HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-03-22 - Newport Harbor EnsignC.C. Group Will Study Hwv. Plans C.C. Member Meeting Set COaoJfA DEL MA& CALIJ'. einforced Police Dept. Is Set For Big East~r eek BPWPi,ks Stanley as Boss of Yr. Big Week Will Begin on Friday A sta!t of 77 officers. reserve officers and clerks will be on duty In the Newport Beach pollee department during East~ Week, Pollee Chit>f John Upson an-I nounced this w~k. Pollet-Sgt. Earl Stoneback wUl be In chargt-of the nl&bt pollee force on duty on Balax,. Island. Motor OOlcer Don Munson will be In cha.r(t' ot the tra!tlc ~ on Balboa Island. ' I ; ...... ~ -a.c:....•·-.. c:.-...... Celf .. ,..... ... HA.t.lll4-•••• Al¥0 L HMM Mw -.4 ,......_. ,_ HAAP • .,.. wat. • • • 1\e NIWfiOe HAIIOI ...... U. ._ •••u-.4 .. ~ • ..... ,..., .. ........ .. h"• .. ~ ............ s..-w c... .... ... _ ....... 111 ....... ,.... .......................... ~, ....... • ...... a.. ............. ,... 0"'-.. c..-4.1 ..... c.lf. ,... ............ -n....a., ....... at, ................ Cell. 0"'- e 80eQWat ,._ __... m •:~,... • 11aaiQit to u.. ..... ate .,.. a~~MN~ • • IWt -2r• • Olllfo+l•• Jw tiMiriMr·,_. ••-Ia Oie p CIM'o.Dr•t Ia t.a C!&lled ........ --· • • lllblllt7 Mt.-tMn. ....... • ...._w_ Jawn0e libatlle la.U • 1• I ..... -Ill ._ iM ..,.. .... blJ........... .... ...... ,.. .......... of 1M U. S.. ._. ._ .._ a .,., ..... , W.-..., .. drop ol JO to .,. lD jwaiJe ............... ...... dlbnqueney ea-. ..... 17 Ia '" ......... ,.. .... ... ,...... ...... a. tt. ...... ....,.._ 2110 L c...t ....,_.,, CeNM., .... MEMIEl Of THE CAliFOttNIA NEWSPAHl PUII.ISHY.S ASSOCIATION ~ el tile NATIONAL IDITOliAL ASSOCIATON SUISCllmoN lATU IIDDCD:KI-XICICICII:ICII:IICIDCX:IICII:XICIC•:::II:IDI:IDI:ZII:IIXII!I •anclallaiD (tbe law,.. ..... tM ud a. ••• ,_ Mw iliitl parenta to pay tow the d~). ~ ......,..... • .._ ..... !!!~~!~!!~~ e uua DhEJiHATIOWAL and three Palm Beadl Chabl, tiM IJl the other-.-lndudll\a eom....tillil. ,,.. ~ w. In just three weelu, an un· SaUnab CouetYaUon Club, the CalUomJ., U JOUr q ow cow ea-. tt., ~ 1a ,_ _. precedented number of~ Salltbb. Yacbt and Beaeb Club damal" the proper1;1 c1 JOUl JOUt _._Mila-._ want Callfornla an&len wW be h.Md· and tbe W..t Palm Beedl P1ab· oeJahbor, you muat s-y. But If to pt rid of JOU Wldlll:bta ,_ lng .outh. Ttbe tarpt tow thb lng Club. your ehUd does the damqe, you u,..ln aad out of ·aa.tr btr), mlrratlon Ia Kuatlan. .me Texu, always loaded lot any dQn't have to pay. Parents are you could wla tilt. .,.. tn a 1.100 mUa below the border In competition. Ia ~endJna a team able to ahrug It of1 and NY wallr." Leul ~····-..... : T-.,..,. ..... -,..........P.OO O.W. el .e-.H~ArM:T-,.........,7.00:-,.. ............ :.ca::~=c=a•::I•CX::IC!!IQI::X:ICICII:••::~•a::ICICX:I"CII::ICIICICXI•a•::I•ICIC:II:IICZ:I"C"IO" the state of Sinaloa. The occa-from Corpus ChrlRi, the Port "That's too bact." but havtng to 'nlat'a a new ancJe, to aa,y "the · · · ~~ .e"'i sJon 1a the Eleventh Intern&· Aransas Bod lr Reel Club. pay hu aroWied a keener In· least ••• Cell-,_ DECO~T1H& SYVJCf ll'-ty .. 5511 In Hop Uonal Ught Tackle Tournament. • CJU.IPOUJA BOn:! te-est In when junior spenda h1a jMMMWWiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMM--whtc:b, In the ten yean since Its time. founding by Dr. Roy Dean, of In all, 30• possibly 31• three-This Ia a simple. loaleal law. I E I A B11se ... Gar~~~ • • • • • • • : • • • • • ' Mexico City, hu become the man teams wiU compete. We've You couldn't mla the story In • WElCOME TO THE EASTtR kiDS molt Important light tackle saved the home folks for lut. &e L. A. nmes entitled ''Women U PII L IT E Ill I tournament 1n salt wates-flahlng All hall t o the Calif.ornla dele· not equipped," written by a Furnishings for homes, clubs, yachts. )()17 W. Coerl Hi9hwey Newport ... ch A -hearty w•lcome to th. thousonds of visitors comin9 here for circles. gallon! There wtll be: from Loa Wublngton psychiatrist. urgt\lg ~ :.,..,......., Eoster Weet They're sort of o mixed blessing, to be sure. but we ell Over the years, the contest has Angeles, the La Paz Sportsman's fathers to resume their rightful aso • c:..w ,. .. want them to hove a good time, to behove themselves moderately been staged tJve times In Aca -Club, the Club de Parada, Chu-role ., boas of the family. '1'11 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ well, obey our laws, and be resr,ectful toward our town and citizens . . . pulco, four tlme.s In Florida and = ::a;, a;!1 thdu~,:::;. modlfy that to read "boss of hla The reports of the "deoth' of Easter Week have been enormously once at Las Perla.s Islands. near Long Beach, the So. Calif. Tuna male children." exog~rated. All we need is more of that wonderful Newport Harborl Balboa, Panama. 'nlla year. for Cl Havlna no experience In rala· .. th first tim un ill be ub, and the Long Beach Yacht • weat r, end we'll have just as many Eoster visitors here as ever be-e e, mar w a Club; the Ught Tackle Marlin l,ng glrla, and then too, I think fore, and more--and about 99% of them behaving like good kids. ::!:s. ~~~~~~· .!~r :u~:·~ Club, with headquartenJ llsted ela are d eas~ to ,;.alae ~ We hope to be welc~ming them ~ck another ye~r .. "!'ony of a peak for the 'sport thaf these u San BernarcUno, and the Mar-w::;e a~ey ~ ~cemOW.:S. But th~m as ?ur permanent rest dents and netghbors, who wtll JOin all of great fish afford. F 0 r mer 1 y, lin Club of San Diego both have boys-that' a dltferent. The old us •n helptng Newport Harbor grow. mostly aalltlah wes-e caught dur· well-known analers on their man remembers all the angles 1 th I t tl 1a teams. Naturally there'IJ be a • • • ng e n erna ona . t•am from th'"' Tuna Club, on he played when he wu a boy. Mazatlan wu selected for the "' "' • • • r e SAFEGUARD OUR LIBERTIES 11th tournament because of the Catalina. e aUJLI) CIIUACTEa Two topics usually lightly considered by the average citizen come likelihood of both marlJn and Finally. Newport Harbor will While I am giving Michigan a up for consideration ot Monday's meeting of the Newport Harbor 1 sailfish being present In large ~g~lntge~ub~mUd~ A~~~ pat on the back, let me refer to Chamber of Commerce directors. The problems were presented by numbers. <P. S. One Mazatlan • the 'consolation prize I awarded Harry Lintz, Califo rnia district manager of the United States Cham·! fleet, the Bib!, caught 81 marlin ~~gub ~~:O:ac~~c~~gl~:~b the University of Michigan foot· ber. One was the federal government encroochment in to the educa-1last week.) ball team after being defeated tion field through federal aid to schools. The other was the waning e BA.LaOA A.C. SPOJfSOa • COKE AGAIJf in the Big Ten championship In understanding among stude nts, teachers and the public itself of the This year, our local Balboa 'nlars enough nam~ for n~. the final game of the regular free enterprise system. Unexciting topics, and therefore rather blithely Angling Club Ia sponsor of the tBu11t come bhack1 next! week.d We 11 sea~?,A· tThth ~ uCC:nsol~tylo~ J~~ . d b t-b t f t t . rt t . d. 'd I f d tournament. The term "sponsor" e you w o s gong own on was. e n vers o tgnore y mos u o u mos tmpo once o our m •v• ua ree om. the teams that will try to show lgan we buUd character first, ond security Is by no means a purely honor· I 1 d ,. · · . . . ary title A tremendous amount I the eastern visitors how they ath etes secon . Mr. lmtz felt that we ore los•ng ground •n the campotgn to pre-t tt rt behl d the do lt-()ut West! u you're an 1 am leading up to praise for serve free enterprise. As for education. he said that support of schools ~en~ 0for ~O:Y 0~onths norgan-angler. most of the names will the University of Michigan's is basicly a local problem .. and th<tt federal aid inevitably means fe~-izlng the myriad detal~ neces-be famiJiar ones. high admissions requirements as erol control. <tnd along wtth the federal grants, the government wtll sary to accommodate several compared to the low require· be specifying just what should be taught in our schools. hundred contestants. wives and ments of many colleges and the His suggestion wes an aggressive program in our local chamber, guests who come from almost GlamOUT educational results they accom· through active educotion and legislative committees~to explain the anywhere within a more than pi~. f f Ml hi . hi h businessmen's story to the public. end to let Washington know how we 3000 mile radius othf Mazatlkanh. l stand!~C: I 0quote ~heg~~er ~0 f I b f f d I . t . . I I ff . The brunt of e wor as G 1·mpses ' ee a ou e era tn ruston tnto oc<t o a•rs. th bl h ld a question put to Prof. Niehuss. Th' L h 1 b L · · tL f . . . . . fallen on e capa e a ou ers •s oq 4~ ong een cnamp•ontng ne caus~ o pnvate tntttottve of two Individuals. Horace With· vice-president and dean of facul· ~~d .free enterpnse ~s the. comer-stones of our ltbert•es. and we now erspoon Is the e.ft:lclent general ay ADD ties: What happens .,to football 1°1~ •n supporttng thts proted of the U. S. Ch<tmber. which should re-chairman of the International How do you want to look for 1 players at Michigan · A survey cetve the solid backing of all citizens. Committee. Lee Jonas. perenni· Easter-and the entire Spring covering the nlne years 1947 ally hard·worklng BAC Secretary, Season? We have a wonderful through 1955 showed 157 winners is the other tireless one. who ha.s selection for town or travel, or of varsity letters; 43 are stiU ln devoted countless long hours ln our own casual way of ute here school and making steady pro· behalf ot the tournaments' suc· at the beach. Right now at area toward their dqrees; ot cess. O'BRIEN'S we have a ~election the 114 others, all but 3 have MEN WASTEN ._.OME FROM ~KWITW . SPEE~ WI-lEN W1Vf1S Bl.1-f MEAT ._.ERE., YES I._..DEED/ .................... . * Fresh F"Jah & Sea Foods During Lent * Specials For ThulL, Fri. & Sat., Mar. 22. 23, 24th. CaponeHe Fryers, 49~ c •• SWIPTS PBEXJl1M Round Steak Rolled Roast Prime Rib Roast SWIFT'S PBEIIJl1M Working along with these two of the current styles, which have graduated; 2 of these were taken l~ders Is a sizeable and enthu· been carefully screened. Some by the service. One team alone, slastlc committee of BAC mem-are from the East coast style .t b e conference champlonsh1p bers. each resolved that hls par· centers. others from the manu· team that defeated Cal In the Ocular province will be handled facturlng center of the midwest. Rose Bowl produced 5 pl-.yers with maximum efficiency. With and stlll others have been care· who later earned Doctor of Medl· the chalrmen named first, here fully chosen from our own Call· cine degrees. a record probably are the BAC's faithful ones who fomla markets. Whatever you unmatched by any other major au doing the )ob: wtah and desire, just come In team In the history of Inter-col· Accounting: E. C. Van Dame. and see Jt at O'BRIEN'S. leg1ate football. Dr. c. M. ~be; transportation This doesn't just happen. There -Dr. c. M. Beebe, E. c. v an We ...._ a .._ .......... teo. Is a reuon for this. High admla· Dame; food and entertalnment-aatuca1ly •• • tM oee ,.. an slon standards. quite a bit higher Fred Hershom. Harry Rogers, Jut mad about a. a ... __.. than most unlven~lties requ1re. Forest G. Smith Jr., PepJto Perez; stG-.e bl• aUk -9WY &Uaa Unlike many in.stJtutlons of the tournament rules and tackle--Nirt. tbe -pin U.. -.at. Clll4 Big 10, Michigan is not bound by Curt Dosh, Gordon Wevlll; pub· tbe Dedr of tbe ell-. la doae state law to accept every high Uclty and hlstortans-Dr. Rich· .. ca..r.ly • • • It Ia ..,. ..,_ school graduate. The schoot. ards Hoffman, Wayne Harrison; bat ..Uy Ia tbe badr ... that must admit all graduates public relations and hotels -feet f« CIDCiltaU .... Add a have their hands tied; they mult Wayne Harrison. Lee Harter, rlb·baft'la9 Jadllet. wiLida bat· admJt even those students with Peplto Perez; welghmasters -tolls Ia the back C1114 Jaa the virtually no chance for academic Lee Jonas. Ray Dike; boats-Or. toada of .-. Ia a a... sueeesa on the college level. H. Kay Dooley, Dr. Norman Carl· edged wlalte J..lllea ooUar. Aim ot the Students attendlnl son; medical advlce-Dr. Nor· J'OU an all 11et e. tlaat trtp Mlchlcan, 5()9:, or more ranked man c. Carlson. Dr. H. Kay to tbe city. a M7 of dub ac· In the upper 109fo of their high Dooley; reg1stratlon.....,Dorla Van tl.ttsell. 01' £an. SaDday at school rraduating class; 15t;C. Dame, Ann Gorostlza (Maut-c:lnuda. were In the upper third; 95% tan); women's activities-Doris Another that we love, almost were In the top hall. Van Dame, Rose Mary Smith, u much. Is the moonstone blue • p••" •CT • • • Jose p h I n e Wlthen~poo~ls llk with th ,..... •·-hi ...... _ - Dool J I e """ .• ....,. W te \HAW., All •'-•---· to point out our Dosh. Betty ey. ane n .... I h th tt h ... ~ uua .....,..,._ (Mazatlan). and Ann eoro.t1%a "'~~>an a • ea ' u uu.,.,.. manifestly fallacious education- CMazatlan.) quarter sleeves, white organdy a1 policy-that of attempting to collar to emphasJz.e the doU, and crowd an education Into students • TBE TEAKS the most beautiful buk a de-who are not even mUdly Inter· The BAC commartee hu just signer could think up! Both are ested. Oh, It's fine to require at· releued the names of the clubs done by that clever desJgner tendance In school to a certain and the lndJvtduala who will Karen Stark tor Harvey Berln. age, but after dlaplaylng a lack compete In the tournament. ~ It's a darll cJreM J'OU of Interest In education to the j From forelcn shores will come WGDtl WelL 1'" Jut ~ ... point of high school graduation, 811111 ISUR, CWF ... * CELEBRAnNG OUR allllinrsarr ..... ... cana• WAFFLE •• · we are proud of our taste-tempting, palate pleasing foods. We serve only the finest graded beef ... crisp, cooling salads ... sea-fresh sea foods ... rich creamy dairy products . . . all served in a quiet and de- lightful atmosphere. Remember . . . Break- fast served all day! Stop by and join in our lOth gala AnniveTSCiry Celebration! "Easter Vacationists Welconse" TIY •• FEATUIE IF TIE WEEI •• IT'S DB-•• ...... CEI IMT TMI OWNED AND OPERATED BY AUCE AND KENNY NICHOLS 4 Chuck Roast 35 ~ I the Panama Marlin Club (Bal· tJa.1a .._,. -w.na1 aDd flOOd· I think It ls a foollah expendl· boa. CZ), Humacoa Anallna loold119 _., .aa u-CIIMd ture of dad's money, the tupay-~iiiiiiiii~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ii~ Club, (Puerto Rico), the Club ..._, .._ 1a a..... .W.U· en' money and the .tudent'a I GIIOtJJID BOtraLT. LEAJf Ground Beef 4 ... .,110 oooatat ITYI.K SPARE RIBS 39 '-. . . a.c:.u NATD'I P'DIST au.oa Sliced Bacon 49~ • m de Peeca. Deportlva CMazatlan) .n. wttJa a.. .... a.4 wlal• time-which he could use better and the club that wu one of pe~m clot pettlaud ~ to learn a trade. four In the first tournament, In ..,_til tbe aide .uta of tJae Futh~ore. adlools that con· 1946, the Sautlsh lr Tarpon Club *-... GDCI tMa u.. to.c:la sdously establish low admiMion (Mexico City). There ls still a of .... a4 w1a1t1e 1a a ...t requirements may then tend to aood poaJbllJty that the Hawaii at u.. _.,... accept academk performance at Big Game Fl.shlnl Club wUI a lesser level In owder to keep enter a team. You aren't plannln& aJl7Utlng everyboctJ rea a on ably happy. Prom the eut cout. New York special for ~? Well, Juat Thes-e Ia a wtde dltrerenee In our will tend teama npre.ntlng the come on over to O'BlliEJI('S and pattern o1 ectucatlon In the U.S. New York Ath.letle Club Anllen. when you see the freab tre.h and EU~. t have asked PrcC. and the Tropical Pl8bln1 Club of cottons and lin~ erl8p and John lfeff. wbo ttw. htre Ill N.Y. From !few JerwJ there 1a new looklna -you WILL plan Kewpurt Beach. to be a Jue1t the Manuquan atwr lr Tuna .omet:bln&, we bet. colWillll.t and Jive ua the IIOCIN Club (Btlelle). Wubln&ton. D.C., Wben you come in be sure on e4ucadon Ill EUrope. he baY· ~~=~~~~~=~====~~~!!!!!;!~!;;!!!~ will be weU res--nted by the inc rec.ntl)' flnlllbect a tour Ia .= Del-Mar-Va AnaJaa Club, and and ... our aprlq Gowen. We the col..._ ovwr tb ... t.be Jfatlonal Capttal Game ~ have them around for your The faretolna daM nat ..,_ eon.rvatJon Clabo J'loiD llar1· pleuure. Be Neiq you! to tbe vNipown eow ....._.at land, where ()ceaD ~ Ia the IA""'q bowJl • =-. hot tpo& I« ftJte IDallln, then ..._ UaJwalil(t),....,., u ~ will be ..... flom the Oc!Nn IDa to .. IICkle ., ....... Dill CICT Ulttt 'hdde Club &M the ta "atlaDal ......,, IIIIIJ' ..._ a Oeeul C1t7 llaiJID Club. andtt ...,. Ia -•«• 111 J1artda. -of lout Jlll'fttoua tile .......... ...... fill IIIIi ra ... .._. .,.,..._. wnt ..... -. , 11 .. _. IIIII ..... .._ 1M a... B.l & Coiill ..,, ...,. ldl -.,... Cllllt ,_ ... ..... .......... ... ............. ~;;&.:1 CE&_.._.~ i', .. • , I sav e rnoney ............ us. ·wttt. SW. Penu M•ul'• • • • • """ , ... • • A •• • •••• • •••• .......... c:.u-.. ....... ....,. W. L LANDIS oa L E. CAJBNS I.Deltyl-1111 1a a: lftla st. COIITA JD.IA For Y ... r saying ••• end l*ievlng tftet YOU CAl DO BETTER at Gingrich Tells of Recreation Plan for City Robert Glncrlc:b. N.wpal't park and recreation dlz«tor, IPOb Mud1 8th at the hm""eo.n meet· lnl of the Zonta Club at the VIlla MarlnL He outllDecS plaN for the aummer recreation and aa.ld he boped t6 have enouah .tatr to conduct pro,ri.IDI be&in· ntn1 ln Jul'\e at the Newport Elementary Scbool, Horace En· 11111 School, West Newport Park, Tar Pit and the Corona del Mar Community Youth Center . A closed meet1n1 wU1 be held next Thursday at the Oranp Cout Colleee campus. A.nnual -------------• VDICJUili D81JGS of ODnDa CW lie wW ~~'.a.....-. reporta wlll be given. Pro,rama teet ., ..W.. _... Ia u.. ...., Kania laltll ba.Udi.D9 08 eoc.t tor AprU wlll tndude homec:om-Easter ~Jural Bwy .. at bl8 Aft.. CoRea del .......... abo9e Ia .. a:rtl8t"a tng for put Zonta memben on lVI aatc.t.. n. ...,,.,,.. 1.a bla91Nilt CldJ-t to a.. All Aaledcllm April 14, and lnnallatlon of new Jlcabt Clad Will pnw~c~e ..,_. folr au. oa.. bastDMa ftlaL officers at the VUla Mattna on To Be set up Off-~ ...... wW be cmdlab&e -~ly liD can. AprU 26. ar,-t Clad • -wW ..,...,_ tile .._ dnag aton. wiLlda will Already IM!'Ven memben of the bern • Wog ...-crtptloe depwbawat. .,. MCtSoa. C1C111.JDetic:a The Newport •acb ~atlon Department 8 o y a ' Buketball 1 team, which was entered in the 8 division of the Southern Call· fornla Boys' Basketball Cham- pionship Tournament, was ellm· inated from further competitl.on on March lOth at Culver City. The local team had reached the semi· rtnals of the consolation bracket I local eroup are planning to at-The huge, 19 by 7-foot Easter toys. auaddea. baby ... ~ bottled ddllb, .. to Cl'eCIID dilpart· tend the Zonta International mural featured by Newport Har· ~-~-tc~~-~~~~~-~~~~"~c:aady~~::_··--------------­conventlon to be held 1n June tn bor Lutheran Church last year tn Sun Valley, Idaho. They are Dr. Ita Re:su.rrectJon Day decora tion& Helen Robertaon, president, MU· w1U be ~ed agaJn this year S 1 on the exteriol' of the chur$, dred tanley, Eva Alpin, He en Pro..-u and Maintenance Cha!r-Stoclrton. Margaret Belnert. Ruth ~ .. ~ JayYed and Dorothea Sheely, man Joseph Carlos announces. d The mural, framed in palms vice-presl ent. and Illuminated at nJeht. was TWIKS 1"08 PEillliJIIS recently featured on the cover ot the n ationally distribu ted "Ministers' Idea KJt." Church ol - flc:lals a lso announce that as last Fiftieth Wedding Anniversary Celebrated by MacDonalds .All the llvtnc 10na and daugh · ten and four generation& were repreaented In Newwrt Harbor early this month when Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mac:Donald of 409 M St., Balboa, feted Mr. Mac.Don· in tourney play . Twins, Don Randal and Sandra Lynn, were born to Mr. and Mrl. Robert Perrin of 357 Catalina Dr .. Newport Heights. on Friday, March 9, Ln Hoag Memorial Hos· pltal. yea r three Easter services would ------------- "ld's parents, Dr: and Mrs. San· The team from Palisades Park ford Christian MacDonald. QO In Los Angeles defeated the lo· their fl.ttleth weddlng annlver.1 cal hoopsten 19 to 9. The boys sary. A dinner party was held hittlne the scoring column for at the Villa Marina RHtaurant.l the Newport t_.am were Charles 1 and the clan gathered at the 1 Peyton, Kent Edler. Tom Gillman MacDonald house In Balboa and a.nd Rewk Warrum. Other mem· returned there tor further family bers of the Newport team were conversation. 1 Tom Anderson, Randy Wright. IIPORTS SKALL CIFTS be held at the Newport Heights Church, an outdoor service on the church property overlooking the h arbor a t 7 a.m . and two services In th~ church at 9 and 11 :15 a.m. The honorees now live In Long Pete OstJing, Jim Bridgeman. LIIUI. T..u Wa'kll _. ""SAvr· Your ~! OII'LT •&GITA'I'Dra" MN-alltU vu:DI WIIIEIETTE u..-...,,., _. Across the meet bUll THE POST OFFICE as. Eat eoa.t awy. <Corner Orchid ) CGnoaclelll• ......... .. u..recS.....- .,. LW* MOVIN6 MV t<rTS AAE FR£E. WE\.1. IMJL ON£ wrTH OUfl COW'LJM!~­ NO 08UGATION." C.AU. .•. lllRIOR TIUSFD I STORliE 2200 Jif.wport a.t...S.. Cocta ...... PbOM .,....._ 4 Saa. Uberty 1·1123: Llbelty 1·1581 LYON VAN UNES AGENT & COLLECTOR'S rTEIIS From Belgium. Holland, Sweden, Ge rmany, Italy Spiritu al p r e p a r at I oru for Easter are In evidence as well with both Wednesday ev~lng and Su nday morning Lenten services scheduled each week. Second Pair of Concerts on April 21 st Beach, but they started married Dennls MacMlllan and Steve llfe in Michigan, where Dr. Mac-Winslow. They were coached Dona ld passed the Michigan Art Christensen. State bar and then became a ~~=,......-,:----~~::::;:::::::---------::~ The Orange County Phllhar · pre a c her of t he PTesbyteriAn ~ England. Arabesque Jewelry from Toledo Spain :Jalloa's CIFTS fl/7 If. Broadway. Scmta ADa City Second In Fund Drive monic Society W ill hold Its se<'· faith. He was at one time a lec· ond pair of yout h concerts on t urer with the Chautauqua clr· Saturday. April 21. cult. later president of Plymouth I Identical proerams will bt> pre· College In Oregon and finally a sented In the mornmg in the Or· 1 PTesbyterlan minister In Los An· ange Coast College Auditorium geles tor many years After re· and In the afternoon In Anaheim tiring from the m inistry. h e be High School Audlton um came active In the furniture bus· I Newport Beach. w ith a total contribution of $6.512.35. was iiMWiWiiNW!Wiww_,~~~~jiijiiiijijiiii'ii~iijjiij;;;;; serond only to Santa Ana. with iii $10.71 1 24, In the amount of funds <~~ High Fidelity Next perlorman«' In the adult in~ In Long Be3ch, where his concert series will be he ld on a wife works w1th him. Sunday evenJng late In April In I Right now the senior MacDon· the Fullerton High &hoot Audi · aids are In Phoenix ,1sltlng torlum, according to conductor thelt children, Mr. and Mrs Frieda •unlante George w. Vaughn. who were For 11oM or Office Vlalt n. -.cratifal "'Studio of Ll'ftog loaDer' Consultation-Estlmates-No obllratlon HARBOR HI• ... )aU NIWf'OG -~ ................ (Oppwt1lw City llall) IIA .. 1 MG!UJ~~~ DADQUAIITED 1"0• IIDDIES' TOYS, Buell I Swill lear JlOl a. eoa.t IIWf. a JCIIIIIliM1 eon-a c1e1 .._ (Next to All American Market) ~D.,Jtt:::::;;;:' IIAUOBSSII * AboatSBE.ID4St..la~IIMc:la * Baseball Equipment DOW ln atock • • • SUI-STEP SlOES 111101 ISI.IID SPIIDII IOIDS 112 llclriM A..,.., aaDMc bJaD4 .,...,.boia llalbw 2141 lloana Dally........,.......,._,. OF THE iewen welty / FLORIST SHOP FRIDAY. MARCH 23rd * * Weddinga * Floral p.;.gn~~· * HOipital Bouquets * Co.rsagea * FuneraJa * Cut Flowers given In the recent heart fund drive throughout Orange County. FuUerton was in third place with $5.251.20, and Anaheim fourth with $2,673.60. Others go· lng over the thousand dollar mark were Orange-E1 Modena - Silverado, $1.935.18; Costa Mesa. $1,521.43; Tustin, $1.513.05; San Clemente, S1.3Z7; Carden Grove, $1.309.68; Buena Park, $1.100.08. The county total was more than $43.000. 2 Boys Burned in Truck Fire I h~e for the golden wedding an E H t S t niversary. Also present for the g g U n e party were Mr. and Mrs Donald • • MacDonald of Compton. Mr. and By Optimists Mrs. Wesley Thomas a nd two children of San Clemente. Mr. 1 and Mrs. Wa lter Scott and !am- A motion picture show followed 1 lly of W indsor Hills, Mu Mary I by an Easter egg hunt for young Tercy of Belmont Shores. Mr. and people will be staged by the Mrs. Henry MacDonald of Dow· Newport Harbor Optlml5t Club ney and grandchildren. Mr. and Saturday morn ing. March 31. Mrs. Harold Mestenynlck of Glen- Richard Hilliard. co m mItt e e dale and the lr child, a fourth chairman. has announc.d. aistlng with the entertalnlng 1 The show will start at 9:30 a. old children. J lm. Bruce and m. In the Port TheatTe. Corona generaUon for the honorees. .As· del Mar, followed by the hunt at dutJes were the Bruce Mac.Don· First. second and a ff!W third Fifth Ave. and Goldenrod Ave .. Tusha. J d~~ burru were suffered by Corona del Mar. Cost of admls· James Powell, 6 and Cary aion to the show will be two dec· TOLJIIE.S CET SOJf \ Powell, 7. both of Carden Grove, orated egp from each child. 1 In a truck fire a t "F'' St. and The eggs, plus a cue of eggs A aon. Kim Nonnan. was born Ocean Front. Balboa. at 4:32 each from the All American Ma r· to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Tolmle p.m. Mar. 11, the Newport Beach lket. Corona del Mar; All Amer· of 536 El Modena Ave . Nt•wport tire department reported. lean Market. Newport Beach. and Heights. In Hoag Memorial Hos· The two brothers opened the Richard's U do Market. will bt> pltal on Friday. March 9 lid of a 100 gallon gasoline tank 1 used In the h unt. The donated SAFE . CONVENIENT For those Without check i ~ a ccounts, bank money orders are particularlr handy. They usu- ally cost Jes, than other types of money orders, take I~ time to buy, and they are good for paying obligations an~·here. Whenever yo u send mone)'--uae bank money orden. lewport Harbor Bank Cnallel .. on the bed of the truck and were I market eggs will be boiled and DAOCIITEBS roa JIIEALS lighting matchPS over the open· decorated by Optlmlsts. From 1001 A daughter, Cyndra Ellen. was ' lng when It fiashed, firemen to 200 eggs will be prize eggs born to Mr. and Mrs. Forrest I reported, The boys were burned good for nashllghts. yoyos, b alls. Neal of 326 Evening Canyon Rd about the face. neck, head. upper toy cars. models, etc., donated by Shore Cllffs. In Hoag Mt>morlal j arms and shoulders. They were the club. Hospita l on Friday. March 2. ~k~ to H~g M~ml~ Hospl·l Euct tlme ~thehu~~llbe 'F~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tal. Flrt-men extinguis hed the announced soon. Mr. Hilliard blaze on the truck, belng used 1 said. so part'nts with children too • by the Drainage Construction Co. young to attend the show can bt>' of Vista. Cal11. Two large gas present lor the egg hunt. ' tanks on the truck were prob·1 ably used to run a uxiliary equip-DrUIL on•fl··· eo--1 ment, It was reported. a -a •• Boy • ••• R-1111 Car Ia • .,.rt I A boy, about 10. drove h is bl· cycle Into the lett front wheel oC h~r car as she was pulling out rrom the 300 block Amethyst Ave. onto Balboa Ave., Balboa Is· land. at 4:18 p.m. March 9. Mrs. George PerkJru ot 1640 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa, notll1ed New· port pollee. Mrs. Perkins attempted to ob· ta ln medical · attentlon for the boy but he wu hlghtened and would not gfve hb name, era bbed ht. bfcyde and drove oft toward the west end ol Balboa Island. ahe told pollee. Officers IMNU'Cbed the area but could not loca~ the boy. DAY -OLD aAft DIES The Infant daughter of Mr. and Mta. David Shaler . 417 E. Bay Ave .. Balboa. died March U . the day after abe was born In Hoag Memorial Ro.pltal Grave- aide .ervtc.w Wft'e held last Thunday at Harbor Rest Me· mortal Park uncler the dJrectJon of Parkea BJdJ~ Kortuary, Costa Mesa. Clllrclll to Tr~~aiell Robert Steele. 48. transient. was arrested on a drunk driving by Newport police at 3:08 p. m March 11 al1er his car allegeodly caused a three-car accident at I Coast Hwy. and Rlveralde Ave. Mrs. M. 1... McCarthy of 130 S. Bay Front. Balboa Island. pas· senger In one of the cars ln- 1 volved, suffered a leg lnjury and went to her own doctor for t:r.at· ment. poiJce said. She was In a car driven by her daughter, Su · san. 16, which was hit In t he rear by tbe Steele vehicle and knocked ahead Into a car driven by Mar · tin Neme l, 65. of Lonr Be4ch . CDM Travel Service YOTAC& Te K.-y Par Awey "-al wa IIAIIDL& AU. u:ara • Aloand the World. ;:·00 • Around S. Anlertea, 400.00 • Around Africa. .00 (Approximate btea) . ... = ... INti. A.ldme . . ......... • ,_,. • -•• TkiM4P * lrO IDVIC2 CIIAIICa * Harbor WI OolJM GlbbGM.. Darotb1 M.cXenM. ~-llqbet ~ 0.. IL o..t lfW1.; at OrdlJcl ~~P.O..CDM Beautiful Diatincti..-e "Eadusive ••• but not -FEATURING- . Ledy Buxton" w.n.ts lmport.d Hondbo9s by "Hollywood ~9" .. l.Nttler-F.bric end l ucit.. Bogs by "SILVERCRAFT" Oliginalt in Belts by Art.mi• of Hollywood "CArole Acc:eSIOMs" Ladies' Acceaaories MAn. AND CIIT WRAPPING SERVlCE (wb~er you pwcl1ue bere You are invited to come in and just browse around -OLGA Stcn aour.-naa thro a..t. t;ao ...... tD 1 p.a. a.c..s ~ 1161 HAUOliLVD., COSTA WESA OL8A C. eMf .. ···~ .. -· ..... ,. ... .,......._ .. ___ ................ ·-.. ··~ ...... .. ,.., ... ........... --.... -------.. . ...-----·--,.. rhese. Stolen COM Pigeons Not Just Ordina~ Birds · .. n s!~ !!.'!. ~ b.!~d ,_,. ~ =sr 1 111rt ..._. ... tile w--. ~~ 01N1i1a 111iL ~ Barrett. Harbor •, ,._ _,. JlQI'OI1 at .. a ... .._ o uo1t1 aa--. w111 --.w . ...... .. actlq-....... • -a ..... ~ to ...... -----·i"48;r1iiiit 11r a ,_ ..,..,,, at w. .... at 1 p.m. ,.._,, A,.a " la 1M •-*' aft' -. ~ .,.. aot Ol'd.bw7 pta· tile 11oct1 I raJied durlnl t1ae ODa8dl .-. up tD the ,_.. tUt eoda1 roca o1 Uae duardl. A ........_, ....._ •u born ._. that ... ..a.. Kuda 4 ••· It ._..,. Dl.J Mbb7, aad I ._.bad Jmoebd tbe.....,. 6'CD A btlla -wll1 .., .....,.., and tD Mr ..... lin. Jo1aa 'J'II"8peon frOID tile Corona del Mu bome put Daall7 )oq .._. lDto tb* _., tbat .. rata, .,__ GD dMN WW lie llddP and ~ Oil -1MD1 A-. Jfewport ot Mrs. w. J. Lahmann at 431 tr......._ Jfo ...,.Dt o1 IDOIM7 t1aat ...... ewlllq (hb. 27) uae, ud • te••~~aow. ~ ...,.._ Ia Boq N111Ma1 Ha.· Goldenrod Ave. (aJdae tiM7 ue ...,. valuable) bad NmUWd the eft)' ...._.eaa __ ...;.•......__ ..... ___;~~..;;__ca_l_u_q.:--,.lln.....;..~plt-tal~---'fta_~ _ _:...';_v_•rda_..:_& __ Mrs. ~mnn, w1&o laM been couhl .._. compeuate far tllm 8eale from Uae salary CJI"dlunct a ,.ldent of thta oqmmuntty for laM, beeaue ol tile eent:lmeDtal ., that th.,. could have a tree 21 ,ears. wrote th.LI week to the ...odatloh. band to IMIOlJ&te aaJU')' wttb Enalp. telllq what a ere-t loa "Far~. No.8, II"H'ft let applleanta. tt wu to her to have part of her band, whJte female, C'Odaltoo So lut Wftk Clty Council bact flock ltolen. He.re'a ber letter: top. and No. 11, treen lea band, to act a&aln on Mr. Webb'a aal· ''The plfeOD.i aren't lu.t Ol'din· white male, no coekatoo top. uy, ..wn1 It at t913 a ~tb. ary ptreona. The father of theee ,were ralaed on medicine drop· hl&best poealble under the city blrda wu brouebt to me from pen, theA on bread and milk. enrtneer ac:ale. &eqal, India. 1n l!Kl. by Karl and l1x weeP al patient band ------ \ JOHN A. RUSCH, D.D.S. en~ces the opening of hi• offic. for th. practi~ of General Dentistry Hourt I e.m. to 5 p.m. Ewftln9t by eppolntment 2).45 &at Coest Hl9hwey Corona d.t Mar Koch. Mr. Koch at that time wu feedln&-ln order to make them J'or Jetterbeacla and envelo~ the noted bird man at the. San 110 very tame. These two were the Call the EnaJp. Harbor uu. 1 ========================= Dleeo Zoo. He bad been tn Eu· ones stolen, alo~ with No.6, :--::---==::---:--:----------------------------10~ to pick up hla usual collec· red le, band, blaCk and white A T T E N D T H E C H U R C H 0 F y 0 U R t.lon of birds. monk:e)'8, «e., when male. bald on top because of an CHOICE the war cauebt up with blm. enrounte: with a roamJnr cal When at last he arrived tn the These b1rda know many trlc:k:a, -----------1'1111 .... -~E...., .... ··-.&.llf ... , .. states. be' brou&ht me a wbJte which I patiently taueht them -·-, .. -------- (prayer bird) hoJ'IlJn& or carrier over the years. pigeon he had collected In IndlL ''I doubt tf whoever took these It wu about 8 months old at birds will have any success with the time. them, u they lett their mate. "Somet.lme before, Mr. Koch behind. and I have taken them bad given me a beautltul homer, away for sale keeping. a descendant of the famous "It may seem of little conse· Mockers of World War I. These quence to some, but pet pigeons two birds became the parents of can mean as much u a pet doe or cat. and our family misses Professional Directory NtJSIC Margaret L. Scharle Teacher of Plano Organist . AccompanUt Evening Classes for Adults 30'1 GOLDENROD AVE. Corona del Mar FTJ1fERAL DUU:CTORS Friendly Neighborhood Service PARKES-RIDLEY MORTUARY 110 Broadway U 8-3433 lc 8·3434 Cos•a Mesa them." .............. E1111_,.1 Oil_. Baptised Mar. 11 at the 11 a.m. worship service of St. lames Episcopal Chureh were Susan Gall Blackman, l ames Arthur Adams lr.. George M I c h a e I Adam.s. Gary Wanen Broerlng, Gall Sterry Broerlng, l eUrey Howard Bro er In g. William Shields Lee lr~ lobn Karl Lee. Thomas Fredertck Lee, Richard Henry Lee, Pamela lean Newton, Michael Lronard Newton, James Morgan Christensen. Stephen Andrew Christensen, Scott Alan Christensen, Frances Danlelle I Corn, Dledre Raean Corn. Mrs. Raymond Hardy Corn. C&rolyn ::==========~ Keyes Metcalf. Ioyce Dudgeon N O W ... TWO BALTZ MORTUARIES Serving the Harbor Area Baltz Mortua ry CHAPEL BY THE SEA Harbor 42 3520 E. Coast Highway Corona del Ma.r Baltz Mo rtuary Liberty 8-2121 17b 1r Superior. Costa Mesa AMPLE Pr\RKI ~G BOTH LOCATIONS CEMETERT HARBOR REST M EMORlAL PARK Harbor Blvd. at Gisler KIMBERLY 5 1158 CBDOPBACTlC TJnBAl"f Wilbur C. Wagner. D C . Chiropractic Physical Therapy Colon Therapy 314 Ocean Ave., Laguna Office: Hyatt 4·2398 Res.: Hyatt 4-4084 I Metcalf, Dale Wayne New. David Lewis New. ludy Ann New, James William Barbee, and Rich· I ard Harrington Barbee. Harry Malden. superintendent of the Episcopal Church Home for Children In Los Angeles. was speaker at the Woman's Auxlll· ary Luncheon of St. l ames held 'I Wednesday of last week at the parish ball. Lunc;heon was served by St. Joan's Guild. Patronize the merchants who advertise In the Newport Har· borEnsJgn.. FIRST CHUitCH Oft CHaiST SCI Efolll ST ))0) VI. lido, No•oorl ... dt A bre"c'-of Tho Mother Churdl, Tho I f=.,~t Cllurch of Cltrosl, SctoM•Jt, '" b •o,., l.!enocll.., .. •tl. s.~doy Schoo• -·---9.1Se.m. S .. ,.doy S.rv•co __ ----·-II ;()0 a.m. Wodneldey e-,.,;"9 I.!Mitnq 8.00 p.m Roodtr~q Room louted ot )) IS Vie do. NewPOrt 8 .. ch. is ~n .... doy1 fro"' 9:00 o.m. to 5:00 p.m. Wodneldeys from 9:00 e.m. to 7:45 p.m F.,dey OYentnq• f•om 7;()0 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Closed Holideys. The publtc ot 'ordielly tnvitod to ot· •et>d the churcll ,.,.ices end UM the Q._,.d,na Roo..,, In the all·lmportant matter of Pu- aenger Safety, Metro's record earna the eonMence of ita quarter-million daily riders. Recent figures abow that our motor eoaehea are averaging only 2.66 avoidable accident& per 100,000 milea ... a diatance equal to 4 timet around the world. You ride u.fely when you ride Metro. CaretuU,. Mleeted o})el'aton, plus fre- qaeat lnapection ad rilid motor-coaeh ~pard you rnry moment, ....wJMr it'• for ODe miJe or lixty. COIOCU.ITY XETIIODJST -w. 1ttll lt.. e-ta X.. ua.rty 1-4552 .... J ..... W.KcSMM Sunday: 9:30 a.m.. Church Sun· day School; 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Mornln& WorshJp-.7 p.m. CoUere Age MYF Service -7 p.m. Hlfb School MYF Service; 8 p.m., younr adulta eroup 8ei'V1ce. • TilE cauaca or c:a:a:tsT 1050 Claa.rda St.. eo.ta K.a J..u.ty....., J). G. llant. ICJalfte.r Sunday aervfces: 9:45 a.m. Bible study; 11. a.m. momlng wor. ship; 7:30p.m. evening service. Midweek service, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. TilE CB'DJICB OP CIIBJST Odd Pellcnn Lodge. 1Mt lfewpon A.._ CoctCI ..... L.tberty 8.5711 Tom lklbr. Jr .. NlDiater Sunday Services: 9:45 a.m. Bible study; 10:55 a.m. worship serv Ice; 7:30 p.m. evening service. CBJUST CB't711CB IT TBE SEA Commwllty Ketbodlft lalboa llYd. at 14tb St.. Jfewport HArbor S22t Pastor: Re?. Boy A. Carlaoe Sunday Worship, 9:30 and 11 a.m Church School: 9:30 a.m. Mid week Meeting: 7:00 p.m. Wed. nesday preceded by 6:15 p.m. potluck. ST. JOACBDI Cllt1BCB 1164 OraD,_ A...._ Costa K..a Uberty 1·1091 Father Tbomas J. Jf..U. SuDdcry lfCUMe at 7, I, I. 10 aDd 11:30 a.m. Weekdays: Mass at 7:00a.m.-Confession: Satur· days from 4:00 to 5:~7:00 to 8:30 p.m. f'DIST aAPnST cauaca OP Jfi!WPOBT 8alboa al?d.. lltla & Coart Ita. • .-pad liArbow JS53 Uberty 14072 Palltor: Herbert C. Job.uoa Sunday services: 9:45 a.m., Sun· day School; 11 :00 a.m., Wor· ah.lp Service; 7:30 p.m. Sunday evening ~ e r vIce; Mid· Week Service: 7:30 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Meetln~. BA.a.oa ASSEJOI. T OF COD C1aapel. loatbera CaW. llbJe CoUecJe. Uberty ....... .... c. E. TbWJDODd Sunday achool 9:30a.m .• mornJng worship 11 a .m. Young people service 6:30 p.m.. even1n1 evangelist service 7:30 p.m. Mid-week eervice 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. BOIEJIT L CIIOJILUWJ) ea..t Pastor P1JIST ASSEIOLT OP COD 22Dd St. & EJde::a Aft .. C.ta )leea Uberty 1·2161 .... reAd M. c:. Ctoll.lc. PaRw Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Wor· ahlp: 10:55 a.m. and evangelist service, 7:30 p.m. Young Peoplr and Children's Service, 6:30 p.m. Sun. Mid-week Service: Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Ladles' Sermonette __ _.IT. .... UDaws nzut l&aiAII '"c:a-u ...... - 1!5th St. • at. Andrews Rd.. _.._ ........ ..... , ...,. \7 8obel't L Gnalalld. ...._, •...,..-t .__. LaU.. Q111'6. ............. J-... 1. ltewal't 1501 C1W Drift. •...,..-t ........ SUNDAY: Momtna worship, 9:30 Silver, r old, diamonds, or mJnk. lt It requires nothln& on our part. cadUlac, yacht -these are all The Chrllt we acknowled&e u magic, a~allng words because Savior Ia a preclout Christ who they represent thlnrs that cost ransomed ua, u Luther aaya and we value hl&hly that which "not wttb aOver or &old but wtth costs. Bla holy and precloua blood and Quite often our talth, con· with Hla innocent auffertnp and versely, has little value for us death." Our responae to Hla call and the church and its message "Follow Me'' then can never be Uttle appeal, because that faith indifferently euy but muat be hu cost us Uttl.e or nothlng! We a respon.te of our own treuures have made of our ChtlstJantty of tJme, Income, energy and something weak and easy, some· abiJity. · thJng that doesn't require much. And when we have so ~ We have cheapened It and made aponded we wtll add new mean· It flabby and at the same tJme lng and vigor to our faith. He· bemoaned Its lack o! vitaUty and member our childhood eame of appeal. "Follow the Leader!" Old we not The blasphemy of our age, It choose u leader the youngster bas been said and rf&htly so, Ia who would lead u. places we that Christianity ls easy and ourselves were afraid to go! doesn't cost us anything! Peter That's what made the game fun writes, "Ye were not redeemed a nd appealing! Satttflce. devo· with corruptible things. as siJver tlon and coJU~ecratlon are what and gold . . . but with tbe pre· give our faith Its power and joy. clous blood of Chrlst" ... <I Pet Without them It Ia empty and 1:18. 191. Our salvation coct God meaningless. Our .alvatlon cost the cross Is the recurring mes-God the cross. It cannot but cost sage of the Bible. We cannot, we I us as well. dare not. think, act and live as Amen. and 11 a.m.; Chureb School, 9:30 and 11:00; 1r. Hleh. Sr. HJ&b and coli.,. are Fellow. &bls-. 7 p.m.; Thurtday, Prayer, ltudy eroup, 9:30 a.m. CIIUilCB OP Oft LADY OP liT. CA ... EL ..... w .............. lfewpod IIAIIIew ••• P.O.. 1:-J:: Ktlrr• ..._ Pcdlllew~lllaalea AMbtiDt .... Sunday Malse8: 8:00 and 10:00 and 12:00 a.m. Conteulon: Sat· urdays and eves. of lat Fridays and Holy Daya from 4:00 to 5:30p.m. and from 7:30 to.8:30 p.m. Dally Mau 8:00 a m. Firat Friday: 6 :30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Nove n a (Perpetual Help): Monday, 7:45p.m. utnVE.DALDT COIOftJJfiTT FELLOWS~ EbellCl~ US W. aa.lboa IJYd.. aaJbocl Actl8g ........ wuua. wu., Sunday School. 10:00 a.m. Morn· loa worship, 11:00 a.m. Mlsslo:-aary Council. Thursdays---------------------------IT. liUfEI E~PAL UDI VIa Lido. •.-.port .._. 9:30 a.m. lor all day. SEVEJfTB OAT ADVEJf'TtS1 Newport llYd. at loba St.. Jf.....,.-t Bel9bb Liberty t -1532 Elder D. L Spauld.lo9 Saturday Morning Services: Sab· bath School: 9:30 a .m. -Ser· mon: 11 :00 a.m. Prayer meet· lng: Wednesday. 8:00 p.m. cau:aca o1 a. wm•DE JIIS AaaMUa St.. eo.• .._ PaW: an. cu.-. wuu-· Uberty .. '1111 Sunday Services: Sunday School. 9:.30 a.m. Momtnc WorahlP at 10:30 a.m. Evaneellstlc SefV. Ice. 7 p.m. Sunday. N.Y.P.S., 6 p.m. Sunday; Prayer meettne.. 7:30p.m. Wednaday. PDST CBUiiCII OP Cld1S't SCI.EMIDI ao:J VIa Lido. ·~ te.dl B~ldl Sunday School: 9:15 Lm., Sun· day S e r v l c e : 11 :00 a.m. Wednesday Evenlne Meettnr: 8:00. Reading Room. 3315 VIa Lido, Newport Bea.ch, open 9 a.m. ·5 p.m. week daya, 9 a .m.· 7:45p.m. Wednesdays, 7·9 p.m. Friday evenlnn. CBliiST LUTBEilAif Cllt7IICB 01' COSTA MESA (Nia«urt SJDOd) Aaericaa 1Agioa lla1L e-ta Neea Pa:Jt.: .... Lotbar 1'orDow Sunday Services: Worship Serv· toe 9 a..m. Sunday School at 10:15 a.m. PDST IOUYBED LVTJST CIIVBCB 150 W. JlaiDiltae It-Coet. Keea Uberty a..24a Paat.: DL Blcbclld II. hee Sunday scbool, 9:45a.m.; church a«Vtce U :OO a.m. Traln1na Union 7 p.m. Sunday. Eventna worship 8 p.m. Sunday. Teach· en and orti()ef'l meettne7 p.m. Wedne!'day. Prayer IIUVJce and Bible atudy 7:45 p.m. Wednes. day. COitOifA DEL K.U COIOIVJfJTT CBUBCB Coagr.,..tloaal •u :::CTal"' PaWs an. Edw1a Comb Sunday WOI'&blp Services: 9:45 a.m.. 11:00 a.m. Sunday School: 9:45a.m. lfEWIOBT IIAJmOa LUTIII!aAJf CBUIICII 2501 CUff Dr .. •......,.n Be&pb Llbedy .... .... Jlobert QIODlaad Duplicate momlnr aerv1ces - 9 a.m. and 11:15 a.m., Sunday; Klnderearten and Pre-School Dept. Sunday School, 9 a.m.; lit Grade throu&h Adult Sun- day School, 10 Lm.; bua pro- vided and NW'MfY provided far both services and 10 a.m. Swt· day School CEJifT1IAL ami.& anntal Oraa9e A.._ at DnS II. C.ta ........ l.lb.rt! .... A. A. KAI6In. ..... Sunday School: 9:45 Lm. Mom· tne ServtC!J. 11 :00; Eventna Service. 7:«J. Mid-week Serv· Ice, Wed n e & d a y , 7:30 p.m. Youna people meft 6:15 p.m. Sunday. aAUOA IBLAJfD COIIKV1f1'I'Y IDTIIODIIT US A.-A...._ aalboa lalaad Klaltter: a... DoaaJcl 1411'P .....,. ... Sunday Services: 9:30 L m. Church School.; 9:30 and 11:00 Lm. Worship Service. BArbell' 1230 .... Jolt.a II. .... Aed« Sunday ae:rvlcea: 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion; 10 a.m. Family Serv1ce wfth the Cherub and lunlor Cholra; 11 a.m.. worship IIUVJce. Tburtday ServIce •: 9:15 a.m. Prayer CuUd; 10:30 Holy Communlon. IT. JOD YIUWft JI.IIGI'bleA..._...._IalaM ~-·· Pcd1Mwi ..... E11ey,.__ Sunday Maaes: 8:00 a.m. It 9:30 a.m. ConfesaJon: Saturdays and eves. of lit Fridays and Holy Days; 7:30 to 8:30 p.m.; Ftrat Prlday Mua 8 a.m. nan aAPI1ST c:auaa ._.Jl8aAfto..tlf ... IU. C....ll-...... a. ........ Sunday Servlc:es: 9:45 a.m. Sunday Scbool; U :un. Wor&btp servtca· S:30 p.m.. Baptlat Tralnlna Union: 7:.30 p.m.. EvenJne Service. Wedneaday: 7:30 p.m., Prayer, Pral.ae and Bible Study. Mon· day: 7:30 p.m. Men'a Chorua p r act I ce ; 8:30 p.m. Men'a Prayer Meettnr. * nus SPIRITUAL SERIES m SPONSORED BY THESE CIVIC.MINDED FIRMS AND INDIVIDUAlS CARVER CRAFT Few EVINlUDE OUTIOAitDS •~ WTZAaD IOATS S.,..i119 tho Herbor 21 Yeo,. 199t Herbor N~ Code Mne UIMr+y 1-1062 BOB'S SPORTING GOODS c-,...... s.-tiiHJ 6oMs 1107 Newport A"~ Cette Wou ~a..4112 IROADWAY FlOWER SHOP "Q .. Iity Ao...... Ditfllldivoty An~ I"' Newport ........ c..te Mou lllterty &.6111 EARL W. STANLEY, Re.ltof SoiM, .._,.,. ~ Since lfll w.a.. Office: H.rttor 1m lel'-1 ... .-4 IAl.IOA lAY CUll 1221 W. c...t ...._..,, ............... THE BAY DEPT. STORE The "•ce To &o For The If•~• Y .. r-. We 6M SIH '"-St • .,,. lOl Mei11 s..-t, hi'-' Hett..r lOt COSTA MESA VACUUM CUANEA CO. New ollcl --~ a..-. 2U4 New,.,+ ~ .. c.tte ....._ ,.._ U'-ty 1-4l2t .. s.r..-4_.. Witt. STANLEY INSURANCS AGCY. ])II E. C:O.tt Hwy., C... 4W W. He..W 2474 RICHARD'S UDO MAIUCET BROWNIORY OVH c..e. ..... SUlF I SAND ..... VAS.AIOND HOUSE a.w. .... .... w... ••• w ......... .. The DAVIS BROWN Co. T.a..Wo" aHiol FritW•In H-Appt .. rtat 1111 H...W lf¥d .. Corie Mne UlMr+y &.).4)7 NEWPORT HARIOR lANK Y-H-o-.4 .... J.OS E. Co.tt Hw, .. c.-. 4.1 MM H.rbor l010 STAFFORD & SON Bocttlc IMtdetioM. Meilttoueco, ..,.In I 10 ~A.,.,. Nowpon INcJ. UMity &.1459 lAY & lEACH REALTY. INC. 1410W ....... ~ ....... )112 Laf.,.tk.:..~ ..... , ... .....,....w .. e....w-lm ....... ~ .. c....w... laO f. c-t........,, c.-Ml ... THE SHADE SHOP C:W..IH.a.W ....... Cnyldw WW.. , .......... 4J2 u.. St .. .....,..loec6 ......... MESA UPHOLSTERY LA,...t t. Oro.._ c-ty- O,.eperio• Slip c-- FwN+w. ~.·to Onler. 2150 Nowporl N .. C.... Mou UM.ty 1-4711 UDO TOYLAND *2 vi. l.Uo • .....,..,. ._. ...... 29M ROIBT Hlu•s CHEFS INN '--'-• C..... Ml Mer • La c...4e ........ .. ... Wallace Calderbead JEWElH JIIJINtC....~ c.... ...... -=--nu iCiDC& c:au .. ~ ...... a..s u. Naltt7 of -..ltb u4 ~ wMD he NlltoN4 tbe ..... ** of the palq. Of the JIW\7 be&Unp ac· compll.tll44 ~ J-..., W.. one recount.~ 1n Kark'a eo.pella ln· eluded 1n tbe Sun4ay ~­a..moo on .. BMUty'" 1n tbe w ... part a.dl Chrlatlan 8dmce cburcb. Tbe Golden Tat II from ......_ (W!2): '"Tbe wwk8 of the I.Md are great, aoulht out o1 all ~ that bave pleuu.re tbereln." ~~ C::c~ of <Aa Church. Begins Tar Tattles • ~~:.~ Services A~ vAN'S CLEANERS ~:to~~=af!.~ Campa1gn · St. Andrews "lO v .. ". ~·-,erf.ctf,.. buOcSJnc tuneS of their new mla· e lADlE IIAWKDfl DAJfCE I aJrn School Orchestra; 8:30, Gar· Holy week 8efVlces &tart Sun· ~ ~ C..tt.an••l~" Gem. the Cburdl of 8L l ohn the The launc:blnc of a "new llfe'' W~b lone~, mathematlca den Grove Rich Band; 9:00, day at St. Andrew'• Presbyterian WE FEATURE Divine. Donated articl• f« the lbOWI'Dent wl11 bec1n Sunday at te.cber at Jl&l'bor, and Ka.ry Lou Hunttncton 8eadl Bllh Band; Cburcb wttb duplicate Palm C.~ He•i\ J All o.ac.t. we ea.n be left at the Parlah the UnJveraalt.t Community Fel· Stat, ~tall tea c b er, were 9:30, lJttle La.ke School Band; SUnday eervtces at 1:30 and 11 ~ ._._, Lee. &.tfNfth Ball at 8L lame. Eplac:opal lowablp Church ln Newport to· rntcbty popular last Friday nlcht 10:00, Wllabire Orchestra. a.m. Rev. lame~~ SC..Wart will DltY ClEANIN&-tAUNDlY SDY· Church, Newport. and call Ub· cether wlth other churches In at the annual "Sadie Hawklna We have tour banda and or· preach on 'The KJncllneu of ICE -ICNIT 1\.0CICING -HAND erty 8-6538 to bave the articles Orance County. The movement Dance." PractJeally all of the chestru from the Paramount Ch.rl&t" and &pedal mualc will ~O~~EMI~~~~G -AlTEM-pldted up. 11 1n line with a national cam· a p p r 0 x 1 m a tely 400 studenta dlltrtct &tartJnc at 10:30 with the ~ presented by the Banctuary -palm to foster more rellclous vliJted them 1n their roles of Paramount Elementary Band; Choir under tile leadenhfp of "'-Hart-Sl52 CIIODI DDIECTOa •AXED Uber&li&m. Marryln' Sam and the Gypsy 11:00, Uttle Lake Orchestra; Mrs. Lewia Kldder. If.., mem· ,.tek Up I o.r. .... ,., Setvic.e Edward Letaon bu been ap· '11\e Harbor Area proaram Is Fortune Teller. 11:30, Paramount Elementary ben w01 ~ received into the Ope~~ I'""" to l :lO p.~~~. potntecl choir dlrec:tor by vote of Mine launched by the executive The dane. wu a money.mak· Orchestra; 1:00. Paramount Jun· conareaatJon on Palm Sund•Y· ,.-,r~~~~.'H:;1 tc!! ~., tile Vestry ol. St. lama Epl8copal board of the Unlveru.lt.t Com· Inc project put on by the Girls lor Hlcb Band; 1:30, Orance A choral v.,. ..nee wtll be ~:=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Cb;;urdl.~~N;ew;;'PQJ~rt.;;;_iiiiiii ____ munlty Fe 11 ow s hlP Cburcb, Leacue and the &Iris really put Hlch Band; 2:00, Paramount held at 7:30p.m. Mauncl7 Tburs· II which meets each Sunday at the a lot ~f work Into the dance. 1unlor Hlch Orchestra; 2:30. Gar· day with the celebration o1. the Ebell Clubhouse 1n Balboa. The murals alone the walla plc· den Grove Elementary Orchestra; Sacrament o1 B~y Conununlon. Members of the board include tured Sadie Hawkins and her 3:00, Anaheim Junior Hlch Or· Rev. Stewart wfll prsent the Leon Rudd of Newport Helghta. backwood.& .,.trl friends dragging ebestra; 3:30. La Habra High meditation In obM!rv'IUU:le of the keeping company side by side ... President· Berniece Chase of • Band·, 4:00, Brea 1unlor Hlch ort""nal • --Sup..-,._ M • __ _.,....,. T-.. Har· their fellu to Marryln' Sacn. A Band· ... 30 .. _. ... 1a Hl.,.h '"-nd. •• ..__., _... ....,..a esa, ~ "''-" • """ "Certlflkate of Marrlace" wu , , · • AI'""" • ""' Seven m I n l a t e r s ol local rlncton of Corona del Mar, treu· presented to each couple that There are al8o 95 solos and en· churdles w1lJ partld pate 1n the urer; and Mrs. Marion Thomp· took the Holy Vows to "protect wrobles. tradJUonal Good Friday Senrices aon of Corona del Mar, book· each other through cood weather 1 • • • sponaored by the Harbor Council keeper. and bad." The glrls were ~· e KEC IS CBOSEJr ot Churches. thla year belnc beld Mus meetinp and home dis· stowed with a small cold rlnc. Conc;ratulations to Mec An· from noon until 3 p.m. at St. cuulona wtll ~ held with four The RJffs from ()Tange Coast drews, Harbor HI J unior. who Andrew's Preabyterlan Chul'Cb. bulc p~ according to WU· College provided the music. At will represent us u an exchance Each ot the partidpatJnc mini· Uam Wiley, Interim loca.l pastor. lntermlulona couples would 10 &tudent to some torelcn country st~ will present a brief d~o· They are: to call a liberal mini· lnto the ttoelal hall for "klck·a· this summer. Atter rouch compe· t:tonaJ meditation on one •of the &ter; procure permanent build· po6 punch ,. a creen. foamlnc Utlon Mec has come out on top. "Seven Last Words" of Christ Inc racllltles. ln.sttcate a broad brew. EverYone &bowed oft their • h h ~en on the Croa. curriculum of relllious eduea· costumes durin the and H a II In c u rc Rev. Stewart will conduct t.bteoe tlon !or children baaed on the re-march and the 1 two best I' COS· mornlnc worship aervices on llglona of the world; increase tumes wen picked. Firat prize 1 D d• t d Easter at 8 a.m., 9:30 and 11. the procram of loft'Vice to the went to Gene Hubbard a nd s e I c a e I The Easter meaace In all t.tlree community and to the world. Unda Kemper Second prize wtn· llerV'Ices wlll be "It Christ Be Not Third Service at BJ. Church ners we-e J~ West a.nd Gerry A RNice ol dedication and lllaen." The Junior Choir will Sanger Both couplea wen decked namlnc of the main hall, Fel·,stnc at 8 a.m. and the Sanctu· In If~ followlnc the theme of lowahlp Hall. wu held In the ary Choir will prese-nt Euter th d~ "U 'l Abner Goes Corona del Mar Com m u n I t Y I mua1c at the other two services. Iri~ ,. ' Churcll last Sunday. At 3 p.m. there wlll be a ape· · • • • WUllarn D. Hum.uon, church clal service for the celebration of lay moderator, announced the the aac:rament of Infant Bap· 1'hrft momlnc aervtces of wor· eiCIIEJ)ULE I'LAJIJI'IIIQ name of the hall. eboeen by a tlsm. a tradJtJonal Easter Sun· ablp are to be held on Palm Sun· M the end of third quarter of committee repeNDtlnl all or·1 day service at SL Andrew'L day and Euler Sunday at the the scllool year draws near, &tu · can!zatlons o1 the eburdL AI Balboa Island Community Metb· denta at Harbor ••de out their declaration of renewed service to p• k Qff• oc~t.t Cburch. accordlnc to the schedules tor next year. All the ebureb and community ...... 1 IC 1cers Rev. Donald G. Sapp. I momlnc clut. and activities read by Weimer L. Ba.ltkela. Shhh! Your skin is showing-,_ ,.1 You need &~.,-~ FLOVVING VELVEI nu. mod ...... 8owi.Ds bmola haa already helped c:oaatleea .,.,.. -just like you -who bad de· spaired of a dry, prematurely &«ins sm. Jec-.••11•• Cechrea Ilea ~ • --...... to t.be dry-skin problem and ita caue, dehydralioo of the auh-allrface titaues. She diacoV'enld Hydrotin. 3 new insredient that tranafera beneficial moisture into the deep t.i.Nues of ~ akin. Thanks to ex. elusive H ydrolin ... and other rida components, only F1owins Velvet worb the.e three waya: 1. II jMTIIU~ mout.ue ,,.., odaall1 .U h inlo .,our l!iiL Z. It provi.J~ MCeU41}'oiU for uunli41 U.bricol..io11. 3. It lft4iJutWu tJu 110muJ bel- en« of oils aNI mouture. 0.. ..... ftrNrl the ....... tiflllll ct. • na•l Tiny lioes..mooth out. )-e&n ~eem to melt away! To speed resuJta. use F1owins VdYe& day and nipL It's hormone-free. sreaseleu, won't smear yoar make.up or smudp your pillow. lee fer yevuelf. Make flowiDI Velvet you 24-bour beauty care ... and eee bow rHC.h yoanser and lovelier yoa eu look. Why Dot ltart today! a-.. s• ..... ..NIS• ,.._ CORONA DEL MAR PHARMACY ~1272 1127 L C...t • .,. .. c.-..... two beloved colognes in a gold-and-white gift box designed to thrill In addltJon to the regular were cancelled ao that the teach· chalnnan of the board of dee· Officers for next ~ar were services at 9:30 and 11, an earller era for tbe ttr&t hall hour of cons. Rev. Edwin c. Gomke cave na med at the recent meeting or one will be beld at 8 a.m. Except 'each day could councU, advise, the prayer ot dedication. 1 the Newport Harbor Hlgb School for the special musJc, the serv· and answer any quntiona stu· PalntJnrs by Burt Procter, John Faculty wives club. The new kea will be Identical. The chll· dents mJcht have. For these four Cameron and l oan Irvlnc bave leadel"' w1ll be Mrs. John Me· dren's choir will sing at 8 o'clock year11 must ~ planned and laid been presented to the eburt'b Gowton. president; Mrs. CUtler A soprano BOlo by Mlss Marvel· out carefully and wisely 110 that and bung In Fellowship Hall. A Dippel!. ttoelal chairman; Mrs. lee Moody will be sung at 9:30 those plannlna to enter Collece silver service. to ~ uaed tor Clester Wulf:t, ~a.ry.~as· The adult choir wUl sing at 11. wtU have the proper amount ot wedding receptions held In the urer. and Mrs. Charles Funnell. Music will ~ under the direction eredlts for their chosen achool. hall. was on display. This 11 a publlclty. The new officers will of Leslie Van Dyke, Mn. Nora and those not planning to enter memorial provided by the gifts be installed at the May meeting. TJllma ny wll aerve as or&a.nlst. college will still cet the cour.~e~ of family a.nd friends. to the wbJch w1ll ~ a dlnner cather· The service of Christian baptism they need. Harbor otters a va· memory or Anne H. Griep. who Inc. will also be held at each of the rtety of subjects tor each lndl· was wedding d.Jnctor at the time St. Patrick's Day decorations -;iii~~~~·;;;;~~~~~ services. vidual student. and sometimes of her death. graced the tables; appropriate li A Maundy Thursday service of you wish you had more time to games of Ireland and Paddy's II) .A II' .A ~'~ Holy Communion is planned for take more subjects that are of ...... ftLI.,i.M IU ...... Pic were played. Hostesses for ~~ .. ~1"'1111111 ~ Thursday, March 29, at 7:30p.m. Interest to you. ... Ull•--.,... the evening were Mmes. Goss Your P'a mlly ~nursnt In the sanctuary. • • • Graveside funeral services for Grable. Cheater Wulff, Charles (ClOMd Tueeday) Duette by Faberge 2.50 the set • :~ ........... J'lllltlr~---a.r-. ......................... dlaq ...... _....,._ .._..,., ................ c..-,. __.. .................. IIIINII- ~ ....... fl...-...... lla ....... ._,,_. elllJSIC FESTIVAL Mrs. Madge E. Champion, 85, of RandalL Wllllam M Id d 1 e ton . ISlS E. Coast Rlgtaway Tomorrow (Friday) night starts 500 Narcissus Ave .. Corona del Andrew OlJver. and L. L. Thomp· Rarbow 1,_ eon.. del II• the music festival to be held at Mar. were held Tuesday at the ~ao;n~·==========~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Harbor High auditorium. The Anaheim Cemetery. r public Is Invited, 110 1t you like Mrs. Champion died In her music. come and listen ln. Start· home early Saturd'f momlnc lng Friday afternoon at 3:00 wOl after a brief llJnea. She ls aur· ~ our own Tar Band. At 3:30. v1ved by two daughten. Mrs. Call t o rn Ia HJch Band; 4:00, Dorothy Cole of the home ad· HunUncton Beach Hlch Ordle· dress and Mrs. Vlctor G. Loly o1 &tra; 4:30. Anaheim Hlah Band; Anaheim. and two liOns. 108ePh 7:00, Fullerton High Ordtestra. C. Elliott of Lone Beach and Then at 7:30 Harbor's Orchestra Raymond M. ElUott ot Hunttnc· wtU perform; 8:00. Santa Ana ton Beach. Hl"h Band; and at 8:30 New· Mrs. Champion wu born ln port's Concert Band. Tene Haute, lndJana. and had Saturday the music st.a.rta In lived ln Corona del liar alnce acain at 8 a.m. with Horace En· 1952. GO A IEAUTIFUl FIIUIE ·~·AND IEEP IT wit/a tAGt woltiWful ef CAUPOaNIA A Reeves Fabric in Egyptian Pima Cotton ... Only 10.95 • • Mesa's wons Give $7,00 to TESI .a.cta .... ,._ .... 1) ....... ··!'~& Mr. ~ ~ • I S ~·~ IMIIrtet 1. did DOt ettawl tiM ..,... • ..,_. ""* • tM lllfO- ,........,.stt11dll....._,.. ...... ...._Co~oMJwtaa '-71f COun •=,.... a w .....-='-':.-:.-::.=-,:::= --........ ..._ • -"--:!~ ... lt ... ·~ -:..= ~ • ... dMolr .... ..-... ,..... ea. .... .. •• c:..... .UJ .. .,. -., a lew. tM~_. ..... _... .... IL---wu a-. 'n..dq ~to tt.e 0a11ta e.ndld•• pr,1rtwwei.D.,... Durtq • ~·· PlltOd. Lalrit ,..,._ • • • OCMdd eome to • ...... PF' ..., x-Olrl lclout Ol'pJllattoo at IDitlt oa .._ ...s tw canl\al Coundi..,•HIPM ,.. TIM a. &. Burdi of OotoM del ft. a ... WIMn .._ llu -.. •· u.. wwMb' ...una of u.. Coa&a eoMIOI of &M tldelaiMII oU -. waled tlaat 1M Jaunc:lt•na nuap Mar Wd a t'Oddall ,_,.,. latur· tJooed. 111.-t.1oM Oub 1D 14toft Ball. Wllopment. ,.. Uo ~ tb•t Wllleb had ..._ located ...., ... 4k1 .qbt at. their .. otW" ..,_... e • e llelplq ta.. ,Vl KOUta Ia ooe of Jt wu aooc1 plaantq tti IJIO¥ide tr.U. puk atte wW be ,.........., oe Poppy Oftl'looktal tile waw So that no ooe will mt.ta1ut the projeett of the Lion-. fJ'OIII ,_ edlool ud pulE altea 1n new becaUM there Ia a d • q u a t • to lntlod~ their -... Ptill, who the locale of their April metn· proceec~a of the annual P'bh rry. annexadona. launchlnl ractntJ• 1n tbe Upper Ja W.vi.Dc almolt t.m.IMdlateJy .,.,_. party, tbe Balboa kY ClJ&b The Harbor BJp varatty bu· 'lbere wu al8o a dlaeu.-ion of Bay. for Germany. In.tud of lookJnc Ia buJldlnc • PartaJenne "out ketball team. dlamplona of the the two p~ltlona on tbe bal· City Attotney Karl Davia de· llD the alr eorpe lieutenant that hou•'' u .en on the atreet8 ol Sun.t LeaJUe, were IU..U of lot. 8e!'lbed the propo.ltJon to In· be II. .tbe pea of honor looked Parll, rc. club decoration the the lJona. The "player of the Attorney A. x Pbel~ de· creue the pay of oounc:Umen Resub dividing Suit Is Filed nJpt of the "ParS. ln the Spdn... year" trophy wu pretented to 8Crlbed the prop;,.ltlon which from ~ a month to PlO, and party. EddJe Pope. uka that the c:lty traDw park the mayor from $100 to 1300. He • • • beach ahould be torever kept aaJd that ~ councllmen apend Oranee Cout CoUece Ia hav· Q~~~aw ... •-.&.....1-J open tor public: UN to a depth of a tremendous amount of time Inc a "Bridey Murphy'' dance •• ...... 85 teet. He NVI.wed the contro· on c:lty bu.slneu because c:lvtc this Friday. Come aa you WERE, lllwlll ftftft USC veray, rec:alllnc that a CouncD problema have creatly lnc:reued Attc.ney A. lt. Phelps tiled a that l.s! VVVJ majority had voted to restrict a due to crowth ol he city. A re· ..-~ J t Mit t d t ln There'll be a crew race on portion of the beach tor eJtclu· view of Qther cltJes showed coun· .,... ... t on or o man a e _E _ .... ·---aJl k J cU aal 1... """" fro 1 Superlor•Court yeeterday aaklng •• ,... ......... -·u-North lJdo Channel beefnnlnc at slve use of the tr er par res · ar ... ran .... c m uro n the Newport Beach City Counc:U Col. and Mrs. Elmer Wiles of 11 a.m. Saturday between the dent&. Petitions then were clrcu· ~erly BUls, Arcadia and Whit· to ahow cause why It ahould not Corona del Mar have juR re· 8-man crews of Oranae Cout lated to uk tor a public vote on tier to~ a month tor CouncU· approve the re-subdJvlaion of the turned from up north, where CoUeae and University of South· the beach, but these petitions men and $1,500 tor the mayor In D. S. Kline property at the en· they were vl.s1tlna their new ern Calltornla. The tlnlsh Une were withdrawn when Councll Los Angeles. trance to Shore Clltts Into two granddauahter born ln Decem· will be at the turning basin near agreed to place the proposition ------- bulJdJng sites. ber. the Arches. on the ballot. wlth a one-word Read Enstgn Want Ada. The Kltnc application, which -------------------------------------------------had been app.roved by the City Planning CommluJon. waa de· n1ed by Council at the Feb. 27 meetJnc. Attorney Phelps con· tended that CouncU did not de· c:lde the case on Its leaal merits. C.C. Gets 25 New Mem bers Twenty-five new me m be rs joined the Chamber o1 Commerce Tuesday aa the Chamber's mem· berahlp committee resumed Ita area-by-area member canvass by c:alllne on Balboa Ialand. H. Payne 'lbayer, who Ia head· Inc the drive, announced that next Tuesday the membership commJttee w111 be calllne on non-member businesses In Co· rona del Mar. 'Boss of Year' fC'ontlnuf'd trom Page 1) scarcely utterd a sound. they were accompanied by phono· craph records and a ceaseless patter from the audience. Stars of the show were Shore Patrolers U. R. Bllgewater. allaa Nat Mlch· aud, and J. M. Treadwater, some· Urnes known a.s Allee Fox. Ladles of the chorus. trained by clubmember Dorothy Jo Swan- son. were D oro t h y Reddick, Marie Lanning. Marllyn Mlller. Diane Fru hllne and Isla Peck. Specialty acts were performed by Phyllis Jackson, Ruth Will· mes, Betty Hottma n, Jean Chap· man. Marllyn LeBarron. Lura McKenzie. Marlgold Schlueter, Helen Cole, Valerie Shields. Cella Thayer. Dorothy Jo Swanson, M 11 d r ed Chapman, Kathleen Coleman and Mary Naegeli. Retlr1ne president Jean Howell gave the welcoming greetlne and turned the pro&Tam over to vice· president MarUyn Wheeler. A rt· aanUc harbor backdrop wu painted for the sta.r by Lena Mae W11lsey and Clara Ellen Spelman. vitamins CIDd REDUCI. AIDS Spedal Dlets for A..llwvr- Salt • y,... CIDd Diabetic Featuring natural and or· ganic grown foods S.U·Senlc:e Come Ia CIDd browN H•Hr lleaM F..a 353 If. lf.-port aJYCL Oppo.tte Boot ... Uberty 1-1424 CORAL BEAUTY SALON loo• For Our Monthly Speco eh in The Ensi9n HAZEL PARKERSON Cell' FM Appointm•nt HARBOR 1876 1732 E. Coast Hwy. N .. r Poppy-Corone del Mer WITH SAWE lludl Zl. lt51 "8prffq .. ...--J ... n. pue Ia ria .•. I woedu __ ,. ... ,.... .. ! ..... .. Not relpCHISible, clara ttl Ov Beck ... ..-talu the aboYe to be Ute ftrw& ,._ lile nu leanle4 •.• ·a-11t.,W c:aa yw be." ..w 8llei w._ lte fOG.IMI •1 jtape repertefn cUd .ot ---"Spri•l .. ~· ... a.t I kaow WkN tile ....... ! lpt'-... a wMie We poeery bulln ,.,. uct r., Joill& to_,. ·-al over the piMle ••• A ~ for Buck (.ecretly I anuelr a bee lnald. IU peta18) for th~ apkodolf~roua ~lghth Birthday replla that turned our bleak u'f above In- to a boop~o o color aDd piety . . . Buck 18 reo aponaible for aU of our deco- rations and extra ~ food dillplaya . . which ~ toward making y o u r markd~rinl more f un ..• The merry-p round ill still I OIJ\1 round It )'OU m&Ued It 1ut wen.-d. A......_ ... , .. ., ,_._ .. c.a.a 0., Aato•a'IPw, V~-· pOf'IIIC.M, %2M 8L at N-· port BmL (wllat'a a porKbef I tutew 1• caa'l est It ) ••. few I . M. lllaer eo. a-!t-bu ._,., BI"'bn. zot.5 W. ..... Bh'd. ( wtly .. tMy cal the• Molin.! N.._., enr It-bt'OIIe •lin •r lavf!llt 111 ..,_...., .... ) • .. N-pen 'hekle ..... _ lOS MeF...sdea ,._ ( BaM .. ,.. lile'a pt every- tlalla« few tiMl ~ aoaMa l8le a ._... ~ ·-) •.• FOI"Jft ~ .......,nosw ......... ~ (The o-t---* .~ pine .tore -UJ'WMN -0pe118ll ... ,.. ... RoNap • • • OocMl t.o Do. ot a ._,..,. atore • p e • • So..tay ••. N-,_ ._,. W.ve t.e at.op that 11.-. =·~~.::: eel a ull cw ) ... N f'WJIOI't llu\Mw N e w .,. ~ (AD Ute .,_.of U.. Newpori Rartlor A rea • three tlmea a .-k. .... clay, WeGeed&J ... rrw.y .peds""" t. flail ,ace birtlldar pertt.c c:ar8) 'l1laab .. ,.. tt -«~ Marlal ,,_ ..... folb ~lad~ ...... . . . ThOIW who aren't famillar with Newport Beach blllt.ory, B. R. (~fore Rietulrd's). ahouJd be told the .. folks bad! boi!W' are merchant. wbo 1r0rtecl alonJ US. our ~ IIWI Dldl JUdw'd. for eome fO\Il'UCD 1"1'1 while he tn turn •onect m t.be Newport rubUc Muttet on the 0cea11 J'roat . . . Tbe jblpe on tho Birthday "C&rcf' wu moat aa 1ood aa "SprtDr 111 ~ · lf ~ than one eohunD .ftftn•t 'fWbcltAID rd be abie to chortle ftrllatim • . . but ':::;::;:;::;========~ here'e the heart of t b • ;. treaUne .•• "All ~ ill local a.nd &ood ~ malt• a better tOW1L We th.tl1lr your 11p1rtt of ~ wlJdmr 'or ud witll the commualty • .. ~...,. ..ctJon of the elty ahfa,.. Wbleb 11 wily .. han reaiOCII.Md IUid ~adod oar balln 1111 aDd .m eoatlnue to do eo that oar~ folb _, lbop at !lome wltJa people tMJ kDow." MilE MYERS Union Senice U. S. Royel nr .. Weshin9 & Polithlft9 Corrtpl•t• Lubrlceti011 S.rvfce FlEE PICK-UP & DELIVERY PhOfiO Herltot )094 2201 E. Coerl Hi9hwey et Avocado Corone clel Mer ... CICI'C. ~ .......... ,. .... ................. ._ ............ ~. .............. ,... .. ...... ....., ...... ...., ... --::..r ._..._.. .. ................... .. ........... .. I 111 Ult .,. Y_.. .. .... ,. !.1!1 ••• ,.... ~--·~,_ ... .............. ~ ........ _., ........... ····· .... 0 ... ·-. ·~1¥6,. -::·-.. = .l;'Az.·~ ................ ' .. ,. ......... ...... O pen 9-7 p.m. Doily & SundoY. INN Newt Pert.ctly .... ~ A Deliciotn C. of Coffee! We sened INast weekftd! GUEST cot·FEE Thanks for being .. our GUEST last wet.kend 1'lle eetfee ,... _,.. ~ ..- ~ G-.& Calfee. -..a. awa ......_._ A rrea~a ,....... DuipM 59· BUnER .. o.u..u-uw" ..._of lit..._...._ coffee ......_ heW eapeeWiy for llldloard"s _. ot.ller C'Mt1IW 8oetMn Olaf ..... _..._ A EYAP.MILK ... 2 -23· ~ a.-1.-1 ..,_. pw(adell ~ naarhnr•• wttla every Ill& ol pod eelf• flavor • llAcller prteet -Na.._ a1J Mvertkd b.-..... eflllfee. otve lt ,.., T..a. T..t 117 taldac ........... w. ........ Yo.'l apee. too, tlaat O..t Coif• Ia &eod coffee. VEL VIET A ifiND STEAK -· 7'F ..... SWISS STEAK 6'F slEWING BEEF • SF iOIJtl) ROUND .6'F .............. from our Oelicateuen TIIUIISDA Y KlDeetroGJ Soup BnJMcl Pork 6 Kn.u:t 8lNd1ab Meal Balla JI'IUDAY Loblter Stew S&lmoo Loaf Maea.ronJ • CheaN 8ATVUU' Rout 8ftt Hub 1\arby Tetruzinl Au CratiJI Pot.etoea 1(11Q).t1' Saute Cb.leleo U verw MacvonJ 6 Meat Sauce Au OrwUn Orem 8a.ne IIONDAY Beef Stew Btllflect Pon erop. ...... I'OIL&'I' TISSUE ........ ~ ,._ 37c HYDRO X M.&C.Jf ...... W~ . ._27c WAFERS ~ .. -I ,._ ·21 c WHEATIES lrt. .... ~ .... 25c JUICE ............... 3r JUICE ifED BACON • 4'F iiiiN& C111C1ENS -A 6'F er.m.d PotatA:Ia TUDDAY Stuffed l'ruke Bftf ~off Spanblh lUce WEDNEIDAl' Bo.t.on Clam 0\owder Stuffed Cabbap Ron. Swlel 8teU • ~ ............. ~2 .. 31 c CORN • UKD1'. • fiiODtJC& • D11118AY ...,_.teYA!flLIA ._ llc QeeeiMe ~ 2 37c &.,.. .... EXTRACT COOIIIS _ .... AVOCioos -----'!f . ..... Ns _4._1 7c ~c_,a~ .._ '1/c P'NUT BUTTER ~ ......., ... a.. ... ..17c &rAID,._.. 54c ~ ....... snCKS _ PfARr_ 2 aa 25c iiW .... ....ac ..................... 59c DETER6ENT ...~ ........... • m.c.n. 4 ... ]~ ........... A1..UM. FOIL _._ iimiJ _2 .. 1r ......... .f/• Hdise..AT .-. 2 .. 39c LAYIICAII 2U.. 79· 4 ..u.31· • r1IOIZ!f. ......... ~~2 .. 21c STEAKS _., .. ..... LiMONADI_._ 2 .. 2Jc i55o.Ti4i1n~-SJc ............ _ ..... ,_gc SCA11 0PS ........ ~--2-lt JUICI WiiiuiiS .. _ 2 .. gc ....... I'WA" u-8 .1• PAfi liS ENJSIGN ELASSIFIED Champ T aeion Featured in CASJI IIA!EI FOB DIIGlf WAin' AD8 . 1 Tl.ine 2Tlmea 3Timea C·over Picture 20 wOida or n .75 1.25 · 1.50 21 to 30 word~ -"'-1.00 1.50 2.00 A colow plctu.re ot TMJon of 31 to 40 wordl !: 1.25 2.00 2.50 Crown 0.. the champloD AI· Each word over 40 .03 .OS .07 C owned by Mia. Braden h of Corona cSel Mar, S. on Cash muat be received within 7 days of tim insertion tht front cov• ot Sparta Wu· .... ~ macuine. TRD SIZE d...us.cl a4 In tht Another plctun of Mn. l'lDdl. Enllp coMa ~tulO for tbNt lMertJoDa. 1ft )'OUI ahowtnc •• wttb Crown o.t Rubl, a p&Detlon ol Tujon of acta to B.,_ tUf. Crown er.t. le on an tnatde ....................................................... ~ r;:e· Mta. P1ndl .. llhown In dlaon Square Gar4en, wbeN • roaaAU fiLEVt8ioH: 11' Roun4 iiCritn Zenith coneole. ~ concll· tlon. Al8o 18C50 Par4 Club Coupe. P r tv at • party. Ha 531!5-W. . JOR SALE: US Wltd 2 wire meten. 25 amp. breetcer.--2 wire ouUeta ft\cloeed. Don Mean.. Pu.rchaalna Acent. City ot lfewport Beach. HA 3131. WEDCEW(j(jj)" clock c on t r o 1 automatic table top stove, JOOd cond .. $3!5. Call HA 4009. FOR SALE-Leavtnc for Ewo~. mun .en. '46 Ford. 4door. Good body, motor. tlMt, duaJ manl· told. PX). Roaer Welah, HA ~-W. WALNUT TYPE DESK for home, U' X 2)1', baa awl vel typl.t chair; excellent con d. $25. Liberty 8-7M3. I'OR SALE-Tbla a1ze clauttled ad In the EnaJ&n, only Sl-50 tor 3 ln.eertlon.a. Call your ada to HA 1114.. 2 MAHOGANY FlSHING CHAI.RS. Wlll .eU or tr•de tor a satltne dlnehy. Box 184, CDM. w AJfTEJ) 10 &EJIT APT. WAln'ED: 2-bedr. unfurn .. Yr. round. B.l. or CDM So. of Hwy. Under S8t5 mo. HA eM-J. UAL ESTATE & &EJITALS --BUSINESS PROPERTY -Store BuUdlne with llvlna quarters above. 2919 E. Coast. CDM. Income $275 month. Owner Sandy Steiner, U 8·1521, evH.. Ra 3602-J. LOST A.Jfl) FOtnfD Crown er.t Jlubt won ewnb 1n aAI. EITAft WAIPI'U the Wemnlnaer ctoa •how. Tae· WAi'l'iD TO LiAS! wtth op&n Jon of Crown Cr..t .. the wtnneT to buy, 2 or 3 BR. mocl«ate ot 11 be8t·ln-ahow awardll. a prked home. Needed by June; record tor the breed. Taejon hu eueJJent reference. Ha 53t7. a1lo won 72 bftt·of·breed and 49 II'I'VAftOxa WAJfftD bNt·ln-poup award&. COLORED . LADY wanb d.y Unsung work. Call after 6. ICl 3-5813 or ICl 3-1485. GA.BDENING. HYatt 4·5268. Commerciids MA'nJltE WOMAN wllh• baby mtt1n1 and eare ot Ddt. kDJt· Tomorrow (Friday) will be ttna or crochetln •. Day or open houae day for the new nl&ht. HA 31.92·14. Jewell Welty J7lorl8t Shop at BABY St'ITER, mature woman. 3529 E. Cout Htehway, Corona Good ref~nces. Ha 0745-J. del Mar. Friend.a and nelehbors CDM man would like aardenln&. In the Harbor area are partlcu· clean·f;h etc. Call JCI 3·2122. larlY Invited to vl8Jt. and refresh· Mel U all. menta wUl be J«Ved from 1 p.m. W Al'rii:D: Ironlne In my home. to 5, accordlne to owner, Mrs. Mabel Whftman, 607 Maraue-Welty. Lona a floraJ ananrer rite, CDM. HA 4279-.J. and lecturer In the county, Mrs. Business Directory Dnva.AXCZ INSURANCE "Be Sure-Insure .. wrm STANLEY INSUB.A.NCE AGENCY • Welty, who la the wife of Chester Welty of Santa Ana, decided to pick a spot and settle down to full tlme ''PG8Y flxJn'." Sbe chose the Harbor area because the Welcy. (tncludJne 80n, Jlm, who I• 80metimH In the shop) have enjoyed 80 much of the Harbor- where they keep their boat Whlle retUne ready for tomor· row'a o~ntne. Mra. Welty hu al80 ~ apendJne a good deal ot time worktne with the Aao· elated Chambers of Commerce. becau.e she 18 the Chambers' Civic Beautification Chairman for th18 year. Phone Harbor 2474 SCBOOJfEJI JIEADIED 3315 E. Coast Rlehway Mr. and MB. John Mazersk..l Corona del Mar are puttlne In extra hours build· lng their tchooner, Avesta, ret· Res. Phone, HA 5232 tine her ready for chrt.stenlne come May. Avesta wiU later be _scs_ ..... ~.._u_&_m_ST81J __ cno __ » __ thelr home tor a 40,000-mlle 2·bedt. uct de rand\ hou.e. ltnr -btauWul c:omer - room tor ,__ &monl the oran•• and avocado&. .._~, .. - UAL'IOa 2731 W. Cout Hwy. U 8-UTT Newport Beach * $1010 ... * NEWPORT HEIGHTS IIIII 311M,... ......... Plenty smart buy at $1,100 IIEEaEIF.SEYERTS REALTY 3112 Newport Blvd. Npt HARBOR 2552 eovea. U 8-3181 or LJ 8-54a5. HA 3921-W • Ocean vtew • 4 bedrooms. 1 ~ batha e Plu. laree den and rumpU8 room e 2000 aq. tt. llvine area • 2 fireplaces e Just 2~ years old e Landscaped and terraced yard • $22,500 FULL PRICE e We bave the k~ DEAL WITH REAL TORS lit I 111 .. lily. IH. 1875 Harbor Boulevard eo.ta Mesa. Callfornla Liberty 8-7714 Eves. lJ 8-3158 Ill .. IDTIIY r' Corona Rllblan41 r' 1..arp VIew !..at { Attrut:tve laDcllca})lnl { 3~1~bath8 { Uaed brick fireplace r Good term. { Good value at $21.500 DEAL WITH U!ALTOBS lltlluciiiiiiiJ Corona Del Mar Branch 3530 E. Cout Hwy., Harbor 5663 OPEl ... E DII.Y ......... 41117 IEISIIIE Best Ocean Front buy. Home with ~parate Income unJt Your host. C. W. Block 1799 Newport Blvd, eo.ta Mesa LJ 8·5508 Eves. U 8·1443 1.-N-1-C-1-1.., When buytne or ~Uine Newport property, why not do bU8lness 'with 80meone thorourbJy familiar with the area! I have been here a lone time and can oUer real aerv1ee. CkarllaHIII,IIIIIIIr 3420 W. Balboa Blvd .. Newport Harbor 1428 SHORE CLIFF VIEW LOT Mornlne Canyon Road $20.000 LOST: RaIncoat 8&&h, white plutlc lace de • 11 n . Finder phone The En•ten. HA 1114. 2-BR. FURN. HOUSE -$10,950, only ~ dn. Sl:J Poinsettia, CDM, or call POplar 1-1439. REAL ESTATE voyaee aU the way to Africa via ----------- Australia and the south seas. IIILT IJ IIILDEI liAJlBOR INVES"''MEN'T CO. APT. FOR -Nice location, pleuant •unoundlnp. No chll· cSren. no petl. 610" Marauedte Ave., Corona del Mar. lOOM FOR RENT, prlvate en· trancle, 100(1 double bed Ud prtvam t..th. 510 On::bl4. CDM. Ha 3788. iOAi.o-;-806=""=-=M-=--an---:-d -=G""'ARA'"=""'-=G=E tor pnUeman. no drlnklna or anokln1. a:IO week. Mrs. A. M. NeJIOft, 500 Westminster, New· port Helcbt., u 8·30!M. Contracting Insurance Contlnuou. day and even&n& cl.-for preparatJon to PM8 the State u.a.m. Call or write For lntonnatJon AL TYLER SCHOOLS 16U N. Broadway. Santa ~ IClm berly 7-3511 KElloe ~2513 ~EdnaCrall. rental ~­ dallat wtth Doria Bray, realtor. 218 Martne Aw .. Balboa laland. -----;u~z:;:a;n;;ao~-........ - BA 2) or BAM. "'IIVIJC 1Mii8UCI10r ----PIANO IJfST'RUCftON. Tereea Ren1*' (.lin. A. Renner), ae· eeptlnc a llrDJted number of pupUa for plano. Concert pt. ana.t ol nu.t Cont.tnenta. Graduate Student of Bela Bar· toiL a& Serra Drtw, CDM. Ha. 2038. aUSDfus o•.oa1oamu suSiriss-oi'POimJNiry::--: =eo-..ln-- operatec:t amuaement route tor IJITTEIS Come tn and He the com· pi . .U new line ol Graphic PatterN~. Bear-brand Ever· matdl yams, Morell'• new ct.... patt.erna, novelty )'&I'M and .Uawa, tncluclln& the i'T~flir*lioP 31.3 E. Ralboa Blvd. Ralboa • aale. Neb up to $4.20 monthly. -----------Private party can operate In CEMENT AND BUIWING apare Ume. S2500 cash. Term8 poulble. Write P. Latvala. 388 G r a n ad a Way, eo.ta Mesa. CAYE: equipped. Leue to expert· .All ltlntt.-Free Eatlmatea enc.ed party. 2122 w. Cout LlRERTY 8-6109 Hwy .• Newport leac:h. Uberty 8-1521 or Harbor 3802-J. --.CU-i_i_O_II_D_aJ_•_Ln ___ .... nr:-,-- DU WA»Tm wo~ wanted for eeneraJ bOUNWOfk. once f!llft'Y two weeks. Pbont Ba 25f9.)1. ATJ'EN'nOlf IIOUSfWIVES - Awn Coametle• neect. 3 women to NPifitDt company 1n 1oca1 netnborbOCML Call Kl 7-4.272 for appointment ln your bome. WAN·· w=-:;;;;;..:;La-Cii~-=-to~J.=-=am:-:::--=a::;r.:"". ttnlahlnc. or a wool·.,..-to work extra. V ll la1e Valet Cl~ a1J7 E. Cout Jlwy .. CDM. IIA 1HJ. .............. 1 1~ DO'L01'D u:rADO:D AODCT RO I'D colltt't*l froiD l~ GU1It l'ewpart ... - ..... ,. 0.111• lrlflda lO.da)' Deitvery Top QualttJ Workm&ftlb.lp Guaranteed FlEE ESTIMATES In Our Shop or Your Home CA.JUTI'INO, SLIP COVERS. BEDSPREA.DS, INSTA.LLA110NS HM Newport Blvd. Ll 8..f871 eo.ta ..... • A'n'EXD D.A.a. MEETIJfG Attendtne the DAR Conference roa 101 r.um. T Newport Blvd at 30th St Harbor 1600 at the Statler Hotel In Los An· Thla 3-bedroom. 2-bath home In eelea were Mn. William B. Tritt. Corona del Mar bu rented apt Mrs. Cballen P. Landen, Mn. over aaraae-wtth vtew. Helmer Dickey and Mrs. Anne 1.ota of clOMt 8pM:'e • • • par-R-2 VIEW LOT, 60 x 100 Seaward, Corona HJahland.a Harbeton ti&J..I)' tumtahecl ..• OOrDef' lot • • •• a.ncl only $25.000. MONEY WANTED-Local. well Ntabllahed flrm bu $1!50.000 tn Oranp County bu.lnea ttnu contracts. Need $5.000 to $20.000. WW dacount 80 that buyer will make bette!' than 15~ Interest on lnV't!ltment. Gua.ra nteecl and leCUf'ecl. Write ~x C-2385. ejo The Enat~ REGlSTEB.ED male Sealpotnt Siamese at .tud--$15. Ll. 85278. RESOLVED: Be on time tor your 1956 ap· polntmenta. E tern a -Katie Watch MrVet you accurately. RAY nEl.DS. leweler, 19th • PlacentJa "'n Va..ta Sbop· plne Center," eo.ta M.eu. u 8-MSB. IIIII I le ..... S,.ce fer 1111 American Leeion 215 15th St MeetJnp 2nd-4th Wed. 8 p.m. u.avtCEI GU EST BEDS FOR RENT Call Liberty 8·3C6 Seal's Suretcal Suppllea Painting -Decorating PAPa HANGINO GEORGE BURJCHARDT lJc.oetwed C.trac:tAir m w. t8th eo.ta Mesa Liberty s..aaB Ubert7 8-6632 COMPLETE PAINTING PAPER RAKGDfG SERVICE RA 2lml (Eveftll\CI. week-end.a) EUGENE 0 . SAUlfDERS 500 31at StNet. J(ewpon BMdl WDI DD~ai e a a aee , ........... -...... ,.. I • ..,....... ., TEl .... t.l» ~ ... utili. IIA ..., caaLa'IW U:•tcu•a .... .............. ....... I ' ..... ..,. U..A-.IIU .JNaiiiiiiD ---· ...... T?t? ,...__ PRICED TO SELL. Call Owner, Harbor 2506-M. LJ 8-4272 tatiME TEDACE Le&Mb~4. 2 beclrool'nl and convertible den, 1" bath&, .UdJq doon on laree patJo. stove and draperies In· eluded. Low down to qualltled buyers. Full price $3f,500. Bua1neu block. 2 nor. 3 apartment&. Shows oceUent lncome. Priced $49.500. • • • lAY SilliES 3-bedroom home. Jarae dlnJng room. etc. J ust reduced from 128.500 to $23.000 tor quick sale! Shown by Appointment • • • Intfftfltinc 2-bedr .. 2 bath house 117.9e50 Leuehold approximately 21 yrs. to eo . We have buyers for rood 118tinp! Free estlmatM and aood lervlce.. Earl w ... .., IlEAL TOR 225 Marine Ave.. Balboa lala.nd Call Harbor 177'5 or Bayade omoe Harbor 3297 Evea. EclJtb Maroon. HYatt 4-6222 .John MacNab, Harbor 5358 LoW8 Boynton Harbor 2878 EntJdne Jocatlon-very cioN to both Bay and Oeeen Nearly new home plu. older l ·beclr. eara,e apt. with view ot bay and ocean. 2 car ea.raee. • • • ALS0-2-bedr. stucco home with 2-ear pra,e •.• ONLY 3 doors from OCEAN t.ront. A rood buy! • • • BALBOA POrNT-<)lder duplex. top location. Only $16,9e50. Owner an.xJoua. 19Z w. Balboa Blvd .. Newport Harbor 4072 ...... ..,. l•a•Jkl • Ulllllw lltllat I Ill ••• ... .. ... .... 1 •• 1: ....... 1 _.. Coeltt:r'ucdoD Ill R~ ........ Ana. • w ,.,_. .-anciiDDftiD...,., weetlciD ..-•••-· ....... ..u. , ...... , ..... ... IUJSn..n. "')IWII ... -llllfllll .. !It .ftla,. W.L • Irvine Terrace Gives You Everything ... but .. SmQg " • Fp •• ...,,. ,..... ......... WE CORDIALLY INVrJ'E YOU TO DfSftlCT COMPLETED OUR DISTINCTIVE ruJUQSHED MODEL BOM'E:S AND OTHERS UNDER CONSTRUCTION NINE DIVERSlFIED FLOOR PLANS To the home buyer who wtsbes to p~hue In the $25,000 to 135.000 ct.. we atncerely recommend the lrvlne Estate. overlooklne Newport Harbor. Thne homes feature Ca.llfomla U"lnr. Offered o.clu. atveJy throup Earl W. Stanley In a Smoa-Ftee area known u Irvine TerT&ce--()n Coast Hlabway op~lte the new Irvine Coast Country Club, Newport Harbor. * For recommendation. we ref~ you to anyone who hold.a a Leasehold Eatate In lrvlne Terrace, Beacoa Ray, Raysbote~ or Clllt Haven. Earl W. Stanley EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Hii.l'bor "'II For Pu.~er laformaUon VOGEL VALUES CIITIIDI Unusua l Buy-3-bn., 2~ yrs. old. FA heat. Fln~ low down payment. Fireplace, HW firs., diap .. 2 .ep. fenced yard.t. Very clean and at .. ...... $12,110 THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E. Coast Hwy ~ Corona del Mar HA.: 1741; HA t7757 EXCLUSIVE usn• 3-bed.r .• untum .• carport; Includes w-t-w carpets A drapes: f~nC'ed. Cuh $2.400--8&1. 17.300: FHA loan at 4~~ ... payments $65 mo. In BALBOA VISTA. ALSO: 4·bedr. home, completely fenced, landaapecl. etc. 112,500. • • • 1·Bedroom Furnished-Lovely PatJo and BBQ. $16,750-Terms • • • IUIIIESS 11.11., C... ..... The coast bllhway lot alone 18 worth a bll chGDk ot the asklnc price In th18 well -ootutructed bulldJn~. Tbe two units Include otrlcea.. dlsplay room. abop and warehouse plus walled-In puktne at aJJey lewl. Tb.la property 18 on 80uth aJde ol bJehway. FuU price ~.000. WW alao consider lon~ term leue. • • • 4G6 ........... ••piiii•I&N• Ex c e 11 en t netrhborhoocl. conveniently locabld 3-bednn... 3 car raraae. 1 ~ batb-beauutul bUdl cabinet woodwork. Land.aeapecl. encl. paUo. Full prtce. $23..500 • • • PIIFEIIIM11 lUI. SITE Larce comer on Broadway, Ideal for bualneae or protea. alonaJ site, 110 x 125 ft. $27 .soo. • • • • IEUIE 2162 Rural Lane, Costa Mesa. 3 ~m. hardwood tloon, fenced, 113.500. FUICIS .J. HOIYITH, 1111111r 2216 Newport Blvd. 3(3) W. Balboa Blvd. _________ u __ 8_·5_l_O_l _______________ H==u~bor 1428 ______ __ II UIUSUIL IUY MUST BE SOLD to wttle estat~. Attractive 1 Mdrm.. hom~ ln Newport Heights.. Ex~llent location. Has luge double carae~. lath h ouse. patio and fenclne. Needs 80me cleanlnc and flJCJne up. AppralRd at $8.000. Submit your oUer B.T. lllltlt, ..... 466 N. Newport Blvd_ Newport BH.ch-U 8-2TT2 or U 8-4214 CIIIIIIEL Ill Duplex-Jun the thln,r for home and Income. Each unit has 2 ~ rarap and pat1o. Loca~ clow to 8chools. ah pplne and beach. l18.!i00, ttrm. and a bar-eal n! See t yowwU. Eltcl usive with ••••••• IDLn 01. Harbor 3344 308 Martne Ave.. Balboa lAland "1111 E11 II II I 111'1'111. lapl 11 IIR .1111111 ... flq:t• IIIII II 11111111111 ......................... Newport Harbor Board of R~rs • ·, tlt'tla,. ~~ ! wa••• =-:... prn lL~-__,;-=._-.o ... :;;o. SANTA .ut~_.., at .._. . ----···-. . ............. . • .... • .... --•• ... • .. ... ~ ..... otPea •• u • •ow AT TWO TIIEATIIU * ••••waaaon a c.-- IDW SEIYIII THE OILY Draft Beer II TDWI! ""'"'.-.r....:::.~,. ~ ~ ~ Ask Fer Blllwliler's IICHELDB DRAUGHT BEER •.. WOBLD RENOWNED SERVING BREA.ICFAST -LUNCHEON-DINNER DENNIE'S CAFE f) ~u.Mu; q~ CHUIGIIIG CAFE -A1 ... im Tb1a labuJo\la ca ... lcmJeat cmd oldeet Cbi..DeM rntaurcmt iD OTcmwe Cou.Dty, eaaplo.,. 35. iDdud.la9 a1lle dMfa. WOD- derlul CblDeM lood attracts 90u.rmeta tiGID throu9bout the Southlaad. lt'e worth a trlp to A.Dabetaa. CIU~ la the bcuket cmd ateab aleo an fecrtured. Tet L1D Ia you.r boet. Cbt ..... 9lft abop IMXt door. 127 E. CEJfTEL AJf ABEIM Uystoae 5-4511 VILLA 111111 Featun.D9 tiDe MCdood. .teab. prtme ..U.. cbldDn. daciL tiM VWa ICarllla Ia oae of Or-.,. Coaaty'e tiDeet ...._. ,_.. aa.qu.et I'OCIID ...... ap .. 4GO. r.oc.t.cS Cit tbe ~ to aa1boa la1aD4. ODder 1G11M .....aaip a tiM Cilqae ill Full.toa. IIWIHLFD'S IDTIUUIT-IALIOl r-utr.c-.e lplde'.., .. ill -aa.~c n.u.a Food. de11411atfal at.o-.......... ._~..._.J...._F_...-dr-tly ...... .._ ~· ... lpedld ........ r ..... llllllldL .... B ·-· Jl8da -..sou .,~••• .... ••r..., ..... n&PA.m '10 GO" Ill ..._ lmL ...... Bait. 817 On:Jf DAILY-te•lllll .. tl Cl..s lloDdaJa ..... RIIUFE .,.. loed •.. oaciMII be .•• a.-............ tly ... .... .............. a.r ..................... -· ._a.-••w_ .. _..._ aa..L t.a diM .......... , J.S,-......... -rs.ttll ............... ..... ....... J_,. U. L IIWT. 101 --AJIADDI UfiiOifK 1-DM 11111'1 IT" 'II IEIIIIUIT ,..... ,..... ...................... ···--...... ~ .................... . ... ..... ... , ....... : •!::€ ..... -~ ... Wtidll=··· ....... ---= = IM'a 'Jlii"SI I 0 au_... • • • ·~·· ... --o.-t ....... c... ... .. .,ORT llu/. CORONA D£1. MAll HAit/1, '~I HI ' ••••• ITAII'I'I IVIIDAY 7DAft ADVLft 0111. 1' TIIIEI. IDME IIIUIEI • ~ IIIIIAII •. r.a ._....,...c.-.. .... r. •.-tr 10 , ... . 11t a... a... ••• -..... ..,_.. ~••• of FASHIONS Reservations Now-HArbor 3930 villa marina Wednesday,_ March 28th. . 2r IDa .... of DIODtbly Faehkm m.ow. NOTEa Next Fc-bioa Sbow OD WecL April 11th. (cmd tbe MCODd w..m .. day ol each moatla Wlowiog) Prunded du'ou9h the ~aldie VlDa14cllfE*CI, v ....... cmcl 1'be FciAoWiug Dflldu tlw •• ll1JU.B OF CAUFOBIA 3210 Via Udo IJclo S~og Center . FIWICD IICaoa IBOP 213 No. BrOadway Santa ADa Police Book Heights Boy -·--·Wirth of A ~~~ llelpa My, 14, wu home 11ft t,y a doar by 80ftleOOe Newport Ctty Attorney Karl booked on a bur1lary chup by In pnpuatlon lo remov1QI them. Davia Ia .,...._ at th.la mom· Rc.....,... pollae at 10:50 p.m. Sun· oalaen ltaW out In tbe lnl'l reauW ...un. o1 the day, M&ldl 11. an4 8111t to Ju· holM &.Dd &INited the JletlhU Newport Harbor lealty ltoar4 at wn1le home. boJ Wben he cl.lmbed over the the lalboe aq aub. lila aubject A Jlf~ Beach boJ ~pan-tenc. lDto the pado. ~ !'few· A ,..,...aaJWoa cJallarj _.. ff,GOO; l'rull ~ 2·.tlor7. 1a "'Contracta. aa.men.JiroUr Jon. l8, not ln'fOiftd In the bur· part leach boy wu found ·out· ....... a......., lD ,..,..._, ,_.... ..,. .......,. l·ualt addltloa 1100 W. Oelan. bdau,_ bodl BI·Lateral and IIU'J',ta.lwu eb.,...S width lack of atde aDc1 admltted knowledp o1 IIIMCII ...., - durtq a. fUC '"* _.. CM •700. Unl Latetal." P&lell cont!ol aD wu N· • .._.. lf...,art ..._ ......._. ~· c. a. OweD, tAdltloe at ~ • • • • leued to h1a pa.reat1 to appear the burllarY. 1111 ... ,.... 1L. • D -. -.:=.c-........ a.. ..... -. -. ,...,..... ....wa....., ... _ ...... ~-In juwnllo """'-:r.~m:-... ···•. MIOD • lAde llle. a OultM, ...._.._. at Ill W. be of a. W.wpolt J1arbar a..Jty 1he Be!P&8 boy adm!Ued __, dwwlllq ID Oal'oDa ... ....._ ..... II.D: Onlll hJ. Boe.rc1. She Ia aa UNdate wtth braldn1 a ..-. ol 11._ ln a Mar au a -.ooo ctw.Waa Ia w. 1 ~ at lOT Palm. aayv~ew Pl.,.U.. Mark SaW· rMr door to 1atn entrance to a uoaaawa:aa .._ • ..,... ....... t tu.D: AI·~ J..et17, l·unft na .. a1a0 .....,, an ~ ,...deftce of Nathan 8m1th at 8wtJD lulta, X.ada ~.- 'l'be followtnl permJta ... dWell I ft I at .. lllramu, wtth C. Z4 J_.. hl hlt new of. 3808 La.ke Aw .. Jlfewport lleach.. Ttlhlp, MUUJDUUI. ~ ~ lllued: tlT.•: ......,.. IAitbolcl, 2· lice (the forDMr McManua of. Mr. Smith reported tkat lle found 8hltti, Glftl, D = e CCIIGIIA Da. ... ltor7, l·Wllt ....W... at 18 E. ftce) In eo.ta ~ ~ &Del JlopwtJ Ill tbe a• ... til c:..-1 .._ L. w. Uual. 2·..,., l ·unit .. , n.. aooo. ••• JAMI!S D.· RAY .... c .... M46 E. COAST KWY .. • COlONA-DR WAl HAtW 4761 ...We-: HAIW 41 .. ... UID1 at 417~ lllartpld, ·~'! .. ""!'~*~--and Tom Payne. lonl time Corona -..o wood Barto ,_,.. t _...u -.-. __,. d•l Mu realt«, Who went to too 0 ; LJn n. a .,.tlo lbeiW at • Ban Iemar· Palm Sprlnp ud other parta tor Ordlld, 1110: Georp lmltb. dtno 131)0• Woodwelc1ln1 Inc a whtle, Ia newly affiliated with add lWlnl room at 51f PolnMt· atcn' at ~ N. Newport ' Blvd:· the Bay and llftd1 Realty, Co· Ua. 13,000; B. E. DaWIIOn, 1·.tor)', S350 , rona c1el Mu omc:e. 1-unJt dwelltn1 at 608 Jumln•. e uDo ISLE • • • 110,000; Albert ~. reta1n1n1 J Ectward Sml,th 2·.tory 1· Coundlman Gerald a.nn.tt wall at 300 Nuct.ua. 1350: E. u.nJt bweUJnc at 238 VIa o;azi. bu transt~ hlt realty U~ Weuber1. addltlon at 309 Karl· ana. $24.100; Boward m o. addl· N B ~ Jtealty 1 Bal &'Old. $4,200; Mucuertte FUll~. tlon at 236 Vla Eboll, $5,000. to ewport ar.... n . 2·1tory dwelllnc at 3221 Seaview, • aALIIOA IILAirD boa . 114,880; Rombeau, 2-story. 1-unJt w E. Davb. putltlon and new ... 1, •• }1 .. 11111 dwelllnc at 717 1r1a. $11,590; B. ~ at 317 Ma.rtne, 8600: L. A. • C. Scotleld, alterationa at 709 lanaen, demoll&h euace at 316 _. ............ llll .... Orchid, 180; B. E. Barkley, 2· Coutna, $50; Blanche Gates, 2· WI --••- .tory, l ·unit ~welllnc at 3329 story, 1·unlt c:tweUinc at 136 Fun~ 8ftVtcea were held Ocean.•$25,000, Nita Badger, 1· Topaz. $17,000; Art Birdsall, en· Tuesday momin1 at Parkes·llld· a-•••• .,_..,.. ... ,. .. .tory, 1-untt dwelllnc at 303 Or· large w1ndowa, put In fireplace. ley Mortuary tor Mrs. Myrtle B. chJd, $13.000. 335 E. Bay, $1,800; A. Bolllnger, l ohnltone, 88, ot 2052 Santa Ana • •EWIOaT repalrs at 21..5 SappbJre, $100; Ave., Costa Meea, who died on D. B. BJgley, repaJr car dam· Rlctiard Bay, dwelling at 3U Saturday. She Is aurvtved by tour ~. 5801 W. Cout Bwy., $350; A.methywt. 11.&900: IUcbes, fence eona, X. Paul Job!Litone ot eo.ta Pred Jaeobs, 2-atory, 1-unlt dwel· at 327 Sapphire, $100. Me.a. Bruce B. Johnstone of ..aia.Jitt.-.ael Unc at 5208 W. Ocean Ft., tt.!OO; Newport. Henry E. Johnstone of ...,.__ BaJShore Traller Park. alter•· sk·apper Hurt Montebello and C)Tua c. John· Uon.s. 112 W. Cout Rwy., _,; stone of Mtleoart; a aister, Mra. B. E. Broolu, 2-.tory, 2-Wllt Muriel SUttle ot M.lssourl, and dwelling at 120 46th St.. $23,000; Aboard Boat eJgbt ,randdilldnm and three -r.ca.. Don Brown. ~place overhead peat aranddltlclren. c1oot and alteratlona at 130 fOth ik., $200; Allee Routt, 1-.tory, 1· ....... rt ..... ll unit ac1c1ltion at 305 33rd St., ...•...............•.•. f'Jo.Cu••tap-Di I '1 ... .bphalt roe-Rubber 'nle Formica -Linoleum 'nle Cia TDIS' LIII~~UM au &. 1n. at. c.t~~ ..... LIUft'f J.G5I 22 y.,. In Oranae County Orco Block Co. BUILDING BLOCD-JU.L SJZES-ALL TYPES JAdlilla ,... ..,......., U7M lOa a.teD& ltDtlll a. L ...... ._.. AM GREATEST ADVANCE II COOIINGI TOU ll'f ANT PAN ••• ON !* 8AI UHGI ..,., •••• AND n.l w.I 10P .,..._ 'r'IMPIUTUU CON'IIIOL TO nil IXACT DIGUI Of.-AIYOU ... --,.....r.CUIICil lu el kiJ......UC..._. ................. llllt ............ .., .......... .. ...... ,.. -.., ..... Jllilrflctlr. ..... , .. _I ._'at1 ltiiMS .... ..._, ...... ~ ... .... fllllitiiT • .._T¢1FIIIIn OIIINI••...,,.._, ..................... .............. • • I\ a •• nIt· --·-----· ..... 111ft' Howud Andenon of Balboa suffered a broken lett leg neu the ankle In a boat mlthap near San Clemente Island Sunday night and piloted hls boat to Newport Beach before getting medical ald. Mr. Anderson was skippering the Ellis Abalone Co. abalone pick·UP boat, Sylvia J .. on the Wand trip. The accident oc:· curred when Mr. A n d e r s o n stepped from the plck ·up boat to an abalone divine boat about 9 p.m. Sunday. At 6:20 a.m. Mon- learn to Dance •• ARTHUR MURRAY SCHOOL OF DANCING HARBOR 5013 1521 E. COAST HIGHWAY CORO NA DEL MAR day the Injured man wu ~======:=:;::::;:=; brought to the Newport pollee , statlon by James Elllt of Ellis Abalone Co., 216·20th St.. Newport Beach, from where he wu taken to a doctor tor treat· ment. lala1lllllr, II, Dlis Mrs. Helen JCeeler, 81, of 512 w. Cft\ter St.. QJcrta Mesa, dJed Monday at a rest home In Santa Ana. Mrs. K~ler was a natlve ot Dllno!s and had lived In Costa Mesa tor 20 years. She was a member ot the Friday Afternoon Club. Rev. Perry Schrock. pastor emeritus of the Corona del Mar Community Church. oUJcJated at funeral aervtcea held yesterday rnomlnc at Baltz Mortuary ln Costa Mesa. Your Health o•• TBDD OF TOO LJPK lftlrl' m am. ll. E. ...... '""' D.C. The life time of the aver...- lndlv1dual Is dlvlded up tn ap· proximately the toUowtn1 man- ner : one third of hlt time Is spent in wOrk. one third ot his tim• ln sleep, oae twelfth In eat· lng, and one fourth In all other activities. Evf!r)' Individual requJres a dHfennt amount ot sleep, and each penon bu to tlnd what II right tor htm. and try and be u l reruJar In cett1n1 that amount I as much u possible. Worry, emotional fir,J.In, e'X· cJtement, and nerve lrrltatJon are taeton CIOnCIII'ned with the lnabOJtJ to aleep. ChlropractJc adjustment& ~ about relax&· tion and are therefore beneficial In many ca.. of lnaomnJa. a.E.B•~D.C. ...._ • ...._scn.aJc ,. c. ....... c.-del ... .... L•••••lfill ... .. c..t ....... . c... ... ... ----- .... , ..... HOME lOANS LAGUNA FEDUA1. SA VIN&S & LOAN ASSOCIATION TWO OFF I CES To Serve Yo. LA6UHA lEACH AND SAN CLEMENTE QUICK 24 HOUR SERVICE LOW LOW '"REDUONG" INTtREST RA T£S EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS FRIENDLY SNPATHmc SERVICE FREE CUSTOMERS' PARkiNG ESCROW SO VICE. llfRO&m Y OPElA TID LA&UNA l EACH Ill 0... A-. PH0H1 HY. 4-1177 At~~~~,., .&.rterallil./fJI' a long hine to come • LAGUNA BEACH ELEGANT LOMA DRESSES! l29210 TOII HaH SUes 14lfs to 241/s .......................... ,let&. ~~--.... ,~.-~ .... ..., ......._. Deaiper-air ailhooettea, exquiaitely interpzet:ed in the fabrica of the hour, the eolon of the year. For an Euter Of entre~ .wnoor. chooee Loma, the name that meana matchlesa fuhion at a matchleu low Penney price! ...... lt1W rloc:Md ~ wttll ... -tDKil .... . .......ut\al ....... ..... ... 1 .. 16: I ( .. Mrs. Neice of lido Is Named Assistance League President MP··-U.. role fw U.. ... -..s at a )Uebeoa ....uq Oftd U... a1tMulll DOt CODIMIN· Mid "'-da,J at tbe ~ lo· ttftly, )ln. Jfe~Mn Relce ol Lido elal ....... lin. Jlletee wu In· We beca._ ,....acs-t el the AI· lllalW W Mn. ltlc:bard C&ltle. ~ JAque ol Jf • • p ll r t wtao Ill ant vice ,...sdent ol U.. MatloDal A.Wance LMaut u well u tbe Newport Cbaptar' .. There I 5 a way :r=tattw to the national F A • AUG &I8Ul'ft1nl new dutJ• at --o ·-A-·----,..,_-""""'-~-... Or nnex1ng thJ8 time wen Mrs. 0. G. Sue.. ·-· --· ·•--...--. tJrat vlce·preeJdent; Mn. Allftl -et .........,, • .... esey.• • be ......... «t 11 ..-. Adb\1 City )lana,_ But CriMU. ae con d Yice·prfticlent ; W11f111 I J .._.. a .. 1M OCIC .....rt-. TIM ~ .t tM --City ~-p 1 Ro dl 1 Me 11ft-~ Drlalllll _. Dlcll ft-r:~~• tM 11-...-Ia Webb reported to ..,....,..._... .u-. au aera. recor n • .. ..._ .. Yldd , __ _. 11.-y a.__... TIM-... Ia.... Councll Monday of lut WMk retary; Mrs. Howard Petenen, •-,...a~c w&llt..t --... there Ia a way for Pfahler Mta. coneepondlnl aecntary; M r •. =~~~~~~~~~============tl Co. and Tapmatlc Corp. on W. Lawrence Brown, treuurer; Mra. .... ,_ .,, ........ EIIIJ .•. For Easter ·Week! * INTRODUCING OUR STAFF .•• * TOMMY WU.SON * KEN WILSON * JANE FITZGERALD * BEN WU.SON an~ MANICURES by JUNE FOR MEN AND WOMEN 1.50 * TELEPHONE FOR APPOINTMENT ••• HADOR 2181 Ope EftllllDp by Appollltmeat * TOMMY WILSON'S BEAUTY SALON 2515 E. Coast Highway. Conlla del liar % U.S. ROYAL TUBELESS TIRES 1 00 Level e First Une Fully Guaranteed MIKE MYERS UNION SERVICE BAJIBOB 30N AVOCADO AVE.. cm4 COAST BJCBW AT COBOJfA J)EI. MAB --~~~ ====----== 1111181 HEALTH FOODS VITAMINS NUTRITIONAL COUNSELOR TO AID YOU Pill 1BJEF ,. .111 Due to AJlTHRITIS aDd RHEUMATISM Wow aa -mt,. JrKW ,.l lliiict .._.A~D"AL IOO'BCU allied 'nlta Improved rormula •.tth 16th St.. near the City Yard, to Edward R. M.lllett. parUamen· annex to the city. tartan; and Mra. Edward Brooka. At the Feb. 27 meetJnc, Co\Ul · l unlon' advt..or. ell had rejected the annexation Servlna aa ehalrrn.an o1 eom· ov.ture becauae they are not mJtte. wUl be Mra. A\dt:ln TD -•aa .,.._ ...... A -·• --Q 1 W 1 •-• •---_.... conU,Uoua to the dty proper, Sturtevant. Thr1tt Shop; Mrs. -· -----.. ·-=• -v L ww 1-- Juat to the aboe.trinl &nnaa· John l ohMOn, d~ntal dlnlc; Mra. ~m:....~Y.r:-e =·~.:. :; t:: = = C1.l ~ r.-. ~ tJon .trlp that enclrcl• the oU l ohn Boyd. welfare; Mrs. Ray DlaM ..,.._ Tile ,.. ... & a. AAncllt. Alt. .., a.tudlli(. •• 'all a a. u.. a..• , ... landa lnland from Welt Newport. Lan,enhelm, Pub 11 c 1 t Y ; Mra. ,...,... ._ ..,._. Dea ,.._~ .........,.. ,...._ (....._ .._ aae Ude 11,,~·-~·~•!:!)~-----Mr. Webb aaJd there are eJpt C 1 a r • n c e Cooper, ho.pltallty; __ .;;._ __ __;; _____ . __ .!...:. ___ ....:_ ___ ___:.:,an Au GOLD •ow ~ .,:;: ~ ~n::!'. '::! ;.~:::o~:.Y·ho~;~ Gas Contract Is Approved 111n.1amee xcnoweu ot New· ROPUlated area. ol which the two Edaar H1ll. properties;~·~· Natural au from the tldelanda with the Mont~ OU Co., port a.&ch Ia acceptJna reserva· fl.rma have well over halt o1 the ~~~~~~~~=. ':::.Uining; oil wen.. up to now allowed to whereby the Monterey wtJ.J start tJo~ for the ahowinl ot the B.lue ~valuation. Mrs. Dale Ra Lu Am.taas· escape Into the air, wUl be pro. produclna aaa trom the weU. and Gold Color SlJde Show at Councilman lay Stoddard d ~-1 ~~-t. h 1 ' duclng Income for the City of ftnd wUJ pay a royalty tq the clty. the Girl Scout Hou.te ln Newport pointed out that thLI would mean an .u•. oeep ~ sc 0 ar-Newport Beach. The ·aaa contract eovera the aame at 7:30 p.m. J'rtday, Mardl 21. that other property owners who ahlp. · I At a special meeUne called for area aa the Elliott oU contract. The abowlnl Ia •pon.eorect by the would have to be lncluaed ln the Mrs. Edward MUlett Ll the out-Monday momlne. the Newport westerly of 53rd St. • ln Weet Prlnclpla Mothers' Club ot Mew· annnatlon boundary would be IOln• preaJdent. City CouncU approved a contract Newport. port Ru bor. annexed whether they like It or ___ ---- not. However, he said, 1t the.e minority property owners would refuse to assume their share o1 the bonded Indebtedness of the city, then the annexation should faiL Council voted to submit the annexation boundary to the county boundary commlsslon for approval. • Received a ,Ut of 53 books plus the Harvard Classics for the Newport Library from Robert A. HIJl. e Received a letter ot appre- ciation from the director of pub- lic health congratulating the city tor the part It played In the rabies Inoculation program and conflrmlne the acceptance of the city's program. e Approved the oaths of otflce of the following new pollee otfl- cera: Gera ld King. l ohn Burns. Gary Chung, Wallace Kerr and Ray Cook. e Approved the llcense appU· cation of Floyd Mock for a 14· space traller park at 7000 W. Coast Hwy., Newport. e Approved the policy of ex- tending pollee and tlre protec- tion to the Newport Hetehu Ele- mentary School, being built at I Santa Ana Ave. and 15th St.. within the city llmlts of Costa Mesa. • Called a hearing tor April 9 on weed abatement; owners of lou will be charged for clearln• of weeds lt they do not clear them oU before a deadline to be specified. e Approved a resolution of In· tent to annex the Rellpot site above the Arches a nd set a bear· lng for March 216. Ed Zube, Funk Are Honored Capt. Ed Zube and Ray Funk were honored at the Newport Beach flre department annual dinner last Friday In Christian's Hut. Bal~a. upon thelr retire- ment as city employees. Capt. Zube retired on Feb. 29 after 24 years of service to the 1 city. Mr. FUnk retired recently fro m the city street department after aerlvce of 20 years. Capt. Zube was presented a wrt.t I watch, retirement badge and a wallet plaque by Fire Chief lan Brllcoe. Mr. Punk wu given a I wallet plaque and gift certltleate by Fire Manbal Walter Noller. A 15·year badp wfll be malled ' to Tate Hales, a paid call fire- man, and 10-year badges to Dick Duncan and Bob Moore. The badees had not arrived ln time to be presented at the dinner. .... J)8UQ ~LOIIER • CContfnued trom Pap 8 ) eKOIIDAY. IIAIICII lt l erry Bell o1 2037 Sevtlle Ave., Balboa. complalned that h la 13 garbaee pall wu .tolen . . . A "Fat Rent" ale:n and a earbap can were lltolen from hla apart- ment during the night. E. Bald· win of 1633 E. Balboa Blvd., Bal· boa, reported ... A. L)'le Me· VIcker o1 1017 Grove Pl.. eo.ta ' M--. reported the theft ol a 110 rlOe from hla c:ommerdaJ tlahinl boet. the "Poor Boy" moored at the N.wport Cannery • • . M.ra. WllheJmlna WalJcer, '79. ol Gl Cabrillo Tr.. Corou BJ1hJa,n41. wu taken to Boa. Memorial BOIPital at 5:U p.m. Mdltrlnf appaNJrtly from a heart att.aciL Coast Supe r Marke t 3347 EAST COAST HIGHWAY tat MARIGOLD 1 CORONA OEL MAR '11ED HOT" V alu• for Thun., Fri., Sat.. March 22. 23. 24 Store Hours: Daily 9 A.M. to 6:30P.M. Sunday and Holidays 9 A.M. to 6 P.M.. WBHE KIWG COLD CllEAM COIPLEIIDI SDIP ~ ···-··-·······-4 fw 25~ KJlAPT'S IALAJ) J)USIDfG •uCLE WIIP PAD DOl F .. 1-LB. 2'w 27¢ TAU CANS QUALITT OLEOIIABGABDfE NUCOA • 1-LB. 25~ PXG. -·--- FRESH FROZEN-18 49¢ FISH STICXS ·····-··--- I W USOJMI FIIUII FBOZEJif aLVDUft-Q!EDT-ARLE PIES 2~2~ 4 FISIEIIll SPECIAl. SCALLOPS I Sea Food Jl.ot. ~~. 49c ~~ SSe EaLJUID'S ftKCD 6 ITUCI MUSHROOMS REG. 2..0Z. CAN __ 1~ JIEDrZ 57 0 .. 011 GillE 2 ... 45~ ZEE ASIOII'ftl) COLO .. T.O TIIIUE 4-Pack Rolla 4•27¢ J)Df'l'T KOOD VDDQIA SAUSAGE REG. 1~ 31/t-o&. Can FRESH FBOZEN-10 3~ FISH STICKS __ All .1•1 u.T lUI lEW H.E FIEEZEI PLAit WE CUT AND WRAP YOUR MEAT AS YOU LIIE IT! We Feature MANNn.fG'S USDA GRADED CHOICE BABY BEEF. TM F"J..D.Nt Quality Obtainable ••• All Beef Penonally S.leeted By Jolm! JOHN SAYS: HEBE IS A REAL VALUE FOR CJDCKEN LOVERS! * W'UnED MD PJIODif roa youa ncan ... CORN FED CAPONE! IE FRYERS USDA Ga.AJ)ED CIIOICZ aUT UU ~ Roasts or Steaks 73~ VIDA GUDD ClliOICa TIP-ITUI Ra. IIOVIILY - If IEEF 24L •. ~ '~ ·",:--fRUITS UEli~TRBU~ J