HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-02-02 - Newport Harbor Ensign. 76, For ewport Who's Voting on Annexing? Not all voters who have re- ceived aample bal.loU for the Feb. 14 annexation election tn Harb« BJthlanda wtU be able to vote, Jlfewport City CkrJ<. Mar,_, Sduoud,-polnted out thla week. All ,.,tltered voten tn the county pNdQ,c:t Bayvtew No. 2. whldl Includes Harbor Bleh· Janda, bave received aa.mple ballotl, but the ,_tdenta west- erly ol. 1rvtne Ave. are not elJ- Kible to vot•, atnce they are out8lde the propoaed a.nnexa- tlon boundary. 'lbe area which will vote on ann~ to the city of New- port Beach ll bounded on the west by lrvtne Ave .. the ex- tenaion ot n.-St. on the north. a line a quart~ mile eut~ly ot Irvine Ave. on the east, and 16th St. on the aouth. C.C. Member Drive Is On Bucs Edged Out 58-56 I Race Is On-- But o One Run·ning Yet .. e _. 1fa GO . ence Hlpte ot DUIIrtd ~ lelboe Events Li sted On CalenCia For Jubilee w.u, Jo1b. u.. .......,......, 11 llland. and LM wu.r ot m.. ,.. ...._ c.Mndlr ,_ a.a. OYW. I ,..,_ to U.. 80ftoMe ot trlct I. eouth•Jt•li o.ona del den Aaa1wrMry ....... 1ft tM W. cohaaaa c1cartq &a.. put Mer ..U ot ...._ I,._... wW ~ .ol "-IM1 ._.. u.cty ..-. (due to 1M C11rtJtJDu M ca.ncUda ... to Wd dM&r jolll ._...... 1M llllowtlla ...... -t. c.... •• .,. ••• c... ., w.. e•a • Ya ... UOHIIe ..... IU4 ~ I ttl --JPirtt). 'nlat Jtutr woa"t l'lt 'fOU IDr aDC!dle ..._ • .,.., .. ~ .._ au~·• BY ~, nowa.... won"t ewa make IOU Wu t1ae ..., ~ to u.. eamrlp to eiMn ap u.e *' . /tll¥0 I. MANA ~ ,..._ ... HA»A.---...... -_-___________ --·--------_______ ----------------¥ anr ..., nemlee or IUr up u.. O.Uilber for .., dlreet purpoee ..,. .,.aa, ltNr . • ~ old on. ot t.Mftttlnr the dt)'f Jfo, tlrt ...., a-atart ot ta.. a.&den 1~ IJ llop Hold on to your hat.. kJde. I rMd In the papera tbat u.., Vorap to Euenada ..• tM an· rlllj .&;ddt Itt H-. weao a1atn. Med It to pay the Mlar._ att.r nUJJ JI""P'P't Harbor to_,, ' ~T e nA.a~tYOOU 'and even IUicopea (the bird· What did tM Jfi'W'pOrt Harbor hb.15.11M..,.., Cleft Ud wW. ada lnWnadonal y ......... w ::1 :•: Penntt. plfae, a brief but aen· watdaer'a ..cret weapon) until Chamber ol Co~ MY When :_In tM put. be U.S to .-llq ~ DeJ -...... e ....... 000 000 000 QUESTION ulne expr-'on ol appnetatlon our fait community looked u~ they • .,. to toUndly told ott at ulan. ol the lltatt. Well, aoe.. ~· 1 • • .. • • •• • • to fellow outdo« columniD a wrtkaJ uparaau• bed after the polll on the .ua.scty they tJMy mUJt fNl that tiM)' mUJt ~ -...aotden rllpt ot the Th. $6-4,~ Quest•on '' en entert~un•ng 'f'! program, but. •t .Jack Curnow, "n.h 'N Came" ol an euly warm aprlnl rain. had Men enJcwtnr lor over 30 keep the ILlY In tM mann« that lnewb.._ • murl be provldtnq food for tnought about th. temble monster of •n· the L.A. Tlmea, and Plnn. ••J'IIh luft outalde the kelp a herd ol yeua, •hkh In-the Jut 10 yean he hu 1otten UNCI to. Dtcf they Aul. 1·10-Opera r tat I val come tax. Only a couple cot'testenh have gone on to try for the Talla'' or the Santa Ana Jnde· rray wh&J. were aurlactnl and totalled 1157.000 ot your tax collect enou1b In du• to ewn WMk. Oranp eo..t Co1Jete. $6-4,000. Tho btQ9erl reason for this ,.ludance is the terrific bite thet pendent,. I« tbelr attempta to IPOUtlnl IMJ'rlly. One bll ham moneyT '!'belt ~n an-PaY the ularl .. f lAt'a check up Sept. 15·1t -Corona clll Mar the progreui..-. inc.ome te• takes out of Iorge incomes. help a fulJy.f r u 1 t r a ted and wu reart.nr out of water and nouMed that they reruded the and .... ln any c.,. It appean TNuun Da)'a and ~ aaa. Consider thi1 inc.redible example: If the conte stant i1 0 single lllahtly frantic wbale-wat.cbe:r. looltlftl 1tral1ht Into the takJn~ vot.w' adlon u a "'bl-lna In that aelt aupport hu failed. I Sept. 16-Rarbor wide~ mon, with other income of $4,000 a year, and he would like to win To date, nary a rray whale lena ol my BolleUJa. Th1a plc-dbiUlte," that t.be1 would be· am and alwa>--have been tor a PI'Oir&m at Oranp Cout ODllep $1>4 000 AFTER TAXES he w ld h t t f . f $4-4& 71 11 1pout hu J)ad~ed the alert ture box wu .tartllnll)'·equlpped come WU·tupportlnr. J)Lat they Chamber ot Commerce -a aeU-StadJura. • h . .' ou. •v•. 0 .ry or 0 ~·a 0 • • eya Ql Volunteer Wat.cha1 taa-w1tb Dr. R Xay Dooley'• new 7-would reque.t no money from aultalnln1 one, that 1& Sept. 21-~AnnJ...., Ball T ot " not toJCatton. That I co~f,5Uhon. It bnngJ to mtnd the ~I Andrews Peue, Mra. Edith power Buahnell binocular lena· Che clty. 'Jbat la exactly what I Once more I uy I told you ao. and C&mJvaJ at the ~ dreadful_ t~th that th. power to te• " the pow•! to d~stroy ... and R~nborl or yours truly, 'Mle klt-tbe ttnt telephoto aadlet to wu told by the ttve·man com-The money apent to date plua Eventa not yet cJdlnl'-17 ICMd· we ore ndtng relentles~ on th. road to destruct•on. w1th a to• hungry Great Gray WbaJe Ql the 79th come out tor that tine little mJttee who approached m. to that all~ted to rlorll)'tnJ the uled Include Golden CUp ,.... qovernment ot the wheel. Gray Whale·Watchlna Croup. camera. Join and pay t.J\e dua I did jult CouneiJ In the ~lebratlon of 50 by all yacht duM and a a.ll tl7 I wppose that the typiul comment of the man on the rlreet is: I>Hplte ndtlnr ~porta from San Paaalnr quietly alon1 the ~ear· that. with the rftllalk that I bad yean ot existence tbla IUrnnM!r to be put on by aport ~ In· "Sure. thot'a tough on the big boys. but it won't hurt me ond my 1moll Dleao. our 1~ acore sheet la u let Une, eervtn1 Eye-Balla and mted rt1ht alon1 that I would wlll probably eat up the ~.000 tererta. Other au..-.s ewnbt incotM." blank u the pa1ea ot next year's murine, wu Cray Whale Lady r•ume memberablp 11 and when of your tax dollara. For Ulat are a water lk.IJnr taatJval In the But consider this comment, quoted from the Akron Beocon-J our· diary. Ruby Steven 1 on . One aum-they lOt otl our tax ridden back. price we lbould aee many pfc. Uppet> Bay; a. akJn dlvtnl nent 1 "M b · L .L d h" If th" $'" .. 000 t· I may have to l.uue an emer-watcher from San Dteao wu I now feel that I've bftn taken, turea of our mayor and council put on by the N.wpcwt Harbor no : . any 0 us•nenman nos o~e •r_nse '' '"· ~ues •on: gency order to Chlcaao'a AU-See-quatttna their otflclal whale-llllckf!'red, conned and double and maybe ltrlke a medal to; Skin DIVInl ~aUon; paddle· Sholl I •nvest. ••pand, cr~ote more robs w•th the hopa of moktng ~Ole Ina Mid· Wstern Eye Daniel Cal-watch In I drink, "Moraan'a croued-a vtc:tJm of mlaplaced each one. However, on lt there board race and otbf!'r wat« con· money? !lnd after studytng the tax rates. he, too. hos often dec•ded lahan, to brlna hla red ahlrt and Blood.'' (Courtesy Sporta lllu-con!ldence. The Chamber kept ahould be a mentlon ot the tl-t.-ta. to quit wh ile he wos sofely oheod. The big losers fr om such decisions come out I'm alao Impatiently ltrated.) their word nearly seven months, uco known u the Dora Hill are not the bu1ineumen--no r the television con testontr-but the smoll awaltlna a reply from Dr. Ray· e CALL TO CO~OU and then came In to City Council Euter Law, wh'lch after belna toxpoyers ond Uncle Sam." mond Gilmore of the U.S. Flah It waa sueh a thrilling dream' with a requNt tor the whole conteated at a ronalderable ex· e A PET PEEVE and Wlldllte Service, the Roger I wu dluppolnted beyond word~ $2,400 that the voten had limited pense Co the city wa1 thrown out Here's one of my peeves ot City Council meetings: Tory Peteraon (have you been when the jetty tog horn awak· them to. These boys are no u u n eo n s tIt u t lonal. A1ao It Word-for-word account of Council action on on iiT\port~~nt mol· enjoylna l h 0 • e blrd·watchlng ened me. But aometlmea dreanu plken. The Council, notorloua tor mleht be appropriate to mention "Se d d' f 0 d" d' . articles In Sporta Illustrated!) ol come true belna ll~ral 1pendera of the tax· the defeat of the amendment to ter-. con reo •.ng o r •none~ No. 7b~. "" or •nonr.e chonq:nq the whale apeclalltta. I've even Meanwblle kee payera' money. voted 4 to 2 on allow the dlatrlc:ta the rt1ht to the zon•nq of certa•n reel proparty 1n the C •ty ond omend•ng Sect•on tuggested that Dr. Gilmore aet 4 d lt P your aaze the tint test In alvtna the 12.400 elect their own councilman to 9102.2 of. the Municipol Code ... This is ft publ:c heorinq. Doe~ 1 out a field au Ide tor whale· :~t~ar:! 11~ou a:' ~~~ to the Chamber. rep r e • en t them, whlcb wu onyone w•sh to b. heerd? ... {o pouse of obout f1ve seconds) .. watchers, similar to the beat Mopey Dick the truatrated Rlaht hfl're I point out that the brought about by a .care·head Move thot the hearing b. closed ... Second the mot1on ... !Ill K'ller that Roger T. P. hu writ· whale watcher Tell the ope~~~; seata ot three ot those tour roun-lt'tlf!'r the day before the election eyes ... Move odoption of Ordinonce No. 765 ... Seccnd the mo· ten and admirably Illustrated !or It's an emera~ncy! The whale· cllmen who voted tor the $2.400 -a Jetter aponaored by the ••on . All ayes ..... End of thot topic. the birders. watehlna reputation of our Har -are to ~ tilled In the April 10 mayor uylnl amona other mla· What in God's qreen eorth Wll~ thllt oil ob,ut7 I wcnder 1f ony. • ACES IJf BOLE bor Area l• definitely In a prtt· election. In •lmple worda, you leadlna lntormatJon that "we one in the entire d' k 1 d"d L _ 1. th t II C I have yet another ace In the rarloua poeltJon! My klnadom for wtll have a chance on that date want no Tammany Hall In New· . . ~u ••nee new. 1 · DeCouse m ere 0 0 . oun hole. I'm about to oontact Cura-1 . to let yourself be heard from. port." c,l meet•nqs. but .t mu~t hove been o deep mys tery to the Clhzen \ tor Kenneth Noi'Tla ot Porturuese a apout. Who wu It who aald. The three places are presently • • • who come by to see their Counca in octio,. I respectfully suggest th.,t Bend's Marlneland ot the Pacttlc. "Sui'Tender! NuC.! We've juat be· occupied by Gerald Bennet ot e TOUTII CKJIT&A the Council should mo~e it ploin whot they re votmg on. \0 thol the who also enjoys the atudy ot the aun to flaht!" DlatrJct 1, West N~; Clar-A very tine turnout Sunday at public moy know. ~ay whale and Ia definitely an • MAKE HASTE SlOWlY authority on tbe blr mammala. ITIU. Df COITA IIU A Mra. lr!ary Yarnell, former Bal- boa Llland reaJdent. hu moved to 383 Mont. Vista, Cotta M.,., trom 2214 Pactfle Ave., eo.ta Mesa. the Newport Harbor Community Youth Cencu. A lot ot people found out where It la an4 were arreeably IUtprtJed to Me what had bftn done on a 1ho.trlna and a heap ot volunter workera and donora. Aaaln I uy, 10 to the Boyl' Club ln eo.ta Mea and be embanaued by what they have done when you com- pare It to oun. and then pt with thla project. My doctor friends hove ••pressed hopa thot the doq pro tector\ Ont' way or another. the Mar- won't pMic our City Council l,to o hosly omendmont of the robie \ bor '>Ju Is not aotna to concede inoculation low. Th: pet protectcrs cedllinly hove 0 right tc be heord. ~nyt~:fl· even though ~r eeoc:: but the d&nqer thot the low is de••qned to guord us ogoinst is too reol mo:; v~u~= e~ . .caen n the and_ dreadful to oct without thorough study ond expart medical waters ott our lhores. adv•ce. e I BAD A DUAM • BOUQUETS One recent nl1ht I drumed Proudest guy in town Sundoy must hove been Gront Howold, 'who that we had a fully-equipped for the lost two yeors hos been in chorqe of the tremendous project public whale watch on Corona of getting that Community Youth Center building reody for use on del Mar'• lnaplratlon Point. T. the Horbor View School grounds. Sundoy wos opan house the re ond Duncan Stewart wu striding I t~s Smart to Save ~ one11 and Still Enjo11 Lurur11 more than 200 folh (not indudinq the hundreds of kids) come by to ~~=:r~~ ~~=~~frt:dw~::. look ond mon.:el ot the enormous omount of work thot hos been done. era. crackJnr an eel-akJn whip A lot of cred•! q~s to Mr. Howol~. h!od of the Youth. Center, ond and ahoutlnr. "Don't acream to the mony •nd•v•duals ond organ•zot•ons who hove g1ven of their until you aee the whltea of their time. talent, ond funds. blow!" Andy Smith wa• whJrllna YOlfLL SEE YOUR FAMILY REALLY EAT, W~EN TWEY ARE S ERVED OUR C._,OICEST M EAT _/ * Only Swift's Premium Beef Sold Here * Speciala for Thura., Fri., & Sat., Feb. 2-3-tth. IWIFT'I PUMWX Leg 0' Lamb, 65~ I Will. I nDCIUK, aoWELDI Rump Roast, 69~ Loin Lamb Chops, 69~ IWifi I n&MIVII. LUG& IW'ifi I namJJ1 ................ f1IUIL TllAT PAQ. J·U...ll -. a..,._ around halt a mile ott shore In a aurplua helicopter. From every C.D.M. ciiJf.<fweller'a hacienda protruded telescopes. blnoc:ul.,.. Scouts Picked For Council A ft'ature ot Boy Scout Week In Newport Beach will be a mock council meeting In Newport City Hall on Monday, Feb. 13, wtth Scout• t aklna over the vartoua City Hall jobs. ScouC. who will hold city of. fl~ Include Richard Wataon and Steve McNeil, councilmen, from Troop Flv~; Dan Pierce. councilman. and Chuck Remley, pollee captain, Post Five; Roy St. Clair, harbor muter. and Jim Cherney. tlre ch let, Troop 81 ; John Richard and another Boy Scout yet to be Mlected. council· men. Troop 182 ; Tom AUclnaon, city m.anaaer, and John Whit· man, city enrtneer. Ship 210; l ohn Sm ith. bu1Jdln1 department head. and Dick Butu-rworth, fi- nance officer, Troop 17; Randy Peeler. fire marshal, and Kent Harvey, clty clerk, Pa.t 17; George Vandervort, pollee chief, and Bob Horn. councilman, Troop 3'7 ; and Dulwood YounJ, coun- cilman, and RJchard Powell. dty attorney, Troop 10. •Atn. WOLF& L&AYU IIDA PauJ Wolle ot T13 Center SL, eo.ta Mesa, la movtn1 to Tau and then plana to ao oveneu. He will return to the Harbor Area aaaln. howevf!'r, he prom-.... JHI ER 'S GARDl .t~ ...... , BUY FAMOUS TOWELS AND SAVE DOLLA R S BY THE DOZEN Ut;. ...,. • Frying· Chick•s, ..... JSaiO 11.91 ...... c...• 16•• U9 ... 011'& JOUMA c:::a.&.O nG.. KICIID •• .,, Prtnl' 1111., • ......... Jla16 ... 6M D ..... 11 a II .59 M Wtillaa.dll UaU .. .., ............... -. ------------------- fut COLO& SDVJCE 3121 E. Cout Hwy., CDK S. V. Pfuntner In New City Finance Post 8. V. Pfuntner hu taken ovw the dulles o.f dl.rector ot flna~ ~==========~ for the City or NewJ~ort Beach. a ;: newly-created po~~JUon. Bgin & Homilt~ Wetches Oiomonds Mountin91 Wallace Calder head JEWELER J 12) Ee.t Coe1t Hlvltwey WOlle d.t Mer Standard S b ad • Clotlu and Cullom SpectaltJ• e Drapery H a r'd w a r e e Venetlan lllnda. -II. SJ.J. Sl.p ...... u.. • c.u .... ow. u .. -... lt.. • ...,.,-t .... naJAir IIVO c:z.&AJrmO WOIIU m D1C2 JUCI(Irl ... &c..-tCit 'W .. ,.., •• 1 .......... ...._._ ..._asa Mr. Pfuntner wu tina~ ottl· ceor tot tbe City or Indio for three years and for alx yeart prior to that worked for the Tex.u 1tate audit department In Au.Un. Texu. He wu bom ln New York 8tate and apent hlJI early llfe In Penn.ylvanla and attended Co· lumbla Unlveralty. He hu control ot all recelpll and apendlturea for the City ot Newport Beach. He hu the job of comptllne the annual c:tty budeet and controllne expend!· tures to ~ that they do not U · c:eed the budret. The water de· partment office for water fee paymentJI la alao under hla IU· pervlalon. Mrs. Pfuntner and their four children. Edward, 16; Ann, 14; John. 12 and Eather. 9. plan to move Into the city (rom lndlo about the tlrat of February. NAif IS FDfED 1100 Ralael c. Perez. 21. of Lacuna Beach wu !lnC'd $100 on a petty th~ charee 1n Newport Beadl JuaUce court Jan. 23rd. He wu charc~ with torclnr the name of Raymond L. MJller or Lacuna Beach on the back o.f a ch«k for 1133.87 which be found In an envelope on the atepe of the La· a-una Beach po11t office and cuh~ It In the Newport Harbor Bank, Corona del Mar. CORAL Beauty Salon "Special of the Month" sm-,.,. ..•.••• s1 ra * For Appolntment-HArbor 1876 * HAZEL PIIIEIIII :rm lo=l•m --:r~ IIWIIIIIIIPI uownwaAa .._ WADDJD Swtm Sulta, Satonp, Dr-. Xelk .. "ChUdren't" Thlnp, Muumuua, Luau eo-tum-. Men•• Aloha Shlrta, Qltt.r, O.CCWat&ona. South Sea Party DeeoJa 1 t!2 ...... c..e ...... ( .......... ) LrepM Mlnlatu.re blchway bWboarda mJttee and aald tt t1M7 bd -., u.d u table d«<r&Uont pointed ten lll&rtC'd In 1.-~ ID up ~ of the Pf'rtlnent tnlar· years a~o. they wouldn't liMe matJon sivf'D by Mrs. 'lborkJid the problema they do ~. Enudaen of Lido lale and t.o. Reports of vu1oua OOIIIIIDJttee Ani ... at the luncheon at..n ~ the ·~ ltl a ..... Jan. Z tor Mc-mbe>rt ol th• nHa ..ton conduc.ud bJ lea. WonM'n't commlttft of the Cham· T Duncan Stewart. Projlda of ber ol Commerc. and their thf' Womt'n't dlvt.lon Include a fUMta at the Newport Harbor nt'W project enroUtnc new baba. Yacht Club. at Roa 1 Hc»pltal u ~" Mrs. Knu~. orcanlz.er of the Cbamb« memMnl and Mleetltil powe-rful "L. A. 8eautlful" com-a tl9Wer for N~ lteacb far mltlft, told how civic leader. the clty'a Gold«m Jubll .. eel•bra· and bua1neu eucutlvet or CTfiAt·l tJon. _ r- et Loa Aneeln have combine-d In Mrs. Forreat Alllnw NpGI'tecJ a commJttee with city and county on the ~t'n.elve dNn·UP cam· ~partment head.a to dlacual paiiJll belnr plann~ by Junior pendlnc leclslatloft and long 1 Ebell, cllmaxlnc In Clun-up ranato prorr&ml ot benefit to the week February ~-27. Mrs. Jll«· elty and counfy. man Peue dl~uued the thf{:! The (lrat proj~ of the ITOUP ann u a I Carden tour ot wu to control billboard •lena Women'a CommJttee to be beld alone the fr~ay. Ordlnancn In May 12 and 13. • •• ,..,._ ..,_,.._ .... CMd ._... ...._ ......._ .. ...._ -..a. el ._.. a... both clty and county have been I Durlnr the lntroductJona. .. ~ .. •r:aat 01 II c..aty • .. •ct'nrt TnwU ....._ oC Aa,.l.._ D-. l=fnl oC puaed to n-eulate alan• In llfoep · Van Dyke. newly elected ~ CMd .__...,_ ....... .._ 1 "• Jadal. •~hnY .._ oC •....-to ,._ &..-.-tnr with thP aru or the "ulld· dent o1 the Newport K ....... C.. "1*..: =--= ~--=·~ ,c:::::',.:: •• ~. D'--~ oC Ler" lnr• aupportlnr tllPm. One of the Chamber of Co~w. an· ..-oC Lyacta ._ S.U oC IAitaM -.4 lfl* 1'-Y oC prewnt pro.k'<-tr of thl' rroup I• nounet'd that w~ UJ be ~··--~ ~ l!;t'!.., .. _. aay F..u.rtr& At U.. -ea I dfld .. ltn. wwa-conc.TnN! wlth "Tin Can" beach named to a numb« or the ncow ,..., .. I rr a • ...., Loa ,.__ .. I •• -.......... m .. Q1!f ........... tr-.. near Jiuntlnrton ~ach In Or· I commltt"" of the Chamber ol -.4 ,_ ..,_ .. , .... &.--. IMt .. dllat -tM ...... (0.. ........ , anre County Owner& of the land Com~ thlJI year. 1 have bt-l'n contar11"d to help kHp PUPn:T IBOW AT laiOOL Afh G d gm • ~ .... OUT liiii..J~C'" the privately own~ beaches I Ch ld f H bor VI 8cl\ 1 ,.on L.Ar.aTreirps An overnii\.Lieht atay~at .... the Clrl J"'IIIIL TY ~ ~r~~ a~~~~rale~~~att';.n~~~ ~)o~N! re~ ~up~ ah: rrtd:. ~t«ure this att'l which lJI al10 a I Jan 13. pr~nt~ by a cia• grad~ from Harbor VIew and playiTound for Lo. Anrelf'S. u a from Orange Cout Collere. dl· Scout Houae In March and a trip Co rona del Mar Elenwntary atate beach. without all the bur-l rected by W. 0 . Pa>'!e. ~~Z, 'nte combined fourth ITades I to the San Dleao Zoo In the near School&. Aa a Chrt.tmu proj~ den of tht co.st fa lllnr to Oranre atructor. The pupPf"tJI ~ of the Harbor VIew School, 1.0 future are two ot the plan1 of thf'Se Brownler paJntC'd and dec· County Thla pro.)ect falla Into by membera of the art cl.-puplla, took part In an educa-Clll Scout Troop l2 compo8ed of orated foot-Jon" pine coner and thf'lr 1956 top priority projf'ct I for the ahow a nd the Pf"rlorm· • .. .. ' an~ waa df'SIJ11C'd to be pre-Uon&l field trip to the Union Sta-fltth-ITade elrla from Harbor atar flJih. • • • w 1 ..!!!,ch I• to outlaw litter In ~nt~ to children of the t'lemen· tlon and Olvera St. and Plaza In VIew School. 'nte BCOuta art' now "JU 'nt d m Loa Anreles J~tn. 12. eamJne their roller aka t I n i EVf't")' four wef'k.a the Browntn M~•-Knud!M"n, who Ia put tary achool level. e ltU en 'ntey lett Harbor VIew School badre and ereatln1r original de· of Troop 33 elect new otflcers. presldt'nt of the women'a Dlvl· prewntlnc the proiT&m ..,.. pre· by achool bua for thf' Santa Fe alens for their notebook.JI as part The present board con.et.t.a or 11lon of the l..ol AnaeiM Chambf>r 1 parlnr tor teachlnr. ataUon In Santa Ana, eolnr from ot their requlre~nc.. for S«ond Kathy Hartley u president. Jo of Commeret', bf>lleves It Ia lm· there by train to Loe Anreles. Clau llank. Slmmona as vlce-prealdent. Dtob· portant tor women to work with I Largest end Most Complet. 'nte atatlon muter at Union Sta· Cathy Walp and Chris Cordner by Keyf'S u a«retary, and Can· I men on commlttOH, that It Ia Furnrture Stor. in the A,... tlon conducted the laree ITOUP are patrol leadera for the troop. dac. Fry u Oag bearer. For the dnlrable tor city offlclala to dla throueh the atallon and they had which Ia under the leAdership of nf'xt two w~k.a thl'R thlrd·ITade cua problema round table fuh I their lunch In the ataUon patio. Mn. Leonard Pelletier and Mra r lrlJI will be worklnc on Valen-lon with civic ITOUPI .o that C.ll for 1,.. DfCO•A TING SE.VICE llb.rly I SS II The atudentJI then vlalt.ed 01· Thomaa Halatead. Crace Butter tines. Lut week they threaded there won't be 10 much "buck vera St. to .ee th• pottery ex· more and Toni llalatead are &a· nHdler for the uae ot elderly pa· puslnr," that diiC\.Iulon and hlblt.s. a cS.mon.at.raUon of pot· alatant patrol leaders. Suey Caz· tlenu at the Orance County Ho.-, rompromlae ar• more t'ff.ctlve H G ~ tHY makJna. candlemaker and lay la troop tcrlbe and Carol pita I. Leader. for thew 15 Brown. than "flahtln~r:· that anyone can I n s ' .• J ~ r 'I claublower. 'ntey abo vtalted Denner Ia treaaurer. ~!ore Chrlat· nles are Mra.. Norman Pomeroy ctve money In aupport <If civl<' lJ • I I \1 the Avtla Adobe Houw. the old· mu the. ,Ula made df"CCratlon.e and Mrs. Charles Weitzel. 'ntey enterpriM. but the nal joy and Fumr,hing' for hamel, t'lt rerJdenUal structure In the for the Corona del Mar Chrlat· meet each Tuesday at the Co· aatWactlo n romn from wrvlnr club•. yachtL city, and the Plaza church. mu trees. rona del Mar Community Church. She remarkNS abe waa plt'&.IM!d )Oil w c-,1 Hr9ltw•y Fourth ITade teachers who ac-• • • to ~ 10 much ar11vlty In tht' N~ ... dl companie-d thelr cl&U8 Include-d Linda Ho.tetler hu been wf'l· LAFFEIITTI QET GDIL ,N,~f'WPO~;;rt~C;h;a.m~ber;;~W~o~m;;en;';a~co;;m~~==:=:==;:;:;====:=~ Mia Vlratnla Booth. Mrs. PhyiJla comC'd Into Troop 23 u a nf'W A dauehter, Laura Anne, wu r Grimmett. Mrs. Nina Hl.uon, member jolnlnr the 20 other bom to Mr. and Mrs. John Lat Mrs. Bonnie Lanf and Jim glrlA from the tlfth IT&de In Co· rmy of 600~ Avocado Ave .. Co · ntomptOn, ... laUd by room rona del Mar School. In February rona del Mar. In Hoac Memorial mothers. these .rlrla wlll start on their HoapltaJ on Thurrday, Jan. 19. Boller Skatln.r Badee under the dlr~lon of Mrs. Richard Holder and Mrs. Jaclt Lelahte, troop leadera. 'nte 1[1rla have al10 been worklne on their Seuhore Badee and have made acrapbookJI to contain their badae work. The troop Ia dlvldC'd Into thrt'e pa- trolA headed by Penny Holder, Joan Vallely and Nancy Buck. Joan Peterson la Troop Scribe. Pomona Lists Local Pupils 'ntf' 1.040 t"nrollment at Po· mo na Collere Includes the fol- lowtnr atudenta from the Harbor Area: Dana C. Morrl .. a aenlor. aon of Mr. and Mra.. Everett Morrts, 121 VIa Vene-zia, Lido Isle. and hlA brother Peter C. Morrl.a.. a jun- Ior : Tom W. Hendf'rson. 8C!nlor. 110n or Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hc-nder· !JOn. 430 VIa Lido Nord. Lido Llle; Rt>bf>tta F. Smith, 10phomore. daughtt"f of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Smith. 2706 Bayahore Drive. Bay Shorea: Joan E. Kimes. junior. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wll· llam F. KlmN. 418 Snug Harbor RoAd. Clltr nann: William M. Jeff~y. junior. aon of Mrs. Phyl - lis Jt'trrey, 312 Narclasus Ave .. Corona del Mar; Mary P. Harvey. IOI)homore. dauehter of Mr. and Mra. Raymond K. Harvf'y, 316 Poppy Ave., Corona del Mar: Mary C. Blodrett. junior. daual1· ter or Harry L. Blodgett, 713 lrls Ave .. Corona del Mar: Call S. Finley, .enlor, daurhter of Mr. and Mrs. Leland A. Finley, 1108 E. Balboa Blvd .• Balboa. UOAL ROTJCK ,.czwr-·a--JCAft or avsllfUS nctttiMd Plna .... 'niE UNDEJtSICNED do here· by certify tbat they are conduc· tine a Yardaee bu.lnea at 3337 E. Cout Hlcbway. Corona dol Mar. Callt. Ia D Marine Ave .• Balboa llland. California under the rlctltloul firm name of Snip 'n' Stlkh and that aald llnn ls compoeed of the rollowlnr per· aon.t whoee nama In full and plae. of reeldence are aa fol· Iowa. to-wit: Vlelnla 0 . Wallon. 311 Golden· • • • e aaoWJnE lfEWS Your Health WJIAT TO DO roa no: n.u. A trip to lrvlne Puk Jut Wef'k l. E. H.,...,;c4 O.C Cor a wienie bake was a hlah During the put few wH>Ils point In the actlvltlea of the aht many prople have ~n confined teen members of Brownie Troop to their be<U and homn with 62. who h old their WC!i'kly mf!<'t· tlu and dH-p rolds. Thaw who lngs at the Balboa Island Com promptly t'alled their Chlroprac munlty Methr>dlst Church undf'T tor noport rapid lmprovf'ment t Ted M A('('Ordln.r to thf'lt rt"port.a. It the leadership o Mrtl r would bt> a wise Idea for olht'rtl Conville and Mrs. John Myers 10 consult the Chiropractor In The r lrls have been partlcl patln.r their rommunlty and ask him. In many outdoor actlvltlt'A. In "Can you do anythlnr for thr t'ludln1r a triiJ to the Hut!alo I p4>r11on coming down with tht' Ranch and ihf'll huntln.r un the> flu!" bench. Tht:>y are worklnJir for I The aflt'r-efff'ctlll of thf' "n u" their world pin thla yc>ar. nrc llflmetlm('S morf' dlstrPUina • • • than the cnndltlon liMit It ynu 1 .. _ M Ell have not ff'lt u you should alnce Two new mem ..... rs. ary en • havlnJt the flu or are slnw In rt• and Ceorgeann Eddln~rton of coverlnc a Chlroprnr11c ex.•ml Montana. swt'll the tnlal of nation l.a tt•commended. Brownie Troop 55 to a total of 15 1 a. E. Bndridta. D.C. rlrla. Mra. Thomu Ed110n and Mra. A. R. Routh are leadt'r and na.es Bcabor 5471 or 4514 co-leader of the eroup of third 700 c.rratioe. C:O.O.. del Mcu DOLLARS !·. SENSE •••• MAUDE DIDN'T exc1usive at Corona del Me.-Phew ntacy ..,... ........ ~ ...... , ... ..... 1172 ,., E. eo.t • ., .... ,_ .... c:w-r ... - for that big show- of affection R~SJcvvL ,ralentine hearts JW.u,.r thnn ~·nn:t. " R~l SloYPf "Herrt"' u-11,. l)('r vou lovf' hH 1 ne.utifuJ red foil bn.rt JlfH kt'd w1t.h a pound ol d4"licioua A..on.d ( • tiCK'IliU Lfolll $1.15 Many other "HNrta" 75c to S6 r,o ... 1l...W., l"fd foliA. bNuufuJ rt'd or pink utlna with Oowrr co,_,re. • Aft Will.. I rod. Corona del Mar. Callfomla. .. n• Vern• H. WatJion. 311 Colden· rod, Corona del Mar, California. f.,..,'l .,.., WITJIIESS our banda thla 9th day of January, 1856. Vlrclnla 0 . Wat.on BRUcE MARTIN STAT£ cirnn,;.::r) OOUNTY OJ' OLUfOE )a .UTI -Tl .. -filE-LifE ON THIS ttb day ol January. leet. befON 1M. a Notary Public LOCAL AOEMT In and for Akt county and ltate, 1'7$3 "'"JII•rwPO-""RT AVE.. COSTA MESA rteldlnl th«tln. duly commie· '=iO~rrt=CE=: ~U=beJ~~~ .. ~-~14~~~~~~~U:S.~~U'bertJ~s~"~!OI1=~ =and .worn, penona.Uy ap· i Vlrlfn.la O. Wat.oll VerN H. Wawon AIG!~f aJ. !btUUJ4 nuo-...,._ roe ._,""' ............ .... OMit ....... , 0 .o.-... _ Clfat •. AII~...._) ~-==-.. ··---* ...... -& ....... .._ ...... ,,__-....... - lmown to me to .._ tiM perrona wboM nam11 aN IUIIilcftbtcJ to the within hwtnunent. and adl· nowledlld to me tbat tMr ... cuted dM aame. WttHIW aJ band ud oGJ· ctal 8Ml. A. IL PRa.PI "otu7 PuWie lft _,. lot ald ON..c:t a.M ..... M) Ooemlllloa ... .,. l\JM .. 111'7. ......... : , ... Jl.lf .... ,.., .. Ia ................ .....,... TillY ...... lew11111 laltor Baak .......... ~.b4dt Siouvt. assol'ted chocolates ,. ..., 11ft ~4Qbocly So.. -V: ' • • .. 0., ............. tw...t.t dtocol.tli,..-..... ., .. 1..... .. .... • A IWD of $2,400 II ~lng IOUght by the Corona del Mar Commu· nlty Con~egatlonal Church u lt. share In the $300.000 remodel· tng program for Pilgrim Pines, the camp for church young people at Yucaipa. M rch of Faith Program To Be Held Feb. 22 to 29 The Congregational ChrlstJan Churches or california and the Southwest have launched the program of remodeling. At the annual m~lng of the Corona del Ma.r churcll on Jan. 12, this church accepted I'-quota or $2.300 and added another $100 to DUlke thelr share $2.400. UIIIA TIIVEL IDYIGE IIIST ALLEJ) AS ADV1108 IIIUIES • UUIUS STEA .. IPI • TOUIS In 1955 more than 1,500 young people att~nded the camps dur· lnr tbe summer months, In· cludJng 30 from the Corona del Mar church. In 1956 the camp development committee needs $60,000 to replace the cabins that have been condemned and pro· vide an adequate dJnlng hall. Anyone Interested may send a donation to the Church Treasu · rer, Corona del Mar Community Congregational Church and mark it "PUgrlm Plnes Camp Develop. ment." Rev. loeeph McShane wu ln · stalled u an advisor at the Jan· uary meeting of the Orange County Methodist Union. He was Installed by Dr. John W. Black, dntrfct auperlntendent. ...... 'I'M Coatal AiM P• IlNdy 10 Tean Ill 0... A"" 1.c1tua .._. Bptt 4.1.1 Light their life with f0ith#6 • For Y .. s! • . ~ • People have been ~ .._ d ~ The Newport City Council In· r saying • • · an ~ formed the acquisition depart· r ~ Beaches and Parks last week P.rofessional Directory t believing ... t ~. Scout Week ment of the State Division of .._ YOU CAll that the city was prepa red to r n ~ join In condemnation action to MUSIC ST. AJIDUWS PllE.SnTUIAJI CJI17aCB 15th St. It St. Andrewa Rd., ac::ro. from BJp School Liberty 14771 Pastw: a... Jaaa• S. Stftral't SUNDAY: MomJng wors.hJp, 9:30 and 11 a.m .; Church School, 9:30 and 11:00; 1r. High, Sr. Hlrh and college age Fellow. shlps, 7 p.m.; Thursday, Prayer, study group. 9:30 a.m. PIIIST ASSEMm.T OP COD J2adlt. & EJ4e:l A .... Coeta NeM Uberty 1-3711 .... ....s ... c. Cna1c. ..... Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Wor· ahlp: 10:55 a.m. and evangeJl.st aervlce, 7:30p.m. Younr People and ChUd.ren'a Service, 6:30 p.m. Sun. Mid.week Service: Wedn~ay, 7:30 p.m . Ladles' Missionary Council, Thursdaya 9 :30a.m. for all day . • DO arrrER ~ Feb 6 to I 2 acquire Block A·34 (Rocky Point) ,.----__.;:;..;;...;...;;;.;..;;;.._ __ _ • ~;;. F I , • and Block c back of Little Co· Margaret L. Scharle C1010111111TT IIETIIODIST SEVEJn'll DA 1' ADVEJn'JS1 .._ ~ rona o-ach In Corona del Mar as Teach•r ot Plano r at ~ Business firms throughout the .x-~ ao w. lttb st.. Coeta Meea ·~ aa..s.. at ao11a st.. Liberty 1-4552 Jlewpon Boi9bta .._ , Harbor Area and Costa Mesa wlll state ~aches. Organist · Acrompanlst r 1 The parties Involved are Harry Evenlne Classes ln. Joeepb W. McSbcme Liberty I-IS32 Sunday: 9:30 a.m., Church Sun· Eldw D. a. SpcnalcUaq .._ have Boy Scout window dlsp ays C N 1 1 ror Adults r during Scout Week. Feb. 6 to 12. Taylor and ltlzens at ona 307 GOLDENROD AVE. • as a fea ture of the blrthday of Trust It Savings Bank. owners of Corona del Mar day School; 9:30 and 11:00 ·Saturday Momlnr Services: Sab· a .m. Mornlnr Worshlp-7 p.m. bath School: 9:30 a.m. -Ser· ~ ~ Scouting. Rocky Point. and Bruce Hall, '-------::---~~~~~~ College A~te MYF Service -~ mon: 11:00 a.m. Prayer meet· p.m. High School MYF Service, tng: Wednesday 8:00 p.m. .._ ~ Cubs, troops. posts and ships of owner of Block C. Condemnation Fl11fEII.AL DUlECTOIIS ,.. F 'ture~ h action, If necessary, will be lnsti· ,.-__.;:....:.::.:.:::=.:;::...:;;.;;;;.=.;;;.;;...;;;.;.;.;;; _ _, 8 p.m., young adulta group • • urm ~ the Boy Scout movement ~ve tuted by the state. Friendly Neighborhood Servl<:4! ~ been Invited by Commissioner aervlce. • Complete Home Furnlshlnp ~ Art RemJey to enter the contest. P ARKES..RIDLEY TilE CBVaCB OP CBmST • ~ All phases of Scouting will be POUCEB JIESmEJITS FETED MORTUARY 1050 Oawda lt.. Coeto Meea Liberty 1-2454 ., depleted In the window displays. Former Corona de l Mar resl· Uberty t.2047 lat lfewport A"' Scouts will wear their full unJ· dent. Mrs. Ro~rt R. Kleman of 110 Broadway D. G. Bunt. MJalater COSTA MESA form during Srout Week and will San Clemente, and her mother· Sunday aervlces: 9:45 a .m. Bible 1 stage a surprise moblllzatlon ln·iaw. Mrs. William Kiernan of ~U=8=·34=33=6=8=·34=34=Cost==a=~=f=esa=~ study; 11 a.m. morning wor. alter which they will go Into MJlwaukee, were luncheon guests ,-ship; 7:30 p.m. evening service. p;;;;:;;:::;:;::;:;::;:;;:;;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;; their neighborhoods and offer to at the homde lofMMrs. S. .0· B2roclstk N 0 W ... T W 0 MWlddw~kdayservice, 7:30 p.m. do good turns. of Corona e ar on .. an. . e n~.. . FEATURIIIC Newport Beach Boy Scouts will Mrs. Fred Kuster or Corona del BALTZ MORTUARIES TBE CJIUaCB OP CBaJST U.S. BOTAL TIUtS aac1 all tJJiflOif ptoc1ucts ••• "'MiDut. M= .. Semc. PICK UP & DELIVEltT EWO~ UNION f I _, SEltviCE @ 3001 Jlewport Bl•d. lfewport leada Harbor 5432 ()pea Enry Dcry 'f a.m. to I p.m. Com ,Jete •dsca11i•c Senice outal la••scaplnc 2229 E. Coat BJqbway Corooa del Mar LeD Jo u 1225- take·over city offices during the Mar was also present. Unable to Serving the Harbor Area Odd P.UOW. l..odp. evening of Monday, Feb. 13. nnd attend were Mrs. Arnold KohJs Baltz Mortuary 1841 Jlfewpo11 A..._ will conduct a city council met>t· of Laguna. who Is also a former CHAPEL BY THE SEA eo.ta Mesa. ing. The Scouts attended two Corona del Mar resident. and her Ha rbor 42 Liberty 1-5711 prior council meetings to gain mother. who ls visiting her trom 3520 E. Cout Highway Tom Jkabr, Jr .. MiDilter knowledge In how to conduct Pennsylvania. Corona del Mar Sunday Services: 9:45 a.m. Bible thelr offices. Baltz Mortuary study; 10:55 a.m. worship serv. BIIOWKS GET DAl7GIITEB 1 7 30 I __ _, BOB GIIICIUCB If AM£D Olf SPECIAL COMMITTEE Bob Gingrich, director of parks. beaches and recreation for the City of Newport Beach has been appointed a member of the evaJ. uatlon committee at the eighth 'a nn u a I Calllornia Recreation Conference. The conference will ~ held In San Diego from Feb. 12 to 15. The special committee will evaluate the pa nel discus· s1ons. general discussions and commercial exhibits duJ'Ing the conference. DAl7GBTElt FOil AlfODTS Liberty 8·2121 ce; : p.m. even ng .... uace. A da ughter, Karen Leslie, was 1 Cos M born to Mr. and Mrs. Keith 17h It Super or. ta esa CKaJST CII17BCB n THE SEA Brown of 534 El Modena Ave., AMPLE PARKING Coauaaalty MethodJ.at Newport Heights, on Friday. Jan. BOTH LOCATIONS lcllboa alYd. crt l4tb St.. lfewport 13, In Jloag Memorial Hospital. '----.C;;;E;;M;n:fin---~ IIAtbot 5221 ..... .... Boy A. Carllo1a FlltSl CMUlCH OP CMliST HARBOR REST Sunday Worship, 9:30 and 11 a.m. SCIENTIST MEMOR IAL PARK Church School: 9:30 a.m. Mid. ))0) Via lido. NawDOrl kuh M 7 00 W d A brench of The Mother Cllurc:h. The week eetlng: : p.m. e ' First Ch.,rc~ of Christ. Sc:ie"tin . in Bot Harbor BlvtL at Cisler nesday preceded by 6:15 p.m. •on t.Aeuechu .. th potluck. s.,ndey School -----9:t5 "·'"· KIMBERLY 5-1158 Su11dav S.N•Ce ..... ·-··--······ I I :00 e.m L--==,.,...,"="'-:::.:nr-.:=.,...E'T'IIllr'-' ST. JOACBIN CHOacB Wed"eodey Eve~ng MHting 8:00p.m. -~CRDI~~~P:!!lt~A~~..!!~~~-'1 1114 Orall9e A .... Coeto Meea ~eed•ng ~oom louted et ))IS Vie • C Uberty 1·1011 Lodo NewPOrl kech, is open wHI Wilbur C. Wagner, D. . Patber Tbomaa J, lfntll d•vs l•om 10 00 e.m. to 5:00 p.m.. ChlropractJc luadcry M-crt 7, I. I. 10 CIDCl Wednesdays from 10 ()() e m. to 7:4~ Physical Therapy 11:30 a.m. Weekdaya: Ma• at P"' Frodey eve"onqs f,OI'I 7:00 p.m. to Colon Therapy 7:00a.m.-Confession: Satur· 9.00 p.m. Closed Holide'f5. 314 Ocean Ave., LaJUna da£ from 4;00 to 5;15-7:00 to The p11bloc '' cord•elly in .. ited to et Office: Hyatt 4·2398 8: p.m. CII17JICII ol tiM lfAZAllEIIE 1115 ADciiMba lt.. Coeta Mesa ._._ ..... co .. wmtae• Liberty .. 7111 Sunday·Servtcea: Sunday School, 9:30 a.m . Momtnr Worship at 10:30 a.m. Evaneellstlc Serv· Jce. 7 p.m. Sunday. N.Y.P.S .• 6 p.m. Sunday; Prayer meetJns. 7:30p.m. Wednesday. PDIST CIIVJICB OP CBJUST IClDtliif »a:JVSa~~hlda Sunday School: 8:15 a.m.. Sun· day S e r v I c e : 11 :00 a .m. Wednesday Evt'nlng Meeting: 8:00. Readln1 Room, 331:5 vra Lido, Newport Beach, open 10 a.m.-5 p.m. week days. 10 a.m.· 7:45p.m. Wednesdaya. 7·9 p.m. Friday evenlnn. CllaiiT Ll7TREB.Aif CIIVJICB OF COSTA MESA (Mianarl lyaoc1) Am.tca IA9Ioe llcdl. Coeto .... ~~ ln. Lothar Toreow Sunday Services: Worship Setv· loe 9 a.m. Sunday School at 10:15 a.m. aAUOA ISLAJm CIOIOIVJI1TT lfETJi~DiiT I IS A9ate A..._ acdboe Walad M~t "-"· Donald lapp ~ua Sunday Services: 9 :30 a. m. Church School : 9:30 and 11 :00 a.m. Worahtp Service. A daughter. Sue Louise. was born to Mr. a nd Mrs. Elvin Amodt of 2M·34lh St., Newport Beach. In Hoag Memoria l Hospl· tal on Sunday, Jan. 22. ••f'<l •he churdl ._,.,,ces end uM the Res.: Hyatt 4--4084 ll .. d .. •o ~-PfltST aAJI'Tl'IT CJIUBCB CIOIIOJIA DIL MU OP JIEWPOirr COMIIVIfiTY CJI'OltCII aaJboo BIYCL ltua & Coart Ita.. ' C••~Nt¥Uoaml llewpart til~ A ... 11ArtMw tW Uberty 1·3072 aiAtba. hS7 Patoi'J 8~ G. Jobuola ...._. ... IEdwla Coallie Sunday servlcea: 9:45 a .m .• Sun· Sunday Worship Servtces: 9:45 day School; 11 :00 a.m., Wor· a .m., 11:00 a.m. Sunday School: ahlp Servl~; 7:30 p.m. Sunda~ 9:45 un. evening C: e r v l c e: Mld· Wee lfKWfOirr BAaaoB ---------------------------------------------------------~-----1 \ is just A rainstorm • P1llST aA.PniT CBVaCII laata~A ... atM ... oU. c-t.M .. ...... a. ...... Sunday Setvices: 9:45 a.m. Sunday School; 11 :un. Worship Service.· 6:30 p.m., Baptist TraJnlng Union; 7:30 p.m. EvenJnr Service. Wednesday: 7:30 p.m.. Prayer, Praise and Bible Study. Mon· day: 7:30 p.m. Men's Chond p r a c t I c e ; 8:30 p.m. Men'• PrayeJ' MeetJnJ. CIIVJICB OP on LADT OP 111'. CAAIIEL 1441 w ....... ai9CI.. •...-t ..... I. Pcrtll•l~n..,, .__ Peru... .......,_ ..... Sunday Ma.ues: 8 ;.00 and 10:00 and 11:30 a.m . Confealon: Sat· urdaya and eva of lit Frtdaya and Holy Daya hm 4:00 to 5:30p.m. and from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Dally Mau 8:00 a.m. P'l.rst Friday: 6:30a.m. and 6:00p.m. Novena <P~ual Help): Tuesday, 7:45p.m. Flsbermen'a Mua. July and AuJUst. Sunday • a.m. VWIVEIIIALIIT CIOifJCVInT'f PEU.OWIIIIP Ebe11 Clublaoue SIS W. acdboa al9CI.. lcllboa Aetia9 IOalnewt WUUaa WU.., Sunday School, 10:00 a.m. Mom· lnl worshi~OO a.m. ST. JANES E.PJSCOPAL 1301 VIa Lido. llewpon a.ac:. RArbor 1130 .... Jolul .. hrlrie. a-ct. Sunday aervtces: 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion; 10 a .m. F&mlly Service with the Cherub and Junior Choirs; U a.m .• worship service. Thursday S e r v Ice a : 9:15 a.m. Prayer Gulld; 10:30 Holy CommunJon. IT. 100 VIARJIBT 114 Marble A..._lcalbN lala4 IIAitMw ••• Patller I~U.., • ...._ •patJMr ............ ..... Sunday MueH: 7 :00 a.m. a 9:00 a.m. Confesalon: Saturdaya and eves. of 1st Frldaya and Holy Daya; 7:30 to 8:30 p.m.; Firat Friday Mau 8 a.m. Summer Mass. July and A.ul\llt Sunday, 11 a.m. caTLU. arm.a cauaca Ora9e A ... at Drd lt. c:.ta ....... Uberty ··~ .. .......... ..... Sunday School: 9:45 un. Morn· tnr Servlee. u :00; Eventna Sei'vtoe. 7:30. Mld·wee.k SerV· Ice. W • cl n e ad a y. 7:30 p.m. Youna people meet 6:15 p.m. Sunday. I I I I I I I I I on washday a view through the window Service: 7:30 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Meettn~. LUT'BEBAif caoaar PIIIIT 1001.,.....,.., 1101 cuff Dr ... ...,..... ~WP• cauaca ' I I ' r I I I I I I I I 1-- when you Plug in the Sun and dry clothes the modem way with an electric clothes dryer I Just plug it in I --------------------------~-------~------ UDO.B AISDOLT OF OOD l.aett'f t •lal B W. -.n. M. C......_ Cllapel. loeftlenl CaW. ............. Qnaltllld I Jill If .... a.a. eo....._ Duplicate momtnr ..-vie.~ -I ,_... ..._ ••• & .._ LDerty ..... , a .m. and 11:15 a.m.. Sund.ayi· Sunday Kboo~J:e a..m...i. ~U!'dl .... c.&.. TlttanMed Klnderrarten and P'N·Schoo 8er'Yice U:w a.m. nauun1 Sunday adlool 9:30 a.m., momJnr Dept. Sunday lkhool, t a.m.; Union T p.m. aatMtQ. ev.ntn1 wonhlp 11 a.m. Youn1 people t.t Grade throulh Adwlt Sun· worship 1 p.m. Iunday. TeMh· aerv1ce 45:30 p.m.. tvenlnt d ay School. 10 a.m.; bul PfO• .. and omc.n JDMtlnl7 p.m. evan,.elllt M'I"Vt~ '7:30 p.m. 'rided and Mu,..,. provided for Wed.,...ay. Prayw ~ce and Mtd.wMk .met T:30 p.m. both .-rvt~ and 10 a.m. Sun· Bible ltu4:)' T:j!S p.m. 'WtcSDe. Wednesday. day Scbool. cSQ. Thia Directory Ia JDOCie pc I zNr by lt... d.SC..mlndecl hb .. ,;lill?DIIf-lll*eiii:D: WOOOW<:)ItTH "ANO SHO, !:xduatve Aplrt for klctwtn Plano~ 2610 L Co..t Hwy. Her. JJa C.... ., ~ NEWPOIT HARIOR ENSleN NIWWAPB • l'rlntln~ ...... .0 L c..t Hwy. Hlr. 1114 C..... .. W. ~ H.UIOI lANK Mil .. c..t ..... CC::ais ..... liCHAao-5 UDO MAUET Onn .. ON:Dt:r"' .... eo ..... ll.aJbt MJJ Yle ...... ......, 2128 .... ,.... .... MIL W. STANLIY, .... ........ pwt ......... w.OM. .._.._.. ...._.m 1111111'1 Llll IIIIET .-u••• 'Thru the Years' Is Theme Of Lido Isle Card Party Earl)' c1a.1 pbaie.olra,.. ot the wtth ,.,.,.tlonl f« the forth· Harbor AN.a ,.,.. loci..,.., IJa COIIIIl1lll .AIIril 2nd cl1ltrict meet· tile cum. ot decorat:Solll at tbe tn1 ttl the~ County Gvden hancbeoft can! par't7 belcl l an. tt Chall& 1'be dub wU1 provtde a by tbe Lido 1Ut Woman's Club door prbt a.Dd llrtq a flower tn tbe Udo Clubboutt. arranpmeot f« tbe event. Mn. n.. deeoratlve cUaplay, Wat.e:hN wtll repreRnt the dub --rtuouata UM y_,., .. wu b&P· at the annual meettnc ot the ll~t.cl b)' a aold centerpiece, a Ca1tfomla Carden Clube to be latp Indoor plant« decoratAid held at the BUtmore Hot.l In LM with cold rtbbon and a dl&m· Anpl• Kay t·lL pacne bottle wr•ppecl tn pld • • • IAt't b u r at the m a • be 4 toll to IJiftboU. the 50th annJ. AU UWC memben are urpd potaso b u b b le, wboee nar· venuy theme. 11\e cU.play wu to btlnl paperbadt novels to f'C1'W neek amucty maka KnJ. prepaffil under the wpervt.lon eaeb replar meettne cl the club. 1:1ou.re wUt walk the strataht of· )ln. Robert Templetoh and 'nl• novell wlll be donated to and narrow path, anatt~ with Mn. Vlnc:ent Salmacla. the Boac Ra.pltal Awdllary for eueh oblltacleta u peelln(, ~ll· l:atty-day ph oto 1 rapha de· uae by boepltal patlenta. tna, mubtnr. wbtppln( each plcted the Harbor area from 1B08, • • • • ume lb.e wan~ flutb' maahed when Newport Beach wu lncor· 'Jb.e February meetlnr of the potaOO. • , • Out knlebt In a porated u a ctty, to ltc51. Some Card Luncheon croup will be AAUW H ablnlna p ack a 1• ll Minute ot the .ubjec:U were a lumber held on Tuetlday, February 14, at ear Mulled Potatoel ... Brtnr two deUvery, early Newport Beach the Udo Clubhou.e, and wtU be- eup. of water to .. boll. remove Fire Equlpnmlt, a recatta-1915 f!~ at.:o_~~~~..:.~ .. ~~-:~ Talk on As·1a from h eat. add contents of pack· atyle, early pictures of the Mira· .-.... _...u .. ..,.,.;AU-... ~" uUMU• ace . • . Do not cook. Ju.lt eet cle Mlle. earl)' oJl uploraUon RHervatioM or cancellations them wet ... Poof! nutty muhed acroa from Balbo& Ba.y, the mu.lt be ealled ln by Monda)', potatoes. plenty for four . . . parkine problem tn 1901 with February 13, to Mrs. ~Y at hortledrawn eamae• an old Harbor 4233-M or Mrs. Ralph * * · * store at Balboa ln 1906. and alr Holdm at Harbor 2309. photos ot Lido Iale 19121-1949. Miniature repllcu of automo- biles of the aa.me period as the early photo,raphs co n t r a sted w1th a modern model alrpla.ne display. To dem.onmate lmprovementl ln construction th.rourh the years w~e models of Udo homes owned by Mrs. Charles Cotton and Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Krlee~. of RJcharda Udo Market, and of Hoae Memorial Hospital Presby· terlan. Rally Tonight for Churches 'lbe American Aslodatlon of UnlversJty Women. Santa Ana Branch, will hold Its annual In· ternatlonal ~lations Dinner at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 9. at Santa Ana CoHere. Dr. Rodeer Sweartnren, mem- ber of the faculty of the School of International ~lations of the UnJveralty of Southern Callfor- nla, will dlacuss the aubject, "Can Southeast Asia Remain Neutra.l and FrH!" Mra. Georre Kelly of Corona del Mar, and Miss Catherine Welsh, co-chairmen of the ln- temaUooal relations committee, are In general cbarre of the at · talr. Mrs. Harold Wilaon and Mrs. Robert Horn. also of Corona del Mar, are aulstlng with the d«aratlons. I ftWIOIIT ... ..,. a' w 1 ....v.DA!'. naDAft L - June Wedding Plans Made Haag AUXITIGry Pledges S~ More to Fund A June wedd~ 11 planned -ot central npply, rave a short w 1111 am v. Schmidt ol ~ An a 4 d It I o n al 125.000 wu pWpcl to UM bull4iDJ fund u a ~ tu.mout ttl IDl'ftlben at· leD4ed tiM lanuuy IDM'tlac of the Awdllary ttl Hoa.c ao.pital. l.&8t y-.r ln la.nuat)' lbe Awdll- ary bad pleq.d a Uke amount. wbkb bas been p&ld ln the rec· ard time ol one yev. reawne of b., ~nt and Shon!S a.nd h11 brtele-to-be. lf.lll the work of the auxlllary. Mill Jloberta Uaher of Sua rn...,....., Martha Oehlerldn&. ct.1M<:t« ot The youne couple'• -.se• rt nl.l.l..eS, ouWned the value ot tJw wu announced at a C!OddaO awdlla.ry tn eervice work to th~ party at the ~ ol 11'- ha.pltal. Members rave 30,000 ln Uaher'e parents. Mr. aDd lid. lle1Vlce hour~ durlnr 19!55. A.n ll· Robert c . Haeprd lr. ot San ha.Uated talk wu ~ven by MJ.a J"rancbco. The beDMk:t elect Betty ParriSh. head • u r 1 I c a I 11 the 80D of Kt. an6 lin. nurae. wbo preeented the opera-WWla.m G. Schmlctt of 2511 ttnr room. explalnlq IU work-Crestview Or., Bay 8hon:a. lnp, functions, a.nd CCMrt.a. The betrothed twoeome met at 'nle Awdlla.ry J.a fonnlnr a Pomona Co II e 1 i wb_.. Wa. new chapt~. to be known u 'nle Usbet' 1a now a ..mar and a •'Po- Huntera, which la an outJTOwth mona Scholar." Her ttanee 11 a of the white elephant booth at member ot Kappa ~lta l"ra· the Fund Fair. The workers. ternlty. Be paduated from Po· under the leadership ot Mra. mona CoHere last year and la John F. Dodre. bad aucb a aue-now attendlnr Stanford Law head cesstul time they wlah to or-School. The younr couple plan ra.nlze. to be married on the Pomona A panel da.eu.ton wu moder · ated by Mrs. a. L Bacon, tw.· pltal admlnlltratar. Dr. lohn Poyu, ebld ol the hOIIJ)ltal .taft. was the !lnt panel ..,.ur. He complimented the members on thet:r euellent wotk. and ooopet· aUon wftb the boaplt.al, and aald. "You have madle our hoepltal here In Newport Beach a com· munlty concern." Ml.aa Marra.ret Tierney. Mrs. D M. Hummel. president, eonece campua. announced the "steennr commit· ------- tee'' to start worlt on thla year's For letterhea<U a.nd en~lopes. Fund Falr The committee In· Call the Enslen. Ha.rbor 1114.. Attendlnr the mJd-year meet· cludN Mrs. Donald Colerrove, of ;::====================. lng of the Woman's Society of Udo lsJe, chairman; Harold Beck VAN'S CLEANERS Chrlatlan Service, Southern Call-lot Santa Ana, Mra. Florence Comla-Artzona Conference of the Tunis of Huntlnrton Beach and .. lO v .. ,..· &pe.-ie~ l'~in9 Methodist Church, thls week ln Mrs. Chest~ JamJ80n of Lacuna Superior Cle.ni119 v efh"'enJhip·· Phoenix. Ariz.. were Mrs. Ted I Beach. WE. FEATURE Hauser and Mrs. Robert Ibbotson ' Mrs. D. M. Huma.aon and Mrs. c.,.ful Hendlin9 of An O.llcete pr Balboa IsJa.nd. They are p!'esl-Ellen McLellan wt'te e 1 e c ted F•b•iea. keded & l.ee;e Ge,_nt. dent and vice-president of the trom the floor to anve on thls DRY CLEANING-l-"UNDRY SElV- Woma.n's Society of the Balboa yea r • s nomlna.Unr committee ICE -KNIT BLOCKING -HAND I a l an d Community Methodlat which also conslatl of Mrs. Edgar PRESSING -DYEING -ALTEM- Church. Hill, c h a I r m a n , Mrs. He-bert TIO NS-UPAIRING. h ~,.. Herbof Sl52 They w~e accompanied on l e St.ro5cheln, and Mrs. Lawrence F. Picl Up • O.livety S.,..,lce trip by their pa.stoc, the Re-v. Wh~ttaker. Open 1 e.n\. to S:lO p.lft. Donald G. Sapp, who vtslted Mrs. Ralph M. Tandowak)' has -S.turd•y. 1 •·"'· to 2:)0 P.ll\- famlly and friends ln Arizona. been .elected u chairman of J.4l6 E. C:O..t Hwy.: eo.-. del Mar Mra. Sapp and aon Gr~ge had nh~osp~l~tal~w~ee~k.~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:===~ cone earlier to Arizona because ;. of Ulness In the family. PhotoJTaphl Wet'e pro vI d e d throue'h the courtesy of the New· port-Balboa Savtnr• and Loan. P. A. Palmer Inc., the Newport ~ch City HalL a.nd David Olm· ated. chairman of Newport'a Golden JubUee com m l t tee . Models were provided by Udo Toyland and the Hobby Shop of Santa Ana. Mrs. Thomas Letto, LIWC pres- Ident. conducted a brief business meetlne follow1nr the luncheon. which was attended by 140 membera a.nd euestt. Local members of Newport MeUaodlat churches will attend • fna.u evanaellstlc rally at Santa Ana. First M e t h o d I a t Church tonteht C'nlursday) to hear Blahop Gerald H. Kennedy. 'lbla 1a one of fourteen rallies In So. Callfomla and Arizona wh~ he will preach during a three·week pertod. Noted u one ot Amertca'a JTeat Uvtng preach- en, Blahop Kennedy la leadl~g 80Ut.hland Met.hodl.st.lln a united denomlnatlonAl empbaals called, ''11le Mareb or Faith." Pi Beta Phi Alumnae Plan Mother-Daughter Luncheon For Easter. Select •• Fr. . ....... • • The proJTam of cards was au- pervt.aed by Mrs. Martin Lockney a.nd Mrs. Jack Swart. South Cout Alumnae Club of PI Beta Phi met Jan. 25 In the home or Mrs. Earl Corkett. 304 Buena Vl.sta Blvd.. Balboa. Co- hostess at the coffee hour wat Mrs. Thoma.s B. Frost of Newport Beach. Sellclie• If Minute Muhed P o t a toes! 'Ml~e's more you can do wtth thla mafic tittle package Potato Toutles! 3 minutes In your oven to produce a crtspy ac- companiment to any creamed dl.lb or rarebit ... Al.o an ln· ter'eStlna varfatlon with chop .uey Ott chow men! ... The.e Minute MaAecl PotaW. anal· ready cooked. only all the water In them hu been removed (an· hydrated, they call ttl · · · And are they delldou.~l Honest and truly you can't tell the diller· ence! Asslstlng w1th the luncheon were Mmes. Charles Lamb, Ver· non Littlejohn, James Martin· dale, Edwa.rd SmJth, Ralph Hol- den, and Ma.tt Ober, who aided the rerular luncheon committee. Mmes. Lee Barnes, A F. Hein-ze, and R. H. Kirby. The loc:a.l Newport conJTera· tlon.s. led by Rev. Donald Sapp of Balboa Island and Rev. Roy Cart.on of Newport Beach. have .elected Santa Ana aa the rally- Inc point moat convenient to hear Bishop Kennedy. The Rev. Carl10n states that "these ral- Ues will brine a dlr«t cha.Uenge from our bishop to all Metho· dlat.a to join In placing the PV· anaellstlc emphasis foremost In the church pJ"OEI'am during the weeks precedlna Easter." Plana wt!t'e dl~ tor the 40th bi-ennial convention of PI Beta Phl In the Huntlngton·Sher· aton Hotel, Pasadena. from June L•t;.:' IIJ Set 24 to 30. The local alumnae club will spoMOr a mother-daughter committee for new officers of the alumnae club who will report ~ot the next meeting: Mrs. Philip John. chairman; Mrs. Duncan, and Mrs. Anderson. Next meet· lng will be held Wednesday. March 28. In the Laguna Beach home of Mr$. R. Allen Behrendt. LEE l tnfCE m BOSPI'TAL Lee Bunce of 530 Westminster Ave .. Newport Heights. was ta.ken 1 to Hoag Hosplta.l last week. * * * • • • The Ga.rckn Club, represented by Mra. Irvtne Watcher. Presl· dent, hu volunteered to aulat Glamour Glimpses ... 1st Cllll luncheon at the convention. •1 Mrs. eeorre H. M~ of New- Tuesday wlll be Ladles Day port Beach was appointed lunch-No"-AII•rqic-ult f••- for the Optimist C1ub of Newport eon chairman. SUvtnr on her Harbor at the VIlla Marlna Res· committee wU1 be M.ra. RJchard low ce1oric-hi prot•in-food• taurant near Balboa lsland. Hua-lta.rahner and Mrs. Allan Molll· DIABETIC DIETS banda. who 8COrt thelr wtves to 800 of Ne'W'J)Cirt Bead\, Mra. How· the mMUnc. wtl1 be wfnners at aJ'd Chut&.ln ol Balbota. Mrs. FRE'SH JUICES a later steak star party put on Stanley van Dyke and Mra. Harbor Health Food by the Optlml.sts. Robert Keams ol Corona del Mar. MOVES noM COSTA MESA Mrs. E~n Milnor and Mrs. and Vitamin Store June Quarles Peters on has ~Ue GarUnrhouae of Lacuna moved from 1950 Priscilla Lane. Beach a.nd Mrs. Dwight Duncan ··in the Crossr~ds Village·· ,.._ ... a M-• to 612 Poinsettia and Mrs. William E. 4.ndenon of '-""'~ "....., 35) N. N•wport & vd. Ave., Corona del Mar. She Uved Santa Ana. for aeveral yea.rs on Balboa The following membera were Uber"y 1 b-424 Y~ may have thought that ;s~l:a:nd~-~~====~==~~==~~a~ppo~l~n~ted~=t~o~th~e~~~~tn;a;tl~n~g~~~~~~~~~~~~~ thla year's newest fuhlons have a restrictive look about them * * * , .. designed for only the per· feet IIeure . . . tailored for the we11 ·moulded IIeure. but you. madame, will be pleued to slip Into some of the newest of the comlng sprlne styles. already betne unpacked at O'BRIEN'S. Wo get a fl.lat of Uae MW tla1Dp Ia faalaloa wtUa t.M -..y ant oC tile .,.... ~ .....a 9h'e ,_ a good look at wllat to .-pect t1a1a .,._ (aDd a. aat U yoa cia.... your ........ wttll a emNfv.1 ..,..) LJdo Da)'ll. thla Thursday, Frl· day and Saturday. February 2. 3, There are 80me ve•ry basically and 4 amonr our Udo Shope,· · · lovely 11ne11 1n the new allm coat Uke the 80Und of th.-eT Cotdu-dresa. for example. The dresa It· roy Captain's Chair pUlO'tQ. ,tul· 8elf Ia destrned to rtve you the fed with wedded foam rubber. genUy molded flrure of the $3.9!5: TWo tier Hostess carta elonrated tono. the parade of ~ Richard'• Mnzanlne Cthat'a buttona down the front glvtnr usl. Martini set&. pitchers and you a look ot helaht and slen- auorted hlflh ball aJuaes. liquor demese. proofed tra.)'ll. 50~ oU. Malaca 1m porta. Crane'• nne Boxed Sta · A .._.a ._ you wardrobe La tJone")'. from $1.50·$10.00. ~ ~~== ott, Al80 Co,gternpo brown paper --Y cocktail and dinner napkins. 20~ ...,..S wttb a taUond •· off Wllllama Sta1:1onen. Lido .-A8lt.ly fttuav 4NU Ia tta El~c 11 offering Richer IJdo ... wa11MW. • t1 -• wttll Da)'8 Trade·lna on G.E. Wuhert a llrlPt pdat to OBIT oat Uae and Drtera. as low a.s $2.69 per ..ra baak ooolr. T1Ua type of week. ror the men Bidwell's ls ~ .. a .-,_ Soutbena ott~ng tt• ahlrta. paJamaa and c.uJonale ._a loe9·loa9 ..... oth~ tumJahlnrt at "' price. For -. A8d cd8o Uae maarteet the small try 1e-l'• of Udo ts tldat Ia wlalell yoa C1DG14 GP· etvtnr ~~ ott on any ltem.a In poor If yoa oro tlwftllla9· h~ tt.ore. Barrow'• (the new A peek ln Vorue's fashion one), 1/l off, tpeelal ra<:! etrl~ maeaztnes to come will assure dreslel to 14 and 8o)'8 r•anne you the ooetumed look Is moct Shlrta. Lido Toyland 11 havlnl a Important tor eprlne and this truck sale, ree. t8.3S to .S.SS. can be admirably achieved with while they lut. a .utt or Jacket clre:a. Even the * * * 80ft femlntne eult:a. 80 ault·a ·ble for aprlna. wtll praent the amootJ\ Une effect to rtve a feel- Inc of helcht a.n4 willowy •Urn-,_ rtabt down to the abone.t of stature. Brtcbten them. ot c.'OUJ'M. wtth • bit ol l!Olartul c:blffon at the throat or a beautl· tully faahJoMd bJout ... ftnd jUit U'le rllbt touch at O'BIJEIIf'S. ~-.. ~·---· dllcl(ee .._ nhlf• ...._ .............. v...-.............. , 'h~ ............. & .. 111 -·· ........................... llrl ................ .. ....... ,. ....... . L* Psli6' sst 11a ,_ 1_. ...... ,..., .......... ..................... ........................ (all ...... -. ........ . -,... 0..,..... .... . .............. a n n•• ..................... __ .... ...,.. ...... * * * P. S. ValentiM'I DQ', Feb. lt ••• and .. ba-.. LOADS fll pnt· tl•! the flowers that bloom • • • in the spring flower-pretty girdles and bras Capri of California Petticoat "Pretty a$ a jlcwer and slim . , as tts stem ... u you're tlnd or girdles that are as plain-as-a -weed, here's .omethlng new and awettT from Sacony. Romantic ~ are appllqued on the front panel and peek out from under sheer nylon net ... Two rose buds decorate the back panel. Another version has delicate dog-wood blossoms embroidered dlrectJY on the satin elastic front panel. Both equally wash-proof and ravel-proof. In pull-on and panUe-rirdle. TheM Cower·~ foundatlon.a will ~n your heart. u they 111m your fteu.re. See them 1100n. Plower phttty (lrdleta wtth oo-rap bade 1n pow« Del , .. an4 uo m lue bobbtnet Ul )Ia~ btualetes In eylOft at.arqut.Rtt. &.II A.rDerkan ... Pl(tkoat b1 C.pd ol Calli.. ft1lon trlcot and dOuble me. IU'loD Dounoc ... .. ~to bM4w"for tMlifeoft.M~! This fobuiOUJ MW all-combed cotton releases creases ... stays frMh ond doon longer ... wash.$ easily, drios fast, never needs s1orch ... lrona smooth with o stroke .•. Is colorfatt ond shrinkogo.<ontrolled. It moQa up ben. ... keeps Its new loolt longor 1 SH IT IN MAIIMt'l MIAMI ao-,_. --print "' coordlncNcl c:olon. S.. oH the -.,._ DCSOf'II"'R> prints...,..,, .. .,... hi: ..... ....... Cad Angling (Contlnu~ bom .... 1) and BtU Pta tn)pby few larl"t Bora~ Witherspoon, tadU• and ma.rUn by a junior, tor bJa 180~· tournament commltt.daatrm&n. lb. marlin On Ulht tadtle. told o1 plana for the Utb fnter· Jinl Donnelly, St&rfbe. ftnt national LJght Tackle Touma· rn.arUn ol Muon. by member ment echeduled for Mautlan.. charter boat. Aug. 30: Joan Reu· Mexiro. ln AprU. Balboa Ant"llng land, lupst marlin. heavy Club is the ho.t dub. To date tackle, 173~ lb.; Earl Johnaon 11 artaUng clubs from various Jr.. largest marlin. me d I u m part.a of the United StatH. ad-tackle, 164 lb.; Jack EJllaon, joining countries and ls1ancb smallest marlin, 117 lb.; J. Don have accepted. There are stJll 11 Locke, flrst 3/6 marlin and lu - avallable sloll for clubs desiring gest 3/6 marlin, Sept. 17, lJ8 lb., to enter the hlrh-powered com-6 oz.; Jerry Garrett. first marlin ptltlon. but It ls expected that a ot seuon and largest marlin on number of these vacancies will llrht tackle. also largest fish on be tilled before the Feb. 10 dead· Hrht tackle, all for his 168~ -lb. line for team entries. marlin caught Aur. 19. e "0 Q.UB CHAMP e OTBEA AW AJlDS Clarence Stewart was In charge Louise Hopton, largest croaker. ol the trophy prest>ntatlon. with !5 lb., 11 ~ oz.; Harold Woods. Mr. McNally and Mr. Steck as-largest black sea bass. 1!55 lb.; slsUng. It was dWicult to ~lect DaJ Grettenberg. largest white the top BAC angler for 1955. The sea bass. on 3-thread, 32 lb.; Dr. club found It difficult. too, tor W. F. Robinson. largest white there wa.s no winner of the City sea bass on 3/6, 31 lb.; Dick of N e w p o r t Beach Trophy. Greeley, largest whit~ sea bus awarded annually to the club on light tackle, 43 lb., 13~ oz. champ. Bill Burd was flrst to VIolet Blethen, largest yellow· quallly. followed by Doris Van tall. light tackle, 23 lb.; E. C. Dame. Gt>ne Van Dam~. Harry Van Dame. largest yellowtail on Rogers and Michael Smith, but 3/6, 18 lb .. 3 oz.. and on 3-thread, none amassed enough points to 16 lb .. 12 oz.; Dr. N. R. McCoy earn the tltlt' of club champion. Sr .. largest tuna on 3/6, 14 lb .. Fashions Will Be Shown During Valentine Brunch Youth again put In a strong 6 oz.; L. J. Wesbecher, largest bid for honors when Jerry Gar· I tuna on light tackle, J5 lb., rett took home the trophy for 11 ~ oz. first marlin of the ser JOn. The! Burr White. larges t albacore. same fish was tops on light light tackle. 27 lb., 4~ oz.; Betty tackle. The Garrett trend became 1 Kenoyer. largest albacore. 3/6 a ramlly altair when Jerry's I tackle. 24 lb., 8 oz.; Merle AUler· brothE>r Marvin won the Club I baugh. larg('st albacore on 3· Trophy for the largest mnrlln I thr('ad. 25 lb., 7 oz.; Bob Scorteld. takPn by a junior. Former club smallest albacore, 6 lb., 2 oz.; champion. "Dickie'' I Mrs. Ross) l Lily Call. largest sport fish on GreelE'y. took the trophy for first spinning tackle, 37 lb .. 4 '-1 -oz. membt>r to break a club record. white sea bass. Joan Rt>uland. Her fi sh was a 43-lb. 131.2 -o?. largest fish on rod and reel. li3- Mrs. John Merrill. chll1tman, and Mrs. Ruth Lewis and Mrs. Robert Henderson, co-cha1tmen. announced further plans for the Valentine Brunch and fashion show when the Mu Ep:illon chap- ter m('t last week at the home ot Mrs. Arthur Taylor, 421 Morning Canyon Dr .• Corona Highlands. will go towards the ~ta Sigma Phi pledge to the Hoag Hospital building proeram to provide a room for the tumor board. President Mrs. Jack Quisen- berry conducted the business meeting last week during which plans were tentatively ma de tor a· new Exemplar chapter of Betn Sigma Phi In the Harbor Area at thW end or this year. The new chapt('r. together with the NC· lstlng chapters, Mu Epsilon and Omicron Rho, would form a city council of the non-academic so· rori•y. The next rt>gular meeting ot Beta Sigma Phi will be held next Wednesd ay-at the home of Mrs. Glen Walmutt. 13532 E. Baker St.. Santa Ana Heights. Mrs. Merrill will be co-hostPSS. whltP sf'a bass. lb. marlin. e TROPHIES AWABDED ------- F o 11 o w I n g trophies were awarded: BBC Jam SassiH Set For Tues4ay Fashions from Lido Shopping center shops will bt> shown with Mrs . John Stolz as fashion CO· ordlnator and commentator for the VaiE'ntlne party, which is scheduled for 11 a.m. Tuesday at the Newport Harbor Yacht Club. Mrs. Stolz, who lecturt>s on sew. lng under the name ot Ellzabt>th Chapin. has appeared recently on television in a sewing courst' St>ries ProcH>ds of the benefit Marvin Garrett. Clock trophy for largest marlin tak«.>n .bY a son or daughter of a mt-mber. "Bring your favorite lnstru-of c-....-.~al not~ ly ,EG ment . . . join the gang" . . . _...,._. ._. • • + Ellie I•,..•.P's YARN SHOP bright your listening ears' These ........ ........,..._ ____ , ___________________ _ are the instructions for mf'mbers I A "PENNY" for your thoughts?"! done aome summering In the of the Balboa Bay Club and thellnr Aw c'mon-glve a dime! A dime • Harbor area and have a lot of guests. who are Invited to jo for the Ma rch of dimes. Give an friends around h~re. Knitting, Croch.tlng ancl N .. ~llapoi11t SuppliM Knitting a.91 Spacialiud Accauorlas ancl 111strudions thE.> BBC Jam Session on Tuesday extra dime on a('('()unt of all the • • • <not Thursday), Feb. 7· mother's who collected on beha lf Gotta hand ft to the Ford Co. Since Tuesday; ls band night of the polio foundation Tuesday By Issuing that new buyable out for th-: dubs r('gular mu~l -night. Give another for Dorothy stock they almost forced the clans, music will be made by t e Jo Swanson who corralled all weather out of running In the amatjl'~TS I an~ past rr~f~s~o~~~~ the young t~lent as well as the: favorite topic · of · conversation who om n t e mus ca u · professionals for the "March of I race. A poll of local Investment flng and puffing 0~ the brass In · DlmPs" bt>neflt show at the OCC houses Indicated that nobody l tru~('nts and. slidtng around on auditorium this past month ... seemed to get ~s much ot tbe the tvories Will be a number of anfl slip In a few dimes for the predous commodity as they I past greats In the music worl:t klddles who performed. lD'ya wanted but quite a few people lloun 10 a..aa. to 5 p.m. accorfl~g ~~ lnsl!~u so~r:~ve<J ever notice wht'never there's got some to put In their safety rt47 £. COAST BJCIIWAT the c u · ~ner . 111 some community project going deposit boxes. The stock jumped CcnoDa del Mar Barbo!' 0857 from six 0 clock: music w on. Dorothy Jo Is usually there seven points the day It was of· <~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"~·a~r~m~u~p~a~bo~u;t~e~t~gh~t~p~m~. ==ii with some kiddles doing some' fered. but seems to have al· ;;----appropriate ent~rtalnment!) ready sJld back to r each a more Cloted Thura. BAY NURSERY US E.l?th Give ~vNa l d imes In case you normal level. u 8-5026 Costa Mesa missed the Arthur Murray "dime • • • BARE BOOT TllEE5-FJll1JT cS SHADE a dance" party a couple of weeks Seems like the A. L. Gatter· 8Cibc:ock. IUo 0.0 Gem. Elb.rta, Early Elberta Peach -rr... ago. This Is Chet Farrar's SEV· dam's have had troubl .. enough Sl.OO. up; Boward Mb'ac:le. Scmta Boea. SaUuma PIUID.I, S1.00 ENTH annual Ma rch of Dimes with Duane's struggle to walk up; Royal Apricot. 11.00 cS 11.20: WhJte Kadota Fig. 11.00; party with the slogan: "Dance so again after he hurt his back WODderlu1 '-egra:DCrte. 11.00; Early Jled FlowfttDg '-ach. that others may walk." The Co· surf slamming and H~len's (Mrs. 11.40; Pcmam1Dt lfecta:rtae. 13.00. SHADE: ChlDeM Elm. Mo-rona del Mar Studio wa.s all re -A L.'s 1 operation last year, but d.Hto Aah, LoiDba:rd1 Poplar cS WhJt. Bb'Cb.. 11.10 to 13.50. decorated In time for the occa· now Hel('n has just gone back * LAWif TOOLS LOANED FB.EE TO CUSTOMEAS * slon too again to the operating room at A Complete L1De of Plcmt&. FertilU.. cS GczrdeD Tooll D'ya ~ver notice how much Huntington Memorial Hospital SALE FAMOUS MAIERS IMPORTS CHINA •.. DENMARK. open stock Beg. Price SALE 7.25 E'a. Luncheon platPs. blue white ea. ).95 7.50 Rim Soup!r-functaonal. beautllul .. 3.9S 8.50 'Giant' cups and saucers. translucent 4.95 2.50 As htrays. Ideal tor table servace . .. . . .. . 1.95 4.00 Rim ~ups, blue-white . . .. . . .. 2.49 3 50 Lunchf."'n plates, finest r hlna .. . . .. . .. ... .. .. . . .. 1.95 8.50 2pc. cream soups. flowers ... .... . ... .. ................. 4.lt 10.00 Fruit or vegetable bowls . ... . ........................ '-'5 4.25 Deml Ta~e cups and saucers, dainty .................... 2.&1 2.75 Fruit saucers. greton decor. .. . ........ -······-········· ........ l.St 18.50 Sugar and crl?amer, set ................................................ 11.95 15.00 Gravy boat . .. ... . .... _ ............................................... 1.15 8.50 Relish dish ............................................................. 5.95 3.75 Dessert plates. blue-white ····-......................................... 2.25 3.25 Bread-Butter plates ............. ······························-·········· 1.95 and Many More CHINA •.• GERMANY, open stock 43.50 16-pc. starter set, hand painted ................................... Z/.75 52.00 20·pc. starter set, s liver on white ................................... 29.75 CHINA .•• FINLAND, open stock 1.75 Cereals, handpalnted hlihly fired ............................... ISc 2.50 Breakfast plates ......................... ~ ....................................... IAI 7.00 Milk-Water Pitchers ································-··········-··-··-··--· 3..15 11.50 Teapots, 6 cup . . ............................................................ 1.15 1.75 Cereals, modern decor ... ·································-············ .. liSe 7.75 Gravy boat . . .. . ............................................................ 4.Jt 21.00 Covered vegetable bowl ....................... -......................... 11.15 1.00 Butter chip. ..... . ....... ... ................................................... lie 10.75 Suear-creamer, aet. functional -·-----·---·-.. ··· 1.15 6.75 Tr~y cot1ee pot, 2 cups ...................................................... J.71 7.00 Pitc her, 1 qt:z. blue on grey ···~····--·-··----··-··-·~· J.t5 10.00 Cot1ee pot, IS cup .......................... ·-·----··---·-·--· t.IO 2.00 Rlm MUP1 -·---·--···-······-.. ·······----·-····----------1 .. 8.75 Salad bowl, provlndal .......... __ ---5.71 6.00 Vegetable bowl. y~llow, gay ------,.--·--· 1.15 9.00 Platter, medium alu --·-·--· s.a 2. 75 Cake or coolde plate, provtndal ----•• 2.75 C\.Jpe and uuoen, Ideal rttta . US 10.75 Su.rar and creamer, yelloW·tfhlte ---7.71 and Many More GLASSWARE ••• IMPOBTED, lwmd.Wowu 1.7$.3.S> Q7ltaJ ltemware. Swedlah; JObleQ, ...--. 15.0().;~~ sw.dtiii·1=-iiijbbina. JuJce ---'.C &SO cr,.taJ handblown, rob .U. Holland . IM 7.50 8 -pe. .-eordJa.la-,..., and deu Ul v ..... boWII. ~ ... etc. Qlfta flrom people who have had polio ap-In Pasadena. We wish her well. predate the work of the National • • • Infantile Pa ralysis Foundation MINX'S MIX MJNKS~r the and want to h~.>l p with their case ot the missing fur cont. at drive!'!. Speaks well tor the work the R.PAity Board annual shindig, of th(' organlu tlon. A case In turned up to be just a matter of point Is Costa Mesa Pollee Chief confusion and Helen Baum now Art McKI?nzle, w~o once was at-has her original mink coat re- tacked by polio. This year he turned to her. The case ls now Is heading the March of Dimes closed with a "just a case of mls· drive for all of Orange County. taken Identity" label. Send your dimes to him. If thE'y're still jingling In your pocket! • • • Sub-Mariner's met Saturday night at the Capistrano.Beach- comber's Club for a dinner dance and a nnual presentation of awards. Wonder ll they were dancing with their flippers on? • • • Eileen Hoffman. th~ nurse who spoke on Georee Putnam's pro- gram about the horrible tra in wreck In Los Angeles. Is the wile of KTl'V advertising ac- count exec. She expla ined on 'IV that they were romlng back to the big city from Lldo Isle on the Santa Ana Freeway when she heard the ~meraency radio broadcast askinr for doctors and nurses to go to the acene of the disaster. The Hoffman• live ln the metropolis, but they have 2 Accl~•ta Frtar Fer Dl W~ell Mn. Mary P. a.a of 2t8 Poppy Av~ .• Corona d~ Mar, wu Jn. volved In two acddel'lta lut Jrl· Linda Herman Is Engaged to Ron Johnson Coming home thla week-end to say goodby~ to h .. fiancee, Mls.s Linda Herman. ts Ronald John- son, who will leave aoon for a Navy crulae aboud the U.S.S. Oriskany, now In San FranciiCO. The young c:oupl~'s engage· ment was announ~ last week by the parenu of the Intended bride. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Her- man ot 609 Marguerite Ave., Co· rona del Mar. The benedict-elect Is the aon of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Johnson of 400 Clubhouse Ave .• Newport Island. Mlas Herman 11 a junior at Newport Harbor Hllh Sehool. lfr. Johnson a lao attended Harhor HJ.gb but bu apent two yea.n tn the navy and hu already le\!n aervtce In .Japan. Weddtna plans are not rontempl&ted for at l~ut ~year. day, Newport pollee reported ..., .... II ...... Mn. Jlea'a car wu hit ln the -- rear by a car drlwn by Kn. PwMnJ ...t~ few MJcbael Edna M.. NoU&r of 0 ·38tb St., An~ Htclblom. lniQt Ibn of Newport INch. at 10:15 a.m., po· Mr. &Del Mra. AnciNw 0. Ked· lice aa.Jd. Mrs. Jlea waa stopped blom o1 m Catalina at.. !few· ~t the t1me at Vla Uclo and New· port Belp~ "'" Mid S.turday port Blvd .• Pfepariftf to make a at Para. Jt.ldl17 11artaar1 tn tum on Jfewpott BlM. Mn. ._ c..ta )llaa wlt.b .... ~-­ autrwtcl a .~bl· Deck tn.Jur7, ae.wut. putor ttl .. ADcJnwa omeen aauf. PI~ Qardl. ollld...,... At'•:lO p.m.~ A. laum 'I'IM bll.ult WM ._..at~ lr,. 14, of at Nanttia Aft., W.tatld~ llllllt. laa. 21, ln Corona clll Mar, CI'Ubed b.ll lloq "r,.a&l ........ tada411 moCiot bOte brto tbe rtlllt ..., a ..._, ............ • I. and '* ol Mn. ._,. cu. Mil. ._ --~...._ 1111. Hanu ,.... tn~ aortJI 011 ............................. ... A,._ at J"ourtll Aft. CanDa ... lila DOl.., = fll lluJII1q· Mar,itt.beU..ola.IIMif'l t ........ ,.,.. ..... L..-------~~~..;....----~----~~1 Jfo oae WU hrt. .... M• IIIII,.. I .... a• Tile bo4r ol a.... a...o, Amlrf, • wu Woqtat -Ooeta .... tar tun.&l ........ ~ at Partee. JU4Jey MGmwy aft« IUO 110 t:U5. 1'b4J rate ~ wUI an acc:W.ttal drowntq dalmed nrttda 10 dial .....cJ• 1n JJ87, ao into .Ueet wa..n the extendlld hla Ute tn ONton qn lunaay Ted R&JDI!roolr. ....... Man· 8I:I'YSee ~Into eftect. 2), .,_, ~ tbJa ...._ Ra.r· Harbor w'*=rtben alrudy can Kr. Arne')' an4 bit .U.. Mi'8. '* .u'*ribeN are &leo clue to call Santa Ana and Guden Ethel A.rnq, bad~ mewed cec ~ lft'¥ke to lluntlq-erov. ~-rr.. Tbe other toll· to er-eu. Ore.. trom Coeta ton ... dl and Lquna .. eh tt.e calla to llunUntton s..cll Meu... Survlvon allo Include a wftb an lncr.ue fn rat• lor the and La,una ... c:b wlll ttart u dauthter. Mn. J>oroth,y L Jon• llti"Ytce. aoon u the General Telephone of eo.ta Mesa; and Ove ton-. A f;2SO,OOO addJUon to tb~ t~le-Co. .ervtnr Huntlnrton Beach Everett, Edrar. Carl and Don phone bu1ldln1 at au E. Balboa and Laruna Beach eompl«eo~ ln-Arney ot Orecon and Jl&&~~~eU Blvd.. s.Jboa, wlU 1tett aom~-mtlatlon of neceua.ry CTOM· Arne)' ot Nevada; live alltan ill· time th.lt year wttb a completion boundary dlallnc equipment and c:JuclJn.r Mrw. Ro&le BatMI ot d"te let fox the tlrat of murt added trunkl. The commiMJon Costa Mesa, and 17 lf&ndcbll· year, Mr. Ham brook aald. Dial order calla lot the new .ervtce' to dren. Paul Hat'Pft of the Church equlpm~nt wUl be Installed and go lnto operattnc on or before ol Chrlat 1n Glendale, offlelat~ a .witch-over to dial will be Mareb 1, 1~ Plans an.d equip-at the Sunday afternoon MrYt~ made aometime nat year. ment for the new service wJ,U The California PubUc UtUIUes coat f600,000. Read the En.alfll Want Ad ~ae. Commlulon authorized estab· p:;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;==~ llahment of extended telephone ~rvice ln 14 exchanees In Or- anee and Loa Antelea countJ~s by ~neral Telephone Co. and Paclllc Tel~phone Co., and au. thorlud new rates for the aerv· Ice. KEEP • •• Rate Increases for Newport Beach businesses wUl go from $11.()() to $11.40 for nat one· party lines and 65 messages for $5.25 will Increase to 70 messages for $5.65 for businesses. One·party resident rates wtll Jump !rom $5.00 to $5.05; two· party from $3.95 to $4.00 and four-party from LOSE··· , llrls Sar ne, Were 1•4ucletl A Norwalk girl. 17, and a Long Beach girl, 18. who were brought by Newport pollee ortlcers to po. lice headquarters at 3:46 a.m. Sunady claimed they were ab· ducted ln Long Beach and let out of a car ln Newport Beach a fter being subject to listening to lewd language and suggE'S· lions. The girls said they were not molested. A brother of the Long Beach girl came to Newport po. lice headquartl?rs at 5:45 a.m. Sunday to take the girls to Long Beach pollee headquart('rs to tile charges. Thoee EITII POUlOS lA IlED During The HOLIDAY SEASON • Telephone Harbor 1742 3117 Eat eoc.t Jlwy .. Conaa dU ... FASHION I SHOW Reservations Now HArbor 3930 villa marina Wednesday, February 8th 25th in a oeriea of DIODihly Faohioa Sho- NOTE: Next Fashion Show on Wed., March ath. (and the aecond Wectn..day of each month following) Pr ... nted through the cooperation of the Vina Marina, Vema Miller and The Following Di.tincti•• Sho~ BRAGGS UNIQUE SHOP LORNE 2737 E. Coast Hwy. 204 Marine Avenue Corona del Mar Balboa Island * * THE BRAT SHOP MAIULYWS FASHION APPABEL 1809 Newport Boulevard 1767-A Newport Boulevard Costa Mesa Costa Mesa * * ELLGENE. CASUAL FASHIONS . Mary MCIIOD Mcdemitt Sbop 1883 Harbor Boulevard 102 Ealt .... St. Costa Mesa Santa ADa * * FUN FASBIONS IIUI.E8 OF CAl.IFOIINUl 2659 E. Coast Hwy. 3210 Via Udo Corona del Mar Udo Shopping Center * VEliKA MDJR 1a100L OF CIIA'II Commentary-Fashion Modell 307 N. Broadway, Santa Ana * Luncheon from 12:00 Noon ' ' &eaJtc.-af-the·YMr t\lrMcJ up double Wben the JDMt adift NlelllWD awat4a ..... handtd out at the unual realtcn baD· qu• to Harold Snyder and Matt . lA..._ Harold Sny&tr ot tbe Vo,.l Oo. oftke In Corona del Mar wu nUMC1 top .. attman and Matt IA&c.de, aa.leeman With tM •n Tob.._. otrke tn eo.ta M-.a. wu named top u.t•t. loth awarct. wen bued on the year'a ac:tMtl .. or all N&J\on ln the multiple l a.ttn1 dlvUion of the Newpott Harbor balty Boar4. Mr. LeBorde had ll.lted the molt propertJe. that aold durln1 the year. • • • A1ao honored durlnr the eove· nlnl were the varloua "~altors of the Month," who received their plaquee for out.atandlnr tellln1 dwlnr the month. Rulty 8oard 8«:retary Farel Walker re- eelved a aurprlae plaque In rec- OIJ\ItJon ot her work dwlnr the year. It wu an extremely ray party tor all the realtora and their suesta at the Vllla Marina Aquarium room. Nautical decor· atJona on the "Row Realtor" theme were created by Char· lotte Panola, Marre Hadfield, Dorta McFarland and Chet Salls· bury, with aome assist from Lee Bolin. Nelda Gibson had charge of the arrangements for the party. • • • Council Calls for Vote On Trailer Park Bea(h 8 OPEK e SATUB:DAY-8VNDAY 11'0 S P.M. Located on e aMctr~ e a batha • 8bak.e root .. .l.a1aed fiagstone fireplace 8 Lanai dlnlnr area e Lot abe 65 x 119 e BuutJtul panellne e L.aree sunny pa tio e 2 Forced a ir furanr es, g arbage diapoul, Westinghouse dl.llh · waaher e Separate service· room e Fine cablnet Insta llations e Bu!Jt In electr1c 1tove and oven e DeJJgbttully decorated • ExpenaJvely landacaped e Restricted area Devoloped By Clarence L. Cooper. Inc. Built By John B. Clark. Quality Builder For preview showing to qua1Uied cllent.a Call John Abell HIDOR .., ... , .... , W• have an ucepUona.Uy attractJve 3·bedt. h ome In Gl«H)dale to exchanie tor Balboa Ialand. Alao excellent home in Des· ert Bot Sprlnp to trade for eo.ta Mesa or Harbor Area. Come tn, let's ta lk It over! • lSI UD REALTY CO. 498 Park, Balboa IaJand HA 3T1 I l l "Ill 1M IIIHT Size for a couple or small ramlly Is this 2-bed.room home, lovely lanai, tiled bath, roomy modern k I t c h e n , ample storage space, double g arage, 1 a nd s cape d a nd fenced, tlreplace. Back to paradise from a few yean selling real estate In Palm Springs are Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ad&ms. who now Jive at 1148 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa. Both Jack and Edwina will be associated with the Vogel Newport office near the ArchH . Newport Beach City Council voted at the adjourned meeting Friday morning to place a re· vised proposition o n the April ballot to keep 85 feet of beach In front of the City Trailer Park open to t he public. 85 t~t from thl• line would u.•· IIVESJIE11J CO quire the city to rev1se Its traller . n • Best of all the full price for the cozy attractJve home Is $15,750 with excellent fi- nancing. By the way, It's south of the highway! park plan5 a nd to set the for· REALTORS wa rd row of trailers farther back. Ha.rbor 1600 What the cit y Intends to do to With that Issue settled, Coun· ell a pproved the revised plans Insure the 85-foot depth ot beach EveQings phone LI 8 5386 1 Bar --..1 D---L Realty Is to extend the beach farther --------------UWtl511 Into the bay by dredging. e IIESEPE IS FEET Corona del Mar Otrlce The PTA LUe Membership nom-and spedflcatlons for Improve· I nations will be presented at 9:301 ment of the Tra iler Park, and a.m. Monday at tbe m~tlng of caned for bids to be opened at the Harbor Council PTA meeting an adjourned meeting at 4 p m. at the Newport Ha rbor High Friday, Feb. 17. The proposluon therefore was a-_.. Bar Lots re·worded to read that there tnill 3530 E. Coast Hwy., Harbor 5563 School Board room. Mrs. Harvt>y The revised ballot proposition Pease. Mrs. Dennis Hogland a nd replaces the one that the Cltl· Mrs. J. l... Carver are members zens Committee for Parks and of the nominating committee for Playground5 was prepared to the l..Ue membership honor. Mrs. place on the ballot by ~tltJon. Pease Is alao delegate to the P r A e ACHED 011 llE· WOJlDIIIC District nominating commlttt>e Chairman Hal Glass. VIce· with Mn. Judson Sutherland us Chairman Mrs. Phillip Burton her alternate. and Dlrector A. K. Phelps of the • • • Citizens Committee ha d confer· Boy AdaJNOn. member of the red w1th City Attorney Karl Board of Trustees of the Haw. Davls and arrived at an agree· thorne School District, will speak ment on the wording of the new on "Education Is Prepa ring Our proposition. The Citizens Com· Children for Buslntsa" at the mtttee then agreed not to submit Newport Harbor Hleh School Its orlglnal proposition. shall be reserved forever to the people not less tha n 85 feet of beach a bove mean nigh tide. (omitting the word "llne''l. The beach In question extends from 19th St. on the Newport Bay Front to the westerly boundary of the American Legion lease near 15th St. Councilman Stanley Rldderhof objected to the wording of the proposition, stating that the shoreline Is not a fixed line. but will change through erosion or accretion of sand on the beach. City Manager Sailors said that the city would be committed to ~""alntalnlng the 85 feet o( beach v;/ additional dredging If erosion occurs. PTA meetln1 at 7 :30 p.m. TuH· ~a.son for the revblon. as ex- day In the Blrh School audl· plalned by Councilman Jay Stod· -------------tor1um. dard and City E"glneer Bert W l 'oo Lnte to C1CIII811Y Ebell Notes Webb, ls that the orig inal pro -1951 OLDS SUPER 88. 4.door, position estabUshed the mean high tide line as the point from radio, heater, white side walls. A tea honor ing put presidents of the £bell Club will be held today (Thursday) a t the Amerl· can Legion Clubhouse In New· port. The program will Include an art rxhlblt by members. New members welcomed thls month are Mrs. Leon P. Williams. Mrs. S. Pa ul Dickerson, Mrs. A. D. Lynch and Mra. 0 . W. Hoop. which to mearure the 8S·foot sun visor. low mileage. private depth of pubUe beach. According party. Ll 8·6T71 evenings. to City Attorney Dav1s, this Une ------------- • • • £bell Book Section I will meet next Thursday at the home of Mra. 0. z. RoberUon at :l06 Drift· wood Rd.. Shore Clltta. Arch A. Henry of Long Beach wtll be the reviewer. Host~ for the 1 p.m . dessert will be Mrs. John Mea- dor, Mra. G. W. Ritchie and Mr!l. Howard Parker, accordlnr to Mrs. Fergus McKay, section chairman. corresponds to the extension or the bulkhead llnH on each side of the public be&ch. To go bacl< Young People to Hold Dance All high school age boys and girls are Invited to the second monthly dance sponsored by the Harbor area CathoUc Women's Counell to be held Saturday night at the Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Catholic Church In Ba l· boa. Pa•• fer Polio Rilla Owtr $2,600 II 111111... lllllll In aplte of the bad weather on ... , ... , I Wednesday of last week. stu· The Orange County Chapter of dents from N e w p o r t Harbor the Military Order of the World Union High School raised more Wars will hold an o~n m~tlng than $2,500 In their Peanuts for at' 8 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 9, In the Polio sale. CUn ton Sawin. school Newport American Legion Hall oftlclal, announced. The money In conjuncltlon with the Federal goes lnto the Ma rch of Dimes Office of Civil Defense. campaign. The Newport Bt>ach Two clvU ddenM tllm.a will be Elementary School Teachers Club shown -"Facta About the A turned over a checlt tor $496 to Bomb" and '1n Time of Dll· the March of Dimes last week, uter.'' There wUI be a ·~aker contributed by Individual mem· trom the oUt~ ot Civil Defense. bets of the teachers club. ... F,_. lr••lfl I I the table It aet for the tlnest Itallan food at Granclolfo's Restaurant .... roaD Sat •. Feb. 4 JII ..... ..._I!Ria~ .......... ., ~---- Bq Ye.-Dare i1 Costa leu's Flhn! INVESTORS: We h ave a p· proximately 3 acres frontlng on Harbor Blvd. ldt>al tor shopping center or auto agency. P a rkIng facil ities facing side street For fur - ther deta ils see us at once. H•r V..P.I Assoc. 2029 Harbor Blvd U 8·4761 Eves. U 8-4156 WATER VlEW LOT Street In and paid. Best view of Back Bay $6500, with liberal terms. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 1857 Ne\Y1)ort Ave., Costa Mesa U 8·1632; U 8·1400 Eves. LOT FOR SALE Corona del Mar, South of H I g h w a y , full s tud lot. $4,000. Hal Will Smith Harbor :aQO.J 3 FURNISHED UNITS $180 mo. cross Income $3.SOO down-dose ln -hall acre. ORANGE COAST PROPER'IlES 1857 Newport Ave .. Costa Mesa u 8·1832; u 8-1400 Eves. Aeolian Pl.,_ Plano, In Pft• feet condltJon. Iota o1 roU.; complete, only $350. Table aaw, heavy duty Wallter-'J'umer, em-a blacte., 1 hOf'M motor, • Na.l buy • Complete oa.ly $125. Lu-te I'OOIQ7 9erft1 ... re- trt,.atot, 1\aA,rallt.ed. ODl7 --Ioper IU ranp. MlF auto- matic:. e top bJ low burMn. 2 O¥el, 2 llralMn, dock ODift• troL On17 $14UO. ... ,... twta ... COlD• ,._ With tplt1lp aDd IDIIt· -.-o.a, .... 8RANTS ...... uc:-~·5 SlJt .... 1. liTegular. View 2. Choi~. Level $..1.250 3. 102'x150', ~xt'ellt>nt buy . ······ .. . $8,000 CUJRE VII lORI REALTOR 2731 W. Coast Hwy. U 8·4277 Newport Beach lllrHiitt lew H ... Balboa VIsta Tract-3 bedrs. $8,950 full price S500 down • $65 per month. Nice vfew! Drive past 1017 Grove Place. Extreme west side of Costa Mt>sa-Co to Republic Ave .• th~n to Oak St., then to Grove Pl. Very nice new nei~hborhood. near schools and shop ping center. Phone collect. San Bernard· lno 8·4451 or 85·4552. C. Wm. f'lcrnlng. Owner Desipetl For F llllilr Liwi•c Well-built 3-bedr. & 2 bath home with rented furn. ga . rage apt. at back. Top of Narcissus Ave .. (720) Corona del Mar. Call owner, Harbor 2506·M. BrOner 1&-ft. fnltace lot • • • across from Newport Harbor High School ... ali improve- ments In ... High and DRY ... restricted. $4,&0G-Tems CALL U 8·6i61 BEFORE YOU BUY TRY FRANCIS "· HORVATH, Realtor 2216 Newport Blvd. u 8·5101 3420 W. Ba lboa Blvrt. Harbor 1428 Tomorrow You Will Be Sorry You Didn't Buy These Today NEWPORT SPECIALS 1. $2.500 down ; west Newport. 2 bedrs. & den ... firepl. ... 1 lot from ocean. A·l cond. $11.500, terms. 2. 1 bt'dr cutlt". rtreplace. patio. db!. ~arage 8(-twf"('n blvd. and ocean. Price Includes stove, refrig., Car· peling. $1.2.000. NEWPORT HEIGHTS SPECIALS 1. Ex c e I I en t neigh borhood. conveniently located 3-bedrm.. 3 car ga rage 1 ~ bath-beautiful birch cabinet woodwork. LandsCaped, encl patio. $4.000 down COSTA MESA SPECIALS L MUST sell! 2·bedr. stucco home. patio. fenced. nr. Santa Ana Cou ntry Club. Ortglnally priced at $12.000. See Mr. Horvath for a special deal on this parcel. 2. Business comer -Newport Blvd .. Established ga s station II commercial bldg. Priced lor q uick sale, $36.500. Terms. 3. l ·Bedr. older home. lge. living room. d ining room. kitchen. Near Newport Blvd. $12.000 wtth very low down. Will sell on contract. 4. Ideal Medical. Dental or omce bldg. site. UO'xl25', on Broadway. $27,500, Temu. BORREGO SPJUNGS 1. Lot near Country Clubhouse, $1.750. good terms; or will trade tor lot In Harbor Area. Y.L'S lEST IUY -··· •.. , ......... .... Two lMdroclal8 on Ndl atde plu.a t3"x18' Flberal .. Otn or bmpa roca wtth eaeb unit. Ftreplace lD ~ ult. a.uutut17 ~ 1'\lU Prke 111.!00 wtUa £al)' 'hrma. S.allt ~'UlDieour~~ ............. •a.nea.Cullallllll '1'11v.DAY • .....VAft I. 1-a&WroJIT ...... 'W-f VOGEL VALUES COIIU DB.IIR &D .... x•li•ll•lfl.._ All unlta are leued. Over 1900 aq. ft. of llvinc aft& In each duplex. In ex~llent condltlon. Full prlc. 813Sw000. WUI sell separately at $27,500 each. THE VOGEL CO. ~ E. Coaat Hwy., Corona del M ar HA.: l7tl; BA 0'75T You've Seen The Rest lOW SEE "THE BEST'' leadflt IRVINE TERRACE Don leallifwl lew,.. lilt• 1111 1M Pacific lcea WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO INSPECT COMPLETED OUR DISTINCI1VE FURNISHED MODEL HOMES AND OTHERS UNDER CONSTRUCTION NINE DfVERSIFIED FLOOR PLANS To _thl' home buyer who wishes to purch~ In the $25.000 to $35.000 class we slnN.>rely recommend the Irvine Estates overlooking Newport Harbor. These homes feature California lh lng. OOt>red exclu- alvely through Earl W. Stanley In a Smog Free area known as lrv1n e Terra("t'-()n Coast Highway opposite tbe new Irvine Coast Country Club, Nl"-'rport Harbor. * For recommendation. we refer you to anyone who holds a Leasehold Estate In !rvlne Terrace, Beacon Bay, BayshorH or CUU Haven. Earl W. Stanley EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor 4448 For Fu :ther lntonnat:Soo c•ou DEL 111 SPECIAL! 3·be-droom modern home. l...ot'ated le. th&n ~ block from Little Corona ~ach. All electric kitchen. large paved patio. Asking price $18.900. Excellent t~rm.s. OCEAN FRONT. 4 bedmis. ········---·-----. ..$(5.000 • • • UllOA ISLUD BuslnMS block. 2 51ores. 3 a partments. Shows excellent Income. Priced ~9.500 • • • lAY SHORES lnterestmg 2 -b!'dr .. 2 bath house S1i.950 Lt>asehold approximately 21 :rrs. to go. &~ w. Statler REALTOR 225 Marlne Ave., Balboa Island Call Harbor 1775 or Bayside Office Harbor 3297 E\•t>S Edith Maroon, HYatt 4-6222 John MacNab, Har bor 5359 Louis Boynton Harbor 2878 C.o11 Rl l1r-Oner Auioa Tt Sell OPEl SUIDAY-103 Poiasettil \ompart 2 t'IN!r. home. Clrt"pl., hardwood tloo,.._ car -pt>Un~ 2 rar J?:trage s tres...ed tor a partment. Nice ly land'<"ap4'd 11nrl f£>n~ Com·entt"ntly located wlthJn "alk1n~ d1~1.1n(.'(' t(l s hopping distrirt Full ptkt" $H .5c)O S3.S(X) will handle. "ACI BREIIII, Realter 11nd ASSOCIATES 3.120 W C'Nl'>l Hw) Newport •· At thE' Arcll{'<; .. $2,000 .... u 8 7TTJ $97 a month "Ill buy this Corona d£>1 Mar t-~ 2 block.; from the watt"r . Attractive .. modem" stYle 3 bfodr•x•ms A littlr work would makt-this a dandy family home-- on terms llkl" r~nt. Only $13.:-lOO. ,;o hurry! STIII.£Y L SIITH, ...... 2647 E. Coast Hig'hwa y Harbor 887 Next to Norma n's Nursery, Corona del Mar ''II Y FIIIT SPECIALISTS" ART C. KISTLER CO . REAL ESTATE 2091 N~wport Blvd. Nrwport Beach Harbor s:ll&. day or niJ~hl A DO rr YOU'ItSELP' ElT WOM"T WOK JN 't'RE UAL ESTATE 'BOSnfl:ss. ~?~~y~ ~~ =-~& =~ -we~ cotnc to 1e11 • 11.000.000 WOJml OJ' D..\L ISTAft EACH lf01n1l DU ... Q ~a,• MUL "'1Pt.E t.IS'l'nfQ stav 1!Cii Newport HarbOr Board of Rea · t • EN 5 I G N CLASSIFIED . -T-=ar:_:=::,:tt::.:le8~·~!!'*~··~·~::-.~-:z.~··~.: HScoonutor.Wedo.fr~kr CAlli U1D F08 ElBa WANT ADS - 1 Time 2 Times 3 Times • Durca IWIMR-Y u ...,_ ud bole u rtr• dolnr • ~ .,.. • u.. dance aa· ~ Artlaur .....,. of Balboa ,. .75 1.25 1.50 Mill~, pat oa by t.be Harbor ODe -. '-nw Toy Shop,,. eelwd tM llhw ... .._ aw8M 1 00 1 50 2 00 atrla-G.A.A,.. poup. plua tourtb wu a radler ....SOU. one In at tile Mill aaaul ...,._ of tiM • · · and a1xtb om pa"iodiL Wbat the wbldl all tile _,. caJM to Itt. 0 r a ••• .._ ONDdJ. -., 31 to 40 word• 1.25 2.00 2.50 rtr'la do 11 to tet tnto poupe aiW dark. AM liMN waa tbe 8coulli o1 A trlea. Wecln,..aT. r-ch word over 40 .03 .OS .07 ancJ ... •bat tMf'd llke to honw ...,. ..._. BMth« J.J~ laa. • ID .._ ....._ aQ aa LU f c1o aDCJ ~dl a ieeCN. nwa tJMy dle tllrM ... ,.,. e1ae Into 'ftae -.. ._.,. ...,. 1a ear Cash must be received within 7 days o first insertion won up their own routtne to the JDOnllten. DarleM llobbbal lUll top aftlt ..... s .. 1a -.unc. 1 ~ After weeka ol practk. a auaa!Mr 11M com,a11d and It wu al8o pnnat.r to ..._ the dltfennt rrouPI auditioned Laurel Woocbon aanr .. Autumn lfortll ot OudeD a.... .,.. z. c. foe the C')'1'll teadten In the audl-Leaw." tn P'rendl. Our ab1tJl,ni ~dine ol Suta Aaa. Ill. torlum. The bHt routJnea were IOnp played two numiMn and lfa.lldh,. wu IMtalJecJ u ,..... ehoaen and now they are pu~ttnr the Larkettee sana one numb«. 14ent ot tbe ooundl tcw ta. nus SIZE cl....u'Jed ad tn the En.slp ~ only fl.~ for three 1Mertlona. Call In your ada to Harbor W4. on the fintahlnr touches for the The ldda left at 8:30 In the Whitney Bat""' Troop 182. ••• • •• • • • ........ ..,.....,..,.. •• ••• A A.A. A •• aasembly, to be held Feb. 7. mO!'ntnr and aot baek at about and )(ytonJ Dahl l r., Troop lt, roa SALE w AJfTEJ) TO aEJrr Nlaht rehearaala and costumes 1:00 o'clock. John Hopltlna went rec:elved their Earle baq.. o. keep the af.rla bust. Everyone la as student body otflcer and Mr. W. (Didc) llldaard ot Newport anxious to lee the young chore-Wentz u aponaor. The ueembly Belr.hta wu tnstalled u a vice oaraphen. Harbor's concert band apparently was liked very much .,.Selent. WWlam H. Spur~n und« CUnton Sawin will play by the Fullerton students for m ol Cliff Haven wu 1n.atalled S BAND. 7 'IVBE ECHOPHONE, oommerlcal radlo r e c e I v e r , Ideal for flshlna or pleasure craft. used. $35. Ha 4149. OwNER-Wl'L.L"SELL $1.2,000 6~ Trust Deed on Redondo Beach substantial home. Phone Ha 4578. OUR GREAT 42ND ANNIVERS· ARY SALE 1914·1956. $395 buys lovely Spinet standard make. Mlrro-type Spinet only $235 Baldwln AcrosonJe $479 KlmbaJJ Spinet $550 Baby Grands $495 up. Dozens of WANTED: Yrly. A aeuonal ten· tala. Clients waltlna. laland ttealty eo .. HA m . IITVATJOifS WAJn'ED MA11JRE WOMAN wishes baby aJtttng and care of sick. knit· tlng or crocheting. Day or night. HA 3192-M. COM man wouJd like gardening. clean-up, etc.. Call KI 3-2122. Mel UpshaU. WANTED: Ironing In my home. Mabel Whitman, 6(f1 Mareue- rl~, COM. HA 4.279-J. others Knabe Stelnway Hard· _..._,__.....,..,_.. _ _..... ____ _ man etc. These instruments '"MUSIC DfSTJIUCTIOif .. are trade-Ins and rental re· PIANO INSTRUCTION. Teresa turns. many just like new. Renner (Mrs. A. Renner), ac· Danz-Schmldt-Phllllps Big PI· ceptlng a llmJted number of ano and Oraan Store 520 No. pupils tor plano. Concert Pt· Main, Santa Ana. 100 pianos anJst of• Three ContJnents. always. Graduate Student of Bela Rar· FOR SALE-This slze classified tok. 436 Serra Drive, COM. ad In the Ensign, only $1.50 for Ba. 2039. 3 Insertions. Call your ads to HELP W AJfTED BA 1114. HAMMOND=-o=-R==-G=-=-AN=s -a-:-1:-1 -m-o-:d-.els;-. BEAUTY OPERATOR. first class One only slightly used, almost salon. excelt. clientele, Tommy like new. This ls a special. Wilson Beauty Salon. 2515 E. Danz . Schmidt · PhilLips Ham-Coast Hwy., COM. mond Headquarters for Orange SALESMAN: This position will County. 520 No. MaJn, Santa pay better than $200 per wk. Ana. within 60 days. Startlna salary. FOR SALE -Rattan bed·daven-$300 mo. plus com. Benefits ln· port and matching chalr. Ex· elude retirement plan, hospl- cellent condJtlon. $125 Phone tallzation, llfe Ins.. Large nat'l Ll 8·4592. corp. will select It train 3 HAMMOND CHORD Organ. the young to work In Orange greatest 1 n vent Ion ever In County. Give compl. partJcu· music. The whole family can Iars. exper .. age, marital sta- play It at once without les· tus, auto, etc. Write c/o EN- sons. You must come In and SIGN. Box C·31 for Interview. BeaCOI Par101lll for *>me of the numbers. they had not.hlna but aood to u a vtce prealdent and natJonal e • • ~-coundl repre~~entatlve. e SA.D.JXC C.U"a • • • Dr. Arthur A. Schuele. chief U · Bill Schock. Ne'W'J)Ort boat • DnTIATIOJf ecutlve of the Boy Scout move- builder, wu the guest speaker HI Tar tnltJatlon was held on ment In the United ltates. said for the SaJUna Club. He spoke on Jan. 19th. It was held on the that the scouting movement In the co nstrue t Jon of Lehman gym steps so the whole scltool 60 nations was a atrona lnstru- dJnghles. a type of boat used by could see. The eleht victims were ment for world peace. Dt. Schuck members ol the club. Reporta on lim Taylor, George Thompson. headed the Third National Boy projecb were made by the lndl-Stan Shonea, lack Smith, Dick Scout Jamboree on the Irvine vidual members and community Overby, Gene Hubbard, Georae Ranch near Corona del Mar In project was discussed. Their next Hood and Charlie Vandervort. 1953. m~tlng Ia next Monday. The judeea were John Hopkins. • • • Dave Tamura and Tom Niquette. e CA..A. CIIAXCES Pete Schulbera led the cere· The G.A.A. voted on four pro-mony. First he Instructed the posed changes to their constJtu-boys to take off their shirts Uon last wet-k. The changes (Dick Overby almost lost his were: to have a reporter. from pants). Then they all sat down The Beacon to be present at all on the steps. Ftnt contender was cabinet meetings In order to give Jim Taylor. Because he Ia a bas· more publicity to G.A.A. events: ketball player he wu given a second was to g1ve freshmen basketball and told he was to credit for four sports a year In· dribble It up and then down the stead of tlve. This would enable gym steps touching every step. the g1rls to give more of thelr He made It on th~ third try and Ume to studJes durlna their first then he waited for the jud~es· year Instead of trying to stay out declalon. The three judges went every nJght to gain points. The into consultation and then de· third change would be to lower clded thumbs down on poor lim. the points on the awards to com· He was g1ven a quartf:T of an ply with the second change; the onion to eat and then returned last change would be to reverse to his place on the gym steps. the order ot g1ving the strips (Let's hope he didn't have a and emblems awards. This Is so date that nlaht. l the g1rls may wear their em· Gene Hubbard was next and blems longer. The votes have this poor guy was Instructed to not been counted so the outcome crawl backwards up the gym Is not yet known. steps and then backwards down • • • the steps. The judges decided e NlJSIC CLDflC this wasn't enough. though, and NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ENGAGE IN 11lE SI\LE OF ALCOHOUC BEVERAGES January 27, 1956 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Not1ce la bereby clven that fifteen days after the above da~. the undersigned proposes to aell alcoholic beveraae. at these premlsea, described as follows: 2849 Eaat Coast Blvd., Corona del Mar, Newport Beach. Pursuant to such Intention, the undersigned Ia applylna to the ~partment of Alcoholic Bever- age Control for luuance of an alcoholic beverage 11cenae (or licenses) for these premises as follows: ON SALE BEER Anyone deslrln~ to protest the Issuance of such llcenae (s) may file a verified protest with the ~partment of Alcoholic Bever· age Control, at Sacramento. Call· fomJa. stating grounds for denial as provided by law. MARY L DENN130N MIKE MYERS try lt. Danz·Schmldt-PhiUips Great Plano and Hammond Organ Store, 520 No. Main. Santa Ana. WALNUT DINING TABLE with 2 extra leaves-$25. Ha 4852. Last week Harbor housed 1.500 so he had to crawl f~t first up fifth ~aders from all over Or· and down the steps. The jury de· ange County. It was the District clded thumbs up on Gene and so Music Clinic. Miss Marie Hiebsch he missed the onion. 100% EMPLOYER RETAINED and Clinton Sawin put on the Last of the contestants were AGENCY program for the young music Jack Smith and Dick Overby. UNION SERVICE NO FEE collected from applicant lovers and their supervisors. The These two were called up to· 413-3lst Newport Beach Larkettea and the Chanters did gether and placed on either sides a novelty number, '1 Love Little of the gym steps. Then Pete an· Willie." nounced that seeing as these 8irts HERE ARE JOBS That you wlll be proud to tell your friends about. New h igh wages coupled with the Ideal woTldng conditions add up to jobs w1th prestige. The big chorus also sang. Har· two are the loudmouths o1 the bor'a orchestra played and also school, why not find out "tVhlch gave a demonstration of the dlf-one could ~11 theloudat. So the ferent Instruments of the orehe· two boys started yelllna at each stra. As Mr. Sawin Introduced othf:T and the old I'YfD shook. each of the Instruments separ-After a few mJnutes they were ately, a player would demon-stopped and voted on. The audl· strate by playing a small part ence decided Jack was the best. U. S. Royal Tires Wasllinq & Polishinq Complete lubrlcetion Service FREE "CK-UP A DELIVERY P~,o,.. H•rbor )()94 1701 E. Co.st Hiqhw•y •t Av~Xedo Co'-• dt!ll Mer .. ••••w••_. • .,. SANTA ANA 2204 I. IIIII St. Kl• .. rlr 1·2111 PASADENA RY 1·1011 1211 E. W1l11t St. IY 2•2111 OPEI.I,IMnLEVL BEAUTIFUL Spinet plano, blond. just like new save $200. 3 rental returns. save $90 to $250 perfect condition new guaran· • t~ free delivery Maple. Ught Walnut. French Provincial. Mahoaany Spinet eaae sllahtJy damaged In shipping $487. Good practice pianos from $89. $94, $125. $175 see these at the Great 42nd Anniversary Sale. Danz . Schmidt · Phillips the Big Plano and Organ Store 520 No. Main. Santa Ana. 100 Pianos. FRENCH=--=P:-:R:-::0::-:Vl=N'""'C=-='IA.,..,L:--S=o,-;;F=-A"7-". Beige It gold boucle' uphol· stered. 7 ft. approx. length. Call HA 1835-W after 7 p.m . solo. The young students seemed but that wasn't enouah. so the NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED to enjoy the show for they an-boys had to try and out sing swered with loud applause. each other! That wu really fun· Start your new job In one of • e e ny and the audience really en· our oUices near your home. e E%CRMCE ASSEIIBLT joyed lt. As Jack was the victor Recently representatives from he received a nower to wear and Harbor went over to Fullerton HI poor Dick had to eat the onion. to give an exchange assembly The last event was a race be· for their students. Fullerton will tween all 8 of the contestants. entertain our school on February But this wasn't an ordinary race. 29. These two assemblies have oh no! The boys had to bend been the topic of discussion be· over and hold their ankles. Then tween John Hopkins. our student they ran around the end of the body president, and Fullerton's driveway with Gene Hubbard president Bill Lee, for many a winning and lack Smith bringing month. up the rear. Gene got a nower FINAL WEEK BEAUTIFUL Mlnshall-Electonlc Organ as Is $475, another Min- shall three months old 2 man· ual $995. Danz-Schmldt-Phll· lips, 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. COCOA-SOFA-:-llkenew. Cost $Z79, now $135. 1520 Kings Rd .. Cliff Haven, LI 8-5991. SPINET-Plano like new wiih Organo $695 won<Jerful buy. Used Solovox $195. Danz-Sch· mldt-Phllllps Big Plano and Organ Store. 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. CAllS FOB SALE FOR SALE -'47 Studebaker Champion Starllte Coupe. New overhaul. Owner. Best offer takes. Mr. Thurman, 427 Fern- leaf, CDM. 1955 CH'""R'"""Y~S~"'"LE=R-=N:.:EW:=,--:-Y~O=-=RK=ER. deluxe sedan. Leather uphoJ. stery, a ll extras. low m1leagr. Private party, Ha 4889-R. 1952-VOLKSWAGON-Sed an--=- $950. Ha 4403· W. IlEAL ESTATE & JU:JfTALS FURNISHED APT., 1 bedroom, garage and utilities Included. $75 month. Ha 2506-M. FOR RENT -furnished r&m, conveniently located, private entrance, private bath. Inquire !108 Marigold, COM. Ha 1203-WI CALL Edna-Craig, rental spe- cialist with Doris Bray, realtor. 216 Marine Ave .• Balboa Island. TELEPHONE OPERATORS -Apply- 9:00 to 4:00 p.m. 514 ~ N. Main St., Rrn. 211 Santa Ana .l' AClFIC TELEPHONE p MlSCELLAl'fEOUS 50 USED PIANOS wanted for our rental service. Trade your pi· ano on a new Spinet Grand or Hammond Organ. H I g h e s t cash allowance during our Great Sale. Danz-Schmldt-PhU· lips. 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. $5 PER MONTH rents a eooa practice plano. All term rent aUowed. Danz · Schmidt · Phil- lips Big Plano Sale, 520 No. Main. Santa Ana. Home of Mason-Hamlin and Knabe pt. a nos. RESOLVED: Be on time foy your 1956 ap- pointments. E tern a -Matlc Watch serves you accurately. RAY FIELDS, Jeweler, 19th lr Placentia "In Vista Shop- ping Center," Cost.a Mesa, u. 8-8488. Sli' I Ro .... l s,.ce for Ra1t American Legfon 215 15th St Meetln~r.~ 2nd-4th Wed. 8 p.m. IEBVJCES HA 20 or HA 64. Painting -Decorating COM DELUXE NEARLY NEW PAPER HANGING un1Umlahed duPlex • 2-bed-GEORGE BURKHARDT room.s, hdw. noon. 1L heat, u~ Contnetar fl.t'f!pl a& prL patio, aaraae. 878 w. 18th eo.u Mesa ~05 month. Ha. l~·R. Uberty 8-8628 ~8-8632 NICELY FUmtfsiiiD JlQOiCprl-tiJiiYLEJE P G vate entrance, prtvaa bath, PA.PEB HANGING SERVICE nr. poctotnee, bank and .._ 325 Ordtld, C>JI, IIA 512-a. HA29'71 FREE-HI Deeert VIew · Home· iu~~-~~~ lite. Martell BuDdin£ Yucca 500 31st Street. Newport Beach VaD.,y. Skits were put on by drama and three gueses what Jack got classes with the help of Robert -.an onion of course! Wentz. the Rhythm Kings and The traditional HI Tar paddle the Larketttes. Most ot the skits could not be use<\ this year be· were comedy, such as "Dan Me· cause of a new law banning lt. Grf'W," a western: a schoolhouse In previous years anyone who skit with our students acting as got hit with a paddle got his little children with the names of name on lt. They had special some of the Fulerton teachers: a paddles for however many times drive-In love scene: an "Al Jar· you were golna to receive a vis" scene w1th girls dressed up whack. HIUCE E .. ll SCHOOL IIEWS IT CHIP POIITEB The Horace Ensign School Jun- lro Red Crou has elected the following officers: President. Dana Thompson f:rom Mlss Mar- aton's Seventh Grade room: vice· president. Sue Sibley, from Mrs. Carpenter's Seventh Grade room; 8ecretary, Nancy Gardner, from Miss Dulin's eighth Grade room. • • • Horace EnsiiJl School held Its second Eighth Grade dance Frl· day, Jan. 20. The Swing Band'. led by Mr. RJtter, was the main source ot dance music, Playing In the band were Dave Kampert. 1ohn Carlyle, Bob Andeno~ Dar· othy Woodworth, Dave Lburte, Paul Snyder, Don Swauon. J ohn Hulbert. Mr. Ol.an. ~~ Smith. Geoff Sharp, Lance Rowan. Cbrla· tJe Carver, Bev Jty11dale, GafJ Gravn and Steve SerL The door prt.ze. wwe won by Bob lnJOld and Pam 1Wttt. DlaJ'MI Keyen, llk:key Bramble, ~ohn Hulbert and Pam J:l8aan aU bacl to llnr .,._,.. mtnd Kkle." Maney Garci.Mr and Jobn Balc.er both dJd t'll~JJ.nt .lo'e .. .... tr.-and muter oi wamonlee. e • • School PTA. The band Is also scheduled to play (or the Sev· enth Grade dance at the Rea S c h o o I durtna March. They have already tJllfd aeveral en· gag~ents for dances at their own Erulgn School. "'Jli!QKWCY'" TIAIIITDR NOlET UDID (JIO TU"'U) W•ld"a 1•411'-' IIGdle WEJGBI 011'1. T 12 OZ. .... Ollly,... v. 1'14" A New Concept tn hrlonal Radio. Ear Phone and Carry lnr CUe Optional. ~a. 1111111n1 CO. u...., ~-........... e.... .... CIOMJIIZn ~0 ·~IC& J'1tEE E811M.A TES 8ldJ Greett Mampe Free delivery ~)llfA DEL MAR l"tJMDY BA 1-2744 E; Cout M"J. SAlTA All FIR co. FUR SALE COATS .IACIETS CAPES MINK SqulaelSW. llaabed ap to 40to50% IIAWI&al •••n ........ .......... .... .... Now$119 Now$88 ...... I .................... ,... ,_ 3G1 NORTH BllOADWAY , 'Clean Up the Harbor ~rea' Is Theme for Feb. 20-27 Dr. McCauley Is Elected Lutheran Church President ..... , •...•.•.. ••.. ""' ••.. Amonl the 30 ~an,. County Two eoaaple•nena. w'llbln& to etu.na Mlerted u the panel tor ua..n up the Harbor Area" .. 1« Pelln&aty JO to 21. Cl'f'tc m. .,._ aplnlt each other, Dr. J ... Jlr:Ca.a.y a« ec.ta CGNttiUtloa and the ebooGnr ot the 18 County Grand Jury are JunJor Ebell't loeal · proJect 1n rroulllt communitY ...W. c.• ...,. lnltruetecl by Jfewport po· X... a ~ et ~ CIUeaeo owr MlnDMpoU. u the the tollowtnr from the Harbor' th18 ,...ra .. lNUd a ~ com· pnlzatlou. and bla1h11r r bave Ike early lu.nday, lan. 22. to tee Cout OaiJotML. bM been eleded OODINPdon't preltftnae for the Alee: AndreW Given ot Corona munltY' JIOII'UI). been oont.dM by the meaaNn the etty attorney and the Judp Pfllllllll OC•wpcwt Hatbor Lu· t..dquartera ot the new The bel 'Kar: Paul Crelfbton and Cl.bpu ol. tbe ehab'l project o1. the Junior J:bell IDit belp ln ln K...,art ae.ch fo.atlee ,oowt. t1Mna OaclldL Be llu llei'Yed u ~ Luther a n Cburcb, LettJe lliri.Meraoft ot eo.ta Kesa. wW .. -a..n.up We*." to be U.. drive. Donald Partin ot 501 HeliotrOpe a deMDa tM JiUt year. 1'hll wb1cb wUJ be fonDtd In UC5e u lUneteen will be ~ u jury proc:laJmed by Mayor Dora RW fte dt)'llu ~to place Ave., Corona del Mar, charpd YN1 be W01 a.l8o .ave u head the ..wt ol tM merrer ol four memben by Judre l:ennetb Mor· ~--~~-~-----:10 larp 111M arouD4 town Ita· at 2:22 a.m. that he wu atrudl ot a MWJy..a.ctecS ~ man Lutb«&D bodJe&. rt.oo J'eb. a. 3.029 Calls in 1955 for Harbor Dept. The harbor department an· .werect 3.0'.19 calla durlnr 1955. Barbonnuter Ru.ell Cralr &n· nouneed In a report submitted to' the N.wport Beach city ooun· ell and Orance County harbor commlulon. ttnc tbat lltWtn& Ia unlawful by William o . Shope Jr. ot eot daurdl oouDdl. Beporta ~to the rath· ------ and prohibited. They bave al8o Ordlld Ave., Corona del Mar, ()thew ~ are: eecretary, etnr by Putor aobert B. Gron· GmL.,.. 1'0 11V11SK'11 apeed to put out mon public while Mr. Partin wu llttlnr tn Wlra. llf.artSa ~: ftna.nclal lund and recut.a rre.ldeat Boy A daupter, Suzanae Marte. truh CIOI'Italnen and poll llfn.l hla ear waltlnr for a tratfte atr· eec:ntAu7, a a n d a 11 McCardle; McCardle ahowed J.B to be a wu born to Mr. and Mn. James tn the au.,-. rerarcUnr the Ut· nal to chanp at Cout Hwy. and t:reuurer, Lelloy Bowman. Cbo· year ot actvaneement for the Runuey ot Di~·EJrhtb. St.. BaJ. ta la-:. Marruerlte Ave .. Corona del Mar. aen to ..w oa the loatd or Dea· Newport Ret&bts Cburdl with boa. In Hoar Memorial Ba.pltal The Newport Harbor Realty Mr. Shope charred that Mr. eons were E4 Mann. J&Jlle8 hJ(ba eltabllahed In ~ neld on 'nlunday, Jan. 12. Board hu been Lilted to COD· Partin drove up alonplde hu Stanpblll. Wl.I1Jam Carnett, Bar· ot church actJvtty. Plnanclal lm· "ct home owners uldnl them car at the atrnal and atarted ney KC!Ca.y, Tbeodore Hlnder· provement wu especially out· ITAif.J'&a G&T emu. to aupply adequate truh COD· ealllnc names at him and hla aker, Ted N~n. and WUllarn atandlnc with a rrowt.h In total A dauehter, Jan Lee. wu born talnera for tenanta and nplaln· pauencer. J4tu Francf• B. F(11111· Browntnr. 'lbe Board of Trustees receipts from $16,190.92 In 1954 to Mr. and M:ra. Ralph Stanjer of Inc to them the litter law. Tbe ler or San Clemente. Earlier the Includes Barry Be:rch. Nelaon to $29,869.2C lD 1955. 2515 Crestview Dr.. Bay Shores. Junior EbeU Club has written trio bad been ln the Drlltroom, Robln10n, Wilton Lewton, Ernest ln Hoar Memorial Hospital on letters to 69 community .I«V1ce Corona del Mar. There was an Sebultz. and Georre Burkhardt. Enslen cl ... wed ads ret results. Wednesday. Jan. 11. rroups aakJnr few their partJcl· excbanae of wcwds between Mia Other action at the meetlnc r;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ patton In a year-round "antl·llt· Fowler and M:r. Partin. Mial Included the third consecutive ter" prorram; asked the local Fowler charred that M:r. Partin election of Theodore Hlnderaker yacht clubs to streu sanitation atruck Mr. Shope, pollee said. u delerate to the 1~ conven· laws, particularly In their boat Ml.u F 1 d Mr Sb left tion of the Ca.LlfomJa District of cla.ues for young children; uked ower an · ope the American Luthern Church to STROOT'S PAY LES: CIIPLETE II II ITIIEI ~· I If " • ... · ~~ Nil VIa Lido IIA -•...,.,na...:ta ,_,1 Coat Bwy_..a& J5JI . ec.o..cs.a ... The department answered 16 fire ealla, 16 rncue calla, U · a~ed 91 larp boata and gr 811&11 boats, lnvest:~eated 14 boats broken Into at allps and 15 broken Into at moorlnp. A total ot 1.21. arrests for apeedlnc In the bay wu made, alone with 57 other arre.ta. A total of nine derelict '«NNf boats were found and destroyed, 241 pieces of de· brl• found and destroyed, 99 row boats held for ldenttncatJon and return and lOC row boats were reported lost and not recovered. fllllnc stations to put out larre torether. and the alcnal lncl· be held at Ontario April 18 to traah contalnera for motorlm, dent followed lhortly afterward. 21; the approval of a revised For letterheads ~nd en~o,_. contacted a business concern In _____ _;:=====~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.:,:C::::aJJ:::_:lhe Enslen. Harbor W4.. A total of D row boats were found and returned, 95 speed complaint. received, alonr with 213 other complaints. A total of 133 ruest vessels were handled, four ort-lhore moorlnrs Installed, 30 shore moorings Installed and 1.465 mt.cellaneous calls an· swered. Sonny Barnes Wins Trophy Sonny Barnes of Costa Mesa re· celved the foundera trophy as hlgh·polnt winner of the play· day spou.ored Sunday, Jan. 15. at the Newport Harbor BuftaJo Ranch by the Riders of the San Joaquin. Gene Clark, owner of the but· falo ranch, presented the trophy to the winner for having received the blgheat number of points for three consecutive p 1 a y · d a y s . Events won by Sonny Barnes during the day Included stock horse junior and quadrangle trtake race. Other events winners Included Kay Bailey of Costa Mesa. trtock hone senior; George Both of Linwood, traJJ claas sen· nlor; Laurie Howard of Corona de.l Mar, trail class junior and Jumplnr; Judy Fowler. fJrure· elcht stake race and pole bend- tor; western pleuure lf!nlor. Diane Cline of Corona del Mar; western pleasure junJor. Bonnie McKay of Corona del Mar; bare· back pleasure, Beverly Beau· champ of Corona del Mar; twO· man relay, George Roth and Bob Duacan; nov!~ clas:s. a tie be· tween Gmchen Richter ot Co· rona del Mu and Palee Westfall of Costa Mesa. Funeral services for Debra Lynn Green, three-month·old dauchter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Green ot 664 W. 18th St., Costa Mesa, were held Jan. 24 In the Baltz Chapel, Costa Mesa. con· ducted by the Rev. Charles Hand. The baby died In Orance County general hospital after a lengthy 11Jnea. She wu born In Hoar Memorial Hoapltal. She is survived by her parents: a slater, Melody Ann, her paternal rrand· parents Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Ar· mann of Costa M:esa and her maternal rrandparent. Mr. and Mrs. w. T. Webb of Costa Mesa. V UDALl CAVU DAKACE Vandala cauaed damare to two carl owned by Grant FulJer of 510 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa, .ometlme between 7:30 p.m. Sun· day and dawn Monday of lut week. Newport police reported. 'J'hree windowa were broken out of orie car and a tall light ripped ott the vehicle and lett on the car seat. TWo windows were broken on the second car and the tcnJtton ln.lert was pluared. WOIIAif IIQI'OaJIT IIELD hopes of rettlng "litter bap" provided for cars. Tytnr In with the clean·UP plana, Boy Scout Troop No. 10 will give a demonstration at local markets on h(11111 to make a car bancer for Utter bags out of an ordinary· wire coat hanger. The JunJor Chamber of Com · merce, the YMCA and the Boy Scouts have agreed to clean up vacant lots durtnr Clean-up Week. The PTA hu said they'd send out notices remtndlnr par· ents of Clean-up Week. and varl·· ouse atores have promised sup. port o! the program In their ad· vertlslng campaigns. A movie short on "Litter" has been purchased by the Junior Ebel Club members and will be shown at local theaters durlnc Clean-up Week. Club members wlll also display "litter" stickers on their car bumpers. IIJ•ry INir Pl-c- 1 ... • Clteslru The mystery of the untdentl· fled odor was brought before the Newport Beach City Council last week by the Balboa Coves Com· munlty Association. Councilman Jay Stoddard. a member of the Sanitation Dl.s· trlct Board, aaJd the odor wa.s not from sewer ras. Ray Copelin of Newport said that the odor comes from gu which can be seen bubbling up throueh the waters in the Coves at high tide. The smelly problem was referred to City Encineer Bert Webb for lnvestlcatlon. so• roa JIEJQ)aiCUOIII A aon, Stuart Andrew, was born to M:r. and Mrs. Warren J. Hendrlcl<.son of 2631 Clrde Dr .. Bay Shores, In Hoag Memorial Hospital on Monday, Jan. 16. COIL FOa COLDMAJfS A daughter, Debra Jeanne. was born to Mr. and Mrs. William Goldman of 721 ~ Jasmine Ave .. Corona del Mar. on Thursday. Jan. 19, In Hoag Memorial Hoe· plta.l. Betty lo Pace, 24, of Santa Ana, wu arrested on a drunk drlvfnl char1e by Newport pollee M .__. ........ a.Aruel at 8:5!5 p.m. lao. 23 at 32nd St. ld8d .,,...,._-..!"'t!',~ .. and Newport Blvd., Newport A•ll'k& -.. _.._ • Beach. omcen eharred that the ...,. We .. •.•• .a ...... Santa Ana woman, travellJ\r CREDIT J'I"WWtR!' •u north on Newport Blvd., ran a U&VAA boUlevard stop and cruhed ber el w ..... Ora,. C..ty car Into a ear driven by Jolene (formerlY ot Newport Beach. c. Perkins, 21, of 538 IUvendde Lapnalleacb 6 eo.ta lieu) Ave., Newport Helaht& -.... 1UI1 A-. to._ a.a.tr a.nca ... ,.,. .._. Pbooe your ada to BA W~ Private Poke Pal; ol Here's the Story Of Orange County's own IT AU. MGA• ~ Ill 191$ WHt • ~· ltAieiiiY, Sit., ST_T.O A UTTL& C"lAMC.Y Ill SANTA ANA. aY TOOAY" aTAte.-lltH IT WAS•'T M\.'C" 0~ A OAIIItY, 81/T ... IIAIIIIaY U O MIS P:AMILV WOIUUO HAIItO TO ,_.AKI. TliiEUl NC.-M COM ( TlltUl. &XGIL.IIOA ClltUIWI&~ C:O. WAI Otfl 0# TNf l't .. T Oo41a 1U 10 IHSTitla UT. ITS rltOOUCTS TNitOu•• ~ltY SToatS .AS WIU ~" Olll&CTLY YO YOUIIl HOM&, TOO&Y #IIIAifY ,.10 lfl'lll &.IKI TO Gl T T14l &AMil lltiLI....._& oaANO O' OAIIItY ,000$ WHIN TNlY .... eaOC:IPlY SNOr~ING AS TNfY OOAT •OMI. --·-- li~ t• TNOSI O.YS TIOE COU•TY SEAT MAO A I'OP'ULATtO• 011' Ll$$ TtoA• 1:1',000. Ttol!ltl WEitlf. ~ .• 01 SOULS t• o•ANGI:, ~ ~li.LitTON, ANO CiHlY' 4,077 Ul AHANll,_., COitOHA Ofl "'A" WASH.T £¥lUI o• TNL ~"~I AS OIIAHGI: COIHIITY MAS GltO-, SO MAS lXCILStOA. Ill 1!2Z M ~oYIO IIHO TMI fllltST MCTION 0, OUIIt •cw ~liT AT 926 fAST I'IAST STitlfT, 1• SAMTA AltA N 111 Ott. Of' Tlfl WitTS MOST MOOflltll, NST·f(!Ut,_.IO ChiUilV rLANTS, Oc:aLStOAS ~-OUS ~ILtl CJlfAM, ICI Cal-. C:OTTAGl CNUSC,CNifSI S~fAOS ••o OTNfllt OAIIItY f'OOOS AIU STA•OIUU)IUO AJIO MoellACOIO UloOlllt T'Ml MOST SAN11'AIIlY C:ONOITIOtotS POA voua NOTICTtO• ~ 1956 IS £xafsiC)r·s 40th )~ar. Toda), as from tlte ~U) b~gmnmg. £xcels1t>r Cr~amuy Company is ''Orange Count.\ s Ot~n"-a/1 the way. K t•G SO ,._ltTtCUL.AIIt UOUT TNC ~TY or Nt• Mil .. AIIO Gaf.AM, Mllt. ... II•IY W.TUJUitY w.-s OMf Of' ntf RlltST O.I.YMI• YO SIT IJ~ A rUUJ' .c»Uir"o DAII'Y V.ot!ATOilY, w•IC.II -· Al'fOTIII• ... P'OC• AWARDS · For Excellence Mf AHWNILl. OCE~tOa CUAMEIItY CO HAS III!VI!IIt L,MT fiGifT 011' TNl IMII'OilTAMT I'ACT TNA1' GOOD Mlllt COMU l'aOM GOOD COWS -N tri·Witlllltlf5 GOW6 ntltOU"If TNil YUitS, IXGilSIOtt'S OW. MOOIL o;uay MlltMS AAYI "l"kCTIO TNI STltAI,. M TMI IJtC.I!Wotl Mf.OS, WNICit lfAVI! S«T 4 W.llOHAl. •f<lOCOS a•o ... 9 OVT M 4 I"'SfleL.L 10 c:ALti'OitiiiA llt!COAM. Nlllta IS A • NMILY ,.OCTtlAIT• 0' &.CU.SIOtt MILK, ICI C:AI.AM AJIIO ,.Or~N J'OOO PI:OOUCT5 fi{CI'\.StOIIt~ "'OIIIIC• D&UWJ!ID MILk C:O ... I. IH STf.lltiU~&O .lASS aonLII. II.CTCY TNI SA,_.~ ~ILk IS ~T'ItleUftD TNitOUGtt OlltANG. C:OUNTY OCOC.CU STOU. ANO Of.&JCAUSUNS llf SANifaltY, SINGll·USI, MOISTVIU!~O, n"a CON• TAt•&H. CYIIItY ONI 0, n41Sl "Ill I"OOOS IS ~lltOOUCIO llt.NT 14fltl tit o•ANQI COUNTY 8Y C:KCI.LSIOit Cltl-llltY CO. at Sult.l TO ~ POIIl TWnl e&TTlllt ... OOUCTS AT Y<MIIl G lltOCIAY Olll OlltUG STOlt&, 2Wtwa..lk,-. 2 ...... CIIIIII81 \ ........ .. ,~ ........ ... n: 'h ..... ..... ............. Welt...., ... ............ - Hlal'l HOW YOU CAll WIN: ...... ef e.c.w.r•s frH c.._~ .lut ell.: ....... ye.r lneblor ...... ~ ............ tw ,.., ..... ..,. ...... wh 4dnn to yow ...._ .............. Flft .. celerwttla~ wep-.wwehrc.._,.., .... to • ........ cr••••'! C••s••r. •z' .... ....... ......................... . ,..,_ .......... , ............. .... •aun .. uhd.._ .__._..._MM4 fi!lll! •• -............. .,.,. ,... ....... . ...................................... .. ....... , ........... C.••• ... c •••••. I INSURANCE ··ae s~~naure·· Wl11l STANLEY INSURANCE AGDCf Phone Harbor ,..,. 331!5 E. Cout Bttb~ Corona del Mar Res. Phone, RA 5232 I CBOOLI & DfiTIIUC1'10• TW'o.2 .................... ... =~~cal~~ a= ~t!aml:C:,l~~ eloelna ~of tile lbOilt!l an. Cout Hwy. --: EdCarlu:Dd· 1a hd eon-oft to a ratber ,..., eeMae at ..,..._. "''raJJer .... ltut. ..,_, ...... : w. M. I!DaN14, 011¥• ~ ....-Jt .... illliDed to ... .,ello at 1101 w. au IY'Ont. &. llllorrtt 8at.Wl o1 Udo 1e1e to tiOO; Wtltena C&a.Dierii. tooo La· buUd the new headquarten fot f.,.a.. tWa ......_, teOQ. Ytnctnt"• Harbor Dnlp In eo. e CWICtiA D&l. IIQ rona del Mar, at IN Aw. and &. Mom. llftJt.h. cJrq etore Cout R'-hway, lJl the All Amer· alld retafl aaJee bQUcJJq at IN lean Market bloek. 'lbe $'T7,UO Ave, and Coast ~ .. fn.l80; B. bulld.lna wUI aa.o provtde two H. Dou1lau. .......... permjt tor otber aJtH tor ..ualler retail addition at :MaO Seavt.w Av.., atora. SC.OOO; Geor1e S&ttler, change to- Roy Carver, who Uv" in Irvine cation o1 1ata1• • .:!3 HeUotro~. -~SAVE SAHLY At 0.. .... Ca••tv'• L.Miftt H ... Leftcllet .......... REAL ESTATE Contracting Insurance Terrace, took out a $10,000 per. $tOO; Clarence Bolt, 1-unlt. 2· mit to construct a headquarter. story dweWn1 at 419 Orchid, bulldtna for hll , Pontiac A1ency f7.SOO; lames Chinn. ac!dJtion at at 1400 W. Cout HJgbway, acroa f13 PotMettta. f].,SOI1; Albert from the Balboa a.y Club. He RHM, 1-unJt. 2-atory dwellln1 at hu been operating from that 300 Na.rctuua. -=n,1:SO; E. Trimble site for the put f~ month.a "on and C. Ban1ert. te'nce at 3117 the, cround." MarauerJte, $330; Mra. Leah COtmNUING TO PAY Conllnuoua day and evenlne classes for preparation to pus the Stau exam. Call or write For Information AL TYLER 'SCHOOLS 1611 N. Broadway, Santa Ana Kimberly 7.JS11 KElloc S..2S13 Let Me Teach You CBDfA 'ADfTIXG Convenient Clau Leuona u 8·5648 GLADYS TRACY 1928 Irvine Ave., Co.tta Mesa IOILDIWCi SU,I'LIEI CEMENT AND BUILDING All KJnc:b-Free Estimates UBERTY 8-6109 CUSTOM DUJEaiES c•,••'• cat ... ,.,.,... 10-day DeUvery Top Quality Workmanship Guaranteed FREE ES1lMA TES In Our Shop or Your Home CARPETING, SLrP COVERS, BEDSPREADS, INSTALLATIONS 2484 Newport Blvd. U 8·6671 Costa Mesa PLUMI QfCi . WATER HEATERS Sales. Service and Repalra JOE BECHTOLD PLUMBING Tenn.s. 10 Per Cent Down Phone Harbor 5330 WELDDfCi Fabricating, Designing • Maintenance TRAILERS. HITCHES, BUMPERS or what have you; No job too large or too small. REASONABLE RATES 2133 Orange. Costa Mesa, LI 8·2619 VEI'fETIAJf BLIND LAtnmllT "A's" VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY THE NF:W m a c h I n e process method. Reasonable prices. Av· erage 2 tape residential blind. Only $1 .00 Blind repaired and rebulll Free Pick up and delivery Work done by appointment Phone Uberty 8-5701, KI 3-6669 or K1 3 ·8274 llmERS Corne In and ,;ee the com- plete new llne of Graphic Patterns. Bear-brand Ever-match yarna. Morell's new dresa patterns, novelty yarns and straws, Including the Tt'rnJiiiT.siio, 313 E. Balboa Blvd. Balboa I ODT·'ADn' SRO' PATCH'S BODY lc P AlNT SHOP R. W. PATCH Complete CoJllalon Work Auto Painting Free !Atlmat~Try Ua Firat 786 West 17th St., eo.ta Mesa u 8-7508 PADfTDIQ PIIITIII I. ..... 280 Avocado, eo.ta M .. Llcen..Md Ll 8-3321 at lJ 8·512'7 Other laree pennlu were for a Wln.rton. 1-ltory, l ·unJt dwellJnc $28,000 dwelling on LJdo Iale, an at 219 Narcluua. f].9,000; Irvine flB.t.a dwelUnc on Balboa Pen-Co., omee at %'180 Bayahore Dr., lniUla Point. a $17,000 addition $4.000. on Harbor Island, and $21.150 e IJIVDf& naaACK and $19,000 dwelllnp In Corona Jack Houaeman, fence at 1506 del Mar, and a2'7 .200 and $21,.280 Dolphin Terrace, 1300; L M. Bar- dwellings In lrvtne Terrace. ria, fence at 1U5·1419 Dolphin PER ANNUM All ACCOUNTS INSURED UP TO S I 0,000 LECiAL JrOTJCE LECiAL JrOT1C3 Subdivisions Total value of buUdlnc per-Terrace, PJO: Maec:o Corp., dwel- mlta tor January wu $754.688, ling at 1530 Dolphin Terr., compared with $929,985 tor Jan-$21.280; Munay RoberU,. dwel- uary of Jut year. The month's lng at 112!5 Dolpbln Terr., az7.2)(). total Included 19 one unit dwel-e •AUOA IN THE MUNICIPAL COURT, STATE OF CAUFORNIA All A ccounh Ooened O n or Before SANTA ANA ORANGE DEPARTMENT OF PUBUC Are Okayed llnp. $3S7,89iJ; 2 two-unit dwel-Edward Weber, 1-rtory, t -untt u,.., $37,14o; one three-unit dwelling at 2201 Channel Rd., dwelllne. $21,052; 54 repalra to $18,143. JUDICIAL DISTRICT WORKS IN AND FOR TilE COUNTY DMSION OF HIGHWAYS The I Oth of the Month Eern From the I at. OF ORANGE NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Five subd1v1slons with a total of 6(H realdent1al.lota were rec· ommended for approval at the Costa Mesa planning commis· slon meeting held last week and forwarded to the Costa Meaa city council for action. dwellings, $129,302; 2 cabanas, e IIAJUIOa I'SLAJfD STATE OF CALIFORNIA FRANK CURRAN LUMBER CO. INC. A CORPORATION PlalntW VS WILLIAM J. GANNON AND BETI'Y GANNON, husband and wife Defendants SALE Under Execution or Judgment Ordering Sale of ~al Property. Un der and by virtue of an Exe· cutlon on judgment and order of sale duly made and entered In the Municipal Court of the Said Santa Ana Orange Judicial Dis · trict, County of Oranef!'. State of Calllornla. on the 12th day ot August A. D. 1955, and an Exe- cution on judgment requlrlng sale ot property under foreclo- sure of Mechanic's Lien Jssued out of the said Municipal Co urt on the 17th day of January A. D. 1956, In the above-entitled ac- tion, In favor of FRANK CURRAN LUMBER CO., Inc. a Corporation, Plaintiff and agaJnst WlLLIAM J. GANNON AND BE'ITY GAN · NON, Husband and wife Defend· ants. a copy of which said Exe- cution on Judgment duly at· tested under the seal of said Mu- nicipal Court on the 17th day of January. 1956, and to me de· livered on the 18th day of Janu- ary A.D., 1956 whereby I am com· manded to ~II at public auction for cash In lawful money of thl" United States. the following and In said decree. described real estate: Lot 83 In Tract 1237. Corona Highlands. In the City of Newpo rt Beach, Orange County, California, as J>E'r map recorded In Book 40 at pages 19 anrl 20. Miscellan- eous Ma ps. Records of said Orange County, California Together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto be· longing or In any wise apper· tainlng. Public notice Is hereby given that on Friday. the 2nd day of Ma rch, 1956, at 2:00 p.m. of said day, I will proceed to sell at the south door of the rourt house. In the City of Santa Ana. at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, In lawful money of the United States, a ll the abovf!' de scribed real estate. or !10 much thereof as will be suUiclent to satisfy said decree tor principal, interest and all costs. Given under my hand this 24th day of Ja~uary. A. D. 1956 JAMES A. MUSICK. Sheriff M. L. BERRY Deputy Blodget. Gilbert • Cochran Attorneys at Law 601 First Western Bank Bide. Santa Ana, Calllornia Kimberly 2-7281 Publish: Feb. 2, 9, 16, 1956 In the Newport Harbor Ensign LECiAL JrOTICE NCYnCE OF ELECI10N Notice Is hereby given that a General Municipal Election will be held In the City of Newport Beacb on the lOth day of April, 1956 for the followtna ottlcen: Three Memberl of the City Coun· ell from the followtn1 Dlrt:rtcta. to wit: First Dfstr1ct. Fifth Dla· trtct. and Sixth District tor the tull term of four year~ In aceotd· anee wtth the City Charter of Newport Beach. The polls w1JJ be open bet"een the houn of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Karpry 8c:hrou_der Clty Clerk 0.~: Juuary a. lJCSt Sealed proposals wUl be re- ceived at the of!lce of the State Highway Engineer, Room 406, Division of Hlchways Building, 120 South Spring Street, Loa An- rolE's, California, until 2 -o'clock p.m. on Friday, February 24, 1956, at which time they will be publicly opened and read in Room 2 ol aald building, tor con· struction on State highway In ac- cordance with the aped!icatlons therefor, to which special refer· ence lt made, u follows: Orange County, In Huntington Beach, at Intersection of Ocean Avenue wtth Main Street, and in Newport Beach. at Intersections of Newport Boulevard with VIa Udo and ol Pacific Coa.st Hlch· way with Seaward Road and with Morning Canyon Road (VIJ. Ora-60, 43-HntB, NptB; NptB), traffic signal systems and high- way lighting to be furnl.ahed and Installed and modllle<f and chan- nelization to be constructed. Bids are required for the entire work described herein. $3,750; 4 commercial bulldlnp, Mra. H. E. McDonald, add $127,690; 5 r~palrs to commercial upper lloor at No. 5 Harbor butldlnea. $74,886; 7 signs, $2,475. Wand, $17,000. Following permits were issued: • LIDO ISLE lullllfJ •• , .... ,,....,...., ..... A total of 563 lots are Included In a subdlvlalon by the Roven Spiegel Co. for land between Fairview Rd. and Harbor Blvd., north of WIJ.on St. 'Ihe Polking- horn Construction Co. submitted Mnl. Ralpb Bonds, rebablllta- plans tor five Iota at Weatmln· Uon chairman, reported on the ater Ave. and Knox St. Three monthly hospital parties, given subdivisions were submitted tor for the disabled veterans from land at the northwest corner of Lone Beach Veterans Hospital, Irvine Ave. and 20th St., recently at the meetlnr of the American annexed Into the city. They In-Leg1on Auxlllary Unit 291 held eluded Frank Bissell. 10 lots; Dr. lut week. Robert Dewey, 18 Iota, and Hud-Those In charce o1 the latest son B. SaUell, eight Iota. party were Mrs. Gilbert Opel and Georee Buccol-. 1-unlt. 2-atory dwellna at 661 VJa Udo Soud, $28,000. e IAUOA JSLAJfD E. l . Power, alterationa at 110 Opal, $200; C. S. Glueow. addl· tloM at 229 Aaate, $7,000; Tom McDouaaJJ, n~ atalrcue at 208 Grand Canal, a&OO. eiAT &IIOaEI Jack Leavitt, cara,e at 2442 Cratvtew, 11.000. • •EW?On IIEIGIITI s. E. Br1cp. carport at 2704 Clift Dr" s:;oo. A movf!' wu initiated to create Mra. Kenneth Jobnaon. Mnl. Ad· a section In the zoning ordinance rten NOf!'l Ia Poppy chairman for for A-1 zoning to permit ceme-Unit 291. She announcN that terles, etc. The 80·acre Harbor the poppy production program ot CI'AMJL Rest Memorial Park hu been the American Legion Auxiliaries ... ed 1 th It .. 1 .. has already started at the Long COICIETE CO annex nto e c Y an ... wou u Beach Hospital. Approximately • fit Into thls A-1 zoning. three months wlU be required to '-I·SS. Harry Aldrich was sworn In u -·• a new member of the commls · complete the production program ISS <>-•ercM~ Wcry LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVIN6S I LOAN ASSOCIATION mo... A..-. LAGUNA BEACH In accordance with the provl· slons of Section 1T70 of the Labor Code, the Department of Public Works has ascertained the gen- eral prevalllnc rate of waces ap- plicable to the work to be done to be as follows: slon to replace Art Meyer, who and asalstance ot the Auxiliary COSTA ICUA was appointed a member ot the will be required during that !~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~as~~·~c:_~·-~ .. ~~~-~~~~!~~~!~!~~~! U Ume. Costa Mesa city council recen y. -. U h ld t th • ne mee ng was e a e C .... •--L IU.-a. Ame-rican Legion Hall In New- Rate per hour-Cla.sslflcaUon. S2~Apprentlce engineer, In- cl uding t 1 rem a n , oUer and grea~r. , 2.41-Asphalt raker and Ironer. 2 485-Bootman. 2 90--Carpenter. 2 825--Cement finisher. 2 81-C on c ret e or asphalt spreading, mechanical ta mping or finishing machine operato.r. 2 65--<::oncrete mixer operator -skip type. ._ ..,.., .... port with president, Mrs. Robert •-• Brlegs. presiding. She welcomed T • ..,.... .,.nJOI Mrs. Olive Grubber of 510 VIvian Lane. Costa Mesa, as a nPW member. Following the meeting, refreshments were served by Mrs. Fred Joyner and Mrs. Her- ald Spela. A SO-pair telephone cable wu cut about noon Wednesday, Jan. 25. and cut off telephone service In the Lido shopping area. Ted Hambrook, telephone exchanee manager, reported last Thursday. , ........ .. , ......... ..... Robert Forbes BUILDER JI A r l»or ••• JlOt Costa Mesa Lumber Co. LUMBER -BUILDING MATEiiiALS 11.-port ll'f'd.. e-ta .... I.Jbwty ~~-~ 2.305-Drlver of dump trucks lieS!! than 4 yards water level). 2.335-Drlver of dump trucks r4 yards but less than 8 yards water IevelL Telephonf!' service was cut to the Newport Beach fire tlepart- ment, Newport Balboa Savings and Loan Assn .. P. A. Palmer Inc. and Shearson-Hammlll and Co .. brokers. Service was restored to some lines by 3 p.m. the same day, and most other lines wen~ back In servlcf!' by 6 p.m. Tclc· phone calla to the fire liepart - ment were relayed throu,::h the Newport Beach pollee depart· ment, Mr. Hambrook aald. Merle Thompson. horticulture specialist of the Corona Clipper Co., Corona, Calif., will lecture ';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;: and demonstrate the best prun-r lng methods at the regular meeting of the Costa Mesa-Bay Cities Branch of the Callfornla National Fucbsla Society, at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday In the Everett Rea School auditorium, Hamilton and l'Jo. c::...t.p -Dndaboarda MJ)balt Tile -Rubber TUe Formica -Linoleum Tile 2.385--Drlver of d ump trucks 18 yards but less than ~ yards water Ievei i. 2.465-Drlver of dump trucks C 12 yards but less than 16 yards water IevelL 2.~Drlver of dump trucks (16 yards or more water level>. 2.485-D r I v e r of road oU spreader truck. 3.35-Eiectrlclan. 2.20-Flagman. 2.9()-Heavy duty repairman. Cor111 HI lar llrt H•l i1 Car Cr ... A cut forehead which took sev- eral stitches to close was suf- fered by Francia Root, 16, of 415 Orchid Ave., Corona del Mar, In a two-car a ccident at Cout Hwy. Meyer Sta., Costa Mesa. A membership drive ls In pro- gress, tbe club Invites all those Interested In horticulture to at- tend thll meeting as guert.L Door prlzea are awarded, draw- Ing• are held for valuable planta and earden Items. Refresbrnenu wUl be served. 2 3!>--Heavy duty repairman- helper. 2 20-l.a borer. and Poppy Ave., Corona del Mar, Patronize the merc.hanta who at 4:55 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 2S. advertise In the Newport Har- The girl waa riding In a car bor Enat 3.0&-Motor patrol operator, In· eluding any type of power blade. 2.~Palnter (brush). 3.20-Palnte-r (spray). 2.81-Roller operator. 2.65--Screed operator. $2.~Tractor operator-bull- driven by Peter A. Hoyt. 18, of ijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiian.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Laguna Beach, which slid Into the back of a car rtopped tor the signal, operatf!'d by Owen H. Mears of 501 Polnaettla Ave., Corona del Mar, pollc, said. The Laguna youth aatd bla brakH faUed and when he grabbed the emergency brake, hla car akld· ded on the wet pavement. dozer. tamper, acraper or drag type shovel or similar type. 3.06-U n I vera a 1 equipment operator (shovel, dragllne, der· rick. derrick -barge, clamshell, fices of th~ District Englneera at crane, or pile driver). Los Angeles and San FrancliiCO, 2.365-Water truck drIver -at the o1flce ot the Dlatrlct under 2500 gallons. Engineer of the dJ.atrtct In which 2.485-Water truck d r I v e r -the work Ia aJtuated, and at the 2500 gallona to 4000 gallons. oUice of the A.uoclated General 2.605--Water truck driver -Contractorlln San Francltlco. 4000 gallons or more. No bid wtll be considered un- Any cluai1Jcat1on o m I t t • d leta It Ia made on a blank form herein not lese than ~00 per fumlabed by the Stat• Blah· hour. way Enatneer and II ma,. ln Overtime -not leta than one acccwda~ wtth the provlaloM and one-halt (1~) times the of the Propoul ll.equi.Nmenta above rata. and Conditlona Mt forth under Sundays and hoUdap-not 1eaa SectJon 2 ol the Standatd Sped. thu one and OM·half (1~) fleatlona. Eac.h btcJde mUit be ttme. the above rata Tbe boll· ~and allo prequallfted u days upon which such ra'-Nqalnd ·by law. (lee aid Pro- aball be paid lhall be aU boll· poat &tqutmnenta ud Cond.l· days ~t.d tn tile colleetift tlorw.) JAMES D. RAY Balhlllll C.lriCior J.446 E. CO.AST HWY .. COlONA OIL MAl HNt-476l letWeMe: HAr~ 41t6 Lilli FOI IllES ~ a.ftAII LOAJI CoDMnaction Lwme ~a.ftULOU ID .oa IATn.D .............. •11 1.; c..t ....,. CDII ,._ u 1111 a s.a• .,.,.atn1n1 apMJDent al)Pllcable .,. Department of Pubhe to tht putkular en.ft. daalflea· Worb r-•• tlM fllbt to,.. !~(~lle~ll~e~J~Aie~la~r~~·~·~• ~·~~~r~i)~ tlon or type of woduwa .... &nJ' or aU blct.. piOJM on the projeet. DJ:P~ or ~ Plana ma)' be ...a. and bml WOIID o1 ~ boatda. OllbtNd. ucl DJVJBIOW OJ' BIORWAYI ~UOnl ID&J be _..,_. 0 . T. lkOOY, at tlM amc. ol die .... J~Wk· ltate IUIIIW'Q ~ ..,. .......,, ,.bile Worb Dated JanUUJ ft, Ia. . ... u...; .~ calMand&, ~: Fib. a. ... ~ .... ...., .., ... -at ... fl· Ia ,.. .. ..,.. .... ...... CARLTOIS' Lllf~VJI 115 E. l'7Ua lt. eo.t. .... LmEBTT 1-aSJ 22 Years In Orange County ASDVICI~ TO AU Of IOUTHDN CAIJfOilNIA •• .,. ...... '1' •• .. ACM 8 I I ~ .............. ·----. . ---~~ ~ - CDM Travel Service W.wlll ... ~----,.. ... .-y .......... .. ..... ·u,T· YOYAG& To Jlay P• Away "-1 WE iiAJmU ALL LllfU • Around the World, 1:.00 • Around S. America, 400.00 • Around Africa, -· .00 (ApproxlmatAt Ratee) • •tea-·"•r ..u.o.~. A1dJ8e ......... "" ...... • TOGIS • 'niMtn 'I1CIIIIetll * ItO I£11V1CZ CIIUGE * Harbor 1246 ColLne Gibbons. Dorothy McKenna. Marruerlte Hughes Cor. E. Cout Hwy. at OrehJd Acroa frOm P.O., CDM IQfsDUUU ¥ eDUCPPSS 'nl .APORT //,"/. C OIIONA 0£1 ltl~/1 N4~/ll'll/8l' ••• llllwllc . ........ ., ·-----acMe> Exhibiting L·ewd Pictures Charged~ to Newport Man rrecs.tc IL .,.Wc:y, !0, oll22· peuance Jn Newport Beach Jut· aJrd St., lfewpott IMeb. Ia Idled· tJce court tomonow (P\1c1ay). Wed to ba arral.,..cl on ebar,.. SpeUJey wu booked on tM ol nhlbJtlna S.Wd pictures and dtara• by Newport pollee at belnl a lewd penon at an ap. 4:~ p.m. na-.y. Jan. lt. Offt. cen allepdly found a quantity or oucs. pbotoarapM ot maJee and 300 teet ol motion psetur. of a nude male allepclly taken 1n the baclt yud ol bla bomt. }Je poaect 81!00 ball ancl wu re· leued from c:\LitocSy at 8:10p.m. 15 Newcomers Are Honored Ftlteen 'newclOmen 1n Corona 1'\a.-day, Jan."· ' .,... .. ••c:aau. ( ..... ). I I 1..._.171 ---~ ......... , .... ...,_ .......................... .... • -....... llf .... ............. --at=MllL ,... ... ,. •• -wttlt .. --·rt ... rtllil&; ...... Kt.-.&1 wtD ....... ,...._by dl a ' 1 n • ...u.. .c -· ..... ···--by a.tefty ............ e.r11lonla ...... ............. House Party Investigated rona del Mu, were 1UftU 1ut Cpl. Daniel E. Slclca. Camp week at the home ot Mn. lobert PencSleton marine, and C.LD. Meredith, U9 Poppy An ... Corona martnea trom E1 Tcro and Camp del Mar, for a d.-t party and Pendleton aJcSecS Newport pollee a n lnvttatlon to joln a nawcom« In ,ualdna the urea. Cpl. Sleka aroup sponsored b~ tbe Corona chuaecS that he had ~ved 10 del Ku Community Chuteh. . letters trom ~lUey urllna him ' Mrs. Robert Roper wu named to poee In the nude tor photo· u temporary chalnnan tor the lfapha. He bad tJnt met the eroup. which will meet the Newport man 1.-t October. fourth Tuesday ot each month. Cpl Slcka and M/Sat Robert An lnvttatlon tor newcomen. L. Campbell, C.LD. marine from who would like to become better El Toro. aaJd they were shown acquainted with the community, nude male pbotoaraphl by Spel· wlll be made. Mra. Glen Youne, lley In hla home ahortly prior to u chairman. Mrs. M. C. Vau1hn. b1a arrat. The two marlnea went Mrs. D. E. Neleon. Mra. Boward to pollee and a aeuch warrant Stapleton. Mrs. Stanley Brlabln wu obtained from Newport and Kra. John Triplett wUl .erve Beach Juatlce court. The motJon on the toeia1 contact commlttee. picture tnm. color fllm and black Newport pollee lnvestlcated a U ld d bite h to he houae party at 114 Coral Ave., The next meetlnc wl be be an w P 0 IJap were Balboa laland, at 11:45 p.m. Sun- Tuesday, Feb. 28. then contlacated by pollee. day. belnc held by 14 boys from LEAVE COSTA MESA the San Raphael Military School. The Frank Wallaces have sold Sherltf'a officers had reported thelr home at 2321 Santa Ana that a Garden Grove doctor 881d Services were beld Saturday at Ave., Costa Mesa, and have that one of the boys "had too Parkes-RJcSley Mortuary for Ar· moved to Santa Ana. where they much alcohol." Officers found nold Theodore Dunn. 49, of 20042 will be nearer Mr. Wallace's that the boys had collected ap· At'acla St., Santa Ana Be1ahts, trade foldln1 and blndlng busl-proximately 100 empty beer cans. who died January 25 In Orance ness. three whiskey bottles and two County Hospital after a pro· gin bottles for the purpose of longed Illness. Mr. Dunn, who MOVE R OM LJI)() takJng pictures as a job. Three was a native Californian, was a The Paul G. Palmers have or four of the boys appeared to ship's carpenter and last worked moved from 3444 VIa Oporto to be suffering from the tlu, ottlcers at South Coast ship yards. He North Hollywood. reported. was a member of the NeWport ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Harbor Elks Lodge No. 1767 and From the POUCE BLO II ER ot the Sportflahers APoelatlon of Newport. He Is survived by hla wife. Min nie Oma Dunn. and two _____________ ......,. ___________ _ aons. David and Lowell n unn. all or the h ome address and three brothers. Rev. Galen Ogden, pal· tor of the Church of the Brethren In LaVerne offlcated. Interment was at Harbor Rest Memorial Park. KPOP 1020 em the dial Hear ... lUlU ..., ........ , .. ,..., 11 a.m.-N~ and comment. 11:15 a.m.-Varied subjects. M 0 N DAY (U :15) '1nternal Revenue Information." 11JESDAY (11 :15) "M Old J.. We ThJnk-Senlor Cltlzen.t'' WEDNESDAY (11:15) ''LaY· men's Hour" FRIDAY (11:15) '"The United People In ActJon." e MOimAY. JAM. 23 Mrs. Harold Cawud of 529 VIa Lido Soud, Lido l&le, found a sJnale-s hot sbotrun In her ga- race under her cu . possibly thrown Into the garage by a youncster . . . Cluen~ Setzer of 252 C a t a 1 I n a Dr.. Newport Heights, reported malicious mls· chief being done In a house und~ construction at 416 Via Lido Nord. Lido Iale, requesting that offlcera check It ... A nine- foot nat-bottomed boat was re· ported atolen from Peter HUI. operator of the Standard Dock. 814 E. Bay Ave., Balboa ... Charles A. I)@lano ot 501% Nar· cluua Ave .• Corona del Mar, re· ported that a BB shot was fired throuch a screen and window at that addrHS ... A roof reported on fire at ft/7 Belvue Lane, Bal· boa, at 12:50 p.m. turned out not to be a flre. but juat steam com· lng trom the roof ... Mrs. Bar· ba ra Cartier of 2919 Cllff Dr~ Newport Helchts, reported thAt while absent In Europe her pro· perty had been rum maced through by aomeone but that she could not estimate the loss ... The Cout Guard was notified at 5:12 p.m. when Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Hay of 2152 E. Ocean Front, Balboa. reported pusinc the Runtlnrton Beach state park where Mra. Hay aaw a red fiare shoot up from a boat just ott . . . Frank Williams of 530 S. Bay -Front. Balboa Island, was treated by a doctor after he was bitten on the lett hand by a dog. which was quarantined . . A runaway boy. 16. trom Para· mount was released to hls mother alter being found hitch· hJJUng on Coast Hwy. near the county dock ... Mrs. Al MartJn ot 223S Second Ave .. Corona del Mar, reported that aomeone left a lighted lantern on their porch. ranc the door bell and departed before anyone had a chance to answer the door . . . e SUJfDAY. JAM. 2! Linda Stabler of 6 Balboa Coves. bitten on the cheek below the right ~e by a dog. was treated by a phyalclan and the doc waa quarantined ... Robert Nall ol 3514 Ocean Front. New· port Beach. reported the theft ol his son's bicycle ... Jess Skeen of 1827 W. Balboa Blvd .. Newport ~ach. gave pollee two white capsules of a drug used by epU · epUcs which he found on a cup- board In his home, apparently put there while he waa out for a time and doora were unlocked. tCondnued em ~ 12) 51aches of Rain Here During Storm •••••••••••••••••••• • • • e :New ••IY: • • • • •artJ Gw ~ ot ratn fell the 8trMU tilled wilb w.tM tor :.: TO j DS •:: on tM ......._ ..,... 1n lhe three· .everal bou,. at a rime. day-wtaJdl ended Jut ~· Valve. ln 11torm dralna mutt '-Y· be cloeed when bllh ttdes come • • • htntall a,...,_ kept by the or bay watw will Oood Into the •:: IITCBILL ·=·· harbor clepulmmt ebowed that at:reeta which are below the level the aact raln tall wu 4.94 of lbe bay on audl bleb tides. lnc.tM.-_. 1ndl Clft Wedneaday When rains come durlnl sut'h • • 3.0'7 lneb• 'JltW'IIday and .89 periods. the rain water mu.t re-: StiJir'riltl Ia : Inch Friday. main In the trtreeU until the tJde • • eo.ta Mesa pollee reecu-.o ••ve pes down. The valWII then may • •til f • people ln three families""" ,;;,m be opened to drain tb~ street.. .:: , IJif I ·=.· theLr dwellJnp ln the ~ block 'nle valves were eloeed at 5 a.m . of We.tmlnater Ave. and on Jut 'nlutsday and opened at 9 nearby Santa Tomu St Chi f a.m. the aame day due to a 6.9 • t~ T " • Arthur Mcltenzle eported' Ch ek loot tide at 7:'2 a.m. The valvea :. A IWI :. Heller lieu atr~ ' · uc were cloeed acaln about 5 a.m. (J M • oreman, and Frtday. • • eaa pollee worked to drain i iiiiiiiiiii'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii • • water &om the area with a ditch • America'• beloftd • 300 yuda lona. 111111 ! Award-Wmnina dramatic : e UDf CAVSEI 1'DE1 -.... --• star, Tbomaa MileheU.. • aaJn .... blamed tor two ._n. IIIII : •tan in a {ut-movu.a. : utlllty pole tran&former tires. .,.._ -•••-: humorous abow that tbo : One occuned at 10:23 a.m. Wed· • wbole {amily willeejoy. • neaday, Jan. 25, a1 the rear of • • the Paewe Tet~~ otf.lce, 3u * : WEDNESDAYS : • E. Balboa Blvd. The second was • • at d3 Cbp.m. Thursday at Mareu St. ! 9:30 P.ll. : an annel Pl., Newport bland. • • Newport Beach firemen extln-: Channelll • 1TTY : rutshed both fires. • • Stores In the Mariner's Mile ! A Prunalation bv : area of Newport Beach last • ' • Thursday suttered water damage 2221CAaDfE AVE. : aiCH.IILD. : to merchandise when sewer • • drains backed up and flooded I' aALaOA ISu.D • • floors. IIAJQOB .. 1 : : The sewer main In Coast Hwy. : : could not cart}' ott tJ\e vohem e ot Boura: 14 doily, • • water being forced Into it. Sewer Suday 1-4 p.a. ! : ma.n -hol~ on Coast Hwy. at Tus· ;~;~~~~~~~~~~~~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~,~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~ tin Ave., RJverslde Ave. and under the Arches o v e r p a s 8 spurted water up Into the air several Inches, due to the pres· sure. e MEaCBAJn)IS£ DAIIACED The Greater All American Mar- ket. 2600 W. Coast Hwy., wu fl ooded by storm water. The water damaged the bottom of 1 cases of merchandise In the store CAFE I .. 1- warehouse and spread across the -AI I• main Door ot the store. Water 11a1a IGibaJou _..,=ad .w.t Qrbnl ~~~-•~•:we..t aJao backed up l.nto the Newport =-~~.~· JS, a.cladfa9 .-. ....._ w ... Furniture Co.. 2620 w . Coast iMcl r-w.wta ,._ a.n -1ft U.. Hwy.; Henry's. 2530 W. Coast ._~ lt'a ..a. • tdp to A......_ Qr.,.._ Ia .._ Hwy.: Turner Drur eo .. 2542 w. ~~'ift~ ..:::-.: ~e~rtuNCL Yet u. • ,.., ...._ Coast Rwy .. and Boyd's Hard· 127 L AJ1E11C ware. 2630 w. Coast Hwy. Across ----~..;;..;;;=-..;;..;;;~,;::;,.;:;;;::::l~l=--==~=-=---ltE~:If.!:ri~I~I~I...:S-4~15~1~1~ the street. watet' backed Into 1111111 Seasport Landing, and Seuport CoUe-e Shop, :::ci33 W. Coast Hwy .. and the Non~ ~gg Co., 2615 w. Coast Hwy . Newport Beach Water Superin- tendent John M c Millan ex- plained that sanitation dlatrlcts five and slx had not provided a large enough sew~r main to handle the now In the line. The City of Newport ~ach relln- quhhed the main to the two dla- trlct.s on July 1S, 1955. The dn- trlct.s buUt a new .ewer line !rom the vfdnlty of 17th St. and Coast Hwy. to nur ttle Balboa Bay Club. From the Balboa Bay Club along Coast Bwy. to ttle vf. clnlty of the dty oll wells n~ar 58th St. the line Is not large enough to handle the now he aald. ' I e lSLAJfD S'BEET FLOODED SOUTII SEll CAFE vouA!tiC PUBLIC GOL~ COUAs• West 5th St. at Santa Ana Bi•er .W. ---SANTA ANA PH. II 3-8311 T' KPOP shore . . . • e WEDNESDAY, JAM. 25 Officers were una ble to locate boys ~ported stealing wind· shield wipers from cars ln the uea of Holly Lane and Irvine Ave.. Newport Heights . . . A w1ld blrd whleh new In an ope11 window In the home of Mrs. J. R. Hankey of m 5 Cove St .. Corona del Mar, waa chased out by of· fleers ... TWo boys wearing fa· tteues and leather jackets were blamed tor spreading mud on walls and tearing out fixtures Ln a rest room In the Mobile Serv1c:oe Station. 3100 E. Coast Hwy .. Co· Balboa Island streets were Oooded rlth rain water during Jut week's rain storm. Bill Co· vert. Newport Beach st:rH't super- Intendent .explained that hllh tides and rain combined to leave Plans for a Valentine luncheon nTF=====:..:.;;~~~~~==========~~~=====~~=======.:! and bridge party were made by Npt. Island Party Slated ....... ...... ...... U.Jn'A .&If.& ... • .._.. ........... J-.w" ..--p=w••• 1~ on the dial * MOW WTWIMO * ....o.-.. •• M'J', • ~ ..... PI et I 1U -sJIG'A• ......... woo .... • ' "·RIVE IN -- ft( ~ttc ........ ,.,, o ~ ~ " · .. rona del Mar . . . e 1111111SDAY, JIUf •• Mrs. Pauline A. Dock of 117· 46th St .• Newport Beach , reported the loa of a monkey, which later was caucht in the earaee ot Mn. Don Bunch of 4909 Seashore Dr .• West Newport ... Mrs. Dean Bank ot Dl lfesa Dr .. Costa Mesa; reported that her dauch · ter 1~ a $tOO wrist watch on the campus at Harbor Hl&'h School. .. e nJDAY, JAil. 17 Mra. Terry Megarcee of 223~ Pot1Uiettla Aw., Corona del Mar. reported the theft of a handbag contalntna a $25 palr of ll&MH and otber Items &om her car parked at the rear of 3430 VIa Lido. Newport a.&ch .•• Boys dropptnf wa• bap from the GolcJenrod A~. foot brid,e onto can on Bayatde Dr .• Corona del lfar. were JOM when offk.-en arrlvwd • • • Bo,-. were repottfd tluoWlq ftrec:rac:Mn Oft the aal· boa 1tlud 1Jttle Island brktle- • .... .,.. JAil. • ~ omua• ....,.... aree am Ba... ..,. ...... throwtlll pop wt1e1 and mad on cera ucl '"-.. ..._. u.. dur • ._... aoo w. ODut JIW7 ~ If ..,..art lilloeb ••• Jolul LafletY ol ~ • ..,. c:eclo ..... CloloD& .. lfar. CICIII'l· l)laJMcl ol u.. tMft ol • ., wtnvw• fl-. ll .. ou ,.,UCS tnflofttol .... ~ ••• AIO- blll!lallllrtffll,....a ....... . .~ ..................... .... NM ........ ol ,..._ tialt ........ ,...... ......... •••rflla...,...culatM ................... women of the Newport Island Auxiliary at their January meet· lng held at the home of Mrs. Harry Plueck, 415 Marcus Ave., Newport Island. The party. which w111 be open to members and guest. will be held at the home of Mrs. James Edwards. 3900 Channel PI . Newport Island. at 12:30 p.m. Tuesday. Feb. 14. The party w111 be a benefit tor the new Is land park. Reservations may be made with Mrs. Richard Weber. Harbor 4184. The next m~tlng of the New· port Island Auxiliary w1Jl be held at 8 p.m. on February 16 at the home ot Mrs. Georae ShenLU, 405 39th St.. Newport Island. .,...,.. .. .... I LIIP .. .... The Girls' Club ol the Harbor Area wlll benetlt from the pro- CHds of the rumma1e aale plan· ned for Saturday by the eo.ta Mesa Opti-Mrs. Club. The aale wUl start at 9:30 a.m. at 1853 Newport Blvd.. next to the old bank building. The Girls' Club la one of the projecta of the OptJ • M.rs. eroup. accordlnr to Mra. Matt LaBorde, pubUclty ch•Lr· man. lt4G.4~'S Your hml~ a.taurant (a.md T t I 1) ISlS L c..a• .. ••l ..._1 .. 0... ... - LHrn to Dance .. ARTHUR ~URRA Y SCHOOL OF DANCING HAliOI 1921 U2l L COAST Ht$HWAY COlONA OIL MAA .... om.r c. .......... lW .._....., ___ ~...,. ...... ---...J Your Invitation • • • to come to at 2726 E. Coast Highway Corona del Mar the newest jewelry shop-to serve you m the Hcrrbor Arect WATCH REPAIRJNG FINE WATCHES AND JEWfl.S Dm'INC11VE COSTUME JEWELRY Featuring Originals and Imports Contemporary, Modern and Ceramic Jewelry Opening Day MONDAY-EEl. 8 oome in and meet the owners Mary Lou Tonnesen and Bob Murphy Dog Protectors Carry On Fight Against Rabies law bop belna ._..ted tor Dop ..,..._ to J:balancl ,. Ba· rabJM are CODUdlJI& rab._ doC' waU are nqu.lred to be ..,..ted owoen ehu,ed ,..._ tbe Pet for UO _,. It th~ have ,.. Protectors of Oranp Cou.nty met cetwd ......_ ....., Kra. 1axt« Sunday nllbt ln the lftwpOrt cl&lmed.Aalllnlia'aZIO,OOOabeep Harbor Glrl Scout Bow.. dop are not Inoculated. tMy :Mn. Dolorea Moran ot Santa CODtact wUd Ufe, but do Dot have Ana charaed that her doc and one cue ot rabies, abe reported. cat died as a result of rabies One Santa Ana woman re- ahots. She claimed that neither ported that her doc swelled-up animal was Ill prior to taklna after recelvtn• a rabies ahot and tJle shots. Both she and her hus. now has been left with a blue· band were required to take shots, greenish color. her husband the Pasteur treat· A campaign to combat the in· ment while she took a new ocuJatlon law was outlJned at serum due to being allergic to the meeting. Individual letters the Pasteur shots. She had sul· are being written to city coun. tered a scratch from the dog cllmen. Another meeting ol the and her husband had been bit· Protectors will be held at 3426 ten. Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa, at "They're evident I y giving 7:30p.m. Feb. 12. dogs Jive vaccine." Mrs. Moran charged. "I don't think It's right RoL-rt Colllt. r o ... · to give live vaccine." n Mrs. Harold Baxter, president ot the Pet Protectors. presided at the meeting. .J ;; .. ; ·: • .. ·••· ··:·· ····:.·:--··. :· ..... ·:"':\.. .... ·-.··· .. W m ........ ,. \\....:::··· ... ··i:• '"" ~ Funeral services tor Robert E. Collier. 74, of 2329 Elden Ave., Costa Mesa, were held Friday In the Costa Mesa Community Methodist Church, under the dl· retclon of Parkes-RJdiey Mortu- ary of Costa Mesa. He died Jan. 24 In Orange County general -.zvu II.AVE PAm caa iacaiDe tax ••• IMltw wtlll .. •cdatal.u GJalldpla VCIIlderlllof 1a "'Toa Ccaa't Tab Jt Wltb Toa.• wbJda wW be pnMDted by tbe lfewpon ~ Coauaaa!ty Playws Peb. I. so. u . 11 cmd 11 lD tbe Cbapel necm.. ONDVe eoa.t eou.,.. Sidlwr Morris plays tbe 10M of tbe Uttle old .-u..caa Wbo nc· ceufally nata tbe IDt.nlal ......._ l)epcaat •t. hospital. ------------------------Mr. Collier was born In Syca- .::.::: ~ . :~:.=.=:: ,:. ~: .. ·.:.· ................... ·"= ~}) ValetitilleS· • . • FOR EVERY AGE ~· .FOR EVERY TASTE ..... ~.:.: Shop now from our ?> complete selection. more. llllnois. and had lived In California for 24 years and ln Costa Mesa for 12 years. He was employed In the maintenance department of the Costa Mesa Methodist Church. He is survived by hla wife, Mrs. Mabel Collier; slx daugh· teTs, one living locally, Mrs. Bar· bara Bennett of Costa Mesa; 20 grandchildren and three great- CHIJRCHES OPD BOUSE AT llE.C'I'OilT Open house will be held trom 3 to 5 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. next Thursday, Feb. 9, at St. James Rectory, the home of Rector and Mrs. John H. Parke, 410 15th St., Cltff Haven. CIDIJSTL\Jf BCIEKCE CIIUIICB CDK COIOIUJnTT CBUJICB grandchildren. He was an USO· Cj\\ARRINER.'S elate member of Harbor Harmo· • ny Lodge, I.O.O.F. No. 402 ot The Rev. Edwin C. Gom.ke, The subject of the Lesson·Ser· mon at the Newport Beach Church of Chrlst, Scientist, Sun· day, ls "Splrlt." The Golden Text from Psalms (143:.10) read.l, "Teach me to do thy wtll; tor thou art my God: thy spirit Is good; lead me Into the land of uprightness." STATIONERS BOOKSELLERS Costa Mesa. minister at the Corona del Mar ST JAKES AUXlLIAilT 22S forest Ave. Phone: HY 4-6544 Community Church. will talk on • LAGUNA BEACH Phone your ads to HA 1114. "Are You Dllterent" tor Youth TO BOLD LUW?I£OK ....,.MMiWwwwwWiiMiM~MMMMM.iWwwwwMI Sunday, Feb. 5. The Senior and The Woman s Auxiliary will • Junior Pllerlm Fellowship groups hold a luncheon meetlftg at will participate In the 9:45 a.m. 12:30 p.m. next Wednesday, Feb. aervl~. New members w!Jl be re-8. at St. James Episcopal Church, High Fidelity Newport. The Rev. Wesley Haver· celved at the 11 a.m . service. male, rector ot the Church of the For H0111 or Office Vlstt The Beautiful "'Studio of UY1D9 Sowad,. PJIATEll MEETIKC HELD Members of the Business and Professional Women's Club held a brlet p'rayer service w1th Rev. Messiah, Santa Ana. w ill speak on "Digging up burled cities In the Bible." St. Cecilia's Guild, Balboa Island, will serve the luncheon. Consultatlon·Estlmates·No obiiKatlon James Stewart at 8:30a.m. Tues· _,..,..........,......,....,._ ______ ......., ____ _ HARBOR HI•PI day at St. Andrews Presbyterian Church Newport Heights, tor Helen Gatterdam, who had a ntf I>OLIU ELOIIER lllJ HtwrorT ILVO. • HIWPOIT 11A0t,. ~. (Opposite City Ball) HA 4681 serious operation at Huntington ................. ...,.,......-........... _.. ____ .......,_ Where you make save DOES a difference! Frienclly. Memorial Hospital that day. • ., ..... SAYIUIAID WI ftiiDATIII • Thot describes our customers -ond friendly serv1ce is the kind we like to render in return for their potronoge. O ur new building on the boyfront wos designed for ou r customers. A friendly, pleosont otmosphere, in o beoutiful setting, ond o building thot gives us top operoting efficiency. Becouse efficient work meons economy-ond thot meons we con poy the highest return for our investors' sovings. It's currently 3V2% per yeor, poid four times yeorly on ALL occounts. SAVE BY MAIL -It's safe, fast, convenient. And we pay postage, both ways! naeou IEWPOIT IALIOA SAVINGS .... LOAN '· .... ~ • .PruWf1tt 3166 Via LUo · NEWPORT lEACH .... _..., ...... • ~I c... cW .., Office 2407 &.t c..t HN,hwey (Continued from Page 11) e MO!fDAT, JAM. 30 George Brunson of Balboa re· ported to pollee at 6:45 p.m. that Esther Lally, 8. of 315 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa, had been missing since 5 p.m.; at 8:50 p.m. the giJ'l was located in the Newport Pub· lie Library . . . W. K. McLain, 610 Aldean Pl .. Newport Heights. reported a possible case of at· tempted child molesting, saying that a driver had followed his 10·year·old dauabter and drove back and forth In front of her bicycle several times. e TUESDAY, JAM. 31 Joe Roudot told pollee at 8:45 a.m. that hl.s Rossi Cale at 3525 E. Coast HWY.. Corona del Mar. had been entered between 2 and 6 a.m., and clgarets. cigars. liquor and money had been taken. Including coins f_rom three March ot Dimes containers: loS! was estimated at $200 ..• Cltlle F. 111111, 87, Dies i1 Palm S,rl111 Clyde Franklin Knotts. 67, of Corona del Mar, died Jan. 27, In Palm Spring, where he had been residing for the last two weeks. He lived at 706 Goldenrod Ave. In Corona del Mar. He was born In Lucas, Iowa, and moved to Montana before cominr to CallfornJa In 1930. He resided In the Harbor area tor five years and had rone to Palm Sprlnp Just before hl.s fatal heart attack to work at the Del· ert Inn. Survivors Include three daueh· ters. Mrs. 1. Lynn Baker of Lake-- wood; Mrs. Peg I)' Martin,, Lake. wood, and Mra. June Holkestad of Lone Beach; two a litera, Mrs. Helen Walden of Arcadia and Mrs. Zora Bell of Corona del Mar. Graveside services were held Tuesday at Harbor Rest Memor· tal Park Wfth the Rev. Edwin Gomke otfldatlnc. Baltz Mortu· ary of Corona del Mar wu ln eharce of arranpmenta. Harbor Wins Sweepstakes ..._.. RIIIM "••l•r,... 11!11 '"'~~t,;;.;.......,. ...... .w ~to MarjoftelarMtt, .... be ..... 'fttandQ. ..... .. tiM ldel\t of .... ~ 1'M play Dllllt ot tiM Kewport wt1l be atwa hb. t. 10. 11. 17 lll.airMr OaiDannaJt7 PlQwn PfO-and 18. 1"be 8waptlt .. award 1Jl tM •uet~oa of "You Can't TaU It kent Andnwl. dlreet«, an· Or....,. Oout Collep J'lel4 DQ WltJa You .. tn Clltpel Ttwatre, ftOU.DC8e that try-outa for the bald 1ut '"* wu won ..,. the Oranp Cout eon.. nat play wm be beJel reb. u Newport Rubor liSP ~ Membln ol ~ cuta and 14 1D CbapeJ Tb•tre. A qr1euJturw lltucletata. Anaheim have been eepeeta.Uy IDvtted to -.utke-the·aet" part7 will be wu lleOIDCI anAl C..... Grove atted and join ID an lntonDa1 held ln tM tb .. tre at 2 p.m. third. att. the ac-ll'eb. 18. Harbor B(p .n&clenta pJ..t u follow. amoq lndtvtdual wlnMn: Frank Brue, ...:ond; Jobn Arnold, thJrd; Ruben Peru. nrth; J im Bath, alxth; BtU Madl· eon, MVenth; Beryl Whitehead, tenth. More than 150 students from aeven county hlgh schools com· peted In teed Identification. judclnc ol sheep, steers and Hereford cows, judging of fryers and hens, plant ldentlllcatlon a nd tool Identification. MOTU. aoo11 aoaiED Two bedapreads, ~ blanket, four pillows, three pillow covers and four sheets were stolen from a room In the KJrkwood Motel. 4030 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar, Mary Mulder, manager, complained to Newport pollee at "YOU CAIJ'T TilE IT Will YIU" F .. ,., 8, 10, II, 17, II 5:15 a.m. Friday. CIIAPEL TIIUTUL O.UQB COAST COI.LEQ& CAliRI ==~~~~~~~~~~~~---- * SPECIAI3 FOR THURS., FRI., SAT.-FEB. 2-3-4 * We Carry Manning'• Choice Baby Beef ExclWii•ely! BWIPT'S Premium Bacon WIENERS ra.ESIL LEIUf Ground Chuck Swiss Steclk Lean Beef Stew CRISCO . ~· Frozen Foods 11-~ L ~-~ caD. 79f. STU ICST, SOLID PACK TUNA UIIY'S FIIZD FIODS c•• a.s,.•• .... FNIII Filii 1111111 7-oc. caD 31~. DAPT'I MIRACLE J WHIP Qt. 3~ .............. PANCAKE& WAFFLE MIX 3~ JIAIIICO Ritz Crackers .,.,, , ...... &7Y. lltRUtB IIAID DRl.E .IUICE I ·OZ. CAlf 2 .. 33c SWIISII'S PIES lh ElOI BANANAS 2 .. ~ DD.ICIO'OI APPLES 2 .. 29C caay • a f. •