HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-11-03 - Newport Harbor EnsignDriver of Bus To File Suit Against Kest Mia. Jack PhUIIpson, C4fia Mesa .chool bus drlver. aald th1a week that she wtll flle a civil ault for damages aplnst Robert )[est. Orange Coast College In· ltrUc:tol'. Mrs. Pbllllpson. who-lives at 392 RaJcam Pl.. Costa llesa, cbal'ged that abe wu crabbed by the hair and ahouldera by Mr. )test, father of one of her puMn· pn. and forced violently to the floor In the bua guage at the Costa Mesa main 8Chool on Oct. 25. Mr. Keat. whoee home Ia at 20212 s.W. Bayview Ave ... Santa Ana Helghta. allegedly became enraged at the bus driver for her treatment of hla son the day be· fore on the bua. "You used Naz:l tactt~. fnaldng my .on kneel tn the dirt In the bus, .. Mrs. Pbllllpson chuged the parent aaJd to her. Some bua drlved make a practice of hav· Jng ltudent pauengera kneel at the back of the driver's aeat. it the ltUdenta do not behave. The day befcft, Mrs. PhllllJI*)n a&id abe made the ltucknt lmeel by .,. .at becaa. 1M would DOt .,...,....._ ~ ................ Mt Smog Comes to Our Town 1'1lat waa amoc -honest·to· goodnea Lo8 Angeles smog - that wu blowing over the Har· bor Area Sunday and had the local residents wiping tears from thelr eyh Desert winds were blamed for blowing the stuff from L. A. out to sea, from where It wafted out thla way. A late attemoon wlnd cleared the alr. Art Cubbage Heads· League A. B. Cubbage of 415 38th St., Newport Beach, waa re-elected lut week u chalnnan of the Harbor Clt:lz.ens League. Mrs- Ruby s.-ve080n of 215 Marigold Ave., Corona del Mu, waa re· named ~-treuurer. The League reatrlnned Ita support of the OLarter amen4Jnent propoal· tton ealltn~ for election of coun · dlJMD by dJmictL iUed larCD otel 228Un $28,500 Drive Gets Under ay The Newport Hubor Commu· nity Chest Drive for S28.500 got under way Tuesday at the kick· ott breakfast held at Irvlne Coast Country Club. Home-to-home 10· llcltation.a began Immediately after the morning get-together. Community atngtng at the brea.kfut wu led by former stage and opera .tar Mrs. Lester Vlerllng of Newport Heights. ac· companied by Mrs. Hazel Dell of Balboa laland. The Rev. Donald Sapp of the Balboa Wand Co mmunIty Church and a director of the Community Chest. gan the ln· voeatlon. Mrs. Kenneth Cooling, campaign chairman, Introduced Chest Presld~t Arthur Torrance, who conducted the brief pro· gram. An Inspirational talk was given by the Rev. James Stewart. Chest dlrect.or and pastor of St. Andrews Presbyterian Church. Mayor Dora Hill l.laued a proc· lamatlon Monday urging all resldenta ot the community to give "aupport for a common goal and tor a worthwhUe effort." Abo on Monday morning these wu an omclal flag rdslng of the "Red Feather" banner In front of the City Hall. Teacher Is Arrested Here In Sex Perversion Case Franc .. Saundft'S. 29, of Abalone Ave .. Balboa Island, a 8Chool tMcher 1n the 17th St. 8Chool of the We.t:mlNter 8Chool dlltrkt. ~~ a 110 perven.lon eharp at an arn.lpmeat fo. ... ~) ..... pcwt la.a. day .,_. • a.ona 4111 liar ,..... Sauact.n wu to .tab ber Jlome. dent ca.JJed to nport beartnr a Oftlcen aaJd abe -... emphatic In woman .creaming from a dark .tatlng that ahe would not press colored car In front of that ad· ebarlft. dresa. _ Saunclera posted $1,000 ball and OftlcmJ William Ta lbott and was relu.aed from city jail at 2:45 Edward Lynch were dispatched p.m . Sunday. He aaid he bad to the scene and allegedly found been teaching In Westminster for Mt. Saunders commUting the sex one year and prior to that time pervenlon wlth a Costa Mesa worked for a meat finn In the elementary school teacher In the Los Angeles area. back seat of the cu. * * * Officer Talbott charged that he I turned his n aahltght on the sub· M Teacher ject.s and the man jumped Into e Sa a slttlng position on the rear seat · and the woman leaped from the a~~~·elp me. rm., glad you are Is Dismis sed here," Officer Lynch quoted the woman as saylng. .,e attempted to obtain something to cover the woman and Officer Talbott locat· ed a white coat on the front seat and had the woman put It on lm· mediately. Of!lcer Talbott alleged that Saunders refused to step from the auto until he had donned hls badly ripped olive drab trousers. otfJcer Lynch escorted the vic· tim to her home. "You offleft'S have r u I n e d something beautiful between two people and cost them thelr teach· Inc jobs," Oftlcer Talbott alleg· edly quoted the defendant u lltating wh.Ue they W8e awaiting the arrival of a tow truck. "I got carried away. She won't press Supt. Everett Rea of the Costa Mesa elementary school dJstrlct announced Tuesday that he has dismissed the Costa Mesa school teacher Involved with a West· minster teacher In a sex perver· slon charge. "I am noti!ylng her not to re· port back to duty," Mr. Rea said after asking the county superin- tendent for advice. Mr. Rea aald he would report this action to the school trustees. John Land. superintendent of the Westminster Dlstrlct, told the Ensign Tuesday that Francis Saunders. the We 1 t m I n s t e r teacher, "l.a suspended tempor· uUy unUl we get the facts In the matter.'' In l_st ep Of Profed' Plans for a nillUon-dollar motel project at Avocado Ave. and Cout Hwy. lfl Corona del Mar have been Rbmltted to the Newport Beacb Building Depart· me.nt by the developers, Robert Ingram. R. J. Collins and L. M. (Les) BJak.esley, all local busJ· nessmen. The motel alte 1s a SJ,S-acre block with 400 feet of frontage on Coast Hwy. and 600 feet along Avocado Ave .• extending almost back to Tblrd Aft. Only a por· Uon of thl.a site Ia Included In the Initial dnelopment. He· served for future ~lopment are the rear portJon and 175' x 210' at the Avoeado-Coa.st Hwy. corner. The Initial plana aubmltted for approval call for 228 units In two long two-story buOdJngs, to be set In an L·lhaped arrangement. Tbe motel will be known as Ja· maJca Inn. The plans call for a large awmmlng pool. parking In front of the mote l unita, and landscaping. Tbls motel. flnrt announced In t he Ensign three months ago, ll In the second Irvine Terrace sub· division. which wUl officially be· come a part of the City of New· port Beach a week from today. A use permit will have to be ob· talned by the developers. be· cause all of • the subdivision comes In as "unclaulfled" <un· wned). Bucs Vie f or Second Place VOL L •o. ls--rJVK CDTI COIIO.A DEL MAlL CALII". TJIVUDAY, •oVEJOU 3, 1- LlnLE . LEAGUE PLA S OFFICIILL Y LAU CHED Tars, fled for Lead, Diredors Are Named A board of directors was or· ganlzt-d for Little League Tues· day evening and officers were elected at a meeting held at the home of Bob Blackwell, 720 Or· chid Ave., Corona del Mar. Mr. BlackweiJ wa.s n a m e d chalrman, Ed Bucko a.s vice· chairman. A. K. Phelps u treas- urer and Mrs. Frank Owen u secretary. The Board of Dlrectora also includes Dave Webb, Verne· Smith. A1 Clemence and Grant Howald. Mr. Webb wUI be In charge of coach ing. Verne Smith is head of the field committee. which wUJ prepare the playing fJeld on the Community Youth Center grounds. He wUI be assisted by Frank Owen and Mr. Clemence. Attorney Tom Webster Is In charge of legal arrangements for Incorporating the local Little League as a non·pro!lt organl· zaUon. J im Eaa,n of Laguna Beach Is the ana repre8t'ntatiw . In announcing these deftnite plana to eo &bad wltb cwcan- wed b1 tbe Leape will be dq. -n.. Newport Jlart.c. Tan. ~-~ QV&nD eouthe-ly ~ the Upter Bay ·A vletary would rfye the pt. fot Sun.set Lncue lead wltb Ana· Bopklna made a tJm down on bridge. Thll will Include Corona rates a 3~won and l ·lolt record, helm. wm meet the Santa Ana the Tar 44 on the tlrst play of del Mar. Shore Cllfts. Corona and a .eond place standing over Salnts at 7:30p.m. tomoJTOW IFrl· the second quart«. Tamura lost Highlands. lnine Terrace. Bal· Mt. Saac. day) In Santa Ana M unicipal a yard. Then Schultt passed to boa Island and Beacon Bay. Saturday night the Fullerton Bowl. Lorentzen for 12 yards and a first Application for a franC'hlse will Hornets overpowered the Pirates The Tars have to get by Santa down on the Carden Grove 45 bt' sent soon to Williamsport. Pa., 32 to 6 and a re now leading the Ana tomorrow and Orange next Berry drove for five yards and naUonal headquarte~ for Little league with a 3-0 record. The In· Thursday, Nov. 10. while pointing Tamura made It first down on Leaguf:'. Mr Blarkwf:'ll salrl. An· dlans. who out·welghed the PI· for the crucial game of the sea· the 301;. other meeting will bf:' hf"ld nl:'xt rate line by 30 pounds per man. son-at Anaheim on Friday, Nov. An Wegai·Uc;t"·of hands pt.>naJty TuPSday evf:'nin~ at hi!' hnme, had the edge ln flm downs. 12 18. Anaheim will be tuning up set the Tars baC'k on thE' 40 Hop and plans will lx> marle then for to 6; in passing, 150 yards to 43. with games against Orange to· I kins picked up five yards. Schum public mE."t'tlng" and In rushing, 215 to 98. Gary morrow and Fullerton Nov. 11 . passed to :.ieil Metcalfe on the Inqulriel' a!' to sponsorship of Ragwell scored twice for the In · I Coach AJ lrwln announced the 25. On the next play a Tar fum· teams. donati('ln" of funds and dians In the flrst halt and threw following starting line-up tor the ble was re<:'C'\''t>rt"d by Garden equipmPnl anc1 vnlunte<.>rtnJ? for a pass to Bonnie Roberts for a I Santa Ana game: Charlie Berry. Cro\·e on the 19 Tht> Argonauts work part1es ma\ tx> mad(' tn ~r. 68-yard TD. The score was 19-0 I fullback ; John Hopkins and Dave advanced to tht>ir -t2 beforE:' being Bla~·Pll or to Mr. Pht>lps. at hall time. Tamura. halfbacks; George foreed to kick and it wa" fim At the lmtlal nrganlz..'ltlon In the thlrd quarter. Gary Schultt, q uarterback ; Paul Lor-down and 10 !nr the Tars on their mM>tinll!' he-ld last Thursday PVE'· Campbell of Fullerton Intercept· I entzen and Chuck Vandervort. 44. Jk>rry madE:' f1vP Hnpkmc; ran ing. objfftmnc; a~::ainst Little ed a Knipp pass and ran 48 ends; Larry Harper and Jlm Rum· the ball six yard.; tn the Ar~o· uagu(' \\ C'rE' prPwntPd by Rod yards, then scooted 16 yards for 1 St"y, tacklt>S; Gary Deem and Dick naut 45 and a flr;;t flown Ta· ;\facMilllan. athlE-tiC' dirN"tnr oC a. TD. Early In the fourth qua!· I Nabors. guards. and Jack Smith. I mura madE' ~u }ards. TY.·o thC' Harb<lr AN'a B<wc;' Club In ter Campbell was ott on a 4 ,. 1 CE'nter. passes were mrompiNP. anc1 thf' Costa M"'" He sale! thnl the yard run for the tltth lndJan Charlie Berry Jed the hard· Tars kkkE'd to thP 11 The Arg•• B<•yc;· Cluh pro~rram wnul1 t.lke tally. driving Tars to their thifd lea.gue naut.s faile-d In g.Hn 1n twu pia~" 1 raw nf all thP hm, in Cnrnna The ol)ly Pirate score was the j victory last Friday nJght In the as the half t>nrlf'fl rkl ;\far of Little· l.Pa~nP A~e result of a 7S·yard march In nlnc OCC Stadium. scoring all the • TBillD QUARTER •9 tn 12). HP o:;aid al"f• that thert> plays. with Jones going 17 yards points In the 14·0 triumph over Castro rC'turnt>rl thE:' ~d hal!' was dangf'r of m·C'r c·mphasi" on to pay dirt. Garden Grove. He scored a thlrd kick·otf 20 yarc1c; "' thf' Tar ~ 1 mmpt.>tltlon anrl com m f' r rIa I $400,000 Bldg. in Lido Center G. M. Shumackec of San Ma · rtno has submitted plana to the Newport Beach BuUding l>epart· ment for a $400.000 store lnd of. flee bulldlnc in Udo Sbopplng Celter, between the P. A. Palmer ottlce and tbe Christian Science Church Readlng Room. n will be a concrete buUding at 3347 VIa Udo, with two .torles toe 15 units of office apace and a two-apartment penthouse on top. time, too. on a 94·yard run. but Hopkins pirkC'd up .!oiX yard sponsorship in Llttlf' uagu(.' that was called back because o.t Berry made<;('\ en muf'(' for a fir,t 'Thf"n> should bt' no diS!Wnsion a penalty. down on thP Ar.:nnaut .;:; Ta 1 !rom Costa Mesa to a bnys' base- The Tars struck midway In the mura ~ iste-d hi' w:.y through ball program hf're," Mr. Black- first quarter' as Paul Lorentzen for five yard!-anc1 Berry plunged I wt>ll tnld the Ensign. ''Tilt> Boys' recovered a Garden Grove tumble for ti\·e to thP 33 and anNhN I Club In Costa Mf'sa has Imitated on the Argonaut 18. Tamura. first down. llopk1ns made four. Little League faithfully In most Berry and Hopkins advanced the (Continued on peste 6) respects. And I! there w~ a ball to the one-yard Jlne and baSt"b&ll program here no one Deny plunged over tor the touch· 3-D Llcl•e M ~--'-I would be trying to start an~er down. ~ ont-. Carden Grove made a strong Tbt> final Euro~ In 3-D lllus 'The-mc-mbt>rs of the nt>wly bid for a KOre tollowtne the Tar tratf'd color lecturt-wm bt' ht>ld formed Uttlf' League here want touchdown. The A.reonaut.s made at Orange-Cos~ CollegP at 7~30 1 every boy who wants to. to be a first down on the Tar 27 1ust p.m. Wednesday. Nov 9. playing ball next summer-not before the end of the quarter. but Spain. land or the Dons. will just the few who could make It four more plays resulted In be the topic ot the frfoe Lllus ' all the way up to Costa Mesa minus Ove yuda and the Tars trated lecturt> In the college aud·l fro m Corona del Mar and Balboa took oWl' on tbe 32. ltorlum. Island." ~rowley Is Named Bay C lu b President EDWAIID J. ~WLET Jr. oC "-ltap'• (left) a.. .... -.IJI •l*=tMt.bea.a.. a.y Ch.b .. • ci:!Md L T. K•· ~ ... .-,.-1 .... uy .................... a.t-91 I,... .... . 4lllla IlL Cceatey wW .... -· --..... ·-.. .. • an s ,_. ..._ • 1.-AagniK .. II • ..... . ... . ........ ... ..... ......... c.y me· a .. wta ... ... Clilllltelr ... 1 ... ...... ............... (. -..,..II I 1 1 ............... .__ ....... . .. ) I I I ,<:: SY:/J,~~ e 001110 IOV'III are-. annually, or oftener. For .. ... • ~~-·-... _ e~ 11-'/~·· ~ • s ., COL. UlllmtW "·IMI'I& PI FE • II t cr .. atr G a..ta ~a at au, ,..._ Court )au ...,..._ UMt e 11D10 !'0 OWl '"IU tr1c:ta t.m att.r -.. It ... ap- Judp ~ ~ ehould Don't never count that U. of prow al th.m. wtttl DO crJ of ,.,. a naUna 8barti.J on tbe dm· MJdalpn teJm out tW the ftNl ''watd .,.._.. • ~ al the Newport llbn eound8. ,_.,._ been down Let me .remind JOU tbat aDder Beadl ordiAance wlllcb NfUlatee tbeN Jooldnc out al a well In the the pneral voote .,...... ..,. llad ~ dudq Kuter Week. ftnl halt ., otwl. 'talft't ruuy. one eouDCUman wt.o Oldrolled BUT)' C. ....... owner of ....,...,.,_ tbetr lut appearance tbe a»undl ror thNe ..._ (12 propetlJ at a AJMtll~ Ave., 1n the Roee Bowl, Cal e. K1c::bl· yean) fbaallJ belq ..,_...,In lalboa lalud, C!IWJenpd tha •an 0 at tile bait? !'o Coach ,_. the tourtla attempt. and durin• dt:r ordlnanee trltb a IIUit In aa-nY ~n : "'Pleae, tbat lltUft that time certabl ~ al oor perlol' court. Trial belan oa Oc:t. JOU'N feedln1 them at half ume. ett)' bad no rep~eemtadon on the tt wttb Attorney Bobert COrtJnan plene Jlve tbem a tull tadon of counetl ,._...~ lit. Jlreonter. CJty It beton tbe •arne atarta. I keep · Attorney Karl Davilt ol. Newport teUI.n• you I've &ot a weak • • • 8eaeb ar~ for non-suit on the beut." e Mrr ...,._, lfOUnda of lnlutndenq ot evt-• WIIO'I mcrrmt Klnda ...... at tbe 8dlae al For a lon• ttme, the Balboa lnstance. Dr. Ray Newton of La- .Anzllna Club bu been dreamln• &Una Beach, wtll be cllulne san- about a Little adobe haclenda, flab ott the dellghttul (so I've somewhere south ot the border, beard) vUllt•e ot La Pu, B. ~ .• , *"""ij~-J!O:,'""~: Hop ~~~f: .. :f~~~!~to::. ~~!~~';~~ recent leasJne of a piece of pro· derway t.b1a week. • • • • denee. Well, well, what do you know! a. Tau ~llillt Cciunatloa I wu de.crtbed by a tru.trated ,_ puw,.•na a crttl ' at .crlbe u havtn• "lnclted'' t.SOO a.aq. Oobel far ILia ...ark: Worker Struck by Truck Dies Jt1-... , .... , ....,.., ..., ,.,. eaa't ...,. MPP'· qual IIC'U• vot~ lnto • a•.uDI a -. "'l'aJa't 80; 10 out aad buy petition to • ctve the voters a _ a ......... :*IQI*:::II*C:X*::I*:::II:•a:• :.•C*IQI* :.•C*ICX*:I*C*ICI*:::II*CX* :I*:::I*CX* :I*Q*CX* :.•O*ICI*:l*CX* ::I*Q*CI*:.*C*ICII*:::I*D? •j petty on Bahia de Loe Anaeln, Ma.t ot. the fJ.ah lnl bot ·IJ)Ota an extra fine# flahin• apot on the down MexJco.vay start thelr aea- 1\llf side of Baja, Call{omJa. 'nle •n with a .tmJ.Jar affair. Muat· aew set·UP will be called. aim· lan, for lnstance, Ul lnvttJn• one ply: "Club Pesca de Balboa de and all to their Sixtb lntema- &ja C.llfomla" or, In our nattve tlonal Deep Sea FlabJn& Rodeo. lingo, T!\e Balboa AneUnr Club The datH are November 8rd, 4th of Lower CaUfornJa. • and 5th. and the entry tee 1..1 a chance to amend our new Char· ,_ .una. ter to allow each of th~ 8eV'eD fta, aid IIOIM'h lq al»out It councllmAn.lc c:Ustr1cu to elect '*Ill W tar our JOUna 'RDa. I had wanted real bad to get to Min,esota for my Alma Mam- my's homecoming game last Saturday against USC. However, on that balmy a fte rnoon he re, listenin9 to the game by rad io in my own back yard. ba,king in the Southern C al sunshine , in typical Southern Cal garb of shorts and sunglasses. ana hearing the a nnouncer tell about that snowstOt'm and freezing weather in Memorial Stadium in Minneapolis, I felt mighty smug and comfortable here at home in Co- rona del Mar. "Sissy." my Minnesota frie nds will sniff. and I guess they're right ... No t always so: I can remember a nother October afternoon, sitting in that Memorial Stadium bad in 1932, tempera- ture just below freezing. a light snowfall blowing over the field, and watching Minnesota play Michigan, the team of "punt, pass and praye r." I d idn't seem to mind the cool of the afternoon then, except for the 3 to 0 score, which was in Michigan's favor ... But r shore d id enjoy last Saturday a fternoon much better, what with that amaz- ing 25-19 victory for the Golde n Gophers. See you in the Bowl, maybe in 1957. • • • Small·world department: On page 5 of this issue of the Ensign is a society item a bout the wedding o f Hazel J ean Pittman ... of AITKIN, Minnesota ... my o wn home town! She is the daughter of Herman Pittman. who was my scoutmaster of o ur old Scout Troop in Aitkin some 25 years ago. , • • • Did you-all catch the irony in the story of that police scandal in Los Angeles (remini scent of the local sensation of a couple of years bad) . . . One of the LA cops suspended for theft was named Friday. Wonde r if he was a sergeant? • • • "Margaret G ives Up Love for Duty." That's the he adline of the week. and perhaps of the year. W e romant ically minded Ame ricans are quick to say. "You done wrong, Margaret." H ow much more com· forting it would be. 10 Of' 20 years from now, to have your beloved by your side, instead t>f the empty existence of an official figure. Uncle Edward decided differentfy. and with g reater odds at stake. because he was the Monarch. He made his decision in ~vor of the wom&n he loved, and of course it was the right thing to do, and those two have remained ste~dfastly togethe r since that time some 19 years ago. I sha!l a lways remember the headline of tha t memorable day, my nomi. nation fOt' the best headline every written . . . not by myself, un-f~nately. ~ut ~t least by o fellow copydeskman on the Columbus ~•tan. It te1d With • l.iJt and romance that H~mmed up the en- ttre love story in six words, ''Edward G ives Up Throne for Love ." A GflACIOUS' HOSTE~S 0~ A HOST K; PROUOTO <;EQVE OUQ TEHOfQ ROA~T/ lOR M. Nuncio, 65, of San lts own counctlman. 1 tan't 10 aJona wJih tbat. Tbe Pedro, dJed lut Friday from In· ..-__ ---oa at 10 p-. and R. c Rlneholz 1• chairman of mere ~laht dollars U4 currency. the te~porary board or eover-u you're interested. write amigo nors, wtth J.B. McNd ly, treu-Sr. L. Roberto eoro.tha. Olu At- urer, and ~ Jonaa. secretary. las 75·2 Sur, Mazatlan. Sinaloa. The membership will be limited Mexico. J can't ma.k~ lt. but, If to 100. wtth these centurlans you can. be sure to send me a 1Upplytne th capital tor the de· PMt card. I shore like that velopment of 15 acres ot lf'OUnd place!! juries suffered when a runaway I suppose I ahould thank the _,_anv -"'7:: 'wl old ~to be dump truck load ot hot upha.lt writer and pub.llaher who have, up1 tb.'t"'d., a1 ftiCbt I. away ran over h .. body In Irvtne T~r-without lntendln• to, paid m~ a aheed o1 Cbl time a1 bif life raee. compl~nt which I do not d~· wbeD IUda a endt wowct be DeW Mr. Nuncio wu helplnr INtaJl lftVe, becaue I wu just one of to htiD. AJo'bow, ~ ~Mat an uphalt driveway. lnto a new the 39 clrculatora who canted _ _..__ coulcf haft -a ,.._le h ..,al ..... Dr .,... f the. -•tiona. My "lncJtl.n,... •-z •-.... n:i': :,n EJ-p:;; Dr. A Grttrl~ approad;~ .. "do you think eedt out of the ra• except the lnl· Co. dump truck. lett unattended councllmanlc: dt.trict ahould be ID ..... Oalqle. on the erade of Malabar Dr. ap· able to elect tb~lr own councll· ~ou reelroD rm llable to aet parently became a runaway, man?" Nlnety·ef•ht per cent ol ~ out ol tbe ebwda for rolled down the erade, Jumped the voters contacted aaJd yee and a.t. 'l"'M'r eaa1 do tbp to me. the curb and struck the WOJ'k· strned Juat like that. But now, I'm a ,_~ and the buildings, several of ------- wbJch ar~ part or th~ deaL There 'Bombs' F·ared ls a landlne strlp tor ama.U planes already In use, and thUI can be enlareed to handl~ on Hallowe'en DC·3's. Other members of the man. The truck draered the vtc:-Hr. Publl.sher, how do you think It Ia tooiJib to c1r1Dk Wale the t1m nearly 71 feet before comJnr tboee 1,!500 ltpen feel about a,. o1 !0. aDd fDolWl -"-dlat to rest with the rteht front wheel your lnault to thetr lntell1,enee ap If JW doll~ ll:DoW, jMt on the vtct1m aeaJrwt a dirt and respectability In belnc "ln· a WM bet W1MD JO'II' tired llurta. bank. The aecJdent occurred at dted" to alp by Col .Andy. Wow IUJbe rll be MI!'UIM al 2:()6 p.m. Driver of the runaway Thanks, Ben, for your cartoon ~ to U. ~ board of govemon include such welHmowns as H~nry Brent. Ray Call, John CoiJins, Curt Dosh, Dr. ltay Dooley, K~nt H l t c h c o c k . Paul·Rogers, Forest G. Smith Jr .• E. C. Van Dame a nd Horace Witherspoon. This is one of th~ a~ers to the appar~ntly inc:rea.s1n• acar· city of fish In local waters. But fl&hennen will always be flsher· m~n. and if ther~ are more fish elsewher~ you'll see more and more men with rods, fiyln~ south with the duck.t, when summer ls over. Ah. yes. there are lady ang· lera, too, just as there are lady duc:Jal.-and they'll be aolne the sam~ dlrectfon. e STA8TDIG Gtnf The c:Jub Cfn Spanish, you pro· nounee It 'kloob,' to rhyme with 'boob') PHc:a de Balboa de Baja California Ul just the latest addJ· tJon to the Jon• l1st at mec:cu to whldl eert.aJn ot the devota ot the antun• Met mab pOcrtm- A minor "Battl~ of lwo Jlma" truck wu eurtt. A. Taylor of plur. But what does lt mean! of~ Bat If JOU tab t:laJa rocked Newport Helfhta Ballow-Gardena, poUee aaJd. Can't tlnd anybody Who knowa. ..._, aD al Jt. I doll1 beiJIIw e'en nleht u teena~ tired Both these plup would be of • wW 11wt ,.._. dw!IIW I« daat magnesium bombs wllJch ahook Odd Fellows ereat help If I Wft'e to run for laalo .. b.up-11 J'OU ...... houses and flared In the nlebt councll, u you .em to be atrald a.o..t wtt1a JOUr t.DGw man IIDd sky. I wru. ~ EDd al .nDOft. I. A. Batre of 434 San Bernar· s I I D d • • • dJno Ave .• Newport Hel.hta, eom-ec y $ ea e JOIIKADDfC &UIIUilO. •AU~1'W&a r1DD plained to I'ewport pollee at 8:57 Tbe looee uw of the ex-eaton -~ ... 1-.-f h l lbl hot , , .-·~ ..-trees were ~ on p.m. o ear "• a poa e • · Claua v. Backe., 67, a veteran 'ward Q'Jitem' .. m .. 1eadln• and tw by Hallowe'en pra.Jlb(er ar· eun blut ln the area. Other resf. worker of the Odd Fellows Lodee. unta.lr. 11lere .. no -"eh thlnr u .,n~tn the eo.ta w.. area d~nts at first thoueht the .,und died Friday lD Oran-County a ward ~em In any dty lD the --was of a hocae'or oven expla.lon. •-· Kon evenfn •• Fire ..-~ntion Mrs. Hup Mdlflllan ot ~ Ho.plt.aJ. Be wu a retfn!d cab· state ot. CallfclmJa. Moa ot. the omc:er Jtalpla Lee N.Jd the ~ w---l---. Ave.. ., e w p 0 r t lnet maker and had lJved In Cos· cltles of CaltfornJa ~ divided wen lpltad at l9th St. anc1 P1a· ...,.,. ....... ~ ~ ta Mesa alnce 1937. Into counclllnanJc dJ.atrlctl, 2U.t cent1a Ave.., behind the Mesa Heights. complained at 9:14 p.m. Services 'lft'1"e conducted yes· u we an. and their el«tiona are Tbeatre. an4 on Santa Ana A~. that flrecrackers were belne fired terday Jn Parkes·Rldley Mortu· non·partiaan, Ju.t u ours are. betweti\ 15th St. and l6th St. In the area ot Westmln.atft' Aw. ary, eoeta Mesa. by Rann011y Part)' lin• are not followed. and Clay St. She abo repo.rted Lodee No. 29 and Mesa Rebeeea Party Unea .,. nGt a part at ettr iiiiii;iiiiiiiiiiiwwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii rotten ~IP thrown aealnst her Lodce 402 of the lndependent electiona In the -.te of CaJJ. hom~. omcen picked up three Order ot Odd FeDowa. Be had tomiL In tiM eut. dty e.lecUou helrhts juvenU~ bo~ and one tf.r1t Joinect the Odd J'ellow8 1n .,. Oil poUt1eaJ ~ 11--. aAd from Harbor Rlahlandl wbo ad· 1915 In Nebnaka and wu a ds.rteta a. eallecl ....,._ .. mttted ahootlal Ill a • n e • J u m charta memw o1 botb ot the a .... tM ..._. bOll," • ....,. bomt. btlt deftJecl anT Dowledp Joeallod.-, ....................... .. ~~~d~.~ LMt llq lie ar ;lttet ldllaii ... IIHtli.-.. ~ .-:z• -~ u.ome an aU"Y ....... ~ t.m u dlltrkt ..,_., ...... AMI.._ a.t .. ~ ~· _, pa.renta of thelr adlons. muter at J*trlct • 01 Otallp IIINIS fill tM Ill &'b._ IUrft Church Play Cast Chosen County. At the time ot bM death a CCIIDdiiDule dlllrtet .._ II h• wu acretary of the Odd J'el· ~You haft M¥er beard lows. of • cou.Detlman.le .... ta the Survlvora Include Itt. wUe, .tate ol Callfomta. .And the tea· Pearl, at thto Costa Meaa home, .,n .. beeauw there can be no 3226 Broad St.; three sons. Nor· pqty e>r~anlzatJon to llne up vtll~ of Newport, Ronald of Costa wtth. Cast members have been chos· Mesa and Elmer ol Pomona; two The counter arcument hu been en for ''The SkeptJc's I>edlca· daughters, Mrs. CharlH Mobley advanced tbat a councllman may tlon." a religious elrama to be or Costa Mesa and Mrs. F. C. be elected term aftft' term ln hia presented a t 7:30 p.m. Sunday, Goree of San Leandro; bls rnoth· own dbltrlct. What'• wrone wtth Nov. 20, at th~ Balboa l.sland ~r ln Wyom.lne. tour brothers, that? U the dlmlet wanta htm Community Methodtat Church. two sisters. 13 erandchlld.ren and why ahouldn't they have him? IUUOSIMI a nd again on Wednesday ev~-oo~ne~er~ea~t~·gr~a~n~dc:h~~U~d.~===~w:::e~el~ec:t~~c:o~n~e~~eeu:~~~»~en~b7~~dla-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ nlng, Nov. 23, at St. Andrew's - Presbyterian Church. * Only Swift' a Premium Beef Sold Here * SPECIALS FOB THURS .. FBL & SAT .. NOV. 3-4-5 Mrs. Holly La.sb VJMJ. dlrec· tor, announces that the leadJng role as "the service man" wJll be taken by the Rev. Robert Gron· lund. pastor or th~ Newport Har- bor Luthera n Church. The grand· mother will be Mrs. Pauline Claybrook; the mother, Mn. P. F. Baines; her two daughters. Nan- cy and Jane Loy; her son, lamea Barnett; the Cannel:, R o b e r Guenther ; the displaced penon. Mrs. Margaret Vader; the ICbool girl, l ean Smith; the doctor, G. Wallace Fleer; the student. Dlck ElJmer; the veteran, P. F. Baines, and the Volee of the Light, the S.uper Meat Values Our Meat Depc~~lment Ia Now Featuring Manning's Choice Baby Beef F"mest Nczme in Meat. in all the SOutblcmd . • SWIFTS .llEJ(rtriC-BouleM RUMP ROAST 39~ IWIPTS PllEJCrtriC CHUCK ROAST S WU t I PIIEIO'O'JI Rev. Donald G. Sapp. SWUJ I J'aDOUM ROUND STEAK ·-............................... 69~ IWO I I & DArT"' ·-"----·-··------- • D 0 l l ' (-. r r E ~I ( r H I\ ) ) ,.~ j L. IIIII Y• lawllp 1•••1 lewport Harbor Bank a.-..... 11DAINTY MAID'' ENAMELED ROASTER Item-of-the-Month ...., ... • ....,., ... d•nrll •If two .... .... ........... .,... o.t w.•···· ............... ............................... .... ,.. 'lh .......... ..... ..... .................. ..... I ... SUtY .. *CROWN HARDWARE* •A BOUUJIOLD DErAJITIIEXT nou• We lled:n• CrowD Staape * w. Cat Keys * We Clft Crowa StCIIIIpe JIADOB 232 110'7 EAST COAST BJCIIWAT COBOKA DEL KAJl .... ...__ It is certainly true that not everyone is interested in making f u n e r a 1 ar- rangements in advance of necessity, and it is just as true that a great many people do wish to do so. It takes but a short time ' to make such arrange- ments, and we oHer our assistance in this regard without charge or obliga- tion. PARK£S·RJDLEY MOk.TUAkY ............... ....... ....... u..-,•MU ~"" ::--.:.-: IAIIOA • MIIOA ISLANP • UDO ISLAND ~ 11ACH • COlOMA D&IIIM SCOOPS ........... ...... tlae way to IMp caenaJeaUy ••• IAt u do tlae •apade worlr"' for you. Rave you been ''TAKEN TO THE CLEANERS'' wJten you've wanted your cloth~ cleaned! Fed up with outlandish prices! We found the best bargaln ot the year right at our own NEIGH· BORHOOD CLEANERS -excel- lent service and workmanship PLUS the Right Price! You can have a dress. coat or suit cleaned like "spanking new" tor only $1.15 1 blouses, skirts, etc. only 60c>. And they toss in minor re- pairs FREE. Another spedalty or the firm's Is their new·llfe·for· tired-blankeLS treatment. Try 'em and see lt you aren't pleased' NEIGHBORHOOD C L E A N ERS. 2720 E. Coast Highway, CDM. • • • • • • Snad '!'IaMie. •• Jbt9 c11Nc:W el .. lfOitb. _..Optical Caaapaay Ltd:. C11M Ia CJJ hgea, Otbew __ ...,. of tlae TIIWe '-'IT Ia c.pea. ........ _. ... ~.~ ... two.u- IF TOU LIKE V AJUETT. tben'a LOTS of It at aaOOIOJICS VA· B1ETY STOllE lD CDK. Tou am fi.Dd pradlca.Uy EVEII1' • TBIKG then ••• fniD a apool of thnad to a ICIIIIp Cll' pWow CCIM. Tou aame lt. a.ooldDp ha.e Itt 'l"'wy'ft J..t ~ ll'ttleod A GOOD BEGLNNlNG to your shopping lbt these days 1s LIDO TOYLAND. a place that sparkles with magic -Irresistible cuddly dolls. electric traLns. educational toys . . . the walls are ju.t ''busting" with ettts tbe lddAI wW adore . . . fuzzy striped tigers 'n modeling seta 'n jolly clowns 'n sewing klt.s .•. AND a wonder· ful "all-new" line of imported toys. Enough to put stars in your eyes and start you wblstltna Jlngle ~Us. Shop early and UM their Lay-Away Plan because we predict a sellout at UOO TOY· LAND, 3442 Via Udo, In Lido Shopping Center. t.n. a..s tbeU ... ,... ..... aotMI': J .... CIDd Sftlld,...... oe a~ "et ...S Ya· c:a:t1oo trtp. a..s et JJ 111 -. ._ a '"* to ... £i9etl*ore flyi.D9 tell.., T~ tD--a boat back to DeluDarlr. (Eaetp ,....) -· aow..a Oft9biGls ••• hoa.d DOte .... Jdeal (CII' :• • I ••••• c:a I •;•:•:•:•:•:• •• 8 •• 8 8 I •• 8 • •:• • •:• 8 I .. HOWDY NEIGHBOR! .. *3* M I I M M M M M i M I & ME I I M M I I h h 8 M M ME +:+:M:M:M:+:M~ Aithouah coming to the Harbor on Cabrlllo Terra~. Corona Area directly from Los Anteles, Highlands. The Purves' have Norman Jenkins actually came lived In Encino for six years and half way 'round the world to his visited both Laguna nad Corona home on Carnation Ave .. Corona del Mar In the summers. always del Mar. Mr. Jenkw was born, wishing they Uved here. Besides In Eneland and bas only been in Mr. and Mrs. Purves, (he Ia with the United States for five years Deere and Purves Insurance . . . he'a nearly ready to take Brokers In Los Angeles) the out hla first papers. Before com-family lncludes a 13-year-old ina to Southern Cautornla he daughter, Margaret, and a son, spent two years In Canada work· Keith, age 11. lng for Trana·Canada Alrllnes. • • • When he came to Cautornla he MoviQg to the Harbor Area this met hl.a wife, Betty, at USC. fall to EJ Modena Ave., Newport where they both were studying. Heights, from Riverside are Mr. Mr. Jenkins Ia a copywriter for and Mrs. Harry Bose, and 4 -year- radlo and television and does old daughter, Unda. Mrs. Bose l.s animated cartoons for commer· the former Mary Stnlth, daughter ctala. Durin& World War ll he of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Smith of wu with the British Army In the Harbor Transfer and Storage communlcaUon.t and stationed In Co. Mr. Bose Is working for a Ceylon, India. H.l.s wile hu been 1lalve manutacturlna firm In studylne for her doctorate In eosta Mesa. The couple were speech pathology at USC. She married at the Newport Harbor was a student cJinJclan at the Lutheran Church In the Heights. university. • • • • • • Originally from 0 k 1 a h o m a After spending several sum-City. Mrs. Neta Cadenhead and mera on Balboa Island. Mrs. her family have already sampled Edna Dyer baa cbORn Bayside Harbor Area, living on Udo Isle Drive ln Corona del Mar for her before moving to their new home ,eu-round home. Mrs. Dyer on F u 11 erto n Ave .• Newport mow4 IMn from Burbank the Helpb. '11\e f~ lndoMs ftnt til o.:eoe... Since then abe L.blda, 16. wbo 1s a jwllor at bu been bu.,-pa1.ntJn& her Newport Harbor High School; hou.e and making lt a suitable Vtva, 10. wbo attends Harbor baclqround for bel' eeFamJcs. View Elementary School. and her favorite hobby. Mrs. Dyer l.s little John. 4, who l.s still at a devotee of horses and owned home . them for several years unW a bad acctdent made her give them up. Her second love ls the beach and that ls the reuon she moved to Newport Harbor. • • • Capt. and Mrs. A. B. Gibbs have pulled up anchor alter 13 years on Balboa Island .and have moved Into a house on Broad St., Newport Heights. Also m aking her home there ls their daught~r. Mrs. Jay Bohle. who returned fro m Australla not too long ago. Mr. Gibbs Is captain of the yacht Ro~rtshaw II In the Harbor. Hls wife Is Ruth Paddock Gibbs. vio· lin teacher and former ronductor or the Hollywood Baby Orchestra. • • • Newly moved to the Harbor Area from Monrovia are Mr. and Mrs. Norman Russell and family, now Jiving on Jasmine Ave .. Co· rona del Mar. The Russells owned a motel In Monrovia. which they sold last month. Pre· viously. Mr. Russell worked for Day Night Manufacturing Co. In Monrovia. The Russell family ln· eludes Norman. aee 16, who Is a junior at Newport Harbor RJgh School and a daughter, Bonnie, who is nearly 12 and ln the sev· enth grade. • • • New residents on Heliotrope Av~.. Corona del Mar. are Mrs. W. C. Flaherty and her daugh· ter. Lt. Col. Flaherty Ia overseas with the Marines. • • • Recently ~nsconced in their Olff Haven view home are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gale, on Kings Rd. The Gales moved from Co· rona del Mu. Mr. Gale l.t retired 10 the couple frequently ex· cbanp vlalb with their aon'a tamlly, wbo Uve tn Oranae. • • • llowtnr to ~ Bub« area wu a lofta·tbDe ambttJon ol the Fer- JU ,..,._ famll7, wbo aow live M1XE MYERS UNION SllVICI u.s. ... nr.. w-..a,.,..... ' • • • Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Griffin. new residents on Broad St .. Newport Heights. are the parents of Mrs. Ronald Roesch of Udo Isle. Mr. Gri.Uin hu recently sold his home appliance store. which he had for 20 years in Glendale, and ls "trying to retlre." Over the week-ends Mr. Grltfin Is an ar- dent "armchalx" quarterback be· cause he used to play pro!es· slonal football and baMball. He was a star athlete at St. Thomas College In h ls rollege days. • • • Former "Glendaleltes," Mr. and Mrs. Robert Eschbach and their 3-year-old son Michael. are now living on Irvine Ave .• New- port Heights. Mr. Eschbach works for an aluminum door manufacturing company in Ful- lerton and his wlte is a regis- tered nurse at Hoag Hospital. The Eschbachs moved to the Harbor area the latter part of September In order to live near the beach. A Classified ,A.d in rhe Ensiqn brinQs immediate results! C ell Har-b« Ill+ IllS and E>f"'W it! ' save rnoney w. 1 IJUIIlm . oa LE.~ LD ...... ... .,. .. GOftA- A get acquainted eoffee was held last week at the home o! Mrs. Freeman W. Ftaher tn order that the new memben ot. the Junior EbeU Club could eet to know the oftlcera and executive board. The gathering took place In the provincial den of the Fisher home. Mrs. Fisher l.t 'President of the J unior Ebella. A special guest wu Mrs. Norman W atson or Newport Heleht.a. dlstrict pres· !dent ot Junior Women's Clubs. Others at the cottee were Mmes. Donald Hayton. Dt>an Gorton. Forrest Allinder, Edward Kelly, Donald Clark. Donald Pet· erson. Robert White, James White, Edwin Finster, Sterling Paris, John LaMar, John Banett. CJifU. ~ priMe Cll' your OW'Il u-. Meed PC1Pft lt.a. iCII' a party? Toya fol' a ldd'a bUth· day? Tbey Junoe "-. rlu a ~lou •~KUoa of Qartft. II1CIII card&. Stap by .ad _.... J'OW'I today at aaoou.cs. where you'll tiDd tlae b.t VA· lliETT ill towa. ,.. E. Coast Bi9bway. CDK. • • • WOMA.~. SPARE ntAT PLEA tor the perfect knit dress. Just go to THE YARN SHOP and put your· self In the capable bands of ex- pert lnstru('tress Blanche ~nz. Sht>'ll ('hart the dress or sweater John Colby, George Grupe, K.. L !or you and show you the fun Hartman. John Hoyt and Charles j of making your own KNIT Woodward. , dothec;. You'll find a marvelous QIICI SERVICE ROLLER SHADES Standard S h a d e Ooths and Custom Specialties e Drapery R a r d w a r e e Venetian Bl.lnda. .......... •c.n JIMt atac:. BA IN GIUMSt..W.....-t.._. I selection o! yarns to choose from . . . bulky types to finest rno· hairs . . . and you t>an have your predous knits fitted and blockt'd richt there. Hey. wbt>re'd we put Ol:R knitting needles! THE Y AR."i SHOP, 308~ Marine, 8aJ boa Wand. HA 0880. • • • TIIAT 1.0VD DaDJI M'T!!!G ,.. ............ d .... at.lddlf ..... .. .....s at JEm"S or LIDO ••• s-trr oatflts t. tiMt Toaav Kiu cleUgDed by JIWa of CaL cm4 ADA SJ.eml of lf'wood. For • • • HCIPE POa A DEI.JCJOVS MEAL la 3 aiDutiM · ••• cldft to UTIE"S CODE& ea._ lllaDd. ........ -t5c ..., _.. tlae ben BOKE COOKED MEAL oe nc.rd (IIKl .... babel bCIIII. ~....... .... .. all tlae trtamt.p). J...t TilT a..s .... t.beU ~ .... bncld.-d ... l u ,.... ... bW~Dpy at TV time. a .UC. ---a.lcJbty 9DO'L (k, u,.... ,..._, try tiMk '"tpb I •t"" d.laiii.M ••• yuaay •ao .,.... a..s beau • • • J'O'U ... v-9 will ba-,.. a..s _. ,.... naall.mg b.tr ... ..... r-uy--. .._. ..._: ..,._ Saaday bn dtf-.t wW ..... c apedal la.lt wlth tlae Little W-.aa. U'TIE"S CODD. Agatie & ..... .... laa..d. ()pee te 10:30 p.m. • • • WHAT A WONDERFUL WAY to make any Uttle girl happy! When we see DOU.S Uke "~t Pea." w~ wish Wl" were a kid again. She's 11 Inches tall, ot vinyl plastic so she CAN'T be broken, and has short curly rooted hair. R. A B. Co .. who de· signed her, made hft' 10 l.lte·like she drlnk.s and a1es Just like Nr1l JJWe -. ~ -.l -heart of any YOU!lC "Mother ... Only 13..98 and comparable to much higher priced dolls. 10 we recommend you use the Lay- Away NOW at Donaldson's 5 A 10. In Balboa at 300 Maln. ----------------------------- "Don't Be Caught WI .. Your l111aglnation Doww-'' • ORANGE COAST COLLEGE LIDO THEATRE. 9:30-11 :30 TUESDAY, NOV. r -8-1 5-20 Continues for four weeks Co-operating sponsors ... Southern Counties Gas Co. All C\f the lidn Shoos .... GA~RSANDSA~RGASRANGE 15 -m•wns ___ ALL FOOD PD~PARED ...... -,· .......... ,.. ,_ • ... .... Die* Jlatobw-, lA ........... ....,....... 14'f'f'e of 1MII. ~ ...... ~. 816- ...... u.. rn•···· .....,. 8 Jrta.o.n-k~V--. Bluelle •z IE .... ~ h?- ..... ~~IS 'hr­....... ' 1_,. •arbt. NC), t --~ ...... BeekeeM.hf-............. <lleelt. t.w. "r • ... '=· .,._ 8tC. w ace., .. ~ ---T a.lt., t.Moo ...... ~.• • J-fl $ ~vlap AM'OUIIW ~ fld at NfiWlHn1. Bal"-8avt.c'- a Leea. 14 t .t3 n-k ~~eo~tto. ~t' .. S!1JS ....... l"r)' ..... IUclaanf'e. 1--ttWt .... ...,.. ~ ~ 1Uq"ll ' ...... ,, ... J(p,.,.__ .._. Or6efo, aole'• of o.at. n.lllaa ·~­......._v......,.. .. "- RUTH KLUMB, from U. ~. ~-presents I. W..l t.fecJic 2. Family Fare waft Co"'P•"Y Air. l. BrirHJ on the Bird • ~. Easy .. Pie • ,o• s ., ' I \ WILT~-... Jlawalkm lllopl WILew.t..L I on ...... ~ ....... liT ........ (Ottlf SUNDAY) Bgin & Hamilton Watches Diamonds Mountings Wall ace Calder head JEWELER 31 23 E..rl Co.rl Highway Corone d•l Mar IE II IPIILITEIIII Vpllal I ... & Dl .. Uf UbertY 1-4711 IS50 11 .......... e-ta,._ JUST OPEN A Classified Ad in The EnsiQn brlnqs immediate results! Cell Harbor 1114-1115 and oro-.. ifl IITIELIII ...... OEITEI CITERI. TO w•IIIIIIIU Alii SCHDa 8IIU Featuring "Separates" ... Accessories, etc. * College Town Skirts ... washable w ools Retail from 5.95 to 10.95 * .Calderon Belts-Nationally advertised HER OWN ORIGINAL CREATIONS (UUABA QtrAUT) • • • SHABARA 3329 lfewpol't 81Yd. Ac:rou lraal Rnrport Beach City Ball Teleplloo.: Harbor 5438 Sit Knit * Come in for yarns * Pattern Boob * Bucilla "Paint it YourseU" Textile Kits • • • MILDRED D. THERON 313 E. Balboa BlYd.. Balboa ' aconye ~~~~~ ~~~ at Beach & Boulevard 10S1 Jlt1TII KLVIIL Ia o • e eeaa :=t.t at 0....,. Coast eou.,.. u CCII4DctiD9 •=ldD9 ct.moutratiou at tM toutla cm.aaal OOC Coold~q ~ ta Lido Theatre. ,... wiD be thne man ._1ioa1 ROY. L IS, 22. from 1:30 to 11:30 ~ ..... IDamb Ll a a.. faaalty IUIIl· ber at OCC. Slle did IMr a.ad~K­ paduate wortr at w~ State CoUep cmd NCiind b• llaaten Degree lD boale ec:o· DOIDlca at tu trDl..-lty of Wllcoa.lln Thanksgivin-g Service Set South Africa Talk Slated Dr. Charles Nbcon. lecturer, writer, educational consultant, and political sclentbt. wlll apeak POMPOM MUMS Y eDow cmd BroDM .... '10 IDYl: TOV • am •:: A .... c:.a •• &. ............... . E:~~~i.~:~~~:§ L·1ght their life with IQitk~f/llk Club House In Santa Ana. ./ U 'f/IJ - He wUl discuss what happens when peoples with the primitive culture of Africa, the ancient culture of India, and the modern Industrial culture of the West are mixed torether In a chanr· lng land, South Africa. TKETAS TO JIEET TtrESDAT The Oranre County Kappa Alpha Theta Al umnae Club wfll meet at 11 a.m. Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Bruce Hesse. 2571 Bayshore Drive, Bay Shores. Luncheon w1l be served follow- Ing the meeting. All Thetas are Invited to attend and are re- quested to call the hostess, Lib- erty 8-5391. Professional Directory IT. AJrDaEWI nltSI'fTEaiU CIIVBCII 15th SL A St. Andre-n Bd .. .,..J:, ~lcbool ._... .... J--LIIuaart SUNDAY: Momlnc wonhJp. 9:30 and 11 a.m.; Church School, 9:30 and 11:00; lr. ~h. Sr. HJgh and college age Fellow- ahJps, 7 p .. m.; Thurad!Q', Prayer, atudy group, 9:30 a.m. COIIMVJOTI' IIETIIODIST ao w. 1M at.. Cosllll ..._ Llbeltr l-USt .... Joeepla w. llcSJa•• Sunday: 9:30 a.m., Church Sun- day School; 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Morninr Worshtp-7 p.m. Collere A&e Kn" Service-7 p.m. Hirh School MYF Service; 8 p.m., young adults group service. PDIIT A.UQDLY or QQD rJaT UPrDT c:auaca lllld lt. & KJdla A..._ c.t. Nasa ._ .. AM Aft. .. N1peU. UbertY 14711 c.te .. _ ........... c:. Cnalc..... ... ••• a.·---SundaJ 8chool: 1 :30 a.m. Wor-Sunday ~: • -'-'p· ~·o·"""' .. -and ev&nlel.tat 1:45 a.m. SuDda7 Sebool, U IN.U • ~ _,_ ......... lUll. Wanb.lp 8en1eee • 1:10 service, 7:30p.m. YOU!l& P8ople p.m., Bapt:l8t Tfttnlnl UnJoa· and Chlldml'a Service, 6:30 '7:30 p.m., JYenb\1. ~ p.m. Sun. Mld-week Service: WedneildQ: 1:30 p.m.. Pray•. WednHday, '7:30 p.m. Lac!*' PraJ8e and Bible Study. MOD· "Miaslo!tary Councll, 'Ibundaya day: 7:30 p.m. Men's Chorus 9:30 a.m. for all day. p rae t to s ; 8:30 p.m. MeJia ~Meetin&. I&VUI& DAY ADVUIIII K.-,..t819d.etW.It.. •....-t ..... ta ~ .. 1511 Elct.D.L~ Saturday KomJnr Services: Sa~ bath School: 9:30 a.m. -Ser· mon: 11:00 a .m. Prayer meet- Inc: Wednesday, s:oo p.m. cauw_,._.au..,. Tim cauaca or aDJaT •• •• ,.. ... -..a.... .._ 1150 QIIM .... ~ .... ..... ..... cu.. .... 0 LllleltJ ...., ...., 1-ftU IIVIIC D. G. ...... M ' M 8aD4Q .. .r1ell: ~Moo&. 8un.4q -·~ •• .... .... ·=-..... 11~'5:~ Margaret L. Scharle .tud.J'· u a.m. IDGI'IIJaa war-10~ ..... A Union Thank.sclvtnr .ervfce Teadler of Piano mtp; 7:30 p.m. ~...see. D. ., p.IIL •·~' S. wlll be held Wednesday eventnc. MJdweek ler'Yice. '7:30 p.m. 1 p.m. ...._r. ...,. .....,& Nov. 23, In St. Andrewa Presby-Or'=~~ Wednaday. '7:.30 p.m. W~. UWifi";:!"!:CiMIIUWih terian Church, sponsored by the tor Adults .... -a:!C :. Newport Harbor Council of 307 GOLDENROD AVE. TIIZ CBU ... 0P taaiil Ill W ............. ...._ Churches. Corona del Mar Odd r.u..n Locl9e. 11 be d . '----~~------~~~~--.: IMI ·-A..._ Ml ' ... , ~. P . W ...... A religious drama wi 1--FUJfEIIAL DmECTOU --· Sunday School. 10:30 a.m. l(om-rected by Mrs. Holly Vlsel with ,-....;..;:;.::;;.:;;;;=;....:;.;=;.;;;.;.~;.....___, ea.tc...... tnr wonh.lp, U:OO a.m. music by the St. Andrews Pres-Friendly Nelrhborhood Service La..tT ~I ·- byterlan Church and Balboa Tom ...... Jr .. lllllkW IT. JAMal &ftiCIO•AL Island choirs. Plans Cor the serv-P ARICES-RIDLEY Sunday Services: 9:45 a.m. Bible a. VS. ~~ lleacla Ice were announced at the MORTUARY study; 10:55 a.m. worship serv- J h tee: 7 :30 p.m. evenlnr ..moe. a... Jolaa & ..... ...,._ church council unc eon meet· llO d Sunday lle'f'Vtces: 8:00 a.m. Holy lng Tuesday, Oct. 25, In the Ebell Broa way CIIJUST caoaca ST TD au Communion, t :lS a.m. 11 a.m. Clubhouse. Rev. M. C. Cronic, U 8-3433 A 8-3434 Costa Mesa Coauaaalty lletlaodl8t Sunday .chooJ; 8:1!5 a.m. mom- president, presided. •----•• _. at ,~ ...... lt.. •-1n d 11 ....._ _._ •ua ·--· CIIIUIT LV'I'DUJf taUIICJI r prayer an ~n. a.m. RIThgee h~!tlewp~o~heRe;'t:s[:,edy e~;k N 0 W . . . T W 0 --... ~-~ .. _._ or COlT A JIUA :'~fhlp MI'Yiceg u • T h u rPra day n • r • . ~-~ • -• '"" ......,.._ (IIMenarl~) ~y~ ;...., a.m. ayer trine and scope or work of his BALTZ MORTUARIES Sunday Worship, 9:30 and 11 a.m. ~--llcdl. GuUd; 10:30 Holy Communion. denomination. Rev. Roy Carlson, ~--"'n"' the Harbor Area Ch -'-Sch 1 9 30 am '1 ld c.te ... - commission on education, re· ~n • u::'M' ttn00 : 7:00 · ·Wed. Patoct ... Letbar TorDDW IT. JOD VlARWft ported that classes In released Baltz Mortuary weeA ee g: : p.m. -Sund*§ Servt~: Won~l Serv-31C llart.e A..._ ..U.. 1a1aDc1 CHAPEL BY TilE SEA nesday preceded by S:l.S p.m. 1-a .m. Sunday ool at ••---••"' time education were the largest Harbor 42 t1 ck. ....., ---• ever. po u 10:15 a .m. rae.. ~ ~· ...._ Rev. Joseph McShane, Rev. 3520eo';o~~ra~way BT. JOACIIIII c:111mca IAUOA JSLAJrD r.u..r ~ u Donald Sapp and Rev. Edwin Baltz Mortuary 1~ ~~~~ ..... COIIIIUJrJT'f IIETIIO~_I!!.... Sunday M•we1: 7:00 a.m. 1c 9 :00 Gornke will bring a plan for a Uberty S.2l21 raa.. ,.__ J. W..ta 115 Awate A..._ 8cdboa -a.m. Conteaion: Satwdaya and harbor wide reUgtous campaign l7h lc Superior, Costa Mesa IIUiday 11_ at 7• L L 10 Cllld llilai8Wa a... Doacdcllapp eves. of 1at Frtdaya and Holy at the November m eeting. Rev. 11:30 a.m. Weekdays: Mua at IIAabor 4515 Days; 7:30 to 8:30 p.m.; Pint Robert Gronlund reported on pro-AMPLE PARKlNG 7:00a.m._ Confession: Satu.r-Sunday Services: 9:30 a. m. Friday Maa I a.m. Summer gress being made toward a re-L---BOTH-~EJLOCrRVASITirO-N_s __ _, days from 4:00 to 5:1S-'7:00 to Church School~ and U:OO Mus. July and Aupat Sunday, Jlgloua center at Orange Coast ... ----.::::;:.:::~;;;.;..---., 8:30 p.m. a.m. Wonhlp ce. U a.m. College. mm1 t HARBOR REST PDIIT IAPnn" cau... oo.DIIA DEL IIU CDftAL ...,. c:aoMili A nominating co ttee o or MiWIOIH' COIIWOWIH cao** 01-.. a... .. D'ICI a Rev. McShane. Mrs. P. F. Baines MEMORIAL PARK ..._ ....._ lM 4 ee.t It&.. Cllllttzllwrd c.t. ..._ ~ ...._ and M. C. Perry was appointed •••rwt 111 ... bopo Aft. A. A. a..sn. ,_... to brtng a alate of officers to Harbor Blvd. at Glala-~~a.t.. JSD aa.ty ...,. ...,.._ 1D7 SundaJ Scbool: t :t5 a.m. Mom· serve next year at the November ...._. -..s.t a. Jabs w .....ra .... ...._ a-a rJ ~ U:OO; Eftnlq =:~=;:ere:~e~ '-:11~KIMB!!m~EBL~!Y~5-!11!58!!!C~ au::?~?i.t':OOf6a*:;:'c:: Su:!•Yu'Yc:-"J:.:;~ iCet'tle1~ •• ~.d;.~ao~ IPOWI'I AJrD CASUAL WED membership llata for the church ,.. lhlp Service; '7:10p.m. :wnda.Y 8·45" ..m, · Youn1 JeOPle meet 1 :15 p.m. man and churcll woman of 1955. Wilb C W 'D C ewn.lnl ~ e r Y lc s; MJd-Week • -Sunday. ~~HD~L~C~oc~llllt~l~l~..t.~==~IAII';:§:::'-==·=·•=da====JI"''=Gtt=~==~ The trm.allatlon of oftlcers and · ur · agner, · · Bervlee! '7:30p.m. Wednslday M&WIOWt .aDOa · recognJUon awards w1ll be pre-~ Praywlleetfni, LOIMIIAJI caua:a f'liiiT IOUia&U UftiiT -"" th y 1956 apy -1501 cua Dw .. •...-t ....... c:aua:a .ento:u at e .,anuary, • py IIAJUM)1I AIIINPLT or QOD L1b11tr ..-1 -w. ·-~-It,. c....._ EYES TWS.Y11 II "'llck IYAHI" ' A~· er-do MOt dstlact ..a. • -.c:L &¥Wi::zl. ncr.- Ia, Wile • -..a-Ir Clld wlaJt.-" ....._ Ia := *' IIIII'• A dlag .U. pdadpaUy-Jdl -eC _ 1' .... clall4 -Ilia .,.. .. .,... ..... • .. tllaa ay .... ...,_ ., ...... Ia a.. .....a lldW. CjeltNia ..., ... -·· • ..ay ........ ,.... ......... -........., ......... wtllltMct.i. CALL DR. JnCHOL80lf TODAY for all appointment to ~ am.tne, pawcrlbe and fit your chlld;a ey .. with the proper .,. --.r. L L NICHOLSON, O.D • • meeting. 314 Oceu Ave.. Lapna a. .,.a, •A-C1i1U. ... 11111e1t ...._. Ia, tt a..- Offfce: 111att ..... .... eau"" Duplicate momlftl lefYklea -• ...... .......... ... GO TO •ALIIIniRGS Bet.: llyMt ...._. 1.11! tt I-MII a.m. and U :U a.m., Sunday; su:::c. 8daool t :45 a.m.· clnuda The Hal Whites have lett their ~=!!!!!~~!!!!!!!=::: ... e. a. ftw• wd Ktncter,arteft and Pre-Sebool u:aD a.m. Tta.ln.lq horne at 704 Acacla Ate., Corona r-Sunday eehoolt:IO a.m., momlnl Dept. Sunday School, t a.m.; Union T r·m. Sunday.l:¥snln1 c1el Mar, tor Palm Sprlnp. Hal, AK.UfDA lLOYD wonllJp U a.m. YOWII people 1R Grads tbrou-Mult SUn· wonllJp 8 p.m. Sundq. 'I'Hdl· a musician, playa at the Beach· Physical Therapy .me. 8:30 p.m., ._..aq day Sehool, 10 a.m.: bua JII'O· en and omc.n .....uq '7 p.m. combers Club ln Capistrano f« Corrective Mc.age enn,.u.t ...tee '7:86 •.m. .tded and w..,_,. PI'O'ftdect b W...,.._y, ,.,_ M'Yicl &Dd the aummer ~euon an4 hJes Port Tbeatn JlalMin~ Mtd-week ..mea '7:30 p.m. both 8erVtcee and JD a.m. Sun· Bible lta«J '7:4$ p.m. w..sn ... ll.lmlelt to the deeert nJJ}lt spots Wednelda.J. day School. d.Q-. · 2101 E. Cout ~ .. CD nen the weather cbanaes. ac:':.C.~.;.,~a:fo '111111 ~ J. Diad. ~b\e by tb-dtW+e'..W ,.,.., 1 'IADI IUCHA~ UDO WARKET • a , I ........ AMw~ ••• to.OI ................. .................. Newpwt Harbor ~ f C:HIJR.CHES I Mn. J. 118bert Smith, wtfe of FAIOI.Y II1GIIT IVIIDAY del Mar Commu.ntty Churdl. the rector of All a.J.na l!pllco-The UnJvena.lJ.at Community Guest apeU.er wW be tbe lev. pal Cburdlln BeWrly am.. wUl Fell"'*lP wUJ bold a famUy Lee &n.an.Ned Jr .. mlnJstft ol be cu-t "'P""-at the monthly nl1ht at 7 p.m. Sunday ln the .tewa.rdah.lp and ml81ona for U» meetihl and luncheon of the Newport Beach EbeU Clubhou.~~e Con~atlonal Conference. Jle Women's Awd.Uary of St. lpnea In Balboa. A talk on colonlaJ will talk on "What I Bellew Ept.lopal Cbu.rcb ol Newpnt ClOina wtll be &Jven by John w. About the Church.'' BNeb at 12:!0 p.m. W-"'-day, Stoppelwerth o1 Santa Ana and Nov. t. In tbe paNb hall o1 the Ro-Axworthy ot Santa' Ana VlllYEaAUn' ra.LOWUU. -........ ·-"IJ-.. t .___ .... _ ·---~t ·--.. 1100-""·· • will pre.ent a musleal ftllnl .,, ISVUI "'"' ... .u ........ ~ .. Tlae .ubject for 4J8C:Ualon wUl Community atnatnr and sroup a prac:Ucal me..are from HJndu · be "'Praytor with Power and Bow ramea will be conducted by wu. lam. wtll be the theme of the to Apply It to Dally Uvtn1." Uam Wiley. IJrht refreshments lennOn at the Unlvenaltat Com· Membera o1 at. Joan's Guild of will be NrVed. munlty FellOWihtp Sunday mom· Newport Beach wtU be luncheon lnr. The Rev. Frederick Rlnre of bOIIteii!JI. 88ervatJona should be CDM CO~ CIIV.:II Corona del Mar wUJ continue hla made wtth lira. Donald Feri\UIC)n Loyalty Sunday wtll be ob· lel'lea of children'• aennona on at Ll 8·1972. served thJa Sunday at the Corona the Ufe ot leaua. Church I«Vlcea .--------------------------------------~I are held In the Ebell Clubhouse, Balboa. FASHION ~SHOW ' Reservations Now HArbor 3930 villa marina Wednesday, Nov. 9 .th ~in a .n.. of lliODih1y Fawllioa 8bowa . NOTE: Next Fachioo Show oa Wed., December 14th. (cmd the MCODd Wecm..day of each momh ~) Pr.ented through the cooperation of the V"Jlla Marina, Vema Miller and . 'l'he Folknring Diatincti•e Shopa CJDJITIAJf ICIZJrcz caua:a 'n\e fact that God created man In His own tmare and likeness as recorded ln the t1nt chapter ot Genesla ll the leadJnr polnt In the lesaon·aermon on "Adam and Fallen Man" at the Newport Beach Cbrtatlan Science Church Sunday. The Golden Text ll from Epheslana (5:8>. "Ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light In the Lord: walk as chUdren ot llrht." unmE roa ClllJaCB GaoVP A chuck.wa~n supper and a moonllfht hayride at the Buffalo Ranch were enjoyed by 21 youths ot the Balboa Island Conununlty Methodist Church Sunday eve· nlng. Working with her son, Hen· ry, as general chairman of the party was Mrs. C. Dourlus Fer· ry. She was assisted by Mr. Per· ry, Mr. and Mra. Ted R. Hauser and Mr. and Mn. Chester Eckert. noGIIE.ISJVS J)DflfD An all-church prop-eaaive sup· per for the Balboa. Island Com· munlty Methodist Cbwcll is planned for Sunday evenlnr by the Ruth Circle ol the Woma.n's Society of C'h.rlltlan Service. The appetlur' course will be served at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bar· old James, 333 MarJne Ave.; the salad by Mr. and Mra. C. Doug. lass Ferry, 310 Crystal Ave.; the maln coUJ'Ie by Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hunm, 318 Grand Canal: dessert and coflee at the chwcll by Mr. and Mrs. Byron L. Nealy. Reveal Troth Of Mayo Kin 101. PBII.lf UDEDOII Ia tiM ...... ...._.._. J.-ftt~ The Andersons, Newlyweds, Make Home in Bay Shores Newcomers to 2691 Crestview Dr.. Bay Shores. are Major and Mrs. PhllJp Bruce Anderson, new· lyweds who were married In a late October ceremony at the First Presbyterian Church in San· ta Ana. The bride is the Conner Miss Hazel Jean Pittman of Santa Ana. daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. Her· man Pittman of Aitldn. Minn. The groom. a Marlne Corps Re· serye otfioer at El Toro. Is the son of Mrs. Wayne Ha..rshbaraer ol Palm Springs and Dr. G. H. Anderson of Oakland . Mr. Pittman was h ere from st'hools and holds a Ma.sters de· gr~ from the University ~ Cali· fornla at Berkeley, where he was a member ot Theta Delta CbJ fraternity He was a ttrhter pilot In the South Pactnc ln World War II and aoo a veteran ot Ko- rf'a He is presently connected with VMR·352. Marine Transport Squadron, MCA.S. El Toro as a pilot • • • ofsodal nole ....... 11111 .. 1'1 LIDI IIIIET wttlaiALLD Novembe!' 3, 195.'5 Newport HarbM Operation Cooktn~ School ... One down and three to ro . . . Last Tuesday at the IJdo Theatre Ruth Klumb from the Home Eco· nomlcs Staff oC Orance Cout CoUege, touched her marie OpeD· er to a can of corned beet ha.ah and lunch meat to atve them an appetizing new dresa..ot mm·mm· rood appeal . . . lluth's Fruit Salad Dreutng made with m.anb· mallows about nopped the ahow . . . At last a dreulnr ~o keep the tru.Jts from tu.rnJnr browD! If you rn.lsaed these recipes bY not attendtn.c lut Tueeday, don't hesitate to uk for them next week . . . Ah "Family Fare with a Company Air" ... t.he text of next week's Cookinr School . . . Wonder what Ruth wtll do with a pot roast'! Or a pound ot ham· burger! nme 9:30-11 :30 at the Lido Theatre, Tuesday mcmtna . . . Prizes: All food ooo1tec1 rtven away, pJu.a three turkeya and t>a.skets ot arooerlea . . . ALao a chance to win that beautiful Gaf· fen and Sattler Gu llanp and ~ worth of merchand1se and eUt orders from our IJdo Shops ... And remember. Cbrlstmu ta comlnr ! Take the time to ro In and out of our IJdo Shops . . . find out what they have to make sbopplnr just 1..1.1te Cbri.st:mas all the year vound ... Jblle's .. Cci1J.fon'-.. ... ...... s ... --tbe u.. ........ Ld!W ....... AcCI lw ••• To latlodwe tiMIU ..., u.. ot .I ·~­n.t.. .............. ~ Codlttllll.l .-rtr tlala .......,. -...... m 2 o'c:Soc* ••• -.t hft 1'-ly. CCWflwdy lala~ • ........... .m.a:uy ..... ...., ......... .._ .... [. tiM Data .. tMU ...... . E.:la .. ..w Mftla.la ~ .a.. ........ ,A..s ... .. --.......... Fkds ell ............................ ............. -., ILia ......, OW'1l c:II.Udroa ...,.,. • • • Minn!JIOta to escort hls daughter Got your season tldrm for A champacne soiree rtven by to the aJtaz 1n the candle·Ugbt the Newport Harbor Community • IBAGGS UNIQUE SHOP 'D'¥1 E. Coast Hwy. Coroua ct.l Nar FUN FASHIONS 2659 E. Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar Mr. and Mra. Joseph w. Hood, double rlnc service. The brtde Chet Farrar came back from an Players! Contact Mra. Burton 2495 ere.tv1ew Dr .• Bay Shores, wore a formal bridal rown of Arthur MWTay ClODwntlon at Las ~e. Hatbclr 23f7-ll ... Ftrat announced U)e .,..._ weclillq wb.Jte lace over aatlD Whleb fell Vepa wltb talel ot a f.abWoua prod1ldicm ot the 8eUOn. ""'J'he~-~M plana ot their daupt., Pruidel:110el fnlm a sllal elaapted bodkoe IDto _. ~ ._ a1l el a......._ 1b117-.rt• ,....._.,, 'ftnlri. ·* THE BRAT SHOP 1809 Newport Boulevard Costa Mesa * CATHY'S MATERNITY SHOP 309 North Sycamore Santa Ana * ELLGEH& C.ASDAL FASHIONS 1883 Harbor Boulevard Costa Mesa * * LORNE 204 Marine Avenue Balboa Island * MARIL YN"S FASHION APPAREL 1767 -A Newport Boulevard Costa Mesa * RULES OF CALIFORNIA 3210 Via Lido Lido Shopping Center VERNA MJI.I.ER CHARM SCHOOL Commentary-Fashion Models 307 N. Broadway, Santa Ana Luncheon from 12:00 Noon Bay8de Drift at MariDe Aft. (ED.trance, Balboa laland) Newpod Beach J:lwlnpr, and ladt Euaene rax. a full aldrted cown w1:tb train. A en att~dln• at tbe Golden SlJp· day and Saturday, Nov. 2, 3 and .on of Mr. and 111n. J~b E. tlny lace bat cleoconted w1th ~· O.alma be t!'W!ft pla.yed a 5. Little Olape_l Theatre, Oranae Fox ot Eut ll.alnelle, W. VL The pearls held her flncertip vell. food pme of rolf over at Ve,u. Coast ColJere . . . Ticket. $1.00 brtdecroom·elect ll now with the Cultured pearl earrlngs. rtng but says 1t may have been that each . . . I might add that the U. S. Marine Corps natloned at and Mdtlace were a wedding he was so drowsy from lack of NBC Players arE' acting their El Toro. The intended bride ls a gilt from the groom to hls bride sl~p. he was relaxed. hearts out to build themselves a sophomore at Orange Coast Col· He ha d flown them back from • • • permanent local theatre .. All Ieee .tudylnr art. the Orient. The bride carried a Jessie HUl leaves this week for P~ go towards their build· Prudence ls the grand·daugh · cascade bouquet of white orchids. a month·long holiday Including ing fund. ter of the late Dr. and Mrs. whJte --UJy f the all d a Caribbean cruise and Thanks· ·~~ o v ey an c::::hrt..dma:sl If -·re __ Charles H. Mayo of 'Rochester. stephanotis. givinr visit with her family at ·---.- MJnn. Symbollzinr their happl· Miss Allee Pittman of Santa Atlanta. Georgia bcdte a ~ ~ at ltl Lcwely ness, the plighted couple drank Ana served as her sister's maid • • • ...... ..-uaa of flCII»d butts. from an antique loving cup of h onor. Another sister. JoAnne Football was thE' theme of thE' by tiM poa.lld lD our O.UC.· whJch hu been In the .Mayo R h h Rambl f esh ~ • • • a.d. 9Nell Gild •Ill• family for pneratJons. of Altldn. Minn., was bridesmaid )' t m ers. r man pt 1 ~pi• red Cllld .._ Clllew-aJonr with Jane DeWeerd of Or· dancing party group. which met _._ ,..__ • ~ -~ ,____ Guests at the party Included d t th c d 1 M Co ·-----_.._., ange an Beverly Leach of Santa a e orona e ar m · ,_, .._ • ..... .-....._. Dr. and Mrs. Jc.eph A. Walshe of Ana. All of the •bride's attend· munlty Church Tuesday night. .. ,.....,._ M-· ' • and ~-J R. I d lth 11 • • • AM ...._ .. ......-4 tM .,. """""".... ~. I.A. ..... • ants wore cocktail lenctb c1res.ses I was a sweat« ance w a _. -~~.-~ --.. ••• Carpenter of Corona del Mar. Mr. i b ded ·--th -'·1 d tb d .-i..... -- -••••- eral d n roca ...... eta with match· e "" s an even e an ..... '6 P'Nell la"virtrl ..... _ and Mrs. Norman Flt:z.a' d an lnr tiaras. teachf'r. Dorothy Jo Swanson. In tr.ll a.o.r .._ _. M.1ss KaUe Flt:zrt!l'ald of Corona WUllam Stauffer Jr. of Santa sweaters and miniature football '"'-~ .............. _; • ~ ~ Highlands. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Q. An Th Del CbJ t " h art ._... ~ _._ ~ Hatch and Mr. and Mrs.. Glad · a. a eta ta tratt!l'nJty I swea ers as c ~ your p . 1 .... , • Ia. . • . ..._ . stone F. Hatch ot Udo Isle. Mr. brother of the croom. served as ner" numbers for boys and a id s. ...,..,.... ... loelr Ia ._ .,_, h1s best man. Ushers. all Ma ., Thert.• was a tE'mporary moment and Mrs. Jack Belanrer ol Bal· rineS stationed at El Toro, in· of darkness when the light switch patu.. ...,_ Ia ._ 0 •••• boa lsland, Mr*. Ellzabetb Wat· eluded Major L. D. Hut.Jngs of was pulle-d during the evening. cart : · · , "*-·-.._ _. son ol Balboa Island. Larry Shoe· Santa Ana. Captain John Bowers but t he light of learning pre· pat -Ia ay tn 1 ,. maker, ortrlnally from West Vlr· and M/Sgt.. E. M. Soters of La· vallE'd and somE' of the frosh may "Eve-rybody's l lmmlny alow rt.nia. now ol El Toro. M1ss Aus· guna Beach. have even learned to tango. puttinr In their Prlmulu." from tin·Belle Sullivan ol. Udo Park. Sha.ren and Judy Williams. • • • Harry ln our new nOONer ahop Miss Barba.ra Kale of Santa Ana daurhters of Mr. and Mrs.. M . l... If you thought It was crowded .. English Prfl1\J"'5e, Malacoldes, ~~k. )(las Japet Bement ot IJdo WUliams ol Garden Grove, served at the Bay Club last f'riday at Cineraria. ObeonJca ... all shade as 0owt!l' rtrls In twin pink and the Assistance League PartY. you Iovin' plants. which af put In now blue dresses ot brocaded ta.treta.l should have se-en the pe-ople who "'i lJ bloom In Ja nuary ... Bulbe! Cor lett.t.edl. •welopes al A receptlo.n at the church SO· couldn't get 1n because the Now you know around Euter THE ENSIGN. HA-l 1 l4 clal ball followed the ceremony. League just stopped selling tick· Time. you're golna to wish you'd ~~-~·•••••·~~--~---~•a••==========•=~-~~~~=~~~~~~~nrth~~~~M~ ... all~ving~~apo~·~antE'd~~~lbe ... ~a Marton West of San Luis Obispo. lar party this annual affair lt.l new crop ol Manzanita Wood Ia Caeri Pants LOVELY TO LOOK: AT LOVELY TO LOUNGJ: Jllf. VELVET black. lavender, _,. peen. twcauo18e ~ blue. ... OORDUJIO'f black ------... OOTI'ON La~. .... aad bledl ----Ul sa.. a toll a former Ml:nrlaotan. and N.1a The fashions portrayed on the in ... Ideal to have around the Kitty Julum o1. Altkin. ramp. with Dorothy YardlE'y at hou.se for quick chance acta LD Mrs. Plttman.tf'Oft a navy blue the mlke. were lush from all re· decorating ... ManzanJta woo4 dress with navy ud pink ~· porta and thanks were given to can be sprayed any color you aortes and a laVWDd.ar catalea Minnie Toon for coordlnaUng the wish, or left natural . . . orchid. The brtctetroom•a mother show. Mrs. Glenn MathJs of wore a mauve taffeta d.r8a with Moulton Ran<'h won the mlnk mauve and black a~ea and stole (wouldn't you knowL And a slmUar ~ Terry Barts w~ tickled pink wfth 1be bride ll a craduate ol AJt· the 1100 blll. Our own VIrginia kin 8Choola In~ and hu 'Cutle, who Is now a blr shot in been employed at tbe Marine the Le-aue's neowly·formed na· Corps Air hdllt;y. *Jar Ander· tlonaJ orpnlutJon. Introduced son c.raduated from Coa.ltnp .arne of the celebrtties around. A Fine Decorating Service Awaits You \ Elgin & Hamilton Watches Diamonds Mountings Wallace Calderhead JEWELER 3123 Earl Coeat Highwey CorOM del Mer IE II IPIIliTEIIII VI' rl I z-. £ Da...,ry l.a.tY 1-ml DIO .-tiL e-ta lleea A Classified Ad in ln. Ensiqn brinqs immediate results! C.l Harbor 111+1115 end orow itl JUST OPEN -:=.-r CEITEI CITEII. TO w•a• 8IIU All SCHOa .RLS Featuring "Separates" ... Accessories, etc. * College Town Skirts ... washable wools Retail from 5.95 to 10.95 * .Calderon Belts-Nationally advertised HER OWN ORIGINAL CREATIONS (BAUAB.A QUJUI.BT) • • • SHABARA 3329 Mewporl 81Yd. Te~OM: Harbor 5438 Sit 'n' .., Knit F. IUSIIESS * Come in for yams * Pattern Books * Bucilla "Paint it Yourself" Textile Kits • • • MILDRED D. THERON 313 E. Balboa 81Yd.. lkl1.boa ' aconye ~~~~~ ~~~ at Beach & Boulevard SfOJITI AJm C.UVAL WEAJI 320 s. Cocat 81ft~. l..clp8a .... EYES n.tS.Y• II ''IIIIi IYAIII" 'A dog'a er-e do 80t Mtlct .a. • .elL & ........... ""'-... ... w. • ~ .-41 wlalt.• .....S.. Ia ''*""'* ........ ef 111111"• A .. ....._ prl8dpaiJy • Ida-ef lliel1 - ""' ct.lld -lata er-e to ...... wtaa• ... tla.a .-y ....... ., ..... Ia tM ..... ct.Ud. ....., .... .., be ..... ...,. ...................... .........., ....... .. ..... cs-. CALL D1t. MCHOLSON TODAY far an appointment to U• amtM. pNICrlbe and 11t your chlld'a er• with the proper .,. war. L L NICHOLSON. O.D. I South Africa Talk Slated AUT CHU.at 01' CHaiST . SOEHTJST ,,., VIa a.w.. ............. A breftdl of The Motftet Church, Tlle Am OIU~"Ch of Chritt, Scietttlrl, i11 lot- toll, Meuec:h uretts. Su1141ey Sdtool ----9:15 e.m. Sulldey Setvlc.e II :00 e.m. Wecl!letdey MJW"9 Meeti119 1:00 p.m. lteedi119 ltoom loceted et )] 15 Vie Udo. N_,_t ... eh. it ope" -· deys from 10:00 e.m. to 5:00 p.m~ Wednetdeys from 10:00 e.m. to 7:45 p.m. Fricfey -nincJt from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Closed Holideys. The pubUe it eofdielly invited to et· telld tile c:l1urdl MMeet elld VM tM RMdinq lloorn. in BeautUul PiD.k. White Y eDow and Bronse TWO SJION TO IDVE 'I'OV .... e 1'137 ... ,.._ Aw. CJI. .......... ~ ..... Dr. Charles Nixon, lectw~r. writer, educational consultant, and polltJcal aclenttst, wlll apeak at the meetinr ot the American Association of University Women, Santa Ana Branch, at 8 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 10, at the Ebell Club House In Santa Ana. He wlll diiCUBS what happens when peoples with the primitive culture ot Atrlca, the ancient culture ot India, and the modern Industrial culture ot the West are mixed tog~er In a cbanr· lng land, South Africa. Light their. life with fJithll/lt lOSS JIUTB KLVIO. Ia o • e .ca aoa~l.t at Or-.. eo.t CoU~ Is coaductba9 cooii:ID9 ct.Dout:ratiou at tM loutll CIIUIUal 0CC Coolli89 lcllooL Ia Lido Theatn. '1'1MN wiD be three mon ... -. lfcw. I. 15, 22. from 1:30 to 11:30 ...... ... J[hamb Is a ...,.. facalty .... . bet at occ. s ... did ..... UJ~dew. 9f'Ciduate woriE at Wa~a~Agtoa State CoUep cmd NOillted ..... Jluten ~ lD laolae eco- DOmica at tJM Ullinnlty of Wl.lcou'n Thanksgivin9 Service Set A Union 'nlanJuclving aervtce will be held Wednesday evenlnc, Nov. 23, In St. Andrews Presby· terlan Church, sponsored by the Newport Harbor Council of Churches. TIIETAS TO 11.EET TUESDAY The Oranre County Kappa Alpha Theta Alumnae Club will meet at 11 a.m. Tuesday at the home ot Mrs. Bruce Hesse. 2571 Bayshore Drive, Bay Shores. Luncheon wU be served follow· lng the meetlnf. All Thetas are Invited to attend and are re· quested to call the hostess, ~· erty 8-5391. Professional Directory Margaret L. Scharle Teadler-ot Piano Orlanlat . Accompanlat Evenlnf ClUIIeS tor dults 307 GOLDENROD AVE. Corona del Mar A religious drama will be di· '-----------~ rected by Mrs. Holly Visel with ,.---.:r...;:D;.:.If:.:E:..::IlAL=:...D:.::mE=.;:CT;.;ro~;.;;U;;;;...___, music by the St. Andrews Pres· Friendly Neighborhood Service byterlan Church and Balboa S Island choirs. Plans tor the serv· P ARlCE -RIDLEY lee were announced at the MORTUARY church council luncheon meet· lng Tuesday, Oct. 25, In tht> Ebell 11 0 Broadway Clubhouse. Rev. M. C. Cronic, U 8·3433 6 8·3434 Costa Mesa presidt>nt, pr~sidt>d. The host pastor, R~v. Frederick Ringe, reviewed the hlstory, doc· trine and scope or work or his denomination. Rev. Roy Carlson, commission on education, re· ported that classes In released time education were the largest ever. Rev. Joseph McShane, Rev. NOW ... TWO BALTZ MORTUARIES Servin&' the Harbor Area Baltz Mortuary CHAPEL BY THE SEA Harbor 42 3520 E. Cout Highway Corona del Mar Baltz Mortuary Liberty 8-2121 17h ~Superior, Costa Mesa AMPLE PARKING BOTH LOCATIONS Donald Sapp and Rev. Edwin Gomke wtll brine a plan for a harbor wide religious campaign at the November meeting. Rev. Robert Gronlund reported on pro- gress being made toward a re· Jlglous center at Orange Coast \..-----,:::;;;c;;wa~..----' College. IT. AJmaEWS nDn'TDIAII ,.,ca..r.urnaca.,... 1Stb St. • St. Andrews Rd., ecn.r.:=, ~...,.a ...._. .... J--LI..,wGit SUNDAY: Mominl wonblp, 9:30 and 11 a.m.; Church School, 9:30 and 11:00; 1r. Hlgh, Sr. HJgh and college are Fellow. ships, 7 p.m.; 1bunday, Prayer, .tudy group, 9:30a.m. COIOIUJIIT'l IIETJIODIIT _, W. lltll It-c.e. ..._ Uberty .......ssz .... , ...... w. lfcD•• Sunday: 9 :30 a.m., Church Sun· day School; 9:30 and 11 :00 a.m. Mornln& V{onhJp.-7 p.m. Collep Aae MYP &:rvtce - 7 p.m. Hlrh School MYF Service; 8 ~.m., young adults group aemce. TD cauaca or ca:aaaY Odd ,....,. t.octwe. 1 ... ..-podAft.. c-taK-. Lu.ty 1-5711 Tom ..._,, Jr .. 10a1ster Sunday Services: 9:45 a.m. Bible study; 10:55 a .m. worship ~rv. Ice; 7:30 p.m. evening aervtce. CIDUST CBUac& rt TD RA c.m.aattr KetJaodlat 8aDNMI 81ft~. at lCtla St.. Wewport IIAd)o« 5221 Pastor• BeY. 11oy A. eara.oa Sunday Worship, 9:30 and 11 a.m. Church School: 9:30 a.m. MJd. week Meeting: 7:00 p.m. Wed. nesday preceded by 6:15 p.m. potluck. ST. JOACIIDI CIIVJICII , liM OlaDge Aft.. Coatcl Keaa 0 l..lberty .... 1 ratMr n.o... J. •wta Saaday 11-.t 7. I. L 10 CIDd 11:30 a.m. Weekda~: Maaa at 7:00 a.m. -Confession: Satur· d&Y8 from 4:00 to S:l.S-7:00 to 8::1) p.m. mmJ t HARBOR REST PDIIT IAP'I'IIT cauaca A nomLnatlng co ttee o or •aww Rev. McShane. Mrs. P. F. Baines MEMORIAL p 11. nv ~ --... 1• & -1t1... and M. C. Perry wu appointed I"UlA -~ -.n ....... to bring a alate of officers to Harbor Blvd. at Cl.aler ..,._ liD Ubady a.ll7l serve next year at the November ,_._1 aa...t a. Ja' 11 meetJne. Putora were asked to KIMBERLY 5.11.58 SUIIday _..._: 1:45 a.m.. Sun· bring nominations from tlielr ~~~~gm~~~~C:: da7 Scbool; 11:00 LDl:1 W•· membership u.ta for the church ,. lblp Service; 7:30p.m. :wnday P'IIIIT usaoa.y or COD tladlt. & JDdaa Aft.. c-t. U... Uberty l.ml .......... c. a-le. ...... Sunday Sebool: 1:30 a.m. Wor· ahJp: 10::55 a.m. and e¥8Jlltibt aervtce. 7:30 p.m. Youn& People a.nd CbUdren'a Se!'vtce. 6:30 p.m. Sun. MJd.weeJc Service: Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Lad.lel' "Milslo!lary CouncJJ. 1bursda~ 9:30 a.m. tor all day. IEVEJn'a DAY ADV&Wilil R..,..nahd. ....... lt. •....-t•"f:: I.D*tr ... Elct. D. L lpnJdlag Saturday Morntnr Se!'vtcea: Sab· bath Scbool: 9:30 a.m. -Ser· mon: 11:00 a.m. Prayer-meet· tnr: Wednesday, 8:00 p.m. rDST UPI'IIT cauaaa la .. AMAft. ........ U. eon. .... ...... a. ...... Sunday Servtcea: 9:4.5 a.m. 8uD4a.y School; 11 3.1D. Wcnb.tp &erv~ee~· 8:10 p.m.. Baptilt Tra.1ntn1 bntOJl; 7:30 p.m.. EftD.lnr 8en1cL Wedn~: 7:30 p.m.. Pra,.r, Pral8e and BJble Study. MoD- day: 7:30 p.m. Men'a Cborua p rae tl ee; 8:30 p.m. lien'a rrayer Keettnr. cauaaa or ova LADY or liT. CAIIMJft· l"'W ........ ams..•..,..n ~~~~· r.ua.a~~·...._ r.U..~JIT118 Sunday M.__: 8:00 and 10:00 and 11:30 a.m. Conf..ton: Sat· urdaya and ewa. ot lilt J'rJdQa and Holy Dan from 4:00 to 5:30 ~ UHilrom 7:30 to 8:10 p_~ D Jlatl 1:00 LJIL J1nt ~: :.ao ..... and~~,.... Jlo•••• ~ Help): 'tla•IJI'o , ..... 7 2 I JJ"J .... ~ ... ,_. ...... ,., .... OWiti WPJ-"'**'U*iii Dllllt:' ,,,_ I"'IIST cauw or CBJiift sas w • ..._.. -..&. ....._ ICIUIWt 1103..,_~....-t.._. M''l a-...P.W ..... _ SCIJ Sunday School. 10:30 a.m. 14om- Sunday School: 9:15 a.m., Sun· Inc 'W'ClftbJ~OO a.m. day S e r v I e e : ll :00 a.m. IT. JAIID &ftiCOPAL Wed.needay Evmlnr Meetl.n.r : a. 'na u.s., •...-t 1 .._. 8:00. ReacSJnr Room. 3315 VIa ~ 1• Lido, N.wport Beacb, open 10 -... Jelaa & ......_ ...._ a.m.-5 p.m. week da>" 10 a .m.· Sunday aervtce.: 8:00 a.m. Holy 7:45p.m. Wedne.da>" 7·9 p.m. Communion. 9:15 a.m. 11 a.m. Friday ev.ntnn. Sunday acbool; 1:1.5 un. mom- CIDUi"t LUYBIIAJr C11VJ1C11 In& prayer and .e.rmon. 11 a.m. or COSTA JOSA worshtp eervtee. Th urad a y (KIIanut~ll) Services~ 9:15 a.m. Prayer Jlalll-•an. Guild; 10:30 Holy Communlon. Coata ... --..... B.Y. LatbC1r Tomow IT. JOD vtAJnQ"f Sunday Services: Worship Serv· SIC llari.De Aw. a.lbocl J.alad Ice 9 a.m. Sunday School at IPAitMw •16 10:15 a.m. ,. ..... ~ • .., ....... r.ua.._ ... •raa BALIIOA ISLAJf1) -COIOIVJfJTT IOTIIODIIT Sunday)(._: 7:00a.m. 6 9:00 115 A,..e. Aw. BaDNMIIalaod a.m. Confeaaion: Saturdays and Kialatea't a... Deaalcl lapp eves. of lilt Frtda~ and Roly ~ tsa na,..; 7:30 to 8:30 p.m.; Pint Sunday Servicea: 9:30 a. m. Friday Ma.aa 8 a.m. Summer- Church SchooJ~30 and 11:00 Maaa.1uly and Aul\lolt Sunday, a.m.WonhJp ce. 11a.m. -COIIOJIA Dar IIAJI CDftAL IDL& cauac:a COKWOWIH cauaca a...... a... •.,.. a Caaptlutl•.. c.t. ...._ LDaftt ...._ Ill Wett bcpe A"' A. A. KM1an. ,_._ ~ 111'1 Sanda.y Scbool: 1:45 a.m. Mom-,_.., ........ a-.. In&' llrvlce, 11:00: l!ftnlq S d • w-.. tp ._..__ ,.-~. 7:30. llld·week s.rv- un a.,ll~~"~ Ice. Wedae.Jday, 7:30p.m. ~ a.ui. day • YOUDI people meet 1:1.5 p.m. man and church woman of 1955. Wilb C W DC ewnln1 C:erYiee; Mtd-Week The Installation of oftlcers and . ur · agner, · · 8ervtee.! 7:30 p.m. W~y •&WIOft IIADOa recognition awarda Will be pre· ~ac:t.le Prayer~. LUJMIIAif CBUMCii ..-r aGGia&U Uftll'l' Sund-.y. th , 1956 Ph · Tberapy 1501 CUff Dr ... ..,..... ....... cao8CII aented at e .anuary, • lon Tberapy ~ AaiMat.Y or QOD Lllaeltr ..... • w --.. ... c......_ meeting. 314 Oceaa An .. Lapna 0111111. lild-al1u. ~ • .....,.. CINal.ad • 1•1 tt ii. Office: ll)'att f ·2398 ...._ c.u.... Duplicate mamtn~ 11t v1cea -I ..._. Dl. ••• & ._ GO TO PJU.II ll'allfGI Bes..: Hyatt t-40M u..tr a.M1 a.m. and 11:15 a.m., Sunday; au::!l:. edlool. 9:4.5 a.m.. duuda The Hal Whites have lett their ~:::J!!J!I~(!I!•n•-.....: ~. C. a.-,.., 1 •LI lttnderprten and ~Sebool t 11:00 a.m. ~. home at 7<K Acada A +e.. Colona ,. Sundayldlool 1:10 a.m.. momtnr Dept. Sunday School, 9 a.m.; UnJon 7 p.m. Sundq. Eventq del Mar, for Palm Spdnp. Hal, AKAJIDA lLOYD wonh.lp U a.m. Youq people lilt Cract. tbroup Adult Bun· wal'llhtp 8 p.m. SunCSQ. Teacb- a musldan. pl~ at the Beach· Physical Therapy 8ft'Ykoe 1:30 p.m., -~Jl• da.y 8ehoo1, 10 a.m.; bua JWO· en and cmcen JDe~ttq 7 p.m. combers Club tn Capllltrano f« Corrective MCJIBClge evanJe)bt ~ 7:;,u p.m. vldad and If~ Pf09tded for Wtdnellda:r. Pra)'W ....w. an4 the aummer aeuon and hies Port --n ~ Kid-week 81!'\'koe 7:30 p.m. both aervtcea and JD a.m. IUD· •ble lltQctJ 7:G p.m. w.sne. lalmaelf to the de.ert nl&'ht .pots 2101 E. CC':t BW7~ C.Dk Wedneacta.y. day SchooL day. Wilen the weather chances. ~denca~,;.,~a:'o Tbllt Dlredolr • .Dade pc-lb1e by thele c:lfti.mln W IM-'• 11 P*Di Bead the EnaJp Want Ad pap. RICHARD'S UDO MARKET Oranie ~~ ._ ODIIIfWt ll.ubt MlJ VII Uda Hdot m1 tli 4 ,,. ..._ -------·· ......... _ ........ ---+--r.-;\ .. , 4 • a ~ss•• ••••• , ............ , .r CHIJR.CHES I M.n. J. H.rbert SIJlllh. wtte o1 rum:t JIIQIIT IVIIDAY tbe rector ol AU lalnta l!pl8co-'ft\e Unlvena!Jst Community pal Cbwdl in Bewrly HJlla, wtll Pellowstalp wtl1 bold a tamUy be l\letlt apealler at the mon~ly nlabt at 7 p.m. Sunday tn ~e meettnc and luncheon of the Mewport leach Ebell Clubhouse Women'a Awdlluy ot St. 11,.,. tn Balboa. A talk on co!QntaJ Ept.copa1 anm:b of N-..port cotna will be ctven by John w. ._eb at 12:10 p.m. Wt4needay, Stoppelwerth at Santa Ana and NO¥. 9, In the parUb hall ot the Ropr Axworthy of Santa' Ana c:burdl. wU1 preMnt a mualeal atunt. Tbe aubject for cll8cuulon wW Community atn&1nc and croup be .. Praytnc wt~ Power and How cama will ~ conducted by WU- to Apply It to Dally uvtna." uam Wlley. Uebt ftfrnhments Members ttl St. Joan'• GuUd ol will be aervecl. Newport Beech wW be luncheon • hMteues. Baervatlona abould be CDII COJIIIVWIT'r CAUIICII made wt~ Mrt. Donald Ferauaon Loyalty Sunday wll.l be ob- at Ll 8-1972. aerved thla Sunday at the Corona FASHION ~SHOW ' Reservations Now HArbor 3930 villa marina Wednesday, Nov. 9th ~iD a .n.. of iiiOII;IbiY FcnlrioD Sbcnn • NOTE: Next FasJrion Sbow 011 Wed.~ December lCtb. (cmd 1M MCODd W ecm..day of each mODth lollowiDg) Pre.entecl through the cooperation ol the Yalla Marina. Vema Miller and The FollowiDg DidDcti•• Shop. JBAGGS UIIIQUE SHOP X/37 E. Coaat Hwy. ec.coa del War ·* THE BB.A.T SHOP 1809 Newport Boulevard Costa Mesa * CATHY'S MATERNITY SHOP 309 North Sycamore Santa Ana * EJJ.QENE, CASUAL FASHIONS 1883 Harbor Boulevard Costa Mesa * FUN FASHIONS 2659 E. Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar * LORNE 204 Marine Avenue Balboa Island * M.ABIL YN"S FASHION APPAREL 1767 -A Newport Boulevard Costa Mesa * RULF.S OF CJWFOBNI.A. 3210 Via Lido Lido Shopping Center VERNA MDJ ER CHABM SCHOOL Commentary-Fashion Models 307 N. Broadway, Santa Ana Luncheon from 12 :00 Noon Baylllcie Drift at MariD.e Aft. (Entrance. Balboa lalcmd) Newport Beach del Mar Community 0\urcb. Guest apeU.er wW be the ae.. Lee Sm.a1llnN Jr.. m1n1ater ttl atewarclshtp and mt.tona !or ~ Con~tsonal Conference. Jfe wiU talk on ''Wbat I BelJeve About ~e Chwdt." UJrJYEaAUn' n:u.owuu. "IJ.nt from the Ancient East." a practical meauce from Hindu- tam, wUI be the theme 011 the aermon at the Unlvenalt.t Com- munity FeUOW1Ihtp Sunday mom- Inc. The Rev. Frederick Rln~e o1 Corona del Mar will continue hb serlee ol chlldren'a ~ennons on ~e life ot Jeeu.a. Church RI'VIces are held In the Ebell Oubbou.ae, Balboa. ClmJSTIAJf ICIERCZ caoaca '11\e fact that God created man In Hb own lmace and likeness as recorded In the first chapter of Genesis b the leadlnc polnt In the leaon-aennon on "Adam and Fallen Man" at the Newport Beach Christian Science Olurcb Sunday. The Golden Text b from Ephesians (5:8), "Ye were sometimes darkness. but now are ye llcht ln the Lord: walk as chUdren of Hrbt." BATamE roa CBUilCII GltO~ A chuck -wacon supper and a moonllght hayride at the Buffalo Ranch were enjoyed by 21 youths ol the Balboa Island Community Methodist Church Sunday eve- ning. Worklnc with her son. Hen· ry, as general chairman of the party was Mrs. C. Douelus Fer- ry. She was us15ted by Mr. Fer- ry, Mr. and Mrs. Ted R. Hauser and Mr. and Mn. Cbestes-Eckert. nocawsi!YZ ounru An all-cb urc.b procresaJve suP· per for the Balboa-Island Com - munity Methoda.t Olurch Ls plann~ for Sunday evenJng by the Ruth Circle of the Woman's Sodety of am..tta n Servi~. The appetizer course will be aerved at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Har· old lames, 333 Marine Ave.; the salad by Mr. and Mrs. C. Doue- t a.sa Ferry. 310 ery.taJ Ave.; the main courae by Mr. and Mra. Wayne Hunter, 318 Grand Canal; dessert and coUee at the church by Mr. and Mrs. Byron L. Nealy. Reveal Troth Of Mayo Kin A champqne ao!Me &1ven by Mr. and Mn. Ja.pb w. Hood. 2&95 Q<estvlew Dr... Bay Shores, llJlDOWK'ed ~ IIUIIUDI!r ....wtD.c plane ttl dletr ...... Pnldmce Elwtrlpr, and Jadt 1:\laene Fox. 800 ol Mr. a.ncl Mn.. Joeeph E. Fox ol J:ut Rainelle, W. Va. The bridqroom-elect b now wl~ the U. S. Marine Corps station~ at El Toro. The Intend~ bride Ls a sophomore at <>ranee Coast Col · Jege studyln( art. Prude~ is the gn.nd-daugh· tel' of the late Dr. and Mrs. Olarles H. Mayo of 'Rochester. MJnn. Symbollzlnc their happl· ness. the plight~ couple drank from an antJque loving cup wbJch has been tn the Mayo famJJy f~ ceneratlons. Guesta at ~e party Included Dr. and Mrs. loaepb A. Walshe of Costa Mesa. Lt. and M.r&. J. R. Carpentft' of Corona del Mar, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Fttqerald and Miss Katie Fltziftald of Corona Highlands. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Q . Hatch and Mr. and Mrs. Glact· stone F. Hatch ol Lido Isle. Mr: and Mrs. lack Belanger of Bal- boa Island, Mra. Ellzabeth Wat- son ol Balboa lsland. Larry Shoe- maker, orl&1nally from West Vlr- gtnla. now ol. El Toro. M1as Aus- tJn-Belle Sullivan ol Lido Park. Miss Barbara K.ale of Santa Ana and Mia Janet Bement ot Lido Park. · ..... ~ AJrD...alr .. tbe .... IOaa ... ,_ •tttwaa. The Andersons, Newlyweds , Make Home in Bay Shores Newcomers to 2691 Crestview schools a nd holds a Masters de· Dr .• Bay Shores.. are Major and I gree from the UnJverslty at Call· Mrs. Philip Bru~ Andenon, neoN· fornla at ~keley. where he was lywed.s who were manl~ In a a member of Theta Delta CbJ Jate October ceremony at the I fraternity He was a tlehtes-pUot First Presbyterian Church ln San-in the South Pactnc In World ta Ana. War II and al.ao a vetft'ui ot Ko - The bride is the former Miss rl.'a He Is praenUy conn«t~ Hazel Jean Pittman of Santa Ana, with VMR-352. Marine Transport dauchter of Mr. a nd Mrs. Her· Squadron, MCAS. EJ TOf'O as a man Pittman of AJUdn, Minn. pilot. The groom, a Marlne Corps ~--------------serve ol!l~r at El Toro. is the son of Mrs. Wa yne Harshbareer ot Palm Springs and Dr. C. H. • • • Andenon of Oakland. Mr. Pittman was here from ofsodal note ' ........ 11111'11'1 Llll IIIIET wfai&I!IS November 3, 1955 Newport Harbor Operation Cooldnc School ... One down and three to go . . . Last Tuesday at ~e Lido Theatre Jluth Klumb from the Home Eco- nomJ cs Statt ot Oranee Cout College. touched her ma ctc open- er to a can of corned beef huh and lunch meat to &1ve them an appetlzJng new dresa.of mm-mm- good appeal ... lluth'a Fruit Salad Dresalnc made with marsh· mallows about atopped the ahow ... At lut a dresaJnc to keep the fruits bom turniDc biOWD! U you m.taaed these recipes by not attendlnc Jut Tu~. don't hesitate to ask for them next week ... Ah "FamJly F~ wl~ a Company Air" ... the text o1 next week'• Cooltlnc Scbool . . . Wonder what Rut.b wflJ do wttb a pot rout! Or a pound ol bam- burger! nme 9 :30-U :30 at ~e Lido Theatre. Tuesday rnomtna ... Prizes: All food cooked &1ven away, plua three turkeys and ~aakets ot croeerles ... AlAIO a chance to wtn that beautiful Gal- fen and Sattlft' Gu bop and t650 worth of DW!r'Chandile and &1ft orders lrom our Lido Sbopa ... And remember, ChriJrtmu b comtnc! Take the time to co in and out ol our Lido Shops . . . find out what they have to make shopptnc Juat l..l.k.e Cbrbtmas all the year VOUDd • . . ...., ... Ctdlfonttc Ia tM Doe s-. -. t1ae ~.w. ......... ~a-... Anos ...... Ta ........... ..u ........... ··-n.ta. .............. c:.a.. c.octiiiQ ..-rtT tiUa ~. ....,_ ... .t I a•deck ••• ht defte'Wy •••• ftw.ly ......... • •• ··-··-.. 4ICt1Mdly lin. ....... ,et ......... rt • tbe a... ... tiMU --••• ..-. ..-wm M9'a la.ia p1ctue .............. AIIdtDeat ......... ··-"-Ill .a ........................ ...... ....,_ ....... ......, owa c:ldldna -n .. . MinnHOta to escort bJa daughter Got your aea.son tickets for to the altar In the cancfle-llcht the Newport Harbor CommuoJty double rlnc service. The bride Cbet Farrar came back from an Players! Contact Mrs. Burton wwe a formal bridal cown ot Arthur Murr~ convention at Lu ~~ Batbor 2347-ll ..• Flnlt wb1te taee CM!r' satlD wh.ld\ fell Vecu wUh tal• ttl a fa.bulous produdSon ttl the --..on, -n.e fnJm a slim eJoaptectt.odke Into -* ..... .,.. all ., e........_. w.tFliM!t• w , ..,. ... a full .adJ'ted &OWn wlth train. A en att~ at the Colden SUp-ct.,y and Sa~. Nov. 2. 3 and tiny lace hat clecotaled with ~-Qalma be ewu played a 5. ~ Chapel Theatre. <>ranee pearls held bft' flncert.1p veil. fOod game of goU over at Veps. Coast Co~e ... Tickets JLOO Cultured pearl earrtnp. ring b ut says It may have been that each ... I m lcht add that the a nd necltlace were a w~dlng he was so drowsy from lack ot NBC Players an acting their g1.ft from the groom to hls bride sleep. he was relaxed. hearts out to build themselves a He bad flown them back trom • • • permanent local theatre ... All t he Orient. The bride carried a Jessie Hill leaves this week for proceeds co towa rds their build- cascade bouquet of white orchids. a month ·long holiday lncludJng ing fund. whJte roses. lily of the vaJJey and a Canbbean cru ise and Thanks· stephanotis. giving m it with he!' family at Miss Allee Pittman ot Santa Atla nta. Georgia. Ana serv~ as bft' sister's maid • • • ol honor. Another .sistft', JoAnM Footba ll w as the theme of the of AJtkln. Minn., was bridesmaid R h Y t h m R.&mblers, freshman along with Jane DeWeerd of Or-dancing pa rty group. which met ange and Beverly Leach of Santa at the Corona del Mar Com · Ana. All of the • bride's attend· m unlty Church Tuesday night. ants wore cocktail len&th c1rea.ses It was a sweater dance with aJI In brocad~ tatteta with match-the-girls and even th e dancing Inc tiaras. I tl.'acht>r, Dorothy l o Swanson. In Cllrt.stmcDI If you're .-.. bab a Cllb, get at itl x.o.aly ...., •lactiaa of g1amcl fnatta. by tba poaad 1A oa.r DeUc.- ........ a.d. gn.a CIDclwlal• .......... Nd aad ...... c:a..-n... atNa. 1.-.. -.4 o...p PeeL ..... ct; ,,... .......... ••• AM~~t:Moaw· .. ~ ... aa-cl rnu. ... ,..... l•dwidaeal ..... .. tn.la ....., u.r ...... -~~~tMt I. cloa'\. W.. tD • .-a - .wtwtdl:• -look .... .,. pat ................ k. cart ••• ., ...... _._ .... put ·-... ., ............ . WUilarn Staullft' Jr. of Santa sw~aters a nd miniature football Ana, a Theta Delta Chi fraternity sweaters as "c~ your part- o rother of the croom. serv~ as 1 nl.'r" numbers r~ boys and r id s. hJs best man. Ushers. all Ma .,There was a tl.'mporary moment rines stationed at EJ Toro. ln· or darkn«-'ss wh<'n the light switch eluded Major L. D. Hutlnp of was pulled during the evenJng. Santa Ana. Captain J ohn Bowers but the light of learning pre· and M/Sgt. E. M. Soten of La. vaUed and soml.' or the trosh may ''Everybody's J lmmlny alow cuna Beach. bavl.' e-ven lt>ame-d to tango. putting ln thelr Prtmulas:· from Sha~n and Judy Williams. • • • Barry In our new nower shop daughters of Mr. and Mrs. M. L.l If you thought It was CTOWdf'd ... English Primrose, Malacolde., Wllliams of Garden Grove. served at the Bay Club last Friday at Cineraria. ObeonJca ... aJl shade as ~lower Cirls In twin pink a nd the A.ssJstance ~ague Party. you Iovin' plants. which It put in now blue dresses ol brocaded taffeta. should have st"en thl.' ~pie who will bloom In January ... Bulbe! Cor leH-" .. dl. -.elopes c.l A reception U the church so-~ couldn't get an bto<.-au~ the Now yoo know around Easter THE 9fSI6N. HA-l 114 clal ball followed the ce.remony. ~ague just stopped selling tick · Tim«.'. you·~ golnc to wlsh you'd ~-~--------~-----~~~==••============~-~~~~~~~~~~9~~~~~~~M~~ ... all~~q what apo~· ~an~~~~~~ ... ~a Marton West of San Luls Obispo, Jar party this annual altair it., new crop of ManzanJta Wood Ia Relax .and look lovel .. Capri Pants LOVELY TO LOOK AT IDVELY TO LOUNGJ: IN. VELVET bladr, lavenct., ~ peen. turcauolee an~ blue. ... COJD>UIOY black -----... oan'OM Lavender. 1ft/¥ a.acl Wac* ----... sa.. I toll a fOI"'Ilft' ~ and Mia The fashions portTay~ on the In ... Jdeal to have around tbe Kitty lulum o1 Aitkin. ramp. with Dorothy Yardley at house for quick chan,e acta 1ft Mrs. P:lttman wore a navy blue the mJke. were lush from a ll re· decoratinc . . . Manzanita wooct dress wl~ navy aDd pink aoees-porta and thanks were given to can be spray~ any color you eorles and a lawndar catalea Minnie Toon for coordinating the wish, or left natura l . . . orchid. The brtdepoom'"a mother ahow. Mrs. Glenn Mathis of wore a mauve tatlet& ctre. with Moulton a.nch won the mink mauve and blaek acceaorJes and &tole (wouldn 't you knowL And a slmllar corsa~ Terry Boris was tJdtled pink wfth The btlcle b a craduate ol Aft-the 1100 btu. Our own Vlrglnla ldn xbools ln lilnnaota and has 'Ca.stle, who Is now a blg shot In been ernpl~ at tbe Marine tbe LHaue's neowly-forrned na- Corps A1r hdllt;y. ~ ADder· tlonal CJI'I'anlzatJon. Introduced 80n craduatecl from Coalinga .arne of the ~lebrittes around. A Fine Decorating Service Awaits You .. t'OSE • • • llaose Jars, Tied for Lead, Face SGinls Tomorrow ' Mesan Burned in Gas Blast· Herbert Ray Dunlap ol 174.1 PomoA& Ave., Colla Meu. .l.t 1n c:rttJcal condition tn Hoar Me· mortal Boapltal from bUilUI auf. fered ~tom 'a au oplo&lon In hil one-room home at 11:~ a .m. Sllnday. He autteftd f lr.t and MCOnd ~ buru over the en· tire upper portion ot hil body. INCHES ••• 'w:FOJIEHtbe Clui*aaa HolidaYs! ••• TIIAT IS ••• unless you are aatlafled with ~ to "SQUEEZE" a a1ze (12) drea on to a slze (18) figure! ... unless you enjoy the "DA.n.Y ZIPPER tug-ot-war''! Accept Our OH• For A CoaapUIII•tclrf Fxplaaatorr Treat~Deat (Ko OblltaUoa) A TBAJJIED nGVJIE COKSULTMT WW llolp You With YOVJI '"l'lguro ~·· Be A New YOU "Before" 1956--START TODAY! Jla:d)ow 1 7U au' E. CoCIIIt llwy. COBOKA DEL MD Tl .. s.e If I FOR CHRISTMAS OUEa Y0171l ''HALLMAR.K'' CHRISTIAS CARDS lOW! SELECf FBOM OUJl LAJICE KEW "HaUmark" Album CORDIA Rl IIR PHIRIACY * •. ,.., 2212 * "'TBE ProscrtpUoa Pharmacy'" ~2272 3127 E. Coast lll.gbway. Coroaa delMar 0/IR SPECIALT'Y ----- * ..... 2212 * COROIA DEL MAR PHARMACY "'TTiE ~ptioll PbcrnDocy"" BAUOB 2272 3127 E. eocut llwy .. Dear ]C!PDIM. CoroDa delMar for FALL • WALLACE CILDERHUD JEWELER 3123 East Coast Bwy .. CoroDa del Mar Use Ensip Wut Ads for Results (Coat:lauec! from .... 1) Scbultt recovered a tuml»Je tow a yard Ia. Be failed to gain and on fourth down punted over the end zone. · Garden Grove made atx yarda In three playa, then punted to the Tar 39. Hopklna made eight yards and Tamura picked up abt more tor a tlr.t down on the Gar· den Grove 47. On third down Schultt tired a 9-yard bullet pua to Lorentzen for a Ul'llt down on the 35. Tamura made five yards. Hopkins picked up four and Ta· mura ran for three more tor a tlrst ·down on the 23. HopkJna made tour u the third quarter ended. e P'Ou.TII QVAafta Berry drove tor three yards. Ta· mura made two and then Berry lunged for a ftrat down on the Glamour Glimpses .y AJnf It Isn't only the tadlng light or the complimentary candle~low that makes "alter-tlve" ~m more mysterious and beautltW- It l.s truly the glamour and ele· gance of "after-tlve" apparel that makes It something special. The MCDOD Ll baNly befla· ll1A9. From DOW OG throath the glorloua wb.lrl of b.olldaya tlMn wW be DlGDY occa:alo'U few b • a u t l f u I .. after fin" cloth ... Notice the special allure of this yPar's formal and cocktail hour dresses. Although stUl short. many of this year's formal gowns have a "covered up" look. Come and take a look at a whole collection of these new gowns at O'BRIEN'S. Notice some ot the s m a r t new lines -the slim sheath set·oft with a side fiare, a back pout! for drama . . . the princess line which bows tq a subtle fullness just before end· lng . . . the smooth torso and high bustline of the empress de· sign. Ena UM jtOC»ful fuUDeu taper1Dg fraiD Jan .,.... boaf· fGDt liDo baa • ....,a trW• ... wlalcll ...aa. a Joww.aa.a. ....................... .._. .... daell apJ 1 oa Beautiful s at l n a , luxurtou. laces and many new fabrics bring elegance lnto this year's ball gowns and a party accessory array at O'BRIEN'S. Look. for ex· ample, at the radiant Chromapun gown shown on page 75 of the Nov. 1 Harpers. (This dress l.s featured at O'BRIEN'S also). It Is satin with the sparkle of crystal acetate . . . In candlelight hue ... and molded lnto a strlkJng sheath with a deftly manlpu· lated winged fiare. A dress to create an elegant Impression with a price tag that will pleas· antly surprise you. lut thLI Ll juat ooe of the mGDy bullridually a •1• e t • d .. after fin"' cSnu. cm4 f'O'WU at a-.JIIEK'S. Com• Ia 80011 cmd •led from ...wal that wW Mt off your bullYldu.al lonllD•• you'll be aurpriJied b.ow a ...., party CJOWD c:aD do ltl JIArbor ... 2515 E. Coa.t Hwy. COaolfA DBL IC.d Snip 'N . StitciJ * 7th ANNIVERSARY SALE * Buy 3 Yards Fabric at Regular Price You Get the 4th Yard for only WODderful S.lecticm wmt.r Cotto!& Tcdletca Sultiap cmd Drapery Fahdca. Tab .AciYcaatap of thila ~ to Get Yoar Clnllmal S.wiag Needll at luJwtantial latluga. 111 F E.a ...a 1111 12W!. Tbe Tart failed to gain In tJuee plaYJI, but Sdlultt paued to Lorentzen tow •tlnt down o" the lW!. On the next play Berry aalled into the end r.oDe for hla MCOnd 11>. Be a~aln kicked the point and tt wu lf·O. The Ar~onauta returned the ldc:k·oft to their 4.2. They made two ftrat downa and advanced to the Tar 21. A fourth down paaa wa.a lnc:omplete, but Interference was called against the Tara and It wu first down and ~oal to go tor Garden Grove on the Tar 6. On the next play Berry picked up an Argonaut fumble in the alr and went all the way for 94 yards, with Lorentzen maktn~ a key block at midfield. A cllppln~ penalty nulJWed that tremend· ous run, and It was tlrst and 10 tor the Tars on their own 10. Ta· mura made 12 yards, but another cllpplng penalty set the Tars back to the 6. Hopkira made nine yards, Berry picked up tour more and Tamura made three tor a firat down on the 22. Castro car- ried the ball tor 12 and another tlrst down on the 34. Castro made five more and on the final play Jody Fenton almost broke loose on a touchdown run but was caught on the Tar 41. A burner lett partially open or a leak tn the atove let natural au e.cape which wu Ignited when Mr. Dunlap went to light the stove, Flre Prevention Officer RaJph Lee ot eo.ta Mesa report· ed. The exploelon moved the rear wall ot the bulldln~ about three lnclles and caused ~ flre dam· age, the otllcer added. SOX IIOU TO TilE BOLICU. POUIU IIAJliiOa llUJI)EJfTS A baby boy was born Oct. 15 to former Harborltea, Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Holmes II ot Des· ert Hot Sprlnp. The newcomer their tlrst child, haa been named Thomas Michael ill. Mra. Holmea used to be assistant to Newport Cit¥ Clerk Frank Rinehart when the City Hall was on the ocean front. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Makely, live at ~ New· port Blvd., Costa Mesa. For lettorh .. ds. onveloDOs c.l THE ENSIGN. HA-t I 1<4 MEET 'THE HARBOR TARS- JOIDf a&AVD; 117 Onlald A""' c-....... Wf • ........... _.,......., ......, • ., 151 ..... I ft. II. ITAII ICII9811L 171 C.... ........ a.... .......... ......................... __ , .......... ft. .. MARIA E. V ARADA Y, M. D. AnnouDC* the~ ot an alllce at 2'753 kit CoMt BJpw&J ODruna ......... I , '-·r'· ....... ....... UIOAINS • •uy ·-by UM dlawatW _,....,.. ,~ . .-. atNtcbable D'flou spoc:Ml· ly pdcect ,_ Poaadel"a l)ayl They fit be•utltully, never bag or aa~. Fuhlon ~ades wtth dark aeama. ·~ Sizes Midge, Norm. Long. ....,. aa aabecltable ha· ...., bay -rlda. radklat ,..,..... ......, tlult .... daJM • -. a....tlftlllyl Select from full pieces In a veritable rainbow ol pal· tet. and brtfbta for every ..mc need. 36131 lndl• wide. uacw.a 77c " .. . ~ "LacorM.. Stalaleu Steel del.lped for ......ra by IAteraatioDal su...-. Ele· gant pattern. beautltully crafted! 8 each: dinner forlo, k:nJves, soup spoons! 16 teaspoons! 2 serving spoons, plua pastry server. FOVIIJ)D'I DAY lft:CIAL T pacbd Ia a CIIUophCIIM ......... . 2 .AD 1" Oaly .....,.. c:aa bda9 'fO'U thla ......... blUe cmd can1Dt set Cit tlala pii•O""•aJ low pl'lcel Famous ''Rogers'' aUver· plate with stalnless steel hollow · ground b J a d e a ! "Americana" pattern, at· tractlvely ~ft·boxed! 1Y1.1NET 1111 FliT 1111 .... ._.. FB.T .... ., . .. i8UMDA1', lrO'ti MIII t. 1- v . . Sl.OOO down pug JOU 1n a ~a bedr. a dim houe ln eut eo.ta ...... K.notty pine den with natural lltooe flreplaee. 0 Chetr7 Uttle bou.! 2 bedr .. W·lo·W c&rpeta. drape.. C'Ur• taln., plant... BeautifUlly anan.-4 for only ~1.800. G 'Me 1b11! 3 bedr., 1~ bath& Larp fencect yard. Tute- fully Jancllcaped, on nJce street. W-to-w earpeta, dra- ~. venetian bUnda. 4~ Joan.. Only $14,500. E Back Bay. 3 bedr. 1c den. Shake roof, .tone flJ'epl. Bullt-ln oven 6 ranee. W-to- w carpeta thruout. Owned by architect. $30.000. L l aa-e A bulldtnea on Har· bor Blvd. for development $80.000. TIE VMB CO. w ·roo Lnte to a.a..ry FOR SALE Brand new Dohnnyer M.lxer, all attadlmenta, lnelud- lng fine meat erlnder. $30.00. HASl-W. lEI Job now open In SANTA ANA to high ~ehool graduates, age 18--45 These are career joba with excel- lent opportunities for advancement. UIIIE lEI 'CUllS and ....... PaN -.e?! a ... bolJdaA "Deelllcal eoverap ava.Oable to employeea and dependent., Co. paid penaJon and dlsabtuty plan. APPLY 1030 EAST FIRST ST. SANTA ANA Mon.· Fri. 8 A.M.·4 P .H. SIUTIDI caumo us ca. ...... A cute Uttle home of 3·Mn., 2 bath-. ... Uvt.na rm.. open.~ to abelt...s patio. wood panel tlD1Ih In UYlftc room and dtntnc room. Buy now and have your eboke ol colon. Priced t:38,750 • • • .. 4-bedr. bome, den. 2 batha, hardwood and carpeted tloon, se,ooo, Submit down. • • • 3-bedr. Uvlnc room l!lx20d tJ.replace, fence, e o v e r e p&tfo can't be duplleated for 'ntt.~ce Reduced to $18,500 &rl w ....... , .. Rl!!ALTOR 225 Marine Ave., Balboa Wancl Call Harbor l'T75, or Bayslde Office Harbor 3297 Eves. Ed.Jth Maroon, HYatt 4-6.222 Jobn MacNab. Harbor 53S9 Lout. Boynton Harbor 2878 WIITEY .. IWI TICIET Owner says any cash offer that makes sense wiU take you Into escrow. 3 UIITS Near Catholic School Two 3-bednn. and one 2· bedrm. units. 3 garages. Nr. shops and tran.sportaUon ... Low cost maintenance. llllwa20%1 .... A Paying Investment! The dllps are down ... only $22,500 2305 W. Balboa Blvd. Newport Beach HA 3371 MATURE WOMAN Wfihes baby sitting and care of a!ck, knJt· tin&' or crocheUng. Day or nlgbt H.A 3192-M. PIANO lNSTRUC'nON. Teres a Renner (Mrs. A. Renner). AJ:. ceptlng a llmJted number of pupils for plano. Concert Pian- Ist of Three Cont.lnent.s. Grad- uate Student of Bela Bartok. 436 Serra Drive, CDM, HA 2039. A. Clossified Ad '" The tnsiqn brinqs immedia te results! Coli Horbor 1114-1115 and orove it! The Crossroads Village Shops And wbat a wonderful pfeta. ent he broucht for a>me de· ..rvtnc tamlly. A 2-.tory B a 1 b o a laland bome, u roomy and eomtortable u an old aJipper. Full a1zed ldt wtth room to bulle! an addl- tJonal Income unit Ita larJ'e llvlnJ' room, aun })OI'Ch lc klnc·•ize bedrooma wl.ll ap- peal to everyone, from 9 to 90! Only a 30 aeconds walk to a aandy, aunny beach on the North Bay Front • •su• RULn co. 498 Park. Balboa laland HA 3'r1 e ..... , . ., cw.aem e Check your broker ... broker cheek your listings. Can you beat 4-bedrms., 2 baths. din· In&' nn., living rm., lge. bluff lot. 400 8Q. ft. of plate glass to bring the yachting world Into the llvlng area . . . Can you beat It? $31,100 Terms tlh'Jl ad deal- Call George Moore Harbor ~ves. HA 1588-J .... .. , ....... 30th and Newport Blvd. Newport Beach Juices for Heallla We have a complete tJtodt of fresh vegetable and fnlJt Juac.. lneludlne papaya. c1-.us1ULn .VALUES AJ.o a nlce vartety ol bMlth breada. . ...... .._...JIEILTI iD Tbe Crc.-oacla vm.v. ................... LD tt ..... ._, ... , ------------------- Jr. Varsity In Top Spot The Tar Junior Varalty defeat- ed the Garden Grove junior var- sity 48 to 12 Monday ln Garden Grove, leavtq the Tar IVa ln tint place, an unofficial R&nd- lnc. Tar toudldowna lnduded a 5(). yard run by Dale Mutln. a five- yard p .. from Gene Hubbard to and Van Pomeroy, five-yard and 95-yud acorlnJ' runs by Glenn Buford, and 20-yard pus from Niquette to Bob Graham. Hub- bard scored a1x of the seven e.f. tra poJnt tria Harbor Tar aee. meet the San- ta Ana Sa.lbt Bees today (Thurs· day) at 3 p.m. on the SaDta Ana w,h School tleld atter betna beaten lut Thursday 12 to 6 by Garden Grove. Tbe Tar Beea are Ued for lut place with Oran&'e In the Sunset LuJ'Ue. A. Clossified A.d in The Ensiqn brinqs immediot• r•sult.! Coli Horbor 111+1115 ond orove it! Owwrlal•·••r lltl'llelwl KOVDIC WOftll DEC. 1ST . SICIIFICI. At BARGAIN PRICE his 3 bedrm .. 2 bath contemporary borne near CathoUc Church and achools In Costa Mesa. Call WUma Hough -·····-······---·--·-· ····-·········-HA 5188 or lJ 8 -5.2H U'lll lAY · PIIPEIT1ES 1505 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach / ... , .... LUCD -7 Cozy 2-bedr. home, just 2 bloclta from ocean and channel, for only $11 ,100 fill ,... With LOW, LOW down. Bay IIMI lucll llllty 1629 Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa, Uberty 8-1161 RARELY CAN WE OFFER so much for so llttl~! Lowly 3-bed.rm. 2 bath home In excellent cond. Ftnplace. garage, lovely yard. wonderful location--AND mE PRJCE WILL SURPRISE YOU. $19,870 with terms you can aUord! OON'T MISS nus CHANCE OF A UFE'TIME! IB.DI 8JBSII, Rulllr 306 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Harbor 502 lake It Easy • Yt1nelf! Buy UNDER the Market Price . . . this 52"' FOOT LOT IN LIDO At choice Eut end of Yella Ave. l"Jety ol. elbow room to rllht and left. aYIE IOEI II .. "BAY FillY SPECIIUSTS'' ART C. KISTLER CO .. REAL ESTATE 2091 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach Harbor 5226, day or night CLOSE OUT BIRWIS! All Merchandise ... MUST BE SOLD. We're practically giving away these new appliances at re- dlculously low prices. Come In and see . . . • WERE Kelvlnator, Automatic Washer .......... 309.95 Whirlpool Automatic Washer ........ _ .. .249.95 Gu Heaters (3) .... . ..................... 27.50 Toasters. elec. automatic ........... 22.50 O'Keefe It Merrlt Gas Range, C.P. (Uke New!> . . .. . . . .. .... ..... li9.50 1ulcer . .. .. ............ 14.00 Rheam Water Softener (save SlOOI .... 139.50 Table Set, 4 Chairs . .. .. .. ·········-··· 75.00 Swivel Desk Chair ..... .. ---·-········· -··· 15.00 NOW 150.00 135.00 10.00 12.00 75.00 7.00 39.50 27.50 6.00 El~. Irons (5) ............ ~--Orig. From 14.50 5.00 Washing Machine Parts ...... Various Sizes ... :.. ~ price Belt Measure ................ ·-······· .......... 3.00 1.00 Refrtgerator Parts and Units ···-··---···-· % Price oc Less Maytag Washing Mch., (used) .. ··--···-·········.Now 19.95 1 Ford Pick -up Truck % Ton ···-·-·-----------·-Now 37.00 LOTS OF O'niER ITEMS ... TOO MANY TO LIST ... ALL AT FAR BELOW COST ON DISPLAY AT 2815 BROAD, NEWPORT BEACH • • • .Aa ··- • "START LIVING" NOW IN IRVINE . TERRACE WE CORDIALLY fNVITE YOU TO INSPECT COMPLETED OUR DlSTINCI'IVE FURNISHED MODEL HOM:ES AND O'mEBS UNDER CONSTRUCTION NINE DIVERSIFIED FLOOR PLANS To the home buyer wbo wishes to purchase In the $24,000 to $35.000 class we sincerely recommend the Irvlne Estates overlooking Newport Harbor. These homes feature California living. Offered exclu- aJvely through Earl W. Stanley In a Smoe-Frft area known as Irvine Terra~n Coast Highway opposite the new Irvine Coast Country Club, Newport Harboc. * For recommendatlon, we refer you to anyone who holda a Leasehold Estate ln Irvine Terrace, Beacon Bay, Baysbores or Cllft Haven. Earl W. Stanley EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor 4448 For Fu..-ther Information IEWPIIT IIEIIHTS Vogel Value LOVELY VIEW HOME 2 large bedrooms. 2 baths. Used brick fireplace HW noors. fort'ed alr heat. 14' x 25' llvine room , 20' 'x 22' glassed-In sundeck. Beautifully finished throughout. Dbl garage It laundry. 8 mos. old. WUl trade ror smaller home. Pri~ right-good terms. THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E. COAST RWY. CORONA DEL KA.Il HARBOR 1477 HARBOR 1741 IEF.E YOU IUY TIY FIIICIS "· ••van,......, 2216 NPWpart Blvd. Ll 8·5101 3G> W. Balboa Blvd. Hwbor 1428 'l'lamcatow You WID Be Sony You Didn't Buy These TodAy COST A MESA SPECIALS 1. Business. parkin~. storage. and expan'\ion all at 2-174-8 Newpon Blvd. Front 66' x 150'-nrw bldg 45' x 5.2'-2 or 3 o!lice . Rear an>a enC'I -"w acre-: 1 ~r. st. home and garage. $-15.000 Terms. 2. 1 Bedrm. older home-dose to stores-Terms 5.250 3 l Bedrm.-room for units In front Terms 7.000 4. ?·Bedrm. Older-adj. C 1 zone nt>ar :Sew-pt. Blvd. enns . . -.... 12.000 5. 222 W. Wilson-2 Bedrm. and den Terms 8.500 6. 1 acres with 3-bedrm. home. $10.500. Terms. Call U 8-3989 evenings-Mrs. Fishback. 7. Business and prof. sitt"-<''r. Fullerton and Brdway. 8. Open House-2150 Rural 1..1nE'--.."at and Sun. 1-5 p m 3-Bedrm. large lot-h.w. fl.. patio, rlreplace-- . 13.600 9. Havp 2 lots togt>thPr on Rochf'Stt'r and also on WaJ. nul Plat-e 6.000.00 for earh pa1r :'\EWPORT HEIGHTS SPECIALS l. 405 Hnlmwood-::"t'ar Hospital Hf'li pnt, and trans- portation 3 b<-drm . 3 car ~:ara~P 1 '• bath-bt'autl· ful tHrc-h rahlnE't wrl(l(f"'ork Lan<l"("aJ>('d. end. patio \ IPE:'\ Hl )l SE ='at and ~un 1 5 p m Tt>rms. :?-tSOI 2 ~ Rf-drm -:.? h .. ths \\ 1th mfra rPd hf'at FnrN'rl alr- 1 tn!bc:.Jp<'ll-g.u n('<-tr Hl~;h :X·h""'-Tt'rm~ 14 j()(} BILl'S BEST BUYS BACI 81 Y SPECIAL Large-4 be-droom. 2 hath home. Top -gnde hardwood floors. built 1n kitc-hen with breakfast bar and dining room . Re-n.r II\ mg room With stone fireplace In corner A sliding gla.s..; doors to patio adds to luxury llv1nJ'. Full price $21.5<.10. only $4.000 down. W. A. TilliS, Rultlr and ASSOCIATES "You'll L1ke Our Friendly Servl~" 400 E. 17th St. Col'lta Mesa l.Jbetty 8-U!9 111.11PLE usn. Over The Top! ........ li~ ..an ••• Will._. ll • • • .. K\tltJpJe ............. tM Sao IN -., tD IIIII. • ' • CASH BATES FOB ENSIGN WANT ADS 1 Time 2 Times 3 Times 20 words or leo:wS!J..______ .75 1.25 1.50 21 to 30 words 1.00 l .SO 2.00 31 to 40 words 1.25 2.00 2.50 Each word over 40 .03 .OS .07 Cash must be received within 7 days of first insertion ····~·············· .... ~ Po8 1ALE HAL U'I'Aft & aDTAU BOY'S bicycle, $15. Phone HA l ·BEDROOM ROUSE, furnished, 0465M. $75.00 on year's leaae. HA WOO UTE is told only by Petite 5213· W. VIlle In CDM. It is the cold OPEN BOUSE Sunday, 1-5 p.m., water soap for wubJnc all at 276 Macnolla. Costa Mea&. woolens. 3409 E. Coa.st Hlway. Roomy 3-bedr. cottage 'mtdft WESnNGHOUSE Frost-Free Re· 23 fruit trees on 8 lots. Duncan fttcerator, plnk f i b reg 1 a as -:-;;;H,.:,ar:;,::d;:esty~,=H==A-4;..;n-:;.8.:----:;-:-"7" drapes, bird-print drapes, 8 AVAILABLE Nov. 11, .new 3·bed· green plastic chair cushion&, room. 2·bath home, dbl. gar., complete lJonel traln and ac-C.l'L $90 mo. Call HA 1829 be· cesaortes. HA 6162. tween 6 and 10, evenings. SPINET PIANOS-Be::!"'""o....,.tal--:-r-e-:-tur-ns.-NICELY FUR.Nl.SBED, newly dec- Trade-lrta on organ.~, etc. Like orated S·room apartment wtth new. This is a chance for a big garage, near post otfl~. bank savlnp. Open Friday eves. and stores. Ideal for couple. No Danz·Schmtdt, S20 N. Main, children or pets. $90. Contact Santa Ana. OWJlel', 325 Orchid. CDM. HA MODERN, blond, ashwood furnJ· 512·ll ture, custom made, for home or PROFESSIONAL MAN attention! office. Also elertrk stove, 2 Owner will build attractJve of· ' Vnsuag Commercials M 11 d r e d 'nleron, who just opened the "Sit 'n' JCnlr Yam .Shop In Balboa fa ori&Jnally born the eut and at one Ume wu cU· rector ot the ~lpbJan Soclety tn the entire state of Mlchlpn. Be· fore coming to Southern Calllor- nla, Mn. Theron had a yarn shop in Temple, Texas. At ptftent ahe fa Uvtng In Laguna wtth her daughter, Mrs. L. C. Weatherwax. and "commuting'' to her abop at 313 E. Balboa Blvd. • • • OpenJng tbla week on Newport Blvd. acroa from the Newport City Hall la a oew feminine ahop called .. Sbabara' '-a concoctJon of the namH of Ute two owners: Sharon Houriaan and Barbara Quarrle. Both ,Ul.s are well· known ln the area-sharon just recently aold th~ home she had owned on Balboa Point for 12 yura and Barbara formft'ly lived In Corona del Maz, now lives In Costa Mesa and used to have a UtUe Balboa shop where abe mostly retailed her original bu· ket.s and baubles for the home. Catering mostly to business wom- en and school girls, the new shop will carry separates and hand made accessoriH by Barbara. • • • ovens, 6 burners. Owner HA nee aulte in lJdo District. Call 2425. BA m . AI Pearce of Al Pearce's B·B·Q =.,-:-:=-===-.c:===----..,. ___________ aauce was In getting a chicken SEASON TICKET BOOKS now on DAL UTATE FOB SALE all trussed up for himself In the sale. $4.50 per book. Newport CORNER LOT, 3rd and Narcissus, Butcher Boy Meat Market In Co· H arb 0 r Community Players. CDM. for sale by owner; a.sk· rona del Mar ... and guess what Call Mrs. Ryadale, HA 2:M7-ll tng $5,950. he was going to do wtth Lt! lust HAMMOND ORGANS -All mod· like It says on the label-brown els. Some wonderful bargains UAL ESTATE WAXTED the chicken well and then cook In used organs. Several makes. W ANTED-3 or 4 bedroom home, In a cupful of Al Pearce's. "De· Free practice rooms. Trade In GJ or FHA financed. Give age, llclous," says Al. your old Instrument. Danz· down payment required, own· Schmidt, home of the world er's name and address. Write ·JIB. SEJ'TOFP VISITS EAST famous Hammond. Santa Ana, Box K-12, c/o the Ensign, CDM. Herman Steptoff of Balboa Is· 520 N. Main. land has just returned from a GOOD playing practice planos. WAJfTED TO llERT quick vacation trip to the east. $79, $87, $91 up to $195. Spinet LADY ALOf'(E wants 2·bedroom, He visited wtth six brothers and type mtrrt>r plano, a beauty furnished house wtth ga· staters ln the New York City area only $195. Easiest t~. Danz· rage; not over $85. yearly rent· and th~n stopped In Albany to Schmidt, S20 N. Main. Santa a1. HA 2280-W. see the famlly of hl.s late sister. A .-.lble tun lhot and a a patty. One ol the atrll had IICI'e&nt beard by two Newport ICift.IMcl when ICMDeODe .t ott pollee otneen rHulted In J po-a ~~ Two lftOre cr.-.. 1 were ~t.c~. omc.r Oldmen Ice car baclttng Into a parked went to a ~ Bla rlabt :i aO:: .~~~ ~:=e f~~ knee and rtpt el~ were X· and the cope conflxatlnc two ':~ N\I!&Unr no lntema.l clam· fltecraclten, at 7 :30 p.m. rrtday =-'iiiiiiiiii"iiiiiilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii; ln Balboa. • <>meers Sam Amburgey and hank Oldman were eheckfna .,ut a susplclou• car tn the 1500 block Ocean Blvd., Balboa, when they heard a loud noise, a poa- atble eun Mot. and a acream. Both otflcen lumped Into their patrol car and ltarted backing up towud the nol.-. Sensing that It wu farther back than first anticipated, omcer Amburgey mad~ an attempt to turn the patrol car around and ln eo do- inc, backed Into and caused about $50 damaae to the parked car ot Ernte Waltze ol 1530 Ocean Blvd. At the time of the Impact the rtgbt front door 1prung open and Offlcer Olclmen tell out, sutter- inc a tore knee from hitting the pavement. The officer~ went to the home ot Mrs. Stan Ostling of 1~ E. Ocean Front, Balboa, where about 30 k:Jd.l were having OCCGridder Is Married Mike Hau, All Eastern Con- ference candidate on the Orange Cout squad playing hl..l second aeaaon at the fullback spot, was .PO RT · · C(lQ,'"'A ,>t i M4. 4 · . 4' •,, .. -... ·--·--·----... ·-----·--~~---~.:r=-----~ .... - married Thursday night to Suate ------------Smith ot Laeuna In a ceremony at the Congrecatlonal Church tn ltarta Wed.. II«. I Lacuna Beach. The bride la a "LUCY •All AIT" hlgh 8Chool senior and Mike wtJI ~J.. be finlahlng his junior college Jan~ Wynian It Charln Rmon course this lune. An autocraphed -plu.- I.t&~v Godiva r-.. .,, ., . • /. I L. OR•VE·IN - ({I I{ lf:~ lt-4 r.rQI" C] ~ I:.,',,. ~- --.,., . . . . ::til I ., ~ 1 ~, ( ( ·.~-., ..... ,., "APACHE WOIIAN" • ~..L. Ana. 100 pianos. Open Friday IIELP WAJfTED nights. =-=-=====--..,.,.,.-=------:-NEWLY decorated turn 1 shed GARDENER with 3 years expert- single garage apartment with ence In care of trees. Salary football wu praented u a wed-668..,. II ... , u.,. .....,._ , .. ~ ding gift from teammates and ..... Mow trt ._.. -. .-.... Godl9a" cm4 •xC~JrM .,._... CEBTDnCATEOF ~ ;~~ch~ea~of~th~e~PUa~~t~es~.~~~~~-~~~~~u~u~s~e~~~,~a~·~a~ .. ~~~·~~%~•~~~~~~~~~---~~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fictitiou FinD Kame mE UNDERSIGNED does here- by certify that be 1s conductJng a ~llcatesaen and catering bual- ness under the flctttlous firm name of Gourmet's KJtch~n. 3707 E. Coast Blvd., Corona del Mar, vtew, private patio and barbe-range 288 · 347. Apply Park cue. HA 2627. Dept., City ol Newport Beach. SALE-Grand pianos. Many won· NAME TAKERS for La I una derful bargaJns. Many famous Beach and South Laguna. Good makes. Prices from $385 up. handwriting essential. Wrtte Bench included. Danz·SchmJdt, Box J .4, c;o ENSIGN, or call 520 N. Main, Santa Ana. K,l 3·3681. lirls-CAD FOB SALE '55 YEU..OW CADILLAC conver· tJble, red &'\d white Interior, white nylon top, low mHeage, private owner. $4,795. 8207 Ocean Blvd., CDM. HA U93·R. evenings. MOVlNG OVERSEAS. will sacrl· flee '51 Ford Club Coupe and '53 Bei·Aire Sports Coupe. 518 Poinsettia, CDM. after 6:30 or week ·end. '31 MODEL "A" Ford, In good shape $90. Phone HA 0152·R. '49 WILLYS JEEPSTER In excelt. cond. New top. low·cost oper· ation. Phone Hyatt 4-4942. PEJI:SOJf AL YOUNG divorced mother wis hes to share Balboa Island home wtth same. Have 4-year·old daughter. Reply BOX K·l, c/o the Ensign, COM. Not responsible for debts other than my wile's and my own. C. Sherm Allen. Gourmet Klt· chen. Corona del Mar. TRADE IN your old watch on a new Hamllton. It means so much more to give or get a Hamilton. Wallace CaJderbead. 3123 E. Cout Hwy., CDM. COMING: The Hasty Heart. No· vember 2. 3, 5. Community Players. Chapel Theater, Or· ange Coast College. IJTUA TJOJfS W AJfTE.D SITUATION WANTED-reiJable baby care. evenings, Corona del Mar. HA 2925-W. CDM man would like ~tardenln«. clean-up, etc. Call KI 3·2.122, Mel Upshall. WANTED : lro~n..,.ln-g--=-ln_m_y--=-h-o-m-~. Mabel Whitman, 607 Marcue- rtte, CDM. RA 4279-J. JIJICELLJUfltOUS RENT a plano untJl you buy. All term rent allowed. Good prac· tice pianos u low u S5 per month. Danz -Schmidt Big Plano Store, 520 N. Main, Santa Ana. I\ Classifieo 1\d en I ne Ens1an btinqs immediate results! Call He~ 11 14-1115 end Ot"OYe it' IMT ARD POUND LOST-A white ,old diamond rtnr. tnJtlat. w.w.r. to z.a.s. Jlewud. Write Box ([-13, 'C/o the En.atp. CD¥ EARN MORE · THAN EVER BEFORE! Our new, higher atartlnc wap and frequ.t lDereues gtves you this opportunity. Openings now for- TELEPHONE OPERATORS We will train you and you'll receive many other benef!U. -Apply- 514 ~ No. Main Street Rm. Zll-Santa Ana 9:00 to 4:00 P.M. PACIFIC TELEPHONE Sli' I ltftul S,.oe fer 1111 American Legion 215 15th St. Meetings 2nd4th Wed. 8 p.m. SEJIVlCES ltYII Pre)lc*a FOR RENT S·MM 16-MM 35-MM and 16MM Sound Projectors F ASr <X> LOR FILM SERVICE Model Airplane SuppiiH lura Ca•araao, 1782 Newport Blvd., Co8ta Mesa Phone Uberty 8-7042 REMODELING, Painting. Decor- atJnc under lJcensed Contrac- tor. 2133 Orange Ave., Costa Mesa. phone U 8·2619. FULLER BJlUSH MAN may be contacted through Box 73, Newport Beach, or Kl 3-2100. REPAIR AND Maintenance, palntln£ carpenter etc. luat anything. Beuonable. Satla- faction cuaranteed. HA 01.26-l. C:OJIPLETE LIUfi)SCAnJfQ IDVJCE FREE ES'I'IMATES Sldl Green Stampe Free delivery OORON. DEL KAll NURSERY HA 1008 2744 E. Cout Rwy. OOMPIEI'E PAIN'I1NG PAPER II.A.rfGING SERVICE RA 2976 (E9enlnp, weelc-endl) EUGEJifl! 0 . SAtnmERS ~ 31lt Street. Newport Bead! Painting -Decoroting PAPER RANOJNO GEORGE BURKHARDT ~ ~C"tor m w. tltll Colt& .,_ UMrt7... Llbert7 .... RAVE YOU REiff 'ftle MW We~ Diamond~. Wed4Jq JUnp. eo.tume ~ ancJ Cloelr.l ••• Cat· rW IIY .., Plelda at 1118 ......... JIAY fta.ll8 WA'IOI DPAJa &':. LIJ s...,•.::Oaoa ~:: ;:~.t.:sa..o:·~ ............... and that said firm Is composed of the following penon whoee name In full and place of resJ· dence are u follows. to-wit: C. Sherm Allen 310 E. Balboa Blvd. Balboa, Calif. WITNESS my hand on thla 17th day ol. October, 1.955. C. Slterm Allen STATE OF CALIPORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE )as. ON nus 17th day of October, 1955. before me, a Notary Public In and for said county and state, resldll)l therein, duly commls· sloned and sworn, penonally ap- peared C. Sherm Allen. known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the wtthin Instrument. and acknowledged to me that the executed the aame. WITNESS my hand and offl· cJal seal. MARY A. HAAP A Notary Public ln and for sald County and State. My Commlasion expires Aug. 16, 1959 .. Publish: Oct. 20, 27, Nov. 3 and 10, 1955. In the Newport Harbor Ensign. Your Health Don't Neqlec:t Chronic Couqha and CoJda. Announcing~ . ....-flee at ... CorOIMI del Mcir Office of NEW PORI BALBOA S .AYIIIGS. SAYINGS ~CCOUNTS LOAN ACCOUNTS .. WeiNve lnstaled new equipment in the Corona cW Mer Office, end now rMintain complete recoteh on al KC04.Wih held tt... Yow ec:count now re- ceives exactly the MIM complete ..me. • If held in our Main Office in Newport Beech. If you wish en eccount tr...,...red from our M-in Office to Corona cW ..,, we Wt1 b. happy to meb the tr_,_ on ,.._t. ,.,...., to yow ...._ or lo.n ec:count wl be received at either office to tuft Y!!' ~-. Guest-Poe 6iH C.l et our Corone cW ....,. OfRc:. and receive a gift dLring file fint I 0 dejos of November. A clever, useful 6uest- Pec: containing toilehiet, c:reema. lo- tions, shavld9 needs-pwfKt for a week...nd trip • • • for guests ••• to kHp in the e«J All .deled ........ for ow plfronl In CoroM cW ..... ~.ape INch. s.n Clemente, Sen Juan C.phtrtN, anti other South Coast and lnlencl dties. \ ... -· FN.t S.IKtlon of w.ap.f*'"' So. c.aa. CUSTOM FUit.NfTUlE DltAPEllES Dunbet furniture & ecGesSOties ~acuity Wives Plan Dec. Fete eiU8' ••wo aAIID • • • • FBOII IIAIIIOJI Bl ICIIOOL aT ....... LILDII"nnAL plays cllfterent IC)ftp and aft« Me* oCher. Sounds llke tun, every Harbor touchdown they doMn't It! play "Anehon A.-rh." So tar, eo.che. ~.tor the tresbmell: ...... they have bw.n kept pretty buq Mufle Stovall, senior; V1rc1nla IMG THADEN INTERIORS 11M Jfewpcrt Jl&tbot' Rip l'ac:· ulty WtWI Club wel(.'OliMd the tollowtJlr new memben at Uaw Oct. ...ttnr: lllnMa. Earl loJd. Lee Boeeb, John ac.. wnu.m Straw. John Routledre and Ed· ward Rewlud. rm ...,. Utat thole ot you wl\o have beeft aotna Co Barbcw'a foot. ball pmea couldn't help but no· tJee our marehJnc band thJJI year. TheY've been clolng au lOtti of fancy lteppln•· new formations, and playlnc rood mualc. Clinton Sawin and hla kJct.have eone all out to make th!l a rood football seuon for Harbor. wtth the "Anebon Awelfb." Purtt. tennb manacer; aenlor •n ..... At the lut ram~ with Gar~n Cbarl~ne Dra.ke, -.mlor ludy ~!!!i!!!~~!i!!!i~!i!!!!!ii!!!;i Grove twe won 14 to 0) the Linkletter, junior Ruth Ray, and marchlnr band tried 80IIlethJ.nr Ann Lardner, junJor. Those for new. At the berlnnlnl of Ute the 110pbomores are: .Judy Fur· came ancl at hall t1me tbey en· .enior; Merlyn Couch formecl 1n a "clroodJe" whleh unlor; Cathy Hottman, junJor; wu a blc trlancle. They kept the anlce Curnow, ~nlor. and VIr· people ruesalnr unW after ball cfnla Fug1t. On Monday nJchts tJme and then told them what It there Ia a man coach. Paul Law- wa.s, "the original sea~!!" horn. for any and all sophomores 2610 E. C:O.tt Hl9hw~ H~ 0?93 COitONA DEl MAlt B~ were Mmes. Slctney Davtcteon, ~h Hamblet. Rob· ert Mapu.on, Arthur Wood, and Letile Killer. lar<jest end Moat Complete Furniture Store in the Area. c.n fOt.frM DECOitATING SEitVICE Llb.rty a.ssta Mrs. 1olm J'eeley of the !!nr· la..h Departm~nt allowed rolored .Ucte. of her trlV to Holland two years •eo When she wu an ex· chanre teach m-. Commtttea ancJ plans were formed few the Fae· ulty ChrUtmu party to be held shortly before IIChool cloee~~ In Deeember. The next rerular meetlnr will be held tn January. The band llta.rU out at the be· cfnnlnr of the came by march· tnc on the tlelcl playln& "Anchors Awe lr h. •' then the "Star Spanelecl BanneT." At half time they do th~lr fancy formations under the direction ot Mlsa Bev· edy Lund. At the the end of th~ game they play our Alma Mater. Throuehout the &aiJle the band The marehtnc band bas quite who wlab lnstruetJon.s. a proeram planned for thu year. Sometime between Nov. ~ and .Jan. 2. they will be 1otnr to 0.-JGdll Disneyland for the flrlt annual Your Family B.estaurant Disneyland Cbrllt:mu Holiday (Qoeed ~) Fumilhin<Js for homes, dubs, yachts. Riders Plan 2 Play Days Program. Bands, orebest.ru, vo-25 cal grou~ and clrUl teams will 15 E. c-t ....... , For letterita• ••linn cal 3017 W. eo..t Hi9hw•y N•wpott a..,h Prize Recipe Is Slated be coming from all ovtr to ent~r· i~·~...,.~~~~-~~eo....~~~deliii.._~~-..iTH~E~ENS~~I6~N~.~HA~-~~~~~~4~i taJn the crowell that swarm over Dlsn~yland every week. Several free rides will be cfven to each penon who pa.rtfdpates and a handsome plaque to the orga n!· z.atJon. harbor photo lab . f&lt OOLOR SERVICE 3121 E. Coast Bwy. CDM Members of Mu Epdlon cha p · ter al Beta SIJifta PbJ brourht The Companeros. junior rldJnc aampl• o1 th.etr fawrite reclpes group ot eo.ta Meaa. and the to their Oet. :16 meetinc ln the occ w·.ves Centaurs. junior rldln&_ group of Qu!Jien Corona del lrfar. at tbelr October home ct. Mrs. l ack berry, meetlnc decided to hold two 530 West:m1nlter Ave., Newport I D plays a month. A practice play. Betchta. p an a nee day wtll be held on the first Sat· The winning recipe, a cucum· urday of each month and a re&· ber salad made by Mrs. John B. ular ribbon play·day on the thJrd Merrlll, w1ll be ~terecl In a cook Orance Cout Coll~ge Faculty Sunday ot each month at fhe book contest ronclucted by the Wives Club made plans at tllelr Newport Harbor Buffalo Ranch. Beta Sterna Phi International JUt meeting to hold a dJnner The flrat practice play·day of Office In Kansas City, Mo.. tor before the Christmas dance on this series will be held thla Sat· ttl cook book to be compiled Friday, Dec. 9. The commltu!e from recipes of more than 4,000 planning the affair Includes Mn. urday, Nov. 5. All junior horse· Our band bu been asked to play for the annual VeteTans Day Parade on Nov. U b~re at home. Then the bancl Ia hoping this year for an Invitation to the University ot Southern California Notre Dame Jl&me on Nov. 26. It's hieb school day and bJrb school bands from all over reoeJve lnvi· tatlon.s to come and pJay. ,. --..a Nonnan Watson. Mrs. Howard men are Invited to attend ~--•••••••••CI ohapten. Mrs. '-E. Hanaln con· whether they have participated cJuctecl the proeram on self an· Kay and Mrs. Robert Osborne. Jn past play-days . .Jack Baker of The Harbor HI orchestra has a pretty good proeram too this y~. Besides havtnc &lready played for the Baek to School Nlcht for the parents, they will be playing the m\Wcal portion of the senior play on Dec. 2 and 3. Then on Dec. 16 they will play for the Chrfstmu proeram. On January 25 the orchestra wlll en· tertaln filth uaden from all over the so u t h co a s t area. brought here tor the Dlstrl<'t al,.U with all rDembers partlcl· Progr&m at the October meet· Santa Ana, well-known horse· pattng lng wu presented by Mrs. Wll· Mrs.. Louise Olltant, vice pre.sl· Ham Klmes, who described Mexi· man, will be an Instructor and ... t. d th ' th f can folkways and talked ot her judge. uft1 announce a~ e pre eT· .Junior horsemen have been entJal tea for new members will summer achool experience in asked to rontact Mrs. Betty take place from 3 to 5 p.m. Sun· Mexico City. The meeting wa.s Barnes at Kl. 5· ...,...., If they plan cl I th h f ~-.J held at the Clift Haven home of ~ ay n e ome o nua. ames to take part In the Veteran's Day B Taylor 239 Drl--.ood Rd Mrs. Basil Peterson. Asslstlng the ·· • uw ·• Parade, Friday, Nov 11, at New· Music Clinic. Sbore Clltta. The next re~lar hostess were Mmes. Kimes, Wat· meettnr will be held on Wednes· son, William 0 . Payne, and port Beach. • • • clay, Nov. 9, In th~ home of Mrs. l ames Fltz.cerald. All horse~n. junior and sen· • aiOLOCT a.n ~ N sectJ 1 t ed 1 lor, ar~ reminded of the first Merrill, 230 24th Pl .. Costa Mesa. ew on.s be ng orm n · round-robin of the tall series to The school Bloloo Club I elude the bridge section. to meet be held In the El Rodeo Arena planning what sounds like a real JAIL SEJhEHCE CIVD on the third Wednesday of the 30 good trip for sometime In 1)(>. Monroe l. Woblclc. 23. allu month with Mrs. Robert Osborne on Sunday, Nov. 6· at 9: a.m. cember. It will be a trip to the l bn O'K~• f F In charae·, sewing section. meet· This event ls CO·hosted by th~ S Die Zoo ··"th id o ny ~e o erruson. • Fullerton Recreational Riders an go ""' some s e· Ml.ssoarl, was .enteneecl to serve lng on fourth Thursdays with and the El Rodeo Riders. There line trips. They will stop at the lx th I ty jail Mrs. Gerald Ellls as chalrtna.n; Maxt Br bi d ctu · s mon s n coun on a will be a trophy for each event on own r san ary 1n petty theft charge In Newport book section, which held an or· and ribbons to fourth place with ~anside. Scripps Institute ot Beach j~ce CO\Irt Monday. He ganlzational meeting Tuesday In a novice class. Oceanogn phy In La .Jolla a nd at was eharged wtth steallnr a pls· the Shore Cliffs home of Mrs. Torrey Pines. Also ln December tol from the home of Dr. Ralph lames Thornton, section chair· the Club pla ru to do a spt'('lal Tandowsky of 805 VIa Lido Soud. man. Kiwanis PI an project. Tucker Bird Sanctuary In Lido Isle, In August. Majestic Canyon has students EL-11 ~ ( from different h igh schools comt> 'MDTOW' TO aE STAGED a...Aft:: ~o es L d. N. ht up on weekends and work "Merton of the Movies," by a I e s I g around there. About three or four Georre S. Kaufman a ncl Marc ot the members hope to go. Connelly, wiD be presented by TllAVEL C30UP MEETS Special plans for Ladles Night. The officers for thls year are: tbe Oranp Coat Co1Je8e drama Jerry Evans of Corona del Mar November 16, of Newport Harbor persldent Pete Lardner, vice· -=~==========~~depal==rtlll~= ... =n~t~Jf~av~.~l6~u~cl~17~.;_=i cte.crlbecl b1s "South ol the Bor· Klwanu Clu b were revealed to president Terry Dallaa, secretary • del'' trlp at the Ebell Travel Sec· the WanUd Club meetlnc held at Kuen Bjomaby, treasurer l o tJoD b~lcl Tuesday evenlnr at tbe the home p( Mn. Bert Webb, 4.12 Anne Suess, and blaortan Pat Dell Club 1D Balboa. Mrs. Jl'tank Bolmwood l>r .. Newport Betchts. Milbourn. Perew, chairman. lntroclucecl Kr. lut week. Mrl. Jac:k Nebon wu • • • Bnnl. who lhowecl pictures of ro·ha.t-for the meetJnc. the • BII'I'OIIT Df ftE IIAKDIC b1l trlp made Ja a small sports first catherine of the group for A new history club started at ear. 'nlla wu a return engage· the fall club year. the end of last year has com~ ment for the lecturer. He prevl· Plans for the coming year were lnto full swing this year. It pro· ously described hls European presented by Mrs. Max Pope. vtdes a chance for the B plus trlp on a b~c!e !o the group. president. The Ladles Night students who like history to get D'DQVAII'fta POa TIYI, ............ * : s • • \. . .. "· .. .:::.::.. ) -..... ...... ~ • *FAST SEIVIQ ... ttMrrst~~e s ..... .,...,, WEED CASH Df IIECOaD TOlE! A pia-. Cll1l te ou ..,. .WC. will pat Ql to work Clll you prdrl-Aak about SM1l1ad'a t.c.leu PACitAC£ LOAJI. It .ay tie «11 yov bOla t I J a tiller CMDd let '" _,Of u.. COli ....... o4 Jut OJR ....... on pa.. on _ _.._ ....aty paJ rat ............................ ~­..._ __ ...... T• _.. vnwlli'llml-• at ev _.. oUk:& Mrs. E. L. Munsey will give a resume of the latest books at next WednefK!ays meeting of the Ebell Book Section n meeting to be 1lelcl ln the Ebell Clubhouse. party w111 be held at the VUla together and discuss things that Marina. she announced. tim~ prohibits In the claM room. 1711 MEWIOIIT AVE.. COSTA MESA History Club Isn't quite a proper----------------------...;.... __ _ Mrs. Maurie Stanley a nd Mrs. nam for the club for they dis· .Jack Raub were prize winners e · during the bridge and canasta cuss present day International 1iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij Coffee will be served at the sack 1 luncheon leheduled to begin at 12:~ according to Mrs. Frank Perew, chaJnnan. m t problems. History In the making games that followed th~ ee · would be more appropriate. lng. A special ruect durtng the Last week they discussed Cy· evening was Mrs. 11m Gallagher. press and at their next meet'ng a ruest of Mrs. Albert Stockton. next Thursday. the French ~or: LIIUII TllYn SERVICE IIRUIES • IIUIUS ler9tag1'Jae c:o.ta1 Ana P'• Jfeatly 10 Tean Ill Ocleaa Aft. Jlyatt 4-lC.l ---------~--------- ~i.Huu; Qud& IIUU.U ,. ............. 11 .. 1111. ..... ~.a., c1aJ ll L .... ._ .W. ......... _. el OW 11 CNIItt'a ...._. ....... ..-.ta. am.-............. L••••dl• .. ...._. ......... lalad. .,... -......... -... a..-Ia PtaUen& All your printinq needs will be hondled conveniently ond court· ttously ip the completely-equip- ped J ob Printinq Department of vour Harbor Area Newspoper. The Ensiqn. 1104 Coast 81.. COM. SAT IT W1TB e a. L Coat Jlwy. COIIOK.A DEL IIU .... JI.CIIbar 5171 VAN'S CLEANERS "lOy .. ,. &pen•~• Perfedinq s..,.rior O.eninq Creftsmeruh ip" WE FEATURE c.,..rut Hendlinl of All O.lket• Ftbfks. a..ded lece Germentt ORY CLEANING-LAUNDRY SERV. ICE -KNIT BLOCKING -HAND PRESSING -DYEING -ALTERA· TION~EPAIRING. Pho11e Herbor 5352 Pid Up a o.r;v.,., S.rvk• Cpu I e.m. to 5:10 p.m. -Setvrdey. I e.m. to 2:l0 p.m.- )4~ E. Coeat Hwy.: Cot-e del .,.., Two Boys. 16, Claim Attack Van Edward Pomeroy, 16, of 3413 Finley Ave~ Newport Beach. and Bruce E. Nott. 16, of 416 La Perle Pl., Costa Mesa. suUered Injuries when attacked by un· known boys after leaving a PartY on Goldenrod Ave .. Corona del Mar. Saturday evenlnc. They could not give the eltact address. They said th~y knew no rea· son for the attack. The Nott youth Te~celvecl a blow over his rirht eye and wa.s knocked out so he d1d not know who or what hit him. The Pomeroy youth sui· ferecl a nose Injury and a bump on hla upper riabt jaw, not knowing for sure who or what hit him. Officers located the two out· side a doctor's office In the 2900 block, Newport Blvd.. Newport Beach, at 11:10 p.m. Police bead· quarters reported receiving an anonymous telephone eall at 10:30 p.m. that a flcht was In progrea tn a plly olf. Dahlia Ave., Corona del Mar. Officers checked ruUJes ln the area at that time but Wft'e unable to lo· cate any ficht 1n prorress. Jim Whyte INSURANCE --~-t~···· Blli.alllldOr 1117..a occo dispute will be discussed. So far there are about fifteen m embers. On December 8 they have planned a party where everyone comes dressed as his fa vorite historical character. The club meets every two weeks for all those Interested. from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. In the social hall. • • • e SIOIITS DAY COKDfC GAA tennis girls hav~ beoen quite busy and will be for quite a while. Tournaments have just ended. Interclass Is soon to start. Then comes sports day, some· time In November. when the two best doubles and stnrles are ehosen out of Ncb class to eom· pet~ apln.st eaeh other. After that comes the ttna.l touch- when the best players from N ch of the h1&h scbools tn Oran~ County meet at Fullerton. There two lehools paJr off and play Stop being a drudge! GET A NEW GAS CLOTHES DRYER •.. and make c/hthes drying OM of the easiest things to do I Record Alrilldy ....... ----:~-~----~.--~-..... . ...........;_:__ If PIIJ &IIi II I' MOlD 1'0 ftiS W IIID v-... ldaJedlr, ...-. t1 ttl Albambra. la now llv1lll at 101 Grand Canal. Balboa JalaDd. LAGUNA fEDERAL SAVINGS A LOAN ASSOCIATION TWO OFFICES To Serve You LAGUNA lEACH AND SAN CLEMENTE QUICK 2 .. HOUR SERVICE LOW lOW "REOUCING" INTEREST RATES EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS FRIENDLY SYMPATHETIC SERVICE FREE CUSTOMERS' PARKING ESCROW SERVICE. fFflCIENTl Y OPERA TEO LAGUNA BEACH 222 Oceen Ave. PHONE HY. 4-1177 SAN CLEMENTE 60 I N. 8 C•mino Real PHONE HY•cinth 2-1195 or HY •cintft 2-1 196 LOANS FOR HOlES. S" 20-TE.AJI LOA.Jf Construction Loans S" 20-YEAJl LOAK SEE BOB SATTI.Ell Poirier l•rtcac• Co. Z515 E. Coast Bwy .. Cl)l( I Pb. BA ,_ ID 3-5115 (Metro Life laaunlllce Fa.Dda) JAMES D. RAY Builllill Coltractor l-446 E. COAST HWY ~ CORONA DEL MAR HArb« 47'3 Retldene.: Hkbor 419' ..,.~ .... at·---~-c••ran• Accoaata. Bot.. CSalaa Cit ldacS of debb -cmywben ~CCL -.o cou.ntcea a tee. • We ad9aDce all CMta. CBEDIT BUREAU of w.n.m 0rcmge Coaaty (formerly of Newport Beach, Laguna Beach lr Costa Mesa) 2DC BJ..-1~ Aft.. 10 ._ N Liberty ~71~1 lfewpon leacb Floor Coftrblp -Jha1Ahoclrda Asphalt Tile -Rubber Tile Formica - Linoleum Tile CARLTOIS' ~Cft~t1M 135 E. 11th St. Coeta MeiG LIBERTY 8-W2 22 Years ln Orange County STROOT'S HARDWARE HOUSEWARES * Giltware * Appliances * Paints 110Z If ..-port ai9d.. LJ .. ,.._ Coda K._ Costa Mesa Lumber Co. LUMBER-BUILDING MATERIALS lfewpon Bl9d.. Coda X... Uberty ~1-l W--- COASTAL COICRETE CO. Ln-ty 1-5501 135 CaauD..-dcd Wcry COSTA MESA 1Umber1~~= -OraDge 1-tiG- Orco Block Co. Bun.DING BLOCD-ALL SIUS ALL TYPES ~~ 7-IDI U."'rty J.0754 IOU&dt'le ....... ..L ........... ~ Private Polce Pal; ol e WWDDAY, ocr. • tn tM wtDdow .PI hie hm:ne at Cl~ !!~_... ~ ()ptJIDllt A bub cap ttom a pualnc ea.r U :M p.m. • 1 •-.-.·-..... Opd·kn. at Fw letl.,..•• •,.••••• oel 1ftDt thJ'ou.ab a wtJadow In tbe • PIIIDA'I'. OC!'. • · ' ta replu montbl1 JDtMtlna at THI INSNiN. HA-1114 door ol Marjorie Bal.... at 2912 a, W. J'Uber of 210 VIa DljoQ. :-VUla Marina 'fueecSv. H. L. ------------- £. Cout Bwy., Corona del Kar Lido !ale. eomp)a1De4 lbat two = a..:: chatrman, SW: .. • A ~lnot men c:aualnc a bo" det.ced bJ8 mall bolt and II>Ok• on ..,. Ma~' ~0 cn.turbanc» front ot Emle'a eomeone 80&ped tJae pluter on lewn." ~ Shoddy Ia • Cafe, Newport trelchta. were hla bou-. · • • lo"..,. blamed well known thloupo t Soutbvesy tone when ottlcera arrived . . . foe-lmocldnc out a 8treet llaht California and .bu u ... B.erntn ahade at "L" St. and Plaza del an ,.. 800; Vernon Allen. add to Uvlnc e YMUMOAY, OCT. rl NOI'te, Balboa • • • 0 t t 1 cera Chemlatry from Grinnell Coll.e, ,., .. r ,..,..,.... ...... NYfn9 ••• end benmnvtt..t room at 422 Poln.Rttla, $500. Donald R. Schenck. 19, of La· checked two lee boxH at tbe rear ~~. ~ S. 1n Orcante Chern· e CUFF BAYU pna Beach, was eenten.eed to ot ~ Sap})hire Ave Balboa u -... :r UnJwralty ot Cbkaco. Chules Masters, 1-story, 1-unlt aerve 10 days ln Jail alter being b&ZartU to dlUd.ren" and fo~nd Be baa been an INtructor In dwellng a t 735 St. lames Rd., arrested on cha.rees of vaerancy they~ were being removed • • 8:0~·1Genetlca and Phyalolol)' $15,300. and poaesalon of an alcoholic Cyrua 1. Ffadter, 48, of 445 Wal~ a oee State College, Ia a ~ YOU 011 DGIEIIER e LmO ISLE ~eraee at Coast Hwy. and lrls nut Pl., Costa Mesa, wu uretlted ~ember ot tbe Ame.rJcan Cbe.mJ. ~ Mai'garet VIsscher, l ·atory, 1· Ave., Corona del Mar, at 12:52 on an Intoxication lnautocharge V~lu~fiy, and a member ot IIIIo.. unit dwelllne at 2(K Via Cordova, a.m.; investJeatJng o ff 1 c e r • at 6:10 p.m. after bla car atrad· n Beeerve. ,.. l12,SOO. clalmtne that when flrst seen he died the center concrete dlvtding ft ATUIIJJI • was slttlnc In his cu ln an alley section of the <flewport Freeway ~,.,. ~ Po G• T• between a rear of atorea between north ot tbe Arches and knocked ~ at IVes •ps ~chid Ave. and Narcl&sus Ave. out a state hJghway "keep right" Qwallw =.:alftllae ... Two Bal~ boya. 11 and 13, s len ... Elwood D. Todd, 43, car· CIDd o11 OJUOII pnctana ••• Fpr Yule ~ Jc1•ll wef'e aken home by officers penter of 427~ Iris Ave., Co· -.u.ate .._ • ..,.._ lVI alter ~aktne llmbe from trees ron del Mar, wu arrested at at the Newport Beach public Jl. Cout Hwy. and Dahlia Ave., eo. ftCK u• & DEU'VEJIY Postal employ~ are prepa.r. brary and their parents promlaed rona del Mar, on a charge ot EI.IJIJJ 'S J:~!.. lng to handle the lareest volume to keep them away from the vl· driving h1a car With a suspended - of Chrlst:ma.s mall In blatozy this clnlty · ·· · ear. driven by Hiram operator's Ueen.te • . . Damace @ •l • ..,_.. aJ9\I. year, and therefore the local post S. Sibley of 110 Via Quito, Lido waa leM tban $100 trom a three. ....,... .._. ofllces are suggesting the follow-tale. and Fred S. Coury of 1562 ear accident on the Newport ...._ IGI lng ways !or the public to OO· Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa, were Freeway entrance to Boac Me-0... ..._, Dar operate: involved In an accident in front (ContfnuecJ 011 Page 11) 'f..._ .. ~ ..-. 1-~~~~to~-~~~~~N~rtr~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ bers of the armed forces overseas Beach. at 6:77 p.m. Jack Orwlng should be ma iled as soon as pos-of 512 S. Bay Front. Balboa sible, with a deadline of Novem · Island, reported a prowler, about ber 15. 20, with dark hair, wu looking 2. Anyone who shops early can m a ll parcels w}llch m ay 'be marked "Do Not Open Until Christmas." 3. In cities where the postal zone numbering system 1s In e!· teet, local address lists (for Christmas cards. etc.) can be Busines s Directory submitted to the post office tor ----...-------Insertion of zone numbers tree of cha rge. 4. Business flrms should plan to make heavy mailings of cata· logs, calendars and similar ma- terial In time for delivery by De· cember 1. or withhold them until after Christmas. Tar C Team Meets Saint s INSURANCE "Be Sure-Insure" STANLEY INSURANCE AGENCY Phone Harbor 2474 3315 E. Cout Highway Corona del Mar Res. Phone, U berty S 7315 With a 27 to 14 wln over Gar · SCHOOLS & IlfSTBUcTIOif den Grove high school last ____ ........... ____ _...._ Thursday, the Newport Harbor High School Tar Cee team tangles with Santa Ana High School Cees at 3 p.m. today (Thursday) on the Santa Ana High School field. Dave Hammond made a 35-yd. end sweep to score one touch · down !or the Tar ~ agalnst Garden Grove lut week. Glen llorr\eon ~ 40 yat4a around end for another Tar Cee touchdown. Gary Plekena pulled two quarterback sneaks inside the five yud llne for the other two touchdow ns. Coa ch Emil Neeme reported that all hls players looked good. Fullerton Hlgh School Cee team stands In first place ln the Sun · REAL ESTATE Contracting Insu rance Continuous day and evenlne elaasea for preparatJon to pus the S~te exam. Call or write For Information AL TYLER SCHOOLS 1611 N. Broadway, Santa Ana Kimberly 7.3511 KEllog S2513 set League with Anaheim and ----------- Santa Ana tied tor second place, followed by the Harbor Cee team. FOIIia Will Atltlress C01fer11ce i1 U . Let Me Teach You CBllfA 'AJIITDfQ Convenient Cla.sa Lessons u 8·5648 GLADYS TRACY 1928 Irvine Ave., Costa Mesa Charles H. Fontlus of 2675 Bay. BUILDIIfQ SU.PUES shore Drive. Bay Shores, ad· _........,..,.._ ....... _......,..__.._.. .............. ,... ......... ·-- dressed the 6th annual Syste ms and Procedures Conference held at the Ambassador Hotel In Los Angeles last week. CEMENT AND BUILDING Mr. Fontlus, executive assist- ant of the Fluor Corporation, All Klnd&-Free Estimates Ltd .. Is a member of the Los An· UBERTY 8-6109 geles Chapter of the National As· _________ ........... ,__ soclatlon of Cost Accountants, MOWEU SBADEifED past president of the Stanford Business School Alumni Associ · atlon, Cha rter Member Systems and Procedure A.ssoc.latJon, and a Sigma Alpha EpsJion AlumnJ of Lo.s Angeles and Orange Coun· tfes. He will talk on "Altema· tJves to Electronics'' will be a hJgh-llght ot the session. .II• IIIIa Elecllll It P••aiiM Cl .. Joan Kimes, daughter o1 Mr. and Mrs. William F. Ktmes, 418 Snug Harbor Rd., Cllft Haven. haa been eJected u mem~ ol the Pomona College Women'• Glee Club. She ls one of 14 new m'mbft'a choeen 1n the recent tryo-outs. Joan Is a 1953 graduate of Newport Harbor BJeh School She 11 a junJor at Pomona and Ia majoring 1n art. &e wUJ be a second alto In t.be glee club. c:o-onoa •Alai) Pretbman Mary Lou Grant ol Ora.np and IOpbomore lan:ws Sp'-PJ ~ ec.ta II&& wUJ ...-ve .. eo-editGa ol tbe Barnacle b the tlrst ..,...., the StucltDt Coundl conftrmed at a recent ~.. , J101.Jo 180ft COialfG Pallo lnulllunbatione wtlJ be olf..S by the Ba1tJl Deput- lllllllt .., aD ldader ....... aDd tint .,... ...... .. aruc-OoalltF ....... .,..... ... .., JaN.Wos 'nw • ...,.. ... to Dr. Sdwud IAe •·•niL .._... ...... LET US SHARPEN YOUR LA WNMOWERS-SAWS Knives, ScJuon. Etc. Uberty 8-5137 J. A. Bolding 188~ Merrill PL, eo.ta Mesa LAJO)ICAftlfQ.-DatalnlfQ George's LcmcLicape & Maintencmce A home tan't complete unless tt'a landacapedl I am a Ll· cenHd Contract«. C u • tom Landac:aplng and Deslcnfng. Al8o Clean·\l~ and matnte· nance. ••Emu• .. u-•• c 111 d u.DICA.n~D c.a . LIUJITY ..... JII.UICIIIN M£1'RO Co111pletes l'wo Years of· Service Metro's tbirll yeM of op~r•liMI 1111 11U. "'"'' is •• •Pfwo- prUI• tim• to '*"'""'riz• lwi•fl1 tb• prov•ss wuul• ll11ri•t tbos• {arsl two 'J••rs. NEW BUSES: Siooe October, 1953, the compe.ny has putdwed 26S DCW, ck tuu "air suspension" motot coaches, c:osrios $6.149,.5~0. This~ fasttt travel an<f greater com- fort for tbousands of Meuo rtckrs. BUSES REPLACE STREET CARS: Motor coach service bas replaced rail seniu oo tbe HoUJWOOd Blwd. Uoe (Sepc. 19.5_.) and oa the los AoJdcs-Giitod..W-ButlSank Line (Juoe 19,). 1helc chenaa baft prcmded more frequeat, more ~ aad man (X)Q'ftaieac acniclta. - NEW TEDONALS: As a part ol ita ti,.OOO.OOO Uapotcmeut propm. Netto I.- built nro oew di.uioaal tenioe-~ ia Vao Nuys aod Pl Wonle. fot a total &JDOU.DZ ol S66~.000. A third, COiti.Qa S36.S,000. is DOW u~ CX)OIUU(tioa at West Hollywood. EXTENDED SBllVICE: Ita the San Panaodo Vallq, Meuo bas extended four ~oes to aene oew uas, aod in Auaust. 19~. ac.qu.i.co:i the Asbuty llapid 'Traoajt Sysrem. which is DOW iote8faced with l.kuo tOUtes throughout the VaJJcr. Through .enice bas been ioaupated ~m Los Aoselea and Redlands. and the route ~erving Sierra Madre lengdleoed 10 ioclude Saoca Aoits Hiplands .Many ocher addirioos aod chan&a io routiol haft been made throughout the system. SMOG REDUcriON: Substantial progress toward .he elimination of noxious fumes from the eo&ioe exhausa of motor coaches has been achieved by Metro through an exttn· siv~ program of engioe impcove~nc, ensme .overhaul and preventive mainten~.Dee. Super· ,i.Jed taU, made early io 1954 and since, have prcm:d that smog coorributioo from Metro's diael buses iJ negligible, if any. S~e March, 1954. Metro has been using a premium water-while ditld fuel, apec:iaUy re6ned at our request. This fuel will be cootinued in~ U) keep WdiO diad ert.eui'S free Uom amoU aod amos eoottibursoa. SPIOAL SBVICBS: Weuo hM i.-upraeed a oumbet of special operatioos. iodudin& Sboppea' Pale hfuod Ptaat 1o Va.e NUJt aod Huotiopo Park; Shunk Senice fot Holly· wood Bowl efta~~; Dina ~ CO DiiDerlaod aod 10 the S.OC. AcU-. HolJywood Park OTHIIl A<XX>MPUSIDOINI'S: w.a, -~ baft beeo made. iodudio& the t.UDe-.maa we ol &WW*fl, Ndac.d ecddeat ....t lajary tue~; ~ of inform.atioaal ...,-ill IIICia • dmf.caWa widl lOUie ....-. aad .,_.._., Eoldm; impromnma in ~ dlideacy, openeon' ~ -.1ert iJIItNCdoa aad ~enice eootcliJutioft br 2-wy ncUo..equippeciiUpel"Yilon' can. Mid fNpm M ..,. ~ ,_.,111¥ /WIIItllo 1Mn of ~ i1 NMre .-...,. flllll N _..--, IN '*" "'-L 1tt111ro ,U.., .-..,_ 11.m h ,_, • ,,,_,, ,. ,_ ,,u. • ,_,. •I s.,._, c.u. ~ ..W • .., ,_,.,..,.,.. ,,_, ,.,,.,.,_, •1Vhr. I. IIH UIIIIM._. Lll Prank Are lit At Footbridge (Continued trca Pqe 10) door looee Clll the home of Mrs. A jar fWed wtth pa wu lanlt· IDOrta1 B~ltal lnvol'llng Allen Theodore Sparkuhl cl '708 San- eel and dropped from the Golden· Ormabee cl 211 Vla EboU, lJdo tana Dr., lrYtDe Terrace . . • A ro4 Ave footbrt4p at U ·M p m. ble; Caalnero Leon, 843 W. 11th pq of m lJdo lale teen-&~ Hallowe'-en. lltart.tna a · i1ft St.. eo.ta Mesa. and Eventt L boy. wu broken up at VIa Yella MiotJ tlae brldp the ~ewport James ol Santa Ana . . . and Vla lJdo Soud, lJdo late. Beach ftN ~t repcJIUd. eUTVJIDAY. OCI'. • after eauatq a me. at the cor- ., l rem en estlnf\llabed the w!'~n t ~ Dodec:; 22.C: ~ := r::.. .venlng A~ b~ blue, wllJch eau.ed no damale. wu arr~ ;t 1:55naa.m. on~ wu bt..Mct' iar dropptnr • bat· F1remeft ...., atlnrulahed a tire drunk cb1vtn1 charp at Coast loon full ol water from the 1J4o In a palm t.He at Onys Ave. and UWy .. and Larkspur Ave .. Corona lale bridle, hlttlng Don Nutt ot Park Aw., Balboa Island, and a clel Mar E. I. Woodlon or the Oran" county sherltt's ot- tlre In a trUb box at Park Ave. 719 E. Baibo"a Blvd, Balboa, ,... tlce, wbo was rtdtnl 1n hll boat and ColliN Ave., Balboa Ialand ported the theft of b .. l9&3 car, under the bridge ... Parents of Coate Mea pollee recovered the tllNe Balboa laland and Corona veb.lde t5 mlnu~ late at Bar-del Mar boys have •creed to bot-Blvd and Adams St. • • . make amends for lnlt spots In Mn.. Ruuell Smlth o1 lU l ade the foyer and buJldJng ot the Ave.. Balboa laland, reported Port Theater, Corona del Mar ... that someone entered her home A radJo. box eamera. three wool Members ot the board of trua· via a wood box door opening Into blank.eta, eight white shJrta. four tee. o1. Newport Harbor Union her Uvtng room. u~ a bed In an pair ot denim ~nta. aport shJrts. Hip School made another ot ~ bedroom, burned small a drawer o1 C08tume jewelry, an ..wn1 tripe Tu..ctay ot last holes In two bed coven and electric clock and four bed· week vllltlng completed M!COnd· patched them . . . In a Rallo· spread-, all valued at $1.79, were ary ec:.boola &J'Id aooll under we'en warm-up the fire hydrant stolen from the home of William COllltructlon In an effort to ob-at Havel Pl and St. Anctrew. I. 'nlomu ot 4200 Seashore Dr .• taln tlnrt hand tnfor!llatlon con-Rd, Clltf Haven, was turned on Newport Beach. e«nlnc the work of prominent by pra.nkstera at 7:52 p.m. and e KOIIJ)AY. OCT. 11 ec:.bool archltecta. The board again at 9~ p.m. · · · Mrs. Claire Claxton ot 1.27 42nd hopes 800n to be able to make Its • IUJfDAY, OCT. JO St., Newport Beach, reported choice o1 archlteet for the new Del Brown ol. 520 De Anza Ter· aomeone caused $18 damage to a high school plant authorized at race. Corona Highlands. reported wuh line and new wall under the election In May, 1955. that be and his wife were constructlon at 130 43rd St., New- Members ot the board maldnr awakened at 5:20 a.m. by run-port Be ch _._ R. s Vall 1 the trip Tu~.aay lnclu""-i Mrs. ntno footst-tn their house, but a · · · ~ · • Y ~ QCU • --ol. !508 S. Bay Front. Balboa 11· Ronald Barlow, Bacfd Rlnf and no Intruder could be aeen · · · land. reported the theft ot a S80 Donald Dungan. They were ac-Offtoen were unable to locate blue and white rtrl's bicycle ... companied by Superintendent two men In a maroon colored ear Chlldreon walking by on the aide- Sidney Davldaon. wbo attempted to pull a screen walk threw a bottle of UquJd =::::::::::::::::::::::::;::;::::::::;::;::::::::;::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::= t!lroup a plate e}UI window in .s·coofts ............ ...... tbe way to ..... coawm.tly •.• Let as cloua.-.....s-....r~« yoa. WHATEVER YOUR REASON for nedlne a 11ft (birthday, an· niVeraa.ry, Qu1.mnas) you'll be glad you went ftrst to the best place of all-THE BALBOAN, next to the rtre station on Ma · rlne Ave. They've a wide ranee ot glib to fit every budget ... 50c nOYeltles on up to luxurloua lmporta ... Westmoreland milk cl .... hand blown crylltal, Rumpp leather goods. cleveor stationery wtth eeallnJ wax and matching Ink. And In Chrlatmu cards, hu- moroua on-. re11p.ua one. Just· l'lpt oneL 'ftmely np: uae their Lay-Away aow anclle1U u the bollda,Ja approach. 'fbe Batboan. ........ -tile lalaDd. .... ... • = w~ .. ti'IIDIII!!II ., _.... ....,.. ... _ __.. ..... ,... ••<< .......... '" ....... _, Tl-.. tlalat ........... ,.,.,.. .... a ....., • ...._, Waat a bkycle .... ,.....,. Qa.rt.atiDaaJ p,. .......... .t ..... Ne price. call Ye ow. • 1 o o c1 b o a D c1 looopa at BAm. 111~ • • • • • • WE'RE A PUSHOVER for eood looking clothes, and the ones by Claire M c C a r d e 11 at THE CLOTHES HORSE have us In a dither. One look. and you fall In love with them; one touch, and you know they're top quality fabric; one try-on, and you're a New Woman ... ready to strut around Balboa Bay Club or stage ~our owo fashion show along Marine Avenue! We also saw gay numbers by Lanz . . . per· feet for the college crowd . . . and fabulous Pat Premo deslrns with the lone-waisted slim all· houette look, Ideal for resort wear. Hurry on down and tak e a look for y o u r s e 1 f . THE CLOTHES HORSE. 21:5 Marine, Balboa Island. • • • OIIEGA-tbe wotda of daaaap- ..._.W ...... U.. ...... ---,... u.t .... QJUt. AD Y01J I'LEASDa·Uif'l" IMt .._..-_.., ht DIXU'S 800111EiLW DQ ... -ywr Bat .. ..., 1111 ...... -.. ........ ~-·-d ..... ra. .. DQ· ·-........ ...... AM--..._ aor aJICUJTI aa4 .... -..s ..._ .... .... J.at ............. . .......... poe~ ...... ..... .................... llfl ........... .... ---.-.t. ..... ..... __, -yow b.cll't. Dbde's ...... _ UQ .... a. c..t B.-y. CDK. • • • Cu.stom-made LAliP SHADES ... -tlaaa e.eorattw: they .. .....-..tlaa ..... ...... .......... ,.. ....... ... ....... ....,. axn '•' r Dade !bop 1n Balboe IalaDcL Sbada ana rz.ame. erutH to order Jut for YOU for that particular spot In your room. Estelle makes a fetlah o1 Individualized perfec- tion! She wlll work dlrectlJ with you or with your decorator. You'll marvel at the wtde aelee- tlon o1 lovely fabrics and t:rlml. Remember. It's Estelle's at 304 ~ Marine Ave .• the lamp ahop we list here wtth real PRIDE A l OY! Harbor 516. • • • IF TOV"B.E PJIOJI JIJSS01rm. tbia oapt to coa...t yvo-4t"• TBAT t.dftcl 4 UJ01'11D CDJI • • • ERTID!L y 1'1JDJSIID • . • • (yoa cloa't .... uecl to briD9 -... trayl) lhaJlt ' Y*D'S ...,_ tbey'n atlU 1DDe .... • • • ....CICUlate 'D '"Tf cboklel Each walt is a Cllal• pletely wpaaue. b0111e. wttb patio. ad t.ac.cl for pri.ucy. ,.. &oat two belft 2 bedlooaLa ............... ODe beclroom ecdl. All nat.cl -1eaMe wttb a 1410 aaeatb I.Deame fw the ladrf ...... Gnb you pbooe lfOW aDd pt dttcdla froaa PITDIODD JIEAL'n, 31SS E. c:-t .....,, CDJI. llcl:rbw IUS. the home ot r. E. Blrtcher of :as Polnlettla Ave., Corona del Mar, at 7:44 p.m. ... Officers were unable to locate boys In two can reported throwing rocks at hotues In tbe vldn.lty ot ~Poppy Ave., Corona del Mar, at 9:55 p.m. ... Mrs. A.rcltle Fra.8er ot 3130 Break· en Dr .. Corona del Mar. reported ,.._ Ted De Gone. a student at Or- &1'\P COUt CoJJeae, nephew ot Symphony conductor 1l'r1eda Bel· Infant., ~ on the compart.on and C!Witoma al. tbe United States and Bolland. hla native country, at the bmebeon meet.Jnr or the Women'• Fellotnhlp ot the Coro- na 4eJ Mar Community Church Wectne.day, Oct. 28. Artkle. are chea~ there, he aaJd. but the wae.S are a great deal Jesa. All the churches there have ble poUtlcal power, he add- ed. ' Sam leyathera, from Ceylon, lndla, who is with the UCLA 1eocraphy department. came In the native dress of hl.s country. He spoke of the custom.a of hls country. Mrs. Stuart Diehl, fellowship vice-president. Introduced the q>eakera. som~ throwtnr rocks on her hou.ae from the top of the clJtf . . . Pranklters turned on a fire hydrant at Park Ave. and Sap- phire Ave., Balboa llland, at 8:r7 p.m .... Older tee-nage boys ..,ere reported turninr over garbage cans In the eut end area of Udo Iale at 10:57 p.m. ... ............ Dept. •••• Policeman Get~ Bloody Nose Arresting Mes~ Motorist Kotor'ta lames C. Ws.t. 21. ot ten to the rear of the locked ca.ra 123 23rd St., ec.ta Ike&, WU U · aft4 <>mcer lt~ann placed ..-eel Clll c:barcea fJl drunk drtv-IlaNa to the rear ot the accl- lnc and ...t.attq a.rr.-an. dent. omcer Burdsall told Wiest punchtnr 1'ta.ffle ()fflo. Georle to pt out ot his car and step up I.-mana and living hlm a on the curb. Once up on the curb, bloody noee at 6:28 P..lll. Satur· Wiest walked back lnto the street clay 1n front cl 2805 W. Cout where Officer Koesmann was re- Hwy .. NewPort BeadL cording lnlormatlon. Twice the Whlle Officer I~ and otrJct"r requested the motorllt to Tn.tflc omca Don 8urdaall were remove blmselt from the high- subduing the defendant. the lat-way for fear of being hJt by traf- ter's car broke looee from anoth· nc. Wiest retuaed and struck ... er car with whiCh k had locked otflcer with his right fist, pollee fenden and backed lnto pollee charred. motorcycle 216. The motorcycle Wiest pc»ted a $500 ball bond received a broken windshield, and was relea.aed from jail at broken ride-off stand. bent front 2:17 p.m. Sunday to appear in fender, bent rlcht punult lamp court on Nov. 14. and other undetermined damage. Mo ........ ... u. fta. ldt .,. '1. tba.,_. .. .... ... , ..... ._ .. . fal Cluht• •• ... '' > When o1tlcers arrived at the scene they said the car of Harold 17C7 &. C... ., .. ••1 B. Crandall of 517 Acacia Ave., A Classified 1\d in Tlle Ensig n <=-del .._ IU .., Corona del Mar, wu parked par. brinqs immediate results! Ceh 1100• allel to the aouth curb In front Harbor I I 14-1 I IS end orove it' Mon. thru Sat. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. of 28CX> W. Coast Bwy. On the ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ lett aide of the Crandall car was a convertible car belnc operated by Wiest. The vehkle. apparent· ly had locked fe.nden and Wiest wu attempting to back hls ve· hJde and wu IDOY1ng the Cran- laaan •. I l11llau •••• dall w,hlcle with it. 'nle officers parked their mo· Ferpl,.. ...... I I. .... fir .... . . J• Paaya .t 7:15 Wedu hy •• ... Ia • ...._. 8el -• IUMT··-PIISIIIL-... ad~ daM. y-wW tiDd It ...... 4114 to. tal adplay8ald..U ...... n.t II'IIWc Y .. Waat ••• Dinet 'r. y_.. a.. S.O.S. Radio & T. V. IIIII-~ -II-FI Tbe .... of .. d s-.lc» ..,..~.,. . .- 212 IIUDfZ AYL a.u..oA DL&Jn) ~ lcMol .... 1)-.::e Pwta• ,...__. ...... .._.._..._.,, 111'att ~ ......... callll1'11ft ~· .a.ct. c IIIJMidlaKn ...... Jias. ....... Qaaa&•t'kDIII 2112 E. c..t 8wy. c-... ..._ a.a.. .._ Jlwl D1 I Here Friday and ready to roll/ --· ......... ctt.a • ,.... ...... sJNellya.plac.ea ..... ~tcnclu--. ...., .......... -..... S."t ...... yw 91t GWIIM STOP WINDOW SHOPPING. lust copy down the name and addreel: ROBERTS IEWELERS . 223~ Marine, on the laland ... a shop wl\h exquisite Items to nt ~ pune. Diamonds for Mrs. Golc:llockl. atunnlnl Robe' costume JewelrY for "Worklnr IOfls." And when they show you the Ta.sco Mexican jewelry (an exclusive with them) or the dell· cate filigree designs by Van De0 -well, Just try and resist! Other good Ideas It you're Jn the c:hJ.,.: watc:be. or allverware. P. S.: The hot one's even hotter/ tMl "56 CHIVIOUT Ill Afl SPOIT SIDAN-..o... II • .......,.... ......_ .t Qweu,..'t wtfet, ~ loel. ,_ ._, CIIIHII ..o a1~11111 thla ~,.. ...&.' ITAIIII -. .. _... _. ..... u .,.. .... ..., al1lll9 watlttw Ia tM ~ l'llllt ............. Ia .. ""Doctcr"' .......... :llllds" .. Ia ,..... .............. ... pnc.. J...elrt...... ... • ~.-.( ......... .... elU..I) _ _._ty_. .. tM a.r--t___~_!kie at TD ..,... JKWD,n' ....... ,_.a ... owea~~w&u.., ..,. Their Lay-aw~ plan l.a crand tar Cllrqbnaa ,uta. RoberU lew· e.1en. ZD~ Marine, Balboe lalanct HA 2321. e evro et Nftll ...... ell uUA 6oW MID ,, ..... St.,u.g. ....... tl. laDe.., ..,. .. lllf!U llfltiOII .,.,,., N .. e.:i'-tellt .,..,. u.. ..... ., ,. -.....,.nr. ,., Ul ,. 1 c They're sitti~ in our shoW'I"'Om right now champing at the bit. For these '56 Chevroleta were born with an urge to go plaeea I Look at that biner, wider, more muaive ,rille. Follow that )ower apeedtine of eh.rome back to thoee auq, hlab-eet taillights (the one on the left swiDI'I doWD to uncover the pa cap!) V8 or 6-19 Modell .. S Berte. Any kind of model UlJOD• eoWd wut! Yov choice of tbe new~ Flame., S with 140 ILp. aa4 MW b.jper ccmpftllioD • a.ivrollt'a reco~ va ,.,.... ruillllll up to a DeW hilll if • k.p.; .- 9.!1 to 1 CCJIQII nl• nrtio I .A-. matk. aad ~ ... ..,. .... tanataa stOIIII. ..... ., .... c--. *iw tile 'II Qwuui•U • • PBlZE for moet uDuaaa.l eN· tuaa. fw gtda at tJae CIIUlaa.l Coast Supw Market Ballowe'• codume party lD Coroaa del Mar Satwday was 7·,.ar·o14 Suacm Buttenrorth. 513 Poppy A.., , FOUR·TEAR·OLD lte'riD Tool. of 503 Poppy An.. Corooa del Mar. also won a prize for bla fetching plzate costume. com· plete wltb pistol cmd mua· tache. Nanc:y Hoffman aDd Pam Netzland won prizes for prettiest costumes: Tom m y Ball and Kenny NeWand for handsomest: SteTe Bell and Mtckael Meehan for ugliest: Chris F r a z 1 e r and Jimmy Grubbs for most unuaual for boys. SUSAK GAZLAT. age t. ol S50 E.-bag CaDyoa ad.. U.O.., Cliffs. woa a pdae '-tJae IIDOd origbaal coctuaM ·-,VIa. Tlult'e a ctpd mop oa bee bea1L Kelblda Wells aleo WOD a priM 10« mo.t origlDal. "PJUJfCESS.. Dtcme SmttJa of 505 Poppy Aft.. Corolaa del Mar. was cmothft ~ fw moet UDuaual co.tume for glzla. You 'll Uke Us Too! You bet there's a recaoa fw OGr popalarttyl Perfect, Scientific Cleaning Plus Pressing-The Result of Our 30 YURS' UPEIIEICEI * WE 8UARAITEE * No Shrinkage-No UneYen Hems On Your Dre .... & Coats Too Will .. Pleaaed WttJa our l'rleodly ~ ..S Oar * 3-DAY REIIUR SDVICE! * I-DAY SPECIAL SEIVICE! .... VAN'S ClEANERS * ..... EMil _,.AT RIDIAII'DT ...... ~ .. .alfAT ftiiiiAJIDT ......... ·1r Our lt yean' experience and Spetlal Tratnlq In Beauty CuJ.' ture .. u.rea you at the utmoM tn Individual Hair Cuttlnl and Sty Una. The Finest Name in Meats in all the Southland! CAPONE! IE I'AT TOURQ COJ.OUD BACON 39;,. FRYERS 45•· ---------------------------KUWDfG'I CIIOICZ aEU Prime Rib Roast 5 9•. CIIOICI: LAJIQE Loin Lamb Chops &9L ( J9L KAJnUKG'S CIIOICI: UEP Short Ribs Elmb Patties · ••·aos~--Ground Roulli 59._ CBOICZ frOiiiiii Chuok 39~ Lamb Legs · 59i.. DAn'~lb.-- Velveeta CHEt:SE QLEIICOE--Colon4 Margarine 2-25e TIDE l.mBT'S-ICD Ccla hck I GI'LOWDfGQOJ.D....-tlf --:-J 181J Fruit Cocktail 1~ PUMPKIN :.. .. ~ .. 15~ rape ru1t (8. 7f-OLD DUTCB lfa PIUCZ SALE GOLDU ITATE BEIIIZ CLEANSER t~1 == MILK CAIIIIRD ---·~-. 111( vu~-.ca 15~ I Fr o: · F or· L ~ L