HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-11-10 - Newport Harbor Ensign·~y ETE 18 I ' BIG P IE HERE 0 .Fill Y Three Held AlterMan ISAHacked Th.ree Camp Pendleton marines were arrested early yesterday momlna by Newport pollee on char,ee of armed robbery and canylna a concealed weapon. l . C. Buchan, a Lo8 Angeles resident, was struck on the aide of his head and hla wallet and a sult ot clothes allegedly stolen from bla car by the marlnes Ln the Villa Marina parking lot late Tuellday night. pollee charged. 'lbe ma.rlnes were taken Into cu.tody ln Capistrano Beach 'by aherUJ"a oft:lcen. Mr. Buchan was taken to Hoaa Memorial Ha.pltal for ~tment and then to Capl- .tra.no BMdl where he ldent:l!led h1a ·-llant. Michael D. Miles. .20. and hla suit of clothes. Other mat'lDa cba.rred Ln the arrest lneluded IetTY L. Bowman. 20, and David L Brow. :10. A .Uver dollu wu all the loot Ln the v1ctim'a wallet. Pollee Set-Earl Stoneback was credited with the pollee work which raulted ln the anest alter M.r. Budlan came to the pollee station at 11:14 p.m. to report the aaault. VOL. L RO. l~ CEJITI Charges and Denials Made In Mesa Hallowe'en Tempest COaoRA DEL llA& CALli'. TIIVJIIDAT.IIOVDDD lG. 1155 Thousands To See 'em March at 10 Many thousanda ot local cltl- zens and vlsltora are expected to watch the big parade tomorrow (Friday) during the elchth an- nual Orange County Veterans Day commemoration here. "God and Country" will be the theme of the st.x-d.lvt.alon paradt>, which wiU start at 10 a..m. at j 32nd St. and Balboa Blvd., New· I port Beach, and move easterly along Balboa Blvd .. to Ma.ln St .. Balboa. It will Include banda. rid· lng groups. majorette groups, floats. drill teams, novelty croui>s and decorated cars. At 11 a.m. the parade will ha lt. three aerial bombs wUI sound. alter wh.Jch all buglers down the line of march will sound taps. The maln judging stand w1U be located at 15th St. and Balboa Blvd. with l'e'Vlewtng stands at McFa~en Pl and Cor- onado St. Parade trophies and prizes will be awarded during a fish try which will start at noon on the grounds of the Newport Harbor American Legion Post. 15th St. and W. Bay Ave .. Newport Beach Parade participants will be ted free, and there will be a $1.00 charge for the general publlc. A dance In the hall wUJ start at 9 p.m. to muslc of Bllly Arthur and his orchestra. The commemoration day ~ sponsored by the Newport Har- bor Veterans Oranlzatlons Inc., headed by VIncent 0 . Cusumano, president. Ball Program Homecoming Will ' ALL A BIG MISTAKE An lnro~ addrt>SS given to a telephone operator brought 1 Newport pol IN' to t he Harry Camp.,..ll resldenC'f'. 229 Orchtd Ave.. Corona de-l Mar. at 4 :25 1 p.m.. Tu~day Thf' pollee finally got to 4.29 Ort'htd Ave. whert> John M. Farre l had called tor an ambulacnc-e. * Fly the Flag in Every Home Tbe IA1rtoa Po.ta of K....,oct Barbo~' .ad ONta Neea -... lawadaed a ccaapalp to 9M - A.ID4trima aa. lato ..-y .... Ia U.. BartM. Anc. ......... to ny tM o.,.- latiMU ...... ~hnl .. ..., ......... _ able a b-Ltla•• ~•"­ flag. a... .... bf ttiLNe ..... Damage Suit Filing Slated OHers of Support Given To Linle League Plans .. oaly 11.50. It ~ .. . eolltat...wttla .......... ..... ...s ltaff ....... ~a~c~a -... ~totllletr.tefllle ....... 1'111.-e ...._. -.... , a s• bf.w.t••=rwt· ... ............ c.e.-.. ..... t& It 1-1--WE 1 II ••·J . .ervtc.e clubs was drafted, out- llnln~ the spoMOr plan wh.lcb prftides froee bawball tor nine to 12-JM.,r-o.ld boys. It Is expected that service cluba and COI'IU'Derclal croups wlll IIPOI\80r the "major" te&ms ot the MW .lealue at an lnfdal cost of nancta SaUDden, -. ct -~ Abalofte Aft-. .._...,_ ....... will l oot.s-S•ddle Plan Benefif Tlae ~~-Boob and Saddle Club Ia aponaorlna a hone ahow Wateh tot h•dlln• from tile tnc bla alolla to th• llalpltal. In tbe Oranp County Fair· Clt)' Ball. All Ia not barmoJ\Y. A but DO donatioD. 'lbat WU juat poundl arena thJa Scm4ay u a WJY -=r-et mNtlna wW be Wd ftDe but • MtP~tbe bMiftt tor eua COUna. tbe c:rlp· eoon on penonneL wm. a hiM Mia cal ..._ tM to pled cbUdren'l home. roll T . kttk Ia I« ll. I wu A cbaek waeon lunc:b wU1 be • • • .. W'IIN the atMr W ..-ved an daJ. nere wUJ be 15 • JIICIIIOQ ~ b=_. .. t cluMIIn tiM bone ahow. A blp We ..-. outplated ln rnrt laptl lnclt • IIID• ,_!,It point trophy wU1 be alven fM department ln that rutnollaame. wu never t up In a..lcU the day for both junJor and .en· We have been out·atatllttcked ln meeUna at any time, u all ap· U:J=ciCX:::ICICX:K:I=.::ICX:::ICICC:x:ICICI:w::::ICial:idcx:.::x:::ICIICI:XICICd lor hllb man, and a trophy for f!Vft"J department but we had proprtation8 are ........ • be .. tfie b4!:tt entry In the pane! en-been able to 1e0re In our earUer by law. • ~VT aruea .. G ener..;c aales mana1er, Lee try, which Ia alated for 1 p.m. aamH. we JU8t can't .em to n• pltdl wu. "Tbe Nit ol the SUISC&trnoN ltATIS The Sea Hone Spln-Fbhlna Hart«. proved to be a chip ott The eventa are open to all h01'8e· beat the ft&htJna DllDI on thelr CouDdl are for t.b1a. AIJIII:I. Bow L-' ..... ,,,... ...._ T-.,.... •• ... ,.,._~e..-..411 Club is now ten montba old. The the old tlwe·rlus block when men. own duna hW.I am lttU In there about your MJ .,.... WU. o.t.W• ef te......._AIM•T-,__.., .... ,.,._~~..... members ret toafther each he came u~ wtth the J•ck·pot pltchlna for ttle Roeea. Two '"nlere Is a Coundl JDMtlal to· :ii•:iCiacaiCieii:i!iXXi:ii:i~a:i:iciii:aXiacii:IDCX;iiii•Ci• month. on the ttrst Thursday, In ftah. ..___ &'llllll ... ramee to co. Gotta wtn •em nlaht. You wm have a et.nce 1M ~ · the commodloua and comfortable e I'P'I OJI·IUTTOR ...W -•• both. to preM'Dt It then. eiU.. ftl'· ., facilities of Paclflc Laminates. UpiU, .,ow, the Sea Ho. ne Club filii 11 IIIII IBII-• • • bally or by Jetter." Kane wu manutacturen of Sllaflex fiahlnr seemed to lack aomethlne.l know -r e "fELLLW JOUU:ALJIII made. rod& Just In cue you're lnteorest· now what It waa. It wu .orne· GravesJde lei'V'lces for Herbert How do you like ItT Served ImmedJately after the CouDdl ' ' ' ' ' ' ' • • • ' • ' ' ':• • ed, the addreu 11 1919 Placentia t.h1nc more alonr the line of Ray Dunlap, 48, of 1741 Pomona wtth an editorial? Why alve the adjourned, tbe brttht boJ ap-e vmaANS DAY Ave., Costa Mesa. competition. The N.S.F.A. hu Ave., eo.ta Mesa, were held Mon· teachlna profeuton a blade eye peared. and wltb one haad em A d t t be t N II V t D Th During the heat of the alba· tht& par exceJJence, done to a day In Everveen Cemetery In when Incident-. and penonalJtles the coat lapel and ope on tbe ~ • 0 r~m!~ . r-?morrow, ov. • e. erans 0Y· e core and marlin ae&eou. ru con· rolden brown and ready to serve. Riverside. Mr. Dunlap died Frt· llke that cro In any and all back hf; rft\ewed the pitch- local le9•on P~ 1S fOtntn9 wt+h. all the oth.er Posts In the. county to fess that I played hookey and Here's the pitch: Each mem-day In Hoaa Hoepltal from tn· walka of llfe,P rxJ becau.e of their wtth the exCUM tbat he ~dn't put 0!" a whopp1ng ~rade here tn Newport tomorrow mornm9. It s an missed most of the summer ad· ber of an attlllated club Ia all jurl• .uftend when a atove ex-profeaton. but beeauM they are ret to the <;ouncll meettna. My occaston worth watchtng. Help pay honor to the veterans, who have atons of the Sea Horses. But lut set to wtn buttona In a wtde va· ploded 1n hla traUer home Oct. born that way reply wu. 'You can atlll write, fou9ht for our country, some of them in more than one· wor. Join Thursday I rot a yen to see what riety ot cata1Q61es that Include 30. Be had come to eo.ta Meu • · • • can't you? .. t~m in their Fish Fry ot the Newport legion Hell after the Parade. was goln~ on, and went to the every known kind of rod and from Rlvtnlde In 1937, wu a • WilT OnoiD? So the amount wu paid. and It II help them meet the cost of the Veterans Day observonce ... end meellne. I m elad I did for some· reel tlahlna. both fresh water and member ol. the Jntematlonal U there abe lays, or ~anp, amona you know they're going it alone this year ... which is os it should be thin~: Important happened. The salt. One merely hu to catch a Brotherhood of ElectrJcal Work· ~ ~~Jouta ~esses :;.n aome others that 1 U shake Te • A FLA&IN EV r.ay H''ur. Sea Horse Spin Ftshinl Club be· fish that welfhs twice as much, en, Loea1 No. +U, of Santa Ana. w Y .,.,,.._,.. to e dust ott from time to time or ~ VME came affUlated with the Nation-1n poonda, u the test of the llne 8urvlvon are a .on Johnn of cou.ncllmanle electtabs by dla· you. The le9ion is doing something else of particular note. They ore a1 Spin Flshlnr Association, Inc. you're usln& eo.ta Mesa. a dauihtet {j., trlcta. 1. 'nlere Ia YUtly more I rntrht add that when I rabed making it p<asible for all of us to buy a handsome 5 by 3 American It looks to me llke the club took The N.S.F:A. h&IJl't foraotten bua of Ar~na. ht. moth.;, ~ political advert1alna In the pres· my voice In protest 1 wu one· flag so we con oil fly e fl.sg ot our homes. "Get " fla9 into every home a major leap In the rilht direc· their con.eervatlon, Btbel', fM you. OJ&t Skeen ol 'Rlnntdtlt ~d a ent .y.tem: 2. COl. ADdy Smlth man mJnorlty and cot nowhere. in the Harbor Areo," the two loc;.,l legion Posts say ... Coli H.srbor tfon, and here's why. can wtn each button only once. slater, Mn.. John ll crwn' of Rlv· ls for Jt. 'I11.Lt reuon Is minor, Incidentally that wu the lut 452 or liberty 8-1502 . . . • Jf.S.F.A. On top of that they maintain a enlde, and eJrht arandcblldren. becauae there ue DO dollars In· pat on the back I've received e STAY AUVE DAY The National Spin Flshlni Aa· splnnJq tackle world record de· Pukes-Ridley Mortuary wu In volftd. . from that aource.. But pJentJ of h d soclatlon is not so old. bot It's partment and publllh an up·to-cbvae of arran,ementa. Reddick kees-banalnl away personal abu.e dlrected at my- Anot er ote to mclrk on your cale"d.sr: Thursdoy. Dec. I ... growing Hke mad. Startina a date lt.t every two months In wtth h1l editorial JuDI and car· telf and other cltlzena who have That's S.D D~y .... Sofe Dr!ving . Dey . .' . w~en we all will .sgain short tlve years ago with five their Newsletter, a bl·monthly CEII'I'II'JCAft ot I VIJa&ll toona at Andy Smith u the man served In the defenae of our try to stay oltve 1n troffic. D1d Rtchard 1s ag.stn our S.D chairmen. clubs. the number has lfOWJl to publication. PlctUioM Plla a~ who wants to be "'ward boss." country. All he wonts of us is to drive sofely .snd to st.sy olive. Seems mighty 31. with two clubs In HawaJI. The U this lan't enourh. competl· THE UNDEBSIGI'fED do hereby He knowll better. Bow could Andy ------------ little to osk . . . Sea Horses became the 32nd club tlvely speaking, you can go for a certify that they are conductlnr Smith be a ward boa where po-e DEC. 6 ElECTION to get on the band waron. tonr llst of trophies of all aorts, a n ower shop and nursery bust· lltJcaJ parzy lines are Ignored! And yet another big date to remember . . . T uesd<~y. Dec. b We heard "the story from no both club and Individual. Theee ness at 2625 E. Coast Hlrhway, Ben Is wlltuUy ualnf th1a decep· · · · whe_n we will be vot_in9 on a propositio~ to <lme~d the Newport ~~t.a .;~~~~~eth:m~ P~~ !:~~e:~~':ta~edou~y cn!!c~~ ~ct'f~!u~e:t!~~~i ':o~a~: ro~o~ ~e ~a~:!t ~':ttha~~ Beach C1ty Cha~er . ., dec1dtng whether our c1ty counc1lmen should be Mendenhall. once of Montana dustry Slla·Fiex puttlnr up the Flower Shop and Nursery and levels of our aovernment elec· elected by !he d1stnct. r.st~er t_hon by the vote of the entire city. but now ot Bell. CalltomJa. <;en~ one f~r the•lndl~dual wtth the that said tlnn 1s composed ~f the tlo~from the cltJ level, the ~ publtsher hos on ob!1got1on to speak his piece on controversial had qu it~ a gallery with hlm, In· most button awards. folowlnl penons whoee names county, the state and on up to quest1ons ond _thus help hts. readers .srrive a t e sound conclusion. It eluding C. H. Gerould and Jim· Lona Beach is away up the In full and places of resl~-tce the national level. wo~ld be unfatr to walt until the lclst moment to aditoriolize on this m.le Vlnettl of Bell and Ray Zu-llst In theee competitions. The are u follows, to·wtt: He r·~ ~yer and over on th,e subted, bec~use then no one would have a chance to kid: bed:. So tall of .. Whlttl~~-Gerould, nick· Lonr Beach Spin Fishing Club is Joe D. Ellls, 431% Begonia word 'ward. He lmowa you cant let me say rtght now that to me it "Ppct<lrs to be the most eleme n· named Shady, ls Instructor In leading the clubs with the most Ave., Corona del Mar. have a polttlcal boa wl~out a tory type of. justice .snd f.,irness to give e<~ch councilmanic district fishing Cor the Young Woodsmen Fresh and Salt Water Buttons, J. L. Mossholder, 51S Margue. pol~tlcah party. Remember how the right .,nd privilege of n<~ming the councilman of its own ch ic of America, the younaster de· the most Salt Water Buttons. and rite Ave., Corona del Mar. h~l :~e measure which we T lk f d' f h' · · h d' 0 e. partment ol the Woodmen of the their members Art Parra and Dr WITNESS our hands this 7th P t-...nr the Cbambft of b " .. o. 1s r.sn_c 1s1ng .~ote_rs 1n _ot er 1stricts by such method is World. They're doing a rood Job Earl Hershman are tied for ftrst day of November, 1955. Commerce oU the dole and caua· a surd.. ~lsfranchlseme~t eXtSts ~·g~t now, because three of the teaching kids the fine polnta of place with 42 buttons apiece In Joe D. Ellis lng It to be aelf·suttalnlng, and seven dlst~1cts were deprtved of the~r nght of m.s jority choice of their hunting. sbootina. flshlng and the Individual SaJt Water Button J. L. Mossholder proud of lt. own counc1lman. . . conservation. department. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) Approval of thls propoaltJon In Make. your dec1s1on on the b<~sis of f.sirness ond justice. Don't Along this line "Mln" lnokucb l, Soooo .•• no matter what type COUNTY OF ORANGE )as. the coming election wiU mean be t.sk~~ tn by the bombastic ravings about ''bossism" and "word one ot the Sea Horses. reported of flshlng ls your pet Interest, ON nns 7th day of November, the return to the dlatrlcts the heelers. on th~lr Oct. 15th trip out of you can ret Into the show 1955, before me. a Notary Public right to select and elect thelr Just osk yourself this question: "Do you w.snt to elect your 0 Davey • Locker on the Ramona. throurh thla National Spln Fish· ln and for said county and .tate, own councilmen. councilman in your own district?" • wn Slx big Sea Horae. took elrbt lnl Association, locally repre. restdina therein, duly commls· • • • You do? Then mark your ballot the .. .. colts out fM the day. Richard IM!'nted by the Sea Hone Spln sloned and sworn, penonally ap· • IZZLBTOft same woy-yes. Harter, .on o1. Paelflc I.amlnatee F11hinl Club. Dora"t puU that old peared loe D. Ellt. and I . L. Allow me to rattle one of the 1&1 and .. k "Who's aot the but-Moa.bolder, known to me to be skeletons In our City Hall ft. ton!" Go 1ft one youraell, or a the peraons wboee names are nance department. Let's peek In whole vest-fuU, If you're rood subscribed to the within lnstru· at a finance demand ol Septem· enourb. ment. and acknowled&ed to me ber, 1952. repostna In the m-. e ALL YEO S.OJIT that they executed the same. unsianed by the mayor (who ThJnp look much better for WITNESS my hand and otfl· was then yours truly), unap- the Sea Hones. thanks to these clal seal. proved by the audJUnr commit· boys of the N.S.F .A And don't Mary A. Haapa tee, unapproved by CouncU ac- hole up fol' the wtnter. Get your Notary Public In and for said tlon ln public council meetln£ spln·tackle out. put on a Ught County and State. but marked paid In aplte of all llne and 10 fishing. For your en· My Comm..lsslon explres Aur. thls. llrhtenment, the record l1at In· 16. 1954. 1bla happened on the openlnr eludes not only all the well· Publlah: November 10, 17, 24, De· of Hoaa HOIJpltal A lll)eelal sec· known rame flab. but also bon· cetnbel' 1. 1955. tlon of lfeetlnl wu coneetved Ita. corbina. hallbut. kelp bass, ln the Newport by three county newspapers. aJv· QVUTJOa or Til& ,.._, b It OIC to o.e ma,_nnawe to poJlah the leaves ol JD.1 boue plants? AIIIWD n am r-& -No, Mayonna.t. or o er cla1ry ptOducu wW live a l)a., but wtll 80W' and ""'C'C..., U.. pore. of the Jee\'eL W• haft IIWQ' poet inexpeMtN IMf pollllltria a,enta that are mmpleeeJy ..., f01t JOW' planta and have DO oftmaln odors. Our advice Is yours for tbe ~ pwnbou. Is tully .tocked with vtaoroua home planta. CORONA DEL MAR MODBRY 27 .... c..e ...... , -'#;1···--- -I JGA Una cod, Pacific and jack mack· erel, opal eye, perch, spotfln croaker bd a lot of other apecles that are here all year 'round. Don't teU me this Isn't a rood enouah reaeon to pack up your troubles and ao flahlnr! SUper" Melt Values • LOC-AL ,._ .... ~~~. .... * Only Swift's Premium Beef Sold Here * SPECIALS FOR THURS.. FBL & SAT., NOV. 10.11-12 Jfo. l "'?w1t8a .. --8bCIIIlr BCIJJ • Wbo1e HAMS 45:. .... 11 ....... , •• ,, .• , ..., Rear Admiral Thurston Hall James, U. S. Navy retired, wlll be speaker at the dinner meetlnr of the Orange County Chapter of the MJUtary Order of the World Wars at 7:30 th.lseYen!nr (Thura· day) ln Newport Harbor Yacht Club. .Aclmiral James Ia a graduate of the Unlveralty of Wublnaton. bu lei'Ved as skipper fA tbe Los Alamitos Air Station, l'flaaara Falla Alr Reserve tratnlnr .ta· don and Floyd Bennett Field In Lona I.aland. Two meetlnp are .elledulecl for Denocrata ol Ute .,.a clUJ'• Ina Nowmber. Nat Tueldq Ute Balbor Damoc:fade O.b wW mett at I p.m. et the B.,_ Scllool, 18th St. and n.t.ln Aft. In ec.ta 11-. a.frtiiii.I*Mnta u4 a prolfUD aft piaaMcl:. On ,..._. dq. l'fov. 22, tile ~ Women'• rorum .01 meet et 1.0 a.m. at the ~ Oreen aav. .... Ia ..... .., JllldE. .... Ana. tw • dllm..._ on wwl4 allaks. A liCk lUI* wW Wlalw. ~ & Hem.1ton w..__ Diemonds Mounti9 Our Meat Depcutwent Ia Now FeaturiD.g ManniiiCJ's Choice Baby ~f F'mest Name in Meata in all the Soutb.lcmd BODDL PDIIT G&AD& BACON TILAIIOOK CHEESE • ..J • ... · ... . • SCOOPS ........... ........ .., .. ..... .a911111tl{ ....... -............. -""' .. ,... W1'J'II 1'D IIOLJI)A\'1 U - ftlOACIIIIIQ lt'a • .... tl8e ....... , ............. ... IIADl PAIJIJOifl tMk ....... -w--.u ...._ .u u. tddal of Ge tlade • • • W I ilecfal ....,. ....... )'.a .... w.. Pretty ••••• ....., .. .... oat CIDd ._a.. T...e .. tM Towal VWt tMU ..._ teday CID4 Uad ....... t .... a.-. colorda9. • lft'Oiat'9G=ry cu· toaa . bl••••·· ......... beauty • ,_.. laalr. It's • aJik. aoft eoadlUoa•r tllot .._ ........ .,.... Or If yoa Deed • ........ t. try IIUI BAm PASBJOJIS CID4 yoa'U bow yoa ...._ U.. UITI Jail E. Coaat Btway. CDJII. Pb..- BA 4014.. • • • • WE'RE A PUSHOVER fur good looking clothes, and tbe ones by Claire McCardell at THE CLOTHES HORSE have us In a dlthet. One look, and you tall ln Jove with them; one touch, and you know they're top quality fabric; one try-on, and you're a New Woman ... ready to atrut around Balboa Bay Club 06 staee your own tu hlon show along Marine Avenue! We alto saw gay numbers by Lan% . . . per- teet tor the college crowd . . . and fabulous Pat Premo deslgna with the long·walsted slim all· houett.e look, Ideal for resort wear. Hurry on down and take a look for yo u r s e If . THE CLOTHES HORSE, 215 Marine. Balboa Island. HArbor ff1ff1-W. • • • on any $10 purchues CINCLUD· INC Chrtstmu earda!) AM tor a membenhJp c.atd to UM on any- thin& you buy up to Dec. 24th. WOW! And such a wondertul ar- ray of 1deaa to chooee tzom . . . candle., Rumpp leather poda. Freund notepapera. V e n e t I a n &laaware . . . all VERY reuon· ably prlced. THE BALBOA.N, 325- a Marine, neX1 to the Fire Sta· tlon, B. I. HA 5193. • • • WIIAT"'I COOKIKCt That ~Y ... u Ll com'"9 holD KATIE'S COUEB ••• tt'a bot appl• pie oa tile atoY• cmd .... of .... CS.JJdoua bom• babel bNCid. Jlo&AI OG ••• dld 10mabdy ... UoD apofb•ttt aDCS meat balls? Or bolD• aacrd.e ebW 7 Katy Ll tile gal wbo pub poaada -'fO'l-but la auda a dellcJbUul wayl FOil Jut t5e abe._... you a COM· PLETE DDQfUI Or ~ yoa'n tb• I'OCDt bMf acmclwidl. fluffy go1deD pie with '"gooc:t. 9004"' coH.. type. n.. lt'a KATIE'S COIUfEII fOil you.. Avat• & Parlr.. oa tiM lalaD4. OpeD to 10:30 p.m.. • • • FOR REAL ENTERTAINMENT what could possibly beat a TV set, the gilt a whole family can enjoy. At KIRKPATRICK'S 1n COM they carry or wtll order any model of Sylvania or Motorola, two of the finest makes on the market. (Jot that down on your Christmas shopplnc list!) Or, ll you're one of the lucky ones who already own a TV, rely on Kirk· patrick's tor tfp-top aerv1~. There's no safer guarantee than II' YOU LIKE VamrrY, tlaen'a experience, and Don's been In L0'1'S of It at aaooiUJfC'S thls business tor 30 years ... VA&JETT STOU Ia CDII. You he's a whiz at repaln on TV. .a llad ~J EVDT· radio and phonographs. Call him TIUifC tiMn ••• froiD a spool at HArbor 3M3 lf you want proof. of tJu..s t. a 1ciiQ 011 pWew KIRKPATRICK'S TV, 2756 E. a.e. Y .. DaM lt. BJoooldDp Coast Blvd., COM. IMift ttl ~ Jut aapocbd • • • -. ••••a ~ . . . lfeed • '"tbaak·,... .. pcu••• • .._. .......... ....a .. -" 'I'll& •a.raa ~ ................. • ,._... nl& iiWIUI I Aa I¥W• ......... -... .-y ·-.. ,_ .... , Ck s-tYf,..,. lair • ~•llbtb· ....,. ......... wsst...,.S.. dllyf TIMT lilaft '-. flas • to. ,.....Uf Srrrt"'9 cUBw· • ,..,_ ..a.ctioa of CllJUt. -· • • • ~ aa.p-. •• Clll"da. Stop by CIDd Ol'diH U"-Stop la at JIOBEIITS yoan tDdlry at UOOKIJfCS. JEWELEitS CIDd gasp. CIS •• ........ yoa'U ftDd U.. a...t VA· dlcL wltll sbeKct.Uglatcmwtb• AIETT Ia towD. 3301 E. c.aat Taaeo tlarquoiM pa.c-011 tile J119bway, CDII. BA 0150. ba~• Vaa O.U ....-rtDp • • • aDCS pl-. u you're Ill Clll ..... ALER"nNG ALL SHOPPERS: peealft IDGOd. .. tab a look at Here'• REAL NEWS to pass ~ dlamo-.da '1l watdaea 'D along. The BALBOAN, on the .. 901'9lf•ni.S'" .Uftlwan.. Lob of laland, has started Ita own prl-nU~ 1---. too. fen That vate CbJ'lstma.s Club and Is al· Spedcll P.-.oa. ••• A08EIITS lowin& a aubtrtantlal (and we do JEWELEIIS. 2111/a Mari.De. lkll· mean SUBSTANTIAL!) dltc:ount •bcMilalmad. BA 2321. VETERANS DAY • 'TO Party• at Bay Club aDII. roa ....,.,..,. T.rTaul....-a FBOIIIIABBOB.ID SCHOOL A dauehur, Mary auia..,.. .:::;" • • • ADUA LILIUTilAL bol'n to Mr. a.nd Mrt.. WUUul ~--~-----------------------------------.r~·-·-----------------------SUnpbyof~·~d9L,K~ • Breakaway J"Un.a aerou the tJeld of muate by Eddie Skrl· vanek'a "'Sextette from Bun,.....' a nd prime rtb OJ' lo~ by Coaeb of Cu1alne Gabriel are • JLU.,.IQIOCL ~y BartMWkt'a tlnt aH-tchool U · ~blY wu Jlv~n Wed.nesclay of lut week. It wu pre~ented by the vocal department under the dlrect.lon of lira. Marie Hl~bsch. two~ the bllb poln~ beln& of. Harbor'a la.rp chorus opened the feed at the Balboa Bay Club's Pf'Oil¥1 wtth "The Promt.es'' Touchdown Party to be beld to· and "Pocw Man Lazerlth." Both morrow niJht at the club. were apt.rltual numbers. This Is the tl.rst of a Mri~ of The ChMaJeers were next. monthly member parties bein& They are freshmen glrl.a who, by planned, ac:cordlnl to Dorothy the way, have not sung In the Yardley, pubUdty. Hocts and first uaembly for a few years. Hoateaes will be Mr. and Mrs. ntey u.nr """ne Cod" and "The Tod Oviatt. Mt. and Mn. E. H. Little French Clock," a cute nov- Skinner, Mr. and Mra. E. L. elty number. The Melodl.sta. an- Smith, Mr. and Mrs. MaxweJI other group ol girls, performed Stu:rces and Mr. and Mn. George next with "Deliver My Lord, De· Yardley lr. liver Daniel," and "Can't You KAPPA ALUMS MEET TODAY Dance The Polka." Kappa Kappa Gamma Alum· Next an aU boys group, the nae Association of Southern Or· Chanters, performed for us. They an&e County Ls holdlng a noon sang "Timber" and ''Rock·A My dessert luncheon meeting today Soul." The girls In the Larkettes (Thursday) at tbe home of Mrs. were next with "Minor and J. E. Kelm, 201 Via Jucar, Lido Major" and "Malaguena." The lsJe. Assisting hostesses are Mrs. chorus ended the show with Walter Hatch and Mrs. Richard "Skip To My Lou'' and "If I Stewart. Loved You." Junior Ebell Members to Bring Toys to Their Nov. 17 Meeting Members of the Newport Har· bor JunJor Ebell Club are asked to bring a toy to their Nov. 17 meeting to be held In Christian's Hut. Balboa, at 12:30 p.m. The toys wiU be presented to Miss Edna I . Miller, principal of the Franklin School tor Deat and Hard of Hearing in Santa Ana. Mrs. l ames White ot Costa Mesa was hostess to the monthly Dllcll r,. FreeWIJ Pn ...... fir •••• An arterial highway, such as Hwy. 39, with cross-overs every quarter ot halt-mile Instead of a full freeway tor Newport Blvd. through Costa Mesa is proposed by City Manager George CoUey of Costa Mesa. Final plans for Newport Blvd. have not been completed Mr. CoUey said the state highway enrtneers bave been considering the various posslbiUtles and feel the 20·foot deep dltch-type free. way Ll the ~ fM the stretch of !fewport Blvd. from 20th St. to PaJIMcte. Jld. TbeoJt plan c:alla tor eroa-over brld&ea at Del Mar Ave., Santa Isabel Ave. and 22nd St. Mr. Coffey said the state has not set a date tor beglnnlng the work and that. he knew of no plans for hearings on the subject here. When the traffic justllies It, In tlve or 10 years. the state Is considering a treeway on stilts for the Newport Freeway through downtown Costa Mesa, the city oUlclal polnted out. He gave a report on the sJtuatlon at the Costa Mesa city council meeting Monday night. CDU. PO& BEJlKARS A daughter, Stephanie Jean, was born to Mr. and Mrs. James Herman of 616 St. James Rd., Cliff Haven, In Hoag Memorial Hospital on Sunday, Oct. 23. • A Classified Ad in The Ensiqn brinqs immediate result$! Call Harbor II 14-1 115 a nd orove if! board meeting of the Junior Ebell Club on Nov. 3. Mrs. Free· man W. Fisher, president. an- nounced that the general feder· atlon of Women's Clubs has asked that Nov. 20 to be set aside as go to church day. The third annual tinsel tea, Christ· mas Around the World, will be held Dec. 8. This ls a joint junior and senior £bell project to be he ld In the Newport Harbor American Le-gion Hall. The Junior Ebell members will be In charge of decorations at the tables and refreshments. They also wU conduct a bazaar where Chri.atmas decorations will be sold. Those attending the meeting Included Mrs. Nol1tlan Holm· wood, Mrs. Freeman W. Fisher, Mrs. Norman Watson. Mrs. Don Hayton, Mrs. Dean Gorton, Mrs. Forrest Allinder, Mrs.. Edward Kelly, Mrs. Donald Clark, Mrs. Robert White, Mrs. James White, Mrs. John McCarty, Mrs. Tom Woodward. Mrs. Edwin Finster and Mrs.. Sterling Paris. Fh ••••••• Ptllf• Phr•• Newport Beach firemen soon will start a home lnspect1on pro· gram to point out fire hazards, Fire Chief l atl Briscoe ha.s an· nounced. Firemen will ask permission of householders to come Into thelr homes for the cheek tor tire haz· ards. At the time the residents will be provided stickers tor their telephones llstln& the Newport Beach fl.re department fl.re tele· ph on number, Harbor 15= Firemen w111 point out fl.re hazards but It will be up to the residents to take appropriate prevention measares, Chief Brls· coesald. SOLJ)IE& IS BOifOJI.EJ) Arm.y Specialist Third Class George M. Schoonover, 24, whose wile, Robbie. Jives at 610 Club· house Rd., Newport Beach. re· ceatly was awarded the Good Conduct Medal at Fort Lewis. Wash.. while servln& with the 2nd Infantry Division. He is with the 82nd Anti-Aircraft Artillery Battalion's Headquarters Battery. CEIITIFJCATE OF BUSIIfESS Fictitious FinD Kame THE UNDERSIGNED does here· by certJly that he ls conducttne a Delicatessen and caterlne bus!· ness under the fictitious firm name or Gounnet'a KJtchen, 37f11 ·E. Coast Blvd., Corona del Mar. and that said firm Is composed ol the following per.10n whose name ln tull and place ol resi- dence are as follows, to-wit: C. Sherrn Allen 310 E. Balboa Blvd. Balboa. CaliL. WITNESS my hand on this 17th day of October, 1955. C. Sherm Allen STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE )ss. ON nns 17th day o1 October, 1955, before me, a Notary Publlc !:============~lin and for aald county and lltate, realdlnr thf.'reln. duty oommts· aloned and sworn. penon.ally ap- peared C. Sherm Allen. known to me to be the penon whoM name la subscribed tx> the wtthtn lnstn.lment. and aC'Imowled.-ed to me that tbe uecut.d tbe same. Wl'I"MESS my band and om. da1 Mal M.UY A. RAA.PA KoUJ7 P\ablle ln and b al4 Ooua~ and State. Ill) Olftmle""tl ~ AQa. H.lla p-.11111111: Oet. 10. 'Zf, Now. 3 a.ncl 11& Ia tM K.-,.t ..,_. • • Beach, on Tue.day, Oct. 11, Ja e 110W0J1 lOCI& 1 1 IIZ&TI ln thel.r league and made rules Hoac MemorW Hc,..ltal. Ttle HoDOI" Sodety had a J'Dellt-that all must abide by. These ~~~~~~~~~~~~!j In& Jut week. !faomle Motpn, rule. are printed and given to li a junior at Harbor. t.a1ked on ber each member of the ~~ehool. Then recent t:rtp to Europe. She trav-after each game the ch~Jeaders eled throucb LoncSon. Holland, grade the cheerleaders from the throu&h the Hacue In Bolland. other team. Also their cheet"ing Belaium. tuxe~nburg, Germany, sections and how their team Austria. Switzerland, Italy and played. At the end of the year France. the school with the best account In France abe vlalted the receives a trophy. P"rench Riviera and the Casino C A.S.C. Is run by the J>tudents In Monte Carlo. Naomle u.ld that with the teachers acting a.s an In Germany you never saw any 1 advisory board. And although men In lone pants. They all wore teachers were at every m~tlng, I the ahort grey pants, suspenders the discussions were led by dJS· and Alpine hats. j cusslon leaders chosen from the The dllterence between France students present. and Ita.Jy next to the other coun· tries was quite notJcable she G•ft p said. The other countries Wl.'rt' I I r 0 gram quite clean looking, but France and Italy were not to be com II s Announced pared with tbem. The oUlcers tor the Honor So· I The ":'>fPrry Christmas" gift clety tor this year are: Micky program sponsored by the Amerl· Haskell, president; Ann Lardnt>r. can RPd Cross for troops on the vice president; VirglnJa Fugit, h igh seas during the Holiday sec-retary; Robin Htll, treasurer seal>On is now under w ay. All proud new members received 1 Individuals as well as organl· their membership cards. lations are asked to sbare In e DfTEACLASS BASKETBALL I providing the gttta. The gttt GAA Basketball J n t e r c Ia s s packages containing several artJ. games were started la.at week cles. valued at not more than Freshmen played the senJors and 1 $1.50, Christmas gilt-wrapped, because the trosh have eight will carry a Christmas card with teams and senJors onJy bave five. the name of the don nor. The Red some of the treshmen doubled Cross will act as the transporting up. Teams five and stx played agency to the port where the the Tarettes, a junior group. It I gilts will be put on .shJpboard. ended up a tie. Freshmen teams one, two, and I SOH BOilJf TO IUMAS five won their games and senior A son. Kermit Frederick. wa.s teams three, four and six won born to Mr. and Mrs. Kenrut theirs. I Rima ot 2183 Tustln Ave., Costa e COUJfcn.s MEET Mesa, in Hoag Memorial Hos· The C.A.S.C. meeting held at pita! on Wednesday, Oct. S. Harbor last Saturday was quite lr;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ successful. ln case some of you -ucacr have forgotten what C.A.S.C. is. TIIJISIT. Its The California Assoclatfon of j Student Councils. We are ln dis· POCIO -~ trlct nineteen. There were repre· (lfO nnfEI) sentatlves from Orange, Garden Wodd'a S.a'leet a.cu. Grove, Valencia. Fullerton, Capl· WEJCBS OlfLY 12 oz. strano, and Newport Beach. Slae ~y r X v. 111 ... The oUlcers are pri."Sldent. Bob A New Concept In Penonal DeLong, from N.R.U.H.S.; vice· Radio. Ear Phone and eany. president. Jlrn Niger trom Or· lng Cue Optional. Extra. ange; ~tary. Ann Lardner DA"'• ..... Cl. N. H. U. H. S.. and Jack Smith •~ treasurer, also from Harbor. U a.sG7 From 9:30 to 10:00 a.m. was 1115 Ba:rbor B19d.. c.ta ..... Registration In front of the social ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ hall. Then everyone went Inside 111 and nchange student Derry Noga spoke on tchooJ We InGer- many. tt wu q~ltl! an interest- Inc talk. Ew.ryboct,y wu su.r- priled to ftD4 tlaat lD o..aa ~ dools J'OU could DOt plek your subjects. You are 11ven 13. Also that the teacher moves around to the students instead ot students changing rooms. Thls struck everyone as rather funny. From 11 :00 to 12:00 there were section me-etings In Dodge Hall. , You had your choice of six sub· jects: general campus problems, bulldJng community understand· lng of youth. student body fi · nance ralsings. spendlngs. ere· ating Interest In student\govern· ment and campus activities. h ow much dl.scipline can the students handle, c rea t I n g good Inter· school relations. Such things as having the Jun. lor-Senior Proms oU campus. 1 problems or oll CIUJlPUS club I jackets. too much pubHdty on gang wars that never happened and other subjects were dis· cussed in General campus prob- lems. ~alllil L•••• .. 'll IZ2I E. eo-t ........ Coi'ODa MI.._ Prlol' ..... J U 1-7027 IIA 1.111- ...,.._._!DEIT-----• CDLLEcn• CREDIT BUREAU of W..tena <>....-C:O..ty <formerly of Newport Beaeb. Laguna Beach lr Costa Mesa) * &lftniCS. A..., JO ._ - LD>erty 1-7141 K.....-rt ~ yourl}bl\* inclau:la a Littl~ Leagu~ basebaU fi~ld in the new Halecrest .1'1.11 your prtnt•r•Q neeos WIU be handled conveniently ond court· &ously in the completely-equip- ped J o b Pnnt,nq Department of vour Horbo• Areo N ewspoper, TI-le EnsiQn 11(}4 Coost 81. COM. In creating good Inter-school relations exchange assemblies were seriously discussed. Com- plaints were made of bad con· duct of some cheering sections of schools durin& football games. This last is a .serious problem and must be worked out ll there is to be good lnter·achool rela- tions. Sports events such as foot· ball games can be enjoyed by all but there are a ''very ff!W'' who wUl not abide by rules of com· mon courtesy and can ruln It tor all. Such things as ~Uln& when the other cheering section ls try. In& to do a yell or cheerin& dur· lng certa.ln parts of the pm.e are d e f I n it e I y marks acatn.st a I SIIU DEPOSIT Willllolll YMI lin! *CROWN HARDWARE* .. A BOUSEBOLD J)£PAJITKEJfT STOB.E'" school. W• ...._ * We Cat * W• ca-.. ervwa s~ Key. erowa s--.. One Jrehool had a aolutfon. Their cheerl~aders I1M!ft at the beginning o1 the year with the lii'i107~E~AST~~~~~~~~~:;;;;~~~~~~~~~ cht!ftleaden from hiab echooll 1 fut COLOR SDVJCE Sl2l Z. Cout Bwy. CDK ..... MarjorM Maei.D~ ... u. 1mo1m ~ hal La Canada. IMiiii .. MIAI ofte·uecl ~ IJlev a.c:r.cs .,_ ., ....... D. ---...a .. c... ..... JriUDted a book review at the A.m«<can JtH ere-J11oo41Do. montll)y ~ ~ tbe C&tbollc blle will be at tM eo.ta .,_. 1'be town, Blblol, produel4 a Women•a Coundl ot ~~~~ Leeion Ball between 3 ~m. and ~if Till • ..._ ¢ e.., •perler ld.IMI ot paPfi'Wit wb&cb Mt. Carmel Cbwcb at..-.nuw• 7 p.m. tomonow-AnnlltJce Day, ec L1-. ll!llli hna • wu aa ~Nat demand In Greece. Hall of tbe Churdl Jfov. 2.. Tbe Parenti of atudenta at N~ ,_ _ _ Til• qme .t tiM town. ltbJo.. review procram tollowed a lundl-Harbor Hlp ScbooJ. wbo dooaM -pa4Q&Jq we. ~ tbe eon and bu.tnea meetm. con· blood, are asked to .tate tbat An &Dclent tDwn at the Mltfm for blp de - ductecl by MJ1I. J. W. Cammack, they are donatJ~ u paienta of en4 ot U.. Ketlterranean Sea = IIF ~ deftl IU· CouncU president. Ba.tau• for Newport Harbor Blah Studenu raw ua tM '--for our aacred 81.,_ ......,_..,. a .o::-~ the luncheon were Mn. VIDOent 10 that the blood will be cred.lted book, U.e BJbla. pepyru. and then It wu anlled ~~~~~~~~~~~~illSa~h~nact:a~an:d~Mra.=~~:OI:n~s::Sm:ltb~ to the dlltrlc:t In C&M It ta -to tb• book or acrolL lr. needed. C h•t F t nn.aa tiM Grek lanpaJe added Durlnr the put 3 month local one I a e e anothw word, BJblot. a book. LOSE •• • those r8ldenta haft received 175 pints Held on ~ Jesa 111e plural ~orm· ...... bll .. 01' of free Red Crou Blood while M ta blblla. the booka. 11111 exprea. ha.pltallzed In thla area. lion OC!Cun frequently in the Hebu KaDH, county wpervt. Buabanct. and frl~nds were !few 1Wtameht, u ln Matthew . . II .Beach & Boulevard bothersome INCHES ••• 101', who 1s Neuperattq from o -guesta of honor at a recent pot-1:1. where we ~ad '-rbe book of ten.sive aurcery, atatea that he Ia luck Hallowe'en party rfven by the reneratlon ot Jewa Cbrtat." rno.t grateful to the Red Crou members of Conchita Parlor No. Book Ia bible. in the Greek. IJOJrl'l AJfD CAIVAL waAil volunteer donors who made the 296, Native Daurbten ot the Col· In Paul'a NCOnd letter to Ttm-• L CMIIt Jlht& L1 a -.._. blood available tor the 19 trana-den West at the American Le-othy, 4th chapter. 13th v~ he i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i "BEFORE" the Christma:a Holidays! ..• THAT IS ••• unless you ar~ satlst.led wt~ trying to "SQUEEZE" a size (12) dress on to a sJze (18) figure! ... unless you enjoy the "DAD..Y ZIPPER tug-of-war"! Accept Our Off .. For A CompU.m•tary Explaaatory Treatmeat (Ko ObUgcrtloll} fualol\5 he needed during hla cion Hall In eo.ta Mesa. ur1e. h1a friend to COJD• qulcldy, Ulness. Members and guest. preMnt bringtnr with ~ '"the cloak Mr. Kaiser ur~es donors to for the fNtlv1Ues were Mesara. that I lett at Trou ... and the come to th~ Bloodmobile to help and Mmes. B. P. Anderton. Gar· boob, e.peclally the parch· keep an ample supply In the Re-net Butler, Theodore· Elman, John menta." The Greek for "the glonal Center for other patients Emerson, Harold Graham, John books'' fa ta blblla. who might need blood In th~ tu-Malcomaon, William Melcher, 111~ Greek word wu adopted ture. Walter Nollar, Rudolph Peterton, Into other languages. Thus we Chll*•'i Cllllr Ftnnetl at C._. Petit Palm, Joaeph Wheeler, Jack have the Latin Blblta Sacra. the Wilaon, PhU W. SmJth and Bob-holy books, and In Engll&h, The ert M. Wllson, Mmes. Chester Bible. Pollard, Lawrence Bergeron, Don Muncy, and Caroline Palm, Helen Collins and Gloria Place. In The newly formed children's charge of the affair was Mrs. choir of the Balboa lsJand Meth-Don Muncy, m~nu chairman, and odlst Church Is open to fourth, G J o r I a Place, entertainment flfth. and sixth graders enrolled chairman. And 10 tb~ name of tbe Book of Books hnmortall.zes the name of an obscure PboenJelan town, wboee natives probably never heard of the God ot the R~brew-, or of their sacred writings. Jim Whyte GENERAL INSURANCE A T1UUJ1ED FIGVU: COBSVLTA.BT WW J1e1p Tou Wlth TOUB ""J'lpn Proba.ul• Be A New YOU "Before" 1956---START TODAY! ln the Ch urch School, and Is Next regular meeting of the under the direction of LesJle Van parlor wUJ be held at 8 p.m. Dyke. Mrs. Robert Moody is the today (Thursday). Plans for the pianist. Mlss Jean SmJth and Thanksgiving bukets donated to Miss Marvellee Moody assist In needy families wiU be discussed organizational details. at this tlme along with a draw- Light their life with FQ,it.k i/Jit Bellb« 174.2 3117 E. Coat • ..,. COBOBA DEL MAll Choir members a re Nancy lng for the red-wood planter on Buck. Chris Andersi>n, Homer which donatlona have been made Alexander. Dlon Kennedy, Chris as a money ralalng project for McLachlln, Jimmy Barnett, Shar· the Native Daughters Children's on Smith. Nancy Dances. Barb· Foundation. ~~~~~~~~~~~§~~~~~~~~~~~~ ara Begg, Patty Merkel, Barbara [! Schtnid, Lorna Buck, Janet Met- call, Mel Park. Marsha Wood· cock. Nancy Sebra, Chris Grorud, Larry Broerlng, Bruce Wood. Chips Guenther. JlJI Barnett, Unda Hoyt. Patti Maypole. Mary Coane, C h r I s t I n e Carl, Pam Myers, Karen McConvUJe. Kristle McConvllle, and Doug Carl. C,t.:Perter If •••• Sen11111 FL Lewis Shabara W•••'• Wear -["')- featuring Sew•• by Vera -------1.00 to 2.95 Gregory.,__ 3.75 to 6.75 Jemat Sweaters 4.95 to 12.95 Calderon Belts ··-··--·-····-2.95 to 4.95 College Town Personals -·-··-····-····-·-5.95 to 10.95 SK.IIITS-SL.A~BEBMVDA SBOJITS BABBAJlA Q1JAUT OIUGIXALS Felt S~Baabta Boa~ "smart styling w ith an eye on the budget'' Shabara ScL Sa'zl• II Tlke Pill II ....... .. ...... nt J1J'It Qua llarYta P. SdlmJdt, eon ~ Kn. Kart. Du- arte, eo.ta Mesa, ta 8Cbeduled to participate In Exercue s.c~ Brush, th~ largest Army-Air Force man~uver alnce World War II. The two-month exerclae w1l be held In Louisiana start- Ing In November. Sergeant Schmidt 15 regularly stationed at Fort Hood. Tex., as lnteiUgence sergeant In the 4th Armored Division's Combat Com· mand A. He woe-ked for the Maceo Construction Co. In Para - mount before ~nterlng the Army In 1948. His wife, Lona Meryle, la with him at Fort Hood. •L W. B. llaaur'a FaiMr ,DIIs al Ac• 83 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~g~~~~g~~~ John A. Keller. 83. of Los An · r geles. the father of Mrs. W. B. Glasser of 703 Poppy Ave .. Co· rona del Mar. died Friday In Santa Ana alter a long Ulness. Mr. Keller. a retired theatrical manager, was a native of Mary- land and had lived In California Army Capt. Morris C. Porter, whose w1!e, Patrlcla. Jlves at 425 Belvue Jane. Balboa, is a member ot the 2nd Infantry DI- vision at Fort Lew!&, Wash. He entered the Army In 1942. He holds the Purple Heart. Silver Star and Bionze Star MedalL He Ia a 1942 rraduate of New Mex· leo Mllltary In.lt.ltute. RUT CtMlQt Oft CHitlf ICIIM'IST JtOIVW.LWe. .............. A b,.ndl of lh Moth..-Ourch, The Rrct Clwtdl of Clorist, Scie~~tirl, 111 eo. toft, Me~u .. tn. Sui\Ciey School 9: IS '-""· Su11dey S.rvloe __ II :00 e.m. Wednesdey Evenl"9 MMti119 1:00 p.111. ~ .. di"9 ~oom loc.t.d et ll 15 Vie Lido. Newport Beech. is ope11 -.k deys from 10:00 e.n\. to 6:00 P-"'~ Wed"fsdeys fro111 10:00 e.111. to 7:'45 p.m. Fridey -ninCJt from 7:00 p.111. to 9:00 p.m. CIOled Holldeys. The public ir cofdielly irMted to et· teiiCI the church .. rvic:.a e11d u.. the R .. dinq Room. Professional Directory JIVIIC Margaret L. Scharle Teacher of Plano Organist -Accompanist Evening Claasea . for Adult& 307 GOLDENROD AVE. Corona deJ Mar BETTER CLEANING is tht! REASON for the past 10 years. He Is sur-r-.....;-..;..;;.;.;;;.=;;;;....;;...;;;.;=~=--, vlved by a slster. Mrs. Mary You'll Uke Us Too! You bet then's a ...--t• ow populcttyl Perfect Scientific Cleaning Plus Preuing-The Result of Our 30 YEllS' EIPEIIEICEI * WE IUIIIITEE * Y .. WW .. ..._.. Wltll ew rrt.dly c:...t.y aad O.U * HAY -.H ID-1 * ... ,~--· KJng. of West• Hartford, Conn. and Mrs. Glasser. Servloes were held Monday In the Baltz Mortuary Chapel. Co- rona del Mar, conducted by the Rev. Edwin Gomke. OK D1JTT Df JIAWAD Amonr thoee who arrived In September at the Marine Co~ AJr StaUon at Kaneohe S.y. Hawaii. for duty with the Infirm· ary of Marine Air Group 13 wu William R. Siems,• ho.pltal corps· man third clUI, USN, 80n of Mr. and Mra. Wilmore E. Siems of 960 DofWOOdr, Coeta Mesa. He entered the ...vtce ln U53. t , ... hew. .... ....... ancl ., .. ...., ... Friendly Nelrhborhood Service PARKES-RIDLEY MORTUARY 110 Broadway U 8-3433 It 8-3434 Colt& Mea NOW ... TWO BALTZ MORTUARIES Servin& the Harbor Area Baltz Mortuary CHAPEL BY TID! SEA Harbor a 3520 E. Cout Rlai\W~ Carofta del liar Baltz Mortuary Lt~S.2121 17h It .. ,.... Colt& x-.uau: PADIMO 80J'If LOCA'n~ HARBOR REST MEMORIAL PARK 11t.1t1« IMl at Olaler ft'. Ali'DUWI nEIUTDIAJI c::IIVaCII 15th St. It St. Andrewa Rd .. .._ .............. LJbedy 1-l'm Pasto&rs aw. J--L ltewart SUNDAY: Mom.lnr wonhlp, 9:30 and 11 a.m.; Church School. 9:30 and U :OO; Jr. High. Sr. HJgb and oollere age Fellow- ahlpa, 7 p.m.; Thunday, Prayer, lrtudy rroup, 9:30 a.m. COJOr1JifiT'r IU'niODIIT ao w. 1tta. lt.. c-t. ..... Ubeltr a..55l aw. J..-W. Kc:lbaM Sun. day: 9:30 a.m., Church Sun· day School; 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Momlnl Wonhlp-7 p.m. CoUep Aft KYJ' SerYtee - 7 p.m. Blab llcbool )(YJI' Service; I p.m.., J'QUq Jdulta poup ..vice. '!D taUWCII or CSWI 1050 Qnada lt.. c.n. .... Llbeftr...., D. C::. •ant. lllaJner Sunday services: 9:4.5 a.m. Bible study; 11 a.m. momlng wor- ahlp; 7:30p.m. evening service. Midweek aervtce, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. TilE tavKB or c::alilit Odd r.uo.n Lod9a. 1 ... .....-tAftw ee.ta ....... Ubelty U711 Toaa .... Jr .. Jl1aJaW Sunday Services: 9:t5 a.m. Bible study; 10:55 a.m. worahlp serv- Ice; 7:30 p.m. evening aervlce. CIIBJIT CBUiiWi rr T1R •u C:O..aaltr K.a.u.t Balboa Bmt. at Utll at.. Jf...-port JIAtt)or 5211 Pastor: ...... .., A. Cclrboe Sunday Worship, 9:30 and 11 a.pt. Church School: 9:30a.m. Mid. week Meeting: 7:00 p.m. Wed- nesday preceded by 6:15 p.m. potluck. tT. JOACBDI cauaca liM 0raDte A.._ Coeta .._. La.tr 1·1·1 r..a..,.....J.•..ta haday 111111 I at'· L .. 10 tiDd U:30 a.m. Weekdaya: M .. at 7:00 LJn.-Confeltaton: Satur· 4-,y~ from 4:00 to 5:15-7:00 to 8:30 p.m. P'D11T AIIDDLY or GOD 12M lt. & EJdaa A .... eo.ta lleea UIMmy 1-3711 ...enec~ II. e. CIGialc. ,__ Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Wor- ahlp: 10:55 a.m. and evang~ijst aervtce, 7:30p.m. Young People and Chlldren'a Service, 6:30 p.m. Sun. Mid-week Service: Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Ladles' Mlalonary CouncU, Thursday. 9:30 a.m. for all day. IEVEIITII DAY ADYENTII'I ....... al94 at llo1la lt.. •.....-t ....... ~.Detty 1-ISU Ew. D. a. lpaaJdf.Dg Saturday Momln& Servfea: Sab· bath School: 9:30 a.m. -SeF- mon: 11:00 a.m. Prayer meet· tna: Wed.Delda7, 8:00 p.m. ·-.cu ......... .. ......... .rl!!~··'· .. CMIIt ... .......... cu...., __ _ ~1-7111 Sunday SerYicelj: Sunday Sebool. 9:30 a.m. Momlnc WorMij) at 10:30 a.m. Evan~c Serv· Ice, 7 p.m. Sunaay. K.Y.P.S., 6 p.m. Sunday: Prayeor meettnr. 7::.1 p.m. Wednesday. PD8T CBUKB OP CllaJIT IQDTIII • '*VIa=.:rr .... Sunday School: 9:15 a.m., Sun· day Service: 11:00 a.m. Wednelday Evenlnr lleettn&: 8:00. Readtna Room. 3315 v" lJdo. Newport Beach, open 10 a.m.-5 p.m. week dan, 10 a.m.· 7:4!5 p.m. Wedne.day.. 7-9 p.m. Frtday .vmtnn. CBILCIT LlJ"'''IE&UU CBUac& or COSTA KEIA (JU.Anart lyaod) AJDertca IAvfOD llaJ.L eo.ta .... Pat01'1 a... a..tbar TorDew Sunday Services: Worship Serv· lee 9 a.m. Sunday School at 10:1!5 a.m. BALBOA ISLA!m COKIII1JifiTI' II'K'I'IiODIIT 115 A9cM A.._ Balboa la1aDd ~~ .... 0..-cl lapp ...... Sunday ~: 9:30 a. m. Church School; p:ao and U:OO a.m. WonhJp Service. - PDtST aA.PT'IIT canca lcmta AM Aft. at K...,..U. eo.ta .. ... ...... a. ...... CiliA Sunday Servicea: 9:4.5 a.m. Sunday School; 11 a.m. Worabtp Service.; 6:30 p.m., Bapttat Tralninr Union; 7:30 p.m.. Eventna Service. Wednesday: 7:30 p.m., Prayer, Pral.M and Bible Study. Mon· day: 7:30 p.m. Men'a Chorua p r a c t I c e ; 8:30 p.m. Men'a Prayer~g. CBUKB or OVJI LADY or liT. CA'DUL J"tw ...... aa..s..a..,..n ~-·· l'.U..I~Ief·~ ,......., ~ , ... AMt. Sunday Muee~: 1:00 and 10:00 an(! U;JO a.m. Ccmteeton: lilt· a.rda78 and .... ., t.l .,.....,. • =~~~.~~ p.m. DallJ' ..._ 1:00 a.m. J"'nt ~lday: 8!30 a.m. and 8:00p.m. Novena (Perpetual Help): Tuead.ay, 7:4!5/.m. Plahermen'a Mua, July an Aurut, Sunday 4 a.m. UNIYKDAUIT CO ... U.fft ra..a..owua. PeUCI•»oue 515W ....... ahd....U.O. ........_ ..... r.w ...... Sunday Sdlool. 10:30 a.m. Mom. in I wonhlp. U :00 a.m. -ft'. JAJIU UISCOPAL IDYIIIUdo.N.....-t.._. ~·­aw.Jolua&hrllll. .... SundQ .rvtcea: 8:00 a.m. HolY Communion, 9:15 a.m. U a.m. Sunday 8Cbool; 9:15a.m. mom· lng prayer and termon, 11 a.m. worship aervlce. T h u r a d a y Services: 9:15 a.m. Prayer GuUd; 10:30 Holy Communion. ST. JOBll YIAJnfBT Slt Kari.De A.._ Balboa w-4 IIAmol' Dllt ratbft S~K.Uey. ,__ rat.bew Jraraana AMt. tot Sunday Muses: 7:00 a.m. It 9:00 a.m. Confession: Saturday• and eves. of 1st P'L'Idaya and Holy Day.; 7:30 to 8:30 p.m.: Flrlt Friday Maa 8 a.m. Summer M..., July and Auruat Sunday, n a.m. ~008011~,.. -. •u alfftAI. aDL& cauaca COWIIU.ht .. UNKa o.-._a.._ ttt Did lt. C ens •• all a........_ LD•tt .. ._ na......, .. ~.., a.a.K-........_ ~ air ' lundaJ Moo~: 1:41 Lift. MOlD· ...._. ... iS._ ~ .... tea U:OO; Wwntq .. ~cnl\... . ... ...,.., .,. w....-.,.. S~11• u:_ ;,;::. Jce. Wectn••••-'• 'f:80 p.m. t:a .... · , .... ,..... IDIIt t:15 p.m. .. .,.. . .. • .,.Or,::•:•.: .. :-; ..._ Ebell's Annual Tinsel Tea an,. County o.Jta Gamma :J:U ..:::y ~·u.-: .:=:; Date Is Changed to Dec. 8 ..,._Walter ap~eer, m aa.J Dr .. CoroM ... Mar. I .l clulllp .. the date (#. the nounced that her rroup will ;====:;::=====::; o.o.DM mecttna al the Dell b._ a tea and exhibit ot their Off to a Good Start .. ~-~1'• .... b,,,............ .. ._ ...... , ........... ..... ,e4 ~ T..._ s.ft, ............. _.-y ..... _.., ..... ._ c-1:1 .................... ....... ., ......... ..,.... Club trGm the ftl8t Tbu.nday to patntlnp nest 11lUI"'day &om 2 Dtc. I wu &I)DOUneed at the to 5 p.m. at the American Le· If~ IMIItlna held la-t lion CJubboue. · Tlu&nclq at the American Le-New atflllat.a ot the Sentor lloe Ball. Newport. Club lntroclueed by Mra. John Tbla will be tbe annual 'nnul Lamar tneluded Mmea. J. L. Die- Tea. wtth a real am.tmu party mon, B. L. Beaman, Sam Howard, wttb both tbe EbeU Juniora and Lawrence 'nlton, Roy c. Arm· 8enJora acttna u eo-hOIIte.•. atron.r, M . L. Proulx. L. W. Cov- f~QuUtmu '&ound the World" ert. A. G. Hughes. Otto Culber· will be narrated by Lynne Shan· llton, Winona J. Shaver, Eugene non with m u•cal porUona of the A. SchulUan. aU ol the Harbor Procram liven by Hendttk de Area, and MrL Evelyn Globin, Beer, tenor, and Xarln JUgler, Santa Ana. harpwt ------------ Two widely varied lmpreuJona of the. Japaneee people were pre- tented at 1ut n nmday'a meet- Ing ot the Ebell Club. Mn. Claire Wlallz.enua of Laguna related her yean u an lntemH of X.O. Banos prt.on tn ManUL Mta . Beryl Kent, X.O. Angeles newapa· per woman and forelp corre- tpOndent. told of her experiences ln the educational field 1n Nip· pon followin& the war. , ·~ ... 1111111'1 Llll IIIIET ... uram Beet thJa! "Won't 80mebody pleue do something to make ua glamorou.!" chlrrped a bunch of beet& banded together, m de· mand theJr culinary rl(hta . . . "We're red . . . we tJt r11ht In with the oncoming festive MUOn . .. And we're a change In Oavor from cranberries 'n tornatoe.!" Glorletta heeded their cry ... "I'll make you Into a Beet ,Upte Salad ... I'll comb1ne you with the right amounts of vtnqar, sugar, onJon and spi'* ... rll can you, ., •• you'll be ready to serve on a alke of c:ril:p lettuce topped with mayonnaJae . . . You'll be dJvlne with alices of hard boiled ecp and wtu tJt liiJ. Kent, who helped In the founding of the first woman's elub In JaQ&n, told of the dltfl· A "Leaderahip Training Pro· JTam" being inaugurated at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church thla month hu been announ~ by Mlaa Helen Horr. director of Chrlnlan education, who wiU be In charge of the project. The pro· JTam Ia almed at providing guld· ance for the teachers, substitutes and usl.stanta who help In the church school work. Classes wUl be held on Nov. 14, 21 and 28 at 7:30 to 9 p.m. .......... ,..., For II Ira•• -------------------------right In with any v~~ble salad as a beauWuJ splash of Cl:aclrwe A IllAta. lletla ...._ cul tte. in penuading the Jap- CIRCUS BGOTERY Ill a-t I"' lt. -.aaA C&Wi&r c.,.. .... ()pea Pd. "nl ...... .............. IIJIL ..... ..... at:Net ,._ ....... lr'IMMdJ'I ... l Open Fri. 'Tll 9 p.m. &Jlfte woman to look upon her- .elt u an Individual with rlghta u a human being alter centur- Ies of·aervlllty. Through the ed· ucatfon of 1apanese women, they have raised the standards of their homes to the point where lite expectancy hu Increased by ten yean and two inches hu been average lncreue In the stature. of the chUd:ren, she said. During the bualneu meeting Mrs. Nicholas Brettner. president, thanked members of Book Sec· tfon D and the Garden Section members for their aalatance In serving the pre-program lunt::h· eon p~ed by Mrs. E. A. Rogers and her com.mtttee. Mra. Lewla Matthiu. art RCtton leader. an· ltltra I I I ....... • ••• Filplr-.WIIrlll~.~ lelu far II lle1r. Jam Paya art 7a15 W.tesday ......m, Ia a apec1a1 ...... .., aad eo.dlu..&Dg ct-. To. ,W fladlt a pMt aid to _..tal CIDd ....... well ..... . Pw ...................... 'he,.... ...... ,, IITartt t-4fll. lh ' Ill OIIDIITCIII ~~ .u.cL C1111111 IMI4 Ia lhljGde llaJe ltadlo ef a... & Jlodo"D9 812 K, c:oc.t IIWJ'. c... dol liar • .aa-.... Pan 1'beartl'e The Orange County Philhar- monic Society is making plans to hold lu first youth concert In January, according to Mrs. Mor· rls Slack of Fullerton. who has been named as youth concerts chairman for the county. The society's regular orchestra will perform for the youth con- certa under -the direction of the permanent conductor. Frieda Bel· In! ante. Read the Enstp Want Ad pap. Fltteen 7-year-old girls from Ha.rbor VIew ~hool are becom- Ing Brownlee at an Investiture ceremony being held at 2 p.m. today (Thursday) In the Corona del Mar Community Church. These girls. who'll be members of Brownie Troop No. 25, are Su- san Butterworth, Susan Corfman, VIckie Dam, Sharon Dugan. Pat· ty Gardner, Pamela Goodman, Ann Hart.hom, Florence Hav~na. Tina Hess. Gall Howard, Nancy Jarvia, Sharon ~ Jones, Donna McXarny, Claudia Sinclair and Terry Ann Zander. Troop leader Ia Mrs. Ma.rgaret McKamy and her co-leader Ia Mrs. Loul.se Zander. £HIJRCHES ClmiSTIAJf SCIEJICE c:au... I and senior Pilgrim F~Uowshlp That all may find their berl· gToups will m~ at 6:30 p.m. tage as children of God Ia em· Sunday. phulzed In the Lesson-Sermon • • • on "Mortals and lmmortala" Tt1LE PACEAKT PLAJI1fED given at the Newport Beach Rehearsals are In progress for Christian Science chw-ch Sunday. the Christmas pareant to be pre- The Golden Text Is from Romans sented by Holly Vl.sel Sunday (8:91, "Ye are not In the flesh, evenJnr. Dec. 18. at Christ but In the Spirit, lt so be that Chuich by th~ Sea. Newport. A the Spirit of God dwell in you." cast of 50 actors Is being directed • • • by Mrs. Vise!, with the asslat· OlnVEUALJST P'ELLOWSIID ance of Irma Rutter, ~ah "Ugbt from the Chinese PhU-Langer and Mrs. Roy Carlaon. So- oeophen" will be the sermon jlolsts and choral ensembles are subject of Rev. Frederick Ringe preparing the music background. In the Universalist Community a~mpanlf'd by La Vern~ Jacobs. Fellowship at 11 a.m. Sunday In :• 8 8 • 8 • c•:•:• •••••• ·=· . 8 •:• I •••••• I • •:• •:•:• ' the Ebell Clubhouse, 515 W. BaJ .. Read the Enslen Want Ad pare. boa Blvd .. Balboa. Mrs. Ringe Ia ~MMMMMMMMMMN "HOWDY NEIGHBOR! .. M M E E h M M M i h M M ;:a:+ 8 M M M +:+:e M E M:M:e E i I & M & M & i mlnlster of music, Henry Hofman I Jr. Is In charge ot juniors and Intermediates, Miss Kathy Hoi· mann teaches the lltUe folks and Newcomers to the area busl-where the smog bothered ·Mr. Or. Frank Mclntyre and WIIUam ness-wlae as well u In their Eagan particularly. He Ia a re-WUey share In leading dlscus· home llte are Mr~ and Mrs. Harry tired movie camerman and was slona for the adults. Creagan, who live on Santa Ana formerly connected with Warner • • • Ave., Newport Helrhts. Mr. Crea-Brothers studios. CDII C0101U111TT c:av.CB l&n came here this fall to be· • • • hv. Edwln C. Gornke, min· l...al9..t oou.etMa ........ lid c:na.iM dotboe Ia Ole a..tla 1aad. WILTII CUll'S come manager of the Brat Shop New resldenll In Irvine Terrace lster, will preach duplicate serv- ln Costa Mesa and be and Mrs. are Mr. and Mrs. Murray Gard-Ices at 9:45 and 11 a.m. Sunday HawaiiaD Sbopa Creagan bought their Newport ner, who moved there from Udo In the Corona del Mar Commu-a• L o..t. L e 1 .._. Helghta home. The Creagana lale on Oct. 29. Before coming to nlty Cbu.rcb. lila eennon topic ._. ta-..,.,.. ._... came to the Harbor ara frGID tbe Harbor .,..._ Uae ear.Jnen wU1 be "Cilaractertatlaa ol Con· (QIII:SIIIIJIIDATl San Mateo, where be wu wttb a were reddenta o1 AreadJa for aev· tem~~porary~~~Cb~Ntl~~a~n~lty!:: ... ~J~unlar~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! manaaement eoMUJttnc tlnn. en1 years. ReatdJna at the Gard· - Mrs. Creaean Ia originally &om ner restden~ are Mr. and Mra. MJ&swlppl and her husband Munay Gardner. th~lr son John. worked for General Motors In Des ny, who ls a student at Harbor Moines. Iowa. and In Soutb Da-High School, and another son If Pocahontas • • • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ kota. The couple met when he Mickey and his wlte and baby ;:: wu In military training during MJchael. Jrl.lckey Is a student at World War II. Mr. Creagan Orange Coast Collqe. Mr. Mur- S«Ved overseas with the Ust Dl· ray Gardn~r Ia In buslnHS In A Fine Decorating Service Awaits You FMII•a ., a • ..,..wu Corona del Mar Balboa Jaland mlon In New Guinea. Compton. • • • Vacationing In the Harbor area last June so attracted the Charles Vaught family that they went back to Portland, Ore., only to pack their thJnga and now are permanent residents living on Larkspur Ave. In Corona del Mar. Besides Mr. and Mrs. Vaught, the family Includes two little gtrla, 14-month-old Sally and Malzfe. who .Is 3~. Mr. Vaught ls em- ployed at South Coast Company In Newport. The Vaughta have also sold other folks on Uvtng In Southern California. Mrs. Vaught's mother Is going to move to Laguna. 0 • • • • • • Smog drove Mr. and Mrs. Ray Sta.n.sbury to lrvtne TerTace after ten years In the Burbank area. In fact the whole farnJly moved • down . . . the Stansburys mar- ried daughter, the Marlin John· aona, and their two children have alao recently moved to Irvine Terrace. Woman'sCiub Names Sec'y Just barely settled In theJr ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~Poinsettia Ave. home In Corona del Mar are Mr. and Mrs. Jack· son Eagan, who moved to the Rnrbor area Oct. 29. The Eagans moved from S h e r m a n Oaks. Mrs. Frank carlton has been appointed corresponding IM!(:re· tary of the Udo l&Je Woman's Club. replacing Mrs. Nell Cam· eron. who h u resigned. It ~ an· nounced by Mrs. 11lomu Letto. president. Rug & (arpet Cleaning WALL 1'0 WALL UIPETI IYEI OK TOVa n.ooa u, •••• .., OLEIIED IDYourHome na at'DUftl a JL&A~VD SHALITA'S ..... -. .... MARIA E. VARADY, M. D. PIIYSICIAM AJQ) SUBGIX>N . ' n.D•IIIa••• , ......... ,.21 The club voted at Ita OctobeJ" meeting to permit Brownie Troops 1 and 59 to !'Met at the Udo Clubhouse. The Brownies wtll be sponaored by the Woman's Club. Entertainment at the October "SWeden In Cloee-up" wm be meeting was provided by hagy preMnted fn the World Travel-Sheffield and Dorothy Schultz. oaue Serlee Monday evening. duo-pianists, who played mualc Nov. 21, tn the Newport Harbor by Llszt, Brahms. MUbaud, Jo- Hia h School auditorium. Mta. hann Strauss. Chopin, Roaal.nl, lljol'd.. Parker will lhow color Benjamin and Rachmaninoff. ftJJM ol mocJem Stockholm. the tanntna country of DalamL the SAY IT WITII W and al Gotland, the walled dty ol Vtaby and .cenes of Lap· land. ' • Pta I•I•IJ 111••1•1 .. . . •---..., ... - • 'rl , --..., Ill (' Mw.-a..l) ,..... llalr.-ablf ..._a auotBalr•O.t a abe would wear a The new clever slant of the cup aau~ perft'ct separa· tJon. captures that evasJve line of youth. red garnish!" Grandma Burny looked through ber recipes from France . . . finally found one so old, ahe could hardly dls- cern the faint hand writing. "I'll pickle you!" aald Grandma Burny, '1'11 leave you whole and when you come out of the brtne you'll be the moe delJcatey fla. vored French Garlic BeeU that ever &hook hands with a dill pickle!" * * * c:.&or•tta"• .... .... Alp6c ............ _ ......... ...... .................. . tiM..S.S. .•• ll.at la•- .... tiMa cald ............ 11 a-a. t... -.ay 111ft ... ..... -... .. ... , ..... .. pov .... •'116ew ...... • •• Alld tiMlt ......, ...... llriglat. -9«'!· -••••••• GnMt.., ... , ra ..._ ._ ....... _a. -• ....,.. ra.daa.tlc .......... _ ---~_.,--~ ,. ... ,......-........ _.n...a a. ,.,,....._ ._,., .... .:a -. ... ....,....... .... ,, ..., ... ....., .. .... ,.. ........ ..... ......INt ... ..,. ...... -... ..._._a. =• ......,..I ~Ccdlct.atllla -..t a .-...lit ••• * * * Beat this! w.·n be closed Fri- 1 day. November 11. Vet~ran·s Day . . . also Thanksgtvl nc. Christ. mas and New Year's ... * * * I I .. ---I••• II IIIII 1111 .Pl ..... • Till Ptbi Optimists Hear Debate Over I>T 4 Ne~~ Local Pupils Will Present Councilmanic District Plan P t S h ~ ~ ~=~ ~~ :» ~ .::::.-:. ~ :'ci Rev. June. Stewart ot St. An· rog~am a peec IVJ8eting Ilea. 1a belnr attend u the otW fadlltW.. • · -na. Newport Harbor OptimJit but,.,.. cu.cu..cs at ~Nat length m-ew. ~yta1an auuda wW · ~ from BOI'ace EnaJrn rrand prla to be ~wu away at r===========i Club beud a dtobate at t.hetr bet:on betnr lnehaded ln the le~dk ai paneth 18~t th~· and Harbcw View 8Choob have 10 ~ M~~ ~;,_oJll~n· t St.the ~nthuaJ hOIMC!OHJIJ'hlnrSc:.hramle lnof Kn•it Tueeday noon meettnr OYer the Charter. He aa.14 tw favored leav· wor n e ome, &! e ~ew· -_., r·--· All ony'a 1 oo propodlon on the Dec. 6 apedaL Ina It u it becau.ee IWln.lng the port Elemmtary PTA nMettnr at !::.o:o-: :.~~~S:~: ed th1a demon.atratlon at the Lonl Beach Nov. 18. election concernlnl the method cJty 1a no* btr buatu-. the 7:30 p.m. Monday in the .ebool ventJon ot the Ameolcan Speed\ ~~o~d~ap.far~ :f:!; Thla 1a a proJeef of the Dad'• ol namlna oou.ncUmen. Councllta the Bo&lcS of Directors audltorlulD. ud Hearl~\~ A.aoctatJon. to be School, and the demon.at:ratJon eo Club of the achool. Awarding of 1. Let.Ue Steaenaen ot Corona of th1a buatneu. ud therefore lt Featured on the panel wtU be held Kov. 17, 18 and 19 at the lm~ the poup that Dr. Sara the home u grand prize wut be del War, who wu chalrman of 1a the duty ot NCb councilman Ia.eph Hamblet, prlnclpal of Statler hotel tn Los AngelH. Stinchfield Hawk. an otflclal of the culmination ol a drive to the Board of Freeholders who to look out aft• the over-all ln· Newport Harbor Union Blah On Friday afternoon, Nov. 18, the &.aiiOCiaUon, requeeted a re· ralte funda for addttJonaJ facUI· drafted the present method lnto teretrts ot th~ dty u a whole, School; Donald C.· Brldaeman, Mn. Anna June Wevlll ftom Bar· peat pelformuce for the nation· Ues at the ec:bool1be new home the Charter, favored leaving It rather than juat the interest.a of professor of eoctolol)' at Oranp bor VIew Sdlool will take a kin· a1 oomrentton. tn the northerly portion of Costa the way It 1s now -ln other one dlstdct. Coast Colleae. and Capt. Harry deraa.rten eroup there to demon· Mesa wUJ include landscaplna, words, nominate candidates with· All councilmen should be fa. Lace of the Newport Bea~ pollee strate a part ot their dally pro· On Saturday morning, Nov. 19, carpet. and drapes. Ooor·to-ceU· In dlstrtct.s, but choose the eeven mlllar with the entl.re city and department. eram -rhythmic actlvitlea. The Mrs. Jane P~t will take her lng fireplace and a modem. bullt· councilmen by vote ?' all elec· should be Julown by all, he said. Fifth grade room mothers wlll puptla will uae tree. Interpret&· eighth grade apeech cl~. to the In kitchen. Another feature ot tors In the city. The Charter ~ecogntz.e. the fact aerve as hostesses for the eve· Uve and aona rhythma to show meeting to demonstrate spe<.>eh Halecreat Campus Estates Is the Andrew W. Smith of Corona del that the city la dlyfded reo· nlng. bow much the body movements education 1n the public achool." tour·acre recreatlon area to be Try] ......... $1 Oaddle .... Kit P•--.••••.-4 CblldNa ••• tiM .... Mar, former councUman and graphlcaJly, he commented, and Role playing u a technique in buUt for realdenta. contatnlng a mayor, supported the proposition that 1s why the Freeholders speech education wUl be ahown. ... ...,...,llppe .. JOQCIID .... •••d ....... on the ballot. which calls for reached the oompromlae ol nom· PI A M d t Qb The chJldren will view a film, election of each councllm&n by lnatlon by districts. 10 that e&ch ans re a e 0 serve dlacuss It, and then re·enecat lt. voters wlthln each particular d!a· area of the dty wlll be repre· using thelr own Ideas. Tbls wlll trlct. sented on Cou.ncU, and election safe Dr·· v·· n 9 Day 0 n Dec I be followed by a panel dlacuuJon Mr. Steffensen said the present by the voters at large. • of the chUdren's respo.n.ea. method wa.s not adopted lightly, Mr. Steffensen argued that the Partidpattng in the demon · ;::::========-====. last CouncU elecUon. the first "A death·free 21 days ln Or· S·D Day tor Orange County, Cub& stratlon will be Norma Atkins, under the Charter, showed no ange County will ahow that Morrl&. wu present. John Baker, Mary Anita Bandel. gang control, nor any pattern of the accident problem can be Representing Newport Harbor Kristina Berg, Vivian Brown, votes. whipped," stated 0 . W. (Dick) Union High School were William Chrls Carr, Ilm D'Errlco. Pamela Say It Dis s.-wl• Christmas Cards WITH YOUR NAME IMPRINTED Smart slim shapes, gorgeous colors, modern, old fashioned, Col. Smith asserted that the Richard, Sate·Drlving Day Direc· McLaughlin. advisor for the Elaner. John Fields. Sherry Flor· election demonstrated the fault tor for Newport Beach, during a Board of Control; William ~r· ln. Nancy Gardner, Sandy God· In the present method, because luncheon for the S·D Day com-nau, head ol Harbor's driver edu· win, Diane Greene, Lynn Hof. the candidates who were the mlttee at the Newport Harbor cation program; John Hopkins, man, Lucky Hogan, Charlotte choice of the majority of voters Yacht Club last Friday. pres ident of Harbor High's stu· Marx, Susan Hughes. Pamela In Districts 1 (West Newport), 5 "Be both a convert and a dis· dent body, and Sharon Crowl, ed· McKenzie, Jock McSevney, Carol (Balboa Island> and 6 (south· clple," was hls advice to mem-ltor of the high school news· Moganson. Louise Peters. Mary easterly Corona del Ma r) were bers of the committee. paper. Io Reilly, Diane Schindler. Steve defeated by t he vote at large. The representatives of various Definite programs tor observ· Selerson, Mike Tandy, Tad To· Therefore these th~ee districts organizations In Newport Beach lng S·D Day minus 10, S·D Day bitt, Richard Watson, Sandra have been deprived of the right pledged their s uPport and Itself. and S·D Day plus 10, are Watson and Richard Wllllamson. to have the councilman of their planned the program of action now being formed under the Mrs. Leslie Vaughan, speech choice, he said. for the ten days preceding and guidance of Mr. Richard and the consultant for the Newport Ele· "Councilman Gerald Bennett following S·D Day, Dec. l . members of the committee for mentary Schools, wiJl attend the could never win tn West New· Guest at the comm.Jttee meet· Safe-Driving Day. convention. port CDistrlct 11 ," he said. "So lng was James Tillery, a repre· West Newport Is faced with the sentatlve of Governor Goodwin I . probabUity of being represented Knight's Safety Council. Mr. Till· Drama of 'Carson Corners' Is Chosen as Senior Play for the next four years by a can· ery said that he hoped S·D Day didate they do not seem to want, could build up enough steam to and who ju.st barely lives within last the remalnlng part of the the district. by about 15 feet. year. He also stated that every religious or whimsical. From "Under the present system, the five minutes. or the length of his Harbor High's senior class play wfU be "The Remarkable lncl· dent at Carson Corners." to be presented Friday and Saturday, Dec. 2 and 3. The High School PTA will again sponsor the play, and proceeds wUI go toward the PTA scholarships. the dead boy's father ligures as a key witness on whose testl· mony the shocking verdict final· ly hinges. here or a broad. Pick Your 'Favorite Today 25 FOB OlfL T 1.25 gl.tt3 from I•• larcreta h, •• 2653 Coast Highway Corona del Mar. HarbOr 1373 9:30 to 5:30 Gltt Wrap--Ship--Deliver '54 CUILLAC 82, 4 Door Thls car has 19,000 miles- a beautiful, original Green fi nish, Power ' Brakes and S tee r I n g . ONE OWNER (Prominent Movie Actor), trade In on '56 Lincoln. 650 to 750 votes controlled by the speech. someone was killed Old Guard, or City Hall guard. while driving In the United can be used to defeat any candl· States. As far as Orange County date In any district." wu concerned, 120 people had The councilmanic district meth· been killed to this date in 1955 od is In line with county, state as compa red to 75 at this time and national election procedure, last year. he stated. The present system Is Edgar Hill represented the like allowing another county to service clubs of the area; Mac vote tor the sherllf of Orange Renfro, the Chamber of Com· County, or to have Arizona vote merce, and James Penney, the for a Callfornia senator, he com· Junior Chamber of Commerce. mented. Mayor Dora Hill and Newport FtoiMII Ba~t~•l C I t y M a n a g e r John Sailors pledged their support. Major R. J. Meeker ot El Toro Marine Base stated that the Base would back everything. T. Weston Jay ol the fnaW'&nce dealers. Captaln Harry Lace of the Pollee Department, and Ftre Chief Ian Brisco all con· trlbuted their help. Director of This Is an original television drama written tor Studio 1. The action centers around the efforts of the students of a high school to ferret out the true story of the death of popular Bill McGinnis. Although the death Is listed as accidental at first, Mr. Kovdesky, school janitor, Is eventually ac· cused of murdering Bill by push· 1ng hlm from a tlre escape. The atudenq otkaln penntulon to hold a trial to which the par· ents are invited, and In a tense courtroom scene In th~ last act. The annual Harbor High foot· ball banquet wlll be held Tun· day evening, Nov. 22. at the lr· vine Coast Country Club. Letters will be awarded and other hon · ors w ill be announced for the vanity, junior varsity. Bee and Cee football squads. • • • of 50dal no IE The play has no "real" stars. Every character In Its large cast Is Interdependent and all the roles are almost equal. according to drama coach Robert Wentz. The cast Includes Darlth Sher· rUJ, Norma Heffner, Lucllle Tay· lor, Beverly Stafford, Heather Uddle, Sue Nissen, Sherry Inloes, Margie Stovall. Mary Haynes. Kayla Hurst, Elizabeth Snowden, Steve Watcher, Tom Niquette. Gawain Mauger, Carlton Daw. son, David Grant. Dennis Har· wood, Mike Michaud. Dennis Henderson. Darrell Ba..rt.ahozn and Boy Ca.lderbead. ln Important roles Nell ~atty and Boy Daniel. Mlke Bartlett and David Powers.. Sandra Wll· IIams and Pa t Kelter, a nd Diane Joye and Carol King are double cast. The part of the janitor Is --------------------------being played by Derry Noga, Has Power Brakes. Steering. Windows & 4·way Power Seat. Turbo Drive, Full leather Interior. Radio It Heater. Only 6.000 miles and a Real Buy! It's like New· but the price Is of acting to be "o~"-hls thin face belled his be·plllowed stom· ach. Harbor's exchange student from Germany. Family Night Planning a double-header pro· gram for their Family Night on Wednesday, Nov. 16, are mem· bers of the Balboa Island Com · munlty Methodist Church. The El-lalll'llll laclllllst .............. Funeral services for Robert Clinton Barnes, 75, of 273 East 19th St., Costa Mesa, were held yesterday ln Parkes· Rldley Mor· tuary Chapel. with Rev. E. G. Hurat of the Church of Christ oUlclatJna. Mr. Barnes died Sat· urday at hla home of a heart at· tack. He wu a native of Kansas, came to Costa Mesa In 1935. He was a retired raUroad machinist. Survivors are bla wife, Mrs. Rozllle Barnes; five sons. Adam W.. Ralph L. and Phtlllp L.. of Costa Meaa. Robert 1. of Vista and Ronald C .. ol Oklahoma; three daughters, Mrs. Ltlllan Mavity of Co.tta Mesa. Mrs. Ber· die Howe of South America and Mrs. Ellen Jamllon of Escondido; a st.ter and a brother. 15 grand· children and two great-grand· children. Pta1ala a pak Ia-.._... EWII.t•..P'e YARN SHOP 800111 Mon. thru Sat. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. '14 Ul-4 ... 1••• Hydramatlc, Radlo. w b i t e walls. Locally OW1'Ied ud purchued New! 'r.o tone Blue and man-emu. IIIJ . JOIIIISM I Ill Unooln ·Mercury 900 W. Cout HWJ. LI 8·5545 NEWPORT BEACH , ........ ......,! FOR CHRISTMAS ODD TOO ''HALLMARK'' CIIISTIIU CU. •w1 sELEcr raoac on LAJie& nw "Hallmark" Album 011011 1111 IUJI, PIIIIICY -no:~......,.. llAiboc 2172 JI.J7 E. Coaat JDpway. Conoa cS.l ... OIIJ $3498 at JOHNSON I SOl HIJ $3888 at JOHISOI I SOl Understand that Wanda Traut · weln and Sandra Swanson, Har· bor High strutters. bad a glori· ous time a week ago when they were featured at the "Y -Day" festivities at Hollywood Bowl as the Top Team Talent. The girls received a set of matched Jug- gage for thel• act, but the most fun of a ll was the tremendous enthusiasm the audience had for their skit and dance "Bobby Socks." As a double lucky mem· ber of the prlze.wlnnlng Swan· son family, Sandra's brother, Don. got one of the 6 auto· graphed footballs thrown Into the audience by Elroy "Crazy- legs" Hirsch. I also mlsaed a few accents, for undoubtedly the Tommy, the Klwt and even the nurse and the orderly In a British hospital In Southeast Asia, would have a c· cents not unlike their Engllsh cousin, Tommy. ''Hut)\.Heart" Is a strong play and I'm''sure was readily enjoyed by the overflow audience tor both Jt.s message and the "bonnie" job the players did. first halt of the evening's actlvi· -=====~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ues wlll honor the Boy Scouts of - Llncoln·Mercury 900 W. Coast Hwy. Ll 8·5545 NEWPORT BEACH LJncoln·Mercury 900 W. Coast Hwy. u 8-5545 NEWPORT BEACH • are 1n Glydon's Cooool . . . and comlort · able the hlgh cut brief fashioned for action . • . tlnn nylon bobblnet aide and back. aatJn lutex front and bade. band Up top and bottom. 4" de· tadtable g a r t era . In white Small. MNlum. Large. • • • Proof that Hoag Hospital IS crowded: Administrator Wlnit:red Bacon had to take a room In the maternity wing when she was put to bed recently for troubles 1n the cest cavity. • • • There was a special birthday party last Friday. It was a cele· bratlon In honor of Mrs. Annie E. Dorr, who was 95 years old that day. Mrs. Dorr ls the mother of L. B. Dorr of 325 OPchtd Ave .. Corona del Mar. Her son and daughter·ln·law b r o u g b t the birthday lady down to Corona del Mar from her home In Santa Ana to have a dinner and special cake tor the oocuJon. • • • • • • Joe Limon at Coaat Super Mar· ket In Coron& del Mar hu a new version for Hallowe'en. He said he was going armed with a glass a nd a can opener with the line, "Trick or Drink!" Said he was expecting an Alka Selzer at the sixth house. • • • There was unscheduled excite· ment at the Corona del Mar Community Church last Sunday. LJttle Douglu Hilliard tell while running during Sunday School cla.u and a stick he wu carrying gouged hla forehead, requiring 5e'Veral atltches to close. Mra. Edwin Gomke, wtte of the min· later, tainted during the 11 o'clock service. She hu been re· cuperatlng from recent surgery. 'IIIEIOUIY 1•1•• I P••••P' Brand New! Not a mtle! Ru ltadJo. Heater, MereomatJc. Nylon trim A white tJ.r-. WW aell for ••• ·-Ltnc:oln-Macwy 900 W. Cout Bw,-. IJ 1·151M5 NEWPORT a&ACB Finest S-'edion of Wan~J*' in So. Cefif. CUSTOM PUitNITUit& OIANilB Ounber fumifure I ecc..on .. THADEN INTERJORS Troop 81. The remaining portion wJll feature a sound and color motion p I c t u r e , "Conquering Jungle Barriers," on the work of the Missionary Aviation Fellow- ship. The program wtll follow a pot ·lutJ< supper in Dearborn Ha ll. S...tWq ... I I I EljiJ ... MAPLE If· Till 'II_. ClUB Here'• a chance fOI' you to buy lndtvtdua.l ,...,_ ol maple at co.t Of' below . . . through our Mapl• · of·the-Month·Club. Each month we otter a ~­ dend at a very low prtce. You may qualtty to buF the dividend by tealatert.nr a t the Lacuna Awn· lng It Maple Shop. 'lbere 11 no obll1at1on to buJ the dlvtcJenct 01' any other DMI'ehandJIIt. Join Today . . .. get your dividend at great savings! 11111 l1al'a ••I•••• . ..., ..... .,. GeM ftll w.-OIIIJI . Llllll I Willi ••• IIPll I liP iWVWY.INHINIIIae. ... Whlle 80IDe ol. the Naltcn an boU'd1nc a plane thll JDOnl1q <'nn&nday) a lot of oth .. an wt.ab1n& that tb1l could haw ben a earava.n to tbe 8H!b' eonwntiollln ~ew York. At taU- ott tbere .,.. ~deftt ud Mrs. Charla Rut. Loll Vopl. Gloden Fay and board .ec:reta.ry Fuel Walker. • • • New memben jolnlnl tbe !f..,. port Rubor Realty Board Include R. L Pattenon, former Newport City Enetneer, at 3011 Newport Blvd., Newport; Loula F. Boyn· ton, at the Earl Stanley Bayside Dr. OUlce; PetiY Jfaruen. an U · eoctate with Ben Whitman 1n Co· rona del Mar, and Dorlt Walker. an a.oclate wtth Bay and Beach Realty. • • • Clyde Meyer hu moYed over from the Blanche Gates office to the new arcade on the I.aland, where Charles McltJnnon bu hia office. GeralcUne Von Husen Ls new with the Cates office. • • • Unsung Commercials Richard's Lido Market. along with more than 7000 other .uper marketl, all members of Super Market ln.ltltute. wtll preu a drive for lncreued ..-o( ])«k proctuets to help lltabl.lla the hoc market. It Ls announced by Dick Richard. Super Market In.stJtute Ls respondlnJ to appeals from Sec:retary of Agrlcu I ture Ezra Taft Ben.lon and the nation's hog porduters for aid 1,. the present laree marketing of hop. .00& aEVlEW SCBEJ)ULED Dorothea Sheely. N e w p o r t Beach librarian, will give a book review on South America at the November meetlnl of the Church School Guild of the Corona del Mar Community Church. The meetlne will be held Monday evenlne at the home of Mrs. W. D. Huma.son, 305 Orchid Ave., Co· rona del Mar. lEI Job DOW' opeD ln SAJrr A AJf~ to hlp IICbool paduat.. ap 1.8-f5 '"'-.,. career joM with excel· lent opportunlU. f« advancement. IO...IIE .. IILEIII and COIIITium• IB.PEIS ~·Day Week. PaJd vaatJona and hoUdaya, medlcal eov~a~~ avaUable to employee. and dependents, Co. patd penalon and dt.ubllity plan. APPLY 1030 E.AST nRST ST. SANTA ANA Mon.·Frl. 8 A..M.·f P.M. IDVICES Pllml8 .. w .... w Too Lnte to Claady FOR SALE by own er: CDM home and Income, lovely ranch style duplex on lot and half, ocean side hwy., finest eonst.., heavy shake roof. 2· bdm. each. forced alr beat. hdw. (}oora. separate ·patiO&. .HA 1884-R. mCELt ri1iJilSHED roG~D. prt. vate entrance. private bath, near post olfJce, banJt and stores, 325 OrchJd Ave., Harbor 512-R. '&& IEICUIY .. .. ,.,c ..... Has Radio, Heater. Power Brakes. Power Steering a Set ot U.S. Royal Supreme White Tires. Low mlleaee. will sac· rlflce for p• .. taa-- JOHIISOI I SOl Llneoln-Mercury 900 W. Coast Hwy. u 8·5545 NEWPORT BEACH Tbt. ..ema to be the quJckMt meana to ma..ke known to you our speclal lllt.lne needa. L 2 Mdt. or lareer bayfront bome, ad4lt:Sonal Income untt optional • . . too.ooo. 2. 3 bedr. modern home Balboa laland at Corona del Mar with or without MParate apt. ... prtce open. 3. Older B a I b o a laland hou.e. 1, ~ or 3 bedrs. ok. Will remodel 1t nee. We have bonafide buyers watttne for these properties. U you ¥e 10ln1 to aeU . . . and your house meet.a these wants . . . call Harbor m . .. It mlEht mean a quick sale for you! • 1SLUD IEILTY CO. 4.98 Park, ,Balboa laland HA m IIUD lEW A cute Uttle home of 3-bdrs., 2 baths, le. llvtne nn. opens to &bettered patio, wood panel tlnl.!h ln llvtne room and dlnlne room. Buy now and have your chotce-of colora. Priced $28,750 • • • HlD.VIEW 4-bedr. home, den, 2 baths, hardwood and c a r p e t e d floors, $45,000, Submit down. • • • BAY SHIRES IIRIIII 3-bedr. Uvtne room 1Sx20, fireplace, fence, c over e d patio CJtn't be dupllated for You'll Never Buy This Again For $17,750 Earl w ...... , REALTOR 225 Marine Ave .. Balboa Island cau Harbor 1775, or Bayside OWce Harbor 329'7 Eves. Edith Maroon. HYatt 4-6222 John MacNab, Harbor 5359 Lout. Boynton Harbor 2878 AS USY AS Pllmll .. EYU YM'IIillll I .. 20% IDUII on the best PAYING INVESTMENT In Newport Beach 3 UNITS Two-3 bdr. It one 2-bed.r. 3 garages ... Near shops. $22.500 . . . will comJder offer .. ,.. ,., .... 2305 W. Balboa Blvd. Newport Beach HA 3371 All your p rint1nq needs wiR be handled conveniently end court· eou1ly in the completely-equip- ped J ob Printinq De~rtment of your Harbor Areo Newspaper. The En-.ian. 1104 Coast 81.. COM Newport Bar._, r..lp -.EY.IIY 11Y Tomonow You WW Be Sony You Dtdll't Buy Tb-Tod.aT COSTA MESA SPECIALS L Bualnea. parldn1, st«ap. and expanalon all at 2'74·8 Newport Blvd. Front 66' x ~-new bld ... 45' x 52'-2 or 3 otflees. Rev uea encl--% ac:r.- l ·Bedr. st. home and evaee. $&5.000. Terms. Now al.so leaalne 2 offices. 2. Open Rou.~e---2150 Rural Lane-Sat. and Sun. 1·5 p.m. 3·Bedrm. laree lot-b.w. tl., patio, tlreplac.e- ·--·--··········-··-··-····-·-·---------·· 13,600 C&n't Hardly 1et these no more! 3.. 2 lou toeether on Roehester and also on Wal· nut Place, _.6,000.00 for eacb palr. NEWPORT HEIGHTS SPECIALS L• 406 Holmwood-Near Hospital, Hellpot. and trana· portatJon. 3·bednn., 3 car earage. 1 ~ bat.b-beauti· lui blrcll cabinet woodwork. Landscaped. encl patio. OPEN HOUSE. Sat. and Sun. 1·5 p.m. Terms. 24.500 2. 4-Bedrm.-2 baths with Intra red heat. Forced air- landscaped-gar., near HIEh School. Terma _.14.50() LONG BEACH Terrific busln~ pro~ltlon, net 25%. automatic car waah and eas station! ldeallocaUon, good leue. &l~r~~Fer......_ .. Cesllllll 52&,000 Owner will ~artlclpate to qualified buyers HENRY C. VAUGHN, TED HAUSER, WILUS JONES 2CYl9 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa Uberty 8·4761-Eves.: Uberty 8-4718, Harbor 3064-M' IULnPLE usn• Over The Top! .. pal If at •••• •••us PIOPEITY SOli II II&& WITH IOITIIS TO SPIRE- • • • use 'Multiple U stlng, It's the Successful way to seU. Newport Harbor Board of Realtors 401 N. Newport Blvd.-NI!"'lf'PPrt Beach '&3 UIICOUI Cl .. C11111 Sparklln~ two tone Green finish, fully equipped. ONE owner It priced to ~11. • ., $11 ... JOIIISOI I SOl Uncoln·Mercury 900 W. Coast Hwy. u 8 ·5545 NEWPORT BEACH * * * SlOP II THE CROSSROADS VILLI IE * * * FREE RENT Fnl••• -• tllllllllp FACING FAMOUS HERB KENNY PARK 804 E. SURF. BALBOA YOU PAY UTIUTIES AND TAXES. C H I L 0 R E N AND PETS WELCOME. SEE YOUR FRIENDLY LANDLORD TUIE ... ,... ....... ...t CIOII'NDMDt aboppill9 ~-••• Oil Jf"'J)CII't aJ..S. aboft U.. ~ CICI'OM tbe P'rMWCIJ &o. Jloa9 Bo.pltaL • SRI 0 ........ ..._ .... I t .... Alt -...a• ............. 1fOW Dr .,.. Cl •• vw...- MIY. .. •••l**'laiM. , ••• , a.JilJ • • • DUTCI CUITIIIS AD~ LOOIDIIQ .all A GOOD 'fn'AMIIIt IF 10 cc.D m AIID 4 **<Z 1'D I"'mftrLA OF IUNWAZ we ,..,...,. .,._t the t1e1t bela.nced. IDOR conwlu an~ 111101t ~ vttamln·miiMI'al natrtttonal protect.lall on tbe ......._ tD&q. You 1ma1t be •t~~DM « JOUI' ~ nf'Gndlsd. Cliff Haven 3 bedrm. ~n. 1 )'T. old, ahab rool-$29.500 FOR Corona del Mar Slmllar South of Wchway .•• NOW! .. , ....... .., 1696 Newport Blvd. Colla Mea. Calli. u 8-116l Eva. u 1-3018 Z ._.LIII One 52\6 n. Qdee .,.. on Yella. _.3..180 One 35' Oil 8q J"tGet. .. It ellp ~ .... ,&111-- BAL'!W ., ........... ...... ..... ...... ., • . .. -·- Vogel Value Clean and neat-........................ • Closets ealore. Some view of the ocean. Truly an exceUent value at Owner will consider small down payment to qualified buyer. THE VOGEL CO. &7 E. COAST JIIWY. CORONA DEL MAll HARBOR 1477 HARBOR 1741 Y11C.Druaa Fer Alllller 10 Yun •• • "START LIVING" NOW IN IRVINE TERRACE WE CORDIAlLY INVITE YOU TO INSPECT COMPLETED OUR Dlsn:NcnvE FURNISHED MODEL HOMES AND 011iERS tnmER CONSTRUC'MON NINE DIVERSIFlED FLOOR PLANS To the home buyer who wishes to purcllue In the $24,000 to $35.000 class we sJncerely recommend the Irvine Estates overlookine Newport Harbor . The. homes feature C&llfornJa llvlnJ. Ottered exclu. slvely throu1h Earl W. Stanley ln a Smo1-Free aru known u Irvine Ternce-on Coast HJ1hway opPQJite the new Irvine Cout Country Club, Newport Harbor. * For recommendation. we refer you to anyone who holds a Leasehold Estate ln Irvine Terrace, Beacon Bay, Bayabores or Cliff Haven. Earl W. Stanley EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor 4448 For Fu..-ther Information .,.. lfllrl•••• IIIII S.W .aLMe ... <CORNEll LOCA110Nl TWo bedrooms and Den. View. Choice a.r:u aei'C* from bath1ne beach. Owner anx.lou.s; MAXE OFFER ... can ctve lmmedlate poesession. ''BAY FRONT SPECIALISTS·· ART C. IISnER CO., Realtln 2001 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach Harbor 5226. day or night 7 Year 01~ F1rwillletl Ice• Frellf H._ On R-3 lot. room to build inrome units. $18,1i!GD-O.lt ~000 .... J. I . llu.ER CO. llre5 W Balooa 81 Hartmr W91 · ="rar !\('Wflnrt P1<"T·· WATERFRONT lk'autlful ' "" ' thf' rhannl'l from th1~ flnr hom«:-in Balboa l '''~'' ~ hNirmo;_ 2 hath'-Ctrl'plar<' forcE'<! air ht>at. p1rr a:1d -.t.p \='0 nc>.ul~ nv" Glds.,par boat wtlh outbv.ud m. t<>r •n• iudt•d tn h.Hgam pnrf' or $36.000 WIWARD L IIWOI, Realttr J3.41 ='<"'port Blvd Harbor 5505 OWIER'S LOSS -YOUR 1111 3 Betlrt111 ra•cll ......_ 2 car pr1p. Larec pntiC\ overlooking c-anyon. Corner lot. Owner 544 Hazel Drive. Corona d~J Mar. Harbor 1089-W . .. .... ,.. .... OWWD ia just all impcWmt Cl8 WHERE you JDOYe. • ......................... ENSIGN CLI\SSIFIED CASH BATEB FOB1 ENIIOM WANT ADS 1 Time 2 Times 3 Times 20 words or less .75 1.25 1.50 21 to 30 words 1.00 1.50 2.00 31 to •40 words 1.25 2.00 2.50 Each word over 40 .03 .05 .07 Cash must be received within 1 days of first insertion I . ................... ~.~, roa SALE HA£ UTATE & UJITALI SURE FIRE FUllMSHED or untUmlabed. 2· WI:'U STAitTING A SAJ"AJU abelvee pUed hlp with allldnu any claT now to IDI'S OJ' LIDO ot mactc ... ad~ enouah to to try &Del equ-.e into eome ln-keep any younptet awake fant clothea we aaw there-well. nlahta. Educational toya. mualcal they're Juat .a dam cute! Im-toya. fancy lmponed toys. bl· qtne a kl4'a palemtno jacket eycles, 'n eleetrie tralna •.. Uned tn quilted red aatln (hold everythlna that'a tbrllllnat Se- on, Llttle One, we want to look teet lunlor'a .. aurprJael• NOW be· at tt flnlt!) •.• or velvet C.prl fore ahopplna daya aet too pants. al.ze 4. (we're atlll Jup· crowded. UDO TOYLAND, 3442 tne> Jerl'a stock.a Include "oriel· Via I,Jdo. 1n Lido Shopplne For Your "Old Flame" bedroom house wtth laundry, Roll50n LJehters lr Sh.avera. on yearly lease. 417~ Hello·! Abo, SunbH.m, Schick and trope, Corona del Mar. Remington items . . . perfect NEWLY decorated t u r n Ia h e d tol Crul.stnula ettt& Use our aJngle garace apartment wltb I Lay-Away. view, private patio and barbe· nala" for teena and *lb-teena, Center. both boya and (iris, and a com- plete aelection Of Infants' wear. • • • RAY FIELDS, Jeweler cue. HA ~-I 19th 1c Placentia "In .YLsta FURNISHED APT.. 1-bedloom. Shopping Center. $80.00 incl. utJUttes. Also 1· Costa Mesa. LibertY 8·8488 bedroom furnished apt., $75.00, ORGAN. 1 Electronic Orean now avallable Dec. 1. LI 8-2036. only $575. All Electric Orenn f.BEDROOM HOUSE, furnished, i balance only $785. Lowry Or· 507 Carnation, In q u l r e HA Clue to easy Junior Leacue &hop- pine: Jeri's of Lido, M05 Newport Blvd., oppoatte Newport City Hall. • • • InniSS '101Jalrlcl' wttll c .......... ........,... gano $195. All wonderful bar-52l3·W. ealns. SaDa~·~hmidt, 520 No. OPEN ..,;H;.,;o""u=s=E=-=s-u-nd"':"a-y-.-=1~-sor-::p-:.m:-:-.. REW EQVDMarT·...a t.W._ .._. aa-._,..._. ed the Co- Main, n a a. at 276 Maenolla. Costa Mesa. l'ODII del JIG ~ of R..,....t ...._ lonlate ...S Loaa. «· le-t ....... ..., ... be ......, .............. . ..................... Clldly ...... llnr-yw .._ It ,.....U. • Y-. W• CUllOM llADLdllat..._.._ ...... 75 LUNCH BASKETS In sets of Roomy 3-bedr. cottage 'mld.t ~ to ~~ hal JL ....... <=-plete ~ Ia aow 3. Wlll sell lot or lndlvtdual 23 fruit trees on 3 lots. Duncan prvricle4 lw au ..... Cllld Joaa __.... .. ...._talaed -.. Jln. sets at bargain. Dixie Barbe· Hardesty HA 4ns. e-1 a...ay Ia tM •• ns .. .._ .as.. WIMa ._ can... clel CDM HA 4466 ' . JIG oWe. ..,...S Ia tM t.1l .. liM. ....... ••pwt ...aboCI fa1 .,. .. ...-t lub•'bn• 81C!J'Ciee ..... WM"ll ••v re .... block 'J"'U pnc~ ... bib f• yoa. Aa4 fut -.It aaUl UE YOU PLEAIUU • 8EJIT bat abort Oil a.lal ht DIZD!t"' SOU111.EU DO lWJI oa toer cue, • . FURNISHED APARTMENTS for ........ ~ 115--lb . ..._ ....... tMt ...til ..... KENMORE 4-Burner Range, In winter r~ntal. Two 1-bedroom, laal11114 to _.. U.. •aoaa tritla tbe Conlla del M• list o( ... ..... , .... fOI' the new condition. $25.00. HA one 3 -bed.room. No pets. 3706 oWe. f19utD9 ~ Ia tbe ....,tb. 4073· W. Channel Place, Newport Island, tutleet ILidllory ... a.cs ...-. O'KEEFE lc MERRITI' Range, HA 1217 .J. with griddle. Hollywood bed. CO~~zy;.::.:;H;..:AP_.;:,PY==--=H~O"'u=sE;::;-,--.:2.-:-bedr~;-:-. Excellent condition. Call after Furn. $85 or $95 on 1 yr. lease 5:30p.m., HA 2804 -W. or ! 513 Poinsettia, CDM, or WEDGE W 0 0 D 4-burner gas write 6625 Ampere, No. Hlywd. range, B·foot Crosley Shelvador su 1-1439. refrigerator, apt. size Servel ..... ---------....---gas refrigerator, each $35.00. IlEAL ESTATE FO• SALE 30" meat block, $25.00. 6-foot CORNER LOT, 3rd and Narcissus, delicatessen case. $75.00. HA CDM. for sale by owner; ~- 5192-W. ing $5,950. --~~---------------HAMMOND Organs, all models, JIE.AL ESTATE WARTED our Christmas stock now com· WANTED-3 or 4 bedroom borne, ing Ln; $10.00 deposit will re· GI or FHA financed. Give age, serve any model while they last. Trade Jn your old plano. down payment required, own· h er's name and address. Write Danz-Schmldt. Home of t e Box K-12, c/o the Ensign, CDM. world famous Hammond, 520 No. Ma in. Santa Ana. One CAJ1S ro• SALE Spinet Model, one Hammond '55 OLDS=--"""u88'=,--,4=--Doo=--r·--:Sed:;--;:-a-=-n. Chord Organ used but like new 8500 mtles. Original owner. wonderful bargains. Hydra mat I c • foam rubber. 48' SPORT FlSRING BOAT,FKerll · $2,195. RA 4469. math 160 HP motor. u y equipped for fishing. Must sell '49 MERC. convertible, lowered, immediately, terrific bargatn. filled, pipes, new paint. w.w. tires, needs top but has $75 HA 4466. tarp. Moving, sacrifice, $395. BUY A PIE or cake, help the 7rn Iris, CDM. RA 4866-W. Harbor Area Girls Club, Nov. '55 YELLOW CADILLAC conver· 11, 1829~ Newport. C.M. Spon-sored by EpsUon Slama Alpha. tible, red and white interior, white nylon top, low mlleaee. FOR SALE Brand new Dobrmyer private owner. $4,795. :a:n Mixer, all attachments, lnclud-Ocean mvd., CDM, HA 1193-R, tna fine meat crlnder. $30.00. evenlnp. BA 2593-W.. -=-M,..;O;;VIN;;;;;;;G~O=WBSEA..S.==;:;-:-:;...-:will::::m~aa::-:-::cr:rl· PRACTICE pianos $89, $95 to flee '51 Ford Club Coupe and $185. Spinet type mlno plano '53 Bel-AJre Sporta Coupe. 518 ~ blond beauty. Easiest Polnsettia. CDM. after 6:30 or terms. Danz-Schmidt. 520 No. week-end. Maln. Santa· Ana. 100 pianos to '49 WILLYS lEEPSIER in excelt. choose from. cond. New top. low-cost oper· WOOUTE Is sold only by Petite atlon. Phone Hyatt 4-4942. • Ville in CDM. It is the cold water soap for washing all JI.£LP 'WAifTED woolens. 3409 E. Coast Htway. ;.,N,....AME~=--=T'""AKERS-===~f=-o-r-;-L-a_e_u_n-=a GRAND plano Christmas Sale. Beach and South Laguna. Good Many wonderful bargains. fa· handwriting essential. Wrlte mous makes Stelnway, Mason Box J -4. cfo ENSIGN, or call Hamlin, Knabe etc.. delivered 10 3·3681. free, bench Included from $387 REAL ESTATE SALESMEN up. Danz-Schmidt, 520 No. For newest office. A fine Main, Santa Ana. g r 0 u n d n oor opportunity. WESTINGHOUSE Frost-Free Re· Our Incentive commission frigerator, pink rIb reg I ass schedule favors those who drapes, blrd-prlnt drapes, 8 stay with us, those who pro· green plastic chair cushlons, duce, and those who are ac- complete Lionel train and ac-tlve In llstfn&-We are !rlend- cessories. HA 616 . ..;:2_. -..,..---ly and cooperative, and we SPINE.! Pianos. Rental returns. want the same !rom you. Trade·ins on organs. like new BAY AND BEACH REALTY, Inc. some M a p 1 e, Blond Oak, 3530 E. Coast Highway French Provincial. This Is a Corona del Mar HArbor 5249 chance for big saving. Open Friday night. Da nz·Schmidt, Girl ... 520 No. Main. Santa Ana. MODERN, blond, as hwood furni-EARN MORE ture, custom made, for home or THAN EVER BEFORE! oUice. Also electric stove, 2 Our new, higher starting ovens, 6 burners. Owner HA 'wage and frequent increases 2425. gives you this opportunity. DAMAGED In sh ipping 2 3plnets, Openings now tor- save $180. Danz-Schmtdt, 520 TELEPHONE OPERATORS Optimists Present Check For S 141 to Youth Center Corona del Mar Postmaster ter now have reached $6,142.16 . Verne VVatson and Aalilta.nt Former Mayor Andrew W. Postmaster Grant Howald revert-Smith, who was present at the ed to other roles Tuesday to par· meeting as one of the speakers .,.,.. ... tM ......... ..-uo. of ,... • • • .... dlkl u 10'1'1'0 lltartialg .... ........ doll~~ ..... ,.. Jmlttfav •14'-... tote ... U...... too. TilE YAD IIIOP. lOIIIs Martae. acdboa IL. IIA6· .,.~ • • • rille aac~ aao M8dwldMe .. towa. AM 8IGII. .._ BOT aiiCUJTI _. -..... •at· flu ... Jut ..... ....a ..... .......... ,... ......: tiMU bCIID 'a .... 01' waftlee ed bNaldat ....... ....... __...,.-at. AU a ,..s- ouy oa yow badget. Dbi:Wa So..t!Mna •ao .... .,., a. Cout Bwy .. CDII. IIA ..._ ttclpate In the presentation ot. on the councilmanic diatrlct char· • • • funds for the completion of the ter amendment. said he knew no R.S.V.P. Look. It's cocUnc us Youth Center buUdtng on the better place than the Youth Cen· money to tell you about these 4 Harbor VIew School IJ'Qun~ ter for donations. He said he was FURNISHED UNITS In CDM. .a As president of the Newport ofterlnc to donate $250 U 19 other why don't you call HArbor 2125 Harbor Optlmist Club, Mr. Wat-Individuals would do the same. rieht now and let'a cet thb aet- ion handed over a $141.86 check "Let's get together and give Have you been "TAKEN TO tled. You'll be tna.ktne the best to Mr. Howald, pre.ident of the this outfit aome money," he aald. THE CLEANERS" when you've pay1ng Investment ot your llfe Community Youth Center. The "The Boys Club In, Costa Mesa IB wanted your clothes cleaned! ($410 a month Income!) and ceremony was held at the ~-a fine thine, but It • too far away Fed up with outlandish prices? you'll own an. Immaculate pro- lar weekly meeting of the Optlm-to take care of all our boys here We found the best barlain of perty only 7 years old. Conalats 1st Club at the Villa Marina. 1be In Corona del Mar and on Balboa the year rteht at our own of F·O·U·R separate houses. with check represents the net lnCOIDe Jaland." NEIGHBORHOOD CLEANERS _ patios. and fenced for privacy. trom the fish bowl booth opera.t-excellent aervtce and workman· Two homes have 2 bedrooms lr ed by the Optlm1sta at the Coro-ship PLUS the Right Price! You two have one bedroom each. Lots na del Mar Lobster Bake. Gla can have a dress, coat or suit of storage, • garaces. and In a Mr. Howald aald that with the fROUT cleaned Uke "apanklne new"' tor choice area! FIT Z M 0 R R IS check trom. the Optimists. total only $1.15 (blouaes, aldrta, etc. REALTY, 3135 E. Coast H'way, funds donated tor the Youth Cen-Gl;mpseS only 60c). And they tou 1n minor CDM. • • • S.,._,.CES • repa.ln FREE. Try 'eJD and see .... u It you aren't plN.aed! NEIGH· w .... llf "nnE IEWVJCE o( DID YOU KNOW!!! ' ay AJ11f BORHOOD CLEANERS. 2720 E . ..art~ LM ICOON Coast Hiehway, CDM. tell a. ,._... -..t YOU11 Our Watch Jl.epaU b no Dtd you 11ee our new doors? • • • IIIIJOdal 'Nl.-• •'. Are ,.. loneer at Lido Drua. Ray Y• ma'm. they ue clear plate PUSH ASIDE, ODS. we want ......_ • _, ~ • tlldal Fields l.s now 1n a NEW W. cJ,a.-.et ln ah.lnT aluminum to cet Into the act ou.nelve.! P , ... • ..._, De JW .... CATION In "'Vlata Sbopplne tram .. and we almost thoueht Gee-hoae-a-fat. Just look at that c .._, • .merf Wat • IIAc7de Center," 19th 6 Placentia, we heard them say "welcome" red fire engine 'n that set of for J.....,.• ~~ P• Costa Mesa. when they swung open to let the Swt&s bella! Or those lovable tat octloa ed • OMsiNe Jllb. COMPLE'TE lEWELRY customers In the other momtna. cuddly dolis. UDO TOYLAND oG1 Yo Olde 8loodbooad SERVICE 1r GIFT HDQTS. We're surely proud of these new looks llke fairyland rleht now, Scoopa Cit ~ IU4. Uberty 8·8488 doors on account of they were p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; FOR RENT 8-MM 16-l\01 35-MM and 16MM Sound Projectors FISt COLOR FILM SERVICE Model AJrplane SupplJes .. ra C•••ra Sllo11 1782 Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa Phone Uberty 8-7042 REMODELING, ~aintlng. Decor· atlne under Licensed Contrac- tor. 2133 Orange Ave.. Costa Mesa. phone LI 8-2619. FULLER BRUSH MAN may be contacted through Box 73. Newport Beach, or XI 3-2100. REPAIR AND Maintenance , painting, carpenter etc. Just anything. Reuonable. Satfs. faction guaranteed. HA 01.26-l. COMPLETE LAJfDSCAPIKQ SDVICE FREE ESTIMATES SlcH Green Stamps Free deU~ CORONA DEL MAR NUR.3ERY HA. 1038 Z744 E. Cout Hwy. put there because the other ones plumb wcwe out . . . .a many people went in and out of 'em. And we're hopin' real bard that you, our friends and cuatomera. will come on In often and wear out these pretty new doors real soon! You'..,• boea 10 odaalrila9 of that dl'eu faab'oned of Cbi'OIIl· spa.n crystal clwmapape aatlla tiled I told yoa aboat la8t .... k Cllld tiled 1.1 lA tho wllldow at O'BJIIEK'I. that ,.... wW ....,. ably be llle.n.tod to bow that tho •trtldDcJ dna .... do· llipld by DaYid J[Wa • • • abDpUdty with a BaN. Tho .......... CID4 ... tllul fabric. ~ wlllda ---tho gowa. Ia a creatioD of tho East· mcm Colllpaay lA ....__. Ill t•4111e a otiMn tlalap. t1a1a 1a a aMdOI' .__. F• ._ u.. Cllld ~aacy rau n....... '" haft IWr & .,..._ oraoa & Egyptiaa Cottou. Ryloll & ftiDa. ~ T...._ .AcrUaa. Volnta. etc. "l• TilliE WOOl Ell" 54 to 10 ladllee wlda, J1alda. tho popalclr mJacl colon & fSalul 1'eld1and. T'w..._ a-at w...-.. a.ny ,__,.. CIDd ....tofU...wWbaad ..... 111 EAIT lltla IIWY Llbeltr ... ,, OOITA JIDA. CAUJ'ODIA This Is only one of the lovely . lovely party dresses and ball • gowns brand new at O'BRIEN'S. Wi · N o d Ev y Have you seen them! Did you In a ew 0 CJ8 ery ear see that beautiful cloud white lace over trafleta gown with the F L•f 1 subtle sparkle ot lrtdeecent ae-or I 8. qulns sewn 'neath the lace! Dld We will train you.and you'll COMPLETE PAINTING SITOATIOl'fS WAJfTED receive many other benefits. PAPER HANGING SERVICE No. Main. Santa Ana. you see that ever-.o-smart late day dress of wool jersey with full satin lkltt? ..• the brown lace over champagne taffeta! . • . the black crepe with the leduc· tlve lace over flesh pink at the top! ... the many beautUul Jew· eJ tones 1n lu.xuriou fabrlca? MATIJRE WOMAN wishes baby -Apply-HA 2976 sitting and care of sick. knit-(Evenings, week-ends) tlng or crocheting. Day or 514 ~ No. Malo Street EUGENE 0. SAUNDERS Rm. 211--Santa Ana CN\ 31st s-N Beadl night. HA 3192-M. 9:00 to 4:00 P.M. oJVV .. """'., ewport RELIABLE. experienced garden· PACIFIC TELEPHONE 1 er. Japanese-American. wants -----------work. HYatt 4-54n. PEUORAL srTUATION-~VV~AN~=rE=o~-r-~~~~ab~l~e -------------- baby care, evenings. Corona TUDE II .._. del Mar. HA 2925· W. .__. CDM man would like gardening, .. WITCH! clean-up, etc. Call KI 3·2122. Mel Upsball. ~-liD ...... _ WANTED: ltonJna in my home. .,.._ - Mabel Whitman. 6lTT Mareue-(Llmlted Offer> rite. CDll. HA U7'9-l. NEW "~TON" jiliij j AiiOiii It means .a much more to PlAKO JNSTBUcnON. T ere a a eet « live a "Hamilton." ~ (M.n. A. Renner). AI:· mpttn• a llmJted nvmber ot •• Ill ........ .. puplla f« plano. Concert Pian· 1123 E. Cout Hwy. .. ot ~ ContlneatL Gr*cl· CO.ONA del MAll uaw Ma&nrt ot ~ ~ -.~~~-------------• lm'a Drtw. alii. BA .._ L I a jiiiiO liii <Iii lin .. 1D ... NDt a:e·•,,rr: tlee.....,. tMD .. • ~tit .. ld cMiel JlillllliiS.: .. ... . -. ......... ~ I l•allll ...... 0 I Painting -Decorating PAPER BANGING GEORGE BURKHARDT lJeenlecl Coatrec:tGr 878 w. 18th Collta MeA Uberty 8-8628 UbertT 8-8832 tho Mort Eacitin9. Pri• in Histofyl 4 BIG CHANCES TO WIN A WINNER A WEEK FOR 4 WEEkS! TO WIN YOUR NEW OOOGE EVERY YEAR FOR LIFE COMPlETE AND MAIL THIS ENTRY ILANK NOWI If ~ ..... ._ •lected, you wiN be flown to ~•oad to appMr on the coesHo-coest lAWNnCJe w• TV Show. N .,_..,paid for by Dodge! .. OIITRAIT OP A COMPANY with Jobe for Orange County people Since .our comlDI move to Newport Beach waa an- nounced. we have beeD learu- lng a great deal about Oru&'e County ... ud we Ulte what we have learned. Many of our people are happUy looldne forward to maldnc their oew homdl here. Some wUI not be able to make the move with u and thla ••. aloq with our rapid I"'wth .•. meau that there will be many joba at Bellpot for Orana'e County raldeata. U you th1n1t you'd like to work for u in one of the Jo• l.Lited below, drop ua a line. We'd llU to eend you lntor- m.atioll about ua ud u appll· cation blank. Be au1"e to let.ua bow If you'd be wl.D1q to COIDIDUte to South Puadena durt.q the period before we mo ... e (late 1868). Natu.raDy, web appllcanta wUI be given ant c6DIJde.ratioo. Job. for men: ....... ra: m.ctroD1c DMip ~Mech Deltp IICac.bJ.M Dest&n ProcludioD l:nJiMera 3un.lor l:ft&1.neers Du :AiaMe": De taU La)'out n.lp Toolo..tp .............. PndllloD Ea:pat 'I' Toolll&bn Mutt•• o .... 1 n Dim ....... Lathe IIW • Ortoder a. IlCker OoU WtncUnc . ........ ... laectric:aJ K&dWMP&rU Layout ..... , ............. ...: Stodcroom Att..ndanu Mauriai ·H~rs Madtl.nl& Helpers ............. _: I:Jectrtdana Cupent.rs Janitors Job• for women.: o ........ ~ lteDQI'I'aPbera TypUt.e A.ccowlt1na Clltka OeMraJ Clerb J:natMenq Calc:ulaton ... ...... .. ICiec:trieal Kachanlcal Some of Ua••• Joba nquln pr..SO.~ ............ manJ do aot. 411 ot t.be~a n- qul ... a periOD W'lth a ...._ of I'UpOM&bWlJ and a 4elllre for .table, Pl.ftD&neftt emp~o,..&. ' Portrait of a Company waiting to move. We've been flying high since the news broke ... about our moving to the beach in 1956. Helipot Corporation has found a new home ... and several hundred of our people are looking hard, everywhere in your area, for theirs. ·-- Just how high we've been flying was pointed up the other day. Seems a well-meaning gentleman pointed out the signs on our new plant site to a friend: tcSee that? They're going to build a helicopter landing field ... a heliport!" Not «J. Helipot Corporation is definitely earthbound, as weU as beachbound ... (by the way, our name is pronounced HE-lipot). ~m!~~ ~. ipot ~Wp..a.-~ ' • • ' -ft8 Directory 50.000 in Permits for Terrace Homes INSURANCE "Be Sure--Insure" ' wrm STANLEY INSURANCE AGENCY Phone Harbor 247' 331S E. Coast Hl&bway Corona del Mar Res. Phont>, Uberty 8-7315 SCHOOLS & IKSft'D'CTJOif REAL ESTATE Contracting. Continuous day and evenln&' classes for preparation to pass the State exam. Call or write For Information AL TYLER SCHOOLS 1611 N. Broadway, Santa Ana Kimberly 7-3511 KEilog '8-2513 Let Me Teach You CBlJf A P ADf'TUfG Convenient Class Lessons Ll 8-5648 GLADYS TRACY 1928 Itvlne Ave., Costa Mesa • BOlLDIMG SUPPLIES CEMENT AND BUILDING All Kinds-Free Estimates LIBERTY 8-6109 MOWEBS SHADEJCED tET US SHARPEN YOUR LA WNMOWERS-SAWS Knives. Scissors. Etc. Uberty 8-5137 J.' A. Bolding 188% Merrill Pl., Costa Mesa PLVJDIKG WATER HEATERS Sales. Service a.nd RepalH -BECITU PLUMBING Terms, 10 Pft Cent Down Phone Harbor 5330 WELDDfG Fa bricating. De!:lgnlng • &: Maintenance 'J'R.AILERS. HITCHES, BUMPERS or what have you ; No job too large or too small. REASONABLE RATES 2133 Orange, Costa Mesa, u 8-2619 •• SAVE SAfELY At Or•ng• ,County's L .. cling Home L•nding lnstitvtion CONTINUING TO PAY PER ANNUM ALL ACCOUNTS INSURED UP TO $10,000 All Accounh Opened Q,. or Before The I Oth of the Mo nth Eem From the Itt. 'LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVINGS I LOAN ASSOCIATION LAGUNA BEACH "'-" HT4-1177 UGUNA TRAVEL SERVICE AIRUNES • RAILROADS STEAMSHIPS • TOURS FOREIGN CAR Headquarters of Orange County JAGUAR-TRIUIPII-HILUWI IMMEDIATE DELIVEaT Olf AlL 1956 MODELS * We Have Rec:ently Become Franchi~ Dealers for the Fabulous ALFA-ROMEO .. MERCEDES BENZ We Raft a Special ""MG'a , .. r. c. ro ''"" . , .. _.._ Mayer Motors. Inc. ••••••-rra 'II c. 111r •• _,. .. ..._ CIOITA 11111.1 sa II·D~ITI ._ •• • ....... 11111111.., lsi11111Q4 .. Ya1tlals Cui Scne1, Flootl a. ......... save rnoney ................... with -"""" Mvtvel't ••••• • • • • • • • • • :·· G'a':J : . .. _-::-.-.. ...... . ..........-·-M : " a ••. : . . . . . . .. ..... • • ••• • • • ••••• .... -·: : .... ,..., . . .~: .. j ••• claw .. --· W.LJ.Aimal a. L & CAmM ~~-~~-~~~· .. • Fire Losses · . Total $285 MIKE MYERS UNION SERVICE U. S. ltoy•l Tiru w.,hinq l Politlring Compl•t• L~bric:1tion S•rvi i• FREE PlCI(.UP l DELIVERY IOJ' .. YUaLOAII c-uctioD Tpmw IOJ' .. YUaLOAII 1U .01 IATILD lartpp 15.15 K. c:o.t lhry .. CDII a. iiA n•• a s.sta (Mebo IJ.te ~ P11Dda) JAMES D. RAY BIIIIAII Collrlclll' , ..... E. COAST ~ .. CORONA DEL' MAl HAtW 476l . • • to !MY b.. buy new dotftes or for any good , ... ,on .,.. S..bo.rcfs businets. If you nHd money don't hesite~ our new off".c:e now. You rn.y heve tt.. uth in t'KOt'd time. ~, .. 1 •• r -} I ' ) i/.,..rl/;._1 /, }.,- If~ .... ,. . . ="" ---------- ----':' --------·------. -·-· ' I I : one look will tell ... usun8hine-dry'' your clothes· indoors I I I I I I ,__. __ I • ' I ' ·-- I the modem way ... with an electric clothes dryer 8BII YOUR DBALIDtNOWI '-,> \ ' - --~----- 8011T.&&K CALIJ'O&KIA &Dl80K co••AifY . --------~-------------------------·------ ' Ifill• :::~:tr,lc ~ • •• .m ..... learn to Dance et ARTHUR MURRAY ~HOOL OF DANCING HAitiOit 1925 3523 £.COAST HIGHWAY CORONA DEL MAlt Gillie • It ta BoaMCOmlnl O.J' to4ay beeD a wtnnlq 'J1) for llarbor. for Kewport Harbor HIP, and lA tbe tint quarter Harbor tbe 8aUon wW be playlq ...,. fuJabJM and S...ta Ana ,... to the Ora.nae Pantben at 7:.ao OOWNcl OD the laJJGn at. Tb.e p.m. on DaviUon neJcL ~lnta t&lled to pin, and Bar· <>ranp ta CNIH'ntly rMtinl In bor took owr on the 32, cb1vtna the eellat of the SunMt Leapt aU tbe W.J', 68 yarda, In U with a none·won and tour·lollt playa. A Sebwtt • to • Lorentzen ruord alter auttertnaa 28·13 Mt· ,... and a lt·ya.rd run by. lobn bade 1ut. Friday at the ha.nb Hopldn.t sparked this lona drive, of the Learue·lea41na Anaheim wbJcb wu climaxed by a 9-yard Colonllta. The Sailors are In tee· touchdown pus trom Sc:bultt to ond place with 3 winl and one Lorentzen. Olarlle Berry's Jc:Jck la.-th&t bne a 13·U heart· lbr point wu bloocked. &nd the breaker at Santa Ana Frlday seore wu 6..0. ntaht. The Saint. struck In the third Harbor alumni of 1MO and quarter after Harbor had punted 19U wlll be bonoled at the Home. to the Saint 25. On the next play eomtna Game. and there wUl be Lett Halt Dave Hurlburt ran tor a social aet·toaether In the So· 71 yards to the Sallor 4. Two dal Boom immediately after the plays later the Saints scored. 1ame. , then Jd&ed that crudal extra ':::==:=:=:=:=:=:=::=:=~ Lut Friday evening, pla)'in& point. and they led 7-6. Later ln ;:: In the Santa Ana Bowl, the the quarter a SchuJtt pa.u wu lorgest ond Most Complete Furniture Store in the Nee. c.a for,,.. DECORATING SERVICE Liberty 1·5511 ~crappy Saints played hard and Intercepted on the SaJnt 48. ~r~ , took advantage of the breaks to there Santa Ana be8an thet1 upset the SaUors. In the statist!· winning drive, aoortna early In cal department the Sailors held the fourth quartet. Tbat made a aUeht advantaee-10 to 8 In It 13-6. t1rst downs, 262 to 244 In yuds Hubor struck rtaht bedc after pined, 4 to 1 ln p&.I8H com· r e c e I v I n 1 the Jc8k.ofr. 'J1Ieoy pleted. But In an all·important scored In silt pl•)'ll, WftH H6p· depart:ment the Saints had the kJJu, Berry and Fenton carrytna ed,e. and that wu ttae wtnnl,_. t1le ball. lteny .cored the 'J1) on Fumishings for homes. )Darpn-tnterteptlne two SaliOII' a tpectacular f4 run through the dubs. y4Khts. (J ..... One of the lntcteeptlons middle, but his attempt to tJe 3017 w. Coaat Hi..&.wey atartfd the SOlts on theft' lee· up the game went IIJI&hil)' wide, .,.. ond touchdowft drive, IUI4 the .-the lirore was 13-12. E~i§~iN;-~poii;irt; .. i;ii•cihiiiiiiiii othet stopped what could ba\re Berry made another valiant ef· i i:ii:i:ii:i:iiii:iiiji tort to pull ttut p..a;t out ot the ftiop, au!ltna for e yal'ds w1th 1"be Kaalc Y ... Waat ••• Dll'ect To You DOOI' & T.V. "IWEIEI" ........ • CIIOII& DEl IAI alt. colotlul IIlLEY IELl •1 t. COAST ..at T...,._.~M~rma 3 minutes and 45 seconds to go. He was brou&ht down on the Saint 30 by Hurlburt. and then Schultt'a pus wu intercepted to stop the Hubor threat. Shore Cl iffs Is I stOver Top • • • t:reat.d 10QI'M1f to tbe adt. menl and f1&1'01' of a CoD .. &am. comlD~ Celebntlaa. Oran~e Cout eon.,. want. aD ••old Oracle,. lD tble area 01' tn.a Tlmbuctoo and...._ .... to come help th~m make DIGTJ'. It's J'OI'U' ~lrit and entlnallaan that ,... want •.. but .•• JOU11 wut pod fiY-'fht and a pall' ol field 8J*& Thirty one ... count 'em (Sl) buuutul pla wtl1 be compe~ for queen ot U. neot. A pr. cam• bcmttre narrowa the choke to 6 ''top-lo•el!•" with oftldal coronaUOD aad clamour parack a.t b&lf·Ume. Football menu • . . providu a cl'lance for ~ and blue. ~. A.l "old pU" P. T. Bar- num would put lt. "'llak• the old feel younc and the )'OUJ16 feel old." <>ranee Oout Plrat .. entertaJD (Hal Hal) 8aD Berlw'd1Do In &ll I:Utera CoaftnDC:e thriller wtth k lc: k o tf at I p. m. 1D Plrate Stadium. After tiM ...... • • • ua.n·· • dance Ill t.be atudlat Oet.. ea.. ... look UWDd; Mft -.. ftel; watt* tM ..,.._ ...,: ~ r$•-t.ecl ••• _. all fW c.1J Jt .... wtU. stud~Dt boer CIU"dd ,.. .. ..,...to-w--..... COUHI .08 ALLD. lNO .....,UC A..., eo.ta M.a. ...W.- Y'M1' 't'CII'Sity ...,...._... IN ~5 ft.lO......_ aoa caAB.AX. lStl .._ DL. c.ta ...... ea4. ........ -..... ....aty __ ,__ 157 II&.. ft. 2 ~ CDM Travel Service We wW be bappr to ..u.t 1'011 wltJa CID'f tNft1 WI Lb .. ........ NOW BOOKING SPRING CBUJSES To Tbe CARIBBEAN AadTM MEDITERRANEAN • ~~ ............ AJdJIIe ;.Ill WDMIII •T._. .,...._~ * 110 SDVICE C11.A.aE * MUTUAL ncnt AGENCY Harb« 128 Coline Gibbons. Dorothy McKenna. Muauerlte BU&b8 Cor. E. Coast Hwy. at Orchid Across from P.O .. C>M A Clossified A.d in The Ensiqn brinqs immediote resul~l (Aft Horbor 111..,.11 15 end DtOVe ttl Rally Set forOCC A bonfire to be let at 7 thls evening wiU launch homecoming aetlvltJes tor Orange Cout Col· lege araduates. lohn Geor~. In the oWclaJ OCC Pirate costume, will light the pyre at the pre.game rally, and Coast yeU leaders and song leaders will be on hand to build enthuslum tor the evening's &rid contest with San Bernardino. Five Pirate prlnceues wlJI be presented at the rally, and the Homecoming Qu~n will be In· trodu~ tor the nm time dur· lng the halt· Ume ceremonJes by Student Body Presi dent Ron Armstrong. A SJ)«'Ial section has been re· serve-d for alumni In the Pirate stadium. Attet-the game, alumnJ and students are Invited to the Homecoming dance In Student ~nter. The Pirates travelled to the Mt. San Antonio Colleee e&mpus Jut Saturday and were defeated by the Mounties 34-0. The Pirates pushed torwud to the Mounties 3·yard Une In the tlrst quarter, but tailed to score. In the second hall they were unable to get In· side the Mounties 35. For lettef'M~ .. enve&ooes ed THE ~SJGN. HA-l 114 ....... :-.... ~AliA ........ --~" ... _ ...._ ... _ ___ _,...._ ~ .. .,.,.~..-....... ----.·...., ;r.;:z-__.... STAirTI IIOV. 11 roa 2 WEI:D James Oe&n In "'IEEEL wm..rr I CAUSE" no w A sown A ----JI'IIIL • • ·--. ..... -• • ,... -. • ......... -a .-.. ...,_ • ..._ _.. •• ' .. . -- 1 ' ~ ....__ ... -.. .... --. .. ,_ ---· .. , .. lf -. .,_., I l =·y • -y f * CAiriOOII CADIYAL PilL SAT. & SUJr. * l!!•!•AI 6.&Jml~ •na Wii&Wt A CAUBr 'be -a:~~ -.... w•e 1 r .-. ..... ULYSSES Va.a lhftft-la -oocNT TBmm a ra&r ~ ..... , ..... -~·-.. FOR BlANKETS AND 8EDOING IT PAYS ro LOOK IN THE tlAssiAEO" fMT OF )OVR TREPHONE BOOK ... ' Gharges and Denials Made In Mesa Hallowe'en Tempest (,..,.._. ,.,_ Paet 1) Sapphire Ave. u that of the vie, department," Kt.l'redrlkMn aaJd. lbe, bad received many crank To belp raMe 1100 tot the Bar· poUoe ....._ ot' .......,. re-tim but upon tolnl tbere found "Wben 1 did 1 wu told my .,. telephone c:all8 reprd.lftl the bor ArM Glrt'a Ouh. located tn ..,.._, tlda iack'et ~ for It wu lncol1eet. Ill& DoSter ud two ot bil ~ ..,. there aftalr. eo.ta 11-. ... -. ot the U.. ,...... cell bJ 1111. ~. aald abe cUd nat talk to Cblef to be Quelltiooed reJardlnf ma· .----~----iiji~ Epdlon Slpla Alpha 80I'Orlt;y are ., Willa to deny empbttkWUy McJC.enzle 1n penon. only by tele· llcloue mltcbtef. The ottlcer I holdlnl a bake aale tomorrow that ~ omcer of the ec.ta phone. IPC)ke to aaured me It wu noth· More than 2lO Newport Rubor ment by Jo ADD Bapn. and dlv· (Friday) at 1829~ Newport BlVd.. ~~-pollee dep.utmeat II fol· The KeM woman aald abe be· lnl lefloua, only a broken wtnd· merma.lct. w1ll nrtJa "'ver '!'be lna directed by Jfaoml Korpn. eo.ta Mesa. Moth~ and Jb'la ~ ..., ot the boya ln Ol"der came tnptened after the ·"Wam· lhfeld; however a penon lnalde Batnbow" ln the annual aqua. Tile mutle ot "'Mtdnlcbt on the aaoclated wfth the Girl'• Club to pt 801D1tbln1 on them." lnl" telepbone call wftb the po· the ear could have beeJt !njwed. eade to be held Tuad&)r and CUff.w" fe.tutee the followtnJ are aao belplnJ with the food • DOUGaT aoaa 11.. •.11. lice otndal. She explained that • ... 0 CIIAJlGU• Wedn.tay evenlnp, Nov. 22 dlwn u coac:bed by AI nwtn: aale. Mn. Everett Braee, 801'0rity .. We don't NY they _.. they bad mow4 to eo.ta Meea .. When 1 uked If 1 wu needed and 23, ln the blfh IICbool pool. Sue Brown. AlJce Burna. Carol president. Ia 1n eharJe of the WI'ODI 1a plcldnJ up the _,.," from Mtnnelota few the health ol the same ottlcer told me no, u nae prodQctlon Ia .tudent writ· Da-.n, Gall Wbtte. and Jlll evenL • Kn. DoddB u.Jd Koad-r. She their eon. She aald ber hu.aband tar u be wu concerned It wu ten and .tudent dlreeted. c;o.. Blum. A comecty .number "Never AI I EMDI IDft.'r JIKKTIJIG aald the bo7a...,.. picked u,p at wu from Germany but abe wu all over, there were no cbara- tumes and lets are alto created Smile at a Crocod.Ue" tndudee T/SJL Danny R. Hottman, aon 9 p.m. and DOt brou,fht home un· noL She declJned to aay where and he would d.rtve the boya by the girls themaelveL ~~ =~ S: ~· of Mr. and Mrs. James P. Holt· W 10:30 P.IJ-At thla time, ahe abe wu from. home. At approximately 10 p.m. After "Slnglng 1n the Rain," An~ um...ncle~el~ BleJu!: man of 2559 Santa Ana Dr., eo.ta charced the Oftieer aald th.at her e •PEai'EC'ft.y IATIII'Ia)'-~ aon arrived home. My aon the Jlrl.s find them.selves at the Llg=ecta are cree.ted bT Mesa. and husband of the fOI"'Jler aon bad broken the wlnclow. "' myaelf am perfectly aatla· alao at.atee Wblle he wu at the foot of a rainbow. They belln to Ron St. Clair and bla c:rew com-Mlsa Winona p, Bradford of Par· Lateor abe leemed that Mrs. fled with the way tb1np ,_.... pollee depa.rtment the Otflcera wl&b for the treasure by alnJinJ posed of Rod Moritz. Jim Wat, amount. resumed duties October Richard Lueu of 1.940 Federal handled," aald officer Lawrence were courteous and gentlemanly. "Wben You Wlab Upon a Star." To M . MUt Card . and 1• u supply chid of the 14th Ave., eo.ta Meu, bad been told Fredriksen of 186 Cabrlllo SL, ''I myself am perfectly aatla· So goes the script as written by 8 ._%1d ::;:::;._ e en, Special Infantry c 0 m pan y , by pollee that her aon bad brok· Costa Mesa, father of the third fled wtth the way thlnp were Ann Lardner with the uaistance Baclaltage manacen include USMCR. at San AntonJo, Tex., en the Jla& boy Involved ln the lncldent. Mr. handled. In no way wu my aon JUJmOa *l of Jane Enright, Laurel Wood.sen. Virginla Fueit. Laurie Benclrlcka, atts attendlnJ a three·day sup· Both mothers went to pollee Fredriksen Ia a pollee officer on lntlmJdated, threatened or apok· and Jallen. Green. Shirley Stafford Claudia Gen· ply conference at Headquarters, headquarters and the officer de-duty on IJdo Isle. en to In a manner to ange.r any-a...a N clldly. Dave Grant wilJ be narrator, tosl Brenda ~ett. Luc1lle Tay· 8th Marlne Colps Reserve and nled maJdn1 the statements. It ''I wu notified on Monday, one. My hat Ia off to the younc I~ t.4 pa. and Carol King. Pat Riley, and lor 'Ann Lardner, Doris Backes. Recruitment District 1.{1' New Or· wu ehar,ed. Mrs. Dockteor aald Oct. 31, at approximately 9:20 otncer that handled the cue." ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Diane Hoyle have speaking parts. Ga'y Lyn Armstrong, Sandra leans, La. abe wu flveD an addrea on p.m. to call eo.ta Meaa poll MrL Dockter aald Monday that .;.; Sets will be prepared by Laurel Mellott. Mary Haynes. Cathy Woodsen, assisted by Heather Hedlay, and Carol Carter. LJddle, Mareie Stoval, Pat Ragan, The admission of 50c Is to Lynn Cottingham. Karen Wag· establish a permanent pool nar, and Lonna Lloyd. bleacher fund .. Marcia Davia and The student manager, JalJen Gerry Nack are In charge ot Green, directs groups from the ticket sales and Sue Brown Ia physical education classes and handUnJ publicity. Other mem· the Girls' Athletic Association bers of the general plannln.c with the assistance of Anita committee include Judy Cole· Palm. Charneth Starege, Perle man. Mary Haynes, Meg An· Holland. Jody Lleb, Lynn Pease, drews, Mar 11 y n Bowler, Pat Phyllis Milum, Jo Ann Tbomp· Fruehllng, and JUl Blum. son, Toni Burroughs, and Mary Faculty Advisors are physical Fay. education Instructors Marjorie Speciality numbers Include Adams, Ellen Carlcof, Diane "Stardust"' with harp accompanl· Westlake, and Dorothy Throop. (Continued from Page 10) e MONDAY, KOV. 7 Mrs. Peggy Rayburn. 48, of 205 Sixth St.. Balboa, was arrested on a !ictltlous check charge after allegedly cashing a $15 check at the Balboa Market. 301 Main St .. Balboa and a check for $6.77 on R. C. Hart of 865 W. 17th St., Tar Bees Tie Saints 6to 6 Harbor Tar Bee footballers bat· tled to a 6-6 tle with the Santa Ana hlgh school Bee team last Thursday on Davidson Field. The Tara got their tally in the third period u BUl Beckland took a pJtchout and swept left end for 20 yards. The Saints scored In the second quarter as Marshal Falcon picked up a fumble and ran 55 yards for the touchdown. The Tar Bee team with Its three earlier losses and one tie game with the Saints are one place up from the cellar In the Sunset League above Orange with four losses. The Tar Bees and Orange Bees met at 3 p.m. yesterday. Wednesday. at David· son Field. The Harbor Tar Cee team won 14· 7 over the Saints last Thurs· day In Santa Ana. Tar Left Half Dave Hammond scored both touchdowns and kicked one con· version. Gary Pickens passed to Larry Gentll for the other con· version. The Harbor Tar Cee team stands third place in the league with two losses and two wins. The Cees of Harbor and Orange played at 3 p.m. yester· day. Wednesday, on Davidson Field. $100,000 Is Awanled i1 Suit ,._ Bar Clula Edward J. Hammond, Z7·year· old San Diego radio announcer, was awarded $100,000 damages last week In a Superior Court jury trial of h is $500,000 suit against the Balboa Bay Club. Mr. Hammond was Injured In a dive from the high board at the Bay Club pool Sept. 19 last y~. Since then he has not been able to use his muscles from the shoulders down. Ebell ~oles Costa M esa ... Mrs. Camllle La Shelle of 455 Via Lido Soud, IJdo Isle, reported that he.r son let a boy use his bicycle to go around the block and did not return ... e 1VESDAT. KOV. 8 Mrs. Leda May Jones of 220 Evening Canyon Rd., Sh ore CUtts, reported that during the early morning hours for three days sh e and a neighbor have seen a prowler with a !la.shllght going around the houses ... Gustave Stomp of 310 Aliso Ave., Newport Heights. reported his son's bl· cycle stolen from the Horace Ensign School . . . Robert L. Dewey of 124 VIa Quito, LJdo Isle, reported bumping a Jirl pedestrian with his car at Cout Hwy. and Tustin Ave .. wbo was apparently not burt but woul• not stop to excha.rtee retereDC*i. e WEDifESDAT. ROV. t Mrs. Charles Randall of 521~ Marcue.rlte Ave.. Corona del Mar. called omcera to dl.spose of an opossum kllled by her husband In thelr garage . . . A tire and wheel and a lubrication book was found stolen from the car of Joseph W . Adam.s of Laguna Beach. bar tende.r In Villa Ma· rtna. while the car was In the VIlla Marina parkJng lot at 12:20 a.m. ... S. Ridderhof Heads Golfers Brig. Gen. Stanley E. Ridder· hot. Newport Beach city council· man trom the Newport Heights district. has been elected presl· dent of the Southern California Golf Association. Since the annual Southern California Amateur Golf Champ- ionship tournament Is customar· lly awarded to t he home course of the president, the tourney this coming year will be held at the Santa Ana Country Club. CiYil Semce El111 SetforP*.._. A written examination will be held at 9 a.m. Tuesday, Nov. 29, In Newport City Hall for appoint· ment as patrolmen on the force of the Newport Beach Police De· partment. Those receiving passing grades wlll be placed on the ellgtble Ust. from which appointments will be made. Final date fOT flllng will be Friday, Nov. 18. Appllcationa Progresaors Section of Ebell may be obtained at the Civil Club wtll meet tor lunch at the Service Office In City Hall. Sal· home of Mrs. L. B. McGavren, ary range Ia $316 to $382 a 3420 Ocean Blvd.. Corona del month, with 40-bou.r week. 15 Mar. next Wednesday when Mrs. days vacation yearly, time ott Edith Clark ot Santa Ana wUl for seven holidays and state n!· ahow her latest collection of Ma· tirement qstem. A 5,r. veteran'• donnas from Mexico and India. preference wUl be Jiven to all Mrs. Lee Barnes. chairman, aald applicants who ean qual.lf;y few that membenbJp for this aectlon preference. 11 cloaed, but a new Proaresaora ------- Sectton wlll be formed under the VD1T IIELATIVU PiiiDiD8 leadership of Mn. Carl Gl~e. DnDIG YIIIT D JfOII"nn Tbey wtll aao bold meetlnp on A abort vacation trtp to north· the tbtrd Wednada,y of every ern CalttornJa wu taken lut month. month by Mrs. Clara Axtater and her .On lCarJ of Corona del Mar . .. ~ N&IIIOIIAIT cauaca Alter dtlvtn• thtoufb San Fru-'11te -... Donald Sapp's aer· et.co thtpy lltopped at Hamllt. JDOil toj6e tot the t:30 and 11 Air ~ .._ to call on ltd o'doc:IE wlbtp llefVIcea Sunday s,t. WIUJam Dunne, whom &.It at the ...... llllaDd Communlt)' "ad not .m 111ne. they ... Ill ...... Olltlldl will be .. A IICOUtlq tOft'th« ln WaabJntton, ..... tNi18 tiM U1t of lela: Hll D. C.. men than lS r-1'1 :.t:. ,. a•.,.:_ m:t.:~ ~-=:::: ~.k ......... _Cite • 0 . _.__ .... ~ ................. .,.. tout dt dnn. ad- .._., w111111 ...... 'Q• 1 Ye laillc·IIIM ~ lira. Militia •• sa I •• I' L o..a• .............. 81Jl7. for Veterans ·aay I WE1J. BE OPEN ALL DAY FRIDAY * * * ORDER YOUR THANDGIVING 1'URKEY NOW We Carry Manning'a Choice Baby Beef ExcluaiYely! The Finest Name in Meats in all the Southland! BOilKEL FIUT GllADE BACON 49L Swiss Cheese 55~ Steak LOIR~-.4 U. E tl .... Ill. PORI ROAST 4 ·9L Roast 24c Less 5c 19c Pkge PORI CHOPS 49L 5 lb. sack 42c FLOUR Lessl:: 'fU'aM-1 lb. Call COFFEE 85~ KI.KEKEZ-CoJoncl PeaChes--1~ ~~ _ :..~ ....... -~--·--23¢ iOniaiO Juice ......... 4I{,OLC4a -..................... Pancake Flour 25¢ TOmato Soup New Spuds 3 '"' 25¢ f iDE Bea 1• 0&.0 .. AI CP"'X' 0 ~CaD una ns :........ 'i'.: Spagheni 11- Shorteaiag 69~ w .. ~ .............................. -27. YAMs --- I Froz· n Food' :_.. L L