HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-08-02 - Newport Harbor EnsignLido Lads Lead Rcici COJIOIIA DEL IIA& CALIF. Bond Issue Vote Likely I Con~truc-t Inn of a 74 . bt-l'! I.:~ gun!l hOllp&tal. which would a &· c:ervf' C trnn ·• del Mar t<: m pos.•uhl•' h\ thl' grant n( $67,.. .>n by thP ~IIIli' (HopnrtmPnt PI Health·,. BurNI U of Hoc:pnals ,r Berkt>IP\ Tht> · direocturo; of the ~mil h Coast Community Ho.~pttal l'11rp said that ttv-Jrrllnt w a'l apprnv • .,1 on condttJon that th~ I"E'SHIE'ntc; of the coastal area contribute an additional $410.000. Tbls must be done within four months. making the deadtm. Nov. 77. Tbe grant wa.s ma~ because health authorities bave declared Orange County's South Coast to be a distress area In tts .rlous WITEI Y. r.lt T. Dunan Stewart. of Sb~ CllttlJ ha.s been IOOWd to ~ by the wa~ aboftaae that ls plaaulng our ctty. B•'• colna to be writing this ~ poetry about J~ and benia a ctart«: 1"1111 II "l1d Ui'DU01' I Ria car ls dusty, lUI Une,n ls 11&7· m. unsba>m\ pbJI!Ique, llala~t~ Ita u lD clefta.JK'e 'ro MtaftbQrb' ...... .. ..... tota1l:J ~ ~.zq .-u-.._,.. a.~•na . ... .... .. r.p)ete Wttbea~ ............ tlliMII .......... Ia'-~' ,,.,m~d·· .,.,,, ... _. .... , ,. m11n l •-. r~ 1l \ t•·" I r1t•l \I••, ''"" t • "'" 1 tr mrn r 1011 .:.an Juan t .lp .... tr.lllo tnlaml Thr> hn,<;piiAI will lM' h nllt nn 'fiiUAID&T. AVGU'ft I. 1151 -------------~ ----- ----- --- ----------------------- . : ..... I 8 e fNTlOOUCIN& OUNC, THE POET Allow me to introduce another Ensign contributor: long time friend and local citi~en, T. Duncan Stewart of Shore Cliffs. He's the guy who seved InspiratiOn Point; he's mighty active at the Gun Cl~b; he was at one time a big time hotel man: he ploys the fiddle ltke Heifetz or Benny. And now the water crisis has revealed ~et another · talent-writing Dune-style verse. You C4n read some of tt on poge one of this issue. And herewith you con read whot drove him to this extreme: Oeor Hop: In the years I've lived here in Corona del Mar a lot of thin95 have happened. Three of my best friends, inspired by things going on. have taken up writing and are pre~ntly doing columns in The Ensign. Francis Scott Key, in the blazing heot of a predicament, tumed out his immortal onthem of four stanzos of which everybody remembers the first. Corona del Mar is in the throes of a crisis. We have with us a Star Spangled water shortage! The urge to reveol my innermost thoughts has overwhelmed me. While other columnists treat with taxes, sewers, playgrounds and tuna, I want to write for the guy who dislikes fish and taxes. Up to now he has been going oround columnless. Please understand one thing. The stuff I'll submit is lood- ed with research ond is apt to run out when the water short· oge does. It takes sdtnething out of a fellow's creative re· sources to produce, in time of drought, something that is so Ioden with moisture . It is agreed that The Ensign need not endorse sentiments I compose. They must be taken for better or verse. Yours for a short shortage. Dune Stewart • • • • • • e A IIDCA.Dn reveals that we had cub In Mr. Taxpayer, the City Council banlu as follow.: Ia comlnc at you for a 10 to 12· l uJy 31, 19&5.._ ........ ..$872.330 --nt tax ra•--und .. r a new head· Aut 31, 1955.._ 825 043 e NOTE FOR NISSEN ~.. '"'"' ~ . . ...... _ ' In&. Sept. 30 1955 ... -.......... 732,337 My friend Paul Nissen, who goes by the title of assistant pub· They eave up the 22·eent ral.ae Oct. 31. 1955. .... ····-_ 717,837 lisher of some paper in Costa Mesa. belongs to the T urn.AII· Re•· In the faee of 288 protests. That Nov. 30, 1955..... . .•...... 694,853 Brandt-Paintings·T o-The-Wall school. Reason is thot Rex, who is mem· wu for a reserve fund for Dec. 31, 195!5.._ ....... 810,499 ber of the Newport Beach Parks. Beaches and Recreation Commission. future capital outlay ll and when Jan. 31, 1956.-.......... 922.246 made a remark ot the last commission meeting to the eHect that he they made up their mJnds to Feb. 29, 19:56._ .. -...... 900.311 didn't believe Newport Beach should be building porb for Costo apend tt. This one, marked down March 31, 19S6 · ·-· ... 794.845 Mesa. He was commenting on the big pork proposed for the Harbor 50%. Is auppoeed to look like Aprtl 30, 19:56. .. ..... 76.5,460 H hi d II he f C a barealn. May 31. 1956. .. -..... 838.6<ll ig an s area, pradico y across t street rom osto Mesa. Now keep in mind the fact that J une 30, 19S6..... .. ..... 753,737 Friend Nis~n. who writes o column now ond then for that poper the budret 1s balaneed. wttho•tt Lowest amount was In No· on the Meso, remarked slyly. ''Why can 't those Harbor Highlands any additional tax. So what de vember, juat before the bl& year· folh just continue to use the Costo Mesa Park for their picnics and th~y want tbla for! It's to add ly tax collecttona be&an comln& outings just like they hove been doing?" to the "reserve fund," sam~ old ln. Averaee depo.~lt wu $740,565. I have on idea thot genial Paul (you know, the ~ind of guy who boloana. cut thinner, but still These I u n d a are divided smiles, and smiles. and ... ) is scoldinq Newrrters who don't want to bologna. , amone 3 local banks and one h k f h h f f The psychology of man ls.such branch u follows : reac into their poe ets or anyt ing at mig t be o bene it that havln& objected violently to Jf.-.pol't to Cos to Mesa, ond yet they go ohead and use Costa Mesa's Pork. the 22.cent raise, or any raise at • GeiAJfltaJOI' AIIEBJCJL That sly dig might be very well token, except for one important item. ner account.. ................... .. all not needed to run the city, averaeed $231,768 We of Newport Beoch hove just as big a stoke in that Costa Meso be may now fieure he 1s lucky Inactive account ..... 125,000 Pork OS Costa Mesa hos---ond probably 0 whole lot more-because to eet ott at half price. • IA.Jfl[ 01' AIIEIUCJL ~ it wos developed by county taxes in the doys before Costa Mesa wos • JlEAl) ~ ~ Inactive accoW\t........ 50,000 a city. And Newporters poid their shore. a KEWPOBT JIABIOB IAJflt My horsonal opinion is opproximotely that the guys who pay How1wlll that mod ney be usedth! I ctl t. 87 CN\ h · · · f _j It wll be sprea amone e na ve aocoun ....... ,.,vv t e btlls s ould get the. benef,ts. Thts goes. or pon:s ond ploygr~unds. banks, which will lend It to you Active accounL._ .. __ 112.500 some os for the gas btll, cor payments. c•ty taxes. and grocenes. I at S'(-or more to pay your taxes e K~JIS IAJflt ... _.._.. ~~~ Oily Clllice Ieaia ~~~~ Here lOW OPEl SUIDAY SPECIALS for ThW'L. Fri.. ~ Aug. 2. 3. 4 TRY OUI liNE-QUE CIICIEIS ~--.. r * * * CUT UP STEWING HENS 33~ AVEJIACE 7 TO I US. Junior Turkeys 49f. . V.I. CHOICE IIUID IIIIT 69:0 IM)IfD.UI ... 11111' CIIC)IC2 CHUCK ROAST 43 ~ art.«:& IIOUiiD .oJ1'& ROAST 53 f. ·- -that Is, ll you give your rlrht Inactive account..... . 87,500 eye for security, Henry Ford ll ActJve account ... .. .. 112,500 aa co·slgner. All the Inactive and active ac· I suggest that the City Council counts In all of the banka were r~ad all protestln& letters before unchanged in the lut 10 month&. volin& on raisin& the tax rate for The only account that chaneed this unneeded money. CouncU was the general account In the wtll find that these people are Ne"Nport Bank of Am~rlca. which protesting any tax raise. Period. appears to be the checkJn& kc· 1 have received a letter from count. It never fell below a taxpayer who is respected In $111,172. financial circles as a pretty I Average total deposit of $740, sharp operator. H~ asks some 1565 jibes pretty well with the questlona that bring up some 1 Council'• prediction of $749,300 In surprising answers. They may 1 the banks next June 30. surprise you too. e LOW DfTEBEST Here 1a the letter: · What Interest dJd we receive • • • last year on these deposita! Only e QtJESTIOKS $4.100 . Dear Andy, Now, some of you who paaed You have always been the 7th grade math can fleure the "knowsey" type, and you tried rate, and I'll report it here. You hard. when you were a council· can see tt'a a whole lot less that man, to save money for the tax· 1%. because t•;. &eta you $7,493 payers. Maybe you can give us on $749,300. the answers. I Mr. Schisler. what do you aue· Why does the city have so gest foe that "Idle" money 80 much Idle money In our local that It would earn more tor the banks (of which several of our ctt;y than 1t baa tn the put! top oUiclala are dlrectora) draw· To your aecond quetrtlon, you In& only 1 'Ji% Interest on In· are remJnded that not one of th<! active accounts and nothing on beads of these banka would sup· active accounta! port you tn the lut electlon, and These bank& In tum lend the they actively endoraed by their aame money to the taxpayers alenatures or 0~ all prea· at 6% or more. Thus the banka ent membera of the Council ex· are makJn& 4 'Ji ~ mlnlmum. cept Char lea Hart. lendln& the money back to the ;::=:::::=::::::::::::::::;::;::::::::;::;:::=::::::; people that the city took 1t tro01-A c-~1 of This Ia &ood bualnea' tor city l'lld' CAJ o.rtlclala who are directors Jn Wool c.,.e • lew • .. yd. theae banks, a nd &180 eood buaf· neaa for the banks, but not too .. advantaeeoua to the taxpayer& BAllBOa et'M How about a breakdown of 2919 E. Cout Bwy., these tunda depoeJted In each ot Corona del Kai our loeal banks, ab~ how ~========;2====~ much In each one and how Ions t they have been Idle! Bow about an ordlnanee pro· hlbltlna the depomt ot city funds In bank.l ln .tlJdl our cltJ of. flda1t ue omc.r. or ciJreetonf U you can 1ft ~ to the above lnt.ormatlon. bow about pOIJablq tt 1ft J'OQl' coluam, Wlaere *'esyow cu .. Itt E. L\U'II ICIIIII..Ea ..... Jalan4 • • • IPE-IIUII BY~~-·- blddentallr, the .._ ... ...,.t ol e.eb of the 15 aJ ... J Me CO• 1Dddect ~ wttb tJMiee N · poC'tecJ to bave beell ""cautbt" by you. An4, tu~ the --~ ool~ ol all. the albacaM pletu.red wttb Mr. )(d)oupll 'lflrl ~ .-sbl· td Jlarf.Mlaftcb _.. Yalued ~.., ol tMir tr&lll· td albacon ad. ........... 1'tle ..-..nblanee .. lD tbe ,..,...,ted mole appeartn• Jut owr laJII left eye. Jfow, If you ue DOt aaltiOtd. Pfttl~. that we lla" .uf· ftelent evldenee to ...... J ftlfer you to the ftcmtlYU 8am· but eomprehenal" d .. clJdion. e LAVGIIIIAW"111 .....,...._ 0111&. ary, under the beaclln. •.Alba· Over on Balboa laland there'• x ...... G«don W..W and e«e", that read.t ,u follotn: A a fellow whom everyone llk• 'nlomulleDoupJ.l Jon• tinned. edible fllh. related Hla Ia a bualnesa that d.l.lpen..a Marine Sat-. Inc. to the tuna. found ln the At· many ltem.a ~ ,bCoy lboaQ. ~Ue ~ South Bay J'roDt lanUUe"l. am not mi ... -"'.... 8an fiyln• tJab. """""" a. lee, 0 Balboa Wand, Callfornl& -~ and &a801lne. ..,.__,.., s•-· Dleco, California lalla alon1 the I betw ,..__ h ta u.::-u•. coa.st of the Pad1k. Albacore n een •.m ac e ren Recently, the loeal p~• re. •-b tnd--.a' Tb~ I boata. On top or t.hU, he hu a ported an lmpresatve haul~ al· i:p:a;;,u to~ th:~Pet tacltle store, wbeft, 80mehow OJ' bacore, purported to be eauaht albacore to Ma.rtneland lmmedJ-other, be finds time to repaJr by you ott the San 01-.. coaat. _, u 1 and renov~te rods and reel&. All Co· Incidentally, o u r -~i 1 e n t, ~· th~ou u':::· J::;:! ':r In all, he • busier than a IUY Mulneland Inc dt.cloeed that darkn-to con-at ""'ur ..... with a jack pole In each band • ·• -"'"' ,_ u In a hot IICbool of albacore. on that aame day 15 of their tardly act from the pneral u you happen by tht. dock, traJned pet albacore were mLM· pubUc. You wtll ftnd the alde called Marine Sales, or his ato.re, ina from Tank No. 2. and CO· c Coatl.aued on Pap Ill called Gordy's MermaJd Tackle Supply, you'll be lucky to &et a word In ed~. be's that busy. But you can bet your lut pe.a on one thine: The areet:ln& you eet will be a &ood natured one. Chances are, It will be eood for a laueh. Somehow, Gordy Wevtll and fun are aynonymous. I really be· lleve tha t hla secret of auecess could well be expressed, "II there lan't 80me fun In It, why do itT" • • • • EVEJf COES PlSIIDfC Maybe thla Is hla leCJ'et. How anyone can work as many houra a day and still be able to have tun, eeta me, but old Gordo does just that. He even manaeea to find tlme to go fbhlng, usually, I auspect. on Mondaya. when all the boab and boaters are re.t· lng up from a hard week·end. Recently Gordo (which, ll you know your Spanish, l.a beoomJne, with the years, a' more approprt· ate nickname) and aome fishln& pala made a better than averaae haul of albacore. The news hit the papers because L. A. Tlmea outdoor scribe Jack Curnow wu in on the flab feat. Upon the oceaalon of my lut vt.alt to the Mermaid Tackle Supply to see whether or not my favorite reel wu operational. I found the followin& letter J.n the Mermaid counter. Coming from one George McConnell, who act· ually does do the publicity tor Marlneltnd, Inc., we reproduee It he!'e' In Its entirety. It you can't &et a Jaueh out of thla, you'd better stop over and aee ol' Doc Wevtll, the funnybone spes:lallst. ITEM · Of· THE · MONTH Yer••tllel ••• I • • • OR-WASH • bcellent few wothingcan.w~ w eens and siding. • Ecnity ottochH to Y041t garden hoM-remcwes cflrt quidtly. • featherweight 36• aluminum hand1e and cap permit easy handling. • Soft Vinyl goabt·bumper pre¥ents Marring and woter-l.akoge. ....... • Conveni-ent ahut~ft volve In brow hoM coupUng toY" trips to the faucet. • fvmlahed in hang-wp storage carton. SPECIAL PRICE * CROWN HARDWARE* •A IIOV'IIaiOLD DDAa'ftGJh ft'Oa- WeC.t a.,. * ....__ 1107 JEA.I'I' COAn' mGIIWA'f COIIOirA DD. IIU B! .TWO WI!I!KS ON LVI r~ Roya l DRU-Ware ~~· -t4. t 8 • •. reoulorty $5.9.5 1o~·-.. •• ... ~ $7.9.5 11 ~·-........ .....,., "·'" PtyPIIft Cowe,., .._.. lroft, In obo:le tkel. ... '78 ••• regulorty $3.9.5 ........ regulorty~.9-' .... ' •••• ,..,..,., $.5.9-' 1'-.. -... ,...,ly $3.2-' 10"-1&4 ......... .., ...... , , ... -... 40 •.. ,., ... .., $7:15 .KILL8T. IMtal hancle 6W-...... :.,.,.. • .., u.n For two weeks only we offer exceptional aavinga on our entire line of imported Royal DRU-ware. Buy thia beautiful porcelainized 008t- iron for cooking-, for aerving! It'a stain-proof, bum-proof, e a a y to wash. Hand-decorated Delft blue, white interior. • . '' . . .... " IIIPIJET·E , •••• . IT I lEI _. ' . •• ~'· Indian · Page a nt Scheduled' For Youth Center Friday AD lndi&D ,.._..t ucl oouadl .at tb.t Youth 0mtet ...,. &I fol. are .w ... Ml4 at 1 ,.... t.o· Jon: 75-)W'd dalb--tlnt. 101r.e llaOIIOIW (J'rldq) at tM Youda ~; lleCOMt llopr Grable; OeDtw ill c.-a ... IlK ....., t.bJtd, 0.... MacGWitray; rou.ncl- tbt &UIII-. tlldae • ,.... tbe-he-ant. Mlb ~n: t1on ....,... MoGDd. Jlopr Grable; tblrd. tie CllikiND bave bee bMJ mak· Mt'WMD Jlm!QJ 'ftmmerman and tqlbdlaa .....-. .__._.. nub Jlotlnlr•ll: hop-~· JumP- aDd .......,_ far tM bl& ...-t. lint. llflut rlanqtn; NCODCI, Tbe ,.....at wm lDclucSe cJa.,... aoc-Grable; third, nub ~­ eonp aDd 1•••"-well; •ndlnJ broad Jump -a.ult til the NCIBlt trKk ...t tint, aocer Grable, lillb no. tin; thtld. Grec MacGlllmay ; d bueNU throw -flrlt. Rocet' 7 Welcome Onbl•: eecond, Jimmy 'nllun«· ; man; thltd, M1ke 1'1~: dsot .. •M.. By Auxiliary t:~~~~~~:r; = .,.. ... In the Pinl ponJ tournament. _ l'n>ad Seven new members have been Davtcl Gauley defeated Jan .... v.. welcomed IDto the rana ol the 'l'bN.llwld tn the tlnal matdl for -1 'fs. I 't IIA-............ • a.Jc..t~.-IIAIIN c....-. .. Kewport !~arb« AWdlla17 ol the the cbamp1onahlp. Cbildren'a Rome loctet7. II& HIJ}llJcht ol the Family Nltbt Boward IA1NOJ1. awdllary pnU• at the Youth Center wu a I>Q • dent, and ber boud memben neylan4 preaentatlon of colored honored the poup at a lunc:heon aUdft and tape recorded nana- ctven at Mn. LaWIIOJl'a a.y Av-tJon by Don Weir. eJlUe home ID BalboL m!:,n:me:n~=~a~:: r. lllllr'a •••• , a1. eo.ta Meu. and Melldamea .. lllp If. Charlea Ponttua, Robert Incold, Lealie Petenon. Robert Turner, 8erv1eee were held at SL lames Dooald wen.. and Arthur Webb, Ept.copal Church, Newport. July allot Newport. l6 f~ ~ Loube Warren Rutt~ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiii!iii~piijiiiiiiiiiiiiiij 90-year-old mother of Thomaa Rutter of Lido Llle. Mra. Butter, ln.la .. e•Wrlcld ............... . • . . . . . . . . • . . • . . • . • . . . • . . . . . . • . • . . . • . . . . . . . . . . Now ~ Bacon and Eggs in 31!2 minutes when you cook el ec~rica!!1! ..,.Y. HO'THJNO coou PASTI!Il cb an a modern ~ rup. B"on aod cus in 3~ minuces. lutaDt coff•• lD 60 aceonds. Hot soup io 68 aaoaodl ay, hUe, broil or roast -dec:triclcy docs ...... ,._. •• woa.a: your kitc:bcn is as much as 16' .a~& ADd deaDer. Pou aod pan~ say mirror- ~ K'ltcheo wan. loot frcab and new twice u .... SoMDAY YOu'LL cooc: oa a modena clec:trlc: ....._ l&'a a1eo1t ioevitabk. But wby putpooe it? ~ ,... .,. amolll the 1owat ia tbe CCUitty • ....ra .an. Ediaao llr'ricea your nAP frr• aa ... • ,_ on iL ("''M ODly c::MrJe ia for pam. .......... ) r.10Cfaa mu. ooca:JAO tbo old way, k'• limply .._,_ .... ,_ ........ S6-=anc~ ..,..., .. , ... ......-.. Ylft .... u.. ...... -J!Iarbllrl SOITIEII W.lfOIIIA (OIPAIY . . : .....•••.••••••••••••••.•••••••............................ -------------~ ------~ died July 24 at her hol't\e, 218 Vla GrazJ~no. Lido Isle. alter a brief Mrs. Kathleen Wright. 951 W. IUnea. She wu a native of n. Balboa Blvd., Balboa. dJed July Unots and had Uved here for 25 at her borne at the age of 91. 3 yean. She wu the widow of She wu a aatJve of llllnots and J. E. T. Rutter. member o1. one had Jived here for 10 years. ol the leading famUJea of New She 1s aurvtved by 5 dauchten, York City. Baltz Costa Mesa all of Newport: Mrs. EUale Sal- Chapel wu In charge of services. ter, Mrs. Haul Price, ~. RJta LEOAL lfOTICE &UOLUTIOif lfO. U ll A RESOLtmON OF 11IE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH DECLARING ITS JNTEN. 110N TO CALL FOR A SPE- CIAL ELECTION IN CEJt. Reagan and Mra. Jeple Moller; aJAO 9 grandchUdren, 12 great- grandchildren and 2 great-great. grandchildren. Servfees w~ held July 28 at Baltz Cocta Mesa Chapel with the Rev. Roy Carlson of Chrlst Church by the· Sea oUlciatlng. TAJN INHABlTED TERRI· thence northeuterly alone TOBY C 0 NT I G U 0 U S TO aald AOutheuterly line of SAID CITY PROPOSED TO Tustin Annue to an angle BE ANNEXED 111ERETO, point in the bouJldary line FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUB· of the City of Newport MITMNG TO 11IE QUAU· Buch; said angle point FlED ELECTORS RESIDING being the mo.t northerly cor- IN SAID TERRITORY THE ner of Lot .tOC u ahown upon QUESTION WHETHER OR a map of Tract No. 300, re· NOT SAJD T E RBI T 0 R Y corded In MlsceUaneous Map SHALL BE ANNEXED TO Book 14. Pages 11 and 12. TRE CITY OF NEWPORT R ecord a of aald Orange BEACH, AND FIXING A County; thence aoutheasterly 11ME AND PLACE WHEN "alon1 aald Ctty Boundary AND WHERE ANY PERSON line to a point of lnte~lon OWNING REAL PROPERTY with the westerly Une of the WITHIN SUCH TERRITORY aforementioned Irvine Av· MAY APPEAR BEFORE SAID enue ~nsions, ~ feet In CITY COUNCIL AND SHOW width; thence s o u t h e r 1 y CAUSE WHY SUCH TERRI-along aaid westerly line and TORY SHOULD NOT BE SO along said City Boundary ANNEXED. · line to a point oC lntenectlon BE IT RESOLVED, by the City wtth the aoutheutuly line Council of the City of Newport · of S&ld Lot lOC; thence aouth- lk!ach: westerly alone aaJd City SECTION 1: That It t. the In· Boundary JJne to a n angle tenUon ot the City Council o! point; s&Jd angle point ~ing the City of Newport Beach to call disunt 52 feet northeasterly a •~>«lal election to be held on from the most westerly cor- the 16th day of October, 195i, In ner of Lot 318 u shown upon certain Inhabited territory con-the aforementioned map of tiiUous to aatd C1ty, proposed to Newport Helchts; thence be llnnned the~o. for the pur-southeasterly along aatd City pose or aubmlttJne to the quail-Boundary llne to a point of fled electon residing ln said ter-Intersection with t~ afore· rltory the question whether or mentioned westerly llne of not said territory shall be &n· Irvine Ave n u e extension: nexed to the City of Newport thence AOutherly a nd AOUth · Beach and the property In the westerly along the westedy tenltory llllb}«ted to taxation and northwesterly line of alter annexation equally with said Irvine Avenue extension property within the City ol New· and along said City Bound· port Beach, to pay the entire ary line to the point of be· bonded Indebtedness of the Clty ginning." of Newport Beach outstanding or SECTION 2: That aald terri- authorized at the date of the tory hereby 1s designated and flnrt publication of the notJce of Identified for auch election pur- electton for annexation. for the poses and for use upon the bal- acqut.ltlon, construction or com· Iota at auch election u "Tustin pletlon of municipal Improve· Avenue and 22nd Street Annex.." menta. SECTION 3: Notice 1s hereby Sald tenltory 1s described u given that on the 13th d~y o! follows: August. 1~. at the hour of ·~g1nnlne at an angle point 7:30 p.m .. In tbe C"ouncU Cham· In Boundary I.Jne of the CJty ben of the City Hall of the City of Newport Beach. aald angle of Newport Beach. any penon polnt belne the point ot In· ownlne real property within said tffMC'tlon ot the nonbwest· territory AO proposed to be an- erly line ot that County Road nexed and hav1ng any objection known u ttvtne Avenue ex· to the proposed a__nnexat:k>n may tension, 80 feet In wtctth. appear before .. ld City C®ncU and the aouthweate:rly Une and show cau.e why web ter- of Lot 298 u shown upon a rttory ahould not be ., ~nnued . map of Newport BeJchta ~ Sueh protest must be ln wrttlne corded tn MlllceUaneou.a Map and aball state the n~ or Book 4, Pace a. Recorda of n&m8 of the own~ or owners ot Oranp County, CallfornJa, the property affected by aucb aatd an•Se poi.Dt al8o Mini annexation and the location and In the northeuterly llne ot area ot aueh property In pneraJ 22nd Street u ahown upo11 terms. U lt be found that a ma- .. ld map of Newport ReiJhta: jorlt;y protest hu not been made thence north-....terly alonc u preecrtbed In Section 35121 of aatd nortbeuterly llne of the CalltomJa Government Code • 22nd Street to a point ol. In· further p~lngs \ ahall be tenect~on wtth the aouth· taken 1n acc.ordance with the easterlY llne ot 't'u.t1n Av -law for the holdlne of aucb ape· enue u lbOWD Upoll uJd d .al election . ~p ot N~ HelJhta; SECTrON 4: That the City Clerk ahall certlty to the adop· t1on o1. this remlutJon and caua the aame to be publlabed ln the KJ:W1'08T HABBOR EN 8 1 G N once a wea for the two weeki prior to tile aalcl bearlna. ... r , . , . \ ' ' I 6&c 11.25 'I'M a~ and forecobll a.o- JUU. No. 4518 ... 4ha17 aad npl~ puled and a~ tt. av Oocand1 ot t~~e at)' Jlca port leacb. at a ........ tiMnol. Hid Oft tile Drd -of llalJ! ~ b)' tM foUow· .... IQQ t&ll ..,... to-wtt: An:& OOtJ:JfaLMI:'!f: Rut. ........ ~*)'. Stoddard.. -· ~~: ..... t ......... OOitll'CILIIID: ...... DO&A 0. IIILL _,_ -• - -~J ~ ,. -• -~ "- le•'•• ICO ,.. .................. .. Oranee Coast CoUt!ie hu re· cdved a C1ft of $5,000 worth of predsion aclentUJc tn.trumenta from Beckman JMtrvmenta, lnc., for the advancement ol c.oU~e training procrams In electron.lca. pbyslcs and chemJatry. OCC President Dr. Bull B. htenon .. ld, "We are indeed grateful to Beckman f~ otrcmng thls equipment In wpport of our educational pf'OITam. The lnstru- menta wlll enable ua to do a bet· ter job al. providJnc collelfate lrutruc:tton In technteal wbjects and to stimulate greater student Interest In aclence and enlfneer- lng, fielct. Whft'e the need for trained per80M c.ontJnuea to grow.'' T AEES MEDIC CX>UitSE Pvt Donald W. Graham. wh~ wife. Betty, lives at 249 E. 22nd St., eo.ta Mesa. recently wu graduated trom the eJgbt-week medical technician COUI'1IIl at Fitzsimons Army Hospital, Den· ver. WOaD AT CAL TECII Mlsa Jane Ostrander oi Corona del Mar, home from her fresh. man year at Sta.n!ord, Is 1IPTk1ng at the expeTimental wtn(} tun· nel a t C&l Tech. DrapeaA......,.IIoiDe lew Jl• BOIIAICHE' 2919 E. COAST HWY. CORONA DEL MAR ftolae~ll'N wwhy is PLANNER by Paul McCob b America 's favorite? The publk h .. a lot of know-how when it eomu to c:hooslna Amerlc:a•a favorite contemporary furniture ... and they've beatow.d the c:.rown on Paut Mc:Cobb'a famous P\anner Gnlup 1 S.C:.us.e It possesses fine pennanent deailn. dur.Wtty of~ sttuc:Hon, beauty In us.e l It s.bafles _, many needs for youn1· ttllnlun1 homefftakers ... and •t'a "'open stodl"' ... 10 you can "" '" at any ume. S.e lt today ... it m.yanswer many ot your Pfobtema 1 Chests from $36.00. Dining choin ~m $22.95, Occ. tobles from $15.75, Beds fr~m $29.95. 285-4 E. Coast Highway Corono del Mor Harbor 5-437 "'Where good tatte costs no more" NOW OPEN Pacific Model Centre 2842 E. Coast Highway CORIO Dn llR • COIPLETE UIE OF I.EL PLANES, BOATS, TRAINS *II SOlES *I-AlB ms * IIIlEY 1.1. Ul 1111 qllfiEIT * ITIDI TU.s .... r.E * lYlES SUI E -.s * Ul. .. 11111 IIIC ms· * IIITIA SUI E IY • * ITUS 1IIK *n. I''E TUK * IEVU1 PUIIIC -.s -..nE LIE .. -. Ill _. PACIFIC CENTRE .......... NyincJ • • • .d ~ ... ,.Ill M IEII U .. J . . . . _ ...... ...._ ...... •• • -J •·.... .,. Variety Shows Msented .~ e:rr~~... H At Playgrounds in Sity · ...,, .,-=.=::=. ...... -~~~-'!~£~~~ ;u; = ... .., ".. Hel ~tim: tbey wW Any Cl~ ~ ........ • 1U) ,_. ........ taleatplore ~~-... ud .... akla· ,..lllcjtJ' ... ~---· .':'"~a.::. ..... -..... -~ .. aer--· at tbe ,... varltt7 ..._. ,... .... Baeaiiu Dual b1 .... .,... Oueetete w.u aa. ~of wen to be cSoM. IRiteCI at tM ..-.. p&q• ...._ o.tea; C11a 1'ltallll " at tM 011 ._. Jfe wtU ... 800II*d froiD a OOntraoa' .-.o 1aaa aot been pouDCII ta tbe ......... ,. ,_, .......,: .......... .._... ,.... PMc. ~~-·• 111 • ca ...... wt~~a e~~~e JI'OYIISoa at ae....-., DhlaAon m .... ~ ~ tbe N.wpon ~ .J&DIIt ...._ 'l1ae propala -.:_~liM will .. ,_.,.. ..... It II .... oe a PI'DIItlll fona 011"rrt?IN UMI .. I 'a 7 ODda. .... Olt:J ..,..tlae DlpMt· tiBm!Da'*l wttll poup ....... ·-~~· ~ ........... lllit :p; .... bY PlaDI ~be ..... Ud ..... ., ........... ~ .. ClQIItnct. an4 .... . . lee! b7 Dk*-aDd lldaud :.VIti .,.:......:.~:=-:~:-.t,cat: s;•=.uw:-.::r~~ ........ 01ItM'-EqiJMtr• .. ~ ..... ......_ ol Holmer. ,_.II I ) 011 tbe a ......... bid, IUdl ~tw to be tcwfelted 'ftle l!leCW aU.tlae 011 ......aw blclcJina II caUed to dte caw-·-... b tbe abOw at tiM AdfYitSee fOI' 1ut '"* boG· -...... 11111 ..._ tiM CIOMnd 11 awadel' fall to eater Into "'Provo-! ~ub-.a ._s ~ •• arll tD tM lllaDk form J'outla C.t. In Canea del liar. oneS tbe bl:rtlula7 ol Joeepb lt. .._ OIMIML oe Dl'ODoul tat full~ u tD a.Ndla& *- 'I'M flnt act wu a tumbdllllr •· ~..w. tbe tOUACSer ol the paq ..... _ ~~-wftla tba pro~ o1 SeetJona 1110 to 1m ot -'1"6e etty otlfcrwpwt ._. .. ,., .. 1M Jilld eo teJ11et..,. • lllbltlon ~ \'leQ L I n be r I . IJ'OUDd lllOWIDI'ftt lll AIDerlc:L ._ --'----City Counetl ol the City o1 Jllewport JIMda baa all bldl. Kame 'l'brelUld played WYWal ~~ ..,.~~l.Dr rate of wac-applicable to tbe crrr or M&Wi'Oil'l" DACII, ~ teleetloea on tbe plano, tollowed e p t -•---U : • KAitGDY SCIIJK)UDD, CJt7 Cl.rtc bJ' Jan 11lrelkeld aJnctnr and • r e er son Cl ,._ --.ty IW' Dla. Dated: lu.ly 23. 1158 pla)inr u.. ukulele. • ---w ... ...._ .... Pubu.ll: JaJy 21 and Aq. 2 Ill--,... Jf.-pon HubOI' m.srn. A aldt ...Utlect --rbe llellft· I H . d f llrleldQw ud -.. Muon --·· SIO acuo • drama~'" ..... ..-nted wtth a s ea o ~ _ _l:S ~~ Use w·-..a ... _ .__ •~•11 ~~m~ol~l~~ C f an.b~~~h~U.~e~~~~~~~~~~~~M~======~~~~~~~~~==~~~~~.um====·~~::::~.ai::~~IIIIAII::::::~ Pam Maptf, Vicky Davis, TonJ on erenc.e Iii Dovel', Mike Hutton, Billy Jru. JJan. Ropr G r a b 1 e, Sanely Dr. Bull htenon, preadent ol Bacbom. Florence BaveM, Guy Orance Coast ColJep, hu beet Ultend tire eluvu:4 ol ~ eJU:Ua Map«. B I 11 y Wlrtb, Marne eleded president of the Eutem 'ftlrelkeld and PbUllp Bond. Conference. Be .ueceecta Oecar H. 4 Plano 801a. W'el'fl a1ao pre--Edlnl'ft' Jr .• preadent of xt. San . ~ aented by Sally Brown and Pbyl· AntonJo ColJep. __________ ....._ ...... £ .... • .1. 11 .. y ~ Ua Bonde. CharleneReczuckaanl J Uillor colleaes tn the Eastern •-llrJ IVI~ ----------~ "The Green Grus Grew All Conference ~ Orance Coast. ~ Around." Jan Tb.relkelCI played Chaftey, Citru., FUllerton. ML f:~t=.'lt..~= ~ the clarinet and Lenny Jonee San Antonio, Rlventde, San 'UbeltT a-au played the drums for tbe final Bemard.l.llo, and Santa AnL .... J.-pla W. Kc:SMM R • d f • act. Cit:ng wu just reaclm!tted to Sunday: 9:30 a.m .• Oum:h Sun-alse Fun s or C h.ld Care &l da7 Schol· t·U Sun At 38th SL PhlylfOund. Jack the confereDCe th1l year and w11l day Sehool; 9:30 and 11:00 cf..y ~: u':CIO !:::' wee~: ~ Recu-was the master ot cere· not participate tn any conference a.m. Momtn1 Wonhlp-7 p.m. JU!May Ewfttn, ~~eettnr· a·oo. ...1 monies. Donna and Phyllis Hack· athletic ~mpetition until 1957. Colle1e Ale KYP Service -7 Mra. L. E. Morrl10n o1 San u a let acquainted period after -:,d~ ~ 1111 VI&. Udo, ~ ford did a roller skat1n1 duet. r ·m. HJab School MYF Service; Marino, atate a.uoclaUon preal· church aervlce. .on Sunday. 'Iblll N -..cb. ~ I a.m.· • ~ Margo and Judy Faris. Susan AL._.___ lr·lllllll. ~.m., youn1 adults group dent ot Unlversall.lt Women, told aprln1 they prepared and Mr'ftCI 5 p.m. week 4~ t a.m.-7:45 .._ Furmture~ Wln,er and Mary Bailey san1 ...._ .., ce. about the wock o1 the Jordan luncheon for a atate Ullivenall.lt p.m. Wed~ f .t p.m. Prt· r and danced to ''Skip to my Lou." 1 OWl Ill Prl TD caoBCB or ca:auT Bouse In Suffolk. VlrctnJa, when Church meet:tnr beld tn the Bu-da7 eventnp. • Complete Home FUrn1alltnp A comedy act was presented by J ,;: IJ 11150 c:::lnuda lt.. e-ta.... she ta.lked to the Harbor Aa8ocla-bor CouncU ol CbW'Cbee meettn,. PDIT IAfTIIIT cauaca ~ Tom Carden. Ernie Bacon and President Russ Ford o« the 1.Jbenr I-IIM7 tlon of Universalist Women at a More dutJes for the eompara-...._ a.. A"-• Mill! die Ito.. l.lbenr a.us4 Bob Sherman told jokes and did Newport Harbor Optlml.lt Club D. a. Bant. Kl•lltM recent picnic luncheon at Costa tlvely new women'a I"'UP are c::.M .._ r 1131 •..-t Aft. tricks. The .on1, "I know an Old ai)Jlounces the appolntment of Sunday eervtcea: 9:45 a.m. BJble Mesa Park. • foreseen bel'fnnlnl thll tall when -... •· a. .... _._ COSTA .... ~ • wo ...... " was aun1 by a group tb f u ....... -mm1 cb 1r study; 11 a.m. momlng wor· The Jordan Bouse Is a child the new minilter tor the church Sunday Servleel: 1:«5 a.m. Sun· ..,10011"\ ...._ e o "'"'Ill' ~ ttH a · abip;,· 7:30p.m. even1n&aervlce. d o1 boys lncludtn1 Pat Carden, men: dw ay care center spoMOI'ed by the wUl arrive from Pasadena. Be· day School; U LID. Wonblp Bob Marshall, Arthur Paris and Attendance. Dr. Ted Clarke and ~~::ay~ce, 7=30 p.m. Universalist Women of America. aides M.ra. Taylor ot eo.ta Mea ~: 1:30 p.m. Ba~ ,, LW»N NOVIN6 OAV t<rr5 AAE FREE . WEU.NAJL OH£ WITH OUR~M!wr&­ NO 08U6ATION.11 CAll ... HARBOR TUISFER I STORliE 2200 Newport 81-.d.. C:O.ta ...... Pboa. E...._ 6 Sail. Liberty 8-1'313: Liberty 1·1511 lYON VAN UNES AGENT Frank Marshall. The show con· Dr. Ed Boyd; achievements and MrL MOJTbon urced tbe Harbor offlcen of tlie rroup ~ Mn. '!r!~~~==: '7:30 eluded with a minstrel act by awards, Kenny Nichola; Boya CII&IS1' CBUKB n 11m SEA area women to support It u well Delbert Warrick of eo.ta Mea, ..._. Pra18a d Blbl Pete Winger and Scotty Telllng. work. Frank Glockner. blrtbdaya, c-.waJty Kelllledlat aa the Clara Barton Diabetic vioe preeldent; M.ra. Chules Pft. t:lv~~nday: 1;_ p..Z:,. The events at the Horace En· Ted Rueaell; entertainment. Har· ..U.. atYd. at lftJa lt.. ... port Camp ln Musachuaett.a, another rtn of Balboa u MC:rt&ry, aad Ma{a Cbol'us prMiice• 8:30 sign Playcround were cowboy old Hetrick; finance, Dick Hll· ~·:::a-Uf' Carl-. national project. ~ Alma Morr1.a of Santa Ana. p.m. Mea'a .,.,_ )(;;;tar. rope tricla by John Boetto; songs liard· fund raising AI Beatty· S da W hlaoy9 30 d Both of these projeoctJI have re· by Elb:.abeth Coston. Judy John· lnter:club relation, 'xay Phelps; un, i.m. 0~ufCb ~Sch~L r:'30 celved eonalderable attention by c::JDJI'TL\.W ICIDCE c:av.ar son. Richard Holmer. Katble membersh. lp, Dr.. 0 . G. Sue.a; a.m. Mldweek Meetin~ _7:00 the Harbor A.aoc:Jatlon of Unl-"Cod II a Spirit: and tbey tbat Brown. Rozzle RJcbard.s. Linda OptJ-Porthole bulletin, Jim Jen· p.m. Wedneeday preceded by venalblt Women in the two abort wonbJp him must worlhlp bJm Owens and Janet Boetto; a tumb· nlnp; publicity, Frank Jordan; 6:15 p.m. potluck. years the l'f'OUP hu been orpn· In aplrlt and In truth." ThJ.a dee· ling act by Katbie Hom, Charles program chairman, Verne Wat . --Jud. acoordln1 to Mr8. A. J. Tay· laratlon of Jesus u lfven tn Messing and Pete Ostllnc: tap aon; welfare. Dr. Jay Lon,ley. IT. JOACBDI CBUIICII lor, presidenL Card partjf!S and rohn's Go.pel (4 :~) Ia the Go.J. dancing by Joan Boetto; poem liM e>r...,. A""-c-t...._ luncheon meettnp have been ltatl by Karen Owens; No. A,... 699 Llbelty 1-1•1 hel<t to rabe funds. den Text of the Leaon-Sermon rec: on "' P.U.. ,._.. 1 •ma "S 1 it" tn tb N baton twirling by Kathie Brown, JfOT1CE TO caEDITOIIS StiDday .._ et 7 i. I. 10 a.d The women of the church abo on P r e ewport. Beadl ;::=:=====-=====:; ESTATE OF RAYMOND E. 11:30 a.m. WeekdaY.: Maa at sponaor the ~lfee hours held Chrl.nJan Sde:ncec:burch8\ul4ay. Largest and Most Complete WENGER. aka RAY E. WENGE'R, 7:00a.m.-Confession: Satur· aka R. E. WENGER DECEASED. da~ from 4:00 to 5:15-7:00 to Fumiture Store in the Area. 8 NO'I1CE IS HEREBY GIVEN to : p.m. c.n for f .... DECORATING SERVICE Uberty 8·55 18 House ~~• Gar~ en l;..rnishings for homes, dubs, yachts. 3017 W. Coast Hiqhw•y N•wport Beech the crfdlton of and aJJ persons PDIT BAI"TJ:ST CJIU'aCB havinf clalrru against the said or JfEWIOIIT decedent or said estate to file 8a1boa •~ 1ttb 6 Court Sta.. them with the necessary vouch· •ewport ers In the office or the O "k o« ~ 155~ 1-30'72 the Superior Court of tbe County Past«: ._bert C. Job.uao of Orang~. State or CalttomJa. or Sunday services: 9:45 a.m., Sun· to present the same. wtth the day School; 11:00 a.m ., Wor- necessarv vouchers to the under· ship Service; 7:30 p.m. Sunday ·~ · evenIng Service; Mid-Week signed at his or her place of bus· Service: 7:30 p.m. Wednesday I ness, to wit: Prayer Meetlnc. TilE CBVaCB Or CIDJST l&f&WIW DAY ADtUidi Odd r~ Lodge. •....-t aJM. _...._a. 1 .. Jllew'p011 A""-·~ .... c.n. .... Llbitdy .. l.lbenr 1·5711 ~ D. ~ ., ..... TCIIII ac.bL Jr .. K.laf.aW Saturday MomJnr Servlcel: Sab- Sunday Services: 9:45 a.m. B.ole batb School: 9:30 a.m. -Ser· study; 10:55 a.m. worship aerv· mon: 11:00 a.m. Prayer ~Deft· tee; 7:30 p.m. eventn1 service. tn1: Wednesday, 8:00p.m. CEIIftAL BIBLE c:llnCB UJnYE.asAUIT OOIDIUWtt'f o.a.... Aft. at Did lt. FBU.01tiiiU c.t.r KMCL L.lbe.ty 1-S. Dell c:t-na .. IT. AJWII&fi ~ ,., ...... u .. a:a~ 15Ua lt. ...... 0 .. ..... ---a.::,~ ..... ...._, .... J--L I~ SUJmAY: Jlornllla W'OI"'It.lp, 1:30 and 11 a.m.: Cllautca School. 1:30 a.rtd U:OO; lr. Bl1b. Sr. Rltb and con ... .,. Pellow· lhl~ '7 'p.m.; Tti1lrltdq, Prayer, .tllCIJ lfOUp, 9:30 LID. cau.,.. or on LADT or .-1'. CAMIKI lWW ....... ..._.w,....t .....lilt PfftiMrltr~";'.;.t:• .,.....__.. ...... t ..... Sunday MUMI: 8:00 and 10:00 and 12:00 a.m. Confee.lon: Sat· urda.y11 and eves. ol bt Fridaya and Holy Day~~ from 4:00 to 5:30p.m. and trom 7:30 to 8 :30 p.m. Dally Mua 8:00 a.m. Ftnt Friday: 6:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Jf oven a (Perpetual Help): c/o Joeeph S. Dubin, Universal -~~~~~~~~=;;;;~;;;;;~;;;;~;;~~~~~ City, C a I I t o rn l a within aix BA.a.BOB ADUOLT OP COD months alter the first publica· 107 W. Victoria. tlon of this notice. eo.ta x.= A. A. a--......... 515 w ...... ami.. ....... • Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Mom· Actbt911Jaiaten W'IJ1.'-Wiley tn1 Service. 11 :00; Evenln1 Sunday School. 10:00 a.m. Morn· Service. 7:30. Mld·week Serv· lng worship, U :OO a.m. Monday, 7:45p.m. COIIO.A DD.IIU COIIIID•tt'f CMUMa TIE lEW, .... ORANGE COUNTY FAIR TEN THRILLING DAYS Aug. 10-19, 1956 TJI ENTERT .41/VMEN.T hcla4Jnc DaaciDc to B&ltcl• of LAWRENCE WEUC-SPADE COOLEY DOYE O'DIU Tile SID&IDI aad Pla11D1 of e THE HOOSIER HOTSHOTS e THI SPOilSMEN llt/lttll ,.,.,. ~ ~ Hundred. o/ Eslaibi,. e Rortk:altue e ~ • Gem 11tow e no~ e bidMbiaJ Art1 e Boblllee Midget Auto lacee _ ........... ... TNCII ,.... Mulic Dally 4 ... , ... ,,......Low,..., I ' J..aor ratr World Championship loCMotll a.. r-. ~A ... 11 & 19 ........ IR ., ....... Petfomtlfteel IXOTIC PlOW8 SHOW-t.avtsh Dated July 30, 1956. ._. ~J.~ M. A. WENGER Sunday sehool 9:45 a.m .• morn· Ice, W e d n e s d a y • 7:30 p.m. Young people meet 6 :15 p.m. Sunday. Executor of the Estate of said lng worship 11 a .m.. evening decedent. evangelist service 7:45 p.m. • JIIEW'JlOJIT ~• A. K. PHELPS Mld·week service 7:45 p.m. LU IBEW&Jf CBUIICB ATI'ORNEY AT LAW Thursday, Young People'• Serv· 2501 CUff Dr ..... _pwt Beipta 3429 E. COAST HIGHWAY Ice 7:45 p.m. Tuesday. Liberty 1·3a1 CORONA DEL MAR. CALIF. --Jleor. IIebert Qnalaad Publish: Aug. 2·9·16·23, 1956 CBU'BCB of tU RAV•EJIE Duplicate momln1 aervtces - 9 In The Newport Harbor Ensign. 1115 .Aaa.be&aa St.. eo.ta lleecr a.m. and 11:15 a.m .• Sunda.yi· ._tor: Jle'9. Clift wmta-e, Ktnd«1arten and Pre·Schoo FIU'l CHURCH 0' CHRIST Uberty 1·7181 Dept. Sunday School. 9 a.m.: SCIENTIST Sunday Services: Sunday School, lat Grade through Adult Sun· mtiT AISEIOI.T Or COD 11f~f... 22Dcl St. & EldeD A""-c-t..._.. Uberty .. ,.l ......, ......... a-a. a. .. Ad II. C:. CnaJc. ._._ Sunday Wonblp ~: 9:30 Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Wor-a.m .. 11:00 a.m. Sund.qSchool: lhlp: 10:~ a.m. and evan1ellat 9:30 a.m. aervtce, 7:30p.m. Younr People and Chlldren'e Service, 8:30 IT. JAIID KNOO•AL p.m. Sun. MJd-week Service: ~ VIc Uda. ..... t .._.. Wed.neaday, 7:30 p.m. Ladtf!S' ~ 1-Miaalona.ry CouncU. 1bundaya a.y.Job & ....., .__ 9:30 a.m. lew aU day. Sunday 8ervicea: 8:00 a.m. Holy noJ V\e LUo. ,..__. ... ct. 9:30 a.m. Momlnc Worship at day School, 10 a.m.; bua pro. A br•ndl of n.. t.Aoth~ Church, n.. 10:30 a.m. EvannllstJc Serv· vided and Nunery provtded for P'DIST SOU'fii&idt UftDIT Fim Church of Christ, Sci•ntilt, '" So.-lee. 7 p.m. Sunday. N.Y.P.S., both 8ervioes and 10 a.m. Sun· CAUW CommunJoo; 9:1!5 J'amJ17 Serv- Ice. U Lm., wonb.lp eervice. 'nuu•day Services: 1:1!5 a.m. .Pray« Guild; 10:30 Bol7 Com-•on, t.A•u•chUMttL 6 p.m. Sunday; Prayer meet· day School 150 W. ~--lt.. c-t. .._ SuiWI•y Sc.hool 9:15 •• ,.,.. inl, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. CBmST LlJTD.UJI CBUBCII ..._., ~ ... ,_ IT. JOD vu.wET Su...:l•y s.Mce • . 11 :00 •·"'· a•• -A -• ·-OF COSTA IIDA Sund•v lcbool 9•45 a.m. • church .l .. II munion. Wed"a.day Eve"'"9 t.A"t'"9 1:00 p.m. CO~ =o"'D-(-.•-:;;:;_.. rJ.u. -., if · ' • ..... ·Aft. ....... ~ R d' R J1 ted t 3315 y· --unaaa -a• ... a -• aervlce :00 a.m. Tratntnc ~ a14 .. '"9 oqm ex• • •• 115 ~ A""-a.u.. lalad Aaed-Union 7l..m. Sunday. Eventn1 P.U.. ,_._ ••'-• .____ lido. N•WJ>Orf k•dl, it Q9e" -~ ... _._.__ _ __,,. .,._ wonbJ S dl Te cb -_.... . .._. d•vs from 9:00 e.m. to S:OO P·"'· --.;~ ~... ...._., .:;-~ ~.....,__ ~ fl..m. un ay. a · Sunday MUM~: 8:30 a.m. lc 9:30 Wedft•'_4•vs fr~ 9:00 •.m. to 7:<45 sunday s~::7 9:30. a .m. Sunday Servl~: Wo~p-s:n,. ~"e.ct0ay.~~~~'!~ ~ C:,nt:;:~U~a~l'R-:.~ p.m. Fndey .,.n'"9' .front 7:00 p.m. to Church School; 9:30 and U:OO lee 9 a.m. Sunday School at Bible atudy 7:45 p.m. Wednea· Da.y11; 7:30 to 8:30 p.m.; J"t.nt 9:00 p.rn. CIOted Holodey<. a.m. Worlhlp Service 10:1!5 a.m. day. J'rlday M .. 8 a.m. The public i1 cordially i~Wited to •t· ;;:--::::::-::-·~::::;;::-;-::~=:::=;;:~:;:-;::::::~~~~===~-:==~::=-:===~:-!'~ ~·.::d;~~· lt::~h Mrvic" •nd UM the THIS SPDUTOAL SEIIJf3 IS SPONSORED BY THESE CIVJC.MINDED FIRMS AND INDIVIDUALS Professional [~ THE lAY DEPT. STO~E lllePIMtTch PARKES-RIDLEY MO~TUA~Y JOHN E. SADl.BR. RN1tw Directory ,_,... ....... v. '--· ,.,._., Hel,.hrt.u• Sen4ee ,..,__ .. , __ w • ..,.S&H.._s._.. uo...w .. ,.c.... ..... IUJ L c...t Hw, .. C.... U .... IIUIIC JOJ ...... sn.t ...... IAwfr 1-MU ......Ma Her'-lOt Margaret L Scharle CARVER CRAFT IILl R.ETCHEtt lAY CITIES Ru.sH NEWPORT HAUOit Twecber ol Piano Fw MHIUDI OUTIOAlDS DISPOSAL 00. Or1anlat · Acoompanlat e.-4 W1ZA1tD IOATS ,... a •• .-..... ,.. • C1 t • t" alfttt ..._ fNSI8N NEWSPAPER Ewntnf ClUMI s.n...._ ... .....,uv ... """ , \~ween r t:::!':.:: ...,.. for dulta ........... a.-.. .,_.,.. ef AI T~ I ••• M !111 GOLDENBOD AVE. 1991 ............ c..e. .... D24 ....,_. IW .. C.. .... liD WWitl. ,__ c.... .... a.Lc..t...,., UW. Corona del Mar IAerfr t.lOU ..... ~a.mt ............ tt.t.ir II 14 ~ The DAVIS •oWN C.. PVlfEilAL DIBEC'1'081 EARL W. STANLEY, ...,._ IAMIOO RAn AN 8IFf SHOP T.a.•hlu l •lu J'rtendly Melpborbood s.ntce wa......,.,. "-'-...... ...... ~ ...... Fit ............ Alfl ...... P ARJCES-RIDLEY o ..... ~ ..... _. ... ...... OM.t "-'-1771 ............ c.... .... .. ,L.._..._..._ MOIETUABY ......... .....,~7 ........ 2 110 Broadway COSTA MISA MOTOl.S ........ WillA UflHOI.sriD Ll 8-.MSS • 1-atM eo.t.a ... ...... w~c--Wilt. ,_ H•••O• .... ......... o....,.c •• c •• , .................. STANLEY INSUitANCI AecY. :::;:: ., Cc au= IGI L c-t ....... C... .. Ww ..... ... a..... NOW ... TWO W, .. hWo.,t. 1111 I. c..t""" c...... ..... 17·~· .... c..w.. ....,..,. ._.... .. u.~~c... .. BALTZ MORTUARIES ....,...,. Servtn. tbe ~~arbor Ana Baltz Mortu~ C'BAPJ:L IY Til& IALIOA lAY CLW ..,..a .O&c.t~ CoroDa ... Baltz Mortuary =·2l2l 1~·· eo.aar-AIIPLZ PAIKIItG 10'1'11 LOCA~ - .. .......... I ,. Zeta Alumnae a wmr••••• ... .., ....... •• .. -•. ,. Zany and 'Cool' Chapea ux County Unit ·..:_,: ___ ........ --QMI--WinPrizesforBPWGals TheHigbies Is Charte red tldpetlq .... Jipntir ~ wtll ........ maw• plaM. --zany. cool, ~ s-ttty-afze. lhape aDd ma.t.tal. Wln· A L . CoMl Colleft prodaetto._ of Tbe ._..... wQ1 be lODe a bq._ enonD0Ua aDd Jtty.bftty, Mn tJoiD U.. JDalee of "beeUt1• re eav1ng lira. Artbur •• of Udo wu "''oUda Jladflc:" dLia ...-• ....s 11 _..... a.& Mdr 1n tblle to view the hata they W'OI'e wen the tuJ and bou:DdfU1 daapeewr." ae· ...................... Nlty. t.ua&Jy of tine OQ .... ~ .... , ,., -Edpr ..... th~ that put tbe pla 1n the carcflnl to the •Jucllet. were For Honolulu flf 1at Wlllll a a ~ Waa4. 'raktq tbe part of tbe ClaarUe ~ 1'\' IMW, ''Do wlnDen' rlq!" at tbe ft.-port Kart. IAnnlnc f« the mo.~ hanc::IMoa b a.. Oraqe COunt7 Jl r1 (ellia ~ u4 You 1'nlllt Your wu." on Ratbor ~ &Dd Prol...aonal be&utttuJ. Jtatle QuJnn I« tbe Mn. P. Ilea Jlrudt of W1 ll. A.1w1mM Ql.. of z.ta TaD aJI) II 0... ~ of klf)oa ........ & WOIMD't Qub ~ patlo molt oriliDaL n.ocQ hW+' Bay blat, Balboa 1llaft&, .... AapM. ..,...... _,... ••ltJ. l'llalld; lall ..., JM¥14 ,no II ,.. ~ for tbe 1'V party held Tbunday ....._... rt few the tunn.J.t and Jlobel'ta talned at lunebeon tad bridle 'I'M ~. wtlk!ll taeladld In· rr.ao .,..._ 1a a.. aUIIIc.al, ..._. ...-aiN&dy been tlliDed IOldnd Swauon'elllome Ia eo.ta &bell. the craneS prtae wt..u.. ~Y a Mn. aar-c. B.,._ .. lladOe Gil....., wu Wd at aac1 llJI .. ....,.._, laDdra WW· aDd , .. ld 1rtt J1tCb1e ttJcl M · MeN. 4 .Ovw bom of plenty woe u a far'ewieU party. Counc:l1aiU the 8al1aoa -Club. On bud '** M~ _,.. laM a rma11 tq • a.t ._. waa ...t adt· Woaw:n oC the dub came dee· for Mrs. Lann.Jnc dlle ~ and Mrs. lllP'e leaw Saturda.y to pr..at tt.. c11a1ta wu lin, ._. u a aura landra't 5-)'MI"· aq. ~ ~ luad ..._ ,.... orated w1tJa h•d~NJ' of eYel"/ bMut1tul Pl"f.-. Ori,UW proved nflbt vta plane tor a ._ .... A.utut 2. JJee Tam BudleJ of 1M .tap~-. oW .. ..,...,, wtto 1au ..._ ~ .sou.~T Jn~..,_.. b' tae llbow, to be a real paneau adomecl vaeatlon 1D tbe Bawallan ltlan4& who Ia CUI'I'efttly ,....._t o1 tlal _. -. of tM .._d)' ... tiM actual ,...... All i'Mil)' J • 8 I d tt wtth approprlabt IMDinlw ha1 G--. at the party, wbk:h wu Optntion Save Water · ·...:, z.ta'a PtvYtDce xv u ... u u ....,..... ou't 'UIIdlntaDd -~ ~ • u.. ,......._.. 1m 0 ge decor, a Jumpfq 1D0ftbJ eent.· held at the Ba.Jboa Bay au~ Oranp ao.urt:r: How to be Pa'-'"•· Loa Anael• hnhellenJe pNlli· the ,......_ tblld Ia tM ... CMt. ,.,.. .....,. U.., eo Oft tht!Y ed the tunnteet bat aM ...... ,... Mmes. Clinton Andre. wata'lelal Dr1veadWit)'wh .. ~~ dent oaJ(t .... aw.,.., ............... ad ....... to What 10ft ot Is ~ jarr·aed Sb.U copped the.lf&Jld ..... Lelcbton Taylor, Robert l(e. HWr ...., a dean ·-.-..~ Speela1 cuestt alto t:ncluded of 10 ,...., ro ~ too. ooWAI 10 ...-uo-J:41pt and Qlarlle will lVI with an extravapat bat oowred ~ and Wlntftecl CooeeB ol •.. Have dlat ratty tmell aD.tt lltL Belen Barrtron of Loa An· "8outb hdftc." aa tMa. '-' how mudl the Xewl,.,._. Kr and Mrs. Jlin w1th jewelry and JDedaJa. Balboa laland, M.n. Gale Stat· JOU ••• OnpiUI all tboee t.hlnt)' pi• tmmedlate put ,....Sdent • • • ..,.... ._ • tMtt "pluc !few. Blodcett.,. ~ f:l'om a honey. A aupper of baked hUll and ford of-~ Covina and X,.. W. elec:tric appUanc. · · ,IC.._ t1arn of the Katlonal-alt;J, and.lln. 'I'M.._. ...,_ f.Udly Jaaw ,...r ...,_, JW'll have to walt moon at aa.artta -..m. Tbe crwn rice wu prepared tor tbe G. Cloplne ot Vt.ta. a tap Oil fuD force, Jat the ...._ Melvin Jtlebley of Loe Anpl-. ftnally _.... .. tbe tlllou_,.. ud aftcl out. but nJ admit tbey eouple ,... married at the BaJ. croup ot about 10 by Sue Row· dribble ODt aa4 M rare~· bolDer naUolial vice pnrldent ot .... ..._ tM 1IAftlw ua u4 _..,.... )urt UJiw u.r in the au4J· boa hlaod home ot Dcrt. Bra vath. C.tn~M ... )lll.umecl b)' a phil uftderlwet.la ••. Don t let and tJae tint pledp of Zeta Tau ....,... ... .,..__. ,._ t...er ..._ .._ t1M7 aaJa, "We._.., befon Jlpted ~bra an~ Vera Ullenthal w1th the help of that wat.r let awq uUMCI • • · Alpba'a Xt Cb.a~ at USC. Udo Isle home to Santa Barbara. all the aMWen to the W,. ques-bowls of whJte eladlolL the pneral cb&JraLan. Mary ~'rankly I think our ltreeta look Mn. JolLa PonJey of ctranp Xorm. wbo runt a f1.1bJ.n6 bual· t1clll." (1'heoy dJd not wtn the Tbe bride 18 the former M MaeceU. muc:b me. ~ Ute cutten wu lNtalled u pcaldent ol tbe n-1n both barban, hu bem dlaDee to try foe the b~ one.) K.a.c'l'avla. a forme .::boolma~ ~-----------• overftowtal · ·· We all UM ~ new-1.1 c:b.alt.8'ed poop, whldl ..,.n4Jnl moet ol h1a time in • • • ot Mrs. BraY'• claufbter, and the e ~ water that .w• actaally need, meeta once a month 1n members Santa Barbara fow qu.lte a whUe, The BUJ !lpurceona m haw II'OOtn wu prevlouaJy a.aoclated 4 day camp otrertnc a clallt now .,. c::an t · · • ADd Autut bomea tl!Naehout the county. and the faJnll)' let tired of moved from aw Hawn to their with the DorU Bray realty firm e •AaTT Ia here · · · 1be thJntiellt month 1'1le alWilllU lfOUP wu lltarted fa~ days, 80 they haw Catalina l.tla.nd horM foe the on the Ialand. Best man wu the I'Jl~ oc weekly echedule. Prtvac. lnstructlon etvm in ...-fm· of aU··· Ow yean •10 and bu I'J'O"'D to uprooted to joln him. Tbey'U all month ot Aututt.. Even papa BUJ eroom'• brother, lawyer and f«· e on a:a an actlw membenlttp ot 65 Zeta be back to vtalt frequeDtly, plana to apeond a week of phone-me-r Xewport Beac::b City Attor· * * * .......... , ......... ... la.a.ctla ...... ___ _ u.. .. a. • ., c.•tt ... a ,_ .-4 I ... "t -.:Ide._ ............. tly __ ..,. ............. ·-··-.. ...... Jut baclde ·-.. -••• Ow a-tilt ............ c1oea .......... Ill ..... bl9 W'q -~ treat Mboct1"' ••• * * * Tau Alpha alumnae. however. and talented daucbter, lea. TV ·lea. vacation at Avalon. ney, Hany Blod~ett.. POllia The committee 1n char,e o1 ar· Joan Ra,en. w111 be madytne • • • Attendtnc the bride was Mra. mtnc. tenn.la. ttahtnc, rldtng and other ~ by aool rancementa for the party ln· mualc thla fall at USC. The younc married&. Mr. and EJLeeo Spa.rllnc of Balboa Island . coaches. eluded Mmes. Leonard TUbacll • • • Mrs. Don Southworth, eon and Afte-r the ceremony, attended by ot Runtlncton Beach, ·Ted R.lch · Cbet Farrar and Jlll Suzanne daulflt«·ln·law of Newport family and a ff!'W doee trlenda. Udo Sboppmc Center MR. K. THEBIOT ard and Phlllp Sunnett of Santa Smith. both ot Corona del Mar. Heleht• Don Southwort.ha, left the couple were feted at a eham· ~~-..~~-~~-~-~~,..~~YI.a~~~~..,~~;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~;;;;;=i Ana, Paul Baker of Anaheim and danced to the weddlne march In yesterday for a motor trtp to pape reception. L1 8-86U--EI 2·~ Mrs. Fonley. E~ada. Baja Callfoml&, on Boston. where Don wtll aratn ~ Shower For Mrs. Kuster Monday, June 23, at the Bahl& stationed. p t AI d Hotel. Both Chet, who Ia mana· • • • a eX an e r eer of the local Arthur Murray A ble. many.candl.ed birthday 1 Dance Studio, and Jill, who has cake and a vtslt from her aJsteor W d ~ J • been aulstlng h im there. teamed and brother· In-Jaw made a py e s lVI a rl ne the new "two·step" durlni two ~lebratlon of her TTth birthday Mr. and Mrs. Malldcto 4. Alex- Mrs. Free! Jtuter of Corona del day• ot reheana.la and red tape. annlverauy for Mrs. Her~rt andeor of Balboa Island have an- Mar wu wrprlaed and honored which they found It takes to g.et (better known u "Ma") RugeJ.es. nouneed the maniaee of thelr at a baby &bower elven for he-r married eoutb of the bordt>r. J1 ll of 504 Goldenrod Ave., Corona dauchteor, Patrlda. to Robert !Wy ~ntly at the home ol Mrs. M. Is the dauehteor of Mrs. M. E. del Mar. The blrthday party wul Ma lone, f1nt Ueutenant In the R. VeorBure ln Tustln. Sharlng Sibley of Mla.ml, Fla. Chet ls held on her brlthday. Thursday. United States Marine Corps the hostess duties were Mrs. S. D. the aon of Mn. F. A. Farrar of July 26. Her apeclal 1\lest.l w~ Midst plana foe a more t~al Brock ot Corona del Mar and Cambrldee. Ohio. Mr. and M.rs. James Caywood of wed d 1 n g • the youne couple Mrs. H. M. Nunan ot Tustin. The bride wore a bouffant Los An~les. I slipped off to Las Vecu and Both ol the out·of·town h08tess· eown of plnk oreandy wtth full were married at the First Pres· es are former Corona del Mar three·quarter aleevft.. Her n ow· WALTAJI aETS sow byterian Church on July 2 and neighbors of the honoree. en were pink roses. The double A son Walter Vernon Clarke &fteor a ten·day honeymoon Special eue.t.a at the party ring ~ny was perfouned by Jr 8 lb 13 oz.. was born to establllbed thelr home at 2221-a w~ Mra. Kuster's al.ster and Manul Men~ Standlne up wtth ~ and ·Mr.. W~tah Clarke of Marine Ave., Balboa Island. 'Ibe nieces, who have been vtslUne the couple were Mr. and Mrs. 2l0ss Bluebird Canyon Rd., La· 1 groom Ia the aon of Mr. and Mrs. YITI.III ••• IIEDUCIIII liDS liVE 1•1 IIEII ( .. FilE) .. PIEICE'I SUIT IIID .... -... llaat ................. Itt ua ~ ....... wtaUe tt -• ~ .U..alcrtloe oi draakd:l.-to tile u-.. ,.. --.... Ism 'en•••• ..me., foda:l•• •••• _.~b t t POLDDIG MODEL Oln.Y 111.51 HARBOR HEALTW FOODS 3SJ N. Ne•pert 11¥4. (2 ..... .,.. ., , .. A"'-.1 from Berlin. New Hampahlre. Jud Norrla. formerly ol Corona Beach ln Hoaa Mlm\orlal Roy Malone ot West Vlr&1nla. They~M.rs.~~~Valllan · d~M~n~olLosAng~~A 1\1~ • • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ court and her teen-age daurh· champagne reception followed at :osp~talthon f~!urcd~fd JI:,1;' ~ ten. MJ.u Carol and Miss Judy the hotel. e e 111 VatU urt. The couple are maklng their Cla.rkes. Waltah Clarke oper&tes 1 anco _ _. ld Co H&waltan Shops on Balboa Is· Other 1\lesU at the party ~e home at 42S Maneo Ave.. . 1 d La a Beach two ln Palm WIILTIIH SIIY Mmes Wayne Harper, Henry rona del Mar. wbBe waiting for an · gun • Kampert. William Harvey, Ralph their new home to be completed Sprlnes and one ln Dlaneyland. Royle, Robert K.leman. J. R. on Marguerite. Loneley, S. R. Shannon, Cecil · • • • Unkeoy. F. R. Hu~ and W. C. When Councilman and Mrs. Tobltt. Chick Rleble eet to Honolulu * * Sunday, It will be j\dt llke corn· TO 1IBW aAI.JIOA BOld tnr home becauae ao many ol W. I. ~ bu moved from thelt friends are a 1 r e a d y lftoe wet spot on tht. rather 1.5M Ocean Blvd.., Balboa. to 15U "natives" of the Islands. Thl.a In· dry bortzon 1a the probabUity Mlta.mar Dr. ' cludet Carl and Fran Hanna. that the new KWD Une will be complete by next WJDJller to aupply our oout.al area . . . Al80 the plana I« the tennlnal .cor· ap raervolt are ~Inc etwn a abot 1n the arm ..• • * '* * * * Juat think! No more taldne home cold meat loaves. bar·b·q'd chiclmna ot spare rlbe •.. Take •em t.ck to lt.ada! In they go wrapplnp label and all ... In a matter of .eondt they are ~ady for dl.nM!r and they wUl slaY plplD hot whtle you take them boini and prepare tbe c:oftee, talac1'n web. But pt this . tbe,J wUJ not dry out . . . not a drop ot molltuN Ia teiDOYed. all the o,von are Mtled ln. You wW actually llncl them taat1er than ewtt before. lt't that tbot ot Ucbtnlrll that cJoea Itt * * * SHADDOCK'S Annual End of Summer Clearance!!! Sta.rts Monday, August 6 Many exatU.nt YGiu• at 1J3 to lJs off on c:unent summer merchcmcti8e. Sony, but there wiD be ablohdely NO refunda. c:rec:lita 01' exchange&. • • • 0 POl TJ.DIY BUT HE GET ANY'TING ELSE FROM D' HAWAIIAN ISLANDS • PLENTY NEW SHIRTS (WILTlll SlY lEVU BEl IISIIE W UIIIIY-) LOOK! 'Dis BIG SPECIAL ALOHA . SHIRTS FOR YOUR MAKULE KANE ( ... Ill) HAND PRINTS • .. a .IIIII EO Cl fl_l lEAL WEI£ ,,. ' NOW- 95 WALTAH MAIN FEATURE I I •I• I•• Prill laltll ._ 1r • • • · ..... • : J . * * Nll K. o..t ~. Pia. 1IA 1177 HA&BOll AREA'S ONLY CBILDRENS ' SBO.B STOBE-COllONA DEL MAR ··---~- If you're slender but hippy Diet•loncla'tdae-. Y-'lliblyloe wdpl iD alae...,_. p&-wllik Jape llay ool WIT WIM: Stau&t SJ*IIl ......,;finny .wn. ,_ iD alae dpt placa _ _,. ,_. ~ into -pc:rica ba1aDclc by ll'immiDJ me-diJficult iadla. SciMI5ar ....... your polblft,llfttd. _. .... ,_. "- aDd tip~a~&lllllldc ..... fill TIIAl: Callaow Cc. ,_-c:oanay Yill& mod fipft aoa.~,.a. No ohljprioe .. 0 .. A L.OV11U~ e OD'r Stauffer IAWI'A AJIA • 1D. J ·'IDlO coao•A DEL IIA.a IIAdaor 17G Jl17E.C....JUPWGI Ill W • ..._.._Ua St. AIIOUICEIEIT We Are lew 0,. at o1r lewl.ocati01 BOUT ORE IIILE SOUTH OP COBORA DEL IIAJl Ba:D411Ag Our tJaual L1Ae OllARCES-DATES-OLIVES-JAKS-MADIALADES. ETC. JtJICES cS SOFT DBDfD VISIT OUJI SHOP AT TOUB PDlST OPPOIITURJTT. IIIII THIS AD aiHI EIUOY A BUSS OF OWIIE JUICE REE. ORAliE Ill LEO CROSS 7400 COAST BlCJIW AT IDA CROSS ,... .... ,.. .................... ~ .. .,.. ......... ..., ..., ,., ....... .,. ,.. .................. ., ........... .. ............... ....,. .............. .,.., ............... ,.. .... _......_ ••••••• • .....,...,,-...., .. u ..... . _ ................... ~ .. ,.. .... ..... JeweD ~. .;;~ SHOP ft.ORAL DESIGNS AND FLOWERS POR ALL <>CCASIONS r...Delhwy ,.....__..1 Flowen· Tel~apbed Anywhere SSII E. Coaat BlglnNy Of= $OCl4l. NOTE ••• Coroea del ..... -~========== ArnOne the lnvenUon.1 of Ceo. -ShenUJ of N~rt Island Is a .APORT ::~"·.~. CMI ,>NA OEl IW4 1l H4~,:. IIIH/'1 ........ -01 Clf 01 Pill SIMIOS · MAD ·AllOT -.-Til Ml"' • twiUII ftllllll ,_ 'r ..-.T I SWift, Jl •• -_____ .,,...01111( ......... .,.--... bur repellent ahelt paper for cupboards. Our personal opinion Is that It must not be very "love. bur" repellent It the Sheni.Jb uae It at their horne, be<:auae both of the Sherrtll daurhten are plannlnr a double weddinr aoon. • • • There are many vt.ltora these days at the Lou Reed home on Lido. Chief reuon S. a sum- mer visit of Mra.. RHd'a mother, Mrs. Fred Norcrou of Greeley, Colorado. Here over the week- end to see her were the Reeds' son and family from Van Nuys. Mrs. Reed 'a brother, allo a South· ern Californian, hu allo been a frequent ruest v l 1 I t l n 1 his mother at Lido. Summer brides are still wend- lnr their way to the altar and Auruat holds promise of nearly as ma.ny weddlal u July and July. Charles Babbitt. son of Rev. and Mrs. Charles Babbitt. who were fonnerly with the Corona del Mar Community Church, will meet hla t'lrlde·to·be, Miss Kath· erlne Walters. at the altar of the Corona del Mar Church on Aurust lB. Miss Walters Is the daughter of Mr. and Mra Edward Walters of 1935 Santa Ana Ave., Costa M~sa. ~ ....... ,. BUT-· ay8racllar1Dda Let us hope that the dirty con- dition of many local beaches will get remedial attention under what appears to be a new policy In City Hall of calling for help a.nd plenty of It when a knotty problem reara Ita ugly head. The license tee fiasco and the water famine have already been tu.n'.ed over to the city manager by a sor~ly perplexed council . Perhaps lt council Ia not too dilatory about naming the mem- bers ot the proposed clttzena ad· viaory committee of 50 ~me­ thing can be done about an ef- ficient beach cleaning system before the summer la past. Beach cleaning II an old prob- lem. and although the city la r~­ sponslble for many miles of ocean and bay front. little at- tention has been given to lt. TWo bright spots tn the pic- ture are the fact. that council bas maintained the local llfe· guard corps at Ita tremendously high level and hu continued a policy of alowly acquWnr ad- ditional ahorelandl. NEW BROADWAY .... a 1-4m SANTA AN.&. kbw-_. M • DO.A..DW.A.Y Deen 0,.. et IEII-lat ..... ....._, 0,.. .a UEII I .~l ·-·--···--· Read Ensign Want Ada ••• during O'Brien's August lvent you may have a ••r• discount on any ot our beautiful new coats • • • long or short, in all price ranges, and the proudest labels in all coatdoa! COROBA DEL MAR 251S ~. Coast Uwy. HA. 2868 • villa mar1na Reservations -Now ... Harbor 3930 WEDNESDAY AUG 8th Pr...nted through the c:o-operati~ of the Villa Marina. Vema Miller cmd the ioDowing ctiatincti•e shop&. PETITE VILLE FUN FASHIONS 3409 E. Coast Highway 2659 E. Coast Highway Corona del Mar Corona del Mar * * SPENCE ~PRINTS LOBNE 3845 E. Coast Highway 204 Marine Avenue Corona del Mar Balboa Island * * THEA TODD '!HE IBAT SHOP «8 Coast Blvd.'South JQ Newport Blni Laguna Beach eo.taM.a V..aMI!erlcMDlofChdn- Commentarr-Fa.hion ModeJ. 3(J'I N. Broc:dway, Santa ADa Luncheon f~om 12:00 . I .. ro& IAU POlS UU iii.i WAIIID iifi CIAJf6 iWitLDf JWfO, J::liiDei=7-::,._::-:~no":"'"'ri*Uiiii&J~=~r-r~r-u;a~ -eo&;=;ICI;:"-:1:--:~Cii~,.--......_ eeoo. IIAriMir ., • ._ taM. ave ~ S150. aa thla. b' emploJ'ed couple. TWo "52 CRiV cowv:-•~ w-. 4ootber ....... babe JiOrro. ..... lai&DdlrJ', llw out. JU• wtaa.. top. aacuo, a.• wtw ~ lptDit ...-. Ma-o-~ rt.or at. or lLUbor 3h5-W Ur& .... Call u...... ...t bu1Uictunldt • ~ l!wnlDp. t •• v wTjgqe mrr~ -.. rtuo • ()rpD eo.. 130 if. -1-=:11-1_1 __ 1-1-,rllliliii:-- IJPI'D. Ooocl coadltiCIIl. -IWa.~:-a-~Afta.=~-r----~ I ~ -.w. 2 ~a-a. ....... ln. neer ~ .. ,.. ~ilraiGIIATOI. o..,.~~u= JGK~DTADO:D fOOd ............. -HArbor ~~~~-------AGDCY 4GQI.W. DAL D'i'Aft & aai'TAI.I SHiH waRM~ Itt.. Jiri. . KO J'D eou.c:ted hal applicant tWa aDdlor t earYed ma-PUJUifi.SIIED · corr AGE. t'75 a uo Tu8tll1 Aw.. X ..-port 8eeeb • month, 1ultable for ~e bota.n.r pnpay boarcla, naw lady. HArbor Ota·& or ... at =~=~-~1~=t;_~: 2511 Second A•. at Ca.rnatJGD. lf.alwa. 41$3 w .I 2nd St.. Los ~~~~;;;;. ==-=:-:-:==-=:=--="=""'= Anples, DU .J.J..;39. J'URNISBED BACHELOR APArr· KENT, CDM. Cloee ln. Clan. ElectronJe Organ, llke new, S485. Yearly. $7S. U¥8 t510. Bcbmldt • PhiUJpa ONE-ORTWO B.R. AYr Win at& Plano 6 Organ Co., 520 N. · * Matn. Santa Ana. or part. Small boat Jandln •. •n diEV CLUB COUPE. Good Near VWage. 122% Grand · Canal. Balboa bland. paint Job. New engine and FOR RENT ROOk h ~ aeata. $.1!50. Call HArbor avaUa,ble 1n size 24 ::-..~=. pecta to vaeate completely a.nd U~ ~r ~ $25. PaddJ&o oeeupy li%e 14 IOOJL U JOG lalaft4. ~ Agate, Balboa can't reach me at home. rm at Knabe Grand ju.t llke new re-Stautrer'a. BA 1742. Pl rmer:l; pay out bel~ BALBOA ISLAJm APT. Yearly. .-s, AJDe u rent $4'75. bu,. Available Sept. lit. Well-fur· nreet toned Cranct. many nllbed. tub and shower. ~ otb.,. Uke n.:ber WurUt:zer block to abopa. HArbor 3(KS.)I Muon • H~ etc:. AJi between· 7-9 p.m. MOD TRAK :500 CIJ.WI w11l 1tart local Telephone Company careen t.h1a mon1h. WUl You Be One of TbemT • Full Pay u You Learn. • Frequent Periodic Jnc::reuea. TELEPH~f>ri<:AroBS -Apply- 8:30 to 4:30 122 we.a Third Santa Ana PACIFIC TELEPHONE wonderful ba.rg~ SdunJdt· DO YOU have a turniahed home Phtlllpt Blg Piano Ia Organ Co.. cw Apt. to rent! We will be ------------------------ SZ K. Maln, Santa AnL penn. and responalble tenants. 6 PR. ROSE DAKA.SK brocaded Call OW' a&ent. Select Realty drape., p 0 r tab 1e apln-dry (no charge to you). KI 7-a:l06. wuber, eleet:rlc .tove, eomp. PRIVATE OFFICES with phone automatic, fan, deep weU. dr· answering lerVice. Secretary 6 culatlng heater. 1.22~ Grand notary avatlable. Ground Floor Canal. S.lboa Wand. New Trident Bld •. , 2200 New- AVIARY-AND CANARIES. Color port Blvd., Newport Beaeb (Ad· bred and re,War. HA 3896 1 jacent South Cout Co.) Court· cw 238 lumJne Ave., CDM. esy to broken.. HArbor 3028. HAMMOND ORGANS all modell, WAJfTED TO LLU. wonderful chance to buy a APr., SMALL FURNISHED for good U8ed Hammond Organ; one lady.• Permanent. CDM. at..o. one only, a Hammond Urgently needed. HA 51.2-1. Olord Organ. burry and see ---the.e at once, big saving. BEGINNING NOV. 1 ONE BR. Sdunldt-PhllJipa Bll Ptano 6 ROUSE OR AYI'. CDM unlur- Orcan Co 520 N. Kat.n. Santa nlahed. with fenced yard. Ga- AnL " rage with atcrage area euen- Wurlltzer EleetronJe plano. from UaJ. Single lady. OXford 7-5U4. $319. See It at Disneyland or WAMTED here. Schmidt • PbWJ,. Blg 50--used----pl_anos ____ w_a_n-ted--. -h-lc_h_est_ Pla.no •. Organ Co.. 520 N. allowance tn trade tor ORGAN, Maln. Santa .AnL SPINET PlANO or GRAND. -Scbm.ldt-PhWips Big Plano 6 Orcan Store, 520 N. Main, IIIIlS __ &m __ ~-~--L------~--- Compl~ line of all 5 modela. Hammond Chord Or· gan 8995. Electronic Organ uaed $475. $15. a month rent. a Hammond Spinet Organ and leaons. 8USDIESI OROftVIfmES WHOLESALE NATIONALLY AD· VEJlTISED Greeting card bual· ness for sale. $1SOO merehan· d1ae and South Coast fran· chtae. 34298 E1 Molino, Capl· st:rano Beach, CY 6-5250. 1UMOJt OOLLECE JUGH SCHOOL Are rou lookin& to the fu-ture We are! Tllat'a wby we are otferlng atea4)'. Jobe wltll real ..., lffi!ILJtr It'• to our own lnterftt If we ean htre men wbo wU1 make a ca.reft with our dynamic bustne-.. We therefore otfer: SUad:y Jobe On-the-Job tralntng Real advanc.ement ~biUtJes. 5·day,40 bt. week. Interview now far lmmed.late openlnp lew students lntft· e.cted ln lune opertlnp. Mill· ta.ry .tatua not considered. Apply 8:30 Lm. thru 4 p.m. I 1030 E. lit Street SAITIID SIUTIEII I*IIIIES us Cl. "-SaJ.-PractJce pianos ... ~ $U5. eus.t t.ennl ar WOJ rent $."5. per month. Spinet plan~ repaae:aed from $395. Lovely Grand 14915. many others.. POll &AU oa ftAI)£ IJTUATIOifS WAJIITED S R kit-~ Big Plano and Organ Store. since 1914. .U..)'ll 100 pianos to choose tram. WE HAVE $15,000 equJcy 1n very CARDEN WORK wanted. Phone nJoe 2 BR bome, lOUth of High· HL 1038. Phll..-:;;Brooks.;o--.--;;---:--:-- way, to trade for larger, with MAnJRE WOMAN wtsb~ baby ooean view. Marie Kay HArbor aftt.lng and care of aJc:.k. lmit· 5409. tlng or crocheting. Day or FOR RENT, Carage apt. 1 bedr. _ru_J.,..h_t._R_A_31.92 __ · .... M.----- Il~ tour $55 week summer, IUSC:EU.AJIEOUS ~No. MaJn or will conaJder yearly lease. -----------------Santa Ana HA 1665. WILL GIVE FITriNCS and &5· --------------------------------------------alstance with your home sew-Ing. Phone for appointment. HA 5996-W. -..... , ... ln dlla daaraaiDa' a. bedr. ..... 10'fU ,_. aU tbe W&l'lllth &Del ~ ol Balboa l.llaM. lltuatect doe. to Mortla .. 7t It Ia attrac:tJ~ ly lunalllbed aDd hu time and ...tt avtn.c convent· ...-., '1'1!118W'a a apadous patio for eatata1ntng and outdoor Uvtq. • Prk:e far immediate l&le at 1125.000. Low clown paymmt. . . • -...MALnco. • Park. BaJtMta llla.nd BA m THE GREAT I ._ .... OOJlHER LOT near Santa Ana Country Club. Home or duplex location. R-4 zone, County areL $4.000 cub or terms. • • • S8325.. wtth only $1925 cub. bu)'ll 2-bedr. borne. Fine oak bdwd. fioor. 'rued kitchens, larte aervlnJ poreh . .Ju.t re- painted and neat u a pln. Cheerful, aome conc::riete bUt. wall. Laree front 6 rear cement porches, dbl. garage. • • • LABCE tamJly Back Bay borne--3-bedr .-den-Camlly room--2 LlNplace.--2 atory -2 yra. ol~d patio- entry hall-planked hard· wood nr.. Water v\ew, $19,500 loan com.m.tttment. $32.SOO, lull Prtoe. • • • 4 UMTS-rtew on larJe lot with room to expand-$10,000 down-colJec:ta the rent. Bullt by a bullder. See these 2 du· plexes with praces. • • • 3 LOTS, each 51 x 1.25, for only $250 each. R-4 Zoning with terma to auU, a real buy. • • • BEST BUY ln Newport Beach. 2 new' homes, both furnl.shed. 'nled, heated class encl. baths. Fireplaces. garages. separate units. Uve In one, rent from other should make payment-~ blk to Beach. New street. aU improvements pd. • • • $50,000 MG.JAVE RIVER bot· tom AltaJia Ranch-Trade for Inc.. motel boat. Equip- ped--t rae t o rs . 1rrlcatJon sprinkler pipe, -2 roomed bouse, 3 wells. ... a. ... rr., ... 18S7 Newport Ave .• Costa Mesa Ll 8-1632; Ll 8·1400 ev~ $5. a month rents good praetioe I.EII~ICES ··*~~" .. FEATURING ~=: = :: ~:n: ~: -p==-,mn---tm--g------Deco=-----ran---n-g- $125. $187, S t e I n way $295. PAPER HANGING Eule.ct terms on any plano. GEORGE BURKHARDT SchmJdt-Pbllllps Big Pta.no 6 l..kenwd Cc!Dtntctor Organ Co., 520 N. Maln. Santa 1897 Orange Ave. Costa Mesa AnL Uberty 8-8628 Liberty ~ SHf I Realslll s,.. for .... American Legion 215 15th St. Meetlnp 2nd..eth Wed. 8 p.m. SCHMIDT ·PHIUJPS, PIANO or ORGAN SBOt'PERS. drive to 6th 6 Busb Street. Santa Ana, tor FREE VALIDA TED PARK. lotie Project•• FOR RENT 8· MM 16-101 35-MM and 16MM SounJ Projectors FAST COLOR P'tLM SERVlCE Model Alrplane Supplies .... c·a .... a., 1782 Newport Blvd... eo.ta Mesa Phone Uberty S.'TOU • Complete Dinner Me11u •nd Servin• the • Flneat Food In the H•rbor Are• INC. ------------------------- SCHMJDT.PBJLLIPS BIG PIANO _....... 6 ORGAN STORE. ~ N. Maln .... St.. Santa Ana. Est. 1914. Open Frtd~ nJpta. For CardJac Cooclttionl Rent B&JDJDOftd Spinet Orpn. $15 KJdne,o ltoDel a month, with tree leaons. l'epbtJUI -AlJergi• a.c.wa•aw• c:aUa:a ........,.., allv='lr'l.q Gtant! .. wtU M tbe ..-nDOft topk ot tbe a... Doii&Jct G. lapp fer the t:ao anct u a.m. ..-vsc:. Bun· day, Aua. 5. at the Balboe ld&Dd Comnaunley lll.etbodUt Cburdl. s.rvt.q .. acol)'W for tbe len'· k:. wW be by llkharc1 Web.rt &Dd ,John Cap. .......... 2-bedr. tu.rn.laed bouae. DbL prap. large end~ patio u4 yucl. 50' Jot. choke Jo. eatJoD.. Ibd. a.tmo.t aU new' and CC*tly maple tum. Boom I« lge. bome or units In frt. ..... Payments $75 per month. • • • 2·bedr. home and dbL P · race on Orcb.ld Ave. Laa than 2 blocks from Poatof. flee. Lar~e rear fiaptone patio. ruLL PRICE ONLY fl,3.000. 4'70 F .H.A. LOAN Paym,enta 161.35. incl. tue1 and Insurance. . ..... E. ••••• KEALTOR 6 DISUJtAl'lrCE IV AN W. EllHAimT, ..u.oct.ate 3333 E. Cit. Hwy. Colona Hl Kat Harbor 2U2 •UY FIIIT IPIITIEIT (AUGUST> Beautltul Bay Front Apart· mftJt. available for AQCU.It through Labor Day, $850. (Near Lido Center) .... IIYESTIIEIT CO. REALTORS 30th 6 Newport Blvd. HA 1600 NEWPORT BEACH IS YDUI IITIIEI&UW flllil•t 'M'Ien we t b 1 s excellent Corona del Mar view bome-- 3 BEDROOM and DEN beautifully deocorated. unus- ual arrangement. Large 50' lot. 2 pa tJos. Jilt $31 ,liOO CWIE VIII .. B.E.A.LTOR 2731 W. Coast Hwy. L1 8·42"TT (At the Signal) Newport BeaCh SCARCE AS HEI'S TEETH ! R-2 Lot. south ot highway, Corona del r.tar. 2 blocks to Carnation Beach. PRJCED RJCH1: Call- Liberty 8-7562 Eves. Harbor 5154 SchinJdt-Pbllllpe ~ Plano 6 Sal~~Diet Organ Co,.. 5:1) M. Main. Santa --------------------- o,-....,De, /'tva 11.110 All fo 1:00 AM ,_., ISS&tiiKie .... a .......... llr:._ • .., ' '\ ... . , . ' ~ L . . . ' Ana. * Ja•llla * GMIIJ'wMOO--• rug WA'I'CII DPADIIRO ..,.._ .... 1''111 ISUII FIVE bedlooms, FOUR baths-near South Bay. unlu.r· nllbed. EuJIY eonvertlble to two n loe rental units. PRicED UNDER $&5,000. GOOD 1'EllMS. • • • IIY On a rood lltreet-3 bedroom home. 1 b•tb. s:zt.5t10. Untumiabed. 1a11 w. r r , •• , BALTOa twVMDAY. aoauat 1. .-aawrowr • ...,. a••••, , YOU WILL LIKE Irvine Terrace .. ........ "IIZII ., IIIII" OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9:00 P.M. ....... ., ... I ,. IIEIIt BEAtrnFUL HOMES Df THE PINb1' LOCATIO!( VERY REASONABLE 'TE.IlMS Your lnlpec:tlon Ia r-especttully aoUd ted. • • • Earl W. Stanley On Htway 101. Newport Harbor, oppo.tte tbe new lrvlne Cout Country Cub. Phone Harbor 4448 far Further lntonn.atloo Cllllll lB. Ill VOGEL VALUE ....... li .. IFBI BEST LOCA'nON-OCEAN SIDE OF IUCRWAY Kewty pa!Dted lnlide 6 out. Fireplace, BW 0oon. r A beat. Bath baa tub 6 111e stall abower. Ran«Y kJtdwu. comer tUe aJ.n.IL Laundey rm. 14:. eoven4. cemem patio. Cedar rooL Lc. rear Seneed yard 6 extra play yard.. DbL J&ra.le Ia extra pa.rldng space. Truly a nice bcme aa ~ ][ -11.8' lot. PRICED AT 1:36.850 THE VOGEL CO. HA: nu: BA: om ??IICDIE WE ASK YOU TO SEE AND COMP All£ THESE FIVE nN£ tNCOME LISTINGS. 1. 1 2-bedloom bou. and large l ·bedtoom hou:.e wttb guest room and bath ln carace. l ust 75' to beach and all fum1abed. $22.SOO. 2. 2 l ·bedroom unJta near the clty ball. only 4 .)'UJ'S oJd lw Just $17,000. 3. 1 2-~m unit 1 l ·b4!'droom unit and a l&rJ'e guest apartment with bath on a corner a.nd com-plet~ly tumJsbec:t, $23.500. 4. 1 2 ~room and 1 1· ~m unlt near shopping. very attnct.Jve for $24,000. S.. 1 2·b4!'droom unit and 1 1-bedroom unlt plus bach- elor apt.. Just 4 doors from the ocean. for $18.000 t urni.Jibed. mES£ AJE ALL MODERN APARTMENTS WITH GARAGES PAIR. "·ES IEILn ______ 2001 W :_BALBOA BLVD. NEWPORT-Harbor 2313 . 111 'S lEST IUYS AI EYE CITCID Carpeted Uv1ng room and halls. firepla~. nice patio an" doubw carage. F.H.A. FINANCED. ,... .. $11,111 .... $2, ..... "Jou'll l1ke our friendly aervice" W.l. ..... •••cr-.. View A ruJ family home-hW and OCN.n v:lew-3 bedra.. larae rumpus room. lar.., U~ room. 2 kth.l, 2 bf1dl tlM'places. 2000 aq. ft. ~ lot with chain l1.nk fence. SEE 'mlS ROME WHICH MUST SELL ASJONG PIUCE ~500 W1TB CARPET AND DRAPERIES. For Jlft'V'lew: Jobn Mclfab. BA ua. BA SoB FA• W. 1 lll•r _liU......._TIEalll • • • CARAVAN SPECIAL · ... 'JIIl.Jwi¢111••--Ltl I Ill lEI IIIII 'rotc~ a.tta aoo. ... ,_ Ia ... ~._OM • INOOIIIZ 1115 1110111& -P.::a • -• <X»ft~ 10Ua .... ,.. . i SAVE With A Fanner's Policy BRUCE MARTIN AUTO-TRUCI-FIRE-UFE LOCAL AGENT 1793 NEWPORT AVE.. COST A MESA OYFJCE: Uberty 8-55!54 R.ES.. Uberty 8-5063 UGUIA TRAVB. SDVICE AIRUIES • WLIOIDS STU .. IPS • TOURS ~ T1ae Coastal Ana P• lfearly 10 Tean 213 Ocecm A.,._ l.op.Dc:r lleada Byatt t-1011 --~--------- Bobs' S~ng Goods F'UJbinq Equip:~~ent-Browning GuDa Ammunltioo-Spaulcting-WiJIIcm--Voit c.. JULY.· PERIUT JOTAL HOME I.OANS Business Directory DfSVBAliCE REPRESEN"'TNG- ~drut -and- ~OttTt I.n.surance Companies INSURANCE "Be Sure-Insure'' WITH STANLEY INSURANCE AGENCY Phone Harbor 2C74 3315 E. Cout BJabwq Corona del Mar Res. Pbone, HA. 5233 MIKE MYERS ·UDioD s.mc. U. S. Royel T1Nt WMhliMJ • 'olidli"' Complete l11bric.ti011 Service REE "CK-U' I DWVElY STROOT'S LAGUNA To S.W Y• LA•UNA IIACH ANO SAN CLIMENTI QUICK 24 HOUJt SEJtV1CE LOW LOW "R£DOON6" INTQEST RATES EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS FRIENDLY SYMPATHmC SERVICE FREE CUSTOMERS' PARKING ESCROW SEJtV1CE. IFRCIENTl Y OPERA TED LAGUNA BEACH m 0c.en· A• .. PHONE HY. 4-lln Robert Forbes BUILDER 8Arl .. r ••• till Boy Suffers Brolcen Neck In Dive from Platform n.moo.y Alvarado, 1J, of I.a. of c:hUdNn undft the aupervisSoo Aqelea wu repowted ll..,_tly ol Kre. r. Behrle ot u. An~ llnprove4 but sUll 1D a c:rttical One ot the poup. Pat ~ ooodJtJon 1n Boac Memorial Bot· .tat.d that It looked to her u pttal thla week. tlutterfna from 1t the boy 1J1Ade a 100(1 dtYe a broken neck In a cUvtpc ao:J. from the 8ta1ta but relaad put. dent lut Thunday att.ruoon 1D ..-~ tbroup the dlv, and tell Balboe. .craJ"'t down. John Harldn.a, 1J, ~--~ .. ·----.. 1 'nle boy told Newport poll~ alao In the poup. uJ4 t.M ~ that b&l teet allpped out from darted to dive and .Upped anCS under b.lm When be a~ leU nrajpt down to t.M floar. to dive from the .tatn ol a dlv· lnJ pla1form ln the bay ott the LEGAL aoncz Fun Zone. He fell to the floor of the float and then rollecS tnto carnnCAn or IVIDfEII the water. He wu ret~eued by l'ktlao.a Filla a ... an unlclentUled twtmmer. THE UNDERSIGNED does here· Pollee aaJd the boy fell and by eertity that he ·Ia conducttnr landed on hla bead. M be wu a MODEL'S SUPPLY buaJnesa at falling, he put hla bancb ln front 2M2 E. Cout BJchway, Corona of blm Jn an effott to br~ak del Mar under the fictJtJoua tlrm hU falL When be hJt the float name ot PAcmc MODn CEN· bJs rlrht W'l1st wu abo brok«m. TRE and that aatd tlrm ls eom· 15 Mile Scenic Oce. c,... Bda1Yoar~ TAU ••onnu:a or !'1111 BEAU AT DOr:ULD a.t.J'. e LAGUNA a&A.CII The youth wu .uytn1 at 31.2 posed of the foUowtng pert~QD E. Bay Ave.. Balboa, wlth a croup whoee name in full and pla~ of residence are u toll01n, to·wit: '-•• o.o, 11 :M .... , ........ ........... ~ .. J'u.o ZoM a-t Doek &AJ..80 ... IIA.L • NORMAN RUSSELL. 4ll·A Ju. mine, Corona del Mar, Calif . WITNESS my hand this 26th day of July, 19M. NORMAN RUSSELL STATE OF CALIFORNIA > COUNTY OF ORANGE >a. ::::z::=;;:::;::;il ON THIS 26th day of July, ~;. f) UU#Uf . Quul. VILLI 111111 r..tutrlf a. MCdee4 atea11. .... dl& dakb& ctock. tM YW. ,.__ If ..... OIMfl Cotraty"a a-t ......... .-& IM .... ..-8Mb .. t.-. La tW 41t tbe IIddie ......... lalaM. v..s. ._. ........ -.. a,... .. .,....... IIU'S IEIICU F.- Delkl .. ll.t&!M dlllilel. ..................... ta· ............ daW ..U..wlllatlaal-~ ... u. .. tbe ....._ ....._ L1 l II • .... ..._ • Teay'J LD4-.... ,._...._.._ an ail ... ,....._...._ IIU1I IUS liFE n... food ••• CIOdrtaSl bar ••• a.. ...... al9btly ...... •..Sc M dMUI •• • .._, te_.e te an.·~*-· .._ Maw dlt ..... ll.m. lh6,; baa diM_.. .._war 101. tMa tu:a dglat -....................... au. tiirtMw ... I V. L IIWT. lOt MCr ()o~la 1~. before me, a Notary Publlc ln and for uJd county and state, resJdlnr therein, duly commJs· atoned and rNOm, penonally ap· Intersection wlth'the northerly lln• of an alley, ~ feet in width, as shown on Aid map of Section B New· peared NORMAN RUSSELL port Beach; thence westerly known to me to be the penon alonr the northerly line of whoee name ls subscribed to the said alley, 2) feet In width, within Instrument. and ack.nowl· to a polnt of lntera«tlon edred to me that be executed the with the northerly prolonra· u me. tlon ol the westerly line of WITNESS my hand and otfl· the aforementioned Block clal aeal. 117; thence 110utherly alonr MARY A. HAAPA uld northerly prolonratlon Notary Public In and tor said to the -polnt o1 beeinntnr. County and State. All that portion of uld streets My CommJu1on expl.res Au· and all~ to be vacated, cloeed rust 19, 1959. up and abandoned. ls more Publish: Aurust 2. 9, 16. 23. 1D dearly ahown on a certain map In the Newport Harbor Ensirn ap-proved and adopted by the The abov~ and toregolni' JleiiO. lutlon of Intention No. 4s:M wu passed at a rerular meetJnc ol the City Council of the City ot Newport Beach, held on the 23rd day of July, 1956, by the follow· Lne vote. to·wlt: A YES. COUNCILMEN: Bart. WUder, MacJCay, Stoddard. We· ble. Rldderhof. HUl. NOES. COUNCI...MEN: None. ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: None. ATI'EST: DORA 0 . BILL Mayor of th~ City ol Newport Beach MARGERY SCHROUDER City Oerk City Coundl ot the City of New· LEGAL xona U:SOLO'TIOX or lN'IEMfiOW port Beach f« uld vacation. NO. A 27658 ao. 4524 clollnr up and abondonment. by Rona TO c:aanTOIIS A RESOLtmON OF INTEN· R.Holutlon dated July 23, 1956. ESTATE OF FRIEDE C. L. TION OF THE CITY COUN. and desJcnated "RemlutJon No. GOULD. DECEASED. C1L OF THE CITY OF NEW. 4523.." Reference ls hereby made N<YnCE IS HEREBY GIVEN to PORT BEACH DECLAJUNG for further partlcuJara u to the the creditors of and aU persons ITS lN'TENTION TO ORDER propoeed nation. closlnc up havtnr claims acalnst the uld THE CLOSING UP. VACA· and abandonmerlt of uJd portion decedent or u.ld estate to rue TION AND ABANDONMENT of aaJd .treeU and alleys, to uld tht'm with the necessary vouch· OF PORTION OF CERTAIN map, and aatd map Ia made a ers ln the office of the Clerk of STB.EETS AND AU.EYS IN part of thJs Resolution to the the Superior Court of the State SEen ON B NEw p 0 R T same extent and pu~ u lt of Calltomla, In and tor the BEACH. CITY OF NEWPORT the same were hert>ln lncorpor· County of Orange, or to present BEACH, COUNTY OF OR· ated In full. the same, with the necessary ANGE, STATE OF CAUFOR· SEC110N 2: That the proceed· vouchers. to the undersigned at NlA. lnga for the eloslnr up ~nd his or ht>r place of business, Th~ City Councll o1 the City abandonment of the aforesaid to·wlt: o1 Newport Beaeh _pursuant to portion of aaJd ~ and aU~ c/o Ralph M. Myers. Jr ~ Attor· the provtslon. of the "Street Va· shall be bad and tak~n. and tht nt>y at law. 2721 East Coast Blth· catJon Act of 1941 .. approved City CouncU o1 the City ol New· way, Corona del Mar. Calltomla • port Beach elects to p~ withln sl.x months after the first May 13. 1941. Stahites 1941. under the provisions of the publication of ttlls noUce. Chapter 2SO and amendments "Street Vacation Act of 1941." ap· Dated July 13. 1956. thereto, belnr Division 9, Page 3. proved May 13. 1941 Statutes /5/ MIRIAM GOULD BENDER Chapters 2 and 3. Sections 8'320 250 · t 8331 1 d 1 e Streets a d 1941. Chapter and amend· Executrix of th~ Estatt' of said I o • n us v • n ments thereto. belnr Division 9. de<'t"dent. Hlrhwaya Code does hereby or· Pa1e 3. Chaptt'n 2 and 3. Sec· Publish: July 19. 26. and August daln •. rHOlve and declare u fol· tloM 8320 to 8331. Inclusive. 2. and 9. 1956 I lows. Streets and Hlrhwa,ya Code. In the Newport Harbor Ensign SECnON 1: That the public SECTION 3: All portions of lnt~rest and convenience r~ulre said streets and alleys to be va· No. A·27406 I the closing up and abandonment cated, closed up and abandoned ROT1CE TO c:amrroas of a portion of certain streets ~ th~ City reserves and excepts ESTATE OF ROBERT L. CAL· I aBend hallelnys tlhn SecCitlon fB NNewportrt from said vacation the ~rma-US. DECEASED. ac • e ty o ewpo nent easement and right at any N<YnCE IS HEREBY GIVEN to tabiiiDAY. UGVIT I. ~ M&WJCMI ........... I •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • : More and more : • • people aay : • • : SEA and SKI : • • • • • • : : • • • • • • • • • • IIIII II • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ......, ................ . ..., ........ ...., ..... : ....... ............. : -rD Pl I I _. .... ft II UCJ"' .....,.2272 U27 z. e.... awy.-J VAN'S CLEANERS "30 A WOJID ••• tD U.. WISEI ...... tlwrt J'OG --c-pa.e. a r "'9 CIDd Pr ... Satta.fCIICti.-at v AJf"S- * * WE FEATURE * Carelli H_.ilc If IU eDrycea--. eltDlt..........., • Lawldly Sen1cle ·~ * DELICATE F u.JCS e llaad Pn•-- • * lEADED IIDd LACE GA.Da:ln'S e A1Watiea. ....,_. * * ()pea I CUD. tD 5:30 p..111.-Scltwday. 1·2:30 p.a. S4a E. c-t Bwy .. CICIMa bam~ eo..... del Mar .s:.tc_ La ftSL F1llll .Ileal Flltl Beach, and It la the lntentJon of tJme or trom tlm~ to time to the creditors o1 and all persoru1 I the City Councll of the City of 1 conatruct, malntaln, operate. re-havtng claims against the said Newport Beach to order the fol· place. remove and renew the decedent or said estah! to tne lowtng des c r l bed portion of sanitary sewers and storm drains them with the necessary vouch· I street~ and all~ In aald Section and appurtenant .tructures ln. tors In the office of the Clerk of B New-port Beach, In the City of upon o,er and across sa I d the Superior Court of the State Newport Beach, County of Or· streets a n d alleys .o pro· I of California, In and for the I anre. State of Calltornla, to be posed to be vacated and County of Orange. or to pr~nt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ vacated, cloaed up and aban· pursuant to any existing fr~n-the same. with the necessary !" doned, to .. wft: chlses or renewa .. th~f. and lvouchers In the oUice ot the MAKE YOUR MOIEY · • STEAlS • e COSTA MESA • VII'S IIWLIII • oPD M JIJIL • ona ALIZll me twbllodioa At---. f"VU.T AV!011A'!1C rD1 &ftTE.al JOin YOUR FRIEnDS * cort&& ..,. * UWii 1411:1 •• avn:1110a ••v•a-u•a OOITA liEU ---...__ --~ -------. -- •' All of those portions of 16th to construct. maintain, operate. Clerk of the Superior Court of the S~t and 17th Street and a replace, remove and renew and State of California. In and for the I portion of that certain alley, enlarge lines of pipe, conduits. County of Orange, or to p~nt wo , I( FO , YOU 20 teet In width, as shown cables. wires. poles and other the same. with the neocessary 1 upon a map of Section 8 convenient structures tor the op· vouchers. to the undt>rsJrned at New-port Beach. recorded In eratlon of g as pipe lines. tt>le· his or her place ot business. Mbcellaneous Maps Book 4, graph and telephone Jines and to w it: I Pare 27, Rerords of Orange the dIs t rIb utI on of electric Dorothy L. Callls. ...... 'Harwood, County, CalltornJa and more energy, water and Incidental Heffernan A Soden. 2515 E. Coast particularly descrtbed u fol· purposes. Hlrhway, Corona del Mar. Call!. lows: SECTION 4. The Street Super· within sl.x months after the first ae,1nnlng at th~ north· lntendent of the City ot Neowport publlcatlo~of this notJce. I westerly comer of Block 117 Beach shall cause to be cons-pte· Dated: July 6. 1956. u ahown upon aaJd map of uously posted aJonr the Jlne of DOROTHY L. CAU.IS Section B N"'POtt Beach: the portion of the ~ and Executrix of th~ E&tat~ ot said then~ ~uterly .a.l~ the alleys proposed to be vacated. decedent. I northerly Une of aatd Block not more than 300 feet~part. but HARWOOD. HEFFERNAN 117 to the northeut corner not less than t.hrft In all. no-A SODEN thereof; thence a out b erly tk:es of the vacation of said por· A 'M'ORNEYS AT LAW alonJ the euterly Une of tlon of said ~ and alleys. 2515 E. COAST RIGW A Y aaJd Block 117 to the IIOUtb· Sald notices 8hall state the pu· CORONA DEL MAR. CALIF. eut comer thenofl th~nce saae ot this Rnolutlon ot lnten· Attorneys for Exeeutrlx tn a at:ratcbt Uneto the 110uth· tJon and the tlme and pla~ ol Publish: July 12·19·28. Aur. 2 west c:cmer of Block 116 u the hearlnr of all per110ns Inter· In The Newport Harbor Enslrn. abOWil upoo a map ot Ttad eated ln or ob.Jecttnc to the pro· ;=:==========:; No. 23f, recorded ln Mtacel· poHd vacation of aaJd portion ol laneoua Mape Book 13. Pa.&"M aaJd .trMta and all@)'S. all as,... 36 ~nd 37, ltecorcla of Ora.qe qulred by law. County, CalitomJa; thence SECTION 5: ftotJce Is bt'l"eby northerl,J .tonr the we~ttrlJ ctwn that the Clt:f Councll of 11M ot said B1oek 116 to the the City of Newport IHdl cto. Elqin & Hamilton Watches Diamonds Mountinqs W aDace Calderhead JEWELER north.-mmer t be reo f : hereby tlx Mondq, tbe 13th dQ tbeoc. eubtl1 a1oq the of Aupst. 191!51. at th• hour ot ~lJ U.. of aald llcdt T:IO o•dock P.ll,. ot aa1d day, ln 118 to ... DOitbeut ~ the Oouodl ClwDben ot tbe atJ t.IHiNOf: t Ia • a e • ~ of ftewport 8Mdt.. u the t.bDe .... .. --~ 11M ot an4 place tor bMrtDI all ....... .-14 lloc:ll 1ll ... tiM eoetb· tnanltld In 01' 4111~ to ....-., CIOI'MI.._.,; a..c:. ~ vacation of alcl pcltiOII 11'1 a IIbalatrt 11M to tile ot said IICIMU aa4 a.De7IL Aad .ou~ C!llnMr of llodl tbe at:J Ooundl at alcl ~~~~~~~~~~iij U5 .. -... .,_ a14 ._, and ,._.. wm ..., "'-il!ftllWI~mll of n.ct .. ~; = ortwed ~ anJ ,... tntua ..... aclrttMr~ ~ tM ._.... ... tiM Yeea.daD ol aid ~ .... .. ... ..... 1lS. tM ot alcl.....U ... an. ........ w••• ~ t Ia er • • f: tale tlllert1Md. ..._ 1111 ~ ..... .. -..r'IORI:ftll_.udoicll ...... " lbiie ., .... .... llltealloD IIWl .. )"~'=·· .. Ul tD a peiM. eMil ,.... • ltMt once lD tiM Wtlw--...._ ............ 17 .,.... ... .... • ., tut • ,_. ,.. .. .... .... lacs:...a~ ____ ,IA!l ................ ctl ......... n .. ,...pit ..... tf. I 1 lillall .............. : ......... v • ...., ...... It tM ~~~t• .. •.n.•ars•to ,. ..... ._,.......,. ... ,.,,. , Mil Milt Clllld bt ....... ............... lt .. ~ ........ ,,111& ......__ .. ..., .... ... .., ............. ..... _... tl s. ••" Cilia a ' ,· 'llllln ..... ,...., ... llliJIIt ... ....... .................. .. ............... .. .. 1 ··-.... , .. .. t••• tr• ., .. ··~ tt ... . .,........ . -be satisfied wi1tl 1 ~ 2~ or 3%. Pit }Oir IROUJ .... lt .... bfl4~ ...... ..... ~ with "'-" llftt1. ~ • ICCOUltt ...,_., ..... ..-.r ... ..,. .. ., ....... .... ........... . ... ... ,Mil ... ' Glamour Glimpses Weath« c. DO-tall La Dearly apoo a.a ••• at leaf Ja the ey.- of tbe forward looldD9 fCDhJoD WOI'Id. J)oa't fl'et about CICIID• fort. h_.,..., becaa.ae funa.r- Ja cottoD aaaure a fall look alDil9 with CIIIIDfol't f« a mid· NJJUDer cllmate. Black. browD.a. dark blUM, rcutll cmd reds are foaDd Ja theM atrtk· ia9 dark pla1d.a, priDta cmd dMdE ~ DoG't fail to ... tJae DOW ",.a:r·ro.!Dd CCIIIJuDen awecrteu Ja ataD.DIA9 DeW COlD· blaatioa.l cmd colon. In fact a quick trip to O'BRIEN'S Ls guaranteed to ~~~et you dreaming about the new fall fashion wonders and next sea· sons styles to be! 2515 E. Cout Bwy. coaoxA DEL JtAa JlAd)OI' z.a DRY CLUIEIS-LIUIDERUS 1100 Coast Highway Just A Minute Please WE IRE SLASHIIG PRICES IT DUI CLEARA CE SALE YOU BAVE aDtJf w AI'I'IKC roa 11DS IALB ITEM Rl tiEISEY .... .., ....... aaa»a . .,. ..;, 15:& SWII lml atan avrr 011 UL& ma I'IOCK TO DUICT ...,.. .......... JAMES D. RAY Buil•llc Collracllr IODWE.ST BACON .._..t ..... c lllelt ..... . I IliFF .on spaiTUIITS ·--.... ac...a-' .. ua .... • IUIIIESSEI st..l0-10 , ....... .... DOX'T JOSS on larpJ1TMie .... ............ A, IW...S ......... 1/3 Con'ON smrts & BLOUSES BEDUCED 35 to 45% SWEATERS 2..91 and 4.99 Dlnaatla...S lttt- CATALDfA .-.1 LAir A .... • • Summer Sleepwear a&o/oiFF PLAY IUTIIES w ...... .............. KeddetW 1/lltiM=f YIIIAIE 8111111 llcL..-.,_.... •.• , .. 00. Tardagll •uya Tool AU. liT QUALITT MEaCBAJf'DISE-lfO SPECIAL ~Ell AU SALES I"DfAL SOUTI lfO CUD ITAXft OlfiALE ITDO einerfs OPElf OPEif P'lliDATS niDATS 'TIL -nL lfDfE lfDfE DEPARTMENT STORE 1111 lfewport m.d. c-t. .... I I I