HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-04-12 - Newport Harbor EnsignR•elected ~MeSans Inc:umWnt candJdatee tar the eo.ta 11 .. dty coundl won re· elec:tJon by a landallde Tuesday u City of eo.ta Meea votera cboee to Me th~lr present cJty eoundl propam continued. • &..Jected were A. L Plnk1ey with 1.428 votes. Bruce Martin wtth t.D votes and Bert Smith with 1.115 wt8. Mr. Martin and Mr. Smith bave been ll'.etnberl of the city councll alnce the city wu first Incorporated. Other candJdates and the num· ber ol votea they received fn. eluded WIIJiam Abbott, 492; lames D. Doverspike, 287: Robert Mennet~o·425: Author Tuttll!, 481; . Fred Wllaon, 330, and Roy Win· dell, 1~. A total ot 2.075 vote. went to the poll• out ot approximately :s.l37 reetateNd voten. or 1 pprox · lmately 40~ per cent votlnc. Jaycees Plan Hoag Benefit Thla year'a annual Boac Me· mortal H~pltal Ben.tlt Ball hu been taken on by the Newport Harbor lunlor Chamber of Com· merce u thelt flrat blc project. Tbe ball will be held Friday, May 11, at the Balboa Bay Club. InvJtatJona have jUit been mailed, a c cord I n c to lamea Tllompeon, chairman of the for· mal dlnner·dance. Co-dlalrman 1a the clab'a prealdent. lamea Penney; WUllam Grundy wtll have charge of lnvltatlona; Bert P e cram, entertainment; Dan Drt.eeoll, publktty; BIU Me Dow· ell. reservatJona; Bob BeUeley, decoradona; Pat McGee, finance cbalnnan; and Roy Ward and Rob Hluon, tickets. Televlaton and recor4fnc mrs Martan Morcan and etude Mel· ball. RaervatioD.a wW be llmlted eon haw alteacly been &~ked to fuutllb entert.aln~Dent at tbe toSDO. 2 Principals Are Selected 1Wo teachers In the Newport elementary acbool dllt.rlct 'Nere .elected by the Board of Tru~eea Tuesday evening to flU the ·rwo prtnclpalshlpa vacant next fall. They are lames Thompson, 30, of Balboa lsJand, teaching 4th grade at Harbor VIew for the third year, and lohn Dean, 29. of Newport Heights. also compte· tine his 3rd year with the local Helmer Dickey of 8.1. Dies Reimer Dickey, 64, of 21.3 Dla· mond Ave., Balboa Island, dJed Monday at Vee-ana H~Jtal ln Lone Beach. Be wu a natJve of Grand Forb. !f. D., pew up ln Chlcap. He NrVed u a Navy omeer ln World War I and wu abo ln the Merchant Martne. Re came to 2 3 4 7 • CQNSOL- IDATED PRECINCT TBVIIIDAT. AI'IIIL U. lB II Dill. I I I S.F.. CDM,, ---il 1'- ~~ IE Y HIKE LOSES; PUaiC .BEACH 000 CharS. E. Hart. a dti Kar'a OOUDd1ma.n.lc dJa.. noV'lc:e, woa a dramatle "lut eec· tr1ct No. 7. ODd" v 1 c to r y By way of contrut. Corona cSeJ T u e • d ay over Mar' a councllmanJc dt.trlct No. 6 I n c u m bent tallied 267 write-Ina to-r Mr. Co u n c I 1 m an Pbel~ u acaJMt 2M tcw fiW:WD· Gerald 11enMtt bent CouncUman WUder. lD the ln a hotly con· Corona del Mar con.olldated Pre- tested race ln clnct 5. Mr. Phelptl actually out· Dlatriet 1. West polled Mr. Wilder 90 to •. New port. Mr. Amonc othe,-wrtt•·ln.a. Cot Hart'a wlnA.Iq Andy Smith led the field with X 1narctn W&! 47 e CAXV ASS TUE.SI)AT '-'IIAII~:a IIAWr votes. City Clerk Margery Sc:houder Incumbent Clarence HJgble won said that the envelopej ot Pre· handJiy over Hana Broerlng ln cincts 10 and 11 must be re· Dlatrict 5, Balboa I&land. Leland malned st-al.-d until the vote 11 Wilder. oltlclally unoppoN<l In officially canvassed. That wUJ Dlltrict 6, Corona del .Mar, plied be done at 4 p.m. next Tuesday. up 2,453 votes. There wu a a.tz.e. At that time. uj)On request, the able write-in vote ror .Mrs. LquM retunu can be examined t.o de· Csenar In District 5 and lor A. K. termine the sutu.s ot the write-In Phelps In District 6. votes . Charter amendrntont PropoeJ. Also on that occasion, the elec· tlon No. 1. to keep thto city traller tJon returns will be certified. and park open to the public, wu Councilman Charles E. Hart will ovt-rwhelmlngly approved by a take hls place on tht-Council 3 to 1 vote. 2.819 to 963. Propoci· rostrum. tlon No. 2. to ralae council aala- rles. was snowed under by a 4 to An w 1 vote. 3,004 to TT9. A total ot nex ar 3,943 of the 9,158 ~ed voters went to the poll&. Thla 11 a 43% vote . • SEE-SAW 8ATTLE I Head. vor Mrt. Hart It •u ttt~ally 5 1ng a "come-trom·behlnd" lg tee· ond triumph. He wu traUinc Mr. ~nnt'tt by just one vote when 11 For Court of the 18 precincts had reported. Mr. Hart fell farth~ bmtnd whton the n~xt preclnct reported. reduced the marctn when Balboa Newport City Council convened Precinct No. 14 came ln. and a few mlnut.ea before the otndaJ forced Into tht' lead by 16 polntl meeting hour o1 7:30 011 Monday wht-n Corona del Mar precinct n-enln.. hn.rd the Invocation. rave hlm a whopplnr 134 to 60 rectt«t t.be pl~ to the flac. advantage. He lncrea..d the leed called roll. and at prec:~-ty 7·30 to 48 polnts when Corona del p.m. &harp, they adopted a ~. Mar precinct 11 reported.. But luUon to reter the .,.ea.IJed 17th then came the Clltf Baftn pre. St. Annex to the Cowlt7 Bound· dnct. No. 17, wtth an overwhelm-ary CommJ.alon. Inc 18) to 86 rujority t.or Mr. Simultaneously 1n ec.ta Mesa. Bennett. and the lncumW11t went the. ,..... tbe ame lla.rry·up ahead by a aluablto 46 votes. maneuverin• rotnc on 1n an ad· wtth only one pr«inct to be jurned meettnc called f• 7~30 heard from. p.m. The Meaa Counc1l abo There was a ten. hall bour p-.-ct a fftOhation on an an· ot watttnc ror the ftnal tally. nes.aUon. whklb · .lDd.._. tl:le comlnc from Corona del Mar Pft· PftiiiD:•• KcwpcL't 17th St. An· dDCt 11. tt came ID a.IIMil u p.m. na.. n.. ..._ r...a.m. ae· .....a. • ... Ia ,.._ ol Mt. a.t. IDwWt ~ ...apt a1 a ...._ ...S the Jr..,.-t ll1.alld , ....... t o1 1M. .IItie. .. ~ JliiQfr r tarend that ._.,.,._ clll6* llltD a tn 1M .._ No. J ..-, n.a .. .f7·vot~ victory ma.rpn. an area ot eome JOO acres. • 41 AaD'TaE Y~ bounded by Placentia Ave.. 19th Stfll to be bard from are eorne St.. Whittier Ave. ud 18th St. 46 absentee votna. but they Mesa City Clerk Arlie Swartz c.-an't change the outcome ot tht-aald that the propo!M!d annex election. was rete~ to the County Mrs. Csenar, elementary school I Boundary Commission, which In board member. ~lved 352 turn rtoferred It to the county WTite·ln vot('S In tht' District 5 surveyor for che-cking. race. The voting SC'Oreboard In 1 Apparently tlte annexation bat- City Hall listE-d 469 write-In tie was heading toward a rourt vott"S for attorney A K. Phelps de<'islon. to determine which city In District 6. but obviously thert-had prlor1ty In annnaUon ac- wu 110me mix up In the coun·l tlon. Nt"WJ)Ort's lith St. Annex tlng. because th~ was not a reacbt'S de-ep Into Mesa No. 2 single wrltt-·ln tallit"d for Mr. Annex. ~e-nding In 5-acre par- Phelps ln roMOIIdat.ci Pre-cincts ~ls up Monrovia. alone 17th. 10 and ll. which make up Co· and up Pla~ntla to 18th St. Freeway Plan Offered Newport City Councll Monday 6 months notice. ev•nlnr approve-d tht' reoommen· e Directed City Attorney Karl dation of the Chamber' of Com· Davis to tak~ steps to a batt-the m~rce study committee on Free· nuisance ol the Oowlng oil well way routing for the Harbor Area. at 213 4Jrd St.. w~ Newport. backing the Costa Mesa Council e Approv.-d the rtqu~ of Bob ln Its fight against the propoeed Dalton for water taxi W1'Vt~ tor dltcb ·type freeway along New· patrons or his restAurant on the port Blvd. bay front In Udo Center. subject The reocommtondaUon calla Cor to approval of Coast Guard and extension of Tustin Fret'way on condition he carry public lla· down Newport Blvd. to Palisades blllty and property damare In· Rd., alone Palisades to Mac-suran~. Arthur and then Into Corona del • Granted Councllman Stanley Mar to Join Hwy. 101. Allo tee· Rlddt!'l'hot permission to leave omm~ded is re·routlng of Coast tht' statt-after he l't'J)Ortf'd that Hwy. I n I a n d near 16lb St. he would be ln Washington. D. C .• through Costa Mesa. ac::ro. the on a business trtp for 5 week!!. the aoutberly ~nd of the court. 11\e trustee~ authorlz:ed the Upper Bay on a hlch l~ brt~. beginning April 18. the gym at the other end. The arehltecta to make a complete and beyond the re.ervolt put • Approved the issuanc-e of a main campus wW be located on site .urvey as 100n u the 70-acre Corona del Mar. buslnesr Jl~nR to t he Harry 50 acres. The northerly lO acres alte hu been ottldally trans· CouncU al.,: La~ It A.ssoclates det~ve wtll be the alte of tbe farm ferr-ed to the high .chool cl1strict. e Adopted raoJuUon ordetlnr aceney. campus. 11\e aurwy will show rontoW"ll. weed abat.ment on vacant Iota. • Recelvf'd a rt'port from City location of watu and wwer called tor bldl to be turned ln Attorney Davis on Pacific Elec· lines. powu lines. black topped May u . trlc: ~atiQn& to the effect Fr.tends F·tnd areu and foundation alaba. • Awarded the contract to that he W&l to co to Loa Aftce.Je. ull ~ yestt'rda.y to confeor lurth• on ln other busiMSS transacted at S Y -mer Co •. on ~low bid the propoeed acreement for mov· the meetin •• the tru.ateea abo: of M.OIM.28. to rMW'face ky log the PE station and tadllt:t. e A~ted the reaipatlona ot Aft. and Balboa Blvd. in Balboa. to Welt !f....-port. Stuart Corey ud Della R.al'll.lra nMr the llbr&J7. • Jllec.oe.IV'ed word from tbe ltate Martinez. etrerttve June 30. and • ~lwct letters from Mn. rontroller that the etltlmated ap· i a • IMIPW~J party CW beiJet lmowiq that JOU WU& aa _.......,...,... DO .._ 1lv. a& &M adlll .. ..m.d to at)-ODundJ b1 E4Pr written Ia tile book, may t'bel· RJU on Mbell ol the Newport l.np you vote1 and then yoe'4 Harbor E.twan.le Oub. -*1ft~ tM M .unk. CouneU to .,....,. Ulle ~at wow ..... -·· IIIIIUnd l1ke 1 o1 ov. •.ooe ta. ~to..,. .-... ~ • ._ am ba4 Mbta awed to ..._ Jla.ptta~ .. T".. u • tlepUty re~ to for b•tallaatJon o£ JM'dentl drum up ........ No Indeed! 1 11*:1*c:::ICIIXEII:::ICIIC!CICIC:::ICIQC~ziQCI:MJD::::ICI*ICI::EIIc:::ICIICI:Dc:::ICIMCMICII* who laaYe AOt paJd. I aG]JpCM ~ ~ .... -~ tn the bopa i.. .e th~ patlenta an mOIItly &om l~uftl p.o.,.. ntet"Hted In • H._. unlnwred auto ac:etdent.l on their ~t. You are all ,. -,r adltora ...... Ov C.O. ._ eatt'bea an aft)' lndex, many Hlabway lot. either unable or .tb1Jatble aa t dotkholden In tht • busy ..., U.S. ...ar. II $189 marlin, the ocean an1Jer'a top unwllllnl to pay. liM eorporaUon 1n the world ' • • ' ; • • :• ' ' ' ' ' • up to *-" ,_ tiM Jllw.a. prize, wlll be taken lletore the • We pay conaJderable ta.xea to -the United State&. Stockholden • ltTH INNING RALLY-AND VICTORY u.al Litbt ~ TWIIMI· wlnnlnl team Ia awarded the maJntaln a County H ....... ttal for ~~are held at re&War In· ••t Ia ......._, Ia ClddHioa famous sJJver belt at the Hotel l dJ t tt 1 1 -r ~Yau. U you are rel\fiered you An •lection night hos oil the droma ond suspense of e t ight boll· to 1a18 ..0.. pnbJema,be'apai,.. Belmar on April 19. t~atg~n r:!, ~n~~ryaf':v~~""t~ have the prtvtlege of voting one gome, end the election tally boord et City Hell is olweys surrounded upty cbcdnlaa tor tM lla.lbM e EAST·WEST IUVALJr'l' such bad conldtton that they ahare of atoek. Your vote equala by e 9roup of faithful fens tensely following the see·sow score. T ues· Aa911D9 Qab. boA tor tlab With five former tournaments cannot be moved after first aid In the count that of Prealdent d~y n1ght there wos e close one as retums were tallied in Newport y.-'a coatMt. .... Ia • ..... held ln Eut Coaat watera. and hu been elven. Seems to me laenhower. C•ty Hell, end Gerald Bennett ond Cborles Hart rought 0 ding-dong na..a.. dat.d April 1'-tbclt five oft Acapulco, Mexico, the that I remember that alck and The normal legal otrlcea of bottle fqr election in West Newport District No. 1. C.O. wro• befOI'e be tGok off . rivalry between East and West wounded were moved back from reeJatratlon In all loealltlea are You might say it was li~e on IS-inning bollgome, beca use there Tueaday. 'nae Eu.lga bela C.Q'a Coast teams should add gu.llne the Cront lines very fast and a the county clerk and your clty 18 r 0 d penD1u1oa to naa it. CID4 to to a tire that Jets hotter wlth lot farther than to the County hall. These are open f.tom 8 a.m. ~ed . :o tng 1 P!'8C.tncts sen ing in their scores. Hart went into the clcdlll a aCDOp. two daya earU. each lnternatl()nal It's been no Hospital. to 5 p.m. Mond-.y through to Frl· e 1n t e .!ar y ~nn~ng~! then ~nnett started moving up, end at the tbcm cmy otbel-.... ......,... walk-away for elth.er coast, up to Don't C~ me wrong. 1 believe days, and should be thought of end of tho II th 1nn.ng . (thet IS, when II of the 18 precincts hod re-• • • now, with the score 4 ~ wins Hoag or any other hospital first. ported) Be~nett was loodmg by exactly one vote-1129 to 1128. That • STAJITJXG EVEJn'S tor the AtlantJe Seaboard An1· should admit and give emer· Deputlea are voluntary. They left 7 prec•ncfs to hear from, end they reported in tho following order: MAZATLAN. MEXICO. Apr 11 lers and 5~ counters tor Call· gency care, and then In cases of are Jlven a book and are author· Total Total 14: The rumble that has been torn Ia and Mexico. poverty transfer them to the 1zed to reJister. They are not ob· Precinct Bennett Hart Bennett Hart Hart Increasing In Intensity In thls I Two· time winners Include the County Hospital, which Js paJd llaated to realster anyone. It Ia No. 3 (Balboa) ......... 99. ...... 58 ............ 1228 ......... 1186 .12 1 famous tlshlna Mecca tor the West Palm Beach Fishing Club, tor by the taxpayers and dedlca· presumed that they w111 oblige No. 7 (Heights!........ 1<45. ... ..... 91. ........... 1373_. .. 1277 _96 pasakt wee1t~ lsjustn't thanother1 earth· Cth1eb So(Louthe':_ Cha)lltordnlah TuSan11a tedi to just such ~ases. thhelr 1nelahbors and townspeople N 1<418alb 70 qu e. s e exc tement u ng ,....,ac an t e · certainly hope that the Coun· w o or any reuon find It lm· o. 00 ............ · ·• ...... 1 08 ............ 1 +4 3 .... ··· .. 1385 -58 1 attending the arrival of several fish and Tarpon Club of MexJco. ell will not take such a request posalble or Impractical to co to No. 10 COM) ···· ......... 60 ............ 134 ....... _ .. 1503 ........... 1519 f 16 hundred parttclpatns ln the 11th The Ocean City (Maryland) seriously. There mJght be leaal the city hall, where there are a No. II COM) .............. 99 ............ 13 1. ........... 1 b02 .......... I 650 f <48 International LJght Tackle Tour· Light Tackle Club has a leg and snags. number of deputies on duty 8 No. 17 (CI. Hove n) ...... 180 ........... 86 ........... 1782 ......... 1736 -<46 nament. scheduled to get under a halt on the long score, having • • • to 5 on weekdays. Many real· No. 16 (COM) ............. 70 ............ 1 63 .......... 1852.. .. 1899 f -47 way Aprll 15. tied with the Club de Pesca ot e RAVE TOU UQISTEUD denta commute, and I am happy And so it wa s that Hart came up from 'way behind end defeated A Team Captains' Meeting and Acapulco In 1949. Single w ins go By the time you read this, to take care of the people who tho incumbent councilmen Bennett with a grand slam homo run in the a pre-tournament dJnner in the Sto one ~ast Coast club, the you'll have only a very short work out ot town. lest half of tho lost "inning " Belmar Hotel, Tournament Head· portsmen s Club of America. time to register In order to vote I for one do not think that · quarters. wtll be the official start-and the world's oldest salt water In the primary. R~lnratlons regtmatlon should be taken to _J u.st to~e a loo~ at who 90ts credit for helping put ocrou that lng events to' tlve days of hlgh· club, organlud In 1898. the Tuna close at 5 p.m. today (Thursday). fhelr door. except ln cues ot dJs. last-1nntng rally: none other than Consolidated Precinct No. 16 in geared activity In this salt-water Club of Avalon, Catalina Island, Now Is probably a good sea· abUity. I have been cured o1 Corona del Mar. That, my friends, is Col. Andy Smith's precinct. Worlq Series. the Rose Bowl ot Calltornla.L son to acquaint you with the that by having done ao and then There has been much wishful tel~ among critics of the herd-bitten ol' light tackle fishing. e WEAT1!mii..JALNT reeJstratlon s1tuaUon tor the No· on election day be told that fhey colonel that he's as deed 115 0 dodo politically, that his support is the 'nllrty three-man teams. repr~ The breakdown of teams shows vember elect.lon. New reglstra· weren't Interested or just got proverbial ~iss of deeth: also that the Harbor C itizens League is 0 sentlng angling clubs from New 113 from the Atlantic side. 12 Uons tor voting In that election home and were too tired. hos-~en, or never-was. Just look at the record, folk That vote in York to C&lltomJa, Including from Calltornla. 2 from Mexico are open Crom now until Sept. 11, I became convinced that •it preonct lb:-in feet .. in. ell of Corona del Mer-shows the effects of ~!~o~nco~~a ~~=: • ~~~o:de;~~~~~~!~oo~~~ ~~~~ Ia 55 days before the elee· ~~av~o~h:t';~~~~ea!':~:;a:~o: the energet1c cempe•gn•ng b: the .colonel, end by tho League. by airline. auto:oblle. private teams com~ln,g In thl.s year's U you have not moved and platter. Also I have written up • aircraft and thelr own aea·golng tourney were on deck tor the have voted In the state primary the atfldav1ta tor people who e THE GUYS ARE FIGHTIN' AGAIN yachts tor nearly a week. Many lOth lntemttlonal. held In the or final ln 1954 you're probably could not find the time to come It certainly is 0 strange spectacle to have two bi r wn ot the East Coast eontestants Palm Beacbh. Florida. In Jan· o.k. It you have been cancelled and aJen. cities-Newport Beech end Cost M &-h stl" t 1 g ~ uh have never before tasted the uary 1sJ55. 'nlere were 30 clubs you were mailed a card telllng So to aum up. neighborhood th . the 8a I f . e . es u mg o ou sme oec t.hrUls of fishing these waters represented In this International, you so. dep\Jttes are not Ired t o or 1.n tt o o Annoxet•on. li~e ~ne guy put it: ~h~ city felle 's Internationally known for th~ Which was won by the Ocean U you have moved even across lster. It'a entirely~ to th:mre~ dov:m 1n N~wport _put one over on thetr country cous•ns by calling grut schools of aallfisb and City Light Tackle Club ot Ocean the street you are legally dla· do thetr Counc•l meetmg to order just o couple of mii1Ute1 eeriv Monday. atrlped marUn that are here dur· City, Maryland, a port nationally qualified untU you re·reJister. The:O~r:rn0~01~ l~fo~:On~e:: so thot they could p~ss on annexing ""olution on the stro\o of 7:30 Ina March and ApriL known for Jts annual white mar· Sure, I know aome o! you h•ve leu you can figure 12 centa tor P·~· Tho .~ountry ~usms-p.'!ttty sharp t~lso tried to hustle along The wa.rrlon are arriving early lin run. been votlng ln your old precinct Wlng out a long and lrltrleate ~hetr Special meot•ng, but It seems that the~r resolution was pauod to take advantage ot Muatlan's The weather In Muatlan. In tor years, but It might just hap· atttdavlt. band canytng It to the lust e shade after 7:30. They're filhting over tho same piec.e of lend superior flah.ln.l and to get the April. Is usually balmy. Last pen that aome of the opposite County Clerk, u a llvtnJ. d J.L h ... 0 J.L f. 0 L • t 1 t th bl ... _... year. between April 16 and 20 -__________ __:_ __ :.._ _ _:_..::.::...:....::.:..:..:::.::.: __ en me guy w o ge·~ •n me •rst 1c1 ~eems to have the legal edven-ee 0 e ~ uau before the two fieeta of aporttlahln boa~ tage when they get celled before tho todgo. :eee~~·foUJht erby actually on 121 trips, caught l50g-ua MRS. TRITT QF LIDO All . very hum4!1ro~s to be sure. But a sod specteclo too. Just en· I and 221 ..WI* I Any wonder, other big ergume.nt •n favor of tho only fair and sensible solution, • LJGIIT TAaJ.Jl OWLY senor, that the rumbllnp are TQ HEAD EBEL narTWtly. to consol1dato the two cities to form one big City of New· tJo~lke other bll·tlme lnterna· getttne stron1er. by the hour, • L CLUB pori Harbor. that would wor~ for the good of ell, and do owoy with ala he ~urrua:-b'tta, ~ •m:r~ and by the minute. tn thla lovely these petty "luobblos. acxord7ne :,ntla: rul: of tb~ C:n. 1pot that Ia appropriately named Mrs. William B. Tritt o( a Jlemy 1. Behn, I . ll Pacllard. test. means Ji?lttlng *ill wtth the Pearl ot the PacUlc? Vta Ravenna. LJdo lale, wu Mark Healy and Ed Zllm. lines that break from a pull ot elected at the April meetlnf to Ualng members of the audl· 20 and 30 pounds against really c .• v·· c Lea 9 u e be the 1956·51 president ot the ence fM d em 0 n s t r atJon pur. bll tlah that commonly average Ebell Club of Newport Beach. ~ ''Moeul" ot Lr» Anael8 100 to 150 pounda. and DOt In· Other new ot.tlcen wUl be Mrs. Per I or me d thouJbt tr&Mfer· frequently, In the cue of the Pa· Plans Benef .• t Geor,. Hooper and Mrs. Wllllam ranees wbJcb broUibt amazed dtk lltrlped marlin. top the two-Gamble, f1nt and 8eCOnd vice· Jupe from bJa "Uilatanta." century mark. . • C:1~ ~Leon Yale and e MOD IM'iUiti¥& .... Tbe men wUl not have the Fuhlona t.hroup the -day wW and corr ncn:ey, record!~ "Women are more Intuitive field to them..lna, by any be mowu at the Mother's Day Mra. ThO:: Letto -=:'1": than men." he aal<l. "due to the rn.eana. Many ot the wtvea of the Coftee and FubJon abow plan· Mra. eeor,. Strick:~ ft a~ i fact they are more ~enatttve to male eonteatanb are W'e1l up In ned tor May 10 at the Newport aecret • Mrs. Fl ' n n a lmpreulona." Clairvoyance Ia not tbe upper c:ndt of U&ttt tacltle Harbor Yacht Club by the dJtor· ~ Jack S::.!nBue~.,;;:.: onJ.y concerned with aeeme experta. Woman'a Clv1e Lea,ue. The Carl Glae dl.recton an ahead, but behind, u · welJ. he On AprU 18, the LadJea' Inter· party will be a benetlt for the Tbe n~mlnatlo~· were made ~ded. He eave examplea where natlonal Championship wlll be Newport Harbor Youth Commu· by a eom.mittee r1aed ouJbt ot dreama or conaulta· stapd. and more than 40 talr nJty Center with kitchen equip· Mrs. c. M. Deakln&, ~ H of tlon have affected live.. devotees of the Umber rod and ment hllh on the prlorlty lin Mrs. s. E. Locke Mrs. H p o;:e~ Another speaker durlq the the thin line will take to the Mrs. Jamea T. Van Dyke wUl be and Mrs. Gerald RJtchJ~ · e luncheon hour was Lawrence A. .... !0 .. ... ... 11; ........... ..... ,... -u.·J ....... Qlla ..... to --........, ...... . boa. Shhh! Your skin is showing-1111 You need r/~()J-u FLOVVING VEL.VEI This modem ftowins formula hu already helped count.leta women -ju1t like you-who had de· epaired of a dry, prematurely .,U.s akin. Joc .. •ollno Cochr•• e..a f...t•Mw ... wwtotho d.ry-ekiD problem and ita eaue. dehydration of the 1Ub1arfaee ~ ShecU.eoYered HydroHn, a aew invedint t.hatlrallefeR beoe6eJal moilb:lre bsto the deep ~of the Md.D. TM.Db toes· daaiYOHydrolia ••• aad odl.rridl COtllpoaeata. on.17 nowt., v.me worb tbMe dlree way.: 1. I•J•r•ula aoi.4.,• ,u, .a..ly Mh Ualoyow alia. 1. II f"HU lt«UMM'1 oil,t for ....,,;.,.~ .. J ./1 ....w.w 1M ltOrMel w a« t1{ olU w moll,.,.. 0.. ................. ...... .......... 'nay W.JIDOOth oat. yean aeem to melt away I To speec1 .-... .... no.m1 Vel'"' day ud .upt.lt'• ho,....&.. sreaeeleae, woa' amear yoar m.ab-ap or -udp your pillow. lee fer yo•reolf. llake FlowU.1 Vel•at yo., 2'--laoar IMatycan ....... ~aow~ youpr and lonUer Y" ea 1ooL fty aCJt .wt l CORONA DEL MAll PHARMACY boats. One of these falr competl· chairman of the coffee. · Oyurt. member of the JUcbtleld tora wlll be Mrs. w. G. '"n»elma" Problema of a rapidly rrowtnr • DriTALLATIOII JIAT 10 OU Company's conservation de· Krleeer of Newport kach, who dty will be cited at the Learue'a The orucen wlll be tn.stalled pa.rtment. Be lpoke on the need -nm l'lu ..,._ ftcn ls the current bolder of etgbt April meeting to be held at 10 at next month's meetlne. to be ot atrenftbenJ.nt atate lawa on ...._ .... International Game Flab Aaocl· a.m. Tuesday at the Vllla Ma· held Thursday, May 10, In the oil conaervatlon and putttn,e lnto IIJ7 &. c..';';,_. p? Speciak for Thurs., Fri.. & Sat.. April •• • • • Here We Go Again • • . USDA Graded Chaice Baby Spring LAMB SALE BUT SPJUJfC LegO' Lamb ,,~ 79~ 49L PIIUII QaOUifD IIOVaY Ground Beef VIDA aaADD ~ iWUi I ftDOOJI ChuCk Roast at.lon recorda. all on 30 pound rlna. Pollee Chief l obn Upaon, Newport American Legion Hall. et!ect Unit Operation. c.n.. 611 ;;,• test line. or leu. ller top record Fire Chid R. 1. Brt.ac:oe aJ\d Bob Mu.ic and drama atudent.l from r============~==~~~~~~~==::::; Ia a 522 pound black marlin on Moore, eaptaln of the U!e ruarda. Oranee Cout Collflle wtu elve 30 pound test Une. will all be speciAl IUeltl of the the PI'Oif&.lll t or tbJa final meet· The Krlecers arrived aboard LNJUe. After the meettn1 me:m· lnl of the aeuon. &eCOf'dlnJ to their yacht. the 011&11'fD.. ben and guest.a may nay tor Mrs. Basil PeteNon, maltmAn. whJch crulaecl the 1500 mllea luncheon. Ba.t-. are Mrs. A report on bulldlnl plan. from Newport Beach to Maz.aUan 1•ck Curnow, M.ra. G. A. Hooper wu llxen by Mn. Ruth Vedder, for the contest. H u • band and lira. lama T. Van Dyke. wbo beada a commJttee com· "Woody" Kt1epr wUl compete ~ew members Include Mn. N. D. pNed al Kra. E. A. Jtocen, Mrs. on a CaJJtomJa team, the La Pu CUb, Mn. Allee Cuert1n of Co· Boylan, lira. WDJiam l'l8ber and Sportan.an'• Club, In the men'a rona del Mar. and Mn. .Horace, Kn. Freeman ,._, lin. Ved· three-day joU8ta. Puke-and Mrs. Dick Shaw of der a.nnouneed that Herbert Muatlan Ia weleom.lnl the In· Balboa laland. = hu beeft deUpated as ternatlonal tor the t1nt time. for the project. Acapulco, Mexico wu tbe atte 2 'I •t• t d I Mn. Byron wena. recent put of five earue:r tourn~ nortda n I I a e preaJctent of the Eben dub, hu bOlted four. and Las Perlu been named tlnandal aecretary laJanda. ort Balboa Panama held By A xet•a of the newly formed Oran,. one. 1n f o r m e r • competttlona. U I I ry eounty federoauon ot women's Which .,_.an 1n 1946, the quarry clua. wu larply MUllah. U recent The American LelfoJ\ Auxlll· e O'f'D 1711 a waag ary Unit 291 acquired two hon· · NORMAN C. CARLSON, M.D. The New Location of His Office at 2610 Avon Street, NeWpOrt 'Beach, Calif. (Off IUvenJ&t Aw .. Badt ot All AIDerlam Marbt and llarlner'a Bank ParkiQI Lota) T-v orary memben at th~ birthday ~ore than $750 was cleared part,y of American Leeton Poll m the aprlng • festival, Mn. ..--• •-... 291 lut week. Fred Joyner and Gamble, retlrlne wa,ya and ~;:::::;:::;~:=;;::::;::;::;::::=;:::::;=:;::;;;:;:=:;~;;::;;~;;:~ Robert Br1IP ..,... feft~Mt to don rneana eommlttee chalnnan, dla· l aklrta and A\Plllary bate for a cl<*Cl From tht. 1\tnda wtll be mock lnJttatlon Into the WOJMn'a drawn few .eholarahlptl donated arp.nbatloft. TIM bofton were to outttancl1q mu.ale ed ctrama '-towed upon u.e two Leaton ltlldente at Ora.nae Cout Col· IDimMn 1n NCOiftltton ol the lege. an4 ,_ a nUJ'8ift1 eebolu· Mlp U..,. hu• ..,_ tit• Auxil· .tllp. ....,. ta tile Unth ; ..... Mlltatlon N.-dWat. of the club tor pnpam. .... tllu 100 IAPm llardl aDd AptU IDcMSe --. .._, n aa4 ,_ __.. PNI· Clyde lollMoa. D. a ar.a.. -.t at t1ae 14t. ,._ Jl1 blrtla· ..., a. T. trW"-. ,._... 1!. dq dlmw. 1tte ..,_ wq Ooller, I. &. o-Mit. Mabie ·~~~~=======~ ..... .., Mr.. ........... -= w.u... IAitlll' '· ..... c. 0. li ..,.. .............. ,..,.. ... =-w: ~ ·~ .... .., _,_ .... of ;o=;:==~·===-~c:::=-~~ • ...... ~ ... . '" ...... .... r:-.:.:=~ Jl PI 3 WM -- .. Overseas Unit Meets Sunday Mn. Grace ~l&r, fCII"'Dt'rly Mrs. leanne Love bu moved 'l"aVaDAY, An& I& ._ ros mz ........,.. .,.,.. I U&'f'D a&wJOar a&wiOfi ....,. z a • a ot Balboa lllanct h u mowd from 1801 W. Ocean Ptont to ror ~ and ID¥tlcf-. from Altaclena to Puackn.a. a..o. An~eles. Call the ENfpt. B~ ll14. All wprMD ot Oranre County who bate MrVed oveneu with the umed tora~e In orp.ntza. tiona IPONIOfed by the covem· ment are Invited to attend a tea of the Women'• Overaeu s.rvt~ Leatue at tbe home of .,._ Marae PI~. m Grtftlth Way, Latuna Beach, at 3 p.m. Sunday. WOSL wu founded In 1921 by women who had MrYed wtth the AEP Jn the American lte4 Crou. Army NutM Corpe. YMCA. Salva· tJon Army ud wu later broad· ene4 to Include WAC. and many other welfare and aovem.mental oraanl.zaUona with overseu eerv· Ice. Ml& Floyd Clymer, put na· UonaJ pr•tdent ot WOSL, Ia «X· pec:tect to attend the meetlna. 'nle hoctea. Mill Pierce, went to the PhJllppU. ln lNl u a member ol the m,h Cornmlalon- er'a atatf. purina the hoctlllUea ahe wu a prl.aoner of war. In 1946 and 11K7 abe aerved wtth the atate deputment In Ger· many. M1l8 Blanche Fulkerson of Newport. Harbor 5338. may be reached for fUrther Jnformatlon. Largerl end Most Com.-te Fwniture Store in the Area. c.n *«free DECORATING SERVICE llb.rly 1-5511 House ... Gar~ en Furnishings for homes, clubs, yachts. J017 W. Coe.t Hi9hwey N.-pott leech IAOWJriE LUTE.II PAJITT -~aiea boaa 1Datructcw • .A.bon. eciCh BIOWILle la bold..lll9 a X..-port a.acb lowad tbo baby chick hatchery three-day-old baby dlidt. ODe of tbe 9fcmt of apedal f.a.._t whell tMT '9lalted Qrcmp brooders la abow1l lD tbe bacqrouad. Fint row Coat Collep reoeaUy. The 8rowDie troop, led (left to rtpt). Terry Boblllcm. Tlaa Bob.mcm by lin. ._.,. Boldea CIDd lin. Curt 8ohmaD. toancS tbe cou.,. apialltun depaata..at CIDd cmd Judy Bart. s.coad row (left to rtgbt) Bobbl .,... abow1l beef. u-p. poultry aDd OI'DCI· Bolclul. Kathy Watlloa. n.a Buccola cmd ClGlro ••t.l laOiticulturo ladUU.. by Elg1a BalL '901l Boflmcm. (Pboto by Qary Cleu.a.) ,---------------~----~--~----~----- Philharmonic Society Plans 3 Sets of April Concerts One active mem~r. two asso· clatea and one atfillate were ac· Three eeta of concerts during' The second In a series of twin cepted l ast week by the Newport April make tbe month unusually SymphonJes for Youth wUl ~ Harbor Board of Realto~. Max w. Pope ts the new active mem· bul)' for the Oranre County PhJl· ht'ld Saturda.y, April :u. 'Ibt' ber on Harbor Blvd. ln Costa harmonic Orehestra and the so-morning pro,ram wW araln ~ Mesa. Charles Hamilton, a nt'W clety which sponsors the proles· held at the OCC auditorium and usoclate, la wlth Bay·and Beacb alonal mualclana' performances the afternoon concert will be In Realty In Corona del Mar, and 1. throurhout U\e county. the Anaheim H.lgb School audl· ------ •HOW·TO·DO·IT" SHOW S.. how to start cmcl control your fire- how to ICIYe tu.l-enough to pay for your borbecve in time ••• leam what to cook and how to cook ft -what a C ClltOries -· most helpfvl, etc. These and many other interesting poents will be demol•trated right before your •res by the natioftolly fGmOVI barbecue chef, WILUAM BURT • SATUUIY APRIL 14, 1 .. Come • .. -haw fvft-ask questions. Aleo_...._. ....... .., Duncan Hardesty lr. la now U · On Saturday the Society's torlum. ,_ __________ II( .eclat~ with l .D.H. Sr. In Nt'W· Cb&Jhber MuaJc Croup wUl pre· The full symphony of tht' port. 'nle new alfUJate ls Alta· sent two conc.rta In the Cran'tt Philharmonic wtU at.o be pres· dena Escrow Corporation In Avenue Aud.Jtor1um In Buena t'nt tor the aecond year "Birth· .... ~'. c..lt ..... I Park. The afternoon concert. ' , Costa Mesa. esP«lally for Buena Park school day' concert to be riven Sunday Myrtle Davy ls now openlnr children, will be q»onSSred by evenJna. April 29, In Fullerton. her own real t'state otflc. In the th Nutrlllt Co. Th venlnr There ls no admlsslon charre for •A BOt7SEBOLD D£PAJITIIEJfT sron• Lido Center. Bob S. Jacobs J.s t' e e t' nt'Wly uaoclated with the Paul conc.rt wUl be adult faze prt'· any of the conc.rt.a atven by the We CUt &.,.. • llalboc m CROWN HARDWARE C. Jones Rulty on Newport Blvd., aented by the small group of Philharmonic. 2107 EAST COAST BlCBWAT COIIOifA DEL MA.B Newport, and Gloria Cueva has musllcaJU which Includes dlrec· ----------------------------------------------- her offlce on Cypress St. In Santa tor Frieda Bellnfante. Ana Hel,tlts. Patronize the meTChanta who advertlae In the Newport Har· bor Enslen. Bicycles find lflnlted /)()//titS- A MESSAGE TO YOUNG FOLKS 0oe of "ff44t classmates may be abr. to rvn foster than you COft. But ride yovr bicycle, and you can eculfy teav. him for behind. lanMd doflan ate like bicycJ.s; they help you to outdlttance people who do not aave. So putting tome money In this bonk Is really utlftO yow head to get oheod. Our officers oro fta..way eftd lnNN ... d I" your WCCeN. PIIIJ Tlleft CUre• Brlqa FIH I• Court James C. Brodie. 39. ot 20'1 E. Bay Ave . Balboa. pleaded guilty to a petty theft charge In New· PQrt Buch justlc. CQlJrt Wl"dn~· 11ny, April 4. and was fined $250 and $200 !luspended. Newport poll~ booked the Bal· t>nn man at 1:30 p.m. that day on a warrant from Costa Mc~R I polkt' char~lng him with cash· I lng twn SlO tlctltlous checks. In \nsta ME-sa Newport polkf> madeo-thE' a rrest after getting a romplalnt from Klng·s RichfiE-ld Station. 3600 Newport Blvd., Nt>W· port Bt>ach. that Brodie cash...-1 n I SIO no account check there. The rourt ordt'red the defendant to pay off all allegl"dly fictitious check.'!, so no complaint wrus pre· pared on the Newport station case. LECAL XOTJCE CEJITJFICATE PF BVSDIESS P'lc:UU.U PlnD Kame THE UNDERSIGNED does here- by Cfl'tlty that he la conducttnr a cosm~tlc and Import business at P.O. Box 6:16, Balboa. Call· fornla under the fictitious firm name of Pad.a Line Company and that said ftnn ls composed ot the tolJowtna peraon wh08e name ln tuU and place ot rest· dence are u follows, to-wit: J. Roee-r Stottlemyre, 608 W. Balboa BlVd.. Balboa. Callfomla. WITNESS "'7 hand on thla 26th day ot Mardl. 1956. l. Jtopr Stottlemyre STATE 01' CA.UJ'OltNIA > COUNTY OF ORANGE )a. ON 11US ~th d-.y ot MardJ. 1951. before 1M. a Notary Public In and for a.ld ClOUll~ and lltate. rsldlq tbereln. duly commia· alone" a.nd awom, ,...,nallf ap. ~ared J .... ~ !mown to me tl) a. tbe ,....n ·~name II wblerfbed to the within lDmu.mn~t. and acbowl· ed,.cl to IDt tb.t.t be aeeutea the aJIMII • WiiHf!SS ~ b&Jicl aDCI oa!· dal.eal. K&r7 .l. Raapa Rota.r)-P\IWJc Ia ucl tor aid C'AM&ftt:J oct ...... -o-=ts='JOil .......... ll.la .. w .... : Marcil • AprG ~ ~ a. ~a •••••••lllllllilllilillillll••••lilillillilill• .. Ill 1M W.wpcwt 8aiW ......... • • ' WHAT'S YOUR LINE? -u-au I·- ~vrolet's got three ••• Bel Ajr, 'iwo-Ten" and "One- Fifty." With 20 sassy-styled models to pick from, lhere'a one just mode for youl t AilE YOU A tEL AIR IUYB? The Ik>l Air Series brinll'!l you luxuries and com·eni('nc~ vou won·t find in manv moc!Pl; of hi~her pricro car.-. )' ou :.I~ Rt't Cbe\'l'Oiet":-N.'C.'Ord-bl"('akang pt>r- formance, Wlth b~power rang- ing up to 225! "TWO-TIN'" TO YOUI T ASTt? The "Tw~ Ten·· ha." itA OW1l aassy new styling and colorful new interiors. Body by Fi.sh«, of eouJ'!Ie. And you get the stability and the suren~ ot control that make driving -.fer -and sweeter-in a Chevy! "'ONf..F1fiTr' FILL YOUI IJLL? There's no lack of chrome trim in ChevrolE't'a lowest priced eerie&. And you can piek your power-V8 or 6. Come on in and aee whieh one of Chevy' a 20 DeW beautis suits you heal CHEVROLET CO. • .. At Oran9e County's Leadl!HJ HOfllte LAnding h~ttltvtioft CONTINUING TO PAY PER ANNUM AU ACCOUNTS INSUltED UP TO $I 0,000 AJS Acceunh O""ed On er .. f•e The I Ott. ef ftte Monfll Ee"' Pr0111 the I at. LAGUNA NDRAl SAVlN&S I LOAN ASSOCIA110N ..... "' ..... BOLIDAT POB JIDIAS Fishing was the Important putlm~ of th~ Kerm Rlmaa of Newport Island on their recent holiday. which took th~m to the QVorado River and Parker Dam. Professional Directory MUSIC Margaret L. Scharle T~acher of Plano Or1anlat · Ac:compan.llt Evenlnl Cl&a~e~ for Adulb 3111 GOLDENROD AVE. Corona del Mar Fr1en4ly lfetahborbood Service PARKES-RIDLEY MORTUARY 110 Broadway U S.MSI 6 8-MM Colt&.._ NOW ... TWO BALTZ MORTUARIES Servinl, the Batbor Area Baltz Mortuarv CHAPEL BY THE siA Harbor a 3D) E. Cout HlPway C«ona 4el liar Baltz Mortuary UbertJ 8-2121 t7b a Superi«, Corta M-.a AMPLE pAJliD:KQ 80'Mf LOCA'nOl'fS HARBOR REST MEMORIAL PARK ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR -----nil w ..... EMJ W--••nP•II .. Y------ COiiiiD8ifi IDI:'niODDT -w ...... lt.. c-t. .... Llbelty Wl5l Jllw.J .............. 8un4a.J: 9:30 Lm1...-Church Sup~ dQ School; 9:au and 11:00 a.m. Komlnl Wonlllp-7 p.m. Collen ..... ~ Service -"' p.mr Jllp Sebool MYF Service; I p.m.. JOUDI 'dult. poup ..-vice. TID eaoac:a or Cllii11IT IOSO~'l=r..._ D. Q. ...... ll.bdaW Sunct.1 .en1ces: 9:45 a.m. Bible -cl)t; 11 a.m. momlnl WW· ablp; 7:3» p.m. evenln1 8ef'Vice. Mldweei .ervSce, "1:30 p.m. Wedneeday. TID <*"&al or CIUIII'f OddF.U...~ 1 ................. c.tll ..... ~a.IJ11 ,._.._,,, ......... SandaJ ~: t:45 a.m. Bible macty; 10:!55 a.m. worship eerv- ke; 7:30 p.m. ewn.lnl een1ce. Cliililt taDK& ft TID IU C....atty .......... lcu..MML.tl4aalt..a....-t IIAdaew $Ill ,_, .... .., JL ,...,_ SQDdlo' Waaldp. 9".30 and 11 a.m. t:luardl School: t :30 a.m. Mid- week 11eet1na: 1:00 p.m. wec~­ ne.d.ay preceded by 6:15 p.m. patladl. ·~perwe to no man nt1 for eviL Provide thlnp ~ rn the ailbt of all men. .. 1'b..LI wne lnattuctl u.a to do that whldl .. excellent and ~Qed We lhould always live In Reb a way that we will be above ~ell In the allht of others. Today wben many are uldq th~ question u to honesty ol poUtJclan.a and 1ovemmenta. lf!'t u.a uk 11 we ~lw. are hon· ellt with God. Now we have th~ . rtcht to lnabt that OW' leaden be 6:19, lO. We belon1 to God be· men of lnteJrity, but at the same cauae H~ hu made provUJon for tlme w~ need to con.alder out ua. We forpt and act Wre we are own practlcea u God'• c:re:atures. our own masten.. U we were our To be Pftfectly honest, we do own muten. .arne would chOOM not own anythlnl'. We mana1e not to dl~ and .amebofty would the thlnp that belon1 to God. have made It raln aevenl weelu "Y~ are not your own; for ye aro. wer~ boul'ht with a prl~." 1 Cor. Since we belon1 to God, bow IT. JOACIIIK eaow CICJiftAI. IIDI.E eaoaea liN onii: :~~=-.._ o.__. a ... .taw lt. ,..... "" t -J •• .,.. c.ee ...._ .ua·~ ...._ ~~--~~~7.LLII_, JL.&.'&r.VIr ..... 11:30 a.m. Weadays: 11u1 at lqndQ~. ~~ ua M~· 7:00 ~ -Cont...son: SatuJo.. ~ . :(10; Rftnbll cia~ from f:OO to 5:~7:00 to 8li¥ke. ,. • ... .,., ~~ •.m. lee, ••••••day, T:JO p.a -Ya.q people me.lt 1:1.5 p.m ftlllr ~ eaow Sunday. cw aaww .............. &c.Jtlta. ........ ..,·~ .,...,. ...... ~Q.,... II Sunday 8en'lea: t:45 a.m.. Sun· .. ,. School; 11:00 a.m.. Wor- lhlp Servke; "1:30 p.m. $un4aJ eventna "'! e r vie e ; Mid-Week Service: 7:10 p.m. Wectne.daJ Pr-Qer MeeUn•. JIAD08 ASSDOLT OP COD Qapel, loatiMn CG1U. alble c.u..-. Llbelty .... 1 a... C. a. Tbareoad Sunday achool 9 :30 a.m.. momllla worablp U a.m. Youn1 people wrvtce 8:30 p.m.. evftllnt evan1ellst aeTvice 7:30 p.m. Mid-week aervtce 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. cauacae~ ... aaz.a~ ...... Ms ... ~ .......... cu.. .... _. LD tt 1-7111 ~ !en~:. SUDcs.,y !lcbool. 1:30 a.m. Kamlnl WonllJJ) at 10:30 a.m. I!VuielLitic Serv· tee. 7 p.m. Su'ftaa.7. ft. T .P .S.. I p.m. Sunday; Pra,er meettna. 7:30p.m. Wednaday. nuT caoaca or c;KaDT IClEiiid! aD VIa~~.._. Sunday School: 9:15 a.m .. Sun-clay S e r v I c e : 11 :00 a.m. Wednaday Evenln1 Meetln1: 1:00. R~adln1 Room. 3315 VIa lJdo, Newport Beach, open 9 a.m. ·5 p.m. week days. 9 a.m.· 7:45p.m. W~nesdays. 7·9 p.m. Frlday evenlnn. COJIOIIA J)Ja. ICA8 COIOIU'InT"I CIIVIICII C?TfiiUli'Mid 111:::::-t:nA.., ...... a..,Edwtaa-b Sunday Wonblp Serv1ces: 1 :45 a.m.. lliGO a.m. Sunday School: 9:45a.m 17.~ •w.w~~llinoMP!JI'iOUJI '"ta~n~u•ac~~~ 1!5dl et. a~ An~ Jt4.. _._ ........... , .... ,.....,. ...... -...J--LI .. wwt SUNDAY: Mcmlnl WOI'IIllp. t:ID and 11 a.m.; Olul'dl· Sebool. 1:30 and 11:00; Jr. mp. ar . Hlfb and con ... .,. r.uow. ahlpt~, 7 p.m.; Tbunday. ,., •• atud)' poup, 1:30 a.m. eaow ar on LADY CWIIT. C'WU' lMIW ............. .... IIA:t6el-· are we u.tlnt God'a Ume. Qod'e r..._ ltr#y 1a119. ,_._ talenta. ancl Ood'a money? 'n!eq ~ 111 , 8 ,_ are 188 houn In eac:h week. U Ant teal ...._ JOQ wwtr '1 days a week and 8 Suada)' .,._: 1:00 and 10:00 boun eedl d&7. you hav. con· Ull U:OO a.m. O.'ndon: lat· IWIMid 58 boun.. u you al~ • ~ ud ...... ., Ill ft1~ boun eaeb ~t. you have eon· and Bol7 Dua troa. 4:00 lo IUIMCS ,. more bows. You 8tfll 5:.10 '.Ill: aa4 boom t=-to I:JO haft 58 boun left to MrW God f.~ D&IJJ )( .... 1:00 • ..,.. nnt and to ....,cltn reereatlon. llmJ. .........,: 1:.10 a.m. uct 1:00 p.m. lar aun..eioftl could M made If o • en a f!Wpltual Help) r u to talenta and money. All ot Monda)-, '7:45p.m. out time, talftlta, and mone, ahould be mana,ed In an hon..t way that pleuet God. Haven't we been ,Wlty of u.s- Ina Goer• pc•eu1ona wtthout conauJUn~ Hlm T U we do not eonalder Cod'a wUl fJ.rst. don't you think we are takinl too much for IJ'&nted T Are we ~ally IT. JA.IIa DIICOPAI. ' honest In God'a atptf IDYIII ...... :"._. IU.tllr a&WJOAT ••a-o• w•w•••• caua:a 1501 c:utl ... _ L%¥11 ....... Lilla tr t.aal ... ....... a..! ... Oupllcate momlq -~ -I a.m. ud U :15 a.m.. ~: ~ and PN Sc:boo-1 .... ) ................. Bunda)' •fie.: 1:00 a...m. RoiJ eo&muDieD; t:lS. ram t 1 y ~ U a.a.. woublp ....tee.Tb~lervleee : t:lJ LJIL .....,.. QuJJd; 10:10 Bol7 CCIIDID.UIIloa. o-pt. luM&y School, • a.a.; - --·-lit Grade tluouP Adult'-'· ••· ,_ ... _ .... ..,. Schoo&. 10 a.m.; bu pi'O-114 ...... .:: ;:;-..... Ylcs.d and J(unery prvviclecl I« .,.._ I' p rr , .... ::~:'and 10 a.m. Sun· Suncla)o xu!aa: t:OO LIL ~ t:ao --a.m.~~..r and ': .. , ......... , •. .=:'.:':: =;1~~"ir,~: = ~~···..... f'rlda)-..... la.m. ~~-1-· .... D. ...... , ... , rDI'I' UJi"iWW' ..,_l"! ... ua:a._..• Saturctu llonl1q s..tc.: Sab-..... AM._ .. "• d' beth Sdlool: 1:30 a.m. -S.· Ollis .... mon: 11 :00 a.m. Pray• meet· a... •· Q. ••-tna: Wect.ne.tt.&)', 1:00 p.m. SUnday .a.r.tc~r: aAL80A JII.Aifl) I:G a.m. Sundq kbool; 11 COIOfO'IfiTT llcnlODIIT 3.lll. Worllllp liWvt«*b 8 :30 liS ...... Aft....._ w.ad ,;;, =-~~~ ~: ......._. *'"· J) N .... WedMi'dl)': 1:30 p.m.. Pr.,_, ...._ f5IS PrflM and Bible Study. Mon· Sunday Services: 9:30 a. m day: 7:30 p.m. Men'a Chorue Church Schoo'i 9:~ and U:OO fr& ctJ~~~.i 8:30 p.m. Men't a.m. Worship ::servlce. ft'Q'tr ..ant. * THIS SPIRifOAL SERIES IS SPONSORED BY 'I'HESE CIVIC-MINDED FIRMS AND DIDIVIDUAIS • CARVER CRAFT Few EV1NlUOE OUTIOAlDS ell4 WIZARD IOATS s.m.., .... H.rt-2J y .. " 1m He..W ~~ Cott• M- U'-+y l-2o.J BOB'S SPORTING GOODS c::-,w. ~ "-'- '101 Newpet+ A..., C...e W.. U'-tr ...... 2 MOADWAY FlOWB SHO, = ...... DWI If Am11tr '"' .....,... ..... c:e.. ...... ......, .... EARl W. STANLEY • ...,._ s..e ................. ,. ..... Ofle.t ......., "" .... w-4 IAl.IOA lAY ClUI 1221 w. c-t .................... THE lAY DEPT. STORE TN Pl.ce Te ~. ,., 1\e .... y .. Kt.-. w .. ~ S&H e.r-Ste"'"' JOJ Meln $Met,....._ Hertt. M COSTA MESA VACUUM CUANY CO. New•ft4 leHIItCS.."" U24~ ..... c..t ...... "-UINrty ~ .. s..-.. ..... Wlttl STANLEY INSURANCE A&cY. Jill E. c.. .. Hwy .. c.-..... Mer H...W 2474 lltOWNIEllY OVENS c..-... SURF I SAND • ..... VA&AIOND HOUSE LWe ..... ..... a..... ........... d ,. NEWPORT HAUOR lANK Y-H•••O..ula..l Mll L c-t ~ .. C.... .W W.W ...,._ J070 STAFfORD I SON .... ...... ...... ...... _ ... ....... 110 ........ ,.,._ ....,.,. ..... ~ ..... lAY I lEACH UALTY, INC. •.-w .. ..._IW....._ .·~~"e:.·.r. 1171 .... e.. ...... .. Lc...tt.., ... c.....uw. UDOTOYLAND M42 VNi Ucle, ~ ..... Hett.. HM COAST OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO. Tr,.••ll..,. Al14iftt Me.w-W.. a s.m.. IMIH..t'-..... c..t ....... LAerty lo77M ROIOT Hlu•s CHEFS INN , ......... c.-....... • L. c.-... .......,,,12 .. 1111111'1 Llll IIIlEr wtau••n AprtJ 11. 18M lfewport .... Calli. '"Don't ... why the pttatee bad to have au the tun.'' Our Dick Jllchud. .poww drlll In band. 8tarted cttrctnr a hole In the black top tn our l&lont yard. "Be· aldee wtth their Jtmlted equip· ment, they couldn't have found all tbe burled treu ure • • . And we won't dJc ju.t one hole . . . we'U die ten ... tn diftennt dl· rectlona . . . We're aun to un· cover 80methln& .• ·. Anbody rot a tractor?" * * * lo ................ a.. dia9 ~I Ida .... ~ MCI•tary; Lydia S..tlaWOI'tla. ..... W. ..,...._tJ Mary •-..u. ftnt 9kle ........ tJ CIDd Dorotby ~ ..... t. ( ....... plaoto) . ........ . , .... II.·- Troian Alums Meet Tonight To Form Club AlumnJ ot tbe UntvenJty ot Southern Cal1tom1a 1n thla area are tnv1ted to an or•anlzadon din!* and P'Oif&m to fenD the Newport Jlart)or Trojan Alumni Club. '!be ..at wW be held th1l wenlnc ('J1ualllday) at the !few· port Harbor Yacht Club, m W..t Bay, Balboa, at 7~30. foUow1nc a 10elal bc:nu at 6 p.m. · Dr. A. 8. &aubenheiJMr, edu· cat.onal vk:e·pres.ldent of SC, wllJ talk on "SC, Slgnlflcan~ and ae.pon.tbOity." J'orrftt Two· good. bukftball coach, wUl d.S.· cuu ''Tbe Put and Futun," and Arnold Eddy, director or the Gen · eral Alumni Auoclatlon, will ahow the film "Tradition Tbat la Troy." S:=r::::..::_=:::. .:..._11 ~ole• !Dorothy Palen Is Elected .. =-.-:..::.!·~~.= _L.an: ____ ,..... ___ ~_ New President of BPW Club Mrs. Mark Soden ot 590 Deb· orah Lane, Costa Mesa, ls In cbarce or reservations. ALJ'IIA Zl ALUXS KEET ..._.. '" ....,. ws.-. c p.-. For their lut trip of the year, lea Tr••BA •.at alii~ Ebell Procreaora Section I will Dorothy Palen of Newport Ht.a. tile~ .. ~ clld cdl take an outJnr to Marlneland, was unanimously elected pres!· tile be.aue.J cllnn1s cldc •~ Pala. Verdes, and .top at Way. dent of the Newport Harbor Bus1- 1 hi-. --' ealb, ~ ..U. faren Church on their return nesa and Profeaalonal Women's fJ'OCb ad _. lllaa. Mtll· journey. Tbe eroup wUI leave at Club at last Thursday's dinner lag alta do wiMa a.r laecnl 8:45 a.m. nat Wedne.day &om meetlnc held ln Newport Harbor oar Mcrrr cnw.y 1llldor tJM. RJchard'a Market. Sack lunches Yacht Club. • • • ,..., J.-ped clow'D oft may be broucht or anack lunchea She succeeds lean Howell ot U..U CIDCit b•t•n ad • • • may be bought, accordlnc to Corona del Mar, who was ln· Did ,_ ..._ ..._ • ..._ Mn. Lee Barnes, chairman. .tailed as newly elected president 111N1111:1D9t Well. 1N ~ • • • Ia of the County Council ot BPW fact we buted all ou wei..-• • • Clubs at the County Council coaa ..... ....ttbed to pkk ap Progressors Sectlon II will m~tlng held March 29. Also Clll1'tbia9 do-loftly ...._... to have luncheon next Wednesday elected to serve the local club a1aow .t ov r..aasa. Tna.aN at the Balboa Bay Club. Reserva-------------But ••• 0u -.otto. U It ... , tlons should be In by Saturday ..ua c11991a9 lew, It laa"t with Mra. Alt.a Morcan, Harbor WOI'tla loold.D9 .t . . . lhoa.ld 4293-l or Mra. Edward Pohlmaan .,... by ay ~ be ~bop-Harbor 3273. ...... ·~· .. La...... • • •. Vog:dl Dd 11oue. lbcbclra. Jo-Mrs. 0 . z. Robert.lon Is present· Mrs. Hauser Is Re-elected Alpha XI Delta Sorority alum· nae of Orange County wJU meet Tuesday evenlnc at the home or Miss Elizabeth Euphrat, 521 N. College Ave., La Habra. next year were Mary Naegeli, Lydia Southworth, Isla Peck., Merllee Duncan and Kathryn Quinn. SOX I'OB JIEAC:AJII Mrs. Palen Is In the finance A aon, 5 lba .• 12 oz... wu born department or Newport City Hall. to Mr. a nd Mrs. Ronald Reagan Thla put year she hu served as of 320~ Amethyst Ave., Balboa second vice preeldent ot the local llland, 1n Santa Ana Community club. Hospital on Tuesday, March :n. Annual reports were presente<t ;==========.....;==; at Thursday's closed election m~tlng and the club voted to present $50 to the Community Youth Center. S50 to Oranee C'ounty PhilhArmonic, $500 to Hoag Memorial Hospital, a $200 scholarship to Orange Cout Col- lege, a $200 scholarship to New- port Harbor High School, $200 to the American Field Service for Its exchange fitudent prop m. PAY LESS ••a. Lido ,.,......., Jed'a of tng the book review today I Mrs. Ted R. Hauser wu re- Uclo. l~d(a. aale"a « (Thursda~) at the meeting ot elected president for a second ........ tbla w..ar ad .. • EbeU Boolt Section r, accordlne 1 year of the Woman's Society of '-' WJII DIICIII bl• bole Ia tbe aJ.cSd» el tbe to Mrs. Fergua McKay, ch•lrman. Christian Service of the Balboa no. ... Toa11 Dow tbe IM• Tbe meetlnc wUJ be held at the Island Co m m u n I t y Methodlst I Olf f.... ..... COIPLETE DRUI ' STORES ~-PREscR_rPTross .,. • • • Of CI01II'IIe It woa1d home of Mrs. Burt Dorrla. 1707 Church at a m~tlne held Wed- ..,. beee ...._ * u to Ocun Blvd, Balboa. Mrs. Lew nesday, April 4. A panel dt.cuL,Ion on the "Fu· waJlr ~ tM .a-t · • • aat Pettitt b c:o-hosteu. Other otfl~s named are Mrs. ture Needs of Our Country" will ~~· ... : . ~ ... ····• ...-Ub to do aw.,. the bard • • • Karold l ames, vi~ president; be presented at this evening's W1l"f • • • M~bers ol Book Section lV Mrs. Byron L. Nealy, secretary; m~lng of the American Associ- ........ ..,. .. * * * wt11 meet at 12:30 p.m. at the Mrs. Wa~ Hunter, treasurer; atlon or University Women at nme for the Fuhlon Treasure home of lira. S. J. Mansfield. Zl.2 aeocretary of promotion. Mrs. Vern the E~ll Club. Santa Ana. The Hunt 2·3 P.M. Friday Afternoon Jum.lne Ave .• Corona del Mar, Smith; secretary o! spiritual Hte, panel wiU I n r I u de Newport . . . Pleue: out In front under for a Mexican lunch precedlnc Mrs. Donal~ G. Sapp; secret&ry Beach Mayor Dora HOI, Santa the palms . · · We are even mov-the procram. Mrs. Nellon Holm -of children 1 work. Mrs. P. F. Ana Poll~ Chler Edward Allen tng our organ out to give with wood or NewJ>Ort Helcht.a will Baines; secretary ot youth work. and Rev. Karl Christ of the Tus- the dream muelc · · · Tables, .bow pictures and deacrlbe her Mrs. Clyde Shooter; secretary of tin Presbyterian Church. ludge Mil Vlo Lido IIA lOGS ehalra a nd rt'tresbment.a · · · The rece-nt trip to Mexico In place ol student work. Mrs. Edward Frue· Franklin West wiU serve u Wewport lleocb Nlghttnrale Clapter of the Hoar a recuiar book review. han; missionary secretary, Mrs. moderator. Tbe meeting wJU In-•l c:...t lhry--B.A 25S5 Hoepltal Auxiliary wtll RrVe • • • Michael Carl; llteratun &eere· elude a pot hact( dlnner preced-c.-del .._ cotree and cake .•. Tbe pro· .. _ Carl Wal_._... • .. e tary, Mra.. Cl&n'nce Bowman;ln u~g~tb~•~PfOINJD.~~~=====~~==========:; Neda ol which wtu co toward ~ . ~ cave u• chaltman of local church ac:tlvt· ;. tbetr pet piiiUanthroplc project. book ,.,.._. at ~ Sectlon U tlee. 'Mts. ~ SmJth; and ata- the Tumor Board of the Ro.pltal held at the Ebell Club y.terday tus or wom~n, Mrs. C1atr Barnett. •.. Tbe cak• will all ~ home (Wednesday). The program was planned by bued by the Nlghtlncales . . . Mn. Nealy and Mrs. Hunter. Tbe Now wh~ elM but at you know Your worahlp aervtce was led by Mrs. w hlch market could you aee a Fount L. LoY.re. Members of the fuhton Show, aft and eat home Mary Circle who planned the made cake and coffee, llsten to Health luncheon were Mrs. Dlckenon G. orran music and at the aame Baker, Mrs. Lona GrUtln. Mrs., time help a tnry worth while Leonard Hargrave, Mrs.. Wayland cauae all for a quarter! Door Dunham, Mn. Clyde Nash, and prizes too! From all of our Udo WUVU Mrs. Balnes. Sh~! ------------- ro-d :.~: ..:.. barled JUST •uvu. Election Set ~ aa4 I d.lda"t bcft to I. E. H~rlch, D.C. I h ~~ltltta.•c:' ~ .. ~.~ Many people havl' been llchtly by Fel OWS ip -·-·• ~ told, "Your trouble Is nerves. Klaate llcdd ,..__ Toaacto just nerves, that's all." Nervee 'Mrs. Donald Vowles of Long C.. bo.., • • • ,...... ~ An' too Important to the body to Beach will give a book review at ...,..b • ..,, DOt piDUieed U.. be dlsmlssed 10 easily. the next meeting of the Women'a J'IN OR aaecl .. Ia « -. na. Fellowship ol C«ona del Mar ..., ...._.. CIIIOCialltrate ....... Nervee make poulble all move· planned for Wednesday. Aprll ,.. to.u crnt...t ...ya • • • ment. nerves transmit all sensa-2:S, at the church. The reading F• .._.. '-«to J.UC. odd I tlons. and feellnr to the brain. Adventure Group of the Fellow· .... .,.._ ••• Few &.Ia to-Nerv.ee make possible taste, alght, ship wJll be In charge of the ..... eoap. odd I tt.p. Oou to amelJ and hearing. Nerves main-program and the 1 u n c he on . 1 .... flit ad ...._. c Utt.Le taln body balance and keep the which wJU precede the proeram. a.pp.d ..-.. ua. PLid c.a body temperature at 98.6. Nerves at 12:30 p.m. .._... CIIIOCialltrate ad I mu control blood pressure and main· The annual election of of!lcers ,.,... ... F• ta.ote ...._ taln blood now. u weU as will be a high spot ot the meet- .,... odd oaly 11/a calM .,.._ apeecb and bnathlng. In ract lng. DetaUs of the church bazaar ••• For .._... ,..... PLid -.ly there Is no tunc:tlon taklnr place planned for May 11 at the church 1 -.,.._ ••• J'oe -.... ln the body wtthout the control will be diJICUued. A Women's It dll•ted 1a tbe obeft ,....... or coordlnatlon of the nervous Fellowship Board meeting will tlou lor ay ol 1'0U ....._... .ystem. be held at 10 a.m. Friday. April ;:-.::::-: ~ ~ Tbe splne acta as a conduit ror :20::.::a::t=th=:e::c::h=ur=c=h=. =::::=:::::-::::= Sheepherder-a Bread ... the tlte nerves. Tbe Chiropractor ....... th Blah RaP-wodla wtth the spine and nerves. * t--1 Ill * orllflMl uvm e op -# IDa objeet Ia to locate and cor· .... 1n Blahop, Callforpla · · · &JTlv.a _.. IMn'e trouble that may be '"Uauacd c-t.... J ... ky"" by bua rnry Wednelday nllbt -~--bnonfta1 tunc:tlon and FlJifE WATCH JtEPA.IRING I •.• We have had many requ .... ca-.. a tor thta delleloua blc fat round ..... "Prompt l!lervke- Joef ol white bread that crt• to a. a. 8JJfddp D.c. .. uonabJe Prlcea" 1 WHY PASSIVE EXERCISE IS SO EFFECTIVE IN OUR . . REDUCING SYSTEM Scau!'cr S,-m's ,_m c::RrCix trims iDcbcs &om hi ... tmamy, thighs. a.n.kJcs. upper anna .d ncdlinc Jt abo has cbcx ~ bmc6cs: 1. R.c:mo&d. your 6gure 10 you ~ a.rry your DeW reduced 'fticbc like a Wbioo model. 2. Firms md tigba:m muscle so your i~ ~ made aDOOCbu and Jovdicr . I . Beauri6es J1C*UR. Turn yow~ cues over to the J'<'••ric who ba..: ddiftrcd a mo~ bcauuful fisurc to mcme IIUJ aDd &mous Coograswomcn. Call your DCIIby Scauffer ~on for 3 frC"C ftlit.d~ta.a!ym Nc-nh1 :::JMn. 0,.. • a Gay IUa Pddoy SAJf'TA AliA n. ,.,.,o (Open Ev• llon. thru Tbun.) be torn oft tn blah hu~ ... and ...._, ...._ Mn • aa• _. _ -=:-.. ~ ... II• munched • . . per as-w •uJ • .,_---.bottle o1 wlnef 'lbafa the way -C...."tto&~~C..~~··~·~cW~II~or~!..::===========-=-~~--=.=.=.-=..--------==----------------· !the old Sheepherden Ht tt ... til W, lc• I M k Actually thb bread wtll keep for a eouple ol ...-. . • . .And It ~ can make tt here before all our local Sparta f'l.atfttrnMn crab It up on 11lurtday M rrt.,. )'OU are tn r. a t:rat ••• • • • ................... _ .... -....y ......... . _ .......... .._ ... ............ ..-.y ... ......... -... ,.. ..... _,.. ..... _ .... . ...... 1 0 ... ... ,,, Wllll ._. II at ._ *'I I ... 4JI .............. ............... & a .. , ......... ___ , ••• Or .......... .. -----...... .... ............ . ......... -..... ~ -.......... iCIIii .... -· ........ .... ..... " .. ... a 1 1 • •·• , .... _. .. ..... .., ... . . .. WJIJ #a II ... ,_. IIMt af ........ _ ........ ..... ...... ........ IIMial ~----..... -.~-~ ... -....-.. .. .._ THIS IS THE WAY TO FURNISH YOUR HOME c... ...... I . . . consult our decorotorl Avoid the shoppii'ICJ . . . the costly do-it yourwlf mistok.s .. Our d.cOC'otor worb with yo.J within your pre.O.t•rmined bud~t: the ,....,ts are pnc.l.ss . . Your home is • refl.ciion of the test. and personolity of y~ family ••• • wond.rful ~ to liw h.ppil.,.......,twtain ptMty . . . Oo come ift to W.,.'s . . • where .,.d ... cad'l tto more. any In a bit of 1 dither lbout tonight's party? loc*ing fOf something special in banquet centerpieces? Want exotic plants tor 1 store openina? PlaMing a bad! ground tor the lov!fiest bride em? let Richard's Flower Shop do it! Bob Scbroeder and Adele Beddome wid combme the beautiful tlowen of Scwint with a toudl of sheer renius in'•· raneement We're sute you'll win rwn with the results! C.ll and talk it over with tham . • • or drop by tha Flower Sbop at UDO MAIKn AMERICA'S UNIQUE FOOD MARKET NfWfiOIT HACH, CA.Uf. Newl)wed.l Mr. and lin. WU-fte coupa. ,..,.. m&rrW bl to.n. Graham are maid~~& t...w Mudl ln a double rinJ CMI•DI'l1 new home ln Ute lla.1eereat at Clarl.lt Ourdl by tM 1M. ~mpu. Estates atnc. ntur'lllq Newport, wttb Jtev. Boy CUUon from their honeymoon ln KexJco. performtnr tbe weddtna cere· m~y. The brlde ta the former Mlu .Alice Bent of 45'7 Weet· ml~ Ave., Newport BeJJbtL B« u.e.r. Mta Ruth Hc.at. waa maid of honor at the weddlna. The eroom. who formerly llved at 223 32nd St., Newport. la the son of Mrs. Lela Graham of Con- way. South Carolina. Hla brother, Batley Graham of Calexico, w as his best man. The bride wore an off-white wedding dress with a corsage of cymbidium orchJda. Her slster wore a blue dress with a earna· tlon corsage. MJss Ruth Horst gave a small r~ptlon for the newlyweds at her home follow- ing the ceremony. Special guests Included Mrs. Bailey Graham and daughter Marsha. and Ray Fields. A din ner at Chefs Inn fol- lowed the reception. ....... , ...... IIIIEIIIIrtl._. Mra. Pred Joyner and Mrs. K. N. Joh NIOn will be In eharre of the April party for dlaabled vet· erana from Lonr Beach Veteran~ Hospital. Th.. monthly party La rtven by memben or the New- port Harbor American Ler1on A.uxlllary Unit 291. Twenty-nine boya were entertained at the OFPJCIAU.T ~ Satu:rdaf .....u.g ._ tb• •...-t D&dl KnaU. ftnt .SC.,...W..t Dee ........ _. ::J .... .._. Mardt party with the Gold Star Barbot 20-30 C111b. SbowD MN. left to rigbt ta the froat row, ... cas aardL Ia the IMiclr row -. d1ndon D&dl a.lt ll.ll*, Wlvea of Oranp County prepar· 4J.ncW lkMt Joluutola. 2:D4 Ylce-pi'Mideat Joe a....toy, PneJdMt Eltoa ~ad Terry JobMtoa. (Eulp plaeto) lng the lunch uat.tecl by the ----A.uxlllary. Mr. and Mra. Don CIIAJO)UJIS GBT GDIL SON aou TO WATSOMS lSLAJfDEJI EMIEftADfB AAVW 10M POBITVCEDS Mun.10n took the boya fc. a boat A. daughter, !:>usau .,~nn. 6 lb5., A son. Thomas Wiley, was Mrs. Robert Guenther of 121 A son, Gordon Frederick Crom· ride on their boat. A. birthday A MEW ESCBOW dltpaa' •t lw the Ccll'oaa del liar oWe. of Kewport 'Jkdboa Scrriap cmd LoaD AuodatiOD la CID· DOG.Dc.d tiy AMIL JlrMldeat Paul A. hlmer. Jlariaa Jolul· 100 (aboft), wbo jol.Md tbe ..aow dltpaaba•t Ia tbe Mew· port hadl beadquatten of tbe .AMoclatloa Ia Jlardl. .. Ia claar9e-..... Jobuoa baa bMil • ,:qec~ ba eKIOW cmd na.l Mtate work ta tbe llatbcw Ana 4urt.Dg moat of bew l·yecu ...... delace ....._lin. Fraacea •-.tr ........ ba daal9e of the Conea del liar oftb alDce It w.. ...-.4 by Newport acd· boa ••••••• Ill~. liM. 7 oz., wu born to Mr. and Mra. born to Mr. and Mra. Fred Wat· Amethyst Ave., Balboa lsland. well, was born to Mr. and Mrs. cake honored all the bo111t wboee Eugene Chandler of 3504 W. son ot 210 Agate Ave .• Balboa entertained the Creative A.rt.a Charles Stucker of 516 Poinsettia blrthdaya were In Mardl u well Jeanne Daurlce Castendyck. 618 Ocean Front. Newport ~f'·•rh "' Island, In Hoar Memorial Hos· Section of the American A.uoe.l· Ave .• Corona del Mar, In Hoar as Mary Lowe, recreetlon 4J.rec:. VIa Lido Nord. Udo lsle; Richard Ho .. Memorial Ba.pltal on P'Jt.l pltal on Thunday, A.prll 5. The atlon of University Women at Memorial Hospital on Teusday, tor trom Lonr Beach, wbo bad a W. D. IIALOME MAilED ACEJICY STAP'P ICAJfACEJl W. D. Malone, 230 Poppy Ave .• Corona del Mar, has been ap- pointed staff manager for the Prudential lruurance Co. ln the Santa Ana dl.atrlct agency. He la a native of London, Ontario. Canada, and joined the Pruden- tial In 1954 as agent in the com· pany'a Santa Ana office. The Malonea have twd chUdren, MI- chael. 5, and John, 2. Ronald Rager, 1003~ w. 34th day, March 30. boy welahed 7 lba., 15 oz. her home on Tuesday evenlna. March 27. March birthday. Street Newpo,t. and lrla Ann ---- Wilson of Newport mad.e the honors lt.t for the College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences at the University of Southern Callfornla . They were among a total of 242 out of 2.600 full time students in the College qualltylng for the dean's llst for the fall semester. Based on a scale of (.00 for all "A" grades, atudenll had to make a 3.4 or 8 -plus average to get on the honors Hat. BUEFJT MOVIE Corona del Mar PTA benefit movie for the children will be held at 1:30 p.m. Saturday at the Port Theatre In Corona del Mar. DECOUTIMC noaLEXS? Let Ua BelpToa CeU ~1171 .. IIIICII£' 2919 E. COAST HWY. CORONA. DEL MAR NSTJ Of MNf'( PIOM J.ts TO s.ts * ...... .... a.-a u • ., no Comblnlna busln .. and plea. sure, Dorothy Jo (Mrs. Harold) Swauon and Lura • ()Ira.. Pollee Cblet Art) McKm.zle, an taklnl' two hula leuona a ~Y whUe en· joylng a aprlng vac:atlon In the Hawaiian lalanda. Dorothy wlll be back tn Ume to teach a allm and trim c:lu. for women at the Community Youth Center ~oday. Vac:attonlna with her are hel' mother and fath..-and her aunt. The aala IM'Int Ul a picture ln their gra.. aklrts, but the ruY who took the picture was evi- dently doing the hula at the time and Jt was a little too wavy for reproduction . . . real c:ute, 'though! 1'111 Yeapn Luwe A PA.RTIAL VIEW OF UVING AREA ..• aaww••DOII& A Dramatic Duplex On Ocean Front where contemporary and modern meet -and a panor- amtc view of the wide , wide sea ma kes living colorful and con- venient in New pbr1 Beach. Dr. and Mt,. George Yeager of 926 Clay St., CUff Haven, left the flrat of the month to make thelr home ln Sacramento. A farewell party wu 11ven for Mra. Yeager at the home of Mrs. Walter Mattbews, SOC Avocado Ave., Co· rona del Mar. Mr. Matthew. made the boDOHe a aplee cabl· Onee leaturN ln the Los Angeles "nmes "Home Ma eazlnc," thls home Is artistl· c:al ly and compactly designed with convenient bullt·lns and modern deror. The llvlng .room has superb ocean-view picture windows, the dlnlne area ls enhanced with buUt In shelves and cupboard•. There b one bedroom plus a second bed· room-de~r sunroom. BuUt by the owners for attractive llvtng ... Income apartment below hu never been vacant. $7.500 down net and spoon holder and friends Air &AI'I'D WKDDIJIG calalMtM a. flan-. _. tw. oaa•te brought a aet of a.tter-dlnnel' eo.t Cell ... mdltla _,.. clan,.S t1ae-. _. ..._ &GOIMI spoons u a golna away pNMnt. lark • 11n. aldaarcl c:,n.r .___.. ( .... FU.. p6cbln) Among the rueata were Mme.. EXCLUSIVELY USTED BY HOMER E. SHAFER, realtor =g/~ru::t. ~1p1hb::n~~;: Miss Kathleen Kirk of COM ~t!rt u:.:,:.m. Billy Shaw and weds Richard C·arter Bushee 106 McFadden Place (at the pier), Newport Beach • Harbor 140 ..... , QOIIU ~ Easter Sunday wu the wed· belonrtng to the groom's mother A MVere virus put Mrs. Edwin dlnc day for M!aa Kathleen Kirk with a ahower of white roaebuda c. Gomke In Hoaa H o a p 1 t a 1 of Corona del Mar and RJchard tied with aaUn ribbons. ahortly before Easter, and her Carter Buabee' of Lacuna Beach. Her mother's twin aliter served husband's p a a t o r a 1 calla on The bride la the daughter of Mr. u the bride's matron of honor. memben of the Corona del Mar and Mrs. Henry Cllllord Klrk Jr. She b Mra. Erwin L. Watkins of Community Church, where be of Maracaibo, Venezuela, South Laguna. She wore a blush pink preacha. have Included aome America. and the erandda u&}ltel' cown of peau de aole and can1ed pretty constant vtaiUnc to hla of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Clllford a colonial b o u <[u e t ol pink wife's room. At flnt docton wet"e Klrk ol 306 Larbpur A~., Co· shaded rosebuds. Two candle· somewhat puzzled at the aevet"lty rona del Mar. The croom • par· llchtera were Mia Carol HaU ol of her Illness. She ta reported enta are Mr. and Mrs. Francia Garden Grove and Mra. Robert thla week to be very much lm· Xavier Busbee' of Laruna Beach. Blalldell of Newport. They were proved. Ea.stel' llllee and wblte lltock dreued ln turquoise and gray decorated the sanctuary of the taffeta ctreua wtth corsaees of Laruna Community Prabyterlan ra.ebuda. W 1'00 Lnte to CJa.lrr Church, where the wedding rites Robert Blal.adell of Newport were read by Rev. DaUas Turner. served as best man. Uahera weFe QUIET, WELL·F'URNlSHED rm., White tapers and aattn bowa James Harrla of Costa Mesa a nd conveniently located. private llned the center alale to the al· James Robinson of Orange. Mba entrance, private bath. 508 tar, where the bride wu eecorted Ruth Perez of Costa Mesa pre· Martaold, Ha uos.w. by her grandfather. aided over the ruest book at the CALL Edna Crall rental ~· She wore a formal white nylon reception ln the church parlors d..u.t wtth' Dcrls• Bray realtor organza wed d l n 1 aown with follow1nl the ceremony. Calla 218 M rtne Ave Bal~ IalancL chapel train. The bouf.fant aklrt tUJea, white utln ribbons, white HA _.: HA k and acoup neckline were trlm· tapers and crystal candelabras 641 or med wtth banda of imported and nower bowb decorated the FOR SALE-Divan Simmons bed lace. A matchlnalace cap fro.ted parlors. wh~e the bride's three --$45. Lounge chair, rattan, wtth pearls held her fln1ertlp aunta. Mrs. Robert Wlndolph of wltb ottoman-44(). End table llluaton velL At the neck ahe Lemon Helahta. Mrs. Ken Mellar and lamp to match415. Ll wore a alnale atrand of pearb o1 CoRa Mesa and MrL Myford I.-G. beJ~na to a.. paternal pand· StapJ. ot 'J'uAln, all served' at MiOne your ada to Bl W4. mother. Sbe earrled a wbJte Bible the receptJon. The bride's IJ'andrnother re· c:elved ru.-ta 1n a rOM crepe coMurne wtth deeper ro.e accea· aortee.. She wore a wat..t conage ot· pale pink roeebuda. Mn. Buahee wore an lee blue em- Irvine Terrace Gives You Everything b t liS II ... u mog lnlp Ce•IJ'a Fllllt ..... w •• ............. ,:uti. ... , ...... WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO INSPECT COMPLETED OUR DIS'nNC'ITVJ!: FUR.Nl.SHED MODEL BOlol!3 AND OTHERS UM>ER CONSTRUC'I10 N NINE DIVERSIFIED FLOOR PLANS To the homo buyer who wtahes to purehue In the $25.000 to S35,000 class we slnoertly recommend the lrYine Eat.atea overlookJna l(ewport Harbor. Tbeee honJ. feature California lntna. ou.ed exclu. atvel7 thtoulh Earl W. Stanle&,_~ a s..no.-Ftee aru known as lrvtne Terrace-on H .. hway op~Jte the MW lrvtne CO&It Country Club, Jfewport Harbor. * For ~ndatlon, we refer you to anyone who bolda a Leuehold Estate ln Irvine Terrace. Beacon Bay, Ba.yshOI'a or Clllf Haven. anJ &auli/u/ Cow broidered 1\)'lon orc•ndy with I I match I "I hat and ahoes and a Ear w. stan ey conap of 10ft yellow roeebuda. • on Jidp/alJ We ore proud to onnounco the disploy in our Moin Lobby of one of the country's fomous collections of rare ond beoutiful United States coins. Among them oro the very rore gold "Ring Dollor" of 1852, two of ' the Gold Stellos of 1879 end 1880, the 1795 Hoff-Dime, 1796 Dime. 1796 Quorter, 1857 Ayin9 Eagle Cent, 1902 $2 .50 Gold Piece, ond the $1 0 lntemotionel Gold Pottem. These beautiful coins, oil in mint or "proof" condition, represent the finest ort of the world 's greot coin designers ond engravers. It is a privilege for us to ploce them on disploy through April 2-4th. Th. coll.ction is shown by Gene Nichols of the C o t t e 9 e Waffle Shop, Bofboe lslend. We invite you to see this display, end receive e Gift Guest Pee with out compli- m.nts as we .com"*""'re1e the I 25th Annivonory of America's S.Vin<Jr and Loan Associations. liDO • IIACM. The new Mra. Buahee' attended EXC.USIVE AGENTS achoob ln Maracaibo, Venezuela, Pbone Harbor 4448 For F\L"'thel' Information and later at Moravian Sem.lnary -----------------------In Bethlehem. Pa. She la at pres· ent attendtna Orance Cout Col· Ieee. Her huaband graduated from Santa Ana HJch School, apent three years with the Army Air Force and expect.~ to study electrical enrtneertnc at San Dleeo State UnlveraJty after complf!tlon of hb present studlea at Orange Cout Collece. Alter a honeymon at Ensenada and Santa Tomas, BaJ• CaJUor· nla, the young couple are male· lnc their home ln Laruna Beach. na IEWS • • • CDM ICBOOL nA , .. C.'t 11111'11111 3......,2 ... In Corona del Mar Partial c:>cean VIew A steal a t $19.!500 c. 1999 Harbor Blvd .• Costa Mesa u 8-3333 A chanp In by-lawa to ratae PTA dues. the Installation of M'W omcen and a talk by Slyv1a ~an. teacher-lecturer ln par· ------------ ~nt education. were on .the pro· cram at the Monday afternoon meetlnl of the Corona del Mar School PTA. 4-bedroom. ~ eq. rt. L L SPECIAL Some homes are like an old pair or allppen ... you start teeUna 1ood ,all over when you step Into them. Thb home b like that- wall-to-wall carpetlnc. easy colnc llvln& room. convent· ~nt dinette, a ha ndy kitchen. Not fancy. but deUchttully Uvable. Good terma. • ISUID IEALn Cl. Mra.. Boaan .poke on "'Under· standlnc Ourlelv. and Our Cbll· c!ren." She hu served 8e¥'en yean u state c:llalrman of pat· ent·educ:atJon fot the CalltomJa Conpoaa of Parenta and Teach· en. add hu ..wd on the 1loard of Mental IIYcleM ot Southern C&Jitqmla and the Board ot hmlly Belatlonl CouncU and on tJM Board of Caltfomla ~- very deslrable hOIIIM ... new 498 Park. Balboa bland HAm Eiec:t.d to the MW omc:ea are Kn. Patrlka 011 .. klboa Ialaa4. .. preatdent; Kn. Xttty 8\artoft u fl rat -,b-,.....dent; Mn. Staq Korpn u eeeoad Ytoe president; Mn. Lee Hall u ..e- nt&rJ; ,.,., .... ~. ........ .. wall-to-wall carpet It many ~~-~ $42,111 .IIIII E.l•••lr UALTOR Ia llfSVL\ftCE IVAN W. DRUDT, A..odate liD &. Cat. Bwy. Oarolw ct.l Mar Ra.rtaGr JaJ tnuuNr; .................... -------- .. aud.IW ........... JIIIUO\ L I II II L1 11r1. 1M ...,_ • Jlii''•nm -- - - - - - tu1aa. ,.._ ---• ..utq ,...,_ ,. •• tr. ""' DOt clo .....,_ .... TOM .. " ct&lJ ............ tiM ... , l ba" .,_.a.. a liiiiC ....... caa .... .-1 ...... Mllltr -w . ...._ .................. ..... ,. CHQlCE 2·bedroom It den home, familY dlnlng room. bMuttruUy 1 an daea p ed . aoom tot pool or ~ PlleeiiPI , .. _ IlEAL TO• 2Til "· Coulfhr1. u a.G'TJ R..,ad -.eta CIIOU DB. Ill VOGEL VALUES ...LICin• Room to build •llother unit. Priced at only $10,750. ln· cludlnc .. ..:we and retrlcerator. THE VOGEL CO. &'7 E. Coast Rwy ~ ~na del Mar B.A.: 1741; B.A. 0'7'51 Cllllll IE1. Ill UNDER CONSTRUC'I10 N: 3-bed.room home. near busl· ness aru, $19,750. • • • DffDi& TEJUIACE Leasehold. 2 bedrooms and convertible den. 1 ~ baths. alldtne doors on larce patio, stove and draperles ln· eluded. Low down to qualWed buyers. $24.500. • • • TIE UIT IEIL 1111111 .lAY IIIHI 3· bedroom home. lar1e dln1na room. ete. J ust reduced b'om $28.500 to $23,000 for qukk sa.le ! • • • IEICIIIIY EllqubJte 4-bedroom. 3 bath home. Suitable for larp family, •ncloeed pat io. • • • We haw buyen for JOOd HstJ.n.cs! Free estlmates and good aervlce. Elll W. 'ttni•J REALTOR 225 Marine Ave., Balboa Iala.nd CaU Ratbor 1m or Bayside OUJoe Harbor 3297 Eves. Edith Maroon. HYatt 4--6222 John MacNab. Harbor 5St'l9 LoW. Jlo7nton Harbor 2878 RL 'S lEST IUYS "Se .. " They a~ under construction 3 ... ' Ll. •••••• F. A. hNt, double garagH. A cozy, little development. only 19 homes. convttnlttnt eutalde Costa Mesa loca· tion. Re-seTve one now. $11,4&0 ... $12,410 AS LOW AS $1145 DOWN ")'ou'll llke our triendly eerv1ce" W. L TilliS lUI. 111 Entlclnc location-very cloee to both Bay and Ocean Nearly new home plus older 1-bedr. garaae a.pt. wtth view of ~ and ocean. 2 car cara1e. • • • BAY P'llOI'T summer rentala avallable. 1 It 2 bedn. ta~per .... ..... '· ......... , lD) w. Balboa -..s... ftewport Jl&rbcll' ~ n tm't tbe ...,. tea ..... peop~e -.at tkl& ..... .nc."e .. nqulnd If atlltiiCltoe .. to' ... ... .. -- .,..,. &Del .u.. Lilt ,..., JfOPII'tY tDdq whb ........ - ....... of .. 20 words or -------21 to 30 word-.•----31 to 40 words ___ _ THIS SIZE, eta.Uied ad ln the En81p CQita only $1.!10 for three tMert.Jona. Call ln your ads to Harbor 1U4. LOT FOR SALE. Corona del Mar. south or highway; not far from beaches. Level, and some view. Ha 193·W. NICELY FURNISHED S·Rm. Apt. near postofflce, on Poinsettia Ave., CDM. Owner, 325 Orchid, phone Ha 512-R. NEW 2-BDR. unfum. apt. for rent. Near shopplne. park, and Boys Club, CM. Garb. dlsp. garage. 572 P 1 u m m e r . HA Sli~t I RewMII Space for Rill KELP WA.MTED 2990 · J • ==HELP=-=--=:w:::-.ANTED-:-;;=;:--: -c-o-=-m-p---=-e7t -=-e-=n-=t APT. FOR RENT-Nice location, housekeeper, male or female; pleasant surroundings. No chll· full charge, hours noon to after dren, no pets. 610~ Mar~erlte dinner; 2 In family; llve out. Ave., Corona del Mar. Apply ln person with refer· a.EAL ESTATE WA.JfTED ences. 3616 Ocean Blvd., CDM. ATJ'EN"nON HOUSEWIVES - wANTED TO LEASE with option A von Co s m e t l c s needs 3 to buy, 2 or 3 BR. moderate women to represent company priced home. Needed by June; In local · netrhborhood. Call excellent reference. Ha 5347. Kl 7-42'72 for appolntment tn your home. Business Directory IJfStni.AJfCE INSURANCE "Be Sure-Insure" WITH STANLEY INSURANCE AGENCY Phone Harbor 2474 3315 E. Coast Highway torona del Mar Res. Phone, HA 5232 _. SCHOOLS & DfSTilUcriOJf REAL ESTATE Cor.tracting Insurance Continuous day and evening classes for preparation to pass the State exam. CalJ or write For Information AL TYLER SCHOOLS 1611 N. Broadway, Santa Ana Kimberly 7 3511 KEllog 8-2513 WATER BEAT'EBS Sales. Service ant2 RepaJra aEIEOITILD PLUMBING Terru. 10 Per Cent Down Phone Harbor 5330 IODY ·•ADT ao• PATCH'S BODY 6 PAINT SHOP Jl W. PATCH Compl.te Collision Work Auto Patnt1n1 Free F.Mtlmat--Try Ua J'lnt 111 w• t'NI a.. eo.ta ..._ UI-TifOI • .. llrls 1 .. IEWS! Good Jot. -Good Salary with frequent lncreuea In a company that actually en· courages advancemenL Full pay as you are tralned. -Openings for- TELEPHONE OPERA TORS -Apply- 9:00 to 4:00 p.m. 514% N. Maln St., Rm. 211 Santa Ana PACIFIC TELEPHONE Painting -Decorating PAPER HANGING GEORGE BURIOiARDT LletNect OlllitJ act.CII' 8T8 w. 18th Coat& .... Ubert7... ~saD CX>MP'LE'J'Z P A.IJn1llfG P.APEI HAJfOllfO IDVICZ RA21J78 (Ewninp. .,..,_.., EUGEJU 0 . &AUJmDI 500 Jllt Street. !fewpoft .... Oft OP TID ATn.AC'I'IOD Ia ta. ~ ....... ~ ... M'sd '~• •••••ll~tlle t:one. cW .._ c-...at a.-a -,......, tbelltlawWbeo..-p ... ...._ • ....._. ........ br .. 0.....,. c:..t Colla .. ·--·· Qonaa. Pict1aNd ........ (wt .. dgtat) Jf.-cy ...... ...._ Wotbloa ...S a.a.. Lawa..,. a ~-..................... ,... laladit1 ~"1i...U. WaCS 1 ...... ._. -... waUoa Wor Cbat,., c:.rt8lla wW .... te I all p.a. Ia tiM cnadJtod-• .. ...... v .... lcbool Ia c.oaa ....... ~ ., ~ StacUo). ·- l.Hm fo Dance . .. AltTHUit MURRAY SCHOOL OF OA~CING HAIIOIIOIJ •• AII'!T PAYOa eorncK PO .... -. .-.~ ...... ···-IIOJr, an .-z.. .._. •• •* -•••mws ---·-·--............ ~~ .... ''SU•EI IAIIEI" Wltb IIIli &Wott ~ Plll117l!OIJ &L1l1' ((1IJJUJ 'tl1 ~ * •ow AT TWO Wallers ...... * ........ wur. • lUI..... ._.._ ...... LUITA AJtA-IN at .,_,.. ........... M ltll '"MISTER~BZRTS• J Bebel Wttbout a c:cra. ~ .,,. ' h•n Olplq '-U.. _...,_.., ........ , .................... .. * CAJlTOOif CAaJn'Y AL I'D. lAT. & IOif. • "~ ,·, ... ! . .. ... : ' fi : Ill 0 I CoNQUERO c.~... ··~ • United Drive Is Discussed lin. Clara Axtater ol Corona del Mar and Frank DowDee ot eo.ta Men have been named co-chairmen ol the Adlai Stewn· .on-for-Pr81dent Camp a lg n Committee to~ the 74th Aawmbly Dlatrlet. The announcement wu made by I...ater Van Tatenhove, chalrman of the Oranp County Steverwon CampaJan Committee. EJf'D PJ011T 'I'Wa&AT A ~oup of boya about to .tart a flllht ln the Merle'• Drive In partdnc lot. Corona del Mar, de· parted at 10:02 p.m. April 2 to haw a fteht 1n Qu1.1tlan'• But. the drive ,ln m.&Da,_ warned Newport poUc:e. Six oak8a dl8· patehed to the ~ contacted nwnerou.a poupe ol boya from atYerSlct. and Coeta lleM. wam- .cl ~ or tiM curt.w law M4 -t theiD Oft CIMir wa). til, ........ ,, ..... ,.. A PIIIIICT JOI wtTH Nff PAN I EASIER I f ·~STERI BETTER I ltE6ULAR $1.59 VAWE SPECIAL PRICE 99~ *CROWN HARDWARE* ·a~-.AJr'I'IJdi:ar 11oa• .. •. ..... * •. c.t * •. Qhle C... IT 5 a_,. c:a.wa IT .. lllf &&IT COAft &IQ8WA't CO .. A Da. IIAII ----- Harry M. Whetsel ...... , •. ,, ..... .... ..... , A=~.t .... ca,.t-....... .,.. .. lilliE' IIAUO&I1'71 281J E. Cout B~ .. Corona del Mar "Sentac The Flllest Food In 11le Harbor Area" ••'TM~tt" open dally: 11:00 a. m. until 2:00 a. m. Featuring tM most diversi.fi,ed Gourmet menu in the karlxn-area, the El Pescador is a restaurant that toe 1mow you will enjoy aftd nJOOMmend to vour friends . 2t1l tJae El Pescador fm-lunch, for dmtter, (Yr far oocktail& • A n_._ ~ ~ buiJdiDa at SO. Mar~ lt.:IOO: W. E. penn.ltl _.. ._.... ., tbe JCew. ~ addJtlcm at 210 Goldenrod, port IMda Bu.llctlq DepartiDent SUOO; Carl Venmom. retac:oe 'durtBI tbe tb1lt .... cl A,prU. froDt ol dWelltq u m lrla A1re., ,.ettlDI tile mofttlt ott to a 1004 ~000. ata.rt with a total of more than • COIIOifA ..,.,NfDI $:100.000. C. It Howard. 8Wimmln1 pool Arnone the permltl were a t.'M· at 626 Seaward. '-\000; Edith 163 four-unit apartm.ent ln Bal-&ott wall at 400 Serra Dr .• t500; boa, a t:H.OOO dwe1Un1 In New-C. F. Purcell. 'llddltlon at w port and a $10,000 clweUJq ln Momln1 Canyon. Sl,tOO. Irvine Terrace. e DIVDf& TKDACa Followlne permits were luued: C. T. Furrer, 1·atory, l ·unlt e COaOIIA DEL liD dwelllnR at 1409 Dolphin Ter- 'John Poole, storap at 2200 Pa-race, $10,000. nJD WMIID 11-. w.u.ill ..... eC 1111 .._.. a .... c... clllc Or., tGOO; E. Skinner, chanp • LIDO 11LK .,_, ,... • ..._ ~ • Utla ,._ • • ..a .... ..._. bake shop to dlnlne room, add C. Fred Smith, add to residence = ~ :=.. ~ :;..•;::-~~ -:r.'::: =a: bakery, 2305 E. Coast Hwy., at 116 VIa Havre, $3.000; W. H. c.. W'llo ~ tM ....--_tataa& TlaJe ...._ d-.cl ••· • A $10,000; Thomas Glrty, additions Farnsworth, alterations at 832 ..u.u. .. t.t. naaJ.ag carnatly. wtU ead ApdliL at 600 Orchid, $8)0; Major c. VIa Lido Nord, $7:50. _______ .....:..:..:...=.....:.:.:..:.:.::.::.::..:.._:...=-=::....:::.::=::=...::=------ Weitzel, additions at 308 Orchid, • CI.IPP !lAVEII $2.200; WlWam Evans, addlUons Marlon Gnay, addltJon at 204 Klnp Pl .. 11.000. e aAIJIOA III.AJfD ~:r :~ S. N. Jacobsen, fence at 328 .t Coral. $200; J. Llvadary, altera- BAII IIA•CIE' tiona at 6(» Bay Ft., $1.800; Rob~ VII ..... ert Maple, roollng at lU Onyx, HARBOR 6176 2919 E. Coast Hwy .. Corona del Mar $1.200. e KEWJIOBT WUIIam Tanzey, alterations at 512·514 29th St.. $1,000; R. W. Sowles, 2-story, 2·unlt dwelllnt at 4..200 River. $24.000; Arches. LOAJIS fOR HilES sign at 3334 W. Coast Hwy., $700; John Higbee, 2-story, 2-unlt dwel- ling at 5110 W. Ocean Ft., $18.900; J. T. Van Rensselaer, ad- dition at 6100 W. Ocean Ft., $2,500; R. W. Hardacre &: Associ· ates, partitions In former Bank ot America building, 2200 New · 5" ~TEAB LOU Construction locma 5"' ~TEA.B LOAl'f SEE 11011 SATTLEB Pol.rier lortc··· Co port Blvd .. $800; W. R. Bloom, ai--D • teratlons. 116 37th St., $100; Ha r· 2515 E. Coast Bwy .. CDM Pb. BA 3888-Ja S-5115 old Wilhelmy, sign at 432 n 32nd St .. $300. eBA.LBOA (Metro LUe Iuurcmc:e Fuada) Al vin Fink, addition at 705 W. JAMES D. RAY Buil41te Collrlctor l+46 £. COAST HWY .. COitONA DEL MAlt HArt-476) lt .. ld ... c•: H.Arlter 419• MATTRESSES IADenprla9 -Cottoa Foam Rubber Irregular Shapes Jn:w-BEBUD.DIJ(G COSTA MESA MATTRESS CO. :ZIIO N..,_t .wl. U 1-I)Ol AClCOallta. lloteL Oabaa o1 CID ldAd of debb -cmywben ID AIDeriCCL "'Jfo col..lectloD..... .... -w. ad~ all CMta. Bay. $1,000; Mrs. Q . Sidler, alter- ations at 202 Main, $700; Wllll&m Smith, 4-unlt apartment at 930 W. Balboa Blvd., $36,163; More· land Leithold, rootlng at 1803 E. Bay, $1,670; C. R. StaaJ. 2-s tory, 1-unlt dwelling at 1580 E. Ocean Ft.. $32.800; Paul Blair, workshop at 318 Alvarado, $700; Merlin Cox. repaln at 105 E.. Edgewater, $1,000; J . W. Hines. 2-story, 1· unit dwelling at 1344 W. Bay, $16.000; Donald Ayers. 2-story dwelling at 1108 W. Bay. $7.000; Allen Falnburg, enlarge bed· room. 416 E. Bay, U5(). c ........ Pier D•ac• 1111 lallll•• STROOT'S HARDWARE HOUSEWARES * Giftware * Appliances * Paints 1802 lfewport IIIYCL. U 1·3428. eo.tcr Neea Robert Forbes BUILDER HArbor ••• 3108 OCC To Hold Open House For Public Schools Week Orange Coast College will ob- serve public schools week April 23·27 with an open house on Thursday, April 26, from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m., It was ' announced today. Emphasis will be placed on the adult education claases. Among classes to be In operation 2 More Join Mothers Club Two members, Mrs. Frank B. Clendenen and Mrs. Charles L.ee, were welcomed by the Mothers' Club of Orante Coast Chapter, Order of DeMolay, at the March meetlnt held at the home of 1 Mrs. Charle. Gammon, 206 Lll· llan Pl., Costa Mesa. Co-hostesa County, Calltornla, do h~eby eert1ty that at a regular meeting of the Board of Supervlaors held on the 3rd day of April, 19e6, the rorecolnc Ordinance, contalnlnt two (2) Hctions, wu coruldered aectlon by aect.lon. and that the aaJd Ord.lnance wu then passed and adopted u a whole by the followlnt vote: AYES: $UPERVISORS -Heinz Kalser, Wm. H. Hlrsteln, C. M. Featherly and Ralph J. McFad· den. NOES: SUPERVISORS-None. ABSENT: SUPERVISORS-Willis H. Warner. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, t h ave hereunto set my hand and a!tlxed the otflclal aeal or the Board of Supervlson of Ora nge County, Calltornla, this Jrd day or April, 1956. L. B. WALLACE County Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the Board of Supervi- sors of Orange County, Call- tornla. By MABEL L. CASTEIX Deputy (SEAL) Publlah: Newport Harbor Enslen. AprU 12, 1956. BRUCE MARTIN IUTI-TIUCI-FilE -l.R LOCAL ACENT 1793 NEWPORT AVE., OOST A )!ESA OYFJCE: Liberty 8·:5M4 RES. Uberty 8-:5083 (Another 1n a Series of Meaates Pre~ented by the Newport H~bor En•ltn) Our Local .Stores Serve and Help Our Community In the regular course of bwsiness, our local merchant ,.nden many voluoble services ond extends mony little courtesies which would be sedly missed if they w.re removed from our every doy life . He chorqes nothing erlro for keeping goods on hond for ottr regular or emer- gency needs. After oil, w. c.en't hove on emergency pnucription filled in Chic:ego ond delivered "on demand," Our own locol pharmacist is here for just thot purpose. We can't get voluoble window space from stores in Los Angeles foro church benefit poster for oul' locol church, or for o civic promotion. But our locoJ merchants ore constantly helping out these worthy civic causes with thot window display space, ond contributions for door prizes, ond many of them penonolly lend a helping hand in local proje cts. Only from your local merchants con you get such cooperation. So let's beer this in mind : Our locel businessmen hos nothing to drew upon but the customer support of the townspeople he serves. fie con't do o thing on the money we send ewoy from home. "A good pJac. to liYe • a good plac::e to abop .. Publlahed ln the Int.-. ol our community by the NEWPORT BARBOJli:NSIGH Costa Mesa Lumber Co. LIVE BETlER ... Eiectrlca/ly COOIUMG 18 80 EPPICIENT lt.a operalJIW elldtnq Ja one ol tbe ..,_ :rou1111b hell .._...an .a.ctnc,...... 'be~ttlw .. troa........_to ndJte cUnctloni. _.,.,.. ll't ...,....,.. ~ ~t•a that llliilple ..... ......, ,..,,...,or rllb W'ldl ~ ..... Wft'. AM &L&C:T&IC aa•oa , • ••••• •••••••• • :· G'"':t~ : • ..c-eftt octw~ • ~ ............. ~ • • • • • • • ••••• • • •• • • • • •••• • • •• . ... .... . : '::.~-.. : """ ..... • A • • • • .... . •••• Cell .... ....U.teda'JI W. L LANDIS o• L. F. CAIRNS Llbedy a.aon 1, E. lftla I L COSTA IIDA Ellll ........ 'a YARN ·SHOP lloan lO ...;.,to 5 p.a. ..r.r L COAST IIJGIIWAY e.-del... ..... 0157 I KALL GIP'ft & cou.&CTOn naa P'rom lelKlum. Holland. Sweden. Germany. Italy 6 bl}ancL Arabelque JewelJ'J from Toledo Spain lk•••'• Gll'ft ...... ·-··----- p£1Rl'l'ER AL5 TID£ omc.s.,.l! sa¥G BCII'IIM Gal ••• lf....-pol't .... Jfewport hacJ) OCCtoStage ~lay Tourney Tbe ..ond annual On.qe C 0 a It tourftameftt or ODe•IICt pl&Ja .w .. Mid J'\ida1, 4prU 2'1, ln the n.w aucUtorh&m at Oraap Cout Collep. ...,_ bav. ben ent.ed by Wtwport Harbor, Bumtn~n BMcb, Ga~Ma GrcMt. Lquna lleaeh. La Hat.a, Cape.tra.no, A.nab.tm and Santa Ana hllh doob. A c11niMr for con~ and acM.Ion wtll be MrYed In the Student Cent~ at 1:15. Winners In the tint touma· ment. held Jut year, were Den· nl• Hendenon, Newport Harbor, outstandJnt actor; Lynn Beyn· olda and Anlta Lewta, Laauna S.acb Hllb School, out.atandlne actresses; and Don Touueau. Anaheim, out.atandJne character actor. •• 8 • • • • : : • 8 •:• ••••• CIRJRt:HES ,. 8. •:• •:• * *' * * c•:• •:r amJSTIAJf ICIEJfe& caaac::. Atonemrnt ls aeen as brlnatna out at-one-ment tvJth God ln the L e s so n · S e rmon "Doctrine of Atonement" read ln the Newport Beach Christian Science church Sunday. The Golden Text for the service Ia. "God sent not his Son Into the world to condemn the world; bot that the world through b1m might be aaved" (John 3:17l. FELLOWSBIP ELECTS Gall Graves has been named president of the Intermediate Youth Fellowship of the Balboa I sl a n d Community Methodlst Church. Other oUicera Include Pam Peoples, vice president; loeJ Fruehan, secretary; Terri Waide- lich, treasurer; and llm Weston, recreation chairman. Advlaers are Mr. &nd MrL Matthew V. Waidelich. lfAOIO CDia.E IIEETS Members of the Naomi Clrcle [utheran Church Will Hold Fellowship Dinner Friday of the Newport Harbor Lutheran A Friday the 13th spring tel- Church wtll prepare scrapbooks 11owshlp dinner served by the or Sunday school plctuns at members or the women or the their meetJng today (Thursday) or1anlz.atlon will be held tomor· ln the church parlab houae at row by members and friends of 1:30 p.m. Devotlcma will be Jed Newport Harbor Lutheran by Mrs. J. E. McCauley and a Church. business meetlne wlU be con· The 6:30 p.m. Friday dinner duetecf by Mrs. William Carnett. wtll be served ln the 80Cial hall president. ot the Costa Mesa Met.bodlat WEW M.EJCIRU UCEI'Im Church at $1.50 per famlly. hr: New members jolnlne the New· aon.l attendlnl are requested to port Harbor Lutheran Church. Newport Relahta. Include Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wester of New· port: Mrs. Walt~ Polntevant, La- cuna; Mr. and Mra. William Ot.Qn, Mra. EUa Mae Krauu. Mba TWUa Wendt, Mr. and Mrs. Pt.ul Ioc!h. )ln. oAn Foul)', M.r. and 1r1ts. Haroftl Lonldler and Mra. William MannJne. Colt& Mesa. DfQVDU CLASS TO IEGIW Church Pupils End Contest ' # II Loc.el DAR Chapter Receives Awa"ds at State Meeting B9in & He~N'ttoft Wetd. Oi•rnottd• Mountin9' Col. WUUam Cabell Ola~ of Kra. C. K. Boar4man, orp.nlz· D.U ln Mewport reoetved an lnt ,..._t. 1ave a report oa na-Wallace Calderheacl award I« pu~ aD4 tlle top tlot\al ..,__ an4 polntH out .... roll 1014 ,... tor 1.fla5 tbe ..vl:b ol the IDIIIDt&l Malth JEWELER at tM ~ lllat. eonferenc:e ln bUlt now pen~ before the lee· Lo1 An,aeJee. Ljiiew:utatJ.-•-•· .. ·-.,.._ 91, .. , __ -.. 3t2l &tt C..n ..,.._,. floolll 13f c:ba,._. lnchacUna .__...... -.... ~ u •tt. re· nettty t.OOO IIMIIDbaa were there. :.PD=t:_. ::..co=n.::d:.:u:.et=ed:::...;the=....:meftln==~,_~~====c--===dei=M=•===== ..,._ Albert ~ and ..,._ ltalph Wlkox. two memben of the Keowport Harbor Coundl of Girl Scout., were ·praented the annual Award of Kerlt elven by the Newport DAR lfOUP at their end of March meettne held at the home of Mta. A. L. Pinkley of Costa Meta. 'Ibe rnemben alao saluted the Girl Scout birthday month by partlclpatln• In Scout ceremo-ii'iiiiiiiiiii..-wiiiiiwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;iiiiiiii•w-Wiiiiiiiiiiii~ n1es led by tne"Jnbed of Troop 28, wbJ~ la IIP()IUOred \Y the Cabell Chapter. Taldne part w~ Scouts nna Bruning, Mary l ane Hambrook and JerUyn Godf.rey, with their leader, Mrs. Robert Schock. High Flllertty Boy Is Hurt in Cliff Fall F• I••• • ..... ,.... ... -.a -shldle .. u..., ....... Consul tatlan • Estbnates-No oblleatJOil HARiaOR Hl•llll J»a .,....,._ ·---• ..-olr ........ (OSS .... Cltf IIIAl) IIA .. 1 GRAND OPENING THE Band Box MONDAY. APRIL 16th Come in And Regiater For Door Prize • • • DrawiDq Moadcry. 9 p.M. Wiruler Need Not Be Present A new adult tnsuuct1on class In the Lutheran faith, the Jn· qutrera, wUl be&Ln at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow <Friday> ln the New· port Harbor Lutheran Church. Newport Heights, Pastor Robert B. Gronlund announoea. __ _ Forest Smith of Lido Isle Opens El Pescador Restaurant KAIKAP ~eel4/f SAVf I 5c ON PAMOUS PYII•X Ax::z:l::cr:z:t~~wu.e SAVI lfOW """' PaOCTOa IPI!~!LII BEWJOaT JIAJDO• L~ Pastor Robert B. Gronlund wUJ Forest Smith, resident of Udo Inc which was formerly Ken- preacll on "Believe and Confess" Isle and enthusiastic deep-su nedy'a restaurant. The new rest· at duplicate aervtces Sunday at tlaherman. has olflctally opened aurant la mana,ed by Keith the Newport Harbor Lutheran his 18th restaurant. at 401 E. Newman, and featuru a menu Church. The pre-IChool and kin· 17th St. In Costa Mesa. And be'-of stuks. sea.food and gourmet dergarten Sunday School depart· cause or hls enthusiasm foe-dishes. STUieHTUNI lfO. Me VALur ··"······ I .... lAili RAVCM-SAVOI 44c PIE PLATES .,.,._, lOW OilY '10. 95 s~·s ----------------z..MIOft CIRI a• PU ~!_R~!~ . ...._ ....... . ...... llo.a._ ..,., ................... _ ~ ................ IUS'f. ments will visit the 9 a.m. serv· anelln.e. he has named h1s new-Forest Smith Is owner of the ice and sing "Jews Lov• Me." est ftlrtaurant "El Pescador." Nlkabob and Duck Press restau· ~=::;:=::::::::::=====~ The primary department wm at· which la SpanL~ for "The Flab· rants In Los AngelH. the Clock -; ~nd the U :15 a.m. wrvtce. The ennan." Country Club In Whittier. and Luther Lea,ue will meet at the Mr. Smith has completely ,.. the .oon-to·be·completed Yorba ...,..,...., ... _, , .. .. ................. ............... The pi•~ leoder for y.<~R • •. dftlgn prevents aplllovoers. mott.l d.oning easy. - NOWONLT st.ts llC. $3-U IPEM. ..... ...... Scm Fraac~Fo Jcmuary l, 1857 ,_ Parlsh Houae Sunday evenlne at desla:ned. refurnished and redec· Unda Ranch and Country Club. 7 to view allc:te. ol Leaaue apon· orated the Interior ol the buUd· ''Eva' atnce 1 moved to l'few- .oc Randall lkCardle'a 1155 port Beach 1 have felt the need Luth4ftll European Stucty tour. lcL a.... .... tor a tfut1nct1ve restaurant. the kind ot a restaurant that would Wllllr ..... -• appe.O to • spormnen and tbelr Army s,t. Dewey L. Oom:lell, famJlles. as well as 4lWI'YbodY -, 110ft ot Mrs. antJe Connell who enjo~ exceptional food In l9(M Federal Ave .. eo.t& Mesa: IntImate aurroundtnp. "Kr. recenUy participated 1n a para· Sbltth aald. "' tblnlt IMt EJ ,_. ehute Jump over Port Canon. cador baa acbl~ed that feellnc Colo., u put or 1:a.m. Lode· ;::very==df=ect=lve=l=Y=· =====; ~~~ii;~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit 8tar aHer." '!be tllree--month ex-em. tralnecl awnl thOUIUd ~ In slmula~ eomb at vncter .mter .,.Hitttona. s.c--.t OaeMl parachuted ln tull battle tear with unlta of the TTtb Spee1al Pore. Group AJt. borne, ftl\lladJIItatloMd at Fort lfta,R.C. ------- VAN 'S CLEANERS ......... ll ..... aooo.. .... '1 "--...... .... .. __. ...,. .....,, IUc:h ........ ,_ ..... ., ... :>'M..::::: ;::-. 'kT; '3!! · . ... ...,. • SOlE TO atiEhD oaa =m== SATCJaDAT APII. 1llll * "'··· ,_ ..... ..... fs.J? ............. a.. ...... ..... --.. ... ..... -.... ~ 111111111r1a _,..,.. ......... a.-... ., ... KAIKAP CIILLS orul IAZI£1$ ,.,_ .. _ .................. ,.. _._,....._ ............. .... • • • WNMfJt/1....,.~ .. Slll .,.., lrsT tuY1 A ..W. ...... ~t¥-_. .... ._ .• 6-PIKI . . ., .... ·.awa •tan - light- . l JODmrQ Ia tM ,.._... _.,._... ._ tile 1 .... "'-uy aalck A.-cT-l7tb lt..~ •a.tudq ..... (left-F·.re Losses rlflat) Kn. ..., Staaabaly. lln. Ooodwia. Mr. Qoodwta. Mr. ad Mrs. MarUa Joba--. claP• ad -·ta·lclw of U.. ltaaa- bary'a. Clad 11r. l taMbuy ............ = of tile ...., a..ild· T ta I S 2 3 90 &-. are tile JoiLuoa daiJdne. Daa ad • (a..lp pboto) 0 1 StanSbury Buick Agency Construdion Under Way ~enteen fires resulted ln $2.390 In fire losses In March In Newport Beach, Fire Chief J. R. Briscoe reported. Firemen also rolled on tour res· cues, five M!'rvice calls, tour in · vestJgaUon.s and one needless call durinc the month. 1fbe f.ire Three 1 en era t I o n • of the vine Terrace home la~ last year. loss av~ared $128.82 a rire with Stansbury famlly got Into the act MarUn Johnson will be asso· the average lou per building fire Saturday morning when ground· elated with bls fatber·ln-law In being $4.16. The tlra for the breaking ceremonies were held the ownership and operatJon of month Included four dwelling, for the headquarter. of the the Buick Agency. Mr. Johnson, two oth~ bulldlng, two trash, alx Stansbury Buick Agency at 234 natJve of Kentucky, 1s a Marlne auto, two boats and one mlscel· E. 17th St.. Costa Mesa. across Corps veteran of World War n. laneoua outside of a bulldlng. from the Alpha Beta market. He was a tech sergeant with Ma· ; The fire prevention depart· Helping t o wield the shovel rtne Alr Corps, ~Y on ground I ment conducted 2Z1 Jrupect.lona. were Mr. and Mrs. Raymond duty, but he went on aeveral Issued one permit. slx recom· Stansbury, who live at 1437 Dol· flying mJ&a.lons aa rear gunner. mendatlon and three legal no· pbln Terrace In Irvine Terrace; He spent two years In the South I Uces, conducted five tire lnvmi· their son-In-law and daugbt~. PacUic. gatJona and seven drills In M 11 Joh f schools. Seven seta of building Mr. and Mrs. ar n n.son, o Also a Marine Corps veteran Is plana were checked. 1501 Serenade Terrace, also In Mr. Goodwin, a lieutenant colo· A total of 322 fltth grade stu· Irvine Terrace. and the Johnson nel In motor transport, with two dents completed their funlor tire cltlldren, Dan. 9. and Peggy. 6. years of duty OYeraeu. He is a department .tudl~ and.recelved Also on band for the big event Pennsylvania native, came to badges and,;;dlplomu. On duty was Harry Goodwin, 700-A Aca· California In 1918, and for the tire eompanJ~ called at 1,739 eta Ave., Corona del Mar. who past 25 yean baa ~ a Buick homes for lnspectlona and round wtll be construction aupervaor service manager. He hu been 709 at home. A total of 427 chJl· while the headquarters Is being with Stansbury Buick tor 7 years. dren were given conducted tOW'II built, and service manag~ when Mr. Stansbury aaJd that eon-through t1re stations d u r 1 n 1 the Buick agency opens for buaJ· structlon should be completed In March ness. time to open his agency for buai· · ------- Construction began Monday on ness ln August. 011 DUTT Df OJ[IIfAWA a 300xl98 portion of the property Georp M. Thomu. ha.pltal purchased by Mr. Stansbury on corpsman .econd clua. USN. re· 17th st. The Buick Agency will Glamour ported to the u. s. Naval Fa· be at 4 comer location. bec:au.. clllty at Naha. Ok.Jnawa, Jut Westminster Ave. will be ex· month from the Naval Hospital tended to 17th St. Mr. Stansbury GZ at Yokoauka. Japan. He t. the will leave 150 feet of ht. pro· impses son of Mr. and M.ra. Frank s. Announcing the FORMAL OPENING The · Figurehead Store 511 29th STREt..l. NEWPORT BEACH HARBOR 3215 COMPLETE ••• DECORATING and DESIGNING CARPETS e DRAPERIES FURNITURE e UPHOLSTERING COLOR CONSULTANT e SHU1TERS All Types of Floor and Window Coverings WALTER HOLBROOK -Bill N. PAPPAS ~rty undeveloped for the time 11\omu of D)T Santa Ana Ave., being. Costa Mesa. ..IMIMIMWWWWWWWWWWWW ______ MMMMMMMMMIM ___ _,_. The Buick Agency building 8y ADa P_A ... r.MkG ...... He. 17-W lltl ....... lost•• front po11el. W hite -c1 colon •.....•..••.......•.. $S.tS ....,._.,,.. ~ Ne. U ....•...... $.S.U Sa-r-.u,. olyl" oo abo,.. wilh .,_ -c1 bod< po,..h- ............... V .••.••.••..•. $7.95 ......,...._..._u .......... $7.95 will have a 70x30 showroom for i The girl of our dreams Is the new cars. AJongslde the show· sweetest girl ... and no wonder, room will be a location for dis· she Is all dressed tor dreamland play of used cars. In the rear I'" one of O'BRIEN'S new dainty of the build ing will be complete shortie gowns or baby-doll p.j.'a. facilities for car servicing. She looks adorable In the sweet Mr. Stansbury. a native of New sleeping briefs made of a sort. York. has bet>n a California resi· lig ht. silken blend of nylon, dent since 1923. and has owned Egyptian cotton and Dacron .. ·I a Buick agency In Burbank sJnce yes. It dunks and dries In a jiffy, 19216. He a nd hls wife. a Wlscon· (no ironing ) and baa that soft . sin native, have s pent a number ness of fine baby batiste. Posy of summers In the Harbor Area. sprinkled -embroidered. 1 c e d a nd used to own a home In Bay with lace or be·ruHled. these Shores. They p urchased their lr· diminutive gowns are delicious! __ ............................................. ~__... ............................................. ..... GREATEST I ADVANCE IN COOKING! Automatic Top lumer Temperature Control ON NIW GAS IANGESI 1. "'-, .... CIITMl tall c.plete!J ......... -~ -'a Ill JW Mt lllllt coMrtl. 2. 'fll ...._, M 1111 SPRHI II._., cooldlti ...... fw ._. IIMI ceob fasttr " ...._ ._ It sllould. J. ,_ ... , ....... [wty ,.. Jill OWII ....... MJ IIIOiuticl No ......_., s.. a •••uJttltloll 10011 ........... MS ........ , .... ,...,.. ..... , .. .. T.,.,_lt.,. ••c.tro~nr Ctltrlc. ,....._ ........ lillie Qat, n.tlllllrrlt, ......... .. .......... ... tbe pick of tbe ...... WE'LL cbooee tbe adolable AYODdale (DO boa) CDttoa P.J. ... ....,h\A It's a twdfic Olllllbl· aatiiDD wttb a.na...sa abodll Clad hlp-leD4Jtla top deeiped wttb tbe uw..t bclt.au MCk. ADd wbat"a -. u..n•a • 4D.atiK to IDCitcla tla1a -art 91Wf Clad y.Uow pl.cd4 c:ottoa abortie pajcaaa set. Embossed rottons, dress-length gowns and brunch coats are other sleepwear fashion• that will look pretty right through breakfa~ time . . . (not a bad thought tor Mother's Day next month). BHides looking deJecta. ble and being oh·JIO·ec>mlortable, the abort nightie t. a gorgeous traveller becau.. It takes up no room at all and t. ao caay tD whlak through aucb and dry. Come lntD O'BIUEN'S and 11M tb~ pmty thlnp! .._..._ ... ,... ...uy 1IUIT ... at O"aar&&i"L A .... adeu ...., ~dip trC IIY· lea al1k ........ ,., .. ...... wttla .. I ............ .. ..,. .......... ...... .... ........ .. .... .. .... plutM.-y_.a.d .... . bWtytrC..,.. ....... .... ........................ ••• 17& With Jprlng fr18 In the air, why not Ito~» by and pick out for yourMlt a fttJw ol tiM acJor· able lllht·heuUd c:nue-lbUD· ntn1 cotton euuab. 8Uda u tiNt Uttle lnaperwl,.. CraJc dr I ll betna feat\lnd rltlbt .... .a O'li&IZM'8! Here are prleed trona llo.IS na:ram-.. ltart ,.. day • ......... 011 ~ O'MiiiM't,ol ~ • ' "RED HOT" Valu• b Thun... Fru Sat., April!~ 13, 14. Store Hours: Daily 9 A.M. to 6:30P.M. Sunday cmd Holidays 9 A.M. to 8 P.M. DAI8T MAm GaAD& AA BUnER 63 , AJf CAJ(ft Pork & Beans ~~ 1 Can _2 ,_ 25~ TMTZW'ELL COLODD MARGARINE 17( In Quarters Pound --· -·--- FRESH E·GGS _,52~ roa COClCWG. ur ,,. WESSON OIL 12-oz. Pkg. ~ I U.UIIi& AIWIOX COOKIES 37~