HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-03-01 - Newport Harbor EnsignHe'll Take Over From Ray Rosso Coach Al lrwfn of Newport Harbor High has been named to coach the football team at Qr. anp Cout CoU~e by the Or· ange Ceut CoUege board ot tnm.ees. Coach Irwin had recently been named over-all football coordJ- nator for the Tar football vanity, b and c team&. Be wu formerly head coach of the vanity team. He replaces Ray Rosao u foot- ball mentor at OCC. Mr. Roao will remain on the college atatf. COACB AL DIWDf • I Red Cross Starts Its Fund Drive A sum of $27.100 Is sought by the Newport-Costa Mesa branch of the American ~ Cross In a fund drive which started at 8:45 a.m. todky CThuradayl wiU. a klck -otf breakfast In the Irvine Coast Country Club. • The ~-James Stewart was !ICheduled to give a n Inspir a- tional talk to the drive work~s out to ralae 15 per cent more than the $23.500 sought last year. The larger sum ls neces· aary for flood relief. TAR TEAM -WINS 1ST C.I.F. IOU D Mr. and Mrs. Chllrles H. Fon· tlus and family of Bay Shores are the campaign d I r e c t o rs . Team captains Include Mrs. De· light Buell, aouth side of Corona del Mar; Mrs. Clara Axtat~. north side of Corona del Mar; Ralph Myen. Corona del Mar buslneu dl.strlct; Mrs. Re iner K~b. Balboa Coves; Mn. Ralph Godfrey. Balboa Isla nd; Mrs. Phelps M e r I c k e 1 • Bay Island; ~-Robert Stabler, Bal· boa Peninsula; Mrs. George Cur- tls, Bay Shores; Mra. B. N. Des· enberr. Bayalde Dr.; Mrs. W. H. Kirby. Beacon Bay; Mrs. Ruth Vedder, China Cove; Mrs. Uon Williams; Clift Haven; Mrs. D. Hoskins, Corona Highlands; Mrs. Georee Pfleger. Harbor Island; Mrs. Hadd Ring, Irvine Terrace; Mrs. A. M. Yerkes. Udo Isle; Mrs. C. D. Lake, Little llland; K. F. Fowler. Marlner'a Mlle; Ed Healy and Mrs. Harold Boyvey, New· port Beach; Mrs. Ray ~Is. Newport Seiahts; Mlsa Ullan Daniell. Shore Cli.Ua. and Hal Wlll Smlth. B&lbo6 l&land bus!· The Tar buketball team. Sun-•plte of tour 6-toot. 6 -lnch giants .et Lea.,e champa. won the first on the Helix aquad. Tar Guard round In the OF play-ott Tuea· Gary Green scored 23 points. day nlJbt and will meet San If the Ta,. wlo tomorrow they Dlqo Hoover BJgh tomorrow will meet the winner of the Long (Prl~) nl&bt. poulbly at Point Beach Wll.aon-R e d o n d o eame Loma. next Tuesday. Tbe Tan woo 66 to 60 Tuesday Harbor High beat Huntlnrton over Helix High, charnpa ol the Beach 67 to 58 Friday to win the San Dieco Metropolitan League, Sunset title. Harbor and Fuller· In the Garden Grove IYtD ln ton were tied with a 9-won. 3· Sales Tax LawOK'd fte Oaat;r Board ot Supeni· _.. weed 'l'ue8dq to aps~~DYe a oountF·wlde Alee tax Cll'diMDce, ... -............ tiM,..._ owab' propoeed 1~ "kJdl.blld(f from the Incorporated cltlee. Juat the day before the City ol Newport Beach had gtven final approval to an ordlnance allow- Ing the nate to collect the pres- ent dty 19e saleS tax. It was necessary tor the county to pass an ordinance also before the city could take advantage of the new nate law. The law will become effective April 1. Says Hold-up Men Get $150 He was aaaaulted and robbed ot about $1!50 cash a nd hls $17 wrist watch, Thomas A. Boss. 54. of 305-34th St., Newport Beach, complained to Newport pollee at 11 :30 a.m. Tuesday. Mr. Ross claimed that the act wu committed In the Seashore Colony area by four me n some- time before mldnleht Sunday. He delayed rnaklnr the report until Tuesday. The Newport man charred that he was grabbed by an EJ Toro marine, and "three or four other guys." Sale of Bait In Bay Asked A petition atened by .s2 aport· tl.ahJnl enthualuta was p~· .ented to Newport Beach City Coundl uldng fot amendment or n!'I)Ml of the sn-nt city otdJ. nance that ptoh.lblta aale of llve batt within the Harbor. CouDdl aCNed to name a com· mlttee. lneludJ.n& memben of the Oouncll. flahtn• lan4lnp. yadlt clube and Chamber of Commeree. lo.t reocord, but the Tars had beaten the lndJan.s twice. The Ollers gave Harbor a scare by jumplnr Into 15·3 lead In the flnt quarter, ~aytnr ahead 30 to 25 at the balf and 42 to 41 at the thr~-quarter muk. Then the Tan went on a l8 to 16 ra.mpqe ln the final quarter to win. • Merchants to Be Polled On ReiCKating Freeway Do you want the "feeder" Free-Freeway on Newport Blvd. eo.ta way switched from the Costa Mesa &lso asked tor Newport's Mesa route to MacArthur Blvd.? support In a.skJng the state to That'a the quest ion being put move the freeway from Newport to businessmen throughout the 1 Blvd. to MacArthur Blvd. City ot Newport Beach by the Councilman Clarence Higb ie Newport Harbor Cha mber of commented M o n d a y evening Commerce. at the request of the that this Is a matter th at ~featly I Newport City Council. concerns t he local merch ants Costa Mesa 's Council had Council referred the matter to asked tor the support of the the Cha mber. NeoNport Council In their cam · ------- palm against the atate's pla n ~ & w~-­ to construct a "ditch type" of .......-10 Flying Disc s Are Reported Two white nat obJects In the sky, shaped like kites. which lit up brilliantly when the s un reflected on them. were seen headed toward Catalina at a hlrh !'ate of a~. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Emeh ot 503-38th St., Newport Beach. ~potted to Newport pollee at 4 p.m. Sat· urday. Tbe object~ were traveling at approx!mately the same height u a jet but much faster. poUce learned from Mr. and Mrs. Emch. A almllar ob - ject wu aeen the day before, Mrs. Emch reported. Newport pollee contacted the loeal AJr Observer Corps who reque.ted that the Information be forwarded to the Pasadena mter center. MOVE TO U 'f ISI.AR'D The Marlon Gnya moved Tues· d~ trom Shore CWfs to thel.r aumm~ borne at 11 Bay Wand Club. Balboa. Dour's Doghouse Five trampled Louie's Cafe 51-42 Monday night In another round of the Santa Ana com m e r c I a I basketball league. Point grabbers were Nor· man, 16; Houslngton. 14; Roehm. 7; Hart. 8; Baker, 3; and Ken· nedy. 3. On Monday night they w111 play La Fonda Restaurant at 9 p .m. 1n the San ta Ana High School Gym. Rotary Fo rms New Club in Costa Mesa E. H. von Ehrenberr was elected president of the provl· atonal Costa Mesa Rotary Club at a luncheon mt!4!tlng Monday In the Vllla Marina. Kenny Fowler was elected tnasurer, with a secretary yet to be elected. Membef'S of the board of dl.rectors elected at an earlier m~ Included Hal Dlke, Roy Greenleaf 'Jr.. Rev. James S.. Stewart. Seltrn H. Franklin and Wllllam S.. Hoi· stein. The new gwup meets each Monday noon In VUla Mulna. NewCityManagerSought The City of N""PPrt Beach Is a statement of particulars. said seekJnr applicants tor the posl· to rontaln "from 30 to 50 points." Uon of city manaeer. followlng on which the Council asked tor last Fr1day'a surprise resignation comments from Mr Sailors b)' of John J. SaUors. 11 a.m. Friday. In the meantime City Engtneer Instead of an 11 a.m meeting. Bert Webb Is servine as ctty there was a brief letter from Mr. manager pro tem. Monday eve· Sailors: nlnr the Coundl voted to pay "It has become apparent that Mr. Webb the tEN9 monthly aaJ. I no loneer have the con!ldence ary that Mr. Sallora bad re· and aupport ot the coundJ neces· eelved. Coundl al.ao eUmlnated aary to perform my duties as dty daaa pade 10 (city 111aJlq8') m&naf8. With th1.a In mind, 1 trom the .a.,· owdlnanee eo herewith .ubmlt lfll reslgna· that they W'IIIIIW ha~ a tree tion." -- band to neaotiate on aalU7 wttb Tll1a Jetter wu rt"ad at a ..,e· applicants. ctal meetlnr at 3 p.m. Friday Frlday'a action wu the climax Mr. SaJlors' resignation was ac· of "ret Sallora" rumors that had cepted and he was granted 50 been hea rd from time to time for days ot accumulated leave. City severa) years. In paat months Eng ineer Webb was appointed there had been lncr@Aslng slens 1 as city manager pro tem. Mr that all was not well with the 1 Webb said, 'Tll do my best to the accord between city man· keep It on an even keel until arer and the cou ncil. There were you tlnd some one to fill this signs of disagreement over oil position pttrmanently " drUllng operations. fiscal poll· e PLEDGES ASSlSTAJifCE des. traller park pl&nning. ctty City At1orney Karl Davis then sewer a nd water problems. a nd I reported to Councll on a ronve>T· personnel ma tters. satlon he had had with Mr In eva.luatlng the city man· Sailors. agers job. the Council prepared 1 "Ht' E'xpressed a feeling o( sin Shore CliHs Subdividing Is Reiected by Council cere frtends.hlp to eacn and every I City Enrtneer It L. (Patl Pat- member ot Council. &nd to the terson. The Webbs Jive at 432 employees ot the city." aald Mr. Holmwood Dr .. Newport Helrhts. Davis. "He said he was very Mr. Sailors h ad joined the city anxious and willing to help a ny staU on No\'. 1. 1945. w hen he one destrlnr to ~«"Ute ln!orrna was named city administrator. tlon from him that might not In Ft'bruary, 1949, he w as ap· be available elsewhere." I pointed city manager. He Is an Mayor Dora Hill read tbe fol · A.ir Corps veteran ol World War lowtnr statement: 11, ~nr as adjutant pneral "Wltb the advent ot the City 1 for the Elcbth A1r Force 1n Lon· Charter ln January, 1955. one or don with rank ol full colonel. the Councll'a primary duties as Mr. and Mrs.. SaUora Uve at 315 8e't bth tn tb.at Cha.rter was to Cata..Una Dr.. Newport Betpts. review the quallftcatlona ol the g:::ne:~"!~~, ~:= ::n~ 1 ... •••••••• tlnuous duty to matntaln a hll'h IIEIIPIIJI ........ order of quallllcatlons for thee P oftlcers.. a nd ln the p~nt In· Park Cornmlalon recom.men stance the quali!ications of t he datlons for a salary lncreaR for City MAnager were under re the ~ation director and hlr· vie-w. Du!'lng the rt>YIE"W. the lng of thr~ additional tuU time Council r~lved Mr Sailor's employi."E's was approved by resignation Newport City Council Monday ·Tht'y now pla n to solld t ap evemng plicat1o ns for the position of Dlr~or Bob Glngrk h's aalary City Ma na ger from the hlghPSt w ill Inc-rease from $464 a m onth qualifi ed persons In the flt'ld to $511 New P<'r-.on nel to be 'The Council recognizes that hired. averagine about $380 the resignation of the C1ty Man monthly salary each. ~ gen· ager means that the governmPnt era) rt'('Tt>ah<>n supl'rvtsor. glrl!'l of the City Is entering a CTitlcal and women's ~up('rvtsor, a nd period. The Council as a body has men's and boys' supervisor resolve-d to devote even morE' time to the guidanc-e of civil af fairs than they have In tht' past. and tht>y earnestly requ<'Sl tha t department ht'a d!l and all City em ployM'" recogn1zt> that t'xtra e!fort wtll have to bf' madp to n.ir BirtWap W•'t a•• U~t Fast Newport City Council voted 6 subdivision ordinance k('('p our City runnlnlo! c:mnnt h l\ to 1 Monday evening to rt'jt'Ct The Shore Cliffs Propttrty Own ThE> Cou ncil fet>l~ ronfidt>nt lh." Dr. and Mf'S. Donald S Kling'<: f'TS As.~n . having rt'C't'IVed 11 Pf'!l tht'y dr• h:\\t' thP c:uppon of tht- request to resubdlvlde tht>lr tlon of opposition slgnt"d by 73 departmf'nt ht'ad~ and knnw 1 Shore Cliffs lot at Seaward Rd .. resldt'nts. had gone on rt'COrd op· th at vnu ao; dt"partmPnt hf'ad.; between Coa st Hwy. and Evt'n posln~ any resubdivislon or ~ ~111 Pe-rfc~ Ill' " 'PAm In ful ftl 1 'ftuoM babt... desttDed to ba.• blrtbdays oDly oec. ...,. foqz yean. ..,. bona lD BOCII9 Memorial Bocpltal up to 2 p.m. yesterday. Leap T.ar Day. lng Canyon Rd. zoning of any lots In the original !Jn~ your rt"Sponslbllltles to the The Kllnp. whOM rnldenc-e Is Sh~ C11ffs subdivision tNo. City · on that property, at 320 Seaward 1116.1 1 Mr Webb, w ho wtll sen·f" as 1 Rd .. were seekJn• to divide their e STKPATRETIC city m&nage:r until a nt>w ap triangle-shaped proper t y Into 1 Councilman Sanrly MacKay pol~tment. romp let~ 10 y~a~ ao; two lots and to eell the vacant said he was sympathetic toward ell) en~n~ toda) Hf'. "as ap portion as a second bulldlnr s ite. the peoople who Jl\·e In Shor. polntl"d to that position on Last Thursd~ evening the' CUtts and th at the C'ouncll must March 1. 1946. aner serving a l-l A fllrl wGS bora to Mr. cmd Nn. WUUam NodeD of 113'7 Syl.W. L.cme. Bcrrbor Btgb· 1aDda. at 1 :ZO CUD. A -. Nlch•l V.aoa. was bona to Mr. cmd Mrs. Jay Bcrwldas of 1201/t·lflllt!l Stu BUDtmvtva a.c.:b.. at 1:09 a.m. A daa9bter ... bona to Kr. Cllld lin. J)oa. cdd Jcmoary of 2111 State St.. eo.ta ...... at t :• CLa. City Planning Commission held cons ider their fef'llng~ 1 most a year u assistant under a public hearlng,llJJtened to pro-I William Gazlay. 350 Evening HELP NAME C ITY FLOWER tests ot Shore Cllfts pro~ Canyon Rd~ USft'ted that the owners. but voted unanJmoualy signers of the prott'St petition to approv@ the resubdJvision. I did not rep~nt a n)"'-i'lert' nf'ar Wtlat flower would you li~e to have for the officio! flower o f the e PJIOPEIIT'I aJOJITS a majority ol propttrty owners City of Newport Beech? Walter Longmoor, c:llainnan ol Attorney Don Harwood. speak· I The Women's CommittM of the Newport Horbor C homb.r of the Plannlnr O>mmlsslon. told ,lng u a Shore Clltfs rt"Sident. Commerce would li~e to ~now. They hove been given the job of com· the Council Monday evening. said that the City had deslrna· . . h d . L.· h •L.-·n h c· p I ''This application complied wtth ted the lot as R-1. and to rrant •ng up Wit recom~n otlonS .. w~tc mey w• p~~nt t~ t e ~ty on:, all the restrlct:Jons of our subdl-the application would be to re· 1 Beach ond Recreot1on Comm1sS1on. The Comm1Ss1on '" turn wtll sub- vision ordinance. M a resident sdn d this p~v1ous action. I mit itl recommendation to the City Council for final decision. ol Shore Cliffs. 1 ml1ht not like "All Sh~ Cllfts wants is to All this is being done in co nru nctiOtl with the city's observance of to see lt. but we had to confine keep It R·l ," be ald. its SOth onn'versol"( T~e Women's Committee wonk to re~N. ell our thinking to the man's p ro· Councilman Jay Stoddard sug-sugg est•ons from the local c t•zens by Morch IS, so ttl at en eer+y de- perty rtrhts." , ,esled that Shore Cllfts property cision can be mede on the offi cial city flower. Shore CUtts raldents objec· owners should pun:base t he Mr1. George Norman Peose of the W omen's CommitiM says tlons we~ summed "P. by W. P. blghway frontage lots for th~ that the flower should not be too e xottc or ••pensive. 5hould heve a Armstrong. who ald. 'My buls purpose ot beauutytng the ap· f ·.1.. b · · h ld L _ d bl f11 obj@dion Is that the t;ype of proachea to the communJt)>. a." '7 lonq loomenq penod s ou gw a apt a e to our scw1 and 1 bulldlnr that C'OClld a,. con· e o• 'I'D OYIIEJl sms d 1mate_ and not dtffi cult to grow. It cen be a flower, ,hrub, tree or I lltu~ed there would not be a Councllman Clarence HIJ ble p.renntol. ~nta~ home tor Shore aaJd he had ~n on the "other j . . Oltfs. It would be a rather P«U· aide of the ten<-e" In other cues. Nomtnat•ons con be m&de on the following coupon: lar looking hou.." .etidnr to subdJv1"' properties Coundlman LM Wilds. abo In Corona del Mar and Balboa • resld•nt of Shore 01fb. said It laJancl. where other varia~ would not M a pnctlcal build-had bMn pnted before. "But In lnr aJte because It did not ha~ an .,... 1Jb ShCII"f Cllfb. 1 would NOMINATION FOR CITY ROWER FO• NewfiORT lEACH I nominote . .._ ___ ., ______ _ e110UP depth. like to ro aJonr tn the spirit b\ as the City Rower for N.wport e.ec.h for t+te foUow\"9 ,.._,. __ AtWne7 A E. Plilelp.. ft1Jft-wh.lch It wu Ofir'lnaUy aubcll-1 ~tlq tM Cl.lftn, pointed out vlded." . tla&t Utla wu -ol the fQw-He moved that the applkat:tan ,......_, b'oDtaef llaU ln Sbcn ~ ~ed. and CouncUman WU-·-.. __ -- alftt DOt mveed b7 4Md ,.. der ~~eeonded the modoJ\. Vofln• SIGNED lllllic:tioD prold •Wh1cttna. to del\1 tbe a.ubcliVkllna ...... .. aN tbe IDIIilll ... ..-41 Ooolldlmftl Wilde. B Mae· _ _.:_A::D::OR::.ESS=-===========;:::~=== • ... t1ae ...., ~ ~ ~. Stod4ar4. 8ta.nlc1 atddlf. --.... _,.... .......... bat ucl 'IIIQW Don lllll. Coo· • _.._lit__...._,_ .... ~ 0ea14 C8lll 1M MAll TO: Tt. W~a ~ filewpHefW 'QIIIIIIII. -.. ... 2 9 ..... -'7 .. Ia ,. ...... ~ com •• rce. 1100 w. c:ow ..... , ........ t 9 r a a 9 II • ... ., sse a1 SliiJill,-.•••·un.ljJ ·--.. --...... _________ _ -··---··---·----~- .. .. . IE ..... SUISClll'ltOH UTES Loc.l ~INctiP"" retft1 T-YNf'l .11..001 -,..,._..l.OO <NhW• of tlloHothrArM:T-~7.00:-y..-44.00 ~~~~~sa~~~ BY.l),~~ • A ~n maybe to ana...._ ., a.o.. to Well, wbatta 7a bow, a IN>U· lrW tha. col-Of 8IJaL ,...er Pint thare'a tM ..._.tNt A ._. frilaa llarK...eq lJl .,_ .. MCial Mt .. tM ,.-...Jc La loti•: tloqb." 'ftaara r.11n11w to my "Jut a 11M to tell ~ I uw NIINd pq. Doee ...,_. aeed read JOur column. wttb a ,...at to clland Iaiii ~ to hJit deal ol lntereat and pleasure. COUJJU,f "I told my wife today, 'Kaybe Tben tbey NY, "Be clrlnka/' that community up there doea't Yoa ...., have tMd ~ pb!Joto· know horfortunate It ls In hav-phy on clrlnJdna u u aJd and • KAftiiQIIJAD 1 beck, "Probably thOM ~a.rth· lng an unpaid public defender comfal't to old ,...._ I'm "old 'lbe fortunea of flabennen are qu.U.. Nobody'a been catching and watch dog to guard ttl folk&" Sw. I take a *'nk. but I I I I I • I I a :. • never predJctabJe. At least, lt'a a thlq." rlehta and lntereata.' Too bad they're coin• too tu when they ~ ~ H ' · nice to have a good aliiM when • Ka&-•• every community la not provided. aay I bad been drunk ID Council tiQ, b' op you come home with notbtua 1n ·-•zws with auch a penon who 1a wU-meetlngt. My ba. wu .,....ent · -T the bag but a little cbiec1 up We lOt home Juat ln time to ling to fight few the cltll'.ftll and at all the Coundl meettnga when • 1 1. 1 -:1 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 -: ;1 • 1 ball. It happened Sunday, u It :!~ Itht e rln8g of the telephone run the rlak of l011lng bla peace I wu on the CouDCU. and he happen.~ to ~len In general-· wu orace Wltbenpoon, and reputation from clreulated can tNtlty thAt thla Ia a Ue. Words to live by were spoken in the prayer that opened Mon· only thla wu my turn. lu.t back from two weeka In Jles by the aeJ1lsb lntere.ts. Of Theae people are burt.tn'-there day evening's mMting of th, Newport Beach City Council. Nancy, my t -year·old, wanted MuatJan. I c:ould feel ln.Y pulse late the American people have Meml to be no limit u loq •• The Council meetin9$ always begin with a prayer. and this one to JO ftahin.. 1be aun wu rate P~ up, In expedatlon become ao apathetic retardJng they start otf wltb "don't men· was spoken by the Rev. Robert 8. Gronlund of the Newport Harbor warm. but the a1P wasn't -or ot the fab\Lloua fllblDJ tales I thelr Uberties, thelr future and tlon DlY name, but I beercl. · . " lutheran Church: "let us pray that our Council will ri~ above wh.t bud.ly. I bave an Idea that the would bear. I pUed. rl•bt ln. thelr propertla that our .ecu.rlty Goeetp No. 3 It tbat I play is expedient ond popular, end ba~ their d.cisions on whet is ri9ht, tbrW ol w1DAlna a rod lut year, "How wu ~. ROC'ace?" J becomes ID08t uncertaJn. poker'. Y...U, I do. 11ae J&me of fair. Qood and just." when H-.ac,' wu 1'\lJUlet·up In &.~ked. ''People allowed the Bed ele· poker ls u eJUoYable to me u the~ words should be emblazoned in bold letters on the walls U.. ,.,.... dlvilllon ol the Whoa "Keva NW 80 m.an,y people m.nt to .way their e>pJnlon of brid.p Ia to a.l4p aMJeta. .ucb Allllln.r a• Junior t.ow'DaiDellt. to my llfe," ~ Horace. ""The McCarthy and Gen. MacArthur. u Ike. "'*-' a. a JUDe ot lldll of the Counet1 Chamb.rs, so thot they may be fore.,..r rem.mbe,..d wu a lador. lut anybow, off we town wu .. umJQJ. 0( eou.rae, Of course, they have admJtted to u aurel,y u brl4p a., and It ls and heeded. 1NII'lt to lalt Creek, down below it wu tbell eamlval. Very color· 46 u~ about KcC&rtby and the ruled u audllft tbe Jawa otCalt- But how fle.ting is m.mory! Only a short while after the prayer, South Lquna. M &U. you could do wu look." JnveR:tgatJon ahowa KacA.rthiu fomJa. six of th. ~ven Council m.~rs showed tnat u.peG .. nc.e and popu-"Row"a tbe flllb.lq!" I uked llut, Jl9t'ace," I Pll'*ted. rl1bt on all c:ounta. Butt~ want 8u1pstec1 read.lnJ on the wb· lority ~,. tn.ir standards of judg,.,..,._t. the nuaa fellow we boupt ·~ about liM flahJDar' to fight when they BH what ject ol J&mbltna' II a Neent ltook That's a way to win votes. of eou~ich brin9s ot1 the more bait from. ''W.Wa dirt)', .. be "''Ol, tbat!" M IDW1Dured.. happened to theae patriots." entitled "!omethlnJ for Moth· credit to t~ Councilmen ..+-o h.d the courage to vote "no." becau• ·~ ''1\all ol ,.., and '"'bere Juat wun't any. Water • • • lnl'" by Clyde llrlon Davia. an he IJ one of the thrM who ere ...lt:inq ,. .. leetion in ttl. April 10 ctlrty. llut be from ttlat eartb· cllrty u 1M ., 35 ~out. All e AJm GOSSIP opua on the lore and lure ol contest. quake tb.e)' bad 1h MaJco. Not IOI1a ol 8ND:l !loadnc around. Well. ltfe can be made lnt«· gambJlng. Be aa)'11 that not much doiq today.N 1bere was a.De wlncl. too. 1bat eat! by bo -•· d brl everyone a. a J&mbler, but there The cok>r of the council members' standards was shown in the cUdn't help. lut mo.t1y It wu ng uqu..,_ an ok· 1a Uttl ot ... amb'-ln vote to turn down the request of Or. end ·Mrs. Donald S. Kling to re· • LOIT CAva& tbo.e eartllquakes. Mu.t have bata. Here Is an excerpt from • a e ..... g ._ subdivide their lot at ttl. Seaward Rd . .-ntrance to Shore Cliffs. That We went &JlYbow. It's rocky scared tta. ftllb out ol the whole letter to the editor that appeared ~one-t. ma~of~nv. rt'bothl~-~ I • f d _L 1 f down th ._ ·-·--... way back In AprU, 1954: "lan't 'J .. ...,.... .. ot •s o o size an '"ape to quo ify easily or dividi~ into two lots ~. • ntft wu CT..., -.. • -~ there anything we can do to ttop to Ute Itself being a 1amble. under the restrictions imposed by c1ty ordinance. AH leCJal conditions too; but tbe aun wu rH.l com-e DO IT aow thla vklou.s man? Cot SmJth'a Of c:ourae, U you have never and requirements coiled for by the lows of our city were met. The,. ~~~i It was pl~aaant \ust to At Jeut. people are c:on.~lstenl record. has not always been that bouJht a Ucket even under' the wos no deed restriction t o prohibit resubdividing. But the Council aJnkft' ~g·h:O -=~ 0:, ~ Seldom have r beard u good an ol a self rlehteoua Me.lab. It 1\llae ol belplnJ a JOOd cause, majority a cted-not on the basis of the legal rights of the petitioning ' or a u aU·round allbl. I felt a Jot bettft' may ~ quJte lntereat!ng to tho.e 01' taken • ebanc:e on anythlnJ. property owner--but upon the personol whims. likes and dislikes of ev«:y other cut. Pretty soon we about my flahleu day Appar wtso are now bacldng hlm with then you abould.n't tau a chance neighboring Shore Cliffs residents. ~~~:J:achc:omb1ng 1st ~d entJy I bad plenty of ~mpany~ such ferv« to examJM a f~ by reading thla c:olumo. You're . The {;titioner had a clear cut legal right to divide his hu,.... lot nu':.. lrJt~ ~=!.tat :allaa ~~But I sure hope that thlnp calm of the ak:eJetof\1 ao cleverly hid-~ pure to read my ttutr. Mr. b L _ f ... -aunnow Med.L e down before A.prU. Loo.k.a Uke den In bla own cloeeta. Col. a via auma up the subject of .nto two ots, ut a numot\lr o the neor-by property owners objected N er 1 1 I'm going to aee Mazatlan again SmJth cannot alwa)'11 fool the gambling thualy: "Speakf~ ol beca use they wouldn't like the looh of another house there. Thot's ancy gave me a esson n But. puh·leae Lady Luck, won't public." gambUnc In a peufmlatlc aort as sensible os saying, "We don't like the cut of your clothes. so ::~n~:~~~n;'~:W:~~; you keep th~ earthquakes over To thla I replied through the ~":ta~ yoa mJght....,aa:yb thdattt _o/e scram." Council agreed six to one with the folks whose sensibilities In a pool along the beach. "Sea around Ruaala untll I get bade! editor: "Dear Slr or Madam -machine aw~~!b*:""U;e !~ tak:! were baing ruffled. sluts." aald Nancy. ''They're • COlfDOLDCE May I suggest that you rattle all your nlck~la.., So th"fs what this world of ours is coming t~esthetic values squlahy." 1 didn't doubt her The 79th Gray Whale Watch· the akel~ns that YOU ln.slnuate There are other couJplng ac· over property rights. And worse yet: the dismaying realization that a word. They looked lt. lne Group takea this opportunity ~~=· \~v~~~~:'an1.!!,a~y cuaatlona -aome of which can great manr of you ore soying. "Why not?" "Let's try another spot." I aald.. to expreu .ympathy to fellow . . •-.~. make me for,.et that I am In my I'll tel you why not. The ha rd won liberties and rights and free· , "~keb," sa.ld m.y eompanJon. whale watcher Ken Norrla and ~~':':.1t~t up or ahut up, f1ah or 70th y~ar and atart IWinglnJ. doms th"t constitute our most precious heritage ore founded firmly Let • go up where we saw the hla uaoclates at MarlneJand of One can take only ao mucb bom on property rights. What volue is there to ony other rights if you ore whales with those people last the Paciflc 1n thelr recent Jou. A.a the song goes. &hake. rat· 80·called respectable cttJ.zeta -~ot secure in you.r right to your personal. private property? This right year." It's thrill enoueh to see the big Ue and roU, and Jet's aee wbat but In my book. Nnctlmonlou.s IS not to be sublect to change through personol whim, but must be T h o a e "people" were the gray ones spout. but to have a c:omes out. My enemies have not hypocrites. We could have a d th Daniel Callahans l.rom Chicago. real whale In your own ta.nk, needed an invitation from me complete CJ'f\P fallure on that preserve as e cornerstone of our woy of life. This I firmly believe. a nd the place was the founding even for only a short time. must to look me up. They have done type and the world would be And it wos to secure these rights that our forebears pledged their spot of the 79th Gray Whale· be the height of aome rare that Vtoroughly In thelr attempt bettered thereby. lives ond fortunes and their \acred honor. Watching Group. So we saJd scarcely describable emotion. ' to "atop Andy Smith." In fact, Despite all thla eosslp "Col . . The ".'emb.er~ of our City Counci! who took their responsibilities a dios to Salt Creek and headed The reason tor the rare UttJe they have a whlaperlng club Andy Says" hu not been stop· so ltghtly 1n th•s 1nstance we re CounCilmen Sandy MacKay. lee W il-for North Lal'Jn&-. Curter's ~aked whale's Ulnas that should bear the name ot ped. nor have they even at· der, J .. B. Stoddard, ~Iorence Higbie. Stanley Ridderhof and Mayor • CJIILLT a11SIXZSS that ended ao aadJy wtll ~ '-xl\e Stop Andy Club." tempted to challente any of my Ooro !11ll. Only one w.th the courage to put aside considerations of The tide waa pretty much out. be known. But after Sunday'a My record should not be bard written statements. So J~ u I exped1ence a nd popularity and to vote on the side of the petitioning Our spot was well populated. experience. there can be only to exarnJne: 33 years, 10 mont.h..s stJck to facta they won't chal· property owner was Councilman Gerold Bennett. Most Interesting group was halt one answer. I'm ashamed to and 15 minutes were spent In 16nge them. You can't down the a dozen akln·dlvers ln thelr bring lt up again, but the little the Army and A1r Force. truth any more than you can winter sk.Jf\1. Even at that. they whale must have t otten aloul Here ls some of the gossip that keep a squlnel'a teet on the MEATS TO FRY OR I<OAST OR STEW NOTWING BUT TJ.IE BEST FOR ~u~~~~ GUAQANTE£0 FR.ESH * Fresh F"J&h & Sea Foods During Lent * Specials For Thurs.. Fri. & Sat., Mar. 1. 2, 3rd. SWIP'I S nEIUlJK 801fELESS RUMP ROAST, ROUND STEAK OSCA.a MAYErS SLICED BACON, .49~ made me cold to even think of of one ot th~a.rthquakes! ls Intended to dlacredlt me, and ground.. • • • submerging myself ln those chilly waters. It's too c:old for thl.a fireside sitter, even In sum· ''HOWDY NEIGHBQR.I" mer. unln.s. of c:ourse. there's a marlin taU rope with a marUn -------------------------on lt wrapped around a propel- lor. One of the rubber clad men climbed out and took oft hla aqua lung. Seemed to me llke be came uhore to eet warm. "See any fish down there?" I asked, hopefully. "Not a durned one.'' aald the wet back. "Must be those earth· quakes. Fish have been awful scarce lately." We trled lt anyhow. Once, I thought I had a blte. I'll never now. It I dld, the fish hauled the works under a rock and I carne bade minus hook. alnker and part ot my Une. Nancy dld the same. so we ate the rest of the fr1t011, drank a Coke and a 7-Up and headed for home. e 80IOSJIELL 1bat wu quite a bomb that Ralph S c hI s I e r , c:oundlmanJc candidate l.rom Balboa laland District 5, dropped on l'lla oppon- ents: that of lfvlng bta salary to Boag Boapltal tt eJected.. You know, that could add up to ... 600 provided the propoeed pay raJ.ae proJ)MfUon carries. . ' BRING IT TO RICHARD'S Ll D 0 UP TO SlO.OOO Free Jlf '1'1111 JniD' ftll( -·----• • VI' TO t1M1 IIAOII ,_ ........... ~ ........ ...................... ..... ,... ... , ......... ..... -llllft a YALO-eA.._, ............ ,... lee•7 ............. ....._.~ ...... .. _ ................ ,.., ................ .......,_ DA'I'a) ~a .... _,.. eMIIr• • 2Wa _._ •••oaa ,... ..... ..--. .... ......,. .. ,.. tr I &I 1'7 ........... Df'I'RANCE TO LIDO -..a NEWFOitT BI!AQ{. c.u.IP. • fly IIIII S•ftly 1. Ply lUte-s in an opea 6eld, away from elearic power lines and other overh~d obstructions. 2. Be sure string is ~C'Ctly dry. ~. Nevct ute wire. tiAsd or metallic suing. 4. If the lcite catches .ia a power line. let go immedi,tely. Southem CaUforRia Edison Company - IWII I I .:aDI11711 DU-MAIIC DICOIIATINO CAN II YOUU Chuck Roast • • • Round Bone Roast C&lfVIX& -c.uc>a& I I&"' FRYERS IWU I I llltOOUDLD 35c lb. 49c lb. 49~ Link Sausage, .......... 39~ ' Wallace Calderhead JEWElER ..... 0 IILICTONI t1 -"-···;at COLoa• "(/ &pertly deiljDed to belp )'OU achJeve • DeW Joolt ID your ....... a ~·'" o1 aa1ar .,_ ,.. ..................... ... ..... v ... _.._. ___ .._ .. ..,_ ,.~ ..... ..,~ ... ..-,I I II . . . ' ' . , ... ...-t..,. 90th Birthday Celebrated by Mrs. Perry MN. .t.ftna ,.,-ot Corona del Mat, eeleWatsq her 90th blrtll· day annl....uy, wu bonor JUelt at the luncbecm or the WOIMI'l'a FellOWibJp of the Co· • rona del Mat Community Chwdt at th• Wuhlneton'a birthday meettnr. Sbe wu J)NMnted with • cake. Plctur-ot Wuhlnrton, D.C., and Europe were abown by Mrs. C. G. Waldeck. She told ot th~ many placea abe bad vlalted In Holland, Dftunark, Sweden, ~1· a-tum, Germany, France, Italy and Swltztorland. The Arta and Craft• aectJon aerved tbe luncheon. Mrs. A. A. keml)ft preatcled at tbe bualneu meetlnr. Mra. Oliver Campbell u women'• rttt chaJnnan told about where the mite money roea. Mite boxes were collected. DevotJona were rJven by Mra. D. R. Rooke. Bib •n• Tucker Dance Is Held e R&WIOft ICIIOOL PTA Coneress of P~ta and Teach· Whlle mothers attended th~ en. when they met Thursday In P.T .A. meeting at Newport Beach Seal Beach. Gnmmar School, Girl Scout In making the presenta tion, Bib 'n' 1\teker Club held ita Troop 49 helped ln the care ot Mrs. H. 0 . Boyv~y of Balboa told tlnt dance of th~ year Feb. 18 small dtlldren on the pl~y-of the many years Mrs. Raub has at the Santa Ana Country Club. rround Acting as baby alttl!l'a been actJve In P&{ent-Teacher Chairmen for the ev~ntnr were were Betsy Tipping, Phyllla work both In elementary and Mr. and Mrs. Scott Crowley and Raddorcl. Susan Ayres, Dorinda hlrh achool, here devotJon to the Mr. and Mrs. Robert Watkln.t ot Harvey and DeAnne Dangl~r. cau~ of bot.h Boy and Girl Scout. Lacuna. Betay Tipplng'a nam~ hu now lng, and her many additional H08ta and ho.teues wer~ Dr. been added to the llat of Troop civic and church activities. and MrS. Albert Stockton, Mr. 49 gtrla who have completed the At the present time Mrs. Raub and Mrs. Harold Swanaon, Mr. requirements for thelr roller aka-la aervtng as child and public and Mn. Leonard ThomPIC)n and tlnr badges. health chairman for 4tb District. Mr. and Mra. Vern Thr~lkeld of · • • • An Honorary Ute M~mbersblp 1s Corona del Mar; Mr. and Mn. e CAUPOIIJfiA PTA COXQUU the highest tribute Par~nt-Teach · Jack Sexton, Mr. and Mrs. Grover Mrs. Jack Raub of Newport ~ can pay a m~mber, and Is StanlUl and Mr. and Mra. Ray Heights wu the recipient of an rJv~n for lone or outstanding Sty. of Laguna; Mr. and Mra. Honorary Life Membenhlp pre· aerv1ce to chJldren and youth. Ferrla Scott ol Santa Ana, and aented by 4tb District. Callfomla Speaker of the Day wu Jt.ytge Mr. and Mrs. Jack Snipes of Kenneth Morrlaon, Orange COun· Dana Point. More than a hun-• · G · ty Superior Court. whose topic dred eouples attended. MusiC roups "Who ls a DeUnqu~nt Parent!" stressed th~ dutlea and privileges Let US De To.u ..... ,1 ... "SAVE" Your Clothes! Oln.T •AQn'ATDIQ'" IIACIIDfU va&DI WIIIDEIIE vacs. .... a a •t Aero. the meet from THE POST OFFICE ISM -.t eoc.t • ..,.,. CComer Orc:bldl eo.... ct.& lie .,.. ............... til ..... ... I El SilliES Standard S h a de Clot.M and Cuatom SpeclaltJea e Drapery H a r d w a r e •11 Q • ol parenthood. R~ stated that WI rganlze 98% of the juv~nlles who come to hla court bave no <!burch af. An organization meeting wlll be held at 7 p.m. tomorrow C Frl· day) at the Boys' Club In Costa Mesa for all boys and pannts Interested In organlzJng new musical units. These units Include a drum and bugle corps to teach fund a· mentals to boys who han had little or no musical training; a junior band for boya of medium musical tralnlnr and for erad· uates of the drum and burle corps; and a band for advanced nudents. The croups plan to meet each 1\teaday and Friday evenlnr• from 7 to 9 and ftW!rY other Sat· urday from 1 a.m. to noon. eo.t ot 12 to 14 houra of ln.structJon per month wUl be $10 1t a boy has his own lnmument or $15 lt the lnstructors furnlah the ln- strum~nts. filiation. A Juvenile Protection Work· shop will be held Monday at tbe Orange County Juvenile Hall. with a panel discussion at 10 a.m. folowed by a conducted tour or the Hall at 11 o'clock Panel members In addition to Judge Morrison will be David McMU· tan, county chJ~f probation otfl· cer; Cecil Bernard, superintend· ent of Juv~nlle Hall; Wanen Ashley, chairman of th~ proba· tJon com m I t t e e ; and Heinz Kaiser, Orang~ County Board of Supervlaon. • • • •ADOa BlC. PTA e Venetian Blind-. Seclltl <II.. Sku/. S/u,p ~ 0:, lar. 13 P&Nnta ot et~hth uade atu- d~nta who wiU enter Newport Harbor High School In September ar~ Invited to an orientation meeting at 7:30 Wednesday. March 14, In the high school SO· cfal hall, It was announced last week at the RJgh School PTA meeting. . ....de tbe • Call .. t Office BA 114 432 l2ad St.. X....-port a.acb The card section of the U do 1 Isle Woman's Club will hold a ~~~~~~~~~~~~ luncheon·card party at 10 a.m. ;;. 1\tesday, March 13. at the Club· houae. Reservations or cancella· t1on must be made by Monday, March 12. to either Mrs. Martin Lockney at Harbor 4233·M or to Mrs. Ralph S. Holden at Harbor 2309. • • • The garden sectJon will heu Howard Clapp speak on "Flower Arrangements" at tbe Lido Club· bouse at 10 a.m. Wednesday. March 7. Luncheon wUl be at noon. For reservations members may call the cbaJnnan. Mrs. lrv· lng Watcher at Harbor 2129·J. FUU POUND Honorary llte memberships were awarded to Mra.·J. P. Suth· erland. president of the PTA: Mrs. Harry Hilliard, PTA auditor. and John Johnson. biology In· structor. • Past presidents of PTA were honored. Edward Newland and Mmes. RJchard Llllentbal, Maris Newland, Barbara. MacNellledge and Ronald Barlow were selected a.s a nominating committee to suggest officers for next year. 1-Act Operas To Be Given Moz.art'a ""I'he lmpressa.rlo:" a comic o~ra wtth an 18th cen· tury setting. wlll be featured In the Ch apman College produc· tlon of on~·•ct operas in the Little Theatre March 8, 9 and 10. Alao on the proeram will be Meyer Kupferberg's "In a Gar· den." a fantasy with libretto by Q!rtrude Stein; and Alec Wll· der'a "Cumberland Fair," a satire with a county falr background. All t.hree performances wUI be given on each of the three eve· nlngs. Proeeeds wtll go to the Chapman Collere 8cbolarshlp fund. For letterh•da and envelopes Call the Enslen, Harbor W4 • F•Y ... I ~ • • ~ • 'Peoplet...ebeeft • • Mytftt • • • encf • • .,.,.~ ... • • • • ,.Ill • • MIEllO • • • • • • .. •• • ' Concert Set for Saturd~y Full npenaes for the next con· cert of the Orange County Phil- harmonic, to be held at Orange Coast College Saturday evening, are belnr taken care of by on~ ot the principal supporter• of the Phllharmonlc. Mrs. C a r 1 A. Schaeffer Cthe former Alyne Fields) of Bay Shores. Handing over a check of $3,500 to the aodety, Mra. Schaeffer hu under· taken to d~tray all expenses con· nected with the event. With th~ cost of one concert completely taken over and otber recent donatlona from Industrial buaJneasea In the county, the coming ~IUOn of concerts 1s on Its way, It was reponed by the society. For th~ past two years professJonal concerts. open to the pubUc at no charge. have ~n I presented by the Orange County Pbllharmonlc Society with funds raised largely through lndlvidunl patrons. The concerts are all con· ducted by Frieda Bellnfante. In· tematlonally known conductor. who mak6 her home In Crystal Cove. TAYLOD GET emu. A dauehter, Natalie Ann~. wu born to Mr. and Mrs. Rk hard Taylor or 515 Jumlne Ave., Co- rona del Mar, on Sunday, Feb. 19, In Hoag Memorial Hospital. Patlon1z.e tbe merchants who adVfttiae 1n the Newport Har- bor EnsJr;n. Panhel Brunch Scheduled For Wednesday. March 21 Mra. Robert L. Xeppen and Mrs. M~on K. eam.rcm. h ,. Mrs. RJchard Hllllard are to be 1959 Kathleen Lane, eo.ta liMa. joint chairmen ot th~ annual This wu a work.abop me.tiq to N e w p o r t Harbor Panhell~nlc comph~te arra.ng~ta tor the brunch, aOC.'Ol'<lJ.Itr to Mra. H. 0 . brunch. Hostesses were Kme&. Boyvey, Panh~llenlc president. Cameron. Henry Warner. Georre Th~ brunch la ICheduled for T. Rodg~. Walter Burrourha, a. March 21, at 11 a.m. at the Fri·l H. StraJtltt, Aun~. and E. H. day afternoon club In Costa Stroot, Jr. Mesa. ------- Committee members were an· 3nl p---a £ ...... nounced at a Panhellenlc board I •-• ~:~~~gH:t~h~h~.~.f~ut~:,Liclnla • .... l Costa Mesa. Board members sur· I The third meeting ot Ute Pa r-prl~ Mrs. Hatch with a cake ent Education lt'Cturea aponaored aglow with candles In honor ot by Orange Coast College and the her birthday anniversary. P.T.A.'s will be hel<t, Wedneaday, Assisting with the Mnrch 21 March 7, at 9:30 a.m. In St. An· brunch wiU be Mrs. Ralph Mlch· drews Church. Cliff Haven. elsen, proeram; Mra. William 1 Mrs. Alma Green will dlacuss Dana. food ; Mrs. A. K . Sampson, "Does Punishment Teach What decorations; Mrs. Edear Whit-~ It ls Intended To Teach!" Th~ mer, table prizes; Mrs. Arthur J. meeting Is open to the public. Aune. table arrangements: Mrs. with free child care provi~. All Joseph RJgp, prizes; Mrs. C&.rl parents are Invited to attend the Verutrom, press. 9:30·11 a .m. session at the St. Panbellenic met Wednesday Andrews Church, 600 St. Andrewa evening, Feb. 22. at the home of Road. Harry M. Whetsel 1111111,. ., ...... Ia b1a * New * Modem Building "TTiE UIIEST 1• RIEST IISPUY of Famous Maker' a Ullltl• FIITUIES liD LIIPI II TIE swra.AII" * Ughting Fixflres * Indoor-Outdoor-Residential-Commercial * LIIPS * PUTs * IEPIIIS Harry M. Whetsel ISIO XEWPOaT aLVD. AT 151'111T .. U 1-1711 COSTA MESA Just: llew '58 Chevrolet Task· Force 'Jiucks out! Champs of ave!Y weight cbiss I New modela to do bigger Johe-rated up to 32.000 U.. G.V.W.J New power ri9bt Gc:roM the board with a brcmd-new big V8 b high-tonnage hauliDgl New auto- matic cmd 5-cpeed tmnani-ional Meet today'a most modem truck fteetl It o1fcrs new champs of n~ weight class, including four new heavy-duty terics. It bnnp you new power for e~ job, with a modem sbort-ltrob vs• foe every model . Thea there's a wider range of Hydta·Matic models ad Powam.atic, a new m ·spccd automatic, plus oew fivwpeod maaal traDimissions. t Come iD aad Ice tbe8e DCW Cbewolet trucb! en ........ at LC.l'. _, ....... ..., _, IOOOf ....... • .. ,_, ....._. ............. -ta..-...._ ........, a.. • ..,.. ._.. ., ...., C/I'N .,1 , , 11 ~ ....... ,., ... , ... , ~ --~~~-olcl-1-"a•• rl fnct/ - Ml'' a CHEYROIU CO. I ~!!!!~=~=~~!!!!2~:=~~!:.--·!~~~!!!~L,!!••; Naming of Mrs. Costa Mesa ---~~~~~i;.W,... ......... ~.,~ ... ~~. 11 Is Scheduled for Ma rch 22 • tr u•••• I.ILialftiAL .....,..,., ... '*' ~ • _!:~!::~~~=:.:=:::!;:~· .!! .. !,!:. ;!==:. :.::;::~== &ar ... ...., a..4 a ., • Ill& Colla .._, Who wm tiM .. te for tiM tttJe ot -. aoa•u•od A..., ~ ... ~ 1 tz 1 rt:a 1a 11ae .Ja ..,..uat Mrs. CalltDnla. ,.. 1M uaual llli. ••aaJDODC '" ••y .,. • .,. ~ wlaO ... hb. 21 ea. • _.. ••• cant ... .W • etaii:ieeD •••tea,wtll•rsleallld,._tlle ~ ~ ....., ,..... 1 G..A.A. ).loeb)' awarclf and u~ 111 a aa.a .. lillllattaD _.... at ...., wt:u.. aa tM aatloDal ''Patrtotic .tr-hb'"',...,... PA1't7 ... lut !1-undaT att. a. ... a ~of m....., e:.ao f.&..........,.,....,... at Cioetlllt ,.... .. bJ ..._ ~· to t.onor botb a... w.-.... lc:booL ,...... .... ,... IN bOll· anc1 1uac1 UYtd oe the OCND flioelt .._ ....._, ~ au• In ean a.. ~ brehUD l.lnoem. 8olt ond au-ta u ~ ol the tn Jlf.-,art for '"' ,..,. ..,.. eo.ta ...-. 'I"'M Colla ...._ 1a1c1r CMID-:' ~ !peMd wttb • ldlrlq bodte'y tournament. btert&Jn· movtq to CoronA delMar • ,.., ,_. loclil ...... WOl 10 Oft ... ., o-•n li ~ h on the maJl7 thlnp we ment wu provtded by the up,.,-•10· to com,._ .... tiM ~ta tiM local CIOidMt. Pl...-..rat .,eec at clusrnen and then M.ra. Ellen He Ia 8UfYiwd by bJ8 .U., ftom ~....._ tlaroqhout Ra..W..,. Gat 13 b•wd 1 can learn from th-two pe Ca..rlcof pre~ented the awa.nta. MIL Wtnne6-ed Cozad: a IIDb. have ......_ entaecl tiM .. , 111 me: 11\elr t'!:t tr:~o!.: Elchteen rtrta reeelved the.lr Webllt~ ~d; a dautbter. Mn. Appllcadoft blanb are avail· In thelr Uv• were dep. Y 28 points. Sweaters are worth 38 two lfaltdeotia and two peat· lllil a:-. of Corona cte1 Mar and Mlr· an cour•ae lcted b shields which are c•med after !lith• Eatrtdp o1 Loa ~·· 0 ·6 of Prayer .... •t tb• All Ama1c:an .. .,. BobbY. , points and 1e rtru received thelr erandchUdren. I b ~ ad• MJle, Rlehard'a Mmet. Then a allort tc:ene of an event dark blue sweaten. ~ were held tn Forett $ serve a Market Barket, Bob'a Muket ln in Abe LlDcoln'a Ute wu por. The most looked forward to Lawn. Baltz Mortuary or Corona Balboa, Stroot'a Rar~a..re. Na· trayed by ~n '!.~<!.">n~f_!rltoJ' award ta the letter, worth 52 d~l Mar dlrectecl the aervlcet~. 'Jbe WCIC'ld O.v ot Prayer wu tlonal Bank tn eo.ta Mesa, ltfma Daw.on an\& .-.-_n;,,au, · hard earned points. Fourteen "' Hardware, Cbambel' ot Com· They abowed Pr•tdent lJneoln • rtrls earned their& Ftm. second, G d obeervect brb womentb 111 J:';Jar; IIU!Ift, and an au company of· love for both SOutherners and third and fourth atrlpes were c·.ty a r ner bor area w en, ey II 1 fJCft :Mortbemels and bow tbe South· g!v~n out. They are worth se, 60. • 1:30 p.m. Feb. 17 In the Seventh The conteet. open to married ernera felt about blm. MDte &t and 68 points re.pectlvely. R ~ ~ .,, o· Day Adventllt Cllardl. women over 21 years of are. Michaud. .. IJneoJn. deUwred Next. at 72 points .. the first em· • lVI I er 185 Wo~.Mn repreeentina u local plaees major empbuta on COft· tbe Getty!lbar~ Adclrela, wb..lch blem, whJeh wu won by tlve ch~ t1Ued the aanetuary to tHtant's homemaklnt aldlla. AJ. 1s ao well known. • ,Uls. EJ~ht pls earned their The Rev. lOMph McShane of unJte In the annual RI'Vice of thou~h penonal IJ'OC)J'D!nJ' and • • second emtJlem at 76 points. the C 0 m m u n l t Y Methodt.t pray~ and fellowahlp for the penonaltty are considered, the e BJ TAM J:LaC'I' The tbJrd emblem, which 1a Church 1n eo.ta Mesa conducted n~ of the WOI'ld. contest a. by no meana a bath· Pete SdlulberE wu 16-eleeted ~amed after tJ) pot.nt., wu lfven funeral 8ei'Vtcea Thursday far Thla year women ln 139 coun· In~ beauty affair. Banish Them All With A Qrowllt• Aeee•nt In Our .. nkl HI Moeul of Hi Tars at tbetr to these efrls: VlrrtnJa Puett. Robert Homer M.lller, S8. of 121 trtes aroUnd the world met foe ------------ recft\t eJectJona. · VIce Moaul 1a Harriet KJnc. Marwte Knox. Lyn 30th St.. Newport. formerly a the ~ purpow uaint the FtlST CHUI01 Oft CHRIST Dave TamurL Charlie Vander· Roush. Darlth ShurUJ, Ma.rrf~ aardener tor the clty ot Newport aame precram with the theme, JJOJ VIe ~..!!-. ..._.. vort is secretary or Sc:::rtbe. LarTy Stovall, Laurel Woodson, and Beacb. "One Flock, One Shepbud." 'lh~ A brelldl of n. Mo"'-r a-~fl n. Ha.rper and Stan Sb<mft are the ludy CoJ~man. The fowth et'n· LoMr. ~!_ dvled Pebru;' ~~ Impact ol the day hu lncreued Firwt Owdt of Chritt, Sclentin, 111' a-Gazebo, wbo are responsible for blem was received by only two n~ ~"'' eterans OIIP • from year to year since the tlrst t011, Me...ch.,..H\. seetna that the letters ar~ worn pls. Vlrginla Fuait and Marrte He 1a aurvtved by his wile, Helen. eerv1ce held 70 ynra aao, aroup Svll4ey School ':15 e.m. _l,wport latter Balk riJht. 11m Rumsey and Denny Stovall. Vlrglnla Is high point who Ia W 1n 1 hoepi~. and a otficials aald. Sulldr, s.r..;ce . II :CO •·"'· Dalebout ar~ two new members glrl with a wonderful total of daughter, Carol, of the home ad· Mn. B e rn a r d Ehrlich, key Wed11~ey Ewlli119 I.A"''"9 0:00 ,. ..... of Rl Tars. 85 points. dress. S\lrVIVon alao tnalude 1 woman of the ho.t chuMb, wel· . a..d•ll9 ~ ~ •• llll VIe Professional Di rectory MUSIC Margaret L. Scharle Tencher of Piano Organist · Accompanlat Eventnf Cla.aes tor dults ~ GOLDENROD AVE. Corona del MaT Fr1endly Nelthborhood Service P .ARKES-RIDLEY 110 Broadway U 8·3433 A 8-3434 Costa Mesa ltep-dauthter, Mrs. Marilyn GU· __... th hi nd 1n Lido. Newport ... ,h, " ope11 _. • KJSro•T CL178 lam of Anaheim a step·aon, con_, e won ppers • · deye from 9:00 •·"'· to 5:00 p.m. History Club members dis· Chester Carlaon or' Glendora and ~~ ~~Y8 ~~~ =· Wednetdeye from 9:00 •·"'· to 7:45 ===~=~=========:E~==~~~==== cuued the United States J'otelgn a alster Mrs lrene Anderson of ent o ar r n bdef ~ . e-"'· MW.y -in9f ,,..... 7:00 P."'-te and National Polley durlnt an Loa An' eles. · Mra. Follom J&Ve a ory 9:00p.m. OOMd Holideye. . election year at tl\etr meeting Prlva~ funeral aervtces were ol the day a~d pre.ented Mra. The JH~bll' '' ~ielly invited to ••· fl-11 ......... _ JJlJ .1:-l J'a L a.&.dl.a.-last Thursday night. Pete Lard· n~ed by Baltz Mortuary: Geor~e Da'f'tes~ World Day of telld the dtu"h Mrvi~ elld -the .,..,. IIIIIRI' 'I IU .. .-... ...., ~~da~clubuiU~~·~ M~It ~~~~Qer~~~~~ln~R~u~d~~~q~~~"'~·-------~------~---~------------ dent. Darrel Rart:shor1n1 .~strvice· Bar~ Rest. M:m~al Park. Mr. ~ce. :.:le w':or!..~ed D bj fJ ~~Af/6 presld~nt, Martl'yn HI .., eas-Miller wu a member of the -...ues. •··-·•. . . I f h • urer, and Ann Lardner Is aecre· Am I Lea1 Post 1.27 In Spauldlnc, H~bert Johnson, A. l . L• ht th • • •t -a t tary It is their h~ that th~y er can on . Rutter and Elale Newland. Mrs. I g e I r I e w I .. :u~~ ~~~ ~!:vfn aU::e~~=~ ~le1~~~~~5.and a masonic lodge !;g~. P=~~~ ~i~or!!. thF~ f1 future. Kelly .~~ "Hear From My tT. UDBWI P'lltiT UUJOLT 01' cop I'IIIIT ~ ~CII- (Continued oo Pap 5) Prayer. ....-nD~JU~ca ,._..a,.JICII-a..a at. 6 D&tka a .... c-t...._ ._ .. AM .w. ~ = ... •-Special projects, home and for· 15t!a St. 6 St. Andrews Rd.. UbMty 1-1711 C....._. e.lgn, tor which the otrerlnc 1a -.._ .. ldaool ...... d II. C. Cnalc. ...._ .... I. G. •--•· used. were presented by Mmes. ua.rty 1-m2 Sund-., School: 1:30 Lm. VI/~ Sunday -.,vt~: New officers hav~ been el~ed WUJiam Trusty, D. C. WedUI.n~. r..t.n .... J--&. •~ ablp: 10::55 a..nL and evanaettat i :45 a.m. Sunct.J School; 11 to a numbH of positions In stu· Cllftord Thomu and Ruth Allen. SUMDAY: Momfn~ worship, 9:30 ..-vice. 7:30 p .. m. Youna People ¥;~ :=P~';-tJJo~ dent government at Orange They wor~ Indian dr ... and alao and 11 a.m.: Cbureh School. and OtUdl'en'a Service. t:30 .30 p _ ~tna Service. A chapter in the newly pub· Co C 11 t th .,d _ _._ .. u usbera. 00 1 W•" Sr p.m. Sun. Mld.weell Berv1ee: ..._ ll.stted yearbook of the National ut o eg~ or e se<.'OuDese· ...,Thu:u rvi 1-~.a lth th~ 1:30 and 11~ ; r. _.. , WedneSday: 7:30 p.m., ~ayer, d mester It is announced by an e ~ ce c ~ w Hl.rh and eoll•"e aae FelJow. Wednelday, 7:10 p.m. Lacll_. --aDd ............ -.A .. , liOn· . ......... Society tor the Study of E uca · · w ld n of Pr h ''Th• • -.. l__. eo·-A" --~-.-.-.---~-.v-Marl~ V. Howes. or "'ay ayer myn, ~ ablpl, 7 p.m.; Thursday, Prayer, --·ona..ry .. ,..._ auUJ_,. dav; 7:30 p .. , )(aon'a Chorur tlon has been written by Dr. ~rvlng u ~present.atlves at Day Thou Gavest, Lord II .tudy croup, 9:30 a.m. 1:30 a.m. fCIC' all day. pta c t f e ~~\ :10 p.m. Men'l ~===========1 lames W. Thornton. Jr.. vice large on the Student CouncU Ended" and the host putor, D. B. Prayer Meeuna. N 0 W ... T W 0 president of Orange Coast Col· will ~ Stan Herplck, Laguna Spaulding, aave the benediction. COIOIVIOTI' IIETIIODJIT RYUIW DAY ........ , ai S lege. Beach. and Alva Keplinger. Mid· -w. lltll JL. eo.ta •-... ..,. 8Wd. _. ..._ it..OIICII M OV. I.AI)Y BALTZ MORTUARIE The publlcatlon, the 55th year· way City. Carol Doane, Corona UOAilD I'IIAKCtl·LA UbertY I..CSSZ ·~ ... _.. a1 liT. c:&aiU. S.Mnr the H.,bo, Azu boo• ol tho Socloty. lo devoted to del ""'· wm be "''"""' of Rolland A . .....,., ... alnnan -· 1-w. ,._ a.-1-1101 , .. , W. ":2:, ~::·- Baltz Mortuary ''THE PUBLIC J UNIOR COL· wome-n's athletics. apprentice, USN. son of Mr. and Sunday: 9:30 a.m ., Church Sun· Eldlw D. 8. 1 ... 141119 r-·~ . Paatow CHAPEL BY THE SEA LEGE." Dr. Thornton wrote the Elected by the lnterclub Coun-Mrs. J. B. Brewer of 302 35th St., day School; 9:30 and ll:OO Saturday M.ornlna !erv!Cft. : Sab-'F';ti. us Harbor 42 chapter dealing with General ell were Marsha Eidem, Hunt· Newport Beach, has arrived In a .m. Momlnr Wonblp-7 p.m. bath School: 9:30 a.m. -l!ler· ~ HI h Education. He Is chalrman of the F E bo d th tt k Colleae Age MYP Service. - 7 11 00 am.. Pr~-r _ ...... 3520 E. Coa st 1J "'ay lngton Beach, president; Dale the ar ast a ar e a ac 1.m. Hl.,b School MYF Servtce; mon: : · ... ,....,..,.~. Sunday Muses: 8:00 and 10:00 Corona del ar Committee on General Education C 1 N~rt .. -ach vi"'""' alrcraft carrier uss Shan'"'l La • d J•-p In": Wednesday, 8: p.m. for the Junior College Assocla· 0 eman, ~-.,... ~ Mill""" Th Sh 1 La wtU t~~IU~ p.m., youn~ a u .. erou • and 11:30 a.m. Confeulon: Sat· Baltz Mortuary .__ t th N tl 1 president; and Sy .... ,a er, e angr . opera service. urdaya and eves. ot lat Frida,. Liberty 8·212l tlon, memud 0 e 8 on a Huntington Beach, aedeta.ry. Fait Carrier Taak Force T7 and ~ of tiM RA&A•nz and Holy Days trnm 4:00 to l7b A Superior. Costa Mesa Committee on General Education New co·edltora of the Barnacle, the 7th Fleet. This Is the mod· T1IK CBUIICII or CIIJUST 1-A.-... lt. oa.t. ..... 5:30 p.m. and from T:30 to 8:30 for the Junior College ABsocla· Orang~ Coast Colle~~ newspaper, emlzed carrier's flrst cruise In 1050 Cbarda St.. eona MIIIMI ...._, .-.. QJ" WWJ-· ht Dally Mau 8:00 a~m. nr.t AMPLE PARKING tlon. member of the National h F E t 1 W ld War U y-•--'-1-7111 d 6 30 d 6 ·00 ~ m. BOTH LOCATIONS are Charles Babcock. Newport t e ar u a nee or _., ..,_., -··r ay: : a.m. an . . Committee on General Education Beach, and Keith Monroe, Costa when she operated In Japanese D. c. Bunt. lllallta Sunday Servlcet~: SunCI•y School, Novena !Perpetual He p): for the Association for Higher Mesa. and Oklnawan waters. Sunday ---"cea: 9:45 a.m. Bible 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship at Tuesd.ay, 7:45p.m. Plahennen'a CEMETERY HARBOR REST MEMORIAL PARK Harbor Blvd. at Gisler KIMBERLY 5-1158 Education, and a member of th~ DCI v• 10:30 a.m. Evancellstlc Serv· Mau, luly and Auau-t sunda.)' Committee on Instruction of the study; ll a.m. morning wor-Ice, 7 p.m. Sunday. N.Y.P.S., 4 a.m. ~::~~:~ Association of Junior </~/ High Fidelity s~=.:.~:~~~-;': ::::::~;'=£ ~-F-o•m ABCBErr CLASS utENDED F I Gfft TBE a~a•CII or amJST ICDJIJdY 115 w . ......_ ......_ ..u.. BT IIAUO. BOT'S CL178 • .. .,. Odd P.U... IAdga. U1D V .. 1Jc1o. II~ .._. • .,.._ V's' .. , ......._ --The original Friday afternoon IMt Jl..,._t a.... ~ .__ .... __,. ~~~[Q!!!~![!!~~!:::; classes ln archery at the Boys' Vlalt T1le a.aatlha1 Colta ....._ Sunday Sehool: 9: a.m.. Sun· Sunday Sdlool. 10:00 a.m. Mona· -Club of the Harbor Area have ""Shi4Jo of u.u.g ao.acr UbeltY &.$711 day S e r v 1 c e : U ~ a.m. tna woratp, 1l :00 a.m. Wilbur C. Wagner, D.C. Chlropractlc Physical Therapy Colon Therapy been emnded to lneludo Thu.s-Conaultatlon-Eatlmateo·No obllrallon ' ,._ -· 1•-,.....,. Wad..-aJ l!Wnlna .......,., n.._!'\'W y~ day afternoons from 3:30 to 5 Sunct.y Services: 9:45a.m. Bible 8:00. R~dln1 Room. 331& VTa ,_ \-_ p.m. and Saturday mornlnp HAA.OFI HI•... study; 10:55 a.m. worship &en· IJdo, Newport Beach, open 9 IIAataew 1 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Six taraeta uu ...-..ocr~~.~ .. ...L---~...., Ice; 7:30p.m. evenlnt aervtce. a.m.·5 p.m. we.k da,_, 9 a.m.· a-., ... & ....., -.a-314 Ocean Av~ .• Laguna Office: Hyatt 4·2398 Res.: Hyatt 4-4084 1 th ,.. _ _.._ M ---_ 7 :45 p.m. Wednftday1, 7·9 p.m. ol are set up n e "-"'"UIL esa (,__._ Clty llall) IIA •• Friday evenlnn. Sunday rervtcee: 8:00 a.m. R ., Park for the claues. Howard .......-.-CidDY CBDIICII rr TilE aEA CommunJon; 10 a.m. FamUy Smith is instructor. lcdbee ~~~.-port CBJIJIT LUTIIZLVf CIIUJICII Servtce with the Cherub and ••-L--5-or COSTA MESA luntor Cholra; 11 a.m., worship FINAL REMOVAL CLEARANCE Snip 'N' Stitch Bllboa lsla.td Store-209 M•ine Ave. * Till IITUIIIY, lARCH 3, IS THE UST DIY OF TIE UIE * YARDAGE REMNANTS NO DONS We WID CcmtiDue tD Sen. You at ourCoaoaact.IJiar ,. OFF (1111 .. ) ---....-.dee. Thursday 8 • r v I e e a : Jaat«: -... -., A. CC11r11o1t ~~~J.n. 1:15 a.m. Pr-rer GuUd; 10:30 Sunday Worship, 9:30 and 11 a .m. e..t. ~ • Holy .>mmunlon. Church School: 9:30 a .m. Mid-....._ ..... Lotlle T01110W ST. 101111 VIAII'JIET week Meeting: 7:00 p.m. Wed. Sunday Servicft: Worship Serv· t14 Kadae A..._ a.Jboa lalaDd nesday preceded by 6:15 p.m. Ice t a.m. Sunday School at ..._ •1• potluck. 10:15 a.m. P.U.. ~· Pat. a.u.aoA DLAJn) r.._ .__. hi '~••u.a ST. JOACIIDI ~ COM'"IIIthnft III:Tii®IIT -" liM OlaD9t A~1~ lleeo 115 ....._ a .... lkllboe lea-d Sunde)' Mauea: 7:00 a.m. • 9:00 raa.. ~ J. •..a Mla.later: .... Doeal.d lapp a.m. Confession: Saturdays and a tdrr 11••.• ~ 7. I. I. 10 .-1 .....,_ UG ...._ of 1.t J"rldaya and Hoi)' n:30 -a.m. Weekdap: Mau at Da7J: T:JO to e:a p.m.: P'tJ« 1:00 a.m. -Conte.Jon: Satur· Sunday ~: t :30 a. Ill. Prtdal' ,. .. I a.m. Summer 4a.,a from 4:00 to 5:15-7:00 to Clune,) !Jcboot~ and U:OO 16aluly &DeS Alla-t Suad.,, 8:30 p.m. a.m. onll.IL_ U a.m. Pall'tcJ~CIIRGW ................ c..rt ..... ....... Dtr.. u.tr..a171 ,....,~G.J--­Sunda)' aervtcee: 9:45 a.m .. Bun· df)' ldtool; 11:00 a.m:.t WCIC'· llftlp Serivlce; 1:10 p.m. :~~~ndaJ ewnlnr ~ervtce; Mld·WIIIIl ~erv~ce: T:JO p.m. w~ ....,..ll..un •. 11A.D0a AUDDLT or GOD Clllfll ........ c.w. .... -c.u .... ua..ty .... l . .... C. 1L Tltw• ••• su;:t aehool 9:30 a.m.. morntnt lp U Lm. YOUnt' people aervtee 8:30 p.m., ewnJftl ..me. 7:30 p.a WOOOWQlTH fltANO SHOP eldUIM~._......_,.._ 26t0 L C.. ....,. Hlr. JJII CMIM ... Wir n.T aou"i6iia ..,.,. taUMW • w. a ••• ._ 0111111 .._ IIII I If t.-......Dr.Rsa•&,__ SundQ RbooL t:e •·•...L et.W'CIII ""* _ u:eo LJa. nalntq Unioa T p.a luaciQ. ~nlq ........ .:&:; .. ndq. T.acb • .. .... ~ m.tJna 7 p.m.. .... .........,. '"'"' eervke and .......... T:41 ...... W.SU.. -· 1111111'1 Llll IIIIET .......... Teacller Diane W es~ake ~arries Claude Patterson ~atM 1'IMIU8 I. Mwt.n. .W.O wu maid~ boaor. Ki8l laoob- -pdiliild !MaDe 1.oW.ee W..uai&a IOU and MJia llary loblna ol ....a1 ,..,. qo, oaldat.ecl at lfewport .,... lltlct-malda. All a.. ......._. NCentb' at 8t. Joa. 1 the att.endent.l wen clr.-.d Ia dllm'a Catholic Cburcll. .U. blue an4 pncb eaUn brocade W..clab bee&me the bride ot with bouquet& o1 plnk and Wblte Claude Leo Pattenon lt. ol Weat ea.matlon&. IAI Aftpi• In a double rtna l.lchard Pattenon ol Midland. caeiDOJIY. Mleh., wu lila broth... bat 'I'M bride Ia the daupter ol man. Ulben were Leoaard Ryt« "WW you J1W17 .. ,.. I told t.wta H. W..Uake of South Pu· ot Burbank. lame. LeJbentuth our MW llne·UP ol w....a·a Oft. adeQ& and the late Kn. Welt· ot W..t Loa Ancelea. and Cor· uJne MUwaukee .. u.u,.. to lake. The croom Ia the .on ot don Langlota of Loa Anplea. A walt unUl today to broach the Mr. and Mn. C. L. Pattenon ot reeeptlon was held in the eburch aubject ot wedded bls. with the West Loa AnceJea. hall. M1u Ioyce Andenon ol ellcfbJe malea o1 our amorau· 'nle brtde, who cr .. uated from Belmont Sbore~, who ta abo a bord crowd .•• "One nibble wtll Newport Harbor lchooll and la teacher at Newport Harbor Hft.b win the ma.t died-In-the-wool thla year a teacher at Newport School, ualated at the reception. 'bachelor (the one who never Harbor Hlah School, wu married The groom'• mother wore a blue touchet the atuft) . . . The old in a ballerina lenath dreu of taffeta and lace d.resa with marrleda to the uauaJ run-of-the· white I&Cle over eatln. The crown matching aceessorles and an mUl Une of meat fooda and •u· which be\d h« veil and her full orchid corsace. aa&es will leave them cold on lenJth clove~ were of matching FoUowlnc the reception the the platter and come swoonlnc lace. 11~ bridal bouquet was brtde and groom left for a hone)'· at the mere mendon of Wellel'a white carnatJoo.a ~ntered by a moon In Ensenada. The bride eauaagea from MJJwaukee • . . la.rp wbJte orcbJd. cboee a black' taffeta ault with * * * y ............ to ..... •.• ..., ., .. w ....... .... .... tNdl,.._ ......... . ...t ••r•lce .........._ ----.......... ,.. ... ........... "' ...-ct.ll· Wit .................. . wuwt. N.llla ·-.... u... _. ....... Oaly \e --· u.. .................. ... ........... ,..-u ....... . A .U. ttl rp .ad • t-oC .................... at ....... Tc..a_.t .... Ubte-.k._ tlleredpea .......... ... e.dtiag ... _..... la --y _ ...... ...,. ........ . tide ... ....,... .. tllle ....... . .. ...... bl .. f ....... ..m aa.b ._ ....... f'rt w.....-. ~&lowly to• ...... ......_ ..... --..t ... top wttla tile lelowtlt9 ...... ........ Fry .,. cap ~ ped ...._ la I T ... .._ .... ST. floa.r _._.watU-aatll. AddiCIII8reD -....... 1 cap --~ ·--· albeut 15 aaJa•-. Add I./a cap dup.,.S .-.a-r .... ..St ... ~ ... ~ ... 'ftla ...... tt.. .. u.. ,... u tM U.. te elld hc:kwiilst ••• * * * <Sc ream ! Scream!) Maclc Kards! You'll 1ft youra throuch the mall . . . ror the next 10 week.a we're ctvtnc away a thou.sand dollars a week . . . But you have to have a Magic Kard tn your pu.rM, pocket or tied around your neclt to take part 1n the mon.cy pvtnt away ~ we're on to celebrate our EJthth Anmwnuy March 15, 16 and 17 aJona wtth Newport Harbor'• 25th Gold~ Anniversary, corn· lnl up l.n September ... You11 pt your Malfc Kard bdore next Monday, bec&Wie thl,t's the 1t.art of the money-giving away ahen· anJgana ... * * * Mr. Westlake gave hla daugh· aqua velvet trim matched by an ter away, presenting her at the aqua velveteen duster for her altar adorned wtth huge bou· travelllnc costume. The young quets ot atoek. Mlas Marlene couple are maldnc their borne at Jacobean of Berkeley, one of the 435'1f. Hellotrope Ave... Corona del brtdesma.lda, 1 a n 1 Schubert'& Mar. 1be bride graduated trom "Ave Marfa" before the rttes Harbor High ln 1950 and last were read. lune t.rom UCLA. Her new hua-, Mrs. Richard Pattenon of Mld· band attended Black Fox MUI· land. MJehlcan, the croom'a ala· tary Academy and graduated ter·ln·law, was matron of honor Jut month trom UCLA. where he and Mlaa Joan Westlake, the was afflllated with Kappa Alpha bride'a mater from Romoland t.raternlty . * * * * * * Felicia Beltran of COM Is Married toT om Lange An ankl~-L~ncth lace and net where a reception followed the wedding rown was chosen by ceremony. The groom's slater. Miss Fellda Beltran for her wed· Mrs. .Jack Pettingill. and the dJnc to Tom Lange at St. An· Misses Laurie Hendricks. Carol drew. Presbyterian Church on KJnc and Wendy Gruwell as· Lincoln's Birthday. The bride Is alated at the reception. the daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. AI· Mrs. Beltran received ,uests In fred Beltran ot 604 Jasmine Ave ., a belge shantung sheath dress Corona del Mar. Mr. and Mrs. with lace jacket and pink aoces- Henry Lange of 439 Broadway, sotles and fiowers. The croom's Costa Mesa, are the parents of mother wore a plnk boutrant the croom. eown with pink and black acces- Th~ Rr#. .James Stewart read t~artes and a corsage ot white the rites that united the yount camat:lon.L couple. both eraduu. ol New· F~ a honeymoon at port Harbor Hlth School. The talm Sprlnp. the bride and bride's ,.own was made with a croom ~ maklnc their home at Lace bodice with a net yoke and 720~ Narclssus Ave., Corona del a bouttant ak1rt over tiers of net. Mar. The croom Is attendJng Or· She carried a whJte Bible with a anee Coast College. where he Is co.._&e of white baby roses and majoring Ln petroleum tech · wore a h~ad piece which was nology. The bride Is working at worn by her atst~r at her wed· the tel~phone company. ding a little over a year ago. DB. BBOWK WILL TALK TO DELL nAVEL C80t1P 11a1.1 Fr~My't..tw._ 11-12:30 aDd 1·5 we'll ..,. yoa a cap oi _... aDd t1uow ID a fada· loa 8JMiw oe tile aide • • • We WGDt yoa to ... wbat oa.r Lido Dna ... A a1111ry lbopl ....... to .... lll tiM way ol ........ ,... oat to guUd tiM EaaW BuDDy • • • So -~ .,... ... -*tiD9 a CCIIl oi beau Her sister Gloria, Mn.. Glenn Pickens of Costa Mesa. was ma· tron of honor. She wore a beige lace dress. The bridesmaids wore y e 1 I ow. tourquolJie and pink dr~ with shoes to match and nowel"ed headpieces. SeTVIng as MEWIOIIT ~· BJCB SCJIOOL teacbft. tbe f01'11let Klla bridesmaids wer~ Mlss Cynthia DlaDe W•t.lcdle. became Nn. Claude Leo httenoe Jl'. at a nceat Beltran, sister of the bride; Miss Dr~ CUes Brown of Orang~ C~st College will show pictures and give a talk on his travels In Pakistan and • the Middle East at 8 p.m. Tuesday at the Ebell Travel Sect.Jon meeting In the , clubhouse. 515 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa. I --pl.ID9 .... ,. ....... Uw. J•aaafe. doa"t be cdanMd to ... a .-y yoallf t1Ua9 lll a blodlt ...,. ... , • .., av.tt rut by • • • It's aJl hw ................ 'ftU ....... ........... ~ ... ., .... ..., ....... ..., wet .....-s ap wttla tile ...,.. p1J19 ~ ••• It Ia • piMa· ...t ,..t·tbae tbat •Sfht ClOD• u. ...... frtdGy ••• * * * weddlla9 cer.Doey. (Pboto by C.bcad_t.:..) __________ Nancy Lange. sister o! the groom. and Miss Unda Lane, a triend from Costa Mesa. T T ttl FROM HARBOR JD The gl"oom's brothef'·ln-law, ar a e~ • BY BAUAU LIJ..1ERTIIAL Jack Pettlnglll of Costa Mesa. ___________________ ....... _____ was hla best man. Long time friends served as ushers. They (Continued Crom Page 4l Maurice Faulknef' of the Unlver· Lncluded Glenn Pickens. the Service Points! The magic word slty of CaM!ornla at Santa Bar· bride's brother-In-law, Bob Huff . thfa time ot year. Students at bara, Norman Bost of San Diego man of eo.ta Mesa, Bob Galli· Harbor are bu.sy collectlnc seTV· State Colle,.e. Dr. Joseph Brugg. van ot Santa Ana and Daniel lee points tor activities they man trom th~ UniVftSity of Red· Sullivan of Long Beach. The bav~ participated In during the lands, Nicholas FurjanJck from brld~s cousin. four-year·old Kel· fllst · ball of the year. These Lon& Beach and Fred Graff of ly Alarcon of Tuatln. was a points determine who will be Pomona. About nv~ thousand I mJnJature nower girl In • pink golng to the seTVIce banquet at young musicians of elementary. dress and pink and white bon· And what does the tlrst Thurs· the end ot the year. junior hlgb, and hJah school will net. Miss Taccoa Hayet of Costa Housewives and Expectant Mothers join our DANCING CLASS • • • begins Saturday, March 10 CAll for registration HArbor 5013 day, Friday and Saturday of The maximum number of be represented. Then on Ma.rdl j Mesa sang weddlna .aJos. .adl month mean to you? Lido points you may receive other 29 Huntlnl(on leacb. Capl.ltrano, Roses and fern decorated the Da)'ll ... rlfteen stores all giv; than a c h 01 arab 1 P is el&ht and Harbor'a b&ndl wt11 combine chureh santuary and a lar,. Arthur Murray Studio tna ol their wares. but apeclally · ScbolanhJp maximum points are as did their vocal poupe two bouquet of Happiness ~ •ood March 1, 2 and 3 . . . Light twelve per aemester Those who weeks ago. Again. lt will take between ~andalabra at the altar. 3523 E. Coast Rlcbway I I welpt wool, waJat lenatb, letaure receive a ma.xlJDum ~f el&ht are: place at Harbor. Roses and fern alao decorated Corona del Mar lae.ktts, ~ pnc.J.~S.:.!= atudent government. dramatics, • BOROa IIOLL · ~th~e~cake~~t~a~b~le~a~t~th~e~cb~urdl~~h~.U.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ f« Men · • • and vocal musJc. m.trum~ntal music, SECOND QUARTER H 0 N 0 R r from VIenna. ... ~ at.blet1es. F.F.A.. publication& ..ROLL (lunJora continued) - Sllpoven. rea. -·--now tladl• Uldltants, and mlscel· Charlet Kramer, Barbara Lard· LOSE Tho $1o.J8•r::!. = == ~ 1aneoua Sodal committees, and ner, Jody Lleb, MJchael Mang, ., e e se Fromclaal bl ... .,... clu._ may receive only five, pep Anita McC•Uand, Jamea McCoy, .Uk ,.c V ou.eea,bo .. B commlalon three, and attend· Jay Mlka, WWJam II J 1 burn • boll now 112......, ap nu ou.ee • • • two. NaomJ Morp.n. Stewn Oqul.lt,rsome lnciJvtdual plne baldnt e....-· ar;:cb student 1s tlven an ap· Torn Pattenon. Dave Reonak•, ll'llj" ::-~ v:CS ::-MaJ~..:w 1m= plJcadon blank, whJch they take Sue Renabr, Jessica Roberts, _ Dllh Towell b1 around to the duterent teach« Diana Sanden, ConnJe Seeley. INCHES • • · !few TerrY lJclo Stri apouon ot their actMU-. 1be Judith Sut.b«land, Diane Tonne. • • • Marta ln :.:,:;-FUlJ '::' ktdll have one we.ek during Charlet ~ a n d e r v o r t , David 98e ~~ted .... .!; :..:._._ -oo.· wbldl they collect them. Vaupn. Oren Wade, Matlanne cle quu c:cr .. -.... , -11&"--• • • WWI&m.IOn. ~q~ ta~· ~Ex= .IIVIIC fDiltAL SOPHOMORD: Leonel Alden. wtth purdaa.le of two roa.a. kotcll Rarbor'a banda and otehema ,......, An<lenen. Joan Jrudt, tape WlllJ.,. StadoM1'8 • • • are buQ' qaln thJa U... pradJc. William ar.w. Rkbarcl Brlda· ~ :~ oll. many ltenw. UcJo ina b the Sou1.1Mrft Dtstr1ct man. Robert Burnett. Maxine , Toyland Automade a. 1!. Male r.ttnl the nl•t o1 rrt· a.una. llarf.I1D Qltdqa~~~n. VIe· . ..... sin JUtdataa .,. dq, )lueh "' and Satudq, the torla CMnaJ\ Carol n.w.on. 11--. Lido ElecU1c 1!1 Jttll. Paramount. Uttle Lab and IOchae.l Dellllnltr. Paalallebol-. tJvow nap 11.00. abo ~ a. Meet8ello will be •=ted -.ay Jtvane. 0ecqe ,._..,, _-a. .. .SO bllllclll all ol Ora.np • h ~ Glbboaa. &ar Godwin. naa Nr~JMnta __. • ... 1a to tab pia~ at_._ tbla o..N Gooda.le. aotJert ~. ~ f::--ctmakw "::~ ,..r and ., our ltQ,_ta w1l1 ho7 Ba4fteld. Bantet Ba7*n. ..., VIncent• WOIM'n'~ not onl1 compete, but wt1l be lllchul a.,_ DototbJ Klatt. Pub.lol\ ._ vai* to R~ actina u ...._ ......_. K.eMr, ,_..., , .... ._ now..,. Jtule'a .•. 9e1«t1on Tbe JH&-tllta ,_, an: Dr.~ ......._, Gao l.lneller7. c:atNIIt" l(ldfta Dl I r1' 'fl,rd olf. ......... • . • Oaale ta.ratee wMil eudle warrner, NC· -.oo. .. ... ~· llleaan&ne ........ ~ .......... ,.... .. LkiD ••• • * * * "Be Trim•• FOI' Tbe New "Slim .. S•nmMr Faahimw ••• THAT IS ••• unl-70" aN •u.&d with t1'ytna to ""9QQEGt' a lltrt (1.2) draa OD to a ... (1.8) ftpn! ... \&1\1-J'OU eDJq U.. -nAILY IIPPD n.c-ot -war I" ~o.oe.rwAC t'hart t E Q'n. 1 1'111• al ( .. axe 5 ) a.,..... noo• CX*IW!Lftft ........ -. .. toell"'ft;&& ........ ,.. -..A ... TOV ••• a..tT.-tl .... .. .. ., ...... ...,. 911 ..... ... LAGUNA BEACH HOME FURNISHING VALUES Sem1-aheer for lpl"lng, aUky t.hreaded to ells· ten at your windows. That's Penney's new- est aet>tate draw drapes In soft pastels. CHROMSPUN TO STAY COLORBRIGHT TiiRU WASHING Quality tailored~ BIG PENNEY VALUE~ . SO lnchH w1de noor lenJr(h so-by .,.. 2." PEllEY'S Ill SUCCESS QIIL TS! IUFFLEI! IEVEISIII ES! BACK AGAIN . . . 'MfRIFT PRICED AS EVER' Penney's two way wonders you use as coverlets by day, covers at night. Sleek, amooth quilts shun dirt. dust. wash color brlght. They're bleach~ cotton filled! Gay Prints. solid rumes. . ..... . 5.00 80 by 84 Inches cut size PEIIIIEY'I Pllllllll. UfD • ...._WEIIIII.ILITII! PENNEY'S PUTS A. STAK'IUNG LOW TAC ON lllAND HEW SA.JLCLOTH CAF1S. UVD.Y PRINTS. N.ly cut. ~ taU· at.l they drape beaut1t\llly. Handwub Uke a clrMm. wear u 01\lJ salldotll C*l\. Katdl· Ina val&nele 77c ---- 1.66 J 'lbeWa no rtpCII't u to wiMtJMio 8\llldq pelts at the hofDe ot there wW ._ ~ but en· Kt. and Mrs. Worth Bernard. tertatnment .. ~ ... and tM ...... Bay, ... Mr. and ... f'lve Blta 0' Rhythm wW be Leslie Morini and 80ft. Mac. ot playtnc few dancln1 followtDa Loa Anp~• Mt. Nortna II an dinner on Friday nttbt. .rheft a~ executive With tele· the Friday Anelen bolcl tbetr vtaion atatJon lt'M'V. ann11al whoop-de· do at the Jlfew. • • • port Harbor Yadlt Cl11b. G11..U Anyone who deelll'Mll to see the u well u mem._n will be wel· Newport Harbcw Community come at the party, aeecwdlnl to Players beeauae of averaJon to Gertrude Seymour. a member o1 "amateur talent" ta mbainl a the d!nnef·dance committee. Fa· treat ln tMl entertainment. 1bta von and door prizes will add to Jl'OUP hu come a lone n.y from the festivitlea, which beliD with the typical Jdda dramatics -In a cocktail hour at 6:45 p.m., Din· fact they've come a lone way ner 1s sc:hed11led for 8 p.m. and from their own atumbllne be· the dancing wtll follow from 9 elnnlnp. and I wish I had p .. m. to one. movies of aome of thelr earller • • • productions to prove it. LAUGH OF THE WEEK: When Last month they exU'nded thelr Nora Steph enson, eo-owner of plaY·IIving to eovq two week· the Costa Mesa Globe Herald, enda. wbJch seems only fair In received a allbscrlptlon to her light of the many weeks of prac· own newspaper as a door prize tJoe and preparation. We bad at Zonta Club meeting last forgotten bow aJUy "You Can't Th11rsday evening. (Might at Take It With You" really Ls, but least have been won by W inifred there was lot of opportunity for Barbre of the News-Press or Peg real "characters" In the play and Haapa of the Newport Harbor there were plenty of small strong En.slgn, who were also present) ! paru besides the good leads and • • • obviously good directing. Biggest The Roy Maypoles of Balboa laueh carne for Swen Brockman Island on holing up In some lit· posing as a Athenian gladiator, Ue hacienda for a Mexican va-most questionable wu the phony cation. Swedish accents of the maid and Alaa Olia, Pruillell of Iuiie· farm, Dies Alan Henry Olin, 49, of 414 Poinsettia Ave., Corona del Mar, died Sunday In Hoag Memorial Hospital alter a lingering Illness. Mr. Olin was born In Salt Lake City, Utah. and had lived In Co· rona del Mar for eight months. He was president of the Olin Music Corp. of Salt Lake City. He Is survived by his w1fe, Mrs. Dorothy Olin of the home ad- dress; one son, Gerald Olin o! Germany; a daughter, Mrs. E. W. Ha.rds of Salt Lake City and hls mother. Mrs. Ethel Olin o! Salt her boy friend, best tast1n1 were Marjorie Barnett's Russian blln· tzes; prettiest. .J ackle T.aeka berry In her pink dress, and the ballet- log of Leslie Gustafson. CORAL BEAUTY SALON Loo~ For Our Monthly Spec:iols in Th• EMi911 HAZEL PARKERSON Cell For Appointm•nl HARBOR 187b 3732 E. Cool! Hwy. Neor Poppy-Corona del Mer Lake City. l::;=:::::========E. The body was sent Monday to r:. Salt Lake City for services and Interment. Baltz Mortuary o! Co· rona del Mar was In charge of arrangements. FIJfAL Df BOO)[ REVIEW SEBJES TO BE OK FllJDAT The tinal meeting In the book review series sponsored by the South Coast Alumnae of P1 Beta Phl will be held tomorrow ( Frl· d ay) in Newport Harbor Yacht Club. Coffee hour will be at 10 a.m. Mrs. Mary Greer Scarbor· Learn to Dance •• ARTHUR MURRAY SCHOOL OF DANCING HARBO R 5013 3523 E. COAST HIGHWAY CORONA DEL MAR ough will give her reviews at~===========-· 10:4.5 a .m. IOITH·EIID SPECIAL SALE CASUALS, CO'M'ONS AND HALF-SIZES Alexander's of Calif.-Casuals Sizes 10-18 formerly 17.95 ----.. ---·--· .. ·----··--""'··-.. -·-·.SALE 10.00 formerly 22.95 ····--·-.. ··-----··-... -......... _..SALE 14.00 formerly 24 .95 --·-.. ····---.. ·-·--.. -·--····-.... .SALE 16.00 I Bloomfields-Straight and lf2 sizes Sizes 14lf2-22lf2 formerly 22.95 ...... -..................... ~···---··-·---·.SALE 14.00 formerly 24 .95 ....................... ---··-··---·-~-....SALE 16.00 formerly 29.95 .... -·-·-··--·-···· .. ··-·-·-··-··--.SALE 18.00 formerly 35.00 ·····--·-··· .. -----··--····.--·-·--.SALE 19.00 Dolly Mye rs-Cottons Sizes 10-20, l2lf2.22lf2 formerly 9.95 ................ ·-···-······-·-·-.... ---··-··.SALE 5.95 formerly 1 0. 95 ...................... ---·---··--···-·-·-.... .SALE 6-95 Paddie · s-Satin-Velvet Corduroy formerly 3. 95 --··-................. _....SALE 2.50 formerly 5.95 -··--·--· __ __sALE 3.50 Jewelry :diou • 1. 95 • ell ..let final. pleeM ne •dla!l9"o refunds -ch .... , ... VALUU To-.ao I We Are Pleased to Announce Our Appointment as Your Harbor Area Dealer for FRIGIDAIRE Appr~ances • I COME IN AND SEE THE NEW 1956 IANGES • REFRIGERATORS WASHERS • DRYERS GET DOUBLE VALUE FRIGIDAIRE DELUXE 9.SCU. n . FOOD FliEZ i l -lEFliGElA TOl STOll$ 40 LIS. OF Fl OZEN FOODS Look It over, talk It over and you'll agree--no other refrigerator gives you value anywhere near a Frigidaire de- luxe. Frigidaire gives you these new lift-to-living features: Zero Zone, ocross.the-top Freezer, 2 Roll-to-You and 1 standard all-alum- Inum Shelves, giant vegetable and fruit O.hydrotor, Automatic Defrosting in the refrigerator section, Butter Com- partment, tift down Egg Server, Juice Con Dispenser, sliding Meat Tender. SUPER WASHER ~ffers you quality and custom features ot a dollar-saving price. look what It off.rs: famous Frigidaire Jive-water oc:tlon, S.lect-o- Oial timer which affords fully automatic or flexible operation, super Ropldry Spin to get clothes pounds drier, float-over washing and rinsing, attractive super styling with a one-- piece top ond sloping bock panef. All thJs fotonly: Wilt. y .. , ow w ..... , PLUG-II YOUR SUISHIIE . Come In cmcl See ... New Frigidaire Super Dryer A companion unit for the Super Washer--this budget priced Au- tomatic Dryer has fully automatic, electric controls. The trim 1'4-* styling gives you a basket-high door opening in the oll-tt.t cabi- net with Its on.pJece ''working height'' top and bock panel. n. :Jutomotic motor 'protector and au- tomatic temperature safety switch assure you trouble-free operation. Met both pieces allow for flush to the wall installation that add to its beauty 'lr and utility. . • 1ances In color to make your kitchen glow- Mayfair Pink, Sheffield Gray, Strat- ford Yellow or Sherwood Green--this wonderful Frigidaire hos the roll-to-you shelves, the picture window hydrator, the sliding meat tender ond o handy egg server. The huge separote food freezer with roll-out freezer baskets will hold 168 pounds of food tafely frozefl. Color slightly higher. This completely automatic WOih- er handles oil washing jobs outo- moticolty. The Econo-Diol giYIS you two washers In one, IO¥ft hot water and lOOP· And you· how your choice of ~~II· wtllte or two-tone 'Whit. top with groy,.penk or y-llow eablnet. Its ftulh-to-wall lnitollotian odell to'" utility. 'llr Strict Law Enforcement Promised for Easter Wee~ ,.. .... ..., ._cu-.. IDlft· .... " •• 00.. the J'OGDI: tbJa ,.., .,. ......... tiMU .... at a.tlll a..cll ., the .. ,_,.. _.. ...... ew•na uc~ llllll'iq qcadoftl aa _.. to ,.. 18 .... ,.,. ...._ wm .._.,. Oft oamlq doWD fcw poe~. wbole· 4-..ce the aoowct ot tt..._ta UM&· M.arela 1 tor • l!ptCIIaJ week or -ftaa, INt we wUJ Mt IO&tr· ally In the bubcw .,. 4urtaa &v,,...._ ln 1 llllp at Caron· a111 tbe oda.-tnt. • MQW Dan the .....ar prior to J:.uUr but will ado, C&lJf. a. wUl Ml18t at 8t. BID of Rewpwt -.eta aid tbla -sna4 the ttuc1ftlt vtllton out Paul'• ......... aua.rda ot u.e ..-aa ••.,.aetna plaM for ovw a Jon•• .,..sod v~ 1e Ollroudo. 1'be,.... tM a.aaua1 &ue.-w.-vt.at to Loe Anp~• eebool• will be ..ua iacludll ..-tal ,..e~a•na the ...,._ .,.. ol vacatloftlna out Ptlday, Much 21. th.toq1l • ...-.c. aDd .i.ttadoll by lay· .....,... Sunday, April 1. the tradlts.al men ot tbe JocU cbW'dL ··~ .......... ..... Ill lwp1 .. TIP IILIEI We are happ)"-70U wW be too-with thla attnet!ve 3· bedr. bome on Balboa Jalanct Keu South Bay Front ln eho~ loeatloft. Yeo wtll tlu1ll to the larp Uvtna roca. beam ce1l.lq and b a r d woo cS fioan; a..lao a double ,.,.., .. Priced rtcht to Mll qu!C:kJy "We .,. publ.lc:ldq the fad 1!ut.et Week period. ~ 11lla 11 a ntun ot Jea.denhlp that an JOUq people mutt be eeboolt wW have thek IPdftl whlc:la tbe ......... ot tbe San ..u.-,.oraec~ and that all vacation a week euU.. Oraap 01ep Dlltrtc:t pro¥klll4 to the dt1 la'ft will be e1oreec1," eount)' 8Cboola will vacatloa WlllttSer Dlatrlc:t 1n ht~~'\~&17. At ....,_ HW &dde4. "We are 10-from Good Ptl~. M.ardl 30. that ttme, -... GodfN7 Orurun tq to u. our blodc eoundlon. throop Sunday, AprU 8. o1 CoronaCJO wu p..t leak at 38315 E. Cout Hwy. Tbe counetJon wtU work on 8aJ. nvD'I' CiOn romaD the K.wport IIMeh Churc:h. Dr. au. MU or Bu. 5680 eva. ••••• boa ldan4. .,..tina the IJOU.c-BeiaUna the Bible to ewryctay Harry Owtnp ot Banta Ana wm -----------that come Into their blocks, of· Uvtnr Ia the P\IJPOM ot the be the mom.tna ~JPelk« at Chrilt ferlq to aid them and provide newly·formed adult Blble·.tudy Chwdl By the Sea In Newport lntonnaUon alona wtth the. ad· aroup at the Balboa laland Com· Beadl on March 12 while B.ev. vtce to bebave here Uu they do munity Method.Lit Cbwdl. The Boy Carlllon Ia away. In tb.etr own cornmunlUes. No 1«011d meettnr Ia planned tot new, 8tart.ltnr IJI'OIJ'&m Ia plan· T::JO p.m. tomonow (l'rtday) at --.-r--.----to--C-,_ ...... --,-ned thla fHt... the home ol M.r. and Mrs. Jobn W lOO ... u. ~ Extra po&. otftcen wfU be on RoM, 3111 Ruby Ave., Balboa ..;;... _________ _ duty. One n....,.per m.IJiquoted lala.nct The flnt meettnr wu at roa SALE. l!H0-41 M2'1es •Buick the mayor In a report that abe the home of Mr. a.nd Mrs. Don· 4·door lledan. rood rubber, new lltatM that no atta officfte aid E. Sm.tth, 413 Sierra VIsta. elutdl, new fuel pump, ai.m• would be on duty, abe pointed eo.ta M• Tboee attmdinc ln· new battery; car need& aome out. eluded Mr. and Mn. Robert lb· repa.lrL Make of1er; ea1l KA. The tradlUonal Euter Week boUon. Mr. and Mn. Ted Jl 44.!19 atter 5:30 p.m. celebraUon Ia the week prior to Hau.er, Mn. Steve Smith, Mn. ----------- Eute Sunday. Euter Sunday Bertha Pinkham. Mn. MJchael th1a yeu Ia on April l. Scboola Carl,~ Gretdtm Broenn., tbe Your Health lfA'I"U'D ?:·~·· ... , . r ~ ·q;~-,·. ~ I • ' Rev. and Mn. Donald G. Sapp, MI. and Mrs. Roee, and Mr. and Mn. SmJth. ~OIICII The account of a mother'a fatth and .tead.fa.t rellanee on the man o1 God, u Ellaha wu called, to ralle her aon from death Ia told In the Leuon·Ser· -Wben buyln~ or aelllng Newport property. why not do bustn.-. with tomeone thorouchlY famUlu with the area? I have been here a long time and can offer real MIVk:e. II \" mon on ''Man" at the Newport AL-les' 11..1 a •• ILa.. Beach Chrt.uan Science church .,..... •If ---- Sunday. The Golden Te-xt from ~ w. Balboa Blvd .• Newport 1. L H.Mrlch, D.C. DanJel {10:19) coun.ela. "0 man Harbor 14.28 ereatJy beloved. feu not: peace MAny people wonder what 1 be unto thee, be IJtrong. yea, be $ $ $ $ Chtropradlc adjustment does atrong.. Return on Invested dollar! and how It attecu health. The . ------SEE • • BUY • • REAP R£. ~JWWet Ia that a Cblropractor U nJRN on $3,500 Invested---at deala with Nature. So then the nstlRg SU10 month from 3 units on question an.es what Ia Nature! dOR·to-abopplng half acre. The CbitopractJc contention Ia The ClW Uonbargers, ownen Where you can add 4 more that Nature Ia the force of energy of Crown Hardware ln Corona del units. that emanates from the brain. Mar, apent several daya Jut ORANGE OOAST PROPER'ltES The nervo~ aystem transmlta week In Long Beach attendlnl 1857 Newport Ave., Costa Mesa thb enerCY to aU parta of the the Paclflc Southwest Hardware U 8-1632; U 8-1400 Eves. body oontrolllnr and ngulating Aaoclation. Mr. U onbarcer Ia ----------- all ~Y p~ The Jac.k ot pa.t dlMctor or the orcantzation. thla energy In any part ot the ADo ln attendance at aome of body would result In lou ol the aesalons wu A. Lee ~tuck. functJon or cn.ue. Mr. ~d Mrs. Llonbargen ton· Dulp•• Ftr F..., LIYilc t..oc:attnr and ,.~ulnc tht. In· tn·law, who Ia manacer of th~ terference. wtth the flow of the local store. • • • WeU·bullt 3-bedr. It 2 bath for~ or Nature Ia lbe CMroprac-d <Newt> Newton I• home with rented fum. ea· tlc objedtve. ao that healing and Leonar b< thb Thurs· race apt. at back. Top of recovery w11J come from within boldine open ou.ae Dr1ft Roo Narcluua Ave., (720) Corona the body. day. March 1, at hla m For good Health .ee your Chlro· In Corona del Mar on tbe o«a· del Mar. - ractor a. E. Hendrlclu. D. c. alon of their MCOnd anniversary. Call owne, Harbor 2506·M. ~au akrbor 54n or 4514 For AP· Buffet lunch w1ll be :re4d1 11 -----------polntment. 100 Carnation. Corona a.m. to 5 p.m.. and b et n · ct.l Mar. ner from T p.m. OP Decorative PILLOWS 20 ••• Elollll& Gelenl l•r Dill• I Slza HURRY! W11U 18 EmMS .. CIIPLETEl Fl.,. $r .. • * &:IIU'I. f1ID. 1111"EaJOa J)ECOU'I"'RG IEriJCE * Diek Maeker * Carpeta * Drapery * Upbolatery WE GO THE lEST WHY DON'T YOU? -::~ 'II Fill $Ill Y.a de oowp• •• 'II-$1. ............ ooape 'IG CIEYY. -ae....,..wflalab '12 c•YILEI -\'-tete...,......._ I ....... &A.-.atk '13 •• $1&18 ~.u ...... 'U..C. $1 .. ........, ......... ~ '41 PIGUD a• ........... b ••t.U.. 'II $1. 'II ~-.. -atlc 'II .EVIILET -t.;';-;;Yie;;Ucle;;~~~~~;;~~;;;·;·~..,..;;rt~ ..... ~9i 'II Pi:lilii ·- r. Q g' ..... , ....... ta 1'M If .. low. Dqp&tag c.• IIAitMw all Prole..aoa.al John Plumbley wt11 bei1D operatiOn of the nnt Street DrWtnabnre tn Santa Ana. on or about Ma.rdl Utb. lndlVtdual and f'OUP 1_,.. avaUable. '14 IIHI r.u...-Ceprl .... . ..-. , .• hll .... CiJIIid ..... __ , - ..... ouu&:.,......_, __ , , .• X 1 J X r«r JOHNSON &SON $ • • $ Equity In 3-Mdr. tum. home. Drive by 1014 Arbor. Traller wanted for equity. Tbb pleaaant home hu land8c&ped lot wftb ocean vtew. rHA terma with low monthly payments. ORANGE OOAST PROPEKTIES 1857 Newport Ave .. eo.ta Mesa u 8-16.12; u 8·1400 Eves. Ill CUff.,. lllpPII11 e 3 bedrooma e uaed brick fireplace e thermo controlled unJt heat e ovenb:e4 llvlnc room openJnc onto e Sheltered lanai and patio e beautUuUy landscaped yd. e 4~ G.I.-$78 mo. Ind. taxes FUU. PRICE $17,500 Bar .. IIICIIIealty 1m Harbor Blvd. Cost.a Mesa. Callt. u s. mol Eves.-u 8·3158 LIT F8l UtE R·2 VIEW LOT. 60 x 100 Seaward, Corona Hlchlanda PRICED TO SELL:. u 8·4.2'n $ $ $ $ BUY 'roi).A y Tru.ly • arand water and mountain vtew rfttrtcted lot. Baa Bay Barca1n ol 1.956! ~ with very Uberal term&. ORANGE OOAST PROPEJl'l U:S 1857 Newport Ave.. Cost.a Mesa u 8-1632; u 8-1..00 Eves. • 498 Park. Balboa laland HA m Ill Fill ••••••• Het'e Ls a iood buy. A 2· bec1r. home. Just 5 yra. old and newly redecorated. ln· eludes wall·to-waU earpeta. lt bu a fireplace and BBQ. Jt'a fenced and has a nlce patio. All for the low full price of $16,750 ....... ,...... •. , , ...... .., Corona del Mar branch 3530 E. Coa.st u .... ry .. Harbor 5563 One. bedroom beacll home on corner lot. Covered lanai. fenced y a.r d . beautifully landscaped. Lot alone worth $6,500. EnJoy the summers and rent It durl.na the win· ter. Full price. $12,110 Exclusive with us. RAY lEAL n CO. 3444 E. Coast Hwy ~ Corona del Mar Harbor 2288 1PE11 IMSE, Sit. I S... 401 ........ • .. ...,.rt ··- Ex c e 11 e n t netahborhood. oonvtnlently located 3·bedrm.. 3 car .l&r&Je. 1 ~ bath-beautiful blrcb cablnet woodwork. Land.scaped. encl. paUo. Full price, $23,500 • • • IUSIIESS 11.11., C..a ... lar The coast highway lot alone Is worth a blg chunk of th~ uklng price tn this weU·oonstructed buUd.lnc. Th~ two unlta Include display room. S ottlces, shop and wu~house plus waJiec:f.Jn parklnc at alley level. Thls property Ia on aoutb aide ot hlchway. Full price $45.000. • • • NEAR OCEAN: Rental-1 bedr. fum. apt. Yr. Round •.. Adults. no peta --·-· . -·· .. ··---·-.. ··-.ti&S• per mo. ~ IEF.E YIU IUY nY noms"-••vaTII, ...... 2216 Newport Blvd. 3d> W. Balboa Blvct Harbor 1428 u 8·5101 Tomorrow You WUl Be Sony You Didn't Buy These Today 11.1. 'I lEST 1ft I IEITIL UIITS Costa Meu. one half block from Harbor Blvd.. very dOR to downtown areL Four duploes. court Ilk~ az. r~em~nt. 8 aara,es. 2 laundry rooms, nJcely la.nd- t~eaped, paved parklng area In front for guests. CIN.n and attractJve. Best Rental District 1n Town. F.P. S'2,000. $17.000 down. ~u'U like our MmdlJ aervtce .. W.L ..... ••TII nu-.aY. ••acw•~ •• lf&WJ'Ofi • .._. 1M-f Fll IEIT Extra lure 2·br., untumlahed apt. Complmly Ndec· orated. ~llent locaUon. 192..50 on~.,. leue. Separate, unfumlahed house-2·bra., hw. noon It nr. place. ~.00-yeara leue. Cblld OK. THE VOGEL CO. l887 E. Coast Bwy., Corona del Mu RA.: 17tl; B.A.,.,., You've Seen ''The R8st'' .. SEE ''THE BEST'' ...... IRVINE TERRACE WE OORDIALL Y INVITE YOU TO INSPECT OOMPLETED OUR DIS11NCTIVE FtJRNISHED MODEL HOMD AND OTHERS UNDER CONSTRUCTION NINE DIVERSIFIED FLOOR PLANS To th~ home buyer who wtsbes to purcbue ln the $25.000 to $35.000 clus we slncerely recommend lbe lrvfne Estates overlooking Newport Harbor. These homes feature Callfomla U"lnJ. Ott~ oclu-alvely throuch Earl w. Stanley ln a Smoc.Ftee area known u Irvine Ten~n Coast Hl1hway ooooat'-tb~ new Irvt.ne Cout Country Club, Newport Karbor. • For recommendation. w~ rder you to anyone who bolda a Leuebold Estate ln Irvine Terrace. Beacon Bay. Bayabores or Clltt Haven. Earl W. Stanley EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Pbone Harbor 4448 For Fu.."'tber Intormatloo VIEW IllES Call ua ... 2 SPECIAL otferlnp. • • • IIYIIE TfiiiCE 125.000. Includes draperies and $t0ve. 2·bedrs. plua den and 1 ~ baths. l.mrnedlat~ pclUE ton -only $3.000 down. • • • Ul'll .... BuaJnesa block. 2 atores. 3 apartment&. Sbowa excellent Income Priced $49.500. • • • IIYSI.ES Interestlnc 2·bedr~ 2 bath houw 117.950 Le~bold approximately 21 yrs. to CO· We bave buyers tor rood llstinp! Free Mtimata and good service. EMI .... PIIJ REAL TOll 225 Kulne Ave.. Balboa laland Call Harbor 1775 or Ba.yatde Ottice Harbor 3297 Eves. Edith Maroon. HYatt 4·6222 John MacNab, Harbor 53Sl9 Louts Boynton Harbct 287'8 ICED RDIT! , ...... , .. 3 ~r , 2 baths PLUS maid's room •nd bath; all fur· nlshed; 2 pa\'ed patios. doubl~ garage: large lot. FULL PRJC'E $29.500 Owner Anx.Jous to ~II ... .. lll1EII co. ~ W Balboa Blvd.. Harbor 4091. N~ar th~ Newport PieT DUPLEI-.1111 Clllfl·~ I.Wr. ucllllll-,la 8 .-pa praps AJl N.'ntt'd. ln<'Ome $213 per mo. TERMS OR will trade.-for unlmprovl'd proP«'rty. S20 Fl"rnlt>Al, Corona del Mar Call C. W. lASTERS, MIW. HArbor 3502 HArbor 3286 IULTIU usn• IF TIE 1•11! Clrans s,..l .. a•• ••••• • ~~- Ideal lay 6 Oclea.ft loe&Uon. SEE ~ M'UL11Pt.E US'nNG DOD2 BEFOU 901B onrD WCKY lt1YD IIZS m Newport Harbor a·oard of Realtors MUL'I'IPL& usTnm ana Ja:Wi'Okt~ 20 words or ~~~~:~---;..,.---21 to 30 wcrdia___,_....,..._ • ... ......... ,.. .................. Uc1 ._... ....................... ~,.. .... 31 to •o words ___ _ ..., ..., lllliiL •ts' tlliB fled out ~ u.. ..._ bd • ... Cal _, .. .._ a. left GD loot aJona IIUiltltiOD lt. Oillle8 ..._ ..... 1:11 && lilt· tDward ...,._ llvd.. Ro car wu ~. Cella ... pollee ............... ported. 'n. JII,IIIDaa wu ct.crtbed u 11IIS SIZE el...uled ad 1n the Enaten co.t. only a:uo tor tbrH ll'll8tiona.. Call 1n yow ads to Harbor 1114.. ,_ lfea hnl1w.,. caiJed betw ... 40 and 45. JOO '*"d8. poUce • 1:31 .... to "'*" ..... ' ft. 10 JDdl• fn betllrt ~ .U wu ~ tn bed Nadille bladt batr, dark .,_, -a. *hen •• beard a lmoek on tiM marked race. ,.-- dor. 8be went to tbe door and Fullerton pollee reported hav. ubd. '"'Who'a there?" Ina two a..rmect robbetl• ot a SJTl7ATIORS W AlfTD) "lAt ll)e ln." a wlee aalct abe almUar t,.. NC."entl)'. told police. Sbe opened tbe door ~~~~~~~~~~~ FOR SALE: 1940-41 .ertes Buick CHILD CARE: Day or ewnlnp. • and a man forced bta a.rm I Special, Fleetwood Grey. Body :soc per hour. Mabel Appel, tbrou&tt tbe openlnc, boldlnr a in eood ahape, exept one fen· 617~ Car n at Ion , COM. Ha .38 calJber revQiwr, and then der. TWo neatly new front Fed· 2825-R. forced hls way Into tbe home. eral tlres; two U.S. Royal, YEAR 'ROUND UCENSED home '1 know your buaband is a nearly·new recapta. Car hu chlld care for worl(Jne mothers. bartftldh and be'a not at home. new clutch. new ca.a pump, '-lJ 8·4629. Wbere'a tbe money," Mrs. Stocker months old Nickel SUver Bat· IRONING. 8Sc per hour. Pick up JfOW SBOWIJfG Cit u.. Pwt ,_... Ia c.... del -le ~ quotecJ the eunman u aaylnr. tery (guaranteed for 3 years). Lalit Buat.• M·G-X•a *-a of u..--w11o _. c:1-. t. wtp. '"'• woman aatd abe had no Make offer, car needs some re· and delivery. U 8'8571· ID9 oat tbe a-t ef Allledca'a 9NC1t bRHcdo Mlda. ..._ .. -.....t money. patrlne. about $25.00 ..• Call PART TIME WORK. Day, rurht, Tayl« CIDd o.bla Jlaget ID a.-..._ a......._ .. You rot klct.. lady; l.t you HArbor 4459, a.tter 5:30 p.m.. for wanted by retired rentlemen. don't want them burt, you'd bet· appointment to aee. Perfect health. collere gradu· ter live me the money," the roa SALE ·ss RANCH W:.:.A=-GO~;.,N:..:-..:...._t_a.k-=--e-ov--er ate. formerly accountant. man· From the POUCE BLOmR man aald. He puahed the v1ctlm payments (S2(YTO balance); agement. hotel clerk. Tlred of toward a bedroom and upon en· being Idle. Own car. Consider· tering atarted aeardllna drawft'S ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ low mlleaee. HA 1517 or HA able forel""' travel ..,..._ .. lence. ------------------------for money. On top ot a closet 5543·W. .~ -..---=':-::=---:--=---=---Good appearance. LI 8·6215. e WEDIIUDAY. FE&. 22 e FBD>AY. na. u shelf he found a cigar~ w~h '"DGDCr '52 CHEVY BEL·AIR. eood con-MA'nJRE w6MA.N wishes baby Dorothy S. Elman of 116 VIa A U30 addJng machine wu contained about $100 fn biUa dltlop. $700. Call Ha 1155 or attt1ng and care of alck. knlt· Orvleto, Lido Isle, complained .tolen from a display window In and aeveral doUan 1n chanee. Ha 3544. ting or crochetine. Day or that someone removed her maU Wllllama Statiooen, 3430 VIa 1955 FORD Falrlane Club Sedan, nJght. HA 3192·M. box trom a post and that later Ltdo, Newport Beach ... Offl· Af h w· (JfO TVIU) Lt. & Dk. Green; Fordomatlc, COM man would like gardening, she found the box across the cera took a Newport boy, 6, home 9 ans In •• .., .... , ........ R&:H, 5 new Flrestone w.w. clean·up, etc. Call 10 3.2122, street. apparently the work ot a for a t~k with his parent. after · WEJGIII OJfLY 12 oz. TIUIIT• PIIIDIIDIO Tires, power brakes, tuneup Mel Upshall. prankster ... Frank McKerlle of Bob Ramsey of VIncent's Lldo t D . s h ... oaly r • S't. 11/4 2/14. Your offer. 425 Begonia, WANTED..;;.: ;_;;I.....;ro..;...n-:-ln-g--:-in_m_y---:-h-0-m-e. 2581 Fairway Dr., Costa Mesa, Drugs, Newport Beach, charged a 0 9 0 W A New Concept In Personal COM. call Ha 0714W by 25th. Mabel Whitman, 6(11 Margue-complained that a hit and run that be caught the boy attempt· RadJo. Ear Phone and Carry. WALNUT-OFFICE-DESK-and rite. COM. HA 4.279-J. car damaged both right fenders lng to steal two nJght llghta, Kay Finch afghans won prizes lne Ca.le Optional. Extra. swivel typist chair, good con· ------------on his car parked in front of razor blades and a box of tacks recently on the east coast and DAVUP ••aWl CO dJtlon. $25. Ll. 8·7943. ..MUSIC JXSTJlVCrlOR.. 28 Balboa Coves. Newport Beach ... For the third time futJle at· on the west coast at dog shows. WhrDII • FOR SALE BY OWNER-2 Bdrm. · · . Mrs. Nevalla Olson of 3412 tempts were made to saw oft the Mrs. Finch won best Afghan 1115 B~lt.'t'eo.ta liMO home. completely redecorated PIANO INSTRUC110N. Teresa VIa Lido Newport Beach, re· coin telescope ovet"looldng the and second best hound Sunday, j~~~~~~~~~~~i Lots of closets. cupboards. Low Renner (Mrs. A. Renner), ac· ported that $5 was taken from Corona del Mar main beach be· Feb. 12. at the Westminster Ken· ~P O R T .... \. t .... '.. .4 • ., MCWII ....-..COLOR .... CiNEMAScOPE ...... L.&tva• .. .,JVr ... , ..,.. SliiJAIT TAYLOR ·GRANGER """"'~ down. 711 Heliotrope, COM, cepting a limited number of her pu~ In the stock room of twen Heliotrope Ave. and Col· nel Club show in Madison open 1·5 sunday. Ha 4~·J. pupUs for plano. Concert Pl· Shaddock's Inc., 3412 VIa Udo, denrod Ave., the owner, Carden Square Garden. New York City. I£ SA IU ..6. Ill" .A ......_.,_. •55 BLUE P0RSCHE SPEEDSTER. anist of Three Continents. where she Is employed ... Coin Telescopes of Carden Grove, Mrs. Finch won the places with Up H ~~ .. ~~ " private owner, never raced. Graduate Student of Bela Bar· About $66 cash from cookie sales complained to pollee . . . Glen Crown Crest Rubl. an Afghan 0 L S T £ R 11 8 Your FamUy Reftaurant 3800 miles, no dealers. $3,000. tok. 436 Serra Drive, COM, wu stolen by a burglar from the Standage of 206 E. 16th St., Costa hound born In Corona del Mar, ttpboJ.ami.D9 4 Draperf (Ooeed Taeeday) HYatt 4.3363. Ha. 2039. Newport Harbor Glrl Scout House. Mesa. complained that a hit and now owned by Mrs. Robert Tond· Liberty 1-4711 2515 E. eoc.t IIJ9bway --1700 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport run car damaged the left rear gren of Bromlield, Conn. Her 2350 "ew'POft I L. eo.ta MMO lla:rbor tMI Conea del Mcu SPINET PIANO. Lovely tone and P£BSOifAL Beach ... L11Uan Thompson of fender of his car parked on lr· wins were slgnlficant as the dog ~!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ case $387. Terms. Other won· Garden Grove reported the theft vine Ave. across !rom Newport Is only 18 months old. - derful bargains In rental re· * Jewel Bo1 * of her 1949 automobile from the Harbor Union Hleh School . . . Braden Finch journeyed to San turns. trade In on organs. etc. Vlll M 1 Dl S d F b SeveraJ merely scratched in .. l7auaual eo.tume Jewelry'" a ar na parking lot . . . • SATtJILD •y PEL 25 ego, un ay, e . 19, to win Mrs. Helen Torre of 223 Agate ft • second best hound with a brother ablpplng. Danz · Schmldt·Phll-FINE WATCH REPAIRING Ave., BaJboa lsland, reported the Albert Stone, 41. of 717~ Fern· of Crown Crest Rubl, Crown Crest Ups Big Plano lc Organ Store "Prompt SeTVlce-theft of a motor collie from leaf Ave., Colona del Mar, suf. Cardonyx. His win was at the 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. Reasonable l>rlces" Agate Ave. and S. Bay Front ... fered a concualon when be fell Silver Bay Kennel Cl ub dog i940BUICK 2·door, good shape. Harbor 1403 Earl Spangler of Costa Mesa re· alter a heart seizure at 11 :50 show. $100. R. Dorris. 506 31st St., 2726 E. Cat. Bwy .. CoroDG del Mcu ported the theft of a $100 alcohol a.m. and wu taken to the Veter. Newport. Ha 5348 day time. stove from his boat at the New· ans Hospital, Long Beach, alter SBaVJJfG AT .lUll STATIOR STElNWAY GRAND-llkenew. Big MISCELI.AlfEOVS port yacht anchorae-e . . . treatment by a doctor and flre Ronalo F. Hfll, aJnnan appren· saving. Also Knabe, MaSC>n & department rescue squad · · . tlce, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hamlin, many others. Practice RESOLVED: • TRl711SDAY. PEL 22 Four panes of elass were found 1ohn E. Hlll of 21a6 Union St.. pianos 85 low as $9S. Danz· Mrs Thomas Edson of 621 broken out ln the home of l . H. Costa Mesa, Is serving with the Schmidt . PhUllps Big p 1 an 0 Be on time for your 1956 ap· Larkspur Ave .• Corona del Mar, Welnbure ol 608 VIa Lido Nord, Fleet Airborne Electronics Train· Store, 520 No. Maln St., Santa polntments. E tern a ·Matlc was taken to Hoag Memorial Lido Iale ... Carl Swanson of lng Unit at the Naval Air Sta-Ana. Watch serves you accurately. Hospital tor treatment for an 1.28·4lat St., Newport Beach. re-Uon, Norfolk. v a. The unit FOR SALE-riiia size cla.ssllfed RAY FIELDS. Jeweler, 19th overd~ ot sleeping pills at 8:46 ported that someone caused $3.03 teaches electronlesmen to oper· ad In the Ensign, only $1.50 for A: Placentia "'n Vl.sta Shop· p.m. . .. Mrs. T. W. Perine of damare by tfrlnc bb pelleta at ate and repair rad.ar and other 3 Insertions. Call your ads to p ing Center," Costa Mesa, 182 Shorecllfi Rd., Shore CUtls. a window sash In his home . . . senaltJve detection equJpment HA 1114. Ll. 8·8488. reported hearing a man:s voice • Sl7JfDAT ..... • used ln Naval airc:ratt. calllne for help from a meadow .. -BEAUTIFUL ELECTRONIC OR· RENT a Spinet plano to buy, all east of Shore Cll.tfa but lnvestl· Minor damaee resulted when Patronl.z.e the mercllants who CAN perfect case almost new. term rent allowed. Practice pi· gating oUicers were unable to a car driven by Marjot)e Roden advertise ln the Newport Har· Must sacrifice. One only. Big ano low u $5 per mo. Danz· locate anyone . . . Donald R. of 1585 Miramar Dr., Balboa, hit bor Enslen, saving Danz ·Schmidt· Phillips Schmldt·Phllllps Big Plano a: Clem. 30, ot Santa Ana, harbOr a parked car reclstered to Moms r;=:::::==:::::==:::::===:; Great Sale. 520 No. Main St., Organ Store, 520 No. Main, St., department employee, was taken Butler of 1352 W. Balboa Blvd., Santa Ana. Santa Ana. from harbor department head· Newport Beach, In the 1300 block HAMMOND Organs all models, quarters to Hoac Memorial Ros· W. Balboa Blvd. at 12 :58 a.m. one slightly used. like new. Sll., & Ro-L•al pltal Cor treatment atter he ran · · · Cars driven by Dickinson R. Danz ·Schmidt · Phillips Ham· •-a drill thioueh his right Index Freeman, 29, of 426 Narcissus mond Headquarters for Orange Space for R•l finger . . . ~ve.~~rona .,.~el 'Mar. and John County, 520 No. Main St., Santa · ~er. ....,. of Long Beach, Ana. American Legion 215 15th St. H 1• t PI ~e:t ~~~~~e~el~~cc~~~~~a0s~ B.EAL ESTATE & R.EifTALS Meetings 2nd-4th Wed. 8 p.m. e 1p0 ans of Tustin Ave., Newport Beach, 2·BEDR.(unturnl, nice patio. ga·~------------E I M at 1 p.m. · · ·Donald T. Robb, 12, rage 1c carport. 1 ~ Blk. from SERVICES a r y ove of 2016 Ocean BJvd., Balboa, auf. fered a severely·cut tonaue when main beach, COM; outside ------------• shower. 314 Jasmine, COM. he rode hls bicycle Into the back Ha 184l·W. Painting -Decorating The Hellpot Division of Beck· of a parked car registered to -~---.,.---PAPER HANGING man Instruments has leased RobertS. Gardner of 323 W. Bal· CALL Edna Craig, rental spe· 3,200 square feet of ottlce space boa Blvd., on Balboa Blvd. near clallst with Doria Bray, realtor, GEORGE BURKHARDT at 1865 Newport Blvd, Costa 9th s 216 Marine Ave., Balboa Island. U('t>nucf ContnrtOT Mesa, where Its accounting de. t. at 12:50 p.m · · · Walter HA 20 or HA I!A. 878 W. 18th Costa Mesa 11 McDonald, bartender at ErnJe's. UIIIA ISU. SPIITI. I .. S TO. GILADE IPOJI'I'S EQVIPIIEifT * ALSO ..,.. CIDd ...... z...ta Bood CIDd eo. .. .. ~Shoea '* Jut bal Oat Rew lUll· .... Sboes * 222 IIAaiJfE AVE. IALaOA JSLilJf1) _....,_,.,..,-.____ partment wi be located about 435 N. Newport Blvd., Newport FREE-HI Desert VIew Home· Uberty 8.8628 Uberty 8-6632 March 25. Thls Is a preliminary Relgbtl, charged that three E1 BAJmOa IMl sJte. Martell Building, Yucca COMPLETE PAINTING . phase of the flrm's move to the Toro marines threatened him Jloa.n: W dally. Valley. Harbor Area by the end of the with a tire lron but officers aaJd ........, 1-4 JUIL HELP WANTED PAPER HANGING SERVICE year Into a new two-mWlon·dol· the argumentjlad quieted when ~~==~==~==~~ HA 2976 lar plant near Hoag Hospital. they aJTfved and th~e wu no r WANTED -=-clerk·stenographer; '<Evenln-week·ertds) Hellpot General Manager D. ev1den f tt --I • ...... .,.., C D --'d . ce o a em~'~ assault W • • • salary range $227 to $275. EUGENE 0 . SAUNDERS · uncan -.. that Interviews .. Parents of two BaJboe Ialand Apply Recreation Dept .. New-500 31st Street. Newport Beach are belne conducted for a.ssem· g1rls, 8 and 10. aezoeed to make port Beach City Hall. biers, prodactlon machlnlsta and restitution tor about ss damage HOUSEWIVES!-Earn -$5.00 per accountlne department person· to food ln the kJtch~ of the hour to start. FuU or part time, lotie p,_;aa~..l nel at the State Employment Balboa Island Community Meth· your area. Box 788, Capistrano FOR :• Servtce offices In Santa Ana. odlst Church and for •preadJng Beach. 8 MM 16 MM 3:5-MM •--the food on the churdl aanctuary BABY SliTER wanted, also baby and 16MM SounJ Projectors .,_ IIY-, letlrM Ooor and causlnc other minor sitting and lronlng 1 day a FAST COLOR FILM SERVICE p damage ... John Davta ol 318 week. Harbor 51015. Model Airplane Supplies IIIII Will•, .. Oele St., Cost• Mesa, reported SALESWOMAN: bulld a highly • C a,.. hla car stolen from his bualnetlf profitable b u sl n e a a aell1ne Ill a.rl ~ addreu at ~ W. Cout Hwy., GIFTS 'n GADGETS full or 1782 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Newport Beech · • · part·tlme. Need c.u. We train. Phone UJ*!Y 8·7042 <C.t.IIM,Ied 011 Pap 10) Kl 3·5895. RtPAlR AND M&Tn ten an c e. ...... ,. .... 1009'• EMPLOYER RETAINED AGENCY NO FEE collected from applicant 41.3·3llt Newport Beach HERE ARE lOBS That you wtU be proud to tell your trtenda about. New bleb wac-coupled w1th the tdeat worklnc condltlona add up to Jot» W1tJl ..,.up. JfO ltXPI.!ltll:ltCJ: BEQUIJti:D Start JOU:r MW job In C11M ~ ow omc=ee near )'our home. 'l'ELEPRO.l'fE OPDA.TOU -Appl)'- t:OO to f:OO,... llfV. X ..... 1L. a..; 21.1 ......... PAane 'I'I:I.ZP80im palntlnc, carpentA!r ete. luat anytbJnr. Reuonable. Satt. faction euaranteed. HA QU6...J. COIO'LETE ~Q sana FREE ES'lniATES Mil Green Stam~ "" cleltW!rJ OORONA DEL MAR 1fUUI2Y HA 1081 2744 E. Oout B'W)'. Tocu• "-111 Cia I *• ~ PIIE£1 Improperly POC\ded Llchta are danaerou.-and mecat. We'll adjut your ltpta to S.A.E. SpecltlcaUona. ELIJIII'I .~~ @ -~ Rewport alM. • ...,....t ..... ........ 0,.. ~' ...... p.-.: Walrers ~ IIAin'A AX ............. -aELL'I BOJUZOr ...,. , .... .,..._ .......... rHr'-rtt. ''''(.(. '* .... •• '* ._ ........ ............ ltU .,... Lat Proatier"" ...,. .,. ....... eQ ...... ~ ·~ I . t._• ~PI'Jf, N -(;{ Ct\ l C r H bH ~ t s I:J ..... ~>· •••• ~ • t I ',..,.. L' • .......... ~ !tmE" •n f) ~Uwu; qMJ. IIIII •s D1FE ru.. ..., . . cedltldl a-r ... a-.-... ••c -..... a. 1 , I • • • .... te ... te .._ -wt"i:= •a ........ ~ ... ---....; ............... , 101, ............ -Pia' ................ --... ....... -1017» ••• • • -. Business Directory Webs+er ls .Held ta Answer In ·~armonica' theft Case eetlid by eys' Olu~ Ku. 11. \tftlt4r, G. aaaehln· r\lht coat poe~* to simulate a Lawn B ow 1 era celebntecl --...c:a a.&, o1 m w. wu.oe 8t.. eo.ta cun Wba 1te dilmancled: untat'a 1'be iDIMW laDrOe4 dub, one Wubm.ton'• Birthday with a urgat end Most eompw. Fvmiture Store in the /vee. c.n for ~r. OECOMTING S£lvtet liberty .... m• INSURANCE _______ .......,........,.......,_ ....._ wu -.w to.....,. to Su· fine. put tiM ..-In wttb Jt.,. n.e P'loalllr •••....._ tlom tbe lal· ol the DIIWer ~ of the tournament day on the Newport pertor Cowt on u ........S rob· .. temelai came lite dwt AI· beMa Pa9IIIIIIL ._-Cha~ 01 tM llaiW Area, ls Beach Kunlclpallowllnl Greens. B G ~ bery c:barp at a prti1JDlaar)' MrtL~Gi-E.Udlet.. ........ ., ".~da wen ~--n::.-:,.:=t· Fourvlslt.onft'omSeattJe,Wuh· liS'... ar 'I beulq tut w.k In .Newport ec.ta ~ atUd: "'1.1 U... ea..-R• lief cent v I lQJton. were weleomed and in· L ~ "Be Sur&-lnsure" 8eadl JUitlce court. He 1811Cbed· ..,U. .. ._r' e . &ldller wu ...,._ ~ lllle. Tbe flab part. Tbe ant tallie me I vtted to join the play. Lloyd M,mishings for home&. Wl'l'll Wed to a,ear 1n Supera Court npr~,.. til• . .,_ ol a ,.. fit .,_. tilt middle kelp 1 by 1J teet l8 DOW racty tor Steeves won the prize 1n the dubs. yoc.ht-5. STANLEY nat 'J'uee4,ay. whilllwr Wtdili ·-w.. .... "r ~ • ........,, llldneecl tradt!l"-· Spieler ewnt. ....,....., .. ,......., .. -CY Wet.ter was ebarttd with t.ak· tlil .,_ ... UJGl ......... tlli t;y· _...., I'GL ~ ~ ,.. WilDe _.. of the boyw bave Twenty·aeven l)Owlers com-)()17 w. Co.Jt Hit(wwey ""'""......n...., -..-ln1 approxlm.ately tlOO and a ttore. ._. , flalia · Wfom tl.sbtnc. extra tradt an(l oCher ral&oad petecl ln the tournament play. N-porl ... eh ,.._. ......._ Xft ,tnt ol whlake:J from tbe Spora· 'I'M el_. pUt tbe ~ &Dd 8oiDt ol tile IMaiTacucla weN equipment tbq ean Jive, u.f.re Harry Bruce ran up 1.9 pointa to ~=========~ man IJquor Store, 83 Newport aU the bW. from die cub rea· ~t OD atw. bait and the wtll not bf enoup to eomplete wtn tlm place. Herbert Wh~er :::;; 1111 a Ooul ~ Blvd., Newport Beach, ·at 8:2t ls$er tnto e llfaiwD pQer Ma· aa..B • 11 a !~fer lura. tbla projeet u well u the projed landed aecond with 14 polnta. COrona ... Mu p.m. Wedneeday, ""· 15. Be a). ....._ left tluoQp dM fraal al the MCODcl model tallroad Walter Pean10n and Lew Pettitt ... J111aM; JU .a leJedly u.ecl a harmonica ln btl dmiiJII cloofl alld tbe derlr lloo' dmob•lle club ualDI 8IDall J&UJe track Unlabecl ln a tle with 13 points tel•pllooect' poUee and tllen and equtprne.ot. Dr. Donald each In th~ play-oft Purson • iCiO'Oii J iiiiiiiCiiOJ " .... II II I ...1 cauJbt a Jllmpee ol a ear cll8• Garlc:h and Prank Bur-M, the fl'abbed thlrd and Lew Pettitt " • -IIIIW appeuln1 down 28th St. The H F •d adult advt.on of the clu~. have f.oo1c fourth. . REAL ESTATE .. • ..... .... clerk yelled to Georp Baker, a ere ra ay made the IUaMtton th.at in The prtza were p~ted by • e ..... ..... meehanlc: ln the ltloh Hahn Ca· many homes there mu..t be Edward MWR't. president of th~ Contracting Ora ,.._,.._. eon-"'> ~ rate. 2Ith St. and lfewport Blvd.. Loc::al raJcJenta are u.rced to model railroad equtpment that Newport Rubor Bowllac Club. Insurance n,e, ~ ......... a who was com1n1 &c:roea the tb a.-.a ,..__ famlUes have OUtJFOW!L wUI be honored ~\lest~~ t.b1l Frl· meet, that be bad ~ held c:ome to e .-.. ~ Bloodmo· U auc:h Ia the cue. the boYs at day nteht for the annual Staa . cl --Sahn bUe, wbldl w1ll be at the Amft-1· .... _ So'-' Cl u1 1 Dt. Coatinuoua clq &Del e¥enlnl Nl ht uored b the Auoc:f. up. Mr. Bear an -... can Lea'lon Hall, lStb 6 Bay u-1• ub wo d surel,y Lke c uone ln your newa atorles to ct.-101 pnparatlo to at~ 11S: 9tu4entf cave punuJt to the pt·a1fay ear SUeeta. M~ Beach, f:rom 3 to make u.te ot hUe t:rackace. your local oewwpaper, the ED· D BW -......... _..., b t U.S.C. but loa It on Lafayette Ave. to 7 P.M. toJDorrow (Friday) awitebes a.ncl roUJnt atodt that alp. Harbor lll4.. MIICE MYERS UNION SEitVICE u. s. ltoyel n .... Wuhi119 l Poli..hl119 Complete Lubri~tiOft s.Mc:e FREE PICIC-UP l OEl iVatY Ph011e Hert-3094 1701 E. Co.ai Hi9h"y •t Avoc.ede Cof-oM ..... ., pua U.. State a.a.m. ~-. u.uc coae a Pollee put out a desc::rlption of · now put away in many homes tor ma.ny JUI'S, wtll apeak on the car and at l :30 a.m. 'Iburs-By donat1n1 a pint of blood 1atberlnc duat and rust. Boys' j~~~~~~~~~iii~~~~~~~ii~~~~ aports partktpatlon for yount day, eo.ta Mesa polke Aw a you c:an bulld up a c:recUt for Club otrlda.la or the model raJl· For bltomaation, men today. Dean l'red Huber, car meetln( Ita deec:rlptlon leav-yourself or • member of your road club advlJicn w1l1 be Jl.a4 AL TYLER SCHOOLS advisor ln char~ of th~ affair, Inc a eo.ta Mesa bar. They fol· famlly. Tbeft ls no substitute for to pick up unuaed model r&D· Ulllf. Broadway, Santa ADa KlmMrly 1.3511 XEl1qf a.zu protnlses .ome surprlR enter· lowed It to the front ot 279 W. whole blood In treatlnc vtctim.a road equipment ll such la avail· talnment. Wllaon St., Wet.ter's home, of a sudden Ulne.a or a tra1fle able. Tbe Boya' Club telephone The steak and flab dinner wU1 where be was placed under &r· accident. Bed Cross omclals numbet Liberty 8-M31. Tbe ftn1t be RrVed at 7 p.m. in the Stu· rest and turned over to Newport point out. Your fam.Uy doctor can mod~ ra1lroad club m,eea Cll dent Center. Spence Rush. pres!· pollee. only aave the l.1te of hl.s patient Monday NIJhts at the Boys' Club. ··"01'~ Po. ~TIYI, ---~~;;;;;;:-· ----dent of the A.M.S .. wDl preside. ll he has whole blood l.mmedl· ............ &aafiJWO ~.~e~·~.Jowup~~n~~ 20-30 Group a~;=~ Center deuvea Country Club 1M liED for the lathers. many plnta ol whole blood to Jm a. C6lllt ...,. _. j ._, C... ... ._ J:9:::Wana1ne .. ofth&..=comk IIIII Celap •-Aids Clean-up :~:~~~:~~ybew:: Progress Told ~m...~~===t <Jfa~to~~Jiarke(j • .. _. -----and er· Wll Swt. C II II Old posters and atom• Weft tlnued by havlnc volunteer don· * ~-.... z.a.aa..ta•-.._. • .. _.._ _..., -1 1 ··-on come to the BlooclmobUe - match yama. Morell's new-• tom off power and Ucht poles wb~n It Is in this azea. Forest Smith of Lido Iale j~~ii:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ dreu patterns, nove~yams and trees around town 1\Jesday t th Clock Co try Cl b. and ltra~ lnclud t.M Oranee Coast Collep lema nllht of Jut week by m~bers owner o e un u liJiar'l'lmftiiT IP awam to a decl.slve 42·23 win t th R bor 20-30 Club L -~ T In WhJttier and a chain of rest· over the Mount San AntonJo Col· ~eatu! :: the dty c.lea-:.ua oca eam au.rant.a In the southland, reports lege women last Thursday In the 1 P that hl.s Yorba Uncia Country 313 E. Balboa Blvd. college pool. Next competition c:aD~pka gnMl.ll · ~ ch •---w•tt c t Club should be re.ad:y for farnDy Balboa will be with Cba1tey, March 8, ,...;cln cb:PP~tthe c~;~~ I ompe e activity by mid-summer. --.wO"JU)--111-0-1 ... 0.w1"'"11""-ra ___ ln the loc:al pool. project. Dick Erul.l of COrona del "At least nine holes ol the eolf • Coach Beverly Campbell Usta M:ar Is tb• aettnc chairman of 'l)le Newport Beach city r«:re· course should be ready for play Cynthia Strother, Seal Beach. the pup, whJch plans to hold atlon department will enter a by late summer," he says. BRUCE MARTIN IITI-01•-FilE-LIFE •• CEMENT AND BUilDING and Jane Nunan Patterson, New· tu charter nlfht oelebration on team ln the Southern California Among th~ attractions planned port Beach, as retumlnl awim· AprU 7• The croup meets at 7:30 Boys Basketball Championship t:>r the club, ln addition to the men. Newcomers are Darla Aus· p.m. each Tuesday In the Sea.s· Toumamnt 1n Culver City on 18·hole championship eoU coune, tin, Sunset Beach; loy Newtn,er, port cate. Saturday, Bob Glnrricb, ctty rec· l.s a bridle trail that will follow LOCAL ACE!fr San Clemente; Lyn De Lotto, reatlon d.lrec:tor, announced thJ.a the ceneral contours ot the more 1793 lfEWPOJn" AVE.. COSTA MESA Carden Grove; Joan Booeey, Co· L I c d t weft. than 400 acres of the SmJth pro-omCE: Llber1:;y a.S~Zt RES. l..lbatr ... ,... rona del Mar; Mary Grancer, 0C a a 8 $ The tNJD will ~ made up of perty. There will be a stabl~ with 1iiiiiiiiii~~~~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~~~~~i Huntington Beach; l ane Elliott. Are Promoted boys 11 and under who have • number of purebred ridlnl I Costa Mesa; Duleen NotUn~· been pa.rtldpatlnt In the Satur· hones. -----------ham. Newport Beach; and De· d•y mornlnJ basketball prOifam The club l.s located just outside Lores Del Coma. tranat~ f:rom Two cadetl from the Harbor at the Horace Enslen School. The the town ot Yorba Linda.. UIUIII TIIIEI. .... 10-clay Dellv~ Top Quality Workmanship Guaranteed FREE ESTDlATI:s In Our Sbop or Your Home CAJIPI:'I'Ill~ ILIP CX7Y&a. BEIJ8N••na. 1118T.&U..A'I'IOII8 ~ lfewpart Blvd. u a.-n. eo.ta lieu Long Beach City Colleee. area In the RCYrC at Pomona CoJ. local team will play two 1ames Ieee and Claremont Men's Col· durtnc the day. U they wtn both CAB TDlE. WBEEL. STOLEJI U. ...... 1111 L~ce have recetved promotions. p.mes they will retwn for the A tubeless tire wheel and sJ.x I _ _. Cl ...... Lt. Col. Robert F. Caler, professor seml·final.s on Saturday, Much nuts were stolen from the c:ar of IW.,. _.,, --. of m.lUtary science and tactics, 10. Dr. Emmett G. Raitt of Santa announces. Theft wtll be no basketball Ana. the doctor oomplained to A paJntlne by Howard Clapp, Grecory F. Wright. son of Mr. a.ctlvtty at the Horace Enslen Nf!'WPOrt poll~ at 10 p.m. Mon· Oranp Coast Colle,e art lnst:ruc· and Mrs. Roland A. Wright. 2910 School on March 3. Normally day, Feb. 20. Tbett occured -while tor, has been purchased by to. Cl1tf Drive, Newport Helebts. and there 1a play each Saturday from the car wa.s parked In the Villa AneeJes Sta.ttt Colle-ae. a 1953 IJ'&duat.e of Newport Bar· 9 a .. m. untU noon at the school Marina parking lot dwlnc the e IIIUIEI • S1'EI...a MUlliS • T•a ._....11M C~ 11Jtd A.ree P• Jleady 10 T .... 111 0... a.... Lap-. .._. ll,..et &.IIQ Tbe patndD& titled "Put and bot Bitb School. has been pro· supervised by Coach Art Cbrl.s· evening. Tbe tire and wh~ were rr-t~t,• wtll be JII-Dted .. y moted fn)m .,.eant ant class ~n. ------~val~ued~~a::t ~~~------~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ to. Anplea State as a Jlft to to muter ~t. Wllllam M. Woodbury Collep ln apprecfa· J~. 110n ot Mrs. Pbyllta Je!f. ----... -01-................ -0.....----tlon for the use ot the latter's rey, 312 Na.rdaua Ave., Corona eampus. The palntlnt was M · del Mar, baa been promoted from ec:tecl from a lup number aub· ter~eant to ..,.ant f1nt class. WATEJl BEATERS Sales. ServiCie and JtepaJn .......... Terms, 10 Per Cent Down Phone Harbor 5330 FabricatJn1. ne.tcnm. A Maintenance TRAILEBS. Htlaml, BUIIPEitS or what have you; No Job too lute o..-too ama.O.. REASONABLE RATES 2133 Orante,. Cocta Ilea. U8-~9 "A 's" · VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY THE NEW m a c h I n e process method. Reasonable prices. Av· era1• 2 tape raJd~ntJal bllnd. Only $1.00 Bllnd repaired and rebuUt. Free Pldt up and dellvery Work done by appointment I'Mne UbeiV 8-5'701. Kl a.-or Kl 1·12"" PATCH'S BODY A PAINT SHOP B. W. PATCH Comp'-'-Coli ...... Wotk Apto Palntlq ,.._ Dtlmat.-Try Ua l'lnt 788 w.-l'ltb at.. eo.ta .... ua..-... . .. 0 ....... ...... mltted by former atudenta of L ;:A. ;;;;Sta;;;;:;;;te.====~ ..... • ·, ... I••••• II. • Fill SAVE SAFELY At Orang• Couftty'a lA•ding Hom• lending lnsfiMlot'l CONTINUING TO PAY . PER ANNUM ALL Acc::0uNTS INSUltED U, TO I I 0,000 M A.c...ta 0,....41 0. ot ... .,. TN I Ott. ef ttl!• WMtt. 1ft'""' .... lat • . LAGUNA .-aAL SAVINU a LOM ASSOC&AT10N .... ttr•••111 A hlth·speed ride in a ca.r beinl drtwn by a d:runk boy re- sulted ln a Coron.a ael Mar girl, 16, and a Jirl·frlend. 17, of Pa.sa· dena. abandonlnt the ca.r at 19th St. and Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. Wed:naday, F~. 22. The gtrla were walking ln Costa Mesa on their way to a show When a boy, known to them u ''Dale," uked them to JQ for a ride with him. After cettfn• into the car, they found the drtver was drunk. The Co· rona del Mar etrl was picked up by Newport pollee at the Arches. Aft~ t~Linl pollee her story she was taken home. .. , ...... , ... ............ John B. Price, 6, of 1045 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach. .uftered minor lnJurl• when a trleyde b• wu rlcStng was backed into by a car ln an alley between lOtb and 11th Sts., ott the Ocean Front. at 12:55 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 22. 'lhe car was driven by Clifford Canyon Rei., Corona HJghlands. pollee Ald. 'Ibe boy was ex· amlned by a pbyslclan and takn to Boat Memotlal Hos· pltal. e I • $ TO HIITJI Eller rtt-•zlll'slllge Sl50,800 LlcQ lllllr II• tier Swee,sta'-! Jilt a feW 8Js left. hl't lliss tWs ...... tt win 1 faltnel r-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, , ....... m•.••- .•• 1 DO!SWT 1M •. 1 A; JSI lt'a .o euy/ Simply ao to uy PIJ-outla lhowroolft. ad ~ ... 80ior au. her of your 1950 or ....._ -*1 car (ANY MAD) OD the FREE eDtry blak. That's al daen il to itl But you ,.., bony. Coate~t c:lc.M forevu OD Saturday, March 10. U roe'~ like to wiD a bii .lice ol that 1150.~ burry to • PlymOuth eboWf'OOID IW* • 1st PIIZE $50,000 CAll w PillE TIIP_I._ ......... IY All, PUS $5,. Jnl prta-ss..- •..n--a.-....... ss.• ............ 75 ......... 1211 ........ ......... ......... ..._ ~e.talef$111,. --·------------------------··-----------------------------------------------------J • .. ...,.., ... ;...._,, .......... . ... _ ........... ~ ..... , ..... _. LOU & ASSOCIATES ' . ~ ~ . • . . . . . ... ..... • • •••• • • • • ••••• . ·-. .... -... . : ~ ... : "~" .... • A • • •••••• • ••• .... ., .... (1 Callulw de1a1La toc1aJ I W. L LANDIS · oa L E. CAJRNS ~a.1011 133 L 1 '1tla lt. COSTA NUA LOllS FDR IllES 5" JD.TEAII LOAJf SEE .08 SATrLEB Poirier lortciP Ct. 2515 E. Coast Bwy .. CDM Pb. BA ,_ JC J-5115 (Metro Life ID.aunme. FUDda) MATTRESSES ID.DenpriDg -CottoA Foam llubber Irregular Shapes JfEW -BEBtnLDIJfQ COSTA MESA MATTRESS CO. 2150 Newporl Blvd. Lib. 1-1)0) JAMES D. RAY Bullllilll Co11ractor }446 E. COAST tiW'f .. COitONA DEL MAlt HMor 4763 lte1ldeftee: HArbor 4196 Commended CoL a. G. Blah, who k-.. a ... 'Y ol tbe old welt alive In hJa Lone star exhibit In .Ooroaa del Ka.r, hu NNived a lett• ol thanka tor hit participation 1n another tllbute to the old da)'l. the annual HeUcJotado daya tn TomlMitone. AtlmnL 'lbe 87-year-old colonel, who looka lUce be hu jult stepped out ol the WUd West days, bu ridden ev~ year for the put 12 years In the Helldorado pag- eant. Here'.s the letter he hu just received: .. On behalf of the entlre Helldorado organization, we wbh to express belated but .sincere thanks for your entry In our 1955 Helldorado parade. We feel tbat your aplendJd partlcl- patlon and f ine entry added greatly to the success of the pa- rade. Hoping we may enjoy your continued cooperation -Tomb- st one Helldorado, Inc." COJUutOEIJ EQII 1.EYa. • INU%1 _. ~ ............. Mtt•ltt .. ~-....... did •· A...._, prni&IMt .C tM •ewpert a.J. bM aa.lap ...S l.eaa A-.. Ia W. m I I 1• dell...-.d 4lt tM --· ..... 01 ••• ea.ia· tr• ....._..,.. wW ....... lbtld •••• u .. to locate ... aDd ..... -rr..r:::: ... -...ell ................... ty. ... c.e. .................................... ,.. ... college Marks BUILDING KEEPS PACE its 95th year WITH RECORD YEAR Chapman Collece, on Nortb Glassell St. In Orange, will cele-BuHdJnr permits tuued In the brate Its 95 years u a liberal city of Newport Beach durlni arts college with the annual February totalled J135,435 1n rounder's day banquet at 7 p.m. value, bringing the record for the t o m o rro w (Friday) Jn the first two months of the year to Woman's Club House on the $1,490,1.23. campus. The comparable figures of a World Correspondent John K. year ago were $567,565 for Feb· Morley wUJ speak on the pros. ruary and $1,497,550 Cor the first pects for world peace. Proceeds two months. Thu. 1956 Is main- of the banquet will be allocated talnlng the pace of last year, to the Chapman College scholar-when an aJl.tlme hleh was ship . fund and wUl be appor-established. tloned to worthy stu d e n t s Last month's permJta Included through competitive examlna-18 single family dwellngs. $735.- tlons. 435; one 2·unlt dwelling. $19.675; Chapman College Is sponsored one 3·unlt dwelllng, $41.660; 49 by the Christian Churches of repairs to dwellings. $79.180;· 6 California, Nevada and Arizona. commercial bulldlng.s. $140,617; Its history goes back to March 4 repairs to commetclal build· 4. 1861. when the Institution ln~s; 4 garages. $6.300; 6 ca- opened In Woodland, Calif. The banas. $7.400; 6 swimming pools, college was known then as Hes-$19,800; 8 signs. $4,208. perlan. FolloWing permits were Issued: e CLIFF BA VEJf David Corson. 1 %·story. l ·unlt dwelllnc at 618 St. James PI., $15.000. eBAUOA Glenn Colt. 1-story, 2-unlt dwelllnc at 1401 W. Balboa Blvd., Sll.925; Merlin Cox. alterations at 105 E. Edgewater, $1,000; J. Meeathron, 2-.tory, 1-unlt dwel- llnf at 1707 Plaza del Sur, $28.600; B. Grlnuhaw, alterations at 2157 Miramar, $200; T. A. Tup- man, convert half of double ga- rage Into alngle garage, 436 Se· ville. t450; John Farwell, 2-story, l ·unlt dwelllng at 2CXl3 Miramar, $15,725; Howard Lawrence, con- vert garage to storage, enclose area Cor garage. 1005 W. Bay, $1.000. e MEWPOBT BEIQBTS George Shaw, patio at 510 Riverside, $100; D. F. Tolmle, ga- rage at 536 El Modena. $1,000; Dr. David Nielsen, wall at 405- 409·413 Holmwood. $1,000, and at 344-350 Newport Blvd., $1,000. eMEWPOBT Bayshore Park. quarters for park maanger, 112 W. Coast Hwy., $9.850; Alex Salazar. re· pair termite damage. 113 22nd Orange Coast College agricul- ture students participated In roping and branding events In the annual Irvine Ranch ro\lhdup recently under the direction of Dick Barrett. Instructor. Studenta enrolled In beef cattle classes participated In t.he roundup of some 1100 calves. They assisted with vaccinating, earnotchlnr and dehorning of the calves. e COllOM A DEL MAll H. N. Ballard, alter garage to St., $150; Mn. Wedeking, repalr kitchen. add living rom and car. damage caused by auto, 2901 port, ~ Heliotrope, $6,000; Newport Blvd., $200; Herman David D. Hall, alterations at 245 Balleweg, cabana at LJdo Trailer Heliotrope, $2,500. 1 Park. $300; Vaughan Taylor, e DIVIJIE TEUACE dweUlng at 3609 W. Balboa Blvd .. Maceo Corp., l·story, l ·unlt $6.000; C. S. Dietrick, algn at 6604 dwelling at 712 Santana, $23,170.1 W. Cout Hwy., $275; Westan e a.u.aoA ISLAMD Canners. repairs at 3010 La- ,----------------------------, Unlon 011 Co .• aales oUice and fayette, $2,000; Balboa Yacht storage, 504 s. Bay Ft., $16,000; Butn, sign at 829 Bayside Dr .• Hilda Briscoe, demolish bulldlngl $875; VIolet Balgh. addition at at rear ol lot, $100. and build 2-614 36th St., a.'550; James Ed- story dwelling, 320~ Diamond, warda, 2·story, 1·unlt dweUlng at $9.000; George Newlon, altera ·j 415 39th St., $5.000; Mrs. Wede- tlons at 1407 N. Bay Ft., $800: kind, storage at 2903·C N~porl Barkham Carnt'r. replace fence Blvd .. $300. I I I I I I I clouds overhead? • just push them aside! • dry clothes : the modern way ... with an I I I I I I I I I I I electric clothes dryer! JUST PLUC IT IN and Bid, the IWitch. Clothes come out soft and fluly ..• thorou;hly dried by clean, even electric heat. It'• the best-and e.uieat-metbod c..J~,,....~c-....n..,., SOUTHERN CALIJ~ORNIA !DISON COMPANY L -----------------------~----j at 201 Pearl. $150. -------LJciUrl Will s,.lk to F.aia Seclttr JfOTJCE OF REABIJfQ P.t!Uoa For AJMmA a IUD eDt ot lllcJbway Notl~ Is hereby given to all Jack Llgthart or Cardoza Gar· freeholders In the Fifth Road dens. Corona del Mar. will talk District that the hearing of the I on "Shade Plants" at the month- petition of J. Chalmer11 Wright. ly meeting of the Costa Mesa- t>t al. filed on February 14, 1956. Bay Cities Branch of the Call- for the abandonment of the here · fomla National Fuchsia Society lnafter described Str~ts In the at 6:30 p m. Tuesday In the Ev· Fifth Road District. In Orange erett Rea School auditorium, Co unty. California, has been set Hamilton and Meyer streets, !or Wednesday, the 21st day of Costa Mesa. March. 1956 at 9:30 o'clock, A.M.. A pot·luck dinner will precede at the room of the Board or Su· the meeting. Mrs. CecU George, ~rvlsors In the Court House at birthday chairman, has arranged Santa Ana. California. a special refreshment table with Sa id Streets proposed to be a birthday cake for those who abandoned are described as !ol· have birthday anniversaries ln low': I March. Columbia Drive and the por-------- tlons ot Dartmouth Place, VIr-~ No. P. A. 691 g1nla Street. Trinity Place and MOTJCE TO caEDITOU Bryn Mawr Avenue u ahown on E S TATE OF AUGUST H. a Map of Tract No. 15 <MEL· I ROGGE. also known U A. H. ROSE MESA) recorded In Book 9, ROGGE. DECEASED. Page 19. M15cellaneous Maps, N011CE IS HEREBY GIVEN to Records of Orange County, Call-the credltor.s of and all persona fom la. which are not Included having claims aram.t the aald within Tract No. 463, aa shown decedent or aald estate to tne on a Map thereof recorded In them with the necesaary vouch· Book 32, Page 3, Ml.aceUaneou. ers In the office o.f the Clerk of Maps, Recorda of Orange County, the Superior Court ot the State CallforniL excepting from aald of California, In and for the proposed abandonment the por· County of Oran,e, or to praent tiona of Columbia Drive which the aame, with the necesaary are Included within the right of vouchers. to the undersigned at way for Superior Avenue de-ba. or her place ot bualne., aclbed In Deed to Orange County to-wtt: recorded In Book 2643, Page 217, E. R. ABBEY, PubUe Admlnl· 0 f f I c I a I Record.s ot Oran&e ttrator, 324 Court HOUM Annex. County, California. Santa Ana, CallfornJa. wtthln a1x By order of the Board ot Super-rnontha after the f1nt publica- visors of Orange County, Cali-tlon or thla noUc:e. Cornia. Dated tht. 14th day ol Dated February 3, 1956. February, 1956. E. B. ABBEY, Public Admlnl· <SEAL) strator of the Eatate of aald de· L. B. WALLACE cedent. County Clerk and ex-otrlclo Ralph M. Myers, lr .. Attomey Clerk of the Board of Super-for administrator, 2721 E a • t visors of Orange County, Call-Cout ~t&bway, Corona 4el Mar, fornla. Calltomla. Publish Publllb J'ebru&17 t. 18, 23. and Newport Harbor Enalp Muds 1. ~ ID tiM R.wport February 2S and March 1, 1R Hatbor Enalp. Mvate Polce Pall ol Farrar Wins Golf ~ ourney Cbet Farrar won the second annual Heart Fund benefit golf tournament Sunday at the Irvine Coaat Country Club which raised "57.65 for the Heart Fund drive. LD lta....- 115 c-=M'dciJ Wcry COSTA MDA ~ ,. ••. 0...... ·-tlaaaett.- Bavaria Film To Be Shown Robert Forbes BUILDER B Arbe r ••• 1101 Mr. Farrar won a take·home silver trophy and Ita. na.me wlli 10 on the Geor.:e Hoag Perpetual ~;;;;;;;;;;========~=======;;;;;====~ Trophy. He was In a tle with L. W. Flaher at 67 and drew car~ to win. Other acorera Included Jlm Gray, 68; WUlJam Hoa.teln, 69; Bob Mangan, 69; Robert Ly- man, 69; Wlllla Hunt, 69, and Bert McHugh, 69. Low grou points Included Jane FJo. eo,_....-n.-tet ._.. -Uphalt Tile -Rubber Tile Formica -Linoleum Tile CARLTDIIS' ~~~ ~-Jl-l] 125 L 1'ltla lt. ConiM-LJBEmT a.425J 22 Yean In Orange County Ward, 69; Mary K. Browne. 79; ~======~=====;;;==:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;~;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;~ Kathleen Lenihan, 79; Mrs. Ralph r Compton, 79; Mr.s. Warren Lamp· man, 76; Mrs. Jim Gray, 76; Mrs. Ben West, TT ; Mrs. Roy Hallberg, 78, and Mr.s. Marshall Shaddock, 78. Costa Mesa Lumber Co. LUMBER -BUILDING MATERIALS lfewport ••..s.. eo.ta ..... Uberty ~··J FIRE 8BDMQS ~Elf ~~~=====~=;;;;;~=;;;;;==~~~~~~~~ A trash box fire also damaged I;; a section of fence at the home of Gloria French of 1149 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach, at 4:1:5 p m. Wednesday. Feb. 22. the Newport Beach flre department reported. The fire waa out when I firemen arrived. STROOT'S HARDWARE HOUSEWARES * Giftware * Appliance. * Painta ta W..,..t lt..S.. U I-MIL eo.to II- If you're saving for a comfortable future • • • .... Where you save does make a difference As more than I S,OOO.OOO Americ:ans am.dy !mow, thc1'e are imponant achutqa to puttial JOQr aavm,. in insured Saviop IOd Loao Atloclationl •.. Exc:elleof returns from your moaey ~· ODe ldvantaae. Modern, e«iclent, forward·lookloa KrVice Ia ~· 4Dd. or cour-. your money • ..re becalee 1ft t. and Savtap IOd Loao Allodatloaa your •YiDII ani procecud by IOuod manaeement and IUbltantiaJ ~ 'J't.y ae illlured up to SIO,OOO by die FSUC-u llr*Y or the u. s. OowrutneDC. No IIIMIItr Arrwrlctuv.., _., ,W"'W ,.,.. of tltW ~ e«tHHIff .u.. IMo IMintl ~ Mil I.-AaodotiOIII ,,_, ~ *' ... _ ..... .......... .... _... ............... ........................ ................ ~.-.-.... ......,.. .... ,.. ........ ... _ ..... ._,..,_, ..Utlw,.., Cl ...,. ud ..... ................ ,. ..... lOAN ' •• £. ,......, .~~~ ......... 1161 va. ..... A co _ __. -..at ......... ( Harbor Democratic Club To Hold Dinner Meeting A ..Uq wu Wd Feb. 211t Jotntar an orpnb:atlon wtw. l!,.~ucl'• ._...,.,.t. Jfewpart moao Ja "Maaee IJia WorUa to ••ant. the new Jlar. WbU.." bor s-toma Clul» apouored flY Arthur Bal..,..,_, preelct.nt A dlnMr wW be beld tomor.1a p.m. na.ctay In the Calete1a row ( hidaJ) IGrr mem...,. ot the ot the Harper School, 18th St. Harbor '>am a crldlc Cab at the and 'J'uaiB Ave.. eo.ta Ilea. Udo 1la. bcme ., tM •• ,. and ....._ C!llainDu, llrL au.-11 For Mwdaeade and eavetopee Brown. 'nlt. wW be tb.V ftnt Call the J:Dalan,llubor W'- aod&l actMty ot tbe year for tM ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;===;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;::;. TO• OVAUT'I'·,_... ••• .a. ·•A1'a'l' ... Santa Ana lertoala. of the Santa Ana club, ...... died ,__..,.._at tram the batbor at ~· meetlnf. '!be til· .,.. laduded Walt. Seibert, AI ttlc:t ehalrman of tbe club ft'tea· Dutfllll'd. ~ Alden. lltll alon PI'Oif&m. Art J'Jaber of Loe Knampbok. aut Peadle, lob Aqel-. ouWnecl what the club TownMn4. lob Jtarr, Gordon atanda for and what It Ja tJ')1.nl 'WblWt an4 Dr. IUcbald IML to accompl.Jalllll the eommunlty. du.b. ROSES The new s.rtoma Club Ia an tnt.-naUonal ..-vtce elub with chapten ln all major elti• tbroupout America. The hatbor club a. 8eeldq bull..,.. and pro· feealonal men lnteNited In broadentnr thelr acquaintance· ahlp throuf,b tht. f•JJowahJp and In Appreciation * The Newly Enlarged Studios of AJmiUil MURRArs l52l E. Co.Jt Hwy. • Corone del Mer Were Deoorated. by Bob Franklin Corona del Mat ................. rl#l IL ~AIT IDGIIWAY C....dal ....... .., . PAYLESS OIIPLETE I lUI STIRES t 1 11"\fHIJ'f"O"S ..,.. ' . . ~'; . . .. Mil Yle IJdo IIA 1003 •.,...at aeada 1301 c:-t B.-y-aA ISH • C.... del Nor Alpha Xi Sets March Dates T b e r e wW be a "Wh.lte DonkeY' table c•or a wllJte es.p.haat table) WIMn artleS.. may be ~&.led. Jlemben ot the com.m.ttt.ee ..... ..., Ln the plana f01 the party are lin. FMd Olaon and Mrs. CJata Axtater ot Corona del llat, Mnl. Prank Downea and lin. Dale Boct ot eo.ta Meaa e d Mrs.. Belle Loe- ~er ot Newport. R. E. Hatblaon, the president ot the club, beaded a latp ~P of memben who attended a din· County alumnae ot Alpha X1 ner and mH't1nc for the 28th Delta aororJty have marked their Concre-lonal D Ia t r 1 c t Demo· calenclan with three date. ln nuL& DAIIT &WUIDa o.-WUU.. P. 1'IIIIMt .C tM .... c:ratic Coundl 1D the San CJe. Mud\ beflnninl wtth an eve· ,-t ..... ,..._If 1 7 W' •....,. ._. _. tM ~ nJng meting on Monday, Marc:b ~ .. ..._ ._ .,.:. br tM MWWy Oldaw .. ...,.. liMit IDe. mente Beach Clubhouee on Feb. 12. at the .home of Mn. ICrm&, • ,.. ••= ... -,.._ oa1uwa lladlll by-0....,. c:..aty 18. Name. of members from the 9825 Metaat Dr., WblttJer. , Cll Jill ..... :-.:;;•• O...la •••e4•he .. U.. ••.,. ~~C:.~,~~edf~·-~ .. •U II ..-a. ........ wn.-~ cd Lc C... .,_,..,...., ... '"'"..,... ..,......_...,.. On S&buday, March 17, the 10· _.. • ...._ w. • aa, 1111. (Jin .... ,..) of dele,ates to attend the Na· rortty alumnate member~ .have tJonal Democratic Conwntlon ln planned a deuert card party for ClliliiT cau ... ft 'ftm 1&A under the ~al topic; ''What OUeaa-o tht. comlnc Auguat. 1be couples. 'nle party will be beld .. A Putpoee True'' wtJl be the ~ le.us Sbow Me!" nnt. meftfna-will be held March at B:ao p.m. at the bome of Mra. eermon theme Sunday. at Christ "Thew aermona In March wtll l8 In the Culno at San Cle-laclt Nelaon, 9872 Leonore, Gat· Quudl By the Sea 1n Newport .help to Interpret eome of the , den Grove. lleach. The Jtev. Boy A. Carbon qualltJea ln lew.' life which are mente. A rummage aale hu been announce~~ that tbJa wlll be the a challen1e to Cbriatlans today," 'l'be next meetJ.nc ot the Har· planned by the group for Mardl tlnlt of three Lenten aennona atatea Mr. Carlacm. bor Democratic Club will a. at 30 and 31. Membera ate uked to bl'i.nc preued ~ on a laan1er to l1an Gall Lane, Gar· den Grove, or call Lehllb 90088 for pick-up. The ale wtll be held next to Corday Hotel, Santa Ana. GlamouT Glimpses At O'BRIEN'S see the costunle· look '56. Not.hlng could be more conec:t and nothing can make you feel better dreued than an ensemble created to be worn u one. Here, Indeed. a. a Uvely way to aprlng. n»,_,-. r ............ . ....... _. ... ....... t1aaa -••t. Teu ,__. .ay .. aaytlaiDg ..... bdlf ... -.....y ...... to ..... Wully Cll .... 11.-d hlll·-.ua .... Tille atrUdll9 pad Ja ... .. .......... ~ ..... .. ..... ..... ... ··-...... ,.. .......... .... ~.,: N .... .... wttla ......... of yaw ..... . robe. ............ -· ~-.ti.IMe•..t· deat Ia .... ~looll "5&. ~nlroJucing •• • A .. • PARTY DIPAIIITIIINI Ill IIICHARD'S LIDO MAIUliT IIIZZANI-Gin SHOP PAa'lil8 AND ouas r r r wewm~~e.._, .. ...... "" wJtla ..., ...... .. .. . ....... .. EiirT' .-rEI 't'Ot'Aa& Te ..., P• a.., .s-a .. IIAIIDL& AU. Lilla • ArouDd the Wa~Jd.~=.OO • Around s. America. 400.00 • Around Afr1ca. -· . .00 (Appi'OXimate Bate.) • li I = Dlillt a&. AJr118e • .IIM;w4fl I • !'Min • n...tN 1'lllllletl * •o IEIIYICE c:aJmaK * Harbcx 1246 Coline Glbbona. Dorothy Mc:K.enna. Marruerit.e H~ 0.. Jt. Cout Bwy. at Ordal4 .&.en. from P .0 .. CD11 ••••••• ftla &fAI ()OO+fiiON ANNIVERSARIES WEDDING SHOWERS GOING AWAYS BIRTHDAYS Fun for llicla Too! Malee y~ur next party en ••• ENGINEERS OR CIRCUS PARTY. See our c:ompkte kit tor 12. 122 piecea with centerpiece, pla.tel, cup~. c.lotb. nap- ld.Da. forb, apoona, balloooa, pl.ace carda and mrpri.lea for all. A perfect JDddiea kit for 12 ..• ODly $3.88 complete. ..... AJIIETT ••• e Prftldent Hoover e MeGrecty•a Yellow e Texaa Centennlal e F. X. DruachkJ e Picture a DOD Y AJI1ET!' ••• e EtoUe c:le Hollande • Countesa Vandal e Paul'• Scatlet e Belle of Portulal e TaJlsman • Mr,a. E. P. Thom Sony! !(o SltB Green Stampe on ule merdlaod.la. CORONA DEL MAll NOBSEBY INC E. c-t ....... -• ?'I· .. a-. -i:! ,_ •• Th~ are almost as many types of costume. thls year u theft are pereonallUee to cbOOM them, types of fiiUJ'H to fit them, and occasions to wear them. Come In and see the per. fectly stunnlnc JOld aUk shan· tung Carlye with the lol4· threaded hopsadd.ng jacket In a mixed tweed repeated on the dress collar. Glance (and drool) at the adorably youthful plnk tourmaline linen dreu wttb a beautifully detailed ruby rose coat. alao In llnen. Feel your amartat In a aeaweed green linen dress coupled with a cot· ton mobaJr twee4 coat, fully '=:::::=:::=:::=;;::;:;:;:~~lined and exceptJonally styled ;. with aide allta ln the atral1ht VAN'S CLEANERS See Our New Party Room "lO v .. n· fapeM~~Ce P.n.cti119 Superior O...Wn9 C.ft.-Mhlp" WE FEATURE c.,.f~,~l HendlinCJ of All o.nc.to Febflcs, keded I Lac. _,.,... DltY CLEANING-lAUMOIY SEIV· ICE -KNIT ILOCKING -HANO P.ESSING -DYEING -ALTEM· TIONS-A~AIIUNG. ""-Ho~ 5)52 Pid Up I o.ti"""Y Senrlc. Open I •·-.. l :lO ~ • -5eturdey, I e.m. to 2:30 P-"'- )42tt E. eo. ... Hwy.; CoroN 4ol Mer •••••••••••••••••••••• . . o•TY ••• : TIIUS ~ : III£11LL ~ : ,.,,.,. : • • ! "IIJif If "' lwi' f : w. ..... .,. ... , .... • a a eln·mv : • • • • A,_., .... ~ •..•... ,.. : ~~ ~ . ...................... coat and clever button trlm. ~·. ~ cllJ8a blae pdat .._ Cit OrmER-s -.phd wttla o -. ..._wool ... ..... wttlt tile prlat. 'n.n • Jet bladr aheCitb ....... ..art blodr CIDd wlalte ~ caet oad • m&D· .... tilly ... rtsx ... wtllt. ............. rib~MaWDe tria .... ~ .. rlliM· ..._ ...... h-ed wttlt e .................. crapplll ..._ ........ ,..... .. .... tt-flt-.... wttll ........ . ......................... " ................... . .. t ... ·tlat. ..tel......, aWt ....... ltll ..... ..... ...... ,..... .... ....... 'n\11 IS the COIItume year-and O'BRiiN'S Jeede the way ln tht. and other courtJ.-e fu.hJona. Come ln and look at them! Now completely 8toclted with party favo!'ll and gay decoration.a. Uae our party department to browae around iD •. .&Dd pla.ll while you ahop. At Richard's, you can order your pa.rty complete. Whether a aimple kid'• party with candy, ice cream and cake, or, a JftDd aD· nouncement, when you deGn the tiDeat cater- ing -RICHARD'S LIDO KA.RKET cu do it all On the MEZZANINE. Mra. Lois St:lrdi- vant., oar party departmeot u.teee. willcladly aaaist with decorating ud ..-vice planning. Special candiea and ~may be found in our GROCERY Depe.rtment. Our BAKERY will tailor-make your cake and order apecla1 ice cream dMipa. ADd for catering the DELICATF.SSEN 18 the place to 'riltt. At Ric:h&M'a you 11 find e\"eryoM Ia r.cly t.o help. No party il too )ar&e or too ..U t ••••• lp. Ge BE 8EtCe s .... ...,.t u, .. ~·-8111111.••• ........... ... • es' c-•,.,.... ,_,.,. ~••::' I ....... • II& Wit h LOOK! rrs EASTER ON ~ hay Eut8 ~ Euler Straw Bulteta. Plutic Toye. a~ a,... aad School Party 8\lpplle~ are all abloom Ln our ae.y ICutcr DUiplay u JOU'ra p~ a klda" event C!Ome ... our 11111&11 Sc bukeu and t.Lny cblelu at 2/De. Tbue alon~ with a UttJe ca.nd7 or eooklu are all you DMd for a ba.nc·up atte.r-.ebool party. OM Will&~ A'l' IIIOBA&D'8 ..• FA.VORS IIOIUQ ~ C&fili i'&l\ •pnmcsa-~ TALLY c•ane 'IBcUr'K YQUa D"ITA'1'101'8 IIWU& WOU .C U.. V.L eo.t a-d .__ ,.'rt..S to·--. ot o.a L Cab"-* aa. ..... tbe .. ftaltled tbe eoa.t Caald pdNl -------------------------------------..... ~ ~LOIIER c.D.K. COJOIVJfiTT CBVBCB I Church. Organ selections choeen Rev. Edwin C. Gomke wUl for the .et"Vice by MJ.u Margaret speak on ''The Spirit of Christ'' Scha rle, church organist. will In· at dupllcate lenten sermons 9·451 elude "Prelude Andante" by · PeteR, "Putorale" by Francie and U a.m. Sunday at th~ Co· and "P1lerlm'• Po.ttude'' by ----------- rona del Ma r Co m m u n I t y Frost. (Continued from Page 8) ;:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~========:; e MOKDAT.~~ Earl Williams of 324 St. An· drews Rd., Clift Haven, reported that his dog bit hls 14 -month- old daughter; the dog wu or- dered quarantined ... A door at the rear of Rouse and Garden, 3017 W. Cout Hwy., Newport Beach, was found tampered with but nothing was missing. Introducing • • • •. le11 Wilson, Hair SIJiill from our Pasadena Salo n. * Jane Ardythe * Tommy Wilson * June -Manicurist Tommy Wilson's Beauty Salon 25 15 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar Telephone Harbor 2187 e TtJISDAT, FEB. 28 Carl driven by Richard R. Phillips. 24, of 4.25 Begonia Ave .. and John H. Poole, 39, of 2200 Pacific Dr., Corona del Mar, col· llded In the Intersection at Be· gonia Ave. and Second Ave., Co· rona del Mar. at 9:50 a.m .... A car ddven by Douglas T. StO'Ners, 18. of Corona del Mar. and a truck driven by WILliam B. Fer- guson, 26, of 309 Heliotrope Ave., Corona del Mar. were Involved In an accident a t Coast Hwy. and Goldenrod Ave. at 1 :04 p.m. Christ Church By the Sea; Community Methocllat. ln New· port Beach hu started the con- struction of a new cabin at the Laey-W Camp ln Orange County. This Is one of IN!Ve'fal cam~ of The Methodist Church ln. South- ern California, and is located ~;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~ about 14 m!les inland from San ;:. Juan Caplltrano along the Or· Harbor Health Foods S53 Jr. Jr..,..-t SI..S.z Jlr.....-t a.ack (Opposite Hoe.g Hospltal) ...... Ln.1y l...a4 ~,.,.~~ ~ e SELF--SERVICE e Natural Fooct.Redw:iog-Diabetic Allergy:SaldrM, aud Vegetarian Diet tego highway. The cabin l.a a frame structure built on a 16 x 20 cenent noor. The next workciay aet by the Joc:al Newport Church poup ta thl.a Saturday. Tbe work project 1a headed by the lay leader ol the churdl, BaroJd GJ--. and eeveral buUdera ln the local church. Abo, the ..mor hJrh I JOQth of the c:bwc.h are putld· patln• ln the project. On dale nat trip, the work group wW bertn framlnr the c. bin walla • and root Men cl the c:bcuda wllo are partlctpattna wttla YOluate.- 8et"VIce are: Kennet.b DleldDlMm. James Taylor, ltalpll waaon. Gerry Gordon, Bill Mc.Donal4, ao. Owen, and JtoJ' CarillOn. .!!.!!!!!~~!!~!!.!!!!!!.~..j!!!!!!!:-!!!!!!.!:~!.. JIWl DIYIIIoD. doll~ aftd WU ..... of I Dr ... 2 ............ ~ ao.. au.Mba blllld'i"ltt tel ·yues.· For New llelipot Pilat . u a dl 2 hi Jllll••n at tM Oc ,.... • APr ~ ......... Be Ca1domla lllllldtute cl Teetaaolo· .. a ~ cl Alta..... and r:r. lat. tamecl Pall attention to al8o mabataJM a tam•• ~ ln8trumet me-!D a ,..... at RewJ«t JleMIL be ba bu1lt --*man lalln· menta from a hame WOibbop 01a1 aouaa ,_ IVIIDAY Into a ars,ooo,ooo eorporatSon OpeD Roue wW be belct from that ~ J"dalon lnatru· 1 to 5 p.m. hnclq to ....-the menta to llldutry ud 8denae completjon ol tbe Pace 'l'Mf•- GI'Oad • bNaldna ~ bDl\Y .. tile ~·te head· throqbout the world. a1ona1 Butldtnr at 40'-a Well· wtU be llllcl at 11:'3 a.m. 'I'Uel· q~art.n ol .......,n IDI&nl· Lut month he wu ln8tallecl mlnater Ave., Newport Bellbta. clay tor .._ w.. 12.000.000 plant DMDta at hD8toD '"" prtact. u .,_.dent ol the Loe Anpl• J'lq rU.lnr wW be at 1 p.m. ol tile &llpot Dlvtaloa ol -.ell· pal collld~ ID our 8tJee. Otamber at Commerce. He bu The buUcllq wu coMtrueted by JDaD IJIIIrumenta. lac.. betWMil UoD ol a plaat ldtle," aceoreDne held numeroua committee poJt.a the Prot..tonal I n V eat m en t Supertat Ave. and Newport l'ree· to BeUpot General Manarer for the Chamber, amonr them Bullc!J.q Corp. b Dr. David wa.y &bow the A.rc:hee. Dunean. "We found the harbor ehatnnan.ahJp of the AU Poilu· NleUen. After the eeremony, a lunch· area to be the ideal an.nNr to iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii eon wtU be held for lnvtted OUJ' neect., and we have planned ~ at the Balboa BaJ' Club. an Industrial plant tHat wlll be Gu..a wUl be welcomed there an attractJve UMt to the com- by Dr. Arnold Beckman, ~-. munJty," dent ol Beckman lnltrumenta. Beltpot will con.olldate all of Inc., and D. C. Duncan, gen«al Ita present Southern CalUornta manaeer of the HeUpot Dlvt.alon. facllltle. in the new buUdJng. The new electronics manutac· CUrrently, it operata manufac- turing plant will eventually em-turing tac111tles ln 14 loc:atlona ploy about 2,000 penona. In Pasadena, South Puad~a. e 3-LEVEL STaUCTVJIE San Gabriel and Alhambra. Hell- Three major interconnected pot wtll contlhue to maintain of. units are planned, arranged to flceJI and production facilities In make maximum use of the alop-Moun\alnsJde, N. J., and :roronto. lng mesa site. A three-level Canada. structure, housing adm!nlltra· e FODI&D 15 TEAa AQO tive and engineering olfJce., wUl Principal product of Hellpot ls dominate with a two-level unit a helical potentiometer, a hJgh· devoted to assembly operationa Jy.accurate devk:e which con· and a single-level bulldlng to vert.. fl'\echanleal motion Into house ahop functions. electric algnala.. It Ia a widely· Atrn()jJJ)bertc controls will gov· used component ln the field ot em temperature, humidity and electronk: instrumentation. dust to Jnaure production quality The HeUpot was develo~ 15 and elflctency. High-level light· yean ago by Dr. .Beckman to lng neceuary tor precision work meet the precision requirements will be achieved through a semi· of a Beckman pH meter, an In· lumlnoua ceUing with recessed strument which determlnes acid· lighting fixtures. lty ln aolutlona.. Southern Fried CHICKEN DINNER Delicious crisp, tender c h i c k en served with honey and hot rolls, $4 40 potatoes, salad, dessert and bev-le erage. lUI FrW .... Dll•r ....................... _ $1.30 Served daily, Monday through Saturday from 5:00 to 11 :00 p .m. * OR TO TAKE OUT * CaiiNarlllr 0123 DIXIE'S BAR-1·9 INN A mechanical conveyor system During World War n, the will move manufactured p&rU HeUpot was a vital component ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ from abop areas to assembly and of radar systems a nd other mill· .: finished products from assembly tary electronic equipment. To· to shipping. Employees wUJ dine day, It la an essential part of In a ca!eterta that attord.s a full electronic "bralna'' and a variety view of the harbor area and of other electronic Instrument&· opens onto a landscaped terrace. tlon, much of which la used in e ~ noM CAGJfET the growing field ol automation. Selection of the Newport Beach The new Hellpot plant wUl be alte, whJeh was purchased from the aecond major Installation of actor .James Cagney, cltmaxed Beclc.man Inatrumenta. Inc., ln an extensive survey of aouthern Orange County. A modem plant California by the electronics at FuUmon, acclaimed as one firm. of the country'a top lD new tn- "Adequate space tor future ex-dustrlal ln.ttallatlona In 1954. pansion, attractJve lMng condl· houaes the corporate headquar- tion.s for our employee., a good ten and the otrlcea and manu- local labor market and prox· t&ct:urlng tacUitJes of the Beck· SUPER COSTA MESA BAKERY * SPECIAL FOI * n.s., Fri. I Sat., lar. I, 2, W. CiaiiD.:_=-··-.. ·-.. ·--·-.DOIC 3o- .,. Jlrewpal't ~Cadi! .... (Near 17th St. 6 SatewQ Market) FOR THUBSDAY-FBIDAY--SATURDAY -MARCH 1-2-3 We Carry Mnnning'a Choice Baby Beef Exclu.lYely! Manning's Beef Siir~bs 39~ Chu~k Roast 35f. ~h~rk.........._l_cri_; R-o-as_t _4_5_f. Ground Chuck 3 ~ '1• BACON 39:. BOifELESS Rump Roast Top Round 59f. LEG 0' LAMB 59" LAlla& LODf ' 69'-LAMB CHOPS 6S t. 1~~ ,,. ·---. I CRISCO ................................................ 3-~ caD 79~ . SCOT TISSUE ............................ -..... 2 *b 19( I F r o l{' n F o o d ., t-!) L Lllln FIIZEI F ... LOOK FOR THE SPEClALS IN OUR STORE KAL ltAR--11--. Cllllll ,_ clop 2 3• ••• IUT ·-·-.... ----·-·-...... ,., 7Y-A tACIPIC 49~ LLET OF SOLE ...... _ .. 3~ o;;.g; :....Ce -·-·-2 ~ 37C ---__;,_---~-.--......... -. ___ -2-.. -21-, PiA s .. -.. ---.. ·----2 .... 37C TUU::~:._. ___ ...... -19( ... 1 T. I . ,. · -·~lrr·,l··-' • • J r. 1 t ) I .. 1 1 ~ ___ .......... ______ ...... -