HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-10-06 - Newport Harbor Ensign• 'l'llllr.'e#i--.................... _ .. .,_, ~ ......... , ..... -.y ., c.o.a del ..... on.. ..... ., ..... ...._ oa .._. a. f:::' c:..t • .,.. ut ....._A....._ Aft.. .... rtpt auo.p e Dd~la Jo.. Protests • 01 • In CD gainst ~W Freeway Plan Re-routing AtSthAve. , I Mesa to -..n Pinballs ilt Endof'SS Is Proposed 1 •V•OL-·1.-If~o~~--~------------------------------~.1 ~~are~ng~~~· · -•u· CEJfTI CQIIO•A DEL llAJL ~· TIIVUDAY, OCTOaEa I, 1155 Corona del Mar against the pro· Costa Meaa pin ball -playen will have until Dec. 31 to enjoy thelr puttme. On that date the Costa Meca city ordina nce ba n - ning pin ball machines will go Into effect. The Costa Mesa city council M o n d a y nJght una nimously puaed aeeond reading on the ordinance to ba n the m achines at the e nd ot the year. The Cox Btos. Construction Co. ol Stanton wu aw arded a $18.- 8:ll.60 eontrJct to repa ir Superior Ave. from Newport Ave. to the southerly city llmlta. The Job calla f~ aub-grade preparation. gradtng, aurfactnc, Installation of concrete c:roes cutters and re- conmuctlon of manholes. A crowd filled the Newport Beach justice court counctl meet· ln1 place to protest the proposed rezoning ol both aides of Orange Ave. from 15th St. to 16th St. from R·C rstdentlal to C-1 com- m ercial. Dan W. McMlllan of 1566 Newport Blvd. aubmlttf!d a petition requesting the rezolflng. The Costa Mesa Chamber of Col'llD'MI'Ce went on record oppoe- lng the reonlna of a well-estab- U.Ihed Nddent.l&l area tor bu.ll- ne. parpoeea. Coundlmen teJt tb.at tiler Gl not wut to do any ....... -------------------_______ _.:.____ posed re-location of Coast High· way as a by-pass Freeway sklrt· lng the Filth Ave. boundary ot this CO":"munlty. Maps showing the pro~ Freeway location were presented to Newport City Council Monday afternoon by City Engineer Bert Webb, who had just received them from the Los Angeles office at the Division of Highways.. I A letter from District Engineer Edward Telford said that the next step lead~g to a route adoption caUs for conferences with the County Su~n or Newport City . Council, or both. TAB VlCTOirY Balfbcw1r Larry CclstrG dd..-tbroacJta u.. Xoat.- and with their technical staffs bello u... 10&' 2 yan~a CIDd a toadadowla for tbe lf....,.....-t llcat:Mw and local civic groups and to j Tan last Friday. 'nae Tan,... 11 to a. ~~~~"§~§[~1 Tars to Play Fullerton hearings will be held by the Di· vision of Highways, probably F e e L 0 :::~Tht~~~~ ~~::~::tJs:!: rio 1n eague pener such as the Corona del Mar Civic Association and Business As&ocl· way re-routing. School varsity Tars meet Fuller· guard. In the third quarter. The atlon, study the proposed high· Newport Harbor Union High I Castro. a one-yard push over Corona del Mar Councilman J. ton High School at 7:30 p.m. to· fourth quarter saw Halfback B. Stoddard touched on the local morrow IFrlday) In Orange Jody Fenton make a 15-yard run sentiment with h is remark that Coast Coll~e stadium for the for a touchdown. ''t.h.ls is the wont thin& that can first leacue football 1ame ol the Tamura's touchdown wu aet I happen to Corona del Mar, be-MUOn aft« tromplnl Monte-up by Lany Harpe''e r'fiCOYer' o( e&uee ll wU14l~ tbe ........ t bello Bleb School la-O Lut week a ,.,_Ne l'•a u•a \1 ••II a ~UIIIIIIO• Ia M •• ,_.,.. ._ .. _, "' ... -...:.-. ...,::__..__-""".....,.,,. •J •• .. ..._.,. ,.._.. ~~y 1llle ,_ -~ U.. .. --.,_ .. r•uu; i111 e t ZT Joea1 dtt:zleaa JIOIDt to the tact noaneed 117 Coadt AJ lrwfn In· Tamura plebd .., a yU'dl In tbat the Freeway comes between cJudel Terry Ragan, lett end; 14 runs and wu votf!d the out- Corona del Mar and Harbor View Paul Lo~nt:zt>n. right Pnd; Larry' SU.ndlne player oC the ~ameo. School, C"Uts through the Youth H~r. 1~ tackle-; Dick Nabors. Harbor Tar 8 squad o f football Center' ball diamond. and would right tacklt>: Jerry ~m~l. IE'ft play~ tangle with the-B's from go right alongside resld~tJal guard; Gary Deem , rag~t guard; Fullerton thE're at 3 p m today property along Fifth Ave-.. and Jack Smith. center · GeorgE' !Thursday 1 and the-C" tangle thus Injure property valuE'S. Schuitt quarterback; David :ra· on DavJdwn FIE-ld at 3 p.m s Resignation to Be Discussed 5211/1 Nnrl9old A..., Coloaa del liar: Carol JD&ag. dauptw of Nr. cmd Nn. Card.au K.iDcJ, 611 lrta A..., ColoDa del l!cu. cmd Jeaa S.Jth. 17, daupter oC Mr. CIDd Nn. v.,.... S.Uth. 572 DkDM LaDe, Cocta Neea. They an all MDion at Bczd)o~ .BJ9b School. ( EIUip photo) Mr. Telford stated In his Jt>t · ml uhra, hlet11 1 halfd; JC'ohhn 1 .Ho~~10~· today Harbor C' Tars whlpPf'd 1 ts h h r g t a · an ar It> ...... IT)· Puentt> In a practJ(.'(> game-last ter : "t!e d n~ry ~at J; t' fullback GamE' captains will be WE'E.'k 41 to i llftt>r tht>lr 'l<"ht>d rohutei h ar opt n ... ..?'" er ~ Charlie Bt>rry and Paul Lort-nt . ulE'd aamt' with Mont€'b<>llo w ,s t e r g t o way can ...,. prote<:t""' Zt'n "' ' · and the new dt>velopment plan-T. _.., h fi h can<'f'lie-d bv MontE'h€'1lo amura S<'Or.-... 1 E' n;t touc · · ned to fit the highway design. down In the Montt>bt-llo gamE' I The H_arbor Tar junior \ ar<;lty It Is proposed to relocate the por· last we-ek He ra<'t"d 30 yards out tE"am w111 plAy Fulll'rton AI 3 tlon of Route 60 I Hwy. lOll as around left t>nd for lht' srore. The p.m. Monday Ort 12 at Fullf'r shown on the attached aerial second touchdown was made by ton. print and construct It as a full fr eeway." Math Teacher Is Stabbed by Hitchhiker MEET THE HARBOR TARS- TON lfiQUEI IL 1111 CWf ~ .. lhwport ..._b....., .• ., ........ ,........, ._ ..... 141 Die.. 5 ft. ... • ....... Jlarbow • • • • • 1 • hop • • iot'wA"iK oF ... F'i*EEoot:r· • • • • • • • • c· v.=.:::ICICCIIOCICIC:EX::ICICCicx::liCCXX:IOI::ICICICIIOCIOCXXXJICCicd Take some time out this week, folks, to pey honor to •he news· • GOOD mu 'Thta bunch of people ma.ke pe~ers of our nation. a nd that includes us, too, at the local level. This flsThheers' !;f~rt. _!fnar. lbos [. n~orrt: their living at fishing. But · f 1 N w L f f fl t" ~ ...... ~ ......,. • .,... there' a something you can't over· IS a •ona ewsp4per ee~;, a •me or re ec tng upon our great ganlzatlon. or perhaps an older look. Practleally any of us could good fortune of freedom of t~ press. organization with a new. name, work at Jobs ashore and make It is perhaps the greatest of our freedoms, because as long os which, ll true, Is of little import· three times as much-but we'd tne newspepers of our nation are free to speak out, then "the other ance, but the skippers and crews rather keep on flahlng!" I knt?:W liberties of our people have a vigorous and vigilant champion." That and landing operators. a.nd bait what he meant. It leta Into your is a quotation from Govemor Goodwin Knight's proclamation of haulers and galley gtrJS which blood and drives you on, whether Newspaper Week, in which he states further: "I ur~ all Califomians ma.ke up this eroup are of creat you're on the bridge or down by to avail themselves of the opportunities being offe~ by the news· Importance. This column takes a the bait tank. papers in their home communities to become more familiar with the tlrm pride In having been a Betty and Davey Fink Wf:re . d bl f tL . I I d"t bl" h d h guest at their first annual dln· there. They had a "'"est named serv•c's an pro ems o netr oca • • ors, pu 1s ers an ot ers ner and dance Monday evening •-en~aged in presenting news and interpretative comment to all their at Ken Nlles' VIlla Marina. Tony, who Ia a skipper from f I ... . .. San Felipe. The crowd aot a bla e ow nmertcons. Capt. "r'v'' Tucker was the • • Rr"' F CES -.q klek when Tony won a door e g, A • man at the helm and his pilot· prize of a ease of Moblloll. Tony My friend, and critic, George Pardey on the Central Newport lng and landing was tops, wtth got a kick from It, too. They In· ocean front, got a big kick out of an Ensign ''boot" la st week, wherein a full load ot memben and troduced hJm as one of the three it was written: "Women compromise about SO per cent of the Helipot guests ln the aquarium room. citizens of that Gulf ot Calllornla staff." Mr. Pardey thinks maybe that's an understatement; he says the "Cy" in his opening remarks as hamlet who could speAk English. women folks compromise just about I 00 per cent of us. chairman described the nf?!W or· I saw "Spike" Taft and his And talking about bone rs, Mr. Pardey himself boasts of a classic ganlzatlon as "a fraternity -a cute wtfe, who made the ham· d . L. . . . d C , . f I brotherhood ot seatartng people, burgers Qne Conservation Day on urt ng n1s s1gn pamt1ng ays. an t mention it in a ami y newspaper who operate the largest, safest the Jet. Ma.rlan and Dalr Lone ... but it was in a sign abou~ a shirt sale ... Which reminds me of and cleanest sportflshlng fleet reminded me of a lot of fun· the Ensign's most embarra.ssing typographical howler; can't repeat In the world." filled day. on the "Tallwlld." that one either, but it concerned the word fact, and it made that I'll go along with his remarks Mrs. C.Q. finally met Gordon issue of the Ensign a collector's item. and add hearty sincere congrat· Green. She's listened otter to his e FOOUSH FREEWAY ulatlons to "Cy" and lila mem· voice as the ''HI Roney" was You can look for quite a ruckus in Corona del Mar about the bers. I have long admired and chaslne marlin. State' pi n f I t' C t H" h F I F'f h respected them Individually. I'm "GU" Sml&"-. the rna--~ of the s a s or re· oca mg oas 1g woy as a reeway a ong 1 t glad they have organl..zed. Cal· t.l1 """uv Ave. No one with good sense would put a ~reeway through a busy ling C.Q. wishes them a long. ''Happy Landing," was there. He residential town, a nd that's what would happen. becouse the proposed successful existence and good and hla wile were busy at the location would split the future Corona del Mor right down the middle. fishing. door, but not too busy to have The expansion of our town is going to happen up the hill ; alreody a a laugh, all of us. about a cer· school is there on the other side. ond so is our Youth Center with its • PEOPLE tain bucket ot small bass. I saw ball diamond !which would be wiped out by the S..-dway). And the There was a big crowd at this Pete Barrett, Art Gronsky, Frank .---pleasant affair. made even more Keelet', "Mac" McNally. Johnnie si te of a proposed C otholic School is over there . enjoyable by the tact that the Haas. on whose "Su·Zan" I had Le t your opinions be heard. folks. Send them right here to us. hosts weren't selling anything my best long·tln day thla season. and to C ity Council, ond we II see whot we can do about a sensible or trying to put over any polltl· was there, wtth his cute wtfe. solu tion. cal deals. There were a lot ot I missed some faces that I bigs there. some local, some looked for. Abflent was the Beard, otherwise. The Coast Guard of· Chill, ot the Seablscult. Earl ficlals complimented the local Coleman ot the Rocket wasn't spc)rtflshlng group on their ex· there either. I'll never forget that cellent safety record. Mayor Dora Dec. 11. 1950. In the middle of a Hlll aald. '-rhe Sportflshing As· school ot albacore the size of eoJ. ~~~ gfM!4 . . . By COL. AlfDBEW W. SJCJTB. Former Member of City CcnuacU locally-are a real rabies men· soclatlon Is the backbone of our half erown great danes. Ed Frue· ace. city Ute." The Department of han was somewhere In the far Why did Park Supt. W. C. MacDonald resign? That S('('ms to oe a question that has Council In a tizzy. This questron posed Monday by Coun· cllman Sandy MacKay did not bring forth a satisfactory answer from the red faced city manager, 1ohn Sailors. ., at hJs sugces· tlon thf: Council voted to hold a closed session to find out why an employ~ after 25 years or service suddenly quits. That should be a very intl"resting ses· slon If Mac opens up. and why shouldn't he? He has nothing to lose or rear now. It strikes me tha t Mr. Sailors in suggestrng such a session has set a bear trap in which he might wind up himselt. The statl"ment by Mr. MacKay that Mr. Sailors had told him that he "would have fired Mac six years ago if It wasn't for his excellent public relations" could hardly be very confidential. Everyone around City Hall. Including tor· mer Councilmen. knew that Mr. Sailors was after Mac. His rea· son. in my opinion. were that Mac was a non ·conformist. Mac Insisted on a day's work from hls underpaid gardenNs. Something wrong with th!lt? This resulted In his men quitting him and going to other city dl"partments whl"re It wa!> "softer." So he was constantly shorthanded. He OP· posed some of the practices or the other city departments. It seems to be generally conceded by all that his manner of caring for the parks and the results were above reproach. I respectfully suggest that the Council subpena some former councilmen tor their closed ses· slon. • • • e U.IEI JCDACE Polecats, skunks to you maybe -I m ean the normally often· slvely odorous but otherwise shy and harmless animals which have suddenly become epidemic Tho~ animals when healthy Fish and Game. the Ocean Fish Pactflc, but I thought with at, want no truck with a dog, but Protective Assn.. Senator John fectlon of my tim erade teacher when suffering and dying of Murdy, several of our city coun· In this aaltwatet' flahing game. ra bies they are like a rabbit wtth ell. plus a lot ot other important two martlnll -they go looking people were on hand a.nd said for a flaht with a bullq. nlce thlnp, all well-deserved. The w.tfertnc and death (which But theM Wft'en't the people is 1~) of a human being or who made my evenine· I cot my a nimal ls something horrible to kick from seeing a lot of guys behold, and yet there are people and some gals I had met before who will tight at the drop of a when they weren't wearing their hat ll a compulsory vaccination store clothes. Including neckties. Is proposed. I know. I tore my They were the ones I've fished pants with dog lovers when I with-the ones that I've enjoyed started ot:f, as mayor. on compul· listening to. many a day, over sory vaccination. and yet I don't the air. think anyone loved their dog There was "Pappy" Graham of more than I loved old Princl". It the '1'rade Wind" who sat op· was unthinkable to me not to poslte me. We talked about the vaccinate h im against this ter· members of the association. rlble disease annually. Some day "Pappy" with his well·sea.soned the state will pass a law for philosophy, made one remark compulsory rabies vacctnaUon. that stuck with me. He said. TWI Ill liEF 1111111 R~ ~--Leonar• k YOUJt6, 80n ot Mr. and lin. Lan· ny R. Young of 608 Seaward ~ .• Corona Highlands and Nava.J Be· serve Ensign John G. Miller son of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver S. MUler of 2662 Circle Dr., Bay Sh ores, were commJssioned Sept. 9 dur· lng eraduatlo.n exercises at the Navy Oficer Candidate School, Newport. Rhode J.sland. The eraduates completed a tour·month Indoctrination course in seamanship, operations and tactics, naval weapo-. marine engineering, navigation, naval orientation and mlllt.ary law. COAST SUPEI IEAT DEPT. UIIDER lEW NOW FEATURING ••• I G'S CHOICE BABY BEEF Finest Name in Meats in all the Southland The ncmw &pee •• b i ... H in the Harbor Area becauM you bow cmd waat tbe belli iD heei-So come tmd 9et it! CHOICE GRADE. Trimmed Rite. cmcl Priced lUte! . ~G~ . T~Bone Steaks 851.. • . u.YIIAif••tE the POUCE ILO I I • .,~ !': :-,... o. ..:: ol Jill ..... ...... CoMa I I ...... ......_ tooll ... IIi bat• e W&WDDAY. DJ'I'• • 8 VIa ~ Udo lale, reported ta1JoD tralaJ .. t-. )11M .., the omc.. warned thlee boy. ... Albert V. Smith ol 221 Olle 25th lnf&llb7 Dl~ • the &om €c11oDa cJel liar alter aet· St., eo.ta MeM. reported the 181ud ol Rawatl. IlL _.. 18 Un1 a ccaplalnt that ~ were theft ol a 22 automatic platol IJl the taDk C!DID,_, el .. dl· brMidnl wtmloWa~ the Harber and a Jacket from tbe Jl.toot v181G6'• l8da ~I .., .. ~ Area Youth een• at the noc1h auxlllary aloop, · Jim 8Mms. tared tile a.tlllY til ..Vn 1 her, end ol lrlt Ave. ••• a. D. Blat· moored at the Newport Barber 1151. Be ta a padUa• ., Rew· terman ot 6802 Oceao Front, Yaeht Anchorap ... M.ra. Al pan Barbar Unloll Hlp~ Newport leaeh,#reported, that a Andenon ot the Balboa Fun Zone ii;;;;;;;;;;;;;-iiiiiiiiiiiii;;.--;;;;;;;~ hit and run ear damapd hta car reported that a ,Ul and two boya parked ln front ot 2903 Newport aet ttie to a tralh can at that Beach ..• S.y Havll of 708 J.rll addr-... Ave., Corona del Mar, reported e IATVIIDAT. OCT. 1 that another auto atruek hta ear Warren r. Pomeroy, 47, ot 8500 parked on the street near the Marcua Ave., Newport Beacb, Port Theater . . . Barney B. was arrested on charees ot lewd Fisher of Long Beach rammed vaera11ey and Intoxication In his ear Into a city parking meter public near Coast Hwy. and Ma· In front of 2602 Newport Blvd., rlne Ave. at 5 a.m. when oUlcen Newport Beach, when the steer· on patrol a.llegedly found him lng wheel locked ... Two drunk wearing only a sport shirt ... men were blamed tor the theft The right rea.r tire an4 wheel ol two floodlights from the front was stolen trom her car parked of Henry's Grill, 2530 W. Coast ln the Balboa parking lot. zell Hwy., Newport Beach. at 11:15 Fergu80n of 601 E. Balboa Blvd .. p.m. · · · . Balboa, reported ... RJeha.rd D. e 1"BUUDAT, IEPT. 10 Drant,• 24, ot 49 Balboa Coves, A fork 1Ift vehicle driven by Newport Beach, was arrested on Walter Haywood of Ga.rden a.n Intoxication charge tollowtng Grove appa.renUy locked wheels a dtaturba.nce report at 127 while turning at 26th St. and Amf:thyst Ave., Balboa lsla.nd. at Newport Blvd., Newport Beach. 11:20 p.m . whereotfk:ers "cleaned and sideswiped a parked car reg· out the whole house for the time lstered to Kennf:th J. Wllllama, being" . . . Mrs. Don Lycan ot 18. ot 427 Dahlia Ave., Corona Three A.~h Bay reported the del Mar, and dunaged a city theft of a. $1.~ sable .tole and parklnc meter . . . Mrs. Elsa a ahopplnl bat wtth about $20 SchaUer ot 11 Ha.rbot Island re· worth ol mJaeellanf:O'U• ltema ported a tkunk ln her yard . . . jult pu.rehued at the P'und Pair Cash totaling f75 wu atolen held In the Rendezvoua Ballroom, from an omce at 124% 29th St., Balboa ... lfewport &.acb ... Larry Babor e IVIIDAT. OCT I ot Santa Ana reported the theft Ten'J' Prpdden of D VIa Cor· of hta racer bicycle trom lfewport dova, Lido lale, reported the Harbor Union Hlch School ... A theft of a tlZ slx·honepower tan female cocker dog with a red outboard motor from his un· collar was impounded alter chas· locked garaee . . . A thief used lng chickens owned by Newport (ContJnued on page 101 Harbor Union ffigh School on the school erounds ... e RIDAT. SEPT. JO Warren C. Fletcher of 214 Or· chid Ave.. Corona del Mar, re· ported the theft of a $25 battery from hJs car parked ln front ot his home . . . Glen Mullet of 464 Santa Ana Ave., lf ew p o rt Heights, reported the theft of a $2S trap from hla plck·up truck . . . Marte Dudley, 19. ot 939 Dogwood St.. Costa Mesa, found lying unconscious on the fioor In the waltress' room at Merle's Drive In, Corona del Mar, was taken by ambulance to Hoae Hospital . . . Three sailors broke a window In Showier's Texaco Station, 2740 W. Coast Hwy., Newport Beach . . . A platform scales valued at between $75 and t!OO wu .tolen from an un· locked buU41na at 512 30th St.. • Jrc:wpwt ~ cw. Clf First .... ... ,., Lllr'• or C....,'• HAM 49~ 98c AIIJuata. ...... CicdiMefaa ~ ...... _., ..... Ia . .......... ~ .... • We ad; 1:11 all CID8tl. CREDIT BUREAU .. w ..... o .... Coaatr (formerly of Newport Beach, Lacuna Beach A eo.ta Meal Jllw•• ... A"-PO loa u-ty .. ,1.1 •....,.n .... PDIT aa.ADE.IIALP o• W.OLE PORK. LOINS. . .. --······-· _59:. ..ying ••• ancl ber .. vlng that YIU CD DO IEIIER at / .O'Keef ·&·Merritt s Pleased to Announce * * * * * * We are poud ol tlw" hObOI' of being cbo- Mn aa an of&c:ial dealer for th... tine O'Keefe & Merritt gaa range a. These are only a few of the many wonderful ranges a.ailable. We invite you to come in and look them oYer, and to ... for your- .. u the many )Xacti- cal cooking conveni- encea off e r e d by these O'Keefe & Mer- ritt ' ' kit c h e n mira- c&.." * * * As An * * * * * * ~o. , 'edlpj/j~ another (}iMAMFarH ceoling miracle Fin t apia with the finest -O'Kede I Merritt often amazing fleltibility-oow yoo can broil to suit any ()(Q.Sion with a choice (a shown) oC 1, 2, or 3 rnolving sbwen. T'be quiet, constant speed motor and skewer unit are easily removed for conventional broiling. Available in aU de luxe high broiler-comole or bui1t-i~ ranges. MOOB.5~5 J ., ,.-....... ..,_ ..... · ..... ~-........ ~ ~ --<. • .. . J,;... '··•&•"--"" : ........... ~-~· ...... .. Va1tlstlln1 Sheff·Ccwtr, Giant Centtr·simmer . EASY JIIM S Top Burners. Pinpoint Pilots, low-tempera-~ •• ture Ovett. Koof Kontrol Panel. All·steet •~14 Griddle, Smokeless Broiler. Crisper Storaae ~ • ' O'IEUE I IERMII LI.UII w ..... States The f•et th•t O'K .. fe & Merritt ges renges leed in west.m wles is proof of tfle good judgment of western homemekers. You compM'e end you'l egreel Try, for yourseaf, the f"mger-tip-controlled Grile- ve+or Broi'ler end you'l know -here is fnlty the brow for you! Try O'Keef. & Merritt's hencfy V •ithing Shelf-Cover • . • notice how eesily you ~n convert the sheff, instentty, into • smert con- sole covet for yow rancJel Y.......look over ffM new O'K"fe & Merritt ges range-top to bottom, in- side end out ••• you'D mervel •t the meny new, •utometic feetures designed to make coolting • p&.nurel But you've got to see for yourwlf ... s..--.nd you'll egrM witt! the homemake~ who heve mecfe O'Keefe I ~erritt fi~t choice in +fie West! Get e demonstretion tocfey. No oa,igetion, of course. Exclusive HI·VUE Oven, Grillevator Broiler, IASY JEIMS Kool Kontrol PaAel, All•stetl Center Griddle, ~ • Auto Top Burner Control, Anpoewt Nots. • ~84 Auoresc:ent lMnp, low-temPtrabJrt Oven ~ See These O'Keefe & Me:;lll Gas R•ages at FQRGII co. 116 '* * * lllwl., .. • • I• I • lite t · 1\1 al t ! • .. lit • • .. • • ... •• .. .. .. • .. ... 110 ·-•• • a ~is ard En Pot th~ inr ~ a 1ew na· .pa· un- a.re -lCid jaf lag rttb &-a · I try the ·em pple- ;Jic-es cook and 3 t'Ut ~I sins t'Ups ·pped cup Tbe aob fall pot •to ..... .... • too ·-.... wU1 ... II .. punch Spice :>rmUI d all Varl· you alf u redpe ormlll nd all cmtal.n ~·· looda fla· .. -. ..... .:.r: C!MJt • TAKE A VACATION FIM 1111-111.11111 IOISIWOII wmt .... Cellulose Spoii!Je Mop Item-of-the-Month .....,__,._,. ..... .__ .. _ •... , ., .. L.-...... ..... H ... C ....... Dr,. a ... S1.tl Y.._ SPECIAL $1.29 a. All •• a u, ...., _, 9...,,_ .... ....... ..... ~ ....... , __ .. .,.s..., .............. _ * WE BEDEEN & CIVE CBOWW STAIII'S * "EVERYDAY La IIARJ)WUE DAY"' at- *CROWN HARDWARE* 3107 EAST COAST BJCBWAT COROllA DEL MAll SAVE Willi A Farmer's PolicJ I BRUCE MARTIN ~ AUTO-TRUCK-FIRE-UFE li~l LOCAL AGENT ~'-;..!' 1793 NEWPORT AVE., COSTA MESA - OFFICE: Uberty 8·5554 RES. Uberty 8·5063 STROOT'S HARDWARE HOUSEWARES * Giftware * Appliances * Paints 1802 Jfewport Bl'f'd.. U 8-3428, C:O.ta MM«< ... Cub kouts 'Jbe nr.t reaular Pack Meetlq of tbe Corona del Mar Cub Sooutl will be held · from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. tomorrow (fl'lQ)') at the Ice Cream Social Raises Funds for Church Mission Corona del Mar school, tt Ia an· The fund tot· the planned eo.ta ced b H d .,,_ .... ...t. Mesa Epl~pal MluJon wu noun y owar AR.a.aou--, au'"""ented by .,58 Sept 18 cubmaster. •··• ._ 'Jbe Cubs will oraanJze Into when an lee crum eoctal apon- d I 1 ed De M...... aored by tbe SL Maraaret'a ens w th ass ID n u•.nen. Womena• Guild wu held ln the Trips and other group actJvttlee ------------will &Uo be planned tor the year, followed by a cub ecout movie. A committee of cub parents met with Cubmaster Howard Richards at his Corona del Mar home Sept 71, to dl.cuss cub scout activities for the year. Wll· liard Courtney, cub scout chair· man of organization for the Har· bor area, was guest at the meet· tng and helped the Corona del Mar parenta in planning the year's activities. 1.,. ll .. a lllla AI•--WIR leet 'Jbe Oranae County Kappa Alpha Theta Alumnae Club will beein the year's actlvtles with a luncheon meeting at 11 a.m. Tuesday at the hom~ of Mrs. Wilbur Smith, 2329 Heliotrope, Santa Ana. Plans wUJ be made tor the butfet supper to be given Sunday, October 23, at tbe home of Mr. and Mrs. John Wllder, 108 VIa Havre. Udo lsle. Meeting Place Given to Club The Los Companeros held their regular monthly meeting Thurs· day, SepL 22, in the home of Sonny Barnes. 20182 Santa Ana Ave., Costa Mesa. Plans were made for the fall and winter actlvltles. They also are setting up a permanent ~et of by-laws to govern their club. The club was presented with a clubhouse by Mr. and Mrs. Phil Barnes of 20182 Santa Ana Ave., but they have one problem before moving Into their new clubhouse. Two four by sixes 24 ft. long are needed to mov~ the building from its present loca· tlon to the site chosen . A junior riding group break· fast and rlde will be held Oct. 8, beginning at tbe Barnes rest· dence, 20182 Santa Ana Ave. The Los Camponeros junior riding group 1s having a mem· No. A 26178 bershlp drive. Any boy or girl JfOTJCE TO CREDITORS between 10 and 16 ls eligible to ESTATE OF Harriet M. Ferrell joln thts group. DECEASED. ------------ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to LEGAL JfOTlCE home ot Mr. and Mrs. Henry Seeley, 289 Mesa Dr., Colt& Mea. The llerVinl of toe cream, homemade cake, coffee, and pink lemonade wu h andled by Mmea. H. a. Jtendrte, Georp De RoUl· hac. Theodore Jobnaon, C. W. 'Jbomu, .Robert L. MWer, J. w. Donnelly, Henry Seeley, Gerald SmJth and Eupne Wella. Guests were areeted by Mr. Seeley, John Donnelly, warden .for th~ mission, and Georae De Roulhac, head of tbe buUdlng committee. The Rev. and Mrs. John Parke of St. lames Church attended wttb their four chUdren. Mn. Anne MacFarren, teacher at St. James day school, Introduced her son, The Rev. MacFarren, one of U\e assistant rectors' from St Paul's Episcopal Church in San Diego. FlllST CHUIItCH 0, CHliST SC1ENT1ST ))0) Vle 1.14.. ............... A bren'h of ne Mother Ch,,~r,h, The First Chun:h of Chnlt, ScJentilt, in b lon, Meue,hu.eth. Suncley School 9: IS e.m. Sundey S.rvie• II :00 e.m. Weclne.dey Evenln9 MHfin4J 1:00 p.m. R .. clin9 Room loc:.eted et )) IS Vie Udo. Newpon ... eh. la ope11 -· deY" from I 0:00 e.lft. to 5:00 p.m~ Weclne.deY" from 10:00 e.m. to 7:.45 p.m. Fnd•Y .,._;"9' from 7:00 •"'· to 9:00 p.m. Sundey eftemoons 2 to'"S p.m. Closed Holide'f'l. The public Ia cordielly Invited to et· tend the ,h,~reh .ervie•s encl use the R•adi"q Room. LaM 10 LbL ••••• The Easy ••••• Stauffer Way! LoN tbat doable dlial a.t riel of .. ..,_. u..-•Wh aDd ott.. UIUdglaUy ..._ Ou ac:MaWic ...... ... YOI'NS ••• 80 dnap. Rna• uoa. ...a. 01' ._.. cSIMcay ,..._I We ...,. helped baadnda to ... . ,...spt. We ma ..... y.a. too. PBOJIE TODAY roa TOO na& ftiAL ftEATMEIIT & P'JCOE AJIAI.TSD llartMw ITU 3117 E. Coat Jhry. COBOJIA DEL liD the creditors of and aU persons CEJn'lFJCATE OP BUSIJIESS having clalms against the said Fictitious FinD !fame decedent or said estate to file THE UNDERSIGNED does here· them with the necessary vouch· by certlly that he ls conducting a ers In the outce of the Clerk of bookkeeping and tax service the Superior Court of the County business at 357 N. Newport Blvd., of Orange, State o( Calltomla, or Newport Beach, Calif., under the to present the same, with the fictitious firm name of Ace necessary vouchers, to the under· Bookkeeping Service and that signed at h ls or her place of said firm ls composed of the fol· bus iness. to·wit: lowing person whose name In Light their life with foith i/IIJt <7o A. K. Ph~lps, 3429 E. Coast full and place of residence are as Highway, Corona del Mar. Callf. follows. to·wlt: within six months after the first William Dean Ward, 217 Santa publication of this notice. Ana Ave .. Newport Beach. Dated September 19, 1955. WITNESS my hand this 17th day Beatrice F. Spencer of September, 1955. Administratrix of the Estate William Dean Ward of said decendent. STATE OF CAUFORNIA } A. K. Phelps )SS. Attorney at Law COUNTY OF ORANGE ) 3429 E. Coast Highway ON THIS 17th day of Septem· Corona del Mar. Calif. ber. 1955. before me. a Notary ST • .AJIDUWS PREinTEalAJI CIIUBCB 15th SL A Sl Andrews Rd., acnu bolD Bl91a Sclaool Uberty l·lm PalltOI't .... JCDMe .. lt.wart SUNDAY: Morning worship, 9:30 and 11 a.m.; Cbureh ·School, 9:30 and 11:00; Jr. Blab. Sr. Hlgh and college age Fellow- ships, 7 p.m.; 'Jburadaf, Prayer, study eroup, 9:30 a.m. COIOIUJIITT IIETIIODIST UO W. lttb St.. Coni .... Uberty 8.c552 ..... Jo.pll W. MclbaM P'DIST ASSEIOL T OP QOD 22D4 St. & Eldea Aft.. Conca U... Uberty a.m1 .. 'ftnlld .... c. Crola1c. .... Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Wor· ahlp: 10:55 a.m. and evangelllt service, 7:30 p.m. Young People and Chlldren'a Service, 6:30 p.m. Sun. Mld-week Service: Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Ladles' Mlaslo!'lary Council, 'Jbursdays 9:30a.m . for all day. S.EVEJn'R DAY ADVEJITJS1 Jfewport BJ..S. at 8olaa lt.. Jfewport llel91ata ~1-1532 E14u D. L Spcrul41D9 P'DIIT 8APniT caoac:a laala AM Aft. at N1 ;aaU. Conca ..... ....... a. ......... Sunday Services: 9:45 a.m. Sunday School: 11 :un. Worship Services· 8:30 p.m., Baptist Tralnina Union; 7:30 p.m.. EvenJn6 Service. Wednesday:· 7:30 p.m.. Prayer, Praise and Bible Stu4Y. Mon· day: 7:30 p.m. Men'a Cborua p r a c t I c e ; 8:30 p.m. llen'a Prayer Meettna. cauaca or on LADY or MT. CA•IQL 1641 w. llcdbea ami.. llewpon ~-~· Pat!Mw ~~ ~· ,_.... Publish: Sept. 22. 29. Oct. 6, 13. Puhlic In and for sald county In the Newport Harbor Ensign. and state, residing therein, duly :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~commiss~ned a~ ~m. ~-sonally appeared WUliam Dean Sunday: 9:~ a.m.. Church Sun· day School; 9:30 and 11:00 a .m. MornJna Worahlp-7 p.m. College Aae MYF Service -7 p.m. Weh School MYF Service; 8 p.m., youne adults eroup service. SatUTday MornJna Services: Sab· bath School: 9:30 a.m. -Ser· mon: 11:00 a .m. Prayer meet· inc: Wednesday, 8:00 p.m. PCIIUMc A:t."~ I IW Sunday Muaes: 8:00 and 10:00 and 11:30 a.m. Conte.lton: Sat· urdaya and eves. ollat l'rtdaya and Holy DQI from • :00 to 5:10 a. uclllram 7:JO to 1:30 lie I Ifill maw. .... , ... ......... , .... • • • • • aft•wards JOU ca1 relax i1 JOUr On your feet every minute 7 Hardly have a second to red? Then you need a Barcalounger! Just sit down, lean back and relax! Automatically, t+te Barcalounger cradles your body in any position from sitting to redining. PmCED P'BOM AT ar • Ward known to rne to be th~ peraon whose name ll aub.crlbed to tbe wltbln l.nstrument. ancS ~w .. u..tbe•· ecuted the aame. Wti'NESS my hand and om- clal seal. Mary A. Haapa Notary Public ln and for said County and State. My Commission expires Aug. 16, 1959. Publish: Sept 22. 29, Oct. 6, 13. ln the Newport Harbor Ensign. Professional Directory MUSIC Margaret L. Scharle Teacher of Plano Organist · Accompanist Evening Classes for Adults 307 GOLDENROD AVE. Corona del Mar I'UJIERAL DIJlECTOilS Friendly Neighborhood Service P ARKES-RIDI..EY MORTUARY 110 Broadway u 8·3433 A 8-M.'W Costa Mesa NOW ... TWO BALTZ MORTUARIES Serving the Harbor Area Baltz Mortuary CHAPEL BY THE SEA Hatbor 42 3520 E. Coast m.t:,w~y Corona del Baltz Mortuary Uberty 8-2121 17b A Superior, eo.ta Meu AMPLF; PAIUUJfG B011I LOCATIONS HARBOR REST MEMORIAL PARK Hubor Blvd. at Glller JIVIQJ,Y 5.1Ui8 Wilbur C. Wogrw~t, D.C. ir?~ a• OcMB A~ Lauaa o:::f/1:/a'. nm cau ... or wr ... ~, ........ .... 1.111 ,, ..., D.G.Iblnt.•••• Sunday aervtees; 9:e a .m. BJble .tudy; 11 a.m. morning wor- ship; 7:30p.m. evening service. Midweek service, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. TBE ClllmCB OP CII&JIT Odd Pellow'~ Loctge, lMt Jf...-pod Aft.. eo.ta Meea. Uberty 1-5711 Tom acau.. Jr.. KIAJfter Sunday Services: 9:45 a.m. Bible study; 10:55 a.m. worship serv- Ice; 7:30 p.m. evening -.ervlce. CJmlST CBURCB 8T TBE lEA CommQDJty Methocllst Balboa Bl..S. at l4tb lt.. Jfewport HArbor 5Z2t PalltOI': !leY. Roy A. CCit1.loa Sunday Worship, 9:3o and 11 a.m. CJ'turch School: 9:30 a .m. Mid- week M~ng: 7:00p.m. Wed- nesday pTeeeded by 8:15 p.m. potluck. cauaca ., .. •u.a--. ..... 0 -.a...~ ............ ~ ..... ....... ,... ~ ........ : a.cl&.11daool. 9:30 a.m. ltlcJmlq WcnhJJ) at 10:30 a.m. Evan~e S.V· lee, 7 p.m. Sunaay. N.Y.P.S .. 6 p.m. Sunday; Prayer meettnc. 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. P'IUT ClllJJlCII OP CBalST ICIZHIIST S*VIa~r .... Sunday School: 9:1.5 a.m., Sun- day S e r v I c e : 11:00 a.m. Wednesday Evenlna Meetina: 8:00. Reading Room. 3315 VIa Lido, Newport Beach. open 10 a .m.-5 p.m. week days. 10 a.m.- 7 :45p.m. Wednesdays, 7·9 p.m. Friday nenlnn. ~-:t:l ...:a.-::,~~ Ko•••• ~ ~ Tueeck1. '7:.:5 p.m. Pl*amen'a Mua. July and Auaut, Sunct.y 4 a.m. oaxna•• 11'1' WiiiiUMHt n1.I.OW'IIID EbeU Clabll .... 515 w. llcdbea ams.. ....... lllalnerr -... P'. W ..... Sunday School, 10:30 a.m. 11om.. lnl wonhlp, 1l :00 a.m. IT. JAIID &niCO'AL iaViel.*.ll.....-t.._. ~·­an.Jolaa ............... Sunday aerv1cee: 8 :00 a.m. HolY Communion. 9 :15 a.m. U a.m. Sunday achooJ; 9:15a.m. mom· CIDJST LtJ'TB:EaU c:au.c11 lng prayer and .ennon. 11 a.m. or COft'A MDA worship 8ervice. T h u r • d a y (IOienut I,..CS) Services: 9:15 a.m. Prayer ~ LMSoa BaD. Guild; 10:30 Holy Communion. ee.e.ll- ...... l .... Let1M1r Tonow ST. 10-VIADft Sunday Services: Worship Serv· 114 Mart.M A"'-..U.. lllaDd toe 9 a.m. Sunday School at BA~taec ••• 10:15 a.m. P'at~Mw ·~ •.2!f· ..... IT. JOACIIJX CIIU'aCII P'at~Mw ~ u liM ~~1r, .... au..oA liiLAifD Sunday M!:: 7:00 a.m. A 9:00 P'atbew on.--J. •me (X)JOIVJOTI' IULISODJST a.m.ConleaJon: Saturc~Qa aJld laJaday ~~-at f. I. I. 10 ad US A4ICite A"'-a.lbM ..._. eves. of 1st Frtd&J8 ancl BoiJ 11 :30 a.m. Weekdays: M .. at ........._. -... Dl .. ld _..., Days; 7:30 to 8:30 p.m.; J"1rrt 7:00a.m.-Confession: Satur· ...._Gel Prldq Mua 8 a.m. SUmm• dayw from 4:00 to 5:15-7:00 to Sund~y Serv1eee: 9:30 a. m. Mau, July and AuJWilSUDdaJ, 8:30 p.m. Cbwdl School; 9:30 and 11:00 11 a.m. a.m. WOJ'Shlp Service. f'DIIT BAP'I'IST ClllJJlCB CKJI1"aAL amt.a CMUMa OP JIEWJOBT COIIOJfA DD. J1U 0...... Aft. .. a... BaJboa ••"-ltua & eo..rt Ita.. COIOIOaHt cao-=a c.te 11-. ~ .__ 11.....-t ca • .,.; ••••.a A. A. K.aMn. ~ IIA.dMw H5J Liberty._.,. lll='fi,A"' Sunday School: t:~ a.m. Mora-,_...., a..t.t a. J.aa... ___ tna ~ u:oo; J:wnt,. Sunday aervt~: 9:45 a .m.. Sun· Seiviee. 7:• Mld-..tl aer.-d~y School; 11:00 a.m., War-...._, .... ...._a-.. Ice. Wedneaday, '7:JO p.ri. abJp Service; 7:30 p.m. Sun4u SUnda7 Wonblp Serv1oee: 9:e Youna people meet 1:15 pJL evenlna ~ervtee; Mld·WMk a.m., U:OO a.m. Sunday School: Sunday. Servtee: 7:30 p.m. Wednesday 9:~ a.m. ~ Prayer lleettna. P1IIIT IOU Jacaa IAftiiT II•WJO U...Oa AIIDDLT OP GOD ., .... W. --~fll..__ ---.. auaaoa a..,.L ... u...CaUL ------Lotac•Y cau... ..._ c.u..--~.u.ty...., an Clift~ •= ..._.. Laeltr ..... ...._, DL ••• & .... ~:~ =... aw. C.&.........._. Su~ICh~.&t:e • .._..._ Early MrVIoe, t :OO ~.m. Sun4a.y: Sunday IChool 9:30 a.m.. mom1na Union '7 ~~ Bwlda,r. Pre-.chool SUnda.y 8chool. t :OO wonhJp u a.m. You:na people wonhtp a p.m. a.m.; Cllurdl BundQ ldlool. ...SC. 1:30 p.m., nmtna .,. uc1 omc.n 10:00 a.m.; eecond ~ .. .,.... .. ..moe 7:30 p.m. w~ . ....,_ 11:15 a.m.; Luth• LMI'ue. IIJ4.'"* III'VIc:e 7:30 p.m. llble actr T:«S ..-.. 7:00 p.m. W'~. dq. Tldl DINdalr Ia ..-JID dhle by .._d....,.ndeclb-'cr ... WOOOWQttTH PIANO SHOP RJa4AID"S UD0 MAIIIT ....... Aa-t lor ....... .,._ .... 2610 L c..t Hwy. H.. Da c. ... tW W.. \ • raoUDAY. OCTOU:a 1. •• VAN'S CLEANERS "10 Yee"' e..,_,;.~ Perf1ctin9 S~o~J»rior Cl .. nin9 Crefhmenahip" WE FEATU•& C.ref1.1l Hendlln9 of All O•li~••• Febrict. keded & L.ece Germenh ORY CLEANING-LAUNDRY SERV- ICE -KNIT &LOCKING -HANO PRESSING -DYEING -ALTE~· liONS-REPAIRING. Phone Herbor 5352 Pick Up & Delivery S.rvice Open 8 o.m. to 5:30 p.m. -Set~o~rdey, 8 e.m. to 2:30 p.m.- 342() E. Coest Hwy ; Corona del Mer QUICI SERVICE ROllER SHADES Standard S h a d e Clotha and Custom Speclaltl .. e Drapery H a r d w a r e e Ven~lan Blinds. ~~-gJ,J. g~.p * a..lcle t.be • Call ~ OflJce IIA .. G2 I2Dd St.. R.-pol't .._.. THE ENSIGN. HA-111-l For letterheads. envelooes e4tl ' 48 More Join . Lido Isle Club Mia. Thomu Letto, ~t of the Lido Ja1e Woman'• club, cr-ted 48 new memben at the t1nt tall meectnc. a luncheon· card party, held In the IJdo Com· munlty Aaodat1oD ClubhouN Sept. 77. Decoratlo.u featured a "Back to ·School" theme. desltned and made by ¥ra. Vincent. Salrnacla and Mn. Robert Templeton. Mrs. Letto lntrocluced her board a.nd beada of .tandlnr commit· tees for the comlnr year. Com· mlttee chairmen and co-chair· man ar' Mines. loe PrelnJneer and Keith Cordrey. proerama; M. l . Lockney and a. S. Holden, ea.rds; Donald Bart and lack Swart. blneo; Lee E. Barnes and A. F. Helme, luncheon; Gerald Schuchter and Herbert Riley, re~erV&tJons; VIncent Salmacla and Robert Templeton. decor&· tlon.s; lerrel T. Richards and L. a. Mc:CuUey, publicity; James S. Beattie, historian; lrv1ne S. Watdler, garden section: James KartJndale, welfare; John H. Linson and C. C. Dodd. hospital· lty; Robert L. ~mbly and C. E. Vandervort, special events: Wll· Uam B. Trttt. courtesy; Philip Stambaugh, dancing. A card brunch will be held from 10 a.m. to 1 :30 p.m. Tues· day at the clubhouse. M.n. Albert R;ylett, 2572 Bay- shore Drive, Bay Shores. chair· man of audJtlons for Newport Harbor Youth Symphony, an- nounces acceptance of three new metf1bers to the orchestra. They are Geoff Sharp and Davtd Gibson, trombone pla yers. and Lansing Rowan. bass. The second rehearsal was held Tuesday. In the Horace Ensign MusJc Room. ------Read the Ensign Want Ad page. Ora~&• a •• ., .• •west. FIIMI Dell.._ I C•llrllc Sertite • ~~.. q~ -TOV11 CIIOJCE OP'- 8a:~Mcaed ~ldr;an 90¢ lloat ..... Bot Paabami t.o. Gild Ens Cllldr:an u .... ClluJette._ ........ -0& YOUB CIIOICB OF- ==~ .. ~ ................... 90c •. SEIIVBD ...01111 A.JI. To 1:31 f.JI. * * -WE ALSO FEATUR£- OOIPLETE DIIIERS • Cbooee From a l..ar9e Selectioa of A.MEJUCAJf & KOSD.& DELICACIES 2'707 E. Coat • ..,_ ~ ... CGnDa ..... YOU KNOW WHERE MONEY GOES- IF YOU PAY IY CHECK You don't hOYe to "track down" your -.peodi- tur•: becc:ruae your DlOilthlf atatemem. and cancelled c:b.c:b ¢" you all the cmawera. SaY• work. wortf, cmd bookkeepiDq. Open your cbecld.aq CICCIOWlt DOW with ,tiM bank. . ' * * •• Fay Suzanne Cozad Is Wed To William Acton of Anaheim • EBELL CLUB WILL OPEN ITS FALL SEASON TODAY 1"be Ebell Club of Jll.-port ElectJon of oUlcers wUl OC<'ur S..dl OPft\.1 the t.a11 ....,.n at the April 5 luncheon session. toct.y (Tbu.rt~Cky) at a 12~ One of the moo Interesting pro· o'dock lundleon, ln the AIMri· ir&ma wtU follow when ''Mogul" eaa IAiioD laall. Mn. "ldaolu P. 1a to be featured. "Mogul," Mrs. BnltAe wUI ~ lot tiM -=· P~n nplalned,. "Is a mind on4 ,.., u preai..,.t, opel\lftl ~der and mental analyst. and t!M ,...... flnt boar4 ....Uq at k~ hla audience In a fine 10:31) L .m. tn the aame halL .tafe of suspense " Junlor membenhtp ot EbeU Installation of the new board 1101111'1 LIDO IIIIET witbiALLtE October 5, 1955 Newport Harbor w'lll be honored rue.u for the will be conducted at the May 3 day. Their tenlor clUb aclvUion meeting. whk h again w1ll fea· are 'Mrs. John Lamar a.nct lf.n. turt-a 12:30 o'clock luncheon. Net.on Holmwood. The proaram This Is the annual program Are you plagued with what's· features '"nle Continentals," Blll which has long been one or the for-dinner blackout.s! Sometimes Metp, slnlfng star of the New most popular with the member · I wonder l.t we're a hit or a mJ.a York productions of "Brlgadoon," ship. for that day the music and as the 4 o'clock chant crescen- and "Call Me Mister;" and Doris drama d<>partm(>nts of Orange does Into the 5 o'clock wall ... Crane, concert vtollnlst. who ap-~ Coast rolleae give the t>ntertaln· The pressure Is on ! "What'U I peared In the tllm. "King for a ment Etx-11 gives two scholar· havt.> for dlnnn! What'U 1 have Day." Their accompanist, St>rgt.> ships annually to thf' most out· for dinnt>r!" Y.'(>ll, shame on me Malavsky, was a guest artist standing students of th~ de· I· .. Reassuringly 1 pat a pack· before the local group before partments, Mrs Peterson pomted age of frog's lt>gs, a jar of Beau and was acclaimed by the m em· out Monde Seasoning, a bot1le ot bodice of Chantilly lace and bers. liq uid cocoanut · · · We're a hit! Graceful garlands of Ivy, maid· enhair fern, and red Ivy geranJ· urns. entwined on a white arbor, framed the double ring ceremony that united In marriage Miss Fay Suzanne Cozad. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray I. Cozad, 392 E. 19th St., COSta Mesa. and Wil- liam S. Acton. son of Mrs. Daisy Acton, 1739 Uncoln Ave., Ana· helm. The weddJne was solem· nlzed by the R.t.>v. Berthold Jack· stelt In Anaheim Bethel Baptist Church. tulle. the Illusion yoke of which Further plans for the year Read Ensign Want Ad.&. • A big, fat h1t ' You're the .•• was topped with a manderln have be-t.>n announced by Mrs perhaps I'd better put It th.t.s collar. Flower patterned Chan-Basil Peterson. vlce-persldent l.,•oe~· .,,.d Most Complete ~~ . . You're su!Cerlng !rom tilly lace was appllqued on the and program chairman. The No· menus ... bouffant tulle skirt over satin. vember 3 meeting wtll bring F,.-. t.,re Store in the Are&. * * * The bride, who was gtven in marriage by her father, wore a waltz leng1h gown of traditional white with long sleeved.~ Glamour Glimpses ay u• Her nylon Illusion veil was held Beryl Kent. foreign correspond· Cal' for fr•• In place by a lace cap embrold· ent and world traveler. as : ~co~ATING SERVICE ered with sequins and pearls. speaker. A luncheon wllJ prece-de Liberty 8 ss 18 Resting on the white Bible she the meeting, and during that carried was a corsage of white a fternoon. order will be taken rose buds and stephanotis from for the traditional fruit cakes by I which fell white satin streamers Mrs. Amelia Gamble and her I terminating In blossoms. Ways and Means committee. Attending the bride u maid The annual Tinsel Tea will I Furri~hings for homes, c:.lubs. Y"chts. 1()1 7 W Coe,t Hiqhwe y ••e .. port Beec:h of honor was Miss Carol Pfi-ster. take place December 8. at 1 :45 who wore a street length crea· p.m. when the Junior and Senlor 1 tlon of amethyst blue cotton. Ebells will meet together. Jun- prlncess style. with white tulle iors wUI again feature a bazaar :=::::::::=:=:=::==::=:=====; scarf trim on tht> scoop neckllnt>. with gifts available for Christ· Bridesmaids were the Misses mas giving. Holiday table, door Carol Crain, Vergle Miley, Char· and mantle decorations will be lene Sutterfield. and Norma shown, and "Christmas Around Berry. Their gowns were alike of 1 the World," will be theme or th<' periwinkle blue fashioned after program. that of the maid of honor. At 12:30 o'clock lun<'heon will Elqi'l & H..,milton w.,tches Flower elrl was Miss Wendy be followed by Mrs. Uoyd Whitt> Crisp, foggy mornln~rs make us Taylor In a white nylon net. speaking on "Philosophy Through M-u--fngs Bow loAg ba It heeD &a.. JOG coobcS up a 9ood pot ., IICimetb.lDg • • • • J llleaa a pl!ll ol -.tht.., dlllenat u... tbe pot oC sometbJ.Dg '" coobd tbe week before? le .,....., .....-,ettt b ·~· .._ ...., the IIGIDe recipe ._ eiPt y-. . . . Coodl ,. .... ht tu alllute a powuS bee~ .... ,.. •tlau.e you l.Dto ........ .... 1lp Cl batda. your fCDDOU nclpe a. 41bout to beooaae a ~---••• So you bed If•~ lat algbtl So wbatl You lilaeaJ4 ~ 6 • . • I ••• Cl ... C1l1l.Dary tric:b - Ill .. ~ taste ndtlD9· ly ~ 7 algbts l.D a rowl * * * realize It's time to perk up our bouffant. noor leng1h gown with Your Hat," at the J anuary 5 M'S· Wallace Calder head d .. ~ d 1 t h Eating is here to stav war rouo=. an get n o t ose which she wore a whitt> hat sion. " f hi hi h h I 1 JEWELER Three tunes a day. 365 days a as ons w c ug us c ose Y Sforving as candlellghters Wt>re Two events are on the c;alendar yt>ar . . . &.>mg a good cook s. an~ ":tke us (eel t>ver 50 smart Miss &.>verly Sutterfield and for the Valt>ntlne month, w it h 3 2l Eost co.,t H 9~.0y having a lovmg attitude toward an s m. Miss Donna McGinnis. Tht.>y wne the regular meeting. Past Prt>si· foo:<f. but don't lf't your En Of c:ou.ne if we wcmt that gowned similarly to the maid of dt>nts of Ebell will be honored at Co•cna do Mor Brochettes. Fondues and Pot C!CIIIIpl.ete 1 .. 11ag. it nqu.lres honor but with white velvet rib· the February 2 session. with tea !'"-============~ Roasts become trayro at th~ the ....., ~.one. which cue bon trim on the scoop neckline. and th'"' annual art e··'"lblt ..... ~ ed J O'BIUE.Jf'S. Jufl lA "' AJI v;, ges 0 0 0 Make a point of trying uat lD at Assisting hls brother as best members to be ft>atured evt>nts. harbor photo lab a new recipe at least once a ' caM JOU ---·t lD the aton man was Hayes Acton. Ushers Clyde and Joyce Zulch. coneflt week . . . Experiment with new to becu the ob'a cm4 ah'1 aa the included John Tebay. Rlcha.rd pianist and dramau·,. artist 1 ... cameras season ngs. different romblna-gb'la u D Packed them. you Grauer. and Dennis Cozad and bringing the program. Men's tlons of foods ... VIa newspa. aboal4 ... the woa.dedul col· Phillip Holley, brother and uncle. night will be held Februa.ry 12. repairs pers. mai:az.lnes. television hun· IKtioll oC ..., herbal We all of respectlv~Jy, of the bride. with a supper to be followed by rentals dreds of new taste trt>ats are u.s Cllg'I'M4 tbeT an Jut about A reception was held In the "Tht> Diplomats." a well-known yours just for the reading ..• the cateat cm4 ._Gitest tblDp church soctal hall. A five tiered Southland men's quartet. Pr~a.rtng your three aquaree v..... .._ .._. _. bcKk weddJne cake had been baked A aurprbe entertainment l.s lut wm be more tun and what•.,. t.-._ .. ._ • "-' ..,._ for the occa.aJon bJ Mrs. H. A. planned for members when they f«-d.lnDer bla.ekANta wW twa .., ..._ ,_ __. .._ tM Rolley. maternal ~ ol 1-.t b a 10:.10 LJIL bna:ndl on COLOR Into whldl-llbou.ld-1-fts 4lthen! *• 2 2 ...... '-a. _.. tile Wide: &NI~at.t4 by Kn., Man:ll L 'l'hlll wtll be a day de· W\ilCS I I ...-• • • -elf· Wooct:ro. Coop«. wted to Informality. u a I * * '* .._. ef ....,. • • • -. ol Th' younr O)Uple ~nt the-ir "breathes-'' before the Mardl 8 · ......-. tile ba.dal Gild ~ honeymoon ln Corona del Mar, annual Spring festival 3121 E. Cout Hwy. CDM O.JL ru ...... CDe~•llt .. art wlllt.. where they are currently In resl· a~~;;~~~;;~;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ .yr1lpl lfftt' awitclll f9r .,.... And O'BRIEN'S have just the dence. Plans for their tutu~ r ClldicM • • • Alao wbea lllbced gloves to cOmplete your costume. home have yet to be formulated. with equal poctloaa of c:ncma Well. at least It wUI be complete The new Mrs. Acton ls a re· if s aad a ,_ ra:l.aJ.Ju go. romcm- lf you Include with those acces-cent graduate of Newport Harbor i "'alome em' with bam ••• Thll I bad sorles a new bag. Have you seen High School. Her husband ls a u:ere a at tbe llfewpon Harbor Tadlt tht> new wonderful Jtalla finishes graduate of Anaheim Union Club last -..k . . • cua- ln bags by Ronay! Just In case1 High School and Biola Bible Col· reception i .. f today ... Salad Oil bal...S ancadoe1 ••• you missed the first shlpmt>nt. lege. Los Angeles. He also at· E•• try CC~~Dhlolog 91'GP" w do stop and take a look at these tended Fullerton Junior College slw u:ould u:car p1.IMapple with chlcba ICI.lad new ones just ln. Also tht> won· and Talbot 1beolog1cal Seminary or a ,_ growad up almooda? derful new velveteen day time l in Los Angeles. He Is now study· Beautee-Fit · · · EftD oatmeal quits betJI9 bags ... and the many smart tng at the California Baptist oatlaeal wbea topped with nl'W fall shades that are avail· I Theological Seminary In Covtna. bra·' maple IT'UP cm4 cream nble. We know, for s ure. you wlll 1 feel like a millionaire when you * * * ::~s~lutchlng one of 1hese nl'W Police Dance Jut a moment to tell you tbat we Just acnr tbe po41t· •CIIl ~9 lD with a aew IOIId of b •• s.w ....., likUta. ola l•edou tweedal Cillo IGW IOIBe ,...., ~ coaablg out of tbe .,_.._ 'Wllat could be bet* '-tlaeM cooL cool days we ...... beeD waitlag ,_, 0 Do hurry ln. and take a look. and feel free to browse to your heart's cont~t ... or just glance at the newest fashion mags lf you are still makJng up your mind. Be s e e I n g you! Where! O'BRIEN'S. of course. IIAibor-2515 E. Coast Hwy. C080JfA DEL NO Layton Noble and his orchestra will provide music for the Or· ange County Peace Officers dance from 9 p.m. Friday. Oct. 7. until 1 a.m . Saturday. Oct. 8. In the Rende-zvous Ballroom. Bal· boa. Proceeds trom the danr••• wlJl be used for construction and maintenance work on the pollee target range facllltles near Or· ange and their Insurance fund. Finest Selection of W&llpc!!per in So. C<'!lif. CUSTOM fURNITU RE DRA PERIES Dunb<'lr furniture & occessories THADEN INTERIORS 2b I 0 E. Coast Hiqhwey Harbor 07q) CORONA DEL MAR CliR SPECIALr; ------ * * * ..... 2212 * COIIU ·B 1111 PIIII11CI * lrAl/Tf(.fiT ·~ ..... ·~·-·~ .......... "'-~'--'"··· "',.. ...... ., .. lo • _. ww... n.. ............ . ..__ J2-41 u...,Jt ..... .,,. . .,_ ... ...,.... ....... . • .......w. ....... .... 1<4-Jt~ .,, "* Salom~ kn~w th~ tKN'tS •hat al!f\t Tlr·f'IT Rondt> v. lllil' hr you. Smoothly l ft sn~. hold1n~. 11har•l'lt'. tht- fuller ftR"Urt' to thr trn~ful, round~ look of today. •AD IX OV11 WEW LA.IIQE NDJKC LOT. aua or STOllE einert's svart>rib!> !'trtrtly Octoh<>r: 5<-a 0 son two ~tions sparl'nh'l 1 try I a httlt> Sa\'OQ alonE! with th£' I Mit and pt>ppt>r l Makr 'rm likt> a sandw kh wtth Appl<'· Raism Stuffing. Fry 2 slir<'" dtrPd baron till cr\.;p, then cook •, <'UP t'a<'h t"hopP<'d celt'T'y and onion in drlppmgs ... Add 3 r ut up tart apples and 1~ cup raisins Th<'n mi'l( lightly 2 <'UPS bread C'rumbs. '>. <'UP <'hopp<>d parslr;.· , <'UP sugar. '-. cup milk. sa It anci IX'PJl('r * * * Wl.De I Ally cbagTlas? 11M alcohol all ~ up l.D ..oa •.. Bed wiDe about a cap lull caa be adclecl to bCIID or pot roast . . . •!a aa.p roee W'1M to leg o' lamb • • • Dry wbl .. W'1M with portr ••• ~·-·· Try DOt to WGDD th-up teo '-9 ........ , beat .... thru • • • Ac141tioll oC a few pickl-. or '-oo Juice. wtU perk up w.a:ry flaftn • • • S. wt1l ACC~&Dt or lloao SocUaa ClutlDlate ••• * * * Right ht>re I'll put In a punch for our rompiPtt'• line of Spl~ Island Spices and Flavonnlll Flavorings . . . You'll find all Spire Island's 110me 60 odd varl ~tlf"S m~ pungt>nt . . • you won't nee-d to u~ nearly ha.lt u much . . . Spl~ lllands ~pe book, with c~Up~~ nnorrnlll Fla,'Orlngs are aU purt and all tlqulc! . . . They do not contain any ·alcohol. thenlon arw ~x l · lent to us on any babel JOOCb tt.at you wtlt tNeat .•. 1be na- wr wUI st-.y rl&llt U... ... IJquld Bladt Walaut. ao. . Nal)(kudltm.,. only tau. ollhe c2 tl\rUUn.r n ....... wur • drop ol roee cto. to a,. ... ea11a 0t CI'MIIl PQ ...... I * * * ' , ' •AG& m Petitions Calling for Vote on Ward System Completed POll tiona curylnl' more than 1 talned tor the petJUon to call a 1,000 namee. uklna •or a apecl&l publk el~tlon on keeping the t"lectlon on namlne councnmen city trailer park beach open for by districts, have ~n presented publJc ~,aae. to City Clftk Matif!r'Y Schrouder At Monday's adjourned Coun· and are now belna checked to ell meetlne, City Manaaer John see 11 there 8.N! enoueh names. Sailors said there was nothlne to About 9'70 valid signatures are report on plans for enlaratng and necessary. remodelling the tralJer park. He The Harbor Ci tizen• League, sald that plans would be ready which Is sponsoring this charter In about two weeki. amendment. Is continuing to col· lect more signatures In case of erroneous or lhvalld slgnlne. The Citizens Committee for Parks and Playerounda repom about 400 ~Jgnatures already ob· BACJt FROM IOWA TJU' Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lund are back In their Corona del Mar home after a two-month trip t o their former home In Iowa. JOHNSON & SON LINCOLN-MERCURY SEE AND DRIVE THE BIG Mercury for 1956 NEW FLO-TONE COLOII STYLIJfC t>nhances Mercury's distinctive new beauty. NEW IAJ'ETT·SUIICE V -8 E!fCDfES ... 210 hp and 225-hp ... for sensational perform· ance In every driving range. lfEW LOW ·SILBOUETrE MODELS t.crtund In every Mercury series ... Montclalr-Mon · tert>y-Custom. 12 Modt>ls to Choose From. See all tlriYa ... BIG M IHIJ at ·JOHNSON & SON LINCOLN-MERCURY Open 'Til 8:30 p.m. Uberty 8-5545 900 W. Coast Hwy., Newport Be ach Longer ... Lower ... Wider . More Powerful!! • NAVY LT. WlWaaa a. Col· l!Da, aoa of Mia. ..... A. Col· lllu of 1:171/1 PabDer St.. eo.ta N..a.. cm4 buaba:Dd of tbe for· ..... ...... Alme II. <:icduy of ~.Gog hacb. La ....tDg wttb U.. E.Uf'IIOD NGYal AwcWary Be~ Tral.DJ.Dg Uait 1 at tmac1J.D9 Pleld at hucKolcL Pla. Be baa bNa auJped duty aa a fllgbt llutnactOI'. Be La a graduate of Scmta ADa Bl9b Sc:MoL Life. Mac ... 'This Is Your tContlnued from Page 1) them. You have carried on In the face of dlscrlm1natlon and dis· couraglng pressure. Now just when the public has at long last vott"d funds suffi- cient to do some of the things you've dreamed about for the city you find the pressure too heavy to bear. You stood still and sutft>red when they reduced you from park supervisor to fore· man. Tht>y added tht> final straw when tht>y put a young man over you whose qualifications are that of playground dlrt'Ctor. and he Immediately started shifting your experienced and trained mf'n around. That was too much for your long-suffering soul. So. you decided you can take no more In spite of the fact that It mt>ans leaving the work you love. We are not happy with your leaving us. We hope you will re- consider. This Is your llfe, W .. C. Mac· Donald. AII-Scllool DIICI Set ,. Oct. '14 .. The Harbor Hl&h Board of Ccfn· trol announOH the tlrst all· .chool dance to be held In the .sodal ha ll alter the football game on the fourteenth. It's fifty ct'nts a couple or you may come stag There will be refreshments and an or<'hestra The Combo consists of Ot>nny Henderson on sax, Stevr Watcher on trombone. David Vaughn on drums. and Woody Woodwich playing bass. Heads of the committees are Bobby DeLong and Joh n Hopkins doing thP d~rations, Dave Ta · mura with refreshm('nts, and Nancl Campbell on publicity. Newpon Harbor Ensign DVJIII)AY. OC10a&a I. 1- aE'I"''aJf P110M av.o•& ftJ' .u.IOI 1.01811•• CMU8Qi .. HOWDY NEIGHBOR!" Ronald Davls. aon of Mr. and Mrs. Paul 0. Dav1a of China Cove, Corona del Mar. baa just returned from a nine-month tour throuah £uro~. Ronnie, a UCLA and, went on the trip with two Navy buddies attf!r completing his aervice with the Navy. •·or the third coll.leCuttve yn.r Nt!WJ)OI't Harbor Lutheran Qnm:::h wlU hold its Narrative Servkle. A step-by-atep explanation ot the Lutheran ~~~. the Narrative Service will be pn.en ted at both the 9 LID. and 11:15 a.m. wor· ship houra Sunday. Altbou1h lormf!rly only aum- mer Vltltora to the Harbor area. Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Hlnlns Jr. have decided to make thl1 their J)Jmnanent address. They have jult moved to PolnRttla Ave .• Corona del Mar, from AI· hambra to eacape the amoa u well •• shorten Mr. Hlgelns' drive to work at Buffums' In Santa Ana. where he la a buyer. • • • Scarcely settled In their resi- dence on Hazel Dr., Corona del Mar, are the Don M. Miller tamlly, who have moved here from Santa Ana, where Mr. Mil· ler ls associated with Farmers Insurance Co. Included In the family are two daughters and a baby son, Janice. age 4 ~. Nancy. age 21~. a nd 5 month old Dave. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Towle, new home owners on Narcissus Ave .. Corona del Mar. have ~n In the Harbor area for several months, and art" formerly from Berkeley, where they both at· tended the University of Call· fornla. Mr. Towle will be associ· ated with Richard Pleger. a rchl· teet. In Corona del Mar. • • • Well known throughout the Harbor Area, Or. and Mrs. Harry Stickler have moved t rom Balboa PenJnsula to 3631 Seaview Ave .. Corona del Mar. The tamlly In · Ronnie Rima Wins Again in Boat Racing clude8 two chlldl'en. Jeenne, aae 10, and Newell, 13. The doctor m&Jntalnl ht. medical ottlces In the Udo ahopplnl d'-trtct. • • • Mrs. Mareuerlte Strenr and 8-yr.-old dauebter, Sheila, have returned to their home at 416 Larkspur Ave., Corona del Mar, after aeveral years In Loc An· gel". Sin~ Mr. Strene·• death In 1953, Mrs. Streng and Sheila have spent some time with rela· Uvea In Arkansas, but have de- cided to make their permanent home In the Harbor area. • • • Although six year residents or Newport Beach, Mr. and Mrs. Warren W. Crow Jr. are new resl· dents and home owners at 439 Begonia Ave., Corona del Mar. Mr. Crow ha~ recently sold his flshlng boat. which he operated out of Port Orange, and ls now representing Walker and Lee RealtoTS In the WestmJnster area. Hls wile. Ada. Is a local real estate saleswoman associated with the Ben Whitman ottlce. Also living at the home a ddrNS Is Mrs. Crow's daughter, Miss Diane Stratton, a student at Santa Ana Business College. A frequent visJtor at the new home Is Mr. Crow's father, who was widowed just two weeks ago. . Gill Satub The Newport Harbor Girl Scout Council Is holding open house at the Scout House, 1700 W. Bal· boa Blvd., Newport, from 9:30 to 11 :30 a.m. today (Thursday). Of· flclals of the Council will explain the alms and needs tor the com- For Ia• S,rllc ... ..,1 PLANT lULlS NOW! e ~ Albwcl-Pomu..-lpl'i.ll9 Clorf. • Datcla lrla-Wc:4tewoocl. Wlllt.. Y.UOW. • Raawaculua. •--_., rt...aa. Tullpe £ Byadatla. URDEI aACI tiURSEIY W. 0 . TOLLE LAQV'IfA HACB aAft S. ft......... PBEE DELJVEn ..U .,.. UCB SATUBDAY II Beach & Boulevard SfOBTI AJfD CASUAL WZU J20 s. Coat a1..s. 1.a9'aaa .._. .. Ronnie Rima of ~1 Redlands ll•n~g~y~ea~r~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ave., Newport Heights. son of - Mr. and Mrs. Keith Rima of 3911 --------------------------------------Marcus Ave.. Newport Beach. won first place In the 115-mlle class "D" heavy boat Colorado Marathon race Sunday. Tht> race started at Needles. Calif.. following the Colorado RJver to Parker Dam and back to Needles. Ronnie missed beat- Ing the national record by two minutes. He won the same event last year using a 25-horsepower outboard motor. A total of 132 boats In five classes took part In the Sunday event. RonnJe took two hours and eight minutes to tlnlsh. He was the last acrOISs the starting line, due to motor troublt", but won out over 25 other boats In hls clua. e BlGB SCHOOL PTA "Back to School Night" will be the theme of the fi rst fa II m t-et · ing of the NPWpOrt Harbor Union High School PTA to be held at 7 :15 p.m. Tuesday In the school. Pa renL" w111 attend their chll· dren.s' classes for 12 to 15-mlnute periods. Mrs. Harvey Pease. program chairman. presented the over-all tht>me for the year, "Teamwork Does It." at the PTA board met-t· lng on Sept. 26. Mrs. G. Morgan Fitzwater was elt'Cted S<'COnd vice-president. Four new chair· men were appointed: Mrs. George W. Mabee, recreation; Mrs. C. M. Davis. parent education ; Mrs. Arthur Llndeke. record book, and ANOTHEP . "bi¥JOEND / ~~ , A: ~ -- ''Reau/ar as I I II the mail man . 4 Dividends ~Yearly on ALL accoUnts! I Mrs. Ray Trautwein, magazlnH. The annual PTA !W"holarshlp award of $400 was given to I Sumlye Shlgakl. SEPTEMBER . ~~v~ Professional Service Even the untrained observer quickly no- tices the difference between average pro- fessional work, and thcrt which meets the highest standards set by our profession. We take great pride in the quality of our professional efforts: a pride so often re- warded with highly fav€>rable comments. PARKES· Rl DLEY MOflTUAilY JIO aa..OAOWAY COI'Y'A ..,_IliA LIIIATY 8· 3433 IALIOA•IALIO' ISLAND •liDO ISLE NIWfOIT IIACH e CORONA DEL MAl An intt>nslvP membership drive for the Nt>Wport Harbor Union High School PTA will start Tues· day. and run through Tuesday. Oct. 18, Mrs. G. Morgan Fltz· water, mt>mbershlp chairman, a nnounces. • • • e COIIONA DEL MAJI PTA The Corona d@l Mar School au· dltorlum will be the site of a Silver Tea fashion show to be presented at 2 p.m. Monday by the Corona del Mar School PTA. Mrs. Douglas Buell Is fashion show chairman; Mra. Robert Ball, Invitations; Mrt. FrederIck Woods. decoratlon11; Mra. Patricia Ogle. music; Mrs. Ralph Schisler, hospitality; Mra. Susan Martin, refreshmenu. Verna Miller will present the models and do the commentatlng. Proceeds will go to the Fore ign Student Fund. DECEMBER ' MARCH JUNE (Accounts are INSURE 0 SAFE to $10,000 through the Fe d e r el Savings and Loan Insurance Corpora- tion) On Sept. 30th', we paid our 39th consecutive savin gs dividend, with chec"s for nearly 6,000 in - vestors in most of the 48 states and many foreign countries. NOW is the time 'for you. to open your own . account and begin receiving these extra earnings. Savings invested by Oct. I Oth earn from Oct. ht. • , taUUD&Y. OCI'08aa I. 1- Kendall Sells His Interests in Bay Club to Murchison 'K. T. Kenclal lut w.ek an· nouneed the~ ot hlJ flna.nd&l lntert!IIU In Ule Balboa Bay Club to Clint W. MUrehl.lon, Texu oll ma.n. and ralpatlon u presl· dent and dllector of the club. He made Ule a.nouneftnent ln the followfnr lett«: Dear Fellow Member: This la to announce that I have Man Held on Hit-Run Count Earl D. Ro&s. :16, ot Pasadena~ was arrested on a misdemeanor hit and run eharp by Newport polJee followlnr a two·car accl· dent at Bayside Dr. and Coast Hwy. at 12:20 p.m. Sept. 27. Pollee oUicera w ltneued •the wreck and pursued Rou to Coast Hwy. and Marine Ave., wh~e he was placed und~ anest. He wu charred with craahtnr the cu he wu drtvJnr Into the rear ot a car driven by Shirley Ann Panrle, 25. of 838 Plum Pl .• ,Cost.a Me.a, lltopped for a red ll&ht. · 'nle mesa womata driver and a paurnrer, Marilyn F. Maldon· ado ol Montebello, complained of aches and palna and were taken to Hoar Memorial Hospital. They were releued after no vJalble InjUries could be det~mlned. Roes had borrowed the car he waa drlvlnr from a Pasadena woman, pollee said. A hold wu placed on him for Puadena po· lice. Cnill•& Car SIIIIIIM We .-ya rMI&ned aa PreaJMnt and Dlrec· tor of the Balboa Bay Club. It aeema only yesterday that r IIJ ped the leu. with the City ol N~rt Buch and founded the Balboa Bay Club. but In rullty It hu ~ri over aeven years. While theae yeara have bHn most enjoya ble and lnterestlna In watching our Club rraw a nd Pl'Oe~ from a sandy strip on tbe Bay to one ol the finest Clubs In the country, neverthelaa they have been Vf!I'Y demandlnr ol my time and enerey, and there· fore I feel the time baa come to divest myaelt of the actlve ma n· arement 'of the Club. I Con.tequently, I ha ve concluded arranrements wtth Mr. Clint W. Murchtaon wherein he baa ac· qulred my tlna.nclal Interest In the Club. l know Mr. Murchison baa great plana for the future of our Club and' I am sure he will do everythln& possible to make It even more enjoyable u time roes on. I wish to extend my sincere thanka to all members who have so eenerously rtven thelr aupport In belpin& to create the out· standin& success of the Club In which we may all derive a great creal of pride. ' Thla la not a &oodby, u Mrs. Kendall and I expect to enjoy the dellebtful faclllties of the Club with you In the times to come. Sincerely, Kenneth T. Kendall Ho.ag Benefit Nets S I 0,000 w1 .... a•M•--• ..,.tnt t-* _. dliQ II'f ......... * ... A,._..U ..w..-.-1.1, .,., .. _ ......... I CHIJR.C:HES T WQ Teachers To Be Hired • 1·oo Lnt. to C~t FOR RENT: CORONA WGH· 1..A.N DS 3--bedr. M lwte apt. Cat· peted W·t·W, IQOd ... t. bl. roo~ pvt. fenced patio. I&I'W· dl.ap. Call DJck Strldtler, HA 2'T14. CIIJliiTIB ICIDC& caoMCII ''To put down the elalm o( atn. you mUit detect tt. l'ftDOVe Ule maak, point out the llhulon, a nd thua eet Ule vldory ewer 1ln and ao prove 1m unreality." Thla statement by Mary Baker Eddy ln "Sclenee and Health wltll K~ to the Scriptures'' (._.7:24·27) Is from the Leuon-Sennon to be ru.d at the Newport Beach Chris· ttan Science church Sunday. The question "Are Sin, Dlaeaae, and Death Real!"· Ia the subject. The Golden Text from Romans C8:2> explains further, '"The law of the Splrtt of llfe In Christ Jesus hath made me free from ttle law .t s in and death." COIOI17JfJTT CIIV.cJI Men a ud Missions Su nday wiU be observed thla Sunday In the Community Church of Corona del Mar. The Rev. Edwin C. Gomke wtll talk o n "Our Christian World Mlulona." There wUJ be an Installation ~mony during the 11 a.m. aerv1ce for the church .ehool staff. ST. J AMES EPISCOfAL "Our Reaponalblllty of Sef'vlce" will be the ~rmon subject of the Rev, John H.· Parke at duplicate family ~rvtces at 9:15 and 11 a.m. Sunday In St. Ja mes Eplsco· pal Church. Baptism will be eon· dueled at 12:30 p.m . Sunday for Walter Theodore Sparkuhl and Timo thy Charles Sparkuhl. ch ll· dren of Dr. and Mrs. Charles Sparkuhl, of Udo Isle. UWJV1tUALliT I'ELLOWSBif The ·Rev. Frederick Ringe will spea k on "Labels and Contents" and Joseph Tarantino w lll sing h la first solo of the ~a~n when the Universalist Com munity Fel· lowsh lp meets at 11 a.m. Sunday In the Ebell Club House. 515 W. Balboa Blvd.. Balboa. A cotlee hour will follow the morning service. SCHOOL C UILJ) TO MEET White elephants for the Lob· stet bake booth wUl be sorted and wrapped at the Monday eve· nlnr meeting of the Church School Guild of the Corona del Mar Community Church to be held at the home of Mrs. Mal· colm Shannon. 416 Fernleat Ave. Hostesses will be Mla.s Margaret Davidson and Mrs. Jane Thorn· Hlrlnc of two additional teach· era. f« tbe third and fourth grade., wu authorlz.ed at Tuea· day ~~nJnl'• meoetlnr of the N e w p o r t Ele~ntary School tndtees. The trustees also hired Mrs. Helen Hayes u aeer~ary at Har· bor VIew &ftool to replace Miss Catherine Andrews. and Floyd Craner a nd Arl&ta Walkt>r as bus drivers. Advisability of purchaa· In& a atand·bY bus In e-vent of emerrency wu di!K'ussed. All nine bua.sea are now being used at capacity. Concernlnr the proposed re· routing of Coast Hwy.. along Fifth Ave. In Corona dt-1 Mar, the trustees authorized Supt. Roy Andersen to IM!nd a letter to the Division ol Highways cal~g at· FOR RENT: 2·BR. un.tum. t.ou... CDM, with thennoetat Ileal. ~I. earpetinc, d rap • •. double r ar .• lar&e aundeek; no pet&. $115 monthlY on yearly leue. 607 Poppy. HA M915·B.. APARTMENT FURNISHED Har· bor view In Corona ~1 Mar yearly t65 per month call Har· bor m or Ru bor 3698 ~es. FOR RENT -Garage. Inquire 323·B Matguer lte . CDM. FOR ~OR-TaADE::-:'""'35:-:--:P:-oo-:t 3·room trailer. complete bath room, tub, toUet. etc. $3.000 value; trade for Jot. down 011 house or 25' .JO' awdllary S<lll boat. tentlon to the original plans tor ----..................................... .....,. ...................... an access road under the high· llliL' WAJITED way at the )umlne Ave. gulley to the Harbor VIew School. Church Group Is Installed New officers and teachers of the Balboa Island Community Methodlst Church School were Installed by the Rev. Donald Sapp a t the 11 o'clock aeTVIce Sept. 25. Introducing the nl'W workers wu Matthew V. Walde· Jlch. chairman of the Commls· slon on Ed ucation. The group Included: Mrs. P. F. B a I n e s. superintendent ; Mrs. Walter Schmid, assistant super· lntendent; Mrs. Robert Lelnau. secretary-treasurer : Mrs. Law- rence Broerlng, cradel roll supt>r · intendent; Mrs. Clyde Shootttr. Mrs. C. Douglass Ferry. kinder· garten; Mrs.. Vern Smith, first grade: Mrs. Lelnau. second grade; Mrs. )ohn Loy. third grade; Mrs. Baines. fourth grade: Mlss Jean Smith. fift h grade; Mrs. Leon ard Harrrave. sixth grade; ~M.r. Waidelich. seventh rrade; and Mr . Ferry. ninth and tenth grades. Sublltltute teachers are Mrs. Robert Ibbotson. Mrs. MIC'hael Carl, Mn. Francia Riley, and Clyde Shooter. Kidnap Threat Investigated School Site Release Due All the armed ~ces hue now appart!ntly afr'Hd to relf'a~ the old Santa Ana Army Air Base site tha t is beln& souJht by the High School District for a nt'w high school site. Army otflct>rs came htore Mon day to look ovl'r the &ite w1th Supt. Sidney Davidson and then Informed him that the Sixth Army h u releued Its hold on the 70 acres In question. The property may 1100n ~ re - leased by the Defense Depart · ment to the Genera l Services Ad· ministration with a uthorization to make disposition of the pro· perty. The-N"-'POrt Harbor H lgh School application then may get direct conside-ration. The altt> Is on Falrv1ew Rd.. aC'IOSS from Orange Coast College. ft'C CLAD TAK:.a .A.IT Df WQ O.UCU Of IIAWAD ~ PfC Jackie W. O atk. 2'L wt.o. wtt•. Adele. Uvee at 112 VIa Xanthe. U do laJe. Jf.wport a..cta. C&liL. recftltl)' took put lEI Job now open In SANTA ANA to high school rraduates, age 18-45 These are career jobs with excel· lent opportunJtJes for advancement. CLEIIS and COISTIUCTIII HEIIEIS 5·Day Week. Paid vacatJons and holidays. medical coverage avallable to employe.-and dependents. Co. paid pension and disability plan. APPLY 1030 EAST FIRST ST SANTA ANA Mon.· Fri. 8 A.M. ·4 P.M. SOUTHERI coumES liS co. ---4·bedr. horne. den. 2 baths. hardwood and c a r p e t e d noors. $45.000. Submit down. I I • • • I BAY SIMES IARUII 3·bedr. Living room 15x20 rlreplact>. tenet>. covered patio can't be duplkated tor $19,500 Earl W. St•leJ j REALTOR I 225 Marine Ave .• Balboa Island I Call Harbor 1775. Eves. Edith Matoon. HYatt 4·6222 John Ma<'N.ab. Harbor 5359 lk-autlful. modern, furnished flrepla<'e and furnact>. two bedroom guest quarters. two bE-droom apartmt>nt. double garage. Shown by appoint mt'nt only $29,7&0 lartlyl F. Lei., REALTOR 322 A MARJ~E AVE • Balboa lsJand Harbor 1958 ---·--------- fireplace. nlct> patio, clOK' to markets It transp. R 2 ront'. room for anoth~ unit Drht> by 513 Jasmine A~~. Corona M l Mar, and tb~ ca11 m~· LtiiE , .... lt.ltA1. TOR 2731 W. 0out Rwy .. N...-port Ll 8.f.277 ART C. KlSTL.ER CO .• REAL ESTATE Dl!f..-,cwtllYd.. Jllawpcwt -..ctt Rarbar -. dQ ar alebl fAa& anaf ~ TO VOTE • • • YET , •• EIOUGH TO BE AniiCTIVE . Here l11 a rambling c·c•mfur1411•lc· h •m•• ju-.t a ~otep from the watt>r nPar th • north b.tyft.,nt un Balboa 1 Jand. Your Pnthu luo;m "Ill b•• ~·r. ••••·r th."'u :i Dodger tan-wht>n you d ls<-11\ •·r Ito" mtwh J 1\.; blllt)' t hPrt' i-s in this 17,000 Sq J.''t u! r •J-.111" htiiiH· q .t pklur<• -.t'ttlng of llw•t-t!> .; nd lw •• u 111 u I 1.• nd'-4· 1p1111! \-\'t• !Jrf'llut It wJIJ "''' la"t lou~ IJtlH·d CJI $1 •. ~!110 ISUID REALTY CO. 19tl Park, Balboa l!>land HA 3'T7 You Ca• Dream • • • For bolller I 0 Years • • . • ..START LIVING .. NOW IRVINE TERRACE WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO 1NSPEC7 COMPL.ETED OUR DISTINCTIVE FURNISHED MODEL HOMES AND OTHERS UNDER CONSTRUCTION NINE DIVERSIFIED FLOOR PLANS To the home buyer who wishes to purchase In the $24.000 to $15.000 class we sincerely recommt-nd the lrvJne Estates overlooking Newport Harbor. These homes feature California Uvlnr. Otfered exclu. aively throurh Earl W. Stanley In a Smog-Free area known u Irvine Terrace--<>n Coast Highway opposite the new Irvine Coast Country Club. Newport Harbor. * For r~mmendatlon. we refer you to anyone who hold.!l a Leasehold Estate In Irvine Terrace, Beacon Bay, Bayshores or Clltf Haven. TilE BEAUTIFUL .. SMOG FREE" Earl W. Stanley EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor 4448 For Fu:the:r Information COIIU lB. Ill Vogel Value Two bedroom home with convertible den. 1 '4 b&tU. lovtly pado and aU feDIC.'ed at the low, ................ Exc-eJI.-nt flnandng THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E. COAST HV.'Y HARBOR li~1 CORONA DEL MAB HARBOR 1417 UICH U¥111 3 .... ......., 2 .... Mammoth rumpuo; room. RartM'<'uP. 28()() Sq Ft. homt' on •, ,H·n• 1n East Cnsta :\[~a F'urnl.<,hPd. fer Oily $22,575 THE VOGEL CO. 17fl2 Ne"' port BIHI ( , "-I a Mt'"-'1 Phnnf• Ll h<•rt ~ " ·,:;91> IIIEDIATE POSSESSIOI 4 llellnn., 2 u• ...... TOT \L PRI\F $111 :;nn $395 Don 21)29 11-Hh<•r Rh c1 l""' .t ~1f'~a Llbt'ny ~ 4i61-E\f'" Llh<'n) ~ ~::'IR Hnrhor 3064 M --- 11081£ UIITS-IEWNRT HEIIHTS TWI D.,lexes (2 1111 3 B*IIL) on ' .. Acr(' tn ('t\o)kt• l•~'.IIH•n Twn vr<o old Rnnm for rt>sldf'nC't' tlT ancothl'r rluplr' Prk,.cf .11 $.'1~;(11\.-"''h Jlc)()d tC'rm!-Annual l n<'Pm,• $.'\.'<W W. A. TOBIAS. Realtor ->'vll·ll like our frlf'ndly servl("(> •N~ adclrt>~t.;-...400 E l71h St ('QgTA MESA Uberty. 8-1139 ----T , .. aam.E II TIE Ill c. ... ,.. •••• _, A Mu1tlp1f' ~tlne RNltor can show you a wt~ varlf!t1 ot tM choSCMt valui"S In your price ranee. ANt> Q KNOWS HOW TO DRAW UP CO'--ntACTS FOR '11tE MOST CQNVF.NlENT '1"'D.MS. You'll Ond It paya to do buslneq with a RMJtor. Phone or drop In eoon tow. on• of the 2'7S reUabJe Mllltlpae Lt.tinc' &ealtonln 11'1f' Harbor Aru. NEWPORT HARBOR BOARD OF R~LJ S .. CASH BAT£1. FOB ENSIGN WANr ADS 1 Time 2 Times 3 Times 20 words or less .75 1.25 1.50 21 to 30 word• 1.00 1.50 2.00 31 to 40 words 1.25 2.00 2.50 Each word over .fO .03. -.05 .07 Cash must be received within 7 days of first insertion A&AAAAA~AA&A~~•••&AAAAAA• JiEAL ESTATE ct. B.EifTALI ' IIAaDfE ---:~---=--~--~------2-BEDR. FURN. apt .• pvt. pa tio. en. I ....... auto. washer, dlsh master, aa· VIIP rage, In Beacon Bay, Pvt. e1111-. t-... beach, small boat tie-up. Win-vp~~CI .. r ter rental $100 mo .. yrly. $150. Util. pd. No pets. AvaU. Oct. 15. HA 1240. Amerkan Legion 2lS 15th St. Meetings 2nd-4th Wed. 8 p.m. HELP WAJITED ONE BEDROOM turn. apt., $70 a month or $65 on yearly lease. 601 Poppy, COM. Harbor M9S·J EXPERIENCED waitresses, bus after 2 p.m. bo ed f Sa ,.:;.......-=-===---:-:---='"'':'"" ys want or turday, Oct. FOR LEASE: OFFICE suitable 15. Excellent opportunity. Call for MO.; Ear. nose and throat Do th M doc·tor, dentlst. lawyer. Comer ro Y arston at Harbor 4466 after 11 a .m . of Goldenrod 1: Coast Hiwy., =~~";""":=--:-:-~---:-:-:---:-:---:­COM. Drapes It carpetlnit In· WOMAN TO live In with elderly eluded. Key at Mr. Cameron's. wom an. Board, room, ·and Write. 2860 Mill Creek Rd., small salary. Nice accommoda· Mentone, Call!. Call: Mentone Uons. HA 1248-M. 8-5631. ilEALE~S-T_A_TE_W_AJfTED_........, ......... ._,.,_ WANTED FROM OWNER 2·Bed· room & Den, 2-bath, home. South or the Highway, Corona del Mar. For cash. M. Lennert, Box J-1, c/o The Ensign, COM. w FOR SALE SECTIONAL SOFA and day bed, reasonably priced. 304 Poppy, COM~.==~~~~--.-~~ AUTOMOTIVE PARTS and acces· sorles: tires, batteries, bicycles. toys, tools, sporting goods. paints Western Auto, Liberty 8 -2711. 1836 Newport, Costa Mesa. BED . DAVENPORT. reasonable. muo;t sell before Sunday. 305 Amrthyst. Balboa lslarlt!. LATE '4--r-FORD Co_n_v_e_rt-:-:lb-:-1-P, $295. Call eves. Ll 8-S<t25. CHICKERING upright plano $150. Good cond. CaJl Harbor 2905-R eves. HAMMOND ORGANS. World. fa. mous. All models. Also severa l bargains in used organs. You can save on these fine organs. Danz Schmidt, 520 No. Main. Santa Ana. TRADE IN your old watch on a Ladles diamond Elgln. Wallace Ca.Jderhead lf!Weler, 3123 & Coast Rwy., COM. '51 CHRYSLER Imperial. 4-door. extra clean and original. 36,000 miles. $900. Liberty 8 -4073. BABY GRAND. Special. Only $495. Good tone and action. Biggest stock of wonderful grand pianos In Orange Coun- ty. Terms Danz 5<-hmidt Great Piano and Organ Store. 520 No. Main. Santa Ana. Home of the Hammond Organ. ---.,---VOLKSWAGON. '55 hard top sedan. metallic blue, driven 3 months. Wonderful condition. $1 .:1..>0. 310 Amethyst. Balboa Island. HA 3356. ELECTRO :-II C 0 R...:,G,....A-.N"'"._,S::-a-v-e-=$4~10::-. Ec1sy Terms. Danz Schmidt. 520 No Main. Santa Ana. Home of thP H:l mmo nd Organ. '4H FORD convertible, radio, heatrr. good tires. Make offer. Harbor 4159-W morning or be· twe<'n 5 and 6. Girls- YOU wUl have an opportunity to advance In our firm. because of our present expansion program. The starting salary Is good and you will receive fre. quent Increases, too. Jobs now for: TELEPHONE OPERATORS -Apply- 514 ~ No. Main Street Rm. 211--Santa Ana 9:00 to 4:00 P.M. PACIFIC TELEPHONE SEBVlCES lotie Projectars FOR RENT 8-MM 16-h-JM 35-MM and 16MM Sound Projectors FAST COLOR FILM SERVICE Model Alrplane Su pplies ••rs Ca•r•SIIeta 1782 Newport Blvd .• Costa Mesa Phone Liberty 8· 7042 HAVE YOU SEEN? The new Watches, Diamonds. Wedding Rlnga, Costume Jewelry and Clocks • • . Car-ried by Ray Fields at b1a new .-e. RAY FIELDS WATCH REPAIR No Longer at Udo Drug aee him at new location In the "Vista Shopping Center," 19th St. at Placentia, Costa Mesa. e Phone Uberty S8488 e COMPLETE P AINTrNG PAPER HANGING SERVICE HA 2976 HA 4446 EUGENE 0 . SAUNDERS 500 31st Street, Newport Beach Painting -Decorating PAPER HANGING , GEORGE BURKHARDT Uoensed 878 w. 18th Liberty S8628 Contractor Costa M("Sa Liberty~ MISS ND.DIIED CllAJIDELL l D t e r D atiGDa1 iwpl'liiDtatift aDd tnaau.rw oJ Zoeta lilt.· DGtieDCIL will panid,pate l.D the fall ~ Jli091CIIB of DJ.atrlct a of Zoeta to be beld th1l Friday. s.t1llday .... SuA· day at tbe klbocl Icy Club. Ex-president Joins Zonta Mrs. L. E. Stephenson, past president of The Zonta Club of Riverside and now residing In Costa Mesa. was initiated Thurs· day Sept. 22. by Zonta of New· port Harbor. under the classlflca· tlon of Past Service Member, at the home of Mrs. Earl Stanley, No. 9 Beacon Bay. A Jetter was read from Pauline Babbitt. Zonta's 1952 Orange Coast College scholarship win· ner. who Is continuing her studlt>s In the &hool of Nursing at the Unlvt>rslty of California at Berkeley. A letter of apprecia· Uon came from the Zonta Girl of the Year, Andrea Schulberg, from tht> Newport Harbor High School. who Is also attending the University of California at Berk· eley. BEICBTS YOUTH TAKES 12-Wt:EK JlADIO COURSE PFC Paul L. Weed. 20. son of Mrs. Dorothy D. Weed. 1602 Clay St.. Newport Heights, recently completed the 12-week radio communications course at Fort Knox. Ky. PFC Weed, a former student at Pasadena City Col· lege, entered the Army In August 1954 and completed basJc traln· lne at Ford Ord. Call!. Business Directory Dflu.AKCE INSURANCE "Be Sure-Insure" WITH STANLEY INSURANCE AGENCY Phone Harbor 2474 3315 E. Coast High way Corona del Mar Res. Phone, U~erty S 7315 SCHOOLS ct. DfSTBVCTJO!f REAL ESTATE Tbe Mewpclft Beach buUdlDI clwelllnt at new Ocean Blvd, total at tbe three-quarter mark ~: Doaald ,.,.., ad4JUon of 1Jeo .. nda at Jl,U 5.5ls-.l· at D W. klbea Blvcl., $1.100; mo.t .-oo,ooo ahead of the aame WUllana B~ alter bullet· pettod fCif lut year, and j~ a inl to Nduce It from 6 unit. to baU mlll.&bn clollan abort of the 3 unl ... 3ar E. Ed.pwat.-, t8,SOO. entire 18M total. • a1aco• hT . The clty appears to be almost Edmund ~'lfu, fence at 8 certain to Mt an all-time r«<rd Rudder Bel, for the year. With three months e ~A IILAifD to co. the BuUdlng Department Heftent, remodelling at 225 has to averaee only a little over Opal, $100; ll L. Ibbotaon, alter· $400.0Q0 a month to beat the atlons at 112 Opal, $250. present record tota l of $8.629,004 elfEWtolrT , established In 1951. In that year Robinson. termite work an~ the Sept. 30 toW was $7,479,453, foundation at 1015 W. Balboa just ~.OQO a head of thls year. Blvd., $1,000; Ray Thorpe, cabana Lastllnonth'a total was $610.320. at 46 CabrlUo, Udo Trailer Park, lncludlnf the following permits $2.000; J oe Buckley, Cabana at Lssued durlne the closing days 30 Bolivar, Lido Trailer Park, of the month: $2.000: Ben Reddick, demollab e OOBOifA DD.. NAil buDding at 114 23rd St.; W. C. Mrs. Vera Gay, remodelllne at Hopkins, cababa at 33 Beach Dr., 235 Heliotrope, $400; Fred Peter· Lido Trailer Park. $2.450; Herbert 80n, 2-unlt. 2-atory dwe1Jlng at Yetter, cabana at 6 Bolivar, Lido 323 l u m lne, $21,000; Hobart Tra iler Park, $2.000. Loud, swim ming pool at 3U1 Nar· clssus. $2.200: John Gannon, aa· rage at 415 Poinsettia, $1,560; I AA.. rAil ..... Kay Finch Ceramics. patio roof ....... rVR at 3901 E. Coast Hwy., $800. 'Paplll If Parw' Will liP......_. "Pageant of Peru" wtll open the second annual World Travel· ogue Series on Monday evening at the Newport High School Au· dltorlum. The color mm shows dense jungles, 13.000-toot high Lake Tlticaca. barren desert. great plantations and wealthy gold and silver mines. Lima. the Capitol, Its coloniaJ architecture and friendly customs. ancient Inca clv111zatlons and forest·COV· ered mountalns. eBALBOA Frank Rocco. 1-story. 1-unlt IE SA UPHOLSTERIII Upbobteria9 ct. Drapery LlbGty 1-C711 2350 If BL Coeta Naa 5" 10-TEU LOU CouatructiC?D Lomw 5" 10-TED LOU lEE .OBIATTLEB Ptlrler llfllap Ct. 2515 E. Coast a-y .. CDN n. BA Jill K.1 1-5115 (N.UO Life lDsurciDce FuD41) JAMES D. RAY Btil•ill C.lraclor 3446 E. COAST HWY .. ColONA DEL ~Al HArbor 4763 l•lld.nce: HArbor 4196 Costa Mesa Lumber Co. LUMBER -BUILDING MATERIALS W.wpoct Bl"-c:.tlll· ..._ u.-ty 1-1•1 OiCo Co. BUILDING BLOCKS-AU SJZES-AIJ. TYPES iWUMDAT. OCI'08D I. ... Here's why al your cooking is easier ·than ever with a new GAS range! , .. ,.,.,._. Automatically shuts off t op burner at pre-setcooklnatlme. Ho pot-watchlna. IOTAIY iUIECUl Automatlc:ally turns meats under Gas flame. Gas berbe<:ue broMinals t.st.cteen. • POISCOP£ OYU Glance Into perl- sc:ope vl.wer alvn "sltht conttol" of betdnc and roasdq. see 1111w.t ....... ., ...,., •,.. c.~·** ••• 1 -·-........ ,.., Only GAS Waives you sUch ~ern automatic IPPiiances Shop at the ·cros~ds Village • • • • The area·a • ma.t convenient shoppiag center ••. • • • on Newport Blvd. -above the Arch•, acr0811 the Freeway &om &aq Hoepital SPINET PI AN 0 S. Wonderful buys Some slightly damaged In sh lpmPnt. Rental returns anr1 trar1(' Ins on organs. Mirror Type Spinets as low as $195. Easy trrms. Danz 5<-hmidt. 520 No. Ma in. Santa Ana. Home of the Hammond Organ. REP AIR AND M a I n t e n a n c e . painting, carpenter etc. lust a nyth ing. Reasonable. Satls. faction guaranteed. HA 0126-J. COMPLETE LA.JroSCAPDfC SEKVICE FREE ESTIMATES Contracting JOHN VOGEL. Realtor Insurance r-----------------------~------------------. P-------------------~ r--------------------. . SITUATIONS W AMTED S&H Green Stamps Free deUvery CORONA DEL MAR NURSERY HA 1038 2744 E. Coast Hwy. MOWERS SIIAJlPE!fED WANT BABY SITTING in my Co· LET US SHARPEN rona del Mar home; Daytimes. YOUR Children 4 to 8 yrs. HA 2847 -W. LA WNMOWERS--SAWS WANTEt>: Ironing In my home. Mabel Whitman. 607 Margue- r ite. COM. HA 4279-J. COM man would like gardening, clean-up, etc. Call HA 1038. Mel Upshall. --------~----------PEilSOI'fAL Knives. Scissors. Etc. Uberty 8·5137 1. A. lJolding 188~ Merrill Pl., Costa Mesa VEif~ BLI!fD LAtJlfDJlT VENETIAN BLIND TRADE IN your old watch on a LAUNDRY new Hamilton. It means so much more to give or get a mE NEW m a c h I n e process Continuous day and evenlng classes for preparation to pass the State exam . Call or write For Information AL TYLER SCHOOLS 1611 N. Broadway, Santa Ana Kim berly 7-3511 KEllog S2513 • Let Me Teach You CIIDfA PA.DfTDIG Convenient Class Lessons Ll 8-5648 GLADYS TRACY 1928 lrvlne Ave., Costa Mesa Hamilton. Wallace Calderhead. method. Reasonable prices. Av· 3123 E. Coast Rwy., COM. erage 2 tape residential blind. ------------B111LDI!fQ 111fft.JEI NISCELLAJfEOtJS Only $1.00 Blinds repaired and rebuilt. WlLL TRADE .22 Rifles. 9mm Free Pick u p and delivery Mauser pistol or 7.65 Walther Work done by appointment pistol for good telescope or Ph 8 CEMENT AND BUilDING high power binoculars. HA 1557 one Uberty ·5701 alter 7:00 P.M. or weekends. or Kimberly 8'8274 All KJnd.-Free Estimatee $:5 PER MO. RENTS good practice LA.IfDSCAPDfG-DESJQIQXQ UBEilTY U109 plano. Let the klddles learn. ------------;============:;, AJI ternu r~nt 11 you buy later. Danz.SChmldt, 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. 100 pianos. Home ot the Hammond Oraan. l.oeT AJfD f'OV!fD George'• Lcmd8c:ape & Mcdntencmee A home tan•t complete unlea It'• la ndllcapeclt I am a U · cenaecl Contractor. C u 1 t o m Land8caplnc and DeeJptnr. Al8o Clean·upe and malnte· nance. MIKE MYERS UNION S~ltVICE U. S. l oyal Tlret W••hi119 I PoiWII119 Complet• Lubrie41tion SeMc. FlU PICK-UP a OELIVElY Phofte He rt»or )094 1701 E. C:O.tt Hlth-.y tt A11Kflllo ~., ~ ... Tired of winter wotrtel ••• IWMty wells, .-my wlndow1, chllty flo011, d,.ft, ... OM cold after anotflet? Switch to kllurloue forced .. lf heel~~~~~ Pa~,.. 1M ....... NfM '" hMUng. h'l ... , to afford. we ,,. ....... a-Mll~ttr;~ .t,out ....... S..lor youtMif..., .. ,., ... ...,,.,.... eo-..-.. ......... a.f1D.labJD9, Alt iDPP~JM Prtata. lOnon lfOW Iff ..,.. era • R'OOda vw.g."' Llbefty 1-1117 Milia •· •~BML .. .., ... PIIIIICY LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION TWO OFFICII To S.Ve Yet~ LAaUNA lEACH ANO SAN CLEMENTE QUICK· 24 HOU!t SEf(VICE LOW LOW "REDUCING" INTEREST RATES EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS FRIENDLY SYMPATHETIC SERVICE FREE CUSTOMERS' PARKING ESCROW SIIVICI. 8IAQIN'R.Y OPBATtD 4 •• Tar Tattles .ITODIJIT COU'at Hey! Did you know tbat we 'have a Jall at Harbor! 1 aat In on a atudenl eourt meetlnc 1ut week anct watched the "prbon· m' bi'OUJbt lnto "court" from the "jallroom." Adjoining the courtroom where the oflenden are sentenced ls a .J~Dall room where the prisoners walt their tur.n. This room ls humoroualy known u the "the jaU." Student court Is the ma!J:l part of our atudent eovernment. At the direct head ot It la loseph Hamblet, prlnelpal. Under Mr. Hamblet come Robert Maenua· aon, boys' vice principal, and Mra. Fay H.,-btaoo, gtrla' vice prlnctpal. Rli~ Goerke Ja next 'PORT 1? .... ' {J()r1".1 .... ~, M-1 ~ I 411 <: "181'1 save rnoney .. .--....nee with se.te Fa"" Mutual's . . --• FROM HABIOB ID SCHOOL ft UIIUaA ULDJr'I'WAL FFA Prexy Wins Award u atudent court advbor. And now we get down to the actual .tudent cou.rt. Bobby DeLone, vice president ot the ltudent bc)cb', Ja the bead of it and N~ Campbell Ja aec:retary. Under Bobby are tour team cap· taJna, who are thla year, Anita Palm, MickY Bukell, Jan Blum. and Pete Gardner. It Is these teama that pollee the school and elve the little tlcketa that put you In hot wafer. Each of the teanu~ has a cap· taln, a lieutenant, and 32 mem· berl. A tum works only at noon hour but they work tor two weeks at a time, then two weeks ott. Another poup known as the hall m o n I t e r a works during perlocU. After you have, Cbut we hope you won't) received a ticket you co to ~urt and recelye senten«. It'a pretty serious lt ~u get lnto eourt, for not only are you pun- lshed, but a permanent citizen· ahlp mark is put on your record. Too many of thHe matlc.s won't do you any good when you get out ot high school. The offenses ranre from crowd· lng Into the lu•nch line to smok· Inc on achool premises. Offen- der• are brought Into court the tlrst tew times but after that you go dliMtly to the office. Student court captains are picked at the end ol Hch year by the newly elected vJce·presldent with the belp of Mr. Goerke. Then the eaptaina go out and pick their members so that they may begin work the very first day of school. So m ind your P's & Q's now. rm aure you don't want to re· «lve a little Invitation that says "come to atudent court." • • • e ftl liGNA Everybody can start watching foz achool beanies In the next week. Tri·Sigma got together last week and decided to order 500 white beanies with blue tassels. Tri·Sigma consists of the top girls of the achool getting to· gether to do things tor the school and plan activities tor enjoyment ot the students. The otflcers this year are Vir· glnla Fuglt, president; Maret Stovall, vice · president; J udy Coleman, secretary, and Pat Welter. treasurer. The other members are Harriet King, Nancl Campbell. Darlth Sherrill, Jody Lleb. Chametb Starege, Sue Brown, Gloria Chapman and Laurel Woodson. The requlre~ota to get Into Trt·Slem& are a C awrqe In all writes quite a t.w letters home. Ke -~ lle baa about the aame amount of hoQ\e'Nork over hue but hu more wrJUnc t~ do. Be plana to tinlib hlch acbool here; thtm be will have the plea- sure ot traveUhc Uuoucb the United State. for two weeks. After that be wUI eo to Wuhlnc· ton D.C. and lit In on a Senate meetlnJ. He hopes to be able to meet the Prettldent. Dieter hu represented Ger- many well and hall made a fine lmpreulon. I know we wUl all be sorry to aee him go. • • • e FUT1JU COtJJICD MEJU Harbor HI clUzenshlp classes are lt'ttlne an example for the rest of the community by attend· lng the city council meetings. The object of the clua 1s to make better cltlzens of the stu· dents and to help the~ under· stand the governments of the world. Volunteer students from the dltterent citizenship classes go to the city councils evet')' alternate Monday, ta.ke notes and give a report on it the next day. 1be city council approves to the ex· tent that they mlmeopaph extra copies of thelz agenda for the evenln& to help the atudents undentand the business on band. Some ot the atudenll who have already cone are Patty Buah. Pete Stoddard, Judy Welcand. WUllarn Dock, VIcky Pemberton, Jack Hayes, Mary Sheeley, Carl Smith. Jan~ Jordan, Gr ace Car· ter, Fred StelfD&Dn, Bill Balmer. Lorraine Cuthbert. Bob Yarnell. and Christa Friedlander. • • • e FllOSB JIEET'IXG Attention! All Freshmen! To· morrow altHnoon. October 7, from the close of school tiLl 5:00. l.s the official freshmen get·to· gether. Dancing. refreahments. sports and lots ot fun ls planned. 10 let's see everybody there. It's a good chan« to gtot to know your fellow trosh and also prac· tlce your dancing for the all school dance the following Frl· day after the game. Remember. that's tomortow afternoon for lots of fun!! .llm Bath, prestclent of the Newport Harbor Future Parmen ot America. baa been preaented a cold pln and a c:ertUkate for hla entry In the National pan&e and Plant Pood Council of Amer1ca contest. f(e placed flnt In b!8 local chapter out of 25 entrle. and then placed third In the ltate out of 10,000 entries. His essay baa now been sent to the National G r a n c e headquarter• to be judced on a Nation~ bull tor cash awards. • Don 8 t e a r n s . Costa Mesa Grance Master. made the presen- tation to Jim Bath at the meet · lng of the Grancera. The topic of the essay wab Gainlne Ground Throuth Fer tillty. Bath took a novel Idea or putting hlmselt In the pia« of a plant In writing a story on a plants reaction to .clenttfk management and feeding. Legion Post Sets Record Newport Harbor Leeton Post baa earned a tlrat place atandlna In Oranee County In member· ahlp amonc the Legion ~ throughout the county, Comman· cJer Frank D. Moore lr. report~. The local poet is also flrsf per. centagewtse and with ltl mem· berahlp drive bas pushed the dla· tr1ct and the area into tint pia« in the state. The goal ls to reach 300 mem- bers tbts year, according to a..lph Bonds, membership chair· man. 461 Calls for Harbor Dept. The Newport Beach harbor de· partment handled 461 calla dur· lng the month of August. Harbor Master Russel E. Crall baa notJ· fled the Newport Beach city council and Orange county bar· bor commission. The department handled four tire calls. two rescue calla. aave assistance to eight large boats and 22 small boats. Investigated one boat burglary at a altp and six on moorlnga. Ten ~ ar· Kingery WhJteneck. chemistry rests were made, eight other ar. 1 cto N rests, three dereLict row boats nstru r at ewport Harbor tound and destroyed and 21 Hllh School, wu Invited by Gov· pieces of debris found and de· ernor Goodwin Knight to attend stroyed. .. r&aa- EYES 1W ea. See 11 n. Dn! • ....,. baa made the owl's ~ (pupil aad ida) lar9e -tbat tbey call gctMf CD · •ada Ugbt aa paealbl. oo • dm1t alght. B.-m th1l Jat. bl.rd 11 Cl fCIID4M! aigbt buater cmd bll.Db belp· 1 ... 1y lD t.be 1UJIJJ9bt. PropH Uglat for readl.Dg aDd study la ...... tiGl to you chlld'l ..,. bealt.bl • CALL DR NICHOLSON TQDA Y for an appointment to ex-amine, prescribe and tit your child's eyes with the proper t>ye wear. DR. L L NICHOLSON "'CCKPJ.ETI! VDtJAL SEJIVJCE• 440 w. lttb su.t Jlcat)er, u 1·15211. ea.ta .._. .M~aJ.~~ JIE&DQVA.a'I'DI roa 111110' TIYI, ............. 1111 E. eo.t Bwy • .t J ... , C... M1 .._ (Next to All American Market) ·~~~~~::==' ~· "" * Al8o .. li15e E. lla4 ._ Ia!.-, .... • . ... ... .. .. . . .. .. . . -..... . .. ...... -----------------------------.................. . Jim Whyte GENERAL INSURANCE A COLOR·nLM TRAVELOGUE Spectacle of mountalns. Indians, prehistoric Inca clvlllzatlon ruins and ~odem aoclety. See 13.000·toot high Lake Tit1caca. barren desert. dense jungles. plantations. wealth mines and Lima. the Capitol ... Cliftord Kamen, Narrator. Newport High School Au<L ~n. 8:20, Oct. 10 h UO .... US. 1.50 ( Ta:a) ~ the WOIILD TJIAVELOGtJE IUU:S _, atx. lacladlDt -s......_ .. "'Cooahl1 Coli rh .. w.....-. c-=«•'" "':a'tCII"kk.'" CID4 -un.tk lloUday.---....... <• tl.laa) 11.51. 4.71. ... o. ......... o-...._.. ........ ''PIIEIIT .. PEIU" LA6UNA BEACH lf&n .... W 0c..n Ave. A • .ubjeda wttb no IDOft thua one : D In ~ quarter ancl no P'a. have 20 eervtce poiDt8 otbeor than G.A.A.. and scholarship, possess a student body card and have • • . . ... . : ••••• a statewide conference on educa-Seventeen 'f'C1W boata &Dd dml· tlon. beld lut --*.eftd ln Sec· la.r craft were held I« ldftatlfl· ramtt'lto. I The Governor Invited represen· cation and return to thetr own· tatlves from ICOl"eS of business era. 21 row boats ~ed lost and not recovered and 45 row and professional organlzaUons boats round and returr:ed to throughout the State to help owners. A total of 23 spt>ed com · solve the critical problems that plaints were rt'ce"lved. 35 other face our schools. PHONE HY. 4-1177 SAN CLEMENTE 601 N. 8 C.mino Real PHONE HYacintf! 2-1 195 Of HYacintf! 2-1196 NOW .f..~:U .. 1& ... !-iiill W. L LANDIS · oa L. E. CAIRNS ~1-1011 1" E. 17t.b St. COSTA MESA PI~ ill !\ Jfj9 js·.HrA ANAl I dliW'"• 4 & '> ,'"' BR( \0 · AY mow trrAJn'W &T '* ~~~~;;;;;~ been outstanding participant In at least one extra curricular ac· tlvltles. They hold three formal Initiations a year. A-ppllcatknU tor Tri-Sigma are being con· sldered now. e STVDEJJT 1'11011 GEUIAJrl Foreign student interview: Mr. Whlteneck was one of two complaJnts. 31 guest ~Is ac· Orange County representatives cornmodated and 204 m.lscellan· from the teaching fleld to be =eoijius~·~c~a~U~saijinsw~·ered·~· ~~~~ honored with this Invitation. tt Dieter. or Derry. Noga ls an ex· change student from Be<'kedorf. J...... I• .. u-L-~ Gecmany. He Is a senior and Is _,, ., .... living with Pt>te Stoddard, a As Her ···L· lila Car freshman. and his family In Co· a rona del Mar. Judy Collins, 13, of 1614 W. Dt>rry -that'll hls American Ocean Front. Newport Beach. name-ls 16. and though he Is a was apparently unhurt after a senior here be would only be a bicycle she was riding collided sophomore. or In tenth grude. with a car at 15th St. nnd Bal- over there. Derry ls taking Civics. boa Blvd .. Newport Beach. a t 3:05 Trigonometry': P.E .. English 5 & 7 p.m .. Sunday, Sept. 25. and. as he put It, "I rush through The car driver. Mathilda M. American History wtth Mr. Rush." Riggs, 59. of 186 E. Del Mar St .. Dt>rry Is interested In many Costa Mesa. said the bkycle ran subjects. but thJS main Interests Into the left front fender of her are a.IJ fields of sclen«. astron· car. The car driver said sh<' did II) .&G .& 111111....1'~ omy, phys ics. aviation (jets. that not see the girl untU the bicycle ~ ~~ ~ lsi. space travel and rockets. In hit the car. The girl said she Your Fa.mily Restaurant fact back ln Germany Derry was could not remember what hap-(CIGMcl -r.-day) makJnt IUn-powder rockets. He pened or what d.!Mctlon she was 25 5 E. Coat Bl9b would like to be a nuclear lb)'Si· colng. She wa.s ta.ken home by 8~ 1,. Corooa ::' KC~r dst but "not an American one. ~po~II~ce~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ a German one." He plans to CO to Gottln1en Uruveralty In GeT· many. Dl~ reports that ln Ger· many he was president of hls class tor three years and that hl.s favorite .,orta were lOCker and handball. Tbelr student govsnment. al· ihough not u advanced as our~, la fashioned after Amerkan and European Ideas. He finds the classes over here more "relaxed" Ulan th«*! In Germany. · Dieter N)1 altheup be· doee not drtve a c:ar be went to the football ta.m• and eajoyed lt. Be ha~ trouble unc1entand1ne parts bUt be aalcl be hacl 1004 llt.ltnlc:· tlon, meantnr hts bo)' trlencts. Derry aays that best~ dolnc boiM•ork on week ends he • VI.U 111111 ,___, .............................. c:lotlJ .. dr. o.. YWo ,...._ ..... o1 01-.. CoutJ"' n... ...n.b· .......... Get..._ ........... L111tld.ttM~ ......... laa-4. .... -.. _ ... -.. a..-.. ............ • LAIUII TUYB. SEIYICE Aut.boriaed A«JeDt For All AIRUIES • IWLRDIDS STEAISIIIPS • TOURS Serrila9 The Coastal Ana For l'ea:rly 10 Yean 112 Oeecm A.._ l.acjuDa 8each llyatt ._101' ••••••••••• •••• •• •••• ••• t·c~s" .. \ * • : a \ \ ······ ••••••••• ··,·· .. ~. ' ~ •J ... .,WWIJ I A,.._..u ...... -..-.wua Ji'lt -.. wedl -.,.. p:: 0 ·-Aall -..t S I '1111 B d"lt I ._· rAC:ItAGa LOU. It ..., tM lill ,._ .alit tiS 8 II ... )lit,......, .. -· I I JaW ....... OJR a • c.& .-.. c:.a w -........, .... ,,__ .......... ..... .._ .................... .. .._ __ .... . Yw .......... -1 ............ · . .... ftll AAUW Plans Brunch Oct. 8 To Welcome New Members All the nrat adtvlty o1 the year and welcome party for new JMmben. Santa Ana BraDch of the American ~atlon of Unl· venlty Women w1ll ctve • brunch Saturday, Octobet 8, from ten to twelve, at the home of Mrw. L G. Connelly, ~ W. Main St.. 1'u.un. Graduates ot 338 c:oUeaes and untvenlt.lee approved by AAUW who hold depeee that meet the AAUW requ.lrement of a bulc foundation 1n the Uberal an. are ~ctble tor membership In the Association. Loea.l repJ"Henta· tlve Is Mrs. Harold Wilson ot Corona del Mar. Huge Parade for Vets Day Plans for the Eighth Annual Veteran's 'Day parade at Newpor;t Beach were made by ottlc.ers of the sponsoring organization, the Newport Harbor Veterans Organ · lzatlons. Inc .. last week In New- port Ha rbor American Legion Hall. A six division pa ra de, a fish fry and carnival and a dance In the Legion Ha ll that night, are plans being made to celebrate Veteran's Day. formerly Armis- tic(' Day, Nov. 11. Officers of the corporation In- clude Vincent 0 . Cusumano, president. of the American Le- gion; Eugene W. GJllesple, vtce- P r e s I d e n t . re presenting the V.F.W .. and Newell A. Lucas, sec- retary. of the Jack Fisher Cha p- ter of Disabled Ame rican Veter- ans. Several requests have already bl'f'n received from organizations wishing to partici pate In the pa- rade. One division will be tor rommerclal entries. The fish fry a nd carnival will be held on the Newport Harbor American Le- gion property a t 15th St. and Ba y Front following the pa.rade. Billy Arthur and his orchestra wUl provide music for dancing In the Legion Hall that evening. The Veteran's Day paude w as held In Newport Beach last year. A heavy rain early In the morn- Ing dampened the enthusiasm sligh tly. Chrilfllla Cniu witll WAL TAH Largest collec:Uoll of Bcrwaiicm cruLM doth.. lD the South· 1cmd. WnTAH CLARK'S Hawaiian Shops 140 S. Coost. IACJU.DCZ Beach Kat to Show. HYatt 4·6061 <OPEN SUNDAY ) lA 1' IT WITII 3403£. Coaat Bwy. 8 CO BON A DEL MAR • • Pboae Harbor S071 S:::~~ ----------- Elsie Narborough'! YARN SHOP 2747 E. Coa•t Highway Corona del Mar IL\ 0857 Knitting. Crocheting and Neecllrpolnt Supplies Kmtting Bags Spcc1 a I ized Accessories and Instructions HOURS Mon. thru Sat. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Complete •dscapi•c Serwice IIIII l.alllsca,l11 2221 E. Coat 8J9bWCif Coroacr ~1 Ma:r Royce .nos: Lea Jooe LJ t-701"7 BA 1225-J FollowlnJ are the dates ol the regular general proJram meet· lnrs: October 1~MJ1dred Younger, "The Expanding Role of Women In Publlc We." November 10 -Dr. Charles Nixon, professor of Polltlca l ScJ. ece at the University of CalJ· fornla. "Southern Africa: Cross- roads ol Culture." December 8-Sven and Anne Reher. "Christmas Carols and Customs." January 12-Dr. Russell Cald· well. "New World Frontiers tor Youth." Fe bruary 9-Dr. Rodger SWear- Ingen, "Can Southeast Asia Re- main Neutral a nd Free!" March 12-Mrs. E. T. Marquis. "How the United States La Help- ing Others to Help Themselves." April 12-A panel of promJ. nent Orange County people wUl discuss "Future Needs of Our Couny." Judge Franklin G. West wilL act as modera tor and the other participants will be Mayor Dora Hill. Newport Beach ; Chief ol Pollee Edward J. Allen, Santa Ana; Reverend Karl Christ, Pres· byteria n Church , Tustin. May 1(}.--Mrs. Beatrice Cral1, "Three Faces ln a Mirror." The general meetings are held the second Thursday of the month at 8 p.m . In the Ebell Clubhouse In Santa Ana. False Tooth Lost in Bout Leslie W. Gatton of 21 12% W. Ocean Front. Newport Beach, rtoported the loss of a false tooth when a man struck him In the' mouth for no a pparent reason about 10 p.m. Se~t. 23 In Ernie's Bar. Newport Hefghts. Mr. Gatton told pollee that he was struck In the race by one of the other s hurneboard players while he w as playin' In the bar. He said the fight came about when he asked the otht'r player for the $1 he won. as they were playing for $1 and beer. The first suspet't uked the second ~ to tah ~re of Mr. Gatton. A beer was placed on the bar while he was stJJI ta lking to the second sus pect I about the pay off. Then Mr. Gat- ton was struck In the mouth by tht> first suspt>ct. The rlrst supect left tht' S<'Pn£' and tht' M'Cond suspt'ct attt>mptt'd to take up the I fi ght but other people preS<'nt brokt> it up Both suspects left thP scene In a car driven by a gi rl. Tract Maps Given Okay Four tentntlve subdivision tract maps wNe rP<.'omm<>ndf'<l for a p- 1 provnl by t ht' Co1;ta M<'!;8 city 1 planning commission last week I and forwarded to thP Costa Mesa city council for final aC'tlon. The m aps lncludP-d thoSf' to Dike and Colt'gTove. 12 lots. Thurin Ave. near Hamilton St.; Max Pop~>. 10 lots Pomona Ave. near WIIMn St.. Hale Co. 2ff1 Jots In the Hale tract oct Baker St. and Oran~t' Coast Acres. 73 Jots on Bakf'r St. near Barr AvP Comm issioners recommended denial for the rezoning of a five- acre piece of property from R-4 to M-1 lwhind Quonset VIllage, W. 17th St .• aftt>r a public hear- Ing. Owner A. E. Tltra ny of 202 Driftwood Rd.. Shore Cliffs. sought the rezoning for the pro- perty. Re Is the owner of Quon- set VUlage. Four subdivision applications for fewer than five lots and five variance applications also re- ceived the attention of the plan- ning commlssiQn. VIsit ••.•• , ... , .. .,. .......... Jtl• ••• the Col .. ia L P. RMinl Cl .. • For Pe111111 . Senlce RADIO-TEI.EYISIOI-11-FJ lEE FA•amt ....... mPPE"'''E IUD Ull11l JUTA DAn * S.O.S. Radio & T. V. • • • • The Finest Name in Meats in all the Southlancl!=====-':"u!.~I..DI..Du:.~==-;: . HI CBOICB C:IIADE. TdiD.med JUt.. CIDd Priced llttel MANNINGS MANNINGS BONElESS ROLLED T -Bone Steaks 85•. Rum~ _Roast MANNINGS Porterh'se Steak 95~. MANNINGS Pot Roast 39•· MANNINGS Round Steak MANNINGS Swiss Steal( FRESH Stewin DAFT-2 lb. Bolt Velveeta CHEt:SE • Hens I Frou n food. ') t. L IIIIIDRT&--e ....... French Fries . ' FRESHLY GROUND BEEF 25~, 5L.!'l01 BACON · GOLD com BATH'S BLACK HAWK .35•· HAMS 41 OZ CAlf TOUTO .IUICE OR PIIEIPPI.E .IUICE WHOLE oa SIIAKK BALl' 49l