HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-02-23 - Newport Harbor Ensign' way ac To C Is Urg An orlgln·destlnatlon tratrl lem," Mayor Neaon aald ~tty Council reeelved a request survey on NtowpOrt Blvd. lx>twt'f'n e LOWEa COST CITE!) from the Costa MHA Councll tor Palisades Rd. and Mesa Dr MacArthur Blvd could be built a.ssistan~ In diverting the Free· Costa MMa, was requf'Sted by as a frt'f'way at a much lower way to MacAl"thur Blvd. and thus the Cost<~ Mesa city ('(>unci! at I mst than Newport Blvd.. Mr. prevt>nt Costa Mesa tram "belnr Its mt'f't ing Monday nt~ht Nelson pointed out. In Costa 1 cut In half." The matter wu The rpquf'Bt to thf' statP high. Mesa the rliht ·of -way would be taken undf'r study. way department Is n mo\.f> I>> more costly, the city oUiclal The Co ta Mesa r~uest was the Mesa council to hne fr('(' rK>Inte-<1 out Utilities such as alae> dl.scubSed Monday noon at way statu'! for :"'l'wport 81\ d Wcltt>r and ~WWer lint'S would the meetlnr of Newport Harbor moved to Mac Arthur Blvd ThP have tr' be replaced along New· Chamber of Commerl"e directors. clty would pay for the <'Ost of I port Blvd. They voted to back up whatever the survey to be condu{'tcd by At Monday afternoon's ad re-commE>ndatlons the City Coun· the state journed mt'f'tlng, the Newport ell presents. Harbor art-a {'tvlr groups are Tars Favored for Title ~lng utgf>d by Mayor Claire Nt>lson's c-ommitt{'{'S of 15 to tdopt a rPS<)lutlon approved by the Associated Cham~rs of Com · merce of Orange County on which h ighway projecu should come first. The wldenlnc of Mac· Arthur Blvd. Is the first request followed by the completion ol the freeway from Santa Ana Canyon to MacArthur Blvd. and NEW SALES TAX LAW IS DUE SOO a.sklng that the freeway be dJ. First step ln taklnr advantare I approval befo,. Aprll L ~n verted down MacArthur Blvd. to ol the state unUorm sales tax the new system could go lnto The ~ up Tar basketball•-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Corona del Mar. law wu tak~ Monday after. e«ect. However. the County • DCPaOVE.MEXT ASIU:D noon by the Newport Beach City I Board of Supervlsora mWit tlrwt ~ defeated Anahelm 62 to 48 Tuesday evening to stay at t.he top of the scrambled up Sunset League race, and now the Tars a re the favorites to win the League championship. The Tars had been tied lor Learue lead with Anaheim and Fullerton with similar records of 7 wins and 3 losses. Tuesday night the Tars knocked Anaheim out or the league lead, and re· maln tied tor lead w ith thto F\.11· lerton Indians. who defeated Huntington Beach 66 to 48. If both the Tars and lndJans w in their final league games tomorrow (Frlclaf>. the Tars wUI be the Sunsett Champs because they have defeated Fullerton twice during the season. The Ta.n tben wou.ld eo into the ClF p}Qaftl. beltnnlnl Tuesday. In na.tay DJrbt'a c:rudal plqed _ ... bome e _,.,"lDte a bo-. ln. l•ctt.q at the end ot the quart« 18 to 9. Tb.-y widened the edee to 28·14 at tbe half, and 43·28 at the t.hree quarter ma.tk. Only In the tlnal quarter was Anaheim able to outscore the Tara. :Z0.19. to make the final tally 62·48. Paul Lorentzen led the scoring wtth 15 points. Other Tar scorers were Dave Tamura, 10; Gary Green. 9; Geor&"e Mabee, 7 : EddJe Pope, 7: Larry Harper. 5; Dennis Harwood. 4, and Tom Houston. 5. The Tar JunJor Varsity de- t~ated Anaheim 44 to 22. Good team .splrit and lndlvld· ua l play. were creditE-d by Coach lutes Gage tor the Tar varsity basketball wins over Orange. Garden Grove and Fullerton. The Tar varsity won 57 to 51 over Or· anre last Fr1day nlrht a t Oranre to go Into a three-way Ue for league lead. The Tar junior var- sity lost to Orange by the same The Improvement of Newport 1 Council pass a unltorm sales tax ordJ Blvd. as an arterial highway The Council approved the first nance for the county before the with construction similar to that reading of an orolnan~ to allow aales tax collection can be In the downtown are-a of Costa l the state to collert the present turned over to the state. Mesa is also rf'<"ommt-ndE'd A 1 ,..,. city saJes tax. This act1on At their meelln~t Tuesday the four or stx lane dl\ tdt"d hi~h wu initiated 10 that the city Supervisors rave a sample ordl· WilY would be built undt>r this ordinan~ could be given final nance to County Counsel l oel proposal In place or thE' statE' • -------Ogle for checklnr and ~port planne-d "dltcl\ tYr)f>" fr('('wa} I • back for this mornlnr'a m~g. "hlch wnuld toxtenrl ..tlnn~: :>ew c I t Tht> Supervlaors are expected to pnrt 81\'d rmm thf' , trinity of on es s IR 'approve the ordinance today lOth St to Palt.,adt>'l Rd Tiu• Jt is not upecte-<1 to Include the <~tat£' plan ralls for thrt'e bndges controversial provision for 10% iiCToss the "ditch" frf'f"wny 2 De e "kick-back" to the county on OrganlldtiOnS nn \laynr Nrl ISirldS city sales tax collections. "'n's rommttt('(" lnrludC'd repre· flie-v.-port City Man~o~ l ohn <wntatl\{''1 from thP thrf"t" school Sailors said that lhc new proce<~. rtl<~tncts 1n the arl'a. C'osta Mesa The council election picture ur~ would mean mo""' ''lCOm~ for C'ha':"lx>r of Commtorce, business for Newpo(t Beach shows S('ven the city, beocause-the lt&tt: woul~ mt>n s as.'IOCiallon and various names on the April 10 ballot. collect more thorouehly ... -.~ servl~ clubs. contests In two of the dlstrict.a would tap 10me ~n\ly uncol· .ad ............ II 11 t •u-na ¥a._ ,.....) Mayor Nelson said that the and lncum~t Lee Wilder run: lectible taJte& lt would abo C1ty pf Newport Beach quite a nine unop~ ln Dlatrlct 6. I mean pater eftlcleney fer loeal number ot months aro conl,Jc:ted Here'• th•llne·up· mercbant-, he aa.14. becaw.e onl,y the City at CostA M8a In reprcts . a alntle aala tax ~ would Heart Sunday To Conclude Fund Drive Newport Harbor homes will be visit~ by volunteer Heart Fund workers this Sunday-Heart Sun· day--to bring a conclusion the month·lona drive for money to support the fight against heart diseases. 6 Directors at Large Appointed by Chamber to tbe t:reeway dJVt!T'Ston. DlSTIUCT 1, West Nf'Wl)Ort -have to be made. A.lJ ~ and "WWth the cooperation of New G e r a 1 d ~ incumbent; collections would 10 d~ to port Beach, working hand In Charles Bart. realtor. the state. ln.stead of both to c1ty hand. the two cities that are DISTRICT 5, Balboa Island -and statto u at presen. The state most l!'tfectt>d. u a unit will go Clarence Higbie. Incumbent: Mrs. then would refund the city's 1~. a long way In solvinr our prob ~lgble, housewfft>; Hans Broer minus a collection cltarre. ---tng. businessman. and Ralph In Costa Mesa. Mayor Clalrfo PI St rt d Schislt"r. ml'rt'hant. Nelson said he is highJy In favor an S a e DISTRICT 6. southeasterly C'o of the state ro1lectlna sales tax Appointment of six directors at City Council and city oUidals for rona del Ma r -Let> Wildt'r. In for thE' cities. He pointed out that large was announced at the working OUt an arreement for For F .• s h Fr cumlx>nt. the stat(' author itlell rould do a monthly met"tlng of the Board the ,.moval o! the PacWc Elec Y In District 5. Mrs H1gble was more romplete job than local of Directors ol the N~rt Har· tric station and trac:k.s trom the Preparations are already under t1rst to fllf' but later announ<.'f'd authorities and at a loweor C'OSt bor Chamber of Commerce Mon· center of N~rt. That project way for the 11th annual Fi!lh 'lhe was Y.lthdrawlng In favpr of The City of Costa Mesa hu a 1 ~· day noon. had begun in the Chamber sJx Fry. to be staged by the Costa her husband. Her narne will stay sales ta.x "W e want to give every citizen They are Milo Lacy for Lido Yt"llrs ago. Mesa Lions Club on Saturda) on the balloL hoWt"\'f'r. ~auS(> Mesa d ty officials havt' not an opporunlty to contribute to Shops, Mrs. Doris Bray lor Bal· Mrs. T Duncan Slt"Wart of the and Sunday, June 2 and 3 Grand the chartf'r provide" that noml dlscuSS<'d any proposal Yet to le-t the Heart Fund.'' said Mrs. Keith boa Island. Mrs. Karen BrunltJg Women's Com m 1 t tee of the prize thls year will be a 1956 nation pal)('rs cannot be with the state collect the tax If thf" Cordrey of Lido Isle, Heart Sun· for Corona del Ma r. Bill Thomp· Cha mber, announced that her Four·door Ford V 8. al"C''rdlng to drawn a!tl'r riling county paSSt"S a uniform sales "When you are grl:'eted at the Mariner's Mil<'. and William to choo~ a city flower In con· Committf't' c h a 1 r m t" n . ap signers not previ~usly rE'portE'd ~-,;,::O"'~a::!orDtr~:~~~ t~~ day chairman. son for Balboa. Lou Reed for group was C'nnductlng a contest General Chairman Bruce Martln. 1 Here Jo; the ~~~ of petition ta~ordlnall('(> . door by a Heart Sunday worker Spurgeon Ill. director at large. junction with the city's lubllet" pointe-d by the-Lions Club. In Thu<;(" "'ho s1gned for Mr wn Commt-r<'f' approvt"d a rf"SSiutlon -wearing a re-d, heart-shaped The directors t'lected three celebration She announ<.'f'd also elude Forest Foster. adminlstra d!'f', im·um~'nt. of :.!lll E:venlni: Monday noon crtll<'l<~lng thE' at Identifying tag-please take the mem~rs of the l unlor Chamber that a gam<'n tour Is being tlon: Walt MUier, rnn~ct.lon . Canyon Rd: lnrluded Walter tempt of tht" Countv Roard or Su envelope you a te offered Into ol Commert-e to sit on the board planned Cor :\lay. Aubrey Olinger. carnival. Don Longmnor. 2~ Driftwood Rd.: Dr Pf"rVtsor.-. to cut 1n" on the s."\le!( the home and place your contrl· of the Senior Chamber as dlrec· qty Managl'r John Sailors was Butts. purchasing: Al Hadley, AIIM"rt 1-: ~tockton. 2:96 Evt-ntn2 tax roll<'<'t inns nf In rated ~:~ter Larry Harper and Lett butlon In lt. We don't want to tors at large. They are President present at the:-dlrt"ctors meeting paradt>: Bradley Swam. publl · ~-Anynn Rd . w E FU.her 153 {'Illes mrpo Cuarct Gary Gret"n were the out· know how much you contribute Jl\mes Penney, WIJiiam Manning to reprt>Sent the city ~I dent {'ity and queen contHt: Lt"s M1l ::.hnrP<'Iiff R•1 Donalrl Harwood Th£' Chamber r~lutlon urge-d -andlne Tar V"'--lty players In Then ~turn the envelope to the and Walter L. Spicer. Van Dyke said that the Cham· ler and Bob Gronland sp«lal 1:!0 Shof'N'ltff Rd . Jame-s T van the surw>rvlsl t 1 ... • ~.. worker and rest assured that by 1 T V D k ld t ... _ wUl ha .. ...,....._ tat' t • ts· H I Kal-f 'sh din D k ..... ~ ,.., 0~ 0 pa.!IS a un the Ora.nae aame, Coach Gaa e ' ames · an Y e. pres en ....,r v,. a ·-.. '"'"""n tve a e\en · e nz """r. 1 Y e .... u &>rra Dr · Mr". Gt>ra l form sales tax ordinance for the- said. Harper scored 15 points and helping your Heart Fund, you of the Chamber. announced the 1 all Council meeUnp. 1 ner. dine Stewart. 183 Short'<'lttf Rd : county In order to rollt'ct for the Green scored 8 points. have helped your heart." organization of the executive --1 "II of Short> Cllth. and Ruf)f'rt county the-presently uncollec "Larry HatP6 did a beautiful Heart Fund money, Mrs. Cord· committee. In addition to hlm· c I d f I • Heondrkks. 710 Fl'rnleaf Avf"; tlble sales taxf'S In unlncorpor job all the way through," Coacll rey explained. Is the means by selC. the committee Includes H. on ra or mprovlng Ralph M ~fy~>rs Jr . 222 Margu<' ate<! areu of the-rounty. G d Oth T 1 ts which the Orange County Heart NPaeyn110en ThStaafyCero;d n1ra.ro, J.~~gaeldLwlenldl..l rite-Ave . and Mr<~ GravC't' ~vie-r. ~~ ~~~ded ~~a: r.r.~. =::t~r:v~:n~~n~:dl1~ :~ wm1am o·~on, ~ Maurie J •1 Park IS Awarded I ~!i ~·;a~; ~~rtio~11:!sc~!!~~ L I 13; Paul Lorentzen. ll; Eddie and supports the nation-wide re-Stanley I ral er IJ"ted by Braden L Finch of 344 oca Runner Pope. 6; Dave Tamura, 2 and Roy h hi h · Daniels, 2. aearc prorram · w c must The directors approv~ a mo· Hazel Dr~ Corona del Mar. F•fth • R The Tars meet Huntln ....... n make furtht"'l' inroads aralnst the tlon oommendlnr the Newport Those who signed tht" petition I In ace •-nation's number one killer. AI· 1 f Beach hete tomorrow (Friday) ready, the Heart Fund chairman I ..11.....1 fl •--id--1 The contract for lmprovtne the The Council abo: I or Mr. Bf'nnett. lnrumbent of 1 Harry McKinney ol Newport nlcht. ln the Tar 1tYJD. The Junior pointed out, .ome heart condl· IYI... ...._,... C'lty-owned trallt"'l' paJtc on the e Referred to City Encfnet"r 1501 W Balboa Blvd.. Newport will rect'lve an A.A u med 1 f varsity came will be at 7 p.m.. Uoru whlcll once meant linKer· A Jet acquainted breakfast lor Newport bay front between 16th Bert Webb the ~uest ol Coun· Beach. lnduded Ralpl\. P. Mu · finishing filth and. al,: :~ to be followed by the varslty Ina lllneu and oertaln death members who have joined tbe and 18th streets wu awarded cllman Lf.e Wilder for a<'tlon to key. 3714 Channel ~1.. RAy y award for ~lng the tlnrt local game. On the ume evenlnr Or· have been wccearully defeated Newport Harbor Chamber of Monday by the City Council to abate the pol.eon oak nulsa.n~ In Copelin. 715·41st St. la.eph C. runner to finish In the 1o.mJle ance wtU be playtnr Anaheim medically. Commerce since Jan. 1 wtlJ belt he Griffith Co. on 1t. low bid Buck Gully near Shor. Clltfs. Stuard. 3908 Rtver Ave.; Olal R.I Upper Bay handicap run Sun- and Fullerton -rab,.t Garden AddJtlonal Heart Sunday vol· held at 8 a.m. Tuetda,y 1n tbe of $77.154.44. Complet.lon date ls • Approved Pol~ C'h lef John Nf'Sta.. 208-42nd St.: Acnea R. 1 day. held u a tune-up race for Grove. unteen are atW needed and may Newport Harbor Yacht Club. lune 1. Upeon's request to htre four ad COon. 215-4tst St.: Harold S. Olympic trials. Lut Friday nJaht Huntington volunteer by calllnr the Heart President James Van Dyke 1a Other bidders were the Sully diUonal patrolmen and one bu· Thompaon. 220-30th St.: WW1am 1be ntce was won by Bob Cons Bead! won 48 to 46 ara.tn.st Ana· Sunday chairman or by calling l.&sulnc peraonal Invitations to MIUer Co.. $73.397.05. and 1. S. mane orttcer at a to'al expense 1. EdWards l r .. 3900 Channel Pl.; or CU19ft' C1ty Ath~c Club tn helm to result ln a tl\ra·W&.J tte the OJ'anre County Heart Associ· new members to attend tbe Barrett. $92.100.60. ot 18.760 up to luly 1 for salaries, Gf.orge F Sherrlll. 405-39tb St.. 55 minute&. 24.6 M'('Onds McltJn tor tint place In tb• Suneet atton, at Kimberly 7·2988. breakfast. Coundl al80 adopted the elec· unllorm allowances and vehlclto. and l oseph T. Tatum of %ll·38th I ne')"s ttme wu 6i mt~utea. 17 Learue between the Tars, Ful· -:-----:---------__..:., _____________ Uon resoluUon. wbJcb names • Approved tbe request of St .. all of Newport BPach. The lleCOnds. Thirteen runners com· Jerton and Anaheim. It wu the Purple Heart Medal Is s·.ven poJllna places. ~t!lc:tion amclala. Un.lon o n dock to extend thelr petttlon Wa5 clrculated by Mr. I pl~ the race. OUen eeoond win w1th ~lht coundl pc:N~iUona to be tmed. and float 10 teet beyond tbe project ~Un. The race. spoon~ try the loaes ln learue play. T other propositions to be ~ on. lint-nNr the Balboa laland F«· Thoee signing tbe petition for 1 Newport Beadl aec:r.&n De· 0 New:e:~rt Off•lcer T lb t These lnclude the propositlon to ry landlnr. Mr. Hart. rHiter. of 4(M.4()th St .• partl'n4mt. ltarted at 18th St. and 5• . St a 0 keep the tra.Uer park beach ope.n Nf'WPCI"l Beach. lneluded Htonry lrvtne A~. near tbt" Hlp School. lng•ng ~rs 'lbe Peec. M.W of fellow dUwna for hl.a hero to the public to a dept.b or 8S Fund Ra·.s·•ng M. BI'Ooke.s. of :M02 »~·Ave.; drded tiM Upper Bay and t1n· the llilltary Order c( P\u1)M and d~Uon to duty In their feet. and the pf'OI)adtton to In· Howard lt. Grltford, 122-40th St.; labect on tbe Blab Sd\ool tr.c:IL To Entertain Heart lDe.. wu awarded to Offl· dcfeue. ln te.t1mon,y whenot. c:reue councilmen's alarlea to David A. Woodrutt. 5408 SN· llith Sc:booJ eo.d1 Doe 11urna coer WlUia.m J'. Talbot or th• hereby amx OW' names th1a p)() • month. and the mayor"a o ·enner Slated ahcre Dr.;~ H. Wrlrht 6'701 and the Khoo1 tndt ID....., Johnny Mere. and Mar1a.ret Newport Btaeb poll~ depart. 30th ot February. A. l . Healy, na. ..tary to $300 a mont.b. Seashore Dr ; Frec1 R. 1oyn~. u fUlda fer the rutUMn uounct Wbtt1nr wlll entertain at tbe ment dU.rin;a the Newpon Beach tlonal rom.mand«· A.lbect E. F T • I l30-39th St.: Cardon G. SJpl • tbe ~. and l'fewport Pollee swo- Beart P\md benefit dance tomor· city coundl IDMtlnl Kon~ Grey, national a~t.· I ,... or e~ e 40I-Gb St.:. John B. Rau. me 914td Clo.l.na....,.. row (f'liday) nlaht In tiM Jten. afternoon. Of.tke> Talbot ,.,.. wounded tn • -0\a.nnel Pl • Loul VUdl 1.814 ~~=.-=--.. 0::: ~·=•pr-::~~0::: :~rt~Uu!:w'~ :1.~ ..... IIIII M:_:.~~W:~!i: =:·~~,!~';: IIIII flill IlLLI untU 1 un. S.tu~. Talboat bJt Pat llleha•• ad,JU· IC'enta 1n the Udo IU ~ oi Oranp Cbunty =au will at 7 p.m. tonaaow (hidQ) ln RtelF. lla·l!Ol St.. all al Mew:· Tt • ILiU 1"be danCe 11 bttn• .,!llend ta11t ot \be Oranp county dlap· Mt and Mrs. Ala o.r ol 515 1t1e f'Utllb or lbt OoQntJ the MW ~ 'l'emJ))e at 15th port 1M 'n.. PltltJon • dt· ._ .., tM 0tante Caul~ wttlt t.r, 6un Santa Ana. V~ LWo Soud.. Allred Ia DOW Heart Alai. Wed!MIIIay, f'& a. St. aDd St. A.ndNwa ltd.. Olft culated by Mr. Bart htm 111 'ftte .....a lllllft .... D1n11t ~ c( Hu.DtJillton "TtlJa ~ that tbt ~ ~ tliM In pr11oa. at H~ Laruna. wMn lM Ra""-to ra.t. t\m4ll b carpet· Tbe pettUob far Mt. Sell , Goat -WGJ 1M • et 8elid UC1 lfiiiM:)o c.Jnpbe11 o1 omc.t Jhdal hal b.-aw..-cl HMrt Alai. wtU Jll I • Qm· ~. -.eb.ant. o1 UD2 5. .., ....... 1 a.m. 8udaj M tlili ....... ~ am.. ... .._, ... -.c:ha.lrtMn. by ()ra.ql·couni:J' ~._._,... 35'f to .,.&um ~wrl~ tM ....,. a.a· 0 . W. ~) Jtlcbant wUl be a..n.o. talua. wu 11pe4 a. ClDVatry 0 b. 'I'M q '- D.,_. ........... le"'"'clict bJ OCltc. WUUun P. 'hlbot of .. n ..... Lt•P• ... ol dlaptdll aDd tnatmeat """'*' ol ~and • b&r· a ~. ~~ OQn A : . •'"' ............. it .... = '11M ... e« xt: a.it Col· Jtuwpwt ~ poUce ln ~· ot 11eUt • beribop q\W'Utte wW pro'l1de lAK7 P. .,.. 1,_ s. -. c...,. ..._ • .._... ud tbi ..,._ Q111 a( u. ot .....uu~~t, ,.....,.. wtdle DtouCa -.._.. ..... Mat ne Q"'DppOfum .... In· ~ 'l'kba tot .tiM l'tont: .._, tno .....,. • • W..,ert ..... ....._. 111111 ~ a C1tatDa1 on tM ~ Atbletie Oat. .0. dMII Dr. Dll.td -n.... dlft .W be tor a ... A. : ~ , , 01 :-. ..... 8C11110C11. ,..._. wt11 a11o .... A1ft1 J& l.IIIJ." 1M •tl&at. • lD a doeetJ ..... t ..uta tMt .-to Or. ~ CUNII ftl San natb\ o1 t!O or_.., ~ on! : 1Wt • ;I .._.a..CIMIOIII~--...... touMua--a, ... _... ...... a...a. uid Dr. 1le do.._.. • ...... M.-.,, Jll .. IM oC o..p A ~~~==:== =.=--U... -ali~:.; r=: :.r;:...--:..:-..:..lf-..-;..: l:st-:'Or. DciMN7biJ f .. =......,..... M Rlh ld&1 :;.~ 'rr.--~~-~ • •• • I 8. ?I.. .1!~ ., Hop • : EMF • • • • I enjoyed an enlightening session lost Thursday at the Adult Edu· cation Advisory CommittM meeting at Orange Coost C ollege, con· ducted by Or. Norman Watson ond Or. Thomas Blakely. I learne d thot C oost College is offering a varied and top notch program of odult education, but I do take issue with the financial phose of the program. Coost C ollege policy is to provide free odult education-free in the sense thot no tuition is charged. I did l)ot convince the other members o f the advisory committee . . . but I believe that these adult dosses should be mode self supporting by charging tuit ion. There are what I coli the "whim" or hobby classes, such as golf technique. dog obedience and music apreciation: ond the "skill" classes, such os bookkeeping , t~heet meta ond ca rpentry-all ·fought tuition·free in the adult program. My viewpoint is simply thot I do not wont to give ony of my hord-eomed douqh toward paying for someone's whim of wonting to leom dog obedience, or his purely selfish commercial interest in learn· ing carpentry. If that's what he wonts, he should pay the freight. When I left t he meeting, wouldn't you know it-just OIJiside the meeting hall o cla ss wo~ being held . . . dog obed ience! • • • J us t to be cought looking at the Queen for a Ooy TV progra m is o small miracle in itself, and look what happened the one time I d id see it: A gol who identified herself as Mrs. Rose W isemon said whot she wonted most was to get o washing machine for her mother. Emcee Jack Boiley a sked where her mothe r lived , and she seid Min· nesoto. Whot town? A nd she soid Aitkin. My home town! • • • Bridey Murphy and dreams ond premonitions ond such nonsense mean nothing to me--but let me tell you of o dreom I had. It was obout o flying sauce r. a n enormo us box-~ite type of contraption thot landed right neor me. I rushed forth with pod and pencil in hond to interview the No. I guy. He soid he was the flyin9 officer of the ship. and that he was from Australia. I took down this information, and wrote down his nome, and the nome of his assista nt. whkh I copied from o nome tog on his uniform. Then I ran like heck to get my com· ero, but I was mighty disappointed to see the contraption fly off be· fore I got back. Then another d isappointment-! awoke. And wha t's more. I hove lost all t hose notes I took, a nd I ca n't remember all the focts the guy told me. ~==========~~~~~~----- * Freah F"Jah & Sea Fooda During Lent * Spciala For Thurs.. Fri. & Sat.. Feb. 23-24·25th. SWII I I raD017K RIB STEAK RUMP ROAST. 63~ SWIPT'I nEIIJVK T -BONE STEAK, 89~ PIIIEII .. E ITUI * FIE''EI IPEtiiiJ * liEEf, ......... , ... -........... ,.., .• * • • --• t • • ... ... ,.. ..... ot ........ 1.---......... , ftt tt.. VJPir fte • .,... ~ ...... =-.--.. pieDt7 ot ... ot., ......... gd aM Will .. 4 ............. :c-. a.~~~. • • • c..oa.~ =---ctl ~ 1D ....... neMifttMi • -JW .. procedure tor tM lf"·ecre ..._ rrDI 1: WJ\1 dJdD't ....,_. &&.. ~.,. u.e 'M•II= 1 ., •at -•• Blw A.. _. ...... --tiM Oouacll 1M1 1D ~ 111.000 a ~ •.•• ltiB-. port ,.,.....,., near tile a1t7 0.· apa-c iaNIDMDt fMWDdirf Wllraa; ..,.II 4'1Dffte pantloft Yard. ~ Tile ._ WU liWD bJ U In• ~.·lliiij ,_ ..... It tllat r. tM ..... Hellpot .._.....,._. •••ted .._ -......,. t111e Jt wu •a -Wllllill.._ tD buD41na ww be bel4 ..,. time _, ...,.aa 1 w1a It -r OWil --...... ,. •:·M ·I Oil MIICt month at that .._ 4lltrlet. I'll be ..._ .... It tile 1M Clip C. I ul M .... ..._.. U4 •..,.. or A UOft would 1DUe rw ...._ euttDa Coundl adopted a ..-sutJon ...-aJ vote b)' tM other dll-• .. ..,..,.. ,.. Ia AI u ua Who can.., or ewn bUII'4 a and tor a better baa at tbe .net an.tftutiJaa tbe annexatJon pro. lrletl." •a«.., aboat.IIIM flltiMt a.m. llblT ru-u to wbo wu the of U.. clq. c.wedlnp and referred tbe matter na .. otll• diMrteta are con· Oo. oenet&11 ._.. c ... Gilt of first analerf It 1a no euler to Now, at lut. In the IIDOI'tftah· to the county bou.Dduy ~· trolled by the COIDbtne. ftom.d !:::t0~J JIWalllll'• ot8oe. M tlaat mark the time when homo Ina eentw or Newport Rubor, alon. by the IDIJW, wlao 1nalla abe 18 t7 .,....,. IGiua lallcn aaplena f1nt went down to the the ble lltep hu been taken. n.e The Cou.ncD a11o canvaued the no polltJdan, but put IMr lliiU ~ tllat tbe lr¥tBe JIIPie river or the .... Juat for the tun Balboa Anallne Club, Jar,..t rentta ot lut Tue.da)l"a anna· ~ the matUDa whlcb came out 'would not obJect If Wc.,...,c of Osblna. Lone befon men bad and oldest of local dubl, hu ation eJec:tJon 1n the Harbor the day before tbe .,.elal elet· ~ aaaatld die u.,. -·" learned to write, 80me anclent adopted synthetic l1nee and lltehJanda area. l'tve abean• tlon on ~ the vottna ..... ~~~~~~..ted ancestor bad lo.t a battle with lonJer, euttne·type rods, toe of. ballots were eut. All were ,.,_. IMthocl, aanna ''We want no ..., ... -... -Olalla ._. an opponent that had proven too tlc:taJ competJUon. It 1a a peat vote., mAkina the total vote 180 T a m m a n 7 Hall In lf..wpot\ ~ Oil tiM ball 1D4 tried .. do ~~ for bla .Wne·tlpped spear step forward an lncreued re-to 3 In tavw of annexation. An ... cb." ThJa mlalee41na .aat.· e annatq u--1,.._ or hil crude bone book. And Jt tum from the club analer'a day ordinance to annex Rarbcw Hleb· mtnt. like a red llq to a bull. Ioel.-.tany -a U. to John: Ia not· dlt!Jcult to believe that on the blue PacllJc. Without land8 wu introduced and pa.ec1 .ta.rtled a lot ol people Into You have now been tra1De4 u a thll aame unknown forebear bad doubt. alm1lar action by other to MCOnd re&dinl. cb&nrtnl their vote and rMUJted dtJ man&pf, aart Gr ....... wtille· aone back to hla cave and bad. local clube wD1 rapidly follow. In the defeet ot an amend.rDent JOU·Jeam. to the pokle wllere aomebow, told bla cave·matea Fl G to allow each 411t:rtc:t to elect Ita 10U .-.ould tJ')' b oae of tbe about the bll one that eat away. e .-nc:an1 ags •IV8n own eounc:Unaan. bluer dU.. Even In our l.Uetlme, the dtl· 'lbe action dJd not come with· Let's look at the pre.ent altu· • • • zen who earna hla llvine catch· out a atrueaJe. On the B.A.C. A . M • I aUon and It you can't ... how JTIQI f: on. Tbanllll to the lnrr flab for the market cannot board of dlrectors were many s emorla the eombl e bu a ctnch on run· charhr, the on CIOIBpaft .. are • wbo were hesitant to take ao 1 th ....... .... .... t "'-d It ,_. .. _ deny that an element ol sport bold a ate Thla 1 n ne uvm now on you .-..... o ,.... a -I'OUJ-enters hil work. The awordtlaher· p. co umn con· New flap were formally ac· ahould Y lt)'e doetor. It we lOin• to aet any m.n.ioft ot old man stands ln hla pulpit at the eratulatea them on their decl· cepted and dedlcated at lut haven't lOt a ny Hall" c:ontrada or aet any ...., OnM. end or the "plank" with harpoon alo:;-They will find • aatt.tytn1 Sunday's 11:00 o'clock aervtce at rfpt now, I'll eat my hat. I pre· A polt.btna or appa. lor the polled u he roams the aeu foe an perhaps a startllne lncreue Christ Church By the Sea ln diet that neither or incum_. coundl by CDdrtaJJe and 1\&AdMe hls dally bread. But there Is a In Interest In many phases of Newport Beach. The IJae• were bent candldatee Ger d Bennett ~·t 1*1 It done no Dlale. You straneely uncommercial twinkle their club's activities. a memorial ettt by Mrs Mtna or Clarence HI will win In are eotne to bave to eonvtnee the In hla eyes u he tella of the B.A.C. members wnt be tmpa-Ivea, a member of the 1~ con· their own d leta, but It the voters, and that ain't IOlna to mJgbty ones that fell to hil keen tlent to learn the detaUa ol thla ereeatlon. Tbe nap were ac· combfne. wants them they wtll be eaiy. eye and h.la accurate arm. He progressive actlon of the board. cepted for the chW'Ch by Walter aet them by control ol the other finds thrllla and sport ln the Here are • few previews, atlll BUven, chairman ol the Board ol dllltrlcta. pursuit of these strone ones. subject to approval by the board Trustees. The Rev. Roy A. Carl· The eal may not be a smart even thoua.h they are his llvine. of the committee's atudles. aon led the eonere&atton in the politician but she hu aome On the other side. the sportfiah. The reeulatlons c 0 n c e rntne litany of dedication. followed by Sosmart ones amone her advlaors. erman and hla family are not the linen Une w1ll not be dlacarded. a prayer. The orearu.t played: me time I'll name them and leut unhappy that the catch be For members who preler the "Tbe Battle Hymn of the Re· show you what the M't·UP 1&.. brings home contributes to sub· short trolllne rod and the fiaxen public" and "Fllne Out the • • • stantlal savings on the butcher's strand.s that bear the old famU· Banner." ITEM 2: The Padtlc Electric. blll lar names of Doneeal, Ashaway Mrs. 1 ted th Chtla The prlce 1a just enoueb under · and Cortland, nothlne b._ been u v;-praen e · t&OO,OOO to make It .ound lin a • ITII.OL OF PLEASUU changed. But a very definite an an American Flap In U there Ia one badee that dis· somethln~ hu ~n added. The =~er of :::.th~. ~:.!% :::.-: ~tb~d.sou:U:11b!!":': tlngul.altea the analer wbo tlahes n~c!:~ e ~UI "beU deal~ated James, wu a veteran of the Civil wrone aide of the tracks. I won· for aport from his commercial as ne au. nea, 0• any War. Her crand.eon wu to.t 1n der what the reactton Ia aotne brother, It la the rod and line, material other than linen, will eea 1n a naval battle durtne to be ln other MCtton.t of the alone with Ita modem acceaor· be In two cateeorles: thoee llnee World War n. city, •uch u Newport Hellhta. lea. the reel. leader, and lure hav1ne • breaklne teat up to 12 Udo Isle, Balboa Island and Co· ~::e =~e~~e~ce ~U: :=en~ ::~~d.~~ ;!'~~~break ....... Ill II • rona del ~1 • • Una a baited hook to the quarry. For the 12·pound claM of llnes, I'1'EM 3: Additional Upper Bay All aport·flablnc clubs of the ~ 1:uatl•n;::eb, ~with a"d!,~~on9 T1111 ., ll•lil land petltlonlna ~be annexed salt waters have, from thelr In· "' ... ..,..,."'""u to the Clt.T of Newport Beach. Do ceptlon, made rules to lncreaae of at leut 20 Inches, ualne • En.roll.ment fJeutea tor the new you auppoM that thJa Vf1rY valu· the satisfaction to be had from hall pound weleht In the 12 '9 semester show a total of 1,148 able land w1D come In and not angling, and from angllne com· 20 pound llne claaa, rods may be reaUt:rants ln the recuJar day ahare the renaalnlna bonded In· petition. With the exception of a maximum of 10 feet In leneth, acbool at Oranee Cout CoUeee debtedneu of the clty1 that newer class of underwater and the deflection mu.t be at compared to a total of 1,260 last The Upper Bay did come In anglers. the skin dlven, most or· least 15 Inches with the aame semester. The nleht acbool now without ahadnc. What do you eanlzatlona have adopted reau· half pound welrht. There Ia no baa an enrollment three t:1rnea u suppose the Upper Bay property latlona whJch a pe c I f y the reeulatlon concerntne reels. You larp u day school There were would be worth now 11 the tax· streneth of llnes. and the length, can use conventional or ~ln· 3,500 nleht .tudenta Jut aemet~· payen had not bonded them· weight and or the OexJbUlty of type reels. Take your choice. ter; the enrollment bu now selvet for ~.000 tn 1927 to rods and bave set up classes I'm glad I wu on the commit· dropped to 3,300. bulld the jetty and make the based on such s pecifications. tee, with chairman of the board For many yean. most local "Mac" McNa lly, Dr. Kay Dooley clubs have followed the precepts and Ed Mussen. At first. I ques· of Dr. Cbules Holder and bla tloned the necaaJty for cluslt)'· Avalon conferees. who, more lne rods. But a.ftft watchlne than ha lf a century ago, formu· wbat happened on the llenectlon lated the first atandard.s for board. last Thunday, up at Slla· lines and rods In an effort to Jn. flex. Inc., I'm convinced that a creue the thrUia and joys of rod clasa1flcatlon bu not only virtue, but alao wt.adom. The salt water anellna. With minor angler will be ...Ured of a bal· chaneea. these rules have been adhered to over th.e years by anced unit or line and rod when zed he goes flshlnc. And there's a most oreanl clubs. distinct satisfaction In ualna a The linen line, adopted by the rod that has the otflclal B.A.C. old·tlmen, wu the official llne, stamp on lt. Personally, my fJah· lareely becau .. It wu the only lne interest has bad a terrific lift satisfactory type that wu avaJl. from these new rules. Look out, able. The oldsters used wooden yellowtail and blue fin tunal rods, too, becauae only thla type, Here comes the Army!!!! • • • . ITEM 5: Rabl• I t.lp my hat to whoever came up wtth the clever dodee to excuM little Pl·Fl on a vet's certltleatlon that Ita health would be pennuently Injured. I do not -. bow a COD· .ctentlou. vet can make aucll a oerWlcate In taee of the recent statement by obe ol the protea. aton that In the annala ot veterl· nary medJcine there la no record ol a dol'• health t.ina attect.ed by antl·rabt.. lnoc:ulat:loD. • • • I'1"EK 8: Lut bout entl')' of Coundl candJdat. Cla.rl• Kart l.n I>btrid 1. w.-Newport. and ol ltalpb !clll.aler ot Dt.trk:t 5, Balboa I.aland. ra.a.. the qualltJ of conteonden markedly. I'l"EM 7: luer 1 • In lllary for the counetlmllllMU lmproft the caJJber of CI.Ddidata It wUl make It poallble for a eoundl· man to be able to afford to be one by maldne up lor time w.t In h1a bualn-. I can ... no Ju.tttlcation tor SlOO a month more for the m.,ar. 1n tact. tbtn la oo more to the mayor's dvtlea @Xcept prestdlna at meettnp. and It pbotoeeoJe, bavlna 70W' picture took. ln the lone ago days, wu avail- able and aatlafactory. But mod· em manufacturln& methods have changed tblnga. Tbe synthetlc. or flbre·elau rod proved superior to .the apllt bamboo. Today It Ia oftlc.tal ln all anellne club&. But the majority of clubs continued to use only llnen Unes 1n their SPRING competitions. • JCD.Z ITOifE The qnthetlc: line la deflnltely Mesa to Set Up Fire Dept. FASHIOIN INTEREST is captured . . . in o new ~lifornio coot design with wide shawl collar lo~ peorl buttons soft 100~ Roir woot pocbt end c.uff detoil white end pettels $39.95 BPW He .. rs Reporter l alk Of Travels in Far East . Manon Dlx. tlewl•. ~.tww, TUbbe ~ an all time hJP motioft plctwe IMUr ........ ot ....,., aooo oomrtbuted from elan ~. tpOIJtpt.ct lm· the ..,.a to the PolJo •lve. MU· portant J*IIOMUtt. In dae ra~ 4red Swanton report.td on the East ff¥ membtn ot the .._._. Clulltmu Plwtew aua.tttuttn1 and Pl'o~MIIonal Women'• Club lot t.ydla SOUthworth, Prevt.w at Ulek ...,war cSlftDer ~n• d\alrman. Sbe •ld that the at• the Newport Harbor Yacht money from all pb... ot the Club Tburt41y ewnJ,... Prev~ttted nearly ~ I« Worklna with taa. Department the ICholanhlp and ota. of Information ,_ tJae UnJted phUantbropla. 'l'be club IMID· Natlona, ~ Dtx bu epent the ben al8o voted to 11ve • to aeveral )'Nn mpce World Vlaz II the Coeta ..... Old Scout troop In varloua eountn• or A.lla. Sbe they are aponeortna. City BaD 1•ve th.mbnall ~ ot the penonnel ranked hJp on the J .. ctera ot Jhdla. aurma. JW. dub'e ~e.t Ua Tbu.nday. At· moN, Indo·Chlna and the PhU· tendln1 the dinner were MaJoey lpptnea. Sehrouder, Plora Lewta and Vera She told ~ about Indian LUienthal, of the Newport City leader NebA&, beeaUM abe apent Hall atatt. ftw ,..,. In India ~ ----- vtaa1 •Ida to teach •oclal work· Lamb 5 show en for amall communtt'-She aaJ4 that deaplte tba pubUclty and OWJt acta ot Pundit lfebru. F•l T • ht ev.-ythln• wtthln the country ta I m 0 n 19 deelaned to thwart eommunlam. She aald abe felt that many ot hla actJon. were deall'fted to pre· aerve peace and Indian neutral· lty becau~e they are leoJI'&pbl· cally attuated near ao many commun&,Ue areu. The club voted to ctve 150 to the Marc:b ot Dame. drive. Gretha ~ ......... a.... .. ldad ........ _.,_ .... ..-.no.. -.. OIIIJ&ilitM .. -IJel ...... e ..... .u--. CREDIT BUREAU ........ 0....,. c.-ty (formerly of Newport Bead\ Laruna Beach lr eo.ta Meal .. ..._..A..._JIO._ 1.11ae1ty e.n •1 11....-t .._. CDM Travel Service •• wUl be ......, to CIMi.t '" wttll ..., ~ Clil-11• --ta. .. u,T· n..-ra YOYAG& To Kay P• A.., ,.._I W& JIADl.& AU. LDfD • Around the Wol'ld, =·00 • Around S. Amertca. tOO.OO • Around. .urtca, -·-.00 (Approximate Rates) .... = .......... AltUM • ... JNI' 71 • Toaa • ~ 'l'lcll.tJI * 110 IUYIC& CIIAIIG& * Rarb«12M Collne Gibbon&. DclrothY McKenna, MarJUerite Bulb• Cor. E. Cout Bwy. at Orchid Acroa from P.O., CDK VAN'S CLEANERS ")0 Yeers' Eaperiel\ee PerfKti119 Superior Cleenin9 Crafhmen&hip" WE FEATURE C.relul Hendli119 ol All O.licete Febria, Beaded & Lece Garme11h DRY CLEANING-lAUNDRY SERV. ICE -KNIT BLOCKING -HAND PRESSING -DYEING -ALTERA· TIONS-REPAI RING. Phone Herbor 5352 Pid Up & Oeli-..ry Service Open 8 a.m. to S:JO p.m. -Sat11rd•y. 8 e.m. to 2:)0 p.ltl..- )42& E. Coa&t Hwy.; Corone del Mar ""U!CEIIC'r TIAIIIIT. POOIO UDIO (110 -ru.D) Wodd"a S.a lleet BadJo WElQIIS 0 10. T 12 OZ. Sbe oaly r • 5~" • 11/4' A New • Concept In Personal Radio. Ear Phone and Carry. In& Cue Optional, ExtrL Dl VJS.IIIWI CO. U ua'l ·-.... m.4.. c:o.tci ..... Largest end M05t Complete Fumiture Store in tho A.rea. C.ll fw f,.. DECORATING SERVICE Liberty t-5511 Haase ... Gar~~~ Fumishinqs for homes. clubs, yechtJ. )017 W. Coaet Hithw-v Newport kech Dana and Glnrer Lamb, Har· bor uea realdenta who are au· thora of two beat sellen, will show thell tllm on '"The Loat MJ.ulon of Santa Yaabel," at the hUJband'a nleht dinner to be beJd tonlrht !Thursday) at the VIlla Marina Reltaurant by the lunlor Ebell Club. The party will beJin at 7 p.m., accordlnr to Mra. Eurene Vree· )and, chairman, who la asalated by Mrs. Robert FraJiey In mak· lnl anangem~nts. After ~ dinner and prorram. dancln1 will be the entertain· ment tor JunJor Ebell members ~nd their hu1bands and guest.. Mrs. Curtis Herbertl Jr., Uberty 8-2698. and Mrs. John Barry, Harbor 1107·1, have been acoept· lng reservations. Other 1 u e a t a were EUeen Ceorre. Vlrglnla Weber, LouiM Foote, Betty Bu.h, Elaine Strobel, Anna Bauman, Lee Turn, Penon Svensen and Mrs. L. G. Donald· son. Lost Mission -Film Is Shown An exploration film '"The Lost Mlsalon" wu shown by Dana Lamb of Corona del Mar at the fourth annual Ea11e Scout din· ner WednHday evenlnr .. Feb. 8. In the lrv1ne Coast Country Club. Mr. Lamb's film showed hls cf· tom to locate the mlulon be· Jleved to have been built In the northern part of Baja California. He found part of a Jesuit crou and a piece of rosary. Twenty · eltht actl'!e Earle Scouta o1 the Oranee Emplre Area Coundl were invited to be the JUesU ol county clvtc and bu1lneu leaMra at the dinner. Harbor area Eagle Scouts Invited Included Whitney Baines. 472 Pi· rate Rd.. Clift Haven; Daniel PIHce, 322 Island Ave., Balboa; Gerald McRae, 2185 Rural Pl .. Coata Mesa; Roland Barcume. 7C1l Heliotrope Ave .. Corona del Mar. and Dennla Cole. 3112 La· fayette St .. N.wport Beach. •• .., 1WI Cllarptl Ttl'lnl Ytalk Petty theft charges have been filed by N.wport pollee agalnst Harold L. Anderson. 18, and two juv~nlle bofB, 16 and 17, all of Anaheim, alt~r their arrest at 9:15 p.m. Friday, Feb. 10. Offl«>n stopped their car for a shake·down at N.wport Blvd. and Industrial Way, alter they were seen leaving Newport Blvd. and VIa Lido at a high rate of speed. Four hub caps were found In the trunk of their car. The juvenile boys admitted taking them from a car ln a parklnr lot across from the VIlla Marina. The boys admJtted taklne other hub caps In Fullerton, Santa Ana, Crestline, Long Beach and Balboa. OUieers went to th• VIUa Ma · rlna parking lot and found the hub caps were taken from a car registered to RJchard and VIola Williams of 518 Larkspur Ave., Corona del Mar. Mra. Wllllama told pollee that since she hu been workinr at VIlla Marina, 17 hub caps had been stolen from cars owned by hH or ber husband. ~ Lrl& Ill IIJGIII,.UDI The WUUam J't.aben, who for- merly llved at 153 Shonclta Rd., Shore Cllff.t, are now Mttled In their home at 428 De Sola Ter· ra.:e, Corona Wahlanda. TD aa&'l DaiOIIA'RD TQL& .. ~ a ...... ..._ ...... ,_ • ~ . ., ····-,;. ..... ,....--........................... --"'· n.. .... ~ .......... (....e.ll) ..... Jeb wu........ • ................. .. ,........ ........................... ., .ad Health Official Praises City, County Rabies Laws The emereency antl·rablea vac., hu any doc suffered Ul effecta clnatlon ordinances which now from thla Inoculation." blanket Oranee County aet up Commentlnr on the leuh law adequate machinery to effec· ~ended by opponenta of tively control rabies. accordlnr the rablea vaccination prorram, to Dr. George Humphrey, uslat· Dr. RuaeJI compared ~ntlnuoua ant public health veterinarian of 1 restraint, by leash to the sente~ the CallfornJa State Department of Jlle lmprlaonment tor dol•· of Public Health. He conferred "Dora. lUce men. become neT· recently with Dr. Edward Lee vous and Irritable when re· Llll•• ln•IIJ IIIII ............ , W&WiOWf U... I 11• t Here Are Safety Tw On How to Fly lrdes It'a ldte ~H&on araln. and the aent aloft ln the raln. and eue Edlaon Co. la arain o.tterlnl IU should be taken nevw to run "do's" and "don't" tor aafe ldt.e acrou stref:U or hJJbwaya wbJle nyan,. I try1n1 to ret kitea lDto tbe att. c. D. Sbedenhelm. da.trlct Finally. 11 a ldte doea eatda lD manarer. laued the followtnr a power line. let 10 lmmedlatetyt aafety tlpe to help youn~~ Don't pull the kite or try to and pownupa too--enjoy \hla climb the pole! andent or~tal aport: ------- Flnt amoft• the aatety t1pe ta ,........,. F 1r the wamlnr to never Oy kites ._., near electric or trolley linea orl ll 111&1111 11.11 over 'IV or radio ae'lla~. , Aerd·dynamlclata of the tutut'el A eomblnaUon Ll.ncobu Wtth· should not deslp or fly kites day and Valentine'• Day procr-· bavlnr wire, aluminum foil, or l aive dinner wu held Monday metal In the frame or tall. and Feb. 13th at the bomee o1 four they ahould never use tlnlel Newport Helrht.s famllles -Mr. strlnr. wt.rea. or twine that bu and Mrs. Carleton Mean. Mr. a metaJllc substance. and Mrs. John Upson, Mr. and A.notber Important rule to re· Mrs. Lin Sheely, and Mr. and member concerna when and Mrs. J. W. ~Inert. Mr. and Mrs. where to fly kites. Of coune. the Joe Hamblet also .. lated wtth The American LeJion AuxUI· :pjaper~.isk~l~mmMeraMM&b;iiio;iiiu;iiildMn;iiio;iiitiiiiibeiiiiithiiiiie;iiidjjjiljjjinjjjinjjjieriiiiip~arty~.iii~iiiiiiMiii ary Unit 291 will meet at 8 p.m. • :==:e.:"~~ ~!~o~!.~; ~lvulliWJ.! H•1gh fidelity Mathewa and Mrs. Georre Yea. T rer. Junior memben of the Auxiliary wlll open the meetln1 ir-•••• • ... wtth a candlellrht flag cere· rwf mony. Lorna Johnson will be Vlatt TIM .....w.1 nanator. -studio of u.tag ao.ad"' Consultation-Estlmat8·No obllration Russell, county and city health 1tralned," he aald. "The doe 1.s CIBL 8011Jf TO COOD HARBOR HI• ... officer. unable to balance the protection A daughter. 6 lbs., 9 O'L. wu 2oUl NIWfiOIJ ........ ~ .._, ..... (OppoU .. City Jlall) JIA -~ "Since the flrat eonflrmed cue which la provided by a leuh born to Mr. and Mrs. CharlH W . of Dec. 8, about 18,.500 of the a1alrurt the Irritation of perpet· Cook, of 412 Hardlrtg St., ~lboa, estim ated 36.000 to 40.000 dora ual restraint." In Santa Ana Con\munlty Hoa· lnO~n~Countyh~e~nln· ~areault~~e co~~-pp~l~~l~~~Th~~~~a~y~,~F~e~~~9~·==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ oculated," he said. "In no case Or. Humphrey has Informed the ,: Oranre County Health Depart· St. Pat's Day Dinner Slated The CathoUc Women's CouncU of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church, N~rt Beach, will hold a dlnner dance March 17 for the benefit of the DChool bulldlnr fund. The aUalr will be held at 8 o'cloclc on St. Patrick's nJ&ht at the Clock Country Club. South Whittier. Mrs. Arthur West is the ren· eral chalnnan of the dance and 1a ualated by Mrs. Donald Lewta, CO·chalrman. TickeU may be o b t a I n e d through Mrs. Bert Esplau, ticket chairman. Mra. Albert Kln1 la eo-chairman. Decoration& will be In a St. Patrick's motif and under the dl· rect:lon of Mrs. Edward Carpenter and her committe-e. · OthH members of the War- and Means eommlt~ are Mrs. rorest Smith and Mrs. J. L. Leahy. Mrs. Arthur Reaume Is 1n charge of door prizes and M.rs. Robert Crowner Ia In charge of publicity. 1946 Boo-Boo Is Corrected A 1946 sllp·UP by the N~rt City Council wu brought to the att~ntlon of the preflent eouncll Jut week and lt~s were taken to correct lt. The July 15 minutes In 1946 ahow that the councU, on motion by Councilman Bob All~n. sec· onded by Councilman Lefi Isbell. ordered the abandonment or the L-ahaped alley In the bloclc be· tween lrls and Jasmine avenues on Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. where the All·Amerlcan Market Is located, but no reso· lution ordering the abandonment was prepared. Therefore there was no resolution number to file for title purpoees, and legally the alley hu not be vacated. So the 1956 Council came to the aid of their 1946 predecessors and adopted a resolution of abandonment. ... .......... ...... ,... Bob Buell, aon of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Buell of 3108 Oeean Blvd .. Corona del Mar, Ia neowrlnJ from aerlous lnJurlee auttered J•n. U when hla ear ov~ned on Bayalde Dr. Bob la up and about now, but ltlll kind of shaky from the cruh, which re· suited In head Injuries and had hlm ln a eoma for quite a apell Wlllla'm Gannon, of 5J5 Poln· settla Ave .. a puMnJer ln th• car when lt crashed, wu re· leased from Boac Roepltal abort· ly alter the acc:ldent. ment that he will advise the State Dlrector ot Public Health to accept Oranre County's prea· ent prorram 1n -place of the state quarantine. "Quarantine 1.s historically the moat ancient of aU methods ot control ot communicable dl.seue. but eannot compare In eUectlve. nesa or economy with lmmunlza· tton." he aald. Installation Meeting Set Plana tor the lnltallatlon of the ottlcera of the Orange County PharmaceuUcal Auoctation. to be held at the Disneyland Hotel March 10, were diDCuued at the Valentine meet.Jnr of the Wom· en'a AuxUiary at the home of Mrs. ~.e GreenweU In Santa Ana. All Oranre County Phar· macl.sts and thelr JUests are belne Invited to attend the party. Durln1 the busJnea meetlnc of the Women'a Awdllary It wu decided to hold executive board meetinrs of the AuxJllary on the second .Monday ot ~ach month. The Valentine motif was curled out In decorations and retresh · menta at Jut week's meetlne. Harry M. Whetsel .. ..... , .. , ..•..• la lUI * New * Modem Building .. TIE LIIIEST .. r:.IT ...UY of FC~~~X»Ua Ma.·a Lllm. FIU.O .. U.S II TIE IIITIUir * Ughting Fixtwes * * LIIPS * PUTS .... Barry M Whetsel 1510 WEWIOaT a&. ft. AT 15m ST .. U ._.,.1 COSTA NESA ~ Packln~ the biCJf:J&&t power punch In Chevrolet truck history! A, •• ,. ....... VI fw.,., _... .... ~ =~-...... I J 'II 6'11 ..... ~ tw ......, IGI .......... .... • • • ..... ,... ... __ ,.. WIRI' ~ .... Yoa "* JliRtr el ~to JWrl ,._ _.. .. ..., C:..•• let,...... rwc. tn1111. ..._,,Mea ba allal 111M_,.. U......,.. Ia....,. .a.orWta• Tra ... ..._, -...&a b t l't l o-... _ ......... ,. ........ MWtkU&illttr.llllor'MI MIL' ER CHEVROLET CO. • Th1a 1a >tOeu 17», Pa.l»t VP. &Del ..UU. ot our dtblenl ct. Ftx Up Week" t.lt.reN&boat the ,_ad upoa wbo~r "De w.rround· Harbor Area. and all c:lt:iaeM are tnp &Nlq from lood cleu ltv· urpd to cooperat-. tn this e&m· lnr condttton., and palJll to kMp their communlt7 WIIERI!AS. the Uvea and pro- dean. petty of our people are ~dan· 1be "clean up the city'' e&m· eaed by tire and accldentl pa1p Ia the •pecitlc project of caused by IJ~ and cluttered the Junior Ebelt Club of Newport conditions 1n homes. factorl~. Beach. The club members have places of publlc assembly, alleya dtst.rlbuted Utter bap. posted and streets and 'Tomorrow's Teenagers' Topic '11111la• Pilll For Newport School 's PTA 11 A ~!!' ~ ... uld . reb. 15 ~ow tbe cllabled we.ane 'De -... WWU' .....,, diNe"· a. laaP•.~ ud ••tCent &om tonr 8eeda v-.uw Baa· w t1 ,....., Weltan tir Or· a..., ................... or, t.n· pltal at the lftwpol't ~ .... a....,,,.. urrd tiM IIIII* .... ue1IMIQ"a ~!.. Lea1on Clubhow.e. lM.b St. and "T I .... ~ MtadQ a..r. ~ declaniil a1J ,.....tl W. Bq Av.. -* tM •• sOq ol 1M •carwt o1 d· te~ .._. .... dill· Mra. w Brtaa wu ebalr· ._. " PtiiiJ' lcMol rr• JD c1ND lllould ...U. 1M .-c ,.. rn.n and m.mben of Auxll1ary 1M lite,.,..._. aaaarttua. ......,,_, ,..... Ia ..._ to UnJt 211 •111'*1. .,.. • tsr M aoeed .. laM eNetie • 81111N fUDII1 ftllation. Tbe Gold Star Wlvee of Or· ~ wlda ,_,... .....W. lllal» 1117 -.row .... ,.......... ance County wtU IPOuor the ....,.. Be..,_ tlaat eldl*-i .._ wtda an eh!!C'IIh .. IC lowe &Del party for the wteran~ on Wtd· ..w a baiiDe lite ot ~ undentaadlna ..a tlae ktacl ot needay, Mardl 21, at the Leeton Wllt1, o qlltltd ot ~ .,.uaJM CIU't.q tt.t lll1ap out Clubhou.. the be.t tn all ..,.,._. ot the ------tam.Uy. rLIU '1'0 8011'0. "It th1l 1a accompllabed." be Mrs. Don Southworth left Jut om.Y ·wr•aw ···---· ·~ v... .. r I_. Aeroer the ..... from • '1111: f08T OPfiCZ --CIMrt~ . (Comet Ordlld) c... ... ... "'Loelrlwa. ... ....... sl&ns throuahout the area and WHEREAS, a clean and beau· have enlisted the aid of other tltul community 1s a proud and 'Mary Light' Talks Mctr. I at St. James aay., ''today'• parent. wUJ t~l W'e'ek bJ plane for a trip eut to pride ln theit achievement and ao.ton. experience Inner aatisfactJon u ------------------------ chlldten reach youn& adulthood and take their f81)eCt!ve places ln the community." clubs and assodatlons. prosperous one and Following proclamation was WHEREAS, unJty of effort Ia Issued by Newport Mayor Dora required tor future development HllJ asking local citizens and of ot¥ community. OIIIUSTIIII SCIEICE LECTURE IS FRIDAY "Mary Llebt" ot Vancouver, CaptaJn Harry Lace, of the Canada, wtll speak at 8 p.m. Newport Beach PolJce Depart. Thursday. March 1. at St. lames ment, 1s one of the civic leaders Eplscopal Church, Newport. Mary who endoraed Rev. Bany. clubs to take an active part in THEREFORE, I. DORA 0 . HIU.. the project: Mayor of the City of Newport PROCLAMATION Beach, do hereby designate Feb· WHEREAS, the general health ruary 20 to February Z7, 1956, In· QUICI SEIYICE 1011 ER SOlES elusive, as Clean Up-Paint Up- Fix Up Week and most respect· fully call upon all departments of tbls city, Its commercial or· ganlzatlons, civic clubs, schools. churches, boys' and girls' clubs and all other associations and our people In general to take an active part in this constructive program of community Improve· ment to Insure Its success. How the power of Truth set forth In the Bible beals sickness and brings freedom from llmlta· tlon wm be the topic of a public lecture to be delivered at 8 p.m . Friday, Feb. 24, by Mary Wei· llngton Gale of San Francisco. Light. a pen name, Is really Mrs. "Be Ia doing a &reat work In Phyllis Learmont. who was born our county, brfn&lng new bo~. in London. Eneland, lived In the happiness, and d.l.rectton into the Argentine for eighteen years. lives of young people, and Is -:::====================== and ha.s made her home In helpln& buUd a foundation of .- Canada tor the past seven years. tamUy a.ecurity lnto countless Standard S b a de Clotb.a and Cu.tom Specialties e Drapery H a r d w at e e Venetian BUnda. Mrs. Gale, a member of The Christian Science Board of Lee· tureshlp, wUl speak under the auspices ot First Church of Christ. Scientist, at the church, 3303 VIa Udo, Newport. Her sub· ject wlll be "Chrlstlan Sclence: She ia a member of the Cana· Protestant and Catholic homes," dian Guild of Health. ot which says Captain L&ce. ~'-Sk.J. Sl.op * a..1de tbe * Call Poet OW. IIAIM 02 H8d St.. Jf...-pod a.ada "'wE PROV\Oe -n.e LATEST 1111 MOO£RPII VAHS FOR c,ott6r-TO· COAST /VICIVING." ,0. ESTIMATE CALL .. This, the 2nd day or February, 1956. DORA 0 . HILL Mayor of the City of NewpOrt Beach The Transtonninr Power of Truth." The lecture ls free and local member's have Invited the public to attend. ber husband 1s president She has ha(t rnany years of expert· ence ln spiritual therapy, speak· lng In churches and to Interested groups on the use ot prayer, meditation and faith. She 1s the author of tour books: "Sl&na and Wonders," stories of &JBWered prayer; "More Sl&ns and Wonders," stories and 365 • morning thoughts; "The Wonder leW Colcerf Dill P11MIIIootl Lecllru ~r~" and "Thy Joy of the SaflniiJ, larcll3 Art llnl II CIIIJCII Mary Light spends much ot The tentative date of Feb. 23 her time ln the United States. bas been discarded In favor of The first of a series of four She ha.s been a leader In many 3 f th ext lectures on ''The Challenge of Camps Furthest Out founded by Saturday, March . or e n Parenthood" was held last week Dr. Glenn Clark. and she has concert of the Orange County G lid Philharmonic Orchestra. The pro· Wednesday morning at St. An· spoken as a leader of the u d Presbyterian Church Cliff of Health ln almost everv state. gram will be given at Oranee rews • ., Coast College Auditorium. Haven. The lectures are pre· Future ways and means pro· sented by Alma Green. The first lis. ... ,_ Dill jects of the Philharmonic So· talk was on "Foundation of Emo· ciety to raise funds for the free tlonal Security." Future lectures Mrs. Evelyn Maxine Anderson, concerts by the Philharmonic to be present~ at St. An~rews 50. of 510 Marguerite Ave .. Co· Orchestra will Include a chtl· from 9:30 to 11.30 a.m. are 'How rona del Mar. died Feb. 9 dren's clothing bazaar to be held to Make }t Easier for ~h~!dren In Hoag Memorial Hospital. this spring. Mrs. C. R. Carlyle to Mind. Februa.ry 29, Does Mrs. Anderson was born In of Newport Heights Is chairman. Punishment Teach What It Is In· Northport. Wash .. and had lived Mrs. Holmes Wehrly of Santa tended te Teach?", March 7; and In California for 30 years al'd Ana reported that the Fourth "Everyone Needs a House of His nine years In Corona del Mar. District PTA has agreed to help Own." March 14. Child care will She Ls survived by her husband. HARBOR 'W'II AIISfER s u p port the Symphonies for be provided during the m.eeting William Anderson; two slstPrs, IIUUI Youth and Mrs. Wehrly herselt which are sponsored by the Har· Mrs. E. J. Vallier of Spokane, I STORliE will hold a tea for the Phllhar· bor Council of PTA In coopera· Wash .. and Mrs. Esther Barnes monic on March 19. tlon with Orange Coast College. of Palo Alto. 2200 lfnrport 819'4.. Mrs. Gertrude McCall an· A meeting of the chairman of Funeral services tor Mrs. An· C:O.ta Mesa nounced that a Teen Dance will Mental Health and Parent Edu· derson were held Feb. 11 ln Pbooe E.._ & Sua.. be held soon. sponsored by the cation com m t t tees of Harbor Baltz Mortuary Chapel, Corona Uberty 8·7323: Uberty 8·1581 King Dance Studio. These pro· Area PTA.s was held recently ln del Mar. with the Rev. Edwin LYON VAN LINES AGENT jects. along with reports from the lounge of the Costa Mesa Gomke ottlclatJng. ~======:====::; the Valentlne Ball given early Community Methodist Church. ~ this month. were discusled at Mrs. Joseph W. McShane, Harbor GIBL .CD TO CllOULS IINITS SIULL GJJ'TS & COLLECTOrs ITEKS From Belgium. Holland, ' Sweden. Germany, Italy 6 Enrland. Arabesque Jewelry from Toledo Spain UI~H'I GIFTS 4117 M. Broadway, Santa Ana For Y .. s! People hav• been saying ••• and believing l+let YOU CAl DO BEnER at ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • • ~ • Funnnue~ Complete Home Furnlsh;ngs ~ Liberty 1-2454 ~ 1139 "ewport Aft. COSTA MESA the breakfast meetinc of the PTA CouncU chairman tor the A daughter, Laura Anne, was Friends of the Phllharmotalc held Mental Health committee pre. born to Mr. and Mrs. RJchard Feb. 8 at the Balboa Bay Club. sided over the meeting whJch Croul of 2310 First Ave .• Corona U11E.JfS STAT OK OCEAJf The R. J. Urens have moved from 3512 W. Ocean Front to 1408 W. Ocean in Newport. f•tured R. C. Heckelman. Costa del Mar, In Hoag Memorial Hos· Mesa School psychologist and pitaJ on Monday, Feb. 13. coordinator. Mr. H e c k e 1 m a n spoke on "Progress ln Mental Health In Costa Mesa Schools." Sub-Mariners See Film About Skin-Diving Dog Herb Sampson of 1604 Newport unexpected attack on photo· Blvd., Costa Mesa, one time grapher Sampson. He scared the holder or the world's record tor sea lion away with the discharge Black Sea Bass (174 lbs.), showed of a small gas gun. motion pictures taken under· This was the first meeting con · water when the Newport Harbor ducted by the club's newly Sub·Marlners met recently. elected oUicers: l ohn MU!er of AUT CHUICH 0, CHRIST SCIENTIST JJOl VI. LUo, H.w_. .. Kt. A branch of The Mother Churdl, The Fim Churdl of Chriat, ScieftliJt, i11 Bot- ~~~. Mouod'llnotts. Sullclay School 9: IS a.m. Sunday S.,.,;Ge -----II :00 a.m. Wednosday Ewni"9 MNti119 1:00 p.m. ltoedinq ltOOI'II louted at ll I 5 Via lido. NoWJ)Ort S..ch, ia opo11 wool day\ from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. WednesdaY' from 9:00 a.m. to 7:45 p,m F-roday .., • .,;1191 fi'OI'II 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Closed Holidays. Tho public ia cordially invitocl to al· land tho church aotvlcoa and .,.. tho lloodi11q lloom. Mr. Sampson is a member of Balboa, president; Blair Smith of the Long Beach Neptunes. Hl.s Santa Ana. vlce·presldent; Mary Profess·lonal underwater scenes were from Kay Titus of Corona del Mar. Catalina. Coronados Islands. Co· secretary, and John Evans Jr. of o· t rona del Mar and Laguna Beach. Balboa, treasurer. Plans were tree ory ot particular Interest to club discussed for spear·fJshlng trips members were scenes of Betsy, to the California Gulf around ____ .....,:MU::.::,::,SI:.,:C::,_ ___ __, the skin·dlving dog owned by a Easter time, and a day trip down M L S h 1 northern California skJn·dlver. the coast this coming Sunday on argaret · C are This Labrador Retriever actually former prK1dent Bob Clark's Teacher of Plano dives with h er master, ustng he.r boat, "Eeno U." Organist · Accompanist front paws to pull herself down Evenlnf Classes while her back legs stick straight DriYer Falls lsi.., 3(fT ccif1~~~ AVE. out of the water, just as a hu· "-r ·-8_.1._._ Corona del Mar man skln·dlver does. The dog Uti • ..... has gone down to depths of Extensive damaee to two buUd· PVJfEBAL eight feet. will bring her master's lngs. two aectloru of fence and e~-~ dl N J hbo bood Servi game back to shore tor bl.m. and , .. en Y e I r ce when the water Is clear enoueh a city parking meter resulted PARKES-RIDLEY when Clarence E. Smith, 35, of she sldn·dives herself for star· Anaheim, apparently fell asleep MOR'nJARY fish. while driving at 3:18 a.m. Sun· Also of Interest Jn the fllm se· day, Feb. 12, Newport pollee said. I I 0 Broadway quences taken oU Seal Rocka Th s lth _ .. 1 1 1n _ _. .. near Laguna wa.s the incident of e m v~, c e. &0 g n'"u• U 8·3433 6 8-34.34 eo.ta Mesa on Newport Blvd., c:roaed the~==========~ Gnu. 1'08 ITEFFUSEJf'S L•tWM.._. A daugt}ter, lennlter Leslle. wu born to Mt. and Mrs. Donald Steftensen of 483 Holly Lane, Newport Hel&hts, ln Hoag Me· morlal Hospital on Saturday, Feb. 11. The little pl 1a the granddaughter of the Lea Stet. tensens of Corona del Mar and the Cllnton Coanea of Balboa Island. WALTAH CI..ADE-S IAWIIUUIPI lfOII'I'IWBA.B ,._ WADDU Swim Sutt.s, Saronp, nre.e., JCeilda ''Chlldren'l" Thlnp. Muumuua, Luau . eo.tume.. Men'a Aloba Shlrtl, Gltta. Decoratlona. South Sea Party ~~~l 140 lout.b Coat al9d, (-.t ....... ) ....... Light their life with /Jith l/lt ST. AlmiiEWS PJIESBTTEalAJf CBVBCJl 15th Sl lr St. Andrews Rd., CICI'OU from Bl9ta. Scboo1 Uberty •·""' Pastor: BeY. Jam• S. Stewart SUNDAY: Morning worship, 9:30 and 11 a.m.; Church School. 9:30 and 11:00; Jr. Hleh. Sr. High and college age Fellow. ships. 7 p.m.; Thursday, Prayer, study group, 9:30 a.m. CO~ITY IIETBODIST ao w. lttb St.. Cocta Meea Liberty 8-4552 BeY. JONPb W. McSbcme Sunday: 9:3U .a.m., Church Sun· day School; 9:30 and 11 :00 a.m . Momlnr WorshJp-7 p.m. College Age MYF Service - 7 p.m. Hl&b School MYF Service; 8 p.m., younr adults pup service. no caoaca or. taaJST 1050 Qadllt.. Codll X... Llbertr....., D. G.BIItlt. lllaJ.aW Sunday services: 9:45 a.m. B1ble study; 11 a..m. momine wor. &hlp; 7:30 p.m. evening service. Midweek service. 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. THE CJIUJtCII OF CBlUST Odd r.u.ow. ~ 1Mt lfnrport A..._ Coeta Meec:L Uberty a.5711 Tom ...,_, Jr .. MlDJat•r Sunday Services: 9:45 a.m. Bible atudy; 10:55 a.m. worship serv. Ice; 7:30 p.m. evenlnr service. CJIJUST CBURCB BY TBE SEA Com.mwa1ty Metbocllat llca1boa 81Yd. at lttb St.. Jfewport HArbor 5229 Paator: BeY. Boy A. Cad.aD Sunday Worship, g;30 and 11 a.m. Church School: 9:30 a.m. Mid· week Meeting: 7:00 p.m. Wed. nesday preceded by 6:15 p.m. potluck. ST. JOACBDC CJit1JICR liN C>raDcJ-AYew Costa M..a Libewty S.lot1 Fatber 'niOIDCD J. Jfm.t Swtday MCIIIMS at 7. I. I. 10 aDd U:30 a.m. Weekdays: Mua at 7:00 a.m. -Contes.1lon: Satur· days from 4;00 to 5:1!>--7:00 to 8:30 p.m. FDIST ASSEIOLY OF GOD Z2Dd St. & Eldc1 A..._ eo.ta ~ Uberty 1·3711 ~ M. c. Croak. Past.- Sunday School: 9:30 a.m . Wor· ship: 10:55 a.m. and evan&ell5t service, 7:30 p.m. Youne People and Children's Servtce. 6:30 p.m. Sun. Mld.week Service: Wedn~ay, 7:30 p.m. Ladles' Mlsslo!'lary Council, Thursdays 9:30 a.m. tor all day. SEVEJfTB DAY ADVEJn'lS1 Jfewpot't BIYd. at 8oba St.. Jfewport a.igbb Llbu1y I·ISU Elder D. L SpavJclla9 Saturday .Mornln& Servlcea: Sab· bath School: 9:30 a.m. -Ser· mon: 11 :00 a .m. Prayer m~t· ln&: Wednesday, 8:00 p.m. caoaca., t111e KAVa•n 1-•-aW. St.. c..ta .... ..._, .... cu,. wnu-· IJbelty .. ,111 Sunday Servlcea: SI.N'Iday School. 9:30 a.m. Mornlnr Worship at 10:30 a.m. Evan&ellatlc Serv· Ice, 7 p.m. Sunday. N.Y.P.S., 6 p.m. Sunday; Prayer meetlnr, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. na.ST CII'UJtCII OF CB.aiST SClEin'dY S30:J VIa I.Wo, Jfewpon 8eada IIA.rbc. ldl Sunday School : 9:15 a.m.. Sun. day S e r v I c e : 11 :00 a.m. Wedne.day· Evening Meettnr: R:no R~11tiln.r Room. 331!'1 VIa Lido, Newport Beach, open 9 a.m. ·5 p.m. week days, 9 a.m.· 7:45p.m . Wednesdays. 7·9 p.m. Friday evenln1r11. CJIJUST LUTREBAJf CII'UJtCR OF COST A MESA (Miunut l'fDOd) AmeriC'GD l..egtoa HalL C:O.ta MMG Patora lie•. Lotbar Tomow Sunday Services: Worship Serv· Ice 9 a.m. Sunday School at 10:15 a.m. BALBOA ISLAJm CONMUJt'ITY METfi.::>DtsT 115 Afate Aft.. Balboa bla.ad NJ.Dtater: R ... Donald Sapp llarbcw (515 Sunday Services: 9:30 a. m. Chun:h Schoo'; 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Worship Service. IIBST BAJITIST CIIUBCB COIIOifA DEL NAJI OF IJEWPOBT COMMV"rn CRUBCR Balboa BIYd.. lttll & Court sta.. c • .,.....u ... wJ Jf""PGC't Ill!:~ Aft. IIAibor uss Uberty e.Jem -'""'*' S237 .__: 8..-...rt G. Jobuoo ..._, a..... Uwt.D Comb Sunday eervtcee: 9:45 a.m .. Sun· Sunday Worahlp Services; 9:45 da" School; 11 :00 a.m .• Wor· a.m .. 11 :00 a.m. Sunday School: ah p Service; 7:30 p.m. Sunday 9:45 a.m . P1ltST 8A.PTDT CIIOIIWI lcmtaADOAft..t ....... Codll ..... ........ c..x ...... Sunday Servtees: 9:45 a .m. Sunday School; 11 ;un. Worship Services; 6:30 p.m ., Baptlat TtaJnln1 Un ion; 7:30 p.~ Evenlne Service. Wednesday: 7:30 p.m ., Prayer, Praise and Bible Study. Mon· day: 7:30 p.m. Men's Chorua practice; 8:30 p.m. Men'• Prayes" MeetJn.a. ..,...-- ,.CB ..... U""ICB-OF Ot711 LADY OF MT. CABNI!L 1"1 w ...... aJ'Id.. ........ .......Ill. J'crtJIIe ·~u..,. ,__ J'atJMI' hJ I JU A.t. Sunday Mueee: 8:00 and 10:00 and 11:30 a.m. Cont.-Jon: Sat· urda.ya and evea. of ut Frtd~ and Holy D~ trnm 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. and from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. o.ily ..... 1:00 a.m. P'1tst Friday: 6:30 a.m. a:nd S:OO p.m. Novena (hrpttual Relpl : Tuesday, 7:45p.m. P'tahermen'• Mua. July and Auauat, Sunday 4 a.m. ' U1f1VEDAUST co10111Wrr1' FELI.OWSIIlf EbeU Clabh ... 515 w. aaJboa •• Yd.. BaJboa AdSD9 Mlalner: wuu-wu.y Sunday School. 10:00 a.m. Morn· lnf worship, 11:00 a.m. ST. JAMES EPISCOPAL S. VIa Lido. Wewpon. a.ada HArbor ldo • ..... Jolut B. .... a.ct. Sunday services: 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion: 10 a.m. Family Service with the Cherub and lunlor Cholra; 11 a.m., worship service. Thursday S e r v I c e 1 : 9:15 a.m. Prayer Guild; 10:30 Holy Communion. IT. JOIDf vtAJfJfET Slt llartM A ..... Balboa lala:Dd IIAtbor 0214 Father SSJW..,. Pasta. F~ PCUQCIIISlU Aut. aator Sunday Muses: 7:00 a .m. • 9:00 a.m. Confession: Saturdays and eves. of 1st Frldflys and Holy Da~; 7:30 to 8:30 p.m.; Firat Friday Mass 8 a.m. Summer Mass. luly and AU&Uit Sunday, 11 a .m. ~Zlf'nAL amu cavaae OraD9e Aft. at Dtd lt. eo.ta 11 ..... Uberty e.ua A, A, J[edeft. ...... a large bull sea lion making an street went up on tbe sidewalk •• to knock over a parking meter In front ol 2827 Newport Blvd., tore out about 12 foot of picket fence In front of lolon'a Beauty Shop, 2827 Newport Blvd; dam· a&ed another small piece of fence and the buUdin& occupied by Attorney Galvin R. Keene, 2835 Newport Blvd. and dam· a&ed the facade on the build· Inc occupied bJ ae.Itor Art c. K'-tler, 2901 Newport Blvd., po. evenln& ~ervlce; Mld·W~k N 0 W T W 0 Service: 7:30 p.m. Wednesday WI!WPOBT BARIOR · • • Pra.yer M~tt"'r. LtrriiEau C111711CB Sunday School: 9~45 a.m. Mom • lnr Servi~ 11:00: Even Ina Service. 7:30. MJd·week SerV· Ice, Wedneaday, 7:30p.m. Youne people m• 6:15 p.m. Sunday. Ma!Uj ~ ~.l:u:u~ BEADQUAIITEJIS I'OB IIDDIES' TOYS, aeac111 s.-1ur 3101 E. Coat Bwy, at JaaaJM1 C... del Jl• <Ne.xt to All American Market) uaoa 5511 * 1U8o at 58 L llld St.. Ia I.-,.._. * Ullll TUYEL IDVICE ~ • .. , ... n. CICI•r ........ ~ IW -..ty Jt- 1110...... li ..... .... .... - lice reported. ------........ E••ll• ..,. .. ,... ... Donor bulnea atudatl flom all Ora.np County bllll doola and Junior con.,.. are = Ill· vtted to tbe ant an.naal -• Education 1>111 at 8&Dta Ana eoueae. Tueldq &Del w~. clq, Peb. a.». A htpt..,.t ot Qe Jr01U111 II te ~ two-tSar 0rane1 Count7 ~ !how. ,. .... .,.. "'•• .su be .., ,_ tbe a · ~ ..... ol, , .. ............. ....... _ .... -....... _ .... 'llllliiiM ...... fttaallr ......... ... ..................... & BALTZ MORTUARIES 2501 CUff 0. .. Jf.-.port Belgbts I'IUT 19tmnD BAI"'''IT Se·~lnl tb" Harbor •-a IIAB.oa A.SSEIOLT Or GOD 9 -I ·Jal CBVaCII • • .. ,. .. , ClaGpel. SoatiMra CGl1L .... ~ Or....~ 150 w .... u ...... CIMta .... Baltz Mortuary •lble eou..,.. DupUcate mornln& Rrvlces -9 Llbea1y l.i4a CHAPEL BY nlE SEA Uberty ...,.I a.m. and 11:15 a.m., Sunday; ._._, DL WGII-" & "- Harbor 42 ...... C. E. 'l'lumaoad ICinder&arten and Pte·Scbool S-undAy echoo!.t.,9:4S a.m.i... dlurdl 3520eo';0~8~~~way Sunday lcllooJ 9:30a.m., mornlne D.pt. Sunday School. .9 a.m.; service ll:w a.m. nalnlnl won~hlp 11 a.m. Young people t.t Grade through Adult sun· Union 7 p.m . Sunday. Eftnlnl Baltz Mortuary __ .. 6 30 d Seh l. 10 worship 8 p.m. Sunday. Teach· ...,r,,ce : p.m~ evenln1 ay oo a.m.: bus pro. era and oftlcen meetlnl7 p.m. UbertJ 1-2121 ev•ngeJI.t eervice 7 :30 p.m. vtded and NurMry provtded for WedneMay. Prayer eervtc. and l7h 6 Superior. eo.tA M.. Mld.wHk aerv1c. 7:30 p.m. both eervices and 10 a.m. Sun· Bible muty 7:4.5 p.m. Wectne. ~~,.,'; Wednesday. da.y School d~. :::=:::]!!!JI!!If:==~ Thia Direc:t01y 18 made po-lble by tt. .. c:iYic-mladecl builla 1 1 a.ew HAR.BOR REST MEMORIAL PARK Harbor 11\0d. at Glal« ~y S.U!II ~-.!.!_:·~ •-' .~~f ... ~'.' WOOOWOitTH MHO SHOP Exdu•lve Apnt lor la.lchrtn Ptanoe Z610 E. Coed Hwy. H•. JJa C..... cW M• N£WPOttT HAiliOil ltfSaeN NIWSPA~Il PWmtne-AcJo.rerttt~~ne-&.oaaJ ..... lfiO l. C... Hwy. H•. f I f4 OireM cW .._ c. ....... IUCHAftO'S UOO MAftKET OraQp Oouat7'• MOIIt CampJ-. Karat )4)) VIa Udo ....._ .. .. ... pwt ..... MaL W. STANUY, ....._ e.w....w..,_......_.._~ ... Offtciit ......... ...._,771 fJJf w. ce.t ....... .-.. ... Local YMCA .MeiiiDIIn ~art in Model DAUQIITD roa LA.JfCS A claqbter, Sarah Meehan. wu born to Mr. and Mrs. John Lane of 128 VIa Mentone. Lido Isle. on Sunday, Feb. 12. in Boac Memorial Ha.pltal. harbor photo lab came-as repairs rentals fast COLOR SERVTCE 3121 E. Cout Hwy .. CDM YOU CAN TAKE OFF POUNDS The · Easy Stauffer If You Way Are • TOOA Y, tt. st.y of • good f9n is told NOT ............. ._ INCHES • • TAPE t.fEASUlE YOU .. lie ~al,tel~ _. -••tl .._ Y'M IMw llf t. ~ fht .._ wW .. STAUffll SYSTIW ...... YOUit ...... At .. Steuffw Spilaa. ,.... ..., .............. t. u•h•a ,... ...... ~ .. ......... • a.ad Ens1gn Want Ada Bgin & H....aton Wotehes Diamonds Mounting~ Wallace Calderhead , JEWELER 112) r..t c-t ~ c..-.w ... ~ Loom to Donee •• ARTHUR MURRAY SCHOOL OF 'DANCING HARBOR 1915 1523 E. COAST HIGHWAY CORONA DEL MAlt lloan iO&a.ttSp.a. 17C7 E. COAST IDGIIWAY c.-cW... a.tlew.., Ol/R SPECI.tttry * Hart. 2272 * ·--· -·--- * ..... 2ZJ2 * COIOIA IEL 1111 PlllliACY SNIP 1N snrcH BALBOA ISLAND lloan 10 .. 5:. Final Removal Clemance * * LAST .10 DAYS * DRAsnc amucnoNs! 29c per JCII d YALU~ to • • 39c per ym d Y ALUES to • • 59c per ym d Y ALUES to • • 79c per ym d Y ALUES to • • 98c per yea d Y ALUES to • • $1.69 per ycad VALUES to . • • • • • • • • • • • - * .. Harbot Day, tJ\e "lllck-otr man ot the Harbor CelebratJon event for the Colden .lubU• eel· Committee, aald that tentative ebratJon of the Cit¥ ol Newport plau call for a parade of boat. Beach, wu otficlaJly Mt for Sat· starttnr about 11 a.m. at the urday, lrftu' 26, when the Harbor B a r b or Entrance. proceedlna Celebration c:ommJttee met Frt· throurh the hubor to the turn· day In the Newport Harbor tnr balln near the Arcltea. Chamber of Comrnftee otttce. Luncheon meetlnr• wUl be plan· David OJ mated, chairman of 9~d at· varloua clubs. All boata the lubllee executive committee, In the hubor will be Invited to · expressed hope that the Junior full dress ship, and plana call for Chambe.r of Commerce will carry prizes for best decorated boatl In out a Harbor Day cel~bratJon the parade. every year In the future. lames Penney, ~resident of the May 26 was chosen because It Junior Chamber, prQmlled that wu th~ best available date close bls organization would provide to the actual anniversary of tbe manpower to carry out the de· dedication of the harbor. Tbat taUs of the Harbor Day celebra· wu on May 23. 1936. This wUl t1on. be the 20th anniversary celebra· The Harbor Celebration Com· lion. mlttee Includes Mr. Pattenon u R. L. (Pat> Patterson, chaJr. chairman, loeepb A. Seek u ~­......... 78, IIIIIMT.U.,Dies ' . CHURCHES 'I 'nle Rev. Goclftey GruftJn ot Wtrld Couodl fit aiull b W bl Coronado Ia d1nc:ttni tbe ipeda1 GeMYa. 8WU•I•"" Aa. N · week of Preaehlq and VlilttaU. tumlq 11o 1M UDJW ..._ be !:YanpllmQ at Chrillt Cburch by came to CallfonUa to .._. the the Sea. Xewport. ,....., ......... a.rt11t O.well B• ~nducted the mld·woeelt In K...._ .._ U. 111e 1aU MI'Yice Jut o.l1bt at 7:30, and been ,..._ ol TU tL Paul'• he wiU lead anotll• 7:30 8ftY· M«boddlt Cburala fit tiM Way. Ice th.t. eventn1 (ftunday), He farer 1n Coronado.~ will lftac:b at the 8:30 and 11 Grous-of men ot Olrilt Quarch .ervtc:u Sunday mornlne, and wUl meet fOt dinner at the alJIO at 7:30 Sunday eventn1, church on Sund-.y, Mooday, when youth and their parentl TuHday and Wed~ay next wJll be apec:JaJ rue.ta. wewc and wUl tben 60 out In Mr. Graefiln wu born In Buel tealha of two to vtaJt few the Switzerland, whe,. he lived unui church. ''TheM viJIIton wW be he had ~mpleted bla hJrh IIChool lnltructed by our tu.C d1rector education. He became a citizen for thll very lm~t WOtk ot. of tbe United State. In l9'.l7 H Chrtsttan Wltnea, m t• the la a vaduate of Baldwin Wal~ Rev. Roy Carlaon, church putor. lace Coll~e In Berea. Ohio; and UJfJVEUALIIT PEU.O~ alao of Drew Tbeolorleal SemJ. Tbe movie, .,Picture tn Your nary In Mad lion, New Jeney. He Mind," wm be shown Sunday at wu ordained u a Methodilt the 11 a.m. aervke of the Uni· Minister In 1928. veraallst Community PellmnhJp .......... (,.. If Lilli Ia IIIII chairman, Walter L. Spicer u secretary, and NHYC Commodore Harold Pearcy, BYC Commodore Frank Wood lr., UYC Com.mo· dore Kenneth Klnpley, VYC Commodore Henry Perren Jr., Durinr World War n be aerved at the Ebell Club, ~ W. Balboa AS a Chaplain In the U. S. Army. Blvd., Balboa. Tbe tJlm. produced From 1947-49 he wu Metb~ by lullan Bryant. rtwe an In· repre.entatlve with the RecOn· alght Into fean. batreda and Arthur. R. Duck. 79." of 1991 CJDlJS'nAJI ICIDCE CBOJICII •~ METIIODIST CJI11JICII structlon Department of the prejudices of our times. Newport Ave., Costa Mesa, are· Tbe Lesson·Sermon on "Christ 1. C. Fikes of Santa Ana, an ,=========================:=:; Mlas Patricia l ean Kruse of Power S q u a d ron Command~r Z13 VIa Nice, Udo Isle. died In Curtis Dosh, Harbormuter Rus- Hoar Memorial Hospital on Sat. sell Craig, Walter Franz. Wayne urday alter a brief UJness. She Ferrell. Dr. Howard Murphy, was a native of Missouri and capt. Cy Tucker and Hay Lang· had been a resident of Beverly enhelm. tired bank teller, died In his l esus" at the Newport Beach a.ssoclate lay leader for the ITS A home last Thursday after a brief Christian Science church Sunday Whittier district of the Metho· Illness. relates Luke's account of the dlat Church, wUl speak at the Hills before coming to Lido Isle ------- etrht months ago. Mlas Kruse Is survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George R. Taylor, of the home address; a sister. Mrs. Karolyn Hayes of AHoruy Will T .. To W•••'• 11'1111 Mr. Duck WAS born In Con· heallnr of the m an who came to 9:30 and 11 a.m. services Sun-d SALE I nectlcut. had Jived In CaJifo.rnla Jesus w1th a withered hand. day at the Balboa Island Com· since 1907 and had resided In The Golden Text from Psalms munlty Methodist Church. Mr. a Costa Mesa for four years. He Is (45:2) affirms, "'Thou art fairer Fikes ls a teacher of speech In • • survived by his wlte, Mrs. than the children of men: grace Laruna. He holds the bachelor Frances Clarke Duck. Is poured Into thy lips: therefore of arts degree from Southwestern Funeral &ervices were held God hath blessed thee for ever." College, Winfield, Kansas, and a Saturday In Baltz Costa Mesa master of a.rta ~ee from the Chapel with the Rev. Charles NEWPOJIT BA.aaOB LUTBEIUUf University of Redlands. Hand oUiclatlng. Continuing hls series of ser· Sacramento, anct a brother. Dr. "Woman's Rights" wiJl be the Charles A. Kruse of Santa subject of a speech by Marjorie CDM COMMtJKITT CII17JICB Monica. Miss Kruse was a grad-Mlze. Santa Ana attorney, at the Rev. Edwin Gomke wtll take t f St f d U I I d W · Cl 1 ' -t l ''The Oevll's M. 0 . S." as his ser-ua e o an or n vers ty. an 1 oman s v c LA:"ague mee ng was a member of the Delta at 10 a.m. Tuesday In VIlla Ma · mo n title this Sunday, the sec· Gamma Sorority and the Beverly rlna. ond Sunday In Lent. at the Co· Hills Community Presbyterian I A registrar of voters will be rona del Ma r Community Church. Church. present to emphasize the reson· A committee of delegates wUl Funeral aenlces tor Mls.s Kruse slblllty of all women to vote. A attend the Los Angeles A.ssocla· were held yesterday, In the Wee luncheon wiJI be served follow· tlon meeting at Sierra Madre Kirk ot the Heather chapel In lng the prorram. Hostesses will Conrregatlonal Church on Sun· Forst Lawn. Baltz Mortuary of l be Mmea. Jack Curnow, Karf day afternoon and evening. Costa Mesa was In charae ot ar· Axtater, Charlotte Baneert and ranrements. Melwood Berry. Read the Enalrn Want A'd pare. mons on ''The Christ" during the TALK OJf MAJUUACE season of Lent. Pastor Robert Tbe first In a series of talks Gronlund of the Newport Harbor on "ChriJ;tian Marriage" will be Lutheran Church will speak Sun· given at 8 o'clock tonight (Thurs· day on the topic. "The Sutterfng day) by the Rev. l ohn H. Parke, Chrl$1." Topics to follow Include. rector of St. James Episcopal In order . "The Precious Christ," Church. Newport. A study group "The Courageous Christ." and will discuss the Book of Acta at 'The Conquerlnr Christ." Theme 11 a.m., tomorrow <Friday> at for Palm Sunday will be ''The the home of Mrs. WUJiam Long, Exemplary Christ." and the 710 Kings Rd .. Cliff Haven. series wUl reach a climax on Eastt>r Sunday with "The Uvtng For lett~heada and envelopes. Christ." Call the Enslrn, Harbor 1114. In A.ppreciation ''DOUG'' and ''.CHf!T'' (Buell) owner of "Doug's Dog House," 3512 East Coast Highway, Corona del Mar, (across from Arthur Murray's) "DOUG" -w • .....-dnciiDed that • mcmy vu!'l cmcS cSou. would CIDIDe to OIU' "'ap.a Boue"' party celebnl· SAYS: t1D9 t.M CrcmcS ap.a1a9 • .._..~ cmd Ea.lar9· 1D9 of our pl-. caad CIMt F a. acrou tb• .tr .. t. Tbcmh-a mJ.lJJoal We bope you'll '"bep oa oomlD9"' (foT tboee cleUc:tou. "DoUr• Do9's. .. tbiD cabs, 'D atuff) , , • befON-01' aft.r you 90 to Arthur Muncry'1 (01' cmytiJD•) ... (farrar) owner of· the Arthur Murray Dance Studios, 3523 East Coast Highway, Corona del Mar (across from Doug's Dog House) ''CIIE1"'. SAYS: . ' A-.. ...... .., ....................... .c .... ,, ....... . tioa of .... ly ......... II frf J·· ad rllflll~ Arata~ lltliinay DaMe atacUoe , .... a. ....... .._ ...-• .,.. ... ,. ca..t r ............... ArQu .,....,. • .,__ .... ,. .. ..._. ...... ...._. •-of tile .... ......... =..At ... 11ft ...... JID ...... nrt.c.. Qet ....._ _,... .. .. ........ --.. .. • 1.-... .,... belfllla. (W• ""-r .. .....-..... Adbr .. ...,..). Dis ..._.1.111 IJIIIrl, II ,.., ...... •zll.r .. 11111111'1111 If .. 11111111 111111111111 .. 1; •lftiHII llil .. IIIII • GEltEilAL co~ • -·--431 MagDOIIa Awe.. U a.--. C.... lllila f e ELECTRIC & MASONRY WORK e e tp-..u&I.A!IOIII e NEWMAN ELECTRIC & MASON CO. WODEL GLASS COMPANY 2121 Harbor Blvd., U 8-8731 Costa Meaa 164.t Superior AY&, U 8 4533 e FLOOIIIMG INSTJU.LATIONB e COASn.INE FLOOR COVERINGS 541 Center St, U 8-2286 eo.ta Maa I e ~ IMITAJJ.A110111 e BILL BACDtAN FLOOR OOVERJNG 2842 No. Wc11D St, II 2-4149 Santa Ana e rw.acMI & IDTA11U11r iWf • e SANTA ANA RISTAUIWft' EOUIPMPJft' 00. 312 E. Ill St Kl z..zrll .._Alia Coeta Meea Theodore Robins Says: ''I'M REALLY MAD'' ''1••••1 Tllll .• n.t ... I 111111' lui S1111 ... re ElM ••• htl n.t Ia•• • llllf" Why?-Here Are The Fach: 1. We will meet or beat any bona fide deal of- fered in Southern California! 2. We have been able to just "double" our new car allotment ... with Fords built in CAU- FORNIA ... NOT driven out from the East! 3. N~t only can we save you hundreds of dollars wtth our new volume policy, but our ex- pan?ed service facilities ASSURE you of our continued famous "personalized after-sales service" to which you are entitled! 4. We own our own buildings and property, have less overhead, and can pass this savings along to YOU! "YES, I'm REALLY MAD But YOU'LL Be Happy!'; When you drive out in your new Ford, and with a better deal than you had ever dreamed ofl I can PROVE to you TODAY that you can't make a better .deal on a new FORD than "right here at home!' , ... : "111la Ia Ill I ........ .., It Goes on Forever!!" * THEODORE ROBINS * Suit Stolen At 0'Brien's A 1110 W'Oalan'a .Wt wu labn ~ a liMpllfter from O'llrten'a Spedalty Shop, 251, t Cout Bwy., Colona de.l Mu, Velma O'lrien, owner. complained to Newport pollee lllaDday. TM nJt wu deec:rtbed u ol apedator mw o1 blade ud whl-. pia cbeclrad WOI'tlted wool wltb white linen Mt ·o.n cufta and collar. Tbere wu &n O'Brlen'a label In the eollat. 'nle 10.-ct ia belie-ved to be a woman who waa In the ltore at about 5 p.m . and looked around for approximately 45 minute&. Albert Blower of Ana· belm told pollee that he ob· lftved t~ IUiped bend over be· bJnd a rack from whld\ the 1ult wu taken and then leave the ltore b WTiedly. kalty ac:oop of the week I.e the ~. beel deal put over by Carl Greer ol Bay and Beach Realty m the Harbor area when he wrapped up optlona on more than 40 acres of land on N. Main St., Santa Ana. and In the county, for a contemplated Bullock'a de· partment .wre. A complete Bul· Jock's ltore eatlmated to cost more than five mUllon doUan I.e planned for the area. Carl Greer Ia head of the Lido branch otfJoe of Bay and Beach, Inc. He handled the enUre transaction tor Bullocks. • • • Nf!W members welcomed Into the Newport Realty Board ln· elude Charles Coates. auodate with Greenleat · Severta office, Gillette BaUey, aaaoclate with the Costa Mesa Bay and Beach oUice at 17th and Newport. Charles Parrish, uaoc:late with the Ray Realty, Annetta Goodale, asso· elate with Rex Rec:hs and Ruth Davt.. aaoclate with Duncan Hard.-ty. Bank of America. New· port, and South Coast Mort1a1~ Co. bave U.O joined u attUiate members. Enters Race in District I Realtor of Charles Hart, of 404 40th St., Newport, and former president of the Newport Harbor Realty Board, ent4tred \he city cooncll race last Tuesda!' to op· pose Incumbent Councilman Cer· ald Bennett In District 1. The Harts have been perman· ent residents or Newport Beach since 1942. but they first became acquainted with this area lone before that Back in 1928. while they were living In Pasadena. tbey bought a lot here and built a home on lt. Mr. Hart ls a native of Penn· sylvania. His folks moved to New Jersey and there's where he at· tended .chool. He H<:ame inter· ested In engineering, joined the Grace Ship Lines, aervtng on boats for six yurs aa chief en· 11neer. He came to the welt coaat in 1923. was an enalneer wltb the City of Paaadena tor 19 years, workln1 In the Pasadena Glamour Glimpses power bouse. Beach. SJnce lJieO he baa bad hll When the Harts moved dow11 ortloe at 3420 W. Balboa Blvd., here for 1ood In 1M2. Mr. Hart alon1 with Realtor Francis Hor. worked tor a wbJJe as a machine vath. Mr. Hart was president of The new llttls auJt I.e puttinc tool maker few South Cout Co. the Newport Harbor Board of the "plnc" In aprlnf. Ob. don't He alao llerVed u marine engl· Realtors durtn1 1955. He l.a a take our word for tt-come lD neer on Liberty careo ships dur· Navy veteran of World War I. and eee fOil younelf the won· Inc the war, hl.a lut trtp belnl bavtn1 served u an Enai&n wttb droua co J 1 e c: t l on here at to Manila In the Phlllppfnes. the Navy qverseu. He Ia a mem· O'BRIEN'S; there are 10 many to In 1948 he entered the real ber of the Newport Harbor SUIT you-'nley're terribly anart estate business In Newport Ug1on Post 291. and lllm In price u well u _______ • ___ .:...__ __ _:_ _________ _ style. "Pinl'' will 10 your heart when you aee the perfect detalla In theM little aprinl au I t.a. Says He'd Give Pay to Hoag 'fte ,_... ..., be cropped Ralph Scblsler, who entered • ~ TMr 1DCJ U.. the race In District 5, Balboa • brt.k ba 1'·•• .:bout ta.-Island, told the Enslan thll week ...S • ,...trr trta • • • • tMT that lf he is elected he will do· ..., be fitted to _. ... you tMt nate his tun salary u council· 1-. 11 ·sd look ...S • ...,.. man durln1 h!JI term of oWce to ...... pw Jlctlft. Hoaa Memorial Hospital. He said he wu entering the The-y ma7 be any one of many raoe with no ax to grind, and new materials: the llnen twee-d, with no pre.concelved notlona. the c:rllp wool·IIUc, a new fabric but would meet the local sltua. w1th the look ot raw aUk or a tlon.t aa they arlee. light wool. They have Inspired He bas been a resident or Bal· eoUa.n. c:rllp button and pocket 1 detalll. a custom tlt look. 'ntey boa Island for the past n ne have elegantly Uned jac:kl!ta to years, comJnc here after 23 years tit. In the produce business In Loa ,tve them a constant better Anreles and tour years with the Some bave a spark of white at Farmers 1r Merchant.! NaUonal the throat. a allm red plpln,_or Bank of Los Angeles. blouse made In accent shade to Mr. Schisler Is owner of Les'a match the Jacket llnln1. They Bayshore Tackle store on Coast are ., ultimately correct and the Hwy. near the Upper Bay bridge. new materials are treated to con· He ts also Interested In lnvelt· ttnue thelr amart appearance ments and land development. In· day &tter day and all throUih eluding the Garden Grove area. aAI.J'II ICIDILEa the day. Re Is the founder and treasurer --~~~~~~~~-- •••• cit 1.a s..u..n C.U· of the SchWer lnvntment Corp. ..... tsUa .. u-. .. .. ..... or Callfornfa. ., Cllldlu.a te ,_.. ••*obe He assisted In the organJzatlon lor llplt89 _ ••dhle, ~· of the South Cout Mortgage Co. ...._ ._\ha+le •• ..,..... here and served u vtce·presl· _ .,. Met. ,11..-~ dent durtn1 Its flrst year. He ...-n.t .t acted on behalf of the U. 8. Na· • 1 1 llllllel ~ tlonal Bank of San Dle10 In the _. • • • ..a ...._ _.ta Ia· purcba~ of tbe Costa Mea Bank Alert tu11 • Ume aalesman wuted for lone estalUlshed reel ..tate omc:e In actJve dade .. IM ... a.ftdsiw.) as a branch of the U.S. National. The sunahlne tell.a u• ~rln& The Schlslen live at ~ S. Corona ~1 Mar. l.a In the alr, but there's a cblll Bay Front, Balboa Island. 'nley wind too that warn• ua not to have a 9·Ye&r·old dau1hter. venture out too tblnly c:Jad. SolU· Susan, now In fourth lf&de ln uon T A n4PW aprlnc coat. Check the Corona del Mar School. O'BRIEN'S f« the mo.t lncllvld· ual of the new coata. too. and you'll apee they're darllnc, what.ver style you prefer. I love that beautiful yellow and poey tprtn•·ll.ke check wtth the double Ruth Jayred's Mother Dies &eta of patch pocketa lD a ltUn· A lUdden llln-took the life n1q tbree·quarter leqth. ~ ot 11r1. 1:1aM Bowell. 10. ol 1211 WAJn'ED ldllter manlkln. BUeen. Ju.lt ~ E. BaUtoa Blvd.. Balboa, l&lt -.~n-._ t... .. ~ In 3·bdr. on tb.at beautltuU7 trtm and ....... 'ftt111'1de7 at ao.a Jlolpjta1. Krt. •• ..._. _. .,.. .. v ....s Mllenflh coat ln bopAdc· HOWtlll wu tM mother ol Ileal· bome.I"RA rbaaDOtoll. fT1 mo. 1n& wtaUe ColeeD perftn that tor ltutJI CMrl. ~> laJ"d ot OeeaD .._. leced )'ard-,...nlal fawrtw. tb• white lalboa. lbe Ja.t.d OWIMd and llaatp. llboftle <~lJ tllll JWU'• ¥W· -t.t .._ KGPI* Kettle ,.. ,_ ••c• oo·--.... bal a ... ttJl• about tt.-mit Oft ... ..,. 1llaad UDt11 ..,_... • -· ... _..-u.g eM$ me One wttll no buttoN KftBl._ L ~~A-. ea.ta .._ ,_ a _. ~) . .._..._ SM wu Wit In ln4laDa ud U l ·lllt: U .. ltOOIMI. --....... --tn aDd .. Uftd Ill CaUfamla Jl ,...,... ... 100 I ............. -t"'L • = ""':;.. ~vlchaall7 ,... tll.ne tn llalboa. ....... -• ..... -.. • .a1Md al OAIDI'I. da ........... II ...._. 'W a POa SALa: ~ .......... 10ft. T. 0. aatr .,...,.,._ _. Ill• etal, ,.... .... a..,.. JMr a .... lin. Altllur ~ Ill Ia .......... -' GM .... ........ JDeua. ....... ....... ... ,.. _.,-,._ .... cbMa ... .. ...... ..... ... tiNa: .. 0.& ..... diM .....,._ ........ C.'- .... DoMJcl .. ,. ol .. IJal. .. ...... ;-; r. ......... ..... ...,.o: =-...._. •u•..,.. ...,. . ._.. a1t a.dallt Wtll I -c.-Mtlll IJt I,_,. II n.., at ...... lllit~ .......... _._.._ ... au IlL c...a M ... ...._. .._. ..... c.ll ................... ... ...... .. ~ilill!lll ....... l ........ UCYIIBJOM: W• have ap· ~y. J acre~ front· Ina Oft ..,._ Wlvd. lde.al for libotPbiC ceeter or aQto ~· hrldaa' fadliU. tactaa ·. .... -..et. fOil fur, u..·-...... .. ua at one.. YAOIIT LOT Nnr Pler In Newport. convenJftlt location. 11110 PAUL C. JOlES REALTOR 2620 Newport BJ., Newport Jat I llle "-El Tore 3·bedr. house on 2 acres or oranges PLUS 20 level acres. Priced low. CUIRE VAN Hill REALTOR 2'731 W. Cout Rwy. U 8~ Newport Beach UDO ISLE $24.!!00 buya a good 3 ·bdr., 2-bath home. bose to club· bouse and Bay. Brln1 $5,000 to oUice and move In! ORANGE COA.ST PROPEK'I~ 1857 Newport Ave .. ec.ta Mea u 8-1632; Ll 8-1400 Ev-. L~ll C-1-1.7 Wben buytn1 or ~llln1 Newport property, wby not do· business with aomeon~ thorou,hly famUiar with the area! I have been here a lon1 ttme and can ofler real aervtce. ........... 3G) W. BalbcMt Blvd .. Newport Harbor 1428 VIEW HARBOR-OCEAN-ISLES and walkJng distance to markets and transportation. 6().ft. frontage. Best value ln Newport Heights. Must be sold! 16750 Cuh takes ft. ORANGE COAST PROPEBTJES 1857 Newport Ave .. Costa Mesa u 8-1632; u 8·1400 Eves. aoom to buUd In fl'ont. ERellent location ... a ,_1 value at ~:iOO • ISLUI IUL.n ca. 498 Park. Balboa laland RA 3T1 Ill AlliE m•r I.e any nloe 3-bedr. home 1n Corona del Mar under $20,000, but here Jt is-and lt'a a good value at $19.500, and we can work out the tenn.a. Not only 3·bedrs. at thla price, but an extra lar1e Jot (SOxlOO'> and a NICE VIEW, t:ront and back yards, 1 ~ baths, newly decorated, fire- place and dbl. gara1e. It won't be on the market long! ..... wllll ...... .. .. , ...... ...., INC. 3530 E. Coast Hwy., C.D.M. Harbor5563 Ctnallll .. •• 1 .... 2 lllrl 1-' n•••· One unit fum1abed A: rented, other available. Each unit bu one bedroom. bath. tift. place. One auest room hu • bath. Property I.e 1n excel· lent condJtJon, hu dbl. ea· ra1e and paUo. $21,filll II Y IEIL n CO. 3444 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar Harbor 2288 LIT Fll UIE R·2 VIEW LCYr, 60 x 100 Seaward. Corona Hl1hlands PRICED TO SEU... u 8·42'72 hNI••F• F..., UYilc WeU·bUJlt 3·~. A: 2 bath bome with rente4 lum. aa· ra1e apt. at bade. Top of Narelaua Ave., (720) Corona del Mar. Call owner, Harbor 2S06·M. lilliE TEIUCE 125.000. Includa draperies and .tow. 2·bedrs. plus den and 1 ~ batha. Immedlate poaeuaion -only $3.000 down. • • • VIEW HOMES-Call u.-.-2 SPECIAL oUerl.ngs. lEI. Ill OCEAN FltO!f'T, t bedrma. ------~000 • • • I''MI..W. Bualnea block. 2 lltoree, 3 apa..rtment.a. Shows exceUent income. Priced tt!J.!IOO. • • • lAY Inter.t.lq 2·bedr .. 2 be1.b houae 117-Le&aehold •ppnadm&tel7 21 yra. to lO- We bave buyen for lbod lbtlnp! Ffte eatJmatea aD4 fDOd ..w:.. Elll •• arnht DAL'I'OR m.,....... ~= ...... = a..or 1m ~ ~ ........ .,. ... ...., Jolut)(ad(U. ...... s.-..., 11 ....... ..... IJ• II' 1a & hEll li • ........... ,MIM. ........ .... ..... • .. .. t80MDAY. raiJIVAJIY & 1-•aw:roat ........ I M 7 VOGEL VALUES ••I• •••II••• Ill ~Ill' NEAR NEW SHOPPING CENTER Ideal for alt~ buUdln1. Prlced to lldJ. THE VOGEL CO. 2117 E. Coallt Hwy., Corona del Mar HA.: 174.1; HA (1'157 You've Seen The Rest •• SEE ''THE BEST'' ........ IRVINE TERRACE WE CORDIALLY.INVITE YOU TO INSPECT COMPl.ETED OUR DI.S'J'INCilVE FURNISHED MODEL HO.MES AND O'I'HERS UNDER COMSTRUCTION NINE DIVERSIFIED FLOOR PLANS To the ho~ buyer ~ho wlahes to purcllue In the 12:S,OOO to $3S.OOO class we sincerely recommend the Irvine Estates overlook1n1 Newport Harbor. 'nleae homes future CaJltomla Jiving. Of1~ed exclU· slvely throulh Earl W. Stanley In a Smo1-~ area known u lrvtne Terrace-on O>ut Hl1hway opposite the new Irvine Coast Country Club, Newport Harbor. • For recommendatJon. we ret~ you to anyone who bolda a Leuebold Estate In 1rvtne Terrace. Beacon Bay, Ba)'Shora or Cltl Haftn. Earl W. Stanley EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Pbone Rarbor 4448 Fe. Fu.~er Information FIIICIS .J. I.VATI. •••• 2216 Newport Blvd. 3G) W. Balboa Blvd Ll 8-5101 Harbor U28 Tomorrow You WW Be Sorry You Didn't Buy1beae To4q NEWPORT SPECIALS Ocean Front Duplex . .. ..... ..... __ _ ···---.s29.500 Brand Nf!W Duplex . . --. ··--·· __ ···-··----·-···-..$lt.500 NEWPORT HEIGHTS SPEC1ALS L Ex c e II en t nel1hborhood, conveniently located 3·bedrm.. 3 car 1araee. 1 ~ bath--beautl.ful blrch cabinet woodwork. Landscaped, encl. patio. $4,000 down COST A MESA SPECIALS Ideal Medical. ~ntal or ~ bld1. att.e, 110'xl25', on Broadway. $27.500. Terms. CORONA DEL MAR SPEOAL Coast Hlway Business Bld1. South side or Hlahway ............................... __ . .$45.000 1 UNIT: display room plus :Z offices. Large shop and warehouse, walled·ln parkinl at alley level 1 UNIT: 3 otflces IPEI lOUSE s.t..s •. , F ... a.12a11 tr. I Ill f.IL 1943 MAPLE ST., COSTA MESA (1 blk. f:rom Comer of 19th A: Harbor Blvd.l Three Bednns.. Hardwood noon.. Carpeted. Fireplace, Double ear.,. and Completely rra~ke ~~ New loan on property of 18.000 at S70 Mo. ....... $1180 .. "you"IJ like our f:rlendly 8ef'Y1~ W. L T.u IEILTII • Uberty 8·1139 400 E. 17tb St.. Costa Mesa ART C. KISTLER CO., REAL ESTATE Dl Newport Blvd. Newport ae.cb lla.rb« 5ZX. da)t ('6 nl&ttt , ... , ...... ... Etllll I tln1• Is• ,_ hilt M .J'DG c:aa't Jeam IDI. ~-law ar .., .... PI11Miaa b1 _...,Ita....,. • a lAp.. tAt ... .,..._.,..., •• a~ a..-........_,.. trea :dla ._ ,_ ••• • TillS SIZE elUIIfted ad tn tbe l:lwlp .... ..ay $UIO b tbNe I.Mertlona. Call in JOUf ada to Barb« 1U4. · roa sALE 1955 FORD Fa!rlane Club Sedan. , Lt. • Dk. Green; Fordomatk, YEAR ROUND UCENSED borne BAH, 5 new Firestone w.w. child care for worldn& mothera. Tires. poWer' brakes, tuneup · I.J 8-t629. 2/14. Your offer. 425 .Be,onia, OIO;;:;:r.NIN;:;;;G:.;:;-. ;:;::85e:::---per-.... il-o-ur-."""'P1==-ek.,..._u-p CDM. call Ha 07HW by 25th. and delivery. I.J 8·8571. FOR SALE BY OWNER,--.2 Bdrm. PART TIME WORX. Day, nl&ht. home, completely redecorated. wanted by retired ,entlemen. Lots of closets. cupboard& Low Perfect health, colleee eradu· down. 711 Heliotrope, CDM, ate, formerly a~untant, m.an· open 1·5 Sunday. Ha 4326-J. aeement, hotel clerk. Tired of MOTOR-SCOOTER -gocxfCOiid., '54 Cushman; best &ood offer takes. 208 Opal. B. I., HA 4716. MAHO<fANY-TABLE A 6 chairs. 3-pe. mabog. bedr. set, ehlna cl05et and other mlle. turn. 717 Poppy, CDM, HA 186J.W. SPINET PLUfO. Lovely tone and ease $387. Terms.. Other won· derful barlain.a ln rental re-~~~~;;:::~--:----=--­ turns, trade ln on organs, ete. Several merely ac:ratehed ln shtpplng. Danz -Sehmidt·Phll· Ups Bl& Plano • Orpn Store _"''II._.,VSJ_C_JK_S...,J .... a-V-CTI......,_O_Jf ...... --- 520 No. Matn. Santa Ana. 1940 BUlCK 2-door, &ood shape. PlANO INSTRUC110N. Teresa $100. R. Dorris, 506 31st St., Renner (Mrs. A. Renner), ac· Newport. Ha 5348 day time. eepting a limited number of STEINWAY GliAND-llkenew. Blg puplls for plano. Concert Pi- saving. Also Jtnabe. Mason • anlst ot 'I'hree Continents. Hamlin, many others. Practice Graduate Student of Bela Bar· plllnos as low as $95. Danz· tok. 436 Serra Drive, CDM. Schmidt -PhWlps Big P I a n o Ba. 2039. Store, 520 No. Main St ., Santa ~~~---------Ana. PEBSOKAL FOR SALE-This slze elasslfled ------------- ad In the Ensign, only $1.50 for * Jewel Bo1 * 3 Insertions. Call your ads to "'Vousual eo.tume J..,.lrT" HA 1114. BEAUTIFUL=---=ELECTR=-=-==-=o-=mc OR· FINE WATCH REP AIRING GAN perfect case almost new. "Prompt Service- Must sacrilice. One only. Big Reasonable Prices" saving Danz -Scbmldt-Phlllips Harbor 1403 Great Sale. 520 No. Maln St., Z72l8 E. c.t. Rwy .. Coroaa del liar Santa Ana. 2-PC. SECTIO_..,.N,.....AL.--=Clb. Chair. I NlSCELI.AifEOVS Ottoman; 5-pc. mod. bedr. set/ sp. lr mat.; lamps; bar stools; tier & pie-crust tables; 218 Marine. B.I. HAMMOND=--=Or=--e-a_ns_al--::-:-1-models, one sliehtly used, like new. Danz · Sehmldt -Phillips Ham· mond Headquarters for Oranee County, 520 No. Main St., Santa Ana. BEAL ESTATE & R£lf'TALS CALL Edna Craig, renW spe· clallst with Dorb Bray, realtor, 216 Marine Ave., Balboa Island. HA 20 or HA 64. CDM-DELUXE-NE=-=ARL~=y---:::NEW= unfurnished d up 1 ex, 2-bed· rooms. hdw. Doors. f.a. heat, fireplace prl. patio. garage. $105 month. Ha. 1684-R. FREE-Hl Desert VleWRome: site. Martell Building, Yueea Valley. WAKTED WANTED: A small apartment· slze refrlg. tor a little guy with little money. Call HA 1661. RESOLVED: Be on time for your 1956 ap· polntment&. E tern a -Matlc Watch serves you accurately. RAY FIEI..DS. JeweJer, 19th • Placentia "'n Vlsta Shop· ping Center," Costa Mesa. I.J. ~ RENT a Spinet pfano to buy, all term rent allowed. Pract.Jee pl· ano low u $5 per mo. Danz· Sehmidt-PhWlps Big Plano • Orean Store, 520 No. Maln, St., Santa Ana. su, & ...... S,.ce for R.t American Legion 215 15th St. Meetlnp 2nd-4th Wed. 8 p.m. SEJIVJCES Painting -Decorating PAPER HANGING GEORGE BURKHARDT HELP WANTED UN"nlf'd Contntrtot BOU~Earn $5.00 per 878 W. 18th Costa Mesa hour to start. Full or part time, Uberty 8-8628 Uberty 8-6632 your area. Box 788, 'Capistrano COMPLETE PAINTING Beach. PAPER HANGING SERVICE SALESWOMAN: bulld a highly HA 2976 profitable bus I ness selling (Evenings, week-ends} GIFTS 'n GADGETS full or EUGENE 0 . SAUNDERS part·Ume. Need car. We train. 500 Jlst Street, Newport Beach KJ 3-5895. GOOD -NEWS=.--=s.-=l"""es_m_e_n-."'"'b,_o_u_se_· wives. fanners-In fact anyone Interested in makJna spare t ime money, can go right to town on our new amazJng Scotch·Lite Mall Box slens that Rhine at night. Abo house numbers. and door plates Ideal for retired penons on pension . Pleasant. Interesting job that pays good ~oney. No selllna experience r e q u Ire d. Burry! Hurry! ft'a a peach of a deal. Free aales outfit. ruumlnated Sl&n Co., 2942 1st Avenue, Min· neapolis. Minnesota. ........... 1 100«](. JIMPLQYER RETAINED AGENCY NO FEE collected from applicant 413·31st Newport Beaeh REIIZ AU JOBS That you wt1l be proud to teD )'Our &tend~ about. !few hll!l wa,.. coupled with the Ideal woildna c:.OncUtlona add up to JoiMI wltll ~ ... RO J!XPJ:IUI!IfCI! IJJQ(1IDD 8tart )'Our .... jolt lD -fll oar omc. .., JOGr--. fti.ZPII()JII: onaA'IOIII ""'...-t:OOtOtlllp& 11 .............. 111 ....... P.MDIC ....... Ioiii Prejeclars FOR RENT S.MM 16-MM 35-MM and 16MM SounJ Projectors FAST COLOR FILM SERVICE Model Airplane Supplies .. ,. ea .... ao, 1782 Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa Phone Uberty 8· 7042 REPAIR AND Maintenance, palnttne, carpenter ete. Just anythinc. Reuonable. Satt. fact1on eua.ranteed BA 01.26-J. COIOL.ftK I.AJfDIC4ftlfO SDYJC& FREE ES'nMATES StaR Green Stampe J'ree deltvery CORONA DEL MAR NUR.SERY BA 1038 2744 E. Cout Hwy, e DfTEBifAnOJfAL PROaLEKS Another class which helps to prepare the students for adult- hood ia "IntemaUonal Relations." Thls class helps m ore to prepare the student !or cltlunahip and knowledge of world problema. This Is a hal! yev course, aJso for senlon. Its object Is. u I aaid, to en· able th~ student to become aware of world tenslon.a. 'Ibe class is recommended for co11ege preparatory students and run slmlllar to a coU~ee course with lectures, note taldng and ~ type tests. The course covers, at first, bow to study this speclal cou~ and Ideall.l:m versus Real· Ism. with an appraisal of eaeh method. Then they get Into In- ternational Law and Intern&· tlonal pollUcs, diplomacy, con· eert system versus the balance of power system, negotiation, adjudication, geograpbleal !ac· tors. population pressure and economic factors. The causes for war from the standpoint of the biologist, an· thropologlat. economist, 8C>clolo· glst. philosopher, and historian are discussed with the preserva· tlon of peace and the various at- tempts at lt. Students must write a Semester paper ll they wish a coUeg~ recommended grade of A or B. Other research work ls done along with tests on "Time" mag. azlne. Besides training the stu- dents to be World Citizens the course helps them to think for themselves and to form their own oplnJons and Ideas. • • • e JniLEE ASSEJOLY The Jubilee Singers, a colored quartet, were the attraction at the A&aembly Feb. 15. They aana old fav~ _!.U~ u "Swtng Low • • • 'tOCAL .... -J .. J•t& • • • • 1'11ESIIXEif WDf Three Cheers for the freshmen! G.A.A. freshmen hoekey teams beat the sophomores. juniors, and seniors to wln the Cham- pionship. S.Oiors were second, juniors tblrd and sophomores fourth. Th~ girls swimming team held a meet with four other schoola, Huntington Beach, Ful· lerton, 0 r a n g e , and Garden Grove. Fullerton won. • • • e SOPROIIOJIE SJIOW "Roman Holiday'' was the pic· ture shown at the Sophomore show Jut Thursday afternoon at the Lido Theatre. Tlcketa were thirty-five cents apiece. The JK>phomores made well owr one hundred dollars for their budget. • • • e ~TilE JfA'YAJOS The Serviee Club's Navajo In· dian Drive is scheduled for March 1. Cans of tomatoes. peaches. and old clothes will be collected from homes of Harbor students who are willing to ~ve Let's everybody join ln and help America's First Cltl.zens. • • • eBOJfOB BOLL SECOND QUARTER HONOR ROLL: JunJors -David Allen, Ann Arnqulst, Jeannette Baird, Mona Rae Barlow, Marcia Bau- quer, Robert Beel, Roberta Bol· ten. Dave Brickner, Nancy Bry· ant, SybU Carney, Terry Dallas, Charlotte Dalton, Marcia Davis, Gary ~m. Mary Delphlno, Bar· bara Dorkln, Joan Farquhar, Darlene Green, Barbara Ham· mond, Jerry Haud, Charlie Has- kell, Nancl Hennings, John Hen- rotln, Norman Hess. Jerry Hil- bert. Henry Hlll. Robin Hill, loe Howard and Peter Huycke. (To be continued next week.) Read the Enslen Want Ad oage. • ~4G4~'~ Your FamUy Restaurant (CJOMd T'Deeday) 2515 E. c..t IPibway ~ 1• C.... del Mar ·J/>U&uul, () ----~-T . Q~ CIFE--~•Ill 1'ILIII ............ = ......... Q-'-......._, .. eo..ty, II. .... _.... .......... ·--cs.t.l~..... ..---......... _ ... .. .... ...._ .. ,_... • .._ .. A•• .... as:•u. a..ar.t .ad ......................... ,. .. Ua .. Cltln~Ui...,., .-t ..._ ,.., llelt. 11'7 L im a,..... S-4511 ... r~ta.. 't .,....,,....,.., ... , ...._ ........... ...,. .. _.,os u c.-..,-. ........... . ...-. ....... -~ .... -. Le•Wttt-....... .. ..._......._ V..-==-'I • r acw • ~ ~ with Bobftt Taylor and Stewart Gran&er , ... "'IIIE" wttll a.-~ ... hdro An=x II..U t1tL1J o a a OJ a a a a tJ!lll_"'X'tf . ... .. . . ... ..... ....... ....., .............. ..... , .......•......... • • : ON 1'Y Ill : *..., --·--... 11.&'1"1'1.& ft'ATION8" • • ~ TIOIUS ~ • • ~ IITCIELL ~ • • . • Starring in : ~ "layer tf t•e Ttwi' : • • : w.••Micrys 9:30 ,.M, : : Chaanel 11 • K1TV : • • : A P~IOIIation by : • : .ICIIfiiLDe : :~ ..... .,,,., : . ..,.,.,~-. : ._,""""',., .-· . • ••••••••••••••••••••••• TillY, .IDlY, 111, ClEF COILE, D .. TiiY, ElmiE 1111 tf ..... "lewt" ~ IU.aa.Dr' Corl~ally invite you to the 2nd Anniversary Party and Open House Thursday, Mar. lst From I I :00 a.m. Business Directory INSURANCE ''Be Sure--Insure'' W1'l'R STANLEY JJfSt.J'UllfCZ ACDCI' Pboae Ral1lor ,..,. 331.5 E. Cout B11h..., Corona del Mar a.. Pbone. BA aa2 ICIIOOLI & DflftOCTJOJI ..... REAL ESTATE Contracting Insurance Continuous day and evening daun for preparation to paa the State exam. Call or write For Information AL TYLER SCHOOLS 1611 N. Broadway, Santa Ana JCimberly 7-35U KEllor Pr2513 DIIJIWG , Bids Are Called for Dredging At City Trailer Park Beach Jtewpon City CowlcU ea1le4 wood polo.t to provide for acceu blCS. 111oft4a7 ot lut w.S tw when t.be beach Ia filled ln. From dredllni at the KW\Id.9&1 na.uer the auc:Uenc:e Ed Healy wue.ted Park to exteDd ~ bftcb and that the ramp be moved to 16th a1ao f« lutaJllna a M.toot bulk· St.. eo that the entire atretcb ot b•d betwea tbe Trailer Park pubUc beach trom 16h to lStb ed tM Amertc.an lAIIon .Sta. St. would be clear. Blda ~:&:;. opened Jlarcb 12. '-rbere'• no ac:caa at 1Stb St..'' Clty Bert Webb we· Coundlman Lee Wilder aalcL ,._ IMvlnl the ex11rt1ne boat '1t'a huty to talk about what launcblna ramp where It la at to do with the ramp without the foot of 18th St and to a.n.taU more ttudy," CoWlcllman lay Edison Files Suit Agains~ Gas Company Two complaint. have been nted with the Calltornla Public Utilities <Amm!sslon In Los An- geles by the Southern California Edison Co., Ul'glng that action be taken to brtne more gu fuel Into this area and to usu~ a faJr distribution of ga.s among com· panles and munJdpaJJtles using It as fuel ln .team electrlc eener- atlng stations. Defendants are tbe Southern CallfomJa Gu Co., Southern Counties Gu Co. of Callfom{a and Pacific Llgbtlnc Gu Supp Y Co. One complalnt reque.U that Stoddard aald. ''Maybe we can find a plaoe for It in Corona del Mar; that'S where Newport got It trom," Councthnan Gerald B en n e t t quipped. Council aareed to go ahead with the filling In of the beach without deciding right now about what to do with the ramp. Council also: e Approved the appointment of City Finance OffJcer Ptuntner as aaalstant director of clvll de· fense for the city, to replace David Olm.st~. e Dented the request of Harold T. Lawson for a lease on Little Corona Beach, Corona del Mar. e Rejected the request of Pete Corales of Huntington Beach for one more year of buying irriga- tion water from the city because thla pumping wu lowering the water level and therefore was huteninr the salt water lntru· &Jon Into the city wells. Dl the PUC direct the ~ compa· 1M II~ nJes to provide exchange eerv'lce for EcUson. 'nlta would mean Ed· CoiM lD an4 eee the com· lson could tum over to the eaa • Recelv~ a letter from G. Mark EneeUce, preatdent of the West Newport Improve m en t Aaan., asklne for clean-up of the Pacltlc Electric rtght·of-way be- tween the Santa Ana River and 36th St.; refened it to city man· ager. plete. new Une of Graphic companies any aupplles of gas It Pattcms. Bear-brand Ever-match yama, Morell's new might acquire In the oil or gu ctrae patterns, noveltyy&rr\8 fields and receive In exchange an4 atraw-. tncludlne the an equal supply o!. eu to be de· e Denied the claim of J. T. First Step Taken by City in Long Range Water Plan save rnoney ............. ..... s.... .......... . • • • • : : .......... . ••• • • • • •••• . -. ...• -.... . : ·~-.. : .,.~ ...... A IIUU8AitCI • • • e.... . •••• Call .. ,_ cletcdla todayl W. L LANDIS 08 L F. CAIRNS Uberty t-1011 133 E.. 11th St. COSTA MESA ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • WHA7's • • ular'l'kn1tllla2,.akSHtrta.GP livered where It ta m08t needed. 111 The second complaint requests a revision of existing prlorltl .. 313 E. Balboa Blvd. In order to permit Edison to PW'· Balboa chase what It calls Its falr share aUlLJ)DfC SUPft.JES of the gu ftlel available for --..;:.;~;.;.;....--------steam electr1c generatlon In Baird, 119~ 28th St., Newport, Firat step In a long ranee slder means of raising funds to • • lNG T. M. Hambrook, your Telephone Manager in Newport Beach • • • • • • • • • • who asked $54.95 for water dam· water plan was taken Monday CCYVer the cost of a water reservoir • ages from 8 burst water pipe, Feb. 13 as Newport City Coundl for the city. CouncUman Jay ! which he said was caused by call~ for bids on Installing Stoddard said that the city needs uneven pressUl'e. City Engineer water lines to serve the Harbor the reservoir badly, can't take a Bert Webb said that heaters test Highlands area. chance on walling for other com - at least 125 lbs., and "we can't Thls tlrst phat~e wlll Include munfties to join In the project. • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• CEMENT AND BUILDING All Klnc:b-Free Estimates LIBERTY 8 6109 CUSTOM DUPEIUES .. ., .. ,. 01111 ..... 10-day Dellvf!tJ Top Quality WorkmanshiP Guaranteed FREE ESTIMATES Jn Our Sbop or YoW' Home .CA.RPE'l"'NG, SLIP COVERS. ~ INSTA.LLA'nO:NS HM Ke"ttrJ))rt Blvd. u 8-8171 eo.ta Mesa WATER BEATERS Sales. Servtce and Repa.ln. .liE IECIT ... PLUKBING Terma. 10 Per Cent Down Phone Harbor 5330 WELJ)IJIQ Fabrlcatlng, Destenlnl A Maintenance TRAILERS. HITCHES. BUMPERS or what have you: No job too large or too ama.lL REASONABLE RATES 2133 Orange, Costa Mesa. u 8-2619 "A's" VENETIAN BUND LAUNDRY THE NEW mach I n e process method. Reuonable prices. Av- erage 2 tape rHidentlal blind. Only $1.00 · Blind ~pa~ and rebuilt. Free Pick up and delivery Work done by appointment Phone Uberty 8-5701, KJ 3-6669 or Kl 3 -8274 PATCH'S BODY A PAINT SHOP R. W. PATCH Complete Colllalon Work Auto Painting Free Eatlmat.-Try Ua Flnt 786 West 17th St.. eo.ta Mesa • LIB·~ ..... ....... 280 Avocado. eo.ta Mea u~ u 8·3321 011 u 8·5121 ............... .__._ ....... -~ c:A.UDT111"--aDAJal • NWIIWG Southern CallfomJa. put that much pressUl'e In the Installation of 2.500 feet of 24· "but must build it ourselves and lines." • Inch line along 17th St. and pay for It ourselves." Civil Service Changes Due e Denied the request of Paul 3.450 feet of 16-lnch extension to Later, lt other commumtles Banker to operate a concession· Irvine Ave. and 19th St. wish to come In a share In the alre boat selling to stationary Council also approved a mo· use of the reservoir, we can de· bo 1 b d boa 1 dl tlon to form a committee to ron · cide haw they can share in Its ats n ay an t an ngs. cost. he sald. He estimated the e Set Feb. 77 as hearing date Changes In civll serv1ce regu· for protests by Dr. John Wilson, BIJI ._.1 llife "-cost for reservoir, treating plant lations wtll be made In Ordl-Wells Morrl.s and C. M. Strom· r-• U. and lines at a halt million dol- nance 770, Introduced at Monday berg Jr. against Council's grant-ll•rl Sl.l "--&.:....... Iars and suggested tha t a tax evening's meeting of the New-lng of use permit for zoning .....,_. over-ride might be levi~ to raise port Ctty Council last week and change requested by C. Kramer Newport pollee confiscated a the funds. passed to second readlne. at F St. and Balboa Blvd., Balboa. snap-blade knife from two Co· "We can't continue to exist as The changes wtU ellmlnate the rona del Mar brothers. 8 and 11, a city on a teacup to teacup requirement for certain Newport THEn CB.A.aED TO FOO"B Feb. 10. The knife was later re-basls." he &aid, referring to the tlty employees to Jive within Joseph L. Pagano, 24, of San turned to their father. ~iUcal water storage situation. the city UmJts and w1ll also Pedro, Charles 0 . Undqulst. 19, The boys allegedly pulled the We mu~ have mor~. than 12 eliminate the provlalon which of Lomita. and two San Pedro knlte on the daughter of Mrs. 1. hours of ater reserve. denies cJvU aervlce eJDployment juvenile firla were arrested on T. Robinson ot 620 Larkspur Ave.. James Montgomery, consulting. to anyone recetvlne a pension of burglary charees by Newport Corona del Mar, a Brownie, while engineer from Pasadena. who $50 or more. p o 1 Ice Feb. 14. They were she was selling Girl Scout has aubmJtted an interim report Also introduced and paaed to charged wtth taldne a $140 ~le· cookJes. The boya demanded on a muter water plan, uk~ MeOnd readlnc wu OrcUnance vlalon 8et trom the apartment of cookies ancl when they were re-for a 60-day extension on aub- 768 whkh adda the followln• u Roderick W. Madtenzle at 212 fUlled. knodced the cookies out mJttlng tbe final report. which holld.,. for ctty .mployees: Cypress St., Balboa. of her hands. wu due on Feb. 10. He aaJd he LJncoln'1 birthday Wuhlneton'a needed more time to uce.rtaln birthday, Admission Day, and the lrvlne Co.'s plans for joint Columbus Day. tbus maklne the Boys Club Ball Team w·.ns action on a water reservoir. Mr. city code conlorm with state and Stoddard said 60 days wu too county code on holidays. Tournament at Linda Vista ~::,d ~n~ebdb~edge~'~ LIVES 111 WTOIIDIC cla.rtncatlon of Mr. Montgomery's Thomas Carr, formerly of 208 Ba.sketballers of Harbor Boys' Harbor Boys' Club bask~ball -request. 29th St .• Newport, Ia now living Club downed Linda Vl.sta. 33-17, ers Invaded Long Beach Y.M.c.A. ------- In Casper, Wyomlng, having and San Diego, 57-31, to annex last week for three games and AuJiilfJ ....... moved recently from Lakewood, the championship of the 50th came home with two wins and Colorado. Anniversary To u r n a me n t at a loss.. . The local alxth graders a.riCMilll .... c.,Jete ••••11111 Senlce Linda VIsta. The ToW'ney was opened battle with a 24·12 vic· staeed ln special commemora· tory, followed by a thrtlllnr 28·77 tion of the anniversary of the seventh grade w1n and a 40-32 founding of Boys' Clubs of Amer-loss banded a combined team of lea 50 years ago. The wtn gives h igh schoolers and eighth grad· the locals a chance to advance ers. CoroDa del Mar ~cw I.-a 1 LJ a. 7021 BA 1225-J MIKE MYERS UNION SERVICE U. S. ltoyel Tir•• Complete Lubriceti011 Service FltEE PICK-UP & OELIVEAY Phone Herbor 1094 to Western Regional champion- ships. After an easy win over Linda Vista In the opener, the locals. composed of the eighth trade team and· lerry LawrenCE from the high school group. faced a tall San Diego club In the fJnals. Alter trallln'g 6-2 at the start of the game, the Harbor five went In front 16-13 at the end of the first quarter. At halftlme they led 28-16 and at the ~-quar· ter mark 42-23. Tom Huber racked up 10 points In the flrst half to lead scorers with Bryan Lucas potting elgbt. Lucas went wtld In the last two periods as San Diego sagged Its defense to stop Huber's jump shots In the key. He pumped through 16 In the lut two stanzas to get a game total of 25.. He scored seven In the flrst game In one quarter 1701 E. Co.at Highwey et Avocedo of pla.y to get a tourney total of eo..o... d•l ..... , 32. EYES TWS. E•rkc•••llr .... y..Widlt ........ ._.. DoM* .... TWO el ...................... ..,~:::·:~: ..... -: ...... .,. ... IIIII ..................... . ............ _ .. ..... ...._ ..... .._lull .. . =:.".: ... .i-• n;-::. :t ....... ~ • • _ ........ -. .r ..... ,.. ... .,. ... -. ................... .,. ............... ... .............................. >. 1 ... . clallilwta11111 111M I·-·~~--. CALL Dlt. JQCIIOL.80I' TODAY for a.n appolfttment to a · arntne. ~-and -«<t 10"' dlU,.a _,.. with tbe 111'01* .,....,_ L L NICHOLSON, O.D. ln. JoJMr .Ilia ..._ llrpliuli• Mrs. Fred H. loyner. 403 40th St.. Newport Beach. has been welcomed Into Orange County Salon No. 163. 8 d 40. The 8 et 40 ls the honor organ· lz.atlon of the American Legion Auxiliary. pro v l d In g a play- ground for the women of the Legion AuxUiary. Its objects are Service, part1cula.rly CbJid Wel- fare. participation In the pro· grams of th~ American Leeton and Auxiliary, fellowship and tun. The 8 ~t 40. Salon 163 of Or- ange County lpo"*ln a juvenile T.B. camp at HJ.p .. ln the San Bernardino Mts. The main tunc· tlon of the 8 ~ 40 Ia combatttne T.B. In juv~lles. Mrs. Robert 1. Brl IP. Mrs. Kenn~th Markham and Mrs. Her· bert Thompson, In addition to Mrs. Joyner, of Unit 291. belona to8~40. 1 .... 11 •• ..., Ellllrllll.lw Mrs. F. Paul Dlckenon, UOl Bay Aft .. Balboa, wu hostess at the lunch~ meetlne ot Kappa trappa Gamma Alumnae ~­ atlon of Soutbtm Oranp County held Feb. 9. Aast.ltln« 'lftft Kn. Loul.8e Gallagb«, KtL A. S. Hand.)' Jr. a net Mrs. PbWp R.enldt. rr.tderlt Mrs. aobert Stralttff preetded at tiM ~ meet· Ina. rln._l plarw ..,. made for the annual rw--.,. tale eo he held on P'l1dQ, lilaft:b 11. Th• a.ttemoon ......... tlllll\l eft• Yel~ f« tbe aut. ..U cam· palp ol the ~ ~ntJ So· cMty for QlprpiH Clllldnn. the c.,.,e pbflaatluow. ,.,.. nut ••n•• wm bt • "-· ...-t lvnehelll • T Jua ,. d a y , MaM I. at tM '-crt Mrs. ••·•...,•• ,,.u ..... ---.... l-* antoa. ., w• ... ~-~~--~""""':"-----:----:--.......-."'""":" ........ -~~...J' ...... Suta AM. "Am~rlcanlsm Month" Is being observed dut'lng February by the American Legion Auxiliary Unit 291 of Newport. Mrs. Kenneth N. Johnson h as anounced that the essay contest for this year will be .. The C~ and Use of Our Flag." Chosen as the s ubject for fifth grades In the Newport. Corona del Mar and Harbor View grammar schools and eighth grade at Horace En· sign School is 'The Uberty Bell." Winners will be announced In April. and cash awards, pins and certltkatPS wlll be given. ... Otis ....... AWl Diller •-Pl••llc Mrs. Otis L. John~n. 2535 Crestview Drive. Bay Shores, &.s· aJsted ln the planning tor the annual dinner dance of the Los Aneeles Chapter of the National Auodation ot Cost Accountants.. wblcb was held Feb. 11th at the Sportsmen's Lodge ln North Hoi· lywood. Mr. lobnson Is man.ger of the Machine Accounting Dlvtslon of National Cash ~ster Company ln Santa AnL He is a past presl- ~nt of the Los Angeles Chapter of r(.A.c.A.. and bas been an ac· tJve member for a number of years. The local cha pter hu con- at..tently been at. or nn.r, the top amone the U6 chapters In na- tlona.l lnter-dlapter competition. Now you caa seiMI flowers CNit of town by telephone Bere'a a new, faster way to eend ftowen out of town. JUit aak your aon.t to t.elephooe your order. He will call the d.»- tant dty and IUT&n.ge for de- livery of your ftowera before you leave hla ahop.lf the Gow- en you waat dOD't happen to be in .t.ock, lt'a euy, by t.eJ.. phone, to change the order. You'll know the nowera you 8IIDd wD.l &~"~1ft on time, too. narlata wbo offer t.hJ. new eerYice clltlplaJ u emNem with the worda "We llpeed ftowent by t.eJe- phaM'' Clll t.beU wiladow. We thin.Jr..yoo'Ueajoy patroDlldnc them.. Te pt fast. .... •ta ce seMce, , •••••• ,to cal by ........ ! Whm you atn the lone d.iatance operator the number you want. a can pat your c:al1a throagh tw. u/uf. Ca1l.lng by number -oot jut Dame and ~ Ia a real tJme.eanr for yoo. AAd to belp you keep your out-of-town a.nd local numbera bandy, we han a ooaven.ient-cbe Penonal Number Booklet for you to liat them ln. Jut call up, drop ua a card. or come l.n to OW' bu.sinea omce and aalr for your free copy. Pacific Telephone. • • • "ACAPULCO SAILBOAT RACE PROGRESS TELEPHONED TO LOCAL GROUP .. A large group or yachtsmen and would·be·yacht."men from all over SoutheTn California m~ for lunch every Tuesday noon at the N~port Har bor Yacht Club to sv.•ap sa1hng yarns., k.-ep up to date on yachung events and to listen to programs lnterestlne to scafanng m~n Thls group Is known as the Newport Harbor Yachtsmt-n's. Group and their president u; Dr. Howard Murphy. Many of thetr m~mbers are m~n who ••ul In all the major yacht ra~ such as th~ Honolulu race. the Acapulco race and the Ensenada race. Or. Murphy thought h e would do something to oftst>t the f~llngs of "the yachtsmen who couldn't partlclpate In th~ ret"t"nt Acapulco race, so he ordered a speakerphone In· stalled In the Chart Room ol the Newport Harbor Yacht Club with the l~a of taUdng to some of the boats at sea during the race whUe the eroup waa bavtng lunch. This telephone is oM of o.ur latest Innovation& which bas a transmitter buUt Into the Instrument and the callln.e penon's voice comes out over a small loud-speaker. Or. Murph,y knew that Mortimer Hall'• 67' Diesel motor aaller VIa Jero was to be an official escort ~ in the race, so he &.rTaJlied to have George Sturaes. who wu aboard this ve&Rl, call him from wherever he wu to be located the day of thetr meettn.e and etve them information about the proerea of the race. The plan went fotWard and ~rre Stura-call~ from eomewhere off of the Mexican coast throuRb our lhlp·to·Ah~ at.atlon XOU, who, In turn, connected hlm wlth the Newport Harbor Yacht Club, and all of the members ot the i"'UP talked with hJm and were able to hear his vo1ce at the same time, thanb to the speaker. N~esa to aay, tbe IJ'OUP was overjoyed at bel~ able to talk with !JOmeone in the race at U.e tlme lt was eot.na on. This ls an unusual uae of th• speakerphone, which was deslped to be used ln omces ud hornet, so we thought you would be Interested ln thl.t ewnt. Any ot you wbo would like to know more about ihla ~xd~ new Instrument m.t.Y eet information about lt by calllna ~ Bus1neu at.nc:.. LAGUNA FEDERAl SAVIN$$ I LOAN ASSOCIATION TWO OFFICES To S.W Y• LAGUNA lEACH AND SAN CLIMINTI QUICK 24 HOUR SYVICE LOW LOW "ltEDUCIN6" INTEREST RATES EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS FRIENDLY SYMPATHETIC SERVICE FREE CUSTOMERS' PARKING ESCROW SERVICE, EFFICIENTLY OPERA TEO LAGUNA BE ACH 222 Ocean Ave. PHONE HY. 4-1 In SAN CLEMENTE 60 I N. El C.mino Re•l PHONE HY acintft 2-1195 or HY acintfol 2.1 196 Question-Answer lnfor.metion Given on School Dist. Unifying atu.. .._ ka-. ~ the In--tn tbe e hlp llehoot diNict .. 'rO otntl. .,. ,_u· Plopoal JI'MIIhted bJ the eo.ta ~ would be comWMd for a a, an...._ 1a a. e a we-e a wm1 w 1a ..., ....... n · .,_ DtmentarJ Seboot Dtmtet unified dlmtet. 'l'be bcledtfta ::t-bll.a ... ... ........ Job ...... 2·11or1. 1-walt ...... .. ., ............ to unity an thNa acbool dt.trleta llm1t .. five per eent ot the .. ;,.ra •• ._ 18 _.. ~ at • CateUna Dr,. :!_. ... "' .. ,... ~-::*:' Ira the kewport lleach-eo.ta ...ed valuation tor an elemen· • ., .... ...,, .. fll aa --. ' ,.,._. .11-aa _. e 11 .. ara, the Kewport Harbor tary .ebool c1l8trlet and live per --'aPW C ,..at ._. • e M&80A NV of lilt &. ODell ~ DWcn _..._.... the toUowtq cent f(W a blah .:~tool dl.ttrlet r * ... II ._ .... tD tM Uwanl Brool&. npleoe ....,._ :::, ~.,. ~: .,aoa_ qu-.Aon-end·auww In t orma· wlllch ooul~ be ~ned. ~ • •• _......, OOlllftl and .,_, 310 L 9t., 1100; B. a. &INiiM , tlon on tbe .ub,J.ct: Q. Wbet en the eurNnt atete 1r --~ d.. Ada._ 2·111cWJ, l·unJt ctnnlnt :ae uto --:.::. ':J:IbtJor Q, What would happen to pree. IJ'&nb per pupU In tedl dJmletT Coiliiillle••• o1 u. lamalca at 1t00 a. OeMD n.. $17,'m; A. 1..!-, ~ lido the car ~ .nt achool boarciiiT A. The .tate pe,ya Kewport Ina ...... 11 JIIOII.-Iq rapidly, KlrkpatJtek. npa1r fire da.map La-.ce D ~ J4. :' U2 A. It dependa upon lnteorpreta. ••ch elementary .ebool cJJ8tJ1et wa hm walk wn1 put up tc. at U15 W. Bey, $1,000; Bay 3Cth St.. K~ leeeh, t K • tlon of the eode.'Newport Beach the mlnlmum of liZ per pupiL thellec.'QIHS -.,y ol the L·.Upecl H~. planti}lC u.. at 1741 Blvd. and W~ A._. elementary echool dlltrkt t. not Poorer dtmkt8 1« more atate atr'laetl&n. W«k on a larp ..nm. Plaza del SUr, $100. , ~ Belab... at T:23 v!.. lqally a etty 8Chool dlftrlet but eld bued on e formula on how rn ... pool hae aJao been atuted. • LIDO J8L& Two racJto. val e4 t p. · performa many ot the functions much a dlatrlct 1.1 able to rat.e. lune 1 1e t&rltt date tor comple· Wllllam Vauchn, addJtion at ~m ~ .eoJen ~ •D ~ ot a city ~ehool district. U~ ol tile project. 223 Eboll. a,ooo; l . Mor1an TV, 2301 W. Balboa Blvd.. N:,~ Q. Can pl'eiPent bonded Indebt· 11wt balldlnl pennlt total for Watt. 8Wlmmtnc pool at 243 Vl.a port Beach •.• A S35 euhmere e4ness ot each dlltrlct be as· Fekuery approached 1600.000 ~~ ~~ .-weater wee reported .tqlen from aumed by Ute unified dlltrlct? aa aliDOIIt _,,000 worth of per· Bud'a Beauty Shop, ~~ VIa A. There are two waya to mlta wen Jaued durinl th~ put Ben ~. l ·atory, 1·unJt Oporto Newport Beach A handJe lndebtednea It can re- week. Other lar,e projec:t.a were ~~"I'~ ~~!t1·• P{·-nx:i box of'uaect aboes valued ~t ius main ee e Uen ecalnat the &rf!a a t:M,900 chftlllnl In Newport n · ory, ·un was .tolen from the open garace ol the orl&1na.J dl..trlet end be Hftabta, and 121.700 and $28,000 ~~· at 212 XJ.np Pl., $2l,700; of Dr. lohn Albartan, 1103 N. Bay paid oft by that &rf!a. At e unlfl· dwellJnp In Clltf Haven. • __ Front Balboa Ialand . . . cattoo eleetion an addJtlonal A report that Oeear TUrnbull ol 1.9832 S. W. Newport .8lvd, Costa Mea, wee not.,requlred to take the pa.lntul Paeteur treat· ment lor rablea wu aubmJtted when the Orance County Pet uoaw aQUlMD'I' • &10 ..,.. .. ....,. ...... ._.__.c:-uw ................ * Jat lilJ o..a .. ................ * m IIAIIIIIZ AYK. aAL80A JII.AJI'D IIA.UOa M4J ....... Ndcdly. ~ ........ f'ollowlnc permits were l.aued: ,. • ..,.._._. quHtlon can be eaked If bo11da • o:.olfA DD. IIAII Grant Malcoluulon. cabana at • WEDIIDDAT. na. 15 should be aeaumed by a unlfled Chari• Bennett. encloae area Bayahore TraDer Park. $2,000; M. John Vqcel ot 1115 E. Balboa district. A two-thirds vote would between ctweUJnc and prap E. 'nttle, partition at 2903·C Blvd., Balboa. reported e S50 be necessary tor thla Ql,l.estlon to a part m en t , 605 MariU«ite, Newport Blvd.. $25; Al.fred Lud· sewtnc maclttne mtaaln1 from ea.ny. Protectora met In the home of. ":========::=:=, the group president, Mn. Harold r Sl.!SOO; lneram. Collins 6: Blakes· ';]•· cabana at A Anchoral~ one of hla apartments at that Q. What etfect would unlflca· ley, restaurant at the l amaJca ay, Udo Traller Park. $700, address · · · Betty Watson of the tJon have on the amount of Inn. 2101 E. Coast Hwy., $80,000; Charles Stead. carport at 47 Gay Toes Shop, 217 Marine Ave.. money ~ved &om the state• Norman Russell, store buUdJnc Drake, Udo Trailer Park, $350; Balboa laland, reported that a A. The total amount would be at 2842 E. Coast Hwy., $11,200. Paul C. JonH. o~~ buUdJnc at shoplifter took three skJrta vaJ. leu than at pre.ent. Costa Mesa • COBOIIA IIJGIILJUQ)S 117 20th St .. $175, L C. Holland, ued at $56.85 . . . Mrs. D. B. as a dl..stressed district gets state Douglas H o skI n. swimming addition at 205 28th St., $l,OOO. SWeeney of 201. N. Bay 'Front. money that would not come to a pool at 553 Seaward Rd .. $2.300. Balboa Island, reported the loss unified dt.trlct until It had voted eJavnu: TEaa.ACE 6 Escape F·.re of an eight-foot dinghy ... J. R. bon<b to the HmJts of Its bonded A. L. Zerbe, fence a t 717 San· Coffin of 714 W. Balboa Blvd., Indebtedness. tana. $300; Roy Keene. patio w B A Balboa, complained that the atde Q. Is the unlfieatlon proposal canopy at 624 Ramona. $SOO; Dr. On ay ve of his house wu peppered with dead lf the Newport Beach ele· l . ll Sanford, fence at 1518 Dol· • bb shots · · · John T. Carden of mentary school board talla to act pbln Terrace; Rhone, fence Carelessness was blamed for a 426 Belvue Lane. Balboa, re· favorably on it! at 1430 Serenade Terrace, $275. $2.500 fire 1n the home of Mrs. ported the theft of a strong box A. No. The local committee Adele Kirkpatrick of 1315 W. Bay and a wrist watch valued at $lq5 doe. not make a study unless Ave .. Balboa, a t 7 :44 a.m. Sun· from hla unlocked garage ... D. two-thirds u k for lt. ~gaily, It day, Feb. 12 the Newport tire de· E. Wood of 319 Fernando St .. Bal· can make the .rudy but expert. partment charged. boa. reported that someone shot ence has shown that It lln't MATTRESS E S IIIDenDda9 -ec.ttae Fciaaa ~ ln'egular Shapes l'fEW -BEBtJILDDfQ COSTA ~ESA ~ATTRESS CO. 2150 Newporl llvcl. ll 1-llOl Five occupants of the house, a bb In the right front window worth whUe unJesa two-thirds trapped on the second n oor by of her tar In the area of 7th St. ask for lt. tire and smoke, were aided In and Balboa Blvd .... Rudy Park Q. Does approval of unification escapln1 by neighbors and fin· of 114 VIa Udo Nord. Lido Isle, require a majority vote In each men using a ladder. They In· reported the theft of hls bicycle of the districts votinc! eluded Mrs. KIrkpatrick, her from the area of Newport Blvd. A. Yes. Th~ votJng would be in Lal-.s FOB .alES mother, Mrs. Adele Walker, and and Vfa Udo. Newport Beach · · · tWo elementary ~ehool districts. __ , __ ____ her children, Joan, Billy and Pat • TBt1JlSl)AT. rEa. 11 The htah achool district Includes Kirkpatrick, firemen reported. Minor damage resulted when the same voters. sa .oa IATI'LD Capt. Peter Crow, who had been a car driven by Wade S. Randel. Q. Would the blch ~ehool ella· sleeplnc in a dOWMtalrl bed· 17, of 518 Dahlia Ave . Corona del trlct vote separately from the room. was able to leave by the Mar, struck a parked car In front elementary acbool districts! rlrst floor. of 315 Goldenrod Ave .. Corona A. No. Joan Kirkpatrick awoke and del Mar. re11stered to William J. Q. How would the new school discovered smoke 1n the house Mowley ol 11.37 Dolphln Terra~. board be choeen, bow many ,_._.__ llrl--•-and called her mother to spread Irvine Terrace, at 5:03 p.m. . . . members. and would they be Wl.-..r ..... W• the alarm. The fire started In tan Mrs. Henry Wagner of 1116 W. elected at large or by dlJJtrlcts! Baxter, at 3'79 E. 20th St., Costa Mesa. on Feb. 14. "Hia doc made no attempt to bite hl.l owner, who wu after· ward told by hla phys.Jclan that if there wu no abrulon on his hand to for1et lt.'' the report stated. ''Many truths are hidden &om the public 'behind the vtru. cur· taln' and we hope to have more Heht abed on thls subject in the near future," Mrs. Baxter said Mr. TurnbuU'a doc wu con· firmed to have had rabies, the first positively known case of rabies ln the harbor area in a1x years. MOVU 1'11011 JIEWIOft Will Erwood. formerly a real· dent ot 1315 W. Bay Ave .. New- port Is now llvlnc in Van Nuya. ---·--"". -.. --. ..-_._....,. --·-.......-- lElA IPIOLITERIII INSURANCE Auto-Flre-Llablllty Small monthly payments ..... 7. 2515 £. eo.t IIWy ... Cl)l( Pb. 11A Ull ID S-5115 (M ette Life~ hada) entrance closet and spread to the Ocean Front. Newport Beach, re-A. Row It would work out re· entrance way. The house wu ported the th~t of a $10 patio mains to be seen. It could be five filled with smoke, causing smoke chair . . . Seven street light or seven membera, elected by ;=:.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;:;;;;;;;;:~~===;;;;;;;;:=====~;;;;;~:=: da mage. Firemen extinguished units, valued at $'a0, have been districts or at lar1e. JAMES D. RAY a.a•wc a.trac~tr l-446 E. COAST HWY. CORONA DEL. ~Al HArt-4 761 Rellden,e: HArbor 419• the blaze. broken by boys in the area of Se· Q. What are the tapng powers ville Ave.. BaJboa. Carl Wood· and llmlu of the unUied dis· manse. of the city electrical de-tdct! 487 ........ ,. II ...... II 1161 A total of 4117 new cu meter. were added In Nt"WJ)Ort Beach during' 1955, accorclln1 to 1ustln Kennedy, division mana1er of tbe Southern CounUes Gaa Co. This represent. a 5% erowth over the previous year. partmt>nt reported . . . Donald A. A unified district hu the Noel of 412 Snug Harbor Rd .. aame taxing powft"a. An elemen· ClW Haven. complained that tary district Hmlt l.s 90 cents and aomeone siphoned cu out of his .:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::====;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;::=:;;;;;;;;;;;;:::;;:;;;:;:=:;~~~==::=:=;;;;=;;;5;;:;;;:;~~~ truck parked In front ol hit r home ... (Continued on Page 11) •••• ,._,. 01 nr~~lllllhlll•• Three subdivisions were ap- proved by the Costa Mesa Plan- ning Commission last week. C First in a Series ot Messaps Preeented by the Newport Harbor Enaii'Jl) SAYE Willi A Fanner's PoDcy The 2,748 new gas meters con· nected to lines In the Otanee Co unty division helped the Gaa Co. to set a record for number of meters added In one year In Its system. By adding 50,639 new meters throughout lu el1ht dlvl· slons. the Gas Co. topped the prior hfeh mark of 39.097 new meters set In 1954. They Included the 569-lot aub· division of Roven and Spiegel between Harbor Blvd. and Fair· view Rd.. north of Wilson St.; a 22-lot aubdlv1slon by C. Fred Smith of Anaheim between Wll· son St. and Avocado St., west of Fairview Rd., and a 66-lot sub· division ot Dike and Colegrove between Santa Isabel and 23rd St. east of Orange 'Ave. Com.mls· slonert also approved flve sub· divisions with fewer than five lots. OUR GREA .TES T BRUCE MARTIN AUTO -TRUCK -FIRE -UFE LOCAL AGENT 1793 NEWPORT AVE .. COSTA MESA OF'FlCE: Liberty 8·5554 RES. Uberty 8·5063 WELCH•s COASTAL CONCRETE CO. Uberty 8-5508 135 Commerdal Way COSTA MESA J[lmberly 3-1635 • Orcmp 1813 PlaceDt!a 886 Costa Mesa Lumber Co. LUMBER -BUD.DING MATERIALS l'f...-port 11•4.. Cotta .... Uberty ~~-~ FJool' CoftctDp -DlaiDboanta Asphalt Tile -Rubber Tile ~rrnlca-Linoleum Tile OIILTIIS' LIR.'i~ 125 .. l'IUl lt. c.ea .... . LmE11Tf a..ast rz:z Yeara ln Oranp Coon~ Orco Block Co. BUILDING ILOCD-AJ.L Ntn AIJ, TYPES J~f.mt ... ?11% ....... Martin McGrath. Orange Coast College agriculture student and prrsently southern regional pres· !dent of the Young Farmers As· sociation. was elected State vice· president of the Young Farmers at the Convention held recently In Modesto. He will be In line for the presidency of the State or· ganlzatlon when the convention mi!<ets In Marysville In 1957. STAT Df SBOftE CLII'FS TheW. L. Brewers have moved from 240 Morning canyon Rd. to 218 Mornln1 Canyon In Shore CUffs. Two I 3-Year-Old Boys Held After Theft Attempts Here each Two Juvenile boya, from Orange, were arr petty theft charges by pollee on Feb. lOth and leased to Orange pollee ther lnvestJgatton. 1a, stealing a can of meat from a Cosa Mesa store and a loaf ol bread trom a breed truek. Or· ange pollee .. ld thf'Y wer~ look· ested on Newport were re· tor fur· Mrs. Shirley F. Nelao Goldenrod Ave., Corona n of 704 del Mar, at abe er they told Newport pollee th caught the two boya eft took her purae trom her unlocked car parked In front ot th e house of her mother-In-law, Mrs. Nelson ot 515 Santa An Newport Belahts. She obtained the return of th taken from the pune c. M. a Ave .• uld abe e money but not ey be4 carbap the pune beeauee th thrown It away. City coUeetora returned the pune contenta later, efta find a.n4 lnathem ln tM 300 block ot Jt.hwalcle Aft. At u:.-.... JWb. 10 )ln. Doll Butta of -a.nta Ana A.._ JJa•port B II ...... fiUUftiJd poliDit ttaat .... ... Wlt&ln :".:I we..n eht....,. a no lliarlc1 two ..,. ... IMr ltOIDI .............. bo11 ... ,.. ... cl ... .. bmd ... ,..ba telill:iil aiMI .. wau.t . ...,.,... ... .. ... lliflllldnl ... • ... ........., a..-_, .... ... .......... ....... ~ .. .... .. .... rt ...., Belli'• .., .... .......... ...,....eoa..,.a~atatadoll .......... ,.. ....,. .. ......... I ng for two boys meettnc their description tor the alle1ed theft of a radio, car burrlary and u runaways. ASSET is the loyalty of citizens our T odoy, the communi ~ that is to remain pr09ressive must cosh in on every od- vontoge ond resource at tts command. Loyalty and unselfish co-operation come first in the building of ANY ~mmunity. • It is the belief of those who hove hod o port in the preporotion of this series ?f articles thot one of the greatest drawbecb to our locol progress and prosperity •s the unwarranted practice of denying our stores the patronage they deserve •• Since loyalty and sentiment are misty intongi'*s th.t ho..-e no appeal to those wh~ mo~t. sensitive nerve ce~ters ore in their purses. let us mo•e this special aug· gntion: V~a•t our local stores •n the Harbor /\reo, ond be convinced that loyalty ·~ peys off! •• Let'• wort togetf.er here. it~ the Hetbor Areo, p~cing and exeh.nging in • sptrit of ~utual helpfulneu. Its the sur.st wey to inc.reoM our ~ruty prosperity end happiness. ' Rre P~evention Studies · wo.,aY. naDAft ..... ••w .... z S d ~ Rfth ~ ......... ~ ~~~~..._._C_E_IL_O___..;..i l;.;.....;a;;.....;;.;. First Track Meet March 8 tal'fe .,7 ~r~rs Dr .... a f1l ··-... .,... oe tile .a.et. o1 aWDSe tS ut ,._ .._. 10) I putdq I« u 0.. SDack SboP. I'Utll.,... .................... a. u.....,... '!'We pr'O· ,..Ueljoe at-n..csaraaunc:IMon • • .:__ ,.. ~~~-~-~~-~~or Coast College Athletes port .... ... ... a.. 8ebooia P8ID bM DOW Me .... CIOWSt7 •J lttrC fll tlw lfe.rpcll't JlartMir -----------~ laa" Aut.ecS tbelr unual nre ,..._, The ooane «"ftWta f/1 ()sjdmJil au bel4 at t1ae VIlla 'lint•• rJ Ud a au. ..,_ ctrtwa .., ,.......t.loll ..._ ,_ tba 10tb llhiQ of u.. JuDJor ,.,...,_ •• ltariDa -.uranr. Dr. a...._ ... O.* c. ND--. 11. fll m vaa Ttaek and !lelct Ill'~ u now Bob au-. fOI"'IMM' au....- ,..,, .. auaJ. ftJola coat••• ftn ,._ formedy Wltll tM UID,J lllldlal & 1. Uclo 8ou4. Lido 111e. .._ Ill· under wa1 at Olrallp Cout Col-8eadl 8oatJMnl cu-.... ... Newport ._. wu the tint ~ ucl ~ iDk-CIIIJI' -'" a. ~ f/1 -• • • ¥Qlwcl ill u aedeleDt 1ft ~ Jep to perpa.ratloll b tbe tint c.LP. champJon Ill tM • II dt:J 1D Olraqe GOWit7 to • up tertaJ. undlr tM ~ <!I ol dM NOIIIC ~ .,_..Ill Jle. Or· ttl 1'700 W. Coalt BWJ .. X.wport CIGIIlpetitian -=heduled fer '11lun-~ out ln tbe ..,..... • a Jua1ar flri deput~Mot PIO-~ Manlaal WaJtlr lfolllw. vada. aat 1Mcb. at 3:15 p.lQ. • • • clay, Mardl I. at Hub« ColJete, t.aneeL JJl hlp ...._ ..... W 'nae ...... wtU tile ...... a IAit w.efl(a JI'Oif*ID ~. a to aecol'dtn~ to Coacb Hue at on a mark ot Ull, wbJela IIIJI ..... tour tbroap ftre ~t _.. ol eoa.cl iUct. 011 lf&deo a at ~ j• • T • lluplr. on many ot tbe ......-ct ......_ .._......_.aDd ••• •• c~ea. Ot:J u4 Aeapq~co .,._ t.7 m, c... c~e~ MISSinl'l' Win 'nll'ee burcll .. wtto ttcure to Two pote vaw.. ..... ....-. ODIIInU.. of ftre t 11 • t I a r J1oJd B-.bNnl. CbaNII ~ 111ar ••• A *-1 1'\l.ad ..... u lll' provide Iota ot eompetftion are Into condition are IIU 1JM1a1. eqoWmeM. 'I1M7 wW take .... a ruM at tbe .....uq, Jeell VIa IJ4o ... Jfewport mv4.. Found Safe DAdr H~ BW Jla.rNon Montebello, and ..... Sd .... ~ aact IDIU ar. ,..... lhlc$an wae tlut cloow ~ and N...-pcn a-da. wu r~ '¥ and Bruce K.ntpp. Humaton b a Ceree Hlp Sdlool. U.,U bu ventlon lnlpecdou of their own l ame. Ba)' ..m.ed the •ttmcl· after •••• 1t1ta eemplaJJMd Uaat Tustin boy and the .,n of the nulted 11' 4" aD4 ......,.. bU Tar varalt)' Qc1 juru. vanity ...._ and Jatd8. After tbU tlw7 ance prbe beeaUM be bad been It wu bloddn~ the view and Duane D. Willi~ 2>, a fOI'ID« track coac:h at Tu.tln tone up 12' 7". buMa1J teama wlll open thetr wW M preeented a cllploma and abient the tint meetbt~ In Peb· atmo.t ~ &Ciddmts .•• ,_ Southern C&Wotnl& Bible CoUep Blah, VIncent Humetrton.. He bu ;=========;:;;;;;=. ....,. may, Mar* 2, wttb a junJor ftremen'a badr-. ruary. can wefoe Involved In an led· INdent belWWcl a clrownlnr Yic-llldmmecl the UO lows ln 13.8, p r a e t 1 e e ..,... apJNt Lema Tbe bad,_ were pu.rdiued by dent on Cout Rwy. at the An:b• t1m. a.rrt~ l&fely at b.ls father'• tbe 180 lows In 20.7 and bu a Jteaeh .lotclan on ~ Tar dla· the Newport Harbor xtwa.nb 4 A H ri • drlvn by WU11am M. Iones of home In Lonr IlNdt. Mewpcll't belt of 10.5 In the 100 yard dub. mamcl, Ooech EmU Neeme bu Club. re u In 1137 Dolphin Tr .. lrvtne Terrace. pollee '"" DOt1fled at 9:015 p.m. Be b an All-~· Leaeue &.JIIICMlftOecl The fire department .,.._ to and lames A. Cowan of 602 Mar· l.ut Thu:ncla1. champion. low~.P'u~C:..!..~ot. ~ .. ~ publicly thank SUperlntenclent 3 -Auto . crash ruertte Ave.. Corona del Mar . • • Newport Beach lJ1e euarct. and BDJ BarrlMn, H u n t I n It 0 n .._.... ._ ~ o..u-.."' R.oy Anclenen and the prtnclpab Max Pope of 1530 Tultln Ave., a hub« department patrol boat ~~each, wu one of Cout'a best Mareh 5; JUwnW., here, Mwdl and teachers Involved In thla Four were 1n1ured In Costa Mesa. reported the theft had Mardled the hatb« en-badd!eld performers ctu:rfne thll IIIPLETE 8; Lonr BHdl WU.On. here, proeTam. J'tre Chid 1. R. Brt8ooe a t'h.ree-=.dent In front of of tool.a valued at $300 from a b'anc:e and area ott the Corona ':21 football aea80n. Harrbon wt1l Jludl ta: 0 e e an •I de. thee, of Newport BMch announced. 39tS w Coast Hwjr Newport earaee at a Belvue Lane, BaJ. ~~ Ku mam beach the r.rentnr al.lo taclc..le the blp.a, the ap:rfnts Karch 15; Lone Beac:h WU.On. -He feel thla proeTam wUJ Beach ~t 2.41 am. Mclay Mew· boa . . . before In an attempt to locate and the broad jump. Bruce there. Marcll 2), and Oceanside, ma.ke tor more fire COIUicloua port Pollee ~ • e iATVIIDAY n:a. 11 the student. ltnJgp, Newport Beach, hu a here. AprU 5. cltlzena of the future," CbJef Police aald a ~ driven by Offtcen eaJied a tow car to pull Newport pollee found clothlnr. best of 13..3 In the lows. and 20.2 Su.Met Leque eames will Brbeoe aatcl. Mn. Mellie E. Martena, 58. of a 1929 model car from the IM.y atatJonery and an unftnlahed In the hlehs. He was All-Sunset .tart on :Ma.rdl 22 with Santa rnelewood. hJt the rear of a car at 39th St. and IUver Ave~ New· letter to a pi named June, on LM.aue 1n the lows lut year. Ana JourneflQr here. Other Burglar Gets driven by Vivian B. Bodman, 38. port Beach, puahed there by boys the Corona del Mar main beach. lea~e CI.IDft to follow include of 2131 Wallace St.. Costa Mesa. ... Mra. BeUlna Boardman ot omoen were cheddne o~t a car Fullerton. th•e. Karch 29: Gar-c h h k .topped to make a left tum. Both 1752 Klramar Dr.. Balboa, com-parked on the beach at 7 .5C p.m. den Grove, here, April U ; Or· a$ I c ec vehicles had been traveling weat plaJned that 110meone put naJll Wednesday, Feb. 15. They were anee. here, April 16; Anabelm. on CoUtr Hwy. The Martens ear under-the tires of her car durlni told by a couple on the beach there, Alwll 19; H u n t I n 1 t o n • H • S h I rlanced off the Bodman car to the put two nJrht:a . . . KrL T. that they had aeen a penon eet Beach, the-e, Aprll 23; Santa In I c 0 0 the rtrbt and htt the third car. F. Theuerkauf of 226 Diamond out of the ear and eo out on the Ana, t.befto, AprU 2i; Fullerton, rq:l.tered to Hester W. Bock of Ave., Balboa lllaod, complained be&cb and they bad not .een h~ May 3; Garden Grove. A $10 bW, a $10 check and 30 Santa Ana. which wu parked that abe came home to find that b.lm since that time. The search th -... • ., 8 0r ... _ v... cents In chanee were atolen from wu started and a mlsatna .-ere, --; an_., w-e. --on the dirt shoulder of the bJgb-.,meone bad thrown a laree • ,_. · 11; Ana!Mim, h.-e, ~ 15 and a cablnet In the aerlcultural way. rock throueb a window, wbJdl aons broadcast wu put out. Buntfneton Beach. here, May 17. buUdlne ot Newport Harbor Hleh Both driven were Injured. lit on a bed. apraylne elus all A twin brother, Dwllht. who School aometJme between 6 p.m. Others burt Included Hue1 L. over Genevieve Peuaon of shared a room with h1s brother fllaL .. E__. ... Saturday and 11:12 a.m. Sunday, Davta, 35, of IneJewood, a pu· 309 ~chid Ave .• Corona del Mar, ln the college, aaJd that b1a par· .._ .... Newport pollee reported. aeneer In the Martens vehicle complained of the theft of a SS enta bad been trytne to break up l•&llrles II ·ani•• I' llt••., IIJ, 11 A I'aramount boy, 17, taken Into custody by Los Aneeles sheriff otflc:ers hu admitted ra• I raee and car burglaries on Bel· vue Lane, Balboa. Newport pollee 1 reported. The boy admitted eolng Into tour or five opeo ~araees and 10 or U open cars. Burelary cues cleared Included the ea· II II ITIIEI t opr<r "!J •••• . , ' . ' ~~-. r, ~' Mll n. 'Ho .... •.....-t .... -lC...IIwy_.. .. c-...... a,_ ..... ~ lllhl The bureJar ripped a acreen and Elwood F. Shell, 46, of 141 petticoat. a pair of pants and a an affair between his twin and IWr ..... ._.. -• ••-from a window to ealn entry to Vlr""nJa Pl Costa Mesa a pu-b tr b cl th U Dr a lune Myers of Fresno, pollee the buUdlne. He broke a paper a• ., • ra om er o es ne . . . . reported. The Jldck.oft rae. ot the 1l5e punch type tool trylna to aatn .eneer ln the Bodman vehicle, C. R. Forbes of m1 Seashore Dr.. The f&ther ot Duane D WU· r~e of lohn D. Carden. 420 Bel-'=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ vue Lane; car ot leanne Christen· t' son of 414 Belvue Lane; raraee sport~ ear ....-on wUl be held 1 • • pollee said. The lnjur~ were Newpert ae.ch, reported aeelng · Saturday ud SUnday, Feb. 25 entry to a ocked cabinet. the taken by ambulance to Hoae a lone bomb·abaped obj«t Ooat-Uams came to the Newport po· and 2;, at the Palm Sprlnp alr· only one In the buUdJne which Memorial Hospital ln I th U 36th St.. It Uce station Saturday to explain ~ ~ port under-the auaplcea ot the b used to keep money, poUce w:. ~en:n::*:! : noat ~ a the situation. He sald bll 80n ~r- of Mrs. Ed&ar WbJ~ ot 429 Sevtlle Ave. and the car f1l Mn. W. Finch of 4U Belvue Lane. Loa Aneel• and Palm Sprlnp said. . vy boat wu upset emotionally becau.se ~P~~~.~ M~~ chapters of scx:A The burelar then went to the na · · · of the ~· cUsa.creemetlt so• .OD '10 11c11a.us .. "' U&IJ•'<'&~ ~- A number of Harbor ~a omce of Charles Funnel ot 2169 e SVJrDAY. PD. 11 with b1s lntentions to many lune A .,n. Blair Jan. wu born to We'll adjuat your ltpta aporta car enthualuta will be out Tustin Ave., C:O.ta Meaa, who re-omc:era quarantined a doe !(yen, IeVen years h1s aenidt. Hr. and Mrs. Je-rome Mdlanua to 5.A.E. SpeclfleatiOoa. there competine with the top ported the burelary, and took Application for lnc.reued far• wbJch bit Donna Elliott of 223· The boy bad apparenUy ln· of 211 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa. fll.ll ij ~ clr1wn of Southern Calltomla. keys to a tool room from his on all of Its Interurban llnes.' ln· 35th St.. Newport Beach ... tended to run away to South In Hoar Men'lOl'tal Hospital on Amona the loea.b wlll be len&do work jacket. ~o acrew drlvera, cludlne the Loa Aneeles to Mew· Damon P. Sdenen ot 410 RJver. America and picked the drown· Sunday, Feb. 5. @ _, •••put ...._ Lor&ano. sw-ldent of the Loa A.n· a crow bar and a pair of bolt port·Balboa llne. bu been filed aide Ave~ Newport Heiehta. re· Inc ~al u a cover-up [« bla ... p:a:l'l .._. plea Chapter of SCCA. who hu cutteQ were removed from the with the Calltorn1a State Public ported the theft of an $85 car dla&ppearance. Re cll.anaed bJs Pat:ronJJe the merdlanta who ...._ SGI ju.t mowd clown here to become tool room and used to force open UtUIUes Cornmla.son by Metro· ,_dlo from b.ls car pulled 1n the mind however. and returned adftrttw ln the Newport Bar-0,.. DtiiiiF 7 .._ .. 1 ~ a Balboa laland realdent. .u.o on the locked eablnet. polltan Coach Lines. home. the father told pollee. .:.bor~~EN:I;;;ID-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~;;~~~ band wW be John Port« of Mew-''The tncreue requested In UG&L •O'rte& port. who I.ISCCA Meretary. .,.. •• Y1111 U. 1513,110 annually, an average of •OTEZ OP n •aura The track at the PaJm Sprlnp I about 6.16CJ'," aecordJne to leae hiiU. P• All raj•m•t airport hu been lencthened and •• II PIIJ If • Haugh, president ol Metropolitan ~ Jllglawq .peeded up for thb race. Thb The concert band of Brleham Coach Linea. ''Thb wW not quite Notice Is hereby efven to all wt11 be the lOth lpeed fest at the Youn• Untvenity wlD preeent a eover the annual wace J.ru:reue freeholders In the Flttb Road ciMert apa, which hu bouted o:f proeram of clusJcal ud aemJ. of 1799,300 effected by recent District that the bearlne of the A C02 eartrldee attached to • tbe ~&qat field o1 entrl• (al)) P 0 P u 1 a r mualc and favorite ~t. w1th bua drtvera, petition of 1. Chalmers Wrlaht. toy metal car by three Balboa and tbe tuta.t .,...S dodrad aft a h o p men and clerical em et al, tiled on February 14, 1956. Island Juvenile boya, blew the tbe cout. wl\en a Grand Prta ~1:\:e~: .. w~C:f: ployee.s.'' . tor the abandonment of the b~ car Into about five pieces. Maury Jl'errarl aoeeded 170 mn. an 1~ auditorium. The concert la lnatter de.cribed 5tJoHU In the Stauffer of U7 Topaz Av~ Bal· bour ... 1.-L-71-Fltth Road Dlltrlct. 1n Oranp boa laland, notified Newport po-Th~ wUJ be three raca on IPOn.eored by the Church of J•ua .._... -d&ZII'IIII County, CalltornJa, has been .-t Uce at 3:30 p.m. Saturday. Saturday and wven on Sunday. Cbrllt of Latter-day Saints. J-L. p rf 11 le-t-for WednMd~. the 21st day ot The roy car was owned by h ls Amona the evenu will be a l ... I .... March. 1956 at 9:30 o'clock. A.M.. two son& Mr. St~utfer told po· .6dan race, a ladles' race, a vet· I P•lll llllrte, 4, Sat .John Zimmerman, .,n of at the room of the Board ot Su-lice. The toy was taken from er-an ~ race, and also a race ... ._._ C. 1 ...._ Mn. Pearl L. Hanks, 203 E. Bay perv1sors In the Court BdWJe at them by the three other boys. between the veteran race cara -• ._ St., Balboa. r~nUy took part ln Santa Ana, California. Ofllcen contacted the other and the modem aporta cars .to an Army Tran.portatlon Corps Said Streets propoeed to be youths, who aeree<S to make rest· ..We the old problem. '"they jest Pamela M~. 4· of l13 Vla review In Korea. abandoned are described u tol· ltuUon. The youth ownlnr the don't make 'em like that no Yella. Lido lsle, suffered mJnor The review, one of the largest lows: C02 cartrldee said it was the more." InJuries when she apparently ever held In Korea, wu for Maj. Columbia Drive and the por· last he owned. ran Into the right rear fender of Gen. lohn W. Harmony, clllef of dons of Dartmouth Place, Vl:r· ------................ .. IIIII Fill •• a car traveJlne about 15 mJlea. atatr for Anny Foren, Far East elnJa St:rftt. TrlnJty Place and PmE CAusa 1'50 DAIIACE an-hour on Lido We at 4:45 p.m. and Elehth Ann.y. Bryn Mawr Avenue u abown on Careless smoking caused a tlre Saturday, Newport pollee re-Sereeant Zimmerman. a Orst a Map of Tract No. U <MEL· In an owrstutfed chair ln the ported. sereeant with the 49th Transpor· ROSE MESAl recol'ded In Book 9, borne of Thelma Powers of 2002 All ru..t ol the Arwq, 1o1m Wltneaes said the victim ran tat&on Lllbt Truck Corn~n)'. ar· Paee 19, MJscellaneo\d Maps. -clay St.. Newport Helehts. at AREPI.ACE RXTIIES CUR TAIN SCREENS SANTA ANA 2204 S. Main St . PASADENA 1215 E. Walftut St. SY. 2·2136, IY. 1-1067 OPEN MON. AND .... EVL Mc:Gowan. vocational murwelGr out from behind a ear puked at rived tn the Far East ln January, Records o( Oranee County, Call· U :22 p.m. Friday, the Newport at Newport Harbor Union bltb 827 Via Lido Soud and Into the 1955. He b a v~eran o1 13 years fomJa. whkh are not Included Beach flre department reported. 8Cbool, will participate ln a day alde of a ear belne driven by ot Army serviCe. He holds the within Tract No. 463, u shown The blaze c.ause<t $50 damaee. Jt ot.t~~~~~~Do~~~~~~El~~~~~t~~and~ooa~pth~~edln~w~u~~~~~~~;~~ed~~~~~~~~;-=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Northern CallfemJa. He will be mulne. The alrl was taken to hu al.lo served ln the European Book 32, Pare 3, llt.ttcellaneous f flown to the tart on the morntnr Ho.e Kemotlal Hospital. theatre. Maps. Recorda ot Oranp County. f/1 March lat. r«urntne the aame Calltornla. exceptine from aatd ~~n~urpoee ot thu trip u to 111111 C.. ........ ·-tf 1'1111 ..... f,:O~ ~~~~~~v~'!..=.; rtve pertinent Information on the TWo ltolen em were fe(X)wrecl IIW 11 .. LIMIIII are Included within the rtrht of Army Reserve ProeTam to bleb by police Saturday. Mrs. Walter way for Superior Avenue de- 8Cbool coUNdon throgehout the P. .len.ninp of Santa Ana re. Mary' a House ol Maple at 3422 scribed In Deed to Oranae County llate. 'nle)' In tum wlll be more ported ~er 1955 two-door car E. Cout Hwy,, Corona del Mar, recorded Jn Book »Q, Page 217, adequately prepuecl to answer stolen from a patkJna lot near wiU move to 2846 E. Coast Bwy., o t t 1 c 1 a 1 Reeorclt of Or an~ .tuclent qu..Uou about the ,.. VIa Lido and Newport llvd., Corona ~~ Mar. on Apdl 1. County, CalltornJa. ..-ves and to rtve proper, ftnt· Newport Beach. at 3:50p.m. owner Ted RuDell announces. By order of the Board of Super· band ruJdance to the many A witness saJd It wu taken by The buUdlna at 284S E. Coast vbors of Oranee County. Call· :rounr DMft wbo will become a a blond boy, about 17. Mrs. Bwy., next door to the Newport fornJa. Dated tht. 14th day o1 put ot thla vut re.erve corpe. .lenntnp' car wu recoveree! late!' Barb« Bulan, bu been pur-February, 19el6. In the Sean parldna lot In Santa cbued by Mr. Jtuaell. It ls Pl8· (SEA.Ll TWO WOiUii AU II1Jft Ana. A ear owned by Earl F. ently occupied by Tbe lalanders. L. a. wALLACE llll L. Hull. 21. of 1&19 Pia-Baldennan ·of Santa Ana. .tolen which wlll move to another eo. County Clerk and ex·otflclo centla Ave., Costa Mesa. drtftr, 11om the Santa Ana Country rona del Mar addral. Clerk ot the Board of Super- and Mollie Nlcolldc. Jl. .... Club, wu recoveree! ln the aame visors of Oranee County, Call· I acldreu, pueenift, suffer ed pall:lnr lot from where the len· fomla. mtnor lnjurles ln a two-car accl-nlnp vehicle was taken. Publlah dent 1n floqt of 2820 Newport · Newport Harbor Ena1an .. vd., lfewt*t BMch. at 1:2> Tim MLDWIIIIIIOYE ftbruary 23 and March 1, 1956. a.m. on Feb. 8th. Tbel:r car htt The L. Grant Baldwtna are re- a parked ear ~ to Char-eelvlne their mall In Paaadena U QAL •O'I'ICK * M. .JadiiiOD o1 2810 Newport tbete daya. 1'IMy formerly were Sinal• taurnament at the New-Mo. P. A. 881 Blvd. llvtnr at 213 Ruby Aw., Balboe port BMch KunJdpal Bawllnl WO'I"'CCIE '1'0 c:::.arroa lalancl. Gteen.a lut w.ek. ESTATE o• AUGVST II. ALDX8& 1'q IDft Mrs. WID.Iam Brlma tlrOil flnt ROGGE, a111o know1l aa A. B. Alumnae ot Zeta Taa AJpb.a 1011 .,.. '1'0 a.ata with a blrh ot 1'7 polnta. Eel BOCCE. DEC'EAS'ED. luiult)' Ill Oranp c.o...:r ... A -. ..... EDJot. waa bom Kunet a.nl8bed ., cloee .con4 RO'nCE IS BDEIIY GIVEN to ..et tomorrow (.......,) .. tiD .... a.A lila. St\lart Ccln7 fll wldl 11 polnta. IJ014 !be•• the 'eredltan ~ uc1 all penon~~ hl:ncbeon at tbe boale fl; Ill& 2M Gol~ A.... Colona deJ took tb.lr4 · wftb 13 .,.._. Kcl bavtnr ~ ....,. u.e •Jcl IIMert hltoa. tOt Cuaoe ~..aM. liar, 1n ..... u •tal B•••J Wilcox pU... ~ pa.. cleeeclent « eaJd -.t. to me JlaUatll& ' oe .._..,, l'elt. I. wUb a 12 poa.t ..,_. tbcm wltb the we '7 ~· en In the otr1c» fill tiM Oft of tbe Superb . Court tl tM _.. of Callfwnla. Ja ... .. ... ODallb' of Or..... • .. ... t tbe name. 'tllrfa tM .... " ~ 110 the 1 •••• ......, • -... ... IMr ,.,_ f/1 hlb ... ...... : .... Aan', fdllc ........ ..... -ea-t .._ All-. Santa Ana.~ .......... a~anttaa ana u.. Dnlt peNte-'*' f/1 ... 8CIIUce. Datlcl~l. ... .. .. .u:lft, ....ale ...... . • IIIIMarflltM ............. .... ....... ...... ~,.. .. ~ .. •In':>' a ..-. 1m aeet 01111 ......,, o..lla ....... I4CII=·=~·~ .. r.l n ,...,.a • • ... -..~--···- knit shirts w ith a C ontinental flair by DONUOOR .. I hi att .... aelara ... .,.. ........ sa-DD• Ill IIF •• tt h Rt • ..... M.a. : ~ m~!lr; ~·HOWDY NEIGHBOR!" 9 Candidates In Mesa Race ~ ........... Ill& ........... -Olebkl ....... a.-a c. .................. '1Wr'lm ....... 1Mat tM:r ..... 11ft For Counc •• l ,... ..... llr •.................... oeaa. .... 0( ,.. ...... la ............ ,.. .. .. ~ llr. ~ .. aee.ur. . Loe ............ --tM-....,. ., Or...-~ ( ... , Tb8'e are nlDe cudWetiM Ia ...,.... 1MN ._.. .... u.., tlt.1llk llaftll7 ftad t1aem no JDON) aDd tbe O:llta )(..a net .. Couadl. thla Ia tbe "MXt ...... to Ill& Dlluttar lk.U. &CD ... wtlJeb wt11 be ......... Ia tM IMawa.. and waat to 1lrtJaa rwu.ado VaJJe7. '!'be Uttla lldl. ApillO elfdJon. 'naNe coundl· their dllldren. Noel, ... t, aad Vldd, ... ~ a.ad ~. l .... IDIIl are to be named. Bonny, f. at the bMch. Tbe both aa~ too. Mr. DI8Uttir Sgt. Dowd, Killed in Crash, Former Newport Resident ~ Doaald I . Dow« 0( _, Ae called El Tolo autt.orw., ~ PL. Colta ...... OM ol 40 dO did not know wbleb ol ftYe mara.. ll1Ued ill tiM c:rub ol u aircraft ~ the m.tlt had a Toro aaartne ~ Frt_, eruhed. &I conf&matSoD ...., AJ•...S.. WM fot111Mrl7 a ~ later. let-Dowd wu a nelcleDt at G-40tb lt., !f.-port ..... .,. ol tbe ftve·ID&n fttpt laland. t:ftiW ,.._ m 'two. ,_. Gth.- s,t. Dowel .. 1\lntwd ItT bl8 IUitMa ... ltatloMd at Camp = =-~;~th~e:!i ....... . OORAL BEAUTY SALON Leel P.,Ow ... ~ ~-· ....... HAZ8. PAliCilSON Cell Fot Appolftt-* HAIIOl 11?6 )7)2 l eo. .. ..w:,. NMr 'ow; C.... .. .,.., 'l'!le candidate.. Wtlltam J. Reeees had prevtoualy lived ln WCll'lca fc. a. W. Ms:CJeUan 'fa _.;;._--~~-__;.-__ _ Abbot Sr.. route aa.le.man, 371 Corona del Mar for a year 101M Sonl, bulldtn tn eo.ta )(~ COST'.&. MES' A a• ,uay w. wu.on.. St.; l . D. Dovenplke, time aeo. • • • 1111 M Aft buUdJog contractor, 383 Esther • • • A realck!llt for two weea Oft Colleen. L 'lb~ Nllded on New· port Wand for tour yee.n before moving to eo.ta Mesa a year ago Jut luly. s,t. Dowd wu from Albaey, New York, and bit St.; Bruce w. M.artln, Incumbent, Mr. and Mra. Rex Reuon are Acacla Ave., Corona del Var, 1a * ~AI fll * 2225 Santa Ana Ave.; Robert L more or leu pobed mld·movlng M.ra. Eva F. Mac:Quame, for· .rs.--. wUe 1a from Mlnneeota. Mrs: Dowd flrlt heard of the crash while watching televtalon. Mennes. ahlpe carpenter, 2025 but wtll soon be more perma· merly ot BoUywood.. Mra. Mae· 71a-Fri. 1 ._. l!..i..L M y -Harbor Blvd.; Alvln L Pinkley, nently aettled In Shore Clitia. Quarrle, a widow, haa been af. Eleven cues ot animal rabies 1 _.., _.., r-. .., .., Incumbent, 153 Broadway; Bert· Leu than a month ago. the Rea· ftlJated f~ el&ht years wttb were reported In the county dur· TAn.oa arr QIJIL u avua lit .a DOZ. UJIKD, QLilZ'I'D 5 ren 1. Smith. Incumbent. 564 sons moved to Santanella Ter· SJdnner Seal Co., makers of In· I~ the two weeks ending Sat\11'· 4 ~ Park Ave.; Author W. Tuttle, file race, Irvine Terrace, from Portu· dustrlal seal f« Jet engtnea.. Be-day, Feb. U, making a total of A daughter, NatalJe Anne, wa1 IOIJII.TI protec:tion. 370 Eatber St.: Fred guese Bend. . eently the plant wu moved to 20 caees durlng 1956, which 11 born to Mr. and MrL Richard -·-.. --·-·-·-··-----. ..DOZ. Wilson, manufacture!\ 1700 Pia· Mrs. Reason wu astounded at Santa Ana from U. Angeles. 20 more than were reported dur. Taylor of 515 lumtne Ave., Co· 1701 Jf.,...,..t m..s... Coeta ..... centla Ave., and Roy Windell, the way the Harbor Area bu Mrs. MaeQuarrl~ hu a 110n, who tnr the begbmtng of 1955. rona del Mar, on Sunday, Feb. <Near 17th St. A Safeway Market) m~~.~~~e~ ~~-~~~co~~~a~~~~ln~~a ·~~fl~oo~l~~·~~·=ln~~H;o~a~g~M~~~;rl;~;~H;~~;~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Good grip, and •ure to be a line golfer." That's what papa Clyde Beebe 18 M}'ing already about little Lee MJehael Beebe, born on Llncoln'a blrthday-sun· day, Feb. 12-at Hoag Ha.pltal. welehlng In at 8 pounda. Clyde, Jn addition to bil goUlng, ~ as· atstant city engineer lor the City ot Newport Beach. Your Health liT DAILY ll E. Helldricl" D.C. 1. I wlll begin a nd end each day with r rayer. 2. I wU treat my body as the temple of God. 3. I wtU app?eclate and enjoy lite's blessings. 4. I wlll Uve by faith, not fear. 5. I will laugh for pure joy. Balboa lsland each summer with Aall Force and reside. 1n Gu:am d I sea 1 e report from Orange r her grandmother, but had not with his wUe and daughter. She County Health Department. show seen this area for about tlve &1810 hu a married daughter wh? a high rate of mumps In the years wbUe they lived In flllnols. teaches In Westwood. area. More cues (125) were re· Mr. Rea.son ~ general manager • • • ~ed during the two weeks of Cone Bros. Chevrolet In Ana· A Cbrlstmu present to Corona endlng February 11 than all of helm. The Reasons have two del Mar were the lohn L Adams Jut year ~ that date. During daughters. One hu been teach· family, new resldentl on Latk· 1956 there have been to date 359 lng ceramics and art tor three spur Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Adams cues of mumpa u aealnst 105 years ln Mlchoaean. Mexico, and their son. Chrla, age 13, for the begtnntng of 1~. How· under UNESCO and the other Ia moved to the Harbor area just ever there are less than hall the now married and living 1n Cbl· before Chrbtmu from Playa del number ol chickenpox cues re· cago. Rey. Mr. Adams, a buUder, 1a ported In 1956 than 1n the same • • • Just finishing a job ln Malibu. prlod ln 1955, There have been The Harbor area can boast of and expec:U to transfer h~ bw.l· eight ca.-of polio 110 far thJs having a former big tlme tennla ness to this area. Chrt. t. al· yM.r u aga.ln.at one 1n a slmllar and golf star living wttbln ltl ready enrolled ln the eighth period la.t yM.r. domain, as weU u wc.ktng here, grade ~t Horace Ensign School. because Mary K. Browne now • • • lives on Dolphin Terrace 1n It· .Althoueh Mr. and Mrs. H. Paul vine Terrace. Miss Browne moved Forton moved to the Harbor area here from Emerald Bay and, as from Van Nuy.. they both call before, she~ associated wtth the Mt. Clemens. Mich., their home. Dear Mr. Baapa: Harbor Investment Co. They now Uve on Narcissus Ave., Miss Browne ls a California Corona del Mar. and Mr. Forton daughter, born In Ventura. Sbe Ia In the real estate business, a Is a former National Tennis partner ln the Osborne·Forton Champ and also runner up In firm on Mariner's Mile 1n New· National Golf Championships. port. The Fortens have two mar· Her accomplishments also In· rled children, both with families elude three years with the Amer· of their own, a son In Los An· lean Red Cross during the war geles and a daughter1n Phoenix. when she S(>rved both ln Au· • • • stralla and Europe. She also has Organizations a t t en tlon ... We memben of the PTA Board wish to exprea our gratitude for the excellent news coverage you and your ltatt have given the activities of the Parent·Teacher A.aoelation of H a r b or View SchooL Your Interest and cooper· ation Ia deeply Jppreclated. Slncerley yours, leanS. Buttermore Corres. Secy. "There must be a better way to buy furnishings!" There certainly i~onsult Baker's Professional Decorator! avoid the shopping ... the costly do-it.yourself mistakes . . . Our decorator worh with yoo within your pr•determined budget, the results are priceless . . . your home is a reflection of the taste and personality of your family • . . a wonderful place to live happily-.ntertain proudly . . . ,A.t Baker's there is no charge for this service. • ... ~A . -# f.,fl FURNITURE CORONA O£l "'-"II ,&$4 '· COA~T j.<IGWWAY 14.t.RIOII 54l7 6. I will think the best of others. 7. 1 will practice the Golden Rule. S(>rved as an American Express before Mrs. Gladys W. Tye moved guide for European tours. Even ~ the Harbor Area from Los An· alter thls travel, sbe still loves geles. she wu a member of the her native state best. AJthough Parkvlew Women's Club, first Mlss Browne has virtually given vtce.presldent of the Crenshaw up tennis. she stiU plays a lot of Chamber of Commerce Women's golf ... across the street at the Division, a member of Hollywood Irvine Coast Country Club and Dinner Club and the Eastern she has taken up painting as a Star. Mrs. Tye, a widow, Ia a new hobby. Included In her family resident on PolnaettJa Ave., Co- Harbor VIew PTiAiliiiiiillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 8. I will bring happiness to some poor unfortunate. 9. I will return good ror evll. 10. I wUl harbor no resent· menta. 11. 1 will meet the situations u they come. 12. I will leave the future God. is Buckshot. a beagle pup. rona del Mar. Her father. Louts to • • • Wanke, Uvea with her. She baa THE NER'S GARDECORNER a married son. who still lives In Los Angeles. • • • More newcomers from Los An· geles are Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hauaman. who moved 1n Ju.at a few weeks ago to Dolpbln Ter· It took 20 years ol persuading, race, lrvlne Terrace. Mr. and but Mrs. Marte Hardsteen hu Mrs. Hausman plan to make finally moved to !he Harbor this thelr ~rmanent home. but Area. Mrs. Hardst~n 8 daughter, they have already spent many I Mrs. Ken Niles, hu been trying summers hl're and love boating for that many years to get her In the Harbor. They have two mother to move down from hlld both away at college Santa Monica. where Mrs. Hard· c ren, ' steen had her own rental bust· The • ---rs to Your but close enough to come home ess Sh Is now nicely settled nDB"W'If occasionally. n · e M 1 ld Gardening Questions Thelr daughter is a sophomore' near the Ocean on argo at USC. She Is a member or Ave., Corona. ~e.J M• ar. by Bn.L FEBCUSOM AJpha Phi sorority and Is major· I Every year Mr. and Mrs. G. H. QUEmOM: Is It all right If lng In retailing. Their son Is a Blankenship would travel from the shrubs In a garden vary junior a t Claremont College, I Midland. Texas. to Orange ~ considerably In height? wher~ he ts majoring In Business 1 visit their daughter. Last year, AMSWEft: Every garden needs Admanlstratlon. Mr. Hausman Is I'" September. they stayed three i~r ~~~tr~~~ ~e;Jiyb~t!ln~~.anl a sales representative for Varsity wee-ks and finally bought a home permanent shade tree Jn just Town Clothes Co. with headquar·l on Orchid Av., Corona del Mar. the right place can make an ters In Clncl~na!l. ?hlo. Then they went back ~o Texu otherwise wlshy.washy yard a Mlllt rv1 b ht Lt and sold their home there. mov· joy to behold and a fine sum· ary IS(> ce roug 'l ing to the Harbor area perman. mer lounging area can be and Mrs. James Frank Harrison ently In January. Naturelly, Mr. built around lt. and their family to Poppy Ave., Blankenship Is In the oil busl· Come lD cmd ... our Nlec:tloD C?rona del Mar. from Panama ness In Midland. Another Mon. of apeclmeD U.... C1ty, Florida. because Lt. Harrl· Dan, Ia a senior at Oklahoma S&B CrMD Trad.bl9 Stampe son Is In the Marine Reserves University and wiJJ be home stationed at the Llehter Than trom school thls summer with CORONA DEL MAR Air Base. Santa Ana. Both he his parents. NURSERY and Mrs. Harrison, however. can 2744 E. Coast Bighw,.. Chattanooga. Tenn., thelr home. -· The Harrisons have two little Bear ~~~ EDter children, Frank. age 1, and Sue ~~~~~~:=:=~~~-An __ n_~-2.--------~~~=== Lilce To Get OH? IAYINel • • • It was just like coming home when Mrs. James W. Manon, the former Kay Prldham, moved ~ Heliotrope Ave .. Corona del Mar. When the Marrons were married three years ago they set up housekeeping In Whittier, where he was worldng for the PacWc Telephone Co. Mrs. Manon grad· uated from Newport Harbor High School and formerly Jived on Balboa Island with her parenta. She met her husband at WbJttJer College. The family now Includes a 15 · month · old son, lama Stephen. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Don Buuey ot Fullerton Ave., Newport Helgbtl, and thell nlne·year·old daugh· ter, Diane, moved to the Harbor Area early ln January from Loe Angela. Mr. Bussey la manapr of the new Port ~ange TraUer Sales. He la uled to being near the water, even 1n World War n waa with the Cout Guard. Mra. Buuey wu In the real ettat.e ~ for ebout tn years and ~ to go bade into It toem ln the Harbor ArM. • • • The Thomaa Ba.rwooda on Kar· Jgold Ave. are new NSJdentl 1ft Corona del Mat. Before eomtn1 here theJ Uved a whll• In tM eo.ta ..... N e • port Relpt. area. but are Cirllln&IIY from 0· U.nota. Tbe familY lncludll a -. D:hanl ... 11. and 8 da8pWr CatoL .,. I, botb att~~nct~nr Bar· bor Vltlw IOeMntarJ ldlooL Jllr. brwoo4 II wttb a plumlltq linD lft ..... Putt. SUPER SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY -FRIDAY -SATURDAY-FEB. 23-24-25 We Carry Manning'• Choice Baby Beef Exduai?ely! 43~ Pork Chops :.-::a BOaiDL ALL JIUT WIENERS .,_O_IUQL ___ (_~-·--)-------------CIIOICE BACON 391. LEG 0' LAMB STEAD • 80AITI-CIIOICE U.CE I.ODf SIRLOIN TIPS 79:., LAMB CHOPS ~----------~--------------------------------6ft. Pork Loin Roast 4 4 CBOICE RUMP ROAST ,_------------------------------------------~· CUT IICOUD, cvaED .. .,_ PORK CHOPS 69~ Round Steaks QIAJfT SIZE IIOX nLLII U"b' • u r 1 AB 65~ 65~ 491. 69~ TIDE 5~ BISCUITS ____ ._-2 .. 25~ 23~ Oniia~~-Rolls ~ 23~ CALO CAT FOOD ...... -. .2 tllllll ... 'AaUT I Fro!•·'l food' l ~ I. Oleomargarine . k 3~ ....... _ .. -~ RSHSnCKS --··--......... --4~ Tomato Juice --25C cu. a-n:. . Creamed Tuna a:: 33t GIWEFRUIT ~ ·~ ~~--------~~--• MiX 45'