HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-10-11 - Newport Harbor Ensign• OVIe • Local Filmed Here Top Stars Featured IN FALL OFF HORSE New Director Of Finance ._.. ••n • t.-.. at ........ MtMQirftllfew. ,..) ................. .... ... ....... to ... ..,tntloh dub~frolal .. 4p.a• 'hlrrtasr, O&t. a lit ... c..mu . .-ToUIJl caw • c... •• Mar. Wr ................. ....................... ~ tonB1nl of ... wW ...... . CUlled. ~ •-... ~ ltii:XXI~XI~:IC~~DIZ:ICIIZ:~I:ICIDI-Diiliillililaii&IDI ucl Kltll._,-,~ .. .... -ol lbe ............. ..... • uat &UT · the bul. but ,_ ""Rot. ru Club. wtao ................ wttb I never quJte pt cww .._ drift you to tile ~.. tile dt7 ..-UoD ~ lD a.m.ued at bow fv you can lit Be uJd tt •• DOt-o1 bla tbJa PI'O;..tlet........,;; ..... • __ _:....._ In • Malt time wtlen JOU flJ, way. Somebow, 1 tbl .. tt waa. ~Met J:a111p 1l'aat. Mit. The other week·eond we weore Ja Bat we arrived ate UMI 80Uncl ._!ii.;~~~~--=:;;f;iii;:;:iii Hop e::•:• ••• •• :• 8 • •: • e GffiiN6 READY FOR THE BLOW? Do you suppose this is o softening up touch-getting Corona del Mer folks prflpared for losing their first doss post office ? From the Post Office Department in Washington comes enother letter acknowledging the second batch pf protesting letters and cords end petitions that I sent up. Guaymu, Mexico, enjoytng tile at U:lS. loe wu a .wen py. 1 • beauty of the Hotel Pl&y de hope J eee hlm aaatn< 80Jfteday Cortes and the fighting tnhabl-In CalUomJa. ' tants ot Bacochlbarnpo Bay. "Just an ordinary lood Joe," S~-days lam, l'm In the Hotel I thou1bt. Once a Gl, .wt full Stauer In Detroit, Mlchl1an. ot tun, only 40. ready to go to Pontiac and aet "Don't work too hard, Joe," 1 myseU a new station wagon with said. "LoU& people having coro- arran1ements all made throuah narle. thete days." the etflclent. trlendly lel'V1ces of "I know" aa.ld Joe ''Lc»t a aood old fllhln' buddy, "Pappy" Har· friend the other day-only '-\ rison. be wu. Better take a little more ITI A UAVTY Says the Post Office Department: "The statements of the resi- dents of Corona del Mer have befln noted end ere epprecioted. However, in the event the Corona del Mar post office should be con- verted to a bren~h of the Newport Beech post office, you moy be sure thot the service the patrons now enjoy would not be curtoiled end the Corona del Mar ide ntity would be reteined." The last tlrne I fiew eu.t was a tlme for tun-and flsbln' ". cbor,. Thla Urn~. ~ trip wu a e lS..O. 11001 A wa&& delight. Wh~n flnt .cheduled, It w, said "Adloa." seemed a long w~ around. But Joe said, "If you're not In teo ...,~~"!!! now, here, after the amoothest much ol a hurry, come over to. nicest 2500 mUea I have ever morrow and ru abow you how travelled, I want to tell the raJa a meat-packJn1 plant operates. at the COM Travel Service that We procesa a tew hop at our all u forgiven and I love 'em place where rm ln charge" a~aln. It won't do any harm to .. H~ many hop, Joe!, I ~eel say It wu via American Alr· "15,000 a week," be said e WHAT PRICE UNITY? lines. DC-7 to Dallu. I)C-6 to "There are a lot ot bllrer out- This brings to mind the so-celled efforts to unify Qtlr city end ~ _ J A~ g ChJcaao and then to Detroit. We fit&. thou1b." to end sedionel strife . 8 imineting independent post offices, other ~(J4.; fM!4 were ln the alr Just 8 hours. the That's why I llked Joe. A com· then the Newport Beech post office, is one of the steps supposed • • • other 1 ~ on the ground l.n Dal· mon ordinary friendly, rood-na-las and Cbtearo. It wu a rood lured ,uy, who wun't too bUIY t o ochieve this unity. Another is the eliminotion of ell sectionol nomes ay COL. AJI'I)UW W.IJUTIL P-11...,_ of City Colaadl rest. the food wu 100(1, and my tcr drlve a stranaer to bla llotel within the city. , companlona aboard were all nice ---even wtth 15,000 hop atarlnl S h ANN ARBOR, MlCHIG""' 1 waJkJna "~ d I h people, ~tally loe. him In the fa-the n-morn-uc e PQiicy is pure nonsense. Unity is not to be echieved by A n -... ~vn • ave a com· • _ _.. .-::;.... JO• lng. """ """~ suppose I can assume the prlv1-plaint about the communlca· vv• -• stripping eoch section of our city of its distinctive nome ond coll ing 1e1e ol an alibi tor my Alma tlons center (none of that Prea loe ~rcled the plane at Chi~ All ot which 1oea to prove th&t everything Newport Beoch. Thot would be no more successful thon Mammy Inasmuch a.s I am very Box. p!.ease). They didn't have a caao. He bad a brorue like a there are a lot ot nice people 1n wos Hitler in colling his conquered londs the Greo+er Re ich. Bolboo much biased In favor of them. valet service to dry and press Cntcaaoan-just like A11-Seeln1. th1s wol'ld, U you look for •em. In my biased opinion, we saw your clothes after you had been Mld-WNtem Eye (including the You'll flnd 'em everywhere-In will olwoys be Bc3lboo. No one C4n ever steel owoy the prideful nome the 2 best teams In the Big 10 doublecrossed by the rainmaker. Great Lakes) DanJel Callahan, Mmco. ln Chlcaao. on airlines, of Bolboe lslond, or Lido Isle. Nor the beeutiful nome of Corono del when Mich igan State beat Michl· I have no doubt that they w111 brother of the f&moua 79th Grey and ln meat paclctnr houa.. Mor. And yet, collectively, they oil will remoin es loyal to Newport gan 9·0 Saturday. There Is a at onoe lnstaU such service when Whale WatchJn1 Group. Now-I rotta 1« iolnl for heavy sprinkling of sophomores they hear of my complaint. I Joo was a kick. Be was 40 PontJae>-a new ear Is always an Beoch OS ore the severo! stoles to the United States of America. o.n both teams. really don't expect them to do years old, but had a ~ ot eexc~l~tin6~~~~~t~ln~m~y~llt~e~!~~~~~~~iiiii=i~~ Our strength ond spirit es o notion rest sotndly on our loyolties I guess Michigan State was due much about the weatherman. humor that wu lntect1ous. He j for the home s6d and pride in our own neighborhood. The more those to get the breaks. We've had put on my Texas hat and chewed ties ere ·weekened, the more eosily do we become prey to the Big ~~~:o~t::.el~~~ 2Sa~~~: tjhU:: ITA Cl .. Will HeN ~~am:a~e~~~ktt:g th:a~~11t~! Government advocotes, who ore undermining the pioneer spirit of self got the breaks and capitalized on Pof-l.l. lllflll ~~b!,>'ul';ugog:'c!:· ,:~:e ~~a~1t:'~' relience ond the integrity of locol governments. 2 of them. The first was an In· might even be talked Into more • LOGGERHEADS tercepted pass, and the second Mr. and Mrs. A1 Unruh. chair... flshlna. I told him of the para· was a fumble. The terrlb~ part men of the NTA Club of the Cor -,.. Can't help feeling sorry for those unfortunote folks who don't Is that a sophomore, Mr. Herrn· ona del Mar Community Church, dlse that is Mexico and of our get o kick out of the dromo of o perfect no· hit go me in boseboll-stein, was responsible tor both. 1 announoe that the club will meet recent three days of glory In 'f f He sure looked depressed when next Thursday for a pot-luck din· Guaymas. Joe figures he might even • it's ogoinst our ovorite teom ... But I think it's e silly super· they took blm out. ner at 7 p.m. at the church. Hosta make It In a year or eo. He'll stition thet forbids mention of the feet that o pitcher is on the thres-I was pleased a t the defensive and Hostesses for the meeting write me for Information when hold of o no-hitter: GVen the sportscoster won't mention whot is so and oUenslva play ot MJchlgan. will be Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm he's ready. b Their llne outplayed State, and Shannon. Mr. and Mrs. Burt Proc· Before we knew lt. we were o vious. ond dremotic ... Con't soy thot I feel happy obout the mem-that ls something. ter and Mr. and Mrs. Ray on the ground at Willow Run bership meeting of our Chamber of Commerce being turned into o In the flm 2S minutes of the Schwartz. AlJ"port. It's 2S or 30 mUes from mutuol odmiretion society, porticulorly for ., rivel publisher . . . game, Mlchlean wu employing Detroit. I wu all .el to get on OIIJCIIIIceleiiiWike •ow OPEl su•av SpeciaJa for Thwa.. Fri., Sat.. Oc:t. 11. 12. 13th. TRY iiJ1 BIIlE-QUE CIICIEIS ~--11! LEGS AJfJ) aaE.ASTS CHICKENS lb. 79( .. U.S. CBOICE CHUCK ROAST lb. 45~ RUMP ROAST 791.. ROUND STEAK C1JDAIIT'I •o. 1 .uarru SLICED BACON lb. 57• a.u.a.o , BEEF RIBS lb. 5~ WE IIW MIE· Fresh Cooked a beautJfully coordinated attack 'JIIe .llci IcC .. ol end runs. llM plunges and short passes to chalk up 8 tlrst Han •• l·xw'aler downs to 0 for State. But state .... wu stubborn when their eoal Raye Eleanor, newly &n'lved wu threatened. It became ev1-dau1hter of Mr. a nd Mrs. Jack dent at that time that the result McCall, 408 ~ldenrod Ave., Cor· would cie~nd on whlcb way the ona del Mar, wel.ehed 6 pounda, pigskin bounced (the breaks, that 4 ounces when born Thursday, It>. Oct. 4, at Hoag Hospital. I have a complaint, 2 of them, The McCalla have a 4-year·old In fact. First the weatherman, son Randy, and another• dau1h· who predicted late afternoon ter, Robin, 2. Mr. McCall la an showers. I must explaJn that the Independent ln•urance broker futest transportation from the and hu headquarters In Beverly Union Station is the bard way-Hilla. C e •,__L-.fl .................... .,n..... ~e.w eo.u 111 .. ~ 11 w t' aut ,....,... Utt ,_.,., c.,it.l St«..s .....ct~ .... ~"' 61 ~ el '*"roweny, to be 10 hoftorM "' .., .-loft •• ~ eu,. .,.... ., Oft4l ......... se.e. ~ .. ~ ...... ...................... !' ... ..._Chi Wor. • Procl ......... S,eciiiO.~IIII uuw ·-···· Wll._. • IlL II THE WORLD ARE YOU GOING? Dom..tlc caul Foreign BaiL Ship. Air. etc. CDM TRAVEL SERVICE ....... .-..-.---.--... .Ao·· ........... _________ ... ..._ .. ·--~ ...... ·-----·--.. It too• moMy to cliKo.., Ameriu. •• C~bue foun4 out. AIWI ctth it ttil ._....,., .f yo. wilh to cetch en .,,.....,..., or ~ .. en '* veet~nt. It helpt, loo, If t-" ..-. .... ui.Ay Md do~ ... "'-eey ~ witft • ltrOftt ...... ~ helpfyl. Stop iftl COLUMBUS DAY, OCT08EI 12TH ' . Buildin9 Director Describes Electric•l Code Regulations n.le m II VII II C.. Gl tM Clt7 dae 1UQ4tq DeputiDIBt dwiAf ttl ....... ...._, bMra u dlelloun GIS tot a.JD.,l to 2 o.• -... -..... ,tel p.m. ..,. • to 5 , .... lloftdaya _,~~-~~ -~~~-~----JL----~----------------------~--~~~~~~--------~~-­e-.. _... AM tboee ~ A..n I'IIIYAft -....rt T •. eo-. -....... _. lin. a..... c.... ., •• A9De .................. ..-tty ._ p ' rtst ,._ tM IIW· e.y,.....~C:....at Pwt Qed • C 111 11& -....t • ., trl 01 .... c:..t c:.a- .... .................... y a-t ~ (V. &. AIWt ,_..) _..._.._latbat1Mre· ..... all .... to be tn metal CIOIIdalt. A ,_at ~ at ............ ~lfl,the Clt7 BaU .. ,.....,. ,_ &1\1 and. all elildllcal work. 11lla 11 1D a.ddiUaft to .._,. mqulred lu04tq IWIIIIt. AD tu; nU. mat be called far and .ade and the WCl'k ,...t befon tM roup wtrtnc II cov....S. Calla for hwpectlon mu.t be mUe b)' whoever make. the tnltalladon. Upon completion ot. the work. and when all fixtures and plates are In place and connected. a final INpectlon 11 made. U pUled by tbe dty electrical In· ~. the Edition Company Ia notltled the day that the final bulldlnc 1nspection a.. made and pa.aed, and the owner may then apply for service . 'Ibe Installation In ~xl&tlng structures of the many new elec· trlcal appliances avaUable on ------------·the market today has In some • • _._._ cues rendered the exlatlnc wir· ••• , uiZRissa.. '"' Inadequate to carry the In· a.aed load. U th1a condition ex:a..ta ln your home or place of Payment ol the 43rd conaecu· buatneu It 11 advisable to have tlve dJvtdend to over 8.000 aav· your houae rewired to carry the ~ t \.I r tin q ~his Friday at "' . ·, · ; . .: · (; , : ~ · · 1 e I 11 IV WO Y PIIMIIIE F MIM fiL. lUSIEI.IECES ,, •....... wJiaa ·~ ,,.. ... ------~ ''l'HMY SEaleS 1¥0 TGIYO" • ......... ..ar ...... .. ftllloft plc:tlft ........ Ill MGIII " 1 l IIIII _ .................... f.ldl .... ,_ .. _ ......... --. e., picture fl...., ........ GNat .............. _ ....... ,,, ..... .... Oft .. c-...,....,.. lnp aeoount holders of the New· lncreued de man d . Otherwise ~=======================! p«t Balboa Sav1np and Loan you wtn autrer the Inconvenience Auoelatlon as of September 30 ot Interrupted lefV1ce throuJh .. ,..., .... , ................... ..... wu announced by Paul A.. Pal· blown fuses, or tripped connec· mer, president. tiona. or poeatbly a da..utroua The next dividend will be paid fire An amendment to the Ordl· on Dec. 20 for the quarterly per· narice 11 now being prepared re· lod ~ndlng December 31st. 1956. qulrlng heavier aervtce for all ''The phenomenal growth of new construction. the entire Newport Harbor-Costa For reuons ol safety to llle or Mesa·Orange County area con-property the electrical Inspector tlnues to attract not only new has the r1ght daring reuonable _________________ ....;_ ______ resldenta In lnc:reaslng numbers, bouts to enter any property or . . . . . . Now! Bacon and Eggs in 31/2 minutes when you cook electrically! TODAY, NOTKlNO COOitS PASTEA tban a modern electric raap. Bacon and eiJI in 3~ minutes. Instant coffee in 60 ~econda. Hot soup In 68 1e<:0ads. Fry, bake, broil oc rout -eJcctricity does It better. Tn8al!'s wou: your kitchen i.a cooler. And c:lea.oer. Pou aad paos llay m.i:rror-briabt-1C.itcbeA walla loot fnlb aad oew twice aa kma. SoN1!DAY0YOU'LL COOK. 01l a modern electric raaae. It's a1IDOit ieevitable. But why poltpooe it? EdiMJo rPet .,.. uaolll tbe lowelt iD tbe COUDtry. What's more, after lbe warranty oo your raaae expira, EdiloD ~ it /rH • loaa u you own it. (Tbe OGly dwle ia fw pull, wbell aeedecL) 1P YCXJ~ai'TlLL OOOGNO tbe old way, it's simply becaUM yo8 ......_.,teeD t.be DeW '56 elec:trk raGF1 at your appiJaDce deaier'L Lm 1m11-!LlCTIICALLTI . . . but lncreul.ng Industrial activt-structure In the discharge of hl.s ty Including electronics and the dutlea.. and to order the correc- manufacture and assembly of tlon of any ext.ttng unsafe or highly technical airplane and dangerous condition. eulded missile components," Mr. u you have questions. please Palmft' said. contact the electrical Inspector at San Joaquin ·Riders to Hold Benefit Show Oct. 20-21 BlD'UIT WlTB 11-1 aiPLE Spedalist Third Clau Robert De LaVeca. son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. De LaVeca. 2009 Con · tlnental Ave.. Costa Mesa, re· cently qualified as expert ln fir. tnc the M·l rttle ln Munich Ger· many. He Ia a draftsman In the 1st Battalion's Rea d q u a rters Company of the 11th Airborne Dlvtslon's 503rd Infantry Regl· ment . IIDEL OOVLTEa \'JSITIXQ Mra. Mabel Coulter ol Corona del Mar has left for New York City to vtslt her sister Mrs. Eva Gibbon. Mrs. Gibbon rutted Mrs. Coulter In the Harbor area last )'NI'. While abe Is away Mrs. Coulter's daughter and son-In· law. Dr. and Mra. Hebbard Mac· Arthur. wtll vt.alt bere. WDfl 1• YAB DMII First Lt. .Jobn Marlow Jr .• whoee father Uvea at tse9 Maple Ave .. eo.ta Mesa. recently part· lelpated In Oqanlzational Day acttvttla wtt.ll h18 unit ln Ger· many at laar·Obenltetn. Lt. Mar· low, exeeutm omcer 1n Battery B ol the ~ l'leld Artillery BattalJon, won the 100 yard dash durlnJ the feltivtt.tee.. 011 DVT'f Ill nAIICK Army Pvt. Norman .J. Rains. Wb.-wtto. Barbara. Uvea at 3001 Warren Lane. eo.t.a Meea, a.. a llleiDMr ot. the Ordlnanee Depot In ftaDea PYt. Ralnl eon ot Mr. and M.ra. K. C. aatna. a1ao o1 3001 Warren LaM. a. an autcmotive mecballle In ''SOIJD MEWS'' ..... .,... ... I.M4n '"CH'If" .. Oft en.....,,...., ~...,_. "IWIKII HAIV'£ST" "I Sir_. r ...... '-. .... c... .. ---"-· _.._ ......... ~-- "llE CLDCI" "1111 E I _.. ............. _ .................. .... .... .,.. tbe s.mc.~. This is TOP .BURNER TEMPERATURE CONTROL _ .. ., .................... . . Top bomer ceok .. • IM.wC. ,..._ ia now aa aYlo.ltk • ~ _. ra c-....,. ,,.. r., .,., ,. .. ,.,_,. c..,.,_ n• .,.. featwe .... r• ..... Jiek 1tnQ n ..... forfoodYOla,..lfln-aM..,_.._.,.. ... •"' .-u rw ...... c.._,...__ .. j... ..... ••• dttly-...... ,.. .... eJwayaat .. , ;allwo,.a--. Only II But true Top Burner T-.w 1 o c...u.l fe jUil Oltfl of,..., M'W ...... -...., •• c. .-.ap. Fcw n.alft~ JGil wil W .-ry '*' ~ u .ddM .,...,. ii ..... I ..... ....... _ __, •I CIW'N *i',. • ., lliM C.JVWlyowM....,_.aiiiG..,....-.,. ,. .... c. c •• , •• , ...... ·-... ,. ................ _ ... ~ o•s...r••• .... ~ ,_ •• .,..m carcile .a.. iDda &am hipl. IDIDIDY· chip. ...._ ~ &nDI md .... ddinc It abo- .... d rfal ...... : 1. Jkn .W. your 6p-e eo yoo caa c:aay your DeW ftlllac.J1ftiPc lib a faiDao model 2. Final ...I liP-m..deeo your skiD il .... ..iaa adaa aad loft.liu. a. I ct:&fw pG1C11rC. Twa ro-........ cares Oftr co me pc:opJe who kft cWm:mf -a IDOft bcautiCulfapre co IDO'rie ltaD ..d f.amoua ~ Call your Dearby Stauffer Saloo for a frco ftic ..d 6pre auJ}w. No obJipcioa. 1117 E. c..t ~~ COIM)JtA DEL IIArbol' 1 7a Your DRY CLEANING CAN BE 6 nMES CLEANER SANJTABY'S NEW ELECTRONIC True-Cieen Dry CJecming System. I. Orange County's Newest and F"m..t. TOU WILL SEE TilE DIFFE.aCE PboDe F« "-pt. c..r-.. 11* Up -..1 ~ s..b 11CII W. c.-tllwy .. •ea.-t ..... -Lit Htr I-'JUS u•x--.a .... ...._..._._..._lo STROOT'S • LOCAL AGENT 1'7'93 tthPORT A VI:.. COSTA MESA OFnCE: Uberty 8-~ U8. 1A1rt1 1-50113 ''the .. Mildren'a /Mea make it even more reascmahk to go s. P." .. Recreation Program Begins · ,OFF I'Oa COLOUDO Mr. and lira. C. t..ter lonee ot Poppy A-., Oorooa del liar, are otf to their randl In Colorado At Playgrounds an~ Schools aea4 tb•EnalpWam A4 pqe. Church Group To Hear Talk FtrY_.I ,.Ill DO IEIIU c • Less than • 'hours away I The ear that brab the pat;term of the put ••• '57 CHEVROLET ..., ... --~-~~~·-"' MILLER CHEVROLET CO. 1-W. COAIT IIWI' .. a&WJQII'f BAal LIKirTY ... 1 lltUtul tire eltuu4 oJ, ~ e&ke ·--""'-.. , .. c ... 11111 ...... EIIIJ .... ••nat•ll .. Y• ------ DWJfiMAI'IT OOIOIDMHY ~ --~ -E. l'l'a iL Cana ..... Dr. c::aa.lea --..at . Sunday Sehoot.lO:OO a.in. lfcm. tnc worahlp, U :OO a.m. n. AIID_., •fUDMttllioiit•sUIAII ca,....unaca~ ua a &a Aa l ewaM. -----i-.e~ Lilli I tt a.:J7n .......... ,....LI .. w•t SUJmAY: llonl1u W'Odb.lp, _ t:39 and u a.m.: Cburdl 8ebool. fit~ ~4 ~~~ .. HJ~= lhf.,., 1 p.m.; 'l'fiuncs.y, Prayer, ady JJOUP. t:ao a.m. -· ' - • . 1111111'1 Llll IIIIET ........... Heap bl. Indian 8UIIUIMr COlD· tnc upl Squaw •Y bd:lre m.uy moont Onnp Cout Co .. C4okinl lcbool makum bon·tble on atap of Udo Tbeeter ..... cbw. a.ften and Sattler, 8erftll and Southern Countlee Gu Co. .tan41nl by too 1n .C&M bon·ftte lo out . . • I.Jdo Tribe br1naum bll load of ,ut8 ... TradJna Pollt brtnpm b-*eta ot food • • • Cooldna equaw won't Jet Bla Chief blow boft.f'lre out. ., when Cooldna ldlool Onlah wtu pve away Gat.Sen and Sattler Jtan,. and Servel Refrlpl'ator to .ome Juc.ky aquaw wbo ~~quatum down In front . . . Cooklnr School atartum TUesday. OctotM!r 23 . . · Keepum·up foe four weelta ... * * P.T.A. ...... ._..llal, ..... c:...md ct-...... kbsol ~. Oct. ., ••• ,.. -...... Trtbe ... a. •..,...t .......... .,... _... ............ ,.. ... ..... Qaal ... to ....... _, ... II .. •••···Waat.U ...... ............ , .. Ill ........ . ...... JNy .taltlc ...... =ta * * * ,... COifiiiill&& ............... ..... Gllll-nfl!l •• ""' ......... ~-.... ..._ .. ,. ..... ._..,. r,,._ ...... ,..... ............. ,... ..... __ ..._.. tlala ...... wiD ....... ..m ..... 1. c.. am.. dMdnMa • Kn. ftil a.m.-. u..t"Y 1-21111. naa. ,...,. ....... wW ... w Dec. ' CIDd I Ia ... ••• I sew ....... -. 8fllltecL • • • of SG~:ial note ........ lbll. De rod D :c; ..ae..., tw tile .. W ... I ICn. ,_ PtM -.d lln.. Mart. a..y ............... ft1l la.W .... ........................... hal c-idy. OtMn.....__.._-attcearelln..Oa.. Ua11. lin. .... F....._ lin. ADMit Forgtt. ..S lin. ftyUis ... _ .. (Doa ........... ) •, r£& Gold Trophy. • CI.AII orrJC&M John Baaeu, StephanJe Reck. Ju. J:l~ tbJa ....a• were tbe ol· t!Jth Henry, Cearae KANia. SUUA tkwa for tM ~. jUJ\Ior, Qu.ftman, Carolyn Bulfl• Carole and MllJ« eta.. ~ by the dyden. <Mor. nat week.) Millar ~: u Jllddnt Van • • • P'GIMroJ: VSce·Pftlldent. Dave • IAII.IMI c::::ura Btlc:ILnlt; eec:nta17, ltuell Waa· One ot HartMJr BJ'e bu.a.t n«: ......,.., JoJce AJ._. ant! clubl 11 the 1aWn1 Club WhJch boUd ol CIJDO'OI ,.,.....,tatlvea bu alreatty !Mpn to plan races. Lyn lldarlancl ancl Wa.ltAir Bow· 1'1\ey hue a.l.lo been cballenced ald. b)' otb« ulllnl pouJMI. Junior leaden are: pl'fiUdent One cballen~ may be found oe.n llk:ketta; vf.ce.ptftlclent pc»ted on the main Bulletin Glenda Prtee; .cretary Ma.xlne board. It reads: "Now bear thJa Chuna· treuurer Diane Lund; -To Newport Harbor Blrh School and ~of control, Bon Eeelet Sallln1 Club. All a result of our and Paula Echola. re.ound lnl victory ove your • Sophomore el .. omcen are: team In uUlnc lut year we now Bob JohMOn, president; John ~ thla trophy to be defended R a • k e 11, vlce-prestdent; Pat by u. at a tJme convenJent to all Fruehllnc, aecretary; ~uurer partJes. Until we bear from you. Bob Ueb· and Ceoree McFarland the Newport Harbor !acuJty and Barbara IJJlenthaJ. board of awalta your challence!!!! I • I Mr . control repre~~eDtatlves. MeLauchlln. Mr. Ecllternach. Mr. l'reshman otflcen wm be Lawhorn. Mr. M~en, Mr. eleeted lam In the a.emester. Dipple, Mr. ~au. May 1 wtsb aU of the aew lead-1be date Cor thls race hu not -a happM butnt and ..___r· u yet been let, but we hope It "'. ,. -,. ...-..-w1Jl be lOOn. oua ac:hool year. The oftlcen el«ted foe thl.s • 111t0 10 TALK year are: ~ w ac», president; Mea Andrews will be the cuest Merlin Couch. vice. ~dent; speaker at Honor Soclety'a !lrat Wendy Dewnbea. MCft't&J")'; and meetine ot the year nut TUes· Julie Hurdal, treuul'ltt. day. She wl1J relate he expert· • • • ence.s tha. aununer u a foretp e ITVDEJn' C:OtnrCIL ex.chance atudent In Cermany. At the fl.rat meettna ot atudent The otflcera who wlU lead t.he council Jut week, the atxty-odd Honor ~· many actlvltl• repra.entatlvea were Informed on thla Je&r are: President Deen how our student covemment Rlcketa. Vlce-Prealdent Terry Dal· runa. Robert Maanuaon. vlce-f T F• h laa. Secretary Dlane M~. and prtn<'lpal. apoke on tbe respouf. or op Is Treasurer Peggy Anderson. bllltles of .tudent c--urcU and Its Jim lennlnp, caa atatlon were chUdren and we put our For aU you freshmen and new relationship with Board of Con· owner. and Milt Meeham, lockl baby teeth, that rot pulled, un· The "gold" trophy for boating studenta-honor aoclety con.al.sta t:rol. Student Court, C.A.S.C. and fireman. s neaked off for a three der our piJlow or In a shoe at the the larct'tlt fish on the annual of tho~ students who have been other bodlea. day huntlnc jaunt around the head ot the stairs. the COOD sewtnc thread llahlnc derby wu on the honor roll thrH consecu· • • • Colorado River. Report: no deer FAIRIES left ua a nickel or a awarded to Bob Scofield at the tlve oT five non-cona«utlve e Tal IJca&A In slrht! dime. · · · The other day I heard Friday Anrlera Luncheon Club quarters. How do you make honor Trl Slcma l.s out selllnc the tra· • • • a modern moppet reply that he meetlnc Jut week at the New· roll! It takes eight polnta: an dltJonal blue and wblte beanies I The· treatise on Oranre Cout cueued ~ dollar he found un· port Harbor Yacht Club. "'A" grade ctvtnc three points and again t.h1l year. The money will CoUece cheer leaders In lut del" hls pillow replaelng hls Mr. Scofield's wlnnlnr flab was a "'B" gtvtng one: bavtnc no go for the honor dub's many ac· the yell maestro'• latt'tlt and mo.t the "GOVERNMENT." the same time he received two-one point; but grades In physical Trl SIJlDa are: Prestdftlt Char· no seoms to worry abo u t doy ond dress sheers short, medium, long week'• Ensign failed to mention pulled tooth wu placed there by a 3~-pound white sea bass. At grades lower than "B" ·• vanta tlvttJn. The. omcen of thla years I unusual Invention for the cheer-• • • thirds of the jackpot for catching education do not count and an F neth ~. VIce · PresJcimt Whlte elepbant.a elutter up Y:~ lng section ... lt'a the "HI·FI We get a number of young the largest number o( ti.!Jh. automatically bars you from tb~ Tocoa Bayes; Secret.a.ry Ann tepee! Totem·up to All ~I Yell"! Near u we could IIeure ·una as telephone receptionists Mrs. Fred Johnson ~lved S«· honor roll. Once you are admitted Lardner; Tnuurer Ma.rda Davt.s. ~· ean Market. ~..M.. ~ 'MO k:; out It consists of the .tudents when we telephone Cor news. One ond honors. For making the lari· to Honor Society you must make and Serceant·at·arma Diane San -~ Balboa Iale, char to ar Alao etandlnc up and wlgaUne -no small voice last week vowed aa est catch amonc the women. Mrs the honor roll at least twice a dera. Mn. Dtane Patterson l.s N.B. · · · PUt 'em n x. h d sound ls emitted. W~d like to how mother would be home when Johnson received a pair of abA· year to stay there. their advt.sor. buttoM'n bmts. old~~th: tt:;, augcest that thl.s yell could be the little ha.nd o! the clock got up lone earrings and on~· third of the e so•oa aou. Monday nlcht Tti-Siama heUJ ~ STn.EI 10 11 .. EVERYTHING A WOMAN WEABS 8\ff SHOES cear'n beacla for a a s beautllully climaxed by one loud to the blc hand again. Another jackpot. Dr. Salvatore Monaco Last year's fourth quarter honor their Clrst of three yearly lnit1a· booth · · · So P.T.A. /:uaw ean tumultou.a "PHFFFT!" little Uterallst answered the won the consolation prize for roll came out 50 late It wu nrver Uona. Only nJne-out ot nln~n PILLY IPPIIEI m.ake-um beaddreu papoo&e • • • phone a while baek. I asked. "Lt brlngtnc a shark to boat and los· rinted Here It ls now: appllcanta were a~pted Into the to wear Halloween · · · Maybe the small fry a;e cet· your mother home. dear!"' She lng lt of! the gaff. P Soph~more.-Terrl Lee Affolter. promJnent orcanlzatJon. They liD WEWIOft &YD. * * * Upl .......... U...,.._ writua ........... Wra pede ... • • • Go cllealnaa ...,. Ia ........... ?311 .. ···-IJaM-~·,.._. ....... bit ••• Qett.8 ..... .... ••• ,... ........... ottll .. lt ................ "'Ca8ce ................. Pdllslf ..... _ ......... T-..... wllie'W .... • to ft&l-ST ... w. ... ···-.... u .. LIB .... .-. ... ...... to be patutl t ••• ftil wtll be Mq .. ,..._ ... wm...-,_ • .._ce~p_.T...__ .... •-' ••• ActMIIf w. ................... -.. ,_. • • • T-.-lr a. ..... u.. ... ft&l .... cd1 tM ,_, .•.... tine smarter, or perhapa It a these aald "yes" and ... hanged up the Movies of tht' sewing thread John Anderson Rose Marie An· were: Pbyllla MJlum. Lyn Gin· changtnc Urnes. but when WE phone! <Next time around I asked derby will be presented at Frl-derlilOn Judy' Baker. Bonnie oux. Ann ~nstln. C&thy Sturte· to apeak to her mother. l day's luncheon meeting. Barnes: Thomu Bla~ly. l aclt vant. Jan Ary, CeTy Sance. U .. 211t c::o.TA MDA Crown Starn~ Community Crf'dlt Bradbury, Margane Bunnell, Pat Dock)' Lomax. VIcki Csenar. and h _I p $ I I 2 8 Carol Bush. Charlene Carroll. Barbara Hammond. o.en Notes Nig tingmes resent I DlanneC&.roU.Carolyn ~y. Ted •. Cooper. Jerry Cox. Lorraine Cuth· F H •t I T 8 d bert. Janet Delphlno, Wendy Des· Prorreuora Sectlon 11 wOl hold or 0Sp1 a umor oar enberg. Sylvia Dlal. William their Drat fall mHllnc at the Jr. Dock. Mary Lu Downtnc. 'nmothy vine Cout Country Club for A check for $1,1.28 was pre· and meana cha.lrman. aatd that ~1, Vlrcinla Dunlavy. Ross landteon and cant. next Wed· aented to Winifred Baoon. Boac tickets for. the aprtnc Edna Eckert. Richard Elllott. Sally Ey . neN&y, Od. 17. Kra. Elizabeth HQfPital admlnlatrator, by mem· Stearn. Dayton lecture llfties wUl mann. Diane Forderbrugen. Mar- Noble. cbalnnan, at Harbor 3322. ben ot the NlchtlncaJe Cllapter be avaJlable at the November raret Fruehan. leanJe Gaz.lay. and Kra. E. F. Pohlman. co-of Hoac Awdllary at their meet-rneetlna. PtesJd~nt Mra. Law· David Gibson. Dorothy Haley . cba1nnan. Harbor 3273.. are ac:· Inc held Jut w~ at the home renee Spracue. Jr. ~ported the Kay Harris. Raymond Harvey. ceptlne reaervatJona. of Mrs. M. A. Anderson, 916 VIA resignation of Mnl. Wallace • • • IJdo Soud, Udo We. The cbeck. Christy and Mrs. John Wet.ter. ..-J""'-----------Propeuora Section I wUJ al.o to be used fo. r Ou~ hospital tumor • Sandwic:hea and eoffee were lr)T A ~-.-,c m~ next Wednellday. Mrs. BuU board, wu money ralaed last year ..rved by a refreshment commJt· ..... ~ ~.,.... ~ Petenm\, chairman, announced at the Edna Stearns Dayton book tee lncJudlnc Mra. R.a.lph Holden . that a deaert meetlnr wtll be review series. chalnnan. and Mmes. Floyd • •EWIOIIT IIEIGIITS PrA held at the Udo I.IJe Home of Halloween tray favors tor he»· Buell, Elbworth Betta. Stanley I A "ba k t h 1" night will Mrs. Lee Barnes. 121 VIa Men· pltal patlenta ~ made during Brllbln. Ceorre CoUey and D. H. c o;: oo Newport tone. ~AN wf:f t!:e:U!:!{ear'a workahop under the dlrectlon of Crum. Jr. ~~~~~d ~~me:: School at Pl'OIT • • • Mrs. Martin J. Loclmey. PIIOM aALIK>A TO CDK 7:30p.m. Wednesday (Oct. 171 In 1 Balboa Island vol~ lira. Orval Stewart. t u m 0 r the caletortum ot the school. Holly VIM • Ebe.ll board volunuer chairman. an· Mr. and Mn. Chad TWichell of Harbor VIew PTA board members -------~ -- WAll A FEW DAYS ••• BE 3 YEARS AHEAD! car ao .dvanced it wiil (),& Octobu 30 you~ eee a teem three yean out of make 10-(:&llecl .. Df"W can e.an-abead featara d •• Ort O~r 30 you1l tee y ..:.-•~--Total a._ R"de, ru~t Sweep -1 ....,, like Tonion-:\in 1 .. 301 .. v.s ~ 0" Contact Brakes.. • fury 1 three full yean OcloMr JO } ou 11 ~ o;e:.~~Od tee and dri.e ahf"•d of the low·pntt PLYMOUTH teacber. 11 dlrec:tlnc the ~eet-nounced the apl)Olntment of Mra. 326 Buena VIsta. Balboa. moved will assist the newly Cormlnr choral ,roup thla seuon. -Arthur GruweU u assistant lut week to 215 I..arUpur AW!.. jiii~~~~~~~----iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiliiiiiiiii. lnp are beln( held at 1 p.m. on chairman; Mrs. M. A. Andenon Corona del Mar. The Twichell a N~rt J~~ihQu~~=P· was • alternate Mondaya at the t;;:;,~ u recordlnc secretary, and Mrs. have lone been residents of Bal· elected temporary chairman of of Mrs. Lee Barnes. 121 VI~ C lute Harrah u lay sea~etary. boa and are prominent ln Harbor the Newport Heichts PTA and tone. Udo, according to · · Mra. James c. Elms IV, ways area organizations. ,.._ James Frost. temporarv se-e-D Cunnln"ham. chairman. J.YU,.. • .T · • retary. Comml ttees elened In· Professional Civic League to Hear Talk. ~~~~ ~~-:'M~0~':.'';i,:n: ell. Mrs. Leon WllltaJruJ and the Directory On Ballot Propositions :~~~ =~ ~~:s no~~:.~: croas lng commttteP; by.laws commit· PVWEBAL DPIE All county and state ballot hospitality chairman. at Uberty tee w1U Include Mmes. Kenneth 111111 Custom-fitted ... made to order. at Rea.onahle Prices by MR. AND MRS. EARL BRUSH Makers of custom made aldrts, ah1rU and sportswear. La Mer Friendly Nelehborbood service proposltlona on the November 8·5187. Cortee will be furnished Fowler. Harlan Eastman. Con· J( ovrC' ballot are to be analyzed by At· by the committee. stance O'Connor. Paul Holmes !======:=i:&ii=ii:iil&ii=:~:==:=::::::l P~ torn.-y Marjorie Mtze of Santa. · At a meetlnc ot the Woman"a and W. D. Newman; charter MORTUAKY Ana at next TUesday's meettnc ctvte Leacue board. held last membership committee Includes ., * * * 110 Broadway of the Woman's Civtc Lea~. week at the Balboa bland home,Mrs.. WIUiam Stone. Mrs. Charles Women tbrourhout t.be eom· of Mra. F. S. AlUnder, put prest. Tatum and Mrs. Isabel Glb80n; U 8-M33 6 8-3434 eo.t.a x.. munJt;y are Invited to joln Leque dent. plans for the comJnc year hospitality committee la com· rr.11 ott the Spa Wand U· !::===========j members for the p.N-electlon dla· were dlacussed. Mra. Phlllp Bur· posed of Mrs. Oarence McCul· .embly line COIDM Chlc:k.ell Stock T W 0 eualon pla.nned for 10 a.m. at tlw ton, preslc»nt. led the dl.cu.aalon. loeb. Mrs. Stewart O'Neil and Bue ... Savory Chlckim So~p ln N 0 W · · · Community Youth Cent«, FUth VI~ president. Mn. Robert Mrs. Jerry TUtt.s. a epllt ..cond ... Add 2 til&· BALTZ MORTUARIES and J.rb Avenuea. Corona del Marshall. stated that the pro· Second organizational meetlnc IPOOM Olk:bn 8todl to 1 eQ.P &ervlnl the Harbor Area Mar, and to br1nl sandwiches for IJ'&m5 wtll dove-taU with the of the new PTA will be held from boUlnl water ... ~It Oil Baltz Mortuary a "aandwteh buffet,. luncheon. work of the two major eommJt· 9 to 10 a.m. TUesd_, at the lcl\ool veaet&b._ while they are eoolr· Any newcomer, who would prefer tee.s of the Learue. community when permanent otfl~ wiU be ina ... And I need not tell )'OU CHAPEL BY THE SEA to come with a member, La uked aUalra heeded by Mra.. John AJ. elected and charter members wW boW deUclou.e tt Ia u a navor 352) B.B= ~:f!';'ay to eall Mra. .Jack Cunnlnrham, barlan. and parks and recreation be accepted. boo8tef with rtce, noodlee oe any Corona del beaded by Mra. T. Duncan Stew· ------- favorite dlah that calla fot a can ll .. ll lJ I I art. She aatd that Robert Shelton. aLOODMOaJL.E COJIDIC of ehlcken aoup . . . Baltz Mortuary 4Q II-c:lty manapr, hu bHn asked to '11\e Red Ctoa Bloodmobile Ubert1 8·2121 speak at the Kovember meetJnr will be at the Newport Beach * * * ... 111a• SUperior, eo.ta Ilea .. IIIII l111ftl and the tradltlonal C'hrist:mu American Legion Hall on ntday, AMPLE PARKING party w11J be lleld tn Decftnbe". Nov. 2. 801'11 LOCATIONS Alpha XI Delta Alumnae ol ~-;.,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;==;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ~==:Jill!!!!!!:===~ Oran,. County are holcll.na tbe.1r ,. ftnt beMftt put)" S&t\mk>' at th~ HARBOR REST MEMORIAL PARK INSURANCE ~liTO W. C. WAGNER ao a. t'nll 1t.. o.a ..... LHIIIU'.... ... IIA .a A.rnol"-FIII'IDhoue. 6S91 Man· cb..._ Blvd.. Buena Pattt. Tbe pu17 wUJ be a Jundaeon fuhlon lhoW. O{JR SPECIAL.rr * IRONING TABU ~-TII•m A Be1 tr el A S.,! I ., .. Ruth Bum~Ml (Mn. D. Jrl.), ex· prea. of Hoar H~ltal AuxULary, ta dolnr a lot of traveDinr with tb~ ~Mn In h~r llf~. She and her husband Don (of the Credit Bu· reau) Just returned trom a vaca· Uon trip to Mexico and on Tuee· day she and her father are leav· lng tor South America. Both Mrl. H. and her father have ttavelled around thls old globe extensively. . . . . R. J. Collins ot Jamaica Inn took oU last week aboard Scan· dlnavlan Airlines to CoPeilharen. Tentative plans, we hear, are to fly on over to Stockholm, ro skl· tnr In Germany and lata. pick a t;.oat to bring home. (He and the boat wlll BO'nl come home by ship, we understand.) • • • Mrs. Marcaret Huttnc of Sal· bo~ Island lett October 1 for around the world. She's ached· ul.ed to leave today trom Hono· lulu after a lO·day atopover, ac- cording to Coline at the Corona del Mar Travel Bureau. Maior Street Proied in Shore crlffs OK' d nounce arrival ot boata with .wordlllb aboard and tor playtnr Chrlltmu music. e Gave apeclal commendation to Mrs. John Dod~~e ot Beeoon Bay and Mra. F. B. Hulett of Costa Mesa for the boun they volun- tHred ln Clty BaD durtnr the final days of vot~r r~rlatratlon. Gov. Leader to TalkHere Fire Prevention Week Brings nps for Safety A "major operatlon" on Shore the Balboa Anrllnr Club to op. Cutts streets. ooctlnr about $17,· erate a public address syatem at Governor George Leader of Pennsylvania will speak at the dinner meeting of the Harbor Democratic Club. to be held to· morrow evening fFrlday) at the Moose Hall. 435 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. a,tlntl• See Filii Of Wllllr ..,.,... 000. was approved Monday e\'e· the loot of A St., Balboa to an-Read the EMJrn Want Ad pa.ee. nlng by the Newport Beach City ,..-.=;;;,;;;a;;~---==-~....,.==--=------== .... -= ..... ...,.. Council. Plana and specifications A fire In your home would be places of such a fire In any home. expensive and lnconvenletlt. as· according to the Chlet. Is the sumlng your family wer~ lucky h. .. atlng and cooking equipment enough not to be hurt In the bar· -ranked by National Fire Pro· gain. says Chief R. J. Briscoe of tection Association estimates as the Newport Beach Fire Depart· the numbf>r two cauSt> of home ment In a special message for fires. Fire Prevention Week. which Is Here's the chief's advice on cut- being observed thls week tlng down the c-hances of your The Ways and Means Cornmlt· tee, headed by Mrs. Fred Olson. ls In charge of the dinner. Assist· lng her are Mrs. Frank Downes. Mrs. C. E. Axtater. Mrs. J. Wood· bury. Mrs. C. Loeser and Mn>. R. Watts. One of the likeliest starting heating and cooking equipment -------------------~------causing a costly. "Inconvenient" rtre: were approved. and bids were called for Nov. 13. Managtnr director ot the Helms Public Worka Director Ber1 American Foundation, Norman W~b &&Jd that ruttera were not MacKay, showed rums of the win· originally Installed when the ter Olympics at Tuesday's meet-subdivision improvements were lnr of the Newport Harbor Optl· constructed. mists Club, held at the VIlla "Now we will have to re·rutter Marina. Later this month the the whole tract," he said. group expects to entertain mem-City Manager Robert Shelton bers of the Olympic teams. said. "It Is a tragic commentary Babe Orbon, owner·manager of on the Jack of paving standards Coast Super Market. Corona del at that time. The enUre public Mar. and Chuck Bradley. Balboa now will have to pay tor re· bland Camera Shop owner are doing what s hould have been two new members of the local paid for by the People In the Fr th Pol •cE BLO t:R 1 Cht'<"k lhe location and In-Optimist group. tract.•• om e ... I .... stallation or stoves and furnaces============= Mr. Webb added that the sub· to make certain that nearby division ordinance now has re· walls. floors. curtains. furniture Gla quirements tor proper lnstalla- • WEDJfESDAT OCT. 3 ona del Mar ... Three minor and other combustlb~ material fflOUf Uon of curbs and gutlera. An outboard motor boat was youths were booked for J)OSSf;!S· cannot be lrnlted. Council also: stolen from the residence of Mrs. slon of concealed weapons after 2. Make sure all types of heat-Gl• e Gavl !lnal approval to the Earl Sawyer, 535 via Lido Soud. pollee officers Investigated a re· lng and cooking equipment are lffiPSeS new business licenSe ordinance. LJdo Isle . . . A car belonrlng port that some 200 kids were placed well out of normal travel which calls for a basic $2S a year to Mrs. Coweta Rogers of Costa tearing up the rest rooms on the routes to doorways. ay AJfJf fee. ~a was stolen from the Munl· main beach In Corona del Mar. . 3. When buylnr new heaUng e Passed a resolution of lnten- clpal Parking Lot In Balboa ... e StnrDAT. OCT. 7 or cooklnr equipment, look for For those of you who are pa-tlon to abandon a portion of The Newport Beach Fire Dept Ruth Osgood. 214 Apolena. BaJ . the label and instructions which tlently waltlnr for O'Brien's new Beach St.. between La Jolla Dr. reported smoke coming out ol a boa Island, found a turtle with show testing and approval by "on order'' fall hats. we are happy and Catalina Dr.. Newport h ouSt> at 145 N. Bay Front Bal· the address 127 Topaz on It ... some nationally recognized test· to announce that they have ar· Heights. and called a public bear· boa Is land: oUicers discovered Several boys with BB guns on a lng laboratory auch as Under· rived! They have arrived, Indeed, lng for Nov. 13. a pork chop was being barbe· cllft behind Castaways Restau· writers' Laboratories. Inc .. Under· and are very beautltul!!! • e Adopted a resolution com· qued. rant were reported shooting at writers' Laboratories of Cal'\&da mendlnc the Newport Harbor • THURSDAY ,.._ 4 bo P 1 Schl I w-W•'n ~ twwwd to Cbam'-~r of Cornrn-· for ncel· • v...&. ats · · · au ege • ..,..,. or the American Gas Association. ""' ...... ~ • ...., Two high voltage wires were rnlnster and Newport. Newport ba'ria9 !'0'1 _. Ia --aDd lent work on the clty's Golden broken from a light pole at La· Heights. reported his houSt> tull ~ Fire Ch ief B~ urres all P~~-gt.,.. ua-you-... •• ...-op· Jubilee celebration. fayette and 31st St. In Newport ot smoke; upon Investigation. po· ent& to be certain that their ch · lataa. W• laao,r 1""'11 be oola· e Approved final map of Har· Beach when a tractor·traller lice officers discovered people at dren. especially the youngest Ia' -" aab·la' all .,._ tbe bor Rlrhlands Tract 3057, to be truck hit the pole while making 405 Holmwood Drive were barbe· ones. are always In good hands. pl-. too. wiMa 1"" ... ..._ developed by Bay.Way Homes a turn at the corner . . . All quJng. using wood as fuel, In "Never leave your chlldre?, ~IMU Jet bl.tt ..a..e.. tbe and Island Estates, and received American Market of Newport their back yard. alone, even for a few minutes. -..&y ...Ut wlalte IIOUfflel( bond of $55,000 ruaranteelng con· Beach received a S20 ticUUous e MOJfDAT. ocr. 1 he pleaded. ''You take a terrible CIIICl all tbe .U.. .._llble ..., structlon ot all tmprovementa. check made payable to Gerdon About SllO damage was done risk that your child will be hab tllat ao.lr • bl9 ...Sbtalky e Denied the tollowtnc claims Witten. Santa Ana ... A spare to equipment at the construction. trapped and helpless to escape a CIDd IMI • U9lrt ...S Clky. TIMT for damares: $25..000 asked by tire. wheel. and sprinkler head Bay Crest Homes. between 20th fire or any other emergency In an • ......_,, tllat '" liaMPllr Elvira Swasey for Injuries auf. were stolen from Kenneth Kus· and 21st Sts. on Irvine Ave .• near your absence." tla-r WOD't •tay loa9 at fered In fall on aldewalk at 214 ter. 1939 Teresita Lane. Harbor Harbor Highlands ... Fannie E. The Chief stressed that such a O'aaJEJf'l, • pa... ~ Ia Marine Ave., Balboa Island, of Highlands . . . Balboa Inn re· Brown. 2640 E. Coast Hwy., Cor· danger ts not at all farfetched. II!ML July 29; 110,070 asked by RJchard celved a $7.15 fi~ltlous check ona del Mar. reported the money A recent study by the National Nights are a little nippier, daya K. Taylor for lnJurJn auftered signed by Mary L. \Laser, Santa and keys In her office were stolen Fire Protect I o n Association are a little rreyer, fall clothes are ln tall through hole ln float op- Ana. . .. Hub caps valued at $80 were brought out the fact that younr be~nnlng to feel rtrht. as well poslte 2219 Channel Rd., Balboa, Lady B Lovely In 1905 the Machine Wave. In 1932 the Machine1ess Wave. In 1940 the Cold Wave. And Now- THE WATER-WRAPPED METHOD OF PERMANENT WAVING. Here Is a new. advanced. cotnpletely dWerent kJnd of permanent Your hair la wound wttll ordinary water; cradled In a ,.._ ... little ~ then renUy per- meated with an 6elustve ,...... aolattea that lm· parts the nearest thtnr to a perfect curl we've wen. The whole procesa Is ao smooth and klnd to your hair. each wave la a bleuJnr. every curl a caress. You've n~er experienced such aheer delight In a permanent . .. you've never bad a more beautilul wave ... For Appointment Phone HArbor 1876 JANE FITZGERALD'S Beauty Salon OPERATORS ASSISnNC MAJULYN SNEDEKER -AB.DYTHE GIBSON BEVERLY HOWLETT-JANE CLARK. MANICURIST 3732 E. COAST HWY .• NR. POPPY AVE. CO BON A DEL MAR e FJUDAT, ocr. S stolen from the car of Melvin children alone aod helpless ac· as look 80 wonderfuL We can't on Sept. 26. At 11:$ ~~. ~rs w~ re·waJ~~411Redlands~~New·cou~boneo~of~~t~ee~~lbe all ~r bewW~ new~·~c:~~a:n:~~~a~~:·:d:a~y~pe~~=:t~t~o~==============~~~====~~=~ ported racing In the area of the port Heights . . .$45 was stolen child tlre victims. he said. wool· dresses. lncludlnr the Ius· 1600 block, E. Balboa Blvd .. Bal · from the oUice of the Mo·Bo'Tel He recommends giving these clous new fall jeneya. but-we boa ... Martha S. Corre of 416 at 4401 W. Coast Hwy .. Newport basic Instructions to every baby know you won't be aatl&fled 'tU Narcissus. Corona del Mar. fen In Beach. sitter: you come and view them your- an excavation at the parkway on • TUESDAY, ocr. I 1. Point out two or more ways selt. Ir1s behind Ewert's Jewelry . · · A Richard's Lido Market received of escaping from any part of the dead deer was found on Me· a no account check of S25 pay· house with the children. Toa'U be cbaa...cl at bolr Arthur Blvd. near Palisades Road able to Kenneth E. Binkley and a.ICIIIly tM _....,. U.. am look . . . Cleaning equipment was signed John J. McGill . . . 12. 2. Get the children out of the • tbe -1 9 9 ef tlae ........_ stolen from Mrs. Yoni Russell, year·old Sandra Bratcher of 514-A houSt> the Instant smoke or gas tklned dyl'-9 wll.lctl OMifl• a 702 Marigold. Corona del Mar. Jumlne Ave.. Corona del Mar. Is smelled. ~t fleat.u.. dlbt wttll e SATUJIDAT, OCT. 8 escaped Injury when a bike she 3. How to call the fire depart-tbe hall II-* ••• ...,. aaa.. A $65 tachometer and parts of was riding ran Into a stopped car ment by phone. Harbor IS. .... a distributor were stolen from the at the parking lot between the 4. Row and where to reach the boat of Ralph Forch. No. 36 Udo COM All-American Mkt. and Vln· parents. doctor. pollee, for any Traller Park, while the boat was oent's Drug store. possible emergency. · tied up near King's Landtnr ... -------------------------- Man Found in Street Here Challenges Police Ability R. C. Mlze. 1912 Westwood. Santa Ana. and three pusengers In hls car received minor Injuries when Mr. Mlze's auto failed to make the curve and hit a telephone pole at Baysl41e and Carnation ... r'lve-year·old Michael T. El· A man was rePQrted lying In lery of 228 Marguerite, Corona del the middle of the street at Bay· Mar. received minor Injuries side Drive near Feml~at Ave., when the child waa atruck by an Corona del Mar, Sunday after· Arden Farma truck at 2ll Mar-noon. Pollee officers arrived at ruerlte; the truck was driven by the scene and noted the man's Paul H. PackJngbam of Santa eyes were open but he did not Ana . . . A bicycle was stolen from Jett Gaynor ol112 Sappttlre. Balboa Island ... Some chlldren on bikes were reported runntnr over flowers and truh cans at the 700 block of Poln.Mttia.. Cor· Ellie W•• II''• YARN SHOP liltlllhlll , .. IIIIIW 1•••1 Burr Shafer, c.etor ot the c.,.. lOR A UMIJID 7IMI ONlY ARTHUR MURRAY invites yau to ACCEPT THIS ssp DANCE . COURSE FOR ·ONLY sJ4!9 Here's wkt r• ttfl 6 ....,.,..Al STUDIO LESSOIS , AlllmTATIOII TO A STUDBIIPAITY ,, .............. I HOlliS PUCIICI SISSIOIS Trustees Award Contract To Prepare Hi School Site . ' ~·>•*Qcau** A low bJd oc au. tor t1ae Tbe 10-ec:N llbeloeac.d at hfr. Tlae ~ ot AtoDement." 4tmoUdon ol oW ~tlolw and 'liew Aw. 1o eo.ta ....., ..,.. • NeOnCWatioll bet•wn mae clnrtfta ol tiM ntW hlp dool trpm 0ra.np Cout ~.., &o4 God. Will be the wbject ot ldt. ._ ao Jeed at t1ae __. ... acquired from ~ hderal fi#JN· 1¥ "--·Senooo at U.. M.,... N~ att.raiDoe bp the Jfew. ~ aftlr. ,_,. o1 MIDIM• port IMc:b Olurdl ~ Cbrlat. lei- port R&r_. Bllb 1ct.oo1 l*trtd U.. Tlae board lMerd a report eDtMt. on Suoda1. The Gol4eon Board ol ~ Wartc OCI tile from ardttt«u Oft ~ -~ Tat COtiU'MDCel tiM MI'IDOQ With MW lit. wW CIIIIMMbc:W -'*' o1 tbe clealp o1 ua. ~ 10 Paul'• ....., .. All Wnp are ol eontnct. are ea J'IW. be erected. lupt. SldMJ IM¥14· God. who hath ncond1ecl u.a to "''boonu ~~~Mer, • Loe An,.._ eon atac.d the p&aM ..,. halt b11Mt11 by .Jau.a Chtlat, and CC>mPAQ7, .. ._..._. tbe loweat ol completed. bath ~wa ~ ut the mJna.try ol • bier.. Otber bldl ..,......._.....,. n. board ~ the -.e. NQ)Ddll&don <D Car. 5:1.8). Ban hm&Ddo VaU.y O'aae a... Uon o1 aay SancSeq u IUb·con· CDII COIDio•rn CB1J'IM:II lee, IHMO: A.&. Fowler, Oran.., tractor ol 8eeJt Hall DOW UJ.Mier . Jtalph c. Smedley. 320 Orchid 142,6SO; Jt. W. MceleUan ~ eonatructlon at the Rarbcw RJp Ave., Corona del Mar, wtJI be eo.ta M .... -...: R. T. PlocW School ca.rnsna. "nle boArd &leo auetrt q,ea.ker on Layman'• Sun- Co., WUmt~ rM.'Tll; ,..,ell voted to ~t teMrVe tuna ol day at the Corona del Mar Com· Coneret• Pipe Co... Gar4ln Gl'Ove, $100,000 1n 9C).4ay U.S, Treuury munlty crumb. Mr. Smedley, $19.2:10. bona A oontraet for new audio-rounder of Toastmuten Intern•· Biela w .. heetd by board mem· vtaual aerv1clel. at the rate ot • tlonal, wtJl apeak on "Christian ben before the maettnc wu tem-per atudent, wu accepted. No at Work" at the 9:30 a .m. service, .... 111 d4A>•med I der to actJon wu taken on the health· and "Come and Co" at the l1 :00 .,..ra Y a """' n or accident lnaurance plan which w hi hour permit lnw.tJaatlon of the estJ. was aubmJtted by faculty mem· ors P · mate.. bers. VWIVEUALIST IOETIXC Big 'Kick-Off' Breakfast Starts United Fund Drive More than 100 volunteer work· Roberta. Mrs. Vale Redman, Mrs. en cathered tor klck·otf brftlt. Phillip Terry, Jack Hundley, M.ra. rut at 1rvt.ne Cout Country Club Walter Nollat. Tu~ mom.tna to Jauncl\ the Area C. Udo Isle-Kra. Ken· f1rat United P'und drive in the neth KJnpley and Mrs. EUiwort.lt City ot Newport Beach. Betta, eo-majora; Mrs. Arthur Eiahteen orrantzatlona a r e Reaume. Mrs. Wllliam Korrta. Jo!Ded ~ In thJa campairn W:ra. James BeaWe. MIS. Keith for ts'r.~ wtdcb tak• the plue Cordrey, Kn. lohn Llrulon, Mrs. of the Community O.est drive. 1. Stawtcld. MIL R.. M. Lftner. Harbor Area Unlveraallat Worn· en w111 meet at 1:30 p.m. Thurs. day Oct. 1& at the home ot Mrs. Delbert Warw1ek, 446 .Esther St., Costa Mesa. ReporU wiU be given by Mrs. Leon Rudd and Mrs. Alma Morrla. Dr. Charles Blauvelt'• sermon thla Sunday at the Moose Lodge wUJ be "Believe ~ Best Hours." C..,C. Business Group Meets Dr. Robert Olander, United Fund Area D. Newport Hetp~Mra. OYer 60 bu.alnesa peopLe and p~dent. presided at the break· Earl Lew1a. ~jot; Mra. Heman cuests a~ndt!d a dinner meet· last. and Introduced the apeaken. Mack, MIS. Leon Wlllla.rna. Mn. lnr of the Merchanta Dlvlaion of Campatrn Dtreetor Ed Mthun..-lama D. Fercuion. MIS. William the Newport Hatbor Clamber ot Publicity Director and Balboa ll· JC. .McLain. Commerce Monday eventnc at the land Putor Donald Sapp, and Area E, Balboa llland-Mra. a. VIlla Marina. Wllllam O'Bryon. a cUrector of C. Blaclc:mar, major; Mrs. c. D. MUo Lacy, chairman, presented Red Crou. Lake, Mrs. Robert Lelnau, Mn. Hay Lan~nhelm. executive lee· Porty·aeven majora and cap. Robert Beauchamp, Mrs. Mary retary ol the Chamber of Com· talns who will w~~ reslden· Jahns. Mrs.. 1. S. Brown. me~. who told of all the work tlal 801lcltaUona for the United Area F, Corona del Mar-Mrs. the Chamber had done to put on Fund drive are announced by D. William Jacluon, major; Mrs. the Newport Beach Golden Jubl· M. Lee Schonek, ....a.tant cam· WUUul Tritt. MIS. S. D. Brock. lee durlnr September. palin chairman. Area G. Corona del Mat-Mrs. Bill O'Bryon. a director of the Majora and e.apta.tns Include: Douclu Hoskins. major; Mrs. F. Chamber. made a plea for the Area A. BalOO.. -WUdan A. Fowler, M.r:s. Fred Kulte!', Mn. United Fund drive and flnlshed Thomu. major; Mrs. SterUnr John Knox. by aurrestlnc that ev~y Parla, 'Mrs. Donald 4yera. Mrs. N. Area H. Beacon Bay, Harbor l•· eontTibute the ~ount which they c. Sturceon, Mrs. Henry Wagner, land. Balboa Coves, Irvine Ter· llat for eontrlburtons on t heir In· Jr .• Mn. Georce Und. race and Bay Shores-Mrs. Rich-eo~ tax form. Al.ao speaking on Area B Newport -Mra. John ard Steele, major; Mrs. William the United Fund were Dr. Robert Hundley. major; Ed Healy. Mrs. Harvey, Mrs. E. 1. Wachter. Mrs. Olander, president, who stressed Everett Nunan, Mrs. Richard Robert Ramsay. Mrs. Lee Rivers. the fact that volunteers only -----------------------------------:------'·'-------were doing the 101lclting, and Dr. Edward Milum, campaign chair· man, who told how the campaign was organized. City Set to 'Go It Alone' On Huge Water Reservoir Nf!'WJ)Ort Beach City Counctl O'Melveny A .Myers on arranrlnr took preliminary ateps Monday an early bond election for the evenlnc to "10 It alone'' In the bu.ce project. conatructJon ot a wllter reservoir Mr. Shelton abo was lnatrud.ed In the Irvine hllb back of Corona to eonault water enrtneer lames Just before adjournment. Mr. Lacy contributed a $100 check to the United Fund. I••••LI•III•Itl .. u ....... ... del Mar. Mont~ to determine what Harold T. LaW'SOn asked the Council authorized City Man-enrtneerinr ehances are needed Newport City Council Monday arer Bob Shelton to necotla~ In the MontaomerY plana to tie evenJnc !or perml.saJon to oper· w1th the Loe An,ela Jaw firm ot the r~lr . Into the dty •ys· ate a portable blah pressure air te~~·• Council, resigned to eompreaor to refill 8elt-eonta1ned u.,..... •••••• Fer lwU••• the fact that eo.ta .Mna. Lacuna underwater brea~ng apparatus and other agenda wru not par· cylinders at Bud s Beach Equip· tlclpate In the eonatructJon. also ment Rentals at the Corona del • directed a query to the Coastal Mat beach. Municipal Watft D1strlct ukln& 'nle request waa ret.erre-<1 to the Newport City Council Informed U MWD funds are available tor city manarer and city attorney Dourlu Buell Monday ev~nlng buUdinc the reservoir. to determine 1! the master lease that he ahould apply for a u.ae From the Irvine Co. eame • let· for the beach permlh such oper. permit from the PJannJnc Com· ter promlalnc to provtde the land atJona, to check on the sat~ of mlaslon before obtaining an on-free tor the pro~ 1.2)0-ac:re· the equipment, to Investigate the sale beer licente for hla restau· toot reservoir. And from MWD public Uablllty Involved. to cheek rant Dour'• Doc Houae, 3512 E. came word that wttlc»nt water on nolae, and to confer with the Cout Hwy., Corona .del ¥at. would be available to flll lt. An Patks, Beaches and Recreation The city attorney • office rec· dditlonal feeder line will be Commlaalon. ommended the request for u~ • -------------permit becauae the restaurant a ready about next May. within 200 teet of a re.Jdentlal area. CouncU aao received eoples of applleatlona from Woody Holdft for a new on-aa.le ceneral liquor l111 .. Wlftilc ..... , ..... 54 Take Test Fltty-four • en I or a ~ered and took the ~Cftenlnc test for the NaUonal Merit Scholarship Examination. ctven at Hatbor on TuNday, Oct. 2. Tbll wu a preUmJnary test tp determine who wtll be ellctble to take the naUonwlde examination Ucen~ ,., hla Dinner Hom Res· Alexander lohn McDonnell, ~. taurant at 2332 W. Cout Hwy~ of 1640 Newport Ave., eo.ta Mesa. on Newport'a Marlnen Mile; and apparently suffered a heart at· from Everett and Ruth W1 tack and then tell off the tool of for tranafer ot on-aa.le beet llcenae a neatby houae on which he wu for the Sport Ftah.lna Boat. Santa worklnc Jut 'nlund&y mom.J.nc. Barbara Special. 611 :n.t St.. He wu pronounced deed on ar· ------------ Newport. r1va1 at Boac Bo.pltal. W l'oo lAte to Clawat on Oct. K Both appUcatlona have been Foreman WUllam A. WU.On of J'eC'OI'IlJ'Den fw approval by the Weat:m.ln.ltft .tated Mr. MeDon· CORONA DEL MAlt RENTALS: Pollee Department and the dty nell wu on the root doinl 80me Unfum. 2·bedrm. apt.; untum. attorMY'• ol!lce. aawinc and. an ~ a .udden, he l ·bednn. apt. with stove and toppled over to the pound. M:r. ~-Phone BA f623, ot BA IIIII. S. .11111 McDonnelL a native of Canada. ~~~eves.~::---~--=---::-::::---:­bad Uved In eo.ta Mesa 2 yean. FOR SALE Ftrewood. Uberty •~· ...... .._I!__. .,_,. waa Ndted Sunday at a.-. after 5 p.m. 2307 New-.,_ -r-1 Balta eo.ta M .. chapel; mua port Blvd., Colla Mesa. Robert AJ.Iell. 8IClOild aon olllr. wu celebrated Monday at St. LOST. ltEW AllD tor lnformatlon. and Mn. C.CU Walker ol aOT Joadllm'l Catholic Church with Kale Colden Caltn q , ..... ........ 1.11 10' • 100'. Utllit* tn. SZ!SOQ. 11.000 clown. Ill) IDODtb. Club u4 ~ PfiYUer• • • • NLII level, 70' a llT, S3.000 • • • .... Balboa Ocnn Front cotta~, furn .• Sf() mo. Adulta only. • • • El .... Larre Whittier home -will excbance f., locaJ lneome property. • • • •••••• 111111 Fine location on Newport Blvd. For store or otflce, $65. leue. all VIIEI. ••••ua lEan 36'7 .N. Newport B1 vd. oppo~~tte Boac Ro.pltal Pbone Uberty 8.·1611 IACI UY UEI 3·bednns •.. Monte Vlata School dWrlct .•. 2~ years new .. dbl. cat ... nice resl· dentlal street .. Immed. pos. sestion. $11.300 Only $2.700 Down c. E • .IIIII, Rtaller 1999 Hatbor Blvd., Costa Mesa u 8·3333 c ....... lar Cute 2·~dr. home PLUS gar· age apartment. 2 patios ... near markets, tra nsportation, etc. 123.950 full price m•• ¥111011 REALTOR 2731 W. Coa.t Hwy. U 8·42'T7 (At th• SJcnaJJ Newport •acb 1/1 01110 an 111 OWNER LEA V I N G CITY, aaya, "Sell!" Home and In· come In choice Joe., 2·bedr. each, P~ect cond. $24,500. • • • TAKE UFE EASY-In thls small c o m p a c t moderne . Compl~ely fum. wtth a de· llrhttul encl. patio. 4.27 Goldenrod. OPEN 1·5 DAlLY. • • • YOU'LL LOVE uvtNG ln the beautiful comm unity of Shore Clltfs 2· bedr.-den- lanal-~an view. $U.SOO. Terms. • • • SOtml OF HI-WAY 2-bedr. plus lc. rumpua room. WalJdnr dlat. to beach. $32.000. SELDOM u a e t be W"' r d "'S'l'E.AL'' Jn advertlall\£ our oftertl\p ... MUST ~ It her. . . . WAS l12.500, MOW 89,000. M-1 plot wtth Quoo. ~ Bldc. . . . on Placenua Ave. n~ar 17th. You won't co to JAIL !or ST'EAUNC THIS! • • • FIX·UP. PAINT and REAP REWARD In lncre&ae VALUE ... R-4 acre ... 3·BRM home that's not nfM' but can be made lnto famJly home. Overllzed 2-car garage and latee 20 x 40 bide. BUYERS, thl.s a aom.ethlnc to consider. • • • LOAN C 0 .M P A N Y -DRY CLEANERS -LAUNDRY - INSURANCE CO. -BEAUTY PARLOR -D OCTOR - DENTIST or CONTRACTORS -Prof.esalonal people who want vlaual advertiaement tree, together w1th up·to- minute 3·B1tM home .•. fuJI dlnlnc room, tllM kJtchen A: bath, dbl. gara~. ol!·street ana for patkJng. SEU.ER'S R E A 0 Y t o D E A L. price $20,000. • • • $1.000 owns BRAND NEW DUPLEX ... 2 patios. over· abed cataae. fenced A: land· scaped. • • • UO x 330 on W. 17th. M·1 ZONE -:-Sure fire to lN · CREASE In VALUE. $15.000 la ALL we ate a.sking with about ~ cash. • • • BACK BAY HOMESITE. R·l . VTEW, a m o n g $25-30.000 homes. 80' wide, $1.500 down. • • • SUBDrVIDERS - I N V E S • TORS -tentative map ap. prove-d. 27 high C'lass BACK BAY rolling hiU side lot$ - I m p r o v e d homesites . . . should about DOUBLE your money. $62.500 full price. h down ... release clause. • • • lruceC.astPn,ll'llll 1857 Newport Ave., Costa Mesa U 8-1632; lJ 8-1400 eves. •U•MIIIYRIIT ,., 1111 ... , Exqul.slte 4-bedr. plus Mr. and Mrs. Servants quarters. 4 bath home. Panoramic view of ~y. Large terrace. beau· tl!ul landscaping. c arpets and drapes Included ... 3 <'at garage ... Custom fur· nlture $7,000 extra. o•• IIIVESTIEIT CO. REALTORS 30th A: Newport Blvd. HA 1600 NEWPORT BEACH CIIIU DEL Ill 3 ............ , 45' lot. double garage. hard· wood floors, 2 fftplaces. 121750. on rood terms. Mil E. ...... REALTOR A: INSUUNCE IVAJf W. EBBUDT, ~te Seaabore Drt~ Newport -..eb. Path• Tbomu 1 . .Nevin ottldat· Mmbles a Sc:ot1y. ~ to welped 1 pounell wben be wu ...._ Interment wu In BoQ< s.p. "Mac.'' HArbor 2213·1. 31S ... 1 .... • • ..._ bom Wecln-'-Y • .oct. & at Boq uJebh cameter)'. Colclemod, Corona del Mar. .., ..... ,, HQ~~Pttal loobert'l brot.ber, ~~~· COM RENTAL. One llt.furnbhed INCORPORATED 3333 E. Cout Rwy. Corona del Mat Harbor 2t.22 v1n Dale Ia f yean old. Or .. II '1'. apt. Luce llvtnr room. flO Pbone :n 7VV MW'I ~tor~• to Mr. Walker, a native of a = ~' mo. Incl. utUitJa. BA 4429. 3530 E. Cout Rwy .. Harbor 5563 ,our local ~. the En-=· at~=p~ ~!liter Ia a Tt .., ••• , , CDK UNTAL. Untum. 2 8ll Corona Del Mar Brandl Ql. Harbor Ul~ t1 I an ~ w/at~ patio, rar~ ---~~~~------------~====~~================ na ve C1W • fl II ~-d~~ o!"&~ Till Elillllll OM ot the trulJ' ~!!! !!!1 Sbote CllttL Cor· , ...... . ner, 3 ~ 3 bat.ba. dellabtful Uvlnl room look· lfta out on attnctl..e patio. lilodem 1n evwy ~ Pdaed to.U! • • • ..... I&OMDAY. oeTOeKIIIl. 1-•aww .......... ' YOU WIL L LIKE Irvine Terrace • • • AM EXCLUSIVE COMMUNITY of LOVELY HOMES IN AN EXC»SJVE AREA ADJOINING IRVINE COAST COUNTRY CLUB. OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9:00 P.M. Prt.a $21,3110 to $31 ,DOD Your Inspection 1s re;specttully solicited. • • • Earl ~· Stan ley . On Hlway 101, Newport Harbor, opposite the new Irvtne Cout Country Club. Phone Hatbor 4448 for Further Information VOGEL VALUE CISTI lEU NJ~. neat. fully furnished 2 bedroom home cloae to transportation. HW tlra.. thermo·eontrolJM floor fur · nace. Jr. kJtchen A: breakfast am. Full ~ce porch, full bath. amp!~ closets. Lovely covered patio. CUstom· bit brick BBQ. Extra lone garage A: work &hop. Com- pletely fenced yard. New. quality furniture. Tbe only home we know.of that is as neat. that has the locat ion and that is as nlcely furnished for the price of only S9.97S 00 with terms. THE VOGEL CO. :1667 E. Cout Bwy., Corona del Mar BA: 1741 ; BA: 07'J1 BILL 'S BEST BUYS CIIIEICIIL PIIPEin IIIIAII REDUCED TO SELL--87' x 15()' on West 19th Ju.t ort Hatbor Blvd., with two rwarly new 2 bdrm. homea easily eonVertM to suit your business Jlftds. 'nfiS CANT LAST~Il us NOW . FULL PRICE $25.000 with \1 down. W. A. TOBIAS , Realtor AND ASSOCIATES "you11 llke our friendly service .. Uberty 8 1139 400 E. 17th St.. CostJa Mesa EVENJ:-iGS CALL LIBERTY 8·8566. U 8·5665 " FIJEI UPPEI " ? Choice corner building sJte. south o1 highway, and Cat· agt> apanm~nt with nice vi~· out over the town. Apt. needs paJnt outside. This Is a r.al opportunity for the person with vision. Only $13.750. STAILEY I. SIITII, 1ea111r 2647 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar Harbor 882 CGIOU DEL Ill A littLe artist's jewel-couth ot highway LOW down payment. Completely fumishM . . . new wall ·tO·wall <'a~t OY.-ner will carry with ~asonable monthly ternu. Sll.750 IIIII lilY 216 Marine A~ .. Balboa Island Rarb« lO 011111 Ocean and mountains are beauti!Ully comblnf'd In o ne ~pln1 panorama from the prlva~ vlew·dtdc at rear of thla ebarm.Jn&. IJvable Corona HJrblanda re.tdence An lntrlgulnc 2-lewl plan provides 3 bedrooms, 2 ~ths. rumpus room with aecond ft.replaoe. tile kJtcben F .A. heat. hardwood Ooora and double p.r&J'e; the fine h~d~ lot has l.,...e play-~atlon area. 11nk·ft-noed. Ita lOOO 1q. r~t on a 510.000 lot. ldlea.l !or the crowln, faMily! ............. $17-1 tbJs house must be 80ld. Call Mr. McNab, Harbor 1448. ~ Hatbot 53:il. .. ... "' .. Ill Ill Fresh ~low C08t poweT'-~ by land. 8e<J and air -happy e~ 1i~ minute. away-center o1 e~ malatta -no freew-ay tie-,upe. See a member of MIKE MYERS Union Semce u. s. Royel n,... Washing & ,ollthing Complete Lubrlc:etlotl s.Mce FREE PICK-UP & DELIVERY Phone Harlllor 3094 ,2201 E. Coati Highway at Avocado Corone del Mar Elgin & Homilton Wotches Oiomonds Mountings Wallace Calderhead JEWELER ) 12] Eaat Coeat Highway Corona del Mar ....-T-V-- sE•wcE * TARTEI'S T·Y SDIICE HAD. Mil Lorgest ond Most Complete Furn•ture Store in the Areo. Cell for frN DECORATING SERVICE liberty 8 55111 Hou se nd ~ar~en Furn•shings for homes, clubs, yochts. )0 17 W. Co<ul Hoghwey N~twporl Beach roa SALE LJTn.E ISLAND near South Bay. Attractive 4 B.R.. 2 bath home. Fireplace. tA heat. Plus 2 B.R. completely t\arnlshed Income apt. $39.500. Excellent tenn.s. Owner. Box W108, % Ensign. BEDSPREADS. lc;-blues attn. twln bed size. $10 each. Lawn· mower A: grass-catcher. $10, & othoer misc. Items. HArbor 3585-1. Business Directory DISU'aAJfCE -OPENINGS FOR - Tel.,lll•• a,e~Wn -Apply- 8:30 to 4:30 122 West Third Santa Ana PACIFIC TELEPHONE IRIDUITES ruNJOR OOu.EGE JDCB SCHOOL "'U!CElfcr REPRESENTING- An l ou lookln& to the fu. tuft. We are! 'nlat'• WhY we are ofterinl .teady jot. with real ~~~ ~~ POCIET IADIO -and- (KO T"'BES) '.Eome World'• lma:u..t lladio ~ It'• to our own lnterelt If we WEIQJIS OKLT 12 oz. tn.urance CompanJes can hire men who wtlJ mab 1'-ooly :t• • S'" • l lf•'" a -llESEEI AftiiPIIY a career with our dynamic A New Concept ln PeTSOnal Rnll .,.,. buatne.. We therefore oller: RadJo. Ear Phone and Carry. aa. IL COILIT JIWY. Steady Jot. lnl Cue Optional. Extra. coiiO•A DEL XU On-the-Job tra1ntn1 Dl VJS.IIDWI ca. IIA lMI Re~~~n~ent u UG7 5·a&y, 40 br. week, t• llarbo!r al9d.. eo.tar ..... CAU'ERTIIT-IIDADI -Int8Vlew now f« tmmecUU. ,_ __________ II( ... ---.----.-.... 11-----openlnp for atudenta Inter· UIIIJIIJ ..tee! tn June openlnp. MW· ...._ _.... t&.r7 mtul not corwfderecl •• 1.-,._ -...o1 Apply 8:30 a.m. thru t p.m. L a. a.EIIOI 1oao 1!. 1.1t Street 1014 1!. Balt.o. Jllvd .• Balboa 8VJU)DfQ l&n1CU Ps' 1111 l11 1r'" I flllldls?J' 1 , IIITIIII --...,. ... • ... ,_ • , HIJ W. COAST HWY. NIWPOIT IIACH u~...,, r FEOaA1. SAVIN&$ I LOAN ASSOOATION TWO OPFICES To S1rre Y• LA&UNA lEACH ANO SAN CLIMINTI QUICK 24 HOUR SElVICE LOW LOW "UDUCING" INTPEST ItA TES EASY ~YPANENTS FRIENDLY SYMPATHETIC SERVICE FUE CUSTOMPS' PARKING ESCROW SHVICf. _..CIENTlY OPERATED LAGUNA BEACH 222 0c.-A"•• PHONI HY. 4-11 n ' ··=•+akl· ... ................. -Klttl& .... J ........ 0,., Qbl • llaall~ • Wltda • ~ .............. CliMra ...... Cllt IIIU • to U te •11 $1Zf II .. 1.. DGVI.AII II.. . I 8COTl' TOILET nSSII 1• IIIDT-W1Dft o• ccU-n 3 .ou.l rl!. I ;: DK-100 POOT aou. WAXED PAPER ~-29-~ . D'I'JIOLDI-11 POOT IIOLL ALUMINUM 4)~ FOIL ~ -U POOT BOLL SMAN WRAP ------DIAPER PAl w:::.r·=·· 1" .... UI DnUTYPAl ~-a.~~.cw-'119 ................ ~ STOOL AIID ITiliTY CHAit PWTIC CIISPER ~~ rJ!t. = ' Use Our Lay-Away On All Chriit~J~as Toys and Gifts 1!,. NoUJ Wlalk Stoeb Are Complete-$1JJO Doum mAMIM • A. CAPSULES ..... ., 229 Iettie eC l. .. ' . mAMM ., .. CAPSULES .. ., 119 ......... m•·c-TWTS " -IICI 139 Iettie til. VITAMIN , .. TABLETS --239 ....... ,. LVITD CDIJI SHAMPOO PBIOXIDE CARA...NOME HOMI PERMANENT . ..... -:.: 'L-1150 ... LID ...... -.,. HEL.EN'A.RUBENSTEIN'S CONTOUR UFT .ct THROAT TREATMENT ~-:t»: ssoo r.. .. n..t ••• Sibs. 19c .' •• in apptldation for )1MI ~ Patrona&'e of OUr New Corona Del Har Store during ita Gnad ()penina'. We are again offering I GRAND OPINING YAWlS 8 WASTE I BASKm 8 ~ 114 i ..... 1.2. 89c ....a .. ..... Jr...-IPidnol..._la~y -..tu-. oa a. a... Prstactt .. t.t•atvctya.p. T.V. Trays = ; ,. a.,. us 1.19 YOII Pay .... at YIK•••• for SOAP PRODUCTS CAMA Y IWI SOAP ... s· -- DC:. liD 2 -J7C (t:) WOOUTE • 1.50 ............ Celd .... ~ LAUNDRY CARTS I EPSOM SALTS for Bathing DICalciilili Phosphate Tablets aottle of 100 eap.w.. SSe ·~ea.,...,. .... 4.At ISCfROPRn ALCOHOL ....... C1 ltlllld fttt ..... llylol I Ra,_ SI•Dl•r Soft BLANKET ... us 411 W•NJble -P1lll lbe 7laM -a• Acetat. SCitla llad.1D9 ··-G...-Plait 21-..... DIIIp PATIO TABLES r AU NetaJ -Jlol1able Folda for S ..... -Jla Badle far £.-, Olrr'f\D9 ....a-s..tatigtat lie. lUI Rm-5.25-2~_QUART r··'· ._~~..a o.w-.._ WHISTUNG 3ts TIADnLI , .. am. LOB -e w VID1l PIMik StiOI .tr lA. -. 0 r VINGENTS ICE CREAM I 8 = 114 i 4PORT ··.· ~ I ..... ~ • ... • \.;' ' Ill I I ~ ~ I .-.. t y J-..Cs .,&...._ • .... ... .. "n.. .... ,..,., ..... , .. --..&1 & o...a Wilde .. "Ill •••• ., STA.IITS IUJmAY plus "THE HOUSTON STORY" BALBOA ISUID SNRnH I..S Girls Gym Unilorms Converse All Star and Hood P.F. Athletic Shoes RA WtltiSS -VOlT -SPIULDIII 222 Nariae AYe. OpeD Ito& I BALBOA . .DLAJID lf t!_ ~ ~ tt;. N;gkf- D ~· ~ . . . ,.., -'' . . . ' ..,~t • • D R I V E -I N .,.-. lC THEATRES l ~ CJ COMI AS YOU ••• I -II ... , . .,. .• Dills .. Mil .... PAY-lESS : f~ 1 L ( .) · 1 I DIIPLEIE •••• ITiiEI Till Best F• Lilli II •E n• a .... I Oo Laundromat 2Gc ThrUt-D-Lwc F"IDNt Dry CJecming At Volume PrJc. 44c lldrta-....... -·. 111. .. RED HOT'' Vcdu• ior Tb~ Fri., Sat., Octo~ 11, 12, 13th. Store JloW'II: Daily 9 A.M. to 6:30P.M. SUDCiay cmd Holic:lap 9 A.M. to 6 p.M.