HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-12-22 - Newport Harbor Ensign• • AppiOldmately t700 was stolen by burllars from the safe of Courtney and t.e.ter nre Co., ~ Newport Blvd., eo.ta M-.a. and three other burglari• wen commltted In the mesa area, eo.ta Meea pollee reported yes- terd~. Wednesday. The tire company aale was rolled from the company office around into a rest room at the Mobil Station, 17th St. and Tua· tln Ave., eo.ta Mesa, sometime the same nJaht. A window was broken Into the lubrication room and the money In a bank sack was Uken from a desk drawer which was pried open. Pollee Sat. Roaer Neth reported. An of· nee window was broken In the Stan Sevlen~ UnJon Station, 17th St. and Tustin Ave. and a cash box wa.s ransacked but nothing was ln it. Statton money was ln the sale. Buratan al10 gain~ ~ntry to the Chamberlain and SOn Fence Co .• 388 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa, was walking through an un· locked front door. Panel doors Into two Inner offices were kic ked ln and desks ransacked but nothing taken. 11le llfe·Uke dlcllay of Santa Cl.au.e won the sweep«akes prhe for the best raldenti4J Chrl.mnu dt.play by Mrs. C. H. Harry of 302 Ewntnc Canyon Rd.. Shore Clltt.. in the judclng by the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commen:e. Second place wtnt to the No· Ian Frazelle residence, 119 Jade Ave .. ' Balboa laland, and third place to Dr. a. r. Altman, 400 Slenal Rd .• CliU Haven. Honorable mentions went to Ray RJnderknedlt. 1532 Ocean 1 Blvd., and Klchard A. Melrose, 1529 Miramar Dr., Balboa; Chuck Kramer. 16, 1403 N. Bay Front.· and Fred D. Wa.rren, 106 Abalone Ave., Balboa Island; Al nrtan,y. 202 SborecllU Rd., and Sidney Sanders, 133 Shoreclltf Rd .. Shore ClJUs; lllchard Newman, 601 Patollta Dr .• I.rv1ne Terrace: Wll· llam K.anold, 301.J6th St., J. Ed· wards, 3900 Channel Pl., and J. J. Symp.on. 512.a8th St., New· port: Dr. Robert Olander. 500 St. Andrews Rd .. Cllft Haven; Tom Malone. 535 Rlvenide Ave .. New· port Helaht.s, and the trailer of Rubin John.on. IJdo Trailer Park. rear of the ofllce 80metlme Tues· ------------------------- The five area flnrt prlz.e bu.sl · nesa winners for Chrlstmu dec· orations Included Gordon Apt.s., Balboa; Doria Br~ Realtor, Bal· boa Jaland; Karen Marareta Imports. Corona del Mar; Rich· ard'a IJdo Market. Newport ~ach. and HoUle and Garden. Marln~s Mlle. day nlaht or early Wecme.day momJna. The burglars flnt at- tempted to aa.In entry by prylna off the combination, the same way buraJars were able to aa.ln entry to the night de~lt l&.fe ol the Newport Harbor Bank last week. The aafe dJal wu removed. but the door falled to yield. The burglars then placed a blanket over the rest room window and wheeled the tire company steel cutUna outfit into the rftt room. They were suoceatul ln bumlnc thelr way Into the side of the safe to releue the bolt.L They had aJ.o attempted to pry open the cloclf • to ~ bumlq IOIJa of ....U iiiLaqe. Mesa ()Ulcer Wll· Uam la'QI8 notJl"td one of tbe ebeeb on tbe flo« wu ht. own. whlc!h lle bad euhed the day befoc'e. Seftn dollars ln chanee w-. · stolen from tbe Buddy WU..On Dad Wielding Shovel Nabs Young Marine Donald 0 . Myers, 20, Camp Pendleton marine, was arrested by Costa Mesa pollee on a bura· .Jary charae at 4:10 a.m. Sunday. after the martne alleeedJY broke into the aputment ol William J. Ba.nett, 1885 Tut1n Ave.. Casta Mesa. Mt. Barrett'• 12-year-old daueJtter, CarolYn. aald she wu awakened to find the marine laying on the bed In the llvlna room, where she had faU~n asleep while watchtna televtllon. She went to a bedroom to awaken her parent&. The marine dove throuab an open window, cruhtnc through the acreen. Mr. Barrett. clad in shorts, 1ave pur- IJUit, alone with ht. .cm·ln·law, Emeat P. Hom, same addrea. Mr. Barrett picked up a short· handled shovel and hJt the ma· rtne on the stde ot the head, J e a v I n 1 a four.fndl woand wbJcll later toolr 15 ltltcbn to ~ pollee reported. MI. Bar· rett held the marine down unW pollee &rrtwd ------ FBI Continues Checking on CDM Bank Bu~glary . The FBI t. continuing Ita In· vestfptton of the :Kewport Bar· bor Bank burgluy ln Corona del Mar, where cub and checb to· tallng neulY S1.300 were .tolen durlne the ntcht of Dec. 14·15 last week. The bu.r&lar 1&1ned entry to the bMlll cJrWJnc holes Ln th~ aa...-ld the ccnblDa· done by two buralan~, rather than one. All homes In the vicinity were chedted for ln.fonnatJon pertain· ing to the bu.tllary. Mrs. R. Car· doza Sloan ot 327 Narcialus Ave., Corona del Mar, reported that abe and a nelehbor sm~Ued a The entire loss Is covered by bank Insurance. Mr. Sex1on said. Edwin Rice of 324 Marigold Ave., Corona del Mar, notltled pollee at 10:43 p.m. last Thurs· day that he had seen a per110n nt>ar the bank In the alley be· bind Coast Hwy. near Marigold Avt>. thE' night before. He de· scribed the person as a pproxlm· ately 5 ft. 9 Inches In helaht. weighing 160 pounds. wtth dark hair, wearing dark trousers and a larce cheeked woof jacket. Newport pollee recalled that the same method of operation had been Used by 10meone ealn · ina entry to the Coast Super Markfl. Marigold Ave. and Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar. earUer' ln the year. Fair Taxation Group Formed A Committee for Fair Taxation has been formed by a croup of Harbor Area residenbl who ~ alarmed at spiralling tans. A meetlnl of the rommlttee Wlll be held at 7:30p.m. Friday, Collins Elected e JIOJIOLULB IIEJITIOJII Business honor• ble mentlona went to the following: Balboa-Smittle'a Balboa Mar· ket, Henline's. Balboa lalanci-Marlners late Realty. The lll&nd«s. Balboa Island Post Ofllce. Boardman's Market, Cottace WalOe Shop. Hal WUl Sm.ltb. e JIEWIOaT ISLA.JID AW .AmJS Mr. and Mrs. lohn Sym,peon of place awud. Judpe were KrL llm Ectwua. llr&. Xetth Jtbna . • IL Ll COaQJIIA DEL MAL CALIP. TBVUDAY. DECZMl'E• 22. 1155 Council Calls Bids for · Improving Trailer Park City Is Second In Decorating Miles ot C h r I • t m a • Smlles ••eepctakea trophy fot the belt Carols Sung on The Bay The caroling you hear on th~ bay comf'S from local choral groups who are at't.'Omp~ the noatlng Chrlatmu tree of the Ctty Employees Assoclatlon. Throuah arran~menta made by the Newport Harbor I u n lor Chamber of Commer<"t", the ehoc· al croups are slnrtne durtna the evenlnp this week In a decor· ated boat foUowtna the fioatJna tift. Tuesday eventna It wu ~ St. Andrews Presbyterian Ourdl chotr under the dJrecotion of Ill's. IAwll ltldder. 1..ut nJJht (Wed· ne.day) It wu the turn of tbe Newport Barbnr Rllb Scbool Girls' Glee Club under the 41· reetlon of Ml• Marie 8J ... Ill. Th.. ewntna (Ttnnldql u.. Ba.rbenh.op Quartet ol ...... Harbor wtU l1n.f ulldlr tM dl. recu. of Dan ........... Tomorrow ~ (,.,...) t!ltn ww .. c:uola tty ..... c.. aaaiiWat~C eta ...... .,...,.. dllotr. • 'l'tlla ... u.e .. ..., .. .... .... ol .. sub~ tl uy PIMS B9 -· ... ,.u. .... II -tl turally, lt'a CbriiiDuiL If ,.a -U... adM ~ ~ u.t II..., ....,. ••• .....,. • me lf I'm.....,.. ra a 1 _. to as.,:nw.~. rm lllld _. ,...._. ,... • • the bandy IDMifOia~ .. ..,. l"la ....-. t. • bOIM thJI ,.., w.. you T" It ...,.. .. tb1nk ol a lot ol w.aa.t ~ ~~~f.r:'~., W., c:..MwMe lt .-ma t.o me u tboa&lb I U.... ..... I lrUil't. llke In AltVO E. HMIA _. ~ •• t 11 never do eet all aet u.oW tbe ltQ. ....... .,.. Pie HAAPA • .._.... ...., earola beetn t.o ~ ouL 1"'M W. Clitlilau Ev. oe LaniP8a , aplrlt or the ooeulon eomee to Oroulkl l"N, wblm 18 nat 80 .., me eradua.lly, and &Jwqa a bet r. ,._ Wblre tbne ..._ men late. But 11011\ehow, when tbe onee •• tbt Star ol lethlebem. dawn ot Chrtmnu beein.a to 'J1Ie -,...... Gtoap, u.s. Ot&*Jda Ia tbe lloo•Uptf Bit· 11ow. I'm ready and ean hardly A. A. r .. 1a camped on u.. nat ter J.t . . . ..w them u.ndlr <7/_ _ -,:n wait another minute, Juat u u.ncty wute In the Libyan 0.-your C'bNtmu tr. ID all tMir 1 Ifill, .1:, tJt1 ., though I was forty years youne· ert. A Jot o1 pya. 101M yuan&, bJoomlq p.y u a baaatlfUU1 --T. •· .,.. DOt 80 JOWll· ue IJ~ lift wrapped plut .•. Ordltda! :I*ICIC* ZIC*ICIC* ZIC*ICICXIC*ICIC* XICICDi::ElaZIIZXICICII:ICICaZIICIIICt* • Too late, each year, 1 come up arouncJ 4?nam1n1 of a white Queea baa o1 all plant lite . . • with an lnsplratlon for 10me· Cbrf.11tmu. JD a w o1 tents. '*• A~ wWa Uvtna, tiMtr p«aJa We hoven't q uite got oround yet to do all of our Christmas thine original In the way of a U• o1 e.Mer are belne .,.._t vtbnDt and er111p ••• Warm ucJ shopping, and there ore all those Christmes greetin91 ~t to be writ-ereetJng card, or etfts of a WfY ueunc1, •t tt tm•t dolq a very liolrtJia . . . IQooatlq Cll'dli4 ten and sent owoy ..• Peg's been askin9 Santa to set Ouistmas b.ck penonal nature, for a f~ extra toed job. p1aata ••• your c:bolee ol elth• a bit, but I guess that will not come to pess, so let me take time out ~lal friend&. So. thll lut Albout 11:30 p.m. when tM erc:llld « wllke ••• Accordlq right now to say these few words ~ grMtin9 to eM you folks here = I ~:,art~ ~O:~Ic cte.ert wind 1.1 quiet and a mU· :.C..IIobert U...~ ot ... ~ rl~ in the Harbor /\reo, ond o'so to oil of you in the outside workf, of ~ JS one • lJon &tan ahtne onrbeed, _..... their bloom& f t~eut whom w. will be thinking duril'~ this holiday time. • ~r the week-end I produced one &eta a eood Chrlmnu Idea. keep or a a W e look bock on a hactic 1955, happy about the progress that has lile'Veral special ,reetlnp for Cal· They ald. .. "Let's lftvlte the been mode, hopin9 to do better in the year to come. and wishin9 laban and Hoaeland, the all·&ee-i_~pka overdro The Creeka :e tan similar good fortune to oil of you, friends ond critics alike. tne eyes of the 79th Gray Wbale mile ·.:.:: th~ :CS :Om u u: The Ensign stoff hos been happy to serve you during the past Watchln1 Croup. They eonallted · year, ond we join in this wish for a very Merry ChristmaJ-We of the of a cork aky and a cork ocean The Creeks came over. We front office staff, Barbaro Brock, Hugh McMiUan, luby Stevenson. painted suitable shades of blue. can't understand a word they Bien Smith, ond Peg ond Hop ; the advertising staff, Bert JohnSOQ, In the southeast comer I man-say and they're In the same boat S M. hell l . W'tt d p d H tL---• . ts o· L •red a whalespout with lOme with our speech. We have a few om ate , oua~e • , on .. eg on op: .,. ~umnts , ICil lltrands of white thread and a d.rlnlu toeether, some wine the Hoffman, 1\ndy Smath, Borb.ro l tltenthol, ond Pe<J and Hop: and the wllp o! cotton In gold )etten, Creeka btlng along. Then It's bod shop crew, Paul Lund, Dick MacMurray, Marshall Rot hrock, Fred hl&h In the bl~e eork sky, was mldnteht and someone says, l und, Mike Driskel, Grant Burns, ond Peg and Hop. "'79 GWWG.'' and looking over "Hey, fellu! Merry Cbrlatmu!" We hope that Santa will bring you o bagful of happiness for the all, from the northwest comer, Our vlaitora undentand It, lOme- yea r ahead. I was one large, decently blood-how. 11\en they all bealn to alne. ahot plastic eyeball. I fJeured "Holy Night. SUent Nl&ht." The Dan and Jack would enjoy a worc:ll are d.ltferent but we all special ChristmAS ••eyeball" from sine the aame familiar strain. the Great Gray Whale. And IOillehow, that lone.ome ' ... 17 -.. .., &. c-t ..... ..,. c.-del X.,. ..... - ... ...... .,belate u,..., ....... ....., by ·-rrw.y, Dec. II On Monday morning, a friend r~ that bad been hurttne a called on the phone and aald lot. baU an hour before, audd~· by way of ereetlne: "What are ly 11 gone. The aplrlt o! Christ· you doing!" Without atopplne to mu had found us. Americana explain. 1 came back wtth, "Bor· and Greeks, out there on L.C. 174 tne holes ln eyeballa." I heard a In the Ubyan Desert. Ju we I U P In the receiver, a dull thud walked aeroea the und to our and that was the end of that tent., It .ems lUte CbrlJtJnu conversaUon. after all. But we never do quit month . . . They are atrlc:tl)' bouee plants a nd It &lven a mini- mum of care will bloom twfce a year . • • Bob wUJ give expllclt lnatruc:tlona with Meb plant . . . See the.e plants! And don't let the llttl~prlee ot $10.00 and up scare you into thlnldne them to be poor Uttle country cousins of la erande madam . . . Each one of these plants 11 Jaree. crllp ~~;~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~~;~~~;~;~~~ and beautltul ... VIbrant with r, 1lowlng lite and loaded with lar1e waxen blooms . . . Take tour l»ick . . . five blooms, aeven blooms . . . blooms . . • An extra speclal purchase for extra ape· clal Chrlltmu livtn& ... ·------- * Only Swift's Premium Beef Sold Here * Specials For ThUI'L Fri. & Sat.. Dec. ~23-24tb. S WU J S •HKtUK. SIIAJfK llALF 01' WIIOLE Hams, FuUy c:ook•c:L Jnn 01' CU'DAJITa.IIIAJflr BALF 01' WIIOLE 59~ . .. Hams, Cured aad "'VJbcL 49~ -rDIJL• PDfUT IIIOAD·aEA.ITED Tom Turkeys~ '"FU!SIL,. FIME.ST IIOJU).BJlEASTED Hen Turkeys, 65~ ) ""SDII'LE SlNOJf.• t -DICB ftES Mince & Pumpkin 5~ I'IUT QIIADE. CU'DABT'I .uJUTAX Sliced Ba'on 49~' "Quality cmd Penona:Hud s.mc.-With a Smile" From us · • 1 do hope that Gray Whale thlnldne about belne home .• Watchers Callahan and Boa&· So, thll Chrlatmu, I'm elad land get .. much fun from these rm home with my own. I'm elad gad1ea u I bad maldne them. I live here by the eea and I'm It's been aa.ld that the moo thanlctul for a ereat many thlnp pleasant 10und uttered by hu-that 10 with thll home by the mans Is a laueh. I'm a firm be· sea. like Catalina on the horizon, llever ln thLI. and especially at the fun of filhlne and mort of Christmas time. . . all, eood trlenc:ll. Funny, lan't lt. Christmas. to me,. seems to be that It takes 10 lone to realize a time for feellne thankful, H · that Cbrlstmu 11 what ,you al· peclally for certalft common-ready have, not what you geL place things we are prone to Merry Chrlltmasl Well. soaks, I mean. folks. th1s ls the time of year to tum on the Chrlstmas splrlt. the time when the mllk of human kind· ness stays "$Weet as long as re· venge:· We open up our hearts and our pocketbooks. let the sur· plus moths n y out. and 11ve a panbandJer a dime to make a down payment on his new Cad· Ulae. We han1 the presents and mistletoe up and let our hair down. KJu all the gala with unc· Uon, eraduated In propor11on to thelr appeal. In shott. let joy be unrefined, or am I mixed up agaln T Me, .the llte and death of the party. It ls the time to give parties to pay oft obUeattons and say with a algh of relief, "Well, that's done." The time when. flUed with the spirlt(s) of the aeuon. nonchalance and a little uraaparllla, me n ap· proacb each other and say, ''You old IO·and·IO, I like you; I don't always agree with you; but when I do I think you are an uaet to our town." • • • e LOOKDIC SACK '10 1- So now let u. renlnllce a blL Co back 3S yean. l am the pc.t aureeon, tlJfbt au:raeon and atu· dent tlJer, ln addJUcm to m.1 other duUea, at ltlardl P2eld, a recently reac:tlvated f J y l n 1 achool. Entry blanka are re· celved invttln~ppllcants to en- ter air races to be held on the 20th of December, at Lonr ~ach. Callt. That wu the year 1m. Airplanes to be handicapped ac· cording to thetr estimated alr speed. A maintenance cr~ o! three meChanics approached me with a proposal to enter. "We'll rl1 the plane; you Oy her." The plane wu a talner, a Cannuck Jenny, used In fiylng tralnln1. 11\e committee on handicaps rated It at 80 mllea per hour. Rla ht here I'll say that lt wu taken for granted that everyone would "aoup up" h ls plane ln f!Very way he could. Lt. Ennia Whitehead put ether In bll ps. He wu tlytnr a Tbomu Moore 1100ut. welaht 950 pounc:ll. with a rotary motor. Be dld right well until the rotatln& cyllnden start- ed tlytne olt lnto apace. Be fln. lahed ln a plowed fteld, unhurt. The entries Included a lot ot Debavtllanda wttb Uberty mo· ton, a eouple ol Lehrea, aDd a JL.5. a pcMit-war German plane, 1M ftr.t all·I'Dttal plane .. had Nt'll. It wu rated at a 11.!5 mUea per hour. There were many dv- lllan plane.. )(y crew worked day and nl&bt atreamUntne the plane. They capped the platorw of the 150 honepower 8Jeao motor to ra1M U.. ho,.power, trted to put on a prop from a World War I 8E·5 punult plane, tot the bub ltuclt and campromiMd b)' talc· (Continued on Pap W * * * lhw let's 8et tile OrdLid Plaat-u.e.o.. ..... ... ~ ............. _ On:MI ............... . .._ ...... _ .. ....,.._u Ia • .._,.., aa •••• • ,_. ......................... ........ ..., .. ,..... .... . ... .,..... ••• tMy .. ... ........ .ay ... .,... ,...... ................ . ,..., ............... . pc aly ..a..t Ia tMk owa ... a... * * * lloMI!d,. lddal rc1 a4mlt tllla only t.o you • . • UnUl Jut ,_, I had never tasted Blue Polnta on the haU shell ..• I wu d@fl· nJtely one of tha.e Who tall In the '1 don't eat raw oysters'' cat- aiOfY . . . Wh~ e rec:eofved our first barrel from the Eut. In time for Christmas a nd New Years I was determJn~ to try them . . . (what one must r o through aomettmes to hold onto one's job) ... My husband and I pried the ahells open and placed them aunny-alde·up on a SALE THROW PIU.OWS! CORDUROY COV£8£0 FOAM llUBBEil R.g. 13.50 Value.. ·-a- ANTIQUE SATIN KAPOK mx,m &.g.N.ISVala-. .•J•· DICK MA .CKERS .; • IEITEI platter of cracked Ice and lett ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ them. ln the refrleerater until - they were thorouehly chllled . . . The .t1rat bite I doulled with chill sauce ... couldn't tute a thing . . . The second, ju.t a little sauce, but I .wallowed real fast . . . Thlrd blte no chill sauce . . • Hmm . . . From then on I ate Blu~ Polnta and thorouehly enjoyed eaeb bite ... Now I'm a fan ..• You wtn be too ... Plan on aervtne them thll New Year• ... They make perfect harmon1 with ebampape and Sbould Old Acqualnt.anoe be for· eotten ... * • With· you, we hope that this holiday season will mart the beginning of a laating era o1 peace on earth, good will to men. • • save money ............. ._.. .... ,.,....._r. •••• ••••••••• • :· bJS';'I : • ~...:::--.-..... DetfeW • • -v--"''"'":"~" • It 'p. : • •••• ••••• . . .. ; . • • • • •••••• : ... .... . • .._Do • . .~:.~.! CIID• ... ....... .....,. •••• , ... IC& CLn .. ~ 01 •• c..t Col· ..... tiM Qnle lt. 11111 ... ltll ttl I rtll Dec. II • -......................... tiN c-t. .................... mw-18 ca.a.. ... .... (lift),,. 'dl ......... d .......... •aulflaw a. • .,. ._ Jee a..ta (CI&a .. ). Jl ............. •...-t ll.rbor K.t--a. c::wa. ... "'-.,.., .................. eon. .._ ltlw •=a .. _._. .. U.. Circle It .. ~ -.,.. Jla AID..._ J.tr aa... DI&IE c::.na.k, ....... a.ntty. a.. ... GJ..e = Dlcll a.a.,. ltaa lleql6ciL Alall .lllfiL Dilll m.., 1.-w E-. Jlvl ...... ...., ........... ... Qerdoa ........ _. ............. Dlcll ltadur. aob W.tldM. a.,. Willi. ... Gne· ..... .. BWot. ... ~, ... ~ ..... ... ad AJaa MOOI'eo 1'--.lty ......._. .. DL a&a. T ....... Ddllu.Ecdo&botla .. U..C... .. .. dala. W. L IJUCDIS oa ----------------------------------------- L E. CAQINS Lilla tr a.atu Ill L 1711l ... COITA ldiA ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ·Yule ( All your printir,q needs will be :U"tdincon..:"i:'m~.~~~~:~~ Native Daughters Parlor =, Jrf.,t:ti~,..o.~~~ Initiates 2 New Members The Ensiqn, 1104 Coest 81 .• COM. __.,. Greetings ..., ... _ ................... '" .. -"' ... ......, ........ -tla.la ....... ~ Dayl ..., ,.. ...... ~ ...... --......... ..., ·-......... ,.. .. ..... VAN'S CLEANERS The Oran .. Cout eou.p .... club uncler tbe diNd:lcaa ., ~ ...... Pitqen.14 acJcled ........ to~ ot ChriRmu IIPirtt to ta. Harbor PanheUent.e'a Yule put:r Jut nllhU W~y) Ia tbe OCC Art Center. HuabaMa Ud ~ ..... rue.ta. Each member wu ukM to btlnr a toy for a tot « jam. or ,.m.,. to add to the ElU' Qutat. .mu rlvtnr propam. Coll~q the ttenu ln advanee • the l)arty were Kn. Waner Hatch In Costa Mesa. Mn. John Keeler In Corona del Mar and Mrs. H. 0. Boyvey In Newport. Ho.taMs for the party were Mrs. Bert z.ptau, ehaJrman, and Mines. John Canon, WllUam Grundy, Roy HaJJ~»err. ~Meph Carver and Lout. ~acher. ( For lefhltf1 .... .W If I ... c.tl ~. HAwttl4 Pnpalar! CJo ,Old! AJ.. buma! S.. our lcdeM.,.. ~ea... here • • • a.c. orck are IDe gUia b old and youDCJ. S.O.S. Raclo & T.V. aADJO-TZ1EVIUoa-aa.n .... .... ,. .... Ill IIAmll'& AYL UI..80A ISI.JLaD ,... ..... .. .. rd ... ... Santa ls .On His.Way To DeriVer o ... Greetiags! May your~ ... ,_.,. M<mOD be fiDed *ida joy to the brim; may your tree be bri9ht and loaded with gila: may the year aMad abower you with happy fortune! Jal &. eo.t ....... , ...... 5S5l COIIOWA Dltl. liD A. MERRY, MERRY ---and best -------------------~------~- • * NERBY CHB&I1'MAS Kay 1'hla Holiday Seucm be one ot Rapplnea and Joy Fa~ eadl ot our Frlenda and cu.taa-.1 DOT cllld' BOB Caides 111• I I aa.y ... wishes for the New Year to all our friends ' ' f f f f f f ' ' f •• at Yow Owid!ftos gift is always "-• 01'1 .... _.... you ._.. a. ........ ,.....,...,..... He~W.yce,... .. <•IMHn.. w lift _.,Ire 1.-.iU.~-, ~w/) s-.1 Otri-.o. Rowen. ty. Wil'e Solirfodioft • Beach & Boulevard SPORTS AJm CASUAL WEAII 320 S. Coat 81~ 1.ojruaa a.ocli IITcdt f...22ll May much happiness bt yours during this wonderful holid.y season ud rMY ~ JMgic sp;rit of 9 Christmas bri9frtttt ~ your rrf. throughout the New Y ter to comt Hugh A. Estus of Mesa Dies KIDor lnJurl• ... IUifered by J.-. I.oWa st.ffel. 6, of 121· d.b St. Jf..-port Beac:b. when he fell clowJlln front ol a ear driven by Erne.t R. Loeb of Sunaet Hueh A. Estu&. brother o1 leech, at 2:JO p.m. Saturd_, on Barry Estu• or Costa Mesa and Balboa BIYd.. 100 toot. --ott Mrs. Helen RJndedmecht of BaJ. 3Ith St.. Newport poUce reported. boa. died ~arly Friday momtna 'l'be JOUtb wu taken to Boa1 ln Hoae Memorial Hocpital after ltemotlal ·B~Ital by olftcen. an extended UJn-. Services He Mid be wu not bJt by the w~e h~ld Monday ln Parkes ear but fell down on the pave-RJdl~y Mortuary, conducted by ment after-runnln1 ln front of the Newport Harbor Elks Lodge the car. Tile driVft aald he did and assisted by the Rev. Herbert not know If h1s v~hJcle hit the Johnson, pastor of. the Newport pedestrian. who came out from First Baptist Church. in front of a parked vehicle and Mr. Eatus wu a native of Kll· ran In front of ht. ear. dan, OkiL Be came to Newport Beach In 1925 and owned and operated the Standard Station at 21st St. and Newport Blvd .. and al~ the Standard Marlne Station on the Balboa Bay Front. He moved to Costa Mesa in 1948. He Jived at the home of hts brother, Harry, at 400 E. 15th St. Other survivors are two other brothers, John Estus of Newport and Leslie Estus of Kansas; and two other sisters. Mrs. Verga Button of San Bernardino and Mrs. Willa May Storms of River· side. Y's Men Sell Yule Trees FIRST CHURCH Oft CHRIST SCIENTIST JlOl Vla l.We. NewNft leech A brench of The Mother Church, The Fint Churdl of Chriat. Scientist, in Bot· ton. Menechu~ettt. Sundev School 9: IS e.m. Sundey S.rvice II :00 e.m. Wednesdey Evenin9 Meeti119 8:00p.m. Reedin9 Room louted et 3315 Vie lido, Newport Beech, i1 open -.l days from 10:00 e.m. to 5:00 p.m .. Wednesdeys from 10:00 e.m. to 7:<45 p.m. Fridey -11in91 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Closed Holidey&. The public it cordially Invited to et· ..~ the church ~ervices end uw the R..dinq Room. Professional Directory N O W ... TWO BALTZ MORTUARIES Servlne th~ Harbor Area Baltz M ortuary CHAPEL BY rnE SEA Harbor 42 3520 E. Coast Blrhwa,y Corona d~l Mar Baltz Mortuary • Liberty 8·2121 17h It Superior, Costa Mesa AMPLE PARKING BOTH LOCATIONS HARBOR REST MEMORIAL PARK Harbor Blvd at Glaler KIMBERLY 5-1158 light their life with P,itA/1. ' ft'. AIIWW n.T AN •y ,_ClOD 1'D1'1' aAn.r c&UW ._ .... .-,.,,DIAII caua:a ...... & ..... ..._. ... .._ ._. ... Aw.; • 11 r rUe lltla at.. at. ........ ad.:. •• tv ..... 0.... ..... -.._ ... ..... •• M I 1 &CL Ollila .... ... ••• Cl. ··-L81 ttr 1.-n lunda7 ldlool: t:al a.a. Wor· IWt4Q Sen1oee: ,.._, .._ ,_ L ,...,_. ehlp: 10:• a.& u4 nanpllllt t:45 lUlL lundU ldMol; U IUJimAY: llornlnl worahlp.t:30 eerv1ce. '7:10p.m. y_.. ,_,ple a.& Wanhip lervt.,_~ u4 U a.m.: Ouueb Scllool, and Qlllclren'l s.mce. 8:30 f;;; BaptJit~lnl .. ~ • t:30 and 11:00: lr. BJ1b. Sr. p.m. lun. llld·'"* Servtee: w~~.r:y. 1•30 pl,. - HlP and eoU.,. aa•' FeUow, WedneMa.7, '7 :10 p.m. Ladla' Pral8e and· albae Stud7 lfGn • lh1111. '7 p.m.; Tluandq, Prayer, )IIMionary Counell, n~~ day· 1:30 p.m. ....... ~ ltudy poup, 1:30 Lm. 9:30 a.m. for all day. p r a e t 1 e • ; 8:30 p.m. Ma'1 COIDlVWfti li&IWODifi l&tUIW DAY ADVUidi -W. JM lt.. CSiea .._ .............. .t ..... lt.. ... tv.... • ...... ... ~. ~ W. lldtXI La tv a.U11 SUDcla7: t:Jll L.IIL. Cllurcb lan· a.. D. &. 1p •Jdlstr dar kbool: 9:30 and 11:00 Saturda~ s.n"'-: Sab-~ ~~ ~ bftll bool: t:JO a.m. -Ser· P~~ool MYP' Service· mon: 11:00 a .m. ,.,_meet· 8 p.m., JOUDI adulb poup lnl: W~. 8:00 p.m. Rn'lee. ,.... cauaca or caaDT 1050 Qalda lt.. c:.e. .._ Uberty......, D. Q. Bunt. Jllal8tew Sunday services: 9:45 a.m. Bible study; 11 a.m. mornlne wor- ahlp; 7:30p.m. ~enln1 service. Midweek servtee, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. mz caoaca or CBJUST Odd F.UOW. Lodge. IMt Wewpoct A..._ eo.ta 11.-ca. J.lbeaty 1-5711 TOIID Baker. Jr .. IC.bl1ater Sunday Servtces: 9:45 a.m. Bllhe study; 10:55 a.m. worahlp serv. lee; 7:30 p.m. ~venlne servtee. ca:aJST amaca ., Til'& au Collam.alty lletbodift aaJboa 8lYd. at lftla lt.. •.....-n BAzbor 5221 ........ : .... lloy A. c:arboe Sunday Worship, 9:30 and 11 un. Church School: 9:30 a.m. Hid· week Meetlnr: 7 :00 p.m. w~. nesday preceded by 6:15 p.m. potluck. IT. JOACBDI cauaca .... 0...,. ...... c:.ta ..... Uberty 1·1·1 r...._'n.-. J. w..sa Saadlly 11-at 7. I. I. 10 .act 11:30 a.m. Weelc:da~: Masa at '7:00a.m.-Confeulon: Satur· day. from t :OO to 5:15-7:00 to 8:30 p.m. , POIIT aA.PniT cauaca or aawtoaT .............. &c:-rtltll.. ~ I55J •...-t Llbel'ty 1-3072 ..... : a..t.t G. Job.uoe Sunday servtces: 9:45 a.m., Sun-day ~hoot; 11 :00 a.m., Wor- ahfp Sft'vlce; 7:30 p.m. Sunday ~v~nlng co ~ r v I e ~ ; Mid· Week cauw .... •u.ann ·-........ lt.. c.ta .... ........ ~-am wuu-· •• •• a.nta Sunday S.wleea: ~School, 1 :30 a.m. Kornln1 Wonhlp at 10:30 Lm. Evan1elt.Ue Serv· lee, 'f p.m. Sunday. N.Y.P.S .. 6 p.m. Sundar; Prayer meetln£ 7:30 p .m. W~nftday. P1JIIT CIIVIICII or CBaJIT ICIDTII1 a. VIe w:.:-r a.ada Sunday School: 9:1!5 Lm., Sun· day S e r v I e e : 11:00 a.m. W~eeday EYentn1 Meetlnr: 8:()0. Readln1 Room, 3315 VIa Lido, Newport Beach, o~n 10 a.m.-5 p.m. week days. 10 a.m.- 7:45p.m. Wednesdays. 7·9 p.m. Friday eveaton. ca:aJIT Lo 1 •••u cauaca or con'A KDA (ll...-..t8ped) A•_.c:. '= 114 ,.......,~-~ ........ Sunday Serricea: Wonhlp Sen· Ice 9 LID. Sunday Sebool at 10:15 a.m. •n.oA JII.AJID COIOCUWift W&IIIODJST liS A.-A..._ a.a-Jala8d KIAiaten .... Doatdd lapp II-'*' t5IS Sunday Servtees: 9:30 a. m. Church School; 9:30 and U:OO a.m. Worship Service. C:080aA DEL MAJI COMMONiti CBOICB CUll ...... tJJ ••• b'f:.,A"" u ... ....., .... ~ Gclat.b Sunday Wonhlp s.rvtces: 9:45 a.m., 11:00 a.m. Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Prayer Keetlnl· -cau .. oron~ or wr. CAmOL a"aw . ..---. ... ,_. ......... . r..._~K.!!!f ..... · r.._~ 211 Sunday K .... : 1:00 and 10:00 and 11:30 a.m. eonr..son: Sat· urda~ and ev-. oflAit Prtdayl and Holy D.,a from t :00 to 5:30p.m. and from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Dally .... 8:00a.m. J"lnt Friday: ~30 a.m. ud 8:00 p.m. Nove n a (Perpet\lal Help): Tuesday, 7:-&5 p.m. ftebeamen'• Mua. July and Au.-. SundaJ • LID. 01fiYEUALIST COII"' .. OMtl i r&LLOWIIID DeDQ•tt•- SISW • ...U..ah4. ...... ............ r.w ..... Sunday School, 10:30 Lm. Mom- lnl wonlllp, U :00 a.m. -IT. JIUOI &ftiCOPAL aan.u.. .. ;r:-t.._. IIA.._ I ...., ............... Sdnday MI'Vtcel: 1:00 Lm. Holy Communion; 10. Lm. Famllf Service with the Cherub and Junior Choln; 11 a.m.. wonhlp MI'Vtce. Tlnanday S e r Y 1 e • • : 9 :15 LID. Prayer GuUd: 10:30 Holy CommunJon. IT. Jomf YIAD&Y u .................. w.. ...... 1114 r.a-·~ 1!:...,,, ..... r..._~ 11211 Sunday M .... : 'f:OO LID. a t:OO a.m.ConleaJoa: Satu~ ud ~& of 1st ftldaya and Holy Days; 7:30 to 8:30 p.m.; Pint Friday Mau 8 a.m. SuliU1Ml' Mus. luly and Au.,..t Sunday, 11 a.m. aJiftAJ. aua.& CAUIICII c!.. ¥ ~l!la"-• IL A. Set ss. Sunday !dlool: 1 :45 a.m. Mom· ln. Service u :00; EwDiq s.rvtee. 7 :ii Mld-wwk S..-lce. W e d n e 1 d a y , '7 :30 p.m. Youna people meet 8:15 p.m. Sunday. Servtee: 7:30 p.m. Wednftday lt&WIOft .u.oa Prayer Meet.lnJr:. LUIM&aur CBUIICII naT IOOia&D 8AJ'i'IIT , 2501 CllH o.. •.....-t -....t. caoaca JLU.aOa ASSDDLT Or COD l.n..tr I-M31 150 W. -.at1a 1t.. C....,_ Claapel. ....... CcaW. ........... Qnahaa4 lola ....... au. c.u.... Duplicate mornlnl eervlces-9 ,...... Dr.•a_. & .._ Uberty a.Mil un. and 11:15 a.m.. Sunday: Sundq ~eboolu .... ..t.: t:~ !.m..~~ , .... c. &. 'nuaoed JCJnderp.rten and Pre-School 8erVIce :uu __ uumq Sunday 1Chool9:30 a.m., momlrt1 Dept. Sunday Sehool, 9 Lm.; Union 'f l.m. SUftdaJ. Ewftlnl worahlp 11 a.m. Youn1 people t.t Grade throulh Adult Sun· W'Onlllp • p.m. Sundq. Teaeh· .ervice 6:30 p .m.. ewnln1 day Sehool, 10 a.m.; bua pro· en and oUICftt tpeetln1 'f p.m. ~ange]t.t 8efVlee 7:30 p.m. v1d~ and NurMI')' provld~ for WednelldaJ. Prayer eervtoe and Mid-week eervtee '7:30 p.m. both ~ervtces and 10 a.m. Sun-Bible atucb-7:~ p.m. W~ W~nesday. day School. day. Thia Directory ia made poujhle by th ... ciYic:-miDded b•wf=· "•a: WOOOW0RTH PIANO SHOP Exclusive Aeent for Baldwtn Piano. 2610 E. Co.Jt Hwy. H.,. lll2 Corona del Mer NEWPORT HARBOR ENSIGN NEWSPAPER Prlnttne-Advertuln1-Local Newa 2150 E. Coast Hwy. Her. t t 14 CorOft• del Mer NEWPORT HAR..O. lANK )4)5 E. eo.t Hwy. c... .. w. RICf:t-'IUrS UDO MARKET Oran1e Cowlt)-'1 llc.t CompleW Market l4ll Vie Uclo H.tMw 2121 N.wporl IMc:h EARL W. STANLEY. ltaaltor Selllnl Newport Harbor Slnce 1.93:5 Maift Ofrtee a..o. w..c1 H.\or lnl STAFfORD I SON Electrlc lnltaJlatlou. IWn~ a.paJn 110 ltJo,enWe A... U 1-1-N.w,.... ..... IAUOA lAY ClUI , IDee-btl .......... .. tu IDOdena way 1D ......... all knit wear to lta odatnalluat. ancJ beaut)'. I Ut. Tla. (a Wrt,hp ) Lll * De &. COAIT IIIGIIWAT 1511 ~c.... ...... ,. c.... ...... Sea son's Greetin9s , ..• .... 5115 ., n o r~ wrttten to saata C1ault to pwqaw• OartlitiDM a w.llr • 10, eo ctaat I eaa 'eatdl • • -r: 11ft wrapplna' and eard _.np . . • -.. ... .. (fal IDto .... nlaht ...,.... C2artlitiBM) ...... .... bawa't Jet bad a NPb' from tbe Jolly C!laNtiDM lptrlt- and r .... bt'a too ~ mak· Inc penonal appeuaDCM and N&ctlnc au tiM ~etten . the ldda have been Mndiq. W.U put out an D'TitA It be .. ,. OK! · ~ • • • 'nle Ibn Whyta of Corona del Mar are rolnl to spenct a ChriA· mu holldar 110uth ot the border tn Mexko City and Aeaplllco ... tn fact a whole CftiW of peo- ple from the Balboa Yacht Clu b wU1 be aboard the ~al plane wingtne 110uthward, Including the Henry M~ the lobn Potts, the Carpenters. the '1dle- hour" Muons and oth.en. Merry Chrlstmu ln Spanilh to you-all. • • • After Chrlmnu, the BUl To· btu's of Corona del Mar are bound. to have Iota of company, on account of Santa Claus wu seen luelinl' a color 1V 8et down their chimney while they weTe away. The Tobias's wt1l be In Texas for Christmas following a ~~0b~~v~. ::~:':?e:x= Sandra KaJ Thaden Weds set New Year's Day. One of ~e ·h:ppy reunion Way· ne Ire and of Columbus times is Chrlltmu hoUdays when all the young people come A fonnal wedding eown of brOtheT, Byron Ireland of Arline· home from college. Arriving Alencon 1~ over Ivory aaUn ton, Ma.ss., as bls best man. Ush· around the week-end were all of was worn by Miss Sandra Kay era were Patrick Kennec1y and Newport Harbor's P r 1 n c I p 1 a Thaden at he-wedding Sun· Charles Herpick, both of Laguna Scllools delegation, Including day aftet'noon, Dec. 11, to Wayne Beach. f on 61 Brown Ireland of Columbus, At the ~tion held at the Oblo. Irvine Coast Country Club fol· M1ls Thad~ was escorted to lowing the ceftmony, t.be bride's the altar of St. James Epl.ecopal mother, MrS. Laurie Woodworth, Church by her mp-father. Laurie received guests l.n a allver lame' E. Woodworth of 447 VIa IJdo sheath gown with matching hat Soud. IJdo Isle. The bride wore a and gloves and a "* and, car· tiara of seed pearls catching her den Ia corsage. 'lbe croom's moth. finger-tip veU. She carried a er wore a blue lace aown with a bouquet of white roees and lUy corsage of white orcllidL Mr. and of the valley. Mrs. E. W. Spence and Mrs. WU· Her alster, Miss Dlxle Thaden, llam RJ.sely of Santa Barbara, lt'fVed as her maid of hon«• She aunts of the bride, aa1st.ed at w«e a waltz-length gown ot pale the reception. I blue velveteen and carried a After a honeymoon at Lake muft of pale blue spider mums Arrowhead, the couple wUl leave and roses. for Columbus, Ohio, where the The groom. who Ia the eon of bridegroom wlll continue hls CORAL Beau~Salon Bnt W"aabM, oJ This Mr. and Mrs. William S. Ireland studJes' at Ohio State University., ot Columbus. Ohio, chose hls Befor~ hls mllltary service. Mr. CJuisbDas Ireland was studying at Ohio ~ -D b I 8 r h State. where he belonged to PhJ ''UI\I ·II\A'YS . "AL'.' SeCIIIOD e s unc . Kappa Psi fraternity. Be was re· IIUIIIIM ~ Precedes Ball =tl:arcec~ trom th• »a· Tbe new Kn. Ireland attndel1 -8011AT JWWUU'i ..... 117& IIOW ~ The JOUDI ladles bein• bon-Ilia CatWn'a School far GJrt. tn IIO•AT .........-r ..... lls.A. •ow 11..-ored by the Chlldren's Home So-POrtland. Ore.. Newport Harbor ,.,~ MOMAM CAINYS • • • DIAPRIIS .... ~ ...... . ~ ... ... ~•••••••••••••••••••••••r And A Happy New Year ... .... ,. ..,..,. ••••••••• ,... , We WiD Be aa..cl * f• illflliilllllll -..... 1118 * a25·A ....-. A"-clety Debutante Ball Wednesday Hltb School and Orange Co&st •a•m. p•~~co~ao~.A~0 .·~~ ~-~•dlbet~tn~~~ -----~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1111--.. ~ on ...... aALIIOA ~SLAB the momin1 at a brunch given <;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;~~~~~~;:~~~~~~~~~~~!J:!!!!!!!~~~~ by last year's debutante ball D ecoration ;. honorees. The party ls set tor 10 a.m. at the home of Mlss Sally Newland, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alva Newland, 212 VIa Lido Nord, Udo. Special assistants wtth th~ hostesa duties wW be Mlss Shlr· ley Stahler, Miss Connie Man· gold, MJ.u Barbara Stare1~ and the loveliest thing next to you • • • • • flower-pretty ~dies and bras Capri of California Petticoat "Pretty~ a flowe r and slim . , as tts stem ... ~ . MJss Docan Suess. Among the patrons for the sec· ond annual Debutartte Ball are Mr. and Mrs. Elton Hallett and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Harwood, not previously mentioned. ---·-• .... a... ... For Home FOR HER LEISURE AT HOME OR AWAY \ nylon-or~ on fleece r.Oba laft ............. ~~ ... ~ . ..,ddc .... . ..., .. ~------... tb ...... ...tt 1NIIIIt tl ca "•tt-1111'-• .. • \ .............. , .... ••••a Wood Named 'ars In T Head of BYC -. ~~~ =: 56m.. ~ :...""=··~ ,.,... c. Wood Jr .. ol 111 •• a AI•· ~s---. = ~=~ = ~ == ;r:; !'!:.:i.~ !:..:~ ~~ ::: ... -: F"".opl • .. ~.ur •! et Colona del Mar. bourbt the 'nde omc. Suppl7 Yadd au IW :a.. ""**e BUbar Tar nnlt7 bulretball· 8cartDc f« the Tan ... Pope. • • • wtth WUJiam Tourb, Newport :::.:£) ~ wu UJMd Wke· .. won tiUrd place In the annu· 11· LorwJ~ w· •lluwoocl. 2 · Jlfow pardon ua while we bruah Htirhta.0 ~ and ·Paal Jlolm u a1 BunUnaton ~Meta lhV1tatSon T~ra, 4; Item .. , a, and 11oua: the •urar plum. ott our type. • • • . ,.., .,....._a dlore. Belllteball 1'aurnunent wtth a ton. 2. wrtter and 10 tweak Santa'• The aolden we4dlnr annlftrl· .Jolla ..._ waa N ·.a.cted a..t :n to » w1n over the boet team cheek-and a MERBY CHRlST· ary of Col. and Mre. W. E. Huel· eapta.la; Ita)-Barn °1 1 wu rrtday ntrht. ... MAS to all and to all a rood tine of Fernleaf Ave., Corona del ·~~pt~efl ~~· Tar left forward Eddie Pope mrhtl Mar. wu celebrated . 1\aeeda.Y ert w~".. new ~ 8CONd atx potnta 1n the rame 1-.... -.. 9 • • • eventnr with a '<llnner at Chet'a Incumbent dlrecton are llobert and wu aelected pn tbe &ll·atar 4ZJ .,.., IIIMIIIf 1bla week Ia Ju.t one hollday Inn. Here for the cel@ratlop Graeber, B&ft')' Bupola, Erie team for the touraament. Other Mn. Richard Ullentbal of alter another tor the Fred Joy-were their aonR.a •8nd 1w11v ........ Dr. Wellberf ud Pet« Gal-. Tar ICOH'I1I included Paul Lor· 0\i E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa, Ia nera of 403 40th St., NewPort and Mra. W. ue t ne uvm entzen, rtrht forward, four: Tom onee araln a city employee, thJa ~ Beach. Starttnr with Chrlltmu the Naval Ordinance Testtnr ~ jlorr•fS snu•th's Hou.ton, center._etrht: Dave Ta· time ae deputy eJty treaaurer. FUI'Diture..o~~~ on Sunday and Monday, the BaM at Inyo Kern and Dr. and lVI muu, lett ruard, NVen, and She Ia t.akJnr the place of Mn . .,. lesal holtday, they will obeerve Mra. C. T. Hueltlne IJ'om Jled. Gary Green, rJrht ruard, alx. Loula Seely of Corona del liar, Com Jete Home J'um.lallJnp their aUver weddlnr annlveraary Iandt. and their aon-tn-law and Rezon•lng Ok'd Seortnr tube Included Georre who w111 be leavtnr iloon tor P on Tueaday and end the week dauJ1tter, Dr. and Mrs. Knute Kabee, t~artt. two; Larry Har· Northern Calif~ where her Uberty 1-MM with the double New Year'a hoU-Berrer from Seattle. per, center, two. and Boy Dan-hWib&nd WW be pneral man- •• •.....-t Aft. day. The Joynen were manled . . . 'lbe Jlfewport Beech Planntnr lela, ruard. two. •rer of a MW Pabeo Produc::t8 COST A MESA In Detroit. Mich. Fred had oriel· .A Cl~ss•fi•d. 1\d '" The Enc''~ ConunJMion recom.mende4 ap-The Tara had won the tint plant· neu Palo Alto. lfn.lJJJen- nally come trom Camduff, SU· brinqs •mmedtete results! ~ pJ'OV&l lut 1buraday ~tnr tor round rame 69 to 34 over Bell thal wu wttb thl dq Melt 1ll katchewan, Canada, and Adratn Herbor I 114-11 I 5 end DrOYO i'tl E. Morrla Sm.lth'a request for re· Garden. TueJidax afternoon of 19tt, ':SO and '51, wben abe wu 10ninr of 8·2 property In the All Jut week, but loft In the aeml· partment. To Express ()qr ApPreciation- Amerlc:an Market block In Co· tlnala Thund_, eveninr to Ex· QDL roa 'IOefD rona del Mar, where he will con-celaJor :SO to 43. Fullerton de· A daurht.r 1 lbe !Sl' oz.. wu etruct a commercial buUdlne feated Excelalor 5C·52 Frl4&y born to Kr' and ·• Mn. Robert that will bouae Vlncent'a Harbor evenlne . for the, tournament Po.th of 501~ E. Balboa Blvd., Drup. championship. Balboa. In Oranr• County Gen- .. c:IIIINtc • a&ftl • • • ......,Qr, ... . .... .u .. . COBOKA DEL MAR N0118f21Y IHtLc..t ... w•r ................ -Geliel .. ....................... ,. at a ......_ llfl.sMw at Pert Tlltalrt Flrat quarter ~eore In the Har· eral Ha.pltal on 1buraday, Dec:. bor-Excelaior eame wu 17-13 in 15. favor of the Tara. ExcelaJor went ~-iiMMiiiMiMiiititiiitiiM.i~~i-~~-~-~"i"i~-·~~~-~iij ahead 29·27 at half·tlme, but the I , -,;· '1 , ~--~ . ..... ... ' ~~ ( ..! r~ t Cll'lll ..... , Satnq ..,... ..... r•IIJI•• ...... • ...la cat ~owe~' e m.o-n ·ce .. ecl to -.tda yoar gowa-aalt ANTHONY'S SHOE SERVICE .. CLYDE DICK and the entire organization of JOHNSON & SON I * CONTINENTAL MARl: D * LINCOLN * MQlCURY * 900 W..t Coast lll9hway, Newport Beach .. More Car Jor Your MoDey ••• and More Money b Your Car'' • Tars were In the lead araln at Braee'• Unique Shop, Chef'a the end of the third quarter, :rJ· Inn and Morry'a Shell Service are 31. ExcelaJor tied it up 40·40 with three Corona c¥1 Mar lhopa add· 3~ minutes lett. Eddie Pope'• ed to the Hat of merchanta offer· buket with two minutes 1~ put lne tlcketla to the tree eltt lhow the Tars ahead •43·42, but In to be ahown at Port Theatre thll those Jut two minutes the Pilou Saturday afternoon and evenlnr. dumped in eleht pointa to wln. ncketa may be obtained from ~=;=;=;=;=;=;=;==;;;;;. any of the merchanta llated In the advertlaement on paee 11. A new lectum Bible for the church aanctuary will be dedJ· cated at the morni~ aervices on Cbrlstmu Sunday at Chrtat Church by the Sea, Newport. Thla lure new Bible, a ettt to the church from M1u Clara Kohl· stedt of Corona del Mar. II In the recent revtaed atandard ver· aJon. bound In maroon-colored morocco leather. with paeee edred In red undet' eoJd. Glamour Glimpses lly AD 'Tla doggone near Chrlstmu And we've yet to tle A passel of ribbon. 'Fore saying eoodbye To dear old O'Brlen'a ... Our Santa CJaua job Will not yet be f)nlahed For your Dick or Bob, 1'11 each box Is wrapped and sprinkled with elltter (For mom or for ala Or for the baby aitter) And rreetlnp are acratched On a very small card Which aaya to you eala That. t houeh he'a no bard, "'TJI & Jlft with m\.ICh love He hu picked out for you. (And he hopes lt'a your favorite Shade of brteht blue>." • • • All the mbthers and alltera And coualrw and aunta Have come In by the dozen. For blouaes or pant.a Or nlehtles or handbap Or ellttertne banrJes -t\ J~~e *· May this be a season of grea+ happiness ....... ...., ......... aAUOA Wishing you and yours a Healthy Christmas and a Happy New Year •• ,. ' 11111• IEILTI FIGD I YIT .. I IT.E ID The Cro.roada Ydlqe May the Peace of Chriatmastime D.cend Qpon You cmd YoW'S • Attend Your EYery Venture In the Bright To make your brtpt Chrlatmu A day full of tpan~lea.. And part of the .tardut Don't Sell Your locat Dealer Short! ' We aaw In thetr eyes, When they Mlec:tad for you What they hope Ja a prize, Bu rubbed oil on WI "n1 we're reelly quite ahlny Wlth rreat Chr1ltmu thourbta · ·-and JDQbe,a UDT. A WEI! bit. of envy, au P\&thed In ow tboufbt Wh~ we tblnll ol tJa• lovell• YOU.R Santa hu brourht. • • • I V ~gel . V •lue ·-------- THE VOGEL CO. a87 E. COAST BWY. IIAUOil tmn •· a ......... , I .......... •••••••• We can now otter for aaJe an attraettve buDdJnr. ap· proxllnately 2.000 IQ. ft., M ·1 ZonJnr. top location In Costa Mea.. Ideal for a machine or cabinet ahop. Prlce'$14,500 14,500 down_, • A "Merry Chrtmnu" from our statf 111.1• REALn co. 498 Park. Balboa laland HA 377 .. w l 'oo Lnte to ClcmmJT CHRIS'I'MA.S TREATS The Savory Pre.nt.l traditional Chrt.tmu Cookies and Urht fruit cakes. Allo old·fuhloned New Enr· land dark fruit cakes. A var· let)' ol beautiful Enrll•h eon· taJnen for your cookies and candles. Order them now. 'nfE SAVORY BAKE SHOP 3329 E. Cat. Hy., Corona deJ Mar · Harbor 5538 DECEMBER SPECIAL Any 5 tube home radio re· paired for 13.!50 lncJudlnr part.a and labor. Any car radio (out of the ear) repa1Nd I« 85.25 ln· c I u cl t n r put. aacJ Iabar. White'• T.V. s.rvloe. U 8·51SO. FOR SALE: SCHWINN 26" Boya Blke----$25.00. Ha. 2061. CAliS POB SALE Waif ..... Yur EiMICiul U11 u .. , ...... ...... Gertrude Seymour Tony Petltte l'ioyd Lytle ·-···.....,a.. . · A-ASSOCIATES !509 Center St.. eo.ta Mesa .IOSEPIIIE And R.EIT Y. gDSE REALTOR 1.9:1) W. Balboa Blvd Newport Beada HArbw 4072 Greetinga From 1115 &. c-t Bwy. coao•A Da. IIAll We have had the best ;:::=.=========; year in 25 years of spe- cializing in the sales of motor trucks. D u r i n g the balance of Decem- ber we will take any deal on a used truck that is reasonable to clean our lot of our present stock. Our stock harbor photo lab cameru fut COLOR SEJlVICE l ... ~, •••• ., Tell! includes pickups, pan-1 iiiii3121~~E.~Cout~~H~wy~·· icoiMiii~ els, stakes and dumps. 1' All makes and sizes. Do not miss this sale if you are in need of truck equipment. w ••• GMC Dealer U5-1t &. ft.b St., Santa Ana 'l'Nek IMeclquarten for Oran,. Co. •.•.. .. ......... aAUOA ' •.rrus IIEETI-1 Elll w .... , IIMlw MILDRED STANLEY Staff and Aaodatee join ln atendlnr best wilhes for a joyou• holiday. * * * Our Warmest Greetings! * * * IRVINE TERRACE • WI! CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO INSPECT OOMPLETED OUR DIS'I1NCTIVE Ft1RNISHED MODEL HOME:s AND bniERs UNDER OONSTRUCTION 1'fiNE DIVERSIFIED FLOOR PLANS To the home buyer who wlahes to purchue In the $:25.000 to $35,000 cla.a we •~ely reoommend the Irvine !:Rates overlooklnr Newport Harbot. Tb-bomee future cautornla llvlnr. ()treNd' exeJu. llwlr throulh Earl w. Stanley In a Smor·rte. ..,.. known u Irvtne Terrace-on Cout Hlahwa.y OD~te the new Irvlne Cout Country Club, Jfewport lfarbor. * ., • ....,.,m«nd.atJon, we ref• JOU ta anyone wbo bold8 a Le .. bold Eltata..Jn lrviDe ~. Beacon Bay, ~or curt Ba"en. ltarl W. Stanley · EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Pbone Harbor 4448 For Fu."1.ber Information IlPPY laJDIYS! BILL KllJ.ION LEJ'TY MURDOCK WALLY HALLBERG BERT PEGRAM BILL SHEPHERD JUDIE DOOUTTLE IIWOI, rill lllalt 3341 Newport BJvd (EvenJnp-Harbor 3564-Rl Oppa.Jte City HaJJ Barbar 1112 May All Good ThiNJS Be Youra ThiaM.ny Chrt.tmastide! to you and youra REALTOR 3024 E. Cout Bwy. Corona del Mar UPPY YRE! ~'l ''~ .,-(. ~ ., ...... ~\~:~~!~!· .· ··:·.·· :" •. ·We Wish k ~ . You A .. • PAUL C •. .IllES REAL ESTATE 2620 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach ToToal ..... ll!!A.Lroa - 271.5 E. Cout Hwy. OORONA DEL MAJl ... ··- ............ Thla Ia the happy time of year when we think ol our. trlendl; and 10 we think of you, and wiah you the best and jolUest of. holidays ... a Merry Cbrlat.mu and the very best of Happy New Years! RAY REALTY CO. A. 1. VICCELLIO HAZEL M.A Y RAY ED BUCKO, HELENE CSENA.R JOHN FLOOD BOB KLAMll 3444 E. Cout Hlabway, Corona del Mar Barbot 28 . ... , .... _ ... ...... ~ 111'1 .. ,. .... ,.. .. ...... ......... W. A. TOBIAS. Realtor and ASSOCJA TES Gene Bums, B. T. Cook. Ed Jones, Matt LaBorde, Hal Tanner "You'JI Like Our Frt~dly Servtee" 400 E. 17th St. Costa Mesa Uberty 8·1139 ....... We join . with Santa 'ln~JOU llle!7 ClarilltlaM! llnnl•r I. REALTOR 2647 E. Coast Hirhway Corona del Mar REALTOIS ,._ ..... lsi ... " c.. ..... Cilia .... . .,.,. W~ f'Xtend our warmest holiday greetings and our SPf!Cial thanks to those who pve ua the prlvll~ge of serving them during 1·9·5·5. . Our aim In 1956 is to rontlnue to merit your ronf1den~ Newport Harbor Board of Realtors 401 N. Newport Blvd. u 8-83S1 I • -- and a Bright and Happy New Year! CIRCUS BOGTERY 225 E. 17 St., K..a Ceatel' Coeta .... 1815 KcdA St.. Scmta ADa WeWJabYou.A Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year 301 Kartae Aft. aALaOA ISLAJfD ......................... BOLIDAT GIIEETDfQSI A ccept our b eat wtabe. for a deUght· ful anc1 hap· py hollc1ay eea.>n. .W'alllt1r ..... ........... aauoa JILAIID a..·.~y­ AD Old-F• ''-.d a~' .. ~--' Uta FOI ENBIGN WAft! Aal OUR GREATEST CHRiSTMAS TREATS -Stelnway Gnm4, magnlfkent c o n d I tlon. Tht. wondedul ptano almost like new, can be bought on 3 y~ars time. Knabe SplnM. ebony fin · lsh. used ver)t little, save ov~r $300. Dozens of other little spinets. Many can pocltlv~ly not be told from new. Some only $395. Danz-Schmldt Big Plano and Organ Store, 520 N. Main, Santa Ana. 100 Pianos. FOR SALE by pvt. party: 1952 M.G. Perfect cond., flbr~ glass top. exclt. tires. $980. See .any day after 4:30 p.m .. 1310 Kings Rd., CUff Have n. U 8-7(774. CHRIS'rMAs TREATS. The JTeat· eat of all-A HAMMOND OR· GAN. Wet have a ll models Hammonds for Santa Claus to choose trom: The beautiful HOME MODEL. the lovely lit· tle SPINET MODEL. and the ever popular CHURCH MODEL. all have 2 manuaJ keyboards and foot·pedala; u little u $40 a month wlll make the payments. We deliver for Ch.rUtmu. Danz·Schmldt. 520 N. Main. Santa Ana. Callf. SUR!,; FIRE For Your •I()Jd Flame" Roruon IJpters I& Shaven. .U.O, Sunbeam. Schick and ~mlnct.on Items ... perfect for Cbrllt:mu J1ft.L U.e our Lay -Away. • RAY J'IELDt!l, Jeweler 19th 6 Plaeentfa "In Vl.t.a SbopplnJ Center.". Cotta Mela. Uberty 1·8488 Our dlliiiiMAA TREAT. Elec· tronJe Orlan. well known make. laft ...,_ Danz·Sdunldt, ramoua PSaDo • 0r1ane Store. D) K. Maba. lanta Ana. trnrA1'10111 WAIITD CHILD CAD. cta:r 01' l'ftlllnp. MaMI Appel. 817'it Carnation. CDM.BAJa5.a. . 1 Time 2 'nmea S Timee .75 1.25 1.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 EARN MORE THAN EVER BEFORE! Our new, higher st.a.rtlng wage and frequ~nt Increases ~ves you thls opportuntty. Openings now for- TELEPHONE OPERATORS w~ wm train you and you11 recelv~ many other bendlts. -Apply- 514% No. Main Street Rm. 211-Santa Ana 9:00 to 4:00 P.M. PACIFIC TELEPHONE lEI l ob now open In SAlftA ARA to hJp tchool craduates, al4t 18-45 These are career jobs w ith ex~l· lent ol)portunltles for advanc:ernent. 5·Day Week. PaJd vacations and holidays, medical coverage avaUabl~ to employees and depend~nu. Co. pale! pension and dlsablllty plan. APPLY 1030 EAST FIBST ST. SANTA ANA Mon.·Frl. 8 A..M.-4 P.M. ..... Welcome to m:r ...., mop, lust received Bear Brand'• new Ever-Match yarna. ln- 8tructSon. tw the popular qulck·knJt 1V allppti'L 313 E. Balboa IIWd. Balboa Georp'a Lcm~ & Maint.ncmC:e A home S.n't complete unleu It'• land.eaped! I am a IJ. ~naed Contractor. C u 1 tom Landacaplng and Desl,nlnJ. AUo Clean·up• and mainte- nance. LJe=eed C..t~CW LAifDICA..PE DEIIOJfD Call LDEII'IT a.aa • auwuwa FIIIIIIIO EQODIIDT .......... ~ ........ , .... ..... ....~~···· Balboa Island Sporting Goods 11The First Noel, The Angels Did Sing" Again aa the wondrou. Christmas Sea8on opens OW' hearts, we -10111ething of the mlracJe and m,. try of the Bnt QuUtmaa. May the bln11d Yuletide spbtt brizlg' to lOU and youra all the peace csnd hap- p... ~ the ant Chriatmaa brought to the w* .. , Dorothy C. Thorpe Original <?rystal . Stainless Steel Imported Glass and China Linens Distinctive Accessories and Decorations for the Home , DUUftiD'T DADI ef W..,..n ...._ lc9· ....... 1.-~ ....... npel1 -tly fnlll .. u 'tnt ~ A. ..._ -a.. ... ..-s ---tMa .... v ............ ..... L1 •pe la lllaal ....._ J'1a. '-ted _. tU table. fnlll tiM left. aN nonac. 1:-'L !'Wed c:r-. lb. ,.._, APN ·~ FNd ............... ltla. l tCIDdla9 .... aob Harbor Hi '53 Graduate Dies .. rt ......... ........,. at tM laiD o..&a ..... aa.,..a .-... Kra. .............. ....... .. ol eo.ta )leu. wbo clt.d J'rl. daJ ......... ,.... 1DjwMI Mlf· ,... Ko.r. 22 Ia an auto cnlb ·~~ · Sbe wu tbe ~ Mataaret a. wu llVInl at U.. home ot IMr parent~, Mr. and Kn. lyton llanball. 449 E. Flower St., eo.ta ....._ She 1a aurvJved alllo by her buaband, A. J. Roberiaon, who 1a ~ with the U. S. Navy; two brothers. Byron, wtth the Navy in Arllnaton. Va., and JuJ~ of Costa Mesa; and a alster, ldn. Elolae Coa~rty ot Newport. POOL TO U·Onlf JAil. 1 Wallace Calder head JEWELER l 12l Ea.t Coett Hlghwey Cor011e del Mer Karsball. who wu paduatecl ln 1.153 trom N..-port llatbot Hllh bool. WhJle at Harbor Bl1h abe wu active ln the Clrla' Ath· letlc ~atJon. drama &am\· bly, Science Club and wu on the Galleon lltaU. She had been woridnc u a telephone ·~rator The Orance Coast College awlmmtng pool will be cl~tt ~=:::==========::! the next two SatW'daya, Dee. 24 ln Buntlncton BeadL t and 31, and will re-open tor pub- llc uae on SatW'day, Jan. 1. ~IJMI--~11!1 .. -· ~-----~--~~----lw.!ll~lll * .,, .......... , ... 1'1111 ...... .. 1111 nr..p.t 1 .. * We Gilt Wrap and Mall Open DaUy until 9:30 SUhdaya 8 to 5 llield _. l pacl ........... The outlook _._._1_151. __ ~---------------- Thorpe's 1501 w. aaJboa ~ lfewporta.ada e KATI'YlTT ft.AY you saw aeniors trading plctu ''0 Little Town of Bethlebem. looklnc at pictures and talkJn ~~~~~~~~~~~;gj how atlll we aee thee lie" . . . about pictures. • Harbo.r'a Ch.rtstmu Play of the • • • NatJvtty w._. done Jor the par· e CJVE GEIIUOVSLY Standud S b a d e Cloth.a and Custom Speclaltlea e Drapery H a r d w a r e e Venetian Bllnda. ~~.. SJ.J. Sl.p * -..s. ... *Call ._. OUiee IIA .. OIII!Mit..•....-t.._. I IIA.LL GIPn & COLUc::ron JTUU From Belrlum, Holland, Sweden, Germany, ItaJy • It En1land. Arabeaque Jewelry from Toledo Spain ........ ents Jut Tbunday night and for Tbe CARE and Tubercula.ls the student. In an u.embly Frl· drive. at ecbool we-re ~lven cen· day rnomlnc. ~ualy to by the students. Tbey The story of the Innkeeper and cave $2:148 to the T. B. drive hl.s wUe and how they had to and $127.00 to CARE. Paul Cald· run Joseph and Mary away and well'• Spaulah classes eontrlbu · give them only a stable, held ted 860.63 worth of the CARE one spellbound. Harbor'• Orches· drive. tra as usual did a fine job play- Ing for the play. Under the dlr«· tlon of Mba Marte HJebecb the Choral Club, Melo· cllsts, and the Male provided us with 110me aln1· inl throuchout the play. An4 the wonderful Ugbttnr provtded the fJnal touch. The atudent llghtlnf crf!!W deserve a btl band. Yea, everything wu just ~feet to provide a heart warm- In~ Chrl.stmas Play for thl.s year. • • • e IIVSJC IX TJIE Am e • e • DQJSTDEl)J Have your puenta registered yet! You know you have to be ~ to vote. Lut week Barbof!a atudent.a broucht home. (at atl6Uld have) Information eoncernJ.nc rqUtr-atlon. If you ctld not 1ft one and you have a cbUd at Harbor, search those jeans and lk1rt poclteu care· fully. Kom! Support your gov- ernme.nL You have earned the rl1ht to vote, 10 make sure you can, by rectsterlng, now! • • • e fti-SJQIIA •AftT Friday afternoon there wu muatc In the beart.a of the kJda at Harbor u the Chotaleen aanc throulh the baU.. Tbe.y aanc "Silent Nlcht" In c.rman for Sidney Davidson, our auperln· ~endent. Then u they went by ;5555~555~:~ one Spanl.sh Clasa the students sang "Silent Nlcht" In Spanish and then the Choraleers sanr lt In German. -·· ............. A.- Tri·Sicma held 'their annuaJ Chrt.tmu Party In the social hall. Slx Alumnae were present u elcht nf!!W glrls were Initiated Into Tri:SicmL Those glrls we-re: Tiny Snowden, Kay BaUy, Sue Dussler. Judy Fercuson. Diane Sanders, Anita Palm and Marl· Jyn Hill. ~ch girl brought a box lunch a.nd put It under the ~autlluUy decorated Chrl.stmu tre@. Then everybody ate some· body elaea box lunch. The Choraleers also through two cookie sales, raised $35.4.5 for the Nf!!WpOrt Harbor A.ut.tance Leacue Dental Cllnlc. Mary Lu DownJn~ and Pat Bush preeented the check to Mrs. John Johnson, who Is chairman ot the dental clJnlc, Friday afternoon. • e • • Plarvau DADY The aenlors were happy lut week u thel.r Mnlor pictures came out. Everywhere you went Largest and Most Complete Furniture Store in the Area. Cell for frM DECORATING SERVICE Liberty 1·5511 ' ---- Diver Catches Bull Lobster • La Cantina LiquOrs The Newest and Mo.t Modem Package Stan in ~ CouDty * 3244 East Cocmt Highway at Marguerite, CorODG del Mar * 101. LUCIA .OCIIIIO. 0... ' ... _,_.,.... .. _., laUe ...S a.pol'ted wta... Uqaoa. U.,.Wa ...S ....._ AIM r ..-y ~aDd ......-s roocta & _..cr ...... Two things that make for SAFER driving! The flnt and most important thin&' ia JOU -the driver. The coUI'tel)-, care., and common aen.e you ahow count more than ~ elae. The aecond thilll' ia the ear iteelt. AU ca.ra an safer today. That'a ahoW'b b1 the number of aeclde.nta in relation to the nu.mber of milM paueqer eua are driven. The ftr- u.re'a doW'b aharply. Chevrolet haa alwaya made u.fet;y a ~or eonaideratlon, introduc:.i.Qa IMD7 llaCh f•tur. .. the au...t.l top, IMo Ita fteJcl. AAd tkia 'M aa..,.. i'crll& • the aaftlt ODe .... baUt. • Jhoel7 ... poww .... ..,_ paaafnc. Ita apecial Ball-Rac-e steer- illf'-overai&e brakes with Anti-Dive control.--bri..Qa euier, surer driving. The Uniateel conatruction and safety door latchee of ita Fi3her Body- the nailed-to-the-road at&bility that c:omee from advanced auspeMion and better baJaDee -the sweeplllf' panoramJc wiaUbietd -all theM thlnaw add to yoor l&fety. Seat belta with or without aheul- der ~? lftltnuDent panel pad- dina? Of ~ tt.crre available .t extra COlt. Aa J'OGI' CbevroW clealer, we'D be llld to lhow you the .aJl1 altA.7 f..._ of the 'II Clwn'Oie&. • • PAl mila I. W. Rou Licensed U 8·3321 or U 8·5127 280 Avocado, CQsta Mesa IICHEI I SHUI. pAmTJNG OON'J'llACT()RS "Color matchlnl a apeclalt:Y'" Workmanship guaranteed 416 Femleaf, Corona del Mar 127% 30th St., Newport Harbor 0347·R or Harbor &rn·W ~lJ)OIXC WATER HEATERS Sales. Service and Repairs "OE BECHTOLD PLUMBING Terms. 10 Per Cent Down Phone Harbor 5330 WELDJXC ..... -----------Fabricating, Designing 1: Maintenan~ TRAII:.ERS, HITCHES, BUMPERS or what have you ; No job too la.rge or too small. REASONABLE RATES 2133 Orange, Costa Mesa. u 8 ·2619 BODT-PAJKT SHOP PATCH'S BODY 1: PAINT SHOP R. W PATCH Complete Colllalon Work Auto PalnUne Fr-ee Estimates-Try Ua F1nt 786 West 17th St., Costa Mesa LJ 8·7508 VEJfETlAIIf BLIJQ) LAUJfDliT "A's" VENETIAN BUND LAUNDRY THE NEW m a c h I n e process method. Reuonable prices. Av· eraee 2 tape residential blind. Only ·$1 .00 Blind repaired and rebuilt. Free Pick up and delivery Work done by appointment Phont'! Uberty 8·5'701. KJ 3·6669 or KI 3·8274 UP TO $10,000 AJI Aecounh Opene4 On or Before The I Oth of the Month E.,n hom the lat. LAGUNA FEOEAAL SAVINGS I LOAN ASSOCIATION m OcN• Av ..... LA&UNA BEACH ,.._ HY4-II• LOllS FOR HilES 5" JD. TEAll LOU Conatruction Loa:na 5" -.TEAll LOU SEE .oa IA'I'TL.Za Plirilr lllrtpp C.. 2515 E. Coat • .,. .. =· ft.IIA 11• ID J.SJ• (lhtro Lu.la& -Dt had!~) JAMES D. RAY Blllllllc c.tnclor 1446 E. COAST KWY., CORONA DEL MAl HArk 4761 a...w~ HA~k "'" Mra. <Ant'!v1t'!Vt'! Gay Rathbont'!, .a, of 503 Goldenrod AYe .. Corona del Mar, dJed Sunday In Hoag Memorial Ha.plt&l after betne in the hospital for two months. Funet"al aerv1ces We!'e held )'ellte'day 1ft ~tz Mortuary, Co· rona del Mar, with the Rev. Don· For .. ......._.ch. enveloDet c.l THE ENSIGN. HA-f I I 4 a id Sapp or tht'! Balboa Island ;=:==========; Community Mt'!thodlat Church o!flciatlng. Mrs. Rathbone is surv1ved by two aona. Don Rathbont'! and Robert Rathbone, both ot Fresno; a slste!', Mrs. Dorothy Gay Con· rad of Corona del Mar, and a brotht'!r, Herbert Theodore of Tuscon. Arlz. Sht'! was retlred, rormt'!rly being In tht'! m erchandising depart· ment or I. Magnln's. She had lived In Corona del Mar for 18 months. .. I. MST • SNftA AHA ......,J,.H)I • Salta A11 W..a1 Says ....... Hir aypEWR1TER Mrs. Carol Harshaw of Santa ~ENT ALS Ana complained to Newport po· wa TIDE llce at 9 p.m. last 1bunclay that -.nAAS Office Sapply a Santa Ana man hJt he!' In th6 ~ llarbcw OS3t race. on the right cheek and 1011 a.-port aL. aewpon .._.. kicked her on the chest near the N"'J)Ort Pier. .,.. ....... ay ..... .,.,.~ ... Sht'! aald that abe and he!' girl· frlt'!nd, Jerry NobUett of Santa "AI LEmiiS Ana. had come to the beach with VV' three men lp h• ear. All of them had been drinking and the one that hit he!' b,ad too much to PI-tea drink, &ht'! chqed. -"'-- Newport otfloen contacted the man. who denied hitting Mrs. Harshaw. She was told that U abe wtahed to atp a complaint to contact the city attorney. .... ,... ...... lllltatiC.Ial.4 Colleee atudent body presl· dents from all Eutern Confer· ence .ehools will convene at Or· anee Cout Coll .. e on Jan. 4. Pu.rpoM of the meeUnr, ae· cordln1 to Ron Annatronr. O.C.C . .rodent pte]O', .. to promot~ tntereollqiate humony. ODe of the .ub~ to be~ wW be tbe annual all·eonfere:nce daDol to be beld In tbe Palla. dJ~ llfarch •• CREDIT BUREAU ........ Oa ... C...ty (formerly of l(ewport 8e&eb Lquna Beacb 6 eo.ta Keu t • ........_A..._fO ... . a.u.tr .. ,. ........... ..... B~UDAY GRIITING~ May Your Yuletide A Jolly One Be Greetings to you and to youra from an of ua at thia happy Chriat- maa aeaaon! May your holiday be merry and brighL May the Joy ol Christmas last throughout the New Year! Neil Billings Jim Bulla C. Chisholm Brown Hugh B. Davis Leo B. Gardner Warren Howland Hazel Magnuson Jack Webster E. A. Ollila Grant Phillips David Pohlman Walter Pohlman Larry Prusso Lester Ray Frank Rice Celebrate New Ye•'s Eve ....... D--·--M-FIYIII * * * Be Our Gu..a at A Tom tmd Jerry Party '-&p.m. lAta .. ~ ' •• c::.... Qarge CALL roa auDVA'I'IOIII •owa TO MERLE'S I , IIIVE. ~ L COAIT IDQaWAT COIIOJIA DD. JIAa ........ ~l hy ~ADcl Doable Do$ llambaJ9en We're Herring Open House You're In.lted To Our Christmas Party 4-12 P-JD. auffet e Codr:talla e r.. KARAM'S lkdboa Barhcw 2728 r...c..ra • ._... -------=--==--~ ~-.. --======---------- llr. and llrt. •uart A. C\lm· .... ot Lol Ancelft and Col'c). na del Mar have pu.rc:hued the Barry Bart homie at 621 Vla Lido I Soud on the bq front Oil Udo W•. Total conslderation wu tn exce. ol 180.000. Bert ~ and "LeftJ" Murdock ol. tJ2e Wll· lard L ltUlloll rult)' alftce rep· reeented the buyen and allen. • • • Lyle Pope, an a..odate of the Duncan Hardesty omce ... a new member of the Newport Harbor Bea.lty Board. • • • The Board members donated t80.23 from last Thursday'a breaJdut to the City of Hope bCMipital tn Loa Angeles. The amowat wu ralaed by Sergeant· at·arms Pete Geddea' tines and Josephine Webb'• cub wlnnlngs. • • • Vogel Lido Aaoclate, Hal Vie· lra, wu involved ln a car accl· dent the other nlcht going up Newport Blvd. from h1s otllce to b1s Santa Ana home. Hal wu • knocked out of the ear and more •• COL ·ANDY SAYS <ContJnued trom Pace 2) me that hla office had calculat· lng a Ul) motor and prop from ed that my plane did 113 mlles an SE·5 and installing them. per hour. I arrived at the race field, Oy· Jun a year or ao ago I was or leu wiped up the pavement. lt4G4N'~ Your Family Restaurant (a..cl 'hllf"J) 2515 L c-t JlitJnray RarbOir 1.. c-~~ Mar MIKE MYERS UNION SERVICE U. S. loyel Tires W.dling I Pofislling Complet. Lubriutioft Service FREE PICK-UP I DELIVERY lng thll hybrid, full of pJst.ons talldn& wtth Theo Robins, our and guoUne, ln time to go onee local Ford dealer. and he asked around the trianauJa.r coune to me lt I hadn't been In tha~ hand· P!.one Herb« lO'H locate the pylona. No. 1 pylon leap race of 1920. I aald, "Yes. I 1701 E. Coert Hi9h_y •• Av•~ wu a wblte bouse on top of Sl&· won IL" And ao we found out c-. tW ..,.~ na1 HIU-tbere wu not an ~ that we were Oying against each '==========:; denldt ln aigbt. One of the of· other In that race. Theo, a World := ttclat. guided me from the back War I mer. had entered trom seat. When we landed he re-Mather Field ln Sacramento. marked that he "got a sensation • • • of speed" More remlnl.sclng next week We calc:ulated the p.a ~· --about Andy Smith (not me) ary to t1y the race and took no and hb Wonder Team. and the ~-We were started seconds 1921 Tournament of Roses game. apart. M I crossed the starting .-..-liiiiOilliiiiiiiiiiiiii-llialliiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiliioiiiiiiJ line I .u.rted my stop watch and hung it on the Instrument panel. At the end of the first circuit it showed that I bad made It In 8 minutes. Having timed the DH's and Peres on trial runs. I knew that I wu burning up the coW'ie tbr a 80-adle ratJq. I paaed .everal dvlllan planes that looked lJJte they were back· lngt up. It took the 1L·5 three pylons to get by me. At the fln· lah line 1 landed, taxied to the Air Corps gas gumps. filled up and got out of there for Pasa· -uaacr ~ POCIET •o (.0 TD'DS) Wodd'a Saual~ lladJo waGD onT 12 oz. .._ -.ay r • s· • 111.· A New Concept In Personal Radlo. Ear Phone and Carry. log Cue Optional, Extra. DA YJS.IIOWI CO. Ll a.sa7 1115 ~ alYd... eo.ta ,._ dena before the judges bad time ~==========; to check the results. ;:. I aaw by Pte papers next morning that one Capt. Andrew Smith had won the race. The prl.ze-the trophy mentioned by "Calling C. Q." ln his column ln the Ensign recently-and five $M Uberty bonds. Each of •us took one. We drew straws for the spare, each of us being willhtg to take a chance on our luck. Now looking back, I wonder lt we hadn't taken a lot of chances. ~n. Hap ArnolU !then a rna· jor, but later chJef of the Alr Corps during World War 0) told Leam to Dance et ARTHUR MURRAY SCHOOL OF DANCING HARIOit 1925 3521 E. COAST HIGHWAY CORONA DEL MAR J',dYLESS COMPLETE DRUG STORES t PPfC:f"P!J'TI(l ... <: -.-. . . . . . . ~~· •' ....... . . . I -'\ J, ~--tr-. I ., V""' Dave srou:s 3461 Vla L1dllll IIA 3003 ' Jfewport 8oac:la XI01 Coat Bwy,....aA 2SSS Cocoaa del ... CHRISTMAS GIFT SHOW· Saturday, December 24th. Continuoua From 2 P.M. To U P.M. A Free Marie ForE..-eryone JOHN DEREK Ilk F• F111 TJct• a11111Fellnllc .... •ls: IIUCG'S UIIIQUE I BOP • IIJSS MOf fET SBOP • JOaDAJn nT IBOP • CAJnlfOif"' fOOD CEJnD • AU.,.AMKWJCAJr ll.AilJmT • DDMiriCAn • YDIC&N I I IIADOII DnG ... , .. .\ caaox ... IIDAD • ....oft....,. .... * c:a&ITI1I'JIIIIaa"ft' caowa a&aDWAU • LA CAJn'llfA UQOOU • DOUG'S DOG MOOSE * WJIITIIAJf"i QAJIAGE * JOIIJiaars uoooa • C011011A Dll. IIU ..u.aT * IR•C"'DmYE·DI * f A,.... D'l ~DR'S DOP * • Air'S CL.tAJI'Di .. . 80'1 UU. pa I SEJrnCI: * ~--* 110&11811.Li&ftiC& * ........... ...... cmd Best W J&b.es For ........... CHRISTMAS DAY! For New Yecw's Eve! We Will HaYe A Gala Celebration * fATOa * TIIEATII aoiSE K.A.KEaS roa ALLI llGa1Jp A IWty Jllld J ... -..wt"" Aa4 AllTbo CCIII9 At newt's • * * • * * • * * drift room UITAOJIART * c:oca:TAJL LOUJfCE sue E. Coat awy .. a 11~4. c.o.a cs.a •• OUR HOUDA Y MENU Combination Seafood, Shrimp Cock1ail Creme of Chicken a la Reine Chef's Salad with lOOO Island Dressing ENTREES Young Tom Turkey stuffed with walnut dressing, cranberry sauce ___$2.00 Roast Prime Rib of Beef ---.. ·-···---·--2.75 Baked Virginia Ham. candied yams, pineapple sauce --·-·-···----··---2.00 Roast Young Duckling with apple sauce _ 2.00 lh Fried Spring Chicken, unjointed --·-···--2.00 Top S1rloin Steak, mushroom sauce _____ 2.75 Whole Lobster with drawn butler ~--3.00 Broiled Fresh Swordfish Steak, tartar sauce ---··--·-........ _. ____ : ______ 2.00 Whipped Cream Potatoes Garden Fresh Peas Hot Mince Pie, Pumpkin Pie, English Plum Pudding with brandy sauce, Ioe Cream or Sherbet Coffee, Tea or milk •AT TBE SICB Of TBE SWOBI'ISJI"" 11271 S. Padfk eo..t By .. Sud SJdll 11 mile E. or Seal Beach) POl'~: REm loclr 1·2405 01' l-407't GEORGE ARV ANlTIS, Mgr OPEJf! a..m.--11:30 CUD. AMPLE PAaK:DfC ~<r HAPPY Nli 1ur~~ HAPPY Nll llU ~ CeiMrate lew Yun Ete with your buddies The Biggest . . . Brightest Legion Party ••er!! -FIYDIS -flOORS W W.-port .ad)or ,_t 2!1 8T Jl.ESUVAT10Jf OJfLT ••• ~ & C.... Pl. 11-~ 412 •. s. w. wW bay J'C*,..... ...... f1nt bQafld.t la ,... ••• A 'FAMOU. -IIND.ZVO~ Closed Christmas Day and Monday * Open HoWle New Year'a E~ Pac. W~Y~AQaUAT~P~O M'EWPpRT BEACH UBDn NOft FOr P.ride in Giving .... ,. a53 E. Cout 11Jch•A7 • Corona~ Mar HArboc 1373 Gltt Wra~hip-Dellver · STARTS t:U--MOW IIIIOWIH().....8a&. ... 8lla. at 1:11 ... :!.-..plieD Wa.ers ~:... JIUl .. ~ &.-be WUI SANTA AN._..,. at a.la .......u.• ..,"l' • • DRIVE -IN _.,.... ...... · lC THEATRES 1:!) ~ COME 1\~ YOU ARI . ~ IN JHf fAMilY CAR. •ow~....,.~~ • ~ OOVJI~ • x.&.a'ftA.L p ...u.L11' W .. LL., ......_....ltOVJa~P .PO.RT 11. ... ~. COilONA 0£1.. IWAR ·NAA!I. 'R IH/'1 low SMwllc Allred Hitchcock's •~tOTOBIOtJS• with Cary Grant -also- "'TBE FABKEB'S DAUCBTEr with Loretta Youne . Joseph Cottten ·~~~~-.... . l~~-.:·~-.:· .. Men:baaU' FBEE SBOW all day Decemb-Mtb ~-------"'· Stazta ciirtstDiaa Day. ia-if . ---, DeAN TWO OffiCES TO SERVE ORANGE COUNTY '. LAGUNA BEACH-SAN CLEMENTE To All Members & Shareholders The Board of Directora of Laguna Federal baa authorised me to cmnounce that a dividend at the r~ of 31/2 per cent per cmnum will be paid to aD account holders .~ record December~· 1955. This is our 41st aemi-cmnu~ dindend and appl'oximately $33(),000.00 will be distributed. . This amount. toqe. ther :.nth the last semi-annual diYidend of $300,000.00 mak._ a total di'fic:lend of apprOldmately J630,.. 000.00 tor the year 1955. ' Our heartiest greetings for a bright and happy holiday season. ..... a. ~a• NOTICE • Ill aa much aa t&. ol6cM oi La9uDa Federal are ~loe1d OD ~ ~ 31, tM clhideDcll OD aD &cmDp llaar• AccoWJIII, wiD be cmdlable C11 oi F~ 30, 1155. BY DECEMIEB 28 (81oN mU8l he YGcat.cl!ry the ad oi the }'Hr) Finat~ Reductions r Hcrilein Flowers SPECIIU F. TIUIS., FIL, SIT., HCE.U 22-23-24 We Carry Manninrfa Choice Baby Beef Excluaiftly! , Fresh dreaecL broad lweasted mountain· . I TOR EYS TOMS 49L DENS i!iDL Mannin9'a Beef. O.en ready PRIME RIB ROAST 59•· Manning'aBeef ROUND STEAK Bacon Swift's Premium Sliced Bath Black Hawk-Whole or ab«mlr half Our own mcdr.e, ~ ~ HAMS 49~. Sausage . Jr. bdtJ1&-llk, 49'- EGGS doL 59~ Piim~in ... -2 .. : 25~ ··· · YAMS ·-·-·-----.tc lb. I F r o 1 •, n F ~ o c~ · ") L 11-. J'llw..--·----- • •