HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-08-04 - Newport Harbor Ensign.. YoL 1, Ko. 51-l"lft C.ta coaoKA DD. MAlL CALIF. Site Is 101 at AvCKado A $750,000 hundred-unit motel I. belnc planned at the Avocado- Coast Hwy. corner near Corona del Mar. the Ensign learned lh11 week. Big Oil S-rike Is Hint It will be located on five acres In the tirat addition to the Irvine Terrace subdivision. Annexation of thta portion of lrvlne Terrace to the dty of Newport ~ach wu ~uested by the Irvine Co. at the special City Council meeting Monday afternoon. The Council alenilJed its approval and re!Pr red the matter to the cou nty boundary commission. An official of the Irvine Co yesterday verified the report that negotiations are well under way concerning a "very beautiful motel development" at Avocado and Coast Hwy. The plans art> pretty well crystallized. he said AWait Info About No.7 What about that mysterious Newport 011 WeJJ No. 7? • All Indications point to just one concl~o~alon: A major oil strike In the tidelands oft New. port Beach. That appears to be the real Issue back of Union Oil's request to City Council asking that the drilling records of Monterey- Humble be made public. Union Oil wanted all oil companies to get the benefit or that knowJ- edce tor the purpose of bidding next Wednesday. Aug. 10. for the tidelands drllllnr on the other side of the Santa Ana RJver mouth. e UQVEST JlEP'USED Newport City Council held a special m~tlnc Monday after- noon to contlder the request. a nd after listening to counsel for both sJdes. they voted 6 to 1 to rej«t the Union Oil request. Monterey-Humble. which ls drll- llns the Newport tidelands.. thus can keep Ita Information secret. In tha t meetlne came strong hints of the 1 story behind the story. Councilman Sandy Mac- Kay, who cut the "no" vote, touched upon It by re marJdng that Monterey has been mighty hush-hush about Well No. 7 and hU not ctven Information about Jt to the dt;y. He .. ld the oll :~ti:~~S.-"dt:~•!Clnc tu heela .. ------!!~~!~tJcJe~ Iande btcSdlnl wUl br determined by hJgbst cuh bonua offered to the state, alnce ttle royalty I~ ls a flxed Item. Councilman J. B. Stoddard remarked that maybe Monterey Humble Is In a posl. tlon to give a higher bonus "be cause they know what's down there." Ten wells have been drilled from the site near West Newport. The chart which logs the direc- tion of drilling and location where the wells are-bottomed show nine of the weJls. but noth- Ing about No. 7. Monterey Ia within Its rights. legally. Information must be given to the city within 10 days after "completion of a well." Monterey just has not seen fit to "complet~" No. 7. It ls known that the drilling reached a mighty Inviting oil zone, but Monterey -Humble kept going right on throuch that zone. bot- tomed the well lower down. and started pumplnc a meager 25 or so barrels a day. Ernie Pyles, vtre president oC Monter~y -Humble, told City Council at Monday's special meetinc that It won't be too lone before th~y're In a position to cfve out with the lnformatJon on No.7. Not tone alter the blcldfne for the tJdelanda north of Newport, that Sa. City Hall Site Is P~rchased The Costa Mesa city council oUer of $18,000 for a 31h acre city hall atte to Howard LaWBOn and assoclates wu accepted at the eo.ta Mesa city council meettnc Monday ntaht. The property faces on W. 19th St., Plumer St. and Pomon .. Ave. A tax rate of 80c wu adopted for the current fllcal yN.r. An ordinance ..tabu.bina-a city water .depa.rt:ment pasted fint readln1. City Clerk ArUe Swartz wu named the water auptdntft!dlnt. Tbe llunay.Saunden <4. 210. bodle tubd.lvtJdon S. due to be ..,_.., 8ept. 8. Tbe property .. .outb ol. Oranp Cout. Collep betW-a Harbor 11-n\.. and J"a.lr. vMw ad.. 'I'BESE TOUGII BOIOU:S. .... at tbe Uclo balld.ap rrtdaT Dlgbt, are ...... CneJy, left. IIICIIIR .. r of tbe Uclo Cl~ ...S Penal hU. • .,....... dudrmGD ot tbe ..-t. (taUp ftoto) Chamber Drive Huge Success On Island: COM Is Next Area Two Chamber of Commerce crewa of stx men each went In a body Tuesday momlnc to call on Marine Ave. businesses on Balboa lalan4, and the result In about two hours tJme was 35 new members and IS more hlch l;yJ)C*lble. "Our enthusiasm lqlows no bounds." was the comment of Chamber Secretary Hay Lanren- helm.. This was the first of five Tues. day membenhtp drlws through- out the cJty. Next week It will be Corona del Mar. Cbamber dl.rec· ton and ftl@mhftos w1ll meet at 1on'a Restaurant foe brukfa.st at 8 a.m. 1\le.da)'. '!ben tht7 w1ll d1v1de hrto teams and call on non-member merchantt. All local ~en are lnvtt.cl to the bnallfut. acxordJ.q to M.r. Lana· enh~lm. BLOOD LEFT AT SCENE Associated in this motel o>nler prise will be Robert Ingram and R. J . Collins. local builders. and L M. lLesl Blakesley. Water Skier Hit By Boat Superficial lacerations of the left arm were s utft>red by Marian Koerner. 16. of 20162 S. W . Birch St.. Santa Ana Heights. In a watt>r skiing accident In Upper Nt>wport Bay at 1:05 p.m. yester day. A J4.foot outboard motor boat OJ>('rat('(! by Betty Beck. 500 Cliff Dr . Newport Heights. rat~ over Marian. who had fallen from her skis. The boat was maneu vered around to pick up the swimmer. but the throttle of thf' motor was left OJX>n too far and the boat ran over tht> swimmer. who was injured by the proJX>I ler The girl was given first aid by a harbor department employee and taken to Hoag Hospital Blood was found by lnvestlga tlng oUicers at the scene or a two"car ac-Md('nt In Balboa Fri day but both mrs had bt>en driven away before they arrived City Councilman Sandy MacKay reported the accldE.'nt at 2: 10 p.m . at "L" St. and Miramar Dr I TE.ACIIEil"S NOTRE. DIES Mrs. Clara V. Vestal. '76. of 327 E. Maple Ave. Oran~e. d lf'd Sun day In her home. She was the mother of Miss Bern~ Vestal. 1 principal of the Newport Beach Grammar School. HERE'S BOW that poppblg rear car wJ.adow loob aftel' last week"a my-stery at ~ Jolua T. ~eeler resideace. Z24 }GUDille AYe- CoroDa del Ma:r. ~ Keeler baa hia bcm4 through the We 1D the wi.Ddow, cmd UttM Ccuol'fll t. touc:hillg a pcwt!oG of the ho....,. combed glau. Xo truth to the NPOJ1 that it was c:auud b! the exhaust of a Oyi.D9 .aucu. they aery. (EiuiCJD Photo) WHEELS OUSTED FROM FU ZO E llg('l"'l '"" 11 ... dl"<'lllf"IS::'rJ: t>ut "'' •• 11:1 1<-t en nf 11 ,,ur1 \1 r [).n 1 J...,.,, HP \ ~ hlf' I 1 ht> prnp••rt ~ a I $300 ()00 Mr!i: SadaP a Sara • llnPfnf'r as ri'Mgnlng thb month a(t..r 2 1 ) ear~ 3'-bu<;!nt'~' ~f•crPt tr) uf :\,•-.q>orl llarbor Htgh ~·h1><1l Sh<• h.t'-11 furm('d lhl' Ro.trd nf Tru.;tN'"-that :.hf' ~Ill rt'larf' from hl'r .Jnh a,.. uf Aug 31 In that .tlmo-..t qt~<lrtl'r l'('nt.n~ ,,f S('f\ iN' <;hf' ha~ 1'"-ldhh<:ht•r! ,, r<'mark :th!, r<'<' •rl'l of atrPntl.uH·f> h,n an.c ~· .lh~nt onh fl\l' da\'<; 10 th£' 2 1 ~t'ar-. · · :\ir..__ Hu<•fnt'r ramf' to ihP :'lie~ port Harbor ch-..trll1 1n 1923 10 bt> a<oststllnl lo thP lat<' Harn \\"plC'h NIXTH AXNUAL EXBJBIT 1n th<' thf'n Oran~f' ("(lunt) Har Thf' nmth annual f''htbllllt«n bor Chambt>r of Comm<'rN>. th<' of p;unung by studPnt.!' of thP namf' ~x'Ing changf"d latE'r to RPx Brandt Phil DlkP SummPr 'Newport Harbor Chamlx'r of &h,)(ll of Painting ~·•11 b(' hPid I Commer<:-e She had valuable ex from 2 to 5 p.m. Saturday at 405 perlence wTlting publicity ltPms 1 407 Gold<'nrod Ave .. Corona dPl for passage o! the harbor bonds.. Mar I strt'(>t lmprov<-ment work and the ---------------------------Pstablishment of thf' Newport Harbor Union High School. She did a gl'E'at dE"al of r<'sf'arch work In connt'<'tlon with th~ prepara- tlon of the History of Newport Beach by H. L Sherman. In fact. Mrs. H04'fner's daughtt-r. now Mrs. W. E. Lawson. of Riverside. typed the manuscript for the Hla tory of N""J>>rt Bea<.'h. Atte-joining the staff of the High School, Mrs.. Hoefner had the pleasure of ~lnc 110me of th~ fonner Cham~ of Corn- m~ d.lrecton u membfts <tt the hiah ldlool board: lu~ D. l . Dod,e. Leroy Andenon, and J. A. ~ Othft ChambW of Com- ~ d.f.rectora of the Nrly cSaya Included C. W. T~W~ E. I • Moore and Sam Meyer. Wl\en Mra.. Hoetner joined the Hi&b School lt&ft. tile edMJOJ IWt onlY 18 tMCIMn; tn Uw J-- 8Chool year there w111 t. '71 tQcl\(!1'1. Mrs. Foet.Der b.u hd ~ of the ltwlh-.. oG'Ic:e o1 tM ..._.. ltboo1 and hu.......,.. au a. work In OODlialtdciii ,.. U.. ....... o .... ..-. ... booldl~ ud tMJC •• .._ ., .......... fUM~ ,_ tile ~ .. - •..... ·--• •• 111 • .. ,•• been a ••• • fll die ... ,., I I• Hut.ar P.T.A. IOf 1111111r ,_.. --------------------------------------------------·-----------------tt~ Hop •: ' • ' ' ' • ' ' ' ' , • ' • • ' , ' • • ' , , • Lo•a Tllll'l MARGERY SCHROUDER, our new city clerk-treasurer. This year, lt seems to take a 9oes by the nickname of "Marcie," ond gets that last name heap o' traveling to get albacore. from Dutch ancestry. She's a netive of Grand Rapids, Mich., I tried It last Thursday. The first where her father ..,as o druggist. Miss Schrouder ottended Mill\ plan Involved an invitation from College in Ookland. then UCLA for three years, wos o member Uncle Harry Rogers to go with of Alpha Chi Omega. g raduated in 1930. She lives at 1957 him on hls Adequate. Wednes- Sylvia Lone. Harbor Highlands. day night I waited for his call, MARILYN COLEMAN. the new deputy city clert mode finally rot It about 9 p .. m. He could just about talk. Seems like page one of the Ensign woy bock in 1954, on April 29, during they had lett at 3 that a.m., Ecster Week. A photo shows swimmers helping Skipper Marilyn after a couple ot hours sleep. end five others get ashore from her $ail~t. "Wind Word," and had rone 15 miles beyond which went on the rocks off Buck Gulley after getting caught Pyramid Head. the east end of in the kelp. The Coast Guard patched o hole in the "Wind Clemente. That's about 85 miles. Word ' Md brought tho boot into the t:iarbor. Marilyn is a Tht>y rot fish, all rlght-16 beau- ' d _...J f UCLA th tlful albacore. They also got Los Ange es native, gro uateo rom is spring. was a back after dark, and ran out ot member of Pi Phi. She lives ot 2471 Bayshore Dr., Bay Shores. gas In the jetty. Harry had just MAE (MRS. DOUGLAS) HOlT of Corona del Mer, who's arrived home when he called. He been city clerk-treasurer since C. K. Priest bowed out on J une allowt>d that the splrlt was wil- l 0, will be leaving City Hall os of Sept. I. She'll be more con-ling but the fiesh was far, tar corned with boby things than affairs of state. too weak to go agaln on Thurs- MRS. GEORGE PARD&Y of 1700 W. Ocean Front in New-day. I understood, completely. port, the wotchdog of public rights ot the beach in front of the ~er~~~n· 0~h~~~~~~~gfo~a:;:: C ity -operated Trailer Park, reports another gripe. Th is time she nE'xt three days. I gave him my wos informed tho t the restrooms at the beach are not for public blessing, my thanks and told use. but ore restricted for the troiler dwe llers. She has success-him to go to bed. You just can't fully insisted thot the beech is open to the public. Keep fighting. do It that often. Even for a pal. A phone coli from ED HEALY, Mr. Centro! Newport ... expressing greot concern over the oppolling disinterest omong potenliol voters. The city s registration totol hos follen off, eveh though the populolton ke~ps increosing. It s your city. fclh, but you ve got to be a voter to moke your voice heord. KENNY NICHOLS of Bolboo lsiMd will be flying to Seattle lhts week.eno to see thot speedboot clossic the G old Cup roce, which 1 •o speedboohng whot the E'lsen.,do Roce is to yacht ;.,g or the Indianapolis Race is to auto rocing. He II be watch 'ng the big eve'll right on Lake Washington. from the boat of Mr. ond Mr . Ed Brooh . former lslo nde·s and O"'e·time ONners of Sn p n St tch on Mo r.ne Ave. Also prese..,t will be the N1cnoh )U'l M Sgr leon and family (Leon s w'fe 1s the former Jqce Brooks) Tf.e deeth of TONY CORNERO Su'lday morning ot o dice gorne ,, Los Vega• br~nqs bac~ memories of g"mbling ship days 1usl ot the slorl of the war, when T or>y provided free ship tax• servtC'e, lea.,inq from the county dock in the h..,rbo r. to ta~e g"mbl,ng mtnded folks to his fleet of floating casinos off Long Beoch. After Eorl Worren. then attorney generol. put him out of business, Cornero s gambling ship Rex wos auctioned off here in the horbor. ond publisher SAM MEYER bought a P"rl of it- the trestles thot held up the upper deds ... Md those trestles form the erch of the roof of Som' s building ot 30 I I Newport Blvd .. in Newport, where Sam used to publish the News Times, end where we later established the first printing plant of the Ensign . . . ' , THE ENSIGN celebrates its seventh birthday anniversary next week. on Aug. I 3. • e • BT COL. MDREW W. SMJTB. FonDer Kember of City Council we're ~oing for lonr-tlns. My Red Head haa still to hear her flrct reel explode this aeuon and she's anxious. U they're still where they've been, we'll do our best and then work out way back to Avalon. There's a tour- nament on, you know. It'a Pa. eWe Anrlen annual albacore tournament and ends up Satur. day nJrht with that festive· oc- casion the P. A. HukUau under the moon, In Avalon. U you en- joy a luau, you'll ro Into ecsta- ala over a Buldlau. lt'a a moon- Ueht barbecue, wtth appropriate Uqwd rebeshmenta and wtth the sweetst ganr ot people you'll ever know. Theft will be all your old fiahlng buddJe. male and female, attired In Island ralm. ent. for the occuJon. The grand fln .. e, will be a concert, the mu. sJelans being the ~anis and wahlnla armed with their own instruments. You may question the quality of the music pro- duced by a bunch of die·hard anglers pI a y In g harmonicas, mandolins, tissue -paper and combs, guitars, trumpets, mombo drums and tin slide whistlers. But alter a big feast, with your best friends. In the balmy night of Avalon. there's no sweeter music. lt'a something that grows on you, and you can't buy lt. It's one of the great occasions of a lUetlme, for the money of thiS slmple soul who figures that he • prefers this to a golden harp. a whole acre of Oeecy clouds and a galaxy of angels. 1,810 Brukfuts Seniti., LeciH About 1,050 meals were servt>d Saturday morning at the Sf'venth annual Newport Harbor Amerl can Legion Post 291 breakfast on the parking lot ot the All American Market on the Marl· ner's Mile. Profit from the breakfast wUI be used for veteran welfare work by the post. Plana are betnr made for another breakfast next year at another market. uatna a plan to l'Otate the locatton at c'Jif- ferent food stores. Read the Ensign Want Ad page. '"1'llaall.,.. .. tbe •••"-f-.1 nceptSGa.,.. baft 9l..a a.L We ........._ ~ ._..,. the . bMt. 0u polJcy Ia RIIIORAI!'IZD ...V- JC&-Qualtty ad a..tc:.wltll c S.O.I We featlan lwlft'a ,._..._ T..._.,.. 1.._ 8eef. rro... Pooda. Dally ....... -....s Cllld Meat ...... rr.-n. w ..... ~ .,.. to~laCIDd ••• .. SA V£!-EYERY DAY .. * WE FEATURE * .. SWIFTS P11NUM TENDER-FED SI'EEBS" * (lw Wlll.£111 .,_. ... ) * * * * SWIFT'S PREMIUM · BACON CUDAHY'S Fully Cooked Ham 491. STEWING HENS . _ . . __ ......... _ . . 33:. Swift's Premium Round Steak 69f. LEG 0' ·LAMB _ ........ . . . 59:. e Swift*• Tender Fed Steer Beef e Frozen Foods e Dairy Producta e Bread e Speciali.zing in Quality Meat For Home Freezers "Quality and Personalized SCtnice--With a Smile .. * WE AU OP&Jf DAD. Y-ltJO 10 7:00 •.x. * IVRDAT-ItOO A.IL 10 t:• ...... 3421 EAST COAST HIGHWAY • CORONA DEL MAR ..... .,...... ... on Newpxt Bl•d. juat abo.e The Arches • ACROSS THE FREEWAY From Hoag Hoapital • I 111ft By I.W I Vecel '425 and morel ON YOUR FAMILY'S VITAMIN NEEDS whll• MARINA ROGERS fa meet Wm. T. THOMPSON CO. vitamin consultant ia in our atore .Aug. 1-6 TMiy, Fri.., I s.t.ay TRUfEIIDOIJI rAlUUI IToeiC W ANI lAVE/ lAVE Slll lmiFAX !AVE SO. POLY·AMS _. .. • t "'•·-tans IIIII ICII 11-PUTEII TlllllS 1~ .... lc ......... ,. ..... e-. • 11 •k ... aN 11 ....... ........ '*' ,_ t-~ ... ..,, .. .,.... ., .. FO" \...OMfo'ORT THAT COSTS LESS LASTS LONGER CAI1 .. MJ CAn WU1 Ml Protection thwt '-epa jet flohtet •nfl"" opetatlng In 1IJOO deg'" tefnpemurea-now lteepa ,our furMCe In ~condition~~ IOfttet-41 11'1 Peynet.Yea "" of the cau"' of h..ane elefftent fellure ellml~ :;.o::~:::~:.. -::!,'7" to bur Perne. Celt 111 for ruu· ROY D. GAWTHROP au.oa MUI OIII.Y • AOi.,.«ID .AYIIII ...... &ca D&,ll'D •...•• ·~ .,. .. c.,, ... "' a-............... . ........ I • luly. 1115 Jfvwpcwt llatbor Enallft, o.c.. clll ...... C&JJf.. by dy Cit7 CouDcU, tar t\ltthft Dear .... : ~ &Dd .......... 1t ... LMt nlabt. t attended the first, lep..UJ wttb!D tiMir Ju:rt.dld:lon. meedfta ot tbe new~¥. Cit)' Coun-Jmmdtllteq, a ...._. jlalt. ell a.ppolntled. Park 6 ~don WU admlnltt •• to all of the Coaa•'r'on, wll&dt wu ~ 1.....,1,._ puWJe.. I. u oae ot the to replaee the prevloua one, oon-peoole, atteDdlaa, at u9. wuc1 ._eel Wtpl, becauae Jt wu and .,....._ wblle eertatn ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ oompoeect ot n1M memben, but be'e ot tbe o-ma.uon. uted wh.leh the clty ottlcJala conternld that they bad bell IMtnacted by ~with, before cllaba.ndln& lt. Mr. lob.n 8a1lon, ctty Manager Tbe members ot thla p1'evlou.s, . . • not to atve the 'l'raJllr Park Park 6 Recreation CommltaJon. pro b 1 em , any consideration. wanted the City to pt out of the what..oever, u lt dld not con- Trailer Park bualnesa and to re-cern, the Park 6 Recreation Com· tum the beach, on thla bayfront mluion. in any way, but wa.a to th~ people. At the foJlowln~ mlctly, h1a. Mr. Sailors. hot po- CouncU meetln& they were tato, u he phrued lt. 'lbla des. promptly dlsm..l.aed. and a new plt.e the fact, that the City Coun. 1\ Cl,usified Ad in The Ensign one appointed. cU, bad referred it to them for brinqs immediote results! Coli Various bualness wu given at. study and con.aidentlon. Horbor 1 1 1 ~-I 115 ond orove it I t~ntlon, before the vital l.saue Since when . . . I wanted to =;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~co~nc:ern~~lnl~~the~~Tr;a~iler~~Par~k~w~a.a: know, bad thl.s Mr. Sallora, a ~ city employee, been &fven the authortt)' to cUctate and lnltruct thla rww Park • Recreation Com. ml"'on, eMil; tbe heads of the CHOOSE YOUR BANK Ill'"'*''• ~ Col&.lld.l. b7 whom be wu .. plo)'ed f It 8ft'JDed to be an act of arrogant, Iniquitous pU. THIS WAY I I I a Are depoelb loaured up to 110,000 for ucla .ceouat throqh the Federal Depoelt huuraaee Cor.,.ratJoa? Doe. It lend re~lnty to tnutworthy loeal borrowers? r. the .eniee prompt, rourteow, aad dlident? SatiJKtory anaw~rs to those four questiolu dord a tound bui• for .decting your bank. * Newport Harbor Bank ...... ~ .. LOCAL AGENT 1793 NEWPORT AVE., COST A MESA OFFICE: U'*1Y 8-5!5'M RES. SICK ARE HABDWARE HOUSEWARES LED Tbl.s ubiquitous Mr. Sallora. formerly, a purchasing agent. without any experience at city management. was given this po- alUon. years ago, by an admlnt. stratton. During this period, the local people were denied the U$C o! th~ Trailer Park beach. Isn't It ironical that a former member of this questionable re. glme that caused so much unfa- vorable gossip, is still retained, whll~ we, the people supply the funds, to pay his eleven thous- and a year lf&lary, and he strives In every possible way, to thwart the desires of the majority ot the people of Newport Beach, partic- ularly In regard to the use of the Trailer Park beach, needed so badly by the Children and Par ents of this diBtrkt. H~re, Indeed. Is maladmlnf. stratlon that should end. Why should we. in th~ United States, tolerate such treatment! Isn't this a government for the peopl~. by th~ people! Aren't there any decent cltl zens among us. who will honor- ably and justly administer t o our requir~ments! We seem to vo~ for people. who. we hope.wlll prove worthy, only to learn. later ... that we have been fooled agaln . This ls not a Communist Country, to be haughtily tyran. nl:z.ed over by local Dictators. This IB America. F. Thornton Martin 110. W. Oct an Ft., Newport Beach CEJlTJFICA TE OF aUSJllfESS Fictitious Flrm Name THE UNDERSIGNED does here- by certify that he Is conducting a contracting and construction business at 1600 W. Coast High · •-U b M · way. Newport Beach. California, ~ Y OCJIC under the fictitious firm name of NAJn' DlACKOSED AIIXCUUAI.E MEDICAL BUlLDINC COMPANY by a JII'O"& IMq _..._ IMtW oC tnatiDeDt tllat baa beee OF AMERICA and that said firm -a-tly ~ ta .......... eli caeL is composed of tb~ following per. ---------------'!llllllllll~'!"'~~~~~~sons. ,whose names In full and .ODT 11\:iiDiG places of residence are as fol- CZEJI lows. to.wlt: a..rt,. z~ n uu u J ir ~ ~ .......... ·& U •llllrATIOif ftll c-. .. ...., .... Utllt --•• a n ,_ ..... RALPH L. HOYLE 202 Camet Balboa Island. C&Jltornla WITNESS my hand this 28th day of July, 1955. RALPH L. ROYLE STATE OF CALIFOilNlA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. ON TIDS 28th day of luly. A.D. 1955. before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public In and for the aaid County and State. residing therein. duly commissioned and sworn. per so n a 11 y appeared Ralph L. Hoyle known to me to be the penon whose name is sub.crlbed to the within Instru- ment. and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have hereunto set my band and af. fl.xed my ortJclal Mal th~ day and year In this Certificate first above written. DONALD D. HARWOOD My Cotnm1aion Expires AU· lUSt 28. 1958. Publ:tsb: Aua. f.U-18-25. 1955 ln the Newport Harbor Ensign. . .. . ~ .. ---.... ..._..... _.... BATO!f IVDQ.E-Lov~Jy Phyl- U. Fl~lnc of San Diego, Miu Majorette of Am~rlca for 1955. will appear at the Call!omia State OlamplonahJp Baton Twirling Contest, to be held at the Orang~ County Fair Au~. 1~14 at Cotta Mesa. P~llls holds rnol"e than 100 trophJes, medals and a w a r d a. The Orange County contest will ln-clud~ oontHtanu trom an parts ot Ca.llfornia. and the winner of the Junior and Senior divisions will represent the state i.n the 1956 National Olampionshlp contest at St. Paul, Minn. 1.1. J11111 Diu M. K. Jensen. 58, of 329 Flower St., Costa Mesa, who operated th~ refreshment concession In the Harbor Roller RJnk. died July 24th In Hong Hospital. He was formerly co-owner ot the Sun-Up Do Nut Shop In Costa Mesa. Servtces were held Tues- day In Parkes RJdley Mortuary Chapel. lclllister Dies at a Archibald McAllister. 69. ot 1.26 Cor al Ave~ Balboa Island. died Wednesday. July 20. In Hoa~ Memorlal B~ltal after a aadden lllneeL Be wu an auu.. moMie IMGnnet ..,eM. P'U.neraJ eenfee8 -.e btid .luly 22 In tbe Baltz Mortuary, Corona de-l Mar. Traufer I Storap 2200 lfewport amt.. Coeta .. .. PboDe E .... & SWL l..u-ty ~7323~ ~1511 :. t •• T ' ' '' •' ... YO It .·. .. .. ·.. . •.• ' ... , . German Youth Arriv.ing Mon. To Study for One· Year Here Dieter Mop, a JII.~-4Md Ger· rldal. 9mltb lfewberry, Dr. E. A. man JOUth. wfll atrtve Monday, BD1d. Gordon Findlay, Mia Mat-~ Aua. 8, fJ'OIIl Bremeo. Germany, de B. L&ey and Miss Ruth Max. lo.o..o _____ ......... ____ ~ to ~4 the yu, in the UnJted well. -============ State. to attend Newport Harbor ii-w-iMiMiiiiiiiiWwwwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Bleb Sdlool. A nadve ot Sllesla. he hu ~ atten41nc doolln Bremen, Where he hu studled En~ tor fJve years. He wW llve at t.be home ot. Coundlman and Mrs . .1. B. Stoddard In Corona del Mar durtna h1s vlalt u an exchan&e student. A fund o! $l«n; bu ~n ralaed to brln~ Dieter to America to study this year. Or&anlzaUona contributing to th~ plan are Zonta, Business and Professional Women, Optimtsta, Ebell Club and .lunlor EbeU, Junior Assist ance Leaaue. Harbor Panhel· lenJe, Lido Isle Woman'• Club, PTA ot Newport Harbor High School, Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority Alumnae, and .Wdents from Newport Harbor High School. A1lo contrlbutin~ are l4meL 1. A. !leek. Boward Lewis, Elllworth Betts, Rupert Hend-.......... F• Cltr la,IL Carpenten are bu~ In New port City Hall making ready for sh ufillng around ot departments. The Water ~partment will move In with the T ax Depart· ment, and a common cashier's cage will be used by both. The city-clerk-treasurer wlll move over to the present Water ~ partment site. Contract for the job was awarded last week to Gordon Findlay on his low bid of $2.219. IIE.AJ)QUAftEIIS r oa 11-EI' TIYI, ........... 3101 E. Coat Bwy. at 1-••z C..... del N• (Next to All American Market> BA.aaoa 5511 * Alao at 5251 E. 2Dd St.. Ia 1.-. Ieoda * WALT DISMEn MAGIC KINGDOM Athd- A millic:m twinkJiDc ll&:btt tnMfonD DISNEYLAND Into a dream world l SNcb fW ""' ...,._ In DISNEYLAND'S fabulout r.taunzata. 0p.e IO&a.taJt~-.._,.., DillE EARLY aJUOYTNa PUN TILL SOP. II. ,..,. $1.00 ........ c•;w,......, 12 .......... 65th Anniversary ORANGE COUNTY FAI .R August 9-14 Fairgrotlftcls 0• :o\,.wport fth.-d. (Rwy. 56• at tM DOrt.b edCf' of Coeta Ml""~ mld\Vft~ b<>t"'M'D Santa Ana a.d S..wport BMw-b.. NAn ONAL HOISE SHOW JUNIOR FAIR R~ of bo~ Ill hill t-o.tPf'tJUoe at C'dl- forala's top ~. ~t OpN Pf'r10rmaat'f'40. Foer .Junior s.-s. Dally Ia A,...na y~~ ~t. ~hoot OrallV ( ounl). u .hlbltJ.a.c rroJMl. bOJDf'ID&kJ_,-aBel Un•· l!ilot'll. with aanua.l pubUr "''f'll~k aurtJoa Ill I p.m-F rlcby. Au::-. 1!. BOUCHARD RETURNS l'1lat4l ~ ~ 1dtll m odt'm mu .. J<-. lJI ~Utt.-rlnc pa("f'antry. Cotorflll rt101tcw:w., outstaadhll' mu<oJr. orlj:loal dan<'ln,c. :\ l~htl~ at 1:'6 p.a. Ia ~ortable Amphlth,..tf'r. Stat e Bato n Twirling Contest -Pogo Stick Races Public Squa re Dancing -Daily Entertainment C ommercial and Industrial Shows Ba nd Music -Carnival -Fun VALENCIA ORANGE DAY n.nclay, August 11 Si11gle Price Poley -.a. p&e ..,._,_ Pf'.,.,.. Fair .Wton te .u-d .U major aUrat't:lo• 1111 ""-... ~-A41a.ltll Sl.OO. :>/o tax. ~ ...-r lw"Vfl. lfko. Saturday, A.,.t 1S.IDD8 DAY. d ~ aaderl!.,.._,..a,.,.byadalt .ciii&JtW ,,_, 1890 so what! Ic's easy to prepare deliLious warm dishes in a comfortably cool kirchen ... by cooking the one rtally cool V.:.l}': on an rlrctric range! Str your dr11lrr. 1955 el«tric home food fretter prnc:oa waste- keq>t foods &ab aocl b.vodUl for weeks. --·~ ---_,... ... . ·-. ..._....------- a wr·: b Maria Pleger DOroihy Gray Will Be Wed cleaming crea1f'Uf ~ .. ~-'1 SALON COLD CREAM Peocet:..ne etomic labotatory te1t1 pron Dorothy Cr1y s.Joo Cold Cream cleauee up to 2~ times aa elfeet;•ely u otben teated. 12 a&. ju- resululy 3.50-Sele 1.7S DRY SKIN CLEANSER witb double·whipped emoJ. lient oill -Jabricate. .. it cleanaa. 12 OIL jar-repluly 3-SO-Sale 1. 75 COIOIA ~el IAR PHIRIACY "THE rn.crtptiola Pharmacy"' BA 2272 312'7 E. Coast Bwy. If ear J ClllllliDe CoroDa del ,._ ..-....~ .... ~ Sept. 2 hu bee.n named by Mtu Marla Pleger, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Richard Pleger of 405 Dahlia Ave., Corona del Mar, as the propoeed day of her mar· rtage to David Lee Lynch. Tbe 1ntenckd croom Ia the 80n of Mrs. Ruaeell Pruitt of Arcadia and Newport Heights and David I.ynch ot Pasadena. The cere. mony wm take place In St. An drews Presbyterian church. Miss Pleger Is a eraduate of Newport Harbor High School, and her fiance Is a student at Orange Coast Cdllege. The young couple plan to live In Newport. Arriving thla week In tlme for the pre-nuptial festivities will be Marla's sister. Miss Susie Pie~. who has been living In Hawaii. Men, Beware! Official breakdown of the May 24 census figure o! 18,541 for the City of Newport Beach Is a fol· lows: Female. 9,714, or 55.6% in crease over AprU 1, 1950. Male, 8,827, or 50.2% Increase. The 1950 figures were: 12,120 total, 6.244 female, 5.876 male. 1,000-11. Trill lade Br The U•urcers After four weeks and 7,000 mlles, the Cllfl Llonbarger fa. mily are home In the Harbor area and back at Crown Hard- ware In Corona del Mar. They attended the National Hardware Convention in Buffalo. New York. and also motored all over the east, visiting historic parts of Washington and Boston as well as taking a jaunt into Canada, and all the way down to Vir ginla and Kentucky. --F-IItSl CHUitCH .:...;O::..F_C_H_It_I_ST-- SCIENTIST 3303 Vie lido. Newoort leech A branch of the Mother Church. The Firtl Ch11rch of Chrirt, Scie11tist, in Bo$- ton, Mauachu5etts. Sunday Schooi -···---9: IS a.m. Sunday Service .. ·····-·-. II :00 o.m. Wedne.doy Eve.11n9 Mee+inq 1:00 p.m. R..,d,nq Room loce-.d et lll5 Vie lido, Newport Beach, i1 open w"k days from 10:00 o.m. to 5:00 p.m .. Wednesdeys from 10·00 e.m. to 7:<45 p.m. Frodey eveninq1 from 7:00 p.m. to lfEWL YWEDS llr. aDd 11.n. Ncrt'Dew 11eDgo. cbea are plcta.nd Mn Ill their ...., .._. oo Santa ADa Aft.. lf...,..,.,n BU.. oa the blnff juat baek of tbe Ardl-. aad OYWiooldDg the bay. Xr .... 90"l*r Ia plqmND(_~ ,_ tM City of JI"'P'Oft a.acta. lin. .-..ctaea. the fonDu Vloaa 11lldlc:k. Ia ..aploy-s at the dty's Corporatioo To:ni. (Eulp pboto) Twin Sisters Attend Their Parents' 50th Anniversary [ MOVES TO JfE1DOBT Clifford Drake has moved from 2306 1st Ave .. Corona del Mar. to 1502 Haven Pl., Newport Beach. IU&A IIAI!IIfK m JfOIII'CX.K MarlM Pfe. Da.ftQ,J t.; ..,.,.,_ ton of Mra. Wllma llobertl of 2381"" ltocJeo1 ec.ta Mea. 11 par· Uclpattq with tbe 2nd Battalion. 2nd Jt.eatment of u.. 2nd Maline DMalon In ampblbJou.t ma.DeU· vera at the IJttle Creelt AmphlbJ• ous Sue 1n Norfolk. VL Read tbe Euip Want Ad pap. H .... ,_._. ... .. y_ ....... ,.. •APPY DAY •c•oOL 4fO He~. Corona delMar Barbc.4aet Mrl. lean Vaqlan. d1rector For ......... ~ ....... , .. o.t THE ENS • ~1114 uri .II TIE lEI. l_Hit • •••• EadJ ,. c. REDUCE with ICife ..... e lfo dnap e lfo beat e lfo .un:la~Dg e lfo electrtc:tty e Jfo au.noua cll.tSA9 • Coaapletll pd.aqo • IJa4IYidaAd cdtiDU.. e EAdonld by Vope e ()pea I a.m,t p.m. • ...... trial t:reataa•t B.Aibor l7U 3117 E. Coast Jlwy. Cocoocl deo1 ... Mrs. Norman Carlson of 2908 Clift Dr., Newport Heights. and ht>r twin s ister. Mrs. Robert Olan. der, 500 St. Andrews Rd., Cliff Haven. were in St. Paul, Minn .. this Tuesday to join In com. memorating the golden wedding anniversary of their parents. the Rev. and Mrs. Fred Wahlers. Pas- tor Wahlers is a member of the teaching staff at Concordia Col- lege In St. Paul. and Carol, 3. The boys will at tend the YMCA Camp at St. Croix, Wls.. where their father once was camp director and their mother was program di rector. Tuesday also was thP 15th wedding anniversary of the Olanders. • Light their life with P,ith l/lt The twin sisters will also en joy a reunion with three brothers and another sister. Two of the brothers are ordained ministers. one In Portland. Oregon, and the other In Missouri. Accompanying Mrs. Olander on the journey are the four chil- dren. Robert. 9. Bruct>. 8. Gall, 5. Mrs. Norman CarJson flew to St. Paul last week t>nd. Dr. Carl son and their children, Jannine, Stepht>n and Norman. will stay at thf' family residence. The travelers were honor guests July 20 at a buffet brunch held at the home of Dr. and Mrs. John V. N.eff, 440 Santa Ana Ave., Newport Heights. Also attt>ndlng were Mmes. Milo Lacy, Vincent Pickup. L. R. Nicholson. K. A. McDivitt. L.. W. Schonek and G F. Schonek. ST. Alfi)JlEWS PllESBTTEJliAif CII17JlCB 15th St. A St. Andrews Rd., aero.• from Blgb Scbool LibmT 1·3773 Pastors Be?. J~ S. Stewart SUNDAY: Morning worship, 9:30 and 11 a .m.: Church School, 9:30 and 11:00; 1r. High, Sr. High and college age Fellow. ships, 7 p.m.; Thursday, Prayer, study group, 9:30 a.m. COIOfUJfJTT METIIODIST '20 w. 19th St.. Coeta lleaa Liberty 1-4552 Jl ..... Joseph W. NcSbaDe FDST ASSEIOLT OP' COD 22Dd St. & El4e::l Aft.. Coeta ).feaa Uberty 1·3781 ......,_d N. c:. Croa1c. •astor Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Wor· ship: 10:55 a .m. and evangelist service. 7:30p.m. Young People and Ch11dren's Service, 6:30 p.m. Sun. Mid-week Service: Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Ladles' Missionary Councll, Thursdays 9:30 a.m. for all day. SEVEJfTB DAT ADVEifTIS'l lf...,..,.,n ll'fll. at lloiN St.. P'IIIST 8A7TIST CIIU'IICB Sclllta ADa A at~ eo.ta eiCI Jlrt'. P. Q. hlllCIDD Sunday Servl~: 9:45 a.m. Sund y School; 11 1\.m. WonhJp ces; 6:30 p.m., Baptist Tr lnlng Union; 7:30 p.m.. Eve In' Service. Wednesday: 7:30 p.m., Prayer, Praise and Bible tudy. Mon· day: 7:30 p.m. en's Chorus p r act Ice ; 8:30 p.m. Men's Prayer Meeting. CII17JlCB OP' o1Jit LADT OP' NT. CAJlJIEL l"l w. llcalhoa aJ..S.. lfewport ~0214 9 00 p m. s."dey of•e•~oons 2 to 5 p.m. ____ .......,...,..... ___________ .................................... .-... ........ ....,..,._...., ........ ....,..,. __ Sunday: 9:30 a .m., Churcll Sun· day School; 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Mornln' Worsblp-7 p..m. College Age MYF Service - 7 p.m. High School MYF Service; 8 p.m .. young adults group service. Jl ewport llelCJirta Liberly 1-1532 Elder D. a. Spauldlllg Saturday Morning Services: Sab· bath School: 9:30 a.m. -Ser· mon: 11:00 a.m. Prayer m~­ lng: Wednesday. 8:00 p.m. P'atber PclrDaan.l Father s~u.y. Past• C'~\ed Ho dey\ The public ot cordially invited to el· • lend the church services end uJO the • • of ~ial notE 1., PEG Reodina Room at Beach & Boulevard SPORTS AlfD CASUAL WEAJt 320 S. Coast 81Yd. LaguDa leach BTatt 4..2218 LAGUNA TRAVEL SERVICE Autborta.d Ageat For All AIRUNES • RAILROADS STEAMSHIPS • TOURS S."lll9 Tbe Cocata1 Area Fe. Kearly 10 Tean 213 ec.aa An. Laguaa a..ta Hyatt 4-1011 DOII•T WASTE niE You bring the laundry We do the work ••• New Low Prices UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT WASHEREIIE ~-----~ ------------ Margart>t Scharle and Orpha Hogan have just returned from a few days spent In the moun talns at the Arrowhead Springs hotel. • • • Although the building Is far from ready aa pictured In the dreams and plarw ~ tbe Joc:al people who have worked so hard to make the Corona del Mar Youth and Community Center a reality. the lights and plumbing are in and the building Is at. ready bt>lng ust>d. One of the first groups to use the re<'On structed huilrting is the Zonta art da'l'-fflf children being con ducted three mornings a week. For further information of these classes, frN> of charge excPpt for supplies and a nominal fee for the tcachPr. consult Mrs Jilmes Ray. Harbor 4196. Outside the Community building a crowd of boys ar<' playing on the bas<>ba II dtamond daily. shouting "Play Ball.'' • • • that area . . . Getting used to Hie In a quiet country village after so many busy years at the growing st>q.c;hore city will takt' some adjusting. but we love It; and the memory of so many wonderful friends there will be 80mething to think about." They ..,. .,.. watblo m mn. ot the .tate capital so expect to see "politics" on a larger scale--but they say they wUI continue to sit on the sidelines and "try to do what Is fair. as always." • • • A couple of little parties that particularly pleased Betsy Ross juo;t before her wt>dding were given by compatriot teachers In the Newport Elementary Sch<X•Is: A small luncheon by Kay I Continued on Page 7) DIRECTORY MUSIC Margaret L. Scharle Teacher of Plano A nnt(' frum thP Joseph Bod· Organist · Al'COm panist mans. "ho art> now In Dixon. Evt>nl ng Classes for Adults near ,Sacramento. Mrs. Bodman 307 GOLDENROD AVE. writes. "Having lived at Newport Corona del Mar Beach for 32 years, and Mr. Bod-L-----------~ man being in the elementary FUJIEBAL DJilECfOJlS school t>mploy for 25 years of that time, we have seen much Friendly Neighborhood Service of the growth and changes In PARKES-RIDLEY thi.J 8th MORTUARY llO Broadway • Ll 8·3433 A 8-34.34 eo.ta Meu N OW ... TWO BALTZ MORTUARIES Servin' tbe Harbor Area Baltz Mortuary CHAPEL BY nfE SEA Harbor 42 3.'520 E. Cout Hlabway Corona 4el liar Baltz Mortuary Ll~ .. 2'121 17ll6 SUpedor, Colt& Meu AMPLE Pd.lalfG BOTII I..OCA'nON8 I 't J' · .. INSURANCE ''Be Su.re--lnsu.re '' Wl'l'B STANLEY llUUUM8 AQI:IfCf .._.lliiWIIH TBE CBlJJlCB OF CRUST 1050 Churcb St.. eo.ta Mesa Liberty......, D. C. Rant. Kllalater Sunday services: 9:45 a.m. Bible study; 11 a.m. morning wor- lbip; T:ao p.m. eYe~~.tq eerv~ce. Midweek aervice, T:30 p.m • Wednesday. TBE CB1JBCJI OF CBJUST Odd Fellows~. 1849 Newport An., C:O.ta MescL Liberty ~711 Tom labr, Jr .. KIDiatu Sunday Services: 9:45 a.m. Bible study; 10:55 a.m . worship serv. Ice; 7:30 p.m. evening service. CBBIST CJmJICB IT TRE SEA Coamuullty Metbodlat Balboa ll'fll. at l4tb St.. lfewport HArbor 5221 Pastor\ Jlrt'. ·Boy A. Cart.oa Sunday Worship, 9:30 and 11 a.m . Church School: 9:30 a .m. MJd. week Meeting: 7:00 p.m. Wed. nesday preceded by 6:15 p.m . potluck. ST. JOACBDI ClltJ'aCB 1114 01a:D9e A ...... Coeta Ne~a Uberty 1·1011 Fat~Mw Tbolaaa J. Jlnta • Sull&ly ,.__. at 7. I. I. 10 CIDd 11:30 a.m. Weekdays: t.{us at 7 :00 a .m. -Confession: Satur· days trom 4:00 to S:lS--7:00 to 8:30 p.m. PIUT 8An11T CIIU'aCB or W&WIOIIT 8albecl 81Yd.. lttla & Cout Sta.. •....-t IIArbllr usa t.u.ty t-107'1 ......... a.J ..... Sunday ...vice~: 9:45 a.m., Sun· day School; U :OO &.m.:s Wor· 1hlp Service; '7:30 p.m. :sunday evening ~ e r vIc • : MJd-Weelc Servtee: 1:30 p.m. WedMeday Prayer Meettnr. CII17JlCB of the If AZA.uz JUS A.Dahelaa lt.. Coeta Ne~a .__J a... Clift W'll'""'s Uberty a.naa Sunday Services: Sunday School, 9:30 a.m. MomJnc Wonhlp at 10:30 a.m. Eva~ Serv· ~. '7 p.m. Sunaay. N.Y.P.S.. S p.m. Sunday; PraYft meetlnl. 7:30 p.m. Wedneeday. P'IIIST CBUIICII OP' CIIAIST SCIUlli I 3303 Vla ~:rt leacb Sunday School: 9 :15 a.m .• Sun· day S e r v I c e : 11:00 a.m. Wednesday Eventn, Meeting: 8:00. Readln' Room, 3315 VIa Lldo, Newport Beach, open 10 a.m.-5 p.m. week days, 10 a.m.. 7:45 p.m. Wed.neldays, '7·9 p.m. Friday eveninp. CIIJWtt LU'I'IIEUJ( CBOIICII OF COSTA II.ESA (111Jacus1 l'fDOd) AmenC:.. ': Ball. ~: Jlrt'. Lotb• Tomow Sunday Services: Worship Serv· Ice 9 a.m. Sunday School at 10:15 a .m. 8AUOA ISLAJf'D CONMVJittY ID'IIIODIST 115 A,_. A.,._ ...... lalaaMS Nlalatert Jlrt'. D•ldd lapp ...,..4515 Sunday Service~: 9:30 a. m. Chw'cll School· 9:30 and 11:00 un. Worahlp SerVice. • COIIOIIA DD. IIAJI COII""•owu 1 eauaca C••IE a "rid ................. ...... .., ........ ~ ...... a--. SundQ Wcnhlp S.Yieee: 9:t5 a.m.. 11~ Lm. Sunday Sdlool: e:e a.m. Aut. Sunday ltfasses: 8:00 and 10:00 and 11 :30 a.m. Confession: Sat· urdays and eves. of 1st Fridays and Holy Days from 4:00 to 5:30p.m. a nd from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Dally M~ 8:00 LID. First Friday: 6:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Nove n a (Perpetual Help): Tuesday, 7:45 p.m. Fishermen's Mass, 1uly and AU&Ut. Sunday 4 a.m. OWif'"" "7 CDM:I&OMIII ~­Dell Clwllllll .. 515W • ..._ ..... ...._ ~~~.r.W.alage Sunday School. 10:30 a.m. Mom. tnc wo.-hlp, 11:00 a .m. ST. JAKES EPISCOPAL 32:01 Vla LkSo. Jlewport 8each IIAdlor 1230 Jlrt'. Jolua ....... a.ctc. Sunday services: 8 :30 a.m. Holy Communion. 9 :30 Lrn. Sunday 8Chool ; 9:30 a.m. morn In~ prayer and sennon, 11 a.m. worship service. Thursday Serv- Ices: 9:15 a.m. Prayer GuUd; 10:30 Holy Communion. ---ST. JOiiJf VIA.IfJfET 214 Nartae A ...... la1boa la1aD4 JllArbc. 0214 P'at~Mw ·~.., • .__ P'oUaer hmauna Aut. Sunday Ma.saes: 7:00 a.m . A 9:00 a.m. Con!ealon: Saturdaya and eves. of 1R Fridays and Holy Days; 7:30 to 8:30 p.m.; First Friday Mass 8 a.m. SUmmer Mass, July and Aucust Sunday, 11 a.m. CEin"LU. IDLK CBUIICii. 0...... ...... Drcllt. c::.... ~ La tr 1-ua .... ~ ..... Sunday Sdtoool: t:t5 a.m. Mom· Inc Servtc:e. U :OO: Eventnc Sei'vlee. T:JO. Mld·week s.Y· Ice. W.ednesday. 7:30p.m. Younr people meet 6:15 p.m. Sunday. I'DIIT IOUta&D aAPI'IIT JIADOa '""OI.Y or GOD cao*'* O ... L I•••-Cldlf. -W. ·---lt. C... ..... ..._ c.a.,. ••• tr ..._ WEWJOWY IIAimOa LD If ..... ' ...._. Dlr. ....... .._ Lo •••••• cauw aw. c. a.,. •t SWMtu eebool. t:45 a.m.· dlurcb tsol cua Dr. • ..,.......,.. Mr¥b u~ a.m. Tratntna ua utr ..-a Sun.daT eebool t:IO a.m.. mom.tne Union 7 f: SUnd~. Eftnln1 aw . ...._.,. a..a..s wonbtp n a.m. Youn1 peopJ• :::!f~ 1a ..._ __ · .erv~ce e ao • • ·-· Early llei'Yict, 8:80 a.m. Swlcla)'; : p.m.. eftninl • ...uq ., p.m. ana.rdl School. 9:30 a.m.: wor· "aqelJII eer¥ke 7:30 p.m. W~. ~ ...wtct aac1 lhlp Mn'k.-., 11:00 a.m.: Luther Mid-week eentee '7:30 p.m. BnU auq 7:t!S p.m. WecSQII.' IAape, '7:00 p.m. Wednadq. daJ. Tbia Dlredalr ill made ~a ztNo ~ th-~ ln~-··I!IITM•--~ WOODYIE)ITH PIANO SHOP seaAL. SH&T MITAL W01UCS J!xduaM Apllt-............... 2610 1. eo.t HwJ. .w. na c.ron. cW w. • ,. SttMt I ~ to Heavenn "'STAJn' uvtMG"' noo:DIATELY.. IN . IRVINE TERRACE I OVERLOOKING THE BEAUnFUL "SMOC-FREE" YACHTING CENTElt OP NEWPORT HARBOR "Southern Calltornla'a Most Beautltul Subdlvtalon" Tomorrow's Dream-Today! WE CORDIALLY lNV1TE YOU TO INSPECT COMPLETED OUR DISTINCTIVE PURNISHED MODEL HOMES AND OTHERS UNDER CONSTRUCTION NINE DIVERSIFIED FLOOR PLANS To the home buyer who wlahes to purchase In the $24,000 to $35,000 clua we sJncerely recommend • the Irvine Estates overlooklnr Newport Harbor. 1be.e homes feature Callfomla Uvtnr. Offered exclu. atvely throurh Eul W. Stanley 1n a Smor-Free area known u lrV1ne Tenace-<)n Cout HJrhway oppocite the new Irvine Cout Country Club, Newport Harbor. * For reeommendatJon. we refer you to anyone who holds a Leasehold Estate In lrvtne Terrace, Beacon Bay, Bayahores or Clltf Haven. Earl W. Stanley EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor 4448 For Further lnlormatlon Vogel Value You won't believe It but It's true! It's almost brand new (In fact. better than new becau~ It's landscaped & lm proved.) 4 BR.s. " 2 garages-price $13.500. The sgl. attch'd gar. In front can easily be converted Into den or playrm. Gar. at rear Is a full dbl. one. The lot is all fenC'ed 1n. Located near new grade school to be bit. at 15th & Santa Ana. You'll be glad you called for an app't to ~this home! THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E. COAST HWY. HARBOR 1741 CORONA DEL MAR HARBOR 1477 ICiosed Sundays during Aug.l 106 Ft. Fro1tace, CDI Charming well.decorated house, has 3 bedrs. plus maids room, on secluded landscaped comer with Eng llsh garden. Only 1-block from ocean, Corona del Mar. House s ituated on 3'At lots. Owner will sell house and complete corner for $42,500 or house lncludJng 65 ft. tronta1e for ... Wonderful features for comfortable living 1nclude elec- tric controlled garage doors, etc. LOUIS W. BRIGIS, Realtor 71 ~ E Balboa Blvd .. Balboa Phone Harbor 80 Bill's aut Buys 10118 FIST lOVE IN BEFORE SCHOOL STARTS UNDER CONSTRUCTION- 314 B•r. Homes 4 PLANS-NINE ELEVATIONS-AS LOW AS $315 Don VETS OR NON VETS SEE US FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION W. A. TOBIAS. Realtor -yvu'll like our friendly service 393 E. 17th St.. Costa Mesa Uberty S-1139 A QUIET LOCI noll ComrortabiP 3-bedr. home and a large 1 bedr. apt. In in exclusive Beacon Bay. Apt. leased at $1.25 mo. Large patio. 3 car gar. We re<:'ommend this to anyone wanting a year 'round hom.-plus a tidy Income. W. W. SAIIFORD, ReaHor STANLEY HADFIELD. ASSOCIATE REALTOR Park Ave. at MarinE', Balboa Island Harbor 2•162 Tile llaal WIN II lui Estill ··-..... , IS lEI VICE Every Manbe'r of the MUL'MPLE umNG SERVICE belone• to a unique orcanlzatlon. 'nle.e membeq pool thrir merc:han~et. store~. and other rMl pro. pei1;y few aale-0\tn work from thJa pool eaeh wiU. b.la wpua.te fadllt.l• that each Mlllnr owner ma..y ~ve • the ..VIc. of many REALTOR Alee ouu.ta throUih· out the whole Rubor Area. Proftn a tine IDVICE to wll.n apd buye~ alike In ~ a broa.,, tderly and froM ma.rk« few all at no locrlued COlt t.o our C\lJitGIDen. NEWP-ORI liARBOR BOARD OF REALTORS ....... Lovely 3-~.. 2 batha on 44 ft. lot. Prleled at Sll.SOO. Owner wW eury paper. DUIICIII IIIIEITY ...... 26<YJ Newport Blvd .. Newport Harbor 4n8 FOR Ul F: ~, .... ,, Corona del Mar, 3WnL2WII, from tbe 1Mnr room of thta 2-bedr. horne tt 222 Hazel Dr., AND a private pathway to the beaeb. n' bath.l plus o~de &bower, prtme Joca . tJon. ~. Eilt w. Staller REALTOR 225 Marine Ave,, Balboa laland Call Harbor 1775, evea. Harbor 53!59 WMI a! Acre 1 ... , ... ,_ ... lltlilll Pwfect bulfnea opportutllty for coupJ~. and Juat reduced lot quiCk aato! Wubaterla wfth 5-yr. lea~. Equlpt. Jn A·l eond. Reduced $4,000 by out of. town owner. REALTOR u s.:not or HA 1428 IlEAL ESTATE & &DTALS I "I'IIOMIDAT, AVCIVI'I' 4 1-, ALMOST NEW Completly furnished 2·bedr. TWO BOOIU ...a....s a.-+zz ... ad • 100fla9 trM1t ..a c;aJ>e Cod house. bath 6: tar pot trau. ,....,... 11.150 d, ... la tM U.. plctwnd ....._ shower, kitchen, dinette, dbl. lat Tbanct.y aftlno• • Vlwta lADe, ....._ 1119•1 1 Ia. fte rar., enclo!led patio; lot 30 l1re atGnM wbea tbe tar pot tu1Md..,. a4 apnCid to u.. ewe X 118. 427 Hellotro~. CDM. --.. .... ba.Ut by tbe loath c.a.t Coutnacttoa Co.( ...... modem home, fum. rental apt. attached ... cloee to Harbor View School and p~ posed parochial achool . . . everythlnr buUt.tn lncludJnr dlabwaaher, dt.poal, etc. En· cloeed patio and :tear ruap with work bench . . • caJ.l Ha. 2:506-M. with hone corral~or kennels -larre modern 2 bedrm. and den home with wall to walJ carpeting, mauJve tJJ'eplace, forced air heat, aep. ratio . Iota of buUt-lns. A rea bar. galn at only 116.800 wJth xlnt terms. $13.950. easy term.s. ~ Any. ftotlo) tlme. 3 bJks to beach-1 block -;;;:;;:::;;;;;;;;;=::::=:::==~=::::::=::::==::::=::::=== to shops. ~ SUMMER RENTAL: Bachelors _IIU.JI __ w_bn.D _______ _ IUite, 3 rooms, turn., pvt. ent. FRY COOK wa~ .. Orlv--ln D&D a~ 6: sh kln "'n • &.v "' ~y ox • • ..... G, da,ya 6 evenlnp. ower, no coo r. zrr experience. work In the new ~ ... ratH, HA ~W. Larlupur, CDM. Burrer We, 3916 E. Coa.stHwy., :-;;-~==-~--:---:---r---SMALL OFFICE lor rent, 130 per CDM. WANTED: Ironlnc ln my home. IITUAnOXI WJUJTZD CORONA DEL MAll •. , ...... ....., 1696 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa, Calif. mo D H d al ;;-:-u;;;--;r,=:---;:-:-:~-:----:o--:--:-Mabel Whitman, 6U1 Kuru• · uncan ar esty, re tor, BANK NCR Bookkee~r 6: clerk. rite, CDM. HA 4279-J • ~ Newport Blvd., Npt. HA Permanent S.day week. Apply ------------ 471& Newport Harbor Bank, CDM. ""CE'' •.-.ova FURN. 2-rm. bachelor apt., Incl. All new 2-bedr. apt. Ocean view. Lge. llvtnr. dining area. Jalousie w r n dow s . hardwood noors knotty pine kltchen, tile dbl. sink " work table. garbage disposal. Tile hub 6 shower. glass doors. Encl. carpeted stairway, pvt. entr. 6 ha ll. Garage with storage a rea. Laundry, auto-matic washer lr dryer. Avail. Sept. 1, 308 Marguerite. Ph. Kf 3·<Y758. Uberty S-1161 Eves. LJ 8-3158 utJI. Pvt. beach and dock. prlvl. In Beacon Bay nr. Harbor Island. Garage. 1 or 2 adll)ts only, no pets. Winter rental lease $75 mo. or yrs. lease $100 mo. Ava tl. Sept. 1. HA Z766. LADY want.l dally ride to Loa Anreles and return. Phone HA 882. CONSTRUCTION OPEN SUNDAY Jobs open In 1-5 P.M.--000 Poppy For easy access come round corner to 541 Hazel. MODERN apartments and rooms SANTA ANA Huge living room. beamed ceiling, 3 bedrms.. small guest room. 2 baths. over sized 2 car garage. Compl landscaped, private patios, modern kitchen " dining lanai-lovely vll'Ws. Asking $25.000. Owner wants lm· mediate o!fer due to leaving the a rea. Terms to suit. Exclusive agent. I wtth private bath, some with private balconies, overlooking I harbor and ocean, halt block to beach ; dally, weekly or monthly rates. The Palisades, 2500 Seaview, CDM. ATTRACTIVE sleeping r o o m s . kitchen privileges 1l desired. $28 a week. Half block to bench. The Palisades, 2500 Sea. view, COM. FURN. APT.. good 1 o c a t I o n • I ground floor. Summer or yearly lea~. No children, no pets. 610 I Marguerite. COM. e IIU.BOA COVJ:S FORD VERRINDER. Harbor 4263 SHORE CUFFS LOT. for sale, WATEJlYJIORT Brand nl'W 3 bedr., 2 bath h ome. Very c I ever design. Pvt. beach where you can have your own boat slip. eves. Harbor 3477 IlEAL ESTATE WAJfTED R. E. WANTED: Have cll~nt tor Balboa Island Baytront home with Income, Hyatt 4 4084. 1950 CHRYSLER Royal, 4.dJ'. or lrlnal. Real clean. 40,000 miles. Royal blue. $750. U 8-4073. , .. , TIY FRAICIS J. H.VITH, Realllr 150 FT. COAST HWY. , 165 ft. deep. Ideal for sales or business outlet. Last opportunity to get highway frontage at this price. BALBOA BLVD. 2 bedr. home, furnLshed. $11.250. IDEAL professional and bus iness site, corner of Fuller ton " Broadway, Costa Mesa. ON NEWPORT ISLAND: Newport Beach duplex, J..bedr. and 2 bedr. units. New loan $12.000. A-1 location. Price $21,500, t erms. COSTA MESA: 4-Bedrs., 2 baths. brand new. $14,000. terms. ALSO: 3 rooms & bath, corner lot, net.>ds electrical, plumbing and car penter work. A steal at $3,500! UBERTY 8 5101 2216 Npt. Blvd., Costa M esa HARBOR 1428 3420 W. Balboa Blvd., Npt. 4 Bedrm., 2 Bath Home on Your Lot- $11,100 1330 sq. ft., forced alr heat. hardwood noon, fireplace. Real plu ter. Large picture windows, natural h ardwood cabinets. Can finance 70% of house and lot. Phone for app't. to see our model homes- IUIIIU. RilES 20 Years BulldJne ln Oranre County Models Open: Newport and MJtchell, Tustin Kimberly 7-3293 Kimberly 2-3569 Eva Uberty S4073 .SEE 1WI.DUIL .... lB. Ill •••• You 'll have to hurry for t.hls one. Lee B. Casey. HA 4794, 17frTW FOB SALE PAIR OF neon llrhts. double fixtures, 4 ft. Call anytime HA 2235 or 800 S. Bay Front. B. I. HAMMOND ORGANS. L I t t 1 e used. One only famous easy to play Chord Orran. One beautJ. tul Spinet .Model. Wonderful fot cluarch ot boaa... Very lib- eral aavtn• on.~ two lovely l.natrumetlta. DaM • SdunJdt, 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. Open Friday Eve. DBL.. BED. new mattress. dress«, mirror, nlte stand 6: wat to match, S75. Oriental rug " pad, 9xl2. $20. Plat1orm rocker, $45. all In good cond. HA 6198. DROP LEAF 'PABLE w/asbestos cover. $20; Bedrrn. set Incl. bed. springs. mattress. chest. dress. lng t bl.. chalr and bench, 150: Misc. dishes and chairs; 212 Pearl. B. I., HA 2655-W. TRADE IN your old watch on a Ladles diamond Elgin. Wallace Calderhead Jeweler, 3123 E. Coast Hwy., COM. CHROME DIN~;;E;o;l;;lo::E:-::-SET=~ex--:-t-en-d-:-· ing table 6: 4 ch airs, perfect cond., 601% Jasmine COM. SNIPE SAILBOAT, complete wlt'h trailer " buoy. Phone Ll S 7042 between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. BECHSTEJN. One of the worlds greatest pianos. Just like new. Good for generations. You will ~ thrilled to hear and play this magnificent Instrument. The low price will astonlsh you. Other rranda as low as $495. Danz.Schmldt Big Store, 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. Open Friday Eve. 2 DACHSHUND PUPS, 9 moe. Ree . With AleC. $100 ea. 10891 E. Bolaa, S. A. K1 2-0291. USED plano.. rranda. spinets and uprlrhta. Good practice pianos u low as $125, $149. $187 and up. Easy terms. One only famoua make aplnet sllrhtly damared In ahJpment. Brand new. Blr aavtnr. Danz. Schmidt Bl• Plano " Orran Store, 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. COMPLETE PAINTING PAPER HANGING SEKVJCE HA »76 HA 4446 EUGENE O. SAUlmEJtS 500 S.t.t atre.t. Newport a..dt Painting -Decorating PA.IIEil HANGING 1l you ll.ke the ,.MODERlf" ~e = _. "outdoor teeUnc." &p.doua U~lna room and ~ With floor. tH!flllna wtndowa fadnc patio and chUdten't play yard. rtieplaee~ ratters, ~buOttna, 2 wall htn. Owner Nt Kelt; MUST TR18 IION"nn l No Pbone caDII ,...._; .. adualw apnt. GE:ORGE BURICHARDT ~a. ... ~ 871 w. 18tb 0... .... UbertJ..... U'*V 8&12 ........ , 'AVI. .. GAIIDD aatiCII EXPU1' LAft AJID o.uoacus YE.Aa ''IIOUifD IUDri'D.dCK -a. .... ..,. For men who a re willing to start as Who a re 18 45: H. S. grad. uates Jobs with e xcellent chances to advance. Include paid vacations and holidays. 5· day wk. Co. paid pension and disability plan. HELPERS CAREER BENEFITS APPLY 1030 E. First Santa Ana Mon.-Fri. 8-4 SO. COUNTIES GAS COMPANY llrts- YOU - will have an opportunity to advance In our firm. because of our present expansion program. The' starting salary 11 100d and you will receive fl'e. quent increases, too. Jobs now for: TELEPHONE OPERATORS -Apply- 514 ~ No. Main Street Rm. 21 t-santa Ana 9:00 to 4 :00 P.M. PACIFIC TELEPHONE IIUDfE SUP RENTALS: Rowboat rental spaces, max. 8' beam, 30' lenrth. American Lerton Hall, 15th and Bay, Newport, HA 4.52.. •EaOXAL RENT A practJce plano •• low as $5 per mo. Let the klddiH learn. All ternf rent appllee 11 you buy later. Danz.Schmldt.. 520 No. MaJn. Santa Ana. 100 pianos from which to choose. HAMMOND ORGANS. Full line, all models. Free p r act I c e rooms. Come In and play on any model-The Great Concert Organ, the Home Model, the Church and the Spinet Models. It you think you canJ\ot play, come In and try the world fa. mous Hammond, easy to play Chord Organ. You will ~ astonished to find you can play in fifteen minutes. Oanz Schmidt Plano " Organ Co. Home of the Hammond, 520 No. Main. Santa Ana. LOST AKD FOUJfD REWARD : For returning "Tuf tet." our female cat. Lonr hair. white. tan. rray. Missing since July 18. Her daughter "Llza" muses her mother. HA 478-M. Dr. Hor atio Q. BUdbath, 416 Marguerite, CDM. LIBERAL REWARD: Returning s e r v I c e m a n loet 2 brown leather caMS contatnlnr 4 cameras near Port Theatr.. COM. Sunday ail!\t. 7..31. Phol'le coUect...,..,... ~ Cl' Harbor 4'715. FOUlffi: Lady'a watch In CDM. Finder pleue pay for ad. Ap. ply at 313 Larkapur, Q>M. LOST: SMALL. black, aharrY. dog, female Cairn Terrier. "Prinny." Wore plaid collar. ''We miss her." HA 3732. SAVE SAFELY At Or•nt• County' 1 le•cfint Hom• L.ndint lftatltvtion CONTINUING TO PAY PER ANNUM ALL ACCOUNTS INSURED Uf' TO I I 0,000 All A.c.counh Open•cl 0...., .. foro The I Oth of tho Wo•th Una,.... ........ LAGUNA ~SAVINM I LOAN AIIOCIATION tauMIDAY, AVGVIT 4 1 .. Shot Is Fatal ToG.A.Raban ••• of 50f:ial note (Continued from Page 1 I "-O<"Iated. and their wives, M.r. Vaurhn and an Impromptu tf'a and Mrs. H Everett OUion o( by Meta Bachmann Cheviot Hilla, Mr. and Mrs. ~ • • • C'rt Johntton of Burbank and Mr. Geor1e A. laban, 41, of 1217 E. Balboa Blvd .. Balboa, cUed In hla home early Prlday mornln1 aftec" rtrlne a 25 callber alua from an automaUc revolver into the center of his forehead. Invest11.rtlng off I c e r • were called to the acene at l!l:lO a.m. Friday. M.n. Betty S. R.aban. 38. aald her husband had arrtvtd 1\ome from work about 8 :30 p.m. and they went 8Wt.nunlng and then carne home to dinner. After. warda they became enaaged In a famJJy a t 1 u m e n t over her mother's estate and 80me of her trtenda. Mr. and Mrs. CA-orgt> Sht>rrlll and Mrs. Robert Armstron~. left Monday or last Wl'(>k for a I Also pre~nt were Mr a nd Mrs. combination business and plt.>a 1 G .. A. En~mlnger of Glendale, • sure trip up north and to Banff who Wt>rt-wt>ddlng attendants at and Lake Loui!K', dt-Spitf' the fact lht-marriage of Mr. and Mnt. that the plasterers Wt're dut> to Don Koivisto, and Mr. and Ml'll. arrive on that datt> to work on J. H. Mutchlf'r of Pasadena, long their nt'w enlargement to thf>lr timt> friends of the family. Mrs. R.aban then stepped onto the front porch, where ahe re- mained about 20 minutes. pollee were told. Upon her return ahe found her husband on the front Ooor with a bullet wound ln h~ fol'ehe&cl Funeral services were held Monday In the Baltz Mortuary, Corona del Mar, with the Rev. Wallace Eellneham of the San Clemente Eplacopal Church om datlnl. Mr. Jtaban wu born ln Great Pan., Montana. He had Jived in the harbor area for two years. He was a real estate ulesman In the William Piaher real estate otrlce In Corona del Mar and for- merly was with the Cout Proper· ties real estate office In Balboa. He was a member of the Balboa Bay Lions Club and the Mllltary Order of World Wan. He l.a sur- vived by hla wife, a step-brother, Albert Church of San Franclaco, and h is' step.fath~. I. W. Churcll of Great Falls. 3· TED-OLD-lOT DIES S.CVices for Willia m Earl Pal- mer, three-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Bunell S. Palmer of 314 E. 18th St., Costa Mesa, were he-ld yesterday In the Parkes-Rid· ley Mortuary Chapel. The child passed away Sunday In CbO- dren's Hospital tater a two year Illness. BETVUIRG TO SEATTLE ~. Wilbur Riggs. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Perrow, 211 Heliotrope Ave .• Corona del Mar, left for Seattle Monday with her four chtldren alter vlslt- lng here for eight week .. harbor photo lab cameru rut COLOR SERVICE Uowm:aD WlmfYM Left .. dllat .. I ....... ........_ -.1 ............. ....,... ruglat., tbe..........., ..z.-ay c... ......... , ...... ·~· ..... t •• t., tbe .......... •...-rt ..... Q-ber ol C4-=1roa1 .. ..,. Doni JV1L wllle .. ITT ted u.. II' 1 "•' vm.a --. u.. aa-...,.s ,_....., ~"­ dacShacau ad Crcdg ~ Jr .. 'Wbo eaae Ia tlaUd. £HIJR£HU Lanny Coon Wins the Flight: VIOVUIALDT nu.owsliD 2 Lido Boys Are 2nd and 3rd "Man's Greatest Need" will be Slxteen year-old Lanny Coon being the youngest girl to finish the subject of a talk by Dr. of Riverside, who spends his for the third year In a row. She Frank Macintyre of Costa Mesa summers at 713 W. Bay Ave.. finished In 26th place. at the UnJversall.at COmmunity Balboa, waa the winner ln the Thls year's entries totalled 135, Fellowahtp worship aervlce at 11 20th annual Fllrht of the Snow . and 115 fln~hed. a.m. Sunday at 515 W. Balboa birds held Sunday In Newport Here are the trophy winners. Blvd., Balboa. Or. Macintyre is Bay. J~tlng order of tlnlsh, and boat a psychoth~aplst. The church This waa the tlfth Flight for number: pastor, the Rev. Frederick W . Lanny, who had placed 7th, 8th, 1. Lanny Coon. Riverside No. Bill Kllllon hu formally an. nounl"t'd the opening of hls new otfll"t' for real estate and lnv.t- ments at 3341 Newport Blvd., Newport. • • • Gloden Fay ls off oo a month's crulse to Panama. U things get too hot she'll ny over to one ot tht-Islands ... Roy McCardle is oft being a military ma n tor a Ringe, ls on vacation and will 11th and· 28th ln the previous 321. return In September. four races. He Is a member of the 2. John Haskell, Lido Isle No couple of weeks · · · The Broses Newport Harbor Yacht Club. 193. are moving to the building CBmSTJJUf SCIUCZ CBnCB ' Two Lido Islanders were next 3. Craig Cadwalader. Jr .. Lido across the parking a~a from "The fruit of the Spirit ls In to cross the finish Jlne. In second Isle No. 246. I their pr~nt locat ion. and from all aoOdness and rlghteousnes. place wu John Haskell of 20'7 4. Charley Vandervort. Lido the looks of the fresh paint. ~ and truth," reads the Golden VIa Orvieto, and winning third Is le No. 204. going to vie for brightness with Text of the Lesson-Sermon on place trophy was Craig Cadwal-5. Thomas O'Keeft>, Beverly the other businesses at the New "Spirit" at the Newport Beach ader Jr. of 234 Via Ithaca. Hills No. 373. port Balbo:l Blvd. corners lin· church of Ch.rlst, Scientist, Sun· Eleven year.o ld Carol Williams 6. Mike Baum. Arcadia No. 371 eluding J. M. Miller's of roursel. day. (EphesJans 5:9). of 530 S. Bay Ft.. Balboa Island, 7. Gedney Tilden. Arlington • • • C'JRIIT CIIU.al IT TilE au· ~t something of a record by No. 349. Matt LaBorde of the Bill Tobias The Rev. George Reeves Jr. 8. Pt>t e Gelb, South Pasadena Realty office and Mike Genko will speak on "~ulrements or No 372 1 with NBC wen~ the tie rt-allors - the Lord" at the Sunday services Gla~ nil ~T 9. Btil Coberly, Los Angeles, of the month f?r June. They at Chrlat Church by the S.a, 11 ""K No. 359 qualified by betng the llstors of Newport. Micah wJII be the sub-10. VIrginia Coffee. Riverside the most property sold through }ect In this sermon, roncludlng,a • Gl • No. 401. Multiple Listing last month. series dealing with eighth cen-J.mps eS 11. Jim Warmington, Lido Isle 11 hl •h • • tury Old Testament prophets. No. 317. I t ngs ave been a little CDM COMMVJfiTT ~ ay DR 21. Mike Bradford, Bakerfleld slow romlne out and Fare! Norman Brown will talk on No. 363. ' I Walker has been seen gotne "How to Keep Well Balanced" at HI! Here I am back on the job 31. Lollta Kennedy, Los An-around In a tenlble fiurry. the the Sunday MI'Yi~ at the eo. apln. Did you m1u me whUe I geles No. 388. reason ls tha t hel' chief usl.st- rona del Mar Comanmlt)' Church. wu tone to tbe M&u\y ahop (for 41. Bruce Chaebro I.o. An-ant In the Realty Boa.rd • otnce. a. I. W ~I I Cll ,...ntktna, u.M lal f My a~~ta ,._ Ro. 3a ' 1lhrtba Bue. baa ben aft vae;a. a.. •IIII Mt 8u.ndQ' at the rna.DIJtlNt. a.a..n and Colleen. 51. Dr, Steve !toyce, l'asa"ena ~- Balboa llland Omununlty lleth-cUd t.beJr belt to C&1'1'7' on whlle No. Mc2. Helen Bau~. ~f BaJboa Island. od, .... Chu-.. wtll -.. _ ........ ur I wu rone, but I hope you 61. Stephen Wall, Piedmont ul ·~• .....,. ~ IVU1 N 391 who Ia new at the Bay and ~ach L. Young, 8e<:reta.ry of mt.saton-m!aed me Just a wee bit. 1 want ;l, ~rt Allan III. San Ga Udo oftlce. is ott to a nytng start ary education tbr WSCS In the you ' to come In and see how wfth bustness cards saying "1:1. Southern Californi&Arlzona area. beauUlul I am now. I decided brlel No. 335. Baum"-get It!! Mrs. Ted Hauser, president of the to quit bleaching my hair and 81. Vern Edler Ill. Lido Isle house on Ne-wport Is land Oaugh • • • ter Dareth, who's working at 1 RcJbert Forbes of Lido lale Is Tur nt>rs Drug Store this summf'r. putting up a vt>ry taaty home stayt'-d to ovt-rs.t'e the job. Tht-down tn Sl1uth Laguna for Har- Sherrllls' other daughter, Sharon r1et and Oale Nelson Dick Is In Europe with a YMCA group. PlPgPr ut Corona dt'l Mar de Mr. Sht>rrlll is a f'e!l('arch chem I sign~ It lst crt'-dlted with devt>loplng su<'h products as the Sea and Ski lotion • • • Word of the death of her mother. Mr'i VIctor Goethals or • • • Seattll". last wet-k camt-from A cel{'bra tlon on top of a l"t'i(' I Mrs. George Parant of 208 Gol- bratlon was obSPrvt'-d Friday denrod Ave., Corona del Mar. July 22. when the wedding of Mrs. Parant and her young son ~slle Koivisto and Dick Ml'('ar I were visltln& the Goethals toe thy waa followed by a surpri!W the summer. birthday dinner patty for the • • • bride's Lather Don Koivisto In Watch for Gladys Stambauah the patlo of their Balboa home. of 119 VIa San Remo. Udo, on Among the many speclar guests television Sunday nJeht about 10 at the wedding who stayed to when s he will be honored at the wish Mr. Koivisto many happy Arthur Murray Bronze Medal rt>turns, we~ Mr . and Mrs. L. R. Ball along w ith over 100 other Smith or San Diego, for whom medal winners. Dancing with Lf'sll~ was named. and thret-dl-~ Gladys will be Chet FUTar, rectors of the Albers Milling Co. owner of the Corona del Mar with whom Mr. Koivisto Is as. Arthur Murray Stt.ldlo. .,. ~-3.. """ Balboa Island WSCS, will lead let It go natural, and I had It No. 318. Lido lsi'" 31.21 E. Coast Hwy. COM the worship service. restyled, and 1 think It looks 91. Tommy Schock, "' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~===::::;; just wonderful with the new fall No. 109. Unsung Commercials *CROWN HARDWARE* r clothes. 101. Marty Lockn~y. Jr., Lido Fashion Show "Autumn An,horage" w.-uaJ, IIPif 1 .. I:GO P.l. .. Balboa Bay Club ' We are call Mt f w fcall at Isle No. 377. O'JIIUEJI"S. Tb.la 1a tbe aaoatb 111. Nina H I x son . Balboa we baft ou .-csas coat ...at Island No. 222. • • • 10"-oU oa aDY of ow: First Girl to Finish -VIrginia braDcl ..,. CDats ••• aD41 tbey Coffee, Riverside. No. 401. are ....UT loftly thJ.s .,....1 na. Youngest Girl to Finish-Carol bou til...,. ..-t. sada • alee Williams. age 11. Balboa Island. ......we ...... •oDe of tbelll No. 189. t.o auda Cll1b aD41 all tbe Youngest Boy to Flnlsh-Kt'nt llicMt of fabrlc.. suda aa And~son, age 10. Lido Isle. No. Stroock. FontaaCIIaD. becnatlful 3 I. la,..W hNeda aDd aoaae Oldest Skipper to F'ln lsh-John reed CaM•.... (DO aaalr.e t. B. Lamar. age 66. Balboa. :\o 364. u... Clbout UMM). First Me Boat to Finish-Or And of course you all know by Steve Royl"t'. Pasadf!'n&. No. Me 2 now that we have a marvelous First V Boat to Finish-Fred S. selection of those da rk cotton Sibley. San Marino. No. V-10. dresses a t O'BRIEN'S . . . so wonderful when we a re all a little tired of our s ummer nurr. And we have skirts. blouses and sweaters. the like of which you have never seen. Come In and see the handknlt sweatel'S with skirts to match, also the beaut!. ful new Dalton cashmeres . . . and AcrUon . . . Orion . . . or just plain Zephyr wool. You'll find them all 1n m any Interest· lng styles. Of course we thought about the colors of the sweaters along wlth the lklrt.s, so we have many that match or blend beau· llfully. And we didn't forret you Harbor HI llrls either, but have just what you want. Rew If It's • good looldD9 .... ..tt,.. ............ . .... """ .... .., .... tiMy ......,.... Cltal .. • Dlmd- ew.•..U•....-.d..._ ...... -· ....... ldw8lly •hdecl. We'd W. t. ..._. • ...-.a ........... h ..... s .. . _ ......... _. ..... .. .......................... ...... _. ............ ....-4. SPI.'ClAL NO'nCE to ec.hool and collep rlrla: Set 1\.teeday, Auruat lS. utde for the Trt Hi Fuhion ahow with Iota of pretty dot"" from()'~ '· L ...._ ,_. 11'11 ... .......... a....-. .. .......... "-''' ..... ...... .., ......... Fresh Water Use Curtailed BRy Shores residents com plaine<! to the city Monday that water pressure had been serl ously reduced because a marine contractor was using fresh city water to Install pilings for a sea wall. In light of the rK"ent request by the city for conservation of water, City Manager John Sail ors Issued Instructions that salt water should be UMd wherever practicable. Water conserva tion has been H"quested because of the heavy demand on MWD water supply. which has been reduced by drouth. t•llrF ... CIIIef YIIIIIC...~I• Gen~al Robert Terrell. com. mandlng eeneral of the Uth Alr Fortt". was a vtsJtcw last WMk· end at the home of Col. and Mrs. Andrew W. Smith In Corona del Mar. With him were his wife and his teen -.e dau.hter. Lynn. wtth a mud. MJ.a Nita SaleL Mrs. Tenell and tbe two rtrta arrived by car and tbe General n~ down trom Ma.rc.b , JWd. whwe he hu had hll bead. quarters. G • n e r a 1 'l'wreU a. 'tranltemnr to Strateck Air Com m a n d Headquut.-. a t Oaaaba. na. 15th A1r rorce hal 11 buee 1.1\ SAC ltretehlni ,_ 1..-.n to ........ JIP( ...... * WE GIVE CBOWN STAMPS * HARBOR 232 R. B. Simpson and Wa lter King a nnounl"t' that they'll be opening 3107 E. Cocmt Hwy ... Corona del Mar . their Klng Studios of Oandng on ~-=======~~~~~~~~~;;========~ Friday, Aug 12, at the bayfront \ location In the Lido Shopping REPEAT SPECIAL Ct-nter. 3440 VIa Oporto A spt- clal preview will tw ht>ld Thurs FRUIT TREES "J• day. Aug. 11 . for local buslnt-Ss peoplE'. . EACB • • • PlUIIlL "-ada•. Aprtcota. N.ctan..a.. Miss Ma rina Rogt>ro;, famf."d 6 r Tr-... ..tabllabec:t lD s 9Gl CIIID.I vitamin ron~ullant for the WI! 1 For rt'liahlt> garden lnCorm&tlon and the ht>sf quality nur'W"ry lla m T. Thompson C'o. of Los 5ltX'k visit our <'harming nurSE-ry in the he11rt of Laguna Angeles. will rontinut> providing ftARDEII SHACI IURSERJ vitamin and mineral lnforma -n t lon until Saturd&y In thf' Harbor Health Food and Vitamin Stort>. 353 N. Newport Blvd . N(•wport Heigh ts. W. 0. TOLLE LACtnfA lEACH 110 s. Coast =~A~ ....... , ....... • ........... OPEN StnfDAT HY 4-1212 Ki~g Studio • WA~i&OW Punch Routs Hold-Up Man A abow ot watacolon entttJect "Sprinf Come. to O'Neil Par-." will be Hhtbited th.rouah mJd· Aueu-t at the Blue 8alLI Illation· er-y .wre 1n Balboa. 'nle pictures are the wcrtr o1 Corona del Mu artJ.tt. Thelma Padclock Hope. A punch tn the mouth thwart. ed a hold-up atte\pt ol a lt'fVice station attendant In the RJch- fleld Station. 200 W. Oout Hwy., NewPort Beach. at 1:29 a.m. laet numday. Read the DWen Want Ad paae. ,_ lf.JS a wrro ' .PORT . ) COR ONA .,£. IWA A' , .• .-. i,'t/'ll't ........ * TMIA T II The attendant. Wayne Creteh· ton of 17U Pomona St.. Costa Mesa. aatd he was kicked ln the right ankle by his a.aallant, who said, "This Ia a st.lckup.'' Mr. Ccetghton punched tbe guy, who gave him a push and drove away, beading for Corona del Mar. The _man dJd not obtain any money. He w as described as 24 years old. 170 pounds, 5 ft. 10 inches In height. medium buUd, wearing dark clothing. He had parked hls car in tbe rear of the station a nd walked up to the staUon attendant. who was on lhe gas station island. A Classified Ad in Th, 6uiqn brinqs immediate resulbl Cell Harbor 1114-1115 and orove itl "lEW SHOWBOAT.' Craise It Lap~a OJIE BOtnl AJm 4511JXUTES. BOtJJm Tai7 DczDt' 11:30 & 7:00p.m.. $1.25, Cb.ildren65c * 3 BOATS OPERATING on BAY & OCEAN RIDfZ * Boat Leaving Every 20 Minutes * E•elli.DCJ Ocecm IUdes OD "Bay Queea.·· 8 :30p.m. & 9 p.m. (All Bldes. SSe. CbUd.reL 35c. tJader S yn. Fr") TilE VERY BEST I I I DINING ••• DANCING ••• COCKTAILS. • • * lew Helrl-4 P~l~ II 2 Ll~ * Fl1U. COUUE DDflfEU IDVED 'TILL 11 P.M. Select Slllks, Olle,a, I 1111ts * New Menu Jncludesltalicm Delicacies * Jlay •• lu.,..t rr.ia Ou ... r~ VEAL SCALLOPDfl e LASAGIIA e PIZZA DANCING EVER MIGHT ...... ,., .......... ~ 1 .,_,. A W-* wc:&ia&.,.,._., ............... ., • I .. Gl&i6iiTO ......... A daqp$er. VICtoria 1M, wu ..... to Mr. and ..... ~hn Sample ot U3 Dahlia Aft., Co- rona ctel Mar, on Ttlunc1a.y, July 14. 1n Boal Memortal HOQita.l. 1011 ... TO LVCAI eiiiGII laiCIC& ......_.. ft th A eon. David &Wa. wu born to A no-bitt. aDd a tn:ple plaJ =• laaw aJtabii-:;-U.U~ ~~.Pl..~=ac:f H:tath; ~ ~:= ~ =-~~Me~~ In Boat Memorial Jt.pltal o~ the hllh 8Chool lut week.· ......-the only tam to dlf•t the TtlUI'IICiaJ, JUlJ 21. Dave Bunnell pltdled a brtl· ~._.,,,.. CUba, and Jut llant no-hitter lbt the Catcllnal8 w..1t turned beck the MCOnd ae they defeated the White Sox place Wblte Sox In a photo-fin· 13-3. 'J'he WhJte Sox runs wtn a lah tbrtlle. result of t-t'O errore and two The extreme excitement and walk& cia.,_ ot thtee aamM can be The Cube executed the lint au-ted 'to by the fact that 4 of triple play In the hbt«y ot local the 8 aamea played Jut week little Jeacue bueba.ll. Kenny were •ectded by the maraln of Swal\80n cauJbt a Une drive, one point. Then Ia a decided riOed the bill to Jaclde Fletcher-trend In all p.mes ot lower at third to double off the runner-~ b«aUM ot better 1\t!ldlne. there and Jadtle rtaed the ba.ll pltchlna ana aner-al Improve- to Georee JenJc.lu at eecond to ment shown 1n all teams. catch the runner ther-e, comple-8111 Klcbarda ot the Marine tina a per-fect triple play. Corpe a ave eome ver-y capable as. Horne runa wen bit by Kenny aletance In umplrlne Jut week. From .the POUCE BLOnER Newland, BW Brockman, Rich· The Cube are at the top of ard Oliphant. Lynne Relalneer-leaeue with a 10-won and 1·1«* and Mark Rttter-. Chrl.s Pldcup, record. They are followed by the J~ Gallant. Jimmy Reynolds, White Sox, 8 and 2 and 'one tie; Steve Hurwitz and nmmy wn. Dod~rs. 7 and 3; Giants, 6 and IIams wer-e all lnstrUJ'DeJltal In 4 and one tie; Carcb. 6 and 5; their respective teams wtnnJn1 Braves. 4 and 7 ; IndJana. 4 and runs. The Giants continue to 7; Red Sox. 3 and 7; Yanks, 3 e WEDJfESDAT. JVLT 'Z7 Jerome B. Glll .. 70, of 531 VIa Lido Soud, Udo Isle. suffered severe pavement burns and abra- sions when his electric invalid chair overturned in the roadway on Newport Blvd. near Finley Av.e., Newport Beach ... Three sheets of fiberglass building pa nels valued at $30 were stolen from In front of Pacific Fiber- glass Co .. 2601 W. Coast Hwy., Newport Beach . . . Thomas Bahan of 1120 W. Bay Ave .. Newport Beach. reported the theft of a maroon bicycle from that address . . . Charles Koi- visto, service station attendant at 510 E. Balboa Blvd.. Balboa. reported that three men won $31 [rom his using three soda pop bottle caps and a tiny shell ... Roger Jones. service station at· tendant a t 2406 Newport Blvd .. Newport Beach. reported that one of a group of three men took a S5 bill from his wallet In the station while he was wsltlng on another customer ... from a storaee closet In her un- locked earage, Mrs. Orln Wade ol 2161 Ocean Blvd .. Balboa. re· ported . . . A burglar walked through an open door Into hls home and took S50 from under a desk pad, Robert C. Fox of 129 Via Zurich. Lido Isle. reported . . . The spa re tire, wheel and hydraulic bumper jack. valued at $70. were stolen from the un- locked trunk of his car. Donald E. Fuller of 1905 E. Balboa Blvd .. Balboa. reported ... A burglar took about $100 cash trom the cash drawer in the Western Cannery oUice. 2903 Lafayette Ave., Newport Beach. after break- lnl g lass In a dutch type door to gain entry ... lead the pack and are presently and s: n,en. 2 and 9. ., _.G _. ~,c- enjoylng a 2 game margin. The Last week's ICOI'ft were: Cube ~ ~~ ~ Standings are as follows: 6, TteerJ 5; Dodeers 7, Red Sox Yow Famlly ae.taurant Giants, 10 won, 1 lost; Card. 3; JndJana 9, Giants 3; Cubs 5, (a...d ~) lnals. 2 and 3; Braves, 7 and 4; Yanks 1; Red Sox 4, Giants 1; 1515 L eo.t Jllgbway Yankee. 6 a nd 5; Dodgers, 5 and Cards 4. Braves 3; Indian. 3, rr : .. ~~t.~~~•l... del 6; Cubs, 5 and 6; Tigers, 4 and 7; ~~~~~~~S.~~~~Soix.4,. ~----~~-~==~ Indians, 4 and 7; Red Sox, 4 and 1 7; White Sox, 2 and 8. ' ' B ·~:::sw~o8 upsets In the an s o. w 11• Little League Series at the Youth It Center in Corona del Mar. The 0 e All last place Cardinals came trom p n eys behind In the 3rd Inning and downed the Second place Cubs ...._..., 4-2. On the same day the Braves ' e SATU11DAT. Jt:JLT 30 lost their first game after nine ~~ 1 s-..a-1 e TBUIISDAT, Jt:JLT 21 Off icers were unable to locate people reported causing a dis· turbance In the area of 1970 Ocean Front. New port Beach, at 12:16 a.m .... Ma rk Wolk of 321 Marguerite Ave .. Corona del Mar. reported that two boys In the alley In the rear of his home ducked when he turned on a back porch light at 12:~ a.m. . . . Mugaret L. Morrl.a of :xno Thurln St., Costa Mesa. repuc1ed that an unknown penon amuhed the windwing of her car parked In front of 124 77th St.. Newport Beach. In an unsuccessful at. tempt to reach her putse on the front seat ... Dave Klchler of 3110 Villa Way. Ntowport Beach. reported that a privately owned U. S. mall truck driven by Eugene A. StE.>vens or Anaheim caused ex· tE.'nslve damage to his boat parked against his garage ... A detonating dev1ce from a depth charge washed ashorE.' at 39th St.. Newport Beach. and was taken away by a bomb disposal team from Ft. MacArthur. San Pedro ... Mrs. James Van Every of 3130 Seaview Ave., Corona del Mar. found a pet turtle. which was taken to a pet hospital ... Cars driven by J. H. Mills of 43 Balboa Coves. Newport Beach, and Clnud Stevens ol 410 20th St., Costa Mesa. were Involved In an accident at Balboa Blvd. and 19th St.. Newport Beacb ... Christ ine Worth. 7, and her brother. Randy, 10. fell (rom a pier at their home. 604 VIa Udo Isle. on the sand below and were taken to Hoag Memorial Hos. plt.al by ambulance for treat. ment of Injuries ... R. E. Heflin of 429 Holmwood Dr., Newport Helghta. observed a juvenile boy peering In a window of his borne at 10:~ p.m. and gave chase but l«* him when the boy ran west on Broad St ... e nJDAT, IULT • Mrs. Ruth A. Vetter ot 1309 Cove St.. China Coves, reported tbat chtldren throw und balh at her-home a.tmo.t f!Ver-)' after- noon between 2 and 5 p.m. •.. A vacuum cleaner wu stolen AT Ardiel Joseph A. Walsh of 2441 Mar lno Dr .. Bay Shores. reported that a hit and run car damaged the l"lght side o! his car ... Stanley Henline of 710 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa. charged that a no ac count check for $80 was cashed by a woman allegedly giving the name of Elaine Henry of Los An geles after she made a $60.19 purchase ... James Henson of 319 Marguerite Ave., Corona del Mar. reported the theft of a ma · roon colored bicycle from In front of hls home . . . George Strebe Jr. of 415 E. Ba lboa Bl vd., Balboa. reported the theft of a wa llet containing from $15 to $20 and identltlcatlon papera from an unlocked car at 15th St. and Oenn Frcmt. Jlfewport Beadt ... e IVJmAT. IULT II straight wins to the Indians 8-6. -The Dodgers won over the OpeD All •~t~~t PrSday a.d sdtwday Giants 10·2 on Monday last week * AUTOMATIC ..-sJOI iiDII * only to be defeated by the Cubs 1"08 aa&riATlOifl OlfE 701 1Uftal08 AVE. 10.6 on Wednesday. The Dodgers ua~ l-Ila COSTA IIUA ~ --=---* --~ --= _--- --- DurJng the night tomeone stole a lawn mower a nd etrl'a blke frbm her open garage, Mrs. M. Van Stelnwyk of 234 Hello- trope Ave., Corona del Mar. re ported . . . Stt>ve A. Morrill of 905 E. Bay Front, Balboa, re ported the theft or a rubberized tarp oU his car In the "B" St. parking lot, Balboa ... A win dow broken In the home or Fran· cis Montgomery at 203 VIa Men- tone. Lido Isle. was believed caused by children playing ba ll . . . Four new tubeless tires valued at $151.03 were stolen from a pile outside his service station. Mike Myers of 2201 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar, rto ported ... (Continued on Page 10) pulled ahead in the second in- ning. but lost out when the Cubs brought In 5 runs in the top of the 3rd and then lohn Webster of the Cubs walked one and struck out 3 men to end the ball game. Also. on Wednesday, the Braves slaughtered the Giants 15-0. Home runs were made by the .tollowlng Braves: Chris MC'· LachUn, Larry Broering and Charles Guenther. "nhe Braves pltdler, David Connell, ptkbed a no-hittw and walked 5 men. ea.TAIGIA•AB LUt week saw the Cube atill In 1st place. at the Costa Mesa Park. but winning their game by a single point. Also. the formerly winless Indians have become the team to be feared, having car- ried theiJ" winrug streak to 4 Fund Fair Set For Oct. I st A "Fabulous Fund Fa ir" to be given Oct. 1 at the Rendezvous Ballroom in Balboa Is being planned by the Auxillary of Hoag Hospital. The Fund Fair will be held trom 11 a .m. to 6 p.m.. to be followed by a dance in the evenlng. Mrs. Donald Colegrove, vice president In charge of ways and *BALBOA* (IIW IPEI EVElY IIY) Kiddf!! Day w~~ay aa.uclna V... II yn. Stolen Auto Found in LA means. and Mrs. Joe Preinlnger, - social benefits chairman, are ffll 11111• u D•••••'••• 11 A car stolen from lohnson and Son. Lincoln-Mercury dealer of 900 W. Coast Hwy.. Newport Beach. was found atrtpped In the Los Angeles Lennox ds.trlct. Newport pollee reported last week. jointly In charge of tb1s bospltal~~fr~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ benefit event. · On Friday, July 22, the chair· men enter-taJned at a buffet luncheon at Mrs. Pretntnger'a Lido I.sle home for key workers and presented over--all plans. Dick lohneon of the firm re- ported that a man and woman went out with the red and white car for a demonstration ride and never returned. A aherilf's car reported aeeJng the vehicle going west on Guden Grove Blvd. toward Lone Beach. .... , ... 12 .... ........ , ..... Luncheon euesta lncluded the Auxiliary president. Mrs. D. M. Hummel of 11lree Arch Bay, and Mmes. Bertha nnoteon. eutl• man Smith, Lawrence Spraaue lr., Arthur Gruwell. D. H. Qoum, Hal Dike, R. 1. Collln.s, Warren WU.On. Chules Lamb. ltenn4!tb Kingsley, Fr~ Dawson. EJ.1s. worth Betta. Jack Conedon. Bur· nell Foqey, John Docile. Leon War~. Barbara Swartz. Boward LewLa, William Klram.l and Harry Cue)'. Newport poU~ conflecated 112 cane of beer from a1s boy ju· rDIAIICIAL •ara , r..eu ... a.. ...... ~~.......,..-.a.. tlaltltL cl1tdL .. YUle ....... -.. 01 •• a..atr'• ............. Natll. I ..----.... -. LltltJe.aa.......,. .. ..... a.w v...-··-··· .. aa.-• h.IIIIM. ....aFn IEITIIIIIT I'' PI venlles who were ho14lnr a nol.ly A 7-lb. 15 oz. ,Ul •u born party In an apartment at t:M W~y. July 27, at Boa1 Jlol. Ocean nont. Newport Beadl, at plt.al to Kr. an4 Mn.. Gordon 2:24a.m. Oil w~. Jul)' zt. (dt)' ttnane. omcer> Slckler, 4117 The boy.. from .uu.a and Olen· 38th St.. Jlfewport. The Sldc.t.'8 dora, wer-e petJUone4 to appear aleo bave a eon. born Chrlatmaa Ill ......._ ...._ In Juvenlle eourt an4 Nl~ Day, 1.153. _...;o;;.;; ... =;..=:;.;;=.=.....:;;;;;:w; to the pa.Nnta of OM. 'nMi)' claimed that 1 lllakaD houpt them 10 ~ ot .,.. ln a ucauor ....,. ln IrwiDclale. ........... 1 ••• ., DAY IC.OOL ........ • • I f80WY.MJGa141- Ma.Ddard Ill a 4 e c:::IGtll8 and CUieoal ~Uel e Drapery Hardware • Venetian Bl1n&L save mon~y Mesa to Annex 200-Acre Plot A tlmtadw tract map of a ~. acre wbdlvlalon ln the procna ot belna annnect to the City of eo.ta Mea wu wbmltte4 for atud)' to the eo,rta Mesa city plannlna eollliDlalon Monday evenJna lut week.. The map cal'!a fat 850 alnale- farnOy residences, 27 multiple. famUy residences and elaht:and. &:halt acre. fat eom:merdal de· velopment. 1be land extends • from Harbor Blvd. to Fa.trview • • Bd. and extends northerly from • . tbt! Costa Mesa dty UmJta 600 • ITAJI f&aa • A •••• • ·····= eauu• cletaUa todq I W. L LANDIS oa L. E. CAIRNS Uberty 1-1011 lU &. IM St. COITA IIDA · For Y ... ! People h.ve been wyin9 ••• end believin9 that ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f~t north ol WJ.llon St. The eom. merclal development wUl be lo- cated along HarbOt Blvd. Easter Week Suit Settled The $850.000 Easter Week dam· age suit was settled for ~.500 by the attorneys Involved. The largest amount. S62.500, went to the parents of Diane Doolittle, 16. who remains uncoru~elous In Orange County General Hospital. Other sums Included $9,000 to Jimmy Doolittle. 13; $1,000 to John Kellogg, 18, of Huntington Beach. driver or the car ; $5.500 to the parents of Robert H. Matth· ews. 16. of Huntington Beach. who was fatally Injured In the April 10. 1954, crash, and $6.500 to the parents of Jackie Yarnell. 15. or Costa Mesa, who died of Injuries. ~ ........... . ll1n TrW 1111111' ~ . .1111 BOTC Cadet llobert N. Rlx- ... 110111 Jr.. of llJ Gamet A...._ ~ ~ lalaDd.. requ1nd ..... Fumi~e~ atltctae. ill a tlaamb after be .,. ~ nwatly by a beeR ill Cna.d .. Cadet Jl.taoa waa -... .._Ida .. ..... Wft II ....... l 1NIS .... . macy, Wllllain K. Harper, phyld. eal th-.pllt. and Wooctwel41na Inc. ao..oadl VUlap 11 be- tweeon Kewpon Blv4. and the ~. Jua above the A.rtha VUlaae Drapery aad Interiors, at a.t K. Kewport Blvd., NewpOrt Beach, 11 operated by Mn. Ida Mae Jobrwnan. eu.tom made draperies, maple home tumt.h. Ina• and all ab.es at ready.made curtains are .ervJCN provided by thla t1rm. Roy D. Gawthrop hu been the authortzec! Payne furnace dealer In the harbor area for the put five yeara and wu formerly to. cate4 at Z504 W. Cout Hwy .• Newport Beach. Payne's famous letalu heatlna elements are featured ln the furnaces ln· stalled by Mr. Gawthrop. Ellen'• Beauty Shop 11 oper· ated by Mn. Ellen Ward, and her husband. Dean Ward, pro· vldee a booldceeptnr and tax aerv1<le at 3!W N. Newport Blvd.. ln ero.roada Vlllare. Ellen'• Beauty Shop apecJallzes In per. manent waving, hair tinting and hatr cuttlna. Mrs. Allee PerU' Harbor Health Foods and VItamin Store ls lo- cated at 353 N. Newport Blvd. Mra. Erale Stephens ls the man. aaer. Diabetic diets, hl·proteln dJets, low calorie diets, non-al· lerglc dleu and salt free diets are sold In the store. Vitamins and health foods are also pro· vlded. Ken Smith ls the proprietor of Smith's Professional Pharmacy at 359 N. Newport Blvd. Prescrlp.' tiona are fUled, and a complete line of prescription drugs, borne remMJes, first aid and personal needs are carried by the firm. William K. Harper, physical therapist ls located at 361 N. Newport Blvd. Corrective • mas- sage. hydro massage. electrical muscle stimulation and hot fo. mentatlons are among the ther· apy aids provided by Mr. Harper. Woodweldlng Inc. has offices upstalrs at 355 N. Newport Blvd. In, Crossroads VIllage. Thls firm manufactures high frequency woodwe ldlng equipment and has a plant In Burbank. Jack B. Cun· nlngham ls president of Wood· welding Inc. and has a home on Newport Heights. $3,000Taken At ~urley Bell PIRATI: QUEEN-Pert Yvonne Shu~rt. 16-yur-old Santa Ana Hieh School junlor. wtll reign over the 65th Annlv~ary Orange County Fair. Aug. 8-14. as Pirate Queen. aided by U beautiful princcs11cs. Queen Yvonne also Is Miss Orange County to compete In the Slate Fair Maid of CaiHornia contest at Sacramento on Aug. 28. Land Sought For Theater Possibility of acquiring land on which to construct a Little Theatre building was discussed at a meeting of past presidents of the Newport Harbor Commu- nity Player at the home of tm. mediate past president Rogt>r Hope. lwy bulldlna pe.nnlta totaled ..,.. ln Newport Beadl. bftna· Ina ttae totaJ t« the YMr to tl.ll.S.O. aeeor d 1 a 1 to the JDOathJy report ol -.,monel Glenn. dlrtd.or of tbe Dtpart· mmt ol lullcUna and Satety. Tbla 1a .-n•.OOO &.bead ol tbe July 31 total 1aat year, and t'712.000 ahe&d ot the luly at fll· u.re ln the aU.tlme J'eCOI1I year of 1.951. The luly permits Included 28 ainale famfly dwelllnp. S:SOS.· 600; two 2-family dwelllnp, 137,000; &h re-palrs to dweUJngs , t76,002; five cabanas, 1&300; one men. $100; one eommerclal building, $11.194; three repairs to com.me-cial buildings. $2.400; two swl.mrolng pools, $5.300; three garages, $4.800. The final permits In July were: eaALaOA Max Pope Inc., 6-room, }.story, 1.unft dweling at 426 Bel Vu~ Vane. $17.300. Pump Station Is Man Trap A Newport city sewage depart ment employee was trapped In the sewage pumping station be low the street level at Balboa Blvd. and "A" St., Balboa, at 11 :55 p.m. Monday or last week. The employee, W. L. Murphy. of 316 16th Pl., Costa Mesa.. re ported that while he was in the pumping station someone closed the Iron cover that seals the hole In the stTeet. He was unable to open It from the Inside. C. A Westphal of 815 E. Balboa Blvd .. Balboa, a witness, removed tht> cover. A Cla~ified Ad in fhe Ensiq n brinqs immediote results! Col Harbor II J4. I I I 5 and orove 1t! e a&WIOAT DJGIITS Chater Wulff, 3·room. 1 story, l·unlt dwelJing at 415 Aliso, 16.2)0. e C1lrP IIA VEJf loe Stroup, addJtlon at 415 Stg. naJ Rd., Sl.(XX>. s" •T&Ail LOAJr Coa.trUctiaa J.ocnw 5" •n:.u LOAII e COIIO.A DEL llU Barry ~lin, 4.room, 2story, l · j~~~~~iiii~iiii~iiiiiii unit dwelling at 606 Begonia, i :~A ISLAJm • E II Bert Tilton, extend house at a , I • LIT E Ill I 308 Collins. $800. e aALaOA COVES Uplae~ & Dl.. I Arthur Caron. alterations at 62 D5e ~--:.:.. .._ Balboa Coves. $200. Costa Mesa Lulllber Co. LUMBER-BU1LDING MATERIALS llewpon al...S.... c-t...... ~ .. ,.1 Orco Block Co. BUILDING BLOCKS-AU SJZFS-A,LL TYPES Tht> group exprellSed hope for future expans ion. Including chi! dren's pro d u c t I o n s . summer stock. furnishing entertainment for other civic organizations and other activities possible when a Little Theatre ls fina lly estab llahed . Jim Webb and Roger Hope were appointed to Investigate the possibilities of acquiring a slte and to report at the next m~tlng. Your Sawint~• CAN earn FOUR DIVIDENDS YEARLY! Present at the meeting were President Marjorie Barnett. Eclle .._,,, ...... ...... .... .................. ._ .... _. • ue•••.-tat. n. INdy a.tu. ... l»d Ilia A buraiU took apptOclmately aame.. Bud Beny. Kuthella 13,GG0 eu11 ,._. tbe aputment lta.Ddall, Jo WD*r, Boler and of Fred Henhom on the MCOnd Jacquo Hope, Maurice Roland. Ooor ot the Burley BeD Inn. 3801 J ackie Fhanerln and Jim Webb . .ao DEC.20 CREDIT BUREAU of w..wa cma..-c.aaty (formerly of Newport Beach Laguna Beach It Costa Mesa) _,. BJ..ntde A...._ JO hx * I.Derty 1-7141 lf.-port .... tit~ a..s ....... ....,.. .. ..,. Ida ~ "-........... .... tit. A ,_.,a_ ...,_at Ua..A. be piau to .....,_ Ilia Anay ............ ~9 ._p~et~oa of coJ.J..-...-IE in PebiiiGI"f. Jl1a ,...... ... Mr. and lin. Jlobert N. BtxiiOD. .._.. at 1101 C:O.. St.. ec.a.a del Mar. LAWSOIIS CET CIBL A daughter. Deborah. was born to Mr. and Mrs. Howard D. Law. son of 1500 Haven Pl., Clllf Haven, In Hoag Memorial llos pltal on Saturday. July 23. a. lart.ll&ll'! YARN SHOP r/47 E. Coast B.lgtaway ConDa del Mar IIA 0157 Knitting. Crocheting and E. Cout Hwy., Mrs. Hersborn no- titled Newport pollee at 5:10p.m. Saturday, July 23 . Entry to the apartment was gained by prytna open a door, apparently by someone using a knife. pollee said. The burglar apparently knew the apartment. because he went to a dresser which has six drawers and only opened the two drawer.~ In whlcb there were cash r~ipts. pollee reported. BOaiJfSOIIS CET SOif A son, Steven Reed; was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson of 1419 Serenade Terrace. Irvine Terrace. In Hoag Memorial Hos· pltal on Thursday. July 21. PLATELTS CET SOK A son. John Edward. was born to Mr. and Mr.~. John Flately of 600~ Dahlia Ave .. Corona del Mar. In Hoag Memorial Hospital on Saturday, July 16. Newport ~nd In Valuation Newport Beach Is second only to Santa Ana among the 15 cities In Orange County in total as· sessed valuation ror 1~. Here are the totals for the top five: Santa Ana Newport Beach _ . Fullerton . Anaheim Huntington B<'a<'h Cost a MPSa Is $15.~1.180. $71.898.250 53,(Yl3,050 50.610.290 47.1i9.770 42.8."15.750 eighth with In the amount of Increase !rom 1954 to 1955. Newport Bea<'h. with $3.969.310, was Se<'Ond only I to Anaheim's $9,921,470. Fuller· ton was third with $3.90l.i60. ap4....__ Costa Mesa fourth with $3.696':36o lncreue. 1 Needi:/r"~~ i'!~~lles soli ro• ELLSWOJ1'111 11.... ll .. llltlr .. Specialized Accessories I A aon. James Alan. was born 8---L il 1-J-L .... and Instructions to Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ellsworth IINI5Il --•- BOUJIS I or 430 Catallna Dr.. Newport Atnnan First Class WaltE'r ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~M~o~~~~~~~~L~~~O~L~m~.t~o~5~p~~~~~H~e~lg~h~~~~on~Th~u~~~~~~·~J~~~y~l~~ ~~terk~ffih~juM~urned In Hoag MemoTial Hospital. . to the Munich area In Germany from a two month tour of duty In Athens. GreecE'. The recently promoted member or the U. S. Tbia Coupon and30e Good For ODe FOR YOUR GARDENING AND LAWN NEEDS MAlE YOUR HEADQUARTERS AT BAY IRSE .RY I -Gallon Carob or Poclocwpua Tree .Aug. 5 thtu 20 485 E. 17th SL COSTA MESA Phone Liberty 8-502& • ..... Ceat ..., .. or... If-'ll at rant ... w ... ...... pwt..,lddfetwlMu... A WID. YAmn'Y 01' TllllD .... sunua -&.....-. a...&a...leed .... ... A 'r .... ,...... Allier ...... ..... ,..... ca-.,... ., &:It" =· ae-.... .. 0. I d:c r 'I•• Lila f' tm ,..... ..... X a ... ., . -Ollntw "" ··-.... ....... ftc I I • Dll lue&.....,a.. Air Force wrote hts parents. Mr. and Mrs.. W. C. Buchterklrchen of 331 Drlltwood Rd .. Corona High lands. that he enjoyed GrH'C't', where the climate and the watt>r reminded htm of Southern Cali- fornia. WbUe wintering In Ger. many. he hu enjoyed plenty or skUne In the past. aAJmELS QET 1&H I B A son. Marlr David. was born to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond F. Bandel of 318 Jasmine A\-"e . Co· rona del Mar. on Sunday, Juty ~ In St. Jo.wph Hospital. He jolns his alx broth«& ~ Eu- pne, Tttoma.s, 'nmotby, John and lAo and th1'ft .,.... M&rJ Anlt&. VtratnJa and CedUa ln U..laJnUJ. ----------- JAMES D. RAY lzl'l Pn Time for Christm.s) •... anJ with SAFETY too! DIVIDENDS 4 TIMES YEARLY mt"an ~r earnillp for yoo. When tbe dividend Is eompoud- ed -:wlded to your aeeouat-tt be~ f!U'Iling Immediately. A big PLUS fa.ctor m loag·na~ 8&lillg. INSl"RED SAFET\' 1M1U1S that yoor Sa"iDgs ~ luu""" apiut 1oM by the Federal Sa viDp alld Loan ·~ <Jorpontioa. .. agettcy of the UnHM State. Gol>-enmeat. I elolit-9amble ~AJith "'Y .savt HfS ,I NEWPORT IALIOA SAVINGS NEWPORT lEACH, CAUFORNtA CORONA DB. MAR OFRCE T elephot~e H.ri>or 5220 a.7 IAA COASt tMHWAY • ~ l•ol•••11 COlONA DIL MAl .................. I A double dlvtnc eont.t wu were won by Kuy Lou Lloyd; held l&tt week by IDitmben of Junlcw anowbW races were won the Balboa llland Yacht Club be-by Marlhall Wr .. ht and Carol cauw no divine matcbee were WUUama: eenlor snowbird races held the prev1ou• ...._ whlle were both won by Commander members walt~ for the ln.talla-Baum. Uon ot a new dlvlnl board.. Paddlebaat~: J8chle Llyod, Thla announcment wu made Wendy Blair, J im Brtdfman, at the Ju ly 22 reneral meet1n1 Chttst1ne Swim, Bill DeWitt, Jo- ot the club conducted by Com-anna Jevne and Jobn Herrlncton. mander Make Baum. Mike SwhnmJnr: Wayne Landis, awarded first pJace ribbon. for Vldde Newberry, J lm Brtd1man. the week'• actJvlUee to followlnl Carol Wblte, Georee Haua.er, members. Linda Preston and Bill LaneJahr. Sa JUne : both d ln&hY races Rowin g: RJcble LJoyd. Wendy iiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii BJalr, Steve Stump, Charlotte Stump, BUl DeWitt. Lolita Ken- nedy and Blll LaneJahr. r-...0\S Eo....lJO'f TV At the JuJy 15 meeting ot the Bal boa Is land Yacht Club, Com- modore Mike Baum presented tlrst place ribbon. for that week. ....... Balboa dinghy .clag....-tlrst race won by Randy Wzleht. second by I Ma rY Lou Lloyd. • Junior snowb irds -both races ONT .. PATIO ,,. ... ,... "'""ovo~y gra •n•d ftnhh. Mod•' 21T,715. $269.95 NEW 21-IKCH RCA VICTOR Rollaround TV with .. Hidden Panel" Tuning! W•'-'-' RCA V\et«'aaatt.. ... "Bia· Wheel" R.oUarOWid TV1 Latp wbeela-not' c:uten -make it easy to move any- wh~re in your home-even on thick carpets or over doorstlls. eo ... h• , .... ,-~.rollthe new 21-mch RCA Vtctor TraPUtllr! •EW "4-rlU$" PICTUU QUALITY t 1 1 OO'l ovtomot•c gou\ control t 2 • s""'. ttobil~., tho·t "''"' if't.,. • .,..n(. e1"en . •J t 71. •atr-o brightnftt , (4~ ll 'l eatra corttro tt, fer UHf -New Hl9h l~e ... Q UHJ tw•l"• co .. n 70UHf chon· ~-.A{t-·-' nela ln 2~ •K onclal Opto.....,l. W"ltl •~tro, ot ne w low c:o11 I A •• oftowt tlrte • .. ,,.,.;.,. •cA Y.ctor 1enrlce cott,tod TARTER'S TV Across rrom the Port Theatre Corona del M ar-H A 5491 won by ~rge Va ndervort. Senior snowbirds -first race won by Pete Gibe, second by John Haskell. Pa ddle boa rding -first place ribbons to John Vallely, Wendy Blair, Randy Wright, Mary Lou Lloyd. Bill DeWitt. Gall White, John H e rr i n gton , a nd Larry I Stump. Swlmmlng-Richle Lloyd, Pat Rohrs. Jim Brldgman. Carol I White. George Hauser. BUl Twist, Jeanne Jones a nd Bill Langjahr. Dlvlng-Rich le Lloyd. Wendy Blair. Jim Br idg man. Carol Wil- lia m!';. J im Jones. Jeanne Jones, Mike Baum. Dick Bridgman, Allee Burns. Rowi ng-Rk hie Lloyd. We ndy Bla ir. J im Bridgman. Charlotte Stump. Marshall Wright, Lolita Kennedy, Larry Stump. THE roua 13LOIIER 1 Continued from Pa~re 8 ) e MONDAY. AUG. I Jack Ea rl<' of Hollywood re portNI !Paving two l<'at ht>r cases containing camt.>ras and photo <'Qulp ment valued a t $1.400 on a curb near the Port TheatrE.>. Co rona dt.>l Ma r . Ethel Abels or 202 41 st St . l'\ewport Bl'ach. complained that boys pulled plugs causing ht.>r 16 root skirr to sink at its rpooring ofC 43rd St ... e TUESDAY. AUG. 2 Humane Officer Geol'ae Myera disposed of an opossum ·cau1ht In a trap by Mrs. Ina Scbmfdt of 3309 Clay St.. Newport Heights . . . Emily Ruste nbach ot 510 Aliso Avt.> .. Newport Heigh ts. rt>- ported tht' theft of her son's bl l.'yl.'le from Newport Harbor Union High School ... Otrircrs wnrnPd pc.>piP fishing on the jf't1 y who attPmpted to snag Mr. a nc1 Mrs Louis Warrlen of 2022 \11ram ar Dr . Ba lboa. as t hey I . 1 <;Warn by In the water ... MRS. LEBOBGNE DIES Holy rosary was recited Sun- day at Parkes Ridley Mortuary Chapel Cor Mrs. Marie Louise Le Borgne. 7 ~. or 1471 E. Baker St .. Costa Me-.a. who d ied In Orange Cl)unty Hospita l. Mass wa s cele · brated Monday at St. Joach im's Ch urch. "Hints" from House and G arden . at Newport by Connie Mitchell Interior Designer * T 0 doy we II 'ell f '":IU oboul our upholstery workroom ond the thing. thot hove been done ... O ne cli ent hod o sofo thot wos constontly cleoned, finolly weor- ing ou t completely becouse of her smoll childr_en. She brought her problem to us ond this is how we solved 1t. It ho~ three loose cushions for the seoting section ond three cush•ons for the bock. W e took "Boucle" plostic in o solid color ond covered one side ond the boxing of the cushions. The reverse side wos covered in 0 lovely printed fobric. For constont weor ond teor the ''Boucle" wos used. If the cushions were soiled by dirt, food. or ony of the other messes kiddies con moke. she simply wiped them off with o domp rog. When guests were expected. the fobric side wos turned over end o chorming effect wo s creoted. Another cilent wonted o huge · tuffet"--48 inches in diameter. We hod our "cobinet meker" meke e retton bose in the teek fini sh ond our upholsterer Mr. Chorles mode o 48 inch round foom slob. Then it wos covered in o lu scious fabric. Not only wes it o stunning piece of furniture. but wos used constantly for extra seating copoc.ity. ond wos surprisingly comfortable. These ore just a few examples of whot is done in our workroom, so if you hove ony upholstery problems, be sure and brin9 them in. We'll help you 'olve them. * HilS£ ad Gar~tl fwltW.Iftt for ......... .,.. .......... dul.. yechh. ., .... c..e .......... , ...... Aft• a tedlotle op.ndon and two weelca In Oood Sa.rDa.rttan Ho.pltal, Loll Aftp lee, Blll Ba.J. Unrer. 80n ol It&. and M.ra. 1'. Duncan StAlwart. 18 home wltb bla t oUu 1n Shcn CIW.. Blll'a ltiU rot a lonr row ahead with at Jeut three monthe In compllte cute for hla lep and eeveral more montiU wtth pa.rtJal help. After th'-year, however, this already active young man h opes to be juet about eood as new, acoordlne to Mrs. Stewart. ------PO liNEa JlESIJ)EifT DIU • I ••a TllEAT ._ u... ...u trr cat t1ae ........., ...mv pcaac:alte Dona ld Gaylord Richards, 45, a resident of Newport Beach for 20 years before movlne t o San Diego, died ot a h eart a ttack last Thursday In Nationa l City. He was a captain for a sportflshlng company In San Diego. Newport Harbor Seafaring Lodge con- ducted m asonic services Monday a t Parkes.Rldley Mortuary . bnakfaat .-ftC~ by Rewpan IA9Iclla ha •1 ,... a ride ID thia balD oe wlleel.L Ben u..y-.. J••"nv llP at t~ae bNaldat ate ID tbe AU Amerlcaa parlda9 lot. DMI' tbe MariDen Mlle. (E.ulp ftoto) •• Froz en Foo ds e--~ tJ Tuna Dinners BlllDSETE-SUced Strawbenies 10 OL Pq .. SKALL SWEET ]1JJCE .. 39¢ ... 23¢ ORANGES 4¢•· GOLDEJf SWEET CORN 5 ••• ,9( D'I'M I' AlleY • CANTALOUPES 2 for19¢ KENTUCKY WOifDEII BEANS 2 1h.19¢ S.OZ. PEG. MUSHROOMS 29~ BOU. T --5 lb. Sack SUGAR 43~ Boneless Rolled Roast GROUND ROUND SWISS STEAK . ' ROUND STEAK STEW BEEF Choek Roast 39•· BACON GOLD CODf I -LL CELLO lea._ around Beef 4L...'I~ SPARE RIBS C4=· 49._ Pork. Chops Elf!) CUT BORDWAa&-AMt. Colon I r ....... &a Jllll. Paper Plates 1 0~ .AilQADf .AIKET-'Witole ....._1 lb. pq. COFFEE 59l CBEP BOTAilDEE SPA~ AJn) KEJIIfS-Z lb.Ja IIJLUDAL&-.IIImd Meat Balls ~~ , 21¢ Strawberry Ps. 55¢ ~!!~!~~-::~~~!! §yiiiiji-M;; ........ 53¢ (;isup ~--......... . Cake Mixes 25¢ nancr•on 8110UT·----·-·· . CC .. 00CSUPEa-AULA~OL 6 ,.,58/J Tea Bags • ..__: ........ 4~ !.~ .. --·····-··----25¢ Cca....... 7~ POLQoH... Salad D • ~ D1 ·1·P-: .. kl.llclecl 12-. 2311 ~o~--=-········:·79¢ ress1ng ~3( I I( es ~---.. ··-~ ' . ..