HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-10-25 - Newport Harbor Ensignre Sun· Events to Go on T-V 11le Harbor .V.a wlll ~ the bluest sport spect&cle tn lu hls- tory th1a Sunday, and .ome 30,· 000,000 peoploe throorhout the nation wfll be looldn~ on too. The U. S. Olympic trade and field team and the .wtmmtn~ VOL. t. JJO. U -P1VK aarTI COIIOIIA DKL ~ CAUP. '111'0111DAT, OCTOKII IS, 1151 and dlv1.nr teama wW be here to ------~~~~~~~~~------------------------~------~--------------------------------~------~~-----put on a ~ ~o~atlon Inquest t in I . • show. )'rack and tleld evenu will be tield at the Harbor Hlrh rownlng ,~~~=l!;,d~~~h7t,1t1t1to~ at the Balboa Bay Club pool. e o• aUJtOWAT SHOW Lido Man .-------L----~--:-:::- Televialon eameru of Dave Garroway's ''Wide. Wldf" World" program wUJ shoot tlle act.lvtty from 1 to 2:30 p.m. for Jive tele- casUng to the east on Channel 4. The evenu will be shown a~ain on fUm at 4 p m. for the West Coast audience. Is Vidim An lnque.t wUl be held at 2:30 p.m. tomorrow (Friday) at the Baltz Mortuary 1n Corona del Mar to determine bow George Edward SUwr, prominent Lido Isle resident. drowned late Sun- day n!rht near h1a home. Orange Cotlnty Deputy Coroner Georee F. Llllls said an autopsy revealed Mr. SUver'a death at 12:21 a.m. Monday wu due to drowning. Mr. SUver'a body wu dlscov- ~ by a 8011, Robert Holcomb Silver, w ho was awakened by the acreams of Mrs. Cordon B. Find- lay, wife of the Lido Iale eon- tractor, of 111 Via Orvteto. When he rot to the aoene. Robert sald he asked Mra. Findlay where hla father waa. She aald ahe didn't know. Robert looked around and found hla father floatlne tn the water between the allp and Mr. SLiver's two -m a a t e d. S5-foot ketch. e A Tr'EJO)EI) DDnfEa P ABT1' Mrs. Ftndlay, the Jut person with Mr. SIJver ~the drown· lng occurred. aa.ld abe and Mr. Findlay, Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Dtk@. and Kr. and Mrs. Earl Saw- yer, all Lldo We realdenta. bad attended a dlnMr party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Preln- lnger, 201 VIa Ravenna. Lido Iale. After the dinner party. the cro\U» went to the Dlk_. home at 101 Vla l'llce . Mr. Silver, O'lt"'lC!'r of U.. .,......., fra~ for Nehl and IQpl OOtm bot*Uq CCIIIl· panJ, uked Mra. Findlay It me would like to see hla boat. Hallowe'en. PartiB ·for . the Kiddies Next . Week 'Mie couple went aboard the boat -and looked around. Mn.. Findlay told the Enat~ yester- day. ''We were both on the deck and had started to get off the Local spooks and goblliUI will don Dlvtslon next Wednesday boat. have thr~ locations next week evening, Oct. 31. "The tide was up and the boat to join In Hallowe'en party fes-Here are the locations: had drifted too Car from the tlv!Ues. 1. Parade w111 form at Horace ramp. 1 couldn't step from the There'll be parades. costum..? Ensign School bus garage, march boat to the ramp. Mr. Sliver went contests. movies and treats on 1 up lrvfne Ave. to Clay St., on to the back of the boat to adjust the Heights. In Corona del Mar Clay to Santa Ana Ave., then up some lines. It was farthest from and on the Peninsula. The big to the Newport Heights School my mind that he had fallen over-occasion will be community par-I for the party. board In the water. be was boat-ties to be sponsored jointly by 2. Parade will form on the bay· man and a very rood swtmmer." the Newport-Balboa Rotary Club side of 17th St. and W. Balboa r ,.,tlnued on Pap 7) and the Newport Beach Recrea-Blvd. on the Penlnsula, march along Balboa Blvd. to the New· port School 3. Parade will form at All-Am- erican parking lot In Corona del Mar. March on the sidewalk along Coast Highway to Dahlia Ave_ and then to the Corona del Mar School Parents are asked to brlng thelr children to the parade for· matlon point at 6:15 p.m . The parades will start promptly at 6:30 p m. Participants must be In the line of march to be eligJ. ble for costume awards, because the judging will be done en route. Parents are to pick up thelr children at the schools at the conclusion of the proerams at 8 p.m. Mrs. _lurfen Is Ne1med to The Olympic stars will come here Saturday. staying at the Balboa Bay Club, Jamaica Inn and Villa Marina. That afternoon at 1:30 there wUl be track and field competition at Santa Ana Colleee. and a banquet will be held that evenlnr In Cook Gym- nasium. Sunday, alter the evenu here, there will be a banquet at the Balboa Bay Club. where Olympic stars wUI be sitting at aU tabLes. ~ will eo to the Olympic Fund to help send the U. S. teams to Melbourne, Australia. e 8AJID TO LEAD P AJIADE The Newport H a r b or H I g b School band will lead the parade to the Harbor field at 1 p m. Sun· day. All seats there are tree to the public. Specta~rs wUl have a chance to see the top names In sports-- Grerory Bell In the broad jump, Leamon Klnr and Bobby Morrow In the 100 meters, world cham- pion Parry O'Brien In the shot. Charles Dumaa In the hl&h jump. Fortune Gordlen In the discuss, "Parson" Bob Richards ln the pole vault, Lon Spurrier In the 800 meters .. Almost Third Of Quota Met Campaign Cb.a1rmct Dr. Ed K1lum ~ a ~cty tncreue ill Ualted P'und cdJedlons, with a.lJno8t one-third ol the t57.00f quota reached u of yesterday noon. P k B d The collections totalled $17.· ar oar 155. or 30"'o of the coal. This In- Mrs. Philip Burton o1 2920 eludes $1.079 reported by 8 resi- Ocean Blvd.. Corona del Kar, wu I dentlal captains to Mrs. Lee appointed by Newport City Coun· Schonek. assistant camp a 1 g n ell Monday evenln& as membN chairman. A sizable amount is of the Newport Beach Parlu, expected at the end oC the w~k Beaches and Recreation Commls-when ~esldentlal solicitors wmd ston. She su~s Rex Brandt. up thear work. . who resilflted recently. Mrs. Schont'k ~ad that the Mrs. Burton. a long-time rest-residential 901icltang Is to be dent ot Corona del Mat. ls presi· completed by noon tomorrow dent ot the Woman's C 1 vIc !Friday). The_ workers arP asked League oC Newport Harbor and to. turn In thetr kits to their cap- was one of the organlzen ol the tams. Citizens Commltt~ for Parks and Playgrounds. I B 0 0 ste r c I u b The Council also adopted a I resolution establishing policy on M k PI duties of Park Commission mem· a e $ an S bers. 1 The s1atement of policy pointed 1 Some 46 men of the Harbor out that although the commls Area gathered at the OC'C Stu· &loners are chosen from council I dent Centf'r at the IncrE-dible manic districts. they have the hour of 6:30 yesterday morning duty of repre»entlng the city as a lto discuss plans for thP n~wly whole. __ organized Sports Booster C'lub. Chairman ~Y Kosco collected H..l..iw•IISIII Vl-11 questionnalrPS which ga'f' sug '"'61' .... , glt'Stlons on future mt>etlng dates Back In the Harbor Area for a and programs. OCC PrPSident bnef vlsJt are former Pollee Chief Basil Peterson welromf'd t h e and Mrs. R. R. Hodgkinson, whose group but warned them that he home now ls In Quadalajara. Is opposed to any group that Mexico. They formerly lived at would put pressure on thp roach 117 Via Dljon. Lido Isle. Lng staff 2 CDM Men Badly Hurt in Motorqcle A'ddent she and Mlss Erika Lau. a dance Instructor, were followinr the CAMPBELL IS KILLED IN CRASH A misplaced passport, a nar- row Canadian road and a reck- las pass.Jnr att.empt by another driver brought death Friday momlnr to 0 . M . 10Uie1 Camp- bell of Newport Helgbt.a and ~Jous Injury to his wlle. Grace. The Carnp~lls, plon~r real· dents of the Harbor Area and active workers In the Corona del Mar Community Church. had just ~urned from a 6-month trip to Europe. Mr Campbell bad lost bla passport. and t.betr return to the U.S. wu ddayed. The accldent occurred near Sar- nla, a town In Ont.arfo. acrou the St. Clair River from Port Huron, Michigan. The Canapbel.ls were on an auto tr1p with Mr. and Mrs. B. 1. MonJ"Oe. Drlvtnr the car wu Mr. Monroe, a eoualn of Mr. Campbell Tbelr car wu hit I head-on by another car. which was attempting to paa a alow- movfng tractor on the 2-lane highway • niJlEE JrtJ I E]) Mr. Campbell and Mr. Monroe w~ kUled In the crash. as wu the driv-er oC the other car. a Mr. Murphy of Windsor, Canada. 1 Mrs. Monroe and Mrs.. Campbell bel1 Gra:laaa of ,.._, <*Ia., 1ln the back seat of the Monroe abowtDcJ Olyap6c fonD lD ua, I car. were both ln1ured. pew ....st. Be'll be CIIDOOCJ til• Mrs. Campbell ls repor-ted to be Olympic tz.tt cmd o.ld stan In serious condition In Sardia CIIIIWat' ._. tiUa Saaday. (B. I General Hocpttal, suffering from z..•--....,...) a~ chest and other Inter· nal lnjurtes. Ci Den• Services for Mr. Ca.mpbftl and ity 185 Mr. K~ were held Toad&7 tn Al~ ~~a~ Campbell P• L wb~ Harbor Area home ts at ler ease 2924 Clltf Dr_ Newport Heights. left on their European trlp last Ma.rch and atTived In Canada Sept. 18. They had travelled The ~rt Beach City Coun· ell voted unanimously Monday evening to reject the request for leasing Newport Pi~r as a land- mg potnt for CIU"T}1ng men and materials to off shore otl is.l&D<b. This action was taken alter the recPlpt of lettt'TS from thf" Worn an"<> Cavlc League of Ne-wport Harbor and thf" League of CJv1c As.\loclattons. opposing leu.lng the pie-r for such pur-poses The request had ~n madf' by the Tldf'lands Transportation Co for 'ie'rvfcing the otl Islands that wall bt' ronstructl"d off the Hun t lngton Beach shorcllnP. near thr extensiOn of the Santa Ana Rher Jetty Cit) CIPrk ~large!")' Schroudpr rf'portN1 that a stud) of th.f' pier b(lnri assuP revealt"d no spectfic I"(H;trlctlons on the use of thP through Fran~. Spain. Italy, Sweden. England and Ireland. They brought back WJth thE-m a small car that they had pur chased In England e JfATIVE OP CAJfADA Mr. Campbell. who was 64. wa<> a natwe of Canada liP and Gra~ had N"lebrated their sUver wedding annlvf'rsary last year ){r Camp~IJ was trust~ of the Corona df'l Mar churTh for 3 yeus. and ...-rved also as rhalr- man of the house rommlttN'. di r~ tang the l"f'('t'nt building of the church addition Mrs Camp~ll Is past presi- dent of the Woi1W'n's Fel1oW!!hip. and ha.~ ~n chairman nf thl" Fello""!thip thank offeran~ and chairman of th.e Board of Bent"\'· olences for 6 yearw. plt>r Tht!'y had ownt'rl and opNatPd AftN Councilman Charles Hart the cx.-ean Front Croc't'ry In N~ m:H1t> the mot1on tn dE'n) thE' l't> port !Wac-h fnr manv Yf'art LatE-r que-st. Councilman 1a) St~ard I the)' opt-rated thf'. meat markPt sa ad. "'I understand that thE' basi'! at Tom Hc.-rshey'a Market Spot on for your mO(ion Is that it"s a Balboa rsland. AftPr leaving thf" good aM:"umptlon that the piE-r market bu~lnPSS, they purchased was Intended for rt"<TE'atlonal thP &>aron Trailer Park In Costa U!OC" •• Mr Hart agrf't'd that that MPsa. wao; so. --~~ ~------ BEEF, LAMB OR PORK, RIGHT DOWN TNE LINE, WE CLAIM OUR /t\E'ATS ARE EXTRA-FINE I lOW OPEl IUIIIY Specials f« Thun., Fri.. Sat.. Oc:t. 25. 26. 21th. 1IY .. III-IE41E .... COiNED BEEF lb. 5~ LUJf aolfa.DI BEEF STEW lb. 5,_ v ... aliCia ROUND STEAK ..a.aa RUMP ROAST OIJCK ROAST BALTZ MORTUARY CHAPEL CORONA DEL MAR 15 Years in the Harbor Area The Baltz Mortuaries are continuing to serve the Newport Har- bor-Costa Mesa area in the same 'reliable, dependable, under- standing and professional manner as they have in the past THE SAME STAFF CONTINuEs TO SERVE YOU MRS. C. LEWIS BALTZ, OWNER MR. HOMER SHARP General Manapr MRS. HOMEJl SHARP MRS. BUELA PR.JNCE HArbor 42 3520 East Coast Highway Corona del Mar 1011. IC&i4rii!'IW DELL ..._ aDd IDS. IIOD:WJ' llOYD ~ 8-2121 17th St. and Superior Ave. Costa Mesa ' • • • • sons DAA AUTIIOa IWI YARN SHOP -........ ... .,. ..... _ .. ., c... .......... .., SERVICE Open Fridays Till 9 P.M. STORE HOURS '8:30 nu 5:30 Frlday._l2 Noon 11ll 9 p.m. ;~ .... ibn!/J ~~RNmJRE 2854 E. Coast Bwy. -H.A 5437 Corona del Mar "Where good taste c:osta no more·· . Helen Harvey'a fltth period 110phomore Enellah claa.s was ------===::=::~~-i!!ii!'iiWiW-iWiW·-~~----------------honored In havtne the Author G ~ Leon Ware come and apeak to OOD D the ela.u. Mr. Ware, who lives on Udo Ule, bu had .stories 1n pop· ------~~ r:::=J::'orh:,:r!~e: • RAGAN'S RESTAURANT ~ the POUCE BLOmR He spoke to the clua on how he ..,-om .. eets hla ldeu for stories. how he ------------------------writes them and answered many questlona uked blm. The aopbo- • WDIIDDAY, ocr. 17 Beach, wu stolen and found one more cluae. .,. now study1ne KO UQOOa SDVI!D A Tu.lt1n HJ&h School letter-hour later at the rear ot Van's Shakespeare and Mr. Ware's talk _____ ..,. ma.n'a r.water wu found In the Bowline Alley In Costa Mesa . . wu v~ Um.ely. __ _;..._...;.;...;_..,;;.;-.,.-;;=.;.;..;;.;;.._ car ot Bonald Schae. 220 Poppy James Ftnkerman. manqer of • • • LUNCHES DINNERS 65c 51.25 Ave .. Corona del Mar ... TWo $6 11m's service station at 30th and e BOTAL COUPLE no account checlu aJCJ*d Robert Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach, re· At the football jamboree dance Edlund, Lone Beach. were re· ported $10 In chanee wu stolen Last Friday nlpt Merlin Coucb celved by Sanitary Laundry, boo from the cash drawer. and Bud Tbompeon were crowned _____ ..,. W. Cout Hwy .. Newport Beaeb queen and ld~ ol the Jambor~ ... EJ.&bt pairs of ladles panda e FamAT, ocr. II twfore quite a la.rp c:rowcl 1ohn OPE!f u·-• ~ TO s·-p we ... found burled ln the aaod A purw contalnloc S50 wu Henrottn. ~udftlt bo4y ptesident. :..--. :..-.K. CIDS£0 TUESDAYS neu 1.240 V/. Balboa Blvd .. BaJ • .tolen from Mra. IU\A Balladt ot announc:ed the royal couple. DINNEil SEKYED AIL DA.Y SUlfDAY P'RO)( NOON TO 8:00 P.¥. boa ... TWo strone-arm robbers Lone Beach, whlle ahe wu weep Wbw~~en~~Bu~d~w~u~~tryl~n~c~to~~p~u~t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~lS~~~C~•~ .. ~~-~C~t~L~·~ ... ~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ , .• DO lEI Ill .. Complete Home Fumlah1np Lu..ty a.MM latK...,.nA .... COSTA t.fESA attacked lohn W. Burnett. 191.2 In a room at the JamaJca Inn. - W. Ocean Front Blvd., Newport e I'UDAT, ocr. II Beach. 1n front of the Sbam.roclt A ~ cai\VU car covft' wu Bar In Cocta Mesa and made off stolen trom the reaJdenoe ot Mra. with Mr. Bum.ett'a wallet ... An John JobMOn. 3903 Marcua Ave .. automoblle wu .tolen from the Newport Beaclt . . . Ken BeatUe KUler Chevrolet Co., 1000 W. ot 111 Via Cordova. Udo Ule, ... . Cout Bwy., Newport Bead\ · • · ported the theft of a blcycle .. . A pune belon&inc to Mrs. Harold Money and a necklace were takee Gray of 1S15 W. Balboa Blvd., from the ,_,denee of Wll.Uam Newport Beach.· wu .stolen from Bubottom. 3d) Vla. ()porto, New· her home and later wu turned port . . . A $100 window wu In wttb her 80Clal aecurtty card broken In the home of Mrs. Bar· mlalng. old Hart. 505 St. Andrews Place, e 1'11UUDAT, ocr. II Cliff Haven. Gas wu aJphoned trom a car • SATUa.DAT, ocr. 10 parked near the Corona del Mar The dauchter of Mrs. Joann Nursery, 2'744 E. Coast Hwy., Cor· Stromberg, 1400 E. Balboa Blvd , ona del Mar . . . A car with a Balboa. found a $20 bill on the dead battery belonging to Fred sidewalk In front ot the home ... R. PoweU, 216 l&th St.. Newport An automobile radio 1f'U stolen _..:=:=:=======;;:;;;. _____________ from the car ot Char1es Trapp, IIIII""""'P"!~r:rtniiii'F ~ It 7200 W. Coast Hwy., Newport l Beach. flanorialporlt Tbt Soldbl41ul's Most &IUdiful Mn~~tnUls MAUSOUUM • COlUMLUtUM • CfMfTDJ ~~~TREESO. ~~,!ORiD ..,_ .... Aae ~ ar-.. e StnmAT, OCT. 21 Hubcapa were .tolen from the followtne Corona del Mar rest· dents: Harold Gannon. 415 Dah· lla Ave.: 1eny Ashford, 619t,i Marguerite Ave., and Thomas Baume. 621 Poln.Wa Ave .... Elsworth Weber, 814 W. Bay Ave., Balboa, found an 8-toot aall boat near hla home ... Albert Fischer of Huntlneton Park lost a wallet contaJnlne $!500 cub near the tContlnued m Pap 12) JAY and RENFRO Insurance Brokers wish to announce the removal of their main office to • 333 NORTH NEWPORT BLVD. NEWPORT BEACH. CALIFORNIA We are Still M<lintaining Our Branch Office at 1857 Harbor Boule't'ard. Costa Mesa, CaW. Telephone-Uberty 8-1188 , • Here I New Task.·FOrce 57 Chettrolet T111clcs I Performance-proved in a hlstory-maldng teat on the ALCAN Highway to Alas•a The Alcan Bizlrway u the road where tniCb 1fV1W old before INir time. Tbe road where p-a'Yd eod- Jessly aicd&dwnmen tbe life oat of trucks. Where • fos ol supc:rfiDc dust chokes eupa, aDd vicioua ruts subject cb.usis to months of wear iD a few hundred miles. Six oew '57 Chevrolet trucks, heavily Jo.dcd with cargo, roared oortb from DaWIIOil Crcet. B.C., throuJh 1,520 miles ol mountain~ and mire. raiD aDd hail to Fairbuts, Alasb.. Rmmi.oa aroond the clock. tbey made this tMuoua trip-aonnaDy a 72--bour nm-in less than 45 boun.. AlalpCCial tat durin& tbe run. two ol the trucb wat the elllire di.staDc:e without ooc:c havina tbcir cop. stopped! Come in aDd ~ee how weD tbelc on Alt-. cba.mpt measure ap to your job. ......... ., ........ ., ............. n.tl .............. " .. <=--Clnttlf ... ~ -' ... OM4Ifq (....._. .. -..a). • . ~T wnw n. IIOST IIOGCJUf RAT-.-.1 ,._ 2~_.,.,. ,......,_, VI h ............. 1ft Sen. 5000, 7000 .... 1000, ........ 1ft Sen.. 6000 .. ..... CIMt ....... , •• ., ........... 210 hi a. ........ ~ ...... ....,_. ef ..-Mm VI OM! 6 INd! ..... -. a.-tllfiaufy hwer...rk ,,.,._.nl• ..t..tw-"" ~.. tNdttl 1'hh lilHpeed ..... aallc. ...... ~ '" actlculty fw ~ r 4utr .......... Ia • IIIIo a .... .......... Seriea 1000 ~ 6000 ..... ._ • .., .._......_...,..Maallcla......, .. JOOO_.. .. Series ........... .... LU ...... ....._C.~ . ..._.. a. ..-y ~,.. .._ ............ C.O.L .. , II¢ ............ ~ ..,.. ,,.,..., .............. ...... • U.OOO .._ GVW, •.ooo .._ OCW ...... h4uw......._--........,.....,...._. MIU.ER CHEYROLIT CO. • Utt Gires C,;to/ ,._,ion CongNetiiMII'I Ja'"' I. UTT of SoMe Alta# wfto represents the 21th Cong,...,DMI Dlltrlct lnducfiftg Orange and a por- tiOft of Scm Dleeo Covntlet, eJtPiained about the selection of Father J""lpero Semi at one of tf\e two Caltfomla IHft honoted by havtng ltatues of th ... placed In ovr natiOft'l Capitol. "Eadl state was Invited In 186 .. ," said Congreuman UTT, "To send statues of two of their most distinguished citl:r.ens who were worthy of Notional commemoration. It took o stat•named commis- sion to make the final Mlectlon after 67 veors of controversy." "I commeftd the commission on tf\efr choice," said Con- greasman UTT, "as father Serra and Th011101 Starr King, the Unitarian Minister who waa alto honored, did an out· ttcmding Job In making Cali- fortiJa the Ideal living area It .. today." Congreuman UTT has rep- resented tf\e 28th District for the pott four years In the U.S. Congreu and has on out· standing record of achieve- ment. He hos opposed So- cialistic legislation while sup- porting free EnterPflse. He seeks re-election and solicits your support. Advt. STROOT'S HARDWARE HOUSEWARES * Giftware * Appliance.a * Painta 1-........ ai9IIIL. u a-It& c.... .... A REPORT ON PUIUC PAnENCE l fartha !:. Pozu, who Ia abown here, worka at the CaplatTUJ o .switchboard. Sbe aent me a letter the other day uktn~: "Don't you tb.lnk we ahouJd pttbUely thank our euatomera tor their p&tlenee and acquaint them '"!-11 aome of our problema! l'here lan't one of ua who b.un't felt the lmput of the terrtfic Jl'O'f"Ul ln the South Cout area. LUce a am.all chick brea.ktn~ out o1 hla ahell, It Ia lmpoaibfe not to feel the preaure at aome point. 1'h1l preuure telephonewtae aome- Uma eauaea number chall~ea mel other lncoannlene•. Let'a tell them we w1ab tt wun't Dece.&ry but we e&DnOt deplore rrowth wbJeh mak• chaD~• lmperatln." l4art.h& Pour'a letter made me feel ~ood u all ot ua are ~atetul to ottr c:ua- tomerw for their p&Ueee and \Ill~. I am delftbt.ed to reproduce th.W letter In order that )'OU ~t lbare It wtth ua. Ted Buabroolt • • • • • • Where were you whe• that call came In? The lut t.!IM the telephone rue 111 your home, where were • • • you f Cook.lq dinDer 111 the ldtdlen. doi.Dc ap that blou. Ill the eewtnc room or out lD the worbbop tb:Uahinl ap that c:.balrf Wouldn't it have been nell jut to reach out and ....,.,... the phone lute.d of ~ bal.tway t.broqb the boue to pt the call! Tele- pbODM lD the I'OODI you UM a lot are cooveDlent. The cost la fl,OO a JDODth for eadl one after a alllcle lutallatioll charp. Yoa c:an call u tod&7 ad mab youn • telepboae- ~thcae. • • . Y• a.,. .,n 1 __ .., w-.••• Nezt t,_. Uaat 70DPW ol7"1'1 IOOU., u• uu: ............... ,. pu~ ...... ,.,.. cloa't ..... " .....,: -a..-aat ., r' • .,.. ...... ''Well, Jilt... • O.a'A a u... H to. CU Jllllt ., ...... riPt _.,_,. AM tMa Jl* • 70V ..,..,.. ....... . ..... ud trt.dl7 ... .. tuoe .0. AM .... ...... ,.,. ...... .,... ..... . WI ttl F ..... 2 3- 1\'eaa 2 N_, .. ._. Ill ............ ;!: ........ . Harbor Vocalists to Present V•ied Assembly on Oct. 31 LEGAL wona m TME ltJVEN1LE COURT OF THE COUNTY' OF ORANGE STATE OF CALIJI'ORNIA CASE NO. ru.,. C!TA'J10N In the matter of BABY BOY LANTRY, (Birth ~ u " ... Lantry.") A person under the age of twenty·one years. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CAUFORNIA. To: James G. Angell: You ~ hereby cited and re- quired to be and appear 1n De- partl"oeflt 2 of the above entitled Court. at the Court House ln Santa Ana. Oran&e County, Cali- fornia. on the Uth day of Decem· ber, 1956, at 9:30 o'clock a..m. of said day then and there to show cause. U any you have, why the petltJon on file bel'eln to declare the above named chUd to be free from your custody and control should not be gra.nted, aooordlng to the petition on flle. to whJch reference la hereby made for fur- ther particulars. Given under my hand and aeal of the Juvenlle Court of the State of California. In and for the County of Oran,e, th1a 4th day of September, 1956. L. B. Wallace, County Clerk by D. Perry Maynard, Depuq <SEAL) Publlah: Sept 7-14-21-28, Oc:t. 4· 11-18-25. In 'nle Newport Harbor Ensign. Professional Directo P01fEaAL Friendly Nelpborhoocl Servtce PARKES MOtmJARY 110 Broadway u I-3C33 • 1-3434 Co8ta )(eA. NOW ... TWO BALTZ MORTUARIES a.ntnr the Bart.. Ana Baltz MortuarY CHAPEL ft Tim si:A Batt.orG liDO&. ODMI m.llwQ OoroDa ... - -Balt% Mortuary ~1-2121 1na,o.e..._ AMPUl PAamo 10TH t.OCATIOJII HARB6R REST MENOfuAL PAIK cowo•m IUJIIOJ)JIT cauac:a., a.. •AU•wn atuia DAY ADYDidl -w. ·-lt.. c........ ·-........ lt.. c.n..... •...-t ............ lt.. l.aelty I-fill .......... atft ., ... _. ...,.,. ..... ... .... J .... W. MallllaM Llbeny l·nll • I D tv 1-1111 Sunday: 1:30" a.m., Qnarch Sun-Sunday Service.: Sunday Sehool, IDdlw D. &. 1111 ..... da.y School; 1:30 and 11:00 9:30 a.m. Momlnl Wonb.lp at Saturday MornJ.n1 Servtc.: Sab· a.m. Momtnl Wonb.lp-7 p.m. 10·30 a.m. Evanftllsttc Serv· bath School: 9 :30 a.m. -Set· Collece Ace ·~ Service-7 Ice, 7 p.m. sunaa1. N.Y.P.S., mon: 11:00 a.m. Prayer meet· p.m. Wch School MYF Service; 6 p.m. Sunday; Prayer meet· inc: Wednesday, 8:00 p.m. ~:~ young adulta croup tng, 7:30p.m. Wednesday. UXIVEa~IOIVJOTT TD anniCII.Or amJST TBE ~u ... or CBmST ra.LOWSBO Odd r.uow. Lod9a. ~ Led9e 1050 C::.ldda St.. OMtc Meea l .. K....-t Aft.. as E. 17'tla lt.. Coder .. _. J). ~~-=--eo.ta ..... Dr. Claar ... Sloftftlt Sunday aervlca: 9:45 a.m. Bible Ln.1y 1·5711 Sunday School, 10:00 a .m . .Morn· study· 11 a.m. morning wor· TciiD J141bw, Jr .. MlDJater lnc worahlp, 11:00 a.m.. ship; 7:30p.m. evenlng aerv1ee. Sunday Services: 9:45 a.m. B.ole P1IIST AIIDOLY or COD MJdweek 81!Mee, 7:30 p.m. study: 10:55 a.m. worship .erv· 22114 lt. 6 KJdea Aft.. c.t..._ Wednesday. lee; 7:30 p.m. evening serviee.. LD arty 1-1711 CIDJIT aru.CB n' TBJ: lEA ..._rad II. C. a.Jc. ,__ C...aalty ~ aJITL\L aDU ~CII Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Wor- BaDoa ams. ct 1.a lt.. x-Oau,. Aft. • llld lt. ablp: lQ:55 a.m. and evanrelt..t ...,_a. ...... _.. c..-M-. LIIMI1y 1-saol Mn'ice, 7:30p.m. Younc People ,_._, .... -A. cars.o. A. A.~...._ and ailldreD'a Service, 8 :30 __, S d Scb 1 9 45 M p.m. Sun. Mid-week Service: Sunday Worship, 9:30 a.m. and un ay oo : : a.m. om· Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. LadJes' u a.m. Chulcll School, 9:30 Inc Servt~..t. 11:00; Eventnr ~tonary Coundl, 'nlura4&ya a.m. Midweek M~: 7:00 Seivtce. 7~ MJd·week Se.rv· 9 30 • all d p.m. Wedneeday p ed by tee, We c1 n ea day. 7:30 p.m. : a.m. .. or ~· 6:15p.m. potluck. ~:~:y.people meet 6:15 p.m. rDIIT IOUfa&D unliT IT. JOACIIDI cavae& ... o...ue:,""" CMtlr ·-·~··· r..._n __ , ...... a...a.t.y .._ .. 7. L t. 10 ad 11:30 a.m. Weekday.: Ma.u at 7:00a.m.-Conf...ton: Satur- day. from 4:00 to 5:15-7:00 to 8:30p.m. WEWIOIIT BU.OB LUfM*'Aif cauaca 1501 'CWf Dr.. W....-t ....... Llb..ty l.ta1 .... , ......... Dupllcate momlnJ aervtces -9 a.m. and 11:15 a.m., Sunday; Sunday School for achool are rDIST UPI'IIT cau... rroupc at 10:00 a.m.; Nursery Of' a&WIOIIT provtded for both aervtces and Jlcdboe amL. 1• 6 c.-t Ita.. Sunday School. =~~=--= 114~0::...~ ..... Sunday .me.: 1:45 un., SUn-.,.._ •14 day School; 11:00 a.m.. Wot· r~ 1..,._ ~ ._.. ahlp Servke; 7:30 ~.m. Sunday Sunctay M._..: 8:30 a.in. A 9 ·30 event n I Servtce, Mid-Week a.m. eont-lon· Saturdaya itnct Service: 7:30 p.m. Wednesday eve.. ct l8t Frid~ya and RolJ Pr~er 'Meetlq. n.,..; 7:30 to 8:30 p.m.; Pint IIADOa •wa.,y or GOD Friday..,._ s a.m. • ., w. -n• ... -. a...... ca:aJIT I.UTBUJI aru.ca caoac:a 150 w .... at. lt.. c....·-.....,~ ..... Sunday edlool. 1:45 a.m.· ehurcb •erYlee 11:00 a.m. Thiniftc u~ 11.m. Sunclu. ~1\1 woriahJp 8 p.m. Suncfay. Teach- era and oUk:era ~ 7 p.m. WedneldaJ'. Pr.,_ ee and Blbleltli4:Y 7:65p.m. w~. day. rDIIT cao** or Cliidi1' ICIUidl S.Y .. ~~.._. Sunday Sdaol: t:15 a.m.. Sun-da7 Service: U:OO a.m. Wed· need&y E!enllll Meettnc: 8:00 Rea4til. Room, 3315 VIa Udo, Newport Beach, open 9 a.m.· 5 p.m. week da,.., 9 a.m.-7:45 p.m. w~ 7-9 p.m. rrJ. cJayevcntnp. 1•1 ~Mel • or ODftA IIDA UL80& IILAJf'D ..... C:. ~ I (I" I ...LE~ CX)IDI-ft'Y UIWODAr 8uncla7 8ehoo1 •• LID.. mom· Aalldr• Ill._. a ... .._...._. lq ~ U LIIL. ftCillnJ Qllla IN .............. .... ~ ..... 7:45 p.m. ............... "'... ..... .. llhl·tfeek _... 7:.S l;::-SwacSar Stn1oll: w~ ·a... ~ In ••c• a: t:ao a.m. Til~. T~~· • lee t a.a. ~ ....... at aa..--• t:JO ad U:OO lee T:«J p.a TY 1 'aJ'. 10:15 a...m. .. W EAlL W. SJANLIY, ...._ ..................... .... Olllli ..... ml • ..... ..... ~-.... HIM*IHOP .... .......... c a't .....,. n!'11 ·-.e......., ... I IT.ADUWI nunTK.DAif ca-nu•aca- lltla lt. 6 lt. •• I cwa .... -~-& ... ...-n .... ,_ .. ltewart SUNDAY: Momlna wonhlp, 1:30 anc1 11 a.m.: Chureb School. 9:30 and U :OO; lr. Hl&h, Sr. RIJh and collep a1e Fellow· ab~ 7 p.m.; Ttiund.ly, Prayer, ltUdy crouP. 1:30 a.m. cauaca or on LADY or liT. CADQ! lf.CIW ....... ~ • ....-t .....Ill. rat~Mw It-= KO.y ....... ,. ........ ~..-..­. ,._, ..... Sund~ Muees: 8:00 and 10:00 anc112:00 a.m. Contelllllon: Sat· urdaya and eves. cll..t Frtckya and Holy D~ from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. and from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. DaUy )( ... 8:00 a.m. Flnt Friday: 6:30 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. Novena (Perpetual Help): Monday, 7:45 oi).JD. COJIO.A DEL 110 OOIDIUMft't CAU»CCI ··fJS!e'i:r: ... ....., .... Uwtaa-b Sunday Wonb.lp S.W.: 9:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m. Sunday School: 9:30a.m. IT.JAIID DIICIOPAL _.._u... .. ili*' .... ~· ~., ............... Sunday ae.rvlce.: 8:00 a.m. Rol,y Communion: 1:15 ~a... lee. 11 a.m .. wontbtp Mn1ce. 'nlunda.Y Sc!r¥1ees: 1 :15 a:.m. Pra,yer Culld; 10:30 Rol,y Com· munlon. .. , .· , • Miss Coo~ of ~9"na Beach Is Wed to James ~cMillan At a ~ c • .....,._,. a W. a..._ wtdl....,. ae· beW..,.,...,_......._,._A.c w_.a-pol .... lldOUU fill *•HJt &iptll pta ..-, -....; M:tf8 1 .. took -~ .......... Kat:bi'Jft ......... -.. wttta ..... ~ Cook ol IApna l.n a ._ ~ IMe .._ aad piU M · douWe JtftC •• ~~ 4'1Hm0ny at c ...._ 1M lfeiatabaltalooid ~Uon.al 'fte ..w lin. Md011ap &t· Qan::llln Lquna. ...._. l•p• •1111 lelaool. "f"M ...._ le the clauctrter of 9u1a 4M CeO• e.d LoQc . ud lin. A. 1 • .W Coole ot a..dl .... e>n 1 • ..._. .._ x.a,uo. ....._ n.. croom'• par. 1a •"'''•••• .... Alllba Pial a. ema .,. Mr. and Mia. John D ...... a.r. 4 =f la a-lfewpon KeiOllan ol !NO -.cDa.nda Ave., HarW IDIIa Mool .,....... Be JCewport JletJhta. I a~ badl Qraqe Coul Col• Attendlna u.. ..we wae 111M lue and .._. -..ell -... Col· 8bella a..,_ ot Lt.auna u 1..., wiMn lle wu aftUJat.ct mat• ot boGIW ap4 bl(deaWdl. wta aa.,.. Pi frawrnJty. Ka. I SIMryl (Jb1cll anct Kn. Sua&n .Roper, beida ot lanta Ana. Mt.. Patricia Gelpr ol WbJttler and lila. G. V. loclman ot New. port Help ta. Belrt man wu WlWam Pence, formerly of eo.ta Meu and now ot to. AnpJ-. DJc::k Ardla or Booties Set Party Theme Corona del Kar, Joe f~n of BootJes and pink and blue dec. Oranee. John ~ of Santa oratlona at t.be theme for the Ana and Rtcllud Mlrkovtch of baby dlower ,Sven tor Mra. F. P. eo.t& M ... were uahen. Waldron on Saturday at the ho~ Your DRY IAiftUT'I .. ELECIRONIC True C.1a Drr a. z ;. g It IIIII, II Or....-Candy' a..._. cmd rm..t. 1'0V WILL -1D W'rWiiCZ ,.._,.,. retoc 1 ,.,....,,..,....._.,....,_ The bride'a c:ouGn.a. Mia Teny of Kra. Nobel Aleeo, 222 Dla· Jacot. and Mt.. Ann Wlndolph, mond Ave .. Balboa Island Kra. aerved u eandleUeht.era. Uttle Albert Dayton wu co·ha.teu for .n• w. c..t...,.. ••>•I ... -z,. ttl-7111 Kathleen McMlllan, nJece of the the party. * c ................... .. • of sodal note eroom. waa Oower etrl. Shower eamea and the openJ.ne ~iiiiiiillliiMijij ... _.i•i.._ii•ii·iij•jii'diii«i-iii=icoiii••iLiijiiiiiiil A eown of c.banWly lace and of ettta preceded the eervt.nc ot 1 tulle over white tatfeta wu a baby bootie decorated ea1re at choeeD by the bclde for her wed· a Oow.·tmed table. Clu" 1111) I 0* ... Ia ..... ......... ,. .... ... • • dlne dreu. A hand rolled nnaer· Harbor uea euem. tnvtted to tJp Wualon veU waa held by a the puty Included M.mes. l.Jdla M.ra. o. K. Millet of Ocean Jay, who b now ltudytne a.t the Red pea.rl coronet. She carried a JonN. Lee Pratt. A. Berkeley, Ja.ck Blvd., Corona del Ma.r. 1a on her Unlv.atty ot. Arizona. cucade of whit. ear.denlas with Crouman Clarence Boardman. way around the world Mr. Mll· 1Wo locallt• up a t San Jo.e a larae white orchid Robert~ .Mylet Porter, Fran· \!!!!!!!!;!!;!;f!!!;~!l~~~!!!;!;~;!;;! 1« accotnpanled her on the flnt Stateareludlth Coleman, daueh· Her a~ndanta were ~ cla WIUiama, Georee KcFa.rlan4. ': lee of her trip--to Honolulu, a nd ter of the Herbert Colemana, and In ballerina lenlth eowna of Mary Gillon. Belen Park. Edith from there abe planned a month Jennle Lund. dauehter of Mr. and coral and turquobe crystalline Chisolm and Mrs. Letha Allen. lato .. wtJd .... ,..... .. ......................... In Japan and then a 1lobe-drc-MIS. ltu1Mll Lund Not too fa.r over taffeta with matchlne head· aunt of the honoree, and Mra. llne tour before comlne back awa.y 1a Nancy Muten, dauehw plecea and ca.rrfed coral flower~. Gertrude Waldron, mother·ln ·law home ... 'lbe John Llet. are ln of Mr. and Mrs. B. B. ll.uten. who White candles and flowera with o1. the honoree. Acapulco aealn-on one ol thOM b .tudyt.nc bu.alnea at Wood· turquolae bowl cleoorated the AJ.ao lnvtted were Mrs. Mabel lovely combination buatneu and bury CoUe1e. wbUe rteht here at church. Aileen Adami. at tb.e or· Cumm.lnp ot Santa Ana. Kra. pJeuure jaunta •.• Alld amJcMt home at Or&n,Je Cout Colle,e pn, accompanied Dorla Shields, Jamea SymlnJton and Mrs. Bel· all theee aotnas ud comtnp. are Vlrctn.Ja Anne Smith. daueh· aolot.t. Approximately 300 euesu ate Pw8Ch of Pasadena. Mia ColJne Glbbou of t be C D M ter ot the C. L. SmJtbJI, and Jo· attended the reception held at Relet Rftmsnyder or Alhambra Travel Service Ia keeptne ~ on anne Suess. dau1hter ot Dr. and the chu.rcb. and Kra. AlJee Rou of Garden ........... u ......... .,. ............ _.~:~ ... . ..... Ill ... &l ..... .... .. , ............. tit .. . her two teen dauJbtera oveneu Mn. 0 . G. Sue. And. oh yes. Kra. William hDce had cha.ree Grove. In £woo&». She haa juft received Marjorie Stovall. daulhter of Mr. of the euett book. Krs. Dan Me· ------ ~-·· * * * a plc:tu:re ot Pat tn a Dutch co. and M.ra. ClJ'de Stovall, did eo Kilian, alate r·l n·l a w of the lfOIIaOD 110ft TO tume and Jte'lerly went to echoo1 to Stanford aa die planned and eroom. Kra. Cha.rlea Jacobi, aunt II.Aa:IOOLD Last Tuesday'• Cooklne School with a Uttle Dutch ~d. Bev· her exceptional acholanhlp lee· ot the bride, and M.ra. Robert The E. A. llo~ family has had my nc.trlla tw1tchlne all the erly aald the Dutch .:hool dill· ord 1ave her the dlstlnctlon ol Wlndolf, oou.tn ot the bride, aa· moved from 718 Jasmine Ave., way from Ind1a to France ... dtm 'fllfl!ft.~t:'-thppolnted wbmboutahe "honora at e'!tra.~" • listed at the reeeptloo. The Corona del Ma.r, to 512 Ma.rt,old .VOund th.e wwld tn 90 minutes couldn't o.cu em more a brlde"a moth« Jeeetftcl auetta tn Aw. . . . Mama Mia . . . SJcUJana RoJJywoocS-Mra. Gibbons reporta Mrs. Alexander Renner writes Plzz.a with the dlvlne ettt o1 en-that the Suez c:rllla baa not ap. from Takamatau.. Japan: '"Vblt· thuslum which leads to ereat preclably attected ...UJnp to the lnl old plae5-Japan la .lovely. worka of art aa only the ltallana other aide of the world. that ao Spent a day in Hlro&hlma~ay can do It Rantott Sarpreta . . . fa.r only one pa.aen,er·frelehteo throuah the Inland Sea to Kobe canota made dellclouaer by the baa been cancelled. -then Kyoto, back to Tokyo- famous Danlah cuatom of careful • • • then my ~loved Formosa and uae of contrutlne lneredlenta . . . Even tt we don't wtn. If• old .Hone Kone.''. • • aort of IWHtly aour. In India the home week at the Ha.rbor Hleh art of cooklne la conald•ed a Football pmea. Among the Congratulatlona to one of our aacred ceremony. Though our "mlny. mln)\ 11'\Jnytt local fafl.a more r~.nt E~len tubec.rlbers: own Je nnie Richard never aaw caueht yelllne for the home team STEVE < DUDE > MAR'nN.H He the likes of lndla. ju.t .Wne at the BunUnetoe Beach were hal Juat won the election aa on- her own Ndpe ot !b..r1mp Cuny the aa.renee Jloatdmana, the orary MAYO! o! '!ollywood! on the table. la a ceremony In verc:u Oaltden.l. tile Boy And«· . anybody'• lanaua~~e . . . A r4aJ •na. the Harold GJ._ and the Dee Mekeel, dauehter of the aUck dlah ot cream of ahrlmp StJ'oUft' W1lJtea. we abo~ Don Melceel1, who are former .oup, frozen ahrlmpc and r~ Mrs. (principal's w1fel Joe Ham· Balboa llland resident~. ts a with the rl1ht thine• Jn It . . . bl~ Mrs.. (board . of . tru.teea> m~ber ol the Cavalier Colts Noel Barlow and John Kimble, dtUJ team from T\uloek which who broulht In the alr·bom u recently won the CalttomJa state an accompaniment to the band champlonahlp o~r fJve other In wbJch h1a 80n was play1ne. out.tandlne equine drill teams. Team recommendation: Harbor Dee la the granddauehter ot Mrs. football players should scrub B. W. Mek~ of ~boa Island more floon and wuh more * * * Ted9*1 tna J..-1 Ia Japaa.,.. ....... tM ....... . ..,..,.. ... ._,.._ eat. .. ,.. .......... ,.. .. ., ... ~ ... ~ .... ....... -......... ,.. dlsbel. eo their banda would get Frank and VlrJrfnJa Cllftord. rougher and that ole plgs)(Jn managen ot the Sea Coast Mo· wouldn't alJp away 50 often! tel In Corona del Mar. left Frf . • • • day for a vacation. U th\y get a ....... b.t ealy ... ........ wltll tMk ......... --of bcdallot .... ,.,, Jrtiaa .....w Kldway between tlae conven· chance. they wtU probabtr stop I • f 11 A•·-and Cbrlatmu ott and v1alt Mrs. Clltford s son, ne 0• a ... _.. Pvt Artbu:r Goldstone, who haa a....·_ ............ . .... ~·"· va.C.tlo1l time membera of the 1ust reee_ntly ~n transferred to Children's Home Soclety have San Diego from the ea.st. come up with data on the cur· .;;;;.;.;;;.;.;;,::;.~;.:;..~::::;,;:=.=-=-. * * * ~t actlvltlea of the youne la· dl.es who have ~n cha.en to ~ Strictly Yankee ttutt waa Blue· featured at thb year'a holiday berry Slump ... 'Slumpthlne de· Debutante Ball. Jlclous way down deep In a dlah The tchoots and aororiU. choe· •n with a crust on top. U you en by the 15 honorees have aJ. mlued last Tuesday you ca{l ready been ll.sted for the most have any of thete recipes by Ju.t part. bot we have since heard uklne for them next TuMday that Raney c.ortc.tt. 4auJhter of Quick Treata. Jerry Gerken Mr. and Kn. Earl Geoc-ee Cor· ~d· Anita Rawchuck call It ... Jcett. pledpd PI 11eta Phi at the An 18 minute meat loaf . . . a University ol CallfornJa. Arnone breakfast cooked the ~leht bf.. the out.of-ltatera from our local Bqin & Hamilton Watches Diamond• MountinQ< Wallace Calderhpnro JfWHEP fore ... a miniature wiener rout co-eds 1a Terryl Jay, dauehteo eo.-~ Ma aJJ done In a ca.~ rleht on ot Mrs. llary Jay and T. Weston -----------your table ... letter come (or--------more ol thoee dive rl&bt ln. but you don't have to hold your ooee or you'll m1aa the ~ part. dbbet ... * * * ~ ... lata. a.. ........ ...., ....... . ....... DeUie .,.. ....... ·~ w ... ,.....,..ll I .... .._. ............. ._ .... .. ... f.* ............. ... .•. ,._ .... fteT'-... ... ......... * * * Eat·Eat·Eat ... Ta~ ... Chill ..._ borne made plee and ..-.' .' .' P.TA Camlval at the Bence Ehlllll Scbool th1a com· lq Saturda.J, tbe 2'7tll ..• Come at one and lta.J Wl..,..t · · · Jaaw ~ •.. Whit.~~ • . • SoaMboctJ • -- pllant II J'CMif plft. JGe-· · · 8rtq tM lddll .... Jilt tblm ~ ""* eo.ta-wtlOe ... 1q tiM rouMII o1 tM Madill • • · ,.... will be. maD-QP..._.-. .•• X.. .....,. .,. ancJ ... boodM and boatbl • · · 'I'M ...... laatto'dodr · · · * * * A NEW PIQUII.? Of ceurae y .. ••• No Slllaler bow_... -,.o- fipe bM c:baopd * dae J.enic:r, Scaa6:r SJ*IIl c:m ......loaiaemd~youl You'D pill iDcb Ia. ... 11ftight -••• md • IDOft bc:aaci£al JIOI"'ft-ktMaalltbrcefc«a~ (!pre. A.d yoa'l •joy ~'risk. .... c.a.c.&...W ....... ...,. ..... --- 1.21 .... l /1 .. m._sa. CGCI.Cal 1/111 SQUII_T ____ I....:..._/41c_ ... lie Ill 1/lle • ··TIEIT U.Y 3 .............. 24, ... 5c .. ,_, ___ ftit s..w. ...... ~ ... Sc ·-......... -ltc May w.,, k M, .... 5c ·-·--· .. ·---ltc ~ ...... 24. .... Sc -·----· ..... Ab1 i •• die. a-. .. 100 ... -----·"' Trid • 'het ,.._ .. )C) ·--·-·--·.Jt. Trid • T .... ,.,., .. M .. t7c Trid • T .... ,.... 1L 10 ---• Aat'rt. ~ --.. .... 20 _____ tfc ~ Fee. .a.. -· ··------··--·.29c w ........ ..... H. ••-· ... I U.. --·---~ CHlCI oua ona WANY Sl'laAlS ... YARN SHOP 1111¥1 ..... Aft. aAI.80A JILAirD 1R CAb1' A PULL LDrK or 1WE rDIUf OP T&aa TOGna8 Willi AU. ..,..,_.,,. • SPEIIIL •TIICllllll • Olr omGaAL HIIIGIIS ft LEE I. 1111 Olr IIIOII'BA'ft & ftOWYI ,._ 11 JUl.. TO I r.X. .... o,.. DdT .._ 11 &&. .. s:a ..... Ill& an lilt. BE HERE FOI THE s.,.,_IIIIJLW. SPECIALS ••••••CIII OIILY lilY's 'SNr S~ .... _- telea&t llere IG-.30 A FRIDAY. OCT. 26 flEE tilES WHAT EVER THE OCCASION nus SEASON THE CHOICE IS YOURS •.. CHIISE THE "CASUAL LOOI'' SPECWlY PRICED OUR $20 CUSTOM WAVES COMPLETE DESIGNED ESPECIAllY FOR YOU $10.00 UNTIL NOVEMBER 15TH OR CHOOSE TilE "Bill IT LIK" PHO~E HARBOR 1876 JANE FITZGERALD'S Beauty . Salon OPERATORS ASSISTING MARILYN SNEDEKER-ARDYTHE GIBSON BEVERLY HOWLE'IT-JANE CLARK, MANICURIST 3732 E. COAST HWY., NR. POPPY AVE. CORONA DEL MAR SEE A liD HEll VICE PBESWEJIT NIXON TUESDAY, SAlTA OCT. AlA (ITB AIID SYCJlMOU) 30 Plltl'l' unDT, CX>ITA IIUA Special mualc by the Chancel Cholr wlll be heard at the Sun· day momJne servJce of the. First Baptlat Church at Costa Meaa. "A Little One ShalJ Become 1000'' wtll be the Rev. P. G. Neumann's. aermon topic. The evenJng aer- mon for a Baptismal aervfce Is "That Which Is Special Lasts." Cll:aJSTIAJI SCJEJfCE CIIUIICB The question of the punish · ment or destruction of evil and Evmr 1"BE TOUJIGaftiiB .. Mlpl-.r U.• Jfew. to ri911t) Mn. C..,. lk:w•t. ...._ ._ .. tbe rewards Inherent In renulne .-t .._. V..... hlld eft6dela Ia tiMU dltw l•cllteaJ Dr. E4 Jill-. VIIMed r.ad -- goodness will be dl8cuased ln the to ..... tM ISY,GIN fi'IOt& ...., Uttle Lau.rcr pclp dllecWI Mrs. 1t. L C...U. cliMdnDaD ot Lesson-Sermon on "Everlastlnr a......, =-o( Mr. -.1 lin. J-"• L tb8 Lide Park Club, Gad wuu-0....,_, -.ct ~ ___.,. a VaHM fluid ....... et a Punlahment" to be etven at the Jaadl801l •utla1J a-t 'ftlondlrf ... la tbe enu bolll"d __ ._. ,... Ia ..UU... la ua. Newport Beach Chrlatlan Science -~L~I~do~TI~..U~-~ ... ~--~~IIa~a~a~wt~U.U.~ ..f.aa:ra~~~--!!..~(left~-~~pei9L~~~(E~a~e~lp~plilo~oto~~)~-----­church on Sunday. The Golden Text points to the h h ~~~=~~~er:~~~~w:~ C urc Pageant on Nov. II 1-L-.. II u complain. a m an for the punish· w·tl H G ld J b·t -IRE, ..., ment of hta sins! Let us aearch 1 onor 0 en U I ee of 001'111 ..... , Dies and try our ways. and tum again to the Lord" (Lam. 3:39,40). A colorful paeeant. "'The Gold· ~r who wrote the miUIC for John Robert Klamm. 34, of n7 en Ueht." wUl be preaented at some of the aplsodea. MATTBESSES ~-c.ttoa r._...._. lrrerular Shapes IRW -DaUJLDDfG COSTA MESA MAniW 00. ZIIO .....,..,. ....... Ua-t, a.tlOl Larkspur Ave .. Corona del Mar. Newport Harbor High School at The paeeant. teiUng of man's died Monday in Ho'ag Hospital. 5:30 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 11, u the search for light and truth from ·---T v--... He was a native or Glendale and Council ot Churches• contrlbu· the Creation to the Ascension, - had only recently moved here. tlon to the Newport Beach Gold· wu written by Mrs. Leah Langer Survivors Include h is w I f e. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Davls, Jr. of en Jubilee. rspeclally for the Golden JublJee. Jacqueline; his parents. Dr. and 216 Jasmine Ave., Corona del Seven churchea wUI partld· Mrs. Lanrer and Mrs. Holly l...aAh SEIVIC£ Mrs. John C. Klamm of Glendale; Mar, have a new da~ehter, born pate, and each church will pre· Vlsel of Balboa Island are CO· a brother, William of Glendale. Sunday, Oct. 21 at Hoae Hospital. sent an e pisode In the pareant. directors. Services will be held at 2:30 p.m. This Is the aecond dau_rhter In PartJclpatlng will be some 200 The coordlnatlnr commJttee In· today (Thursday) ln the Chapel the Davl..s famJly. Mn. Davis l..t members of conpgatlons, adult eludes P. F. Baines. cha irman; of Sacred Memodea and Inter· the former .Mary Spann, daugh· and junior choI r s, ministers, Mrl. George Barnett. Mra. Mary ment wlll be In Forest Lawn. ter of the late J udee Spann and choral directors and sololats. Lou Turner, Mrs. Arthur Kemper. Baltz Mortuary l..t ln charre of Mrs. B. A. Spann of 2731 Seaview Mary Batten Steffensen of Co-Harold Arthur, Mrs. A..lexander a.rranrements. Road. Corona del Mar. Mr. Davis' rona del Mar will dJrect the com-Hamllton. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. IIIJ Calfttllllar•• a,_,.., 111n111 parents llve in Berkley, where the bined choirs. The organists wtll Fikes and Mrs. Unna Rutter. Mrs. aenlor Mr. Davis La a dean at the be Mrs. Castleman SmJth. Mrs. ~o~h~n~N~e:U~ls~l:n~c:h~ar:ee~o~f;;p:u~b:·~~~~~~~~~~~~~ UnJveralty of CallfomJa. Paul Elsner, Mra. Ralph Deaver llclty. • and Mark Davidson. youne com· Glamour Fill Flllhal T.Uar Gary Caldwell ot Corona del Mar was elected president of the Junior Hiib Pllrrtm Fellowshlp of the Corona del Mar Com.mun· Glimpses lt ... Cll .,. ... tty Church at the rerular meet--, AD A church dinner wtll be served lnr of the eroup Sunday eventne. . to members of the community on Other oftlcers are Susan Bum· Aa d!ftereot u ntpt t.rom day Tuesday evenlne from 5:30 to 8 phrey. vice · president; Frank -thl..t year'a evenlne eow-n.-the at the Corona del Mar Commu· Armstrone. aecretary; Dorothy "after 6 o'clock" lOQk. u Voeue nity Church. Day, treasurer; and Pam Thorn· maeazlne puta lt. 'Voeue aays. The dinner. under the chalr· son, Judy Justus and Fern .Xoer· "Evenln~ new. l..t ru by brill· manshlp of Mrs. Georre Davies I ner, commissioners. lance," so O'BRIEN'S l..t abowlnr and Mrs. John Meador, a pa.rt of A Hallowe'en party has been a gorgeous ruby satin eown to be the fall festival, a beneflt project 'I planned for next Sunday ~e-el.epntly youra-to wear with to ralae money for the Women'a nlng from 6 :30 to 8 p.m. Sport your dJamond and ruby neck· Fellowship of the church. Begin· clothes will be worn. lace. a nd even brilliant rblne· nJnr at 3 p.m. doors wtll be open I stone jewelry. for a food saJe, handmade gilt LEGAL ROTJCE VOCJ1M eaya. -a. bare bacll booth and white elephants. NOTICE OF INTENnON TO EN· l..t tlae ..., ......_ dKiollet· GAGE JN TilE SALE OF ALCO· G9fl" Gad ...... wo tblalf of a HOU C "'BEVERAGES becratlf1ll .a-at red ......._ I October 23. 1956 c1nu .._. at 'O'UJEJf'l ~~a....,. I To Whfal It May Coocenl: ly Gad allllply ...S. of 10ft ftl. IIYJ .. , L•••·· .. Set"', ..... , Subject to issuance of the llc· -..t CIDd ebalply aow.r la tbe ense applied for. notice Is hereby ~ , Navy Day, Oct. 26. wtll be given that the undersigned pro· Vogue says, "The covered eve. commemorated by the N a v y poses to sell alcoholic beverages nlng dress." and that ls why League of Oranre County and at the premises, described as fol· O'BRIEN'S !a abowtnr a number several service clubs of Newport lows: of smart new ~enJnr dresaes Harbor at a luncheon Friday 3436 East Coast Highway, Cor· marked with sophl.stlcadon and noon (tomorrow) at the Balboa ona del Mar/Newport Beach. modesty ... the bJ&h front neck, Bay Club. Pursuant to such Intention, the the bateau line, gentle lone or Speakers will be Navy C.ap· underslened Is applying to the full sleeves, the covered s.hould· talns Fred Ashworth. command· Department of Alcoholic Bever-ers. lng officer of the U.S. Naval Ord· are Control for issuance on orlgl· v -sat1a lnance Test Statlon. China Lake, nal application of an alcoholic IDA;:!• .,:a~ ,...,:· Callf.; William McLean. technJ· beverage license (or llcenaes) for 9~ wttb tlat. .:._t cal director of Qperatlons. and these premises aa follows: __._, ...__ .. 0, I lr___..-:!; Fred Chenault. executive officer. ON SALE BEER _..._, -' •·••-"'-• COIOIA DEL ~I PIIIMACY ~ .............. ••V" 8AJmOa1171 JID &. c..t llwy .. -J tee C... ... .._ Anyone dealrlnr to protest the ~ ~ .:s:!I TALl[ OW TIIAI'I'IC IAFETT Issuance of such llcense(a} may ...,_ ~ Ia .• , .... 1..._ Kindergarten chUdren at Hu· file a verlfled protest with the .u.,... A ~ of c:t.a. bor VIew School. Corona del Mar, Department of Alcoholic Bever· · • • • wtll h ear a Newport motorcycle are Control at Sacramento, Call· pope eatla ...,....Wy _,. • otftcer talk on traffic aafety at fornJa, atatlng erounds for denial .... u.s In... gowa w... 9:30 a .m. Tuesday at the achool. as provided by law. The fonn ol 1Dated wltb voW-.:;;;;;;;;;_;~;;;;;;;~;;;;~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;=:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ vertftcation may be obtained from Voeue says. ·~ntng cbJ.fton r any ottke of the Department. · · · evenlne 8el)&rate." and The premtse. are not now llc· O'BRIEN'S au~eest a fla..tlnr ensed for the sale ot alcoholic chWon ak1rt worn with cloud-like beveraeea. caahmere swe&'-i a nylon chlf· Name of Applicant-Douelu fon eown In coral or aqua; a H. Buell. heavenly white ch!fton with a SPECIAL OFFER!-• . PICI 1•1 RID ....... . p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,:;;;;;j Grecian tJpe ot tulln-. ahowtq a allver and br1lltant jewelled • CEliE Y.l RIEl ••• .. II OILY ..... ~ TAD Ati'IAifTAQK or ov. I.AT·A·WAT ftJUr lfOW SAVE A TRIP TO THE .CITY DO 'I'AD A I.OOK AT ooa DWWUAL --• WAU. •cc.l bodtae. • ..... ..,., ............ . ..-......... ..., ...... ~ tr I .. ._ ..._ ... -liiW 9Wf JIJ ._, t.t ••• , •• ..... -.y ...... _ ... , _ ...... .-.... .. . ...................... ....... ............. .. ~-....-.. .... ,,.& ...... , ... -an.....,. ......... '1 _,., ..... ID ... It JUG wtM t:.: . .;-:· ~ot • ed~ ....... ........ ..... lowe~)-...... lutt ..... now •va.Oal»l• ID ~ uMI pe- Ut.alaM. '• • tn Wallace sterling . Yea, you will Nolive Bonus Gifts worth aa much aa 175.00 ... a bl.OO Solid Ma bogany Chest and four lovely Sterling Serving Pieces to match the pqttem of your choice-when TO\\ purdlaae a 40 p6ecla..Semoe for Sin any of the Wallaoe pattema. And j~t think all of tbia oan be yours for C. little aa 1198.00 to ms.oo. . lfOW Dl CO_,IIA I1EL IIIII B T~s · ...... \ . -:!r.~.::-=--···ln~t Set daanjl ef a -froa TG & ( ,.._ Put l) JOdl 1t.. Ollie _..... to toll It 1e belJeftcl u.at llr. auver • Warden'~• Santa Ana Awe. mq baft ilu.fllled a IMut attaek A ~ ol beadl w&n~ena to o1 ,.~u. NJofft.l.nr 1treet • wbJJe ,...._. oa u.e .._ an4 !wlp poiJot UM bay bollt .,_ endll from ~ly conduct ............. fell lato tM ~· ....... IUQI!IUCI to !f.-port and tr-o. eat"MdtiHnl" f4r LESS COIPLETE DIU I STORES t I' I! I \( Jl If' T I 0 '1. <; ... I • • ~·~ . . . MII Yie'M· ua. ............. -~ c.-JIWT-aA 587'0 c.-..a- ---._.._._-----------.. IE II UPIILITEIIII larqest a,d Most Complete FYmitiJre Store in the Area. c.n for free OECOMTING SERVICE liberty 1-SSII Honse ... Gar~ en M.!rnishings for homes. dubs, y&ehts. 3017 W. Coed Hi9hway N_,_t a..dt • .. ._ ec:.ur at;y OMl.Ddl ~ "~ by nom c. z. n..try, 1021 w. KeuwbU. Mr .... JIN.; DIU Dr. b"VJ.nr Labyi.Dd rr.u Wood lei.._ mvd.. .....,..., eame a Jet. &M Mn. ~ W ._ 11M f1l klboL ter ~ llf,alldDp at meet· Dtke .._ 4ac1 ba4 .._. .. Dal· "'"'-P~Miai on~ ~beet-end end bncta• • requeeted Coun-ton•• ..._arut. 11M7 ............ bee.cbea appee;n· to be the mat· dl to ....md 1t1 MtloD of s.pt.. and Mr. Dike aald he bMr4 a ter u d JMtbod f1l maiotalninl 12, wlaftl ~ wu p-anted woman ~ 1n tU auwn order and decorum... they aald rot •-foot 81111.-f1l pla.nUnc at patio. Mr. DiU went to tbe 8CeDe 1D • Jetter to Cou.fteiL the ..s ot uaa St. He aald eome and rave •..SIIt&Dt to bbert. 11ley -a-ted a .,..um of people favored CIOGJ1 action to who wu a4mfnl8tet1nl utlfldal bHql wardena to advlae bathen aettle the man.. '"PlraUon to h1a tatller. Tbe J"'re ot tbe !awe and proprieties. When All communicatioN were ftJed Department abo wu called ud nec:e.ary, the warden~ could re· for fUture 8taciJ &Dd a.cUon. Jlow. aut.ted the 2 mm. quat pollee ualatance to correct ever, Coundlma.D Ola.rl• Bart Funeral eervtc.-WID be COD· vlol&Uonl. aa.id that Councll lntend8 to form ducted at 11:00 a.m. to4aJ ''MotM pollcemen could take a polley to erant ~nnJts ot (Thunday) at Foreat Lawn 1D a few. minutes to lnapec:t each equal value to tndlvtduals and Glendale. bMch," they aald. "Nellbbon th th nnJ would be re· .. wed the wrttera of CO· ~t e ~ ta IIIIJPIIII .. ell o~ratlon in protect1n1 owners vokable. ~a ~ty~~~e ot Boundary Agreement Tested .tatutory rape wu made Monday The "centlemen'a alf'eement" pollee protectJon and trash and by Lawrence Toomey, 18. ot San-between Newport Beach and Cos-prbaee collection would be com- ta Ana. who wu aecuaed of at-t.a Mea CUy Counclla on bound-plica~. The whole area should , tacklnr a 16-year-old baby a1tt« ary llnes received Ita tint test vote u a unit, not Just a par- at a Balboa llland home. Toomeoy Monday evenln~ at the Newport oel." was otdered<to appear Nov.13 for CounclJ meetlne. e OIJEC'nOW MADE beartnc a plea fm probaUoo and The test came on the requnt From the audlen~. Bunstft Cor aentenclq. of c. LKtef' Jones of Corona del Cr~Jy, who lives Ju$t on the Mar, wbo uked tor annexation Coata Mesa aide ot the boundary W 1•00 lAte to ~ ot 29 Iota In Tract 3062 and tlve line. at 2CYTl Irvtne Ave.. aa.ld FOR RENT Furnished room. Cor-more acres. all between Tustin that Coata Mesa bu not tol- ona del Mar prlva~ bath with and Santa Ana avenues. 23rd St. lowed that polky, because t..lw separate en'trance. BArb 0 r and Santa laabel Ave. Tht. Ia In southerly port:Jon of his block hu 5996-W the lack .a.,y uea, above Harbor been annexed to Costa Mesa. · Hlahland.a. That occurred before the joint Business Directory JlEPUSEN'mfG- ~ -and-• . ~omt Iaurance Comp.anlee ABIESEI CIIPIIY IMI Z. COAST IIWT. coaolfA DIEL IIAJl B.A lMI ........... •• Jelle Tee ....ua ......... Palnll 1 1111rlll1 ... .... , ...... + Budwood flub doon u low u $3.95 eaeb. SANTA ANA PLYWOOD Ia DOOR CO. 935 E. t..t St.. Santa Ana Kimberly 7 .12)0 Open Sat. until 2:00p.m. INSURANCE FIRE-MARINE-AUTO W . C. WAGNER 430 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa 8-0466 Res. HA CouncUman Charles Hart polnt-meet~nc. CJcy Manaaer Robert ed out that the land t. outside Shelton a.nawered. the boundaries "beyond which Mr. Creely explained further. we had a~ not to ~pt re-"Some of us In the remainder ot questa tor annexatton." the block want to enter the City e .01111DAIIT OV'!1.11rED of Newport lleMh. Now we are Thla tntorma.l acreement bad aJmo.t condemned to jo.lnJng been made at a joint rneetlne ot Costa Mesa." the two counclls on Sept. 7 at the ''That la eo. but we should stick Huct.on Ho~ In eo.ta Mesa. to tht. plan." aa.ld Councilman They then a&'l'ftd that atraJehf-Ridderhot. line boundaries should be main-Council vot~ to refer the mat- talned wh~ possible antf ter to the City Planning Com- that bulees should be avoided. mJMJon wtth the thouebt that The common boundary llne annex.atJon to Costa Mesa should agreed on wu Irvine Ave. from be surgested to the residents. 16th to 22nd St., then along 22nd St. to Tustin Ave .. up Tustin Ave. to Mesa Dr.. along Mesa Dr. to Acada St., up Acacia to Palisades Rd. UCI UY LOTS Choice, restricted "It IJ) ~hooves either clcy to take a portion of the area wfth · out taking all." aald Cou~llman 60' X 150' ···-··----......... .$5.750 Stanley Rldderhot. "Otherwtse su ch problem• a.s admlnl.stratlon. 60' x 150' ... ···-·-··-··· .... ..$5,750 Will U IEITIU IPIITIEITS 1-bedr. apartment near north bay--$40 mo. • • • Also 1-bedr. apt. SSO lnclud1ne uUl. • • • See us tot Other r~aaonable rentals. • ISLA. IULTY CO. 4.98 Park. Balboa Island HAm SEJIVICES COMPLZTE LAJfDSCA.PIKQ • IDVJCE FREE ES'T'IlttA TES S6R Green Starnpe Free deJIVft)' CORONA DEL MAR NlJJb~Y HA 1038 7744 E. Coast Hwy. Painting -Decorating PAPER RANGING GEORGE BURKHARDT lJ~ Contractor lBir1 <>ranee Aw . eo.ta Me~a Llberi;)' 8-86.28 COMPI.J:I'E P Alln'!NG PAPER HANGING SERVICE HA 2Sn6 Sample •ledlon lD JOUr bome. 95' X 110' ···················-· .. $6,850 UbertJ' l-6761 1&'56 Newport Blvd.., Costa Mesa CN::r-. trom Costa Mesa Bank) 2 1-4 LITS Cesllllll In a ~ood district tor rental units. near shops and trans- porta tlon. Tolftbft" Jots an 98.4' x 148' and only $6700 ($3350 ea.). A Bar~ain! • • • CIJ..VET (Pio ill.) 3 .... , ••••• Fine location. beauUt\11 patio and yard. cheapeJ' than rent. S62 mo. Incl. taxes and Ins. $15,500 Full Price. • • • 2 C-1-11 LOTS Unique location on Newport Blvd., Newport. which can be u.ed u both busJneu and a .. ew homesite. wm a-ell to- ~ether. $8,250 Each. • • • s.ta ... ··-1.11 On Pallsades Rd. 7r1 x 117', zoned A-1 reneral. can be used tor residential Income. VIew of mountains. Just $3350 cash. • • • FIIIEUE For store or oftlce. 1.000 sq. ft.. SlOO mo. c.ntrall,y lo- cated In Ctoaroad.a VUlaee- KATY'S CORNER EUGENE 0 . SAUNDJ:II 132 AGATE A! PAD IALIOA JBLAMD • I wE'RE OPEN AGAIN 387 N. Newpolt Blvd. oppo&lte Boar &o.pital Pbone Llba1;J 8-1617 9 + ACRES, IIO::'SA DRIVE ~tly woUJ.nr blllalde that makee ewtrf, Jot a view lot . ...... ~ .,.~ tenta· u.. ~ rr buUd- tnr *-O..eJopJ.nr t.beN Pould double your l.nvwt· mat -bu reJeue claute. ~TermL • • • PRESENT INCOME $185 mo. tram leued blda. 6 two 1· bedr. bO!Dft, all on Npt. Blvd. C-2~ acrea, all b u 11 d 1 n r • ahould be rented u commer- clal wtth tocome. ~ot thJa well-Located buelness prop- erty 18 vacant A rudy tor Immediate de-velopmmt. Sell- ing prtc:e ~~with terms. • • • SS.SOO WITH TERMS. Poten- tial .. v~ ereat . . . Price la below what other adjoin· ing puoela are priced-Acre acroa born ~ store - adjacent to corner that's bound to develop Into Bua. Older dwclllnp A &heda on prem!Jea now ~ted. but ol little value. • • • BUSlNESS LOCA nON tor the profesalonal or business men who n&ed to combine home and business at 1 loca- tion. Lots of fr~ v1sual ad- vertis1nl -Better 6 -room borne. 3 BDRM:S. full dlning room. tiled bath A kitchen. 2-car earare. 11lls is an f!X· ~tlonal buy ror $20,000. • • • FAMlLY HOME-LARGE 6 ROOMY A newly buJlt. There are 3 BRMS. a Den. large ramUy room with used brick F.P. 6 vtew-an unobst:ruct· able water A hill view of Back Bay. LArre step down Into llvtng room. F.P. with ~lsed hearth-glass walls to covered patio -bu i It In kitchen, forced air heating. A wondflful home 6 a pleas- ure to show. terms may be arranged. • • • An ACRE OF GROUND -a good but older 3 -BRM. Din- ing room, home. Fireplace. tiled sink. dbl gara.~e. lath house 6 large shed. Close In on West 18th ... Acre PLUS home PLUS property to de- velop or sell ofl part. Thla ls best buy possible. Takes about $16,000 cash to handle. • • • G ·I RESALE-R.£A.L SHARP 3-BRM. Hwd. floors. attached garage -East side location $11.500 wtth $59.75 monthly payments. which 1 n c I u d e principal, lnterHt. taxes and Insurance. Excellent HstJng. Down payment arranged. .IIPCI111Paa,ll1ils 1857 Newport Ave., Costa Mesa LI 8-1632; U 8-1400 eves.. IICI IIY 2&11 , .... ln. DRIVE BY AND ntf:li CALL US TO S.EE THIS LOVELY HOUSE Two bedr. and den. 2 baths. built in range, oven. dish- washer, d I s p o s a I. mer c. switches. dbl. gara~. elec· trtc eye, opposite future park. Finest Permanent sw~plng view. Room ror pool. TO SEE IT lS TO WANT IT! CIIIIE VII- R.EALroR 7131 W. Coast Bwy. LI 8..uT7 !At the StpaJ> Newport BeaCh SDVICU •• Mlflll n.VOmDA1'D WAfta rtvea llf~e protedion l,p1nlt tooth-cleeQl CAU.. uaan -..u 9 A.M. TO 1 P.M.. 8 DAYS WEEk CLOIJd• WEDMEIJ)AY Yl TilE Ill' • . . a., ...... HOME MAm JIIE8 & MB'J)8 JAB..B.Q Cllk!*kM & .. J ~fOB OIW GOODIES (...., NNpwt IMdl) •a lilLY I ,.-. II I ,.._ 3 bedroom~ aDd cleft ~--2 bat.ba. Owner-~ ..,._ "Sell 1n7 hoiDe to 101M Dlee ...... Oil WQ EASY W'm&." c:::llltob -.ck .., )ocetloa ... ....., ............ twn. maM~t.blaaa a , 1 ..,....._at iWOWY, OC:IOii&il .. ·-W&Wi'CMi IIADOa B I • f YOU WILL LIKE Irvine T erra(e Overlookt~ Southern Callfornla'a beautlful yacbtlnr oenter at Newport Harbor ... Across the bJahway from one ol America'• ttn.t rolf couraes .•. cloee to South- em CallfornJa'a many varied recreational opportunltle&. • • • MODEL HOMES WITH INTERIORS BY MARTIN 6 VON BEMERT .,_ Et11Rp UIIH 1:10 P.a ,... $24,1111 .. $31 ,GOO Your ln.spectlon b respectfully solicited. • • • Earl W. Stanley On Hlway 101. Newport Harbor. opposite tbe n~ Irvine Cout Country Club. Phone Harbor 4448 tor Further Illfonnatlon VOGEL VALUE Clllll DEL Ill Large · Jtvln1 room. wall-to-wall carpets. Dt.pou1. Room to butld addJUonaJ unit. Exct!Uent summer ren - tal. Full price $11.500 and onJy $3500 down! THE VOGEL CO. 266'7 E. Cout Bwy .• Corona del Mar BA: 1741; HA: (fT'Sf BILL'S BEST BUYS Charmln~ older two-bedroom borne -Completely re- decorated Inside and out. We call It a .. Surpr i.R pack- are" and we think you'll •vee wht-n you Mle ll Lots of tile. covered pordles, ~ ~b. 10" s l2T Jot. Close to stores and transportat1on at JOUr front door. Full Price $9.500--$1500 Down-$78 Mo. W. A. TOBIAS. Realtor AND ASSOC1A TES "you'll like our triendly service"' Uberty 8-1139 400 1:_ 17th St.. Costa MIA E'\'ENL'IlGS CALL UBERTY 8-8566. U 8-5665 liRE BEAUTY We have what we believe to be the best buy ln ttwo city at the present time! Truly attractive 3 bedroom. 2 bath home ln the best location Has all of tl\e u"ual built-Ins plus TV. HUI. and Bar be que Also has tht- very modem and etflcient radia.nt heat a nd a n electric gara~e dOot You w111 like the bric-k patio and lovely yard and. to top It all off. It Is comple\ely and nlc:ely turnlshed Including c-arpE"t and drapes. Oh yes, the prlct! is $29.000 an d good terms a\ allable. We c-a n show by appointment pnly, so please contact , ... ~ ..• ...., 2001 W. Balboa Blvd .. Newport Beach Harbor m3 ot HarboT 5920 One of the truly beautltul homes In Sb~ Cl1fts. Cor- nee. 3 bedrooma. 3 bath.&. dell1htf\ll Hvtnr room look· Inc out on attractive patio. Modem in C!Vft'Y respect. Prloed to eell! • • • • Elll W. •rnlrt IlEAL~ ..... A.._..._ ...... a...o.a .......... ..-. l..a.., ........ - 21) Wcxda orl MIIIZ•F'-----21 to 30 warda~..-____ __, J'OB SALE Ftrewood. Uberty roa aaa 8·9588 atter 5 p.m. 2800 N.w· 1iriLit ISl..A.ND near South Bay. port Blvd, eo.ta Meu. AttrKtlve 4 JLil, 2 bath bome. UAI. DTAT& 6 UJITALI nreptae.. FA heat. Plua 2 B.B. .=::=...=..:..:..::..::.::._..:__ ___ _ compleftl)' furn!ahed l:noome NICELY FURNISHED 2 BR Apt., apt. t39,!100. Excellent terms. m PolNettla, near pollt oft1ce, Owner. BGIX Wl'-~ J:nalcn. Ccrona cSe1 Mar. taO month. In· FREEZEB-l.B Mm.lral btc U qulre 325 OrclUd. Harbor 5;2·P- cu. ft. Holda over 440 1M. food. PRIVATE OFFICES with phone Color Interior and everythlnc. &n.IWftinc .-vice. Secmetary A Bal. due only tlJ8.08. No cub notary avallable. Ground Plr .. down. pay only S166 I* we8. new Trident Bldc .. DlO lfew· BAUGHlf'S F1.11lHm1llE WARE· port Blvd., Newport ae.cb. HOUSE, 660 W. 17th St.. eo.ta <Adlaeent to South Cout Co.> Meu. 1 block w..t of Van's Offices from $30.00. Sem.l·prl· Bowllnc Alley. Store b o u r • : va~ desk apaoe $25.00. BAr· Mon.·Frl, 9·9; Sat., 9-6; Sun .. -!-~=31::()28.~,...,....,..,=--=--==== 11·5. PROFESSIONAL OR BUSINESS HOUSEFUL OJ' FURNITURE-offtce suJte. Btrtcber Bide .. Won't Jut lon1. Includes 5 pc. 2515 E. Cout Bwy., C>)(. BAr· dtnlq pup, U pc.1Mn1 room __ • __ 1_135_. -------aroup, and everythlnl for bed· room. Patel down to $2N whJle WAJITZI) '10 aDT stored. Cub or pay only $2.98 SINGLE GARAGE. near 606 Mar· per week. BAUGHN'S PURNl' cuertte, Corona del Mar. HAr· 'IVRE WAREHOUSE. 660 W. bor 19(77. 17th St., eo.ta Mea. 1 block _;:..;.;.. ________ _ west of Van'a lowllnl Alley. UAL UTAft WAJITED Store hours: Mon.·J'ri., 9·9; Sat., LOCAL BUSINESSMAN wanta 9·6: Sun., 11·5. small 2 BR. holde In CDM. LARGE WELL-BUILT plutic ~ From Owner. Letters with prlce eftd brown aot' an4 yellow to Box 81016. c/o EnaJp. CDM. chair. hrfect condition except _;..:;...;;...;...;. __ ,;._ __ ....;... __ aeat cuablona worn. Sofa $tO. ll"J'VATIOD W&JftED chalr $25. HArbor 4!N9. ~--·-- Padfk Model Centre ···~···· Lilli .. •••••• PLANE$-IQA~TRAINS --co.GIIADD.IIU n.. OI:Uukfl -DId '1 .. .upbalt TUe -Rubber 'me J'OnDica -Lbloleum 'l11e CIILTOII' · . ~.~~r:gvx ISS & lftla lt. . C.....,_ ua&aTY a.au 22 Yean lD Oranp County ---. ---- ALL-liME The bullcllq ,.,.ut total tor lAa tiM put ..-wu OM for dwe1U.q at U8 4.'kh St.. Slt.300; the CJt7 ollfewport Beach II al· Gearp wa--. WbO wtll butJd a lformanlfadtotd. remoddllnr at reedy about a IJ\ll1Joll dollare NtaJf 1tore bu.DdU.. at xao E. * 3ltb St.. tz.OOO: Unton Col· ovtr tM total tor allot laat year Cout lfw7 .. OaloD.a del l(ar, tor IJeto, demol.lah bulldlnr at 135 -•.-sa -.tlldl lt an all· ~1.'7!10. e.b St., SlOO. time NeOfd tor a year. roao.tnr .,...mc. were t..ued: • CI.D1' IIAVD • Belplnr booR thJa yea.r'a tee· e ..,... -'WDI John aotb. wall at D> IC1np ord doee to U nrlWon dollars ky·Way JlonMe, Inc.. and Ja. Pl .. 1500: C. W. Block, br-eaeway wu the new dewlopmentJ cl 1aD4 .._..,Inc., 55 penn!ta few at a> E. l5C.b St., $&00. Walter Mellott. pre at cl en t cl chrelllnp, ~ Sll.a25 to &21,1.Z e U1' ... ,, &oath Cout CoutrudSon Co. Be on R.lPian4 Dr .. n.ct 3057, tQtaJ l . r . Sweatt. addition at l671 took out S5 permlt.a tor dwelllnp value, fl.lll,..a. Waverly Dr., a:&,OOO. near Rubor Blptanda, In the e =--A 8D. IIU e a&WJOIIT DIGIITI name of the Bay.Way Homes, W. H. Wana, endoee porch~ H. A. .AJ-.obrlpt. waU at 457 Inc., and lal&nd Eatat., Inc. To· 230 MuiJOlct. t1.500: C h a r 1 e a Santa Ana Ave., .->. tal value wu fl..l.U,465. 'ftlla Muten. ad4ttioft at ltO Femleat. e LIDO JIL& brou&bt the month'• total cloee 14.!500: E. llorrtl llblth, plan~r Donald Edler, alteratlona at 130 to t1,!500,000. at All Anwrieaa Market. 30M E. VIa Ioron. 1&00; Ar~ mom The IRS permlb represented the Cout 8W)t .. tJ.OO: John MaJtl~n. qulat, encla.ec:l patJo at 130 VIa aecond hlrhe.t total ever ltlued footbrldae for dweiUnp at 608 ~nthe, ~.000. by the Newport 8\llldlnr Depart-and 810 lrla, ~: Corona del ------- ment ln a alncle project. Here Mar Community Church, church a~ the 4 top project~: achool oatoe, 611 Heliotrope. • U,8oo,450, for 90 permlta $200; Georre Wamon, retail atore taken out by Au•tln Sturtevant bulldlnr at ~ E. Cout Hwy., for hla WettclW estAte. In H&r· $17,750. ........ nr. ............ ,.... GENERAL WaDING boc Hlrhland.a. luly, 19!56. • IJIOU c:urn Three eo.ta Mesa raldenta. all • fl.,ll3,465, tor the 55 pemlta Ward 1~1. 1•unlt, 2-atory Uvlnr on Santa Ana Ave., died ... ._. ~'r ,..a PM Ju.t takMl out by Mr. Mellott. dweUinc at 188 Sboreclltt Rd., lut week wlthln a t"' hou.n ol JrKW 6 VID .o&'rl & ~ • fl-'*,023, tor the permlt 135,000. each otbet. 8UB1111DE ~•• WELDDfG takan out In Septembef', 1951, by • ~A • Waltet Everett ChUdera. 50, a -~ Meana A Ulrlch. knta Ana. for .John Henry Ru.-eJI, addition native at ~ntucky. dJed ot a •• Will ~ •••••· •sspwt .._. .......... C!IJMtr'UctJon of Hoar &o.pltal. at 1444 W. Bay Ft.. $4.000; Mrs. heart attack Monday nlrht. Oct. ==••••••lllliilllllliill•lillllli•••••••lil•l:l~l e ...-r.eeo. tor 48 permits taken Lelrh. Rob«bon. alteraUona at 15. at h.ll borne, 2:565 Santa Ana out by Walter KeUott tor hla 316 Buena Vl.ata. ~; Eric Eree. Ave. SUrvivors Include hla wtte, Vl.ata del Vlata and M.arlne Air addJtlon at 4Z5 Belvue Lane, Dorothy; 9 daughter~. 7 eona. h1a Eltatea In Harbor Hl1hlanda, 12.000; Georre Bradford, 1-unJt. puenta and 2 brothen. Costa Mesa Lu••erCo. LUMBER -BUILDING IIATEIIWJJ Lleutenant-Qovemor "I cannot c:oosdentiously ~a "Yea' vote to the people on this hlJbly technical and oootrownial mea.aure ... Because of my familiarity with the many tedmical problems involved iA providing the propeT COGJeTYation of our oil and ps resources, I ahal.l vote 'No' oo Proposi- tion 4." Ueut~nant-Goverrwr HaJ'old I . PowerJ. Attorney General "I am aoiq to wte lpialt tbo pcopolidoa beca01e it is. I beline, 1lll1rilc to by-pua tbe leJialatiw ~ iD lUCia a c:omplex aod c:oatro¥cnial matter." A114rrtq G«ttmll Edmund G. Brown. Aaaemblyman - "I beliew Ia Cbo Cbooly ad pdDciple d CODiel vatioa, bot there ue 10 many poaa.blo Jepllatapntatiooa ol many proviliou d tbia ~· that I do not belicw it sbould be ftud in.to law by the initiathoe method when: it will not be ameudabJe by tbe Lqialature." AIUn Millu, ClttJimvur, 1M A-.mbl7 ~ttu on tltkkwll. WILL .... • ON P,ROPOSITION u ,oa' .. ~-~~ ......... .....,te-O I ..... «*rro w:rtW WI. J'O'I _., ,.... ..... .._"*NO.-...,_ the ed to )'wr ..... i'f I I lORd .. Ia .... Califonala Le ........ 'lllleJ'N ..,sw to ... _...,......,._._ the .... typeladlil11111. September, 1956. 2·atotY dweWnr at 2134 E. BaJ. Mra. Clara a. Brady, 72. ot ~70 Amonr the permtta laaued dur· boa Blvd .• S2).000: Boward Wll· Santa Ana Ave., cUed Oct. 1S at Uama, alteratsona at 311 bland Oranre County General Hoepltal. UGAL •01'1CI Ave., $400; .John Walker, ~· She wu a native of Nebruka. NanCE OF FILING OF elllnr at 1231 W. Bay, $500. Survtvora include 2 eons. Elmer ASSESSKEJn' AND 'nME e ~A ISI.AIQ) au~y ot eo.ta Mesa and How· OF IIEAJUNG THEREON .Jamet Winton. 1-unlt. 2·atory ud Ruuwey of Oranre. a ailter. 5 N011CE IS HEREBY GIVEN dwelllnr at 211 Abalone, $20,160; brothera, 6 rrandc:hll~ and 13 that heretofore there wu toed .John Scudder, addJtJon at 143 N. pat-rrandchlld.ren. with the undentrned. City Clerk Bay Ft., 12.000; G. H. Sattl~r. re· Mrs. Bunde Elizabeth llobert· of the City of Newport Beach, roof and re·alde at 117~ Sap· aon. 43. ol tB Santa Ana Ave .. California, an aueument to phtre. $350. dled Tuesday momtnr. Oct. 16. cover the aum due tor the work • lf&WJOIIT She was a native of Colorado. and Improvement done and per. Frank l#tnik. 2·story, 2-unlt She l.a aurvtved by her hu.aband, tonned by the contractor, under Allen; a daurhter. Beverly Jane. and In punuance of the provl· -rL... T•••• lift •·-5. a aon, Jobn Allen. her mother. alona of the "Improvement Act ot I-.._ 2 brothers a.nd 3 rrandchUdren. 1911," reference being made to ... •-••-.~...~..... Services were held In Parkes Rnolutlon of ln~ntlon No. 4421. .... .a OAIW1 • Mortuary. and Interment wu In adopted by the Cltj Council ot Harbor Best Cemetery. the City of Newport Beach on the Steve, newly born and highly ~~iiii~iili~iiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij 27th day ot December, 1955. and welcomed eon ot Mr. and Mrs. I to Rnolutlon ordering changes Clarence Tomlin, 2156 Puente St., and modlflcat:lons, being &.olu· Cocta Mesa. can honestly say Uon No. 4519, adopted by said (when he becomes able to talk. City Councll on the 23rd day of that lsl "lt'a a woman's world" July, 1956, In the matter of the and really mean lt! Steve, who constructJon ol certaJn pavlnp, welrhed 8 pounds. 5 ounces when aldewalks, curbs, rutters. sanl· born Sunday, Oct. 14. at Hoac tary aewers, drainage structures. Hospital, hu 6 atsters. water aervtce connections and an All the Tomlin girls' names JAMES D. ornamental llrhUng aystem In begin with the letter S. So Mr. M46 E. COAST HWY ~ 31st Street and other streets and and Mrs. Tomlin decided not to RAY 11iW11c C•lrlcllr rights ot way, for the description break the tradition when they COlONA DEL ._.AA of said work and Improvement. named their first son Steve. ~ 4761 and of the dlltrlct to be assessed Steve's slst~rs a r ~ n a me d :~~~l..W~~-!:~H~A"-~~·~~~ .. ~~~ to pay the costa and expenses Sharon, 11; Sandra, 9 ; Sheryll, 6; thereof: uld uaeument being Susan. 5; Sheila Rose, 3, and made pursuant to the provisions Shelly. 2. F R A N K and requlrement.a ol aald Act. ac-Mr. Tomlin. who was a Chief cording to the character of the Mlneman, retired from the Navy K A T N I K work done, and hu attached 2 years ago laat April, att.er serv· thereto a dlarram ot aald dl.a· Inc 20 years with Uncle Sam. He Bllr ~•• trlct a• required by aald Act. Ia pr.-ntly employed u a elec· ~ ~ 1..., Said •• nsent • bow • the tronk mechanic at th~ Long ,, • ...._ •-amount to be paJd to the contrac· Beach ship yards. Mrs. Tomlin? ....... .._ tor for aald work and Improve. We have reuon to believe ah.e ls ..... j.._ ment contracted for and per. busy at home. ..., I .... formed, tocethrr with all lnct-------- dental experwes and lhows the Rnf. p 1--• P•• amount ot each asaea•ment a,_. ... , aralnat each lot or p~l of land Is ........... -, F• ~ to pay the aam~. .-- NanCE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the 13\b day ot November, 1956, at the hour ol 7:30 o'cloc:k P.M. la the time fl.¥ed by the un· derslgned City Clerk when any and all persona Interested ln the work done. or In the assessment on tile, may appear at the~· tar place ot meeting ot the City Council of aald City, located ln the Council Chambers In the City Hall of the Clty of Ne-wport Beach, and be then and th~ heard by aald City Council. The owners, the contractor, or Its assigns, a.nd aU other persona Interested In aald work, or In the ~ent. feeling arrrteved by any act or determination of the Superintendent of Streets or the Twelve.year-old Nancy ~bra of Balboa Island entertained at her first pajama party Saturday night Oct. 13, ln honor of her birthday. The party wu a pres· ent from her grandmother, Mrs. H. W. Mekeel of 108 Sapphire Ave., -Balboa Is land, and was given at her house. Guests at the party were Susle Humphrey. Gay Ann MacCllllvrae. Diana Lester. Pam Coker and Judie Ell· more . 2MDa.ptera.. ..... Jackllllll City Enrineer In ~lation thereto, VIctoria Anne. second daughter or who claim that the work bas ot Mr. and Mrs. Jack S. Knill. not been performed accordlnr to 2666 Orange Av~, Costa Mesa. the contract In a good and sub· wu born Friday. Oct. 12. at Hoar atantJal manner, or who claim Hospital. She welrhed 7 pounds. that any port.Jon of the work tor 9 ounces. VIctoria has a sister. any reuon wu omltted or Ule· Kathy Jean. who la 2.. rally included In the contract for The ltnllls moved to Costa the aame. or havtna or maldnr Mesa from Newport Beach about any objectlona to the correctnea three weeks aro. Mr. Knlll. a ot the a.a.seament or dlarram or boat repairman, Ia ~mployed by other act. determination « pro· the Ackerma n Boat Works In ceedJnp ot the Superintendent Newport Beacb. ot Street~ or City Engineer, or ------- any omcen or apnb ot aald Phone !n your newa norlea to City connected w1th aald work. your local newwpaper, the En· ltll W. COAST HWY. NEWPORT lEACH ll'-+y U071 lt.sicfetta: HMbor 5577 . . . . . Now! Hot soup in 68 seconds ...... when you cook electrically! TODAY, NanDNO coo&.a runa than a modern cJoctric raDF-Hot aoup ill 68 ICCOOdL Bacon and ega io 3~ minu&a. ID.tant coffee in 60 seconds. Pry, bake, broil« roast-dectric:ity does it better. THua's woaa: your kitchen is cooler. And cleaner. Pota ud pans stay mirror-briJbL Kitchen wan. loot tre.b and new twice u looa. SoWEDAY YOU'LL COO~ OD a modern electric raop. It'• almoal illevitable. But wby poltpooe it? Edilcll rata an amooa t.be lowest in the country. What's more. after t.be warranty oo your range apirea. Editoc aerrica it /ru u looa u you own 1L (TDI -, ctw,. il for peru. WbcD Deeded.) IP YOU"u I'TlLLCOOI[JNO the old way, it's simply becau.e you baYCD't .eeo t.be new 'S6 electric ranaes at you.r appliance dealer's. Wby not vlsit him thu week aod tee bow euy modern cookina can be? UYE lmti-ELEttaiCALLY! SOUTHEIN CALIFOINIA. COMPANY . . ...........•.••••••.....................•.•••••••••••••••••• lhall prior to the da.y fixed tor atm. Harbor 1114. aatd heannr. appeal to sald City ;;;;==========~! Councll ot aald City In the man· ner provided by law by briefly atatlnr In wrltJnr the rrounda of any appeal. WHO'S THAT FUNNY MAN ? Wb.ta clownbeia! Makins 10cb aiUy faca ... tilly noiaea, too. Tbinb be's talkin1 my languap. But I lind of like bin1 bec.t~a~e ... I pe. be belonp to me. lf only be could undentand me ... you know what I'd tell him ? llih it here I DATED thla 16th day cl ()c. tober. 19!56. MAJtGEtrl SCRROUDER City Clerk of the City of Newport Bead\. Callfomla Publlah: Oct. 18 and 25. 195S In the Newport Harbor Elulrn PROMPT l-IlY IEIYIIE lklai .. tile -.. _, Aaerl. fall~·--"'-.. _ ...... ..,._..._ . -.. _.., .... _ ...................... 16 .uu.. All ltar ....-_. .......... _..., .... _ .. .... .....,...._ ............ -.. . .. ~ .... ._... ....... .. tile FMieral ~~ _. 1-. r..,.. •~ C...-pere1io111, a11 ••ewcy of tl.e u.s.. c. ... _..._ ....... s..,i ... • ...._ A-.d .. ...... -• -Jer ... -..M.Iy .,.._ ... ~~ ..... N.d..'e Mil I , • ,_ .am... ..., ~ ..... titrtll. .......................... _.. --._ AatdM-1"WW ...... ta .. ~., ........ ----..................... ...., . ..,... ,... ..... --.,., ....... __ ............ _d•d•Mip ... ........ sm..-............. ., .................... llj.ce.- ... t ., ......... ,.....,.. ... a lllllflf•----•---- RESOURCES NOW IN EXCESS Of $25,000,000,.00 UIIIIMIJIII equal to at liUt - paruty to be forfeited DOE XVI. bacl-"' A Ca1dGnda ltat. Jaw Jii'O"''clee lbrorrfHhl WW 1Wt at t to.,._ 11M Ja a ........ taU to mt.tnto o.t.ftda{lta. tor Ntltued Ume Jt JUjor taltll _., wt11 1M .._.. u 1M . Jfo. ~ pou .. wW uranet aa..t:rueUoa. pru.. ,.... wm .... w.. Iii aceotcJaDoe ... tiM JII'OVWon8 allec:dou 1'770 to 1111 o( SUlOIOJfS Dl DIDULttt am.tlt ot ,.._ta larequlncl lor trap. rUle aad ...... u ..U u the Labor ~ ~ CouDctJ al tbe City allf~ IIMdl bu DOKAJif a pupU to attead abe cluMI 0( DOftlt7 __... ~.:: U ~~ rate 0( .... applJeabM to tbeO THEil CA~~ ..... ?"' ~ G= re1Jcjoua IMtnadioll. ftt eo.ta )(.-~ Olaaa· a...ty ... ... _ ...... _.,., . ber al Own--c. .w ..,.._ • Cl :a 1111 a w........ ..... IKGS '10: ..__ ... Pr I tu.rbJy 8boot on 8uDdQ lfcw 4,. Carpent. __ _:··-------·--...3.00 ~00 OL\KGE cotnn"r DIPIIO~ --.111aJ Nov.l8 and Dec:.ll, u ~ btMm c.mertt J1nllben ·--·---·-·--·--· 3.145 2U8 MDT AaOC'L\'110Jf, a ~ '1.. il . t ..... lew the Olympic J\md. La~ General or Coutnactton 2 30 ' 11.40 ~atlon -·-·· ~· Local mark amen wiDnlnJ Mpbalt Raker Ar Ironer -· --2.51. 2l08 KBS. E. ABERCBOMBIE. match• 1D the Oct. 14 trap aboot J'laJ,JDan ·--.. -·-·-.. -·--·-_ 2.30 18..0 M1t8. o. T. HOSACK, aka GllACE 'nte opMtJnlf proJram for the at the JUn club .,.... J'red Kutter Watdl.man and/or Guard __ .. _ _t___ 2.10 16.80 ADEAU SHAW, Shakeepeare Club ot Pomona wae 606 MariJOld Ave.; B. F. Murphy' Ap_pNDUce EnJineer, IDclUdJnJ rtreman, De(endante prewnWd by Gmrude Hom ol 701 J 1M A d W Ji. oa., Grea8ir ----·--·--·-·-··---··-··-·......2.54 30.32 'lbe above entitled action .. Corona del Mar. She reviewed 'lbu UID v~.. an · A1r Cbmpr.-. ()peratol' .. --·--·-·--··-·-·...2.54 30.&2 brou ht b th~ plalntltt for the '-nte Great Sebutlana," the book mmell. 703 Poll\llettla Ave., Aapbalt Plant nteman --·------·-·.2.95 23.60 1 Yf d--•-th •-wrttten by RuueU Crouee and all of C«ona del Mar. Aapbalt or CrulllnJ Plant EnJineer ___ __.3 .• 05 2U.O PUJ'POM o con a.~u.u.uJ e _... Concrete or AIDiaaJt Spre.din&'~ almpJe Utle In and to the follow· Boward Llndaay few Allred Lunt I .,.. L B-a .... Mec:banJeal 'l'amplnJ or P'lrilahlnJ lnJ deecrlbed property lYfnl tn and Lynn J'ontaJne. Mre. Hom .,.. 1 Jl • 1 ..... --· Machine Qperatol' -·-··-------...3.05 :14.40 the City o1 Newport Beach, &lao preeented tbe review for the ~ .. L I. I I CollC'Nte Mtnr <>Perator-PavinJ Type ..., ..... County of Ora:np. State of Call· _Sa_n_ta_An_a_Co_mm_~_ty_P_J_u_en._ r•••• and llobUe Mfxer -···-------...... .3.30 .-...v fomla more particularly de- Concrete Mixer ()pen.tol'-8klp Type ... -.... ..2.74 21.92 aerlbed u follows: Summona tn tht. actJon be made Lawrenee Ectwtn, Jr .. ftnt chlld r,eavy Du~ ~ cl----...... -.... -.3.05 2UO LoU 1 and 2 In block U5 Jn upon the Dffendant heorehtabove of Mr. and Mre. L. D. Gate~ or ~ WAIT A FEW DAYS ••• BE 3 YEARS AHEAD I ucecl it will 0.. Oc:tob. !0 you'D ,.. a ear to ad• 'f to-eaDed .,_..,. can eeem thNe yean out o make L-30 'I tee yean-ahead featurW claie. 0.. ()do""'' yount..&.• Sweep Sty&i. Total like Tonlon·Aire llide, .. ~ ,. y.a eqiDe. 0. Coohld Brake~, a faiT 301'-p three full yean L _ ~ ou'll tee oae ear -Odou-r ~ Y -'-6-.~.a w'-you tee aod clrlft ahead of the low•r•--- PLYMOUTH ~ P!, row. ::. ~~.~ ~~~-.. -. 3.21 25.68 Canal Section. City of Newport named by p'ubUcatJon thereof. In PobomppySAuw.,nda:;«oOet.na d.e1} Matar,H~-= Pump n..-..tor .2.74 21""' ..._A .. County ot <>ran-State N---+ Harbor En.tJ ..... a newa-· ,. ... -. ..... .,.... --·-------.. ~I> -. ·-· -........... •••• Hoeplta.L Lawrence. J lehect ' Boller Operatcw --..................... _____ .3.05 2UO of Callfom.la., u per map re· paper publlahed at 20 E. Cout 8 .... 10 r.bwelrth _,;....._ ___ 'TT'~-"""T'~-------------Trac:tcw Operator-Bulldozer, Tamper, corded In book 4, paJe 98 of Blf)nn.y, Newport Beach, County poun....., ounces at . Seraper or Drae·Type Shovel or Boom r.n.ceJianeoua Mapa. 1n the of· o1 <>ranee. State of Callf. hereby Mr. and Mrs. Gates, formerly Attachment& .-.. -·-.. -·-·-------...... .3.30 26.40 ftee of the County Recorder of deslJDated u the new.paper of Pasadena, moved to Corona Trencllln&' MachJne Opera.tor .. _ .. ______ ....... 3.30 26.40 uld county. most llkely to efve notlee to uld del Mar In Aprtl. Mr. Gates ls Universal EQuipment Operator (SboveJ, ALSO that certain parcel of defendant and that eald publJca. ualat.ant manager of HoueehoJd DraeJlne Oerrlck, Derrlek·Barge, Clam-J eel In SectSo 28. T be Finance Corp. in Santa Ana. abeiJ or Crane> ................... -............ -.............. .3.30 26.40 6ansd R.altua0tw Sa:n »~ ... ,_;_ Uon ... maJde on~~~eb calendar · -------Drivers of Dump Truclte of·lea tha:n 4 yds. .. 1 .. ~uar\U.UU wee .... ore ght w~. Water Level -·-·-·-···-·---.. -·---.. ~-·-.2.~ 21.16 meridian, City ol Newport And It Ia further ordered and Any ClauWcatJon omitted herein, Beach, County of OranJe, State directed that a copy of the Sum· not leu than ...... -....... ·-·-.. --............. -...... .2.00 16.00 of California, described u fol-mona and Complaint In thla ac· All blda are to be compared on the baala of the CJty En&'lneer'e Jowe: BeefnnJnJ at the north· tJon be forthwith d~lted In a estimate of the quantJtlea of work to be done. eaat comer of lot 1, tn bloclc United Stata Poet omce wtth Pro))oGUona on the Nov 6 baJ. No bid wlli be accepted from a Contractor who hu not been 1 .. c ,.__ • ""-~.t. • th th f· lJ ' J --'Jl ..o•-·~ · llcenaed In accordance with the provision of Chapter 9 Division m ...., ...... al oecuon, enee e postage thereon u Y pre. ot •• be u.uoo........:u at the meet· of Buelneu and Profeulona Code. • we.terly alone the northerly paid, directed to eal4 defendant lnJ ot the Santa Ana ar.nch of Plana may be eeen, and forms of propoaa], bonda. contract. and Une of aa.ld block 145 to the at 301 Grant Street. c/o Eden the American Aaeodatlon of Unl· apeclficaUona may be obtained at the olflce of the City EnJlneer, northweet corner o1 lot 2 In Odell. Xetdltkan 8, A.la.lka, eaJd vendty Women at 7:30p.m. Jllon· City Hall, Newport Beach, cautomia. block 145. laid Canal Section; place of reefdenae. The eald copy day In Sa:nta Ana HJJh School. The ~lal attenUon of prospeetive blddera la calJed to the thence northerly along the o1 Summona and complaint ahall LeadJng the dtec:u.ion wtJJ be "Propoal Bequirementa and CondltJona'' annexed to the blank form northerly prolongaUon ot the be d~ted In the ro.t Oftlce, Mta. Pat:rida Hor.tetter, lltate of propoe.al, few fulJ dl:rectlona u to blddJng, etc. westerly Une ot laid Jot 2. to aa aforeeald. by John C. honey, lealalative '\:halrman of AAUW. all b~ Clt;y of Newport Beach reeesvee the rilht to reject any or the line of ordlna.ry hJgh tJde who Ia hereby eelected to per-a:nd a practldDJiawyer 1n Whit- CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH. CA.UFORNIA or the Padnc Ocean ln New· form that duty. He ahall eend tJer. Dated: Oct. 8, 16 MARGERY SCBBOUDER. Ctt;y Clerk port Bay u designated u laid e~velope, with Ita contenta "SOUTH I.JNI!." ln final decree encloeed. u re,.tat.ered matter. IDL WALTKII 8LIYD 11010 Publlah: Oct. 18 and 25 In the N Harbor Ens! SAVE Willi F.,..,. Pliler ~ ~ BRUCE MARTIN ~ IUTI-TIUCI-FilE-UFE LOCAL AGENT 1793 NEWPORT AVE., CX>STA MESA OPPICE: Uberty 8-~ RES. ~ 8-!5063 (PollUcal Advertleement) A MAN YOU CAN TRUST U. S. SEN. THOMAS tt.· XUCHB has earned a reputation for integrity, level-headed courage, sound iudg- ment. He is a man you can TRUST in officel A MAN OF ACHIEVEMENTS IN ALMOST 21 YEARS of service to his County, State and Nation, his accomplishments h a v e b e e n of benefit to ALL the people! THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR EXPERIENCE! * * * He Alt11t1ye Ha Be Altef~Y• JJ'ill Work For THE lEST INTERESTS OF HIS -COUNTY -STATE -NATION * * * KEEP Your U.S. Sen. TOMMY KUCHEL • ·- entered Auruat 22. 1928 In Su· Done thla 8th day of October, Mre. Walt« 811~ of Corona perior Court ActJon 23686, a 16. del Mar came home from the certlfled copy thereof belne re-Morrtaon. Judre ot laid Superlew hoepltal Jut week-end followtng corded Septftnber 1.9, 1928 In Court a.n operation on Oet. 12. book 201 pap 253 of otflclal Jl.ecr:ll'de; thence easterly alonJ (PoiJtJcal Advertl.eement) (PoliUeal Advertlament> laid tide line to lte lntenectJon with the northerly proJoneatJon of the euterly u~ ot aald Jot 1 In blodt 145. Canal Section; thence • o u t b e r I y alone a atralgbt 11De to the point of be· efnnlnJ. Said property Ia .aught to be condemned for a publJc purpoee authorized by law, and In partie· ular for the uae of aald property as a public park. AND YOU, AND EACH OF YOU, ARE HEREBY N01tFIED to appear and ahow caue why the property de8c:rfbed In aald Com· plaint ahouJd not be condemned u prayed for therein within 10 days after the service on you of this Summons. If eerved within thl1 County or within 30 days If eerved flaewhere. You are hereby notHled that unless you appear and answer u above required, the eald plaintiff will apply to the Court for the re· lief demanded In the Complaint. GIVEN under my hand and eeal of the Superior Court of the County of Oranre. State of Call· fomla, thls 15th day ot June, 1956. L. B. WALLACE County Clerk and Clerk of the Superior Court of the State or California, In and for the County of Oran~. By Leslie L. McCartney, Deputy. N011CE APPEARANCE: "A defendant ap- peare In an action when he an- swers, demurs. or rtves the plain· Uti written notJ~ of his appear. ance. or when an attorney rtves notice of appearance for him." ,Sec. 1014, C.C.P.) Anawen or de· murrers must be ln wrttin&'. and filed with the Clerk. IN THE SUPERJOR COURT OF TBE STATZ OP CALIFORNIA IN AND J'OR 111E COUN'TY OP ORANGE CITY OP lt!!WPORT BEACH, a munJdpal corporaUon. Plalntltt . ........... PROPOSITION 4 GIVB8 CALIPOBNIA •• ; e A 12 bJDI. cloUp.r mere... Ill economic WMlth. e Ney joM ud 2 J:dlliou cloUan iD Dew PQtmcb. e A _., "Wb of4 biWoD ~ ol oil-for oal' ...., oar pi•-.. our bxluitrial mecolatna e A __.. IOUI'ee ol oil f• oar NatiaMI ....... • . "you see -things from the train. And ·S.P. req,lly h.a8 tM scenery." THE lEST OF RIDES-FOR FOLKS OR fREIGHT (PoUUcaJ AdverUaement) don't run out of gas! ' We an.,...,_, alit olpel \Vh1? ... BecaUM tocl.q 8IIWl os-at.on wUh DO reprd tor the paWic Wllfare an hlockfnr mocJem eou- ~•ticm 1Mtlaocl8 that tbe •dr• oU IDdutry kJioww 'wtll -.w. ~· oU reco•e:ry. I / • • • " I Thieves Show No GoodWill 'r.o door m.at.l ... talreD boat tbe bome ot Gall GowlaDd, la E. Oeun rroat. ~a~-. by two .. clerty women IUDday. The m.&U ... to he ,.... up by the CoodwUl lftciUIUtel. It ... Jeuned that two WOIMft ~•Inc the ct.erlpdoD lfWft bY ...... Gowland Jaacl ~y pldcect up a 1oM ol IMI'dl&IMitlle from the rear ot anotta. boiBe l,p the 2100 b~ on E. Oeea.n Front The merdl..,.._ bad been WWWAY & =+¥ tacKed a~ promteecl to the -.:;~lilial;;l}~~--~a-;•;;a~~;&~•;a.;~·; ... ~.-~~~ LAGUNA F£0ElAL SA VIN6S & LOAN ASSOCIAnON T W.O 0 F F I C I 5 To Serve Y• LAGUNA lEACH AND SAN CUMINTI t4 'HOUR SBVJCI LOW LOW "REDUCING" INTEREST ItA TES EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS FRIENDLY SYMPATHETlC SERVICI FREE CUSTOMERS' PARKING 8 • ~ riltEI, WI .. 1'lllrt. .. PllM ... Ide .... urr-.................. .. o.es--. oe. .......... .... ... '11 .. o.llz ...... ,_ ·-~ .. ..... ,..., Dldl ........... ~ ..... .. .. .. c-del .... Did& .,.... ....... w-4. 1)1* 1 ........ 'r.atla (ftd ............ .... ...n),JCIIul ........ eiO. I ...Saob-.tll· waleiC....Ml .... . GoodwW Industries. J1 .O'I'ICIE 9F J0a1C DUIIfQ Notice ls hereby ctven that the Clty Cound1 of the City of New· port Beach w1ll bold a public bearl~ on Ordinance No. 80C. ~ardmc Plannlnc Cornm.t..lon Amendment No. 27 aJ'D4!'ndlnc and adflln• certain aectloru to Artlde IX of Olapter m or the Municipal Code of the City of Newport Beach, creating a con- tl'Olled manufacturing zone to be known u M·l ·A District. Notlee .. further g1v~ that the aatd public hea.rtnc w111 be beld on the 13th day of Nowmber, 1956, at the hour ot 7:30 o'clodt P.M. 1n the Councll Clambers ot the CJty Ball ot the City al Jlfew. port Bndt at wtlldl time and pJMe any and aU ,_..,_ loUr· -.4 may appear and t.e bead thereon. Margery Schrouder City Clerk of the City of Newport Beach, C&lllomla Phone !D JOUr neotn ~Coria to your local newspaper, the Ell· T C R t Oc bree. Commerce Hilh School In lip. Harbor. Wt. 6 2P agers eport a New York; Rocer Gurk:h, Wll110n ;:::::::;;========; ~ Rllh Sehool ln Long Beach; Lar· laKE Slx tonnet Newport Harbor HI Morale~, 5'6'', a freshman. from ry Phllll~ Brawley; LHoy Steov· basketball players were among 625 W. Balboa Blvd., Ba1boa; Bill eru Anahetm: Bert Toomey, MYERS the 18 candidate~~ Who ahcnftd up Wetzel, a 8-toot. 2~ ·tnch 110pho· 'Burbank. and Ieddy Young, Hunt· Uu.iOn for b-*etbell practice Monday more of 127 Vlrgtnla Place. Costa lngton Beach. a---=- at OraQP Cout Collqe. Mesa. ------~~ n.e lbE ~en are Denny Fftz. Other buketba1l potent:lals tor LAXSDa.L DCOVEJIS patrldc. t-toot. 10-lneh IIOPhomore. Stu Irwln'a tH.m are Dave Bid· G. A. LaMdell ll recovering of 410 w. WDson st.. eo.ta Mesa; nk:k. who played hJch adlool from bt. reeent UlnH&. He ts now Larry Harper 6'5" a freshman. buk.~ball at Downey; Bob Coop· stay1ne with hll 1100 and daugh· 2381\t.stln A~ .• N~rt Relehts; man ot Huntington Be~; Bob ter-ln-law In Harbor HJahlanda. George MabM. 6'1" freshman. 370 Cubblaon. Laguna Beach; Ted but expect& to mum aoon to hll E. l9th St~ eo.ta Mesa; Armand Coun., Montebello; Bob Chap· Corona del Mar home at 224 He I· Nettles, 6'4" sophomore. 1975 Ful· man. Montebello; Bob David. lotrope Ave. Mrs. Lansdell is still lerton Ave., Cost\ Mesa; Richard C&JUomla Hteh School; Jim Em· In a rest home. LECAL JfOTICES NO'I1CE INVrnNG BIDS FOR STREET LIGHTING STANDARDS AND LUMINAIRES {PolltJca.l Adv~ment) <PoUtleal Advertllement ) u. s. aoy.~ n,.. Wuhi"9 I Poi'01flin9 Complete lubriatiOfl S.Mc. FREE PIOC:..UP I DEllVE.V 220 I E. C:O.st Hi9hwey et Avoc* CoroN del MM <Political Advertt.ment) ·-·~ YOU llawe? Newport Harbor Baalk (Political Advertlse~t) C...... del----(PoUUcaJ Adv~nt) ESCROW SBVICf. NO'I1CE IS H E R E B Y GIVEN that sealed blcla wlll be received at the office of the Clty Clerk. City Hall, City of Newport Beach. Cautornla until 7:30 P.M. on the ~ day of Nowmber, 1956 for furn1ahlng atreet lighting mnd· arcb and lumtnalrp. SOLVING ORANGE COUN1TS GOVERNMENT GROWIH PRO" EM .-FICIE:NTL Y OPERA TEO LA6UNA lEACH 222 0... Ave. PHONE HY, -4-lln SAN CLEMENTE 60 I H. 8 Cetnino llNI PHONE HYecinth 2-1195 • HYedntt. 2-1196 Item: 7 each, Street llgbtlnl standard., lumlnalres and appurtenances. No bid wUl be received unLess It is made on a proposal form furnished by the City Engineer. Special attention of prospective bidders ts called to "Conditions'' ann~xed to t.he blank form of proposal tor fUll directions as to bidding. Tbe City of Newport Beach re· eet"WS the rlcht to reject any or aD bids. to waive any Informal· lty In blca. or to accept any Item In the bid. MARGERY SQIBOUDER City Clerk Dated: October 23. 1956 Publish: Oct. 25. Nov. 1. 1956 In the Newport Harbor Ensign .,.,ICII.ll NCYMCE INVITING BIDS FOR CAST IRON WATER PIPE NO'I1CE IS H E R E 8 Y GIVEN ~;;!;!;;~;;~;~ that sealed bld.s will be received at the office of the Clty Clerk. City Hall. City of Newport Beach. untU 7:30 o'clock P.M. on Novem· ber 26. 19!56. tor tuml.lhlng the followtn~r water pipe: lb!m lfo.. , 1-1143 Uneal Feet. 14" Diameter c..t 1I0ft Pipe wtth MoJox Ball Jolnta. lnclucUnc neee.· aary nut&. bolt&. rln,. and guketa 2--120 IJneal P'Mt. 14" Dtamet• • ......... -· 1 ~ Cut 1.rGn Pipe leU a.nd 8p1Ft -WI SJ IC _.._. No bid wtu M reeelwd unleel ~E•;n;rr~•;;• ;•;·~~~~~~He~~~lt .. made on a propout form i! tumlahed by the City En,Sneer . !~pedal attention to ~ bidden .. ea11ed to ~mndtttorw" annexed to the bluk form ot ......... StlftiiM~II propoeal for full dlrectlona u to .. blddtnc. The City of Newport Beach Mr'Yft the rlaht to reject anY aD bldl. to wal~ any lnfonnal· lty In bldl ,_to aeeept •l"lY Item In the bid. KAliGDY SCIIROtlrDEI CI~CIIrk Dated: Oct. .. 1B ,.. ..... I Publt.h: Oct. .... 1. l- In u.. ...,.. IS SIMPLE AS --- • COUITY BOlD PROPOSITIOIS A ........ _ .... ----11111111iiiiM fll ....... _. .... ,,.,. k 'SO i & QJ I f _, ....... e. ....... -........... --.,.:.. ... I ,.._ NOIIIfM..._ .......................... ... ....... ,' ....... . ...... ......,._ ..... .... ~ .... , ... , .. ,_ c D Jl ............ I tAka fl ............ ,,1 ........ ..... ' ................. "' -............ lA .... .... _. ............... ...... l 'T , no p ...... ...... ' ., 14 a . .._.-.. .. -~ ____ ,..... _.,.__._ ,._.,, -...... _, ,, _,. ~ _..:_ COUNTY GOVERNMENT MUST GROW WITH COUNTY POPULATION -41 ftU IONDS -l.ollg WHO IIIOW 1111 .PORT /1,,~.~-. • tlQI'IfiiiA t'Fl 'WA ll IIA#II '11 /Hl 'l IIW SIIIWIII ''TIIPEZE" "SPECIAL DB.IVERY" Meg Andrews Tells BPW of Her Stay in Germany Rillton Committee Hean Ta ... Ta• T. V. Talbert of HuntJnaton Meg Andrews told about her with her "sister," where she aald Beach waa Monday momJng adopted German family with she bad aome difficulty under· speaker at the weekly meeting of whom s~ Jived this past sum· standln& the G e r m an English the Industrial commlttee -of the mer as an American exchange teacher. · Newport Harbor Board of Real· student, when she spoke before Durin& the question period 'Meg tors. -...---................ ...-......................... --. ............ the Newport Business and Pro· described the dally menua they Projects ot the committee, ac· 5 dGra Starts Fri. fesslonal Wome n • s Club on ate In her "home," whJc.b' Is In cording to ~ chairman. Max Thursday at the Newport Harbor upper-middle class cIrcum · Pope, are to compile Information Yacht Club. stances. She said there waa little so that Industry can be lntelll· Meg was the representative variety and sbe gained about 25 gently approached about the from Newport Harbo r High pouncb. She described the diet Newport Harbor-Costa Mesa area. School chosen to go abroad by as mostly bread and cheese and At present the projects under the American Field Servl~. a vegetables and mJlk. They have .study Include compilation of tax project supported by the BPW a small piece of meat about onoe rates. a vailable housing supply, club. a week and eggs twice a week. nood control, climatology, avail- Her German family Included The teen-age euest waa dressed able land areas and prices, trans. 2111 Herr Klrchbaurn. who owns a In a typical German dirndl for portatlon fadlltles and rates. ~ cleaning business In which Meg the meting. She aald that she planning and zoning and pJant worked. a grandmother, a Rreat reall.zed after she wu selected costs relative to other areu. aunt and a sister. Ingeborg age to be the Harbor exchange stu· Jack Mullan Is CO·chalrman of '"FVIlT ~rim&; PASS.. 16. The mother had died during dent. that she would be a repre· the commJttee which meeu at -................... _______ ...._ ..... the war whlle the father wu In sentatlve teen-ager In the eyes of the Realty Board office. 'J'be a Russian conoentraUon camp. foreign people u well as an au· steering committee Includes Bob They lived In the Ruhr Indus-thority on USA. She added that Goosen, Neal Martin, Bill San· trial aiea In the 'large town of they were Indoctrinated In CUS· ford. Dan Jacobsen and Art Sollngen. toms of the other countries by Adair. Meg attended the famous Ruhl' the American Field Servtoe en· ------- FIREPLACE FIXTURES .(..r,11/t BARBECUES fllcz d J.Le NSAIOIA 1211 l ...... rt.-n. 2-21• n. 1~ IMTA AM....Z2M S.. ... St.- III!Mrtr s..n• ONN MON. ~MD ,., . rva. OM A NEW PERMANENT WAVE 0R HAIR STYLE OUR $17.50 PERMANENT WAVES UNTIL NOV. 15TH WILL BE '15 Tommy Wilson•s Beauty Salon • 2515 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar TAIIAnhnY, .. HArbor 21 PAY-LESS n.BesfF•LIIII It •E n• a ... 1 0c Lcnmclromat 20c Thrift-D-Lwc F"me.~ Dry Clecuring At Volume PricH 44c ........ amL (ACitOU rJlOK BOAQ BOUITAL) Sldrtrl-u.clai-IWI $ I "'On:ll KVDT DAT & IIIGIIT OP 11m ftAr drama festival. She spent tour route to help them become bet· Read Enalp ~ant Ada. days at the International youth ter acquainted ove~aa. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;~;;~;;=~~;;:;;::;=:;:;;;~~~~;;~~~::::::::::::;::::::=::;::::;::::=;:::;::::;::::;::::;::::;:::;:::::;::::;::::::::::;;::::::::;:::::::::::::::::;::::::::;::::::::;=~ conference held In Langenberg.1 Marie Lanning, BPWs repre· where the students took tours of I sentatlve on the AFS committee, -.. --factories .and schools and where Introduced the program. Guests iiMcy•[LLY --.=.-~ Meg participated In a panel on at the meeting Included Mer's """ 11 ·Pafll i.UIIUI.na"-~ U S. schools vs. German schools. mother. Mrs. A. V. Andrews of •rDVYM LdOY _,.., -· discussing their dl{~rences and 1 Harbor Highlands. Clara Grllfltts. • LJUII --~~~-lllmL.In adaptability to their respective Marie Like. Doris Van~. Elma countries. Benson. O'Deana Mlka. Carolyn The ptctun enry adult should She also went on a Rhine Bellin. Shirley and Jackie Gas· ... 1 camping expedition with her "sls· ton, Louls.e Foote, Frances John· Jfo oae will be seated durlllg the ter" lngeborg and a neighboring M)n. Joyce Tenney, Evelyn Me· lcut .. 1s miDutes of ~ Bad family, where s he met other tam-Alley and Osa Wieberg. = · • · e • !! • • • • e e e Illes and many, boys and girls h er own age. And she attended a __ ........ _._ ........................ __. ........... a_,.,.. ............... Read the Ensign Want Ad page. girl's school for several days THE rou NEWPORT HARBOR COIIUIIITY PLAYERS PRESEKT ''BUS STOP'' OctoHr 24, 25, ~llh Notemller I i 2, 3n1 ORANGE COAST COLLEGE CBA.PEL TBEATilE TICKETS Sl.z-a:30 P.M. SEASOJf TICKETS 15.00 Pbo~M Jo ~· 3171-J '-:-1.~. • • D R IV E -I N ~ -:-r J lC THEATRES l~ l7ll COMl AS 1'0U A.l I -I MOIL &luw 'I'll an. Start. at , :ot l P'rt., SAt., S.... Start.. at I :tO ~LOIIER !Continued from Pue 3) Newport pier ... Harold Witney of 1802 W. Qoean Front. Newport Beach, reported S240 In cash and some checks were take from dr~r In his home. e MOJr'DAT, OCT. 22 Mrs. Monte Grimes of 1743 Mlr· amar Dr l v e. Balboa. reported prowlers In the area for the past two nights ... Mrs. Leslie Bruce, ~Orchid Ave . Corona del Mar, reported someone or something digging up her front yard ... An lnto:~tlcated person at Washing· ton St. and Balboa Blvd., Balboa, wu reported annoying women ln the area ... e TUESDAY, OCT. 23 A bicycle was stolen from the residence of Mrs. Robert Lovell, 416 SevtJJ.e Ave .. Balboa ... The rear seat ot the car of Grace Gray of 111 Vla Florence. Lido I.ale, wu burned. probably by a clgaret ... An unidentified el· derly woman fell on the aJde· walk at Narclsaua Ave. and E. Coast Rwy .• Corona del Mar ..• WUJiam BfttjamJn SorreU.. lr. of 1277 s. Coast Rwy., Lacuna Beach. suffered a cut knee when be walked Into a glua door of the J. A: I. Liquor Store, 2944 W. Cout Rwy .• Newport Beach. "RED HOT" Values lor Th~ Fri., Sat., October 25, 26, 27th. • Store Houn: Dai}f 9 A.M. to 6:30 P.M. Sunday and Holidays 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. WE NOW DELIVER . . Phone Harbor 3588 MIXES • •