HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-08-25 - Newport Harbor Ensign, City Oil Wells Get 1 ,000 Barrels Daily Newport Beach tideland oil J ohn Sailon announced t b la weUa off West Newport are prp-week. duclne approximately 1.000 bar-Well number seven put on the rels of oU a day, City Manager pump la.lt week is now averaging II Members for Chamber in . Lido Drive El~n more new mempers were obtained In the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce drive Tueeday, ·and there were 13 addltJona.l prospects. Ju.t one campatrn team wu in operation Tuesday, and they covered only the Udo Shopplne Center. Next TuHday's drive, be- linnln& Wfth an 8 Lm. breakfast at Howud'a, wW cover the Ka- rlnen lllle. In followtne wed~ tMJD8 wl1l ao Mclc owr the otller .......... Dog That Bit Boy Is Sought A ... Utat lilt aa u .,_.. .... ...... ~..,lutla&u*J .............. ,.,...k,.._ ... ..........,.u...., ... ufJI .. a. ,.._,.. Pu&eu .. tzrl .. Jft&ed .... ,._ I a'lDk ......_ ....... ADa lleeka, .... .................. wat.. •F• ............. .... ., ....... --........ . ....... ..,., ............. .... • ... ..._ 'De ha'Grl .., ........... :IJ .......... wa.ra.ra......_~ .. ...._ .. , ........... u.. ................ u.. ..... ..- ......... L 12G barrels a day but wltb a high cut of water, Mr. Sailors said. Perforations were put into the pape from 8,128 to 6,178 feet, 6,210 to 8.220 feet, 5,763 to 5,783 feet and !1,795 to 5,895 feet. Some of the perforations must be cement- ed to end the flow of water, he added. Several additional tidelands wells will be drilled starting early in September. City oal revenue from the city-owned tidelands muat be spent for harbor im · provementa according to state law. Stirrat Tabler, 64, retired pe troJeum products salesman of 352 E. let.h St., Costa Mesa, died Fri- day in his home after a short ill- ness . Mr. Tabler had lived in Costa Mesa for the past nine months and in California for 25 years. He is aurvived by his wile, Mrs.. Ruth Tabler; a son, Stirrat 'hbler Jr. of Vlaalia and a aister, Mrs. Mar- ion Sebastian of Cbka1o, Ill Funeral services were held 1\letlday in the Baltz Corona del Mar Mortuary. The Seafarinl Muonlc Lodte conducted the ser- vices. 1100 ona A aLOa Tbe R. S. Holdens ~ve moved trom 112 Pom.ttta. Corona del Mar, to~ Poppy. Meetin Set on ·rraler Park Plans NeWpOrt City Council will bold an adjoW'Iled meetine at 4 p.m. Monday to receive lts committee report on plans for expanding and ilnprovin1 the City Trailer Park on the Newport Bay Front. Several new plana have been prepared by City Manaeer John Sailon -one of them, No. 8, be- inl cln.tted u a result of a meet- ine with the Citizens Committee for Parks. and Playgrounds last week. Council received a letter from the committee Monday eve- niDI expressing approval of Plan No. I . This plan ca.lls for a public beach, 83 feet in depth along the entire frontage of the present Trailer Park, with no private beach for exclusive use by Trail- er Park residents. It would provide 90 trailer sites, and 112 car spaces in a parkmg lot near 18th St. Only modifica- tion asked by the Citizens Com- mittee was pedestram access at the easterly end of the beach. Water Skier Is· R-un Over in Upper Bay · Blll Pinney, 21, of EJ Monte suffered a fractured skull in a water skiing accident in upper bay Saturday afternoon and was taken to Hoae Memorial Hospital by Newport police. Pinney ·fell from water skis be- hind a boat operated by Bob l..ansford of E1 Monte and was run over by a boat followiD~o op- erated by Walter Carl«r cal ~ TilES£ LADS ..U, .. DOt trrt-9 to talk tll-sslfte oat cal a ~ tldi:M. n..y ,.... Contested Law Passes 1st Reading An ordmance banning pinball machines in Newport Beach was introduced at Monday evening's City CouncJ.l meetmg, and was passed to second readmg by a slim 4 to 3 majoraty. The motion for first reading was made by Councilman J. B. Stoddard and seconded by Ill ayor Dora Hill. Councilmen Sandy MacKay and Lee Wilder JOined them in voting yes. Voting no were Councilmen Stanley Radderhof, Gerald Ben- nett and Clarence Higbae. They saad they favored outlaWlng pin- balls but wanted the ordmance to become effective next July l, upon exprration of thtS ftSCaJ year's hcenses. • COMING UP SEPT. 1! Tbe ordmance will come up for I second reading at t he next regu- lar meetmg, on Monday, ~pt. 12. U approved then, it will become effectJve 30 days later. In that event, a pro-rated amount of the $2,000 hcense f~ would be re-I funded to the hcense holder, Clyde Denllncer of Balboa. The ordmance, prepared by Caty Attorney Karl Davts, is pat terned alter the Long Beach law. It would outlaw ptnball machmes tn all areas of the oty except a ! "duly licensed penny arcade." This would allow the eames to be operated 1n the Balboa Fun Zone, "subject to laws pert.aulin& to gambline:· • PINE AND JAB.. TaM abot by em Euip pial"""= -. MCiriiMn MU. ltoaday talldet ap a trip. '!be 9UY IB the abol1s ta. of -..... actw Leo Carrlllo. wbo ~ dow1l ._. -waJarly ,_ flabt~ At the left Ia Ead & B...t of R..,..-t. aJttppa of --~-------------------------------------- VJolatJon of the ordinance would be a misdemeanor, punish- able by a fine ot not m~ than $500 or a jail MDtence DOt a - eeediq ax IDOiltba, ~ both. Tbe Lobster Bake 'l'hn!e lon.a bleached bones, be- lieved from a small child, were toumed over to Newport police by Alden P . Sadler of 317 Alva- rado Pl.. ~boa. at 12:50 p.m Saturday. Sadler said ht> found the bones washed up on the beach ~low the Castaways Restaurant in the upper bay. Police sent them to the crime laboratory for eomination. ordl....,... for ....ti-. Boating Class Is Scheduled I ' I f&UMDAY. Avavft' & 1- (JoJ. ~~~ ~ ••• 8y COl. AJIDUW W.IIIJI'& P r M 'w .. atr C < ,... ..... ~ ......,, -~ ..... City .. ....,.,. ....... c.llf. OMc. ::.~ ......................... 1110 L c...t ....... ,. CotON .... WINNI C»THI CAUI'OlNIA NIWSIAHI PUIUSHilS ASSOCIATION ~ J tile NAtiONAl HNTQaiAl ASSOCIATON Moll.tt ~~ z• I. c...t .,.......,,, c.-4.1 Mor, C.llfO'ftl• TlLlPHONES: HAttlw 1114 •1141 1111 0 0 0 1\e NEWPORT HAliOl ENSIGN llet t...11 4oterMIIIed to bo • IIO""fNfJMf' ef f OIIOroJ ..... +*I ~ J\Mit_. J tM S.,.n. C... •ft41 lw ,..._ tt.-f M .-llfl.4 .. ~ ol p11blic llotiCM teqllltecf ity l.w 111 111 .. ; Ellt•'"' ot 5Moft4 0.• W.ttw Ia tho P..t Offko ot CorOfto 4ol Mor. C.llf. AlVO E. HMPA Llltor •11cl '-'bllah.t PI$ HMPA... __ . ·-·--··-·-.Auoc&.to Wltw HUGH MoMILLAN ·-·-··-·-Newt Phototfopher HAT L JOHNSON..__________ _ ___ ._.Yvertlslnt Olfectw SAM MITCHELL • _ ·-·--A.fvortlal119, Prlntift9 IUIY STEVENSON__. . -~•••1* SUISCIUPTION UTES Locol 111b.cripttoR rotoe: r-yoo.--$5.DO; ot~o yoo~l.OO Ovt.Wo of .... Horbw Ateo: r-yoo.--$7.00; ON , •• ,..........oo I I i I 0 "? k 0 :e;;;,l I M ~: M M ii~ M M M p I M M 8 M 8 M H M H S 8 I I M M 8 M 8 M e H)M:+ M M e M M & M 8 E e + M i . e BOUQUETS TO FOUR COUNCILMEN Bouquets to four of our councilmen, who cost the necessary majority votes on the first reading of Ordinonc' 755 to outlow pin· boll ma chines in the City of Newport Beoch: Mayor Doro Hill, Coun· cilme., Sondy MocKoy. J. B. Stoddord and Lee Wilder. • • • e WHAT MAKES SAMMY RUN ? It looks like Olympic diving star ond Army Mojor Sdmmy lee is going to get thot Oronge county home he -wonts~t leost he hos plenty of offers now that his encounter with raciol discriminotion hes caught the criticol eye of notion-wide publici ty. Mojor lee is on American born Koreon. His wife. soon to have o boby, is on Americon born Chinese. The ma jor hod been on o speak- ing tour in the For Eost. proising the United Stoles for tts tolerance end lock of roce prejudice. Meonwhile his wife hed been denied the right to buy o home in Gorden Grov,. becouse selling to Chinese might reduce the volue of surrounding property in the troct." There wos o surge of righteous indignotion when all this become publoc knowledge through newspaper stories. Sommy lee suddenly become o heroicolly desiroble neighbor. Sommy is on Olympic stor. He is on Americon Army officer, veteron ;,f World Wor II ond the Koreo fighting .... I think thot Sammy. o good Americon, is show· ing up o lot of hypocrites who hove suddenly become his steunch suppor~ers. Sure, they're for Sommy. o hundred ond one per cent. But let them seorch into their heorts. How do they feel obout the hundreds of other Lees? Abou t the lees who do not hove the glom· orous odvontoge of Olympic stordom? How mt!lny of the folks now coming iretely to the defense of Sommy le~ con come forth honestly with cleon heerts--free of the prejudice thot leads to rociol discrim· int!ltion7 I om ofreid that the Sammy Lee cose is only o magnificent ex· <:eption, and thot the prejuqice e90inst the hundreds of other Le.s a11is ts in en alorming number of h~rts. Don't get me wrong. You certoinly hove the right to d islike ony given individuol-whether he be Chinese, or Jew, or Negro, or Ger- man. or lrishQ'1&n, !or of my own encestry. Finnish, with its heritoge of Or'entol origon). That s a perso.,ol matter w th each of you. But whet mo•ol pronc iples do you foil bod: O'l +-:> de'end your pretud•ce ogoinst a whole roce 7 S ... ch prejudoce does e•ist !!Ill oround ~.o<. Such fol ~s leep the.r pri,.coples in theor pocletbooh. olong with the small change. Its okoy to st d lo prtnc pie they stJy, if it doesn t hurt the poclce+boo~. Bu t of the eccheque• is imperilled, then principles c ~n I alee a bod seat • UQII'ft.ATIO• May I augJtlll to the Coundl that rqi.ltraUon ol voters l.n the City Hall be made convenient. and a part ol the prescribed dutles of the clerk's office, and that all penonael In that otoce be made deputies of the county clerk ao that a dtlzen Jf1AY re&ta- ter at City Hall any l\our from 8 to 5. Just a while back a cttl. ren was sent to me to be regis- tered because she was not able to register at the City Hall. Here are the reglsttation depu. ties In the various ~ons of the city: Balboa-Mrs. Eleanor C. Thayer, 1706 Miramar Dr. Balboa Island-Charles E. Zube, Fire Station, 323 Marine Ave. Bay Sbor~Mrs. Marjorie F. Gamble, 2652 Vlsta Dr. Corona del Mar-Tommy Fos- ter, 2916 E. Coast Hwy.; Andrew W. Smith, 3400 Ocean Blvd. Corona Hlgblanda-MJchael C. Healy. 436 Morning Canyon Rd. Newport-City Clerk Margery Schrouder, City Hall: Mrs. Bar- bara A. Macl>onald. Engineering Dept.. City Hall; Mrs. Joan D. Moore, city manager's office, City Hall; Mrs. Evelyn A. Ellerman, 2606'At W. Ocean Ft.; Mrs. Julia Mae Eggert. 1608 W. Ocean Ft.; Mrs. Katherine R. Windle, 409 Clubhouse Ave. May I timidly lJuggest that In the outlying fire stations, Balboa and Corona del Mar. at least two or the fire laddies In each take on the job of registrars as a con- venience to the unregistered vot- ers-as a service to the pubUc which pays them. It won't handt. cap them during an alarm 'cau&e there won't hardly nobody at all want to register when they can go to a fire. • • • e IIELP. KB. BOBEllTS AJl I know Is what t read In the papers. This is what they said. Our worthy COWlCU referred a letter from a citizens' commJt. tee concerned with the Trailer Park to the Park. Beach and Jlec. reatlon Commission. Thereby the whole matter was before them for consideration. Even though the City Manager sent word they were not to handle lt. they dl!- cussed It and referred It to a commlttM! of their members to study. Then the Council decided they had made a mistake. Thle was not what they had Intended to do. so they struck this action (rom the minutes. Now ~~ to tbe Ge.eral. -Roberta that ~minutes are a record of things done. Anything can be later rescinded lt nothing has been done In the meantime which cannot be undone. can you undo a committee discussion and action? But our council did not rescind. they just took the who le thing out of the minutes. the pa!>('r says. Then was the Commission acting Illegally? What will their minutes show? Help-Help-Is there a parlia- mentarian In the house? • • • for o wh;le. Whot ~ond of morality is thot? e WA TCR THE BUSSIAJfS I What t really think of the Rus i~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii s I a n s will not Cit In here. Their switch In approach takes me Pr.tvate Pol.tce Patrol back to my g lass factory days. The most effective rough and Merchants, industry and residential are ... a tumble fighter In the plant was """' a blower who could hit like a LOW MONTHLY RATES m ule a kicking. He trained on Boat patrol available for waterfront esta1es, boat the heavY punching bag to keep owners and industrial waterfront facilities. ~~a~~~h!n~1rtgl~k~~a~.e ~~~ Plcdll dDtb .. Gild aalformed offleen for tough guy was looking for All Oc:caalou troublE'. and that nothing but Commerc.lal Securl•ty Pafrol trouble would satisfy h im, our man Charlie would approach a-• ~. 120 s. KalA st. him with a placating snllle and Scmta ADO. C011fonakl. Kimberly 27021-(day •lliabt) with a frlendy pat on hl.s left hand would tilt his chin up and, still smiling, he would bring that right from left field to that Call HArbor 1114 lor Job Prilltillg point on the bully's anatomy known as the button, or point of the chin. and boom! Curtains. . su ·a·sc11 To The Newport Harbor Ensign The only weekly newspaper in the Harbor Area ONE YEAR ------ODiy 3.10 Outside of Harbor Area _____ uo MAIL Df TBD OIIDD _. 1'0Va OIJ'CZ w CAlli TODAY Name Mailing Address" _________ __..........., ___ ~ City cmd State .....;.._----------------...;....-...;;........;... And that. my fMlow Amet1caM. II In Ia)' humble oplDJon aac:tl)' the taeta that the Commlee are up to--cmlUng, friendly, let's aet alone, dlaarm, and then tilt ou.r chl.n In perfect ~tlon. and boom. another Pearl Harbor. U you remember, Mr. Kuruau, who ranked me out of a seat at Mantia In the last tlvlllan plane to the United Statee before the war broke out, was In Washing. ton tilting our chin to the right posltlon for the bll boom of 7 December 1941. Walk around them like you would a friendly copperhead snake. With the Russians. a promise Is a promJae, and always will be. "Man's best trtend 15 a round. trip ticket." (BaM.) Ctrrs best friend Ia her mad money. (Andy Smith.) • • • e BOJfUTT PubUc servants not only should be meticulously honest. but they mu.st avoid any aemblance of ac· ceptlng the slightest favor given in the guise of friendship by anyone whom they could help in their oftlclal poaltlon. Our citizens. especially our youth, must by example be taught to respect the Integrity of our lawmakers and enforcers . The scandals and loose moral standards of our eovernment of. tlclals give a sorry picture to not only our own citizens, but to the other nations of our world fam- Ily. This destroys their faith In our given word. Down In Texas a description of an honest man is: "that hombre Is honest; lt he promised to klll you, you can just bet your llfe that he'll do IL" The practice of the city clerk In the past accepting money from the county tor regl.strftlons done on city time ls a small Item -but. was It strictly honest! I am accused of takine up space by harping on mJnutiae. Are there degrees ot dl.sbonesty? Llke maybe just a little bit don't count! That's like having just a touch of pregnancy. • • • After weelo ol unbelievably two conviction&. There'a notblng horrible albacofe luek (I'm that bMts belng out with trt.nda apeaklnl only of myaelt) I fl1-In a hot echool or big Jona.flrw ured 1t was about tlme to do and hook-ups all around. Tbe 10methlng about it. The drought other one t. that lt Jacty Juclt bu Ia over, thank.8 to SkJpper Johnny been actlfl.l u though you were Hau and bla Su-Zan. Thursday, an over-ripe tom cod. your ~t ln the good company of a short road to flsh-happlnea 11 wtth dozen of fellow-membefs.ln.whlte, one or the harbor' a aklppen who I enjoyed aomethlng ak.Jn to tl!e go out and bring 'em 1n wery ''good old days" of 19:50. We got day. Thank-. Johnny. Next t1ine bade to Norm'a Landing with 25 my flahlng fortunee are low, I'll big fish in the sacks. know what to do. 1 There were three neophytes • JfVIIEIM) VJfO aboard-Dra. IJncoln Grindle, Co-Eltewbere In the En.aJgn, you'll rona del Mar; John Hamel. New. see a picture of the tint marlin port Beach, and Ja.y Longley, Co-ot the teuon. No lf&Y·bearda in rona del Mar. Each boated his t.h.W atory. It wu dellnJtely one flnt long.fln. Then John Hamel for the boys. Bob Davia, wbo. un. got real bot and added two more tU this year, ran the Two Billa to his bag. Our suggestion for out of Davey's Locker, wu the the most foolish' question or the successful captain. Aa one of the week Is to ask any of this trio: youngest charter-boat aldppen In "Do you think you'll go albacore the harbor, he must bave re- fJshlng &lain?" celved a well-deserved lift. The e JtD.L DEaBY angler, Jerry Garrett. of Pasa. Dr. Jack Parsons ol Laguna dena, 17 years old, hu been a was jack-pot man. with a 27 lb. member ot the Balboa Angling 15 oz. albacore. This fine Ilsh not Club for only two aeuon.a. Hla only took the foldln' -money but marlin know-how wu respon- put him at the top or the Orange slble for hls c,atch, which wu County Medical Assn. fishing ma de on the west edge o1 the A TASTE of lwnariou.a tall cq> derby, a competition sponsored 14.mile bank, smack In the mid. parel was sern4 cr. tbe ciJ.D.Dw ~ach summer by the Pfirer Lab-die ot the albacore fleet. h.our crt tbe 8cd.boa aay Club oratories. Coincidentally, they The story goes that Bob and wh• Harbor Ana ~bop. _... make Bonamlne, a popular rem-Jerry spotted a marlin working MDted •Aatumll ADc:hOII'Cip, .. a edy for sea-sickness. bait. They kept feeding him an· key style pnMDtatioa lex botb Dr. Bob Olander. Newport 1 chovt~s while Jerry caught a m• cmd womea. Ta11ya Buell Beach. only dentist aboard. ex-mackerel, which was transferred, of ConGa del Jla:r ta abow1a tracted a nice blue rtn tuna from pronto, to a marlin outfit. In here m~lliDg a di.a&MI' ct... the mouth of the Pacific as well went the mack~rel and that was Gild tun. Amoag B~ ana as several albacore. Everett Ban-(Continued o n Page 11) abop. ablbittll9 faall-.. ,..,.. nlster. Santa Ana, executive sec- Bidwell'• Ston for Mea.. Bul• retary of the O.C.M.A., an old SAT JT WITJI Smart Shoe. Gild Shaddock'• hand at albacore. went home lllc., Udo lale. (Teny Boris with a well-filled sack. Dr. photo) "Norm" Carlson. Newport Beach, • QUESTIONS put four lunkera In his bag, tor Are the trailers In the City J probably the biggest catch on Trailer Park being sub-let! If so. UJfiOB ROBSENEJf EVEWT the boat. Drs. "Larry" Whittaker, Is It legal on public property? Two Junior riding groups, the Huntington Beach; AUen Cottle, Is It a violation of their lease? Centaurs or Corona del Mar and Corona del Mar, and yours truly Do you think you should be the Companeros ot Costa Mesa were the others In the party. We able to elect your own council-will hold a play.day gymkan~ sure had tun! 3403 E. Coat Bwy. 8 man In your district without the at the Newport Harbor Buftalo help or hindrance of the voters Ranch this Sunday. Various con 1 didn't take the most or the COJIOIIA DEL NAil 1 th th d'-"-1 • ..... I t biggest but I got a 21-pounder n e o er utu eta. • .. s ques. ests !eaturlng horsemanship that fully satisfied my alba"""re ..._. Bad>or 50'71 tion is circulating on petitions !$.kill will be held. "" to~a~IJ~~e~~to~w ======~=~---~!Y:~:-~I~c~=~e~h~o~m~~~~~~~~~~n~g~,~w~t~~~~~~=~====~~~ the publlt to decide at the polb. Whether you think the Jaw change l.s Indicated or not, your signing of the petition will. give the people a chance to decide whether a change is necessary. blip's PWepa,._ Slloots lr~~l• Storr A tw.pogoe apnad of cpu~~. loll buatlllv plc:'tules by Ell· aip pb.tograpber llagJa Me. Mlllcm appears lD the s.pt.m. ber laue of PMld arad Stnam magaai.De. The ml41llght cmtlc:a of tbe Soutbena Callfonala gruA!OD buatillg frat..-nlty are deplct.cl lD tbe plc:tur• tcabD aloog local beoebes. C11 Yo1R......._? CG:Il you remember wh• the bridge to 1J4o ble ..,. decJIMt wttb oae row of two by 12-IDc:b plcmb nft1D9 lD tbe mad aac1 tules -two by foun7 It ..,. built* tbe c::rew of Jape wbo aaec1 ...,..... to build tbe mad em. ....... tbe Sala:Dd beiUDd wtalda ...., ......... ... to ... tM l.alaDd. 'n» •Jap bdcl9e"" ,.. loclnl4 ..... --.....,. .. tile .... peld&a - t.M ..-t Lido lale ...... ... .... It reqaJnd Mill ............. ., ............ ..................... .... ...... tale ..... SPECIAL FOR Thursday-Friday-Saturday Auguat 25-26-27 OIIL T SWJPT'S PllEMIVII BEEF SOLD liEU Cbo&ce LEI O' u• U.S. D.A. ~~--~·59' IEEF IOIST ......... ·······-• ... atct.. Piii Qo6ce. ....... 8 IUIP ~:::::~:: c IL • ·················-···········--········--···················••*• .. ········· • , I ' NODDAY, AVGVIT & 1- JtOY IIVIIT n caa Olr UUOA J1LA11:D 8CJoU ~on. ~~. of 305 A.IDeth,a Ave., Balboa lldand, IIUfbNd minor injuries wbm blt by a car at 5:44 p.m. Aua. 18, ~ewport pollee reported. Tbe youtb ran out from between parke-d can and wu hit by a ear driven by Hellen W. Dlxon, 49, ot 123 Gar- net Ave., Balboa Ialand. pollee aa.ld. Tbe acc:tdent occurred on Amethyst Ave. near Balboa Ave.. Balboa Wand. 'lbe boy wu taken home by bia lath«. II AX. o.:: •.... ~J. a-dillS..., ~' e. avwan ' roa ~s~~J iumbo shrimp sa®~· acn..~~-.yby ,....... ....... .. .... ,,..,. ~R~ eon. .... .......... & .... Ubedy .. ,.~.~~~ •• a.llll . . .. . i.YO~ . . . . ... .. Kappa Alums Dance Friday K1TV WJIEELS wen .. tertaiDed at a .--t patio PGtY at tbe lleacola ky bclaae of Mr. CID4 Mn. Wortb a.n.ard..-at $S Tawl lload. T'be spedal gu..t1 were Jolla Vrba. CID4 lob a~. Ylc. ...... b of Statiola JnTV, CIDd W. Jlodaa. -* aaDCI9U• )b. a.naant. tbe boct. Lt 'f'lc».~t of CbCipiDGD c:otM9e 1D OraDcJe.. lA the float row, left to rlf'bt, an Mr. Vrba. dauf'btu K.1al. lin. Jforiu C1D4 Mrs. Joba Maple of Lo. Ala .... StcmdlDg, left to rig'bt. an Mr. a.n.cud. lin. Vrba. Mr. Jlorlu. Mrs. a.. The Board of Trustees of the Dard. Mr. 8ndraaew, lin. 8rec:lmer CID4 Mr. Maple. aotb the Breck.-Mrs. Robert StraitW of 306 Pi- Corona del Mar Community Den cm4 Ua• Vlbaa an l aiiUDU·ttm• ~ts of 8alboa Ialcmd. rate Rd., Cliff Haven. Is a mem- Church has decided to seek tlve (J:u,\911 photo.) ber of the Kappa Kappa Gamma acres of land somewhere in the Sorority alumnae council that Corona del Mar district to hold , I t • t d 8 T d has just announced a dinner as a reserve Cor the future ex. ! n 0 X I c a e 0~ 0 sse dance for Kappa alu.zps to be panslon or the church. according b held tomorrow <Frld-r) at the !:a:.arvey Pease, trustee chalr-In the Bay to 0 er Up Bal~ ~~bt. pnsident al Mr. Pease lrtated that the rapid A projed ol a JI'OUP al )unlille l'hh a om.. t r 1 ...,_ ...-:-....::-~pte ~u ~ ~~pti1o~f~t.be:-~rel1PM&a=-~~==~f _..,. to ·-.,.. aa lntoxkatt!d around the buUdlnJ and law the a member ot the ~rortcy'a Soutb-ri thla powth. co.ta Mesa Juvenile boY}!'_.to th1the Ju1venUes thloa1dlne the • uneon-~ ... c:autornlaK Coundl. Southern despite fact that the church bay to _,bel' him up en.-u w ac ou.a you nto a car. "' trans-'-&U&Umla appas wUJ abo ob- only Jut year competed lta $40.· hls arrest on an lntoxlcatJon fer was made to the pollee car serve Founder's Day, on October 000 two.story addition. He said charge. and the boys left at the pollee 13 In Paaadena, and thelr annual aeveral sJtes were being consld· A arlrl companion. 14. wu station and the urn:onaclous Kappa bazaar in Los Angeles ered but regarded a location In charged with consuming an alco. youth taken to a doctor. A May 10 ot next year. th~ vfclnlty of the new Grammar hollc beverage. AppUcatlons Cor physician pronounced the youth school u the most favorable. petitions for appearances In ju. Intoxicated and 4 ~ hours passed CEJITIFICATE OF 8USJJIESS venlle court were tiled against before he was eobu. poUce Flctitioa.s Ftma MeaDe for letterh•Hs. envelooea c.e• THE ENSIGN. Ht'-1114 ""aEQDCT"" TIIIISIT• PIGlET IUICl (JfO TUUI) Wodd'a IIDcd.J.t aadlo WEJGIII OlfLY 12 OZ. sa. Ollly r • r • 11{4" A New Concept in Personal Radio. Ear Phone and Carry. lnar Case Optional, Extra. II VIS-IIIWI CO. Uua7 1115 Beata. am&.. e-ta ll..a both by Newport pollee. charged. The other juvenile boys THE UNDERSIGNED does here· Pollee quoted the boy as say were released after claiming they I by certify that she Is conducting lng the girl put him up to steal. "came after the drinking." a rul estat~ business at 3444 lng two bottles of wine from the ------------East Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar, Mesa Liquor Store In Costa Mesa, I California under the fictitious and that they consumed it In the Unsung firm name of RAY REALTY garage at the girl's home. . COMPANY and that said firm ls Officer Wllllam Saunders on Commercials I composed of the following per . son whose name In full and I patrol at 11:30.a.m. Aug,.l7 was ------------1 place or residence are as follows, hailed by a motorlst who re-Watch for really home grown to-wit : ported that 8. group or juveniles tomatoes to ap~ar at the Coast I Hazt>l May Ray just hauled a small boy out of a Super Market, In tact "stort> 544 Seaward Road. car and Into a rest room In a grown." Some tomato plants Corona del Mar. California service station at Coast Hwy. and seeded themselves at the back of 1 WITNESS my hand this 5th the store on the narrow ledge day or August, 1955. Peeping Tom Charge Made Ralph F. Tbompson, 36. of 512~ Fernleal Ave .. Corona del Mar, was booked• at 1 a.m . last Thunday by Newport pollee on charges of prowling and peeping tom tollowln~ bla arrest In a yard at 510 Feml~a! Ave .. Co. rona del Mar. Audrey Blaisdell of 512 F~rn­ leat Ave. called pollee at 12:09 a.m. last Thursday to report see· lng a man peek Into her window and that when she turned on the Uahta he lett. At 12:11 a .m. she caUed aaaln to ~port that as 11001\ u sb~ turned the lights out, the man returned. where the used crates are storl'd Ha:u>l May Ray and lo and behold. they are jus t STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1 loaded with fruit ... not quite Iss. ripe. COUNTY or ORA."''GE I • • • I ON THIS Fifth day of August, Ruth Semonella Is a new mem 11955. before me, a Notary Public ber of the beauty staff of Hess In and for said county and state, Hair Fashions In Corona del Mar. 1 residing therein. duly comrn.Js.. Owner Hess Kitchen. by the way. sloned and sworn. personally ap- ls more than ever a connnned peared HAZEL RAY RAY known Californian these days. He Just to me to be the person whose returned from a wtoek's jaunt to name Is s ubscribed to the within Erie. Pa.. where he found the Instrument. and acknowledged weather hot and humid. to me that she executed th~ • • • I same-. The smlllng fnce of Norm WITNESS my hand and om. Meadows was missing from the clal ~al. Butcher Boy Meat Market for Adolph J. Vlccelllo a while last week because or the Notary Public In and Cor saJd death of his brother up ln Mo-County and State. desto. Hls brother had a meat My CommJssJon expires Au. market up there. gust 23. 1958. • • • Publish: Aug. 18, 25. Sept. 1,. 8. Fashion Show On Aug. 31st 'Mra. Ralph Barnes Ia general chairman o! the American Le-aton Auxfilary fashion show to be pr~nted Wednesday even-• tnc. Aug. 31, at the Newport Le. aton Ball. U.Sng the theme "Dream Tour of USA." the fashions for men. women and children wlll be pre- ~ted by Harbor area shops and coordinated by Marjorie Rale School of Charm. Mrs. Andrew Ban wlll have charge of the dec- orations. Mrs. Robt>rt Briggs and Mrs. Anton Boetto have charge of tlc:kets. A Classified Ad in fhe Ensiqn brii\OS immediate resuln! Cefi Harbor 1114-1115 and Drove it! Van's Bowling Open Alleys n.n.~~,, S.llraJ I S•llaJ 0pa All Jll9bt Frtdq CIDd Saturday * AOTOIIA'nC ·PDrSIOII EJiS * .AG& .... r oa llESEriA110Jis CAFE • sun:a~oa AVE. LmE..aTT U2lll OOITA 11DA FU -, ....... . "'EW SIIWIIIT" Cnile II l.apla OJfE BOtJa A.WJ) 4.5 liDO IU. aoUWD '!"aU Daily 11:30 & 7:00 p.m., $1.25. Children 6Sc * 3 BOATS OPERATING on BAY & OCEAN RIDES * Boat Learing EYery 20 Minutes * &...a., 00MD BJdea oa .. ..., Quea,.• 1:30 .... & I .... (AilaldM.ISc. ~SSe. u~ s yn. r...> Offlcer Robert Brockie station· ed ht~ll In the dark In the back yard at 512 Fernlea! Av~. After a t.hree.mtnute walt h~ heard tbe latch on a gate move at 510 Fernlea.( Ave. Thompson was then taken lnto custody. Leon Rubin, owner of Leon's In the Newport Harbor Ensign. M~~·~~·~~m &i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 17th St., Costa Mesa. has U · sumed manaae~Mnt of the shop after purchasing the business la.st March from Kenneth Brandt. owner of Brandt's J)e.putment Store In Corona del Mar. Mr. Rubin has been In the clothing bualnesa tor the put 29 ~a.n, formerly o~tJng a A ttO car radJo. a $2S suede men's shop In Loll Angeles. Com- jacket and a a OuhUaht wet"e plete bcfys' ud rnen'a clothlq .-olen from the ear ot klclwtn ckpa.rfment. wUl be ...fMture<t tn G. Lobnla ot 513 Fem181 Ave.. b1a eo.ta M .. store. Corona del Mar, Newport pollee • • • r..-s lut ...._ Mn. Pat Waldron~ tMy bad 80 mudl tu» on th~Jr vaca. tion abe'• alreacty anUdpatii\C aut 1Nf'a. • • • "DOUG" "the DOG • says: • • • 1n DOUG'S DOG HOUSE at 3512 E. Coat Highway. C«oaa del Mar it v-ttiDg tiNcl . • • (too anacla lrabaJo )" ..... ......... -..... . . * Week Dlrli -7 a.a to 1l p.m. * Friday &'icd. -7 CUD. .. 5 .... , Huge BiHhday Cake Served At Disabled Vets' Party • A huee birthday cake and the plano, and Florence Buquor party at:roo.pbere bl&hll&hted of eo.ta Mesa. Florence ls P. A. the entertainment tor the dl.s-Palmer'• aecretary, and she abled veten.na from Lone Beach broueht over 20 decks of cards. Veterans ActrnJntstratJon Hoa. Mr. Palmer donated a check to pltal or Lone Beach, Aue. 17, at be used for the hospital parties. the Newport American Legion The Auxlllary meeu each sec- Clubhouse, 15th St. and W. Bay ond and fourth Monday nleht of Ave. the month at the American Le- Lunch was served by the mem-glon Clubho~. New members bers of the American Legion Initiated Monday by the Ritual Auxiliary Unit 291, Including Team of Unit 291 were Mrs. Rob- Mrs. Albert LeUtwYier, chair-ert Olander and Mrs. Wm. nehe ma n ; Mrs. Ralph Ra ndel. Mrs. of Newport Beach. Mrs. Andrew Robert J. Briggs, Mrs. Cecil Inns. Barr of Costa Mesa. Mrs. V. S. Mrs. Kenneth Johnson, Mrs. COnrade of Long Beach. Mrs. Adrien Noel. Mrs. Ralph Bonds. Dolpf Barnes of Sherman Oakes. Mrs. Andrew Barr. and Mrs. F. H. The Junior members are Janet Joynt>r and Miss Kenna Johnson and Joan Boetto, Newport Beach. and Miss Sandra Leutwyler. The afternoon entertainment Irs. larv II~'~~IIJ Dies Included card game-s, swimming •. • P · . and just relaxing. Services were held Friday at the Baltz Costa Mesa chapel for Mrs. Mary U. E. Murphy, 56. of 2129 Federal Ave., Costa Mesa. who died Aug. 17 at Hoag Me- morial Hospital. Rev. Paul Neu. mann of the First Baptist Church officiated. Guests were DOlly Stewart of Lido Trailer Park, who played QUICI SERVICE I"' ER SIIIES Standard S h a d e Cloths and Custom Specialties e Drapery H a r d w a r e e Venetian Blinds. ~'-Bkule Skip Mrs. Murphy had lived In CAli· fornta for 37 years. moving to COsta Mesa !rom Inglewood a year and a half aiO. She Is sur- vived by her husband, Theodore Murphy. SADLEJBS LEAVE FOR TARO£ The Jack Sadleirs of Corona del Mar. lett Sunday for a vaca- tion at Lake Tab~. * a-Ide tiM * Call Polrt ()ffk» BA IN 432 UDcl St.. lfewport Beach SAVE Willi A Fanner's Polley BRUCE MARTIN AUTO-TRUCK-FIRE-UFE LOCAL AGENT 1793 NEWPORT AVE .. COSTA MESA OFFICE: Uberty 8·5554 RES. Uberty B-5063 eeeeeeeeeeeee•••eeee••••••••e•••••• • • • • • • • • • WHA ... 'S • • • ,. DOING • • e • • • • • T. M. Hambrook, your Telephone Manager in Newport Beach • • • • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• "A VACAnON FOR TED" T. M llambrook. your local Tel<'phon<' Managl:'r . whos<' picture appearc; at the top ,,r this column. Is pre!'!ently enjoying a well t.'arnt'd vacation. When askt>d whPre ht> was going on vacation. Mr. Hambrook replied that he-wasn't leaving the arNl "After all. C\-l.'rythm~ is nght hl're at my back dour Flshmg. sw1m. ming. playing golf and just sitting. sounds Ilk<' a pr<'tiY good vacation to me " Te-d Hambrook t>njoys llf<' neAr the:' h<'ach with his lovely wi(P Jane. his daught<'r Mary Jane. and his son Lee The family movt>d to the beach cities in 1947 where they re ~lded aboard their cruiser Enterprise II . Mr. and Mrs. Ham brook arE> both very active In civic and community actlviti('S. We who are left to carry on the job want to wish Tt'd and his family a wonde-rful vacation. "Have a good time 'Boss', we'll be se-eing you " • • • Customer's letter describes thrill of telephone conference call "Dear Sirs: Recently my brother arranged a con· ference telephone call w:th me and our two sis- ters. We each live in dif. ferent parts of the coun- try. The operator let me know ll!lout It at noon and e~~d we would all be able to talk to each other at the same time. That night, right on lime, it was <.'arried out perfectly. It was as though everyone was right in my .kitchen, it was so cl~nr. I do want to thank all who helped ..... CL.AJtA a. WIW:OZ make this thrilling experience possible." -llr•. tJlartJ B. WUcos We certainly appreciate letter. like this, for they tell u. we've succeeded again in making the telephone still more uaeful to you. And that's the most important part of our job. Puifio Telephone works to make your telephone a bigger value every day. • • • • • Take life easy with extension phones vauwY. UOtitM.a• ------- b~ .• ~ / ,..., ..... -·- alaGEST PAIULT-Tile JtaymODd P. aaDdel faaUy of Sll 1-LDe Aft.. ls beu...d tbe lar9· eat Ia Cocaoa clltl liar. Oa the .ofa. left to rlght. an Fn4. lOt Mr. lcmdel.. 7obA. 1: Nary ADJta. lit Vlr9lala. 111 Cecelia. II J!n. aa.del boldla9 IIGI"'t. bona Jaly K. lAtt to dpt • tbe floor an Leo. S: TOIILIDJ. S1 T111uDy. I. aad Ea.-.. 7. (Eaatga Pboto) lewport Harbor Bank Bandels of Corona del Mar Are Rated as Good Neighbors Rated as good nelihbors by thelr neighbors are Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bandel a nd family of 318 Jasmine Ave .. Corona del Mar. pentry, pI u m b i n g . electrical. palnUni and cement work. "Mrs. Bandel ls never cross, always has a big grtn for every. one and Is a lovely person," states a neighbor. Mrs. John Ackerllnd of 306 Jasmine AVf~. "She always finds time to help her neighbors." SOif BOD TO IOYLES A son. Louis Norris. was born to Mr. and Mrs. Loult Boyle of 17 Bay Island. N~rt Beach, In Hoag Memorial Hospital on Wednesday, Aue. 10. Light their life ......... With /Qith l/ A PJJtST UPnST CIIUaCB SCIDta Aa. Aft. at NopoU. Mr. and Mrs. Bandel have ten children, the tenth arriving July 3f. The children Include Mary Anita, 12; VlrglnJa, 11; Fred- erick. 10; Acella, 9; Eugene. 7; Leo. 5; Thomas: 3 ; nmmy. 2. John, 1. and baby Mark. Mr. Bandel Is a master plannf'r and works at Douglas Aircraft In Long Beach. Described by h is neighbors as a handy man. he built his own home at 318 Jas. m.Jne Ave. This Included the car- ST. .\Jfl)llEWS PJtESaYTElUAJr CIIUJica 15th St. & St. Andrews Rd., acrou &.a Blgb Scbool Uberty •-rm Mr. Bandel keeps busy In his , spare tlme taking his own and neighborhood children to the beach and on fis hing or hunting trips. PastOt's a... Jam. I. Stewart SUNDAY: Mornlne worship, 9:30 and 11 a.m.; Church School. 9:30 and 11:00; Jr. HJgh, Sr. High and college age Fellow- ships, 7 p.m .; Thursday, Prayer. study group, 9:30 a.m. FOIST ASSEJOLT OP COD 2ZAd St. & ~ A't'a.. eo.ta liMa Libelty 1-3711 ..... Del K. c:. C1eaJc. .... Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Wor-ship: 10:55 a.m. and evaniellst service, 7:30p.m. Young People and ChUdren's Service, 6:30 p.m. Sun. Mid-week ServJce: c.n.x.. ...... G. ..... CIIUl Sunday Servt~: 9 :4.5 a.m. Sunday School; 11 :Lm. Worship Setvlces: 8:30 p.m.. BaptJst Tralnlne Onion: 7:30 p.m.. Evenln• Service. Wednesday: 7 :30 p.m .. Prayer, Ltcal Resillelt AWl They purchased their Corona del Mar lot In 1943 and have lived there tor the past seven years.. . "1 think COrona del Mar Is a wonderful place to live:· Mrs. Bandel has said. '7he children go to the beach every day and ... C._.. 1•1 £a.l•..l there are good 8Chools here." •... .. • The Bandels moved to Corona clltl Mar from Fullerton. wbeH Mrs. Thomu K. Stadllneer of both attmded IICbool& Mrs. Ban . Bay Shores has ~n named delIa originally from Iowa. They chairman of Red Cross volun-claim to have the blegest family teers at the Gteenham COmmon In Corona del Mar. Royal Air Force Station In Eng. land. Her husband. 1st Lt. T. K . Stadling<'r. is now with the U. S. Air Force In England Mrs. Stadllngt.'r Is the daugh. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack H. Sederlund. or 2631 Bayshore Drive. Bay Shores. In hPr new position. Mrs. Stad- llnger will coordinatp and de velop Red Cross volunteer serv- i<.'f>S for SE'rvl~men and the-Ir de p<'ndents in that area. Currently, there are some 2.000 active Rt'd Cross volunteers In the European Area. The Red Cross hopes to double that number In the cum. ing year and otherwise to e-x tE-nd the service providt'd. FlllST CHUilCH OF CHitiST SCIENTIST HOJ Vie lido, Newvor+ leech A bronch of TI-e Mother Church The First Cllurch of Chriat, Scientist. in Bo.- loll, Mon•chuset1s. Sundev School -·-··-····· ··-9 :1S e.m. Sundoy Service ····-_ _ II :00 e.m. Wednesdey Eve-,inq Meeton9 8.00 p.m. Rud•"9 Room locetod et HIS Vie Lido. Newport Beech. is open w"• dov1 from 10:00 e.m. to 5:00 p .m .. Wedn•sdeys from 10 00 • m. to 7:-45 p.m. Fridey ..,eninqs from 7 :()() p.m. to q 00 p.m. Sundey efternoona 2 to 5 p.m. C•osed Holideys. n •• public it cord iolly invited to et· '•nd th• c;hurch aervic•• end us• the ll .. dino Room. DIRECTORY LEGAL lfO'nCE IIUSJC CERTIPJCATE OF IUSDfESS S h 1 Flctltlou• Firm Name Margaret L c are THE UNDERSIGNED does here-Teacher of Plano by certlty that he Is conducting Organist · Accompanist a contracUng and construction Evenlnf ctueea buslness at 1600 W. Coast High· for dulls way, Newport Beach, C&Jitornia, 3117 GOLDENROD AVE. Corona del Mar under the fictitious firm name of L--------------.; MEDICAL BUILDING COMPANY PV1fEAAL DmECTOU OF AMERICA and that said finn Is composed of the following per. Fr1enclly Netehborllood Service sons. whose names In run and p ARICES-RIDLEY places of residence are as fol. -oRTUARY lows. to wlt: - RALPH L. HOYLE }} Q Broadway 202 Garnet Balboa Island, Ca1llornla U 8-3433 A 8-3434 eo.ta Mea WITNESS my hand this 28th day of luly, 1955. RALPH L. HOYLE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE ) sa. ON nus 28th day of luly. A.D. 1955, before me, the undenlened. a Notary Public In and tor the said COunty and State, rHldl.n.g therein, duly commlasloned a nd sworn, p e r s o n a 1 1 y appeared Ralph L. Hoyle known to me to be the ~rson wh~ name ls subscribed to the withJn Instru- ment. and acknowJedgt'd to me that he executed the same. IN NOW ... TWO BALTZ MORTUARIES Servlna the Harbor Area Baltz M ortuary CHAPEL BY THE SEA Harbor 42 ~E. Cout Blpwq Corona del liar Baltz Mortuary Uberty 8-2121 l'na A Superior, eo.ta Mea AMPLE PAIUO.NG BOTH LOC.A110NS WITNESS WHEREOF. 1 have ~==:J!!!!~~c==~ hereunto Mt my hand and af. r flxed my official seal the day and year In thJ.s CertJt.leate tint above written. DONALD D. HARWOOD My Commlaloft Expires Au- rust • ase. PubJJ.ah: AUf. 4-11-18-2!5, ~ Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Ladles' Missionary Council, Thursdays 9:30a.m. tor all day. Pralae and Bible Study. MOD· day: 7:30 p.m. Men's Choru.s pract~~·.t 8:30 p.m. Me.n'a Prayer .ueune. CONJftJJfiTT IIETRODlST • • ... uo w. lttb st.. eo.ta lleea SEVEJn'B DAT ADVEJtTIS1 cauaca or on &.AAIT Uberty J.45SI lfewport aJYd. at ltolao St.. OP ICT. CADRL .... Joeepla "· llcSbcme ·= ~:&b .... w. =.. ~ •.....-t Sunday: 9:30a.m., Churcb Sun-EJ.cS. D. a.Spald'"9 PctllleR i'fi'"f· ,..._ da.7 Scbool; 9:30 and 11:00 S.turdQ Momln. Services· Sat.-r.... ... -a.m. Momlnl Wonhlp-7 p.m. llath ......... ~ ' Colle~ Aae MYF Seivlc:e -1 ~-ll:OO L~ ~~er -~· bttlat~ : . • ... ~-p.m. Hl&h School MYF Service: · • &yt • ... • -r • ......... 8 P m young adults group lne: Wednesday, 8:00 p.m. anu 11:30 • ~~~~n· j ·• --urdaya and n-. ot lit Fridaya serv ce. c:au.CB of tbe JfAZABDE and Holy D.,.. from 4:00 to --1• Aaabelm st.. eo.ta 11eea 5:30 p.m. and from 1 :30 to 8:30 TBE CJIUJlCJI OF CHBIST Ponow: a... CUw WIUima• p.m. Datly M .. 8:00a.m. First 1050 Cbuch St.. Cocta Mesa Uberty 1•7111 Friday: 6 :30 a.m. and 6 :00 p.m. Uberty ~2047 N oven a (Perpetual Help): D. C. Bunt. lllabter Sunday ServJcea: Sunday School, Tuesday, 7 :4!S p.m. Fl.&bermen'a Sunday services: 9 :45 a.m. Bible 9:30 a .m. Mornlng Worsh~ at Ma.sa. luly and Aueu-t, Sunday study; 11 a .m. morning wor. 10:30 a .m . Evangellstlc rv· 4 am Ice. 7 p.m. Sunday. N.Y.P.S., · · ship; 7:30p.m. evening service. 6 p.m . Sunday; Prayer meeting, UJnVEaAUJT OOIOIUihTY Midweek service, 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p .m. Wednesday. FELLOWIIID Wednesday. Ebe1l Cl~ TBE CIIUaCII OP CIDIST PJBST C808CB OP ClllllST SIS W. a.lboe m.d.. lla1boa Odd P.UOW. l...oclp. IClD liS I .. ....._, .... r. W. IIIDv- lMt lf...,.,.-t A..._ SSOS VIa Ll4o.. Wewport 11eac1a Sunday Sc:b~ 10:30 a .m. Mom- Costa K..a. ' • IIAtbcw Jdl lng worahlp. 11:00 a.m. • Llben,.-~711 Sunday School: 8:1.5 a.m .. Sun-IT. JAIDI a•mcoPAL Tom hbr, Jr .. lltal8ter day S e r v t e e : 11:00 a.m. 2201 va. L-. •ewpect .._. Sunday Services: 9:45 a.m. Bible Wedn8day Evenlne Meet~n•: IIAdMw litO study: 10:55 a.m. worship serv-8:00. lteadln& B.oorri, 3315 VIa a... Jolla a. hit..~ n1 _.. lJdo, Newport Beach. ope.n 10 s Ice; 7:30 p.m. eve ng sensce. a.rn.-!5 p.m. week daya, 10 a.m.-u.nday ~: 8:30 a.m. Holy QUJST c:av.ca ft TilE SEA • ec.uaualty lleUiocU8t kJlMMI a.tY4. at l•a lt.. • ..,.... ~5111 Patora .... Boy A. CarboD Sunday Worship, 9:30 and 11a.m. Church School : 9 :30 a.m. Mid- week MeetJ.n&: 7:00 p.m. Wed. nesday preceded by 6:15 p.m. potluck. ST. JOAC'IDC CIIUKII liM 0.... A"'-c:.ta ...... .~ .. ·•· rae..,........_ J. •ma I......., Karn r .. 7. L L 10 CIDd 11:30 a.m. WeeJtda.ya: M .. at 7:00a.m.-Conte.ton: Satur· da7J from 4:00 to !5:~7:00 to 8:30 p.m. •mrr aAPniT c:auaca or •awJOft ...... lmL. ... & Ceut ..... ...... IIAtbcw ISU l.lbelty '"*"" ............. Q.Jeh lA Sunday .-vtce.: 9:45 Lm.. Sun-dq 8dtool; 11:00 a.m., Wat· abJp Service; 7:30p.m. Sundu eftilJ.nt ~ e r vIce ; MJd-Week Service: 1:80 'P.m. Wed.ne.d•Y Prayer Meettnr. 7:.:5 p.m. WedneJidaya, 7·9 p.m. Communion. 8:3) a.m. Sunday Friday eventnn. .::hool; 9:30 a.m. morn t n e CII&IIT LU'I'DaA.If cauac:a OP COSTA KEIA ~lyMd) A..tc:aa ...... lloiL c...JI-Jtanona...~y...,.. Sunday Se.rvteee: Wonlllp Serv· lee 9 a.m. Sunday Sc:bool at 10:15 a.m. au..oA ISLAJf1) CIOIOIU.ITT IIZftODIST lii~A..._....._~ llla&ten .... Dt a lid .... ...... Sunday Service.: 9:30 L m. Cbwch School; 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Wonb.lp Servtce. prayer and eermon, 11 a.m. wonblp llel'Vlce. Thursday Serv· tee.: 9:15 a.m. Prayer Gulld; 10:30 HolY Communion. • liT. JOD YJAJfWZT 11• KariM A..._ a.lboa lalaad ......... raa.. '&r.:.:l"f· ...._ r-. .... ••• ~ Sunda.7 Nau•: 7:00a.m. A 9:00 a.m. Conte.lon: Saturd~ and ev-. ol 1ft J'ri4QW and Hoi) o.ys: 7:30 to 8:30 p.m.; J1nt Frlday M.. 8 a.m. Summer M.a.-, luJ.y a.D4 Aquat Sunday, u a.m. -camuu. .... CIIVac:ll O.....A ..... IIIelt. o...--.LBatta.... .LA.~ ..... Sunday Sdtool: t :t!J a.m. Nom· tna SerW:e. u :OO: EYe:n.1.QI Servtce. 7:30. Mld·weelr ....... Jee, Wedneaday, 7:30p.m. Youn• people ~ 1:15 p.m. Sunct.y. rn tile Newport Harbor EnaJp. INSURANCE · "Be Sure-Insure" Wl11l STANLEY ~AQDCT ........ JIM 1111 &. ('.OUt ~ Oorilria del Mar ........... ~ .... -: ·-•• ; -'.._: ~ t . ~ .. 1 ·_ ·-\ • iAWMDAT, AVOUIT 1L 1- OJf 'I"KE TIDlESROLD of Ov IActr of Nt. C...l Quell .. -.. lywede Sgt. Clll4 lira. f'ra:DcSa J. Mcdloeey Jr. Tile bdcle Ia tllle •· mer NIM htrlda Eltllllbetb Kist*. cknap'-of llr. aa4 lira. Artluu K.latler of Jlalboa .... t. (Doa 8ula piMto) Patricia Elizabeth Kistler Bride of Sgt. Francis Mahoney Wearing an Imported lace and net gown over traditional white satin. with a bridal crown hold- Ing her tulle Illusion veiling. Miss Patrlcla Elizabeth Kistler of Balboa became the bride of Sgt. Francis l . Ma honey Jr. of New- ark, New Jersey. In an early afternoon ceremony last Satur- d ay, Au~st 20. The Rev. Stephen Kiley read the service. held at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Catholic Chureh. The bride was escorted to the altar by her father. Harbor Area rea_l . tor Arthur C. KlaUer. She canted a bridal bouquet ot orchids and Jlly of the valley. Mrs. Robert Teter. Santa Ana, was matron of honor. She wore a yellow waitz Jenfth aown of ~~~==J=-c-and Miss Nancy Owen of Costa Mesa wore slmllar dresses In blue and pink. Fellow marines at the Lighter Than AJr Facility. Santa Ana. served as attendants for the gToom, and a ll were dressed in Marine blues. Thom as Hanley served as best man and John Henley and Marlyn Stevens were ushers. Following the ceremony, a re ceptJon was h eld at the home or the bride's parents. 2015 E. Ocean Blvd., Balboa. Assisting with the tete were Miss Louise Peel of Palm Springs. who I$ the bride's aunt, a nd Mrs. l . l . Tilley of Lido Isle and Montebello. The bride's mother received In a pink raw aUk ault and a pink velvet h at. The groom's parents. Mr. a nd Mrs. Francia J . Mahoney of New ark, New Jersey, were unable to attend the weddlna. but will ereet the newlyweds In septem- ber on the East Coast. The younr people are starting next week on a 30 day motor trip acroa the countrY. They plan to reside In the Harbor Area. The bride Ia attendtnr New· port Harbor Htah School. The a:room attended achoola In the east and for the past three years has been a sergeant In the Ma- rin Corps and stationed at the Ughter Than Alr Base. • PORT;? .. ti. , fl11 n~~tA tJEL IWAJ. hA~R,'IUHI ' STABTS WE.D .. AUC. 31 Alan Ladd -June Allyson In "1111 •••••• u Sllry" VtCt:llO c:t:llCtO a a ro wrru a a~ A Classified Ad in The tnsiqn brinqs immediate results! Call Harbor 1114--1115 and orove itl Newport Harbor EDaip C::HIJR.C::HES o•IV&:aiALIST J'ELI.OWIIDP Dr. Frank A. Macintyre wUl speak on ''Emft"80n and M•n's H.ttaae'' at the Unlven.Uit Yel- JOW'tlblp wonhlp eervlce a_t 11 a.m. Sunday at 515 W. 8alboa Blvd., Balboa. The lev. ~detkk W. RJnre, church minister, wUJ retum from vacation tor the first Sunclay Mrviee In September. • • • f' ALL CAll' OOiff'EIIEJfCE trom John (3:16) f« the J..eaon. Sermon on ''Chrllt lew." to be read at the Newport Beach church Sunday. • • • CDII COIOI1JWJ'TT ~CII "Of Sin and SalvatJon" wiU ~ the sermon .abject of the Rev. Edwin Gomke Sunday at the Co rona del Mar Community Chureh. • • • ·SANTA ANA TENT & AWNING'S ONCE A YEAR .. STOREWIDE NOW IN FULL SWING Ewerr IIIII Pricetl To Clear ALU.IIUI FUR InURE I THE OIIE Ut E OF TIE YEll! We ...,. Ollly OJR aw:la Mile ~ .,._ ••• - AVGVST a •a.auc:& IAI.&. •• _.., • 4 A • ...................... -....... _ ...... _ ,,, .......... ...., .... .,._.. le G&IIUW&LY UDOCID Ill Jlllll::al C... Ia -.I Joe1t CO IMI YWtoa lNI II rl FlEE DEUYEIY • EASY TEllS STOllE OPEK rai. & MOJf. 'TU. I Here's wllere r• reallr IIYI IIOIIJ! ••zien, Barllec .... s.,,,ies tr lnaiM with b.ecrry duty bowl cmd ct. tacba.ble legs; ralM cmd 1~ grW. Spedal SlDgle CD'II1 dub chair, CDIDpletie with ~ & welted •at d..,.cl pad. lD CIUCWtld colon. ..... 11..15. ...... -.. _ ....................... . Dela. dub duW. complete wtth bOind cmd ...aw .at dyed pad. ill ...-s colon. .... &15. ......... __ .... ~ ..................... .. 15e95 21e95 2r Brazier wtth laood cmd electric aptt.- Crill caD be ra:lMd or lo.nnd. Beg. 32.15 a.• B..-y Duty lrcu._ 011 wheela. Bas hood. electric motor cmd -.Mt. llecJ. H.SS. 9.96 24.88 31.8 1119 aoy arazier. CIOIIIplm wttb motor. bood. becti.D9 OYOG , •• the t..t ill the liDe. -........ ODe oDly. -SAVE IIDJJO -llecJ. Z9IA ,&Ufl Sia91e GJk*, with bOind pad.· · NCJ. 31.15 25e 95 Fll.DIIII ILU.IUI CIIIIIS ::1~ .,.:~ .. ~~ .. ~ ...... ng. 3U5 29 e 95 wrrB PLASTIC WUmJfG oa SAJlAJf t.o.e ..at. CDIDpletie with pacl&. taftecL t.c.ecl 34e50 CIDd ..u.cL lD auc.t.s colon. ... . ng. 4.2.15 Fold1D9 chair with paa.ticweb. .. f'oldLDcJ cbain with wb.lte Cll1IU ODd plastic webb ,............ 52.50 E I I ..... witla JOdL ................ -...... -.. "9· lt.50 Fold.ID9 cbG1n with pa..ta • plcdd cnw. . Fo141D9 cbain with ILL llnll REDUCED ..,..cnw. PUS O'ITOIIA.II PA.DS llldlla. autd colon. ... ~ .. , r tnc.d crt CIIAIIE •lllfS -a-4 ad welted. cot-tea twecL Vert ..,.. ........... t.d ...... 615 ...... .. . CII.AD 'ADS -a.od ... ..atod.. c 0 tt •• ftDeiiL sso ....... __ . 11.-y ..... pada...S ....... rodllc.dl .. ,.rt .......... .. Varnished WOYal raUan on black WI'OUJht troa .,...._ It &.II!IW'e!l )"!US of ~njoyable maxatJon. A ma.t practical dlalr f« )'OUr sun room. d~. patio or J&rdert. 1.16 U5 Ul 5.15 7 •• • Llll IIIIET withSALLlE * * * We're a plDea pl9 CIDd you oat U... are the ODM wbo cma lllCib tiM aportm-t 011 ... aac 'al .•• Dai14J014 auttw a.. a.. oat with a ...,.. poaad pciCit. C'Qt batD 72 lDd.t- ricbull ...me, ......... .. 9laalD9 tll1a ....... tb1a ..... ~ .. bela9 e..t.c! ~ 10 IIUI:r· Db lD CaiJJGnLia ••• U Joa'YO wbbed tD bay JOU batt. lD 72 lDd.IYidacd pottS. cmd hope to COiltiaue ••• ,.._ the butt. patty faD dub .,.., •.. Dan- 9014 will keep up the C111"t't.a9 CD ~Get' CD JOG keep tap with the baTiD9 ... Rere'a a way to eod JOU ~ff. QD. algbtly. cabo of batt. bluea ••. z.ut.ad I I"Nah. c:rtsp. cMcm· C'Ut utt1e IDd.tridaal pattiee at ....-y ..all * * * Frieda Bellnfan~a been cone .,. 8ol.laDII war ...... r • ..._ ... .... ,, ... -~ ... We ~ oaa-., ... ea1tt nJt IIJI1dJ -... .., .... I you will GDCe ... ClllltCIUd ,.,or Oran~ County SJmpbony . . . under the st~ In tbe Laguna Bowl." Time 8:30. Saturday Au gust 'Zi . . . For on~ you get something good for nothing This ronC1'rt put on by Orangf' County's Philharmonic Sor1f'l\ '" absolutf'ly frei? · • • • SUIIUII« doldnuu 9Qt 'fOU dowD? Does yooz coold.D9 ... m half-witted? Switch. a1.1 ••• You'ft beeG deodlln9 wttb the ICIIDe beat-up old food fbdDp too 10119 ••• E.xpcmd ••• Spi'ead out ••• ~ JOU cook1D9 'fOCabulary • • • Creme VLDe I..eaY.I Sptc:.d &umquatal CuCIYCI Pastel llet TOQ'ft .....,- ued ·-.•. About a aq» of Ctaen'G Paste IIWriMt wttb ery... tcl1.bed CUI9w cat Ia '11 llldl aabeo will ...._ cmy fruit ra1ad -~ daVier ••• Maybe J'OU mJ91rt Uke oa.Jy 1/a a C'Up ••• wbo 11:aows f aut CJt.,.. tbe a11ta aacl C!MlDGDut a r.tl £ftc waapped a piece of baclaa CD'OGiad a Sp6ced &wa- quatl Wowl aaa. _.,.bad Lt • 9Dedl arou W1 bcacOD a. aillp •.• • • * Grape Vint-Leaves . Mildly pickled. are Imported r r om I Gree<-e ... Exotic yes! Bllt they romt-right down to earth wh~n wrapped around a hot dog and broiled . . . ~ sure to lie with string or hold with toothpic-k! I need not tell you what happened to a hot loaf ... But In bite sized pil'('e5 ... Cooked FroZien Fish Sticks too or cheese rolled hot- dog size a<'Qulre a TCA !TOPII Culinary Arts! dE-gree ... Whee! I When they're wrapped In Grape Vine Leave. and broile-d . . . You can also rook rice to the 1 stage where It all rooks togt'ther Cyou know mushy! and aea- lson w1th tomato or any favorite sa uc.-e of your own .. roll and wup in . U you have not AJ. ready gues..~ . . th~ purpoet> oi thls is to _.11 Greek Grape VIne Leaves ... . .. .. • •· .Aaa ... \ Relax • • • IRVINE TERRACE OVERLOOCNG THE BJ:AtTTlP'UL "SMOG-FREE'' YACH'I1NG CENTER OF NEWPORT BA.BBOa "Southern CallfomJa'a Most Beautlful SubdlvlaJon" Tomorrow•s Dream-Today! WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO INSPECT COMPLETED OUR DISTINCTIVE FURNISHED MODEL HOMES AND CYI'HERS UNDER CONSTRUCTION NINE DIVERSIFIED FLOOR PLANS To the home buyer who wishes to purchase in the $24,000 to $35,000 claas we sincerely recommend the lrvtne Estates overlooking Newport Harboc. 1beae home. feature California ll\llng. Offered exclu. atvely through Earl W. Sta.nley In a Smog. -Free area known aa ln1ne Tenace-on Cout HJ2hwll7 oppoajte the new Irvine Cout Country Club, N"ewport Jfarbor. * For recommendation, we refer you to anyone who holds a Leasehold Estate ln mine Terrace, Beacon Bay, Bayahores or Clltt Haven. Earl W. Stanley EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor 4448 For Fu:ther lntormatlon Vogel Value COIOU DEL Ill . Llnst Prlllll D~~tlel i1 Ten Corn~r lot -walled yard. (1) 2 bedroom apartment 1r ( 1) 1 bedroom apartment. Each a pt. rented at $60.00 per month. Room to buUd on front of lot. A good property to keot>p as Is or Improve. THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E. COAST HWY. CORONA DEL MAR HARBOR 14n HARBOR 1741 (Closed Sundays durin~{ Aug.> BEFOIE YOU BUY TIY FU.a .a. ••vall, ••r 3-BEDRM. It DEN .• V.t.ta Tract home, A-1 cond., $11.900. Will trade for .Redondo. 3-BEDRM. on Broadway, C. M .. 5~ yn .. old. $13.000. Stucco. VA loan commlttment $1.1.500 If wanted. $1.500 down. NEAR PARK AND BAY, 3-bedr. home. landscaped. New port. $11 ,600. 2 BEDRM. HOME. turn. on Balboa Blvd.. $11.200. DUPLEX on NpL Island. 3 be4r. and 2 bedr. units. Price $21,500. New loan for $12.000. HWY. FRONTAGE Newport. 150-lt. on Coast Hwy., 165 ft. d~p. ReaJ scarce Item. A REAL BUSINESS OPPORTIJNITY! Owner must sell retall business on account of health. See Mr. Horvath. This Is a going business In Newport Beach ! NICE BUSINESS LOCATION-1 lot oU Npt. Blvd., C 1 Zone. Now housing ceramic equipment. Will sell with or without equipment, $10,500. NEWPORT HEIGHTS- I 1 Splc lr span 4.bedf .. 2 baths. garf .. pa tio, newly paJnted Inside. nr. high school, 14,500. 21 Spacious 2 level home. 3-bedr .. 2 tSaths. 3 car garg., fenred. over 16,000 sq. ft. in home. A 1 cond., $24.500. Will trade for smaller home In Hts. a rea. UBERTY 8-5101 HARBOR 1428 2216 Npt. Blvd., Costa Mesa 3420 W. Balboa Blvd., Npt. CHOICEST USniiS ••••• u. .... •II IIIII • .,.,..,.. We BUY 1111 SRI! Otfltls 1111 Sins fir ._. WI.UID L l.''• SUI Jfewpon al..S.. Jf~ a.:-a ·~ a. -(qllllll .. Qty ..U) IKIEJIIaE YILUE -.:.. lAT. I _., 16TH It lllVINE A VENUE ACitOSS FROM NEWPORT HARBOR HIGH SCHOOL 'nlree ~m provlnclal home plua a J'amlly Room. Two .Bat.ba -Attached two car garage. A beeutltul bome wtt.b pride of own.Utp. Tbla home 1a tbe nnt bome ln AliM.riea to featun a new kind ot llltltlna. A.Mlna prtee ot ltlts PIOI*t'Y. ... • Bedrm .. 2 Bath Home Oft YOW' Lot-, ..• 1330 8Q. ft., forced alr be.t, hardwood tloora, fireplace. Ral pluter. Laree plc:1we wtn~ natural hardwood cabinet&. Can flfianC@ 70C)G, of hou.e and lot. Phone for app't to aee our model home.-- IIIIIIIALL IllES 20 Yean BuDding In Oranp County · Models Open: Newport and MJtcheJI, Tustin Kimberly 7-3293 Klmberly 2-3569 Eves. Uberty 8-40'13 UY 'lYE. lAY FIIIT Finest view of the Harbor ... Close to Newport Harbor Yacht Club ... sUp to accommodate 45' boat ... 2~ ear garage plus additional parking for 5 cara ... 4 bed- rooms plus maids room ... 3 baths •.. wondMul patio ••• bar-be-cue •.. nicely fumlshed. FULL PRICE $70,000 BIY IHIEACH IEALn Harbor 1264 1450 W. Balboa Blvd. Balboa. Callt. WHY PlY IEIT'I $375.00 Dod ... $69.00 mo. including Interest, buys a new 3 bedroom. 2 bath home. Good, close-In neighbor-hood . .,_Daily lOa.& tel,... llr.I.JII' Pta., c..tal111 3 BLOCKS WEST OF HARBOR BLVD. w ... , ... ~, ...... , Now moved across the street on the corner at 400 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa Uberty 8-1139 Picturesque one story ranch style 'home. Lots of u~ brick lr ~wood. Low sweeping heavy shake roof-Spacious n oor plan, Includes 2 bedrooms lr den -2 baths -2 fireplaces. Beautiful ocean view -Just a step to ucluslve bathing beach. OPEN SUNDAY !rom 1 5 p.m. 248 Evening Canyon Road, Sh()r~ Cll.tts Drive by th~ call Dave OabW'n ole hanson co .. sales mlnagftn~nt 1700 w. coast highway -_liberty 8-5573 Elevator c... Ml •• VIEW of hllls a nd bay ... IPifll 3 IMinn. 2 ~• home. many features. Unfurnished. $1 9.850. 306 Marine Avenue Balboa Island . .. Harbor 500 BRAID .lEW Sllre 1111 Office 11111111111 Opposite Newport Beach City Hall Complete Office Service Parking AvaUable 3345 Newport Boulevard THE IEIUIIIT CD. Harbor ~ call OLympia 2-2130 P,Uect. "'AY FIIIT SPECWIITS" ART C. KISTLEil CO., REAL ESTATE 2091. !fewport Blvd. Newport Beach Harbor 5a. day or ntebt Lilli. F. IIUYEI ~ Y.l 1 .. 7 What is a RIGHT price? Where can YOU find a BUYER? How much can the buyer pay down? Is a new mortgage necessary? How is the buyer going to pay the difference? T .. ,.. 111•11•1 n. II I MRJII . . . the man that has made real estate his full time profeaion. 8Mh buyw a.ncl ..U. lbOGic1 ~ 11M I'Mdll1 avail. able 0001-.J ol tbe J11110ft belt qu•IMied .. u.M tM p; Jesstxs' UtJe. -na. ...,_, .. NEWPORT: HARBOR BOARD OF REALTORS 1:1 .... Ftr .... , ... , You wtll nnd llvtn1 at ita best In thla near-new 4 bed,. room, 2-bath modern home, centrally located on Balboa Island. Forced air heat. nu. meroua other fe.tures. Large patio for outdoor living. Priced to aeU. See thJa today! • ISUID IEILn 08. 498 Park. Balboa Island RA m ........ 5 Exquisite Bay VIew Homes by John Clark, Quality Builder located on · Harbor Island Road <Near Harbor Isle) • • • Features: • 4 bdnn .. 3 bdrm., or 2 bdrrn. It den • 3 baths • Heavy Shake Root • 2 fireplaces • Swimming Pool "If deslred" • Lot sizes average 65' x 1.25' • Restricted area e Clever Provincial, Hawaiian and Ranch type homes • Foreed Alr Heat. Garbage Dl&po.sal • Bea~tlful Paneling • Large Sunny PaUoe e Expensively Landacaped e Wlrecl for Hl-FldeUt)' Mualc e Fine Cabinet ln.stallatloM e Built-In Electric Stove lr Oven • BuiJt.ln Bar lr Refrigeration e Delightfully decorated Shown by appointment only to Qualified Clients For preview showing CaU John Abell .... IIYESTIEIT CO. REALTORS Harbor 1600 Evening Phone lJ 8-5386 Clll •• z •••••••••• flreplace, nice patio, cl~ to markets It tranap. R.-2 zone, room for another unit. Drive by 513 1umlne Ave., Corona del Mar, and then call me! I GUilE, .. _ REA.LroJt . 2731 W. Cout Hwy., Newport 328 KA..ICIS8US AVE. OOJIOMA DEL KAa 2-beclr. home on 10-ft. lot. HarctwoocS Boon. 2:10 volt wt.rtna. permant. water 10ft. en•, lpi1Didlna IYStem. etc. Saerlllce t21.!SOO, terms. -·E.-· REALTOR AND INSUJlA.lfCE 3333 E. Cout Highway, RA 2422 CORONA DEL MAR m11 tltuld.,'' mum ... ,..., ,.,.,., '"'.bJ)* "'tlw MtD Hplecr11t ~let .._._ W11Uf a U. • . Uberty 8-7492 tWUMDAY. AVGGIT & ~ UIUUIIg CommerdGis New ~ ot tbe o.armet•s K.ltebeft at 110'7 &. eo.t a.,. .. CoroDa dtJ Mar, are Mra. B. C. llantoD, her IOD-111-law Albert Stanley, aDd C. 8bmD A11eD.. An eld.eDatve ea~ eervlce 1a provided bT the Oounnet•s Kitchen. It pl'Ovtdea a ecJmplete koe.her and American deiJeatee- Mft, chicken rotulerrie, bon-d- oeuvres for cocktaU parUee and luncheoo baaketa. Gourmet's KJteben Ia Introduc- Ing the lobrter roll on the west cout. It conaim of a hot dog bun filled with lotJ.ter aalad with Carnilhes and IHVed with potato aalad and cole slaw. ......... Lll , ..... 2ll FL W., Fl'lllap IIOIU E. SIWU 106 McFadden Pl. Newport Cat the Pier) Harbor 140. Eves. HArbor 1137-M LOOKING Ftr I , ... ~'ll .... q" ........ Oar? 1'1111T OP ALL -we have only ONE location and sell aU or our can from this location, keeping our eo.t and Ove-rhead down }!!__a MINIMUM. Thl.s, of cou~. enables u.s to keep our Used~ Prices LOW. SECOirDLT -we penonally Inspect every U~ Car-offer. lng only the Best -Wholesaling the Rest. (Our lot is too amall for both). The ''Safe Buya'' we offer you are Inspected and reconditioned wherever needed. UD MOST OF ALL -we give you a Guarantee of complete satl.afactJon -In ev~ way -or your Money Is Refunded We have been selling 'Safe Buy'' Used Cars for over 30 yean on thla 3-day Mon~y Back Guarantee (Not Exchange -But Money Back). ll&IIEX8DI We ar~ Building our Buslness throueh the Per- sonal Attention and "Good Will" of you people living here In Orange County. Won't you Join OW' many satisfied cuatomera and VISJT ua soon! JOHNSON & SON LINCOLN-MERCURY Open Tll •.30 p.m. Liberty 8-SSU 900 W. Coast Hwy~ Newpcxt Beach We Fill , Pl'eKriptions N ,._. ._.. ..... wtaa F•trwdc... ............................ .JI• II M IWJ 'frill Wf .... Mil m. ............... ~ ............ __... a r .. 1 Cut • DL a. .. rert 'ltk .......................... ...... u r .. ..._ w...., o ........................................... _ _... • r_. .,....... a. .. r.s, ;rt1c .-.. ··-·---.................... ...... • ·--...... Dll..-------·----------~---·-·-·.-11 hktl ....._ t DL & .. ,Di ..... --........ ____ __ • rw. I Cu1 I I Dr: & .. 0: ..... __ ·--·-~ • r.a 1 • k a. .. Osuat.._ ... __________ .. _: __ ..... _ . ....:a. ....... c tit .... __ .. ______ .. ___________ _ - • •• SMALL OFFICE for rent. $30 per mo. Duncan Hardesty, realtor, 2602 Newport Blvd.. Npt. HA 4718. 2-BEDRM=-=-. -~-a-r .-.-p-t.-, _p_art...,.,...la'""'ll:-y fum.. bay view. $90 mo. yrly. Gera.ld W. RJtchle. phone, HA 83. Corona del Mar. WINTER RENTAL -guest cot. tage. pvt. patio. $65 mo., 614% Begonia. COM. 2-BEDR. FURN. apt., pvt. patio. auto. wash~r. dlsb~er. P · rage. In Beacon Jko.y, Pvt. Mach. small boat tie-up. Wln- ~r rental SlOO mo., yrly. $150. Utll. pd. No pet.a. Avail. Oct. 15. HA 1240. W AJnED TO a&RT TEACHER lr wife desire unfurn. yrly. rental. B. I. 1-~. apt or small bouse. Writ~ James Par. ker. 6110 Fair brook, Lone . Beach. WANTED-Winter or month. to- month rental In COM for well recomme nded party. Prefer 2. ~. unturn. No chUdren. Phone HA 4794 or 1787-W. ~WAJITD) WANTED: ASSISTANT aloft. , .. ~~~~~ APPLICATIONS being accepted for mall canter or clerk. man only. Apply at COM Post OU1ce. MALE OR FEMALE for malnten- an~ work. Apply eves. 6-10 p.m., Port Theatre, Corona del Mar. WOMEN WANTED: Exper. sal~ ~son. opening for full or part time work. perman~nt position. l ntervlewlng now. J. C. Penn~y Co.. 239 Broadway, Laguna Beach. CONSTRUCTION Jobs open ln For m~n who ar~ wllllne to start u Who are 18- 45; H. S. gnd- uates J obs with rx~ll~nt chances to adv~. Include pald vacatlona and olldaya. 5· h day wk. Co. paJd penl6on and dllablUty plan. SANTA ANA HELPERS and CLERKS CAREER BENEffiS APPLY 1030 E. First Santa Ana Mon.-Fri. 8-4 SO. COUNTIES GAS COMPANY BECHSTEIN. On~ of the worlda ereatest pianos. Just llk~ new. Cood tor generations. You will M tbrUJed to bear and play tht. maen1flcent Instrument. The low price wUl astonish you. Other &rands as low u 1495. Danz.Scbrnldt BJg Store. 520 No. MaJn, Santa Ana. Open Friday Eve. TRADE IN your old watch on a Ladles dlarnond Elefn. Walla~ Calderh~ad Jeweler, 3123 E. Coast Hwy., COM. HAWAIIAN balsa wood surf board, sultabl~ for 100 to 150 lb rider $55 Call Harbor 4986 . ' week-ends. USED pianos. grands, spln~ts and uprights. Good practJ~ pianos u low u $125. $149, $187 and up. Easy t~s. One only famous make spinet sllehtly damaged In shipment. Brand new. Big savlne. Danz. Schmidt Big Plano 1r Orean Store, 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. 1950 CHRYSLER Royal, 4.dr. or. lglnal. Real clean, 40,000 miles. Royal blue. $750. LI 8-4073. .. M.AIIJJR ~,fOil.IZID". will lalla eru». -. Jf.B. Beaa... eat• and cl~an . Phone 3173-R between 6 p.m. lr 8 p.m. SNIPE SAILBOAT, compl~te with traller A buoy. Phone U 8-700 between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. SLIP RENTALS: Rowboat rental ~ max. 8' Mam, 30' l.ngth. American Legion Hall, 15th and Bay, Newport. HA 452. -PEaOJfAL MASSAGE In your home! Ladles only. For appointment. please call Ha 4795 or Ha 0292. TRADE IN your old watch on a new Hamllton. 1t means 80 much more to elv~ or eet a Hamllton. Wallace Calderhead. 3123 E. Cout HW)'., COM. IIDCD.I..AIROUS IIAMMOND ORGANS. Full llne, all models. Free practice rooms. ~ In and play on any model-The Great Concert Orean. th~ Home Model, the Olurch and the Spinet Models. U you think you cannot play, come In and try the world fa. mous Hammond. euy to play Chord Organ. You wUJ M utonlsbed to find you can play 1n fltteen minutes. Dam. SchmJdt Plano • Orran· Co. Rome ot the Hammond. 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. IIJIC&II a.doaa RENT A pnctlce plano u low u $5 per mo. Let the klddlea Glamour Glimpses lly AJIJf You probably didn't realize that September Ls almost hert. We have It on very r~Uable au- thority that lt start.1 a week from today-which means there's 1~ than a week lett to take advan. taee of OBRIEN'S August coat sal~. Many of our customers al ready know that this coet event Is the opportunity of the year. ... For now, when the selection ls ex~llent. you may purchase brand new fall and winter coats for 10% less than their regular cost! You just can't lose. Further. more these crispy evening~> of late give just a hint of how nice and snue and comfy one ol these new beautiful all-wool coats can feel. Come In and see the 1955 look In coats. s.a..tbDM I tll1Dk lfJa o-an-•ut ...., bcnldbaga wttll la.talble IMt. At leat ..., --.. 1lf'GI.k rtpt oat .. tM .....,. lt•wttllzt we wet • +t ......... 'dly ... -.a.rw ...... ... .................. Wl,.. ...... a-1 .A8d ........ --........... WllltyiM Ia npt .....,_._, --·t dteatbe ..._. bat ...... llany ... to you CIIID Me tiNa (betoft umeoet elM .. tiNa tinL) Accesaories. such as handbags. belts and hats. are an ~uy way to bridge the gap into a new sea. son and blouses are another per. teet early ta ll part of your ward- robe now that summer things look so frilly and washed out •at Jut Ia c:a11e yoa dlda"t li:Dow, let .. t.U '" thcd fcdl be. tnanly OtiDe to o-.mmrs. TM __._ we ... recdly locldM W'lu. od.--•erda...U• .. ....-y faU OCCI'D..,. from dGu- room c:ancda to ....,.. pcuty frodal. Toa"" probably aotlctd tbCit tbe .. catMt dlua1n are OGNfu1 ...,. to lcl!r a..la1Acl tbe 11-IIU GDd tllGt Ia wily OO.mD'S ... leclturla9 wools. .......,. .ad dad co....._ p!alda. ........ tulta CIDd ... I hiM Let U belp !'"I ..aect .,..., ..w -wwdHIN. ....... 2515 E. Coast Bwy. COitOIIA D&LIIU leam. All ~ rent appll" .U =:=:::========::::: you buy Jatft'. Danz.SebmJdt. 5:1) No. Main, Santa Ana. 100 plaftOII from wblcb to chooee. COiiiLiii LiJiliiCijijg IDfiC& FREE J:S'!DIATES Sldl Green Stampe Free dellvey OOltO.NA DEL MAll ~ BA 1011 27M 1:. Cout RWJ. ' II'IVA'IIOIII WAIITD ID'fJCD ---=----------G•rihiHC: lAtm an..,.,..., ~-~ber1Ys.ea5. lfewpwt Baalw E.lp Honeymoon Trip Is Delayed A car bu.rJ)ary and a chue or the IU.IJ)eCta delayed a honey. moon trip for Mr. and Mn. Gary B. Lovell, wbo were staying at 1242 W. <>e.an rt., Newport, fol- lowinc their recent marriage in Altadena. Last Friday Mrs. Lovell was informed that two youths were in her husband's car. Mr. LoveU and his brother, Brook LoveU of Hemd. pve chase, and the two suspect& ran toward Balboa. Richard A. Naughton, 20. of Mission Beach, was eaucht at 12th St. and Balboa Blvd., but cot away a(ain. Officer George My- ers took up th~ chase. and Nauch- ton was cornered and captured near 14th St. RoMrt G. Tye, 1e, of San Dieco was located at his car on 14th St. and Balboa Blvd. The two youths were arrested orchids and stepltanotb. Her als ter, Mrs. Joseph Roeener, Jr., of Puadena was matron of honor. Brook Lovell served u befl man for ht. brother. The bride completed her atu dies a( UCLA Graduate School In June. J'he groom t. th~ aon of Dr. and Mrs. Phlllp N. Lovell or Hemet and Newport Beach. He Is an attorney, and has just been mad~ the recipient ot a scholar ship tor apecla.l study at the Food I and Drug lnstltu~ at New York UnlversJty. The youne couple will reside In New York until June, 1956. IIPI•••AIIIIII le.,.,t Sclleela on car bu.rclary charces. which The Newport Beach Elemen also included the burclary of the tary School Board voted Tuesday ear ot John Kimmick of Whittier. night to approve the request of parked at Ocean Blvd. and Poin· parents ln the Harbor Highlands settia Ave., Corona del Mar. subdivision to allow stud~nts to The newlyweds started on a attend Newport Schools. K.Jnder. two-week honeymoon trip to New &a.rten through t1tth wUl attend York City after UU. Incident. Harbor VIew School. Sixth. ..v . The bride, th~ former Barbara enUl and elptb crade:rs wUl co Jean Bopn. daulbter olllr. and to Honee Enslp Scbool. ...... JlloMrt ............... We 'nala ........ bddatad ~\be and t.o. Al\plel, won a Cah11J Cotta 11-. School loud when ballerina lenldl JOWD ol Wh.IW ~ RJp.lancFs annexation to lace. Her bouquet wu ot tth.lte l'ewport Beach wu aarted.. , •aaa ••• Bal. Island Yacht ClUb To Hold Election Friday * Due to a ahortace of rlbbona there hu been a delay In pte. sentlng tim-place rlbboM to wtnnert each week. The latt pte. nlc of the ~aaon for club mem- bers wu held Tuesday In the open air clubhouae. F AS.:!Oif IBOW A.PUL 1 Alter th~ tlrst fall fuhlon show to be held nnt Thursday, ~pt. 1. at the VUia Marina, the monthly style panoramu wtll M held on the first Saturday of each month. N~xt week's show, produ~ by Verna MUler Charm School, will Include fashions from Br11g1's, the Brat shop. EU gene. Fun Fa.shloM. La Rein~. Marilyn's, Lorne and Rules. Res- ervatJons may be made by cau. in& Harbor 3930 Ir-e• Ce•IJ'a ...... Flleat 1 .... , • ...._ llliclll•••• * .......... t * IIW I PEl * Oadaw * ... .. JAAat * * * .... ., •••••• Fer ,_ * c ......... . ( .. ldd..._F_~....._) House and Garden Furniture Great '1 OOAJOO Smashing Reduction S LE SACRIFICE PRICES! On ·RaHan & Modern Fsrniture ftJa Eatift Sa.,. 11• _.. Stodlt of FiDe a.tt.L wa pt 1na ...t ....._ Fwdalt1lft •.• DJG. ........ no. c...tat ... c... -Pa.bUc Side tit DIMtiallly II..W ~~ We._ 0..- S...._.I W. E11 tw -r.at We Sell ....S Sell ~I .... T .. CaS.... Op to •1.1 O.."t .....u aUT 011 OR CAST PAT c:aEDIT TEDIS .......... ·- Tentative Boundaries S·et . . For Elementary Schools Boundartel for attendance tn tbe Kewport leech Elementar7 School.a have been tentatively Mt at ronow.: Horace Enalp School-Grades atx, aeven and eight. Corona del Mar School-Grades one through flve: Corona del Mar aouth of the hlehway, Irvtne Ter- Young GOP Meet Today The Young Republican Club of Newport HarbQr wUI meet at 8 p.m. today (Thursday) at the home of the Robert Hubers, 1413 W. Bay Ave .. Newport. Organization of precincts will be discussed by Sam Barnes of Bay Shores. chairman of the County Central Committee, and Mrs. Robert Marshall ot lJdo Isle, co-chairman. Councllman J. B. Stoddard was speaker at the last m~tlng of the club, held at the Marshall residence. lOSS rtJLUJISOII aETU'B.IIS Blanche Fulkerson of Newport has just returned from a week's vialt to San Francisco. rae.. Balboa taland. Beecon Bay, Rubor~ Harbor View School -Grades one through five: Colona del Mar north ot the highway, Corona Highlands, Shore Clllh. Bay Shores, Bay Shore camp, Cliff Hav~n. Newport Heights. Newport School-Grades one through five: Newport, Balboa, lJdo Isle. Kindergarten children will en· roll In the schools as outlined above with the followlne excep. tlons: children on Lido Isle will attend Harbor VIew School; chll dren In West Newport through :Wth St. will attend Corona del Mar School. Children are eligible to enter the first grade It they are slx years of age or will be slx on or before Dec. 1, 1955. Chlldren are eligible to enter Kindergarten If they are five years of age or w111 be five on or before Dec. l, 1955. Parents are urged to accom. pany new enrolees ln all lower grades as well as kindergarten. Children attending Horace En- sign School should be at their bus stops by 8:15 on rrglstra- tion day, Friday, Sept. 9. Chil- dren attending the other three schools should be at their bus stops by 7:45 a.m. x-z e f • • • of SCKial note •. ,EG Th(' Harbor art'a jumped Into prominence again when a belle of Balboa. Miss Judlth Noyes Roarh. was married August 11 to Michael Millika n. son of the fa. mou!l Dr. Clark B. Millikan of Cal Tech. The bride Is the daugh. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Alden Roach of 2124 Balboa Blvd., BaJ. boa. She Is a student at USC. The wedding wu held In San Gabrlel. Cbu.rc:h o( Ou.r Sa vkJur. • • • States GovernmE-nt. and she will join him there. While she goes by boat her dog will go by air and beat her to Germany. • • • When Mrs. 0 . Z. Robertson re turned from a leisurely vacation at Lake Arrowhead, she found her daughter In law, Mrs. Zeller Robertson had received her port call for September, at which Ume abe wU1 aa1l from San J'rancleco wtt.h the two c!tftdren to )otn her Bill Gannon at 317 Marruerlte husband atatJon~ In Japan with IWOMDA'I', AVOVIT & 1 .. AT O._IEN"S ••• ihe ~ ..-melwMd. ••••• iMWfnt Back to School in Classic SWEATERS and SKIRTS choose from O 'BRIEN'S tremendous selection CASHMERE OR THE NEW FURBLEND Classic pullo"'fJr · -· cardigan or one of the new ultra smart high-styles. $8.95 to $-45.00 A SMART SKIRT the finest of tailoring fash ioned in miron flannels, tweeds, plaids priced from $7.95 to $-45.00. DIE WEEI LEFT! AQ9Ut Speckd·Coat Eftllt 10~ oft oa all...., fall COCita • For tops in eampus coordinates Me ... \ (,.) ~. / ONE OF OUR VERY NEW SPfNNERIN COORDINATES la clyed..la..IDCitda .. ecrl.. CIDd ddrta are ,.. cet.uag the laiP.t ratiDg foc MW lcd.1 ~I hre woolllldlta wttb ••eatera c:l.auica1ly .... iOIMd Ia a _.. ba-d ef wool. fur CIDd ayloa vtft a eoft ~look to a ftrY ...._. abM (CID4 GIJTnlftlooldDcJ) aaoct.L Toa'll be tJu11Je4 wttb tbeM t.aD4 ...., coonttDat.. Ia aaatda.la9 v-aalDID nd. periwtlaltle blue. .-ce 91MD aDd otben. lweat.a cr:re A.l5 to 112.15. Otben bOlD 13-15. Kcrtdalag .ad.rtll II Z.IS. COlONA DEL . .: 1515 &. c..t lhy. CDM. IIA - ,, Ave., Corona del Mar, Is laJd up the U. S. for~ wl th a broken leg, sufl ered wh lle r""iiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiloiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil:..,_;iiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiOiiiiiiiliiiii;;;a-.;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiil_llllll_.liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii--iiiiii-Riii .. _____ ._._llllt trying to .jump over fhe fence- This is yOungland's look for Fall Sare u be t~Mr'• pet-1Ac looks ~ .M~mc i11 ~' buttoll· yMrc platl, ""'-' 6y Yo~.M ila D-/Uvo'• tHNler-KJGJJuJbt, FriAid..SAttl _,. Jbt1/wsm. lrt • bnlliat pent pi.U, /roJUtl .UA utl-pi~tl pi.qru colhu tiM n~ls. sa. 3 to 6lc. 14.98: 7 to lZ-15.95 1109 Jlf.-poct Aft. and not quitE' making it. . . . Small bluE' nt>t bags o( rice ~""" a hint of thE' futurt> wed rllnJ:: ~ntrnt ions of Mary Ann Bowlf"'. Nr" port. OCC graduatt>. and Kurt Aspcl Jr. of Laguna. Thl.' young folks haven't an. nounC'f'rl thE' sJX'('Itlc date yet. hut t"xPf'('t the nuptials to occur l :-: :l b~"\.!t a yt>ar. • • • Mrs Karoline Droege of Corona del Mar. plans to sail October 8 on the Holland American line for EuropE' Sh£> plans to be gone quitE' a while because her son, John, Is In Munich now working as a civil e>ngineer for the United Schools Open On Sept. 12 Newport Beach elem4mtary schools will re-gister atudenu on Friday, Sept. 9. and Ln.structlon will start on Monday, Sept. 12. Mesa elementary students will register on Thursday, Sept. 8. and start school on Kondar. Sepl 12. '--------------------------J Thirty-three new teacher-a have VAN'S CLEANERS A WOO ••• to tbe WJSEI "30 y •••' Ex,erielcl Perfeclllc S1,..W CluiiiC Cratt.lllli11" , 11MC1M tbat J'OU get ""Coaapl.te CJean1D9 SattaiCEtJ.o at v Alf"S .. * Da 'CATK PAUICI * UADD ad LACE QAUIDTI •r>rr 0.,.1 .. eblt • .....,..., • Lauadry s.mc. •DT-1D9 eJiad Pn a r ._.IIIHI .... J ....... * been hired for Newport Beach achools. For Harbor VIew School they will Include Ml.as Nancy Sheets. Mrs. Lovell Lehman and Mrs. Margaret Ferguson, first grade; Miss Nancy Jane Garrl- IOn, Mrs. Elaine Holmes, and Miss Allee Wlnn, second grade; Miss Dorothy Carl. Mrs. MareJe Richardson, and Mrs. Marcia Hess, third grade; Mn. PbylJJa Grimmett and Mrs. Nina Hixon and Miss Ja net Coombs, fltt.h grade. New teachers for the Horace Ensign School Include Werner Carl10n. Mrs. Charlotte Ca.rpen. ter, John Mount and Miss Hany- ette Fry, sixth grade: John G. Granath Jr. and Mn. VlreJnla Marston, seventh and eighth gradft; Mrs. Geraldine Barker, home economics; Lewts KJddtT, Instrumental mualc; DaVId 01- aon. vocal mu.lc. and Mrt. Kathryn Sa~an. librarian. New teacher~ for the Corona del Mar School Include KIM Shlrler McKelvy, Jdnderprten; MJu Norman Goodwin and Mn. Helene K.enney, .ec:oncf pade; Mia Bernita Hannon. t.bJnf grade: MJu Lola Smith, fourth JTade. and Mtl. Nancy BJ&Ir, fifth pade. New teachert In the Newport lehoel IMh* Ma. Lou._ J(Jtbael, ~,~ ..... ... ~ ....... ftilt ... ; ...................... ,...,,....a. ...... ~-.. Ends Labor Day Important Savings Event , ri - * SAVE! In O~r Women's Dept. . U.S' BlESSES ................................................ Regular 119.95. LADIES' DIESIEI ................................... -.......... Regular 117.95. LUIQ' MEIID ................................................ Regular 114.95. UIIEI" IIEIIES Regular 11o.95, L.IIIIEI' SliTS ............................................... . ............................................................ Regular 125 to 145.00. Blouses .tel Play Clothes, - -113 to * ••• $12.11 . •. , .... . ••• $U& .... -·· lew, $lUI 1/2 OFF! 11 Air .IIWIIrJ * * ..,.. ...... a.. SAVE! IN OUR •n ... -.............. _ ............... .. MITI ................... -... -........... .. 50% OFF! MEN'S DEPT. Regular 145 to sso, ~ 127.50. Regular 110 to 115, Regular 18.95, • Regular 11.95. Regular ass. * .., .... ... 111.11 ••• ll.M ••. -· ... , .• ... -- IN OUR CHILDREN'S DEPT. * 113 to 1/2 OFF! ~--~ ~~~~~~~----~~ .. ~--~~~~ • \ f8081DAY. AVOG&i a ~ ............... the year's most stylislt shape An Inspiration from Ports. now on Local Students Preparing For Studies in College Bouchey, Ann Ralston, Andrt>a &hulberg, Don Beatty. and Me linda Lelthold. Santa Barbara will claim Gynellt> Dysart and Linda Adair. Dick Innt>rst will matriculate at Pomon.a . SOJf FOB KELTEU ...... ~-, ... .,., c ....... , TODAY. the story ot. a rood tlrure Ia told NaT in pounda, but in INCHES on a TAPE MEASURE YOU wtll be dellehted and amazed when you know for the very Clrst time what the STAUFFER SYSTEM can do tor YOUR figure! At the Stauffer System, you wUl bto told how long It wiJJ takA! to achleove your desired proportions. PboDe Today toe Tou.r r .... Tri4l Treat~DeDt Barbcw 17U Sll7 E. Coast Bwy. COBOllfA DEL IIAJl th. required list of oil the ltnOI'test tcholors. long shapely boda In 101ld color, buttons in front, Is bodt JOshed and color-matched to the pleated skirt of a eose and 1011 resistant checked Gingham. Wonderfully woshable, easily pressed. Wrth a pocket hidden In the skirt BACK TO SCHOOL-Summer suddenly becomes very short and precious toward the end of Aug- ust and the young pt>Ople start getting excited about their re. turn to collt"ges and universities away {rom home . . . most ex. cited of all. of course, are the ones who are trying this new college venture for the first time. Among these we hear that Tod White. Pete Frost. Gh.>n Thomas and Dick Mlrkov1ch are all slen· Dance Studio Is Opened A son, Shawn Jo~ph, 7 lbs .. 10"' oz., was born to Dr. and Mrs. Francis E. Kelter of 15 &-a con Bay, Newport Beach, ln Santa Ana Community Hospital on Monday, Aug. 8. He joins his I brothers and sisters. BIIJ, 18; Pat. 17. Marcella, 14 and Timothy, 4, In the family. -ru. p.m. * WE CIVE CU:Eif STAMPS * einert's DK•AaTIIZKT STOllE lilt .ewpod Ill"-eo.ta ..... 1114 ed up for Occidental Collegt-. Dance studio association that Getting ready for freshman week started In Detroit has culminated starting September 22 at Stan. In the KJng Studio of Dancing, ford U. are Jane Ostrander. Paul which opened rE'CE'ntly In Lido Nl'Wl'Tlan and Ann StPWart. Shop pI n g Center, 3440 VIa USC will claim Denise Niles. Oporto. Ann Gibson. Johan Hirth. Bill Walter King used to be gen I Ring, [)tck Reddick, Richard Ra eral manager of dance studios In ger and Bruce Knipp. Bruce Hart Detroit, and R. B. Simpson was wig and Dennis Fitzpatrick are his assistant. Later Mr. King was I on tht"lr way to UCLA and James transferred to Los Angeles. and Everson and Bill Bartlett wtiJ go Mr. Simpson also came to the to Redlands. west coast. to Long Beach. They Arnone thoee who are entmn1 had talked ol establlshlnl their the Untwnt~ or Caltf.on\la at own dance atudio. wblcb would Berkeley next month are Myrna empbutte "'-" t~ualtty of l&-muctlon and lndtvtdual atten- tion to the students. The result Is this partnership enterprise In Lido Ce~~ttE'r. lart IItts Is • Dllr 11 a.. Razorllack Mr. Simpson, a native or St. Louis. Mo .. studit"d business ad 1 Karl G. Kitts. Interior commu. ministration at Was h ington Unl I nlcatlons E'lectrtclan fireman ap vers1ty In St. Louis; st"rvt"d for l prenticE'. USN, son of Mr. and 5~ years In thE' Marine Corps, Mrs. Arthur A. Kitts of 183 E.J almost two years ot that time In I Santa Isabel St., Costa Mt'SA, has the Kortoa fighting. He was pia reportt"d tor duty aboard the sub toon sergt>ant in the front lines. marine uss Razorback. His WifE' Sylvia. who was a 1 The Ra.zorback Is a unit ot dancing Instructor, got him in Submarine Squadron 3, based at tt"rf'Slt>d In dancing. They have a S,n Diego. Calll., and operates In 7-month.old daughter. Debbie. Pacitlc waters. Kitts, who re. Mr. King, a native of Canada. ported aboard trom the Naval Is a college graduate with a Submarine Base In New London, Bachelor of Science degree in Conn., was graduated {rom New englnt'erlng at thE' Detroit lnstl port Harbor High School before tutto of Technology. He started as enterlnc the Navy In JuJy, 1954. an instructor In a Detroit dane lng studio. and there mt"t his For lett.IM.ds. envelopes ~• wtte, who was an Interviewer. THE ENSIGN, HA-1114 They have a 2-year..old son, Mark ==----------~--~~~----~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~--~--~ ~an. UlTRA-MODERN King Studios tf 8rJbuw, ~~ ,.,._., Att.ntioft ,Mn MCh incf .. Wu.l byour .... ~ ...... yo41of ,..... t. tlftd .,..._ 'op..a.ftr- "Wt.t lt'a tliM to O.C." c.IH.w .. l * 0.... , ... ...., Ftw., Eu ., .. a... ............ . Registration and orientation w~k at Chapman Colleee Is slatt"d for September 6-9. It Is announced by Emery E. Owens. registrar. New studt"nta should apply for admission to thl.s four year Jib eral arts coil~~~ as far In ad vance of orientation week as po8 slble. he advised. The registrar's office ls o~n for counsellne and acadt>mlc program planning dur lng week days from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m . .OY IOIUI TO KAaDn: F AIOL T IX BOJfOLULV IIOSPITAL A baby boy welehtnc 8 pounds 8 ounces was born Tuesday, July 26. to Marine M/Set. and Mrs. Edward J. OJI~r. Jr.. at Tripier Army Hospital In Honolulu. M/Sgt. Oliver ls the son of Mr and Mrs. Edward J. Oliver qf Costa Mesa. Mrs. Ollvt>r Is the d&uJhter of Mr. and Mra. Tommy Eskue of Lubbock. Tex. The baby, named Edwtn ltc-nt. ls tht" teeond child for the Ollwr family. A Classifieo 1\d In I lie En,ion brinQS immedie~ resufh! Can Harbor 111-4-11 IS .~ OtOYe it' a. W•• at's YARN SHOP Read Enstgn Want Ada. Reservations Now HArbor 3930 villa marina * * * Thursday, Sept. 1st 20'1h in a series of monthly Faabion Shows NOTE: Next Fashion Show on Saturday. October 1st (and the first Saturday of each month following) Presented through the cooperation of the Villa Marina. Vema MilleT · and The Following Distincti•• Shope BRAGG·s UNIQUE SHOP 2737 E. Coast Highway Corona del Mar * THE BRAT SHOP 1809 Newport Boulevard Costa Mesa * LA REINE 500 Via Malaga Lido Shopping Center * MA.RIL YN'S FASHION APPAREL 1767-A Newpon Boulevard Costa Mesa ll.LGENE. CASUAL FASHIONS 1883 Harbor Boulevard Costa Mesa • * LORNE 204 Marine A venue Balboa Island * FUN FASHIONS 2659 E. Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar * * RULES OF CALIFORIGA 3210 Via Udo Lido Shopping Center VElMA M"lEB alAIIM SCHOOL Commentary-Fashion Mod.ela 307 N. Broadway, Santa Ana Lunch on from 12:00 Noon . --IS New Teachers Join . Staff lit Harbor tr~gh SAVE SAFELY At Orange County'• Leacling Home Lending •••tltut'-'n CONIINUING TO PAY PER ANNUM All ACCOUNTS INSURED UP TO $10,000 All Accounts O pened On or Before The I Oth of the Month Ee rn From the I 1t. LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVING S & LOAN ASSOCI A liON 222 Oceu Avenue LAGUNA BEACH Paopla h....-a bMn u ying •.. and betiaving that YOU CD Dllllld .. Ul ., .,_ ............ COSTA MBA -- • JIEW J"BB£111)1 .. U.... two W. Ina -triM ua.t ...,. at __. a wbU. bedL. At U.. .a.tt Ia 11-yea:r.old ...._ If.,.. wbo hal -. to ConGa del II• 1.-.,_.., a-...y. ODd 'tritb llba Ia IS.J'IMf-old ..._ Stoddard. Ds.t.r wW tt. .tay= at U.. bo-.e of Ceandl•-a.d Kn. J. L Stoddard wbU. ~=d.bi9 K.wpol't Barbo~' Ollloo lliP Scboo1 a em M[b-.. atudllat. Names of Debutant~s Listed For Second Annual Deb Ball AJRUIES • RIUOADS Registration Times Given 38-FI. CIW1 Cl'lltlr T•••LHselllay A 38-foot cabin crulaer. found drUting tn the bay, wu towed back Into Its slip at the Ne-w- port Harbor Yacht Landing by Jack Nelson, operator of the Shell Marine Dock, 406 S. Bay Front, Balboa bland, at 10:05 p.m . last Thursday. Nelson Informed the cruiser owner. Gordo n White of 114 VIa Xanthe, Lido Isle, that he had found hls boat In the middle of the bay. The boat owner told po. lice that the party who turned his boat Joou had reached Into an open port hole and consumed a filth of whiskey. STEAIISIIIPS • TIURS Final MarkDowns in Store-wide Sale! Swim Slits Prices Slaahad Big Selection s;.. 10 -46 c.n.ar. •• s• Values to Palm Bead~ u.,... Suits 17.95 ·~·-· t .... . ... • Play • m-ta' ...... • Pu.hen • Bermuda Shorto e Terry Shorto e Terry Braa eTerry...,. Beach & Boulevard • ,LAGUNA BF•C:H . BACK TO SCHOOL SAVING.$. SWEATER liTES Ill LUXURY-SOFT ORLOII Perfect companions for fall skirts -Pe-nney's sweater cluslc~ of finest Orion, SJ><' ch11ly spun for extra soft- ne!J8. Thl'y wash so well, never need blocking. Mix- match colon, sizes 34 to 42. 6.90 ~. I -4.98 . ' • UCI TO SCIOli. IIEEDS Ankleta -------39c Cottcm Pcmti--39c . . ' Gym Socb ---·-49e Jr. High Gym Suita ---···-3.79 Seuior High Gym Shorts --··-·-I .98 Gym S1Urta ---·-·-2.19 aoy. 8cn:lr: to Scbool ~ ..----------lweatan. A booa. to you ..., ~ -..._,.... 1..-t.. I' en of Lwnary Odoll. liPKklll1' apu.a fG!I' Ealnl ~ .......... Machine washable In colors, Blue, Yellow, Green and Grey. solid Tan, lta.Jtol sa. 1 to It 1.98 2.98 ··~------ Sball 10.11 2-a Ctni••J S.lrla l t.M7 -Jt 3 98 • :w.._ ~t~-'!.'": .... -........ · ..... -----... ,. ____ .. .......... -., ...... • • • • ~ I• LD&8T'f 1-1171 eo.ta ........ J49. «::oM .... FEATU- Qua. • ...._ .. al.oi..I.De .... -u CIDd all VWI01I product. ••• ................... ftCK ~ 6 DELIV'Eft ELLIDII'S VlfJOif UJIVICE @-·--...... a.adl .... 'IIJ ~&...,Day ........... JAMES D. RAY IIIWIII C•lr .... l446 E. COAST HWY .. COlONA DEL MAl HAll-4761 · a..w...-~ HArW 4196 5~ -.nu LOAII Conatruc:tion J.oana s,-. .. un LOU suaoasA~ Poirier llrtpp C.. 2515 &. Coat Bwy .. Cl)ll Pb. IIA 1111 K1 S-5115 Pin ·spoHing 8t JACK OU With the Cluslc ovft', the sum- mer leagues winding up their tl nal week, and the wtntft' "rental" signs appearing all over town, plana tor the "Winter Leagues." where the bowllnr Is aerlous and the competition tough, are under way. 'Ibe tentative startJnr dates for most ot them w111 be between P a. TTY ILU)OIID 80YJ). Kt. o._,. Coaaty CIDd ~ Qaeea of the ~ C:O..ty Fair. Wft'M t....u • Jibe pawpw• ......... Sacro. IDMlto. -~· .. ..w partld • pate iD tlae 1155 Maid of CaU. tonakl Coate.t l.D COILDeCtloa witb the State l'a:lr. Klu 8oyd ~· ... ted tlae dty ot Aaa- belJD iD the OlaDte Cowaty .. poe.ltioa. 8 ez8 E M ; 8 E M E I E M 8 +:E E M E 8 8:M;+:+ M M M i i 8:+:a:M 1; £alling C:Q-By DICK HOFI"'IIIAN the flrst and ff_fteenth Of Septem i E •:•:•: M M M •:c M M M 8 :• > M +: E M M 8 E M 8 I +:M M M E M 8 M M 8 ber. (Continued from Page 2) In some of those chilly befor~ If you're a business man and just what Mr. Marlin wanted. daylight sessions. The drag ls want to sponsor a team I which Ls Thlrty.flve minutes later, 154 1-s real smooth, too. 1 appreciate darn good advertlslngl your ap. pounds of bUl-lish was on the this. especially, tor my old spin proximate cost will be $10 and Jeramar Ill and the blue nag reel had a two position drag-all bowling shirts with your name was flying. the way on and aU the way off. on the back of them. Get your Nice going. you two young'uns! The Frenchman who made It can reservations In now as the spots We'll bet our best 3/6 rod against now have It back. anytime. along are llmlted and most of last a mop handle that there are two with a bucket full or fresh snails year's sponsors will be back. proud dads around. Their names from my ~Y garden. If you're a bowler and want to are Marvin Garrett and Harry e EASY AJrn.UV&UE bowl In a learue. go down to Davis. a couple o/. fathers who Two of the mo.t worth-wbUe Van's Bowline ln eo.ta Mea and taurht thelr eons how to flab. futures of this Splnator are leave JOUr name. eii&D. Dar unkaue. ""'-~ ._..,. 'nle t.entatJve 8Cbedula will Somet.l.me a,o w. brldly men. on II\OC aalt wat~ reel.! Is their be: In the 6:45 p.m. q>ot--Mon-tloned a salt water splnn1nl weak spot. lrfost conslst ot a day, Men's Commet"clal; Tues. reel called a Langley .. Splnator." small diameter pin which enters day, Ladles' Handleap; Wednes. I haven't caught a yellowtail this a little hole to accomplish the day, Mixed (Ball and Chain year. but If there are any around anti reverse et:tect. Tighten your League): Thursday. Ladles' Sen now. I'll have the gear that It drag too much or throw It ln. in lor Scratch. and Ladles' Junior takes. a hurry. and "snap" -you're Scratch: Friday, Mixed. In the My alibi for having no yellow. holding a knuckle buster: But 9:00 p.m. spot-Monday. :>ervlce tall In the locker ls that. until not here. chum. The anti reverse Clubs; Tuesday, O.C. Nisei. Wed.· recently I didn't own a decent Ia a ratchet gear. with a pawl nesda.y, 850 Scratch; Thursday, pi reel Thls "Splnator" should which engages the ratchet In a Men's Commercial; Friday, 905 ~n:w all about those yellows, highly positive manner. And the Diamond Classic. for It was developed and made lever which d<X'S the trick Is (Metro Llte ~ rada) ht. EJnt•• Tre•••* ... ,...,., SlnJIIal FL Lewis In the very heart of the yellow. large, study and most convenl- tall country. Yes, I mean San enlly placed. You'd have to prac- Diego. T\s said that few fish put tlcally tear the reel apart to foul tackle to the acid test like a yel-up this anti reverse! Dow1a hymeot m _.,SIUTUTMTAIU Smith,Corona • • • .; ... v .. ~ .. wow-~. Diet.•• For reliable garden lnlormatJon and ~e b. quality nUt~~et"Y stock vtalt our charming Dut'lei'Y In the heart ol l..apnL onaanDaY IY 4-1- Waltah say: Big SALE II ... Llpla a., Everything <•••II ••> Man Handprint Shirt Was 5. 95, Now 2. 95 • ..,.. bclrgabl ~ 2 0....,. poJ cmd 9QCII'GRteecl DOt to bcl9 crt the ........ Waltah Cl.te's BAWAD.JlR SJIOP '"Eftl'ftbJD9 ~ the lalaDda .. CJ\\ARRINER'S ...._. ayatt 4.1014 STATIONERS .B()C)KSa.LERS e 0... blodr dow1l the bW fraaa VIeW IIIUJO. MKt te abow e 22S Fcnst Aft. P'llaN: HY "544 LAGUNA 8EAOl I Use EnsigD W aat Ads lor Besalb Shop. at the Crossroads Village • • • • • . . on Newport BlYd. Pktan Framl.Dg aboYe the Arches. aaoaa -- Freeway &om Hoag vwe19e Drapery & IDt.n.on .._ Hoepital Gcnrthrop Beatiag . Air Coad..ttioiWag .... ----.....;.-----.. llarb« Bealtb Food Ston EUe~t'l Beauty Sbop Smitb'1 1b: Pharmacy ---Wm. lt. Harper, P.byaical Thenrplat Llbelty ~· Uberty U4J4 ecouats. • ...._ Claliu oC ldDd. .. Mbta -aapbele a..rtom..,.o~ ...... We~ all CINtL Pvt. Edmund C. Trompeter. son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert A. Trompeter. 2226 Elden Ave., Costa Mesa. Is a member or the 6006th Area Service Urtlt at Fort Lewls, Wash. lowtall hlgb-talllnr It for a kelp The other forward looking fea. bed and you on the other end lure of the Splnator Is a design trying to argue him out of lt. It which always brings your line to takes rugged equipment, but this a stop In the place nearest your ec-pl.te Moaldl.Dg. "Splnator" aeema to have lt. line finger. No matter what posl-lleflalshlDCJ, Art Supp&J. Wood-.ldl.Dg IDe. Jolua VogeL Realtor Uberty 1.3411 Libeny ~ 7521 Uberty ~1m Uberty 1-tiD Liberty ~1117 At least one landing (Davey's tlon of the handle. just back It PriDta. lllnon Locker) Ls so convinced of Its up a little and your linE> Is just rugged qualities that they use below the finger that picks It up wow IX It on their rent tackle. It takes a tor the next cast. This saves a "Tbe c:ro..o.s. VWC~g~e'" lot ot foolproof a pparatus to lot ot time. You get ust>d to your resist the wild. uninhibited per. ball being In the same position Llberiy ~1517 CREDIT BUREAU ot w...na 0ra11p eoaatr (formft'ly of Newport Beach. Lacuna Beach It Costa Mesa) *alftftideA.._POao. UbertY 1-7141 Jl..,.,.,ort ..... Pvt. Trompetet", a 1954 gradu· ate of Calllornla State PolYtech- nic College, Is a veterinary food Inspector In the unit's Detach- ment 2. He entered the Army In January of thls year and com. pleted basic training at Fort Ord, Caijf. forma nce of a gibbering green every time and It becomes a SUIIa If. w...-pon 81...s., horn angler with his first big completely automatic movement .._ __________ ..,. hookup! Doesn't Jt., Davey? to ntp the ball back. e I"'SB'EaiiEif OJfLT I haven't been so lucky this This paragraph is for fisher-year, but thPre are times when men only. 'Ibe rest of you non-a school of big ones b up for Orco tlshlnr ~aden can hop over and just a mlnutt'. where a couple ~ee what Col Andy 1.!1 doing to of extra casts spells the dUfer- 'IIIY ~. ALL s~ Council thl.! week. (And Jn pu-ence between a long boat ride or Co. BUILDING ~-..r-sing, I'll cut my vote for more a fish you can pose with for your J,_... 7-IDI PJpp"'dy J.07M Wacha and baseball fields ln-picture . AJ.L .TYPES ... &aWl& ••toe Dill. ....._ ..... ,._ at.ead of dty-operated trailer-e AJfD SO TO WOU S;;;~~;;;~==;;;;;;;------------==;;;ltmms.) The other day over at the BaJ. • Here are some ~~ the excep-boa Angling Club I saw Ray C M C tJonal features of the sea-golng Call, one of my cronies who OSta esa 0. Sptnator. for those of you who, agrees wtth me that the spin 11M myself untll recently, do not flsherman should have a bigger own a utlsfact.ory coffee grinder. show In the competitions. We got Tbe nn\ah 1.a excellent., practical· to talking about reels. Ray used lY aalt-watft' proof. or as near to a Splnator In Mexico and rt>ally It as possible. I'm not aure, but rave It a work out. He was de 1 think lt'a anodized aluminum. lighted with Its performance- The spool holds at lot of Une. all but one thing. He'aaJd, ''Tbe Dick lennlnp. the ruY from only weak spot Ia t.be Une rolJet". the Cortland Une Co .• who does lt'a chromed. and wlth hard use. Otelr pubUclty, recently sent me the chrome comes oft. It should eome rolls of lhe.ir good Cam.(). be made of stainless stHl." Flare monofilament., blesa hll When I got horne I took a look Uttle typewriter! Be .ent 600 at Dl.Y own rftl. I ruess Ute yuda of tO-pound test. whlcb Lanaley Corporation la rlrht on looked Uke enoup f« the whole the ball. for m.y roU~ lsn't C&m.U,y. Need 1 ay I wu aur-ehroDH!d -It's stalnJesa steel Jlrt.cl whn fQ1 Splnator' spool TbOMt JUYI •~ rlrht lba.rp, down beld over 400 ,..,. ol t.bJa nice t.bfte ln San Diego. ltUftf )()' now ls Jtdtln', whldl e QmCK CIIAIIQC JDHU that It's Ume to .tart .t..notJMr aUcll trick 1s 0..--t\111\lq the plndltone. Cotta' wtt1a whtdl J'OU eaa c:1au1e ~ you know. Cotta' let ~•ely lipOOrJe. tn ..aooc1a J'OU ean tum for 8\Y nut filhln' ck)'. And. to a .._.. -. -. JIQII a. u.. dlanp an old ••· "'t you toll ipool ot ~ ... moeo and be not. neft.ller ean J'OU .,tn. .. And '** ta ..................... -to wertL ot ~ -~~ ..... -~~ .... ll18~~ ...... il~il ,.. ....... ,... -.. tJidl flaa.-•WI•! ,.., ... _ ...... ~ ::.\:-'=:=..~ .......... ___ _ l--..•~=~=~~;~~;::;:;=~;;::_ _ __._JI-... ... rarra • ..,..._ llliiiiiiliiii • I • I I • • • • WHh-............. . "-........ fleet • ..-4_ .. ........ • With """ ~ hMitWuf ....,._,.,_ • With • ....._, M tweotlttt ...... ~. • Allll wtltl. ~ ,.." t-.......... .., ...... _,-'-"· Ye.a.ll this at ..,..,m.naly tmle CICIIt. C.O.C in ex- caD 111 todar fcx- aftftlleat w~y. ..t fuU cletaah • "'Tbe 2114. Stor( real •tate mcmN SAVE TRESE PBOKE KUKBEBS FOB BEADT ILEFEILENCE lrtkitic 1111 llll_.lic Pail Sllfferers The ..-...t cmd best relief •••• ALl' A . C. PLUS a ba.laDced coaab"*tioa of: b&n:b oU. oU of wiatwVJWL ...Wow balrk. a.d Vltamba "'C. .. l.D a bcae of Of9'CIIllaa.Uy t'"fO'Wa Oalleaa A11aUa ....S CIDd uapn ar r r c! ~ roet. ROW IX S10C1t. in The Cr0881'oack Village IUTCI CUITIIIS Coate lD cmd ... ow c.ap&ete Nlec1loa of M'". JO"' cmd Jr ~~~~ Dutc:b C.rtcdaa. •••• We .W.O ~~~:P--..-.... ...... ..;:;:~~ b a ., • V Cllcaloc:e IDCitlel1al .. 11st1n II 1.NOG matcb. .,.,. ... ................ , , Du ~ of .,.., &; ...... V'la Lido ...... Lido ..... repert. Bmt., ...... a-da. npCined ed that 11 ~ plaDta ... ,.. ri~ tM t.IMft ot a t21 _.. blqde. • • peel out .ad ............ ., 15 -ol 121~ -IO&k ... .Mewpart alOQI wttb .. tt'Om a pui"M ot Belich. aOII .Jbrrift a. CJaWd ., ....... Xr .......... .Job DaJ. Lol~_........,.. •• .,......, ........ ,.o.M. .... .. ihe POUCE BLO I I ER !CaW.. Trani. t. ol Ill lea-otbe:r plaate aDd en. were aJt.ed _______ ..._ ________ ""l'·~----... ~~-waf4 a.L. Coroaa Bl.,.la .... wu down with eoar. rodt aalt, theft of 1318 W. Bey Ave., Newport tr.ted bJ a cloc!tclr after belnl watend at a..r 'bolae ••. Ills. Beach, perked at Oeean Blvd. fDd bit bj' f 61& whkJl wu Q\W'Ul· .JobD Bumham ot IIOt W. <>o.n Poppy Ave., CoJ'ODa del Mar ••• tiDed .•• oa1cen 'quarutiDed a Front. Newport 8Mcb. reported Carl Noecker of 211 E. Balboa doc whJda tiM Mart)-Daupblae, 8, the tbeft of a teO Jlr'l'• •• me- Blvd., Balboa, reported the tbeft of Ml ~ ~Rd.. &bore tallic: blue biqde IJ'OIIl bu pr- of a $UIO camera from h.ia ear ••. ClUb ••• .J.-ph 8. Farrar, 71, .,e. .........,. a. fraDt tf 11M 1lewport ,... fill •lit..,._ Dr., New· Blvd., Nnrpcll't ._. port Beadl, ntpOI'ted J*ple ce TAJ[ES POLICE COURSE Newport Patrol Sergeant Earl Stoneback Is attending a two- week training eourse given at UCLA by the Califorma Techni- cal Institute of Peace Officers. A cr.,ssifieo 1\0 tn I ne Ensio" brinqs immedi.,te results! c.,u H.,rbor I I 14-1 I 15 .,nd orove it! THE (0oat1nue4 from Pate 11) 10-foot boat ln h1l 1ua1e, L. OoldoU ot W5. W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach, reported .•.. Two abeeta valued at $15 were atolen from the elothesllne of Mra. J:dlth R~ry of U7 Abalone St., Balboa laland ...• Two boys rldlnc bicycles went by and threw rocka lnto the atore of Miss Bonita Wllaon ol !500 VIa Mala1a, Newport Beach, at 4:38p.m .... A car driven by .Judy McDermid of San Marino stopped in a safe. ty zone at Marine Ave. and Bal· boa Ave., Balboa Island, and was hit in the rear by a car driven by Beverlee Crawford of 300 Grand Canal, Balboa Island ... Helen A.shabranner of 4001 Marcus Ave., Newport Beach, reported the theft of a swlmmlnl ladder whUe ahe was away. . . . Mrs. F. R. Philbrook of :rn Sapphire Ave .. Balboa bland, reported the theft of a S25 canvas tarpaulin from their ear .... Mrs. Evelyn lillller Qf the municipal trailer puk. Newport Beach, reported the theft of a straw basket type purse eontaintng valuable papers and about S3 from an unloeked car In t.ront of the Snug llarbor Cafe. Newport Beach .... PhljJip c. Dahlberg. 39, of Hawthorn~ staying at 128 42nd St., Newport Beach. suffered a heart attack, was given oxygen by the fire de- partment rescue squad and sent to Hoag Memorial Hospital by a physician .... OUicen were un- able to loeate a prowler who pulled two screens loose on the home of .John Stowers, 630 Poppy Ave., Corona del Mar .... A h it and run car damaged the left rear fender and tall light of the car of Hazel G. King of 330 Poppy Ave., Corona del Mar, at 11:59 p.m. • FIUDAY, AUG. U Wallets of Marilyr. Hill of 1316 W. Bay Ave., Newport Beach. and Sharon Butler of 413 Flower St., Costa Mesa, were reported stol~n from the car o1 Florence H. Hill • LIDO RESTAURANT ....... Fer ...... . Fr• F• P.l. * COCXTAILS * Broiled Steaks Lobster • Chicken Barbecued Ribs 3450 Via Oporto next door to the Elks Club No Tt'll:'phone tcan't get one) REX HILL, Chef .. , ... '-"'. '"' b! llUlcrcdt '3-\th match\ng 1 .. l te w bOttle eomP e . vacuum f ' "sUp-proof "crush·Proo and pn\ta~ho\ce. 3 eo\ots· •• metal 1\net. \.lllll aaw ... ,.... vr w\th ~ p\nt bOt· \ete ....... ·-· comP pEC1AL _ ........ -· tle. S ,~ .. • .-,nno• ~ ... ........ '2'' ,,. *CROWN HMDWA.DE* · * WE QIYI ClOD 8UIIPI * .,. .... JIIJ&Cawt~.C•••••cWIIar A hit and run ear broke two of Ul aow-roc1 Ave., CoroDa • I'OJIIDAY, AUG. 11 boles in the plutu in the aide del Mar, wu U'J"Sied ce a drunk Kra. Wllllam HUYe7 of 128 ctf Jon's Restaurant. Corona del driviq eUr8e at Watmlnate.r Buena Vilta. Balboa, reported the Mar, at 8:27 p.m ..• Sonny Reed· A.'ft. abel a.,. SL, Newport theft of a $10 beaeh umbnlla ... er of 3~5 W. Balboa Blvd., New-Helcbtl, at 1 p.m. •• lAurie Sue Nancy Beac:on of 301 Con1 Ave., port Beach, reported the theft of Lewla 18 mootha, of 107 Ialand Balboa Island, reported the theft ha bicycle from outai~e the ~-Ave., B...oo.., reportedl,y beld her from her clotbefiine of three boa theater . • . A paaeon vnth breath in anpr eauainl eonvul-bathina auits and a bath towel ... elipped wings was found by Gary siona and wu treated by a pby-Howard Budworth, 14. of 304 Lineberry of1~8 E. Ocean Front, a.ician and the fire department Onyx Ave., Balboa Wand. suf. Balboa, and wu turned over to rescue squad ... Juveniles reo fered a 3~-ineh cut in h.ia left Humane Officer Georae Myers · · · portedly broke windows in the foot whUe runnine between park. Mrs. Cora Kretzsc:hmar of 110 Union Oil ae~ station at Nar-ed can in the 300 bloek of Onyx Via Mentone, Lido We, reporte<l ciaaua Ave. and Cout w,hway, Ave.; a doctor took 10 stitches to the theft crf a new bicyde from ·Corona del Mar •.• H. Rosenthal elose tbe wound ... C. Jobnaon her front yard. of 1115 w. Balboa Blvd., New-of 302 Onyx Ave., Balboa Wand, • SATUilDAY, AtJG. Jl port Beaeh, reported the lou of reported the theft of four beach Dr. Burns Steele of 210 ''L'1 a $350 wrt.t watch in the waah towea from the beach between St., Balboa, reported the theft of room ctf Vaux's Restaurant. Bal-Onyx Ave. and Amethyst Ave ... a aleepina bar trom h.ia &ante . . . boa . • . Mn. Ruth Lane of ~ Can driven bT Earl L. Kunkel • IIOIID&Y, A1JO. • the 'beech in l.btt .,... ._.. tall· Mn. Hetll7 Belua ttl •l·J:Itldh 1q funalture from porebee ot St., Newport IIMcb, nported hou8. aloft~ tiM beeeh aDd uam. _... •t~a~ • ,_.. ..UOW Jt for ftNwood, ncaue8tlnl more ID froat ot ber home 8t 11:01 a.m. pollee patrolln;. ud laid tiM~ left in a car • 'l'tJDDAY, AtJO.II I01nl toward the .vet.. ... Of.. OUicerl w-. uuble to locate fieen qu.uaa~ the dot of can nclnl wiCb ~~.epee on Char lea A. Tiowbriclp of Sll Balboa IIJaDd .tt.r a com- Grand Canal, Belboe laland. after plaint at 11:17 a.m. from Oeorp it bit Lee Felllnce, 11, of aot Graham t4. 005 Park Ave. Grand Canal .•. Mn. Uo7d J:rm. &bar of 1214 E.. Balboa Blvd., Bel· boa, complained that 10meone tore the hou,te numben oU her' pnge and plaeed them on the fender of a ear, put a dead flab in her mall box receDtly &Dd pull· ed loose a boal'd in her pte . . . Mrs. Jack R. Purcell of 2821 Bay- shore Dr., Bay Shores, reported can ll)eedlnf up and down BeT- shore Dr .... Cuh totalinc $50 wu atolen from the home ot Mr. and Mn. Georp Shaw ol 510 Riverside Ave., Newport Hel~ta. .EEF Rump Roast 49~ ·BACON .:LDa:: 69•. POUOVUEn 19 •. GroundBeef Su!l~ .... r ShOrt Ribs caumm (POa LOAF) c .. Breast o' Lamb 19•· and BEEF VEAL. PORK CBOICZ.....W11'B roca:&f ..a. Dan•ma Shank End lb. 49c Lamb Shoulder 49•. Butt End lb. SSe '• Frozen Foods il t;.! (J B.ATin JfEW .OJfELESS JOaJL .EEF. VEAL CHOPmES ·= 45~ IDEAL POa SALADS CUCUMBERS 3 .. ,,. TBOIInoJf IEEDLEII GRAPES 9f.. CANTALOUPES " ... IW&fi JVIC& ORANGES OLIVES HEMO SSt DArl'l I-LL LOAF VD.VEETA CHEEESE DillS lPIJ 0&. CAir Spagheni 2-%1« • , •