HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-06-07 - Newport Harbor Ensign• m er Edges Amendt as G.O.P. Assembly • om1nee Flood Bond ~-------------------------------------------- Proposition Is Defeated " •: e WE'RE OF THE SAME OPINION STILL 1\ week of cooling off· hos not softened my feeling about the dangerous precedent set by our City Council last week, when they voted to tax the ~ltx,., Fun Zone out of business. That decision is just as unprincipled now os it wos then, and will be the same on Oct. I, 1957, when the "deeth sentence" is to be invoked. "We're doing 'What is ~st for the city." That's the wGy the Council mGjority explains its Gction. History is filled with frightful deeds committed by people who were doing what "they thought best." This excuse is the classic apology of the dictator. It is J'urt another WGY of soying, "The ends justify tne means." WhGt kind o morality is thot? That is not the standard of judgment thot we expect of our public officiols, who above all must bose their decisions on morel • JU'5T A SVQQEITJOW grounds. There con be no double standard of morality for persons A suggestion to the City Coun· holding public office, ony more thM there con be for ony of us pri· ell: vote citizens. It Is customary now · adays • A SOLUTION FOR THE FUN ZONE I when hlrlng a new coach (city Taxing the Fun Zone out of existence is not the solution for Bol-manager) to let him recommend boa. Neither con it come fro"'J purchose. of thot eree by the city, be-fohr h1 lrlnlgt a nlasahtlstbeant ofoodh1s lodwn h I ld L ~ 1 t · th 1 f th c o ce. m g a g ea cou~ sue . e p Gn wou oe too ~ost y o Win e approve o e I to let h1m get his feet on th e vot1n9 pybl1c. ground and see 11 he thlnka he The onswer is bound to come, some dey, from privote enterprise. needs an assistant, other than Some individuel, or group of individuols, wiU some day finony conclude otflce help and d e p a r t m en t G deol thot hos been rumored o number of times--buying up all of heads, to run the city. It might that two-block oreo from the boy to the oceon, between Main St. and just be that. at that salary, he Washington St. Then ell of the buildings, including the Fun Zone, considers himself capable ot could b& torn down. 1\ mo'1or hotel could be constructed on those two running the joint. · h · h -'-· 8 lbo Bl d Or Is thla new proposed job for blocks, per aps w1t o peoestr•on overposs ov~r a . o v. · . the city engineer just a means What o boost that would be for the won•ng busmess d1stnct of of keeping the engineer's pay at Balboa. Such on enormous improvement project would force the neigh-what he's getting as acting city boring areo to perk up. manager. You think he got u~ And it hos to hoppen, some dey. Thot oreo of Sol~ is too valu-to that salary In that short a obte and desiroble to remain os it is now. Where else in the world con time! Stop once In a wbUe In you find such on odvantogeous location with focilities for oceon swim-your spendtng and give a Jlttle ming, boy bathing, end ~ting right ot the doorstep, end o moqn1fi thought to the taxpayers. cent harbor ot hond with ell its many entertoir ment feotures! • TOU'VE BAD lT e IrS NEVER TOO LATE Well, taxpayers, you've had It , . . again Of course, you won't feel Its not too lote for our C1ty Council to do nght by us taxpayers. that rope until you get your ta.x Lost week they voted a net increose of 20c. in our taxes for the ned bill come Nov. 1. which will re- fiscol year. That's on increose of 17'h% over the current $1 14 rete fleet that whopping tax hike and thot is o whopping jump in our tax bill. Logicol. business-li~e solu-just voted by your Council. tion is to piece o charge on trash and oerbaqe collection, as euthor-The technique of the Newport ized by ord inonce, end ta~e this lood off the tox bill. That s the only City Council was to wear out (lny foir woy to do it-to choroe o fee for a specific service rendered. ~~xpaylngtobjectdorsth who mJ 1 ghtt · h · f u. f d """ presen . an en go n o JUSt os we pay t e c•ty or rne amount o weter use . action after they had left In dis- • GIVE THE VOTERS A CHANCE gust. There wos a lot of confusion on election day obout tho new "loy" A5 a matter of tact, argument board of educotion. M.!lny queries come to our office .!lsking if we would have had "no more etfect all were to vote for ell five districts. That w.!ls indeed the cose . Thot than pushing on a rope" (Baer). wos certoinly on ill edvised method· we might just M well hove shut They had their collective mind · bL ~d 'th · d · ·._ d d'd t th t made up In the "study'' session our eyes, JO oe w, e p•n. on p1c.~e our con 1 a e o way· h ld 11 1 th d y Wh 'bl h h f , th' e ear er n e a . et poss1 e c once wa s t ere or voters to 'now ony •no 1 First the Council authorized about candidotes in other dirtricts! let's hope this will be corrected the Chamber ot Commerce to for the next election. Let's do it the woy we choose our supervisors·! spend $1,000 ot your money for select our own board member in our district, where we hove some I fireworks. This is supposed to chonce of me~ing en intelligent decision. create patriotism. Incidentally, It will add to the Income of the merchants In the vicinity ot the Balboa Pier. MADAM .- COMES HERE W....EN SIIE. C5~0PS FOR. THE TENDE~EST OF CWOPS/ • § =z -~ -:--Effjf} O.IJ Clltlce leats Solll ke S,.cials torn..., Fri., I Sat., J-l-8-9 lOW OPD SURlY TRY OUR III-IE-QUE CIICIEJIS ~---... ! . Ill• lh. AY9-aa.a.c:::a.- CHICKENS Eaelt "J• CAJIO.ETTZ-I'ryla9 CHICKENS 53 f. . CBOICE ROUND STEAK 69f. CBOICJt 8011ELUS RUMP ROAST c:::IIOIC'2 CHUCK ROAST ~coar BACON Thr~ members of our Council said they were usually against this spending for fireworks, but on account of the Jubllee thls year they'd vote for lt. WelJ. that follows the rule: "We've got It, so let's spend it." e IS lT LEGAL? Next the Council passed a res- olution to ma~ capital expendi- tures totalling $242,000. Council labelled this money that's to come from the tax In- crease as a special fund for cer· taln t>xpeRdltures. I challenge their legal right to any funds except those set up by the Char- ter. I also seriously challenge the legality of raising the general tax until after the expense of collecting trash and garbage has b4!en removed from the general tax fund. Reason Is that In the 1954 election, voters overwhelm- Ingly defeated a proposition to Increase the general tax up to 25c to pay for trash and prbage .. PAYLESS CIIPLETE DIU I STilES ~ P U [ \ ( ~ I r• T I 0 ... <. ~~ . ' ' FIIIBIIIC.- Pewer Falllre c ....... I.IMIIelltiiiS.nlll ~--..... ............. COM Family Will go Soon on World Trip ------~-----------------~-----------------~~--~MOVE The Mkb.ad Wa~en have ~-.-...,._........, _______________ moved next door to them.selves and are now resJdJng at ~ --...---------------------Channel Pl., Newport l&land. EDri'OR OF mE ENSIGN, get the vou, the men will yeU I have read your edJtoriala that thlnp mUit be changed but Cad Ven.strom ot Corona del concerning a thJrd poUtJcal party lt will be lett to the women to • .._ ,~ Pl-.t::.K Mu, loumallmn cha1nn.an ot with a peat deal of lntaest. It change them. rd let well enough ••s --Santa Ana College, hu been l.a alwa)"' a pleaaure to have a alone." Frankly, I beUeve ahe JUS1' 'n. ~----granted a year's leave for world member of the Fourth Eatau had something there. •CMt &valllV'Y'HIN8-travel, writing, photography and comment courageoualy on the My ancestors helped tonn the ~lOU~. research. evtla of the po}JtJeal aet-up 1n ~ubllcan Party before the Ctvtl ~·L41 ~ The former Seattle newspaper· our country. War. I have hoped against hope CAATeoT man will take h.la family lint to I had. hoped to see some men that the Party would realize that the Puget Sound area for the coming to your support. Their they are on the road to destruc- IIJ. iU" CAL&· ·• auouner. Then they will take a silence convinces me that my tJon, not only of the Party but of freighter for Port·ot-Spaln, Trlnl· grandmother wu correct In her our United States. I dad, West Indies. After several comment on the subject of · There are ma.ny good men, In months, they wDl continue to women retUne the vote. She both Parties. who are unhappy 2:100 11...,... ~ Tobago, the lsland on which the aald. "For Ruven's sake, lf the about the people who have taken Coctcl ,._ story of Robinson Crusoe takes men wW do anything, let them control of the Parties. but thne ..._ a... & 1-. place. After Chrtstnuu, the Ven· do lt. Mark my words. lf women are many more who throurh Liberty._,_, u..ty l·lSil stroms will move on to Italy and fear. dealre for power, or sh~r LYON VAN UNES A6ENT up the continent. p l• criminal stupidity, refuse to see ~===========! Mr. Venmom has spent l1 omona tsts when we are headlnr. Men In r years In college and unlventty neither Party aeem to take thelr work. nl.J)e at Santa AJ:Ia College. Local Grads oath of otlke seriously. for they Under hls dlrect:lon, El Don, the violate those aac:red oaths, every college newspaper, hu consist· day, In my estimation. If you entJy won to]) awards and most Amonr the :xn c.ndJclates tor doUbt this, just ~ad a loyalty ol hla journalism majors have artJI degrees at the 63td com· oatp o:r an oath of office; In continued In newspaper work. mencement exerelaes of Pomona every case you wfll find that He wDl be a.coomp~ by his College at 2:30 p.m. Sunday 1n they all swear to ddend the Con· wtte, Do:rb, and aon, Carl. Brldaes auditorium are the fol-stJtutlon of the United States. lowing from the Harbor Area: and the next t.blng you know SOli BOU TO ICO'ITS Gall Finley, daurhte:r ol Mr. they are dealing with the enemy, A son, Steven Randall, 6 lb. and M.ra. t.elanc! A. F.lnley, 1108 advocating One World Govem- U oz., wu born to Mr. and M.ra. E. Balboa Blvd.. Balboa; psy. ment. and all the rest of the ba· Walter Scott of 117 VIa Ravenna. chology major; served a.s chaJ.r. Ioney that Is considered fas hion· •LMSl • SNCfAAHA Lldo Isle, ln Boa~ Memorial man of the Chapel Commltt~ able. In other words, they have ~=::D:'=\=1-JD=='=· ======B=o.p=l~ta;:l;;o~n~M=o:nday::;::·::M::a::y;:::21.::::; and ~eeretary ot the Yacht Club· violated their oath. Is this trea· 9 pl&n.l to work In S.keley aft~ son. perhaps! lfadu.aUon. Any time you find a Party that Caplsl1 ano By The Sea Sanltcaium Specializing in all Types of NERVOUS DISORDERS ALCOHOL PROBLEM'S ForFurtherhUonnatlonCOll HArbor 2122 Or W'rtte To Kimberly 2-4840 33915 ~1 Obispo Rd., Dana Point 1bomu w. fleondenon. aon ot will .top the double taUc and Mr. and Mta. Tom Jlendenon. wUl abide by the Constlt\atlon 1m Dolphin Terrace, Irvine Ter-Cnot by Gunnar Myra}'• lnterJ>~· race· 1952 JT&duate ot Harbor tatJon of It) I wUJ be happy to be Htch~ major In eoonom.lel; c.ap· a member ot that hey. ta1n ot the vanJt7 rolf tum. Nine rnen out ol tft'l refu• to played In band and or'Cbest:ra: attempt to do an)'thtq t;, correct ~ to JerVe wfth "the 1n: these evUa but we WOrDen are fantry wtthJa the next ~ar· lfttlnl tired ot molcUna ttl• bul· pl&n8 to att.nd law IICbool tol: leU. eoollng and Joadlar th~ lowing mllJta.ry .ervtce. runs. and then dolnr the firht· William Sdnlltz. son of Mr. lng. It's a man'a · job. 10 why and Mra. WUUam Schultz. 364 don"t the ma get on with It! )bcnolla, eo.ta Meu; vara.lty I rueu I am old fuhloned fat' letter winner for 3 yean In foot· I beJJeft a man ahoald take the ball and track; c.aptaln of trade lead and the women be the sup• equad last t~~rlnl and captain of portjng memben In cue~~ of th1s football team Jut fall; pre-med· kind. Anyway It's good to flnd leal atudent; w111 enter UCL.\ an edJtar not content to .traddle Kedkal School In September. the feooe. More power to you. Julia CMrl. A. J.) Delphlno 1623 M .. Dr~ Santa Ana .. :lltllf IIIOC Is Feu• II Till CUPP ~"IO-U MOVE 'I'M J. E. McCready's have moved temporarily until their An Orange Cout Coll~re IICbool new house sliding down to China bu.s driver, Walta Fath, placed Cove geta flnl.shed. SLnce ther fourth out of 95 drivers In the have moved from their former School Bu.t Rodeo held for par· home at 717 Poppy Aft., Corona tlclpanta from all Southern Call· del Mar, they are temporarUy at fomla IICboels. Dr1~ the 79 510 Orchid Ave. PUMnlft bus 1n the larre bu.t dJvtaJon. he tcand 488 aiatn.st 10• POa DOW.. 468 a wt.DAlaa tallY of t8l. The A son. qeorae Ptellton. 6 lb. Su'CIIda D~~~=~l"'alaW.,.a'~ aU-day affair wu JKll on by the 14 OZ., wu born to Mr. ud Mn. 18 National Safety Councll. bus Georae Dowda\ of 721 Larkspur n.-.lltairl manutacturen. aqd bo&rda of Ave.. Coi'Ona del Mu, 1n Hoac ----~~--~-----------------------1£ you're saving for a big event ... Where you save does make a difference Ilia ewms lib weddiap are worth savioc for. ADd as crrer 15 miiJtort AmuicaDs know uviaJ in an insured SniDp aod Loa~ AJ10ciatioo alien ;,.pontut~ tlllhtuttqu. ~cdleat ~'duma from }'OUr rDODC)' is ooe advaDtaae. ~iamodem.d!icicot,forward-loobn& Xt\'JCie. ~d, of CIOUl'IC. T~ IDODCy is sale becawe to inlured Aalciaaioos your saviop are pro- tected by IOUDd ~~aDd auba:tantial raervea.lbey are~ up to $10,000 by the FSLIC -&ll aJeocy of tbe U.S . Govemmeot. Tlteu an th.t nasoru why AmtricG.ou an puttin1 mort o/th.tiT savingJ accoiUII 11oJ14n 1nto inswred SlzvingJ tuad Loan Auoci4liotU tluut tmywhu• tiN! 'I1IAI .... '' Pl+ee ._. u a m.abcr of Tbc Saviqa aDd Lou FOUDdatioa lac... a oation-wif:le ~pniz:atioa ol insured Savinp ud Lou, Buil<h.IIJ &tJd loaD dd HOCDellcad ADoci••iooa wblcb spoason tbis mes;a.J! in Life The Saturday E~ntn, Post. R 's oiJesi, and U.S. News &Dd Woc-ld Report. RESOURC ES NOW IN EXCESS OF $15 000.000.00 cu&d Loc" Auoc1cho" . P. A. Palmer, President ~~66 VI• Ude • NIWPO&Y liMN, CALIFOaNJA • H•rlter 4200 COlONA OIL MAl OHICf • H07 fAST COAST HIGHWAY •~;;~~;;;;;;;~~==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~education. Memorial Hollpltal OG Saturday, Kay 19. ~~ ----------------------·;----------------------------------------- ' because it• a automatic r Get~ of your other jobs dooe ... or JUSt relax. You'U find you have mo~ free time when you cook on an ~tee­ arK-ranp. Most models~~ automatic c:ontrols for wr· face unita as well as ovens ... so t.bt wbo&e meal can be a. "'let it aad foraet if' operation. No watchift&, waitina or tadn.& -.: ry. Flec:t.ric .....,_are eo ~ auto~Datie _.eo • ._....a.y eceu ... te .•• you~o'depead OD ~to 11\~....a .. e\WY time. / m.rtric rue-.... ~-iadorhc ... «<DDODy. Set yvur..,. ... I I .... -- CHURCH OF YOU,R CHOICE ------TID .... 1111 EIIIJ ............. Y•----- 4 Harbor View Parents Give , COJOiU.H'Y IO'i1IODIST -w. llda lt.. c.t. .... Uberty a..su Christian Science Meeting 1'D1T IOOTII&D ~ IT. AIHIII&WW cau... naat ta.u,..c:a..noiWIW~~W -w ........... lt.. c.-.... 1lltll 8t.. 8t. AndNW8 act.. Views on Education Policy .... Jee~P~aW ...... MM Sunday: 9:30 a.m., Cbun-h Sun- day School; 9:30 and 11:00 a .m. Morntna Worsh.lp.-7 p.m. CoUep A1e KYF Serv1ce -7 p.m. Rlah s.:bool IIYP' Service; II p.m., young adulta IJOUP aervke. The Ch.rbtla.n Science Boatel cl Directors in ao.ton, Kau. at the rerular Annual Meet.Jna of The Mother Chu.rdl, thla week an- noun~ the appointment ot two Southern C&lltomla res.ldenu to LDecty Uta ~~ ~11-..t ._._1 Dr. lltda...S a.,_ ...._. .... ~-L I .. a at View's ol Harbor VIew School aid to education, a stand oppos· parents were pretty well sup-lng the local aentJment. Sundu achool. 9:45 a.m..1.. dnucb SUNDAY: Momina wonh.lp, lt:JO aervlce U:OO a.m. nalnlnt and U a.m.; Cllaurdl ScbooJ. Union 7 r.m. Sunday. Ev..... t:JO and 11:00; lr. BJP, •• wonblp a p.m. Sun«~q. Tucb-mp and coll... ap Fellow-ported In the Calltomla State In other Instances the platform PI'A plattonn. except on · the agreed upon supported the opln· quetltlon of Federal Aid to Edu · Ions of the Harbor VIew parents, eatlon, Jt was revealed In an who voted u follows: 1) Do you opinion questionnaire sent home believe Jn adult education! Yes, with achool children by the Har· 155; no. 16; <One aald yet It Jt Ia TD CMUIICII or CllaiST ·-Cbal'dl lt.. c-t. .... ua..rtr a.aMf D.G.Bant......._ lmportant new oltfces. 1ohn l . ~lover of Long Beach was named usoclate editor ot the ChrJ..sttan Sclen~ rellatoua pertodtcw, Including the Ch.rla- ttan Science Journal, the Chrla- tlan Science Sentinel, and The Herald of Chrlatlan Sclence. en and oUioerl meetin& 7 p.m. ahJ 7 • __ _... ..__ Wedn~ Pra~ Ml'\1ceand Pit p.m.,·~~~--.,. ........ ~. Bible ltucly· 7:45 p.m. Wedftee. ltUd,y aroup. t:JO ._... day. caowa or 0011 LAM' or liT. CAJDOJ bor VIew PI'A. self supporting). Sunday le'fvlces: 9:45 a.m . Bible atudy; 11 a.m. morning ww. llhtp; 7:30p.m. evening aervtce. Midweek aervtce. 7:30 p.m. Wedneeclay. I'DIT AIIEJOLT OP GOD I2Dd lt. & Kldca A.._ c.t. Neao LJbetty ... ,,11 In oeder t o receive the local 2l Do you believe In the prln· Ita W • ....._ al9d.. • ..-pod IIAIIIew .l. vlewpolnt, PI'A board members clple ot teachers tenure! Yea, made a poll ot pertinent ques· 108; no. ·42. tiona being faced In the Jegtsla· 3) Would you approve of leg- Uve platform to be voted on thls lalaUon to encourage reorganlza- sprlng. All of the answer-. In the tlon of school ttl.strlcta where more than 5()C)C. ot the ballotl such action would benefit the returned lndJeated strong convle-children scholutlcaJly! Yes, 146; tlons on the questlona except In no. 20. He Ia graduate of the Univer- sity of CalJ.tomla at Berkeley, a nd practl~ Jaw for 13 yean In Long Beach. Be became Commit- -.w.reec~ II. c. CNalc. .... r.a.. "!: u.y . ...._ r.aa.k ..... .., Tim CBOKa OP CIUid'T OddP.U.W....._.. l .. •...-rt A-... o.te ...... tee on Publication In 1941 llnd JO-IELOVEa the following year he entered the During thla meeting 'nt:! Cbrls- Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Wor- ahlp: 10:55 a .m. and evan,ellat lei'Vfce. 7:30p.m. Youn.r People and ChUdren'e Service, 8 :30 p.m. Sun. MJd.week Servtc,: .d ..... ~ the queR.Ion ot Federal Aid to 4) Do you approve a state education. Seventy.two mar~ed board ot education which should the ballot 1n favoe ot feder•l aJd. be elected or raUtJed by the 65 aealnst. and 42 gave no people and 4 state superintend- answer. ent appointed by thla board! LDmtr 1-1711 T----.Jw..lllaUW Sunday ~: t :fS a.m. Bible atudy; 10:55 a.m. wonb.lp JerV. lee; 7:30 p.m. evenina eervtoe. publlc practice of Cbrlstlan Sci-Uan Science Board of Directors ence. He has been an authorlud stated, "Nothing but Christ's teacher of Christian ScIence ChrlstlanJty can supply the an- since 1949, antt a lecturer aJnce swer to the tremendously chal- 1952. lenglng problems faclng human- W. Norman Cooper, a graduate tty. The world needs ChrlstJan- of Chapman College and now a tty as It has never needed It Wedneaday, 7:30 p.m. LadJel' Mlalona.ry Coun<"ll. Tbundayt 9:30 a.m. foe all day. nuT CIIU1ICII or camsT ICl&WidJ Sunday Mdles: 1:00 and 10:00 and 12:00 Lm. Coat..soa: Sat- urdayt and evea. of let Prtda,. and Holy Da)'8 from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. and from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Dally Mul 8:00 a.m. Flnt Frld•y: 6:30 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. Novena (r.pet'ual Help): Monday, 7:45p.m. On this question the CalUomla (Note: thla Is exactly the oppo. State PI'A recommended to the site ot the preHnt system.> Yes. National PI'A against Federal 99; no, 45. resident of Los Angeles, was before." Uliltiri••rn COIIJIUW'rn' n:u.oWIIIID jewell~ welty f1.0RIST SHOP FLORAL DESIGNS AND FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Fne DeU"'1' Tel. Barborr 2001 n owera Telegraphed Anywhere 3521 E. Coast lllg.hwcry Cot'ODCII dill Mar Lorgest ond Most Complete Furniture Store in the Areo. Cell for free DECORATING SERVICE liberty 8-5518 Hou se ~~• Gar~ en Furnishings for ho mes, clubs. yochts. 3017 W . Coast Hiqhwey Newport Beoc:h ~" JI!(J cameras ·film Autbod8ect Deaa. tor Eastman Kodak Ansco Rollelfiex Polaroid Stero-Reallst Argus Bell &: Howell and Ta~ Recorders BOBBY JtiTS cmd St7PPLID THE CAMEBA SBOJ 215 KariDe Anaue Balboa lalcmd HArbor 2563 24 Hour Developing Service Professional Directory Margaret L Scharle Teacher of Plano Organt.t -AecompanJft Evenlnl Cluaea for dulta 307 GOLDENROD AVE. Corona del Mar FrlendJy Neighborhood Service P ARKES-RlDLEY MOR11JARY 11 0 Broadway U S.M331t 8·3434 Costa Mesa N OW ... TWO BALTZ MORTUARIES Servt.n• the Harbor Area Baltz M ortuary QIAft:L rf THE SEA ~a 11110 E. CoMt BlabW_, Corona .. Mar Baltz MoNuar:y ~ .. 1121 111lA•c.ta .,_ AIIPL8 pdi2JIG 10'111 LOCA'ftOIQI 5) Should leglslatJon be passed to continue to provide state school bond Issues for buildings In school districts! Yes. 169; no. 5. 6) Do you approve of legisla- tlon for mental bealth service on preventative or ~medial basis! Yes, 162; no, 8. One parent queried. "Are we going to cure everyone that doesn't think the way the school dQes ?" aaavsa~r .... CiUUIT CBOIICII 8T TD SU C....-.tty~ .......... .tl4tll lt.. • ..-pod ~~~~~ nllmed to the Christian Science Taking note of the slgnlflcl\nt Board of ~ureshlp of The changes taking place In the Mother Church. world, the Directors aald: "With Be has been engaged In the the brellkJng ot the barriers of practice of Christian Science tlme and space the mentlll out- heaJing In Lo8 Angeles, and Is look of men stands out In lncrea- also an authorized teacher of singly sharp rellet, revealing an Chrtatlan Science. unprecedented clashing of Ide- Sunday School: 9 :15 a.m.. &in-day S ervtce: 11:00 LID. 115 W. a.a.. -..L. ...._. ....... .... .., A. Cod- Sunday Wonhtp, 9:30 and U a.m. WednMclay Ev'enlftl Meet1n1: ActfD9 ....-..n 'triD'-WUey 8:00. Reading Room. 3315 vre sunda.J School. 10:00 ua. Mom-IJdo, Newport Beach,. open It lnl wonhJp, U :OO a.m. Chwcll School: 9:30 a.m. )(ld. week Meetina: 7:00p.m. Wed. naday preeeded by 6:15 p.m . potluck. a.m.-5 p.m. week days. 9 a.m.· · He Ia a naUve ot Wlnnl~g. ologles. Canada, and a graduate of the "Materia medica ls more ;,nd 7:~ p.m. Wedneeclays. 7-9 p.m. Friday evenlnca. IT. JOACBDI CIIVaCII Centennial Collegiate Institute more tracing physkal effects to MEWIOIIT JIUM)• 1• a._,. A-... c-t. JleM In WJnnl~g. During World War mental causes. The churches are LVTIIEJlA.If CBUIICII LDedy ._1•1 JI he served 1n the United States reaching out for splrltual heal· 2501 CUff Dr .. •= ... fbt. Pcaa.. ,..__ J, •nta Army AJr Corps. Since his dis-lng." LJbertr 1-1 la.adcrf ....... Cit f. I. I. ID CIDd charge. he has devoted hls fuiJ AppllcaUon ot the heallnll .... ...._.. Qnla111Dd 11:30 a.m. Weekdays: Malli at time to the public practice of power of the Christ, Truth. de· Duplicate morning aervfces -9 7:00a.m. -Conteaton: Satur· Christian Science. mands Individual consecration, a.m . and ll:15 a.m., Sunday; dayt from 4:00 to 5:1S-7:00 to Many local residents are 1\t· the Dlrectors emphasized. Klnderr&J1en and Pre-School IT. JAJO:I UIICOJAL ,.. VIa ....... •MfP'd .... ~·-.... , ............. Sunday aemeee: 1:00 a .m. Holy Communion; 1:1.5.. Fa m 11 y Service. 11 a.m.. w o r 1 h I p aervtce. Thursday S e r v Ice a : 9:15 a.m. Prayer GuUd; 10:30 Holy Communion. Another Step to Dial Phone 8:30 p.m. tending this Annual Meeting. a c· "We need to retain the spirit ~t. Sunday School. 9 a.m.; PDIIT aAPTiST CIIVaCB cording to George Ward, local ot the sturdy pioneer, to guard 1st Grade throu.rh Adult Sun-IT. JO.. VU,...,. A $250,000 addiUon to the Pa· or •EWIOIIT A.sslstant CommJttee on Publica-agaJnst apathy, superflclalltt, day School. 10 a.m.~':/~· U4 KCII'IM A.._~ lalaDd cltic Tel.ephone Co. ~ntral oUice .._. •t.c~.. IIUl £ Coart 8ta.. tlon foe the ChrtatJan Science and the lntoxleaUon of ease In :!,~ .::!!."':7 lO a.m. sU:. r..._ I~ r.::, . ...._ building at 311 E. Balboa Blvd.. ·~ Church. matter," they stated. day SchooL - Balboa. wtll start this month, IIAitlow SS53 Lu.rtr a..JOft ~ltJ!.EL NU CEJITaAL um.E CW.CII Sunday M._: 8:00 a.a. A 9:30 M T-"' H b k h fat.: Berbelt G. Jolluoll CO CIIDCII ar.... Aft. Cit l'rd \W a.m. Conte.-lon: Saturdayt and noaunnacedger. """ am roo as an-Sunday aervtces: 9:(.5 a.m.. Sun-Ct .. cesUna1 ... .,.. 11.-&,-1-l&t&M IB DAT ADfUiiii n es. ot 1st Prldaya al')d Holy d Sch 1 11 00 w ... -·--·· ·~ ..... Cit ..... lt.. Da)'8; 7:30 to 8:30 p.m.; Jl'l.nt The addition Is scheduled for ay 00 ; : a.m., or-Ill ll.elJotrope Aft. A. A. Kodert. ,._._ •....-t =• 8 ahlp Service; 7:30 p.m. Sunday ~ Sll7 Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Mom· 1-Friday x.. a.m.. completion next February, and evening C: e r vIce ; Mid-Week ...._ ... E4wta Qaab lng Service. ll:OO: E'Venlnl LDeltr I work will start on Installing dl-Service: 7:30 p.m. Wednesday 1 ' Sei"Vtce. 7:30. MJd-week Serv-Ew. D. a. ... kll'19 naT .arrJIT C81JaCB rect dialing equipment. the man· Prayer Medlf\Jf. Sunday Wonhtp Services: 9:45 1.,. wed n e 8 d a y . 7:30 p.m. SaturdaU!:omlnr Servkw: Sab-..._ A-. Aft. _. 111 .. die dd"'d Th dl II """Uip --a.m..ll:OO a.m..SundayScbool: ~-bath 1: 9:30a.m.-Ser-ager a "" . e a ng --. . •••~a •••~• TOP ""~~>D 9:f.!5 a.m. Youna people meet 6:15 p.m. C::O. .._ ment w UI be completed later In ~ -·--....., S d mon: 11:00 a.m. Pr~• meet-.... •· a. ••• , Cb-L ._ ..... _ ,.._... un ay. ..... w-.. --.. ay I · p.m. 1957, and the Ha rbor exchange --_.._... -.-w. CBOJICB of tiM •A%AIJDO: ..._: ~. • · · Sundq Servleee: wllJ cut to d ial. Bthle Coli.,._ •• A8GMIID lt.. c-ia N..a CIDUIT L0'1'11EJlAJf CBU.::a 9:f.!5 a.m. Sunday School; 11 At that time all Harbor sub· Uberty a.&411 --..._. •-. cu-Wllllcmt• OP ,._A ....,.A .ALIOA ISLA.MD. CA.Lil'. .. -Worship Siervkee• 6•30 scrlbers wlll be able to dial dl· a... C. E. Tbanaood • ..._._.~ i-7111 _,.,. --COaoiU'InTT ...,..ODIIT ,~ri. Baptlat Tralnlna Union; rect to several million other tele· Sunday school 9:30 a.m., momlnr Sunday Services: Sunday School. ~~.U. 115 = =-= ~ :30 p.m.. Evenln• s.rvtce. phones across the nation. wher-worship 11 a.m. Younr people 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship at c-ia N..a K I • ._.. Wedne.day: 7:30 p.m.. Prayer, ever DOD <direct distance dall· ll«vice 6:30 p.m., evenlnr 10:30 a.m. Evancetlatlc Serv· ~: ...._ Lotbar Tonow •~ as PralM anct Bible Stud,y. Mon- lngl Is In service. evangelist lleTV1ce 7:30 p.m. Ice, 7 p.m . Sunday. ~.Y.P.S., Sunday Servtcee: Worship ~tv· Sunday Services: 9:30 a. m. day: 7:30 p.m. Men'• Chorua A new building to house ODD Mid-week aervtce 7:30 p.m. 6 p.m. Sunday; Prayer meetlnr. tee 9 a.m. Sunday School· at Church Schoo'i 9 :30 and 11:00 p r a ct I e e; 8:30 p.m. Men'a equipment is being built In , •• w~ed,;,n~e;;;s;;d;ay;;.;·;... ______ ...,.7.:~30~p~.m~. ~W~ed~n·es~d~a~y •. ~~~~~1~0~:~15~a~.m~-~~~~~~~~~a~·~"'~·~W~orah~~lp~::serv~~~ce~. ··~~~~~Prayer~~~M~eet~l:n~r •. ----- Ana heim and a new building Is IS SPONSORED BY THESE CJVJ,. ~ED ~..a •~ JNDIVJDU•Ya being built on N. Main St., Or· * THIS SPIRITUAL SERIES '-""PM&~..., c ~ AUUI ~ • ange, to ha ndle automatic mes· -------------------------------------------------------------- sage counting and billing. Mr. CARVER CRAFT THE BAY DEPT. STOllE The DAVIS BROWN Co. MESA UPHOLSTERY COAST OFFICE Hambrook said. These building, For EVINitUDE OUTIOAitDS The Pl.c. Te $e TelmU.11 ll.edlol Le~ 1ft Orettte c-..t,-EQUIPMENT CO. will process calls from the pres· e..d WIZARD IOATS Fer 'Ale ~.Mt v .. ec-. Frltldelre H-~,n.,.-Dfe,.,&M Slip c...r.-Typewn..,_,yAif MecWMt ent Harbor exchangt>. S."'l"t the Herb. 2l v .. " We &;... SltH &-SteM,. IM5 Harbor~ Code Mate F.ntltw. Ma4. t. Or4er. S.l• I s.mc. A new pretlx, not Liberty, will 1991 Harbor llvd., Cotta M... 101 Mel11 S+reet, lefHe Uberty ~Ml7 2110 .._,.,. N .. c..te M... 1 ... H.rbor lhtct., c..te ..._ be required for the Harbor ex· U'-+y ~2W Harbor lOt LJ'-ty 1-4711 U"-ty ~1794 change as Liberty Is the same COSTA ""ESA NEWPORT HARIOI.. • ... ~I( as Kimberly. now overcrowded, BOB'S SPORTING GOODS "" f{ _,, UOO TOYLAND ATTEND Mr. Hambrook aald. c-,a.t. 5,.,._. &..4. VACUUM CLfANEA CO. v-~ a."' 1107 Newperl AIN., c... • .,._ N-.~ ....... a..-)4JI E. c...t ......, .. C«-. .... .... 1442 VIa LW., ........ ..... YOUR CHURCH I .... II .... l'Mtl ua-ty 1-4112 2:124 .._,... ..... c..t • ..._ H...W )010 H...W 2tS4 -....-.,... "'-~ 1-422t REGULARLY AI-..... _ 12 BROADWAY FlOWER SHOP .. ~-- The Orange County Kappa Alpha Theta Alumnae Club will meet at 11 a.m. Tuesday, J une 12. In the h ome ot Mrs. Willis "QMflty ft_.. WMt! DWiwdhef, AIYellfe4" st ANLF( INSutt.ANCE A&e:r. 1166 N_,.t ....... c..te M-Ull E. C..tt Hwy .. C«-. U Mar Uberty Will .._,.._ 2474 Thompson, 39 Emerald Bay. La-EA' W ST NLEY R--... --guna Beach. Luncheon will be Rl • A • ~ served tollowlng the meeting. S.nl"t N-port Her'-SIM. lfll Reservations can be made locally Mel11 Offfce: Heftter 1171 with Mrs. Arthur Kramer, Har-lelboe ltlett4 bor 699-R or Ml'l. Marlon John-------------son. Liberty 8·4.941. COIL JOT In' KO'i'OmaT Suzanne Dee Archer. 10, ot 505 Heliotrope Ave., Corona del Mar. was hlt by a car drlven by VlrJ1nla & Wll8on, 38. of Alta- dena, in a pedem'lan croawalk at Cout Hwy. and Heliotrope Ave.. Corona del Mar, at 8:13 p.m.. Wednesday, May 23. The COSTA MESA MOTORS &~ .... _. u...l~ c-,_.. Awte.,.ofho SA, ... Wy •IWI PeW o.,t. 1740 ......,_. ...... c..t. .... L.JMtr WlM IALJOA lAY CLUI 1221 w. c...t ......,, ~ .... pl was taken home by her per-------------1 ent&. RICHARD'S UOO MARKET ' Or ..... c-tr'• ...... C:.....,e.t. ...... )4)) VIa Ud .. ......,.,. ..... HMt-2121 SURF I SAND ..... VA&AIONO HOUSE LW• ..... ,.._. Le41et I~ S,aa wt UOOClMNBS t. If If e.--=Oit "r I ,_ No ... Clletp ~··.4 ....... ....... .,.~._,..c.. .... ~ ..... STAFFORD I SON BeotrMI........_, ............... ..,..... IIO ........ A-.,......,.,. ..... UMtty ~1419 lAY I lEACH REALTY, INC. 1410W ................ JII2Lef..._,....,._. ..... 16t6N.wMrtN,.e..t...._ 1171 ... ~ ...... c..t ....... JtJO L c...t H1tllwr. C.... U..., THE SHADE SHOP caw.. I H.-Welfor4 C:.....plete WW.W ,_...... 4U J~ J:;._ "irf' a-li JOHN L SADia. . ......, I /Ill ,.,_ ef I • II 1m L c..t ...,_ Ctieile .. Waf ......... • ~ari~yn Hen Is ~arried to Gkl koob M~. Pinkley Is lnst•lled -----As Regent of D~R Chapter T pi A pot·ludl cl.1nne and court J em eton of ....... , .. ,_, WM W Mq Mn. AMa L Plnkley ol Coat& BIOc*ll; I.a.~« ~ c:ltbenl, • • bJ die ·~~* uwl ,,..._. til ..._ wu .......Uect u npnt ot Mn. Georae 8uccola; ~- Q6d ... Troop 11. ........ ..... tM CoL WUUaJn C.bell tMpter, I1Up ..... JUDIGr ·-t ... p. Aa. • ........, ...... ID Arta:Nla. ....... _.. ,.._ a ..._ til D..A.&. furtftc an lnlltallation Mn. ~: JDDtloD Jlkture. Rdlo .l •• l •• ll ~,....lrt& ~; ~ Mra.tn .::-= =il:tldoa a..a tM ._...,. eerru a,.Y 1ll VWa Karina. b7 aM 'IV, lin. w. &. aJu: ,._. ·-• '"""'wiU ....... • ._ --~~-Mn. WUllaa a. Trttt. Nt1r1na re'•na-. 11n. a...t. 11. -...: , I d800 Mille tM JIOGID .... eeMcl ........................ ...,, ...-t. 1 ........ J(ra. ~--'h1'ar: Llll IIIIET .. -.u.a.Jfawy. of~~ru•• .u.o~mta~"'dwere~~~ra..Jame. ...... ...., Jib& c.,...~- ,.... ~de 18 tiM ,__ ...,.. • .Joa._. Marina Daiicr 'hJ'Ior, viee·Npnt: Kta. ~n 1. maa; ....,_, Joan a.M ........,. .-1"19 ~a.. olliOO Cla7lt.. Mew· o-... 0... ' .......: 8eaeh. dulplaln; MrL Earl G ....... Jllll ~ u-, ud B .. &hta. Sbe 18 tiM cSauptar .,_ JWmSe ean..u. UMa 0ort1111tt .-..linr ~; Mn. ~ ...._ ......,. 8o I 4uMc1 h\ a ~·., ._ and Iiiii. K. &. .,..U. 11u7 J:loMe ,......, & )(. ~ eor•e.pondJna .:-:; ~ ol ate .u.ry and ~t j. ..._ fl ot Lot ~ '11w PrlllciUa INW Patrlda I&MI>on· retarJ;IIn.RelmerD\d&e)',U.U· srsuw'IAeh4e Dwtlit'• clonu ... atAI "" wttb· 18 the 10ft,_ llr. and Mia. &14. Daeaa..;...,. Darodt.J.....,. u.rer; 11n. Fount 1. Lowe,,...... w-, w.c::n..a.,, Glrtbame· out -.,ID~bvt led t9 'llfopletoft ol Wrtlbtwood. Jflldd Merriam. Patrlda Aldl1dp, trar; Mn. Robert .lteppen, bt.· maker, and lt.obert Xeppen, clvll pau. laal ~ C~wlafi B. McCWian .,.... lean .llnababr and auz.nne tortan. ud Mrs. Ruth Hoover, delenM. 8pedaJ ebapter OOdlmJt-ot the aurct to • · • -", f~ -.. ,..at'q ~Y at ....._ Ubnltan. tee. appoblt.ed are bo.plt&Uty, clam me, fGl' I~ 10 p . ._ 8at\deaJ at Cbe Lone • • • • ChApter c:balrmen of MaUonal MIL Robert Glpe; parUamen· • THE BI.£EK UNCLOI IERED For the clramat:tc atm. pUclt;y of tbe well- rroomect woman _let our _,.u.q at .JANE PITZGEBALD BEAUTY SALON cre- ate a new coiffure es· ped&Uy tor you- ~ M&V&l Oaapel. Attendlnr 11M Balboa .llroWftie Troop No ••. ndlnc committees Inc 1 u de tanan. Mrs. Boardman; PNU t-. ~de _, poom were lb. ot"fourtb den Jeci American Indians, M.n. Anne book. Mra. Frank Perew, andre· a.,d 'lin. DMald ltreuttberl of ~ ~~ Gu~ ,beld Har~n; American muak, Mrs. clprodty, Mra. J~ Taylor. Wbtas.. A -.don wu held ..,. .. -• 1'uellday Robert Jtoper; Amftkan Red A procram of Amerk:an mualc For Appointment Phone HA 1876 at Sponamaa'e Tavern ln A.tedla ~~up t :~a:d8cout HouM ero., M.rs. Robert ICe p pen ; wu preeented by eololst Mrs. A. loOowlq the Jlll8dd1nc. 'nl.. :W.u the c:ban"'e fro~ AmericanUm. Mn. Challen Lan-W. Lonrrldee. acoompanled by JANE FITZGERAlD'S ·a. 6ri4e II... a lfaduat.e of . • den; approved .choob, Mt. Mrs. a. K. Adrian, who al.lo rave lone! Here you .,. .•. loyal fnd HJth School and laur at· Brown.letl to ~lrl. ~uta. Mary Ann Bowles; ChUdren of 8eWI'al piano *>lOll. A rttt to Be a u!J sa I on true ready to fllJ ID any dine USC. Her netr bu.tbabd 18 the American Revolution, Mrs. Mila Mer A.ndtews. n.chan&e from. ·~ to brul'ldl to Vlctorvllle BJcb Sehool and FlY-up ~nia were held D. P. Hart and Mra. Bernice ltudent. who leava aoon for lunch to tea •.. to cozy been In the navy for eleht May • by Troop 40 o1 fourth Bowles; eon.eervatlon and hlstor-Europe ..... approvect. OPDA.ro ASSI.S'ItMG d1nDen and festive mldnJt.e aup-yean. He t. now MrVlnl aboud trade llownles, led by Mrs. M. teal ~ ot California, Mn. c. A repcr1 on the Clrl Home-MARILYN SNEDEKER HAZEL PAJlKERSON pen 110 dunkable ... 10 the atraatt carrier, Bon Homme 1 E. Badcfotd. uat.tect by lilln-E. Stova.D: oorrect UN or thenar makers' award Harbor Klfh nu-37J:l E. COAST HWY .. NIL POPPY AVE. muncb~ble . , • 10 U-"t and tell· IUchard ln San Fr~. .Jlm Stewart. • • • and lnalpa, Mn. lreppen; DAR dent. Diana Sanden. dauehtn of 4er 10 deUdoWIIY loaded 1be bride c:boee a peadt ~-~ maeulne. Mrs. Helmer [)lekey; the Sidney Sanders ot Shon OORONA DEL MAR with· '«<Q-nut eomehlthem.a!" tallne IOW1) ln waltz leneth for Meetil\la ot Brownie Troop 61 DAJt manual for citlzenahlp, Mra. Cllffa. wu made by Mta. James 'liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii::::iiiiim!!::!::= ab' the fourth wu half rone bet wectdlnt and eantect wblte thltd-aradera have been b1rh· Landen; DAR muwum and B. Taylor. MIA Joan Jordan of .,. · Here'a tbe reuon 1« sny orcblcllt and .tephanoU.. Her rna-llptect by the ~ of their CaJllomJa room Mrs. Harbeson· the Jo-en Shop ua1stect ln the ~~ up all my lunch and half tron ot honor wore a pale 1\'Wft younr mucot. 2-lnOnth-old Kim I en e al o II c ~ I rerorcll. Mra'. project by Juclcln& for style of of my dinner caloria on the dtelf with pink earnatJona and Schoonover. dauettter .of thelr Hoover; honor roll, Mn. JuUan the p~-wtnnlnc suit. dream atuU wltb the hold 1n the roees. leader, Mrs. .eec:re: Schoonover. ______________ .;__ ________ _ middle ... ... I • rl • Btownle Troop 17, I~ by Mrs. I MMI M. C. Sturgeon, celebrat~ their I .. I ...._ flrat anniversary as a troop by ·~u SalUe: After \be expert-• ..-I ..... , a trip to \be ocean. ence J juat bad tht. morntnr. I'm • • • * * 'In Old Vienna' Is Theme For St. James Bazaar burstlne to tell you 10 you can MrL Robert Shields and Mrs. Mother• of the second grade brae about your bakerY. At K. 0 . Fa.maworth of Newport troop 64, Jed by Mra. Ray Donald, "In Old VIenna" will ~ the The eook~ foods will be In breakfast I found two of your rave a luneheon and baby met reeently at the home of Mrs. theme for the annual summer charge of St. Margaret's and St. plaln do-null that had been ahower honorlne Mrs. Robert Gerald Btame to dl.scusa coming baz.aar ol St. JamH Epl.copal Joan's Guilds; old curiosity in overlooked ln the back ol the Class of Newport at the Balboi ever)ll. Day Camp will meet Church. alated for Wednesday, charce of Mrs. NeU Harris and j bread drawer. Reallztne they Bay Club yesterday. June 18 to 22 from 9 a.m. to July 18, In the church parish Mrs. John Dodge; hand-1}'\ade were about a week old I wu du-Centerlne the luncheon tat,le 3:30 p.m. bouse. art:Jcles, St. Cecilia's Guild and blou.t about eervtne them to my wer~ pink and blue booties filled "white el~hant.s." Mrs. Grace husband. But he lnalated on eat-with flowers and a large que!S-Crosier. lne them. Watchlne him munch tlon mark. Suckera markect '1t'a Mrs. Joseph H. Rlrgs. auxJJI. 80 contentedly I 'tnltehed a a boy" and '1t'a a girl" together of ·~ial note •. nG ary pr~ldent. and Mrs. L. A. o .... _ ... ~.os_ .. __ loses 10 inches in 30 days! and believe It or not that week with tiny pink and blue nutcupa • • • ~ 1 Ha milton, wiU gr~ guests. old do-nut wu dellclou.! That completed the luncheon decor. Tickets may be obtained from ahowa they've got the stuff ln The IUests remained for the Bay Jack and Peggy Reinert ot what the FB.J wanted with her or Mrs. Orrtn W. Wrlgh.t. SAJfTA AJfA •em' Your most faithful do·rwt Club fashion abow. Newport Helcht.s were Joined by Lura, they told her that Mra. Me-The bazaar will open at 11 Ja. S.'ftllO co~umers. Mary and Walt Cole'' Guests at the party included a lone aolter comjng up ~hind Kenzle's husband Costa Mesa a.m. A luncheon wUl be snved . . . p .s. "My husband operates Mmes.. Ray Short. Harold Glasa. • l f Poll ' h .. ~ promptly at rnJdday. Mmes. Ill W • ...._.._til lt. A Sad1 P t Robert J Hal them on the Irv1ne Coast Country Ch eC 0 ce Art, ad uo:-o:n Th B Frost Do ld F ~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilliiiaiiliiiiiii•..C Cole's Port on Latayette ve. ~ a ton, ones, Club ll'eens one morning, and lo seriously hurt at FBI School In sonomanasd H·arold ;,_kna.ar• bae:!"ar. . near VIa Lido. He sella boat rear Laey, Hubert Nlehols, George W h I t D C d th ~ "' c.o and hardware and also renll Sherrill Edward N~tf. James and behold lt turned out to be as n I on. . .. an ey co-chalnnan afld Mmes. John decorative matlne ltems for par-Shafer. Walter Corbin and Robert movie atar Ray Mllland. ::•~ted her to ny there lmmedJ. Mc:Colister and Henry Seeley are tles." Ehom and little Terry Glasa. When Ev~Jyn Green came on te y. In charge of the luncheon. Colors the coune later at Peggy and Before Lura actually boarded of VIennese blue and American * * * nme out for a coupon: IwoaklliDteM•JIIcll· ard's ........ u.t ( ) I woakl liD ._. ... • .._. bu9IW baa ...... ~ ...w ........ .-.~ ...... .._. ........ ( ) ·--........................... ------·- ~ ................... ---··----·-··-· .................................. ..-... ·--·-........ -.... -............ .. ··-·········································· ........ ··-· ............ asc:Mn~"• Lido ICCII'IIM. ••pelt ....... Mo. 1. Richard's Malllnr J.J.at etves you the foUowtn1: A ttrat ot the week rnatler called Gert!e who kee~ you postecl on Mon· day, Tuesd'f and WednesdaY .peclals and alao ctves you a chance to wln $5. A purse siZe copy of our full pare week-end ad that appean ln the nt'WIPa· ~ elvlRI' our Tbura. Frt. It Sat. Specials. Plua a once a month IJdo Days event ln which all ot our Lido Bbope Jlve you perlr· IOnaU)" .eJected valuee tor the varlou8 ....._ Plua &bY acldl· tlonal lnt~RI' literature ~ feel you would enJoY · · · * * * No. 2.. 'I'M oee and a ball me bamburpr buN . • • Specially tor bll boYIJ and thoee who aren't quite Mtilrtleel with one bamburpr, but -.ould be UNI&t· ..oect lf they ate twp. The Brown· berry Bread people alGi l are cut• lowL BrownbenY havtu their factorY doee bJ lll o.ta v .. are 10rt of home folka W'itb ue. wta.t BarbecUe auna b1 Brown· berr7 ........... tbe.11&1'Dt top qualJty Jurrd lprtftl wtteat .. tbetr wM&t loaf til ..,... * * • UGISftATIOII JUWE 11 Jack's Invitation, abe was so ex· the plane, the FBI lnformect her beauty will be carrted throueh- RerutraUon Lor the Oranee cited over havlnr Ju.t become a that Art had ~n operated on out the decorations on the tables Coast Colleee aummer aeasion ll'andmother (daughter Diane. for brain concussion and that the and in the food served at the wUJ stut Monday momlnr. June now Mra. Charles John.eon of operation wu successful. She luneheon. 11. and Instruction wtll start Balboa Wand, had lust given Oe-N on to the capital however Ftnal p\ans tor the event were June 18. blrth to a baby pl) that abe to be wtth him durlne the week6 formulate<i at a med.lne ln the scarcely noticed the fourth per-of recuperation. home of Mrs. Donald Fer~Ueon Patronbe the merc:banta Wbo eon In the party. She aaJd later, About a ,..k later at 1 ~30 tn Harbot fU&blands on May 28. a4wwt18e Ja abe Jlfewpcll't Bat· "When I lookect at hlm and saw a.m. Dorothy Jo wu awakened bor Enatp. whom I wu rldlnl wtth ln that by a telephone call from a hoe-LU1fCIIItOII CAD PAftT ~;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;:;;;:;;;:;;;;;;:;~ little rolf cart. l almost fell out! plt.al. She tmmedla~ly thoueht AT L A. (X)OH ilh a. a a.1.e.. .... 1zrt'1 I don't know wbJeh wu more ot her husband, Harold, who abe Mn. Leon Yale of Beacon Bay ~ P exctUne -becomJne a grand-knew wu drlvtne back after and Mrs. Arthur Warner ot YARN SHOP mother foe-the tint time, •or ataytne with ht. mother tor a Santa Ana are bosteae. at pla)'tn& roU with Ray Mlllanc!, few days after her operation. today'a luncheon and ea.rd party but tht. wu Just about the bte-Howewr, she heard the rwtteh· tor members at the Santa Ana rest day or my life!" · board aay, ""'bl1 1s Hot.& Bos· Country Club, accordlne to Mrs. ..... lO&&toSp.a. f:fC'f L Q)AIT BIGIIWAT c-...... .....,.., tnctdentally, Mr. Mllland t. pltal, your dauebter Sandye Is R. 0 . Wlnckler o! Lemon He-.ht.s. r«overinr from an operation here. She hu been ln an accl-May .octal c b a I r m a n . Mrs. and that's the reuon he wu dent." Numerous x -rays and con· Wayne Ha.rper and Mrs. 0 . 7.. eo·cartlng acroa the greens . . . sultatlons later, It wp.a dedded Robertson of Shore Cutts were with diminutive Evelyn Creen. that there were no permanent In · hosteues at the May tea. • • • jurles to Sandye'a eye or lep-1 The helgllt of eomethlne in tJ\e after-prom collt.Jon resuJ~ DADGIITEll ro• K1'1TI luxury, J eueu. wu on display ln lOme bruJM. and a broken A dauehter. Donene Katherlne, at the Georee Pfleger home at ~ tor Sand.ye. 7 lb. '7 oz... wu born to Mr. and 28 Harbor ldand, during the re-Oh yes. Harold arrived home Mrs. Donald Kitts of 107-14th'St . eent Delta Gamma homes tour aalely and Lura and Art wm be Newport Beaeh, on Monday, May . . . MQU1nnect . Johnny paper! back In June--u aoon as Art 21, ln Boag Memorial Hospital. Remtnda me of during the war eraduates. ln Eneland when this preclous, • • • -AI ll unreflnect paper cornmodlty, Understand that the Carl Han· " wu atatnped on eaeh sheet ''pro-nas were up at the Beverly HUt 8gin & Hamilton Watches IIAU'~ULIJ perty ot Bla Majesty the King." ton for a few days before return· • • • klg to Hawall. Guess they were Dorothy Jo SwanJOn Is one of thoee people that will tell you all about troubles coming In bunches. Her bunch started the flnal nlrbt or the high school play, ''Catou~et." when daurhter Sandye wu au~poled to be host· esa to a cloane nJght cut party, too Ured after their V'lslt back east to Cleveland to atop down ln the Harbor area and see every- body-but tbey couldn't quite leave and see nobody, 10 they v:tslted with a '"' up at the HUlon. • • •• Diamonds Mountings Wallace Calder head JEWELER )12) &ct Co.Jt HicJ"-Y CoroM del ..... but lrwtead th.e family had to Don't know whether 10mebody leave IUddenl)' to clrlve to Wash· ln the eovemment doesn't know l~ atate beeau.e ot the serf. what time It la, or whether the =:::::;;:::=:=:=:::;::;::::;:~ ou• Ulnesa of hubby Harold's post omce '-trylne to be ~al " _ -~ftnlllt- PIED PIPER CaniuL~ Fitting s.mc. Malay Smart Sty~. JR. SHOE HOUSE a.J I L C.'OAST IIWT. (X)_,.A DEL 1lAA ~Ull7'7 loTI • ., Clean iRe , •• 1 • ., La•*' mother. trural and Ulle Jut year'a alp -_.... _ ... ~Y 1o and Harold with ... anyway t.be hoJJday at&n tn 1 ~ c:bU&-en, Sanctye and Don, pllect the PoR OtfJce, Corona del Mar, ,._. ..._ .. ,. -............._ Dorothy Gray HOI" .. Ant ... tn the ear fOI th• lone rtde abovt aald "We wtll be cl~ all day .. _. llOO C tr.-L l1 p.m. att.r •'Caroue.J," le&vinl MONDAY, 14.&)' 30." and eome-2919 E. OO.AIIr RWT. ~ ~uway t:rtenda to manare the party. Be· body had puted a brown paper OO&OKA taL MA.a Aa1Qa ft1QJ1 u.u.oa MY a.n eau.te the .entor Mrs. Swanson --·w:!ect~nesd~~·!y'_' .!o~n~top!:.. ____ .!!:=::::=:::::=======~~======================!!~!! wu to hav. one ot her lep am- putated. BaroJd atQ'ed wtth h1a moth« and the nsf of the tamll1 n.w home to Corona del Mar tor eebool and appoint- menta. The da,y abe returned. the FBI eallec1 J)orothy Jo at her da.Me .tucUo &ad uked U Lura Mc- bnlle ... ...-Idol u.e. ... ttn aiM .we tMpD to wonclllr • • ~~i • rma .~estle Engaged To Frederick J. Hensing MlnllituN ~ rmp at- lrtde _. ......, &llllp ._. n. lriWa motb•t ~ taebed to,........ eona.-.,.. .... Jella ...., •ur....., lu.t8 ID a brown lace m-wIl l tfl .,...... bou~ ...._. ~ a .. ....,... adoraed wttb Cfth.ldl ucl a wtlll tbe ~ .. 11M ..... llldll tf __.. ........... tMir brown *a• plcture bat at the ~-=aDd~~ ........, Jut 'laturdQ at C!IN"'y reeeptlon. wu ta.lcl at the Ie"ft· cu.nc plana o1 Ml8e Nonna Jeu Cbue!~ ~ neely Wanen Hotel In Wuhlna· ,.__, a.v. ,.... & !bwart of a ton followlna tb• ceremony. MJ'& ~• aad Pu •tidl 1...-~ Pl....,_taD a._. Lan .. nltfim wore a champarne :.~n~~~ ~ ~!~ol~ !1...-pollt ......... wu .,..._. tD crepe cl:re.s w1th a matcttlnt ._, ,_._ u.. I'Mcl the lUI~ wowa to Ml.-maw bat. trimmed in roee and brlde-elect'a motW aad araad· MaiY Burtet ....... clauahtar of an orehld corsqe. ' mother In Balboa. Formal an-Ill'. and lira. 'fll1la,ln AMon r nowtn tb nouneemant o1 tthe enaa.aement J'CM!te ot Waahtnaton. D. C., and o I e reception the wu made by h..-mother, Mn. the eon of Ill'. ud Mra. Hay youna couple lett on a motor Richard S. Cutle. L& b l o1 th Balbo trip for the Harbor Area, where ftOP. avua.t. _....... ei The aroom-eleet 1s the eon ot Cl:.r~~ Ilea~ a Bay they wtll reside unW mld-Aug., tta. .,....... eb 1..-t pta.. Mr. and Mra. Frederick Edward Tb~ aroom hu Ju.t araduated when Ensign Langenhelm I• ....,...... IMtbod. .. llbowa Hanalna of North Hollywood. from the u. S. Naval Academy scheduled to report for duty ...._ Ia Ida wet-up • TY -· Miss Castle 1a the dauahter ot at Annapoll.s.. AnothM eon Sames aboard tbe destroyer USS MeDer· ......._~ telepatla.lat aa4 ... the late Rldlard Snow Cutle Bay Lanaenbelm of Gl~dale, mit 1n San Diego. gldaD. • 18 ..., .....,.,"9 Ia and the aranddauahter of Mta. was best man at the weddlna. The bride attended Wanenton tbe'......_ Alecl aa4 oa.n~a~a Paul Edward Hauah of Balboa The bride's weddlnaaown was School for Girls In Vt.rrtnla and eatln r1p11W.re &M to dube.. and Mra. Olive Turner castle of traditional wblte made of chan-George Washington University ~ cmd 80Ckd af· X..O. Angeles. Her great arand- tllly lace and tulle wtth a arweep-In Washington, D. C. Ensign fain. • ._ a 1'V ,_.__ parent.a. Mr. and Mta. DanJeJ H. lng chapel train. Her abort brl· Lanaenheim attended Newport way bock Ia lNO. wbee 1M 1Ud Thomas. •were N.rly 0 r a n 1 e dal vell waa caught by a halo Harbor HJgb School and Ruther-a llp9dalty oct O'IW lBC lD County pioneers. and Major and ____ ____, ______ _ ot chantllly lace which framed ford Preparatory School In Long X.W 'fOIL ......tav 37 ...,. t4rs. Joseph R. Hauah were early her face. She curled a bouquet Beach before entering the Naval froiD a etn•cmt plaDo aacl y.t Santa Paula wttlft'l. of white roses and stephanotls Academy. plaJ1D9 ~ DWD.._. lD A larae floral engaaement and her only jewelry was a neck-____________ ..:......:~*:._rf_ect_:....:..Juu..:..:..:•=•::.~:.:·_____ ring centered the bla buffet table lace of pearls. at Sunday's dinner party. Small w~J,1~~~. ~_:~~~d ~Lido 'Hats in Bloom' Party ~~~e:nl::e':ndce,:~~c:~~u:~~ ~:~~~:~~?-'~!£;:~Will Be Held Next Tuesday Wf.v:f..fo.~~~~~i'E.:£; corsage of pink roees and blue , nla. He took his undergraduate delphinium. The brldeslnaJds all Hats 1n bloom.'' decorated fall designs just now being pre-WOf'k at Chapman Colleae and wore matching dresses made of with . flowers by the Lido Iale sented to the fashion world In served with the Army Air Corps. plnk·c:rystallne and carried coral clubwomen, wtll vie In loveliness her ahow rooms In New York His fiancee 1e a ara duate of 1'0116. w1tb delphinium. They wlth the advance fall hat styles Cfty. The well-known dress de-Newport Harbor High School and were the K1eses .Janet Swear-by Leslie James which will be s igner Is In private life Mra. Stephens College In Missouri. lna~n. Karen Nance, Roberta part of the fall fashion permlere Henry Lunney, a lJdo lsi~ resl· ------------Graham anc! Sarah ~a. all of by Dorothy O'Hara at next Tuea· dent and member of the lJdo Waablngton, D.C. day's meeting at the Lido Isle Iale Woman's Club. Ushen were EnsiJ1Lt Donald Clubhouse. Models for the fashions will Unsung Commercials Stone, James Kautz. Jack Wll· Dorothy O'Hara's parade of be UWC members. Mmes. Don- bern, Carl Wooten. Leonard An· fashions wUl Include her new aid Colerrove, Paul Rogers, Keith ton and Jobn Buckley. White Cordrey, Hal Dike, Howard lllo. ------------ delphinium and white candelabra William Mlrams. Francts Daw-Verna Miller. head of the Verna were framed agalnst green palms . lllfull u~-... · ' son, Paul Butler, Jottn Glass. Don Miller charm and Fashion model· at the church sanctuary. The up A--Hart. Jerome HeJperln, Hugh ling school. lett for New York Members of the Frtday Anglers Luncheon Club wlli journey In lma.atnatlon from Acapulco to Newport Harbor wttb Lonnie Vlocent of Balboa and bla hun- dreds of feet o.f color rum taken on hla recent 40-day cruise aboard the Lyman Farwell's schooner Seadrift. Thle wtll be the first pu bile showtna of the pictures of the trip, which Include the troplca, vlllaaes and l.slands visited along the coast of Mexico. Some of the lntMestlng places. t'nclud- lng the Tres Marla lalands, the model penal colony. the Cleopha Ltlands and the Iguana, may only be seen by boaL Luncheon will be served at noon followt•a eocktaUa at 11:45 a.m. double ring ceremony wu per-Hutson. Robert Harris and Joe May 26 to attend the fall style formed at 3 p.m. New members of the Newport Prelnlnger. Shown with her fasb· markets and visit mod.eUina 'r'L.-•a--Ll...-VIall Ions wUI be orlcJnal Leslle schools In the east. En.route to •-.....a.... W .... Rev. Schrock Marks 50 Y rs. In Ministry Harbor ~alty Board are Frank James fall bats. New York. she planned to vlslt I --.1 611---.11-' ~lj' .. t ~ Marine Ave .. BaJ. The hats on members and her father. R. w. Shelllngton In ·--...r .... s anu. now the Degley cuests wbJch are featured at the Athens. ~rgta and on her re ~alty Co~ with Arthur 0 . John· thts annual J une "Hats In turn she wlU ;top over at h~ Dr. and Mrs. Albert Stockton ~~ associate; FJ.d Guenaler, as-Bloom" party are created by former home In Ottawa Canada of Shore CUtts drove north to ~ate with the the lJdo ~alty each wearer trom fresh garden • • • ' · San Francisco to see some friends Assodates; Eileen Rapp, now an nowera. Members must design BllJ Ferruaon of the Corona the other week. ~lat~ with Bayview Proper· their own hats and prizes wUI be del Mar Nursery lett Tuesday to One of their stops was at Palo • an Robert Osborn Jr. with awarded for the most beautiful. take a short refresher course In Alto, where they visited with The Rev. Perry F. Schrock. Bay and Beach lJdo office. Carrie the most original and the mast nursery work at California Pol Mrs. Stockton's sister MJss Jane minister emeritus and founder of Fishback Is now with B. A. Nere· h umorous. at San Luis Obispo. Y Ostrander, who 1s' attendln the Corona del Mar Community son. • • • Mrs. L. R. McCuWey will be Stanford University. A n 0 t h e ~ Church, will observe hls 50th an-mistress of ceremonies for the Gla vlalt was at the Nut Tree Ranch nlversary In the m inistry this Robert E. Ba.xter of Denver. fa.shlon ahow. Mrs. Ralph Tan -fflOUf up at VaccavUle near Sacra- Sunday by delivering the sermon Colo., l.s the cuest speaker at this dowsky will accompany the show mento, where the s t 0 c k t 0 n s at the Firat Con g r eg at 1 onal morning's breakfast meeting of at the plano. Mrs. Herbert Riley. l visited Mr and Mrs Purv Pul Church of Santa Ana. the Newport Harbor Board of luncheon reservation · chairman. G :mpseS len. forme~ly of Coro~a del Ma; His first pastorate was In Deer Realtors. Mr. Baxter Is a con· h as urged members to get their • Purv, ("Horatio Q. Birdbath") ~~ Park, Wash. He became pastor sultant In sales management own a nd their guests' reserva-In charee of the toy store at the of the First Congregational Inl and training, marketing and tlons In early. The reservations ay A-. Nut Tree Ranch Santa Ana In December. 1914, human relations. chairman will be at the Udo Hall to summer and 1 · and served there for 25 years. He • • • Club house from 2 p.m. to 4 ha times t 1 ots of organized the Corona del Mar Midge Mlck. associate with today and tomorrow (Friday). nt!f~umme-r ~~me. HadU to o.!!r BOTTS MOVE Df CDIC Church In 1944. 1 Ma riners Isle ~alty, 1s a new cal f ons an ma... The Wendell Hoyts have sold Another big anniversary for member ot the Newport Harbor ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' • abrics that make us look their h ome at 2830 Bayview Ave .. the Rev. and Mrs .. Schrock will ~alty Board. OJIJm ·OJ-=~ r;.tsp a~: carefree on the wlltlest Corona del Mar. and have moved come on June 21-thelr golden • • • 11\.: ~ ys. PPY huntlna for these to 521 Poppy Av~. UnW their new FATHERS DAY June 17 LEVIS e PEGGERS e CA TAUNA HICKOK ANP SW AN1C JEWELRY WHITE ST Aq e LA JOll..A SPORTSWEAR COOPERS-HANES UNDERWEAR VAN HEUSEN • MANHA TI AN SHIRTS We SUGGEST SPORT SHIRTS • • • A Large Selection of The Latest Styles From 2.95 SLACKS Wash able Unen -· 8.95 lOO i'o Dacron Slacks-Drip Dry-Permanently Creased ----·-.. -··-· 10.95 CABANA SWIM SETS From ·-·-·-·-.. ··-··...._ 6.95 * .. YOUR STORE OF STYLES" llal •.....-n ·~ wedding anniversary. Jan Blum of Balboa Island re-•, 1 :-, 1 , 1 a:-:• lovely summer dreaes and be· home 11 completed, the Harlan FllEE GIFT WRAPPING celved .ec:ond place In the Or· ~mlng ~llcsome frocks here at Hoyt famlly are alto Uvtna at SlaB GREEN ST~ '-- anae County "Own your OV.'n amLE SCBOOL Df JUJfE OBRIENS, right In the Harbor the Poppy Ave. add.rea. MMUNITY uu;uiT J'LAl'f ~~~Y~~u~~n-~~~81~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~~~~~~~~ Do Toa B..- TIIe U•iYersal ,. .. .,. .. , nina entry from Newport Harbor F1.rst Southern Bapt:lat Church of meet · · · and ahun the weary 1 •• •• a You'll want to meet a group of religious liberals who are Interested In explorlna the universal prlndples of rellgon. UlfiVEDA.LliT COMMlJ1flT'f PELLOWSBJ~ Sunday mornlng-10:30 a.m. Now meetlne at Moose Hall 435 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa RAGANS Your Famlly Bestaurant (a.-1 'heeday) 2515 .... eo.t........, ~~ .. C...clal ec:AaDS •• AJIT'f PA~ eoFI"'CK PO ... HJgb School and will now com-ec.ta Mesa 1e planned for the trlp to town. pete In the stat~ contest. Jan last 2 wefltl of June for aces 3 to Dlop by aad ... ._ Utue won a trophy and a sso savlnars 16. The teenaae ,roup will study vtd CIDttDIIa Ia ~ .,.. bond. the tzavell of Paul, and there gcs-• well • ._ ~~~~~y. • • • wtll be supervbed recreation and lib...._ ww=• .._ a.otla Realtors plannlnr to attend ht,Jtdwork cluaes. ..S. br L•Af9Joa. _.. a...- tbe directors meetlna of Call· CDIJUITlAIIf SCIEJfCE CIIVJICII c:rt.p fNM 8tylee .t ..cia a...&y fornla Real Estate Association ln The Leuon-Sermon at the ...U ..-.., ... tile tJd 1 Ale FTesno this week-~nd Include Newport Beach Church of Chrlat. wlllte •; dy • ...-...W Roy McCardle, Katherine Olson, Scientist. on Sunday commences wltb .....,.. .. wlllte a-..w Art Adair, Lois Vogel and Farel 1 h th f rt1 ds fro Ita .... -~ .. ••'-Walker. w t e com o na wor m ... ~ •• _ --. ••• • • • the Thirty-seventh Psalm (39· Try tbe tsowW9 ....t becna· 40), "The salvation of the right · ~ Ia 1*1M ... cap. Ia Dop Franklin 1.1 ofi to Texas eous Ia of the Lord: be Is their tile bactr aad .. .....~ and then plana to travel on to strenath In the time of trouble. wltll ........S ~ ....,_ ••• New Orleans. at:retchlng a busl· And the Lord shall help th~m. W ...._ yoaneU .U ---• ness trip lnto a holiday . . . and deliver them." ThJ.s Golden fw .,........ oat tile clair w .. Andy Andft~n admlta that be Text ke~ the sermon on the em,.. stltpe ...U. wta 1t1 spent a lot of time watddnt aubject. "God the Prnerver ot ~ ._. aa4 slt:t.ate ....._ eome touma.ment golf on hie trip Man." cdiWty. to the desert a t abort whlle back ... Marte Jtay t. now In ber JUaJOa LVTJDAAJI CIIVaCB Craie d~l&nM& al.IO have been new office at 301M E. Coa.at Hlth· Pastor Robert B. Gronlund. of buay, belleve me, abowln& up way, Corona del Mar, at least the Newport Harbor Luthft'an tb1a aeuon with 80 many cl1lfer- that'a what the atgn aaya. With Cburcb. hu nown to Duluth. ent .,-1• for you and JOU and her will be Maida Ev..-eon. Minn.. to perform the wed41na you! You'll love the floral print ceremony for hla brother. Glen. aceented with the hlab-w.a.ted SLl7PED DISK OnaA'nO• a atucWnt at Wartbur& Sem.Jn,a.ry, cummerbund. the pale blue dreu Ray Wellea. ~ Baysbore Dr .. Dubuque. lowL In b1a a~ wttb lace atrlpea on the bodice Bay Shores. president ol the Ray the MnDOn th1a SUnday wt1l be In a no-iron dac:ron and cotton L. Welles Co .• t.o. Anaelea food atven by t.be Rev. Walter Sabena. · · · the cn.p pink ptlnt ... broken, underwent an opeNtlon araduate student at the USC caY cotton with tiM lwW llnen early 1n May at Good Samaritan School o1 Bellalon. Pranklyn Jaek.t • · · r-. and tbelf own Lido Sbopptq Ceater Hospital for a ruptured spinal Bruza wm be lltufllst. .wuter ~! ~;--~~-~~-~-~~~,.~~Ys.~~~~ ... ~~~dlak.~~H~e~~Js~now~~r~ec:u~per;;a~tt~n~c~a~t~ ......... ...._ ... ... • • • • hla Bay Shores home. ClmiiTIAJf ICIKIICK IID"tiMG The flrlt meettna of the Cbril· tlan Science Group ol Callta Mesa wu held Sunday momtna at tbe 044fei1Dwa ~. .., •..• .., ... .. _. ..• ,..... -· .. . ,......, ............. ... .... tlw ....... 01NII&Ii"' .._.._..a, ....... ,.. ........ , ...... ..... .......... ..., ...... .. ..... -.1 y'lla.w ... -· ~··• .... tDtt....... .., ,...., Wtda •hi t a._ . ... =· I .... II qllf I ,....._,...'7 al-.y ........................ ,_, ................ -.y. -----....... • villa mar1na Reservations Now •.• Harbor 3930 Wednesday, June 13 Pl•••m•d tbrou~ 1M co os-calloa at .. Yllla NaiDa. Vema Miller cmdtMJUiuwiDgA:d•'llwllfoota BAY DEPAlriMmft STORE 303 Main· Street 204 Marine Avenue Balboa Balboa Ia1and * * EI.LGENE, CASUAL FASIIIO. IUmYn FUIIIOif .AJIPAIEI. 1883 Harbor Boulevard 1167-A Newport BouJnard Costa M..a eo.ta w.a v __ ..,...., .... a.. Ccmm.ntari-Fcwbim Nodela 3al H. Brocadway, Santa Ana Luncheon from ; • • IDn ·-, •• _:•!!*!!G!W~~~· ,!IU~Y!.,!Il~. ~--~2-!*!!W~~·~·!!~!!:!~=!!!!!·~·~ A eo.ta M.a boy, 11, ... -boy knocb4 ud ubd It be ebatted with ... ult wlttt lftttnt coa.ld eome in ud talk to w . to commit rape and battery, &Del Sbe am.w tbe boJ but told lllla two compaoiOna, both 16, ftoal tlaat lae could not t..-ln. a. eo.ta M-. were charJed wttb left. thea Ntumed to report IMr lack of parental control by New· ear llabta were on..lbe dr1111d. port pollee l'rtdaf. put on he eoat. a'bd wnt ou1 A Newport Beacll woman, 53. to ~ ear petMd Ia a 4Mdlnl cla.lmed ahe wu ltruek by tM ltrlp Ia f:rclllt ~ IMr aputmot. olcte.t boy and clragwd into Tbe ~ uDlod&lld' ll• c:u, thelr car about U :30 p.m. 1ut turned off tiM u.ttta a.nd ~ 'nlundq, wu drtvm about two back to 118' apartment. fte olcl- bloclc:a and let out C1l. the eu • ..t boy toUowed be aDd She IUfferect a 81na11ed aflbt ahe wu tn front of b• a.PUt· elbow and complained of a liON ment. be ltrUdl b« ln the .tom· •pot over h• rtPt kidney ud ach, lhe charJed. She fell baek a ~,. apot at th• back of bel a1atnat a car, bUmped her bead head. and wu aJmoet knocked out. ahe • She uld ahe had been readlnl reported. He allepdly grabbed In her apartment wbn the old· her, boldll'lg her wrt.st and clra~ced her aero.. the street to a car. Be threw her Into the baek ot the c:a.r and climbed 1n behind her. She aaJd ahe didn't recoenblt the two other boys in the front seat. "Did you hJt her! You fooL Don't :rou know fm ltllJ on pa. role!" The drlver uld. aoeordlnr to the woman. Alta drtvlllf about two block&. the boys let the woman out of the car after making her prolnbe not to call the pollee. Two of the youths were taken to juve.nUe ball and one wu releued to bt. f.ather. ........ ..,. JAil a VJL .._,.._ ., CoL .-d ll.rs.Aia aJaa ........ ~--tM----Ia tiM CldUOiala .... ...... "-- _., _.... .. '"Wlly 1 waat .. ..,. •Y..,. .._., .. ODe· .......... ~ ... by tbe •..,on ..... .....s .. ....... De .._.. MCIOIICI ta a..•~~~c ...... rlll1 Then ld ua ahow you theM _...;_ ___ .:........ ___ __:. ____ :;.____:__.::;._____: ____ _ 2 homes .on eo' Jot only one block from downtown. Very convnlent for an elderly couple deslllng convenience plu1 Income. Priced at $15.· 950. Property clear -Excel· lent fln&.nclnl ava.llable. Agreement Is Expected on City Control of Harbor tbeooaatr-•t. An aueem~nt tor the City of ' forced by the harbor department. W L T .. l.. • _ _..__ Newport Beach to take over com· The county barbor commission • ,t __ ... plete operation ot the harbor de· hu claimed jurlldlctlon over all and ASSOCIATES partment In a deal with Oran~e the harbor In the past while the county b expected 800n. city hu paJd hall the cost of the "you'll llke our friendly servtce" City and county officials re· harbor muter'a aalary and tor ., .., ,.lill•ll comtortaW. be a c: b home. lup petio, dble. pnae. plua attrad:tve l ·bedt . .,Pt. CION to Bay Front - . In Immaculate co n d I t I o o on UU.OA JSLAJID SuNt.antlal RJilJDer in· come -~ to l)e'W owner. Prloe IZl.SOO. 8&&ny! Plleeal• ... ,, • ISLIII lEAL n ca. CIEFirclll ..... ....... -.. Bear of 2229 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mat Office 6 SIMip • lliologlt Spoce 124 Tustin Newport Beach frMIII .1. llenalll, JU:ALTOit Ha 1428 or 1565 DUPL£1 COSTA liEU , .. 2 ..... ....., both leued. sao and $95. PRIME comer lot. $4,000 dn., owner will carry balance. ....... , ..... 111 c.. M portedly have been meeting to four patrolmen. City ordinances 400 E. 17th St. eo.ta eaa work out details of the plan, and county ordinances of a almJ· Newport Blvd. at 30th St. _____ u_8_·1_1_39 ____ ~ which calla for the city to pay Jar nature are used to regulate Harbor 1600; Eves. HA 1588-J Irvine Terrace Gives You &erythin g ---but Smog WE CORDIAU.Y INV1TE YOU TO rNSPECT OUR DIS"nNCTIVE FUR.NlSHED MODEL HOMES COMPIEI'ED AND OTHERS UNDER CONS7RUCTION NINE DJVERSlFIED FLOOR PLANS To the homo buyer who Wishes to purchase 1n the $25.000 to $35,000 class we aJncereJy recommend the Irvine £at&tes ove:rlooldnc Newport Harbor . 'nlae homes feature California Uvlng. Otfe:red exclu- llvely throuch Earl W. Stanley ln a Smog.f'tee area known u Irvine T6race--on Coast HJgbway op~ the new Irvine Coast Country Club, Newport Harbor. * For recommendation. we refer you to anyone wbo boJda a Leasehold Est.te In lrvtne Terrace. Beacoa Bay, Bayabores or Cllff Raven. Earl W. Stanley EXCLU'SIVE AGENTS Pbone Harbor 4448 For Fu.-ther lntonnatlon VOGEL VALUES Cll .. IEL Ill Cllll• Yilw C..•....C..U liP'•• LIL Includes plans for buUdl.ng. Lot sl.u approx. fit1 x U6'. Hl&h·up location at only $8.500. THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E. Coast Hwy .• Corona de Mar HA: 11u ; HA.: am Variance for a COlpOI'ation yard on W. 19th St. near Whittier St.. Cost& Meaa, wu deled by the Costa Mesa city cou~ Monday nlcht. upon the recommendation of tbe city plannln& comm'-lon. Home owners had claJmed that the yard would lower property values. create a traffic hazard and couldn't provide room for expansion. IEWPOIT IIEIIIm the cost of operating the ha rbot the harbor, which 15 mostly In :=========;:::::;: department. The clty would re· the clty since the annexation of ----------------------- celve all tees tor moortnp and the upper bay. An ordinance a nnulng a five· acre tract Into the city pused aecond reading and wu adopted. Tbe land I~ on the eouth side of 19th St. between Monrovia St. and Whittier St. An antl-Utter ordJnance passed MCODd reading and adoption. 1t provtd .. fines foe penona throw· In& truh on hlcbways and atftets. EMIIIel fllllllll .., .......... ... 'nle Newport E 1 em e n t a r y School Board wu a.alted Tuesday evening to .tudy means of lab· lnJ more money for local ~tebools. 'nle request wu sn-ented by ltln~er')' Whltenec:k. IMI!lber of the High School taculty, and local repraentatlve ol the Call· fornla Teachers Aaoclatlon. Mr. Whlteneck aald that better aalartes are needed, and mep· Uoned 3 poealble way. or ~~ng more money for 8Chools: raiN the 8Chool tax llm.lt; a.alt f~ rnore than the present $120 which the atate Jives for aver· ap daily attendance; ask for federal ald. ..... c ....... large comer lot. fenced yard, near bus and market. ,12,110 PAUL C. alES REALTOR See us at our new address; 2001 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Harbor 2313 I. L IEUIE z ........ . in Costa Mesa located on east stde. Hardwood floors • . . beautifully fenced y.vd with patio, lawn and shrubs. . TD IIUSEI,......, le1ry I111~1,IIL Mrs. LudUe Rombeau, as. dJed Sundq at her home. 717 1r1s Ave.. Corona del Mar. She wu a native ol Waltham. W .. came to ~ Harbor Blvd., eo.ta Meaa C&llfornla ln U06 and had lived Uberty 8·4'761 b .. 10 yean. ------------She t. 8UIY1ved by ber hua-ba.nd. P. A. Rombeau, and a ..... Mrs. AlJcla ltGnbur of Loa AnpJ-. ~ ..... held ,.... tda1 to lnatewood Park Oeme-w,, wttb the lift. Uwtn Gomb and the .... ....,. 8cbrodr of. fldatiq. ParU.JttdleJ Mortu· U'l ol eo.ta ll.a wu In charp ol~ -1D IEIIY Tl .IE • ( ......... ) 1-Jr .... ........... on 4.5 ft. Jot .outb ol blJb • way near LITJl.E CORONA BACH. 3 bedrma., 1 ~ batha, toreec1 aJt beat. dllbwuiMr. CompleteJ7 fcnce4 yd. with ..-,rate play Jard ancl m. a&a-ocwwecl pado. 110.000 cub. .. lance at K. WU1 ..u 1amJsiMcl.. Ow'Der, Bar· borJOll&~to ........ •. ._ ---J...... Clalll:tqe -• a. lot. ...... ~. I Oa!JM._ .... c..a.., .. --. (111 ... 01 •• ..... ,.. ....... fines for violations of laws.. en· Under the project the county • l 'oo Lnte to Clawy MAPLE BUNK BEDS, com p 1·. sprlnp and mattress, $29.95 set. MAPLE DINI:M'E table It 4 ch&lrs. $16.95 set. MAPLE DBL. BEDS, sprlngs It mat. tresses, S18.95 set. Ph. Jet.rerson 7 ·1853.. 11.352 West:nUnster, Gar· den Grove. Ctrlla •1 lar would continue to maJntaJn the harbor engineering st all, har· bor en~lneer and employe a har· bor district manager. The mana- ger's duties would be to plan Near big Corona Beach. Now new harbors along the coast. Tht> county dock area near the Arches being redecorated ln.slde and would be leased and lncomt> out. and generally improved. used to pay the cost of added Roomy 2.bedr. home. HW city employees of the harbor de· partment. It was reported .. FOR RENT: Untumt'sbed, nice 2 BR carage apt. Year's lease, S95 per month. Ha 2422. noon. dining room, double garage plus lSx25' shop, sprinkling system. disposa.l. All on 40 tt. lot, just a f«!W ~ to the ocean on Ja.s. mtne. A buy at $21.SOO! Only $5,000 down. .-E.s••• llEALTOR It INSURANCE ' IV AM W. EIUIARDT, A.uodate 3333 E. Coast Bwy. Corona del Mar Harbor 2422 ....... 11 ... ...... 2 ............ . with 3 bed.ra. and fa.mlly rm., 2 batha, Jarce 2·c:ar 1arage. cu.tom bunt with lots of c:haractel'~cted &teL , ..• ..,. .. •• lB N.wport Bl¥d., eo.ta Mella (~ ~ ec.ta ~~-BanJr) w.t71J...mt Eva: BatW ~ 1.J 8-:11013 COSTA IESI SEVERAL LOTS-West side: 50x12) .. --~···-· . - . . .................... ··-·-·--$2200 t2xl20 ···-·-···-·-.. .... ..... . ........................ ·····-··············· $4200 70x127 ···--··· ......... - . . ...... ·····················-············ ··-·· $2500 77~x.135 --.. -···· ·-... -····· ... .. ... ·-· -····· .. -···-$3000 S11LL IN COSTA MESA: 230 E. 16th Pl.-1-bedr. tum· Jsbed, near markets and transportation. Price reduced to t5,800 ---·--·· ........ . .............. -.............. $1900 down. ALSO IN COST MESA: l ·bedr. home. 11.i yrs. old. fum . labed, lot 120x.l30 .............................. .$9.000, S2500 down. AN0'111ER IN COSTA MESA: l ·bedr. furnished. fenced. 60xll5. $5..SOO cub, or aubmJt. • DUPLEX-OWNER ANXIOUS TO DEAL 3 It 2 bed.rml., corner. Acros.s Park It 'Bay. 1-unlt tum. Ideal home It Income. Wtll trade for Balboa Island. Full Price $23,750 . FRliCIS .1. I.YATH, INlier Harbor 1428 Uberty 8·5101 Harbor 1565 34lO W. Balboa Blvd., Npt.--.2216 Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa CillO IEL Ill Provincial Interior, knotty plne fireplace wall. BHutl· tul wall-to-wall carpet throughout living room and two bedrooma. Bath ha.a .eparate stall shower and tub. ChMI'ful kftdlen and dJntna area. Large secluded cov· ered patio with barbecue and oven. Double-1arap. All In Immaculate condition. Quldt possession. *7 E. Cout Rwy .. •. ., .. LSIITI, llllllr Corona del Mar IPEIIMISE ---JMKAC'UL&ft ...... .._. ......... -.. till ...... ....,. ........ OIQ ------··~. IRVINE TEBR.ACE-NEW HOME-PRIVATE OWNER 3-bedra. and 2 baths. center ball plan. larce altdm. glass doors to patle>-<Mt Dolphin Terrace. Good terms to qualified buyer. $32.~1ea.sebold. • • • IAIMIISII. An all year around home. ru5tlc flnlah lnalde--.2 bed· rooms. 1 '-' bath~ wall bed and outside showa"-Beautltul patio and barbecue-Owner must aell-wants otter. • • • IEACIIIIY New hsting In thls exclusive dlstrlct -Uvtng room opens to large patio, also bat kitchen and dJnJnc space -3 bedrooms and two baths.. ~ very large attract1ve one bedroom apart· ment-A real barcal.n at $38,500. Exqulslte 4·bedroom. 3 bath home. Suitable for larp family, eocla.d patio. • • • TIE LIST IEIL 1111111 lillY aiRES 3·bedroom home. large dlnlnc room. etc:. lust reduced f.rom $28.SOO to $23.000 for quldl aale! • • • We haw buyen for cood u.tings! Free estll:n&te. and good tervice. Elll w ...... , REALTOR 2Z5 Kartne Aft.. Balboa laland Call Harbor l'M'5 With privacy and quiet-Is assured In thl.s luxurious LIDO home. Ita nawlMS construction on 'JWO full lots (and a corner. too) otters e 3 Large bedrooms • P1ua Den or Family Room • 3 baths • La.rce Dining Room • Electric XJ~hen • Owrs1zed carage with. elec. door opener • 50' x 65' walled Lanai Patio with ample room foe Pool An Eminent Rome for a Dlacrbnlnatln& family. $4&!iOO IIY I lEI. aALn, .... tm Harbor Blvd.. Cocta Meu Uberty 8-7714 EvH. lJbert;y lt-31.51 PIIJ.IPA I I I ......... IIIII E~~~~~D~5.~1£D --.:.:::::: • 1 Time 2 nm.. S Tim• ._ ..-a~ ....,. ~. lias' ........................... .15 1.25 l .SO a .......,._ ..w. .t c.u..deD .;,~~~:· 1 21 to 3() worde 1,00 1.50 2.00 =-M~ tbe faq,... 0...U ~..;;:;;:;;a~-: 31 to .4Q warda 1.25 2.00 2.50 'N RUDIII'ooll. .m.•np man-• •• , ,..._. .. -· Each word 40 03 OS 07 ..-. api•''Md tbat tiM •bma· 1 •mlr 11 .,IIA • ~ ~ ·-...a --'•L:.:.. 7 ...a-o.' first lnlertion rtae oa"-• Ar • _... .-.~aar. ~. ,_ 11. at C)re.., cw ec.b m\llt Uf/1 NC8J..U WW"IUI """1° !l ....... r-. from tiM c.dral OoQ. aft.loe ..... u •• to .... CUIItO· ...... 2 .... ~ 1'1111 ..... .,.,..., ad lD the ... ... Oanaa .. Mar. ~ ,._ ~ ... ._._ ... --. JCMip co.ta onlT .uo fot ....w. .......... ., • p.m. ~ .. tlid .............. . tine tu.t~ota Call 1D ,ow that clay. Bepa.trmen completed ....._ ll _...,_, .,...,. ·, .• ada to....._ w... wwk Jut Tlllll'lda7 OD NPalrlnl ,......_ ,._ tbe ,........,.... the aubmarlbe cable armor. and 11 ........,.... D-. .......................................... l.oc.l --tl lacluM: roa IAL& IU&, DTAft 6 IIUT.,U ~ ~-=-1.-a. JACUAil-Dav14 Niven'• )llark UDO ~~HOME, corner near ............... ., ...,. lalancS aoar AarYol4. v f -door aalon for aale. White· clubhouae, p art I Y tumlabed, .. , Noel llurb, Ropt MeKem:le, walU, h"ter, aun-roof, rt. 1" batha, 3 BR.. 3 yean old. 2 Pvt. lohn R. Scott. 22, 80D of Patti AJlft .&uci&.U. hand drive, $1.%50. Days Ll. walled paUo.. $2-000 down. HL Mra. Ployd Scott. 432 RJvera Ter· Corona del Kar-l!llen lmltb. B-5573, evee. HA f085..M. 3736·W. rue, Corona HJahlanda, Ia leav-Sue Arm Batley, Robert DWll. SPINET PIANOS Rental returns ATI'RAcnvELY FURNISHED tn1 tb1a montb few Germany u lana,. Dulworth, lohn Flood, l1ke new etc. You atwaya find ROOM, private entrance, fOf part ol Operatlou CYIQICOPe, the Wllliam Boot. wonderful aavtnp in th.ls dept. renned penon. 619 Mar,uerlte, An:QYa unlt rotatlo11 plan. N.wport Jleacb-.Edwald AD· Small spinet t:J85, others ~ CDM. Be 1a a member of the 532nd denon. Lloyd B&con. Jlobert $t65. MJ:rro type Maple Spinet 1 BR. FURNISHED COTr ACE. Field ArtJilery Obeervatlon Bat· Caul, Dale c 0 1 em an , Mar)' $:187, Mahol. $195. Schmidt· palo, earaee. 7CH~ Iril, CDM. taUon, now atatloned at Fort Slll, Haller ~~ Harrla, Q1a VA¥ -. CIIC.U •WACQI'I' PbWJpe. ~ No. Matn. Santa Ha 633. Okla.. wh.ldl will replace the ~ KanDa lohnaon, Melvyn .AnL Save $UO on 2 new apln-OFFICES FOR RENT, Blrtcher 529t.h Field Arttllery O~atlon Kld4Je .llobert llclt.lnley rrancta Samuel Oloper, 8obert RAJrdailtVI eta allchtly damaeed at Fair Bide., Mar Crest Corp. 2515 E. Battalion in Europe. Miller.' verana Oe.lken 1'an. Pat-and Wllllam Barcleaty ol New- • Home Show. Cout Hwy., CDM, Ha 1964.. tlnon DCIDa1d RJtter, Don Paul port; lfel8cm VlMl ot Balboa 11Sm:NC BOAT, 215 PT., Gray Ma· 2 BR. UPSTAIRS An., water-IIAL WBJIU U'i'UD Sewell, Robert Staata and WU· laland; J.:ermeth Ball, Gerald rlne enelne, ready for tlahJne. front. Disposal, aarace. laree Mualc by Hal White has ~en~ llam Stoc;kham. Bart. and lobn Kennedy of $1.550. Ha 48&t. fenced yard. Speclal price for ott at Palm Sprinp an ~ Costa Mea-Allen Baker, MJ. eo.ta Meaa.. HAMMOND ORGANS, all mod· 3 months, or poaaJble yean Whites ~re !'ck ~the~ :~m~! cbael Balcb., jJ!onard M. Berenl. Vocational nune eraduate. ln· els, chord oraan allehtly used. Jea.se. Box 355, N.B. 7<M Aca a ve., ~~Jc ached: Reetna B. ..,ham, Patrlda A. elude: Mra. Harold Acker, Mn. Good uvtne on thls, any one CALL Edlia crat1, rental ape-and their aummer Clark, laclde Curnow, Patrtcla A. Martha Haveman, Mra. Maurice can play It without lessons. clallat with Don. Bray, realtcw, ule. Dennis, Mary M. Olckln80n, Emil Lancdale, Mrs. Ben Pace and J * CROWN HARDWA.•E * Schmidt-Phillips, 520 No. Main, 216 Marl~ Ave., Balboa Ialand. nu. POB UAifDIIETEBS Dopyera, Richard B. Elaner, Shlr· Mia Carol Shaw of Costa Mesa. Santa Ana, Orance County HA 20 or HA 64. Q A daughter, Catherine, 7 lb. ley A. Enele, Darline A. Fore-Baecal,ureate exerctae. wlU be Hammond Dealer.· . wu born to Mr. and Mrs. man, Dwaln Gatterdam, Helen held Sunday, lune 10, tn the Or-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WESTERN HOLLY STOVE for SJTUATIOKS WAJfTED • ~ll~z., Brandmeyer Jr. ot 338 C. Gernert, Charles D. Creetha.m, anae Coast College Auditorium. aale, tine condltlon. $50. Ll SUMMER nJTORINC, grades 2· Dahlia Ave .. Corona del Mar, In E. Darwin Haruh~n, K~~~n M. The exercise will start at S 8·8355. 8 In all subjects, by expert-Hoac M~orlal Hospital on Mon-Hartsock, Robert · • awacfi, p.m. with an organ prelude, GRANO PIANOS Many to choose enced, well-recommended, cer-d M 21. Leland K.. Kratt, Carol R. Lu • "Piece Herolque .. played by Mra.. from Mason it Hamlin, Lester, tUlcated teach e r . Call Ha ay, ay Randall McCardle, T h eo do r e Ralph Deaver. • FoJiowlne the Knabe Cable. Extra special. 1787-W. MJSCFI ' •.lfEOUS Martinez. Gloria M. Metual. VIr-proceuJonal, the invocaUon wtll Schlel~her grand only $465. COLLEGE STUDENT dea l r e • ~n. 1 R ...&..--.1 ginla A. Nel.aon, Gary L. Par80na, be delivered by the Rev. John H. Another special. fine shape summer baby slttine. WeU -uup 1•-• Ruth L. Perez, Helene E. Richard· Parke, putor ot the St. James $565 Save $1000 on Knabe qualWed & experienced, refer-I son, Cary L. Roseberry, Ceral· Episcopal Church. The college Gr..,;d like new. SchmJdt·PhU -ences.. WIU live ln. Lol~ Bal-S,.M .. Ill dine A. Shale~ ~chf'd ~· a cappeUa obolr wiU atna "Lau-Jips Blc Plano & Orcan Store, lard, 118 E. Brookdale, Fuller-Stuckey, Lee A. Y o.r, oan · dete Dominum" by Mozart and "the children's fares make it even mme reasonable to 520 No. Mall]. Santa Ana. aJ . ton. Lambert 5·9612. American Leeton 215 15th St Tonne. WUllam R. Vallow, Ezra "Gloria from Mua U" by Hans ways 100 pianos. GARDENING Meetlnp 2nd-4th Wed. 8 p.m. Van Horn, Llnneu Vlottl, Audrey Haaaler. go s. P. ,, -R--0-UTFIT 1 S HERE B. WUe.y. VIctor L. Wl1110o, Mary STEREO C AME A Specializing ln pat o care. IT' WUt. Valda Winters, and Glenn OCC President Basil Peter.on CVlewmuter) consIst lng ot Lido Isle & Corona del Mar. Graduation A. York. will introduce the apeaker, the camera. case, nash at1ach · Dudley Cavanauch ~'d· ar aduates 1 n c 1 u de Rev. Edwin C. Gomlce, putor ot ment. tllm editor It cutter an Kl 5·1621 is nearly upon US. _. ye gr the Corona del Mar Communi ~ slnele lens projector. $89.50 MAnJRE WOMAN wWtes baby Give the graduate a watch Church. Rev. Gom.ke will L1 8·6424. alttJ.nc and care of alck. knit· with et~al timekeeping-Je-• lrh• 111W on "A Religion tor Tomorrow." ~ific '52 CONSUL 4-000R. Clean, good tine or crochetlnc. Day or the eherlahed Etema-Matlc. -. Benediction will be by Rev. Utes and performance. Rell · nJght HA 3192·M. Don't waft 't11 the Jut minute. Jfllr WIN ... Parke. The rec:esatonal will be able, cheap t r a n s Po rtatlon. COM man would like cardenlng, See RAY FIELDS, Criers 'Triumphal March." Owner moving East. SacrUice clean-up, etc. Call 10 3·2122. leweler, 19th lr ~tla. lohn A. Wylie, 20, ot 1637 Jr. $250. Ha 2059. Mel Upahall. "1n Vlata Shoppine Center," vine Ave., Newport Helcht•. wu $5.00 PER-MONnl buys good eo.ta Ilea. Llbert7 8·1N88 arrested on reckless drlvlne and practice pianos. $89, $125, $137, WAJfTED alcoholic beverage control char- $150 and up. Schmldt-PhUllps. WANTED desperately In COM, IDYICES ges by Newport pollee at 2:05 520 No. Main. Santa Ana, garage tor storage. Call J~ * ........ 111 * a .. m. Sunday, followtna a bleb· EatablLihed 1914. Free Vall-Laux, Harbor 4795. !W speed chue alone Cout Hwy. dated parklnc. wANTED: 40 used pianos tor our Qtfta P• AD 0 Ins throulh OoroD.a clel Mar and blc rental depl Htchest cash , FINE !"~~ BEPAIB.INC Newport Beach. •usmESS OPPOWI'OJIIITIES allowance In trade for Orcan, 'Prompt ~~able Pricea" The younc motorlat wu n . • WHOLEsALE NA'nONALLY AD· S"lnet or Grand Plano. Sch· Bam. 1• nally atopped at Cout Hwy. and VERTJSED Greeting Card buaJ. mJdt-Phllllps, 520 No. Main St., 1711 1!. c.t. • • c...... Wrlpt St., Huntlneton Beach, a ness for sale. $1500 Merchan· Santa Ana. -SO"Ut"-FJlEE -aoME PEE eo.ta Mesa pollee unJt hav1nrtl dlse and South Cout fran· ~ '-lned the c:hue by two Jfewpo chlae. 34298 El Molino, C.pl-IIELP WAJn'E.D Applkanta needed. many omoe ,., 5250 Joba. alJIO rntauranu and do· polke unlt.a.. strano Beach, GY 6· · w o MEN telephone 80llcltora. mestlcs. Many joba tor quallfled ------- Business Directory INSURANCE "Be Sure-Insure" wrm STANLEY INSURANCE AGENCY Phone Harbor 2474 331 5 E. Cout Hlchway Corona del Mar Ra. Phone, HA 5232 SCHOOLS & IKSTBUCTIOJII REAL ESTATE Contracting Insurance ConUnuoua day and evenln1 clauea for preparaUon to pua the State exam. Call or write For InformaUon AL TYLER SCHOOLS 1611 !(. Broadway, Santa Ana Kimberly 7..a511 KE1Jo1 8-2513 J'LUJDIIfQ Good pay. Your phone. Give men. (Rqtater now.) Trill ... ca .. name and numbet" to Tommy lune Farrar Empl A.lency, Foster Telephone Service, Har-402~ 32nd St.. Newport .. .. C1 I 11. bor 4795. HOUSEKEEPER a n d mother'a helper tor month of July. Ha 5875. RELIABLE WOMAN, houaekeep- er and child care, permanent, salary open. U 8-525,_1.-,--:--:-- HELP WANTED: Mother'a help· er; 2 children, prefer live In, salary. Ha 3286 attemoona. ....... ,._ .. 100~ EMPLOYER RET AlNEO AGENCY NO FEE collected from applicant 413-31at Newport Beach •• , ... IEWS! Good lobe -Good Salary with frequent lnc:rea.ses In a company that actually en· oourape advancement. Full pay u you are trained. --Opmllnp for- TELEPHONE OPERAroBS -Apply- 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p .. m. 122 W. 1b.Jr4 St Santa Ana PACU'IC TI:LEPHOR GUEST BEDS FOR JlEl'fT Call Uberty 8·34!56 Seal'a Surlfcal Suppllea Trim and allm clua, ~rrently betne held at the Community Youth Center in Cdn>na del Mar, will continue u part of the aum- mer recreation proe:ram on Thun- day mom1n.-betw.Hn 10 'nd 11 a.m. Over 80 women from all Painting -Decorating parta of the Harbor area have PAPER HANdiNG relf.tered for the elua, which Ll GEORGE BURKHARDT belnc taught by Dorothy Jo u~ Coatnct.OI' SwaMOn of the Dorothy Jo Dance 1897 Oranae Ave. eo.ta lieu Studlo. Ube!ty 8-8828 Liberty s.a;32 IOJDriO_W_I -Q&T--0-W.-- COMPLETE P AIN'nlfC PAPER HANClNC SERVICE A dauehter, Diana Luora, 7 lb. 3 oz., waa born to Mr. and Mn. HA 2971 Charles JohMOn of 20C ~ Onyx <Evenlnp, week-enda) Ave.. Balboa Ialand, In Hoac EUGENE 0 . SAUlfDERS Memorial Hospital on Monday, 500 3t.t Street. Newport Beaeh May 21 . COIOI.Zft ~a -------......- ------ Phone in your new. atorles to your local ~. tile ED· .s.an. .Harbor m4. Your Health COVCID JUIT DOIM' ....... DECOUTDfQ fiiOnDUf 1.-tVa lleJpToa C:.U ..._1171 .. lilliE' THE l EST O F RIDES-FOR FOLKS OR FREIGHT 2I1J E. COAST JIWY. CORONA DEL .M.Aa Call Blrllor lilt for Jolt Pd•H'I (Another In a Serlea of .Meaaen Presented by the Newport Harbor Ebalp) If you are plonnin9 an oJt-of. town Jhopping trip, do e litfle s.rious thinking . . . in your OWf\ favor! Maybe you're overfooki119 something. Ask yours.lf: "Is it something I HAVE to 98t els.where?" ''Can't I ~ the a.rne it.m from e fellow town1me.n, here in the Harbor Area?" "Wouldn't I a.ve time .~ ef· fort by buyi"9 he,. et l,ome?" TheN e,. otf).r fltincJI to be consider.d, too. R~,of the dclan-enckents •~t of tt.. purq,e .. you melte et home, Y'O" 1 tef thet ~ttle tOmethine ..... thet you Clft't pt .,.., froM '""'-••• ~ ••• price. Wheft ~.,.. •• hom., you··· THINK Before You lilly Elsewhere get the satisfaetion of trading fee. to face witfl ,.n Ot" ~omen wflo have c:hosen to make their home here in the Harbor A,.a the same as you have. You'll heve aqmetf1ing in common with , the store proprietOt" Ot" .._ cJefl .Ito waits on you. They wfl hew aons and deught.rs etfendi"9 ..._ ..,. tehool with yow own children. You'll do ~eu witt. folb who ~ to your c.h\.rch, Ot" ~, .Me. dub. Ot ~ loci9e. Ot" )our civic euocietlon; perticJ. pet. it'l the Mme dvic cempei9N, end help the ..,.. worthy locel ptoje-.11. \ Attd ....., you te .. ~ ~,. .. home. you1 en;oy • w r"' of 11tisfec:tion thet'• ,.,.,.., • fOt citilens who .,. 100,. ~ , tohome~l~ • , . • Anllable for prlnte putJee, ~and Club M.'tl'fltl-. Z..Uent mu.te aJ'ICI en· tertatnment. tar the "over-thirty'' IJ'OUp. ftl.&. Llaall t-1171 (DAYI) A VIC OOLJ: COUAS• .,.. ............................. =-=··· .... ........... .............. ._ ~--........... _ ..... ~ ......... : .. , 111.-.............................. ..... ...... ,..,.u.a.IIW'I'.w-aa•WB!M &&IIIW& ...... --- I ..................... RAJt.BOR 6176 2919 ~ Coast Rwy .. Corona d~l Mar ID ItO• UTTI.D PllrilrlltppC.. ISU E. c..t llwy .. CDII ft. 11.A Ull ID 1-Sl.S {METRO LIFE INSUilAMCE FONDS) GET- ONE! SAVE SAFELY At Ore,_.. C..ty'e Leedittt H .... LenciiRt btltltvtlOft CONTINUING TO 'PAY PER ANNUM ALL ACCOUNTS INSURED UP TO $10,000 All Accounh Opeft.d On or Before The I Oth of the Monftl Eern FroM the I d . LAGUNA Fa>BAL SAVIN&$ I LOAN ASSOCtA'OOH 2UO....A.- lA6lJNA lEACH ...._ Hf~IIW lewpert Harhor Bank RollertF•bes IUILDEB I Cool it The..- Don't be a Squcuw! Down at the • • • eou oomas The GAA Barbecue and Instal· latlon were held last week. The barbecue was the Informal inlti· DAVE TAJIVU was .-.4 "'Ta .C tM Year" .. tbe -· aaal ...._ JISttt len1ot .... craM J'riday. 0... was a IMW• •-Ia loe6cll1. ~ CIDd ~=·hrlJ ....s ... .n. INpe boaon Ia to.tbCI1l ad baaiDetbClL Ba• 1 cay ._tioa .... t to CbarU. llerry ad hu1 LcweDbeG. 'R•scos' Will Be Awarded Jewel lei atlon ot all new GAA members. ------------ They HaTe E•ery- Thinq There!! GRADUATION GIFTS FOR TilE HOT ROD SET AND SOPlUSTICATED SUE! Such as _ .. ,.,.,,,... Jewelry, hand bags. Gr~ing cards THE JEWB. BOX 2721 &. CocDt Rwy. Col'oDG del Mar ~~- .PORT/1,"/-. ( OQM tA On lltUN ·NAN/1, 'IIIHl'i The Initiates had to lap mJlk out of a pall, eat a cupful of mus- tard, choke down a handful of chopped onions. eat a piece of cake with mustard and catsup on It and a number of other things. A couple of girls were fon:ed to He on the ground on thelr backs whlle other girls stood above them and tried to pour milk Into thelr mouths. It got rather wet when the girls kept mlutng. The theme of the barbecue was "Cowboys." and Barbara Dor- kln rode her horse to complete the day. At the Installatlon-a few days later -the old Cabinet reluc· tantJy turned ov~ thelr offices to the new glrls. The old board. led by Tiny Snowden. presented M a r j o r I e Adams. head gym teacher. wtth a movie camera to express their appreciation to her for help throughout the year. T iny was given a beautiful plaque with a gavel on It by her board. At the Service Banqult Laurel Woodson received the Service Award for the top senior glrl In GAA. Rachel Perez and Vlr· glnla Fugit received the Sports· manshlp Award. Four ChenUJe stars were given to VIrginia Fugit. Judy Coleman, MarKle Stovall, and Laurel Woodaon. • • • e CBOWJUKQ QLOJIT The Service B a n q u e t ! The 2 SIIOWS KIQIITLT crownlnl{ glory of the year. Thls 1 :45 p.m. cmd 1:15 ls the time when the top stu-,_..._,...,_.;......_:;......,...,.,._..__,_..._,...,__, dents In the school are honored: STAJITS TOES.. Jl1ME 12 those who have served the school George GobeL Nltl1 QayDor. the most during the past yE-ar. DaYid lflYeD • Tht> Junior Assistance League IX awarded S500 scholarships to Jim Bath and Shirley Young. Jim Bath also rec('ived $150 from the Costa ME"sa Grange and $100 from the Union Pacific Railroad. Harbors won ct e r f u 1 Parent· Teacher Association. which does so much for us. aoo gives an award of $400. This year It went to Sharon Crowl. The Senior As· slstance League gave $500 to Sue Dussler and $250 to Dave Ta· mura. Dave was also chosen Tar of the year by the physical edu· cation department. The Newport-Balboa Savings and Lonn Asso<'latlon awarded Its $1.250 scholarship to Bob Smith. Bob rt>ally looked sur· prlsed and happy. The highest moment of the .. ,... • ...,. •CIII"" a& u- 1 aua. ca.r-•-n. u..n Opea I :M eartoot~ C"..amiYaJ l"'r'l flat .,.. a.&.. ...._ DMN o.-u :.a ~·~ AT TWO '1'112A'I'al:8 JC~N ~A Y"'f ThP S[AR(H[R S . • MANTA ~~ IN M ...... * DOOIU!J OPEN AT 1 :16 * W -··-,.._ * e.&. A a-........ a& IIU * ..., --..ow Kl 1-1\Mft * NflW •AnWJN() * WIL llo6dell -KJIII No.ak ~ !Oil" 'lqoo '"PICNIO" " ·•SCBEAJONQ EAGLES" .... • • DRIVE IN -{.-lC THf/\Tilf', 0 ~ ...... . -,.,.. ........ . • • • e FLOTSAM AKD JETSAM "Bits of shipwreck or ~~ swept from a veuel Into the .ea and found Ooatln1." That'a what the dlrtlonary says about Plot· aa.m and Jetsam. But It meana something different to the 8tU· denta at Harbor. "Flotsam and Jetaam" la the annual LlteratY magazine of Harbor HI, and It jammed wtth 50 ot the year'a beSt short stories. poerN, and Umerfckl co.mpo.ed by Harbor'• atudenta In thelr Enellah d.-es. The editor for thll year'• "Flot· aam and JetN.m" wu Klb Ml· chaud. Aatftant edlton were Sharon Crowl and Shirley Younc. ·Mary Rayne. wu .c:retary. The statt Included Jtaren l)ornebf, Sue Cooper, Sally ero.t~twalt. Dave Grant. Dennll Harwood. Peto Lardner, Vkkl Macintyre, and Carole Shelton. • •• COmp411 QUMft y ..... , .... .................. • IUio r. c:-,.. K1D91 .............. HIN'• the--' wotdl you elweyt ... teet-Of the pries ysv wa11t to ,.,..Ow.,.... ... llllne __.....Try OM ... ,.. ..... ~. "10 liT" Vll111 fir T111n., Fri., Ill., -7, II .. Store Houn: Daily 9 A.M. to 8:30P.M. SUDday cmd lloliday81 A.M. to 8 P.M. Vermont Maid From Cane and Maple Sugan In New No-Drip Bottle. 1-LB CAN SYRUP ss~ DVU&& Oleomargarine 1,.. 21' ~ ~c 12-oa. Bottle 29~ lftTI'~nDY Pancake •d , Waffle FICMW I~IL.... 2t.2ll I 211L pq. Ill .oz... INSTANT COFFEE hz.tllr 4~ F,.. ....... , F•llr' ................... .. Hope To 1M You at Ccamualty ClnMda •••• ._Sat. MomJag oa OUr Pcaldag Lot I.IUT"'--r-....... Juice .., " -~ ·-'·'; fRUH~ UE[if.JJ:1El£S ..