HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-10-20 - Newport Harbor Ensign2150Meals Served for CDMBake . T OF E STER L • UPEIIOR COURT COBOWA DEL KAA. CALD'. TIIUBSDAY. OC"I'OBEB 20, ltsS Motion for Dismissal Is Denied About 2,1SO dlnntora were served ~-­ at the Corona del Mar Lobster Bake Saturday and Sunday, 1 grossing around $3,300 for the I Corona del M ar . Business Assn. Trial began yesterday In De· partment 3 of Superior Court In Santa Ana on the constitution- ality of thf' Newport Beach ordl· na nce which regulates • rentals during Easter Week. TBE LOaTEa aAJtE QUEElf •claiae ta surprt.a.-cmd Ia tears --4S her DGIIle 1a ~ a the choice of the JudqH. The QueeD 1a Carol Jnag ol Ill 1rt.a Aft .. Corona del Mar. DeeDee CUDAlllghCDD. Mlu Wewpod Jhacb, 1a at the left. prepcmng to c:rowa tiM QaMa. CIDd lD tiM badrvrouad ta Scmdee Decudortt. oa. of tiM ..._ Prtaceues. (Easip pboto) Kick -off Setlov. 1 For Chest .Drive and the Balboa Bay Lions. In- come trom rides. ga mes and other booths Is ex(>f'cted to In· creue this total to $5,300. The cool, c 1 o u d y week-end weather kept the crowds some· what under the total of last year, when 2,437 meals were served. a nd total revenue w as $5.TI2.52. Proceeds again wiJJ go t oward completion of the Youth Center Building on the Harbor VIew School grounds. Top winner in the pet parade Sunday waa the canine "wed· ding party" entered by Peggy and Chris Fraser and W innie O'K«-efe. Their entry won tlrst place for best costumed 9(.'ts and alliO the best In show 1\ward. Mike Flanegln won second. and Ellah Burton third for best cos· I turned pet. Other winners were: besf groomed dog-Len Jones, first tor his collie; Judy Justin. sec· on d. and Kathy McCay, third ; most unusual pet-Mark Van Dyke, first for his duck. and J im· my Howard, second for h is goat : I best trained dog-Toni Gallucci. first; Chris Carr, second; Sherry The c:-am palgn to raise $28. for the Newport Harbor Commu· n lty Chest will be launched at a klck-otf breakfut Tuesday, Nov. 1. ln lrvtne Coast Country Club. The 1oal last year was $22.550. YMCA, $3.000; Girl Scouts. $6,400; Geyer, thlrd; Best groomed cat- Tar Ptt, $550; Children's Hospital, Mark Van Dyke. flrst; Susan $909; Christmas welfare,· $500; Newlon, second; best pure bred Protestant Welfare, $650; Catho· dog-Tatty Travers, first for her lie We 1 fa r e Bureau, 82,950; dachshund; Pat Schultz, second, Orthopedic Hospital, $400; Trav · and Lisa Willits. thlrd. The budget Includes Vlsltlni Nurses. $1,540; Boy Scouts. t6.600; Harbor Area Boys Club, $3,000; Pirates Point eler's Ald. $35; United Defense Prizes were donated by the Fund (US0), $1,000, and cam· jud1es. who were Kay Finch, palgn expenses, S966. Frank Jordan, Mrs. Gene Clark , Mrs. Kenneth Coolln1 of Bea· Mnl. Claude Blood a nd Mrs. con Bay, campaJen· chalnnan, Verne Wat..on. bu taued a plea for campaJp Winner ot the .._......_ tale ~ilpt.~~~i!~~lr.~ln~~=z:t~~·~·!l.·~-~~~ ~~~ tnanfty Chett. 'nte Rev. lames ------ Fullerton Tilt Stew....;. Ia first vice-president; Mrs. Ralph Tandowsky, serond The Oranie Coast eou~ pt. vtce-presldent, Onin Wrl1ht. sec· rates have a "b ye" In this week· retary·treasurer, a nd Mrs. Sigrid end's grtdlron JIChedule, but a~ Neff, publicity chairman. Dr. Ed· pointing tor a do-or-dJe en· ward Milum Is assistant cam· counter wtth Fullerton a week palgn chalrman. from Saturday night a t the Hor·l nets' field. The two teams wtu H • I s t enter the contest deadlocked tor . ear In g S e top spot In conference standings with two wins a piece. 1 n Arson Case Solid drilling In defen~ got a good share of the credit for last Saturday's dramatic 21·13 vic· tory for the Pirates over the Santa Ana Dons In Plrate Sta· dlum. Standout performer was George Holden, who netted 118 yards for the Pirates In 17 tries. Hla 37-yard touchdown run top- ped a 57-yard drive the flnrt time the home team h ad possession of the ball. The Dons tied It up 7. 7 with l :39 left ln the first halt. Late In the third period, the Pirates took a Don kick on the Santa Ana 45 and went over ln 8 plays, Holden scoring his sec- on d TD from the 8. The Dons came rlibt back. acorln1 in 18 playa after receiving tbe ldck· off, but they mlaed the poJnt, and tralled 14-13. Mike lfau set up the lnsu.rance TD by lt\tercep- tlni a Don pass on hla own 45. Blll McKenzie scored from 4 yards out 12 plays later, and Haas kept h1a ldddni nteord perfect to make the 8COI'e 21·13. 11111••._ llll1r. ..... {1111 .. .., County s~ Heinz KaJ· .er's condJtlon Ia t1nprovlna tn HM,~ B~ltal. No vlsiton ex· cept members of hJs famUy are permitted to ~ the loc:-al county olficlal. Mr. Ka.l8er underWent a three· hour aurterY ..Son SaturcJ&y nitht t~ a bleedtn& ulcer. Be wu ant operated on f~ a kid· ney ailment on ~ t . Preliminary hearing on two charges of arson and one burg· lary ch arge will be faced by John L. Hermann, age 33. of 304 32nd St., Newport. at 2 p.m. Wednuday In Newport Beach justice court. He was arraigned In Judge Donald J. Dodge's court Tuesday. BaU was S<"t at $2.000. He was committed to Orange county jaU In lieu of ball. He was charged with setting fire to the home of his estranged wlfe, Mrs. Pauline Hermann, .al 638 W. 18th St .. Costa Mesa: which resulted ln approximately $12,000 damage Saturday night. It wu thelr first weddlng anlnvenary. Mrs, Her· mann, who owns two beauty salou In this area, had started divorce proceedlnp two m onths ago. Don Vaughn, son of the Jete Constable Frank Vau1hn, aaw Mr. Hermann at the fire ~cene and notitted Mesa Pollee Chief Arthur MeKenzle. Mr. Hermann was arreRecS and then taken to Ha.& Hospital. where MVeral stlt.che~~ were taken to clOM a wound In b la rlcht wrllt. CIDISTIAif laDe& CIIUJlCII That we must be born acaln throuih spiritual unctemandlni In order to enter Into the k:lni· cSom at God wtll be brou1ht out tn the Newport le&ch Cbriatlan Sclenc:e church Sunda,y wben the .-abject of the ~-Sermon 1a "'ProbatiOift .a. Death." The Normans Sell Nursery :Horman's Flower Shop and Nursery. a Corona del Mar land· mark at Dahlia Ave. and Coast Hwy., has been liOld by Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Norman to Joe D. Ellis of 431 Begonia Ave., Corona del Mar, and Lynn J. Mossholder of 457 Morning Ca nyon Rd .. Co· rona Highlands. The sale will be eUectlve on Nov. 1. and the business will continue under the s ame name. according to Mr. Ellis. who owned and operated Garden Cen· tt-r Nursery at Iris Ave a nd Coast Hwy. Nominees for Kiwanis Club Realtor Harvey D. Pea.w of Balboa Island and Attorney Jo· seph P. Guerin of Newport h ave been nominated for presidency of the Newport Harbor Kiwanis Club. Other nominees are: VIce-pres· ldent-01'. John Albarlan, Roy Andersen and Jack Nelson (two to be elected) ; treasurer -Bert Connell and Bob Hleld; directors -Allen Ashworth, Bob CbUd.s. Monte Grimes, Bob Hleld. Jack Net.on, Clyde Johnson, Don Klrk· patrick. Dr. Verne Koepsel, Dr. Davtd Nleben, Max Pope, Maurie S t a n 1 e y, Dick Swank. Carl T h o m a a and Herb Thom u <seven to be electedl. TBE T!lEAS111lE KUlfT. al'W'CI'I'S a big fMture of the CorOil(l del Mar Lobater ~an. waa won by thia trlo-(left to r 1qbt) ~ Loune. 12. of 324 Marigold A ... ; Bill ~arg ... 13. of 2530 Sea· Ylew A•• .. cmd his brother Teny, 10. all of Co· rona del Mar. Tbe'f dl'rided SS cash aDd ISO IOYUig" bond. The clews. prepcued by Treasure Cluel ]1m Vaa B•lce. INi them to ChiDa Con. where they louao t.be c.beat about 7 cua. Satur· day. (Eaalp ph_o_t_o:....) ---------- Mesa Pinball Law Delayed for Revision COM COMMITTEE .MAPS CAMPAIGNvs.FREEW A Y Harry C. Brewster, Balboa lRia nd proJ)('rty owner who Ini- tiated this chall~nge of th~ New· port ordinance, was the only wit· ness presented by hls attorney, Robert Corfman. Mr. Brewster testified that he owned property at 305 Amethyst Ave., and that the ordinance pre· vented h im trom obtaining the same amount of rental that he was able to receive before. Su- ~or Judge Raymond Thomp· son stated It wu apparent tbat the ordinance affected Mr. Brew· ster's property rights. as weU as the property rights of other people In a slmllar situation. Attorney Corfman rested the case for the plalntlff attt>r enter- Ing as evidence, a sketch of the Brewster house. a snapshot ot the h ouse, a copy of the Cll'll!l· nance application for license and the letter from Mayor Dora Hill that was sent out with copies of the ordinance. Newport City Attorney Karl Davis then argued tor non-suit on the grounds of Insufficiency ot evidence. Judge Thompson dt"nled the motion. and the court adjourned for noon recess. City Attom~y Davis began p~­ seonting the city's case when court resumed at 1 :45 . Galleon Wins High Honors -n.~c.s· ........ ............... A new board ot cl1recton to an4 attempting to re-loeate It .,. OlllaM .. llu a. "'WllD4"' 0.0.. del ... ... ~wtloll~lMd a l!l)edal CCIIIUI'dttee to tlabt the planner, explaloed that the free. .Jt,att" highway plan for a freeway way propost"d ln Corona del Mar to split Corona del Mar along would bto 250 f~t wi de. romplett> Fifth Ave. we~ picke-d when the with fPn~ undrrpasses and port Bt"ach for chang~s In the civic group mt't Fnday n ight In hmitl.'d f'ntranc~ I -... _. .... = ... , ........ I'' lsel tD ..,. -Dna•t n.. Dldlae • wide ~u.a 1a ~ by tbe ColUJDbia Sdlolcatic Pnu AaodArtioG. New Y«k Ctty. ordinance. • Corona del Mar School. Ht> explalnPd that tht> statP Mr. Hurwitz pointed out that The committee. whlt'h Includes highway drpartment wou!rl hold the proposed city ordinance w as A. K Phelp.... Bob Sattl~r. Mrs_ ml't't mgc; locally aftt-r 1mning so broad that It not only banned Bea Wa ldeck. Bradt>n Fmch I out te<'hmcalitle!'. PM piP at thf' pin ball machlnt'S but just about Wallat'e Calderhead. Bob TowlE' rnN'IIng said tht>y did not want any ga me that takes a coin to and Harry Bergh. will study to wa it that long tn oppo~ it. get It going. These included m eanc; of opposing the Ff('t'way Jam£'S Stoddard :'\~·port Beat'h shuffle alleys. guns which shoot city rouncilman. told tht> civic at targets. claw machines and Harm seen .• n I group that thP city council grab machlnt><;. The attorney ex· wantE'd an op1mun on how th<' plalned that the Newport B<-ach M • H Corona del Mar J)('Ople fplt about ordinance bans pin ball rna · OVI n g wy I tht> fri'E'way A motion was chines but J)('rmlts OJX"ration of • ad<>ptl.'d by thP ct\IC as.."'<'itlt1on the other types of ga m<'S. "Diverting h 1 g h w a y tratfk to oppoSt> lh<' fr('t'way as II now The lawyer proposed that all away from a town "111 S<'rlouc;J) c;ta nric; and t ha t furthPr ronc;irl machin<'S. Includ ing pin ball I hurt busl·n.t'c;s in the town ." t>ra t1on l")(' ~\"Pn to its IN'ation 1 machine.><;. be permitted In pri-That is thf' rc.>port rf'C('ivf'd h y Mr ~toddard dP"CTibt'd thP local vate m!'E'ting places and !ratc.>r Bradc.>n F'1nch. ml'ml'x'r of thP \o\RtPr c;n uatJon anrl th P P""-"1 nal orga nizations. He cla im ed I Frf'E'\o\·ay Surn•y Cro mmittN' of blllty of a nothPr watN rf"J'r\"nJr that no city prohibits s ut'h tht> Con>na c11.'1 ~ta r Civic A'c;n .. tX'ing IO<'a tpd in Buck r.ulh Hr games. except slot machines. In w ht'n ht> cht-..·k<'d w1th Carlsbad tnlrl how c;hort nn "'l!Pr t h~ cit\ private places Under h is pro and O«>ans1clr two communitJM c·nuld h<' 1f it rlPJ)(>ndPd "-<olrl~ o~ posal they would be subject to that have pxpt>n enN'd high" ay tht> M~?tropolltan w,,,t>r Di..,trk t all laws pertain ing to ga mbli ng re-routmg. Councilman LM-W1l•kr sa irl a nd would require a permit and ~tr Finch c;a irl h<' had talkt>d that he.> was infnrmffi th.ll , trar llcenSt> fi'E'. w ith the 0<-f-anc;Jdt> Chamber of t k s ignal \\ould bt> 1n~t .tlled at A license tee tor each opera· CommNce S('('retary, the m ana· Coast Hwy. and Mormnf! Canyon tor t'alllng for $100 (rom one to I ger of the Carlsbad Hotel and Rd by th~? first of the yrar six mach ines and $15 for each 1 the pnlicP ch1ef of Oc«.>ansld e Tht> n~?w d ire<'turo;; <'l<'<'tffi in additional mach ine.> . ..,hlch Is In 1 ThE'rt> Is no s ubstltut<' for tra!fk. dude Mrs Harry Ber~h ~~~ line with other cities. was pro · these mt>n told Mr Finch. First 1 Bert Smith. Norman F'lf'minJ: posed by Mr. Hurwitz. He also to suffl'r. they said. would be Mrs. Norma n Pt:>a'lf', w ~~ Pt>r proposed an effective date of the motels and hotel!'. the rest-row. Du ncan Stewart Frt"'<1 Stoc1 June 30, 1956 Instead of Jan. l. aura nts and ~rvice sta tions. and I dard. Hubbard Rkhtrr a nc1 li:lrr~ 1956. 1 evE'ntually t hP en tirE' area. Wood. J cme OstraDde1' of Cof'ODG del Ka:r. aow atteadlag Staa.ford. WCD editor of the ·ss Calleoa.. PriDtiAV of the Almual waa doae by the E.aaiCJD. 'Round-World Walkers Here The walkiag mother aDd daught. from CleDCSoto-Kn. Nary Cum.m1ags. sa. aad MiA Nerrlly Cummings. 34--Grriftd in Corona del Mar a1 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon on their loag. loag walk around the world. They atopped in their arduoua trek to q»ead U.. a..igbt in Coroa.a del Mar. Tbe'f were bead.lag for Saa Di~. aad from then they ..,.... to tum eaat. acrou tbe couatry. aad thea (by boat. tbat ia) OD to Europe.. Tbey ....... ac:ceptlag DO ridec, bat did ~ aD in'ritatiOD from Nary Da'ridaoa for a bit. at Nary aad BW 'a cafe. They had .aaed thetr c:arrriag load dowa to rl poua.da. aad they ._.. figuri.D9 they bad better ~ aome better walltlDg &hoes. PiiU•It•d ........,, • ~.Ill tile Qty of.....,_. ... U. C:.hf. Office .... ,, .. tl .. ,. ... , ............. ~-.. 2110 e. c.... H~y. CMDN tki Mar. MaiR"t A4tdNU: 2110 E. C..tt Hltllwey, c.-ctef Mer, C.llfomla TELEPHONES: HArl>or 1114 uct 1111 MEMIE.l OF THE CALI'ORNIA NEWSP,_,EI PUILISHERS A$SOCIATION AM .t tile NATIONAL EDITORIAL ASSOCIATON • 0 0 TM NEWPORT HARlOt ENSIGN ~~ It"" 4atarMIMd to lte a "'"fNpel of t•-•1 clrculatio11 ~ iudtm•nt of the Supwfw Court a"d by ,..atoll th.,..of It qualln.ct to pt~ltlitll •n p~~bllc notic" req11lre4 lty law • • • & .. red M s.-ct Cia• Matt. 1ft tM Pott Offic• at c-.. al Mar. C:.hf. AlVO E. H.VJIA •. ~ltot alief PuWIIMf PEG HMI'A.-·-···--·--·--·----·----··-Auocl.te Wtt.r HUGH McMILLAN Newa Phofotraplw IERT L JOHNSON_ A41.....tlllnt OlrMtet SAM MITCHELL ·-Actvettlllnt. Prlntl119 RUIY STEVENSON. '-"••pw SUISCRII'TION RATES L.c.l w~ptt011 ret..: Two yM.......U.OO; Ofle .,.ar-$).00 OvtsJde of the Herlt. Area: T-yea,.._.7.00; -, ........... oo 8 8 • 8 '•* • • 1:+ M I M M M M 8 i M + a;M I M & M M M I i M 8 M M M M E M E 8 1:¥ M 8 0 Hope you oil 9ot down to the Corono del Mor lobster Boke during the week-end. It wos o great event. Those lobsters were won- derful (so Peg says). And so were the chopped sirloin dinners (which I et). The pet parade was a top attraction: you can't beat, the com· bination of kids and pets. Then there was the queen contest: also the fashion show, a nd the local talent, all pretty unbeatable combinations. But there was something else even greater . . . the tremendous. unselfish effort put out by the folh who made this show possible. not for eny gain for themselves, but to rt~ise funds for a most worthwhile project-the completion of the Youth Center Building on the hillside just above Corona del Mar. The highest of proise goes to the businessmen of Corona del Mt~r for their initiative in originating this Lobster Bake seven years ago. and for their perseverance in carrying it forwt~rd et~ch year with in- creasing success. Now sht~ring the burdens. and the praises, for this fine community effort is the Balboa Bay Lions Club, co-sponsors for the second year. Take a bow, Kenny Brandt. for the Corona del Mor Busine$S As· sociation. and AI Pleger, for the lions Club-for all the workers within these two public spirited organizations who helped you in your co-cht~irmanship of this great project. It is service like this that makes " community great. SEND ME THE THREE-YEAR-OLDS they will gain gr~ce, poise, and balance tha1 will stay with them through life. CLASS FOI' 8ecJ~pDer, batenud.lote. Ad9aDced Xoa-Pro.._laDcll -"olt lwal. Ccla.ues tor Mothen ~ Business Women) Speclaltted training tor the pre·school chUd from aee three. Class & Private Lessons. ~~ School of tbe Dcmce For baformatloa cmd llegbtratiOD PhOIM Harbor 3tl3t HYatt 4-4719. EYeDiAp call HYatt 4··711 collect. Classes held lD Mar1ort. Bm. Studio of Qana & Moclel.1D9 2912 E. Coast Bwy. C«oDa del Mar. Ac:rou b.-Port 1b.at:n Letters-. Editor of the Enaten ).6. property owners In Corona del Mar (a hou• with three loti at ru Poin.lettJ& Ave.) we wtab to protest vteoroualy the plan to re-locate Coast Hwy. alone PUt.b Ave. We boueht this property be· cause It wu removed from the Hlehway and from the trartJc and crowds at the Ocean Front. We expect to retire there. We should like to augeest that U a Freeway fa developed that It be behind the hUls, circumvent· inr the coast towns completely, ........ Harbor r.a.lgD as It does around Oceanside. There Is no advantage to Free-e LOU'TZa TIME way travelers or to residents of Aa far u I'm concerned, the coast towns to be directly on the marlin season Is over. There are route ol a Freeway. some dle·hards. like "Pappy'' Dr. and Mrs. Arnold Scbolt:r Hanlson. probably, who are still hopinr, but I'm not among 'em. Editor of the Ensign. When they rlne up only one mar- We property owners are surely lin In a week at San Dlero, l'm "up In arms" ov« the plana to throueh. Lately, In spite of all route a Freeway near F1tth Ave. I can do, I've found my thouehts What can we do to protest thla full ot bl& red thlnp. Yep, It's absurd move! We 'hope petitions Lohner time aeain. Last week· wUI be drawn up to protect the end wu a rood example. 'cause schools and Youth Center and to It wu the annual Corona del demand that the present plans Mar Lobster Bake. be dropped. Every time I start thinking of Dema V. Leopold lobsters, I want to argue about • • • ay COL AlmUW W. SJOTIL ,._ Member of City CouacU how they're cooked. The other day. while I was cleanlne up the yard, Incident to the near·com- pletlon of our new Whale'a Nest, I kept thlnklne more and more about lobst«. By 5 o'clock, the urge was irrepressible. We called Norm over at his Butcher Boy shop. "Sorry, you-all," saJd Norm In hls·best Texu accent. "but too many other follu had the aame ldu today. We're just fresh outa' those bugs." It was eetttng late, and I knew T'd never sleep rleht without a lobster dinner. So I called De- laney Bros. over in Newport. They had 'em, and fresh. so we made It before they finished scrubblne the floor for the· day. e LOBSTEB-OH·TBE-BOCK.S ''Why don't you •team your lobsters. Instead of boutng 'em!" Lookey here now, Boss man, the use o.t exor bitant sums of I ~sked the young fellow who what ve you trying to do to your money for advertising of was getting ours ready. And be- me-make me a creator of our town. That was only 15 fore he had a chance to answer mystery serials! Lady calls up March 1955. At that time a ~asl· I was telling him of the virtues the head ofiice and complains m1stlc friel')d said, "Now watch o.t steamed versus boiled lobster. like this: "What did happen to them figure out a way to get 1 give credit to Udo Isle's Paul the tour little sevens! 1 suppose around the vote ol the people." Rogers. who brought the Idea I'll never find out now." Well, he was so right. The from Wedgeport, Nova Scotia. as Council voted $7,500 at the last the only tangible return he's had Damphlno wha' happen, but m-tin"' tor the -le purt'V\ ... of from a good many trips up there between page 2, where I usually """ • -·..--f bl t N f 1 get It done, and p~ge 8, to which advertt.sinr the fact that New· or g una. 0 ancy equ pment port Beach hu attAined the rl~ .needed. Paul tl'lls me. The crews I am a comparative stranger, old are of 50 yean. So what? of the tuna fishing boats always something did, last week. I'll tell you for sure, folk&. our have an old bucket aboard. Be· Anyboo . . . the Boss dJd lo-Councll-1 mean 4 or 5 of them fore noon they dip a couple of cate that mysterious "continued -just can't take a hint from Inches o! sea water, toss In half on Page 8" and bere It is: that election la.st March. Now. a dozen tlst stted roclu. put the !Continued from Pa~e 2) there Is one .ure way to take lid on the bucket, and heat it. up before Invested more than 50 care of people like that. Put a on the pot-bellied stove that a a cents. measure on the next regular part of every tuna boat. When The winning numbers were a}. election ballot In April. 1956. the water Is boiling steadJiy, In ways flashed all over Panama at limltlnr the amount that can be go the .~lve lo~ers. atop the hot the finish ot the drawing Sun. spent from your advertblnr fund rocks. Keep em out of the wa- day morning at 10:15. I was )y. tax money to a apecUic figure. ter," says Paul. lnr on the grass at our swim-That they will understand, but Funny, but they cook Jn about mtng pool. the Caribbean Sea, whether they understand or not, the same time. this way, u It convalescing from the dancing it will hantllcap them like box-takes to boll 'em. and Panamanian sarsaparilla of ing gloves when they reach Into • STEAM IIDIE the night before when one of the, the petty cash. There's a world of diflerence, gals busted out of the C.O.'s quar. Did I say "~tty!" WeU, they thourh. In the finished product. ters with the news. Says she, added two cents ~r $100 to your Steamed lobsters are twice as "lsn't that queer: the craziest tax bill comJnr out In a few juicy and the flavor is something number won the lottery-7777!" day. now, wh)ch ralaes $11,000. you wouldn"t belleve. It you're I reached a standing uprirht Th1s added to 18.000 aurplU. one ot thOM "I Wled to Uve tn position In one motfon, grabbed etves them nearly p),OOO ol your ~ew En.eJanc!" folks who atfll ln· her by the shoulders. lifted and dough to be "do·fooders.'· slat that the Eastern lobften are s hook her. and asked her it she I don't see how you can stop bett«. try steamJng your next knew what number I bad. She them from doing It this year, but batch. You'll never boll them said no. I dropped her and ran you sure can take out some in· again. And you'll be muy con· a ll the way to my quarters. surance against Irs happening tento with our CaJlfornla pro· Why? Because I'd been wearing again, tlrst by voting a reason· duct. those T777s pinned on the lapel able limit on the total tax money The young fellow had three of my white jacket the night be-that may be spent on advertls· red ones cleaned and wrapped fore. and I wanted to see it they lng, and secondly, by ellmlna· up, long before I finished my were still there. They w«e. Yes. tlng from the Council all three exposition. Custom Is bard to and they paid oU. Any more o.t the incumbenta who come up kill. I have an Idea that we'll be questions? for election next Aprll-none of eating boiled lobsters for quite • • • whom was able to win hls own a while around here unless more • ADVEIITlSDfC PVJn) district under the queer election Jive ones are available. I'll make ~Call HArbor 1114 for Job ft...:-&:-g Remember when the people law that I worked hard to get a prediction, though. It any local riiDUU voted overwhelm1nrlY to atop Into the Charter and which I am lobster emporium lets me know ===========~---------------------------= ......... worklnr 80 hard to chanre to that they have steamed lobsters COAST SUPER IEAT DEn. UIDER lEW IAIAIEIEIT NOW FEATURING • • • I G·' S CHOICE BABY BEEF Finest Name in Meats in all the Southland We cany Manninq•a Choice Baby Beef ExcluaiYely. 11ae DCIIDO speab tOI' lbeU Ia tile JIGrbOI' Ana becln• J"'lll'' a.... ... wat tbe .,_. Ia bed So come CIDd vet ltl CJIOICE CUI)£. ~ .... Cllld Prked ..... , IIAXXIIIG'I CJIOIC2 ........................... 16:. conform to the election proced· for aa.le, they'll have a steady ure used at aD levels In our rov· customer. And every time a pur· emment. chaser eata hl.s first steamed one, Bow 1 ten Into that trap and that John~ merchant wUI have "leeged" to eet It Into the Char· another convert. who'll re.fuse to t~ I'll never know. Oh yea, I buy 'em anywhere else. nearly Jorrot to name names. e TBETU ALL coon The gents who could not w1n When we eot around to dinner, their own district. Yet were those dellrhttul red crustaceans elected by the other dlst..rlcts, are were better than ever. I ate ev· Gerald Bennett. In West Newport erythlng but the shells. With my District No. 1; Clarence Hl&ble In stomach sinetne a soft bed·tlme Balboa. Island Dlrulct No. 5, and lullaby, I came to a startling Lee Wllder of the southeasterly conclusion: lobfters are just portion of Corona del Mar, DJ.s. plaln rood. no matter bow you trlct .No. 6. cook 'em! o.Jy lwlft'a .._. ...... Sold ._.1 HAMS 53 f. ssr. (llJGecl) · FIEII Filii L.aTEII ... UTCIIU lOT QVALJTT"" CBOVJm MEATS 1111• IEEF .... --..... -......... -......... 4 lh. $1. LUI II •• IM ......................................... aL LWI -· _ .. ..:. ............................... 41L SWUIIPUJIJVII LUIE L.l u• CHIPS ........... -................ ._ SWGii nDIJ... 1 CIIICI IIIST .. _ .............................................................. L iwu& s nDIIVII B STEAlS .................................................................... •:. OICAB IIATEII"i I-OVWCE u• SIUSIIE ·--................ _ .......................... -........ IlL -oaauty ...s .... o=d•-cs s..sc.-wsu. ........ WE AU OI'EJ' DAILT~sOD a.a. to 1:30 p.m..--<:1111d • ......, Mil LUT COAIT mGIIWAT COJK).A DKLIIU DANZ-SCHMIDT PRESENTS Pelllln fir 1M •••• 11111111 by PORTER HEAPS .Americ:a•a 6.DHt 01'9aniat e How to play a single piece in one lesson. e How to arrange and play popular music, e chords, counter melodies and special rhytA.ms. e How to play special instrumental effects. e Easy rules for handling the draw bars. .... , ICT. Z4, a· P.l. 11..-lcT-c.:~ll --. ...... Pllll .. Ill ....... Dl-51 ...... ba UNMISTAKABLY THE FINEST: LINCOLN FOR 1956 ....... ___ . -• '1'11'n1DAY. oc:roaa a ... •• Tar Tattles e IBJIIOa ft.A Y Thirty-one people are now practlclnc for the annual .enlor play, which wlll be clven De· cember 2 and 3. The play thla year 1J "The Remarkable Inct· dent at Canons Comers." Robert Wentz, drama coach and head of the play, anounces that they are trytne aometblne new thla year, and lt should be qu1te good. The actors and actresses for the Senior Class Play are: Dareth • SherriU, Norma Holfner, LucUie Taylor, Beverly Statford, Laurel Woodson. Heather Liddle, Sue Nissen, Sherry lnloes, Marcie Stovall, Mary Haynes, Sandra Williams, Pat Kelter, Kayra Hurst, Elizabeth Snowden, Diane Joyce, Carol KJne, Steve Watcher, Tom Niquette, Gawaln Mau,er, Carlton· Dawaon, Dav14 Grant. Dennis Harwood, Mike Michaud. Derry Noea. Dennla Hendenon. Darrell Hartahom, David Powen. Rod Calderhead, Mike Bartlett. Bob Daniela and Neil Beatty. This play wu originally writ· ten for televlslon by the man who received the "Emmy' award for best acrlpt In 1954. Hla name Is Reginald Rose. 'the play hu three acta. The drama cluaes them~elves sound mighty exclttne. There are four classes with about 25 atu· dents to a clus. No booka are used ln Mr. Wentz's cla.ues, oh no. they're all llve characters that those atudents use. RJcht now the students are studying people, how they walk, talk, act, habits and other points. Then they come to class and portray these people tor the other atu · dents. There Is a small stage In the classroom where tbey dem· onstrate, ao you better watch out or you will have yourself acted out In one ot the drama classes. Later on In the year candid shots will be taken of the drama students and then played back to the classes. Shots taken at lunch, In between classes, dur· lng classes and other times dur· lng the day. A student of Mr. Wentz's will take the pictures. There are teams tor charades now. About once a week the teams compete against each other until, around Christmas. they will have a champion team. They act out titles, famous char· acters and other points of Inter· est to the drama classes. At the moment the glrla are leadlnc the boys. Yea for ua &Uta! Mr. Wentz La not atvtnc much homework bat watdl out! La*-In tbe ,..r t1MJ atart ~ l1neL UD· fortunately ttl .. da. la Just for seniors, but It atves the youncer classmen aomethln& to look for· ward to. • • • e POSTEa WDUfEJlS The PTA Postel'S for member· ahlp were judged after open house last week. Laura Woodson won thJs year u she did last year. David Yeisley received sec· ond prtz.e and Karen Waener came ln third. They were chosen trom 35 posters. These posters were taken from the sophomqre. junior and senior classes taught by Mrs. Sh1rley Rice. There ls also a poster club whJch makes the posters for the school dances and other school activities. The members ot the poster club are: Seniors. Sally Wlgg. Penny Nicely. Anne Haw· ley, Helen Jones, Cathy McLeod. Sybil C&mey, and Lany Castro; Juniors, Howard Graham, Joan Waggoner, and Jessica Roberts; Sophomores, Patty Raean, Doro· thy Brice, Lyn Cottingham and Patty Parker. • • • e BOIIECOJIDIG The annual homecoming for Harbor Hl&h'a Alumni will be alter the Orance football came on Nowmber 10. It wlll be In the Social Hall. The dance wUl be sponaore4 by the newly formed Pep ComrnJ.alon. They hope to make eftO'l&h money to pay back the lcllool for the use of supplies to decorate the coal posts for games and other-decorations and also to promote llchool aplrlt. The president of the Pep Com· mission Is Chuck Kolvllto and ---FROM HABIOR JU SCHOOL aY ....... I.II.D.-nuL • under him are twelve membera. Seven of these twelve are taken by pet.Jtlon and the other-Ove are heada of J'lae twirlers. Ma · Jorettee, Soncleader, Cheerleader- and the Band pna1dent. A homecoming queen muat be chosen &lao. Thla Job taU. to the football teama. The Pep Commla· alon eoes to the Cee football teams. The Pep Commluton eoes to the Cee football team and bas them nominate airla from the freshmen and sophomore classes. Then they eo and have the Bees nominate soph, and jun1or airla and then have the vanity noml· nate junior and senior etrla. Then four nominees are choeen from each of the 3 lower clusea and five from the senior claaa. Everybody votes, and you end up with 4 princesses and a senior queen. • • • e Dfi&CT COU.ECrJOJf lt'a aate now to walk In the back bay area. The Bloloa cluses of Robert Bouse and John Johnaon have been out around 17th St. capturing any unlucky butterflies, spiders and other bup and Insects that happened to be out for a breath of fresh air. The collection which the stu· dents started laat week will be the first In a series of four throughout the year. This tint quarter the study will be of In· sects. lf you haven't guessed al· ready. Sea shells come durlne the second quarter and plants the third quarter. A collection is required from each of the stu· dents for every quarter. During the fourth quarter a student may make a collection of anything he likes plus a study of human phyaloloa. There are te n sections of bl· ology this year and approximate· ly three hundred thlrty students In all. Mr. Johnson and Mr. House are the only two biology teach· era. A biology club Is open to all sophomores. juniors and sen· lors who have taken or are tak· ing one year of biology. Its dues a re 25 cents per semester. The club makes such trips as to Palo· mar Observatory. Pomona Col· lege, GrlUith Park Zoo and Plan· etarlum. the Loe Angeles Mu· seum of Art and many other places of Interest to every field of science. • • • e SPAJfiSB CLV"I There's still tlme for those talc.lq Spenlab to Joln Harbor Bl'• Spantah Club. Mn. Patter· 80ft. alol\1 wtth • ltUdent pro· cram committee, La plannJne a trip to Padua HULa In Claremont on Nov. 19. Students will watch a Spanish play and Indulge on true Mexican foods. The program committee consists of Dean Rick· eta, Trlsh Knapp. Leroy Hogland. Kathy Hult, Bill Dock and Charles Mackeldey. • • • e SCAJI.EJ) TO DAJfCE t The Freshman Get-Acquainted should have been called "Choose up aides and sit." Funny. dances at Ensign and Rea were success· tul but HI School must have scared the dance out of every· one. The committee worked so hard and It seems like we let them down by not giving our cooperation to thelr efforts to give us a party. First time In my llle 1 asked a boy to dance and got turned down! Deflated my eeo but good. The committees who worked so hard should receive a big hand and an E for effort anyway. Head ot the activity committee w as Mary Lu Downlnr and under her wu Jeanine Armstrone. Barbara Nott, Janice Hayes. Lu Lu Davis a nd Alison Sm1th. Pat Fruehllng was head of the finance commit· tee and headed Marilyn Bowler and Georre McFarland. ln the refreshment committee were Pat Bush, cbalrman. Linda Lee, Janet Jordan, Blll Palmer and Marie Patterson. Bob Johnson wu all· around chairman. Teacher spon· sora were John RouUedce, Mrs. Ruth LeLievre, Goes Grable. Mrs. Della Ramirez and Coach Donald Bums. 4 e TAUDOLVPA Harbor Ht Couh AI Irwin spoke to Tau l.ho Kappa last week on physical education teachlnc. Everyone who heard him thourht it was wonderful. Tau Rho Kappa 11 the club for all tboae who wlJh to become teachers. There are two parta to lt. elementary and secondary or high school. Each bu a pr.-l· dent, Jane Enrlrht belnr presl· dent tor those teachers and Nancy Bryant tor the hJrh school kids. The club often hu speakers llke Coach Irwin, 80 why don't all of you who llke to teach join up. It's real euy, just ask a trlend who you know Ia In Tau Rho Kappa, teU them which part you'd lUce to cet In and they will ask the president. No dues. no nothlnc. It meets twice a month during the morning ac- tivity period. • • • e B1 TO CLV"I The boys T1 Tar Club has just admitted four new members. They are Jim Taylor, George Thompson, Stan Shones and Jack Smith. The membership comm1t· tee included John Hopkins, Tom Niquette, Dave Tamura and Lar· ry Harper. The HI Mogul or pres· ldent ot HI Tara ls Pete Schul· berr. • • • • aAa noll ABDIA Welcome Home!! Our former claumate for 6 years, Judy Weleand, ls now attending Har· bor HI as a Frosh. Judy attended 7 and 8th erades in Saudi Ara· bla. where she hu lived the past two years. Judy wiU be with us untJl Dec. 1, while her parents are on vacation. then back to the Sand Dunes. J udy would be a nice contact for the Stamp Club, she vlJited many countries on her round trip and more on her way back. Also lt Is possible that she will attend high school in Switzerland beginning next Sept. The Abqalq school Is only 1st tbru 9th. Judy will graduate there next July. Since no high school ls provided those children must attend In another Country and Judy hopes tor Switzerland. She returned here with an Ala· bama accent picked up In Arabia!! How about that. Judy was cheerleader tor her school sports and her tales of the Bus that always had a flat tlre are really tunny. Judy did our schools proud over-there u her erades are all bleb and her mother Wh1apen that eh.e may be the anduattnl ~aledktorlan In lu.\Y. We are l)ad me Ia here for a wbUe at least and thank beT tor all her first band .tortes of the Arabs. Civil Defense AidAppointed Ned Hill, Udo Isle resident and president of Mariners Bank, haa reslrned u uslstant dlrec· tor ot civil defense tor Newport Beach, and Mayor Dora Hill last w~k appolnted David Olmsted, also of Lido Isle, to succeed him. Mr. Olmsted Is also serving as chalrman for Newport's jubllee celebration committee. A budget ot $7,500 for the committee was approved by Council. Council also: e Extended the Balboa Ang. ling Club lease on the Balboa waterfront for 10 years. e Accepted the low bid of $18.· 778.25 for a fire truck. submltted by the Mack Corp. e Denied the request of the Newport Harbor Veterans Organ· lzatlon for $1.000 for Veterans Day parade expenses. City Attorney Karl Davia, an· swerlnr a question from Council· man Jay Stoddard, said be has not been able to render a leaal ruling on the City 'J)'aller Park beach because he baa to search the recorda to detennlne the ex· act location of the mean h1rb tide line. Mr. Stoddard had asked If the clty may le,ally lease the beach area 1n front of the Tra.iler Park. ..,.. .. •••••n , .......... .... Newport-Balboa area member'a Invited to the t1rst 1.955·56 dinner- program ot the Pomona Collep assoclates on the campus In Claremont Sunday Included Mr. and Mrs. Earl G. Corkett, 31M Buena VIsta Blvd.. and Mr. and Mrs. WUllam A. JobMOn, 80S W. Bay Ave .. Balboa; and Mr. and MnL William Rempel, 1810 S. Bay Front. Balboa laland; Mr. and 10s. Ira K. Friabee, 101 VIa VeMS!a, and Mn. S. W. Tba;yer, l1t VIa Yella, Udo llle. Mt . ...,.,.. Ia a IMIDW ol tiM ~ of DINctan ol t.h• Allo- ela1a Safe Driving Chief Named 0. W. (Dick) Richard, owner ot Richard'• Market, was ap· pointed by Mayor Dora Hill last week u chalrman tor Sale Drtv· lng Day, which will be observed Thursday, Dec. 1. Mr. Richard served a.s chairman for the first S·D Day last year. Gardner Eliot Semple, class ot '41, ot 616 Poinsettia Ave .. Corona del Mar, wtll serve u chairman tor this area for tradltJonal Homecom1ng Day ceremonies to be heJd at Occidental Colle,e. Friday, Oct. 28. Events of the day wlll Include dinner In Alumni Gymnasium at 5:45 p.m.; pre-game festivities and the coronation of the Tteer Princess at 7:45 p.m.; and at 8 p.m., the football came between Occidental and the University of Redlands on Patterson Field, The post.game dance in Alumni Gymnasium will conclude the days proeram. ------A Clouified Ad in The En1iqn brinqs immediote re1ulh! Coli Horbor 111+-111 5 and oro~ itl Now ... you can buy one! All-new ~ .ACI& ·-uaunn•AJOD Mrs. Mark En,elke at a.! Seaahore Dr., hu been des!IU· ted u a rectatrar of voters tGr West Newport realldenta. • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ • • -Fer Y ... l wyin9 : .• end believing tftet YOU CD DO kiiEI F . ~ unu~ • Complete Home Furnt.ab!Dp • Lrbelty a.J4M • •• .. •rwt a ... COSTA MESA --------- M A T T RE SS E S ~-c:ottaa ro......_ ln'efulu Sha~ .... -BIVJU)DrQ COSTA ._.ESA ._.AmESS CO. 2110 ....._. ...... u .... ~ AE,ODYIVAIVIIC ~LYIVIO&IT## '56 • Revolutionary new Push-Button Driving ... first in the low-price three! Fabulous new Aerodynamic Styling ... bigg~r ... longer ... roomier ... as new as the jet age! Blazing new 9().90 Turlxr Torque Power to give you Top Thrust at Take-Off! See the thrilling new Plymouth '56 today! With a 6nser·tip touch on a button you eelec:t your dririns range. Aa easy u flicki.ns a lipt twitch l Then Plymouth's fuDy automatic PowerFl.ite-tbe world's amootbeat, moet adYanced tranmWioo- tabe oYer. It'• the uliUrwalc in d.rmns eue aDd anoeher Plymouth finl in the low-price 3. -v.a .. ...._..__... ,..._.,... ••• __ .. , .... ._ 91117.,.... od Sobar .... Orca-111 a., ta .... 1r • .... ...._ u... ln •~ ... "--u-.,_, .-tfiO v..a a., If,.. ..,..._ d.e .....-· 1 1 1' .,..,......... •• "'*••,.._ ._.... a-Q·hk ta .U ,,.__,... p& 12$ bp. or 111 .. _..Puc~ ' United Churcli Women Give eitation to Mayor Dora Hill Uatt.d CIt u r c Jl •-ol Mrs. 1.,ymaA T. ero.man ol. toutbem C&Jlfomla beld the SaA GabrleJ and 11n. Robert M. anDu..i ~tat Mar Caaa. BaJ. Settle ol. South Pua~ prest. boa J.taact. OD Weae.da7 and cJent and vtee praldent, pre- Ttl~. Oet. 5 an4 I. .acled ov. the ee.lons. The harbOr photo lab rentals fut COLOR !f.-part Harbor Coundl wtth lire. TIMo Hau.eer u cba1rman. lpaDIIOred a tellow8hlp oottee bcM&r durinc rqimaUoD Wed· DMday ftlOnllq, Ninety women repr..u~ IDOI'e than 60 coun· ella and 30 denomlnatlona rer· lstered. n.e retreat prorram Included a J)ftYiew of the new tlbn on the lnd.Jan Amerfcan; a preview ot the National Aaembly to be held In Cleveland, Oblo, In No· SERVICE wmber; a panel on the lOth an· 3121 E. Cout Hwy. CDM nlv~rsary meetlnr of the United Nations and a d18cualon of worthwhlle projec:ta for local councils. There wu a afall~ tnr boat triP of the harbor di· • rected by the plannJ.nc c:om.mlt· ------------------------ I ·s•IIIJkl 1111&. OMit Jagla.., eon-a del X. "'-.... J U I-7'DI'7 IIA lJI5. Finest Selection of Wollpoper in So. Colif. C USTOM FURNITURE DR,..PERIES tee, chairmaned by Mra. P. F. Baine.. Mayor Dora Hill wu pl'eleftt.ed a dtatlon at the Wednesday eve- ning seealon In the Balboa Island Methodist Church by Mrs. Olee· ter Flahe-, local counctl Pftllll. dent. The cltatlon wu trom the Arne-lean M o t h e r a Committee Inc. and calla for unusual and out.sta.ndtnr set'Vice ln the realms of religious and clvlc work given In the home community. Eleven mothers were rtven cltatlona and thls la the first year Call· fornla has received thla type ot recognition. Mrs. HW Ia actlve In the local counctl and 11 a for· mer officer. Solollt of the eve- ning was Miss Marwlee Moody with Mrs. Nora 'nlmany at the organ console. Mrs. Lee Bolln Dunbor furniture & occessories led the devotional set'Vice. THADEN INTERlORS 2610 E. Coort Hi9hwoy Hetbor 0793 CORON,.. DEl M,..R 8gin & Homilton Wotches Diemonds Mountings Wallace Calder head JEWELER 3 123 Eed Coad Hi9hwey CorOM del Mer The guest speaker wu Dr. Raymond Undqulst. pa.stbr ot the Flrst Presbyterian Church of HoiJywood. le•lllrTulalleNr. •••.. ., ........... Miss Blanche Fulkerson was hostess at a membership tea for the Orange County Unit ol Women's Overseas Service Lea· gue Sunday at ht>r studio. 3416 Via Udo. In the Lido Shopping Center. Miss Fulkerson was a sponsor ot the recently formed county unit. Her overseas experl· ence was at National Headquar· ters. of American Red Cross In Paris du.rln& World War L Read the Ensl&n Want Ad par•· IIIJ AnaiiiCII Our mortuary has many advantages in addition to the beautiful, modern fea- tures of the building itself. For one thing, the central location of our mortuary is a definite convenience. Also, our large private parking lot is a great ad- vantage, for it provides close-by parking facilities for all those who visit our establishment. PARKES· Rl DLEY MOflTUAA..Y • tiO aaOAOWAY • CO ITA wa lA :; / u •• .,., 8-3433 :· "'~ -·--_,e __ ~ ··--- IAUOA • IALIOA ISLAND • UDO ISLAND NEWPORT lEACH • CORONA DEL MAR Fall Session of Sunday School Under. Way at St. Andrews The new faU session of the Sunday school of St. Andrews Presbyterian Church Is under way following the annual rer· lat:ra tJo n. Country Club Fashion Show The annual fall fash1on show of the Santa Ana Country Club wu held Oct. 12th at the club· bouse. Coffee service for the des· aert bridge party was under the co-chalrmanshlp of Mrs. Lester Isbell of Balboa and Mrs. Stuart Diehl of Corona del Mar. Serving on the4r committee from the Harbor Area were Mrs. Gerald RJtcble of Corona del Mar, Mrs. 0 . Z. Robertson of Shore Cliffs and Mrs. C. B. Rudd from Udo. Mrs . .Jack Wilder and Mrs. Robert Forbes of Udo and Mrs. Theodore Peterson of Costa Mesa were on the cards· and tallies committee. NOW ... TWO BALTZ MORTUARIES Servtna the Harbor Area Baltz Mortuary CHAPEL B1' 11m 8b. Hart..G a:ao E. OMit m.Jiway CaroDa del liar Baltz Mortuary = .. 2121 l'l'b ... ec.ta .... AIIIPl.K PABIKG IIOT8 l.OCA'I101JS HARBOR REST MEMORIAL PARK B.,._ ..,.,; at Giller IP'I'MRWI·1' 5-Ulll Miss Susan Debra Shearer Is Wed to Larry Johnson lUST CHUICtt OP CHIIST SCIINTIA .. v.. .................. A bt.I!Ch .f Th. M .. h« Church, 6~ Alit Chutdl .f Chtlet, Sdelltltt, l11 - toll, Me...dl-ttL Su~ey School ----t :II•.M. • A romanc. that Rarted at tbe hom. ot tae brlde'1 mother ~Y s.M~ 11 :00 ...... IChool at Yelm, Wublntton. wu fonow.d the ceremony. Aft.er a WetJ~ Eo..lli!tf M..ti~WJ 1:00 p.M. culminated ln a weddlna the bGaw)w at a beach .-ort the l.efJI119 l.-*-'" et Ull VIe ftnt of th1a month tor Lany ~ eouple are eltabllahfnl Lido. N.w,ott Ieece.. k Of*' __. Jofuwon and ..U. Suan Debra tbelt home ln eo.ta ..... clera from 10:00 e.m. to 1:00 p.m .. Shearer •• 'llle wed4lnr ceremon,y 'Jbe bride 11 now a senior at Wedl'letdeyt from 10:00 e.m. to 7M k 1 th bo of th p.m. Fricley ~"" from 7:00 p.M. to too Pace at e me e Newport Harbor Hlrh School. 9:00 p.m. Sundey efteMeOM 2 to 5 p.m. mlnlltft who read lbe vows, Rev. 'Jbe poom ftn.a.bed Itt. ecboolln1 CloMcl Holideya. Joeepb McShane of 124 E. 20th at Yel.m. Wuhlnaton, and 11 now The public It cordlelty l~Mhd to e.._ St., eo.ta Mesa. Aatloned with the U. S. Marines t.nd the churdl ~ elld -tfle 'Jbe croom Ia the 80n of Mr. In Camp Pendleton. He 8erved tor lMdiiiQ ltOOift. and Mrs. Mllton Johnaon ot 14 montha In KorM and expects __ ....:.._ ________ _ Yelm. Waahlnrton. The bride Is to be sent to Alaska next month. Read ErWp Want Ada. the dauchter of Mrs. Jessie Hunt· p;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=-;, ley ot 2129 Newport Ave., Costa Mesa. Her· uncle, Harold F. Wrlrht of 140 ~~ Mar St., eo.ta Mesa, rave the bride away. She wu dressed ln a white nylon or· randy cown over blue tatteta and earrled pale pln.k carnation bridal nowera. Attendants for the bride were her mother and her aunt. Both wore aults and plnk roee cot· aares. A weddlnr luncheon at we aJDOCZ ao...-no• xowm~Av.~ PPC Brock L. lober'bon, 80n ot Mr. and Mrs. Rodrick loberteon, 342 Buena Vlata, Balboa, 11 a member of the 899th Tank .Bat· tallon In Banau Germany. lle 11 a clerk ln the battal1on's Medl· cal Det-.cbment. He Is a 19!54 rraduate of Oranre Cout Col· Iere. entered the Army In Au· rust. 1954. and completed bulc tra1nlnr at Fort Ord. * .... zrrz * OtiR J'PEC14Lry ---· - * ..... 1212 * COIOIA I~L 1111 PIAIIIACY -rD .,.CI ..... ~.._~_._,,,.. .... IIADOa tift 1117&. eo.t Jtwy.--J .... eo.... del X. Light their life with P,ith#lt IT. AlfDilEWS nDrlTEJIIAJr CBvaCII 15th St. lr St. A.ndrewa Rd., -.-~na~a ........... LJbelty 1-lm ,_._, a... 1--L le..rart SUNDAY: Morn1n. worabJp, 9:30 and 11 a.m.; Church School, 9:30 and 11:00; Jr. Hlrh, Sr. Hlgh and collere a.re Fellow· ah1ps. 7 p.m.; Thursday, Prayer, study eroup, 9:30a.m. COIOIU1fl"'"'' IOt'TIIODIIT -w. ·-lt.. Coni ..... LlbMr t.455l a...JoeeplaW.Kc:l._. Sunday: 9:~ a.m., Church Sun· day School; 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Momlnr Wonhlp-7 p.m. Collece ~e l4YP Service - 7 p.m. Hirh School MYF Service: 8 p.m., younc adults pup aen1ce. P'IJII'I' ASIDOLY or COD a.d lt. & IDdca A"-Coni U... u..ty ...,.. ••• ad II. C. CNalc. ._._ Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Wor· ablp: 10:55 a.m. and evanrelllt aervtce, 7:30 p.m. Younr People and ChUdren'a Service. 6 :30 p.m. Sun. MJd.week Service: WednNday, 7:30 p.m. LacUes' Mlulo!lary CouncU, Thursdays 9:30 a.m. for all day. &EVEJn1l DAY A.DYEH'ID I •..,.n ...... at a.a.. lt.. .ewport ..... ta LJbelty ... su EJ.Mir D. a. SpclnaldlafJ Saturday Morn1nJ Servtcee: Sab· bath School: 9:30 a.m. -Ser'· mon: 11:00 a.m. Prayer meet· lnr: Wednesday, 8:00 p.m. cauw .. -•..,._.. ~-····-II..C.... .... ......... CitNWIIU I Laertr .. , ••• Sunday Servleee: ~ay School, 9:30 a.m. Momtnc Worahf.p at 10:30 a.m. Evanreu.tJc Serv· Ice, 7 p.m. Sunday. N.Y.P.S., 6 p.m. Sunday; Prayer meettnr. 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. Pllll1' UPniT CBOMM laat.AMAft.etll ..... le c... .... ... .•. a. ....... Sunday Servteee: 9:45 a.m. Sun4ay School; 11 o..m. Worship Servtcee,;. 6:30 p.m.. Baptist TraJn1nJ unJon; 7:30 p.m.. Evenlnl Servtoe. Wednesday: 7:30 p.m., Prayer, Pralle and Bible Study. Mon· day: 7:30 p.m. Men's Chorus practIce_\ 8:30 p.m. Men's Prayer Meeunr. cauaca or on LADY or KT. CAJDUL 16CIW • ..U..al9d..,R"'J*t ~-·· rat~aer I~Drr· '-loc r~ ,_ ... A.-t. Sunday Ma•u: 8 :00 and 10:00 and 11:30 a.m. Confe.Jon: Sat· urcla7a ucl ..... of lit rrt=-c ==.=..:~':\:ao p.m. DaiJ7 ..... 1:00 a.m. J'lnt Frt4ay: 8:30a.m. and 8:00p.m. Novena (Perpetual Help): Tuellday, 7:45p.m. P1abermen'1 Maa, July and Auruft, Sunday 4a.m. ORIYEIIIALIIT COMKVJOTY I'ZLLOWSIID m.ua-..... nuT cauac:a or CiiiUi'f 11s w . ....._ ....._ a.JbM IUEW'fllf -v·a. .. ...... •....-t • .-.-...... ll.lai8WI .... r. w ...... -BAd:. ldl -Sunday School, 10:30 Lm. J.lom. Sunday School: 9:1.5 un .. Sun· lnl worahlp, 11:00 a.m. day S e r v t e e : 11:00 a.m. IT. JAMD amco•AL Wednetday Ewninl Meet1n1: -.. _ ........ •...-t---........ 8:00. Reed.ln1 ~ 3315 VIa -·-BAd:. •• -IJdo, Newport 118cll, open 10 -...1.._ ._ ....._ ..._ a.m.-5 p.m. week dayw. 10 a.m.· Su 1 7:45p.m. Wednel4a)'8, 7·9 p.m. n4ay lt!J'Vtce~: I :OO•a.m. Bo 1 Friday evenJ.nn. Communion. t :l.S a.m. 11 a.m. Sunday ecbool; 9:15a.m. mom· tnr pnyer and .ermon. n a.m. wonblp lerVlce. T b u r 1 d a y ~: 9:1.5 a.m. Prayer Gulld; 10:30 Holy Communion. C'BJUIT LOJMIMQ CllvaCB Orco.TAIOIA A4:.:E:~J..u. ......... IAtMr TenMw Sunday Servteee: Wonhlp Serv· lee 9 a.m. Sunday School at 10:1!5 a.m. aAL80A iiLAJfD COIOIURI If IDTIIOD~ III.._A..._......_..._. ............. Da•llldS... .......... Sunday Servteee: 9:30 L m. Cluu'Ch Sc:hool..&. ~~ and 11:00 a.m. Wonhlp ~ IT. JOB ftAIIWK'I' a•• .. _...a .... ....._ 111ac1 ~DIU r ... ~..., ...... r..._ ,_ .. ~ Sunday Manu: 7:00a.m. It t:OO a .m.Conf..ton: Saturdaya and eva at t.t ~JI and Holy Daya: 7:80 to 1:30 p.m.; Jtnt Prtdq .... • a.m. 8UJDJWer ..._ Jul)t and Aqua Sun4Q', n a.m. .,. l ---------- ftUUD&T, OC'I'OIID a; 1- • • • of sodal note .. ,.. "HOWDY NEIGHBOR!" IIMI4eta from !forth Wales, Great .. tl&a. are now nelfh· bon oo Jumlne Ave., Corona del Mu. '~'hey are Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gordon Banner and t.een-•ee daucbte, Lyn~. wbo Ia a ltudent at Newport Hubcw BJah Sehool. '11\e Bann.era a.llo have a 80n. David, who wu 1n the BAP and la now in USAF, .UUoned In air tratllc eontrol at Burbank. Before eomloe to Callfomla, the Bannes ~ot aome tiJn6 ln Florida. Mt. Banner la a plumber and worka In Santa Ana. tbe one at the top of Corona W&hlan~ fonnerly owned by the Jl L. Q'Utdlen. ........ ,. Erelu • 1•••11 Prep• lohn Stallman report~ an ex- tremely lnteftltlne trip to the Orient, from whJch he bu ju.t returned. Not only wu tt bla first lllmpt~e ot Bona JCona. but be wu there When 10me ot the Amertcan flyers were repatriat· ed and be bad dinner with J'ller Buol, JUit releued from 10 yean behind the Iron Curtain. The two men bad flown toeetber durtne World Warn. • • • Recently under the knlle at Hoaa H~ltal were Betty Paee of lJclo Isle, who Ia owner of the Brat Shop In Costa Mesa. and Harold Swanson of the Col'ona del Mar Polt Office. • • • U you aee fl.sh popplne up on loeal menua. It might explain things to know that lohnny Me· Intosh caught a 25-lb. aalmon on hls recent vacation t:rtp to Glamour Glimpses .., AJrll You think that YOU have a figure problem-you should see aome of the rest of us before we get all guaJed up! No foolln', all of us have our "ups" when th~y 11hould be "downs" and "outs" when they should be "lna" and vice versa. But that's really what makes feminine fu hlons Inter· estlng ... just Jet us see ll we can't help you find the right clothes for you here at O'BRIEN'S -the lines that will mak~ your bulges look llke weB-plaCed curves. and 10 forth ... n,. ,.,. atart wtth a vooct fit. Tliat'a laaportaat iD play· lD9 ap you 900CI polata cm4 IDOd1lyt.Dg you wont. It's tbat fit baata=a tbat aaa. Velaa ..s. • aaay ~t a-te. O'aJUEJI'I. w. baft ..... ion"" (U.., are a ll1a DOt - age) fraaa 7 to 171 •• Mft ........_.. fraaa Ito 3IDI,.,.baft .. c:uto.a laalf .u.a"" fraaa 121/a to '111'/al cm4 we bCift a wbole ..aap of ""petite• alMa for U.. gala 5'4., cm4 UDMrl cm4 tall atr* foe tM towwtag type-.. You may be a long-legged gal. long-waisted, broad shouldered or broad aomewhere else. You may not ~ven know the size ranee that fits you best. So come Into O'BRIEN'S and let us Oatter you into fublon! AM •• e-. el _.._, .-yiiiJII'"'Iw.ttMt. ... ...__,,., ...... . ,_ .................. . .... prtat br ......... Efta A1JGe Ia Waedllta84 woaJd ..... .,_~clttbeaew DO boa cottla. Ia .eta lldgJat .... <• .. ........., colon. lf yoa dDe"t ~ U... yoaneU tbey'U ...... glodoaa c:::lt.Nt· IDCD wlft8. Note 1: We have the "apple polisher" p.j.'a apln. Note 2: New dacron-batlste nlghtweer (10 wonderful and wuhable foJ travel, too) In gay, romantic shades such as Nas· aau blue. Note 3: C h a I II s, flannel, brushed nylon and b r u s h ~ d rayon are all featured In our warm-u -toast nl~thtwear-with long aleeves ll you wlah. Note 4: Come see them aU- at O!BRIEN'$, of COURSE. BA.t.._. 2515 E. Coast Hwy. coaoWA DEL IIAa lfLt t01TJ.lt on a a t1lL aJO a n o :o:u:ru .PORT ·:,'.; ((H/ON• f'Fl /IIIII. f.' •. f tC ~I H.' Y ......... 1111 ~ 1'------ lol\le's River :o • • at leut that'a the tlsb story beard. • • • Matllyn Wheeler, back In town and moved into Iaale HUI'a home. hu a.lre&dy taken ott 106 a two-week vacatJon back ea.t In Winola. • • • Must have Memed Uke achool days reunion tor lnternatlonal lecturer and chlef ..,eaker lohn Morley at Zonta Conference Ban· quet at the Newport Harbor Yacht Club, because he attended school with Newport'• Mayor Hill and the Zonta InternatJonal Treuurer from Dllnols, MIN Mildred Crandell. Pqgy Reinert will attest to Mr. Motley's mar- velous memory. He could recall her name from· havlne been served refreshments by her at hla prevtoua Zonta-aponaored lee· ture two yean ago. • • • We don't know whether or not It helped Sunday'a Rrmon at St. Andrews, but lt'a not ofte,n that a mtnJ.ster, Invited to give the lnvocatJon at a wom~n·s club banquet, gets to sit next to Hellevt Rombln, Mlu Universe of 1955. u dld Rev. lames Stew- art at the Zonta banquet. • • • WHO'S IMPORT ANT! lust to e:tve you an Idea of who rates around here anyway, we re- ceived a wedding form for a story the other day with the groom's name omitted. Person- ally. I always llke a bridegroom at weddings, don't you? For te+temeads. enveloDet c.l THE ENSIGN. HA-1114 TilE DGAGDID'T of 111M ,.... .,.,.... to llowacl' c. Martia was nc.atly en-oaaced by U.. brtde.to-be'a panata. ll.r. cm4 lin. Edward ~ of Jlt Marigold Aft.. Coi'Oaa del .... Tbe lat.c~M 9I'OCIID 1a u.. ... of llr. cm4 ..,., Floyd NC1111:1a of l'IOC W. Oceaa FJ'Oat. Rewpoft. 111M ~ at.....s.d LclpDa .... Jll9ll Scbool CIDCl Saatlll ADa Ja.alo&' College. .... ~ atteaded OniDge Coast College CIDCl SaD Diego State. wtMn be ~*•ted to Slpaa Alpba E,.UO. tmt.· Dlty. A R~ • 1Nddla9 at St. AN' aaa ...... {WLaa Clnarc:ta 1a plcm....t by U.. yvwag couple. (ltaryette pboto) BMSOlfS CET SON A son. Timothy Mathew. was born to Mr. and Mrs. Emery Hanson of 221 VIa Mentone, Lido Isle, on Thursday. Sept. 29, In Hong Memorial Hospital. F. R. HERMAN. MJ>. • • • New thla month to Corona Highlands la Mra. Nancy Swan- morn. now llvlne on Mendoza Terrace. Mra. Swan.at.rom eomea from a ranch In San luan Capl· ltrano, where she lived for flve years. A frequent vlsJtor at her home will be her son, Carl, who is In bualnea In Los An~teles. Mrs. Swanstrom's new home is • • • It Mrs. RDecoe Hovatter ol lrY1ne Terrace coaxed her parenta, Mr. and Mrs. Geora-e F. JohMOn, to 001'D4! to Callfomia trom Dayton. Ohio. With them la their 80n, C. E. lohMOD. Lut week th~r furniture urtved and now tMy ue getting aettled in thetr own home on H~lotrope Ave .. Corona del Mu. Georp lob.uon retired three years ago aftH 60 years of barberlne back In Ohio. FREE • • • Perso-1 Dance A-lysis! Do you nrun fot cover" when there's talt about dancing? There's no nHd to miu out on the fun and friendships ltlat are made on ltle dance ftoorl We know you can tlance ••. as a matter of fact, you're probably already a better dancer than you think! King's flEE Dance Analysis will teJI you ~e complete story ... there's no obligation, of course. lleetboven'a Third Symphony, the m.Jehty Erolca, will be the featured work at the Orange County Philharmonic Society's eoncert at 8 :30 P.Jl. Saturday at the Santa Ana High School au. dltorium. Frieda Bellnlante wtll conduct. Also on the program will be Bach's double con~rto for two violins and Nocturnes by De- bussy. Admission will again be without charge. ------- SPECIAL ClUJ ~ltu Announces his return. from the Armed Forces to resume the practice of medicine. to Clubs and Organixations 120 TUSTIN A VENUE NEWPORT BEACH. CALIFORNIA Liberty 8-7282 ullra·••IOdern ''inlfe and Clau leuons 3440 VIA OPORTO . . . Open lO A.M. to JO P.M .• Mon thru Fri.-Soturday, 12-6 P.M. NJWPORT Marilyn cordially invites you to attend a showing of .. Champagne Fashions" at her shop 1767a Newport Blvd.. Costa MescL Calif. T..UaJ, Ocll•er 25111 tro. II e'clect IIIII 4 t'clect Where you will see a collection of delightful cocktail, Dinner and Formal gowns, designed by Fred Perlberg, Ned Cantor and Barbara Dance of New York ... these are simply perfect for Holidays ahead . . . available immediately in the size just right for you . . . AND you'll b e so pleasantly surprised a1 the price range . . . _..,.. ............ .. ...... _,,.. 2 .. ...... .._ ...... ,,. ~ studios of BALLROOM DANCING '~-~ II ~. ,0 . :dl: (l ........ II IIIII'S Llil IIIIET Rage among the sweater a-tria . .. Woollte! A cold water soap manufactured e s p e c I a 11 y tor washln~t fine woolens. Those of you who have purchased a fine sweater during the past few months h ave probably seen can.a of Woolite stacked right alone side the sweaters . . . "Pleaae Bill. won't you get ua aome Woollte, 10 we can keep our sweaters looking ahlnln~t and bright," clamored the sw~ater girls to our BUl Lorens ..c •• WU- lie wUted . . . 10 now we too have Woolite ... * * * ADd cUd you old gal Sal ,., WooUte thloo9h a nanect teat befon 1M wblap 1 red. .....t nw•O'ep iD you _., Yoa oapt to ._ tbe DOW p ..... ...,..S oat all...._ U.. a.. wtth wet aweaten • .._. -... ~ .....-... ''N•Il•• wid-1tla!W ... lt ..,. -e. II r' .... . . . 0... gaJaea P'9 --..... ,_-old wiUte ,.. • • • tired CIDCl ......-y .... ...,. • hl ..... 9ftTIId -· .. e. ...... wttla • atalibem apot -tbe fleet tbat ..... d1 n -.lda't 9M oat ••• Act11ally I tllolt lt oat of 0. T1IIUt Cbab ~ . • • s... lt ~ oat .. 0. WooUte ... with a c:s-tac. aad • whole ...., ~ • W.l Sue 0. ltabbona apot ~ oatl &..,. ••..,... I a bed loobcl W. It bad a ...., CIDat ol palat ••• Aad Baffyl Aad eoftl ... alutall:bag. DO Noo+f89 DO ..t• t1Dg.., Bow aaa WooUte CIDCl Ia CIDid W'CIW. m.1Dd yoa. Mft aadl~....U.. .,.. be -Id-s aa4 .-u.-Tbat'a U.. "tloolPte ol ttl * * * Sta·Puf Ia ~ lou4 \'\a ~. radJo aDd teleQdoa I lately f« pubJJc attention . . . Sta-Put is not a soap, ~a-ent or water soft~ner ... Sta-Put 11 I a rlnst> to be> use-d after your clothes have gone through lhelr final rinse water. so make them soft and nutty Only half a I cup full Is ne-t"de-4 .. Sta-Puf lives up to Its slogan . "New Miracle Rill6t'" . . . \\"hen you open the door of your washer. you'll first not1c-e that your clothes smell di!fNt"nt ... Next you will find th~m to feel dlf· rerent even when wt>t ... They will be> sort. not stiff ... Bath towels even when wet. have the- nap standing out on them ... This. you havE' to see. to believe- . . . Diapers become super-soft. clothes come oft the line-with fewer wrinkles. Sta-Pur al80 helps eliminate static In sllka and nylons. * * * ..,Oft",.,. clecm U.. rup CIDCl aphola1wed ..-... let's tab iD U.. tr.e caacert of tta. Or· GD91 Coaaty Pb.U.haraaoeJc • • • Of CDai"M the .. cm4 oaly Frieda hllafaate wW be <.a· dactlag • • • Sclllta ADa ... Scbool Aac!ltodaa. Saturday. ~ 21.1:30P.M. .•• n.at'a thla c.a.lDCJ Sat1lrday • • • AI. oC Ia.._. to u.. auic:alJy Ia· c:UMd .. u.. ~ Worbhop at Oraa9e c-t Colle .. eada 1'1MIIIday • • • OCC baa ldadly doeated tbe ... -J"rre(k ..... weald ._ .... . c:laMtlf .......... ... ...... ... .. ..0 hll2la ,... ... -........... ... Mft • ,_ ........ Cl...a· ............ .....,, WMr8 tMtt ,... -aa4 ..., ••• * * * Oh the rup! Lan-0-Sheen tllle time . . . Does a terrtne Job ol overalJ clean!~. but to me L&ft· O·ShHn &hiMa u a quJdr II*• ter-upper ... Fut be«ae JW .,. a moist rae &1\d a~ • IPOts .•. S1mplJ ~ ........ t.be 80Ded pl~ • • • LaD!(). Sheen cleans by ahlorptioft • . • lust let dr7 . • • .,..."t ..... ow. tbtn)' mlnut• . . . But .. lllll'e 1012 rtq oat that ,.. ....... J"'U ltart. ,.... l'Dhde ~ .. tM PIQO aeltaetv. .. ~ !Ut ............. ... 4trt • • • • Take a Look at _,,, ~·.!~ ~~... -·. ··.:· ·•/J..~ ~ ... ' .. . ~. .. .. . I!!' . ::· .... . ~.-. ... -.. • llwiJI C•slll I lleaJIIr -lllk Ftr •11 bill._ ~, ~. t '"'''·'' C•pallllll••••n.•w ... llltn~~ H'a lice Tt 1111 I "lew" 1 ..... . WE UIE OUIS a t 3320 West Coast Highway Newport Beach Liberty s.mJ JACI BREIIAN, REALTOR BEACH, BAY It INLAND PROPERTIES Mary Sheeley, ASsociate Jack and Mildred Brennan Are Y ta l•lerestell Ia A GOCMI- IOIE-RANCI REITAL-lOAN IIYESTIEIIT OR INDUSTRIAL PROPERn? IF SO. OUR EXPERIENCED STAFF WILL BE HAPPY TO SERVE YOU! W. W. SAlFORD-STANLEY IADRB.D REALTORS Charlotte Fazlola-Lee Bolin-Marge Hadfield Nona Hyer-Mildred Sanford Associates MARINE AT PARK-BALBOA ISLAND-HARBOR 2462 EARL F. CIAIBERLAII REAL TOR-BUILDER 388 East 11th Street NEAR TUSTIN A VENUE Cutalesa Ulllrtr a ao1 HARBOR VIEW 4·bedr. home, den, 2 baths. hardwood and c a r p e t e d floors. $45,000, Submit down. • • • BAY SI.ES 1111111 . 3·bedr. Uvlng room 15x20. fireplace, fence, cove r ed patio can't be duplicated for This Price Reduced to $18,500 • • • BUID lEW A cute little home of 3·bdrs., 2 baths. lg. living rm. opens to sheltered patio, wood panel finish In living room and dining room. Buy now and have your choice of colors. Priced $28.i50 Earl W. SlllleJ REALTOR 225 MariJlC Ave., Balboa Isla nd Call Harbor 1775, or Bayside Office Harbor 3297 Eves. Edith Maroon, HYatt 4·6222 John MacNab, Har bor 5359 Louis Boynton Harbor 2878 We 'r e still II 1M 111M tltl~tlace, ~~~ .. DO hawe the the NEWEST melll- . Ills a1ll the BEST senice. Trr us. • • • R. L Strickler REALTOR R. B. Hodge, associate 3622 East Coast Highway Corona del Mar Our Ne~ JIATOa et R...,.t ........ c:o.ta .... ..w ...... ru.. .,... .. ......u., ..... tbe ....... Of tbe •....-t ....... hanl of llecdton Cit 2 p.m. t-•rn• { P r 1 d Clf). •llilctmv. dMipecS by Ptecleddl II o C) 9 d 0 D aDd coutnacted by Coatraetor Lloyd Boward. Ia a.1tucdod Cit tbe ba'ow of tlao laW a p p r o a daiDcJ Coeta .... fJ'CIID Jfowport leclcla botwOOD Jfortla Jfowport •t..s.. aDd tlao PrMWay. EICIIIIE SPECWISTS Roy Armstrong William A. Kurth Ha rold Zeiger } Esther Nickerson, Public Stenographer A Notary Public S. L. Hottman Member of MultiPle Listing Board We Are Well Equipped To Serve All Your Realty Needs I. I. LATHROP 3635 E. Coast HighWay, Corona del Mar Harbor 5442 Eves. Harbor !568> See These Fi•r Exclllhu 1. 1 bedr. CDM Cottage $8,250. 2. 2 bedrm., COM-Will G.I. $1,230 dn. 3. 7 units Balboa $35,()()()...--.SlO,OOO dn. 4. 2 bedrm., Npt. Hgts. $13,500. Terms. 5. 3 bedrm. Costa Mesa $9,350. Like New. 6. 4 bedrm .. 2 ba., Costa Mesa, $11,500. A beauty. RSIER I CO. 2603 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach HArbor 4429 . You C• Dr11111 • • • Fer A101Mr I 0 Years •• or ··sTART LIVING .. NOW IN IRVINE TERRACE WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO INSPECT COMPLETED OUR DISTINCTIVE FURNISHED MODEL HO~ AND OTHERS UNDER CONSTRUCTION NINE DIVERSIFIED FLOOR PLANS To the home buyer who wishes to purchase In the $24,000 to $35.000 class we sincerely recommend the Irvine Estates overlooking Newport Harbor. These homes feature Cautomla Uvtne. Ottered exclu. alvely through Earl W. Stanley In a Smog.Ffee area known u Irvine Terrace--on Cout Highway oppoalte !f'e new Irvine Cout Country Club, Newport Harbor. * For recommendation, we refer you to anyone who holds a Leuehold Estate In Irvine Terrace, Beaoon Bay, Bayahores or Clift Haven. Earl W. Stanley EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor 4448 For Fu!ther Information CONGRATULATIONS TO THE NEWPORT HARBOR REALTY BOARD ......... • 1M ••aplllld••ll• • FOil THE 1111111 • TIE YEll .......... ,. Here a. a real homey 3 bedroom cottap oll8l50 : feet. Uvtnr room 14x30 feet. Room In aua,. for • lna. plu1 hobby 10019 and laundry. Nealed 1n an orehard ol 23 beutllal:rOJt t1ee1. Or&ftl'llt erape~, lenona. De&Chet, flp, awcacto., )oquata iD4 pavu. Beautttuf law and lhruk A drnm p~ for a family that hu • aranddad to putta 1ft ttie )'ani. All tlala on 2 W.. loU 1001rt25 t.-. All utlllU. lD and paved alley aiMf ...... In Colla .... ,... 5 ....... • 11om the oc.an.; hll pl1c!e fii.500-Good ........ I IAUMDA~. oc:I'08D M. ... • • WE'RE II OUI IIIII lEW HOlE, TOO! 322·A MARINE AVENUE BALBOA ISLAND HARBOR 1958 • Ready to take care of all your realty needa. •RENTAL It SALES •PROPERTY MANAGEMENT • • • SPECIAL BIJ Froll Wl1llr RMIII ••• 4 w .... $100 .... • • • IARIL YN F • .LEIDY HAL Will. SIITJI REALTOR 205 MARINE AVENUE BALBOA ISLAND, CAUFORNIA Box 96 PHONE HARBOR 20().J We Ire Prtlll Te Be l••••rs OF ... , ....... ....,Bunl • • • UY IElln CO. 3444 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar Har. 2288 (Across from Bank In COM) HOMES e LOTS e INCOME OPEl HOUSE FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY, 11 TO 4:30P.M. Charming Pine Paneled Cape Cod Home 3·bedroom.-lovely patJo-12·foot Wizard boat with dolly and 5 HP lohnaon Motor with on·lhore I'DOOI'inl lncluded 216 Marine Aw., Balboallland, Harbor a> to the Newport Harbor Board of Realtors 3181hrlne Aw., Balboa llland. Hatt»or 4781 "SerYtnc the Yac:htlna and Sportt1.eh1q Capitol" • KORACE IIAUT, SAL BAUSEa, llU'I1I PAaDOU. WALT BL1VJ!:K • TOTAL 'PlUm ~0.- ~ ....... .. • iWOMDAT. OCI'ODa & 1-Newport Harboa-Ene\p •aa. ··- 401 N. NeW"port Blvd., NeW"port B .eaeh ...... ,. -· The·y Are Now Serving The Entire Harbor Area. From Their New Home At a eroup of lnd.Jvtduala wbo have done · 80 much to de· velop thla beautiful Harbor Area. DESIGNED BY FBEDEB.ICK HODGDON, ARCHITECT BUILT BY IU>YD C. BOWARD, CONTRACTOR We're PIDII ....... art .... ....., lllnl HW Us 1•1•1 If Ita 1ft You, too, can proudly say, ''Thls ls our home" ... you may even buy a home on popular Balboa laland tor u little as $15,500. We have an especially good llstlng on an older Balboa Ialand house near North Bay Front tor the low, low price ot $17,500. It's a rambling, comfortable home with 17.000 sq. tt., a picturesque setting, beautllully landacaped and just a step from the water. Come by and ask to see It! ISUID RULn 498 Pa rk Ave., Balboa Island. HA :rr7 C.. •• See "01r" .,.. ·-, TH! Twt Bra•• lew Flsller IIIII Homes open 1-5 384 Mira Loma North of Del Mar Just ott Tustin Ave. 4.28 De Sola Ave. Corona HJehlands W. E. FISlER I ASSICII'{ES arK E. Cout BJ&)lway, CoroDa del Mar Harbor :5032 south of highway. Full Price $11,500. ..., $2,0110 .... lEI .1. WIITIII I assomATES ''Bu.tneea Is Good" 3542 E. Cout Hlehway, Corona del Mar Harbor 1862 Jack CrLifleld Ada Crow Vtvenne Hansen .CE II Ill lEW We al80 have a new home-In the beautiful new buUcUnr oppoette the Ct~ Ball. JACX MORAN W. E. HALLBERG ''Letty'' MUJlDOCJt with 33U Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, Harbor 5505 ........... 3d> W. Balboa llvd., Newport Beach • Harbor laB Wlli'• 0., 2-Mdr. IIGIDe, jull 2 blodl:a from OCIU\ an4 dwuMI. llroa!T , ........... I .... CGIDU IEL Ill VOGEL VALUES RENTALS Extra nJce 2 bedroom, furnished apartment. Best loca· tion, some view. Large paneled living room with tire· place, sunny breakfast room, lots ot tile In kJtchen, Sgl. garage. $115.00 per month on year'a lease. 2 bedrooms, unfurnished, over 900 sq. tt. Gar., laundry, excel. condition and location. No yard work. Lease $92.50. 1 bedroom, unturn. apt.-close ln. Dlsp., tile. gar .. Jots of storage space. Excel. for sgl. party or couple. $70.00 per mo. THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E. COAST HWY. , CORONA DEL MAll HARBOR 1477 HARBOR 1741 "TIIose Will Sene" Newport Ha.rbor are reflected In . Tile allrlcHte Hw 111111 of ••r ReaiiJ IHnl In Corona del Mar, tor an ocean view home or a select Income »roperty, see 1111111 E. 1111111, rlllllr (,..,.,bel', multiple u.t1n1 lel'Vic:el ' ~7 E. Coast HJghwpy, next to Norman's Nursery Harbor 882 Congratulations Lido Realty Associates 3400 VIA LIDO HARBOR 4444 REITILS We have one, two and three bedroom houses and apart· ment.--tumlshed and unfumiahed-on leue and by the month. Call Wl for appointment to see them. 111 TGIIIS, lulllr 400 E. 17th St., eo.ta Mesa. Uberty 8·1139 We're IWJ Tt • l••••n ef n. .......... lunllf ...... • • • ' liE W IIEWPIIT Hl .. 'S Completely furnlshed . . . beautifully appointed ... with plt!l' and lone rtng@f alJp to act'Ommodate 45' boat ... aandy beach . Flnl .............. ....,. ln fiWIIIY rel!fect! SeWnr due to lllness In famllJ'. FIIPII11- liT & III1LEI a, IEILT.a , Ait C. a.thr , .. -..,. MeOuW ••. J'Md IICDeeW .-. Jlea jiWt ..... Wc wpc:ott llMda .....-.-....... llnJI C.nft I Realtor . We If ... ReaU, loanlare lllrtiCIIarlt IIIHJ II - Ills loq •risllell .,... ••••• 1 raliiJ. We are sure our new home will be a great add1Uon to this community. CHARLES E. HART PRESIDENT 3420 W Balboa Blvd .. Newport Beach Harbor 1428 Harbor 0135·1 Ctlpallllllla 01 Tile lew Blanl a .. • • • F• Sale, DUPLEI, octll fro~~ con11r lot. 2 bedrooms. Sacrifice $27.500 PAUL C. JOlES REALTOR -J~SL'ROR 2620 Newport Blvd . Newport Beach Harbor 2313 100.000 VIEW of Harbor lc Ocean! Fe-t-lot on Cllrt Dr. for $9,750 Cash . • • • KINGS PL. homt>. fit tor a king and que-t-n. See this lov· able 3·bedr., 2 bath masterplt>ee. 2 yrs. old. W·t·w car· pets, glass sliding doors to patio, Mountain view, only $6,950 down. • • • 2 BRAND NEW fum. homes. 1 blk. from OC'f'an. Home It Income unit to please you In t>very detail-location, price, down payment, terms. 1857 Newport Ave., Costa Mesa, Uberty 8·1632 COIIUTULAnOIS Ral,. P. 1_.,, Realtor-Appraiser "In the Harbor Area 24 years" 3411 W. Newport Blvd .. Newport Beach Harbor 402--Harbor 3959 YMII IlEAl HOlE Uvtnr room-dlnlne roo~en-J bedroorns-2 baths and a powdt>r room Wide lot Call ... lt't us tell you morf'' IB.DI.ISII, Rlllttr 306 Marine Ave .. Balboa Island Harbor 502 ' Ew•lleRealtera Lowe To Hate 1'llllr On ... HIML ll YOt; are house huntlnc, se-e Mr Erhardt With JOII E. SlDI.EII Realtor It Insurance 3333 E. Coast Hwy., COM Harbor2422 See •• , .... ... ,. llllri ... • 388 Del Mar, Back Bay • 2143 Santa Ana Ave .• eo.ta Mea. e 2!115 Crt"StVIf'W. Bay Shores. e AI~ <'orona Highlands and ShorE' Cliffs CUIRE VII H .. REALTOR 2'731 W Coast Highway L1 8·4277 YH C11 Han A LaYIIJ IIW H-. IH! C'Ll FF HAVEN 2 btodrs and sun rr>nm. fpl. lgf' lot, 10 fruit lr('("';. onl) $6.000 down. BAL&lA 52 tt frontage on 0<-ean 81\'d 3 be-drs . l ~ bathe; Ownt-r movlne Inland wants offers. BALBOA-2 bedrm.s.. 1 blk. IO Jetty Fl'I..L PRICE $18.500 IUIIB. PIIIVEI REALTOR M<'mber Multlplf' Llstlnr 2604 N<'Wport Blvd , N B. Eao;y Parktne-HA 4610 '• -~. -~ - -.. --~ ... -. . __ ..,..-_.,_ . ....,.,., ~-. .... ~··---~ .._ . .. . ---·~------~-----------TI:LJ:VISION antenna, complete ldt Ia. lnltallat:Jon. 18.95 '(alue Ia. es . .e, tbt. week only. West· ern Auto SUpply, 1836 Newport Blvd, eo.ta Mesa. Uberty 1-2'711. SPtNiT PiANOS-Rental returns. Trade·lns on oreana, etc. Like new. ThJa Ia a chance tor a bll aavtnp. Open Friday eves. Damt-SchmJdt, 520 N. Maln, Santa Ana. '31 MODEL '1A" Ford, In good shape $90. Phone HA 0152·R. 16-FT. SKIFF and JohnlJOn Motor. 5 H.P. 115 Garnet. Balboa llland. HA 893· W. SEASON n cm BOOKS now on sale. $(.50 per book. Newport H a r b or Community Players. Call Mrs. Ryadale, HA 2347·R. DINING TABLE. DREXEL PRE· CEDENT. alJver elm $75; ward- robe trunk $20; golf clubs and baJ $50; walnut rate leg table $10. HA 0164·J after 5:00 p.m. HAMMOND ORGANS-All mod· els. Some wonderful bargains In used organs. Several makes. Free practice rooms. Trade ln your old ln.st.rument. Danz· SchmJdt. home of the world famous Hammond, Santa Ana, 520 N. Main. • • .Rewpwt Bar._. Ene\p ......................... CASH un:& FOR ENSIGN WAJft ADS , 1 Time 2 Times 3 Times 20 words or less .75 1.25 1.50 21 to 30 words 1.00 1.50 2.00 I ., IN~~n-BSprANfD ~Pft'Vib tao~ 31 to 40 words 1.25 2.00 2.50 ~ .... u ;oe:~ rnte~t Each word over 40 .03 .OS .07 eent. neat and attractive and Cash must be received within 7 days of first insertion can qualtty you wtll earn up to U50 'a week. Apply 1:00 ........ ••••••••A••••••+•••••••. P.M. to 10:00 P.M. Monday RUORAL a&aVJcaa throurh FrieS~. Kin• Studio of ---------------------- Danclnr. 3440 Vla Oporto, N.B. Not responaJble for debts other THOROU G H L Y R ELI ABLE than my wlte'a and my own. woman to clean house one day C. Sherm Allen, Gourmet Klt· a week. HA 2667·R. chen, Corona del Mar. lEI Job now open In SANTA ANA to hlgh acbool graduates. age 18-45 These are career jobs with excel· lent opportunities for advancement. CLEIIS and CDISTIUCnOI HELPERS WANT rlde to downtown Loa An· reles, Monday throurh Friday, worldnr hours 8 to 4:30; will share expenses. U 8· 7919. TRADE IN your old watch on a new Hamilton. It meana so much more to Jive or ret a Hamilton. Wallace Calderhead, 3123 E. Cout Hwy., CDM. COMING: The Hasty Heart. No· vember 2, 3, S. Community Players. Chapel Theater, Or· ange Coast College. REMEMBER-Don't forret-the Great Porter Heaps Organ Con- cert Oct. 24. 8 p.m., Masonic Hall, corner 5th and Sycamore. Santa Ana. No admission. A wonderful musical treat for all lovers of the organ. Danz- Schmldt, Santa Ana, 5lO N. REP .Alit .AND M a 1 n ten an c e , patnttnr. carpenter etc. l u.t anythlq. Rea.eol\able. SaU. faction ruaranteed. RA 01.26-J. ,110 HAVE YOU SEEN! The new Watchet. Diamonds, Jordan, Harb<{r 4 ...... 9 Weddlnr Rlnp, Costume '" Jewelry and Cl()ckl ... Car-7732 E. Coast Hlrhway rled by Ray Fields at ht. Corona del Mar new store. RAY FIELDS WATCH REPAIR SITUAn ORS WAifTED No Lonrer at Lldo Drur see CDM man would like aardenlnr. him at new location ln the • "Vt.ta Shopplnc Center," clean·up, etc. Call Kl 3-2122. 19th St. at Placentia, Costa WANT BABY ::,TITING in my Qo. Mesa. rona del Mu home; Daytimes. e Phone Uberty S&88 • Chlld.ren • to 8 years. HA· COIIPLE'TE LAJfDSCAnRQ 28C7 ·WK.. SDVICE WANTED : lronln• ln my home. FREE ESTIMATES Mabel Whitman, 607 .Marrue- SirH Green Stamps rtte. Q))(. RA 4279-J. Free delivery UAL DTAft & aDTAU CORONA DEL MAR NUR5ERY HA 1038 ........ E. Co H FURNISH APT. 2-bedroom. $65.00 .,.,_ a.t wy. yearly lncludJnr utllltles; 155 COMPLETE PA.lN'nNG winter rental. Balboa. HA 1050. PAPER HANGING SERVICE APARTMENT FURNISHED Har- HA 2976 bor view In Corona del Mar (Evenln.,. week·endsl yearly $65 per month call Har-WANT t h ld t s ta ·~ bor m or Harbor 3698 eves. o s are a r e o an EUGENE 0. SAUNDERS FOR RENT: CORONA HIGH· Main. :fa':~~~~~ ~!\r:s.Roper, 308 500 31st Street, Newport Beach LANDS 2-bedr. deluxe apt. Car· ., • to. 10 u.. ..... The Eally ••••• Stauffer Way! Loee tlaat cloa.l.a. 6181 a.t rtd of ................... ...S.ua.--'tlltJytft. Ov ......,.., .......... 901,.. ..... clrap. Ala· ...... ---.. ..... ~ .......... ...... .............. to .... .a ..... t. ,. a. .... .,... too. At tM ltaatt. • .,.__. y.a wW be told ...... It wW .... to ... ow ~ ....,_. pu put'nr PIIORE TODAY POa TOO n&& 1'111AL Ta&ATIIDT 6 PIGUU AJIALTIII ........ ,. 3117 &. CoGIIt ·wY· COilOIIA DD. JUa TRADE IN your old watch on a Ladles diamond Elgln. Wallace Calderhead lewele.r, 3123 E. Coast Hwy., CDM. GOOD playing practice pianos, $79, $87. $91 up to $195. Spinet type mirror plano. a beauty only $195. Easiest terms. Danz· Schmidt, 520 N. Main. Santa Ana. 100 pianos. Open Friday nights. 5-Day Week. Pald vacations and holidays, medical coverare available to employees and dependents, Co. paid pension and disability plan. ll..la Pcn'nti"ng _ Decoratin· g peted w ·t ·w, rood heat. blr r...-rooms, pvt. fenced patio, rarg. PAPER HANGING dlap. Calt Dick Strtcltler, ~~=~~~~=~~~==~=;====::;===~ GEORGE BURKHARDT HA m4. ; IJcenaed Contractor FOR RENT -Gar are. Inquire U·· E·a·ga w· !a ..a Ads for Benlll EARN MORE TIIAN EVER BEFORE! APPLY Our new. higher st.arting wage and frequent Increases gives you this opportunity. 878 W. 18th Costa Mesa 323·B Marguerite, CDM. iW5 ----Gill UbertY 8.8628 UbertY 8-6632 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_;;;;;;;_;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ____ ;;;;;;;;;;=:-=======::::::=::=--=------- '51 CHRYSLER Imperial. 4-door. extra clean and original. 36,000 mUes. $900. Liberty 8-4073. SALE-Grand pianos. Ma ny won· derful ba rgains. Many famous makes. Prices from $385 up. Bench Included. Danz-Schmldt. 520 N. Main. Santa Ana. IIAJWfE Sli, I RowMat Space for Re1t AmerlcS:n Legion 215 15th St. Meetings 2nd-4th Wed. 8 p.m. 1030 EAST FIRST ST. SANTA ANA Mon.·Frl. 8 A.M.·4 P.M. SOUTHERN caumEs us ca. MISCELLA.IfEOUS RENT a plano until you buy. All term rent allowe-d. Good prac· tlce pianos as low as $5 per month. Danz · Schmidt Big Piano Store, 520 N. Main, Santa Ana. Openings now for- TELEPHONE OPERA TORS We will train you and you'll receive many other benefits. -Apply- 514 ~ No. Main Street Rm. 211-Santa Ana 9:00 to 4:00P.M. PACIFIC TELEPHONE IlEAL ESTATE WARTED WANTED FROM OWNER 2·Bed· room & Den. 2-bath, home. South of the Highway, Corona del Mar. For cash. M. Lennert, Box J .l, c/o The Ensign, CDM. The Crossroads Village Shops • • • • • • • JOHN VOGEL. Realtor '"the second story real estate man" PHONE Liberty 8-1617 2nd FLOOR CROSSROADS VILLAGE BLDG. ACROSS THE STREET FROM THE REALTY BOARD loYie Preject.s FOR RENT S·MM 16-MM 35-MM and 16MM Sound Projecton FA.Sr COLOR FILM SERVICE Model Airplane Suppllea learsC...,aSIIIf 1782 Newport Blvd .• Costa Mesa Phone Uberty 8· 700 ARCHU I SUIIOI PAINTING CONTRACTORS "Color matcblnJ a apeclalty" Workmanship guaranteed 416 Fernleal, Corona del Ma r 177 ~ 30th St., Newport Harbor 0347·R or Harbor ean.w Welcome the Realty Board To the area's mo.t conYenient shoppin9 center . • . . • . on Newport BlYd. aboYe the Arches. acroea the Freeway from Hoaq Ho.pitaL SALE DUTCH CUITAIII :::r.:t,flel•4!eed 9 ... ~ra. reg. e VCIIalace aacn.dal to ...tda. -.. tiM era 11....S. vw.g.- AD YOU LOO&DfG rQa A GOOD VI'I'AIIIIff II' 10 po10 • AJrD c:dcz,... ~or filM of winter worrlea.,. aweety w•lla, ......., wlndowt, chllty floott, ctrMtl . • • • OM co1ct after anotMr? Switch to kluttcHn torc.ct .. lr hHt with Payn., h.,..._. MIM In hedng. It' a NIY to afford. Let Ill~.,, .. liNt'""'' ef root home. S.. for yovrMtf wflr • ,.,. to'"'',.,,.. avnaru We proudly _pre~ent tbe beat balanced. molt complete and molt potent vita.mln-mlneral nutritional proteetion on the marut tod&J. You mu.lt be aau.tled «your moMJ' ntunc1ec1. .. fti.MM&IIC*) .... hMd-,... ...... eodel ...... lsioft. W'lltl _..,..,.~io· Hllleu,tA8 ... ,....., lcr-as•· ,.._ .... ...,.,, ..... .,. .,.., ~ • .Motlote"Y poiM4 t..Wt, .,.., .,.., •. j ..... -/k SnVANIA 1V Wille HALOUGHT 'ftll MMfl Of .-J'T11A'I"' ..... fO YOWl lnt• One look tells you why Sylvonia TV wilt, Hololight is the eosiest-wolching TV on the ma~et. The soft, coot margin of Hololight surrounding the pictw• replac.s the -Jark., d istroding picture frame af othet-TV sets. Pictures ore sharper, brighter, too, on the "Silver Screen as., Come in today . . . yov owe it to yow eyes to see Sylvania I 71/s~ .. -kdkl fl jic/ute-Mitdfw} lll1IIT w AJTDra roa aua Evyonne Warneke, 17, of 20122 Santa Ana Ave., eo.ta Me.. wu brubecl by a M·lallon barrel that roled ol1 a pickup truck in a colllalon wtth a Hlp Scbool bu. at 7 :30 a.m. Tueeday, Oct. 11, at Keaa Dr. and Santa ·Ana Ave., eo.ta Ilea. Stan4ard 8 b a d e ClotU and Custom Spedaltlea e Drapery B a r d " a r • e Venetian BUnda. <fl.. gJ,J. 8/.p .......... •c:.u ,_om. IIA- Oiallldlt..•.....-t.._. ---........... .. .. __ GUO lOVES OK SO lames M. Greer', seam an ap· prentice, USN, eon of Mr. and Mrs. leftenon M. Creer of 12m N. Bay Front. Balboa Ialand, It aervtng aboard the JUPPY·type submarine USS Cattlah, a com· ponent of Submarlne Squadron s. The •ub 1s enaaged In neet lllf I!'L.I Is ..._ tra1.nlna aerd.. oU the Call· r• .,.., ~iii-i;iiii;ii'iiiii;iiifomia.iiiicoeiiillt~---· ....... nr-.•·· • What appeued to be a root ...... UIIUIS ....... 'fte c ...... Ana I'• .early 10 y...,. tlre at the home of l ames W. Randall ot 6200 W. Ocean Front. Newport Beach, at 11:15 p.m. last Tburaday was only smoke from the fireplace. Newport Beach firemen dl.scov&ed when called to the scene. F'tremen went to the home of Margaret Pratt at 814 W. Ocean Front. Newport Beach, at 9:15 Ill 0... Aft. .....,._ .._. llyatt ~~-~ p.m. last Tbursday when a allp· JACK 110'111. 514 Parlt t.a.e. ping washing machine belt eo.ta Meea. waw. -*• ooe started smoking. The machJne y.-...atr ~ U.S was dlaoonnected. U... I ft. PBIN71N6 • CHECK TillS LIST FOR YOUR PRINTING NEEDS: I 0 0 BUSINESS CARDS lEM'ERHEADS [] ENVELOPES 0 STATEMENTS 0 · ORDER BLANKS 0 CIRCULARS 0 POSTERS 0 0 0 0 D D 0 WEDDING INVITATIONS RECEPTION CARDS ANNOUNCEMENTS MENUS PAMPHLETS BOOKLETS MAGAZINES PRONE US AT HABIOB 111• ADd OUr •PI••••kiiiN WID le GJacl To CaD OD Toa Jlatbor varalty Tan will mHt the · Huntlncton Oilers at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow (Friday) In the oll clty for the second Sunaet l.eaiUe football game of the Tar vanity seuon. The .tartJne Tar lineup IIJted by Coach Al Irwtn Includes Georee Milliken, fullback; DaVId Tamura, left halfback; John Hopkins. right halfback; George Schultt, q uarterback; Jack Smith, «-nter; GIU')" Deem and Jerry Samsel. guards. and Paul Lorent- zen and Chuck Vandervort, ends. The Tars lost their game against Call!ornla High School of Whittier Jut Friday on DaVId· son Field l6 to 7. The CalltornJa team .cored their th.ree touch· down ln the fourth period. The lone Tar touchdown wu 1n the start of the third period wh~ a fumble was ~Vft'ed on the 15- yard line. Fullback Charlie Berry .cored the touchdown with a two-yard run on the fourth play. Quarterback Ge-le Hubbard con - verted. The Tar B team lost to Call· fornla High School 31 to 6 lut does not tleld a jualor ...r.ttT team. Each te.m wu lfYen the ball tor l.S·mlnute periodL 'n.e Tustin team 1s in the Oran .. League. The Tar B footballen will me.c· the OUes-B te&m at 3 p.m. toda.J (Thwsday) on DaVId.lon J'leld with the C team~ competing at the same hour In Buntlncton Beach. U the Ollera field a jun· lor vanity team, the game wlU be played next Monday at 3 p.m. In Huntington Beach, Coach lr· wtn &ald. ~ ................ Ia.~ .................. .... WILTIIII .. 'I llawaiicm~ t•Lc..t.lo I_.._. ·-....... ll"''ett ..... <OPD SUND,\Y) Thursday playlne In WhltUes-. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Tar C team la.t 20 to 7 • against the Calltornla High School on the &arQe day, playing on Davidson Field. "They were big and fast. "with very. very well executed maneu- vers." Coach lrwtn commented about the California players. The Tar junior v&J"'Llty scrim· m aged aealnst the '1'\utln var- sity team Monday att.ernoon on Davidson Field u CalJlorr.la The harbor d~rtment an- swef'ed 311 ealls during the month of Septembft', Harbor Master Russell Craig baa ~· ported to the Newport Beach cJty councll and Orange county bar· bor coiTUlli&slon. Ufa,_.'S Your Famlly Restaurant (a-4,.......,) 1515 ... c..t Jlltlaway llaltael' ... c..... ...... The department answ&ed two fh" ca lls. one rNCUe call. gave aaslstance to 11 large boats and eight small boats. lnV8t:Jgated one boat broken Into, made 12 speed arrest.. rive other arrests and found and destroyed 15 ~~~~~!!!~!!:!~~!!!!~ pieces of debris. Ten row boats were held for ldenutleatlon and returned, nine speed complalnts and 24 othes-complaints re- «-lved, 19 cuest veaela accommo· dated. three ahcn mocl't.Dp lD· atalled and 165 mLeceUJU'leO!a calls &n.sWft'ed. f} ~Uwu; quu~s SOU1I SUS CAFE f'Mta.rtag 0.. MCifood. ...... pn..e ru.. cblct.& dadr. ... YWa Ma:rtaa • _. .. 0.....,. eo.aty"a a..t ...._ . ...-... ••'-' .... ..-. .... -. lAc W.ta.~ .. a.u.. ~.a..cL u-s. ..... _... • ta. a.q.. a. .......... ....... ....... V.a. Jlato ., ...••.• tlw colotlvl IIIlO llll •t-' l IQIJ I ... IJII Record Is Close ~ 5::F-~ To Entire Total for '54 the POUC-BLOTTER IDIM1 • .. Gal' IOir A eoa. Wa.!* .J'*'PII. WM t.om to Mr. and Mil. 7ack Zlmmtt· man of 331 Mont«o St. Bal-., e W&DitUI)AT. OCT. S Samm,y F. Won&' of Laauna Beach reported the theft or a Ute and wheel from hll car In a parking lot next to 2IN8 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar . . • In ~­ sponse to a dlaturbance call at 510~ Acacia Ave., Corona del Mar, at 12:25 Lm. ottlcen re· ported that a famlly argument had been going on but waa over when they arrived . . . The har· bor department rave officers warrants to serve on Ludwell D. Lansdale of Garden Grove and Leland R. Smooth of LonJ' Beach, charging them wtth speed and wake in the bay ... Stephen N. McKinney ol Los Angeles. serv· lnr a term In Newport city jail on an lntoxJcatlon charge, suf- fered a cut head In the main of· flee of the pollee ltatlon, and required five stJtches to close ... e TII1JUDAY. OCT. I on Monday, Oct. 3, in Hoaa Ke-dt.poeed ol a skunk trapped in mod-.J Ra.pJtal. the aarba,. paJ1 at the residence ;::::.===========; ot R. E. Blrtehet, 601 PolnaettJa wood Murphy, stock room at Mlsa Murtet Shop, 2731 E. Coast Hwy.. $2.2.68. e BAUOA JILAJfJ) About m_ooo 1n pHmlta were ~~Red b)' the Newport Beach BuUCUna ~~~t durlnr the put week, brinatna the month's total to date up to POO.ooo This raiiM the reootd tor the year put the IT:mo,ooo m.ark. almost ;:;.:;:::;::~:;::~~=:::;::::;::::;-f equalllnr the total for all ot 1956. Hal WUl Smith. enlarge din· tng room of lolly Roger, 14.000; Andrew W. Smith, 2-atory, l ·unlt dwellnr added at 330 Coral, $11,811. HOME LOANS LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION TWO OFFICES To Serve You LAGUNA BEACH AND SAN CLEMENTE QUICK H HOUR SERVI CE LOW LOW "REDUCING" INTEREST RATES eaAUOA Followtna penni til were ._ued: elfEWJOIIT DIGIITI C. S, KempH, 1·untt, 1-ltory dWelling at 312 Catalina, $1.2.994. eJrawtoiiT l . F. Mounler, addJUon at 206 36th St, $1,500; Ben Reddick, commerdal building at 112·114 23rd St., $13,750; W. M. Ward, and toilet and shower at 3312 Marcus, $500: Carl Mlllft', u8ed car sales offJce at 2511 W. Coast Hwy. Mrs. Ethel Hethcock, add bed· room at 2056 E. Ocean Blvd .. $2.500: Alvin Fink, 1-unlt, 1· story dwellllng at 705 W . Bay Ave .. $7.750: L. 0 . Gerry, patio at 31 1 Coronado, $500. NU. J, &. ITOJ)J)AJU) et Co· ~ dill Jlcu (abo9e) • .U. ef CUy Coa-dlacmltoddanl. baa beea --.c1 to ..,.. oa tbe board of dinctws of tbe Or- .... Coaaty Beart Aula. She wW ....,. wttla two ott.. Bcu· boi'A.recl ................... McEidowMJ a4 ...._ la&a.d aad Joe E. ...,., ... a4 Lido lal&. e a.u..oA COVU Pat Maloney, add fireplace at 17 Balboa Coves, 1600. e COBOlfA DEL JIAJI Isabelle lteblor, add dining room at 417 Fetnleat, $1,146; Ell· fi<>Ur l1b1JB* indude• a 8WimmJng pool and clubhou# for ruident1 of the new lo beautiful COSTA MESA Harbor BouJevvd ar Balta-Ave. S.IH AleRts-W.lw 6 lH GJ:aL FOB GEUOSJS A daughter, MJchele Colleen, wu born to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gel'bosl ot SJ04 Seashore Dr .. Newport Beach, in Hoac Me· Rev. Edwin Gomke reported that school children threw rocks and clods at UcS. placed against the Community Conrreaatlonal Church at 611 Heliotrope Ave .. Corona del Mar, and punctured two shingles oo the aide of the church ... IJm Matheny ot 603~ Larkspur Ave., Corona del Mar. gave offtcen a turtle which be found on Cout Hwy .... Officers disposed of an opossum found In the wood shed of Mrs. Howard Erwood of 545 Catallna Dr., New· port Helghta . . . Thomas Lee. S, or 121 40th St., Newport Beach, suffered a cut upl)ft' lip when he tell from a slide fn the West Newport park and was taken to Hoag Memorial Hospital for morlal Hospital on Tuesday, Sept. 'Z7. ------LEGAL lfOTICE a.nFJCATE OP BUSDfESS r'k:UUou Plna w ... THE UNDERSIGNED does h~· by certlty that he Is conducting a ~llcates.sen and catering busi- ness under the fictitious tltm name of Gourmet's Kitchen, :r707 E. Coast Blvd., Corona del Mar, and that said firm Is composed of the following person wboae name In full and place of teal· dence are as follows, to-wit: C. Sherm Allen 310 E. Balboa Blvd. Balboa, Calif. WITNESS my hand on this 17th day of October. 1955. C. Sherm Allen STATE OF CAUFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE )ss. ON THIS 17th day or Octobel'. 1955, bdore me. a Notary Public In and for said county and state. rMidlng therein. duly commls· stoned and sworn. personally ap· peared C. Sherm Allen. known to me to be the person whose name Is subscribed to the within Instrument. and acknowledged to me that the executed the same. WITNESS my hand and oUI · clal seal. MARY A. HAAPA Not ary Public in and tor said County and Statt>. My Commission expires Aug. 16. 1959. Publish : Oct. 20. 'Z7. Nov. 3 and 10. 1955. In the Newport Harbor Ensign. CreditW omen Honor Bosses A dlnnft' In nonor ol their bosses and the lnstallatJon of ottJcera was given Wednesday night at the Newport Harbor Yacht Club by the Or~tnge Cout Credit Women's Breakfast Club. The new officers are Lola Mill· er, president; Mary McBeath, first vice-president; lane Thom- son, second vice-president; Allee Crank, secretary, and Lucille Dicken& treasurer. R.etJrtng pres- Ident Faye Hopkins was the presiding oUicer. t7Jf AlflfJVEIISAJIT SET A local United Nations annl· versary committee has been ap- pointed by Mayor Dora Hill to plan United Nations Day cele· bratlons on Oct. 24. Milo G. Lacy Is chairman of the committee. treatment ... e FBJJ)AY. OCT. 7 Jose A. Rojo, 21, El Toro ma · rlne, and Calvin L. Baird, 27, or 1630 Orange Ave., Costa Mesa. were arrested on charges of dis· turbing the peace In Ernie's Cafe, Newport Heights. where officers charged they were engaged In a fight ... Cars driven by Carolt> JOilf ISLAJfD CRt711CR J. Nola. 1& ot Laguna Beach and Joining the Ba lboa Island Floy M. Silsbee, 72. of 437 Sea· Community Methodist Church ward Rd .. Corona Highlands. were Sunday, Oct. 2, were Mrs. Way-involved In an accident at Nar- Jand Dunham. 720 Marigold Ave .. clssus Ave. and Second Ave., Co· and Mrs. Thomas Patterson, 618 rona del Mar. at 4:40 p.m ... · Begonia Ave., Corona del Mar. Humane Officer George Myers Baa.k lf 0. 110 REPORT OF CONDmON of NEWPORT HARBOR BANX l.ocated at Coroaa ct.l Mcu. Ca:Ufonala. aa of tbe claM oC buai.DeM oa tbe 5th day ot Octobez, 1155 Publlahed la CIICII:lOI'dcmc wttb a callaade by tbe SapedDtiGdeatot 8aDb Ave., Corona del Mar .•. Otficen called tlremen to provide oxyten to ludlth Taru o1 521~ Poppy Ave., Corona del Mar, at 8:37 p.m. &ftft offlet"ta broke a door window at 521 Poppy Ave. wh~ ahe wu reported to be located. e IATUBJ)AT. OCT. I lorgest ond Most Complete Furniture Store in the A.reo. c.u for frM OOCORATING SEAVICE Llb.rty .. 5518 Furnishings for homes, clubs, yochts. OWcen weore unable to locate a IJOUp of boys. one of whom held a knife at the neck of Ed· ward Trapp and chued hla s is- ter, LaVerne Trapp, of 168~ · E. 2lat St., Coeta Mesa, while they were walk.Jnl' toward a place -============ called "Skunk Hollow" at the lf'C:'O eut end of Santa Isabel St. In a'lPEWRl u:.u' 1017 W. Coeft Hi9hw•y Newport kech the UPPft' bay area . . . Oscar H. Schock of 1130 W. Bay Ave., ~~t'1'~LS Newport Beach, reported that . • a:,~~" youths In a yellow car went by TIDE h is home and shot a hole .._.. om. l-.piy through the ~ar Window of hll =:: ...._ 0111 ~:fo· w. ~ ~~~ :::::t ::_ •u ••pwt aa.. • ..,.... .._. ported the theft ot l pu.rae con· talnlnl' $27.50 .•• eSUJrDA'I'. OCT. t Qaclbw ......... tdwoi.IM Mrs. Allen Sulz.er of 1305 N. ... •• u Bay Front. Balboa Ialand, re· _ .. -n -II ......... ported the theft of a llet of rolf -........ _ ... .. ••• cluba from her car ... Tlmothy -....... .._......,.. I . Glblan, 8, of 362 EvenJnr ftCZ ~ & Da.Jftft Canyon Rd., Shore Clllts, auf. BJJIJJ 'I 1G:f~ feted a slll'ht laceratJon over hta left eye and minor ab:ra.sJon.a @)-•• • ....,... ...._ when a bicycle he ~as rfdlnr •...-t .._. was Involved In an aeclden\ wijh .__. sal a car driven by Walter Lontmoor 0.... c..y Day ot 254 Driftwood Rd., Shore CUtts. '( a.a. .. 1 p.a. at Evening Canyon Rd. and ~iiiiiiii~~~~iiiiiiiii Shorecllff Rd. at 11 a.m. . . . i e WEDlfESDA'I'. OCT. 12 Vern Harden of Costa Mesa r&- ported that the occupants ot a car In the Balboa area were either shooting or throwing oil Into cars but offlcera were un- able to locate the vandals ... lElA UPIILITEIIII Carter Lane of 2800 Ocean Blvd., ~;;;;;;;;~;;;;~;;~~ Corona del Mar, reported a f skunk on his front porch ... H. L. HUJ'hes of 428 Camatlon Ave.. Corona del Mar, reported the theft of a battery from hla car parked In front of his home . .. Ottlcers disposed of a dead skunk round In the yard of Mra. Ruth Dressllar at 621 Orchid Ave., Corona del Mar ... Offi. cera disposed of an opossum found In the garage of Mrs. Row· ~trd Erwood or 545 Catalina Dr .. Newport Heights ... A Newport Beach gtrl, 16, was held on a runaway charge after her mother EASY MONTHLY PAY~IiNTS ~ Teleplao;-Liberty .. ,': I STATEMEifT BEQUDlED by the Act of Auguat 24, 191.2, as amend· ed by the Acta of March 3. 1933. and l uly 2. 1946 <ntle 39, UnJted States Code, Sectlon 233) show· lnr the ownership. management. and circulation of the Newport Harbor EnsJgn published weekly at Corona del Mar, Calli., tor October 1. 1955. ASSETS 1. Cash. balances with oth~ banks, Including r8erve balance, and cub ltema tn process reported her mlsatng ... Coaab1Md e TBUBSJ)AY. OCT. U FRIENDLY SYMPATHETIC SERVICE FREE CUSTOMERS' PARKING JAMES D. RAY BliWiq C.tractor J.+46 E. COAST HWY .. 1. The namto and address of the publisher. editor. managing editor. and business managers are: of collection .. -................... -........... -...... -..... .. 2. U. S. Government obllgatlona. direct and tully guaranteed .......................... ·-·--·-···--·-.. 3. State, county, municipal and school district obllgatJona .................................................... .. 6. Loans and discounts <Includes $545.35 over· drafts) ................... -.................................... -..... . 8b. Furniture, fixtures and equipment ........... . lL Other assets ... -................................................. .. Howard RlcharcS. of 701 Carna- tion Ave., Corona del Mar. r&-~.571.25 ported Meinl' a black OOUiar 3 145,.208 92 ,olnl' up the ravine at the eaat ' · end of the Youth Cent«, Corona 324,536.92 del Mar, which tumed out to be 1.298. 746.66 36.305.71 1.344.53 a black labrador dog. Humane OUlcer George Myen reported ... Officers removed an opos- sum from the front yard of Vf.r. glnla Escobar of 412 Signal Rd., 5,521,713.99 Cllff Haven ... Harry Campbell (Continued on Pace 11) ESCROW SERVICE. CORONA DEL MAR HAtbot 476J Publlsher-Arvo E. Haapa. 710 Jasmine Ave .. Corona del Mar. Calif. 3.453.~.89 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. fFFICI ENTL Y OPERA TEO LAGUNA BEACH 222 Ocean Ave. PHONE HY. 4-1177 SAN CLEMENTE 60 I N. Ef Camino Real PHONE HYacinth 2-1195 or HYacinth 2-1 196 R•w•nc.e: HAtbot 41 t6 LOllS FOR HOlES 5" -TEAJl LOAX Construction Loana 5,_ -TEAJl LOAX SEE BOB SATTLEB Poirier lortcac• Co. 2515 E. Coat Bwy .. CDM Ph. RA s• m 3-5115 (Metro J.JJ. IJul&J'GIICe r'ua41) STROOT'S :sn~~ * Giftware * Appliance. * Pcd.Dta ·-lfewport aJ..t.. u ... saa. Coda ..... Floor CoftdDp -Dndaboarda .Mphalt TUe -Rubber nle Formica -Unoleum Tile CARLTOI~ ~~~UM 135 E. 17tb St. 2 eo.ta M.- LDIEIIT'I' 1-425 22 Years in Oranee County Orco Block Co. BUILDING BLOCI.S-ALL SIZES-AU TYPES JA~ 7..2231 B'!w"""y 1-0754 toa JraWJa. lt.cllltoll 11210 .............. A.- Edltor-Arvo E. Ha~a. 710 Jasmine Ave., Corona del Mar, Calif. 2. The owner Is: <If owned by a <'orporatlon. Its name and address must be stated and also lmmedl· ately thereunder the names and addresses or stockholders owning 22. or holding 1 percent or more of total amount of stock. If not owned by a corporation, the names and addresses of the lndl· vidual owners must be given. It owned by a partnership or othe~ unincorporated firm. Its name 'Z7. and address. as well as that or 23. 24. 26. each Individual member, must 1. be given.) The Ensign Publishing Co .. 2850 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar; Arvo E. Raapa, 710 J~­ mlne Ave .. Coronll del Mar: Mary A. Haapa, 710 Ja.smlne Ave., Co· rona del Ma r. T()TAL LIABILITIES ............................... . CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital paid In: b. Common stock 2100 shares, Par $50.00 .. Surplus ........................................... -.............. . Undivided proflt~net ...................... _ .......... . Reserves .. . .................................................. .. T()TAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS ............. .. Total Liabilities and Capital Accounts .... .. IUMOUlfDA Pledged auets (and securities loaned) (book value): a. U. S. Government obligations pledged to secure deposits and other llabUitJes b. Other uaet.s pledged to 8eC\l.re deposita and other liabilities (lncludlng notes and bUts redlsoounted and securltJes sold under repurchase aiJ'eement) ........ 83.764.54 1.102, 168.96 117.853.45 455,000.00 37,901.81 5,250,141.65 105,000.00 95,000.00 49,575.04 21,997.30 'Z71,572.34 5,521,713.99 659,474.46 3. The known bondholders, mortgagees, and other security holders ownJng or holding 1 pet· cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages, or other aecur· ltles are: None. TOTAL ............. _ ............... -.......... -......... _ STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of Or&nJ'e, u. J. T. Van Dyke.:. President H. L. Hetrick, '-AShier 75,131.59 734,606.05 4. Pa.ragTaphs 2 and 3 Include. In cases where the stockholder or security holder appears upon the books of the company as trustee or In any other fiduciary rela· tlon, the name of the person or corporation for whom such trua· tee Ia acting: also the etatemenu In the two paragraphs ahow tbe affiant's full knowledge and be· lief u to the ctrcumstances and conc:Utlons under which stock· holden and security holden who do not appear upon the boob of the company u truateft, hold stock and aecurltles ln a capadty of Newport Harbor Bank, belnl' duly awom, each for hlmlelf, says he has a personal knowledge of the matters contained In the fore· going report of condition and schedules pertalnlnr thereto and that every allegation. statement, matter a nd thing therein contained Ia true to the best of his knowledge and beUef. I . T. VAN DYKE, President H. L. HETRICK, Cuhler Ba nk No. 890 Severally subscribed and awom to before me by both deponents, th1a 12th day of October, 1955. Susan P. Foley, Notary Public In and for aald County of Orange, State of CallfornJa. CoiTect-Attest: GEORGE I.DAVIES BRADEN FINCH J. S. BARBETJ' Dlrect.on othet than the otflcen aJptna the report. • *EXTU SPECW SEIYICE ••• • tltot'1 tlte Seahanl wcry I NEED CASH IN RECORD TIME1 A phone call will stort the ball rolling. You moy hove the cash in record time to pay bills, buy new clothes, moke cor repaiN or for ony other good reoson. Don't hesitote. Seaboard likes to help folh he~ themselves. If you need money now-coli <X~r new office NOW I • ! , ' I I ,' I • 1711 NEWPORT AVE.. COSTA WESA Costa Mesa lumber Co. ~= .:.; ::: n: 9 .....,.... _ ........, ftftU'! a. • ..,... •• a copa. of each t.ue of thla pub-..,~ .av....,.,anv PIA&~ Uc:attbn eohf or 4.lat:rlbut.c1. LBIBa, llYo111 a Co. acapwt ..... c.ae. .._ LD• tt a.••• tluou*" u.. sna11a or otlloerW"tlle. ~~~=iiiiii~~iiiii~iiiiiiiiiiii~~-~~~-,... IU'-crlben furtq tiM 12 ................ the date~ ......... : ('l'hle lJdoi1Datkla .. NQalred from cJa.Uj, '"*ly, ~.and trtwMklJ MWS-,.,_. onJ7.) ~-D¥0 E. ILUPA, PQbiiiiMr. lwom to aM IUblertbld ...... -U.ll 5th daJ ol Oeeoblr, ta fleal) kUY A. IIAUA. ()~Jan '"'•...,. .a..-21. Jla) I . Meaabeft Nft Yon Stock tidlt .... IM~IIIi61at '., •' rt , ..... , ·.,..~ COMM-.t'f' ... ~- ann 11 ---....... ..,,.. ... ..._...., ---.. ........ .... ............ _.. -••u ", ................... ..... * • • ' FOLLOW THI UAD OF !'MISS AMIIICA" 2411 PHILCO ~ TV willl TOP TOUCH TUNING .Juat a touch turna the set on. Just a touch chances sta· tloa. automatlcally. Just a touch turns It ott. Nothing matches the fabulous Mahogany veneer console for ad· vanced features. performance, va lue and styling. Remote Control only $10 • LIMrty NaY • onx rmDAT na. "'''LL •• P.IL acony. .. Beach & EYES Llltlll' ladt BrenMil celebrated bu new memberablp In the Newport Harbor Board ol Realtors by get· Unr the "Man of the Month'' award for aelllna the large.t ain· gle multiple tt..Unr ln· Sept.em· her. He lJa wlth the J. M. Mlller Co. Other new members fJf the realty board are Dan Dr~ll and Glenn Warford, both with the Vogel Co. new office ln Costa Me.a, and Don Cameron, who practlcea real estate among the sweetmeata on Balboa Island, and Thomu Campbell of the Bay and Beach Udo offJce. • • • Marie Jtay of the Nelda Glblon 001~ boam the longest range real estete transaction. In the area, and we don't think anyone can dlJapute her claJ:m . . . &he received a check recently from Saudl Arabia. (And we received a 1ub.crlptlon renewal from Guam lut week, Marte.> Business Directory !NSURANCE the POUCE ILO II ER (Continued from Pace 10) ot 229 Orclltd Ave .. Corona del Mar, reported a akun.k 1n bta ga· rare but .,... advl.led to leave the animal alone t1o protect fut· nJtute lttored ln the rarace from belng sprayed . . . Maureen Dunmar, 10 monttta old, of 31S Alvarado Pl., Balboa, swallowed ant pol.8on and waa taken to Boac Memorial Hospital for treatment ... Elate Burkhard of Long Beach ~ported the theft of her purse contalnlnJ about $9 from the check at and where she worka In the Coast Super Market. Corona del Mar ... Thomu V. Moloney reported the theft of a $25 aport jacket. contaJnlnJ about a2 In change and ldentW· caUon papers from hlJa room In the Newport Harbor Yacht Club ... J. R. Redmond of the Lido Trailer Park reported the theft of his S150 fiber 11us row boat from the park aea wall ... e raJDAT. OCT. 14 Otflcera were unable to locate boys reported turning ov~ trash earns In the area of Apolena Ave. and Coral Ave., Balboa island . . . Gladya Hodckln.on of 4ZT Belvue Lane, Balboa, reported damage to her garace door ap· parenUy ca.uaed by someone rid· lng a motorcycle . . . Martin Forest of 1572 E. Ocean Front. quarantined a may eat wblch blt Col. Andrew Smith of 3400 Ocean Blvd.. Corcma del Mar ••• eiiOifDAT. OCT. 17 Mra. .. E. Beman of 609 M:ar· guer1te Ave., Corona del Mar. re· ported the buralary ot a record player and approximately 57 tee· ord.a valued at $125 from her home . . . Jim Slemona of 223 Pearl Ave.. Balboa laland, re· ported that someone &napped hJa radio antenna ott hla car park~ at Park Ave. and Onyx Ave., Bal· boa I.aland ... Mrs. F. F. Thayer Jr. of 322 Ialand Ave., Balboa, re· ported the theft of a $10 car cover from her car . . . Michael Aabe ot 216 Vla Ithaca, Udo lale, reported the loss of from $100 to $120 In S20 bUb 1n a white en. velope while he wu attending a show ln the balcony of the Udo Theater, Newport Beacb ... VAN'S CLEANERS "lO YM n ' Ea,.n•n~ P.rladift9 SoJperior CIMnin9 vaft.,.,.•ruhip" WE FEATURE C.r.f..J H•lldlin9 of All o.lk at• f•bria, S.eded & Lac• G•,..,..ilk DRY CLEANING-LAUNDRY SERV. ICE -KNIT BlOCKING -HI\ND PRESSING -DYEING -AlTERA· TIONS-REPI\IRING. Phoft• Horbor 5152 "Be Sure-Insure" • Balboa, reported that for the past Pid Up & Delrv•ry S.rvica O~ft 8 a.m. to 5:)0 p.m. -S•turdoy, 8 o.rn. to 2:30 p.m.- l-426 E. Coost Hwy.; Corono del M•r WITH STANLEY INSURANCE AGENCY Phone Harbor 2474 3315 E. Coast Highway Corona del Mar Res. Phone, Uberty 8-7315 SCHOOLS •mSTJIVCrJON three nights someone bad shot a 22 rllle toward his house from the beach, officers checked the beach but were unable to locate anyone . . . Officers warned and sent two Santa Ana boys on their way after they broke a window and dam aJed now~ plants at the residence of Mrs. VIncent Arena of 662 Vla Udo Nord. Lldo Isle. where they attempted to crash a teen·age party ln pro· gress at 11:04 p.m. MIKE MYERS UNION SERVICE • U. S. Royol Tires Washin9 & PolishiiiCJ Cornpl•t• lubricotioft S.rvice Llt.-I••J •• F• (..., 14 •• ,. 'Til) c..uu sr ...-. ........ 11.11 s.-• 72" ........... 15.11 Otben rr-lUI Abo Luavioaa .. ....._,.. Clft Seb * OPEJf r&mAT"S 'TILL 1:11) P.ll. * WE CIVIl: CaEElf ITAJOI • REAL ESTATE e SATUJII)AT, OCT. IS A prowl~ reported by Mrs. R. FREE PICI(.UP & DELIVERY einert's Contracting L. Scbleleln of 416 Narcwus Ave.. Phoft• H•rbor 3094 DOD hiD 1 ITOU Corona del Mar, was found to be a skunk which had climbed 1701 E. C:O.rt Hi9hway et Av•cedo lila •wwpwt -""-C.. .._ Insurance • Into a garbap can. Investigating Corona d.l M•r * Par'lr Ia .... Z..,. ~Lot. .._ ol s.... * ~~~~~rtedatl :~a.m .... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Continuous day and evenlnl Duck· hunten were warned f cla.ues for preparation to apl.nat ahootlni In the upper bay at 1:43 a.m. ... Local om. pau the State exam. call or write For Information cera aided Tustin poll~ ln ~· oove.rln1 a burled bandlfenade stolen from camp Pendleton by a group of juveniles lncludlnc Sc OOT .co one from Newport Beach who AL TYLER H ~ ba d exploded one grenade earlier 1611 N. Broadway, Santa Ana on the lfOUnds of TustJn Union K.lmberly 7..3!511 Hlib School ... Mrs. H. F. Brow.n ~ 311 Carna- tion Ave., Corona del Mar, re-KEllog 8-2513 ------------ported bft' ear atolen from her IAtMe~ You CIIIIIA P~G Convenient C1a.ss Lessons u 8·5648 GLADYS TRACY 1928 Uvfne Ave., Costa Mesa • 4 atnLDilfC SVPI'Lml garap . . . Frank F. Gherardi of Glendora called pollee to gaJn releaae from the Turner Drug Store. on Marinera MUe, where he was ma kln1 a telephone call wtaen the drUI store was closed for the nJght ... e Stnfi)AT. OCT. 11 Gabriel Giannini of Pasadena sent pollee a letter to ~port the -------------loss of a valuable peat'l necklace CEMENT AND BUILDING All Kinds-Free Estimates UBERTY S-6109 LET US SHARPEN YOUR LA WNMOWERS-SA WS Knives. Scls8ora. Etc. Uberty 8·5137 J. A. Bolding 188% Merrlll Pl., Costa Mesa • VEJRTiAJf aLDfD LAVIIDIIT VENETIAN BUND LAUNDRY THE NEW mach l n e procea method. Reuonable prfces. Av· erap 2 tape residential blind. Only $1 .00 BUnda repa.lred and rebuDt. Free Pick up and deUvery Work done by appointment Pbone Llbe:rt)" 8·5'701 or Kimberly 8·82'74 Gecqe'a Lcmd8cape & MaiDteocmce A home la"t complete unl .. It's laD~! I aJil a U · ceMI4 Ouufnlet«. c u • t 0 Jll Lanct.eapt:q and Delllnbta· Aleo Clean·up. and malnte· nance. whJle on hla yacht In the harbor . . . Mrs. John Stowers. 330 Orcllld Ave., Corona del Mar. reported h~ son's bicycle m ls· slng from Ocean Blvd. near Or· chid Ave .. It was recovered later, having been thrown ov~ the nearby clllf ... David Andrews of 1560 Oceao Blvd., Balboa, re· ported that a hit and run car damaged the front fender of hts motor acooter parked on Maln St., Balboa . . . E. A. Monroe of TIS .Jumlne Ave., Corona del Mar. reported the theft ot a $5 aJumlnum mall box ... Otflcws save mon ey ••vte-...nn 'willa ... ,.,.,.. Mvtu.t·· ••••• ••••••• • :·· rat-¥'!1 : • .. --=--*-~ orW~ • • ~-p\aft • . ~~ . • ••• • •• . . ...• :. • • • • ••• . ·-... .. -.... \ . . ·~ . : .~:~ j • ••• c.n-..:. ........ ....,. W.LLAMDIS oa L E. CAIIMS LIMrty ...... la:IL.,_.M. oona ... SEE THE ALL NEW '56 PONTIAC OCTOBER 21st FREE-Miniature, exact duplicate o~ 1956 Convertible to be given away as ·,door prize. This miniature car ia powered by a aeU charging electric motcx. 6 leet long. carri• two pnaengera. Minor. c:IWc:lren must be accompcm.ied by parents to qualify. October 21st HOME LOANS LAGUNA HOPA&. JA~f~~ ' &.oAU 4~ATJON TWO T• S.We Y• LA.UNA IIACH AJI() IAN CUMINTI LOW lO'N 'flffNt'.-41~ ,,,,~,, ~ ~ ,~~ PIIINDLY ~ftH~rHHV'; ~~~ ... FREE Ot~ft'.Jf.AI.'";' I'~~YlJt4 E CROW ~,.,..,, tHV~.,ffl f f,fl,~rJ1) LA6Ut4A BEACH .., v .A 41 H ( 4 ! I II t1•'A4J uf .. ,..,* 'I ~~~ Y" H ( .-.. At, I l I.,(. Is Close To Entire Total for '54 •u.Ammln~& THJIJI and l.luhluJUU ''" ,,wJA,f.lt tl/ ,, .. ,.."' llakt,r~ft E .. ~) $444 l '/,1 ~~ tUN '/tfllffJ IM tA~· .,;,._ 4141 ·~ IVA...o 4 114 W .. M t«A• 1/iA• -~& I'll I An'UI ~ ,..., llltpp o..~ ~•• e.~.....,,~;,,., ftf, .A ._ I '., .. 'I' It AI, I·'~'*IIA'tlf.:O. t;A"'AJ~ V .I'./Anl'tl I • .,,,.,, II•Vj ,, It t •ttlltt~Jm *''" 6t 'IIIII .,,,.,.,. ::.·""''''· 1 .,,m villi -1 •'''"''• t~Atf ,,_._,.,. ... ll:t 'IM ~ I lll.t,l '* ~ I I'I.M'I(I A' ¥nX#illi :t lflll *' I •,,:f"I U .fl ;or, llf't/llllll t.;tllllfl l if!.J f'll'i JH 'II '.1.11 '-'11 ~~~ ..,,~ ... , .,.., l:tl ~ '--... -~ • *IIIU lliCMJ UIYJCI., HltD C~ IH ucoe 11MI1 A f);l,t-.A ,_.. wiN tf•n H ... ,.. ,,AJ,,,,J (•ill m•t I •~• n.. '.~, '" tev,rl ''",. f,, 1••1 .,; ...• ,.,1 """ 1,.,~.,.., m .. t .. '., ,., •• ,. llf ''II ~I ,,..,.., 'I'll til ,_ ... .,. '''fll • ·~··'· .... ,.,4 ,, .... ,,, • ..,,, f,At• ~~~ ff """"'•• If I'"'' ••~I w,.. 1 fttl/lll , .. 'II''~ ,,ffl·• HOWl I ' I • -.. ..........._....._.-~ ----=-= ---------• flit...,_ ,., ...... ,...., y ...... --- * • /;~ / • POU.OW fHI t.IAt 0' "MIH AMIIICA., 2411 PHILCO ~ TV wltli TOP TOUCH TUNING l tlllt • 11111dl lmn• '''" _, '''' l uflf • ,,,.,t;1J • ,,.,, • .,.. _., tl.tt"' ellfllfflJtlr•ll.. l11tt • ft;w'tt tmn• If tAl l'#llftlltll "'"" IIIHI ""' t•lmln.,• M•lllfll•tlY t/.,,., "'""'A• #111 •rl Vlf~t~•lf f•IIIIU.,.., IJ"fii,IIIJIIIIM, V•IIUI •ttlf llfyHII• acony. IIOIJI An UMIA W'UI .. J, cr-t.... ,.,. •• -., ....... IYIS Business Directory Wl'l'lf nr Allu: .. r IJifJ$tii&ANIII. AISY.Nt 'Y , tl ill If • 'Iii 11 :U'I_. 11•• tt.. "«•t• wum 1!4111 fit ., ... ,,, '""""'"'' ""' IIHIVtilllltllf 11•• ,.....,me '·' • )M. fU.AII'tJi 11 ltAI'Y IVA ''""ill A¥11 . I ,,.. ... _. -·~ ioitii,.iiuift.'lil"'"''"' ,.,.,..,...,.,.,.,,.,.,.,_.,~_,..,~,._,., ( ;J.tA ,.,.,. Mfl1 HIJIJJJUV: All ""'If• .,, •• rAtlrn••• "' , ,.; """ .... nil ,,. .,..,,.,,..,._.,,_,.____.,.,.., NOWIM I NA·N-ID , ' ... 0 •• ,,. 0 "" ' Fr0111 the POUCI ILO I ta ~ . ., ... ,. ISelnlMI '•'"'""'"' •tt ,..,,..,,.,,. ..,,, ,,.,,," ...... , .. , ,,, ,...,,, ,,., li!M ,, • v•lulflll• ,.,., ""'' lfl•', _.,,.,, ''fl ,,. r•'"'' '" ••~• ,,,,,tlir .. ,. J,,,.,, ,,,..,,. :t~l IHthlll Av•, ~~"''''" llMI M•t, ,...,,,.,ij ,,.., "'"' ' '''' .,, I• '"'" "'''• tt•flll '"""" UIWI '"'"' '" I 11111 At/•. " ••• lltllt\'lrf•lt .... .,, 11•¥111. II#' II lfltfMII '"'"' filM """'''Y • lltt IJ•vflt A,,,.,.,.., ttl lfWI t II.,.,, Hlvrl , H•llo~'•~ ,., JiltffMif fh•l • hll lfnlf IIIII 1•1 lt•m••-' ,.,, ''''''' ,.,,.f1,., ,, '''" IIIJtfO( llttl'tf., J;etlt~o<l 1111 M•lll J$1 , HJIH~<~* Y. A l<CJmt•,. •A ,,. .IIHftflltill Av•, ,.,,,,.. fl.,.l .. ., ,..,, ... 11 1114' Ill"'' •tl .... 1 .,,,,,.,,.,, ,,.,.,, ,,.,. , ,,.J .,. • • • • W.L~ L E. !'AIIM • t ' t • 111~ tattfJI'tMff I •fflf I f wfl trlt t!I,J~ Atllfi.W flttiUh 1A J.f/1) t it.lllfUI ,,~,I 4'!1/fiHI• ,.,., "'"' I I , • NOirDAY, Ofn, Jf Mt• • " ,..,,.., of fJIII ltf f ••urttiJr ·~·I U /111#1 ,.., .. ,, ,. f;IHfMlf ft.. DflfrJ If 11f • fliiUillf fll•r, """ •w,,.,,.,,,,, M ' , ,,,. ...,,~ ., tt:n ,,,,.,. ..., ,.,,,.. . ,,, ,.,.,,.,IIJ,. ,, -""'' """I ... ,jll/. , ... ,lit, ,., IJI/If61f ..... llfffll'fllill .,,.~ .... 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SIE THE ALL NEW '56 PONTIAC· OCTOBER 21st FREE-Miniature, exact duplicate of 1956 Convertible to be given away as door prize. 11.a. raln&crture .r &. poweted by a Mlf ohor(lif\41 •Ia I tHf &one, enrrieta two JiCMMRGet• • October 21st TAJCI YOUI CHOtCI ef ..... T.,...ate, U.e. He•l•1• . ., Deve 0.-.y ...,.,._..tcW. epea ~ted ttlecet ...,._..._, 16-PIKI STAITEI HTS $6.H twit\ .. 14 beft4t $f.tSt. GttiLIItiEI *CROWN HARDWARE* •A HOUSEHOLD DEPAIITKEJfT STOBE'" WeB~ * We Cut * CrowD Stam~ ~..,. BAUOB 232 We Ctft CrowD Stam~ 3107 EAST COAST BICBWAT COBOIUJ DEL NAB BON MARCHEI DRAPERIES-MOHAWK CARPETS SPECIAL PURCHASE 200 IEif DECORATOR DRAPERY FURICS 1 l p • Fiberglass. rotton. ray-/2 r1ce on and blended cabrics In solids and prints ... all the latest textures and colors. For free estJ • mates or to see samples In your home, call HARBOR 6176. BY THE Y AB.D OR CUSTOM FITTED TO YOUll WIKDOWS BON MARCHE' DB..APERIES-MORA WK CAB PETS 2919 Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar (Next to the Port Theatre) NOW~" Addrd-ORASGE I •• APACHE WOMAlfu Addf'd-BROADW AY "BEMGAZI,. ~a LLOYD BRIDG!:S wn'JI BICIIAIW OONTE .~ • • DRIVE -IN ~ , :•-'r'·', lC THEA.TAES ~ II:IJ ~ COME AS YOU AR I ! ~ IN TAE FAMilY C .,... I IIOJrDAT 'I'JIJIV PlUDAT I l .. ~.T • 8VJJDAT I ftow 8tana U ':00 .. OW R~ft A~ li»VSK * CARTOON CARNIVAL FBI.. SAT. & SUN. * I UGAL IIO'IICK ODut JIICbWQ', Corona del Mar, •onc:a or Jlft'DD&D lA&.& CalJtor'ftiL NotJce Ia hereby ,tven PQNU· D.ATJ:D: October U, 1955. ant to the prcwlaSona or 8ectJoD Unco1n H. Norman 3440.1 ot the Clvtl Code of the Clactya H. Norman, Vendon state ot Calltomla, that LINCOLN H. NORMAN and GLADYS H. a.d J:nalp Want Ad& NORMAN, husband and wife, -----·---'i Vendors, of 912 Seaview Avenue, Corona ~~ Mar, CalUoptla., In· tend to aell to JOE D. ELLIS ol 431 BeconJa A venue, Corolla del Mar. California. and LYNN J. MOSSHOLDER of t57 Momlnc Canyon Road. Corona del Mar, CalltornJa, all that Cft1aln per· sonal property conalatl~ rener· ally of all lltock ln trade, flx· tures, equipment, Inventory, ac- counts receivable and good wm ot a certain nuraery and nower shOp buslneu, known as Nor- man's Flower Shop and Nuraery and located at 2625 E. Coast Blrhway, Corona del Mar, Call- fornJa, and that the purchase price thereof will be pald at 10:00 o'clock A.M. on the lat day of November, ~ at ~ E. Ill IIAUKE AVE. ·~·2141 Jloa.n: ... dally. IIUiday t--4 p.m. YOUR HEALTH 'nlla advtce comes at the time of year wb~ one day Ia cold, next day bot. then forrY and dry. Tbe.e temperature, baro· metric and humfcllty ehanree re- quire .udden adaptatlve ehanrea In the ~y. For the body to cope with the wutber conditions at band, It must be func-tional at Ita best. Ca.relu1 attention must be paid to rest and diet. If you have been ln the habit of rolnr to bed at ten every evenlnr, then don't deviate far from that routine. lf you are In the habit of eatlnr at a certain time and certain foocb. continue In the same manner. In other words, at thla time of the year be very tmlpenfe In all that you do. The nervous ~m Ia the mechanism wbleh makes It possible for the various tlasues to accommodate themselves to the weather chances and must be In the moat active and responsible condltfon. Watch for adclltlonal articles weekly. L E. D. C. · • ••• .... "· ocrc.a., ~ S.llllt•..P's YARN SHOP rFC'I E. c.-......,. C..... cW .._ IIA _, Knlttln&. Crocbettnr and Needlepoint Supplies Knitunr Bq• Spedall.zed Aceeaorfea and tn..truetlons •oVIII Mon. thni Sat. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. . 111'1 fwcll • .... •••• Cut 11 PariJ SaL Del. 21t I II 4. F@nn fir IYIIJ-. Jtrb• fir pllf w111 ... FEATURING. • • • ' The Finest "ame in Meats in all the Southland! We cany Manning's Choice Baby Beef Exclusively. MANNING'S CHOICE Porterh' se Steak 95•· MANNING'S CHOICE T -Bone Steaks 85•. MAMMING'S CHOICE Club Steaks 85•· MANNING'S CHOIC&-Trimmed and O.en Ready Prime Rib Roast 69n,. BOIIMEL Mid-West Bacon ~~--------45~ Margarine 19i.. BLUE-Gtalat P1aJ.,. CHEER 2 ~~ •• Froz en Foods ~--~ lJ MANNING'S CHOICE 7 -Bone Roast 39•. MANNING'S CHOICE Ground Beef 5L.!'l00 au. JOIIVI.D aAJrDI · HAMS = ~-----·---·--·--·-····-··--·-----47~ COV"T. IKSPZCTED Rabbit Fryers __________________ 55~ 1-LB. TO 11/J·IA AVERAGE-FRESH . Lobster