HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-12-20 - Newport Harbor Ensign.... , ·' Do ¥ou W..t BoWl llckeh? ..... ~,...,. ...... ' YOL It Jf(). It -l'l'n CDI"ff A Mea; y Chrislntas Happy New Ye•! 0 E TOFF HO OIL DRILLI G ISLA S? Yule Lighting Awards Made By C.of C. Oty Faces A Decision Do the citizens of Newport B"ach want oil drilling Lsland1.1 tn the ocean oU our coastline? That Ia the big question that Is shaplna up for our city. and the answer has to be decided soon. The Importance and Immin- ence of the quetJon were empha- sized at a meeting hosted by Monterey 011 Co. Tuesday noon at the VIlla Marina Restaurant. It Ia comlne up again this morn· lng (Thunday) at the study ses- sion of the Newport Beach City Council, and possibly also at the adjourned meetlne of the Coun- cil, set for 9 a.m. tomorrow I Fri- day). e VOTE JS UKEL T Pro . tests Are Heard M:~t:r~y~~~ ~ceJ~esi:~~t :! Tuesday's meettne: "Newport Beach will have tcr consider a vote of the people to determine whether they want a similar oil Vs Ll ·quor Perm•lt l•';;: .':.ur:ot.:a~f:.; ~~ .. come up before the voters of the City Sch~l d=o".!~ ~~o;:,: • ~~ r:=;o:.~a~: ~~~ls :t~~~: Ray, !W4 Seaward Road, Corona A controvflSlal use P6mlt for of tbe Ue vote. structlon of oil lalanda offshOf'e Bleh.land-. wu awarded nm sale of liquor In Corona del Mar The Pla"ntna Commlaslon has to protect th~ city's share In the prize In the Newport Harbor wUl come up for the aecond time received a petltJon. carrylne 96 oil Income, or whether they are Chambet-of Commerce Christmu thla evenlne (Thundayl wben alanaturM, protMttne Mr. Buell's wtl11ne to lose a conslderabl~ LJahttnr Contest. the Newport Beach Plannlne application. The petltJon.en re-share of tidelands Income. Second pta~ went to Mr. and Comm1.uton meets ln City Hall qu..t tbe Comm.1a1on to retuw e OD. JSLAJJD Df VIEW Kn.. lobn D. ~ 1588 ()(wan at 7:30. a uw pennlt on the IJ'Qunda The choke t. dramatically and Blvd.. Balboa. Dr. mu1 Mrs. JUeh. Thla la the appUcatJon ol that sale ot at ~ w~,_, by tbe SAJfTA CIDd Ilia re.llldMr Cit tbe a. L StrSdr.lw net-s-c., 211 Larlapu.r Aft., CclnGa del ICCII', ,.. em boaonlble .... tioa award la tbe Cbam· ard r. AlbniQ, 400 S1&n&1 Road. Douliu Buell for a ua permit Uon .oilTcJ floe of the mobU. ill falanc! In 01Uf Hawn. won thlrd plate to allow aaJe of beer at ~ E. he.lth, aafety. peace, comfort ocean off tile mouth of the 1------------· ... honor~. eoa.t Hwy., the former location morals and ge~al weltare of Santa Ana River. That lsJand Ia In the bualneM cat~ry. the j of Mary and Bill's Dell-CAfe. the neighborhood'' the project of the Mont~-Suicide Note Is a Prank followlne buslnes.ws were wln-At the Novem~ meeting ol r Also at the Nov~mber meeting Hum b I e-~aboard Oil Coro - ners: Balboa -Balboa Market, the Planning Comml&slon. there tht-Planning Commission voted panles. joint holders of th~ state 608 E. Balboa Blvd ; Newport-was a 3 to 3 tie votta on a motion 3 to 2 to deny Mr. Buell's appll-lease for development of tide- South Coast Company, 2212 New. to deny the application. The cation for a usc rmit to allow lands In tront of the Huntington port Blvd.; Lido Shopping Cen-request has to come up for recon-1 f bf'E' ·OoPf'. 0 H Beach State Park and adjoining A 16 yPar-old ter-Lido Electric. 34.24 VIa Lido; slderatlon this evening because ;;1~ 0E C:a!: H~: s c~fonaou;!i thP Newport Bea~h tidelands 1 and an 18 year old Costa Mesa Mariners Mile-Theodore ~bins Mar. Mr Buell has -~ot appealed 1 Mr Pyles said Tuesday that youth rolla borated In writing a Ford, 3100 W. Coast Hwy • Sal· d d M that dN."Islon. when th~ best sites for off<~hore suldrlP not~ and plal't'd the nutP boa Island-Early Stanley R~al E •• e 0 0 re drilling have been determlnl'd. ton a drifting boat Friday nl~hl E.lt&te. 215 Marine Ave.; and Co· Till' request of Dr. Georg~ then permanent. filled oil Is-n~ar th~ Bayshort> brldgP, ~ew rona del Mu-Mona Talbot Mlr-Campbell for a use permit to lands will be ronstructl'd In th~ 1 port Bcar h On baC'k thP note rors. 2760 E. Coast Hwy. o·. e s I Age 74 Oj)4'rate a restaurant and bar at tidelands In front of th~ State I was tht' na me of a 16-year-old Special awards went to the 226 Marine Ave., Balboa Island. Park. Santa Ana Heights Eaglt> Srout Public Library In Balboa, New· WlUI approved by 8 3 to 2 vote, When the tlrst perm11nent oil who. at the t lmt', was homP 1n I port Ia.land ~rk; Newport Beach Edwud I (Eddlel Moore. 74. but City Council voted S to 2 Island Is built and begins pump· bed. I Cit H 11, Balboa Bay Club· a Newport Beach rnldent and last week to over-rule the Plan-d 11 Y a • 1 1 J h lng oil from tM un er-sea o The youths "'ho rollaboratt'd Street or Giant Candles, Slrnal Hubor a ru bus nessman aor nlng Commission and re ect t e 1 It will be draining oil from H bor Ro ... CUff R . St. Andrews nearly 30 years. died Monday application. poo • t In writing the nott' ont' a ar a...., aven, H H It 1 f 1 the adjoining Newport Beach 1 High School studt'nt tht> oth~r Presbyterian Church. Cllfl at otll osp a . a ter a eng-Another liquor use permit tidelands. Then romes the ques· enrollt>d at Orang~ C~a.<rt Colleg~. Haven ; Balboa Llland MethodJst thy lUness. Mr. Moore, 8 native coming up this evening Is the tlon whether Newport Beach t'. onl . mpant it as a Church; Balboa Island Brtdee of Kentucky. was active In or-application of Leonard Newton wants to allow a similar oil Is-}!!~ t~~ not.~ "'a" \loTltten on and Marine Ave.; 500 block ganlzlne the Masonic Lodgt> In to op~-rate a l'fttaurant and land or be willing to lose oil d C"ard an·• ont' of the Coro .a-1 ,.. • Newport He was the first master k 11 1 th Drllt Roo an In P'C · u Poppy Ave., na ....,. .. ar • · COC ta oung~. e m.l revenu~. That loss ("()Uld be bovs sa1d he did not know that Seaward Road, Corona Hlrh· :~dth; ~afarina Lodae. 7~ F. at 3344 E. Coast Hwy., Corona tllemendous. depending on the th; Eaglt> Scout's name was on TIIIJU) Pm%E I« boa~~e CS.CO..U.U ..at to tbe alc:banl AJtDua lands; and the Corona del Mar "'r. M~re was a S anl.sh-del Mar. size of the under-sea oil pool. I the r<'Vt'rw sid~ Tht' parents of I ... ldeac:e at 4100 Sipa.l M.. CWf ..___ 11-. la lO·.,.ar-ol4 Church. A~ ~ ~ 811 On Dec. 14. 1953. City Council • JfOT ADEQUATE both bo\'s will be contacted by ICadalp Altmaa belplDcJ to woat ~ dla:pl4y ...ty. li.-1 K The followtna penons received ~ c::_,~~~ of e:~;-N e w rt had approved lssuanC'e of a II-Mr. Pyles explained Tuesday the poltc.; ,_.... woe a '~Mdal IIWard lew tbeu ~IT ""'Stnet of «=-· honorable mention for thelr ~~ Cham~r of ~rce cense to operate a restaurant that the present onshore slant I _cl*"' ___ u..... __ ___;(:....Eaatp_..::...._Pboto _ _..:..) _____________ _ home decorations.. • and the Newport Beach Elemen-and cocktail bar, but an lnvHU · drllllne (rom the West Newport , ... Tr• 'I"L.: .. , s·.g Yule Pa rty w ·.ll Start Corona del Mar. S. F._ Crad t School Baud. He wu past gallon recently di.IK'losed that a locations could not adequately ·- dock. 226 Heliotrope Av~ .•. a. t: ~n of the Eastern Star 568. use permit never had been re-develop thofo offshore oil •pool Lt Strlclder, ~8 Larka~~r ~v.;-~1 ~ MooTe operated a cale and (Continued on Pare 12) an oil lsland operaUon Is started , .... F1Yt .... at 6·.30 p.m. Fr .• day . co~ J vfa Ftnk partmen.... n· cordectlonary at McFadden Place on the adjoining oll field. I n IVJ leaf Ave.; RJchard Pleeer, 405 and lat" a m alt shop In Costa He stated further that the on-The Christmas tree thl~f has D~J; :::en· Mn p F Holmer Meta for many years. file PariJ THaJ shore slant drilling Into the added 5 more Corona del Mar A eala \hrl'-lmas program of t urf' readtng ThPrt' will ~carol :506 SJrnai &ad· Do~aid Wei..: Survivor Ia hls wt!e, Eve, of 1•1 SL.e• "1&1&.. State Beach tidelands has met merchan~ to his list of vtctlnu. c.uolllng. paradl'. costume judg-singing, and tht'n an f'ntertaln- 1200 ltlngs Road. and Clinton th:.~e at !500 Fullerton Ave., -••• UIIIA with !allure, and therefore the and thl' total ls now 1~ ~ lng and f'ntrrtalnmt'nt wUI be ment proJrram w111 be p~nted 505 St. An~ Road. N Helehta. oil island m~thod Is necesary. I have been stolen trom · 0 n 1 tht-big evt'nl In Corona del Mar I by the Dorothy Jo Dan<'t' Studio. z..tman, . A p 'I'Ufan 202 The Seatarine Lodge made dls-A Chrt.tmas party for Shore The present oil Island Ia a mo-l AJbarlan. Vogel Realty. Kirk-tomorrow (Friday I t-~nlng Santa will announce wlnnerw of Shore CJI.UI. · · y, penaatlon to hold funeral serv-CIIUs children will be held at bile unit. located 9•800 (~t otf-partJck TV .. Fernlea( Nursery., Startln time Is 6 30 m near the rostume cont8t. Cancty will Dttttwood ~dDr. Franda &Iter, lee. yawrday In the Masonic 7 p.m. today (1bunday) at th~ shore. In 65 f~t of water. Mr. Wade. Fairchild. Kay~tte Photo. the com~unlt) Chrl~tm!s t~ef' at be given to the chlldrton befoft 15 S::::.r ~d· Edmund Doua· Temple, a raft honor seldom be· Clyde JohMOn lara~ 178 Shore-Pyles explained that Ita .olf P~ Ba.kf'f s Furniture. Pacl~ :~1 MarJrUeritf' Av~ and Coast Hwy they all leAve for carolllne along taa. 8 Rudder beL Jtowecl Interment followed In clltr Rd. Balloons and favon wtll pose was to obtain aamp es Cf'ntre. Ma~s HouM> a e Children will gather In age the hlahway and in ~ldt>ntlal Bay Shone; L H. Holalnler. Melloee Abbey. be giWin to the children. fCotltlnued on ~ 12l I and the Enstgn grou~ and paradf' to the Youth areas Ref'reshments will bfl :M31 Crestview Drtve. Cf'nter. crosslna C'oast Hwy at servl'd at the Youth C'entt-r alter Balboa: Ray Rinderknecht. A FISHERMAN'S OIRISTMAS PRAYER Marguerite. going on the north lh~ carolling 1532 E. Ocean Blvd.; Herbert side of the h ighway to Iris. and ------- Ma.rtln. 929 w. kY Ave.; Gordon alone lr1s to the Youth C'entf'r Nom·lnat·.ons ApU.. 1115 W. Ba.lboa Blvd.. A stage<"'a<'h from the Buffa~ IJclo llle: lack Hu1bey, 116 pressed far too seldom. Forttve ~ above ua. Thep, we r~l Crl~ndshlps. Thew same friends Ranch will lud the parade, VIa IJdo Nord: Hal Dlke. 101 VIa UIJ, Father, for our carelesa W&)"', helpless. very small and some-havf' alven us countJess happy carrying Santa and ChleC Pu~h-For c of c Mice; Stephen Dtn&le. 109 VIa -.;. but hear us now. tim@S terribly afraid. u we h ave days aboard thelr boat, unself· ma ta-ha. • • Mentone; and I!. L Remelln. M5 8Y ~~~--we are ever grateful, deep been ca~le.ssly forgetful of Your lshly. when ot.hterwUie Wt> would Arrival at tht> Youth Center The Harbor Chamber or Com· Vla IJdo !ford. ~ ,.,,.,..,.-wtthln ua. tor the joyw we ftnd Belna when Your seas are a blu~ have of n~ty ste.yed asho~. I~ St'heduled for 7:00 1bt> ~-m~ has mall.ed to lu rMm· Newport ~ach: W. A. ltanold. In flahlnf. Jn our rHtlesa and too mJnoor. dan,er brings us hurry-I Let us l~am. ~~b« and Edw1n Gomke •11J etv~ a Scrip-bel's nomlnatlona fOI' the new 301 aetb Sl; and J. F. lohnmn. • AT Cli&ilftl&l buay world. we often forpt the tna to you. Ilk~ trlghtened chll-appN"Ciate, Fath«, that fisher-llloard o1 o~rtoct.on. Ballots wfU 3103 Mareua St. Tllla ta t.be -..on that brlnp peace and c:ontentm4tnt we find dren to thetr Mother's s k I r t . men. enjoying a day topt.her. 1 I I I • be counted P?lday Jan. '-ud N.wport Be(Jhta: T. C. Malone, to all men a reallz&Uon. an on Your waten. Some of u.a ttnc1 'nlank you, Heavenly Fath~. for AK' above dJft~ren<'ft of color,J. II 1111 I the MW dtrectors ~ll a. lntro. sa5 RtWdlde Ave. awakanlnJ ot deep teellnp that happlnesa alonJ alqlna lltrNJ'fta tiM lnexpre.lbl~ joy '" expert-ract", country or ~llcton. Amm· IJ d"uced Fn4.t.y, lan. 11. 4urtq tbe 'l"be followlnJ bu.tln~ n · mudl o1 &be UmebawtlumMnd that dance down the baJam. ~ u we l'ftch the caJm fa -cans. Nexicana. lapant'W. Cath· ebamber's annual dln.nll'. atf,.S honorable mentlcm. dlldq ..., burrkd ...,_ aac1 ..at*' .aoo-o1 Your moun· m111ar waters ot a harbor, attn ollca, Jewa, Protestants. Gest1les 'nle Mini,.._ .,. Harold lilt· Oataea clll liar: ,....._ •• IJl. llltOiltU lil.nae 1aa ~ 'nlla talu. 9ciiDe ot ua tum ocu u-pla. throoch fop. after ~m-become Just ftshft'IMn. and Nornlntlons weft m~ rest«· r1dt ot NtwpGI't 8arbor llaak· ~ at0 E. 0out lhrJ.; .. th• t1JM to paue, tow a lltt» toWard tM blue borlaonl ol Your l.Qib' bope._ boura. TNch us trif'f'lda. u they enJoy Your bless· cSay 1\w new oftlcen for t"'e Co· Dtorothy Jo awon, CJWDer oi 8ebr'a ~ ~ a. Clout tfllu.. aDd to l"'ftec:t on bl..tnp v• ....., Tbe ~ lnbabttaJ\D tD ~membe-r wch time.. when lnp ~. rona del Mar MI'I'C:banta Dtvl&lon Doroth,y Jo Dll.nc!t Stu4Jo; 1M l~Wy.; Jar4Ui'l N lbop. 11~ wtlk:b.; t.o ofta aN tabo tor ot til ... waten. we ant aa.n, ...... U.. an la ahlnlnl on ealtn StMI TMch u.a to better t1'\joy and of the Newport Barber a-amber loUD, N&la trJtb , W. lu· ODut ....,..; M el ~ • ~ '1'1118 .. a t1JM to be ,ut tb .. by You tor a hlp P\U'• bd tiM flab aN bltlna. more deeply apPftdate You ol OomftM!ft. E1ect.ion wUl be In font;~ .... cne,. 1a.Jt1oa .._ din. I'IOD W. ODut --~· •M • thuld\&1 tat 111oan1 ~ .u a ,.,_ A ... t ..,.y ol -. ratta. ~ CIIIW' anutude. too. Fath· l"Mt 11ft eo ua. tbe oul-of·doon. lanuuy. land c.-. ~: O"-a CCialta....S OD ,.._ ~, ......, =a • ....._ ... J1rW1 ,.a •·.,. IDON....,. ol Yoa.r,.,... •· b tbe pricel-frteacllllllpe 8~ us to meuun our da1. a-'n. ._,1-_ are: J'taM HI· c-.aJ lhctl"k to ,.._ • Ill ... tlloutllatl eMe ln tM .anet ...c..-.. tMt ut wa on ~ cledra of by wta&t .. catct.. ._...by • dan and .. ~ fir ftatr .. Joe •• Jn a ttlf~==-:::: --.U.0 .... pu 1 111 ... ClliltiWRI .... tbaa 18 urtdltltplace. ftalllt ...... on bnc:iae. .._. reaJ.baUoe ol U.. ~&ad man.IAcr aad'!Wa.i· llarrJ Allkttl .. Newpcrtatli ... ,. ._.., ..u ......,... t• -. Rot a.twQI .,. Yoar CIIICII&M .. _. MJta -.,.oa4 the -..... the~ 'roo IMt Ql :'1: eal tar ~ o.a.t IIIUo LMr. at 8111Mlll a...~...,,.._. llllillll u.. a uaa • a''" ..... to calm an4 ~ rat~Mr . ..._. _... • .. .-. ~;:: .. 10 •• ,.,. 'I'Mdl • to OIM~ainia U: IJtu••• .., ~ ••-:•, ::.':: 0~, ,:.::•= ~0:....:;:. .. ..-;' ...... ~ n.;...--=:._•-.:; :.=:=a a. • 1101. ~ ~ ~,..:-=: ;..:..~~~~~ ~ '-:: .m.'= a ...... ~ ..... •• ••·• 11.; ......... _ . .,.... ................... .-...-t......... ......,...... (Orlll-' •• ..,.m DJIIIttwt~ •• ~ * haa a "compact•• ehape and the axclual-MtCRO-TW1N Head Enjop -freedo• &om nicb and cau tbia .U.. at• tle, quick way. Take adftft-tap of thia aaodera dec:uic way to femiaioe dalndoeu. End• muu aAd f-. o.icb and cuta of 1011., and blade. Your cbolce cil ai.x loYely colors. $14.95 Now! Aa endrely new Sunbeam SHAVEMASTI!R-futer, doMr, more comfortable thao aay other k.iacl of thaYer. Thit a&rftlou new Sunbeam bu dae acienllflcally precision laoaed Golden GUde bead, UJht· Din• £ut double-acdon cuuer, aod 1 new, fatter umature IJPC llEA.L motnr. $28.95 OPEN 'TIL 9 P.M. UNTIL CHRISTMAS CROWN HARDWARE •JI. BOUIDOLI) DE.Aa'TIIElft ITOJIE'" We C.t &ep * Barbo~ D2 FOI HIM * BALBOA ISLAM) COKMUJifiTY METHODIST c:av.CII "The Christmas Story In Ser· mon and Song:" wt'll be presented by th.e cholra and minister at the 9:30 and 11 a.m. ~ Sunday at the Balboa Island Community Methodist Church. The Rev. Don· aid Sapp will tell the atory of ''The Birth of .Jnus." The cbUdren and adult cholrs w111 present C'hh.tmu cantata music. Including A Chrtstma.s Carol. , Sing Praise, Christmas Hymn, and Slng, 0 Heavens. ;»-..~-...~~~--~---~..,.~-~~-. .. ~~ ..... iil.~41n~•.-.'!litl•~~~~-i : We Cordially Invite You to Join Us for Your f Christmas Dinner at the · I JAMAit-A '"" #: IEITIUUIT .. E. Coast Highway at MacArthur Blvd., Corona del Mar f #... • Special Christmas Dinner •• Aaaorted Nut. Celery CarrotStlclta Olives Choice of Fruit CocktaJJ or Sbrlmp CocktaU Polnaettla Salad Cider Cream of Mushroom Soup ROAST TOM TURKEY $3.50 Cheta Speclal o-1n1 -P'reeb Czanberry or PRIME RIBS OF BEEF $3.95 01' BAXED SUGAR-CURED HAM $3.50 Orall .. •uee lwMt Pou..,_ Iamatca Peu Plum JtucJ<Una ot IOnce PM Cran~ Sherbet Cltelltnut !unciae leverqe aEaVI:D 12 KOOK TO 8:00 P.M. Children's Dinners-Turkey or Ham-$2.00 SPECIAL 1'111 IIVJS.IIIWI C.. ltwllaTWISTOIO II CISTI IEII Tt S£1YE YOU 1ETTE1 e MAKE YOUR NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION WILL BE CLOSED FROM December 24, 1956 to January 3, 1957 3117 EAST COAST HWY. CO&OJfA DEL MAll .. aAIT COAIT IIW'f. C08011ADD.IIU IEIVICE * TIITEI'I T·Y IDIIGE ,., ... , PHpleh.vebeee Wfing ••• .net ~ ..... ,., CAl DO BEllO .. Pbone !.n your ~ .corte. to your loeal oew.paper, the En· alp. lfarbor lll~ COLLECTJOJf of blaabts aDd c:lotla1D9 t. the K~Jo 1Dd1CIIUI waa OIM of tbe fMt1uee of the receat TtD..Ml Tea beld at tbe lr.....,ot1 Beacb IA9loa Beall by the Newport -.ada 'bell Club cmd tbe J\Ullor Ebell Sbowa ben wltb part of tbe sizable collectioo are (left to rl9bf) Nra. Jolm Colby of 8ay Sbons., wbo la hlatorlaa for Ku.oB A.SSK. TO MEET 'Ibe Southern Division of the CaiiComta Marine Parks It Har· bors Association will hold their annual membership and election meeting at 12:15 p.m. today (Thursday) at the VUia Marina Rest& ura n t. Jwllor Ebell: Nn. llidull'd Boclee of Coroaa del Nar, welfare cbcdnDcna for tbe JWLion; N n. 0 . Z. Roberboa of SboN ClUfa, curator for Seaior £.bell; Nn. E. A. llocJen of Coroaa del Nar, Junior coord.lDator, aDd Nn. lfelaoa Holm· wood of Kewport llelgbta, Sea.iol' coordluator. -(EIUJ9D pboto) Wtrt IEEP .larve sums of cash ovarnlQht or over the weekend, when you can have bank protec:Uon for the JDCIWy by ua:lnq OW' Niqht Depa.itory? 11Ua after~. b:Wty la Tell hiM It's ,.. wiahout aa electric clothes cfryu -bUDJ up aDd "w.abed up" aft~r you've Jtretcbed, ltooped aad piaDecl your .. , tbroup ltill ~ bMtet ot dotbll. .. .... ........ ..., DC'IIf electric: clrya'. It .... ,... .......... ~ .. -.-~ • dille m Ow. h ...,. da6ea-they dry ftufla-, cleMer .... ,..... ... ,..., a-. toop, too. ..... It .._ .. ~ • ft«1rK dryer, ol coune.. .... tl'a 10... .. II J'OU lilnply plq it iD.. AM..._ il ~a. to ._,I (Baec:triclty i1 your ....................... ) ·available for the u.e ol dUr c.alk:aera. day aDd niQht. around tbe dOck. ' Serv•ce Men In the News Speneft' A. Cole, son o1 Mr. and Mrs. Don Harper, U7 He!Jotrope Ave ., Corona dd Mar, recently comple~ recruit tlainlnJ at the' U. S. Naval TraJnlnc Center, San Dleco. Ralph W. Stepheru10n, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Stephen-~ eon, en Costa Mesa St., Costa Mesa, wa.a .appointed to lJeuten- ant Jn the Corps o! Cadell at the' U. S. MUitary Academy, West Point. Cadet Stephenson, who Ia ln hJs fourth year at the acad. emy, attended WIUamette Unl. vd-aJty at SaJem, Oreeon, prior to entering snvice. 1 Navy chief electronics technJ. clan Hershel A. Lighter. son of Mr. and Mrs. Kurt M. Llrhter ot 107 13th St., Newport Beach, re· centJy anJved at Piraeus-Athens. I Greece. Chief Ughter, aboard the submarine USS Hallbeak, Is tterv. lng with the Navy's Hunter· Killer Group No. 2. I Navy airman Ronald G. KIJ. linger, son of Mr. and Mrs Joaeph KJJllnger, 973 Governor St.. Costa Mesa. recently arrived 1 at Piraeus-Athens. Greece. Alr- man Killinger Is serving aboard the support aircraft carrier USS Antietam. The ship destined for a training cruise In North Euro., pean waters, but was ordered to join the 6th Fleet. following the outbreak of hlstUIUes In the Mid· dle East. come true. A very merry Christmas from all of us here Quality Thrift Cleaners Next to Vmcent's Drug Store HOLIDAY GREETINGS AND Greetlngs to you and to yours from all of us at this happy Chnstmas season! May your hohday be merry and bnght. May the joy of Christmas last throughout the New Year! S ALESMEN Grant Phillips R. J. Webster John Acton SERVICE MEN E. A. Ollila Leter B. Ray Laurence Prusso Frank E. Rice Leo B. Gardner W. E. Cato Ralph Yarbrough Walter Pohlman Carl Tresnak, Jr. Douglas Cooper OffiCE Warren E. Howland Hazel Magnuson Esther Donis C. CHISHOLM BROWN HUGH B. DAVIS •••• ......... • ... .... alblitl The MW Sunday School ot.noe Ia now ln operation at the Coro· Mr. and Mrs. Ton y Luna and day afternoon at the Lealon na del Ma.r Community Church. thelr 11 chlldren, recently burned Clubhouse. Lunch and altta were Members and frlenda of the out of their home ln Midway provided tor each v.eteran .• The church began the project the City, were auests at the Amerl· Leilonnalre. sponsored the par· first of November. and the new can Legion and Auxiliary Post ty and Auxiliary members acted otrlee was compl~ by Tba nlal· 291 Christmas dinner party last as hostesses. giving. Corona del Ma.r mer· laht at the Leaton Hall The junior division of the Aux. ~ange ~ CoUeae .rtU have Its first decathlon cb&m· plonahlp the thlrd week 1n Jan· uary, aocordlnr to new head track coach Jlm Stangeland. All Orange Coast Colleae atu· dents wtu be e1Ja1ble to partlcJ. pate. Ten events w UI Include: 100·yard dash, 660 r un, 120 low h urdles. high jum p, broad jum p, discuss, shot put. javelin, set· ups, and pull·up& CDM ·Travel SERVICE chants contributed various types n • • · lllary at a recent meeting, made of office furniture. A Christmas party for disabled 50 nut cups for holiday trays CODEB COAST BICIIIWAT. 4 Oac:IIID (Acroa ...... het OWe:.) One of the projects for next veterans of the Long Beach which wlll be used at the year ls construction of a Sunday v. A. Hospital was held yestfr· L.B.V .A. Hospital. School meeting place for young ___ __..:.. ___________________ _ coao•A DEl. MU Jlcrlt»oo' 1141 adults. The stage of the old PU· grim Hall will be torn down and Rep 0 rt Due a new classroom will be erected. All Sunday School classrooms Q p d ...... ,.., ... flew Litle BIIWIIc Read Enal.gn Cl UIUied Ada . wU~be re·<!eoorated. n rocee $ The firm of Harwood, Heffer- nan a nd Soden, attorneys at law, has moved from the Blrtcher BuUdlng In Corona del Mar to Delightful ·Gifts last for minute her .. Our best wishes to you for a merry Christmas. May you have a delightful holiday season, and a new year filled with success and prosperity. WE THANK YOU FOR YOUR PAST PATRONAGE * 1133 ll.wparl Bl..t... <:ona 11 ... ...... LDMdy 1-2114 "Hark, The Herald A•cels Si•c!" With you, we hope that this holiday season w1ll mark the beginning of a lasting era of peace on earth, good will to men. IERRY CHRISTIIS PARKES ·-8 -·------ IALIOA e IAUOA ISLAND • LIDO ISLAND NEW~ItT • COltON!\ DEL MAlt Of Preview the new Lido Building, 3355 VIa Proceeds from the Newport U do, ln the Lido Shopping Cen· Harbor Business A Professional ter. Women's Club Christmas Pre· Senior member of the firm Is view have been estimated at be· Donald D. Harwood. He has prac- tween $1,500 and $2.000. Final tlced In Orange County since tabulations may be revealed to-1933 and In the Harbor area since night (Thursday) at the club 1947. He was city judge of Santa meeting In the Newport Ha rbor Ana h om 1939 to 1~. J Yacht Club. Thomas E. Heffernan has prac· An estimated crowd of 4.000 tlced here since 1947. He came to persons attended the ~nth an· Orange County as special agent nual Preview held at the Rendez· of FBI d uring World War II. 1 vous Ballroom. Mark A. Soden has practiced The Brat Shop of Costa Mesa In Orange County since 1949 and was awarded the grand sweep· joined the firm of Harwood It stakes prize for booth decora · Heffernan In 1953. He was form· 1 tJons. ln the category of booths erly with Forgy Reinhaus A For· I ~asurlng over 10 feet, Richard's gy of Santa An~. I Market won first prize, House A New associate of the firm Is Garden booth won second, and James L. Rubel Jr .. who re<-ently third place honors went to the returned from military servlce.J booth of the Native Daughters He has been a Harbor area resi· of the Golden West. dent since 1933. tn the 9 feet or less class. ----,.FI.:...:Ul~::,.C..:.H.:...:U;.,:.a~C-H-0-,-C-H-R-IS-1 - VIncent's Lido Drug took first SCIENTIST place; Williams Stationers of ))OJ VI. LUo, Newoorl ._ch I Newport Beach won second A j,endl of n.. Moth., Church. The prize; and Brownberry Ovens of F;nt Chwrch of Chrut, Sc••"""· '" Bot Costa :Mesa was awarded tblrd to,., Me»echu•tt• 1 Place. Monl Flowers and Bur-~"dey Scllool -·-·--·. 9=•S e.,., I 1 ed Su,.dey Servic• 1 1 ·00 e.m nett's Variety lr Toys rece v • W.dneldey Evening M"ting 8 00 p"' honorable mention. R•eding Room loceted et HH Vio Udo. Newport Buell, it open wHI I , ... II 't-.1 Al.:l.l deys fron~ 9:00 e.rn. to 5:00 p.rn.l &-. U.IW Wedneldoys fro'" 9:00 •·'"· to 7:<45 .•• aa.....u F-· P·'"· Fridey -nillgt frotn 7.00 P·'"· to ........ _.,, 9:00 P·'"· Clotecl Holld eY'- A. Slippers 12.95 B. Hand decorated cashmere sweeter 49.95 C. Pearl wrist watch 17.00 D. Cigorette lighter 7.95 4.:~ .. '" E. Evening Bog ... 7 .SO · .. F. Perfume , from. 4.50 Nettie Rosenste in ~ -. .. . 51 1 West 19th St. et Heri.« Coste ._. ... P'leu , liberty .. t.ul A. c. F. Paul, 7.pound, 1S.ounce son of The public ia cordi•llr ir~vitecl to et Mr. a nd Mrs. Cutler Dlppell of tertd the church .. rvlc.. end u .. the 430 Pirate Road. Cliff Haven, w as ~lt~ee~d~:n~o~R~oo~m~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~ born Thursday, Dec. 6. at Hoag iii Hospital. Paul has a sister, Vir · 1 glnla, who Is 27 months old. atund tlte eltwtJt ol ~ efWke• The Dlppella moved here from Los Angeles nearly 4 years ago. Mr. Dlppell teaches courses fn ~~0 ~~:~~~~~tyS:~~~ New· --------Tills .... IH EYWJ Week .......... , .. -------- 1 C:OiiiiuMlff xrniODJST CB08Cii of tbe IIA.z.aBEWE a--DA• ADV-lSI ··-........ aD W ... ~t..~~ M4IIICI 1-A ...... St.. e-ta 11... X;;;:,..8al..:~ 8ei:1 1to0 r-.-.... -·r --._._: .... CU.. William• ............. ta The Community Youth Center a... JOMpll W. llc:ma-. ~ 1·1111 Uberty 1-1531 In Corona del Mar is going to be Sundar. 9:30 a.m., Church Sun · Sunday Sentces: Sunday School. ZJdelo D. a. If ftl'dbt9 furnished v;1th drapes In time Cor daam.y MSchoo1l; 9w:30 ha.lnd 7 11=00 9:.30 a .m. Mornlng Worship at Sat urday Momln1 Service.: Sab · the Dec. 21 Christmas party. The cOUegeo~g~\!Yr~ P·~ 10:30 a.m. Evangellatlc Serv· bath School: 9:30 a.m. -Sef. Newport Harbor Optimist has p.m. High School MYY Service; Ice. 7 p.m. Sunda.y. N.Y.P.S., mon : 11:00 a .m. Prayer meet· donated $50 for this project: Mr. 8 p.m., young a duJta group 6 p.m. Sunday; Prayer meet· lng: Wednesday, 8:00 p.m. and Mrs . Robert Pattin. owners service. lng, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. U'IOVEIIS.ALJIT C:OIOIUlnTT of Bon Marche. are preparing the FEU.OWSJIIP drapes and have agreed to do· TBE CBOBCB OP' C11JUST THE caoaca OP' CIIJliST ...... Lodte na1e $50 of the $150 cost; and the 1050 Cburcla l t.. eo.ta Me.a Odd P'.UOW. Lodge.. a s E. lftll St.. C.ta 11 ... Women's Committee of the Youth LIIMrty 1·5711 1 .. Kewpad An.. Dr. CbarS. aJAnaftlt Center will provide the remain· E. C. }ODM, lllalaW ~ -:::., Sunday School, 10:00 a.m. Mom · lng $50. Sunday services: 9:45 a.m. Bible T ._....__ ing worabip, ll:OO Lm. study ; 11 a.m. morning wor· oaa -· Jr., lllD.l.IW CHRISTIA!f SCIENCE CBURCB ship ; 6:00p.m. evening aervtoe. Sunday Servlcea: 9:45 a.m. B.ble P'DIST AIIDDLT OP' QOD The Christmas theme, lts ex· Midweek servtee. 7:30 p.m. atud>:; 10:55 a.m. worship eerY· I2D4 lt. 4 m.ct.An...eo.taM ... Thursday. tee: ·t:30 p.m. evening .erv1ce. ~ 1 _ ample and significance to man· •• ,.1 kind ls the central point of the CJDJST CIIUJICB aT TBE lEA .... .., CI'ODic. ,.._ Les...wn·Sermon "Christ Jesus" In Commaldty K«bocUUt CEIIftAl. •mu CIIUJlCB Sunday School: 9 :30 a.m. Wor· the Newport Beach Christian Sci· 8cdboa ••..s. at l.U. lt.. •eYJPOrt Ola:D9e Aft. at 2lrd St. ablp: 10:!55 a.m. and evangeU.t ~ 5111 e-ta M-. Uberty 1-5301 .ervlce, 7:30 p.m. Youna People encc church this Sunday. The Pastor•..., A. Cclrlaoa A. A. Kaden..__ and Childrei\'1 Service, 6:30 Golden Text ls In the words of Sunday Worshl~:30 a.m. and Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Mom · p.m. Sun. Mld·week Senrlce: the great founder of churches. 11 a.m. Chufcb School, 9:30 lng Service. 11:00; Evenlna Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Ladles' the Apostle Paul, where he a.m. Midweek M~: 7:00 Service. 7:30. Mid·Week Serv· Missionary CounciL Thursdays writes. "God. who commanded p.m. Wednesday p ed by Ice. Wed n e s d a y, 7:30 p.m. 9:30 a.m. for all day. the light to shine out of dark· 6:15 p.m. potluck. Young people m eet 6:l!S p.m. _ sou--• ·- ness. hath shined In our hearts. Sunday. ........ ·---·-• to give the light of the knowl· ST. JOACIIDI CB08Cii 150 w. ~a:!'aa;t C......_ edge of the glory of God ln the 1914 ~~1~ .._ f~~ IIAJIIO! IJbertr 1-l.a IT. AJmDWI ftEiriTEalAJr canca 15tla lt. & lt. Aw' ewa ~ ..... .,_ .... lc:t.ool Uberty 1-lm .__, .... 1--L 1...-.rt SUNDAY: MomJnc worahlp •. 9:30 and 11 a.m.; Church School, 9:30 and u~oo: Jr. Hleh. Sr. Bhth and college age FeUow - abfps. 7 p.m.; 11\ursday, Prayer, atudy eroup, 9:30 a~m. caoaca or ova LADY or NT. CADIEL 140 w ........ 1..,_ •.-pan IIAd»aa' ••• rewa. ':TJ: m-y. ,__ P'atbew -· ·--~,,__ Sunday Muaea: 8:00 and 10:00 and 12:00 a.m. Confession: Sat· urda,. an d eves. ot 1st Fridays and Holy Dar-from 4 :00 to 5:30 p.m. and from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Daijy w .. 8:00 a.m. Firat Prtday: 6:30a.m. and 6:00p.m. N o v e n a CPe,petual Help>: Monday, '7:45 p'.m. face of Jesus Christ'' (ll Cor. 4:6). PaUl• ,._.. J, Knill .... _ c:llv.ca ...._,Dr.~ .. ._ lalldlly ,._ .. '· 1. 1. 10 ...s 1501 CUff Dr .. ·~ IWPta Sunday tcbool. 8:45a.m.; cbu.rdl ...._,a... &dwta a-.. 11:30 a.m . Weekdaya: w .. at ~....,. aervlce 11 :00 a.m. 'l'ralnlnl Sunday WonhJp Servtc:ft• 9:30 savr -ms EJnEII'I' AJJfED The Junior Pilgrim Fellowship and the Junior Web Class of the Corona del Ma.r C om m u n J t y Church joined last Sunday In an evening of carol singing for shut· Ins and the aged of the commun· tty. .. Early this month the Junior Pilgrim Fellowship were enter· talned at a patio party by Jobn Smith and his parents at thelr home at 716 Marigold Ave., Coro· na del Mar. Table tennis and other games at 4 p.m . were fol· lowed by barbecue grill at 5:30 p.m. 7·00 a.m._ Confa.lon · Satur· • UnJon 7 l .m. Sunday. EYentnc a.m.. 11:00 SUDA•u&:b 1 d~ys from 4:00 to 5:~7:00 to Duplicate morning aervle8-8:30 wonblp B. p .m. Sunda)'. Teach· 9 :30 a.m. a.m. ~ oo : 8:30p.m. a .m. and 11:00 a.m., Sunday; ers and oftlc:en meetin& '7 p.m. __ Sunday School for ecbool ap Wec!n-'a.Y· Pra.JW 8erYtee and PmiT unliT caoaca groupa at 9:45 a.m.: Nu.nery Bible study '7:«5 p .m. wecm.. IT. JAIDI DIICO•AL or •&WJOII'I' provided tor both aervteet and day. -YJ. ....., llupj:oc1 a..dl lcdboa ......_ •• 4 c...t IlL Sunda.y School · lllbll•• S.. •s:h naT caoaca or taaiiT .... JeM .. ....., ._... KA.d)cw 155 a.ICm ICI&ihWJ S\tftday .en-x.: 8:00 a.m. Holy ....._, ..;t;;tG:: ...... IT.J~ YIAiflrn a. 'fte ~..*. lfc&;pwt .._. Communion; 1:15 hmlly Suv· Sunday aervlcea: i :.S a.m.. Sun· 114 .._.. ...... a.a..lalaDd ...._... . lee. 11 a.m.. ...-.lltp Mlr'VIce. day School; 11:00 a.m., Wor· r..._.1= =::,. .__ Sunday Sehol: 1 :15 a.m.. Sun· 'nlundq Servleta: 9:15 a.m. ahlp Servloei 7:3.'J p.m. Sunda )' S d M 8 ._ • .. day SerYtce: U :OO a.m. Wed· Pra)oer GaUd ; 10:30 IJbly Com · even I n 1 MJVJCe' Mid· Week un ay .-: :._ a.m. • 9:80 nelda)' l:!enln& Meettna· 8•00 mullJon. Servtoe: ~:30 p.m. 'w ec!nelday a.m. Conteeaon: Satwda,. a nd a:,dt:A Room. 3315 vta' u.·do. Prayer Meettnc. eva of lit Frfd;r and HoJ)' N leach. open 9 a.m.· rDI'I' UftiST caoaca _ Days; '7:30 to 8: p.m.; l'1nt 5 p.m. week d.,., t a.m.-7:45 ..... A8e a ... lit ......... IIAUO. A.IIIDC&T OP QOD J'rfc!a)' Ma.. 8 a.m. s .m. W~ '7·t p.m. PrJ. C.... .... 117 w. ......... &7 ewnln,p. ..... a. ..... -- OOD~D RAGAN'S RESTAURANT c... .._ dlildiT LO IMIBAif cauaca on-•• •-m 1 6a Ulu:rty ...... or can'A IIDA IIAUOA IILU'D d;:;'~~ ~··;-. i! a... C. I.,....... (ltJ ~.Ln OOILMOMJff WKIWODJIT s.r.1eM; ~tt:30 p.m.. Ba Sunday IChool 1:• a.m.. mom-. A•rl'l-111 a,... A..., ...._ s.... Tt~ UnJonw· 7:::J..m. lnc ~ u ~ ~ c... .... , ............. --·--......,;;... .. _ -'I:JO evanaeJa.t ...tee '7:45 p.m. ......, .... ~ ,..... ...._ .. -........ .._ .. , ..... ..,. ... :f: · Mld·Wftll ..me. '7:45~:: Sunday s.rnc:.:. Won::t~· Sunday Sar•lcaa: 1:30 a.m. 2:.!1:L.Pra~. _PraJae'7a_ Bible Tbunday, Y~~· • ac. t ua. 8unck)' at a uuda ldlool· t:JO aact u :OO ~· ~: :.-· f.IIL lee '7:t5 p.m. ~llfiiJ, 10:15 L11L a.m. Wonlalp ~ =\,..~..Jn::JO JlfO uQUoa aavm WE WILL IE CLOSED DEC. Mala CIDCI 25th MERRY CHRISTMAS I AND HAPPY NEW BAR Tllll IPIIIIUAI. .... IAa1. W .. STANLIY, ......, ....................... ..... 0... ..... 17JI .......... PIIIW.C..I-.......... IICH.t..MrS LIDO WAIIIT o..,.~ .... c ''' ..._ ..... .,... ......... .... .....__ 1JIIIE aYJC.IIIIm!D fill. Aim INDMDVAUI IT~ I SON ....... ···-"'? I .. ....... . ........ -. ....... .... &a.itr .. .., . HIHADISHCW Cllllarl ............ c ;tar.......,, 2'1 a --.:\.. "ii:" .... ...... ,... ........ c.; ' .~ ~ •• 0. • " • 0 ........ , "" . .,, .. •a-;::.=-.,.., wtaU11• •• Jllnllnl In tile MW1 -,.. ec:rtptlon 1 caa dltak ol tow ,.. movtq the queltloa ....,. ,._. the "Wbat llaall I pt for bl_.. .. a poup ol llrllbt. llably, ..... aboiJe ,. tbe looklq • • • ...... out ol tbelr eellopbane wrap· ptnp and eapr to eerw. aua· ..-.. an4 lift wrap, ue the hap· py poup ol ~ ln the new Uclo BuU41na . • . Between V1a Uclo and Vla ()porto. directly AC'I'C* from tbe Savlnp and Loan, wtth plenty of partd.n1 ~ ot1 Via ()porto . . • 8J>eak· ln1 Enellab ... Walldna out our In.fonnatlon Desk. checka cashed. maeazSne aubecrlptlon.s. Jto4ak.l for aate ent:r&Dce · · · ~u look over the can and there Ia the new LJcto BuU41nl • • • lust a hop 81dp and jump ..• * * * * * * Dr. E. C. Hudson of St. An· drews Presbyterian Church tied the marriage knot for Mw Bar- bara l ean Hughes of Costa Mesa and Joseph Harold Shefiln, New- port Beach policeman, at a re- cent wedding ceremony held at Capllla de San Antonio, Ana· helm. The bride Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Hughes of 345 Flower St., Costa Mesa. The groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Atkinson's Men's Store . . . of Earl Shefiln of 273 Palmer St., the Pasadena and Los Angeles Costa Mesa. For her wedding the bride chose a white lace gown over tatreta In ballerina length. A lacy coronet held her waist- Length veil, and she carried a corsage of white carnations and orchids. Atkinson's ... Featuring natural The young coupLe are living ahoulders, plain fronts and nar-at 320~ Sapphlre Ave., Balboa row pant& ... And a loyely new Island, since returning from their crop of neclrtJes to becOme be· honeymoon In Bakervllle. Both wild red over Those blazers of the newlyweds eraduated trom caug~t my eye. : . . I'm sure Newport Harbor High School. The Atkhuons have a much mo~ a-room also attended Orange sophisticated name to call them Coast College and the bride at· than blazers ... But that's what tended Santa Ana College. they're doing! Reviving the old black and white stripes of the C h • t S • S d 20's, but dashlnger! ras mas ervlce un ay * * * * * * • * ~ ... , Mt 1.-t .. ou.. Ill..... • • • A84 .... -.......... AD•t ...... .......... ftA•It' lt'a • little .......... ~ ...... elM* .. ,.t .. ,.... ...... . ••• '"4 .. ~~~~~~-.. . ............... ..t-1-r ftllt .. OlftW ............. lilt ........ * * ., Practically tn the New LJclo buUdlne. u cla.e u you ean be when you're rtabt acroa the atnet . . . Ia Kant•'• Photoera -PhY and El._. home ol the well 4reeMd photocraph and the pbotocraplul cnationa 1n ladlft c\Wt.Om-macle WH.I'Ina appareL . . ... For 8.1. Church School "'lbe Star and the Stable" Is the theme of the annual Christ- mas Church School service to be held at 5 p.m . Sunday at the Balboa Island Methodist Church. Following the proenm. gifts wl11 be presented for the children ot the Neighborhood House In Cal· exko. Stocldnp filled with money for the purchase of play· ground equipment In Calexico will be hune on the church Christmas tree. Members ot the church will participate In the "Christmas Eve Service of Carols and Can· dles" at 9 o'clock Christmas Eve. Each peron attending will be etven a candle and will partlcl· pate ln the candlelight cere- IIIPLETE II II ITIIEI mony. Several members of the SenJor Youth Fellowship will journey to Phoenix. Arizona, dorlng the! holidays and render their serv- 1~ to the Wesley CommunJty House. a Methodist settlement which operates for the under- privileee people of South Phoe·j nix. Annual Yule Party Friday for Bal Isle Tbe COIIUDUD.lty of llaJhoa Is· laDCI wW ...,. Its CIDilaal Christ· --Tree Party at •=• p.Da. to-...-ow (Friday) at tbe CIOI'DIK of Park aDd KariM A.-aea. T1Mn wW be wmaaalty alD9· ... aDd Ole laata wW be there Ia penoa ad p-. oat gifts to tbe ~ b., ..... llnttt.d. BUY FOR TiiE HOME Open Fridays Till 9 P.M. S'roa: JIOUJIS 8:30 1111 5:30 Frf~12lfooa1U19 p.m. OOMPLETE DllOOB.A"'UfG SEJrVICE • ELGIN & HAMILTON WATCHES 285t E. Coast Hwy. -BA 54.37 Corona del Mar "Where cooct tute OOIIta no more" The greatest need of funds Ia for the re-settlement of the ref. ueees. Under the Refugee Relief Act, the re-settlement of refugees ln thla country Ia the repsonslbli- lty of the churches. Funds are also needed for refugees In Eu- rope. I Persons deslrlne to contribute DIAMONDS MOUNTINGS Wallace Calderhead Jeweler JU:S Eaat Ceat BJpway C....ct.IM• TIPS ON SAYING "MERRY (Above: Picture of Suzette modeling Christmas finery at O'BRIEN'S) By Suzette From teens to temptress-£1rls ot all ages love pretty things ... and that Is why you'll hear us t>xclalm. .. Ooooh. Santa. you are z.ee most • ! !" when we open packages from O'BRIEN'S on Christmas Day. For Santas who are still shopping, stop In day or evenings and see our gorge-ous collection of gltts ... • GLOVES by Crescendoe washable fabric that fits like a French tailored lt>ather glove. Beautiful black with jet bead trim . . sparkling white with pe:uls or buele beads. formal lengths and debs. , • JEWELRY, famous Mol"'ct and Kramer pit>oces In golden. glittering t:noasurH. she 11 be proud to wear. Present her also w1th a Jewel box for her adornments. We have brocades, Italian Imports that are hand palnted, soapstone lmporu . . . useful and dt'COratlve for milady's boudoir. If you're a puzzled Santa -she's sure to be pleased with a gift certificate from O'BRIEN'S. CUSTOM GIFT WRAPPrNGS OP~ EVENINGS Return Fr.om Trip Abroad Mr. an4 Mn. l'tanda HOI'ftth ST. JAIID UIICOfAL IT. Alfl &WI ,_.,.,...... ot l 1e 3Ith St., !(ewport Beach. Tbe St. Jam. Epllcopal Church M.nbera ol the St. An~ Mtumed home MonUy from a ot Newport Beadl wtll c:eletwate Prenyttrlall CbUI'Cb wW bold a 2-montll tour of ,Z\.arope On hand !Ioly Com.nnmlon a t I a .m. Sun· White Gut ~ane. frCIID 1:80 to welcome them back ~t the Loll day. Preparation for C'1'u1atrnU tJl 8:80 p.m. Dee. 21 and 23 at the Anceles A1rpott were Council· Communion will be obllerved at ebureb. hm0 LM wUl brlq food. man a nd Mn. Olarl• 11a1t, real· both momlnc • e r., 1 e • • . The clothlna Ud to)'-. whldl wUl be dent. ot Newp«wt Ialancl. and Youne People's Fellowahlp wtll dlatribuuel to Deed7 farnlll• Mr. and Mn. t:rn.t Soderberl eather at 7 p.m . to alne carob prior to auutmu. ol Newport Hel&bta. at Hoar Ba.pltal and at the The cburc:h w1ll obMfw Ch.rlst· Joining the ~leomlng party homes of abut-Ina. On Chtt.ltmu mu Sunday at all t.hree MrVIcee at the Horvath home Monday eve the Cherub cholr will alnc Sunday, Dee. 23. A famUy nlcht eveninc were Mr. and Mrs. Lee c~Js at the C p.m. service. Jun· Chrlstmu aervice wUl be held at Barnes ol Lido lale and Mra. lor choir w lU sing at the Candle· 7 p.m. Clara Axtater and her son, Karl. light Communion service at 7:30 COIOIOJIITT CBVJlCB, of Corona del Mar. Also wel· p.m., and the St. James choir coao•A DIU. MAJI comlne the Horvaths wu Chi· will sine at the 11 p.m. Com· The Rev. Edwtn C. Gomke will anc, their Sfamese cat, who had munlon .ervtce. Holy Commun· preacb on "JHUS and the 20th been staying with the H~ dur· lon will be celebrated at 10 a .m. Century" Sunday morning' at the Inc the Horvath&' European Christmas day. Corona del Mar Community journey. lfEWPOBT BAJIBOB LUTJIEUJI C h u r c h. A Chrtstmu play, . • Two candlelight carol services "When Chlmes Rlnc." will be W 100 Lnte to ClGMlJY wUJ be presented 7 :30 and 11 presented by the Sunday School FOR ~ne chlckerlng baby pm Christmas Eve at the NeW· clasaea at 7 p.m. Sunday In the Cl"llnd--..$995. Woodworth Plano ~rt Harbor Lutheran Church, Fellowship Hall of the church. Co.. 2610 E. Coast Hwy., COM. Newport Heights. The y 0 u t h Following the play, a Christmas Harbor 3382. choir, directed by Mrs. Carl Wes· party will be elven for the chll· =ro=R~S=-A~LE=-=-.....,N:..--ew--::S::-p-:-1-nc""'ts--::t:-ro-m ter, will sing the First Noel and dren. Old Santa wlU be on the 1525. Woodworth Plano Co., ~-li~~UIIIT CIIOIU.L Yaf&a wW be ..... -c.uaamw.a a Russian carol "The Angels' scene with a brand new uniform. 2610 E Coast Hwy COM ta tM c... ._. Mea Colalaualty Chucla. Tbe ' A Candlelight Vester Service · H bo 3382 · cbeln wW ..--a • ..... ...., pwgaaao ~ tboe cllnctloe of Song." at the first service. The will be held at 7 p.m. Christmas ar r IIIey ....._ ...a..... _....... of m u1c, aDd Nn. hal Elaaer, Adult cholr, directed by Fred Eve In the church sanctuary. we 'at. ftctu..s IMn an Qcay Ca.ldweU Gild a.at1M hytoa as Martin, will sing Gloria In Excel· Communion Service wtll be beld tllle7 upt tM ..._ _.. Ia tbe dawda. 8otJa 1a4a an froal sis. an old French ca.rol, and Christmas morning. C.... del Ilea aDd a. .tt .. -~ of tbe CIICOlyte 9J"'U.p of "Glory to God." CBBJST CBUBCR n' TBE l E A ~~~~~~~~~<;•;·~~~~~M~·;•;~;~~~~~~~)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ey~~~pk"bthe~pk ::'1!1 of the R.ev. Roy Carlson's sermon Glamour Glimpses CIIIISTIAS Sunday mornlne at the Chrt.t Church by the Sea. This wlll be the third worship service of tour HAPPY CHRISTMAS- Advent Sunday sermons. MERRY NEW YEAR Morning Worhlp Church School .. AT SL AHrtw'a Pmllyterl• Cll•cll 15111 AND ST. ANDREWS RD. NEWPORT HEIGHTS FRIDAY -DECEMBER 21ST White Glft Service ... -... -... ·--·-·-........... 6 :30 to 8:30 p.m. SATURDAY-DECEMBER 22ND White Gltt Service ....... -.......... -...... -......... 6:30 to 8:30p.m. SUNDAY -DECEMBER 23RD ............................... 8:00, 9:30. 11 :00 a.m . .................. 8:00. 9:30, 11 :00 a.m. Family Christ mas Service . ... . .. 7:00p.m. MONDAY -DECEMBER 2-lTH Christmas Eve Chora l Vespers ....... . ..................... .. • • • A most cordial Invitation Is extended to all who desire to participate In these services of worship honoring the birth of our Lord and Saviour 11:00 p.m. The Rev. Roy Carlson and 6 Junior HI boys will attend a 2· day Winter Camp, ~lnnlne Thurday, Dec. 27, at the Wright· wood Methodbt Camp. U..OB Tllllltn UPTIST "Have You Done Your Christ· mas fteceolvlne" will be the topic of the sermon Sunday at the Harbor Trlnlty Baptist Church, which meeu at the Orange County fairgrounds. Howard Rol· shetm. soloist, will sJng "0 Holy Nleht." ------curia Boice, 14, Df ....... 0114 • Charles G. Boice. 54. of 824 W. Bay Ave .• Balboa, died Saturday at St. Joeeph Hospital. He was a native of Missouri and had lived here 12 years. He Is survived by his w idow, Frances; 2 daughters. Mrs. Ann Halverson ot North Carolina. and LuBelle Boice of the home; 2 sons. Stephen and Walter, both of the home. Funft'al aervlcea were held Tuesday at Baltz Costa Mesa Chapel. the Rev. James Stewart offici COME ONE COME ALL FRIDAY. DEC. 21st AT 6:30 O'Clock BALBOA ISLAND CHRISTMAS FIESTA CORNER OF PARK AND MARINE SPECIAL PIIIUII -,fUI Fll ILL GIFTS FOR THE KIDS COMMUNITY SINGING OF CHRISTMAS CABOLS. IRING THE WHOLE FAMILY • • • JOIN IN THJS CHIIIS1MAS SEASON CEREMONY. SEE SANTA CLAUS AND THE BEAOTD'UL DECORATIONS. * * * * T1Us AciNI ........ &poa.and by the ioUowiDg JaJboa J8lcmd f1m.: ............ :D) Marlne Ave. Harbor 1000 a O.plete G~ tJ.ne !500 Apt. Ave. Barb« 7a ......... ,. • ...,....... 1 •• •m=- 223~ KariM Ave. · HarbOr 2321 ()pea •• p.m. llil I ?Ira- We're all mixed up, you see. The reason? We're so busy Flxln' presents tor your tree! T017B Scmta's came •·abGIIIII.D9 Aad ..... ju.at ... to tilld ,.. tb.iap .. laaow you• .. waatia'-na. pneeat'a you'ye Ia m1Dd. Because your Santa's hankerln' To make you very gay, When on next Tuesday mornlne You tear the wraps away From off your Christmas boxes And find the presents he Has picked to show he loves you And make you laucb with elee. Did we 1C1Y TtJESDAT monlill'? C.. Chrt.s.tma:s' caaa.Uaq quick. ADd ., .... got OB 10 IIUCB to do a.tore we greet St. lfldt. But while we rustle papers. Tie ribbons. and tinsel, too, We want to send our ereetlnes To you and you a nd YOU. w.·,. Proud to ... O'BJUEif'S Clfta 90 wiDgtllg • U..lr WCif P'OI' Suaa, Mable aDd tboe .-t ... 'GraDdma aDd A-U. Na.. We want so much to have you know We're pleased you stop and shop, And we keep looking for new things To make your eyes just pop. we•n .toddJI4r taabJoD'a f,...t. a.cau. .,...an dMIGDd Tbat BarbOI' area a.u. Wear t1ae a..t Ia all u.. laDd. And while we searc.b for pretty thlnp ('nl we're about to drop) We still keep looklne everywhere -We aren't about to stop- Because we love our customers, That's you and you and YOU. We wish you Christmas happiness And fun the WHOLE YEAR throueh! ... 01111. n.AY EYE., lEI. 21 AT THE C.D.M. COMMUNlTY YOOTII CENTER Everyone Ia Welcome! • • • to give and enioy for Christmas Jt~~· CANDIES assorted chocolates 1 lb. box -$10 2 lb. box -$211 Mlwl the gift box 3 lb. box -$3!! S lb. box -$6U • .. of chocolates and butter bona. 1 ~ lb. g ift -$2 2~ lb. gift -$3 "F. IIEI" LOVELY PERFUMES and Cosm etics to adorn her. C~1ooae Aneellque for all her moods: Black satin, red satin, white aalln. eold satin. For Chrlltmu a elft· wrapped foursome In attractive bottles with alabaster tope. $3 and $5. Also gift packages of Yardley's, D'Oraay, Cl.ro and other alluring scents. A N l:w PERFUME called Added Attraction, by Prince Match a belli. m a k I n • Ita formal debut ln the dlstlnc· tlve gold-decorated crown bottle nestled In white aatln In a snap-Jid jewel box covered with red vel· vet. A regal gtlt. -. .. -..II!!Qa .... ..,.. .......... ...... In hb favorite brand ... $1.21 -------------------·--· T I Y S T I Y S TOYS C1n n.t It! Maakal..,., .t1afW aDimcda, tnadal, ~ ....... blocb. doU.a, aa.rt.t.a 8toddap .•• AU tboe t1Wip UMrt •cdlle dall· dna ecstatladly ~ oa am.tmas •onWI9· ---------------------·· c ...... ......., Ill. $1.11 ..... ----------------------· SPECIAL IEITIII Tl SIITI: ---····-········------• IIIWI. IITUIIIY 2 P& Sign up aow at our .tore b a chcmce at a FREE l..ioul Electrtc Train! ANUI ..... _....-.r .. ,.... u ,.. bMily ........ ................ ...,. ... ... -. ......... ........... .,..a.... ... ._II • ._.._., ... ~ ............. ~tory; ..., appi'OMII' eeelucled comer lal; 2 bedroom~ and 6Ift: two MtM; hardwood tloon: natural Alder cabt.Mta: U.vy ban4 apllt -.a root: beautJIWJy clecarat- ..S an4 re&clY for oceupaney, J.andec:a~er~Jstem. .. 500 OwDer-UM Tmnple BUl8 Drive. Ll S.GOT ··-FII YIU PAUL tiiiES REALTOR 2601 W. Balboa Blvd~ Newport Beach -TIE I RUTH JAYRED and A.uoc.ltae. ·c.• ,,., ... 301 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Ill A.VZilY IERIY CHIISTIAS AND A .... ,, ,.,.,. .. lEW YUI TO ALL OF YOU FROM ALL OF US AT .. , ...... ....., INCORPORATED GLADYS KLAPPER-AL KUR111 PAUL HOLDER-MARIE MERZ MURIEL M. PINOVER 3530 E. Cout Hwy .. Barb« B3 Corona del Mar I I • SEllS OUT IPPIEOIITIYE CIIIITIIS IIEETIIIS Tl ILL MER PITIIII Ill FIIEIIS 2760 E. COAST RWY. -CORONA DEL MAll HArbor 5403 -.y _..... Tl 11.11 LIDO -3-bclrm.. 2-bat.h borne. Carpeted. atra wee llv. room. nice patio, contemporary. CWU¥01 .. JtEALTOa 2731 W. Cout Bwy. L1 8.-42'T7 (At the SJIJl&]) Newport Beach M.A Y 'nfE PEACE AND JOY OF THE CH1llSTMAS SEASON BE WITH YOU AND YOUR FAMILY GROUP. • ISLAID REALTY CO. 4.98 Park. Balboa l&land HA 377 OFFICE FIR IEIT SEE MR. CASEY 2721 E. Cout Highway, CDM HArbor 0846 MAY ALL GOOD THINGS BE YOURS TIUS MERRY CHRISTMASTIDE! lid .J. WIITIII,Iulter Harbor 1862 "Business u Good" 354.2 E. Coast Highway CORONA DEL MAR Harbor 4453 UIB.S Sill IIELODIOUS IIEETIIIS AT CHRISTIAmDE 21647 E. COAST HWY. Corona del Mar Since that fatef ul Saturday night nearly two months ago, the HURLEY BELL has been closed. During that time, carpenters have been "carpentering" and plasterers have been plaaterin,g. And, now, the HURLEY BELL i8 nicer than etJer. It's been a long two months, and we hope you've missed us as much as we've missed you. Let's renew acquaintancu real soon. ••• ,. will• be doled . OfliN Oil OIIISTMAS DAY ...... 3 , ... wa• •• ltal nice 2-bdrm. home at lea than a.t-eloee ln-lntel lot- earaee. Laree cement alab in for enlaret~ or ualn,e u Patio. t6975 buys thl8 with $1653 down. • • • • • • SU .. VIIEIS Back Bay am-Tentative map approved-'1:7 lot..-eubdlvtdlng acrou street-Investors or devel- opers should about double In- vestment-~ cuh-Full pr1ce Just $72,500. Has release clauae. • • • • • • 82t 1318 HPre Is a bargaln . . . ~ acre with aewera on property ... can buUd 7 units here ... Will It'll oo terms. Full prlce Just $4SOO. • • • CUFF UVEI 2 bdrms., den, on Klnp Place Carpet and drapes are Included. Bay. canyon and mountain vtew. Shake roof, ranch type. with used brick. F. P. $21,500 full price. • • • PRIRT IllER 50xl20, C-2 on Newport Blvd . Best priced vacant lot. $6.500. • • • OlE OF THE UST 80-rt. frontage. Back Bay, water and mountain vtew Sl.SOO down Bargains like thla are ttard to find. .IIPC.IIIPrllllrlill 185"7 Newport Ave~ eo.ta Mesa U 8-1632; U IH400 eves. .. , ........ , Rile EYtiJWLirt .... CIISSIIIIS IEILn 367 N. Newport Blvd. opPQGte Roae Hospital Phone U berty 8 -1617 Eves. U 8-1280 WIEIIUYI. M SEWIIPIIPDn • IT PAYS TO DEAL WITH A Entnllt JOUr r e a 1 e • t a te tranaac:tiona to a .IEALTOR. Be Ia tra1Md ID bll protea. aloa. lmowa ft)u., tlftanc. ....... ud .. boQDcS to .... ,... tltJIIIIk:e)lJ, ~and ~. UALTOD are mn' • al a utlolt&l or· ..... u. ........._..,. ltiW ......... ........... -·-~ 1'11V'aDAT, DaCDDD • 1-WSWiCWt • ._ I VOGEL VALUE IlL Ill -~· .. - Set among beautltul tropleal plants and ferns. Uvtnr room with fireplace, large h•ndy kitchen and dlnlne area, full tiJe bath. Larre muter ~room. Extra larp double garaee and laundry. Brick patio and barbecue. Fenced yard. A gem and only $16,250. THE VOGEL CO. .-r E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar HA: 1741; HA: cmrr MILDRED STAN LEY Sl&U and ~lates join In ~xt~ndln& best wishes tor a joyous holiday -~ ......... .. ........ , ·-! Thls 1a tht> happy tim~ of year wh~n woe think of our frl~nds ; and ao we think ol you. and wta.h you the best and jolllm of hollda)-s RAY REALTY CO. A J VJC'CEI...UO HAZEL MAY RAY • £D BUCKO, H£LENE CSENAR CRARUE P ARlUSH 3444 E Cout Hwy, Corona del Mar HJlrbor 2288 .JOYOUS H••IIYS "C" E~ tiMes, ... ._ 1999 II ARBOR BLVD . COSTA MESA Uberty 8-9301 BI LL'S BEST BUYS EXCLUSIVE ••• IESTIICTD Larp ..... , ... FULLY fMPROVED PriCf'd as low as $4750 with one -third down Only 12 available. Call us now. W. A. TOBIAS, Realtor "'you'll like our rtlendly 8el'VIce" Liberty 8-1139 400 E. 17\b St., eo.ta .... EVENINGS CALL UBERTY 8......_ L1 .. "*5 Y~r .. a !IE • • •• PLASTI( CHRISTMAS TRE.ES WHn'E -GREEN-PJMJ: 30"-6.95 48'' -14.95 72" -21.95 · lET 'EI w..! 1•1 LilT -IT .. CROWN HARDWAIE --liFT ::-IEIIIJUIITEII to,r. CUE DISCOUKT ........... ~ ldlctloe., ,.ca::&~~--nc.u DK~ & GIP'r •~a BERJACK'S UCi)UORS nOJR I.JbMtf a-a.o roa naa Da.JVaWT COSTA JIUA oa AHiWBW Df T11Z ~ADA Party Cciltllrfag -Llq1l« -c:• wwe -lOx -kit -Etc. 170& •....-t 81"-, <•-.... ••r> -c.. Me.. • O,..tCL&tel .... -7~·---. BALBOA ISlAND -SPORTING GOODS FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS RAWLINGS-VOlT-SPAULDING We flay• Them-the f1nest iD the Field ·---~ o ... 1)&11.1' t 1'0 • U.IYS I TO 4 IIA IMl SEASO~'S SREEfiNSS .., ... o., .. . .. u ...... , .... .., ..... I 111= I CIII3M • ... '" __ .. , _ ....... /IMU. ~ ~ a.J Af.MJ., a... ..... HOME Total AlreadY LOANS ·~~.1~Jt~~~~~ LAGUNA fED9.AL SA VIN•s I LOAN ASSOCIATION TWO OFFICES 'To Serve Y• LA&UNA IIACH AND SAN CL&tiNTI QUICK J4 HOUR SEitV1CI LOW lOW "REDUCING" INTEREST ItA TES EASY MONTHLY ,AYMENTS FRIENDLY IYM'ATHETIC SUVICI Beach Ia alnacty -well owr the UOI)' bulldln8' on hont halt o1 U.mllllofl·dollu mark. mOte lot. n6 la.amlne. t9.700. and 1· than 301(, owr the all·t.lme yev-urut, 2-aory reu ctw•Wnc. ne" lY rec«d Nt lut year. lumhw, 110,.2!50. BuOdlnc ac:tJvtty dwJnt t.llW e 111'111& 'I'&"'C& month hu broqbt tn permlta IMne Co.. .wtmmb\r pool. totallJn& more than fl"50,000, and lao SantaMUa. SJ,OOO. may make December the fourth e COIIOIIA P!(W U'DI best month tor the yeu. Paul Van Deptft. 1-untt. 1· Pollowln~ penntta were 18oued .tory dwellln& ot 4!52 Serra Dr .. du.rtna the put week: $18.~. • coaowa Da. 110 • LIDO IILZ Coast Hotea., Inc., •1.-n tor AI Hant., remodellna at 217 Jamaica Inn. 2101 E. Cout Hwy., Vla Quito, t:§.OOO. $1,100; Dr. Keith Walker. re· • CLIFI' IIAYD modelling at 2721 E. Coaot Hwy., Harold Boa, open .un deck at $2.000; Mtromtn BJk. 1-unlt. 1· 625 St. Jamu Rd., $1.000. lrtory dweUln& at 4S2 carnation, e ....,_ IDCIILAJfDS TOft f'Oa WOYUD&A-Ed Leo. ct left, __ .._ e1 a. W..,...t Hayward It Smith Co., 1-unlt. ::-.:::.S~.:O:. -c!!~ ~ ~-=·-=--=:;•;:: .FRANK KATNIK F.---........ IEIIIIn. 2tl2 W. COAST HWY. NlWPOIT MACH u~ 1-1011 ........... , HerW 1171 Largest end Mod Complete Furniture Store in tho Areo. C.l~ fof ,.. DECORATING SERVICE Liberty 1-5511 House ~~• Gar~ en Furnishings for homos, dubs, yochts. l017 W. Co.rl Hl9hwey N-port leech 1-lrtory dwellln~ at 1724 lrvlne .... tM ,. _ _, tM ,. .... _... •-.... _ -~ __.._ ._ •-· Ave .. S21.&'50. and at 2CM8 Com· ..... _ -... -- -·~ mod Rd ..,., ....., ber. lb • ....,... ..SO a total ot 4 ...._ At tiM rtpt .. ak:IIGd ore ·• _..,v '"· ltr~Gl«, C.... dol Ka ..a1tor, w1lo woa tile award lw -' e aAY IBOIIU eold UatiDp. Paul Holmes, 2-story dwellln~ ____ :....._ __________________ _ at 2621 Circle Dr., a& 750. ·~~ne~and. sign at Local Men Are Appointed to 320 Marine, $150; Dr. Elton Ran-N I R p 1 8 d kin. wall a t 321 Coral, $125. ava eserve 0 icy oar • a.u.aoA Geor~ Hoa~ n. 1-unlt. 2-story -dwdlln~ at 2258 Channel Rd.. Navy r~rve Lieutenant Com-A Naval Reserve submarine at- mander H. E. Freeman of 426 tack unJt. the flrst of Ita kJnd In :Oif~IIT Na.rduua Ave .. CoronA del Mar, thla area. hu recently been Harbor Jnvetnlent Co., partJ-district freight a~ent for South· formed and men of Orange tlon at 2915 Newport Blvd., em Pacltlc It Pacltlc Electric Co. County may join the unit. The $l.200· BaUey new roof at 2819 Santa Ana. and Commander Rob· submarine unit Is a shipboard N~rt Blvd.'. l3l2; Dlene Kim· ert T. Townsend, co-owner of the training group and wlll m~t brell, alterations at 3911 Marcus. Hal Dike It Co., Costa Mesa. wete one weekend each month aboard $2 000" Clarence Burble sidewall< recently appointed members ol the US Sawfl&h In San Pedro at' 115 3'7th St., $50; J~hn lohn· the Santa Ana Naval Reserve Harbor. aon. alterations at 3903 Marcu5., Center Polley Board. When the Orange Co u n t Y $1,500; Finn Guldjord, raise gar-The board will aollclt from ruches a complement of 50 en- age to new l'f&de, 222 35th St.. Navy r~rvlsta recommenda-listed men. the unit will have a $200. tlons concerning administration. submarine especially assigned to recruiting, pay, and transfer, and lt. Ten persons from Orange pus the&e recommendations on County have already received 1'-1•1 C•••erd•1• orders to the unit. Men Inter· .. 5IIIR to the 11th Naval District Jle. ested ln joining the unit should serve PolLey Board and the contact the Naval Reserve Traln· National Reserve Polley Board. lng C~ter; Santa Ana. Candidates Are Sought for Mesa School Superintendent f) ~Uwuj {/IUtM S8UTII SEAS UFE Pta. food ••• oodrbiU bar ......... ldllrtlY ...... • ....... ••ct-. ... ~ .. -....... ..,.. ... .,. .... .. ...... ......, ..... twa ,. ............ , 101 ........ dlllt -......... ..,. ............ au. ~--• ..,. 0. &. JIWT, 101 .... AXAJIEDI KETSTOIJE S ...... CHRISTMAS CHEER Dedr the bG1J.a wtth ...... boUy. cbeer, Cllld ltappl too. lAt'a all ~ a llenT Cbrlltllllaa aDd Jl.appf ... Tear. CHINESE CASINO 111 IIADf ST., aAUOA Jla:rbow I:IDI • ---~ ---·-.. ----- FREE A first run movie. "Come Next Spring," starring Ann Sheridan and SteVe Cochran, hu been an- nounced for the annual Mer- chants Christmas Show to be held Chrlat:mu eve and Christ· mu eve afternoon at the Port Theatre In Corona del Mar. Everyone. adults and chlldr~. A commltt~ comprised ofl 5 qualified persons to the Costa ~~~~~~~~~~~==~======~~~~~ are tnvtted to the free showing. Orange County and university I Mesa School Board. The flnnl which wtll be continuous from school officials Is bt>lng formed selection of Rea's su~r will 2 p.m. Besides the m&ln feature, to BCTeen candidates for the of· I be left up to the local board. CUSTOMW' ,ARKIN6 ESCROW SIR VICE, IFfiCIENTL Y OPERA TEO LA&UNA BEACH 222 Oc.... Ave. PHONE HY. 4-11 n SAN CLEMENTE 601 N. 8 C.mJrto RNI rHONI HY.dnttl 2-1195 er HYedntt\ 2-1196 JAMES D. RAY BIIWIIcCIItrHIIr M46 E. COAST HWY .. COlONA DEL WAR HAtW 47U ~~~~~liii ..• I Ell UPIILITEIIII 11'11••• ........ Dl 4 "' UboltY 1-ml IS50 ·~ ..._ c-tllll----~--...- Costa Mesa Lumber Co. 8 Stooge comedy and cartoons flee of Costa Mesa Superlnten-Salary of the superintendent of wUI be shown. according to John dent of Schools. Supt. Everett A. Costa Mesa Schools is $10.500 for Oxford, Po.rt Theatre owner -man-Rea announced hla resignation the tlrst 12 months: $11,000 for ager. at last week's school board meet-the second 12 months; and $11.· Tickets wtll not be obtained at lng. effective next June 30. 500 for tht> third 12-month pe· the theatre. but will be given The committee wtll &ereen riod In otrice. The superintend· away at the following stores and candidates and their quallflca-t>nt to be selected may bt> hired bualneues In Corona del Mar: tjons and submit the names of for one. 2. or 3 yt>a rs. depe-nding Cannon's Food Center. Dennie's -on the dl5ert>tlon of the school Cafe. Mary's House of Maple, Art Ebell board. Wood's Shell Service. Anthony's ,__,otes Supt. Ru. 61. a Navy Vt>teran Shoe Servtce. Newport Harbor of World War 11. was formerly a Ban.k. Crown Hardware. Corona faculty member of the Hunting· del Mar Pharmacy. Van's Clean· The Ebell Club now has a total ton Beach High School. Mr. Rea era. Coast Super Market. Vln· of over 400 members. according served as vice-principal of the cent's Harbor Drug, All American to Mrs. William Gamble. mem-j N.:!WJ)Ort Harbor High School Market. Jord&n's Pet Shop, Merle's bershlp chairman. Mrs. Gamble from 1930 until l!H2. wh~ he Drive-In. Doug's Dog House. La Introduced several new members became superintendent of the- Cantina Uquors. Miss Mufiet l at the club's nnsel Tea p&rty Costa Mesa Schools Shoppe. Stower's Texaco Service. Dec. 6, at the ~glon Hall. New r----.;;-..;;;::;;;:;;;;::;;;;::;;;;::;;;;::;;;;:~ Kuhn's Paint Store. Mony's Shell me m be r s are Mmes. He-nry Service, Karen Marl'feta Imports Barnewolt. C. E. Stovall. Jr . and The Enslen newsp1 per. I Floyd Scott. A. F. Nixon, Rfch· • • • ard He-ndricks. W. L. Flory. Robert R. Hleld. comptroller of Henry French. R. L. Welles. Fred the Newport Balboa Savings 1r Schot>pe. Hugh Mellor and Holly Loan Asoclatlon, was recently l V15el. LUMBER BUILDING ... ~•• a promoted to assistant treasurer. -P&nl~ Florence Earl, escrow officer, will I ,a..ll your prtntmQ "eeds will be W.,....t ....._ a-. .._ La..tr ~1•1 take on the additional duty or handled con11enientlv and cou_rt-............ 1111.~~-~~·~·1!1••·-assistant secretary. W. Stephen I eouslv in the completely-eQuip· I Smith, Ill. chief appralser, will! ped Job PrintinQ Department of Prlwate Police Patrol also serve as assistant secretary. The EnsiQn. MerchcmtL indumy cmc:l retlidential areaa LOW MONTHLY BATES Boat patrol available for waterfront e~t~es. boat owners and industrial waterfront facilities. ............ .-......soas-st. All 0 'm· Commercial Secwity Patrol -....... PLUMBING HEATING .. K-Rr. Euwrgacy ~ ... •••JISIIt ... c.sea .... no.eauwtllll-~ ~alt me-Rubber TU• FOrmica -Unoleum Tile OI&T-Llll~ liS .. lftll ... Coste .. _ uaJift ..... 22 Yean In Oranp Coun~ New Cub Pack ts Introduced At Roundtable of Leaders Cub Scout Pack 6. newest Cub I Sunday, Feob. 10, with all C'ubs. pack or the Harbor area and Scouts. Exploreors. and their l('ad sponsored by the Costa Mesa ers attending. In uniform, the Community Methodist Church. church of their choice. ! ,, LWJM HOVING DAY t<ITS ARE FREE . MlJ.-.a.OHE wmt OUR COMPUMI!~­ NO 08Ucs.ATt~.111 ¥U ... HUBOI TUISFU IST .. IE was Introduced dwlng a Cub Cub leader training rour!'l'S Leadfts Roundtable Wednesday will be offere-d every Thursday ot last week at the Sea Explorer evening In January at the-Sea DIIO ~ ~ Base. Newport. Explorer Sa~ Neo"t Cub Leaders ftollo ~ & 1.., Forty-one Den Mothers and Roundtable will be held Wednes· Uberty .. na: Liberty .. 1511 Cubmuter ol the H~qbor District. day. Jan. 9, at the Sea Explorer LYON VAN UNES AG&If repr~nunr 14 of the 16 char-s Jl::a~se~·--======""""'=-=====~~===~~~!!!:~=~ tered Cub Pada In the District. ,. attended the roundtable . Wllllam Spwgeon. scouter and ' D Q R Q T H y chairman ol the Retrton 12 com· mlttee on aplonna, ~ave a talk on .tars and constellaUozu as an aid to scou~ whose theme for l anuary ls ''EYe In the Sky." Plans were made concerning Scout week ac:tJvttles during the 47th Anniversary of scouting In Amerka. Feb. 8-12. A window display contest will be held and displays will be placed In the windows of merd\anta In the Harbor area. SCOut Sunda.Y will be obeerVed a.VDD tvaVEa A waJtreu at Chef's ln1'1. Coro· na del Mar. •luded an u.ntde.ntJ-ned pUJ'IUft' aut week by lock· tnr h« ear door and cSttvtna away abortly after mJd-nJahl Wedn..ctay at the rataurant puk.lnc lot. Slle aid tb• man tried to enter the ear. Ul4tl7 STROOT'S * GAVIN WITH HER NEW PORTABLE ORGAN D AVAJLAaLE r6a ElfTD. TADfiiEJIT roa PRIVATE OR CLtJB.. HOLIDAY PABTIES.. WtwUft Wil'lkr RMUet Cnunl ., Fltwlll Slu>111 Pl.«/ OAly M•itw R«i11to. Gnu;, Wntl . a.uie ~JI AN••• • 14 .._ f.-D••*•• a. ' 0 ' 20th lACING SEASON -IS DAYS OPENS WEDNESDAY, DICIMIII 26 $20,000 PALOS VIIDES HANDICAP 0..0,..11e..& .... ._,p.& 12,000 Unnu!WII 0.•1 r d S...S l~rvod S..tl AnilaltM te ..ty.,.,..,... .. AI.._ O.Yi-0.. wle .t Tr.dr O.ly .... ,_-WSOik a....,_ SANTA ANITA'S IICHEST PllOGU.M $3,215,000 (est.) for 331tabt • «11 ,_.... -featuring.. $125,0004ue,..,..... SANTA ANITA IIAHIM(A•_,., 11 $170,000 ( .... )SANTA AtflfA MA1"UUII'Y-'-t6 -With $20,000 Sen C.rloa Hendiap $100,000 all II• II SANTA AM'IA .,_.,_,._,~ -With $25.000 Camino RMI 'Cep on Turf eou,... $100,000alld..l SAN JUAN CAPIIftANO -cAP Mar. 9 -About 1 3/~ miles on Turf eoun. $70,000 (ett.) u-.s CMAM'lON STAal ,._I -With $25,000 S.n Man:oa ·c.p on Turf eour.. $50,000 allll•ll IANYA MAIOAIITA ~...,._ 16 With $25.000 Sen Felipe Handicap- NIW YEAI HOliDAY DOUill ATTIACTIONS s.tvnley, O.C. 29--$25,000 ...... a TrW $25,000 M••u l•llfl• (No Racing, Mondry, Dec. 31) T· ... .,., J.. 1-$20.000 t.. ...._ ............ .fim of ..wn ...._on Turf au.. ........, ........... . Place Your F.T.D. Ordem Now Newpottera blessed with an early Chrlatmu present are Mr. and Mrs. WUllam G. Davis of 61.5 36th St., Newport Beach. Dorian, 7 pound, 5',1 -oz. daugh· ter, waa born Friday, Dec. 7, at Hoag Hospital. Dorian haa a sis- ter, Tafnara, 14 months. The Davis family, formerly of Arcadia, have been llvlng here nearly one year. Mr. Davis, a machinist, Is employed at Hell· pot. WII'T IE UTE WIEI YOU SEll CHRISTMAS A vehicle driven by Max Upp. ka. 20. of 116 Emerald Ave .. BaJ. -. ...., • .,... ,_ tbe •~a••• oC tile .... , (left -npt) ..... lpoa WJalta ....... QIJfa, CD-dMd~ ..... 11--.u ..... ctlai .... . ... JalaDd, .... c:llla:lnMaJ ad ...... wuu.. KJiby ....... aery, daalnaaa. (bap pboto) Cassens S·ponsor Journey Of Grand-Niece to · U. 5. BEST , WIS171ES ..., ,.. ...... ,.., .... .u~ .............. . ......................... -of tale YMI'· ....... ,.. ................. . latbe.ewY._. Your Christmas gift is always there on time when you send Christ-mas flowers . • Plants • Holiday Corsages boa Island, atruck a st:rftt di-Mr. and Mrs. Ben Cu.sen of due to anlve at Loa Angeles vider. swerved to a CUJ'b, ran 321 MarlaoJd Ave., Corona del Airport thb week. MU. Strom- through a fence. and came to Mar, wiJJ have an early Christ-beck Ls betna apon*>f'ed by the rest on Its side Thursday night mas present. thank.a to nearly 6 Caaens. She will atay with the j~~=~===================~ at the com~ of Topaz and Park months effort on the part of Cassens untU ahe find.t employ. 11 Av~nuM. Joe Reynoso, 19, of 214 Mr. Ca.uen. ment, and then the German Jfrl Agate Ave., received minor in-Inge Strom~k. German teen-will pay back the Caa.sens for the (DO aMpplq er 91ft wrappmg PI'Ob'ema, either) , May all of you in this beautiful Harbor Area enjoy the holidays, the year-end festivities and both pleasures and pros- perity throughout 1957. Balboa Bay Club . -·-·· '-~-' ..... . -· ' --, jury. age rrand-nlece of Mr. Cassen. Is trip over here. Mr. Llppka, said he was trav. Mrs. Cassen said Mr. Cassen eJing West on Park Ave., between lip rill II ,.. had been workfna toward aettinr Collins and Topaz Avenut>S, r, •. his brother's granddaughter to when his car ran Into the df-fo R-ltJ 1-L-I the U.S.A. for nearly six months. vlder. Mr. Uppka was not In-• WIIV ' "At one time, it looked hope- jured. less, and we were doubtful of A group of boys were foiled aue<:eedlng. Then, ~ntiy, we In their attempt to raid the Ice received a wire atatlna that Miss box: Wednesday night, Dec. 12, Strombeck wu comJng to thla at Merle's Drive-ln. country via Scandinavian Air- An employee at the ~stabllah-Jines." A fuhlon s?lowtnr presented ment said ~veral boys entered -------by Marilyn's of Costa Mesa and the rear of the drive-In and at-, Corona del Mar was held by the temped to steal food from the ..... ...., 48, Orange County Philharmonic So-refrigerator. When he walked In clety Wednesday of last week at the room. the boys ran out and If II.W_., ...__ Our best wishes to' yo~ for a merry Christmas. May you have a delightful holiday season, and a new year filled with success and prosperity. the Balboa Bay Club. 1 ned In a car. ...._. Uftla Society members made plana ._ -------Wallace Smith, 48. of 2024 J E W E L E R tor their benefit Valentine BaU rwn First Clllld Beryl LAne. Harbor Hl"'hlands, Ill ..... Aft. lleibelll.a..d ........ to be held Feb. 8. The society's • • .. .W. D. JOHNSON nt-xt concert will be presented at ftr ... P1-r1 ~~ ~~:~ ~r~~~~ea ~~~rv! ,.,_.,._.., •• ..._~'9ill'9!il"'iil't!il'9tilt'fl'ilf"'il.,.. 8:30 p.m .. Jan. 20. In the Garden of Massachusetts, had Jived ht-re Grove High School auditorium. Perry, first addition to the 10 years. He wu a retired engl. Samuel Palmer family, 506 Aliso neer and had been usoclated Ave .. Newport Helght.a, was born w1th the Crosley Radio Corp. Mr. Wednesday. Dec. 5, at Hoag Hos-Smith was a member of the pltal. Perry weighed 6 pounds Newport Harbor Elka and a Army Pvt. Donald B. Aarvold, and 2 ounc-es. Mason In Oblo. husb,nd o! Janice Aarvold of 469 Mr. Palmer Is a Newport Beach He Is survived by hla wlfe, Walnut Plat'e. Costa Mesa. is fireman and !11 presently sta-Lela, of the home. Funeral serv- undergolng 8 weeka of baste tloned at the Balboa Island·flrc Ices were held Saturday at Balt-z combat training with the 4th hall. Chapel, Corona del Mar, with Armored Division at Fort Hood. the Rev. Harry Owings. offlclat- Texas. JOIX CIQIJT CIIO'aCII Jng. Interment wiU be In Harbor Before entering the Army, Pvt. Recent new members of Christ Rest Memorial Park. GR~~TIUG5 ~- Aarvold attended Orange Coast Church by the Sea, Newport, are ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.: College, University of Colorado, Mr. and Mra. Alfred Blanda of TillE ITA.RI'S AT TOVJI DOO• ' and UCLA. Newport, Mra. Polly Thorley of Costa Mesa, Mrs. Bury) Polly of The Mason'• beat' &om aU of ua to all of you. May your car• be -.naU and your Joys immeue in the coming year. lfATIVlTY SCERE · Costa Mesa, Mr. and Mrs. Ken-The colorful outdoor ''Natlvlty neth Adams of Newport, Dr. and Scene" at Chrlat Church by the Mrs. William McVIcker of New- Sea In Balboa was erected by the port and Mra. George Dean of SenJor Youth of the Church. The Newport. display was made Jut year by Baptl.sm.s In Novemoo and the young people and ~vera! early December Include ICent and aduJu. K1m Rlanda and their Qlother, Professional Directory F'DWEaAL DDIJrCTOIII Friendly l'felghborhoocl Sen1ce PARKES MOJmJARY 110 Broadway u S.3f33 " 8-3434 eo.ta ..... NOW .. TWO BALTZ MORTUARIES Servin• the Harbor Ar• Baltz Mortuary ' CHAPEL BY Till: ItA Harbor 0 8530 E. Oout HJC...; Ccnna del liar Baltz Mortuary ' U~l-2121 1'7b • lupertcw, eo.ta ..... Mrs. Altred Rlanda. and Michael, Probert and Margaret McVIc~, children of Mr. and Mn. WUllam McVIcker. , Complete Home ~ LDerty •• ..,. HAVE A WONDERFUL • AIIPLZ P AJUtlli(C 101'11 LOCA 1101f8 CHRISTMAS AND SREAT New YEAR J ..., ...... ., ....... -·~ .... yoa a. wtft of • ~ ....... -tla1a -~·---CbriatiDaa Dayl Jlay you a.-t'a dealn .... t:na., Cllld. may lt57 .... Je7f1ll ,... .. yoa. . VAN'S Ct fANERS (CloMd Konday--4ay before Chrlat:mu) s. L c.-JDPway, ..-.usa . Champ Cross Athletes Are 'nlrent)'-four era. country H'IUlatd. team captain and most track men were awarded Tat valuable player, ~lved hla letters during a P.T.A. apon-aecond letter. lerl came In nrst _,red banquet Jut week at the aU durlne the aeuon. Georee Newport Harbor Hleh Scboot Hodd. the No. 2 man, and Randy Both the vanity and junior Miller, abo reaelved letters tor varsity c:rou country teanu won the second tJme. the 1956 SunRt Leaeue Cham-Track men who received let. plon.ahlp. The lV'a, who have tent appear below In the order captured the learue champion-In which they came in through- ship 5 years ln aucx:euJon. com-out the aeuon. Varsity: Bob pleted the put teaaon without Van SJckle. Harry McKinney. Ed a aJnele deteat. The vantlty La Baron. Andre Rlov, Ed Miller, squad, champions 3 out of the Tom Gilbert. William Dock. and put 4 years. had amassed 48 Mickey Haskell. l unior Varsity: straleht wins until they suffered Rosa Ha080n. Doug Hall. Dennla a defeat ln a dual meet against Cole, Larry Hanaon, Don Stat- Santa Ana late ln the season. ford. P. Grtt.ten, Ed West, Tom That wa. the Tar's only loss, and Blakely, VIc Martine, J. Mc:Nell- tbey went on to capture the lege, and Alan Woodrich. learue championship. The traekst.en awarded Coach ~ Three of Coach Ralph Reed's Reed a eolden·plated plaque, • : track men received letters ror which noted the Tars as 1956 the aecond straleht year. Jeri Sunset Learue Champions. f Dick Ewert Again Winner f ~,..~. ~,..~,!!!._!!!.._!!!:·!!!~!!!:· !!!.._!!! •• ~..._!!!. ~._..~. ,~ ... ~ ... ~_..!!.,..!!!_..!!! ... !!! .. ~~~. At Irvine Country Club f · MLAW Dick Ewert. champion golfer ley, 4 and 3 over ~ Button. :#:, Make it a preMntfor the family e UT 01 .... IES tor the tlnrt year at the Irvine 11th rtlgbt-PauJ Elmquist. 4 , •• ..,...J"U Coast Country Club, sewed up the and 3 over Squire JohnBOn. · : club championship aeaJn this -- • •fW'Iutr fll.. year when he defeated Emll Sor-~ nul~ . enaon 3 and 2 In the champion· ·: ship (light on the club course. IIOLJDAT ~ e -IlLS Other scores In the match play CB.EETDfC.SI • : play-ot.r were: ~ • ......._ 1st nt,ht-Bob Hankey, 2 up :.~ Accept our #: ---~•G r-•111 o over Leland McColloch. ..c •. "......,a.-.w:r 2nd flight-Howard Ward, 1 up ~· ' ~st wishes #. and over Clint Crane. • ~ \ fore delig ht-•. You simply let me dial IOd ~ pc wort. Manoeloas .-..u....ted elemeat .J Happy New 3rd flight-Ted Tesman, 1 up S #. CONmOLLED HEAT fot pafect for euy wah.io.s-AvUJ.able in 3 a..-Yfi~' on the l9t11 over Bob Mangan. ful and happy .= c:oolciaa aod ftria.1 teallCJ. No,..... medium, W. a.od aapet a to meet :J CRACKER BARREL · 4th fliJht-Roscoe Hovatter, 3 holiday ~ your &mily oeeds. and 2 over Everett Davla Jr. • : . •• 128 AGATE BALBOA ISLAND 5th ntght..Joe Humphries. 1 season. 10-INCH-$19 ... 95 11-INCH-$23.95 12--INCH--$26.95 =,: ~--.11!!4:-..:m-.~~~ ::~~;~'C~~··~~,.-•1 Jacl's ..,.., a., Iff * CROWN HARDWARE * . J -~~~-L~~-&_.cloiMIOit.oiMIOit.·&~~ 7th Olght-Al TlUany, 3 and 21 I : •A IIOtJSEIIOLD DE.PAXTXEJn' STORE"' . • ~4 .... st4l .......... ~ .......... ~-.:. ··"' .... -.:.'over Hany Kelso. UO lil.cD18e A ... ae ~ '# • 8th ruaht-Allen Undqulst, 1 . . We C.t &..,.. * IIG'bor 132 I Our up on the 19th over E c. Rhodes. aa.oA ISLAJfD I . SID7 EAST COAST BJCBWAT COIIOIIA DEL 1UA J S t 9th !:ltb~Dr&e~ ci. Nmon. 3 ~,_.,..~,_,.,., ... .,.,.gWilillll ... 'tii'*IJJil'tiiii"JliC'tne._ ... ,.i an a u~~ Ol~ht-Dr .......... Hart· :~-................ lll!liil .......... _,_ ...... __ l!!iii __ lll!liilll!!iio-1118111!!'U .. illl!liil, Says U1hlz' · J On the nJabt before Cbrtstmu We're a.ytne to you Merry ~ to all- BapPJ Mew Year, too! ......... CHRISTMAS DAY! For New Ye•'s Eve! We Will Ha.eA ; Gala Celebration * PA910a * 'la.A1'11 ROIU JIAUM POa ALLI • * ~ And a Happy New Year A MERRY, MERRY J ---and best wishes for the New Year to all our friends DD COOil I J J J J J J J J J ' I J t ~PORT //, .. /. ''-'•''\14 .~[ l WAio' ·•A A' OJ. 11/H/ 'I ..... -I'I.UI- Joel KcC2EA Ia "TIE RIST TEIII" ····· .. .._..FREESIIOW 11c1tb1M cm4 •IPI · Dlc•••r 24• IHiiauaiul Come Next Spring I ·~,_,.. I Get FJlEE TICKETS from MAJITDf & LEWIS m "HollrwOOII or Bust" lion till ,_. '"'" .• '* .• ':00 ..,..'\.vnu••~• T-o-w.,. ... .,._ o. Appl'O~ ·'!:t\ • • DRIVf -1 -:-y-~. 11 tC THEATRES t: CJ COMI A~ YOU A.l ll 11-t1a.n1 n ..... a..,.. at ,,.. OAJ&Tuul'f OA&HJV&a. rrt. l!!at. A 8'lm. lUana at 1:.. lliVEilY rat .. IU"''. 8t7N. -... -er •nftm.e .. u:..•-r _....,...._ D~=-----------~-------~- --~~~~~--~DMW~~~~ -......... --a.-.. ....... Earl B. Toz:l~. TT, a resident ot Corona del Mar for 36 years dJed Monday at Hoae Hospital arter an extended Ulnesa. Mr. To2:1er, who Jived at 2224 Paclflc Drive, wu a mualc teache!' and band dlN!ctor from 1919 to 1.923 at Anaheim High School and trom 1925 to 1932 at Fullerton. He was a member of tbe Old Town. Malne, muonlc lodge. Surv1vora Include one daugh- te!', Mrs. Olive L. Sleeper ol Co· rona del Mar; 2 sons. Cedi of Santa Ana. and Lawrence of San 1uan Capistrano; 2 aJaten ln Maine: and a brother In FlorldL Private eravatde .-rvtces were held yet«day at the Melroee Ab· bey Memorial Park, wltb Rev. Schrock of Santa Ana otndatlne. ...... , .. •••n~~ ll•l•r Carter Clark. • fii em w. Bay Front. Balboa laland. droVe hlJ rtatlon W&IOD olt tbe road on Ba,yaJde Drift Monday nllht. John Simon. 23 Beacon Bay, uw the Clark vehteM an4 ~toPPed to ... wt\at.,... wron1. Kr. Slmoa droW the Oark to tiM lattWa bOIDI. Mr. left 115 on the flooftt ... t ol ltaUon .,..._ told Mt. he could ae the "'*Ide. and ........ • IOOcl tiiDL .. llr. ltJDGn hriect tM ... and 1llOIIft' cmr tD Jfewport ..,. licit. ... CW11'1 ... cu.. pol.ICie .au. UC1 rcwsa .. .., ... Xo. 303 CAX 1-La. CAX ''Mhrtletoe Hop." a Chrt.Qnu dance tor t.Hn·aee Harbor High School atudent.a, wlU be h~d from 8 to 11:30 p.m. Saturday at Newport Beach Park & Recrea- tion Headquarter& buUdlng. fte. ~hmen~ wUJ be provided. Grecg Wrl&ht. son of Mr. and Mn. Roland Wright of CUff Haven, came home from Clare. mont Men'a College lut week· end for Chrlstmu vacatJon. but sneaked back to eebool and the library fM several days t.hla week Jn order to flnlsh up some term papers before the bolJday fest.iv1 tle. aet ln. ' ' CHEERS ' ' Kay finch CEBHmiCS CORDIA DEL Ill CAL0-151/a·OZ. CAJf 15~ Cat or Dog food 2 fw .. .., STAJI·IDST-CIIUJf&: STYLE 8~ TUNA y,.,. 27 RGARINE .. u . CM 1~ ChcKoliifeMOfsels 1 ICAKOPaELLMATO SOUP 11~ mz·LLciACKERS 33 I-OZ. PJ[Q. .. oa. na. 2• CHICKEN BREAST ALL BIRDS FRESH BROAD BREASTED 'liENs 59L TOils s·s;.. • t Ciftiidiiam U¥ Uft •.ar IIAWK HAMS ... • 29C !JCK BASS .