoct BlM. e-ta M..a (on way to Santa Ana Country Club) l.J:Mty l-7t3J An attractive fr~sb Interior for your home can be achieved by ualnc our services 180UDA1', J'OI.T 11, 1- MID (•o 'IVDI), ................... W'aO. 0111.1' II 0&. ... ~,.. ....... " ... Lido Isle Man · Promoted by Airline Firm fAG&- ............ '!\ ., ,, .. BAffT DAY IC800L •....u.r.a 440 Heliotrope, Corolla del Mar Harbor 4388 Under new mana,ement Mrs. lean Vauehn. ctJrect.cw A New Co®ePt In r.ftonal Radlo. Ear PbODe and Carry-1"1 Cue <lt*'o!ul, &xtra. Harold W. (Bud) Caward, 88, of 52t Via ,IJdo Soud, IJdo Iale. baa been appolnc.d ~chief pilot to, Western Air L1nH. The n .yeu veteran of the alrllne ln. dutry will have jW't.dlctlon over all captain-, llrst oUicen and nteht enetneen on the Mnior airline's I)'Stem In 12 states and Canada. The Chamber of c:om.roerc. Trophies wUl be presented to A Classified Ad in The Ensiqn Yacht1nr Committee ~ all winners at 5 p.m. followlne the brinqs immediate results! CeU aaUors who plan to enter the Fllebt. at the Newport Harbor Harbor 11 14_1 r 15 and orove itt IIVIIIMIIM. Ll a.MI7 ............ c.e. .... 20th annual Flllbt of the Snow· ~Y.:a~ch~t~C~Iu~b;;,.· iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_..,-~.;;;;;;;;;;;iiiii5iiiiiiiiiiiii5iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-._ birds luly 31 to complete their ~ Mr. Caward wlll maintain ol- flca at W.tern's Loe AneeJea International Airport headquar. ten, reportJne dlreet.Jy to E. N. Whitney, dJ.tector of Oleht oper. a tiona. He Joined Western In 1938 aa a co.pUot at BW'bank. He bad attended Beverly HUla Hteh School and USC. Durlne World War ll, he wu an Instructor at Western's Salt Lake Cfty pilot tralnlne school and ~e~Ved u a flylne ca})taln for the Air Trans. port Command's Canadlan.AJ ... kan dJvt.slon. He became a. check pilot for Western In 1950, a.nd later was named superintendent of Olght tralnJne and regional chJef pUoL Players Name Mrs. Barnett Mrs. Elton (Marjorie) Barnett of 438 Fullerton Ave., Newport Heights, was elected Jut week as president of the Newport Har. bor Community Players. She sue. cee<1.s Roeer Hope. Other otticers and commJttee chairmen are loc Ha.rtJey, treas- urer; lackJe Flaneeln, reoordlne aecretary; PaU Tarnbelllnl, so. clal; ladue Tackaberry and AnJta Metz. p r o g r a m s ; Paul Caldwell, speclal services; Diane Gilbert, membersttlp; Burton Ryadale, house; MartheJia Ran. entry blanka and turn them In to the Chamber officer, 1800 W. Coast Hlehw~. Newport. at the earliest posatble moment Jn order to avoid last minute rush and confusion. Entry blanka must be filed by 4 p.m. Saturday. luly 30. at the Chamber office. Newport Ha.rbor Yacht Club. Balboa Yac:bt Club, Lido Isle Yacht Club. ~-A. Seek's office. McNally and Vallely Boat Landings or the Harbor Master office on Bayside Drive. On the day of the race. last mlnute en tries must be turned In only at the Balboa Hospitality Bou.e, t.he former Harbor Master otfice at the toot of Wa&hlneton St. on Bay Front. between 10 a.m. and 12 noon. No entry blank.l will be accepted after 12 noon on the . day of the race, which starts at 1:40 p.m. The age limit. according to the otticlal instruction sheet. l.s "one to one hundred and one years." Crew is optional; saJl alone l1 you wish, but all entrants plan nlng to compete for the youngest boy and youngest glrl awards must sail alone and finish the course, and must wear a life preserver. The race Is open to all. Con testants need not be members of a yacht club. Trophies will be awarded to the !lrst 10 sldppeq to finl.sh First place winner will also have his name Inscribed on the "Al bert Solland Perpetual Trophy." Youngest girl and youngflt boy salllng along and eompleUne course will have their names ln scribed on the ''A. B. Ro~le" and "Harry Welch" Pe-rpetual Trophies respectively. lt4G.4~'S dall, workshop; Bill Wlneaka, publlclty. Dates for the first play for the 1955-56 season were set for Oct. 14 and 15. The eJection meetJne was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Flanegln, 424 Orchid Ave., Corona del Mar. HOW'S FISHING? Flrst girl to finish will have her name lnacrlbed on the "Ins. 1~ Perpetual Trophy." Small plate awards wUI be made for the 11th place and f!Very lOth place thereafter. There wUl be Your FamUy Restaurant (a..d heeclay) 2515 E. c:..t Jllglaway .....,.. 1.. c:.o.a .. NcR STOP AT Die Arches "Your Host to the Cout SJnce 1926" PIKE FOODS COCKTAILS COAST HIGHWAY AT THE AltCHES Newpott a..dl JOHN VU.f:I.JE 1-1531 Guests Arrive From St. Louis The Westerner Is running as an albacore special at 3 a.m. now each Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday from the Newport Pier. On the other days It fl.shes lqcal. leavine at 5 a.m. On the alba- core special days for the West SpeclaJ au-. arrtvtnc t.om« erner, the Sea Gal leaves at 5 row at the Elmer Lanon ho~ a.m. for Joeal flahlng. Qu:tte a at 721 w. Balboa Ave., Balboa, few barracuda. nice. big buJJ are Sister "Anna Rose principal bass and halibut are being at St. loseph Institute for the caught local Deaf In St. Loul.s. and Sl.ster Nice halibut up to 18 pounds. Anne Bernadine, who 1.s a lot ol flounder. salmon grouper teacher there. The Larson'• and sable fish are being caught daughter, Phylll.s. attended the off the barge. Georgia, anchored St. Louis school for many years. oU the Newport Pier. Spanish While they are In Southern Call jacks are also being caught fornla. the nuns will observe at early In the morning. The first the H.E.A.R. Foundation In Los shore boat to the barge from the Angeles. Newport Pier l.s at 6 a.m. "lEW SHOWBOAT' Crulu to Lac•• "Remarkably good" sea trout and halibut fishing Is re ported from Ellis Boat Rentals In the bay a round the upper bay bridge. A few spotfln croaker are also being caught. Ellis U.drives are going outside· for heavy mackerel fishing and are either going to the Huntington flats or Dana Point for barracuda fish- Ing. Daily 11:30 & 7:00 p.m.6 $1'.25. Children 6Sc * * * 3 BOATS OPERATING on BAY & OCEAN BIDES * Boat Lecning E-.ery 20 Minute. * PMl Tozer and his charter boat Andele from Norm's Landing br(>ught In 24 albacore one day last week and picked up six more the next day. The Sport King. at Norm's. Is bringing In barracuda, bull bass.. halibut. small white sea bass and an occasional salmon. Three boats from Port Orange one day lut week brouebt In three barracuda, 41 bonito, 114 haJibbt, 225 sand and bull bass and 49 white sea bass for an av. erace day catch. The boats were the Gypsy. M.lssawit a.nd May B. The Frontier. from the Balboa Pavilion, hu been bringing ba.ck albacore dally. Antlers tlsblne 1 . from the Balboa Pavilion dock have really been knocking over the sea trout and halibut. Art Gronsky describes lt as "fabu- lous flahlne. the steadiest run o1 f1ah In two or three years.." The l et n from Seuport Land. tng one day Jut week brought In seven barracuda, eleven hall. but. .even sand ba.ss a.nd '>ne tomorrow (Friday); 12:15 a.m. to 1:15 a.m .. Saturday; 1:05 a.m. to 2:05 a.m. Sunday and 1 :30 a .m. to 2:30 a.m .. Monday. One photo awards also for the oldest akJp. per to finish. first "Me" Nnted craft to finish and flrst "V" rented craft to flnlsh. !!ought by ye scribe ls Bert FJSIDlfC AJm BOAT'lftC Mllls' grunion huntlne cat with The Merle Atflerbauehs are a Oopplne erunlon between Its devoting thelr summer to flab. teeth. Durlne one of the earUer lne. spending a month In Cata nnw thla year. tM cat came Una. and lots ot tlme on their scratching Of1 the front door at I boat. Meantime they have rented 43 Balboa COves with a grunion thelr home at 216 Yawl Rd .• Bea / caught In the bay. ! con Bay. ll-~;l~~~il;il~--;~~~~~~~~~iijij~iiliiiii whtte ~a bass. Charter boats ,II from Seuport have been brlnr· Z 0 tnr In .arne al~ Surf tlahlne bu been good from Laauna Beach to San Ono- M. e»mft the ftPOrt from Gra- • bam,. Bait •nd Tackle. Local IUif ftsblq bu been beBt for perdL Uft ba.lt lm't ~ toe ocaD fl*lnl. comee tM wwd from <ltaham'a. au.. cla.rda ed ttc.en acbcwla ............. Zonta Plans Fall Meeting b batt uoun4 t.be bar&'e to Vtratnta Eutlldt 0( Y\lma. Mrs. Stanley la ~ cbalr- catdl hallbu~ II'OG~ I'Odl (Old Artlona. to•ernor al Dlllrlct 9 man and will be ..s.ted by ~ ud bMI. tre claimed. A fftr o1 ZoDta lntft'natiODal., waa bon· Bela ~ clu.b pn!IIJdeDt. .-. • p,o t f I a aDd ,..ua.fln and pelt at a patte ..._. aftCt SVa AlpiA, ud l:lele 3tudltcNl cnelillr .,.. 1liltnf caQbt, •au C!CIIIUillu. tneet.Lnr 11t U.. ._. on tM ......_ ~ .,. tM M7, .. Gnlua'a ..-. eoa .. , bome of lllll*ed !taft. Otber _._. headb'l cabiD ..._ ....m..t u4 -h7 Iunday, lulJlO.. d.aJ c:ow.m411t• 8N •llCM Mlnallla ... .._, .._ • ~plane ... b'lmJ. lilnr. ............ ue .._.,...; 11M ..... csJC. frola .,....,... Ia ... lOr tile JPaU 0 • .... al ~ ....... GeciUtCIU; ... LOelllr. Da..,... c:Uitlr ...... Dllbk.t .. wb.k:b wW ......... IIMJl-. ~aM lllvtt&UGM: ............. -............ """' .... -Ottellllr ~ .... ~ fbt•=m; ......... ..... ._......, ..... -... -.............. b vt. ~i o.ra-.r e11 .. ~ ._. .. ......_ ............ llaD. •r'~llflrS:...,.:&-. .. -~ ••• -lliil .. ... .... ..... .. ..,,..... .. ..... aD .. .... '• ... ...... ... ~ ....,,.,, .. 1 ....... Arb -................ .. Special Attraction! Frtar, .,.., 2M, 8:30 ,... HIT PIIAIE If FIIIIIIIS GcJa Aowt.a.9 of ..... , Stjla DANCING afler Show! * IIIlEY LIITZ I WI •llic (Dcmc:la9 E.-y Kit. .a.pt San,.'f-4 to 1:10 CLIIL) * * PVLL COUJIIE DIMWEitl SE.vED 'TILL 11 f.JI. Select Staks, 0111111, I IIIIIs New Menu Includes Italian Delicacies Kay We Suggest Proaa Oar Mew Peatarea VEAL SCALLOPIIfl e LASACWA e PIZZA * 2260 Ha.rbor Boulevard • Co.t.a Meea, c..lifonua ap. 7 Days A Week OOCitTAIL BOVJI..:-3:00 to I:OD P.M. DAlLY POPULA.a IOXED DaiXJtS...-40c A.,._-11imu..a naUable tor PARTIES, BANQUETS. or CLUB DINNERS PIMDeToar~Wow Hcubor BlYd. at WllMm Liberty 8-SSa Vals Bowliag Open Aliys .,....,, S.IINIJ I SIHIJ OpeD All K19bt Pnday cmd Scrtarday * AUTOMATIC PDrSPOTTEJIS * ro• llESEJIVAnOlfs CAFE 703 SVPEaJOI AVE. LJU:JITT a.sB2 COSTA MESA P•rty Ac:commod•tion1 ----West Sth Sl at Santa Ana RiYer * SANTA ANA PH. 10 3-8311 ..... ..... A LOll An.Dl• youth wu ar- ft!llted. by Newport pollct Sunday evenlna on eharaet of drunk dtlvtna. hit and run, drtvt.n& and' HlgtlwayAollowlnc a eh ue that ended In tire of t he car. • --• Sunda)r Hfft'a the lat.t on a propo.ed that the l.o. 4ntre1• oitke ol ~~~~~:~~~;~ feet WMt new tramc J.tabt to slow down tbe Dlvslalort ol Htabway~~ hu . . I '" jetty aft« trame apeedlna lnto Corona del rriade> a traftk: avvey and hu croeNd the etnter at the edre of Mar troaa Laauna: ~ IMtallatlon ot a on the upper bay ;,·~;~;,,:;;;; 1 with the tide comtn1 Kewport. ctty Enatneer Bert traltle llcht to the Hflhway Dl· Newport pollee eat 202, William Webb told the EJWp )'Mterday vlllon otflce ln Sacramento. Cout Hwy. and 17th St., The driver, otHcet Mr aald chase w ith red lleht Saunders/ aald he could not let I• IIIII .t.... be ·~· ~t~~~~~~~:~~ operation. the motor atarted. A city me--• IWJ tlon--the ---,,, :;;;;;.t;~ Dr. and Coast Hwy. chanlc was called but the atar-llll IM'I and Mager vehicle drove over ter was jammed and would not •• , share boos styled oool, comfortable . yet softly • Two dty pollee motorcycle fleers on Co a a t Hwy. at Arches received a warning a car was speedlna: east Huntington Beach , and the rl&ht ahoulder, turn over. By the time a city A au~ birthday party wu S7 000 hides stopped lor Mach wagon with w inch -arrived held for .Mona Rae (aweet 16) c1 iy -;;·.;a:i~~;; and entered the lntersectJon. at the BCene the jeep was in the Barlow, ~ Alate Ave., Balboa be summer before th~ pro. Mager cu collided with a car surf. Jt was towed to the city Island, by fel1ow members or the }ect can be completed. hair fashions entering the Intersection from yard for repairs and reolllng. Balboa Jaland Yach t Club. It was Bays ide Dr .. driv~n by The license plate was lost In the a ptzz.a party at the h ome of J..o. Reed ot Belltlower. surf. Jita Keanedy on the lllla nd. Join· gave pursuit wtlen It went past. ,...., Barboi'.OJ4 Pollee said tha t the car, driven by Joseph E. Maeer. age 20. went through the red light at the ln. tenectlon of Coast Hwy. and Riverside Ave. and proceeded throua:h the Mariner's Mile at speeds in excess of 95 miles hour. The motor officers were pursuit with red lights a nd rens In operation . severe damage to both lnl' her In surprt.stna Mona Rae The Mage r car skidded toward WELDOifS GET GUlL were Judy Jones, Jeannf' Jonf'S, opea Wect=ndrry ......._by appolabMat ~" three men hltch·hlkeMJ at t he A girl. Stacey Eileen. waa born Elea n ore Guthrie, Chr istine southeast corner, who fled Into to Mr. and Mrs. Jewell Weldon Swim, Mike Baum, Larry Stump, a .service st ation to avoid being of 505 ~ 38th st.. Newport Beach, Dick Brld&man, Jim Linderman, struck. on Thursday, July 7, In Hoa&" Me· John Hef1'1nl(ton, and Bob ftoJ. The Mager car then skidded moria! Hospital. lin& They said that the Ma ger ve. h lcle went t hrough the red I a t Coast Hwy. and 17th St. t raveling on the shoulder of hla:hway to pass cars stopped at the signal. The Mager vehicle back across the eastbound traf- fic lanes, actOM the double dl. vldlng se<'tlon of the highway and traveled back Into the first traffic lane and continued east. bound on Coast Hwy. As the Mager car approached the crf'St of the gra de west of Ave ., Motor Officer Don all pulled a longside Gl a nd shouted for the amour pull over. The Mager car -~.-l~ge"i ly made a swerve from the lane Into the se<.-ond tra fllc Glimpses forcing Officer Burdsall to a pply bra kes to avoid being struck by By ANN the vehicle. When the same movt'me nt was made once more. New fabrics give a fresh fash Oftleer Burdsa ll shot the left Ion fl avor to the '';.!::'"~;";':,'~~I rear tire of the vehicle. dreSses just In a t The driver of the vehlclt> stop. Even the friendly cotton ped In the first traffic lane, comes an unusual a nd all jumped from the vehicle and material with new came toward Officer Burdsall, manufacturers and new who at th is time was stopped In designing. Not only are the new the second traffic lane. dark cottons trans.-sea.son, they d rlverleu car rolled back are also trans-ocean because grade and aCI'OAII both·~~~;::::~ many of them come to us from traffic lanes, where it s tar away fashion centers such as right angles to the n ow Italy and Fra nce. The lovely fie. The ottlcers b~~~·~~~•tl::;, datk a nd jew"el to nes m ake the m motorist to the pollee an Indispensable part of your wher~ he was booked. ward robe tor the wa ning sum. m er and st"veral seasons to come. Tou''" beCinl u. taD: o4 tbe fClbulou. T1aoalas ocrttoaa. but J'OU am ......-.nally appted· ate u..m 1111W they are pcu1 of 'f'OCU woub...,. aDd roo caD. ... .., youne11 tiM lllinsl:u.loua rw'.....,. they b-. to cnuh- lag. to cllrt. Tbey bcrft a ~liM custom dnxpe flD. ..... Come In and see a lso the "cot. ton Cashmeres" by Na ntucket. soft and luxurious. the cotton and sUk combination -or the premiu m combred mercertzed cot· ton blended with nylon to give a perman ent s llk.Jike lus tre to the fabric. There aow. _. • .,.. told you a1J what ~r• mcm. of wltb· out once meaUoai.D.IJ the ador- able atyli.Dq oa tbese betweea s.eaaoD cott011a. Tbey are pe-r. feet for in-town wppola.tmeab. good lor aU-day o:lfcrln cmd ...aart later wttb small fun. lut wby doa't you come ln and. take a: good look at the lint of the mo.t cmd tba but (belleYe mal). Or pboae O'BRJEN·s cmd ask us to MOd 'fOU our L• Aigl.oa booklet--a darUng illustroted IJI'OU~ of a •-ol our Uana-MGSOD cot- to~ AND for hot WE'alhcr wrnr ing. right now , replenish ynur ward robe with a nPw crisp. cool rot ton or two--we have some new ones. --..... ,I .... ~J·jl /)--1 ,. ---.1:-,, ,, • .-,,--. . ' HArbor Z868 151 5 COAST BOULEVARD COPI OifA DEL MAR Dll 13LOIIER fContinued from Pa&"e 8) women a nd a man. reported In a fight in front of Ernie's Cal~. Newport Heights. w~e when ottlcef!l arrived e MOifDAT. fCJLT II Betty A. Caldwell, 39. of 1406 Ocean Front. Newport, w as at· r~ on an lntoxlcaUon ch arge alter her cu struck the Lr&Uic Is land at 13th St. and Balboa Blvd .. e TUESDAY. JtJLY' 19 J ames E. Pat'ton, 4, of 210 VIa Lido Nord, Lido Isle, was knocked unronsd ous when he fpll otr a landing onto a brick fl oor at that addr(>S!I . . James BIUP. 17. of 518 W . Bay Ave,, Balboa, was taken to Hoag Hos- pit al for treatment of a severely burned right foot a fter Upping a deep fat fryer at 3(17 Main St., Balboa. ------Coast Collece Buqet lacreasell $2&,981 Orange Coast Junior College District filed Its 1955.56 budget with the County Superintendent of Schools last week calling for a n expendit ure of $945.on for f'urr<'nt operations. $924.414 101' huildings, $6.252 for food !l('rvlces a nd $11.039 fnr comm unity serv. Ices. The total budget, Including all expendit ures and reserve funds. a mounts to $1,974,751. This Is S25.981 m ore than the 1954 ·55 budget. primarily be- cause of the addition of 14 new teac-hers. This coming year will mark the last year of the speclal l9c ta x for building purposes. AMERICA'S fAVOIIITf TWOSOME R ,~~ . LITTLE IIOIIf JVI One-gallon capacity. Convl!ni- ent faucet. Keeps lica;uids h o ( or ~old la ager. • tJ-'9 ... ·• $7.10 LITTLE 11011 CIIST New two-piece SUHmlined con- struction. Equipped wirh slip-in food cray, icc pick, bottle -an ope ner , h .in dy ouuidc ~rain. tJ-'9 $16.95 * • wa Gl9& CWMW .,..... • tJ•&.c..t ..... C JR .. ,._ * GlAifT PKG-"'D"" EGGS doz. 47~ White King 55~ SKOW'S-15 -. Ca:a PEACHES 1~ Clam Chowder23( ~ c-.. ...... ---------------------KD<UTE DArn-Qt. Jar MIRACLE WHIP ..... ........ BEETS :. ... 2 fw 29( R=IC,---E ___:_:.~ ___ ~-----· 2=-""-=27=--( CATSUP -----------------=~-------~· ~~~----------------~~~ :.11)( ~~Jelly ~: 33( CAT FOOD Beans ZEE-I'caally Padl • plr:lf. r--r--ck--ki~--s --::--..... --.. --2-~--~~.pple ~ .. _29( !!_ilet Tissue D-DITT---xoon----v,_---_ ---,,1, ... ---caa -PEARS ~ 18( COFFEE Sausage 2 ··· 23( TASTEWEII--"4-c- ,,... ~ ca.. ....................... 07" ~l ',!RUTS .l l f CfTAEl[S CELLO n:G. SALADS or SLAWS 5¢ El. BANANAS 9ft. lfO. 1 WJUTE BOSE POTATOES ]f. rea• PINEAPPLES 9f. Orange Juice KAaDC0---1 lb. 8aK Margarine2-25c RITZ CRACKERS PRIME RIB ROAST PORK LOIN END ROAST PRIME RIB STEAK BONELESS BEEF STEW Boneless Rolled Roast ER'S .HAMS SPARE RIBS ' WJroLE oa IIIAIIK JlALP .POVWI&i 29~ ~hoek Roast 39i... Roast Lean .Ground lief 4u..'l"