HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-09-01 - Newport Harbor EnsignPI LIC OT ·SOUG T 0 Jl ILEI ·aE CH Committee Will Meet A petition to put 1h~ City Trailer Park issue on tbe ballot for a public vote ls being dill cussed by local citizens opposed to Council action restrlctlnr a portion of the beach tD trailer resldl'nt.s. I TI1e Citizens CommJttee tor Parks and Playgrounds will m~t a t 8 o'clock this ev~nlng at the home of Mrs. Philip Burton , 2920 Ocean Blvd., Corona del M ar. vice chairma n of the cqmmlttee VOL I , •o. S-J'JVE CENTS COBOKA DEL MAL CALIF. TBUJlSDAT. SEJI'T. 1, 1155 ' • i Council Is Urged To Call Denlinger Publication of a notife to cir culate petitions is expeqted to re suit from thls m~tln~ The pe tltlon would ask for a p bile vote on k~plng the entire ty owned bayfront beach from 1 th St. to 19th St. In Newport opJ>n to the public. C. of C. Qrive Gets 17 More New Members Th(' fifth w~kly memtM>rship drive ronducted during August by the Newport Harbor ChambPr of Commerce brought In 17 npw members Tue3day In Ute Marin ers Mile a rea. and about 15 pledgE'S. J NAVAL AVlATIOM CADET DoDa1d E. JacobMtl. (left), wbo t.a the son of Jyaa 0. JacobMa of 509 Narciaua AYe.. Con>aa del Mar. it uadergolD9 trcli.DiaCJ lD fonuatioa fiytACJ at tbe Saufley Field Ncnoal A wd.llary Air Statioa lD hluacolcl. Fla. Re repon.d to Saufley Field lD July after completbag 16 w .. ka of prlmey flight baialD9 at a:aother field lD the PeAaac:ola area. Durt.DCJ b1a •lx ... lu t.ralDJ..aCJ he wU1 alto Reel•• m.t:nactioa lD COID.bat. D19ht and CJ'OU-COUiltry fiigbts. Be wW th-COIIUDeDc:a tbe gua. aery phase ol hit fii9bt traia.iag at the BariD Field RCI?Cil Auxil- lary Air Statioa lD Fo-.y, .Al4.. Vote Is Due On Sept. 12 A suggl"Stlon that pinball king Clyde Denlln&~r be subpoenaed for questlonln& wu presented to Newport City Council Monday afternoon by Andrew W. Smith ot Corona del Mar. the ''Col. Andy Says'' columnis t ot the En. algn. Mr. Smith's letter was tiled by Council without further action. This mak<'S a grand tot al of 140 for the five Tuesdays of Au gust. pi us as many mort> pledgf.'S 1ccording to Chamber S<><-retary Hay Langenhf'im . Call, baclu will 1x> mad(' In all areas. hp said. Following new members werE' signed up In last w~k·., drive In the Licio Center a rea: Lido Park Cafe. Fred Schenck. do Realty Associates. Davis lr nney, Pho tographer Wa lter rdt, King Studios of Bal Dancing. Jeri's of Lido, Wll Killion Real Estate. Other n~ Kltkpab1c:!k'• Otelter Salisbury. Balboa Island, and tJ-4 foJiow1ng Individuals: J ames W. Thornton Jr.. Short> Cliffs: Fred Engels. Irvl n~ Tt>r race; Jerry Muller. Shore CliUs. APPROVE PRIVATE BEACH FOR CITY TRAILER PARK. N~rport City Council voted 4 to be r~rved for dinghy stor "It would enable tht> city to gE"t to 2 Monday afternoon to go age 1 dinghy are-a ttl be removt'd more Income-," Mr. RJdderhof an ahead with an t>xpanded city from toot ot 15th St.l: nut 150 swered. 'There Is ample public trailer park project which will feet of tht> tx>ach for boat stor beach elsewhere." set aside 510 feet of bayfront age for tra iler park tt>nants; next Councilman Bennett, who llvt"8 beach for the traUer park ten 360 feet for Trallef' Park beach; nearby, at 1501 W. Balboa Blvd .• ants. next 400 feet. up to the boat saJd "400 feet of publlc beach 1a It was a decision that brou&ht ram,p at 18th St.. for publlc plenty (~ the nei&hb«booct" protests from the aucUmce. beMi\: boat ramp to _,. ltm1ted • 8 -.... stna~ Ia ~-: ::-OG&r:r: u •t .. I .,_ OW'rWCI lileadl u.. to 19th St.. temaJm a publk OiDtral 8ft; ..... Votln& "yes" Wft'f! Coundlmen beech. as It II now. The eat.lre tl!ft8e teellila' Stanle-y Rldderbof. Gerald Ben city ownf'd beach •111 be made plan. nett. Clarence Higbie l'lnd Mayor dt"t'per by depositing dredged "lt Is hard to believe that to Dora Hill. Voting "no" were Coun sand on 11 'flU the Trailer Park with out cilmcn Lee Wilder and Sandy e FElfCE TO BE Bt1ILT 1 side J>("'ple ~t Is nt"C't"SSary to ~ve MacKay Councilman J 8 Stod Th£> plan also calls for 3 rene(' a bonus of 500 te-et of lx>aC'h ht> jdard was absent. to be t>rt>C'tt>d tx>twf'f'n thP Trailer said. "At S~ 000 a foot. that<; a DISRETLJUfD U:~VJSITED-Dic.11t (CalllDq C.Q.) Jloftmcm write. about It lD bt.a column oa page 1 Bere an .....uben of bt.a party, la the teo. cup ride: daughter Jfcmcy at left. Mrs. Roftmcm.. 10D IUcb.. cmd beblDd Bleb II aetghbor Judy Juatua. 2 Are Hurt in 2-Car Crash I• HEllE'S THE PLAN Park Sf>ach a ~d publiC bt'ach. £'). bonus of s.:;oo.ooo to tak£' ove-r The approved plan. prP~n&t'd l tf.'ndtng from th«-forward linE' nf our bea~h . At Lido !ark tht>r£' art' by Councilman RiddPrhiJ(. C'ha1r trailers 10 the-m<>an hl~h tide 250 trailers and 150 f('('t of prl man of the Councils Tra1IPr Park ltnP vate-beach Ht>re-arP 90 trailE-r"-. Two motorists suffered major I com mittee. is as follows: ThP I Sp!H'M arc-prO\ idNI for 90 tra1J and ~ f~t of prl\'att> hf>ach . Injuries In a two car head on rol first 50 feet of the beach w£-StPr t-rs. <''-lt'ndtn~ all th<' wa> baC'k That JUst IS not common S(>nS<' llslon on Coast llwy a h alf mile j lY of the American Legion Hall to s.1 1boa . Rl\d Thl' C'll~ man You should gin• mnrf' rono;JdPr Singer Johnny Mercer to Aid In Hoag Auxiliary Fund Drive south or Corona del Mar at 1:451 j agrr and Cit} a11ornt>y wPrt> au.th at ion to u~ ta,.payPrs "ho own a .m . yesterday. R d t B nn7<'d tv n<>gotiatP with PaC'lfk th~ beach . A C'ar driven by Din) Torgorsen. ou 0 uys EIPC'Irt<' to purcha!'t> tht> prop I Wp ar(' ~ust as lntPrf>lltf'rl as Z7 of Hollywood <'oll1ded with a M'IV fronting on Balbo 1 Blvd I any of you tn parke; annd rN'rPa C'a'r drl\•en by Grorge-Cooley. s5. Ross·l·s c f From thr audl!'nc·r Mark En !ton." Mr. RlddE>rhof said "Th«- o( lnglewood. Both W!'re tak£>n to a e gelke or 6801 ~·ashor(' Dr . Wt'<;t inMml' from thiS Trl\lll'r Pllrk Hoag Memorial Hospital by am !'lt'wport. a<:kNI "hy th£' 1'ratlN ~·111 go toward parks and rt>C'rl'a Johnny Mercer of Lido Isle is one ot the many friends and neighbors of the entire south Or ange coast community, who ar£> getting In the act to bring the first gala Fund Fair sponsored by the Auxiliary of Hoag Hos pltal to a tun and fund climax on October 1 a t the Rendezvous Ballroom. Johnny will be a volunteer sin ger during the evening of thl' Fund Fair day whe-n Les Brown an d hls orchestr a furnish music for dancing. Mrs. M~ will pre side over tbe Recl)rd Booth at thf" fair and wlJl dish out special platters. Including some auto graphed by Johnny Mer~r. him self. Burns Fatal to Plummer Burns suffered Saturday In a charcoal fire explosion proved fatal Monday at RQAg Hospital to Charles L. Plummer. 56, of 131 Flower St., eo.ta Mesa. Mr. Plummer was preparing a tire foe a steak fry In his patio when a can of fire ltarter cau&ht fire. H1s aona, Duane and La- ~. hnrd htm 8CrUJD and Grid Uniforms Issued Today Jne Rossi. owner or the Ro~c; h prl\ a 1 r lion " This will h(' only on<> 0~ the ~ul~nce. Thh~ nc;\n<"nt t~£~~r~ C".lfP 232:1 E. Coast Hwy. Corona :;r\ '-hPult! "" a Mr<: Philip Burton nf 2920 twt'nty b<Kiths open for business In 1 t> sout un anc>. e g d<>l Mar. has announ('('d the sal«-8 " 0 Bl ·d (" " I '~ f 11 't 1 1 ·1 d I way Patrol rt'poiled Torgorscn ('('an ' .. or.-m'\ "" l~.ar /om M a~ •1; ~stg. ~ccor d was lrav£>llng so~th and Coolt'y of his cafe to Ju~t>p~ Roudot ,,f sa1d "This i!' cit~ n\\nl'd land. tt n~ to rs. ona 0 egro e an 192-1 Maple A\'P . Co<:ta M('Sa c a ro I N . ht>lonJ!<: to thP proplro ancl .. hnulrl Mrs Joe Prelnlnger. co chairman north. Tht> npw ownPr I" dup to takc t 0 w In he k('pt a<: a l'nmmuntl\ bt':tC'h .. for the evPnt. I O\ er on ON-. 1 At p:<'~nt h<' i~, w h I h . L•HI La PI C • • "to TO 1 IN FAVo R· Plt>nty of behind the-scenes I • ••• Ill on a trip to Eurovc ~lr Ro'-'>1 ee aIr I '1 h:t\'(' t.tlkt>d tn man.\ ""-\ work for the Fund Fair has al · D · has operated h1<: cafp in Cortma ,., · ready bf.'en accomplished. a('('()rd Suggt>Stions. critiC'Isms a n d del ~1ar for thP pa-;t 21) y<'arc; and Can• I 0<•:-~ nr .,., p"I'JI~ A,<'. plr · ~lr RlddPrhof c;ald "Thrv • arr tf'n to nnP tn f,l\ 1r of thf' lng to .. 1rs. D. M. Humm<'l, Aux plans for thP Little U'agu~ b..t<;(' 'llatr~ he plans tn r:tkt' a ''aca Cnrnn.t rl<'l \Jar "h"" '" '''rtou-. lhary prt':'lident. '"'ho ltvcs in ball program for next summer tlon tnp to :.te.x:eo C 1\ aftpr thP ly tn]urt-rl tn an IH'I, ,·nlll''••n 1n C<~undr-. plan ' Thrf'e Arch Bay. Mrs. George Co( will be dlscuSSt"d at a roach~ new ownN takPS ~mtml Corona d£'1 \1 ar J •,h ltl .. 0,,\\ "Your plan io; like-c::tving In fey Is assuming se<Tetarial duties meeting at 7:30 p m. Monday, Included 1n the -.al" L<: the .,11 In a "hN'I rh.t.r , 1 h"m(• 01 ., 1 u,; ta'\pa~rr .... that th<"'<' 1'r~tllf'r for the benPt lt. which will ralst' Sept. 19. in the Harbor Area Boys sale liquor lic-enSt> for "hiC'h the t>Xpt>('t" 1 1 he , n nutc-h,..; m Park P<'oplr "ho arr nnt ta,p:l\ funds for the new expansion of I Club In Costa Mesa. Tht> m~tlng consideration to be paid Is $10. about a WM'k Shr hnp~ 1., h<' t>r<: h«>r<' arp a prt'frrrf'd ~nup Hoag Hospital. and Mrs. Harry will be conducted by Rod Mac 000. a('('()rding to thP nolle<> of a bit> to attt'nd ( 1ran~::r Co.t<:t Cui better than our 0 " n PMPI<' .. ~<aid Casey ls in ch arge of publicity. MUllan. club athletic diN!ctor. sale published today. l('ge wh<'n clas..<;('~ ll~"l('n. Arthur C'uhhaR<'. of 413 :lRth St Nt>wport h:land "GI\·p thP pNl pie an opportunity to <'~fii'<'SS th('mSt>IVPS " "Th£>rp's an awfully iood ":~y to S<'ttlE' lt." 11ald Andr('w W Smith of 3400 ~an Blvd.. Co rona del Mar. "IA-t th£> proplt- vott> on it ... Councllm lln Wlldt-r Mid h<' fa vol"'f'd ket>plng the t>ntlr£> h<'aC'h open to the public Hf" suggest('d that the Trallt>r Park sit~ could be SCJ't'tt'ned from th~ ~ach. Councilman Higbie ~ld h~ had always favore-d parks and rfoCJ"t>atlon. "We n f' e d p 1 a y grounds and ball diamonds," he said "'Thill plan gfv~ ua the grf'at~ amount ot ~nue, whk h will mort" than otr.-t thto 500 t~ ot wach." e LEASE DucaJ:aED Councilman MacKtl)' said h.- undft'lrtood that t h ~ Pf'OP<*'d fenop wu Just a "moral ob· ~tacJ~·· and that peopl• rould a.rtua.Uy walk around 11 and uee the be-ach ln front or the TtaUer Park. Councilman tldderbot ~ this aasurQPUoa bJ -.tine tbat t.bt Tta.ller Partt leut 1011 ~ down to u-. IQMn ...... ~= X.,. BW aid tla.at 1 ... fWftllliic ttl u. .. tlae ..... ,.,.. to .. tile ... , -a.~~M~~atols.erme..._. .. .._. ~ ......... ---=-.. ~-~-=~~fi=l1~ .-II 0 .. •:.== :+ME+:+:++:+:+ M w:e M ME E E EM E E EM M M M M I I M 8 e HOW STUptD CAN WE GETI Thet term of endeerment refers to me. You realite what o stupe I om? INow, please, it isn't necessary to be THAT ogreeoble!) But here's how it is: When our C ity Council storted talking about enlorging the city trailer perk, I naively essumed thot no sincere. true American is in favor of government in business. I believed thot every American, ond perticulorly every public official, hos the sacred trust to d o oil in his power to preserve the American heritage of private enterprise. I couldn't be "wronger." It was o dis moying shock to leorn thot these public officials o f ours do not core a tinker's domn about orgu ments against government in business. I believed equally naively thot no one o n our own council could vote to take away a magnificent stretch of city owned bayfront beach from the public, from their own c itizens. a nd tum it over for the ex· elusive u~ of o favored class of trailer dwellers. Wrong again. There are four members o f our C ouncil who vo te d Monday to do just thot. They ore Mayo r Doro Htll. C ouncilmen Gerold Bennett C la rence Higbie and Stanley Ridde rhof. They oil hod but one argument. Their ·sacred trust' wos money, nothing e lse but money. Continuing the city in private business. ond turning over 5 10 feel of public beach to o favored few-thot will bring mo re money for the city. The g ool is laudable ; the refore the method used to reach it must be O.K. Let's put it in plainer lon· guoge: C ouncilmen Hill, Bennett, Higbie and Ridderhof ore saying thot ' the ends justify the means." W hot kind of morality is thot? This is on the some dismal level with on incident 1 I remember from some years bock. We hod slot machines end other g ambling in our city then. I con remember thot I wos caut ioned by o public of- ficial to "lay off" end not go efter gombling ... end becau5e why not? BECAUSE GAMBLING BROUGHT MONEY TO THE CITY. Sdme ergument. Some morality. One gentleman living neor the Trailer Perk described Monday's a ction es larceny of p ublic properly. · That s puttir-g i+ plainly One ledy sood tl this woy· Council 'nsists that I could not lo1e thee pork• so much. loved I not morey more. 0 e cour-c lma'l hee~ped even more shllme ~.;pon our c't1 w.th hos hll about not we~'lltng o cerle~in roce of people around. 1~ that the vo•ce of Amer•conosm? Two members of the Council hod the best answer of oil. 8oth Moyor Holl ond Ge, Rtdderhof soid, · If you don t like our deci~oons you con vole us ovl. · AMen New Trustee OnOCBoard Donovan D Lawh<'afl of Seal BE'ar h hac; rf'~ignC'rl a 'l tru"lf'e of Orang<' C'oa st C'niiPJ:C'. a nd Robt>rl L. Nihl it·k ,,f ~unc;Pt &arh has h<'f'n namPol 111 fill th<' vacancy by County ~UIJI ,,f Schools Lin ton Simmons l\f r La~ hl'acl hart hN•n a mem bt>r of 1 h<' l>l~<lrf1 -,! nN• t h(' col l<'g<' distrirt wa ... <''tabllshed on Jan. 27. 19-17 Fur the past sev <'ra I ypars hC' has bN>n a member of the St>al Beath City Council. Mr. Niblick has bE-en a rest. dent of Sunset Beach !or the past 26 years. This Is the first time he has held public off ice. He Is su~rintendent of the Sunset Land and Water Co. 1Hj111i1 T. I••J Of Ballloa Is .. II Benjamin Thomas Gurney, who bad lived In Orange County for 60 years or his 72.year llfe span. died Saturday morning at hls home at 400 E. Balboa Blvd .. Bal. boa. after a brief Illness. Funeral services were held Tuesday In Santa Ana. Mr. Gurney, a retired builder, was a veteran of the Spanl5h- Amerlcan War and a member ot the Chrl&Uan Church a nd ma~n. lc lodee. Survivors Include a daughter, Mrs. Thurlene Carpen· t«, and a erandlon, Robert M. Mlmln. both ot S.nta Ana . Boots & Saddle Chill PariJ Aids Casa Colina An Ice cream and cake party was given Sunday of last Wf.'f'k by members of thE' Boots and Sadd le Club for rhildrPn ronval escing fro m polio. a rthrlt i!l anrl c;lmllar diseases in Casa Co lina near Chino. Women m embE-rs of the rluh baked the cakes a nd a group or amateur musicia ns from sur rounding communities playf'd for the children. Club members a t tending Included Mr. and Mrs Forrest Paul, Mr. and Mrs. George Roth, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Barnes. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Prlrmann. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Garvey, Mr. and Mrs. Les Paris. Mrs. Jim Lewis, Mrs. Charles Lusk. and Mrs. Leonard Weatherwax. u •n anrnmAT, IIAIIOLD It wu "muchos" happy birth day for Harold Bird ot Balboa Friday night, Aug. 19, wben a gathering at the home or the Donald Gundersons. 1581 Mira· mar Dr .. Balboa, celebrated the blrt.hday with a dinner of Mrs. Blrd's enchUadu. Mra. Blrd and Mrs. Gundenon are alatera. CVI'I'EJIS IIA YE CVU'n Week-end euests mld·Aueust at the home of the w. P. Cuatera. 2l.2 Larkspur Ave.. Corona del Mar, were Mr. and Mrs. S. I. Col- v~ of Covina. ------- F. .............. --·r·· ... TH1 8fSMiN. HA-114 ... 1, ...... r•• ·-• • -BY ~~~ (The Flshlne Editor ot the En· algn didn't eo fishing one Thu.rs. day. Instead, he took hls tamlly, which meana Mamma, Nancy, age 8, Rkh, age 12. and an 11- year old neighbor, J udy Justus. to Disneyland. It was the Fishing Editor's second vl5lt, as he at- tended the Press Preview on July 17. For all the others. It was their premiere.) Dear Mr. Disney: Thank you t o r the ride! Through your courtesy, and that of your Robert Burns (doubtless a descendant of the auld Scottish poet, since he has a canny finger on your shops, restaul&nts and concessions>. this family had a wonderful time last Thursday. We m~ seelne several people that we would have enjoyed meeting, like the Vlce.Presldent and hla family, Davy Crockett and-Walt Disney. But we aWl had a wonderlul tlme. Perhaps you--and aome other people-would like to know what a fairly typical serving of South· ern Calltornla tamUy chowder thinks of Disneyland as It Is to. day. Here are aome lmpressJorn~, and aome sueeestlons. dJahed up country style, for your consump. tlon. The kids wlll add the sea. sonlng. • QtJESnox s Like a lot of other californians. we drove Into Disneyland with certain unanswered questions up our sleeves. The first one, about the traffic, was settled before we had ever parked the Ranch Wa. gon. There was nothlne to it. rve often had more trouble parking In front of my own home here at Corona del Mar. on a busy week- end when all those Los Ange Ienos are using our beach to es. cape the heat and the smog. The other big doubt that keeps a lot of Mr. and Mrs. Milque- toasts away from your big show Is the fear of crowds. <They should have been there that flnt day!> Most of the time. we waited less than "10 minutes to eet lnto anythlng, or -any. lhlne. IUch and Judy Ju.t M4 to drive one of thoee Uttle ears In the IUcbtleld Autopla. Me, too. U It hadn't been tor that tool and die maker !rom the Budd Com· pany In Gary. Indiana. who was next to me In line, I might have gotten a little Itchy. As It was. we fought the war over again. w('nt dl'er hunting. caught wall. eyt'd pike In Canada and built a miniature auto something like the on<'S on the Autopla. I al most jolnt>d his Union. but we got to the gate just about then. In anothN 10 minutes we'd have ha d that car on the market~ e IJfTERESTIKC FOLD If you like to chew the !aL likE.' J do, the few long lines you walt out can be fun. You meet a lot of Interesting people. And be llevc It or not, those roving vcn. dors of "Cokes'' a re a big help whC'n you're afraid to leave your spot In a li ne. If you ha d an ap petite like mine. and my kids. you'd have 'em serving up hot dogs and Ice cream like they do at ba ll games! I haven't seen at least once, I'm gonna' go In the evening. In the Cool, Cool, Cool of the Evenlne- as Crosby croons It-That's when I'll be there! And aomeone told me, believe It or not, that big crowds are not part1cularly In evidence over the week.ends. Everyone stays away because they are afraid ot the crowd! Funny, but It never seems to bother the same people about January One In Puadena. Tbat'e the day I enjoy television-at home. I like my Rose Bowls In my li\tlng.room. e 1'008 I'EET About an hour before we lett, up came an Idea. A Fibber Mc- Gee, maybe, but I think It would help. It's a pair ot sponge.rubber sboe.aoles. a b o u t two Inches think. You could set up a fitting station just Inside the gate and rent these to your visitors. May- be they could be made with qulck.flttlng harnesses -like snowahoes. And even It you don't go tor this, a coupla' dozen hot foot pools ot cool, clear water, wtth nice soft cushioned seats. would be real luxurious! "All day I tramped the burn. lng sands without a sight of water; Cool, Clear Water." That's the song my actune dogs were slnglne about dinner time! Dls· neyland would make a swell place for a floorwalker to take a busman's holiday! As a fisherman, I naturally like the soothing sensation of a boat. Those Speed.Boats next to the Autopla were real thera peutlc. The gentle motJon of the boat, plus the vibration of the motor sure gave my feet a treat! Colleague Dr. "Morrie" Ri ce of Santa Ana must have had foot. trouble too. He waved at us from the Pink Boat. The attendant told us that Glasspar In our neighboring Costa Mesa had built them. I kept wishing I had one for my bay and bell buoy fishing. They were real sllck, like all glasspars. and very stable. And 1 liked the outboard motor la • ..U. even it you're not troubled _:rtth a followtna·aea ln Dlsneylanci You may have heard tolb aay It costs a lot of •dJ.IM&Ib"" to see Dl5neyland. It doesn't have to! The boys' most prized souvenirs of Disneyland are the Disney character cartoon~ they brought back. Great big ones. too! They Ins isted on putting them on their bedroom walls that evening. even before we ted the dogs . Rich has .Pluto and Tbe lleluctcmt Dra. qoD. Nancy has Du.I:Dbo. The ar (Continued on Page 3) S-A-L-E of PAINTINGS by fBELMA PADDOCK ROPE at th• VACABOifD HOUSE. IALBOA ISLAJfD through Sept. -opeo _.._ Them there's that big qut>st ion about the best time to go to Dis nt>yla nd. We lasted for 8 hours ~~~-~=i~i!il"if Thursda y-from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. We had free wheeling from the time we got there until about 2 o'clock. By 5:00 a lot of the smog- breathers had taken oU again and things were as serene as ln the morning. Next time, when there wUI be fewer things that THE LIDO RESTAURANT * . COC&1AILI * I . .......... ·······-..... __.. ................ ... ........ 1Wiir-4Miot a IWUW1', ID't. 1. ... ~-~c ~ .......... ccu. ll '8rud . . . -•••. ,, ... -.,-Approdlu ... -Ia Clbanp .., COL ....,., W.IMIIIL r-r ~~--el ator c..ca and bUla wu~~GJ.t from -.Jay and Jlenfro lnlurance ~. • ft.A" n •aa apUt the remainder ot the take 2t1t Mewpon alvd.. Jttewpon In tbil ~Mance r am Indeed so.oo. ...C'h . ...um. laturdaz afeht 80rTY to aay wr told you 10" at The Council hu the rlpt to by a noviee buralar, N.wpart po.. the rtnt meetln• ot the CJU~~el)6 eubpoena anyone anytJme and lie» repcwUd. Committee tor Para and Play quNtlon them. under oath. My The buralu UMCJ a ICNW drlv. I"'uncte. At that ttme I aald that ._, Hop, lOt that treatment er to btealc a 11 .. wlHow NU City Manaaer John SaUort bad without nottc:e rlpt In Coundl a latch to pin entry. o.IU and told the Trailer Park expanalon meetJna. tUes weH ranaacked In tb• ot- ldea to tbe Council. Diplomacy U Mr. DenJJnera lawyer ltktee ttc:e, and the money wu t&lwn and .weet t_.k wtll get you no-that ht. client (who wu ••nt) from a Un money box In th• ..at where with them. Ia not involved In any eamb11n•, ot the 8fCI'etary. It wu Mll.wd Council fired the Park Comnrt.-and lt there Ia any eambllne he the burelar wore e lOYM u no alon, and the new Commlu1on has no knowledge ot It, It would evidence ot finger prtnt.l eould hu been told by Mr. Sailors that be only talt to let him have a be found. It appeared to be the they had nothing to aay reeard. chance to anawer the question: work ot a no¥1c. In desperation, lng the beach ln front of the What happens when he opena lnveatleatlnl oUJc:era aatd. lm· Trailer Park or the Trailer Park the machln•T Thftl cell In preutona with tracee of ru.t were Itself. I further told them that enough proprtetora to an.wer lett at the aoene of entry and they s hould fall ~ack on the only that aame little question. a1ao on a door of an adjolnlne weapon (and It Is • powerful Let'a clur the atmosphere and office wblc" wu attack*l un- one>-the vote ot the people. Put let the public get a peak at thla auoceeatully. It on the ballot by petition. big bualnea, estimated at $25(),. ~;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;.;;;;::;:;:;:;;:;;;:;:;:;:;:;;:::;;;:;~ Prediction: A notice ot lnten. 000 a year. That aln't bay, folks. tlon to circulate a petition wm That dollar •len and decimal be tued soon . . . point are In the right place. EWe ........ ,. And that, my dear readera, It Out.atandJne In thla hassle 1a you are still there, starts the ball the fact that the practtce of bar. YARN SHOP to rolling toward telUne our pub-mony and unanlmoua vote wu rttf a. ce.t .... ., llc servants what you want. abandoned In the publlc meet. c:.n.a c1e1 .._ IIA _, The petition carriers can hit the lng--a healthy s1en, I'd sey. KnlttJnJ', CrochetJne and pavement for signatures to place Would enyone like to analyze Needlepoint Supplll• the question on the b~llot -tor me the vote ot the three coun. Knfttlnl Baga which briefly and In my quaint cUmen -Gerry Bennett. Chick laneuage Is: ''ShaU the beach be Higbie and General RJdderhot, Spedallzed ~~- saved tor the use ot the natives who have voted aealnat lmmedl. and lnatruc:tJoNI or restricted to them turrlners." ate outlawing of the pinball._ • •ova Let the Council know that they ja~nid;it;ieill~m~e~w~h~a~t~et~v~es~TMMM~~M~on.ii~tbruijiiS.iit.iliO~a.m.~~toiii15~p~.m.~i are the servants ot the people. not their dictators. • PIJQAU.a CouncU finds themselves still battling the pinball Interests. I am just pesky enough to remind the Council that by letter and from the Ooor on June 27 I brought It to their attention that on July 1 the licenses were up for renewal, and suggested that a refusal to renew the licenses for plnballs because of their un· desirability would be an euy solution. It was amusing when my letter on plnballs was read at Mon. day's Council meeting to note the speed with whJcb CouncUman Gerald ~nnett sprang to the aid of Clyde Denlinger and how Councilmen Rldderhof and Htg. bie chimed In wtth "Let's let It ride 'tll June 30, 1956." This In spite of the fact that Sandy Mac. Kay sugeested that Mr. Deplln· ger and several businessmen be subpoenaed to verity the lntor. matlon he had received: that the usual procedure on opening the pinball machines and counting the take was flrst to reimburse the proprietor for any pay-ot.r. made to playen. and· tMn to SPRIII BULlS NOW is the Time to Plant RAIUICULUS IIEIGIES ·FREESIAS IADEI SHICI IURSEIY LAGVJIA UACII nzz DD.IVKrl &ACIIIATVBAT SPECIAL FOR Thursday-Friday-Saturday September 1-2-3 OJILT IWIPI I nDIIVK 8EU SOLD BED ARMOURS' & LUERS' CURED HAMS SBAJfJ[ BALJr WJIOLE 8U'TT BALl' 49ft,. ss:. 59~ L Leaa. Meaty, 1'......_ 2 to J lh. A....-age SPIRE IllS ................................... 48t. a1iliEL ..................... -................... ur. r .... a......, w-. 1 hrltaa IUOED 11 ................................. lit. lrml .. (F• iii' • ~) PLATE m ... _../.L ....................... 21t. OnJf I VIfDAT ., .... IIANN11'1 011 YACATIC* GJvlfta them.elw. a "breath.-'' Wore lld\ool ttaJU. Jlftwport Har. bor Hlah VIc. Prlndpal Jo. Hamblet and t amJly bave been ependtna part ot Auau.t In the northern Calltornta.oreton area. ........... .-........ ..,.. ...... .., ..... IEI'I UPIILITEIIII A hole ln the edJ.tt of a C\lrb at Jalboa Blvd. and Jll• st.. Balboa, wu bla.med for lnjurie1 ~Uttered bY Mrs. Gertrude .t.. Spieth of South Puadena when lhe fell alter tteppl~l In lt. She Injured her left ankle, two finaera of hff rtaht hand and both knees, po. lloe aald. 'nle •treet department wu notltted to ~epalr the l ~ by 3-lnch hole'- •c : : : ' : '' ''' 'c•'' ''' 87 DlCil BOnJII.Uf ~CQ-c : J # ! :+ M M M M M *>!* E E 8 M 8 E I M M M 8 8 E F «: (Contlnutd from Pace 2) We're down. to the •ueeeetlon Ult-man drew them while they department. I'm a fisherma n watehed, bue.eyed. Then he aealn. AI I rode down alone the wrote "to Nancy" and ·•to Rich" levees on the Mark Twain, I and alened hla name. I think Jt'a ml.ased the fl.ahermen alone the .,._ KcJatJM, He'a a 100<1 ar banu. "Hey!", I thought. .._., tJat. but from hla alpature. he IIOtf What'a a MJ.ululppl River ahoul da' been a doctor. Those car. without catfish! Catfish will live .,.. ......... c .,. ... .., I.J:MitY ...,.. ISSO • ..... 'tL c:..e. .. _ For a.tterf\e... .,.~ c:.l too.u were a ble thrill and an In that water. They'd l~e it." mE ENSt6N. H~l 114 endurlni one tot a dime a piece. And you could flx up an Old (dwardS SHOES ® AND COMFORT ABLE . FIT e for over 55 yeors ~ has b.en malting shoes that coMbine COfltfort with sturdy protection to kHp children· s growing feet happyl Youngsters like ~ beca uae they're good lookl"9--nd parents like them because they're practica!l • FOR GilLS I \ FOI IOYS Stores CIRCUS BOOTERY SAVE Willi I Fa,_,a Pilley BRUCE MARTIN AUTO-TRUCI-FIRE-UFE LOCAL AOENT 1793 NEWPORT AVE., COSTA MESA * OFFICE: U l»ercy 8-5554 RES. Uberty 8-5063 ULTRA-MODERN King Studios Do you call that expenalve! Fiahln' Hole. with cant> poles and Then, down ln the Bazaar, ln bobbera, and let the kids I an Adventurellnd, there was a Ha· ages) tlsh for tho!!(> cattlaoh ~ wallan boy who wun't wearing Then, alongside the Old Fishln' a malo, but he aure wore a cocoa-Hole, you could have an old rol nut hat. Hla customer wu a ored mammy trying cat fish and aweet little blond ot about five hush-puppies! TJaat'a what I like aummer1. Firat, he redid her about the South. An Old Flshln' halr, so ahe had a hor~-tall. Hole. tried catfish and hush pup Then he atarted makJne a hat pies! Why not In Dis neyland! for lt. While he worked, he told And when you build it. Mlstah a story, and kidded all hls cus Disney, Suh, I'll take a aeaaoa tomen. He bad a good line--tldr.et. Anytime you n~d any much better than Georgie Jes Ideas about fish, just ''Call C.Q." ael's. The cute h at was tlnuihed I'd abo ... admire being tht> Fish before you knew lt,'M\en he took lng Mana ger of Disneyland' another piece ot palm and before e ALL 1:ms AT HEART the ble blue eyes of his lovely We have one last confel'4slun. little c ustomer, he fashioned an Mamma. l bless her soul I, wasn·t exotic bird, and a lone halrpln. even luke-warm about going to Out came Ute horse-tail through Disneyland. She shuddered every the hole In the tJny hat, and In time I mentioned going. She tin went the pin with the bird on ally consented, just for the kids' top. II would be out ot tllm just sake. AI the day wore on and then!) The expression on that lit our feet got flatter. Mamma's tle lady's face was as beautiful smile ~ew wider. I didn't have as a Catalina sunset! All this to uk wh~ther she was hav1ng cost nothing. But DeXt time. It tun. The bl& flowers on the llttl~ that "'papule"' (crazy, In Hawat. ~asa hat sh~ bought In the Ba tan) boy ls still maklne hats, he zaar wet-e keeplne time to the has a customet-! We eot back to tune I was playing on my new Fantasyland just In Ume to g~t 'Davy Crock~tt Bird-Call Flute. So the kldl off their third Wild RJde were het-Japanette parasols. She with "Mr. Toad. was so happy sh~ almost drop. e WJI.ATS aESTf ped the bottle ot eenulne Hong Naturally, you have to eat In Kong Soy Sauce--the one we got Disneyland. I heard rumors that from that cute Chinese American things were ao expensive-that girl ln the Bazaar. coffee cost two bits a cup, etc. We left home wlth three kids. etc. Not from where we stood, or There were five when we opened sat! Everything was about the the front door at 218 Marigold same as everywhere else you go. Ave.. In Corona del Mar, that And the chocolate-eovered Ice-Thursday evening. cream bar on a stick I got from So.o o -thanks. Mr. Disney' the guy with the Carnation Milk Thanks for the ride~ Co. cart was the biggest and Dl<.ic I Calling C.Q. l Hoffman most luscious I've ever eaten. and Mommle, Ric'h. Nancy Don't believe nwythl.D9 you and Judy Justus. hear! On the way home we took a NO'I1CE OF INTENDED Wh MORTGAGE 80rt of family Gallup poll. " at NO'I1CE IS HEREBY GIV EN: dld 1'C"l like the best?'~ Rich was Tha t JOSEPH ROUDOT. Mortga right back with his answer. "The Autopla. Gee. I'd like to go up gor. whose address Is 1924 Maple again and stay all day, just drlv Avenue. In the City of Costa lng those cars! Crash! Oh, Boy!" Mesa, County of Orange. State Judy, nearly as old as Rich, of California. Intends to mort joined him In hls choke. but not gage to JOSEPH ROSSI and ADE 1 w h d h LINE ROSSI. Mortgagees. whoS(> as ardent y. ~,ancy a a toug address is 2325 East Coast High time deddlng. Finally, with a bright gl~am tn her eyes. she de-way. Corona del Mar. In the City clded. 0.. biCJ ... te for Mr. Toad of Newport Beach. County of Or· and hls Wlld Ride! 1 guess To. ange, State of California. All tlx day'a Children don't IIC&fe easily. tures and equipment, stock-In· Mamma and 1 had no trouble trade. and that certain OnSale deetdlq. We'll tab that rtde GO Dbltllled Spfrlta Lken8e No. IM-a the 1\a.,.S. Queen « tbe MUe of a certaln restaurant and c:ock· Mal~ owr and 0~ aaaln. and tall lounge bualnea known as Jove tt. M the boatma.n 8&1d ROSSI'S and located at 2325 Ea.t ' "Thls ts the coolest jungle you'll Coast Hlghwty. Corona del Mar. ever be ln." In the lani'Uaee of In the City of Newport Bt>ach. today's teen-agers, It's really County of Oraoge. State of Ca~ 1 cooL Next time r 111 gonna' go tornla. and that a n ~xecut ( dotVn the Amazon In the twl. mortgage of tht> same wall bt> df'· Uptl livered a nd the consldt>ratlo n therefor paid at 10:00 o'clock e SUC?ESTIOifS a .m. on the FIRST day of DE That s our story, our lmpres CEMBER. 1955. at the escrow de slons or a little blt of Disney partment of the BAY ESCROW land. There's not enough space to CO .. INC .. Main Offl~ at 2515 E cover everythlne. Apologies to Coast Highway. Corona del Mar. Frontlerland and Tomorrowland. In theo City of Newport Beoa!'h. I did n~te that the stewardess County of OraiJge. State of Call on TWA s Spa~ Ship Is just as fornla. cute as on their alrllneors. The Datt>d Augu«t 22 1955 painted desert needs more paint. JOSEPH ROL'OOT and more lnjuns. And It would be handy If you'd look up a few stand-Ins for Davy Crockf'tt. MortgaJ:or JOSEPH ROSSI. MortgagN' ADELl:'iE ROSSI. MortgagE't' STATE OF CALIFOR:"liA COUNTY OF ORANGE "-" o/ 8~ ~tUICMUj On August 22, 195.:>. before mt>. the underslgnf!'d. a Notary Publl~ in and for said County a nd StatE'. personally appeare-d JOSEPH ROUDOT, JOSEPH ROSSI and ADELINE ROSSI. known to mt' to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within In strument and &<'knowledged that they executed the sa m~. .. . WITNESS my hand and offlc tal seal. (Seal) ANNE JOHNSON. Notary Public In and for aald County and State. (My Commission Expires April 20. 1959.1 . . '-MMI Att.tion gft.n ..ct. iMivWMI t.y ....... IMfrwct•• ..... you of •. ..... aMI ...... pDplli•tt,- "'Wia.ft't ...... 0....4 . Ctl ..... 6011 * .,.... ,.... Mry,.,...., ~. .... a-. ... --. ...... • Skun~s Cause :'c.:'.= Fuss In COM Servl~ were held In Long People In the 500 block ~ tween Larkspur Ave. and Ju. mJne Ave., Coron• del Mar, are careless about coverlne their ear baee cans, catJstne akunu to c.ome down Into the area, Street SuJ)ftlntendent Bill Covert haa oompla!ned to Newport pollee. Humane Offleer George Myers was Instruct~ to lnveetlaate. Otrlcen disposed ot a skunk found In the garage of Noreen Gannon of 415 Poinsettia Ave. Marearet Farnum of 309 Narcls su11 Ave. reported a skunk wan derlng In the yards and In tht> alley In the 300 block between Narcissus Aveo. a nd Orchid Av~> Officers took care of Its dtapo a I VAlfi)Al.S DAICACE aQATS Beach on Monday for Mrs. Lily )(. Davisson. 62, who diE'<! Ia t 11\urllday at hc.>r homt-at 3.'10 Avocado St., Custa Me'>a . Orig lzlally from Idaho. Mr'i Uaviss<Jn eame to California 17 )'Pars ago and ~Wttled In c,.ll>ta Mt>s.~ 1r1 1952. Survivors lndudt• h~>r huH band, WaltN of the home ad dress and a son and daughtt>r QUICI SERVICE ROu.ER SHADES Standard S h a d e Cloths and Custom Specialties e Drapery H a rdw are e Venetian Blinds. <71.. SluJe ~hop • lleddo the * Call '-t Oftloe BA 8tW 02 S2Dd St.. lfewport Beacb l'AG& ·- W~y atoro ift some garage? Ha"• Traaafer I Storace 2200 lf.-..rport •l•cl., Costa lloea Phoae E..._ & Sua. Uberty a.n23 ~ a.JSII II•·I'<T 0 1 <);, I.YOiirt "' (_I " l () .J .J I ' •,• • lo. ' Vandals made holes In w1nd shields ot two boats with BB or pellet shots. Newport pollet.> re ported last week. One hole was In the glass on the St. Louls Jr., owned by Dudley W. Eller of 493 Abbie Way, Costa Mesa, moored between "A" St. a nd Main St.. Balboa. Two holes we!'e left in the windshield on the boat. Kona, owned by W. L. Jenison of 307 Palm St.. Balboa, moored at the Balboa Pavilion. STROOT'S HARDWARE HOUSEWARES ' • t • r i: >} * Giftware * Appliances * Paints 1-lf..,..t M'l'd.. LJ I-MIL eo.ta .._. How much will it cost to send your childre n to coll ege? Now. when they"re still io the Jungk Jim stage. is the time to start planning your children's coUegc education. But do you realize that the a'erago cost, including Nition, board, room and other fees, is about S 1,250 per year per child 1 Where is all this money ooming from? to thousands of cases. it comes from t.be savings uccounts that forward·look.ing parents have b\.ult up O\Cr t.be years in insured Savings and loon Associations. Here are the advantages these Associations offer: I. Y c. •rillct 11rt11c n~ reew-, for these A.ssociations invest most or their funds In • sound, steady-paying home mort~. l. Y c. •"-II are l&fe. Tile} arc protected by sound ~t and substantial rcK"-CS.. and •ruumd up to S 10,000 b) an agency of the U.S. Government. 3. Yo. leal with fne.cll), e'penenoed people. ~le who really ~ about you-and vou r community. So if you want to be ~urc your ohildrcn en to\ all the advantages of a college ed- ucation. open a ~' angs account m an msumd Sa\-mgs and LNn 1\~· SOCUIUOn now! Convenient CORONA DEL MAR Office 2407 E•rl Coat Hi<Jhw•y Harbor 5220 h•nces Bundy, M•n•9er IEWPOIT BALBOA SAVIISS and LOAN ASSOCIATION P. A . Palmer. Pres1dent ..... ~!'~~~.L_--LJ....L.l.u....L.~........,.~-.... 33 66 Vie l i d o Harbor •200 Jleeou.rc:M DOW aeeecl 121.000..000..00 NEWPOR T BEA C H C A LIFORNIA But the handy YELLOW PAGES may have a tip or two For sporting goods it pays to look. in the •class ifi ed" part of your T~lephone Book. YMUI DO lEI lEI at • • • . ofsodal note Ruby Stevenson and Jean How. ell returned home last week-end &om a two-week motor jaunt up the cout to Ruby's childhood home In Brltllh Columbia. On behalf of Ruby, treasurer for BPW. and lean, who la president, 1955 membership dues will real- ly be needed as soon as they re- turn. (Honest, I'm just kidding. glrb). • • • Enrolled at USC are Marcia Moorehead and Arlene Huff. Rol lie Barcume, formerly of Harbor High, will be a treehman this tall at Principia College, near St. Louis. Those who wlll attend high school or "upper school" at Principia will be Grant Horn beak and Dick and Diane Ward. MATTRESSES llaDenprf.aq -Cottoa roamll~ Irregular Shapes REW -U8111LDDIQ COSTA MESA MAnUS$ CO. ~150 twwpotf N . ~~ t.llOl Nancy Tritt w1ll return to school at UCLA on Se-ptember 7 -many of the girls are returning early for rushing-Nancy plans to Jive again at the Delta Gam ma house. Also returning to UCLA are Yvonne Taylor and Mary Ann Russ. Jeanne Casten dyck. we hear. Is not returning to Northwestern this year, but In- stead wlll continue her studies at UCLA. Connie Mangold will re- turn as a Pi Phi at Arizona and Carolyn Giddings will undoubt ably go back to USC In Ume for rushing. She ls a Kappa. Latest reports are that other Harborltes and their schools will be Judy Crane, Oberlin; Barbara Stare&e. USC; Doran Suess, Red- lands, and Joyce Crane, Occlden. tai. "' cr~mified ,4,d in The Ensign brinqs immediate results! Cah Harbor 111 -4·1115 and orove itt Already at college are Angette Crouch of Newport and Richard Lane of Balboa. who are two of l Continue4 on Page 7) * A•• olltovl SELICTOMI lite ,efiOIIOIIIH Color HormOII)' "•" an easy to acha... with · SELECTON I ..u~COLORI Drop in and let us show you ... color harmony for the bome. exciting. dramatic. and perfect enough to satisfy even a deooratOI''s criticia.l eye. Colors in wall 6nisbes; Oat. semi-doss and high-gloss ... all harmoniz.ed" as never before. Discover the SELECfONE Color Plan. It's perfectly simple ... and simply perfect. A f1rt~ 0'd :~, , ... ~·Jju(! CROWN HARDWARE • WE CIVE CROWW STAMPS • HArbor 232 3107 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar • ·---.. 1 Country Fair Theme Is Set for B.t Back Alley Fete The bla Back Alley Falr will be held aaaln Monday, lAbor Day, at the Balboa Island Com. munlty Methodist Chltrch. A "country fatr'• theme has been selected for the event, which will begin at 12 noon and continue throuah 8 p.m. WhUe the day's activities are planned primarily tor youth, CEBTlFICATE OP BtJSDIESS Flctitiowl PlnD ..... THE UNDERSIGNED does here- by certify tlrat she ls conducting a real estate business at 3444 East Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar, California Onder the fictitious firm name of RAY REALTY COM PANY a nd that said firm Is composed of the toUow1ng per. son whose name In fuU and place or residence are as follows, to.wlt: Hazel May Ray 544 Seaward Road. Corona del Mar, Calllornla WITNESS my hand this 5th day of August, 1955. Hazel May Ray STATE OF CAUFORN1A ) )ss. COUNTY of ORANGE ) ON THIS Ftlth day of August, 1955, before me, a Notary Public In and tor said county and state, residing therein, duly commis- sioned and sworn, personally ap. peared HAZEL HAY RAY known to me to be the person whose name Is subscribed to the wlthln Instrument, and acknowledged to me that she executed the same. WITNESS my hand and offi- cial seal. Adolph J. Vlccellio Notary Public In and for said County and State. My Commission expires Au. gust 23. 1958. Publish: Au«. 18, 25, Se-pt. 1, 8. NOTICE OF INTENDED SALE AND NOTICE OF INTENDED TRANSFER OF U CENSE FOR THE SALE OF ALCOHOUC BEVERAGES Notice Is hereby given pursu. ant to the provisions of Section 344()-of the Civil Code and Sec. tlon 7.2 of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act of thto State of Call. fornla, that JOSEPH ROSSI and ADEUNE ROSSI. husband and wife as joint tena nts. Intend to sell to JOSEPH ROUDOT a ll thaJ certain personal property consist lng generally of good.will. fix. tures. equipment, stock.fn.lJ'ade together with an On sale Dis- tilled Spirits license Number 984-B of a restaurant and cock· taJl lounae ~ known u ROSSI'S belonetnl to aald JO. SEPH ROSSI and ADELINE ROS. SI and locatt"d at 2325 E. Coast Highway. Corona del Mar. City of Newport Beach, County of Or . ange. State of California, and that tht> purchase price thereof will be paid. on THURSDAY. the FIRST day of DECEMBER. 1955, at BAY ESC'ROW CO., INC .. Main Office 2515 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar, City of Newport Bt>ach, County of Orange, State of California. at 10:00 o'clock there wtll be attractions tor all aa• General chalrmen a~"e Blll Ferry and P. F. Balnee. In charee of flnance wtll be Steve Ferry and Otto Hoeg. Chairman of booth construction Ia Matt Waidelich. Arranglna publicity are Gall GraveJS and the Rev. Donald G. Sapp. Committee chairmen Include: decorations. Whitney Baines. Ross Eckert, Nancy Shooter, and Matt Waidelich; popcorn and lemona~ Terri Waidelich, Do. !ores Harper, and Gall Graves; candy, J!arbara Harper, Donna Smith, and Mrs. Sapp; make up, Marilyn Shooter and Sha.ron WaideUch; sponge toss, Nancy Shooter, Vallerle Lowen. and Burt C. Lowen; balloons and darts, Bill Ferry a nd Sandy Knapp; fis h pond, Bettejean Guenthtor and Robert Guenther; zoo, Whitney Baines and Steve Ferry; pistol firing darts, Ross Eckert, Chesttor Eckert, and George Hauser ; swing ball, Allen Guenther; and schedule control, P. E. Baines. Throughout the day a cafeteria lunch and supper will be served by members of the Woman's So clety of Christian Se-rvice under the chairmanship of Mrs. Ted Hauser. caleterla workers wlll In· elude Mrs. Cornelius Donker1 Mrs. Wayne Hunte-r, Mrs. Lona Grlf. fin, Mrs. Walter Schmid, Mrs. By. ron Nealy, Mrs. George Brldg. man, Mrs. Edward Fruehan, Mrs. Leonard Hargrave, Mrs. Fount t.. Lowe, and Mrs. Clarence Bow. man. · Cafeteria hostess will be Mrs. P. F. Baines and Mrs. Lee Bolin. Arrangln& for the hot dog booth witl be Mrs. Clyde Shoottor and Mrs, Matt Waidelich. Mrs. C. T. Coane will serve as cashier. DIRECTORY MUSIC Margaret L. Scharle Teacher of Plano Organist · Accompanist Evening Classes tor Adults 307 GOLDENROD AVE. Corona del Mar FtJJfE~ DDIEct'OU Friendly Neighborhood Service PARKES-RIDLEY MORTIJARY 110 Broadway U 8·3433 It 8-3434 Costa Mesa NOW ... TWO BALTZ MORTUARIES s.vtq tbe au-. Area Baltz Mortuary CHAPEL BY THE SEA Harbor~ 3520 E. Cout tllehway Corona del Mar Baltz M brtuary Uberty 8·2121 17h It Superior, Costa Mesa AMPLE P A.RKJNG BOTII LOCATIONS A.M. The a mount of the intended INSURANCE purchase price tor the license Is $10.000.00. That the address of "Be Sur~. Insure" said venc1or and license Is 2325 E. Coast Highway, Corona del WITH Mar. City of Newport Beach. County of Orange. State of Cali. STANLEY fornla. and the address of said INSURANCE AGENCY vendee and transferee Is 1924 Maple-Avenue, City of Costa Phonto Harbor 2474 Mesa, County of Orange. State 3315 E. Coast Hlahway of California. • Datt>d: August 22. 1955. Corona del Mar JOSEPH ROSSI Res. Phone, Uberty ~ 73~ Vendor a nd Licensee ADELINE ROSSI CIDJlOn..A Vendor and Licensee JOSEPH ROUD<Yr Wilhur C. Wagner, D.C. Vendtoe and Transferee Cbtropractlc STATE OF CAUFORNIA Physical Therapy COUNTY OF ORANGE ss. Colon Therapy On August 22. 1955. before me, 314 Ocean An., Laguna UCK ,_, .. LA JOLLA 110M JC&fte)' Tritt ol. Lido Isle ~Uy r«urned &om a vt.Jt to La Jolla. where lho wu Ule bouse au~ or her clusroate, Miss Ann Milliken; Both J'lrls at. tend UCLA. ' .. Light thei~ lif~ ~it~ ./Jit.k#lt IT. AJIDUWI nEUY'I'DI.AJI c::auacll 1Sth St A St Af\dr~ Rd .• CICI'OU froaa JUgJa lcbool LJbertt' I.UPJ hatort -... Jcaa• a. Stewart SUNDAY: Mornlng worship, 9:30 and 11 a.m.; Church Scftool, 9:30 and ll:OO j Jr. High. Sr. High and college age Fellow. sblps, 7 p.m.; Thursday, Prayer, study group, 9:30a.m. COJOI11JOTY IIETBODIST .ao w. lttla lt.. Coda .... Uberty 1-4552 -... 1...,._ W. KcSiaaDe Sunday: 9:30 a.m., Church Sun· day School; 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Momln& Worsblp--7 p.m. College Age MYF Service -7 p.m. HJgb School MYF Se-rvice; 8 p.m., youne adults group service. TilE CIIUKZ OP CIDJST 1050 Clauda St.. Coda Keaa Uberty......, D. C. Rant. lllDistw Sunday services: 9:45 a.m . Bible study; 11 a.m. morning wor. ship; 7:30 p.m. evenJng service. Midweek service, 7:30 p.m . Wednesday. TBE canca or CllBlST Odd P.UOWS Locl9a. lMI Jfewport Aft.. eo.ta ...... Llbel'ty 1-5711 Tom~. Jr .. Kba1ftw Sunday Services: 9:45 a..m. Bible study; 10:55 a.m. worship serv. Ice; 7:30 p .. m. evening service. caJUST CBftCII rt TBE SEA CommaaJty KetbodUt 8a1boa BI..S. at 1•oa St.. W.wpad llArbor sm Paatoirl .... Roy JL CarlMe Sunday Worship, 9:30 and 11 a.m . Church School: 9:30 a.m. Mid- week Meetlng: 7:00 p.m. Wed. nesda)'o preceded by 6:15 p.m . potluck. Pm1T AIIUDLT OJ' GOD IIDcllt. & EJdaQ Aft.. C:O.ta U... Llbetty 1·1711 ~ N. C:. CNalc. .__. Sltnday School: 9:30 a.m. Wor· ship: 10:55 a.m. and evangelist service, 7:30 p.m. Youne People and ChUdren's Service, 6:90 p.m. Sun. ·Mid. week Se-rvice: Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Ladles' Missionary CouncU, Thursdays 9:30 a.m. tor all day. SEVEJrl'll DAT ADVEJrnl'l Jfewpod al'f'd. at Bolla St.. Jfewpod IW9bta Ln.rty a.1SS2 Elder D. L Spcna)41ag Saturday Morning Services: Sab· bath School: 9:30 a .m. -Ser· mon: 11:00 a.m. Prayer mtoet· lng: Wednesday, 8:00 p.m . amaca of oa. wm••n 1-Anebet• lt.. e-ta ll..a Pasto.t lle9. Clift Wlll._a LJbelty a.7lll Sunday Servtcet: Sunday School, 9:30 a .m. Morning Worahlp at 10:30 a.m. Evaneellatlc Serv· Ice, 7 p.m. Sunday. N.Y.PS., 6 p.m. Sunday; Pra.yer meeting, 7:30 p.m. Wt"dnesd-.y. PJUT cauaca or camsT ICIIliiWI ,. ........... ----' ..... IIAibGc Mtl . Sunday Scllool: 9:1.5 a.m., Sun· day S e r v l c e : 11:00 a.m. Wednesday Evening Meeting: 8:00. Reac!JnJ' Room. 33a VIa Udo, Newport Beac:b. open 10 a.m.·5 p.m. week da~ 10 a.m.- 7 :45p.m . Wednesda~ 7·9 p.m. Friday eveninn. CKaJST LU'1'11EU1f caoaca OP COITA lOlA (lllanut I,...S) ~a..c:llalL hnora -... &.;etba:r Tonow Sunday Serv1ces: Worship Serv· Ice 9 a.m. Sunday School at 10:15 a .m. IT. JOACBDI ~CB aAUOA IILAJm liN ercuc~~~~ ll..a COIIKU1nTT III'.TiiODIST Pathu 'l'boaaaa J. Kma • ~~==~~=-IUDCSay .. _... at '!· L I. 10 CIDd a 11:30 a.m. Weekdaya: Maaa at ~ 7:00a.m .-Confessloa: Satur· Sunday Servtcet: a. m. d&YI from 4:00 to 5:~7:00 to Church School; 9:30 and 11:00 8:30 p.m. a.m. Worah.Jp Service. 1 ID1' unliT cau.,. 0. M&WiGfi .............. c... .... ... '*' ~--u.tra..l ,._._, ll.elbert a., ....... ...,. UPI'IIT cauaca ..... a..A ... etll ....... c.n. .... ...... a. • ...- Sunday Servtcet: 9:45 a .m. Sunday School; 11 a.m. Worship service.· 6:30 p.m., Bapu.t TraJnJne Union; 7:30 p.m.. Evenlna Service. Wednesday: 7:30 p.m., Prayer, Pralle and Bible Study. Mon· day: 7:30 p.m. Men'a Chona p r a c t I c e : 8:30 p.m. Men's Prayer Meeting. • CII1JaCII OP ou• L&DT OP KT. C:.UIIEL l.Cl w ...... al..S.. • ....,... ~-·· p~·~·"-7 ...... Patbew ....._..,. . A8at. Sunday Maaaee~ 8 :00 and 10:00 and 11:30 a.m. Confession: Sat- urdays and evea. of 1st Fridays and Holy Daya from 4:00 to 5;30 p.m. and from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. DaUy M .. 8:00 a .m. F1nt Frlday: 6:30a.m. and 6:00p.m. Nove n a (Perpetual Help): Tuesday, 7:45 p.m. Pl.ahermen's Mass, July and Auau-t. Sunday 4 a.m. tnnVEJIIAUIT COIOiUMfti P1D.I.OWDD a..u Chit', ... 515 w ............ ..... .a..sn-1 .... P. W • ._.. Sunday Scllool, 10:.30 a.m. l.lorn- lng wonbJp, 11:00 a.m. ST. JAIIU UIICO•AI. Ia VIa Lido. •...-t ..... llAibow 1210 BeY. Jolaa .. ~ llectoc Sunday aervlces: 8:30 a.m. Hol.Y Communion, 9:30 a .m. Sunday school; 9:30 a.m. morn l n g prayer and sermon, 11 a.m. worship service. Thursday Serv. lees: 9:15 a.m. Prayer GuUd; 10:30 Holy Communion. ST. JOJDf VIAIIIUT 31. KadDe Aft.. Jlalboa lalaacS llAibow .,. Patba S~ta.y, Pastor Pat.Ja. · hmauul Aaat. Sunday Masses: 7:00a.m. A 9:00 a.m. Confession: Saturdays and eves. of LJt Fridays and Holy Days; 7:30 to 8:30 p.m.; Fl.nrt Friday Mass 8 a.m . Summer Mass, luly and Au&USt Sltnday, 11 a.m. CZIIftAL ma.E Cll1mCB a.... ....... Drcllt. c... Jt.& 1.111 •• ....,. a.a.sur ,..._ SU!tdQ lcllaol: 1:• ua. llcln· ~ .. .-. u=-: .. hi .. flee. 1:.10. Mkf.'"'* ..... Ice. Wedneaday, 7:30p.m. Youna people meet 6:1.5 p.m. Sunday. PDIT IOVTIIKD aAJTIIT Sunday servlC*: 9:45 a.m.. Sun-day Sehool; 11:00 a.m., Wor· ahlp S«vloe; 7:30p.m. Sunday evening ~ n vIce ; Mid· Week Service: 7:30 p.m. Wednesday Prayer MeetiJur. • CBUatii u.a.oa ASSEJOLT OP OOD ISO w. _.. ... lt.. c.t. ..... QaapeL loata.a CaW. Liberty 1-Ma alble Coli~ WEWPOIIT IIAllBO. Ln.rty ua1 .__, Dl'. ll1mald B. ,_ LUTBEUlf CBftCB BeY. c. L Tb1111Doa4 Sunday ecbool, 9:45a.m.: church 1501 Cl1ff Dr. Jfewpod Belpta aei'Vice 11:00 a.m. 'fraJnlng Uberty 1.1131 Sunday school 9:30 a.m., morning Union 7 p.m. Sunday. Evenlng ...,_ ltobert Grolaluad worship 11 a.m. Young peopJe worsb.lp 8 p.m. Sunday. Teach· Early service, 8:30 a.m. Sunday; service 6:30 p.m., evening era and oUJcera meeting 7 p.m. Church School. 9:30 a.m.: wor· evangelist service 7:30 p.m. Wt"dnel'day. Prayer aervlce and ship service. 11:00 a.m .; Luther Mid-week aervtce 7:30 p .m. Bible study 7:45 p.m. Wednes- League, 7:00 p.m. Wednesday. . day. Tbia Directory ia made poaihle by th ... cine-minded buai.neumen: WOODW0RTH PIANO SHOP Exchwve Aaent tor Baldwin Planoa 2610 E. Co.st Hwy. Her. 3382 Corona del Mar NEWPORT H~RBOR ENSIGN NEWSPAPER Prlntlne-Advertlatng-Local News 2850 E. eo.t Hwy. Har. 1114' Corona dot Mar NEWPORT HARBOR lANK 3435 E. eo.st Hwy. Coron. cW .... RICHARD'S UOO MARKET Oranae County's Most Complete Market 34ll v-.. Udo HM'bor 2128 H.-port S..ch EARL W. STANLEY; RN1tor Sell1n.c Newport Harbor S1nee 1.931 Meln Off"tce a.lbo. l.a.d H...t>or 1 ns STAFFORD I SON Electric lnatallatJona, Maintenance. Repatra 110 R~Yenide Ave. U a.l459 Newport INch IALIOA lAY CLUB USI OUR the unders l&ned. a Notary Public Office: Hyatt 4·2398 In and tor saJd County and State, ""===Rea=·=:=H=y.=a=tt=4-4084====~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~122~1~W~·~Coest~~~H~~~~w~..,~~~~N~·~w~pcw~rt~le~Kit; ~rsonally appeared JOSEPH 1 ROUOOT~ JOSEPH ROSSI and ADELINt:· ROSSI, known to me to be the per110ns whose names are subscribed to the within ln. strument and a cknowledged that Safest plcrce for your cam. after h~ ... k. eDd cmd hotic:lays. AM about our Day a D d N i v h t Depowtory ..me.. they executed the same. WITNESS my hand and otfic. lal Seal. (Se-a}) ANN,E JOHNSON. Notary Public ln and for County and State. (My CommlasJon Expires Aprll 20. 19f'4) • • ... so what! You can sparr yourself without spoiling the menus ... by cooking the one rully Tlw cold faa is dw 14 el«iric bo.-food &eaa lea JOU bu1 wbta IIOCb 1ft fW1. cpality iJ ¥ &Dd prica .... ao.. . . I taOMDAY, IDT. L 1 .. Miss Diane Crandall of COM Is Bride of William Gould Pink carnaUon.t and roees b'med a bridal crown few Mtu Diane Crandall who wu married Au,uat 18 to WUllam A. Gould In a double rtne ceremony at the Corona d e 1 M a r Community Church. The bride, who la the dauettter of Mr. and Mrs. Loula Crandall of 475 Komlne Canyon Rd., Sbore Cll.tt.a, wu eJven In rnarrlaee by her father. She wore an ecru lace dress of ballerina leneth with scoop neckline bound In satln and matching aaUn aaab. Her at.ter, Mrs. Donald R. Barnes of San Juan Capistrano, Glamour Glimpses ByMK Driving your dauahter to eoJ. lege ! Taking a late summer va. cation! Getting ready for the fall club season! For all these oc- casions and many. many more, you'll be well dressed In a new knit 2-plece dress or suit from O'BRIEN'S. There just aren't ma ny oceaalons when you won't be In proper taste In a knit. And nowadays they make them In 10 many popular and fl,ure-natter. lng styles. ADd lf you AJlE bdd.D9 J'OW' dau9btw to co~• lD cmother weell • -. check that l.Lat of ......SU.. thocougbly to be sun that she baa the heft wardrobe t~ acbooL Mo. It doeua•t lane to be the mNt ... ~"· bat she cma ..,. Cl lot of time r. atadles lf abe bCD thoee quldt-waab. o.troa beclu- U.. lib our aew Dclc:roa bG- tt.t. bJou.e.. for b:latcmce. ADd bcrYe you ..... ou.r CIISocab1e ...... -.troD cottop alaortM D.lg'llt~ with the matcblD9 bloc.aers'P -Abo lD p..J.'al Hit of the dormitory ~t will be the new "Black Watch" plaid cotton p.J.'s with matching quJit. ed lounge coat. fresh In at O'BRIEN'S. They are the ama:rt- •t for alter hours spreads. br idge --and of course book crammln! • Mow Just lD ccue yoa b«fttl•t goott.a dowD to the bca1ca yet. auda • bOM. 9'lJdlea. pcmta GIDd .up.. bany -~ to O"aaUKKrr bar • we •C'kd ...................... __ ............. ~ ,... ..... .., ....... , .. .We "'Q•....-._ dllllly ..-~ ,..U. wta • little oeatrol CliNt • gealu tc. beplD9 ap ..... And h ave you seen the new Olga garter belt! It's really a superb little waist and tummy slimmer without putting you girls within the confines of a girdle. And then for our really svelte figures under the new longer torso dresses we'll take a little control !n girdle form. Come In and see our new fal1 fashions -lots of 'em at O'BRI EN·s. IIAibcx .. 2S15 E. Coast Hwy. COBOKA DEL NAB eerved u matron of honor. She wore a pink and whJte oreandy d:rea of 1rtn1et lenet}t. Rlchard Gould, brother of the eroom. wu best man. The eroom la the 80n of Mr. and Mn. Marton L Ftaher ot 1753 Tultln Ave .• Coat& Meu. The Rev. Edwin Gomke, putor of the church. rNd the marrlap rites. and Mia Marearet Seharle of Corona del Mar P\AYed eelectJona on the or. san. Mrs. Uoyd Whitlow. aunt of the brtde from Torrance, uslsted at the reception, whleh wu held In the church aoclal hall. MrL Crandall received rueata In a navy and white erystalllne gown. The groom's mother wore a black suit. After a short honeymoon In Santa Barbara, the younr couple wlll eventually make their home lo Bangor. Maine, where he Is ~In& traMferred with the U. S. Air Force. They are travelling acrou country with a house trailer. Both of the young people rraduated from Newport Harbor High School. Initiation for rllltl~&llle Pullea Auxiliary Unit Mr. and Mrs. Purv Pullen. 416 Mar,uerlte Ave., Corona del Mar. New members were Inducted by the ritual team of the Amerl. can Lei!on Auxiliary Unit 291 last week. Mrs. Albert Leutwyler. presl dent, welcomed the following new members: Mmes. Dolph Barnes of Sherman Oaks, V. S. Conrade of Long Beach. Miss Ja net and Joan Boetto, .Jacquelin Little and Christine Johnson. President Leutwyler presented citations to Mrs. Ralph Bonds, Mrs. Roy Gehres. Membership and Mrs. F. H. Joyner. Pan Amcr lean. from the American Legion Auxiliary of ~partment of Cali fornla. EJfBOU. ft SAJfTA BAIUIABA Among the new students ad mltted to Santa Barbara College of the University of Califor nia for the coming fall semester are: Gynelle Dysart. 400 Redlands Ave .. Newport Heights; La Netta Richardson, 319 Irvine Ave .. New . port Heights; John Kepper, 1301 Kings Road. Clltr Haven. and David Michael Valle. 49 Beacon Bay. are entertalnlng Mr. and Mrs. AI fred Corbett, guest& from Cal- gary, Alberta1 Canada. The Cor . belts also are enjoying a visit with their daughter. Miss Esther Corbett. who has been living with the Pullen.s. They will re turn to Canad a following the La bor Day week-end. Also visiting at the Pullen hou~hold ls a nephew, Gordon Uewellyn from Mojave. Mr. Uew ellyn will teach Spanish and French at Garden Grove High School In the Fall. iatal u.•scapill& 2221 E. Coat Jl19hWG'J Coroa« 4el Kcu Boyce Prior LI l-'1fi'ZI lAD Jo BA l~J .s-p ••• , .. leter C..latil TODAY. the story of a good figure Is told NOT In pounds, but In INCHES on a TAPE MEASURE YOU will be delighted and amazed when you know for the very first time what the STAUFFER SYSTEM can do for YOUR figure! At the StnuUer System. you will be told how long It will take to achieve your desired proportIons. PbOIM Todcly f~ Tour F .... 'hicll Trecrtmeut Bcubor 174.2 3117 E. Coclat Hwy. COROMA DEL MAll • Draperies Custom Made in 0..-OwnShop Beautiful Casement Cloth 12 COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM * For Example: 8 Foot Wmdows. C.ili.Dg to Floor IAngth. Complete with Trcrnne Track cmd m.taUation.. Other Size Windows Priced Accordingly * EIPEBT. fBE& IN1EBIOR DECORATING SERVICE * • DICK ••port•••• SCHOOL Loeal color hu been truly Jdded to the South Bay Com mun- Ity Art.l A.laoclaUon show en. tltlect .. Aquartana," currently ~ IJ\1 Mid at Karlne Land, Palos Verdes. Newport Harbor artists' pic tute~ selected to hang In the ahow include Thelma Paddock Hope's "marina," an oil of little Marina Dorsey of Newport. and a water color entitled "Damp ness" by Phylll.s Hepler Skelton of Balboa Island. Also hanging are pictures by Ruth Larimer MPyers and her mother. Barbara Larimer. living on Harbor Island. WITH ALL YOUR SUPPLIES FliOIC CORONA DEL MAR PHARMACY 3 .......... 2 Hole Bi1Hn .. 59c 49c 3 Hole (It 15!) Biaders 2 & 3 Hole Note Papers IOc & 25c Craroa & Crarolas IDe. 19c, 29c.. lOc Zipper Note Books (plus tax) File Canis School Sciuon Plaflime Water Col•s Artist Bruslles "HJfole" 11•1 Diti•n Ta .. ed 111111 F ... n lie IOc IDe 2&c $2.25 IOc •d 25c lie * We C•rr IU Sizu, "IIYTDIF' * Note Book Ft11er Papers Scrltcll P.U ........... ...... ......... . .. . I Oc 2lc • lc I IOc e Pmbn '1.iquicl Lead., Penc:ila _ . ·---... • Zipper. BiDden. pric»d from ·-· ····-··· -··· ·-·---·--·····-··· -· e Beaullful 8aGp Boob -----. _ . . . at 69c and • New ·Aaeov!Qpb· lkdla --·---·--__ _ $2.95 $1.59 $1.00 e Spired ,_DO. Note Boob --_ __ at 1Sc and C9c 25c * HEADQUARIEIIS FOR SCHOOL SUPPLIES ARE AT * DB. MAR PHARMACY .... ·~ IICIIII'S LIDO IIIIET wftla SAil IE September 1. 1955 Newport Beach. Cal. ··Hey Sis' Is this a Grocery Store!'. I felt a tug at my skirts.. Returning from a Mombo les- son at our new Lido Shop Klnr Studios of Ballroom Dancing, I was practicing my new stpp up our front walk. J looked down to see a couple of "little people" standing hand ln hand. "Yes, this Is a Grocery Store," aald I. assuming my J recognize. you-but I won't.tell-anybody.wbo- you-are expression reserved t o r celebrities. ·'Then why don't you hanr out a sign! We're Mom and Pop Asto from M ars. We're rolng to open up a Grocery Store and we made a special trip down to ~ what you Earth.ans had to offer," piped Pop. "We've ~n making the rounds and we've never seen anything Uke this.'' * * * ""You cdD't .... autb.La' -,.t.: wclit'U you 9M taalde. • tboupt L CD I ..aot1ec1 them up the froat walk. ""~'• E..tll'a Sclb. Pop, tiM cSoon opea by theaaaelftS CID4 I becu 0rgcaa Ku.a1c.• Koaa 8qUecaMd. We bad DOW nacbed the froet lobby. ~· •ftrlbodY ~ the 1c1e cnam c:ooes r troaa Pop. ·rm bQD91'TI .. "Jllgbt o..,.r ben lle.lrt to the llclbrf. What fiCI'fOr would you l..lbr' The CI'OWd wclitmg tor doable dec:bn wt4eDed to let tbeaa t1mL hp had to wait Cl couple of llliaut• wbUe the boy fla- tahed bcm4 pacldNJ • couple of qucutL Noaa tboaght she'd l..lb aaraetbJ.D9 troaa the Babn lD- atead. She settled foe « ati-aw. ber1'y tart. "Gee. Sla. tb1a tat. Just l..lb Craadaul thoat)tat abe aMCS to media. • • • • -we do cdl our bcddD9 ript .... bela.lad tiiOM ......... cloen. • add L '"tAt _.._. .... y.. ....... I hW .. ,._ _. G• I ............ ,.. ........ Cltlllllla. .. * * * "What're those stairs for!" !rom Pop ~tween bites of Fresh Peach. 1 'Tht>y IPad up to our Mt>7.7.an ine. If you want to t.1kP some gifls back to Mars with you. you·ll find somP unu!-ual ones upstair-; . . Or tr you nN'd a ran opPr.rr or a rou pi(' uf extra I bath tOW(')!' " ' Pop g-rabbed Mom by the I skirt~ .. Shp alway<; l:!lM wild In a plaN' ltke that'" * * * lnaide the Grocery Depa:rt- m eot Nom spotted tbe Dlddla- SODS wild mouotcrlo Bladtberry syrup • • . ..Pop. l&o•t th1l the same syrup we found oo tiM table of tbe fcmcy reatcnmmt we stopped at tor brecddCDt oo tbe way dow1l? Why doll't ,.. get ICIIDe 10 1IN CCID bcrYe It OD our pa:oc::altes at bome?• Mom tileD dedded CD 101l9- abe WCD ben cmd dlc!D't lmow ...,... she'd be badE. she'd bet- te. lay lD a sapply of rat:re food.a she ooaldo't usucllly f1Dcl •.. Tb .... abopplo9 bclabt-hllb latw. I felt I abould tell ta.. 11N'd be 91Cid to .... btp Mw a:aytblD9 abe wa:at.d 4Ift. .- WCD home. We ,... alwcya .-. c*Yia9 !etten .._ ............ Ytait.d u.s ..... lD the----nqaMtiNJ C*ta1D dellariM be -t tiMID ••• * * 1r "And I'm going to make us a frt>Sh Blut.'berry pie for dinner! Haven't hnd one since I was a gtrl ~ .. l told Mom to t1')' my reclpe for Upside Down Bl ueberry pud. ding: Whip up a whltr cake mix acrordlnr to directions and put ln cake pan . . . Then br1na a box of blueberries, ~ened to taste along with a little walft' on top of the stove Just to a boll . . . Then pour the hot mlxtu.re on top or the cake batter . • . Then bake . . . The berri• all sJnk to the bottom. "Real George," said Plop. ''So't your .tOft ... I we now why 70'1 didn't have a &Jan up tn front .•. Say, SJa. then't nothlal Uke thb • n;ypJMe ln tbe Uiltftne!" * * * ~ ..... -.1'11-. ~ ........ ~r .................. ...... 9 2 , ..... .... ......... , ....... .. PAI'I&MitO?lZS ... ?SF···--··· .... ._ ..... , .. -· .. ;.-,,~:-·· ..... Qiliill .... Relax • • • "STAin' UVING .. IM'Vf!DIATELY. IN IRVINE TERRACE OVERLOOKlNC THE D!Atrn:FUL "SMOG-I'IlEE'' YACB'I1NG CENTER OF NEWPORT HARBOR "Southern Callfornla'a Most Beautttul Subdivision" Tomorrow's Dream-Today! WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO INSPECT COMPLETED OUR DISTINCTIVE FURNISHED MODEL HOMES AND OTHERS UNDER CONSTRUCTION NINE DIVERSIFIED FLOOR PLANS To the home buyer who wishes to purchase In the $24,000 to $35,000 class we sincerely recommend the lrvtne Estates overlooking Newport Harbor. These homes feature California ll\'lng. Offered exclu- sively through Earl W. Stanley In a Smog-Free area known a.s lrvlne Terrace--on Coast Highway opposite the new lrvlne Coast Country Club, Newport Harbor. * For recommendation. we refer you to anyone who holds a Leasehold Estate In Irvine Terrace, Beacon Bay, Bayshores or Clift Haven. Earl W. S.tanley EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor 4448 For Fu;-ther Information Vogel Value c•ou on IIR For lease with o,li01 to lluy! Lovely J.bedrm., bath and t.;, view home. Completely fenced yd. Large bedrooms ... hardwood floors ... rumpus room with Bar 8-Q _ .. close to Little Corona Beach. Will apply ~ to all of rent on purchase price. For Re1t 3 bedrm., fully furn. view home. Npt. Heights. $1 73 mo THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E. COAST HWY. HARBOR 1741 CORONA DEL MAR HARBOR 1477 (Closed Sundays during Aug.> ON IORNIH CANYON ROAD i1 Shere Cliffs UNFURNISHED FOR $35.000 a truly charmJng view home of 2 bedrooms and den with lovely patJo ... 2 u.sed-brick fireplaces. beamed ceilings. birch paneling, Forced Air heat ... Exterior or redwood and used brick with shake roof and 2-car garage ... 1500 sq. rt. of house and the lot Is 60' x 155' deep ... Aie 2 yrs .... taxes $378.~ LOUIS W ~ BRIGGS, Realtor 71 1 E. Balboa Blvd. Balooa Phone Harbor 8() , ------------ Picturesque ProYincial Spacious Brownc>ll df'c;lgn Includes c>normnus mnst£'r bedroom suite w1th his and her dressing room~ and ba th. guest room anrl bath. cozy den. 2 ftrc>plac<'S ... lots of used br1ck a nd redwood ... hC'avy shake roof ocean view ... just a step to excellent ba thing beach Price $38,500 Open Sunday I to 5 p.m. 248 Evening Canyon Rd .. Shore Chlffs. Corona del ~ar Drive by or S(.'e Dave Osburn ,. a. palmer iiCOI'JOratetl ole hanson co .. sales management 1700 w. coast highway -Uberty S-5573 "'IY FIIIT SPECIALISTS" ART C. KISTLER CO .. REAL ESTATE 2091 l'ewport Blvd. Newport Beach Harbor 5226. day or night LOOIIIIG F. A BUYER FOR YOUR IDlE? What is a RIGHT price? Where can YOU find a BUYER? How much can the buyer pay down? Is a new mortgage necessary? How is the buyer going to pay the difference? Tn ,.. ~~r•••• •• II a IEILT• . . . the man that has made real estate his full time profession. Both b~yer and aeller mould teCUte the readJly avall- a ble COUil.le1 of the penon best qualified to uae the prot.-ional title. ''The R.ealtor." NEWPORT HARBOR BOARD OF REALTORS nma ch~. and what was pel'fect fci your needa a few years aao h\ay now be inade- quate. Perhapa you have a City home and now w ant a Beach home .•. or you have A~age and. want bualnest~ property . . . or you need a larger home ... or a amaller one. THE LOGICAL 'I'HJNG to do ls to exchange with aome- one who HAS WHAT YOU WANT Aim NEEDS WHAT YOU HAVE. _..,e specialize in exchanges ANYWHERE. Call HA 3T1. We want your llstlng. • ISLAID IULn CO. • WI: NEED JlDIT A.l.S Bachelor-1-bedrm. - a-beclrma.-turn.-un- f um. -pup tents, etc. Mewport Harbor area. Harbor 5032 3024 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar • ...... Lit $10.0110 27-l FL W•r FI'OIIIp • 498 Park, Balboa Ialand HA 3T1 IOIER E. SHAFER CUFF lAVEII 3-ltedrm. ruclt-type house with den-dlnlng room. 2 baths. pine and copper kitchen, Hot Point oven lc range. hardwood tlrs.; Huge lot with permanent view, swimming pool. tiered patio, completely fenced. $31,100 Submit terms WALDRON REALTY ~ Marine Ave .. Balboa Island Harbor 234 FOR SALE: IIJ tner, Corona del Mar, 3 w... 2 ••Ill, modem home, rum. rental apt. attached ... close to Harbor VIew School and pro-posed parochial school ... everythtng built-In Including dishwasher, d1sposaJ, etc. En- closed patio and 2 car garage with work bench . . . call Ha. 2506-M. your ~bj)B* includes a Little League bQ..febaU field in the neu> Halecrest Jn beautiful COSTA MESA Harbor Boulevard & Baker Ave. SaiH Apnb-WIIUI' & U. Te!ePbO... ~-8-7492 106 McFadden Pl. Newport (at the Pier) Harbor 140. Eves. HArbol\ 1137-M • UIIOUNCIII • CLARENCE L. COOPER. INC. DEVELOPER 5 Exquisite Bay VIew Homes by John B. Clark, Quality Builder located on Harbor Island Road • • • Features: e 4 bdrm., 3 bdrm .. or 2 bdrm. & den e 3 baths • Shake Roof e 2 fireplaces • Swlmmlng Pool "If desired" e Lot sizes average 65' x 125' • Restricted area e Clever Provincial, Hawaiian and Ranch type homes e Forced Air Heat. Garbage Disposal. Westinghouse Dishwasher • Beautiful Paneling e Large Sunny Patios e Expenalvely Land.lcaped • Wired for mf-Pidellty Mua.lc: • Fine Cabinet lnstallatJons e Built-In Electric Stove It Oven e Built In Bar lc Refrigeration e Delightfully decorated Shown by appointment only to Qualltled Clients For preview showing Call John Abe ll HARBOR INYESTIEIT CO. REALTORS Harbor 1600 Evening Phone U 8-5386 PreiiJ As . A Picture Nice 1-bedrm. and den home In Newport Heights, near shopping area. It's only 7 yra. old. has hardwood Ooors and a large alngle garage. Thts is the best buy In a small home In the city of Newport! --nT• BillETT, ltallr 466 No. Newport Blvd., Newport, (1 blk. N.E. of H~g Hospital) Uberty 8-2'T72 CHill CDYE .. '1111111111 2 of the last lots In tbla deslrable location. Build one or two units. Now moved acroa the atreet on the earner at 400 E. 17th St.. eo.ta Meia u.ty 8-1138 Oppo.lt. Newport Beaeh City JJall Complete OUke s.Mce . Paatiq /&ftllable INS !f.-pert ~ -~- • l 'oo Lnte to Cit •t OOBOifA DEL iUi RENTAL 2-BEDDI. IU· apt., partially fUtn., bay view, 180 mo. yrly. Gerald W. llltdlle, ph. HA 13. COM man would Uke c&rdentna. cle&n·Uj), etc. Call R.A :56M. Mel UpU\a.U. fireplace, nice patJo, cloee to market. It transp. R.2 zone, room for another unit. l>rtve by 513 Jasmine Ave., Corona del Ma.r, and then call me! CLAIRE VAl HORN REALTOR 2731 W. Coast liwy., Newport u 8-4277 IIOW SHGWI118 First R•! Plus "PIUTES OF TRIPGIJ" Shop at ' Crossroads Village • ntllll c •• , ...... ... ,, .. , D•lar ....... • ••• on Newport BIYd. ahoY• the Ar~ acrou FrHway from Hoav ·lbpital Tlf II Plf' I I For M ale It remakl Jlelp ln f!V«Y Une of ~ are comlna ln dally. PIHM come to our oUICM to ,....._ tor the locality ne..,.. to your home you Wish to work. Lew feel. MIL Sarah ElHn Mallard. 71, of 1815 Orance Ave .. eo.ta Meu, dJed Auc. 22 In the Altadena lloepttal , Allad«na. She wu born ln Chethift,. Enaland. and came to the UnJted Stat• 4e ,...,. a,o. She had Jlved In Pasadena for ~ yean a nd In eo.ta Keaa for the put three yean. Funeral aervtces for Mrs. Mal- lard were held Aua. 2' ln the Baltz eo.ta Mea Chapel. with the Rev. Dona ld 0 . Sapp, pastor of the Balboa laland CommunJty Methodllt Church, oftJclatlng. . -. ' L . D t:· I 'J E . I .. - {i.Clt lL · .. r:·[,(" C1 ~ ~ '·' -... , ........ .. ~ .... • W.VI&IoND • Mltoua ,_. .... ... ,.. • o;wwll ........ o.toa QA~ • IICICI'OIID • ---.- A BULl f.:T .FORJOE't ------ NOW ~TUB ' ~~~~ ..ow nAan •~ uvaa 1 1]':,1! h. :\ j. SANTA ANAl I BH WUN 4 · l S · ON BROADi'o AT .......... .Ju•• ALDIIOII 0&.\NGI! (ONLY> ~PQM "'IIAD TO DJ:NV'Er WALKERS I ... AJnfAT o..ua..t. ,._ 1- uow .............. T •owftUnaa&T h tua•a Custom Picture Fram1A9 ............................ Liberty ~1117 VWa9e Drapery & IDterion .. .. ...• ... . . . ... Libe11y ._... Gcrw1Juop BeatiD9 ·Air CoDdltloa.lD9 .................... Libel1y 8-4471 II~ BeaUb Food Ston ............... ~ ~--· .... ·-··.Llbeny 1-1424 ~·a Beauty Shop......... .. ··········-·"···· ... .... -~ ............. .Llbeny ~12 Saith'a b Jlbarmacy................... . ................................... ~ ~7511 Waa. 1L Barpel'. Physical T1aenlpl.lt . . .....•................... .Llbeny ~7C71 Woodweldia9 lac. ................................................................ ..J..D.tr ... 1D Jolaa V..-L •• rdw ... _ ........ _____ .......................................... ..J..D.tr ~1117 ..,.. bd. ltecy ...a ..... .aa• . , 'I'M ...... _.._. .......... AI.PA -C. fi.VI• Hrrwd I ....... .Ca .... e&L ell eC w'!ll Will .. W'WMr -..r_ ... ......_-c.· Ia • ._ eC •uul.ay ..... onsrr AaMU. _...a I ?III d Rill I ~ ....._ IIOW m 110CJL ID !be CR-oad. VIllage s~ ,._. ,....,._ ..._ LA It a.MM Miss Barbara Earl of Lido Isle Is Married to Robert Graham A la te afternoon wedding at Graham Sr. of New York City. the St. James Episcopal Church Mr. Earl presented his daugh. on Sunday. Aug. 21. united MIM ter at the altar. She wore a long Barbara A. Earl arld Robert P. white tulle and satin gown with Graham in a double ring cere-a fluted lace yoke neckline and mony performed by the Rev. clrcular designs of the fJuted Ralph Pease. 11lce on each side of the full skirt. The bride Is the daughter of Her dainty bouquet was com Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Earl of 223 posed of white orchids, lilies or Via Quito. Lido Isle. and the the valley and stephanotis. groom Is the son of Mrs. F. Da· Mrs. David E. Davidson of Ar vies Graham of 510 Acacia Ave .. cadia. sister of the bride, served Corona del Mar. and lames G. as maid of honor In an aqua crys ;.===========:; tallne gown carrying a sheaf ol roses. Bridesmaids were Miss it's M~ for .... Gowu ~gMCS by tb.e foaswo.t ocnaharien of tM c.aatry. .... DOW LO.U Betty Norton of Newport Heights. Miss Madge Fulbright of Coro na d el Mar and M lss Barbara Brit'key of Lido Isle. They wore dusty pink crystaline dresses. match lng hats and o ld fashioned boU· quets of roses. The eroom·s brother. Ja mes I Graham Jr. of East Orange, New Jersey. was best man. After a honeymoon In San Francisco. the youne couple are makJng thelr home In Long Beech. Both the bride and eroom were honor llt'Udenb at Oranre Cout CoU~ and ~duated from Jlfewport B a r b o r RJrh School. PEOOT II1J1n' QEO.CIA •VLLOCK Mothers' Club MEWLTWEDS M r. cmd Mra. llobert Cnl.bam. (ZimaaenDCID pboto) LOll A K.A.Jm0 Holds Election Mesa School Mrs. Ed Sedelmeler of Cliff Haven was elected president of s·.d Accepted the Mothers' Club of the Orangt- Coast Chapter of De Molay. The $29i.072 low bttl of :tJ P. • • • of ~oc:ial note .AQ& ...... Final Plans Are Set by DAR For Fund Raising Benefit Unsung OperatJon Safety fO( IChool children started with the fall 1955 back to . achool clothes at Reinert's department store In Final plAna for the DAR an- nual fund ralalne event. a lunch- eon and fasblon ahow at the Newport Harbor Yacht Club on Thursday, Sept. 15, were com- pleted on TuHday when Mrs. Wllllam Tritt, reaent. and the commJttee met at the home ol Mrs. Anne Harbeson, Balboa, the ceneral chalrman. The fashion show wUJ be un- der the supervtsJon of Mra.. Don aid Hart and Mrs. Lester VIer line. Haul Dell, Balboa uJand musician, will play the organ for accompaniment. Mrs. Albert Stockton and Mrs . Costa Mesa and other stores spot. Lee Barnes are In charge ot door ted throuchout the country that prlzes. Mrs. E. W. Crumley Is ar wlll carry an new lnnovatJon in ranctne for table prizes tor card children's clothes. A new mater- eames. lal designed to sharply reflect Dec:oratlon chairman. Mrs. Rob lights at nlcht promlae8 to In- ert Keppen, Is using "Fall Fash crease pedestrian and bike rid· lon&-55" as the motif. Her com lne safety after dark. It Ls un- mlttee Includes Mrs. Adraln lr h otlceable In the daytime but re- vine, Mrs. George Buccola and f1ects like hundreds of mirrors Mrs. B. M Adrian. at nleht Ticket co t'halrmen Mrs. James All leagues wll.l start at Van's . B. Taylor of Harbor 1526 and Mrs. I Bowling after Labor Day. Open MNnke Bowles. Liberty 8 7504, bowling Is scheduled dally up to will be assisted by Mrs. Ht>lmer 16:30 p.m. and after 11 p.m., and Dickey of Harbor 2128 M. on Saturdays and Sundays. NEW Munsingweare Flecto-Fiash Sport Shirts • Reflect headlights • Flash a brilliant warning to motorists • Prevent night-time accidents Slwrt·-'-· $295 co/Jar .tvl~. tun 2-12 SJwrt-1l«t~ crrw-rud «yu,$1.95: •izn 2-12 fltcft..flui "extra" Itt ,.,, K~tll CAp., 0-.... {luoU. $1.65 .socu.-6 to 10)-i 55t 0..'• aew ..rety inaaaDce (or your dWdren .•• ~FI.Aslr Sport SbiJtl bit o( fine combed cotton and a new li«ftt-refteetive yam called ''Flecton"e-Tbeee ba.ncbome. comfortable 8hirts flash a bril1iant warning to moton.t:s on dark roedways and pedestrian cnainp ... allowmg the driver to eee anyone m the path of his bead.lichbl from a SAFE stopping clistance away. Send your children back- to-school in safety with Munsingwear'a aeium~ F LECTO-FL.ASH Sport Shim. Short-sleeve styles; snes 2-16; S 1.95 to $3 .50 These 9arments mi9ht wve his life at night. which met Aug. 24 at La Posta Hurd. Santa Ana contrat'tor. for I Restaurant In Costa Mesa. a dditions to the Everett A. Rca Latt> summer wf'clrling: Miss ' The abov~ eown of black sheer wool crepe desltned by Luna Karbo at .... Other officers a re Mrs. Earl &hool was accepted by the Costa Dede Wtlt'ux. flaugh:N of :\lr and Gustkey. vice president; Mrs. J. Mesa elementary school board I M rs. Toby Wllt'ox of Ltdo lslt>. to T. Tatum. treasurer ; Mrs. C. R. trustees at their meeting Tul'S Jackson Robert Erlrly. "on of Mr Gammon. secretary, and Mrs. E. t day night in the Harper St'hool. and Mrs. Howard Erldy of Wr'it wood .... Later thli< fall. at thP * B. Fish. chaplain. Mrs. Sedelmeler I Costa Mesa. appointed Mrs. F. B. Hazlett as The second lowest bidder was publicity chairman. the Jay Ray Construction Co. CLEARANCE SALE Frt.. s.,t. 2ltl .. Sat., s.,t. a• IPEII Lilli II Y ... 1/2 l••f• .... ,. Off .. 1111111 ........ -lllllllrl• ... ... R.IIIIIMEJ • II 11111 -.... ~ fl••••• lnh••• .... Ill -c.... 4111 ...... ..ay. end of October. an '"''·' wf'.ldtn~ Is ~x'Ing planne-d hy John l'!'l..ri<"- TWecdle of 1612 W. 0<-can Ft . Newport. and Mi~s :\1art'ta Wood of Fonda. Iowa lrv Watch;r ~r ~tcin won thP I first rounc1 at H1>ag lfo~pltrtl last week . . even though hE' was dealt a low blow and surge-ons removed tht> offending ulcers on Friday. We hear he's well startt'd on that long patient road to re- covery. * FBl:E PARJUI'fC AT BEAll EPfTBA.PfCE * wt: CIVE CBEEI'f STAMPS * * OPEK FlliDATS einert's 'TILL 9 p.m. * DEPA.JrTKEKT STOllE 111& Mewport BlYd... C:O.ta M esa SANTA ANA TENT & AWNING'S ONCE A YEAR • • • STOREWIDE 4 NOW IN FINAL WEEK Santa Ana Tent & Awninr ~:~ OPEN FRIDA¥ & MONDAY NI,ES 'Tii 9 EASY tERMS • FREE DELl¥ • ., Newpwt Harhor £nelgD =E:::;:N=s==l G=. =N=c=L=A=s=s=l F=I=E=D~==.,==-==u=u=R=c::::::;;H=E=s===.~==:=Ti;:,=-::~ ... ~ •• :-=i:=·~:;-::.=--....-======~Ail1HUil==~~·,..__-y -.....----- • CASH BATES FOB ENSIGN WANT ADS 1 Time 20 words or less____ .75 21 to 30 words....-1.00 31 to 40 words...______ 1.25 Each word 'over 40 _____ . .03 2Times 1.25 1.50 2.00 3 Times 1.50 2.00 2.50 .07 . 05 Cash must be received within 7 days of first insertion t ...... DAL UTATB & aEJfTALS IIELP WAJirED' f CHOICE Residential lots on EXPERIENCED WAITIUSS want· Del Mar Ave., Costa Mesa, ed, also dishwasher. Apply any $28S) ea. Owner U 8-2643. time. Island Patio Restaurant, ALMOST NEW 300 Marine, Bal. Island. Completly furnished 2-bedJ'. WANTED: ASSISTANT store- CaPe Cod house, bath & keeper. apply City Corporation shower, kitchen, dinette, dbl. Yard. Earl Doane, HA 3131. gar., enclosed patlo; lot 30 MALE OR FEMALE for mainten- x 118. 427 Heliotrope, COM. ance work. Apply eves. 6-10 $13.950, easy terms. See Any-p.m ., Port Theatre, Corona del time. 3 blks to beach-1 block _.:M:::=ar:.:·---------- to shops. 2-BEDR. FURN. apt., pvt. patlo, auto. washer. dlshmaster, ga. rage, in Beacon Bay, Pvt. beach. small boat tle-up. Win- ter rental $100 mo .. yrly. $1SO. Utll. pd. No ~ts. Avail. Oct. 15. HA 1..240. W AXTED TO llEJfT TEACHER & wile desire unlurn. yrly. rental, B. I. 1-bedr. apt. or small house. Write J ames Par. ker. 6110 Falrbrook, Long Beach. FOil SALE KNABE grand plano. stove. re frlgerator. washer. drier. dish- washer. beds. tables, chairs, etc. Harbor 3046 J. HAMMOND ORGANS. L I t t 1 e used. One only famous easy to play Chord Organ. One beauti- ful Spinet Model. Wonderful for church or home. Very lib· eral saving on these two lovely Instruments. Dam: . Schmidt. 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. Open Friday Eve. TRADE IN your old watch on a Ladles diamond Elgin. Wallace Calderhead Jeweler, 3123 E. Coast Hwy., COM. BECHSTElN. One of the worlds greatest pianos. Just like new. Good for generations. You will be thrllled to hear and play this magnificent Instrument. The low price will astonish you. Other eranda as low u $495. Danz.SchmJdt Blr Store, 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. Open Friday Eve. 1950 CHRYSLER Royal. 4 dr. or- Iginal. Real clean, 40.000 miles Royal blue. $750. Ll 8 4073. USED pianos. grands. spinets and uprights. \..ood practice pianos as low as $1 2:;, $149. S187 and up Easy tNms. One only r.~mnus mak(' spinet slightly damagPd in shipment. Brar.d ni'W Big saving. Danz Schmidt Big Piano & Organ Store, 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. MARINE SLIP FOR RF.NT. will take cruis- N . N B. Rf'as .. safp and clean. Phone 3173 R br•twC'en 6 p.m. & 8 p.m. SNIPE SA ILBOAT. complete with trailer & buoy Phon<' LI 8 7042 betwPPn 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. Slip & Rowboat Space for Rell Am<'ri<'an l.Rgion 215 15th St. MP<'Imgs 2nd 4th Wl'd. 8 p.m. MJSCELLAlfEOUS HAMMOND ORGANS. Full line, CONSTRUCfiON Jobs o~n in SANTA ANA For men who are wllllng to start as Who are 18- 45; H. S. grad- uates Jobs with excellent chances to advance. Include paid vacations and holidays, 5· day wk. Co. paid pension and disability plan. HELPERS and CLERKS CAREER BENEFITS APPLY 1030 E. First Santa Ana Mon.-Fri. 8-4 SO. COUNTIES G:AS COMPANY Girls- YOU wUl have an opportunity to advance In our firm. because ot our present expansion program. The starting salary Is good and 1 ou will receive fre quent Increases. too. Jobs now for: TELEPHONE OPERATORS -Apply- 514 ~i No. Main Street Rm. 211-Santa Ana 9:00 to 4:00 P.M. PACIFlC TELEPHONE PERSONAL MASSAGE In your home! Ladles only. For appointment, please call Ha 4795 or Ha 0292. TRADE IN your old watch on a new Hamilton. It means so much more to give or get a Ha milton. Wallace Calderhead. 31.23 E. Coast Hwy., COM. SEBVJCE.S loYie Project•• a II models. Free p r a c t I c e FOR RENT rooms. Come In a nd piny on 8-MM 16·MM 35·MM any model-The Great Concert and 16MM Sound Projectora Organ, the Home Model, the F ASr COLOR FILM SERVICE Church and the Spinet Models. Model Airplane Suppll~ If you think you cannot play, ... CI-FI ~ ..... come ln and try the world fa. .....,. mous Hammond, easy to play 1782 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Chord Or1an. You w11l be Phone Uberty 8-7042 astonished to fin d you can HAVE YOU SEEN? play In fifteen minutes. Danz. The new Watches, Dia monds, Schmidt Plano A Organ Co. Wedding Rings, Costume Home of the Hammond, 520 Jewelry and Clocks ... Car· No. Main. Santa Ana. rled by Ray Fields at hla , RENT new store. A practJce plano aa low RAY FIELDS WATCH REPAIR as $5 per mo. Let the klddJes N Lo L1 learn. All tenn rent applies If tJ'm .r':e:\OC:~::US: ~ you buy later. Danz.Scbmldt. "VIsta Shopplnr Center," 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. 100 19th St. at Placentia, Costa pianos from which to chooae. Mesa. LOn A1Q) POUJfl) • Phone Uberty 8-8488 • LOST: 15 canarl~. escaped from COMPLETE PAIN"'UfG aviary on Jasmine, COM. when PAPER HANGJNG SERVICE cat came to call. Anyone with BA 2976 lnlormatlon pleue call HA HA ~ J896..JK. EUGENE 0. SAUNDDS L1TJ'LE GlRLS J~ their kitty: 500 31st Street, !fewport Jleaeb pey with wttlte markings. white Upped tall. Disappeared Painting -Decorating from 2830 Seaview, nr. HeJJo-P.APEit BANOINO trope. CDM. HA 1510.W. R.e-GEORGE BURIOIARDT ward. ~ C.a.dof SLIGHT REW A.RD for mum of 8'71 W. 181b . Colla ~~- 1 whtte rJove loet In CDM, Sun. Llb!rtJ a.aal ~ l..ea3 ~:;-::::..n:t:'1u1 W11'k1 l1ttln1 ""* EMap.: W'ti<Z llftA,_ •ana =' ~ : . .J::. WiihL • I I .. ~ .... .,..,, ....... ~ ........... ., o.ea ...... .... cal. IIA ert-1. LDirtt._.. « ~ a.c7 CIDJIT CIIVIlCII 81' ft& UA ''The Work of Man" It the .er- mon-theme lelected by the Rev. Roy CUlaon for Labor Sunday at Christ Church By the Sea In New. port Beach. The Sanctuary Cbolt wlll return to Ita recular place In the fl\Ornlnr service aftet" a vacatlon-tlme durlnc the month of Aucust. UJfiVEUALJIT FELLOWIBJP Rev. Frederick Rlnee wtll re- turn to the Universalist Commun- ity Fellowship pulpit Sunday to preach on a Labor Day theme, "Somethlnc N e w H as Been Added." ST. JAKES EPISCOPAL The Rev. John. Parke's sermon at the 11 a.m. service Sunday at St. James Episcopal Church. New- port. wlll be on ''What Are You Worldnc For!" -a discussion of the Chrlatlan attitude toward our work. There will be Holy Communion at 9:30 and 11 a.m. CDII COIOIUJfln aroaCB The sennon topic for th.e du- plicate services of worship In Community Church Sunday wUl be "Hidden Treasure" with the Rev. Edwin C. Gomke occupying the pulpit. Reception of members will be held during the 11 a.m. service. LEGAL lfOTICE No. A-216 178 NOTICE OF HEARING OF PE· TITION FOR PROBATE OF WILL AND FOR LETTERS OF ADMINlSTRATION WlTH THE WILL ANNEXED. In The Superior Court of the State ot Callfom la In and For the County of Orange In the Matter of the Estate of HARRIET M. FERRELL. Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the petition of Beatrice F. Spent-er for the probate of the Will of thP above named decedent and for the wuance of Letters of Admin lstratlon with the will annexed to the petitioner will be heard at 10 o'clock A.M. on September 16, 1955. at the court room of De- partment 4 of the Superior Court of the State of Callfornla In and for the County of Orange. Dated August 216, 1955. Attorney for Petitioner, A. K. Phelps 3429 E. Coast Highway Corona del Mar, Callf. B. J. SMITII, County Clerk Publish: Sept. 1. 8. 15, 1955 In The Newport Harbor Ensign. No. A 26 204 NOTICE TO CREDITORS ESTATE O F JANE MacAR. THUR. DECEASED. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the creditors of and all per- sons having claims against the said decedent or said estate to file them with the necessary vouchers In the office of the Cl<'rk or the Superior Court of the County of Orange. State of California. or to present thP sam<>. with the necessary vouch ers, to the undersign~ at his or her place of business. to wit: 3429 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. Callt. within six months after th£> first publication of this notice. Dated August 29. 1955. A. K. PHELPS Adminis trator of the Estate of said decedenL A. K. Phelps Attorney at Jaw 3429 E. Coast Highway Corona del Mar, Callf. Publish: Sept. 1, 8. 15, 22. 1955 In the Nt'Wport Harbor Ensign. SEBVlCES COII:-:PLETE~=,...,LAK,__,,.,.D-=-s=-CAPIJt=-=-=="=c- SUVJCE FREE ES11.MA TES Slr.H Green Stamps Free dellv~ry CORONA DEL MAR NURSERY HA 1038 Z744 E. Cout Hwy. GARDENING: Lawn care, power equip. Kimberly 3-8535. REPAIR AND Maintenance, painting, carpenter etc. lu.st anythlnf. Reuonable. Satta. tactJon guaranteed. HA Ol.l6-l. save m o n e y ..... klllfiLII. ........ ,.,..,...r, • • • • .. WICa IDa'l IUT. 7 .. A.cceDt on Youth" will be the theme ot the Sept. 7 meetlnr ot the Woman's SocJft)l ot ChrlstJan Servke ol the Balboa Island Com. munlty Methodllt Church, becln- nlnr at 11 a .m . Ananatnr the proeram wlll be ~ Clyde Shooter. aecretary of youth work, and Mnl. P. 1'. Baines, wetary of thlldren'a work. Mrs. Ted R. Hauter lt prftJdent o1 the orcanl. zatlon. CIDDTIAJf SCIEJICB QIUBCB BJbUcal assurance as to m an'a identity 1a given In the selections from the Kine James Version of the Bible to be read durlnc the Lesson-Sermon on "Man" at the Newport Beach ChrtatJan Science church Sunday. The Golden Text Is from Romana (8:14), "AI many as are led by the Splrlt of God, they are th~ aons ot God." L L COJIIIUKJTT IIETIIODUT The thl.rd ln a series of ~«· mona on ''The Good News Jesus Broucht" will be preached Sun. day at the Balboa Island Com. munJty Methodist Church. The Rev. Donald G. Sapp wUl speak at 9:30 and 11 a.m. on ''The News of Persons." A tMm til con._. youth who CorODCI del Mar b.ave ju.t returned from a au.m. mer ot eva~ work in Cen.. tral and South Amer1e& wUl ..... pott OD Ita aetMU. at a meet. snr 'l"bunclay, Sept. 8, at t.h• BaJ. boa Ialand Community Methodt.t Cbureh, beJinnJnr at 10 a.m. 'Jbe rroup, aporwored by the South. et"n Callfomla . Arlzona Confet'· ence of the Methodist Chureh, will report to the Methodlat Serv· Ice Projects Commluton. · Commission chalrman la the Rev. Thomas R. Pendell, mlnltter of the Wesley Methodist Church, San Dleeo. and former mtnlster ol. Christ Church by the Sea, New- port Beach. The Rev. Donald G. Sapp, host minister, Is a.lso a member of the group. During the noon hour cornmla. slon members and their families wiU enjoy a barbecue at the Pendell's beach home, 1565 Ocean Blvd., Balboa. COLEXAifl Olf niP Dr. anad Mrs. W. R. Coleman have been on a camplnc trip up In the northwest. The Coleman.s IJve at 4.14 Tustin Ave., Newport Helchta. ------Read the Enltrn Want Ad paee. I I 10 1. 2. 3. SPECIAL .-. COIOI.ftK ARALYIJS OP YOO DARCIIIOI ID PmVATE LESIOJfSI TD&L PVIf-PILLED GllOUP LESIOifSI .. Orer 40'' Claues -Now Forming! * * COlE II TOllY * 3523 E. Coa.t Hwy., Corona del Mar ........ Harbor 1925 For Appointment! BIDWELL'S \ BALBOA ISUfiD Only SALE · of the Year! Ealls l•llay, s.,t. &Ill (()pea SUDday cmc1 Labor Day) All lercha1dlse from 0• Replar Stocks Swim Trunks 3.95 now 2.89 4.95 and 5.95 now 3.89 Denim Jackeh 4.95 and 5.95 now 3.89 I I 1 Summer Suits f• lcGrecor ••II Oilier Tfllllcals ·26.89 I 35.00 and 40.00 Now ~pew_! £oats .... su .. _ ..... ,._ .................. 32.89 I I I I I Summer Slacks Wide ra:Dge of colorL in poplin, linen and bedford cord.. 8.95 now 5.89 7. 95 now 5.39 6.95 now 4.89 1---------------------1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Sport Shirts Sllort Sleeta! l.olc Sleeta! CAPS 1.95 now 1.29 4.95 to 5.95 now 3.89 6.95 to 7.95 now '-'t 8.50 to 9.95 now 5.19 5.95 to 6.95 now 4.39 7.50 to 8.95 now 5.31 10.95 to 12.95 now 8.89 14.95 to 17.95 now 11.89 10.00 to 13.95 now 6.19 Silks. now ........... 1.11 CoHon Polo Shirts 2.50 & 2.95 now 1.89 2.95 now 1.89 Some broken sizes 3.95 now 2.89 •• 4.95 now 3.69 7.95 now 5.69 ..._ilililin ____ , I Sale .s.ctm at JaJboa Wcmd ltON cmly • A*aata. DOt fnc:ludecl at IICde pric». • I I LL • .. .. JIM WHYTE LDUIT'I' a.Uft Coni ..... a-ll ·-· eon. ..... 5" JO.ftU LOAif Construction Loan• 5" JO.ftU LOAif IU 801 1AnLD Pllrllr larlpp C.. 2515 K. c..t Jlwy,. CDII ..... JIA 1111 ltJ 1-5115 (lletn Life ........ hDdil) SAVE SAFELY At Oranve Co..nty's Leading Home lending Institution CONTINUING TO PAY PER ANNUM A LL ACCOUNTS INSURED UP TO $10,000 All Aecounh Opened On or Before The I Oth of the Month Earn From the ht. LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVINGS I LOAN ASSOCIATION 222 Oceu AvertM LAGUNA BEACH ,.._ HY 4-1177. .AG&- Building .Is Way Ahead Of Last Year's Total Au~ bulldlne permlt.t for t10 Aeacla, tc.7SO; Hubert Man. the City ot Newport Beach total-ker, 1.-t.c.y, 1-unlt dweutnr at led ... 788, brlnrJnr the 1956 441 Fernleat, 17.:100. total to date to ••uo5,1.111, accord· • •KWI'OirT tnr to the end.of-the-.month ,. Gilbert Jan.en, add 'to rarare port of Bulldinr lruapector aay. at 3717 Channel, 175; Mta. Treaa rnond Glenn. Brl1ra. addition at 6~ Club- Thla Ia a.IJno.t t80(),000 ah~ad houM, Sl,OOO; Buill SbJpyarda of Jut year'• Aur. 81 total, and Inc., elrn at 300 W. Cout Hwy., more than a mutton dollan 12:50; Homer Shafer, replace wtn. ahead of the Aur. 31 total ot the dow at 1815 W. Balboa Blvd., Fr0111 the POUCE BLOmR -e WDIIUDAY. A~ M plectMt ot under dothJne from Daily 11:30 & 7:00p.m., 11.25. ~lie * I record year of 1951. S'l.OO. Aurust permlta Included 20 e IALIOA COVEl M.ra. ·Kaltha Dickey ol ~ 36th bet eJothee line . . . Three bath· St., Newport BMcb, reported the lnrsult. and a bra. all valued at Ia. or bet rray row boat . . . 1:50 were atoleon from a clothe. Juvenile. were blamed for~ 1lne at 31S Amethyst Ave., Mn. lnr thlnp up" on two boata, the Harvey ~ord ot Santa Monica Ioker n and Pillkla u, moored reported •.. Mra. B. P. HaOMn In the Balboa laland north chan. ot 2:581 Bayahore Dr .• Bay Sh~ nel, owned by Mit. r . A. Sloper reported th.at dudnr the nl•ht of 316 Sapphtr. Ave., Balboa lat. 110me0ne wrot.e o~e worda Ill and . . . Mrs. C. H. Dudley of llp«lck on her aon-ln-laW'a eu 1007 Balboa Ave., Balboa laland. and splattered the wlnda!\leld reported the theft ot three beach with mud ... Mrs.. Helen DreveJ' towels valued at fl5 . . . Two of 201 VIa QuJto. Lido Iale, ,.. pair of blue denlm and one pair ported a small window wu brek· of white duck trousers. In stretch. en over her kitchen sink by a BB era. all valued at $15, were stolen ahot . . . 3 BOATS OPERATING on BAY & OCEAN RIDES alnrJe family dwelllnl•· tc31,134; H. L Howard, wall and foottne. one 2-famlly dwelllnr, 118,300; p ,ooo. three 3-famlly dwelllnra, 174,000; • LIDO ISU 43 repairs to dwelllnea. $64,515; Lee McClellan, 2.story, 3-unlt al.x cabanas, $1.2,600; one rarage, apartment at 108 VIa Antlbes, 11.500; 3 swlmminr poola, t6.600; 132.400. 3 commercial buUdlnp, 176.200; ___ ............................. _ ............... __ _ 5 repalra to commercial build· p•ln SpoHiiiCJ lnp. $1,850; 5 al&na. $3,090. eaALaoA c. W. Peters. addition at 402 ly JACK OU Seville, $4,150; Dean Kephart, 2-___ .......,...;,__......., ____ _ atory, l ·unlt dweUJnr at 1501 Ocean Blvd., $19,850; Ceorre Uhl. bathroom and enclosed porch at 1311 E. Balboa Blvd., P.OOO. emvDIE~CZ T. W. B~nderaon, awtmmlng pool at 1429 Dolphin Terrace, P.lOO; H. R. Rinr. awtmmlnr pool at 1517 Dolphin ' Terrace. $2,000; Wllllam Boland Jr., swim· mlnr pool at 600 Ramona Ter. race, $2,500 . e IALIOA ISLAJm Laurhlln Waters. fence at 215 Grand Cal)al, $100. e COaOXA DEL MU H. B. Wickersham, fence and addition at 601 Marruertte, 11~; Albert Trester, awnlnr at 608 Marlrold, $300; W. D. Pomeroy Jr., addition and alteratlorua at JAMES D. Bualnesa meetings are sched· uled thla w~k for aU but two of the winter learues openJne at Van's Bowllnr In Costa M--. to dlscuu by.Jaws, rules. sponsors tees and elect officers for the comtne season. Bowling In earnest will start the Tuesday after Labor Day and continue throurh the winter. Monday Men's Commercial met at 8:45 p.m. Monday; Service Clubs, at 7 :30p.m. Monday; Ball and Chain at 7 p.m. yesterday; Wednesday 850 Scratch, at 8 p.m. yesterday. Thursday M~n·s Com. merdal meets at 7 p.m. today. Frlday Mixed will meet at 7 p.m. tomorrow. There are still a few openings on th~ teams and a new league Ia being formed on Saturday nlrht. Those desiring inlorma. lion should contact Van's. from her clothes llne durlne the e~Mvday. Aav. • nleht, Mta. W. D. Crafton of 202 DanJel P. Morrow, 42, of 1529 Abalone Ave., Balboa Island, Irvine Ave .• Costa Mesa, wu &r· complained . . . Mrs. Howard rested on a drunk drtvtnr charee Bryan of 449 VIa lJdo Soud, Lido at Balboa Blvd. and ~th St., lsle, reported hearlne a nolae Newport Beach at 2:02 a.m. ... llke a run rolnr ott on a boat Mike Davis of 222 Apolena Ave .. In the bay; the harbor depart. Balboa laland, reported the theft ment aald the noise was from of hi. bicycle . . . tlrec::rackers belnr fired from one e I .-day. Agg. • of the boats returning from the Ruuell W. Baneert of 411 3Ut Honolulu race . . . Mrs. B. P. St., Newport Beach, reported rtv. Baker of 222 Amethyst Ave .• Bal lne a check for $1UIO for deposit boa laland. reported a laree on decals from a Wray 0 . Nelaon eroup of boys In the middle or of Los Anrele., who. he lumed. the street at 9:25 p.m. cau!llng a wu not an oftJclal representa. dt.tttrbance . . . Olive Smith of ttve of the decal finn . . . Crta. 135 Topaz Ave.. Balboa laland. COpher Kretz:aclunar of 110 Via complained that a laree eroup of Mentone, lJdo late. was bitten boya were causlnr a diaturban~ b7 a french poodle owned by K. at 10:10 p.m .... T. W. Soule of J. Ashe Jr., of 216 Via Ithaca. uo Emet"ald Ave., Balboa laJand, Lido Isle; the dor was quaran complained at 10:59 p.m. that tined ... laabel Erlclulon. 37, ol hot.rodders were playing polo ln E1 Monte, stepped backward and the street ... Ronald Brlglla of fell Into a fire rlnr autfertnr a 1229% W. Bay Ave.. Newport severe burn to the palm of her Beach, reported hi. 7% foot din· left hand on the Corona del Mar ehy mlaslne; It waa recovered main beach at 7:32p.m. and wu drlftlnr In the bay by the har· taken to Hoar Memotlal Hoapltal bor department . . . Mrs. Ruth ... Mary Jo Combs of 104 15th Hawes of 30ot Adams St .. Balboa. st. Newport Beach, reported the reported at 11:15 p.m. that three theft of a natural leather purse juveniles knocked on her door from a car contaJnJnr two pair and when she opened It, they of rla.sses. a pen-pencU aet and threw a water.filled balloon at less than S1 In cbanp ... A box her ... Mrs. A. C. Frishman of oL paint brushes valued at $300 119 Coral Ave .. Balboa Island. re. was stolen from bls station wa ported at 11:55 ,p.m. that two oc gon, Glen Johnston of 501 31st cupanu of a llrht colored 1955 St .. Newport Beach. reported ... car took two bath towels, two Someone stole his lO.foot out pair of swim trunks and two pair (CcatiDued on Pap 10) RAY ... , c ........ of men's supporters from her Cloden Fay 1s back from her clothes line ... leisurely cruise to Panama · · · e n ua.l"'day. Aav. 25 * Boat Lecning E••rr 20 Minu te. * E...._ 0... II"'-oa ..._ o--,.• l dO p.a. & t p.a. (AU ....._ .. Oa1ldnL l5c. V.._ 5 ya. P.,.) *BALBOA* (IIW IPEI RUY lAY) l<iclct:l!! Day W~nTO~ay QtiW.. v ... 11 yn. Ill C•••••l••• lie All ...... lc Fl'll •••••• M46 E. COAST HWY .. COlONA D£1. MAlt H.AtW .. ,.) aaylnr she slept for days-prom. OUict"rS wer~ unable to locate iaes to take It easy and gtve the a skunk reported In the garage v t B 1• other realtors a chance . · · De-of Vern Threlkeld of 614 Golden Morrl Mo lho. of Flowers by an s ow 11g spite the lack of his new phone rod Ave., Corona del Mar ... Mrs. Morrt. Costa Mesa and Balboa, number, Willard Killion 1s of. Alma Cronin of 2662 Vista Dr.. wiU speak and gtve demonstra ficlally In operation sel11ng real Bay Shores. reported the theft or tiona. showing "Do It Yourself" Open AlleyS --r-:_------ .... GDC'I"'" TI_UIIT. ,_ETIUIO (Jf01VUI) ..... ............... estate In the new Beaumont a garbage can and 50 feet of methods, at the meeting of the building opposite City Ha ll · · · rreen plastic rarden hOSe with Costa Mesa-Bay ClUes BriUlch of Art K1nle r Is back on the job, a spray nozzle attached ... Mrs. the Calltornia National Fuchsia n..IIJ too. having shed the "father of Robert Anderson of 205 Pearl Society at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in I the bride'' role. Ave., Balboa lsland. reported that the Everett A. Rea School audl· ~.......... 1 •••• , • • • aome boya forced a door open torlum. HamUton and Meyer St.a.. ---1 BUI Toblu' Boya sold the real lnto ber home at 10:50 p.m. and Costa Mesa. 0,.. &II .._ ~ _. .. _..., ... I Gm.Y lie& .... ..-r.r.ay.• A J1J.w ~Ill Plinoaal RadJo. l!u PlaOne and Carey. ln. CUe OptJonal., £xtrL elltate oftlce rl1ht out from UD· thnW ln a ptnwa.-1 tlrework Mont baa ahlblted ln local * ~ WI IW * c1er thmwelve. *> they had to piece, whldl bu:raed a rur In M!V· fain and hu tak~ away many roa _.., • .,._. Ufl ,. .,.... Aft. JDOYe ac:J"C* the ~ to Barney era1 place. , , . Mrs. Alvey c. award&. w h 1 c b Included the f~;:~l.lalli~~i~i~li~lli::~~~==~OCI~·~I~A~ ..... ~~~=:=~~ Francque'a old oftl~. Bill hlm· Beatty of 37f1T Balboa Blvd., New sweepstakes trophy last year for • IAVIS-IIIWI CO. LJ a.sa7 1115 ....... ll.cl.. c:o.ta Meea -~ ----.~- eelt doesn't really need an. ottlce port lk-ach. reported the theft of a croup of n owt>r arrangements these days anyhoo-he s out a safety belt from her C'ar parked In the Los Angeles County Fair bringing In the bacon on those near the Pon Theater In Corona and most r~nUy was winner In I WIC Albacore boats. del Mar ... Four suit C'ases val the Las Floristas Headdl'f'SS Ball ued at $320 were stolen from his In table centerpi~ competition garage. Charles H. Dunlap of 1Zl VOUQ II•NOL.I Pearl Ave .. Balboa Island. re ...... Carrict, a, PUBLIC GOL~ COURSE Unsung Commercials Keith's Custom Picture FTam. lng h as moved from 514 29th St .. Newport BeaC'h, to 349"' N. New port Bl vd.. Newport Heights. In Crossroads Vlllage. Art supplies, Including oil paint and water paint, C'harcoal. and can vas pan. els. and a photo mounting serv Ice are provided. The firm Is op. erated by Howard K. Gerrish. a 1940 graduate of Newport Ha rbor ported . . . A City of Newport ... o..-n.rm,#~, •• ..u.....,.., Beach pick up truC'k pa rked In Of ~L-Clt•a.. g:a. ~~t~~~ ~*.1'.16. ~ front of the pollee station rollt'd .,...,,. n• ... 'F: across the stret-t and caused $.'l0 Ra lph Carrick. 69. of 318 Morn I Party Accommodations damage to the rioor of a parkE'd lng Canyon Rd .. Shore Cliffs. d lt'O W-t Sth St. at Santa Ana River * plck.up truC'k owned by ~an A. August 25 In Hong M«-morlal .... Kephart of 414 32nd St .. Newport Hospital. Mr. CarriC'k was a na I -----SANTA ANA PH. 1J 3-8311 Beach ... ~nald Cordon of 600 tlve of Iowa and rt't irt'O five '::==:==:==:==:==:==:=========~~~~ii::i:::::::=; E. 15th St.. Cliff Hav<'n. gave years ago from a who!l'sale to ;: THE VERY lEST. • • ~~~~DEBT·~~~~ ~u~nt~on~H~tg~h~&~hoo~t.~~~~ COLLECnOIS pollee a blank pistol ht' C'onrts bacco and candy buslnf'S.oo;. llt- cated from a Cllr! HavPn boy. 13. has lived in the Harbor art'n for 1 who he claimt'd was shoot ing it one yt'ar. 1 at boys at his rMidenC'c> · Of lfe is survived by his wifE' t lct>rs quarantln<'d a dog whk h Ethyl Carrick. anri a daughtl'r. bit Robert D. Santls. 4. of 211l Mrs. Ruth FE'rrt'll. both of the Amethyst Ave .. Ralboa Island homt-arldress A ear stolt>n rarller from C('O rgf' 1 The body "as forwardPd to L. Perlin of 312 l~land Av<' · Bal I C"fllorado Springs for seorvlet'll and boa. was found abandon('(.! in lntNment. Ba ltz Mortuary. Cu DINING e e e DANCING •• e COCKTAILS . e . Accowata. Jfot.. C1cd.ma of em ldDd of debts -cmywben America. ""Jfo coJ..IeCt:lou.-,.. .. We ocl'9cmce all OMts. CREDIT BUREAU of w..-. OlaD9e eo.aatr (formerly of Newport ISPcb) .Laauna Beach Ia eo.ta Mesa D lllftnll6t Aft.. JIO ... Ubeltr a.n61 lf...,.rt .._. Your Family Restaurant (eo.d Taeeday) 1515 E. Coaat Jllpway Barbclw 1.. eon.a del Mar Lynwood . . . rona rlel ~tar. wa-; In charge or e Frldcry. Au9. 27 arrangements. Mary NeWS\\anger or 316'., -=---------- Amethyst AvP . Balboa 1 land. complained or tht> theft ot ~!'('{' Danci.nq. Fri & Sat. 9 to 1:30 a..m. JO LANTZ AT 1HE ORGAN In The Lounqe-Sun. thru Thurs. * •• Htn-4 P.l. It 2 1.1. * Robert Forbes F1JLL COVUE J)DflfEU SEIIVED 'TILL ll r.x.. s•ct SteMs, ... ,., 1 11u1s BUILDER • Arlter •••. Ill I Costa Mesa LIUIIber Co. L1JNIEB -IUILDING MATEIJALS • It ..... c.-. .... Ull •• a.llll .... ()pia II A.IL ._ t ..... a..&Mrr' 1 Lire Fish? • * New Menu Includes Italian Delicaci" * May We Sa99Mt FIOID Our • .., Feata,.. VEAL SCALLOr Dfl e LASAGJfA e PIZZA 2260 HuLcw Boal....d • Co.ta M..., c.J•': h o.m, ...... ... coc:atAJL _,.... I ...... N&: N&Y J011WLAa ME I& .. 1 r, , a a ,, • PAITES. I.UQUII& • CUll --· ..,....,....,..;..,....,....,....,....,.....,....,....,.. ... Elsie Caley, 82, Poltce Blotter OfCostalesaDies ................................ Mrs. Elsie Caley, 62, died Aug. (Continued from page 9) _ 22 at her home, 1856 Monrovia board motor ~at valued at S250 Ave .. Costa Mesa. Services were from Its mooring at Via Dljon held Friday at the Costa Mesa and VIa Lido Nord, Lido Is le, and Community Church with the Rev. left an old row boat In Its pia~, Joseph McSha ne officiating. Barry Von Hemert of 203 V1a Mrs. Calt'y was a native of Oljon reported · · · Pinos Altos, N. M., and had lived Doulale Sessio•s Due i1 Costa Mesa Schools In Costa Mesa since 1943. She is s urvived by her husband, Wil- liam K. Caley; two daughters. Mrs. Winnie Barker of Arizona and Ivy Costley of Maywood: two sons. William F. Cah.•y of Albu. District Supt. E. A. Rea of Costa querque. N. M .. and Ivan Caley Mesa elementary .sch ools has an of Costa Mesn: a brother. Grorge nounced that all grades but fifth Phillip of Arizona, and three and sixth In Costa Mesa will be I grandchildren. on double session when instruc ------ tion starts on Sept. 12. All new TEACBEBS lfEEDED pupils and kindergarten students Evl'rt>tt A. Rl.'a. suoerintendl'nt in the Costa Mesa school system of the Costa Mesa Schools. asks will register between 9 a.m. and all teachers living in the area 3 p.m. on Thursday. Sept. 8. Stu who a re interested In substitute dents who attendc:-d last year teaching to contact the admln- need not register until Monday. !stratton office at 1758 Tustin Sept. 12. Ave .. telephone Liberty 8.2293. From 4,100 to 4.200 students are e)(pected in Mesa schools this year. Mr. Rea predicted. A total of 132 teachers and six principals have been hired, Including 51 new teachers. Of this numbft Z7 are fOI' increased enrollment, which Is expected to Include from 800 to 900 students. MIKE MYERS UNION SERVICE U. S. Royel Tires Weshi"9 & Polishinq Complete l ubrication Service FREE PICK.UP & DELIVERY • A new school Is under ron struction at Wilson St. and Pia centla Ave. and Is due for t-om pletion on April 1. Mr. Rea said. At that time the third and fourth grades a re expected to be taken 1701 E. Coosl H gn ... oy ot Avecodo off double session. Irs. I. J. l.ocbet plecued with Cclterin9 Semce of THE GOURI£rS ~CHEN Whole Suckling Pig, wild rke dressing. garnished with crab apples. celery dressing served at hom£> of Mrs. M. J. Locknt?y. Complete dinner cater ing service was h andled by The Gourmet's Kitchen. ~lt.e q~ Kdduu.. NOW DPEII * u...s. * lfew Kmrn...-t * c •• ,~~~e Callrlq s.m. * .,..,. ,...,_ Ia Oar ~- * 1.1111 ..._, Senile * Jl ..... to 1:00 ..... .... ~ -1.-.ldltl• -~ s.n.d * * ( ........... Per ......... ) 01{**'' ~ -aA FOOD t'D "CACID ...... Gas Station Man Held Up A youth, 18 or 19, held up a RrVlce atatJon attendant Sunday and eecaped with ~.75, New. port polJce report.ed. lames W. Flncbam, of Santa Alta, attendant at 124 30th St., Newport Beach, aald the 'youth almulated a run In his pocket and approached when there were no cuatomera preMnt. '1 want your money," the youth ordered. He put the money In a mon ey bag taken from the station. He left walking fast In a northerly direction on Newport Blvd. The youth answered the description of a juvenile escapee from Orange County juvenile hall In Santa Ana, pollee said. COASTLINE VACATIOif Mr. and Mrs. WUllam Tough of 3UO Clay St., N~ Heights. and daughters GaU and Carol are vacationing along the Calt- fomia couWne . Ia used In the styling of our Cold Waves ... and the ColUure that Ia designed just for you. hess hair fashion8 E. Coat JDtbway -Coroaa del Mar I'&:ATUB.llfC LTlUf'S B.UT STEEB BEEF PBOPEIU. T ACED FOB TEJJDEBHESS AND FLA VOB L TIOf"S CBADE A B.UT BEEF Round Steak L TKif'S CBADE A Round Bone Roast THICX Swiss Steak POPULAJI FtBST CBADE. SIIAJfK -Half or Whole HAMS BOUIEL IIIDWEST BICO 1-LB. 12-0Z. PAJf BEADY FRYERS I I Froz en Food s r-~ u BIJlDSETE-1-LB. PEG. BREASTS, THIGHS DRUISTICIS ~ ~· rRt:JTS c\ \'fCCTABLtS BANANAS 1C)( lit. CANTALOUPES (Rope ... -.. -.oarll t.llla ... ~~ta) . t¢11· KED. IDE. LOCAL TOMATOES 4 ... 15( ~ FRESH Grnd. Round - IIDIILUS WIENERS COUMIBY STYLE ALLPOU SAUSAGE 99~ 7-Bn. ROAST ea. ZllfJI'S I'JlESJI IIAJICB AA KEDIUK GOLDEJI IT ATE-alae Wl-l'bat Cartaa EGGS ••z. 43~ IMVCimlll -1.£& JU Pres. C01TAGE 19c CDEfiSE PJI..LUUIIY -1~ ftC • •• EDREAD Ill 2 pqs. 48c ....... pqs. 39c