HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-09-08 - Newport Harbor EnsignTars Train for Opener onSept.23 Three varsity football ga mes ot Hewport Harbor Union High Schol will be played In th~ Qr. ange Coast College stadium t his season, Coach Al Irw1n said t his week. These wUl Include th~ o~ing ga me against Excelsior at 7:30 p.m . Friday, on Sept. 23. Flfty.eight varsity team mem- ben are undergoing training by coaches Al Irwin, John McGowen, Don Burna and Bill Berna u for the aeaaon o~ner. Charlie BerTy. most valua* p~ lut aeuon, returns wttb otber ful~ fodudlna ~ MI'Mhrft ... Jal* • tile Mauy. a junior transfer. ltetu.m- lng quarterback.t Lnclude Georg~ Sch u ltt. Gene Hubbard, Stan Schones and Bus Thompson, u p from the 8 ~uad. Half backs on t he squad this year Include Jody Fenton. no past experience; John Hopkins, varsJt y ; Tom Niquette, ju nior varsity ; Larry Castro, varsity; Glenn Buford. 8 squad ; John Grauer, varsity; Rod Wilson, C squad; David Tamura, wh o won honorable mention a ll-league and All Western States Nesel Team, and Ray Pion, junior varsity. Centers on the team this yea r Include Jack Sm ith and Bob AI len, former varsity players. Den nls Brown of the B squad and Bob Marcus, John Leahy and Dave Johnson. no prior experi- ence. Ends this year Include Paul Lorentzen an d Bill Lamb, former varsity men; Terry Ragan, Bob VIllagrana, Neil Metcalfe. Bob Grah am and Bill Mills of the junior varsity; Chuck Vander- vort, B squad, a n d Jim Knight. Doug Bowler and Leo Fisher, n o past experience. Tackles Include Larry Harper and Steve Watcher, former var. slty players, Jlm Taylor, Jim Rumsey, Dick Overby, Bob Sha- fer, of the junior vanity; Walt Howa ld, Tac Atwod a nd Tom Atkinson. up from the B aquad, a nd Ron Thom e, no pa.st expert. ence .. Guards Include Gary Deems. vanity; Ro1er Early, Dennis Dalebout.. and Pete Schulberg, ot the junior varsity; Dick Nabors. transfer; Jlm Bento. Jerry Samsel and Don Jordon, former 8 aquad members: Carl &erceron. former C squad m an, a nd Sam J~ and 1oe Warford, no put expert. ence. The Tar varsity football team last aeaaon won five games. lost three and tied one. Citizen Group Seeks Vote on Trailer Beach The Citizens Committee for Pa rks and Playgrounds Ls an nounclng Its Intention to seek a public vote on keeping the en tire tx>ach In front of the City TraUer Park for public use. Unanimo us approval to clrcu late a petition to put the pro pos ition on the ballot was g1vt>n at a meeting of the Committee directors last Thursday. Here Is the text of the notice: LEGAL N<YnCE NOTICE OF INTENTION TO CIRCULATE PETI110N Notice Is hereby given that the undersJcne<t Intends to clrcuJate a ~tltlon for a n Initiative m u - aure to be placed on the ballot to amend the Charter of the Ctty of Newport Bea ch to provide for th~ pubiJc use of the run front- aae of the city-owned w aterfront property loca ted between 19th Street and 16th Street upon the bay, to a depth of at least 85 teet from the mean high tide line. The 1955 footbal acbedule after The proponents of this mea. the openlna game ta as follows : aure bell~ve that thLs ctty.owned Montebello, there, Sept. 30; Fu.l: waterfront pro~y should be re- lerton, at Orang~ Cout College. M'rVed fOt the ute ot the public Oct. 7; Callfomla Htah School ot and oommun11Y, and that no por. Wblttler, heft, Oct. 14 ; H\mt1ng. tlon of tha.t waterfront should be ton Beach, the..., Oct. 21: Garden IJ'&nted 0t let ulde tor the ex. Grove. at <>ranee Cout CoUe,e, cluatve UM ol any penon or Oct. 28; Santa Ana. there, Nov. 4: IJ'OUP· Qranae. heft, Nov. 11; Anaheim. Cltiuna Committee fOt there, Nov. 18. Park.t .nd Playpou.nda Harold GJ--. Cha.lrman sked for · Lower Grades In Schools Mrs. Fra nk Woodland of 539 Tu.sUn Av~ .• Newport Heights. ~ qu~ the Newport Beach Ele mentary &hoot Board Tuesday e-vening to study the advlsabUlty of extending the new ABC report .>ented to tht> Trustt>t>S for Injury suffered by Dennis Roger Pope joy, 423 Westminster Ave .. New port Heights, a Horace Ensign school pupU who put h is arm through a glass door on June 7. Tendons of the left hand were sevt>red, and the fingers hav~ lx>come numb, th~ complalnl states. The trustees referred the suit to the Insurance company a nd to tbe county counsel. :~ ~::::E~~~:~r.t:~~ Students to Cram school y~ar in the seventh and ~lghth grades as result of last yea r's survey of parents and · .,~~:s.b~~:!~"!s~7~~~-he'Schools Monday truste«>s conduct another survey of parents to determine whetht'r th~y want the ABC cards In th~ lower grades. Th~ Board took no &hoot tx>lls wilJ ring out Mon Newport Elementary &hools pre- action on the request, prcferrrlng day for record numtx>rs of stu ] pare for a record avalanche of to wait until the new cards ha ve dents In Ha rbor Ar('a S<'hools. pupils. Tomorrow 1 Friday 1 Ls been In eUect for a while In the An estimate-d 1.900 w1ll report registration day seventh a nd eighth gra des. fo.r <'lasses at Newport High -------------- A $25.400 damage suit was pre School This is about 300 over last yt>ar's enrollment Reg1st ra Man Hurt .• n tJon I!> lx>ing completed today IThursdayl as the ne. w freshman B t s I sign up oa a vage Another large gam In tonroll mtont over last yt>ar's record 1.065 1 Coast Guardsman Burton L. Is t>xpected at Orangt> Coast Col-Bradshaw, 20, suf!ered a Nt leg legt>. The pre registration total I which required 13 stitches to was 1,075. and many new stu close during attt>mpts to salvage dent!> art> expected today and to-the l~foot cab in cruiser. Judary, morrow during formal registra 1 which s w a m p e d and went tlon. aground at Buck Gully, Corona Eight new classrooms will tx> del Mar, Monday afternoon . ready at Harbor View &hool and Bradshaw swam to the beached four classrooms and oth er add! boat from the Coast Guard boat lions at Horace Ensign as the off short>. Wh~n h~ tried to climb on the boat. a breaker ~ame over h1m and he cut his leg on a piece of mtota l on the boat. Ht> was taken to tht> T. Du ncan Col. Wall ace D• t 65 Stewart residence at 183 Shore I e s a I Cliff Rd .. Shor e Cllrts. where the shore patrol called an a mbu lance Military graveside s t> r" I c t> s to rtomovt> h im to E1 Toro Marine were held Tuesday in F't . Rose I Corps dispt.>nsary cran.s National Ct>m t>tary tn San Mr. Stewa rt reported the boat Diego for Lt. Colonel J. King In distress a t 12:20 p.m .. at Wa llace. retired. 65. of U do Pa rk. w hich time the a att was about Newport. He d ied Aue. 31 at 200 foot oft shore In front of his home alter an extended Wn~ home Be wu a put Commander of Da~ De¥ore. 40. o1 Loa AD- J!Wt !Ca. 3531 ol tbot L Wallue. .... a da ...... Robert Sutlltr of Florida. Parkes.RJdley Mortuary. C~ Mesa. was In ('barge ot arrangt> ml'nts Plane Forced To Land Here & bftn fishtnc otf 5bore when waves started coming over the ~ar or the boat. Before they rould get under way, the boat staned sinking. Th£'y jumped off t he boat and wprp plck£'d up by two passing <·abln c·ruiS(>rs ThPY wer<' takt>n to tht>lr tt'mpor ary adr£'ss at 309 E Bay Front. Balboa. ~o one aboard was In LaC'k of ~as and ~arburPtor jured. THESE IIEl'f an ...-wcomen oe the t.acbiDq at~ at Jfewport ,.., Barbow BJgb Sdaool. Left to right lD tbe froDt row are Robert I H Q E • troublt> caus<'d Pilot John Shef Polk£' ~id pt"'plt> on th<> lx>a~h f1eld of Santa Momca to makt> a "tore cl;um ing salvagt> rl~hts to foret>d landmg on lr\'ln<' R,nrh matt>rial from the strickt>n boat. propt>rty a t 2:13 p m Sunday w hich tht>y werE' r<"qulr<'d to savt> Newport poll<'i' rl'portNf for the owner. Llf<' guards and Hcnue. wbo wW teocb b iology: Joha BouUed9e. matb aDd ~; n sIgn Glellll Bauett. COGUD.cial; BW Straw. boys' physical ed; 1Ae • • Bosch. blatory. StaDdlag lett to rtgbt are Edward lf..,lcmd. b ls-• I tory: Myroo PelaJ.Dgoer. blatof!: Lewis Palmer. EDgliab; Earl Boyd. II n H 0 splt a I· math. Gild JollA Boee. hlatorr. Hot pnMDt for the picture was 1 Paul Lawbon:t.. wbo will t*Kb blatory ( Euigll photo) M Y h 15 D-;---. Is Improving esa out , , 1es . •u==~t ~~ . .:::s~ of Muscular Dystrophy r§E~=:.E lar bemorTbage. . Death came Tuesday to John .<>rat llnspit:tl from his h ome at ny Hagerman. the 15 year old · 443 A 16t h St. H<> was tht> ~ N.r. EIWCJU 'linD reported yesterday lD good coaditioa cmd lmpro'riDg. He .... tel• at 307 £. 21st St.. Costa Mesa. Costa Mesa boy whose fight against muscula r dystrophy h ad caught the attention of the nation. He died 40 m inutes after tx>lng rushed to Orange County Gen , ........ lsllelll •U,......Ciaarp ond son of Mrs. Wlllela HAger 1 man to suet"u mb to the dread 1 disease. for which no cure has I been found. David died four I R•IMI'I 8tH Calcll years ago at the age of 13. ,.... .. Just 13 days ago .. o n Aug. 26.1 1f Blue fil T•1 Johnny h ad Joined m the birth day celebration for his brother. The Frontlt>r. Balboa Pavilion Tommy. who also Is a victim of I sport fishing boat. reported the muscular dystrophy. The t'nth·e season's first good catch of blut> community turne<l out to he lp fi n tuna Tuesday. The !!mit Tommy obSt>rve his 13th -and ~atch of 35 t una. Wt>lghlng 10 to probably his last-birthday an 15 pounds. was made by 11 a .m. n lversary. this side of C&tallna. Tht> pilot brought h1s ~m~lf' 1 th<> ownt>r swam the 5\\ampe-d t>ng1nt> plant> down b<>twE't'n tht> 1 boat out to the Coast Guard boat, Harbor Vk>w &hool and tht' Co wherE:' an atttompt was madt> to rona dt"l Mar reser.o1r A pas.'-<'n pump out the wa tt>r. Clt>ats on ~er wPnt fnr gas and ~arbur<>tnr thl' boat tore JooSt> and lines repairs wPrl:' madP In th(' mf'an I could not b<> maintain('(! to keep time land n\\ ntor Myfo:d In inP thl' pump working Th<> ownt>r visltt>rl lh(' ~nt> pu\IC'f' <.aid agrN"' to rt>tumlnt tht> boat to The plant> frnm thP Lung B<'ar h thf' hf'ach for salvagt' thPrl". the Airport. tn~•k off laiN Coast Guard said Little League C ha mpions C rowned: Captains Named The You th CPnlc>r R~a\f·~ "pre·" Th(' DodgPrs won tht> B Lt>ague I.'TO\\ n('d champs f'lf thp Lilt I(' champlun~hip by walloping theo vagut> C l<'am-; lttst Thur-.na} lnd1ans 11 to 0. Tht> Dodgt'rs n1ght aoo: th~>y deofeate1 tht' Co~ta marlt> 8 runs m tht> b1g fourth .MPSa Park Giants I to 3 l • .ury 1 anmn~. "hile holding the In . DroNing blasted a hom<> run f,,r dlans to only one h it. tht> Bra\'t>S tn tht> th1rd with The Cardinals ropped the A Chris Andt-rson and Don Andt-r Lc>ague t itle by detNtlng the son on board v1a walks. Tht> win 1 Braves 9 to 3. nlng run came in the fifth In In the Ali.Star game Friday nlng as p1t~ht'r Johnny Lf'ffing night. t he National All Stars de- well camt> 1n with · tht> balK'S fl:'ated th(' Am~rlcans 4 to 2. The loaded. struck out onE' batt<'r. but , "1nnlng margin came In the walkt'd Bob Nealy to forCt' In the third Inning on Bill Bush's run. double with two on and a costly VIctor A. Bonh am. 29. of Po mona was booked on charges of Indecent exposure. petty theft a nd drunk in auto by Newport pollee at 3 :15 a.m. Tuesday of last week. ----=::::::=:=;::::::;:::--::--:-:--:---:::::;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-::--;;;:;:;;;;;;::;;::;~;;:;:;:::;:;;:;;;;-f'rror. accou n tl ng for tb ~ runs. I Elected captains of tht> champ. lonshlp teams were Chris M~. Laughlin of the Youth Center Bra\'eS, Grant Nairn, Costa Meg Bonham allegedly exposE'<~ himself to a car bop In the Merle's Drive In, Corona del Mar. whUe he was bl'lng served a cup of coffee In his ca.r. On checking his car otncen said they found six g irls' b athing sulta. two wo- men's bathing suits, t.hreoe boys' t:runks. a m an's sport sb lrt a nd a towel. him aultA from the car ~ retumed to their owner& Mrs. M. QUdunan and her dauchter, Bet lf, of 317 Coronado St., Balboa: to Mra. Doualu May of t19 FAce- water Ave.. Balboa. a.nd Audrey Ard\er of 305 Adams St.. Balboa. I Pa rk Giants; Bob ~ell. B Lf'ague lndlans; Dink Felker, 8 Lf'ague Doda't'f'S: 1erry Lawren~. A J.Aoaru~ Red Sox ; Dick Green, A League Giant&. I · · "?k · -:e;;;,· ··· ~:· ·u~ · · · · · ze 8 M +:+ M M M M M M E M 8 M E M M a;+ i 1:1 M *Z* I M I *Z*?c:M I M M t e THE GREAT GAME OF POUTICS The iime cf politiC-'! baloney on the nationol scene is moving ominously upon us again .• We are hearing a few folh making sounds like poss1ble car.didetes for president. Ike himself is relatively silent, but there's little d oubt that he will run ogoin. I was oil for him when he ran three years ago. I can·t soy that I om es enthusiastic about him now as I wlls then. But it does make me gag to have him raked over the co& Is by political mountebonh like Harried T rumen ond ,A-died Stevenson. both chorlotons of tne same political school. They can rave only about thot oldest of old dead cats in o politician's bog, the be- fuddled nonsens~ about surrender to big business. I hope the American voters will keep their wits about them in the coming mo'lfhs and learn to spot the phonies and the phony argu- ments. e iMPORTANT DECISIONS COMING ,A-nd by thf' woy, don't forgei to regi~ter, so that you will be able to vote when the time comes. The citizens in this community hove shown on alarming disinterest in registering for voting. There are some mi~hty important elections of our own coming up soon. The Harbor Citizens League is trying for a special election to change the charter so that each district in the city con nome its own councilmen. The Citizens Committee for Parb and Playgrounds is see~ing to get a public vote on preserving the city-owned b.,yfront beach between 16th St. ond 19th St. in Newport for the public. Next April we'll be votin9 for three councilmen. Get yourself registered, TT)y friends. Voting is your greatest privilege and duty. e THE MYSTERIOUS I 0 TO I Can't help wondering about that 10 to I orgreement that Coun- cilmen St,nley Ridderhof hos found for the Council's pion to set aside 5 I 0 feet of fine boyfront beach for the city's exc.lusive set of trailer dwellers. There hove been folks unkind enough to suggest that perhaps the gener<'ll conducted his poll in the City T ro iler Pork. Or moybe in the retired general's quarters ot El T oro. Anyhow, there's been qui te o search for eny I 0 persons favoring the pion. Let the public decide. They'll have that chance when the Citizens Committee puts the issue on the ballot. e THE VOTE OF TBE PEOPLE An outstanding feature of last week's City Council meeting was the sensitivity of the Council to a suggestion of putting contro versial q uestions up to the people to decide. This was the case espcclally with Councilmen Gerald &>nnett and Stanley Rld- derhof. I was afraid the general was going to blow a fuse when It was suggested that the Coun ell put the question of the-pri- vate beach for the tra ller park up to a vote of the people. He was so Irked that he said If the people don't like hls decisions they can throw him out. It strikPS me tha t a vote of the peoplf:' Is the greatest refuge for any politician to seek In hand- ling a hot. controversial ques- tion. Mind you. the petitions that artC' circulating are not to amend a Jaw, but to put the proposed change up to a vote ot the people. What could be fairer or more democratic than that! • • • eANY TAKERS? I see by the paper that Clyde Denlinger m ight be at next Mon- day evening's Council meeting on plnballs. Five wUJ get you eight It he shows up, and five will get you fllty If he willingly subjects himself to questlonlnr under oath. • • • e STREET UOBTS IJf CDII some llberal contributions that are deductible. Go take a look at the Harbor Area Boys· Club in Costa Mesa. and be embarrassed tha t W<' arr> way behind. Let's get on the ball. Some of you dirty rich 1 no of tense please1--say 10, 15 or 20 of you-match poor li'l mE'. You know what I mf:'an. U you don't. come and S{'(' me some tlml', but soon. Right now they need a con crete apron. a flr(.>pl acc. a kit chen. Later, as the money rolls ln. Indoor and outdoor ballket ball courts. I don't claim this ac tlvlty will cure our youth prob lems. but It'll contribute toward keeping them busy, and thereby do a snell of a lot toward that goal. • • • e JlEPOBT ON PETJTIONS One of the carriers of the IX' titions to provide a public vote on whether or not each d istrict should be a llowed to elect Its own councilman re-ports that of the first 110 voters contacted. 108 signed tbe petition. • • • • aD.LBOAJIDS I note that the Chamber or Commerce has asked the city to take over the expense of main talnlng the signboard at the westerly er:ttrance to the city. Whose money bought that slrn board! The city's money, of course because the Chamber had not been able to collect enourh Ot Interest to those people who dues to pay even Ita own ul-ltve In the area bounded by Sea-view Ave. and the Ocean, and by aries ln that year when the aJgn. Raul Dr. and Marguerite Ave .. board was purchased. In Corona del Mar: In this area I can think of no more appro- there are 167 lots. Of these only prlate project for a Chamber of 20 have signed up as wanting ComJnerce t b a 0 acqualntlnJ strangen with the loeadon of street ligHts. Now ls the time to Newport Beacb. MaJntalftlnl that ask to be Included out of the as-blllboard c::erta1n1y aboUld be seument dlltrtct being formed. 1aer f A look a t the map shows more ht•b on the U.t of Cham o than 50 per cent objectors be-Con:unerce ·~vi!~ tween the alley and the ocean. • LAI ~ That will automatlcally exclude ~ for llot machined 1 that areL U the re.tdenu be-Ju.R want to warn )'OU that J put tween Seaview and the alley on a nldlel •n one at Lu ~and the ocean slde do not want lleht. lot nothlnl-1 hate to boUer between thmt and the ocean, About lt. bUt 1 auspeet the I*'· now is the time to let the City cmt.ap la apn you ill tiMID Councll know. dam thlnp. ao.,. 1 tlcm't pt To City EnJlneer Bert Webb: throwecl out ot the church far 1 .UJplt you run your Une no lettln' It out. but tt wu ::;: farther than the cent.,. of Sea-It mq be tbat ~ view, betWi n Hazel Dr. and Mar. .totnu .,. 10an1 to 10 bloU. JUerlte Aw. It Will probably fll ,W. JOG a ttp: It CAD"t 1te ~ ea11« tautne for the dJa. blamlct oa me. crtct. law botll tiM toe E ud Ted .. Lelten-- Newport Harbor EMtan Dear Mr. Haapa. J would be eratetul lf you would print my penonal tbanb In your paper for all the wonder· ful thlnp people have done for us since my recent accident. The last seven weela have meant a areat deal to me. I be- lieve with aU my heart that aood can come from aomethinl bad. The eenerosity and frlendllneu ot people-even those who do not know us--have been overwhelm- Ing! The care I received at Hoag Hospital and my three doctors certamly helped me get better "taster than expected," as did the prayers a nd good wishes of many. many good friends. My parents join me ln thank- lnr every one of you. It makes us happy and proud to be mem - bers ot thls community! The Editor. Gratefully. CAROL DOANE, Corona del Mar. Newport Harbor Ensign, Dear Sir : Somethlnr definitely wrong is takinr place behind the scenes ot the Newport Beach admin is- tration. The August 29th meet- Ing, scheduled for 4 p.m., was held. All except one Councll member (on vac ation ) were pres- ent. Their 4 to 2 vote declares that the City ts to continue In the Traller Park business. Judg- Ing from the way It was ram- rodded. It seemed to be a pre- arranged decision, and It was de- cidedly against the desires of all or the public present. Thls shameful administrative conduct haa been utilized before and It consisted of the same pro- cedure at th!s meeting. Members of the coundJ may believe that t hey are foollnr the citizens by this sort ot trickery, but they are rotnr to learn that lt b quite the contrary, and the rtrht think- Ing majority of the people are golne to teach them that they were not voted into office to af. front resldenu of t.hJa district. That It ls a elarlng lns\llt to all cannot be denied. The bay front property belongs to the Inhabitants here, ... not to the Council m embers, and the majority want It to be made Into a COMMUNITY BEACH. for the benefit of the younzsters and their parenu and partlcularly u an al4 to 11to9 tM .powUa ot ju- venUe dellnqueney. Tbe four members of the coun- c il who voted for the prtvate Trailer Park beach lnslst: ridicu- lously, that these traJler park dwellers--some of whom have hogged the area for years. Cpre- VE'n t lng others from getting In). people from districts far removed from Newport &>ach, non tax- payers. non voters, not represent- ing our city. except as visitors. must have a private beach of their own. must have a boat mooring arE'a of their own, must have a private parking space for themselves and their guests ... must have a private swimming area ... and all of this for a p- proximately twenty dollars a week. In other words. we must consider them a very exclusive, superior group or strangers. who snobbishly refuse to share any part of our beach with us. We. the owners of the beach, a re to be segregated. and we have to like It ... period ... be- caUS(> our enlightened council mt'mbers. as a majority, Insist. This houseless. ultra ultra super- lor group of caravan wanderers are to be penned up in a super- nuous fenced arena. for us to look at. but not to m ingle with on any account. What a farce this Is. to be happening In Amer- Ica of ail places, and ln New- port Beach, U.S.A. Who are th~ artstrocrats, who refuse to share our beaches with us? Why not rent the trailer spaces to real Americans Jnstead ot to snobs! WhY must these friends of the council clique be coddled and pampered, and rtven private beaches. to keep them aa tenanu of thls objectJonable Traller Park! If our citizenry wUJ realize what thLI rroup of councll mem- ben are endea-vorinl to put over and the spltetul affront they have jut committed. they will certainly put an end to their f!L fait to domlllate our community by autoc:ratJcalb' tulftll.lnC their anobbla plan. AI a diecl'nt OOiflUI\Unlty, 1ft want our beadl a1oq the bay front to be eaJo1ed by all. W• bave no~ baellor dl8c:rtmJ.nat. ln1 poup1, ..-waat pat ol our pwpe~tJ t.Dcecl ..... tb* -- Bc;n a Hamilton w.tc.Ns Diamonds Mountings I • • • IAWla ahon. and my ratJnl ,... W allaoe Calder head • vou •• c:aa 1 aa not m.nlf!4. ru .uek w1tb Joe u--. ,.._ ne Youth Cea· &. at m bndao v...., Cou.Jcln, JEWELER w 11M et ~=~"" a .-wtt1a1a • .0. ot ~ and ........ liMit to Jl .,. DoiW' .a tile llo7al If......_ UM Jl2l &.t eo.t Hlfhwey cluaJve uae. Let that type of vt. ltcw leek new put\lres; they have realded here too lonr. A beneficial councll MrVes the people aratdully, &I they ahould. They are not ln otflce to dom- Ineer and muter the community. The Ideal of American justice ahould not be lrnored. Yours truly, F. 'n:IORNTON MARTIN. 1704 W. Ocean Front Newport Beach Arvo E. Haapa, Enslrn Publishing Co. Dear Str: ·on behalf of the Newport Har- bor Union Hleh School Recrea- tion Program I wish to thank you for the flne news coverage your paper rave the recreation pro- gram thl.t summer. ln order to be successful It was necessary to reach p a r e n t s throughout thla comm unity. You can justly feel that you have served your community well by conveyinr thls Information to the people. Thank you very much tor your cooperation. Yours truly, VERNON ALLEN. Recreation Director Newport Ha rbor Union Hlgb School District. Mr. Arvo Haapa The Ensign Dear Hop: The Oftlcers, Directors and Members of the Newport 'Harbor Chamber of Commerce wish to thank you for the fine cooper- ation, and support you rave us durlnr our recent Membership Campaign. It Is our firm belief that the excellent results we obtained In this first phase of the work can be augmented and we shall con- tinue along these Jines until the entire job is done. Sincerely yours, HAY LANGEN HElM Executive Secretary. , ........ ; .... II 3-Cir I••••• eiCIIOOUOY OVT Merle (Beany> AUlerbaurh and hla Schoolboy are eotnr to be off the air for a while. I'm mighty sorry. A lot o1 frlenda who enjoyed the endless subtle witticisms that cameo over the air from the little guy on the Schoolboy's mike are going to miss that fun. But the latest re- ports are optimistic. Last Friday &>any and hb wife Paula were fishing out of San Diego. &>any bad just lost hls third marlln hook-up o1 the season. He felt tlred. Then came a strange pain In his chest that bored down Into hls left arm. It seemed to be harder to breathe, and, In spite of the heat, &>any felt cold and clammy. Maybe a Httle acared, too. Co-skipper Paula eot on the alr. Forest Smith and his Toluca were nearby. Soon Forest waa aboard the Schoolboy wlth a first aid kit. Back at the Kona Kal Club, Hal Kenoyer had been listening on hls Ha-Be's radio. He located a physician. The Coast Guard heard the voJce o1 a lady In a jam, and dispatched a hell- copter, right now. But ''Doctor" Smith and hla flnlt ald had helped. Beany waa more comtortable and the School- boy made a fast trip Into the Kona Ka1, whUe the helicopter new overhead and cJeared traffic with their siren. When the Schoolboy pulled up to the float, the doctor was waiting. In a WhUe he'• taklne It euy in that flne San Dlqo apot. he'll enjoy a card from the people be used to talk to. Just write to Beany, or Schoolboy, c/o Kona Kal Club, 450 Yacht Harbor Drive, San Diego. Beany'a a guy who flnda It hard to do nothtnr. They say he hu a shortwave radio alongside hla bed, and that yesterday he wu wrltln1 a letter of appllca- tJon. He's taklna action to aa- sure everyone that he'a a strone contender for Pacltlc An~len' Nltram Drallop 'l"l"ophy. That'a the one that's awarded annually for the unluckJest anrler of the season. We started this column with "Schoolboy Out." Let's cbanae that and say that, for the pres- ent, he just blew a tube In h1l transmitter. For letterheedl. envelopes c .. THE ENSIGN. HA-l 114 Finest Selection of W ~II paper in So. Calif. CUSTOM FURNITUR~ DRAPERIES Dunbar furniture & accessories THADEN INTERIORS 2bl0 E. Co••• Hi9hw•y H•tbor 0791 CORON.A DEl MA R matter of minutes, thanks to ef-'=============~ fJclent eUorts on the part of r. everyone, &>any waa In the Mercy Hospital. The d1aano.la has not been made clear to this reporter. We Largest ond Most Complete Furniture Store in the Are&. C.ll for f, .. iaDMDAY,ID'I'. I. 1- Rlchani SHma. Seoventh 0&)' A.dventlat mlna.ter formerly ltv. lnJ at • lAJWle Pl., eo.ta Keaa. bb IDOWd to CardlU. SAVE SAFELY At Or•"te County's le•dl"t HOffte Lendtftt lftstlhttlon CON11NUIN6 TO PAY ~'" PER ANNUM All ACCOUNTS INSURED UP TO S I 0,000 All Aeeounh Opet~ed On or lefor• The I Oth of the Month E•rn From the l.t. LAGUNA FEDERAL SAV1N&S a lOAN ASSOCIATION Two women were injured ln a are aasur~ that. happily, ft wu three-car accident on Coast Hwy. deftnJtely not a coronary. Per- 40 feet west of Marine Ave. at haps the extreme heat and just 4 15 Sat _... A ,., N plain fatigue were factors. Medl- DECORATING SERVICE ll b.rty 8.-5511 LAGUNA BEACH : p.m. u ... ay, ug. ~.., ew-port pollee reported. cal curlosJty wUl have to walt. Mrs. Ernestine Holt, 61. of West But the last report we had 1.1 to t.o. Anaeles. suffered a rlrht arm the eUect that If the palna atop and neck Injury and Lydia Lab-Altorether, aa they Mem to have ttnen. 82, San Pedro a cut rlJht done, Beany wtll ~.be leavtn1 ,.._ HY4-11n ~ ~ ~ ~ to ~ :~~~~-a~~~-~~~~a~ad~~~~QI~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MemoriAl -lt.al ._ auua l[aJ and tUlnc It -.,. Pollee aald the women were p&U!'I'lleft In a car driven by Murlel G. Holt of West Los An· geles, which was forced to stop suddenly when a car driven by Barney Walkers of Long Beach turned directly In the path of her car ln making an lllegaJ left turn. A car driven by Genevieve M. Mclntyde of San Pedro ram. med Into the rear of the Holt ve- hicle. Lac••• llrllajuretl Ia Track.C• Crau Minor Injuries were suffered by Patricia von Schlegell, 19, of Laguna &>ach ln a truck-car wreck at Vla Lido and Newport Blvd., Newport &>ach, a t 12:16 a.m. Saturday, Aug. ZT. A pick up truck driven by Ellis M. Fillet. 52. of Downey was tip. ped over on Its side from the 1m- pact of a car driven by Leo Mc- Crae Morgan of South Laguna. The girl was riding In the Mor- gan vehicle and was t aken to Hoag Memorial Hospital. A tire department truck was called to wash away euollne spllled from the wreck. -----IIOVE TO aALaOA The Ed1ar B. Wltmers have moved from 1211 Cove St., Co- rona del Mar, to ~ Seville Ave., Balboa. my dluldr/ • nnDrt ... he'• get«ng hu t)bJl* In tM new HtiWcrut Normcm lleadows SPECIAL FOR Thumday-Friday-Saturday .............. OlfJ. T IWU J S nuot1ll 8EE1" SOLD BED u.s. Qotc:e Chuck Roast 39;. Mo. 1 a.t~a•• EoiiWa. hrttaD & Oecar ....,_.. Sli(ed Ba(OR 59~ v.a.a.... ..... --..c.o. • ••n ......................................... • mw•, ........................................ ~ I If. Rume Roast 79~ "'..a IIY" tiiLnl •rs GROUND ROUND-·---··-·-···--··-··-·····-69~ GROUND CHUCK~·--:-__ 49:. 4 for dlillotdah • ,.. ~.nca~~ie tu ot n• , • .._ u -. • • ,..... CAtoN ., .. . ....... '!ldl illelll 1M ..., ,_ ..,.. In& '------.;.:;.....-. ...................... . , IWUMIDAY, IU"''. I, .._ Lila Fll-Trap Shoot '" .. TUaLOAir On Sept. 25 CoDatructloo J,ocme 'nle Soutb ~ IU.lle and Pia. '" •uu 1.0&11 tol Club wtll bold Itt next ttap shoot Sunday, ~t. z. .uut~ne at 10 a.m., at the rifle ran,e on MaeArthW' Blvd., a mUe IIOUth of the Oranee County Airport. IU _,. U'I'J'LD Pllrllr lertpp a.. lSI$ L c..t JIWr., CDII h. IIA 1111 JD "1• ( ...... LUe ...._Fad~) ------------------ JAMES D. RAY BiiWIIc C.lr..._ ~ E.. COAST HWY .. COlONA DEL MAl . HAIMf 4763 DAILY 'TIL SEPT. 18th ln the trap Jhoot held Auc. 28. Redman D. Jarrett of Beacon Bay and A. M. Powell of 319 Polrulet- tSa Ave., Corona del Mar, tied for .econd by wtnnlng three matche. e&ch. Other Harbor Ares winner• were Norman Dulworth. 412 Hazel Dr., Corona del Mar, and Arthur Meyers, 346 E. 19th St., eo.ta Mea&. two matches each; Woody Mathew., 1880 Oranp. Costa Mesa; John Ollerrnan, 20152 Spruce, Santa Ana Heights; M. C. SmJth, 2060 Newport Blvd., eo.ta Mesa; W. B. 'Mlummel, 703 Poln- aettJa Ave., Corona del Mar; Ken- neth D. Kuster, 608 Aldean Pl., Newport Heights. one match each. awe and pl.tol matches are held once each month. and small. bore rlfle tournaments are held every Friday night. GIIOYE DaJVEJI AD.UTED Arch K. Ldndaay, ~. or Garden Grove wu arrested on a drunk drivlne charge by Newport police at Coast Hwy. and MacArthur Blvd.. Corona del Mar. at IQ:18 a.m. Monday, Aug. 29. A compan. ion ln bla car, Valente R. Montiel. 25, of Santa Ana wu a.rrested on a charee or lntoxlcatJon ln auto. Bead Eludp Want Ack . IESI UPIILSTEIIII .,..h .. -& Dl411"f UbertY 1-ml ase•...eLc.t..._. an'sBowhng"-=s." ... FJW. LEAGUES NOW FORMING TIIUU: LcldiM Trio. 10 a.m. SATI Miad 6-IIOIDe.. 1:40 p.m. to aceommodate foursome· bowlers unable to enter other mlxed leaeues. $9&500 Pennit Issued For Medical •ilding September buUdJnc cot ott to -whopplnl atart In the race to aet an au.ume record In value of buUdlnl pennJt. '-ued dur- l.ng a yN.t In the City of New- port Beach. 1be tlrat few da~ ol. the month broulht In alrno.t $300,000 worth of permits. Largest of these wu a ~ medical buUdlng for Dr. David Nlet.en of Lldd late, to be constructed near hla present oUlce on Weat:minlter Ave. In Newport Heights. Other alz.able permits Included a $38.000 ~wellln1 In Shore Clltta for Dr. David Ballentine, and a $37,950 profesaJonaJ buUdlng Gang Wallops Heights Lad Tom Me&de, 16, of ~ River- aide Ave., Newport Heights, suf- fered the loa of two te«h and other mouth Injuries when bear. en by a gan_g of juveniles at 11 :20 p.m. Aug. 28, Newport po- llee reported. The boy wu usaulted and pushed throuah a gla.aa window In Alden's Gift Shop at 600 Edge. water Ave., Balboa. pollee learn· ed. He wu taken to Hoag Me. mortal Ha.pltal. 'Mle youth aaJd there were five boys ln the at- tackJng group. He said two had long black halr, pachuco atyle, one wearlng a black suede jacket and the other a green sweater and wheat..(:OJored slacks. ASD PJEJL FLOAT PEIIJOT Application has been made to the oUice of District Engineer, Los Angeles. by Mrs. F . Lanker· shlm, 1701 E. Bay Front. Balboa, for a permit to inat&ll a pl6 and float and appurtenances thereto In th e bay ln front of lots 1 and 2. Block 26. near the llarlnft'S Mlle area for H. E. lltley and DU. Long. 1be record that hu to be beaten 1a the erand total of ss,. 628,004 ln 1951. 'Mlat wu the year that Ute more than mlUion dol· lar permit for Boa1 Hc.pital was Included In the total-and Sep- tember wu the month that the pennlt wu I.Mue4. In that year the end-of-Septem- ber total wu $7,479,453. The Building Pepartment Is almost certain to surpa111 that total by Sept. 30. aince the Aug. 31 total wu already 16.8)5.198. A new yearly record can be set merely by maintaining an average of $500,000 each month for the four remaining months of the year. Following permits were l.s.sued during the first days of Septem ber: e Jf&'WM)JIT BEJGIITS Bert Hornsveld. 1-story. 1 unit dwelling at 515 Santa Ana Ave .. $14.560; Or. David Nielsen. medJ cal bulldlng at 404 Westminster. $98.!500. eKEWMIIT H. E. Riley and Dale Long. 1- .Wry professional bulldlng at 2610 Avon St .• back of All-Ameri- can M arket. $37.950; D. L. Rlen- ert. reroofing at 2203,. Balboa Blvd.. $224; Hilda Reyes and Henrietta Echola. 2-.tory, 2-unlt dwelllng at 217 35th St., $15,400. euou CI.D'PS Dr. David Ballentine. 1 story. 1-unlt dwelling at 119 Shorecllft Rd., $38.000. • coaowA on MD Nita Badger. 1-ltory, 1-unlt dwelling at 303 Orchid. $15.000; Ed Nash. garage at 407 Poppy. $1.600; Alex Silman. 1-story, 1- unlt dwelling at 417 Narcl.&sus. $4.800; c. w. Travm. addltlona at 321 Orchid, $3.150; Nels Und- berg. additions at 613 Orchid. $2.000. eaALBOA Burtis Dorris. 2-st.ory dwelling at 1707 E. Ocean Blvd .. $21 .000: LEGAL RanCE William Casserly, 2-story dwell- CofCStarts on Call-backs All members of the Newport Harbor Chamber ol. Commerce have ~n asked to meet thia momln1 <'nlursday) at 9 o'dbck at the Chamber ottloe, 1.800 W. Coast Hwy., Newport. to beJ1n th~ call-back campalcn In the five areu where the member- lhlp drive wu conducted durlnl Aucust. The Chamber membera wlll be divided Into tearna to rnaJqo the caU-backa and also to see tha.e buslneaes who were mlaaed dur- lne the regular campaign. Hay Langenhelm. nec:utlve secretary of the Chamber, reports that U a rKult of that drive, Otamber membership ls now at an all-time high of 460. 'Mlere are additional 140 pledges of pledges of membership. Flrlt gene r a 1 membership luncheon oC the fall seuon will be held Wednesday noon. Sept. 2S, at the Newport Harbor Yach t Club. Following new members were signed up during last w~k's Tuesday campalen along Ma rlners Mlle: Bayvi~ Employ. ment Agency; Anchor cafe; Norm Begg Co.; Harbor Marine Engine Service; Newport Marine RadJo; the Mariners Bank; 1udy'a Shell Service Station ; Red Snap. per cafe; Quarter Deck; Lee Ha- ven Motel; Ernie Church. Union 011 Dealer; Robert P. Rea. M.D.; Robert E. Schmitz. M.D.; HOW· ard's Bestaurant; J. 6 W. Uquon; N e w p o rt Cleaners; Henrietta Swafford, Greyhound Alent. Other new memberl are the following In the Lido Shopping Center: Bud's Beauty Salon, Udo Fashions. Udo Electric Co.. The Bookcase, Hugh 1. Plumb. M.D.; Blanche Fulkerson. draperies; Udo Salon of Beauty. Also the tolJowlng: Hutchens Optical Sup. ply Co., Corona del Mar: T. Hord Seeley, contractor. Balboa; and David Hook of Hollywood. &a ,_lea Sill• F,....,.,, Clfl No. A-26 178 lng at 1011 E. Balboa Blvd.. Fifty pennies were stolen (rom N011CE OF HEARJ.NG OF PE-$5.400. the Norm's Landing Cafe. 611 TmON FOR PROBATE OF e aALBOA COVES 31st St., Newport Beach. during a WlLL AND FOR LE"n'ERS OF F'red Loakes. 1-story dwelling burglary over the week~nd. ADMINISTR.ATION WlTH THE at 55 Balboa Coves. $20.000. Newport pollee reported Aug. 29. WILL ANNEXED. e a.U..OA lSLAJrD Cah operator Dan Janakis of Whole Suckling Pig, wild rice dressing, garnished with crab apples. celt>ry dressing served at home of Mrs. M. J. Lockney. Complete d1nner catering servlct> was handled by The Gourmet's Kitchen. * * c-JJ,. QtU4IUIUIIA ~Jol,., IIW IPEI * * Mew 11-; wt c •• ,lell C.llrilc s.wicl * -yow ~lea Ia Ou h!DIIJ-· Aak for Dorothy Marston Llcll ... .., s.m. * 11 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. arealdast -L•DCMo~a -~ s.n.s * lllra IMaiia Ftr Y• Ctctlat1 Parties * (Spedal ...... ·-Lal'9e Parts.) KOSIIEa FOODS -SEA FOOD DELICACIES ,.,., E. Coast • .,.,. In The Superior Court ot the John Sims. alterations at 201 410 32nd St .. Newport Beach. said State of California In and Emerald. $350. -the burglar cut through a porch ~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ For the County of Orange screen at the rear of the cafe - CAFE ,. sun::uoa Aft. Orco Block Co. In the Matter of the Estate of I111IMII ... • and ripped a screen from a cafe HA.RIUE'T M. FERRELl.., Deceased. window to gain entry. The pen- Notice 1s hereby given qJat the 'l'l.aa ...._ a.... nles were removed f.ro m a cuh petiUon of Beatrice F . Speneer for I -•It ••• ---repat.er. t.aa. probate of the ww ol ttae lclbn A. Grlmel. 25. 8IUIYe7 nu.e dear boJtea full of rolla ~ II&JMd decec1ent and IGf cnwman ol. 23914 ~er St.. of ~ """ '*' dlll.-t lo- U.. ... , • .,.. of lAtUa ot AdiDln-eo.ta Kea. was arre.ted on cations on the prem..a.. but were t.tration wtth the wW umaed burglary and narootics chat'lee not touched. An eeg from a con. to the pet:ltlon« will be heard at by Newport pollee Auc . ~. talner by the grJU was dropped 10 o'clock A.M. on September 16, Grimes was charged with the on the fioor ln a rur room. 1955, at the court room ol De-partment 4 ot the Superior Court burglary of fT cash from the of the State of Callfornla ln and purse of Mrs. George Well!! of 630 31st St.. Newport Beach. Mn for the County of Orange. Wells called pollee at 3:05 p.m. Dated August 26· 1955· Saturday to report ~lng a man MOVE MEn' DOOR Attorney for PeUtloner, enter her apartment. The suspect BtJJLDING BLOCIS-ALL cuzrs A K Phelps J429 ·E. Coast Highway told the apartment houS(' man ALL TYPES The Donald Harpers have mov- ed next door to themselves. For· merly llvtng at 435-, Heliotrope Ave . Corona dtol Ma r. they are now living at 437 Heliotrope. JAcboa ,.,._ Klw,_ly ~ Corona del Mar. Call!. ager be was ~king a Mr. Ly .a ......._ Ita• 23tO L Kala. laatlll AIMI B. J. SMITII. County Clerk man and left. going Into a cafe 1-:::i:::::=:;===*===========?=?=?:::=?===, 955 across the street. p. Publis h: Sept. 1· 8. 15• 1 On the arrival of officers the • no. c:...tDp-Dm'•h llink In The Newport Harbor Ensign. suspect went out of a rear door A.apbalt rue -Rubber 1'\le h FormJca _ Linoleum TUe No. A 26 204 of the cafe where e was appre· - "-o" ......... N011CE TO CREDITORS hended. A narcotic kit was found CAIL.T -.. o.:•-ESTATE OF JANE MacAR taped under the dash board In IU L lftla St. c.tc1 ..... THUR. DECEASED. his car, pollee said. LIUIITT 1-4151 NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN 2:1 Yean ln Orange County to the creditors of and all per MOVE ROM REJGBTS 1 h The James Leslles have just sons having claims aga nst t e moved from 3233 Clay St.. New. said decedent or said estate to file them w ith the necessary port Heights. to 1585 Riverside vouchers In the office of \.he IIPIIil.;J.;. 'iiCOiiios;i;t•a•M~eslliiiajjill.liljOIIIIII"iii!FIIiij;OOF!IiiiO'ill Clerk of the Superior Court of the County of Orange, State of ~G4.N'S California. or to pres-ent the ---:: ---= ----- Costa Mesa Lumber Co. LUMBER-B1JJLDING MATERIALS ap.a 11 A.M. to t ..... o....s lloDday Uke ~Shrimp? . -ED Joy "'aL\1. • iumbo shrimp OllDEU 1'0 00 TOOl S.wtf- FISI nY .cwpast ..... Ctsllll.... J.IMity .. ,., same. with the n~ vouch-Your Famlly Restaurant ers. to the undersigned at hls or (a..d ,._....,, 2110 OeMa rat. ..,...,_.._.,.. LIST CAll n•s., Fri. I Sit. -s.,t. 1·1·1· Daily 11:30 & 1:00 p.m., $1.25. Children 65c * 3 BOATS OPERATING on BAY & OCEAN RIDES * Boat Leavinq Every 20 Minutes * E?e~Llu9 0c:.a:D 8Jdes OD "Bay Queea." 1:30 p.m. & 9 p.m. (All JUdea. &.5c. ChUdrea. lSc. ODder S yn. f'rM) NOTICE!-New Schedule •fter Sept. lOtti! BAY RIDES ONLY -"Belle of B•lbo4' -2 p.m. DAILY .OATS LEAVE "T11If ZOKr' DOa-aAL.aA * I her place ot business. to-wit: ISIS E. Ceat JllpW'Cif wear ..,_ • 3429 E. Cout Highway, ...._ 1.. c.ro.. del.._ Jf....,..t aeada ~ C rr.~~~~;~·;=:~~~======~==:~l Corona del Mar. Callf. ,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ within slx months atler the fl.nt " . lite •• i .nll . . il • ~,._, 1111 PAY•aY ~ , lew,.rt latter ... ,..lllr publication ol thla notice. Dated August 29, 1956. A. lt. PHELPS Admlnlltrator of the Estate of said decedent. A. Jt. Phelpa Attorney at law 3429 E. Cout B11hway Colona det Mat, Callf. Publlab: Sept. 1. S. 15. 22, 1965 ln the Newport Harbor Enalgn. ,. .............. -r. ... FOl ACCIDENTS HArPIN DAJLYI Wet......._._. ... , •• .,..., ... ......, ••• It -....... .,... ... ............... -...... ..... _. Rl'VU.1' m . ....a. Let -tall .... ._._ .............. ........... (j ~Uuluj q~~~Je n.u 101111 PMtulat a.. ...... ,_ .............. dl& cla .. 1 ..,._ tM vw. ........ -.. 01 .. c •• .,.. ............. . _ ....................... -. 1.-w tit .. ...... ................. .,...._ ........ a..-.. I • Dl .......... . .... .. ax .. .. ........... ,..!-L ............ *BALBOA* Enioy Rides & ..,.. ,.,.. aa.oa IILAII'D Tbe Arthur Ntenona haw moved from 202 Peul Ave., BaJ. boa lslaDd, to 1"\\iitbi.. . Fir, .. , ,.,.. ... ~.,.... NYint :-• • and l*ievin9 th.t ,. 011 DGRIIU • Complete Home Furnlahlnp UIMI1y~ 1atR.....-tAn. COSTA MESA Luther Film To Be Shown The movie, "Marttn Luther," wW be ahown tomorrow evttlnl (Friday), betinnlnl at 7:30 p.m. at the First Baptist Church of eo.ta Meu, on Santa Ana Ave. at Maanolla. The mOVie, which wu fUmed In Germany, tella the story of the Reformation period. Tbe local church hu obtained. the tum from the Bible Institute ot Los Angeles. • Sweater patches have been awarded for members of the first. second. third and fourth place teams in the summer Little League baseball proeram Ln the harbor area. The patches were provided by the Newport.Balboa Savings and Loan Alan. Certifl. cates of partlclpatJon, also from the savings institution, went to all of the 900 baseball players taklng part In the summer games. Women's Fellowship Groups To Begin Fall Meetings (dwardS SHOES AND COMFORT ABLE FIT for over 55 yean ~ has been making shoes that combine comfort with sturdy protedion to keep children's growing feet happy! Youngsters like~ becauae they're good looking--and parents like them becou .. they're pradico!l * Chaxqe Accounta I \ llotb * Stor. CIRCUS OTERY llOTB STORES OPEX FJUDAT JQGBTS 'TIL 1:00 SAXTA AKA I 1815 S. MaiD acrou stnet hom o5ea:rs JUmberly 2-6661 COSTA MESA 225 E. 17tb St. MESA CEM 1£.8-htwMD Thrtfty & AJpba leta LJbeftr ~ HIPS-ce •••J 1111 TODAY, the story ot. a good tlgure Ia told NOT Ln pounds, but in INCHES on a TAPE MEASURE YOU will be delighted and amazed when you know for the very tint time what the STAUFFER SYSTEM can do for YOUR figure! At the Stauffer Synem, you will be told how lone It w1ll take to acbJeve your desired proportions. ~~ ...._Tedlrf'- Teu PNe TrtaJ Tr•t •t ....... 1'HI • Jll' .. c-t Jhry. COJK)IIA Da. IIAJl Groups of the Women's Fel- lowsh ip of the Corona del Mar Community Church will convene this month to begin thelr regu. lar fall schedule. The Church School Guild wlll meet at 7:30 p.m. on Monday (~pt. 12> at the home ot thelr chairman, Mrs. W . R. Lippitt. 413 Heliotrope Ave., Corona del Mar. Co-hostesses are Mrs. Lowell Newlon and Mrs. M. J. Shannon. Members are asked to bring "white elephants" to stock the Guild's annual Lobster Bake booth. OCCGreets Newcomers A free continental breakfast of sweet rolls and coffee will be served In the foyer of the new auditorium this morning (Thurs. day> as new students are wei. corned aboard at Orange Coast College. New students w111 be wel- comed by Dr. BasU Peterson. pres ldent, and Introduced to Dr. James Thornton Jr.. Dr. D. E. Pehlke abd DeaD MarteV. How-. Ron A.nnatronJ, student body president, also wUJ welcome the new students. Cynthia Bell. one of "'the weU.known recordlng ar. tlsts of the Bell Sisters. will en- tertain with plano and song styling. Classt>S will begin Monday. Sept. 12. CDI Cllurcll E·Z Cl .. WIIIHIItiPel-llck The' E·Z Social Club of the Co- rona del Mar Community Church will meet at 6 :30 p.m. Tuesday tor a planned pot luck supper. Canasta will follow the food. The committee In charge Includes Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Close. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wilkie and Mr. a nd Mrs. R. W. Bailey. according to Mr and Mrs. Ed Thlas, skippers of the group. ~------LEAVES BAI.aOA VISTA Mrs. William York has moved On Tuesday at the church so. clal hall the Arts and Crafts group wlll convene at 10 a.m . Mem~ will bring a sack lunch. Hostesses will be Mrs. R. w. Bailey, Mrs. Goss Grable and Mrs. C. K . Close. The Reading Adventure eroup will meet at 1 p.m. Wednesday, ~pt. 14, at the home of Mrs. Ray Schwartz. 605 Poinsettia Ave.. Corona del Mar. Co-host· esses will be Mrs. Christian Mar- tin and Mrs. Herbert Leigh. A week from Tuesday, on ~pt. 20. the Prl.scllla ~rvlce Guild will meet at 10:30 a .m. In the Social Hall to make yearly plans. The FriendJy Service group met at 1 p.m. yHterday (Wednesday) at the church for a dessert meet. lng. · Prayer group meetings will be held next Wednesday at the home of Mrs. E. W. Thlas, 332 Hazel Ave .. Corona del Mar, and on ~pt. 28 at the home of Mrs. John Sadlelr. 218 Narcissus Ave., Corona del Mar. FllST CHUaCH OF CHliST SCIENTIST llCD VIe LW., .._..... INcll A bra~~eh of The Mother Churdl, The Fit~t Chwdl of Chriat, x'-tilt, '" ._ ..... 4_ ....... ~ay Xhool t :IS ..,._ Sullday S.rvl~ II :00 a.lft. Wac:lnelday &...,;"9 ~ ... ing 1:00 p.m. Reading ROOI'ft located at lliS Via Udo, Newport leacll. is o~n -• days from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m" Wednesdays from 10:00 a.m. to 7:45 o.m. Friday evenings from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Sunday afternoons 2 to 5 p.m. Closed Holideyt. The public ia ~ially invited to at· tend the c;hurc;h Mrvic;as and uM the ~aadina Room. Professional Directory MUSIC Margaret L. Scharle Teacher of Plano Oreanlst · Accompanist Evenlnf Claaes for dulta 307 GOLDENROD AVE. Corona del Mar from 810 Congress St.. ('psta '---;;n;;;;ai-;;mt;;;;:;;;;--.J Mesa, to Manhattan, Kansas. CEB"tii'ICATE OP avsDrESS Friendly Netpborbood Service PldiU.. Plna .... PARKES-RIDLEY THE UNDERSIGNED does here-MORTOARY by certlty that she Is conducting a real estate buslness at 3444 110 Broadway East Cout Hwy. Corona del Mar, u 8•3433 • .. MM eo.ta M .. California under the fictitious '"============: flrm name of RAY REALTY ,. COMPANY and that a.Jd ftrm ls compoeed of the followtnc per. son wha.e tfame ln full and place of realdence are as follows, to-wit: Hazel May Ray 544 Seaward Road, Corona del Mar, Calltornla WITNESS my band thls sth day of Aucuat. 19S5. Huel May Ray STATE OF CAUJ'OilNIA > )U. COUNTY of ORANGE ) NOW ... TWO BALTZ MORTUARIES Sentn• U.e Harbor Area Baltz MortuatY CJ1Ata. IIY Till: 8I!A Barbot G 353» &. Cout lllahway ·c.... del liar Balt% Mortuary u~ .. 2121 1111 " a. ea.ta .._ AIIPL& PAJIIW'fO JOTB LOCA1tOD ON nns J'1fth day of Aucust. 1955. befote me, a Notary. Publle In and for saJd county and ltate, ___ __;:: redcllnc theretn, d&tly oommJa. HARBOR REST atoned and sworn. penonally ap. MEMORIAL PAov peared HAZEL HAY RAT kDown nA. to me to be tlwt penon ftCIM Ratbor 8t¥d. a• Glaler name 18 tubecrtbed to the wtthln " ln8trument. and aclmowlilqld ~11.51 to me tb.at abe executed tblt . ' IRWWY, -.r. I. ... (1(, "> ,-f 'I l • I ~ ', ,• --- * * * COIOIA DEL Mil PIIIIIICY ""''I'B 1'1 u ta1peiwa ,._, wet• IIAJmOa 1171 J12'1 E. Coat lhy ..... 1 ... c..... del liar Light their life with P,ithl/lt IT. AJIDDWS .n&U'ITEaiAII amaca 15th St. 6 St. Andt~ Rd., .... ,_ .... lc:Mol ~·..:,m ...._, .... 1 .... L 1.....-t SUNDAY: Morning wonbJp.9:30 and 11 a.m.; Church School, 9:30 and 11:00; lr. HIJh, Sr. Hich and colle1e age Fellow. ahJps, 7 p.m.; Thursday, Prayer, study IJ'OUp, 9:30 LID. COIOIUJQT'I' IDTIIODIBT .. "· 11tJa lt.. c.... ..... Ubedy a-au .... ,...,.. "· ....... Sunday: 9:30 uo., Church Sun· day School; 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Momln& WonbJp-7 p.m. eouece .&&e xu Serviee -7 p.m. HJ&h Sc:bool MYJ' Servtee: a p.m., you.nc adultt crouP 8e'l"rice. 'I'D CSU&a OP WI ·-a..ada IL. c... .... La.tr...., D.G.Bust.lllaiiW Sunday services: 9:45 a.m. Bible study; 11 a.m. momlna wor- ship; 7:30p.m. evenJn1 service. Midweek service, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. TBE c:av.CB OP ca:a:tiT Odd Fellows ~. lMtR.,....nAn.. Coeta ..... Llbelty 1-1711 1'oaa acdller. Jr .. Mlalater Sunday Services: 9:45 a.m. Bible study; 10:55 a.m. worship aerv. ice; 7:30 p.m. evening service. CIIBIST CBUIIqi ST TIIZ lEA ColiuDaaltr ........... aau.oa 81Yd. at lttla lt.. • .-port IL\It)oc 5ZII hators .... a.y A. Car~ Sunday WorabJp, 9:30 and 11 a.m. Qlurch School: 9:30 a.m. MJd. week Meettnc: 7:00 p.m. wed . neaday preceded by 6:15 p.m. potluck. IT. JO.ACWN CBU ... 1 .. a.-.. ..... eo.t. .... .~ .... , p ............. J.~ftta ......, IIIII IIIII '· .. 1.10 ... U:30 a.m. Wefkda)'8: X.... at 7:00a.m.-eonter.lon: 11atar· daya from 4:00 to S:JS-7:00 to 8:30 p.m. ... PDIIT AIIDULT OJ' GOD Jladlt. & ........... c.t.ar- l.a.ty l-ftl1 •• X I • II. C:, c::..Jc. ~ Sunday Sebool: 1:30 a.m. Wor· lhlp: 10:M a.m. and evaneellst 8er'V1ce, 7:30 p.m. Younc People and CbUdten'a Servlce, 6:30 · p .m. Sun. Mid-week Service: Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. LaclJes' Mtaatonary Coundl. Tburscla~ 9 :30 a.m . for all day. I~ DAY ADtUhii •....-n....._ ....... t.. . ............... .. ~~-·­~D.a.lpnM ... Saturda~&_ Semcel: Sab-bath ~: 9:30 a.m. -S.· mon: 11:00 a.m. PrQw meet· ln1: Wed.Delclay, 8:00 p.m. Sunday 8er f'ka: ~ Sebool, 1:30 a.m. ~~~ WonbJ.P at 10:30 a.m. Bvaniellltte Serv· Ice, t p.m. Sunaay. N.Y.P.S.. 6 p.m. Sunday; Prayer meettne, 7:30 p .. m. Wednesday. naT cao-=a OP CIDIIT ICIDID'i' ,. vs. =:r aeocta !undaJ School: 9:15 a.m.. Su.n· day S e r v1 e e: 11:00 a.m. Wednesday Evenfnc MeetLne: 8:00. ReadJq Boom. 33:15 VIa LJdo, Newport Beach, open 10 a.m.·5 p.m. week days, 10 a.m.· 7:45 p.m. Wednesdays, 7·9 p.m. Friday evenlnn. CIDJiT LOI&&IIUf CBUICB OP COSTA IDIA ( ........ l,..s) J..wf-~114111. . c.-.... ......... s.a..Tem ... Sunday Servtee.: Wonh.lsJoo Serv· lee 9 a.m. Sunday 1 at 10:15 a.m. -• UI.80A KIIID co.MDaln waiiiliiDw'l' lli=A .......... ..._. IN ..... D IH .... ....... Iunday .. ¥teet: •=-a. m. Cbw'dl leboollt:~ ancl u:oo a.m. Wa.ldp ·IMIVJCe. - PDIIT urnn' caDiiCii ._.AM A.._lllllr .. tUa c.tll .... ...... a. ..... Sunday ServlcM: 9:45 a.m. S\m~ Sebaol; U a.m. Wonldp ~· 6:30 p.m.. BapUit Tralnln& Union; 7:3G p.m. Evenlnc Service. Weclnesda,y: 7:30 p.m., Prayer, Pralle and Bible Study. Mon. day: 7:3Q p.m. Men'a Chorus p r a e t J c e ; 8:30 p.m. M.en'a Prayer Meet1D&. CBUIICII OP OR ~ OP liT. CAIDOL 1tc1W ................ .....-t ...... 1. Paa-l!n-.E' . ...._ r..._ ,. as AM. Sunday Mame1: 8:00 and 10:00 and U:30 'Llll. eont.llon: Sat· ~..;ca .... ~~ ,. ~~.,.to 1;10 p.m.DaUyiiMII=Oea.a. .... Prtday: 1:30 .... and 8:00 p.m. Kovena (PWpetual Help): Tu~y. 7 :45 p.m. f'llhermen'a Mus, July and Aucua, Sunday 4a.m. VWI\'miiAUIT COKMUMITY ~ Kbella.M .... SISW • ....._..._...._ lllllt.Wa .... P. W ...... Sunday School, 10:30 a.m. kom. Lng worship. U:OO a.m. -IT. JAIID KNCO•AL --·-~r .... ...., ................ Sunday aervit*: 8:30 a.m. Holy Communion, 9:30 a.m. Sunday acbaol; 9:30 a.m. morn J n g prayer and 8ftm0n, 11 1 a.m. worship service. Thursday Serv- Ices: 9:15 a.m. Prayer Gulld; 10:30 Holy Communion. --IT. JOIIIf Y1A1n1D S14 ...._A-......._ lalaad ua~~ew•1• Paa-~ ":!!!f• ,_._ p .... ~OIM Sun4aJ 111 : T:OO a.m. a t:OO a.m.emr ·-: .. ~ aac1 eva. of 1tt J'rtda.n ana Holy Da~: 7:30 to a:ao p.m.; rtnt Friday ~ 8 a.m. Bummer M--. Ju)J' aDd A.ucUit lunda,y, u a.m. , Zonta 's District Conference To Be Held Here in Octo&er Jnvltattona llave aone out to 1)1'01-.lonal women. Over 200 member ol Zont& CJu-.. tn CaJI, delecata and altematea are u.. fOI'nJa. !f eYada and Arbona to pec:ted. Join a conference (01' DlRrict IX 'nle Newport Harbor Zonta to be held at !fewport on October Club wlll be ba.u. to the eon. 7, 8 and t. accordtac to VUdred terence, ltated Dr. Helen Robert- Stanley ol Jeaeon Bay, cbatnnan 110ft, president . of the Newport of the event. Club. Headquarters will be at the All members of the clube In Balboa Bay Club and bualnea the .oothweltem area ol the mHUnp at the Elka Club. United Statea are Invited to the Committees workJnc on the conference, which will ~ a work event include Mrs. Stanley, Dr. seMlon for members of tbla Inter. Robertlon, and put presldenta national dub for executive and Eva Aapln and Helen Stockton BPWtoMeet on Thursday BuaJneu a n d Professional Women will beld their JnltlaJ fall meeting next Thursday, Sept. 15, at the Newport Harbor Yacht Club. Vice President Marilynn Wheeler is In charge of the pro- gram following the dinner meet- ing. There w111 only be one meet- Inc In September, according to President Jean Howell. Adult Classes Open Sept. 19 A comprehensive schedule of classes for adults has been ar. ranged at Orange Coast College to start the week of Sept. 19. on the llteertne eommlttee; Ruth Jayred, aaalllted by Mule Blrd and Betty Pace on the finance committee; Blanche Benz. U · alated by Dareen Upson, BUlle Thron.on and HUda Watkins on the houatne committee; Ruth Barcume. assisted by Letha Dro- let. Dorothy Hall and Vera John. aon on the re,Utratlon commit. tee; Mareant Reinert, uslsted by Phyllls Dunlap, Helene Csenar, Louise Hamblet, Hazel Ray, Lucy Ancell and Bernice Baltz on transportation; Kath- leen Coleman. assisted by Fran. ces Mean on publicity; Pee Haapa. uststed by Dorothy Hall and Helen Csenar on printing committee; Lucille Angell, as.. s.lsted by Florence Cooling and Viretnla McMahan on the ere. dentJals committee; Eva Aspln and Helen Robertson assisted by Dorothea Sheely, Winifred Bacon, Louise Hamblet, Ruth Jayred. Fr4nces Mears, Maravene Gat. lagher. Peg Haapa and Marie Howes on the hostess committee: Thelma Paddock Hope as chair man of decorations and favors. M.S. nAifK EDWAG WATI'S b the fonDft lOu Patrtda ADD let~-. cku9lat. of Mn. A.rtJnu J. ...~Oil of k1bocL Tbe ~ b tlae 10a of Mr. CIDd Mn. Coy E. W atU of lla1bocL (DoD aa.a~a pMto > Registration Is open to all adults. For the majority of classes. w h ere n o fees are charged, registration w1ll take place during the first meeting of the class during the week of September 19. In classes where a nominal materials fee Is charged for materials which be· come the possessions ot students. re,lstratJon wtU begln Se-pt. 15 at Higbies ~o on Honolulu Trip Patricia Bergeron of Balboa Is Married to Frank E. Watts 5 p.m., In the Student Center. Councilman and Mrs. Clarence These classes are furniture re-Higbie will be absent from tbelr finishing, upholstery. palntJng. Balboa Island h ome most oi Sep- Miss Patricia Ann Bergeron, daughter or Mrs. Arthur J. Ber· geron of 1711 Plaza del Sur, Bal. boa, and the late Mr. Bergeron, became the wlle of Frank Ed- ward Watts, son ot Mr. and Mrs. Coy E. Watts ot 2144 Ocean Blvd., Balboa, In an afternoon cere. mony held Sunday, Aug. 28. at St. Andrews Presbyterian Church. Rev. James Stewart performed the single ring ceremony In a candlelit 8ei'Vice before an altar harbor photo lab ca.mer .. repairs ~tala fast COLOR SERVICE 3121 E. Coast Hwy. CDM ~ IUIIIITII PICIET 11110 (•o TUaEI) Wad ers S.cau..t ..Uo WEJQJII 010. T II OZ. aa. oaJy r • s· • 1114• A New Concept ln Personal Radio. Ear Phone and earry. lnf Cue Optional. Extra. decorated with white stocl.., glad sculpturing, ceramics lstone-tember. They lett last week·end lola and baby's breath. ware), ceramics and porcelain, by plane on a th~·week com- Lowell C. Johnson. brother In china painting, jewelry, lapidary, blned business and vacatJon trip law of the bride, gave her In photography, welding and wood· to Honolulu. While there they marriage. Miss Bergeron wore 8 working. wiLl call on Mr. and Mrs. Carl white organdy gown sprinkled , Hanna. who formerly lived In with daisy appliques. The full R d Cl b Shore CJitfs. skirt ended In a sweep train. A .I .In 9 u s A bon boyage party for the pearl necklace. gift of the groom, . Hlgbles was etven by Mr. and decorated the ¥OOP neckline. An Mrs. Robert St. Clair of Abalone organdy Jull~ cap a ppllqued Hold Play Day Place, Balboa island. Among the wtth daisies held her fingertip guests were Mr. and Mrs. lllu•lon veU. She carried a white Howard Strother of Oakland orchid surrounded by atephano-Play day hdd Sunday, Aue. and Mr. and Mrs. Almquist ot tJa and pink roeebuda. 28. at the Newport Harbor Buf. Corona del Mar. Another party 11n. ~ c. ~o~mmn ot falo -...eb. lllpCINIOI'ecl b1 Cbar'-~ tbe llllblee wu Pftft w• ' 11 w .. 1Mt .....-. ma. 1.-11 aDd PbU ..,_, drew 310 b1 Dr. aDCl .... -a "* AD*e tron ot honor. Sbe wore a pink pa.rtSd.,.m. fnlm CGmpa.IM!I'Oe ol at tbetr Balboa 1alaDd home. nylon do(ted s.n. cown. full eo.ta )(eaa and the Centaurs of o.rhe Dock." skirted In ballerina lmcth with Corona del Mar. ------ a scoop neck. Daisies were appll. High polnt winners for the K H I d qued on the ak1rt and a pink Companeros were Joan Cantu . appas 0 tufted veU formed her headpiece. and Sam Edney: tied for first. The bridesmaids. Mrs. Donald High •Point winner for Centaurs Ann u a I Tea Trablne of Fresno and Mrs. An was Bonnie McKay. Also taking drew Knox of Corona del Mar. first places were: bare-back plea. were dressed similarly to the ma sure, Dockle Lomax; western tron of honot. They all carried horsemanship, J o a n Cantu: nosegays of plnk roses sur Jumper class. Judy Fowler: Fig. rounded by white carnatlbns and ure eight stake race, Dockle Lo- tJed with pink ribbons. max: 2.man relay. Sam Edney The groom's brother, Robert and Robin Swinford; pote.bend- Watts, served as best man, and lng, Judy Fowler: quadrangle ushers were Richard Runnel or stake race, Sam Edney; run, ride Costa Mesa. Frank Waltze of San and lead, Joan Cantu: rescue Diego and James Smith of South race. Sonny Barnes and Sam Gate. Edney; boot race, Judy Fowler; Floating gardenlu I n t h e trail class, Joan Cantu: western punch and surrounding the pleasure. Linda Nelson; stock brida l cake decorated the recep horse, Joan Cantu. lion for the newlyweds. which • • • was held at the Newport Elks August 18 a taco dinner was The Kappa Kappa Gamma Alumnae Association ol Southern Orange County is holding Its an nual tt-a this a ft ernoon (Thurs day) at 2 p.m. at the home or Mrs. J. Thomas Swanson. 207 Emerald Bay. Laguna Beach. HostessH are the officers: Mrs. Robert StraiUU or Newport. president: Mr•. Jack Hilton of Santa Ana, viC'e-presldent; Mrs. Tom Collier oC Santa Ana, secre tary. and Miss Ruth Maxwell or Corona del Mar, treasurer. ULTRA-MODERN 10 ARTHUR MURRAY Corona del Mar SPECIAL 1. 2:. 3. DAICIIII LESSOIIS COMPLETE AJf AL TSIS OP TOU. DM CIXGI liZ I'IIN ATE LEUOIIII "'OYer w · CJa • -Now Forming! * * COlE Ill TOllY * 3523 E. Coast Hwy., Coron a del Mar Ol'phOIM Harbor 1925 For Ap pointment! DA VIS-IIOWI CO. Ll~ ~-~~arboR ams.. eo.ta .... Lodge. Mrs. James Smith assisted held at home of Joan Cantu. with the reception. Mrs. Bergeron Tacos were prepared by Marilyn received In a turquoise lace aft. Walker and Wnda Nelson. Helt-n emoon dress with pink acces Matthews. president of Centaurs. sories and a pink orchid corsage. was guest. Mrs. Watts wore a beige bro • • • King Studios 1101111'1 / Llll IIIIET wtaiAI.I..m September B. 191&5 Newport Beach, Calli. Summer's Swan Song Time: Last Friday, the bealn. nlng ot the MemortaJ Day Week- end ... Temperature: Hot ... Top Song on the Hit Parad~ for the last couple ot days: "W~'re Having a Heat Wave" ... Scene: "I'm Your Red Hot Mama from Yuma, You Otta See M~ Strut My Stuff" ... Action: Crowd.l of happy carefree 1\J)'S and dolls making ready tor the Jast bll lazy week.end of the seuon . . . Summing them up In one word ... I'd call them just plain old comfortable ... They like being here . . . They come In their bare feet and various stages oi dress or undress u takes their fancy ... I I could give you some vivid descriptions. but rm alrald aom~­ one will recoenlze themselves and start blushing!. * * * TbCMlgb the CJ'DUt9"• •low G8d the u... Ia fl'oat of tile ~ staacla l.oa9· tllOM pla'fiD9 tbe part ill thJ.a Sbopwau:wa. atW IDGI.Dtaba tbeU Cllllllfomlb~ ••• Tbey .... to •Joy ..... ....... "rrMy .... to clla9 .. thJ.a lan ••kmd ••• WI* we CDa..ld ••• We'd Ub It to 90 - Cllld -fonftr . . • What my bot Utue b~ _. leebly at. tem p tlD9 to MY l.a ••• T-B·A-lf·Jt.l ••• all yoa CIIIGl· fortele people • • • Pew c:t.oo. iD9 oar Marbt to be CIOIIlfon. ab .. ill .•. Tbalab -tel11a9 yoar frteada aboat aa wlaea you 90 badt .._., tlaaa -. C1bUJ19 aa to ...._ -. ... trs.da ..ta ,... ... Tlllaab ... : ........... .,.. .,....,__ .. . . .. A llrl~t ...-to Jot cbm in your nttte remem~ book ..• The ~lnl ot. our new Flower Shop offers another ..rvice you'll find useful for the friends you've lett behind ... A phone call, le-t ter or telegram wiU wnd bread and butter bouquets (thank& I had a lovely tlmel ... Rope You Get Well Soon Remembrances .. . In Deepest Sympathy Sprays .. . Birthday and We-dding Congratu. lations to the friends and rela- tives you lett behind ... Robert Schroder, who comf'S to us from managing the Flower Shop In the Hilton Hotel. can make Oowers say the niC'est things ... Parties! So many times all that's needed is that one utterly per. feet Oower arrangemt-nt ... Bob Is a regular encyclopt'dla regard. ing parties. Big dlnnt-rs llttl~ cocktail gt-t togetht>rS . Ht-'11 not only help you w1th Oowers. but will oome up with loads of other ideas ... help you set a reeular theme ... Churches. Weddings SAT rr WITII caded sheath dress w1th brown Companeros have elected the accessories and orchid Oowers. following officers: Robin Swln- The new Mrs. Watts wore a ford, president; Sam Edney, vice deep turquoise silk shantung president; Lea Westlall. secre- dress wtth white accessories tary: Sonny Barnes.. treasurer. o/B~~~ too ... Men! He's there and can fix a hurried gardenia In a min- ute ... Take the time to b~ through our New Flower Shop . . . St>e the big refrigerator cases ot fresh cut Oowf'nl .. . the artistic arrllngemt>nts .. . Then the next time a po8)' passes St&n4ard a b a d • OotU and Culltom SpedaJtJee e Draper)' B ard war ~ • Venetian Bl1n&L .......... c.a ... ~ ... .................... when the newlyweds left on their • • • honeymoon trip to Las Vegas. Mesa Boots and Saddles met Bryce Canyon and Zion National Aug. 29 at Costa Mesa Park. It Park. She ls a graduate of New· wu a pre-kickoff dinner for the port Harbor High School. as ls membership drive, starting to- her husband, Who al8o attended day, u well as the regular Au· Orange Coast Coll~e and USC. gust meeting. PoA 291 ol the American Leeton. NeWport Beach, enter- tained the women of the Auxlll· ary at their lut meettnc held Aur . ,. ln the A.mer1can t.erton Hall. Kenlleth JobMOn. aecond-vtce president. provided the proeram of entertaln.meftt. Paul Buell. oi t.be VeteraN CouDRllnl ~. llpOke on ~vkle and aatatanc.oe for veteran~ aDCJ clependeeta. Mr. Buell Is a Pvrple Heart Vet· enm ot wcwtd Wu 1 and World Wu 2. save m oney ............. ._....,.,..,.M.tuer• ············~ :· Gt -¥';'1 : ·~~· ~ ....... ...... ~ • •••• ••••• • • •••• • • • • ••••• . -. ..... ---. • p tto.,.. • fi). -~: .. j ••• 018 •111 ............ )MOVIe o..te NrMOlT ~ e.t.&.We c.e.r ~ A....m-giftft ~ lftclt¥1 .... .., ........ iNtriiC•·· --1M .. more fwt eftd .,..._ pap_l..,_ "Wt.t it'• .... to O.C." c.l H.t. 6011 • 0... ram.. hcry FrWcy Esarlltt a-. .... ...,_ .. 11 .. ... .. .. ,.... .... ••• .. Ffw., __.... ..... your mind. you'll quench that thirst for n owers that come In flrst ... * * * Coaat ,._ bl '"" ..... u......s ·-•to.-.e~ ... nua ,_.. cnp .. ,_d,. --. .a-tic ......._ btladlan. w.n. ...... c:UIIeo ,..u ..... .. UMd .. .....,_. ... .... -~...Uiry'te ..... ..... ••• ,. • ..... die ddt .. ........................ ...... Ed Anderson to Be Insta ll e d Edward Mdenon. crandllon of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. s.delmeler, 441 E1 MOO.na Avenue, Newport Height.. will be lnstalled u Mutft' Couna.llor of the Orange Cout Chaptn, Ordn of DeMolay, at a public lnAallatlon of otfl. cer. a t 8:00 p.m. Saturday In the Friday Att.rnoon Club Hou.se In Costa Mesa. Other officers to be Installed a re : Robert Rager, senior coun. allor; Earl Guatkey, Jr., junior councilor ; Tom Niquette, senior deacon ; Jerry Klnfather, junior deacon; De Wayne Klnsfather, aenJor steward; Kenneth Grlewt!. junior stewa rd ; Russell Gam. mon. orator ; Terry Dallas, scribe ; Ted Fish, treasurer ; Edward GJb. son, sentinel; Richard Carter . chaplain ; David Melcher, mar shal; Eugene E lman, standard bearer; Alan Borris, almoner; Frank Glasgow, first preceptor; Donald Wright, second precep tor ; Gene McCandllsh. third pre ceptor ; John Ha zlett, fourtt\ pre ceptor; George Hood, fltth pre. ceptor ; Bruce Nichols. sixth pre- ceptor; Bernard McNair, seventh prect-ptor ; Walter Howald , h is- torian. AKEmCA 1R P ASIIJOIIS wt.U be !)nM'Ilted Dat Tba.nc!a!'. Sept. 15. crt tile lfewport Barbor Tacht Club wbea the Col. WWJam Cclbe11 Cbapter of DU pnMDta Ita aDDual beDeflt l.wlebeoa. Model.a (left to rlgbt) )ln. P'nmda DawND cmd Mn. Jllc:ba:rd This 'II Teach Him to Pick ClBL POB TilE CABBOLLS Little Miss Lynn Susanne ar. rived Monday, Aug. 29, at Hoag Hostlpal. She Is the daughter of Mr. a nd Mrs. Tom Carroll. and the grandda ughter of Mrs. Chau. cey York of 226 Poppy Ave., Co- rona del Mar. The Little lady weighed In at eight pounds, six ounces. on Home of Ex-Police Chief A Clessified Ad in The tnsiqn brinqs immediete re sults! C ell Herbor 111 4-1 II 5 end orove it! A boy attempting to stt'al a shotgun from the home of former Newport pollee chief R. R. Hodg klnson was frightened away by Mrs. Hodgkinson. Nt>wport pollee reported last Thursday. -Mrs. Hodgkinson drove Into the garage at 117 VIa Dljon. Lido Isle. and left the door OJ>f'n a nd light on so her hus band could drive In la ter. She went Into the house. leaving the door un. lockPd. Later she heard a knock on the door. When she started tor thP door It opened and a boy reach ed In to pick up a s hotgun In a leather case standing just lm~tcle the door. CAWII AU AUTEUR ARTISTS * CIIIWre1 no lie II llr1w, 'alii or ...... Wll A FREE ART SCHOLARSHIP Follows these simple rules: 1. Draw, palnt or &ketch at home any picture of your own choice, In pencU, wat~color, oil, charcoal, putela. or a ny medium you ~n. 2. F.ntrant may be a ny chlJd amateur artlst between the ages of 6 o\ 13. No professional work may be entered. 3 \ONTEST ENDS SEPT 20 Bring youT work ,,. the Brat Shop. Costa MMa, on ,,r b£>f(Jre Saturday. SPpl. 20. 4 Judging will takl' placp Tuesday. St>pt 22 by Tht.'lma Pa d ti<K'k !lope an<l Jay Thompson Winn~ng Pntri"" will t)(> rl1-. pl.tyNI at t he Brat Shup rm and altN that d al<' 5 TWO WINNERS WILL BE CHOSEN : nnp in a~P ~mup 6 9. onl.' in age group 10 13 6. ~kholarsh!ps for th!' Zonta Club spttnsort'd Winter art c iao; M'S for children on nalbua Island will bP awardPd w innprs Nothlag to buy-no tickets a.c:.eeary Just lhow your dnrw1D9 lldll. Plc:ture abould ba...e your DCDDe cmd Cld- dreu oa the back cmd your age. The boy n ed without the shot. gun. Mrs. Hodgkinson ran out doors In time to see an old model sedan with a young girl and boy In the front seat drive south on VIa D!jon. She told pollee other persons were In the back seat. Unsung Commercials A free back to school movie Is being oUered Saturday afternoon by Joh n Oxford, manager of the Port Thea tre, Corona del Mai. The matinee will Include a n Ab- bott and Costello feature plus severa l short comedies. The show Is scheduled for 1 p.m. • • • Two free a rt sch olarships are being offered by the Brat Shop, Costa Mesa. The awarcb will be made on the baals of amateur dnwtnp of chlldren between the ages of 6 and 13. Judges lor the contest will be Thelma Paddock Hope and Jay Thom pson, both Ha rbor area artists. W inning art lsts will receive free scholar ships to the Zonta Club spon sorPd art c lasses. • • • I Mro; Joh n Ha rtleln of Ha rt Jeln"" FlowPrs and Gi fts. Corona I 111'1 l\tar, I'! IPavlng this morning fur San Jcn>t> to attend the Sev Pnt h Annual Convent ion of the • Cn!Uot nla Sta te Florists Assocla t!on. which upens tomorrow a nd c-ontinues through Tuesday. MOTOR IUIU'fS" Df CAFE An electric motor In a roof vPntlla tor bur ned out. ca using $.'15 dam age In the Jolly Roger Caft>, 203 Marine Ave., Ba lboa Isla nd, at 9 a.m. last Thursd ay, tht> Newport Beach tire depa rt m<>nt reportt>d. BALLS RETtJRJf HOME Aftf'r a summcr a t Mt. LasS<'n :"itl lflnal Park, tht> R. J. Ba ll" havf' rN urned to their hnme at :lJ~ Iris Avf.' .. Corona del Mar. AIIOUIICIII the opening of fall classes in: TOE TAP BAJ.LET -HAWAIIAN BALLROOM BATON TWIRLING DIRECTOR DORO'nfY JO SWANSON • • • • • • has juat returned from a two month tour acroa the country u a fa culty member tor NA'nONA.L ACADEMY of DANCE and AFFIUATED AllTISTS . lfEW'LiW:t:DI Mr. -d Mn. h d IDeta ofllc1ally C'llt tbe ....U., cab followlllg tbelr ~t -~ Tbe bride 1a tbe ....._ Nlu Lornriae IUlllDp. da\aghter of Mr. cmd lin. P. Boyd StUlbap of Corona del Mar. Tbe cpoom 1a frOID Loag Beac:b. (Foto by Folaom) Miss Lorraine Stillings Is Bride Of Bud Klein of Long Beach Chi Omega Sorority sisters or the brldP, drPssed In orch ld tulle and crystaline gowns a nd carry lng orchid asters, compllm('nted Miss LorrnlnP Cla udette Stillings as bridal att en~nts nt hPr wed d ing to Bud Klein on Wednesda y evening, August 26, at the Co rona del Ma r Community Church Booths Aid Fund Drive Twenty booths wil l provide fun and profit at the Fund Fair to be h t>ld Ckt. 1 at the Rendez vous Ballroom, under the spon sorshlp of the Hoag Hospital AuJCIIIary. Among the top attractions wiiJ be the record boot h, where a uto graphed Recorda by Johnny Mer. cer will be available. Something different at the White Elephant booth Is being promised by Mra. John Dodge, who Is In viting all donations- from a kitchen apoon to a n ocean going yacht. A telephone call to Harbor 2112 will bring transpor. tatlon for the dlacarded treas.. The bride, Wh'l l.i the da ughter of Mr. and Mrs . F. Boyd Stillings of 216 Da hlia Ave .. Coro na del Mar, was escorted to the altar by her father. She wore a nylon tulle gown with lace applique over traditional white satin. Her fingertip veil was held In a tiara of seed pearls a nd pastel sequins. Her bridal bouquet Included white carnations and stephanotis. The groom Is the son of Mrs. Raymond Hazlet and John J. Klein, both of Long Beach. His attendants lncJuded Ronald Pies cia, his cousin from Lafayette. ns his best man. the bride's brother. Fred Stillings, and a Lambda Ch i Alpha Fra ternity brother, Jack Arnold or Los Angeles., as ushers. Mrs. Jullene Ferguson of Santa Ba rbara was matron ol honor and Miss Ann Schlegel of Ma n hattan Beach was bridesm aid. Pink candles and a l81e bows. and pink larkspur with white glad- Iolus decorated the church, where the Rev. Edwin Gomke read the marriage vows.. Mll8 Margaret Scharle of Corona del Mar played organ selections. Pink and white decorations were also used In the aoclal hall of the cl)urch, where a reception for th~ bride and aroom wu held Immediately following the cere. ures. rnony. Aalstlng wtlb the reccp In anticipation of the coming tlon were the groom'• aunt, Mra. holidays, Mra. Charles Lamb will Earl Plescia, MIN Janet Mon. a have charge of a booth h oualna cloee friend of the bride. and unusual Chrlstmaa decorations. membet'a of the PrlacllJa Guild or Mrs. Ray Dike wUI be In charge the church. Dor:othy Jo Dance Studio of the blda at the antique booth. Mra. Stijllnp received aue.ta where the articles wiU be sold In a n aqua ribbon knit dreM by ".tlent auctJon." Hall to vie with matdllnr bat and a c:onace with Hedda Hopper'a will be of white carnations. '!be troom'a round at the hat booth pralded mothn wore a white rardenJa over by Mn. Lawrwnc» Spr&.JUe. c:ona1e on a pink talleta dr-. wh11e the KJk'ben Korner wUJ be Sbe wore a matdllnJ pink hat. t•nded by Mra. a. 1. Collins and After a bofte7moon tn northem Mrs. Bertha nuot..on. A Jlamor-Calltomta and Oftton the JOUftJ lur rummaae tale, with c:lean couple wtu lJw tn lnrl.-oo4. artJcl• In tlp.top condition will .men the bride wm tad~ Jdn. be ftatUJ'ed ln the Outrrown derrarten thla tatr: a.n4 the CJothlnJ Booth headed by MIL rroom wtll continue bll lltvcJI• D. M. Humuoft. 'nae Oounntt 1ft educ.tlon until add-wtntar. MC'Ubn wtll lnducle cbalmwm Tbe MW Jf.n. m.tn pl4uateid Mra. lrvlnr Watcher, Mn. wu. ,.._, 1a.nta krMra ln.fteh of Uam Mlrarne. Mrt. blph Tan-tbe U. of Calllornla. ... wa1 a clowlky, MN. rtaMta Daw.on. .,..,.._ of Delta Jllal VpetlcJiil Mrl. ".U C•• OG and Mn. ZU.. bGftor ~ M ..0 a ad worth IItts. A llilall ,.,., Modl om.p. fte .... wt11 .......... far ,.,........,.. WID w b•W ., en.. U1C Ia ~ ... .. 2SJS E. eoc.t Highway, Corona del Mar, Mn. Jolaa c. ............... ,. ...... ., ldl ............ . laell ;;;:a wiD baw a Oralt •••• ~ tW 01C lud _. ... 01 2 I I.L Harbor 3-499 LA-UNA BEACH BACK TO SCHOOL SAYINGS HAND-LASTED SPORT SHOES 5.90 For back.to-school, for market- Ing, for leis ure -Penney's sport casual with Tra.Jioc coa.atructloca for the smoothest fit ever. In brown or black u.ootb leatbk. bodllo ...... Sanitized. 4-9, B. CUSHION SOLE MOCCASIN TYPE OXFORDS 4.98 The low down on comfort ... a foa m cush ion sole oxford! A hiJ:h note for good looks . . . the sm art looking ralaed seam ; the quality brown leather. A favorite with boys and alrls alike! Sanitized! 1 .... 11/a-12 ........................ ... hrfect ........... f4ld1 aldJ1s-~· -DDtlli - looii.ID9 aweat. ~•Ia or finest Orion apectally itpUn for extra sottnesa. They wash beauUfuiJy, never need blocklna. You'll find them ln a huge ra nge or mix match colors. slus 34 to 42. cardlgcm . ········· 4·• allpo.,.er GIRL'S GYM SHOES 2.79 . 2·· Perfect for aporta! AU..aooa.d dudr UP'P"• ddU ~ • ..,.... c:uabJoa l.uolel ~t for active comfort. Wlalt.. alMe 4 to ., Scmltbed ,_ d -...... SADDLE OXFORD FOR BOYS AND GIRLS! 4.98 Slaee 131/~. C & D The saddle oxford ... coveted s hoe In the young people's world-perfect for ~ft'Y Walk. lng, for every playlnJ bout! Brown, wblt& combfnatlona with white eole and heel. San. ltlzed! s .... .., ............................... 6AI PE Ey 'SLAGUNA BEACH 238 BROADWAY. LaguDa Beach STORE HOURS 9:30 to 5:30. SAT. 6 P.M 1 HOUR FREE P.ADJNG IN REAR COMING!! tlleAU.JmW -fBMIY-111 Se~a1Jr er Slxtee..,_. .. lfliJTJltJJlll7 a 1TJLl1lJiUJJt& a u " .APOR T '/ ) C<lA7('"'A .'f. ~ ... · 4 •' · 1111, ... Firat Iii! More Donations Sought To Aid Navaio Indians "PIIITEI IF TIIPK.I" Paul B--.14 Gild Patrl* .,..,,oo nEE!! ................ SlllniiJ I J& ''IUCI PIIVI TES" starrlnr Abbott A Costello plus comedies. Starta WedllnMr, hpt. 14 "TilE .IT IF THE HU,TER" with Robert Mitchum A Shelly Wlnt.ma -PLvs- "TEI WAllO lEI" Oct. 11 will be the date of the next trlp to bring needed sup piles to the Navajo lndlnns In northern Arizona, Danny Davy announces. Davy ha.s a list of known destl tute Indians and plans to ma ke d eliveries to them peorsonally. ··t need someone with an emp ty garage In which to store ma terlaa untU the trip," Davy said. "Everybody wanta to help the Indians. I won't turn a ny help down. but give them somethlne worth while. They need shoes, but keep them separa te from clothing. Canned goods Is one of the main things needed." Davy has made three trips so Car this year. There are a pproxl mately 80.000 Indians on the Navajo reservation of some 200 square miles. ''The government &hould help them more," aald Davy. "Our government hu helped people ln every country In the world but they are not helping our In. dian friends Jlke they should. They should be doing 10 times as much a.s they are dolnf." The Indians should be aJJowed to h elp themMlves and not be I I . "..., I I ' I . ~ "'-.. I , ·, .. , . ... . . .' ~ ~ r • • 1, t • "" 1 ·. " .. :, , · • • NOW WALKERS 10~ • SANTA ANA.-IIPII at ._. ·f', • • DRIVE -IN -. lC TH EATRES C) ~ COM ! AS TOU Alii ~-H TH E JAMI LT {ldl * SBOW STARTS AT DUSK • -?Jf .-r ,.,.. a~ e llln.D OV&Il • forced to lr)" and change their ways, Davy pointed out. ''I fought In 13 battles against · the enemy In World War II. I thought r fought for' freedom but I see the Indians living like dogs," he said. He dl.scovered the plight of the Indiana while hunttnr bear and elka In the Ute Indian country about five years ago. A Jot more could be done by different clubs by donating money to dig water wells and to provide food and baby supplies, he h as poillted out. "Every d ay you're waiting. someone Ia dying over there from starvation," he added. He has not accepted any money for Indian welfare because a bank or other organization Is needed to ket>p a record of fundi received and d ls. trlbuted. ''The Indiana need water, food. medical aupplles and schooling for their, younger generation, for they are the ones that wlU change. not the old ones," he salct Help Ia needed to sort do- nations. washing clothes and mendtnr. On the last trip the tractor trafler from the Newport Harbor Bu.Ualo Kanc:h wu uMd. Davy bopea to auemble enouch su~ pUla to Joe4 the .... aeml.t:ra.l* ., tt c:ut '-....c~ •ratn. Glamour Glimpses Somewhere In those panting August "dog Days" the sun got stuck and rolled right In to Sep- tember playing the same tune-- like a broken record-It's hot: It's hot! It's hot ~ But do n't you mind. honey chile. you just come on over to O'BRIEN'S, where the rest of our cool and clever cust o mers h ave found plenty of crisp and cool. cool cottons to beat the heat. Enjoy your pa tio wafts of nlr In a new wlltless cotton dres.'! de~lgned especially to help you BEAT THE HEAT. If you baTe a boalDeu ap. polatiD•t caul feel tJlat you IDUit look a bit fall cmd hl9b faahioa • • • CIOIDe iD caul ... CYaatEN'S beauWul coUectioD of clartt cottoaa . • • ..-.r 110 comtonable. but up oa fall faahloa.. CDK COIIOI1J'In'TT cau ... The HrmOn topk fOt the du pJI . cate aerv1Cf11 ot morntne worship Sunday In Corona ~I Mar Com. munJty Chureh will be "What Ia The Bible!" Tbe Rev. Edwin Gomke hu uked that all Hl&b School Studenu lnter..ted In PUgr1m Fellowship meet at the churc:h at 7 p.m. Sunday. • l 'oo Lnte to CICIM!ty S5 PER MO. REN'l'S &ood prac.-tlce pla no. Let the klddles learn. All terms rent ll you buy later. Da nz.Schmldt, :520 No. Main. Santa Ana. 100 pianos. Home or the Hammond Organ. EXPERIENCED W AITRE'""ss-=--w-a_n_t ed, aiM dlahwasher. Apply any time. Isla nd Pntlo RetJtaurant. 300 Marine, Bnl. l.4land. FOR RENT: 2 bedr. unfurn . large patio. c.-lean, comfortable $100 per mo .. yrs. ll"aS(>. HA 2422 YEARLY RENTA~Furnlshf.'d moder n one bedroom apart ment. $85 pe-r month. Also studio apartme-nt S55 J)E'r month. utilities l n c.-I u cJ f.' d . AvaJiable Sept. 15. l.oul~ Apartments. 308 Carn ation, nr Seaview. HA 4016. HELP WANTED: Apt., board and salary tor younee couple or 2 girl ltudenta. HA 2897. • AIIOUICIII • CLARENCE L. COOPER, INC . DEVELOPER 5 Exquisite Bay VIew Homes <ONLY 3 l.EFTI by John B. Cla rk, Quality Builder located on Harbor Island Road • • • Feature!~: e 4 bdrm .• 3 bdrm., or 2 bdrm. A den • 3 baths e Shake Roof e 2 flreplaces e Swlrnmlne Pool "If desired" • Lot sJua averaee 65' x 125' e Restricted ana e Clever Pro¥lndal. Bawallan ........ ~ ...... e Forced A1r B•t. Garbqe DtspoaJ. We.ttnrhou.se Dlshwuher e Beautiful Paneling e Large Sunny Patios e Expensively Landscaped e Wlred Cor HI Fidelity Music e Fine Cabinet Jnstallatloru e Built In Electric Stove lr Oven e Built In Ba r lr RE'frlgt>ratlon e Dellghtrully decorated Shown by a ppointment only to Qualified Clients For preview showing Call John Ab<-11 HARBOR IIVESTIEIT CO. REALTORS Ha rbor 1600 Eventne Phone U 8-5386 ......... n. ............ 1 Th1a emine nt doctor hu decided to aell his out.sta nd· tn, Balboa Jaland home lo- cated near North Bay Front. Consider these features: 3 bedrs., 1 ~ baths. rt>al tire pl., g arage. 2 largt' lovely patios lr BBQ. Completely fum . C1V, blankets. llnel'\1, etc.J; shore mooring with 14. ft. fibre glass boat nr. public pier ... Paddleboards. beach equip. Truly an ex<.·eptlonal value • ISUID REALTY CO. 498 Park. Balboa Island HA m I CUFF HAVEJJ with den dining room . 2 baths. pine a nd copper k itchen, Hot Point oven lr range. hardwood nrs.; Huge Jot with permane nt v iew, swimming pool. tiered patio. completely fe nced. SubmJt terms WIUROI IULTY 308 Marine Ave., Balboa lsland Harbor 234 CI- 2-IM,...H••• fireplace, nice patio, close to markets A transp. R-2 zone. room for another unit. Drive by 513 Jasmine Ave., Corona del Mar, and then call me! CUIIE VII H .. B.E.AL'IOll 2'711 W. O>llllt Jfwy., l'ewport u 8-4ZT1 FDI SALE: ., ,...,, Corona del Mar, 3 ....... 2 .. .., ~ern honoe, turn. rental apt. a ttached . . . close to Harbor VI~ School and pro posed parochial school ... everything buiJt.{n Including dishwasher, disposal, etc. En closed patio and 2-ear earage with work bench . . . call H a. 2506-M. SALE SECOND AN NIVERSARY SPECIALS 1 sma ll Steinwav. Ilk(' nt'W 1 new Baldwin G'rand. gn~at ly reduced. 1 used spinet $450. La•ri• ......... Pia•• Co. :!610 E Coas t Hwy .. CDM 1\ I your p·.ntrnq needs will be hondled conveniently &nd court- eously in the comple te ly,.quip- ped Job Printinq Deportment o f your H&rbor Are& Newspo~r. If It's o f prime conei!rn to you that 5Chool starts next Monday. then you'd better hurry on over to O'BRIEN'S while we lUll havE' such a wide selection of back.to. school cloths for the eats. In eluding a ll those high school reg ulatlon wardrobe Items. Yt'S. honestly, we have skirts In char. coal. blac.-k or navy; blouses and dickeys. even the regulation jumper (just ask our Jr. Coun selor). And sweaters! We have nearyt.hl.a9 In sweaters -orlons. bulk orlons. fur blends. acrllon, cashmere In 1-ply and 2-ply. We have hlgh.fuhlon styles and eluate .tyles. cardigans and pull. ovfl'S. lona. short and ~ lenrth aleeves ... or no alMWS at all A Cl&uified t\d in Tl\e Ensiqn brinqs immediate resul~l C olt The EnsiQn, 11().4 C oost 81 .. COM t\ JJUl LJ T • f(lf?J(JI ) • •ow • P OJ\0 OI ~'IH-1 ,. :.... COMING!!. ...... , ...... 5e"'t-er SlxteeRIIa Aad -.ca. Ont -... -.r-r..t. O'aAIEJI.. ...... .. .... duA.a ........ .t.ltdiled •· ._, • ......_A..__ ... .. ._ Ia betJl WI til-..ct ·-···-Want to aave a bot trlp Into the blf dtyf The local stores haw oodJ• of beautll\ll mer . eha..ndlte to show you. We rive 70'1 • penonallnvttaUoft to drop IRto O'DIEN'S -today. tom« row, &1\Y daf. l:"lo rbor I I 14-1 I I 5 end orove itl l'NFURNISHED FOR $35.000 a truly charming vt~ home of 2 bedrooms a nd dPn with lovely patio ... 2 used brick fireplaces. bNnoed c.-eUJngs. b lrt'h panellne. Fort'ed Alr beat ... Exterior ot redwood a nd used brick with shake roof and :Z car garage ... 1500 sq. ft. of hou~ and the lot ls 6l1 x 155' de-ep ... Age 2 yrs .... t aus $378.96. LMIS W .... liS. .... i U E. Balboa Blvd . S.Jboa Phone Harbor 80 ~ R.-part -.c:ta aq JWl Complete ocnc. s.mc. Puklnt Avt.Uable Relax • • • "START UVING" IMMEDIATELY, rN IRVINE TERRACE OVERLOOKING THE BEAunFUL "SMOG YREE" Y AC'RTING CENTER OF NEWPORT HARBOR ''Southern California's Most Beautiful Subdlvlalon" Tomorrow's Dream-Today! WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO INSPECT COMPLETED OUR DISTINCTIVE FURNISHED MODEL HOMES AND OTHERS UNDER CONSTRUCTION NINE DIVERSIFIED FLOOR Pl..A.NS To the homt' buyer who wlsht>s to purc.-hase In the $.24.000 to $35.000 class we s1ncerely recommend the lrvwe Estates overlooking Newport Harbor. These homes feature California lh lng Offered exclu-alvely through Earl W. Stanley In a Smog.Free area known as Irvine TerraC'e-On Coast High way opposite the new Irvine Coast Country Club, Newport Harbor. * For recommendation. we refer you to anyone wbo hold<~ a l.euehold Estate in Irvine Terrace. Beacon Bay, Bayshores or Cll.tf Haven. Earl W. Stanley EXCLUSIVE AGEm'S Phone Harbor 4448 For Fu:ther Information Vogel Value CIIIU DB. Ill ·-·· ........ .,,.3, ... 2 bedr. home. hdwd. n oors, patio. disposal and extra large panelled room In rear t hat rould be convm ed to an attractive renta l Fine for both winter and summer rentals-the location Ls THAT good. • • • We have 4 units that brmg In $340 per month that we're proud of Thl'S(> can be bought ri9bt--be sure to ask about them. too THE VOGEL CO. l667 E. COAST HWY. CORONA DEL MAll HARBOR 1741 HARBOR 1477 <Closed Sun days durin~ Aug.) 3 IElmFUL UIITS on BAlboa Blvd..--eorner lot-2 units completd)' fur. nlabecl Penna..nent oc:nn v~. larp sun daedc.. ~ block to ~. Ow-De ... vtna area. A rttal bu&'alo at ... & ......... . must an fast! • • • Waterfr•t piN anti n oat-2 I>Pdr hiJme plus 2 b(>dr 3pt (lt}tt\l' dbl RMd~f' Both rurnl~hrrl. Only s.:rl:.oo Out .. t.1nd1ng \'aluP and tl'rm~ l'\t•u L1do shopping .trf'a Owner \<'ry anx1ous to ~ll' ''lAY nOIT SPECI~STS" ART C KISTLER CO . REAL ESTATE 2091 Nrwport Blvt1 Nl'wport &>arh Harbor 5226. day or n•ght ----------------BEFORE YOU BUY TRY FRAIICIS J. HORVATH, Realllr OPE'O HC)l'~F.-~AT A:"f> Sl':" I > p m ~F'WPORT lSLAr\0 Dl'PLF.X ,tt ~til ~1 h S1 :l hf'flr & ~ IK'dr unite; Pr1cr $:.?1 ~.,on ="~'" L"<ll f"r SI2Uiil -1 BEnR It nf::"\ \'t~ta Tt:H t hnml' a t 2HI:l Prf""Jrtrnt Pl ('n~t a \1.--...t A I c•ond F u II pnc-1' S II !l(l(l 1"'" rtm .. n p.a)·m.-nt "" I"~Cr .tn '\t<>U' to ~f'il ~EWPORT IIElGUTS- 11 Spk It ~pan 4 1>1-rlr . 2 hath<: ~arg pat1o ne"IY palntt'd ms1de. nr h 1~h S<'hnol. $11.5(-.J 21 Spadou'l 2 level home. 3 tx-dr . 2 bathtt. 3 rar garg , fPn<'t'tl, cwf'r l.fll'lO .. q ft In hnmr A 1 rond . $2 1.500 Will trade for smalll'r home In H~. area UBERTY 8 5101 HARBOR 1428 2216 Npt Blvd . Co!'tta Mr~a J.l20 W Sal bon Blvd , Npt. ---.... , 11.1. 'S BEST IUYS On~ hlock to St Joa<'hlm School 2 ~liiiL, lllrftlltllleen, li-ft., IlL Room for 2 additional units. R~ntly rt--d('('C)ratM and only 9 yNra old F .......... Exct>llt'nt tf'T'l'N ava ilable . • Quldc ~ion W.L~I•••r -)lvU'll like our ~lendly ..vice tOO E. llth C'OIIta M Ubel1r a.ua~ • I I • . ENS1GN"'CCASSIFiE1S 33 New Teachers in Newport Schools 'Right-of-Way Grabbers' The Newport BMdl El.men-School tn Costa Mea. and one In the Jfewport Beach Elemetl· Are Blamed for Accidents ta.ry School Dlltrtc:t hu mtployed "*' In the Fremont School ln ta.ry Sc:booJ Dlttrlc:t. • CASH llATEB FOB f.IBGif WAHl' ADS 115 certlfteated penonn.-for the Santa Ana. .,la lenl.tta Bannon_ 'nlh'd O!ve. dob't pab, the rqllt.of· to tbe deatll tf MC rvtry. S.dly, 1 Time 2 Times 3 Times ~ 8Chool )'fl&r, Supt. Boy An· Mia. Lovell Lehman -Ftrtlt ,rade. Graduated from Lon wa,y. death oe-oceun tn thele 20 words or less .75 1.25 1.50 derleOf nth~~totaleea., 33 _ .. ,1 ...._ tr1adeo•· Graduated from OcdcJen. leach state and hu had a'l. Jtllbt.af.way pabben eaUMCS ~~ o--~~~ ~ald. 21 t 30 rd. 1 ()() 1 SO 2 00 .. wu """"' new ta llep and previously taulht 41Uonal wwt at UCLA. She one of .wry MWft tratfte aoc:t----t~Q~el--t rllbt. 0 WOS • · · to the Dlltrtct this )'MI. Seven In the Lquna Beach Schools and vtoutl)' tau1ht In the U~ dena lnW11111awel by tbe calJ. of • .-.y vtolatl.-pneeat Mtlou 31 to 40 words 1.25 2.00 2.50 ol thete were employed to oc-more recently In the Costa Mesa School fn Lonl Beach and In the fclm1a BJeJaway PaCIOl 4urlnl ~--l« ~t om. Each word ovei 40 .03 .05 .07 cupy nbew 1poeltl~~ made .. ~eces-t SchMoola. Sunnyalde School of Carden 11M. acoor4lq to a .tatement ~ U.. belt ·~ II f« aary Y ncrea"'""" enron.1uen. faa Nancy Sh~ta-KJnderl&r· Grove. reJeuec! from Patrol ll"dqU&r• DwtutiMa to ,setd ,_untarUy Cash must be received within 7 days of first insertion and the remainder are replacln1 ten. Tau1ht In the Buena Park Mtaa Lot. Smith F rth d ten by Com.rill.uoMr 1. a. Cald· ....,,.,. tbe l"*lbWt:J of con- • A ............................................ .&A............ former teachf!ta who are no School District. havln~ gradu-Graduated fro Se 0t't r:me. well. met arlees. longer with the Dlmlrt a ted from MacMurray Colle~e In Colle,e; prevlo~aly t~u ~t I~ th~ '"lbe key to all rtaht.of-way ''0\lr otrlcen have beert tn. REAL NICE 1-bedr. apt. for rent. Completely turn. near 15th and Balboa Blvd. ~ blk. from ocean and bay, $160 mo. Art Kistler, 2091 Newport Blvd .. Npt., HA 5226. f CHOICE Res.ldentlal lots on Del Mar Ave .. 'Costa Mesa, $2850 ea. Owner U 8.2643. roR RENT ........... . 1-BEDROOM house for rent. CDM, Furn. $80 mo. by yr. 5IYT Carnatlon. ALMOST NEW Completly furnished 2-bedr. CaPe Cod house. bath lr shower, kitchen, dinette, dbl. gar., enclosed patio; lot 30 x 118. 427 Heliotrope, CDM. $13,950. easy terms. See AnY- time. 3 bU<.s to beach-1 block to shops. NEW 2-BEDRM. turn. apt. 1-blk. to ocean or bay on Balboa Blvd .. Nr. shops, etc., $100 mo. Art Kistler. 2091 Newport Blvd., Npt. HA 5226. 2-BEDR. FURN. apt .. pvt. patio, auto. washer, dlshmaster, ga. rare. In lk>acon Bay. Pvt. beach, small boat tie-up. Win- ter rental $100 mo., yrly. $150. Utll. pd. No pets. AvaU. Oct. 15. HA 1240. FOB SALE HAMMOND ORGANS. World fa - mous. All models. AJso sever al bargains In used organs. You can save on these fine organs. Danz.Schmldt. 520 No. Main. Santa Ana. TRADE IN your old watch on a Ladles diamond Elgin. Wallace Calderhead Jeweler, 3123 E. Coast Hwy., CDM. BABY GRAND. Special. Only $495. Good tone and action. Biggest stock of wonderful grand pianos In Orange Coun- ty. Terms. Danz..SchmJdt Great Piano and Orean Store, 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. Home of the Hammond Ora'an. HIU..MA.N CONVERTIBLE. Vey good condition. New top. $475. British Car Service 2033 W. Coast Highway. Ll ~4T71. ELECTRONIC ORGAN. Save $410. Easy Terms. Danz Schmidt. 520 No. Main. Santa Ana. Home o( the Hammond Organ. SPINET P rAN 0 S. Wonderful buys. Some slightly damaged In shipment. Rental returns and trade Ins on organs. Mirror Type Spinets as low as $195. Easy terms. Danz.Schmldt. 520 No. Main. Santa Ana. Home of the Hammond Organ. PERSONAL MASSAGE In your home! Ladles only. For appointment. please call Ha 4795 or Ha 0292. TRADE TN your old watch on a new Hamilton. It means so much more to give or get a Hamilton. Wa llace Calderhead. 3123 E. Coast Hwy., CDM. LOST AND FOtnfD SLIGHT REWARD for return of 1 white glove lost In CDM. Sun. Aug. 21-or finder may buy re. malning glove cheap. HA 1114. The Ensign. SITUATIONS WANTED COUPLE DESIRE permanent wk. Man for maintenance. woman housekeeper. WLU work sep- arately. Trailer space No. 3. 22206 Laguna Canyon Rd., Laguna. WANTED: Ironing In my home. Mabel Whitman. 607 Margue. rite, CDM. HA 4279-1. CDM man would like gardening, clean.up, etc. Call HA 5684. Mel Upshall. Here ls the list ot new teachers, Illlnola. Rlct&'ecrest Sch 1 f s.!m dlspute. 11 the word 'yield.'" mucted to remaJn especially with the subjects they wlll teach • Miss Nancy Jane Canlson-Mrs. Nancy ~a:._Fttth e. ade CalcJwell pointed out ln eommen-alert tow rfabtof·W'aY Y'lolaUona SNIPE SAILBOAT, complete with trailer A: buoy. Phone Ll S 700 between 9 Lm. and 6 p.m. and brief accounts of thelr back-Second grade. Graduate of the Graduated from Arizona ~tat~ 'tlnl on the hflh pereentale of ln order to reduce the Jarp num-~':~ Eaalp Sdlool ~.'::;~7n °~h.?re.f~~ac!ndM:,: COHere anad formerly tauif\t In colllslon1 cauled by failure to ber of rlabt.otway accldent.a," be SUP FOR RENT, wtll ta.ke cruls. er. N.B. Rea&, sale and clean. Phone 3173-R betw~n 6 p.m. A: 8 p.m. werner Carlson_ Sixth grade. School In Bellflower. the C rand v 1 e w Elementary a~ender rtaht..of.way. ;.ca=u=U=o=n=ed.=========; Attended Conza~a University Mlu Elalne Holmes-Second School ot Phoenix. Arizona. 'The Jaw always lndJeates and Eastern Washington College grade. Graduate of Otterbein Col-Mra. Helene Kenney-Second whJch motorllt mu.t yield the of ~ucatlon. He formerly taught lege In Ohio. and previously grade. Formerly taught In the rllbt.ol-way, allO'A'ln.C a driver In the C~a Mesa Schools. taught In Ohio. Her most recent Newport School. She t. a gradu-to proceed ahead of another obly Mrs. Charlotte Carpenter -teachln~ experience has been ln ate of Redlands University. after tbe other driver hu Sixth grade. Graduated from USC the Monlux School In North • •ewport Scbool yielded. and formerly tau1ht In Long Hollywood. Mlsa Louise Michael-Kinder-"Many drivers, either deUber- Beach. She has also served as a MJss Dorothy Carl -Third garten. Graduated from the Unl-ately or becaUM they are miJdn. substitute In the Newport Beach grade. Graduate of MacMurray verslty of Southern Calllomla f~. ....ume that the rlJ,ht- Amerlcan Leeion 215 15th St. Elementary District. College In Jacksonville. llllnols, and La beclnnlnl }ler teachlnt tJI..way Is craDted to them lqaJ. Meetln""' 2nd-4th Wed. 8 p.m. John Mount -Sixth grade. and previously taught In the c~ ln Newport Beach. ly and aeem wt11Jn1 to defend It ........... s .. -,. ... •-Graduated from UCLA and pre-Evergreen School In Whittier. Mrs. Betty Hlldrdh -First SEJIVJCEI • vlously taught In Merced and Mrs. Marcie Hess-Third grade. grade. Graduate or usc. Her pre-·-T ..... Norwalk. Graduate of the University of vtous experience wu In the Glen. .._ lwp Ill liM Pro. )lcl•l Mrs. Harryette Fry-Sixth Calllornla at Santa Barbara and dale and Santa Ana Elementary I PI .11 .... ...1 ....... grade. Graduate of Whittier Col has served as a substitute Schools. I 1111• ...-.... FOR RENT lege. She previously taught In teacher In grades one through Miss Barbara Klrkwood-Sec· 8-MM 16·MM 35-MM the Stuttgart and Idar-Oberstein eighth In the Newport Beach ond grade. GraduAte of Whittier Pacific Telephone's lOO.OOOth and 16MM Sound Projectors American Schools In Germany. Elementary Schools. College and will begin her teach· Orange County telephone was FAST COLOR FILM SERVICE Mrs. Geraldine Barker-Home Mrs. Margie Richardson-Third lng career in the Newport Beach placed In service August 17 at Model Airplane Supplies economics. Graduate of Long grade. Graduated from LaCrosse Elementary School Dt.trlct. the Garden Grove home of Ma. .lrl "--·a •L.... Beach State College. She wlll join State College In Wisconsin with 1obn . Case-Fifth grade. Grad. rlne 1st Lieutenant and Mrs. Ed- uaa.f OIIUp the staff of the Horace Ensign additional work at the Unlver. uated from LaVerne College a nd ward E. Grebensteln, 11691 Eu- 1782 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa School as the first Foods Instruc. slty of Minnesota and UCLA . She has taken additional graduate dora Lane. The installation fol- Phone Liberty 8 •7042 tor employed In the District. previously taught In Palm work at UCLA Extension. Up. lowed a clvlc luncheon at the MIKE MYERS UNION SEJtVICE U. S. loyel Tiret Weshing & Polithinq Complete Lubriceti011 SetviGe FltEE PICK·U' & DELIVERY Pho11e Herber 3094 1701 E. Coe1t Highwey et Avec:.do HAVE YOU SEEN! 1ohn Granath-Soclal studies. Springs. land. and Los Angeles State In Greenbriar Hotel marklne the The new Watches, Diamonds, Graduate of the University of Mrs. Phyllss Grlmmett-Fourth Los Angeles. He previously occasion. a l'tER w1 edd1ing dRicn1gs. Costume California at Santa Barbara and grade. Student teache. In the taught In the Monte VIsta School Ten yean ago this month, ~p~gfr· ALS ewe ry an ocks ... Car-In Ontario th ~ ried by Ray Fields at his previously taught at the Fremont Santa Ana Schools. having com · ere were just 26.000 Pacific-new store. Elementary School In Alhambra. pleted her college training at Mrs. Louise Foote-Fifth grade. operated telephones In the coun. RAY FIELDS WATCH REPAIR Lewis Kidder-Instrumental Pasadena City College and Long Graduated from Alfred Unlver ty. Today'a total Indicates a 285 No Longer at Lido Drug see music. Graduate of the UnJver-lk>ach State. slty , Altr~. Ne-w York, and has per cent jump. Continued expan. s.ws TIDE hlm at new location lo the slty of Akron and later received Miss Nina Hixson -Fourth taken additional work at Colum. slon Is pr~lcted-to a total of _,.ALl ~ lapply "Vista Sho~~lng Center." his Master's De-gree at the Unl-grade. Graduate or UCLA and bla University. UCLA. and Fres-some 210,000 Installations by SIMa ~ Gal 19th Sl at acentla, Costa verslty of Southern California. will begin her teaching career In no State CoUeee. 1960. aou •ewpod aL •ewpod a..dl ~ u~s~ ~ts~~~~~~~u~the~~~~E~~~tary----~5=~---~~~~--~--------~==~=~~=~=~== one . y • Instrumental music Instruction School District. hop at the Crossroads Vill~e COMPLETE PAINTING at the University of Akron. prl-Miss Janet Coombs -Fifth w'j • • • e PAPER HANGING SERVICE vate school Instruction. and at grade. Gradwate ol Principia Col- HA 2976 HA 4446 EUGENE 0. SAUNDERS 500 31st Street. Newport Beach Paintmg -Decorating PAPER HANGING GEORGE BURKHARDT U~naed Contntctor 878 W. 18th Costa Mesa Uberty 8-8628 Uberty 8-6632 •••'zc••••l•• SERVICE 1-)'ea.r ruarantee on jobs done and on used wuhen. 2488~ (rear) Newport Bl., Costa Mesa. Liberty 8-4503 or Uberty S4327 CX)Mft.ETE LAJrDSCAPIJfQ SEaVICE FREE ESTIMATES SlrH Green Stamps Free delivery CORONA DEL MAR NURSERY HA 1038 2744 E. Coast Hwy. REPAIR AND Maintenance, painting, carpenter etc. Just anything. Reasonable. Satis- faction guaranteed. HA 0126.1. HELP W AJn'ED EXPER. WAITRESS wanted for Catering work. Mostly evening work. Apply Dorothy Marston. The Gourmet's Kitchen, '!7(17 E. Coast Highway. Corona del Mar. ACCOMPANIST for High School Choral groups. 3 hours a day. Must be a good sight reader. Apply 9 to 3 at Newport Har bor Union High School or Harbor 2959-J alter 6 p.m. Girls- YOU wtll have an opportunity to advance In our firm. because of our present expansion program. The starting salary Is good and you will receive fre- quent Increases, too. lobs now for: TELEPHONE OPERA TORS -Apply- 514% No. Main Street Rm. 211-Santa Ana 9:00 to 4:00 P..M. PACIFIC TELEPHONE present. he Is In 1uvenlle Court lege In Illinois with additional Probation work In Orange Coun. work at Long Beach State and ty. He will serve the District as Chapman College. She prevtous. Instrumental Music Instructor, ly taught In the Spurgeon School replacing Miss Norma Perkins. In Santa Ana. who Is now on leave of absence. e Cocoacr del NCD' School Mrs. Vwglnia Marston-Read-Miss Shirley McKelvy-Kinder- lng. English and social studies. garten. Graduate of the UnJvE>r· Graduate of the University of slty o! Nevadl! an~ will begin Caltfornla at ~rkeley and has her teaching career• In the New- been teaching In the Pasadena port Beach Elementary School City School4. District. David Olson -Vocal music. Miss Norma Goodwin-Second Graduate of the Unlveralty of crade. Graduate of the Unlver- Cal1Jcnlla and ~Y taupt elt)' cal lotlt .. .-n c;au,_,.. and In the Palm Sprlnp SchoolS. wU1 belln bft' teachlftl ea.reer Donald Mariti., who bu been on mJUtary leave tor the past two yean, Is returning to the Horal:e EnsJgn School as Met..l Shop Instructor. Mrs. Katharyn Saucerman has been employed as Librarian ror Business Directory the Horace Ensign School. Pre-J:Kitra.AKCE vtousJy she served as Librarian ------------In the Costa Mesa Schools and Lone Beach State College. The library ls a new addition to the Horace Ensign School e Jlad)oc View School Mrs. Mar~aret Ferguson-Kin dergarten. Graduate of Whittier College a.nd ha.s taught 3 years of Kindergarten In the Harper LaffeltJ ....... Wl11 Dhiq TtneJ 1ohn Lafferty of Balboa won the divers tournament Aug. 28 at the third anual Luau of the Newport Harbor Subarlners meet- Ing at Salt Creek, So. Laguna. Over 100 members and their ramJIIes and guests were present for the Polynesian feast. Ha- waiian and Samoan entertain- ment was presented by Ginger 1ack.son and MJles Nesbitt of Orange. Costume prizes were won by 4-year-old Martha Clark of Ana.belm, and 1ohn Miller of Balboa. INSURANCE "Be Sure-Insure" STANLEY INSURANCE "AGENCY Phone Harbor 2474 3315 E. Coast Highway Corona del Mar Res. Phone, Uberty S 7315 SCHOOLS & DfSTBUCTION REAL ESTATE Contracting Insurance Continuous da.y and evening classes for preparation to pass the State exam. Call or write For Information MUSIC CX>UUE OI'FEJI.EI) Newport Bea.ch Is Included In AL TYLER SCHOOLS a list of 56 80Uthern Callfomla 1611 N. Broadway, Santa Ana communities In whJcb Unlveratty of California Extenaton wUl open Kimberly l-3511 fall adult courses. A coune in KE1lo1 ~2513 Music of Today wU1 open on Tuesday, Sept. 13, at 7 p.m. at .va:LDIIIQ aU?fiJU Newport Harbor UnJon Hllh ____ ............. ,.,.. ................ ...,.,. ....... ....., School, Room 130, with Harry ll Edwall, a.ul.atant profeaor ot Mualc at UCLA. u lMtructor fOT 15 meetlnp. R.qist:ratlon wU1 be accepted at the openlnl ~n. For leHerte••• lftUiaMt c.l THE ENSIGN. HA-1114 I I CEMENT AJm BUILDING • •• on Newport BIYd. aboYe the Arc:b.. crcro. Freeway from Roav Hc.pltal Crossroads Values In Real Estate Multiple IJatinq No. 5721-New 3-~ Newport Heighbl- doWD payment S2rSOO. Multiple Liating No. 5863-Ruatic home on Catalina Dr--$16,500, terms. Multiple U.tinq No. 5903-16 units. Balboa Ocean Ft. Apt. Houae --$12.500 down. Laguna Beach .lew lot. sewer and water--$2,500 Full Price. JOHN VOGEL. Realtor 2nd fl.OOR CROSSROADS VILLAGE BLDG. ANYONE CAN AFFORD FOICED·AII HEAT PHONE Uberty 8-1617 IUY. OUITIIIS WE HAVE m 1101& Ja.LY m awav roar ~ IEE-IZ-E EVERYOIE lEADS AIID USES , ...... ADS ' taUMDAY.IDT. L a• MteBaumGivenTrophy From the roucE BLOttER e WDimDAY. AUG. Jl turDed on tM poreb llfht ... As Top IYC Athlete Mrs. Robert Witt of 29CM W. Davtd Mewqw.t. 30, ol Whlttle:r Oceu Front. Newport Beach, re-ran a .teel barbed 8peU into hls ported the theft of a $20 ~ left Index flncer wblle akJn dJv. duced at the pteaentatlon meet-whMI trlcycle . . • Bart Brown. Inc at •ctt Gully: Ute Guard Inc are Commodore Larry Stump, 18, of Arcadia wu takeft to Boa& tt. .,b Moore cut ol the spear Vice ColniDodoH Dick Brldcman, HoqttaJ tor trealmfmt ot a dJs. and Newqua.t was taken to Hoa1 Bear Cornmoclore BUl DeWitt. located ahoulder alter he lltrUdt HMpltal, where a phyatclan re- and Secretary.'J'reuu.re .leanne a aand bar whlle water aldlng moved the barb ... eo.ta Meu Thla year's all around Ju~ athlete, named last WMk at the Balboa Island Yacht Club's of. tidal trophy ~ntatlona at tbe Ba.lbo4l Yacht Club, wu Commo. dore Mike Baum. Runnft'll.up and all medal wln- nera, In order 9f their rank. were Mary Lou Uoyd, .John Herrtnc· ton, Jim Brldcman, Rand y Wright, Riehle Uoyd, Bill DeWitt, Wendy Blair, Bill Twlat and Mona Rae Barlow. Donor of the Dick Munroe Me- mortal Trophy to the BIYC'a moat outatandlnr athlete, El Munroe of Altadena. was on hand to make the presentation. The cup is In memory ol hla son, who lost hls llte with the Marines In the South Pacttlc In World War II. Trophlee were aho presented to winner of the Commodore SaJl. lng aerlea held the last Monday ln Auaun The Burl JohMOn Me- morial Trophy tor Balboa dina· hies waa won by Randy Wright. with Mona Rae Barlow as run. ner up, The Miriam Klrk Memor- Ial trophy for snowbirds was won by John Herrington with Mike Baum as runner up. Both tro. phles were presented by Felix Bangs of Balboa bland, who was tnat:rumental In teeurlnl the tro- phies tor the elub. Newly elected oUlcers lntro- CREDIT BUREAU .. w ....... Or-.. Coaaty (formerly of Newport Beaeb, Laguna Beaeb It eo.ta Mesa) m..,...A...._.o._• Uberty 1-7141 •....-t .... Jona These younc people will In the upper bay • . • pollee repbrted a maJQ{ tight rule the c:lub tor ~. e 'I'II1JIIIDAY. IZJT. 1 aolnc on In front ot Ernie's Bar. Commodore-elect Larry Stump Vlrctnta Steele of Santa Ana 471 N. Newport Blvd., Newport presented cltta to M.r. and Mn. wu taken to Hoal' Memorial Ret,aht.s, but Newport oUioera Gene Baum. parents of the retlr-Hoepltal from the Newport Pier round the partJolpants gone ln~ commodore u a token of !or the removal o! a fish hook when they arrived . . . Robert their help. Commodore Mike cauaht ln the rlna flnget"ot her Wolverton or 203 Sapphire Ave .. Baum presented clfta ol appre-lett hand ... A $50 rod and reel Balboa Island, reported the theft elation to other parents who was ttolen trom the cruiser, of two batteries valued at $20 worked this year, lncludlng Mrs. Deadline, moored oct Opal Ave. from hla car ... Karen Pearson, J. A. Seek, Mrs. Ronald Barlow and S. Bay Front, Balbo4l Island, S. of ~ Orchid Ave., Corona del and Mrs. Wyman Williams. He owned by Mr. Runner o( 201 Mar, wu treated at ~oag Me- alao presented the trophies for Topaz Ave., Balboa Island . . . mortal Hospital tor a cat bite: \he July and Aucust Salling Ser-Lewis Decker of 219-36th St.. her father. Edward L. Pearson. lee, won by Randy Wrlaht and Newport Beach, reported the loss brought the cat to the station Mary Lou Uoyd In the Balboa ot a !our-foot blue and red can· tor quarantine . . . Robert L. dinghy class. with Mary Lou vas raft valued at $14.95'whlch Maple of 126 Onyx Ave .. Balboa Uoyd and Randy Wright taking he left on the beach near 36th Island. reported the theft of an second places also. St. . , , Lara Gantz.el of 403 N. outboard motor canler from Junior Snowbird races were Bay Front. Balboa Lsland, re-Onyx and S. Bay Front. B.alboa won by Marshall Wrl&ht and 8111 ported the theft of a pair of Bal. laland ... Alllaon Smith, 4~.,ol Uoyd. Second places were won boa blues and a wallet contain-310 Amethyst Ave.. B a 1 boa by Georce Vandervort and Carol lng about S8 from an unlocked Island. wu bitten on th~ left Wlllia.JM and thlr4 places by Jllll car near UOO W. Ocean Front ·cheek by a doc, which oUicers Uoyd uaf Geq,ge Vandervort. Newport Be-ach . . . quarantined Linda Ann Senlor~latrd taces were won e rmDAT.I&rr. 2 Malian, 7t,i, suffered a cut arm by Pete b aJfllt ~ Baum, A younc peeplna tom wearing when a glass door &Jammed and with JIUt ucJ 1111 Cobert) a whtte * ah1rt and black pants broke. In the Waves Motel, New· takln~ -.eonc! p~ and Mike was soueht between hou.aes at port Beach; sh~ was taken to Baum and John Rerlngt.n tak. 308 a nd 310 Island Ave., Balboa. Hoag Memorial Hospital ... Ed· lng th1rdL at 12:04 a.m .... Cars driven by ward Rogers of 500 Beronla Ave., Anoth• hlgbUght of the an-Harry L. Trebley of 540 Hazel Dr., Corona del Mu, reported that his nual trophy program was a short Corona del Mar, and John E. black poodle do& died alter speec.h made by J. A. Seek. toun. Blsbop of Fllmore were involved being attacked by two monrr~l der of the nautical club tor tn an accident ln front of the dogs while he was walkJnr hla youna people from alx to 16 Balboa Bay Club ... Helen c. dor on a leu.h on BeronJa Ave. years. McAvoy of Hanford complained between Third Ave. and Fourth Tb~ year's winners In the dlf. ol a bumped bead but refused Ave., Corona del Mar ... Ronald medical aid after a car she was Grieve. 14, of Pasadena. suffered ferent age groups for each aport d lvt lved 1 1 a broken right ankle and a break were presented with awards for r nr was mvo n an ace . kl d k t th 1r h Th J h v 1 dent with another car driven by between the an e an nee o 1 ~ Wo~rs. Bl :/J~re ~d n a . Publlo BaJnha of Beverly Hllls his left leg when the surf tossed ~tzy ~ Yuo:d.' stf.' swt~;l~i at Marruerlte Ave. and Coast a boat against his legs off 30th DeWitt. Joanne Jevne and John Hwy~ Corona del Mar. at 10:05 St .. Newport Beach · · · Herrlnrton. winners In paddle-p.m. · · · • K OJfDAT. IE.PT. 5 boards. Swimming winners are e SATUDAT. SEJT. 3 George W. Boggs. 28. of Til Riehle Uoyd. VtckJe Newberry. L. M. Heinlein of 1011 'i W. Larkspur Ave .. Corona del Ma.r. Jlm Bridgman, Carol White, un. Bay Ave.. Newport Beach, re. suffered a mild heart attack In da Preston. George Hauser and ported the theft of _, outboard hls home at 7 :18 p.m. and was Bill Langjahr. Diving winners are motor and gas tank from a boat treated by the !Ire department IUchJe Uoyd, Pat Rohrs, Jim moored oU 1116 W. Bay Ave. . . . rfteue squad and tak~n by am- Bridgman. Carol Williams. Jim Mra. H. L. Humphrey of 2304 W. bulance to Hoar Memorial Hos. Iones, Jeanne Jones and Dick Ocean Front, Newport Beach, re-pltal ... Allee E. Macurry. • 32. Bridgman. leanne Jones is fancy ported the theft of a $16 surf of Placentia. a non.swlmmer. got diving champion. Rowlnr win· rider ... S. E. Llnklater of 309 Into water over her head at the ners are Riehle Lloyd. Wendy Poppy Ave., Corona del Mar. re-old county dock at 5:08 p.m. I ... II.INI.II Blair. Steve Stump. Charlotte ported the theft of a purse. con-swallowed some water, suUered Stump, Marshall Wright, Lolita tainlnl S1S from the Corona del an epileptic: attack and was res· Kennedy and La.rTy Stump. Over· Mar main beach . . . cued by Pedro Barron of Monte an winners for round-tbe-Island Payne 'nnlyer of 1706 Miramar belo and r~ponded to oxygen rowlnr are Carol Wllllanu and Dr., Balboa, reported the theft o! provided by the rescue squad ~lmmy Rawllna. teO from wallets In hls home ... Several !lre:s believed ~t by ,mu. hla famUy was on a visit juveniles c:auled damaae to a J1ea4 J:Mip WU.t A& to 1M Mach • . . lleiDI·tlnl.ahed home In Irvine Ter· ~iiliiiijiiiijiiiiii]!!iiiiil!iJ ._.Y. a.rr. 4 race. Jq N. Karrla of the Irvine !1!1 Ao~O.. .. ll de Brtnlt of 800 E. Terrace --~ JIIIIIIWied o!-uea a. Cliff Haven. rl$tfled fkerS ..• ~=~cm;ud remdential areas W Y RATES Boat patrol for waterfront estates, boat owners and industrial waterfront facilities. PiaSa c1otiMa .. ..........s om.c:.n .. AU 0 l nee Commercial Security Patrol .... om-.-Media St. that a man wearing a white tee ------ a.hlrt and possibly blue denims uaESTED was atandlng on the back porch TWO YOln'D of his home and ned through hls Wayne W. Grltrln. 19, or 582 W. gange into the alley when he I Center St .. Costa Mf'Sa . was a r MATTRESSES buMnDda9 -Cottoe Pc:icaa hbber ln-egulu Shapes JfEW-llD1JILI)JJfC COSTA MESA MAn iUSS CO • 2150 Newport .... u ~llOl rested on charges or disturbing the peace nnd Intoxication and LeRoy Jay ~rry. 29. ot 1515 lr vine Ave .. C.osta Mesa. on an In toxlcatlon charge In the Merle's Drive In parking lot. Corona del Mar. at 12:36 a m. Sunday. Aug. 28. by Newport pollee Detective Sgt. A. L. Johnson. ~·······~~·········~··························· ~-. . ~ • • • ,.. lJ55 football ..... ... t.be Ora.np Cout Collep ..,. .... wU1 1te launc:be4 at • p.m. fit, ~. Sept. 16. wttll tlw cledlea· tJon ol the new aadlua. J'ollowtq the natlonal anthem and nac raJ.atnc. t.bere wtll be es- pftU!ona of creetlnl from Wen- Walter E. ltfm.er, 22. ol Oranae. was arrested on charaea ol bat tery and intoxication at 5:50 p.m. Saturday. Aur. Z7, on ·the maJn beaeb at Corona del Mu. Klnz.er was cnareeo with hil Un,r Roger C. Mashelm. 15. or San Gabriel on the right cheek bone and left shoulder. KJnzer had 6een tlhslng off the east jetty roc.k.s and the San Gabriel youth and his companions had been watebln& hlm fish. Kinzer asMd the group It they were aolng ewimmlnr and It they did, not to attempt to out- awtm him. lt wu reponed. The v1ct1m and the witnesses stated they were not roing In swtm. mlng. Rorer was then struck by Kinzer, he said. ., •• DaiiJic, ...... . ....... , .... ,. Joe Villa of Santa Ana and C. H. Valerio and Sammy Soza of El Modena reported that two boys called them names and as. saulted them on the Newport Pier at 2:58 a.m. Saturday, Aug . Zl. One of the two boys took a !lshlng pole and hit Sammy Soya unW the pole broke. Valerio aut. tered a cut lip In the encounter. Sou threw a soda pop bottle at one ot the .assaUants and po6- aibly cut hJm. ·HE SAVES BY MAIL '· .... where his savings earn STADIUM • 'I'ICf a. e.-IISJI:w., SEPT~ 16 c.... del ... .. .., dell Pickens. chairman of the Knltrtn._ Qoochetiq aDd DtvlUon ot Health and Physical NeedlePOint SuPOI'- Education. and alao from Dr. Ed. Knftt.ln& Bap •a.rd Milum. representing the SpeclalbecS "-01:: lllrlf* Uona Clubs ol the area. The and IaatrudlaDe Uona will participate u joint 110•• lpc>ruJOn of the game in provtd. M thru Sat. 10 to 5 ... -In~ entertainment !or the vlalt-,.;;;o;n.--;;;;;;;;a.m.;;;:;;.;,_=:-~ In& football team, East Contra f eo.ta. Dr. Basil Peterson, college pres ldent. will pre~nt facts regard- Ina the stadium. Official dedlca. tlon will be by Loula Conrady. president of the Board of Trus tees. The Alma Mater will be sung by a picked choru. under the direction of James Fitzge ra ld Jr .. the new Instructor In musk. A special feature of the dedi cation cert>mony will be the o!~ tlclal opening of the Pirate Sta. dlum by Miss Donna Schurr. Donna, a student at Orange Coast College and a member of the Student Council. was recently chosen "M tss California" and won fourth place In the "Miss United Stat('S" contest. Donna will be Plratt> Queen for the Sta- dium tx>dlcation. A pageant will be stared be tween ha lves of the lnter-sectlon- a l football game between Orange Coast and the East Contra Costa Junior College from Concord. CaliJ. "A Coll~ge Serves Its Com. munlty" will be the title of the pageant, to be presented under the direction of Instructors Rob· --;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ ert Kest and Wllllam 0 . Payne. r The P1ralt> Band, led by How- ard Kay and Eustace Rojas, along with cheer luders. song leaders and nag twirlers. will be on hand to add to the evening's entertainment. and /'HEY pay the posta.9e! -(•··-.... J --------- ~ . t Jles~ We Do ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ PRIN71N6 ~ 4 DIVIDENDS YEARLY! ~ . t ~ t CHECK TIHS LIST FOR YOUR PRINTING NEEDS: 4 t ; ~ 0 BUSINESS CARDS 0 WEDDING INVITATIONS "' ~ 0 LETJ'ERHEADS 0 RECEPTION CARDS ~ ~ EJ ENVELOPES 0 ANNOUNCEMENTS ~ ~ 0 STATEMENTS 0 MENUS 4 ~ [] ORDER BLANKS 0 PAMPHLETS ~ ~ ~~~ g~~ ~ . ~ PHONE US AT J&ABBOB 1114 • ADd Our llapa•eotatiw Wll le GJacl To CaD OD You 4 • ~ • ~ 4 . ~ ... ...,III.A .... ~~~~~~~ ... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~····.._~ SEPT. 30 DEC 20 Pn rune for ChristrMs) MAR. 31 JUNE 30 • ~.:111111 ~~··.1 1 11 1 11 ~~ NEWPORT IALIOA .SAYINGS NE\WOitT lEACH, CAUFORNIA Hetbor 4200 COlONADB.~~ T~HerlwS220 Ml7 lAST COAST tHHWAY COlONA DIL MAl Sovings De~fed 6r Sept. 10tlt fara from S•pf. Ill I I W. I. Meau, tbe nc:ently ap. Ill the Attu lnvaaion, and In the pointed purdlAIII.q aaem b tM baa ~~ bftakthrouah tn City ~ Jlewpon IMcb. la a 01» the cto.~aa d&)"' ~ the ftshtlq ttme baDciiiDaD aDd combat b). bJa .,. wu almoet over.run. tan~ 1M beld botb ~ Mule wu f~ then, and thoee .-tanmeott at the -~ ntbUna wu the order of the ttme durlna World wa, D. day. He wu a ~mber of the 17th Whlle watttna 1n Hawall be- ~ental Band, and later ~ tween lnvulou, Tecb. Seraeant the 7th DlvUion Band. When the Keant wu a member of a mill. aolnc aot touah durina lnvulona tary dance band which they ln the Pacltlc, bandarnen bad to called the "Smoothlet." Be was Jay aside thelJ' muslcal tnstru. with the DlvtsJon Band when the meots and c.rt on the line to 7th took part 1n the Leyte lnva- flcht as Infantry. That happened aton. Bent aaaJn he bad to flcht on Attu Wand, In the Aleutlan.1 on the Une on occulon& campaign. and also at Leyte, The Okinawa lnvulon was w h e n the American forces next, and there he wu when the stormed back lnto the Phlllp... armbttce wu atped with .Japan. W. lt. IIEAXS A free lO.wHk C:OW11e In PUot. Elm« LaLan.ne of Corona del tn. u4 Small Boat Handlin& Mar In dw',e. 'nle eowee 11 pre. wU1 01*1 at 7 :30p.m. Monday at ~~ented by the Balboa Pow. llewport Harbor Yacht Club, wttb Squaclrorl. COMING!! ~ .IEIEEI FIFTY-Ill UICall September Sixteenth TO JOHNSON & SON t WOMDA1'4 ...... I. 1- haircuts ... cool, comfortable ... hess taalr fashions c:on.. del Ka r .. Appo&at..t .._......,.. ••• opea Wrlru lkf ....U.. by appolabDeat pines. Be wu a blah polnt man by ------------ Mr. Means ls a native of then. bavlne spent almost two Tewksbury, Mus., came to the and a half ye&rl ~as, and west coast at the aee of 8 when he was tent home from OkJ. his father was transferred to the nawa. He wa.a tepa.rated from Los Aneeles omce of Graybar the service on Oct. 16, 1945, wear. Electric. lng the Philippine Liberation IIOVE TO QAJU)U GROVE LINCOLN-MERCURY He was graduated In 1935 from Medal with two bronze stars, the Los Angeles City College, where AslatJc.Pacltlc Campalfll medal. he took a business admlnlstra. and the combat Infantryman tlon and law course. He was a badee. professional musician too, play. After the war he was with a lng the drums with a dance decal company In Loa An'aeles. band. After graduation he was then Jn 1946 jol.ned the truck Une employed by Disney Studios as flJ'm of Cantlay lc Tanzola Inc. chief blueprlnter In the engineer. as purehaslng agent and served lng department; from there went with that firm until comJna here to the Cannon Electrical DeveJ. In mid-August. opment Co •• where be was In pro-Mr. Means is manled to the ductlon control. former secretary of the truck Next assignment was the U. S. line company. They have two Army. He enlisted on Feb. 3, children. Patsy. age 5%. and S. 1941 , and he became a drummer month-old Dennis. They are with the 17th Infantry Band. His waiting to move Into a new outfit landed on Massacre Bay house In Harbor Highlands. Gingrich Chose College ov; Offer from St. Louis Cards Robert Gingrich. who began Regimental team. stationed In his job as recreation director of Mannheim. Germany. Coacblng Newport Beach last Friday. that team was Pete Pihos, the might be a pitcher with tht> St. great end of the Philadelphia Louis Cardinals today if he had EaglE'S professional football team. made a dlrterent decision on fin Bob d<'veloped a sore arm while ishlng high school. playing wllh the service team. He had pitched tor his high and that ended h is pitching school team In Palmyra. Pa .. and caret>r. helped lead the team to thrN' 1 He had met a Kansas girl country championships In four whllP serving In the States. and years. A scout from the Cardinals they ha d been married before he had watched him in action. and 1 went over~l'as. When he was asked him to sign a contract. sent back home In January. 1946. Bob's coach advised him to go and rl'Ceiv<'cl h is discharge from on to colll'ge Instead. ~auSf' he thl' servke. hE> and his wife lived ha(l been awarded a bast'ball for a while In hl'r home town of scholarship to Temple Unlver Wichita. That fall he returned to sity. and that's the decision he Temple University. He was grad- m ade. )lated In 1949 with an education "No recrets," be aaya now. He decree. !laured he wasn't bla enou&h He wu a subtrtitute teach tn C5 feet, 6~ Inches ln heJeht> to Wichita f or a whUe, and alao m ake the grade Jn the majors, was In construction work with although there are some top· his father ln.Jaw. In 1950 he was notch "shorties.. h ired by the Culver City, Callf .. Bob played some Sf>mi .pro ball recreation department, and In after his hig h school clays wen• January, 1953. he went to Sanger. ov('r, then entered Tl'mplP in near Frl'Sno. to become ~lrector 1942. His coll<'ge tralninJ:: was I of recreation for that c1ty. He soon lnterruptNl. whC'n Uncle held that position until coming Sam called In January of 19-13.1 here to take over a s imilar job and he was a~si~nf>rl tt> Coa~t 1 for thc> City of Newport Beach. Artillery. He served w ith an anti !He's prf'tty surP to remember aircr aft unit In thr Aleutians. the day he started on th~ Jo.b where he was ~tationed on her~Sept Z-because that s h1s Umnak rslanct ncJt far from wlfp's birthday anniversary. l Dutch Ha rbor near t he tip of Mr. and Mrs. Gingrich (that Alaska Peninsula. rimes with "kick" and not Arter returning to Camp Hahn "rk h'' 1 ar(' living at 1803 Haven in Riversldl'. the AA unit was Place. Cliff Haven. They have broken up. and he was sent to two sons. 4 year old Lamont and Ft. Brnning. Ga .. and then to Ft. Gary. age 16 months. M('adP. Md.. to servl' with th<.' paratroopM"s. His outfit. an In fantry rannon company, was sent to EuropP in a hurry whPn the BattiP of tht' Bulge broke out in December of 19-14. After VE Day In May. l!H3. he was assigned to SJX'('Ial S<'rvkes. and played ball with the 122nrl All your printinq needs will be hondled conveniently end courl· ~::ou\ly in the completely-equip· oed J ob PrintinQ Deportment of vo•;r Horbor Areo Newsoooer. The Ensiqn. 110~ Coos+ Bl.. COM. BACHELOR'S LUXURIOUS HIDE-OUT FOR RENT ON PENINSULA • VIEW OF BAY Picmo, c:u.atom furniture. larp llTIDCJ rom wttb bar; dlab•. pot.l cmd pau. bunk bed.a cmd batb dowuta1n for qu..U. A couple mlCJbt be bappy bere abo. $110 I 111011111, ,..,. IIIII. Pboae Carter DanielL OWD«. lAbJgta -.2111 ctarlaCJ clay. Harbor 2121 "'ea.l.Dp. aft. Su..aday. LADIES-DRESS UP Toar 1ro1a1D9 Board-Wltb 1'1ala "Bailly lal'' ll'llllc Blanl PAD & COVER SET "lt...t·n.•••" Saaootb tattu.d a..w witb elatlc edgoe. aoft cmd ....W..t. Comp ... witb full tcdJond. 110ft cott• bitted pad. GaaraatiMd to fit aay u-(ltcmdard) 1n1a1aq Table. Wood • lleta.l U GOLU 11.71 VALUE SPECIAL ..... ·--· ·········-88~ EAal *CROWN HARDWARE* * WE GlVE CROWN STAMPS * HAliiOR 232 310'/ E. c.a.tlhry ... Coroaa del Mar The .Jim Fletche-s have moved to Garden Grove. They formerly Uved at 1934 Monrovia Ave., Costa Mesa. Open T ll 8:30 p.m. Liberty 8-55-45 900 W. eoa.t Hwy.~ Newport Beach FEATUIIJKG LTJfJf"S BABY STEEB BEEF AGED. Tlt.IIIM~ AJm PBJCED BJGRT. Plt9 •.. ,--. Froze n Fo ods t~-~ lJ 2·w 11( SURF 59~ 10 oz. SPECial· For nan., Fri., Sat. ......... , 1-1-10 Margarine 2-27• -----------------------------------_Gr___..;ap.__e _Ju...._....;....i~_e _2_fo'3_3_( ~ir!!!eans : 10¢ p;;;p1; Plums 19( TROICPSOW !!ilet nssue . om • 5( MMke~;r-2 '• 27¢ SEEDLES~,..C:~PES.Ib. New Spuds ~ OL 9( A p p L E S, lb. nun; NOO~/a OL Ccm V1en. Sausage 23( 2F« BUJICB CAR~OTS. bu. QOLDD I TATB..--0=_. ~ llOTAL Gelatine :._ --Cat FOod ~ .............. . Tomato Juice 21~ I'ILLUUIIY--o •• ....., r---~----------~----~·~~ IIi • OlliE .. -.. ,. scuils :: ...... -....... ilk9' ...... COFFEE 7tt