HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-09-15 - Newport Harbor EnsignOkayed by 4to ·l Vote ILL OCT. 11 Th~ plnbaU ordlnan~ wu etv~n final approval Monday evenlne by Newport City Council by a 4 to 1 vot~. 'Tb~ ordJnance, VOL L K9-5-nVE CEIITI COBOKA DEL IIA.B. CALIF. whl~ ~tla~ pln~l~ ~~--~----------------------------~-·-O~U=D~A=T:·:IE:·:n~:·:lS:'~l=~= whttre In the city ttxcept tht> Balboa Fun Zone, wUI go In ef· feet In 30 day~n Oct. 12. Attorney Robert Hurwitz was a t the Council meetlne to repre· sent Clyde Denllnger of Balboa, holder ol the llcensH Lor all of I, the 60 pinball machine. In the city. Mr. Hurwitz prewnted a compromlae pro p o 1 a 1 . aaklng that the ordinance ~ made ef· fectlve as of next .Jan. 1. He said that his client. who hu betan a resident of this city for some 20 years, did not want to get Into a knock-down, draa-out legal fight over validity of the ordJ· ansas Car Crash ills. • Hourigan Huge Water Reservoir Is Under Study a d nance, but would like a little ~n erson Buys ~':"~c:l~ern'l~le~r~erth!otl~!~~~a~ • loss that he now faces. Mr. Hurwitz aald h is client Is now being deprived of hi.£ llveli· WUllam R. H.ourlgan of lilllnjurlet-~. and Terl Maureen Hour· left shoulder of the highway the 36th St., Newport. was fatally igan. 9-year·old daughte-r of car hit a buD'lp and threw 'Mrs Injured In an auto accident Sun· Harry Hourigan of Newport Hourigan and Terl out of th~ day morning near Uberal. Kana· Heights. received facial cuts. car. Mr. Hourigan anempted to as. while on a trip with his wile The accident occuned when bring the car under control but and granddaughter to vl.slt a son Mr. Hourigan tried to pass a car h e too was thrO'o'rn out and' was In New .Je~y. Mr. Hourigan died on the highway, was unable to run over by his own car. ha.rdshlp unless he has more time to dlspose of hls machines. which represent an Investment In a hospital shortly alter the rt-turn to his lane of traffic when Mr d Mrs M 1 accident. anoth('f car approached As he . an . art n Kahre or Mrs. Hourigan suUered head attempted to tum to the .extreme I Cosi .tt~ Melsa.Kwho happened to be v st 1ng n ansas, heard about Balboa Pharmacy hood. and Is fac;lng a tremendous of about $45,000. Doo Gunderson. owner of th e area and told bow they ·carne to Councilman Sandy MacKay CITY HIRES PEYTON FOR the accident by radio. and lm· mediately drove to Liberal. M rs. Kahre wlll accompany Mrs. Hourigan and T('fl back here by train. They are schedul~ to ar· rive this morning. Service5 will be held at 10 a.m Saturday at Baltz Mortuary. Costa Mesa Gunderson Drug Co. In Balboa, .Ba lboa. made the motion to adopt the bu purchased the fixtures and Mr. Vln~nt hl~ll had come ordlnan~. and It was S«<nded was married. He became an em· lng tht>m In voting yes wer~ leue of. the Balboa Pharmacy down here In 1930, the year he by Cou ncilman ~ Wilder . .Join· TRAILER PARK PLANS from Lonnie VIncent and will ployee of the Balboa Pharmacy, Councilman .Jay Stoddard and move acros.s the street to the new which was then owned by the Mayor Dora Hill. Councilmen loeaUon Oct. 1. late Claude H. Van Antwerp. for· Stanley Ridderhof and Cla~nce Charles R.. Peyton of 254 Eve· Thla news was revealed by Mr. mer owner of the Van Antwerp Higbie were a~nL Vo11ng no nlng Canyon Rd .• Shore CHUa. .ega! to lease or use that land chapel. for othE-r than general public Mr. Hourigan. who was 6'7 VIncent at a noon luncheon Department Store In Santa Ana. was Councilman Gerald Bennett. was hired by Newport City Coun· Tuesday In Newport Harbor In 1935 they formed a CO·partner-who suggested that the ordl· ell Monday evening to prepar~ Yacht Club. where he hosted Mr. ship, and two years later Mr. nan~ should be made effective plans for enlargement and lm· Gunderson. Herb Kenny. Monte VIncent b«-ame aole owner. as of .Jan. 1. provement of the City Trailer pur))OS('S," he said. y~ars of age. wu a native of • Blm.T SBIPS Dt1JlllfG WA.B I New .Jl"rsey and a bulldlne con· Council had considered two ex· tractor by trade. He had ltved In perts for the job of preparing the Newport since 1936. Survivors Trailer Park plans -Walters "I include two sons. Harry of New· Son and Mr. Peyton. Walters 1r port and Richard of Nl"\V .Jf'J'Sey, Son are owners of the Treasure and a daughter Mrs . .John True· Island Trailer Park in South La· I blood of Newport. Grimes, Ted Hambrook. Bert Wll· More VIncent stores were In Costa Mesa, an antf-plnball Park. He will receive a fee of son. Sandy MacKay, .J. B. McNal· added-N~ Pharmacy, with ordinance will be up for second $4,\00. ly a.nd Rosa Greeley, all lonr· .John Pelletier as partner -mana-reading ,t the City Council The plans will Include the time Balboa residents a.nd busl· ger; Harbor Drup In Corona del meeting Monday night. lf coun· trailer site area only; the con· De«M'"'"l. Each of the au-.s Har, flnt with lluaell Hampton. cllmen approve the ordinance it troverslal beach frontage wtll be talkect About the hlltory of the and now with Byant Cbrlsten.sen will become eftectJve 30 daya exclud.ed for the lime belng. Mr. --......o-.,.;;;..._l----------------....:.---u pa.rt'DII' • maJlaler; then Jn later. The ordln.ance puMd f1nt Peyton Ia to submit~ plot euna. Mr. Peyton and his brother, R.. Ne Vote Price Peyton oL Laguna, w~ ln w The Newport Harbor Cbamlw!l~~ ~ the Cham~ have been of Commerce haa chanaed the uk~ to meet at 9 o'clock at the date of Its eeneral membft'ahtp Cht.mber offke. 1800 W. Coast luncheon from Sept. 28 to next Hwy. to ore~ Into teams and Wednetlday, Se-pL 21, In order to call on bu.stneues ln some area enable Donald Duncan of HeUpot ln the city. Corporation to be present as Last Thursday morning the guest speaker. Chamber teams called on Corona 'The luncheon meelln~~: wUl be del Mar businesses and slgnt'd held at noon In the Newport Har· up the following 12 new mcm· bor Yacht Club. Mr. Duncan. bers: Mary lr Bill's Cafe. Mary'• general manager of Rellpot. w111 House of Ma ple. La Cantina, talk about the company. why Whitman's Garage, Robert F. they cboee thla area as location Genrals. Potter's Wheel, Nar· for their headquarters, and what borough's Yarn Shop, Dennie's this move wtU mean to the Har· Cafe, Cannon's Food Center. bor .ve., Hellpot la buUdlne Its Rl~ard Hilliard rnsurance. Kay· headquarter~ bulldlne on the ette Photos and Crutcher Found· bluU near the City Corporation atJon. Yard. betWeen Superior Ave. and Otht'T new members are Bal· the FrftWay. boa 8Q.llt Sales. Box 458. Balboa Chamber President MaurIe Island. and W. 0 . Buck. Inc .. Stanley announces that the city· 3400 VIa Udo, Newport. wide memberlhJp drive Is being eontJnued ~ery Thursday mom· 'W•Ifr•r' IIIL....&...yer Int. Ap.ln this morning mem· t ...... Ask Nite Spot ~~ar~a ~ ~nt S N • pla nned by the Senior Youth to toe 01se FeUowahlp ol the Balboa l&lanl! Community Methodist Church. Newport pol ee were lnstnJcted wut be held at the home of by City Council Monday ~enJne Hehry Ferry, 311 Crystal Ave .. to c:autJon the mana&el' of the from 6 to 9 p.'m., Sunday, SepL 25. Hurley Bell ln Corona del Mar 'The hleh 8Chool youths plan· about report.t of late·bour dia· nine the activity have not yet turbance. and not.e. revealed the alpitlcance of their eouncllman Jay Stoddard party's name, but special lnvlta· bloUe~ up the matter at the tlons have been aent to those Coundl meetlq, aaylq that he who are candidates for member· had received a num~ ol eom· ahlp. 'J'bew penons include Ross plaJntl from nea.r;bt ralcJenta EdU!rl. Margaret Fruehan. Ron · that they are betna annoyed by aJd Carll Allen Guenther. Sandra uproartoua and cU1ordedy pth· Fleer, Donna Smith. Whitney el'lnp. Counc:tJ.man Lee WUdel', Bal_., Georte Hau..er, and other aaJd he abo bad 11-.rd reporta hleh achool youths. or brawla and ur,ed that the po-f'talln1nl tbe atralr are Ron lkle take ttn:n 8teJM1 to correct St. Clair. Marilyn Shooter. and th• .StuatJon. SharoA Waldellcb. Architects So.ught to Prepare Plans for New Higll School ....._ .. c~e to erect the Palm ....._., ..._ VIDeeat'• ~ c-,...u IIMIItiDI plana ln 10 4qs. .. and by \Mil I.NoDr\lallllJfewport.wldf-on~ ~ ..... ~ ..... -.. •• ~ u partJMNJUmqer and the beacb... City Endneer Ben abo eeneral manapr of the vtn· 5 k k •1 Webb said. cent organization, and finally In un p e r1 At the pre-vious meeting. Coun· Sante Fe Springs. Mr. Pelletier cil had approved a trailer park purcllased Newport Pharmacy, I R d Improvement program which and the Pa lm Springs store also S epo rte v.:ould set aside 510 feet of the waa .ald. More stores are being cny owned b<-ach for exclusive planned for th~ fu1ure. Mr. Vln· Peril from the "skunk ,nva. u~ of the trailer park tenants ~nt says. slon" In Corona del Mar was The Citizens Com min~ for Parks the mlpbu.lldlnt ~ • ...,._. ... dllrtac tbe war, :::nl~nd-=:na=t·= Is soug~ are rww associated In tbe Coast· m land Trailer Corporation. Mr. and M,-.; Peyton are Jong·time resl· I dents of Corona del Mar I • F. M. Scott, 59. • brought up at Monday evening's and Playgrounds then flied no· T H rt • Newport City Council m~tJ•g by tlce of lntttntion to circulate pe· 1 E 5 I D • A amapcrtp Ia U..S. ...., to iAlti.crt. tliJe draalcrtloa of 1*1· t:lou to Cllll1 a ...,. elec:tioe oa tbe ~UT crppaoted SS·eeet tea to fl~ a ...,. !licJta Scbool few the C:O.ta Me.cr Areca. tbe EaaiCJil learaed tb1a ,.,...., w 0 u In CouncUman .Jay Stoddard. Quot· tltlons to caU for a public vote X-0 0 n I le s I lng a report from county and city on preserving all of that city COM C sh health officer Edward Russell. he owned b<-ach b<-tween 16th and I Floyd Martin Srott, 59. of 432 A 8p0buaaa said tbat a r a said that rabies In wUd animals 19th streets for public use. I Rivera T<'rrace. Corona High· MW electloa will be &oa9bt Is spreading from the north Into • ASitS LEGAL BOl.IKG lAnds. a ~tired car dealer. died beccruae oC ~tte. at tbe Two persons suffered Injuries So h C 111 1 d Friday at Hoa~t Hospital after 8 polls La tbe May 20 -.ot.. wbicb In a two·car accident at Coast ut ern a orn a. an has al· Councilman .Jay Stodd ... rd. who I short llln('SS Servi~ wt-re held Clppl'o.ed tbe Oftr·rtde tax. Hwy. and MacArthur Blvd .. Co· ready been rt-porte<f In the Los had ~n absent at that C?uncll • Tuesday at Baltz Mortuarv. Cn· Tbe Cowaty Grcmd Jurr bas rona del Mar, at 9:24 p.m. Tues· Angel(.'S area. These animals can meeting. said Monday e-.enlng rona dt-1 Mar. with th<' Re~ Ed· i.a...Ugated tb ... cbcmJH of day. spre 1 ad theh rabies to other ani· that he wanted to be on r('(.'Ord win Gomkt-of the local chur<.'h l l.necJulariU... Treated and released from the rna s. sue as skunks, and to as disapproving the action of and the Re , W R H 11 f h • Hoag Memorial Hospital emer· household pets, and thPrefore Council restricting a Portion of I Lakewood 'c · 11 a roh t h<' 1 B there Is danger of rabies lnfec· the bE-ach for private use. ommun Y '-urc I y T d • eency room were Gall c. Om· tlon to local citizens, he said. He asked for a wrlttt>n rullna officiating . . . . I 0 0 sse In berg. 43. and Gregory R. Om berg. ... Mr Scott \1. as a t f 111 8, of Santa Ana. Gail Omberg He re<'Ommended compulsory ' from Citv Attorney Karl Davis on 1 • na I'<' 0 I· I s uffered a fratcutred lee . and rabies vaccination of pet&. Coun· legality 'or fencing off or other· ~0 s. ('~.me ~('rP fh'(' }'E'ars ago A •• r Is In .I u red both had minor Ja~rations. cllman Sandy MacKay suggested wisE' limiting the US<' of tht-rom yom ng. wherE' hP h~d an ordinance requiring ltcensing beac-h , and also on legality of befon mt'mber of th~ statE' lt'~ls William G. Omberg. 48. of of cats to help In rabies control. using the traii('T park land since lature In 1937 ~E' \\as pa!'t Nlm· A Santa Ana boy ft"ll about Santa Ana. driver of one car. City Attorney Karl Davis aald he the time It was granted by the mandE'r of thf" Knl~hts Tt'mplar« ninE' fN't to thP "and at the Co· said he was traveling east on would study both of these sug· 1 state to the C'ltV. Survl\·o,-.; indudt> h1." w1f•·. r()n del Mar twa<.'h Sunday Coast Hwy. and started to make gestlons. ..1 want to be sure that It 1._ thff'e' sons. Jamec; or '.\ yomtn£ \1. htiE' bE>inll tn,.!'f'd up Ill lht" air a left turn onto MacArthur Blvd. I.JoS(>ph of Long !War h and Juhn trampnllne fashmn b) 11 gToup of w1th the green light. traveling rd be I of Corona dPI ;\1ar and elj::ht Santa Ana youths about 25 mlles·an·hour. A car R N E I '"'andch1ld P Mo Um rs nro ... r n The bo_, . ., wert> u~ln<> a to---1 driven by Robert K. Henshaw. :ll. ------" -..-of Monterey Park. traveling west s to to_s Srott Games. 13 Thtty on Coast Hwy .. collided with the oro pti mist failt-d to catC'h h im on Ont' of th~ Ornberg vehicle. At All L I Xh I tnssE'S. and Srott Ct>-11 to tht-gnd. Henshaw said he was travel· ~a 00 5 Club Formed injunng hiS shouldt>r Th(' group lng approximately 30 miles-an· V.. nf boys lncludf'd Donald Wood, hour. His car skidded 30 feet A total of 2. 786 students 8~ tary schools Includes Newport H : Budt1y Blsdorf. 16: Wan~ before striking the right side of enrolled In N~wport Beach ele· BHch. 662: Corona del Mar. 441 ; A new women's SE>rvkt> duh 1 LaRuE'. l 5: Wally Muldoon. 16; the Omberg car. pollee said. mentary toehools thla week. 383 Ha rbor VIe\\•, 797. a nd Horace for Newport Harbor will he In· Robert Cockln~r. 14: lack Cock· more students than • year ago. Ensign. 886. Mr. Andersen esti· stalled next w('('k w1th. full ct-rt' ! lng. 14 = Ru~ll Helmick. 14. and Teams P•ICked Superintendent Roy Andftsen re· mated a peak enrollment of ap-monies at the Laguna BPach Jim Wlsslead. 14 ported yesterday. proximately 2.900 by .January or hotel. Th~ Ul£"una St-ach Chap· • "We have room 50 we can hire February. tt>r of Soroptlmlst International ~i .. S.WWI' extra teachers to avoid halt-day A total of L907 students an-"111 pres~nt tht> nMv ml"mtx>rs -. sessions." Mr. Andt>rsen said. enrolled In NPWport Harbor Union with a charter and ll\ltall the I*• CrfticA. The enroUment In the elemen· RJgh School thla ~k. 300 mo~ oftl<'t"rs of the n<'W grcMip. •-. Lobster Bake Show Planned Aa,_e wltll ....... leD 7V7W -~....._ ....... ........ tit ... a.-. ..... .. , ................. ... ...... _...a. .... .. .. ... 1M& IlL r... ..., .. _ .......... k · -~ ...... ..,&. c..t awy .. ~ ...... ..... I-. ................ latlllo IFdnloiRd& Fl .... .................... ....................... .... r.... ......... . _.,_., .. ,..,......, ... .......... ..... a .. ------.. -.--.. _. -·- than last year, Vl<'t" Princlpal Soroptirnlst Is an organl7.atlon Joseph Hamblet reported.. A peak ol t>xt'Cutlve and professional of y>proxtmately 2.000 students 'NOmt>n. 'Those who will ortlcially is ekpect~ ln No~mbt>r. Mort' take otnce at the charter ban· than ~ students an new to the que-t w1ll be Bunn1e MayE'f of 1 eo.ta Mesa as presldf'nt: Terry conunun ty, comtnc from aU over Boris of Newport 8!1 viN" pl'«'5i · the eount:ry. de-nt: Far.l Walkt-r of Corona del Fore.l&n students are enrolled Mar u r.cordlng !leC'retary : Ma r· from Eneland. Scotland. CbUe. jocle Hale of Balboa bland as ro· Canada and Germ.any. These stu · re~PQ~Mltng 1 eo c r tot a r y : Ht"len dentl are belne tested to dete-· Pratt ot eo.ta Meu. u m>asurer . mine In what cl&DH to place and V•lma O"Bri~ and Dorothy t.Mm, Nr. Hamblet ald. Jo SwaD80n. both of Corona del 1 Mar. u d.lftctora. •• • 1 .. 11 II liM L&Aft nwJIOIIT •o.a • n e OecJrrlp Sa.nb ha~ movf'd ••IJ -._ ••• , baek to tMtr winter ~me .. t La __ , Canada. n..:rYe ~ spendlf\a Th~ sm~Jiy ~Cwer sltuatJon In the city of Newport BHC'b came under fire at Monday t'venJq'• Count'il m~lng. Both Council· men Jay Stoddard and Sandy MacKay urlf('d City Mana~ John Sailors to see that the Ctt:y Water Department takea ac:Uon to aUe\'iat~ thf' &ltuatlon. Dr. Al~ &. ~of~ th IUJIUIMI' at 12t 40th SL, Mew· vte. .,...._. t.. t a db wW M ~ tontabt port DrtJtwoocJ ld. ~ {1'1t...,) ............... 0( tb 1be ......t .... ., Mill. ~ ~ a..,ter of the 'f1IIT .._ l'lftDIOif 30. ....... b&adt !"""'!!!'-;:... ~ . OIW of UM Wcwkl C.~_......_ .t ten at tbe blectt ...,. tk ....- WIIIia.,..• -.,WWbeWd hOiiile I( les. bby ~ tneotlle.._._. =":lsl!L!' Drat~~· OaraM ... llu, .... lit. aDd ............... , .... . ·-• .._ ....... _ ........... MlliMte and-~~ "' ... .... =: 't~w:c:-c::: ~'--=..~ .. ~:..c.;; .:.•.: --· ..... -·---· .... -... • • , • ---. --. - CALUNGQQ e DEFDfiTIOII OP All AJfaLD ". . . A vut desert rq1on separates aneUng from mere fishing. The fisherman casts his lure with Intent to murder the : = = = = 1 = = 1 = = = = • eame. The angler rathet hopes .. • • • "~ "j u " Jid9" • " b",. Hop ~sef~~~h::~ahna~: ~=t~~~ #f,f/, desire to coin gain from' his catch. whUe the anglet merely • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • c • • • • • • • • ' •:• ' ' ' ' ' •:• wishes to try bls sklll against e NOllE EXPERIM&fT that of the eame . . . I fain would be an aneler on this brltht day In these gardens of the sea." four hours. dwlne 'which time their alcltt was towed "ten mlles or more." Balbo• Driver Hurt in Crash ....U.fto.F-~ )().-~ lllcJ!fell)-.. vtalliq at the h~ ol ..0. Velma O'Brien at . 361 '-" Ave" Co· rona ct.l Mar, tor a '"' ~ whlle Mr. and lin. Gear.-L Mn. Mule C. ElfCII'd. ot 2152 Mc.NeUy ot 101 MarleoJd •ve. E. Oc'MJa aiVcL, Balboa, aullered are vilitinl ln Yucaipa and a po.ible lltull traetw. and Hemet. ceretwal ~ ln an auto· moblle •~!dent at 12:38 a.m. •--d the ....,_,_ Wut Ac1 pa-. Jl'rlday on Balboa Blvd., 100 feet ._. ----. •- Nat of ''D" St.. aalboa. A witnea aa.ld hla car wu paued by Mrs. Ellord'a car, which suddenly 8Wei'Vecl lloln the tar left lane Into the rleht lane fn -front ot him. Mrs. EJ . fo.rd'a car taUed to stra.tehten out ln time to avoid collldlne with a puked car re&Iatered to Clara Lawton of Altadena, which was knocked 17 loot by the Im-pact. Mrs. Elford was ln first deeree atate of ahoclc, bleedln& from the rleht ear, which Indicated a pos-IIIJ •• IIIIMI. slble bUll skull fracture, poll~ wt're told by an t'.Xamlnatlne physician. She wu taken to Hoae HoapltaL am~. roa uvu..s eeee e eeeeeee e .e. . • • • • e • • • A worrd premiere, no less. WGS held in Newport Bet~ch T uesdoy evening. It was the special showing of the locol movie in color, "The Big Drink," produced b y To m Groeff. Corono del Mor resident, who &lso turned in o creditable bit of octing os the g uy who tried to get the e ntire community friendly and honest by mixing o special, secret concoction in the ci ty woter supply. It worked too. in the "The Big Drink"-but hone sty d idn't seem to pan out so well. becouse it was tough on o lot of businesses, such os sofe monufocturers. locksmiths, end polit icions. These words are not new. They were penned halt a century ago by Or. Charles Frederick Holder, and are recorded in hls book, "The Lo& of a Sea Angler," a copy of whJcb I value above most volumes In my anellng 11· brary. Dr. Holder was an aneler's angler. His words are as enter· talnlng. as vivid, as when they were written. perhaps before I was born. Dr. Holder wrote: "I thought of the temple of Chlnlechlnlch, looked at the eraceful outlines of the mountainA, even counted slowly In a vain effort to reduce the beatlne of my heart, but It wa.a all useless; that strong, ceaseless pull, that stranee vi- bration comln& up the line, the the sense of the unknown fish tow in 1 us with unabatln& strength forced Itself deep Into my mind a nd Imagination. I had been flghtlng t his fish steadily for nearly four hours. I felt that I had reached the llmlt of en- durance. My a rms were numb and my heart was glvlng all the symptoms of failure, and I re- membered, despite my agony of mind a nd body, that lt occurred to me that It was an Interesting psychological study, thls effort to beat down, to argue away the extreme exhaustion of the body. fSut ln · some Incomprehensible way I pulled myself together and again bent to the reel. It seemed an eternity to me." A dauehter, 7 lbs., 11 oz., was born to Dr. and Mrs. Gerald Rausa of 2830 Newport Blvd., Nt'Wport Beach, ln St. Joseph Hospital on Thursday, Sept. 1. Fot ................... , .. ... THE ENSIGN. HA· I 114 C ttn't say thot I wos bowled over by ell the bollyhoo obout "the first motion picture you con taste ." Thot nonsense must hove per- toined to "Ronold 's Get-,A,Iong Pills." of which every movie goer got his potion on e ntering the theatre. Superficial enolysis allegedly ide n· tified them as p ink peppermint condy-but they didn t moke the plot any better or wo rse , just mode the theotre smell sort o f p retty. The oudience o ppeored to e njoy the spectocle, re cognized o lot of O ronge Coun~ scenes, ond got o big kid out of spotting fomilior feces on the screen-such os leading lody Phyllis Yorwood, whose young beauty, unfortunately, wos lost because of the doleful air she hod to a ssume through most of the p icture, ond the horrible lip moke- up didn't help. There were other well·known locol chorocters-Dennie Andrews ond doughter Mary C atherine. G eorge Lewis, Jock Nelson. Don Metz, Ge ne Woggoner ond others. All in all, a pleosont produc- t ion, ot least fo r us local folks. !This moy be domning with foint pra ise -but I enjoyed "The Big Drink ' o whole lot better thon thot otrocious woste of television time lost Sundoy when ' The Skin of O ur Teeth' Angler Holder has a two.fisted hold on Immortality, as It con· cerns those of us who find a thrill In pitting our skill against the gamest fish of the world's great oceans. His books, now out of print. will long be read and treasured by the salt.water ang- ling fraternity. (Forgive a pause to vol~ another 'Thank you," to Dr. Charles Spicer, now of Co· rona del Mar, who was a Balboa Island nel&bbor when I first set up housekeeping In California. Reading the volumes he loaned me had quite a lot to do, I'm sure. with my present happy ad· dltlon to sea·angling.) went t hroug h its stupid p4ces.) • • • e NAMES IN THE NEWS Bob G ingrich. the new recrea tion dire ctor of Newport Beech, reported to work with his left hond and foreorm in a cost-result of o sproin while playing boll ... Correction from lost week: our new city purchasing oge nt's monider is DON Meons. not W . K .... A word of appreciotion to our new city cler~. Miss Morgery Schrouder, the good humored lody. who's mighty helpful to us a t the reporter's toble a t Council meeting s by providi~ copies of the evening 's "genda and summaries of communicotions ... Now if only thot pes~y loudspeoker system con be improved so we could heor he r ... Glenn Bc!lssett, one of the new teochers ond tennis cooch ot Harbor H igh School, is o champ on the tennis courts; he was winner in the Notionol Public Perks doubles in Pittsburgh lost month; was runner-up in the Sonta Monico O~n last week. An even deeper nJche ln the staircase to the amaranthine plnna.cle Is Dr. Holder's foundln& ot the oldest salt-water a ngling club. the Tuna Club of Avalon, on our nearby Catalina lsland. Many CaJitomlans, with ernpha· sis on the hordes of recent trans- plants. like myself, do not know that this club Is the ru l father of salt·water anglin( for sport. e n:rn TEAD AGO Dr. Holder, in hl.a "Log of a Sea An&let," writes: , "The unsportmanlike condl· • • • By COL AlfDREW W. SNlTIL Former Member of CJtT Coa.Ddl I lions of fishing at the Island caused me to suggest the organ- Ization of the Tuna Club. The splendid fishes of the region. e WHERE I STAND Lest 1 be picked on by one side or tht» other, or by both. let me S(.'(> if I can make my position crystal clear o n the matter oC stre-et lights In Corona del Ma r. I a m for lights for them as wants ·em. I a m for any other section. over 50"'c of whom don't want them. of being lett out. To find out who do or who don't want them Is the job of City Council" and City Engineer. They must lay out the assessme nt dis· trk t accordingly. That will re- quirP !;Ome juggling and some pla nning acroba tics on the part of the city t»nglnet-r. If anyone on either side would Ilk<' to be heard. this column w ill assl-.t. e NON ·CONFORMIST That's me I don't sE>em to ac· cept the program of conformity replacing l-ontroversy ln politics, or In an)1hin g else Controversy is the life blood of our demo· crati<: way of life. Conformity with past practices will undoubt· edly bring harmony to the le.gls- latlve bodies. but It will bring about a sorry result for the people. I could have gone In as a councilma n and conformed with "the way we've a lways done lt," and they would have loved me. But no. I wanted to know why, so they didn't love me. If the guy who Invented wheels had been El. I .. ••IP'! YARN SHOP tzlf'l E. c.at JIIPway C... cld MAD BA _., ltnlttinJ, CrochetlnJ and Needfepoint Supplies ltnJttiDI Bap Specialized A~e.orles and In.struc:tiorw IIOG'al Mon. thru Sat. 10 Lm. to S P..IIL MIKE MYERS UNION SERVICE U. S. ltoyel Tir•• w .. hing It Polithing C~•t• lubricetlon S.rvic• fllU ,ICX.UP It OE1.1VE~Y • P\oM ~ ]094 I yellowtail, white sea bass, and satisfied to conform to the old others.' were being slaughtered and accepted methods W«! might by the ton. 1 had seen ~ats go still be carrying our loads on our out with flyoe or six hand lines backs. rigged out astern. to return wltb e llEPOBT FBON TEZAS forty or more fish . . . each wltb Here's a JlOte from my big-the game qualltJes of a forty- fisted nephew In San Antonio, pound salmon. It was a depres- Texas: sing sight. as most of th~ "Well. here we are. A new fishes were fed to the sea llons Cadillac out In front, Mlchelob and sharks. How to stop It was beer on tap. I've got 12 pounds the question. of Texas red snapper cooking on "I suggested the Tuna Club the fire of Texas Mesquite wood, 'for the protection of the game the sott mualc Is playing on the fishes of Southern CaJI!ornla.' high fidelity machine, the temp· and a constitution and by·la ws erature Is only about 90. and I'm that wo uld permit the use of abo ut half drunk. Everything is lines up the 24 thread only and just wo nderful here In Texas 1 light rods. with the condition How Is It out there? that every angler must land hls "Mike ls stiiJ asleep. He put In 1 own fish. four hours yesterday. However. "With a rope·llke ha nd line. most of It Involved driving the a 25·pound yellowtail can be tractor, ha uling oft the garbage landed In one minute or possibly and tras h sled and barrels. and two; but with a rod and a thread he Is a sucker for that tractor. l Uke llne, lt Is a matter of 15 or J showed hlm how to fasten the 30 minutes, and 50 per cent of chains on the sled, and let him the game escapes. Thus, over· go do It alone, Including s hovel· fishing is practically lmpossible, lng the trash out of the sled. and and much liner sport with the he got it done. He can 'handle j rod Is obtained. The result is the tractor pretty well, lndudlng that today the wute of these ba.cklng It up. I fine game fishes Is pra.ctkally "He now owes me only four stopped. hours more to complete the con-"Few, if a.ny, of the thousands tract on the boots and hat. J wlsh who fish at Santa Catalina today you could see him on the tractor, use a hand line, or take any of wearlnt those boots ancf that the game flahet found here un- hat, and grlnnJng like a Jackus fairly or In any manner othet eatJng cocldeburrs. I always try than one which appeals to the to 'mix a little drudgery Into the highest sportamanUke feeling. kind of work he likes." Nowhete In the world does -a • • • hither ata.ndard of JPOrt prevaU e A ~LT TU' than on the tuna cN>und.s of Memo to the Hurley Bell: That Southern Callfornla." rumblln& you hear Ia from the neighbors. who are mJehty u))Ht about the nolae comJnc fro ... out your way late at niebt. Better calm 1t down. • e aEGIJfJfiKC OF SPOBT This was Charles Frederick Holder. the angler. His goepel of angling sportsmanship began with h is writings of his own fishing: a superb performaf!~ even it It t)ad been accom- plished with the et:tlclent gear and the fast cruisers of today. The first temple of this new creed waa the building which wu the orlelnal headquarters of the Tuna Club. Today, every salt-water flshlne club on the far flung coastal waters of the world 1s a monument to this lone-ago sportsman, whose activities have broueht.lmmeasura ble pleasures to countless ones who have learned to match thelr tackle to the game, and who Judge their anellng day by standards other than tons of dead flsh. Every angler who thrllls, with eyes that flash, to the excltln& .ound of a thin l.loe1 playtac a tlddl• string tune for some swUt dt'nJ· zen of the salt-water owes a salute to Charles Frederick Holder . I am not a member of the Tuna Club, but 1 hope that some day my name may be written on those pages that, tor 5'7 years. have ll.ated the most Intimate disciples of tbla ereat sportsman. To JOe· lt would be among the tarest prlvtleges afforded one whose ute ha.a been enriched by the words of an angler like Charles Holde r. WAlfTEDs A personal copy or a book. -,.. c:Jumoet lalaada or Ccillloral& • by Chas. Frederick Holder. Wlll pay cash for a copy In readable condition. CaJl Dick "C. Q." Hollman. Harbor 1106. or write c/o The Newport Harbor Ensl&ft. -aEGEKCT"" TIIISIT. POCIO 11118 (XO 1'1nEI) World's S.•J,..t lladlo WEJGID Oln.T 12 OZ. stae oa~y r • s· • w.· A New Com:ept In Personal Radio. Ear Phone and Carry- ing Cue Optional, Extra. DIVIIIIIWI ca. u...,., ............. e-ta ..... HENS ' 35~ SWISS STEAK 69~ U. S. CIIOICE LEG'OLAMB, U.S. CHOICE Large Loin Chops, .h . 79:. V. L C1101Ca Small Loin (hops, IWUJ S nDa1JJ1 * .. ,, fere Qllrllr, a, IIIII Qarllr, .L * FINEST MEATS SOLD JtNY'WHEBE * e Swift's Tender Fed Steer Beef e Frozen Foodll • Dairy Products • Bread e Specialiai"9 ill Qt.!Giity Meat For Kame FI'Haen "Quality and Pei'IIOilaliaed Senic:.--wrus a SmfJe•• W. U. 0 ... DAILY ..... &-. ..... pa rl' 1111 lm In 3421 EAST COAST IDGHWAY COBONl i>£1. NAB • fALK AIOUf ICONOMY1 ~~a•-~ .......-poerat. 1MeDte .. .. 1fcDe.Oc1 .. 1 ..... 1• ........... : ...... JWI a a 11'.-... - SAVE SAFELY At O>anta CMnty's Leacfint HoMe Lencllnt lltriltvtieft CONTINUING TO PAY PER ANNUM ALL ACCOUNTS INSURED UP TO $10.000 All Acco~~nh O,.necf On .,. lefor• The I Oth ,of the Month Eern FroM the ht. lAGU:NA F£DERAL SAVINGS I LOAN ASSOCIATION LAGUNA BEACH l'llooo HY4-ttn " -aa...J Mon cokwful and nc:itin1 than ever, the 28cb Annual Lot AaaeiH Coianry Fair h" a:~aay hiahlirbr fn. turn. •.uch •• "Aru in Wntnn Uviaa, ~ MNtxiatro Villap,H KMWict.M Jloc:k- H Ship. O.Uiy R.cinr and tprdal Spons E~u. Cont. foru.ble Me n o coaches provide fan, ~onomical traqsporurion. T .. ,, rep· b.r tet"¥ict co lm Atlp:kl and tpecial bu.-fro. the Meuo CoK:h ~ 6cb a ,..., 5I., diNct 10 ........ ......... From file P(IIICE Kids' Day Set- ForSept. 24 Kids' Day, spon.tored by Kl · wanla International. will be Ob· serftd, Saturday, Sept. 24, In Newport Beach and Costa Mesa. and In hundreds ol other com· munltJn throu&hout the United States. Canada, Alaska and Ha · wall. The theme thla year wW be ''Boys and Girls-Our Greatest Resource.'' Roy Yountone, pre&ldent of the Newport Harbor Kiwanis Club, has appointed Allen Alhworth aa chairman ot the local Kids' Day committee. Abo on the commit· tee are Frank Grandolfo, Dr. L 1 nco In Grindle and H"b Thoma& This will be the seventh an- nual observance ol Kids' Day, of Kiwanis' m.a)or activities )'OUth. ----ESA Group Has Meeting August meetlnr ot Epsilon Sigma Alpha Sorority was held at the Cliff Ha ven home ot the Melwood Berrya. Mrs. Goorgf! BeJ:bezlan, vice-pre-sident, took charg(' In absence of the presl· dent. M.rs. Evt"fett Brace, who Is recoverlnr from an operation. Mrs. Ray Nielsen ga\'e a his · ~iiiliiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilililidj.~ii~~~~~;i;;iiiiii,,l tory ot the sorority and its I toun~ers and Mrs. E. Z. Taylor LAIUU TUYR SERVICE dl><u"'od th•l< pu<J>O""'· M<>. Autborbed. ApDt r .. All AIIUIES • RAILIOADS STU ISH IPS • TOURS ._...lag TIM c..ta1 ANa ror Wearly 10 Tears llJ a-a A"" . ~ Beacb Hyatt 41011 ANGELES COUNTY • • t • t .......... Aa11Ao$MOW ..... -..... ~ ......... -·-HOIIIIACIII IM.Y ----AY POMONA lafii•••16·0•••u 2 •••• 4 • ,.; ••• ,... ... ....,_ JOS<'ph Stroup reported on the Au gust 16 ml"etlng of a ll Orange County Chapters of Epsilon Sig - ma Alpha wht'te they dlscuSSt'd forming ;~,n Or<lnge County Cou n- cil. COOBSE TO BE OFFERED Ilt' PARUAMEHTAJIT LAW Parliamentary Practic'e. a prac · tical course In rules and usage ·~~~t;:·~rc.,~~: _;club members. ~ as part of the fAll Ot-ange Collt>ge adult education program. The class will meet weekly on Wednesdays from 9:30 to )1 :30 a.m. with Flo· renee Cooling u Instructor. liM. KASTOM DIES Funeral services ~re held last wN!k at Parkes-Ridl~y Mor · tuary for Mn. Harlett Louise Kaston, S5. who wu the mother of Mrs. ~nard E. Burton of Costa rrteu. Mrs. Kaston ~as a naUve ol North Dakota and ffad Jived In Santa Ana lor 25 yean . Fer Y ... l People h ... -...,... .•• ond ~ ..... int .... ,.1111 H IEIID .. ......... ,.,..., .... &a ....... ........... CXIITA .-. Young GOP Plan Dance COIOIA DEL MAl PHARMACY "TD "I ...,..._ ft.w 1 neT" au.oa 22'72 Jl27 L c-t llwy .. -J-iM. CoroDa: Millar .MaNf~~~ BEADOO'AaTEa roa IIIDIES' TOYS, BeiCIIISN lur SlOl E. eo.t llwy. ct J '-1 C.... .S.l M• (Next to All Atner1can M.arket) ....... ~ • ~ ......... at. .. a.-. ..... Margaret L Scharle Teacller ot Plano Orcantst · Aceompanllt Evenln1 Cl&UH 101' Adults 'Jifl GOLDENROD AVE. Corona del Mar HARBOR REST MEMORIAL PARK Harbor 81 \'d. at Gisler KIMBERLY 5-1158 AMANDA LWYD Physical Therapy Corrective Massage Port Theatre lluDdlnl 2!101 E. Cout BW"/ ... c.D.X. OUke Phone: llartiar ..., ........,_, t<lmbooty 3·X10 But buv nt1Di better trotU-in. to<1 • Now! Get the biggest, roomiest, most beautiful car of the low-price thr ee wit h THE YEAR'S BEST DEAL! Ply~outh sales have broken all recorda this ~· That meaM you can aft the be8t deal of the ,.ar rigA! rw>10/ You otiU ha .. lllobootooloctioa of- •ntl r .. tureo rigA! -1 Your p.--t car II .t lllo t>cd: of Ita value tod&T, and that means ,-oor • Plymouth dMier can rive you the top..dol1ar allow~ ance for it riglt.t tiOtO. (In fact, it "'ill problbly more than ~ver ,-our down payment.) So for the year's beat deal on a new car, it makes awfull.y J'OC)Cl Hllae tAl -yovr Pb-mouth dealer -rigllt 11010/ OUT ~,~~ .... _ .. ID WUI COAST diGIIWAT 101 HEWKai IUal CA1~ • • I I l • ~ 801' M'"'C TO anD» -laiOGL···--M•nM Cll 0.C.. del K&f II pl•nnlq to .talt tbe .,... ot .._. _..... ad to att.-d tlut 1130 a... lteunlon ot San ler· nar41Do Blab School on Novem· Mr 5. TINt feU will be held on U.. ~-cl'the NaUonal Or· ........... Constitution Week Is Set ....... • • • • of sOdal note d'$ Met Nn.. M. L. Quarle. ot 401 ~or Dora HW hu t.ued a Avoeado Ave., CCli'Ona del Mar, proclamatJon ct.tpatlq the lut ..-, •ho tells me that her week ot sept 17 to 2S u Colultl· tlaurtater. WUma Walten Ia a tutlen Weet. happy boueewUe up tn Alh&.n\• e • • Sandra SdunJdt lett Jut week from ber bome at 2531 BayJO\on Dr., Bay Shone, for her fNIIhman yev at Colleee cl the Pacific at Stockton. Sandra bu had an ex- ettlnc aUDU'iler, havlne 1u.t N· turned from aeven weeki abJOad, where ahe toured Europe with the Teen·Y Tour and attended a Trt·Bi·Y convention in Parts. • She called on local dtberw to bra. She ta now Mra. HamUton * BANQUET HAU.. AVAILAkE pay speelal attention durlnc the Patton. week to our Fedenl ConltJtutlon • • e '""JOG • BRUCE .._.ARTIN andtheadvantaa•ot~ 1R cltizenahJp, and to Oy tiM U. S. P'lac at places ot bu.tne. and am_, .. ---l.I=E homes, "emphulzlne the I"U· posea of Good Government u Ht LOCAL AGENT forth tn the CoDitltut1on'a Pre· 1'193 NI!W!oRT AVE., COSTA IIESA amble and the duty ot all per- OPTICE: Liberty 8-!ISM BES. Ubert7 8-5063 sons in our RepubUc to protect ~!!i~~~~~=~~;;;;;;~~~~~~~l~ our Constitution and the free· N-Gea ren .. a cost leu to buy and use. Rena• lllustreted Is wtDGEWOOO. Look at the time-saving features you get on a new GAS range! r-..rotTOP .... Automatically shuts off top burner when cooklna time Is up -no pot·"tchlnc. CLOCK comot Automatic clock control frees you for other tasks. Turns own on and off. SUPU·SP'lll -LEI Special new radiants speed brolllna. Gas alves amokeleas, caos.d·door btoillnc. Set ttM latest IIOdels at llf'l dale(s •,.. Gsl ~s ........ -. ~ ! MTJEM c..mo • ~ Only GAS. gives you such modem aUtomatic ,appliances doms In Ita Blll of Rlebta. so tj\at It may continue to protect us and our posterrty In thla na- tion under God." The Dauehters of the Aaleri· can Revolution tre apon10rlng the observance Ot Constitution Week In commemoration of the 168th anniversary of the adop· tlon of the Constitution -"the greatest document for human liberty In two thousand years of recorded history.'' No. A·26 178 NCYnCE OF HEARING OF PE. TITION FOR. PROBATE OF WILL AND FOR LE'M'ERS OF ADMINlSTRA TION WITH THE WILL ANNEXED. In The Superior Court of the State of Calllornla In and For the County of Orange In the Matter of the Estate of HARRIET M. FERRELL. Deceased. Notice Is hereby elven that the petition of Beatrice F. Spencer for the probate of the Will of the above named decedent and for the Issuance of Letters o! Admin- Istration with the will annexed to the petitioner will be heard at 10 o'clock A.M. on September 16, 1955. at the court room ol De- partment 4 of the Superior Court of tht> State of California in and (or the County of Orange. Dated August 26, 1955. Attorney for Petitioner, A. K. Phelps 3429 E. Coast Highway Corona del Mar, CaHf. B. J. SMITH. County Clerk Publish: Sept. 1, 8. 15, 1955 In The Newport Harbor Ensign. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTlST JlOl Vl. Llcle, N-.-t leech A branch of Tile Mother Ctlu"h, The Fi"t Church' d6 Chriat, x ientist, In lot- ton, MeawchuaettL Suntl•y School ----9:1S e.m. Sundey S.rvice ·--· .. -II :00 e.m. Wedneadey Evening M .. tinq 1:00 p.m. R••dinq Room loceted et )) IS Vie Lido, Newport leech, ia ope11 .... k d•ys from 10:00 e.m. to 5:00 P·"'-Wed~ f-10:00 •-"'· te 7:45 p.m. Fridev -nlii<J• from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Sundey ,ftemoons 2 to S p.m. Closed Holideys. The public is c-ordielly invited to ••· l t•nd the church aervices end vae the R .. dinq Room. YOU · CAN TAKE OFF POUNDS The Easy Stauffer Way If You Are • • • TODAY, the story of a good figure is told NOT in pounds, but in INC HES on a TAPE MEASURE YOU will be delighted and amazed when you kno• for the very first time what t+.e STAUFfER SYSTEM can do for YOUR figure! At the Stauffer SY'tem, you will be told how long it will take to achieve your desired proportions. PHONE TODAY FOR YOUR FREE TRIAL TREATMENT Barbor 1742 3117 E. eoc.t Jlwy. CO.OaA DEL IIA.Jl The meettne of the bar (law. ,...., that ta> 1a betnr held thta month tn San Franclaco. Tom Hetfeman and Mark Soden are both taJrtne leave ol thelr Co· rona del Mar ofttce for the con· ventJon. The Sodens plan to take a little tlme ott for Lake Tahoe enroute. • • • Forty·three youne people from Oranee Couny were on the trip, which took them from Holland, throueh Germany to VIenna, Austria, behtnd the Iron Curtain to Za~ted. Yueoelav1a, to Venice, R.ome, Switzerland and France, * lAY VJEW.DANCIN&..coacTAIL IAl . IAt Me Sol.. Your Food or eat.riDg Problem •o10 •AII11D • u.oa G80VN wa.coiiD * * Hon d'oeu't'l'• cmd Good Food MY SPECIALTY * S~aklne of Tahoe, first per10n the Jack Sadlelrs ran Into on tbelr recent Tahoe vacation was Dee Boyd, widow of yachtsman Bob Boyd. Dee 15 working up at Tahoe. The Sadlelrs also met the Gardner Kines at June Lake. where they spent one week ln rw ..........._ Ccd1 Part. at the convention, and DOROTHY MARSTON • • • then on to Eneland and Scot· 11 Order Ia T .,_ land, their departure point for 0 • 00 ...,. home. Too Her brother, Bill Schmidt. alao ~~~~~!!I!!IMMI!I!!II~ returned to achool last week. This year Bill will attend Stan· ford University to study law. When Bill graduated from New· port Harbor High he received a scholarship to attend Pomona, where he turned out to be a star hallback on the Pomona footbaJJ team. After flnlshtne his tour years at Pomona, he now has another scholarship to continue hls studies in law. • • • Finishing up the summer va. cation In Corona del Mar were <Continued on 6) * HO'ITER 'N HOT -'The heat drove us all to extreQ'les. Under· stand one bathing suit got so brief on the Corona del Mar Main Beach that the lite guard asked It to leave, taking Its nearly covered owner with lt. <Where was the Ensign photo· grapher!) ... Mary Dennison at Dennie's said It was so hot she actually felt a blast of $001 air when she opened her 400 degree oven-r think she was k1ddln' . . . Thought for a while the heat melted a tree, but "Barney" Barnes assures me that It was a several-hundred-pound piece of petrllled wood dug up out of the hUl above CDM. • • • A llttle more enllghtenment on James, the Rhodes Scholar. Stef· fensen. It seems he la now at Yale on a W!'1tlne and research fellowship, the flrst one donated by one of the largest' New York theatrical agencies. We know that he 15 a scholar at heart be· cause he turned down a job teaching English at an eastern girls' school to take the fellow - ship. Hls father. Les Steffensen, says he probably would have tak~ the girls' school. His mother, Mary, llke all mothers this time o' year, ls wondering ll hla clothes are clean and in good condition. Hls brother, Don, commenting on the fact that the army has not yet laid &·hold o' James. says he'll probably be the only 2nd Lt. (ROTC at Pomona) with an Oxford English accent! Light their life with fQithl/. • • • SomeUmes we get so buy de· scribing the bride's beautiful gown and nowers. we don't get around to menttonlne aome of the important ~le who come for miles and miles to see a young couple married. Like. for Instance. Mrs. Harry Graham, grandmother of the groom Jim Graham. who came all the way from Floria tor the Earl-Graham rites, and ML<~S Eleanor Camby of Rochester. N. Y. also present at that wedding and a cousin of the groom. Mrs. Narval Earl. jtTandmother or the bride, from Los Angeles also attended ... Forgot to mention pretty Miss Judy Couch of Corona del Mar. ST. A.Jifi)-.EWJ nJSITTEJllAJI c:BO"aCJI 15th St. It St.·Andrewa Rd .• CICI'CIU ln. 111P lcMol ~·.)'m ,__, ..... J ... &.I ....... SUNDAY: Mornlne worship, 9:30 and 11 a.m.; Chwcll School, 9:30 and 11:00: Jr. Hleh, Sr. Hleh and colleee aee Fellow- ships, 7 p.m.; Thursday, Prayer, study group, 9:30 a .m. COIOI1JJI!TT KETBODIST -w ..... lt.. c.ts ..... Liberty wsu ..-..Joeepll w. Mclllwa Sunday: 9:30 a.m., Chwcll Sun· day School; 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Mornlnc Wonhlp-7 p.m. College A&e MYF Service-7 p.m. Hleb Scheel MYF Service: 8 p.m .. , youne adulta group aervtce. m& caoac:a or w 10!10 Cllvdl lt.. c...·-La.tyUDC7 D. C. Bant.IUaJatw Sunday services: 9:45 a .m . Bible study; 11 ll.m. momtnc wor. ship; 7:30 p.m. evenJne service. Midweek service, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. TilE CBU.CB OP CBIU!T Odd Pellowa l..odp, 1Mt Xewport A ..... Coeta Mesa. Uberty 1-5711 Tom Baker, Jr.-MI.D1ater Sunday Servlt'eS: 9 :45 a .m. Blble • No. A 26 20-1 1 study; 10:55 a.m. worship serv. NOTICE TO CREDrTOR..<; 1 Ice; 7:30 p.m. evening service. ESTATE OF JANE MacAR -- THUR. DECEASED. CII'BlST CBtTilCB rt TJ1E SEA NOTICE JS HEREBY GIVEN CoauDUD..lty Methodlat to the creditors of and all p<>r lkl1boa 11Yd. at lCtb St.. X.wport 1 son'i having claims against th<' HArbor 5221 said d<'<.'cdent or said estat(' to Pastor: BeY. Boy A. Carboa Cll<' them with the necessary Sunday Worship, 9:30 and 11 a .m . I vo uchers In the ofllce of th<' Church School : 9:30 a.m. Mid· Clerk of the Superior Court of week Meeting: 7:00 p.m. Wed- thP County of Orang(', State of nesday preceded by 6:15 p.m. Cali!ornia, or to pr('S('ot the potluck. sam<'. with th,. necessary vouch ers. to the undersigned at his or her place of business. to wit: · 3429 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar, callf. within slx months after the first publication of thla notice. Dated August 29. 1~. A. K. PHELPS Administrator of the Estate of said decedent. A. K. Phelps Attorney at Jaw 3429 E. Cout Highway Corona del Mar. Calll. Publlah: Sept. 1. 8. 15. 22, 1955 In tbe Newport Harbor EnaJen. ST. JOA~ CRUBCB liM 0~ A ..... Coeta ..... LJbertT 1 ·1·1 Pat.ller ,..__ J. !feria luday .. _ .. '· .... 11 CIDd 11:30 a.m. Weekdaya: Mass at 7:00 a.m. -Cont.-Jon: Satu.r· da,. from 4:00 to 5:15--7:00 to 8:30 p.m. J JUT IAPTIIT CII'OJICB or aawroiiT laDMMa lift.. lltla £ Coui Ita.. IIAibw uu x..,..nl.lbwty 1-Jtn ...._,~a.I•n aa rDIIT MSJDOLT or aoD lllld~t. £ EJdm A"-c.t. M..a Ubetty t.ml ....... II. c:. o..&c. ..... Svnday Scbool: 1:30 a.m. WOII· ahip: 10:515 a.m. and evanaeiLtt service, 7:30p.m. Younc People and Children's Service, 6:30 p.m. Sun. Mld.week Servtce: Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Ladle.' Mlulo!lary CouneU, Tb\U'IIdaya 9:30 a.m. for all day. IE'f&MIB DAY ADt&Midi •...-taa..t. ..... ... 11--.-t ..... ta Llbwty ... .. Eldew D. L lpm Wer Saturday Momlna Senrtces: Sab- bath School: 9:30 a.m. -Ser· mon: 11:00 a.m. Prayer meet· lng: Wednesday, 8 :00 p.m. CBUIIQI .. tile .AU .... ............. c.tll .... ........... C:U..W"M 1 Llbwty 1-7111 Su.nda)' Servleea: SUnday School. 9:30 a.m. MomJne Wonblp at 10:30 a.m. EvancelbtJe Setv· Ice, 7 p.m. Sunday. N.Y.P.S .. 6 p.m. Sunday: Prayer meettne. 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. PDST cauac:a or ClmiiT ICIDIIII sav~a=:r .... Sunday School: t :l5 a.m .. Sun- day S e r v I c e : 11:00 a.m. Wednesday Eventnc Meettnc: 8:00. Readlne Room, 3315 VIa Lido, Newport Beach. open 10 a.m.·5 p.m. week da:p, 10 a.m.· 7:45p.m. Wedne.daya, 7-9 p.m. Friday evenlnn. . CIIJUST LtJTIIEilAK CB17BCJI OP COSTA ME.SA (Mlunarl lyaod) AJD.riCCID ~ JIGU. Coeta Meecr Paton ••· Letbcu TorDow Sunday Services: Worship Serv· Ice 9 a.m. Sunday School at 10:15 a.m. IALaOA IILAKD COIOIVRJTI' IDTBODDT 115 Aaate A"-lolboa l..a..d M~: .... ~dlapp ........ Sunday Service.: 9:30 a. m. Church Sdlool~30 and 11:00 a.m. WCJ!'hlp lee. COIIOII& Da. liD co ... uant caa8Cii C PIS llnsl Ill ... ltliftii,Aftl. ....... .............. a-.. rDIT JAnWr c:aoaca ._._A-. Aw.. .. Map rlla Cedll .... ...... a.·--. Sunday Servleea: 9:«5 Lm. Sundq School: 11 3.m. Wonhtp s.vtc:.· 6 :30 ' .m., Baptlat Tra.lalq Union; :30 p.m.. ~ Servtee. Wedn.claJ: 7:30 p.m.. Prayer, PralM and Bible Study. M OD• day: 7:30 p.m. Mm'a Choru. p r a c tl c:e; 1:30 p.m. Men's Pr~ Meettnc. caoac::a 01' ova LADY or liT. C#1DRL .... w • .._..._ • .,...n •1111u 111• · .,.....~~· ..... r...._~a•01111 Sunday M.-: •• and 10:00 and 11 ;30 a.m. Cont.-ton: Sat· uJ'daya and eves. ot lJit Prldaya and Holy n..,. from 4:00 to 5:30p.m. and from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. De.Jly Mue 1:00 a.m. l'trst Friday: 1:30 a.m. aDd f:OO p.m. N o • e n a (Pwpetual Help): 1'Ues4&y, 7:«5 p.m. P'lahermen'a Mus. July and Auf\l.R. SundaJ . 4a.m. · vaiY'"" JIT COIIiiUIUI I nLLOWUID Deua......_ SIS W. a.DMMa lift.. lolboa ......-..... r .w . .._. Sunday School. 10:30 a.m. Mom- Ina worahlp. 11:00 a.m. , -IT. JAIID &ftiOO•AL aa v .. Ll6s. a...-t Ieoda IIAibw lato ..... Jolaa ........ -.ct. Sunday services: 8:00 a .m. Holy Communion, 9 :15 a.m. 11 a .m. Sunday school; 9:15 a.m. morn· lng prayH and serm on, 11 a.m. worship service. T h u r s d a y Services: 9:15 a.m. Prayer Guild; 10:30 Holy Communion . ST. JOD VJAJnfET 314 MarlM Aftw lcalboa l.alcmd IIAibw 021. rata.. •s:e•a.y. ra.t. raur.. ..._.\&? ~ Sunday Mueea: 7:00 a .m. It 9:00 a.m. Confession: Saturda.n and eves. ot 1at Prlda.n ancl HolJ Daya; 7:30 to 8:10 p.m.; l'lrlt Friday M.a.a 8 a.m. Summer Mau, July and Aucuat SundaJ~. 11 a.m. c:artaa~. amu cauaca 0.... ......... lt. c.111 ..._ lD I rtf e.-A. A......_...._ Suna., Sc:bool: 1 :45 a.m. Morn· tn.a a.mc.. u:oo: ~lDa s.rvtee. 7:30. ......... Sen'· lee, WedneadaJ, 7:30p.m. Youna l"IOPle meet f :l5 p.m. Sunday. BUT THE HANDY YELlOW PAGES WILL LIST A NEW CAREER FOR BUSINESS SCHQOLS IT PAYS TO LOOK Sunda)' aervteea: 9:«5 a.m..' Sun-dar. School; 11:00 a.m., WOII· sh p s.vtee: 7:30p.m. Sund&,)' .eventnc 41! • r • I e •: llld·WHk s.rvtee: 1:30 p .m. Wednesc!ay Prayer Meettn«. Sund81 WonbJp lervlca: 1:45 a.m.. 11:00 a.m. SUncla.y Sdlool: t :t5 LJD. I"DDT IOU IUD IAPI'iiT JIAJUIOa AIIDDLT or GOD cauaca QIIJtL Is • sm Ctdli. 110 "'· •-• • A. es.e. .._ La ....... I MISSED THAT HIGH TRAPEZE AGAIN THIS JOS IS FillED WITH FEAR! IN THE .. a.ASSIFIED" PART OF YOUR TELEPHONE BOOK aawron JIADO• ~.:--=0'11" . ...._..,., •• • & .._ LVTII&Uif CBUICII ~ C. a. n r d 8uiMIQ ICboeL t :e a.m.l. dlurdl JSOl aut.-....... IWPta • ...toe U:OO a.m. na~A.tnc ~ ...,1 8UJMky acbool9:30 a.m.. marn.lnl UDioft T p.11L ·=· ~na .... ...,.. a. ..... • wonldp u a.m. Youna people _.....PIJ.m.8un .'I'Heb· Early aerviee, 1:30 a.ro. lulldq: aento.111,.,!:30 P·JD..t. evatq .. and omc.a naT p.a. Churdl !ebool t::ao Lm. · wor-..-5 _....._ MMcl 7 :30 p.m. lteda...t.Q. PrQw ...._ uct ship~ lt:OO a.m.; Lutb• ·JIJcJ.W'MIE .me. 7:30 p.m. IUble .. 1:45 p.a. w--. LHpe, 7:GO p.m. Wed.Midq. h,y. Tlda Diredol r ia IDCide 11 a sNe " a.-cdtY.tk1041~MG ••••ea:~ WOODWalTH PIANO SHOP lbd .. " ................ ...... 2610 I. c..t Hwy •• H•. JJI2 C4i ..... Mlr I ~ ioa roa-.-.---..,-.;.."":'-.::na~-----:-----~-- A 80ft. 1 lb&, 7 oz.. wu ))om to Mr. and Kra. lobert Van DrtmJen of 48 aatboa eov-. New- port 8Mch. ln Santa Ana Com· munJty Ho.pttal on Tu.Uy, Au1. 30. ···~- TM,y~ Checking Account can give · you all these wonderful advantages .•. Just a few dollars will open an account ... no min- imum balance required ... your name imprinted free OD your ebecb while you walt ... only coat, a few peaniea per cbect •.. 110 extra• ... atatemeata aad eanceJJed checks available replarly. Remember to see us about a ThriftiCheck Checking Account u soon u you can. ..... ,,.., . ...... s-mlay £y .... POST Newport HarbOr Bank CO_,.A DD.IIU Maria Russell Pleger of COM Is Bride of David Lee Lynch Deslgnlnar skUl of the brlde'a two aunll contributed to the wedding tlneey ol Miss Marla Ruut"ll Pleger, who wa.s married to David Lee Lynch at a candle- light ceremony held Friday eve- Bgin & Homilton Watches Diomonds Mountings Wallace Calder head JEWELER 3 I 23 Ee1t Coe1t Highway Corofta del t.4 er Large1t end Most Compt.te f\Jrniture Store In tf,e ArM. C.ll fM frM DECORATING SERVICE Llberly 1-5511 Furnishings for homes. clubs. yochts. 3017 W. Co.Jt Highway Newport leech VAN'S CLEANERS .. 30 Yeara· Experience Perfecting Superior Cl .. ning Craftunen1hop" WE FEATURE C.,.ful Hendling of All Delicate Fabric1, Beaded & Lee• Germe,h DRY CLEANING-LAUNDRY SERV- ICE -KNIT BLOCKING -HAND PR ESSING -DY!ING -ALTERA· liONS-REPAIRING. Phone Herber 5152 Pid Up & Delivery S.Nica Open I e.m. to 5:10p.m. -S.turdey, 8 e.m. to 2.30 p.m.- 3421 E. Coell Hwy.: Corone del t.4er QllAJfTS aETVBJf TO LA. The Burton Grants are leaving BaJboa Island for their winter home ln Los Angeles. IALLIOOM DANCING Klnar Stud!~ famous for Hlgh Quality Instruction brlnp ~u t.hl.a Special Introductory "Jet a.c:qualnted" FALL OFFER! ..... r.. TNt. ...... •·t& .... .,.... ...... ....,,.... dlly RIPtl n&IU Y .. _..Oar Q...el ltln1 StudJ01 famous "penon-altaid" lutn.lc:tion will have JOU d&Ddn• at once! ao VALVKI 'ls• IPIIIYATZ 'DIO"' JIIIACI'ICK IDIIOIIS DAIIC& .AIITID Phyllis Albers of Costa Mesa Wed to Noel Barlow of 8.1. • 'I'IIKT DaCID& TO IJ'&II1) Y ACATIOII IIIGIIT .aK Mr. and Mra. Carl~ Mears ol Jfewport Rell'hll meant to spend the wtldt-end vacationing at LaJce Arrowhead. WhJle they .... ,one their son and new d au&htu-ln-law. the Carleton Mears Jr., Wert" proprietors ol lfean Camera Shop, Costa Mea. Bowevtor, they found lbe moun- tala a~u ao veey hot and Ar· toWhead waa crowded, so they turn ed around and apent thetr vaeatJon at home in Newport Harbor. lOIS. ROEL aAaLOW. U.. lor· -...... l'llyWa Alben ., eo.ta ...... (0"--...... ) cameras ~pairs rentals Jut COLOR SERVICE fash1oned of Dacron and Rayon by Alexander of Calif hght and cool avrulable m Brown & Turquoise with detachable collar ... Sizes 10 to 18 .. 1101111'1 Llll IIIIET wftla IALl.Dt Sept. 14, 11155 Row much Ia your time wortb, Mom! A ~nt aurvey made Jn Chicago r~aled that the awr- age Mrs. with 2 children "'nda 21 hours cooking and prepartnr meals, 10 hours cleaning up altt'l' said mt-als, 15 hours k~lna. the home bright and ahlnlng, 7 houn whipping the waahtng machine and iron around. 7 hou,. shop- ping (not h lgh ~nou1h . . . 'I could point out the same grocery cart pusht-rs three or four tlmH a day, every day In the week ... bless 'eml ... 15 hours mlndln& the s mall fry In and out of th& house and 5 hours for mlJicel· laneous household duties ... answering phone . gardening, mending. paying bills. massag- Ing hair N!'Storer Into husband's bald head (had to put that ln be<:ause Rene ove-at the Shav· lng Mug recently sold my otbt'l' half a jar ot something very new that Is guarante-ed to grow hair or your money back ... I'll keep you posted on this looka iood thouch J. • • • Ht-re·s another way you can h~ Hoag Hospital build the nnr much-n~N1 wing without do- nating any mon.-y . . The Aux- iliary of the Hoar Hospital are having a Fund Fair at thE' Ren· dt"'ZVous Ballroom Saturday Octo- bt-r 1 . . . The Fund Fair will consist ot the following bootba White Elephanta. Glfta fChrlstmas Is comtnar>. Small Fry. Froren Fooct.. Sweet tooth, Rat& Slightly u.ect clothinc . Kitchen Corner. Doll& eo.tume J~lry . . . Now the Idea .. this: Donations are badly needed . . . 50 lf you wtU bake a cak .. knit a pair of lOCks, crochet a dolly. make some doll clot.tw. ... Or If you havt" some aurpla · frozen or C'anned foods . . . artnc It right hen to me at the lltoft or caU me and I'U 11M that It J8 pldced up . . . Look h\to 10ft~' clothes cloeeta. ~ •anct laat ooxea. up In the attie, doWn Ill the buaMnt . . . Con.ct wbat you wlah to give and a truck wtll be ~ent to your home to I** • up . . • All you Ml!ed do lla call TM hfft at akharcra ~ ~ and leave your NUIM aNI ... d~ .•. Notb.iq ta too Wa • too .nall .. . ....,. ....... , 2 ... .., .......... u..n 21 ........ ,.'a .............. • 9D I Qaa Ell I ........... ......... .. ,_ . ... .. -.... J• Park l111il Call IAUOA ISLARD 12:30 luncheon and fashion show TBtJBSDAT. SEPT. 12 MODELS A.lfD COMMEJCTAJlT IT VEJUifA NILLEJI Frances Norton Brat Shop Marilyn Fashions By : Ell gene's Cay Togs Lorne Kim of California Johnsons Jewelers 1956 Orchid presented by Hartleln flowers Parking available during show. * Orlcfnal cnatlona by Orange County dress desfgn~s Dorothy O'Hara, Marg'le Webb and Peg Powers wiU be modelled at the Nearly New luncheon f ashion Show to be held at 11 :30 a.m. Tuesday at the Balboa Bay Club. All Items of feminine apparel wUl be 110ld after the show and CIIIUSTIAif ICIEJIQ CBUBCB That man must worship the one God only and not put hla trust In material thlnp Is the keynote of the· Lesson-Sermon on "Matter" to be read at the New· port Beach Christian Science church Sunday. "Take heed, and beware of covetousnesa: for a man's life conslsteth not ln the abundance ol the thJnp which he poslftSdh" Ia a Bible wlec· tlon In the Lesson-Sermon lrom Luke's Gospel 02:15). The Col· den Text trom I Corinthians (10:14) cautions. "My dearly be· proceeds wl» go to the Orange BAaaOB LVTBE&Aif CBUMCB County Philharmonic Society Dr. JamH McCauley, proteuor loved, nee trom Idolatry." symphony fund. of biology at Orange Cout Col· A.sslstJne Mrs. Maxwell Sturges lee. wtll be the Jut of tour Jay. of Lido Isle, who Ia chairman of speakers to address the Newport \ "'' SECOND AmnVEIIS.AU SPECIALS 1 unalJ Stelnway, Uke new 1 nft Baldwin Grand, peat. ly reduced. 1 uted •plnet tf!SO • ............. PIMIC.. LADIES-DIIISS ·up YOUI IIOMIN. IOAilD -wmt ntll "DAJm ...... 1101111 10111 Pacl ancl Cower Set ITEM· 01-TIE-MOIITH SMOoth t..tured cover with elestfe ecf9-, Mit ~ ,.,men+. Complet. witt. W tailored, .. ft ..ttM bitted peel. 6uerent .. d to fit eay 54" (Sta~Htercl) l,..Wttt TebJe, Wood w w.t.J REGULAR $1 .79 VALUE SPECIAL 88' IACH * * * 1956 1956 1956 Church Group Holds Election the event, will be Mrs. Juliette Harbor Lutheran Church con~· Mllllken of Lido, commentato~ gatlon, serving as Jlturctat and Mrs. Basil Peterson of Newport speaker at duplicate ~ *CROWN HARDWARE* Heights ls In charge of sales Sunday at 8:30 and 11 a.m. He personne l and Mrs. Alfred Payne will speak on the relation be· * WE GIVE CROWN STAMPS * of Emerald Bay Is coordinator of tween science and relfglon. costumes. Artist Thelma Paddock HABJOR 232 Hope has designed the decora · 'IIEIFEBS FOB UUEr TALK Harry Iunour has been named tlons. A Los Angeles teacher who ac· 3107 E. Coaat Hwy.,. Coroaa del Mar president of St. Andrews Council com~anled a herd or heifers from ~==:=;;;;;;~~;iiii~iiiiiiii==~==~=i of Presbyterian Men. Lee Rlven ------------the United Sutee to Germany In was elected v1ce-preetdent: Hen· · v nsung the summer of 1953 wlli reall%.e ry Brainerd, secretary, and Ry.s· hla experiences at the FamUy sell Cuthbert. treasurer. Chalr-C _: .-1 _ Night proJYam of the Balboa * UNCOLN ' 1956 Friday the Sixteenth AT JOHNSON & SON LINCOLN-MERCURY Open Tu 8:30 p.m. Uberty 8-55-CS 900 W. Coast Hwy .. Newport Beach Longer ... Lower .. Wider. mt>n of standing committees a re ommer(.;~ Island Community Methodist Je'ISe Spratt, projects; Milo Lacy, Church on Wednesday evening, I evangelism: Webster Jones. mls· ~pt. 21. He Is Marshall Byrd, slons. and Paul Williams, mem· Open house prizes awarded by who made his trip In behalf of bership. RAy Fields, Jeweler, In the Fron-HeUers for Relief. The sea-going The Rt>v. James S. Stewart. tier Village Shopping dJstrlct cowboy wtl show a 15.mJnute pastor of St. Andrews Church, were g'lven to the following colored tllm depleting what hap· was master of ceremonies at the Costa Mesa residents: Mra. A. N. pens from the time a hel.fer Ia election meeting. The constltu· D. Costantini of 2092 Placentia given by an Amef"lcan fa rmer tlon, prepared by James Penney, won a ladles ring; John E. Stark until It reaches a refugee family was adopted. District Attorney of 902 W. 18th and Elmo Cloua-In Germany. Robert Kneeland spoke on "Crime tre of 1651 Placentia each won ..,....._........,.. ___________ _ and Punishment," affirming that watchbands. .., ... Usllll' "moral Integrity Is the greatest • • • factor In the dlmJnutlon of Fanya Devitt of Laguna Beach. crime." who ls opening her new dance ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~~~~~~~~~~~~·~=========~~~udlo~~w~lnCo~a~ .:: Mar. Is an experience(! dancer More Powerful!! The auoclaUon of Nona Hyer with the Sanford Realty Office wu announced thls week by W. W. Sanford of Park Ave. and Ma· rlne, Balboa Island. Mrs. ~f~er has ben In the real estate bUSI · ness on Balboa Island for nearly 20 years. With her husband. the late attorney Granger Hyer, she came to the Island from Los An· eeles and opened a Joint law and real estate office. At that time there were only three real estate otflces on Marine Ave. and the permanent resident& ol the Island totalled about 225, abe recalls. Atter her huSband's duth, Mrs. Hyer hune her real Every Child ••• Should Have t' "The· Chance • to Dance" dJ.tUUpi- MIIIIf ...... • • • and teacher and the owner or the Fanya School of Dance In Chi· cago, which hu been operating for 25 yean. Fanya's pupils age from 3 to 50 years old. She ape. clallus In 3-year·olds., teachln them tap, ballet and acrobatic dancing. She la holding classes ~ and Interviews at the Marjorie Hale School of Charm Studio, 291.2 E. Coa.st Highway, Corona del Mar. The EbHl Club of Newport .Ute license In the Stanley Beach wtll open Ita fall Muon Hadfield office, which WU later SCHOOL NEEDS Girl'a Olficial Gym Suita Boy' a <day Gym Shorta & Shina HOOD 'PF' Ballketball & GymS~ white or black Athletic Shoe. from 3.50 Sweat Shirta-& Pcm.._blue or 91'ey Hooded Sweat Shirta Single or double thidm- blue or grey Supporte~weat So~ Etc. Genuine LeW~ Meo'a cw lor'• -plu-..y-.....a ..... - ALL A"fAIUWK IIOW AT AnnoUnc:H the Opening of ClCZMH pu.rchued by Doria Bray .. Al· next Thursday, Sept. 22. wtth a thou1h ahe Ia nearl7 a native o( ;::.=====================~ deaert and card party at the Balboa Ialand. Mrs. Ryer was NI!'WpOJ't American LetSon club· actually born In Indiana. for Children and Adulla in Ballet-Tap-Acrobatic Dancing (classes for Mothers & Business Women) Specialized training For The 3 Year old Child. Class & Private Lessons. All classes will be und~ the penonal Instruction of Fanya ... with spedal attention given to the needa of each pupil . . . emphula on ph)'ldcal and mental polle and ~· r..,. .._ ..._ , ...... ~ • ..s-•.a.•••._.._,_.. ,__ ............... Q. 5 P• &aWTIOII AlfD DGIITaA'I'IC* ,.. • ...__.,a .. ....ne bou.e. • • • Deaert at 12:30 wt1l precede Among the realtora Who plan an afternoon ol caret. and v1alt· to attend Ule Callfomta Real lng. Re.ervatJoaa, to be made by r..tate ConventJon &be Jut wee1r Tue.ct.y, are being taken by of the month are Gloden J'ay, Mn. C. C. Dodd, Harbor 4684: Katherine Obion, Rub Powers, M.ra. Pt\11 P'Nndl, Rafbor 3382. Neal Mart I n , lohn Kimble-, and Mn. J. A. Oan( Rarbro 1~ Kabel l'ftzmorrls, Doria Bray, Summer eottona w111 be In order lex Jteeha (nearly reeo'Vf!I'M (cw the day. ~pedal prtze. have trom the aun blut), Lola Vogel, been arran..... )(yrtle Davy and local ~l~t, Final plana wfU be made to· Charle. Bart. moatow when the Waya and • • • Means Committee meeu with Ed Seodelmeler Ia to much lm· Chairman A..IMila Gamble at her proved, tht7 are C!ODIIIcllrtq the home In Corona del Mar. Others tlml for bJm to come home. pla.nnlq the Part7 are Mmes. • • • 8uU htereon, C. II. Deakin~, Lola VopJ Ia wrtth•a a book ThOIDu ~a.ara.. Eaton, ap.1n about ..nina real ..Ute. Jlu.a.tll WDllun 1\'ltt, • • • Byron wen., leblft, !f...,., 1'be l'r'&QC!t. Borvatha looad Holmwood aJM1 B. S. llc:Otqor. don Clll a.ot Lae Aqelel t.tona Music Group 1lae CIDOI lftOW COWNd mountatn ,..... up at laDU aD4 LAb ....... DO YOU NEED DllAPEIIID? SPECIAL 10 DAYS ONLY BON MARCHE' * Drape Your Eatire Bame OM Low Price '199 &ms * For Free Estimatee or to See Samples In Y.our Own Home Call Hwbor 8176 · Budget Terma--Anange Your OWn • 90 Day. cta.b I * BON MARCHE' • I • 1'00 ....... to Cit ., J'OUND·CU.UY In vtdnJty 30th and Ocean JYont. n. Owner may elalm If can ldentlt)' and pay tor t.b1l acl. BA 4o&!ft. • CORONA mGHL.UfDS 2 • bedr. deluxe apt. for rent. Ca.rpet.d W•t·W, &ood h•t, biJ lOoma, ~~"~ 1.~ti rf=s:=: W. L T.u. .,.r ler, BA m4. -J'W'Il ua our friendly ..w:. An. FOR RENT: only 180 mo. 400 E. 11th St.. Colla Meta completely turn. 3, attractive ---------=Ubel:::.::lrtt':.:::::.....:.S....:l::;:tae;.:_ _______ _ l ·Mttr. apt&. avail.. Balboa Blvd., Bal. Art l[btler, 2091 Newport Blvd., Npt., HA ~- DESIRE 3 or 4 bedr. house to rent In Tuftln area. Will trade tor llke rental In CDM. HA 4532-W. 24-INCH Jlrla Columbia biJce for aale. $!50 wh•n new, will sell cheap. Alto tfet of bike train· lng wbeela. U 8·'7943. Dowa . ..,....., M ..... IUTliTNITAIU Smtth~rona 1956 1956 Op~te Newport Beach City Hall Elevator Complete O«lce Service Parking AvaUable &'WS Newport Boulevard TIE IEIIIIIIT CO. Harbor ~call OLympia 2-2130 Collect. ---- IIIEIIITE PaiEISI. 4 ...... , 2 ....... . TOTAL PRICE $10,!500 ..... 2029 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa Uberty 84161-Eves.: Uberty S4718. H&rbor 3064-M "'IY FIIIT IPECIIUSTS" ART C. KISTLER CO., REAL ESTATE 2091 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach Harbor 5226, day or nJght A Classified Ad in The tnsiqn brinqs immediate results! C~ll Ha~ 11 14-1115 end orove 1T! * UNCOLN Cllll •• 2 ........... . 1956 1956 fireplac-e, nic-e patio, close to lharkeu 6 tran.sp. R-2 zone, room for another unit. Drive by 513 lasmlne Ave., Corona del Mar, a nd then call me! * UNCOLN 1956 Friday the Sixteenth ,AT JOHNSON & SON LINCOLN-MERCURY Open 'Ti18:30 p.m. Uberty 8-5545 900 W. Coast Hwy •• Newport Beach Longer •.• Lower ••• Wider ••. More Powerful!! CUIRE VII lORI REALTOR 2731 W. Cout Hwy., Newport U S4277 fll pr F: ., .... , Corona del Mar, 3Wr&2Nt'a, modt'!'n home, fum. rental apt. attached . . . close to Harbor VIew Scbool and pro- posed parochial school . . . everything buUt-ln Including dlahwa&her, disposal, ete. En- closed patio and 2-car gara~ with work bench . . . call Ha, 250S-M. • • • oa Newport BlYd. JOHN VOGEL. Realtor aboft the Arch.. ac:ro. Freeway &om Hoag 8.- pi taL I•'• Gulli• Pllllrl fmskl c.. ........... .. ..,._, ... ..., Alt I ezU. Prtat8. ....... IIOW m ~ Cr1 ... Ylliele" Ub11tJ 1-Wf . ,..,. ........ ..... 2nd fLOOR CROSSROADS VIllAGE su::x;. PHONE Uberty 8-1617 ~--------------------------, 11111 CUITIIIS C...la_._._. r'+ ......................... ...... ClaWM. ...... ..... .................... ....... ,._ .... pw. • CLARENCE L. COOPER. INC. DEVELOPER 5 Exquisite Bay VIew Homes <ONLY 3 LEFTJ by l ohn B. Clark, Quality Builder located on Harbor Island Road • • • Features: e 4 bdrm., 3 bdrm., or 2 bdrm. A: den e 3 baths • ShaJce Roof • 2 fireplaces • SwimmJug Pool "lt desired" e Lot slus average 65' x 1.25' • Restricted area • Clever Provlnelal, HawaiJan and Ranch type homes e Forced Air Heat. Garbage Dl.sposal, Westlngho~ Dishwasher • BeauUtw PaneUng • Large Sunny Patios e Expensively Landacaped e Wired for HI·Fidellty Mualc • Fine C.blnet Installations • Built-In Electric Stove A: Oven • Bullt-ln Bar A: Refrtceratlon e DellehttuUy d«uated 308 Sappbjre Ave., :Jalboa laland daOy lO.a.m. to 4 p.m. 'tl1 SOLD (we predJct It wtD not be lonJ). . A home ol charm lndud- lnJ out.AandJnJ teawr.: 3-bedra.. 1% batb.a, 2 paU.., completely fwn.l.lrbed (~ rdrlJ., TV, twln beds, maple llvtne room· fum.), abore mooring, boat. paddleboards, beach equipment. Hu EVERYTHING Only $25.000, $6.000 Down • ISUJJD lEAL n CO. 498 Park. Balboa Island HA 3TI BAUOI Ooeal Frill Rellals Cheaper than trailer spa~ (even from the City or New- port). $600 a year. aU utlll· ties furnished. Adults only. These Apartments otler "Sea, Sand and Solitude" (Balboa has everything.) See your friendly landlord. 111111 .. IT IPTS. 1115 E. Ocean Ft.. Balboa IIIII. VlEW 4-bedr. home, den. 2 baths. hardwood and c a r p e t e d floors. $45,000, SubmJt down. • • • 3-bedr. horne. large rooms, protected patio, attractively priced at $24.750 urt w. Sfllllr REALTOR 225 Marine Ave., Balboa uland l'AGJK ••• "Half-Way to Heaven" .. START UVING" IIOIEDIATELY, m IRVINE TERRACE OVERLOOKING THE BEAtmFUL "SMOC.FREE"' YACHTING CENTER OF NEWPORT HARBOR "Southern Dllltornla's Most Beautiful Subcllvlalon" Tomorrow's Dream-T odoy! WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO INSPECT COMPLETED OUR DlST'lNCTIVE FURl'dSHED MODEL HOMES AND OTHERS UNDER CONSTRUCTION NINE DIVERSIFIED FLOOR PLANS To the home buyer who wishes to purchase In the $24.000 to $35,000 class we sincerely recommend the Irvine Estates overlooking Newport Harbor. These homes feature Calltomla living. OUered exclu. slvely through Earl W. Stanley In a Smog-Free area known as Irvine Terrace--<>n Coast Highway opposite the new Irvine Coast Country Club, Newport Harbor. • For recommendation, we refer you to anyone who holds a Leasehold Estate ln lrvlne Terrace, Beacon Bay, Bayshores or Clltl Haven. Earl W. Stanley EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor 4448 For Fu.~er Information CillO DB. Ill Vogel Value 2 bedrooms. hardwood floors, 2-car garage. Large kitchen A: large senrlce porch. Low monthly paym'u, of $160.85 lnelude taxes 6 insuranc-e. Why pay rent! THE VOGEL CO. &7 E. COAST HWY. BARBOR 1741 CORONA DEL MAa HARBOR 1477 laDEI III.E VALUE Ltt 11 ft. ...... ._ $4,.._, .. S.lliY• 11H1 Eters~~ Shown by appointment only to Qualllled Clients CAll Harbor 1775. 1856 Nt>wport Blvd .. Costa Mea eves. Harbor 5359 1----P-ho_n_t>_: _L_Ibe_r_t>:...... _s ._o._,s_I_E_ves_.:_L_ibfort __ Y_8_2_1_03 ___ _ For preview showing CaU l ohn AbeU 1111101 IIVESTIEIT CD. REALTORS Harbor 1600 Evening Phone U S5386 B•ll.,.....s,.c.lallrs We know that you want to make money for your money -and we wouldn't waste your time If we we~n·t sure that you could! We have a vacant piece or C-1 property that just can't miss. Call us at Harbor 2313 and we will give you the details--or drop In and see us at 2620 New· port Blvd .. Nt>wport. PAUL C. JOlES REALTOR CORDIA DR IAR DPEJI HOUSE 304 -306 DAHUA 531 HAZEL DRJVE IB.DI 306 Marin~ Ave. Balboa Island, Harbor 502 IIIMIICEIEIT We ._,. pleased to announc-e the ueoclatlon with this offlc-e of 1111 llpr And As3odat~ 1306 Park Aw .. Balboa Island-Harbor 24Q S&l! , ....... Tin NEwPORT HARBOR BOARD OF REALTORS IT'S WIRTH YOUI WIIU To SE'<' this Bay A\'t>. 4-bt'dr .. 2 bath home. Forc:'ed -alr heat. nic-e kltcht-n. lots or tile. full dining room. large living room. patio Own~ will ron~lder trade for We-stwood home In same.> prlc.-e brackf:"t. or will take small beach c-ottage.> and some.> ca.c;h ror equity. Have.> Ivan comm1tmt>nt on sale for $14.500 BAY a1~BEACH REALTY Harbor 1264 H50 W Ba I boa Bh il Balboa. Calli. RELAX "Start Living" • 1n Irvine T erra(e Fully furmshed contemporary home Two Bed Rooms and Den-Two Ba1hs Large Corner Completely Enclosed Paho w tth Garden Furniture Beautifully landscaped. After few months of occu- pancy, present owner MUST MOVE! • .. ....... ?t Pin Spoiling • ltf7ACSOD CASH RAta f'9B ENSIGM WAin' ADS . And ... tnu' we gel' on another All women ol the Ba.rw .,.. eeuon. Winter Leque narted 1n wbo are a.mUated wtth a If•· eame.t Tue.clay ntabt lUt weell Uonal Greek LetW lutGilty, at Van'a Bowlin& but 80IM oDe Whether they ue a membtr ol &ot aw117 with tbe ICOrea ao we the Harbor Panhellen.le poup Of ean"t give them. 'nle Wednf*fay not. are Invited to a pt at· 20 words or leo::wss~---21 to 30 word.o:~.s ___ _ 31 to 40 words---- Each word over 40-- 1 Time .75 1.00 1.25 .03 , 2Times 1.25 1.50 2.00 .05 3 Times 1.50 2.00 2.50 .07 Ball and ChaJn League Started qualnted tnembenbtp tea ot 1 ;:::::========~ oil with the Davl.t·JiroWn Co. PanhellenJc tD be held Wed.nee· 11 Cash must be received within 7 days of first insertion ...... ~················· taking the hllh aerlea ho~ day, Oct. 12. at the home at lira. with lt«. Jlt!nny Scott' of Arb Richard Stewart In the badr bay Cafe rolled a 202 for hlth area at 393 Del Mat Ave., eo.ta game, and Doc Hay a 5C5 for Mea. • HAL DTAft .. URTALS OCEAN SIDE, CDM. Beaut. tum. 2 bednn. upper. Tile kit. and bath. G: E. 'Slnk and dlsp. Ben· dlx. Patio and garage. Yearly $110. 432"' Goldenrod. RA 2950. ALMOST NEW Completly furnished 2-bedr. Cape Cod house, bath A: shower, ldtcben, dinette. dbl gar., enelosed patio; lot 30 x US. 427 Heliotrope. CDM. $13,950, easy terms. See Any. time. 3 blks to beach-1 block to shop&. TIJJUNGA HEAL'I}i ZONE Casth· matlcs). Dry, no smog or fog, 2500' elevation. Secluded, 3· bec1r. home, 1 yr. old on ap- prox. 2 acres. Panoramic view. Quality construction. $39,500. Also six secluded house sites. oak trees, springs. 1 to 4 acres. Must see to appreciate. Sell or trade for Bay Front property, liveable sa ll boat . FLorida 3-5323. 2-BEDR. FURN. apt., pvt. patio, auto. washer, dlsl)master, ga- rage, In Beacon Bay, Pvt. beach, small boat tie-up. Win· ter rental $100 mo., yrly. $150. Utll. pd. No pets. AvaU. Oct. 15. HA 1.240. ----------------~ W AJfTED TO llEJfT TEACHER 1r wtl e desire unturn. yrly. rental, B. I. l ·bedr. apt. or small house. Write James Par· ker. 6110 Falrbrook, Long Beach. roa sALE HAMMOND ORGANS. World fa. mous. All modeb. Also several bargains In used organs. You can save on these fine organs. Danz-Schmidt, 520 No. Main. Santa Ana. TRADE IN your old watch on a Ladles diamond E1&1n. Wallace Calderhead Jeweler, 3123 E. Coast Hwy., CDM. BABY GRAND. Special. Only ~ Good tone and ac11on. BtQ'eSt stock of wonderful grand pianos ln Orange Coun· ty. Terms. Danz..Schmldt Great Piano and Organ Store, 520 No. Maln, Santa Ana .. Home of the Hammond Organ. WEDGEWOOD. 4 burner wtth griddle. Excellent cond. $97.50. 2231 Bayside. CDM. HA 704. ELECTRONIC ORGAN. Save $410. Easy Terms. Danz.Schmidt. 520 No. Main. Santa Ana. Home of the Hammond Organ. SPlNE:I' PI AN 0 S. Wonderful buys. Some slightly damaged In s hipment. Rental returns and trade.tns on orga ns. Mirror Type Spinets as low as $195. Easy terms. Danz.Schmidt. 520 No. Main. Santa Ana. Home of the Hammond Organ. Bt7SllttSS OPPORTt71fiTIES FOR BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES see Mr. Lee Casey. Z721 E. Coast Hwy., CDM. PEBSOKAL MASSAGE In your home! Ladies only. For appointment. please call Ha 4795 or Ha 0292. TRADE IN your old watch on a new Hamilton. It means so much more to give or get a Hamilton. Wallace CaJderbead. 3123 E. Coast Hwy., CDM. LOST AND FOtnfD SLIGHT REWARD for return of 1 white glove lost ln CDM, Sun. Aug. 21-or finder may buy re. maJnlng glove cheap. HA 1114, The Ensign. ~ITUA'nOKS WARTED WANTED: Ironing In my home. Mabel Whitman, fH1 Margue. rite, CDM. HA 4279-J. CDM man would like gardening, clean.up, etc. Call RA 5684. Mel Upshall. MJICEI.L.AJUOl711 $5 PER MO. RENTS good practice plano. Let the klddles Jearn. All terms rent lt you buy later. Danz.Schmldt. 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. 100 pianOL Ho~ of the Hammond an. . JUmJIE SUP FOR RENT, wUJ take cruta. er. N.B. Rea&, aa.te• and clean. Harbor 3173·R between 6 p.m. A: 8 p.m. or Liberty 8·5691. SO, I lewllut --fer ... American Le(lon 215 15th St. Meetings 2nd-4th Wed. 8 p.m. KELP WAXTED ADKAJI T'IJP".dme Wll.UaiD C. au-. -af lin. E lf-bMJa C. kru. 411 Dclla1kl Aftw C. .... del .. .,~..--­ pleW laJa ... ~ at Jlalb Ak r... --. Cald. aw apeot a tea ~ 1ecrn • fon he repon.cs at AmarWo. T--to .._. to be a Jet II• dlcmic. hllh .erles. The tea, origin allY ~~ehedu1ed The 850 Scratch aang showa tor Sept. 28. h.u been ehanpd Bottorff PalntJng In the lead 3.0. because of confiJctln& data Mn. Lou Wllllams of the Bavarian Walter Hatch wtll be 1eneral Inn tOok hlfh game with 231.. chairman of the party, aullted Larry Ellison, or Dumond Burk· by members and officers ol. the hardt ~aJntlng, hlch series with board. Mrs. Kenneth Cooling is 573, For1lt Hardware took hlgh memberShip chairman. team aeries, rolling a nice 2691. Program chairmen for this EXPER. WAITRESS wanted for ------------ Catering work. Mostly evening work. Apply Dorothy Marston, The Gourmet's KJtcben, 37(17 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Business Directory The T h u r s d a y Commerelal year, announced at an early fall showed Newport Tackle winning bda.rd meeting, are u foUowa: high team series 2574. with Babic Mrs. Ralph Mlehelllen, proaram; Blackman of Costa Mesa Fuml-Mrs. NadeneCoplen.IICholanhtp: ture t.a.klnc high game with 190. Mrs. 'nlomu B. rro.t. courtesy; The Thursday junior Scratch 1s Mrs. Hatch. ho8tesa; Mrs. Carl tied, with the Man and the Brat Venstrom. public Nlatlon.e: Mrs. Shop with three games each. M. K. Cameron, tel~hone; Mrs. In the Friday mixed, B. Murata John Keeler~ project~; Mrs. R. L. ._ __________ _ waltzed oU with both men's high Keppen and Mrs. Rlcha.rd Rilll· ;~!!!!!!~~~~~~~:;;::;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mar. ACCOMPANiST for High School Choral groups, 3 hours a day. -------........ ~~~~ Must be a good sight reader. VE~TIM BLDm LAUJfDirf Apply 9 to 3 at Newport Har· bor Union Hlgh School or Harbor 2959-J after 6 p.m. HELP WANTED: Apt., board and salary tor younge couple or 2 gtrl students. HA 2897. lilts-YOU will have an opportunity to advance ln our firm. because of our present expansion program. The starting salary is good and you will receive tre. quent increases. too. Jobs now tor: TELEPHONE OPERA TORS -Apply- 514% No. Main Street Rm. 211-Santa Ana 9:00 to 4:00P.M. PACIFIC tELEPHONE SEJIVJCES llwll Prtiectn FOR RENT 8-MM 16·MM 35-MM and 16MM Sound Pro)ecton FAS'f COLOR m.K SEKVJCE Koc1el AJrp1ane SuppUea ................ 1782 Newport Blvd.. Cofta Kaa Phone Liberty 8-70U HAVE YOU SEEN! The new Watches. Diamonds. Wedding Rlnp. · Costume Jewelry and Clocks ... Car-ried by Ray Ftelda at his new .Wre. RAY FIELDS WATCH REP AIR No Loncer at Udo Drug see hlm at new location In the "Vista Shopping Center," 19th St. at Placentia, CostA Mesa. "A 's" VENETIAN BUND ~UNDRY ntE NEW m a c h I n e process method. Reasonable prices. Av· erage 2 tape residential blind. Only $1.00 Blinds re:palred and rebuilt. Free Pick up a nd delivery Work done by appointment Phone Liberty 8-5701 or Kimberly 8-8774 INSURANCE "Be Sure-Insure" wrm STANLEY INSURANCE AGENCY Phone Harbor 2474 3315 E. Coast Highway Corona del Mar Res. Phone, Liberty 8-7315 ICIIOOU £ DIS I&UCTIOJI REAL ESTATE Contracting Insurance Continuous day and evening classes tor preparation to pass the State exam. Call or write For Information AL TYLER SCHOOLS game, and aeries wttb 201 an,d ard. ways and means. 566 respectively, while Richards The meeting held at the home Market latched on to high team or Mrs. Harold BOyvey. Newport. series wth 1917, and Virginia was Intended as a surprise stork Paulson took women's high shower for Mrs. M. K. Cameron game with 188. as well as executive board meet- A "get acquainted" party on Wednesday, Oct. 5, tor Harbor View Elementary School teachers and the tint tall PTA meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 12. are coming events discussed last week when the Harbor VIew Elementary School Board met at St. Andrews Presbyterian Church. The first recular PTA meeting wUl be an evening coffee and dessert party at the school catetorlum. After a short business meeting the par· ents will have an opportunity to visit the classrooms. Mrs. LyeU Buttermore and Mrs. Warren demence will be CO· chairmen ol the teaehera party to be apon.eored by the PTA, ac· cording to Mrs. Robert Olander, president of the Harbor VIew PTA. Programs for the year were also dlscuued at the board meet· lng by Mrs. GordQD McMahdn. who said that the theme wfll be ''TeamWOTk Does It." p a r en t education morning seminars are being planned for this year dealing wtth reading and gradlng .. among other pertt. nentaub)ect.l. Mr1l. J. E. Stallman led a 4ll· cusslon on Ideas for the ~ehool benefit at the board meeting. Won't Let 'em Cuss Marines Ing. But the surprise came when Mrs. Cameron turned up ln .. the hospl~l wtth a brand new 6aby boy instead of coming to the party. Play Day for Boots-Saddle Mesa Boots and Saddle club spoftSOred a play day at the Or· ange County Fairgrounds Sept. 11. There were 35 entries from various dubs in the county. Fred Youngblood, judge, and Ralph lrwtn. ringmaster, ba,ndled the ring. 111~ wu a tte for high potnt winner In the seftlor dlvlston between Lorraine Lee and Frank Waer of Costa Mesa. High point winner tor th~ jun· lora was Sonny Barnes of Costa Mesa. Other first place winners were : trall horae, junior. Sam Edney; trailer horae, ~nlor, Lorraine Lee; stock horae, junior, Jennie Procter; stock horse, senior, Frank Wa~r; western pleasure, junior, Barney McKay; pole bend· lng. Robin lrwtn; f.laure ellbt .take raoe. Robin trwtn; two- man relay, Lorraine and C'harlee Lee. A square danoe wu held at the Wakeham Ranch Friday, Sept 9, sponsored by Canyon Riders of Irvine Park. The pubJlc ls Invited to these dances. The membenblp drive for Mesa Boots and Saddle II In full swing. Charles'Lee, membership chairman, bas appointed Ralph Irwin, Forrest Paull and Oliver George as his committee. aEDrr WOKDf liEn Faye Hopkins of Clltl Haven I) 5/);,"" \ quu~. f-' ' 1 ; ~ I • -CIFE-11 .. 11111 ftl8 IIIAale• ....... = _. ..._. Oh a illawlislll-•..tt .. o.a..e ~. .. >••• ........... ·--dlrhl Clalls.. ..... • ...... ,._ .......... ... ... ~Jr•...a•tdp•••••tw 011 atM Maa.t ...s ....-. .s. .. ........._ Yee ua 1s ,.., MilL Chbt?l ................ 117 E. e&a'fU. AlrAII!I!f 1 1-4511 ¥1.11 IIIII r~ ............................ dal a chada. tM YW. .._.. Is -. eC OIMII Cs:At('s !l8sst ....... I'Gtl. law-t ._ _.. .... -. los aided at tiM....._. ....... ~ v...-.. -a .. -... c:::a.-.-.. ,.......... __,. IEITIIIDT 11' I" P-'YeC_. l pldc"sl .. Ia _.._... ...._ hed. ....,.tt.l ....._ .,.._..._.._.__...._......_r .... _.._., .. .......... ~ .......... _ ............... . .,ns 111111:; ••:z!l-..... .....U . ....., _.,_ ..... r..._ '700 ftUADD TO QO'" SII..._II9CL ..._ ...__, On:IIDAILTiiili*'lii ............. t ..................................... ..., ... ... c *P .. a. __.. ee .. en « a ...._ n •••• ..... .:--~.,.. .. ==-·Iii}~.:.= • ru••~._. .,._.,. ee • :L ..._ ... L IIWY. au•N &&181\MW J.-.& • O,..AD .... Pd.&lat. Ill .=mw. FALL LEAGUES NOW FOIIMING e Phone Liberty 8-8488 e COMPLETE PAINTING PAPER HANGING SERVICE 1611 N. Broadway, Santa Ana Kimberly 7.3511 KEUog 8-2513 Newport polloe, alerted by county radio of gang ttchta being held In drlve-lns through· out Orange County during the evening, broke up a fight In the Merle's Drive In parldng lot. Co· rona del Mar, at 2:15 a.m. Sun· day. Instead of a gang fight, this one turned out to be a marine defending the honor ol the U.S. M&rlne Corps, pollee said. at the recent August meetfne of taUtia lAdles Trte. 10 ..-.. IATr ...._.4 ••••••• .... to accommodate foursome bowlers unable to enter other-mlxed leagues.. ,. avnmoa AYK. conducted the buslnesa aeaalon I-..;:.IIJ~~~~ the Ctedti Women'a JJreak:fut ••*··~~~--.. lll····~l/ltii;C Club helcr'at the home ot Bonnle HA 2976 HA 4446 EUGENE 0 . SAUNDERS 500 31st Street. Newport Beach Painting -Decorating PAPER HANGING GEORGE BURKHARDT 8t7D.J)DfC St7PPLJES Herbert Hilton, 23. Camp Pen- ------------dleton marine, was provoked CEMENT AND BUILDING Into a fight by an unknown tel· low anc! his two companlops. who were ma.kJng derogatOtY re· marks about the Marine Corps. Investigating officers learned. All Kinds-Free Estimates When the marine wu placed In Ucensed 878 w. 18th LlbertyS-8628 Contnctor LIBERTY 8-6109 the pollee car, his usaUant Costa Mesa .......,........,.__...__. __________ escaped. Aft« questioning the Liberty 8-6632 KOWEJlS SIIA.JlPDfED marine was relea.se dto the shore REPAIR AND M a I n ten a n c e. painting, carpenter etc. Just anything. Reasonable. Satis- faction guaranteed. HA 0126-J. •••ill laciiiH • SERVICE J.irear guar&lltee on jobs dOne and on used washers. 2488~ (rear) Newport BJ., Costa Mesa. Liberty 8-4503 or Liberty 8-4327 COMPLETE LAlfDICAPDIQ IDYICE FREE ESTIMATES SAH Green Stamps LET Us SHARPEN patrol to be taken to their otttce tor a check by a hospital corps· YOUR LA WNMOWERS-SA WS man. Knives, Sc1aora, Etc. Liberty 8-5137 J. A. Bolding 188~ Merrill Pl., Costa Mesa ~~tlbi.D* lndudua Zonta Names 2 Delegates Dr. Helen Robertaon, president, and Dorothea Sheely, vlce·prMI· dent, were ~elected u delecate and alternate by the Newport Harbor Zonta Club tor the Dis· trlct IX Zonta conference to be h.td the week·end of October 7 at the Balboa Bay Club. Thetr electJon wu made at the first fall meet1n1 ot the club held 'nluraday noon at the VllJa Ma· Berry at ~1 Clltf Dr .• Clift Haven. * Free delivery CORONA DEL MAR NUR3ERY HA 1038 Z744 E. Cout Hwy. Nimmmg pool and cluhhotue for rultknt, of the new Halecrut tina. ·~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mildred Stanley, ehainnan ot All your printinq needs will b. handled convenientfv and court· eously in the completely .. quip- ped Job Printinq Department of your Harbor Areo Newspaper, The Ensiqn, I IG4 Coast 81" COM the conteft'nee. ouUlned the event.a of the week·end. and P'Jo· renee Coolin& .....,.t.d the pro- »oeed budlft tow ta.a eu.- lnduckd Dotothy C..pn, Lou· ella ZeU•, Gerry Grav., Mora Stephen-. an4 alta loerdman. , .......... ,..,.~. RYOIII a Co • -MW1101KIIOCII ..mtf• *""t"'.-IIOCII aaw.l CAIIOC.t Mtl .., C0Mr ... AY, C--11M, CAlif • ....... I .. LAGUNA BEACH ................ ............ -& ..... roT /)ffS STIET•·TIP IYLOIIIEBS Wonderful buy! Pr •-t'• eo-...._..u...._ ...... .., ..,_.. ........ ..- .trala. gift 1a1ee • b a~ fnedoaal Full h a h Jo w1th dark s e a m s . Ji'lnt quality! SPECIAL 2 pcdn ,.li Sclft SOW -iDtu.' WCIIID meeUie ..... -have them when the cool weather sets In ! LaKioaa. daMly tutt.d eM--awe ta a fall .,.... WlapCI· I'OUDd dyl4t wttlt .... doable c:afb. U. belt. Carmen red, peacock. melon or aqua; sizes 12 to 20. Spedcdl 53 IJ ............ I-.d· with exclusive bul.Uon p ot 1\dtroua rayon. Ray-on • nylon puffs on cotton sheettne ralat llnttna. )(a· chine wuh In 1 u k e warm watet. ,...n. Full. II CJasnllle cla.aten ·-.. a... aDd •a•• at bl& extra sav-Ings NOW! Soft, closely tufted chenllle . . . full cut and roomy ... wtlh deep double cutla, 5-bu~ front. patch pockets. Ca~ red, peacock. melon or aqua. Sizes 10 to 18, 40 to 46. Spedall , SCift • aaral•slrle CIIC'd1lref ..... ::r: ... ~· SturdY overal cut ova hnney'a reeular pattema . . . w1th ad· Juatable au.apendera. eJuUc badta, 2 patch pockets.-Fall colora like blue, tarown, &1'ftll; a1zee 1~ to 4. II Varian~e. Use Permit Requests Come up at Planning Meeting , The following appllcatlons wm come up tor action at the meet· In& or the Newport Beach .City Planning Commission at 8 p.m. today (Thursday) at the City Hall: Mr. and Mrs. E. 0. Lawrence- variance to permit the projection of the ~nd story eaves to over- h ang public right of way, 1700 S. Bay Front. Balboa Island. ........................ Police Blotter ........................................ (Continued from Page 3) lng the citation to promise to ap- pear In court . . . Earl Corkett ol 614 W. Bay Ave., Balboa, re- ported the theft of a 25 horse- power outboard motor valued at $500 from a 13-foot boat tied at the pier at that address. Glenn Warford -variance to permit 5-foo\ rear yard setback at 2033 E. Balboa Blvd .. Balboa. Harry Kelso -variance for waiver or certain off-street park- Ing requirements for proposed ottlce and store building at 2424 Via Oporto, Lido Shopping Cen - ter. Clair and Zernle Claxton, 127 42nd St., Newport -varia nce to constzuct a two-car garage ac- cessory building on rear portion ol vacant corner lot, to be used In conjunction with two · unit dwelling adjacent. This case was continued from Aug. 18 meeting. and city attorney's ortlce was asked to Jive a ruling on exist- Ing vtolatJons. Jesse F. Dlcken.aon-use permit to erect a 45-foot a ntenna pole at 416 Newport Blvd., Newport Heights for transmJ.sslon or mes- sages used In the mobile oper- ation ot the local cab company. Charles E. Duggan-resubdl- vlslon of a parcel or land, two lots at 1755 Plaza del Sur, Balboa. ... Mary Yarnell of 2214 Pa- cific Ave., Costa Mesa, reported the theft of three bathing suits from a clothesline at 223 Opal Ave., Balboa Island, and a bath- Ing suit from Mrs. Dorris Regan of 222 Agate Ave .• Balboa Island ... Costa Mesa pollee reported UT FJELDI• IIOTBEB klda tumlng water on in ditches IlEBE FBOII ILLilfOIS at 15th St. and Santa Ana Ave.. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Drummond Newport Heights. where the new of Richmond. CaUl., visited Ray grammar echool Is under con-Fields, of 508 Orange Ave., New- struction · · · port Heights. over the holiday e U'I"VUAT. IEP!'. 10 week-end. They broulbt down Renaldo Spagnolettl of 1000 Mrs. LeUa J'leldll a( Pontiae. n. Clay St. Newport Belghts. re-llnols, who wu vt.s1tlng bet ported the theft of a spare tire daU&hter, Mrs. Drummond, and and wheel from the trunk of hls 1a now vtsltJng wtth her 80n, Ray car . . . Miss Doris Priestley or Fields. Mr. and Mrs. Drummond 465% Seaward Rd .. Corona High-went on to San otego and re- lands, notilled pollee a t 1:30 p.m. turned to Richmond. Mrs.. Fields that a slender built man peep-will visit with her son for three In& tom had been outside the weeks before returning to Illinois. bathroom window of her home between 12:30 and 1 a.m .... e SVJtl)AT, SEPT. 11 Newport Beach flrernen made three runs Sunday nlgbt. Includ- I IE II UPIDLSTEIIII V ........ &~ LllleltY ......,.. D50 • ....n m. c.... .. _ '" a.ftM LOAII Coamuc:ticm Locnw '" ._.,._.. LOAII uz .oauTn.&a .............. 1515 E. eo.t ...., .. CDJI ft. IIA n• m s.s1• (llebo L1fe r........ Pudll) Robert Forbes ~ BUILDER Ing an investigation at Hoag Me· )l=r;;z;•r:.••••••••••••••••I!!••IIC mortal Hospital at 9 :03 p.m. A sm~U like electric w1.rft burning brought firemen to the hospital but no fire could be located. A grease tire In an oven n.. c:..wtap -DI'Cdabearda Asphalt roe-Rubber TUe Form.lca-Unoleum Tlle u• Till' 1.111=-' 0....._ brought firemen to the home of 125 E. ,,. st. Preldlla De casta at 125% 29th LmEJITT a.asa St .. Newport Beach. at 7:23 p.m . 22 Years tn Oran,e County There was no damage. Firemen ~=========================~ rolled just a.Cter midnight to Ernie's Cafe, Newport Heights. where a broken neon tube was reported on fire. Firemen shut oft the electricity. Read En.stcn Want Ada. JAMES D. • RAY ••• 1 C11lrn tllr J.446 E. COAST HWY .. COitONA OEt ~Ait HAI-b« 476l lt.ade&ee: HArbor 4196 F6@TBALL ( ~ oa~NG£ 'O~ST COIU"£ ~} -yll\.~\£5 ' ) EMI ltnl;'l1111 II. I. l'tJa ...... 1JoM a. a-. DE.J)JCATIOif I'DlATE STADIVJf Gt!'n'l. Adm. $1.00 With H S. Card 60c · Under 12 Free FRIDAY. SEPT. 16-8 P.M. • VIncent F. Zimmerman. 31. or Sunset Beach, suffered a bloody nose ln a fight with an unknown person and was fo und by officers outside the Poppy Ave. door of the Hurley _Bell Inn. Corona del Mar. at 1:35 a.m . . . . A $125 table model radio-record player a nd about $10 ln a glass vase were stolen from his home by someone who also took an eight· day clock but left It sitting by the front door. John Burkett of 309 Canal St .. West Newport. re- ported ... Dick Deaver of 117 Apolena Ave .• Balboa Island, was notified that his sail boat was ashore In front of 2015 Bayside Dr. . .. The outboard cruiser of Eugene P. Fuller of San Diego tied to the end of the Newport Pier after a breakdown Satur- day was taken In tow by a har- bor department patrol boat ... Mrs. Tom Powell of 1.230 W. Bal· boa Blvd.. Newport Beach. re- ported the theft of two bathing suits from a clothesllne at that addrHs. NOTHING IN FRONT OF YOU BUT FRESH AIR! (Calltinued .on Page 10) TD .oa JADEDS caEET JtDr FOLK f'IIOII TEZAI Recenrvtsttors at the Bob Jay- red remdence In Balboa have been Bob's brother and famUy, tbe Wallace B. Jayreda from RouRoD. The usual tall vlslt of the 'rexas kinfolk wu a little earllet tbll year In order to get Wallace Jayne~'• daulbter. Susie, back to ICboo1 at Stanford on time. O.rMt F•two. back up C.vro&et ~ ~ B~Bell-"-~OW­ rWr &or ~ao.ty b ,...,_l.S-Volt ~ ~Nilw E ... Driw CMic& ltlwedlel ................. v .. •,. .. --••••••• ••• , .. ............ _ ........ ...... ... Che ...... ~ ........ VI." • You're cfriviDa tbc car that can't be touched for ~.oonuc:c in itJ field. Otevrolet, you bow. il tbc leadiQa wilmer iD NASCAR • Short TrG oompetitioo lpiDst all comen. (Y~ cUt inc}ncb IIWlY JUab-prad jobs!) FIDCJ ...aea ad claims don't CCNDt iD this Jequc. ~ c::t1I"DeeiQa ud bandliQI eMe U'C .... thiaal daaa pay oft-aD qualities dull .... Ilk, ...... ckWiq. ADd 0w:vro1111•a aot "-lito IIObocty diet Ha~ JOG baaed ... beauty ~t? eo.e il ..S t.to tbe bJI • .,, • .,. 0 •..... c.~ ...... CHEVROLET CO. . i .......... (fUfi-1 I , A NIIONtloll of Intention to call a ...-cla1 elect.lon tor the Seaqus.t &J'Uiell&tlon to Newport . BINda wu adopted by Newport ~ d•ftllaa ec:bool belli Oawld1 Monday eveninC· Oct. 10 may baw ~~larded 70'* • of a wu 8fJt u bMI'lnl date. Thla drea.niY laq\lofoWI ......... ~Mat Ia the blodr aa.e trom tbe-Hleb you ....,..,.., aDd tlaat tbe Nit Sebool, bcNndecl by Jrvtne and 6l the world Ia awake too. with '1\wtlft Ave. and l:ith and 16th St. lots ol thJnp to be done. IMI48 the family routlnee ta re-eWlb· -------=---~--.....::-..' --- 11th, there ue manytrlende you •.... ~ haven't eeen "all 8\I.IDIDel"," and m. ·o~m aome good conmuctlve work to Jga,.: ' • · • Lll', be done with our duM a.ncl 01'· ------------ganizatlon.s. And beclnnlnc with thla week an actlve soclal eeuon la already pUlne up on the cal· endar. Jfow Ia the time that ,.,. loell Ia oar doMtll Cllld .ay. ""WelL I BAVEJI-r' got a tlt.ia9 to ....... Alld If ,.... ........ ......... all you u.. tl'flD9 to 9M tbe lddd... NCIIlt ... IICbool aDd h Cl • e a • t ...a 1atdMcl oa to • macb a a dark tmu-...-a CIOttoD .. falL yoa may ftad yoar ward· robe aa 11GJ*f aa a leaf-atrtp- ped tree. Anyway. come on over to O'BRIEN'S. we'll help you fix that ... whether It's a matter ol a whole new wardrobe, one stunning outfit or smart new ac· cessorles to g J a m o u r I z e last year's basic dresses. You'll. find Inexpensive little dark cottons and separates. or the proudest names on fashion labels such as Davidow. Harvey Berln. Carlye. And you'll find clothes to fit YOU. Junior sJzes from 7 to 17; misses sJzes 8 to 20; "petites" 12 to 18; a nd custom halt sizes u-, to 201.1. ADd you'll Juat LOVE the aew tall doth• at O'BIUEJf"S. CContlnu.cl from pap 9) e IIOIIDAY. I&PI'. ll WUllam G. Bullock, 66, o! 700· 31st St., Newport Beach, wu taken to Boa& Memorial Hoa· pltal tor treetment of a broken lett foot. auftered v,rhen he teQ from the t.op ot hJa hou.e traUel' wh«e he wu eredin• a televi- sion antenna . . . omeen quar- antined the dog ot Mrs. J . E. Grubbs of 720 Larkspur Ave., Co- rona del Mar, after ahe said 1t bit Dlanlto Romen>. 3, of 712 Larks pur Ave., Corona del Mar ... e TUESDAY. SEPT. IS Theodore Robins Jr. of 451 Red· lands Ave., Newport Heights, re· ported the theft of a 1955 four· door Ford from a . used car lot at 3100 W. Coast Hwy .. Newport Beach . . . An unknown man took a wallet containing $5 from the tow-year-old son of Mrs. David Nielsen of 122 VIa Lorca, Lido Isle, while the boy was sit- ting alone In the family car parked on Balboa Blvd. at Main St .. Balboa ... Officers were un- able to find a nude man reported walking on W. Balboa Blvd. in the 700block at 4:20a.m ...• Look. fM G'CIIIlple. at the ~~PI]£JDAAT.Af a1Mk dty allm.m• • • . a stua- D1D9 wool Jerwr coatdnu for oaly 129.95. Its peadl .U..aeu Ia pomtedly empbaalaed by slimming pead1 atrlpea lD J~. Pockets Cllld collar are llharply outl.IDed with braid- cmd f_.lnlalty t. toudled upoa with a large bow of aatiJl UDder the co11ar. It COIIl• lD brow1l or royal blue with bladt strlpea. Fa ll 1955 also toasts the thin wool costume . . . deftly madt> tor many occasions with .a rom· I plete dress underneath. proud of its' own tine details and below-~ elbow sleeves. and topped with a matching jacket shaped to flatter you In the newest fashion. I Don't tall to ask to see the knits at O'BRIEN'S, Cor here is a 1 go . everywhere c o s l u m e tor ~ Southern Calltornla. too. lm· ported in t9ture and design but ~er so American In prac· tfcallty! See them. O&NPM- BAJbor 2868 2515 E. Coast Hwy. COBOJfA DEL MAll NOW ~&TBES ; 1'4Md.o ;: l -.&.DD.U -BRAWLING, BlWISINO STORY OF no; WEST! NOW SHOWIII Starts Wed.. Sept. 21 "SEVEN CinES OF GOLD" with Richard Egan and Michael Rennie \fiDJ1"'J.1::C't:L1!JLi~~ ·'!'; • • D R I V E · I N -r-. . · lC THEATRl s t:J ~ (UM I \\ '0U All• -y ' BEIIE"S TilE -waw LOO&-liM t i=ria CCIIprt foar·dooc ..-.. wlalc* wW be oa dtlplay to- morrow Ia tbe :abow11 ma of Joha.. & lola ALftiA PIUI BOLD .AJITT Alumnae of Alpha Phi Sorwlty of the county met yesterday (Wednesday) for a swimming party and luncheon at the home ot Mrs. WUllam Burrla, 844 Vla IJdo Nord, IJdo Isle. 1956 1956 1956 ~956 ~ . * UNCOLN I 1956 FiiCiay. the Sbteenll; AT ' JOHNSON & SON . LINCOLN-MERCURY Open "nl 8:30p.m. Liberty ~5 900 W. Coaat Hwy •• Newpolt Beach Longer ••• l-ower •.• Wider ••• FEATD'IIIJfC LTWW"S BUT STEEB BUF ACED. TBIKMED AJfD PaJCED aJCBT. BOVJf'D .OJfE VEAL nESB ROAST EAITEJIJI . BEEF TONGUE RUB PORk STEAK Ground ~hoek LOJfQBOD Skinless Wieners CHEESE f 4 FISBE'&MEW ,~I Froz en Foo ds lj-~ lJ Fishsticks loa. Pk9~ ... -........ . IDfO'ITI ........., r ... • 2,.. Boysenberries'::...... 7,. EACB BEilBT IJfDIVIDVALLT I"'IOZEK \ ':· rRt lTS & ~-ccrr.uns moo avasn POTATOES & ... ,~ IIDIVII·IIZED TOMATOES 3 ... 14C. JUICE ORANGES 5"'19C ~ EGGPLANT ~· GOLD COIJf SUCED BACON ~ nD COUIIIAI ITTLE PORK SAUSAGE BOVJID BOllE BEEF ROAST u,tea-Tullp .. ~ ..,._ . ···--·-21• s aa. • 2,.. TEA ~~---·········-····· .......... _ ..... 37¢ yrup ;~=-········-···················· 7,. CAIJfES (Jf...,).....('.cnmec! QVADa-Qu,idl w Jleg. Dog Food~ ... .10¢ OATS 2GtLP'q.lle 3 ........ --~~--~-------------------------11111 pq. • lunDIA a.d s-.u fttM WillE ... ··-······························"' Cherries :..· _____ ...... 23C WaterSoft'ner35C . H.u ..... da-i; ...... C k. 35, z .. • y r~ _oo 1es all DUTCI .. _ ..................... ~ ......... -... 1 fir Zl arr or BOiiET--QeJ+e a-ltJie . Cleanser 3 ... riC Com · :a ........ ·-·-·-·-···---·1a. . DDS-41-. c.. . ?m~Driiiiii·i=~Jii•;.,~-;;:--------:----- Tomato Juice 19C Cheese :.:..-.... --.... 69C VJrDDWOOI):OOOiill -. C.. Deviled Ham ~ ::-····---··-3~ UIKn-...._.._ E '